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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
I know what you’re thinking … crop circle? Really? I tend to avoid them unless there’s something interesting about it and this one caught my eye because it resembles a Metatron’s Cube, one of those sacred geometry figures that give a crop circle a greater air of mystery as well as a high challenge for perfect completion. Throw in the fact that Metatron is a name that appears often in literature and on television and that the location of the crop circle has an old legend involving the Devil and you’ve got the makings of an interesting tale.
The 400-feet-wide (120 meters) crop circle was reportedly found on July 18, 2017, in a wheat field near Cley Hill, Warminster, U. K., and photographed by the folks at It’s described as a variation of Metatron’s Cube, so let’s see how close it is.
Aerial image of the Cley Hill crop circle
A Metatron’s Cube is a set of 6 circles placed in a hexagon around a central seventh circle, with six more circles extending from the radii of the inner six, for a total of 13. It also has the five Platonic solids or polygons that can be built within a sphere – Tetrahedron (triangular pyramid), Hexahedron (cube), Octahedron (8-sides), Icosahedron (12-sided) and Dodecahedron (20-sided). The 3D Dimension website shows the correct design of Megatron’s Cube and shows the solids, while Linda Moulton Howe at points out that the Megatron variation crop circle at Cley Hill actually has 18 triangles inside 18 circles that border the triangles.
Cley Hill saw another crop circle last year – a less-intricate formation said to resemble the calendar wheel of the Mayan Long-Count calendar. But the real mystery of Cley Hill is its association with the devil. According to local legend, the 66-acre mound west of Warminster in Wiltshire was formed by the devil when he was tricked by an old man who recognized him and dropped his sack of dirt that he planned to use to bury the nearby town of Devizes for converting to Christianity.
Cley Hill
As fitting of its association with the sacred geometrical shape, the word Metatron has a mathematical origin, coming from the Latin mētātor which means “one who metes out or marks off a place, a divider and fixer of boundaries.” Its most well-known ancient use is in the Judaic Book of Enoch in the form Mattatron, the Recording Angel or the Chancellor of Heaven. Most people today are probably more familiar with Metatron, the Voice of God in Kevin Smith’s movie Dogma, played by the wonderful real voice of the late great Alan Rickman. Metatron also shows up as an angel character played by Curtis Armstrong in the TV series Supernatural, an angel in the manga series O-Parts Hunter and and angel in the science-fiction/fantasy trilogy His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman.
Aerial image of the Cley Hill crop circle
With that kind of history both past and present, it’s fitting that the name Metatron is associated with a sacred geometric figure and ended up near a hill with a devilish origin.
Who made the crop circle on Cley Hill? Who knows? Is its link to Metatron’s Cube an interesting connection and a tale worth telling? Hell yes!
A stunning new crop circle has appeared in Cley Hill just over a week ago. The formation is in excess of 300 feet (92m) in overall diameter and appeared in a barley field.
The complex formation of scalloped edges with two arcs containing semi circles at either side of the each scalloped apex is truly a thing is beauty. As you will see in pictures below, the formation contains a central cube with 12 radiating triangles.
The question is, how did it get here?!
As we will discuss below, crop circles are a phenomenon that simply can’t be ignored. Formations show up every single year and come with great mystery, even in the scientific realm. Many do not realize some of the amazing things that are happening inside crop circles that blow the board and rope theory out the window.
“Some of these formations are so immense and complex as to defy reason. And after all these decades, none of the perpetrators have been caught in the act of making any of the truly extraordinary formations.” – Richard Dolan, historian, academic, author, and one of the world’s leading UFO researchers (source)
Richard’s thoughts there are quite telling of this reality, and even scientific minds are at a loss for words as although they believe the circles are done by humans, they are calling it the most science oriented art movement ever.
For example, Richard Taylor, a University of Oregon physicist, published a paper on them in the 2011 issue of Physics World, stating:
“Crop circle arts are not going to give up their secrets easily. This summer, unknown artists will venture into the countryside close to your homes and carry out their craft, safe in the knowledge that they are continuing the legacy of the most science-oriented art movement in history.” (source)
But what would cause a physicist to conclude that these works do not have an extraterrestrial explanation? Or to even consider the issue seriously?
When you begin to explore the reality of crop circles you start to realize how one cannot simply pass the phenomenon off as people walking out into a field with some ropes and boards and making a design. It would be naive to make such a claim.
Above is a picture of an 800 foot crop circle that appeared in Wiltshire, England back in 2001. It caused a lot of commotion, and as you can see, it was very beautiful and extremely complex. The design consisted of 409 circles that form what’s known as a triskelion, a symbol that dates back thousands of years. There is some great footage of it in the documentary Crop Cricles: Quest for Truth by Academy Award-winning director William Gazecki. You can view that here.
“It was so large that it took us half an hour to find the center.” (quote taken from video link below)
There are some more great images of it in this YouTube video. You can also see footage of it taken by a helicopter flying above from the documentary Thrive in this video (at the 26.16 minute mark). This circle marks just one of thousands of verified formations that continue to baffle scientists, researchers, and onlookers alike.
Richard Taylor, the aforementioned scientist who studied these circles, again expressed his belief that this was one of the greatest art revolutions in history when he published his scientific analysis of crop circles in the journal Nature in 2010.
After studying the affected grass in the lab, he concluded that the circle makers must be using GPS devices, lasers, and microwaves to create these designs because the nodes of some of the stalks had been blasted out on one side. This same effect has been replicated by highly localized microwave heating, which is what causes the stocks to flop over to one side.
While he was able to come up with a scientifically feasible explanation for this phenomenon, he fails to address how hoaxers could come into possession of such advanced technology. It’s clear that there would be no other way to make some of these circles, so what is really going on here?
“If something like this caused the formations, then we are clearly talking about a highly sophisticated agency behind the phenomenon.” – Richard Dolan (source)
Did you know that the electromagnetic field over the area where a circle appears is usually electrostatically charged? Or that there is a rare form of electromagnetic energy called an “ionized plasma vortex,” also known as ball lighting, involved with these formations? (source)
The helicopters you see in the video are military helicopters. Military involvement with UFOs is well documented, and this should be no surprise. For more information on that you can read this article.
These are verified facts, which is why studies published in scientific journals have tried to come up with explanations that differ from unknown or extraterrestrial. For example, Dr. Terence Meadon, a professional physicist, meteorologist, and archaeologist at the University of Oxford, said that these balls of light are a result of wind currents and ionized plasmas. Whatever the case may be, the fact that scientists are taking note should signal that this phenomenon is worth our attention.
Zeer indrukwekkende graancirkel verschenen in Cley Hill. Bekijk hier prachtige beelden
Zeer indrukwekkende graancirkel verschenen in Cley Hill. Bekijk hier prachtige beelden
In Cley Hill in het Engelse Wiltshire is afgelopen week een indrukwekkende graancirkel verschenen.
De formatie heeft een doorsnee van bijna 100 meter en bevindt zich op een graanakker.
Graancirkel in Cley Hill (Lucy Pringle)
In het midden van de graancirkel zijn een aantal driehoeken te zien, die worden omgeven door halve cirkels. Daar vraag is nu hoe de formatie is ontstaan.
Verstand te boven
Ieder jaar verschijnen er weer nieuwe formaties, de ene nog mysterieuzer dan de andere. Zelfs wetenschappers verbazen zich erover.
“Sommige van deze formaties zijn zo immens en complex dat ze het verstand te boven gaan,” zei historicus Richard Dolan.
Nog nooit
“Na al die jaren zijn de daders nog nooit op heterdaad betrapt tijdens het maken van deze buitengewone formaties,” voegde hij toe.
Bekijk hieronder prachtige beelden van de nieuwe graanformatie:
Has GOD finally been discovered? Supposedly NASA Scientists believe GOD is 17,000 Light Years Away but is this all true? NASA Scientists were faced with a terrifying image that aimed at a galaxy that was 17,000 light years away. This started the speculation that the supposed Creator of Universe was finally caught on film.
The Space Agency's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array or The NuSTAR was directed towards a pulsar called PSR B1509-58, and it's at an extremely staggering distance from earth. What was sent back was a masquerade of an outstretched hand which has become known as the iconic
Hand of God.
Scientists believe the hand to be the remnants of a star which went supernova and ejected an enormous cloud of material which left pulsar PSR B1509-58 in its wake. When the remnant cloud was viewed via high energy X-rays, it showed up as a green, red and blue hand, which is about 175 light years across.
NuSTAR telescope principal investigator Fiona Harrison said, "NuSTAR's unique viewpoint, in seeing the highest energy X-rays, is showing us well-studied objects and regions in a whole new light'. Fiona added that "The new image depicts a pulsar wind nebula, produced by the dense remnant of a star that exploded in a supernova." What was left behind from all this was a pulsar by the name of PSR B1509-58 which can spin around seven times per second and blow a wind of particles into material that was ejected during the star's death throes.
When these particles interact with nearby magnetic fields, they produce an X-ray glow in the shape of a hand. Scientists currently are not sure whether the ejected material assumes the shape of a hand, or whether its interaction with the pulsar's particles was just making it appear that way.
Scientists have gathered a few things from all this being that the NuSTAR hand looks more like a fist which has given them some clues and the red cloud that appeared at the fingertips is its structure called RCW 89. However, some believers that reside on religious websites are not interested in their views.
Some people think these are the Annunaki. The jury's still out, as far as I'm concerned. I know we've been lied to horribly and repeatedly about our history. Once again, a hybrid alien cover up by the mainstream history and media.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
This list but these are considered the best UFO Photographs taken of 1970 to 1980 in world. They have stood the test of time, tested in laboratories at world all of them have been deemed authentic, many have tried to debunk them and they have been examined by experts.
What's going on the icy layer of our Earth called Antarctica? That's a question most conspiracy theorists and UFO Hunters ask as it's a location surrounded by strange phenomena mostly regarded as extraterrestrial activity.
Many believe it to be hidding a massive ancient city that has been lost for thousands of years if not more, or perhaps an entrance to the 'Inner Earth' where a powerful and advanced civilization reside.
But the most popular idea is that of Alien beings having a hidden base extremely inaccessible to humans where the only way to enter is by flying ship through cave holes found on top of the frozen mountains.
There have been many fantastic claims made by UFO hunters of visible UFOs or alien bases in different regions of Antarctica while they were scouting in Google Earth.
Most recently, experts believe a flying saucer was spotted hovering in Antarctica!
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
A new crop circle appeared overnight a week ago in a field of barley in Cley Hill in Warminster.
The crop circle is more than 300 feet in diameter and it is one of the most complex and stunning of crop circles to have ever been seen.
The crop circle has edges that are scalloped and two arcs that have semi-circles at both of the sides of each of the apex, which is scalloped, making it a stunning sight. The formation of the crop circle is that of a cube in the center with 12 triangles radiating out from it. But the big question is how did such a stunning and complex design just appear?
Crop circles are not something that is new, and they are a phenomenon that people just cannot ignore. Different formations of crop circles show up every year and are reported, and many of them have mystified the scientific realm. Some people have said that there is nothing mysterious about crop circles as they have been made using a board and rope and a lot of time and effort. However, there are some amazing things that happen inside the circle, which seem to blow that theory away.
One of the leading researchers of UFOs in the world, Richard Dolan, also a historian, author and academic, said that some of the formations in some of the crop circles are so complex, along with being immense, that they defy reason. He went on to say that after many decades, no one has been caught in the act of making one of the formations.
So even scientific minds cannot seem to work out just how and why the crop circles are made, despite the fact that many think they are the work of human beings. Crop circles have been called one of the most science oriented art movements ever. A physicist from the University of Oregon, Richard Taylor, published a paper on crop circles in 2011. He said that crop circle art would not be giving up their secrets so easily. He went on to say that unknown artist would be going out into the countryside to carry out craft, knowing that they are continuing a legacy of one of an art movement that is the most science oriented in history.
So it does look as though the scientific community is taking crop circles very seriously but why would a physicist come to the conclusion that the circles are man-made and they are not made by extra-terrestrials?
When really taking the time to look into crop circles, more so with some of the more complex designs, it is hard to believe that the making of them can be attributed to humans, walking around using boards and ropes to make them.
A crop circle of some 800 feet in diameter was found in England in 2011 and this was a design that was very complex along with being beautiful. This was a design made up of 409 circles forming a triskelion, which is a symbol that has dated back many thousands of years.
A documentary was made by William Gazecki, with the title of Crop Circles: Quest for Truth and he said that the circle was so big that it had taken them half an hour just to be able to reach the center.
The intricacy of the crop circle has continued to baffle researchers and scientists, and it was studied by Richard Taylor who said that once again it was among the greatest art revolutions in history. He had studied the grass in the crop circle and came to the conclusion that those who had made it and created the design must have used lasers, GPS devices, and microwaves, because the nodes of some stalks had been blasted on one side. He went on to say that the same effect was copied by localized microwave heating and that this had caused the stocks to flop to one side. With this in mind, he came up with an explanation that was scientifically feasible for the crop circle phenomenon. However, he was not able to say just how the hoaxers would have come by technology that was so advanced.
Richard Dolan said that if it was something such as this that was being used to make the crop circles, then there had to be an agency that was highly sophisticated behind the circles. He went on to say that over the region where a crop circle appears, there is usually an electromagnetic field or electromagnetic energy that is rare, known by the name of ionized plasma vortex, which has been called ball lightning.
The facts were verified, and studies that have been published in the scientific journals continue to come up with explanations that are not extra-terrestrial. Dr, Terence Meadon, a meteorologist, physicist and archaeologist at the University of Oxford said that the balls of light are due to ionized plasmas and wind currents. However, no one knows whether the crop circles are a man-made phenomenon or extra-terrestrial, but one thing that we do know is that they grab the attention of everyone and it is a phenomenon that is worthy of attention.
A strange craft has been accidentally photographed just at the moment the unknown craft flew over a lake outside Shoshone Wyoming.
The photographer, a retired USAF employee said: On July 1, 2017 I was on my way home from Las Vegas when I had to use the restroom at Boysen Reservoir outside Shoshone Wyoming.
After returning to my vehicle I realized that I had locked my keys in the truck. I called my wife to bring me the extra set of keys. I was less than 90 miles from my house. It would take her around 90 minutes to get to me.
I snapped a couple of photos of the lake and sent them to my son. It was around 3pm. My wife arrived and was home around 7pm. I downloaded the pictures from my phone into the computer about 15 days later.
When I looked at them on the screen something caught my attention on the right side of the picture a little over halfway up.
I enlarged it and was not sure what I was looking at. I asked my wife to come look at it at normal size. She said "I see a lake and a UFO".
We both studied it and cannot explain what we were looking at. I am retired USAF and after 20 years of service I can't remember seeing anything that looked like it.
At the time I took the picture I did not see or hear anything. I would greatly appreciate any information that you could give regarding what this is. Mufon case 85445.
Edgar Cayce’s Unique Vision of the Antarctica Atlantis Connection Revealed
Edgar Cayce’s Unique Vision of the Antarctica Atlantis Connection Revealed
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and Dr. Joseph Farrell analyzing the strange history and the recent peculiar happenings around the mysterious icy continent of Antarctica.
The possibility that Antarctica once formed a part of Atlantis in ancient times is explored, along with the idea that a pole shift took place 12,000 years ago and may be responsible for its current position on the globe.
Edgar Cayce’s unique vision of the enigmatic Atlantean ‘Mighty, Terrible Fire Crystal’ or 'Tuaoi Stone’ which powered the lost civilization is theorized as being the cause for the destruction and inundation of Atlantis.
Cayce’s High Technology Version of Atlantis.
While many esoteric traditions embrace the concept of a root culture that rose to great heights and destroyed itself, Cayce’s unique version of Atlantis had them located on the heart of the Atlantic Ocean and fully equipped with Advanced Technology, Flying Ships, Solar Power Stations, Laser Weapons, and Age Rejuvenation Centers.
He saw two major groups vying for power: the Sons of the Law of One, a spiritually advanced race of psychic avatars, and the Sons of Belial, a powerful group of black magic sorcerers and shadowy engineers.
The war between these two groups actually set off volcano activity due to misuse of the Fire Crystals and was responsible for splitting the continent into three islands between Florida on one side and Spain on the other.
Eventually the advanced members of the Law of One group survived founded the Ancient Egyptian and Mayan civilizations and were responsible for the cultural pyramid building as a way to preserve their ancestral memory.
With the latest happenings and developments that Dr. Farrell has been tracking since last year, is it possible a small part of this Atlantean group also went to Antarctica?
Roswell UFO Crash Witness Interview: Secrets Yet To Be Revealed
Roswell UFO Crash Witness Interview: Secrets Yet To Be Revealed
Despite the ever-changing, self-serving statements brought directly or indirectly by the U.S. Government or authorities, no one ever knew what crashed near the Roswell in July of 1947. Thanks to the courage and determined individuals that have the nerve to speak about what they saw or the role they played in an unexplained event, we can be almost sure of one thing. In July 1947, Deputy Sheriff Charles Fogus and Sheriff Jess Slaughter were walking together to pick up a certain prisoner. Luckily, they heard on their police radio reports of a crashed spacecraft. They then decided to witness the scene. The US military has claimed that the crashed object has been just a weather balloon, but the conspiracy theorists firmly believe the incident was the occurrence of a crash and the recovery of extraterrestrials. 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation, and Government Cover-ups, it is nice to know that law enforcement officers reveal they saw a downed flying saucer and military personnel removing some alien bodies from the scene.
It is important to keep in mind that these are just two of the many people that had first or second-hand knowledge about the infamous alien crash. Even a quick examination of the collective evidence would indicate this event involved something more than weather, radar balloon or high altitude with a bunch of crash test cadavers or dummies aboard. It was more than a crazy test vehicle that of super-intelligent midgets or children were piloting the New Mexico desert throughout a violent thunderstorm. These facts make the Roswell Incident an essential event that has become an annual reminder of a great mystery that remains unsolved. Up to this day, Roswell is a treasure path of undiscovered secrets. Proof of that comes from the people that still come forward with information about the things that happened in the town. This makes the Roswell incident alive.
Verified Genuine Video Shows A Real Flying Saucer Taking Off
Verified Genuine Video Shows A Real Flying Saucer Taking Off
A video showing a flying saucer taking off from the ground is said to be a verified genuine one. It was reportedly a former top-secret US military video recorded during the Cold War. The design of the craft is undoubtedly similar to the famous saucer-shaped UFOs reported all over the world.
The video shows the UFO-style craft hovering above the ground. The aircraft was allegedly built during a top-secret US military project known the Avrocar.
The scientists who were responsible for making the UFO a reality believed it would be the next great military flying machine at that time.
A large central fan powered the flying disc, which believed to be a great alternative to a helicopter.
The newly released video shows what appear to be test flights of the secret craft at an unnamed base. The makers of the aircraft had hoped it would reach speeds of around 300 mph at a maximum altitude of 10,000 feet and a range of 995 miles.
In the 1940s and 1950s, a lot of people reported seeing flying saucers across the US, and many have believed that the testing of such experimental aircraft was the reason.
The US allocated millions of dollar for the Avrocar project, but the finances for the flying saucer eventually diminished in June 1961, and the doomed project was eventually ditched.
Makers of the Avrocar found that it could only hover around a foot off the ground, highly volatile when travelling at high speeds and too loud to be a combat vehicle, the reasons the doomed project was ditched.
TOUGH INGREDIENTS Saturn’s moon Titan is frigid and lacks water, but it appears to hold one building block for a proposed alternative form of life.
A molecule that could help build otherworldly life is present on Saturn’s moon Titan, researchers have discovered.
Vinyl cyanide, a compound predicted to form membranelike structures, is created in Titan’s upper atmosphere, scientists report July 28 in Science Advances. There’s enough vinyl cyanide (C2H3CN) in the moon’s liquid methane seas to make about 10 million cell-like balls per cubic centimeter of ocean, researchers calculate. On Earth, about a million bacteria are found in a cubic centimeter of ocean water near shore.
“It’s very positive news for putative-Titan-life studies,” says Jonathan Lunine, a planetary scientist at Cornell University who was not involved in the new study.
Titan has no water, usually considered a prerequisite for life. Instead of water, freezing-cold Titan has liquid methane. There’s even a methane cycle that mimics Earth’s water cycle (SN: 3/21/15, p. 32). But Titan is so cold — usually about –178° Celsius — that the smallest unit of life on Earth, the cell, would shatter in the moon’s subzero seas.
Ball of life?
A chemical found on Titan may be able to form bubbles called azotosomes. Scientists think azotosomes might serve as cell membranes, a cell’s outer skin, for alien organisms.
In 2015, Lunine and Cornell colleagues James Stevenson and Paulette Clancy proposed a way life might exist in methane. Computer simulations predicted that vinyl cyanide (also called acrylonitrile or propenenitrile) could make flexible bubbles called azotosomes that would be stable in liquid methane (SN: 4/30/16, p. 28). Those bubbles might act much as cell membranes do on Earth, sheltering genetic material and concentrating biochemical reactions needed for life.
When the Cornell researchers suggested the presence of azotosomes on Titan, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen had already been detected in abundance in the moon’s atmosphere. But no one knew whether those atoms joined to make vinyl cyanide there. The Saturn probe Cassini had detected a molecule of the right mass to be vinyl cyanide, but couldn’t definitively identify the molecule’s chemical makeup.
But evidence for the chemical compound was buried in archived data from a large radio telescope, Maureen Palmer of Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., and colleagues discovered. Palmer, an astrochemistry and astrobiology researcher, combed data collected by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, or ALMA, in Chile between February 22 and May 27, 2014.
Astronomers point ALMA at Titan to calibrate the telescope because the moon has known brightness levels, says Palmer, who also works at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. The team used that calibration data to detect the signature of vinyl cyanide at specific wavelengths of light and calculate its abundance.
“This is a pretty secure detection,” says Ralph Lorenz, a planetary scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab in Laurel, Md.
Even with confirmation of vinyl cyanide, researchers can’t say that azotosomes form on Titan. That’s probably not something telescopes can determine, Lunine says. A probe would need to sample Titan’s seas to detect the structures.
And even detecting azotosomes would not mean there’s life on Titan, says Lorenz. The moon’s extreme cold may hamper metabolism. What’s more, no one knows whether liquid methane can take the place of water for supporting life, he says. “If I were a betting man, I’d say Titan does not have life.”
How often have we thought about the existence of life beyond Earth, and feared that if we ever encountered extraterrestrial beings, they might wreak all kinds of havoc on our planet, as shown in the movies.
But the pertinent question still remains, do aliens exist?
Some might think the only people who believe in aliens are "forum-dwelling internet conspiracy theorists," but several NASA astronauts believe extraterrestrials exist and have been in touch with humanity for a long period, reports said.
Data cruncher and blogger Sam Monfort in his blog on Feb. 21 said the number of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) sightings is currently at an all-time high. He wrote that one of the first recorded UFO sightings was in Portland in 1905, where a "buzzing sphere-shaped UFO descended from the clouds."
According to Monfort's report, there have been 104,947 reported sightings on record over the past 100-plus years. He used information from the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), which collects and disseminates objective UFO data and keeps careful logs of all UFO sightings worldwide.
Furthermore, there have been several astronauts such as Edgar Mitchell, Cady Coleman, Edwin Buzz Aldrin and Dr Brian O’Leary who have claimed to have seen UFOs. Aldrin, one of the first people to walk on the Moon, had shared his experience on board the Apollo 11, when he and fellow astronauts saw something flying alongside their spacecraft. Initially, they thought it was the final stage of a detached rocket, until mission control confirmed it was 6000 miles away from them.
Buzz Aldrin
Both Neil Armstrong and Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after their historic landing on the Moon in Apollo 11 on July 21, 1969, according to unconfirmed reports. NASA astronaut Armstrong believed aliens have a base on the Moon and they apparently warned Armstrong and others to "get off and stay off the Moon."
During a Reddit "Ask Me Anything" session, Aldrin said the "first humans to set foot on Mars should never return to earth."
When one user asked Aldrin if he believed in aliens and asked him about the sightings he saw on board Apollo 11, the astronaut replied: "On Apollo 11 en route to the Moon, I observed a light out the window that appeared to be moving alongside us. There were many explanations of what that could be, other than another spacecraft from another country or another world - it was either the rocket we had separated from, or the 4 panels that moved away when we extracted the lander from the rocket and we were nose to nose with the two spacecraft."
Although Aldrin was reluctant to describe the sighting as an extraterrestrial craft, he believes there are other life forms in space.
Edgar Dean Mitchell
In 1971, Mitchell became the sixth person to walk on the Moon, and the journey spiritually transformed his life in such a way that he devoted much of his time exploring "esoteric realms of science, psychic phenomena and the existence of extraterrestrial beings."
He was convinced after the journey to the Moon that "aliens have been observing us and have been here for some time." Mitchell once even claimed that "peace-loving" aliens had visited Earth to save humanity from nuclear war, and indicated the Vatican knew about the existence of extraterrestrials.
Mitchell, who had been outspoken about his belief in aliens, told Mirror Online that top-ranking military sources had spotted UFOs during weapons tests. He also said that strange crafts flying over missile bases at the White Sands facility have been spotted by military insiders. The facility is a government-owned rocket engine test site where the world's first ever nuclear bomb was detonated in 1945.
Gordon Cooper
Cooper was one of the seven astronauts who took part in Project Mercury, the first human spaceflight program of the U.S., which ran from 1958 to 1963. Cooper, the last American to fly in space alone, had said he spotted UFOs flying over Germany seven years before he went into space.
In 1963, when he shot into space in a Mercury capsule for a 22-orbit journey around the world, Cooper told the tracking station he could see a glowing, greenish object appearing in front of him and approaching his capsule. The UFO was reportedly "real and solid," because even the tracking radar had picked it up, according to
According to a taped interview by author, J.L. Ferrando, Cooper revealed how he felt he was living with a secret, which was imposed on all specialists in astronautics. "I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us. And there are thousands of witness reports and a quantity of documents to prove this, but nobody wants to make them public," he said. He added: "Because authority is afraid that people may think of God knows what kind of horrible invaders. So the password still is: We have to avoid panic by all means."
O'Leary, who was one of the 11 astronauts named for a possible NASA Mars mission in the 1960s, authored three books that spoke about our connection to UFOs. He had also lectured on the subject across the world.
Regarding crop circles that he first saw in 1991 in England, he said in an interview: "The Crop Circle phenomenon, besides the hoaxed ones, is a very real phenomenon created by some unknown, probably non-human intervention," according to UFO Evidence.
O’Leary is also reported to have said, "There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted. Civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time and that their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view.”
Saturn's moon Titan has long been a prime candidate when it comes to supporting life. Now, we may have more evidence.
Our quest for extraterrestrial life may be closer to bearing fruit. As per recent findings published in Science Advances Magazine, scientists now have a “definitive detection” of vinyl cyanide, described as “the best candidate molecule for the formation of cell membranes/vesicle structures.” And given that cells are the building blocks of life, it’s not too far of an extrapolation to say that the discovery of vinyl cyanide on Titan, one of Saturn‘s moons, could be the discovery of a potential ingredient for, well, life itself.
While scientists have long suspected that Titan might host vinyl cyanide, it was previously naught more than an inference. But now, NASA’s Cassini probe has achieved the “first spectroscopic detection” of the compound. Astronomers used data from the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, or ALMA, to draw their conclusions.
Titan has been a prime candidate for extraterrestrial life for quite some time. After all, the surface of the moon shows lakes, and Titan also features an atmosphere comprised mainly of nitrogen and compounds similar to those found on Earth that are crucial to life. The discovery of vinyl cyanide is yet another reason to continue researching Titan for its life-sustaining possibilities.
“This is a far cry from saying [life] definitely happens on Titan and these cells are involved in some kind of primitive life,” co-author Martin Cordiner, an astrochemist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, told The Verge. “But it gives us a starting point in that discussion. If there was going to be life in Titan’s oceans, then it’s plausible vinyl cyanide could be a component of that.”
There is still no absolute proof that cell membranes could ultimately exist on Titan. In order to make that determination, we’d need to send another probe to Saturn’s moon. “There’s been some discussion of maybe sending a boat or something like that to Titan to observe what’s really going on in the lakes,” co-author Maureen Palmer, an astrochemist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, told The Verge. “That’d be really cool to see.”
At the end of the day, concluded Cordiner, “As we explore more in the outer Solar System, these moons of the giant planets reveal to us that they are much more fascinating environments than we could have ever imagined. Complex chemistry is not unique to Earth.”
The search for life elsewhere in the universe is one of the most compelling aspects of modern science. Given its scientific importance, significant resources are devoted to this young science of astrobiology, ranging from rovers on Mars to telescopic observations of planets orbiting other stars.
The holy grail of all this activity would be the actual discovery of alien life, and such a discovery would likely have profound scientific and philosophical implications. But extraterrestrial life has not yet been discovered, and for all we know may not even exist. Fortunately, even if alien life is never discovered, all is not lost: simply searching for it will yield valuable benefits for society.
Why is this the case?
First, astrobiology is inherently multidisciplinary. To search for aliens requires a grasp of, at least, astronomy, biology, geology, and planetary science. Undergraduate courses in astrobiology need to cover elements of all these different disciplines, and postgraduate and postdoctoral astrobiology researchers likewise need to be familiar with most or all of them.
By forcing multiple scientific disciplines to interact, astrobiology is stimulating a partial reunification of the sciences. It is helping to move 21st-century science away from the extreme specialisation of today and back towards the more interdisciplinary outlook that prevailed in earlier times.
By producing broadminded scientists, familiar with multiple aspects of the natural world, the study of astrobiology therefore enriches the whole scientific enterprise. It is from this cross-fertilization of ideas that future discoveries may be expected, and such discoveries will comprise a permanent legacy of astrobiology, even if they do not include the discovery of alien life.
It is also important to recognise that astrobiology is an incredibly open-ended endeavour. Searching for life in the universe takes us from extreme environments on Earth, to the plains and sub-surface of Mars, the icy satellites of the giant planets, and on to the all-but-infinite variety of planets orbiting other stars. And this search will continue regardless of whether life is actually discovered in any of these environments or not. The range of entirely novel environments opened to investigation will be essentially limitless, and so has the potential to be a never-ending source of scientific and intellectual stimulation.
The cosmic perspective
Beyond the more narrowly intellectual benefits of astrobiology are a range of wider societal benefits. These arise from the kinds of perspectives – cosmic in scale – that the study of astrobiology naturally promotes.
It is simply not possible to consider searching for life on Mars, or on a planet orbiting a distant star, without moving away from the narrow Earth-centric perspectives that dominate the social and political lives of most people most of the time. Today, the Earth is faced with global challenges that can only be met by increased international cooperation. Yet around the world, nationalistic and religious ideologies are acting to fragment humanity. At such a time, the growth of a unifying cosmic perspective is potentially of enormous importance.
In the early years of the space age, the then US ambassador to the United Nations, Adlai Stevenson, said of the world: "We can never again be a squabbling band of nations before the awful majesty of outer space." Unfortunately, this perspective is yet to sink deeply into the popular consciousness. On the other hand, the wide public interest in the search for life elsewhere means that astrobiology can act as a powerful educational vehicle for the popularisation of this perspective.
Indeed, it is only by sending spacecraft out to explore the solar system, in large part for astrobiological purposes, that we can obtain images of our own planet that show it in its true cosmic setting.
In addition, astrobiology provides an important evolutionary perspective on human affairs. It demands a sense of deep, or big, history. Because of this, many undergraduate astrobiology courses begin with an overview of the history of the universe. This begins with the Big Bang and moves successively through the origin of the chemical elements, the evolution of stars, galaxies, and planetary systems, the origin of life, and evolutionary history from the first cells to complex animals such as ourselves. Deep history like this helps us locate human affairs in the vastness of time, and therefore complements the cosmic perspective provided by space exploration.
Political implications
There is a well-known aphorism, widely attributed to the Prussian naturalist Alexander von Humboldt, to the effect that "the most dangerous worldview is the worldview of those who have not viewed the world". Humboldt was presumably thinking about the mind-broadening potential of international travel. But familiarity with the cosmic and evolutionary perspectives provided by astrobiology, powerfully reinforced by actual views of the Earth from space, can surely also act to broaden minds in such a way as to make the world less fragmented and dangerous.
I think there is an important political implication inherent in this perspective: as an intelligent technological species, that now dominates the only known inhabited planet in the universe, humanity has a responsibility to develop international social and political institutions appropriate to managing the situation in which we find ourselves.
In concluding his monumental Outline of History in 1925, HG Wells famously observed: "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe." Such an observation appears especially germane to the geopolitical situation today, where apparently irrational decisions, often made by governments (and indeed by entire populations) seemingly ignorant of broader perspectives, may indeed lead our planet to catastrophe.
Last year, extraterrestrial exploration venture Breakthrough Initiatives announced an ambitious plan to send tonnes of tiny spacecraft to our nearest neighbouring star system, Alpha Centauri. The project, called Breakthrough Starshot, is focused on launching lightweight ‘nanocraft’ to the stars at rip-roaring speeds. Recently, the project took a big leap toward achieving its ultimate goal by successfully sending six test craft into Low Earth Orbit.
The tiny spacecraft, called “Sprites,” are just 3.5 centimetres on each side and weigh about four grams. Aerospace engineer Zac Manchester, who is leading the design on the Sprites, has been working on them for the last 10 years.
“What we’ve set out to do from the beginning is push the size limits of spacecraft,” Manchester told Gizmodo. “The question was how small can we make a satellite and still make it do something useful. One of the challenges is how can you get enough power, and given the tiny power you can harvest, how do you communicate back to Earth?”
Manchester and his fellow researchers hope that eventually, mini spacecraft similar to the Sprites—called StarChips—will be able to travel at 20% the speed of light, which translates to about 37,000 miles per second. It would take a spacecraft travelling at this speed less than seven seconds to reach the Moon from Earth, according to Sky and Telescope.
Those are speeds and distances no spacecraft of any size has gone before. Currently, the farthest spacecraft ever built is NASA’s Voyager 1, which launched in 1977, and only just reached Interstellar space a few years back.
For now, the Sprites are chillin’ in Low Earth Orbit. They launched on June 23rd on an Indian rocket called the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). Breakthrough Starshot anticipates that a second satellite will release more soon.
Obviously, much more work needs to be done before we get our hopes up about an interstellar voyage. But for astrobiology nerds and tinfoil hat believers alike, the Sprites’ successful launch could be an important step toward finding life beyond Earth.
“The distances are immense and it’s a big challenge,” Manchester added. “We’re a long way out to the eventual goals [of Breakthrough Starshot], but we’re setting the early precedent here.”
Monster telescope leads search for extraterrestrial life
Monster telescope leads search for extraterrestrial life
Sean O’Driscoll
The football pitch-sized telescope is made up of a network of antennasNIALL CARSON/PA
A telescope that may be humanity’s best hope of finding extraterrestrial life was switched on yesterday by John Halligan, a government minister who has said he believes aliens exist.
The International Low-Frequency Array (I-Lofar) telescope is a €150 million network of antennas across Europe that hopes to pick up signals from outer space, detect new planets, uncover the mysteries of black holes and the origins of galaxies.
Mr Halligan, the minister for training and skills, switched on the Irish Lofar telescope, which is the size of a football pitch, at Birr Castle, Co Offaly. yesterday. “Our galaxy is 100,000 light years across with a billion suns and two billion planets. It would be extraordinary if there was not some form of life,” he said. “I think it’s inevitable that it is out there and today’s launch will certainly help.”
Mr Halligan, who describes himself as a humanist, has sent out alien-themed Christmas cards in the past and has a longstanding belief in extraterrestrial life. He said described the project as fascinating and said it could lead to many practical uses on earth.
“Everything from improved planes to satellite mapping of global warming have come from our exploration of space, and this holds many new possibilities,” he said.
The Lofar radio telescope will be able to pick up accidental signals from any intelligent life that is using radio in space, according to Paul Gilster, a space exploration analyst.
“The search for extraterrestrial intelligence has generally looked for targeted signals sent deliberately our way but scientists are also considering the possibility of accidental receptions, the markers of an industrial society at work,” Mr Gilster said.
“Lofar opens up a new frequency domain for the search for life. With its omnidirectional antennas and computing resources, it may help us pin down the sources of transient radio signals that could be faint signals from cultures around distant stars.”
The telescope will also study radio signals from hydrogen that may uncover the mysteries of how the universe moved from its “dark ages” after the big bang to the creation of galaxies.
Researchers also hope its ultra-sensitive radio detection will tell us more about black holes and uncover planets in the Milky Way and in other galaxies. The chain of 12 telescopes is shared between countries including the Netherlands, the UK, Poland and Germany.
Ireland will pay €420,000 up front and €90,000 a year to be part of the project. The money will be paid first to Trinity College, and then to Lofar co-ordinators in the Netherlands. University College Dublin, Dublin City University, the Armagh Observatory and the NUI Galway are all involved in the project.
The facility at Birr Castle has been built next to the historic Leviathan telescope, which was built by the third Earl of Rosse in 1845 and was the largest optical telescope in the world until 1917.
Twenty frightened Townsville residents have reporting seeing unidentified flying objects over the past 20 years.
Evidence collected by UFO Research Queensland details the terrifying encounters.
Researcher Sheryl Gottschall is documenting the history of sightings of UFOs and would like to hear from anyone who may have had a personal UFO sighting, past or current, or know of such reports from their local area.
Ms Gottschall said the database included historical and new sightings.
She said the database was part of an attempt to gather a collection of reports from the public.
“We find that when people report through social media they don’t put much detail into it.
“The idea is for us to have a searchable database so the public, who are looking for similar accounts like their own, can use it.”
If you’ve seen a UFO, call Ms Gottschall on 3376 1780.
“If people have close encounters they can call us and we record their experiences,” she said.
A UFO sighting over Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
Recorded UFO sightings
Townsville, Wednesday about July 10, 1999, 1.30am
A woman who lives near the Ross River observed a star coming over the top of a nearby mountain.
It vanished, then reappeared and started to get brighter and closer.
It had a spotlight beaming from it to the ground and she had the impression it was spying on the nearby army base.
She heard no noise as the object started bouncing in the sky very fast, then hovering and flying.
She became very frightened, went inside, turned off the lights and locked the door.
She watched it for a couple of hours.
She later rang the army base to see if they had something in the air at the time, which there wasn’t.
Townsville, Sunday May 19, 2002, 12.50am
A woman reported seeing a grey, boomerang-shaped object moving silently and not as fast as a plane.
There were no lights on it and it made no noise.
It was travelling at the speed of an ultralight and in a straight line.
She thought it might have been a hang-glider but it was going too fast.
She said she could see the structure of the object and even the welding.
When asked how she saw this object in the sky at 12.50am, she said it was a very light night.
Townsville, Saturday December 10, 2005, night
Just a few minutes ago I saw something suspicious in the sky.
It probably was a plane, but it was an object in the sky with three lights, normal white lights, moving faster than a plane, and I could see the shape of the object.
It was like a triangle without pointed sides.
They were curved and planes don’t seem to fly the way it was travelling.
My father saw it but he said it was a plane and one of my next door neighbours was outside too.
I don’t know if they looked up at the sky but they were around when I saw it.
Just wondering if what I saw is or was a UFO of some sort?
A UFO sighting over Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
Townsville, Saturday April 19, 2009, 3.40am
I was outside on my back deck here in Townsville having a cigarette and looking at the stars when I noticed a very huge object that blended in with the colour of the sky, which was dark grey.
This object appeared to be a V shape and was just gliding very slowly, lower than plane height, and it had rows of very dim grey blue-coloured lights around the V shape.
The time was 3.40am. I watched for about 50 seconds before it disappeared behind some trees. It had no noise associated with it.
I waited for about five more minutes but did not see it again, however I did see a small light aircraft coming in low to the airport and could hear that easily.
Townsville, QLD, August 2, 2009, 2am
A family was sitting around a camp fire when directly above the group appeared three disks.
One took off at great speed and two moved in a different direction but stayed in view.
The third went in the opposite direction to the first leaving a white trail.
The witness has had a number of sightings.
The witness was indigenous to Australia and was waiting to be admitted to train in healing work.
A UFO sighting over Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
Townsville, November 1 2009, 8.50pm
At around 8.50pm I took my daughter into the backyard and while looking up in the sky I saw what at first I thought was just a bright star, but then I saw it was moving.
This object was initially slow and I think it was not a satellite, as most of the satellites I have seen are between 6 and 8pm and are not very bright.
This thing was like a big star. It was travelling from the west towards the east, and then it started moving very fast towards the south.
I would say I saw this thing flying for about four or five minutes.
Townsville, January-February 2012
I quite enjoy investigating strange sightings in my spare time in North Queensland.
Recently I have received reports of a strange flying creature in Townsville. About a month ago two separate people witnessed a flying object in the sky at night.
They described the object to look somewhat like a bat, with batlike wings but the body of a man. The object was very dark.
Without looking into this further, this sighting seems quite similar to the Mothman sightings of West Virginia USA that are now UFO folk law.
Possibly a couple of people with an excessive imagination? Perhaps, however my investigation on this is still ongoing.
Whether it be in the north Queensland area or Australia wide. This is not the first sighting report of a “flying man” received from North Queensland.
Townsville, Friday September 14 2001, 10.15pm
The witness was driving in a car when she observed an orange light travelling very slowly from north to south. It seemed to have two red lights underneath it.
Townsville, February 1 2003, reported December 2008
After sighting a UFO in 2000, a strange orange light following a car I have been actively looking out for UFOs.
In Townsville at roughly 9.15pm after coming back from a jog, I was doing some stretches on my second story unit balcony.
As I was glancing up I sighted three white lights in a triangular formation that looked quite high up.
They were spaced quite far apart, easily far enough to be three separate objects.
They were travelling quite fast — it took roughly seven seconds for them to travel from directly above me to the horizon.
I could tell they were quite high, as they travelled above clouds. They were silent, with no smoke or vapour trail. The lights were about the same size as a satellite, yet they were about two or three times as bright.
A UFO sighting.
Townsville, August 31, 2011
I took three pictures that caught my eye while taking photos of the sun with my iPod 10 minutes ago.
In the top left hand quarter above the sun there is a white thing.
It shouldn’t be there what ever it is.
The first photo I noticed it then the 2nd it had slightly moved then the third it was streaking away. I didn’t move the iPod, I just kept pressing till I got about 10 shots.
I live in Kirwan, a suburb of Townsville, not far from the RAAF base. I am a current serving RAAF airman.
This is the 3rd UFO I’ve seen in my three years in Townsville, but the only one caught on camera.
Townsville, August 14 2010, 11pm
I’d like to report a strange light I witnessed over Townsville in mid-August. I was standing in my backyard in Oonoonba, having a cigarette, at around 11pm.
I glanced up into the sky and noticed an orange fireball about half the size of a full moon, which seemed to be stationary. I speculated that it must have been a military jet with afterburners lit, travelling directly away from me.
However it seemed to stay in the one place far too long. It was hard to gauge at what altitude this “fireball” was, other than to say it was below the upper-level cloud. It remained stationary for approximately 30 seconds, then suddenly seemed to gain height at an extraordinary rate.
Townsville, April 30, 2011, 9pm
I would like to report a sighting that occurred on 30 April 2011 at about 9pm in Townsville. The object was witnessed by my wife and myself.
I am a soldier in the Australian Army.
I saw what I first believed to be a shooting star. I initially noticed it nearly directly above my head and watched it travel in a Westerly direction away from me. I watched it move down towards the horizon for about half a second, at which point it seemed to explode like fireworks. It was very bright, maybe 5-10 times brighter than the brightest star in the sky.
I asked my wife if she had seen the shooting star and I was disappointed that she had not as it was very spectacular. I commented that it was very unusual as I have never seen a shooting star so bright.
I am an infantryman who has served about nine years and have spent many nights in the bush on training and operations. I have seen hundreds of shooting stars, many are picked up with night vision goggles that would not normally be seen by the naked eye, and I have never seen so bright a light. I was also excited as I had never seen a shooting star explode like a firework.
Townsville, April 26 2008, 4.30pm
On the 26th of April 2008 my mother and two brothers saw what they thought to be a man flying in the air, in broad daylight at 4.30pm in the afternoon against a cloudless sky and about 800 — 1000 metres away.
One of my brothers is an ex paratrooper in the Australian Army and he described the flying man as being about six to seven feet in height, and he was floating in a standing upright position. The man seemed to be moving his head and looking around, and when he turned towards Hervey’s Range, you could see his whole anatomy and it was a man.
Townsville, 1999 [reported October 12 2001]
Two years previously a man was travelling in a sleeping cabin on a train when he had a UFO sighting. He saw two objects together near Bowen heading in a straight line.
The two objects joined and there was an explosion like a star burst.
Townsville, 1970s [reported September 2004]
I would like to tell you about something that happened to my family and I back in the late 1970s.
It’s a tale I don’t normally speak about but I decided to take a chance and tell it to you.
My parents and I had a beach house about thirty minutes drive north of Townsville in north Queensland at a place called Toomula, a small beachside community. It was a Friday night and we were going fishing on the Saturday over at an island about thirteen or so miles off the coast called Rattlesnake, an island used for target practice at one time by the RAAF, so we needed to get some bait.
We were down at the mouth of Saltwater Creek, which also gave the small settlement its more commonly used name of Saltwater Beach, and my father was casting for bait when I noticed a bright light up in the sky that was reflecting strongly in the water.
Baffled by the light I drew it to the attention of my parents and grandfather, who was also with us. My father had a large torch with him and he used this to shine up at the light, and he flashed the torch at it several times. To our surprise the light in the sky flashed back at us several times before taking off at a great speed, heading along the coast towards Townsville, and I still believe that I saw the search light from the Townsville Airport shine up at it, which caused it to shoot out to sea for a distance before turning back in our general direction. It was still way out to sea when it passed behind the island I have already mentioned, proving that it was very low down in the sky. Then it started coming directly back towards us.
This light, or whatever it was, made no sound whatsoever and was obviously big, and it covered what must have been at least a hundred miles in a matter of seconds. Coming back towards us it came to a halt further from us than it had been when we first saw it, and hovered in the sky for a short time before it started to move up and down, and then from side to side. Then, to our horror I suppose, it started coming towards us, making a zigzag pattern as it moved towards us, again making no sound.
Townsville, 11 October 11 2008, 9pm
We live in Cranbrook. I just want to know if anyone else saw it, or know of an aircraft that might have five lights visible at once, that the red and green are back to front, and a vertical pale blue glowing light on the tail “fin”.
Maybe there is a reasonable explanation.
My daughter, 9, and I were outside with Ruby (dog) doing what dogs do.
We saw a strange looking plane in the sky. It came from the left, which is a flight path and headed in the re.ight direction. It suddenly became larger quickly and the lights were all wrong. The red lights were on the right, and the green lights were on the left. There were two at the back and two at the front.
You shouldn’t be able to see all four lights at once anyhow when a plane is flying.
I saw an extra blue light there and the sense of a large tailfin that was a very dim glowing electric light blu
Townsville Strand, August 28 2006, 6.30pm
A witness observed two lights moving about as the stars were coming out, for about 15 minutes. They moved about both slowly and quickly, changing direction. One of the lights disappeared. He took his eyes off the remaining light and when he looked back it was gone.
Ravenswood, 1991 [reported December 2006]
I wish to report a sighting of a Min-Min light between the Burdekin Dam and Ravenswood. It was in May or June 1991. There were five of us in the car. We all worked at the Coutts Burdekin Wilderness Lodge and were on our way to Townsville for a night out. The light followed the car, through the trees for about fifteen minutes.
It looked like a car headlight. At first it was behind us on the left hand-side, then it caught up to us and overtook us, then went across in front of the car and was travelling beside us on the right hand-side. It then seemed to slow and the last we saw it, it was directly behind the car and further back. We were all quite frightened at the time and trying to explain what it could be. What I found most strange is that the incident was never really discussed again between us, even though we lived and worked together. The wilderness lodge closed down at the end of June and we all lost contact. I have thought about the incident many times since and I would be a sceptic if I hadn’t witnessed the phenomena for myself.
Mundingburra, North Queensland, Thursday March 4 2004, 2am
I live at Mundingburra, in Townsville. For the past month between 12.00 midnight and 2.00am my girlfriend and I have seen, a number of times, an object that flashes four distinct colours — red, green, blue and white.
I did manage to take a video of this thing.
There have been no planes or aircraft in area and they would not move as quickly as this object.
Castle Hill, Townsville Wednesday March 31, 2004, 7.15pm
A man was walking his dog, looking west, and observed something that seemed to be a shooting star but changed into a “massive ball”.
It lit up for five seconds or less, was orange and had a small tail. He heard no noise at the time. The object was moving towards Harvey’s Range near the military base.
Independent confirmation of the above sighting was received in December 2004. I also spotted this. I was headed south on Upper Ross River Road at Rassmussen about the same time and saw an identical object, except I recall seeing what looked like sparks emanating from the tail.
North Queensland UFO festival
The only UFO festival in Australia will take place just north of Townsville this year.
The Cardwell UFO Festival is on October 21 and about 2000 UFO enthusiasts are expected to attend.
Cardwell and the region, including Tully which is known for its “Saucer Nest”, is regarded as a hot spot for unusual activity.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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