The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Ancient Carving Found On Mars, hieroglyph, UFO Sighting News.
Ancient Carving Found On Mars, hieroglyph, UFO Sighting News.
I was looking over a Mars photo when found a carving on a large boulder along a hillside. The carving is of a person standing in a short dress, with bent arm, and a pointed hat. The feet are pointing to the right, the face and and are also pointed right. This looks just like the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs that we have all seen. The rover has tire tracks going very close to this location, so either the NASA scientists missed it totally or they didn't want to share their discovery. So intelligent life did exist on Mars long ago. They looked like us in many ways, yet for some unknown reason, they went extinct.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Unknown Glowing Objects Over Fort Worth, Texas On Dec 23, 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Unknown Glowing Objects Over Fort Worth, Texas On Dec 23, 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting:Dec 23, 2021
Location of sighting:Fort Worth, Texas, USA
Watch as this bewildered eyewitness record many glowing objects falling from the sky. Even the comments below the video are trying to take best guesses at what they may be....from meteors to flares, to sky divers and yet nothing came out in news about any such event. Very interesting footage of an unknown phenomenon falling over Fort Worth.
Here is a UFO testimony compilation from astronauts and cosmonauts. Some of these clips are starting to be difficult to find. I kept it short and excluded ambiguous stories where there could be mundane explanations.
Ons leefgebied is in verval, de genetische variatie is klein, en de vruchtbaarheid taant: de val van Homo sapiens lijkt onvermijdelijk.
Mag ik u even meenemen terug in de tijd? Meer bepaald naar 1965, toen Tom Lehrer zijn livealbum That Was the Year That Was opnam. Lehrer leidde het nummer ‘So Long Mom (A Song for World War III)’ als volgt in: ‘Als er liedjes uit Wereldoorlog III moeten komen, dan beginnen we ze maar beter nu te schrijven.’ Het schrikbeeld van de nucleaire apocalyps beheerste de jaren 1960. Maar ook overbevolking baarde zorgen. Toen in 1968 de bestseller The Population Bomb van bioloog Paul Ehrlich verscheen, maakte de wereldbevolking een ongezien snelle groei door van meer dan 2 procent.
Een halve eeuw later is de dreiging van de allesvernietigende atoombom zo goed als verdwenen. En de bevolkingsbom? Er wonen vandaag meer dan dubbel zoveel mensen op aarde, en we leiden (in grote trekken) een comfortabeler, rijker leven dan iemand ook maar had kunnen vermoeden. De bevolking groeit nog steeds aan, maar het gaat maar met half zoveel vaart als in 1968.
De huidige voorspellingen lopen uiteen, maar de consensus is dat er, na een bevolkingspiek ergens halfweg deze eeuw, een scherpe daling wordt ingezet. Tegen 2100 zouden we wereldwijd al met minder kunnen zijn dan vandaag. In de meeste landen - ook in armere landen - ligt het geboortecijfer tegenwoordig ver onder het sterftecijfer. In sommige landen zal het huidige bevolkingscijfer in geen tijd gehalveerd zijn. Mensen beginnen zich stilaan zorgen te maken over onderbevolking.
"Als er liedjes over het uitsterven van de mensheid moeten komen, dan beginnen we ze maar beter nu te schrijven"
Als paleontoloog bekijk ik de dingen op de lange termijn. Zoogdiersoorten komen en gaan behoorlijk snel. Ze verschijnen op het toneel, vieren hoogtij, en gaan in rook op in pakweg een miljoen jaar tijd. Uit fossiele vondsten blijkt dat Homo sapiens al zo’n 315.000 jaar op aarde rondloopt, maar het gros van die tijd waren we een zeldzame soort. Zo zeldzaam zelfs dat de mens op de rand van uitsterven heeft gestaan - misschien zelfs meermaals. Daar ligt de kiem van de ondergang des mensen: de huidige populatie is in een verschroeiend tempo toegenomen. Daardoor is H. sapiens als soort uitzonderlijk monotoon. Er zit meer genetische variatie in een paar troepen wilde chimpansees dan in de voltallige mensenbevolking. Een gebrek aan genetische variatie is nooit goed voor de overlevingskansen van een soort.
Bovendien is het de afgelopen decennia sterk bergaf gegaan met de kwaliteit van het menselijke sperma. Dat zou de dalende geboortecijfers kunnen verklaren, en niemand weet goed hoe het komt. Vervuiling - een bijproduct van de door de mens veroorzaakte teloorgang van het leefmilieu - speelt mogelijk een rol. Ook stress is een mogelijke factor. Dat mensen zo lang zo dicht opeengepakt leven is daar volgens mij niet vreemd aan. Door zijn evolutie heen bewoog de mens zich met lichte tred over het land, en leefde hij verspreid in groepen. Het leven in steden, praktisch bovenop elkaar (en in appartementen zelfs letterlijk) is nog maar een erg recente gewoonte.
De afname van de bevolkingsgroei heeft ook economische oorzaken. Politici streven gestage economische groei na, maar dat valt niet vol te houden in een wereld met eindige hulpbronnen. H. sapiens legt nu al beslag op 25 tot 40 procent van de netto primaire productie, de biomassa die planten maken uit lucht, water en zonneschijn. Dat is niet alleen slecht nieuws voor de miljoenen andere soorten op onze planeet die daarvan leven; het zou ook funest kunnen zijn voor de economische vooruitzichten van de mens. De huidige generaties moeten harder en langer werken om de levensstandaard aan te houden die hun ouders hadden, als die standaard überhaupt haalbaar is. Steeds meer onderzoek wijst trouwens uit dat de economische productiviteit wereldwijd is stilgevallen de afgelopen 20 jaar, of zelfs is afgenomen. Dat zou mensen kunnen ontmoedigen om aan kinderen te beginnen, of dat ze het zo lang uitstellen dat hun eigen vruchtbaarheid begint af te nemen.
Een bijkomende factor in de krimpende bevolkingsgroei is iets wat we alleen maar kunnen toejuichen: de economische, reproductieve en politieke emancipatie van vrouwen. Die begon nauwelijks meer dan een eeuw geleden, maar heeft nu al de beroepsbevolking verdubbeld en het opleidingsniveau, de levensverwachting en de economische mogelijkheden van de mens in het algemeen omhoog gestuwd. Dankzij betere voorbehoedsmiddelen en gezondheidszorg hoeven vrouwen niet zoveel kinderen meer te dragen om te verzekeren dat ten minste enkele de gevaarlijke eerste levensmaanden overleven. Maar als we minder kinderen krijgen, en dat op latere leeftijd doen, dan valt te verwachten dat de bevolking zal krimpen.
De meest verraderlijke bedreiging voor de mens is iets wat we ‘extinctieschuld’ noemen. Op een zeker moment wordt uitsterven onontkoombaar, voor elke soort, hoezeer het ze ook voor de wind gaat, en wat die ook doet om het af te wenden. De oorzaak is doorgaans een vertraagde reactie op het verlies van habitat. Het risico is het grootst voor soorten die een specifieke biotoop domineren ten koste van andere soorten, die daardoor wegtrekken en dus meer verspreid leven. De mens bezet min of meer de hele planeet, en met ons onevenredig grote verbruik van wat die wereldwijde biotoop produceert, zijn wij de dominante soort. Het doodvonnis van H. sapiens is dus misschien al getekend.
De tekenen aan de wand zijn er voor zij die ze willen zien. Wanneer de habitat zozeer in verval raakt dat er minder hulpbronnen zijn voor iedereen; wanneer de vruchtbaarheid afneemt; wanneer het geboortecijfer onder het sterftecijfer zakt; en wanneer de genetische hulpbronnen beperkt zijn - dan is het eind in zicht. De enige vraag is hoe snel het zal komen.
Ik vrees dat de menselijke wereldbevolking niet louter een krimp te wachten staat, maar een complete instorting - en gauw. Om het vrij naar Lehrer te zeggen: als er liedjes over het uitsterven van de mensheid moeten komen, dan beginnen we ze maar beter nu te schrijven.
GERELATEERDE VIDEO'S, uitgekozen en gepost door peter2011
The earliest records could even be in the form of paintings by our caveman ancestors - perhaps showing that the UFO sightings now subject to official probes in Washington and Beijing are really nothing new.
Earlier this year, a long-awaited Pentagon report admitted experts could not explain some 144 reports of "unidentified aerial phenomena".
It was slammed as a "whitewash" by believers even though top brass said they could not rule out an alien origin for the sightings.
More than 500 relics made of jade have been unearthed at the site of the former capital of the Xia Dynasty which ruled from 2070BC-1600BC.
The green colour and pointy ears are said to be evidence of contact with another civilisation.
The growing popularity of the theory even led to an official denial of any alien link.
"Some artistically exaggerated goddess statues cannot be said to be 'aliens,'" said Lei Yu, an archaeologist at the Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute.
Ezekiel's vision
The Bible's Book of Ezekiel describes how the prophet saw a flying chariot emerging from a whirlwind and a cloud of fire.
The chariot was carried by four human-like angels each with four faces, and below it were four mysterious wheels.
Scholars claim it was around 593BC in modern day Kuwait. But there has been fierce debate on how to interpret the verses.
Famed Swiss Ufologist Erich von Däniken claimed it was evidence of an alien visitation, rather than a vision from God.
He was so convincing that Nasa scientist Josef Blumrich later wrote a book explaining how such a craft would have operated.
Classical history
Roman chronicler Livy left a fascinating account of "many prodigies" spotted in 214 BC, including "phantom ships" that were "seen gleaming in the sky".
The historian Plutarch wrote about an even more remarkable event during a battle in 74BC.
He said "with no apparent change of weather, the sky burst asunder and a huge, flame-like body was seen to fall between the two armies.
"In shape it was most like a wine-jar, and in colour like molten silver."
Thousands of onlookers, including enemy leader King King Mithridates VI, apparently confirmed the truth of the story.
Another eminent scholar, Titus Flavius Josephus, wrote about a "miraculous phenomenon defying belief" in the first century AD.
It involved "chariots and armed battalions hurtling through the clouds and encompassing the cities".
Princess from the Moon
One of Japan's most famous legends dating from around 1,000 years ago tells the story of “The Shining Princess”.
Kaguya is said to have been found as a baby inside a shining bamboo stalk, and when she grows up the Emperor is desperate to marry her.
But she rejects him explaining she is not from the Earth, and a craft arrives to take her home to the Moon.
Official records tell how a woman did arrive in Japan in a round vessel which some claim is a classic flying saucer shape.
The Nuremberg 'UFO battle'
In 1561, witnesses said they saw the sky filled with bright shining objects in Nuremberg, Germany.
They ranged from "blood-red semi-circular arcs" to dark balls of "black ferrous colour".
They rushed back and forth and "fighting among themselves", according to contemporary newsletters.
Eventually they fell onto the earth and "wasted away" with "immense smoke".
A similar UFO battle was reported five years later in Basel, Switzerland.
Witness said numerous red and black balls were "fighting" in the sky over several days, accompanied by unusual sunsets and sunrises.
In the world of psychics, Nostradamus is a tough comparison to live up to, but Athos Salomé seems ready for the challenge. The Brazilian psychic and paranormal investigator has also been compared to Baba Vanga, and some go so far as to suggest he’s a direct descendant of Nostradamus. Is he any of these or just another spoon-bender with a good publicist?
“In the year 2012 talking to a well known acting Pastor in my hometown, I left it recorded by Facebook messenger even if unconsciously something related to the world covid pandemic for the year 2020/2021. I didn’t take it seriously and it became reality, with studies we can prove the truth of facts.
On the 2803/2021th at 21:18 pm I left it registered via email encoded with password 2 PDF / Word files for two people I have confidence in, information about new events, in the same report about the new variant and that it was to pay attention guess where? Africa”
On his Facebook page, Athos Salomé gives two of his predictions which came true this year as proof he’s a real psychic – he even adds a flair of drama by recording the predictions beforehand. Not much is known about him. MarketWatch reports he’s a self-taught psychic and a parapsychologist, but he’s also known for his work as a model scouter helping people start modeling careers and as producer of the “Beleza Mundial Contest,” the “Look of The Year” and “Mister Earth Brazil” he’s obviously dedicated to modeling, so how did Athos Salomé become known as the next Nostradamus?
“Athos is recognized for constantly employing historical research in his paranormal investigations to give step-by-step recommendations on a specific paranormal analysis; he comprehended the significance and the usage of paranormal analysis using his expertise in KABALLA. He is well-known for conducting paranormal studies into unexplainable parts of human experience.” recently pursued the question and found that Athos has predicted also claimed to have predicted terrorism outbreaks, China’s rise as the world’s most powerful economic power, vaccines are becoming obsolete, the virus becoming incurable, a phony peace deal involving China, the advancement of robotics technology, and signs of a third world war. These are pretty general, but he also predicted the death of another member of the English Royal Court besides Prince Philip and he still has a few days left — Queen Elizabeth II has been ill recently.
That doesn’t seem like enough evidence to warrant comparisons to Nostradamus and Baba Vanga, let alone implying he is a direct descendent of Nostradamus. One account says Salomé prefers to compare himself to a 90-year-old “witch and Parapsychologist Marripe Faul Abeilice (RAMA 4)” who is claimed to be “very known and respectful worldwide” but doesn’t seem to come up in any searches.
What should we make of Athos Salomé? He seems to be a good-looking guy (photo here), the kind you find in the modeling business more than in the psychic trade. He doesn’t seem to have any predictions for 2022 – does he have them sealed in an envelope that he mailed to someone else? That’s more of a trick of the spoon-bending kind, which a legitimate psychic would not want to be associated with.
Let’s see some more recent and accurate predictions from Athos Salomé before we link him to Nostradamus, Vanga or possibly Geller.
Project Camelot: Rebel Gene: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity
Project Camelot: Rebel Gene: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity
Rachael continues her interview of Kerry Lynn Cassidy of Project Camelot.
Kerry Lynn Cassidy of Project Camelot and Rachael discuss Kerry’s book REBEL GENE: Secret Space and the Future of Humanity. The conversation centers around Kerry’s own life experiences, how she started researching UFO’s and became CEO of one of the largest online niche networks on the topic.
Kerry shares not only the names and her opinions of famous people she has interviewed over her 17 year career with Project Camelot, but also her deeply personal dream and psychic experiences as well as spiritual journeys via mediation. Kerry maintains that human DNA is a result of a mixture of various alien races and alien artificial intelligence.
I found a tower that has the reflectivity of a metallic structure on Earths moon. I was searching through the ISRO archives...thats the Indian Space Research Organization. They often post photos without totally editing out all the alien artifacts, so I like to visit them every now and then. The tower sits in a crater to the left of Summerfeld crater. Since we know Summerfeld crater is 169km in diameter, I can safely estimate that the crater this tower is in is 70km across. The crater is about 4km deep and this tower at its bottom is 3km tall. If thats not alien then I don't know what is.
Making Contact – Neil deGrasse Tyson on Alien Life
Making Contact – Neil deGrasse Tyson on Alien Life
How would scientists tell the world if they found evidence for alien life? According to SETI, the probability of finding alien life somewhere in the Milky Way is high, based on a number of studies showing that our galaxy contains countless Earth-like planets that orbit sun-like stars. Neil deGrasse Tyson thinks we are probably not alone given the fact how many stars there are in the galaxy not to mention the entire universe. Other prominent scientists also think we will most likely find compelling evidence for extraterrestrial life relatively soon. Undoubtedly evidence for alien life would be the biggest discovery in human history.
NASA’s 2021 Included Mars Landing, First Flight, Artemis, More - PART I
NASA’s 2021 Included Mars Landing, First Flight, Artemis, More - PART I
In 2021, NASA completed its busiest year of development yet in low-Earth orbit, made history on Mars, continued to make progress on its Artemis plans for the Moon, tested new technologies for a supersonic aircraft, finalized launch preparations for the next-generation space telescope, and much more – all while safely operating during a pandemic and welcoming new leadership under the Biden-Harris Administration.
“At NASA, we turn science fiction into science fact, and we do it daily. From continuing to launch astronauts to the International Space Station from American soil to landing the Perseverance rover on Mars and logging the first flight on another planet, 2021 was a banner year for the world's premier space agency and all of humanity,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, who was sworn into office May 3 by Vice President Kamala Harris. “Next year, NASA will accomplish more daring feats with new discoveries and technological advancements, especially as our Artemis I mission paves the way for future crewed missions to the Moon – and beyond.”
NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy visited the agency’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans on Dec. 8, 2021 for tours and briefings on Michoud’s role in the Artemis program and other capabilities that enrich many facets of the nation’s space exploration endeavors.
Credits: NASA/Michael DeMocker
Among the many science accomplishments for the year, NASA continued preparations to launch the James Webb Space Telescope on Dec. 24 from French Guiana, successfully landed the Perseverance rover on the surface of Mars, and piloted the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter – the first powered, controlled flight on another planet.
NASA welcomed back to Earth the first two sets of commercial crew astronauts to complete expedition missions aboard the International Space Station and launched Crew-3 to the orbiting laboratory. During the Crew-2 mission, astronauts spent a U.S. record-setting 199 days in orbit, surpassing the 168 days set by Crew-1 mission earlier this year.
The agency advanced plans to explore more of the Moon through Artemis, pledging to send the first woman and first person of color to the lunar surface. To pave the way for future lunar missions with crew, NASA completed stacking of its Space Launch System rocket, with its Orion spacecraft for the Artemis I mission launching in spring 2022. In addition to other highlights, NASA also picked SpaceX to continue the development and demonstration of the first commercial human lunar lander.
This year, the Biden-Harris Administration tapped NASA to join the White House Climate Task Force. The agency also established a new position of senior climate advisor and released a climate action plan aimed at averting mission impacts due to climate change.
NASA also took action to roll out aviation technology to more airports to help save time for passengers, pushing the boundaries of making aeronautics more green and more efficient.
Solar System and Beyond
Prior to the targeted Dec. 24 launch of the Webb Telescope, NASA this year completed testing and sent the telescope on a 5,800 mile journey by sea to its launch site in French Guiana.
Webb is the agency’s final launch this year, and was preceded by several other scientific missions launches, including the cosmic X-ray studying Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), the asteroid-studying Lucy spacecraft, the world’s first planetary defense test mission – the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) – and two CubeSat missions.
On Saturday, Dec. 11, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope was secured on top of the Ariane 5 rocket that will launch it to space from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana.
Credits: ESA-M.Pedoussaut
NASA selected multiple new missions for development, including two to Venus, Earth’s nearest planetary neighbor: DAVINCI+ (Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging) and VERITAS (Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy). The Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI) mission will study gamma rays to chart the evolution of the Milky Way galaxy.
Spacecraft and rovers already in space continued to help advance our understanding of the universe, providing a variety of new findings.
NASA’s Perseverance rover’s two-year science investigation of Mars’ Jezero Crater is studying the rock and sediment of Jezero’s ancient lakebed and river delta and aiding in the search for signs of ancient microbial life. Actions included:
The Perseverance rover drilled, extracted, and sealed its first rock core into its sampling tube. The core now is enclosed in an airtight titanium sample tube, making it available for retrieval in the future.
The mission is the first step in the round trip Mars Sample Return campaign, being planned by NASA and ESA.
NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter took this shot, capturing its own shadow, while hovering over the Martian surface on April 19, 2021, during the first instance of powered, controlled flight on another planet.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Ingenuity became the first aircraft to make a powered, controlled flight on another planet, and recently completed more than 30 minutes of cumulative flight time.
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe mission touched the Sun to provide us the first ever direct observations of the solar atmosphere, the corona, as well as traveling by Venus, where it gave scientists the first complete look at Venus’ orbital dust ring, detected a bright rim around the edge of the planet that may be nightglow, and discovered natural radio emission.
NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory detected evidence of a possible planet transiting a star in another galaxy, and, for the first time, it detected X-rays from Uranus.
A small near-Earth asteroid (NEA) made history, becoming the 1,000th NEA to be observed by planetary radar in just over 50 years.
Using Hubble and Swift data, scientists identified a new type of supernova. Hubble data also helped astronomers trace the locations of five brief, powerful radio blasts to the spiral arms of distant galaxies.
Using observations from NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), astronomers discovered a trio of hot worlds larger than Earth orbiting a much younger version of the Sun.
NASA researchers, facilities, instruments, and spacecraft were involved in many more scientific activities in 2021. Highlights this year included:
Highlighted two solar eclipses this year including a partial solar eclipse in June and a total solar eclipse in December visible to people in Antarctica. Observations of total solar eclipses revealed the Sun’s corona maintains a fairly constant temperature despite its solar cycles.
Provided a closer look at a nearby star, which allows scientists to better understand what our Sun may have been like when it was young, and how it may have shaped the atmosphere and development of life on Earth.
Set up the infrastructure for a 2022 sounding rocket launch in Australia. This progress represents a return to launches for Australia and the first time NASA will launch a sounding rocket from a non-U.S. commercial launch pad.
NASA’s Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft fired its main engines full throttle and departed the near-Earth asteroid Bennu and set its course back to Earth with an abundance of rocks and dust sample.
Selected SpaceX to provide launch services for its Europa Clipper mission in October 2024. Clipper is Earth’s first mission to conduct detailed investigations of Jupiter's moon Europa.
NASA’s InSight lander celebrated its 1,000th Martian day, or Sol, and measured one of the biggest, longest lasting marsquakes the mission has ever detected.
Developed new visualizations to show how binary black holes distort and redirect light emanating from the hot gas that surrounds them.
Proposed creating a scale for evaluating and combining different lines of evidence that would ultimately lead to answering the ultimate question: Are we alone in the universe?
More than 28,000 participants from 162 countries and territories participated in the virtual Space Apps Challenge in October – the largest such event in its 10-year history.
A solar “Rosetta Stone” explosion that contained components of three different types of eruptions revealed new clues that could help scientists solve the long-standing mystery of what causes the Sun’s powerful and unpredictable eruptions.
The U.S. Postal Service issued a set of stamps highlighting views of the Sun from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, celebrating a decade of the mission.
Using combined data from three NASA satellites, scientists found that parts of the upper atmosphere are gradually contracting in response to rising response to rising human-made greenhouse gas emissions.
Research conducted by NASA’s Biological and Physical Sciences Division contributed to scientific discoveries that will both enable humans to thrive in deep space and benefit life on Earth. This past year, researchers made significant discoveries in quantum science using the International Space Station’s Cold Atom Lab, examined the underlying causes of muscle loss, advanced the knowledge needed to grow plants in space, and continued soft matter investigations on colloids, which could have myriad benefits in the development of household products and drug treatments.
NASA Climate, Earth Science
In 2021, NASA’s climate research continued to show how the planet is changing as the agency maintained its role as a leader in understanding climate change. Among the accomplishments in this area, the agency:
The United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket with the Landsat 9 satellite onboard launches, Monday, Sept. 27, 2021, from Space Launch Complex 3 at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. Credits: NASA/Bill Ingalls
Announced a new Earth System Observatory that will provide key information to guide efforts related to climate change, disaster mitigation, fighting forest fires, and improving real-time agricultural processes.
Selected the Investigation of Convective Updrafts mission to launch in 2027. The mission will study the behavior of tropical storms and thunderstorms.
Announced a sea level rise tool, which shows how sea levels will change on a local level.
With the U.S. Geological Survey, launched Landsat 9, a satellite built to monitor Earth’s changing landscapes. It will continue a 50-year satellite data record.
Forming a strategic partnership with ESA to observe Earth and its changing environment through a joint statement of intent.
Providing opportunities for researchers to experiment with NASA’s ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station data as part of a new tool for wildfire first responders, such as the U.S. Forest Service.
Coordinated with researchers in developing and supporting dashboards on the spread and effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including tracking any changes to worldwide air pollution.
Expanded access to Earth imagery data for federal science agencies through contracts with space-based imagery companies, enhancing scientific research across the federal government.
Launched an online platform called OpenET to give farmers and water managers in 17 western U.S. states daily measurements of evapotranspiration, the process through which water moves into the atmosphere from soil and plants.
Humans in Space
This was the 21st continuous year of human presence aboard the International Space Station, and the busiest yet. NASA continues to send astronauts to the orbiting laboratory using commercial spacecraft launched from the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, as well as Russian Soyuz capsules launched from Kazakhstan. Among the accomplishments this year, the agency:
NASA announced its 2021 astronaut candidate class on Dec. 6, 2021. Credits: NASA/James Blair
Introduced 10 new astronaut candidates, selected from more than 12,000 applicants. NASA provided resources and crew opportunities in English and Spanish.
Sought recruits for the next class of flight directors and announced plans for the agency’s first two private astronaut missions to the International Space Station. The Axiom Mission 1 crew has been training at NASA facilities in advance of the first flight, targeted for February 2022.
NASA’s SpaceX Crew-1 mission successfully completed its first expedition flight, carrying astronauts to and from the space station. The mission included the first space port relocation of a Crew Dragon spacecraft. Its nighttime splashdown was the first for a U.S. crew spacecraft since Apollo 8. The crew also:
Enabled more science and research to prepare humanity for missions to the Moon and Mars and benefit humans on Earth
ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Thomas Pesquet, left, NASA astronauts Megan McArthur and Shane Kimbrough, and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Aki Hoshide, right, are seen inside the SpaceX Crew Dragon Endeavour spacecraft onboard the SpaceX GO Navigator recovery ship shortly after having landed in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Pensacola, Florida, Monday, Nov. 8, 2021. Credits: NASA/Aubrey Gemignani
NASA’s SpaceX Crew-2 joined Crew-1 for the first commercial crew handover between astronauts on the space station. Crew-2 spent time studying how gaseous flames behave in microgravity, growing hatch green chiles, and installing free-flying robotic assistants. They also were the first commercial crew mission to fly two international partner countries’ astronauts, and the first to reuse a Crew Dragon spacecraft and Falcon 9 rocket for a crew mission.
NASA astronaut Kate Rubins returned to Earth in April aboard a Soyuz spacecraft, following six months living and working in space. Among the science she supported was the Cardinal Heart experiment, which studies how changes in gravity affect cardiovascular cells at the cellular and tissue levels.
NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei’s mission was extended. After returning to Earth in 2022, he will hold the record for longest single spaceflight for an American.
NASA astronauts and Russian cosmonauts completed 13 spacewalks, the most in a year since 2010, to upgrade and conduct maintenance at the orbiting laboratory. They installed the first pair of six new solar arrays to augment the station’s power supply.
Five commercial cargo missions delivered more than 33,100 pounds of science investigations, tools, and critical supplies to the space station, and returned about 14,300 pounds of investigations and equipment to researchers on Earth. Hardware among the deliveries included an upgraded toilet, urine processor, and water processor assemblies.
NASA signed agreements with three companies to develop designs for space stations and other commercial destinations.
Moon to Mars
The agency is targeting launch of Artemis I, an uncrewed flight test of NASA’s powerful Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and Orion spacecraft that will travel around the Moon in March or April 2022. NASA took critical steps in 2021 to prepare for this historic milestone:
NASA completed stacking Oct. 21, 2021, of the agency's Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft for the Artemis I uncrewed mission around the Moon. The stacking operations were conducted inside the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Credits: NASA
Announced a partnership to help share first Artemis flight crew with the world.
Completed welds on the rocket core stage for the first Artemis mission.
Selected five U.S. companies to advance sustainable human landing system concepts, conduct risk-reduction activities, and provide feedback on NASA’s requirements to cultivate industry capabilities for crewed lunar landing missions.
Completed the first of many propulsion system ground tests with its commercial partner to ensure the Power and Propulsion Element for Gateway is ready for flight, and egan primary structure assembly of the Habitation and Logistics Outpost, Gateway’s initial crew cabin.
Japan committed to Gateway, becoming the third nation to support development of the lunar outpost.
Announced the landing site for the PRIME-1 lunar drill, an ice mining experiment that will land near the Moon’s South Pole in 2022.
As part of advancing international cooperation on and around the Moon, added new signatories to the Artemis Accords. Australia also signed a new agreement to further support human and robotic lunar exploration efforts.
Delivered the ShadowCam instrument that will photograph permanently shadowed regions of the Moon to the Republic of Koreas Korea’s Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter mission and provided nine scientists for its mission team.
Added new antenna to the Deep Space Network and upgraded NASA’s space communications infrastructure.
Crowdsourced to gather nearly 190 designs for a mobile lunar heliostat or “Sun reflector,” a device that could be used to redirect sunlight to power technologies on the lunar surface.
Also announced the landing site selection for the rover, which will be delivered to the Nobile region of the Moon’s South Pole as part of the Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative.
NASA launched the Sustainable Flight National Partnership, teaming up with industry, academia, and other government agencies to achieve net-zero carbon emissions from aviation by 2050. NASA also continues to validate unique airframe design technologies that will one day allow future supersonic planes to fly quietly. Among the accomplishments this year in this area, the agency:
Artist illustration of the X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology aircraft, which will soon take skies as NASA’s first purpose-built, supersonic experimental plane in decades Credits: Lockheed Martin
NASA’s X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology aircraft continued assembly at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facility, reaching milestones such as the final testing of its eXternal Vision System and the vehicle’s airframe supporting its own weight. Other equipment needed to test the vehicle’s noise production, such as a shock-sensing probe and ground recorders, are being prepared. The aircraft also completed air data probe and boom testing in the agency’s 8’ x 6’ Supersonic Wind Tunnel at NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland.
The Transonic Truss-Braced Wing aircraft concept, one of the promising technologies being matured under the Sustainable Flight National Partnership, underwent wind-tunnel testing this year.
With the goal of creating hybrid-electric aircraft, NASA researchers are developing a small-core jet engine. By shrinking the size of an engine’s compressor and turbine, more thrust and electrical power can be achieved for the same amount of fuel, therefore making the engine more fuel-efficient.
Completed its Airspace Technology Demonstration 2, which will help reduce flight delays, streamline airport operations, and curb emissions, and saving more than one million gallons of jet fuel during the course of its research.
Continued work on the X-57 Maxwell, NASA’s first fully-electric aircraft, with the completion of high-voltage testing, in which the vehicle’s electrical systems were powered-up and tested.
NASA’s Scalable Traffic Management for Emergency Response Operations activity, or STEReO, held a wildfire management workshop. Researchers from the activity also worked on-site with firefighting organizations in California.
The Systems Integration and Operationalization demonstration activity concluded its research into potential commercial applications of unmanned aircraft systems. In the final demonstration, an unmanned aircraft simulated the aerial inspection of a gas pipeline.
Software developed by the Resilient Autonomy activity successfully saved a simulated aircraft from crashing. This new technology is based off a NASA innovation called the Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System, which currently is used in U.S. military aircraft.
The University Leadership Initiative selected new participants, and researchers and students in the initiative have continued to include and inspire the next generation of aeronautical innovators.
NASA’s 2021 Included Mars Landing, First Flight, Artemis, More - PART II
NASA’s 2021 Included Mars Landing, First Flight, Artemis, More - PART II
In 2021, NASA completed its busiest year of development yet in low-Earth orbit, made history on Mars, continued to make progress on its Artemis plans for the Moon, tested new technologies for a supersonic aircraft, finalized launch preparations for the next-generation space telescope, and much more – all while safely operating during a pandemic and welcoming new leadership under the Biden-Harris Administration.
“At NASA, we turn science fiction into science fact, and we do it daily. From continuing to launch astronauts to the International Space Station from American soil to landing the Perseverance rover on Mars and logging the first flight on another planet, 2021 was a banner year for the world's premier space agency and all of humanity,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, who was sworn into office May 3 by Vice President Kamala Harris. “Next year, NASA will accomplish more daring feats with new discoveries and technological advancements, especially as our Artemis I mission paves the way for future crewed missions to the Moon – and beyond.”
Space Technology
This year, NASA advanced technology for exploration, with new concepts that can drive exploration of the Moon, Mars, and beyond – and benefit people here on Earth. Highlights included:
This illustration shows NASA’s Deep Space Atomic Clock technology demonstration and the General Atomics Orbital Test Bed spacecraft that hosts it. Spacecraft could one day depend on such instruments to navigate deep space. Credits: NASA
The agency embarked on a new paradigm for space communications with the Laser Communications Relay Demonstration, which launched Dec. 7, along with preparations to launch another optical communications payload aboard Psyche.
NASA’s Deep Space Atomic Clock concluded a successful two-year mission to advance precise timekeeping in space, and a version of the instrument was selected to fly to Venus aboard the VERITAS mission.
The agency spurred innovation from students and the private sector with prizes and challenges on problems ranging from energy production on the Moon to creating food for deep-space missions. NASA awarded final prizes for teams who grew human tissues in the lab, developed code for autonomous space robots, and demonstrated concepts for converting carbon dioxide in the Martian atmosphere into useful sugars.
A series of awards through the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts program encouraged out-of-the-box early-stage ideas, like a radio telescope in a lunar crater and a method for growing space habitats from fungi.
Established two new university-led Space Technology Research Institutes to advance crucial propulsion and atmospheric entry technologies for exploring the Moon, Mars, and beyond.
The Space Technology Mission Directorate’s Lunar Surface Innovation Initiative drove technology development for living and working on the Moon, awarding six teams for lunar surface technology concepts and continuing collaboration with more than 500 participants in the Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium.
Awarded more than $200 million to hundreds of U.S. small businesses for technology development, supporting the U.S. economy and bringing technology like metal 3D printing closer to use for exploration of the Moon and beyond.
To light the way for lunar exploration, NASA selected five companies to develop vertical solar array technology that would provide reliable, stable power on the rocky, often shaded lunar surface.
NASA’s Flight Opportunities conducted 95 tests of technology payloads across 34 commercial suborbital spacecraft, rocket, high-altitude balloon, and reduced gravity aircraft flights, including a Moon-bound computer system, a delivery system to carry small payloads back to Earth from the space station, and several technologies aboard a Blue Origin flight.
A NASA Glenn study exploring potential lunar Wi-Fi infrastructure concepts for Artemis is helping to address digital inequality on Earth. The study applied lunar network approaches to address technical challenges to Wi-Fi connectivity in Cleveland.
Diversity, Equality, Inclusion, and Accessibility
As part of its response to an executive order aimed at advancing racial equity and support for historically underserved and underrepresented communities in federal government, NASA launched its Mission Equity initiative. The agency is reviewing nearly 200 public comments about how the agency can better engage untapped communities. NASA also:
Appointed its first diversity and inclusion advisor to advance the administration’s commitment to advance racial equity.
Named the Mary W. Jackson NASA Headquarters Building in Washington. Jackson was the first African American female engineer at NASA, whose work was critical to sending the first Americans to space. She went on to lead programs influencing the hiring and promotion of women in NASA's science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Developed a standard internal community of practice for agencywide observances of heritage month events planning, integration, and communications to advance White House Administration Observance objectives.
Continued to expand its Spanish-language communication activities:NASA also launched “Los Martes de Marte” (Mars’ Tuesdays), a web series for the Mars 2020 Perseverance mission from landing to Ingenuity’s first flight on Mars and completed the second season of Hispan@s de la NASA.NASA also launched “Los Martes de Marte” (Mars’ Tuesdays), a web series for the Mars 2020 Perseverance mission from landing to Ingenuity’s first flight on Mars and completed the second season of Hispan@s de la NASA
Conducted NASA’s first live Spanish-language broadcast of a planetary landing, Juntos Perseveramos. That show has surpassed 2.6 million views and is the top video on the agency’s Spanish channel.
NASA also launched “Los Martes de Marte” (Mars’ Tuesdays), a web series for the Mars 2020 Perseverance mission from landing to Ingenuity’s first flight on Mars and completed the second season of Hispan@s de la NASA.
The NASA en español social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram grew their total followers by over 30% in 2021 to more than 1.7 million. They shared over 50% more content, and saw engagements grow by nearly 160%
Translated NASA’s first graphic novel into Spanish: La primera mujer, aired the first NASA podcast episode in Spanish, focused on the Webb telescope, and hosted a Spanish-language broadcast of the Webb launch.
Named a Diversity Champion winner as part of the LinkedIn Talent Awards for recruitment
efforts. NASA was the only federal agency nominated in any category.In May, students who are deaf, blind, or hearing or visually impaired, and their mentors had an opportunity to connect with astronauts serving aboard space station to promote inclusion in space and help pave the way for space explorers with disabilities.
STEM Engagement
NASA’s STEM engagement accomplishments this year included:
Awarded approximately $3.82 million in cooperative agreements to 39 research and development projects through the agency’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Rapid Response Research program.
Engaged more than a million students through the Mars Student Challenge as part of NASA’s #CountdownToMars and connected with a diverse public with the Webb Space Telescope’s #UnfoldTheUniverse art challenge, featured on the Webb STEM+Arts virtual platform.
Published “First Woman,” the agency’s first digital, interactive graphic novel.
Launched two new student challenges. The TechRise Student Challenge invites teams of sixth to 12th-grade students to design, build, and launch climate, remote-sensing, and space exploration experiments on suborbital rockets and high-altitude balloon flights. The Lunabotics Junior Challenge invites K-12 students to design a robot that digs and moves regolith from the Moon’s South Pole to a holding container for Artemis astronauts.
Awarded a total of approximately $18 million to Minority Serving Institutions, with funding to study Earth, develop space technology, and expand participation in engineering and NASA’s small business awards.
Awarded nearly $1 million to seven teams of university students for the 2021 BIG Idea Challenge.
Public Engagement
Inspiration is the foundation of NASA’s public engagement program. As the COVID-19 pandemic continued to limit in-person events around the world, NASA’s virtual events and digital communications provided new opportunities to connect people around the world with agency content. Highlights in 2021 included:
Grew the agency’s social media following to 277 million so far in 2021 – up 14% from 240 million in 2020.
Shares on social media posts across the agency reached 8.3 million in 2021, matching the pace of 2019 (8.5 million shares) and lower than 2020’s record of 12.7 million shares.
Three flagship NASA accounts reached follower milestones this year, passing 50 million (Twitter) and 70 million (Instagram), while our Tumblr blog reached one million followers.
On Feb. 18, 4.2 million peak viewers watched live as our Perseverance rover landed on Mars, and nearly 370K live viewers tuned in Feb. 22 to view images and video of the landing. Our top three most-viewed videos of 2021 all featured Perseverance, with the live landing broadcast now the most-watched video of all time on NASA’s flagship YouTube channel (23 million views).
On, the “Send Your Name to Mars” feature was the fourth most-visited page due to interest in the Perseverance landing, with 16.9 million members of the public signing up for a boarding pass on future Mars missions, and millions also opting to receive our weekly NASA Explore newsletter, which more than doubled its signups and is near seven million total subscribers.
NASA hosted our first-ever Twitter Spaces Sept. 29, focusing on the James Webb Space Telescope, with 68,000 unique listeners joining to learn about the mission.
To date in 2021, NASA livestreamed 148 events to agency flagship channels. The 13 Virtual NASA Socials on Facebook have a total of 363,000 respondents.
NASA won three Webby Awards and two People’s Voice Webbys in 2021 and was nominated for six (plus one honoree).
On, nine out of 10 most-viewed agency news releases in 2021 were about Perseverance or the Ingenuity helicopter, with the release announcing the first audio from the rover taking the top spot. Nineteen new special features were launched on, including the Value of NASA, the "First Woman" graphic novel, and the "You Are Going" storybook.
NASA collaborates with a variety of partners, organizations, and stakeholders to highlight milestones and inspire the public about the agency’s missions:
NASA partnered with LEGO Education for a 10-week STEM engagement series. The Artemis Build to Launch STEM series primarily highlights the NASA Artemis I mission and NASA careers, but also includes features about the ISS, James Webb and other NASA missions. More than 4,000 educators across 90 countries signed up to participate. NASA also announced four minifigures will fly on the Artemis I mission in the Official Flight Kit as part of this collaboration.
NASA announced Snoopy will serve as the zero-gravity indicator on the Artemis I mission around the Moon. Snoopy will be outfitted in a custom orange flight suit, and Peanuts released a new suite of curriculum and short videos with its partners, GoNoodle and Young Minds Inspired, to encourage kids to learn about gravity, teamwork, and space exploration while they follow Snoopy along on his Artemis I journey.
In addition to the doll and Sliver Snoopy pins, a pen nib from Charles M. Schulz’s Peanuts studio will make the trek on Artemis I wrapped in a space themed comic strip as part of a collection of mementos selected by NASA to fly aboard the Orion spacecraft.
NASA collaborated with several commercial entities to support NASA themed merchandise, including: a LEGO Space Shuttle Discovery and Hubble model; a Hot Wheels Mars Perseverance Rover with link to more NASA information; Lucky Charms Galaxy Edition that included Artemis box content; Frito-Lay Artemis snack packs with related educational content and scholarships for underserved children; and a Krispy Kreme Mars doughnut marking landing day for the Perseverance Mars rover.
NASA also collaborated with screens in Times Square and Piccadilly Circus, as well as other locations across the globe, to feature the Mars Perseverance landing and Webb Space Telescope. In addition to Mars and Webb Space Telescope content on Google’s Arts & Culture page, Google created special search features to include Mars Perseverance fireworks and a simulated Ingenuity helicopter flight against a Mars background during the first test flight.
At the request of the administration, NASA loaned a Moon rock from the 1972 Apollo 17 mission – the last crewed mission to the lunar surface – to be displayed in the White House Oval Office.
Collaborations to spotlight agency events included sending congrats to Scripps National Spelling Bee winner and aspiring NASA team member Zaila Avant-garde, and a message from astronauts on the space station appearing at the MTV Video Music Awards.
Among the many other talent engagements with the agency this year, NASA worked with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sia, William Shatner, Yo-Yo Ma, Jo-Jo Siwa, Kehinde Wiley, Shawn Mendez, and others.
A few highlights of the agency’s collaborations with the film and television industry included Moonfall, War of the Worlds, Don’t Look Up, and Million Miles Away.
The agency’s merchandise team worked with a variety of brands including Balenciaga, Target, Omega, H&M, Proctor & Gamble/Tide, and more.
The agency is streamlining its guest operations processes and continued to provide a hybrid model of both in-person and virtual guest opportunities for launches:
NASA’s SpaceX Crew-1 completed the agency’s first post-flight visit to Washington in nearly two years. The astronauts met with members of Congress, presented a flag to U.S. Space Force Gen. John Raymond, participated in local STEM activities, and more.
More than 458,000 people around the world registered to take part in NASA’s virtual launch experiences, up 11% from 2020. This initiative has continued as an alternative launch-viewing opportunity in response to COVID-19.
Returned to in-person events with exhibits at both Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and the International Astronautical Congress in Dubai.
NASA Glenn held a dedication ceremony for its Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility in Sandusky, Ohio, and NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston renamed its Rocket Park to honor former Director George Abbey.
For more about NASA’s missions, research, and discoveries, visit:
Astronomers are counting down the days until the launch of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) later this week — and anxiety surrounding the long-awaited launch is starting to creep up as well.
The massive project has been in development for decades and has cost the agency around $10 billion. The very real possibility of something going wrong is really starting to keep astronomers up at night, NPR reports.
“I am so nervous!” Jackie Faherty, an astrophysicist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, told NPR. “And excited.”
The Unraveling
The plan is for an Ariane 5 rocket to take the telescope into space after launching from a European facility in French Guiana on Christmas eve.
Even once in space, the gigantic structure will have to unfold its 21-foot mirror, a process that takes almost an entire month.
“We’ll have our 29 days of terror as we’re watching things being deployed,” astronomer Garth Illingworth of the University of California, Santa Cruz, told NPR. “That first month is going to be rough.”
A lot of things could go wrong, as laid out in an extensive eight-minute video shared by the JWST team.
“We have 300 single-point failure items and they all have to work right,” Mike Menzel, lead systems engineer of the telescope, said in the video. “When you’re a million miles from the Earth, you can’t send someone to fix it.
The stars will truly have to align for NASA to pull this off.
But the payoff could be equally huge. The James Webb could usher in a new era in space exploration, and allow us to see the universe in unprecedented detail.
Gen. Douglas Macarthur In 1958: UFOs Are Real And Something Needs To Be Done With Them
Gen. Douglas Macarthur In 1958: UFOs Are Real And Something Needs To Be Done With Them
An elite group of scientists and military officers gathered for a very private meeting in New York City in 1958. Their purpose was to discuss UFOs and the principal speaker at the meeting was none other than Gen. Douglas MacArthur, perhaps the greatest military leader of modern times.
His record as the Supreme Commander in the Pacific theater during World War II, and his conflict with Pres. Harry Truman during the Korean War, have been the subjects of several books, TV dramas, and a recent motion picture.
Less well-known is the fact that the General was an avid student of the UFO phenomenon. He was even obsessed with the subject and he feared that UFOs were hostile invaders from some other planet.
In the wake of the massive UFO wave of 1957, there were many quiet meetings all across the country. The U.S. Air Force, which had tried to get out of the flying saucer business in 1955 with the release of the Project Blue Book Report Number 14, a debunking attempt, found itself once more embroiled in controversy.
The CIA’s Project Windfall, a covert investigation of UFO contactees, was enmeshed in bureaucratic bumbling and confusion. Maj. Donald Keyhoe’s new organization NICAP was tilting at governmental windmills, trying to force the issue and alert an apathetic Congress. The news media and the general public regarded the whole UFO affair as a carnival.
But General MacArthur knew better. In his deep, articulate voice he told the 1958 meeting that he believed an extraterrestrial military force was scouting this planet preparatory to a massive invasion. He felt that we should be working to develop weapons and plans to combat the invaders. As an initiator years, until after MacArthur’s death in 1964. Details of the meeting were kept secret for years, until after MacArthur’s death in 1964.
In an interview with columnist Henry Taylor in 1955, MacArthur had already publicly revealed his concern over unidentified flying objects and their possible impact on our civilization. He was then living in retirement in the Waldorf Towers in Manhattan and felt free to express his conclusions that UFOs were real and posed a horrible threat. An arrogant, self-assured man, MacArthur was not afraid to speak his mind.
He had crossed swords with Truman when he had blatantly ignored presidential orders during the Korean War. He had graduated at the top of his class at West Point and worked his way up to the post of Army Chief of Staff in 1930, at the age of 50.
He was not at all reluctant to assume responsibility, and he didn’t hesitate to stomp on the less competent people around him. During World War ll he built a military empire in the Pacific, and after the war he directed the conversion of Japan to a democracy.
So it didn’t bother him that the official U.S. Air Force position was that UFOs were weather balloons, hoaxes, and falling stars. He thought the public should know the truth … at least the truth as he saw it.
What were his conclusions based upon? Military men, particularly generals, are pragmatists. They act on facts, not theories. General MacArthur began to collect facts about UFOs during World War ll. The mysterious “foo fighters” appeared in the European theater in 1943, but reports of their appearances were at first suppressed by military intelligence because they were thought to be secret German devices.
German pilots were also seeing the strange objects and thought they were some Allied secret weapon. By 1944, the phenomenon had spread to the Pacific. American ships and planes saw the objects, even shot at them. Incredible “flying submarines,” huge cylindrical objects, rose up from the water and flew away in full view of the entire crews of ships. As in Europe, reports of these incidents were stamped Top Secret and shuffled all the way to MacArthur’s headquarters.
McArthur took a personal interest in these puzzling reports and, thinking they could relate to some Japanese development, he set up a small group of intelligence officers to collect and study them. As the pile of reports grew, the team realized they were dealing with a totally unknown technology.
In some cases, American radar had detected gigantic objects, larger than any known aircraft, flitting about the Pacific. Several military planes sent up in pursuit of these things either crashed inexplicably or disappeared altogether
Radio transmissions and radar were frequently jammed in areas where the UFOs were active. By 1945, the intelligence men were convinced-and they convinced MacArthur-that the mysterious aerial objects were of extraterrestrial origin and were hostile.
Paradoxically, other unrelated intelligence teams operating in Europe came to a different conclusion. The RAF’s Foo Fighter investigation, launched by General Massey in 1943. decided the objects were harmless and were probably natural phenomena of some sort. The director of the RAF’s intelligence branch, R. V. Jones, became steadfastly anti-UFO. American intelligence in Europe fared even worse.
The reports of American pilots were never centralized and studied, but were simply scattered throughout the massive files. Only General MacArthur and his men in the Pacific had undertaken a systematic investigation, and their findings were jealously isolated from their European counterparts, and even from the Pentagon.
When the war ended in 1945, the European Foo Fighters were all but forgotten, but the phantom fliers continued to be seen around the Pacific, particularly around Okinawa and the islands where the U.S. was installing its first atomic age air bases. And those Top Secret reports continued to pile up on General MacArthur’s desk.
A five-star general has considerable power, and MacArthur not only ruled his empire with an iron hand, the tentacles of his intelligence service spread around the world. This was proven by a curious incident in Britain in the fall of 1946.
That summer, northern Europe was inundated with “ghost rockets,” unidentified cigar-shaped objects which appeared over Norway, Sweden, Finland, and even as far south as Greece and Morocco. The Scandinavian countries launched full-scale investigations, fearing the “rockets” were of Russian origin. (The Russians had no rockets at that time and most of the top German rocket scientists hap been captured by the Americans.)
Soon after the “ghost rocket” wave subsided, RAF lntelli_gence received a report that a rocket had crashed outside of London. It proved to be a complete hoax and was never revealed to the press .. . or anyone else. The intelligence officers who had investigated it were so embarrassed they tried to keep the whole thing secret. But within a few days a telegram reached the RAF Commander. It was from Gen. Douglas MacArthur in Japan and he asked for details on the unidentified rocket that had crashed in England!
Obviously, General MacArthur was tuned into everything happening everywhere, and he was particularly interested in reports about unidentified flying objects.
Twenty years later, R. V. Jones revealed the story of MacArthur’s telegram in a public speech. Wartime witnesses of UFOs in the Pacific and Europe eventually told their stories to civilian UFO organizations and professional writers compiling books on the subject.
The Korean War brought a new surge of UFO sightings in the Pacific, and many of these reports found their way into print. Even Life magazine devoted considerable space to them. The great American UFO wave of June-July 1947 had stirred public and press interest in flying saucers and they had become a human interest subject like sea serpents and Abominable Snowmen. But to Gen. Douglas MacArthur, who had been collecting reports since 1944, there was nothing amusing to the endless sightings.
When he retired into civilian life (actually, he was fired by President Truman), MacArthur maintained his interest in UFOs. He collected books and magazines about them and, according to a person who was close to him in the last years of his life, he talked for hours about the threat from outer space to anyone who would listen.
In 1962, Pres. John F. Kennedy invited the aging general to the White House and they spent two hours together in private discussion. We don’t know if UFOs were ever mentioned in that talk. Kennedy later said they had talked about Vietnam and MacArthur had outlined why we should never get into a land war in the Orient (whatever happened to that excellent piece of advice?).
Soon afterward, President Kennedy announced that he was going to pour billions of dollars into a space program designed to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade.
One of General MacArthur’s final public appearances was a speech he delivered at West Point in which he told the young cadets that “the next war” would be fought in space when a united mankind would battle “evil beings” from some other planet.
The speech was widely quoted in the press at the time, but there was no discussion of it and it had no impact. To some, it was just the harmless babbling of an old man (he was 84 when he died). To others, it was a sober warning from a man who had had access to information denied ordinary ufologists, a man not given to uttering casual, unsubstantiated admonishments. We ignored his advice about Vietnam. Can we afford to ignore this?
By John A. Keel, Originally Published in UFO Report Magazine,
A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article on why it is so difficult to solvethe Roswell affair of July 1947. I pointed out that in all likelihood Roswell was covered by what is known as a Special Access Program. An SAP would be the ideal operation to keep the Roswell mystery hidden. And, potentially, forever. Does that mean we are never going to solve the puzzle? No. It just means we have to come up with even more alternative ways to get the answers. Could that be done? Well, yes, to some degree. For example, as you’ll see, I know the names of some very obscure military people (and government people, too) who were out at the crash site on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico when the crash occurred, and whose names have seldom been discussed or investigated. They are in this article. So, my approach – if we can’t access the material in the SAP – is that we should go after just about every single military document that is relative to anyone and everyone who we know, for sure, was at the site and saw what it was that we want to know. It’s not an impossibility. Going through every bit of their military documentation might prove to be daunting – and it may annoy, or even anger, the families of those who were on-site back in 1947. But, the important thing is that a really big, widespread research project on the part of the UFO research community is not impossible. With that said, now onto some of those who went to their graves knowing the truth of Roswell and whose military files just might give us at least something; even if it’s just a finger-point in a certain direction or two. And, then, we need to dig deeper than we ever have before.
(Nick Redfern)
My first trip to the area where everything went down
Around twenty years ago, I began working full-time – for about five years – for Ryan Wood doing a lot of research to try and solve various aspects of the UFO phenomenon in 1947 – and not just Roswell, but other UFO events in that era too. And also claims of dead aliens and so on. This project led me to undertake a number of trips to the National Archives, Maryland that, collectively, covered a period of around two or three weeks, 9 to 5. In doing the work I came across several interesting figures. One was a man named Frederick Hauser, a military doctor at the time of the Roswell affair. Hauser knew of Roswell. Another one who knew a great deal – and who may have seen the bodies – was a man named Conrad Zerbe. He certainly saw a great deal of photographic material of an “interesting” type. Much of the research that led to names like the ones you’ll see in the next paragraph came about due to National Archives-based research. Not just by phoning family members. I also know, as a result of all this research, that at one point – in the very early 1980s – the U.S. Air Force approached Zerbe to try and help them figure out what really happened at Roswell – because the Air Force of the 1980s didn’t know…but they most assuredly wanted to know. That’s right: even the U.S. Air Force of the 1980s was out the loop of Roswell.
(Nick Redfern)
From outside to inside
Zerbe was a deeply worried man. Particularly so when he got at least several visits from Air Force Intelligence across a period of three weeks. And, he finally clammed up; filled with fear. That’s not quite the end of it though: I have heard fascinating rumors that Zerbe – who was definitely at the crash site – took certain photos with him and did not hand them over to those in the military who were running the containment of the ranch in the hours and days after the crash. Zerbe’s link to the Roswell saga revolves around the matter of a certain, large number of photographs taken out at the crash site of the whatever-it-was that came down on the ranch in the summer of ’47. A Roland Cliff, a military man named Loomis, a civilian in the program named Bohanon, and an Ed Guill, were in the know, when it came to (A) the matter of what happened and (B) who knew what the photos really showed. Should we go after the photos? Of course, we should! But, of equal importance, for example, we should follow some of the more obscure files of 1947 that are available at the National Archives. There are some fascinating ones. And, I’ll share one example with you.
On my very first trip to the National Archives in 2001 I found a fascinating, but brief, document that reads as follows, and prepared by a Mr. Roddy: “Investigation of the unknown missile which landed near Guadeloupe on 12 October 1947 has failed, so far, to identify it as a V-2, GAPA or other type of guided missile. Careful check by USAF, Ordnance, and Navy indicates that no missiles were fired from Alamogordo Special Range or White Sands Proving Ground on 12 October 1947. Army Ground Forces has eliminated possibility of an anti-aircraft target having gone astray. Negotiations with the Mexican Government for the Long Range Proving Ground for guided missiles, which have been started through the State Department, may be jeopardized if Mexico is dissatisfied with the investigation. It is understood that newspaper statements that fragments of a V-2 have been identified are disturbing the Mexican Government.”
(Nick Redfern)
Driving by the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico
Now, from the available material above, I don’t think – at all – this story tells of a crashed alien spacecraft. I’m absolutely sure that what was found was a missile. But, whose missile? A German V-2 from the very seedy Paperclip program? From the document it didn’t seem that’s what it was. I don’t know what it was. Neither did the U.S. military: the document specifically calls the finding an “unknown missile.” That document was not found in any early UFO files. I found it while searching around a couple of hefty files concerning 1947-era activity on what, back then, was called the White Sands Proving Ground. On so many occasions I found UFO-themed documents in the National Archives that weren’t in any the old Project Sign or Project Grudge files, but that were deep in files from White Sands. What this all means is that we need to take the approach that was taken when I spent around five years going all across the U.S. chasing down people, places and documents. Keep pushing – and do so for years, if needed. Take alternative ways. Look into files that, at first glance, might seem to be irrelevant, but that may send us to the next part of the story. Of course, not everyone has the funding to run a nationwide Roswell research program for five years. But, that might be exactly what is needed. And, it just might solve the enigma of what really came down in New Mexico in July 1947. It worked for five years. It can work again. It might find the answers.
Snow is glowing in the Russian Arctic. The culprit? Tiny sea creatures.
Researchers found marine copepods in the snow near the White Sea Biological Station in the Russian Arctic emitting a bright blue glow, in the first sighting of its kind.
Snow is glowing in the Russian Arctic. The culprit? Tiny sea creatures.
Tiny bioluminescent animals called copepods recently lit up the snow near a remote field station, in the first documented sighting of its kind.
High in the Russian Arctic, at a remote field station on the shores of the White Sea, biologist Vera Emelianenko set out for a walk on a frigid December night. With her were Mikhail Neretin, the son of the station’s molecular biologist, and a couple dogs: a giant schnauzer and soft-coated Wheaten terrier.
Trudging along the icy embankments of the tidal zone in fierce Arctic winds, Neretin spotted a blue illumination in a snowbank. Had Emelianenko dropped her phone?
As they walked over to investigate, their footsteps created streaks of ethereal blue. “They were like blue Christmas lights in the snow,” Emelianenko says.
The washed-up plankton started to glow when disturbed by the scientists’ footsteps, during a nighttime walk through the snow.
She bent down to scoop up a handful. With a gentle squeeze, the snowball glowed brighter. The dogs left a glowing trail as they raced ahead, as though the Northern Lights had seeped from sky to snow.
After a flurry of phone calls and texted photographs, the station’s biologists and a group of marine scientists across Russia were buzzing over the find. Emelianenko and Neretin took the station photographer, Alexander Semenov, out to document the lights. “We stomped the ground all together for maybe two hours” to get the spots to shine, Semenov says.
The next day, Emelianenko slipped a glowing snowball under a stereo microscope to try to identify the bioluminescent culprit. As she waited for the ice to melt away, she prodded miniscule detritus with a needle to no avail. But then Emelianenko spotted some copepods, tiny aquatic crustaceans, in the slushy petri dish. When she poked them, they shone a faint blue.
This may be the first documented explanation for glowing snow in the Arctic, which has been observed occasionally by researchers over the years but not been rigorously tested.
Copepod life history
Copepods are miniscule crustaceans just a few millimeters long, about the size of several grains of sand in a row. “They’re the bugs of the sea,” explains Steven Haddock, a marine biologist studying deep-sea zooplankton at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. “They’re small and numerous, they’re eaten by a lot of things.”
While they don’t exactly get a lot of press or cultural representation (with the notable exception of Plankton, a copepod in SpongeBob SquarePants), copepods make up the plurality of biomass in the ocean, according to some estimates. They’re passive swimmers, meaning they can’t resist the currents. This particular species of copepod—Metridia longa—is tossed around the oceans from Canada’s Hudson Strait to the waters of Maine and all across the Arctic.
Even so, Metridia have no business on the shores of the White Sea, says Ksenia Kosobokova, an expert on Arctic marine zooplankton at Russia’s Academy of Science in Moscow. They’re usually found farther out in the ocean, migrating to depths of 80 to 300 feet during the day and ascending to a few feet from the surface during the darkness of night (which, in the winter, is most of the time), Kosobokova explains.
What must have occurred, Kosobokova says, is that the copepods were caught in a powerful current. Twice a day when the White Sea’s rising tide sweeps ashore, the frigid water and everything in it is sluiced through cracks in the ice and snow. For weak swimmers like copepods, there’s no escape.
It could be that tides were particularly strong on the day of the first sighting, December 1—the moon was almost new and three days away from 2021’s closest perigee, the time when the moon is nearest to the earth. Both conditions make for stronger tides. But a second round of sightings on December 16 suggest that it may not take a once-in-a-year lunar cycle to create conditions for the glowing snow.
How the copepod got its glow
Most bioluminescence is produced when a small energy-storing molecule called luciferin is oxidized. On its own, luciferin produces a very faint, steady glow. But combined with the enzyme luciferase, the reaction is sped up, and that glow becomes a dramatic burst.
“So we have these two molecules inside of them, a light emitter and an accelerator,” Haddock explains. For some copepods, the luciferin and luciferase react internally, but Metridia longa has glands on its head and body to secrete its incandescence into the world. “They’ll shoot out those two molecules at the same time and form a little puff of light in the water.” (Learn more: How bioluminescence works in nature.)
Scientists believe Metridia and other copepods use bioluminescence as a defense. “One idea is that the light could startle predators and cause them to spit out the copepod” or distract them long enough for the copepod to escape, says Todd Oakley, a professor of evolutionary ecology and marine biology at the University of California Santa Barbara.
Ghostly lights
Kosobokova figures the copepods nestled in the snow were fading but alive—after all, Arctic plankton are no strangers to freezing temperatures. But bioluminescence experts say they may well have been dead—making their blue glow somewhat ghostly.
As many ham-handed children are sad to learn, fireflies still glow if you accidentally squish them.
“It happens for us with our scientific specimens,” Haddock adds. “You collect an organism and you put it in the freezer for later study. And then when you pull it out, it will slowly start to glow—the chemicals that are inside of their bodies are still perfectly capable of reacting.”
Emily Lau, a graduate student at UCSB, studies the biochemistry of bioluminescence in fishes and the copepod’s crustacean cousin the ostracod. They look like sesame seeds with eyeballs. “People can dry them, and then you can still crush them in the water after they’re dead and they will produce bioluminescence,” she explains.
“As long as that small molecule luciferin is present, then the bioluminescence is going to occur,” Lau says.
Jørgen Berge, a professor at the Arctic University of Norway who studies polar night and arctic marine ecosystems, says it may be too early to give copepods credit for the light show. Berge has observed similar deposits in the snow on the shores of the Norwegian archipelago Svalbard, which he believes are better explained by clumps of dinoflagellates, single-celled algae that also bioluminesce (although he hasn’t tested the spots to identify their composition.)
Dinoflagellates are behind many spectacular marine displays of bioluminescence—like the “phosphorescent bays” of Puerto Rico, where bathers can splash each other with light, or the dolphins that leave ethereal glowing trails off the coast of California. (Related: This deep-sea shark is one of the world’s largest glowing animals.)
“It’s very easy to direct your attention to the larger organisms [in a sample],” Berge explains. But identifying a creature capable of bioluminescence in the sample doesn’t mean another, less obvious creature isn’t responsible. However, Berge agrees that the lights are particularly bright, even for dinoflagellates.
Perhaps what’s most surprising is that glowing snow had not been seen before at a biological station that’s been active for over 80 years—only to be spotted by Emelianenko, 24, and Neretin, 18. That could be because most folks don’t go for leisurely December strolls in the Arctic night, Kosobokova says. It’s not very hospitable. “We also get bears and wolves up here,” Semenov adds.
But the young biologists’ keen eyes and tolerance for cold was rewarded. “There’s so many mysteries out there if you’re willing to have a childlike curiosity,” Haddock says.
Semenov agrees. “You never expect that there will be beauty right under your nose that you haven’t realized can exist.”
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Antarctica New Discovery! Scientists Have Just Found The Deepest Hole There & Couldn't Believe What They Found Inside
Scientists have just found the deepest hole in Antarctica & couldn’t believe what they found inside. Today, we take a look at this recent Antarctica discovery. There are mysteries all around us, and we are fascinated by what we cannot understand. Inexplicable phenomena are discovered every day, keeping our curiosity piqued and the prospect of actually knowing the world around us a foreign concept.
Researchers exploring the Ellsworth Sub glacial Highlands, an ancient mountain range buried beneath miles and miles of Antarctic ice, have discovered a pit deeper than The Grand Canyon. The incredible find was discovered by combining data provided by aircraft satellites, with ice-penetrating radar technology towed by snowmobiles.
Thank you for watching! Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!
Skinwalker Ranch: What Is The Secret? Full Documentary
Skinwalker Ranch: What Is The Secret? Full Documentary
Skinwalker Ranch: What Is The Secret? Full Documentary
Skinwalker Ranch, also known as Sherman Ranch, is a property located on approximately 512 acres southeast of Ballard, Utah, that is reputed to be the site of paranormal and UFO-related activities. Its name is taken from the skin-walker of Navajo legend concerning vengeful shaman. Wikipedia
Tower Found On Saturn Moon Hyperion, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Tower Found On Saturn Moon Hyperion, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery:Dec 23, 2021
Mission: Cassini Location of discovery: Saturn moon Hyperion
While running through the Saturn moon index I came across a few photos that revealed a dark twisted tower on the far right of the moon. The tower almost looks like a human body without a head, standing on two human like legs. It's strange, it's weird, but it's what it is. Being near saturn and near the rings, this long tower is most likely an engine to propel the moon away from the rings to keep the rings beautiful. Saturns rings has an almost religious nature to it. One that is both sacred and holy. Thus they protect it.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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