Índio da Terra Indígena Tanaru vive isolado na Amazônia - Foto: Acervo/FunaiThe National Indian Foundation (Funai) has released unpublished images of an Indian living in isolation in the Amazon. FUNAI has been observing the Indian for 22 years, planning actions to monitor the territory where he lives and ensuring his protection against external threats.
Known as the "Indian of the Hole", he is the last survivor of his ethnicity. According to Funai, in the 1980s, disorderly colonization, the establishment of farms and illegal logging in Rondônia led to repeated attacks on isolated indigenous peoples, in a constant process of expulsion from their lands and death.
According to Funai, after the last farmer attack in late 1995, the isolated Indian group that was probably already small (reportedly the local staff believed to be six people) became one person. The guilty were never punished. In June 1996, the organ was aware of the existence and the traumatic history of this people, from the location of the camp and other vestiges of its presence.
by Kelly Oliveira – Repórter da Agência Brasil Brasília (DF)
Índio da Terra Indígena Tanaru lives isolated in Amazonas - Foto: Acervo/Funai