The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Météorite de Tcheliabinsk, 5 fragments repêchés...
Météorite de Tcheliabinsk, 5 fragments repêchés
Météorite de Tcheliabinsk, 5 fragments repêchés, en route pour un énorme morceau englouti sous la vase
Ekaterinbourg le 26 Septembre 2013 (RIA Novosti)-Des plongeurs ontrécupéréd'unlacde montagneen Ouralcinqrochesconsidérées commedes fragments dela météoritequi avait exploséen Févrierprès de laville russe deTcheliabinsk,a déclaré jeudi un ministèrede l'environnement local.
" Lesfragments,allant de 10 à30 centimètres de diamètre,seront désormaisremis àdes scientifiques pourun examen approfondi," a déclaré le Ministère de la Sécurité de l'Environnement et Radiations de la Région de Tcheliabinskdans un communiquéen ligne. (Chelyabinsk Regions Radiation and Environmental Safety Ministry).
La totalité de la météoriteest estiméeavoir pesé10.000tonnes. Des plongeurs ont travaillé pourrepêcherun gros morceau-estimé peserplusieurs centaines de kilos-enseveli sousunecouchede huit pieds (2,5mètres) devase au fonddu lacChebarkul.
Actuellement, le limonest pompésurle lit du lacpour libérercette pièceet peut-être en trouverd'autres.La responsable duministère de l'environnement, AlexanderGalichin,a dit qu'ilcroit que lagrande partiesera récupéréeau plus tard le 4Octobre 2013.
La météoritea exploséle 15Février 2013, laissantenviron 1.500personnes blessées, principalement en raisondeverre briséparl'onde de choc.Les scientifiquesont déclaré que laroche spatialeétait unechondritetypique, unepierremétéoritenon métallique. (YH : hum ! autre version : " Selon les premières analyses, cette météorite est du type chondrite ordinaire et contient entre 10 et 30 % defer), le fer étant bien du métal... il faut être plus précis dans les termes...)
Pour plusieurs témoins de l'évènement, appuyés par des preuves matérialisées par des photos ou vidéos, la météorite de février 2013 cache une autre réalité derrière elle : l'intervention d'ovni (ou d'armes) sur cette météorite et sa destruction (donc volontaire) au-dessus d'une ville russe très peuplée... ces affirmations amenant évidemment de multiples questions de motivations éventuelles et autres. Cette météorite a éxplosée a une hauteur estimée de 20 kilomètres daltitude. Le phénomène a libéré une énergie estimée par le JPL à 440 kilotonnes de TNT (environ 30 fois la puissance de la bombe de Hiroshima, ou environ 30 fois moins que l'événement de la Toungouska). Sa vitesse a été estimée à 20 km/s. Son angle d'entrée dans l'atmosphère était proche de lhorizontale (environ 20°) et il a traversé celle-ci dest en ouest durant 32,5 secondes en parcourant plusieurs milliers de kilomètres avant d'exploser subitement.
" Au début,nous pensionségalement que lamétéoriteChelyabinskétait juste unemétéoriteordinaire,un corpscosmique », a déclaré AlexanderKomanev,coordinateur de lacommunauté ufologiquerussed'Ekaterinbourg.
Maisdans au moins troisfilms sur la "roche de l'espace", vous pouvezvoircomment un objet rattrapela météorite», a-t-il dit. Cet objetminuscule de forme oblongue vole vers elle-etla météoriteexploseet tombe.
Il a souligné : « Un tel nombre de vidéos, filmées à partir dedifférentsangles, nous amène à croireque quelque chose afait exploserla météorite... »
Il a affirmé quedans les semaines précédantla météorite, il y a eu une recrudescence desobservations d'OVNIdans l'Oural, suivie par plus rien du toutdepuis l'incident... "
YH : ma question personnelle, mais je n'ai pas encore trouvé de données sur ce sujet, bien qu'elles doivent exister : où la méréorite se serait crachée (intacte donc) si elle n'avait pas explosé ou été détruite (selon les versions) ? Voici une idée de sa trajectoire (est-ouest donc, à l'inverse de la plupart des corps tombant sur la Terre) :
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GIEC : Aggravation de la situation et mention des Chemtrails - la géoingénierie
GIEC : Aggravation de la situation et mention des Chemtrails - la géoingénierie...
GIEC - Stockholm - 27-09-2013 : Les experts du climat ont fini par se mettre d'accord sur l'adoption du premier volet de leur propre cinquième rapport, qui ne sera publié qu'en janvier 2014 (comme quoi l'urgence a ses propres lenteurs...). L'annonce est claire et sans bavure : la situation s'accélère et s'aggrave assez nettement selon l'avis de la majorité des experts mondiaux participant au Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat (GIEC) par rapport au précédent rapport de 2007. Les experts sont aussi d'accord pour estimer que, selon leurs travaux, l'activité humaine utilisant les énergies fossiles depuis les années 1800 est responsable à 95% du réchauffement climatique constaté et mesuré. Et pour la première fois, une mention importante concernant la géoingénierie a été ajoutée au Résumé à l'intention des décideurs. Ce document d'une vingtaine de pages résumant pour les dirigeants la situation et les mesures à prendre, sert aux politiques et financiers à justifier leurs actions et sert de base pour les négociations diverses : ils ne peuvent comprendre de toute façon le rapport scientifique et doivent bien s'en remettre à ce résumé simplifié, qui peut servir de base d'action éventuelle pour les gouvernements convaincus (puisque les nations de la Terre ne sont pas unanimes sur le sujet non plus...).
La géoingénierie : " Ce terme désigne des dispositifs de manipulation du climat comme, par exemple, la dispersion massive de particules dans la stratosphère, qui réfléchiraient une part du rayonnement solaire, contribuant ainsi à refroidir le climat. " C'était une demande des gouvernements de se pencher sur cette question ", précise M. van Ypersele. Une brèche n'est-elle pas ouverte, ouvrant la voie à des méthodes de lutte contre le réchauffement ne passant pas une réduction des émissions ? " Nous soulignons tous les risques et les incertitudes liés à la géo-ingénierie, répond-il. Ne pas traiter cette question dans le rapport du GIEC ouvrirait la porte à ce qu'on puisse en dire n'importe quoi."
Un tableau assez sombre : " C'est une confirmation mais aussi un renforcement des diagnostics précédents ", résume Jean-Pascal van Ypersele (université catholique de Louvain), vice-président du GIEC.
Le réchauffement moyen depuis 1880 est désormais de 0,85 °C et les trois dernières décennies sont "probablement" les plus chaudes depuis au moins mille quatre cents ans. En fonction des scénarios de développement (du plus sobre au pire), les modèles climatiques prévoient une élévation de températuremoyenne comprise entre 0,3 °C et 4,8 °C pour la période 2081-2100, par rapport à la période 1986-2005. Seul le scénario le plus optimiste et aussi le plus improbable a une probabilité supérieure à 50 % d'éviter de dépasser le seuil de 2 °C au dessus des températures pré-industrielles. Seule note d'espoir : les experts ont légèrement élargi la fourchette donnant l'élévation de température en cas de doublement du CO2 : de 2 °C à 4,5 °C en 2007, ils sont passés à 1,5 °C à 4,5 °C.
Neiges et glaces de toutes sortes se rétractent rapidement dès le printemps. La banquise arctique estivale a perdu, en surface, entre 9,4 % et 13,6 % depuis 1979. Les experts n'excluent pas qu'elle ait totalement disparu au milieu du siècle, dans le cas du scénario le plus noir.
Les glaciers de montagne ont perdu en moyenne environ 275 milliards de tonnes (Gt) de glaces par an entre 1993 et 2009. Relevée au mois de juin, la couverture neigeuse de l'hémisphère nord a perdu en moyenne 11,7 % par décennie entre 1967 et 2012. Les experts estiment "très probable" que la calotte de glace du Groenland ait perdu en moyenne 34 Gt par an entre 1992 et 2001. Ce taux est depuis passé à 215 Gt de perte par an entre 1993 et 2009. L'Antarctique est soumis à une accélération comparable. La perte de glace des deux inlandsis contribue fortement à faire monter les océans.
Etrange paysage de la fonte des glaces en arctique (
En 2007, les experts prévoyaient une élévation moyenne du niveau de la mer comprise entre 18 cm et 59 cm d'ici à la fin du siècle. Cette estimation avait été critiquée dès sa publication : elle ne tenait pas compte des pertes de glace du Groenland et de l'Antarctique. En intégrant ces deux contributeurs importants, les simulations donnent des chiffres plus conséquents : en fonction des émissions à venir, la mer pourrait être plus haute de 26 cm à 82 cm dans la période 2081-2100 qu'entre 1986-2005. Mais dans le scénario le plus pessimiste, les experts donnent comme fourchette haute le chiffre de 98 cm d'élévation moyenne. (et quand on parle de moyenne, cela veut dire que les hauteurs peuvent varier fortement suivant les endroits et dépasser de beaucoup cette moyenne).
Avec un rythme de hausse qui pourrait atteindre 0,8 cm à 1,6 cm par an au cours des deux dernières décennies du siècle. Ce rythme est aujourd'hui de3,2 mm par an. D'autres simulations, dites semi-empiriques, donnent des valeurs beaucoup plus importantes ("jusqu'au double", précise le GIEC dans le Résumé) mais ne font pas consensus dans la communauté scientifique. Entre 1901 et 2010, les océans se sont en moyenne élevés de 19 cm. Cependant, préviennent les experts, cette élévation n'est pas uniforme : certaines régions seront plus rapidement affectées que d'autres.
" Les vagues de chaleur vont très probablement se produire plus fréquemment et durer plus longtemps ", a déclaré le climatologue Thomas Stocker (université de Berne), co-président du groupe de travail du GIEC. " Avec le réchauffement, nous nous attendons à voir les régions humides recevoir plus de pluies et les régions les plus sèches à en recevoir moins."
Ete 2013 et fonte de l'arctique (on note tout de même que la fonte 2013 est moindre que celle de 2012, bien que la banquise semble moins épaisse en 2013)
Er wordt momenteel gewerkt aan een film over een nieuwe vorm van
wiskunde die gebaseerd is op vortex...
27-09-2013 om 23:15
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
John Wisniewski Interviews Remote Viewer Aaron C. Hanson
John Wisniewski Interviews Remote Viewer Aaron C. Hanson
10 septembre 2013, 21:03
This interview is with psychic Aaron C. Hanson. In this interview Aaron speaks about having psychic abilities, important books in his life, and aiding mankind through psychic powers.
1) Could you explain what remote viewing is to us? All human beings possess profound psychic ability. The difference between each in terms of a demonstrable skill depends upon individual experience, knowledge, and a determination to explore what is possible regardless of societal constraints. Today, there are three basic levels of psychic ability that easily survives our world of fear based denial, ignorance, and close mindedness (abandonment). The first involves those of a natural ability in which many experiences overshadow a degree of denial. Being untrained and moderately informed, such persons rarely discuss these experiences due to various social pressures. A second level of psychic functioning is found where most of the contention exists and is one of the many reasons for ridicule, witch hunting, and justifiable public condemnation. This level specifically involves those who are taking advantage of unsuspecting individuals by demonstrating a very low level of discipline and skill. Although many of these individuals are truly demonstrating a very low level of psychic functioning, they are charlatans unworthy of our time, support, and admiration. The third and least common level requires training, extreme discipline, and perseverance. I often refer to this level as a springboard beyond that of remote viewing. Remote viewing can be defined as a highly disciplined means by which information can be obtained from outside of normal states of awareness. For the trained psychic, information can be obtained from three sources and the underlying or historical source is perhaps the most utilized. For example, traditional remote viewing skills are required for an acceptable degree of consistency in terms of piecing together historical events. A more advanced level of training will be required for secondary sources of information relating to probability, collective decisions, and individual influence. The third source represents the holy grail of decision making tools.
2) When did you come to realize that you had special powers? Again, no person has special powers beyond that of another. This being said, my first extreme experience prevented a physician from placing a sugar cube into my mouth that was contaminated with Simian Virus-40. As a prodigy of psychic functioning, I knew not to submit to this in spite of the overwhelming ignorance of those around me. During this very early time of my life, 10-30 million children were mistakenly given the contaminated vaccine. Due to my extreme will to resist by clamping my jaw shut and tipping the tray of sugar cubes, I was not one of those children exposed to the deadly vaccine.
3) Could you name some literary figures that inspire you-and philosophers as well? Thinking of Nietzsche, Socrates, Lao Tzu, William Blake, and other great authors, an oddly related block of alternative thinkers should be mentioned. This will include the likes of Aldous Huxley, Robert Anton Wilson, Timothy Leary, Aleister Crowley, Hunter S. Thomson, Philip K. Dick, and William S. Burroughs. I think that these and other exciting fringe elements within literature today are missing for a reason. Unfortunately, this is occurring just as our children continue to degenerate with technology.* Most recently I have been pleasurably reading books like that of Sean Carrolls The Particle at the End of the Universe and From Eternity to Here. I am also pursuing a long book list of discovery, theory, and hypothesis that mostly relate to particle physics, dark matter, entropy, infinity, and nothing. Nothing is the key to my research as it relates most to what I am now doing as a psychic. *Help could be on the way with a large coronal mass ejection from our Sun. This would effectively stall communications that occur in the way of social development. Individual devices may still function, but would be useless for possibly months depending on the severity of the event. The lure of communications technology is understood and ironically, it is largely the result of fearing that one might not be in communication with another.
4) Can you tell us about your early years-where did you grow up? I believe that no childhood could be any more neglectful or worse than my own. Thinking of this, I stand as a testament to show that anyone can emerge from the very worst of situations to become a well-adjusted, kind, and empathetic person within any society.
5) Do you make predictions that involve the worlds future did you read the writings of Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus? While remote viewing my own death as a blind session, I accurately described the incident and thereby avoided an actual death. This was confirmed beyond the session although the timeline that had been determined was off by approximately three months. Regardless of the error, I recognized my surroundings at the time of the incident as precisely matching that of my data and took the necessary precautions. This resulted in narrowly saving my life. Predictions are difficult and prone to failure. My overall rate of success exists within the range of 71% whereas Edgar Cayces rate of success is said to be less than 30%. This relates again to the level of discipline, knowledge, and experience of the individual psychic and with the proper training under ones belt, anyone can have the clear advantage over both Cayce and Nostradamus.
6) Why are you considered by some to be controversial? The perception is that from the standpoint of most other trained and untrained psychics, I am controversial. As one of the most advanced remote viewers on the planet, I have consistently found nothing beyond death contradicting many who do not have my level of psychic abilities. Furthermore, I have found that angels are nothing more than four dimensional parasites within a collective intelligence. Without a proper construct, I must refer to their patterned organization as the result of intelligence and worse, they seem involved with every major religion with the expressed purpose of influencing human sexual relations. When remote viewing the four dimensional parasite, it is often shown to be present upon the advent of death especially during the times of war and great calamity. To a trained psychic such as me, the idea of nothing is very special as it represents the source of everything we know today. To be truly honest about what happens to a human being when death occurs; one must accept that nothing will be the result.
7) Do your predictions cause a change in peoples lives? Yes, predictions are very important. When informed properly, the individual can make optimal (not perfect) decisions. For example, when my viewing data revealed an optimal outcome for the 2012 election of President Romney, it was both incorrect and strangely correct. By strangely correct I mean to say that my failure clearly exists apart from the overall meaning of the data. I suspect that a prediction such as this exists as a mere directive rather than an absolute. Had we observed the directive properly as the optimal outcome rather than an absolute, a greater nation as opposed to one that is slowly crumbling beyond repair might have occurred.
8) Are you a member of an occult society? The answer to this is more than obvious.
9) How can foreseeing the future aid mankind? The very first nation to teach its children psychic functioning will represent the most powerful decision making source of information on the planet. I believe that with psychic development, collective decisions will become optimal resulting in overwhelming success.
10) How would a person know if he or she has a true gift for predicting the future? Prodigies in this regard are extremely rare although it should be known that with training no one lacks the opportunity. This is a very glad message and to those who fear it, they will most certainly be left behind
27-09-2013 om 23:08
geschreven door peter
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- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Extraterrestrial Phenomenon
Extraterrestrial Phenomenon
By Tony Elliott
With the sheer number of UFO sightings, from our planet's surface and from space; along with the thousands of various sizes, shapes, colors, and there are those that morph in both color and shape during a sighting. It would be a safe assumption to say that we are seeing these crafts both because we are the focus of multiple intergalactic civilizations and we are a point in space that sees heavy traffic from alien commerce pass by.
While there are perhaps millions of civilizations involved the technology used for intergalactic travel is the same for all ET crafts that have the capability to cover such mind blowing distances in hardly any time. This type of travel requires the ships to have the capability of inter dimensional travel as such great distances. This simply could not be achieved with the old concept of going from point A to point B in a straight line because structurally any craft would disintegrate from the speed itself or hit something floating in space along the way.
The crafts themselves, have to be constructed of both inanimate materials such as various metals and of living tissue. This would allow the ships to change their physical characteristics at any given moment to adjust to different environments and to have the capability of thought that integrates with the minds of the crew. This technology would be the ultimate in nano science where actual metals and other materials of flesh would be grown from a molecular level to form an entity entirely made for universal travel that has the ability to adjust itself to any environment, think for both itself, and carry out orders from its crew.
A living craft would be necessary for the environments encountered in dimensions where the physical universe as we know it is nonexistent. The closest thing we humans have at our disposal for research into this science is the virus. The virus also comes in multiple shapes and sizes and a variety of colors as well as having the capability of mutation to adjust to a hostile environment. A virus is to this day, such an elusive being that medical science has trouble classifying it. They are not living creatures having any similar characteristics of living single celled bacteria. They carry the Genesis of life itself in RNA (Ribonucleic acid) which is essential for all known life forms and DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) which is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. Thus, this minute entity has the capability of directing the evolution of every life form on our planet by influencing the very core of what makes us what we are. There are many different types of viruses, which cause a variety of diseases ranging from the common cold to cancer, but I suspect that we have the wide array of viruses we do today because of the mutation and replication from a single virus entity in the beginning.
The structure of the virus resembles something that was constructed rather than a living organism. There are some that have the structural appearance of the old Apollo spacecraft complete with landing gear (the bacteriophage), some that appear like the sphere at Disney World in Orlando, Florida's Epcot Center having a structure composed of pentasymmetrons, trisymmetrons, symmetrons. (shapes such as pentacles, triangular and thread shapes) and the form a complete icosahedrons( A round sphere) while others resemble sticks and worms.
The replication process is rather like something out of a science fiction movie, in that a virus will use the DNA and RNA from the host cell to materialize multitudes of new viruses, which will spread out and infect other surrounding cells in a never-ending process. The process only ends when the immune system of the host mounts an offensive against the invaders and kills them or the virus is victorious and kills the multi-celled host. In some cases, such as with the virus responsible for Chicken Pox for example, will find a spot in the body like the spinal cord and remain there in suspended animation for several decades before reactivating and causing yet another similar affliction such as in this case Shingles.
Thus, in the realm of size we have the virus existing at the microscopic level, which continuously changes appearance and seems to be alien, having no distinct qualities of single celled life forms but carries the necessary building blocks for life itself.
On the other hand, we have UFOs existing on a grand scale, which exhibit similar characteristics in shape shifting and travel within their medium, which encompasses the vastness of both the physical universe and that of yet unknown dimensions.
The bottom line is the physical makeup of both viruses and UFOs share similar characteristics in both physical appearance and capabilities. Those of us exploring the possibilities of the UFO phenomena need to be looking to Terrestrial micro space as well for answers to this Extraterrestrial phenomenon.
27-09-2013 om 10:24
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
From Mars To Earth, Matteo Ianneo's Archaeological Research
Home » From Mars To Earth, Matteo Ianneo's Archaeological Research
From Mars To Earth, Matteo Ianneo's Archaeological Research
I have devoted a great deal of time in research into archaeological discoveries on the planet Mars, beginning years ago with the discoveries made by Richard C. Hoagland's analysis of pictures of the Martian surface, sent back to earth by Viking 1 in 1976. In his analysis of the pictures he discovered he found a defined face, unnatural pyramid formations, and evidence of an ancient city in the Cydonia region of Mars.
More recently, in the last few years a new extraterrestrial archaeologist has come on the scene with even more amazing discoveries, pointing to Mars once having an ancient modern civilization as well as the possibility that certain structures and formations were constructed on earth to be viewed from space. This man is Italian researcher Matteo Ianneo who has discovered many artificial structures and anomalies on the Martian surface from that of new faces, symbols, evidence of water, and even that of once great cities. Matteo's amazing discoveries can be viewed at the link below.
Recently, his research has taken his interests to exploring ancient sites and structures here on earth. His discovery of a face on one of the rocks at Stonehenge and speculation as to how the huge rocks were transported there, gives new meaning to the purpose of Stonehenge itself and possibilities of why the rock structure is in the area it is and who may have constructed it.
A full report of Matteo Ianneo's Stonehenge discovery can be viewed here.
According to my theory, man has already arrived on Mars and other planets for some time. And we are only a genetic experiment of other civilizations in remote space.
My passion began several years ago when I began to study the maps of purely devoted to agriculture.
I am 48 years old and living in a country where people get up early in the morning to go to take care of the fields and lands. Living in the suburbs and not having the fast internet service, I had to do my research with great effort while using an old modem and thanks to it; I have done my study of this with some great difficulties.
It was hard for me to tell friends the results of my research. Everyone looked at me surprised, and I must tell you that I indeed have looked at the Devonian Era in the face.
Stonehenge Analysis:
This monuments facets and peculiarly in fact, cannot have been created by nature or erosion, I see an eye, nose, the head, and a mouth. So, I appeal to all students of the Stonehenge phenomena, what fate or revelation have we discovered with this face? These sculptures now contradict the studies conducted by many great scientists and archaeologists, if it was brought to its present location by humans, they should only be bare stones. But if there are faces carved on the surface this means that these stones came from another part of the world, perhaps a great ancient city, even from a place such as Atlantis, it may have been stolen from them because the stones have a value of considerable importance.
According to my hypothesis, if faces are imprinted on each of the stones, then the thesis by the great observatory scientists must have been speculated incorrectly. In my opinion, the face represents much more than what has been found out about Stonehenge so far. It means that there is a different story to be told from what is assumed today. The figures could be from a people more ancient than was previously thought. Perhaps, stolen by someone and put into the position which we see today, and they represent something more important. Perhaps even from the gods of some ancient Egyptian city or from Africa.
The Stonehenge faces do keep within them something of a mystery. If you look closely, the faces are very large. This means that they may have come from a big city with a proud culture. A city still undiscovered. Many scientists say that the stones were originally from 30km away from the place where it now sits. So, I wonder if the stone was cut somewhere else and brought to its present location. What can we learn from the face and what culture is portrayed on the stones?
Matteo Ianneo's work continues with new discoveries being made on a constant basis. One day in the near future, his discoveries are likely to lead to a new ideal of our own origins as a species as well as answer the question of why we are being visited by beings from the cosmos
27-09-2013 om 10:22
geschreven door peter
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Filer's Files #39 2013 - 60 Years of Neglected Evidence, Pyramid Power Stations - DEEL 1
Filer's Files #39 2013 - 60 Years of Neglected Evidence, Pyramid Power Stations - DEEL 1
Photo of disc over South Lakes, Perth, Australia September 8, 2013
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is
for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly
intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and
UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The Institute now
provides advanced research and consultation on a wide range of subjects and help
for CEOs to successfully run their companies.
In special reports, this weeks files cover: President Carter Saw
a UFO, Pyramid Power Stations,Water, water everywhere
on Mars, Painkillers Kill 2 People Every Hour, It's Time to Act, c Health
Problems Caused By Lack of Light, 60 Years of
Neglected Evidence, Why is Planetary Defense Important, and Worlds temperature
hasnt risen for the last 15 years
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arizona,
Arkansas, California, Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Nevada, New
Mexico, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Virginia, and Washington.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Argentina, Australia, Canada,
Columbia, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, Spain, Tunisia, and England and Scotland
in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to
report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis
around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial
intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand
UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft
conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when
London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US
Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this research.
I believe the God of the universe has spread life
throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in ever-increasing
Become a MUFON member today! Benefits of membership include a subscription to
the monthly UFO Journal that contains current investigations, sightings reports,
articles by world-renowned researchers and more. To join now, click here
President Carter Saw a UFO
"From the documentary recording "Factual Eyewitness
Testimony of UFO Encounters" (Chicag Investigative Research Associates, Inc.
1978) "A reporter taped Carter's exact words in 1973 describing the UFO
Carter said, 'There were about 20 of us standing outside of a
little restaurant [Carter's report stated "10 members of the Leary, Ga., Lions
Club"], I believe, a high school lunchroom, and a kind of green light appeared
in the western sky. This was right after sundown. It got brighter and brighter.
And then eventually it disappeared. It didn't have any solid substance to it; it
was just a very peculiar looking light. None of us could understand what it
Pyramid Power Stations
Christopher Dunn claims that the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt was built as
an electric power station! His conclusions go in this order: granite contains a
high percentage of quartz (approximately 55 percent). Quartz has a natural
ability to transform kinetic energy into electricity. Kings Chamber is the
heart of a massive power generator. The Great Pyramid is designed to vibrate at
640 cycles per second from the Kings Chamber.
What is called the Queens Chamber is, in fact, the
hydrogen generator. The room was once equipped as a cooling tower. Inside were
the chemicalshydrated zinc chloride and hydrochlor-acid, and they were inducted
into the room through the northern and southern vent. The reaction of these two
chemicals creates hydrogen.
Evidence for this process lies in two different colors of vent openings and
remains of the salt on the walls of The Queens Chamber. The excess of
chemicals is drained through the well hole into an underground room deep
beneath the pyramid. Hydrogen gas filled the Great Gallery and the Kings
Chamber. Then resonators in the large gallery start acting. The entire building
[the pyramid] starts to vibrate and converts [its vibration] into an audible
signal. The pyramid starts to sing. The tone is moved through the tunnel
towards [the] Kings Chamber. Now this Chamber begins to vibrate. Movable
granite causes stress in quartz. Piezo-electric effect is generated by the
movement of electrons. The electricity is then produced. The
hydrogen that already fulfilled the whole pyramid then makes electricity.
(Perhaps to be used in UFOs)
At this moment, Egyptian astronomical knowledge comes into play. The north
opening of the Kings Chamber opens and becomes a conduit for the microwave
signals that bombard our planet all the time. This signal is created by atomic
hydrogen. It is being amplified (increased) when passing through the pyramid.
This leads to emission of energy that is sent outside of the pyramid as
electro-energy .
Small details, such as copper tubes function as ventilation openings and
analysis indicates the copper came from Northern Michigan. They were used as
sensors for checking whether enough chemical elements were added to the Queens
Chamber, they make sense. The odor in the pyramid is a consequence of the same.
The damage in the Kings Chamber (shown here) was probably caused by a
large hydrogen explosion in the distant pastthe proof for this claim is the
black dust on the ceiling of the Chamber.
Dunn applies the same logic to the pyramid and claims that what remains is
one unresolved question for Dunn. And this is, how the Egyptians (or someone
before them) convinced the pyramid to vibrate? He sought the answer in
physics. Put two objects side by side. The first oscillates (vibrates); the
other is static. Over time, this other will gently start to oscillate. The
frequency of the first causes the resonance of the second. The longer it is
exposed to the influence of an object in motion, the stronger the static object
will oscillate.
Dunn applies the same logic to the pyramid and claims that the Great Pyramid
was constructed as a model of Earths northern hemisphere. It is located
precisely at the point of balance of the planet. Therefore, it becomes subject
to the Earths vibrations. At the time when he published his book, in 1998,
there was no evidence that our planet had its own oscillation. Somewhat later,
in January 1999, The Washington Times published an article explaining that a
Japanese team, with Dr. Naoki Sudao as a leader, proved that our planet is
constantly vibrating below the level that our ears can observe. One way to think
of pyramids is as electric power plants.
Nowadays, everything is based on electricity and the whole
process is visible to our eyes: Switchboard, power lines, cables, and
appliances. In the Egyptian case, the technology of electricity creation was
different. It is only logical that the distribution was also different, compared
to our primitive lines. Lets remember the idea of Teslas wireless transmission
of electricity and his successful experiments more than 100 years ago in
Colorado. He was able to light 10,000 houses without any cables. And not just
that. Creating artificial lightning with the help of the Earths vibrations,
Tesla provoked the movement of frequency from Colorado Springs to the
opposite side of the planet and back again. Electrical echo caused the
repetition of the process and its strengthening on a global scale. If the Earth
is, by any chance, the perfect conductor, this process would have continued over
time and caused the disintegration of the planet.
He constructed Wardenclyffe Tower in Shoreham, Long Island, which
was to function as a wireless telecommunications facility and broadcast
electrical power. With the help of simple devices, Tesla managed to create
electricity based on the Earths resonance, and then, in the form of energy
beams, to direct it at households and factories. Tesla proved that wireless
transmission of electricity is possible. But cheap energy was not in the best
interests of large corporations. A profit economy is looking for its chance at
an expensive energy and expensive technology.
In Secret History of Ancient Egypt, Herbie Brennan gives an overview of the
earliest writings on Egypt and its rulers. It starts with the Greek historians
Solon and Plato. Solon wrote about his travel to Egypt, where Egyptian priests
in the sixth century BCE spoke of construction of the city Sais eight thousand
years in the past. And Egypt was established well before that. Plato, of course,
talks about Atlantis and, according to the Egyptian priests; its destruction
took place in the period before 12,000 years. Thanks to Dr. Semir Osmanagich,
Pyramids Around The World. The New Era Times Press.
Kindle Edition
Moon Pyramid Apollo 17
This photo appears to be blank photo but adjusting contrast brings out a
pyramid on the Moon taken during Apollo17 landing. Apollo 17 was the final
mission of the US Apollo lunar landing program of humans on the Moon. Launched
on December 7, 1972, with a three-member crew consisting of Commander Eugene
Cernan, Command Module, Pilot Ronald Evans, and Lunar Module Pilot Harrison
Schmitt, Apollo 17 remains the most recent manned Moon landing and the most
recent crewed flight beyond low Earth orbit.
Water, water everywhere on Mars.
LONDON Thats the picture of ancient Mars that has
emerged during the past few months thanks to discoveries by NASA's Curiosity
rover, which has been exploring Mars since August 2012.
The announcements have come in dribs and drabs, but at the European Planetary
Science Congress, they provide compelling evidence that Mars was quite wet in
the distant past as shown in the photo.
Painkillers Kill 2 People Every Hour, It's Time to Act
Americas deadliest drug problem is not heroin, not cocaine, not even crack
cocaine. The larger problem is abuse of drugs that are perfectly legal:
prescription pain medications. They kill an estimated two people every hour and
send 40 more to emergency rooms with life-threatening overdoses. Drug deaths now
outnumber traffic fatalities in U.S. Fueling the surge are prescription pain and
anxiety drugs that are potent, highly addictive and especially dangerous when
combined with one another or with other drugs or alcohol.
The Los Angeles Times reports, Propelled by an increase in
prescription narcotic overdoses, drug deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities in
the United States, a Los Angeles Times analysis of government data has
Drugs exceeded motor vehicle accidents as a cause of death in 2009, killing
at least 37,485 people nationwide, according to data from the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I might point out these are
legal prescribed drugs, meanwhile there are no recorded cases
of overdose deaths from cannabis (Marijuana).
Powerful pills such as OxyContin, Dilaudid and Vicodin can be a blessing to
people with severe pain. But by themselves or in combination with
anti-depressants and muscle relaxers, theyve become a scourge that now kills
more than 40,000 people a year. If a commercial airliner crashed every day this
year filled with more than a 100 passengers the television news would cover each
crash in detail, but since the drug industry advertises heavily and our medicine
men can do no wrong seldom is the carnage of thousands of people each year even
mentioned. One of the most pernicious problems is unscrupulous doctors who
deliberately overprescribe pills. There were 16,259 homicides in the US in 2010
(not all with guns) but a strong television propaganda effort exists to take
away all guns. We would actually save three times more lives each year by taking
away Doctor prescribed pain killers.
Most people are unaware that during the1930s patients were often
successfully healed in hospitals with colored light, without drugs and no one
ever died from shining a light on them. The human body needs light to function
well. The lack of sunlight causes illness and the lack of Vitamin D-3 that also
is an excellent pain killer. Many abductees have pain from fibromyalgia, and
5000 IUs of Vitamin D-3 taken daily can help greatly with the pain.
Light therapy is often used to combat a
very serious disorder called Seasonal Effective Disorder or SAD which is the
direct result of a lack of sunlight. In some people this disorder causes a
serious depression and the installation of natural lighting systems provides
great relief.
The theory behind this disorder is that during periods of no sunlight, the
pineal gland overproduces melatonin which is well known to make us sleepy.
Tiredness leads to loss of mental acuity, changes in blood pressure, heart rate,
body rhythms and more. Ordinary artificial light sources cannot fix this problem
but a full spectrum natural light box can make a big difference in the way a SAD
sufferer feels.
Specific Health Problems Caused By Lack of
Did you know that vitamin D3 deficiency can result in Obesity, Type 2
Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Depression, Psoriasis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome, Kidney Stones, Osteoporosis, and Neuro-degenerative disease
including Alzheimers disease. Eventually, Vitamin D deficiency may even lead to
Cancer (especially breast, prostate, and colon cancers). Vitamin D3 is believed
to play a role in controlling the immune system (possibly reducing ones risk of
cancer and autoimmune diseases), increasing neuro-muscular function and
decreasing falls, improving mood, protecting the brain against toxic chemicals,
and potentially reducing pain.
X- 37 Space Ship
The X-37b maiden flight was on Apr 22, 2010. According to
Lt Col George Tromba of the 20th Space Control Squadron used the
Space Fence to help the US Navy Cruiser Lake Eire to knock down an errant .Shot
down Lake Eire cruiser knocks out X-37b uses info by Space Fence to US
satellites. The Chinese showed their capability in destroying satellites by
knocking down one of their own.
Bill Sweetman claims
paint like material sprayed on a satellite would cause it to overheat and
malfunction. Also simply hitting the side panels would likely disable a
satellite. The Russian Space Agency blames the US for the failure of their
Phoebus Grunt probe to Mars launched on November 11, 2011. The US Air Forces
highly secret X- 37b unmanned space plane was launched in March of 2011, and was
supposed to stay in space for nine months, but extended its time in space to a
year and three days. Its mission in space is unknown to the public. If the
Russians statement is correct the US decided to prevent the Russian Spacecraft
from reaching Mars.
The huge satellite was not recovered so it is not known if there is any
evidence of sabotage.
The Air Force Space Surveillance System colloquially known
as the Space Fence was a US government multistatic radar system
built to detect orbital objects passing over America. It is a component of
the US Space Surveillance Network and was claimed to be able to detect objects
as small as 10 cm (four inches) at heights up to 30,000 km (15,000 nautical
The system ceased operation in September 2013. The operation's headquarters
are at Dahlgren,
Virginia, and radar stations are spread out across the US at 33 north.
The loss of the AFSSS is not likely to have a significant impact on
the ability of the US military to track medium to large size objects in orbit.
The fiscal year 2014 budget indicates AFSPC wants to acquire a new S-Band Space
Why is Planetary Defense Important?
We live in a shooting gallery of asteroids that
present a danger to Earth. Ever since Earth was formed, it has been the
target of millions of asteroids and comets that orbit the sun and come close to
or cross Earth's orbit. Many of those, termed Near Earth Objects, were swept up
and crashed into Earth's surface over the millennia. The larger objects struck
Earth with devastating force, often forming large craters, evidence of which can
still be seen today in the world's landscape.
Lighting the Sky. Although our
planet has swept up many NEOs over the millennia, some still threaten Earth.
Every day, small orbiting rocks (up to about 10 m across) called meteoroids
enter Earth's atmosphere, leaving a bright streak behind as they burn up. The
larger meteoroids called "bolides" may burn up in a spectacular explosion,
lighting the night sky for miles and generating many panicky calls to emergency
Risks of Asteroids. The NEOs
that most concern Earth are the Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) whose
orbits cross Earth's and have a relatively high potential of impacting Earth
itself. The damage they could do depends on their size and the trajectory they
follow in striking Earth, with damage ranging from destruction of an area the
size of a city, to creation of tsunamis, to the extinction of almost all life on
Defending the Planet. Planetary
Defense includes finding these PHAs, predicting their future locations, and
providing warning about future impacts with the Earth. It also includes missions
to deflect impacting asteroids by changing their orbit, and disaster
preparedness, management, and recovery on Earth to mitigate their consequences.
60 Years of Neglected Evidence Aliens Are Real!
This book is an exciting view if the UFO phenomenon rom Malaysia and provides
you with a different perspective from an expert who lives on the other side of
the world.
Just look at the statistics and encounters provided in 60 Years
of Neglected Evidence The book provides analysis of global
reports. Many unknown in the West.
It tells you what you need to know -
- What they look like
- What are they doing here
- How often they appear
- How are they distributed geographically
- Where are they coming from
"This book is the most comprehensive study ever attempted to understand the
nature and characteristics of purported alien humanoid encounters made around
the globe by people from all walks of life. The results of this study not
only point to the possible origin of the humanoid encounters but also to the
possibility that the primary stimulus of earthquakes could be originating
from the same single astrophysical source in the sky. Read and decide for
Available from:, Barnes & Noble & (E-book
Worlds temperature hasnt risen for the last 15 years
Antarctica Sea Ice Setting Record Ice Extent
Sea ice surrounding Antarctica hit a record high in August and is on track
for another record-breaking month in September. Clocking in at a stunning 7.2
million square miles (18.7 million square kilometers), last month's sea ice
extent was 4.5 percent above the 1981 to 2010 average and the largest extent
since record-keeping started in 1979, according to released today from the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in its monthly State of the
Climate Report.
September marks the end of Antarctica's winter, and daily
sea ice reports posted online at the National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
in Boulder, Colo., suggest the growing ice pack has already smashed the all-time
record ice extent set in September 2012. This year's massive sea ice reached
7.53 million square miles (19.51 million square km) on Sept. 14, 2013, the NSIDC
reports. The old record was 7.51 million square miles (19.44) million square km.
Colder-than-average temperatures and stormy weather helped the Arctic ice
stick around this year around the North Pole. Summer cyclones spread the ice
over a large area, NASA said in a statement. Clouds blocked the sun, and the
cool air kept the Northwest Passage frozen shut for the first time since 2007.
The ice edge was several hundred miles farther south than last year near Alaska
and Siberia in the Beaufort, Chukchi and East Siberian Sea regions.
Scientists working on the most authoritative study on climate change were
urged to cover up the fact that the worlds temperature hasnt risen for
the last 15 years, it is claimed. A leaked copy of a United Nations
report, compiled by hundreds of scientists, shows politicians in Belgium,
Germany, Hungary and the United States raised concerns about the final
Published next week, it is expected to address the fact that 1998, was the
hottest year on record and world temperatures have not yet exceeded it, which
scientists have so far struggled to explain. The report is the result of six
years work by UNs Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is
seen as the world authority on the extent of climate change and what is causing
it on which governments including Britains base their green policies.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer's Files #39 2013 - 60 Years of Neglected Evidence, Pyramid Power Stations - DEEL 2
Filer's Files #39 2013 - 60 Years of Neglected Evidence, Pyramid Power Stations - DEEL 2 UFO Sightings in the United
Arizona Disc
Sedona -- My husband and I took
pictures of the sunset west of Doe Mountain. While we were waiting for the sun
to set, I took pictures of the surrounding area. Neither my husband nor I
witnessed any object in the sky while I was taking this shot.
Tonight I transferred the photos from my camera to my computer and I found a
shot with an object that I cannot identify. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Arkansas Cylinder
Caulksville -- I went out to enjoy the sunrise. It was
around 7 am because the sun hadnt reached over the top of Short Mountain on
September 23, 2013, yet. At first when I saw the object I thought it was a far
off jet with chemtrails. I realized that it looked rather odd. It couldnt have
been a cloud. It looked as if it was shimmering from the sun or spinning, or had
flashing white lights on it. It started moving north over the top of the
mountain. I am sorry for the poor video. From what I can tell it was big. Thanks
California UFO Lights
Lemmore -- I was on the porch of my house when I heard
humming, buzzing, and beeping and flew across me on September 9, 2013.
I went to a nearby field when it landed and an alien came out of the saucer,
looked around and went in back in. I was able to take a picture of that ufo when
it was flying. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Encinitas -- I was downstairs from
my office watching this guy singing on September 14, 2013. Then several hours
later when I was leaving I noticed these strange lights in the sky and decided
to video them.
I put the guy singing in this video because I found that it was weird that
the lights flashing on the guys head seemed to be like the ones in the
sky.Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
It was 6AM, in my backyard with my dog on September 19, 2013, and the sun had
not come up yet, when I observed a spherical object that flew directly overhead.
It passed directly 90 degrees overhead its brightness increased dramatically
and reduced back to its original intensity after a few seconds. Thanks to MUFON
Idaho Lights
Lewiston -- The photos were forwarded to
me by a friend who says these lights are often seen over the Regence Blue Shield
Building.He took pictures of the lights that clearly show a
triangle shape that accelerated rapidly away onJuly 26, 2011
at 8:38 PM.
They were installing tile when a worker yelled, Hey Kevin youre
smart, can you tell me what these things in the sky are? I saw
the three objects static in the sky. After a minute the top light in the
triangle of lights diverged into two lights and the smaller light flew up. The
lights were much higher than jets and bigger. Thanks to William Puckett,
NAMPA I did not see the object on September 3, 2013, when I took the
picture but I saw them when I looked at them on my computer.
I had no idea what the five objects were that flew away from my area since I
did not see them at first because I was looking at my grandson.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Triangle of Lights
On September 21, 2013, while driving home two car loads of
people looked up to see a triangle of lights. I started hitting my husband and
pointing to the sky and everyone in my car saw the lights.
We pulled over and got out of the car. My sister and brother also saw the
lights and pulled over behind us. My husband and daughter started taking
pictures and I took video.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Massachusetts Lights
Methuen -- I saw two glowing orange lights on September 22,
2013, that were maneuvering and flew west. I said, They look weird,
theyre glowing orange and moving south together. Then they both
shot straight up, descended to the left, and then maneuvering and back on their
original path. My friend got his camera using long distance lens snapped clear
pictures before we lost them in the trees. The pictures were the best part!
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nevada UFO
RENO -- It was the second night I noticed
light that was larger than a star overlooking my neighborhood. I shot many
videos from my 2nd floor window of many large ships and some smaller ones.
I included this short clip and have much more footage if youre interested in
looking into this further. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Lights
SICKLERVILLE -- Gene Angelino phoned to state he had
photographed a series of UFOs near his home on September 18, 2013.
He was taking photos of his truck with his Nikon camera and took a series of
photos of alien lights off in the distance banking off in the town heading
south. He has a series of six images showing the lights moving and banking off
into the distance. Thanks to Gene Angelino
Marmora -- Three V shaped objects with lights flying over
treetops silently on Route 9 a mile from the entrance of the North Parkway to
Sumers Point. We saw three lights with the last two lights dimming their lights
on August 30, 2013. The first set of lights was bright in a V shape and traveled
slowly. The last two V shaped objects suddenly dimmed their lights. You could
see their shadow following behind the main V shaped object. They started off in
a sandwiched formation, and then slowly separated into a line formation. The car
in front of me even stopped to watch them fly slowly over the treetops. Thanks
New Mexico Disc UFO
CoronA -- Don Burleson writes,
The attachments show a photo taken with an iPhone on 23 August 2013
in the general vicinity of the debris field below Corona. The full
photo was taken by the witness, but the crop, the slight contrast to try to
bring out a little more detail is my doing. Witness has stated that he and his
brother were just taking scenery photos at the time and did not see the object
when the photo was taken. Thanks to Don Burleson NM State Director
New York Lights
Peconic -- At 9:30 PM, on September 21,
2013, my wife and I witnessed two pairs of red orbs in the northern sky. They
were slowly traveling northeast. One pair of orbs was slightly following the
other and moving silently in formation. The second pair was in a formation that
had one orb slightly southwest in relation to the other, while the first pair
was oriented in an east to west fashion. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Flying Object
DALLAS I looked out back of my business and saw what
appeared to be two suns and a smaller round object like the sun in color moving
with the two suns as they rotate on September 21, 2013.
If you enlarge the smaller object you can see it may be a UFO. Also a laser
beam shot at my feet while taking these pictures. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia UFO in Front of Plane
CHANTILLY -- I was sitting in my front porch having my
morning coffee on September 5, 2013, when I saw an airplane flying at 15,000 to
18,000 feet altitude. There was a large white rectangular object flying in front
of the plane, although it is difficult to ascertain the shape. The object was at
the same altitude as the commercial airliner. What caught my eye was that the
plane had a contrail but the object did not and was flying less than an inch
from my vantage point. The object stayed in-front of the plane for two minutes
and then simply vanished.
The pilots of this plane must have seen the object since the size of the
object and the altitude was similar to the commercial airliner. The object was
simply leading the airplane; it was not a reflection and did not perform any
unusual motions. The airplane did not take any evasive actions but simply
continued in a straight line. Only after the object disappeared did the plane
bank five degrees to the right and continued in its path. NOTE: The above image
is a rendering. Thanks to MUFON and Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Washington Lights
WAlla WAlla -- I heard this is called a hover bubble, but I
cant find anything on this. Its blue and red lights were strobbing around a
white light with possible green in it on September 15, 2013. There is always
more than one out at night and theyre out every night. They are far and
sometimes real close and fly across the sky to the east. They make no noise. The
lights are located toward the mountains. I also have video.
Note: William Puckett says it is likely the witness photographed the planet
Jupiter that would have been the brightest object in the sky at the time of the
sighting and in the east. The distortion seen in the photo was likely due to
camera movement.
Nocturnal Lights Sighting Wave Washington State?
Buenos Aires Quilmes On September 18, 2013, at 12 pm,
there were several bright spheres moving around and close to the sun.
They were visible all morning until noon.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Australia Disc
Perth HILLS This fast moving craft with a dome was
photographed by Rob Hartland a teacher on September 8, 2013. It is disc-shaped
craft with a clearly visible canopy on top and several structures underneath.
Bob writes, I dont see these craft with
the naked eye but detect them on the digital images when viewing and enlarging
them on a computer screen. I use a Sony Cybershot DSC-RX100, which has a 20
megapixel 1 inch CMOS sensor to take high resolution images which are later
enhanced using a photo-enhancing program.
I usually focus
the camera on the edges of mid- to high-altitude clouds and take a series of 20
to 30 photos on continuous shooting mode with a fraction of a second between
each photo. When captured these craft are present in only one or two of the
series of 20 images. I take about 300 images at a time, especially when there
are wispy high-altitude clouds.
We encourage everyone to have a go and see what you can capture. Thanks to
Rob Hartland
Canada Rectangular Object
Barrie, ONTARIO I saw a silent object looking similar to a
satellite with an extremely low orbit passing over from north to south on August
22, 2013 at 10 PM. It was an intensely bright rectangular object that emitted
tremendous light from solar panel appendages. It was as though the sun was
reflecting off the panels. The brightness of this object was many orders of
magnitude brighter than any star. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National
UFO Reporting Center
QEW between Hamilton and Toronto ---- My girlfriend and I were out taking motion photos
above the traffic. We didnt notice anything until later when we noticed the
triangle in the photo.
This shot was done with a Cannon camera and was set up for an 8 second photo.
This would make moving objects blurry. Those three lights that form the shape of
a triangle showed up in four other photos. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Columbia Three Brilliant Objects
Popayan I came to my room and saw three objects
that moved between clouds on September 3, 2013. They were very brilliant and
diamond like. I grabbed my camera and initiated filming. I could only detect a
single object which was recorded at the beginning of the film. Then the object
in an instant changed in size to almost a point and then disappears. It then
reappears instantly at its initial size and then disappears between the clouds.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Japan Orbs
video was taken over the power plant on March 26, 2011, during the 15
meter tsunami indicating that the UFOs were probably conducting
reconnaissance of the disaster. The tsunami disabled the power supply
and cooling of three Fukushima Daiichi reactors, causing a nuclear accident.
The spread out orbs shown in the video all combine into the center orb.
Mexico Flying Object
Guayaquil -- On September 14, 2013, I was talking with a friend while lying
in my hammock looking at the sky about 6 PM, when I saw a white object going
really fast leaving a bright white long tail behind. It was passing over my
house and my friend was able to see it too. This unidentified flying object was
significantly closer than airplane traffic. Airplanes fly slowly from one side
of the sky to the other while this object flew really fast from one place to
another. Later we just saw a white object farther away. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Africa Triangle
Margate -- My
father in law took photos of the sunrise in the area in Kwa Zulu, Natal in South
Africa on May 21, 2011.
A few months later he showed me his vacation photos, as he likes to take
photos of Mother Nature. i picked up this triangular shaped object in the
clouds. i do not know what it is, but it isn't a plane.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Spain Saucer
Fuengirola -- I was awake early on September 10, 2013and
stood on my balcony to watch the sunrise and noticed two shining objects which I
thought may be satellites. I took a picture of both before the sun came over the
horizon. When the sun rose it was not possible to see either one. When I look at
one photo, the object looks possibly saucer shaped and the other is difficult to
decipher. Perhaps with a better viewer enhancer there will be a better shape.
One last picture (4) is just before the sunrise.
Tunisia Space Ship?
TUNIS -- My friend captured a photo of a space ship on
September 20, 2013. Thanks to MUFON CMS
COVENTRY -- Last week I saw at
least four different types of craft and took pictures most often of the dark
grey balls that hang in the sky. Sometimes they are the Mexican Puck type with a
white top and a black bottom. Things are getting busy as I often get three grey
balls in one frame. Thats a lot of aliens, or remote craft to be around your
home uninvited. Thanks to Michael Newark.
Tyndrum -- I was on holiday with my wife
in Scotland and took lots of pictures on May 15, 2013. When I downloaded the
photos to my computer I unfortunately downsized them to save space. When I was
looking at the images I saw what looks like two bright objects in one of the
pictures and another bright object in another picture. When I zoomed in on my
computer they looked saucer shaped. Thanks to MUFON CMS
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
27-09-2013 om 09:45
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
This week UFO
Digest editor, Robert D Morningstar, contributes two articles,
the first explores beyond the boundary of earth and the second celebrates his
love of aviation. Next, Peter Fotis Kapnistos has a
two-parter about the Jerk Saw Siege! Chris Holly
reports on a UFO sighting and video over Long Branch, New Jersey. Then,
Diane Tessman explores deep earthquakes and crazy meteor
activity. Carolyn Shield reminds us that Edgar Cayce prophesied
that islands would rise and they have. Sean Casteel and
John Weigle team up to cover Robert Salas lectures on alien
interest. Then, Doc Vega writes about more paranormal events in
WW I and concludes his Dulce series. Val Wineyard is back and
writes about her spiritual journey in Languedoc! Pat Regan
writes about alien life above an old Roman fort. Scott Corrales
reports on disappearing UFOs. Paul Schroeder writes about the
Noonday Devils. Then, Dr. John Reizer wonders if there is proof
on the moon of advanced civilizations on earth? Paul Shishis
writes the black hole. I report on close encounters in Indiana and on The
X-Files stars are appearing in New York City. Please view the videos listed
below and read the other news on our site. Enjoy
EARTH - FROM SCIENCE FICTION TO REALITYby Robert D Morningstar. The Earth civilization has
arrived at seemingly unsolvable global problems of many different kinds. The
lack of timely solutions to the accumulated problems has led to stagnation in
world economics. This has provoked new forms of rivalry between world powers
with the intention of global capitalization of monetary and natural resources.
At the same time, massive social unrests in many countries indicate that
humanity is faced with a new social dilemma. The stagnation is seen not only in
economics and politics, but also in science because its research is funded and
primarily directed to serve the interests of powerful groups. More... Also read: EVERY
Kapnistos. In medieval traditions, the Black Mass was first known through
parodies, called Feasts of Asses, to ridicule a custom of religious festivities
with a reverse reading of biblical scriptures (spoken, not spelled). According
to the Old and Middle English articulations of the Bible, Jesus Christ
pronounced backwards is: Tsierk sah-syge. More... Also
STRANGE LIGHTS OR CRAFTS OVER LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEYby Chris Holly. Read email and see her video of the odd lights or
crafts sighted yesterday while she walked along the beach at Long Branch New
Jersey on Chris Hollys Parwhat is hovering over the ocean in New Jersey? More...
WHAT'S HAPPENING?by Diane Tessman. One thing is certain:
Planet Earth is undergoing intense changes which often threaten life as we know
it today. Here are two recent examples: On September 21st, 2013, a huge green
meteor ripped through the skies of Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma and
Arkansas very close to Earth, lighting up neighborhoods in these five states. More...
Edgar Cayces prophecy New Lands rise up from the sea happened today after 7.8
Pakistans earthquake After the 7.8 Pakistan earthquakes on Tuesday 9/24/13, a
new island rose up from the sea witnessed by a large crowd of onlookers. The
island is mountainous rose up approximately 100 feet. It was seen near the
Gwadar coastline. More...
Weigle.The time Robert Salas spent in the United States Air Force taught
him many things about the UFO phenomenon. In a lecture he delivered at the
September 14, 2013, meeting of the Close Encounter Research Organization
International, held in Thousand Oaks, California, a city just north of Los
Angeles, Salas explained just what he has learned in no uncertain terms. More... Also
Vega. It is
absolutely shocking to consider some of the reported paranormal aspects of the
past during the bitter fighting seen in past human conflicts. Amazingly, an
unknown element has reared its mysterious head in the thick of armies in the
midst of the killing and quest for a nations territory, yet it has happened
with unusual frequency. Today we are going back in time to the desperate years
of World War I as Europe, Great Britain, and the world hung in the balance
thanks to a pivotal moment when an assassination occurred in Sarajevo of Arch
Duke Franz Ferdinand in 1914. More... Also
read: MORE
JOURNEY IN LANGUEDOC by Val Wineyard. I have lived in the
Narbonnais in the south of France for some thirteen years now, and never been
back to England. I came here to live after twenty years of visits to the region,
knowing in my heart this was the place for me. Sometimes it wasn't easy, but I
never even thought about going back to that grey place called Blighty. I was
told I was very brave, but to live here was a driving force in my life; Lord
Destiny was making himself felt and there was no saying no. More...
Victrix, or more simply Deva, was a legionary fortress and town in the Roman
prefecture of Britannia. The legions picked this venue well for it nestles on
the banks of the famous River Dee. This watercourse is well known for its
excellent runs of salmon. Incidentally, the river receives its name from the
Brythonic word Deva: River of the Goddess or Holy River. Many rivers were in
fact named after local Pagan deities. More...
PARANORMAL UFOS IN ARGENTINA!by Scott Corrales. It is well
known that the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) is among the most acceptable
propositions with regard to the nature of the UFO phenomenon. However, there are
those who feel that it barely offers an adequate explanation for certain aspects
of the problem, such as the absence or scant detection of the phenomenon in
space with astronomic devices, which contrasts with what occurs within our own
atmosphere. More... Also read: DISAPPEARING P
Schroeder. Part of the alarming nature of the unknown is its mysterious
link to the known; I awaken each night to a lewd exhibition of the merging. I
open my eyes and turn to see the digital alarm clock, sitting on the lamp table
next to my bed and see: 12:12, and 1:11 am, 2:22 am and 3:33 am and 4:44 am. More...
EARTH?by Dr. John Reizer . In 1994, the Ballistic Missile
Defense Organization (U.S. Navy) and NASA launched the spacecraft, Clementine in
an effort to map and photograph the entire lunar surface. Clementine was
considered by mission experts as a resounding success. The photographic map that
was constructed through photography associated with the Clementine mission is
available for review at the website More...
OTHERWORLDLY BEINGSby Paul Dale Roberts . Right in the
beginning, it reads: if you believe that the modern era of UFOs began in 1947
with Kenneth Arnolds famous sighting near Mount Rainier, Washington, you are
sorely mistaken. More...
THE BLACK HOLEby Paul Shishis. Ive been
looking into the levels of organization of matter in our space not time*
While studying Sacred Geometry, Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Series ,
Numerology. More...
Vander Ploeg. Stewart Hill has looked into some mighty strange things, like
the South Bend man who, at age 12, was abducted by aliens while he was taking
out the trash. They treated him quite well, Hill said of the gray aliens who
took and returned the boy, adding aliens treat children better than adults. The
boys souvenir of sorts for his journey was an object in his ear, which
eventually disappeared. More...
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Un poisson fossile découvert en Chine serait l'ancêtre de l'homme
Un poisson fossile découvert en Chine serait l'ancêtre de l'homme
Un poisson fossile découvert en Chine serait l'ancêtre de l'homme
Suivant la logique évolutioniste voulant que tout être vivant actuellement sur la Terre provient des océans et donc d'un intermédiaire aquatique vertébré, le requin vient d'être éliminé totalement par la découverte d'un fossile de poisson vertébré très de 400 millions d'années. Cette découverte bouleverse toutes les idées préconçues, selon un paléontologue du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Paris. :
" Un petit poisson préhistorique remet en cause toute l'évolution des vertébrés, humains compris. Selon ce fossile découvert en Chine, l'ancêtre de l'homme et de toutes les créatures dotées d'un squelette osseux ne serait donc pas une sorte de requin primitif, mais plutôt d'un poisson plus modeste. Ce poisson fossile est doté de vertèbres et d'un squelette. Les scientifiques ont pourtant longtemps pensé que les vertébrés étaient issus de poissons cartilagineux similaires aux raies et aux requins et qu'ils ont dû évoluer pour se créer de toutes pièces un squelette et une mâchoire articulée. "
" "Cette découverte étonnante porte un sérieux coup à de vieilles idées sur l'évolution des vertébrés", résume Brian Choo, de l'Institut de Paléontologie des Vertébrés de Pékin, qui publie sa découverte dans la revue Nature. Cette découverte bouleverse toutes les idées préconçues, selon un paléontologue du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Paris. "
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Mesa 'UFO' no longer unidentified
Mesa 'UFO' no longer unidentified
Forget those surreal sightings that disbelievers call flares or weather balloons.
This bright orange "UFO" actually came down in the Valley.
Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport officials have photographs and are pursuing the landing with the Federal Aviation Administration. clear pixel
"It was some kind of electronic device," airport spokesman Brian Sexton said of the plastic object whose owner was identified as Space Data Corporation, a Chandler firm whose products have logged 250,000 hours of flying time over the United States.
The research contraption was discovered by airport employees inside a foam container on the payload end of a bright orange parachute. The chute descended about 7 a.m. on a cargo apron at the airport about the time a local television station was reporting sightings of unidentified flying objects near Gateway.
"We launched a number of these balloon-type craft this morning," said Space Data's Chief Financial Officer, George Ritchie. "We send them up about 85,000 feet, and it makes them shine as if they're bright lights."
The parachutes are released from the balloons so their payloads can test a variety of Space Data "operations and procedures," including data relays from extremely remote locations with no other coverage possibility, Ritchie said.
The company's Website,, describes three of the technologies -- ever-shrinking electronics, industrial weather balloons and Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) "to provide a safe and low-cost communications system that is particularly effective for remote locations."
The device that fell at Gateway apparently involves the SkySite Network, which consists of high-altitude, balloon-borne transceivers known as SkySite Platforms, which are launched every 24 hours.
Each SkySite Platform takes just 20 minutes to launch and rises to an altitude of 60,000 to 100,000 feet in about one hour, creating a coverage circle more than 400 miles in diameter.
Ritchie said SkySite Platforms are the only unmanned air vehicles approved by the FAA to operate commercially in the U.S. airspace.
But no so fast, say Gateway airport officials.
"We don't like anything dropping into the airport's airspace unless it's authorized," said Sexton.
"The matter is being pursued with the FAA."
FAA spokesman Ian Gregor said the agency would likely look into the incident once it receives a report from Gateway.
27-09-2013 om 00:59
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The Mystery of the Capitola UFO
The Mystery of the Capitola UFO
Private eye T.K. Davis has worked his share of oddball cases. Once he tracked down a one-armed woman wanted for child endangerment. He staked out a backyard to catch a guy throwing dirt clods into a pool. When you make your living answering life's mysterious questions at $100 an hour, you take a few calls out of the blue.
He works the streets of this suburban town near Santa Cruz, where dog-walking mothers and aging hippies compete for beach time. Oh, sure, it might seem innocent enough, but it can get a little creepy if you let it. People might see things -- unusual objects in the sky, for instance -- and not say a thing for fear of being ridiculed.
At times like that, a private eye comes in handy. He can look around, ask a few hard questions -- even if it means risking his reputation built over 30 years as a deputy sheriff.
That's more or less where Davis finds himself now, behind the wheel of his blue Ford Explorer, with his partner Frankie Dixon. They're cruising down streets, looking at utility poles and trying to figure out: Is that the one in these three pictures, the pictures with the unidentified flying object?
The photographs came from -- surprise! -- the Internet. In May, someone using the name Raji posted them on Craigslist. All three show a lone wooden power pole with its jumble of crossbeams and wires. Hovering just above it is some kind of flying saucer.
Current news about UFO's, aliens, alien abductions and unexplained mysteries and psychic phenomenon.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
British Navy comes close to fire at UFO's
A British Navy warship may have come within seconds of opening fire on Unidentified Flying Objects above Merseyside, possibly narrowly avoiding the precipitation of an interstellar war and the extirpation of humanity by testy aliens.
Reports have it that the UFOs - speculated to have been visiting spacecraft from beyond the solar system - were tracked on naval weapons radars.
The revelation comes from the Telegraph, reporting on last week's sightings of "orange, ball-shaped" UFOs cruising above scouse beauty-spots between South Liverpool and Southport. The orange, blob-like flying balls - said by some witnesses to have "dropped fire" at times - were assessed by some to be floating Chinese lanterns, but this theory was widely disparaged among headline-writers in favour of the more crowd-pleasing interstellar visitors hypothesis. Also, Chinese lanterns don't move 3,000 miles/hr.
So far, so what. But then the Telegraph entered the debate with stunning revelations from "an ex-military source" regarding the presence of HMS Daring, a Royal Navy Type 45 destroyer which was docked in Liverpool as the UFOs passed over.
"The guns on the ships are powered by radar," said the source, "but military radar and civilian radar work on different frequencies, so that is probably why the airport said it had not picked anything up."
The Telegraph says that the UFOs were actually "countermeasure flares used to test the radar systems of huge anti-missile guns on the ship". The broadsheet carries on to say: Countermeasure flares are designed to prevent radar-based missile systems locking on to aircraft by providing multiple targets.
The warship, which was docked at Liverpool's cruise liner terminal, is fitted with radar-activated Phalanx guns, which are capable of firing more than 3,000 rounds a minute.
"What happened was a plane flew over at high altitude following the path of the river and dropped the counter measures, which the radar tracked," said the paper's unnamed source.
"That's why people reported seeing them where they did, from Mossley Hill up to Southport."
Actually, while the Type 45 ships are designed to be fitted with Phalanx radar-controlled guns, they don't have them yet, owing to lack of money. The plan is apparently to cannibalise weapons from older ships as they retire. But Daring does have her 4.5-inch main gun, and a pair of ordinary slower-firing 30mm cannon intended for use against pirate dhows and the like.
The 4.5" "Kryten" gun turret (a type of weapon in use since before World war II) can be fired under radar control. It would normally be seen as a poor choice for anti-aircraft work these days, but beggars can't be choosers - the ships' PAAMS missiles, their primary armament, aren't ready yet either.
The "Radar countermeasure flares" notion is plainly poppycock, however. Countermeasure flares are for confusing infrared systems, not radar - though ordinary illumination flares are used occasionally as aiming targets for lighter manually-aimed guns. But you certainly aren't going to start letting off flares over a densely-populated urban area in the UK, so we're staying with the much more credible alien-visitors idea.
So what we've got here is HMS Daring tracking extraterrestrial spacecraft, and possibly almost certainly coming within inches of triggering an interstellar invasion by an ill-timed freak accidental firing mishap. That is, in the unlikely event that the rather feeble weapons actually fitted to the navy's newest, billion-dollar destroyer were actually able to do any harm.
179. Grant Cameron on UFO Sightings and Extended Human
Interview examines government knowledge of the connection between
extended human consciousness and the UFO Phenomena.
Join Skeptiko host Alex Tsakiris for an interview with UFO
researcher, and author, Grant Cameron. During the interview Cameron explains how
his research led him to uncover the connection between ESP, telepathy and the
UFO phenomena:
Alex Tsakiris: One of the things that we like to do on
Skeptiko is to keep pulling on a string and follow it as far as we can. Thats
led me to you because when you look at human consciousness and you start looking
for explanations for things like telepathy, precognition, out-of-body
experiences, and other altered states of consciousness it eventually leads to
this UFO thing, and the numerous reports of mind control and telepathy
associated with it. So when I heard you say government insiders who really know
about the UFO have told you that you cant really understand this UFO phenomena
without having an expanded view of consciousness I was intrigued. Tell me how
you came to this conclusion.
Grant Cameron: We tracked this guy down and he turns out to
be Dr. Eric Walker, who was former President of Penn State University. For 15
years he was the Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Defense Analysis,
which is the top military think tank for the United States military. He was the
co-developer of the homing torpedo. He was friends with Vannevar Bush. He had
this incredible, unbelievable background of military and connections with
Presidents and stuff like this. So when we go to him, were interviewing him as
UFO researchers. Were not thinking about the mind and consciousness; we
couldnt care less about that, no connection whatsoever. Were talking to him
and were trying to find out about this supposed UFO group that runs the whole
thing, the MJ-12. Were asking him questions about MJ-12. Did you have contact
with the aliens? How did the thing operate? How did you cover-up the UFO thing?
And suddenly in the middle of one of these interviews in 1990 he suddenly cuts
off the conversation talking about hardware, about bodies and all this, and he
suddenly says, How good is your sixth sense? How much do you know about ESP?
And Walker says, Unless you know about it and how to use it, you will not be
taken in.
Then in 1993 theres a related story about a conversation that takes place
with Ben Rich. Ben Rich was the guy who ran Skunk Works, where the U2, the
SR-71, the Stealth fighter, the Stealth bomber, they were all developed by what
was called Skunk Works. Ben Rich ran it and he would get a number of questions
about was this UFO technology? Hes giving a lecture in 1993. Hes dying of
cancer. He gives a lecture at UCLA to a bunch of engineers and hes talking and
he says, Weve got the technology to take ET home. He gives his lecture, he
finishes the lecture, hes walking out, and one of the engineers who was
interested in UFOs runs after him. He asks, How are these things propelled? How
are UFOs propelled? And Ben Rich turns around and says to him, Let me ask you
a question. How does ESP work?
Alex Tsakiris: Today we welcome Grant Cameron to Skeptiko.
Grant is a highly-regarded UFO researcher whos made some fascinating
connections between what we know about the UFO phenomena and the kind of
extended human consciousness we talk so much about here on Skeptiko. Grant is in
the process of publishing two new books and regularly blogs at Welcome,
Grant, thanks for joining us.
Grant Cameron: Thanks, Alex, for having me on.
Alex Tsakiris: So Grant, one of the things that we like to
do on Skeptiko is to keep pulling on a string and follow it as far as we can.
Thats what I think led me to you because when you look at human consciousness
and you start looking for explanations for things like telepathy, precognition,
out-of-body experiences, and all the altered states of consciousness that
serious researchers like Rick Strassman has looked into with his DMT research.
Or even Terence McKenna used to talk about.
When you try to take that in whole, and then you keep pulling at it, that
string eventually leads you to bumping up against this UFO thing and the
numerous reports of mind control and really consciousness-bending kinds of ideas
that you run into. So when I heard on an interview and I heard you saying that
the government insiders who really know about the UFO KIP thing all say that you
cant really understand this UFO phenomena without having an expanded view of
human consciousness.
Well, I guess that really got me intrigued and thats what I was hoping we
would talk about today. So let me start with this. I want to jump right to the
end and tell me how you came to this conclusion about consciousness being
fundamental to understanding the UFO phenomena.
Grant Cameron: Okay, maybe I should first set up a little
bit of my background. What happened was I got involved in 1975, just at the end
of the Vietnam War right along the Canadian/U.S. border where the U.S. have all
their Minuteman III missile silos, thats where we had a bunch of sightings. Now
before then Id never thought about UFOs. I had no interest whatsoever.
But I did have an interest in stuff like Edgar Cayce, reincarnation research.
I was very interested in the work of Dr. Michael Newton. I was very much
interested in near-death and consciousness and stuff. But UFOs I had no interest
So I started in 1975 and I had these sightings and really the consciousness
thing didnt come up for like 35 years. It wasnt until I was at a conference
last year in Phoenix, Arizona and Id filed a lot of UFO material. It started
with sightings, realized that sightings really wasnt getting us anywhere, and
got into the government aspect of the documents and somebody must know about
this sort of stuff. So for 35 or 37 years I collected material and documents and
all this sort of stuff
Alex Tsakiris: Now, Grant, let me interject here. Youre
kind of glossing over the extent of your research which I think is phenomenal.
We can talk about the whole field of UFO research and how an independent UFO
researcher like you has the guts and determination to do this, but youre a guy
whos filed how many Freedom of Information requests? And how many have you
filed and how many pages of documents are we talking about that youve gathered
in your research?
Grant Cameron: Oh my goodness. Ive got over 100 Freedom of
Information requests with the Clinton Library. What you do is you basically go
to different departments and what Id done was I tried to find who had the
answer. I figured well, the President of the United States is supposedly the
most powerful man in the world. He must know.
So I would file with various presidential libraries looking for their
documents on UFOs. And also on remote viewing psychic phenomena, this sort of
stuff, trying to find out what the President knows about these very sort of
intricate, involved parts of reality and figuring at his level he must have a
better idea than you and I in the public would know.
So Clinton was very interested in consciousness and UFOs. Hillary was very
much intoyou know she got caught with this channeling thing with this Jean
Houston in New York City, this big scandal where she was talking to Gandhi and
Eleanor Roosevelt. So they were really interested and I filed a lot of Freedom
of Information requests there and I basically traveled to all the different
presidential libraries looking for these documents. It really wasnt that
successful except for the Clintons.
In terms of documents I probably have oh, maybe 10,000 pages of material. A
lot of it is not the hard answers sort of stuff but stuff that sort of relates.
So Ive collected an awful lot of material just trying to put it together and
there really wasnt much of an answer.
Ive had these sort of moments of insight. One was when I had my first UFO
sighting in 1975 which its sort of just a hit you and its like whoa. I didnt
believe this existed. The other one was when I saw Dr. Michael Newton talking
about Life Between Lives. He lectured in about 1990 in Laughlin,
Nevada. I saw that lecture and that just changed my life. The third one was when
we got into this consciousness thing. This was last year in Phoenix where all
the UFO lecturersand this conference goes on for about a week and its lecture
after lecture for a whole week.
I listened to all these different lectures and there seemed to be this thing
where various people who were talking were talking about consciousness. It
wasnt the main part of their lecture but it was just a sub-topic in the
lecture. For example, Dr. Steven Greer who did the disclosure news conference
trying to expose all the high-level government witnesses, he talked about this
consciousness thing, that this is at the basis of the UFO interaction with the
Earth. David Sereda and all the various abduction researchers who would talk
about this mental telepathy thing that was going between the abductees and the
aliens. Nothing happened by word of mouth. It was all telepathy.
So this is sort of a sub-topic. But it wasnt until the last lecture, and the
last lecture was given by Colin Andrews. Colin Andrews is, for people who know
the crop circles, the famous crop circles in England, Colin Andrews is the key
researcher. He started in 1982. He is the top researcher on crop circles and he
gave this lecture which was called Circles of Consciousness or something like
It was one of these mind-altering things that when I heard his lecture
talking about the fact that the aliens were making crop circles but they were
also controlling the people who were hoaxing crop circles. That was his whole
lecture, that 80% of the crop circles are hoaxed but that the people that he
talked to who are hoaxing the crop circles were talking about some sort of
interaction, some sort of force that was getting them to make certain types of
So his thing was that the aliens control the whole thing, the real circles
and the hoax circles. It was this whole idea that the aliens were sort of in
control of what is going on. Theyre part of the cover-up and theyre part of
this interaction with the human race that theyre leading us along. I got this
instant insight for 35, 37 years of research where suddenly everything fit
together. All these stories that I could relate to you, these little things that
Ive known for years and years and years. Everything suddenly fit together.
Alex Tsakiris: Grant, hold on because theres a lot going on
here. I want to back up for a minute and say that this realization that you had
that these pieces fit together, I think is kind of interesting. I share your
perspective on it. From the beginning, these accounts have always had this
element to them. This extended consciousness. We had Stan Friedman on this show
a while ago and this show that were doing today, Grant, will be only the second
show that weve ever done that touches on UFOs.
Again, our approach to it is to look at the connection between consciousness
but Stan Friedman, of course you know, did some pretty extensive work on the
Betty and Barney Hill abduction case in 1950. Hes not that interested in
consciousness so he immediately brought to the table well, yeah, this guy pulls
off the road, has no reason or explanation for why hes done it, and then is
communicating telepathically. So you have both the mind controlwhy would this
guy whos really kind of fastidious and would never get in the dust and the dirt
pull off on this gravel road and get outside of the car? And then how did he
know this stuff without communicating?
So from back in the 50s there are these reports. I just want to emphasize
what you brought up, that this has been hanging around there for a long time and
no ones really put the pieces together. Now that Ive interrupted you I want to
get you back on track.
Grant Cameron: Okay, let me clarify that compared to theres
a part of the UFO community that believes very deeply in the abduction stuff. If
you listen to the two top researchers, who were David Jacobs and Budd Hopkins,
they talk about the fact that after 1975 we knew everything we knew about UFOs
in terms of sightings. You had to get inside the craft to know what was going
on. And they would talk about this interaction between abductees and the aliens
but they made the connection that other than that, all the people who have
talked to the aliens, its all hoaxes.
Like back to the 1950s. The Betty and Barney Hill thing did not start until
1962 when they started to make this thing public. Before then, for example, when
they were first abducted they went to NICAP, which was the biggest UFO group in
the world at the time. It was headed by Major Kehoe and Major Kehoe said, This
is nonsense. Little aliens do not abduct people on the roads. He basically
would not touch this thing with a 10-foot pole. The same as J. Allen Hynek who
was probably the most prominent UFO researcher in the world, the same thing. He
said, Stay away from abductions. Its no good. Dont go to abductions. And a
lot of people avoided that sort of interaction thing.
One of the things that people left out, when you get Hopkins and people like
this who are talking about the abduction thing, they say everything else is
nonsense. I started back with the work of Wilbert Smith who ran the Canadian
government UFO program. The Canadian government investigated this thing from
1950 to 1954 and theres a Top Secret memo. Its a legitimate Top Secret memo.
It was declassified by the Canadian government and in that memo, Wilbert Smith
who is running the Canadian government UFO program writes to the deputy minister
of the Department of Transport, giving a report on UFOs. He said
Alex Tsakiris: Grant, let me interject here because this is
really an important memo for folks who are still on the skeptical side of the
whole UFO thing. What I want you to do is talk about in real simple terms who
Wilbert Smith is, which you just did, and how did Wilbert Smith come to write
this memo? Why was he down in D.C. and why should we believe whats in the memo?
And along the way, of course, you have to tell us whats in this memo.
Grant Cameron: Okay, he was called a senior radio engineer
and after the program was shut down and he was actually promoted to the head of
communications. He worked at Shirleys Bay which is outside of Ottawa, the
Canadian capital, and basically its the NSA of Canada. He ran Radio Ottawa
which is trying to pick off Russian communications. He was in charge of all the
radio frequencies, AM/FM radio frequencies. So when FM radio came in in the late
50s, he would negotiate with the Americans on radio frequencies along the
border. You get this frequency; we get this frequency.
But he also controlled the military frequencies and the Intelligence
frequencies and handing out radio frequencies to these people. He was given the
job to research the Flying Saucer thing. He was very interested. He said that he
was down at a conference in Washington, D.C. and a couple of famous UFO books
had come out. He started to ask questions and he said he basically got these
confirmations. So he writes back to the Canadian government and hes reporting
on what he learned at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C
Alex Tsakiris: As part of his job. This is what hes
supposed to be doing. Its also his passion and his interest but this is a real
guy in Canadian security in the U.S., in D.C., and asking around, Hey, what
about this UFO stuff?
Grant Cameron: Yeah. And hes going through the military
attaché which was attached to the Research and Development Board in the United
States. The Canadian military liaison guy was giving him a lot of this
information and the Research and Development Board in the United States was in
charge of the hydrogen bomb, all the weapon research. This was the key sort of
research and development aspect of the American military.
So hes getting this material and he reports back the basic things that UFO
people have always, for 30 years, have talked about this UFO thing. He was told
Flying Saucers exist. The most highly classified subject in the United States,
rated two points higher than the hydrogen bomb. This was written in December of
1950, two years before the first hydrogen bomb was detonated. So this is before
the hydrogen bomb and hes saying this is a higher classification than the
hydrogen bomb. Then he says that theres a small group headed by Dr. Vannevar
Bush, who was the scientific advisor to Roosevelt during WWII
Alex Tsakiris: The go-to guy, Vannevar Bush. Hes the go-to
guy for everything, right, at the highest level? So atom bomb, nuclear
Grant Cameron: Everything. All your atomic bomb, your jet
engine, proximity fuse, every major development during WWII, the scientific
aspect was headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush. So Smith is saying hes given the job to
figure out this Flying Saucer thing. So Smith is going back and saying Flying
Saucers are real. He was told by American officials and he doesnt say like
some guy. Hes saying American officials are telling him this is for real and
that if we have anything to exchange theyre willing to exchange. So for 30
years in the UFO community, I along with everybody else, quoted these four
points. But the very next line in the document, everybody has left out
Alex Tsakiris: Now hold on. Before you get to that next line
lets do a little cliffhanger here. Who was the intended audience for this memo?
When does this memo become public? And what other evidence do we have that this
was completely legitimate? What other confirmations do we have from other
individuals that this did in fact happen the way that Smith said it did?
Grant Cameron: Okay, it was written in December 1950 to
start with. It wasnt declassified. Stan Friedman was actually one of the people
who forced it to be pushed out, but it wasnt fully declassified until 1978, I
believe it was.
Alex Tsakiris: So almost 30 years later.
Grant Cameron: That this thing was declassified. And what
happened was that when Smith was dying, he was dying of cancer of the lower
bowel. He knew he was dying. He told his wife to get rid of the files. So the
files were held by his oldest son and they were then moved to a researcher in
Ottawa who knew that this memo existed because Smith had a copy in his personal
files. So there was push from these researchers who knew what was in the files
to get the Canadian government to declassify the documents.
So when they finally declassified the documents in 1978, this Top Secret
document became public. Now, the way the government got out of it was they said
he didnt have the right to put Top Secret on it. They tried to find different
ways to sort of invalidate the document but it is a valid document. It is in the
Canadian research libraries and nobody denies that it wasnt written and it
wasnt Top Secret. Theyre just playing on the edges of whether they should have
been Top Secret to start with. So this document is there. Smith writes it and
hes writing it to the Canadian government and
Alex Tsakiris: And then we have confirmation from a U.S.
official who says
Grant Cameron: What happens is Stanton tracks down an
interview that Smith does at the Canadian Embassy with a scientist, Dr. Robert
Starbacher, who in the 1950s was a consultant to the U.S. military to the
Research and Development Board. In 1983, after the document becomes public,
Smiths personal files become public and this interview, this handwritten
interview with Dr. Starbacher, which gives part of the materialnot all of the
material in the Top Secret memobut some of it. Stanton decides to see if this
guy is still alive.
He finds the guy in Florida, Dr. Robert Starbacher, and he talks to Robert
Did you give this interview to Wilbert Smith?
He said, Yeah, I recall giving this interview at the Canadian Embassy.
He says, What was the background?
He says, Well, one of the consultants in Washington at the Navy section, I
was called into a series of meetings at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base where
they had a crashed Flying Saucer and they were briefing a bunch of high-ranking
scientists at the Research and Development Board.
He didnt have time to gohe was working the Canadian DO Line Project. But he
started naming off these different people to Stanton who had gone. He named off
Dr. Bush, of course. He named off Von Neumann who was the initiator of the
computer, Dr. Von Braun. He named off a number of high-ranking scientists. Then
he named off one scientist who was still alive. Thats kind of a long story. Dr.
Eric Walker, whos the former president of Penn State University.
We actually go to him and he confirms a lot of this stuff. So Starbacher does
give confirmation for the fact that he did tell Smith it was the most highly
classified subject in the United States, that Flying Saucers were real. All we
know is we didnt make them; we dont know who made them. And so it sets the
basis for the fact that Smith has not just connections with people in the United
States but he has connections with the U.S. government.
In fact, his son confirmed to me as a rumored story that at the end of his
life, his father had told him that yes, he had actually gotten access to the
crashed Flying Saucer. He was shown a crashed Flying Saucer outside of
Washington, D.C. and he did see the bodies. So Smith was at this very high
level, classified area where there was actually interaction between the U.S. and
the Canadian government.
Alex Tsakiris: And we should add that Wilbert Smith is
someone that you have researched, a fellow Canadian that you have researched
extensively. So youve spent several years collecting as many of his notes and
documents and interviewing family members and friends. So its really been a
major interest area of yours. Is that correct?
Grant Cameron: Yeah, yeah. And I have all his files which
are four DVDs full. There was a lot of material.
Alex Tsakiris: But I want to come back and unravel and get
back to the next line in the memo.
Grant Cameron: So in 1950 when Smith writes this memo to the
Canadian government, describing what hes been told by officials of the United
States, he talks about the UFO stuff which everybody quotes. The very next line
everybody leaves out. I left it out for years, too. He said, I was further
informed that U.S. authorities (and youve got to get thatU.S. authorities) are
investigating along quite a number of lines which might possibly be related to
the Saucers such as mental phenomena, and I gather they are not doing too well
since they have indicated that if Canada is doing anything at all along the
lines of geomagnetics they would welcome a discussion with suitably accredited
So hes basically saying that theyve got this connection with mental
phenomena and if theres anybody inside Canada whos working on it, if you get
cleared to talk on a classified level, were willing to talk to you because
were trying to figure this thing out. And the key part of this whole thing is
that in 1950, no matter what anybody in the UFO community wants to say, there
was no discussion. None whatsoever in any literature that there was any
interaction between the aliens and human beings.
The first interaction thats publicly been made known was when the
contactees, which were people who were talking to the Blonds, appeared in 1952.
George Adamski. There was a bunch of them in 1952 that started to say, Were
talking to aliens and were having meetings with them. Smith writes this memo
two years before. There is no discussion in UFO literature about an interaction,
whether its talking to aliens or whether its telepathy.
So the important part of this whole thing is that in 1950, Smith is saying
the American authorities already know that mental phenomena is part of this
Flying Saucer phenomenon. The American government, who will say right up to
todayObama released a statement just a couple of months ago saying we have no
evidence. We dont have anything. And heres Smith saying in a Top Secret memo,
which is not discussion of whether this is a legitimate memo, in 1950 hes
already saying the American authorities know about the importance of mental
phenomena associated with the Flying Saucers. So theyve known the mental
phenomena aspect right from Day One.
Alex Tsakiris: So, Grant, thats fascinating. Now make the
connection for us for MK-ULTRA. Tell people a little bit about what is MK-ULTRA,
particularly because it happens up there in Canada.
Grant Cameron: Okay. The whole MK-ULTRA and all the related
programs didnt become public until the mid-1970s and it became public in a big
scandal in the United States. Richard Helms had been involved. When it first
became public, it had been sort of discovered immediately that the vast majority
of the documents had been destroyed. This was basically the CIA working on mind
control and on trying to work on this aspect of using the mind as a weapon of
war, interrogating people, finding out what the Russians were doing, and all
this sort of stuff.
When you look back at the thing, theres this very significant meeting that
takes place. Smith writes this memo in December of 1950 and one of the people
thats mentioned in the Top Secret memo is Dr. Oman Salant, who was the head of
the military research board in Canada. Smith mentions him, that hes briefing
him as well. Hes writing it to the Department of Transport but the Defense
Department, this Oman Salant, is involved.
Alex Tsakiris: I guess what Im asking is dont we have to
look at that a little bit differently now that we understand the Smith memo and
the next line that you talked about? Because I understand the Russian
connection. We had Joe McMoneagle, who was Psychic Spy #001 at Stanford Research
Institute as part of the Stargate Program. We interviewed him and we understand
that there really was this perceived threat from the USSR.
But I think what you bring to the table here is that theres this other
element going on which is this UFO, the understanding that the UFO phenomena is
related to these mental phenomena and I think that that plays into this, as
well. Maybe Im taking it too far. Would you agree with that?
Grant Cameron: Well, I dont think we really get the UFO
connection until later. In the 50s, 60s, 70s I dont think you get these
pieces falling out like the MK-ULTRA, that whole scandal about the fact that the
CIA was interested in the mind and the military aspects. Its not until later
when I get these other pieces that pop in that were always in my head, that sort
of fit in where it says the UFO connection is really important.
The one was I mentioned Dr. Robert Starbacher and he was giving material to
Wilbert Smith and when Stanton interviewed him he says, Well, who was there?
Was anybody alive? Youre mentioning all these guys who are dead. He said,
Theres this one guy from Pennsylvania. He was real arrogant. He thought he
knew everything. He attended all the meetings. We tracked this guy down and he
turns out to be Dr. Eric Walker, who was former President of Penn State
For 15 years he was the Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Defense
Analysis, which is the top military think tank for the United States military.
He was the co-developer of the homing torpedo. He was friends with Vannevar
Bush. He had this incredible, unbelievable background of military and
connections with Presidents and stuff like this. So when we go to him, were
interviewing him as UFO researchers. Were not thinking about the mind; we
couldnt care less about that, no connection whatsoever.
Were talking to him and were trying to find out about this supposed UFO
group that runs the whole thing, the MJ-12. Were asking him questions about
MJ-12. Did you have contact with the aliens? How did the thing operate? How did
you cover-up the UFO thing? And suddenly in the middle of one of these
interviews in 1990, hes interviewed for about eight years. Im running this
team of researchers around the world. Im not talking to them. There are people
who say, I can get Walker to talk.
Okay, heres his phone number. And what wed do is wed take all the
interviews that are done with him and we put them in a book. In 1990 in the
middle of one of these interviews, he suddenly cuts off the conversation talking
about hardware, about bodies and all this, and he suddenly says, How good is
your sixth sense? How much do you know about ESP? And the other guy goes,
Well, not really. Its not of interest to him. And Walker says, Unless you
know about it and how to use it, you will not be taken in.
Because the question was about whos running the group. Whats this MJ-12?
How many people are in the group? How are these people operating? And he says,
Unless you know about ESP and how to use it, you would not be taken in by this
MJ-12, this over-riding group that runs the UFO program. Only a few know about
it. We saw the interview and I put it in the book. We published the book in
1990. Were about to re-publish the book. We put it in this book in 1991.
We never mentioned it in the book. We never brought up this mention of the
fact that ESP was involved because it meant nothing to us. We were into the
hardware and the bodies and all this sort of stuff. But he mentions this in
1990. Then in 1993 theres a related story about a conversation that takes place
with Ben Rich. Ben Rich was the guy who ran Skunk Works, where the U2, the
SR-71, the Stealth fighter, the Stealth bomber, they were all developed by what
was called Skunk Works.
Ben Rich ran it and he would get a number of questions about was this UFO
technology? Hes giving a lecture in 1993. Hes dying of cancer. He gives a
lecture at UCLA to a bunch of engineers and hes talking and he says, Weve got
the technology to take ET home. He gives his lecture, he finishes the lecture,
hes walking out, and one of the engineers who was interested in UFOs runs after
He says to Ben Rich, How are these things propelled? How are UFOs
propelled? And Ben Rich turns around and says to him, Let me ask you a
question. How does ESP work? And the guy says, Well, it means that all points
in time and space are connected. And Ben Rich turns around and he says, Thats
how they work. And so heres this top guy in U.S. military research whos
saying ESP, thats how UFOs are propelled. So you get these connections years
later that basically put this together.
Alex Tsakiris: Grant, let me layer something else on top of
here that Ive heard you say that changed the way that I think about this whole
topic. I dont know to what extent I fully, fully agree with you but thats that
you look at the UFO phenomena through a national security lens rather than as a
scientific phenomenon. You insist that we look at it from a national security
perspective. Tell us what you mean by that.
Grant Cameron: Well, let me clarify that. I wrote an
article. Its on my website. If you go to my website, on the right-hand side
youll see Articles. I wrote an article I used to call The 64 Reasons
the Government Decided Not to Tell You the Truth. The #1 reason is because its
classified. This is military technology. If we can develop things that can fly
around and nobody can capture them; if we can get this mind technology where we
can go and grab the head of the Soviet Union or Russia and get into his head and
give him messages like whats happening with abductions and be back in
Washington for lunch, thats the kind of technology we want.
Alex Tsakiris: Lets slow down and talk about that because
we have to look at that for a minute. From a historical perspective, hey, thats
always been Priority #1 for any nation-state. Not only defense but offense.
Whoever has the best weapon wins. And wins decisively. And their ideology and
their whole culture advances. So this is really Priority #1 for any state. And
we dont have to look back too far in our history for evidence of that, right?
So you cant really make that point strong enough that this would be the top
priority for any kind of new technology.
Grant Cameron: Yeah, its called Military Lead-Time. If
you have a weapon and you suddenly decide to use it in a war, how long did it
take you to develop it? If it takes you 60 years to develop it; you suddenly use
it in a war, the other side can go to their leader and say, Well, were going
to fight this off and how long is it going to take? Well, about 60 years. You
know right now from the Iraq war, you can wipe out everybody elses tanks in
about two weeks. If you have a weapon, its over.
But theres the other aspect of this whole cover-up thing, the 64 Reasons.
One is the government is covering up for their reasons, military security and
the fact that were paranoid and the Chinese and everybody in the world is
trying to get us. We have to have this security and defense to protect the
United States of America. But the other aspect is the aspect that connects with
the mental phenomena and that is that the aliens are covering up as well.
The aliens could land on the White House lawn anytime they want; they could
come onto the TV and announce themselves. They dont and there is a cover-up by
the aliens and thats what I say, is that if you take a look at whats happening
and what I say the UFO community has missed is that in the UFO history, if you
look it is like the aliens are turning the pages of a book.
Theres just one thing after another:
1947 to 1952, they do nothing except fly around and let people see them.
1952, they start to talk to people.
1961, they start abducting people.
1967, the cattle mutilation stuff starts. It does not start before 1967.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.