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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Mr. Weatherman, The Weather Forecast Please! It Will Be Raining Red.
'Alien Rain': Extraterrestrial Theories
Explored On 'Unexplained Files'
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OVNIs : Rencontre rapprochée à Emilcin en Pologne
OVNIs : Rencontre rapprochée à Emilcin en Pologne
Article de Era de Aera51 : " Je reprend cette information intéressante vue sur lexcellent site de notre ami Christian Macé, toujours au fait de lactualité. Dans la deuxième partie de larticle, je vous ai traduit le récit de cette abduction retrouvé sur Wikipédia, et jessaierai den savoir plus sur cette affaire et sur le livre dont parle larticle polonais "
Le 10 mai 1978, dans un petit hameau près de Emilcin est survenu un évènement qui est inscrit de manière permanente dans les archives de lUfologie Polonaise et Internationale . Léquipe de sociologues dirigée par Zbigniew Blanią après quelques semaines denquête sans précédent est arrivée à une conclusion surprenante.
Selon les soi-disant experts de lincident demilciński, le témoin était un simple paysan Jan Wolski, et il sagit dun véritable cas dune rencontre rapprochée avec un OVNI et ses membres déquipage. Depuis 35 ans, cette opinion na jamais été mise en doute. Lévénement dEmilcin est resté le meilleur et le plus fiable cas de contact OVNI polonais. Cest également devenu le seul événement du genre pour lequel on a érigé un Monument
Mais a-t-on raconté toute la vérité au public à propos de lincident dEmilcin ? Avec Bartosz Rdułtowski, lauteur de nombreux livres sur le casse-tête des armes secrètes et les projets militaires classifiés a décidé de faire face à cette question. Le résultat de ses nombreux mois denquête est devenu, avec près de 800 pages louvrage «opérations secrètes. Les Communistes et les ovnis."
Rédigé sous la forme dun rapport le dernier livre Bartosz Rdułtowski lenquête se déroule comme un véritable thriller!
Le livre est disponible uniquement dans les librairies sélectionnées dans le pays, ou par la poste à l édition Technol
En 2005, un mémorial a été construit en Emilcin à 51 ° 82 .63 "N 22 ° 216 .16" E pour commémorer labduction de Jan Wolski. Le texte en polonais, dit : " Le 10 mai 1978 à Emilcin un OVNI sest posé, la vérité va nous étonner dans lavenir. ".
L Abduction dEmilcin est un enlèvement extraterrestre supposé du fermier, Jan Wolski en mai 1978. Il a été peu médiatisé à lépoque. Un monument a été érigé à la suite Emilcin, République populaire de Pologne, à lendroit où lenlèvement aurait eu lieu.
Wolski - Source image
Jan Wolski (29 mai 1907 au 8 Janvier 1990) était en train de conduire une cariole tôt le 10 mai 1978, quand il dit avoir été abordé deux " petites entités humanoïdes au visage vert " denviron 5 pieds (1,5 m) de hauteur. Les deux êtres ont sauté dans la cariole de Wolski et, selon lui se sont, assis à côté de lui et ont commencé à parler dans une langue étrange. Au début il les avait pris pour des étrangers en raison de leurs «yeux bridés et leurs pommettes saillantes." Wolski a conduit sa charrette, avec les deux êtres à bord, jusquà une clairière où selon lui un grand objet était en vol stationnaire.
Selon Wolski, un objet volant non identifié entièrement blanc, mesurant environ 14,75 pieds ( 4,5 m) 16,5 pieds ( 5,0 m) de hauteur et " aussi long quun bus », planait dans lair à une altitude denviron 16 pieds ( 4,9 m ). Il ny avait pas de caractéristiques externes remarquables sur lengin (c.- feux , les joints, etc.).
Wolski a mentionné quil y avait quatre objets sur lengin constitués dun matériau noir qui avaient lapparence dune foreuse et qui généraient un bruit de ronflement .
Reconstitution dartiste Source UFO Casebook
Wolski prétend alors avoir été emmené à bord du vaisseau avec deux entités supplémentaires quil a rencontrées près de lobjet volant . On lui a ensuite fait signe de « shabiller vers le bas » ( enlever ses vêtements ) . Il y avait environ huit ou dix bancs situés autour de lengin , chacun assez grand pour quune personne puisse sy asseoir. Il y avait quelques corbeaux en face de la porte qui remuaient les pattes et les ailes mais semblaient être immobilisés. Wolski affirme quil a ensuite été examiné avec un outil qui ressemblait à deux assiettes ou des " soucoupes ". Après cela, on lui ordonna de se rhabiller, et cest alors quil a remarqué quil ny avait pas de lumières ou de hublots sur lengin, seule la lumière du jour entrait par la porte de lengin. Les entités mangèrent et lui a offrirent quelque chose comme des glaçons mais il refusa . Lintérieur de l engin fut décrit comme noir avec une teinte grisâtre , semblable à celle des combinaisons des créatures .
Ensuite, Wolski retourna vers sa famille pour leur faire part de ce qui venait darriver , les invitant à venir voir l engin flottant . Il informa ses fils qui appelèrent dautres voisins , et ensemble ils sont allés enquêter sur le site.
Emplacement de la RR3 en 2007 - SOurce Ufo casebook
Lherbe où lengin sétait trouvé portait des signes dusure , était comme " foulée par des pieds, couverte de rosée et des chemins allaient dans toutes les directions . " Wolski est retourné à la maison , laissant le reste des voisins et de la famille sur le site. Les fils de Wolski affirment quil y avait des empreintes laissées par les êtres , bien quils naient pas donné de détails siles empreintes étaient plus ou moins grande que les leurs.
Un garçon de six ans, affirme avoir aperçu un bus de type artisanal planer au-dessus dune grange , puis monter très haut dans le ciel et disparaître .Wolski a expliqué ses souvenirs dans un entretien avec Henryk Pomorski et Krystyna Adamczyk en Juillet 1978 deux mois après lincident. La bande audio de linterview a été conservée dans une archive privée pendant une longue période avant dêtre rendue publique.
La population des Jupiters-flottants continue d'intriguer les astronomes. Ces grosses planètes se baladent seules, sans être en orbite autour d'une étoile.
Illustration d'un corps de la masse de Jupiter flottant dans la galaxie. (Nasa)
"LOST IN SPACE". Ranger les astres de la galaxie est une affaire complexe. La faute, notamment, à cette population de planètes flottant librement hors de linfluence de toute étoile, découverte voici quelques années par deux équipes internationales dastronomes. Il sagit de corps de la taille de Jupiter, en moyenne, situés entre 10.000 et 20.000 années lumière de la Terre, qui nappartiendraient à aucun système stellaire. Ces solitaires seraient en orbite autour du centre de notre galaxie plutôt quautour dune étoile.
Naines brunes ou planètes ?
Les premiers astres isolés à avoir été identifiés étaient des naines brunes, dont la formation est comparable à celle des étoiles mais qui ne parviennent pas à sallumer, faute dune taille suffisante. On a un temps pensé que les Jupiters-flottants pouvaient appartenir à cette catégorie. Cependant le nombre important de ces vagabonds suggère une autre origine. Dans une publication de 2011 de la revue Nature, l'équipe du Japonais Takahiro Sumi estimaient qu'il pouvait sagir de planètes éjectées de leur système stellaire en formation.
MICROLENTILLES. Ces planètes errantes ont été découvertes grâce à la technique de microlentille gravitationnelle, un effet loupe provoqué par le passage dun astre sur le trajet de la lumière émise par une étoile située dans larrière plan. Cela provoque un pic de luminosité de cette étoile dont la durée et lintensité sont liées à la taille de lastre qui fait loupe. 50 millions détoiles de la Voie lactée ont ainsi été surveillées pendant deux ans dans le cadre du projet MOA (Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics, collaboration entre le Japon et la Nouvelle-Zélande).
Les résultats obtenus ont ensuite été comparés à ceux quun autre projet, OGLE (Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment, Université de Varsovie), a glané de son côté. Cela a permis décarter les données parasites, le bruit de fond, et de confirmer que les événements enregistrés par les lentilles gravitationnelles correspondaient bien à la présence dastres.
Vraiment libres ?
"FREE LIKE THE WIND". Les Jupiter-flottants sont-ils vraiment libres de tout attachement gravitationnel ? Les chercheurs expliquent que, daprès leurs données, ces astres seraient éloignés de leur étoile dune distance équivalente à 10 unités astronomiques (10 fois la distance Terre-Soleil). Cela ne coïncide pas avec ce que lon sait - grâce à lépais catalogue dexoplanètes - des distances séparant ces planètes géantes de leur étoile. Les astronomes penchent donc pour lhypothèse dastres solitaires.
Les moyens utilisés n'ont pas encore permis de détecter des objets plus petits que Jupiter. Cependant les astronomes supposent que des planètes de la taille de la Terre sont éjectées de leur système. Les planètes flottantes seraient donc très nombreuses.
Cette vidéo illustre le principe de lentille gravitationnelle utilisé: après un zoom sur la région centrale de la Voie lactée, où ont été découverts les Jupiters flottants, on voit le pic de luminosité dune étoile. La seconde partie montre en détail la façon dont leffet loupe multiplie les images de létoile.( NASA/JPL-Caltech)
This week's UFO Digest
Newsletter is again full of the Internet's best articles, beginning
with Chris Holly's question about abductees benefiting from
hypnosis? Next, Scott Corrales reports on UFOs, humanoid winged
creatures and chupacabrias. Jose Antonio Cangco writes about
being interviewed by an alien. Then Diane Tessman reports on
possible one of the best movies of the year: Vertigo. Steve
Erdmann contributes an article about when UFOs crash. Doc
Vega writes about General Custer and UFOs. UFO Digest, Robert
D. Morningstar, reviews the THE GALACTIC TRANSCRIPTS. Christian
Macé reports on a UFO at La Tour d'Auvergne and another over Lake
Geneva. Next, Pat Regan reports that UFOs almost collided over
Lincolnshire. Former FBI agent Mark Bouton writes about his
book: The ET Murders. I recommend this article about Thomas Mantell. Then,
author, Dr. Susan Shumsky, writes about the power of Prana!
Finally, Carolyn Shield reports on Russia and China preparing
for alien invasion. Enjoy Dirk
We are steadily making progress on the UFO Digest
website. We have replaced the old comments and added new Facebook
comments, so if you are a member of Facebook it is easy to post a comment on UFO
Digest that will also appear on your Facebook page. So please leave a
comment! We will be launching a new forum in the next few days so I
hope you visit. Also, UFO Digest now has sister sites in Canada, India and the
DO ALL ABDUCTEES BENEFIT FROM HYPNOSIS?by Chris Holly. I have spent the last decade talking to, interviewing
and writing about people who have had encounters with abduction, lost time or
sightings up close and personal with unidentified beings and or objects. I have
made it a habit to ask those involved with these topics what they think about
hypnotism being used to induce the memory of those who cannot remember what took
place during their encounters. More...
by Scott Corrales. Members of the Agrupacion Tucumana Investigacion
Fenomeno OVNI (ATIFO) recorded a strange flying object in broad daylight. The
recording was made at the end of a meeting held on 23 June 12:05 pm at the ATIFO
headquarters. The members were exchanging farewells without noticing the white
object that emerged in the backdrop, they said. More... Also
Antonio Cangco. The following interview occurred many years ago when I was
in my twenties. I thought I was just answering the questions of a curious
teen-aged boy and it never occurred to me that he was an alien sent to interview
me about my beliefs. He was the smartest person I had ever met, and considering
he said he was an oncoming high school freshman (Grade 7), I could not easily
forget the conversation we had. More... Also
Diane Tessman. Good science fiction films are few and far between, but when
one is created, it invariably takes us to bizarre and often frightening
scenarios, all the while allowing us to perceive more about our inner selves.
Good science fiction also views humankind from above the maddening freeway of
daily life and offers truth and even inspiration. Gravity with Sandra Bullock
and George Clooney, does it all and we humans are responding by making it a box
office smash. More...
WHEN UFOs CRASHby Steve Erdmann. Authors
Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt are not new to the alien crashed disc
scenario, having become veteran investigators into the July,1947 alleged
Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash. In their Witness to Roswell book, the authors
went into detailed testimony and evidence of a supposed crashed alien spacecraft
on a ranch in the Roswell, New Mexico region. In this tome they branch out into
the further questions: Where was the material taken, were there any witnesses,
and how and why was it covered up? They also reveal Additional Roswell
disclosures. More... Also
Part II
CONSPIRACY by Doc Vega. George Armstrong Custer by all accounts
was reportedly a fearless if not obsessed US Army officer. His brilliance in
battle both won important victories for the Union Army during the Civil War but
apparently also created enemies among his own comrades and envious leadership.
The story of George Armstrong Custer is a study in what ambition, courage, envy,
and arrogance can do to the career and life of a great field officer. It is a
classic case of the tragic hero. More... Also read: THE REAL GENERAL
CONTACTby Robert D. Morningstar. The Galactic Transcripts is
non-fiction personal account of UFO contact. It is based on one man's very real,
extraordinary, and life-altering experiences. This book has had a profound
effect on many people. And this book could have an effect on you, as well. It's
the 1950s. A man sees a cigar-shaped UFO, subsequently becomes involved in
receiving channeled messages from intergalactic "human" beings, and then, within
hours of his death, writes a message "Border to Infinity" as the final entry in
his personal journal. What does it all mean? And could all these real life
events, including death, all be interconnected? More...
Christian Macé.UFO caught on camera at La Tour d'Auvergne in the
Puy-de-Dôme in France October 2, 2013. Many thanks to Mrs. X who just sent me
the email below, with two photos attached with original! I did not say his first
and last name for the sake of discretion and upon request. "Hello Mr. Christian
MACE, More...
UKby Pat Regan. In the last 10 years or so Jodie Richardson
has experienced a number of UFO sightings. One of Jodies most profound
sightings was when she, her husband, children and dog were on holiday in
Skegness, Lincolnshire, UK. One clear evening they all decided to go for a walk
to admire the stars and possibly hunt for a few UFOs. As they walked around the
edge of the caravan site at Skegness Water Leisure Park they came across a
manmade hill that was covered in patchy grass. They soon decided it would be a
good position to view the sky. More
In October of 2011, more than one hundred people reported they'd seen several
configurations of UFOs over the Kansas City area. Probably the most dramatic
sighting occurred when startled drivers observed a huge, triangle-shaped black
aircraft, several hundred yards long, which hovered one hundred feet above I-70
leading into the city. Several motorists stopped to study the craft more
closely, with the expected fender benders resulting. After several minutes, the
craft zipped away at a fantastic speed. Mufon investigators in Missouri continue
to follow up on the reports. More...
WAS THOMAS MANTELL A VICTIM OF A UFO ENCOUNTER?by Dirk Vander Ploeg. More than 65 years after Roswell became the top
location in UFOlogy, believers in UFOs have come to be seen as a little kooky.
We joke about probes and little green men, brushing off stories of close
encounters as made-up. We may want to believe, but most of us go through our
lives safe in the knowledge that we're the sane ones and the people who think
aliens have visited earth are clearly silly, misguided and delusional. More...
PRANAby Dr. Susan Shumsky. Have you ever met a person who
had a powerful, wonderful vibration? Someone you wanted to get closer to? Have
you met another person whose vibration gave you the creeps? Can you tell
immediately whether you will like someoneor not? Have you ever felt someone was
standing too close, and you had to step back? More...
READY?by Carolyn Shield. In the few more weeks United States
shutdown goes critical meanwhile Russia and China are preparing for space wars
in their budgets. China just captured another one of their satellites in a major
breakthrough in space wars capturing of enemy satellites. They demonstrated
years ago that they could blow up any enemy satellites after testing a missile
on their own. The results were not what they wanted. They shot down their
satellite but in the process sprayed debris all over in space hindering their
other satellites as well as others. They have developed now and aim to capture
their satellites and it has the capacity to capture other countries satellites.
Chinas budget for defense is looking into space. America is closing NASA. More...
Subscribers: As regular readers of
the UFO Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to friends or
associates you believe may be interested in our articles. The newsletter is an
important element of UFO Digest and I would really like to increase its
membership. Thanks Dirk.
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UFO TODAY - NEW DIGITAL MAGAZINE Issue 1 of UFO TODAY is almost ready and will be out in November. I
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Strange and genuine photographs you will never forget... World's
10 Most Mysterious Pictures Ever Ta...
09-10-2013 om 19:46
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Dont talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking (VIDEO)
Dont talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking (VIDEO)
The aliens are out there and Earth had better watch out, at least according to Stephen Hawking. He has suggested that extraterrestrials are almost certain to exist but that instead of seeking them out, humanity should be doing all it that can to avoid any contact. The suggestions come in a new documentary series in which Hawking, one of the worlds leading scientists, will set out his latest thinking on some of the universes greatest mysteries. Alien life, he will suggest, is almost certain to exist in many other parts of the universe: not just in planets, but perhaps in the centre of stars or even floating in interplanetary space.
Hawkings logic on aliens is, for him, unusually simple. The universe, he points out, has 100 billion galaxies, each containing hundreds of millions of stars. In such a big place, Earth is unlikely to be the only planet where life has evolved.
To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational, he said. The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like.
The answer, he suggests, is that most of it will be the equivalent of microbes or simple animals the sort of life that has dominated Earth for most of its history.
One scene in his documentary for the Discovery Channel shows herds of two-legged herbivores browsing on an alien cliff-face where they are picked off by flying, yellow lizard-like predators. Another shows glowing fluorescent aquatic animals forming vast shoals in the oceans thought to underlie the thick ice coating Europa, one of the moons of Jupiter.
Such scenes are speculative, but Hawking uses them to lead on to a serious point: that a few life forms could be intelligent and pose a threat. Hawking believes that contact with such a species could be devastating for humanity.
He suggests that aliens might simply raid Earth for its resources and then move on: We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldnt want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach.
He concludes that trying to make contact with alien races is a little too risky. He said: If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didnt turn out very well for the Native Americans.
The completion of the documentary marks a triumph for Hawking, now 68, who is paralysed by motor neurone disease and has very limited powers of communication. The project took him and his producers three years, during which he insisted on rewriting large chunks of the script and checking the filming.
John Smithson, executive producer for Discovery, said: He wanted to make a programme that was entertaining for a general audience as well as scientific and thats a tough job, given the complexity of the ideas involved.
Hawking has suggested the possibility of alien life before but his views have been clarified by a series of scientific breakthroughs, such as the discovery, since 1995, of more than 450 planets orbiting distant stars, showing that planets are a common phenomenon.
So far, all the new planets found have been far larger than Earth, but only because the telescopes used to detect them are not sensitive enough to detect Earth-sized bodies at such distances.
Another breakthrough is the discovery that life on Earth has proven able to colonise its most extreme environments. If life can survive and evolve there, scientists reason, then perhaps nowhere is out of bounds.
Hawkings belief in aliens places him in good scientific company. In his recent Wonders of the Solar System BBC series, Professor Brian Cox backed the idea, too, suggesting Mars, Europa and Titan, a moon of Saturn, as likely places to look.
Similarly, Lord Rees, the astronomer royal, warned in a lecture earlier this year that aliens might prove to be beyond human understanding.
I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms we cant conceive, he said. Just as a chimpanzee cant understand quantum theory, it could be there are aspects of reality that are beyond the capacity of our brains. Whitley Strieber's Reaction to Hawking's Warning on Aliens
09-10-2013 om 19:43
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Extraterrestrial Intervention - Major ED Dames, Dr Doom's Bright Topic
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
OZ encounters: UFOs in Australia
OZ encounters: UFOs in Australia
OZ Encounters is the remarkable eye-popping one-hour documentary that features extraordinary UFO sightings and encounters. The result is an amazing cross-section of case studies from all walks of lifefarmers, bank managers, wedding photographers, nurses, doctors, children, housewives. These peoples experiences range from multiple sightings and encounters to abductions. OZ Encounters takes a non-judgmental approach to the accounts, providing a truly impartial Australian perspective on this fascinating subject which is bound to stimulate public consciousness. The film incorporates people pres enting their stories in their own words with the latest in 3-D animation and exciting dramatisations of their experiences. OZ Encounters unbelievable stories told by the ordinary people whose lives will never to be the same again.
Three Former U.S. Air Force ICBM Launch Officers Speak Out About
This article appeared in the September 2013 issue of the MUFON
UFO Journal
I am currently working on a documentary film
concerning UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites. Ive just returned from
Albuquerque, New Mexico, where a series of interviews with former U.S. Air Force
missileers were recorded. The veteransPhilip Moore, Jay Earnshaw, and Gaylan
Kingwere first interviewed on audiotape years ago but graciously agreed to
participate in the current project as well.
Although it will be many
months before the film is finished, brief summaries of the former nuclear
missile launch officers audiotaped statements appear here:
Philip Moore
In 2005, retired USAF Lt. Col. Philip E. Moore
agreed to tell me about his own UFO experience at Walker AFB, New Mexico. At the
time of the incident Moore had been a Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander
(DMCCC) and was on duty in one of the 579th Strategic Missile Squadrons
underground Atlas ICBM launch control capsules.
He said, It was late at
night. My crew was on alert at 579 Site 7 in late 1964 when my crew commander,
Major Dan Gilbert, and I got a call from one of our sister sites. The other
missile crew said that a UFO was alternately hovering over their site, rapidly
moving away, then returning.
Moore continued, It was Major Gilbert who
took the call, most likely from the other MCCC. I believe it was Site 6 that
called, but it might have been Site 8. Sites 6, 7, and 8 were in a cluster
south-southeast of Roswell. The sighting could have been made by a guard or
enlisted crew member at the other site.
I was a first lieutenant at the
time, one of three crew members certified to monitor the launch console. So
Major Gilbert sent our enlisted crew membersTechnical Sergeant Jack Nevins,
Airman 1st Class Bob Garner, and Airman 1st Class Mike Rundagup to the Silo
Cap, at ground level, to see what they could.
They reported the UFO
zooming from the direction of Site 6 to the direction of Site 8 and hovering for
awhile at the end of the movement. I recall my crew members saying that the
hovering was instantaneous. At times it hovered over Site 6, then flew extremely
rapidly to the other site and instantly stopped and hovered in-place over that
one. I cant remember how many round-trips were involved. They all described it
as a silent light that moved extremely rapidlyinstant go and instant stop, no
getting up to speed or slowing down. Unfortunately, no binoculars were
Moore added, The common comment I remember was that everyone
thought it was a UFO and that it was hovering directly over Sites 6 and 8 and
nowhere else. Thus, it was specifically interested in those sites.
I asked Moore whether the crew members had been certain that the UFO was
stopping directly over the other missile sitesgiven their estimated 10 to
15-mile distance from Site 7he responded, They assumed that the hovering was
directly over the sites because the crew commander who called us said that it
was definitely over his site. After awhile, Major Gilbert ordered Nevins to sit
at the console with me and he went topside. He saw the same activity. During the
event, the UFO did not come to our site. By the time my turn came to go topside,
the show was over so I didnt see anything.
I asked Moore if he and his
crew were debriefed about the incident. He responded, We were never debriefed,
never warned not to discuss it, nor was it discussed beyond [the members of our
crew]. In other words, there was no official discussion or acknowledgment. It
seemed to be ignored above crew-level. But some of us crew members discussed it
Moore concluded, I personally believe that there is something
to the UFO-ICBM connection. I know the Air Force covers-up when it feels the
official need. UFOs over ICBM sites could be one of those official
Jay Earnshaw
If one goes to the documents section of my web-site
one will find a three-page Air Force report discussing UFO activity at F.E.
Warren AFBs Minuteman missile sites from July 31 to August 2, 1965. Retired
launch officer John F. Jay Earnshaw was involved in the events of August 1st
and, it seems, on other unknown dates in the mid-1960s.
He told me, I
was a Captain, a Missile Combat Crew Commander or, early on, a Deputy Commander,
primarily at Echo Flight. We did have [UFO] sightings at Echo Flight. There were
times that our security forces up above would report strange things. Lights in
the sky. Because I was a missile commander, the security people were required to
call down to the capsule and report anything unusual going on up there.
The information we got about the UFOs was that none of them came inside
the fenced area [around the Echo Launch Control Facility], and none of them
touched-down in the area outside the fence. As reported by the on-duty security
controller, the lights visible from Echo Flight would have extended from the
northwest to the southeast. So they were all just strange aerial lights, making
no noise, that would stack on top of one another and then just
I asked Earnshaw if he could recall any specific description
of the aerial lights. He said, The security people described them as oblong or,
from the correct perspective, disc-like. No reported markings or navigation
lights. If a color was reported, it was usually reddish or orange-ish shades.
They were reported as aloft or up in the air but I dont recall any mention
of altitudeno reliable estimated distance other than close.
added, I heard that [the Air Force Office of Special Investigations] was
debriefing people. OSI was charged with doing whatever the commanders above them
wanted done.
I asked Earnshaw to estimate the number of UFO-related
calls he had received from the security police topside at Echo. He said, There
were a few. It wasnt a multitude of calls. Those calls were eventually
discouraged by higher command. There was a lot of pressure by Blue Book to keep
this under wraps and, you know, they were saying publicly that there was nothing
to [UFOs] and all that. But [among the missile launch officers] there were
reports by word-of-mouth. But it was one of those things that was never
officially acknowledged.
Earnshaw then said firmly, But we got reports
from our security people that there were objects in the sky stacked up, one on
top of the other, just hovering there. The Russians sure didnt have the
capability to do that! So that leaves only one other possibility. I am one who
believes that we are not the only ones in the Universe and, well, I think
someone might have been interested in what we were doing at our [nuclear
missile] sites. I wasnt one of the witnesses to these events because I was
underground in the capsule, but my second-hand information from the security
people up above was that the objects were really there.
Gaylan King
Retired U.S. Air Force Major Gaylan W. King, who
was a Minuteman launch officer at Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, in the
mid-1960s, told me during a taped telephone conversation:
I think this happened in 1967 but it may well have been in 66. I was a
Captain, a Missile [Combat] Crew Commander, with the 66th Strategic Missile
Squadron. We experienced several cases of UFOs hovering over sites. Everyone
knew that there were weird things going on.
The most interesting
occurrenceof about 10 to 15happened one night at another flight, Charlie. I
was in the Echo capsule that night and heard what happened on the Primary Alert
System. Following the security violation [alarms], both Outer and Inner, they
sent out a Strike Team and received a visual report of a UFO hovering over a
Launch FacilityI dont remember which onewith some kind of light beam coming
down from the bottom of the UFO to the site. The team leader told the commander
at Charlie that the object looked like a flying saucer and the beam was
described as reddish in color. The craft then took off at high
This report went immediately up the chain [of command] to SAC
Headquarters. Soon, black, unmarked Huey helicopters showed up at Ellsworth.
They were constantly coming and going, from the base out to the countryside. You
know, we had 150 missiles scattered around out there. Anyway, the Hueys were
strategically stationed around the greater area of the 44th Strategic Missile
WingI guess to get a look at the UFOswhich were very evident for three to four
The crews of those choppers came to the Officers Club but spoke
to no one and disappeared as quickly as they appeared. They werent Air Force;
they were probably working for the CIA or NSA or some group like that. Short
hair, dark clothes, kept to themselves. They were different and stuck out. They
were all over the place. Id love to know who they were.
As soon as they
showed up, everything began to clamp down. We heard nothing about the results
[of their investigations], but I spoke with some of the security Strike Team
commanders, all NCOs, who actually saw the unidentified intruders. This scenario
apparently happened at all or most of the Minuteman wings. We heard about that
through the grapevine. I have no doubt what the objects were.
While we
cannot know with certainty, I suspect that the events described by Gaylan King
occurred in 1966, not 67. Retired missile maintenance technicians Albert
Spodnik and John Baker have independently discussed UFO-related events at
Ellsworths Juliet Flight, in June 1966, involving mysterious single-missile
shutdowns that occurred when UFOs were reported to be in the vicinity. King told
me that he had not heard about those incidents, perhaps because they occurred at
launch sites belonging to a different squadron at the base.
Three more
videotaped interviews, with other former ICBM launch officers, are scheduled.
Brief excerpts from all six will appear in my documentary film and the
full-length versions will eventually appear on YouTube.
Alien intelligences may be controlling the United States government at its highest, most secret level.
If, in fact, the top-secret federal government entity in charge of controlling information about the extraterrestrial reality is itself being controlled by aliens, that would help explain why the government is reluctant to release any data related to the phenomenon. U.S. citizens began reporting Unidentified Flying Objects to federal, state and local authorities in 1947, but ever since the beings piloting these strange flying machines have done a stellar job of keeping their operation secret. Alien abduction accounts began to surface in the 1960s, but again, the extraterrestrial entities responsible have been able to keep irrefutable proof of the stories reality from the general public. For years, some UFO researchers speculated that certain U.S. government officials deliberately withheld information from the public, and for various reasons. Noted ufologist Stanton Friedman stated during a 2002 interview that the technology behind flying saucers is perhaps what is most important to governments.
The first country to duplicate the ability of flying saucers to move at very high speed and very slowly, to make right angle turns at very high speed, to move up and down vertically, usually with little noise or exhaust or visible external engines, will rule the planet, Friedman said.
Friedman said another reason why the government would withhold information about UFOs from the public is because of a concern that the other guy, meaning a different government, would figure out how flying saucers operate before it does.
The third problem for governments is political, Friedman said. Church attendance would increase as would mental hospital admissions. The stock market would go down. The biggest reactions would be a push from the younger generation for a new view of ourselves as earthlings instead of as Americans, Canadians, Peruvians, Chinese, etc , I know of no government that wants its citizens to owe their primary allegiance to the planet instead of that government. The fourth reason governments would withhold information about flying saucers, Friedman said, is because certain Christian fundamentalists have strongly expressed the view that mankind represents the only intelligent beings in the universe and that the flying saucer stuff is the work of the Devil. They (fundamentalists) would be up the creek without a religious paddle should an announcement be made, he said. Friedman said the fifth reason to keep the extraterrestrial reality covered up is economic chaos would be the result of full disclosure. We earthlings dont seem to be very good at large-scale economic transitions, he said. But what if Friedman is wrong? What if politics, a potential panic, a technology race, possible economic disasters, and the unknowns disclosure would have on Christian fundamentalists have nothing to do with the reason to keep the extraterrestrial reality a secret? What if aliens have infiltrated the U.S. government and other world governments and are pulling political strings from some unseen spacecraft outside of the Earths orbit or buried deep in some secret base under the sea? The theory is not as far-fetched as it sounds when one considers that the beings visiting our planet could be thousands if not millions of years more technically advanced than human beings. If these beings have the ability to abduct people in the light of day, do things to them in their spaceships, erase their memories and then set them back on their paths as if nothing at all happened, then what would stop them from doing something similar to federal government officials? Perhaps disclosure of the extraterrestrial phenomenon would have occurred by now if humans rather than aliens were the ones in charge of releasing the data? A decision could have been made behind closed doors years ago that information related to extraterrestrials is to be given to the President of the United States only on a need to know basis. Many ufologists believe there is a secret agency within the federal power structure that specifically deals with the UFO phenomenon. If that is true, then what if alien beings have somehow infiltrated this group, perhaps unknowingly to the members, and now have it under their control? When one considers all of the information out there now on UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors in books, magazines, and television programs, the notion of our government being controlled at least partially by otherworldly creatures sounds less and less silly. Polls indicate that most Americans believe UFOs are real and that the government is involved in a massive cover-up. With that in mind, it makes no logical sense to continue the cover-up. Why not put everything on the table to confirm what everybody already believes? The answer could have more to do with what ET wants than what anybody working for the federal government wants.
are invited to enjoy one of the world's best collections of Ufology information
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08-10-2013 om 23:12
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
UFO Sighting In NASA Footage - Fleet of UFOs Flying Away From Earth
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) suspended its United States operations Friday (Oct. 4) after the government shutdown forced the large astronomy organization to temporarily close its doors.
The NRAO has closed three telescopes: the Very Large Array, the Very Long Baseline Array, and the Green Bank Telescope. The organization is also responsible for helping to run the giant ALMA radio telescope (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) in Chile, but that facility can still remain open for three to four weeks, ScienceInsider reports.
While the shutdown went into effect on Oct. 1, NRAO facilities remained open for three extra days thanks to extra funds from the 2013 fiscal year, according to ScienceInsider. [10 Biggest Telescopes on Earth: How They Measure Up]
08-10-2013 om 23:06
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.