The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Les ovnis sont parmi nous
Les ovnis sont parmi nous
Il ne se passe pas une semaine sans que ne soit signalé des phénomènes aériens inexpliqués, appelés communément ovnis. Lannée 2013 a été riche en phénomènes encore inexpliqués
En voici un petit florilège, quils soient « vrais » ou « fake ».
Trois objets ont été filmés le 19 septembre dans le ciel dAllemagne, au-dessus du Brandebourg. Deux dentre eux ressemblent à des OVNI « triangles ». Des spécialistes se sont interrogés sur la qualité surprenante des images que les appareils de vision nocturne ne permettent pas dhabitude.[Capture d'écran Youtube]
Les phénomènes lumineux qui ont survolé les grandes manifestations de Sao Paulo le 17 juin 2013 ont été particulièrement commentées. Après analyse, les points lumineux se sont révélés être des drônes. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
Le 16 février 2013, la vidéo dun OVNI formé de trois points lumineux est mise en ligne. Filmée en Californie, cette séquence montre une des formes dOVNI les plus communément évoquées. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
Le 18 septembre 2013, une vidéo a été mise en ligne sur le site Youtube. On peut y observer des points lumineux évoluant de manière étranger autour dun navire enfumé. Aucune explication na été fournie. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
Le 30 janvier 2013, le pilote dun appareil costaricain a filmé avec son téléphone portable un objet blanc survolant le sol en contrebas de son avion. [Capture d'écran Youtube ]
LOVNI « diamant » de Lincoln. Apparu le 4 septembre au-dessus de la capitale du Nebraska (États-Unis). Il a été filmé par les caméras de la chaîne de télévision KLKN et commenté en direct par le présentateur de la météo. [Capture d'écran YouTube]
Le 21 août 2013, Margaret Pfeiffer, une habitante de lÉtat de Georgie (États-Unis), filme la chute dun mystérieux appareil cylindrique de couleur blanche.[Capture d'écran Youtube]
Cet objet lumineux a été filmé par un vidéaste dans le ciel de Hong Kong dans la nuit du 6 octobre. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
Le phénomène filmé le 16 mars 2013 dans le ciel dIrlande est un des plus spectaculaires de lannée. Quatre boules ultra lumineuses ont été filmées se déplaçant dans le ciel de Cork, sans quaucune explication plausible ne soit avancée. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
La station spatiale internationale (ISS) alimente bien des rumeurs au sujet des OVNI. Cest donc un cadre privilégié pour les concepteurs de canular. Preuve en est : cette vidéo diffusée le 3 mars 2013 sur laquelle on peut observer un OVNI « cigare » croiser au large de lISS. Il sagit en réalité dun ajout pur et simple, posé par un plaisantin, sur une vidéo originale de la NASA. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
Le 19 août 2013, un spationaute de la station spatiale internationale (ISS) a envoyé une vidéo tournée par ces soins. On y distingue un étranger objet flottant à proximité de la station. Après analyse, il sagit dun module ancien de lISS qui sen était détaché. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
Le 5 février 2013, le passager dun avion qui survolait le Massachussets (États-Unis) a filmé par hasard un engin circulant dans le sens inverse à une vitesse vertigineuse. Aucune explication plausible ici encore. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
LOVNI du Popocatepetl est filmé pour la deuxième fois le 30 mai 2013. Lobjet survole le cratère du volcan mexicain, puis sengouffre dedans. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
21 janvier 2013. Washington DC. A lissue de la cérémonie dinvestiture de Barack Obama, élu pour un deuxième mandat, les caméras de Fox News filme une étrange lueur derrière lobélisque géante qui se dresse sur le mall de la capitale fédérale. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
Ce nest que le 21 février 2013 que cette vidéo, tournée en octobre 2012, a été mise en ligne. Il sagit de la première apparition dun OVNI « cigare » au-dessus du Popocatepetl, le fameux volcan mexicain. Après lavoir survolé, lOVNI sengouffre dedans. Un deuxième phénomène inexpliqué sera filmé au-dessus de ce volcan le 30 mai 2013. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
Cette vidéo dun OVNI oblong dans le ciel de Sydney a été tournée le 6 mars 2013 par Russell Crowe. La star australienne clame son authenticité. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
Avril 2013 a été un mois riche en phénomènes en Russie. Le 13, une étudiante dAbaza (république de Khakassie) a photographié un appareil surprenant quelle avait initialement confondu avec un oiseau.[Capture d'écran Youtube]
Dans le ciel dAstrakhan (sud de la Russie), un vidéaste amateur a filmé une véritable « grappe » dOVNI le 25 avril 2013. La séquence, très longue, na pas été expliquée jusquà présent. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
Trop beau pour être vrai. En février 2013, le réalisateur canadien Aristomenis Tsirbas a révélé être lauteur de ces images spectaculaires qui avait fait le buzz en octobre 2012. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
9 mai 2013. Des cascades de surprenants points lumineux sont observés depuis le Chili et lArgentine. Leur origine était en fait rationnelle : il sagissait des débris dune fusée Antarès « test » retombant dans latmosphère. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
Le Canada a été le théâtre de plusieurs phénomènes inhabituels en 2013. Certains ont été expliqués, dautres non. Cest le cas de cet OVNI photographié le 25 mai 2013 au-dessus des montagnes North Shore. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
Vancouver, 7 septembre 2013. Un OVNI lumineux, ressemblant à une soucoupe volante, est observé et filmé à proximité dun stade de Vancouver où se déroule un match de baseball. Lhypothèse dun drône semble probable. [Capture d'écran YouTube]
Un mystérieux objet lumineux et tournoyant aurait été vu dans le ciel dAlmaty au Kazakhstan. La vidéo a été mise en ligne le 24 octobre. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
29 septembre 2013. Une sphère incandescente sabat dans le ciel dIslande. [Capture d'écran Youtube]
11-11-2013 om 23:08
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
«La Guerre des mondes», la lutte des sexes - MAGONIE
«La Guerre des mondes», la lutte des sexes MédiasLa panique martienne déclenchée par Orson Welles est un mythe. Mais d'où vient-il?
Hystérie de masse? Non. La Guerre des mondes dOrson Welles, diffusée il y a 75 ans et devenue la plus célèbre émission de radio de tous les temps, ne déclencha pas une vague de panique aux Etats-Unis. Pas de terreur collective, de tumulte urbain, de suicides, dhospitalisations dauditeurs en état de choc. Tout cela relève dune image dEpinal dépeignant le public comme assez naïf pour gober la chronique dune invasion martienne en la prenant pour vraie.
Doù vient le mythe de cette grande frousse? Une nouvelle étude* met à nu une couche inconnue de laffaire, quon pèle comme un oignon depuis quelques années. Sous la fausse frayeur de masse de La Guerre des mondes, on découvre ainsi la guerre des médias, le conflit des ego et la guerre des sexes.
A vrai dire, quil ny eut pas de panique collective le soir du 30 octobre 1938, on le savait déjà. Louvrage pionnier du Français Pierre Lagrange (La guerre des mondes a-t-elle eu lieu?, LT du 12.08.2005) nous lavait appris. En 2010, on découvrait grâce à lAméricain W. Joseph Campbell (Getting It Wrong: Ten of the Greatest Misreported Stories in American Journalism) que la fabrication du mythe était due aux journaux du lendemain et quelle était tout sauf innocente.
Les femmes dissimulées
La radio était alors la concurrente qui menaçait la presse écrite en grignotant son marché. Les événements européens de lautomne 1938 (Accords de Munich, crise des Sudètes) avaient dopé son impact auprès du public. Dans ce contexte, «les journaux américains avaient intérêt à dénoncer la radio et à la caractériser comme irresponsable et pas fiable», écrit Campbell. Gonfler sur papier le trouble produit chez quelques personnes par La Guerre des mondes servait ce propos. Pourquoi se priver?
Avec cette révélation, on croyait le dossier clos. Sauf que non: il manquait le rôle essentiel joué par la guerre des sexes et des ego. Jefferson Pooley et Michael J. Socolow le mettent à nu aujourdhui, en décortiquant la fabrication du livre qui bétonna la légende en 1940. The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic, de Hadley Cantril, donna au mythe une légitimité académique, un récit palpitant et la notoriété que procure un best-seller.
Le hic? Lauteur en cachait trois autres: un homme, Paul Lazarsfeld, que Cantril évinça au bout dune longue bagarre, et deux femmes, Herta Herzog et Hazel Gaudet, passées sous silence sans autre procédé: «division sexuée du travail» oblige. Le contenu de louvrage sen trouva très affecté, car Herta Herzog était porteuse dun point de vue plus nuancé. Après avoir interviewé une centaine dauditeurs qui sétaient dits effrayés par lémission, la chercheuse se demandait pourquoi certains avaient essayé de vérifier si ce débarquement martien était bien réel et dautres pas.
Cette question se lit entre les lignes, noyée dans la prose dramatique de Hadley Cantril. «Pour attirer de lattention et des fonds, louvrage reproduisait la théâtralité de La Guerre des mondes radiophonique», écrivent Pooley et Socolow. Il faut dire que Cantril avait en plus obtenu un financement de la Rockefeller Foundation pour une «étude sur lhystérie de masse». Surtout, ne pas décevoir
Rideau? Qui sait: les bonnes rumeurs ne meurent jamais. Comme celle de la grande peur de lan mille (qui neut pas lieu) ou celle des spectateurs affolés par la locomotive qui leur fonçait dessus dans lun des premiers films des frères Lumière, LArrivée dun train en gare de La Ciotat : mythe aussi.
Nic Ulmi
* Joy Elizabeth Hayes, Kathleen Battles, Wendy Hilton-Morrow (Editors), «War of the Worlds to Social Media: Mediated Communication in Times of Crisis», Peter Lang Publishers, 292 p.
Sinds 21 december 2012 bevindt het gehele zonnestelsel zich in de photon belt of fotonengordel. Tweeduizend jaar lang wordt het menselijk bewustzijn verruimd en worden alle sleutels van ons DNA geactiveerd.
Rond de Plejaden draait een enorme gordel van fotonen. Doordat de aarde door deze gordel beweegt wordt de mensheid opgetild naar een hoger bestaansniveau.
Virginia Essene en Sheldon Nidle schrijven dat de fotonengordel mensen de gelegenheid geeft om een hoger niveau te bereiken, namelijk het galactische niveau.
De Duitse ingenieur Paul Otto Hesse omschreef de fotonengordel en de invloed ervan op planeet aarde in zijn boek Der Jüngste Tag (1950). Hij schreef toen dat niemand precies kon weten wanneer we de fotonengordel zouden binnengaan en verwees naar Markus 13:32: Maar van dien dag en die ure weet niemand, noch de engelen, die in de hemel zijn, noch de Zoon, dan de Vader.
Samael Aun Weor, die in de jaren zeventig over het fenomeen schreef, legt een verband tussen de fotonengordel en de ringen van Alcyone. Weor stelt dat Alcyone de belangrijkste ster is van de sterrenhoop Plejaden en door middel van de zwaartekracht invloed uitoefent op zeven andere sterren, waarvan onze zon de zevende is.
Volgens Weor heeft Alcyone ringen die bestaan uit straling, veroorzaakt door de splitsing van het elektron. Deze straling is manasisch. In het Sanskriet staat manas voor het bewustzijn. Deze straling is gerelateerd aan het onderscheid tussen het ondergeschikte bewustzijn (lager bewustzijn of lagere zelf) en het superieure bewustzijn (hoger bewustzijn of hogere zelf). Weor legt uit dat de elektronen in de ringen van Alcyone een onbekende soort energie uitzenden.
De fotonengordel wordt geassocieerd met fysieke ongemakken zoals tintelingen, steken in het lichaam en hartritmeveranderingen.
The former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer, called on governments, namely the US, to disclose information about increasing UFO sightings. While shocking to hear from a government official, in 2013, governments are not able to keep UFO sightings secret like previously done in the past. As pressure increases, blame is placed on current drone activity and missile testing.
Paul Hellyer, an engineer and politician, spoke out in front of Congress and declared from his reports that there are alien species, four types specifically identified, different types have different agendas and that there are aliens living on earth right now.
The 2012 Canadian Ufology Survey released a report that revealed the number of UFO sightings across Canada doubled since the year before, now a record high of around 2000 sightings in one calendar year.
Mobile phone access reaches three quarters of the population. UFO sightings are captured in real-time and upload to numerous forms of social media as images or video. Activity has increased so much around the world that even airports have been shut down due to unidentified activity in the sky.
Image captured over Xiaoshan Airport in China
China closed the Xiaoshan Airport when a strange glowing object was spotted in the sky. Inbound and outbound flights were delayed for four hours. The residents of Hangzhou uploaded photos online of a hovering object covered in a golden hue and said the flying object emitted red and white emissions of light.
Image captured over Norway
Many UFO sightings in Norway, Israel, Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon and Jordan have been blamed on Russian missile testing. Italian astronaut, Luca Parmitano, captured an image from the International Space Station while his colleague, Mike Hopkins, tweeted that he saw something launch into space today and he was not sure what it was but the cloud it left behind was pretty amazing.
Image captured over Mexico
Camera and video captured a large group of unidentified foreign objects in the sky over Guadalajara.
Due to increased sightings of anomalous aerial phenomena in Peru, the air force announced it is reopening the office responsible for UFO investigations. Colonel Julio Vucetich, the head of the air forces aerospace interests division told reporters that many people dont report UFO sightings and declared that is because they fear they will be labeled mad or made fun of, but nowadays with new technology, cellphone videos, Facebook, Twitter, they can be much more open, without feeling that they are the only ones who have seen what theyve seen.
The National UFO Reporting Center in the US said UFO spottings increased 42 percent from 2011 to 2012. Drones are currently being blamed for the increase. The CEO of the drone consulting firm Unmanned Response, Tony Hallett, summed up the overwhelming response from the public as theyll see something flying around the neighborhood with an LED light on, and itll be an unidentified flying object for them. Nobody can be quite sure about what they are seeing. They can however find comfort in fellow onlookers seeing the same sighting and capturing it from all angles. According to some governments and organizations, UFO sightings are increasing. As they flood the internet, the former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer, is joined by the citizens of the world, in waiting to hear disclosures from the US on the subject matter. Although, official statements from any government in the world are rare, the internet might create the right kind of pressure for a discussion.
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What Are Alien Abductions All About? : The Alien
What Are Alien Abductions All About? : The Alien "Bump In The Night"
Paul Schroeder
The Bumps of Critters, in the Night: What Alien Abductions Are All About
"All truth passes through three (3) stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer
I imagine strongly that I am just dreaming, but I am again awake in another dimension, unsure of what reality is.
Within a blackness, a voice intones, resonant and deeply bass, over and over and over and over: "What a beautiful child, such a lovely child." A deep operatic voice intones: "What a lovely child, such a beautiful child." Over and over and over, again. Suddenly, I am on foot, merged into a multi -structured scenario, a facsimile reality, a 3-D holograph. I am surrounded by people craning their necks in a crowded street scene; just ahead of me, off scene, trumpets blare, snare drums tattoo into a marching rhythm. I am drawn ahead to a parade. I move swiftly forward, now purposefully striding, popcorn strewn sidewalks crunching beneath my feet, cotton candy wafting a cloying sweetness to my nostrils, on the breeze.
Just ahead, the excited blare of trumpets grows louder. A murmur of crowds, people lined up on both sides of the wide avenue, all expectantly crane their necks and heads above me, taller than I am. The idea strikes me that I will likely miss this parade, that it will go down the avenue heard, but unobserved and this worry, propels me forward. As I push through the towering crowd to a front position I glance down at my hands I am holding little hands, pulling along two children, one in each hand, as I rush forward, expectantly eager, with an added urgency, that these two children also experience the brassy, colorful thrill and panache of a marching band parade. In my right hand is the palm of a human child, perhaps five years old, wiry and muscular with blond hair and the bluest eyes, a robust human child. In my other hand, I grasp a small, non-human withered hand, of an odd child, with large black almond-shaped eyes, and with very long, skinny arms and legs, a sickly, grey tubular creature-child who struggles, but who cannot keep up. I sweep this odd child up onto my shoulders to allow it to see the parade ahead and to carry it ; I can feel its joy radiate as a strong psychic wave. I look again, mildly curious and more critical, the dream fading. It is handicapped, an ailing entity, sadly listless and oddly lifeless. A facsimile look alike of the cartoon character, Gumby, as a baby, with long grey arms and legs that seem useless as appendages, a long tubular -shaped Gumby child, listless, and with no vitality. I stare at it in amazement, more clearly awake, agog and stunned. The holograph's scene quickly changes, as does my viewing perspective. I look down at this same grey -tubular, but now diapered, nonhuman child, as it lays on a bed. In my head, that same deep resonant bass operatic voice suggests to my mind that I need to change its diaper. I was never an eager changer of diapers with my own babies, choosing sometimes to neglectfully leave a fully ripe and pungent baby for their mother to change, who was due home at any moment. I recoil at the suggestion to nurture and care for it, by changing its dirty diaper.. Both the creature and its toilet needs strongly repulse me, as I begin to examine it more closely. I awaken in bed, suddenly aware that the word, "dreams", used to describe abduction's surreal otherworldly ness, confuses real dreams with the foggy memories of actually being in an alternative reality, because the abduction experience is powerfully so dreamlike in nature. 'Dream', is an impotent word in our language, used when recalling alien abductions, a problem with our language's inability to describe the experience in any other way. "What a beautiful child!", as a phrase, is universally recalled by many tens of thousands of abductees, the world over, a phrase in an alien scripted scenario, in attempts to have offspring reunited with their somatic abductee parents for some nurturing, as these hybrids seem to be emotionally expiring. A faraway, primal thought arouses a dawning idea, one that they wanted me to embrace: that ethereal Gumby child is quite possibly of my own blood and my own flesh.
And that's what abductions are all about.
They are in salvage, busy doing what we are doing, creating offspring, all over this planet, changing gene pools, blending two very different species of beings. These hybrids have been acquired, by these beings, by a difficult, long, secretive hard road. We are used towards this alien agenda, precisely in the same way as we practice animal husbandry. Good technology, a million years more advanced than ours, seems like Godlike magic. Mass abductions, the taking of many people in an area at the same time, involves folding time and space in a manner beyond belief so that no time missed is noticed by abductees.An abductee can be taken and returned and no time missing is detected. Time is a quaint variable, like gravity, both of which aliens have exploited in ways that we can only faintly imagine. When UFO craft suddenly wink out, vanish and then reappear, in the exact same spot, the pilots have actually traveled into time and returned. As a loose rule, some abductees' soul-personalities have agreed to participate in these abductions at a distant point in time, as a spiritual agreement and these people are often virtual peace offerings between warring alien factions, used as somatic banks to periodically retrieve tissue from people with alien DNA.
Most abductees have rarified alien DNA. They locate us as children to begin this tampering and it continues regularly, throughout life. I refuse to acknowledge this agreement, as this particular personality of mine has been purposely made aware of these intrusions and as such, reflect a clear violation of spiritual rights, in their continuing. I have dragged my feet and refused cooperation. They change tactics and redouble their efforts. I have enlisted spiritual help from the same dimension that they use to enter our physical one, and they lend demons into the equation as spite work, muddling the picture. I tell myself that I will remember, and vague and vivid snippets remain which I can unfurl at leisure, by worrying the edges of the snippet.
What happened just before and just after the recalled snippet of memory will intrude slowly, until a fuller grasp entails. They are careful to give me vivid screen memories that mask events onboard craft, screen memories dreamlike in nature. Often, they wrap me in general blackness so that I awake with nosebleeds, scoop marks and exhaustion without vivid remnants to recall. But the screen memories are so aligned with their negative thoughts that the scenarios reveal that they are imposed, by virtue of their worst scenario plots and their vividness. They are masters of delusions and can have one dreaming a snug little dream while they march one around their craft for various purposes, and most abductees, the world over, are none the wiser. I resent and frustrate their entrances, approaches and goals when I resist and their tempers ill befit the advanced technology that they have. Since they primarily wait until one is in REM sleep, lucid dreaming works well to detect and interact with them and is worth all the trouble it takes to master techniques of lucid dreaming. It is hard to imagine the human hardships and brutal dilemmas orchestrated by these alien puppet masters; I have been busy severing the overhead marionette cords of their subtle imposed control and therein struggling to find myself. I program myself to subliminally repeat,"I will no longer participate in these alien endeavors", to find that in sleep I am shaken forcibly by a dark demonic entity as strong as a bull, who says," You will do as you're TOLD!" Enforcers and re claimers and punishers, from the gangster fringe element of the spirit world, are patently employed. Reptilian alien astral 'worlds' have been set up to 'trap' captured human souls and I have had several overnight 'promissory' visits to these artificial realms where unhappy and dazed people reside.
It resembles ours'.
These are vivid city landscape worlds where darkness and shadows within prevail, and highways and tall buildings exist populated by worried and anxious human souls. Roads are traversed by fast moving vehicles and all sidewalks are escalator moving conveyer belts where millions move surrounded by complex building cityscaped facades, but all are fake facades. Dark interior apartment buildings' lobbies sport mailboxes, and crowds of moving and miserable people, always coupled in pairs, cling to each other trapped in a horrid dream that they cannot awaken from....
It resembles ours'
The entities whom abduct are small synthetic job-beings, cloaked and unseen, but the entities who assess the testing I've been submitted to are tall, flat like a Gumby character, white like a refrigerator, often hooded and strongly telepathic in nature. During abductions, the human brain is somehow detached from the front of the brain, where one's shoe can hang before one's eyes but one cant discern just precisely what it is. The perspective was waking to find that I was asleep, wrapped in delusional thoughts and scenes. I later discovered that these entities always just outside of sight, kept me and a host of others during a mass abduction, on short, psychic, surreal leashes of control while manipulating us around the craft for various purposes. Each abductee was cocooned in a surreal, snug, little delusional 'dream'. The psychic nature of these entities is most uncannily canny and most people who experience an abduction will not ever recall being inside an alien craft or will dismiss any vivid flashbacks as mere dreams. I and many others are most reluctant to assume any role of loving parenthood with these odd newest of created sentient species. Although those creatures who abduct humans are many of the "things that go 'bump', that we hear in the night, who will assuage, nurture and mend the rejected, the broken hearts of these new and youngest hybrid children, hearts which now also bump in the night?
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for me, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL I saw aliens float me out of my body, in my bed, at night. Then, I knew that they were interested in an essence I never suspected that I had; a soul. Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks. They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have. Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven. These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion. Ontological shock is the sound barrier;should mankind ever grasp the truth about our history, all faith in the Bible as the living word of God shall implode for the misinformation within, telling us wrongly that we were ordained, by God, for this resident planet. That's the essential ontological shock; next, comes the shock that the "image we were created in" wasn't divine but alien! This would make people's heads explode.
11-11-2013 om 22:54
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
NO skeptics, this type of shocking/weird/UFO news is not happening everyday. If you are a sceptic instead of denying my undeniable predictive work test my gift as I am expecting 6.0 earthquakes soon because those dramatic unusual news or sudden release of energy happen only during my SOS To the World Windows! Come back to read more additions soon.
Shock Surprise Nature Upset Down Under Up Above Water Fire Kill Heavens Deep Earth Wakes At Night Ring In Fire Spit Science Wonder
The novel you are about to read began as a rumor in 1954.
Let me start by saying that I thoroughly enjoyed reading.The Eisenhoweer Enigma; and basically read its 330 pages in one sitting. It is a novel, a fictional account of the history of UFOs, their occupants and the United States government's response to them.
It begins with the Kenneth Arnold sighting of nine disc-shaped craft near Mt. Rainier, in Washington State. He described how they flew as like a flat rock skipping across the water! Then the Air Force recovered a crashed UFO and alien bodies from a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico. Next, after UFOs flew over Washington, DC, President Truman formed Majestic 12 to investigate and deal with the extraterrestrial menace with emphasis on where they came from and what do they want?
And why did Truman leave a mysterious letter for President Elect Dwight D. Eisenhower?
The book begins with a report of the death of President Eisenhower and concludes with his meeting with President Elect John F. Kennedy.
The Eisenhower Enigma is a fast paced, hard hitting, non-apologetic commentary on the largest single event in the history of mankind! And you have a front row seat!
After coming to the obvious conclusion that the Earth was indeed being visited by extraterrestrials the U.S. government launched a serious investigation into UFOs.The Air Force was ordered to intercept these unidentifed flying objects to learn as much as possible about them. Then the unexpected happened; chase planes piloted by veteran airmen in the Air Force were crashing in fact the pilots were bursting into flames and their instruments were melting. Many of these pilots were veterans of World War II and Korea and had flown many generations of warplanes. There was no obvious reason these planes were crashing except for alien intervention.
The following is a short and abridged excerpt from chapter 14.
North American F-86A Sabre Jet
Capt. Kirk Southwood hated this assignment. As he leveled off at nineteen thousand feet in his F-86A Sabre, he wondered why the Air Force would ask a National Guard unit like his to photograph flying saucers.
One of the saucers reappeared off his starboard wing, flying at his exact speed about a quarter mile away. Southwood gasped in astonishment.
Big son of a bitch!
He hurled the Sabre into a sudden turn toward the craft and his gunsight locked on again. He triggered his gun cameras and for a few seconds he cut down the distance between them. Then the saucer made a right angle turn and pulled away, still at his altitude. He closed again and the chirping of the pipper told him his gunsight had locked on a second time. He tensed as he always had in combat, senses heightened, muscles flooded with adrenalin.
Then he screamed. Twice. Oh God! Oh God!
Unbearable heat swept over him; The plastic around his instrument panel melted; his canopy glowed red; smoke poured from his flight suit; the stick burned through his gloves. All in seconds.
Southwood threw the Sabre hard left and screamed again at the invisible cloud of fire that had enveloped his aircraft.
In a moment of reprieve Southwood reached for the trigger that would blow away his canopy, but stopped short. (page 72-76)
General Twining places a phone call to the White House to speak to President Eisenhower on Monday, February 15, 1954. A White House Secret Agent answers the telephone and is reluctant to awaken the President when General Twining screams Oracle! Oracle! God damn it, Yes, sir. Right away, sir. A supervisor went to awaken the President. A minute or so later the President was on the phone and said, Jesus Christ, man speak up. And don't beat around the bush. I know its trouble when you get me out of a sound sleep at 2am. Twining composed himself and answered, Sorry, General, I know you're agitated. So am I. And you're right about the trouble part of it. But we knew this day might come.
General Twining informs the President that another UFO had flown to and hovered over Edwards Air Force Base and had delivered a message that seemed more like an order then a request. The extraterrestrials (the Grays) want the President to meet with them, face to face, at Edwards Air Force base in five days. The President and Twining had no idea why the ETs wanted a meeting. Was it to declare war or to sign a peace treaty? Were they going to offer us advanced technology, perhaps a cure for cancer? Was Eisenhower in danger were they going to assassinate the President? They didn't know. Eisenhower just knew he had to attend the meeting.
The message from the aliens was communicated through a woman known as Oracle Alpha. She was the only one who could communicate with the Grays. She now had the ability to feel their presence and they sent her messages psychically. She would enter a trance, a painful experience to be sure and they frightened her very much.
Discover why the aliens wanted an one on one meeting with President Eisenhower and if he attended the meeting; and who were the members of Majestic 12. Learn about the many aircraft that were destroyed and the pilots lost while investigating the trespassing UFOs, while at the same time ridiculing witnesses and authors as crackpots or liars.
Did you know that Area 51 is located at Edwards Air Force Base? It is rumoured that aliens attacked Edwards Air Force Base. Is it true?
These and other questions are answered in The Eisenhower Enigma, the Eisenhower mystery, find out the contents of the letter President Truman left for President Eisenhower and what did the General tell JFK?
I always wanted a soldier's life. The men I trained during World War I shipped to France immediately. My orders finally came in October, 1918. I longed to lead my unit into action. The war ended seven days before I was to sail for France. Now, my combat moment has come again,President Dwight D. Eisenhower
For more information or to purchase this book from AMAZON.COM simply click on its title: THE EISENHOWER ENIGMA
But what occurred one cloudy morning in 2006 at Chicagos international OHare airport could potentially be a modern marvel in Ufology. On November 7th, 2006, an employee noticed a large, dark disc hovering above the runway space. The employee quickly realized that what they were looking at was not normal and should not be floating there in the middle of a busy airspace.
The word spread through the staffs radios of a mysterious floating object above Ohare International. Pilots, air traffic controllers, employees, and travelers alike bore witness to the hovering UFO. There were reports of pilots peering out their cockpit windows in the runway and staff going outside for a better look of the object. In the midst of all the commotion and without warning, the disc broke away. Shooting straight up through the cloud bank that blanketed the airport, piercing straight through the thickness and leaving a large visible hole punched through the clouds. The UFO had zipped up into the sky at an incredible speed according to the witnesses.
A reporter soon got wind of what had transpired at Ohare and inquiries were made to the United Airlines to follow up with the initial report from their employee. United Airlines denied such a thing occurred and claimed to know nothing of the incident. The reporter from the Chicago Tribune then began making calls to the FAA to see if they had any information.
The Federal Aviation Administration responded just as the airline did and claimed no knowledge of any strange aerial reports during that time. Days passed and rumors began to swirl about a coverup. The airport officials and the FAA both denied any knowledge of the incident and claimed that there had been no reports even through hundreds of those who were traveling at the time continued to talk.
Then, the newspaper came forward and said that they had filed a Freedom of Information Act request and that they had uncovered the coverup. What they got back showed that the United Airlines officials knew about the reports that were filed by their employees and had in turned asked the FAA about the supposed UFO sighting. This incriminate both the airline and the FAA and only fanned the flames of conspiracy. When confronted with the information, the FAA quickly released a statement saying that what many airport employees and travelers had seen that November day was a strange weather phenomenon.
Both United Airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) first denied that they had any information on the OHare UFO sighting until the Chicago Tribune, who was investigating the report, filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The FAA then ordered an internal review of air-traffic communications tapes to comply with the Tribune FOIA request which subsequently uncovered a call by the United supervisor to an FAA manager in the airport tower concerning the UFO sighting.
The FAA stance concludes that the sighting was caused by a weather phenomenon and that the agency would not be investigating the incident. UFO investigators have pointed out that this stance is a direct contradiction to the FAAs mandate to investigate possible security breaches at American airports such as in this case; an object witnessed by numerous airport employees and officially reported by at least one of them, hovering in plain sight, over one of the busiest airports in the world.[5][6] Many witnesses interviewed by the Tribune were apparently upset that federal officials declined to further investigate the matter. Source: Wikipedia
So then the million dollar question is: Where are the resulting UFO IMAGES?
With all the camera-packing travelers in one of the most busiest airports in the U.S, we could assume that some evidence exists, right?
Incredible as it sounds, there is no compelling photograph or video footage of this famous UFO incident released. At least not to the public. Those images that are floating around the web claiming to be that of the OHare UFO have been labeled as fakes. Only one of them is known throughout the UFO community as a possible real photograph.
According to some rumors, Dan Aykroyd has most of the photos taken that day.
Yes, the actor Dan Aykroyd came forward and claimed that he was in possession of some of the Chicago Ohare photographs and/or film taken by witnesses. But heres were the story ends. Neither the Chicago Tribune or Aykroyd himself have come forward with any other evidence that could shed light to this modern mystery.
Could it be possible for someone like Dan Aykroyd to buy up all the photographs of this supposed UFO?
On the evening of Monday, November 3 of this year, five members of the Villamea family, members of the FAO in Quilmes, observed from different positions the transit of a boomerang-shaped object from north to south, making no noise whatsoever and with three lights arranged in its lower section. The time was 22:15 hours.
Forty-five minutes later, a bizarre explosion made itself heard over various districts of the city of La Plata, covering a broad area with hundreds of witnesses. The local newspaper EL DIA picked up all local remarks. Most people claimed to have heard a loud detonation others saw flashes and still others reported the sudden appearance of a strong wind.
An Intruder in the Night By Luis Burgos
The Civil Defense, the Naval Prefecture and the Police claim to ignore the causes. The Astronomical Observatory also dismissed the possibility of a meteorite impact, while any connection with the phenomenon was dismissed by the YPF refinery and ENARSA, which is building an electric plant in Ensenada. CEAMSE, which is on the way to the Punta Lara beach, also dismissed the possibility of an explosion caused by an accumulation of gas. In short, they all washed their hands. The fact is that the mystery is ongoing.
It is evident that little more than 30 kilometers link the cities of Quilmes and La Plata, and the difference in minutes between the boomerang-shaped object and the explosion make both episodes related in one way or another. If we discard the launching of a missile, a fall of space junk, and a meteorite, this would lend credence to the passing or disintegration of an unknown body as the cause of the loud report. If it was a UFO, regardless of its origin, whether manmade or ET did it disintegrate at high altitude? Or did its passing over the skies of Buenos Aires shatter the sound barrier and caused what everyone heard? Similar events have already occurred in our country and nothing is strange in the light of these events. For that reason, we are still investigating. If you are aware of any similar episode last Monday night, we are grateful for your input. This is a hard task and it is done between us all, like any UFO investigation. The Air Force and Los Piñones? Theyre doing fine, thanks.
[Translation (c) 2013, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
Don Phillips was voor de Amerikaanse luchtmacht werkzaam op Nellis Air Force Base, toen hij nabij Mount Charleston, even ten noordwesten van Las Vegas, UFOs zag die zich met ongelooflijke snelheid voortbewogen.
Hij werkte daarnaast met Kelly Johnson aan het ontwerp en de bouw van de U-2 en SR-71 Blackbird bij Lockheed Skunkworks.
Phillips getuigt dat we niet alleen buitenaardse apparaten hebben, maar dankzij de studie naar buitenaardse beschavingen ook enorme technologische vooruitgang hebben geboekt.
Fossiele brandstoffen
Hij stelt dat de NAVO in de jaren vijftig en zestig onderzoek heeft verricht naar de herkomst van buitenaardse rassen. De rapporten werden naderhand verstuurd naar de leiders van verschillende landen.
Phillips noemt een aantal technologieën die konden worden ontwikkeld dankzij de buitenaardsen: computerchips, lasers, nachtkijkers en kogelvrije vesten. Momenteel werkt hij aan technologieën die vervuiling tegengaan en de afhankelijkheid van fossiele brandstoffen beperken.
Aerobat Aviations carbon fiber two-meter Geobat drone. From left, Craig Minor, Steven Goodman and Michael Wynne. (courtesy photo)
Flying saucers have landed in Santa Barbara.
Aerobat Aviation, a Santa Barbara firm with ties to Georgia, is planning to take its saucer-shaped unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV, on the road in the coming months hoping to raise $5 million from investors.
The company was founded in July 2010 with an air frame designed by Georgia inventor Jack Jones. The frame itself looks sort of like a flying saucer with the a large cut-out toward the back, blending the best of saucer and hollow-ring designs that have been tried, and discarded, in the past. The company believes that the frame, called the GeoBat, will let the craft handle better in windy conditions and carry heavier payloads for its size than a traditional tube-and-wing UAV.
But the novel shape is only part of the story, said co-founder Travis Shannon. He said the real key to delivering a functional saucer-shaped UAV will be the guidance system and how well it works with whatever kind of sensors the user, whether its farmers or the military, wants to put on the craft. That is where Aerobat is hoping its product, which has been developed with funds from friends and family, will be a winner.
We do more than make air frames, Shannon told the Business Times. UAVs are more about sensor platforms and payloads.
But those air frames are what grabs the casual viewers attention. Aerobat has a one-meter wide version made in Phoenix and a two-meter wide version that was crafted from carbon fiber in Georgia, where the company obtained a certificate from federal regulators to test it. The shape has some unique aerodynamic properties and can dart off in different directions very quickly.
We have yet to find an angle of attack where we stall out, Shannon said. Weve got these crazy angles we can fly at and literally turn on a dime.
The company is working on making a craft that can hover as well as go forward. The goal is to create a UAV that blends the advantages of todays two dominant types, the tube-and-wing designs and the quad-copter designs. Shannon said the big reason that saucer designs are now viable is improvements in avionics, the electronic sensor and guidance systems in crafts that can make the lightning-quick adjustments needed to keep a saucer stable.
The guidance systems are getting better. An aircraft that would have been unflyable is now flyable, he said.
The companys next step is to target international markets like Brazil and Asia, where UAVs are already being used in agriculture. Shannon said the company is targeting base models that could cost less than $1,000. Were looking to target the international markets because the FAA here hasnt opened up the skies yet, Shannon said.
Most of the companys large prototypes so far have been constructed with the help of universities and Georgia. Its executives and engineers are in California, but Shannon said its most likely that production will occur in Georgia. Californias labor costs and regulations are tough, and officials in one Georgia town have offered a 52,000-square-foot production facility for free if the company creates at least 40 jobs.
As wild as it sounds, Shannon said the company eventually has loftier goals than displacing tube-and-wing UAVs with its saucers. He wants to replace traditional passenger and cargo planes as well. Sound crazy? Well, it is. But he is hoping that an investor on the mold of Richard Branson and Elon Musk, who are pursuing commercial space travel and electric cars with their millions, might just be intrigued by flying saucers.
We want to move on to bigger and better things. We want to move into manned flight eventually, Shannon said. We know that person is out there. Thats the type of person or group we want to get in front of.
Spending a lifetime, recalled in snippets, with highly psychic, abducting entities, has made my intuitive prowess mushroom, dramatically. There's only a razor's thin edge difference between encounters with the supernatural and psychic experiences. Some religious Fundamentalist Christians and Jews refuse to accept paranormal realities, yet they deeply accept God, Holy Ghosts, angels and demons, and one CANNOT get more paranormal and supernatural, than THAT..! One technique that seems easy enough, is to internally tell yourself that you wish to be "open", and then to relax, as you await an insight or mind's eye picture.
I was once, when teaching English Literature, at a junior college, stopped in a busy college hallway by an unknown female student who grabbed my arm and blocked my path, to class, and said "Read me; I want you to read me!" I was startled and affronted, wondering how this student had grapevine heard that I could do such things, and suddenly worried about job security if Administration became aware. I told her,"forget it!" but she actually physically half-pushed me against a wall, and insisted again. I relaxed completely, still annoyed, in dismissive resignation, and was flooded with an image of a vast body of water, lake water, a shore surrounded by water, accompanied by a vague feeling of dread. I quickly asked her,"Why am I seeing water?", to which she shrugged. I asked her again. "I'm seeing water, what does that mean, to you?" She shrugged, again. "I have no idea, what it means, but you perhaps do", I prodded. "Oh," she said, "I'm on the swimming team." I quickly told her,"promise me that you'll never swim in a lake, it's far too dangerous to take that chance, in that you might drown, but also promise me, you'll tell absolutely no one, about this conversation." She smiled and nodded, and I, late for class, hurried elsewhere. It appears, that a totally relaxed mental and physical state allows imposed images to float into mind, a relaxed state accompanied by an open expectation, that you will receive, like a fat catcher, behind home plate; the only real problem, exists in trying to decipher just what precisely that image, or series of images, might actually mean.
It is a psychic muscle that all of us have, a muscle that remains largely unflexed and flabby, under developed, except revealingly, for many alien abductees who report similar intuitional experiences. I know when they're nearby or in the room with me, but unseen; that elevator experience of 'eyes on your back' feeling is combined with a defined creepy feeling; they generate a strong 'creepy' feeling. Who, behind our curtains, 'inspires' (literally means,"to blow ideas into") us to receive, hear and see the psychic image impositions, is open to debate, but I have my own suspicions. Sometimes dark ones, like gargoyles perched on your roof, can indeed see down the street of your 'road' just a piece, to intuit future happenings to you, but they are NOT the elevated souls, ascended ones, you'd hope they are. Inter- dimensional bleedthroughs, are more than disconcerting, when demons or reptilians cruise in like sharks, to cause one to flirt with the beast of madness, itself. In fact, between continued astral abductions, and mostly unpleasant psychic experiences, I have gone so far down that rabbit hole, that I fear I don't have enough breadcrumbs, to find my way home. A lifetime of alien encounters made my awareness of the unseen blossom.
Aliens, notwithstanding, psychic powers are a spiritual gift, a muscle that should be exercised and flexed, until Heaven, ready to use us for some good, steps in to make sense of all of it for us.
10-11-2013 om 00:00
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
CIA Realizes It's Been Using Black Highlighters All These Years
LANGLEY, VAA report released Tuesday by the CIA's Office of the Inspector General revealed that the CIA has mistakenly obscured hundreds of thousands of pages of critical intelligence information with black highlighters.
CIA Director Porter Goss.
According to the report, sections of the documents "almost invariably the most crucial passages"are marred by an indelible black ink that renders the lines impossible to read, due to a top-secret highlighting policy that began at the agency's inception in 1947.
CIA Director Porter Goss has ordered further internal investigation.
"Why did it go on for this long, and this far?" said Goss in a press conference called shortly after the report's release. "I'm as frustrated as anyone. You can't read a single thing that's been highlighted. Had I been there to advise [former CIA director] Allen Dulles, I would have suggested the traditional yellow coloror pink."
Goss added: "There was probably some really, really important information in these documents."
When asked by a reporter if the black ink was meant to intentionally obscure, Goss countered, "Good God, why?"
Goss lamented the fact that the public will probably never know the particulars of such historic events as the Cold War, the civil-rights movement, or the growth of the international drug trade.
"I'm sure the CIA played major roles in all these things," Goss said. "But now we'll never know for sure."
In addition to clouding the historical record, the use of the black highlighters, also known as "permanent markers," may have encumbered or even prevented critical operations. CIA scholar Matthew Franks was forced to abandon work on a book about the Bay Of Pigs invasion after declassified documents proved nearly impossible to read.
"With all the highlighting in the documents I unearthed in the National Archives, it's really no wonder that the invasion failed," Franks said. "I don't see how the field operatives and commandos were expected to decipher their orders."
The inspector general's report cited in particular the damage black highlighting did to documents concerning the assassination of John F. Kennedy, thousands of pages of which "are completely highlighted, from top to bottom margin."
"It is unclear exactly why CIA bureaucrats sometimes chose to emphasize entire documents," the report read. "Perhaps the documents were extremely important in every detail, or the agents, not unlike college freshmen, were overwhelmed by the reading material and got a little carried away."
Also unclear is why black highlighters were chosen in the first place. Some blame it on the closed, elite culture of the CIA itself. A former CIA officer speaking on the condition of anonymity said highlighting documents with black pens was a common and universal practice.
"It seemed counterintuitive, but the higher-ups didn't know what they were doing," the ex-officer said. "I was once ordered to feed documents into a copying machine in order to make backups of some very important top-secret records, but it turned out to be some sort of device that cut the paper to shreds."
Nightmares are so much so a signature symptom of demonic psychic/telepathic attacks,
that, revealingly, Freud and Jung didn't have a remotest clue.
When one encounters a demon, at bedside, one knows that the expression, 'bad dreams' simply doesn't make the grade.
The nightmares are extraordinary in clarity and vividness and cause angst, comparable to consciousness, realistic in every way.
They begin even before one's head hits the pillow, with eyes barely just closed, before one starts to dream and these vivid nightmares underline the powerful nature of an unholy one's psychic, telepathic attack.
That morning's, was typical of the intensity and ferocity that demons bring to the torture of the spirit and mind:
I am drowsing over the bathroom sink, half asleep and yawning, supporting myself with my arms on both sides of the sink, eyes semi-closed, tired, half asleep and completely naked when something gently brushes my face and loins, just below the sink and just above the sink.
I open my puzzled bleary eyes and clearly see an enormous conglomeration of festooned fishhooks surrounding me, suspended, hanging from the ceiling above the sink.
It is a filigree chandelier of thousands of razor sharp, hanging and connected fishhooks that I've stumbled into and onto stark naked and half awake.
Pinching sharp connections of fishhooks causing pain into my groin area, into my lips and into the cheeks of my face sharply apprise me, more quickly panicking now, that I've walked into a booby trap and i begin to be aware that I am deeply hooked in myriad places.
I force myself to think but panic rises as a gorge in my throat and I want to run from this place but am transfixed, by the horror that I cannot for I am attached.
Because I have gently moved, I am more firmly hooked, into my genitals, and now hooks bite and pull through my lip and my cheek, as I steady myself to weigh the moment, in growing horror.
To move backwards, now, in shock or in a panic of flight, I realize, is to only deeply gaff myself further, in dozens of places, inextricably and beyond help.
I am attached painfully to fishhooks from my top to bottom, still awakening, sleep clouding my mind and standing at my sink!
As I lift my right arm to gently work out one fishhook from a cheek muscle, razor thin dozens of other fishhooks fasten against and bite into my flesh, scaring and driving my barely controlled panic further into a growing sense of desperation, deepening my frantic angst .
As I fully awaken, more quickly now, there is a gathering sense of heart pounding panic and helplessness, and the hook in my cheek tears deeply into my mouth and the fishhooks
unseen beneath the sink begin to bite deeper and more painfully there into me.
I am a marionette impaled from face to scrotum; I am in a frozen wild frenzy, immobilized, in pain, in horror and panic struck.
I have wandered unknowing into this macrame of razorblade- like thin fishhooks some madman and murderer fiendishly has concocted over my sink in my bathroom for me to walk into!
The slightest movement brings sharp painful reminders that I am in too many places stuck fast, and in a nightmarish predicament that I realize I cannot solve.
I am now beginning to feel despair, screaming, moaning and muted, for the hooks bite even more deeply into my facial muscles when I open my mouth to try to scream out and holler for help, from my wife, who is still asleep in the other room.
Opening my mouth to yell, I feel the deeper bite of the hook into the deeper muscles of my face and I can only growl and moan loudly, additionally aware that I won't likely be able to reach her ears with my low moaning for assistance.
I am becoming more entrapped with every movement and
so full of fear that I can scarcely breathe.
I am impaled throughout on a monstrous wind chime of dangling fishhooks,
completely trapped, frozen in heart pounding horror, feeling more fully awakened, agonizingly conscious, now.
My panic level climbs to hysteria when,
suddenly, I awaken
in a startled reflex, in bed.
It took me weeks of active banishment and many passive tools of metaphysics to eventually and finally deter this demonic and I have since often offered prayer for those it attacked, after it left me.
But I have never forgotten those terrifying out of body telepathic attacks to my astral self, recalled as powerfully imposed nightmares, as one flirts with the Beast of Madness, during such demonic predation.
Abductions and their remnant elusive memories have opened all this for Paul, a confirmed atheist, UNTIL Paul saw aliens float him out of his body, in his bed, at night.
Then, he knew that they were interested in an essence that he never suspected that he had, a nonphysical soul.
Our spiritual powers that interest and addict interdimensionals are the very powers that can be used to thwart further attacks.
They infect auras with attachments to themselves and ride the reincarnation roller coaster with human beings, as a sanctuary, to avoid the death that they fear and to steal the spiritual recycling that we have.
Souls are garnered, detoured from our natural spiritual evolution in Heaven.
These joyriding grays can be sinister, discorporate alien souls, stuck to our energies, who bring a new meaning to the concept of a silent invasion.
09-11-2013 om 10:41
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Ancient riverbeds, crater lakes and flood channels all attest to Mars's warm, watery past. So how di...
09-11-2013 om 00:47
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
la lettre des Rencontres Ufologiques
La nouvelle lettre des Rencontres Ufologiques, ci annexée, avec toujours des nouvelles des diverses villes OVNIs, des groupes qui organisent des conférences et rencontres sur le dossier des ovnis et comme toujours, les dernières observations publiées dans la presse.
Merci à tous de nous tenir informé, nous rediffusons à un large public ce que vous apprenez. Nos sites, nos blogs, ce sont plus d'un millier de visiteurs chaque jour........ Les dossiers relatifs aux enquêtes en cours sont tenus à jour et accessibles aux enquêteurs directement sur le site du Mufon France. Contacter la DNE ( Direction Nationale des Enquêtes) pour toutes informations sur les enquêtes en cours et sur les les cours d'enquêteurs qui sont donnés gratuitement, à votre rythme le tout via internet..
Bonne réception et à très bientôt pour retrouver dans la lettre des rencontres toutes les infos que vous nous communiquez sur le phénomène ovni. Groupes et associations de faits ou autres, n'hésitez pas a nous communiquer vos appels et annonces diverses, nous en ferons part à tous nos correspondants et lecteurs.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.