The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
This UFO sighting recently made the news. A live web camera in Akureyri, Iceland captured footage of a large orb of light flying above, and then descending into the city. These UFO sightings are occurring all over the world.
15-11-2013 om 01:23
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
UFO - Kathleen Marden - The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction Case
UFO - Kathleen Marden - The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction Case New Episode of Topic: UFO The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction Case Guest: Kathleen Marden Rick welcomes Kathleen Marden, the niece of Betty Hill, and author of the book Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience. Kathleen discusses what actually happened the night of September 19th, 1961.
Believing or not believing in UFO's: that's the question
Believing or not believing in UFO's: that's the question. door Pieter Hendrickx
ER zijn UFO-onderzoekers die "geloven" dat alle UFO-meldingen het resultaat zijn van het creatieve brein van de waarnemers. Zij spreken dan over hallucinaties, zinsbegoochelingen, misinterpretaties, illusies, trucages, vervalsingen,... Andere onderzoekers geloven daarentegen dat alle UFO's "nuts and bolts"-toestellen zijn, namelijk buitenaardse ruimtetuigen, bestuurd door Alien wezens. De waarheid ligt ergens in het midden. Waarschijnlijk gelden beide verklaringen juist voor een reeks meldingen. Wat mij betreft, ik geloof dat wat de vele verklaringen voor het gehele UFO-fenomeen ook mogen zijn, het belangrijk is op welke wijze onze geest omgaat met de echte UFO's... Je mag ervan overtuigd zijn dat er meerdere oplossingen voor het complexe UFO-verschijnsel bestaan. Elkeen probeert dit vreemd verschijnsel immers in te bouwen in zijn eigen referentiekader, in zijn eigen ervaringswereld. Toch blijf ik als neutraal onderzoeker ervan overtuigd dat een aantal UFO-meldingen het resultaat zijn van een extern gebeuren buiten de mensheid om, niet een produkt van de geest, maar iets dat je werkelijk kan raken, kan voelen. Hoe we deze gebeurtenissen interpreteren bepaalt de verscheidenheid aan voorgedragen verklaringen. Zo geloof ik dat we het UFO-verschijnsel eerlijk kunnen tellen als één van de vele paranormale ervaringen of parawetenschappen. Het zou ook op dergelijke wijze onderzocht dienen te worden. Ik vraag mij af of wij, UFO-onderzoekers, juist weten wat we doen, wat we onderzoeken, waar we mee bezig zijn en welk resultaat wij willen bekomen. Beeld je even volgende situatie in, waar een getuige een onderzoeker zijn waarneming van een UFO-gebeurtenis beschrijft. Enkel om die zaak concreet en eenvoudig voor te stellen, en enkel om die redenen alleen, nemen wij aan dat UFO's ruimteschepen zijn van andere werelden. Ik heb een gemakkelijk manier nodig om een "buitengewone" oorsprong voor UFO's te beschrijven en dat als doel om mijn gedachtengang te kunnen stroomlijnen. Stel je voor dat de ufoloog deze UFO-melding onderzoekt en besluit dat deze waarneming de buitenaardse, of misschien wel paranormale oorsprong van UFO's bewijst. Wat hebben we dan? Gewoon maar één persoon meer die in een buitengewone oorsprong van UFO's gelooft! Met een wereldbevolking van ongeveer 5 miljard bewoners, blijft het altijd nog een hele klus om méér mensen op een efficiënte wijze te overtuigen van de waarheid over UFO's. We hebben meer nodig om mensen te overtuigen. Wat? We hebben concrete bewijzen nodig om aan iedereen op een succesvolle wijze te presenteren en hen zo te overtuigen van de echtheid van het UFO-verschijnsel. Overweeg even een tweede situatie, waarin een getuige je een waarneming meldt, waar hij een ruimteschip zag en Alien wezens omtmoette. Laat ons onszelf het beste bewijsmateriaal geven dat mogelijk is. Je beschikt over een video-opname van 20 uur van deze ontmoeting; visuele beelden en een audio-opname van een gesprek tussen de getuige met de Aliens en jezelf. De Aliens gaven informatie die nagecheckt en geverifieerd kan worden in de vele archieven in de musea, verspreid over de wereld. Verder beschik je nog over foto's van de Aliens en het ruimteschip. In de video-opname vind je beelden terug waaruit op ondubbelzinnige wijze blijkt dat de Aliens niet-menselijke activiteiten verrichtten... Je beschikt tevens over magnetometingen, die aantonen dat op het ogenblik van de UFO-melding (= het verschijnen van het buitenaards ruimteschip) zich hoge storingen voordeden in het magnetisch veld. Positieve signalen op een draagbare radar, film en warmteïnvloeden bevestigen de gebeurtenis. En last but not least je beschikt ook over een paar nog werkende onderdelen van het aandrijvingsmechanisme van het ruimteschip, de getuige aangeboden als een gift van de Aliens! Wow! En wat dan? Deze melding klinkt als dat soort bewijs, waarvan elke UFO-onderzoeker droomt; believer, neutrale of non-believer... Dit is het ideaal bewijsmateriaal dat we nodig hebben om de echtheid van UFO's aan te tonen. Als je zo'n een bewijskracht kon verzamelen is je broodje gebakken binnen de UFO-wereld. Je collega's zouden naar je opkijken en je prijzen voor je groot werk. Zelfs de wetenschap zou je prijzen met het resultaat van je onderzoek, omdat je één van de grootste mysteries op aarde oploste. Je kan boeken schrijven, lezingen geven, uitnodigingen voor film en Tv-optredens aanvaarden,... Denk je echt dat alles zo een sneltreinvaart zou volgen? Denk je echt dat actueel dergelijke positieve reacties zouden volgen op jou onderzoeksresultaat, indien je dergelijk bewijsmateriaal levert aan de wereld? Eerst en vooral dien je op te tornen tegen de eindeloze tweestrijd tussen de verschillende onderzoekers onderling, of het nu conventionele onderzoekers zijn of parawetenschappers. Ze zouden onmiddellijk jou methoden, je integriteit en tevens je eerlijkheid in vraag stellen. Zoek je geen media aandacht? Of erkenning? Of geen financieel winstbejag? Ten tweede, eens je het bewijsmateriaal verspreidde over het groter publiek, mag je je eraan verwachten om de rest van je leven jezelf te moeten verdedigen tegen beschuldigingen van fraude. Deze beschuldigingen zouden niet alleen geuit worden door de wetenschappelijke wereld, wiens instituten een houding aannemen om alle uitdagingen aan de actuele wetenschap te bestrijden; maar ook de media zullen hun best doen om je te breken. Bijkomend zou je als onderzoeker zeker geconfronteerd worden met de "expertises" van de zogenaamde collega-onderzoekers, die enkel uit hun zetel komen als ze een chirurgische ingreep dienen te ondergaan. Ze schrijven wel artikels, zitten uren voor hun PC en op internet, maar veldonderzoek laat hen koud of géén tijd... Ze zoeken naar een drogreden, een miniscuul detailtje in de getuigenis, om je onderzoek en bewijskracht onder uit te halen. Overdreven vind je? Ze zouden zeggen dat aangezien je getuige een paar pintjes dronk of een bepaald medicijn nam, dat hij niet helder van geest was en hallucineerde. Je kan deze getuige, een alcoholist, een verslaafde aan medecijnen, toch niet ernstig nemen, aangezien zijn perceptievermogen niet 100% correct was. Een vraagje, zou een gerechtshof de verklaringen van deze getuige in verband met een proces over een auto-ongeluk wel ernstig nemen? Je kent beslist het antwoord. Deze redenering om aan te tonen op welk niveau de parawetenschappen, zoals de Ufologie, zich bevinden en tegen welke hypocrisie van de gevestigde waarden ze dienen op te boksen. Je kan er behoorlijk zeker van zijn dat alle actueel onderzochte en opgeslagen informatie over UFO-meldingen onvoldoende bewijskracht bezit om een groot deel van het publiek te overtuigen. Bestaan er dan niet genoeg radarbeelden, foto's, films en video-opnames van UFO-waarnemingen? Wat doe je met de eindconclusies van de vele, internationale werkgroepen, zoals GEPAN, BLUEBOOK,...? De actueel opgeslagen data over UFO's slaagt er nog steeds niet in om het scepticisme bij een aantal onderzoekers en een aantal wetenschappers weg te nemen. Het ontkenningsproces evolueert gewoon verder... Wat is wetenschap eigenlijk? Wetenschap is niet meer of niet minder dan een manier om dingen, activiteiten,... te meten en door een opgezette "filter" te jagen om de echtheid te testen en te bevestigen. Stel dat je een mand vol met zand- en rotskorrels van verschillende dikte hebt. Op de bodem van de mand bevindt zich een filter, die sommige korrels doorlaat en andere tegenhoudt. In analogie de wetenschap ontdekt, bepaalt dat korrels groter dan 1 mm vals zijn en dat al diegenen die kleiner zijn, echt zijn. Ze zetten dus een filter in van 1 mm en laten de echten door en schakelen de valsen en de frauduleuzen uit. Maar wij hadden toch allemaal zand- en rotskorrels? Een te eenvoudige redenering? Het probleem is dat de wetenschap bepaalt dat er geen aangepaste filter voor de "afmeting" van UFO's bestaat. De nonbelievers en sceptici volgen dezelfde filter. De filter is totaal gesloten en dus bestaan UFO's niet echt. In vroegere en naïve dagen van de Ufologie en nog steeds bij bepaalde believers, zetten de UFO-onderzoekers de filter totaal open: ALLE UFO-MELDINGEN WAREN (ZIJN) ECHT. Gevolg is dat de wetenschap nog meer afstand nam (neemt) van de Ufologie en dat de ridiculisering van de Ufologie een gemakkelijke klus werd (wordt)... Een oplossing? Ik denk dat we gewoon een soort "filter" dienen te bouwen, waardoor we alle fraude, vervalsingen, vergissingen,... kunnen uitsluiten. Hoe? Ik denk dat wij om een goede en zuivere filter te bouwen, nauwer samen dienen te werken met de getuige zelf op een open-minded basis. We kunnen enkel de waarheid achterhalen als wij de getuige de kans geven om te bewijzen wat echt is "in zijn eigen termen". Dit vertrouwen dat wij aan de getuige schenken, impliceert dat hij iets teruggeeft. Hij geeft ons het recht om zijn bevindingen, zijn verklaringen te onderzoeken om aan te tonen wat echt is, wat foutief of zelfs eventueel frauduleus. Het laat ons toe om alle mogelijk factoren van een UFO-gebeurtenis terug te vinden. Hier verschilt ons onderzoek grondig met de wetenschappelijke methode. De wetenschap zegt :" Ik zet hier een slagboom, ik bepaal de grens en indien je daar doorgeraakt, zal ik jou geloven." Als het over UFO's gaat, bepalen ze testen zonder rekening te houden met de redelijkheid en haalbaarheid. Zo vragen ze bijvoorbeeld het recht om de gerapporteerde meldingen te voorspellen en te reproduceren in experimentele vorm... Voor spontane paranormale verschijnselen, zoals UFO's, is die situatie niet realiseerbaar, vandaar dat de wetenschap deze verschijnselen formeel verwerpt. Deze benadering gebruik ik om aan te tonen dat de wetenschap actueel faalt om alle aspekten van de ons omringende wereld te verklaren met hun axioma's en terminologie. Er is meer tussen hemel en aarde dan wat wij zien of ervaren... Door het verwerpen van dergelijke info of bewijs uit de parawetenschappen, het bestaan van de echtheid van dergelijke fenomenen, onthoudt de wetenschap zich van vitale kennis. Wat kunnen wij, UFO-onderzoekers, hier verder aan doen? Wij dienen bewijsmateriaal van alle UFO-meldingen te verzamelen, niet alleen wat er gebeurde, mar ook onder welke omstandigheden ze zich manifesteerden. We dienen zoveel mogelijke factoren van de waarneming te verzamelen en op te slaan. Dit proces kan evenzeer inhouden dat wij de getuige de mogelijkheid bieden om bepaalde aspekten van zijn melding te bewijzen, indien het verschijnsel zo werkt. Daarna zoeken we relaties of overeenkomsten met zoveel mogelijk ander bewijsmateriaal of soortgelijke gebeurtenissen. Door gelijkenissen of raakvlakken met andere waarnemingen of paranormale fenomenen of natuurverschijnselen te zoeken, kan je specifieke oplossingen vinden of uitsluiten. Door deze methode van deductie kom je uiteindelijk bij een plausibele verklaring, eventueel dat het om een echte UFO gaat. Het is evident dat UFO-onderzoekers enkel in hun opzet kunnen slagen om alle data en factoren van de melding te verzamelen, indien de getuige bereid is om in volle vertrouwen en in partnership samen te werken met de onderzoeker. De getuigen brengen ons een bron van gegevens; wij de bereidheid om al deze gegevens in wereldwijde databank op te slaan (vb MUFON-databank). Het vergelijken van deze data kan ons toelaten om de puzzel van het UFO-fenomeen op te lossen. De conventionele wetenschap heeft de moeilijke opdracht om een aantal compromis te sluiten. Eén van hun wetten dat elk experiment door iedereen met dezelfde uitrusting onder dezelfde omstandigheden dient te kunnen nagebootst te worden, geldt niet voor de parawetenschappen, zeker niet voor de Ufologie. Studies van de parawetenschappen tonen aan dat de geestetoestand van de onderzoeker en de getuige een onvervalste parameter vormt voor het spontaan optreden van bepaalde verschijnselen. Om deze bewering een kans te geven zichzelf te bevestigen, daar we alle factoren van deze specifieke verschijnselen nog niet kennen, dienen we open-minded te werken. Indien je als onderzoeker dergelijke openheid en vertrouwen schenkt aan de getuigen, mag je je aan denodige kritiek verwachten van de media, van bepaalde UFO-onderzoekers en zeker ook van de wetenschappelijke wereld. Ik besef dat dit een stap is op glad ijs, maar na meer dan 50 jaar staan we niet verder in het zoeken naar een oplossing van het UFO-raadsel. Deze procedure hangt volledig af van het wederzijds begrip en vertrouwen tussen onderzoeker en getuigen. Begin je een onderzoek met een voorafgaande ontkenning van de echtheid van alle UFO's,dan werk je onbewust in de optiek "ALLE MELDINGEN ZIJN VERKLAARBAAR". Je staat niet meer open voor de wereld rondom jou. Niet alle meldingen zijn UFO's, maar niet alle UFOs zijn natuurverschijnselen, illusies, trucages, vervalsingen,...
Zijn we dan toch alleen? Zelfs specialisten geloven niet meer in ufo's
Zijn we dan toch alleen? Zelfs specialisten geloven niet meer in ufo's
Er zijn tegenwoordig steeds minder meldingen van ufo's en ook fanaten van vliegende schotels moeten toegeven dat ze beginnen te twijfelen aan buitenaards leven.
Al tientallen jaren houden ufo-watchers het luchtruim voor ons in de gaten. Maar na al die tijd hebben ze nog geen bewijzen gevonden. Bovendien worden er steeds minder ufo's gezien en dat kan de komende jaren tot het einde van een hype leiden, stellen Britse 'ufo-kenners'. Volgende week organiseert één van de grootste organisaties in het onderzoek van ufo's een bijeenkomst om te bespreken of ze nog wel een toekomst hebben.
"Het is best mogelijk dat over tien jaar niemand nog over ufo's spreekt", zegt Dave Wood, voorzitter van de 'Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena' (Assap). "Het gebrek aan bewijzen doet ons vaststellen dat er niets is daarbuiten. Ik denk dat iedere ufo-onderzoeker zal zeggen dat 98 procent van de vaststellingen eenvoudig te verklaren zijn." Dat het aantal meldingen afneemt, is heel verrassend in deze tijd van het internet. Bij Assap is het aantal ufo-zaken sinds 1988 met liefst 96 procent gedaald. Natuurlijk impliceert het gebrek aan ufo's niet noodzakelijk dat er geen buitenaards leven mogelijk is.
Oud nieuws Veel van de verhalen die ufo-organisaties vandaag onderzoeken, zijn meldingen van tientallen jaren geleden. Zo is een incident in Roswell in 1947 nog steeds een populair onderwerp. Toen zou een buitenaards ruimteschip in New Mexico gecrasht zijn. "Op ufo-conferenties praten mensen hoofdzakelijk over oude gevallen. Ze brengen zelden nieuwe verhalen aan." Eerder dit jaar heeft het Britse ministerie van Defensie aangekondigd dat ze bij gebrek aan bewijzen niet langer onderzoek naar ufo's voeren en dat er geen bedreiging is voor het Verenigd Koninkrijk.
David Clark, ufo-adviseur van het Nationaal Archief, stelt dat het een dood onderwerp is. "Iedereen beschikt tegenwoordig over een camera. Als er echt dingen zouden rondvliegen, zouden we nu toch over duidelijk bewijsmateriaal moeten beschikken." Vroeger moesten mensen brieven sturen en werd het mysterie versterkt door gebrek aan antwoorden, stelt Clark. Tegenwoordig wordt alles door het internet meteen verklaard of weerlegd.
Ook Nick Pope, van 1991 tot 1994 voorzitter van de UFO desk op het Britse ministerie van Defensie, geeft toe dat er veel vals materiaal op websites als YouTube circuleert. Toch wil hij het onderwerp niet zomaar over boord gooien. "Er zijn vandaag zoveel meldingen toe te schrijven aan Chinese lantaarns dat we de interessante gevallen uit het oog dreigen te verliezen", zegt hij. "Of zoals ik vroeger op het ministerie altijd stelde: de gelovigen hoeven maar één keer gelijk te krijgen."
België Ook in ons land bestaat er eenmeldpuntvoor wie denkt een ufo te hebben gezien. Oprichter Frederick Delaere stelt een andere trend vast dan in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Hoewel zijn meldpunt nog maar sinds 2007 bestaat, kreeg hij toch al 1.058 meldingen binnen. Ieder jaar blijft dat aantal groeien. "We moeten toegeven dat een deel van deze meldingen te weinig bruikbare informatie bevat voor verder onderzoek", zegt hij. "We gaan daarom het meldingsformulier aanpassen, waardoor getuigen genoodzaakt zullen zijn ons van meer bruikbare informatie te voorzien."
Het meldpunt werkt samen met sterrenwachten en meteorologische instanties. Naast de archivering van alle meldingen probeert de organisatie ook logische verklaringen te zoeken. "We zijn geen voorstanders van de buitenaardse hypothese, die jammerlijk genoeg vaak in verband wordt gebracht met dergelijke waarnemingen. Het promoten van zo'n theorieën brengt veel schade aan het kritisch en wetenschappelijk onderzoek van dit fenomeen toe."
There is a lot of debate around the world regarding whether or not aliens from other planets exist. However, the truth is that there are a lot of people who have allegedly experiencedalien abductionsat various points in their lives, and some of these peoples stories are remarkably consistent.
It seems as though there are some common patterns that occur in people who experience an alien abduction at some point in their life, and these experiences and testimonials seem to suggest that alien beings really do exist and that some of us have seen this first hand.
One of the first things that people who have experienced an alien abduction claim is that they were abducted in their sleep and awaken to see a very bright luminous light. In many cases, when they stare into the light above them, they are essentially levitated by it right through walls and taken into a large spacecraft of some kind. However, some individuals who have been abducted by aliens do not see the light, but more so wake up from their sleep in an unfamiliar place. However, almost always, these abductions happen at night, either when the person is sleeping or awake and alone in a desolate area.
Another consistent thing that a lot of people talk about after they have been abducted by aliens is the way the aliens look. For the most part, it is reported that they have very large heads with smaller bodies, and that their eyes are dark and huge. The color of the skin reported by people varies greatly, as do some more specific descriptions of the extraterrestrials themselves. It is assumed there are different races ofalien beings, just like human beings. However, we see consistency in the general look and build of the alien life forms based on what people have reported from their abductions.
Perhaps one of the most consistent things that have been reported from people who have experienced an alien abduction, however, is the probing and testing that goes on once they are abducted. It seems as though these aliens are curious to find out more about the human body an anatomy. Some people have reported being hooked up to strange machines and others have even claimed to have had blood drawn and to have been probed by the aliens with different instruments and tools. Particularly, the aliens seem to be most interested in the brains of humans and the reproductive system as well.
Finally, there are also some general consistencies with the return journey back home after an alien abduction. Most of the time, humans are brought back to the same place where they were originally abducted. However, sometimes the positioning and placement are slightly off. Almost all people who have been abducted will realize what happened once they wake up and notice that they have missed out on a significant period of time.
Overall, these are the general characteristics of reported alien abductions. And with all of these consistencies, more and more people in the general public find it hard to deny the existence of these extraterrestrial life forms in our own universe.
Reports of alien beings entering bedrooms through walls before being abducted.
For skeptics, mass media, and the general public it is hard to believe that abductions by alien beings have their basis in reality.
Alien abductions, are also referred to as close encounters of the fourth kind
The Betty and Barney Hill Case is one of the most renowned alien abduction cases.
Some abductees have claimed to have some sort of tracking device implanted within their body upon return.
A most disturbing aspect of the alien question is the ever increasing insistence of abduction and biological testing on humans by beings not of this world. Skeptics insist these reports are merely delusional folk seeking some notoriety from bizarre stories or just mentally disturbed. There is, however, one aspect of the abduction reports that has taken a physical form that can be investigated. Since the abduction phenomena began to grow in the 1960′ and 70′s there has also grown the matter of strange objects being implanted in the bodies of these unfortunate people.
These implants are not a fantasy. A fair number of them have been surgically removed and analyzed by reputable laboratories including the prestigious Los Alamos National Labs. Such people as the Californian podiatrist, Roger Leir, and UFO researcher Dr. John Mack have removed dozens of implants from alien abductees over the years. The objects are small and are usually inserted far up the nasal cavity but also found in other parts of the body. The material of the implants usually consists of An interestingly twisted fiber consisting of carbon, silicon, oxygen, no nitrogen, and traces of other elements according to Dr. Mack. As the usually implies, there have been several distinctively different types found and removed.
These anomalous objects are often first discovered when a person has been X-rayed, most usually during dental examinations. Not only are the objects metallic but are often surrounded by their own small electro-magnetic field. When removed, they are often found to be encased in a protective membrane and many are connected to nerve endings or nerve bundles, causing great pain upon removal even when the patient has been anesthetized. Thus far no progress has been made towards discovering how these objects may work or to what purpose they serve those who initially placed them inside their victims.
The purpose of these implants is a much-discussed topic. The most popular hypothesis is that they are merely tracking devices of some sort to make it easier for the tagged person to be found and their status and condition updated when desired. This may not necessarily be the case as a few people who have had their implants removed still suffer subsequent abduction events. Another possibility is that they are some form of monitoring device, much like the devices our own scientists use to keep track of the health and processes of our own planetary species. For the more paranoid, it has been suggested the implants are used to implement mind control over the victim.
There are a few certainties about these implants. They are in no way naturally occurring objects in a human body and rarely does the bearer of such a device remember the process by which it came to be in them. The phenomena came to light long before the idea of micro-chipping pets, and ultimately all humans, began to be implemented by our own scientists and government, it may in fact be what gave them the idea. To our common knowledge we have no understanding of what technology creates or manipulates these devices. All we do know for sure is that they only appear in people who also claim to be victims of alien abduction so the chances of a mundane Earthly origin is slim.
There are many Alien abduction victims who believe that they were left with some kind of implanted device, these are usually small and theorized to be used for purposes of tracking and mind-control. Some allege that the implants are biological in nature and are embedded within their own DNA strands; this idea is particularly believed by a group of family members that have been abducted through several generations in connection with ongoing Alien genetic experimentation.
While having routine X-Rays and MRIs, alleged Alien abduction victims oft-times discover these unexplainable objects in their bodies. The doctors have no explanation as to how these objects came to be there. When placed under hypnosis and abductee will often describe in detail certain operations in which a needle is inserted into the brain.
Implants can be found in the brain, leg, hand or ear. Some are able to be removed with little to now resulting injury; others simply cannot due to prohibitive locations. Of course it does depend upon the location of the device in the body. Sometimes these implants can dislodge over a periods of time.
There have been numerous implants that have been removed and carefully studied. They are generally quite small, at only about 1/16 inches in thickness and up to about 1 inch long. It is usually wire-shaped and has a complex structure with many layers when examined under electron microscope. The implants, according to tests, are comprised of various metals.
The allegation of Alien implantation was first reported in 1967. Betty Andreasson from Massachusetts described a tiny ball of spikes that had been placed inside her nose after an alleged abduction by Aliens. Soon after, the claim of implantation began to proliferate.
Some of the alleged implants have been recovered by surgical means. Some look like shards of glass, others like carbon fiber. None of these were found in the nose or brain; they were usually removed from a toe, the knee, hand or shin. Some of these have been accompanied by scars and some have not.
The burden of proof lies with the advocated of the belief in Alien abduction and implantation, not on the skeptics who do not believe in it. This is a burden which they, to this day, have not met. The concept of implantation, not unlike the larger Alien abduction phenomenon, simply does not have the necessary evidence to support the theory and make it accepted as reality. It is, as evidenced, simply part of an ever-evolving mythology of UFOs. The theme is of entities having influence over humans. This is seen in many different variations that range from ancient myth to modern science fiction of today. This will undoubtedly persist in popular culture.
The concept of Aliens abducting, experimenting and implanting devices inside us is truly scary. If the Alien implants are truly of extraterrestrial origin, we can only hope that they can someday offer information and clues about what or who their creators are, and also give us an idea of their intentions.
15-11-2013 om 00:02
geschreven door peter
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I remember when I was younger (9-10 years old) just starting to form my opinions of things like Alien existence. Oddly drawn to all things which were unknown and unproven, yet, fearful, as though I knew it was real.
Watching shows like Unsolved Mysteries, and then later the X-files, and as I moved into adulthood, seeing documentaries of Roswell, reading books which included the Christopher Columbus Unidentified Submerged Object account during his voyage to the Americas. These experiences ignited within me a desire to know the truth.
As life followed, I found it increasingly difficult to spend time reading about aliens, and connecting the dots so to speak. I fell into crowds where believing in aliens might well alienate me from my friends. I became heavily involved in discussions which felt taboo, but only every once in a long while. The fanaticism with which Alien believers portrayed their beliefs was off-putting to me. My religious upbringing kept me from going too far away from the accepted beliefs of my church. I still had a desire to find out the truth, but my belief was trending towards that of a non-believer. After all, the only fascinating stories of alien encounters were unsubstantiated frenzied stories from uneducated hillbillies in back country areas of poor regions around the world. The descriptions of aliens were so varied and different that it was hard to take them seriously. Yes there were nagging bits of information that left the imagination to run wild, but nothing was concrete enough to prove anything.
The brain is a powerful thing. It can perhaps dream up ideas of what we want to see, and make us see those things. We could be fooled perhaps by our views of what was interesting, or of what we fear. Did I just see a ghost? Did I just feel something behind me in this dark house? Was that light in the sky that just disappeared, a UFO? Why cant I remember what happened on that long stretch of highway? Does all the military secrecy mean that there are UFOs at Area 51? What about the stories I hear?
I dismissed the idea as something too farfetched to be reality.
And then it happened. Over the course of four months time, I had what I believe to be, at minimum 12 separate alien encounters between myself and several other friends. I had seen what all those uneducated, back woods liars had seen. The fire in the sky, the Greys, the reptilians, and I KNEW that what I was seeing was not fake. It was not staged. It was NOT a figment of my imagination. I was not the only person involved. I was from an upper middle class neighborhood in Southern California, I didnt even know any rednecks, and I couldnt possibly be convinced that what had happened to me was not real.
I was no longer a skeptic. In fact, the only thing to this day that I am skeptical about is whether or not to share my experiences. Would people believe me? Would I continue to believe myself when faced with retelling of these events? Would I be able to maintain my position in my career, my life, and also tell people with the conviction that I have, that Aliens exist? Would I alienate myself from the other parts of my life and lifestyle?
With regards to Aliens, the fear I have is more of respect than anything. I cannot say I am not scared of the things I have seen or experienced, but I dont feel helpless. I have seen enough to never question it, but only enough to pique my interest. I have experienced enough to scare me, but only enough to make me want to find out more.
I dont have an abduction story. I have never been probed. I have never been violated by an alien life form on a ship somewhere. I dont think I have at least, but somewhere inside me, I know that there is hidden within my defense mechanisms and the deep crevasses of my mind and memory, more than what I now know. Somewhere inside me, part of my stories that I do decide to tell, arent complete. Like I cant remember, or its too tough to talk about.
I have experienced time loss (dramatically so, provable by timestamps, travel records, gas receipts, and mileage readings), I have seen things I cannot explain like shape shifting, and I have come face to face with multiple types of aliens. Or at least thats what I believe.
I want to share these experiences with you so you can take from it, what truth you want to believe, and leave behind those things you may feel are too fantastical to believe
14-11-2013 om 23:59
geschreven door peter
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Missing Time and the Puzzle of Missing Teeth +Animal Abductions and Mutilations
Abductions of humans by alien beings have become so commonplace that those claiming the abductions are no longer ridiculed into oblivion. Friends and family now listen with sympathy and interest but when the words missing time are spoken more official ears will often perk up.
The human brain is designed to shut down and slip into a subconscious mode for a few hours during every revolution of our planet. What we refer to as dreams might simply be necessary mental purging or these disjointed images could be far more profound journeys into astral realms. Whichever, no matter how erudite the opinion, no one really knows why we dream or whether or not we possess a second, ethereal persona and the subject is actually worthy of an entire article but for now we are talking about missing time. What is certain about sleeping and dreaming is the fact that the human brain is not meant to shut down while driving an automobile when the driver has had plenty of sleep.
On September 19th, 1961 an interracial couple named Betty and Barney Hill were motoring along an isolated roadway that cut through the White Mountains of New Hampshire in the United States. They both consciously recalled seeing a strange light in the sky above and both were to say that it seemed to be following them. What neither could speak to, however, was what had happened to the time when they arrived home a couple of hours later than the journey should have required.
Over 40 years later, a woman accompanied by her two sons and her mother, lost time as the family was motoring home after enjoying a meal. Somewhere between Ingleton, North Yorkshire and High Bentham in Britainthe family lost nearly half an hour of conscious time.
While these two events would seem to be related only because the missing time occurred while driving a motorcar, there are subtle differences that might not be so understated upon closer examination. In point of fact, the study may even lead us to ask: Are we and our complex subconscious minds evolving at a rate that matches that of extraterrestrials?
While under hypnosis by a reputable psychiatrist named Dr. Benjamin Simon, Betty and Barney Hill offered details of their experience that were fraught with horror and utter confusion as they were set upon by curious little creatures. The British family, on the other hand, realized a tremendous peace and indescribable love from what they called, simply, a light that was so bright it made the moon appear yellow. The driver of the automobile, a sincere and lovely lady named Rachel, underwent hypnosis and could only speak of being high into the light that seemed to caress her soul as she heard her children giggling happily in the background. She broke down, offering a pretty smile to soften her sobs, while her mother also cried when merely accessing the conscious portion of her memory. One of Rachels boys said of the light (in paraphrase): .it was fun and made you want to go back to it ..
Neither Betty nor Barney Hill wanted any more of their encounter. They were stripped and given a thorough physical. Betty had a scary needle plunged into her abdomen, had hard cups pressed around her breasts as well as having unpleasant probing of her vaginal area and was, in general, examined as would be done by someone seeing something for the first time.
Numerous abductions have occurred since 1961 and the abductees have reported that the little doctors knew the human anatomy quite well. During later abductions, for example, whole eyeballs were reportedly removed and replaced as if the operations were mundane.
Barney Hill used dentures to replace his missing teeth. When Dr. Simon could calm him enough during their sessions (Barneys horror was veritably uncontrollable as his subconscious mind allowed regression) he told of the aliens surprise when his teeth were pulled out. The little fellow was so perturbed by this that he ran and got the leader to have a look. Barney would say that there was much disconcertion about his prosthetic teeth as they hurried to check Bettys mouth.
These reports must lead one to believe the aliens are in a learning curve that parallels our own. When ultrasound techniques were later perfected scary needles were no longer used about the abdomen during abductions. False teeth no longer puzzle alien abductors and it seems that the more we search for resources within our being the aliens alter their own techniques to meet our changing psychology.
Betty and Barney Hill were handled in 1961 like livestock by overpowering aliens.
A British family in 2005 was treated to a gentle, soulful meeting with a light that had to issue from a powerful source.
The question begs: Are humans and extraterrestrials evolving towards the same goal?
An often disturbing event in the alien/UFO community, animal abductions and mutilations are on the rise this year, and the areas that are now being deemed hotspots for UFO activity appear to be having a rash of these occurances. Though this is a somewhat distasteful subject to some in the community, nevertheless it brings about strong emotions in experiencers and non-experiencers alike. While it may be easy to dismiss a witnesss account of a sighting, one cannot dismiss the physical evidence of these events; namely that animals across the globe are being somehow damaged in a way that defies current scientific explanation.
Fossil records indicate that there is a possibility of animal abductions happening in ancient times becauase of the migration of some species to areas unobtainable by these animals. Several species from millions of years ago crossed oceans that were impossible to cross, unless they were somehow air-lifted. For example, how did marsupials get from North America to Australia? How did monkeys get from Africa to South America? Evolution often happens too fast for Darwins theory and gaps in the fossil record indicate that some kind of unnatural force and possible genetic engineering might have acted together with natural selection.
Though the current phenomena of strange animal deaths and mutilations can possibly trace its roots back hundreds of years, it first came to the attention of the public and the media in the early 1960′s with a rash of these surgically precise cuttings done on livestock, mainly cattle. Testimony from veterinary pathologists, law enforcement officials and cattle inspectors clearly distinguished animal mutilations from deaths of domestic and wild animals by infectious disease, predation, and other natural causes.
There are several indicators concerning these strange deaths, whereas there will generally be unexplained damage to any remaining organs, no trace of blood, no sign of damage to the surrounding area, a lack of of teeth or claw marks, and no obvious scavenging by any known predators. While some animals are found lying on the ground, others are found draped over fences and treetops, their injuries consistent with being dumped from a great distance. Sometimes the ground under the animal appears depressed, as if the animal was dropped on the site from a height high enough to leave an impact crater under the animal.
The situation is serious and sometimes apparently even involves harm to human beings:
By the mid 1970s, mutilated cattle were reported in 15 states, from Montana and South Dakota in the north, to New Mexico and Texas in the south.
Democratic senator Floyd K. Haskell contacted the FBI asking for help in 1975 due to public concern regarding the issue. He claimed there had been 130 mutilations in Colorado alone.[4]
In 1998, documented photographic evidence of a 1994 mutilation surfaced that involved a [5] human being outside of Sao Paulo, Brazil.An autopsy report concluded that the procedure occurred while the victim was still alive, and the associated pain resulted in cardiac arrest.
The occurances have been so widespread, that in in the United States, this has been the subject of two separate federal investigations.
A current video with Phil Hoyle of the Animal Pathology Forensic Unit in the U.K. discusses the matter further. In this presentation, there is footage of one the factors of the possible evidence of visitor related activity, namely burn marks which appear near or around where the animals were harmed.
In the story below it is shown that these burn or scorch marks are not a new event nor is the event of possible harm to a human being during it:
Faxinal de Sao Bras, Brazil Date: 1940 Time: afternoon
9-year-old Sebastiana Roncador had gone to the goat pen in order to milk the animals when she noticed a strange luminous object resembling a circus tent on a nearby field. Curious she approached it and watch astonished as some type of ladder emerged from the object. The ladder moved in a way that it seemed to be alive. Soon several 1-meter tall creatures exited the object. The beings had a dark complexion with large frog like eyes, large round faces, large heads, huge pointy ears, and short necks. They wore tight fitting silvery outfits. The creatures approached the witness who ran frightened towards the house screaming. Her father ran out armed with a stick, which he threw at the creatures. These retreated back into the object. The craft then took off causing a huge cloud of dust to rise up and emitted flames from its bottom apparently burning the ground.At the site a black scorched circle was found and today nothing grows there.One of the goats was found apparently with a puncture wound and bleeding. The blood apparently coagulated and the animal died.Around the same time a local woman disappeared without a trace. Nothing was ever heard from her.
More evidence of visitor related activity to the events occuring to the animals is a picture captured by Phil Hoyle of a possible UFO which appeared over the same area as the deaths and surgical cuttings were taking place.
Note: these investigations of the APFU are current and ongoing
The strange object over Wales Copyright: Phil Hoyle: The Animal Pathology Field Unit
Though once thought confined to cattle or other livestock, these cases are now being found more and more in domestic animals, that is, the family pet. In Salt Lake City in 2003, a rash of cat mutilations occured, again with the same surgical cutting; these cases are still open, no cat serial killer was found, but coincidentially, there were numerous UFO sightings in that area and other parts of Utah that year. Or consider the stories of several experiencers, who, upon waking from their encounter, would find their dog or cat dead with no apparent cause. Several experiencers were lucky enough to actually see the damage inflicted as is evidenced by a story which occured over 50 years ago:
Location. Near Denbigh Castle, Clwyd, Wales Date: March 1964Time: 0130am
The witness, Mrs. W, was up late studying when she heard her terrier dog yelping. She knew it was on the back patio and looked through the kitchen window to see him cowering beside a bush in clear distress.Rushing out, Mrs. W saw that a beam light was coming from the sky and enveloping the dog.She could not see a source. Reacting instinctively the woman picked up her pet and immediately felt a burning sensation as she touched the beam. Without looking upwards she fled indoors with the animal and noticed that her arm was burnt and remained in pain for some time. the dog also suffered discomfort from what she took to be skin burns that persisted for a short time.
Currently in a northwestern Montana town, there have been a rash of unexplained deaths of dogs; several of the animals reportedly died suddenly in their fenced yards while the owners were right inside the home. According to witnesses testimony, at least nine dogs have mysteriously died and other strange animal deaths are occuring, an example being of a wolf found draped in a tree. Clearly this is not the work of some serial animal killer. Prior to these incidents, there was possible UFO activity in the western skies.
Many experiencers have discussed missing pets, pets dead for no apparent reason, strange marks that appear almost surigically done, yet the anuimal has had no such surgery in that particular area. It appears that the evidence is strong that there is a very possible connection to UFO activity and these animal experiements, if thats what they indeed are. Yet why hurt an experiencers or others animals and in such numbers? We all know and understand the concept of using animals to further medical knowledge, but in this case, a very large number of animals appears to be necessary for this research. Too many animals are dying under mysterious circumstances which begs the question of, if the visitors are indeed taking these animals, then, why, if they are so advanced, do they need so many? And why primarily the experriencers animals? Or, as some might suggest, does it have to do more with the experiencer and the effect on them that in any interest in the actual pet.
Whatever the reason, as more and more animal deaths are reported worldwide, and more sightings coincide with these occurances, it may be prudent to not only watch the skies, but to watch your animals, also .
14-11-2013 om 23:52
geschreven door peter
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A national interest in UFO's was sparked, in part, by a plane crash in Kentucky back in 1948. A celebrated war pilot died while following an unidentified flying object.
65 years later, the cause of that Kentucky crash remains unclear.
"This is where it all began. Right out here," says Shelby Stones as she drives up to a small building that used to be her old school house in her neighborhood in Franklin, Kentucky.
"And this was where I was standing when it all happened. The plane was falling out of the sky just up the road here," she said, describing a day in January 1948 she'll never forget. "And that's what I remember most, is the noise it was making"
Stone was 11-years-old when she witnessed a military jet crash just beside her home. The pilot was World War II veteran Thomas Mantell, a 25-year-old, honored for his role in D-day, and now a captain in the Kentucky Air National Guard.
The crash Stone witnessed would forever changed the country's perception of UFO's. There's not much that remains of the crash from 1948, but there is this one artifact - it's a piece of Mantell's plane, and it shows wear and tear not just of age, but the crash itself, it's dented and scarred with burn marks on both sides. And it remains one of the last links to this great mystery from the 40's about what exactly happened to Mantell that day.
"Here was the very first individual to be a casualty of a UFO incident," said National Guard Historian John Trowbridge.
Trowbridge has studied this case.
"Godman Tower had been watching this thing. They'd gotten calls from around the area, from around the state, from state police," he said. "And it was just sitting there for so long and they were trying to figure out what it was. And, apparently, Colonel Hix, who was in the tower said 'hey, we see something. Can you investigate'?"
Before his death, Captain Mantell described the object as "tremendous in size, made of metal of reflective surface, moving at about 360 miles per hour."
Captain Mantell chased the object about 25-thousand feet into the air, say military records, when Mantell likely passed out from lack of oxygen, and then plummeted to the ground.
It's an explanation many have doubted, and one important piece of the mystery was never solved.
"They had no idea what this thing was. And this whole UFO phenomenon was brand new," Trowbridge said.
Above all, this is captain Mantell's legacy, the center of a still-unsolved mystery. That's not all that's mysterious about this case, though. Thomas Mantell lived in Louisville all his life, but was born in a Simpson County hospital. Historians say Mantell was only in Simpson County for two days in his life, the day he was born, and the day he died.
Our version of Rendlesham Forest UFO has been re-created in 3D from the original sketches drawn by personnel that were at the crash site back in 1980. Illustration by 3D Architect, Francois Lauzon. You will be able to learn more about this fascinating incident in our production "Starworks USA 2013: Peter Robbins - The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident". avec francois lauzon et Peter Robbins.
14-11-2013 om 23:22
geschreven door peter
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In a universe as big as ours, with millions of galaxies and the idea of a never-ending sky it seems unreasonable to think that the Earth is the only planet capable of sustaining life.There are an unlimited number of galaxies and solar systems which stretch across our great universe, and the idea that there is no other form of intelligent life in the entire universe seems small.
While a delicate balance of elements and climate are required to sustain life as we know it, who is to say there isnt an entirely different form of life which we cant even fathom surviving and thriving on a distant planet in a distant galaxy in our expansive universe.
People have always been fascinated with the idea of aliens existing elsewhere in our universe. Part of the mystery and wonder about life in general is about where we came from. Did an all-knowing God create the first man and first woman and all of the creatures that roam the earth in between? Or was it something more mysterious than an omnipotent being? If it is, indeed, something far more mysterious than a single God, then it is safe to assume that we are not alone in this giant universe. There has to be life out there somewhere else, and it would be ignorant to think we are the only forms of life floating around in space.
While it makes sense to assume that we are not the only living creatures out there, trying to prove the existence of aliens has been far more difficult. If we ask ourselves, are aliens real?, and we assume the answer is yes, then why hasnt there been any concrete proof which tells us somewhere in the Great Unknown is another form of life? Perhaps we have received proof, but it has been far too mysterious and most of us are far too cynical to believe that what we have seen is proof of alien existence. Even so, for people who arent skeptical about the existence of aliens, there seem to be concrete signs of other intelligent life out there. There have been some events throughout the course of history which point to the evidence of aliens.
There has been a lot of interest in the possibility of aliens since the beginning of human existence. Ancient Indian texts log sightings of flying objects called vimanas. Ancient theorists believe, based on the paintings and texts from the people of Ancient India, that perhaps they were visited by alien astronauts. There is also speculation about Stonehenge. The ancient structure is said to have been built around 3100 BC, and many of the large boulders used to build the structure weigh 35 tons. It is hard to fathom how people could have possibly moved such large boulders using only leather straps at the time, leading to a lot of speculation regarding alien interception.
There have also been a lot of UFO sightings throughout the world, many dating back hundreds of years. The most notable regular sightings of UFOs often come from the portion of the United States in Nevada known as Area 54. This area is classified government area, where it is speculated the government has UFOs and proof of alien existence.
The question of Are aliens real? is one which has been asked for thousands of years. People have been speculating on the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe since the beginning of time. While we dont have any concrete evidence of such life, it seems silly to assume that in the expansive universe, there is no other planet or galaxy which holds some other form of life.
14-11-2013 om 15:02
geschreven door peter
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Media: UFOs en alien-ontvoeringen op tv in VS.
Media: UFOs en alien-ontvoeringen op tv in VS.
Met de stijgende interesse in het UFO-fenomeen, komt ook de zaken van de ontvoeringen van mensen door aliens steeds meer in de belangstelling te staan. Dit onderwerp is al lang geen borreltafelpraat meer, zoals je hieronder zult lezen. Ook de getuigenissen van vele honderden, zo niet duizenden mensen steunen de opvatting, dat wij mensen onderwerp zijn van intense studie door buitenaardse levensvormen.
Fred Burks is de oprichter van en schreef het onderstaande artikel dat je hier in het Nederlands kunt lezen, dankzij de vertaling van Ellen du Burck. Met name de officiële standpunten en uitlatingen zijn natuurlijk bijzonder interessant, omdat zij licht werpen op de vraag hoeveel onze overheden achter de schermen al bekend zijn met dit fenomeen.
De nog steeds op geruchten gebaseerde verhalen, dat de krachten achter de overheid in de VS al lang deals hebben gesloten met de buitenaardsen, blijken steeds meer een reëel fundament te krijgen. De Amerikaanse overheid zou deals hebben gemaakt die enerzijds buitenaardsen toegang gaf tot het bestuderen van het verschijnsel mens, en anderzijds de machten achter de schermen in de VS toegang zou geven tot buitenaardse technologie.
Hoe het ook zij, heb jij interesse in dit fenomeen, of lees je hier voor het eerst over deze materie, dan raden we je aan het onderstaande, zeer gedegen stuk van Fred Burks te lezen. Nogmaals: geen gewauwel en napraterijen, maar harde feiten en gedegen onderzoek liggen aan de basis van het artikel. Plezier ermee.
Mocht jij als WantToKnow-bezoeker ervaringen willen delen met andere bezoekers op de site en geloof je dat je verhaal in dit opzicht leerzaam kan zijn, neem dan contact met ons op. Wij zorgen voor een anonieme plaatsing van je artikel, zoals dat al eerder is gebeurd met anderen. Samen kunnen we ook het artikel schrijven, ook daarvoor hoef je niet terughoudend te zijn.
Kijk voor 2 interessante lezingen over dit onderwerp op onze agenda. (25 Oktober en 15 November)
UFOs en ontvoeringen door buitenaardsen op tv in VS.
Fred Burks augustus 2009
vertaling Ellen du Burck
Onlangs werd op primetime, in een speciale editie van ABC News, een item over UFOs en buitenaardse ontvoeringen uitgezonden met als titel Ontvoeringen door buitenaardsen: een onderzoek naar de menselijke geest. Deel I van deze ABC documentaire, getiteld Abduction by Aliens: Meet the Believers, is te vinden via deze link. (9 minuten)
Waar vroeger werd gezwegen over ontmoetingen met en ontvoeringen door buitenaardsen, daar komen deze dagen steeds meer mensen naar voren met hun ervaringen.
Hoewel deze documentaire het waarheidsgehalte van zowel UFOs en buitenaardse ontvoeringen aan de kaak stelt, is de hoeveelheid van dit soort gevallen gemeld door gewone, respectabale mensen heel overtuigend. Voor de eerste keer heeft een mediagigant zoals ABC dit onderwerp, ontvoeringen door UFOs, uitgezonden en het dus blijkbaar interessant genoeg gevonden voor een openbare discussie.
De massamedia hebben jarenlang ieder mens of groep die in UFOs geloofden genegeerd of belachelijk gemaakt. En degenen die beweerden dat ze ontvoerd zijn geweest door buitenaardsen, werden behandeld alsof ze debiel waren. De enkele, serieuze rapporten die wezenlijke vragen over UFOs opriepen werden vaak ergens onderaan in een vaag katern gepubliceerd.
Een van de vele opvallende voorbeelden is die van voormalig CIA-chef Roscoe Hillenkoetter. Op 28 februari 1960 verklaarde hij publiekelijk: Achter de schermen zijn hooggeplaatste officieren van de luchtmacht enorm bezorgd over UFOs. Maar door officiële geheimhoudingen en bespottelijkheden, worden burgers misleid en laat men hen geloven dat die onbekende vliegende objecten onzin zijn.
Dit verbazingwekkende nieuws van een van de machtigste mannen in de regering werd gepubliceerd in de New York Times. Het artikel werd echter ergens weggemoffeld op pagina 98 van de zondagkrant. Klik HIER om dit artikel uit de New York Times te lezen.
Op 9 mei 2001, verklaarden 22 zeer gerespecteerde getuigen van de regering en het leger, in de prestigieuze National Press Club in Washington DC in een grote zaal afgeladen met vooraanstaande verslaggevers, hun persoonlijke betrokkenheid bij een grote UFO cover-up. ZIE HIER Maar de mediakon deze mijlpaal (gesponsord door de Disclosure Project), niet goed overbrengen en het werd zelfs weggehoond. Via deze link kun je de meeslepende verklaringen lezen van deze en andere getuigen van het Disclosure Project.
De laatste jaren verandert de teneur van de media geleidelijk. CNNs Larry King begon eind 2007 met een serie afleveringen waarin pittige vragen werden gesteld over UFOs. De gasten van King, die opmerkelijke ervaringen met UFOs hebben gehad, bestonden uit een voormalig gouverneur en belangrijke militaire officieren die niets te winnen hadden bij deze getuigenissen.
Op 14 mei van dit jaar, publiceerde de New York Times het eerste ondersteunende artikel voor de UFO-beweging. Klik hier voor de link naar dat artikel. Afgelopen maand werd Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell (de zesde man die op de maan landde) geciteerd door ABCwaarin hij verklaart dat het UFO-fenomeen echt is. En nu heeft ABC deze verbazingwekkende documentaire over buitenaardse ontvoeringen en UFOs uitgezonden.
Dankzij de onvermoeibare inspanningen van een groot aantal pioniers in de UFO-beweging, lijkt de vooraanstaande media zich eindelijk betrokken te voelen bij een serieuze discussie over UFOs en buitenaardse ontvoeringen.
Steven Greer, één van de wetenschappelijke onderzoekers die hun gepassioneerde focus volledig richten op contacten met buitenaardsen.
Er zijn heel veel moedige personen die belangrijke bijdragen hebben geleverd om dit zover te krijgen. Dr. John Mackheeft zijn carrière als gerespecteerde Harvard professor en als schrijver en winnaar van de Pulitzerprijs, op het spel gezet toen hij serieuze studies en diverse boeken over buitenaardse ontvoeringen publiceerde. Zijn documentaire over dit onderwerp Touchis een een van de wetenschappers die zich volledig toelegde op het UFO-fenomeen.
Dr. Steven M. Greer gaf zijn lucratieve carrière als medisch directeur van spoedeisende hulp in een groot ziekenhuis op, om zich te focussen op het UFO-fenomeen en om dit publiekelijk naar buiten te brengen. Zijn succesvolle Disclosure Projecthebben mij en duizenden andere sceptici omgeturnd naar overtuigden tijdens zijn National Press Club evenement. En vele andere toegewijde personen hebben hun carrière en reputatie geofferd om dit belangrijke onderwerp te rechtvaardigen.
De meerderheid van deze onderzoekers is er van overtuigd dat aliens over het algemeen goedaardig en vriendelijk zijn. Verklaringen van diverse ooggetuigen van de regering hebben beschreven dat een UFO-voertuig nucleaire kernkoppen ontmantelde in een poging ons bewust te maken van het gevaar van deze wapens ten aanzien van de toekomst van onze planeet. Volgens een belangrijke richtlijn (niet veel anders dan die uit Star Trek), zouden de buitenaardsen wachten om hun bestaan bekend te maken totdat wij staken met onze oorlogzuchtige manier van handelen.
Nu is het jouw beurt om een belangrijke rol te spelen in het naar buiten brengen van dit fenomeen. In stijgende lijn worden mensen bewust van UFOs en de mogelijkheden die ze met zich meebrengen, en de mogelijkheden voor transformatie. De tijd dat we een nieuw tijdperk inluiden in menselijke relaties met ons omringende melkwegstelsel en het universum komt dichterbij. Wat een spannende tijd om in te leven!
Klik HIER voor een gedetailleerd essay met betrouwbare informatie over de diepere betekenis van UFOs en hun betrokkenheid bij onze planeet. De tekst in het kader hieronder geeft een aantal suggesties om jezelf te onderwijzen en het nieuws te verspreiden. En als laatste nodigen we je uit om je opmerkingen onder het tekstkader te geven om ons over je ervaringen te vertellen. Heb je ooit een ontmoeting gehad met een UFO of ben je ontvoerd? We zijn blij met jouw verhalen.
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14-11-2013 om 14:43
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Buitenaardse ontvoering in Mississippi (video)
Buitenaardse ontvoering in Mississippi (video)
Veertig jaar na deze ontvoering die in 1973 alle voorpaginas haalde, doet één van de twee slachtoffers eindelijk zijn mond open.
Ze waren aan het vissen, hoorden een geluid, keken op, zagen blauwe lichten, het werd een beetje mistig en even later landde er een UFO.
Calvin Parker, de man die veertig jaar geleden werd ontvoerd door wezens met een grijze leerachtige huid en klauwen als een krab in UFOs, vertelt eindelijk hoe deze gebeurtenis zijn leven heeft veranderd.
Calvin Parker en Charles Hinkson claimen dat ze 40 jaar geleden werden ontvoerd door buitenaardsen terwijl ze aan de oever van de Pascagoula rivier aan het vissen waren.
Hickson die toen 42 was, vertelde dat drie wezens met een leerachtige huid hen bij de bovenarmen vastpakten en dat ze zich het volgende moment aan boord van een ruimteschip bevonden.
Hij vertelde verder dat het was alsof iets dat op een groot oog leek, hen onderzocht. Hinkson is in 2011 overleden en Parker heeft nooit interviews willen geven, tot nu.
In oktober 1973 veroorzaakten de twee nogal wat commotie met hun verhaal en werden op slag beroemd.
Parker zegt nu dat hij deze gebeurtenissen nooit goed heeft kunnen verwerken en dat het zijn hele leven op de kop heeft gegooid. Calvin Parker was nogal overweldigd door alle aandacht die op hem werd gericht na de gebeurtenis door journalisten en UFO fanaten.
Beide mannen waren destijds collegas en werkten bij de Walker scheepswerf. Om aan de aandacht te ontsnappen is Parker verhuisd en keert pas nu, na veertig jaar, weer terug naar de plek waar het allemaal begon.
Hickson daarentegen had geen enkele moeite met alle media-aandacht en hij was dan ook maar al te graag bereid zijn verhaal te vertellen aan iedereen die maar wilde luisteren.
Het incident haalde destijds de voorpaginas van de kranten en het is zo langzamerhand één van de meest onderzochte UFO incidenten geworden. Parker vertelt ook nu, na al die tijd, exact hetzelfde verhaal over wat er die avond gebeurde toen de twee mannen besloten na het werk te gaan vissen.
Het bovenstaande is een beetje het globale verhaal. Maar, wat gebeurde er nu precies?
Na lang zoeken hebben wij onderstaande video gevonden. Het is op zich een unieke opname, want hij is afkomstig van een VHS videotape. Deze werd door de maker van de onderstaande video gekocht op het eerste UFO wereldcongres in 1991 in Tuscon, Arizona.
Het blijkt een documentaire te zijn die in 1987 is gemaakt over de gebeurtenissen rondom Hickson en Parker. Destijds was het 14 jaar geleden dat het gebeurd was en alle originele getuigen waren toen nog allemaal aanwezig. Familie, ziekenhuispersoneel, collegas. Allemaal mensen die uit eerste hand vertellen in wat voor staat de twee mannen verkeerden, hoe ze reageerden en wat zijzelf ervan vonden.
Ondanks dat Calvin Parker 40 jaar lang de pers heeft ontlopen, komt hij toch ook een paar minuten in deze documentaire voor, hevig zwetend, dat dan weer wel.
De eerste vijf minuten zijn een soort algemene introductie en daarna begint het verhaal.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Bob Lazar Worked On Alien Spacecraft
Bob Lazar Worked On Alien Spacecraft
Note the video in the gallery (How Alien Spacecrafts Work Bob Lazar)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
In Lazars first interview he talked about Element 115. Fifteen years later in 2004 scientific breakthrough, however, provides significant credibility to Bob Lazars claims rather than discrediting his claims, when scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in collaboration with researchers from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Russia (JINR), announced that they discovered two new super-heavy elements, Element 113 and Element 115. The Isotope of Element 115, produced by bombarding an Americium-243 (95Am243) nucleus with a Calcium-48 (20Ca48) nucleus, rapidly decayed to Element 113. then continued to decay until a meta-stable isotope was obtained.
NASA Antimatter Reactor
In 2006 NASA had officially talked about Antimatter reactor too, down below is what they had said:
Some antimatter reactions produce blasts of high energy gamma rays. Gamma rays are like X-rays on steroids. They penetrate matter and break apart molecules in cells, so they are not healthy to be around. High-energy gamma rays can also make the engines radioactive by fragmenting atoms of the engine material.
The NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC) is funding a team of researchers working on a new design for an antimatter-powered spaceship that avoids this nasty side effect by producing gamma rays with much lower energy.
Antimatter is sometimes called the mirror image of normal matter because while it looks just like ordinary matter, some properties are reversed. For example, normal electrons, the familiar particles that carry electric current in everything from cell phones to plasma TVs, have a negative electric charge. Anti-electrons have a positive charge, so scientists dubbed them positrons.
When antimatter meets matter, both annihilate in a flash of energy. This complete conversion to energy is what makes antimatter so powerful. Even the nuclear reactions that power atomic bombs come in a distant second, with only about three percent of their mass converted to energy.
Previous antimatter-powered spaceship designs employed antiprotons, which produce high-energy gamma rays when they annihilate. The new design will use positrons, which make gamma rays with about 400 times less energy.
Certainly Bob Lazar and alien spaceship reverse engineering go together well in terms of conspiracy theories however, given the information to support his employment at the US base some parts of his claims indeed stack up
But now in latest development as we discover, in down below interview Bob Lazar claims get validated by Senior Scientist for Lockheed Martin Boyd Bushman!
As a Senior Research Engineer Boyd Bushman worked for Lockheed Martin, Texas Instruments and Hughes Aircraft. He is regarded as one of the inventors of the Stinger missile and he speaks on Camera about Area 51 and advanced propulsion systems being tested there.
Was Bob Lazar Telling The truth???? Comments welcome
14-11-2013 om 14:34
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Perplexing Discovery Baffles Scientists: How On Earth Did They Do It?
Perplexing Discovery Baffles Scientists: How On Earth Did They Do It?More Proof of Advanced Ancient Technology & Nephilim? (Video/Pictures) (Before It's News)
In the History Channel video, I believe that instead of aliens, it was fallen angels (the teachers of these great anomalies) and Nephilim (children of the fallen angels and daughters of men.) Fallen angels were the ones who taught man how to build and do various things. They were very smart and technologically advanced. In fact, there has been evidence that their technology far exceeded ours today! They were able to do what we do, and more, using natural things of the earth. It is very intriguing.
My opinion would be that the fallen angels/nephilim had aircraft back in that day and other sources of technology were unaware of. That would explain how they were able to build some of the megalithic structures still standing today.
If you missed the post I mention in my video above, here is the link:
For thousands of years, pyramids were the largest structures on Earth. The best known were constructed in Egypt and Central America, but others have been found all around the world, including in China, Africa, America, and Indonesia. But what purpose did the pyramids serve? Researchers explore strange similarities between all pyramids, as well as the geographic, strategic and otherworldly connections between these mysterious monumental structures.
Matthew 24 (Bible Gateway)
Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
24 As Yeshua left the Temple and was going away, his talmidim came and called his attention to its buildings. 2 But he answered them, You see all these? Yes! I tell you, they will be totally destroyed not a single stone will be left standing!
3 When he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the talmidim came to him privately. Tell us, they said, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that you are coming, and that the olam hazeh is ending?
4 Yeshua replied: Watch out! Dont let anyone fool you! 5 For many will come in my name, saying, I am the Messiah! and they will lead many astray. 6 You will hear the noise of wars nearby and the news of wars far off; see to it that you dont become frightened. Such things must happen, but the end is yet to come. 7 For peoples will fight each other, nations will fight each other, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various parts of the world; 8 all this is but the beginning of the birth-pains. 9 At that time you will be arrested and handed over to be punished and put to death, and all peoples will hate you because of me. 10 At that time many will be trapped into betraying and hating each other, 11 many false prophets will appear and fool many people; 12 and many peoples love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah. 13 But whoever holds out till the end will be delivered. 14 And this Good News about the Kingdom will be announced throughout the whole world as a witness to all the Goyim. It is then that the end will come.
15 So when you see the abomination that causes devastation spoken about through the prophet Daniel standing in the Holy Place[a] (let the reader understand the allusion), 16 that will be the time for those in Yhudah to escape to the hills. 17 If someone is on the roof, he must not go down to gather his belongings from his house; 18 if someone is in the field, he must not turn back to get his coat. 19 What a terrible time it will be for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that you will not have to escape in winter or on Shabbat. 21 For there will be trouble then worse than there has ever been from the beginning of the world until now, and there will be nothing like it again![b]22 Indeed, if the length of this time had not been limited, no one would survive; but for the sake of those who have been chosen, its length will be limited.
23 At that time, if someone says to you, Look! Heres the Messiah! or, There he is! dont believe him. 24 For there will appear false Messiahs and false prophets performing great miracles amazing things! so as to fool even the chosen, if possible. 25 There! I have told you in advance! 26 So if people say to you, Listen! Hes out in the desert! dont go; or, Look! Hes hidden away in a secret room! dont believe it. 27 For when the Son of Man does come, it will be like lightning that flashes out of the east and fills the sky to the western horizon. 28 Wherever theres a dead body, thats where you find the vultures.
29 But immediately following the trouble of those times,
the sun will grow dark, the moon will stop shining,[c] the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers in heaven will be shaken.[d]
30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, all the tribes of the Land will mourn,[e] and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with tremendous power and glory.[f]31 He will send out his angels with a great shofar;[g] and they will gather together his chosen people from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
32 Now let the fig tree teach you its lesson: when its branches begin to sprout and leaves appear, you know that summer is approaching. 33 In the same way, when you see all these things, you are to know that the time is near, right at the door. 34 Yes! I tell you that this people will certainly not pass away before all these things happen. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
36 But when that day and hour will come, no one knows not the angels in heaven, not the Son, only the Father. 37 For the Son of Mans coming will be just as it was in the days of Noach. 38 Back then, before the Flood, people went on eating and drinking, taking wives and becoming wives, right up till the day Noach entered the ark; 39 and they didnt know what was happening until the Flood came and swept them all away. It will be just like that when the Son of Man comes. 40 Then there will be two men in a field one will be taken and the other left behind. 41 There will be two women grinding flour at the mill one will be taken and the other left behind. 42 So stay alert, because you dont know on what day your Lord will come. 43 But you do know this: had the owner of the house known when the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 Therefore you too must always be ready, for the Son of Man will come when you are not expecting him.
45 Who is the faithful and sensible servant whose master puts him in charge of the household staff, to give them their food at the proper time? 46 It will go well with that servant if he is found doing his job when his master comes. 47 Yes, I tell you that he will put him in charge of all he owns. 48 But if that servant is wicked and says to himself, My master is taking his time; 49 and he starts beating up his fellow servants and spends his time eating and drinking with drunkards; 50 then his master will come on a day the servant does not expect, at a time he doesnt know; 51 and he will cut him in two and put him with the hypocrites, where people will wail and grind their teeth!
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Alien Abductions
Alien Abductions
There is a lot of debate around the world regarding whether or not aliens from other planets exist. However, the truth is that there are a lot of people who have allegedly experienced alien abductions at various points in their lives, and some of these peoples stories are remarkably consistent.
It seems as though there are some common patterns that occur in people who experience an alien abduction at some point in their life, and these experiences and testimonials seem to suggest that alien beings really do exist and that some of us have seen this first hand.
One of the first things that people who have experienced an alien abduction claim is that they were abducted in their sleep and awaken to see a very bright luminous light. In many cases, when they stare into the light above them, they are essentially levitated by it right through walls and taken into a large spacecraft of some kind. However, some individuals who have been abducted by aliens do not see the light, but more so wake up from their sleep in an unfamiliar place. However, almost always, these abductions happen at night, either when the person is sleeping or awake and alone in a desolate area.
Another consistent thing that a lot of people talk about after they have been abducted by aliens is the way the aliens look. For the most part, it is reported that they have very large heads with smaller bodies, and that their eyes are dark and huge. The color of the skin reported by people varies greatly, as do some more specific descriptions of the extraterrestrials themselves. It is assumed there are different races of alien beings, just like human beings. However, we see consistency in the general look and build of the alien life forms based on what people have reported from their abductions.
Perhaps one of the most consistent things that have been reported from people who have experienced an alien abduction, however, is the probing and testing that goes on once they are abducted. It seems as though these aliens are curious to find out more about the human body an anatomy. Some people have reported being hooked up to strange machines and others have even claimed to have had blood drawn and to have been probed by the aliens with different instruments and tools. Particularly, the aliens seem to be most interested in the brains of humans and the reproductive system as well.
Finally, there are also some general consistencies with the return journey back home after an alien abduction. Most of the time, humans are brought back to the same place where they were originally abducted. However, sometimes the positioning and placement are slightly off. Almost all people who have been abducted will realize what happened once they wake up and notice that they have missed out on a significant period of time.
Overall, these are the general characteristics of reported alien abductions. And with all of these consistencies, more and more people in the general public find it hard to deny the existence of these extraterrestrial life forms in our own universe.
Reports of alien beings entering bedrooms through walls before being abducted.
For skeptics, mass media, and the general public it is hard to believe that abductions by alien beings have their basis in reality.
Alien abductions, are also referred to as close encounters of the fourth kind
The Betty and Barney Hill Case is one of the most renowned alien abduction cases.
Some abductees have claimed to have some sort of tracking device implanted within their body upon return.
Alien Abductions
Alien Abductions
There is a lot of debate around the world regarding whether or not aliens from other planets exist. However, the truth is that there are a lot of people who have allegedly experienced alien abductions at various points in their lives, and some of these peoples stories are remarkably consistent.
It seems as though there are some common patterns that occur in people who experience an alien abduction at some point in their life, and these experiences and testimonials seem to suggest that alien beings really do exist and that some of us have seen this first hand.
One of the first things that people who have experienced an alien abduction claim is that they were abducted in their sleep and awaken to see a very bright luminous light. In many cases, when they stare into the light above them, they are essentially levitated by it right through walls and taken into a large spacecraft of some kind. However, some individuals who have been abducted by aliens do not see the light, but more so wake up from their sleep in an unfamiliar place. However, almost always, these abductions happen at night, either when the person is sleeping or awake and alone in a desolate area.
Another consistent thing that a lot of people talk about after they have been abducted by aliens is the way the aliens look. For the most part, it is reported that they have very large heads with smaller bodies, and that their eyes are dark and huge. The color of the skin reported by people varies greatly, as do some more specific descriptions of the extraterrestrials themselves. It is assumed there are different races of alien beings, just like human beings. However, we see consistency in the general look and build of the alien life forms based on what people have reported from their abductions.
Perhaps one of the most consistent things that have been reported from people who have experienced an alien abduction, however, is the probing and testing that goes on once they are abducted. It seems as though these aliens are curious to find out more about the human body an anatomy. Some people have reported being hooked up to strange machines and others have even claimed to have had blood drawn and to have been probed by the aliens with different instruments and tools. Particularly, the aliens seem to be most interested in the brains of humans and the reproductive system as well.
Finally, there are also some general consistencies with the return journey back home after an alien abduction. Most of the time, humans are brought back to the same place where they were originally abducted. However, sometimes the positioning and placement are slightly off. Almost all people who have been abducted will realize what happened once they wake up and notice that they have missed out on a significant period of time.
Overall, these are the general characteristics of reported alien abductions. And with all of these consistencies, more and more people in the general public find it hard to deny the existence of these extraterrestrial life forms in our own universe.
Reports of alien beings entering bedrooms through walls before being abducted.
For skeptics, mass media, and the general public it is hard to believe that abductions by alien beings have their basis in reality.
Alien abductions, are also referred to as close encounters of the fourth kind
The Betty and Barney Hill Case is one of the most renowned alien abduction cases.
Some abductees have claimed to have some sort of tracking device implanted within their body upon return.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.