The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
The Mysterious 1977 Wow! Alien Signal Has Been Solved
The Mysterious 1977 Wow! Alien Signal Has Been Solved
If a signal once believed to have come from an alien civilization is proven to be something else, can it still be called “Wow!”? Wikipedia and many annals of space and ET phenomenon may have to do some editing after an astronomer proved that a strange and powerful radio signal from space detected in 1977 which elicited a written “Wow!” exclamation on the printout should not have caused a gasp because it was just a gas.
The now famous Wow! signal was discovered by Jerry Ehman while working on a SETI project on The Ohio State University’s Big Ear radio telescope located at Ohio Wesleyan University’s Perkins Observatory in Delaware, Ohio. He noted the 72-second blast, which was 30 times stronger than the background radiation, with a big red “Wow!” on the printout and the debate on whether it was a transmission from an intelligent civilization or something else began.
The Big Ear radio telescope
“It’s aliens!” was leading in the polls until last year, when Professor Antonio Paris, an astronomer at St. Petersburg College in Florida, proposed that the signal had actually been produced by comets passing by the Earth on their seven-year orbits around the Sun. The comets — 266P/Christensen and P/2008 Y2 (Gibbs) which were discovered in 2006 – are surrounded by large hydrogen clouds which are known to produce a signal in the same frequency as Wow!. Scoffers scoffed and demanded that Paris prove their beloved signal was not a call from ET.
That he did. Paris knew that the comets would be in the same position (northwest of the globular cluster M55 in the constellation Sagittarius) in early 2017 as the Wow! signal’s source was on August 15, 1977. He used a GoFundMe page to raise the money to install a dedicated radio telescope at the Center for Planetary Science pointed at the Wow! sweet spot and then waited.
According to his paper published in the Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences, Comet 266P took the wow out of Wow! when its signals matched the Wow! signal. In anticipation of objections, Paris also looked at other comets similar to 266P and found that their hydrogen clouds produced the same frequency signal, so if it wasn’t 266P, Wow! was produced by another gassy comet.
Blame a comet
What now, Wow! fans? Science wins again. One of the most famous and solid pieces of evidence of alien communications has been proven to be just gas. What’s next? Will Roswell turn out to be something other than aliens as well?
Check out this interesting footage of a bright lights that were filmed from a plane over California. This was filmed on 1st October 2016 and it was just submitted to MUFON.
Witness report:
bright lights visable from 30,000 feet up – midflight . approx 3 hours into the flight from BALT to LA I noticed 3 very bright lights hovering and I cap it with iphone camera , I was overwheled with and very excited to see such an amazing event.
Mysterious Lights Appear In The Sky During A Massive Blackout In Northern Uruguay
Mysterious Lights Appear In The Sky During A Massive Blackout In Northern Uruguay
Several residents in Northern Uruguay had experienced a massive outage, including Salto, Constitución, Belén and some parts of Bella Unión as well as Paysandú. However, they were disrupted not just because of the inconvenience of the blackout but also to the presence of several lights in the skies.
Strange lights were seen forming a triangle formation and holding their position longer than an aircraft or a helicopter would do. Adding to the mystery, the lights were dazzling and separated from each other by a vast distance, according to eyewitness’ accounts.
The Uruguayan Air Force (FAU) created a UFO research commission 32 years ago, the first in Latin America. Confirming a UFO needs several factors to be discounted.
The FAU formed an office devoted to investigating UFO phenomenon called the Comisión Receptora e Investigadora de Denuncias de Objetos Voladores No Identificados (CRIDOVNI). The Air Force decided to form such commission after a series of UFO sighting reports during the 1970s.
Wat krijg je te zien als je inzoomt op de ringen van Saturnus? Nog meer kleinere ringen!
Ontelbaar veel ringen in beeld. Ze lijken te golven.
De bovenstaande foto is gemaakt op 4 juni door de Cassini-ruimtesonde. NASA deelde de foto onlangs via Twitter. Het is een onbewerkte foto. Hierdoor is er nog wat ruis zichtbaar.
Helaas is er verder geen informatie bekend over deze foto. Zo is de afstand tot de ringen onbekend. Deze vraag hebben we neergelegd bij NASA, dus hopelijk krijgen we snel antwoord. Aangezien NASA deze onbewerkte foto heeft gedeeld via Twitter, zal er over enkele dagen ongetwijfeld een bewerkte versie verschijnen met meer details over de getoonde ringen.
Eerder dit jaar maakte Cassini een foto van propellers. Propellers zijn verstoringen die ontstaan door piepkleine maantjes. Alleen in de A-ring van Saturnus bevinden zich naar schatting duizenden propellers.
Cassini’s einde De brandstof van Cassini is bijna op. Om te voorkomen dat de sonde straks zonder brandstof rond gaat dolen en op één van de potentieel leefbare manen van Saturnus neerstort en eventuele aardse microben die nog op de sonde huizen aldaar afzet, is besloten de sonde te vernietigen. Dat doet NASA door deze in september opdracht te geven zich in de atmosfeer van Saturnus te boren. Daarmee komt er een eind aan een spraakmakende en baanbrekende missie.
Wat krijg je te zien als je inzoomt op de ringen van Saturnus? Nog meer kleinere ringen!
Ontelbaar veel ringen in beeld. Ze lijken te golven.
De bovenstaande foto is gemaakt op 4 juni door de Cassini-ruimtesonde. NASA deelde de foto onlangs via Twitter. Het is een onbewerkte foto. Hierdoor is er nog wat ruis zichtbaar.
Helaas is er verder geen informatie bekend over deze foto. Zo is de afstand tot de ringen onbekend. Deze vraag hebben we neergelegd bij NASA, dus hopelijk krijgen we snel antwoord. Aangezien NASA deze onbewerkte foto heeft gedeeld via Twitter, zal er over enkele dagen ongetwijfeld een bewerkte versie verschijnen met meer details over de getoonde ringen.
Eerder dit jaar maakte Cassini een foto van propellers. Propellers zijn verstoringen die ontstaan door piepkleine maantjes. Alleen in de A-ring van Saturnus bevinden zich naar schatting duizenden propellers.
Cassini’s einde De brandstof van Cassini is bijna op. Om te voorkomen dat de sonde straks zonder brandstof rond gaat dolen en op één van de potentieel leefbare manen van Saturnus neerstort en eventuele aardse microben die nog op de sonde huizen aldaar afzet, is besloten de sonde te vernietigen. Dat doet NASA door deze in september opdracht te geven zich in de atmosfeer van Saturnus te boren. Daarmee komt er een eind aan een spraakmakende en baanbrekende missie.
Om Jupiter draaien niet alleen grote, maar ook tientallen piepkleine maantjes. Astronomen hebben er weer twee ontdekt.
De ontdekking van S2016 J1.
Met de twee nieuwe manen S/2016 J1 en S/2017 J1 komt het totaal aantal joviaanse manen op 69. “We zijn momenteel op zoek naar objecten in het buitengebied van het zonnestelsel, zoals planeet X, en toevallig kwam Jupiter ook voorbij”, vertelt astronoom Scott Sheppard. Hierdoor zijn de twee nieuwe maantjes gespot.
S/2016 J1 en S/2017 J1 zijn slechts een tot twee kilometer breed. Het zijn dus echt minimaantjes, die maar net te zien zijn door de beste telescopen ter wereld. Zo is S/2016 J1 op 8 maart 2016 ontdekt met de 6,5 meter telescoop van het Las Campanas observatorium in Chili. De maan is 20,6 miljoen kilometer van de grootste planeet van het zonnestelsel verwijderd en doet 1,65 jaar over een rondje om de planeet. De maan is voor het eerst gespot door Sheppard.
De ontdekking van S2017 J1.
S/2016 J1 is op 23 maart 2017 gevonden met de Chileense Victor Blanco reflector. Deze maan is nog verder verwijderd van Jupiter, namelijk 23,5 miljoen kilometer. De maan heeft net iets meer dan twee jaar nodig om rond Jupiter te draaien.
Beide objecten hebben een retrograde baan, wat betekent dat ze in de tegengestelde richting om Jupiter draaien. Dit vertelt iets over de ontstaansgeschiedenis van de twee maantjes. Waarschijnlijk zijn ze ergens anders in het zonnestelsel ontstaan en pas op latere leeftijd door Jupiter gevangen.
"Mars was ooit vijf keer zo nat als de hedendaagse aarde" 6 juni 2017Tim Kraaijvanger8 Wetenschappers hebben berekend hoeveel water er nodig was om de valleien op Mars te vormen. In een nieuw paper melden zij dat de rode planeet natter was dan gedacht.
"Mars was ooit vijf keer zo nat als de hedendaagse aarde"
Tim Kraaijvanger
Wetenschappers hebben berekend hoeveel water er nodig was om de valleien op Mars te vormen. In een nieuw paper melden zij dat de rode planeet natter was dan gedacht.
Zo blauw zag Mars er vier miljard jaar geleden mogelijk uit.
Onderzoeker Wei Luo en zijn collega’s beweren in een paper in het wetenschappelijke vakblad Nature Communications dat Mars een warm klimaat had en dat er sprake was van een actieve hydrologische cyclus. Zij geloven dus dat water uit de oceanen verdampte en dat het ooit regende op de rode planeet. De wetenschappers hebben computeralgoritmes ontwikkeld om de hoeveelheid water op Mars te berekenen. Ze keken daarbij naar de diepten van alle Martiaanse valleien.
“Onze meest voorzichtige schattingen laten zien dat er tien keer meer water nodig was om de valleien te eroderen dan voorheen gedacht”, aldus Luo. In het paper spreken de auteurs over een minimale watermassa van 6.860. kubieke meter, oftewel 6,86 triljoen m3. Dat betekent dat Mars waterrijker was dan de hedendaagse aarde. Op aarde ligt momenteel namelijk zo’n 1,4 triljoen kubieke meter water, volgens het USGS.
“Water werd gerecycled op Mars en stroomde regelmatig door de valleien”, vervolgt Luo. “Omdat de rode planeet een grote oceaan had, was er een waterkringloop mogelijk.”
Toch zijn er nog steeds vragen. Als Mars veel vloeibaar water op zijn oppervlak had, dan was de kleine planeet lekker warm. “Maar Mars is verder verwijderd van de zon dan de aarde”, zegt Luo. “Toen de zon jonger was, was de ster minder fel. Kortom, er is meer bewijs nodig om onze theorie te ondersteunen.”
Een ander onderzoeksteam beweerde in januari dat Mars vier miljard jaar geleden warm werd gehouden door een uit de hand gelopen broeikaseffect. Interacties tussen methaan, koolstofdioxide en waterstof zorgden voor warmere perioden, waardoor het water vloeibaar op het Martiaanse oppervlak bleef liggen. Hoewel Mars in relatief korte tijd afkoelde en opdroogde, stroomde er zeer recent nog vloeibaar water op Mars. In 2014 vonden wetenschappers sporen in een krater, die erop wijzen dat hier 200.000 jaar geleden water stroomde.
Twee precies dezelfde exoplaneten hebben toch andere atmosferen
Twee precies dezelfde exoplaneten hebben toch andere atmosferen
Tim Kraaijvanger
Wetenschappers hebben met de Hubble-ruimtetelescoop ontdekt dat dezelfde exoplaneten toch heel anders kunnen zijn.
Het gaat om de exoplaneten WASP-67 b en HAT-P-38 b. Deze Hete Jupiters draaien om vrijwel dezelfde sterren. Daarnaast is de afstand tot de moederster, de grootte van de planeet en de temperatuur nagenoeg identiek. Toch verschillen de atmosferen.
“Als we naar de twee atmosferen kijken, dan zijn ze juist niet gelijk”, concludeert hoofdonderzoeker Giovanni Bruno van het Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore. “Exoplaneet WASP-67 b is namelijk bewolkter dan HAT-P-38 b. Dit ahdden we niet verwacht. We gaan nu uitzoeken waarom de atmosferen zo verschillen.”
Het onderzoeksteam gebruikte het Wide Field Camera 3-instrument om de chemische samenstelling van de planeten vast te stellen. “Wolken hebben invloed op de spectrale signatuur van water, waardoor we de hoeveelheid wolken in de atmosfeer kunnen bepalen”, zegt Bruno. “Het feit dat WAS-67 b meer wolken heeft, zegt iets over het verleden van de planeten. Er is iets in het verleden gebeurd, waardoor de atmosferen niet op elkaar lijken.”
Vandaag de dag draaien de twee exoplaneten iedere 4,5 dagen om hun gele dwergsterren, maar vroeger was dit mogelijk anders. Het kan zijn dat een exoplaneet verder van zijn moederster is geboren en later naar het centrum is gemigreerd. Hierdoor is het mogelijk dat de ene planeet anders is ontstaan dan het andere object. Bruno: “Je kunt zeggen dat hier sprake is van nature versus nurture.” De exoplaneten lijken dan wel ‘genetisch’ op elkaar, maar zijn door hun ‘opvoeding’ beïnvloed.
Nieuwe Jupiterachtige planeet is warmer dan de meeste sterren
Nieuwe Jupiterachtige planeet is warmer dan de meeste sterren
Tim Kraaijvanger
Met een oppervlaktetemperatuur van circa 4.300 graden Celsius is de exoplaneet KELT-9b warmer dan de meeste sterren. De dagzijde van de planeet is slechts 1.200 graden kouder dan het oppervlak van onze zon.
Wetenschappers hebben deze week een paper gepubliceerd in het wetenschappelijke vakblad Nature, waarin de ontdekking van KELT-9b wordt genoemd. Het gaat om een gasplaneet die 2,8 keer zwaarder is dan Jupiter, maar die tevens veel minder compact is. Dit heeft ermee te maken dat de exoplaneet is opgezwollen door de straling van de moederster. Hierdoor zet de atmosfeer uit als een ballon.
In 2014 gebruikten astronomen de KELT-North-telescoop van het Winer observatorium in Arizona. Ze zagen het licht van een ster iedere anderhalve dag ongeveer een half procent dimmen. Latere observaties bevestigden het bestaan van een zogenoemde Hete Jupiter, oftewel een Jupiterachtige planeet die dicht om zijn moederster draait. Er zijn inmiddels al veel Hete Jupiters bekend, hoewel het voor ons altijd exotische objecten blijven. In ons eigen zonnestelsel hebben we namelijk geen Hete Jupiter.
Eén kant van KELT-9b is altijd naar de moederster gericht. Dit betekent dat het op de ene kant van de planeet altijd dag is, terwijl er eeuwige duisternis is op de andere zijde. Astronomen noemen dit verschijnsel synchrone rotatie. We zien het ook in ons eigen zonnestelsel. Zo zien we vanaf de aarde altijd dezelfde kant van de maan. Dit betekent dat de omlooptijd van de maan om de aarde gelijk is aan de rotatieperiode van de maan om zijn eigen as. Dit geldt dus ook voor KELT-9b.
Toekomst van KELT-9b KELT-9b doet slechts anderhalve dag over een rondje om zijn moederster. In vergelijking: de aarde draait in 365 dagen om de zon. Dit betekent dat de afstand tussen KELT-9b en de ster enorm klein is. Daarnaast is de ster KELT-9 twee keer zo groot en twee keer zo heet als onze zon. “KELT-9 straalt zoveel ultraviolette straling uit, dat de exoplaneet uiteindelijk volledig verdampt,” reageert professor Keivan Stassun van de Vanderbilt universiteit. “Als de gasplaneet een rotsachtige kern heeft, dan blijft er uiteindelijk een droge planeet over, zoals Mercurius.”
Komeetachtige staart Er is ook een kans dat KELT-9 zijn gasplaneet verorbert. “KELT-9 zwelt de komende miljard jaar op en wordt een rode gasreus”, vervolgt Stassun. “Op lange termijn ziet het er voor KELT-9b niet goed uit.” De astronomen vermoeden dat KELT-9b misschien wel een komeetachtige staart heeft of krijgt, omdat de planeet – volgens modellen – veel gas verliest.
Geen teken van leven Wetenschappers hoeven sowieso niet te zoeken naar sporen van leven op KELT-9b. Op de dagzijde van de planeet is het zo heet dat moleculen als water, koolstofdioxide en methaan zich daar niet kunnen vormen. Het is mogelijk dat deze moleculen zich wel kunnen vormen op de nachtzijde, maar in dat geval zijn ze er maar heel kort.
V. V. Krapiva, a researcher and writer who resides in Odessa, Ukraine, years ago had attended numerous lectures presented by veteran officers of Soviet nuclear powered submarines. They had served in the Soviet North, aboard secret naval installations and bases. The lectures sometimes veered off from the planned presentations, and many spellbinding tales were told as a result. For instance, episodes when Soviet sonar operators were hearing strange targets present at great depths. Soviet Navy submarines were actually being chased by other submarines.
The pursuers changed their speed at will, speeds that were much greater than any other similar vessel in the world could produce at that time. Lieutenant Commander Oleg Sokolov confidentially informed the students that while on duty during his submarine’s navigation, he had observed through a periscope an ascent of some strange object in the water. He was not able to identify it, because he viewed it through the optical system of the periscope. This underwater takeoff took place in the early 1960s.
An interesting observation of a UFO was recorded by a crew of a Soviet nuclear submarine in 1965. This case is on file in the Colonel Kolchin archives. All those who had observed the UFO were ordered to report the details and provide drawings to the Special Department. The submarine was to rendezvous with a ship in the Atlantic Ocean. They arrived at the meeting place an hour and a half before the time of the rendezvous, and the captain allowed the crew to come to the outside deck. No ships were in the area, and the sky was starry and cloudless. Then the watchman observed a cigar shaped object moving noiselessly through the sky. Although the submarine was in international waters at the time, the Soviets assumed the unidentified object was American, and decided to dive immediately. But their onboard radar did not record anything, and the captain decided to stay put, above water. Suddenly three rays shot out from the UFO, and the Soviet submariners noticed something very unusual about the object.
The UFO had no gondolas, and no horizontal or vertical rudders. The object was about 750' long, and Soviet submariners were not familiar with such dirigibles, for those used by American Air Force were much smaller. Then something strange took place, the UFO slowly descended to the surface of the ocean, its searchlights still on, about half a mile from the submarine, and dove underwater. The submarine’s sonar had registered a strange and very intensive hissing sound, as the UFO submerged, but the sound was of a very short duration.
A well known Soviet UFO researcher and author A.S. Kuzovkin had been engaged in UFO research ever since he observed one such object in 1964. He was a physicist and researched ecology of anomalous phenomena for Vokrug Sveta, a very popular Soviet magazine. Kuzovkin mentioned in his writings that while visiting Sevastopol, a port city in Ukraine, he met with local marine scientists who had descended into the depths of the Black Sea in deep water bathyscaphes. They observed, among other things, an object that resembled a wheel as large as a ten story building, standing vertically underwater. The scientists saw and later described to Kuzovkin the wheel that would remain immobile for a while, and then move into a horizontal position, rotate, and depart.
Another well known Russian researcher of the paranormal, author Aleksandr Petukhov, mentioned an incident from 1951. It took place in the territorial waters of the USSR. A Soviet submarine encountered a strange underwater object of gigantic size. It did not react to the submarine communication to identify itself, and continued an unhurried movement towards the nation’s shores. The captain of the submarine ordered depth bombs to be dropped into the site where USO was located. The unidentified object did not react to the attack, and continued its course, at the same speed. After a while it unexpectedly and abruptly ascended to the surface of the sea. At the depth of 160', it stopped its ascent, changed the course, and departed.
In July of 1978, there was a UFO sighting in the Mediterranean. The captain of the Soviet motor ship Yargora immediately sent a radiogram about it to the Soviet Academy of Sciences. The coordinates of the sighting were 37° northern latitude and 3° degrees 40' of eastern longitude. The time was between 7:30 a.m. and 8:40 a.m.. The object observed by Soviet seamen was shaped like a flattened out sphere, its color that of a white pearl. There were three protruding constructions in the bottom portion of the UFO which resembled antennae. The object moved from east to west. No reply to the radiogram ever came from the Academy. This sighting was mentioned in the 2001 article written by Valentin Psalomschikov, and published in NLO magazine. An unnamed Russian source mentioned that Yargora’s Captain Cherepanov sent a telegram from the ship to Moscow, Soviet Academy of Sciences, regarding the sighting.
On December 26, 2002, the Russian newspaper Zhizn published an article about Soviet observations of UFOs. The chairman of the Anomalous Phenomena Commission of the Russian Geographical Society in Saint Petersburg made a presentation at the society’s monthly meeting. The society, founded in 1980, had studied tens of thousands of cases UFO sightings, and had reached the conclusion that UFOs are real. America should follow suit. The chairman at the time, Yevgeny Litvinov, recalled that his experience with the UFOs had begun when he was a Soviet Navy officer and did not take seriously any published UFO related information. Then came the winter of 1979-80, and several incidents had rocked the Northern Fleet, forcing the Soviet general staff to take UFOs seriously. UFOs had visited a Soviet submarine base at the Western Dvina every week during a six month period.
The craft were shaped like disks, and hovered over the armaments preparation sites. The UFOs also flew above the top secret Soviet military town. While the military personnel below freely observed the flying saucers, the anti-aircraft radars did not register anything. Captain Beregovoy, head of the Naval Intelligence for the Northern Fleet, ordered that photographs of the UFOs be taken, but to no avail, the film turned out to be accidentally exposed each time.
The Soviets were busy trying to find out the nature of UFOs flying over their heads. Initially they suspected NATO, but then it was explained to them that potential adversaries do not possess such technology. To prevent panic, those in command told their military personnel that the UFOs above were actually Soviet-made craft, and that tests were underway. Of course, high-ranking officers knew better, and felt terrified by the uncertainty.
Rather serious incidents took place during that winter. The crew of a Soviet Project 671 submarine, Victor class sub, per NATO classification) encountered a UFO. The sub’s commander was Aleksey Korzhev. The sub was coming to the base, sometimes it surfaced, sometimes it would descend to 650'. They wanted to be undetected by spy satellites. Then they received a report that up and straight ahead was an airplane. The commander was surprised, for the weather was absolutely not conducive for aircraft flights. But fifty meters from the sub a silvery disc was hovering, slowly moving with the sub, staying a bit ahead of it. The crew looked at it, feeling mesmerized. Then the UFO emitted a ray of light, and this pillar of bright white light did not immediately reach the surface of the water, but contrary to the laws of physics, it slowly descended. Korzhev immediately ordered a change of the ship’s course. The disc slowly ascended and disappeared in the clouds. Litvinov said that the Soviets speculated that the UFO wanted to scan the submarine that actually happened to carry new weapons aboard.
Mikhail Soroka, a paranormal phenomena researcher from Kiyiv, Ukraine, also described the same incident in more detail in an interview he gave to FAKTY newspaper (December 2007). Soroka mentioned fascinating details of the USO encounter when a nuclear submarine was accompanying a surface vessel. The submarine surfaced, and a large object appeared in the sky. Its shape was that of mushroom with its cap turned down. Its bottom part shone white light, the part above shone yellow light, the next part shone reddish light, and the uppermost part shone bright red light. The object not only approached the ships, but also directed toward one of them a ray from its searchlight. Then the object unexpectedly disappeared. He also mentioned that Soviet Navy’s intelligence believed that UFOs generally appeared over military vessels and coastal installations.
Later, when Litvinov was with the special commission of the Soviet Navy’s main staff, he was able to read dozens of UFO reports that came from the intelligence channels. One report described a UFO landing in Motovsky Bay in the Barents Sea. Years later, a leakage of liquid radioactive waste from a spent fuel storage facility took place in the Motovsky Bay and Litsa Fjord.
Zapadnaya Litsa is the largest and most important Russian naval base for nuclear powered submarines. The base is located on the Litsa Fjord at the westernmost point of the Kola Peninsula, about 50 miles from the Norwegian border. The Litsa Fjord heads into the Kola Peninsula interior from the Motovsky Fjord, just across from the southeastern coast of the Rybachky Peninsula. Few people in the West know exactly what was going on there during the Soviet rule. No radar station in the vicinity registered the UFOs. Soviet experts assumed that an ionized cloud enveloped the UFOs.
Another incident, mentioned by Litvinov to Zhizn, comes from the archives of the Russia’s Geographic Society. It took place in the Mediterranean, in November 1976. Soviet diesel submarine Project 641 Foxtrot, per NATO classification, navigated through the Gibraltar, and surfaced. It was at 2:00 a.m., and the sea was absolutely still. The captain, the watch officer, and signalman came to the submarine deck to verify the vessel’s coordinates. They noticed a radiant silvery sphere to the left, over the horizon. The sphere ascended rapidly, and they saw right in front of the sub, on the water, a radiant map of the Mediterranean. It appeared at precisely the moment when the navigator was to determine the sub’s location measuring the position of stars. The impression was that someone aboard the sphere read the Russia navigator’s thoughts. Moreover, the radiant map also indicated the sub’s position. The sphere flew away, and the map disappeared.
Yevgeny Litvinov revealed in the interview that he is convinced that UFOs exist. But he puts aside his convictions when he is asked to determine the veracity of reports. He has developed a complex method for systematic selection, as is done by intelligence officers. His scale of credible authenticity is based on 350 criteria.
Litvinov has concluded that out of all data, about 70% result from technogenic reasons, natural phenomena, or mystification. But the other 30% are real observations of UFOs. There are too many of them to simply wave them away. His database contains 10,000 observations and incidents. Litvinov stated that most often UFOs are observed over military installations, areas of ecological disasters, and geological faults.
In the 1970s, reports issued by Admiral V.A. Domislovsky, chief of the Pacific Fleet’s intelligence department, described an unknown, gigantic cylindrical object sighted by Soviet Navy in faraway regions of Pacific Ocean. The object was 2800' long. When it hovered over the ocean, smaller objects exited from one of its ends, like bees from a beehive, and descended into the waters. Some time later they reentered the gigantic UFO. After the smaller objects entered, the UFO would fly away and disappear over the horizon. This information was revealed in Vladimir Ajaja’s interviews to Russian media.
According to (July 16, 2009), former Rear Admiral and nuclear submarine commander Yury Beketov was quoted describing events that occurred in the Bermuda Triangle. We repeatedly observed that the instruments detected the movements of material objects at unimaginable speed, around 250 mph.
It’s hard to reach that speed on the surface, only in the air is it readily possible. The beings that created those material objects significantly exceed us in development.
Russian Naval intelligence expert and Captain First Rank Igor Barklay noted that the unidentified objects were most often spotted in deep water near where military forces are concentrated off the Bahamas, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and the east coast of the United States. The February issue of the remarkable Belarus newspaper Sekretniye Issledovaniya, contained an article written by Valeriya Peresilkina. Titled Zagadki glubin, Secrets of the depths, it lists cases of USOs observed by the Russian Navy in various seas of our planet. The author mentions Captain First Rank, retired, Yuri Vinogradov who had served in the Soviet Navy from 1975 to 2000. A top expert in his field, he had been involved in a number of submarine search and recovery operations, a veteran of high risk units, and a participant in four long range missions. He had been to the Devil’s Sea, also know as the Dragon Triangle it is located between Japan, Guam, and northern Philippines. Some call this area the Pacific Bermuda Triangle. In the 1980s, Vinogradov had participated in the search and rescue operations of the Soviet Pacific Fleet, submarines and surface vessels had been involved. Twice he and other officers had observed, on the sonar screen, a USO that had moved at great speed, and disappeared in the depths.
If you close your eyes and imagine a planet far from our own, chances are there’s already a well-formed picture waiting in your mind – is it barren, with cracks cutting through the surface, or is it covered in sprawling oceans?
In many ways, our visions of alien worlds are shaped by the artists who breathe life into troves of scientific data, piecing together the most plausible depiction of their landscapes.
A pair of artists known for their breathtaking concept images of exoplanets, including the recently discovered Trappist-1 system, have revealed a bit of insight on the extensive process of creating visualizations that both captivate the public and satisfy scientists’ stipulations.
As the experts explain, the job comes with ‘a lot of responsibility’ as they transform numbers and ‘squiggles on charts’ into believable representations of real planets.
Visualization scientist Robert Hurt of Caltech’s IPAC center, and multimedia producer Tim Pyle have together created some of NASA’s most memorable images based on data from the Spitzer Space Telescope and other observatories.
‘Our artist’s concepts are going to be the public face for some of these objects,’ Pyle explained in a recent video from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, acknowledging at the significance of the task.
The breathtaking image reveals what weather might look like on a 'brown dwarf' - a cool, star-like object that lack the mass to sustain nuclear fusion at their cores
The images can’t just be pretty – they also have to show the planet’s environmental conditions as accurately as possible.
Take Trappist-1, for example.
‘The properties that we come away with from this kind of observation include the diameters of the planet, its orbital period,’ Hurt explained.
‘Whether it’s likely to be tidally locked,’ Pyle added, ‘which will say something about what the planet probably looks like.’
‘If it’s less dense than the Earth, it might have more volatiles, like water on it, which is why two of the Trappist planets were shown as water worlds,’ Hurt said.
‘If it has a higher density than Earth, then it’s probably a little more rocky.’
In the case of Trappist-1d, for example, the artists explain their depiction was initially turned down for its inaccurate portrayal of liquid water on the ‘dayside’ of the planet.
According to the scientists, the water is more likely to be found on the dark side instead.
Situations such as this often lead to compromise, Hurt explained.
In the end, they created an image that better represented the data, but also included more water on the scientists would expect.
Not only do artist concept images help the public get a better understanding of what the conditions could be like on faraway worlds, but the experts say they also act as a ‘visual history’ of the evolution of science.
‘If you go back and you look at the whole history of space art and science based illustration, reaching back many, many decades, you have a visual history, a visual record of our evolving understanding,’ Hurt said.
‘The art is as much a historical record of our changing understanding of the universe as the textbook that we write.’
Source: NASA
Credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle
Artist Lynette Cook painted this representation of Epsilon Eridani b and moons, from the book Infinite Worlds.
For those who have followed the story since the discovery of the nearby Trappist-1 system, which is known to contain seven Earth-sized planets, and three which even fall within the habitable zone, the handful of concept photos have become embedded in our minds when imagining what they might look like.
One, in particular, shows a breathtaking look at the jagged protrusions and liquid water that could exist at the surface of Trappist-1f.
The artists work with scientists to ensure that their concept images are headed in the right direction.
And, if something isn’t right, scientists will reject that version.
Imagine standing on the surface of the exoplanet TRAPPIST-1f. This artist's concept is one interpretation of what it could look like
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has revealed a new exoplanet discovery: the first known system of seven Earth-size planets around a single star. Three of these planets are firmly located in the habitable zone, the area around the parent star where a rocky planet is most likely to have liquid water.
The discovery sets a new record for greatest number of habitable-zone planets found around a single star outside our solar system. All of these seven planets could have liquid water–key to life as we know it–under the right atmospheric conditions, but the chances are highest with the three in the habitable zone.
“This discovery could be a significant piece in the puzzle of finding habitable environments, places that are conducive to life,” said Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator of the agency’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. “Answering the question ‘are we alone’ is a top science priority and finding so many planets like these for the first time in the habitable zone is a remarkable step forward toward that goal.”
At about 40 light-years (235 trillion miles) from Earth, the system of planets is relatively close to us, in the constellation Aquarius. Because they are located outside of our solar system, these planets are scientifically known as exoplanets.
This artist's concept shows what the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system may look like, based on available data about the planets’ diameters, masses and distances from the host star.
Credit: NASA-JPL/Caltech
This exoplanet system is called TRAPPIST-1, named for The Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope (TRAPPIST) in Chile. In May 2016, researchers using TRAPPIST announced they had discovered three planets in the system. Assisted by several ground-based telescopes, including the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, Spitzer confirmed the existence of two of these planets and discovered five additional ones, increasing the number of known planets in the system to seven.
The new results were published Wednesday in the journal Nature, and announced at a news briefing at NASA Headquarters in Washington.
Using Spitzer data, the team precisely measured the sizes of the seven planets and developed first estimates of the masses of six of them, allowing their density to be estimated.
Based on their densities, all of the TRAPPIST-1 planets are likely to be rocky. Further observations will not only help determine whether they are rich in water, but also possibly reveal whether any could have liquid water on their surfaces. The mass of the seventh and farthest exoplanet has not yet been estimated–scientists believe it could be an icy, "snowball-like" world, but further observations are needed.
"The seven wonders of TRAPPIST-1 are the first Earth-size planets that have been found orbiting this kind of star," said Michael Gillon, lead author of the paper and the principal investigator of the TRAPPIST exoplanet survey at the University of Liege, Belgium. "It is also the best target yet for studying the atmospheres of potentially habitable, Earth-size worlds."
In contrast to our sun, the TRAPPIST-1 star–classified as an ultra-cool dwarf–is so cool that liquid water could survive on planets orbiting very close to it, closer than is possible on planets in our solar system. All seven of the TRAPPIST-1 planetary orbits are closer to their host star than Mercury is to our sun. The planets also are very close to each other. If a person were standing on one of the planet’s surface, they could gaze up and potentially see geological features or clouds of neighboring worlds, which would sometimes appear larger than the moon in Earth's sky.
The planets may also be tidally locked to their star, which means the same side of the planet is always facing the star, therefore each side is either perpetual day or night. This could mean they have weather patterns totally unlike those on Earth, such as strong winds blowing from the day side to the night side, and extreme temperature changes.
Spitzer, an infrared telescope that trails Earth as it orbits the sun, was well-suited for studying TRAPPIST-1 because the star glows brightest in infrared light, whose wavelengths are longer than the eye can see. In the fall of 2016, Spitzer observed TRAPPIST-1 nearly continuously for 500 hours. Spitzer is uniquely positioned in its orbit to observe enough crossing–transits–of the planets in front of the host star to reveal the complex architecture of the system. Engineers optimized Spitzer’s ability to observe transiting planets during Spitzer’s “warm mission,” which began after the spacecraft’s coolant ran out as planned after the first five years of operations.
"This is the most exciting result I have seen in the 14 years of Spitzer operations," said Sean Carey, manager of NASA's Spitzer Science Center at Caltech/IPAC in Pasadena, California. "Spitzer will follow up in the fall to further refine our understanding of these planets so that the James Webb Space Telescope can follow up. More observations of the system are sure to reveal more secrets.”
Following up on the Spitzer discovery, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has initiated the screening of four of the planets, including the three inside the habitable zone. These observations aim at assessing the presence of puffy, hydrogen-dominated atmospheres, typical for gaseous worlds like Neptune, around these planets.
In May 2016, the Hubble team observed the two innermost planets, and found no evidence for such puffy atmospheres. This strengthened the case that the planets closest to the star are rocky in nature.
"The TRAPPIST-1 system provides one of the best opportunities in the next decade to study the atmospheres around Earth-size planets," said Nikole Lewis, co-leader of the Hubble study and astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore. NASA's planet-hunting Kepler space telescope also is studying the TRAPPIST-1 system, making measurements of the star's minuscule changes in brightness due to transiting planets. Operating as the K2 mission, the spacecraft's observations will allow astronomers to refine the properties of the known planets, as well as search for additional planets in the system. The K2 observations conclude in early March and will be made available on the public archive.
Spitzer, Hubble, and Kepler will help astronomers plan for follow-up studies using NASA's upcoming James Webb Space Telescope, launching in 2018. With much greater sensitivity, Webb will be able to detect the chemical fingerprints of water, methane, oxygen, ozone, and other components of a planet's atmosphere. Webb also will analyze planets' temperatures and surface pressures–key factors in assessing their habitability.
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center, at Caltech, Pasadena, California. Spacecraft operations are based at Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, Littleton, Colorado. Data are archived at the Infrared Science Archive housed at Caltech/IPAC. Caltech manages JPL for NASA.
The images are not intended to imply that what’s shown is exactly what those planets are like, Pyle explained.
But, they do aim to ‘illustrate almost the whole breadth of what would be plausible.’
‘For the public, the value of this is not just giving them a picture of something somebody made up,’ said Douglas Hudgins, a program scientist for the Exoplanet Exploration program at NASA Headquarters in Washington.
‘These are real, educated guesses of how something might look to human beings.
Scientists have all kinds of reasons why aliens won’t try to fly to Earth and enslave humanity. Even so, the US Military has a backup plan, just in case. Two Air Force teams, the 26th Space Aggressor Squadron (26th SAS) and the 527th Space Aggressor Squadron (527th SAS), are tasked with protecting assets in space, developing strategies to secure US space-based interests, and plans that involve deflecting extraterrestrial invaders. Both are based in Colorado.
The hostile invasion scenario may not be their topmost concern. Space is big, after all. We’ll probably see any shifty aliens coming from far off, and have time to prepare for their arrival. Instead, protecting our satellite infrastructure is their utmost priority. The US, more than any other country, has come to rely on a system of satellites. Consider driving somewhere you’ve never been before without GPS. Scary, I know.
The GPS system contains a network of 31 satellites, which are owned by the US government and run by the US Air Force. Take one out and navigation goes bye-bye. It isn’t just civilians who rely on it, but the US military itself. Without GPS, US forces lose their battlefield advantage, having to revert to older forms of communication and navigation.
GPS Satellite Constellation. National Air and Space Museum, The Smithsonian Institute.
It isn’t just that but civilian life is set back decades. Bank transactions, stock prices, weather reports, air traffic control, and in some cases, even traffic lights are reliant on satellite infrastructure. Executive director of the Office of Space Commerce, Ed Morris, recently authored a disturbing report, outlining the repercussions of an attack on our satellite system. He wrote, “If you think it is hard to get work done when your internet connection goes out at the office, imagine losing that plus your cell phone, TV, radio, ATM access, credit cards, and possibly even your electricity.”
Because of this, Defense Department advisor, Peter Singer, contends that the next war will begin in space. North Korea or a non-state actor getting their hands on a rocket is one scenario. However, the immediate threats are Russia and China. Tensions with these countries have ramped up lately.
Both have assets that can take out US satellites. China has the "Shiyan.” Using its robotic arm, it can grab a satellite, and fling it out of orbit. The Middle Kingdom is also developing lasers, electro-magnetic rail guns, and high-powered microwaves to disrupt satellite systems. Russia meanwhile has the "Kosmos 2499." This device can approach a satellite and disable or destroy it. In light of these developments, US officials are beginning to take space-based warfare seriously.
In 1982 the US Air Force Space Command was created. Today, it has 134 locations globally, employs 38,000, and has an annual operating budget of nearly $8.9 billion. The Pentagon’s space budget in total is $22 billion. Those in the 50th space wing, a group of over 8,000 men and women, are in charge of monitoring the skies. They have no actionable capabilities, for now.
Tech. Sgt. Steven St. John, 527th Space Aggressor Squadron. U.S. Air Force.
In 2015, Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work recognized the growing threat to the country’s assets in orbit. He said that the US had to become "ready to do space operations in a conflict that extends into space." The aggressor force was born.
Captain Christopher Barnes is the chief of training for 26th SAS. He told Seeker, “We study threats to the space realm, either coming from space or based on land. If we can’t directly replicate them with hardware, then we figure out if there’s a software solution or some way we can train people to the point where they can fight through them, if they have to, in a conflict.”
One tactic they’re trained in is “brute force jamming.” Here, satellite networks send signals that make transmitted messages garbled to those who may be listening in. SAS also runs simulations on how to respond to land-based and space-based threats. Right now, their weapons systems are in the conceptual stage. Plans are being made to allow for defensive and even offensive capabilities.
These include utilizing the US Navy’s Laser Weapons System (LAWs). One is already aboard the USS Ponce, stationed in the Persian Gulf. LAWs can shoot down projectiles, light aircraft, and drones, as well as jam enemy communications and monitoring systems.
Another possible candidate is the X-37b—a secretive space drone. Some military watchers consider it capable of espionage, and it’s possibly equipped with defensive or even offensive capabilities. In addition to these efforts, the US is also collaborating with allies, through the Multinational Space Collaboration effort, to build up mutual defense systems.
To learn more about the US Air Force’s Space Command, click here:
Harvard College Observatory/Science Photo Library/Getty
Wow! — Messages From Space
In 1977, the sound of extraterrestrials was heard by human ears for the first time — or so people at the time thought. The Wow! Signal was detected by astronomer Jerry Ehman using Ohio State University’s Big Ear radio telescope. It is a radio signal detector that, at the time, was pointed at a group of stars called Chi Sagittarii in the constellation Sagittarius.
When scanning the skies around the stars, Ehman captured a 72 second burst of radio waves: He circled the reading and wrote “Wow!: next to it, hence the signal’s name. Over the last 40 years, the signal has been cited as evidence that we are not alone in the galaxy. Experts and laypeople alike believed that, finally, we had evidence of alien life.
However, Professor Antonio Paris, of St Petersburg College, has now discovered the explanation: A pair of comets. The work was published in the Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences.
These comets, known as 266P/Christensen and 335P/Gibbs, have clouds of hydrogen gas millions of kilometers in diameter surrounding them. The Wow! Signal was detected at 1420MHz, which is the radio frequency hydrogen naturally emits. Notably, the team has verified that the comets were within the vicinity at the time, and they report that the radio signals from 266/P Christensen matched those from the Wow! signal.
Other Extraterrestrial Communications
While this discovery is a disappointment to alien enthusiasts everywhere, as the Wow! Signal is the strongest signal we have ever received from space, it is a testament to our ability to accurately interpret signals and sounds from the cosmos. This gives us hope in our attempt to decode the hundreds of “strange, alien” signals coming from other stars that have been observed recently.
We have several weapons in our cosmic detection arsenal, most of which are used by the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence Institute (SETI). Their main means of detection is using radio-telescopes, and their most ambitious project to date has been ‘Project Phoenix’; the “world’s most sensitive and comprehensive search for extraterrestrial intelligence.”
The Wow! signal was detected as coming from a region of space close to the M55 galaxy cluster close to the constellation Sagittarius (illustrated), but new research suggests the signal may have been produced by two comets, undiscovered at the time, passing through our own solar system in front of the region
New research has traced the path of two comets - 266P/Christensen and P/2008 Y2 (Gibbs) - and found they were in the right region of the sky at the time the signal was received. Astronomers claim the large hydrogen clouds enveloping the comets could have produced the radio waves
(stock image of comet pictured)
Astronomers are hoping to build a 10ft (3m) radio telescope (pictured) to search the area of the sky where the Wow! signal came from as two comets pass close to the Earth to prove if they were the source of the signal
For this project, they used three of world’s biggest radio telescopes: the Parkes radio telescope in Australia (210 feet in diameter), the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in West Virginia (140 feet in diameter), and Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico (the world’s largest at 1,000 feet in diameter). They have also built The Allen Telescope Array with financial backing from Paul Allen.
While the technology for detecting alien messages is remaining relatively static, ideas for communicating better with our own satellites is advancing rapidly, with possibilities including communicating by a laser beam and establishing a space satellite network.
After 40 Years Of Study, Scientists Know Origin Of A Mysterious Space Signal
Satellite dish view at night with milky way in the sky.
After 40 Years Of Study, Scientists Know Origin Of A Mysterious Space Signal
Energy and Science Reporter
A scientist claims to have debunked what’s considered the best evidence of intelligent alien life, presenting findings that an undiscovered comet produced a 1977 deep space radio signal.
An April study published by Dr. Antonio Paris from St. Petersburg College in Florida found that the mysterious signal likely came from a hydrogen cloud surrounding a comet.
Dr. Jerry Ehman first detected the 72-second “WOW!” signal through a radio telescope in August 1977. The signal was so bizarre and potentially alien that Ehman circled the signal on a readout and scribbled “Wow!” next to it because it matched no known celestial object.
Paris noted that the two comets “P/2008 Y2(Gibbs)” and “266P Christensen” had been in the same part of the sky as the “WOW!” signal. Paris discovered a similar radio signal when the comets reappeared in the night sky from November 2016 through February 2017.
The comets’ movements likely explains why scientists were unable to detect the “WOW!” signal in previous years. Paris points out the comets had only been discovered in 2006, and therefore were not accounted for during most searches for the “WOW!” signal.
Scientists previously thought the “WOW!” signal was some of the strongest evidence of a technologically-advanced alien civilization.
The signal was transmitted at a frequency that happens to be the same frequency as hydrogen. Scientists with the Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) long suspected an alien civilization would use that frequency to transmit its location since hydrogen is the most common element in the universe.
Scientists often speculate that mysterious signals from deep space could be from aliens, but the source is often found to be some unknown stellar phenomenon.
In 1967, for example, a graduate student in astronomy found an usual pulsing radio signal predictable enough to be a sign of intelligent life. Astronomers nicknamed the signal LGM-1, for “little green men.”
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There have been several UFO sightings over Cley Hill without a rational explanation, an expert has said.
Steve Wills, a UFO researcher and investigator from Warminster, has seen anomalies in the skies around Cley Hill that he cannot explain.
Mr Wills contacted Somerset Live after watching a video we obtained, purporting to show a strange streak of light circling over the National Trust owned hill.
The light has since been revealed to have been created by a stunt plane belonging to nearby acrobatics group AeroSparx.
Speaking about the video, he said: “I think there is an explanation for this. It’s a local stunt pilot called Tim Dews who flies over the Longleat area and other parts of Warminster using pyrotechnics while doing loop the loops and barrel rolls.
“It looks very odd to the uninitiated. The truth is out there just not this time.”
Although he can explain this particular video, Mr Wills believes there have been numerous sightings over Cley Hill and even in Frome that he thinks cannot be rationally explained.
He said: “I have investigated UFO sightings previously within that area and have uncovered a number of cases and sightings that don’t have a rational explanation."
Mr Wills is a contributor to the recently released book Haunted Skies Wiltshire which covers a large number of sightings in and around Cley Hill including Frome.
He shared some of these sightings with Somerset Live. The following is credited to Haunted Skies Wiltshire.
1887: Red ‘disc’ seen over Frome
On March 17, 1977 at Frome (five miles north-west of Warminster) a large red ‘disc’ was seen in the sky, at 9.57pm. The same phenomena was also reported from Tetbury and Gunnersbury.
1965: UFO seen over Norridge Wood
At 6.35pm on October 30, schoolboy Alan Ward from Manor Gardens told of having seen an object in the sky, between Norridge Wood and Cley Hill.
“It turned and flew back again through the sky. It was like a fried egg – a white disc with a golden dome.”
1972: Orange light seen in the sky
On June 17, during the evening a large orange light was observed in the sky above Cley Hill, which was seen to drop down and rise upwards three times, creating an impression it was going to land.
Haunted Skies Wiltshire is out now
(Photo: Haunted Skies Wiltshire)
1975: UFO over Cley Hill
Gary Lanham – a UFO researcher from Birmingham, with a wealth of information decided to visit Cley Hill, Warminster in 1975. He went with a group of friends, hoping to see something himself, rather than relying on what had been published in the press.
“By about 10.30pm the temperature had dropped, so we prepared some soup while looking out over the Wiltshire landscape, towards Frome, still partially illuminated by the rays of the setting sun.
"As darkness settled, I watched the occasional aircraft moving overhead and in the distance the eerie intermittent light flashes from a distant train. On an impulse I turned around, facing east, and saw a large blue coloured light that appeared to ‘blink on’ just hanging in the sky.
"I shouted out to the others and we watched as it shot off across the sky, disappearing from our view behind a hill. Within seconds or so, the same or identical light ‘blinked on’ again, exactly in the same area of sky where we had first seen it.
"This sequence of actions was repeated at five second intervals, before it performed an amazing manoeuvre.”
1976: UFO display over Warminster
David Kingston, a former RAF serviceman – whom we spoke to over the years – told seeing something highly unusual, while ‘sky watching’ for UFOs on Cley Hill, Warminster, during the summer of 1976.
“I saw three separate orbs (approximately six feet in diameter) of coloured light, weaving around and above us for some three hours, on the top of Cley Hill. On occasion, they would merge into a single globe and then separate again.”
Suddenly one of the orbs descended to some thirty feet above us, and then flew down into a field at the base of Cley Hill.
This crop circle was spotted near Cley Hill recently
1980: UFO over Frome
At 10.35pm Steven Dayman-Johns and his wife, Julie, were travelling back home to Frome in a 1973 Datsun Cherry car, along Ridgway Lane when Julie brought her husband’s attention to a white object that she saw moving through one quarter of the car’s windscreen, before coming to a halt in the sky.
Steven stopped the car and, after switching off the headlights, stood on the sill of the car and sighted the object in the sky – which had no definite outline but appeared to have a darker ring running around its top.
After a few minutes, he got back into the car and continued his journey, keeping the object under observation – until it suddenly moved away at phenomenal speed, towards Wanstrow, emitting a faint light from its front and rear.
Steve decided to make his way to higher ground, and drove to the end of Ridgway Lane to the T-junction, being overtaken by a motorcycle, who sounded his horn several times at them. They turned left at the junction and pulled into a lay-by, about 150 yards from the junction.
After getting out they looked across the sky but couldn’t see the object, although they noticed a whitish glow on the horizon in the shape of an upturned letter ‘U’.
Their curiosity now aroused even further, they got back into the car and drove to where they had originally seen the object – along Ridgway Lane.
More detail on this account can be found in Haunted Skies Wiltshire.
2015: UFO sighted over Frome – Was it under escort or attack?
We (Haunted Skies Wiltshire) were contacted by Mr Duncan McDine – owner of a shop situated in Trowbridge. He told us of an incident while on the way home with his brother, one early evening, near Frome.
They found the road blocked by police and, looking upwards, saw an object resembling a full moon, but ten times larger, with something apparently hanging from it. At this point an army helicopter was seen moving through the sky with its sides open and soldiers carrying machine guns.
“One of the most memorable things for me was the way that it moved. It seemed to play tricks on your eyes. It is quite hard to explain. I don’t think I have ever seen anything like it before. It then headed away towards the direction of Warminster.”
Following the sighting, Duncan made some enquiries with the media but nothing had been reported.
Have you ever seen UFOs in Somerset or Wiltshire? Get in touch using
When it comes to the Roswell affair of July 1947, there are numerous issues, theories and ideas for what happened. Or, for what didn’t happen. One of the issues that very often surfaces – in relation to the nature of the recovered debris – is that which concerns the so-called “memory metal” reportedly found at the site. Those who are of the opinion that aliens met their deaths on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico on that fateful and fatal day suggest that the memory metal can only have been extraterrestrial in nature. But, is that really the truth? Well, it very much depends on who you ask and who you believe.
Major Jesse Marcel, who everyone – believers and doubters – acknowledges was at the crash site, said decades later: “I saw a lot of wreckage but no complete machine. It had disintegrated before it hit the ground. The wreckage was scattered over an area about three quarters of a mile long and several hundred feet wide. I was pretty well acquainted with most everything that was in the air at that time, both ours and foreign. I was also acquainted with virtually every type of weather-balloon or radar-tracking device being used by either the civilians or the military. What it was we didn’t know. We just picked up the fragments…it certainly wasn’t anything built by us.” You can find Marcel’s statement in the Bill Moore-Charles Berlitz book of 1980, The Roswell Incident.
1960s-era polyethylene hot air balloon
Mack Brazel was the rancher who found the wreckage. Some say he found far more than that. Maybe a body or two. Possibly several. Brazel’s son, Bill, would later say that the debris found on the Foster Ranch was “…something on the order of tinfoil except that [it] wouldn’t tear…You could wrinkle it and lay it back down and it immediately resumed its original shape. Quite pliable, but you couldn’t crease or bend it like ordinary metal. Almost like a plastic, but definitely metallic in nature.” It’s a quote that appears in Bill Moore’s 1981 report, The Roswell Investigation: New Evidence, New Conclusions, which was published in the July-August 1981 edition of Frontiers of Science. For many, it is statements like those of Major Marcel and Bill Brazel that are among the most important of all – and particularly so when it comes to the issue of what really came down on the ranch. But, there are other possibilities.
The U.S. Air Force has offered the following words on the matter of the memory metal: “As early as May 1948, polythene balloons coated or laminated with aluminum were flown from Holloman AFB and the surrounding area. Beginning in August 1955, large numbers of these balloons were flown as targets in the development of radar guided air-to-air missiles. Various accounts of the ‘Roswell Incident’ often described thin, metal-like materials that when wadded into a ball, returned to their original shape. These accounts are consistent with the properties of polythene balloons laminated with aluminum. These balloons were typically launched from points west of the White Sands Proving Ground, floated over the range as targets, and descended in the areas northeast of White Sands Proving Ground where the ‘strange’ materials were allegedly found.”
Of course, if there had been secret, pre-1948 flights (maybe one in the summer of 1947, in New Mexico…) then that might well have led people who were unacquainted with the new polythene balloons coated or laminated with aluminum to assume they were seeing something extraordinary. On a similar path, back in 2004, a well-respected Australian researcher, Keith Basterfield, was given a fascinating account which suggested that what came down on the Foster Ranch was a device of the military and not the product of aliens. Keith revealed that, according to his source, “…gigantic balloons were being flown in the stratosphere to drop craft fitted with retrorockets and a drogue chute.”
Keith added that when just such a craft came down on the ranch, “The authorities were very concerned that the rancher had hidden souvenirs from the wreckage. The balloons were of chrome plated cellophane to reflect the heat. The experiments were conducted at night so balloons would not explode in the daylight.” Not only that, according to Keith’s informant, the experiment in question had people on-board. Guinea-pigs would be an accurate term – which echoes the theories presented in my books Body Snatchers in the Desert and the newly-published The Roswell UFO Conspiracy.
Of course, none of this proves that aliens didn’t crash outside of Roswell in forty-seven. On the other hand, however, the idea that the memory metal was extraterrestrial needs further evidence before such a claim can be considered fact.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Giant hole on Mars could be work of aliens, researchers say
Giant hole on Mars could be work of aliens, researchers say
Credit: Securyteam 10, Youtube
A giant hole on Mars has scientists baffled and some UFO researchers are theorizing it could be the work of extraterrestrials.
In a video obtained by conspiracy theorist Youtube channel SecureTeam 10, a deep depression in the surface of Mars has astronomers questioning what it is.
Tyler Glockner, who runs SecureTeam 10, said the hole is estimated to be hundreds of feet across. The rocky terrain of Mars -- which like Earth, has polar ice caps -- does not account for what the depression is, Glockner added.
The images come courtesy of NASA's Mars reconassiance orbiter, which has been exploring the planet.
Below is the video in its entirety:
NASA has given several possibilities of what could have caused the hole, including meteorites, lava tubes, ancient floods and volcanoes. But conspiracy theorists have other ideas.
Glockner said the hole shows artificial characteristics, noting that it looks as if it has been hollowed out. Glockner added that the hole could also be an entrance of an underground civilization.
SecureTeam 10, which has nearly 900,000 YouTube subscribers, often runs conspiracy theory-based videos. The organization describes itself as the "source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, info on the space cover-up, and the strange activity happening on and off of our planet."
Een Chinese sonde wordt het eerste ruimtetuig in meer dan veertig jaar dat stalen van de Maan naar onze planeet zal brengen, zo heeft het officiële persbureau Xinhua gemeld van op een conferentie in Peking.
Nog dit jaar moet de onbemande Chang'e-5 landen op de natuurlijke satelliet van de Aarde. Dat zal gebeuren in het gebied van de Mons Rumker, genoemd naar de Duitse astronoom Karl Rumker, aldus Liu Jizhong, een directeur van het Chinese ruimtevaartbureau. De lancering is voorlopig voor november gepland. Het ruimteschip moet met monsters van de Maan naar onze planeet terugkeren, een primeur voor de Chinese ruimtevaart.
Apollo De Sovjetrussische Loena-24 was in 1976 het laatste ruimtetuig dat Maanstalen naar de Aarde bracht. Er is toen slechts 170 gram ingezameld. Het bemande Amerikaanse Apollo-programma leverde tussen 1969 en 1972 meer dan 360 kilo aan Maanstenen op.
Achterkant Volgend jaar zal China ook proberen om als eerste ooit een sonde te laten landen op de achterzijde van de Maan. Dat zal het werk zijn van de Chang'e-4. Die was reserve voor de Chang'e-3 die in 2013 de eerste Chinese - onbemande - Maanlanding heeft uitgevoerd.
Peking plant ook een bemande Maanlanding, binnen vijftien tot twintig jaar. Volgens de eerste Chinese astronaut en vicedirecteur van het bemande ruimtevaartprogramma Yang Liwei zal het "niet lang duren" eer daarvoor toestemming en financiering is.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Just Breathtaking uploaded to his Facebook account a footage taken from an unknown location, which shows awesome lightning strikes in a thunder storm. Could it be debris? Maybe, but while other objects flying in and around the clouds… the black object moves along a straight path while leaving the cloud formation.
Although the possibility of alien life is restricted to planets a light-years away from Earth, the huge frequency of witnesses involving sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs / UFOs) around the world raises two Hypotheses: or et's are already here, or millions of videos, photos and reports of the phenomenon are deceptions practiced by mentally disturbed individuals.
If the second option is true, then it stands to reason that more than half of the 7 billion human beings are totally crazy, influential or liars.
However, based on the notion that aliens are watching us, as is believed by influential individuals in the space and technology industry, such as the owner of Space X, Elon Musk, or astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second man to step on the moon, it is reasonable to accept certain photos And films of the phenomenon as true.
A type of UFO that has never been seen before has been found and captured on film numerous times in Puerto Rico. Joshua P. Warren, the lead researcher said that he believes it to be a living organism and he has given it the name of Organic UFO or OUFO.
Homeland Security footage has been leaked online after it was filmed in 2013 and it shows what seem to be flying objects that are very strange and are slightly saucer shaped. The objects were seen around the Rafael Hernandez Airport, where they were flying at speeds of around 120mph.
The object was seen for around three minutes and it dipped down into the Atlantic Ocean and was seen traveling just under the surface of the water at a speed of about 95mph. Mainstream scientists have analysed the video and deemed it authentic. The forage along with the results has been published on the internet in an independent and very detailed 162 page report.
Warren said that he thinks they are living organisms as they are not too well structured like a machine would be and they seem to interact with human beings in a new way and they seem to appear when requested to do so.
Part of the detailed report says that on 25 April 2013 around 9.20pm local time an object that was unknown flew across the runway of the airport in Puerto Rico at low altitude and this caused the delay of a commercial aircraft. It was said that there was no transponder signal alerting the tower and no communication had been made with the tower. It was only picked up on an infrared video by the US Customs and Border Protection aircraft. The thermal video has since been verified to be authentic.
The analysis from the video revealed an object that was not like any natural or man-made object and careful evaluation was made of it. The movement, properties and even the possibility of a hoax were ruled out.
The object was said to be around three to five feet in length and it traveled between 40mph and 120mph with a median speed said to be around 80mph. One of the characteristics that were found to be significant was the fact that the object was able to travel at fast speed through the water and that speed did not vary when it impacted the water. On average it traveled at 82.8mph under the surface but did reach up to 95mph. After entering the ocean it did split into two separate parts for a brief time and then re-emerged, both of the parts kept the same speed when moving in water and air. The conclusion of the report was that the object is of unknown origin and no explanation can be given for there being an object that is capable of traveling at 90mph under the surface of the water with minimal impact on entering the water, be capable of separating into two objects and then merge or of flying without navigational lights in a residential area. The full PDF report of the unknown flying object can be found below and it does make interesting reading for ufologis
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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