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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Why Have the Giant Nephilims Been Wiped from History?... One Giant Secret
Why Have the Giant Nephilims Been Wiped from History?... One Giant Secret
Why Have the Giant Nephilims Been Wiped from History?… One Giant Secret
Andre the Giant, Goliath, Gulliver. We are familiar with so-called giants of screen and mythology – but what if there was a real-life race of human giants that once walked the earth? And we don’t just mean you Big and Tall fellas out there. It is a very odd theory indeed, and one that understandably draws sniggers upon first hearing it – until you look at the evidence. Quite clearly there is a global effort to keep the evidence of giants since ancient days buried away from public eyes.
What They Discovered in Antarctica Shocked the Whole World via The Supreme
What They Discovered in Antarctica Shocked the Whole World via The Supreme
Antarctica is a long way away from where you live, wherever you live. Not many people have been to this frozen continent; it’s difficult to get there, and it seems like some place out of a sci-fi movie – otherworldly… And that’s what makes these unbelievable finds even more thrilling!
We’re taking you to places that no human – or animal – has ever been, lakes concealed by millions of years of ice, deserts in the middle of a city-sized glacier, and to icebergs’s as big as New York City… 15 Unsettling Discoveries In Antarctica Nobody Can Explain.
Filer’s Files 51 2021 - Angels and Extraterrestrials - PART I
Noble, Oklahoma on December 4, 2021
Filer’s Files 51 2021 - Angels and Extraterrestrials - PART I
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Special reports are UFOs Are as Real says Paul Hellyer Canadian Defense Minister, New UFO investigatory group, Chinese Dropa Disks, Angel Announces the Lord-has been born, The Day After Roswell, Chinese Pyramids, and Strange Craft
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Montana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; they and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers. Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
UFOs Are as Real says Paul Hellyer Canadian Defense Minister
Paul Hellyer Canadian Defense Minister
“UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head. I’m so concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war, I had to say something. The secrecy involved in all matters pertaining to the Roswell incident was unparalleled. The classification was, from the outset, above top secret, so the vast majority of U.S. officials and politicians, let alone a mere allied Minister of Defence, were never in-the-loop.” Statements as the University of Toronto, September 25, 2005
Paul Hellyer, also stated, “An unnamed former Canadian Chief of Emergency Measures revealed the astonishing story just before his death from a neurological illness.
Speaking at the “Hearing on ET Disclosure” in Brantford, Ontario, Canada, Mr. Hellyer explained that if he wanted to know about the workings of an alien space craft he would “ask the current chief of Emergency Measures”. Mr. Hellyer, who became a UFO expert after claiming to have seen proof of alien visitations while in office, said: “The reason I know is I interviewed the previous one, who is now deceased, and he went Langley and the CIA asked if he would like to see one of these crafts.”
“They flew him to Area 51 and let him go inside one and observe it and make notes and this sort of thing. Hellyer revealed the claim to a panel of the world’s top UFO and alien investigators and experts on July16, 2016. Thanks to Jon Austin Daily Mail. Paul Hellyer Canadian Defence Minister 1963-67, and Deputy Prime Minister in 1968.
New UFO Investigatory Group
MUFON Encouraged by Establishment of New DoD UFO Investigatory Group
The Nov. 23, 2021, announcement that a new UFO investigatory group was being organized within the Department of Defense to replace the short-lived Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force was a positive development, according to the Mutual UFO Network, who said it “hoped the creation of the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG) might lead to some answers as to what the elusive UFOs and UAPs are.”
The Cincinnati-based organization’s executive director, David MacDonald, stated that it “was gratifying” to see the defense establishment acknowledge the reality of a long-term problem: “That some type of unknown flying object has been operating in American skies—and the skies of the rest of the world, actually—for decades and always seemingly beyond reach of our latest technology.” He characterized earlier government efforts to investigate the UFO phenomenon as “unfocused, not truly concerned with what might be encroaching on American airspace and more interested in trivializing and debunking the many mystifying sightings.” MacDonald is optimistic the new organization “with the convoluted name” will “turn an unblinking gaze” at the enigmatic flying objects that pose flight safety issues to both military and civilian pilots alike and provide some information about them.
Typical Disk UFO/UAP
MacDonald conceded, however, that embedding the AOIMSG in the Department of Defense doesn’t bode well for public transparency. “Security and classification requirements will hamper full disclosure of any findings, I’m afraid. But one thing is abundantly clear: The UFO phenomenon cuts across all segments of society—it’s not confined simply to the military,” he declared, and any non-classified findings from this new group should be announced publicly as quickly and completely as possible. “Ultimately,” he added, “the non-military, civilian research community needs to step up and attack the problem, and that’s where MUFON with its over 50 years of involvement in UFO study and field investigations can help.” Press Release Service by
“That night some shepherds were in the fields guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly an angel appeared among them, and the landscape shone bright with the glory of the Lord. They were badly frightened, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid! I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone! The Savior-yes the Messiah, the Lord-has been born tonight in Bethlehem! How will you recognize him? You will find a baby wrapped in a blanket, lying in a manager!
Suddenly the angel was joined by a vast host of others–armies of heaven-praising God: Glory to God in the highest heaven, they sang, “and peace on earth for all those pleasing him.”
When this army of angels had returned again to heaven, the shepherds said to each other. “Come on! Let’s go to Bethlehem! Let’s see this wonderful thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about. (Luke 2) The armies of heaven may describe the light from UFOs that are often seen in large numbers. It seems appropriate that during the holidays we discuss angels.
Angel or ET
Angels are often shown with wings that shows their ability to fly, rather than actually having wings. If you care to make the assumption those angels and extraterrestrials exist, perhaps some are the same. God’s messengers appear most frequently and conspicuously in connection with bringing ministry, healing, and sacred scripture. We are told Angels are immortal beings, existing in vast number often in a military like role, and often flying in clouds or in powerful vehicles.
Bible Reports the Star of Bethlehem
Barry Downing a Presbyterian pastor quotes the Bible. The Bible states, “Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem, in Judea, during the reign of King Herod.” At about that time some magi (wise men) from the east arrived in Jerusalem, asking, ‘Where is the newborn King of the Jews?’ for we have seen his star in the east, and have come to worship him.”
“After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the young child with his mother Mary, and bowed down and worshipped him. Then they opened their gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.” (Mathew-2.)
A Star or UFO
Editor’s Note – Magi or wise men were astronomers or astrologers who lived in Persia or Babylonia hundreds of miles to the northwest of Jerusalem. They arrived in Jerusalem and spoke to Herod indicating they were likely of high rank possibly Kings or messengers from kings. We assume they were excellent witnesses. They had followed a star for a great distance to get to Jerusalem. Now, they were overjoyed to see the same star that led them to Bethlehem five miles due south of Jerusalem. According to the scriptures the star moved south and stopped over the house where Jesus lived.
Stars cross the sky from east to west at 15 degrees per hour as the Earth rotates and do not stop and do not change direction. It would be difficult for the wise men to follow a star both day and night, and a miracle would be required for it to stop or change direction. While at Jerusalem, the star hovered overhead and then when the wise men appeared from the building the star made a sharp 90-degree turn and led the wise men four miles south to the birth of Jesus Christ in the manger at Bethlehem. One explanation is that they followed the light of a UFO. Of course, God and his angels can do anything, but the Bible is describing a light moving in weird directions from normal star movement.
Angels and Aliens
Angels are spiritual and superhuman beings who are messengers of God and visitors from another world called Heaven. An Angel of the Lord spoke with Abraham in the Torah, when he was 99 years old and childless, telling the Jewish leader he would be the father of a multitude of nations. According to Genesis he fulfilled the promise.
One angel brought the message of the entire Koran to Mohammed and the Moslems. Mohammed became a general to spread the Moslem religion. The Eastern religions speak of Devas who are organized in a military hierarchy and operate in a comparable manner to angels. The truth is the origin of UFOs are unknown, but scriptures tell us throughout history angels have interacted with us and often come in the clouds.
Is it possible God has an Air Force?
“The Madonna with Saint Giovannino” 15th century Italian painting of UFO above the right shoulder.
In the Christian Bible it states: In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth and a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, “Greetings you are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his Father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, his kingdom will never end. “How can this be” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?’ The angel answered, The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So, the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God!“Luke 1-verses 26 to 35. Two thousand years later, much of world celebrates this birth at Christmas.
Young Angels
Much of our spiritual history revolves around visitors from a planet called Heaven. In Vedic writings the topmost authority in the material universe is known as Brahma, and he lives in the highest material planetary system, called Brahmaloka. These extraterrestrial angelic visitors are real according to most of the great historic religious writings of humankind. It seems reasonable that these are not simply myths, but are based on actual visits by angels, visitors, watchers, ET, devas or whatever you choose to call them. They are often given credit for bringing writing to Earth.
If you visit the great temples and churches around the world, all have the story of a strange being who oversaw their construction of numerous domes often in the shape of a disc shaped UFO.
Fallen Angels
Nephilim fallen Angels
Janet Smith PhD writes, “Yes, angels are visiting the earth, but they are not all God’s angels, although God’s inter-dimensional messengers come and go as long as there are humans here. But would God’s angels mutilate a $2000 cow? Drive a rancher out of business? Would God’s angels cause pain, scoop marks, and scratches; occult pregnancies; forcefully take semen from men; terrify children in the night; float a paralyzed woman through a window; haunt a house; snatch children from their cribs without their parents’ permission; live underwater and under the earth? If these are angels, they are the Nephilim, the Fallen Ones, and their presence is more manifest as we get closer to End Times and to our leap into space. It is no coincidence that Kenneth Arnold saw his saucers when the nuclear age was dawning, and Israel was about to become a state. As for healings, it should come as no surprise that people can be healed by them. There is no question they have many special powers. God’s angels can heal people as well, without giving them PTSD. How many aliens have you heard glorifying Jesus Christ, or even God the Father, heaven, or hell? They want the attention for themselves. They want us to think that our destiny is in their hands alone. Paul warned us that the devil can appear as an angel of light.” Thanks to Janet Smith PhD
The Day After Roswell
Lt. Colonel Philip J. Corso, U.S.A. (ret.) in late June 1997 made startling revelations in a new book, The Day After Roswell and in an interview on NBC’s Dateline program. The majority of the book is an account of Colonel Corso’s claims that he was assigned to a secret government program that provided some material recovered from crashed spacecraft to private industry (without saying where the items came from) to reverse engineer them for corporate use. Corso was a Special Assistant to Lt General Author Trudeau, who headed Army Research and Development, and was in charge of the Foreign Technology Desk. Colonel Corso’s background includes being an intelligence officer on General Douglas MacArthur’s staff during the Korean War; member of the President Eisenhower’s National Security Council; head of Foreign Technology in Army Research and Development at the Pentagon in the early 1960s, where he was in charge of the Roswell Files, the cache of UFO parts and information which “an Army retrieval team … pulled out of the wreckage of a flying disk that had crashed outside the town of Roswell in the New Mexico desert in the early-morning darkness during the first week of July 1947.” Corso retired from the Army in 1963 with nineteen medals and ribbons; then served as National Security specialist staff to U.S. Senators James Eastland and Strom Thurmond.
Lt. Colonel Philip J. Corso, U.S.A.
Col. Corso tells that in July 1947 at the Roswell UFO crash site, an Army Intelligence retrieval team found five extraterrestrials, 4-1/2 feet tall with grayish-brown skin, four-fingered hands, and oversized hairless heads, two of them still alive. One tried to run away and was shot by nervous soldiers. The other was still alive but dying when he arrived in the back of an Army truck at Roswell Army Airfield. He was Post Duty Officer at Fort Riley, Kansas in 1947, the night a shipment of Roswell artifacts arrived from Fort Bliss. Colonel Corso examined the shipment, which included one of the dead extraterrestrials preserved in a thick light-blue liquid. The shipment was destined for what is now called Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Corso speaks about serving in President Eisenhower’s National Security Council and seeing the memos about the Roswell incident and the “goods” retrieved from it.
The Colonel divulges how he spearheaded the Army’s super-secret reverse-engineering project that “seeded” extraterrestrial technology into American corporations such as IBM, Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs, and Dow Corning – without their knowledge. He describes the devices found aboard the Roswell craft, and how they became the precursors for today’s integrated circuit chips, fiber optics, lasers, night-vision equipment, super-tenacity fibers (such as Kevlar plastic armor), and classified discoveries, such as psychotropic devices that can translate human thoughts into signals that control machinery, Stealth aircraft technology, and Star Wars particle-beam devices. He also discusses the role that extraterrestrial technology played in shaping geopolitical policy and events; how it helped the United States surpass the Russians in space; spurred elaborate Army initiatives such as SDI (Star Wars Projects), Project Horizon (to place a military base on the Moon), and HARP; and ultimately brought about the end of the Cold War.
X-22 Anti-gravity Craft
Colonel Corso also said that captured UFOs were/are kept at Norton, Edwards and Nellis (Area 51) Air Force Bases. He said a UFO Working Group was set up by President Truman in September 1947 (a group some call MJ-12), and that it has functioned ever since. In the 1950s two crude prototypes of antigravity craft were constructed, but were powered by crude human nuclear fission generators, and were inefficient and leaked radiation. He says that the later Star Wars program was always primarily to prepare for war against the extraterrestrials in case of invasion.
The exotic technology is the real Dark Star, designated the X-22A, and manufactured by the Lockheed Skunk Works, This Dark Star is an operational, two-man, wingless antigravity craft. It’s been operational since 1992. Its metallic airframe in flight is obscured by an intense bluish-white light, which pulsates off and on at about two-second intervals over Area 51. During the phase where the intense light is off, the craft frame disappears from optical view, and then reappears several hundred yards distant horizontally in the lit mode. The craft may bend time jumping from one place to another.
Corso was one of the ultraconservative Cold Warriors who continually feared a Communist takeover and help defeat their attempt to take over Italy. The military and political groups he was allied with adopted the same outlook on the extraterrestrial Visitors, fearing them as some potential invasion force that had to be repulsed by a crash program of back-engineering Star Wars weapons from captured UFO technology. He lumped extraterrestrials with Communists as potential invaders and helped defeat Communism in the Soviet Union.
Chinese Dropa Disks
In 1938, Peking archaeology students explored some caves in the Bayan-Kara-Ula Mountains on the border of Tibet and China. Chinese professor, Chi Pu Tei, detected regularly aligned rows of graves. The skeletons measured only around four feet in height and had skulls which were large and over developed. This was said to be the resting grounds for two tribes known as the Han and the Dropa, (shown) a peculiar race of people that fail to fall into any racial or ethnic group known to man especially with their enlarged craniums.
Very short Dropa People
At the time of the discovery, the cave area was still inhabited by two tribes known as the Hams and the Dropas. Anthropologists have been unable to categorize either tribe into any other known race; they are neither Chinese, Mongol nor Tibetan. They are yellow skinned with thin bodies and disproportionately large heads, corresponding to the skeletal remains found in the caves in 1938. They have sparse hair on their bodies; have large eyes and their height measures between three’6” and 4’7” with an average height of 4’2”.
Also found in the caves were hundreds of stone disks that were shaped like an “lp” album with a hole in the center and a spiral of circles, which extended from the center to the edge. Scientists were baffled to their hieroglyphics until they were sent to a school that studied prehistoric hieroglyphics.
The message is the same as the drawings, but unfortunately the Chinese Government found the message to be not suitable for public ears. There also were pictures of a ship with concentric circles covering it and inside these egg-shaped ships were the Dropas wearing a globe that covered their large heads.
A bit more info on these stone disks was that they would vibrate when unusual notes of music were played; the scientist wrote it as a prehistoric electrical system. I thought that was more evidence to their existence. And what else did they find? The bodies of the Dropas, the burial ground that the Chinese government said was a burial ground for a strange species of apes, since apes don’t bury their dead in underground caves.
The Dropa stones are said to be a set of 716 circular stone disks dating back 12,000 years on which tiny hieroglyphic-like markings can be found. Each disc is said to measure up to one1 foot in diameter and carries two grooves originating from a hole in their center, in the form of a double spiral.
Rock Art
Inside a nearby cave system, Chi Pu Tei and his team found interesting rock art which depicted figures with round helmets. Engraved in the rock were also the sun, moon, earth, and stars, connected by groups of pea-sized dots. Further inside the cave, the team found the collection of stone discs, most of them half buried in the floor of the cave. For the next two decades, it is believed that the discs were labeled and stored at Beijing University before being given to Tsum Um Nui for study in 1958. Tsum Um Nui allegedly managed to decipher the hieroglyphic characters after 4 years of study which he claimed told the story of a spacecraft that crash landed in the area of the cave and that the ship contained the Dropa people. One of the discs apparently said the following: “The Dropa came down from the clouds in their aircraft. Our men, women and children hid in the caves ten times before sunrise. When at last we understood the sign language of the Dropas, we realized that the newcomers had peaceful intentions.”
In 1968 the Dropa stones came to the attention of W. Saitsew a Russian scientist who re-published the findings of Tsum Um Nui and conducted tests on the disks that revealed some very peculiar properties. Physically, the granite stones contained high concentrations of cobalt and other metals – an extremely hard stone indeed that would have made it difficult for the primitive people to carve the lettering, especially with such minute characters. As recorded in the Soviet magazine Sputnik, when evaluating a disk with an oscillograph, a surprising oscillation rhythm was recorded as if, the scientists said, they had once been electrically charged or had functioned as electrical conductors.
Dropa stones
Ernst Wegerer an Austrian engineer who, in 1974, visited the Banpo Museum in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, where he was able to see two of the Dropa stones. It is said that when he enquired about the discs the manager did not provide him with any information but allowed him to photograph them. He claims that in his photos the hieroglyphs cannot be seen as they have been hidden by the flash from the camera and have also deteriorated.
Later In 1994, the German scientist Hartwig Hausdorf and colleague Peter Krassa are said to have visited China and the Banpo museum in Xian, where they were told that the Director’s superiors had ordered the discs destroyed and that officially they do not recognize their existence.
At the time of the discovery, the cave area was still inhabited by two tribes known as the Hams and the Dropas. Anthropologists have been unable to categorize either tribe into any other known race; they are neither Chinese, Mongol nor Tibetan. They are yellow skinned with thin bodies and disproportionately large heads, corresponding to the skeletal remains found in the caves in 1938. They have sparse hair on their bodies; have large eyes and their height measures between 3’6” and 4’7” with an average height of 4’2”. This general area is known for its frequent UFO sightings.
Giza Pyramid
Pyramid Power
This expert engineer shows how the Great Pyramid possibly created a harmonic resonance with the Earth, allowing this crystal edifice to convert the Earth’s vibrational energies into an unlimited supply of electricity. Among the first to propose the theory was Christopher Dunn. Explorer, researcher and author, Christopher Dunn wrote, The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt. While his perspective on ancient technology was dramatic, it was also testable. Electrical engineers, have made the case that some of the more ancient pyramids are actually gigantic machines that generate power. Some have even built models that prove their contention that pyramidal structures are natural reservoirs of energy and can function as huge capacitors and generators of electricity.
One such model was built by an engineer from Austria named Trawger. When scaled up to sizes equaling large pyramids found around the world the power increases exponentially and could produce gig watts, or the equivalent of small nuclear reactors without the risks. Pyramids may be the ultimate green energy power source.
Evidence exists that some of the energy that accumulates within pyramids may be hyper dimensional in nature. Some researchers suspect that pyramid energy vortices are creating torsion fields and generating scalar waves. If so, directed HAARP scalar waves can intensify a pyramid’s power and vastly increase the release of torsion field energy.
China’s Pyramids
Xianyang pyramid
Chinese scientists have activated a special team that has been studying the great Xianyang pyramid that sits near Mount Baigong in the western province of Qinghai, China. They are now closely monitoring the pyramid for signs it might activate as others have. [See: Alien Base Found at Chinese Pyramid]
Giant machines capable of generating incredible amounts of energy are they really possible? The evidence suggests (Mysterious Xianyang pyramid) that it is, and if so it raises the question: to what purpose will all that energy be put? The Chinese think their famous flat-topped pyramid was used many thousands of years ago as a landing airport. The anomalous pyramid rises almost two hundred feet above the countryside – the surrounding area littered with mystifying pipes, bizarre artifacts and unworldly miscellaneous items. China’s state-run Xinhua agency sent a nine-man team to investigate the pyramid and report back on their findings. The team discovered pipes running from the caves and deep into the ground slanting down into the earth… towards what?
Scientific team discovered numerous odd artifacts
Above the caves are dozens of pipes – all of various diameters – that mysteriously run into the mountainside beneath the towering pyramid. All the pipes match the color of the surrounding rocks, a murky reddish-brown.The agency tersely says: “The pyramid has three caves with openings shaped like triangles on its façade and is filled with red-hued pipes leading into the mountain and a nearby saltwater lake.”
Some type of electrical or gravitational energy or water (hydrogen and 2 oxygen) is collected through the pipes that can be used by the UFOs
UFO Getting Power fro Pyramid
A generator that may be able to pump out mega joules of energy can be used for anything: opening doorways to other universes, climate manipulation even as a planetary defense system. The pieces were found to be mostly silicon dioxide and calcium oxide, although more than eight percent of the metal could not be identified.
The pipes are 12,000 years old,” Liu Shaolin an engineer says even much much older.
The pyramid complex stretches out much farther than what is visible, and evidence suggests a highly technological network of pressurized pipes supplying water and possibly other fuels to UFOs.
If true and there’s strong circumstantial evidence that allegations made by Bob Lazar that the USAF top-secret test base is hip deep in ET artifacts and technology.
China Pyramid and Area 51 Pyramid
If the pyramid in Qinghai was erected to power up extraterrestrial spacecraft, then the USAF may require something similar to obtain a massive, alien-designed energy they would build a pyramidal structure like those in China. The USAF version also has an upgrade square receptacle that sits in the middle of the flat top of the Area 51 pyramid. For more than 30 years UFOs have been regularly spotted hovering and maneuvering around Groom Lake. Thanks to beforeitsnews,
Strange Craft
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs
U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and flight crew who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public.
Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book, by John L. Guerra.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files 51 2021 - Angels and Extraterrestrials - PART II
Noble, Oklahoma on December 4, 2021
Filer’s Files 51 2021 - Angels and Extraterrestrials - PART II
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Special reports are UFOs Are as Real says Paul Hellyer Canadian Defense Minister, New UFO investigatory group, Chinese Dropa Disks, Angel Announces the Lord-has been born, The Day After Roswell, Chinese Pyramids, and Strange Craft
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Montana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; they and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers. Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
California Object
San Jose– on December 12, 2021, the object was moving SW that looked like to a big glowing cigar to the naked eye. I would have to say about the size of an aircraft carrier. It was not a plane; it was about 2-3 miles away. This was my first UFO.
Yosemite National Park — on July29, 2021, at 5:52 PM my family and I were on a camping trip and took photos. I was going through my pictures today and found two shots of the same area taken within seconds of each other in one frame. Nothing is there and the next frame it is. And we were in Yosemite Valley. Thanks to Will Pucket/
Illinois Object
Dix– on December 12, 2021, captured by my sky camera at 4:10 a.m. camera was on night vision and pointed directly up. may have been geese.
Maine Light
Augusta – on December 1, 2021, we witnessed this transparent orb looking thing that transformed and moved in a straight line without leaving a single trail or any noticeable noise. We witnessed it outside and during sundown but cannot place or make out what it could have been.
Montana Object
Libby– on December 7, 2021, sister-in-law took a photo of the moon and a bright object above the moon. Later when viewing the photos, she found an unknown object. Note: The apparent unknown object could be a reflection or lens flare and not a real object. The photo was taken through the windshield of a moving vehicle. The apparent object does look strange, and I can’t say with “100%” certainty that is not real. The bright light above the moon is likely Jupiter. Further analysis shows that the object is behind the power lines in the photo. This suggests that it is a real object. Thanks to Will Pucket/
New Jersey Lights
Patterson – on October 10, 2021, blue light
West Orange – on December 4, 2021, I was walking my dog at 6:30p.m. when I saw a long, tubular craft with li twenty lights that moved toward one another and then away from each other. There was a light in the front and one in the back and those were not moving. All the lights were white. It was moving slowly
Carol K wrights on, October 7, 2021, at 2:55 PM: Dear George I am sending this email to you because my daughter and her partner have both woken up with fluid running out of their noses and mouths. They both have an uneasy feeling about what happened to them and suspect that they may have been abducted. Has anyone ever reported waking up with fluids coming from them? Also, my daughter is Rh negative, and I read somewhere that aliens are extremely interested in Rh negative. Can you please help? Please respond we need answers.
New Mexico Objects
Taos– – on November 24, 2021, we were flying at 7 a.m. at 20,000 feet. being a pilot, I’ve never seen this. It was looking south out my cockpit window.
North Carolina Light
Raleighon December 12, 2021 – I witnessed strange red round orbs in the sky tonight that I have photos of, as well as video. I would like to report this, share my experience, and most of all, find out what these were. I apologize the videos are not my best, but I couldn’t get my professional camera fast enough.
They came from the east and went higher in the sky westward. I know the families across our lake saw them as for I heard voices talking as I walked down my street. To give you a better idea of the location, I live in the city limits of Raleigh, closest to Knightdale, and the Neuse River.
The first two pictures are lite up because my flash went off.
Note: It is difficult to say what the witness saw. The moon, Venus and Jupiter were all visible at the time of the sighting. The objects could have been Chinese lanterns.
Oklahoma Object
Noble – on December 4, 2021, I was driving home from work on Etowah and noticed a big part of the sky looking to my southeast was lit up orange where there is no town. I took a quick picture. I noticed it in the sky about 1.5 miles. I pulled over in a parking lot 156th and Etowah took a video. The pictures and video look farther away than it was, and smaller than it was in person. The light seemed to have gotten bigger or closer to me quicker than I expected it to. I headed on home, east, after I got the video. I pulled over and stopped when I got to the next hill (about three miles east), which is a lot higher elevation than where I was pulled over to take the video. I should’ve been able to see that light, but it was gone. My pictures and video all have details of exact time and location of where they were taken.
Tennessee Light
Nashville – on December 7, 2021, at 10:57 am on my way to D.C on SW flight #1921, I spotted the infamous, yet elusive “Tic Tac” flying below the airplane I was on in the opposite direction at incredible speed, but captured by chance as I was taking pictures from my window (front row) on the left side of craft (here attached frame by frame / slow motion). Do not know exactly what area we were flying over but my nonstop flight departed at 10:25 am.
Washington Lights
Auburn– on December 12, 2021, I was walking the dog with my wife, when I saw an egg-shaped glowing object hovering, moving slowly towards us. After viewing for 30-45 seconds, I told my wife to keep it in her sights as I ran back to the house to grab my phone. As I was running down the sidewalk, the object paced me the entire way. I darted into the house, grabbed my phone, and took two pictures. Case 119772
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Object
Adelaide– on December 17, 2021, Photographed a cigar shaped object near an aircraft that had just left Adelaide airport.
Figtree October 17, 2021, object was changing shape if you can slow down the video enough you will see there are black dots flying around the main UFO. It appears like mercury moving and shape shifting in a fluid way, if never seen anything like this ever. The object changes from a blob shape to a donut shape within seconds then when it gets closer to the tree it turns into a ball looking thing with legs hanging down.
Canada Light
Kingston, Ontario on October 28, 2021, it was the only light visible in the sky and it was pulsating, changing shape. I enlarged some of the photos. There appears to be some kind of aura or current running through or around it as seen in the photos. it was silent, and it took 8 minutes to travel from one side of the sky to the other.
UK/England Light
London– on December 10, 2021, while driving close to old BBC studios I noticed strange yellow object. Started recording with iPhone and suddenly saw many other objects. In the beginning you can see two bluish objects, there are many dots flaying in groups of 3 or 4 flaying all around then green square object editing green light.
Support Earth Changing Research
I have put together a flash drive of the last twenty-two years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me in writing the book. We are asking for a donation of $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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August Conference August 27 to 29, 2021 in Las Vegas
Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2021 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to
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CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. These files could not be published without the help of my beloved wife who cooks, cleans, washes, etc., and handles the finances. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
The Most Important Alien Story NEVE Told
The Most Important Alien Story NEVER Told
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Filer’s Files 50 2021 - Moon’s City and Towers - PART I
Big Coppitt – on November 25, 2021
Filer’s Files 50 2021 - Moon’s City and Towers - PART I
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Special reports are: Navy images of blinking triangular object real, Structures on the Moon, Evict Tornadoes, Deadly Alliance of China and Russia, Strange Craft.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Florida, Kentucky, Maine, New Jersey, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Croatia, , and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
US defense department says images of blinking triangular object in the sky and other UFOs were taken by navy personnel in 2019
F-18 and UAP
Furthering the growing interest in unidentified flying objects, or what the US government refers to as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), the Department of Defense confirmed on Thursday that recently leaked photos and videos of UFOs were legitimate and taken by navy personnel.
Sue Gough, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, confirmed to CNN that images and footage of a blinking triangular object in the sky, along with other UAPs that were categorized as a “sphere”, “acorn” and “metallic blimp”, were taken by navy personnel in 2019.
Gough told CNN that the defense department would not comment further on the nature of the footage or share any examinations into them.
“To maintain operations security and to avoid disclosing information that may be useful to potential adversaries, DoD does not discuss publicly the details of either the observations or the examinations of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those incursions initially designated as UAP,” Gough said in the statement.
UFO below plane’s wings
Last April, the Pentagon released three videos of UAPs taken in 2004 and 2015 that included audio of pilots amazed at the speed of the objects they were seeing. “Look at that thing, dude!” one pilot said. “It’s rotating!”
The release of the footage kicked off federal interest in investigating UAPs. In August, the defense department created a UAP taskforce following pressure from congressional lawmakers. In December, Congress passed its government funding bill that included a directive to the national intelligence director and defense secretary to release a report on UAPs in six months’ time.
Last month, Donald Trump’s former intelligence director John Ratcliffe teased the contents of the report, telling Fox News that the document would include unknown sightings from “all over the world”.
“Frankly, there are a lot more sightings than have been made public,” Ratcliffe said.
The Moon’s City and Towers
The average person will be surprised to learn that there are huge structures on the Moon that appear to be quite old. The photographs certainly suggest an ancient, advanced civilization and an attempt to keep it secret by blacking out various photographs.
The Shards are an obvious structures which rises above the Moon’s surface by more than a mile. Its overall irregular spindly shape (containing a regular geometric pattern) with constricted nodes and swollen internodes, if natural, has got to be a wonder of the Universe. No known natural process can explain such a structure. Computer enhancement with about 190 feet (60 meters) resolution shows an irregular outline with more reflective and less reflective surfaces. The amount of sunlight reflecting from parts of the Shard indicate a composition inconsistent with that of most natural substances.
Only crystal facets and glass can reflect that much light (polished metallic surfaces are unnatural). Single crystals the size of city blocks is currently unknown. I concur with Hoagland that the Shard may be a highly eroded remnant of some sort of artificial structure made of glass-like material. Other larger structures and their reflectivity in the area support this theory.
The Lunar Orbiter photograph and the three sequential photographs (AS10-32-4854-56) taken from the Apollo spacecraft all show the “Tower” (and “Shard”) in the southwestern area of Sinus Medii mare from different angles and different perspectives. The Surveyor 6 photograph shows anomalous geometric structures above the ground, like those associated with the tower extending to the north of the “Tower” for about a hundred miles. The censored Apollo 10 photograph near Ukert crater shows anomalous geometric structures extending on the ground for tens of miles over an area the size of the Los Angeles.
of compelling evidence of ancient structural artifacts present on the Moon.
Aerial View of Shard
Confirmed through cross comparisons of overwhelming imaging evidence, from several separate NASA missions — with different photographic technologies, different lighting, and different viewing geometries — these studies now leave little doubt that this solar system has been host to some prior habitation by intelligence, and some within NASA have apparently known about and deliberately suppressed this robust evidence for more than fifty years.
Regarding possible motivations for this inexplicable behavior, additional documentary evidence was discovered by NASA Astronomer McDaniel. According to the Astronomer McDaniel, an early NASA study was commissioned from the Brookings Institution in 1959, that anticipates the possible future discovery of intelligently designed artifacts in the solar system by NASA probes. It considers “how might such information, under what circumstances, be presented to or withheld from the public, for what ends?”
The apparent reason given was the apprehension voiced within this Study that society itself might “disintegrate.” Everything in NASA’s behavior regarding the possibly artificial structures on Mars, and the Moon, indicates that NASA intends to follow for the indefinite future, the policy of withholding information outlined in the Brookings Institution Report.
Close up view of top of Shard
Orientation of this photograph 45 degrees to south of Apollo 10 photographs and Surveyor 6, November 1967, show Sinus Medii with the Shard.
All of these unnatural structures appear to have sustained varying degrees of damage from meteorite and micrometeorite impact. Small impact craters (1-2 miles), exist within the anomalous area near Ukert, and clearly post-date the anomalies. Recognition of such damage is important in understanding and interpreting the nature and time sequence in the origin of these structures. Apollo 16, June 1972 NASA photograph AS16-121-19438, looking northwest from above the eastern edge of Mare Crisium and across Mare Tranquilitatus from 70 miles altitude.
THE SHARD on Far Side of Moon
Shard on Far side of Moon
What has lunar scientists most excited by the object is its shape, which stands out from most other rocks on the Moon.
“It seems to have a shard-like shape and is sticking out of the ground,” Dan Moriarty, a NASA postdoctoral program fellow at the Goddard Space Flight Center, told “That’s definitely unusual.”
Ukert Crater
UKERT Sprawling Structures
Ukert is a crater-like feature that displays a circumscribed equilateral triangle at full Moon in its center. This triangle is not natural, because the sides of the “crater” are much brighter only opposite the sides of this triangle. The r angles of the triangle intersect the darkest three areas of the “crater” rim, while the brightest three areas of the rim are opposite the sides of the triangle. In addition, the brightest parts of the rim are midway between the apices of the triangle and are at 120 degrees orientation from one another. If a line is drawn from the centers of each bright area across the triangle to the opposing angle, the lines will exactly bisect each angle. Such regular geometry is not a natural feature of any terrain, either on Earth or on the Moon. Furthermore, the symbolism of an equilateral triangle within a circle is a two-dimensional representation of a tetrahedral pyramid within a sphere. Tetrahedral geometry is hypothesized to be the primary message encoded in the geometry of the Cydonia complex on Mars (Hoagland, 1992; McDaniel, 1993).
THE TOWER The Tower represents an enigma of the highest magnitude, because it rises more than 2.85 miles above the surface of the Moon, and has been photographed from five different angles and two different altitudes (from 30 miles altitude, and from 70 miles altitude at three different distances). In all four photographs the same structure is visible and can be viewed from two different sides. The Tower exists in front of and to the left of the Shard in the Lunar Orbiter III-84M photograph. The distance from the Tower and the camera is estimated at about 200 miles, while the distance of the Shard beyond the Tower is estimated at about 230 miles. The top of the Tower has a very ordered cubic geometry and appears to be composed of regular cubes (similar in size) joined together to form a very large cube with an estimated width of over one mile! There is apparent damage to the outline and surface of this megacube, because many cubic spaces or indentations occur over its surface (these spaces are 50-60 times larger than pixel size, and their shapes are not controlled by the rectangular shape of the pixel). A narrow columnar structure connects this cube with the surface of the Moon. The columnar support is at least three miles tall, and tapers towards its base. The taper may be in part due to perspective, if the Tower is oriented at an angle and is leaning towards the camera. The leaning Tower may be part of a larger more transparent structure, which is also inclined. Surrounding the Tower are faint indications of additional light- reflective material.
The amount of light coming from this material is very small compared with the amount of light reflected off the lunar surface. In order to make it visible, the surface of the Moon has to be over-exposed on the photograph. The pattern that becomes visible above the Moon’s surface is not caused by the scan lines that make up the Lunar Orbiter photography.
The regular cubic and/or rectangular nature of this pattern, and indications of radiating structures that connect the Tower with the surface indicate that material of low light reflectivity exists above the Moon’s surface over a large area measured in hundreds of miles.
The Castle
This photo of the “castle” tower is absolutely bizarre.
Judging from the lighting in the craters on the lower left corner it is apparent the sun coming from the upper right side of the photo. If you look at the immense unlit area in the right half of the photo, it begs the question, “where is the sunlight on the surface.” The logical conclusion is that something above the surface is blocking the sun. It is in this area we find the “castle” tower. Close scrutiny by legitimate scientists places the “castle” some 9 miles above the surface of the moon.
Part of City Complex may be more like initial city image.
Photograph AS10-32-4822 in NASA catalog SP-232 is blacked out, along with several other photographs. When it was ordered, the image was of high quality, contrary to what was implied by it being blacked out in the catalog. Instead of a poor photograph, the image shows features near Ukert crater that defy conventional explanation. A linear dome-shaped hill runs diagonally across the photograph. To the north of that hill a large area exists with regularly aligned rows of structure. Within this anomalous area more than a dozen small craters can be seen that modify the landscape. From a distance the regular rows appear like benches.
On the Moon there have been no physical processes that can account for such a regular geologic structure. Upon magnification some of the rectangular structures take on a form like buildings and skyscrapers. Resolution at high magnification (for the image I saw) is not good enough to resolve more than the outlines of possible buildings. The whole area resembles what one might expect for a city the size of Los Angeles that had been abandoned and left to decay for centuries.
“Los Angeles”(NASA image AS10-32-4822)
NASA deliberately concealed this picture in the catalog because of its content, and that this area may contain one of several city complexes that were built under an enormous glass dome within Sinus Medii. The sheer implications of such massive structures on the Moon, if verified by an open and honest visit by astronauts to the Moon, would cause Man to rethink many ideas and question many beliefs about other intelligent life in the Universe.
Artists drawing of possible city on the Moon
Clearly, such structures are well beyond our current technologies, and rank with the Pyramids and Sphinx on Earth, and with the Cydonia complex and its humanoid face on Mars, as major mysteries of our Solar System.
Further evidence for such massive constructs on the Moon can be found in Mare Crisium.
(NASA photograph AS16-121-19438) has a strange set of large, concentric, circular light patterns within the mare. To one side an enormous spire or tower rises from the surface within the perimeter of these light circles. Magnification of the area around this spire shows cubic patterns like those around the Tower in Sinus Medii. Numerous holes of varying size can be detected within this cubic pattern, probably caused by meteorites. Around the edges of these holes, I can see layers of light-reflecting cubic glass-like material and suggestions of strands of rebar support. Below this cover on the ground there is more structure, which can be detected under some of the holes. There is an unusual interference pattern below the cubic pattern as well.
Huge glass Domes overMare Crisium
None of these patterns can be explained as normal or natural. I interpret the major cubic pattern as reflections off rebar and micrometeorite-frosted glass of the dome that covers most of Mare Crisium. I interpret the pattern below the dome as possibly caused by artificial structures on the surface of the Moon, such as the city-like construct near Ukert, and the concentric circles of light over the surface of Mare Crisium as light reflection and refraction through the remaining portions of the glass dome.
Artists concept of Dome over Mare Crisium
Triangle on Moon
Triangle UFO Found Crashed on Far Side of Earth’s Moon, Jan 6, 2014, NASA Source, UFO Sighting News.
This triangle ship was found in Ryder Crater, on the far side of the moon. It was found by Streetcap1 of YouTube who is on a constant watch for new evidence of aliens. Its detail and shape are clear indication that this was a triangular shaped craft. At the ends of the corners, the ends are turned upward which shows that this was a craft that flew both in space and in atmospheres of planets. Also, the top center is raised up. I wonder who will get to this alien tech first. The tech inside must be the stuff of dreams. SCW. NASA Source photo: is colored
The storm originated in Arkansas destroying a Nursing Home, according to Kentucky Division of Emergency Management director Michael Dossett, and touched down in Missouri and Tennessee before making its way into the Bluegrass State, where it ripped through the western half of the state before finally weakening in central Kentucky.
At least several people were killed inthe Monette Manor Nursing Home in Arkansas. A swarm of tornadoes tore a 200-mile path through the U.S. Midwest and South, demolishing homes, levelling Mayfield, Kentucky Candle Factory when its roof clasped.
Mayfield Candle Factory
A swarm of tornadoes tore a 200-mile path through the U.S. Midwest and South, demolishing homes, leveling buildings.The death toll from tornadoes and severe storms that hit several states Friday and early Saturday was at least 70, with Kentucky the hardest hit.
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear said earlier Saturday the death toll “could end up exceeding 100 before the day is done.”A candle factory in Mayfield, Kentucky, collapsed with 110 people inside. Only 40 people had been rescued from the rubble as of Saturday afternoon, the governor said.
Wintertime weather is driven largely by the parade of upper-level weather systems carried rapidly eastward by the high level winds known as the jet stream. The jet stream is a ribbon of high-speed wind (located at nearly 6 miles above the surface) that is related to the strength, and location, of the pole-to-equator temperature contrast. There is evidence that China may be controlling the Jet stream, that brought the worst tornadoes to the Mid-west.This apparently was the largest reaching 155 mph for 120 to 200 miles on the ground.
It is my opinion that many of these tornadoes can be decreased or stopped by airborne aircraft or rockets seeding the clouds. Hurricanes and tornados are both dependent on super cell cloud formation although hurricanes and waterspouts develop over the ocean and tornadoes develop over the land. Tornadoes and severe weather were blamed for several deaths and injuries across parts of the Midwest and the South as a storm system caused significant damage at a candle factory in Kentucky, an Amazon facility in Illinois, a nursing home in Arkansas, and numerous homes and buildings.
Many people were feared dead at the factory in Mayfield, Kentucky, where Gov. Andy Beshear called the situation “tragic” at a news conference Saturday morning.
Stop Tornadoes with Weather Modification
The National Weather Service indicates there has been 1336 tornadoes as of October 11, 2021, so far this year, killing seventy people and causing twenty-five billion dollars destroying thousands of homes and schools. More than 18,000 people died in tornadoes in the U.S. from 1875 to 2000. It is my opinion that the government has the aircraft and facilities to curtail this slaughter.
A United Nations Treaty exists which pledges all member states to refrain from using Weather Control as a lethal weapon upon other states! The existence of this recorded law — this U.N. Treaty — proves the existence of the reality of Weather Warfare or weather modification! We now believe that American and Chinese, Russian scientists can and do control our weather. The lack of rain on the West Coast appears to be created by Chinese weather Control with their six HARP Facilities.
China launched the world’s largest weather-control machine, with the ability to modify the weather in an area similar to the size of Alaska in 2018 and nuclear capable hypersonic world circling missile ahead of US capability to defeat.
In tests, Surplus Harvard T-6 aircraft
were fitted with racks under each wing containing thirty-two railroad fuses that were impregnated with silver iodide were ignited individually or all at once, depending upon the threat. In coordination with ground units, the aircraft would lay a plume of silver iodide in front of CBs) with noticeable effect. Large, active CBs were reduced to nothing. Heavy hailstorms were reduced in intensity. This effect can be repeated in reducing the threat of tornados and floods in approaching cumulonimbus clouds.
C-130s Rain Makers
The National Severe Storms Laboratory NSSL Site Information – NOAA’s reports, “The most destructive and deadly tornadoes occur from super cells, which are rotating thunderstorms with a well-defined radar circulation called a mesocyclone. (Super cells can also produce damaging hail, severe non-tornadic winds, unusually frequent lightning, and flash floods.)
Radar readout of the May 20, tornado
The actual tornado early in its track is located in the southern reddest hook near the bottom of the image.
Recent theories and results from the VORTEX 2 program suggest that once a mesocyclone is underway, tornado development is related to the temperature differences across the edge of downdraft air wrapping around the mesocyclone.
Storm spotters look for low bands of ragged bands of low cumulus clouds extending from the main storm tower usually to the southeast or south. The presence of inflow bands suggests that the storm is gathering low-level air from several miles away. If the inflow bands have a spiraling nature to them, it suggests the presence of rotation.
The beaver’s tail is a smooth, flat cloud band extending from the eastern edge of the rain-free base to the east or northeast. It usually skirts around the southern edge of the precipitation area. It also suggests the presence of rotation. (Possible attack point) A wall cloud is an isolated cloud lowering attached to the rain-free base of the thunderstorm. The wall cloud is usually to the rear of the visible precipitation area. A wall cloud that may produce a tornado usually exists for 10–20 minutes before a tornado appears. A wall cloud may also persistently rotate (often visibly), have strong surface winds flowing into it, and may have rapid vertical motion indicated by small cloud elements quickly rising into the rain-free base. (Possible attack point)
As the storm intensifies, the updraft draws in low-level air from several miles around. Some low-level air is pulled into the updraft from the rain area. This rain-cooled air is very humid; the moisture in the rain-cooled air quickly condenses below the rain-free base to form the wall cloud. (Possible attack point)
The rear flank downdraft (RFD) is a downward rush of air on the backside of the storm that descends along with the tornado. The RFD looks like a “clear slot” or “bright slot” just to the rear (southwest) of the wall cloud. It can also look like curtains of rain wrapping around the cloud base circulation. The RFD causes gusty surface winds that occasionally have embedded downbursts. The rear flank downdraft is the motion in the storm that causes the hook echo feature on radar. (Possible attack point)
Shows upward flow of hot air that should be cooled to stop tornado
A condensation funnel is made up of water droplets and extends downward from the base of the thunderstorm. If it is in contact with the ground it is a tornado; otherwise, it is a funnel cloud. Dust and debris beneath the condensation funnel confirm a tornado’s presence. (Possible attack point) Coordination between radar, ground observers, and airborne aircraft equipped with suitable chemicals such as dry ice have the potential to disrupt the tornados, excellent comprehensive list of questions and answers about tornadoes can be found here: Website
NSSL is working to simulate storms that produce tornadoes in computer models to better understand how they form and behave. The Air Force could gain tremendous support from the American people if they could calm Tornadoes and flooding.
C-5 Aircraft
A C-5 Galaxy aircraft can carry a standard: payload of 240,000 pounds of dry ice or chemicals that could seriously affect a mesocyclone. Maximum payload capacity of the C-17 is 170,900 pounds with a service ceiling of 45,000 feet. Active or National Guard or Reserve aircraft could be fitted to drop the chemicals.
Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard fly 243 KC-135 tanker aircraft in support of AMC’s mission.Maximum Transfer Fuel Load: 200,000 pounds (90,719 kilograms) Maximum Cargo Capability: 83,000 pounds (37,648 kilograms), 37 passengers.
UAV or Remote piloted aircraft may be ideal stationed at Eglin Air Force Base Florida and Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri. Dyess Air Force Base, Texas would also be a good location. By cross-referencing desired attack times with wind and thunderstorm forecasts from weather satellites, we can predict tornadoes and tame them before they cause major damage. A central weather control would generate mission profiles for each aircraft. Using near-real-time information from a networked sensor array, and spraying the key clouds, much of the damage and loss of life could be prevented. Thanks to NSSL.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files 50 2021 - Moon’s City and Towers - PART II
Big Coppitt – on November 25, 2021
Filer’s Files 50 2021 - Moon’s City and Towers - PART II
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Special reports are: Navy images of blinking triangular object real, Structures on the Moon, Evict Tornadoes, Deadly Alliance of China and Russia, Strange Craft.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Florida, Kentucky, Maine, New Jersey, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Croatia, , and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Russia and China together are much stronger than the US.
Russia and China have hailed a growing strategic partnership they say exceeds even those forged by competing powers during the Cold War. Apparently, there is even closer ties between Moscow and Beijing then the U.S.-led NATO Western military alliance.
In August, Moscow and Beijing took part in joint war games and signed a so-called “brotherhood” pact “establishing twinning relations.”
On the implications for Europe and Britain, “It’s terrifying for the UK because they are significantly closer to the Russian border.
Putin publicly confirmed that Russia was assisting China in creating an advanced early warning system that should alert the Beijing leadership to missile launches that might be directed at China.
The two countries agreed during a video call to increase the cooperation between their armed forces when it came to strategic exercises and joint patrols, according to Russia’s defense ministry.
“If Russia and China end up working together – they will want to put America down a few pegs.
The Biden administration reputation has been severely tarnished by what happened in Afghanistan and this has led to a lot of people questioning the credibility and reliability of the US when it comes to military interventions and activities abroad.
Aug 19, 2021 · British members of Parliament railed against President Joe Biden on Wednesday, lamenting his chaotic and dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan. Unpresented UK Parliament holds Biden in contempt.
America would have difficulty fighting Russia and China by itself. It would need help from other countries like the UK who is disgusted with Biden.
Red areas show Russian and Chinese control of much of the world.
Due to the surprising weakness in Washington D.C., Russia and China apparently will now support each other in times of war and with their economies. Putin seeing Biden’s weakness has massed forces around the Ukraine Border while China daily patrolling with ships and planes in the seas around Taiwan. The chance for a serious shooting war has grown greatly since the US defeat in Afghanistan. Russia and China joining forces could “potentially be catastrophic” for Western powers.
China is growing stronger daily and is conducting bio-warfare, fires and various forms of weather manipulation against the U.S. Two million illegal immigrants have entered the country bringing in large amounts of drugs killing a 100,000 Americans
Russia’s defense ministry said. “Europe is going to get caught up in the mess and they feel Biden can’t be trusted to stay in any fight.
Strategic analyst General Jack Keane (Ret.) discusses the Biden phone call with Putin as a failure as tension between Russia and Ukraine escalate and China seeks to build a military base on Africa in Atlantic Ocean port, on the coast of the small African nation of Equatorial Guinea.
President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin
On June 16, 2021 · Putin arrived in Geneva first, accompanied by foreign ministers and a translator while Biden had a large contingent. Russian President Vladimir Putin emerged stronger and likely felt he had the upper hand in the news conferences.
Putin denied responsibility for any cyber-attacks on the U.S. or for anything else. Thanks to ABC News
Joe Biden warned Vladimir Putin during a video call Tuesday – on December 8, 2021, that Russia will face sanctions if it invades neighboring Ukraine.
Biden seeks a diplomatic solution to deal with the hundreds of thousands of Russian troops massed near the Ukraine border is unlikely to work. Biden’s message did not impress Putin who ordered 28,000 Russian troops to move closer to the border. Putin remembers Obama/Biden did nothing to stop Putin from taking over Crimea. It will likely take a combined strong NATO response to deter the attack.
Putin has numerous important reasons to invade Ukraine such as he wants a clear southern route to reach his important Sevastopol Naval Base on the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea.
Russia set to invade Ukraine on ten fronts
Putin may open the attack any day before NATO’s Parliaments can discuss what they might do. Daily shooting between both sides is already going on. It’s important to mention that even with 175,000 -200,000 Russian troops in the latest estimate, invading Ukraine it won’t be an easy affair for the Russians,” “Ukraine has 250,000 troops, most battle-hardened by 7 years of conflict in eastern Ukraine. U.S. and NATO training and supplies of arms by Trump has made the Ukrainian military more effective and lethal.” Obama/Biden gave no weapons to Ukraine, but Trump provided some advanced
” China is on its way up in the world while the Biden gave up its lead on oil and gas production and must beg the Middle East to send more at double the cost. Numerous American companies are dependent on China to provide most of their goods, phones, TVs and medicine. It’s not only a massive economy – but they also have great economic power.
NATO countries may not respond to Biden after the U.S. pulled out of Afghanistan without warning leaving their forces unprotected. America would not be able to fight Russia and China by itself and NATO doesn’t trust Biden to stay in any fight.
Earlier this month, Russia warned relations with the West are “almost at boiling point”.
With NATO and Russian forces playing cat and mouse games, Putin said he would “simply destroy” any country that encroached on his country’s territory. Russia has sent nuclear bombers over Belarus and Poland whose troops are massed along their joint border over illegal immigrants.
NATO is having tensions surge over migrants between the Poland-Belarus border.
Satellites show ‘Russia massing tanks, armored vehicles and troops’ on Ukraine border as Putin ‘readies to invade’.
President Joe Biden
Thanks to Biden quick Afghanistan pull out leaving hundreds of Americans , Putin holds all the leverage since Biden approved the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline while stopping the Canadian Pipeline into the U.S. and cutting off drilling in Government lands.
Russia could invade Ukraine at any time y with a massive assault across ten fronts, intelligence chiefs have warned. Since Russia already captured Crimea n 2014., under the Obama/Biden Administration and nothing was done to stop it, Putin assumes he can get away with continuing his land grab without the U.S. doing anything significant.
President Biden needs to use leadership in getting NATO to declare they’ll fight for Ukraine if they expect to persuade Putin not to attack.
President Biden said Wednesday December 8, 2021, that putting additional U.S. troops on the ground in Ukraine is “not on the table” a day after warning Russian President Vladimir Putin in a video call that he will face severe economic sanctions if he mounts an invasion. The problem is that Russia has various sanctions for years, and this threat from the US is not very convincing and shows weakness.
Vladimir Putin
Unless NATO provides a strong response, we can expect a Russian invasion or at least strong attacks along the border at any time. Obama sent blankets and medical supplies when Russia took Crimea.
The decline in American prestige worldwide during the last year is alarming and Parliaments of several countries strongly creolized the Biden Administration for pulling out U.S. airpower to support the Afghan Arm and surrendering so quickly without notifying the NATO allies. I’ll be surprised if they agree to fight for Ukraine, because our weakness will only embolden Putin.
Javelin anti-tank missiles
Trump sent Ukraine Javelin anti-tank missiles sniper rifles, and rocket launchers to Ukraine, which could strongly help Ukraine defend itself. Kiev. The Russians have used tanks effectively to take large Eastern sections of Ukrainian territory and kill Ukrainians and will likely launch massive tank attacks supported by air power.
Russian President is openly mocking the Biden for his own amusement, and he feels God is on his side”.” Putin challenged President Biden to an on-air conversation to discuss Biden’s latest warning but apparently Biden refused.
“Why would Vladimir Putin immediately call for a debate with Joe Biden with no time to prepare? Biden looks extremely weak, frail, often confused, and he is struggling cognitively. “Our world has many evil actors, many hostile regimes like Putin’s Russia, mullahs in Iran, President Xi in China, and North Korea and Kim Jong Un. They study Joe Biden and watch him closely every day. Biden is struggling to answer simple questions and is often cut off by his staff, that’s not good for the U.S. and probably the free world?
The maneuvers have stoked fear that Russia could attempt a takeover like its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014. Russian troops have backed separatist forces on Ukraine’s border for years, though the Kremlin has long denied direct involvement in that conflict.
Putin said last week that Russia would consider any effort by the U.S. or its allies to place weapons systems in Ukraine as a “red line” that would result in retaliation.
The Biden administration is said to be considering several options, including blocking Russia from the SWIFT international banking system. Russia and China would likely form their own banking system r that could cause the collapse of the US. Dollar that as inflated at a real t 15% so far this year.
I think Biden is going to need to have a military component in there, to change Putin’s mind.”
On December 11. 2021, the Group of Seven (G7) governments consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States issued a warning to Russia not to attack the Ukraine.
Strange Craft
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs
U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and airmen who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public.
Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book, by John L. Guerra.
Phoenix– on November 30, 2021, was outside when I saw a zig zag star at 5:01 AM near Aurigas and Taurus. I saw at quick flash downward. This was strange e and looking up on the south sky at the stars and I saw an airplane. moving pretty fast turning west. I was following the plane, but mainly focused beyond looking at the stars.
The light flew down and maneuvered. The light was a bit brighter than the stars and bigger than the biggest star. Thanks to Will Pucket/
California Object
Ranch Mirage – on December 2, 2021, seemed to be composed of 4-5several lights and moved fairly slowly, north to “dissolve.” It was 30,000 feet four times bigger than airliner.
Florida Lights
Big Coppitt – on November 25, 2021, my friend and I were on stairs to her house and noticed a roundish orange/yellow object with no tail. I live on the space coast and have seen hundreds of rocket launches.
Kentucky Lights
Jackson – on December 7, 2021, could see the craft was triangular, but the video doesn’t pick that up and the front light doesn’t show up. Have seen this before, but never captured video until now
Maine Light
Augusta – on November 10, 2021, upon looking up at 4:10PM, in parking lot, saw dark needle-like large object headed north emitting a light contrail. Observed for5 minutes and took two photos at 4:19PM, for 15 minutes then lost it.
Nevada Light
Las Vegas – on December 7, 2021, I was starting my work when I noticed a small dark object hovering in the western sky and videoed with my iPhone 8S. It had no wings, didn’t look like any known aircraft. My job is across the street from Nellis AFB.
New Jersey Lights
Beachwood – on December 4, 2021, saw two objects flying next to each other over the Parkway. We got off the exit and one disappeared. We followed one to the Beachwood School where it made a 180 turn. White light changed to a flashing red light and then disappeared. Later, I videoed four flashing red lights on each corner of a rectangular object.
Pennsylvania Object
Philadelphia– on November 14, 2021, my husband and I observed two segment vertically stacked object hover in the sky. It moves forward, hovered, then forward for ten minutes at 3:34pm, lost it.
Texas Object
San Angelo on October 16, 2021, f fishing at Lake Newsworthy, 5 transport planes heading north from airport. Took pictures and C-130 made 180-degree evasive move with Tic-tac with halo around center. Note: May be another plane at higher altitude.
Wisconsin Lights
Green Bay – December 3, 2021, A woman was driving in downtown Green Bay, WI. It was a very foggy night and visibility was poor. She saw five blue-purple lights moving in different directions that merged into one light. She then saw 3 oval lights and green lights swirling rapidly for 45 minutes.
Note: The three above photos have been sequenced in ascending chronological order from top to bottom. The third photo was taken over 40 minutes after the first photo. Thanks to Will Pucket/
Wyoming Light
Green River – on December 1, 2021, I was taking several photos of the sunset. Later, looking at one photo upon zooming in, it was 3 lights around a circular shaped craft.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Light
Adelaide– on December 1, 2021, photographed Qantas jet and an unknown object.
Croatia Light
Podravske Sesvete — on February 10, 202, glowing orb that would appear and hover a bit then change direction and disappear and then appear again few times in a row. Seen it few times this year at the same time of day. Every time it would hover, then quickly change direction disappear and appear few times in a row.
UK/England Object
Manchester – on November 27, 2021, triangle craft no sound 3 lights. not a plane.
Support Earth Changing Research
I have put together a flash drive of the last twenty-two years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me in writing the book. We are asking for a donation of $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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August Conference August 27 to 29, 2021 in Las Vegas
Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2021 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. These files could not be published without the help of my beloved wife who cooks, cleans, washes, etc., and handles the finances. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually
A black box is something that we have all been familiarised with- with every single commercial flight being recorded on the device. Every single tug on the yoke and every single adjustment made by the pilot on the throttle gets logged dutifully by this little recording device that has been tucked away in the tail of the aircraft. This is the famous box that is used for searching and rescuing in the event of a plane crash- something the crews use to scan the crash site for any time an incident takes place in the aviation sector. The observations that this box record makes it extremely clear as to how the whole thing went down.
A Black Box To Document The Earth’s Demise
Interestingly, our planet will also be getting one of these disaster recorders too. This will be called the Black Box of the Earth, and the project is meant to record every single step on the way to the demise of the planet. The website for this contraption reads that unless humanity dramatically changes the way they live, climate change and other catastrophes will definitely lead to the extinction of our civilization.
The box will be stored in a solar-powered vault which has the length of a school bus and the shape of an upside-down curb stop, with the thing getting encased in a steel shell – which would be three inches thick – all designed to withstand any major catastrophe, quite similar to how the box functions in an aircraft.
Similar to how a black box is usually tucked inside the safest part of an airplane, the Earth’s contraption will be located in the most secure location on Earth, which is in Tasmania, apparently. When the website goes online, the box will be filled with recordings of hard drives, all storing information that is climate-related. This was reported by ABC News Australia. This project has been the brainchild of a collaboration between the University of Tasmania, an art collective referred to as the Glue Society, and a communications firm called Clemenger BBDO, and the project will start its construction in early 2022.
How Will The Black Box Work?
The black box will be collecting the measurements of temperature, the data of ocean acidification, land use data, military expenditure, growth in human population, and energy consumption. It would also be scraping forth social media posts, news headlines, and information scoured from key climate change conferences that have taken place between the different heads of state. Now, as just a piece of art, it is definitely quite marvelous. The concept image projects a sharp, angular structure that is lined with solar panels and finds itself situated on a rocky outcrop in the remotest corner of the Tasmanian desert.
The main objective of the Black Box is to be just a silent observer, where it would be constantly retaining information, in order to provide an unbiased account of the very events that led to the end of this plant. This will make it very easy for humanity to hold itself accountable for the cost that is being generated every single second, all the while inspiring urgent action. The website further states that the idea is if the Earth does end as a result of climate change, then this recording device will serve as a memoir for anyone who is left.
La Nasa a-t-elle vraiment photographié le crash d’un ovni sur Mars ?
La Nasa a-t-elle vraiment photographié le crash d’un ovni sur Mars ?
Un Youtubeur est tombé sur un cliché troublant de la sonde Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. On y voit ce qui ressemble à un crash de soucoupe volante dans un canyon de la planète Mars.
Tout est parti de la chaîne Youtube d’un certain Jean Ward. Ce dernier explique dans une vidéo qu’il était en train d’éplucher les photos prises par la sonde Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter lorsqu’il est tombé sur une curieuse traînée, qui débouche sur un “disque parfait” qui semble à moitié enterré dans la poussière et le sable à la surface de Mars.
Vous pouvez le constater par vous-même dans l’image de Une : on a aucun mal à s’imaginer un vaisseau extraterrestre s’écraser sur la planète rouge, laissant cette profonde balafre dans le sol. Les images ne sont pourtant pas trafiquées. Elles proviennent directement de la Nasa et du JPL. En fait ces clichés ne sont même pas nouveaux.
Personne n’avait relevé cette trainée étrange à la surface de Mars dans cette photo de 2006
Puisque les images datent en réalité de 2006. Néanmoins personne n’avait repéré cette étrange caractéristique du terrain jusqu’à ce youtubeur. La photo a été prise au sud de Candor Charma, une énorme carrière du système de canyons Valles Marineris. Bien sûr, il est difficile d’affirmer catégoriquement quoi que ce soit juste à partir de ces images.
Pourtant, selon Youtubeur, tout indique “qu’un vaisseau en forme de disque ou objet a atteint la surface à un angle d’incidence très faible avant de s’écraser sur la surface de Mars, laissant derrière lui cette trace étrange. On dirait un disque partiellement élevé sur un de ses côtés”. Ce dernier explique avoir calculé que l’objet mesure entre 12 et 24 mètres de diamètre – et que ce diamètre correspond aussi à la largeur de la tranchée laissée derrière lui.
Et à lire les commentaires de la vidéo, on se rend compte que de nombreux internautes semblent plutôt d’accord avec Jean Ward. L’un d’entre eux va même jusqu’à dire : “il n’y a vraiment rien d’autre que cela puisse être, à part un objet en forme de soucoupe qui s’est écrasé. Je sais qu’ils ont peur de contaminer Mars, mais j’aimerais quand même que la NASA enquête”. Ce qui a pour des raisons évidentes peu de chances d’arriver dans un futur proche.
Or, les roches, dunes, et autres caractéristiques du terrain modelées par des millions d’années peuvent aussi adopter des formes étrangement familières. Alors même qu’une observation plus précise démonte généralement le plus gros des signalements d’ovni, et l’espace est en la matière un terrain très fertile. On a en effet annoncé de nombreuses fois la découverte de caractéristiques géologiques étonnantes, comme par exemple le cas d’une dune en forme de visage. Ou encore ce cube découvert à la surface de la Lune.
D’ailleurs d’autres internautes vont d’ailleurs plutôt dans ce sens. L’un d’entre eux estime ainsi par exemple que le demi-cercle à la fin de la trainée “ressemble à une forme de dune en croissant ou dune de barchand, qui est une dune de sable qui se forme lorsque les vents soufflent dans une certaine direction et sont canalisés par le terrain”. Et vous, pensez-vous que la Nasa a immortalisé pour la première fois le crash d’un vaisseau extra-terrestre sur Mars, ou simplement une énième caractéristiques du terrain troublante qui stimule notre tendance à la paréidolie ?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
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NASA Enters the Solar Atmosphere for the First Time, Bringing New Discoveries
NASA Enters the Solar Atmosphere for the First Time, Bringing New Discoveries
A major milestone and new results from NASA’s Parker Solar Probe were announced on Dec. 14 in a press conference at the 2021 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in New Orleans. The results have been published in Physical Review Letters and accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal.
For the first time in history, a spacecraft has touched the Sun. NASA’s Parker Solar Probe has now flown through the Sun’s upper atmosphere – the corona – and sampled particles and magnetic fields there.
The new milestone marks one major step for Parker Solar Probe and one giant leap for solar science. Just as landing on the Moon allowed scientists to understand how it was formed, touching the very stuff the Sun is made of will help scientists uncover critical information about our closest star and its influence on the solar system.
"Parker Solar Probe “touching the Sun” is a monumental moment for solar science and a truly remarkable feat," said Thomas Zurbuchen, the associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "Not only does this milestone provide us with deeper insights into our Sun's evolution and its impacts on our solar system, but everything we learn about our own star also teaches us more about stars in the rest of the universe.”
As it circles closer to the solar surface, Parker is making new discoveries that other spacecraft were too far away to see, including from within the solar wind – the flow of particles from the Sun that can influence us at Earth. In 2019, Parker discovered that magnetic zig-zag structures in the solar wind, called switchbacks, are plentiful close to the Sun. But how and where they form remained a mystery. Halving the distance to the Sun since then, Parker Solar Probe has now passed close enough to identify one place where they originate: the solar surface.
The first passage through the corona – and the promise of more flybys to come – will continue to provide data on phenomena that are impossible to study from afar.
“Flying so close to the Sun, Parker Solar Probe now senses conditions in the magnetically dominated layer of the solar atmosphere – the corona – that we never could before,” said Nour Raouafi, the Parker project scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland. “We see evidence of being in the corona in magnetic field data, solar wind data, and visually in images. We can actually see the spacecraft flying through coronal structures that can be observed during a total solar eclipse.”
Closer Than Ever Before
Parker Solar Probe launched in 2018 to explore the mysteries of the Sun by traveling closer to it than any spacecraft before. Three years after launch and decades after first conception, Parker has finally arrived.
Unlike Earth, the Sun doesn’t have a solid surface. But it does have a superheated atmosphere, made of solar material bound to the Sun by gravity and magnetic forces. As rising heat and pressure push that material away from the Sun, it reaches a point where gravity and magnetic fields are too weak to contain it.
That point, known as the Alfvén critical surface, marks the end of the solar atmosphere and beginning of the solar wind. Solar material with the energy to make it across that boundary becomes the solar wind, which drags the magnetic field of the Sun with it as it races across the solar system, to Earth and beyond. Importantly, beyond the Alfvén critical surface, the solar wind moves so fast that waves within the wind cannot ever travel fast enough to make it back to the Sun – severing their connection.
Until now, researchers were unsure exactly where the Alfvén critical surface lay. Based on remote images of the corona, estimates had put it somewhere between 10 to 20 solar radii from the surface of the Sun – 4.3 to 8.6 million miles. Parker’s spiral trajectory brings it slowly closer to the Sun and during the last few passes, the spacecraft was consistently below 20 solar radii (91 percent of Earth’s distance from the Sun), putting it in the position to cross the boundary – if the estimates were correct.
On April 28, 2021, during its eighth flyby of the Sun, Parker Solar Probe encountered the specific magnetic and particle conditions at 18.8 solar radii (around 8.1 million miles) above the solar surface that told scientists it had crossed the Alfvén critical surface for the first time and finally entered the solar atmosphere.
“We were fully expecting that, sooner or later, we would encounter the corona for at least a short duration of time,” said Justin Kasper, lead author on a new paper about the milestone published in Physical Review Letters, and deputy chief technology officer at BWX Technologies, Inc. and University of Michigan professor. “But it is very exciting that we’ve already reached it.”
For the first time in history, a spacecraft has touched the Sun. NASA’s Parker Solar Probe has now flown through the Sun’s upper atmosphere – the corona – and sampled particles and magnetic fields there. Credits: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Joy Ng
Into the Eye of the Storm
During the flyby, Parker Solar Probe passed into and out of the corona several times. This is proved what some had predicted – that the Alfvén critical surface isn’t shaped like a smooth ball. Rather, it has spikes and valleys that wrinkle the surface. Discovering where these protrusions line up with solar activity coming from the surface can help scientists learn how events on the Sun affect the atmosphere and solar wind.
As Parker Solar Probe passed through the corona on encounter nine, the spacecraft flew by structures called coronal streamers. These structures can be seen as bright features moving upward in the upper images and angled downward in the lower row. Such a view is only possible because the spacecraft flew above and below the streamers inside the corona. Until now, streamers have only been seen from afar. They are visible from Earth during total solar eclipses.
Credits: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL/Naval Research Laboratory
At one point, as Parker Solar Probe dipped to just beneath 15 solar radii (around 6.5 million miles) from the Sun’s surface, it transited a feature in the corona called a pseudostreamer. Pseudostreamers are massive structures that rise above the Sun’s surface and can be seen from Earth during solar eclipses.
Passing through the pseudostreamer was like flying into the eye of a storm. Inside the pseudostreamer, the conditions quieted, particles slowed, and number of switchbacks dropped – a dramatic change from the busy barrage of particles the spacecraft usually encounters in the solar wind.
For the first time, the spacecraft found itself in a region where the magnetic fields were strong enough to dominate the movement of particles there. These conditions were the definitive proof the spacecraft had passed the Alfvén critical surface and entered the solar atmosphere where magnetic fields shape the movement of everything in the region.
The first passage through the corona, which lasted only a few hours, is one of many planned for the mission. Parker will continue to spiral closer to the Sun, eventually reaching as close as 8.86 solar radii (3.83 million miles) from the surface. Upcoming flybys, the next of which is happening in January 2022, will likely bring Parker Solar Probe through the corona again.
“I’m excited to see what Parker finds as it repeatedly passes through the corona in the years to come,” said Nicola Fox, division director for the Heliophysics Division at NASA Headquarters. “The opportunity for new discoveries is boundless.”
The size of the corona is also driven by solar activity. As the Sun’s 11-year activity cycle – the solar cycle – ramps up, the outer edge of the corona will expand, giving Parker Solar Probe a greater chance of being inside the corona for longer periods of time.
“It is a really important region to get into because we think all sorts of physics potentially turn on,” Kasper said. “And now we're getting into that region and hopefully going to start seeing some of these physics and behaviors.”
Narrowing Down Switchback Origins
Even before the first trips through the corona, some surprising physics was already surfacing. On recent solar encounters, Parker Solar Probe collected data pinpointing the origin of zig-zag-shaped structures in the solar wind, called switchbacks. The data showed one spot that switchbacks originate is at the visible surface of the Sun – the photosphere.
By the time it reaches Earth, 93 million miles away, the solar wind is an unrelenting headwind of particles and magnetic fields. But as it escapes the Sun, the solar wind is structured and patchy. In the mid-1990s, the NASA-European Space Agency mission Ulysses flew over the Sun’s poles and discovered a handful of bizarre S-shaped kinks in the solar wind’s magnetic field lines, which detoured charged particles on a zig-zag path as they escaped the Sun. For decades, scientists thought these occasional switchbacks were oddities confined to the Sun’s polar regions.
In 2019, at 34 solar radii from the Sun, Parker discovered that switchbacks were not rare, but common in the solar wind. This renewed interest in the features and raised new questions: Where were they coming from? Were they forged at the surface of the Sun, or shaped by some process kinking magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere?
The new findings, in press at the Astrophysical Journal, finally confirm one origin point is near the solar surface.
The clues came as Parker orbited closer to the Sun on its sixth flyby, less than 25 solar radii out. Data showed switchbacks occur in patches and have a higher percentage of helium – known to come from the photosphere – than other elements. The switchbacks’ origins were further narrowed when the scientists found the patches aligned with magnetic funnels that emerge from the photosphere between convection cell structures called supergranules.
In addition to being the birthplace of switchbacks, the scientists think the magnetic funnels might be where one component of the solar wind originates. The solar wind comes in two different varieties – fast and slow – and the funnels could be where some particles in the fast solar wind come from.
“The structure of the regions with switchbacks matches up with a small magnetic funnel structure at the base of the corona,” said Stuart Bale, professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and lead author on the new switchbacks paper. “This is what we expect from some theories, and this pinpoints a source for the solar wind itself.”
Understanding where and how the components of the fast solar wind emerge, and if they’re linked to switchbacks, could help scientists answer a longstanding solar mystery: how the corona is heated to millions of degrees, far hotter than the solar surface below.
While the new findings locate where switchbacks are made, the scientists can’t yet confirm how they’re formed. One theory suggests they might be created by waves of plasma that roll through the region like ocean surf. Another contends they’re made by an explosive process known as magnetic reconnection, which is thought to occur at the boundaries where the magnetic funnels come together.
“My instinct is, as we go deeper into the mission and lower and closer to the Sun, we're going to learn more about how magnetic funnels are connected to the switchbacks,” Bale said. “And hopefully resolve the question of what process makes them.”
As Parker Solar Probe ventures closer to the Sun, it’s crossing into uncharted regimes and making new discoveries. This image represents Parker Solar Probe's distances from the Sun for some of these milestones and discoveries.
Credits: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Mary P. Hrybyk-Keith
Now that researchers know what to look for, Parker’s closer passes may reveal even more clues about switchbacks and other solar phenomena. The data to come will allow scientists a glimpse into a region that’s critical for superheating the corona and pushing the solar wind to supersonic speeds. Such measurements from the corona will be critical for understanding and forecasting extreme space weather events that can disrupt telecommunications and damage satellites around Earth.
“It’s really exciting to see our advanced technologies succeed in taking Parker Solar Probe closer to the Sun than we’ve ever been, and to be able to return such amazing science,” said Joseph Smith, Parker program executive at NASA Headquarters. "We look forward to seeing what else the mission discovers as it ventures even closer in the coming years."
Parker Solar Probe is part of NASA’s Living with a Star program to explore aspects of the Sun-Earth system that directly affect life and society. The Living with a Star program is managed by the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, manages the Parker Solar Probe mission for NASA and designed, built, and operates the spacecraft.
MoD won’t investigate UFOs but admits not seeing classified US report on safety threats
MoD won’t investigate UFOs but admits not seeing classified US report on safety threats
James Hockaday
UFO investigator Nick Pope is taking his old government department to task (Picture: Channel 5/Getty Images)
The UK refuses to re-open its investigations into UFOs, despite not having had sight of a classified US intelligence report warning of dangers they pose to aeroplanes.
Ministry of Defence (MoD) officials say it’s pointless, as they’ve never observed any kind of military threat to the country from unidentifiable flying objects.
The US is taking the issue much more seriously, with the Pentagon launching a special taskforce to investigate reports of UFOs in restricted airspace.
A highly anticipated military report in June said there were still lots of unanswered questions about UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena). It warned they ‘threaten flight safety’ and may pose a challenge to US national security.
Five days later, the House of Lords had a discussion, in which Baroness Goldie, a Minister of State at the MoD, declined to re-open investigations, with the department having closed its UFO desk in 2009.
She told peers she noted the contents of the US intelligence report but said the phenomenon poses no threat and that UK air defences are adequate.
But now, can reveal the MoD never actually got a chance to see the classified version of the report. It is not clear if officials asked their US counterparts for a copy.
Nick Pope, who worked for the British Government for 21 years and ran the Ministry of Defence’s now defunct UFO desk, lifted the lid after sending a Freedom of Information Act request.
Mr Pope, 56, suspects the MoD has been put off by the ‘pop culture baggage’ of flying saucers and little green men (Picture: Getty Images)
He says the report could contain important details relevant to the UK and says it’s ‘baffling’ how quick Britain is to dismiss this topic.
Mr Pope suspects the MoD is put off by the ‘pop culture baggage’ of flying saucers and little green men, when the scope of UFOs is far wider and could include military-grade drones.
The former civil servant told ‘The report concludes by saying there is a flight safety issue here and a possible national security challenge.
‘So you would think that the Ministry of Defence would say “Gosh, we’d better see the classified version”, but no.
‘One would expect, for example, that there would be more technical data in the classified version and details about how they’ve reached these conclusions.
‘But anyone in the Ministry of Defence who was looking at this properly, their first ports of call should be to say, “Well, let’s see the full classified version and then maybe we can bring our own expertise to the table”.
‘At the very least, this sounds like amateur hour with the MoD looking at unclassified material on the Internet where they know there’s a classified version.
‘Why wouldn’t they want the fullest data available to make a better decision about whether they should or shouldn’t re-engage on this subject?’
Mr Pope, who has been living in Tucson, Arizona for the past 10 years, accused the MoD of a ‘lazy philosophy’ of not investigating because UFOs are yet to present any ‘overt hostility’.
He added: In military terms, threat is not defined that way. it is defined as capability times intent.
‘The capability, judging by what the US is dealing with, looks pretty impressive. The intent is unknown, therefore, one can’t solve the threat equation.
‘There’s the the old adages that it’s better to assume there’s a threat and be relieved. If it doesn’t materialise, and you assume everything’s fine, you could get caught out if one does suddenly emerge.’
The US report, compiled by the Navy’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, could not explain 143 UFO incidents and said 18 of them appeared ‘to demonstrate advanced technology’.
Mr Pope added: ‘I don’t know what the US is dealing with. It could be Russia, it could be China, it could be something else.
‘But the government, the military and Congress have have clearly said the time has come to take this seriously and find out the answer to that question.’
He said footage declassified by the Pentagon showing US pilots chasing UFOs was a ‘big wake up call for people’.
Nick Pope has said the British military should be working far more closely with the US on this issue
(Picture: File images)
Images leaked from the Pentagon investigation of UFOs, which ended with a highly anticipated report in June (Picture: Jeremy Corbell)
Mr Pope added: ‘This isn’t just some silly season topic. Their pilots are seeing these things, and their radar operators are tracking them. Their infrared camera systems are filming them, and I’m I’m pretty darn sure the same is going on in the UK.’
UFO provisions have been put into the National Defense Authorization Act, which which the Congress passed just a few days ago.
Mr Pope added: ‘They don’t seem they don’t have a problem with it. People like Senator Marco Rubio, they have put their reputations on the line, but nobody’s laughing at it.
‘Evidently, we need to find out if it’s in our airspace, and if we’re tracking it and seeing it, of course, we need to find out what it is.
‘Normally the special relationship would kick in and the UK and the US would be seamless on this.
The US report said it could not explain 143 UFO incidents and said 18 of them appeared ‘to demonstrate advanced technology’
(Picture: Jeremy Corbell)
The scope of what a UFO is goes far beyond extraterrestrial life, and could include high capability drones (Picture: @jeremycorbell/Instagram)
‘We could take a look, because the UK has got all sorts of resources and capabilities that it could bring to the table on this, in specialist areas like imagery analysis. Maybe we could try things that the US hasn’t thought of.’
Mr Pope said UFOs spotted in restricted training areas and off-shore facilities suggest the matter could be more serious than a hobbyist flying a drone.
He added: ‘The commercial drones wouldn’t cut it, which, which poses the question – Are we dealing with something at the higher end of the spectrum?’
‘If the world’s preeminent superpower is concerned about this, we should be, too. The US has got plenty of other things to be getting on with too. If there, if they’re doing this, they’re doing it for a reason. It’s not just on a whim.
Mr Pope, 56, who now works as a journalist and broadcaster, says criticising his former employer gives him no satisfaction at all.
He added: ‘I speak out on this issue because I think it’s important, and because it concerns me when I see a potential national security issue not being properly addressed.’
The MoD says it continues to have ‘no opinion’ on the existence, or otherwise, of extra-terrestrial life and does not investigate reported unidentified flying object sightings.
A spokesperson for the department told ‘Since 2009 the MOD no longer responds to reported UFO sightings, or investigates them as in over 50 years, no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom.’
Singapore-based Kelley Aerospace has officially launched the world's first supersonic unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV).
Called 'Arrow,' the drone is designed with a single-shell made of lightweight carbon fiber that allows it to reads speeds up to Mach 2.1 – exceeding the speed of sound.
The UCAV is fitted with a reduced radar cross-section and infra-red signature, and is designed for multiple combat or reconnaissance roles.
The firm says it has already received more than 100 pre-orders for the war machine, which costs between $9 million to $16 million.
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Singapore-based Kelley Aerospace has officially launched the world's first supersonic unmanned combat aerial vehicle
'The Arrow is designed to complement manned aircraft and be a force multiplier in the aerial battlefield,' Kelley Aerospace shared on its website.
A manned combat aircraft would control 'multiple' Arrow UAVs, tasking 'each with a different missions.'
This would allow military officials to add a variety of weapons depending on the mission.
Kelley also says that Arrow can launch autonomously or be remotely controlled by two ground station controllers.
Called 'Arrow,' the drone is designed with a single-shell made of lightweight carbon fiber that allows it to reads speeds up to Mach 2.1 – exceeding the speed of sound
The firm says it has already received more than 100 pre-orders for the war machine, which costs between $9 million to $16 million
Arrows maximum weight is 37,038 pounds, but its monocoque design 'endows the Arrow with outstanding strength and stiffness,' the firms shared in a statement.
However, what makes this machine so special is that it is the first to travel faster than the speed of sound, which is Mach 1 – but Arrow can reach Mach 2.1.
It is estimated that it will not cost more than $16 million with prices going as low as $9 million.
Kelley notes that this 'allows more airframes to be purchased and yet, have a multi-role supersonic UCAV to perform high-risk missions as it does not necessarily need to return home.'
The firm conducted the first scale prototype test flights in 2014, Flight Global reports.
Kelley Aerospace plans to be a big player in the supersonic area, and its Arrow UCAV may be the push it needs to take over the space.
A manned combat aircraft would control 'multiple' Arrow UAVs, tasking 'each with a different missions.' This would allow military officials to add a variety of weapons depending on the mission
At a launch event in Singapore in December 2020, the company disclosed it was also developing a supersonic business jet.
And two prototypes are reporting undergoing testing in the USA and Sweden.
Kelley Aerospace chief executive Ian Lim says: 'UAVs are known for their persistence…loitering, [but] are never known for their speed. So with the Arrow supersonic UAV, you will overcome the issues of speed and reach.'
Other fighter jets do have the ability to reach supersonic speeds, but most are only capable of doing so for short bursts.
Last year, the Pentagon announced plans to commission a prototype for prototype of a new supersonic Air Force One that could one day ferry the president around the world at nearly twice the speed and half the time currently required to travel
And new F-35 fighter jets is one of them.
The jets, which have also been bought by the US Navy and Marine Corps, are at risk of 'structural damage' when hitting their top speeds of around 1,200mph, potentially hindering their ability to intercept other planes, according to a report by the US Department of Defense.
Last year, the Pentagon announced plans to commission a prototype for prototype of a new supersonic Air Force One that could one day ferry the president around the world at nearly twice the speed and half the time currently required to travel – but the innovation is still in early developmental phases.
Former worker of Area 51 Talks about the Extraterrestrials, Stargate and the Cube of Orion
Former worker of Area 51 Talks about the Extraterrestrials, Stargate and the Cube of Orion
Dan Burisch, born in California in 1964, studied microbiology and psychology at the University of Las Vegas, Nevada. He graduated in 1986 and did a Ph.D. in microbiology in 1989 in the state of New York.
Summer is back! Thankfully, the United States is slowly reopening. At this time last year, most of us were hunkered down in our homes hoping that vaccines would arrive to save us from the COVID-19 pandemic. They did, and in record time. It’s possible—at least for now—to again eat at a restaurant, visit the movie theater, and go to the ballpark. But even though we have more choices for what to do this summer than last, the heat and humidity of the season guarantee that most of us will still be spending plenty of time indoors. So we decided to revive the series of summer film recommendations we started last year. We’ll post a new list every Friday until Labor Day.
The same rules from last summer’s series apply: First, we are limiting our choices to English-language films. Yes, many great foreign-policy movies have been made in languages other than English. But we won’t pretend to know what the best movies are in Italian, Japanese, or Spanish. Second, we will only pick a movie for these summer lists once. So you won’t see 2016’s Arrival today because we recommended it last year. Third, each movie must be available to stream or rent online.
Why start with films about UFOs and aliens? Two reasons. First, filmmakers often use stories about UFOs and aliens as metaphors for personal and political relationships, showing how fear of the “other” can tear the world apart or bring it together. Second, UFOs—or if you prefer, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)—are in the news. Late last month, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a nine-page report revealing that, indeed, many flying objects can’t be explained. The report, however, didn’t take a stand on whether aliens exist. Regardless, most Americans look to have made up their minds on the matter. A recent Pew Research poll found that 51 percent of them believe that the military’s UFO/UAP sightings are likely evidence of extraterrestrial life.
We don’t have a position on whether humanity has been visited by other residents of the universe. We do have five great movies to recommend about how UFOs and alien visitors could reshape the world as we know it. We are also throwing in a bonus pick from a colleague.
An alien named Klaatu (Michael Rennie) lands behind the White House. He is carrying a message from an interplanetary organization: Humans cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons, and Earth must submit to the organization’s supervision or “face obliteration.” When the U.S. government rejects Klaatu’s demand to address world leaders, he escapes into Washington to learn about humans. Based on Harry Bates’s 1940 short story, “Farewell to the Master,” and directed by Robert Wise, The Day the Earth Stood Still depicts benevolent aliens and heroic scientists, unlike 1951’s other popular sci-fi horror flicks, The Man from Planet X and The Thing from Another World. Producer Julian Blaustein said the movie advocated for a “stronger United Nations” as the nuclear arms race heated up. The Day the Earth Stood Still was awarded the now-retired Golden Globe for “promoting international understanding.” The American Film Institute ranked it the fifth best sci-fi movie of all time. You can watch it on Apple TV, Google Play, or YouTube.
A UFO crashes in a small California town. It’s not, however, carrying friendly aliens. Rather, it is part of the first wave of a Martian invasion. World capitals are quickly overwhelmed, and defeat seems imminent. Taking the premise of H.G. Wells’s superb 1898 novel, director Byron Haskin follows a scientist and suburbanite, played by Gene Barry and Ann Robinson, as they frantically search for the Martians’ weakness. The movie’s implicit theme is the Cold War fear of the “other” and of global conflict. At least moviegoers in 1953 knew that TheWar of the Worlds was fiction: When Orson Welles adapted Wells’s novel for radio in 1938, many listeners believed it was a real broadcast announcing a Martian invasion. The film’s “soul-chilling” special effects won an Oscar, and the American Film Institute ranked the Martians the twenty-seventh greatest movie villain of all time. You can watch The War of the Worlds on Amazon Prime, HBO Max, or YouTube.
The life of Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) is upended when UFOs fly over him in Muncie, Indiana. They leave him with a story no one believes and an inexplicable mental image of a mountain. Meanwhile, the U.S. military and researchers across the globe investigate a sudden surge in UFO sightings and mysterious incidents. Director Steven Spielberg said the U.S. Air Force and NASA refused to cooperate in the filming of Close Encounters—perhaps worrying the movie would spark public paranoia around UFOs as Jawsdid with sharks. However, President Jimmy Carter, and a lot of movie-loving Americans, were big fans. The American Film Institute ranked Close Encounters of the Third Kind the thirty-first most thrilling movie of all time. It won two Oscars, one for cinematography and the other for sound effects, while being nominated for seven others. You can find it on Amazon Prime, Google Play, or YouTube.
When summer blockbusters are being ranked, Independence Day almost always makes the list. The Earth comes under devastating attack from alien invaders. Professional armies and air forces are swept aside. A motley crew emerges as heroes as the United States rallies the world for a counterattack on that begins on, you guessed it, the Fourth of July. With explosions, rousing presidential speeches, and an all-star cast featuring Will Smith, Bill Pullman, and Jeff Goldblum, Independence Day carried an optimistic message of global unity under the banner of U.S. leadership. It’s perhaps no surprise that the movie was filmed in an era of unquestioned U.S. unipolar power—perhaps making its message sound heartbreakingly naïve a quarter century later in an age of great power competition. (Independence Day also introduced the Hollywood tradition of massive movie advertising campaigns.) Directed by Roland Emmerich, Independence Day won the Oscar for best visual effects and was nominated for best sound. You can watch it on Amazon Prime, HBO Max, or YouTube.
A spaceship arrives above Johannesburg in 1982. It’s not filled with either benevolent messengers or hostile invaders. Instead, it is full of malnourished aliens. Under international pressure, South Africa confines the aliens to a slum called District 9. Twenty years later, during a forced relocation of the aliens outside the city, extraterrestrial tinkerer Christopher Johnson (Jason Cope) is planning his escape from Earth when Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley), a human, comes into contact with alien fuel in his lab and begins mutating. Director Neill Blomkamp highlights the brutality and inequality of the aliens’ lives in a clear comparison to apartheid, with particular similarities to the forced relocation of Black residents from Cape Town’s District 6 in 1966. District 9 remains relevant today in the conditions faced by refugees in dangerouslycrowded camps and international tensions over rising global migration. You can stream it on Amazon Prime, Starz, or YouTube.
If you want to brush up on the history of UFO sightings, The Phenomenon is for you. The documentaryexamines reports from the 1940s until now. Director and longtime “UFOlogist” James Foxuses archival footage and interviews from eyewitnesses and officials to make the case that the government knows more than it has told us. Terry said: “Though it takes some leaps from the existence of a government program on unidentified aerial phenomenon to the existence of extraterrestrial encounters, The Phenomenon includes intriguing new testimony from Navy pilots and former high-ranking government officials—including former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon.” You can watch The Phenomenon on Amazon Prime, Google Play, or YouTube.
Alien Base On Planet Mercury, Dec 26, 2021, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Alien Base On Planet Mercury, Dec 26, 2021, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery:
Location of discovery: Mercury
Source: Keeping secret for while
Was using a old NASA index so old that even I have never heard of it. Been exploring different parts of it, learning about things I go. Posting a few things I thought you may be interested in. Here I found an alien city or base in the center of a huge crater. The map ruler says this structure is 15km across. Thats big enough to house 100,000+ people easy. I guess I should be surprised, but...I've been doing this for decades and after the first decade, very little surprises me anymore.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
Scientists have suggested there are places on Mercury that are dark enough, and thus cold enough, to sustain water ice.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Remote Viewing confirms Ashtar Command base hidden in Jupiter’s clouds
Remote Viewing confirms Ashtar Command base hidden in Jupiter’s clouds
On December 17, the Farsight Institute released the results of multiple remote viewing sessions investigating the alleged existence of an “Ashtar Command” and whether it had a floating base hidden in the clouds of Jupiter.
The results of the remote viewing sessions, conducted using blind scientific protocols, support the claims of several recent ‘contactees’ that the Ashtar Command existed, and that its Jupiter facility was used as a meeting place for secret agreements reached between 14 spacefaring nations and several extraterrestrial organizations in July 2021.
After searching for the best examples of face to face interactions with aliens I came up with these 3 cases. Stay open minded, the cases haven’t been debunked and the credibility of the people involved remain intact.
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Het embryo onthult de verrassende wijze waarop piepkleine dinosaurussen in hun ei opgevouwen zaten.
In de afgelopen eeuw zijn behoorlijk wat gefossiliseerde dinosauruseieren teruggevonden. Maar slechts zelden herbergden die eieren tevens een goed bewaard gebleven dinosaurusembryo. Geen wonder dat wetenschappers bijzonder in hun nopjes zijn met een dinosaurusei dat enkele jaren geleden in het zuiden van China is teruggevonden en nu uitgebreid is geanalyseerd. Het ei blijkt namelijk een bijna perfect bewaard gebleven dinosaurusembryo te herbergen.
Baby Yingliang Het ei – dat zo’n 72 tot 66 miljoen jaar oud is – werd al in 2000 in de Chinese provincie Jiangxi teruggevonden. Even dreigde het in de vergetelheid te raken, tot museummedewerkers het ei tijdens het samenstellen van een nieuwe museumcollectie weer tegenkwamen. Het ei trok de aandacht, omdat het reeds dwars doormidden was gebroken en de museummedewerkers enkele botjes in het ei dachten te ontwaren. Nader onderzoek en preparatie van het fossiel onthulde vervolgens dat het een goed bewaard gebleven dinosaurusembryo herbergde, dat onderzoekers inmiddels ‘Baby Yingliang’ hebben gedoopt.
Oviraptorosaurus Afgaand op de diepe, tandenloze schedel van het embryo denken onderzoekers dat het ei een jonge Oviraptorosaurus herbergt. Dit waren gevederde, tweebenige dino’s die nauwverwant zijn aan moderne vogels en miljoenen jaren geleden in Azië en Noord-Amerika leefden.
De vondst zorgt voor enige opwinding, omdat het embryo bijna perfect bewaard is gebleven en dus meer inzicht kan geven in hoe kleine dinosaurussen in hun ei zaten opgevouwen. “We zijn heel opgewonden over de ontdekking van ‘Baby Yingliang’ – het embryo is uitstekend bewaard gebleven en kan ons helpen om een groot aantal vragen over de groei en voortplanting van dinosaurussen te beantwoorden,” aldus onderzoeker Fion Waisum Ma.
Hier zie je het gefossiliseerde dinosaurusembryo in het ei.
Afbeelding: Xing et al. / iScience.
In de vogel-houding Zo zit het embryo – en dat is heel verrassend – ongeveer op dezelfde wijze in het ei gevouwen als moderne vogels. “We waren verrast toen we dit mooi bewaard gebleven embryo, liggend in een vogel-achtige houding, in een dinosaurusei aantroffen,” erkent Waisum Ma. “Deze houding hebben we nog niet eerder gezien bij niet-vliegende dinosaurussen.”
Een reconstructie van de dinosaurus in het ei. Het ei is 17 centimeter lang. Het embryo is naar schatting 27 centimeter lang.
Afbeelding: Lida Xing.
De dinosaurus ligt als het ware dubbelgeklapt in het ei, waarbij de kop net onder de buik uitkomt. De pootjes liggen aan weerszijden van het lijf. Het is grofweg vergelijkbaar met de houding die vogels kort voor ze uit het ei kruipen, aannemen. Dat ook dinosaurussen met die houding bekend waren, suggereert voorzichtig dat deze al onder niet-vliegende dinosaurussen geëvolueerd is. “Het is interessant om te zien dat dit dinosaurusembryo en een kipembryo op vergelijkbare wijze in hun ei liggen,” vindt Waisum Ma. “Dit dinosaurusembryo in het ei is één van de mooiste fossielen die ik ooit heb gezien,” aldus onderzoeker Steve Brusatte. “Dit kleine prenatale dinosaurusje ziet er net zo uit als een babyvogel die opgekruld in zijn ei zit en dat is nog meer bewijs dat veel kenmerken die we vandaag de dag bij vogels zien, geëvolueerd zijn onder hun dinosaurus-voorouders.”
De wetenschappers zijn voornemens om nog meer gefossiliseerde dinosaurusembryo’s onder de loep te nemen en zo met meer zekerheid vast te stellen dat de houding van vogelembryo’s zijn oorsprong vindt onder dinosaurussen. Daarnaast mag ook Baby Yingliang zich in de toekomst in de aandacht van wetenschappers verheugen; wetenschappers willen dit zeldzame embryo graag nader verkennen. Daarbij zal gebruik worden gemaakt van verschillende beeldtechnieken om bijvoorbeeld de nog niet blootgelegde botjes in de schedel nader te onderzoeken.
Tien feiten over de James Webb ruimtetelescoop, het nieuwe paradepaardje van de astronomie
Tien feiten over de James Webb ruimtetelescoop, het nieuwe paradepaardje van de astronomie
Op 24 december wordt de James Webb Space Telescope gelanceerd. Sterrenkundigen kijken reikhalzend uit naar de resultaten van deze nieuwe ruimtetelescoop. Wat maakt de nieuwe ruimtetelescoop zo bijzonder?
1. Wat is de James Webb Space Telescope?
De James Webb Space Telescope – vaak kortweg Webb of JWST genoemd – is de grootste ruimtetelescoop die ooit is gebouwd. De uitklapbare hoofdspiegel, die het zwakke licht van verre sterren en sterrenstelsels opvangt en bundelt, heeft een diameter van 6,5 meter. Zelfs voor een telescoop op het aardoppervlak is dat behoorlijk groot. Om de gevoelige camera’s en meetinstrumenten tegen de felle zonnestraling te beschermen, is de telescoop uitgerust met een gigantisch zonnescherm dat in de ruimte moet worden uitgevouwen.
De James Webb Space Telescope is een gezamenlijk project van de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA, de Europese ESA en het Canadese ruimtevaartagentschap CSA. De lancering vindt plaats met een Europese Ariane 5-ECA-raket, vanaf de lanceerbasis in Kourou, Frans-Guyana. De telescoop kan straks gebruikt worden door astronomen van over de hele wereld. Een speciale commissie selecteert uit alle binnengekomen waarnemingsvoorstellen de beste kandidaten.
2. Hoe verhoudt JWST zich tot de Hubble-ruimtetelescoop?
De Hubble Space Telescope, die in april 1990 werd gelanceerd en nog steeds functioneert, is een van de meest succesvolle instrumenten uit de geschiedenis van de sterrenkunde. Hubble heeft op elk deelgebied van de astronomie revolutionaire resultaten geboekt. ‘Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat JWST net zo revolutionair zal zijn als Hubble’, aldus de Britse kosmoloog Richard Ellis (University College London).
Webb is veel gevoeliger dan Hubble: zijn hoofdspiegel is ruim zes keer zo groot, waardoor veel zwakkere objecten zichtbaar zullen zijn. Dat betekent dat sterrenkundigen nog verder het heelal in kunnen kijken, en bovendien kleinere details kunnen onderscheiden.
Een groot verschil is wel dat de camera’s en spectrografen van JWST ontworpen zijn voor waarnemingen op infrarode golflengtes (infrarode straling is ‘warmtestraling’ die niet zichtbaar is voor het menselijk oog). Hubble deed voornamelijk waarnemingen in zichtbaar licht. Een nog belangrijker verschil is dat er geen onderhoud gepleegd kan worden aan de James Webb Space Telescope. Dat gebeurde bij Hubble wel een aantal keren – het laatst in 2009. Daardoor kon hij uitgerust worden met nieuwe camera’s, zonnepanelen, gyroscopen en boordcomputers.
3. Hoe lang is er aan JWST gewerkt?
De eerste ideeën voor een opvolger van de Hubble-telescoop dateren uit 1996. Het doel was toen om een ruimtetelescoop te bouwen met een spiegeldiameter van 8 meter. Die zou ‘slechts’ 500 miljoen dollar kosten, en in 2007 gelanceerd worden. Al snel bleek dat dat wel héél optimistisch was, zowel qua planning als qua budget.
In 2005 koos NASA voor een sterk aangepast ontwerp; de totale projectkosten waren toen al opgelopen tot een paar miljard dollar. Door tal van technische tegenslagen en vertragingen werd de bouw van de telescoop, onder leiding van ruimtevaartbedrijf Northrop-Grumman, pas in 2016 voltooid. Pas daarna kon het uitgebreide testprogramma van start gaan. Ook daarbij kwamen nieuwe problemen om de hoek kijken, waarna de covid 19-pandemie begin 2020 nog eens voor vertraging zorgde. De lancering staat nu gepland voor 18 december; de huidige kosten bedragen een kleine 10 miljard dollar. NASA-astronoom en Nobelprijswinnaar John Mather, de wetenschappelijke projectleider van JWST, is echter nooit bezorgd geweest dat het project zou worden gecanceld. ‘Er bestaat gewoon geen andere manier om te zien wat JWST straks gaat waarnemen’, zegt hij.
4. Wat gaat JWST ons leren over het heelal?
De nieuwe ruimtetelescoop heeft vier belangrijke wetenschappelijke doelstellingen, die met opzet heel breed zijn geformuleerd. Om te beginnen gaat Webb jacht maken op de ‘kosmische dageraad’: het licht van de allereerste sterren en sterrenstelsels die relatief kort na de geboorte van het heelal zijn ontstaan. ‘Dat ‘eerste licht’ werd vermoedelijk zo’n 250 tot 350 miljoen jaar na de oerknal uitgezonden’, aldus Ellis.
Een tweede doel is de evolutie van sterrenstelsels bestuderen: hoe zijn de eerste kleine, onregelmatige verzamelingen van sterren in de loop van de tijd uitgegroeid tot de grote, statige stelsels zoals onze eigen Melkweg? Daarnaast bestudeert de James Webb-telescoop het ontstaan van sterren en planetenstelsels in ons eigen Melkwegstelsel. Volgens astrochemicus Ewine van Dishoeck (Leidse Sterrewacht) kan de ruimtetelescoop de samenstelling achterhalen van het materiaal – gas, ijs en silicaten – waaruit planeten zijn samengeklonterd. Dat levert ook meer informatie op over de ontstaansgeschiedenis van de aarde.
Tot slot zal JWST in staat zijn om bestaande planeten bij andere sterren (zogeheten exoplaneten) in detail te bestuderen en te karakteriseren. Onderzoek aan de samenstelling van de atmosferen van exoplaneten biedt hopelijk ook nieuw inzicht in het ontstaan van leven in het heelal.
5. Hoe ziet het instrumentarium van JWST eruit?
De James Webb Space Telescope is uitgerust met vier wetenschappelijke instrumenten. NIRCam (Near-InfraRed Camera), gebouwd onder leiding van de University of Arizona, maakt foto’s in het golflengtegebied van 600 nanometer (oranje licht) tot 5 micrometer (nabij infrarood). Het is de belangrijkste camera van JWST, die vermoedelijk de mooiste plaatjes gaat opleveren.
NIRSpec (Near-InfraRed Spectrograph) verricht spectroscopische metingen in hetzelfde golflengtegebied. Door de ‘samenstelling’ van het opgevangen licht in detail op te meten, komen sterrenkundigen veel te weten over allerlei natuurkundige processen in sterrenstelsels en stervormingsgebieden, en over de aanwezigheid van molecules in de interstellaire ruimte en in verre planeetatmosferen. NIRSPec is een van de Europese bijdragen aan JWST.
MIRI (Mid-InfraRed Instrument) is een Amerikaans/Europese combinatie van een camera en een spectrometer voor langere infraroodgolflengtes, van 5 tot 27 micrometer, met een belangrijke bijdrage uit Nederland. ‘Wij hebben het Nederlandse deel van MIRI al in 2008 afgeleverd’, zegt Van Dishoeck. ‘Alle tests sindsdien, inclusief dit jaar, laten zien dat MIRI nog steeds goed functioneert.’
Het vierde en laatste instrument is FGS/NIRISS (Fine Guidance Sensor and Near InfraRed Imager and Slitless Spectrograph) – de bijdrage uit Canada. Het gaat om een combinatie van een standregel- en stabilisatiesysteem en een nabij-infrarode camera/spectrograaf.
6. Waarom kijkt JWST vooral in het infrarood?
Sterren en planeten ontstaan in kosmische wolken van gas en stof. De stofdeeltjes (in afmetingen eerder vergelijkbaar met rookdeeltjes) absorberen zichtbaar licht. Met een ‘gewone’ telescoop is het inwendige van de wolken dus niet goed te bestuderen. Op infrarode golflengtes lukt dat wel. Bovendien is de spectroscopische ‘vingerafdruk’ van verreweg de meeste molecules in het heelal ook alleen zichtbaar op die golflengtes. ‘MIRI kan een volledige inventarisatie maken van molecules’, aldus Van Dishoeck. Dat lukt ook alleen maar vanuit de ruimte: de aardse dampkring absorbeert de meeste infrarode straling uit het heelal, waardoor veel molecules, zoals bijvoorbeeld kooldioxide (CO2), helemaal niet zichtbaar zijn met een infraroodinstrument op een aardse telescoop.
Ook voor het bestuderen van het pasgeboren heelal moet je waarnemingen verrichten op infrarode golflengtes. De straling van de allereerste sterren en sterrenstelsels, voornamelijk uitgezonden op ultraviolette golflengtes en in de vorm van zichtbaar licht, heeft miljarden jaren door het uitdijende heelal gereisd, en komt daardoor met een veel langere golflengte op aarde aan – een effect dat ‘roodverschuiving’ wordt genoemd. ‘Door in het infrarood te kijken, kan JWST ons het laatste ontbrekende puzzelstukje van de kosmische evolutie opleveren’, zegt Ellis.
7. Welke baan in de ruimte gaat JWST beschrijven?
De Hubble Space Telescope draait op circa 500 kilometer hoogte in een baan om de aarde. De James Webb Space Telescope wordt echter in een baan om de zon gebracht, waarbij de ruimtetelescoop zich – gezien vanaf de zon – gemiddeld altijd zo’n 1,5 miljoen kilometer achter de aarde bevindt, in het tweede zogeheten Lagrange-punt van de aardbaan.
Overigens hangt de ruimtetelescoop niet echt stil in dat L2-punt, zoals vaak wordt gedacht, maar beschrijft hij er een wijde, enigszins zwalkende ‘halo-baan’ omheen, met een straal van circa 800.000 kilometer en een omlooptijd van zes maanden. Het grote voordeel van zo’n halo-baan is dat de zonnepanelen van JWST continu door de zon worden beschenen, en dat de telescoop geen grote temperatuurschommelingen ondervindt.
Nadelen zijn er ook: er bestaat geen eenvoudige mogelijkheid om een onderhouds- of reparatievlucht naar de ruimtetelescoop uit te voeren, en om in de beoogde halo-baan te blijven, moet Webb regelmatig een beetje worden bijgestuurd, wat brandstof kost.
8. Wat is het spannendste deel van de missie van JWST?
Wetenschappelijk projectleider John Mather hoeft er niet lang over na te denken: ‘De lancering, het uitvouwen van het zonnescherm en het uitklappen van de hoofdspiegel zijn de meest kritische fases. Als dat niet lukt, werkt de rest ook niet.’
Het zonnescherm meet in uitgevouwen toestand 20 bij 14 meter. Het bestaat uit vijf extreem dunne laagjes kunststof, voorzien van coatings van aluminium en silicium. Het scherm moet ervoor zorgen dat de ruimtetelescoop nooit warmer wordt dan 223 graden onder nul – slechts 50 graden boven het absolute nulpunt. Dat is nodig omdat de waarnemingen anders verstoord worden door de eigen warmtestraling van het instrument. De 6,5 meter grote hoofdspiegel is samengesteld uit achttien zeshoekige segmenten, en kan ook pas in de ruimte volledig worden opengeklapt. De spiegelsegmenten bestaan uit het lichte materiaal beryllium en zijn voorzien van een reflecterende goudlaag.
Tot slot moet ook de secundaire spiegel van JWST op zijn plaats worden gebracht, op het uiteinde van een uitklapbare arm. Pas als dat allemaal gelukt is, in de dagen en weken na de lancering, kan Mather weer opgelucht ademhalen.
9. Hoe lang blijft JWST in bedrijf?
De nieuwe ruimtetelescoop is ontworpen voor (en begroot op) een operationele levensduur van minimaal vijf jaar. Als er zich geen grote tegenslagen voordoen, zal dat in 2027 ongetwijfeld met nog eens vijf jaar worden verlengd, is de algemene verwachting.
Na ongeveer tien jaar in de ruimte zal de brandstofvoorraad van de stuurraketjes van JWST echter zijn opgebruikt, dus het is uitgesloten dat Webb even lang ‘in bedrijf’ zal zijn als Hubble, die inmiddels al meer dan dertig jaar meegaat.
Tegen de tijd dat het einde van JWST nadert, zullen zowel ESA als NASA nieuwe (kleinere) ruimtetelescopen gelanceerd hebben: respectievelijk Euclid en de Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. Ondertussen liggen er ook uitgewerkte plannen op de tekentafel voor veel grotere ruimtetelescopen, zoals de Origins Space Telescope, HabEx (Habitable Exoplanet Observatory) en LUVOIR (Large UV/Optical/IR Surveyor). ‘Wat mij betreft zijn ze allemaal het bouwen waard’, zegt Mather. ‘Het is vooral een kwestie van hoe en wanneer.’
10. Naar wie is JWST eigenlijk vernoemd?
James Webb (1906-1992) was de tweede topman van de Amerikaanse NASA. Hij gaf van februari 1961 tot oktober 1968 leiding aan het ruimtevaartagentschap, en speelde een belangrijke rol bij het realiseren van het Apollo-programma. In 2002 maakte de toenmalige NASA-baas Daniel Goldin bekend dat de Next Generation Space Telescope naar Webb genoemd zou worden. Een enigszins opmerkelijk besluit, omdat ruimtetelescopen meestal saaie acroniemen als naam krijgen, of naar een wetenschapper worden vernoemd.
De laatste tijd is er veel druk op NASA uitgeoefend om de nieuwe ruimtetelescoop een andere naam te geven. Verschillende astronomen hebben erop gewezen dat Webb – voornamelijk vóórdat hij leiding gaf aan NASA – een dubieuze rol heeft gespeeld in pogingen van de Amerikaanse regering om homoseksuelen zo veel mogelijk uit te sluiten van bepaalde overheidsfuncties. In de zomer van 2021 heeft NASA een onafhankelijk onderzoek naar deze kwestie uitgevoerd, en even leek het erop dat de James Webb Space Telescope uiteindelijk onder een andere naam furore zou kunnen gaan maken in het ontraadselen van de geheimen van het heelal. Eind september werd echter duidelijk dat er toch voor is gekozen om de huidige naam te behouden.
James Webb werd gelanceerd vanop de basis in Frans-Guyana.
Hoe de James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) eruit zou moeten zien wanneer die volledig is uitgepakt.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
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