The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Two UFO Sightings with Videos from Commercial Airplanes
Two UFO Sightings with Videos from Commercial Airplanes
Even during the pandemic shutdown, no groups spend more time at high altitudes looking out windows than airline pilots and their passengers … yet UFO sightings by either group seem few and far between. Are they not seeing anything? That seems unlikely. Are they afraid of ridicule or, in the case of pilots, reprimanding? That seems more the case, especially if they have no proof or corroborating witnesses. This makes two UFO sightings this week especially significant – one is by two pilots, one is by two airline passengers and both have videos of the UFOs. Will they be believed?
“Was flying along at 39,000 feet in an airbus a320 somewhere over georgia. took out my phone to take photos of the beautiful milky way. using the new iphone 13 pro max. tried to take a video of another aircraft flying just above us opposite direction at 40,000 ft. as i was filming this aircraft fly over us, i noticed this v shaped object appear.”
An Airbus 380 with plenty of windows for UFO spotting.
That report comes from the UFO Stalker website (which appears to have reposted it from the MUFON site) and implies that the witness was in the cockpit of an Airbus A320 passenger plane flying over Georgia on 1/3/2022 when the sighting occurred. The video of the sighting can be seen here or here.
Unfortunately, there’s no indication that the crew attempted to contact the other aircraft in their view at the time to determine if they also saw the UFO. The witness merely says “both captain and i agreed we would like to remain anonymous” and “nothing was reported to faa or atc.” ATC is air traffic control and a call to it or the FAA would have required logging the sighting in the newly approved Pentagon database. Are pilots still afraid of reporting UFOs? The video is at night and poor quality, possibly due to the limitations of even the latest smartphone cameras. Other than the quick cut to the control panel, nothing else in the video can be used for perspective. One commenter suggested these are lights reflected from inside the cockpit on its window … but what pilots would make that mistake? At this point, there’s no way to positively identify these lights over Georgia.
“I was flying from Glasgow to London with my girlfriend. We left Glasgow Airport around 6am. Just before we prepared to land in Gatwick Airport I saw this strange object. I started to film it and took some pictures as well. It was far away from the plane that’s why you can’t see it very clear. It was roughly three to four miles away from our plane. It was hard to film it because you see it on video the plane was getting ready to land.”
Why don’t more passengers watch for UFOs?
Marjol Cela saw her UFO out a plane window on 1/4/2022 and managed to get a clear but far away video of it. She gave the video to Glasgow Live and claims her fellow passenger also saw and recorded it. Cela somehow determined the UFO was four miles away and not a plane but “a flying object in disguise” that was not moving but “hovering.” Watch the video here.
Do you think it’s hovering? At first (and second and third) glance, it looks like another plane (sorry Marjol), a rocket launch or a meteor. Glasgow Live did not appear to investigate the UFO event any further, so there’s no positive identification yet. However, kudos go to Marjol Cela for quickly getting a decent video and reporting it to the media using her real name. It’s only with reports like these and follow-up investigations by the media or the government that UFOs will be identified.
That is, if the government really wants them to be identified.
In the meantime, keep looking out the windows and up at the sky … and keep your phone charged and ready.
NASA's James Webb Telescope successfully deploys its 70-foot sunshield that will protect the $10 billion device's scientific instruments at temperatures under -380F
NASA's James Webb Telescope successfully deploys its 70-foot sunshield that will protect the $10 billion device's scientific instruments at temperatures under -380F
James Webb Space Telescope has fully deployed its massive 70-foot sunshield
The five-layered sunshield will protect the telescope from the light and heat of the sun, Earth and moon
It is designed with five plastic sheets about as thin as a human hair and coated with reflective metal
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has fully deployed its massive 70-foot sunshield while it hurls through space on a journey to what is known as the Earth-sun Lagrange Point 2 (L2), which is nearly a million miles from Earth.
'All five layers of the sunshield are fully tensioned,' said an announcer at 11:59am ET at the observatory's control center in Baltimore, where team members cheered.
It took just one and a half days to tighten the ultra-thin layers using motor-driven cables, half the expected time.
The sunshield – about the size of a tennis court at full size – was folded to fit inside the payload area of an Arianespace Ariane 5 rocket's nose cone prior to launch, which took place on Christmas Day.
The shield is designed with small plastic sheets, each of which are about as thin as a human hair and coated with reflective metal, providing protection on the order of more than SPF 1 million.
The five-layered sunshield will protect the telescope from the light and heat of the sun, Earth and moon, but keeping its scientific instruments below -380 degrees Fahrenheit.
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NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has fully deployed its massive 70-foot sunshield while it hurls through space on a journey to what is known as the Earth-sun Lagrange Point 2 (L2), which is nearly a million miles from Earth
Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate at the agency's headquarters in Washington, said in a statement: 'This is the first time anyone has ever attempted to put a telescope this large into space.
'Webb required not only careful assembly but also careful deployments. The success of its most challenging deployment – the sunshield – is an incredible testament to the human ingenuity and engineering skill that will enable Webb to accomplish its science goal.'
The tightening of the sunshield was set for January 2, but was delayed by NASA to ensure it was in 'prime condition' before it is tightened.
Webb launched on Christmas Day, following several days throughout its progress that had some fearing to would never leave Earth.
The shield is designed with small plastic sheets, each of which are about as thin as a human hair and coated with reflective metal, providing protection on the order of more than SPF 1 million
It is hoped that the observatory, a replacement for the 30-year-old Hubble telescope, will by travelling so far out be able to peer back in time 13.5 billion years – to a point within a mere 100 million years of the Big Bang
It is hoped that the observatory, a replacement for the 30-year-old Hubble telescope, will by travelling so far out be able to peer back in time 13.5 billion years – to a point within a mere 100 million years of the Big Bang.
At 7:20am ET the world's most powerful space telescope, equipped with an Ariane 5 rocket, took off from the European Spaceport facility in French Guiana in magnificent form before blasting skywards over the Atlantic Ocean.
Cheers were on pause for another nerve-wracking 27 minutes as the rocket ejected its boosters and soared to an altitude of 870 miles before finally detaching the telescope to begin its own journey.
The sunshield – about the size of a tennis court at full size – was folded to fit inside the payload area of an Arianespace Ariane 5 rocket's (pictured) nose cone prior to launch, which took place on Christmas Day
Tuesday's milestone was no simple feat it involved 139 of Webb's 178 release mechanisms, 70 hinge assemblies, eight deployment motors, roughly 400 pulleys, and 90 individual cables totaling roughly one quarter of a mile in length to pull off the unraveling of the shield
With its liftoff, a spokesperson for NASA said, 'Webb will usher in a new era of astronomy'.
And four days later, Webb began the unfolding its massive sunshield.
Now it is about halfway to the L2, an area of balanced gravity between the sun and the Earth, where it will spend more than a decade exploring the universe in infrared.
Tuesday's milestone was no simple feat it involved 139 of Webb's 178 release mechanisms, 70 hinge assemblies, eight deployment motors, roughly 400 pulleys, and 90 individual cables totaling roughly one quarter of a mile in length to pull off the unraveling of the shield.
Hillary Stock, a sunshield deployment specialist for Northrop Grumman, told reporters on a call: 'It was a wonderful moment. There was a lot of joy, a lot of relief.'
Jim Flynn, sunshield manager at Northrop Grumman, NASA's primary contractor for Webb, said in a statement: 'The sunshield is remarkable as it will protect the telescope on this historic mission.
'This milestone represents the pioneering spirit of thousands of engineers, scientists, and technicians who spent significant portions of their careers developing, designing, manufacturing, and testing this first-of-its-kind space technology.'
Webb still has another five months worth of setup before it is ready to explore the universe.
This includes deployment of the secondary mirror and primary mirror wings, alignment of the telescope optics, and calibration of the science instruments.
The James Webb telescope has been described as a 'time machine' that could help unravel the secrets of our universe.
The telescope will be used to look back to the first galaxies born in the early universe more than 13.5 billion years ago, and observe the sources of stars, exoplanets, and even the moons and planets of our solar system.
The vast telescope, which has already cost more than $7 billion (£5 billion), is considered a successor to the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope
The James Webb Telescope and most of its instruments have an operating temperature of roughly 40 Kelvin – about minus 387 Fahrenheit (minus 233 Celsius).
Officials say the cost may exceed the $8 billion (£5.6 billion) program cap set by Congress. The space agency has already poured $7 billion (£5 billion) into the telescope.
When it is launched in 2021, it will be the world's biggest and most powerful telescope, capable of peering back 200 million years after the Big Bang.
Moment van de waarheid geslaagd: nieuwe ruimtetelescoop klapt enorme spiegel uit
De nieuwe ruimtetelescoop James Webb heeft in de ruimte een metersgrote spiegel uitgeklapt die het licht uit het heelal moet opvangen. Het moment van de waarheid in de hele onderneming is dus geslaagd.
De James Webb is de opvolger van de beroemde ruimtetelescoop Hubble. Hij is ontwikkeld en gebouwd door de ruimtevaartorganisaties van Europa (ESA), de Verenigde Staten (NASA) en Canada (CSA).
Op eerste kerstdag werd de telescoop gelanceerd vanuit Frans-Guyana. De James Webb is ongeveer zo groot als een tennisbaan. Bij zijn vertrek was hij opgevouwen, zodat hij paste in de raket die hem naar de ruimte bracht. De kern van de ruimtetelescoop is een 6,5 meter grote spiegel, zes keer zo groot als die van de Hubble. Die spiegel vangt het licht uit de ruimte op en kaatst dat naar een tweede spiegel, die het licht bundelt en naar de meetinstrumenten aan boord stuurt.
Wetenschappers willen met de James Webb onder meer zoeken naar planeten waar misschien leven mogelijk is. Ook verre sterrenstelsels en sporen van de oerknal staan op de radar. De ruimtetelescoop kan een miljard jaar verder terug in de tijd kijken dan de Hubble.
De spiegel van de James Webb bestaat uit achttien zeshoeken die aan elkaar zitten, maar los van elkaar kunnen bewegen. De spiegel is gemaakt van beryllium, met daarbovenop een miniem laagje goud van 100 nanometer dik. Dat is duizend keer zo dun als een menselijke haar of een vel papier. Beryllium is licht, sterk en goed bestand tegen extreme kou. Goud zorgt ervoor dat de spiegel beter in staat is infrarood licht te zien.
Als de James Webb over een paar weken op zijn definitieve bestemming is, kan hij nog niet meteen aan de slag. Eerst moeten alle apparaten aan boord gekoeld worden tot 266 graden onder nul. Dat duurt ongeveer een maand. Daarna duurt het een paar maanden om te testen of alles goed werkt. In de zomer kan de James Webb de eerste metingen verrichten.
When China's lunar rover first discovered it, the rock appeared cube-shaped.
(Image credit: CNSA/Our Space)
A mysterious "moon hut" spotted by China's lunar Yutu 2 rover is actually … an adorable rabbit-shaped rock.
The rock has been nicknamed "jade rabbit" by the Yutu 2 team, which announced its rover's closer inspection of the object on Friday (Jan. 7). The nickname is apt, as the rover's name, Yutu, also translates to "jade rabbit."
The object first appeared in the field of view of Yutu 2's cameras in December, when it looked like a cube-shaped blur on the horizon. The rover is the first to explore the moon's far side, which always faces away from Earth and is more rugged and pitted by craters than the moon's near side. Because the object appeared irregularly symmetrical, with a strange flat top, researchers with the China National Space Administration outreach program Our Space joked that it might be the hut of alien pioneers, Live Science previously reported.
A closer look at a rock on the moon whose shape, seen from afar by China's Yuta-2 rover, had prompted curiosity and discussion.
(CNSA via The New York Times)
After a month-long traverse of the distance from the original spot where it snapped the "moon hut" image to the site of the object itself, the rover has now sent close-ups back to Earth. It turns out that the rock is much smaller than it appeared to be from afar. It's also much rounder and cuter. In fact, it looks a lot like a crouched bunny munching on a couple of carrots (which are actually smaller rocks). Some observers, likeCNET's Amanda Kooser, even see bunny poop in a couple of round pebbles near the rock's other end.
"The Moon's surface is 38 million square kilometres of rocks, so it would have been astronomically exceptional for it to be anything else," space journalist Andrew Joneswrote on Twitter. "But while small, the jade rabbit/玉兔 rock will also be a monumental disappointment to some."
Because of the lack of perspective in the original image, Jones wrote, many people were hoping for a large structure that looked more like the Arc de Triomphe or Beijing's towering CCTV headquarters building.
With the bunny rock cataloged, Yutu 2 will now continue its exploration of the 115-mile-wide (186 kilometers) Von Kármán crater. The rover has been exploring the region since the spacecraft Chang'e 4 delivered it to the lunar surface in the first-ever soft landing on the far side of the moon in January 2019. The rover is the longest-lasting to ever explore the moon's surface. It has explored the porous soil that makes up at least the top 130 feet (40 m) of the moon's surface and investigated a strange-colored gel-like substance found in a crater. It turned out to be melted-together rock caused by a long-ago meteorite impact, a 2020 study found.
Mysterieuze “maanhut” blijkt konijnvormige rots te zijn
De mysterieuze “maanhut” die vorige maand werd gespot door de Chinese maanrover Yutu 2 op de achterzijde van de maan, blijkt eigenlijk een schattige rots in de vorm van een konijn te zijn. De rots heeft daarom de bijnaam “jade konijn” gekregen. Erg toepasselijk, aangezien de naam van de rover, Yutu, zich ook vertaalt naar “jade konijn”.
Het object verscheen voor het eerst in het gezichtsveld van Yutu 2 in december, toen het eruitzag als een kubusvormige waas aan de horizon. De rover is de eerste die de andere kant van de maan verkent, die altijd van de aarde weg is gericht. De achterzijde van de maan is ruiger en bevat meer kuilen dan de zichtbare kant van de maan. Omdat het object onregelmatig symmetrisch leek, met een vreemde platte bovenkant, grapten onderzoekers van het China National Space Administration-programma Our Space dat het misschien de hut van buitenaardse pioniers zou kunnen zijn.
Nu de rover een maand later close-ups naar de aarde heeft gestuurd, blijkt dat de rots veel kleiner is dan eerst van ver leek. De rots is ook veel ronder en “schattiger”, waardoor het de onderzoekers deed denken aan een gehurkt konijntje dat kauwt op een paar wortelen (die eigenlijk kleinere stenen zijn).
Von Kármán-krater
Nu de konijnenrots gecatalogiseerd is, gaat Yutu 2 verder met zijn verkenning van de 186 kilometer brede Von Kármán-krater. De rover verkent de regio sinds de maanlander Chang’e 4 het op het maanoppervlak afleverde tijdens de allereerste zachte landing aan de andere kant van de maan in januari 2019. Chang’e 4 is al de vierde Chinese missie naar de maan, de tweede met een rover. De eerste missie met zo’n robotjeep was Chang’e 3. Die verkende de voorkant van de maan, het stuk van de maan dat wij vanop aarde wel kunnen waarnemen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
White Light Over Manila, Philippines Dec 29, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
White Light Over Manila, Philippines Dec 29, 2021,UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting:December 29, 2021
Location of sighting:Manila, Philippines Source: MUFON
Watch this amazing video as a bright white object moves across the sky over Manila, Philippines last week. The object had no wings, no sound and no trail coming from it. Similar white spheres have been seen worldwide from the mountains of Denver, Colorado to the Temple of Dome of Rock in Jerusalem in 2011. This is 100% proof that aliens exist. These UFOs are the most common type and are believe to be piloted by alien beings.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Sitting on my balcony I noticed small bright white object flying in a NE direction, maybe 1-2 kilometres from me. It was remarkable because it's appearance was different from the planes and helicopters I see in the area and the way it flew was definitely not like those.Flying NE it went into some clouds and I lost sight of it. That was the 12 second video I caught. Later when on re-examining the video close up I could see the object had actually turned right shortly after emitting some kind of pulse. Three minutes later I looked up and the object had re-appeared and was heading west. It seemed to emit another pulse, stopped and then hovered for a few seconds before continuing on west. The object almost went directly over my building so I could see it emitting a glowing, yellowish light from underneath. There seemed to be a slight haze around the object. I checked FlightAware and there were no commercial flights in that area at that time.
While going through a photo of Pluto moon Charon, I discovered a huge spacecraft that was landed in the center of a small crater. I believe that aliens land in craters because it's easy to locate and because the walls of the crater offer some protection from micrometeorites. Now I had to add contrast in order to see this object. NASA deliberately uploaded a photo after they had added too much light to it and after they had blurred 65% of the moon. That doesn't leave much for us to see does it. Thats what NASA counts on. NASA also hopes that the public believes that the photos came from the space craft blurred instead of NASA having blur them out deliberately. Did you ever in your lifetime hear NASA explain the blur areas? Anyways, this craft I found in the crater is close to 2km across, since the crater is about 4km in diameter. Such a craft could hold thousands of people.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Disk Over Orangeburg, South Carolina Jan 6, 2022, UFO Sighting News.
Disk Over Orangeburg, South Carolina Jan 6, 2022, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Jan 6, 2022
Location of sighting: Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA
Wow, just wow! This raw footage was just reported today and its mind-blowing! The eyewitness is a former USAF vet that use to work on C-17 aircraft so he new right away this was no man made craft. I have to say such close up footage has not been seen in a very long time. I went over the footage many times, but could not find any indication of it being a fake. The footage looks 100% real, it checks out. The city of Orangeburg has a small population of only 12,000 people and with covid and the late night hours...its highly unlikely that anyone else saw this craft that night. I'm awestruck at this footage. Its so rare to get this kind of a shot of one. Absolute proof that alien craft do fly right over our homes when we are all sleeping.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Went out for a smoke and took pictures of the front yard, as I see frequent UFO activity and like to record proof. I have seen many UFOs that were far off but this was the first time anything has come so close. The craft came from the tree line pulsing multicolored lights. After a few seconds, two orbs came out of it and began to pulse/blink red. It was like they were trying to memos a large aircraft; however, I worked on C-17s in the Air Force and know that this no aircraft.
These crafts were moving slow towards the neighbors and disappeared in the trees. I went to the backyard and observed them descend down into the back woods behind the house (swamp land). You can see the red orbs change from vertical to horizontal close to the end of the video.
Gigantic Snake Like UFO over Bakersfield, California 4-Jan-2022
Gigantic Snake Like UFO over Bakersfield, California 4-Jan-2022
This huge snake-like UFO was caught on tape over Bakersfield, California on 4th January 2022.
What do you think about this sighting?
Witness report:
My father and I were getting ready to leave our shop and I spotted something odd. At first I thought it must be some plastic bags or something simular. I brought it to my father’s attention and we both stood there trying to figure put what the hell we were looking at. We watched this object climb from maybe 1000 feet to an altitude of at least 15000 feet. I am more than happy to speak with someone and describe this event in much more detail, as I am trying to type this on my phone and it is quite time consuming. I have multiple videos and pictures. I just want someone to explain what we saw.
AMAZING! Close UFO with Multi Colored Lights – Orangeburg, South Carolina – 6-Jan-2022
AMAZING! Close UFO with Multi Colored Lights – Orangeburg, South Carolina – 6-Jan-2022
This really interesting footage of an unidentified flying object in the night sky above Orangeburg, South Carolina was filmed on 6th January 2022.
Witness report:
Went out for a smoke and took pictures of the front yard, as I see frequent UFO activity and like to record proof. I have seen many UFOs that were far off but this was the first time anything has come so close. The craft came from the tree line pulsing multicolored lights. After a few seconds, two orbs came out of it and began to pulse/blink red. It was like they were trying to memos a large aircraft; however, I worked on C-17s in the Air Force and know that this no aircraft.
These crafts were moving slow towards the neighbors and disappeared in the trees. I went to the backyard and observed them descend down into the back woods behind the house (swamp land). You can see the red orbs change from vertical to horizontal close to the end of the video.
New Denisovan Fossils From Siberian Cave Are The Oldest Ever Found
New Denisovan Fossils From Siberian Cave Are The Oldest Ever Found
Researchers from the Max Planck Society and the Universities of Vienna and Tübingen have found new fossilized human-like remains mixed in an assortment of bone samples taken from Siberia’s famed Denisova Cave. This includes three fragments that belonged to actual Denisovans, the much-speculated-about species that gave the cave its name. These bones will be added to the growing collection of Denisovan fossils connected to the most intriguing of all the extinct human species, which lived on the Earth at the same time as Neanderthals and early modern humans yet left such a light footprint as to be virtually undetectable.
Remarkably, these Denisovan fossils were recovered from a deep excavation layer that dated to 200,000 years in the past. These are the earliest Denisovan remains ever found, and they prove that Denisova Cave was occupied by archaic humans more than 150,000 years before modern humans reached the Siberian region following their migrations out of Africa. The analysis results of the newly discovered Denisovan fossils have been published in a study in the Nature Ecology & Evolution journal.
The latest Denisovan fossils were found in a deep layer of Denisova Cave in Siberian Russia and proven to date back about 200,000 years, making them the oldest Denisovan remains ever found.
Evidence Found In a Haystack of Denisovan Fossil Fragments
Science first learned of the existence of the Denisovans in 2008. That’s when a small number of fossilized bones and teeth were recovered from an isolated cave in the Altai Mountains in southern Siberia.
Unfortunately, the Denisovan fossil fragments found at the Denisova Cave were few. They revealed scarce details about this long-lost Homo sapiens cousin, which is believed to have died out approximately 50,000 years ago. In the years that have passed since, archaeologists and anthropologists have been frantically searching for more remains left behind by this elusive species. They’ve been searching primarily in northern, central, and eastern Asia, where traces of their DNA have been found in indigenous residents.
Archaeologists and anthropologists have been optimistic about eventually finding Denisovan fossils in these other locations (a fossilized Denisovan jawbone found in a cave in Tibet generated much excitement). But many scientists have continued to focus their search on Siberia’s Denisova Cave, where the ancient Denisovan presence has been most firmly established.
In this extraordinarily successful new study, scientists working under team leader Katerina Douka, an assistant professor in the University of Vienna’s Department of Evolutionary Anthropology, spent several years analyzing ancient DNA samples and assorted proteins extracted from approximately 3,800 bone fragments taken from the cave. As they explain in a new article in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution , these bones included a diverse mixture of animal and human fossils, and it would have been impossible to identify anything visually.
Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry or ZooMS was used to analyze the recently discovered Denisovan fossils, which are now the oldest ever!
For a Positive ID Researchers Relied on Peptide Analysis
To make a positive ID, the researchers only option was to use a technology known as Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectroscopy, or ZooMS. This high-tech tool can identify peptides (strings of amino acids) that are found specifically in the human body, and in the body of human ancestor species as well.
With this reliable technology at their disposal, the scientists concentrated on fossils excavated from the cave’s most ancient layer, which had been dated back 200,000 years. The bones collected from this layer were truly a fragmented and haphazard jumble, and that’s why little work had been done on them in the past. But with ZooMS, there was an opportunity to search for Denisovan fossils in a collection of bones that had not been fully examined before.
Team member Samantha Brown, a doctoral student at the University of Tubingen, was assigned the task of performing the actual analysis of the approximately 3,800 previously unidentified bone fragments. The vast majority of these fossil bones had belonged to animals, making the search for human remains the equivalent of looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack.
With enough time and diligence, even the smallest needle can be found eventually, and Brown’s research ultimately proved successful. Aided by the precise ZooMS technology, she found five bones with collagen profiles that matched those of humans.
But which types of humans? Certainly not modern humans ( Homo sapiens ), which would not arrive in Siberia until much later. That left Neanderthals and Denisovans as the two possible candidates.
To solve this mystery, the scientists turned to another high-tech innovation that has revolutionized archaeological and anthropological practice: DNA analysis. Out of the five human bones Brown identified, four contained significant enough traces of genetic material to allow for a mitochondrial DNA reconstruction. These tests showed that one of the bone fragments had belonged to a Neanderthal, while the other three were all Denisovan.
At an age of 200,000 years, this DNA typing officially established the three bone samples as the oldest remains of Denisovans ever found.
"Denisova is an amazing place for DNA preservation, and we have now reconstructed genomes from some of the oldest and best-preserved human fossils," Dr. Diyendo Massilani, a genetic researcher from the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, explained in an Institute press release announcing this amazing discovery.
The Denisova 3 fifth distal finger phalanx of 13.5-year adolescent Denisovan female, the first bone fossil uncovered at Denisova Cave in 2008.
Finding New Denisovan Fossil Bones and Lithic Stone Tools
There is no underestimating the impact and importance of this discovery. "We were extremely excited to identify three new Denisovan bones amongst the oldest layers of Denisova Cave," Katerina Douka told Live Science . "We specifically targeted these layers where no other human fossils were found before, and our strategy worked."
"Finding one new human bone would have been cool, but five? This exceeded my wildest dreams," Samantha Brown added.
The discovery of the age of the 200,00-year-old Denisovan bones was exciting. But there is another part to the story that is perhaps even more significant.
Inside the deep layer of the cave where the fossils were found, archaeologists also unearthed a large number of lithic stone artifacts dating to the same time period. These included several scaping tools, which presumably were used to process animal skins.
Notably, none of these tools were similar to any that had been found in central or northern Asia before.
"This is the first time we can be sure that Denisovans were the makers of the archaeological remains [the stone tools] we found associated with their bone fragments," Douka confirmed.
Previously discovered Denisovan fossils had either been found separate from artifacts, or alongside artifacts that were suspected to have been left by Neanderthals. The two ancient species frequently occupied the same caves and territories and were known to have interbred .
There were also thousands of pieces of animal bones found in the oldest layer of Denisova Cave. They have now been identified as belonging to such species as deer, wild horses, bison, gazelles, and wooly rhinoceroses, all of which could have been hunted by Denisovans 200,000 years ago. Many of the bones contained marks consistent with butchering, while others had been damaged by fire (meaning the flesh of the animals had been cooked).
"The site's strategic point in front of a water source and the entrance of a valley would have served as a great spot for hunting," Douka noted.
If Denisova Cave contains more Denisovan bones or artifacts, the researchers intend to find them. Katerina Douka confirms that her team is continuing its search at the cave, while also carrying out excavations at several other Asian sites where they are hopeful Denisovan fossil remains might be found.
Top image: Denisovan fossils look a bit unremarkable, but these bone fragments, mostly from animals, were perfect for Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectroscopy and DNA analysis, which were used in the recent study .
Leonardo da Vinci is often considered one of the greatest geniuses in the history of mankind. He was a profound painter, sculptor, architect, musician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. His creative genius and his inventive spirit and have left a mark in different fields of study and art.
Da Vinci was a man with extraordinary caliber at everything he tried his hand at, almost defying human limits as we know them, with imagination unprecedented in history. But what made him supernaturally talented? Is there an explanation for the large number of controversies surrounding him? Why were those controversies formed? Was he using some sort of a supernatural source for his intellect and skill? Perhaps Da Vinci was using something natural that is still unknown to us in the 21st century. Perhaps, he was in contact with extraterrestrials?
The Egyptians didn't build The Pyramids & I can prove it!
The Pyramids and Sphinx of the Giza plateau are possibly thousands of years older than mainstream researchers suggest. In fact, these ancient structures could well predate the ancient Egyptian civilization by thousands of years.
Many researchers indicate there is enough evidence to suggest the Giza plateau was heavily flooded in the past. Interestingly, given the evidence found at the Giza plateau, the Pyramids and Sphinx could be some of the megalithic structures that survived the Great Deluge. Researchers suggest that the Sphinx, the Temple of the Sphinx, and the first 20 fields of the Great Pyramid of Giza exhibit erosion due to deep water saturation.
Scenes from History Channel's Ancient Aliens were used under Fair Use for educational purposes
The Terrible Story of Nikola Tesla!
Why one of the greatest inventors of all time died penniless.
Mainstream historians will tell you that the Great Pyramid of Giza was a glorified tomb for the Egyptian pharaohs. The only original monument left of the original Seven Wonders of the World, this structure was created with impeccable mathematical precision, and is a unique, mysterious feat of construction and engineering.
There’s only one problem: the Great Pyramid has none of the characteristics of tombs: including extravagant artifacts, ornate wall art, sealed entrances, elaborate coffins, or even mummies themselves. It was, however, built with unique – the same materials that are used for electrical conductivity today. These facts are leading more and more historians to believe the pyramids may have had a far more useful purpose. ..that pyramid of Giza was not at all a tomb, but a power plant: generating and transmitting electricity to the civilization surrounding them. Sound impossible? Join the Universe Inside you for a closer look!
Starlink: The Secret reason Behind Creating a Global Internet Service
The ambitions of the SpaceX satellite internet service extend far beyond Earth.
The Anunnaki: They Created the first Human on Earth
445 000 years ago, “creator gods” – as they call it – came to Earth. They were called the Anunnaki, which means “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came”. These beings inhabited a distant orbiting planet called Nibiru, which only entered our solar system every 3,600 years. They describe Nibiru as many times the diameter of Earth, and abundant with iron oxide, making its rivers and lakes appear red. A side note about Nibiru: according to the Sumerian tablets, Nibiru’s atmosphere began to deteriorate and became a hostile place for life, and in order to restore it, the Annunaki needed one important element for their atmosphere: gold.
Scenes from the following productions were used under Fair Use for educational purposes:
Everyone knows the story of Atlantis – the advanced civilization that disappeared in the ocean. But not everyone is aware of the similar legends other cultures tell of their own lost_cities – ones that were buried under the desert sand, or overgrown by dense vegetation in the jungle. While many of these stories were considered fiction, an increasing number of archeological discoveries have revealed these legends were more than mere myths- leaving us wondering how many more lost cities might just be awaiting discovery. We may never find the underwater grave of Atlantis, the golden streets of El Dorado, or the peaceful mountains of Shangri-La, but we have found the following 10 lost cities. Starting the countdown with number 10, here are the most spectacular lost cities archaeologists have uncovered.
Neuralink: Merging Humans with AI, Human 2.0!
How Elon Musk's company Neuralink could shape the future of humanity.
Squiggle Orbit
NASA’s next generation James Webb Space Telescope is slowly making its way to its final orbit around the Sun, roughly 1 million miles from Earth. As seen in an official NASA animation, it’ll end up in a seemingly chaotic trip around the solar system that’ll involve a series of bona fide loop-the-loops — but of course, there’s plenty of method to the madness.
The telescope will be orbiting the Sun at a rarefied spot in our solar system: the second Lagrange point, known as L2. At this particular location, the telescope is capable of keeping the Earth between it and the Sun, as NASA explains.
If everything goes according to plan, the observatory will get to that point towards the end of this month.
Lagrange Loop
There are numerous reasons why NASA chose L2 to park its expensive space telescope. The point allows it to not get scorched by the Sun’s harmful rays, because it can keep its massive sunshield pointed at our star at all times.
Other satellites have already ventured to L2, including the European Space Agency’s Planck space observatory, which launched in 2009, and NASA’s Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, which launched in 2001.
The telescope has a hot and a cold side, with the former reaching a balmy 185 degrees Fahrenheit, while the cold side where its scientific instruments are stashed can plummet down to -388 Fahrenheit, according to NASA — a massive temperature differential.
Since the JSWT will be facing the same spot on Earth at all times, keeping in touch with the telescope will be relatively straightforward. It will be able to up and downlink twice a day, connecting to three large antennas across three different continents back on Earth.
The observatory still has a lot of ground to cover until it will get to its orbit, where it will spend at least the next ten years. But given that everything so far is more or less going according to plan, it should have no trouble getting the rest of the way there.
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope separates from its Ariane 5 rocket with the bright blue Earth in the background in this view captured after its launch on Dec. 25, 2021.
Countless subjects of “alien” abductions have been regularly reported to organizations like the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) since their beginnings in 1969. However, according to the Pentagon’s Preliminary Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Assessment delivered to Congress in June 2021, “Limited data and inconsistency in reporting are key challenges to evaluating UAP. No standardized reporting mechanism existed until the Navy established one in March 2019.”. So, what does this mean?
A Gallup poll followed the Pentagon report in July 2021. It recorded 41% of Americans have seen unidentifiable aircraft, 50% consider rational explanations like human activity, while 9% have no opinion whatsoever (Link 3). These purported military abductions (referred to as MILABs) came out in 1996 when Austrian MUFON rep. Dr. Helmut Lammer Ph.D., published, Preliminary Findings of Project MILAB: Evidence for Military Kidnappings of Alleged UFO Abductees. Elaborating further, here is a list of 10 alien abductions that could have been the military.
Leah Haley: from UFO alien abduction to gov mind control
In 1990, Leah Haley remembered an alien abduction. She recalls her experience as if it were a dream, later seeking hypnosis. Born in 1951 in Decatur, Alabama, Haley had a career as a certified business administrator and author, whose 1993 book Lost Was the Key put her on the map of the UFO community. Her original claims were that extraterrestrials were the culprits. However, it took years to even fathom the idea of military involvement.
Through select Freedom of Information Act, U.S. Patent Office documents, and interviews with abductees in subsequent years, Haley believed she was not chosen at random. She has endured an abduction with her sister and been offered jobs randomly by total strangers for positions at nearby military bases, even recognizing fellow abductees in her conscious life.[1]
9. Col. John Alexander, Ph.D.
“It is clear that MUFON has…become the champion of unsubstantiated, barely tangentially related nonsense” said Col. John Alexander in response to assertions made by an Austrian MUFON representative, Dr. Helmut Lammer, whose suspicions about military kidnappings of alien abductees was published in a series of 1996 MUFON journals. “The list of involved personnel goes on and on…since military personnel rotate on a frequent basis, there would have to be thousands… Where are they?” refutes Col. Alexander to whistleblower testimony on MILABs.
Not an abductee, Alexander is an author academically respected in the UFO community. He ascended through the ranks of the U.S. Army beginning in 1956 before retiring in 1988 after holding key positions in special operations intelligence. Purportedly, Alexander was a member of an elite group of high-ranking individuals using privileged knowledge to manipulate information related to UFOs across the globe. Collectively, they gave themselves aviary code names and infiltrated other occult government groups such as MJ-12. Code name: John “Penguin” Alexander. [2]
8. Dr. Karla Turner
Dr. Karla Turner was an academic and professional educator but gave it all up to focus on alien abduction research when she and her family regressed unsettling memories. Since her 1996 passing from an aggressive and rare form of breast cancer discovered only after her encounters were made public, Turner’s published works describe her family’s firsthand encounters. They also suggest that you, the abducted, are a targeted individual and not chosen at random.
Turner was convinced the military targeted abductees in response to the reports people had made. In Turner’s second book, Taken, she discusses the idea that some prominent abduction theorists state should be avoided—don’t think of aliens as good and evil. Turner claims, “this cannot be done, nor should it be.” She continues that those who have been abducted have the right to know how their “participation” will be used by their abductors. Under what circumstances and what reason will the abducted be “made a part of this agenda” since they have been “implanted, trained, and programmed to participate in some future scenario.” Don’t abductees have the right to know for what purpose “our minds, bodies, and souls will be used?”[3]
7. Melinda Leslie
A woman with psychic insight who does energy work and conducts vortex and UFO tours, Melinda Leslie has been very transparent about her own alien encounters. In the early 1990s, Leslie and two friends went independently under hypnotherapy after they discovered missing time during a road trip in California. Each remembered similar experiences, including being examined by aliens with someone dressed in what looked like a naval uniform working side by side with extraterrestrials. Leslie said the military personnel “wasn’t another abductee, he was just there, watching…”
Leslie’s testimony alleges black projects are only feasible if classified into above-top-secret special access programs. Is it possible that the Robertson Panel (1953)—a collaboration between Howard Percy Robertson, a mathematical physics professor, and the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence set the tone for intelligence protocols today? Melinda Leslie, like so many others, attempts to pull their experiences into the light, hoping that more testimony can pave the way toward full government disclosure.[4]
6. Myrna Hansen
1980. Cimarron, New Mexico. Myrna Hansen and her then six-year-old son Shawn approached a pasture on route home from Oklahoma. It was nighttime when they witnessed a beam drag cows up into the air (Link 1). Within seconds, Myrna claimed that a small craft had seemingly become aware of their presence, ultimately abducting Hansen and her young son.
Immediately following the Hansens’ experience, Myrna was referred to an Albuquerque MUFON researcher, Paul Bennewitz. Enlisting the help of hypnotherapist Leo Sprinkle, they would go on to regress Hansen. She and her son were taken to a deep underground military base. Her precise description of the location attracted the attention of members from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, who have allegedly monitored Myrna and Shawn since that time.[5]
5. Linda Napolitano (aka Linda Cortile)
The story describes Linda suddenly awake above her bed to see strange figures in the process of levitation. Once on board a craft, she was subject to medical analysis and alien experimentation by different beings, some human in appearance. As her account later gained attention, two men came forward as “witnesses” who ultimately went on to kidnap and interrogate her multiple times, leading Napolitano to believe it was a cover-up.
Linda’s recollection of events, like many before and after her, had deployed critics. In subsequent years since her experiences, medical professionals associated with the case have found that she is of sound mind. Walter H. Andrus, founder and then director of MUFON, considered Napolitano’s story as, “definitely authentic case of human abductions by aliens.”[6]
4. Betty & Barney Hill
Betty and Barney Hill were not an ordinary couple for the time—interracial, yet both respected in their community as rights activists. In September 1961, the Hills were driving home through remote New Hampshire when Barney became acutely aware that a light was trailing their every movement. When they finally arrived home, the couple felt there was some missing time. Their case is one of the first highly publicized alien abductions in modern history. To this day, a lengthy measure of evidence in this case exists and cannot easily be refuted. Just before events took place, the couple pulled the car over to determine what was stationary above them.
When Betty & Barney finally underwent hypnosis, the initial recorded sessions (which are widely available today for free) reveal when Barney first peered through binoculars, he “could almost feel this figure’s intense concentration to carry out a plan—to capture the witness.” Barney recalls “a red-headed Irishmen” and what “looks like a German Nazi” during regression (Link 3). Once on board the craft, the Hills were subjects of separate analysis. Consequently, Barney’s faith and humanity had been irreversibly shaken while Betty embraced her curiosities after a being displayed a distant star map of where they had come from.[7]
3. Katharina Wilson
A lifetime of abduction experiences stretching back to when she was just a child, Katharina Wilson believes black operations are more common than we think. “I have to admit that I do not understand why I am remembering these scenarios, or abductions or whatever we choose to call them. I have even wondered if someone may be ‘importing’ these events or memories into my consciousness through a mechanism.” Wilson thinks that as each new year passes, another whistleblower comes forward.
Untrained ears would assume her firsthand accounts are frightfully imaginative works of fiction. Deep-sea submersible experiences, surfacing and being transferred to U.S. Navy vessels, behavior modification trials like those of MK-ULTRA. Anyone caught by UFOlogy’s gravity has heard of the likeliness of alien abductions persisting throughout the generations of family members. Moreover, one thing is for certain, Wilson believes that what abductees are revealing only scratches the surface of remote viewing and “screen memories.”[8]
2. Niara Isley
Previously registered as an airman in the U.S. Air Force, Niara Isley’s efforts to shine a light on ETs have revealed yet another layer of what she calls “shadow government.” Isley has been on a spiritual journey for most of her life, but once she had discovered a missing three-month chunk of time in 1980, she sought hypnosis. “What I discovered was staggering and life-altering, turning life upside down for me for a good many years.”
While employed with the government, Isley worked with radar technology and provided research and development support near the Tonopah Test Range, 30 miles southeast of Tonopah, NV. Over time she has revealed being held against her will on the moon in a joint “Reptilian-Gray-Human secret base.” “I was scared. I knew I had to get back to my daughter, so I was pretty compliant. I just didn’t want to do anything that would get me killed.”[9]
1. Corey Goode
Recognized at a young age as possessing empathic abilities, Corey Goode was trained to fill support roles and several other militarized black operations (Intruder Intercept Interrogation Program, Auxiliary Specialized Space Research, etc.) starting in the mid-to-late-1980s when he was just six years old. It was a 20-year post in various secret space programs, after which he would undergo age regression and return to his original timeline. However, recalled on multiple occasions, Goode has persistently maintained that his experiences of direct physical contact with non-terrestrial beings are very real and that he was chosen as an acting liaison between multiple ET federations and councils.
Although on the flip side of every coin lies additional context. Particularly when you are considered a compromised individual by the UFO community at large. A society of like thinkers with open minds that do not typically earn money for their lectures and appearances, Goode was earning tens of thousands of dollars in speaking fees. He first captured audiences around the world on David Wilcock’s Gaia program, Disclosure. Which must have opened old wounds because it was revealed that he actively doxed any and all opponents. What made a real stink of things, however, as when Gaia proposed in dueling lawsuits that Wilcock’s decision to leave the network was wholly fabricated by Goode love-bombing him with the promise to one day join the “alliance” and put to rest any Luciferian doubts.[10]
As you will have seen, in the last few days I’ve written a couple of articles that focus on the involvement of helicopters in UFO (and UFO related) events and phenomena. Now, it’s time to round things up with a connection between helicopters and alien abductees. Yes, there is intriguing data on hand that demonstrates at least one secret, helicopter-based organization has been keeping watch on alien abductees. And might still be watching them. With that said, let’s have a look at the available material relating to this admittedly strange situation. For years, numerous abductees have reported close encounter with not just UFOs and aliens, but with what have become infamously known as “black helicopters.” These usually unmarked craft are reported flying over the homes of abductees. On occasion, they will hover over the same homes for minutes at a time, and at precariously low levels. Typically, they turn up within a day or two of an alien abduction experience. All of the evidence suggests that the helicopters are piloted by “black-ops” teams who have three, primary agendas: (A) to try and determine the range and scope of alien abductions; (B) to frighten the abductees into staying quiet on their experiences; and (C) to figure out the true nature of the extraterrestrial agenda.
Betty Andreasson is a well-known alien abductee and someone whose incredible encounters with extraterrestrial creatures – which began in 1967 – have been chronicled in numerous books by UFO investigator Raymond Fowler. Those books include The Andreasson Affair, The Andreasson Affair – Phase Two, and The Andreasson Legacy. That Andreasson has been the subject of a number of books makes it not at all surprising that there should be a government file on her. This possibility is made all the more likely by the fact that she and her husband, Bob Luca, have had more than a few run-ins with the black helicopters. UFO researchers Barry Greenwood and Lawrence Fawcett took a particular interest in the helicopter encounters that Betty and Bob reported.
(Nick Redfern)
Helicopters and alien abductees: a sinister connection
They said that husband and wife “…reported that their home was over flown numerous times by black, unmarked helicopters of the Bell UH-1 Iroquois type and that these helicopters would fly over their homes at altitudes as low as 100 feet. The Luca’s described these helicopters as being black in color, with no identifiable marking on them. They noticed that the windows were tinted black also, so that no one could see inside. During many of the over flights, Bob was able to take close to 200 photos of the helicopters.” Moving on: Alien abductee Debbie Jordan has experienced very much the same. She says of the unmarked helicopters she has encountered: “These could be seen almost daily around our houses. They are so obvious about their flights it’s almost comical. On occasions too numerous to even remember, they have hovered around my house, above my house, and above me for several minutes at a time, not trying to hide themselves or the fact that they are watching us. While large questions remain regarding who is flying the helicopters and where they originate from, long-time Ufologist Tommy Blann has a few ideas. From a contact in the U.S. Army Blann was informed that all across the United States there are “underground installations, as well as isolated areas of military reservations [that] have squadrons of unmarked helicopters, which have sophisticated instrumentation on board, that are dispatched to areas of UFO activity to monitor these craft or airlift them out of the area if one has malfunctioned.”
In 1989, Ed Conroy, a San Antonio, Texas-based journalist, wrote a book titled Report on Communion. It was an independent study of Whitley Strieber and his incredible experiences described in Strieber’s 1987 book, Communion. In taking on the project, Conroy didn’t realize what he had got himself into. At least, not at first he didn’t. What began as an impartial investigation into Strieber’s claims, soon mutated into something very different: Conroy found himself under similar intimidation to that which would eventually hit the Strieber family. Weird phone calls, secret surveillance and – even – visits from our old friends, those mysterious black helicopters, whose crews keep more than a careful watch on alien abductees, abounded.
(Nick Redfern)
Keeping watch on the alien abduction phenomenon
It was one particular morning in March 1987 that Ed Conroy found himself a target of whoever it is that flies the mysterious helicopters. It appeared to be a Bell 47, said Conroy, and it lacked an identifying markings – which is very curious, but absolutely typical of the helicopters of the phantom type. Notably, said Conroy: “What was remarkable about this particular helicopter was the inordinate amount of attention it seemed to be paying to my building.” In no time, and shortly after the Bell 47 finally exited the area, a totally black helicopter was on the scene too. Follow-up visits occurred – something which prompted Conroy to contact the Federal Aviation Administration for answers. No luck there. Things got even more intense in 1988 when Conroy was practically seeing helicopters here, there and everywhere. And particularly, again, in the direct vicinity of his apartment, including the huge, double-rotor, military Chinooks. Conroy even saw some of the helicopters vanish – as in literally vanish. Some kind of stealthy, cloaking technology, perhaps?
What all of this has told us – across the last few days – is that the black helicopter phenomenon is a wide and varied one. They are involved in cattle mutilation incidents, alien abductions, and the monitoring of UFO activity. Many of them fly in complete silence. They have been around, to a significant degree, since at least the earliest part of the 1970s. And, they are still flying around. And still watching and monitoring.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Ring Shaped UFO Spotted During SpaceX Launch. January 6, 2022
This ring shaped UFO showed up during the Falcon 9 launch at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. While the rocket was over our Earth this object appeared and then they change cameras.
To view the original click the link and go to the 20:20 mark in this footage
Member of flight crew films UFO over Georgia | 3 Jan 2022
Member of flight crew films UFO over Georgia | 3 Jan 2022
This strange UFO phenomenon was filmed from a plane flying at 40000 feet (around 12km) above Georgia in United States on 3rd January 2022.
Witness report:
Was flying as flight crew for an airline when noticed the object appear right after another aircraft flew over us at 40k feet. Short video uploaded. Was flying along at 39,000 feet in an Airbus A320 somewhere over Georgia. Took out my phone to take photos of the beautiful Milky Way. Using the new iphone 13 pro max. Tried to take a video of another aircraft flying just above us opposite direction at 40,000 ft. As I was filming this aircraft fly over us, I noticed this V shaped object appear. It appears to be between us and the other aircraft. Both Captain and I agreed we would like to remain Anonymous. I will share the video I took. At the end I zoom briefly to the instruments to give perspective. Nothing was reported to FAA or ATC.
The Alien Agenda: Myth, Underground Bases & Extraterrestrials
The Alien Agenda: Myth, Underground Bases & Extraterrestrials
Deep in north central New Mexico is the sleepy little town of Dulce. Located on the Archuleta Mesa on the Colorado - New Mexico border, Dulce is home to about 3,000 residents and is the headquarters of the Jicarilla Apache Nation. For as small and insignificant as this remote location may sound, since the 1980s Dulce has been the center of a controversy regarding the so-called alien agenda, rumors of underground tunnels and related conspiracy theories.
Underground Bases and the Alien Agenda
At the time, the physicist and inventor Paul Bennewitz claimed he had discovered an underground base occupied by extraterrestrials near Dulce. His story quickly spread through the UFO community. Allegations that surround the base include human abductions ("alien abductions") by these extraterrestrial beings. He also asserted that the extraterrestrials were engaging in the development of advanced technology including genetic manipulation, all part of their purported alien agenda.
Their plan, according to conspiracy theorists, is to control the government and gain ultimate control of the Earth by means of a New World Order. There have even been stories of an untoward alliance between humans and the inhabitants of the Dulce base which include ties to shadow governments via secret societies such as the Illuminati, the Masons, the Bilderberg Group and the Skull and Bones.
Dulce is not the only place on earth where it is believed underground bases exist, but it is the one which has received the greatest notoriety in recent times. Subterranean bases, according to conspiracy theorists, can be found around the world with major active outposts all across the United States, Australia, Antarctica and South America.
These theories posit that the underground bases are connected to each other via a series of channels which ensure each base is connected to another. There are even assertions that one of these tunnels leads to an active base beneath the Vatican which has been exerting control over western civilization for centuries. A wealth of information regarding this subject has recently surfaced that makes sweeping claims. But, as strange as all of this may sound, could any of what they say be true? We turn to mythology in the search for answers.
Before we continue, it must be clarified that mythology, like many of the claims that come from the UFO community, is treated more like science fiction rather than fact. Traditional mythologists contend that the gods we find in myth represent the forces of nature or the creation of someone's vivid imagination. With that said, does mythology support these seemingly outlandish claims?
Jan Brueghel’s painting depicting the myth of Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld.
Using Mythology to Understand Beliefs in Underground Realms
Stories of underground realms occupied by the gods pervade mythology. Depending on the culture, it has been called Hades, Tartarus, Xibalba, Duat, Patala and Hell. These "homes of the gods" are not always found deep within the earth, but are sometimes described as being within a mountain or deep beneath the waters of the earth.
Access to their domain, regardless of locality, is often described as located through the mouth of a cave. The entrance may appear open at one time and then disappear from view completely and instantaneously. The inhabitants of these underground realms did not desire to be visited by unwanted or unexpected company, yet access was granted to select individuals.
Ancient texts described entrance into the underworld as being anything but easy. The Mayan Popul Vuh , for example, describes the route taken by the hero brothers Hunhun-Ahpu and Vukub-Hunapu. It tells of a steep descent into the home of the Lords of Xibalba and the many challenges they had to face. Similarly, texts such as the Egyptian Book Of The Dead describe the path by which the deceased god-King must travel to enter Duat. Like the Popul Vuh , the path is fraught with challenges the individual must pass in order to enter the realm of the dead, the underworld.
The Vishnu Purana states that the deepest level of the underworld, Patala, can be found 70,000 yojanas beneath the surface of the earth. Gilgamesh, in the epic bearing his name, is described as traveling twelve leagues in the dense darkness until he arrived in the light-filled chamber of the underworld.
In these ancient texts, the underground domains of the gods are described as filled with houses or vast halls where thousands of individuals could assemble. Fountains, plants, tall grasses, trees and animals of all kinds filled this land. The divine ascetic, Narada, who is featured in the Vishnu Purana claims to have visited Patala, stating that "Patala was much more charming than heaven. He exclaimed "What can be compared with Patala where Nagas (serpents) are adorned with beautiful and brilliant and pleasure-diffusing gems? This region is embellished with the daughters of Daityas and Danavas."
Similar descriptions of the underground/underwater homes of the gods are scattered through mythology. The home of the Sumerian fertility god Enki, which is located in the watery deep, is described as having his house built of gold, silver and lapis lazuli. Even writers, such as Greek philosopher Plato, echo this notion. He believed that the earth was littered with a number of hollows that were full of water, air, trees, fruits and flowers.
Surprisingly, Plato confirms yet another claim made by modern UFOlogy. Plato goes on to state that these hollows were connected to one another by subterranean channels. But Plato isn't the only one who refers to tunnels that lie beneath the surface of the earth. Inca legends, for example, tell of vast networks of tunnels that crisscross the length and breadth of the planet, complete with underground cities.
When Pizarro and the Spanish conquistadors entered Peru, they kidnapped the Inca emperor Atahualpa and held him for ransom. They demanded enough gold to fill a room in return for Atahualpa's release. Pizarro's men heard rumors that the Inca gold was being held in a vast network of subterranean tunnels. According to legend, these tunnels were thousands of years old and ran for miles beneath the Inca capital.
In more recent years, adventurers who have hazarded into the caverns beneath Cusco entered but were never seen again. One man actually did make it out of the tunnels alive, bringing with him two bars of gold. According to officials he had gone mad. In response, the entrances to the tunnels were then walled up for safety's sake - at least that is the official story. Meanwhile, the Apache Indians report that their ancestors took refuge in ancient tunnels during a cataclysmic disaster on the earth. They wandered these immense passageways for years carrying the seeds for life in the new world.
UFOlogists believe in the concept of the alien agenda, whereby reptilian beings, or aliens, are conducting genetic experiments in underground realms.
(Author provided)
Underground Alien Reptilian Bases for Genetic Experiments in Mythology
But what about the other claim made by UFOlgists regarding these bases being used for genetic engineering? According to their assertions it is in the lowest level, the 7th level, of the Dulce base that the extraterrestrials are engaging in this kind of experimentation. Again, mythology supports this premise and Native American tribes across the country are the most vocal when it comes to this topic.
The Jicarilla Apache (whose headquarters is in Dulce), the Navaho and Hopi Indians have long-standing traditions of man's creation and emergence from beneath the surface of the earth. In fact, the Algonquians recount: "Thus did the lowermost world-cave become overfilled with living things, full of unfinished creatures, crawling like reptiles over one another in dark blackness.”
In this matter they do not stand alone. Berosus, a Babylonian priest, tells of the hideous creatures that inhabit this underground realm. He described men who had one body but two heads, some with the legs and horns of a goat and even some with the hind quarters of a horse and the body of a man. "In short, there were creatures in which were combined the limbs of every species of animal."
These genetic experiments are, according to reports from UFO advocates, being conducted by a group of reptilian beings in the lowest levels of the base. Thomas Castello, a former senior security officer at the base, testified that the base at Dulce is a seven level underground facility with the lower levels described as a series of natural caverns. It was believed by Castello that these caverns were used by different extraterrestrial races in our remote past.
In Hindu cosmology, the Naga (serpents) once lived on earth, but the great god Brahma sent them to live under the sea and in the seventh level of their underground realm called Patala. In the Sumerian Inana's Descent To The Nether World , Inana is required to pass through seven gates to finally reach the bowels of the underworld. Aztec legend says that Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent, went to Mictlan, the Aztec underworld, and created mankind using his own blood and the bones of the previous race.
Throughout mythology the act of creating humanity is always associated with a specific group of gods, the fertility gods. Fertility gods around the world are traditionally depicted as reptilian or amphibious in nature and appear in art as a blend between a man and a fish or a man and a snake.
Some conspiracy theorists go so far as to claim that the Reptilian alien agenda is to control us and dominate the power, a plot orchestrated by an elite group which includes powerful and influential people.
Reptilians, their Alien Agenda and Related Mythology
A number of individuals also argue that the Reptilian's true agenda is to control us, with the objective to dominate the planet. They cite the development of a New World Order. Proponents of this alien agenda theory believe that the Reptilians, or the byproduct of their genetic manipulation experiments, intend to take control of the earth's surface.
This takeover is reportedly being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group which includes many of the world's wealthiest people. Some claim members of this elite group are actually genetically related to each other. Their goal is to have every man, woman and child on the earth obedient to their covert agenda.
The Reptilians are also accused of wanting to reduce the population on the earth and are employing weapons such as chemtrails, GMO's, vaccinations and man-made viruses to reduce our numbers. It is contended that it is easier to control 500,000 or a million individuals than it is the 7 billion who currently live on the Earth.
A look into mythology relative to this claim does have a few pillars of support. The idea of culling the human population on Earth is not a modern concept. In the Sumerian Epic of Atrahasis , for example, we find a story where the gods do just that! In this myth, 1,200 years after the creation of mankind the number of people who inhabited the Earth grew. Their "noise" disturbed the Sky god Enlil's sleep, who then decided to send a plague in order reduce the population.
This worked for a while but when another 1,200 years passed the population had grown again and Enlil was once more bothered by the noise. This time, in order to decrease their numbers, he asked the thunder-rain god Adad to hold back the rains whereby the world suffered from a great drought where vast numbers died.
The population continued to grow, and by the time another 1,200 years had passed the noise became too much for Enlil to bear. Wanting to alleviate his problem he told the gods to hold back all of nature's gifts. This went on for six years and as the texts describe, the people of Earth were reduced to cannibalism in order to survive. The fertility god, Enki, tried to save the people from starvation, which angered Enlil even more.
Finally, in an act of vengeance, Enlil decided to destroy mankind once and for all. He planned to do this by flooding the world. Enki, once again stepped in and saved humanity from total annihilation. He warned Atrahasis of the impending flood and told him to build a boat to save himself and his family.
Torrents of theories have come forward as we seek the truth regarding our place in the universe. Mythology does lend itself to support a number of these claims. It is difficult to determine if the creators of these theories based their conjecture using myth as their foundation, first hand experiences, or, something else.
What does seem evident is that much of the information UFO researchers are bringing to light does parallel the myths and legends that have been passed to us from antiquity. Bringing this idea full circle; if the stories being unearthed in the UFO community, such as those about the Dulce base in New Mexico , were not based on mythological sources, yet mythology supports these claims, then the stories of our distant past may have a basis in fact. It implies that the gods were living breathing beings who walked the earth in our remote past, created man and played an essential role in the development of life and culture on the planet.
Top image: Controversially, theories persist that there is an underground base occupied by extraterrestrial aliens at Dulce in Colorado.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
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