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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Why are Jupiter’s Trojan Regions so Unevenly Balanced With Asteroids?
Why are Jupiter’s Trojan Regions so Unevenly Balanced With Asteroids?
Solar systems evolve, especially early on in their lifetimes. While this evolution is primarily driven by gravity, there are some parts of our own solar system that are difficult to understand – especially how gravity forced them into their current configuration. One of the most prominent of these areas is the Trojan asteroids.
These 10,000 asteroids, which congregate at the L4 (Greek) and L5 (Trojan) points of Jupiter’s orbital path, don’t contain the same amount of asteroids on each side. In fact, despite the fact that collectively the two asteroid groupings are known as the Trojans, the Greeks actually outnumber the Trojans by about 60%.
Typical models of the evolution of the solar system, especially those that are highly reliant on gravity, don’t result in this uneven distribution of asteroids between the two seemingly stable gravitational points. Gravity-based models would imply that each asteroid grouping should have a similar number of asteroids, given that each point is considered to be equally stable. So what caused this uneven distribution?
Lucy, a spacecraft from NASA, will be visiting the Trojan asteroids. Here’s UT’s video on the mission.
Researchers from various institutions in China, America, Abu Dhabi, and Japan think they might have an answer. They found that a very fast migration of Jupiter from the inner solar system to its current orbital path could result in the divergent numbers of asteroids at its stable gravitational points. Given that Jupiter is one of the two lodestars of the Trojan system (the other being the Sun), that seems a plausible scenario.
Partly that is due to some previous theories that are beginning to gain some credence among the scientific community. The Grand Tack Hypothesis, which suggests that Jupiter formed slightly further out than Earth, then came inwards in the solar system and was catapulted (at high speeds) out to its current orbital path, seems to fit the bill nicely for exactly this kind of fast migration. In fact, that fast migration is exactly the kind of event that could potentially cause this uneven distribution, so this research could be thought of as a point toward confirmation of the Grand Tack Hypothesis itself.
In order to prove their own theory, though, the researchers did as all good researchers would do when they lack experimental evidence – they developed a model. This particular model focuses on how Jupiter’s orbit has evolved since its inception and, in particular, what impact that has on the local asteroid population. The findings from the model were in line with the expected values for the population of the Greek and Trojan asteroids.
Asteroids aren’t the only thing that could be located at the Trojan points. We could build settlements at the Earth’s own.
However, there are some downsides to this model. In particular, it doesn’t account for what, if any, other evolutionary aspects of the solar system might have had on the Trojan’s formation. There are plenty of other models that do account for such evolutionary aspects, so maybe someone in the near future will be able to combine the broader solar system models with the Jupiter-specific ones and see what kind of impact it has on the distribution of the asteroids. After all, the more we understand about our early solar system, the better.
Glowing Objects Fall Over Miami, Florida Feb 14, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Video.
Glowing Objects Fall Over Miami, Florida Feb 14, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Video.
Date of sighting: Feb 14, 2023
Location of sighting: Miami, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON
This report just in. An eyewitness in Miami recorded strange glowing objects that were falling and then stopped and hovered over an area for a few minutes. At first the object appears to be falling space debris or a meteor breaking apart, but then suddenly they stop falling and start hovering. Please tell me you thoughts on this sighting. Thanks, Scott C. Waring
Latest UFO Sightings: Strange Objects Spotted in Olympia, Washington on Valentine’s Day
Latest UFO Sightings: Strange Objects Spotted in Olympia, Washington on Valentine’s Day
UFOs hovering above Olympia, WA
On the evening of February 14, 2023, some residents of Olympia, Washington, reported seeing mysterious lights and objects in the sky. According to one witness, who captured the incident on video, the UFOs appeared to be moving in unusual patterns and directions, and were not easily explainable as any known aircraft or natural phenomenon. The witness also ruled out the possibility that the objects were from a nearby airport or military base, as they were seen in a different direction and distance.
The footage shows five glowing orbs hovering and moving above the cityscape. The color and intensity of the lights vary, and seem to pulsate or flicker at times. In one clip, the UFOs seem to merge and split, or change their shape and size, while emitting a humming or buzzing sound. In another clip, the lower object appears to make a sudden turn or jump, as if avoiding something or adjusting its trajectory.
The witness said that he had never seen anything like this before, despite living in the same building for almost two years. The witness also noted that the distance between Olympia and Seattle airport, which is the closest major airport, is about 55 miles, and that there were no other visible planes or helicopters in the area at the time of the sighting. The witness encouraged others to come forward and share their experiences, and hoped that experts or investigators could shed some light on what the UFOs might be.
If you are curious about the latest UFO sightings, and want to stay informed about the latest developments and news, be sure to follow our website and social media channels. We will continue to monitor and report on the most credible and intriguing reports of UFO sightings!
UFO Mania: Experts Warn of Impending UAP Sightings Wave in the UK
UFO Mania: Experts Warn of Impending UAP Sightings Wave in the UK
UFO sightings over UK
Are we alone in the universe? That’s a question that has fascinated people for generations. Recently, there has been renewed interest in UFO sightings after four flying objects were shot down over North America, three of which remain unidentified. This has led experts to suggest that the UK (and of course other countries in Europe) could be about to experience a wave of sightings in its skies.
Joe McGonagle, an amateur UFO researcher in the UK, claims that the recent news about alien life has caused people in the country to start thinking about it. However, he advises against jumping to conclusions.
Despite the increasing number of UFO sightings, according to McGonagle, many of these will remain unsolved. He believes that there is a wide range of plausible explanations behind these sightings, and he claims that people like himself are more likely to know about it than the authorities. For decades, he has been studying classified documents about the Ministry of Defence to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon.
However, even evidence to the contrary is often not enough to deter the most ardent alien hunters from their belief in a conspiracy to keep sightings secret. The increased press coverage of UFO sightings is likely to lead to a rash of reports from people who don’t usually look at the sky. As McGonagle warns, this can create a self-fulfilling cycle where people start to see things they don’t recognize, report them, and then spark an alien invasion rumor.
While there has been a recent increase in UFO sightings, we should not jump to conclusions about the origins of these flying objects. It is essential to keep an open mind and acknowledge that many sightings will remain unexplained. Still, it’s fascinating to ponder whether we are alone in the universe or not. So keep looking up, and who knows what we might see?
Astronomers Spot a Rogue Supermassive Black Hole, Hurtling Through Space Leaving Star Formation in its Wake
This artist's conception illustrates a supermassive black hole (central black dot) at the core of a young, star-rich galaxy. Now astronomers have found a rogue SMBH travelling through space.
Astronomers Spot a Rogue Supermassive Black Hole, Hurtling Through Space Leaving Star Formation in its Wake
Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) lurk in the center of large galaxies like ours. From their commanding position in the galaxy’s heart, they feed on gas, dust, stars, and anything else that strays too close, growing more massive as time passes. But in rare circumstances, an SMBH can be forced out of its position and hurtle through space as a rogue SMBH.
In a new paper, researchers from Canada, Australia, and the USA present evidence of a rogue SMBH that’s tearing through space and interacting with the circumgalactic medium (CGM.) Along the way, the giant is creating shock waves and triggering star formation.
If you’ve never heard of a runaway SMBH, you’re not alone. SMBHs are normally locked into place at the centers of galaxies, and that’s where they stay. But scientists think that in rare circumstances SMBHs can escape their galaxies. In their paper, the authors explain how an SMBH can be cast out of its host galaxy.
It always starts when galaxies merge. That leads to the formation of a binary SMBH at the center of the merger remnant. The binary SMBH can be very long-lived, surviving for as long as one billion years before merging. If during that time, a third SMBH reaches the galactic center, then a three-body interaction can give one of the SMBHs a velocity boost, and it can be driven from the galaxy.
But despite their theoretical underpinnings, finding these rogue SMBHs is difficult. Astronomers identified one of the best candidates in 2021, about 230 million light-years away. The authors noticed peculiar movement and velocity that indicated recent disruption. But they couldn’t conclude whether they saw an ongoing galaxy merger, a binary black hole system, or a gravitational-wave recoil event.
Astronomers recognize a couple of ways that they can identify a runaway SMBH. The easiest way is if the hole is actively absorbing material as an active galactic nucleus and can be identified by its luminosity. “For such objects,” the authors write, “the presence of an SMBH is not in doubt, but it can be difficult to determine whether they are ‘naked’ black holes or the nuclei of merging galaxies.”
Another way is by the stellar mass that the rogue hole drags along with it. When an SMBH is ejected, its massive gravitational power pulls some stars along with it. But without the luminosity from an AGN, the dimness makes identifying the hole and its stellar companions difficult from a great distance.
A third way that astronomers could recognize a potential rogue SMBH is by the effect it has on the difuse gas in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) as it passes through it.
“The interaction of a runaway supermassive black hole with the CGM can lead to the formation of a wake of shocked gas and young stars behind it,” the authors write. In their paper, they report the serendipitous discovery of a linear feature in images from the Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys that could be one of these wakes.
These images from the Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys show the linear feature that may result from a rogue SMBH. Image Credit: van Dokkum et al. 2023
When an SMBH travels through ionized hydrogen in the CGM, it produces a shock front with a long wake trailing behind it. In the wake, clouds of shocked gas can cool and form stars that look like knots in the trail. The researchers analyzed three of the knots in the linear feature and measured their ages and metallicity.
Theory and modelling show that the youngest stars formed in the wake should be younger than about 30 million years old. When the researchers measured their properties, they found that the three knots are within the age range laid out by models. They’re also within the range of metallicities and dust content.
This image from the work shows three knots in the tail that are likely recently formed stars. The researchers found that the three stars fall within the correct ranges of metallicity, age, and dust content to conform with a rogue SMBH that left its galaxy about 39 million years ago. Image Credit: van Dokkum et al. 2023
If the host galaxy ejected an SMBH, the galaxy should show signs of disruption. SMBHs are extraordinarily massive, and that much mass can’t move through a galaxy without shaping it. The team examined the galaxy that spawned the rogue SMBH and found that its morphology was disrupted.
This figure from the research shows the morphology of the galaxy in F606W and F814W (Hubble filters.) The arrow indicates the direction of the linear feature. The galaxy is compact and shows irregular features, possibly indicating a recent merger and/or a connection to the linear feature. Image Credit: van Dokkum et al. 2023
There is, however, another possible explanation for the linear feature. It could be a black hole jet rather than a rogue SMBH. Under the right conditions, black hole jets can also shock gas in the CGM and lead to star formation. “There are two well-studied nearby examples of jets triggering star formation,” the authors state. One of them is called Minkowski’s Object.
This image shows two views of Minkowski’s Object. On the left is a Hubble image showing MO in blue. The elliptical galaxy NGC 541 is above and to the right. A jet coming from NGC 541’s black hole is powering star formation in Minkowski’s Object. Image Credit: (L) NASA, ESA, and S. Croft (Eureka Scientific Inc.); Image Processing: Gladys Kober (NASA Goddard/Catholic University of America). (R) Sloan Digital Sky Survey/H. R. M. Zovaro et al.
The authors acknowledge the black hole jet explanation as a possibility, but they say there are too many problems with it. Visible emission lines aren’t a property of black hole jets, and there’s no evidence of nuclear activity. There’s also a problem with morphology. “A more serious issue is that the morphology of the feature does not match simulations or observations of jet-induced star formation,” the authors explain.
They settle on a runaway SMBH as the best explanation for the data and observations.
This schematic from the research shows how a rogue black hole is born. In 1 and 2, a merger leads to the formation of a long-lived binary SMBH. In 3, a third galaxy comes in, and its SMBH sinks to the center of the new remnant. This creates a three-body interaction in 4. The least massive SMBH becomes unbound from the other two and receives a velocity kick in the opposite direction. 5 shows that if there’s a powerful enough velocity kick, then it’s possible that all three SMBHs could be ejected. 6 is a frame from Illustris TNG showing that the circumgalactic medium can have highly assymetric flows, and the SMBH at A is travelling through such a region of relatively dense and cold CGM. Image Credit: van Dokkum et al. 2023
“The line ratios, colours, and the overall morphology are consistent with an ejected SMBH moving through the CGM at high speed while triggering star formation,” they write.
Locating the black holes would be incontrovertible evidence for this conclusion. “The ‘smoking gun’ evidence for this scenario would be the unambiguous identification of the black holes themselves,” the researchers write. “The obvious places to look for them are A and B in Fig. 6.”
“These are candidates for ‘hyper compact stellar systems,'” SMBHs enveloped in stars and gas that escaped with them,” they explain.
This is Figure 6 from the paper, showing points A and B, which the authors say are the obvious places to look for the SMBHs. Unfortunately, they’re below Hubble’s resolution. Image Credit: van Dokkum et al. 2023
The long feature in these observations is highly unusual, so it won’t be a surprise if it has an unusual cause. Only more observations can determine if rogue SMBHs are at work, and the JWST could provide them. “Deeper data, for instance, from the JWST NIRSPEC IFU, may show the expected broad, highly red- or blueshifted emission lines of ionized gas that is bound to the black holes themselves. Those data could also spatially resolve flows, shocks, and star formation near A,” the authors say, looking ahead.
And if there is one instance of runaway SMBHs creating these features, there will be others.
“Looking ahead, the morphology of the feature in the HST images is so striking that it should not be too difficult to find more examples if they exist. Future data from the Nancy Grace Roman telescope can be searched with automated algorithms,” they explain.
A rogue SMBH disconnected from its galaxy and roaming through the circumgalactic medium is a fascinating phenomenon. We’re only in the early stages of understanding SMBHs, how they’re linked with galaxy growth, and how they merge to produce gravitational waves.
To find that they can be kicked out of their host galaxies adds a layer of complexity only nature could come up with.
Falling asteroid sparks brilliant fireball over Europe just hours after discovery (video)
Falling asteroid sparks brilliant fireball over Europe just hours after discovery (video)
Elizabeth Howell
Screenshot of a video showing a fireball falling over France Feb. 13, 2023.
A dramatic fireball lit up European skies just hours after its discovery in space.
Krisztián Sárneczky spotted the small asteroid at Konkoly Observatory's Piszkéstető Station, located some 60 miles (100 kilometers) northeast from Budapest, with a 2-foot (0.6-meter) telescope. The information was passed along to the European Space Agency, hours before it fell into the atmosphere around 10 p.m. EST Feb. 12 (0300 GMT Feb. 13).
"I discovered this small body during a routine NEO [near Earth object] hunt," Sárneczky told senior writer Tereza Pultarova in an e-mail. "It was immediately obvious that it was an NEO, but it wasn't particularly fast across the sky, as it was heading right towards us, and it was faint," Sárneczky added.
It's not the first time Sárneczky has given a heads-up for a dramatic fireball event, as the professional asteroid hunter did the same thing in March 2022. "At the time I thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime event," he said. "I was wrong."
KIJK. Spectaculaire beelden tonen hoe asteroïde door atmosfeer vliegt in Noord-Frankrijk: natuurspektakel ook in ons land te zien
KIJK. Spectaculaire beelden tonen hoe asteroïde door atmosfeer vliegt in Noord-Frankrijk: natuurspektakel ook in ons land te zien
Afgelopen nacht is boven Noord-Frankrijk een asteroïde door de atmosfeer gevlogen. De asteroïde, genaamd Sar2667, was ongeveer een meter groot en ongevaarlijk. Het is nog maar de zevende keer ooit dat experten de meteoor hadden voorspeld. Verschillende Fransen konden het unieke spektakel vastleggen. Ook in ons land was de asteroïde te zien, zo legde een deurbelcamera in Haaltert het fenomeen vast. Bekijk in bovenstaande video de beelden.
Hoe ontstaan meteorieten? En hoeveel zijn ze waard?
Guys I found this crashed UFO last night when looking at a Mars gigapan photo. The UFO is about 10-13 meters across and would have held at least six people but probably more. The back broken hull does look solid, meaning the non passenger areas are solid so tech is more secure from jiggling or breaking, thus if they were ever attacked, it would take many hits to break the spacecraft. Solid crafts like this are only about 75% solid, the rest is for crew. This is from recent rover photos, not sure how NASA missed it, I'm sure they would have explored its insides had they seen it. This photo is huge, so don't think you will find it in 3 seconds, it will take about 30 or more to find it, please us my video as reference to help.
This is undeniable proof that intelligent aliens lived and thrived on planet Mars.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Black Object Over Thirsk, England Sept 12, 2022, UFO Sighting News. Video.
Black Object Over Thirsk, England Sept 12, 2022, UFO Sighting News. Video.
Date of sighting: September 12, 2022
Location of sighting: Thirsk, England
Source: MUFON
This video was taken about five months ago, but reported only today. The eyewitness recorded a dark sphere object over the city of Thirsk during sunset and the stillness of the craft is disturbing. It must have come up out of the forest and was caught during sunset, which crates a triangle from three points (eyewitness, UFO, Sun) at which point any cloaking device on the UFO will be useless for a 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Absolutely fantastic catch, steady camera work, I only wish we could see how it left the area, going up or down to an alien underground base.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
I have been driving back home from work , and I have noticed an object on sky not moving at all. It was way from york to malton , but I change the direction to get closer to object so I turned at thrisk, I seen object long time, but my phone couldn’t make a picture so I decided I will close enough to get pictures and call my wife on FaceTime to show her what happened!!!
US Military Downs 4 Unidentified Flying Objects; Officials Do Not Dismiss Possibility of Extraterrestrial Origin
US Military Downs 4 Unidentified Flying Objects; Officials Do Not Dismiss Possibility of Extraterrestrial Origin
The U.S. military has shot down four unidentified high altitude objects in just eight days, prompting speculation about their nature and purpose. Thelatest takedown occurred over Lake Huron, with President Joe Biden ordering the action on the grounds that the object posed a potential surveillance threat. However, despite enhanced radar and other measures, officials remain in the dark about the nature of the objects, leading to calls for greater transparency from lawmakers. While defense officials deny that the objects are related to aliens, the lack of information has fueled anxiety and speculation about the potential for extraterrestrial life.
The recent events have been described as “nothing short of craziness,” with military leaders struggling to determine what is out there and what the dangers might be. The repeated takedowns are believed to be a response to a spy balloon from China that emerged over U.S. airspace in late January, but officials remain cautious about ruling out UFOs. While some have criticized the military for being trigger happy, others have argued that this is preferable to the permissive approach taken towards the Chinese spy balloon.
Despite the lack of concrete information, the situation has sparked widespread interest in UFO sightings, with many people searching for the latest news and updates. While the truth about these sightings may remain shrouded in mystery for now, the search for answers continues, as military officials and lawmakers work to uncover the truth about these high-flying objects.
Do Advanced Civilizations use Black Holes as Giant Quantum Computers?
If life is common in our Universe, and we have every reason to suspect it is, why do we not see evidence of it everywhere? This is the essence of the Fermi Paradox, a question that has plagued astronomers and cosmologists almost since the birth of modern astronomy. It is also the reasoning behind the Hart-TIpler Conjecture, one of the many (many!) proposed resolutions, which asserts that if advanced life had emerged in our galaxy sometime in the past, we would see signs of their activity everywhere we looked. Possible indications include self-replicating probes, megastructures, and other Type III-like activity.
On the other hand, several proposed resolutions challenge the notion that advanced life would operate on such massive scales. Others suggest that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations would be engaged in activities and locales that would make them less noticeable. In a recent study, a German-Georgian team of researchers proposed that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations (ETCs) could use black holes as quantum computers. This makes sense from a computing standpoint and offers an explanation for the apparent lack of activity we see when we look at the cosmos.
The first SETI survey (Project Ozma) was conducted in 1960 and was led by famed astrophysicist Dr. Frank Drake (who proposed the Drake Equation). This survey relied on the Green Bank Observatory‘s 26-meter (85-foot) radio telescope to listen for radio transmissions from the nearby star systems of Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. Since then, the vast majority of SETI projects have been geared towards the search for radio technosignatures, owing to the ability of radio waves to propagate through interstellar space. As Dvali and Osmanov explained to Universe Today via email:
“Currently, we are mainly looking for radio messages, and there have been several attempts to study the sky for finding the so-called Dyson sphere candidates – megastructures built around stars. On the other hand, the problem of SETI is so complex that one should test all possible channels.
“A whole “spectrum” of technosignatures might be much wider: for instance, the infrared or optical emission from megastructures also built around pulsars, white dwarfs, and black holes. A completely new “direction” must be the search for an anomalous spectral variability of these technosignatures, which might distinguish them from normal astrophysical objects.”
For their study, Dvali and Osmanov suggest looking for something altogether different: evidence of large-scale quantum computing. The benefits of quantum computing are well-documented, which include the ability to process information exponentially faster than digital computing and being immune to decryption. Given the rate at which quantum computing is advancing today, it is entirely logical to assume that an advanced civilization could adapt this technology to a much grander scale. Said Dvali and Osmanov:
“No matter how advanced is a civilization or how different is their particle composition and chemistry from ours, we are unified by laws of quantum physics and gravity. These laws tell us that the most efficient storers of quantum information are black holes.
“Although our recent studies show that theoretically, there may exist devices created by non-gravitational interactions that also saturate the capacity of information storage (so-called “saturons”), the black holes are the clear champions. Correspondingly, any sufficiently advanced ETI is expected to use them for information storage and processing.”
This idea builds on the work of Nobel-prize winner Roger Penrose, who famously proposed that limitless energy could be extracted from a black hole by tapping into the ergosphere. This space lies just outside the event horizon, where infalling matter forms a disk that is accelerated to near the speed of light and emits tremendous amounts of radiation. Several researchers have suggested that this may be the ultimate power source for advanced ETIs, either by feeding matter onto an SMBH (and harnessing the resulting radiation) or simply harnessing the energy they already put out.
Simulation of the emitted light from a supermassive black hole binary system. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Two possibilities for this latter scenario involve harnessing the angular momentum of their accretions disks (the “Penrose Process“) or capturing the heat and energy generated by their hypervelocity jets (perhaps in the form of a Dyson Sphere). In their later paper, Dvali and Osmanov suggest that black holes could be the ultimate source of computation. This is based on the notions that: a) a civilization’s advancement is directly correlated to its level of computational performance, and b) that there exist certain universal markers of computational advancement which can be used as potential technosignatures for SETI.
Using the principles of quantum mechanics, Dvali and Osmanov explained how would be the most efficient capacitors for quantum information. These black holes would likely be artificial in nature and micro-sized rather than large and naturally occurring (for the sake of computing efficiency). As a result, they argue, these black holes would be more energetic than naturally-occurring ones:
“By analyzing the simple scaling properties of information retrieval time, we showed that the optimization of the information volume and processing time suggests that it is maximally beneficial for ETI to invest energy in the creation of many microscopic black holes as opposed to a few large ones.
“First, the micro-black holes radiate with much higher intensity and in the higher energy spectrum of Hawking radiation. Secondly, such black holes must be manufactured by means of high-energy particle collisions in accelerators. This manufacturing necessarily provides an accompanying high-energy radiation signature.”
In honor of Dr. Stephen Hawking, the COSMOS center will be creating the most detailed 3D mapping effort of the Universe.
Credit: BBC, Illus.: T.Reyes
Hawking radiation, named in honor of the late and great Stephen Hawking, is theorized to be released just outside the event horizon of a black hole due to relativistic quantum effects. The emission of this radiation reduces the mass and rotational energy of black holes, theoretically resulting in their eventual evaporation. The resulting Hawking radiation, said Dvali and Osomanov, would be “democratic” in nature, meaning that it would produce many different species of subatomic particles that are detectable by modern instruments:
“The great thing about Hawking radiation is that it is universal in all the existing particle species. Thereby, ETI quantum computers must radiate “ordinary” particles such as neutrinos and photons. Neutrinos, in particular, are excellent messengers due to their extraordinary penetration ability, which avoids the possibility of screening.
“This, in particular, offers novel fingerprints of ETI in the form of a flux of very high energy neutrinos coming both from Hawking radiation of information storing micro black holes as well as from the collision ‘factories’ that manufacture them. The Hawking component of radiation is expected to be a superposition of black body spectra of very high energies. In the paper, we have shown that the IceCube observatory can potentially observe such technosignatures. However, this is just one potential example of a very exciting new direction for SETI.”
In many respects, this theory echoes the logic of the Barrow Scale, proposed by astrophysicist and mathematician John D. Barrow in 1998. A revision of the Kardashev Scale, the Barrow Scale suggests that civilizations should be characterized not by their physical mastery of outer space (i.e., planet, solar system, galaxy, etc.) but of inner space – i.e., the molecular, atomic, and quantum realms. This Scale is central to the Transcension Hypothesis, a proposed resolution to Fermi’s Paradox that suggests that ETIs would have “transcended” beyond anything we would recognize.
Dr. Frank Drake scrawling the Drake Equation on a whiteboard. Credit: SETI Institute
Herein lies another exciting aspect of this theory, which is how it offers another possible resolution to the Fermi Paradox. As they explained:
“Up until now, we have completely overlooked a natural direction for SETI in form of high energy neutrinos and other particles produced by the Hawking radiation of artificial black holes. Thereby, various experimental searches for such high energy particles can potentially shed an extremely important light on the presence of advanced ETI within the observable part of the Universe.”
In short, it could be that we see a “Great Silence” when we look into the cosmos because we’ve been looking for the wrong technosignatures. After all, if extraterrestrial life has had a jump on humanity (which seems reasonable given the age of the Universe), it stands to reason they would have outgrown radio communications and digital computing a long time ago. Another advantage to this theory is that it need not apply to all ETIs to explain why we haven’t heard from any civilizations to date.
Given the exponential rate at which computing progresses (using humanity as a template), advanced civilizations might have a short window in which they broadcast in radio wavelengths. This is a key part of the Drake Equation: the L parameter, which refers to the length of time civilizations have to release detectable signals into space. In the meantime, this study offers another potential technosignature for SETI surveys to look for in the coming years. The Paradox persists, but we need only find one indication of advanced life to resolve it.
Fourth UFO shot down by the US, this time over Lake Huron
Fourth UFO shot down by the US, this time over Lake Huron
Latest update on the unidentified objects flying over the US and Canada:
Yesterday the US Airforce has shot down another unidentified flying object, this time the object was shot down over Lake Huron and they are going to recover the debris to analysis the object.
The Pentagon has refused to rule out the recent unidentified objects shot out of the sky could be aliens. US Air Force General Glen VanHerck said intelligence services were exploring all avenues - including the three most recent objects may be linked to extraterrestrials.
Asked whether he had ruled out 'aliens or extraterrestrials', he said: 'I'll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out. I haven't ruled out anything' reports the Dailymail.
It seems as that the US air force has more information about these mysterious objects and although they refuse to give an explanation, the statement of US Air Force General Glen VanHerck is remarkable.
Next, it seems that China will also have to deal with these unidentified flying objects. Sky News Asia Correspondent Brent O’Halloran says the Chinese authorities are considering shooting down an unidentified flying object after it was “detected” near a “port city” in the Northern Shandong province.
So far;
02-04-2023: Chinese Spy Balloon shot down off the coast of South Carolina
02-10-2023: Airborne object shot down over Alaska, Dead Horse
02-11-2023: Airborne object shot down over Northern Canada near Mayo, Yukon
02-11-2023: Airborne object detected on radar over Montana
02-12-2023: Airborne object show down over Lake Huron
The next three videos provide an update on the latest development on these unidentified flying objects whereby the third video from MRMBB333 provides more detailed insight including footage of a transport of a UFO-like object and a footage of a series of unidentified objects flying over the Argentine Sea.
The MUFON UFO Stalker website has been seized by the Department of Defense
The MUFON UFO Stalker website has been seized by the Department of Defense
The website UFO Stalker says "This domain has temporarily been seized by the Department of Defense in coordination with the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice in support of an ongoing investigation related to the unidentified aerial phenomena occurring within North American Airspace."
With all the strange things going on in the skies over US and Canada, US Airforce shooting down unknown flying objects and now the Department of Defense has been seized the well known website UFO Stalker who reports UFO sightings on daily base.
Are more websites and YouTube channels who are reporting about the UFO phenomenon to be seized in the near future?
In the meantime a fourth unknown flying object has been shot down over Lake Huron yesterday and also a new unknown flying object has been detected over Canada.
The fact that the Pentagon said that they cannot rule out that the unknown objects flying over the US and Canada are Aliens is something to think about.
Maybe it is too far fetched but could it be that they are preparing a false flag alien invasion, and they don't want UFO related websites and YouTube channels reporting about it? We may wonder whether more UFO related websites and YouTube channels will be seized soon, something is going on for sure.
Could UFOs over the US be the same as the infamous 'Tic Tac' caught on video? Expert says mysterious objects resemble white oblong spotted by the US Navy in 2004 – as the Pentagon refuses to rule out ALIENS
Could UFOs over the US be the same as the infamous 'Tic Tac' caught on video? Expert says mysterious objects resemble white oblong spotted by the US Navy in 2004 – as the Pentagon refuses to rule out ALIENS
UFO fever is gripping the US after a third mysterious object was shot down using a missile from a F-16 fighter jet yesterday.
The 'octagonal' object with 'potential surveillance capabilities' flew near a sensitive military site in Montana before being taken over the Great Lakes on Sunday.
It follows a further two objects that were shot down over Alaska and Canada in the preceding days and a Chinese 'spy balloon' being eliminated the weekend before.
While China claimed ownership of the spy balloon, the origin and purpose of the three subsequent unidentified flying objects are more mysterious, with the Pentagon refusing to rule out an extraterrestrial origin.
British UFO expert Nick Pope, formerly with the UK's Ministry of Defence, told MailOnline that he 'can't rule out a connection with the Tic Tac sighting' but cautioned that an overall explanation is 'still to be determined'.
Here's all you need to know about what the UFOs could be, and why they are increasingly becoming a major breach of Northern American airspace.
A mysterious object was taken down over the Great Lakes on Sunday after being detected in US airspace. The Pentagon issued a statement saying its path and altitude had 'raised concerns'. It followed two other crafts discovered and destroyed over Alaska and Canada on Friday and Saturday, respectively, and a Chinese balloon taken down on February 4
Three UFOs shot down in three days
- Friday Feb. 10: First UFO shot down (over Alaska)
- Saturday Feb. 11: Second UFO shot down (Yukon, Canada)
- Sunday Feb. 12: Third UFO shot down (Great Lakes)
More unusual activity:
- Saturday Feb. 4: Chinese ‘spy’ balloon shot down (South Carolina coast)
US authorities were alerted to a flying octagonal object discovered in US airspace on Sunday – the third in as many days.
An F-16 fighter jet shot it down from around 20,000 feet over the Great Lakes at 2:42pm local time, following orders from President Biden.
Two other crafts had been discovered and subsequently destroyed over Alaska and Canada on Friday and Saturday, respectively.
China has admitted ownership of the balloon, although it insisted it was an unmanned weather surveillance aircraft that had veered off-course.
In comparison, the three aircraft that followed at the weekend are unidentified and their nature and origin are far less clear.
The first two UFOs shot down over Alaska and Canada on Friday and Saturday have both been described as 'cylindrical'.
According to ABC News citing an unnamed US official, the first one was described as 'cylindrical and silver-ish gray' and seemed to be floating without any sort of propulsion.
Pictured, the 148th Fighter Wing F-16C that shot down the unidentified object over Lake Heron on Sunday. The missile is circled
China's surveillance balloon is still shrouded in mystery to some extent, but it's thought to have sensors, radar, and cameras
Meanwhile, the second was also cylindrical and described as much smaller than the Chinese spy balloon of February 4.
Both were believed to have a payload, either attached or suspended from them, according to the officials.
It's possible the Alaska and Canada UFOs were of the same design.
However, the third one was described as 'octagonal' with strings hanging off, but had no discernible payload.
Officials have said they would not definitively characterise these aircrafts as 'balloons' until the debris is recovered.
It's possible that all the objects are balloons that China has released to bombard North American airspace, either as a threat or a political statement.
Following the take-down operation of the third UFO on Sunday, the Pentagon issued a statement saying its path and altitude had 'raised concerns'.
The statement said: 'North American Aerospace Defense Command detected the object Sunday morning and has maintained visual and radar tracking of it.
'Based on its flight path and data we can reasonably connect this object to the radar signal picked up over Montana, which flew in proximity to sensitive DOD [Department of Defense] sites.
'We did not assess it to be a kinetic military threat to anything on the ground, but assess it was a safety flight hazard and a threat due to its potential surveillance capabilities.'
Pictured, the spherical Chinese balloon that was shot down on February 4 over South Carolina
Canada searching for object shot down over Yukon Saturday
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Sunday said teams are looking for the cylindrical object that a US fighter jet shot down over Yukon territory on his orders a day ago so that they can analyze it and learn more about its purpose.
'Recovery teams are on the ground, looking to find and analyze the object,' Trudeau told reporters.
'There's still much to know about it. That's why the analysis of this object is going to be very important.'
Source: Reuters
The Pentagon has refused to rule out the possibility that the collection of unidentified objects could be linked to extraterrestrials.
US Air Force General Glen VanHerck said intelligence services were exploring all avenues and would not rule out aliens or any other explanation yet.
'I'll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out. I haven't ruled out anything,' VanHerck said.
'At this point we continue to assess every threat or potential threat, unknown, that approaches North America with an attempt to identify it.'
Mr Pope says everything that's been shot down so far is some kind of surveillance device rather than an extraterrestrial.
'I'm sure there's life out there in the cosmos, and I'm open minded about the idea of visitation – to borrow the general's phrase, I don't rule it out,' Pope told MailOnline.
'But this isn't The War of the Worlds, it's spying, and I'm sure the US is making every effort to assess what damage has been done, and to mitigate the threat.'
According to Pope, VanHerck's statement was a 'generic response' that's used when people don't really have an answer, but it has had the effect of inviting an extraterrestrial hypothesis.
Legendary English physicist Professor Brian Cox has also weighed in with a tweet laced with a good dose of irony.
'I've always suspected that an advanced alien civilisation with the technology to travel at close to light speed across interstellar distances would arrive in Earth orbit unobserved and proceed to dispatch a fleet of small, easily detectable balloons into our atmosphere,' he said.
US Air Force General Glen VanHerck said they are still unsure how the three objects were staying aloft
All the same, the cylindrical shape of the first and second object has suggested a potential link with the famous 'Tic Tac' UFO of 2004.
In November 2004, US Navy pilots were conducting a routine training mission with the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz off the Southern California coast
There they noticed the so-called 'Tic Tac' UFO, which was leaked in an official US government video taken aboard the Navy fighter jet.
Aboard was US Navy Lieutenant Commander Alex Dietrich, who first noticed an unusual 'churning' of the ocean surface before seeing the UFO.
The smooth, white oblong object – resembling a large Tic Tac breath mint – flew at high speed over the water, maneuvering and accelerating in ways which seemed to defy the laws of physics.
'It appeared to respond in a way that we didn't recognise', Dietrich told Reuters in 2021, and seemed to lack 'any visible flight control surfaces or means of propulsion'.
'We don't know what it was, but it could have been a natural phenomenon in human activity,' she said. 'But the point was that it was weird, and we couldn't recognise it.'
So could its characteristic shape give it any relation to the recently-downed objects?
Pope said he 'can't rule out a connection with the Tic Tac sighting' but cautioned that an overall explanation is 'still to be determined'.
'I don't have an explanation for the Tic Tac incident, and to the best of my knowledge the DOD and the US Navy are still categorising it as unidentified,' he told MailOnline.
The Pentagon has refused to rule out an extraterrestrial origin, but the shape of two of the objects recalls the famous 'Tic Tac' UFO of 2004
Department of Defense admitted it is examining 510 reports of UFO sightings and an office dedicated to reviewing UFOs received 247 new reports since June 2021 (artist's depiction)
The hunt is now on by US authorities to find the fragments of the downed objects and analyse them to reveal more about their identity.
The Pentagon has said Department of Defense staff will now work to recover Sunday's object 'in an effort to learn more' about its purpose and origin'.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also said analysis of the object that penetrated his country's airspace 'is going to be very important'.
However, intelligence gathered from the investigations could be kept as closely-guarded secrets.
'The fact that this involves the intelligence agencies is one reason for the secrecy, and while more information will emerge, some details will doubtless be kept from the media and the public, for reasons of national security,' Pope told MailOnline.
'That will probably ensure that the conspiracy theories about aliens aren't going to go away just yet.'
Pentagon issues statement following downing of mysterious 'airborne object' at 20,000 feet
Today at 2:42 p.m. ET, at the direction of President Biden, and based on the recommendations of Secretary Austin and military leadership, an F-16 fired an AIM9x to successfully shoot down an airborne object flying at approximately 20,000 feet altitude in US airspace over Lake Huron in the State of Michigan.
Its path and altitude raised concerns, including that it could be a hazard to civil aviation.
The location chosen for this shoot down afforded us the opportunity to avoid impact to people on the ground while improving chances for debris recovery. There are no indications of any civilians hurt or otherwise affected.
North American Aerospace Defense Command detected the object Sunday morning and has maintained visual and radar tracking of it.
Based on its flight path and data we can reasonably connect this object to the radar signal picked up over Montana, which flew in proximity to sensitive DOD sites.
We did not assess it to be a kinetic military threat to anything on the ground, but assess it was a safety flight hazard and a threat due to its potential surveillance capabilities.
Our team will now work to recover the object in an effort to learn more.
There has been a spike in reported sightings of unidentified flying objects in North American skies. The most recent instance was on Sunday, when a US fighter jet shot down an unidentified object that was flying over Lake Michigan. This is the third time in a row that an aircraft has been forced to shoot down an unidentified object in the region.
Brig. General Pat Ryder, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, stated that the object was not considered a threat, but it was regarded as a flight hazard due to its capabilities. The military is currently working to recover it.
Lakes Huron and Michigan
Melissa Dalton, the assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense, said that the objects were taken down due to the recent incident involving a Chinese surveillance balloon. She also noted that these types of objects can be used for legitimate research.
The object was reportedly spotted on radar in Montana on Saturday. It was flying at an altitude of 20,000 feet and was described as an “octagonal” object with strings that were hanging off. Although it was not considered a military threat, it was believed that it could have posed a flight hazard to civilians.
Democratic Rep. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer have both released statements about the incident. Slotkin praised the work of the US Air Force and National Guard pilots who carried out the mission, while Whitmer emphasized the importance of national security and safety, and confirmed that the National Guard was ready to respond.
Elon Musk also posted a Tweet about this in his own style.
The recent surge in UFO sightings and incidents has sparked a renewed interest in the mystery surrounding unidentified flying objects. As the Pentagon continues to recover and analyze the objects shot down in recent days, it will be interesting to see what more is learned about these mysterious objects.
UFO filmed over Lake Michigan yesterday!
This object over Lake Michigan was filmed yesterday around noon (12th February) from Grant Park in Chicago. Is this the object that was shoot down over Lake Huron? Leave me your opinions in the comment section below!
Breaking News: Canada Shoots Down Its Own UFO in the Sky!
Breaking News: Canada Shoots Down Its Own UFO in the Sky!
Canada Shoots Down Its Own UFO
On February 11th, 2023, the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, announced that the Canadian Forces shot down an unidentified flying object (UFO) over the Yukon Canadian territory. The object was described as high-altitude and the Prime Minister stated that he had spoken with President Biden and that the Canadian Forces would be analyzing the wreckage. The exact nature of the object remains unknown, with the White House referring to it as a “high-altitude object” and National Security Council spokesman John Kirby describing it as the size of a small car. However, unnamed national security sources have described it as cylindrical and silverish-grey, unmanned, and floating, not appearing to be powered by any recognizable aviation systems.
This mysterious event comes shortly after the United States shot down a UFO just outside of Alaska, with President Biden ordering the downing of the object after it was detected and surveilled by U.S. intelligence and military. The object was described as being the size of a small car and floating in the sky.
With UFO sightings on the rise and US Congress taking the matter seriously, this event has sparked the interest of many and the internet is buzzing with conspiracy theories. It’s not surprising that the Roswell incident from 1947, in which a UFO crash was covered up as a weather balloon, has come to mind.
Only time will tell if the government will provide more information about what these objects actually were, but it’s definitely an exciting and mysterious topic to keep an eye on.
Starbase Bustling: Before & After Historic 31 Engine Static Fire - Starbase Update
A 1-meter (3.28 foot) asteroid, designated Sar2667, will impact "Earth's atmosphere over northern France between 3:50-4:03 CET," on Feb. 13, 2023 (9:50pm - 10:05pm EST on Feb. 12), according to the European Space Agency. It is expected to safely burn up in the atmosphere but could be visible between London and Northern France.
Wow! Asteroid Sar2667's Earth impact seen over France and Germany
Small asteroid Sar2667 impacted Earth hours after being discovered by Kristian Sarnecki using the Konkoly Observatory's Piszkéstető Station in Hungary. It safely burned up in the atmosphere, providing fireworks to skywatchers in France and Germany. | footage courtesy: Thomas Petit @MegaLuigi in Rouen, France, Aaron in Caudry, France, Sang-Hyeok Lee in Aachen, Germany | animation courtesy: Tony Dunn / | edited by Steve Spaleta (
What we know about the unidentified object shot down over Lake Huron on Sunday
The U.S. military shot down what it's calling a "high altitude object" on Sunday over Lake Huron, just hours after airspace was closed over Lake Michigan. On Sunday night, Department of Defense officials held a briefing to speak about their decision to shoot down the object over the lake. It's the latest in a string of similar sightings and take-downs. The first happened two weeks ago when officials say a suspected Chinese spy balloon crossed into U.S. airspace and was later downed by a U.S. fighter jet.
Hear what pilots said about mysterious object shot down near Alaska
An unidentified object was shot down 10 miles off the frozen coast of Alaska on Friday afternoon, US officials announced, but details about the object are scarce.
US shoots down 4 UFOs, military officials won't rule out aliens
A U.S. fighter jet shot down an “unidentified object” over Lake Huron on Sunday on orders from President Joe Biden. It was the fourth such downing in eight days and the latest military strike in an extraordinary chain of events over U.S. airspace that Pentagon officials believe has no peacetime precedent.
Part of the reason for the repeated shootdowns is a “heightened alert” following a spy balloon from China that emerged over U.S. airspace in late January, Gen. Glen VanHerck, head of NORAD and U.S. Northern Command, said in a briefing with reporters.
Since then, fighter jets last week also shot down objects over Canada and Alaska. Pentagon officials said they posed no security threats, but so little was known about them that Pentagon officials were ruling nothing out — not even UFOs.
“We have been more closely scrutinizing our airspace at these altitudes, including enhancing our radar, which may at least partly explain the increase,” said Melissa Dalton, assistant defense secretary for homeland defense.#WakeUpCLT#UFO#Politics
What were the flying objects shot down by US military? - BBC News
The US military is 'still unsure' what the flying objects it shot out of the skies over North America were - and how they were able to stay aloft.
President Joe Biden ordered another object - the fourth in total this month - to be downed on Sunday.
As it was traveling at 20,000ft (6,100m), it could have interfered with commercial air traffic, the US said.
A military commander said it could be a "gaseous type of balloon" or "some type of a propulsion system". He added he could not rule out that the objects were extra-terrestrials
Pentagon briefing on unusual flying objects shot down across America | General Glen VanHerck
The U.S. Air Force general overseeing North American airspace said on Sunday (February 12) after a series of shoot-downs of unidentified objects that he would not rule out aliens or any other explanation yet, deferring to U.S. intelligence experts.
Asked during a Pentagon briefing whether he had ruled out an extraterrestrial origin for three airborne objects shot down by U.S. warplanes in as many days, General Glen VanHerck said: "I'll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out. I haven't ruled out anything."
China sends defiant message as US jet shoots down fourth flying object
Sky's Beijing correspondent Helen-Ann Smith reports from China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs where a spokesperson has not confirmed nor denied involvement with the recent flying objects shot down by the US.
The latest take down is the fourth in just over a week and the third in as many days after objects were shot down in Alaska and Canada.
Mystery object shot down by US jets - but not a spy balloon
US fighter jets have shot down an unidentified object in the skies over Alaska, although authorities say they don't believe it was a spy balloon.
The object, which was the size of a car, and reportedly described by one official as silver coloured and cylindrical, was first spotted on Thursday, flying at around the same altitude as commercial airliners.
It comes just a week after a Chinese surveillance balloon was shot down over South Carolina.
US Air Force shoots down unidentified object over Lake Huron - the third take down in three days over skies of North America - as White House contradicts Schumer over 'balloon' origin of craft
US Air Force shoots down unidentified object over Lake Huron - the third take down in three days over skies of North America - as White House contradicts Schumer over 'balloon' origin of craft
A third unknown aerial object was shot down over the Great Lakes on Sunday
The Pentagon has shot down another unknown aerial object over the Great Lakes after previously destroying two other crafts over Alaska and Canada.
Rep. Jack Bergman, of Michigan, tweeted Sunday afternoon that he had been in contact with his colleagues at the Department of Defense following reports of an unidentified air craft making its way across the Great Lakes.
Around 3.30pm, he revealed: 'The US military has decommissioned another "object" over Lake Huron.'
The announcement marks the third balloon shot down by the American military in just one weekend, after an unidentified object was shot down over Alaska on Friday and another was shot down in Canada on Saturday.
United States Rep. Elise Slotkin also confirmed that the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena was struck down over Lake Huron.
'The object has been downed by pilots from the US [Air Force] and National Guard,' she tweeted. 'Great work by all who carried out this mission both in the air and back at headquarters.
'We're all interested in exactly what this object was and its purpose. she continued. 'As long as these things keep traversing the US and Canada, I'll continue to ask for Congress to get a full briefing based on our exploration from the wreckage.
The Democrat had earlier tweeted that 'our military has an extremely close eye on the object above Lake Huron.
'We'll know more about what this was in the coming days, but for now, be assured that all parties have been laser-focused on it from the moment it traversed our waters.'
Only a few hours earlier, the Federal Aviation Administration abruptly closed 'national defense airspace' over part of Lake Michigan.
The agency announced that it closed down the area to examine a 'potential contact'. It was lifted less than an hour later.
GOP Rep. Matt Rosendale revealed on Saturday that he was informed of such a developing incident, though officials at the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) later indicated that was a false alarm.
But according to the Montana conservative's latest update - the situation may have been more serious than it seemed.
'I am in constant communication with NORCOM and they have just advised me that they have confidence there IS an object and it WAS NOT an anomaly,' Rosendale wrote on Twitter.
'I am waiting now to receive visual confirmation. Our nation’s security is my priority.'
Montana Rep. Matt Rosendale said he was in communication with officials on Sunday about an unidentified object in his state's airspace
It comes after earlier updates he posted about a sighting of an unknown object on Saturday night reached out to NORAD for comment but was directed to the agency's previous public statements. A subsequent inquiry sent on Rosendale's latest post was not immediately returned.
The Pentagon said it had nothing further to add other than NORAD's Saturday night statement.
Montana's Democratic Sen. Jon Tester said on Sunday that he was in touch with Defense officials regarding the developments from Saturday night, but offered no new updates himself.
'I’m continuing to receive regular updates from the Pentagon and our intelligence community as we closely monitor American airspace in light of last night’s development. I will keep holding them accountable so the public gets the answers they deserve,' Tester said.
The moderate senator indicated earlier on CBS News' Face The Nation that he was still aware of something developing in Montana's airspace.
'I think the investigation is still going on as we speak,' Tester said.
'The truth is, is that there was an anomaly, and they've investigated. I think it got dark last night, so they couldn't fully check it out. I'm sure, as we speak, it's being checked out right now.'
He summarized the uncertainty, 'There may still be something out there. It may be a false alarm.'
If there is indeed an unknown or malign object in Montana's airspace, Tester guessed 'it'll get shot down' by the military.
It's not immediately clear what the object is, or where it's from, but Americans have been on high alert ever since the Chinese spy balloon shot down last weekend led to a host of revelations about Beijing's vast global surveillance program.
Defense officials said they were able to gain valuable insight into China's spy balloon program by studying the device as it drifted across the country, while avoiding shooting it down over the continental US and risking injuries for Americans on the ground.
A flight radar shows military aircraft scrambled off the northeast coast of Alaska to search for the debris from the unidentified object. This comes after the US reportedly developed a system in 2022 to detect spy balloons on a radar
The fighter jets were scrambled from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson near Anchorage on Friday morning to intercept the object near Deadhorse Bay (above) on the northeast coast
White House: 'Not yet cl
The sighting on Sunday marks the third unidentified aerial object found flying over American soil in just one weekend.
On Thursday, officials said, a UAP — or unidentified aerial phenomena — was picked up on United States radar when it was crossing over Alaska.
Crews then conducted a fly-by that night, with a second on Friday morning.
The object was taken down by an F-22 using an A9X missile out of Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson in Anchorage.
Several officials also said the object shattered into pieces after being struck by the missile, adding to the mystery of what the object truly is.
A US official revealed the pilots who intercepted the object said it had a cylindrical shape and no observable surveillance equipment attached.
Authorities have only said it was traveling at an altitude that was potentially harmful for civilian aircrafts, The New York Times reported.
The Pentagon has now launched a recovery operation to collect the debris from the surface of the frozen waters off Alaska.
Justin Trudeau, Canada's prime minister, is seen on Tuesday. On Saturday he announced an 'unidentified object' had been shot down over the Yukon
The next day, another UAP was spotted flying over Canada.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Saturday that he had requested US and Canadian forces scramble to intercept 'an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace', and a U.S. F-22 shot it down at 3:41pm Eastern Standard Time.
A senior government source explained to CBC News that the object crossed into Canadian territory on Saturday morning. It was described as being smaller than the Chinese spy balloon that made its way across the US earlier this month.
Two F-22s were dispatched from the U.S. from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Alaska; and two F-18s from Cold Lake Air Base in Alberta, Canada to shoot down the object over Canada.
It was shot down with an AIM-9X missile at 3:41pm Eastern Standard Time, and was flying at about 40,000 feet. The missile is described by the manufacturer as 'the most advanced infrared-tracking, short-range, air-to-air and surface-to-air missile in the world.'
In the aftermath, Trudeau said Canadian teams were now working to recover the debris.
'I ordered the take down of an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace,' he tweeted on Saturday.
'@NORADCommand shot down the object over the Yukon. Canadian and U.S. aircraft were scrambled, and a U.S. F-22 successfully fired at the object.'
Trudeau said that he had been in contact with Biden about the intrusion.
He thanked NORAD - the North American Aerospace Defense Command, based in Colorado Springs, Colorado - for their work with his forces.
'I spoke with President Biden this afternoon. Canadian Forces will now recover and analyze the wreckage of the object,' Trudeau said.
'Thank you to NORAD for keeping the watch over North America.'
Canada's defense minister, Anita Anand, also praised the joint operation.
She said that she had discussed the incident with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin 'and reaffirmed that we'll always defend our sovereignty together.'
The origins of these aircrafts remains unclear, with the Biden administration contradicting Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's assertation that they balloons.
Officials have said they would not definitively characterize these aircrafts as 'balloons' until the debris is recovered.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer received a briefing on the two recently downed objects on Saturday night
Schumer said the objects were 'much smaller' than the balloon downed earlier this month, which was confirmed by US Defense officials to be a spying device from Beijing.
He did not say where those objects originated or whether he learned of their purpose, nor did he give any indication they were related to China's surveillance program.
Republicans had heaped criticism on the Biden administration for only shooting it down after it traversed several US states at a low enough altitude to be seen by the naked eye - unnerving millions of Americans. .
By contrast, the objects shot down over Alaska on Friday and Canada on Saturday were taken down in remote wilderness shortly after detection.
But on Sunday, Schumer defended the Pentagon's response to the initial balloon and praised how the latest two incidents were handled.
'Both of those, one over Canada, one over Alaska were at 40,000 feet. Immediately it was determined that that's a danger to commercial aircraft which also fly at 40,000 feet,' Schumer said.
'The first balloon, there was a much different rationale which I think was the appropriate rationale. We got enormous intelligence information from surveilling the balloon as it went over the United States.'
The New York Democrat did not say whether the latter two also came from China or if they were used for surveillance.
Since then the Pentagon has revealed it detected one other balloon in US airspace under the Biden administration, as well as three across Donald Trump's White House term - something the Republican administration's officials have denied.
Defense officials believe they are part of a massive surveillance effort spanning 40 different countries - but one that the US did not detect until President Biden took office.
'It is wild that we didn't know,' Schumer conceded during his television interview.
CNN's Natasha Bertrand revealed over the weekend that F-35 pilots charged with taking down an unidentified flying object over Alaska did not know what it was
Fighter pilots who shot down the object over Alaska have revealed that it 'interfered with their sensors' and had 'no identifiable propulsion system.'
In an interview with host Jim Acosta on Saturday, CNN's Natasha Bertrand reported on the findings of the F-35 pilots called in to take down an unidentified flying object over Alaska on Friday.
She brought up the fact that another unidentified flying object was shot down over Alaska on Friday by Air Force pilots who 'were not able to identify what they saw.
'So when the US first detected this object over Alaska on Thursday, they sent up F-35 jets to find of look at it and see what was going on. And these pilots reported back very conflicting accounts,' she revealed.
'Some of them said that this object was actually interfering with the sensors of their aircraft and they couldn't figure out why, because there was no identifiable kind of surveillance equipment on the object.
'There was nothing that appeared readily able to interfere with that communication system,' Bertrand said.
'And then other pilots were saying that they did not see anything on the object that appeared able to propel it, that it seemed like there was no way that this was actually able to stay in the air.'
She pointed out that the pilots were flying really fast so it is 'possible that these pilots just didn't get a good look at it.'
'But that is part of why the Pentagon has been so reluctant to come out and say more about what this object actually is.'
Amerikaans leger haalt voor vierde keer in korte tijd ongeïdentificeerd object neer
UPDATE Het Amerikaans leger heeft een ongeïdentificeerd object boven het Huronmeer aan de grens met Canada uit de lucht geschoten. Het object viel in het meer en er zijn geen aanwijzingen van bijkomende schade, zo melden Amerikaanse media. Het is al de vierde keer op korte tijd dat de Amerikanen ‘vliegende voorwerpen’ in het Amerikaanse en Canadese luchtruim hebben onderschept.
“Het object is neergehaald door piloten van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht en de Nationale Garde”, schreef Elissa Slotkin, lid van het Huis van Afgevaardigden namens de staat Michigan, dat ten zuiden en ten westen van het meer ligt. Eerder zondag had de Afgevaardigde Jack Bergman verklaard dat boven het meer een object “ontmanteld” was.
In de loop van de dag was het luchtruim boven het Michiganmeer, in het noordoosten van de Verenigde Staten, al kortstondig gesloten om redenen in verband met de "nationale defensie", zo had de Amerikaanse regulator van de burgerluchtvaart (FAA) zondag bekendgemaakt.
"De FAA heeft een deel van het luchtruim boven het Michiganmeer kortstondig gesloten om de activiteiten van het ministerie van Defensie te ondersteunen. Het luchtruim is heropend", deelde de regulator mee.
Het nieuws komt op een moment dat in een week tijd al drie keer vliegende voorwerpen boven de VS en Canada neergeschoten werden. De VS en Canada zijn de afgelopen weken zeer alert op indringers vanuit de lucht sinds de verschijning van een wit, in het oog springende ballon eerder deze maand boven het Amerikaanse luchtruim.
Het ging volgens de VS om een Chinese “spionageballon”. Het Amerikaanse leger schoot de ballon op 4 februari neer. China ontkent dat de eerste ballon werd gebruikt voor surveillance en zegt dat het een civiel onderzoeksluchtvaartuig was.
De objecten die de afgelopen dagen boven de Amerikaanse staat Alaska en Canada zijn neergehaald, leken volgens een Witte Huis-woordvoerder “niet veel” op de Chinese ballon - die eerder deze maand voor de kust van South Carolina werd neergeschoten - en waren veel kleiner. De woordvoerder zei ook dat het onderzoek naar de objecten nog loopt en dat de wrakstukken ervan nog niet zijn gevonden.
Ook van het zondag neergeschoten vliegende object is nog niet duidelijk wat het precies was en waarom het door het Canadese en Amerikaanse luchtruim vloog.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.