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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
25 biggest space conspiracy theories: Debunked - PART III
25 biggest space conspiracy theories: Debunked - PART III
Some space conspiracy theories just won't go away.
17. I just saw a bright UFO!
Venus beside the moon.(Image credit: Future/Josh Dury)
It's a familiar trope for police stations and astronomy writers. From time to time, somebody will call (or write) in to say they just saw a UFO in the sky. While UFO is the term used for any flying object that an observer cannot identify, many people claim that they are alien spaceships. They spotted a bright light around sunset, or saw a light moving around in an unfamiliar way.
While every situation is different, one common explanation for "UFOs" is actually another extraterrestrial object: Venus. Venus can be extremely bright when it's at its closest, because it's relatively near Earth. The planet is also extremely reflective because the sun's light bounces off the clouds. So before calling to say you've spotted a UFO, check your sky charts!
18. NASA can travel faster than light
An artist's impression of traveling at the speed of light.
(Image credit: Josh Hawley via Getty Images)
If you've seen the "Star Trek" clips that show the Enterprise spaceship warping into another sector, you might have wondered how fast NASA is making progress on being able to move at the speed of light. The EmDrive has created years of speculation, with some breathlessly saying NASA must be on the verge of breaking the famed barrier.
In reality, NASA is downplaying the reports. The engine in question is a prototype that is producing some interesting results, such as appearing to create thrust when there was no reason for this to happen – and thereby violating Newton's Third Law of Motion. That said, NASA has not yet verified the results from these tests, and the engine has not been widely discussed in peer-reviewed research.
19. We've launched balloons into space!
A 3D-printed mini-space shuttle carried 1,000 Lego astronauts to the stratosphere suspended on a helium balloon in 2023.
(Image credit: Lego/Kreativ Gang)
With the advent of high-resolution, miniature cameras, several people have decided to strap these cameras on to high-altitude balloons and take pictures from up high. They've caught glimpses of blackness and, at times, taken interesting tiny passengers along (such as 1000 Lego minifigures). So they must be in space, right?
There's no way a helium balloon can get into space, according to the California Institute of Technology, and simple physics explains why. When a balloon rises into the sky, the air inside will expand in response to the dropping atmospheric pressure and eventually pop. Even Felix Baumgartner's stunning high-altitude balloon jump in 2012 was not actually from space, but from the stratosphere, which extends to roughly 31 miles (50 kilometers) above the Earth's surface.
At that altitude the air is thin enough to see the blackness of space, but thick enough to support special high-altitude balloons. The boundary between Earth's atmosphere and outer space is about twice as high as the upper limits of the stratosphere.
20. There are canals on Mars
A vertically exaggerated and false-color perspective of a large, water-carved channel on Mars called Dao Vallis. Whether channels like these on Mars were carved by surface water or groundwater is highly debated. The channel is about 25 miles (40 kilometers) wide, 1.6 miles (2.5 km) deep, and more than 310 miles (500 km) long. (Image credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO. 3D rendered and colored by Lujendra Ojha)
Author Percival Lowell became one of space's first popularizers when he wrote many books for the general public back in the late 1800s and early 1900s. In these books and other writings, he said there were canals on Mars built by an intelligent civilization, perhaps to move water into desert-stricken areas. He claimed to have seen the canals in his own telescope, and produced several sketches that are still available on the internet today.
There are no artificial canals on Mars. Several spacecraft have flown by the planet or orbited it, and not one has caught signs of aliens from orbit. What they have seen, however, are smaller channels that were created by nature – likely from water, ice or other processes that cause erosion.
21. A star is flinging comets at Earth
Illustration of comets flying toward Earth. (Image credit: CHRISTOPH BURGSTEDT/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Getty Images)
A long-standing theory known as Nemesis supposes that there is some sort of "death star" on the outer edge of the solar system, whose orbital motions perturb comets in an icy region of objects known as the Oort Cloud. According to the myth, the star's gravity throws these comets toward the inner solar system, and these comets collide with Earth and cause mass extinctions once every 27 million years.
However, a 2011 study concluded that this idea is unlikely, because the comet strikes in recorded history haven't happened with any regularity. The pattern that was recorded in the hoax is actually a statistical artifact, or the result of researchers trying to find patterns in nature where they do not exist, the study's authors found.
22. There's life on Venus
False-color image of cloud features seen on Venus by the Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC) on Venus Express. (Image credit: ESA/MPS/DLR/IDA)
Back in the 1970s and 1980s, the Soviet Union sent several uncrewed missions to study Venus. Ten of these Venera probes landed on the surface of Venus and were able to transmit data and images for a few minutes before succumbing to the planet's extreme atmosphere. In 2012, the Russian news service RIA Novosti reported that Leonid Ksanfomaliti, a scientist who worked on the Venera missions, suggested that the photographs showed living objects moving around on the planet's surface. (RIA Novosti ceased operations in 2013.)
These alleged life-forms on Venus are just an example of "letting your mind see patterns in low-resolution data that simply aren't real," Jonathon Hill, a research technician who processes images taken during NASA's Mars missions, explained to's sister site, LiveScience, in 2012.
According to NASA, the objects that appeared to be moving were actually camera-lens covers that automatically popped off of the cameras after landing LiveScience reports. These half-circle objects were seen in images from Venera-13 and Venera-14, two identical spacecraft that landed about 590 miles (950 km) apart. Both had two identical cameras — one in the front and one in the back — so it makes sense that the covers would appear in different places. Another photograph that Ksanfomaliti said was a scorpion is actually a blur in the image.
23. An asteroid is about to crash into Earth
An illustration of an asteroid headed towards Earth. (Image credit: SCIEPRO/Getty Images)
This recurring rumor claims that a threatening "doomsday" asteroid is about to slam into our planet. An example from 2015 had an asteroid purported to hit Earth in late September, when it would supposedly wreak devastation from its impact point near Puerto Rico. NASA quickly dismissed the reports — which turned out, as usual, to be false. But that's not to say that asteroids will never hit our planet.
NASA and a network of monitoring telescopes across the world are cataloging all known asteroids wider than 459 feet (140 meters) across in line with a 2005 congressional mandate. (Smaller asteroids, if found, are also cataloged.) Of the space rocks discovered so far, NASA has not found a single asteroid that has a high probability of hitting Earth in the foreseeable future.
The front page of the Roswell Daily Record newspaper on July 8, 1947. (Image credit: Roswell Daily Record via Wikimedia)
On a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico, so the story goes, an alien spacecraft crashed in 1947. While the accounts of exactly what happen vary, the legend claims that a disc or some sort of spacecraft was found on a ranch, and that the government quickly covered up the evidence.
While rumors of aliens circulated, some people speculated that the crash was just a plain old weather balloon that might not have been recognized by the local community. The U.S. military acknowledged the "spacecraft" was actually a weather balloon sent aloft as part of Project Mogul, which involved flying microphones on high-altitude balloons to listen for sound waves generated by possible Soviet Union nuclear tests.
25. Climate change isn't real
A sinkhole in Arctic permafrost shows thawing due to climate change. (Image credit: Valerii Buzun via Getty Images)
Earth is on an abnormal warming trend. Arctic ice is melting, the sea level is rising and temperatures are going to extremes in many locations around the world. Why is this happening? Anti-climate-change conspirators have many explanations: solar activity, radiation, the Earth's (and sun's) movements around the Milky Way, among other theories.
While there are many components of climate change, the fact that humans have contributed to it is indisputable, according to NASA. Temperature graphs show that the climate has not warmed this much, this quickly in all of Earth's history (as seen in geological records), and that the increase correlates with increased industrialization.
Additional resources
For more myths about space, you can read this article by How It Works magazine. Additionally, you can watch this video by BBC Earth Lab.
"Modern myths of Mars". Proc. SPIE 6309, Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology IX, 63090C (14 September 2006).
As the Bible tells it, 2024 years ago a man named Jesus was born in a little-known town on the edge of the Roman Empire and was killed 33 years later.
But do we really have any reason to believe this is more than just a story?
Perhaps surprisingly, experts say we do have extremely compelling evidence to support the story recounted by the gospels.
From the plethora of contemporary sources to the graffiti mocking his followers, Jesus' life left an indelible mark on the historical record.
Likewise, archaeologists working in Palestine and Israel have uncovered a number of artefacts supporting the basic facts of Jesus' life as described in the Bible.
And, while there is no conclusive physical evidence, experts say this is exactly what we would expect for someone of Jesus' status in society.
Dr Lawrence Mykytiuk, a specialist in Hebrew studies from Purdue University, told MailOnline: 'We have many very good reasons to accept the real, historical existence of Jesus of Nazareth.'
Here's the seven most astonishing pieces of evidence that Jesus left behind.
Despite having lived a short life as an impoverished peasant over 2,000 years ago, experts say there is overwhelming evidence that Jesus was a real historical figure
1: Written evidence
The best reason we have to believe in the existence of the historical Jesus is that there surprisingly good written records about his life.
What makes this so compelling is that many of the accounts are written by non-Christian authors who were often openly opposed to Christianity.
Dr Mykytiuk says: 'For well over 1,000 years, no one claimed that Jesus did not exist.
'Every single non-Christian source from ancient times recognizes, implicitly or explicitly, that he was a real person who really existed.'
Possibly the best example of this comes from the Roman historian Tacitus who despised Christians.
In a section of the 'Annals' describing the AD 64 fire of Rome, Tacitus describes how Emperor Nero tried to shift the blame to early Christians.
Tacitus writes: 'Nero substituted as culprits and punished in the most unusual ways those hated for their shameful acts … whom the crowd called “Chrestians.”
Flavius Josephus (pictured) was a Jewish historian who wrote about 60 years after Jesus' death. In his history of the Jewish people he mentions 'the brother of Jesus-who-is-called-Messiah, James by name'
'The founder of this name, Christ, had been executed in the reign of Tiberius by the procurator Pontius Pilate.'
Likewise, the Jewish author Flavius Josephus mentions Jesus in his sprawling 'Jewish Antiquities' which was written just 60 years after Jesus' death.
In a section of the book, Josephus describes how a priest named Ananus tried to execute Jesus' brother, James.
He writes that Ananus 'called a meeting of judges and brought into it the brother of Jesus-who-is-called-Messiah, James by name.'
What makes this so interesting is that James, or Jacob as it would have been written, was such a common name that Josephus felt the need to specify by mentioning Jesus.
Dr Mykytiuk says: 'If Jesus, James’s brother, had not been a real person, this reference to Jesus-who-is-called-Messiah would have made no sense.'
2: The Alexamenos Graffito
Once we go beyond the written records, physical evidence of Jesus' existence becomes significantly harder to find.
This crude graffiti carved into a wall of the Palatine Hill in Rome is possibly the first depiction of Christians anywhere in the world
As researchers have noted, we don't have records for 99 per cent of the people who served in the Roman Empire.
This makes it astronomically unlikely that there would be any trace of a man who lived in poverty and met the fate of a common criminal.
However, there are some artefacts from the early days of the Church which do offer compelling evidence.
Surprisingly, one of the best real pieces of evidence we have for the existence of Jesus is a crude and rather abusive piece of ancient graffiti.
Known as the Alexamenos Graffitto, this was a crude drawing scratched into the wall of a room near the Palatine Hill in Rome somewhere between the first and third century AD.
The drawing depicts a man worshipping a donkey-headed man hanging from the cross with a message that translates to: 'Alexamenos worships [his] god.'
Dr Jonathan Reed, a leading authority on the archaeology of early Christianity from the University of La Verne, told MailOnline: 'The earliest evidence we have in the archaeological record for Christians is someone making fun of Jesus being crucified.'
The reason this is so convincing is that it passes what Dr Reed calls describes as 'the criterion of embarrassment'.
The Alexamenos Graffito shows a Christian worshipping a donkey-headed Jesus with the inscription 'Alexamenos worships [his] god'. Experts say this mocking depiction of Christ is good evidence that the embarrassing features of his death actually occurred and were well-known between the first and third centuries. Pictured, a tracing of Alexamenos Graffito
Dr Reed says: 'The crucifixion would have been seen as shameful and much of the Gospels are about trying to make the crucifixion into a heroic death.'
Similarly, the fact that Jesus is presented initially as a follower of John the Baptist was deeply troubling to the early church and something that a lot of effort was spent trying to explain.
The fact that embarrassing details survived and that Christians were so distressed by them is actually a good sign that they weren't made up.
Dr Reed says: 'From my perspective, what I would be most certain of is that Jesus started off as a follower of John the Baptist, that he was from the lower peasant classes, maybe he was an illegitimate child, and that he was crucified.'
3: The Crucified heel
Another detail of the crucifixion that some scholars have found hard to explain is: If Jesus died an enemy of the state, why was he permitted a full burial?
Although there is plenty of evidence that the crucifixion really happened, some critics argue that Jesus would more likely have been thrown in a mass grave for criminals.
However, in 1986 a construction crew accidentally uncovered several tombs in Northern Jerusalem.
The crucified heel of a man named Jehohanan was found in a tomb in Israel. This proves that Jesus could have received a proper burial as the Gospel claims rather than being thrown into a mass burial pit for criminals
One ossuary, a chest for holding skeletal remains, was marked with the name Jehohanan and contained the remains of a man who appeared to have been crucified.
The bones included a heel which still had the nail embedded in it from where the man had been pinned to the cross.
Not only does this further support that the description of Jesus' nailing to the cross is accurate, but it also shows that families could retrieve the remains of crucified criminals.
While not a direct piece of evidence for Jesus' life, this discovery vindicated the Gospel writer's account of his death.
4: The Shroud of Turin
SHOCKING: New Evidence of Jesus in the Shroud of Turin That Leaves Everyone Astonished
Of course, there couldn't be a discussion of evidence for Jesus' life without some mention of the holy relics.
The most famous of all the objects supposedly associated with Jesus is the Shroud of Turin.
This is a piece of cloth bearing an imprint of a man which is considered by many to be the cloth Jesus was wrapped in after the crucifixion.
The Shroud of Turin features the image of a man with sunken eyes, which experts have analysed under different filters to study it (pictured)
Unfortunately, the evidence surrounding the reality of the shroud is highly contentious.
Some scholars are convinced that this is a legitimate relic of Jesus but there is a growing body of evidence mounting against that position.
Likewise, a study conducted by the Italian researcher Antonio Lombati found that the weave pattern used for the shroud doesn't match any examples of grave linens from Israel and Palestine dated to Jesus' time.
Rather, the pattern is extremely similar to cloth produced in the early Middle Ages during the Crusades – the period to which the shroud was dated during research in the 1980s.
Dr Reed says: 'I'm convinced that they [the holy relics] are all forgeries and that's partly to do with the fact that they all pop up at the same time after the Crusades when there was a thirst for this stuff in Europe.
'If you look at the Shroud of Turin, early on, even in the Church documents, there was some suspicion of it.
However, some researchers remain still convinced of the shroud's veracity.
A recent study concludes that the impression on the shroud could not have been made by a three-dimensional human body, but was perhaps from a bas-relief - a shallow carving (top)
Dr Ben Witherington III, a Bible scholar at the Asbury Theological Seminary, told MailOnline: 'The shroud itself has a negative image on it of a crucified man, which existed at least as early as the early Middle Ages, in an age long before photographs.
'How exactly did that image get on the cloth, and how does it represent so accurately where Jesus would have been flagellated on his back, or nailed in his wrists, or bleed from the head due to something- say a thorny crown?'
5: The Church of the Apostles
In 2017, archaeologists digging in the area of El Araj, Israel made a surprising discovery.
Buried next to the River Jordan the archaeologists found the remains of a Byzantine basilica measuring 27m by 15m (88ft by 52ft).
Researchers believe that this may be the site of Bethsaida, the village which was home to the apostles Peter, Andrew, and Phillip.
If that were the case, this would make the El Araj basilica the lost 'Church of the Apostles which was supposedly built over the village's ruins.
Following further investigations in 2021, Professor Steven Notely, an archaeologist from Nyack College and co-director of the dig, told the Biblical Archaeology Society: 'There are no other churches in the vicinity mentioned by Byzantine visitors to the Holy Land, and there is no reason to question that this is the [Church of the Apostles].'
This mosaic was found in a basilica believed to be the Church of the Apostles, built above the homes of Peter, Andrew, and Phillip. However, how much evidence this provides for the existence of the historical Jesus is debated
Even more interestingly, excavations found the remains of a Roman-era fishing village beneath the later church.
For some, this provides a compelling case that the Biblical account of Jesus' life is backed up by hard evidence.
Dr Reed says: 'I've excavated many of the places mentioned in the Bible and the Gospels describe them all with a certain level of accuracy.'
However, Dr Reed also points out that this doesn't necessarily tell us much about the figure of Jesus.
'If you really push me, I'd say it's not even proof that Jesus existed,' says Dr Reed.
Likewise, Dr Mykytiuk says that these findings show that the Bible is broadly correct about historical context.
He adds: 'This support is so indirect that it has almost no effect regarding Jesus’s existence - except perhaps to whet the appetite of researchers.'
6: The 'Jesus is God' inscription
This 1,800-year-old mosaic contains the ancient Greek phrase: 'The god-loving Akeptous has offered the table to God Jesus Christ as a memorial.' This is the first recorded mention of the divinity of Christ
Just like the Alexamenos Graffito, evidence from the early church gives us a strong indication that there really was a person for the followers to unite around.
Another slightly more flattering example of this is an inscription found beneath the floor of an Israeli prison.
The 581-square-foot mosaic decorated the world's first prayer hall in 230 AD and contains the ancient Greek phrase: 'The god-loving Akeptous has offered the table to God Jesus Christ as a memorial.'
Carlos Campo, CEO of the Museum of the Bible which recently exhibited the mosaic, hailed it as 'the greatest discovery since the Dead Sea Scrolls'.
This shows that the divinity of Christ became part of some Christians' ideologies as little as 200 years after his death.
However, leading Biblical historian Bart Ehrman claims that this was not a view shared by all of the earliest Christians.
Dr Reed says: 'As early as the first century there was a competition to talk about who Jesus really was and what is the significance of the Christ figure.
Experts say that the existence of conflicting views of Jesus and the widespread discussion of his divinity in places like the Megiddo Mosaic (pictured) suggests that there was a real figure that the early church was reacting to
'Because you have these disagreements, I just don't buy the theory that there was a conspiracy to fabricate this person.
'If there was a conspiracy, it was the most disorganised, chaotic, contradictory attempt imaginable.'
7: The James ossuary
The so-called 'James Ossuary' is a bone box bearing the Aramaic inscription: 'James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.'
Dr Witherington says: 'The likelihood of that particular combination of those three names not referring to the famous James the Just, and his father Joseph, and his brother Jesus are slim to none.
'If it were true that the crucifixion was the end of Jesus' story, no one would be bragging about being related to him on an ossuary.'
If the James Ossuary is real, it would indeed be a striking piece of evidence that Jesus was a real figure who became important shortly after his death.
Unfortunately, the story of the James Ossuary is a little more complicated.
The so-called James Ossuary is a box believed to contain the remains of James, the brother of Jesus. However, the box's veracity has been a matter of fierce debate and even legal action
The ossuary was allegedly acquired by an Israeli businessman named Oded Golan from an unknown antique dealer in the 1970s.
However, in an unusual move, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) accused Mr Golan of faking the relic and took him to court in the 'the forgery trial of the century'.
Experts from the IAA alleged that Mr Golan had taken a real first-century ossuary and added the inscription himself.
When police took Mr Golan into custody they did indeed find a forgery lab filled with tools and half-finished 'antiquities'.
But, in another twist, Mr Golan was then acquitted of all charges of forgery in 2012 on the grounds that the IAA had not proven the inscription was fake.
During the trial, it emerged that some of the IAA's experts didn't have the proper specialisms to properly appraise whether or not the writing was real.
For many, this vindicated the James Ossuary as a brilliant piece of evidence for the historicity of Jesus.
However, as is so often the case, not all academics agree that the James Ossuary has also been exonerated.
The original owner of the James Ossuary was charged with forgery. Although he was later acquitted some experts still question the suspicious circumstances in which the artefact came to light. Pictured at the Royal Ontario Museum, Canada, 2002
Dr Reed says that just because Mr Golan was acquitted doesn't mean the ossuary is real.
'I'm a big believer in archaeology finding things in situ, if it pops up on the black market we can't be sure where it was found and we be sure whether it has been doctored,' Dr Reed says.
'We have pretty good evidence that part of the inscription was doctored and it was found in a person's home who had forging equipment.
'I think there's so much fishiness that we can't include it in the historical record.'
Where Did Jesus Go Three Days Between His Death and Resurrection? (Bible
Mystery Resolved)
What 2200 Year Old Scroll Revealed About Jesus Shocks Everyone
Exploring the Archaeological Evidence of Jesus' Existence
Historical Evidence That Jesus Christ Existed ★ Jesus Documentary Channel
It was quietly declassified in 2013, at least in part, but remained hidden in the CIA's database — until now.
In the book, Thomas claims that every 6,500 years, a major disaster on the scale of the Biblical 'Great Flood' strikes the Earth.
While experts debate the exact date of that flood in the Book of Genesis, Thomas asserts that it happened roughly 6,500 years ago, and there is some archaeological and geological evidence to support that claim.
By that logic, Thomas argues that the next catastrophe is imminent.
As for what the end of the world will look like, Thomas believes that Earth's magnetic field will suddenly, drastically shift, wreaking havoc across the planet.
The reason behind the book was classified remains unclear, but some have suggested the agency was concerned the book would cause mass panic, or leak information related to secret government research.
Thomas had connections to classified projects during his time at the defunct aerospace company McDonnell Douglas. He was part of a small team of scientists assembled by the company to investigate reports of UFOs.
While there are no official records of Thomas working directly for the CIA, the agency's secrecy agreement means past employees need to get approval before publishing books and other works of communication.
A book that was classified by the CIA for more than 50 years contains a shocking theory about how the world will end (STOCK)
'In a fraction of a day all vestiges of civilization are gone, and the great cities — Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas, New York — are nothing but legends,' he writes. 'Barely a stone is left where millions walked just a few hours before.'
The first chapter, titled 'The Next Cataclysm,' starts with: 'Like Noah's 6,500 years ago... Like Adam and Eve's 11,500 years ago... This, too will come to pass...'
The cryptic opening suggests that the next cataclysm is poised to occur any day now.
The book features 55 pages, but Thomas wrote more than 200. The rest are still kept top-secret to this day. And the reason for the CIA's involvement remains a mystery.
The apocalyptical tale begins with the destruction of California, explaining how winds 'with the force of a thousand armies' will shred everything in sight with its 'supersonic bombardment,' as the Pacific tsunami drowns Los Angeles and San Francisco 'as if they were but grains of sand.'
Thomas claims these impacts will overtake the entire North American continent 'within three hours,' as an earthquake simultaneously creates massive cracks in the ground that allow magma to rise to the surface.
'The Adam and Eve Story,' written by Chan Thomas, was published in 1966 and partly declassified in 2013
The book's author Chan Thomas was a former US Air Force employee, UFO researcher and self-acclaimed psychic
But it won't just be North America that is swallowed by the destruction.
None of the seven continents will be able to escape the onslaught, Thomas writes, with each one experiencing slightly different versions of the same dramatic end.
By the seventh day, 'the horrendous rampage is over,' and the entire Earth has changed, he writes.
'The Bay of Bengal basin, just east of India, is now at the North Pole. The Pacific Ocean, just west of Peru, is at the South Pole,' Thomas explains.
Even Greenland and Antarctica have been thrown toward the equator, and 'find their ice caps dissolving madly in the tropical heat.'
Thomas paints a terrifying picture of civilization-destroying climate change and tectonic rearrangement. But there is no scientific evidence to suggest that such a cataclysm is possible.
'It's just unfortunate that these things are being put out there,' Martin Mlynczak, a senior research scientist at the NASA Langley Research Center, told The Verge.
'Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. And there's no proof and no science and no physics behind any of the claims about the magnetic field change being associated with climate change.'
What's more, there is no evidence to suggest that the Earth's magnetic field ever has, or ever will, make the 90-degree flip that Thomas describes.
Earth's magnetic poles do shift, and have done so hundreds of times throughout the planet's history. But this never causes the kind of widespread devastation that Thomas described
Thomas states that the last catastrophe of this nature — Noah's Biblical flood — happened 6,500 years ago, and that this means we're due for the next one. But this date is contested
'That is totally bogus. If that's what happened every 6,500 years, we would certainly see it; it would be in all the records... The amount of energy to bring that about is tremendous. And you know, there's nothing to initiate it,' Mlynczak said.
That said, Earth's magnetic poles do shift and have done so hundreds of times throughout the planet's history, according to NASA.
This phenomenon is called a 'pole reversal.' Paleomagnetic records suggest it occurs about every 300,000 years on average, though the actual time intervals vary widely.
'During a pole reversal, the magnetic field weakens, but it doesn’t completely disappear,' NASA states.
'The magnetosphere, together with Earth’s atmosphere, continue protecting Earth from cosmic rays and charged solar particles, though there may be a small amount of particulate radiation that makes it down to Earth’s surface.
'The magnetic field becomes jumbled, and multiple magnetic poles can emerge in unexpected places.'
But this never causes the kind of widespread devastation that Thomas described in his book.
Even if his theory about why and how the world will end had scientific merit, there would still be reason to question his claim that the apocalypse is imminent.
He states that the last catastrophe of this nature — Noah's Biblical flood — happened 6,500 years ago, and that this means we're due for the next one.
There is some geological and archaeological evidence to suggest that date may be correct. For example, a 2006 study claimed that 6,500-year-old wood recovered from the 'landing site of Noah's ark' was actually part of the ark itself.
But the wood's age has been challenged by other experts.
The more widely accepted date-range for the flood is between 4,000 and 5,000 years ago. If this event truly occurred during that time, then Thomas' estimated timing for the end of the world would be more than 1,000 years off.
Therefore, all the evidence suggests that the violent disaster detailed in 'The Adam and Eve Story' will not actually come to pass.
Could We Uncover Evidence of a Pre-Human Advanced Civilization Hidden in Earth’s Ancient Layers?
Could We Uncover Evidence of a Pre-Human Advanced Civilization Hidden in Earth’s Ancient Layers?
This isn't a claim that ancient civilizations lived alongside dinosaurs; instead, it raises the question of whether a hypothetical industrial society from eons ago could leave behind detectable geological fingerprints.
For decades, science fiction has toyed with the idea of ancient, technologically advanced civilizations predating humanity. The Silurian hypothesis—a term borrowed from the fictional reptilian species in Doctor Who—seeks to address whether traces of such civilizations could ever be detected in Earth’s geological record. First proposed by two University of Cambridge scientists in 2018, this provocative idea challenges us to think differently about our planet’s distant past and how we search for evidence of intelligent life, both on Earth and beyond.
What Is the Silurian Hypothesis?
Published in the Journal of Astrobiology, the hypothesis explores whether the remnants of an advanced civilization—if it ever existed—could survive millions of years in Earth’s sediment layers. This isn’t a claim that ancient civilizations lived alongside dinosaurs; instead, it raises the question of whether a hypothetical industrial society from eons ago could leave behind detectable geological fingerprints.
The researchers highlight a key problem: humanity’s industrial era, which spans roughly 300 years, is a mere blip in the 4.5-billion-year timeline of Earth’s history. “This short time period raises the obvious question as to whether this could have happened before,” they note. The fleeting nature of industrial civilization makes it difficult to predict how much of its impact could persist in the geological record over millions of years.
Would Our Civilization Be Detectable in the Distant Future?
As humans alter Earth’s ecosystems and climate, our “footprint” may appear significant today, but its long-term legacy is uncertain. For instance, the physical evidence of our presence—such as plastics, synthetic molecules, and possibly radioactive fallout—might only form a sediment layer a few centimeters thick. Even with major environmental impacts, future geologists could struggle to distinguish these changes from naturally occurring events, such as mass extinctions or volcanic activity.
Interestingly, the researchers point out that the more sustainable a civilization becomes, the less likely it is to leave a detectable impact. A society reliant on renewable energy like solar, wind, or geothermal power would leave fewer lasting marks compared to one that heavily depends on fossil fuels or nuclear technology.
How Could We Search for Such Traces?
The paper suggests that identifying ancient advanced civilizations if they existed, would require looking for subtle anomalies in the sediment record. These might include chemical signatures of large-scale energy harvesting or concentrations of synthetic materials. However, some markers—like ocean anoxic events during the Cretaceous and Jurassic periods—could be indistinguishable from natural phenomena. Only specific tracers, such as persistent plastics or unique radioactive isotopes, might definitively signal the presence of a past industrial society.
The scientists also consider what this hypothesis means for astrobiology. If an advanced civilization could theoretically leave subtle traces on Earth, similar techniques could help identify signs of intelligent life on exoplanets.
Why This Matters for Humanity’s Future
While the authors doubt that a pre-human industrial civilization ever existed, their work highlights critical questions about humanity’s legacy. What kind of footprint will we leave behind, and how sustainable must our practices become to ensure long-term survival? Moreover, exploring this hypothesis underscores the importance of studying Earth’s geological history in the context of astrobiology and the Anthropocene epoch.
In their conclusion, the researchers emphasize that asking these questions isn’t just about imagining the past—it’s about preparing for the future. By improving our understanding of the geological record, we may someday find answers to their intriguing title question: Would it be possible to detect an industrial civilization in the geological record?
Did an Advanced Civilization Exist 12,000 Years Ago? | Unveiled
Are Ancient Civilizations Still Hidden On Earth? | The Silurian Hypothesis | Unveiled
Was There a Pre-Human Civilization On Earth? | Unveiled
In an extraordinary discovery during an April 2024 Arctic survey, NASA scientists uncovered a relic from the Cold War buried beneath Greenland’s ice. Using advanced radar technology mounted on a Gulfstream III aircraft, researchers stumbled upon the remnants of Camp Century, a former U.S. military base encased under layers of snow and ice for nearly six decades.
Camp Century’s Cold War Origins
Hidden approximately 150 miles inland, Camp Century was constructed between 1959 and 1967 as part of an ambitious U.S. Army project. Its vast network of tunnels, carved into the surface layers of Greenland’s ice sheet, served as a testing ground for launching nuclear missiles from the Arctic. Over time, this remote outpost was abandoned, leaving its secrets entombed beneath the ever-accumulating ice and snow.
Today, Camp Century rests beneath 100 feet of compacted snow and ice, a stark reminder of its once strategic purpose. The site remained hidden from view until the latest radar data revealed its buried structures.
NASA’s UAVSAR Brings Hidden History to Light
The breakthrough came when NASA’s Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR), installed on the Gulfstream III’s belly, began scanning the icy terrain. Initially focused on studying the effects of climate change on the Arctic, the radar unexpectedly revealed distinct shapes and structures far below the surface.
“We were looking for the bed of the ice, and out pops Camp Century,” explained Alex Gardner, a cryospheric scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. “We didn’t know what it was at first.”
The high-resolution radar data allowed the team to map individual structures within the camp with unprecedented clarity, shedding light on a hidden chapter of Arctic exploration and military ambition.
Climate Change Brings New Risks to Camp Century
While the rediscovery of Camp Century is a significant historical find, it also raises urgent environmental concerns. Accelerated ice sheet melting, driven by climate change, could expose the abandoned site and its hazardous remnants, including radioactive waste and chemical pollutants.
“Experts predict that Camp Century could resurface by the end of the century if current melting trends continue,” said NASA scientist Chad Greene, who was part of the survey team. “The environmental consequences of this exposure are a serious concern.”
Advancing Research on Climate Change and Rising Seas
The primary mission of the Arctic survey was to better understand the dynamics of ice sheet melting and its impact on global sea levels. By using UAVSAR to map the internal layers of the ice sheet and its bed interface, scientists aim to improve projections of future sea-level rise.
“Without detailed knowledge of ice thickness, it is impossible to predict how ice sheets will respond to rapidly warming oceans and atmosphere,” Greene added. “This greatly limits our ability to project the rate of sea-level rise.”
The unexpected discovery of Camp Century has now provided researchers with an additional layer of data to consider as they work to unravel the complex interactions between climate change and the polar environment.
NASA discovers underground ‘city’ beneath ice sheet in Greenland
Scientists Terrifying New Discovery Under Antarctica's Ice SHOCKED The Whole World!
Most Fascinating Secrets in the Arctic & Antarctic | Secrets in the Ice | Science Channel
Strange flashing street lights spotted in the US, Canada, UK - What's going on?
Strange flashing street lights spotted in the US, Canada, UK - What's going on?
In December 2024, reports began surfacing about strange events involving flashing streetlights house and building lights. These incidents, initially dismissed as isolated cases, have now been observed on a larger scale, spanning countries such as the U.S., Canada, and the UK.
Some observers theorize that drones or unidentified orbs might be responsible. These objects could emit electromagnetic interference, disrupting electrical systems and causing lights to flicker. However, no concrete evidence has linked these phenomena to drone activity.
Others suggest the lights could be a result of hackers targeting the power grid. Cybercriminals might be testing infrastructure vulnerabilities. While plausible, no definitive proof has emerged to support this explanation.
A more unconventional theory suggests that the flashing lights are a result of a phenomenon known as Streetlight Interference (SLI). Proponents argue that certain individuals, nicknamed "SLIders," possess psychic or psychokinetic abilities that unintentionally influence lighting systems. SLI remains scientifically unverified, with no successful replication in controlled settings.
Some experts believe it might be mechanical faults in the electrical systems or or fluctuations in the power supply. However, this theory seems unlikely due to the widespread and simultaneous nature of the phenomenon, which has been reported across multiple countries, suggesting it is not a localized issue.
Or is this phenomenon linked to extraterrestrial activity? Some argue that aliens might use electromagnetic propulsion systems, potentially interfering with electrical systems, akin to the effects portrayed in films like 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind'.
Could the cause of these flashing lights be a harbinger of an impending global or cosmic event, or might it stem from something entirely beyond our understanding?
The two videos below show, besides the on going mysterious drones/UFO/orb sightings, several locations where street lights are flashing.
UFO Sightings in Central Valley: Unexplained Lights Spark Debate
UFO Sightings in Central Valley: Unexplained Lights Spark Debate
The Central Valley has recently become the focal point of intrigue, as a series of UFO sightings have left residents and experts buzzing with curiosity. With unusual activity captured on video and reported by pilots, the mysterious events have reignited conversations about unexplained aerial phenomena.
Capturing the Unknown: Tower Camera Footage
In the early hours of Friday morning, the FOX26 Tower Cam in Fresno recorded a curious light hovering over the city. The footage, captured just after 4:00 a.m., shows an object appearing to move at remarkable speeds before briefly hovering. The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a prominent organization dedicated to investigating UFO sightings, reviewed the video. Earl Grey Anderson, a MUFON representative, described the object’s movement as “very interesting,” classifying it as a UFO due to the absence of other explanations.
UFO sightings spark intrigue over Central Valley skies
Anderson ruled out space launches, unusual stars, or planets as potential explanations for the sighting. He emphasized the object’s rapid movement and abrupt halts, calling the capture a rare and noteworthy occurrence. “We don’t get a lot of cases like this. The sudden movement is what stands out,” he remarked.
A Pilot’s Perspective: Unusual Activity in Fresno Skies
The mystery deepened just four days later, when a private pilot flying over Fresno reported an unusual sighting to the air traffic control tower. Initially, the pilot inquired about potential drone activity, as he observed an object at an altitude of approximately 3,500 feet. However, the tower clarified that their radar would not detect small drones and directed the Fresno Police helicopter to investigate.
During the investigation, a second pilot reported spotting a similar white object over downtown Fresno at the same altitude. “I just saw something over downtown at 3,500 feet,” the pilot reported before losing sight of the object. These reports coincided with sightings of an unidentified drone-like object, described as flying at roughly 3,000 feet and moving unpredictably.
Official Silence Fuels Speculation
Despite multiple eyewitness accounts and video evidence, local authorities and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have not provided further clarification on the incidents. Efforts to obtain additional information about the pilot-reported sightings have yet to yield a response.
Community Reactions and Engagement
The unusual activity over Central Valley skies has sparked widespread interest. FOX26 has encouraged residents to share their own photos and videos of potential UFO sightings on their “Chime In” page. This call to action highlights the growing public fascination with unexplained aerial phenomena and invites the community to contribute to the ongoing investigation.
The Broader Context of UFO Sightings
While UFO reports are not uncommon, the combination of credible witnesses and video evidence in Fresno adds weight to the recent sightings. Experts like Anderson stress that unexplained phenomena should be taken seriously, as they often challenge our understanding of the skies.
The Question Remains: What Did We See?
The Central Valley’s skies remain a source of wonder and speculation. As the community continues to analyze the evidence, one thing is certain: the sightings have left a lasting impression. Are these merely drones, optical illusions, or something far more extraordinary? For now, the mystery endures, sparking curiosity and debate among residents and UFO enthusiasts alike.
If you’ve spotted unusual activity in the skies, consider documenting your experience. As these recent events show, every report could bring us one step closer to uncovering the truth behind the unidentified.
The Mystery Of Norway’s Hessdalen Lights Phenomenon | UFO: Trick Of The Light | Spark
Odd radio circles, like ORC 1 pictured above, are large enough to contain galaxies in their centers and reach hundreds of thousands of light years across.
(cr: Jayanne English / University of Manitoba)
In 2019 vonden astronomen mysterieuze radiocirkels met een doorsnede van honderdduizenden lichtjaren. In vergelijking: de Melkweg heeft een doorsnede van ruim 100.000 lichtjaar. Waardoor ontstaan deze cirkels? Eindelijk lijkt het mysterie opgelost.
De radiocirkels worden ook wel ‘odd radio circles’ genoemd, oftwel ORC’s. De grote cirkels zijn op de frequentie van radiostraling zichtbaar en zijn sterk cirkelvormig. Ze zijn niet zichtbaar in het zichtbaar spectrum, infrarood of röntgenstraling. In totaal hebben astronomen vijf van zulke objecten gevonden.
Dit is de eerste ‘odd radio circle’ die is ontdekt.
Een team van wetenschappers meldt in een paper in Nature dat de cirkels ontstaan door supernova-explosies. Als sterren aan het einde van hun leven exploderen, dan stoten ze hete gassen uit. Stel, er exploderen meerdere sterren in korte tijd, wat in actieve stervormingsgebieden kan gebeuren, dan krijgt het gas genoeg snelheid om uit het sterrenstelsel te ontsnappen. Dit gas kan een snelheid van 2.000 kilometer per seconde bereiken. Dat is iets minder dan 1% van de lichtsnelheid (300.000 kilometer per seconde).
“Deze sterrenstelsels zijn heel interessant”, vertelt onderzoeksleider Alison Coil. “Als twee sterrenstelsels met elkaar botsen, dan wordt het gas op elkaar gedrukt. Hierdoor ontstaan er in korte tijd veel sterren. Deze massieve sterren sterven ook weer snel, waardoor er snelle galactische winden ontstaan.”
Coil en haar collega’s ontrafelden het mysterie door te kijken naar ORC 4, één van de gevonden radiocirkels. Zij ontdekten dat de sterren in ORC 4 ongeveer zes miljard jaar oud waren en dat er één miljard jaar geleden een periode van actieve stervorming had plaatsgevonden. Onderzoeker Cassandra Lochhaas draaide een aantal computersimulaties om de radiocirkel na te bootsen en ontdekte dat de galactische winden ongeveer 200 miljoen jaar lang actief waren, voor ze stopten.
Computer Simulation of Outflowing Galactic Wind
Er zijn nog niet veel ORC’s gevonden, maar dat komt doordat de omstandigheden perfect moeten zijn. Er moet in korte tijd veel materiaal uitgestoten worden én het gas buiten het sterrenstelsel moet een lage dichtheid hebben, anders stopt de schokgolf. “Deze sterrenstelsels zijn zeldzaam, maar ze bestaan”, concludeert Coil.
Nu astronomen weten waardoor ORC’s ontstaan, is het tijd om een belangrijke vervolgvraag te beantwoorden. Hebben alle grote sterrenstelsels een fase gekend waarin ze een radiocirkel hadden? Zo leren wetenschappers meer over de evolutie van sterrenstelsels.
Physicist Michio Kaku proposes the existence of other dimensions, also known as parallel universes, coexisting alongside our own reality. Within these dimensions, it is plausible that there are beings or entities living alongside us, despite our inability to perceive them. While the concept of alternate dimensions or universes may seem far-fetched to some, it is intricately connected to the subject of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), commonly referred to as UFO phenomena.
We live in a four-dimensional world (if time is included), but scientists propose there are more dimensions. However, they do not believe there can exist more than 11 dimensions because conditions become unstable and particles naturally collapse back down into 10 or 11 dimensions. The 12th dimension, for example, introduces a second time.
“Our understanding of reality is not complete, by far,” says Stanford University physicist Andrei Linde. “Reality exists independently of us.” If they exist, those universes are separated from ours, unreachable and undetectable by any direct measurement (at least so far). And that makes some experts question whether the search for a multiverse can ever be truly scientific.
In the realm of science, our quest for understanding alternate or higher dimensions remains ongoing. However, within the field of UFOlogy, intriguing cases have emerged suggesting the existence of not just other dimensions, but also the presence of entities residing within them. These beings seem to possess the ability to manipulate a bridge connecting their realm to ours, enabling them to embark on regular visits to our world.
Crashed UFO that ‘distorted space and time’
A very strange UFO case has been shared by American attorney Daniel Sheehan with Daily Mail. Sheehan involved in bringing UFO whistleblowers to Congress, claimed that a whistleblower told him a mind-boggling tale about a recovered crashed UFO. He revealed that a crashed UFO recovered by the US military had distorted space-time and was “bigger on the inside.” The whistleblower has reportedly briefed Senate Intelligence Committee staff on the matter.
According to Sheehan, one of the alleged recoveries described by the insider involved a 30-foot saucer partially embedded in the earth. When attempts were made to remove it using a bulldozer, the craft exhibited unusual behavior. As it was being pulled out, it seemingly detached in a pie slice-shaped section, suggesting that it was constructed in a unique way.
The anonymous whistleblower then entered the craft and was astonished to find that the interior was as large as a football stadium, while the exterior was only about 30 feet in diameter. The experience inside caused disorientation and nausea due to the vast size discrepancy. Furthermore, upon exiting the craft in a few minutes, the whistleblower found that four hours had passed outside, indicating time distortion as well.
Sheehan mentions that the craft’s distortion of space and time is consistent with the theories proposed by physicists regarding advanced propulsion systems. These theories suggest that warping space-time could be used to counteract the effects of gravity and achieve advanced forms of propulsion. However, Sheehan does not provide further specific details, such as the location or date of the incident, and admits to being unable to provide concrete evidence to support these claims.
Moreover, on Jesse Michels’ show, astronomer and UFO researcher Jacques Vallee discussed another UFO case that includes experiencing another dimension by the witness. Valle said: “There was one case in San Jose. A woman had seen something over her house. It was a big disc, and I say, ‘How big was it?’ And she says, ‘Well, it was about the same size as her house. It was, you know, just like that.’ Then I say, ‘Well, when you went inside, you said, uh, you know, there was this being, and the being took you on a staircase.’ I say, ‘Where did the staircase go?’ Well, the staircase went up the side of this big round room. I say, ‘How would you compare it?’ Well, like a movie house, you know, like an M5 theater. I said, ‘That’s bigger than your house.’”
Luis Elizondo, the man who managed the UFO program inside the Pentagon, explains how space-time distortion works and hints that we can manipulate this physics for technological advancement. In an interview with George Knapp in 2018, Elizondo explains:
“Space-time is something we observe in the natural world all the time, especially in relation to gravity and GPS satellites. The clocks on these satellites need constant calibration. Even though the clocks on the satellites are identical to the ones on the ground station, they still require regular calibration. The reason for this is the effect of Earth’s gravity on space-time. The clocks on Earth run slightly slower compared to the clocks on the platforms above Earth.
How is this possible if the clocks are the same? Well, it’s because the closer you are to a massive object, like Earth, the more space-time warps. This phenomenon is explained by the theory of general relativity, which boils down to using the equation E=mc². Essentially, it means that a significant amount of mass or energy warps space-time. When you approach a supermassive object like the sun, the distortion becomes even greater. In fact, near a black hole, time becomes so distorted that it virtually stops.
We have observed this phenomenon through gravitational lensing when studying distant galaxies. We can actually see the effects of gravity on space-time with our own eyes, so it’s a scientific fact, not fiction. The question now is how we can manipulate this physics for technological advancement. Potentially, we could warp space-time in a way that allows us to travel from point A to point B more quickly.”
Is it possible that an advanced extraterrestrial civilization has already accomplished this kind of technology and has been using it to visit our world? Or perhaps we already have such technology?
In 2021, leaked documents revealed that the US Navy had conducted experiments on various far-fetched technologies, including a “space modification weapon.” These documents, disclosed by The War Zone, detailed the research carried out by the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) between 2017 and 2019. The most interesting thing is that the technology written in those documents discusses propulsion system that defies gravity, or to devastating weapons that bends the laws of physics and craft that alters the fabric of time and space.
The man behind all the patents is Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais, who is an aerospace engineer at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD). He has four patents registered in his name that contain the source of technology that would change the world. In these patents, a “Spacetime Modification Weapon” (SMW, a weapon that can make the Hydrogen bomb seem more like a firecracker, in comparison) is mentioned.
Dr. Salvatore Pais is a physicist and aerospace engineer with the US Navy. In 2019 his inventions of 3 highly advanced forms of technology were granted patents.
Are these patents a cover for the reverse-engineered extraterrestrial technology? The Navy’s objective in testing this conceptual system was to keep pace with similar programs being developed in China. The researchers believed that the space modification weapon could revolutionize power and propulsion systems. The technology was based on the “Pais effect” aimed to push the boundaries of science.
Pais made ambitious claims about the potential of this technology, suggesting that it could lead to a propulsion system defying gravity or devastating weapons that bend the laws of physics. He even outlined plans for a “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft” capable of altering the fabric of time and space.
The Navy’s aerospace research enterprise supported Pais’s patents, stating that they filed them to keep up with similar technological advancements being pursued by the Chinese military. The “space modification weapon” described in the documents was envisioned to release extremely high energy levels, surpassing the destructive power of a Hydrogen bomb.
However, the experiments conducted between 2017 and 2019 were inconclusive. The elusive Pais effect was neither observed nor disproven during this period. The Pais effect refers to a theoretical physics concept that involves the controlled movement of highly electrically charged matter. If proven possible, it could enable the creation of powerful energy fields capable of fundamentally engineering the fabric of reality.
It is unclear whether the US Navy is continuing its experiments on the Pais effect or if the project has been discontinued entirely. None of the futuristic technologies described in the leaked UFO patents were developed, leaving the ultimate fate of the space modification weapon and related concepts uncertain.
Global warming is quickly spiralling out of control, the Met Office has warned.
According to the forecaster, Earth is 'off-track' to limit global warming to 1.5°C (2.7°F) - a key goal set out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in the Paris Agreement.
Last year, measurements taken at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, revealed the fastest annual rise in carbon dioxide (CO2) since records began back in 1958.
What's more, satellite measurements showed a 'very large rise' of CO2 across the globe.
These were due to widespread hot, dry conditions, partly linked to El Niño and partly to other factors - including climate change, according to the Met Office.
'Last week, it was confirmed that 2024 was the warmest year on record, with annual average temperatures higher than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels for the first time,' said Professor Richard Betts, who led the production of the forecast.
'While this does not represent a failure to achieve the Paris Agreement target, as that would require breaching warming 1.5°C over a longer period and we may see a slightly cooler year in 2025, the long-term warming trend will continue because CO2 is still building up in the atmosphere.'
Last year, measurements taken at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, revealed the fastest annual rise in carbon dioxide (CO2) since records began back in 1958
The study comes just one week after 2024 was confirmed to have been the hottest year on record. Pictured: wildfires in the West Hills section of Los Angeles on January 9
The measurements taken at Mauna Loa revealed a rise in CO2 of 3.58 parts per million (ppm) in 2024.
This far exceeded the Met Office's prediction of 2.84ppm (± 0.54ppm).
Worryingly, if global warming is to be limited to 1.5°C (2.7°F), calculations by the IPCC indicate that CO2 needs to be slowing by 1.8ppm per year.
It's not all doom and gloom.
Looking ahead, the CO2 rise between 2024 and 2025 is forecast to be less extreme than last year at 2.26 ± 0.56 ppm.
According to the Met Office, this is due to a partial re-strengthening of carbon sinks linked to a shift from El Niño to La Niña conditions.
However, even this slower rise will be too fast to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
'La Niña conditions are expected to cause forests and other ecosystems to soak up more carbon than last year, temporarily slowing the atmospheric CO2 rise,' Professor Betts added.
Worryingly, if global warming is to be limited to 1.5°C (2.7°F), calculations by the IPCC indicate that CO2 needs to be slowing by 1.8ppm per year
Hottest years on record
2024 (59.2°F/15.1°C)
2023 (58.96°F/14.98°C)
2016 (58.66°F/14.814°C)
2020 (58.65°F/14.807°C)
2019 (58.60°F/14.78°C)
2017 (58.50°F/14.723°C)
2022 (58.42°F/14.682°C)
2021 (58.38°F/14.656°C)
2018 (58.35°F/14.644°C)
2015 (58.34°F/14.637°C)
(Figures in brackets refer to global average air temperature for the year)
'However, stopping global warming needs the build-up of greenhouse gases in the air to come to a complete halt and then start to reduce.
'Large, rapid emissions cuts could limit the extent to which global warming exceeds 1.5°C.
'But this needs urgent action internationally.'
The new study comes just one week after a report published by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), revealed that temperatures last year were 0.12°C (0.22°F) above 2023, the previous warmest year on record.
That makes 2024 the first calendar year on record to exceed 1.5°C above the pre-industrial level.
Although this single year does not mean the targets of the Paris Agreement have already been missed, experts say that humanity is now 'dangerously close' to this milestone.
The data shows that an exceptionally hot start to the year brought the average global air temperature in 2024 to 15.1°C (59.2°F).
While temporary patterns like El Niño helped push temperatures into the extremes, scientists say human-caused climate change remains the 'primary driver' of extreme temperatures.
And with the rate of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere even higher than in previous years, the planet's warming shows no signs of slowing any time soon.
Dr Friederike Otto, a climate policy expert from Imperial College London, says: 'This record needs to be a reality check.
'The climate is heating to levels we've spent years trying to avoid because countries are still burning huge amounts of oil, gas and coal.'
The Paris Agreement, which was first signed in 2015, is an international agreement to control and limit climate change.
It hopes to hold the increase in the global average temperature to below 2°C (3.6ºF) 'and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C (2.7°F)'.
It seems the more ambitious goal of restricting global warming to 1.5°C (2.7°F) may be more important than ever, according to previous research which claims 25 per cent of the world could see a significant increase in drier conditions.
The Paris Agreement on Climate Change has four main goals with regards to reducing emissions:
1) A long-term goal of keeping the increase in global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels
2) To aim to limit the increase to 1.5°C, since this would significantly reduce risks and the impacts of climate change
3) Governments agreed on the need for global emissions to peak as soon as possible, recognising that this will take longer for developing countries
4) To undertake rapid reductions thereafter in accordance with the best available science
A place of worship sealed up by the ancestors of Jesus has been discovered in the ancient heart of Jerusalem, frozen in time for nearly 3,000 years.
Carved into the rock near Temple Mount, the structure comprises eight rooms, containing an altar, a sacred standing stone, and presses for olive oil and wine.
And experts believe its destruction may have featured in the Bible, which describes how Hezekiah – one of Jesus' ancestors – smashed idolatrous places of worship.
This was one such place, according to Eli Shukron, exacavation director for the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), who dated it to Hezekiah's reign.
He said: 'The structure ceased to function during the 8th century BC, possibly as part of king Hezekiah's religious reform.
'According to the Bible, Hezekiah sought to centralise worship at the temple in Jerusalem, abolishing the ritual sites scattered across the kingdom.
'The Bible describes how, during the First Temple period, additional ritual sites operated outside the temple.
'It says two kings of Judah – Hezekiah and Josiah – implemented reforms to eliminate these sites and concentrate worship at the temple.'
A place of worship sealed up by the ancestors of Jesus has been discovered in the ancient heart of Jerusalem , frozen in time for nearly 3,000 years
Carved into the rock near Temple Mount, the structure comprises eight rooms, containing an altar, a sacred standing stone, and presses for olive oil and wine
Experts believe its destruction may have featured in the Bible, which describes how Hezekiah – one of Jesus' ancestors – smashed idolatrous places of worship
Both kings are identified as paternal grandfathers of Jesus by the Gospel of Matthew.
Hezekiah's crackdown against pagan places of worship – or 'high places' – is described in the second book of Kings.
It recounts how he 'removed the high places, smashed the sacred stones' and 'did what was right in the eyes of the lord'.
Remarkably, the sacred standing stone at the site survived his onslaught.
Shukron called it 'the most dramatic and important find in the excavation'.
'This is what makes this place a cultic site,' he said.
'When we uncovered it, we found it standing in its place, with stones around it.
'The standing stone was covered with earth; it was preserved – no one destroyed it.
This was a place of worship, according to Eli Shukron, exacavation director for the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), who dated it to Hezekiah's reign
'The Bible describes how, during the First Temple period, additional ritual sites operated outside the temple,' Eli Shukron said
Archaeologists also found a hoard of artifacts from the 8th century BC, sealed behind a stone wall in a cave. These included cooking pots, jars with fragments of ancient Hebrew inscriptions, loom weights, scarabs, stamped seals with decorative motifs, and grinding stones used for crushing grains
'When we found it, it was exactly as it was here 2,800 years ago.'
Another room featured the remains of an altar, identifiable by a drainage channel which still ran from its corner.
And in one part of the site, mysterious v-shaped carvings marked the floor.
Their true purpose is lost to history, but they might once have supported some sort of tripod with ritual use.
Archaeologists also found a hoard of artifacts from the 8th century BC, sealed behind a stone wall in a cave.
These included cooking pots, jars with fragments of ancient Hebrew inscriptions, loom weights, scarabs, stamped seals with decorative motifs, and grinding stones used for crushing grains.
The site lies in the ancient heart of Jerusalem – sometimes called the City of David – just a few hundred metres from Temple Mount, and once co-existed with the First Temple there.
Excavations began in 2010, but the northern part of the ruins was discovered in 1909 by Montague Parker, a British adventurer searching for the Ark of the Covenant and other temple treasures.
A 1585 depiction of king Hezekiah smashing the pagan places of worship
Amichai Eliyahu, Israel's Minister of Heritage, said: 'This unique structure uncovered in the City of David is an exciting testimony to Jerusalem's rich past.
'Such discoveries make our connection and historic roots – going back thousands of years – tangible, in Jerusalem and other sites where the Jewish culture and belief system emerged.'
Shukron published his findings in 'Atiqot, the IAA's in-house journal.
The Church of the Nativity, located six miles (10 km) outside of Jerusalem, is one of the most important religious sites in the world.
It has been recognised as the birthplace of Jesus since at least the Second Century and has been listed as a Unesco world heritage site since 2012.
The original church was built in 339 AD, but was rebuilt after fire in the 6th century and it is one of the oldest churches in the world still in daily use.
An estimated two million people make pilgrimages to the site each year to visit the church and the shrine below, the Grotto, where Jesus of Nazareth is believed to have been born.
But the region is of key importance to other religions as well. Almost 1,000 years before Jesus, Bethlehem was the city of King David.
Today, the site in Bethlehem is part of a large religious complex.
Set in the marble floor of the Grotto is a silver star which represents the spot where Jesus was born, installed in 1717 and surrounded by lamps to represent the different Christian communities.
The new structure was found carved into the eastern slope of the City of David
Credit: Michael Havis
Various ancient artefacts were found sealed behind a stone wall
Credit: Michael Havis
An artist's impression of how the structure would have looked before it was destroyed
Credit: Michael Havis
When Jesus’ Tomb Was Opened For The First Time, Scientists Made A Groundbreaking Discovery !
Now, one couple's home security camera has recorded something entirely new to science.
For the first time ever, the terrifying sound of a meteorite striking the Earth has been revealed.
The groundbreaking video shows the exact moment a chunk of space rock hit the driveway of a home in Prince Edward Island, Canada.
In July 2024, Laura Kelly and her partner Joe Velaidum had just returned from walking their dogs when they found a mysterious star-shaped mark outside their home.
Checking the recording from their Ring camera, they watched as a rock hurtled out of the sky and exploded into a burst of dust on the ground.
Thinking fast, the couple managed to gather up about seven grams of suspected space rock and sent it to Dr Chris Herd, head curator of the meteorite collection at the University of Alberta.
Dr Herd says: 'No other meteorite fall has been documented like this, complete with sound.'
Residents of Prince Edward Island, Canada were baffled to find that their Ring doorbell had recorded the stunning moment a meteorite slammed into their driveway
The shocking video is the first time that the sound of an asteroid hitting Earth has ever been recorded
When the rock smashed into their home, it was moving so fast that the camera only captured it for a single frame.
However, as soon as Dr Herd looked at the samples, there was no question that this was no ordinary stone.
As luck would have it, Dr Herd already had a trip planned to the area just 10 days after the impact and was able to make a diversion to the site.
There, he found that the meteorite had blasted a 2cm x 2cm hole in the walkway outside the home.
With the help of Joe and Laura, Dr Herd collected 95 grams of asteroid material which is now being held for further study at the University of Alberta.
Dr Herd's analysis shows that the rock, now dubbed the Charlottetown Meteorite after the capital of Prince Edward Island, was made of Chondrite - the most common meteorite material.
Chondrite meteors are leftovers from the formation of the solar system some 4.5 billion years ago and have lurked almost untouched since then in the distant reaches of space.
This particular rock would have begun its long journey to Canada in the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars, around 204 million miles (329 million kilometres) from Earth.
In July 2024, Laura Kelly and her partner Joe Velaidum had just returned from walking their dogs when they found a mysterious star-shaped mark outside their home
What is the difference between a meteor and a meteorite?
A meteorite is a small chunk of asteroid or comet which has landed on Earth.
While these rocks are still in space, scientists call them meteoroids.
When it enters Earth's atmosphere it becomes a meteor, fireball or shooting star.
The pieces of rock that hit the ground are meteorites, and are valuable to collectors.
The remnants must be analyzed by a lab to be accredited as meteorites.
This was particularly exciting since this is the only recorded meteorite impact in the island's history.
Dr Herd says: 'As the first and only meteorite from the province of Prince Edward Island, the Charlottetown Meteorite sure announced its arrival in a spectacular way.
'It adds a whole new dimension to the natural history of the Island.'
But most excitingly of all, this is the only time the sound of a meteorite impact has ever been recorded.
Dr Herd told CBC News: 'It's not anything we've ever heard before. From a science perspective, it's new.'
The violent crack of the impact which you can hear in the video is a product of the Charlottetown meteorite's incredible speed.
Meteorites typically arrive at the edge of Earth's atmosphere travelling at over 37,000 miles per hour (60,000 kmph) before slowing down.
Dr Herd estimates that the Charlottetown Meteorite was probably moving at around 125 miles per hour (200 kmph) when it hit the ground.
The meteorite is believed to have hit the ground at around 125 miles per hour (200 kmph), producing enough force to gouge a 2cm hole into the walkway
Although the meteorite wasn't big enough to cause any serious damage to the property, it could have been quite dangerous, had Joe and Laura been nearby.
'The shocking thing for me is that I was standing right there a couple of minutes right before this impact,' says Joe.
'If I'd have seen it, I probably would've been standing right there, so it probably would've ripped me in half.'
Despite being a first for Prince Edward Island, events like this are actually surprisingly common.
Dr Greg Brown, Senior Public Astronomy Officer at the Royal Observatory Greenwich, says: 'Meteors fall into the Earth’s atmosphere very often. Millions of minuscule particles of dust and rock burn up in the atmosphere each day, totalling around 15 thousand tonnes of material over the course of a year.
'If those particles are large enough, they can survive their entry to the atmosphere and impact the Earth with recent estimates suggesting around 17,000 impacts occur each year.'
However, most of those are so small that they arrive at the Earth's surface as grains of dust, having burned away their outer layers.
Although impacts with human settlements are rare, scientists estimate that there are around two 'damaging impacts' every year.
Further analysis at the University of Alberta shows that the meteorite (pictured) is made of Chondrite, a material left over from the formation of the Solar System 4.5 billion years ago
The impact left Ms Hodges with severe bruising and the unique claim to be the only person ever directly injured by a meteor impact.
However, given how large the planet is and how little of it is actually inhabited, there is little reason to worry about these kinds of small impacts.
'The vast majority of meteorites are far smaller, limiting the potential damage they could do,' Dr Brown added.
'What’s more, despite how widespread humanity is, the majority of the surface of the Earth is ocean, desert and other similarly sparsely inhabited places, meaning most impacts aren’t even noticed, let alone pose a threat to life and health.'
Meteors are fragments of space rock that enter the Earth's atmosphere and burn up as a result of the friction created when they pass through, appearing as bright streaks of light in the sky.
As well as light, this friction also creates sound, with some meteors creating a 'sonic boom' as they break the sound barrier, in a similar way to a fast-moving aircraft.
Since meteors can be over a hundred kilometres in altitude, and their sound waves travel much slower than the light they generate, the sonic boom is often not heard until many minutes after the flash is seen.
The boom will also only be loud enough to hear from Earth if the meteor is particularly large, enters the stratosphere below an altitude of about 30 miles (50 km) and explodes as a bolide, or fireball.
As well as the boom, some stargazers claim to have heard hissing and buzzing sounds at the same time as a meteor is seen.
This is because meteors also give off very low frequency radio waves, which travel at the speed of light.
These are inaudible, but can cause physical objects on the Earth's surface to vibrate and produce a sound, which our ears may interpret as hissing.
Sometimes, stargazers are able to hear a meteor as it creates a 'sonic boom', in a similar way that a fast-moving aircraft does
Officials confirmed that the spacecraft was destroyed.
'Starship experienced a rapid unscheduled disassembly during its ascent burn. Teams will continue to review data from today's flight test to better understand root cause,' SpaceX posted on X.
'With a test like this, success comes from what we learn, and today’s flight will help us improve Starship’s reliability.'
Debris, with unclear relations to the spacecraft, was captured on camera flying across the Caribbean just minutes after the flight test.
'Every Starship launch is one more step closer towards Mars,' Musk said before liftoff, as he hopes his ships will be the first to launch humanity into life on Mars.
SpaceX posted on X that today's test flight featured 'significant upgrades.'
The new-generation SpaceX ship launched from Texas on Thursday and successfully flew for around eight minutes, with the teams' second breathtaking booster catch, before contact was lost
The new Starship was rolled out taller - now standing at 403 feet - and with about 300 more tons of propellant than the last test flight ship, with added upgrades for 'reliability and performance'
'Every Starship launch is one more step closer towards Mars,' Musk said before liftoff, as he hopes his ships will be the first to launch humanity into life on Mars
Debris, with unclear relations to the spacecraft, was captured on camera flying across the Caribbean just minutes after the flight test
The new Starship was rolled out taller - now standing at 403 feet - and with about 300 more tons of propellant than the last test flight ship, with added upgrades for 'reliability and performance.'
SpaceX announced there would be 'hardware upgrades to the launch and catch tower to increase reliability for booster catch,' including enhancements to sensor protections on the chopsticks damaged during the last launch.
As well as a redesigned upper-stage propulsion system that can carry 25 percent more propellant, along with slimmer, repositioned forward flaps to reduce exposure to heat during reentry.
The post added that the flight 'set out to attempt Starship's first payload deployment test, fly multiple reentry experiments geared towards ship catch and reuse, and launch and return the Super Heavy booster.'
'Today’s flight test will launch a new generation ship with significant upgrades, attempt Starship’s first payload deployment test, fly multiple reentry experiments geared towards ship catch and reuse, and launch and return the Super Heavy booster.'
SpaceX's last successful launch happened in October on its fifth flight test. The sixth, which was witnessed by President-elect Donald Trump in November, made a controlled splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico.
The test flight launched just after 5.30 EST in Texas across the Gulf of Mexico.
Around six and a half minutes into the flight, Super Heavy returned and was successfully caught by the launch tower for SpaceX's second time
While Stage 1 was successful, contact with the ship was reported to be lost just after the eight-and-a-half-minute mark
'With a test like this, success comes from what we learn, and today’s flight will help us improve Starship’s reliability,' SpaceX posted on X
Just around 3 minutes into the flight, the Super Heavy booster successfully detached and performed a flip maneuver, making its way back to the launchpad.
Around six and a half minutes into the flight, Super Heavy returned and was successfully caught by the launch tower for SpaceX's second time.
'Even in this day and age, what we just saw is magic,' Dan Huot observed from close to the launch site after the booster touched down. 'I am shaking right now.'
'The tower has caught the rocket!!' SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk said via X as the spacecraft made the dramatic touchdown.
While Stage 1 was successful, contact with the ship was reported to be lost just after the eight-and-a-half-minute mark.
Just after the twenty-minute mark, it was confirmed that the ship was lost.
Hours earlier, Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin - launched their newest rocket, New Glenn, in Florida. The rocket reached orbit on its first flight, successfully placing an experimental satellite thousands of miles above Earth.
However, the booster was destroyed and missed its targeted landing on a floating platform in the Atlantic.
The evolution of SpaceX's Starship (with explosions!)
The Complete Evolution of SpaceX Rockets, From Falcon 1 to Starship, Full Technical Deep Dive Inside
The pair had intended to stay for just eight days after arriving in Boeing's Starliner capsule, but engine failures and helium leaks meant they could not safely return.
Suni Williams (pictured), one of NASA's stranded astronauts, stepped outside the International Space Station for the first time in seven months
Williams and Wilmore will likely remain on the station until at least March or April after the failure of the Boeing Starliner (pictured)
Mission commander Williams and flight engineer Wilmore took off from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida on June 5 for a test flight of Boeing's new Starliner capsule.
The plan was to ride Starliner out of the atmosphere, perform a few test manoeuvres, and dock with the ISS for an eight-day stay before returning to Earth in the same capsule.
However, things almost immediately began to go wrong for the problem-plagued capsule as the craft experienced thruster failures and a helium leak.
That choice left the Boeing test crew stuck aboard the ISS without their vehicle until someone could be sent to get them.
That means the pair might not get back to Earth until April at the very earliest - 10 months after they left home.
Since their arrival, yesterday's spacewalk was the first time that Williams has been able to escape the cramped confines of the station.
However, on social media, many expressed their shock and disappointment that Williams and Wilmore had not yet been able to return to Earth.
As Williams enjoyed her first moments outside the station, one commenter dubbed her a 'captive worker' due to the fact she is still trapped in space
Another pointed out that Williams was only meant to have a 'week's vacation' and has now spent the second longest time in space of any American
One commenter angrily demanded to know when Williams and Wilmore would return to Earth
One commenter wrote: 'I appreciate that Suni Williams is just doing sidequests at this point.
'She was meant to be on a week's vacation to the ISS and now she's spent the second longest amount of time in space of an American.'
Another angrily asked: 'When are they going to be back on Earth?'
Meanwhile, other users joked that Williams was 'stepping out to get some fresh air after being unexpectedly cooped up for months.'
'Sometimes you just gotta get outta the house,' one commenter wrote.
Another joked: 'We can understand! Guys get pretty bored holed up inside the station & went out for a garden walk to loosen their limbs a bit!'
Likewise, some commenters suggested that Williams might be taking her resue into her own hands.
One commenter joked: 'Frustrated with NASA, astronauts figure it's easier just to walk home.'
Some commenters joked that Williams was only 'stepping out to get some fresh air' after her seven-month stint inside the ISS
Commenters felt they could relate to the feeling of just needing to get out of the house
One commenter added that Williams had gone 'out for a garden walk' to stretch her legs
While another cheekily added: 'If it'd been me I would've stepped outside and said 'F*** it, I'm walking home".'
Despite the social media reaction, the spacewalk had a more serious purpose which was to perform essential repairs outside of the ISS.
After spending the last few days undergoing rigorous health checks and inspecting their equipment, Williams and Hague donned their suits early Thursday morning.
At 08:00 EST (13:00 GMT), the astronauts switched their suits over to battery power, marking the official start of the spacewalk.
'I'm coming out,' Williams radioed as she emerged from the orbiting lab 260 miles above Turkmenistan in Central Asia.
The astronauts replaced equipment, repaired one of the station's telescopes, and replaced a navigation device on a visiting vehicle.
Williams got a close-up look at the SpaceX capsule that will bring her home this spring, floating just a few feet away from the parked vessel as she struggled with a chore.
However, she managed to safely conduct the repairs without putting any dents in her ride home.
A commenter suggested that Williams was fed up with waiting and decided to make her own way back to Earth
One commenter joked that they would have decided to walk home after remaining trapped in space for so long
Suni Williams (left) arrived at the ISS with Butch Williams (centre) in June last year for what was supposed to be an eight-day stay. On Thursday, Williams was joined by NASA astronaut Nick Hague (right) for her first excursion from the station since arriving
This marks Williams' eighth spacewalk and brings her total cumulative time spent in extra-vehicular activity to 56 hours and 40 minutes
John M. Grunsfeld: 58 hours 30 minutes: 8 spacewalks
Jerry L. Ross: 57 hours 55 minutes, 9 spacewalks
Williams also made important repairs to the 'rate gyro assembly', a key piece of equipment which helps the ISS stay in the same orientation.
At 08:01 EST (19:00 GMT), after six hours of work, NASA announced that the spacewalk was officially over.
This marks Hague’s fourth time working outside the station and the eighth for Williams, making her one of the most experienced spacewalkers in NASA's history.
Williams, who has stayed on the ISS before, has already spent 56 hours and 40 minutes in EVA, making her the 11th most experienced spacewalker ever.
If she spends just four more hours outside the station next week, that will make her the most experienced female spacewalker.
This is the first time that astronauts have undertaken 'extra-vehicular activity' (EVA) from the ISS since November 2023.
Earlier US EVAs were put on hold after astronauts found water leaking into the airlock from the cooling system in one of the space suits.
Williams and Hague spend six hours outside the station to make repairs and perform maintenance. Pictured: the view from Williams' helmet camera as she repairs a navigation device on a visiting spaceship
Williams also made repairs to the 'rate gyro assembly', a key piece of equipment which helps the ISS stay in the same orientation (pictured)
Williams (left) will be joined by Butch Wilmore (right) for another spacewalk on January 23 to make repairs and take samples to see if bacteria are growing on the outside of the ISS
NASA says the issue has now been fixed as has already announced a second EVA to take place next Thursday.
On January 23, Williams will be joined by her fellow stranded astronaut Butch Williams on a second spacewalk.
Their goal will be to remove a radio frequency group antenna assembly from the station’s truss and prepare a spare elbow joint for the Candarm2 robotic arm which is mounted on the station.
Williams and Wilmore will also use the opportunity to take surface samples from the outside of the Destiny laboratory and the Quest airlock to see if any bacteria or fungi are growing on the ISS.
Last year, NASA found 13 strains of bacteria growing on the station that were not found anywhere on Earth.
Understanding bacteria in the harsh environment of space is key to learning how life might flourish on other planets and to protecting future space colonies against new diseases.
However, while Williams and Wilmore might be enjoying the chance to step outside the station, there is still a long way to go before they can return to Earth.
The International Space Station (ISS) is a $100 billion (£80 billion) science and engineering laboratory that orbits 250 miles (400 km) above Earth.
It has been permanently staffed by rotating crews of astronauts and cosmonauts since November 2000.
Crews have come mainly from the US and Russia, but the Japanese space agency JAXA and European space agency ESA have also sent astronauts.
The International Space Station has been continuously occupied for more than 20 years and has been expended with multiple new modules added and upgrades to systems
Research conducted aboard the ISS often requires one or more of the unusual conditions present in low Earth orbit, such as low-gravity or oxygen.
ISS studies have investigated human research, space medicine, life sciences, physical sciences, astronomy and meteorology.
The US space agency, NASA, spends about $3 billion (£2.4 billion) a year on the space station program, with the remaining funding coming from international partners, including Europe, Russia and Japan.
So far 244 individuals from 19 countries have visited the station, and among them eight private citizens who spent up to $50 million for their visit.
There is an ongoing debate about the future of the station beyond 2025, when it is thought some of the original structure will reach 'end of life'.
Russia, a major partner in the station, plans to launch its own orbital platform around then, with Axiom Space, a private firm, planning to send its own modules for purely commercial use to the station at the same time.
NASA, ESA, JAXA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) are working together to build a space station in orbit around the moon, and Russia and China are working on a similar project, that would also include a base on the surface.
This image, taken from NASA TV, shows astronaut Suni Williams working on the outside of the International Space Station on Thursday, just feet away from the parked SpaceX spacecraft.
In this photo provided by NASA, astronaut Suni Williams tries on and evaluates her spacesuit aboard the ISS on Jan. 9.
(NASA via The Associated Press)
In this image, made from NASA TV, Williams works outside the International Space Station on Thursday. It marked Williams's eighth spacewalk.
Nieuwe waarnemingen van de bekende exoplaneet GJ 1214 b wijzen op een koolstofdioxide-rijke atmosfeer, vergelijkbaar met die van Venus.
The Intriguing Exoplanet GJ 1214 b! Discovering Enaiposha: The Waterworld Exoplanet 🌌🌊
Er zijn inmiddels meer dan 5000 exoplaneten ontdekt rondom sterren buiten ons zonnestelsel. Veel van deze planeten verschillen flink van die in ons eigen zonnestelsel, wat het extra lastig maakt om hun werkelijke aard te doorgronden. Bekende voorbeelden zijn superaardes, hete Jupiters en sub-Neptunussen. In een nieuwe studie hebben onderzoekers een al bekende exoplaneet opnieuw onder de loep genomen om te bepalen in welke categorie deze thuishoort. Hun bevinding is verrassend: deze planeet lijkt namelijk in geen enkele bestaande categorie te passen.
Superaarde of sub-Neptunus? Een van de meest voorkomende typen exoplaneten heeft een grootte tussen die van de aarde en Neptunus. Astronomen zijn er nog niet over uit of het gaat om rotsachtige, aardachtige planeten met dikke waterstofrijke atmosferen, of ijzige, Neptunus-achtige planeten met waterstofrijke atmosferen, ook wel waterwerelden genoemd. Eerdere studies werden bemoeilijkt door dikke wolkenlagen, die vaak voorkomen op dit type planeet en het lastig maken om de atmosfeer eronder te onderzoeken.
The Mysterious World of Gliese 1214 b. What Do We Know about Ocean Planets?
GJ 1214 b Een internationaal team van onderzoekers heeft nu de krachtige James Webb-ruimtetelescoop gebruikt om door het dichte wolkenpak van een voorbeeld van dit type exoplaneet te turen, namelijk GJ 1214 b. Deze planeet, die op slechts 48 lichtjaar afstand van ons zonnestelsel ligt in de richting van het sterrenbeeld Slangendrager, is het ideale voorbeeld om dit type planeet nader te bestuderen.
Meer over GJ 1214 b De exoplaneet GJ1214b werd in 2009 door astronomen ontdekt. Deze planeet heeft een diameter die 2,7 keer zo groot is als die van de aarde en weegt zeven keer zoveel. GJ1214b draait in ongeveer 38 uur om een rode dwergster, op een afstand van slechts 2,09 miljoen kilometer.
Maar in plaats van een waterstofrijke superaarde of een waterwereld, brachten de nieuwe gegevens concentraties koolstofdioxide (CO2) aan het licht. Deze niveaus lijken sterk op die in de dichte CO2-atmosfeer van Venus in ons zonnestelsel. Deze waarnemingen van een koolstofdioxide-rijke atmosfeer, vergelijkbaar met die van Venus, wijzen op de mogelijkheid van een planeetklasse die aanzienlijk verschilt van de superaardes en sub-Neptunussen die astronomen eerder hadden gesuggereerd.
Super-Venus Dit zou kunnen betekenen dat Webb mogelijk een nieuw type planeet heeft ontdekt: de super-Venus. Maar onderzoekers houden vooralsnog een slag om de arm. “Het gedetecteerde CO2-signaal is klein”, legt onderzoeker Kazumasa Ohno uit. “Het vereiste een grondige statistische analyse om te bevestigen dat het echt is.”
‘Wat-als’-scenario’s Om de ware aard van GJ1214b verder te ontrafelen, gebruikte Ohno theoretische modellen om talloze ‘wat als’-scenario’s voor de atmosfeer van de planeet door te rekenen. Van al deze modellen blijken de meest passende scenario’s een koolstofrijke atmosfeer te voorspellen, die lijkt op die van een ‘super-Venus’.
Boek Toch is het laatste woord hier nog niet over gezegd. Onderzoeksleider Everett Schlawin vergelijkt het met het lezen van een boek. “Het is alsof je Leo Tolstojs Oorlog en Vrede leest”, zegt hij. “Stel je voor dat ik je twee exemplaren geef en in één van de boeken één zin verander – zou je die zin dan kunnen vinden?”
Hoewel de resultaten veelbelovend zijn, benadrukken de onderzoekers het belang van aanvullende studies om dit veelvoorkomende, maar mysterieuze type exoplaneet te bevestigen en verder uit te diepen.
In a new exclusive interview with investigative journalist Ross Coutlhart, Jake Barber, a US Air Force Veteran revealed that he saw an object that was white and egg-shaped. Mr. Barber said he has contracted as a helicopter pilot to retrieve all kinds of downed craft, some of which he believes are of nonhuman origin.
He shared the moment when he realized he was involved in recovering non-human technology, or alien technology. He explained that it became obvious when their communication procedures were changed, and when he saw the object on the ground. From its appearance, it was clear that the object was something extraordinary and different from anything human-made.
He was a helicopter pilot, and typically, he would work with a long line of about 150 to 200 feet. This time, he got within 150 feet of the object. When he got close enough, he saw something that looked like a white egg.
He was asked if there was any visible propulsion system on the object, but he said there was nothing like what we would recognize as an engine or any form of propulsion. He was operating at night, using night vision goggles. Even with the goggles, the object’s strange appearance remained clear. He would take the goggles off and on, examining the object from different angles to make sure he wasn’t imagining things.
When asked how he knew the egg-shaped object wasn’t from humans, Jake explained that, based on his experience and everything he had seen before, it looked completely out of the ordinary.
It didn’t match anything he had ever seen. His teammates also had the same reaction—they all knew they were dealing with something far beyond what they were used to.
Ross asked if he had ever been directly told that the craft was of non-human origin. Jake replied that in the years following the event, senior members of the UAP task force had confirmed that the object was, indeed, non-human in origin. He emphasized that this wasn’t a one-time, unique experience; similar things had been encountered before.
“Over the last couple years, it’s been confirmed to me by ranking members of the UAP task force that what we were working with that night was, in fact, NHI (nonhuman intelligence) and it was not a unique experience,” Barber said.
In the history of Ufology, the case of Lonnie Zamora was registered as the most authentic and well-documented UFO sighting in the United States. It is hard not to believe a police officer when he/she claims to have seen something not from this world. A police officer from Socorro named Lonnie Zamora witnessed a white Egg-shaped craft in New Mexico when he was chasing a high-speed vehicle in 1964.
On April 24, 1964, at around 5:45 p.m., Zamora was chasing an overspeed vehicle in his cruiser on the outskirts of his town. Suddenly, he was diverted by a loud roaring sound and noticed a flame in the sky.
Zamora said that the flame had been orange and bluish in color. He described it as “funnel-like.” He explained that he drove for half a mile and saw a white object on the ground.
“Thought that it might be a car that had turned over. Crossed to go out there to investigate, thought maybe somebody might be hurt. At that time, I saw this white, like an egg-shaped looking object.”
Initially, he thought that the object was an overturned car. He could also notice two humans near the object, examining it. As the police officer began approaching them, he understood that they were either large kids or small people. Besides, the object was of white aluminum color.
Illustration of oval-shaped craft witnessed by Lonnie Zamora
He contacted his station and told them about the situation. As soon as he tried to get out of the car, a roar was heard again and the craft started emitting blue flame. This noise scared him, and he thought there might be an explosion. So, he took cover and made his way back to his cruiser while keeping his eyes on the scene.
The craft was moving upward with an increasing sound, and Zamora could once again see an orange-bluish flame coming out from under the craft. He also said that the object had an oval shape without any door or windows.
What Can Explain This New Mexico UFO Sighting?
During his radio interview with Walter Shrode, Zamora said that the two people he had seen near the craft were not humans. The following is the conversation held between Zamora and Shrode.
SHRODE: Did they have helmets on like spacemen or anything?
ZAMORA: No sir, I wouldn’t say they were people, I just… I saw something white, white coveralls, that’s all I can say.
SHRODE: But you couldn’t identify them as actually being an actual human being, like you or I are?
ZAMORA: No sir, I couldn’t.
ZAMORA: It was very low to the ground, at the time I was seeing it, it was very low to the ground up to the perlite mill there, and then it started gaining in altitude.
There is no doubt about what Zamora had seen. Even the FBI investigated the case and discovered burned marks on the site where he had seen the craft land. The Air Force also recorded his case in detail for the Project Blue Book and concluded that they were definitely humans in white suits. What’s more, when the craft disappeared, another police officer Sergeant Sam Chavez arrived at the scene. He found his colleague totally lost and pale.
According to the investigation conducted by NICAP officer Ray Stanford, there were more witnesses who heard the loud roar around the same time as claimed by Zamora. From the police records, he found out that three people had reported seeing a bright object in the sky.
On April 26, 1964, two days after Zamora’s case, a local farmer went to check on his horses as if something was bothering them. He said he had seen an object in the shape of a butane tank. He also noticed a bluish-orange flame, emitting from the bottom of the craft.
Additionally, in the Voronezh UFO landing case 1989, according to eyewitnesses, the object was oval, egg-shaped, approximately 15 meters long, and 6 meters high. The brightly-glowing ship stopped one meter above the ground, rocking back and forth. Four landing pillars emerged from the base of the object and sank to the ground.
After the landing, a hatch slowly opened, and two grim humanlike figures (one of them was 3-4 meters high) came out. The aliens were moving like robots. The shape of the aliens was described as boxes with arms and legs, and buttons were glowing on their chests.
At that very moment, a boy from the group of children playing nearby screamed in fear. The tall alien cast his gaze at him with his central eye, without moving his head. A light came out of his eye and hit the boy, which made him motionless for several minutes.
Kevin Knuth - UAP Flight Characteristics: The Five Observables
Caught On Camera - The US Navy UFO
The Global Threat (Full Episode) | UFOs: Investigating the Unknown
Er zijn indrukwekkende beelden gemaakt van het puin van de Starship-raket die gisteren kort na de lancering in de Amerikaanse staat Texas ontplofte. Onder meer SpaceX-baas Elon Musk deelde een video die toonde hoe het ruimteschip uiteenviel in iets wat op een kleurrijke meteorenzwerm leek. “Succes is onzeker, maar entertainment gegarandeerd”, schreef hij erbij.
De (onbemande) raket ontkoppelde na bijna vier minuten vliegen zoals gepland van de Super Heavy draagraket, maar enkele minuten later verloren de missieteams het contact met het ruimteschip. De Super Heavy draagraket keerde zoals gepland terug naar de aarde, maar SpaceX meldde later dat Starship was geëxplodeerd.
Dat gebeurde boven de Turks- en Caicoseilanden, twee eilandengroepen in de Atlantische oceaan, ten zuidoosten van de Bahama’s. Onder meer een piloot van een commercieel vliegtuig en een getuige op de grond maakten indrukwekkende beelden van het vallende puin. Verschillende vliegtuigen in het gebied vertraagden of maakten een omweg om niet geraakt te worden.
Volgens Musk wijzen de eerste vaststellingen in de richting van “een zuurstof-/brandstoflek in de ruimte boven de motorbrandwand van het schip”. Dat was groot genoeg om druk op te bouwen die de ontluchtingscapaciteit overschreed, meldt hij op zijn eigen socialemediaplatform X. “Naast dubbelchecken op lekken, zullen we brandbestrijdingssystemen aan de ruimte toevoegen en waarschijnlijk de ontluchtingsruimte vergroten.”
Normaal gezien zou de volgende lancering niet later dan volgende maand kunnen doorgaan.
Starship wilde gisteren tien objecten in de ruimte brengen die qua grootte, vorm en gewicht de Starlink-satellieten nabootsten. Het is de bedoeling dat Starship-raketten die in de toekomst in een baan om de aarde brengen. Het was de eerste keer dat SpaceX probeerde om met dit type raket vracht in de ruimte te brengen.
De lancering vond enkele uren plaats na de succesvolle lancering van een raket van Blue Origin. Dit bedrijf werd opgericht door Jeff Bezos en wil concurreren met SpaceX, het ruimtevaartbedrijf van Elon Musk.
SpaceX Catches Booster But Loses Ship in Starship Test Flight
SpaceX’s seventh flight test of its massive Starship launch system brought good news as well as not-so-great news.
The good news? The Super Heavy booster successfully flew itself back to the Texas launch site and was caught above the ground by the launch tower’s chopstick-style mechanical arms. That’s only the second “Mechazilla” catch to be done during the Starship test program. The bad news is that the upper stage, known as Ship 33, was lost during its ascent.
“Starship experienced a rapid unscheduled disassembly during its ascent burn. Teams will continue to review data from today’s flight test to better understand root cause,” SpaceX said in a post-mission posting to X. “With a test like this, success comes from what we learn, and today’s flight will help us improve Starship’s reliability.”
Today’s test marked the first use of an upper stage that was upgraded with a redesign of the avionics, the propulsion system and the forward control flaps. Ship 33’s heat shield featured next-generation protective tiles as well as a backup layer of heat-resistant material. SpaceX had removed some of the tiles for this flight as a stress test for the heat shield.
During the webcast, an onscreen graphic suggested that Ship experienced engine problems during its ascent. “We saw engines dropping out on telemetry,” launch commentator Dan Huot said.
In a posting to X, SpaceX founder Elon Musk said preliminary indications were that there was “an oxygen/fuel leak in the cavity above the ship engine firewall that was large enough to build pressure in excess of the vent capacity.”
“Apart from obviously double-checking for leaks, we will add fire suppression to that volume and probably increase vent area,” Musk wrote. “Nothing so far suggests pushing next launch past next month.”
After Ship’s breakup, eyewitnesses posted videos showing a glittering hail of debris falling to Earth. Reuters reported that at least 20 commercial aircraft had to divert to different airports or alter their course to dodge the debris.
In response to an emailed inquiry, the Federal Aviation Administration said it was aware of the anomaly that occurred during today’s flight test and would be assessing the operation. “The FAA briefly slowed and diverted aircraft around the area where space vehicle debris was falling,” the agency said via email. “Normal operations have resumed.”
If Ship had made it to space, it would have deployed 10 Starlink simulators that were about the same size and weight as SpaceX’s Starlink broadband satellites. This was meant to test the procedure that SpaceX plans to use to put scores of Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit during a single Starship mission.
At the end of the flight test, Ship would have made a controlled re-entry and splashdown into the Indian Ocean.
Starship is the world’s most powerful launch system, with the booster’s 33 methane-fueled Raptor engines providing liftoff thrust of 16.7 million pounds. That’s more than twice the thrust of the Apollo-era Saturn V rocket, and almost twice the thrust of NASA’s Space Launch System, which was first launched in 2022 for the uncrewed Artemis I moon mission.
When fully stacked, Starship stands 403 feet (123 meters) tall. The system is meant to be fully reusable. Flight tests began in 2023, and SpaceX has made gradual progress. The first successful catch of the Super Heavy booster thrilled observers last October — and like that catch, today’s catch drew cheers from SpaceX employees watching the launch.
This year, SpaceX aims to demonstrate full reuse of Super Heavy and Ship, and promises to fly “increasingly ambitious missions.” The Starship system would be used for large-scale satellite deployments — and eventually for missions beyond Earth orbit. A customized version of Starship is slated to serve as a crewed lunar landing system for NASA’s Artemis III mission, which is currently scheduled for no earlier than mid-2027.
Musk envisions sending Starships on missions to Mars, perhaps starting in 2026. “These will be uncrewed to test the reliability of landing intact on Mars,” he said last September in a posting to X.
“If those landings go well, then the first crewed flights to Mars will be in 4 years,” Musk said. “Flight rate will grow exponentially from there, with the goal of building a self-sustaining city in about 20 years.”
Exclusive polling from and J.L. Partners found that nearly half (45 percent) of people believe the bizarre activity was more than just recreational or normal drone use, with the majority (26 percent) of those respondents pointing to foreign surveillance.
The foreign powers mentioned were China or Russia, which has been suspected among lawmakers like Michael McCaul, R-Texas, who said some of the unidentified aircraft are 'spy drones.'
But 19 percent of Americans do believe the sightings are nothing more than hobby drones and 18 percent stated they are 'normal flying actives that have been exaggerated.'
There are some Americans (17 percent) who believe the drones were government surveillance tools, but 10 percent said the craft was actually protecting citizens.
And a small eight percent are sure the drones are alien vehicles.
While Americans have shared their take on the drones, the US government has yet to provide hard answers to what's invading the skies over New Jersey.
The FBI admitted that it does not know who is behind the flying objects, while the US military insisted it is not responsible. All while, the White House said it was 'closely monitoring the situation.'
Numerous 'car-sized' drones first appeared over New Jersey in mid-November, and have since been reported by eyewitnesses all across the Northeast
Numerous 'car-sized' drones first appeared over New Jersey in mid-November, and have since been reported by eyewitnesses all across the Northeast, though the Garden State still appears to be the epicenter of the activity.
But the White House said the sightingsnear or over Department of Defense (DoD) installations 'are not new.'
'DoD takes unauthorized access over its airspace seriously and coordinates closely with federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities, as appropriate,' the statement continued.
The Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Federal Aviation Administration and the FBI released a joint statement on the matter in mid-December.
The agencies said the sightings were 'a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and stars mistakenly reported as drones.'
But McCaul has been very open in pushing back against these claims.
Carlson did not provide details about the Beijing-operated GaoJing 1-02 satellite which he claimed the US shot down on December 21. It reentered Earth's atmosphere above New Orleans and headed north towards Mississippi, Arkansas and Missouri
He claimed the Asian nation has to be responsible after it was revealed that the communist state had been snapping up strategically placed farmland next to military installations across the US.
Carlson appeared to hint at a Beijing-operated satellite known as GaoJing 1-02 which fell from space on December 21.
Others have pointed fingers at different foreign powers such as Iran and Russia.
But despite the wave of concern, the Pentagon has denied that a foreign country was behind the mysterious drones, even as they have been repeatedly spotted over sensitive US military sites.
White House national security spokesman John Kirby said in December there are more than one million drones registered in the US and 'there are thousands of commercial hobbyists and law enforcement drones that are lawfully in the sky on any given day,' suggesting the sightings were likely any of these.
A former NASAastronaut has come forward to reveal that he personally witnessed 'two metallic spherical orbs' whizz by his plane this August while flying above Texas.
Leroy Chiao, who served as the commander of Expedition 10 to the International Space Station (ISS) in 2004 and 2005, was 9,000 feet in the air when objects 'zipped' on the left side of his airplane.
He said one flew on top of the other and each was about three feet in diameter.
'It's just kinda dumb luck that they didn't hit me,' said Chiao.
The former NASA astronaut estimates that the orbs were only 'about 20 feet away.'
'It could've been a bad result, if they had actually hit me,' Chiao said. 'It happened so quick, there wasn't even a chance to get scared.'
'It wasn't on radar,' he noted, 'Air traffic control certainly didn't alert me.
'[And] it wasn't on my display that shows other airplanes that are participating with the [Federal Aviation Administration] FAA-required transponders.'
'I don't know what it was,' the baffled former astronaut confessed.
A former NASA astronaut has come forward to reveal that he personally witnessed 'two metallic spherical orbs' whizz by his plane while flying above Texas. Above, an example of a 'metallic sphere' weather balloon included in a 2023 report by NASA's UFO advisory panel
'It's just kinda dumb luck that they didn't hit me,' said Leroy Chiao (pictured), whose NASA missions saw him serve as the commander for Expedition 10 to the International Space Station (ISS) in 2004 and 2005. Chaio believes these strange metallic orbs were a top secret drone test
Chiao unpacked the details of his odd late-summer UFO encounter to The Hill on NewsNation, stating that he 'got a good look at them' but 'only for a second.'
'I was flying back from Colorado and I had just refueled in the panhandle of Texas in my small airplane,' Chiao recalled.
'I was flying back to Houston on an instrument flight plan,' he said, referencing a more formal set of flight rules that are coordinated with FAA air traffic control along known and pre-established flight corridors.
But with the benefit of hindsight, the former astronaut believes that these orb UFOs are still not only 'mysterious' — but that the government's lack of transparency on these and other mystery drones over sensitive US sites has 'scary' implications.
'They could tell us what they know,' Chiao opined, 'and if they really don't know, that's a little more disconcerting.'
'My first guess is that it's some kind of military program, a drone of some kind,' he told NewsNation, 'but you know it's hard to say, right?'
'Frankly, I think whoever was operating the drone wasn't aware that I was there.'
Above: a leaked US military image of what appears to be a metallic-looking orb flying over Mosul, Iraq in April 2016, included in a classified briefing video on UFOs shown to multiple US government agencies - according to the UFO reporter who obtained the image, Jeremy Corbell
While playing a 2022 military UFO video taken by an MQ-9 Reaper drone in the Mid East, Pentagon UFO-hunter Dr Sean Kirkpatrick told a NASA panel that: 'We see these ['metallic orbs'] all over the world, and we see these making very interesting apparent maneuvers'
'It is pretty mysterious,' he weighed in. 'It's hard to believe that our government doesn't really know what's going on.'
'At first blush, to me, it seems like some kind of a military program, our military,' he continued, 'and if it's not that, then it gets a little more scary.'
Chiao said that the past month of drone sightings over New Jersey and nearby states, as well as those over US military bases at home and abroad, seem 'way too widespread and organized to be some kind of a prank.'
He added that he feels the Pentagon and the rest of the federal government 'could be a little more transparent.'
The FBI and other agencies are investigating the alleged drones, but a representative from the Department of Homeland Security said Wednesday, Dec. 11: 'We have no more information as to where these drones are coming from, where they're launching from, where they're landing'
In New Jersey, Belleville Mayor Michael Melham has also become a vocal critic of the federal government's lack of candor on the drone mystery, calling their response 'disappointing, to say the least.'
'Over 500 mayors were invited to an unprecedented 'mayors-only' briefing on such an important topic,' Mayor Melham told local network WABC last week.
'Many northern NJ mayors traveled nearly three hours round trip, on short notice, to be there,' he explained, 'only to learn what could have easily been said over a Zoom call. Many walked out.'
Journalist and author Michael Shellenberger, who testified to Congress last month on his reports of a hidden UFO data collection program, obtained a recording of the meeting, in which one NJ mayor complained of SUV-sized drones.
'The mayors are livid,' Shellenberger told Fox News. 'One of them got up there and said, 'I had two automobile-sized drones hovering over my house.''
Metallic orb UFOs have been the most common type of case reported by US military witnesses according to the first director of the Pentagon's UFO-hunting All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), ex-CIA physicist Dr Sean Kirkpatrick.
'We see these ['metallic orbs'] all over the world,' Dr Kirkpatrick told NASA's UFO advisory group last year, 'and we see these making very interesting apparent maneuvers.'
After mysterious bright lights, according to AARO's most recent annual report, orb or spherical UFOs were still the most commonly reported this year at 22 percent of all US military sightings.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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