The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Alien Contact in Lima, Peru -Crashed UFO and secret recovery filmed...
Alien Contact in Lima, Peru -Crashed UFO and secret recovery filmed... (2010)
The remarkable footage below comes from Peru where it is alleged that some time in the last year a UFO probe lost power and fell to the ground. The first video shows another larger UFO being filmed as it lands in what seems to a secret government installation in Peru where contact between humans and aliens might be occurring. The second video show the secret recovery and removal of the intact UFO from the area of impact. The witness seen in the video is curious but not shocked, it seems that he is used to this sort of thing happening. These UFO / ET events have occurred within the context of much wider extraterrestrial activity in Peru. It is believed that aliens have chosen to make contact with the residents of Lima, Peru and UFOs are constantly landing in Lima and even making contact with residents. Locals are apparently in a state of awe regarding these alien encounters, however a total media freeze regarding the events has been ordered by world governments to ensure humans outside of Lima remain unaware of this possible first open contact with an extraterrestrial race. It has been claimed by NASA insiders that a race known as Axthadans from Andromeda Galaxy have been sending unmanned probes such as the one seen below being retrieved by secret agents, for the purpose of studying earth. The question many UFO scholars are asking is: Why have aliens chosen Peru as the nation to make first contact with?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Présence des Extra-Terrestes : témoignage d'un ancien de la NASA
Présence des Extra-Terrestes : témoignage d'un ancien de la NASA...
Au cours de sa carrière de 34 ans comme employé sous contrat de la NASA, Clark C. McClellan a été chargé d'assurer la sécurité de nombreuses missions de la NASA, y compris pour les astronautes de Mercury, les missions Apollo, la Station Spatiale Internationale et la navette spatiale. Dans un communiqué publié sur son site Internet le 29 juillet 2008, McClelland a révélé qu'il a été témoin de la vision d'un être extraterrestre de huit à neuf pieds (près de 2,70 mètres) de hauteur en liaison avec une mission de la navette spatiale qu'il surveillait depuis le Centre Spatial Kennedy.
Il écrivit: " je, Clark C. McClelland, ancien ScO [opérateur satellite], Flotte de la Navette Spatiale, ait personnellement observé un Extra-Terrestre de 8 à 9 pieds de haut sur mes moniteurs videos de 27 pouces en faisant mon devoir dans le Kennedy Space Center, au centre de contrôle de lancement (LCC). L'Extra-Terrestre se tenait debout dans la soute de la navette spatiale en train d'avoir une discussion avec deux de nos astronautes attachés à la NASA ! J'ai également observé sur mes moniteurs, le vaisseau spatial de l'Extra-Terrestre qui était sur une orbite stabilisée et sécuritaire à l'arrière de la coque du moteur principal de la navette spatiale. J'ai observé cet incident pedant environ une minute et sept secondes. Suffisamment de temps pour mémoriser tout ce que j'observais. C'était un Extra-Terrestre et un vaisseau spatial extraterrestre ! "
Témoignage impressionnant de la part d'une personne qualifiée et habituée à l'observation assez difficile à mettre en doute sans porter atteinte à sa simple honnêteté. Les vérifications d'usage concordent toutes, McClelland existe bien et il a bien travaillé pour la NASA très longtemps, mais sa fin de carrière semble avoir été assez tragique, ce qui est d'ailleurs plutôt en sa faveur si on considère qu'il a vu ce qu'il n'aurait pas du voir...
" Il a travaillépour la NASAsur une périodede 34 ansà partir de 1958jusqu'en 1992quand il a étébrusquementcongédié deson poste,etprivé de sesprestations de retraite.Il a crééun site web,StargateChronicles, avec des informationssur ses origineset expériences.Ce qui suitest destinéàfournir des documents supplémentairesetdes informations vérifiablesàl'appui de sesaffirmations d'avoirassisté àune vie extraterrestreet /ou de la technologieau cours d'uncertain nombre demissions de la NASA.Cette page Weba été crééeà la suite desa déclaration publique,publiée à la finJuillet-début Août2008, oùM.McClellandaffirme avoirrepéréce qui semble êtreunextraterrestreassistantdeuxastronautessur unemission spatiale. "
Voici quelques précisions trouvées sur son site : l'observationprésuméepertinente étaitla mission STS-44. STS-44 étaitunemission de la navetteAtlantislancéele 24Novembre1991.C'était unemission spatiale de l'US Department of Defense.Astronautes :FrederickD.Gregory, Terence T.Henricks, F. Story Musgrave, Mario Runco, Jr., James S.Voss,etThomasJ.Hennen.
Et en cherchant un peu sur certains forums américains où on a parlé de son histoire, on trouve d'autres précisions ou réflexions intéressantes dont voici des extraits (le fait d'affirmer aussi que dès qu'une personne tente de faire connaître son histoire tout en tentant (souvent en vain d'ailleurs) de récupérer des frais ou de la vendre, est obligatoirement un charlatan ou pire dénote une malhonnêteté intellectuelle systématique (et en contradiction avec les principes de fonctionnement de tout le monde dans la réalité) de ces accusateurs par (faux) principe à l'esprit tordu). Certes, comme une grande partie des témoignages humains (comme dans les cours de justice d'ailleurs), il est impossible d'avoir une certitude à 100% - tout comme la plus grande partie de l'Histoire humaine d'ailleurs... ce n'est pas une raison pour détourner les yeux et se mettre la tête dans le sable comme une autruche... certains m'ont même dit : " je préfère croire que ce n'est pas possible et refuser cette idée tout simplement plutôt que de me torturer l'esprit toute la vie au cas où ça serait vrai " : d'autres vont un peu plus loin dans ce principe et préfèrent tenter de dénigrer ou d'anéantir même l'idée que cela pourrait exister... pour le propre tranquillité d'esprit...
" Il convient de noterque l' Alien de " huit à neufpieds " mentionné ci-dessusestexactement en ligne avecles rapports du visionneurà distance (remote viewer) JoeMcMoneagle,quand ila été chargé d'avoirà distanceune vue de Mars.Il a étéintrigué par desgrands etmincesêtresde cette taille, qui«vivent» dans des installations souterraines.McMoneagleétaitun remote viewer de l'armée américaineà l'époque.Les détails sontdans un livrede F.HolmesAtwater"Captain of My Ship, Master of My Soul",l'ancien chefde l'unité deRemote Viewer de l'armée,qui est passé chef duMonroeInstitute,la maison de laHemi-Sync. ".
Notons aussi que McClelland est cité dans cet article au sujet de photographies très suspectes (et déjà montrées ailleurs sur ce blog) de ce qui a été annoncé comme des petits débris par la NASA mais qui ressemble fortement à un vaisseau spatial :
De laatste 15 jaar is er sprake geweest van een flinke toename van het aantal UFO-waarnemingen.
Overal ter wereld verschijnen orbs, vaak driehoekig van vorm, in de lucht. Meestal wordt gelijk duidelijk dat het niet gaat om flares, ballonnen of Chinese lampionnen.
Er zijn twee mogelijkheden: het zijn buitenaardse vaartuigen of legertoestellen. Het betreft doorzichtige driehoekige toestellen die gebruik lijken te maken van antizwaartekracht. Er zijn veel videos en getuigeverslagen waaruit blijkt dat de objecten op een ongelooflijke manier kunnen versnellen en manoeuvreren.
Fel licht
Deze orbs verschijnen op zijn minst al vanaf de jaren veertig denk aan de foo fighters toen we nog niet over de technologie beschikten om dergelijke toestellen te produceren. Naast de vele waarnemingen van orbs en driehoeken, worden ook veel schotelvormige objecten gezien.
De 24-jarige Emil Ziemczonek legde onlangs een schotelvormig object vast nabij de Engelse stad Bradford, meldt de Daily Star. Hij dacht gelijk aan een ruimteschip. Afgelopen augustus werd in Bradford al eerder een vreemd object in de lucht gezien. Toen ging het om een fel licht.
De media maken ook melding van een mysterieus oplichtend object boven Akureyri in IJsland. In de video is te zien hoe een verlichte massa richting het aardoppervlak beweegt en vervolgens verdwijnt achter enkele gebouwen.
We worden in de gaten gehouden door wezens van andere planeten. Is dat zo vreemd? De Melkweg bestaat op zijn minste uit 200 miljard verschillende sterren. Overal is leven.
Proberen ze ons wakker te schudden en te laten inzien dat we één van de vele intelligente beschavingen in het universum zijn? Waarom landen ze dan niet om met ons te praten?
Zijn de vele waarnemingen onderdeel van een plan om ons langzaam te laten wennen aan buitenaards contact? Willen ze ons eerst over de schok en het ongeloof helpen voordat ze zich bekendmaken?
Komen ze op een vooraf vastgestelde datum of wachten ze tot wij zelf contact willen leggen? Of wachten ze tot ons bewustzijn een bepaald niveau bereikt?
Hoe dan ook is het belangrijk om te wennen aan deze realiteit en manieren te bedenken om ze in vrede en eenheid te benaderen.
Eigen ervaringen of UFO-waarnemingen kunnen in een reactie onder het artikel worden achtergelaten.
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NASA starts building faster-than-light warp engine
Still from Star Trek TV series
Researchers at NASAs Texas-based Johnson Space Center are trying to prove that it is possible to travel faster than the speed of light, and hope to one day build an engine that resembles the fictional Starship Enterprise.
NASA physicist and engineer Dr. Harold G. White, 43, believes it is possible to bend the rules of time and space that Albert Einstein constructed when he postulated that it is impossible to exceed the speed of light.
Whites research is based on the theories of Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre, who in 1994 theorized that exceeding Einsteins galactic speed limit was possible if scientists discovered a way to harness the expansion and contraction of space. And Harold and his team are trying to do just that.
Mexican physicist Dr. Miguel Alcubierre (Image from user@campuspartymexico)
By creating a warp bubble that expands space on one side of a spaceship and contracts it on the other, the spaceship will be pushed away from the Earth and pulled towards a distant star by space-time itself, Dr. Alcubierre wrote in his hypothesis.
Dr. White is trying to warp the trajectory of a photon to see if he can propel its travel at faster-than-light speeds. His laboratory floats above a system of underground pneumatic piers and was constructed in a way that it would be free from seismic disturbances, since his teams measuring devices can pick up the smallest vibrations even those created from people who are walking nearby.
Dr. White told the New York Times that since nature can travel at warp speeds, there is a chance that humans can figure out how to do it too.
Space has been expanding since the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, Dr. White told the Times. And we know that when you look at some of the cosmology models, there were early periods of the universe where there was explosive inflation, where two points wouldve went receding away from each other at very rapid speeds.
Albert Einstein (AFP Photo)
Although Dr. White believes the potential construction of a spaceship like the USS Enterprise lies in the distant future, such a project could open doors for far-reaching space travel. Developing a warp drive would allow NASA to drastically reduce travel times to other star systems from tens of thousands of years to weeks or months. With such technology, astronauts could take quick trips to explore other solar systems.
Edwin F. Taylor, a former editor of The American Journal of Physics and senior research scientist at MIT, told the Times that the idea is crazy for now.
[But] check with me in a hundred years, he added, thereby noting that constructing such a spacecraft might lie in the realm of possibilities.
Richard Obousy, a physicist and president of Icarus Interstellar, said the idea is not air-fairy, pie in the sky.
We tend to overestimate what we can do on short time scales, but I think we massively underestimate what we can do on longer time scales, he said of Dr. Whites work.
But Dr. Alcubierre, who has never met Dr. White, said that a major hurdle is the fact that a warp bubble cannot be reached by any signal from within the ship and cant be turned on or off in the first place.
Despite the odds, Dr. White and his team are continuing their research, and believe that they can bring warp speed into the realm of the possible.
21-10-2013 om 20:37
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
It was a craft that did not come from this planet: CIA agent speaks out on 65th anniversary of Roswell UFO landings
It was a craft that did not come from this planet: CIA agent speaks out on 65th anniversary of Roswell UFO landings
Box of information includes photographs that prove Roswell UFO was real
Report by veteran CIA agent who
Information concealed in Vault beneath CIAs Langley headquarters
A long-serving CIA agent has spoken out on the 65th anniversary of the Roswell Incident to reveal a hidden CIA file on the UFO that was supposedly found at the site and says, It really happened.
Conspiracy theorists believe that alien bodies from the crashed disc were autopsied and that modern technologies have been built on discoveries from inside the craft.
Chase Brandon, an agent who served 25 years with the agency, said that the information is concealed in a hidden vault within the agencys Langley headquarters.
It was in a vaulted area there was one box that really caught my eye. It had one word on it: Roswell. I rummaged inside it, put the box on the shelf and said, My God, it really happened.
Itwas not a weather balloon it was what people first reported, says Chase Brandon, a CIA agent who served 35 years with the agency. It was a craft that did not come from this planet.
Brandon spoke out on the 65th anniversary of the Roswell incident and claims to have seen direct evidence of the alien visitation in a high-security area of the CIAs Langley headquarters
For twenty-five years Brandon served in the Agencys elite Clandestine Service as an undercover, covert operations officer carrying out foreign assignments involving international terrorism, counterinsurgency, global narcotics trafficking and weapons smuggling.
When the Roswell incident occurred, military authorities issued a press release, which began: The many rumours regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence officer of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc.
Yet, just 24 hours later, the military changed their story and claimed the object theyd first thought was a flying disc was a weather balloon that had crashed on a nearby ranch.
Amazingly, the media and the public accepted the explanation without question.
Now agents such as Brandon are once again calling into question the official line on the incident.
Brandon, a covert operations officer who served with the Agency for 25 years, worked in counterinsurgency and weapons smuggling, but also liased with the entertainment industries.
He is the author of several books. He says he will not reveal exactly what lay within the box that erased his doubts about the Roswell incident.
Some written material and some photographs, and thats all I will ever say to anybody about the contents of that box, he told the Huffington Post.
But it absolutely, for me, was the single validating moment that everything I had believed, and knew that so many other people believed had happened, truly was what occurred.
Earlier publicly released documents appear to back up Brandons story or at least the idea that American authorities covered up involvement with aliens. One memo that appears to prove that New Mexico prior to 1950 has been published by the FBI.The bureau has made thousands of files available in a new online resource called The Vault.Among them is a memo to the director from Guy Hottel, the special agent in charge of the Washington field office in 1950.In the memo, whose subject line is Flying Saucers, Agent Hottel reveals that an Air Force investigator had stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico.The investigator gave the information to a special agent, he said. The FBI has censored both the agent and the investigators identity. Agent Hottel went on to write: They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter.Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, he stated. The bodies were dressed in a metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.
21-10-2013 om 10:57
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
Video Proof of the Underground Cities in America Clear Evidence Irrefutable
Video Proof of the Underground Cities in America Clear Evidence Irrefutable
Jesse Ventura gets clear video proof of the existence of
underground cities in the Us, Ozark Mountai...
21-10-2013 om 10:52
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
UFOTV® Presents - Aztec 1948 UFO Crash - The Secret Recovery of Alien Technology
Aztec 1948 UFO Crash - The Secret Recovery of Alien Technology
On March 25, 1948 a UFO spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin crashed in a place called Aztec, New Mexico. Sixteen alien bodies were discovered dead inside. The alien bodies and all evidence of their spacecraft were soon transported by government officials to Wright Patterson Air force Base where all traces of this event disappeared in secrecy.
This program documents the shocking facts around this disturbing mystery and includes interviews with leading UFO researchers, a walking tour of the crash site, a tour of the secret US radar station that tracked the UFO crash and the story of an intensive government investigation into alien biology and space technology.
21-10-2013 om 00:00
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
La découverte du fossile d'un crâne vieux de 1,8 million d'années paraît indiquer que les lointains ancêtres de l'homme appartenaient à une seule espèce, conclut jeudi une recherche qui vient alimenter le débat parmi les paléontologues sur l'histoire de l'évolution humaine.
Contrairement aux autres fossiles connus du genre Homo, ce crâne bien préservé mis au jour à Dmanisi, en Géorgie, comprend une petite boite crânienne, une longue face et de grandes dents, précisent les chercheurs, soulignant qu'il s'agit de l'ancêtre le plus ancien de l'homme découvert hors du continent africain.
Les différentes lignées auxquelles se réfère la paléobiologie, comme l'Homo habilis, l'Homo rudolfensis et l'Homo erectus, ne différaient en fait selon les auteurs de ces travaux que par leurs apparences.
La mâchoire appartenant au crâne de Dmanisi a été trouvée cinq ans avant le reste du crâne, le plus massif jamais découvert sur le site de Dmanisi en partie excavé et qui fait dire aux chercheurs qu'il s'agissait d'un mâle.
Sur ce site, les chercheurs ont aussi mis au jour quatre autres crânes d'hominidés ainsi que divers animaux et plantes fossilisés, et quelques outils de pierre.
Fait sans précédent, ces vestiges se trouvaient tous au même endroit et datent de la même période, ce qui a permis de comparer les traits physiques de plusieurs ancêtres de l'homme moderne qui ont coexisté.
"Leur état de préservation est exceptionnel, ce qui fait que de nombreux aspects inconnus du squelette d'hominidés peuvent être étudiés pour la première fois chez plus d'un individu", a expliqué lors d'une conférence de presse téléphonique David Lordkipanidze, directeur du musée national géorgien à Tbilissi.
"Si le fossile de la boîte crânienne et de la face de ce crâne avaient été trouvés séparément et à différents endroits en Afrique, ils auraient pu être attribués à des espèces différentes car ce crâne est le seul découvert à ce jour à réunir de telles caractéristiques", a souligné Christoph Zollikofer de l'Institut d'Anthropologie de Zürich (Suisse), un des co-auteurs de cette découverte parue dans la revue américaine Science.
D'autres chercheurs "sceptiques" sur cette découverte
Outre la petite taille de son cerveau, environ un tiers de celle d'un homme moderne, le crâne découvert avait un grand visage protubérant, une forte mâchoire avec de longues dents et des arcades sourcilières épaisses.
Avec leurs différentes caractéristiques morphologiques, les fossiles de Dmanisi ont été comparés entre eux et à divers autres fossiles d'hominidés trouvés en Afrique remontant à 2,4 millions d'années et à d'autres mis au jour en Asie ou en Europe vieux de 1,8 à 1,2 million d'années, précisent ces paléontologues.
"Les variations morphologiques entre les spécimens de Dmanisi n'excèdent pas celles trouvées parmi les populations modernes de notre propre espèce ou parmi les chimpanzés", souligne le professeur Zollikofer.
"Comme nous constatons un type et une gamme de variations semblables dans les fossiles d'hominidés africains il est raisonnable de penser qu'il n'y avait qu'une seule espèce à ces périodes en Afrique", a-t-il poursuivi. "Et comme les hominidés de Dmanisi ressemblent beaucoup à ceux d'Afrique, et notamment aux premiers à avoir divergé de l'Australopithèque --la célèbre Lucy--, nous pouvons penser qu'ils appartiennent bien tous à la même espèce", a-t-il conclu.
Ces conclusions vont à l'encontre d'autres recherches récentes dont celle publiée en août 2012 dans la revue britannique Nature.
Les analyses d'une face, d'une mâchoire inférieure complète et d'une partie d'une seconde mâchoire inférieure découvertes entre 2007 et 2009 au Kenya ont alors conduit les chercheurs à conclure que ces fossiles confirmaient que deux espèces distinctes d'Homo erectus (Homo habilis et Homo rudolfensis) ont co-existé en Afrique il y a près de deux millions d'années.
Le paléobiologiste Bernard Wood, professeur à l'Université George Washington, s'est ainsi déclaré "très sceptique" jeudi des conclusions de l'analyse des crânes de Dmanisi.
Il a expliqué à l'AFP que la méthode retenue par les auteurs ne prend pas en compte d'autres différences importantes entre les spécimens, dont entre autres les mandibules.
Selon lui ce crâne sans précédent dans ses caractéristiques "pourrait bien être en fait celui d'une nouvelle espèce d'hominidé".
20-10-2013 om 23:30
geschreven door peter
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Image prise par le télescope Hubble de la comète ISON le 10 avril 2013
Sciences19/10/2013 10:03Astronomes et simples Terriens rêvent depuis des mois de ce cadeau de Noël inespéré: une comète si brillante qu'elle sera visible à l'oeil nu fin décembre... à condition que le gros bloc de glace cosmique survive à son passage près du Soleil, ce qui est loin d'être sûr.
Depuis qu'elle a été identifiée par des astronomes amateurs russes en septembre 2012, la comète ISON fait l'objet de toutes les attentions. Mais elle a beau avoir été scrutée à la loupe par les experts du monde entier - 600 observations effectuées au cours des deux dernières semaines - de nombreuses incertitudes demeurent quant à sa taille, sa densité, sa composition et au sort qui l'attend.
Une seule chose est certaine, sa trajectoire va amener ISON au plus près du Soleil le 28 novembre, à seulement 1,17 million de kilomètres de sa surface. Elle y subira alors une température de l'ordre de 2.700°C, selon l'Institut de mécanique céleste (IMCCE) de l'Observatoire de Paris.
Et si l'évadée du nuage d'Oort, aux confins du système solaire, supporte cette fournaise et les forces de marée du Soleil sans se briser, "elle deviendra une comète très spectaculaire que l'on pourra observer le soir après le coucher du Soleil en début du mois de décembre 2013, puis toute la nuit par la suite".
Selon les derniers calculs de la Nasa, ISON passerait alors au plus près de la Terre le 26 décembre, à quelque 64 millions de km de nous.
En attendant, les astronomes en sont réduits à formuler des prédictions parfois contradictoires.
Pour Ignacio Ferrin, astrophysicien à l'université d'Antioquia à Medellin (Colombie), la signature lumineuse d'ISON indique que la comète est sur le point de se fragmenter.
"Cette désintégration aura lieu avant qu'elle atteigne le périhélie", son point de passage le plus proche du Soleil, a-t-il déclaré à l'AFP.
La luminosité des comètes augmente généralement au fur et à mesure qu'elles approchent du Soleil, dont la chaleur fait fondre la glace, produisant l'eau, la poussière et les gaz qui forment leur longue queue brillante, explique l'astrophysicien. Mais la courbe lumineuse d'ISON a ralenti avant de quasiment se stabiliser, et c'est une signature qu'on a retrouvée chez quatre comètes qui se sont fracturées, dit-il.
Pile ou face
A peine sortie de sa léthargie forcée liée à la paralysie administrative aux Etats-Unis, la Nasa a publié vendredi une nouvelle image de la comète, prise le 9 octobre par le télescope spatial Hubble, prouvant selon elle que son noyau glacé était encore intact malgré les augures les plus pessimistes.
Et malgré toutes les variables inconnues sur la comète, d'autres chercheurs américains ont effectué de savants calculs probabilistes pour en arriver à la conclusion qu'ISON allait "très vraisemblablement survivre à sa rencontre avec le Soleil"...
En outre, "qu'elle se disloque ou non, le plus gros morceau restant devrait être assez imposant pour résister à l'évaporation et faire en sorte qu'ISON demeure une comète viable bien après le périhélie", ajoute Matthew Knight, astronome à l'observatoire Lowell de Flagstaff, en Arizona, qui a participé à cette simulation.
Cela dépendra surtout de la taille du noyau de glace de la comète. Initialement estimée entre un et quatre kilomètres de diamètre, ISON pourrait finalement être bien plus petite, autour de 200 mètres.
Or les comètes d'une taille inférieure à 200 mètres sont presque systématiquement détruites lorsqu'elles passent aussi près du Soleil...
"On ne sait absolument pas ce qui va se passer à son passage au périhélie (...) Il y a eu beaucoup de mesures faites mais pas forcément confirmées, c'est un peu pile ou face", tempère Patrick Rocher, astronome à l'IMCCE.
"Le seul moyen, c'est d'attendre et d'observer. Patience! On sera fixé début décembre, même sans doute avant", déclare-t-il.
20-10-2013 om 23:26
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Filer's Files #42 2013 - William C. Levengood's Passing, UFOs = Biological Machines, Pyramids in the Grand Canyon? - DEEL 1
Filer's Files #42 2013 - William C. Levengood's Passing, UFOs = Biological
Machines, Pyramids in the Grand Canyon? - DEEL 1
Photo of Fast flying UFO over Saint Francisville, Louisiana on September 9,
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is
for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly
intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and
UFO news that you need to understand the world situation.
Major James McDivitts UFO Image,In
special reports, this weeks files cover: William C. Levengoods Passing,
UFOs Are Biological Machines
,Earthquakes Likely, Possible Pyramids in the Grand
Canyon, Azores Underwater Pyramid, Cylinder UFO over China, Mars Face, UFO
Watched Mercury Mission, and Has Global Warming Stopped?
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arkansas,
California, Illinois Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New
York, Ohio, Texas, and Wisconsin.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, Channel Islands,
India, Italy, New Zealand, South Africa, England and Scotland in the United
The purpose of these files is to
report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis
around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial
intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand
UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft
conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when
London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US
Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this research.
I believe the God of the universe has spread life
throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in ever-increasing
Become a MUFON member today! Benefits of membership include a subscription to
the monthly UFO Journal that contains current investigations, sightings reports,
articles by world-renowned researchers and more. To join now, click here
Major James McDivitt saw, filmed, and photographed an
object, which approached the Gemini IV capsule between 3 and 7 June 1965 while
he was orbiting the Earth.
Passing over Hawaii McDivitt stated, "It had a very definite
shape it was a cylindrical object - it was white and it had a long arm that
stuck out from the side."
This photo was discovered recently from Gemini 1965 NASA Photo Archives.
Thanks to UFO Sightings Daily.
Nancy Talbot reports, Sorry to have to announce the passing of
William Levengood, one of the three original "BLT" members.
William was a friend of ufology and worked long hours on uncovering the reality
of crop circles. One of the clearest indicators that mechanical flattening of
crop circle plants by planks and boards was an inadequate explanation of the
phenomenon--and that a complex electromagnetic energy source was involved
instead. It was he who discovered that the apical (first plant-stem-node beneath
the seed-head) node-length increase regularly documented in crop circle plants
was found, repeatedly, to match the degree of change consistent with that
predicted by the Beer-Lambert Principle, a well-known law in physics which
predicts the results of the absorption of EM energy by matter.
Perhaps the most significant discovery of the early BLT circle research
resulted when Levengood accidentally forgot to dispose of boxed left-over crop
circle samples which had been deprived of water and light for 10-14 day. His
observation upon re-opening the box was that the circle plants so deprived were
not only alive, but growing vigorously while the controls had all died. He and
John Burke were eventually able to reproduce this effect in the lab--creating
enhanced growth-rate, increased yield, and increased "stress tolerance" (the
to withstand drought and lack of sun-light)--in a variety of cereals and
vegetables by exposing normal seed to very specific electrical pulses named the
"MIR process":
The Alien Abduction Files by Kathleen Marden and Denise Stoner (2013): Denise states
under hypnosis - "He took me out (from the examining room) further down the hall
and he said, 'I'm going to show you the center of the craft. It's capable of
shielding itself...of protecting itself...of passing through anything that
flying through space can toss at it. It can pass through time...time. It could
not do this until a few years ago.'
This is something they just recently developed. I asked him if we're moving.
He said, No, because I would get sick... because I wouldn't tolerate the
feeling... that this craft is operated mainly biologically. Biologically...
that's what he said. It's how it's powered, and I feel fear because now it's
slightly strange. He takes me into a room. It's connected to the center of the
craft and the outer rim. It has its own atmosphere. I stepped into this room and
there was a total change in the atmosphere. .It feels like it wants to spin but
it's not. Its blackness (in the room), and it's cold. But I don't believe that
it's solid. There's a pole and in the center of the pole there's a
device...mechanical and there is something wrapped around it. Then there are two
arms that come out, and they vaguely resemble the accordion tubing from a
dryer... And they come out from that and then go down to a flat plate. But then
it's the interior that's alive. You just know that it's alive and the whole
thing inside that center block is in motion. It can think. It operates the
craft. It runs the craft.
He said, I would never be able to understand the enormity
of what he was showing me. This biological machine brought them here in it. I
asked if there was a console and a point of operation. Did he have to operate
this from any point in this thing? I didn't have a word for it. I felt
disoriented. The room makes you feel disoriented. And he said, 'Not any longer.
It is a thought process. And that is new also. And now we must take you back.
Oh, it's affecting your muscles.' He said I must leave. Denise's body starts to
jump around and her limbs thrash about as if she is being hit by pulse waves.
(It was) like I was being hit with something I couldn't see. It's time to
prepare for the exit. So, I'm glad to leave that room, and I feel I came out of
something that was pressurized Like I was in something that was bouncing me back
and forth - externally."
Once back outside again on the desert floor "I see the craft. I see the
bottom and the middle rim holds it together. There are two parts and one rotates
clockwise and the other rotates counterclockwise. The whole center section is
the entity that operates the craft. It is the center disk. Kathleen states, "I
had spoken with several experiencers that [sic] have memories of the craft as a
living entity. One experiencer stated, 'Biological material is used deep within
the energy system of the craft.' Another wrote to me in a private communication,
'These craft are living entities much like a bacteria. They live, breathe,
function, and create. They are grown from what was initially a hybrid framework.
The craft are generic, genetically modified structures. Not all craft have
individual operators, but there are certain parts of their DNA replicated.'
Still another wrote, 'The craft seems to have its own intelligence. It can sense
its surroundings.
Its rather surprising but several pyramid like structures
and tunnel city caves indicate some 50,000 + Egyptians existed in the US Grand
Canyon area 3600 years ago. This pyramid shown is known as the Isis or Zoroaster
Temple. Zoroaster lived in Egypt when times were hard and his first name was
Zoraster built a large boat that had Wings (Sails) that would carry many
people and found a great deal of grain and gold for the Egyptians. When he came
back to Egypt in his boat loaded the Pharaoh made him the Ruler of Egypt and
called him Zaphenat-Pa'aneah.
In recent times the Hopi Indians told the Grand Canyon Park Rangers that
this mountain shown on the right was called the Tower of Ra. A few eroded
Egyptian Hieroglyphs can still be seen on the Tower of Ra.
The Grand Canyon Haunted area around Ninety-four Mile
Creek and Trinity Creek has many places that have Egyptian and Hindu names such
as the Cheops Pyramid, Tower of Set, Tower of Ra, Horus Temple, Osiris Temple,
and Vishnu Temple. These names indicate a relationship between these places and
the alleged Egyptian discoveries in the Grand Canyon?
The Arizona state archaeologist explains the early explorers just liked
Egyptian and Hindu names and this was the reason for the names. He stated,
It is true that this area is off limits to hikers or other
visitors, because of dangerous caves. Indeed, this entire area
with the Egyptian and Hindu place names in the Grand Canyon is a forbidden zone
- no one is allowed in, not even to most park personnel. This is the area where
the vaults were located.
The Smithsonian Institute does not seem to want to reveal evidence of
advanced American cultures or the evidence for ancient voyages of various
cultures to North America. The evidence tends to disprove the official belief
What appears to be an unfinished Egyptian Pyramid Burial Tomb in the Grand
Canyon has an entrance tunnel that is blocked a few feet inside the Pyramid. The
National Park Service will not allow archaeologists to excavate any of the
Pyramids or caves in the Grand Canyon. These ruins may hold proof of alien
visitation or at the very least that an advanced civilization was able to
transport 50,000+ people from Egypt some 15, 000 miles away, half way around the
world and erect massive structures.
Many smaller, beautifully carved images were reported, as was the finding of
all kinds of copper tools preserved by some hardening method, which modern day
scientists have failed to emulate. Artistic vases and urns of copper and gold were
found. There was a grey metal found, resembling platinum, which scientists could
not identify. Even more significant was the finding of hieroglyphics amazingly
similar to those found in Egypt.
The Tunnel City Complex that Mr. G. E. Kinkaid allegedly found is a massive
Burial Chamber with mummies placed in the burial chamber walls that have been
Carbon Dated to around 1600 BC.
The Interest in the area is highly discouraged by officialdom, and the
Smithsonian Institution claim to have no record of Kincaid, or a lost Egyptian
civilization in Arizona. The Smithsonian's Board of Regents still refuses to
open its meetings to the news media or the public. If Americans were ever
allowed inside the 'nation's attic', as the Smithsonian has been called, what
skeletons might they find?
Azores Underwater Pyramid
Graham Hancock reports, An
apparently man-made pyramid oriented to the cardinal directions has been
identified under the Atlantic Ocean by sonar at a depth of 40 meters (130 feet)
under water. It was submerged off the Azores Islands more than
12,500 years ago. The Azores are a chain of nine volcanic islands that
are 930 miles west of Lisbon. They are above what is known as a geological
triple junction where the North American, Eurasian, and African tectonic plates
The NASA photo was taken: October 1968 in Earths atmosphere above China.
This cylinder shaped UFO was recently discovered by Scott C. Waring in NASA
photos this week. Some are saying its a rod, but rods are usually fast and with
fins, this is neither.
D. Basiago, president of the Mars Anomaly Research Society, discussed his
teleportation to Mars on the Coast to Coast radio program and discussed the
discovery of a Martian
head. Basiago described his alleged experiences as one of 140 school
children selected for DARPA's Project Pegasus, a secret American teleportation
Basiago identified the figure in the Martian
head photo as Homo Maris Maris, a humanoid species indigenous to the planet
with an elongated head, a bulbous crown, pointy ears and a spindly body. Thanks
to Coast to Coast
Water in Mars Soil
Scoop up some soil on Mars, heat it up and you've got water! Mars
might appear dry as a desert, but astronauts may someday be able to tap its soil
to quench their thirst. Research recently published suggests that the soil from
the Martian surface contains about 2% water by weight. This is one of several
insights emerging from data that the $2.5 billion NASA Mars rover Curiosity has
been collecting.
"The scientific community was surprised that there
was a large amount of water trapped in the ... Martian soil,"
said Chris Webster, manager of NASA's Planetary Sciences Instruments
Scott C. Waring writes, I was going through some NASA archives
and found something new to me...the Mercury mission photos. This mission took
place in Dec 19, 1960 and the total flight time was only 15 min 45 seconds, but
the photos taken along the way are extraordinary. I know some people will call
it a reflection, but I would call those people delusional. This is 100%
photographic evidence from a NASA mission module that cannot be denied. What convinced me
was the photo MR-1A-9186-269. That shows a close up view of an uncloaked
vessel near the mission module in Earths Orbit. If you check the
earlier photos, you will see that this UFO is partly cloaked, or in the process
of uncloaking. In later photos, you see that this UFO is farther away and maybe
even following it into the atmosphere where it looks like a white reflective
object. Thanks to Scott C. Waring Source Photos:
Mitch Battros of Earth Changes Media writes a first-ever study of air trapped
in the deep snowpack of Greenland shows that atmospheric levels of carbon
monoxide (CO) in the 1950s were actually slightly higher than what we have
today. This sets back global warming theories because their "computer models"
predict much higher CO concentrations over Greenland in 2013 than in 1950. The
opposite is in fact true.
You're going to love this: "It seems that no one thought to study
carbon monoxide in the Greenland snowpack before our work," said
Vasilii Petrenko, an assistant professor of earth and environmental sciences.
"Also, the difficulty of taking the samples and making measurements
may have discouraged some researchers; perhaps discouraged to not
producing the right outcome
In a paper recently published in the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and
Physics, Petrenko and his colleagues concluded that CO levels rose slightly from
1950 until the 1970s, and then declined strongly to present-day values.
This finding contradicts computer models that had calculated a 40 percent
overall increase in CO levels over the same period. The CO decline coincides
with improvements in combustion technology, in particular the introduction of
catalytic converters in automobiles," said Petrenko. "CO emissions were
declining even as fossil fuel use was increasing. In order for computer models
to get things right, it's important to have accurate historical
records," said Petrenko. "Until now, we haven't had enough
reliable data on carbon monoxide concentrations. This work helps to fill that
Global Sea Level Rise Dampened by Australia Floods
New research led by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
shows that when three atmospheric patterns came together over the Indian and
Pacific oceans, they drove so much precipitation over Australia in 2010 and 2011
that the world's ocean levels actually dropped.
Worlds temperature has not risen for the last 15 years
Antarctica Sea Ice Setting Record Ice Extent Sea ice surrounding Antarctica
hit a record high in August and is on track for another record-breaking month in
September. Clocking in at a stunning 7.2 million square miles (18.7 million
square kilometers), last month's sea ice extent was 4.5 percent above the 1981
to 2010 average and the largest extent since record-keeping started in 1979,
according to data released from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration in its monthly State of the Climate Report.
Scientists working on the most authoritative study on
climate change were urged to cover up the fact that the worlds
temperature hasnt risen for the last 15 years, it is claimed that
1998, was the hottest year on record and world temperatures had not yet
exceeded it. Photos of record ice coverage in Antarctica tend to negate the dire
global warming predictions. Remember about thirty years ago scientists were
claiming we were entering an Ice Age.
Every recent summer the news media shows melting of the Arctic ice which has
been happening regularly for hundreds of years as the sun shines most of the day
during the summer. However, NASA satellites showed an unbroken sheet of ice
from Canada to Russia. The Northwest Passage has been blocked all year while
Antarctica is setting records for ice development. As listed in the World
Almanac the worlds temperatures have increased 1.3 degrees in 111 years which
is not significant. Mars has gained more. The changes appear more political than
real. Australia is worried in that the Pacific Ocean is lower. The ocean levels
are not rising as predicted. The dire Global warming predictions do not seem to
becoming true.
Mitch Battros recent studies reveal accelerated tectonic movement involving
fluid distribution of super-heated rock (magma) in worldwide 'hotspots', also
known as mantle plumes.
A mantle plume exists along the Mediterranean Sea, particularly along the
length of Italy and in many of the islands in the southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea.
Cosmic rays effect our sun and on October 8th and 10th M-class
flares were set off from sunspot regions 1847 and 1865. A coronal mass ejection
has hit our Earths weakening its magnetic field and is allowing larger
particles such as solar flares, coronal holes, CMEs (coronal mass ejections) and
filament to enter Earth's atmosphere and is contributing to the heating of
Earth's core.
These events due to the increase of mantle plumes, is causing unstable
geo-atmospheric conditions resulting in extreme weather and likely
earthquakes. Thanks to Earth Changes Media.
New Jersey Conference November 9
UFO and Paranormal enthusiasts well its that time of year again! We've put
together a great fall one day conference on November 9th, 2013 at the Hamilton
Hilton in Hamilton N.J. We will be starting at 9:30 am and push lunch until 2
oclock; ending at 8 pm. Ticket cost will be $45 and can be paid in advance on
our website via PayPal or at the door. After the conference we will be going to
Mastori's Diner with the speakers. If you wish to attend, please notify us so we
can get a head count. You will be responsible for your own meal. Each speaker
will be giving a 90 minute lecture with a 15 minute Q &
The speaker roster is as follows:
Linda Moulton
Howe - Everyone in the UFO community knows Linda Howe who is a prolific
researcher and award winning journalist. This will be Linda's first speaking
engagement with the N.J. UFO Conference!
Grant Cameron -
A legendary Canadian UFO researcher and recent winner of the UFO Researcher of
the year award. Grant will be shifting gears this year and speaking on the
correlation of consciousness and UFO's and also an update on the Bledsoe
Jose' Escamilla - Jose is a prolific researcher and
film director. He was the discoverer of RODS and is world known for his films:
UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied, Celestial, Interstellar and many
Mike Stevenson - Known in the paranormal Research
community as Paranormal Man, this will also be the first time Mike will lecture
for us. Mike is an audio specialist and a member of many scientific paranormal
George Filer The Major is a favorite of the
N.J. UFO Conference and Congress member. Another legend in the UFO community,
George chased UFO's in Europe while in the military and still keeps on the
cutting edge of the UFO phenomena He will discuss, "Is there life on
For more details, speaker biographies and payment
information please go to
We look forward to seeing you all there. Please purchase your tickets
in advance, as this is a highly sought after event, especially with the speakers
we have featured. See you there!! Dave Stinnett Director, N.J. UFO
The number of sightings is up 15% vs. the previous month and 22% vs. the
previous year. See part2
20-10-2013 om 23:14
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer's Files #42 2013 - William C. Levengood's Passing, UFOs = Biological Machines, Pyramids in the Grand Canyon? - DEEL 2
Filer's Files #42 2013 - William C. Levengood's Passing, UFOs = Biological
Machines, Pyramids in the Grand Canyon? - DEEL 2
UFO Sightings in the United
Arkansas Triangle
CONWAY Mother and I
both saw a spot light as it flew over a field on South Salem Road on October 11,
2013. I saw a triangle shaped craft between 50 and 75 feet off the ground and
it changed shape a second later as we drove directly under it. I screamed at
mother to stop the car, but she was terrified after looking once and even sped
up to avoid it. I stuck my head out the window and watched it climb upward with
no forward momentum. Then it stopped and I could see it plainly as there was a
3/4 moon directly behind it. Other cars must have seen it. Last I saw of it was
heading toward the west on a path that I am certain would have taken it directly
over Novella, Arkansas. I believe I lost some time. Please note the craft flew
off at a slow steady rate of 20 Mph until it was just a light in the
distance.Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Sphere with Huge Flames
Fillmore -- We were on the
freeway on a clear afternoon except for one cloud looking thing in the sky on
September 29, 2013. My girlfriend, daughter, and niece were in the car when we
noticed a hovering small sphere with huge flames. We pulled over and started to
record it. It was hovering with a red light blinking really fast. The flames had
no smoke trail and as I recorded, it just started to fade away. It was amazing
and I have it on my HD Sonycamcorder.
It gave me chills. My sister was a few miles behind us and also witnessed the
flames. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Cylinder
Port Byron On October 10, 2013, a cigar
shaped object was seen in the sky to the northeast. I watched it for as long as
I could travel before losing it behind some trees that blocked my view. I
first noticed the object when I was looking up to catch a football thrown by my
I thought at first it may have been a cargo plane as we are
within 10 miles of a regional airport. The object was shaped like a cigar
that seemed to be reflective and it had a darker band around the middle of the
cigar. There were no wings and it was silent heading southeast. Thanks to MUFON
Kentucky Rod
Pendleton County -- Glenn Pennington here again, I'm sending a
few interesting pictures I took recently. I'm still trying to get help
documenting our nightly visits from multiple UFOs. I cannot afford better camera
equipment; but I wish I could because we see some interesting things every night
here. If you know anyone interested in seeing a live event or would help me
document what is going on here I'd really appreciate it.Thanks to
Glenn Pennington
Louisiana UFO
Saint Francisville An iPhone video
taken on September 9, 2013, shows a high speed authentic object that was
reviewed on her work computer. There was no altering of the 31 frames per second
video. This object enters the field of view from the right bottom, goes behind a
clouds edge turns or banks towards the camera, then banks or turns upward in
front of the thunder head and leaves the field of view. The object traveled
several miles in about 1/3 of second, in which this object.
The cloud was 5 miles away. The craft made a humming noise on her HiFi
stereo as it appears in the distance and stops before it banks upward. It is
certainly traveling faster than the speed of sound yet the noise the object
emits stops before the objects passes. It also seems to change shape slightly as
it banks, it has wings that appear then disappear. It looks like a disturbed
atmosphere wake. The LSU Astronomy Department has no explanation and other
experts ruled out sprites, elfs, TGFs, blue jets, etc. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Massachusetts Lights
Abington -- While driving thru town they
noticed these lights in the sky. They were all traveling in formation toward the
city of Boston. At the beginning of the video you see two of the objects in the
sky, and then you see another object shoot across the screen extremely fast
heading in an upward direction on October 19, 2012. He spotted a formation of
five flying and two following. The one that flew across the screen traveled the
distance in 19/30 of a second.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nebraska Triangle
PALMYRA -- Between 9:45 and 10:00 pm on
Thursday September 20, 2013, my uncle and I were driving my daughter on Nebraska
Highway 2, a few miles outside of Palmyra. I noticed a very bright light in the
sky, and I remarked how bright it was and realized it was hovering. My daughter
and I both saw three lights underneath it. It had the shape of a triangle or
diamond. I tried to get my uncle to pull over, but he said its just a plane. I
told him planes dont hover.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
and Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nevada Barbells
Red Rock -- Alan Turner writes,
I read your news letter each month and find it very interesting.
It is my belief there is something out there which has been long
covered up and am searching for answers. We are not alone in this universe but I
have no proof positive what it is that exists.
Attached is a photo I took in the mid 2000's and did not discover what I had
immediately as it was not seen at the time the picture was taken. Thanks to Alan
New Jersey Orbs
was on my deck with my dog around 11 PM, on September 27, 2013, when one bright
orange and white colored orb came down. Then two orange balls flew west and 20
minutes later two more slowed down then flew up and away to the west. The four
had the same path and direction; they were silent and brightly lit-up the tree
tops. Many others on a porch saw them too. Our Lab dog got excited too when they
passed by. I could not stabilize pictures on my camera. . Thanks to
New York No Wings
Owego -- On the 12th day of October 2013,
at about 1 PM, I witnessed a silent disc like object. There was no trail and
no visible wings of any kind. A short 22 second video taken was shot as the disc
moved northeast. Shortly after another object same size and shape, no wings, no
trail, no sound was observed flying from Binghamton, NY to the northwest. It was
higher in the sky than the first object. I have never seen anything like this
before. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Moving Sphere Cylinder
wheelersburg -- I have Sony hand cam
video of 40 minutes of this Sphere. Whatever it is, its happening nightly. My
complete family has seen it and I have video clips of full clarity. It is
definitely there every 24 hours in a southwest orbit around 7:45 PM to 8:40 PM.
I do have a substantial clear video of this craft. It is located in Southern
Ohio heading south southwest. It looks like a bright Star, but it isn`t? The
video is 26 xs by 150 X Zoomed.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Triangle of Lights
Austin On October 13, 2013, a friend and
I were lying on the grass looking up at the Zilker Parks Festival spotlights
that were bouncing around. We were facing south towards downtown when I saw the
orange lights in a clear triangle shape. They were below the clouds and were
moving NE. We couldnt see any visible structure between the lights and watched
it until it disappeared into the clouds. I took a picture of it with my camera
phone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Wisconsin Orbs
SOMERS I was on back porch and saw
lights coming through the trees to southwest on October 10, 2013. At first I
thought they were helicopters, but they glowed red and were silent. I counted
twelve in a group, with two more trailing behind. All were of same uniform size,
shape and color. They were not aligned in any pattern and were unevenly spaced
and each round red glowing orb looked separate from the others.
objects moved to the northwest at about the same speed as a small plane in a
loose group. I called two more witnesses to see the event but none could
identify the lights. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Laverton, Victoria On October 9, 2013,whiledriving on Princes Highway around 1 am, I
spotted atriangle with 4-5 spotlights underneath. The craft
was glowing near the tower at William's Landing. It noticeably "glowed" with
orange and red lights even though it was 4-5 kilometers away. As I passed the
Kororoit Creek Exit I realized the triangle was going to pass over my car so I
stopped. I got out of the car to see it fly over at 400 to 500 meters above
ground. It had a triangle shape with 4 or 5 spotlights underneath. I was unable
to get any clear pictures as it flew east towards Altoona but lost it.
I've already seen two "foreign" craft this year. Thanks to
Canada 20 to 30 Objects
SCARBOROUGH -- On Monday, September 23, 2013, while
on morning break at work I noticed a low loud Cessna buzzing north so I thought
to zoom in on the aircraft taking four pictures west towards Toronto.
In the third picture taken at 10:05 am., there is an unidentified
white object at the lower right.
I did not see this white object with the naked eye and wonder what it
could be?
Thanks to Paul Shishis
Barriere, British Columbia -- Three white, round objects
were rotating, kind of weaving in a clockwise fashion. Driving to Kamloops at
11:15 pm, on September 28, 2013, I realized that the power was out in the entire
valley. It was SO dark, and very eerie, to drive through a town but cannot see
it. As I drove across the Thompson River Bridge, I saw three glowing orbs of
light, rotating or weaving in a clockwise fashion. The lights seemed to move
along with me, above the mountain, until the south side of Barrier, and then
they disappeared. Thanks to
Toronto, Ontario OnOctober 5 2013, a
friend of mine spotted thirty glowing orange and green looking orbs at 12 Am, on
NW of King Street.
They were traveling much too fast to be balloons or
lanterns, and much too slow to be military aircraft; or an exercise of some
sort. There wasn't any audio disturbance in the upper atmosphere, so these orbs
were silent. They came from just below the tree line as seen in the video, and
they all flew relatively low. My friend caught it on his cell phone. I was
shocked seeing the footage as it was happening.
. Thanks to
St Saviour, Jersey On September 25, 2013, it was just
sitting there and had 7 or 8 red lights around the side and one in the middle. I
asked my daughter to get my phone to take photos at 21:00 hours. When I pointed
my iPhone at it, it vanished. Thanks
India Glowing Fireball
Bombay to Dubai The flight of Spicejet # 013 departed at
19:45 +5.5 GMT and an hour later the object was sighted at 20:45 hours on
September 15, 2013. The duration of the sighting was for 1 hour 30 minutes. The
object was encountered over the Arabian Sea and disappeared from view when
aircraft turned left at the coast of Fujairah. The sighting was confirmed by a
member of the cabin crew. The object was a glowing fireball and larger than
stars and much closer with erratic movements: It would stop abruptly, change
path and circle the aircraft. It easily overtook the jet and came alongside
with a rapidly flashed light - No adverse physical or psychological effects felt
during or after sighting. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Italy Cylinder
Mercogliano -- Right now as I write this
there is a UFO on a live cam over the city of Mercogliano, Italy. The cam seems
to have photos that change every few minutes instead of actual video. This
camera turns into infrared at night, which can reveal cloaked ships where the
human eye cannot. I watched and for the last two days this UFO hovers over the
neighborhood. I reported a similar UFO over Italy on cam last year and within a
few days that UFO stopped showing up. The aliens may monitor our internet. UFO
New Zealand Bright Orange Light
Palmerston, North Island -- On September 6,
2013, at 11:05 PM, I approached the roundabout at Cuba and Lyndhurst and saw a
bright orange light 50 meters up. It was running parallel to me on Shamrock so I
immediately I stopped the car to make a further observation. It was a burnt
amber orange bright light with no defining shape. It moved slowly, sideways to
the left towards Church Street.
I jumped in the car and followed the
light at 11:16 PM, and proceeded to Church Street as the light travelled towards
the Manawatu River and disappeared. I have had several sightings/ -- Thanks
South Africa Great Mist Ball
Klerksdorp, North West Province --
I was coming out of the house to lock my vehicle at 7 pm, when this strange
light in the sky attracted my attention on September 29, 2013. It was a great
ball of "mist" or particles with a star like object in the center. I ran to get
my I phone and called my fiancé to look. I was able to take some photos as the
'mist" seemed to fade away.
UFOINFO Note: The object was likely caused by fuel from a Falcon 9
rocket. -
UK/England White Spherical Glow
Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire I saw
a white glow miles away very high up on two objects that were separating then
moving away at high speed before moving back togetheronOctober 5, 2013. It happened three times around
11:10 PM, at speeds and direction changes that I doubt any plane could ever
achieve. Thanks
Teignmouth, Devon I took some photos of
two USOs emerging from the sea. The photos were taken October 10, 2013, when I
saw the USOs moving under the water then fly out of the ocean and up into the
sky at 3:50 PM.
Note: It is important to note that the objects were seen by the witness and
not later discovered in the background of the photos. The photos were taken with
a Fujifilm FinePix AX650 digital cam. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Filers Files now has 21,000 + subscribers: 739
forwarded to more thousands and to 68 Social Networks:
I suggest you forward them to your friends and neighbors and ask
them to read the evidence with an open mind.
UFO Conference
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
20-10-2013 om 23:11
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Un fragment record de météorite repêché dans un lac Russe...
Un fragment record de météorite repêché dans un lac Russe...
Des scientifiques sont parvenus à repêcher mercredi un gros morceau de la météorite tombée dans lOural en février dernier.
Vous souvenez-vous de la météorite de Tcheliabinsk ? Le 7 février 2013, un gros elle se désintégrait dans le ciel de la région de lOural, endommageant de nombreux bâtiments et faisant plus de 1200 blessés. Lastéroïde estimé à 17 mètres de diamètre avant sa chute pour un poids de 5000 à 10000 tonnes se serait en grande partie désintégré dans latmosphère, se séparant alors en de multiples météores. Lun deux sétait écrasé sur le lac gelé de Tchebarkoul, formant un cratère de 6 mètres de diamètres. Six mois après lévénement, des chercheurs russes sont parvenus à en localiser un morceau à 20 mètres de profondeur.
Il sagirait dun fragment record puisque son poids atteint les 570 kg. Un mois a été nécessaire pour le libérer de ses 8 mètres de vase avant de le ramener sur la terre ferme. Il ny a aucun doute que ce fragment appartienne à la météorite tombée en février dernier a indiqué Sergei Zamozdra, professeur à lUniversité dÉtat de Tcheliabinsk. Cest lune des dix plus grosses chondrites (météorite pierreuse) retrouvées dans le monde. « Ce fragment a les caractéristiques propres aux météorites pierreuses. Nous pouvons donc dire que ce fragment fait partie de la météorite de Tcheliabinsk. Il a une forte écorce, une rouille très visible et un grand nombre de creux », ont expliqué les chercheurs.
Toutefois, au moment de la pesée, le fragment sest cassé en trois morceaux, un incident qui na pas étonné Brigitte Zanda du Muséum dhistoire naturelle de Paris qui avait déjà analysé des fragments de la météorite. « Cest un type de météorite particulièrement fragile. Les forces de compression quelle a subie ont été considérables. La roche était nécessairement fissurée. Comme elle contient quelques minerais métalliques, elle a en plus probablement un peu rouillé pendant son séjour prolongé sous leau » a-t-elle indiqué au Figaro.
Les chercheurs vont maintenant pouvoir analyser ces trois fragments dont lâge a déjà été estimé à 4,56 milliards dannées, soit presque le même âge que notre Système solaire dont ils tenteront de comprendre la naissance.
A department of the Peruvian air force which did research into anomalous aerial phenomena, meaning UFO sightings, is being revived by the government of Peru.
For people "who observe seemingly unconventional phenomena, which cause surprise or concern, know that there is an institution that will study and research your information," Colonel Julio Vucetich said in remarks published Saturday.
The Department of Investigation of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena, or DIFAA, will bring together sociologists, archaeologists and astronomers, as well as air force personnel, to analyze the events, Vucetich said, according to the official Andina news agency.
DIFAA was first created in 2001, but it had been closed down five years ago due to administrative problems. Similar agencies exist in regional neighbors, including Brazil, Argentina and Chile.
Peru's office is now being reopened because of "increased sightings that are occurring in the country and that people are reporting to media," Vucetich said.
According to media reports, residents of the town of Marabamba, in the central Andes, this week saw luminous objects in the sky over several days.
Voice of Russia, AFP
20-10-2013 om 13:52
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 3/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Peruvian Air Force to open Department studying UFO reports
Peruvian Air Force to open Department studying UFO reports
The Peruvian Air Force will launch a specialized department this coming Friday, October 18, 2013, that will study the UFO phenomenon. The Anomalous Aerial Phenomenon Research Department (DIFAA) will be formally launched in Lima, Peru at the offices of the Dirección Nacional de Intereses Aero Espaciales (DINAE) of the Peruvian Air Force that will formally host the new UFO Department. The new Department (DIFAA) will be directly assisted by a Civilian Advisory Council. The announcement of the upcoming launch of DIFAA was officially released by Giorgio Piacenza who is a member of the inaugural Civilian Advisory Council, and an advisor to the Exopolitics Institute.
In his announcement, Mr. Piacenza said the Civilian Advisory Council comprises researchers, scientists, intellectuals and former Air Force officers. Several of the Council members previously served in a forerunner to the new Department that also studied the UFO phenomenon. According to Mr. Piacenza:
The prevalent attitude I surmise both in the Civilian Advisory Council and at the Peruvian Air Force is one of flexible, open-minded and also objective research and of considering the wide range of aspects which the UFO Phenomenon and the alleged or actual presence of extraterrestrial beings may entail.
He went on to say in his announcement that many countries in the Latin American region are actively pursuing a similar path to legitimate these issues and overcome the unnecessary stigma attached to reporting about UFOs and the possible or real extraterrestrial presence.
In a formal presentation, and two brief conferences, to be delivered at Fridays launch of DIFAA, Mr. Piacenza has privately confirmed that he will discuss exopolitics as a new interdisciplinary approach to the study of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. A report about the launch of the Peruvian Air Forces new UFO Department will be made by Mr. Piacenza after this Fridays launch.
Note: Official Announcement by Giorgio Piacenza is here.
The Secret Evidence We Are Not Alone presents the story of how leaked government documents prove that the United States has been recovering crashed unidentified flying objects, since 1941, and has been successful in keeping this information from the public. These MJ-12 documents have been examined using forensic techniques and are declared genuine by those who examine the subtleties of paper, ink age, watermark, type fonts, classification stamps and markings. The central basis of the documentary is the content of the documents and the amazing story they tell of crashed UFOs, Military and Government cover-up of Extraterrestrial hardware and alien bodies.
This photo comes directly from The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth, a government website operated by NASA at the Earth Sciences and Image Analysis department at Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. They are responsible for training the astronauts in Earth observations, cataloging and archiving the photographs that astronauts take from space using hand held cameras and more. Here is the homepage, as you can see it has a .gov URL and is currently not up to date due to the fact that its a government website, and the government is currently shutdown. Its very interesting that they would allow a photo like this one to be put up on the website.
Please keep in mind that a UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object. I am not claiming that this particular UFO is extraterrestrial in origin. Dozens of NASA Astronauts have shared their opinion on UFOs. Dr Brian Oleary is one weve shared as well as Dr Edgar Mitchell. Just click on the highlighted names if you are interested in what they have to say. It would be fitting, since they have both been to space and are both former employees of NASA.
For those of you new to the UFO topic, here is a quick introduction done by historian and UFO researcher Richard Dolan. For more articles written by CE on the subject, you can visit our exopolitics section under our alternative news tab.
- See more at:
20-10-2013 om 12:36
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
A TOUS ! AMIS DE "PSYCHISME EXTRATERRESTRE" ♥ : Regarder cette version là
(modifiée via youtube !) et merci de me dire si c'est mieux !
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.