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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Le Chevalier Noir, un Satellite Alien Vieux de 13 000 Ans ?
Le Chevalier Noir, un Satellite Alien Vieux de 13 000 Ans ?
Épave spatiale ou « Satellite » Extraterrestre, le « Chevalier Noir » tel quil est appelé aujourdhui a maintenant trainé dans le coin depuis quelques temps. Cette découverte est probablement la plus célèbre des objets spatiaux qui orbitent notre Planète. Ce « Satellite Artificiel » a provoqué un intérêt majeur des médias à partir de la deuxième moitié des années 1950, et est devenu lun des objets de lespace les plus discutés. Dabord considéré comme un satellite despionnage Russe, le Chevalier Noir a saisi lintérêt de millions de personnes à travers le monde.
Selon les agences de surveillance à travers le monde, le Chevalier Noir transmet des signaux radio depuis plus de 50 ans.
Les Etats-Unis et lUnion Soviétique ont démontré un intérêt particulier pour cet « objet spatial non-identifié ». Depuis sa découverte, ce satellite a intéressé des pays comme la Suède et les passionnés de par le monde. Lun dentre eux est un opérateur radio qui apparemment a décodé une série de signaux reçus du satellite OVNI et les a interprété en tant que plan stellaire concentré sur le système solaire dEpsilon Bootis, et que le Chevalier Noir est venu de ce système il y a 13 000 ans. (Wikipedia Epsilon Bootis est une étoile de la constellation du Bouvier. Elle porte également les noms traditionnels Izar ou Pulcherrima.)
Mais selon plein de gens, cette découverte a été faites plus tôt que nous le pensons.
Les rumeurs disent que cétait Nicolas Tesla qui a été le premier à avoir « intercepté » un signal de ce satellite dun autre monde en 1899 après la construction dun dispositif radio à haute tension dans le Colorado. Après la découverte de Tesla, 30 à 50 ans plus tard le signal a été intercepté plus fréquemment jusquà ce quil ne soit apparemment « décodé ». A partir des années 1930 les astronomes du monde entier ont rapporté détranges signaux radios qui prétendument proviennent du « Chevalier Noir ».
En 1957, le Dr. Luis Corralos du Ministère des Communications du Venezuela la photographié alors quil prenait des photos de Spoutnik II alors quil passait au dessus de Caracas. Létrange objet nétait en rien similaire au premier ou deuxième Spoutnik, Le Satellite du Chevalier Noir orbitait la Terre dEst en Ouest. Spoutnik I et II orbitaient dOuest en Est en utilisant la rotation naturelle de la Terre afin de maintenir leur orbite.
Lhistoire du Chevalier Noir a fait ses débuts dans les médias dans les années 1950 quand leSt. Louis Dispatch et le San Francisco Examiner écrivirent à propos du « Satellite » le 14 Mai 1954. Le Time Magazine a écrit un article dessus en Mars 1960. Voila ce qui était dit à propos de lui.
Il y a trois semaines, les grands titres annonçaient que les Etats-Unis avaient détecté un mystérieux satellite « noir » se déplaçant au dessus de nos têtes sur une orbite régulière. Il y avait la spéculation nerveuse que cela pouvait être un satellite de surveillance lancé par les Russes, et il apporta la sensation désagréable que les USA ne savaient pas ce quil se passait au dessus de leur propre crâne. Mais la semaine dernière le Ministère de la Défense a fièrement annoncé que le satellite avait été identifié. Cétait une épave spatiale, les restes dun satelliteDiscoverer de lAir Force qui sétait égaré. Lire toute laffaire en allant sur le site duTime Magazine.
Larticle de 1954 :
Les articles du St. Louis Dispatch et du San Francisco Examiner à propos du satellite non-identifié.
Le 23 Août 1954 le magazine de technologie de laviation hebdomadaire et Technologie Spatialepublièrent une histoire qui a irrité le Pentagone qui essayait de garder linformation secrète.
La peur du Pentagone en rapport à lobservation de deux satellites orbitant la Terre, qui navaient pas été observés auparavant sest dissipée par lidentification des objets comme étant naturels, et non des satellites artificiels. Le Dr. Lincoln LaPaz, expert des corps extraterrestres de lUniversité du Nouveau Mexique, dirigeait le projet didentification. Lun des satellites orbite à plus de 600 km, alors que lautre est à plus de 900 km de la Terre. Le Pentagone pensa momentanément que les Russes avaient battu les Etats-Unis dans la course à lexploration spatiale.
Lintérêt pour le Chevalier Noir était plus important chaque année, en 1957, un « objet »inconnu a été aperçu en train de « projeter son ombre » sur lengin spatial Spoutnik I. Daprès les rapports, l »objet non-identifié » était en orbite Polaire, et à cette période les Etats-Unis tout comme les Russes ne possédaient pas la technologie afin de maintenir un engin spatial en Orbite Polaire. Daprès notre recherche le premier satellite orbitant le pôle Nord a été lancé en 1960. Les orbites polaires sont souvent utilisées pour cartographier la Terre, lobservation terrestre, prendre des photos de la Terre et pour des satellites de reconnaissances. Cela placerait le Chevalier Noir dans la catégorie des Satellite observateur, la seule question ici est, qui a placé le Chevalier Noir sur une orbite Polaire et dans quel but?
LObjet continua dépoustoufler les astronomes du monde entier. En 1960 le Chevalier Noir était à nouveau localisé en orbite Polaire. Les astronomes et scientifiques ont calculé le poids de lobjet et ferait 10 tonnes, ce qui aurait été à cette période le satellite artificiel le plus lourd en orbite autour de notre Planète. Lorbite du Chevalier Noir nétait pas comme celle des autres objets en orbite autour de la Terre, car il se déplaçait deux fois plus vite comparé aux vaisseaux fabriqués par lhomme.
En 1963, Gordon Cooper a été envoyé dans lespace. Sur son orbite finale, il a rapporté avoir vu un objet vert brillant en face de sa capsule au loin se déplaçant dans sa direction. La station de suivi de Muchea, en Australie, que Cooper avait contactée pour rapporter la présence de lobjet, a récupéré lobjet non-identifié sur son radar voyageant dEst en Ouest. NBC a rapporté cela mais après le retour de Cooper sur Terre, le journaliste na pas été autorisé à demander à Cooper son avis sur lobjet non-identifié. Lexplication officielle donnée aux observations de Cooper était « un très haut niveau de dioxyde de Carbone qui causa des hallucinations. »
Le Chevalier Noir a été un sujet dintérêt partout dans le monde. Jusquà nos jours la plupart des informations « officielles » sur lobjet mystérieux sont gardées en sécurité et à lécart de la société. Personne na répondu à certaines des questions les plus simples et logiques à poser, qui a placé ce « satellite » en orbite Polaire? Pour quel but?
Est-ce que le Chevalier Noir est un satellite Extraterrestre envoyé sur Terre pour étudier la Race Humaine? Est-ce que le Satellite essaye de communiquer avec la race humaine? Avons-nous ignoré les tentatives de communications? Une chose est certaine, le Chevalier Noir reste lun des objets les plus mystérieux en orbite autour de notre Planète. Y a-t-il une connexion entre cet objet spatial célèbre et les anciens accomplissements de lhumanité?
Visitez aussi les images officielles de la NASA pour le « Chevalier Noir » avec ces liens:
1. Mysterious energy beam above the Bosnian pyramid of the Sun.
A team of physicists detected an energy beam coming through the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The radius of the beam is 4.5 meters with a frequency of 28 kHz. The beam is continuous and its strength grows as it moves up and away from the pyramid. This phenomenon contradicts the known laws of physic and technology. This is the first proof of non-herzian technology on the Planet. It seems that the pyramid-builders created a perpetual motion machine a long time ago and this energy machine is still working.
In the underground labyrinth, in 2010, we discovered three chambers and a small blue lake. Energy screening shows that the ionization level is 43 times higher than the average concentration outside which makes the underground chambers into healing rooms.
Further electromagnetic detection in 2011 confirmed that levels of negative radiation through the Hartman, Curry and Schneider grids are equal to zero in the tunnels. There was no technical radiation (from power lines and/or other technology) found in the tunnels and no cosmic radioactivity. Ceramic sculptures are positioned over the underground water flows and the negative energy is transformed into positive.
The list of the wonders in Bosnian archaeology does not end here.. read entire article
A similar event occurred in 2009.
On June 24, 2009, a beam of light was captured on photo above the ChiChen Itza Pyramid (on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico).
The witnesses that captured this photo, did not see anything there until seeing it in the photos.
And this photo was taken in 2000 and shows the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotihuacan in Mexico.
2.Unique discovery was made in Bosnia Pyramids!
Where exactly? It was near well known Sarajevo, beside the town of Visoko.
The main pyramid, Pyramid of the Sun is not a small or unimpressive structure. It is 220 meters high and the width of sides is more than 360 meters! Exterior of the revealed pyramid is covered, or better say tiled, by stone-hard blocks made of original mixture and by genuine technology. This fact, together with many others, indicates presence and activity of unknown ancient civilization.
Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich who is the head and author of archeological research and all the project in Visoko went into Pyramid of the Sun. Were the pyramids used as a source of energy? And if so, which kind of it?
Electrical engineers measured energetic beam situated in the center of The Pyramid of the Sun. Its diameter is 4.5 meters, having frequency of 28 KHz, the origin is not natural it is artificial.
Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich explains what has been found lately and so far in the Bosnian valley of the Pyramids:
A recent carbon dating performed on a pyramid in Bosnia, proves it to be at least 25 thousand years old.
Most scientists and historians however believe that human civilization started about 5,000 years ago with the Sumerians and Babylonians. That is, until artifacts were found, which predate them. These discoveries suggest, that there was a pre-historical civilization around the world- one that must have been highly advanced.
3.Pyramids in China
These pyramids are located in China, but up until a few decades ago, China has denied the existence of them.
Chinese scientists claim that the pyramids are burial mounds, but since these pyramids have never been (officially) excavated, it is pure speculation that these pyramids are part of the tombs mentioned in written records.
Most of what you read about these pyramids is based on speculation and anecdotal evidence, they could be much older than China reports them to be.
Google Earth: Maoling Mausoleum 1: size 222 x 217 m, 34°2017″N 108°3411″E * Pyramid 6: size 153 x 158 m, 34°2147.16″N 108°3749.80″E * Pyramid 7: size 149 x 155 m, 34°2142.48″N 108°3824.36″E * Pyramid 11: size 155 x 154 m, 34°2229.64″N 108°4151.36″E * Pyramid 15: size 219 x 230 m, 34°2352″N 108°4243″E * Pyramid 31: size 126 x 149 m, 34°1409.00″N 109°0705.00″E * Pyramids 33,34,35: bigest 160 x 167 m, 34°1045.00″N 109°0141.00″E * Huang-ti Mausoleum 37: size 354 x 357 m, 34°2252″N 109°1512″E
4. Ancient Alien Pyramid Mystery
Join David Hatcher Childress in Egypt where he meets up with British engineer Christopher Dunn.
Together they explore the Giza area, going to ancient pyramid sites, underground catacombs and megalithic quarries not usually visited by tourists. Here they examine saw marks, advanced lifting and moving techniques found at the Giza Plateau, Abu Rawash, Abu Garab, and the underground catacombs of the Serapeum and other areas.
Finally Dunn explains his theory of the Giza Power Plant and his view that the pyramids at Giza were originally part of a plan to drive the earth into harmony. A mind-blowing look at solid evidence for extraordinary ancient technology.
5. The Pyramid Code
Episode 1: The Band of Peace This episode raises questions about the purpose of the pyramids challenging the story traditional Egyptology tells. See rare footage of 6 distinct pyrmaid sites near the Great Pyramid with evidence of superior technology and sophisticated knowledge of science and the cosmos.
Episode 2: High Level Technology In this episode, evidence that the ancient Egptians used high level technology to construct pyramids and temples is shown. Scientists discuss the source of this power and its applications in the ancient world. Our science is just beginning to grasp what the ancients clearly understood long ago.
Episode 3: Sacred Cosmology Deciphering the meaning of strange symbols in Egyptian art gives insight into the ancients knowledge of sacred cosmology. A new way of interpreting hieroglyphics is presented indication the ancients had sopisticated understanding of physics, biology, and celestial mechanics. A team goes on an expedition into the open desert in search of a remote site of extreme antiquity called Nabta Playa. Here, neolithic stone circles were found marking the motion of the same stars as were tracked in pharonic civilization. The possible connection is discussed.
Episode 4: The Empowered Human The Empowered Human proposes that the pyramid builders were living in a Golden Age, they had more refined senses, experienced higher levels of consciousness which gave them superior abilities than we have today. The sacred feminine was honored and existed in balance with the sacred masculine.
Episode 5: A New Chronology After examining the evidence presented in the series, it seems clear that the dates given by traditional Egyptology do not fit. Carefully considering cycles of time through the Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Iron Ages of Platos Great Year, a new chronology is emerging that illumines ancient Egypt.
New amazing video footage of a stunning UFO filmed in the night sky above Oregon on 30th October 2013.
Witness said: Perhaps one of the better captures for the season in the archive. The video shows a variety of indicators to observe such as morphing shape & intermittent pulsations. Filmed in both HI-8 and night vision. Notice in the opening scene the large distance between forward and aft lighting arrays and observe the distance decrease as the object moves closer to my position.
Bill Uhouse served 10 years in the Marine Corps as a fighter pilot, and four years with the Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB as a civilian doing flight testing of exotic experimental aircraft. Later, for the next 30 years, he worked for defense contractors as an engineer of antigravity propulsion systems: on flight simulators for exotic aircraft and on actual flying discs. He testifies that the first disc they tested was a re-engineered ET craft that crashed in Kingman, Arizona in 1958. He further testifies that the ETs presented a craft to the US government; this craft was taken to Area 51, which was just being constructed at the time, and the four ETs that accompanied the craft were taken to Los Alamos. Mr. Uhouses specialty was the flight deck and the instruments on the flight deck he understood the gravitational field and what it took to get people trained to experience antigravity. He actually met several times with an ET that helped the physicists and engineers with the engineering of the craft.
"The definition for balderdash is senseless prate, a jargon of words, noisy nonsense.
Every so often I find a UFO debunking piece that illustrates the irrationality of the debunkers arguments despite the educational background of the debunker. For example, Dr. Isaac Asimov who wrote more than 300 books, mostly on scientific topics and many Science Fiction tomes made the following claim, If aliens were visiting Earth, they would either land and make themselves known, or keep hidden. If they do neither, they are not visiting. How extraordinary that a world class sci-fi writer cant think of other scenarios, some place in between the noted extremes. He certainly gives no rationale. He has not claimed to be himself in touch with ETs or to have studied the evidence presented by witnesses to actual ET behavior. One might say it illustrates arrogance combined with ignorance.
My nephew Paul Kimball has a law degree and has spent a lot of time studying UFOs; in mid August he penned a piece about which one can only shake ones head and ask where that nonsense came from. He starts by saying here are the reasons why I am completely convinced there was no ET Crash. If aliens had sufficiently advanced technology of the kind that would permit travel to the stars (and I have talked to enough scientists to know just how mind blowingly advanced this would have to be, Stan Friedman and his nuclear rockets balderdash not withstanding) then it beggars belief that they would crash in spaceships that looked like something out of a 1950s sci-fi B movie once they got here (much less crash multiple times, as some posit, including Stan). As noted in the book "Science Was Wrong" by myself and Kathleen Marden, there were loads of scientists who were totally negative about flight in the air and then flight in space. I dont know how Paul knows what the Roswell crashed saucer looked like . . . lots of reports of small light weight pieces of wreckage . . . not like a spaceship at all.
Notice the assumption that the same small vehicle that crashed at Roswell, or Aztec, or the Plains of San Agustin came to earth directly from another star system. Is he really unaware that flight in the atmosphere of a planet is a very different business than flight in deep space between stars? Wow! Lift, drag, heating, gravity etc., are very different for airborne vehicles than for deep space rockets. We have many reports of huge mother ships into and out of which the small earth excursion modules fly.
The Lunar excursion modules which landed on the moon were extraordinarily different from the huge Saturn V rockets which were launched from Earth with the LEMs on Board. Surely he (with a very strong background in history) is aware that even as far back as the epic battles of World War II, there were huge aircraft carriers which carried a bunch of small airplanes to the locations from which these aircraft flew. The carriers didnt fly, and the aircraft didnt float on the water. The carriers carried fuel for the airplanes and provided housing, food, ammunition for the pilots, etc. The aircraft are far more maneuverable than are the carriers. Despite all the aircraft in a huge variety of sizes, speeds, etc., there are loads of crashes. Two huge and expensive space shuttles crashed.
Paul has another sword which he wields, However, allowing for the equally infinitesimal [based on what?] possibility that Murphys Law applies to super advanced aliens, It beggars belief that they would just leave the remains of the ship and their dead comrades to be found by beings, who, as Stan puts it, were here to observe us because we might be dangerous someday soon. In actuality, I have suggested more than 20 reasons for coming here. Furthermore we are already dangerous. We killed 50 Million of our own kind in WWII. We destroyed 1700 cities. We have exploded 2000 nuclear (there is that word again) warheads. Not dangerous?
Additionally, there certainly were later sightings near the Roswell crash site that might well have been aliens looking for their fallen comrades. I doubt if they worried much about our duplicating their technology. Christopher Columbus could not have duplicated a nuclear submarine or a radio or computer chip. After all we Earthlings have left many of our dead behind. Check out "By Any Means Necessary: America's Secret Air War in the Cold War" by William Burrows. 166 US military men were in planes tickling radar sets in North Korea, China, and Russia just after World War II . . . and being shot down. We didnt go after them (starting WW III) and their families werent told about what happened to them until 50 years later in 2001. We didnt attack Russia when they downed Gary Powers U-2.
Yet Paul asks How can we be asked to believe that they would let we warlike creatures have their technology? Why does he think we would have been able to duplicate it? Has he no concept of how difficult it would be? Moreover, he pontificates as a supposed expert on alien behavior and technology, if they had the ability to get here from another star system, then they would certainly have had the ability to collect or vaporize the wreckage. One might note that we earthlings have had the ability with nuclear (that word again) weapons to vaporize all the civilizations. Yet we have exploded 2000 nuclear warheads, but only 2 on people; funny how countries agree not to use poison gas.
Paul also pontificates about keeping secrets, It beggars belief again that the United States government could have maintained what must be [why?] such a vast conspiracy to this day to keep it all quiet. History tells us that the reason they are kept for a very long time successfully is that they are always confined to only a few people. As soon as they start expanding the circle of knowledge, then the wheels fall off. Now that is real balderdash! The definition for balderdash is senseless prate, a jargon of words, noisy nonsense. Yes, Paul you hit it on the head. There were 12000 people at Bletchley Park in the UK secretly working on intercepting, decoding, translating and carefully distributing German military communications in the early 1940s. Not one word in public until 25 years after the war was over. The Lockheed Stealth aircraft was developed at a cost of $10 Billion over 10 years in secret utilizing thousands of people. At one time the Manhattan Project involved 60,000 people in secret. The National Reconnaissance Organization contracted with Boeing on new spy satellite architecture and then cancelled the program. That involved thousands of people in secret at a cost of $13 Billion. The development of the first successful US spy satellite in the Corona program was kept secret for more than 30 years. The first one (after 12 expensive failures), obtained more information about Soviet military installations than all the U-2 spy planes that preceded it. Many more than a few people were involved.
Now let us look at Stan Friedmans nuclear rockets balderdash. It is quite clear that when engineers and scientists want to control large amounts of energy, they go nuclear. When it comes to bombs, a big bomb in WWII released the energy of 10 tons of dynamite in 1944. In July 1945 the first nuclear fission bomb released the energy of 16 thousand tons of dynamite; by 1952 the first nuclear fusion weapon (Mike) released the energy of 10 million tons of TNT. The Russians later set off a fusion (H-Bomb) one releasing the energy of more than 50 million tons of TNT.
The US Navy, admittedly a bit larger than our Canadian navy, built their first NUCLEAR submarine in 1956; able to sail around the planet underwater. Submarines in WWII could stay underwater for all of 24 hours. Years later the first NUCLEAR fission powered aircraft carriers operate for 18 years without refueling. Three different organizations successfully operated NUCLEAR fission rockets at the NUCLEAR test site in Nevada. They were Westinghouse Astronuclear Laboratory (I worked on their NRX A-6 at a power level of 1100 megawatts); Aerojet General operated the XE-1 at a power level of 1000 megawatts. Los Alamos operated the Phoebus 2B at a power level of 4400 megawatts or twice the power of Grand Coulee Dam, less than 8 in diameter. There are no fission nuclear reactors in Nova Scotia where Paul lives. We here in the neighboring province of New Brunswick have the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station, a fission power- plant producing 2200 megawatts. I and many others worked on studies of fusion rockets able to eject charged particles having ten million times as much energy per particle as in a dumb old chemical rocket. Many papers have been published but I suppose Paul hasnt seen any.
It should be noted that almost all the energy in the universe comes from nuclear fusion in the stars. Why Paul is in denial about nuclear rockets I dont know, though I suppose lawyers dont dig into such matters. I should note that my book Flying Saucers and Science has pictures of several real nuclear rocket engines
The real balderdash is that one should theorize for ever about alien activities and motivation, but avoid the facts; howeverit is the evidence that matters. Of course there might be advanced propulsion systems that can outdo nuclear fusion. They are not needed to get us out there and certainly not needed to get aliens here. Let us not forget that nearby stars are already within reach, if we want to spend the money. We didnt even find out that there was such a process as nuclear fusion until 1938a very short time ago indeed. We now know that there are planets all over the place many of them have to be much older than earth.
Paul may think nuclear rockets are balderdash and only small groups can keep secrets. He probably is aware that many nuclear facilities had UFO sightings back in the 1940s. These included reports near Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee and Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and the Hanford Atomic works up in eastern Washington state. Furthermore as delineated by Robert Hastings and Robert Salas, there have been UFO observations where missiles on which were mounted nuclear weapons had been shut down by the aliens. The notion that that only small groups can keep a secret is put to rest by the fact that this year the US black budget is about fifty billion.
A story that combines UFO cover-ups with the assassination of John F. Kennedy is a gold mine for conspiracy theorists. And that's just what author William Lester says he uncovered while conducting research for a new book on Kennedy: a memo written by JFK and addressed to the CIA in which the president requests confidential information about UFOs.
In the never-before-seen, top secret memo supposedly written on Nov. 12, 1963, the president ordered the CIA director to organize the agency's intelligence files relating to UFOs , and to debrief him on all "unknowns" by the following February. Ten days later, Kennedy was assassinated.
03-11-2013 om 19:06
geschreven door peter
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Dear colleagues,
I have worked on and written for many UFO publications around the world over the last 30 plus years that Ive been involved with ufology. The very first one was the YUFOS JOURNAL put together by myself, the late Graham Birdsall and his brother Mark Birdsall. YUFOS was of course the Yorkshire UFO Society and its journal was produced on an old printer cranked by hand. It was hard work at times but the one thing I do remember most is that it was great fun. We all got a great sense of satisfaction from producing it.That very same sense of satisfaction has once again come to the fore with UFO TODAY.Of course the look of it, the production quality and graphics and everything else are worlds away from where I started. But the one thing that is here is the fun, the enjoyment and the great satisfaction that I feel when I see the finished product in front of me. UFO TODAY is a joy to work on. It is a melting pot of ufology and I can only hope that you can fee the sense of satisfaction I have with it and find something within its pages just for you.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to issue 1. Without them this magazine simply would not have been possible. There is of course always room for more contributions and if you are interested in writing for us please just drop me a line.
Last but not least I have attached a number of UFO TODAY graphics. I would respectfully like to ask if you could use these on your facebook page, twitter account, website, blog or anything that will help let others know of the magazines existence. In return of course we will gladly do the same for you if you supply us with the appropriate graphics. Please feel free to forward this onto any other interested parties and I truly hope that you find UFO TODAY of some interest.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Dangerous, Arrogant Humans Try To Psychoanalyze Extraterrestrials video and pictures
Dangerous, Arrogant Humans Try To Psychoanalyze Extraterrestrials video and pictures
Before It's News) by Monica Davis
Human beings sure are funny. Various tribes, empires, and ethnic groups have defined themselves as humans and every body else as sub-human animals for centuries. As a tool for conquest, the concept of race has been useful for the past five hundred to a thousand years.
Define a people as a race of sub-humans and subvert the idea of human rights, property rights and humanity. Thats been going on for centuries. I just came across something called the Index of Nigresence, seen below. which defines Anglo-Saxons, a TRIBE, as a superior RACE.
In much of the pseudo-scientific literature of the day the Irish were held to be inferior, an example of a lower evolutionary form, closer to the apes than their superiors, the Anglo-Saxons . Cartoons in Punch portrayed the Irish as having bestial, ape-like or demonic features and the Irishman, (especially the political radical) was invariably given a long or prognathous jaw, the stigmata to the phrenologists of a lower evolutionary order, degeneracy, or criminality. Thus John Beddoe, who later became the President of the Anthropological Institute (1889-1891), wrote in his Races of Britain(1862) that all men of genius were orthognathous (less prominent jaw bones) while the Irish and the Welsh were prognathous and that the Celt was closely related to Cromagnon man, who, in turn, was linked, according to Beddoe, to the Africanoid. The position of the Celt in Beddoes Index of Nigrescence was very different from that of the Anglo-Saxon. These ideas were not confined to a lunatic fringe of the scientific community, for although they never won over the mainstream of British scientists they were disseminated broadly and it was even hinted that the Irish might be the elusive missing link! Certainly the ape-like Celt became something of an malevolent cliche of Victorian racism. ThusCharles Kingsley could write MOREHERE
Now, we take tribal politics and ethnicity, merge it with a mishmash of psuedo-scientific jargon, and filter our worldview in those terms. Now the Chinese, Japanese, Arabs, Persians, are swinging back in to power, and the whole concept of race gets turned on its head.
And, while all of this concept of human races, racial superiority, tribal arrogance and jingoism comes running in the front door, we want to add another confused alien neighborhood to the mix. Some of us are trying to define alien species, analyse their behavior in terms of our own behavior, as we try to put them in our world, our behavioral lexicon, when they exist in their own and inhabit ours.
Who are the superior/inferior, when we are talking about creatures who exist beyond this world, in other dimensions, star systems and spiritual/technical levels? What does their behavior mean? How can we predict or analyse their behaviors when we are confused and twisted about our own? We barely, if at all, understand ourselves.
The word race, interpreted to mean common descent, was introduced into English in about 1580, from the Old French rasse (1512), from Italian razza, which may have been derived from the Arabic Word ras رأس meaning the head of someone or something. In this context, ras points to the root or the head of selected species. The etymology can be further traced back to Latin gens or Arabic genat جينات meaning clan, stock or people and genus meaning birth, descent, origin, race, stock, or family, and cognate with Greek genos (γένος) race, kind, and gonos birth, offspring, stock [...].[1] This late origin for the English and French terms is consistent with the thesis that the concept of race as defining a small number of groups of human beings based on lineage dates from the time of Christopher Columbus. Older concepts, which were also based at least partly on common descent, such as nation and tribe entail a much larger number of groupings.
During the Age of Enlightenment, Europeans tried to define race as a biological concept, in keeping with their scientific ideas. In the centuries that followed, scholars made attempts to classify and define racial types, and to determine racial origins and correlates. As forensic anthropologists, biomedical researchers, and other scholars have collected and analyzed data on individuals and populations, some maintain that race denotes scientifically practical distinctions. WIKIPEDIA
A while ago, a couple of folks starting a thread about extraterrestrial conciousness, dreaming and how we could plan space exploration around the idea that there are creatures out there who represent different species, different concious levels, and totally alien trains of thoughtliterally.
His discussion and the resulting comments were fascinating, and in this post I want to carry on that conversation. I want to ask: Will extraterrestrials be so different from us as to be truly incomprehensible?
I think the answer is no. And yes.
In one of the comments, Christopher Phoenix argued that aliens could be so different from us as to be incomprehensible. He wrote,
How can we expect to use extraterrestrials as a mirror for human behavior? If aliens are completely different from humansboth physiologically and psychologicallyt [sic] may be very hard to use them as Earth human analogues. Imagine that we discover a an alien civilization with a similar pattern to social insects like bees on Earth. Perhaps the alien queen mother will wonder why Earths President doesnt just kill and eat her opponents instead of holding an election ever five years, while the humans are utterly horrified over juvenile aliens habit of eating their weaker siblings. MOREHERE.
03-11-2013 om 18:54
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
This creature is look like human, the whole of hight is 7Cm . It has very big eyes, yellow skin and bigger head than it`s body .The phenomenal is that the body does't frozen in cold situation and has not bad smell in warm weather, and not Rotted yet .It`s muscles still look strong with short hairs and tooth are look likes wild animals .
03-11-2013 om 13:37
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
UFOs Crop Circles & Stonehenge Special Report Part 1 (Video)
UFOs Crop Circles & Stonehenge Special Report Part 1 (Video)
Before It's News)
By Susan Duclos
ThirdPhaseofMoons Blake Cousins & Dr. J are joined by author Colin Andrews, who co-authored On the Edge of Reality with his wife Synthia, to discuss Crop Circles and Ufos, which is the subject of their book.
In the video below you can hear about the UFO sightings which date back to biblical times and the crop circles which started appearing at a much later date and their connection to Stonehenge in this first segment of the special report.
For anyone that has been interested in any or all of the above aforementioned, this interview is a must see.
Join me for another episode of New Paradigm Radio Tomorrow (Sunday) night from 9 to 11 pm Mountain for discussion with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Stanislav O'Jack. We talk about a wide variety of subjects including reincarnation, UFO's, consciousness, and Dr. O'Jack's recent paper on Hyperdimensional Resonance.
Dr. Stanislav O'Jack is a clinical psychologist, mechanical engineer, and a student of the paranorma...
03-11-2013 om 11:15
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Large Triangle UFO over San Francisco, California on 31st October 2013
Large Triangle UFO over San Francisco, California on 31st October 2013
Witness said: My husband and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie when I noticed three orbs in my peripheral in the night sky at 10:00 pm on Halloween, 2013. The blinds on the southeastern facing window were drawn shut and I noticed them through the cracks of the blinds, which is how bright they actually appear in person. The video and still image (inserted at the beginning of the clip, view at this URL [Link moved to FI section ) do not do justice to these sightings as the orbs are very bright orange and of solid color, hence Ive dismissed the probability of Chinese lanterns. When viewed with my binoculars, these orbs are solid spheres of lurid hue. This is the third time wave seen them in the night sky, relatively the same spot in the sky each time, except this time there were three altogether, which I managed to photograph. By the time I began filming them, one had already vanished. As always during a sighting of similar orbs, there were no aircraft in the sky during the sighting and no aircraft sound emitting from these objects. The orbs were visible for at least two minutes and disappeared one by one, dimming out as they remained stationary in the sky. It was very eerie to say the least. Ive been stargazing since my childhood and have never seen anything like these until Nov. 2011 and again in Jan. 2013 in addition to this sighting. This is the third time both my husband and I have witnessed these lights over San Francisco and each time, we feel as though we have seen something that we cannot identify as a manned aircraft or Chinese lantern, or other familiar night sky object. It is very mysterious, and since this third sighting, I will undoubtedly keep my eyes peeled for further activity.
Is there anything in today's natural and human science which could satisfactorily account for the missing times episodes experienced by CE II and CE IV witnesses? While they aren't aware of any loss of time when they have their bizarre experience, they realize after the ("short") experience that in reality a considerable amount of time has elapsed.
Published October 31, 2007, 12:00 AM Deputy Val Johnson is on patrol in the middle of the night. The Minnesota highway is dark, except for a light that appears to float above the road about a mile away.
Deputy Val Johnson is on patrol in the middle of the night.
The Minnesota highway is dark, except for a light that appears to float above the road about a mile away.
Curious, Johnson turns his cruiser toward the object.
Suddenly, impossibly, the light is upon him in a blinding flash.
Brakes slam and just before the deputy blacks out he hears the sound of breaking glass.
Fast forward 27 years to the Briese farm outside of Tappen, N.D.
Sixteen-year-old Evan Briese gets out of bed for a glass of water. Glancing out a window, he spots something moving near the familys hog pen.
He arms himself with a rifle and goes to investigate.
Stepping into the corral, hes startled by the sight of beings 8 to 9 feet tall doing something to one of the hogs.
The rifle fires and one of the giants lets out a shriek.
Before the boy can comprehend more, something throws him to the ground and he loses consciousness.
Unsolved mystery
Spooky stuff.
But is it true?
This time of year, when tales of witches, ghosts and things creepy hold sway, what is one to make of first-person accounts of strange and bizarre happenings?
Dennis Brekke has yet to come up with an answer.
Nearly 30 autumns have passed since the retired Marshall County sheriff got a call that one of his deputies needed assistance.
It was Aug. 27, 1979.
Deputy Johnson sent a radio transmission around 2:19 a.m. stating he needed help.
When Brekke got there, Johnson was gone, but his battered police cruiser was not.
The car was standing crossways in the middle of the road and the ambulance had just taken off with him (Johnson), said Brekke, who still lives in Warren, Minn.
I drove that car in that night. It drove OK, but the antennas were bent and there were some holes, said Brekke, who investigated what became a classic case in UFO lore.
He said hed seen a bright light and thats about the last thing he knew, Brekke said, referring to Johnson, who later estimated he had been rendered unconscious for about 40 minutes.
He had welder-type burns in his eyes. Thats what the doctor said, Brekke recalled.
Missing minutes
Brekkes report on the incident noted that Johnson routinely set his watch at the start of each shift by calling dispatch for the official time. After the incident, Johnsons watch and the clock in his car were 14 minutes slow.
A headlight on the drivers side of the car was smashed and there were small dents in the hood just below where the windshield was fractured, also on the drivers side.
Two antennas on the car were bent, though they had spring bases to prevent that from happening.
Brekke consulted scientists in Minneapolis who told him whatever struck the car was something very fast.
Our first thoughts were maybe it could have been somebody with an airplane and drugs, Brekke said. We called the Air Force and talked to them. There was nothing they had seen in that area.
We did everything we could, Brekke said. Theres no good answer to what happened.
The brown 1977 Ford LTD Johnson drove that night was taken out of service shortly after the incident and ended up in the Marshall County Historical Society Museum in Warren.
Now and then, it is dusted off and driven in parades.
Every time UFO stories appear on TV, a new flock of curiosity seekers finds its way to the museum, said curator Ethel Thorlacius.
Look at that!
The museum display includes a testimonial from Evarist and Kathy Ruzicka, a Grafton, N.D., couple who said they saw a bright flash of light the night Johnson said he had a run-in with something unexplainable.
Reached by phone at their home, which is not far from the Stephen, Minn., area where Johnsons car was found, the Ruzickas vividly recall the incident.
It was an extremely bright flash. I just kind of yelled, Look at that! Evarist Ruzicka said, describing the moment he saw something weird in the eastern sky as they were driving home that night.
His wife was a bit sleepy during the ride, but she said her husbands shout woke her in time to see a blinding burst of light.
Evarist Ruzicka said he suspected an earthly explanation for what they saw a government experiment, perhaps but at first he wasnt keen on telling anyone about the episode.
I really didnt want to get involved. At the same time, I hated to see what they were doing to the deputy, Ruzicka said, referring to grief Johnson took from some people.
The incident left Brekke philosophical.
Were sitting here on this planet. Its possible there could be people in other places, he said.
Brekke said Johnson left his job not long after the incident, but he isnt sure where he ended up.
It might be Wisconsin, according to Torrey Briese, a Tappen-area farmer whose family went public last fall with some odd stories of their own. Theyve since become tied into the UFO community.
After they were approached by The Forum, Briese and his wife, Myra, described a number of things they say happened to their family, including a tale about giant beings attacking their son, Evan, and stealing the familys hog, Ruthy, one night in September 2006.
Peculiar calls
On top of that, Torrey Briese said he experienced a strange episode himself in July 2006.
While giving a neighbor a ride into town, Briese said he saw a strange blue light in the sky that would move when the vehicle moved and stop when the vehicle stopped.
The aerial display continued for about 30 minutes before the object zoomed away and was out of sight within seconds, Briese said.
After the revelations were made public last fall, the familys story was featured on a nationwide radio show and plastered on countless Internet Web sites.
Torrey Briese, a member of the Tappen School Board, said his family only recently turned their telephone back on after shutting it off for six months.
We had a lot of peculiar phone calls, said Briese, who added he knows who Johnson is and has heard the former deputy isnt interested in talking to the media anymore.
Briese said he wasnt sure he should be talking either, not after the reaction they got from some people last fall.
A serious matter
He believes his son experienced something that cant be explained and the family still has the shredded shirt Evan Briese was wearing the night he said he was assaulted by beings that did not look human.
Whatever it was, was some kind of physical presence, because it took that animal, Torrey Briese said, referring to Ruthy the hog, who has not been seen since.
People dont realize this was a serious matter and it still is, Myra Briese said.
I think the big thing our family learned is dont be quick to judge others.
She said they dont laugh at people who approach the family with strange stories, some of which, she said, come from others in the Tappen area.
Another thing they dont do, Myra Briese said, is spend a lot of time looking over their shoulders for strange lights or things that go bump in the night.
We just do our everyday thing. Were not into looking for them all the time, she said.
Readers can reach Forum reporter Dave Olson at (701) 241-5555
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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