The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Les ovnis de retour dans le ciel wallon: voici les preuves !
Les ovnis de retour dans le ciel wallon: voici les preuves !
BELGIQUE- Depuis la vague belge de 1990, le Cobeps continue à recueillir des témoignages interpellants.
Si le phénomène OVNI demeure inexplicable pour la science, d’étranges observations continuent à être rapportées quotidiennement aux quatre coins du globe. Depuis la fameuse vague belge de 1990 durant laquelle plusieurs milliers de personnes - parmi lesquelles des gendarmes, des militaires et des ingénieurs ont aperçu dans le ciel des objets triangulaires atteignant parfois la taille d’un terrain de football - plus rien de comparable ne s’est reproduit au-dessus de nos têtes !
Cela ne signifie pas que les ovnis ont totalement déserté notre espace aérien. Les statistiques du Comité belge d’étude des phénomènes spatiaux (Cobeps) en attestent. Le Cobeps dispose d’une quinzaine d’enquêteurs de terrain issus pour la plupart de la défunte Sobeps dont la mission est de collecter, d’analyser et d’effectuer des recherches rigoureuses sur base des témoignages qui leur parviennent. "Sur Bruxelles et en Région wallonne, on nous signale ainsi entre 80 et 100 observations par an. Nous les filtrons et les identifions quand c’est possible. Après vérification, il subsiste environ 5 % de cas non élucidés qui focalisent notre attention", indique Patrick Ferryn, président du Cobeps.
Pour la première fois , un bilan de l’activité ufologique belge a été réalisé en 2015. Le Cobeps et le Belgisch Ufo-meldpunt ont rassemblé leurs informations pour fournir un aperçu général sur l’ensemble du territoire. "S’il y a eu une augmentation des signalements dans les trois régions avec un total de 319 observations, le nombre de cas inexpliqués a plutôt tendance à stagner", M. Patrick Ferryn.
Aucune des observations récentes n’a cependant l’étrangeté de celle du 12 février 2011 à Engis (Charleroi) où une jeune automobiliste de 27 ans a visualisé un gigantesque engin lumineux et triangulaire parfaitement immobile au-dessus d’un zoning industriel. "Cette chose se trouvait à une altitude si basse que j’ai pensé qu’un avion allait s’écraser !", rapportera à la police ce témoin émotionné.
Réalisateur retraité, Patrick Ferryn ne tire aucun plan sur la comète quant à l’origine des ovnis, contrairement à d’autres qui prennent leurs fantasmes pour des réalités. "À l’heure actuelle, personne sur terre n’a la preuve matérielle de l’existence d’une incursion extraterrestre. Pour autant, on ne peut en exclure l’hypothèse. Grâce aux outils qu’offre Internet pour calculer l’altitude et la trajectoire d’un avion, il est désormais plus facile de distinguer les vrais témoignages des nombreux canulars, ce qui n’était pas le cas lors de la vague belge."
D’ici quelques mois, le Cobeps rendra publiques ses conclusions sur la journée historique du 29 novembre 1989 où pas moins de 150 apparitions très interpellantes furent recensées en quelques heures dans un rayon géographique limité du sud de la Belgique.
L’AREPS dévoile des documents exclusifs
La société ufologique présentera ce samedi, à Tournai, des photos et vidéos d’ovnis jamais montrées
Si vous vous intéressez aux ovnis, ne ratez pas le rendez-vous programmé par l’Areps ce samedi 7 mai à Tournai. Présidée par Daniel Recolet, cette société ufologique belge profitera de ses 20 ans d’existence pour dévoiler des documents exclusifs (photos et vidéos) provenant des archives de ses membres. Le fondateur de l’Association de recherche et d’étude des phénomènes spatiaux n’avait que 9 ans lorsqu’il a aperçu pour la première fois un ovni au-dessus du barrage de la Gileppe.
"J’ai remarqué un premier point lumineux bien plus gros qu’une étoile. Celui-ci a été rejoint par un autre, avant que les deux sphères ne se séparent", raconte Daniel Recolet. Depuis lors, ce passionné de radiocommunication âgé de 69 ans a accroché à son tableau de chasse ufologique bien d’autres observations qui ont bouleversé sa vision de la réalité qui nous entoure. Il prépare à ce sujet un ouvrage dont 158 pages sont déjà écrites.
En dépit de l’incapacité de la communauté scientifique à percer le mystère des ovnis, notre interlocuteur est convaincu à 200 % que ne nous ne sommes pas seuls dans l’univers et qu’il existe une 4e dimension, un univers parallèle auquel l’éminent Albert Einsten croyait lui aussi dur comme fer !
"J’en suis arrivé à la conclusion que les ovnis sont l’œuvre d’une intelligence extraterrestre bien supérieure à la nôtre et que celle-ci, après nous avoir précédé sur terre, a trouvé le moyen de raccourcir l’espace-temps tout en générant l’énergie pour se matérialiser", commente Daniel Recolet.
Ce dernier s’est également beaucoup intéressé aux crop-circles, ces dessins circulaires apparaissant dans les champs et qui, là encore, sont souvent interprétés comme des signes d’une civilisation venue d’ailleurs.
De tout cela, il sera question demain, de 14 h à 17 h, à la brasserie l’Impératrice (rue des Maux n°12B). Sachez encore que l’AREPS organise régulièrement des soirées d’observation à la belle étoile autour d’un barbecue.
Une équation prouve que E.T. existe ou a existé
Selon les calculs de deux chercheurs, Adam Frank et Woodruff Sullivan, de l’Université de Washington, les chances que l’humanité soit la première et seule espèce intelligente de l’univers sont d’une sur 10 milliards de billions. Soit un 1 et 22 zéros. "Pour moi, cela implique que d’autres espèces intelligentes et technologiques ont très certainement évolué avant nous", explique Adam Frank, professeur de physique et d’astronomie à l’université de Rochester, coauteur de l’étude. Depuis le lancement de la sonde Keplper, en 2009, plus de 1.000 planètes vivables ont été découvertes. Pourtant, aucune espèce en vue, en astronomie c’est ce qu’on appelle le paradoxe de Fermi.Ce n’est pas la première tentative de prouver l’existence d’E.T. par les mathématiques, Frank Drake avait déjà établi une équation il y a 55 ans. Mais celle-ci comportait trop d’inconnues pour obtenir des résultats fiables. "Nos résultats montrent que notre évolution n’est, semble-t-il, pas unique et a eu lieu de nombreuses fois dans le passé", concluent les chercheurs publiés dans la revue Astrobiology.
Filer’s Files #19 – 2016 Aliens on the Moon - PART I
Saint Petersburg, Florida cylinder captured on April 29, 2016
Filer’s Files #19 – 2016 Aliens on the Moon - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: UFOs on the Moon, and Solar Warden Space Craft
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Ohio, Oregon. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Virginia.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Greece, Mexico, South Africa, Taiwan, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Special Projects
UFOs on the Moon
A FORMER NASA contractor has claimed there were three flying saucers on the moon during one of the Apollo NASA lunar landings, but the whole episode was covered up. I spoke at length with Donna during the Disclosure Project and she seemed very real and truthful.
Donna Hare claims to have worked for computer and engineering contractor Philco Ford during the early 1970s, in NASA’s photo labs with a high level of security clearance. She was able to access ‘Building Eight’, which “gave her contact with a series of high ranking officials who leaked her information regarding the Moon. She claims she was informed by sources that during one of the moon landings astronauts had found three UFOs had landed on the edge of a crater near them as they touched down. She said one contact worked in a quarantine area where landing astronauts were debriefed after they returned home. She said: “This man was in quarantine with them and was part of their debriefing. He said a lot of the astronauts talked about their experience of seeing these craft following them. “I believe there were three UFOs on the moon when they landed; and I believe that the code word for them was Santa Claus. “Some (staff) that wanted to talk were threatened and had to sign papers not to talk or they would have their retirement taken away, “I started asking questions and would take them away from the site and we would go to lunch.”
“Alone they would tell me things, and then say if I ever said they had revealed classified information, they would swear I was lying. “One gentleman I knew who said there were the craft on the moon just disappeared, I can’t find him.” In a separate claim, she said a security guard told her he was forced to burn UFO pictures by mystery-armed men, who struck him with the butt of a gun for looking at them. She also claims to have seen a UFO in a NASA image being airbrushed out by technicians.
It was a satellite aerial looking down. With a smile on his face, he said look over there. “I saw a round white dot and asked is it a dot of emulsion. “Grinning he said a dot of emulsion doesn’t leave round shadows, then I saw a round shadow over trees.” I said is this a UFO – he was smiling I cannot tell you that but I knew he meant it was, but he could not tell me. “He said well we always have to airbrush them out before they sell them to the public. “I was just amazed they had a protocol in place for getting rid of UFOs in pictures.”
Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin saw UFOs shortly after their historic landing on the Moon in Apollo 11 on 21 July 1969. I remember hearing one of the astronauts refer to a “light” in or on a crater during the television transmission.
According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, unnamed radio hams with their own VHF receiving facilities that bypassed NASA’s broadcasting outlets picked up the following exchange:
NASA: What’s there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11…
Apollo: These “Babies” are huge, Sir! Enormous! OH MY GOD! You wouldn’t believe it! I’m telling you there are other spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They’re on the Moon watching us! NASA refuses to respond to conspiracy theories and UFO claims.
Alien Presence on the Moon? – Moon Anomalies
UFO hunters claim they have discovered a massive alien base on the moon nine miles wide. This photo of the lunar landscape taken during NASA’s Apollo mission has a cube shape and is not a natural formation. During that time it suffered damage, he said, but it still stands because of a supporting beam more than two miles long. A building this large could be a large base or mining operation.
NASA Scientists & What They Say About the Moon
Multiple NASA personnel have made some shocking claims about the Moon. George Leonard, a NASA scientist and photo analyst who obtained various official NASA photographs
of the Moon, many of which he published in his book titled Somebody Else Is on the Moon, is just one of these personnel. Although the photos are small in size and their resolution is not up to today’s standards, they show details of original prints which were huge. While Leonard published the identifying code numbers of the photos in his works to back up their source, their poor resolution makes it difficult to pick out structures. Far more compelling than these photos are his statements about what was found on the Moon, along with his verified NASA credentials. Leonard was not the only one with a credible background trying to tell the world the truth regarding the Moon and the photos that were taken from the Apollo missions.
When it comes to the UFO phenomenon, we now have public disclosure of thousands of documents along with hundreds of credible witness testimonies. It’s also important to note here that the Russian governmentrecently called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings regarding the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969. They are also referring to the 400 kilograms of lunar rock that was obtained during multiple missions between 1969 and 1972. Leonard argued that NASA knew about extraterrestrial activity on the Moon and attempted to hide that information.
The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time. . . . [Mankind has long wondered if we’re] alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we’re not alone.” – Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD. NASA astronaut (6th man to walk on the moon) Here is a clip of NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary saying the same thing. I have talked to several of these astronauts and privately they admit there are very strange objects on the Moon.
The Shard
This one, in a photo snapped by the Lunar Orbiter, has been named “the shard” or “the tower,” by Richard C. Hoagland, who comments on this photo at “Richard Hoagland’s Lunar Anomalies.” Taken from a distance of about 250 miles, the strange structure (if that’s what it is) would be enormous — seven miles high, by Hoagland’s calculations. (The star-like shape above the tower is a camera registration mark.)
It’s difficult to believe that such a huge structure actually stands on the moon… so what are we seeing in this photo? Is it a plume of “smoke” from some lunar gaseous emission? Are we seeing the ejecta from a meteorite impact? What is it? There are several towers reported on the Dark side of the moon
Leonard is not the only NASA scientist to say some strange things about the Moon. Recently, a plasma scientist by the name of Dr. John Brandenburg said the same thing. He was the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994.
It was (the Clementine Mission) a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out ifsomeone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about or were expanding them? He then went on to state that: Of all the pictures I’ve seen from the moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is a picture of a miles wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there. As somebody in the space defense community, I look on any such structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there.
Fred Steckling offers compelling photos of an entirely different lunar environment and even pictures of UFO’s on the moon. Now, decades after we allegedly visited there, there are NASA photos which partly corroborate what he said. The pictures show green blotchy areas inside meteor craters… hmm, what could that be? And especially interesting are the pictures of “tracks” on the moon, which clearly seem to be artificially produced– possibly some sort of mining operation by the aliens. It has a light atmosphere. It has plenty of water. It has a mild magnetic field. We were told none of this for years. Why? What were they hiding or are they truly incompetent scientists? More such facts revealed about other planets. Many photographs included with fascinating revelations. Further, there are countless photos of domes and other strange complex on the lunar surface. Thus, the evidence is in the photos, so it’s up to you to decide whether or not you believe in them. Every serious UFO researcher should own this book.
Ingo Swan remote moved the moon and saw mining going on both above and under the surface of the moon. The moon is rich in minerals and a study pointed out that rare earth elements are used for newenergy technologies and national security applications.
Helium-3 (He3) is gas that has the potential to be used as fuel in future nuclear fusion power plants. There is very little helium-3 available on the Earth. However, there are thought to be significant supplies on the Moon. Several governments have subsequently signaled their intention to go to the Moon to mine helium-3 as a fuel supply. Such plans may come to fruition within the next two to three decades and trigger a new Space Race.
We are clearly heading towards the inevitable reality of extraterrestrial contact — that is, if we smarten up and start taking care of our planet to the best of our ability.
According to the NASA Astronaut Neil Armstrong the aliens have a base on the Moon and told us in no uncertain terms to get off and stay off the Moon!
Milton Cooper, a Naval Intelligence Officer tells us that not only does the Alien Moon Base exist but the U.S. Naval Intelligence Community refers to the Alien Moon Base as “Luna,” that there is a huge mining operation going on there, and that is where the aliens keep their huge mother ships while the trips to Earth are made in smaller “flying saucers”. LUNA: The Alien base on the far side of the Moon. It was seen and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft described in sighting reports as mother ships exist there. Thanks to Milton Cooper. Did Apollo 11 Encounter UFOs on the Moon? From the Book “Above Top Secret” by Timothy Good.
In 1979, Maurice Chatelain, former chief of NASA Communications Systems confirmed that Armstrong had indeed reported seeing two UFOs on the rim of a crater. “The encounter was common knowledge in NASA,” he revealed, “but nobody has talked about it until now.”
Soviet scientists were allegedly the first to confirm the incident. “According to our information, the encounter was reported immediately after the landing of the module,” said Dr. Vladimir Azhazha, a physicist and Professor of Mathematics at Moscow University. “Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module. But his message was never heard by the public-because NASA censored it. “
According to another Soviet scientist, Dr. Aleksandr Kazantsev, Buzz Aldrin took color movie film of the UFOs from inside the module, and continued filming them after he and Armstrong went outside. The UFOs departed minutes after the astronauts came out on to the lunar surface.
Maurice Chatelain also confirmed that Apollo 11’s radio transmissions were interrupted on several occasions in order to hide the news from the public. Before dismissing Chatelain’s sensational claims, it is worth noting his impressive background in the aerospace industry and space program. His first job after moving from France was as an electronics engineer with Convair, specializing in telecommunications, telemetry, and radar. In 1959 he was in charge of an electromagnetic research group, developing new radar and telecommunications systems for Ryan. One of his eleven patents was for automatic flight to the Moon. Later, at North American Aviation, Chatelain was offered the job of designing and building the Apollo communications and data-processing systems.
Chatelain claims that “all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin-flying saucers, or UFOs, if you want to call them by that name. Every time it occurred, the astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence.”
He goes on to say:”I think that Walter Schirra aboard Mercury 8 was the first of the astronauts to use the code name ‘Santa Claus’ to indicate the presence of flying saucers next to space capsules. However, Schirra’s (shown) announcements were barely noticed by the general public. It was a little different when James Lovell on board the Apollo 8 command module came out from behind the moon and said for everybody to hear:’PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS.’
Solar Warden Space Craft
This craft was commissioned in 1988, and was based on the similar construction of a nuclear submarine with the nuclear power engine replaced by an anti gravity engine. It is a classified Interplanetary Exploration Spacecraft. According to the British hacker, Gary Mckinnon these spacecraft are part of the Solar Warden program and the US currently operates eight of these ships that are the size of an aircraft carrier. They are said to be part of the secret military space program spearheaded by the US Navy Space Weapons Division (MILAB). McKinnon found several files listing “non terrestrial officers” as well as ship to ship transfers to ships that do not exist in Navy records such as the USSS Hillenkoetter and the USSS Curtis Lemay. One of the photos he was able to view was in his words above Earth’s atmosphere and looked like a cigar with geodesic domes.
On Wednesday night‘s Jeff Rinse’s Radio show engineer William Tomkins explained he helped design these ships that have the ability to travel throughout our Galaxy and are currently attempting to fight off alien Reptilians with the help of Nordic aliens. The domes at the ends of the craft house laser weapons
William Tomkins revealed US Navy has Battle Groups operating outside the Earth. He personally designed five space ships and thirty support ships. Using the latest technology, he designed different space ships for Northrop Aviation Company. Northrop started building the huge craft underground in Utah. These craft now cruise the solar system and fight against Reptilian craft. The battles with them are very short, but we need more battle groups as they are becoming stronger and outnumber both our craft and the Nordic craft. The US works closely with the Nordic aliens who have similar craft. They apparently came from the Orion Constellation and influenced the building of the pyramids and imply they are our ancestors. The Reptilians allegedly attack various planets, take them over, and put the residents into slavery. The popularity of the Star Wars movie may be because the public understands the story is close to the truth being withheld from the public. Tompkins secretary at Douglas Aviation was a Nordic who was very beautiful and gave us advanced technology.
Tompkin claims we are now building even better Battle Groups. The Apollo moon landings were also designed to build a base on the moon. We now have bases on the moon along with bases on Mars and Jupiter’s moons. The rovers are expensive cover-ups and it is time to tell the public the truth. He has been cleared by the Navy to reveal this information. TRW was part of the group with unlimited money to build these advanced craft. We do know Tomkins worked for the right companies and was inside special units where advanced designs were produced. At age 93 he chooses to reveal the projects he was working on. Combined with testimony from MILAB whistleblower Corey Goode regarding Solar Warden we are able to piece together a possible look and feel of the ships they both discuss. It is likely the program was a joint venture of all top aerospace manufacturers such as Lockheed, Northrop, Boeing, Douglas Grumman, and British Aerospace.
Note The photos are CGI but is this REALLY ‘concept art’ or is it an effort to discredit a REAL photograph. Website
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #19 – 2016 Aliens on the Moon - PART II
Filer’s Files #19 – 2016 Aliens on the Moon - PART II
Sightings in the United States
California Sightings
San Diego – On April 18, 2016, filming from the beach lights seem to be coming from a single UFO, not a fleet. They stay together, as if attached. I tried to add light to them to see if there were wings or a body behind, but could find none. When I added light to the photo, it shows a UFO body behind it.
Austin Truitt of YouTube states: Right above the ocean 1 object appeared, then 2, then 3 and 4. Then all the objects vanished at the same time. Then a few minutes later 10 or 11 objects all appeared back in the same spot in a strange formation. This is when I started recording. After a few more minutes they fade out 1 by 1 as my camera goes out of focus.
Fallbrook — It was on February 20, 2016, that the sighting occurred. It was in the early afternoon and my wife and I were enjoying the view of Gavilan Mountain. I was looking up where two clouds met when something glimmered behind the leading edge of the storm clouds. Then the object appeared to drift down below the storm layer, actually swinging like a pendulum. It was a very shiny/brilliant object, almost with a glow, and now I could make it out. It looked like a polished, whitish shiny barbell except the lower end of the “barbell”, or bell if you would, was dark and burnt looking. That end appeared to be behaving like parachute would, dangling and swinging back and forth. Odd though, both ends were relatively the same size which wouldn’t be the case with a parachute. A parachute would have a much larger “chute” to carry the lower “bell”.
I glimpsed a small plane maybe ¼ mile to the right of the object. I grab my binoculars and it was gone. The bar bell appeared to be 20-30 feet in diameter. The “bar” appeared rectangular and shaded and was 8-12 feet rectangle maybe 30 – 40 feet long. The other dangling bell appeared dark, almost burnt, and actually looked like a square close to being 15 – 25 feet cube.
MUFON Case 74282. The picture was just like what I saw. I’m an engineer and worked for the Navy and know this wasn’t any aircraft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Object
Fort Carson — I did not see the ufo, but my camera took over a dozen images on November 35, 2015.
I lived in a trailer park near Fort Carson and NORAD. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Cylinder
Petersburg — It was 7:45 PM, on April 29, 2016, our house is located right on the water next to Tampa Bay. I walked outside to the back of my house to let our dog out. I then noticed a strange cigar like object moving SE to S that I couldn’t identify. It was completely transfixing.
About 45 seconds into my observation, an orange orb instantly appeared directly to the right of the craft, and then blinked out after about 2-3 seconds. It was at this point that I pulled out my iPhone and captured about 25 seconds of relatively shaky video. There were no discernible normal aircraft lights and the craft made no sound. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Hawaii Light
I was at the beach at night time and just decided to take a picture of a bright star in the sky on February`4, 2016. So I did and was very surprised at what I captured. I actually caught the object morphing from shape to a different shape and so forth.
I didn’t lose sight of it because it appears to be just a bright star in the universe. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Triangle
Westerville — I observed the same bright light approaching from the north, that i had seen just a few nights prior to September 14, 2015, at 10:05 PM. I had NO camera with me! The craft entered my frame of vision from the west (skimming Tree Tops), turned 90 degrees and flew directly at me.
The Navigational Lights were that of a jet, but the headlight was 10 xs brighter than a typical jet headlight. Took the dog out and got a ‘psychic’ message to return outside when I spotted the brightly lit craft.
I boldly stood as the craft came overhead at 15 – 20 mph. It had a ring of brilliant red individual lights like ‘Times Square’ and utterly silent. Another Triangle, but this time, just over my head! Two Triangles together, with red and white lights, the head-beam was brighter than the moon, and cast for a couple miles forward.
It was VERY LOW, Slow, the green light and a feeling of peace hypnotized me, and love came over me.
They allowed me to see the entire craft and I wasn’t frightened as it passed overhead at 100 feet with the brilliant red belly lights. This struck me as a total Anti-Gravity craft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Object
Roseburg – On April 2, 2016, the witness was outside walking her dog. She saw a bright object hovering over Roseburg, OR Airport. The object appeared to be oblong shaped and then it appeared to be rectangular shaped. The object was reddish-orange in color. It appeared that two dark circles were at each end of the object. The object hovered, then moved northeast, southeast and then abruptly disappeared. At 6:20 PM (over two hours before the sighting) a very loud boom was heard. The sound startled several neighbors and nothing was seen. The sound was likened to the sound of an exploding hot water heater. The witness took a video with her Samsung Galaxy III Cell phone and extracted two still images from the video.
Update – April 26, 2016: Apparently, the witness did not take a photo, but took a video. The two images above are screenshots from the video. The second image was received in this update. The witness writes: “Yes, the image was taken from the video on April 2, 2016. I just took the image and used the zoom feature on my phone to obtain a larger view of the image.”
Not sure if its people from other planets or the Military. All I do know is at 8 Pm on February 20, 2016; exactly I have found a spot that they fly by on their way apparently, to what I am assuming is an underwater base.
I have seen 36 ufos on 13 separate occasions. I have video and pictures.
I will share some as I see fit. These pics are from my cell and others from a decent camera. I have witnessed ufos vanish and re appear in thin air
I don’t want to share the location as it’s my personal secret. I have changed the dates and region for my safety. Enjoy the pics. Ill post more later along with clear video. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Light
Sweetwater — My husband and I were driving to the DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth) area from Lubbock last Wednesday/Thursday. Out of complete darkness in the sky a line of bright white lights appears in front of our car. Dome shaped, flashing lights in a repetitive pattern, all white. The craft would disappear then reappear in different spots. It was seen over Highway 84 heading southeast of Hermleigh, and over I-20 eastbound coming into Sweetwater. We stopped on I-20 to take pictures as it flew right over us. The underside had three white lights in a triangle shape making low humming sounds. My husband took all the pictures but was skeptical about ufo sightings. He is not anymore. We have more than five pictures taken between Hermleigh and Sweetwater, Texas. It faded out to total darkness just before we got near Sweetwater exits off the interstate. Our phones kept running out of charge while this object was near and the Bluetooth in my car kept re-syncing while the craft flew over us. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Wisconsin Orange Ball
Rock Lake Pyramids in Lake Mills – I left my house and noticed a lightning storm and setup to take pictures. At 9:56, on April 25, 2016.
I noticed a glowing orange ball headed west my way. Object instantly changed direction. When I got home, the flash drive was corrupted. I have had this Camera a Fuji FinePix S5200 since 2005 and have NEVER had drive problem. I recovered the drive and the pictures. I checked the star charts. Nothing lined up. Many object in the pictures, looks like they are feeding or creating the Thunder Storm. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Reports
Australia Triangle of lights
Hamersley — I had just left my room and was walking to work when in front of me something moving in the sky caught my eye. I observed 3 lights the size of stars moving in a southerly direction in formation at about half the speed of what a plane would travel at cruising altitude. The 3 lights were approaching a single star so I double checked to see which lights were moving by identifying the positions of the near by stars and building structures that were in my view. I could confirm that the 3 lights were moving and the single star, nearby stars and building was stationary. I stopped walking and continued to observe the 3 lights for several seconds as they passed over the single star.
The single star remained visible as the triangle of 3 lights passed over it. About 10 seconds later the 3 lights dimmed out until I could no longer see them in the sky any more. This further confirmed that the 3 lights were moving independently in the sky. I continued to look upwards but didn’t see it any longer. The photo attached I didn’t take and is from a google search but is exactly what I saw. Thanks to MUFON CMS #76129
Canada Fire
Toronto — At 12:19 AM, I took a photo of the flotilla formation, which flew, over my building on 24 May 2014.
I felt some changes in the atmosphere and ran outside with my digital camera. In less than a minute, I saw a couple of flashes from three objects and snapped a photo of them. The camera’s screen showed nine of them!
The brightest two dozen objects flashed briefly and made this half U-turn flying a southwest loop over the buildings. Thanks to MUFON CMS
ONTARIO — A scientist at the US Department of Defense has become the latest high-ranking personnel to speak up about aliens and UFOs. The electromagnetic and laser systems expert of the department requested not to be named to safeguard his career. He claims to have seen a phone receiver-shaped UFO over woods during a hunting trip. The man said that he was with a hunting group on August 28, 2013 when he saw a craft at around 9:40 pm for about six minutes. The aircraft was seen just 400 feet away and two other members of the team also saw it. In a video interview, the witness claimed they were driving down a logging route when they spotted a craft flying at 150 to 175 feet altitude. He grabbed his riflescope, and hung out the open side window to watch the bright craft. The witness saw no lines and rivets and their cameras did not work until the craft was a quarter of a mile away. He wanted to find out how this vehicle flew. NOTE: The above image is CGI. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ Website
Costa Rica Flying Object
Cartago — I was with my girlfriend visiting Irazu Volcano National Park taking pictures. The weather was really nice. This Volcano is 3400 meters of altitude above sea level close to the biosphere. So we were above the clouds. The sky was really clear so at 11:00 am and we were taking pictures of the volcano and the landscape.
The clouds looked like a white sea so I took pictures. Once we finished the tour, we headed back home. Checking the pictures, I noticed one black circle above the mountains that I noticed before. It looked like a circular saucer with an antenna on the top of it and one on its tail. I took the pictures in a burst. On one picture, you can see the object completely clear on the next one it vanished in seconds.Thanks to MUFON CMS
Greece Triangle
Nea Moudania – On April 24, 2016, my friend and I were going home at 10:15 PM. In a moment when I saw up in the sky, a triangle shaped object pass over the building. At this moment, I thought it is a Military Vehicle. Two sides of this object had lights on both sides. It was going straight. When I saw the object, I was a bit nervous.
I told the event to my parents. I missed to take my Smartphone to take a snapshot because the object was moved a bit fast. When it was passed the building I was unable to get a picture. Sorry for grammatical wrongs. Please see the sketch that I made. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico: Rhomboidal Ufos
Ecatepec — The presence of these anomalous objects was visible, since the air show and flights had been cancelled on October 10, 2015. A rhomboidal UFO was sighted over the Tablas del Pozo district of Mexico State, by UFO hunter Salvador Ramirez, who had recorded a large brown UFO hanging in mid-air at low altitude. The UFO displayed considerable stability in spite of the prevailing winds, thus dispelling the possibility that it could have been a balloon. At that very same time, the Mexican Air Force was holding an air show celebrating the 205th year of the Independence of Mexico. All aircraft other than military were forbidden to fly over the area including Mexico City.
At 11:07 hours on September 16, to the south of Mexico’s Federal District, a crew of the Tercer Milenio television show, led by Carlos Clemente, was able to capture a disc-shaped, black flying object in flight. This silent UFO flew at low altitude, nearly at the level of the residential structures. Simultaneously, in the vicinity of Indios Verdes, UFO hunter Fabián Meléndez managed to capture an object having the shape of an inverted pyramid, motionless at low altitude. These sightings made us realize that there had been considerable UFO activity in Central Mexico between 11:00 and 13:00 hours.
Such sightings have been documented on video since September 16, 1991 when Vicente Sanchez, located in the Tlalpan precinct, managed to capture the presence of a mysterious UFO very close to the airplanes, which is not allowed for safety reasons. (Photo credit EL GRAFICO and Salvador Ramirez)[Translation (c) 2015 S. Corrales, Planeta UFO,
South Africa Orb
Nelsprui – On November 7th, 2015 I was enjoying a barbecue in my backyard with my family when I saw a Boeing flying directly over my house heading in an east. The sky was cloudless and deep blue and the white vapor trails the Boeing Yohanan Diaz Vargas made caught my attention and I grabbed the old 60D and snapped a couple of photographs of it.
When I downloaded all the photographs on the memory card two months later and sorted them, I came across the photos I took of the Boeing. I then noticed a strange sphere in one of the photographs appearing to be right next to the Boeing which I did not see. I found another photograph with the same sphere but this time at the opposite side of the Boeing and very faint. I realized that this could be a UFO photographed by me unknowingly. I was excited about this and showed the photographs to a friend of mine working at a photo lab. He told me that it had nothing to do with lens flare and that I had actually photographed “something” and encouraged me to look into it.
In my opinion, someone on that flight had to have seen this thing as well as it appears to be flying at the same height as the Boeing. The last two photographs I indicated where the sphere is on photograph 0172 & 0174. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Taiwan Orb
Alishan — We were watching sunrise at about 5:30 to 6:10 AM at the height of about 2,300 feet on May 4, 2016, and took many photographs. When I checked my photos in the car after we left the spot, I noticed some green dots in the some of my photos. I thought my I-phone lens was kind of stained by dust. However when I chatted with my friends they all have the same problems so we started to gather all the photos to check what happened. We were all stunned by the weird unknown object which emitted greenish light appearing in some of our photos. We only noticed it when we checked the photos afterwards. None us saw it when we were taking the photographs.
It looks like Kryptonite! One of my friends in HK (who is keen in checking information about UFO) takes the view that it could be an UFO and perhaps it was emitting a wave length that could not be detected by human eyes similar to a form of cloaked technology. What an experience. Thanks to MUFON CMS
United Kingdom Light
Newton Abbot Devon — On April 24, 2016, it was a cloudy night and I was looking at the moon through a break in the clouds. I then spotted a white light that was way off in the distance and was too big to be a star. At first, I thought it was the international space station, but the white light then began to move so I knew it couldn’t be the international space station. Also, there were no signs of light beacons so I ruled it out as being a plane or helicopter. Furthermore, there was no sound at all. I then zoomed into the white light with my Sony HX300 and could clearly see that it was changing shape. I started taking photographs. In the first, photograph the object looks like an F. In the rest of the photographs, the white light takes on some other bizarre shapes. I took eight photographs before the white light shot off into the distance and out of sight. The photographs were taken on 24th of April 2016 at Newton Abbot Devon UK.
Note: We have received many photos from this same witness over the past few years. So far, I have never had evidence of fabrication and it appears that this witness does experience unusual sightings. The witness used a telephoto lens with an optical zoom setting of around 11X. The apparent shape shifting may be real as the witness used a shutter speed of 1/8 seconds. It is less likely that the shape distortion was due to camera movement with this shutter speed. The object could have appeared to be shape shifting in camera photos if it was moving erratically in short distances. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Website
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help. A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
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I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Two scientists from the University of Rochester and the University of Washington have developed an “archaeological form” to the famous Drake equation, which will allow us to determine how many technological civilizations have formed in the history of the universe. And it seems there may be a number of them.
Are we alone? It is, perhaps, one of the most significant questions human beings have ever asked—right up there with “Why are we here?” and “How did it all begin?”
Indeed, as soon as we understood that the universe was not circumscribed by the Earth’s horizons, but extended outward for unfathomable distances and contained within its compass innumerable worlds like our own, we began to wonder whether we are unique and alone, or if there might not be others out there—like us, and yet very unlike us.
The famous “Drake equation,” formulated by astronomer Frank Drake in 1961, sought to establish a mathematical, probabilistic framework to understand the question of whether or not humanity ia really alone in the cosmos; it used a number of ingenious terms to estimate the number of technological civilizations in our galaxy.
The problem with Drake’s formulation was that three of those terms, in particular, were just too uncertain to permit a reliable estimate.
According to Adam Frank, astronomy and physics professor at the University of Rochester, and a coauthor of the paper (appearing in the journal Astrobiology): “We’ve known for a long time approximately how many stars exist. We didn’t know how many of those stars had planets that could potentially harbor life, how often life might evolve and lead to intelligent beings, and how long any civilizations might last before becoming extinct.”
Recent exoplanet research, particularly with the Kepler Space Telescope, has constrained the first of these terms, determining that about one-fifth of stars possess planets within their habitable zones.
That leaves the second and third terms—the probability for advanced life to evolve, and the longevity of technological civilizations—but Frank and his colleague, Woodruff Sullivan of the University of Washington, simply altered the math a little. They eliminated the second term by calculating the odds against humankind being the only advanced civilization in the universe; and they dismissed the third by formulating a “cosmic archaeological question”—how often does intelligent life evolve throughout cosmic history?
Their new equation, which they call the “Archaeological form” of the Drake equation, looks like this—Nast x fbt.
Nast, the number of habitable planets, is defined as Nast = N* x fp x np, where N* is the total number of stars, fp is the fraction that form planets, and np is the average of those planets circling in the habitable zones of their parent stars. The second term of the Archaeological form equation, fbt, is defined as the likelihood of an advanced technological civilization arising on one of these habitable planets.
The results suggest that humankind is only likely to be unique if the odds of another civilization developing on a habitable world are less than one in 1022.
That’s a very—some might say improbably—small number.
“To me, this implies that other intelligent, technology producing species very likely have evolved before us,” says Frank. “Think of it this way: before our result you’d be considered a pessimist if you imagined the probability of evolving a civilization on a habitable planet were, say, one in a trillion. But even that guess, one chance in a trillion, implies that what has happened here on Earth with humanity has in fact happened about 10 billion other times over cosmic history!”
Delta Force agent claims they were 'abducted by UFO' in shock complaint to US military
Delta Force agent claims they were 'abducted by UFO' in shock complaint to US military
A SERVING US senior anti-terror special agent sensationally claimed her own commanders sent her insane by poisoning her with uranium and following her with drones, because she knew too much about a friendly fire incident.
The woman made the shocking allegations while still a serving commander with Delta Force
The woman even claimed to have been abducted by aliens in a UFO during her ordeal, can exclusively reveal.
Details of the Delta Force Afghanistan veteran commander's extraordinary allegations against the military and US Government emerged after the US Naval Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS) released part-redacted documents following a probe it carried out into the claims of harassment.
The US Delta Force is a US Army unit similar to the UK SAS and used for hostage rescue, including the October 2015 release of 20 prisoners from an Islamic State (ISIS) prison near Hawija in Iraq, counterterrorism, and assassinations or surveillance of high-value targets.
The allegations bears startling similarities to the murder of former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko, 43, who is believed to have been killed by the KGB on orders of the Kremlin and died from uranium poisoning in London in 2006.
It also resembles plots from US TV CBS series Homeland in which special agent Carrie Mathison played by Clare Danes has suffered a number of mental breakdowns, and Person of Interest whereby subjects of surveillance are followed by cameras.
The woman, whose name has been redacted from the report along with other personal details, made the complaint on September 5 2013 at NCISRA Camp Pendleton in California.
The released report said the woman: "Claimed upon her return from a deployment with the US Army Delta Force in Afghanistan she became ill.
"(She) stated she was infected with a nano-partical which was provided to her via food, vaccines, and through the air because she had knowledge of a friendly fire incident wherein a soldier was killed in action.
"(She) stated after an illness caused from (redacted) she was returning home from work in Los Angeles, california, to Burbank, when she noticed she was being followed.
"(She) claimed she was being followed by a US drone or unidentified flying object (UFO)."
Alexander Litvinenko was given uranium allegedly by order of the Kremlin
The woman, who rose to the rank of commander and held secret security clearance at the time of her complaints, claimed she photographed the "drone" but did not have them available when she was interviewed by investigators about her complaint.
Investigators reported a series of bizarre experiences she claimed to have had, which cast question marks over her sanity, after taking up mediation to "calm her ongoing illness and government tracking of her."
These included an out-of-body experience during meditation, when she claimed to ascend into a space craft, meeting an alien calked Ashtar who claimed "they war eloping for her," and being burnt on the legs by an "electro-magnetic pulse weapon."
she was infected with a nano-partical which was provided to her via food, vaccines, and through the air because she had knowledge of a friendly fire incident wherein a soldier was killed in action
NCIS report
The woman said in June 2013 she was travelling to be promoted from Lieutenant Commander to the rank of Commander when she went to Virginia Beach because it was the last place she saw her "soul mate," a US Navy Seal Team 6 member who was killed on duty in Iraq.
Members of that elite squad famously took out Osama bin Laden.
But she visited the Hampton Inn, had an alcoholic drink, then swam in the sea, where she had an out-of-body experience and removed all her clothes, it said.
Police arrested her for indecent exposure and she spent six days in a cell, it said.
She was then transferred to the Naval Medical Center in Portsmouth, Virginia.
A page from the NCIS report and (inset below) a section in close up
Investigators said they contacted the medical facility in question, which confirmed staff thought she was not taking medication.
The report said an unnamed person said the veteran "will be processed for separation from the US Navy."
But staff at NCISRA Camp Pendleton chose not to investigate further after interviewing her.
Instead, the report said two personnel informed her "due to the location these incidents have occurred," they had no jurisdiction, and she needed to report it to counterparts in those areas.
It is not clear from the report if the woman took her complaint elsewhere or what became of her.
The report added she: "Claimed she was physically assaulted by members of (the medical centre) while she was admitted to the psychiatric ward."
After being discharged, she said she had another out-of-body experience while with an unnamed person in a restaurant in Burbank.
During this episode, she yelled at staff that the unnamed person with her was "a terrorist responsible for" the 9/11 terror strikes, before leaving and being arrested by police, then admitted to the Naval Medical Center in San Diego.
The report said she stopped taking prescribed medication after being released amid claims she was falsely diagnoses with mental health issues and "the US Navy was attempting to kick her out after 14 honourable years."
She chose to snub a book medical appointment on the day she made the complaint, claiming she did not need treatment.
But the release of the documents has caused a buzz on conspiracy their websites.
Jack Brewer said in an article on the UFO Trail blog site: "I very much appreciate Greenewald's efforts due to my interest in the activities of NCIS."
He pointed to the book Chameleo: A strange but True Story of Invisible Spies, Heroin Addiction, and Homeland Security by Robert Guffey.
In the book Mr Guffey claimed the NCIS had used interrogation techniques that induced perceptions in the subjects which were like the experiences of so-called alien abductees.
Mr Brewer also points to the 2015 Hoffman report to the American Psychological Association which looked at national security interrogation and torture methods and said the NCIS had used "ethically very marginal" techniques on a "petty officer who was screened for hypnosis." has asked the NCIS to comment on the allegations and if the complain ever resurfaced and awaits a response.
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NASA Openly Admits Alien Life Exists: Get Ready for Disclosure!
NASA Openly Admits Alien Life Exists: Get Ready for Disclosure!
Most people ‘in the know’ realize that NASA is just part of the military industrial complex, but a recent open admission on mainstream news that “there are indications of alien life” is likely the beginning of a bid to get your undivided attention before full-forced disclosure ensues.
Most people already believe what NASA Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan states:
“I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade . . .I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20-30 years.”
It isn’t going to take that long if we open our eyes.
Stofan goes on to say:
“We’re on the verge of things that people have wondered about for millennia. Within all of our lifetimes we’re going to understand that there is life on other bodies in the solar system. We’re going to understand the implications of that for life here on Earth.”
What we’re going to understand is that our ‘secret’ government has been hiding this fact for ages. In an effort to transition the US and other countries through its reach to a cabal-run oligarchy, our shadow government has been lying about off-planet corporate slavery rings, alien abductions, benevolent beings who can only do so much until our collective consciousness elevates, and much, much more.
William Cooper, among others, tried to disclose the true purpose of NASA, but he was exterminated. His death, among thousands of others, will not be in vain.
We will learn that aside from extraterrestrial beings visiting our planet and many different ET races tinkering with our DNA over millenia, there are ancient humanoid races that are more than 10 million years old.
We will also learn that chemtrails and GMOs were the LEAST of plans made for us ‘sheeple’ and ‘useless eaters’ by a Luciferian cabal, and that President Harry Truman signed a document with certain ETs that allowed the ‘elite’ to conduct highly technological experiments with intelligence gained from these ETs in exchange for looking the other way when certain humans were abducted for ET experiments.
We will learn that we are not helpless, as we have been programmed to believe. We are, in fact, a rare humanoid race that has an incredible range of emotion and creative power. We will learn that our minds and emotions can either fuel chaos on this planet, or restore it to its rightful place of peace and cooperation, of care for others at least as much as ourselves.
We will learn that our ascension into infinitely peaceful beings is indeed possible, and it has been described in countless books, many of which have been suppressed along with UFO information.
NASA is telling us now that the likelihood of alien life is a ruse. Be sure to remember those who have been executed to try to prove this information to us decades ago, and to use discernment when the truth is finally revealed.
Norwegian Scientists Unintentionally Provide Fuel for a Fringe Theory on the Bermuda Triangle
Scientists in Norway are making waves with an announcement this week that has unintentionally linked giant craters in the Barents Sea to the controversial Bermuda Triangle. They say that the craters could have been created by exploding natural gas which some say has the possibility of being dangerous for ships. The international media has run rampant with the idea and connected it to a fringe theory explaining the odd occurrences in the Bermuda Triangle.
According to National Geographic , the researchers of the Arctic University of Norway studying the craters found that they are up to a half mile (0.8 kilometer) wide and 150 feet (45 meters) deep. They believe that the craters were “caused by the explosive release of methane, also known as natural gas, that was trapped in the sediment below.”
Methane is normally solid under the pressure of the sea, but it is known that chunks of the substance can break off and form gas bubbles that logically rise to the surface. Thus, the current work may provide a scientific explanation for reports from sailors of water starting to bubble and foam with no apparent cause.
It is important to note that the Norwegian scientists from the Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate (CAGE) have not suggested that the craters are related to the Bermuda Triangle – others have taken the idea and run with it. They say on their website: “Multiple giant craters have been discovered on the ocean floor in the Barents Sea. Contrary to recent media reports, they are not connected to theories about Bermuda Triangle. They are however connected to huge blowouts of methane gas in the area during the last deglaciation.”
A photo showing the giant craters in the Barents Sea. ( CAGE)
Specifically, Professor Karin Andreassen at CAGE, stated on the website:
“We have discovered many large craters on the seabed in the central Barents Sea. Analyses suggest that blowout of methane gas once the ice retreated after the last Ice Age formed these craters. We have yet to publish these results, so these are preliminary. What I can say is that we are not making any links to the Bermuda Triangle.”
Although there is much controversy by what is being presented in the media brouhaha, the Norwegian scientists have actually been studying seismic data of the giant craters in the Barents Sea "Multiple giant craters exist on the sea floor in an area in the west-central Barents Sea... are probably a cause of enormous blowouts of gas," say the researchers . "The crater area is likely to represent one of the largest hotspots for shallow marine methane release in the Arctic."
And it is that connection with methane gas release in the water that has set off a frenzy for people interested in the Bermuda Triangle and ship disappearances around the world.
Going back to 2003, David May and Joseph Monaghan suggested that the methane bubbles could sink ships – depending on the location of the ship to the gas bubble. They wrote in their article in the American Journal of Physics :
“Whether or not the ship will sink depends on its position relative to the bubble. If it is far enough from the bubble, it is safe. If it is exactly above the bubble, it also is safe, because at a stagnation point of the flow the boat is not carried into the trough. The danger position is between the bubble’s stagnation point and the edge of the mound where the trough formed.”
The researchers were interested in how their hypothesis could explain a sunken vessel found near a site known as “The Witches Hole” in the North Sea (between Britain and continental Europe).
Regarding the disappearance of aircraft, National Geographic reported in their October publication " Strange But True ," that "methane can escape into the air, making the atmosphere highly turbulent and perhaps causing aircraft to crash."
Structure of a gas hydrate (methane clathrate) block embedded in the sediment of hydrate ridge, off Oregon, USA. The gas hydrates were found during a research cruise with the German research ship FS SONNE in the subduction zone off Oregon in a depth of about 1200 meters in the upper meter of the sediment. ( Wusel007/ CC BY SA 3.0 )
However, it is also important to note that a proven case of gas bubbles rising to the surface and sinking an unfavorably-positioned ship has never been recorded, as Atlas Obscura reports.
Nevertheless, the notion that a sudden release of the gas potentially endangering ships, or even bringing down aircraft, is not new - May and Monaghan, the Russian scientist Igor Yeltsov , and some others have also toyed with the idea in the last few decades. Even though the CAGE scientists are not proposing a connection, some others have even directly referenced the role of gas hydrates in the disappearances of the Bermuda Triangle.
As Yeltsov, the deputy head of the Trofimuk Institute, reportedly said last year :
“There is a version that the Bermuda Triangle is a consequence of gas hydrates reactions. They start to actively decompose with methane ice turning into gas. It happens in an avalanche-like way, like a nuclear reaction, producing huge amounts of gas. That makes the ocean heat up and ships sink in its waters mixed with a huge proportion of gas.”
Furthermore, Benjamin Phrampus, an Earth scientist at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, told Live Science in 2014 that "Gas hydrate is known to exist along the U.S. North Atlantic continental margin, with a very large province on Blake Ridge (north of the Bermuda Triangle)."
A 1996 map showing worldwide distribution of confirmed or inferred offshore gas hydrate-bearing sediments. ( Public Domain )
The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle is a region of ocean bordered by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. It covers some 500,000 square miles of ocean. The legendary location has become notorious as a site of unexplained disappearances of ships and aircraft since it was named in a 1964 story by Vincent H. Gaddis in the American magazine Argosy.
One version showing the region of the Bermuda Triangle. ( Public Domain )
But Gaddis was not the first to report on strange happenings and disappearances in the region. George X. Sands, wrote about “an unusually large number of strange accidents in that region” in Fate magazine in 1952.
And many years before him, History says on their website that the famous explorer Columbus noted odd happenings as he sailed through the region.
They write:
“When Christopher Columbus sailed through the area on his first voyage to the New World, he reported that a great flame of fire (probably a meteor) crashed into the sea one night and that a strange light appeared in the distance a few weeks later. He also wrote about erratic compass readings, perhaps because at that time a sliver of the Bermuda Triangle was one of the few places on Earth where true north and magnetic north lined up.”
Numerous unexplained disappearances have been linked to the Bermuda Triangle. Some examples are US Navy ships that have inexplicably vanished with their crew and cargo in 1918 and 1941. They reportedly sent no distress signals and disappeared somewhere on route between Barbados and Chesapeake Bay.
As for planes, the famous Flight 19 story is one of the best-known. History reports on the strange disappearance saying:
“In December 1945, five Navy bombers carrying 14 men took off from a Fort Lauderdale, Florida, airfield in order to conduct practice bombing runs over some nearby shoals. But with his compasses apparently malfunctioning, the leader of the mission, known as Flight 19, got severely lost. All five planes flew aimlessly until they ran low on fuel and were forced to ditch at sea. That same day, a rescue plane and its 13-man crew also disappeared. After a massive weeks-long search failed to turn up any evidence, the official Navy report declared that it was “as if they had flown to Mars.””
TBF (Avengers) flying in formation over Norfolk, Va., September 1942. ( Public Domain
There are many proposed theories that have tried to explain the strange occ)urrences that seem to abound in the Bermuda Triangle. Some of the alternative hypotheses include: aliens, Atlantis, sea monsters, time warps, and reverse gravity fields.
Other researchers have suggested magnetic anomalies, waterspouts or, huge eruptions of methane gas from the ocean floor.
Despite the supernatural feeling of the disappearances, the location is not officially recognized by the U.S. Navy, and the U.S. Board on Geographic Names do not identify it or accept it on their list. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says that “The U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard contend that there are no supernatural explanations for disasters at sea. Their experience suggests that the combined forces of nature and human fallibility outdo even the most incredulous science fiction.”
The USS Cyclops (one of the ships that supposedly disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle) in a 1911 photograph. ( USN Photo )
The NOAA also states that:
“The ocean has always been a mysterious place to humans, and when foul weather or poor navigation is involved, it can be a very deadly place. This is true all over the world. There is no evidence that mysterious disappearances occur with any greater frequency in the Bermuda Triangle than in any other large, well-traveled area of the ocean.”
Sailors aboard the USNS Comfort photographed a life raft in the Atlantic waters off Bermuda during a search-and-rescue mission. ( U.S. Navy Journalist 2nd Class J. Maurer )
More information on the Norwegian scientists’ research on the craters in the Barents Sea will be released in April at the annual meeting of the European Geosciences Union .
Featured Image: An example of a sinking tanker. AMOCO CADIZ grounding and oil spill, Brittany, France. Source: Public Domain
What a week, UFOs have been seen everywhere this week, including the skies of South Africa and Spain. The one filmed in Alicante, Spain, had an angel-like appearance. As more people have smartphones and their picture-taking qualities improve, the number of UFO postings online has increased dramatically over the past two years.
South Africa is no stranger to UFOs (unidentified flying objects) – it is among the top countries globally with reports of sightings and alleged alien encounters.
Teenager Mechille Mudaly filmed what is clearly a bright light moving across the Chatsworth sky. East Coast Radio, a South African station, first reported on this UFO online.
This image comes from the YouTube video (bottom of page). The glowing mysterious object floats slowly across the sky in this unusually well-filmed footage.
When you first look at it, it seems like a very high street light – that is, until you notice that it is moving and gradually getting brighter.
“I love how this video catches the movement of the UFO. It is not often you get to see one move around without the camera bouncing up and down. This object moves smoothly across the sky and seems to be illuminated by moonlight.”
However, Mr. Waring makes one glaring mistake – his article is titled ‘UFO Caught Over Chatsworkth, UK on May 2016, Video.’ It was in South Africa, Scott, not the UK.
YouTube viewers’ opinions on the enigmatic object range from a satellite, the Moon, the International Space Station, to an extraterrestrial craft about to take over human civilisation.
It is definitely not the Moon, because it is moving too fast. For the same reason, I doubt it could be a satellite or the International Space Station, unless the footage is faster than the real thing – it is also glowing too brightly. However, its brightness could be a photographic glitch.
This angel-like UFO, filmed above a block of flats in Alicante, Spain, has UFO enthusiasts across the world buzzing with excitement. (Image:
‘Angel’ UFO filmed in Spain
A UFO shaped like an angel was spotted in the sky over Alicante, a port city and tourist resort on the Costa Blanca, in the south-east of the country.
The mysterious, bright object was captured hovering high up in the air above an apartment block. A passer-by saw it, became intrigued by its brightness, position and shape, pulled out his smartphone and filmed it.
In the footage, the UFO strongly reflects sunlight, making it hard to determine what it could be. Several viewers commented that it has an angel shape.
During the footage you can see that it changes shape, from an angel to a sphere as the camera zooms out.
Why are there more UFO sightings today?
UFO seekers and alien enthusiasts say the increased number of sightings globally is clear proof that aliens exist and that the authorities are today unable to keep the whole thing secret, i.e. they insist that ‘the truth has come out’.
Psychologists, on the other hand, disagree with this explanation and say it is more likely due to a parallel increase in the number of science-fiction series and movies that have appeared in our cinemas, televisions, laptops and mobile devices recently.
What do you think – the truth is finally coming out, or people are becoming more UFO-obsessed because of all the sci-fi we are watching?
Two Videos
Video 1 – UFO in South African Skies
This footage was filmed by teenager Mechille Mudaly.
Video 2 – UFO in Spain
‘OVNI’ is Spanish for UFO. OVNI stands for objeto volátil no identificado.
They range from a man 'abducted by aliens' in 1856 to a strange object over Morriston
A man who claimed to have been abducted by aliens in the Vale of Neath in 1857 to a “flying jellyfish” over Langland Bay, Gower... and a strange object hovering near the DVLA tower in Swansea.
These are some of the many Swansea Bay UFO experiences which make up a new database established by the recently formed Swansea UFO Network.
Who's set it up?
The group was founded last year by Emlyn Williams and Steve Drewson to document and investigate sightings of unidentified aerial objects and phenomena in the Swansea Bay area, aimed at providing a forum for debate for anyone interested in the subject.
Mr Williams said: “Our first monthly meeting was held in April 2015 at the Welcome Inn in Llangyfelach, Swansea, and was very well attended. Since then we have held monthly meetings and have had guests speakers from the Ufology communtity.
“Many people who attend our meetings have had sightings and experiences to relate, sometimes for the first time, as their fear of ridicule in the past has kept them silent.
"Many witnesses have contacted us by telephone, email, or Facebook to report sightings.”
The new database of cases from the area has been sourced from newspaper reports, books and magazines, MOD reports and first-hand witness testimony – and these currently number over 350.
How do they operate?
Mr Williams said: “When we receive a report, either historical or current, we first look to see if they can be explained by ‘conventional’ means, such as balloons, Chinese lanterns, aircraft, meteors, planets etc.
“The behaviour and physical attributes of the object/s in each case usually tells us quickly what these could be. The cases where a ‘normal’ explanation cannot be applied are of most interest to us, and it seems that our initial geographical area of study has been filled with many ‘unexplained in conventional terms’ sightings.
“We are currently expanding our study area to cover all of South and West Wales as many sightings of objects travelling across the area could be corroborated by witnesses further east or west.”
Cases in the database include:
A man was 'lifted in the air'
1856:In the Vale of Neath, Ronald Rhys reported “being lifted into the air” after investigating a light and added he was examined by strange creatures and found he had been missing from home for a week.
It came from the sea
September 1957: A “blood-red ‘globe” rising out of the sea was viewed from Porthcawl by two police officers.
August 1963: An orange object “like a jellyfish” was spotted over Langland Bay.
Like a cigar
November 1965: A huge cigar-shaped object hovering over Singleton Hospital, Swansea, caused lights on all the floors to flicker on and off, before it suddenly vanished in an instant.
An actual alien
Winter 1969: “An Alien” seen in St Thomas, Swansea.
It rose from a field
August 1977: A UFO seen rising from a field at Bishopston, Swansea, by two boys, one of whom was the son of the local vicar, who went to the site and reported marks on the ground.
Spotted over Briton Ferry
December 1977: Disc-shaped object reported seen over Briton Ferry.
Mystery white light
August 1987:Two uniformed police officers at Caswell, Swansea, saw a white light before it shot off over the sea.
'Huge' objects
Autumn 1988: Three huge disc-shaped objects were seen moving low over Crofty, Gower.
Spotted near the DVLA
The most recent sighting came on April 20, 2016 when a couple walking their dog in Clase, Swansea, near the DVLA, photographed an object in the sky as it moved from south to north without any sound.
The photograph taken by the couple was handed to the UFO network.
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A Shocking Start to Life? Impact Craters May Have Triggered Life’s Origin
A Shocking Start to Life? Impact Craters May Have Triggered Life’s Origin
Researchers studying a giant impact crater in Ontario, Canada, have uncovered evidence that early life may have evolved in self-contained hydrothermal systems existing within such impact basins.
A new study, published this week in the journal Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, may provide new clues to one of the most intractable mysteries confronting human knowledge—the Origin of Life.
And those clues emanate from an unusual source—cometary and meteoritic impact craters. The study posits the notion that these craters, which—according to the record of other planets and our own Moon—plentifully formed on our planet during the Late Heavy Bombardment, may have produced conditions favorable to the creation of life in the Earth’s early oceans.
The interface between water and impact-heated rock, it is believed, conduced to the formation of complex organic molecules; subsequently, these craters became “pocket ecosystems” where life’s experiment could play out in isolation, before spreading to the wider world. It may also explain the mystery of why life’s most basal stem, the hyperthermophilic Archaea, seem preferentially to inhabit extreme environments deadly to the Johnny-come-latelies, like the Eubacteria and our own Eukarya.
Scientists have long proposed that comet and meteor impacts shuttled the important raw materials of life—like water, glycine and β-alanine—from the Sun’s outer natal cloud to the hot early Earth, where such volatiles had long since evaporated.
But the team of researchers, led by Edel O’Sullivan of the Trinity College Dublin School of Natural Sciences, suggests that the craters themselves incubated and fueled life’s origin, providing the catalytic energy to synthesize new molecules and power the evolution of the first metabolic, self-replicating systems.
Many origin-of-life scenarios have posited that life formed around oceanic hydrothermal vents, like the “black smokers” found near the mid-ocean ridges. But O’Sullivan rejects such structures as unlikely to have existed on the early Earth—they’re tectonic features, but that was a time when plate tectonics had yet to be initiated.
But by studying the ancient, ca. 200 km-wide (124 mi-wide) Sudbury impact crater basin in Ontario, Canada, the team realized that hydrothermal analogues could form within such impact craters. By probing the geologic layers of the crater, it was learned that the crater filled with seawater very quickly, when the bottom layer was still molten from the impact; volcanic rocks were deposited in a layer up to 1.5 km (almost a mile) thick, which indicates a long period of isolation from the wider ocean.
This intra-crater volcanic activity produced hydrothermal activity, and the existence of higher amounts of carbon and the depletion of nutrients in the layers above hint at the presence of microbial life.
“There is clear evidence for exhaustion of molybdenum in the water column, and this strongly indicates a closed environment, shut off from the surrounding ocean,” says O’Sullivan.
These impact-induced hydrothermal systems, existing in closed ecosystems, may provide the needed evidence for certain theories on the Origin of Life—such as Wächtershäuser’s “Iron-Sulfur World” hypothesis, which posits the evolution of a proto-metabolism on pyrite minerals in hydrothermal environments.
Move over, Roswell. Dulce is home to true UFO believers
Move over, Roswell. Dulce is home to true UFO believers
Geraldine Julian, who claims to have had numerous sightings of UFOs in Dulce, points to the area where she said a “big spaceship” hovered over her before disappearing into the night sky. Daniel J. Chacón/The New Mexican
Dulce native Geraldine Julian points to a mountainside on Archuleta Mesa where she said area residents claim to have seen UFOs enter the so-called Dulce Base, an alleged underground base for space aliens. Daniel J. Chacón/The New Mexican
DULCE— Something strange is happening in this tiny town on the Jicarilla Apache Reservation in the far reaches of Northern New Mexico.
Residents claim they’re seeing — even photographing — flying saucers and other unidentified flying objects over the community of about 2,600 people, many of whom also share stories of low-flying military helicopters and fast-moving lights darting back and forth in the sky.
One resident even claims to have tracked Bigfoot.
But it’s the unexplained activity in the sky — and possibly underneath a neighboring mountain — that has captivated this community, the capital of the Jicarilla Apache Nation. Everyone knows about New Mexico’s decades-long connection with UFOs, starting with the reported crash landing of an unidentified flying object on a ranch near Roswell in 1947.
Since then, New Mexicans have reported hundreds of sightings and encounters with UFOs. Roswell has built an industry around its fabled alien visitors with a museum and annual festival devoted to them.
But if Roswell is the capital of New Mexico’s fascination with the unexplained, Dulce is the town of true believers.
“The whole town of Dulce, whoever you want to talk to, they’ll tell you what they’ve seen — a lot of them,” said 78-year-old Geraldine Julian, who claims to have seen multiple UFOs and other strange activity starting in the 1960s.
“It’s not just a fairy tale,” Julian insisted. “All the things are true, and I believe every last one of them, too, because I’ve seen it myself.”
Julian swears she saw “a big spaceship” hovering above her property just outside of town.
“The bottom part was flat … but on top there was a dome,” she said while resting near a blocked-off bridge where the alleged UFO flew over. “There was movement inside.”
Talk of UFOs and other unexplained activity in and around this isolated community just south of the Colorado border is not new.
Legend has it that Dulce is ground zero for space aliens who are working in concert with the government in a not-so-secret facility underneath Archuleta Mesa, a steep, flat-topped mountain overlooking the town.
“In 1979, businessman Paul Bennewitz was convinced he was picking up electronic communications from alien spacecraft, and after further investigations, he claims he discovered a secret underground base near the town of Dulce where these signals were coming from,” according to the Top5s, a YouTube channel that ranked the Dulce Base the second most mysterious and highly forbidden place on the planet.
“His results excited the UFO community and by 1990, well-known ufologist John Lear also claims he had proof the base existed, and the theories have been going on ever since,” according to the report, which has received more than 1.5 million views on YouTube.
The so-called Dulce Base, which was featured on the History Channel’s UFO Hunters television show, purportedly contains multiple levels, including areas for genetic and mind-control experiments and cryogenics storage. As the story goes, the Dulce Base serves as the hub of an underground transportation system linked to other alien bases, including one in Taos.
“I’m not a believer,” said one of the cooks at the Players Sports Bar & Grill a local gathering spot that sells a “Sasquatch Burger,” an enormous hamburger with 2 pounds of beef, six strips of bacon and four slices of cheese between bread in the shape of a big foot. Near the entrance of the bar is a poster with two green space aliens, one dressed as a cowboy and the other as an Indian with a headdress, and the words, “Where the locals hang out!”
The Wild Horse Casino next door also is trying to capitalize on the alleged space alien activity. Among the T-shirts for sale in the casino’s gift shop is one featuring a green alien with big, blue eyes over the caption, “I got probed at Dulce Base.”
Chelse Anderson, 27, who works at the casino, said the hotel attracts visitors who are specifically in search of UFOs.
“They prefer rooms with a view of the mountain, that way they can see it,” she said. “We have some [guests] that wander around the building at night.”
The casino hotel is already booked for next weekend in anticipation of the Dulce Base UFO Conference, which a local nonprofit is hosting as a fundraiser. The nonprofit, Apache Indigenous Defenders Inc., is raising money to support organizations that work to keep local Native traditions alive.
In an area with little economic activity, the president of the Jicarilla Apache Legislative Council has embraced the notion of a Dulce Base, partly in a push to stimulate tourism in a largely forgotten pocket of the state.
“We are a proud nation who remain steadfast to our way of life as Jicarilla Apaches,” council President Ty Vicenti wrote in a welcome message posted on the conference website.
“Our people have been blessed with an outstanding first of the year, as snow has given us hope for a prosperous 2016,” he wrote. “Please take the time to visit our many tribal businesses, enjoy a meal from local vendors located on Commercial Street, visit the Arts and Crafts Department and talk to the many tribal members who have first hand contact with UFO sightings and stories.”
Dulce, which became the headquarters of the Jicarilla Apache Nation in 1887, is perhaps best known among Northern New Mexicans as the location of the annual Little Beaver Roundup Rodeo.
The former logging town has no traffic lights or Starbucks or McDonald’s. Rather, there are a handful of convenience stores and small mom-and-pop restaurants on either side of N.M. 64. One of the main economic drivers is the casino, which, unlike other Indian casinos in New Mexico, closes at night.
Anderson, a Dulce native, said she’s never seen an unidentified flying object but hopes she will one day.
“Numerous people have seen stuff,” she said. “I believe there’s something there.”
She’s not alone.
In fact, one Dulce resident believes he captured UFOs on his camera.
“I took this picture about 3 o’clock in the morning,” a man who works in the tribal government’s Public Safety Division said Wednesday while displaying a grainy photo on his phone that shows several balls of light suspended in the air.
The man, who declined to give his name for fear of losing his job, also has two photos taken in broad daylight that appear to show one and then two UFOs floating in the clouds. The man declined to share his photos.
“The way the government is, the way things are, I don’t want [it] to come back on me,” he said. “Plus, I’m [a public safety employee]. I’m not even supposed to be talking about this because of my job.”
A former New Mexico State Police trooper, the late Gabe Valdez, documented unexplained cattle mutilations in the area in the mid-1970s, boosting speculation of alien activity.
But the evidence left behind didn’t come from outer space, Valdez said in different interviews.
“The evidence that was left there, you know, predators don’t leave gas masks, glow sticks, radar chaff. They don’t leave that stuff. They don’t have vitamin B-12,” Valdez said in a radio interview.
In an interview with the History Channel’s UFO Hunters, Valdez said the most anomalous evidence he came across while investigating cattle mutilations happened about 40 miles east of Dulce.
“We could tell where the aircraft came through,” Valdez said. “They didn’t do the whole process, and they left a fetus inside the animal.”
“A fetus? A cow fetus,” UFO researcher Pat Uskert asked Valdez.
“No,” Valdez replied. “It looked like a human, a monkey and a frog. It didn’t have any bones in the head. It was all full of water.”
When asked if he was implying that the cow was being used as an “incubation chamber for a cloned creature,” Valdez said that’s “exactly” what he was saying.
In an interview with Open Minds Radio, Valdez said he found listening devices in his home after investigating the cattle mutilations. He also claimed to have seen “sophisticated aircraft,” including an orb that looked like a hot air balloon.
“People have seen the helicopters. They’re black and silent,” Valdez said in the radio interview.
Tim Anderson, who is Navajo and married to an Apache, said stories of black helicopters and bright lights over Archuleta Mesa are commonplace in Dulce. He describes the town as the Roswell of Northern New Mexico.
“I don’t know what it is,” he said. “I can’t explain it.”
Anderson is more interested in what’s on the ground than in the air.
Specifically, he’s tracking Bigfoot.
“I do believe there is a mystical creature out there that nobody knows about,” said Anderson, who claims to have found two separate Bigfoot footprints that he made into casts.
“I believe there is something out there,” he said. “One of these days, somebody will find something.”
Anderson, who was a police officer in Dulce for 14 years, said he saw a UFO in a canyon near Archuleta Mesa while working in the late 1990s.
“It lit up the whole valley and just disappeared into the rocks,” he said. “I just rubbed my eyes. ‘Did I really see that?’ ”
Contact Daniel J. Chacón at 986-3089 or Follow him on Twitter @danieljchacon.
De bekende journalist en tv-persoonlijkheid Jaime Maussan heeft naar eigen zeggen van tienduizenden mensen van over de hele wereld bewijs ontvangen voor UFO’s en buitenaardse activiteit.
In onderstaande video, opgenomen op het MUFON Symposium 2015, presenteert hij recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van ufologie. Hij laat videobeelden en foto’s zien van UFO’s, gemaakt door infraroodcamera’s, nachtkijkers, NASA-sondes, satellieten en vliegtuigcamera’s.
UFO’s worden door ruimtesondes van de NASA vastgelegd in de ruimte, bij de zon, rond kometen, in de buurt van vulkanen en ook verschijnen er vaak mysterieuze bollen in de lucht.
Maussan gaat ook in op de ‘nooit eerder vertoonde alienbeelden’ van de wereldberoemde crash bij Roswell op een grote conferentie over buitenaards leven in Mexico-Stad afgelopen jaar. De wereldwijd erkende UFO-specialist zegt dat de foto’s ‘hét bewijs leveren dat aliens bestaan’.
Rond de tijd van de UFO-crash bestonden er nog geen schetsen of modellen van buitenaardse wezens, dus de foto’s kunnen zijns inziens niet vervalst zijn. Ook collega-onderzoeker Richard Dolan is er zeker van dat het gaat om authentieke foto’s. De anatomie van de alien is volgens hem te gedetailleerd en correct om verzonnen te zijn.
Alien UFO’s over Australia | UFO filmed | Ufo Sightings
Alien UFO’s over Australia | UFO filmed | Ufo Sightings
UFO filmed by tourists at the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia Quote from a witness – Jack Purcell “For those saying that it could be an RC craft or ‘quad-copter’, keep in mind that this thing was at least four times the size of the police helicopters that flew by. It’s also the shape of a giant triangle, as you can easily see in 720p if you pause directly on 4:15. This thing was also flying with the point of the triangle facing behind it, which is extremely odd in terms of aerodynamics. If somebody can make a remote controlled object that big, and fly it around like this, then make it vanish like it did, i would like to see the video.”
Ongeveer tien jaar geleden vonden er krachtige zonnestormen plaats, maar had dit alles weinig effect op aarde.
Nu is de zonneactiviteit veel lager, maar desondanks zijn de gevolgen op aarde vele malen groter. Hoe kan dat?
Er gebeuren zoveel dingen om ons heen dat het soms moeilijk is om allemaal bij te benen. Over het grootste gevaar dat ons op dit moment bedreigt, zwijgt men in de reguliere pers in alle toonaarden.
In het jaar 1859 gebeurde er op aarde iets bijzonders, wat later de geschiedenis in zou gaan als de Carrington gebeurtenis.
De zonnestorm van 1859, ook bekend als de super zonnestorm of de Carrington gebeurtenis, was verantwoordelijk voor het uitvallen van de telegraaf door heel Europa en Noord-Amerika.
Waar in 1859 de gevolgen beperkt bleven aangezien elektriciteit in die dagen nog een bescheiden rol speelde in de maatschappij, vandaag de dag zou een dergelijk gebeurtenis voor ons een regelrechte ramp betekenen. Denk maar na...geen internet, geen brandstof, geen voedsel, geen water.
De super zonnestorm bereikte haar piek op 1 september 1859 en veroorzaakte een geweldig grote CME die in 17 uur de aarde bereikte. (Een coronale massa uitstoot (of CME) is een grote gasbel doordrenkt met magnetische veldlijnen die door de zon weggeblazen worden met een tijdsduur van enkele tientallen minuten tot enkele uren.) Dit is hoogst ongebruikelijk omdat het normaal gesproken drie tot vier dagen duurt voordat de aarde wordt bereikt.
Deze CME stormen worden ingedeeld in verschillende klassen zoals te zien op de volgende afbeelding.
Over het algemeen hoeven we alleen aandacht te besteden aan M en X klasse CME uitbarstingen.
Zo was de eerder genoemde Carrington CME een zogenaamde X40 uitbarsting, een hele zware dus.
Op het volgende plaatje zie je de zonneactiviteit met de daarbij behorende uitbarstingen van de laatste jaren. Dan zie je dat de zon als het ware rustiger wordt, want de uitbarstingen worden jaarlijks behoorlijk kleiner.
Wat echter behoorlijk alarmerend is voor ons aardbewoners, is dat de relatief zwakke CME uitbarstingen in 2015 meer verstoringen op aarde veroorzaakten dan de vele grotere in de jaren daarvoor.
Die verstoringen in 2015 deden zich voor bij het vliegverkeer, waarbij verkeersleiders achter de radar alleen maar statische beelden zagen tot problemen met satellieten in de ruimte en uitvallen van energiecentrales.
De meest waarschijnlijke oorzaak van dit alles is het sterk afnemende magnetisch veld rond de aarde en dat het verschuiven van de magnetische polen alle tekenen vertoont van een zogenaamde pole shift. Dit is wat anders dan omkeren van de geografische/fysieke polen waarover wij in een eerder artikel schreven.
Dit afzwakken van het magnetisch veld gebeurt nu toch wel razendsnel met iedere tien jaar een vijf procent verdere afname. Naarmate wij onze bescherming verliezen, worden de gevolgen op aarde van de zonneactiviteiten groter. De implicaties van dit alles zijn uiteraard enorm.
Met andere woorden, waar je voorheen misschien een X-30 CME nodig had om een bepaald effect op aarde te veroorzaken, is nu een C-30 daarvoor al voldoende.
De onderstaande video geeft een stap voor stap uitleg over wat er nu gebeurt, het waarom en wat we misschien kunnen verwachten.
Wat we kunnen verwachten is dat de magnetische polen veel sneller bewegen dan wetenschappers oorspronkelijk dachten en dat de polen niet in tegenovergestelde richting bewegen, maar naar elkaar toe. Wanneer de huidige trend doorzet, zullen beide magnetische polen elkaar ergens in de buurt van Indonesië ontmoeten.
Wat ook duidelijk wordt uit de video is waar de gebieden zich bevinden waar nog wel voldoende bescherming is door het magnetische veld en gebieden waar die bescherming zo goed als weg is.
Wij hebben wat dat betreft in ons land geluk, want wij profiteren van een sterk magnetisch veld boven Siberië. Mensen in bijvoorbeeld Brazilië zijn minder gelukkig wat dat betreft.
De onderstaande video beperkt zich tot feiten en speculeert verder niet over waarom dit alles juist op dit moment gebeurt. Wij hebben wel een aardig idee, maar dat is een ander hoofdstuk.
Wat vooral voor ons van belang is om te weten, is dat de bescherming van het aardmagnetisch veld sterk afneemt en dat wij de komende jaren misschien veel zullen merken van relatief kleine CME uitbarstingen.
Daarnaast zal een verminderde bescherming van het aardmagnetisch veld en de atmosfeer gevolgen hebben voor onze gezondheid.
Frank Kinbler, an assistant professor of Earth sciences at New Mexico Military Institute, is working in his spare time to bring forth scientifically correct evidence from the Roswell crash site.
Frank Kimbler teaches geology and Earth sciences at the New Mexico Military Institute in Roswell. In his spare time, he attempts to find evidence of the purported UFO crash that occurred in 1947. According to Open Minds, a UFO news source, Kimbler has allegedly collected plastic and metal debris, some of which shows signs of being made “off planet.”
We probably won’t live to find out definitively whether we are not alone in the universe, whether extraterrestrial life is indeed a reality. But perhaps just as interesting as the question of whether or not a little green man is hovering above us in a cylindrical spacecraft is why so many Americans tell this story to begin with.
In their upcoming photo book “Phenomena,” photographers Tobias Selnaes Markussen, Sara Galbiati and Peter Helles Eriksen — known together as the Phenomena Collective — examine how we as a culture molded this particular and peculiar myth of alien life. As shown in the compassionate yet unbiased images, the artists are interested less in the validity of the stories of extraterrestrial sightings and more in the collective imagination that shapes them.
“What makes the UFO phenomena?“ the photographers ask on Kickstarter. “Is it just a commercially profitable story, a delusion with social consequences, a religious myth or even a physical phenomenon?” Journeying through Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona, Markussen, Galbiati and Eriksen piece together a contemporary collage of the UFO myth, framing the belief as a powerful alternate religion in which no one is truly ever alone.
Working together as a collective, the artists document real-life individuals who believe in alien life and work to spread their truth, whether through research or guided tours. Other photos depict various pieces of evidence from specific UFO sightings and crashes. Framed as an anthropological study and presented from a fictional perspective, the images don’t demand that the viewer determine them true or false. Rather, the photographs create an intriguing story of an radical belief system, that, over time, seems to be gaining more and more traction and respect.
For example, last year Ellen Stofan, chief scientist at NASA, announced her belief that society is just decades away from getting the evidence we need to confirm the existence of alien life. “I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade, and I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years ... We know where to look. We know how to look. In most cases, we have the technology, and we’re on a path to implementing it. And so I think we’re definitely on the road.”
Phenomena Collective’s photos capture this kind of belief at the crucial moment when fantasy could start to look more like truth, examining just why and how this shift is occurring.
While most often, outside of UFO-obsessed circles, those who believe in extraterrestrials are presented as ignorant, naive or just plain weird, the Phenomena Collective withholds all judgment, positive or negative, and simply presents the beauty and strangeness of this growing subculture as is. As presented by the photographers, UFO mythology is not an outlying belief in American thought. Something about the story has woven itself into the dominant cultural imagination, and that’s more powerful than any flying saucer could ever be.
The Phenomena Collective is currently raising funds to publish their photo book onKickstarter. Although they’ve already reached their goal of $12,000, every dollar helps, and you still have until Monday, May 9, to donate to this out-of-this-world cause.
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The illusion of past, present, future
The illusion of past, present, future
Robert Lanza and Deepak Chopra
The universe evolves backward in time, not the other way around as we were taught in school. "The histories of the universe," concedes Stephen Hawking, the famed physicist "depend on what is being measured, contrary to the usual idea that the universe has an objective observer-independent history."
Life is not just a collection of atoms — proteins and molecules spinning like planets around the sun. It is true that the laws of chemistry can tackle the rudimentary biology of living systems, but there is more to us than the sum of our biochemical functions. Conversely, physical existence cannot be divorced from the animal life that coordinates experience. We are connected not only by intertwined consciousness, but by a pattern that is a template for the universe itself.
Quantum physics tells us that objects exist in a suspended physical state until observed, when they collapse to just one outcome — we don't know what happens until we investigate, and our investigation influences that reality. Whether or not certain events may have happened some time ago, may not actually be determined until some time in your future — it may actually be contingent upon actions that have not yet taken place.
Bizarre? Maybe you don't believe this is real. Consider an experiment that was published in Science a couple of years ago. Scientists in France shot particles of light "photons" into a measuring apparatus, and showed that what they did — now, in the present — could retroactively change something that had already happened in the past. As the photons passed a fork in the apparatus, they had to decide whether to behave like particles or waves when they hit a beam splitter. Later on — well after the photons passed the fork — the experimenter could randomly switch a second beam splitter on and off electronically. It turns out that what the observer decided at that point, determined what the particle actually did at the fork in the past. At that moment, the experimenter chose his reality.
Of course, we live in the same world. No physicist challenges the fact that particles do not exist with definite physical properties until they are observed. Every particle has a range of possible physical states, but it's not until the actual act of observation that it takes on defined properties. So until the present is determined, how can there be a past?
According to eminent physicist John Wheeler, one of Albert Einstein's last collaborators "The quantum principle shows that there is a sense in which what an observer will do in the future defines what happens in the past."
It was only with the advent of quantum physics that scientists began to consider again the old question of the possibility of comprehending the world as a form of mind. Since that time, physicists have analyzed and revised their equations in a vain attempt to arrive at a statement of natural laws that in no way depends on the circumstances of the observer. It seems only natural that the daily circuit of, say, moon round earth, though satiable only by a mind, was independent of any perception whatever. But this was to prove an illusion.
In these days of experiment and disconnected theory, one point seems certain: the nature of the universe cannot be divorced from the nature of life itself. Indeed, the quantum theory implies that consciousness must exist, and that the content of the mind is the ultimate reality. If we do not look at it, the moon is gone. In this world, only an act of observation can confer shape and form to reality — to a dandelion in a meadow, or a seed pod, or the sun or wind or rain. Anyway, it's amazing, and even your dog can do it too.
According to biocentrism, space and time are not the not the hard objects we think (Lanza and Berman, Biocentrism, BenBella, 2009). Wave your hand through the air. If you take everything away, what's left? The answer, of course, is nothing. The same thing applies for time — you can't put it in a marmalade jar. Look at anything — say this page. You can't see it through the bone that surrounds your brain. Everything you see and experience right now is a whirl of information occurring in your mind. Space and time are simply the mind's tools for putting everything together. We carry them around with us like turtles with shells. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, they are not "real and insurmountable."
In the end, even Einstein admitted, "Now Besso" (one of his oldest friends) "has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like usÉknow that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Huge UFO Over St. Louis Cardinals Game On May 3, 2016, Photos, UFO Sightings Daily.
Huge UFO Over St. Louis Cardinals Game On May 3, 2016, Photos, UFO Sightings Daily.
Date of sighting: May 3, 2016 Location of sighting: St.Louis, Missouri , USA Source: MUFON #76223 This witnesses photos are really big. Probably using a very powerful camera when taking these photos. These you see here are just very close up screenshots of the photos I made. We can see that the UFO does look metallic between two bright balls of light. In others its long and thin. This UFO is really high up and had to have shown up on radar for that area. This object must have been big, because it was seen from a great distance away and his photos are really fantastic. How could others not see this you ask? Others did see it, but often 95% of the people who see UFOs often dismiss it, but later end up regretting not taking it more seriously at the time. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states: My family and I just left the St. Louis Cardinal game, we were driving west on hwy 40, I was the first to see it. Off in the distance (approx 4 or 5 miles away) in the west (SW from our current position) I could see an extremely bright row of lights (4 round very large set of lights side by side). Like stadium lighting. I pointed it out to my husband and son. My husband said "it's just lights on top of a building or crane", "no big deal"... As we got closer to it we realized, there were NO buildings or cranes around! All highway and some trees. The lights were straight forward like headlights. It seemed like it was in the same spot from when I first spotted it. We got onto the off ramp from hwy 40 and were going to head south on hwy 270. As soon as we got onto hwy 270 my husband pulled to the shoulder so I could try and get some better pictures of this "floating light tower".
It seemed like it was less than a quarter of a mile to the right of us at that point. Since we were stopped and now looking up at this thing we realized it was moving really super slow instead of hanging out in mid air like we originally thought. We could now see it's triangular shape and the lights were not as I described above but rather, Two in front toward the outer tip of the wings and two toward the top center. And what looked like rope lighting around the outer perimeter.The lights definitely seemed to dim down as it was passing over us. My husband said there were a set of colored blinking lights on the under side, but I honestly didn't notice them. It was bigger than our truck (ext cab silverado) and made absolutely NO SOUND?! The whole time! That was the most amazing part... How something so big flying through the air could be so quiet? And there wasn't a moment during this amazing experience, where we felt scared or threatened in any way. It stayed a safe distance above us, about as low as a helicopter would fly when doing a traffic report. As it was passing over us it picked up a tremendous amount of speed. Almost like it noticed us watching it... (I know, let's not get crazy) Then it took off straight toward St. Louis (East) then shot up ward at an angle toward the SE. Within seconds it was out of sight. Even though it was about 11pm on a Tuesday, there was a Blues game and Cardinal game that just let out... So the highways were far from empty.
UFO Moves Over Mexican Volcano On April 26, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Moves Over Mexican Volcano On April 26, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News
Date of sighting: April 26, 2016 Location of sighting: Volcano Popocatepetl, Mexico This UFO was caught over a volcano in Mexico last month. The UFO shoots directly over the mouth of the volcano as if it were beaming people up or down, then leaves. This is not a passenger jet, because no pilot would be foolish enough to endanger its passengers by flying directly over the mouth of a live volcano the suddenly explodes unpredictably miles in to the air every few weeks. Scott C. Waring
Investigative Look Into Beliefs About UFOs and Aliens
Investigative Look Into Beliefs About UFOs and Aliens
A man claimed a UFO abducted him while going back to home from work in Arizona about 41 years ago.
The man is Travis Walton, who reappeared five days after his apparent abduction on November 5, 1975.
Now, an upcoming photo book, “Phenomena,” featured Walton and other people that have a connection in several UFO sighting reports. The book offers an investigative look into beliefs of Americans about UFOs and aliens. Danish photographers Tobias Selnaes Markussen, Sara Galbiati, and Peter Helles Eriksen created it.
Galbiati said that they just had a mutual interest in the subject matter. They don’t make the project as being believers or how they believe in UFOs, but more on telling the buyers of the book that there was a group of people that believed so much in UFOs and aliens that they saw the world completely different than most individuals.
The images for the book were all shot last year in New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada, including Area 51, the highly guarded U.S. Air Force facility, located in the remote area, near the town of Rachel in Nevada.
Galbiati said that all areas that they visited had some meaning or significance, including Phoenix, where a supposed UFO sighting, known as the Phoenix Lights, was reported on 13th of March 1997.
Galbiati also revealed that in Denmark or Europe, the thing is taboo. He explained that if people believe in UFOs in those areas, they keep it to themselves. He added that the matter isn’t something people go around and talking because the majority will think that individuals who discuss it are mad.
However, in America, according to Galbiati, they were more understanding as people respect the belief of others. It’s almost like a religion wherein people won’t judge the believers, added Galbiati.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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