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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
We snappen steeds minder van hoe planeten ontstaan (en drie andere lessen na de ontdekking van vierduizend planeten)
We snappen steeds minder van hoe planeten ontstaan (en drie andere lessen na de ontdekking van vierduizend planeten)
Bijna vierduizend planeten zijn er al ontdekt en ruimtesonde Tess is net begonnen aan een nieuwe zoektocht. Al die werelden leveren voorzichtige inzichten op over hoe de aarde ontstond en of we alleen zijn in de kosmos. De belangrijkste lessen.
Een planeet zo heet dat hij letterlijk verdampt. Stevige werelden van harde rots. Plekken waar je net als in sciencefictionklassieker Star Wars aan de hemel niet één, maar twee ‘zonnen’ ziet. Zware superaardes, verstopt achter dikke sluiers van gas. En stelsels zo propvol planeten dat leven er van de ene naar de andere bol zou kunnen liften.
De buitenaardse plekken die astronomen de afgelopen jaren hebben ontdekt zijn gevarieerd en, bovenal, talrijk. Eeuwenlang, tot begin jaren negentig, kenden we er maar acht (of negen, als je het Pluto-fans vraagt): Venus, Aarde, Jupiter, enzovoort. De planeten die draaien om onze eigen zon. Maar sinds de ontdekking van de eerste planeet om een ándere ster gaat het hard. Duizenden van die zogeheten exoplaneten kennen we inmiddels, een definitief bewijs dat het heelal krioelt van de exotische werelden. De inzichten uit die hausse aan vondsten helpen bij het zoeken naar antwoorden op de grote levensvragen. Vragen als: waar komen we vandaan? En: hoe is de aarde ontstaan?
Bovendien zijn er tientallen werelden ontdekt in de zogeheten ‘leefbare zone’ rond hun moederster, de afstand waarop oppervlaktewater vloeibaar is en leven wellicht mogelijk. Dat voedt de hoop dat we ook op de grootste van de grote vragen antwoord krijgen: de vraag of we eenzaam door een kille kosmos dobberen, of dat leven ook elders in dit heelal wortel heeft geschoten.
Nu de belangrijkste exoplaneetjager van onze tijd – ruimtetelescoop Kepler – definitief met pensioen is gegaan en zijn opvolger (ruimtesonde Tess) net begonnen is met een nieuwe zoektocht, blijkt dat de inzichten die al die nieuwe werelden ons gaven verrassender zijn dan gedacht. Een overzicht van de belangrijkste lessen van, door en over planeten.
Beeld Vilain & Gai
Les 1: De nieuw ontdekte planeetstelsels lijken totaal niet op ons eigen zonnestelsel.
Het gaat er behoorlijk braaf aan toe in dat zonnestelsel van ons. Acht planeten, overzichtelijk gerangschikt. Rotsachtige werelden als Mars en de aarde staan vlak bij de zon, gasreuzen als Jupiter en Uranus zweven verderop in de kosmische leegte. Stuk voor stuk draaien die planeten keurige, vrijwel cirkelvormige banen. Af en toe kletst ergens met grote vaart een verdwaald stuk ruimtesteen op een planeet, maar verder is het hier goed toeven. Een kosmisch bedevaartsoord waarin de mensheid rustig tot wasdom kon komen.
Nee, dan de rest van het heelal. Dat zit tjokvol extreme werelden. Neem nu planeet Kelt-9b, een reusachtige gasplaneet die zó dicht op een loeihete ster zit dat hij letterlijk aan het verdampen is. Of kijk naar Wasp-12b, een gasmonster grofweg tweemaal zo groot als Jupiter. Die wordt door de gigantische zwaartekracht van zijn ster uitgerekt tot een soort planetair mega-ei. Al net zo gezellig gaat het eraan toe op PSR B1257+12 A (en B en C, overigens), planeten die draaien om een pulsar, een extreme ster die de oppervlakten van zijn metgezellen dag in dag uit bekogelt met een stralingsdosis die een mens direct tot stof zou reduceren. En dan hebben we het nog niet gehad over HD 189733b, waar het – nee, echt – gesmolten glas regent. Van opzij. Dan kun je toch beter op aarde zitten.
Planeten zoals Kelt-9b en HD 189733b zijn gasreuzen die in tegenstelling tot bijvoorbeeld Jupiter niet in de uiterwaarden van een planeetstelsel bivakkeren, maar vlak bij hun moederster. Met alle gevolgen van dien.
En dat soort hete Jupiters zijn lang niet de enige nieuwe planeetsoort die astronomen de afgelopen jaren ontdekten. ‘De belangrijkste les die we hebben geleerd, is dat de diversiteit aan planeten in de kosmos enorm is’, zegt exoplaneetonderzoeker Ignas Snellen van de Universiteit Leiden.
Zo bestudeer je de atmosfeer van een exoplaneet
Zonder leven op aarde, had onze atmosfeer nooit vol zuurstof gezeten. Op zoek naar aanwijzingen voor buitenaards leven, willen astronomen graag de atmosfeer van exoplaneten in kaart brengen. De chemische samenstelling daarvan, levert mogelijk een eerste voorzichtige aanwijzing dat zo'n planeet iets van leven bevat.
Wanneer een planeet voor zijn ster langs beweegt, krijgen astronomen de kans dat te meten. Licht dat vanaf de ster naar aarde komt, beweegt dan eerst door die atmosfeer. Onderweg absorberen bepaalde stoffen in de atmosfeer specifieke golflengten van het licht. Aan de hand van het licht dat overblijft, kun je dan concluderen wat de samenstelling van die atmosfeer precies moest zijn.
Kijk maar naar de zogeheten superaardes: rotsachtige werelden die een slag groter zijn dan onze eigen planeet en die in ons eigen zonnestelsel nergens te bekennen zijn. Of sub-Neptunussen, grofweg even groot als superaardes, maar dan met een fikse toef gas om hun stenen kern. ‘Vroeger dachten we dat planeten met weinig massa automatisch rotsplaneten worden en dat zwaardere planeten met hun sterkere zwaartekracht gas aantrekken en dus onherroepelijk gasreuzen worden’, zegt Snellen. ‘Dat blijkt niet zo te zijn. Er zitten vele subtiele schakeringen tussen.’
Al die nieuwe planeettypen suggereren bovenal dat het zonnestelsel niet de gouden standaard is waar we hem jarenlang voor hielden, een blauwdruk op basis waarvan we andere planeetsystemen kunnen begrijpen. Astronomen hebben zelfs nog nergens een stelsel gevonden dat op het onze lijkt. ‘Collega’s speculeren hardop dat het zonnestelsel heel zeldzaam is’, zegt Snellen. ‘Dat vind ik erg voorbarig.’
Ook astronoom Carsten Dominik, verbonden aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, vindt het ‘te vroeg’ om te concluderen dat het zonnestelsel een uitzondering is. ‘We kunnen een planeetstelsel als ons zonnestelsel nu nog niet zo makkelijk detecteren’, zegt hij. ‘Onze gegevens zijn dus vertekend.’
Planeten dichter bij hun ster zijn nu nog gemakkelijker te vinden, onder andere doordat ze vaker voor hun ster langskruisen. Dat veroorzaakt geregeld terugkerende dipjes in de lichtsterkte van de ster, die astronomen door hun telescopen kunnen zien – alsof even een vuurvliegje voor een zaklamp langs vliegt en zo een fractie van het licht blokkeert.
Binnenkort komt daar dankzij de zogeheten Gaia-missie verandering in. Die levert astronomen een gedetailleerde 3D-kaart van ons thuissterrenstelsel, de Melkweg. Daarin kun je van miljoenen sterren de positie en snelheid vinden. Zo kunnen astronomen sterren ontdekken die flink wiebelen doordat een planeet er met zijn zwaartekracht aan trekt. ‘Dat wiebelen is in de Gaia-gegevens beter te zien wanneer zo’n planeet verder weg staat’, zegt Snellen.
Wel duurt het nog even voordat we de eerste verre planeet op die manier vinden. De meeste doen minimaal een jaar of tien over een rondje om hun moederster. ‘Gaia is nu pas twee jaar aan het meten’, zegt Dominik. ‘We moeten dus nog even geduld hebben.’
En zelfs dan is zoeken naar een exacte kopie van het zonnestelsel vermoedelijk een kansloze missie, zegt Snellen. ‘Een man van in de 40, zoals ik, is niet zeldzaam. Maar als ik op zoek ga naar een exacte kopie, met precies dezelfde oogkleur, lengte, gewicht, enzovoort – dan wordt het ineens heel lastig.’ Net als de mens is ieder planeetstelsel waarschijnlijk uniek.
Les 2: Tijdens de planetaire puberteit blijven werelden niet braaf op hun plek zitten.
Lang dachten we dat kosmische kolossen zoals het zonnestelsel vredige plekken waren, waarin alles rustig verliep. Planeten ontstaan op de plek waarop we ze in het zonnestelsel vinden: grote gasreuzen ver weg, kleine rotsplaneten dichtbij. En daarna blijven ze daar de rest van hun leven staan.
Dat beeld staat sinds de vondst van duizenden exoplaneten op z’n kop. Boosdoeners zijn de ‘hete Jupiters’: grote gasreuzen die zo dicht bij hun moederster staan dat ze er bijna op schoot zitten. En dat betekent dat grote planeten dicht bij hun ster kunnen ontstaan óf dat ze na geboorte alsnog heen en weer kunnen schuiven.
Zo’n planetaire puberteit, waarin jonge planeten tegendraads aan de wandel gaan, staat sinds kort in de boeken. Dat zware planeten ver weg ontstaan, lijkt namelijk onontkoombaar: verder weg is meer ‘spul’ beschikbaar. Net zoals een grammofoonplaat aan de buitenkant de meeste vierkante centimeters vinyl heeft. Verder weg is het ook kouder, zodat je gratis waterijs en bevroren CO2 als extra bouwblokjes krijgt. En je wint daar dan ook nog eens gemakkelijker het wedstrijdje gravitationeel touwtrekken met de ster. Terwijl de ster het stof met zijn zwaartekracht stevig in de schijf trekt, wil een beginnende planeet het er juist uit zuigen om een bolletje te maken. Dat win je makkelijker op een afstandje.
Hoewel zware planeten die dichter op een ster ontstaan niet uitgesloten zijn – ‘daarvoor zien we in computersimulaties wel opties’ – is dat dus vermoedelijk zeldzaam. Dominik: ‘Het zal véél vaker gebeuren dat een zware planeet verder weg ontstaat en daarna naar binnen beweegt.’
Dat bewegen van planeten, ‘migreren’ zeggen astronomen, heeft ook in ons zonnestelsel plaatsgevonden. Geïnspireerd door wat ze in verre planeetstelsels zagen, besloten astronomen onze lokale geschiedenis te simuleren. Al snel bleek dat de grote gasreuzen in het jonge zonnestelsel driftig heen en weer schoven, al keerden ze hier uiteindelijk weer terug naar hun oorspronkelijke deel van het stelsel.
Ook in andere planeetstelsels zien astronomen de sporen van dat chaotische geschuif. Snellen: ‘Hete Jupiters draaien vaak de verkeerde kant op, in vergelijking met andere planeten. Gasreuzen die iets verder weg staan, maar nog steeds relatief dicht op de ster zitten, hebben juist elliptische banen. Dat moet wel het gevolg zijn van het geweld waarmee ze ooit naar binnen zijn geschoven.’
Het lijkt erop dat dergelijke verplaatsingen vaste prik zijn in de chaos van jonge sterrenstelsels. Die planetaire puberteit duurt meestal tien à honderd miljoen jaar. Op een plek als het zonnestelsel, dat met zijn vijf miljard jaar al eventjes mee gaat, is alles inmiddels rustig. ‘Een stelsel dat continu zo chaotisch blijft als in het begin, trekt zichzelf namelijk onherroepelijk aan stukken’, zegt Dominik. Ook bij planeetstelsels komt stabiliteit dus met de jaren.
Les 3: We snappen nog steeds niet goed hoe planeten ontstaan.
Astronomen verbonden aan de European Southern Observatory legden afgelopen september een bommetje onder ons beeld van hoe planeten ontstaan. Ze bekeken honderden stofschijven waarin planeten ontstaan met radiotelescoop Alma en zagen tot hun schrik dat er véél te weinig materiaal in zat om planeten te maken, zo schreven ze in het vakblad Astronomy & Astrophysics. ‘We moeten onze theorieën over planeetvorming herzien’, zei de Nederlandse astronoom Gijs Mulders (University of Chicago), niet bij het onderzoek betrokken, vervolgens tegen het vakblad Science.
Jarenlang gingen astronomen ervan uit dat werelden zoals de aarde, Jupiter, Kelt-9b en HD 189733b ontstonden in stofschijven waar ronddwarrelende stofkorreltjes en andere kleine deeltjes onder invloed van zwaartekracht aan elkaar plakten. Als een soort rollende sneeuwbal voegt steeds meer kosmisch ‘spul’ zich bij de vormende planeet, waardoor hij uiteindelijk kan uitgroeien tot planetaire proporties. Alleen staat die sneeuwbaltheorie door de recente waarnemingen nu plots op losse schroeven: het is lastig grote ballen draaien als je maar een klein beetje sneeuw hebt.
‘Gelukkig zijn er wel uitwegen’, zegt Ignas Snellen, die het artikel ‘heel belangrijk’ noemt. De auteurs beschreven die overigens zelf al in hun vakartikel. Allereerst zouden planeetkernen sneller kunnen groeien dan gedacht. Radiotelescoop Alma, een verzameling van 66 samenwerkende schotels in de Atacamawoestijn in Chili, is vooral goed in het zien van klein stof. Grotere korrels vanaf grofweg een centimeter ontsnappen daardoor aan zijn aandacht. ‘Dan denk je dus dat er te weinig materiaal is’, zegt Snellen. Het kan daarnaast ook nog dat het stof en gas in de schijven steeds wordt aangevuld, vanuit een nog onbekend reservoir, zodat je er bij één momentopname steevast te weinig aantreft. ‘Over dit soort ideeën wordt de komende tijd veel gediscussieerd, totdat we snappen hoe het zit. Zo werkt dat in onze wereld.’
Het artikel past bovendien in een trend, zegt Snellen. ‘Hoe meer waarnemingen we doen, hoe minder we begrijpen van hoe planeten zich vormen’, zegt hij. De stortvloed aan gegevens over exoplaneten en metingen aan de stofschijven waarin ze ontstaan maakt de vraagtekens almaar groter. En dat terwijl het vraagstuk zo cruciaal is: hoe planeten ontstaan, en welke materialen daarbij een rol spelen, raakt direct aan hoe onze eigen planeet, de aarde, werd gevormd. En waar de basisbouwstenen van het leven vandaan komen.
Zo ontdek je verre planeten
Zelfs de sterkste telescoop kan van een exotische wereld, draaiend om een verre ster, geen directe foto maken. Ze staan te ver weg en zijn relatief klein. En dan hangen ze ook nog eens in de buurt van een ster, een helder lichtbaken dat je het zicht ontneemt. Alsof je een vuurvliegje probeert te zien terwijl je recht in een bouwlamp kijkt.
Wie toch verre planeten wil ontdekken heeft dus een handige truc nodig. Astronomen hebben er een aantal, waarvan twee het populairst zijn. Bij de eerste speuren ze naar de regelmatige afname in de helderheid van het licht van een ster die wordt veroorzaakt wanneer een planeet voorlangs trekt. Een tweede optie is om sterren te zoeken die een beetje wiebelen. Dat komt vaak doordat een planeet er met zijn zwaartekracht aan trekt. De snelheidsverandering in de beweging van de ster die zo ontstaat kun je - via een omweg - meten. Op die manier betrap je, indirect, een planeet.
Een van de grootste raadsels waar astronomen mee worstelen is waarom planeten het vormingsproces überhaupt overleven. Nadat stofdeeltjes zijn samengeklonterd tot grotere objecten, bereiken ze rond een paar millimeter een kritische grens. ‘Vanaf dan zouden ze door interactie met de rest van de stofschijf moeten afremmen en in de ster moeten vallen’, zegt Snellen. Pas als ze een stuk groter geworden zijn - bollen met een diameter van een meter of tien - zijn de jonge planeten de stofschijf de baas. Snellen: ‘Maar daar tussenin snappen we er dus niet zoveel van.’
Ideeën zijn er wel. ‘We denken dat kleine deeltjes zich gaan gedragen als een soort peloton bij het wielrennen’, zegt Carsten Dominik. ‘Op die manier hebben ze minder last van het gas eromheen.’ Alleen is het daarvoor dan wel weer noodzakelijk dat er voldoende korreltjes voorhanden zijn, dat de dichtheid van de schijf hoog genoeg is. Of dat het geval is bij de stofschijven die astronomen tot nog toe hebben gezien, is nog een open vraag.
Voorlopig snappen astronomen nog niet waar al het materiaal voor de aarde (en andere planeten) vandaan komt én waarom ons thuis in zijn tienerjaren niet plotseling de zon in is gekukeld. Dat maakt ons bestaan tot een prachtig raadsel dat naar verwachting nog wel even op een oplossing moet wachten.
Les 4: De kans is groot dat ergens een planeet bestaat met buitenaards leven.
‘Ik zal je één ding vertellen over het heelal’, zegt astronoom Ellie Arroway in een beroemd geworden scène uit sciencefictionfilm Contact (1997). ‘Het heelal is een behoorlijk grote plek. Het is groter dan iemand ooit gedroomd heeft. Dus als wij alleen zijn… dan voelt dat als vreselijke ruimteverspilling. Toch?’
Het is grofweg die redenering die alien-optimisten bezigen wanneer ze stellen dat het onvoorstelbaar lijkt dat de aarde in dit uitgestrekte heelal – dat naar verwachting gevuld is met miljarden en miljarden planeten – de enige plek zou zijn waar leven voorkomt. En dat idee heeft, sinds de meting van de eerste exoplaneet, alleen maar aan kracht gewonnen.
‘Toch hebben we uit het exoplaneetonderzoek strikt gesproken nog niets nieuws geleerd over het bestaan van buitenaards leven’, zegt Ignas Snellen. ‘Of nou ja… we weten natuurlijk wél dat rotsachtige planeten zoals de aarde op veel plekken voorkomen.’
Snellen vermoedt zelfs dat het de meest voorkomende planeetsoort in het heelal is, al zijn deze met de huidige methoden nog lastig te vinden. ‘Maar wanneer het technisch wel kan, vinden we ze eigenlijk altijd ook’, zegt hij.
Neem bijvoorbeeld Proxima b, de rotsachtige planeet die rond Proxima Centauri draait, de ster het dichtst bij de zon, op een afstand die vloeibaar water mogelijk maakt. Of, een stukje verderop, de rotsachtige superaarde die astronomen in november ontdekten rond de Ster van Barnard. Het zijn plekken waar leven overigens niet erg waarschijnlijk is. Zo is het op de planeet van Barnard zo’n 170 graden onder nul. Terwijl potentieel leven op Proxima b dankzij heftige steruitbarstingen continu wordt bestookt met naar aardse begrippen dodelijke straling.
Iets hoopvoller is het zogeheten Trappist-systeem, waar drie planeten in de leefbare zone draaien, de afstand waarop vloeibaar water mogelijk is. ‘Daar zou leven dus kunnen bestaan’, zegt Carsten Dominik. ‘Althans: als die planeten bijvoorbeeld een atmosfeer hebben.’
Kijk puur naar de astronomische feiten en je kunt bijna niet anders dan optimistisch zijn. Dominik: ‘We hebben tot nog toe geen enkele showstopper gezien die zegt dat leven minder vaak zou voorkomen dan gedacht.’ Planeten komen voldoende voor, naar verwachting óók om vriendelijkere sterren dan Proxima Centauri. Van die planeten zal een fractie vloeibaar water hebben. En daarvan zal een fractie naar verwachting leven bevatten. ‘Hier op aarde is het leven binnen een paar honderd miljoen jaar ontstaan’, zegt Snellen. ‘Waarom zou dat dan elders niet net zo gaan?
Naar dat leven zijn astronomen als Snellen en Dominik daarom hard op zoek. Het zou zelfs kunnen dat het in de buurt zit. Voor een bevestiging is het wel wachten op de volgende generatie telescopen. De geplande opvolger van Nasa’s ruimtetelescoop Hubble, de James Webb Space Telescope, kan bijvoorbeeld kijken of de planeten rond Trappist een atmosfeer hebben. En de Extremely Large Telescope, die ESO nu in Chili bouwt, kan speuren naar water op Proxima b.
Als leven echter zeldzamer is – zelfs als het bijvoorbeeld ‘slechts’ een op de duizend keer voorkomt – dan moeten we voorlopig geduld hebben. ‘Of je moet andere technieken gebruiken waarmee je nu al veel verder het heelal in kunt kijken’, zegt Dominik. ‘Dan wordt het toch speuren of je radiosignalen van intelligente beschavingen kunt opvangen.’
Die missie heeft tot nog toe geen succes gehad, al is dat ook weer niet zo vreemd. Het heelal is, zoals Ellie Arroway in Contact zei, nu eenmaal best wel groot. Je moet dan ook niet vreemd opkijken als het zoeken naar een planeet met leven in die kosmische hooiberg wat langer duurt dan gehoopt.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEET Die merkwaardige ‘ruimtesigaar’ die vanaf Hawaï werd waargenomen, en de naam ’Oumuamua kreeg? ‘Ik denk dat die is gemaakt door een buitenaardse beschaving’, zegt Avi Loeb. Waarom het hoofd van de afdeling sterrenkunde aan Harvard dat een heel normaal idee vindt.
Avi Loeb gelooft er wel in. Op 19 oktober 2017 kreeg de mensheid voor het eerst bezoek van aliens. Op dezelfde dag dat in Florence een bezoeker van de Santa Croce-basiliek dodelijk wordt getroffen door een vallend stuk steen, en in Nederland presentator Frits Bom overlijdt, krijgt een telescoop op Hawaï een bizar voorwerp in zijn vizier. Een lang ding, zo’n honderd tot duizend meter. Niet bolvormig, zoals we gewend zijn van de kometen en asteroïden die door het zonnestelsel zoeven, maar langgerekt. Een kosmische scherf of, zo fluistert men op internet al snel: een soort ruimteschip.
Het voorwerp krijgt de Hawaïaanse naam ’Oumuamua, grof vertaald: boodschapper van ver. Journalisten en bloggers noemen hem vanwege zijn vorm liefkozend ‘kosmische komkommer’ of ‘ruimtesigaar’. Maar het opvallendst is de naam die hij van astronomen krijgt: Interstellar 1, de allereerste in een nieuwe categorie, een bezoeker van buiten ons zonnestelsel.
’Ik denk dat ’Oumuamua gemaakt is door een buitenaardse beschaving.’ Aan het woord is geen complotdenker of ufo-gelovige – Loeb is hoofd van de sterrenkunde-afdeling van Harvard, een van ’s werelds meest prestigieuze universiteiten. Daarnaast is hij directeur van het interdisciplinaire Black Hole Initiative en baas van het instituut voor theorie en berekening aan het Harvard-Smithsonian Institute for Astrophysics.
Een mooi cv, maar Loeb staat ook bekend om zijn uitgesproken ideeën en grote interesse in intelligent buitenaards leven. Zo vroeg hij zich in 2017 hardop af of de mysterieuze snelle radioflitsen die zijn collega’s in de ruimte waarnemen signalen zouden kunnen zijn van aliens. Ook zit hij in de adviesraad van het Breakthrough Starshot-project van de Russische miljardair Yuri Milner, dat met kleine ruimteschepen naar Proxima Centauri, de ster die het dichtst bij de zon staat, wil vliegen. Op die manier hopen ze op planeet Proxima Centauri b te ontdekken of daar buitenaards leven zit.
Dat juist hij in ’Oumuamua de invloed van buitenaardsen herkent, past dus in een patroon. ’Ik heb meerdere onderzoeken over ’Oumuamua gepubliceerd. Daaruit bleken allerlei vreemde feiten’, zegt Loeb. Zo zag hij hoe de helderheid van het object aan de hemel gedurende acht uur geregeld met een factor tien tot dertig veranderde. Dat betekent dat het voorwerp niet rond is, zegt hij, maar het hoeft ook geen langgerekte sigaar te zijn zoals iedereen lijkt te denken. ‘Onze analyse laat zien dat het meer op een pannekoek lijkt die om z’n lengteas draait.’
Een platte pannekoek van buiten het zonnestelsel… heeft u het soms over een vliegende schotel?
’Ik geloof niet in ufo’s, maar ik denk wel dat ’Oumuamua een overblijfsel is van een buitenaardse beschaving. We ontdekten een rare afwijking in zijn baanbeweging, eentje die je niet kunt verklaren door de aantrekkingskracht van de zon. Dat zie je wel vaker bij een komeet, wanneer het ijs op het oppervlak verdampt. Dan krijg je een soort raket-effect. Maar ’Oumuamua is geen komeet. Hij heeft niet de kenmerkende staart van een komeet en ruimtetelescoop Spitzer vond in de buurt van het object niet de koolstofmoleculen die je bij een komeet zou verwachten.
’De vraag is dus: waar kreeg hij dat extra zetje dan door? Het enige dat ik kan bedenken is stralingsdruk. ’Oumuamua kan een lichtzeil zijn. Net zoals een zeil op een boot vooruit wordt geduwd door deeltjes in de lucht, krijgt een lichtzeil vaart wanneer lichtdeeltjes erop botsen. Die technologie hebben we op aarde ook, maar staat hier nog in de kinderschoenen. Het kan dus best dat een buitenaardse beschaving, die meer tijd heeft gehad om die technologie te ontwikkelen, ’Oumuamua heeft gemaakt.’
Dat is niet iets dat je snel uit de mond van een wetenschapper verwacht…
’Het is natuurlijk nog speculatie. Maar het zou goed kunnen kloppen. Sommige collega’s zeggen: o, maar voor elk van deze vreemde eigenschappen kunnen we wel een excuus vinden of een ingewikkelde verklaring. Mij doet dat denken aan de volgende analogie: stel dat je een mobiele telefoon meeneemt naar een holbewoner. Die zal denken dat de telefoon een soort gekke steen is. Net zo zijn wij vanuit het verleden gewend om te denken in termen van kometen, asteroïden – stenen uit de ruimte, dus. We zijn vooringenomen.
’Maar in de wetenschap moeten we juist naar het bewijs kijken, zonder vooroordelen. Het is daarom jammer dat we niet meer meetgegevens hebben. Gelukkig verwachten we dat de geplande opvolger van de telescoop die ’Oumuamua vond, daarin veel kan betekenen. Die moet over drie jaar operationeel zijn en kan meer interstellaire voorwerpen ontdekken.’
Moeten astronomen er bij alles rekening mee houden dat het gebouwd kan zijn door aliens?
‘Ja, zolang dat logisch is op basis van het bewijs. Wat mij betreft is het bestaan van buitenaardse beschavingen helemaal geen speculatie. Het is een logische extrapolatie, gebaseerd op twee feiten. Allereerst het feit dat wij bestaan. En ten tweede het feit dat in de Melkweg veel planeten zijn met condities die vergelijkbaar zijn met die op aarde. We denken dat ongeveer een kwart van de sterren een planeet heeft zoals de aarde, met de mogelijkheid van vloeibaar water. Dat zijn in totaal miljarden planeten. Als je dan steeds weer de dobbelsteen gooit, is de kans heel klein dat het maar één keer raak was, dat wij alleen zijn in de kosmos.’
Toch voelt praten over complete beschavingen van intelligente buitenaardse wezens wel heel speculatief.
’Het bestaan van buitenaards leven is een hypothese als alle andere. We moeten daarover oordelen op basis van meetgegevens en feiten. Dat zou mainstreamastronomie moeten zijn. Maar in ons vakgebied heerst een taboe op dit onderwerp. Het doet mensen denken aan sciencefiction, roept het beeld op van ufo’s. Dat zou niets moeten uitmaken.
’Het is ook een beetje scheef. In de snaartheorie (een wiskundig bolwerk dat natuurkundigen optuigden in de hoop alle natuurkunde in één enkele beschrijving te vangen, red.) heeft men het bijvoorbeeld over het bestaan van meer dimensies of zelfs parallelle werkelijkheden. Daar is werkelijk geen enkel bewijs voor en tóch is het mainstream geworden. Voor het bestaan van buitenaardse beschavingen is maar een kleine extrapolatie nodig. En daar mag je het in serieus gezelschap dan ineens niet over hebben. Dat is toch compleet belachelijk?
‘Ik denk dat we hier vooral te maken hebben met een sociologisch effect. Niet met iets dat gebaseerd is op feiten. Men heeft oogkleppen op.’
Zien ze door die oogkleppen nog meer over het hoofd?
’Jaren terug schreef ik al vakartikelen over mogelijke aanwijzingen voor het bestaan van buitenaardse beschavingen – technologische handtekeningen waar we te weinig naar zoeken. Zo liet ik zien dat wanneer je een stad als Tokio verplaatst naar de rand van het zonnestelsel, je hem met ruimtetelescoop Hubble nog gewoon kunt zien.
‘Ik vroeg vervolgens aan een astronoom die veel objecten aan de rand van het zonnestelsel had ontdekt, of hij weleens had gekeken of die voorwerpen kunstmatig licht uitzenden. Hij zei: nee, waarom zou ik dat moeten doen? Het is toch duidelijk dat ze alleen zonlicht weerkaatsen? Zo vooringenomen zijn sommige astronomen dus in de praktijk.’$
Bent u niet bang voor reputatieschade doordat u zoveel praat over aliens?
‘Ik ben niet bang voor de publieke opinie. Als iets klopt, zullen mensen dat uiteindelijk inzien. Ik ben directeur van twee instituten en hoofd van de afdeling sterrenkunde. In mijn instituten heerst een gezonde, open en wetenschappelijke sfeer, waar mensen risico’s mogen nemen. Toen ik jonger was en minder baanzekerheid had, werkten dit soort ideeën me soms wel een beetje tegen. Dat probeer ik jonge onderzoekers te besparen.’
In de wetenschap moet je een hypothese ook kunnen weerleggen. Kunnen we bewijzen dat er géén buitenaardse beschavingen bestaan?
’Nee. Deze zoektocht gaat eeuwig door. Als je op zoek gaat naar signalen zijn er zó veel mogelijkheden. Zelfs als je alleen kijkt naar elektromagnetische straling, zoals radiosignalen of licht, dan kunnen die net als de zenders op je radio allerlei frequenties hebben. Ook zenden ze misschien maar kort uit, zodat je het net mist. Wil je daarvoor compenseren, dan moet je steeds op een andere manier zoeken. We kunnen dus nog wel even doorgaan, ook als het bewijs uitblijft.
’Belangrijk is wel dat je alles kunt blijven toetsen aan waarnemingen. Natuurkunde is een dialoog met de natuur, geen monoloog. Zoals bij ’Oumuamua: ik kan mijn vermoeden dat het een buitenaards apparaat is nog niet sluitend bewijzen, maar we weten hoe we aan meer meetgegevens moeten komen.’
Als we uiteindelijk intelligent buitenaards leven vinden… wat dan?
‘Dan hebben we de belangrijkste ontdekking uit de geschiedenis van de mensheid gedaan. Belangrijker dan de eerste mens die een rondje om de aarde vloog. Belangrijker dan de ontdekking van Amerika. Het zou ons ineens op een kosmisch podium plaatsen, laten zien dat we allemaal voor hetzelfde team spelen. Dat we onze verschillen zo snel mogelijk moeten overstijgen. Ik wil dat tijdens mijn leven graag nog meemaken.’
Nu we bijna vierduizend planeten hebben ontdekt, hebben we vooral geleerd dat we blij moeten zijn dat we niet op een planeet wonen waar het van opzij gesmolten glas regent. We maken een tour langs de meest extreme en bijzondere bestemmingen in de kosmos.
WETENSCHAPHet ontstaan van de maan blijft wetenschappers boeien. De meest gangbare theorie is dat de maan gevormd is uit puin van Theia, nadat dit speculatieve hemellichaam meer dan vier miljard jaar op de aarde was ingeslagen. Maar een onderzoeker van NASA trekt dat in twijfel. Hij vermoedt dat de maan ontstaan is uit materiaal van de aarde.
De wetenschapper, Kevin Righter van NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, baseert zich op experimentele proeven en analyses van stalen die de Apollomissies bijna 50 jaar geleden meebrachten naar onze planeet. Na de enorme clash zo’n 4,5 miljard jaar geleden tussen de toen nog jonge aarde met een hemellichaam ongeveer zo groot als Mars werd de maan gevormd. Maar niet uit materiaal van Theia, dat door de impact in een baan rond de aarde zou zijn geslingerd, wél uit materiaal van de aarde zelf.
De studie simuleerde het proces van de maanvorming met behulp van veertien vluchtige, metaalminnende elementen die gevonden werden in monsters van de Apollomissies. Uit de simulatie kwam een “sterke” correlatie naar voren tussen negen van de veertien gebruikte elementen van de aarde en die van een gesimuleerde maan gemaakt uit materiaal van de aarde. Hetzelfde gold niet voor een maan gemaakt uit het vermeende ruimtegesteente Theia, met de omvang van Mars ongeveer.
Er is nog aanvullend onderzoek nodig om de hypothese van Righter te bevestigen, maar zijn studie vult alvast enkele gaten die er al sinds de jaren 70 in de wetenschappelijke data hierover zijn.
Antarctica is a place with so much ice and snow that they seem to go on forever. Animals, such as seals and penguins, have adapted to the freezing cold temperatures. However, millions of years ago, it wasn’t the blistering cold and icy continent that it’s known for today. Around 250 million years ago, Antarctica was full of forests and rivers with various species wildlife living there, including reptiles. As a matter of fact, the temperature on the continent hardly ever dipped below the freezing mark.
In addition to the nice weather and vast wildlife that thrived on the continent millions of years ago, a new species has been discovered that once lived there. Researchers uncovered the fossil of an iguana-sized reptile that was an early relative of the Antarctic dinosaurs. During a 2010-2011 expedition, the incomplete skeleton was taken from Graphite Peak in the Transantarctic Mountains. The fossil contained parts of its skull, backbone, and limbs.
The small creature was said to have been a carnivore that ate bugs, amphibians, and other early mammal relatives. It has been named Antarctanax shackletoni which translates to “Antarctic king” (for Antarctanax) and in honor of the Antarctic explorer named Ernest Shackleton (for shackletoni).
Dr. Brandon Peecook, who is the lead author of a study on the discovery as well as a paleontologist at Field Museum, said, “Antarctanax shackletoni was an archosaur, an early relative of crocodiles and dinosaurs.” He went on to say, “On its own, it just looks a little like a lizard, but evolutionarily, it’s one of the first members of that big group. It tells us how dinosaurs and their closest relatives evolved and spread.”
Approximately two million years prior to the Antarctanax shackletoni roaming Antarctica, the Earth suffered a huge mass extinction which killed off 90% of all animals on the planet. After the mass extinction, archosaurs (which included dinosaurs) experienced a lot of growth around the planet. Dr. Peecook explained, “Before the mass extinction, archosaurs were only found around the equator, but after it, they were everywhere.” This would indicate that Antarctica was an area where evolution and diversity happened quite fast following the end-Permian mass extinction.
While the exploration of the continent of Antarctica is still in its early stages, it’s very possible that more new and unique creatures will be discovered from millions of years ago. In relation to the process involved with exploring the continent, Dr. Peecook explained, “Antarctica is one of those places on Earth, like the bottom of the sea, where we’re still in the very early stages of exploration. Antarctanax is our little part of discovering the history of Antarctica.”
Iran is disappearing underground: While Tehran is sinking, giant sinkholes swallow parts of western Iran
Iran is disappearing underground: While Tehran is sinking, giant sinkholes swallow parts of western Iran
Tehran is sinking… And now gigantic holes as deep as 60 meters (197 feet) are appearing in western Iran. And that’s not because of missiles or meteors… No, no! They are the result of excessive water pumping.
A few weeks ago, new satellite measurements showed that Tehran was sinking about 10 inches (25 centimeters) per year.
Giant holes form in Iran due to excessive water pumping.
Pic via Youtube video
These gigantic holes in Iran were not caused by missiles or meteors.
Pic via Youtube video
A side effect of such impressive subsidence is the sudden appearance of giant cracks and sinkholes in some areas that may end up with some parts of Iran completely disappearing from world maps.
Pill-Shaped UFO Seen Pulsating In The Skies Above NC
Pill-Shaped UFO Seen Pulsating In The Skies Above NC
A UFO appearing in the sky just outside Greensboro, North Carolina was captured on video, which was also posted on social media. Moments after it made available online, the UFO sighting video has sparked an ongoing debate with many claiming to have seen the same random flashing object.
The 5-minute video, which was posted on Saturday, shows a pill-shaped object soaring through the sky and making a series of flashes.
The video, which is magnified and slowed down, has been viewed thousands of times and several YouTube channels devoted to UFOs and unsolved mysterious picked it up.
It is credited to YouTube username SpaceBret, also known as Bret Jones, who reveals in the video that the strange object was spotted on January 25 while he was trying to record birds outside Greensboro on video.
He claims that he noticed a mysterious flashing light in the sky close to an airplane. The UFO was moving slowly across the sky, slightly slower than the planes flying around, according to uploader Jones, who did not think he captured it at all.
He decided later to magnify and slow down the footage by 900 percent, which appears to reveal a glinting pill shaped object producing flashes from its two ends.
When Bret saw it, it just blew him away because it wasn’t what he expected at all. And until now, he does not have an idea of what it is.
One person has suggested that it is a Mylar balloon with string or WiFi extender antenna balloon because, at one point in the video, it looks like the UFO has a tether.
However, Jones does not agree with the suggestion as it cannot explain the flashing and vanishing. He also believes that the tether might be some kind of fuel ejected from the object.
Several people claim to have seen the same UFO. Julia Hejnar posted on YouTube that she saw the same object in Winston Salem in the late afternoon of the 25th. She said that the object also blinked out.
Another viewer SkyHound said that he had seen the flash at night for the past year now. He explained that he clearly knows the difference between helicopter, planes, meteorites, iridium flares, satellites, etc. but this is different. He added that the object appears to flash extremely bright with no pattern and it even occasionally fades out into a dull red light.
A UFO was spotted flying over Conyers, Georgia last week. Square in shape and black in color the mysterious object appeared to be the size of a 727. Is this proof that aliens are observing us?
A UFO was reported to the Mutual UFO Network a.k.a. MUFON on Jan. 30. It was seen flying over Conyers, Georgia which is a suburb of Atlanta. Footage of the object was captured on a cell phone.
Watching this unknown aircraft is eerie. From the eyewitness account, the UFO was the size of a 727. Plus, it looks like nothing that is currently flying around in our skies.
At first, if you slow the video down, you might think that it is a plane pulling a banner. Football fans know that the Super Bowl is being held in the state so that wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility.
However, that illusion is quickly stripped away. According to UFO Sightings Daily, this Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) isn’t alone. Another silvery object can be seen hovering above the black square. Which makes you wonder if it is an escort of some kind.
Before we jump to any conclusions, I must point out that Dobbins Air Reserve Base is in the vicinity and so is Lockheed. It has been rumored that Dobbins is a test site for “plasma and anti-gravity aircraft along with experimental vehicles and weapons.” However, it is also in the middle of a city on the outskirts of Atlanta.
If you are dealing with propulsion systems of that nature would you really be putting them on display? Or if you were doing test runs perhaps you want the general public to think that UFOs are in the vicinity so that can be a ruse for what is really going on.
Either way, both of those theories seem unlikely. Take a look at the video and see what you think the strange craft could be.
Oddly enough, there have been other sightings of this very specifically shaped craft in the U.S. Maybe this one will have to go into the file for the unexplained.
Left to right: Leah Tether, Laura Chuhan Campbell, Michael Richardson, and Benjamin Pohl with the books in Bristol Central Library’s Rare Books Room. The team of experts investigating further if the pieces hold any secret about the legends of Arthur, Merlin, and the Holy Grail.
If you’ve seen any of the many movies about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, you probably think you know the basics of the story … until you see another one. Throw in Monty Python and the whole legend and/or possible true account starts to get blurry. While the battles and loves of the Arthurian mortals are somewhat believable, the tales of the magician/wizard Merlin stretch the credibility of the stories. Now, some newly discovered manuscript pages dating back to the 13th century add a little more detail to the wizard who all future movie wizards are based on.
“These fragments of the Story of Merlin are a wonderfully exciting find, which may have implications for the study not just of this text but also of other related and later texts that have shaped our modern understanding of the Arthurian legend.”
"How Arthur by the means of Merlin got Excalibur, his sword of the Lady of the Lake", illustration for Le Morte Darthur.
Dr. Leah Tether is the President of the International Arthurian Society (British Branch) in the Bristol University Department of English and a leading scholar in the field, which explains why she was the person Michael Richardson, a colleague from the university’s Special Collections Library, called when he found seven odd parchment fragments among the pages of the works of the French scholar and reformer Jean Gerson which were printed in Strasbourg, France between 1494 and 1502. According to the Bristol University press release, Richardson recognized the name “Merlin” on the fragments and took them immediately to Tether.
The Gerson books, while published in the late 15th century, were not bound until the 16th century when they somehow were transferred from Strasbourg to Bristol. It’s believed the older pages were considered to be waste paper and were being reused as “pastedowns” – the sheets stuck to the inside of the covers used to connect the pages to the binding. That could explain why the pages are in fragments and an eighth is missing.
Tether recognized the pages as belonging to a 13th century Old French sequence of texts known as the Vulgate Cycle or Lancelot-Grail Cycle. The seven pages or leaves are continuous and come from a section of the Estoire de Merlin narrative known as the ‘Suite Vulgate de Merlin’ (Vulgate Continuation of Merlin). They recount the narrative of the Battle of Trèbes in which Merlin gives a speech to motivate the knights and then leads them into battle using a special sword belonging to Sir Kay (Cai), a superhuman knight whose sword radiated heat from his hands (or breathed fire) and whose inflicted wounds would not heal. They defeat the forces of King Claudas and then stay in the kingdom of Benoic where Merlin interprets dreams and falls in love briefly with a woman named Viviane before rejoining Arthur.
The fragments add some meaty details to this tale and some differ from previously discovered accounts. A number of names of the battle leaders have been changed and the wounds King Claudas suffered are different. Otherwise, it’s similar enough that Tether recognizes it as an important early account of the part Merlin played in the Arthurian legend.
“There are many more differences, too, but because of the damage to the fragments, it will take time to decipher their contents properly, perhaps even requiring the use of infra-red technology. We are all very excited to discover more about the fragments and what new information they might hold.”
During the 12th century, Arthur's character began to be marginalized by the accretion of "Arthurian" side-stories such as that of Tristan and Iseult, by John William Waterhouse.
What more will they find? The truth about whether Merlin really was a cambion – the child of a human mother and an incubus father? Was he really killed by the Lady of the Lake? The location of the Holy Grail? Details on the Knights who say “Ni!”? The real story of the Rabbit of Caerbannog?
Why did Merlin break up with Viviane … or did she dump him for a younger wizard?
Metamaterials, in this context defined as pieces of UFOs, debris, implants or other exotic items have been a huge topic since they were referenced in the New York Times pieceon December 16th, 2017 and long before that, as well. A lot of work has been done behind the scenes regarding these materials. Data and information will be coming to light viaTo the Stars Academy’s ADAM Research Projectand most likely other groups. Some of the work has been described in Dr. Diana Walsh Pasulka’s amazing book, “American Cosmic: UFOs Religion, Technology.” I can’t say for sure, but I have a hunch that behind the scenes, conclusions have been made about how these authentic Metamaterials were constructed in zero or microgravity and most likely not manufactured on Earth.
Mr. George Knapp has been reporting on this for years. As a primer, here is one of his heavy hitting reports on the subject.
Tom Delonge brought up the Metamaterials during his interview with Joe Rogan in 2017:
Delonge: “…looking at debris that they probably still have in a warehouse, going ‘we have no f*****g clue how to make this or back engineer this stuff.’ I mean, there’s a piece of metal, from a crash that I’ve seen, and I’ve seen the science on it, and it’s so… it’s atomically aligned and it’s layered in like eighty layers within just a few microns of purities of metal that aren’t even in our solar system and they think it needs to be made in an area where there’s no gravity. So, number one, it has to be made in space. Number two, even if we were to create a machine that can potentially do some of this stuff, 3D printing layers of different metals of obscene purities, it would cost hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars. We don’t even have that.”
Rogan: “What did they think? That it was made without gravity?”
Delonge: “Because I think it’s the atomic structure. So what happens is when you radiate it with Terahertz, it loses mass, something weird. It resonates some kind of harmonic, and then it gets lighter and if you hit it with enough terahertz it’ll float. So we’re going to be showing people this stuff. We’re going to be bringing out the hardware, some of the hardware. We’re going to be bringing out implants. We’re going to be bring out videos. We’re going to bringing out some other stuff.”
Rogan: “So you are going to be showing people this actual piece of metal that was constructed in a zero gravity environment in space and if you hit it with enough energy it becomes weightless?”
Delonge: “I wouldn’t say weightless, I don’t know if we can make enough energy to do that, but yes, that is our plan, and show the experiment.”
Since Tom’s interview, not only was the New York Times article published, AATIP revealed, and military videos released, backing up some of his claims, but the ADAM Research Project was launched:
“James and Tyler believed they had evidence, not just faith, to support their belief in the extraterrestrial source of the artifacts and the authenticity of the crash site. Prior to this trip, Tyler had given James an analysis of some of the parts. James knew what he was looking at, and, according to him, if this analysis actually corresponded to the makeup of the artifacts, then they were one of two things: they were something that someone paid millions, if not billions, of dollars to fabricate or “something” made them somewhere other than on Earth with technologies we did not understand.”
“So let me give you an example of, how this stuff helps people who are chasing these really difficult problems. I’m choosing one here: metamaterials for aerospace use. I’d love to talk about really fancy materials, but they’re classified. However, there’s a lot of materials that have been picked up or provided even in the public domain. I’m going to give an example because it shows exactly what the structure is for how to deal with this. This is an open source sample. It was sent anonymously to talk show host Art Bell. The fellow claimed to be in the military. He said that this sample was picked up in a crash retrieval, and so he sent it by email. So what does that mean? Chain of custody non-existent. Provenance questionable. Could be a hoax. Could be some slag off of some foundry floor or whatever. However, it was an unusual sample, so we decided to take a look at it.
It was a multilayered bismuth and magnesium sample. Bismuth layers less than a human hair. Magnesium samples about ten-times the size of a human hair. Supposedly picked up in the crash retrieval of an Advanced Aerospace Vehicle. It looks like it’s been in a crash. The white lines are the bismuth; the darker areas are the magnesium separations. So the question was what about this material, so naturally we looked in all the national labs, we talked to metallurgists, we combed the entire structure of published papers. Nowhere could we find any evidence that anybody ever made one of these.
Secondly, some attempts were made to try to reproduce this material, but they couldn’t get the bismuth and magnesium layers to bond.
Thirdly, when we talked to people in the materials field who should know, they said we don’t know why anybody would want to make anything like this. It’s not obvious that it has any function.
Well, years later, decades later actually, finally our own science moves along. We move into an area called metamaterials, and it turns out exactly this combination of materials at exactly those dimensions turn out to be an excellent microscopic waveguide for very high frequency electromagnetic radiation terahertz frequencies. So, the wavelength is 60 microns, which is a pretty small size. But it turns out because of the metamaterial aspect of this material, those bismuth layers that act as waveguides can be one twentieth the size of the wavelength, and usually when you make a waveguide it’s gotta be about the size of the wavelength. So, in fact this turned out to be a material that would propagate sub-wavelength waveguide effects. Why somebody wants to do that we still don’t know the answer to that.
But anyway, it’s amazing we’ve gone through this and this is the kind of structure we go through a lot. You get a material sample with unusual characteristics to be evaluated, the method of manufacture is difficult to assess or reproduce, the purpose of the function is not readily apparent – as with our sample here, and then as our own technical knowledge moves forward we finally see a possible purpose or function comes to light. That sequence is repeated over and over in this particular area.”
Frank Statler: “Can you give us a little background on the nature of the recovered materials mentioned in the New York Times story?”
Dr. Garry Nolan: These are not your grandma’s alloys. If these materials truly exist– they are going to be found to be metamaterials. Though I call them metamaterials– it’s really for lack of a better term. They are probably even more engineered and subtle than that. The science of metamaterials is only a few decades old, but there is a whole ecosystem of new journals growing up around their unexpected and wondrous properties. One way to think about metamaterials is that is, basically, quantum engineering—working with “normal” matter in a way that takes advantage of properties we don’t fully appreciate yet. We draw the physical universe with only 80 elements. I would guess—just hypothesis– that “they” (an advanced civilization) that we might infer can accomplish some of the feats observed by the pilots understand the subtleties of isotopes and design with all 253 stable isotopes. The metamaterials “they” could design would be more subtle and likely encompass a greater understanding of reality and physics than we know now.
Remember, isotopes of a given element have the same electronic configuration, so they form covalent bonds similar to their sister isotopes (though with subtle differences in bond strengths). However, their nuclei have different spins for instance with, at times, unpaired neutrons. The various nuclear configurations gives rise to multiple fascinating opportunities in designing metamaterials. Want to know what your children should be studying in school? Physics, metallurgy, and advanced composite materials.
People interested in understanding the reality of what’s going on with these metamaterials (so-called alloys) need to understand this: . There are 253 isotopes that do not undergo radioactive decay in any reasonable time frame. This page has a table of nuclides where the grey boxes denote the 253 stable isotopes. Some elements, such as aluminum, have only 1 stable isotope. Titanium and nickel each have 5 stable isotopes. Tin (Sn) has eight! There are natural ratios of these isotopes that are largely governed by stellar decay processes, centrifugal forces (solar and other) during planetary formation, and proximity to gamma and other radiation sources. The ratios vary only slightly (maximum a couple percent) across a solar system. Significant variations in isotope ratios imply either engineering of the ratios for a purpose, or that the materials came from somewhere that does not “play by our rules”.
My suspicion is that a foundational difference is the nuclear spin of these isotopes (and other quantum features associated with different arrangements of the nuclear shells in the different isotopes) that affects how they behave/contribute in these composites or metamaterial structures.
The Times claimed that Bigelow Aerospace, under the contract of AAWSAP housed Metamaterials in their Las Vegas facility. We later found out that might not be the case, or the whole picture, but it’s my opinion that NIDS, BAASS and/or Bigelow Aerospace did in fact possess these samples.
Here is a statement from Robert Bigelow himself, almost exactly nineteen years ago to the date:
Non-Terrestrial Permutations and Impacts as Related to Access and Use of Terrestrial Resources
Robert Bigelow
January, 2000
In a round about way, I recently experienced a personal revelation. For the last several months I have been thinking of ways to enhance various business plans related to commercialization of space. These involve transportation systems and economically justifiable destinations.
Naturally, what you can do or produce on an orbiting system that creates special or unique value becomes very, very important for the business case. While reading and talking on this subject, I reinforced what I previously knew a little but not nearly enough; and, that was that many unique and often profoundly special reactions occur upon organic and non-organic substances in a microgravity environment that happen nowhere else. We all know of the usual cast of characters but, I’m talking about ones you normally don’t read about.
As it turns out in processes affecting non-organic substances for example, it is possible to create materials, components and products that are totally in a class by themselves. Nowhere, terrestrially, can any of these items with their unique performance capabilities be made. I’m getting closer to my revelation. What is the implication here? Well, I believe that components for advanced spacecraft can be manufactured in a microgravity environment that cannot be duplicated on the surface of a planet.
And now here is my theory. I strongly believe that at least some UFOs owe their beginnings to being manufactured whole or in substantial part from materials made in a microgravity environment. Competitively, we might well be working with a periodic table containing much fewer elements compared to a species that has access to those same elements but has fully achieved manufacturing and experimentation in space on a significant scale.
I believe, so long as a species remains planet-bound in their manufacturing processes, they will not avail themselves of the resource necessary to make interstellar craft. They will only develop what terrestrial processes allow.
As for our UFO friends, we will not begin to match their early craft until we also begin to exploit space for manufacturing purposes.
Thank you.
Robert T. Bigelow
Mr. George Knapp gave an update on Robert Bigelow’s progress during an interview with Phenomenon Radio in 2018. I would recommend listening to the entire interview, it is a blockbuster.
Linda Moulton Howe: “George do you think that Robert Bigelow’s blow-up units going to Mars, going to the moon, out to the lagrange points… that he, Robert Bigelow, through what he is manufacturing to be placed in these exoplanetary systems, that he will finally start? Have you ever talked with him about his learning more from deeper inside, the… we’ll call it the deep state, that is now bandied about so much?”
George Knapp: “Well, I most certainly have talked to him, at length, over many years about exactly that. I think that, I’d have to say that those conversations for now are private and when…I’ve tried to get the the okay to go forward on some of that, but our agreement was it would remain private. I think he has been… his understanding of it has greatly expanded in the last several years. His total focus now is on his space program, but I think that you’re on the right track there and asking whether the expandable habitats could be part of the mystery, part of getting to the bottom of it. And I’ll tell you how. It’s the Metamaterials that we have discussed. You know Hal Puthoff and Eric Davis and others are trying to figure out what those things are and how they work and why they would be so important to the kind of magical propulsion systems that we’ve seen on the videos that have come out of the Pentagon. I think one conclusion that has been reached is that these things were made somewhere else. That we can’t manufacture these things on earth, not using our current technology. The possibility is, and even maybe the likelihood is, they were created in in zero gravity. You need zero gravity to make them. Well, we don’t have any manufacturing facilities in space, so whoever made them, it’s not us. So maybe if we do have habitats, and a permanent presence in space, and larger and larger space stations, that eventually we’ll be able to make this kind of stuff ourselves in zero gravity. We can’t do it now, but Bob Bigelow, the central focus of his life is creating platforms where we might be able to do it someday.”
I spoke to one of the elite researchers in the field, Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell, about the Metamaterials. He was gracious enough to submit these exclusive comments that sum up the article eloquently. To follow Jeremy’s groundbreaking work visit I can’t thank him enough.
“On my journey as a filmmaker to grasp the UFO problem from a technological point of view, it’s my understanding that the current state of material science is the nagging barrier to our development.
The Earthy replication of exotic and seemingly “non-terrestrial” technologies – observed by military and civilians alike – is hindered by the physical materials we are capable of fabricating or procuring.
Metamaterials certainly represent fabricated technologies that provide new opportunities, unseen by humanity before. A simple example would be the super-superconductivity and strength of Graphene. A not-so-simple example might be on the horizon.
The concept of a micro-gravity production environment – as championed by Robert Bigelow and reported on by George Knapp – is one single aspect of a much larger push to unravel the physical blockades preventing us from utilizing an exotic physics that we are just starting to understand.
I suspect that with each leap in the development of our material science, we will discover new ways of accessing the fundamental nature of the physical universe. And that with each discovery will be a new vista – a plateau to view our past ignorance from. What today seems like magic, will seem commonplace tomorrow. We will quickly take for granted the discoveries of our ancestors with an irreverence – and with a hunger for the future.
Ultimately there might be a singular breakthrough-technology that forever launches us from the shores of the past. However, it might not be quite that dramatic.
As long as we continue to explore the physical mystery of the UFO and the Un-Funded Opportunities (as Ben Rich would say)… I imagine we will get there – in time.
And we are indeed exploring UFOs – currently – in every branch of the United States military and intelligence networks. We have seasoned programs attempting to tackle every aspect of the problem.
Maybe physical materials is the next to be revealed. And maybe it will be the Pandora’s Box that some are hoping for.
With curiosity comes discovery; and with discovery comes greater curiosity.
A mysterious "empty trash bag" object has been spotted floating above Earth.
The satellite is thought to be several metres across but is extremely lightweight, the astronomers who spotted it say.
The object is probably a piece of light material, such as metallic foil, that has been left over from a rocket launch. But it is not clear what rocket launch the object known as A10bMLz could have been launched from.
At the moment, the object is on a strange, highly elliptical orbit. Sometimes it comes as close as 600 kilometres from the Earth – but it swings around to be 1.4 times as far out as the Moon.
Because of its small mass, A10bMLz is very susceptible to radiation pressure from the Sun. That means its orbit changes "chaotically" on a scale of days to weeks, according to the London-based Northolt Branch Observatories (NBO) that analysed it.
It means that it is impossible to fully predict where it might be flying. It is being buffeted around in space like a plastic bag might be in the wind.
The object could re-enter Earth's atmosphere within a few motnhs, for instance, or might continue to fly around the Earth.
Such "empty trash bag" objects have been spotted before. But this is the first one that has ever been seen drifting at such a distant orbit.
The object was first seen by Hawaii's Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) telescope. Further analysis by the NBO confirmed that the object was very light but relatively wide, as well as its strange orbit.
Empty trash bag objects, or ETBOs, tend to have unpredictable orbit patterns.
The objects are often very light-weight, with a mass of less than one kilogram, but stretch several meters across.
In the case of A10bMLz, it's likely a piece of metallic foil gone astray.
Astronomers have said it can be difficult to judge where ETBOs will drift next because, like a plastic bag, they have trajectories that 'zig and zag in unpredictable ways.'
Empty trash bag objects have been spotted many times by astronomers.
The Earth satellite, referred to as 'A10bMLz,' was first spotted by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) telescope in Hawaii, on Friday. Northolt Observatories found that the object (pictured) is 'extremely light-weight' but several meters across
A10bMLz was moving in an unusual retrograde orbit, instead of prograde orbit. It's orbiting 600 km above the Earth's surface but drifted as far as 1.4 times out from the moon
Empty trash bag objects have been spotted by astronomers many times before, but A10bMLz surprised Northolt Branch Observatories due to its very distant and unpredictable orbit
There are an estimated 170 million pieces of so-called 'space junk' - left behind after missions that can be as big as spent rocket stages or as small as paint flakes - in orbit alongside some US$700 billion of space infrastructure.
But only 22,000 are tracked, and with the fragments able to travel at speeds above 27,000kmh (16,777 mph), even tiny pieces could seriously damage or destroy satellites.
However, traditional gripping methods don't work in space, as suction cups do not function in a vacuum and temperatures are too cold for substances like tape and glue.
Grippers based around magnets are useless because most of the debris in orbit around Earth is not magnetic.
Around 500,000 pieces of human-made debris (artist's impression) currently orbit our planet, made up of disused satellites, bits of spacecraft and spent rockets
Most proposed solutions, including debris harpoons, either require or cause forceful interaction with the debris, which could push those objects in unintended, unpredictable directions.
Scientists point to two events that have badly worsened the problem of space junk.
The first was in February 2009, when an Iridium telecoms satellite and Kosmos-2251, a Russian military satellite, accidentally collided.
The second was in January 2007, when China tested an anti-satellite weapon on an old Fengyun weather satellite.
Experts also pointed to two sites that have become worryingly cluttered.
One is low Earth orbit which is used by satnav satellites, the ISS, China's manned missions and the Hubble telescope, among others.
The other is in geostationary orbit, and is used by communications, weather and surveillance satellites that must maintain a fixed position relative to Earth.
Empty trash bag objects have been spotted by astronomers many times before, but A10bMLz surprised them due to its very distant orbit, Northolt Branch Observatories said.
Predicting the artificial satellite's trajectory is currently impossible. Astronomers believe the object may burn up upon reentry into the Earth's atmosphere within a few month
Remember the Malaysian Airlines plane MH370 which disappeared but left behind a mystery that has still not been solved? In a 2014 poll on the MH370 disappearance, five per cent of American respondents said they believed it had been affected by “alien activities”’. For many people, MH370’s inexplicable disappearance brought to mind one of the most famous and perhaps saddest mystery cases which grabbed worldwide media attention—that of Frederick Valentich, a young Australian pilot. Significantly, it was this case in particular which is credited with starting off a whole series of visual, radar, and filmed recordings of unidentified, unexplained flying objects or UFOs.
Fifty minutes after he had taken off on a solo flight across Bass Strait to King Island in a Cessna 182 aircraft, Frederick Valentich radioed, “It’s approaching from due east of me… It seems to be playing some sort of game. Flying at speed I cannot estimate…It is flying past. It has a long shape… coming for me right now… It has a green light and sort of metallic light on the outside…” Frederick was reporting to the Melbourne air flight service controller after he radioed a request for confirmation of a large craft with “four bright lights” and was informed that there were no reported aircraft in the area. “…. The thing is orbiting on top of me… Proceeding King Island…Unknown aircraft now hovering on top of me…” and Frederick signed off. A loud metallic sound was heard at ground reception for 17 seconds and then communications went dead. No sign of either Frederick Valentich or his plane was ever found, and the mystery, like that of MH370, remains unsolved to this day.
More recently, just a few weeks ago, the International Business Times carried a report with an intriguing headline: “Mountain collapses in Russia: Conspiracy theorists put forward UFO crash possibilities”. Russian president Vladimir Putin, said the report, has apparently asked soldiers to investigate a creepy incident where a mountain in Siberia collapsed completely due to unknown reasons… popular conspiracy theory YouTube channel ‘Secureteam10’ run by UFO researcher Tyler Glockner has suggested that the unexpected collapse of the mountain might be due to a UFO crash.
The video uploaded by Secureteam10 soon went viral, and quickly racked up more than 4,00,000 views, according to the IBT report. After watching the videos, most of the people claimed that the mountain collapse could be the result of an alien space ship crash. Some other people claimed that these events could be the aftermath of earth’s magnetic pole shift. However, reported that Alexey Maslov, head of Verkhnebureinsky district where the incident happened said: “We are trying to find the explanation for this incident. I insist that it was a meteorite.” This incident stirred yet again the age old, undying debate between known, explainable physical phenomena and the phenomena of unexplained strange happenings. Such extraordinary occurrences often tend to fall between the supernatural and extraterrestrial theories as a possible key to the mystery.
The extraterrestrial “explanation” category is exceptionally fascinating. While the earliest “strange” sightings, believed to be more than 47,000 years old, seem to be carved on a granite mountain and rocks on an island in Hunan Province in China, one of the first written accounts of a strange sighting in the sky is part of an Egyptian papyrus—more than 3,400 years old—belonging to the period of Pharaoh Thutmose III, who ruled around 1504 to 1450 B.C.! Just like the references in the Mahabharata, excerpts from the ancient Egyptian account are worth reading. As I’ve written earlier, such sightings “with no single rational explanation” and often made by people of unimpeachable integrity in different parts of the world—Nicholas Roerich, the famous Russian painter with such close connections with India, Sir Francis Chichester, the well known flier, sailor and navigator, Jimmy Carter, former President of the USA—to name a few personalities of recent times—have continued down the centuries, right up to our present times.
Significantly, the majority of sightings has not come from illiterate, gullible people or people of unsound mind or prone to hallucinations. Experienced Air Force and private airline pilots, air traffic controllers, Captains of ships on the sea, professors, policemen, and other highly qualified, highly respected personages are amongst the witnesses. There have been single sightings but more of sightings by several people at the same time and sometimes even hundreds or thousands of people watched.
UFOs have been photographed quite extensively and the photographs subjected to thorough scrutiny for “fraud” but were almost always found to be genuine. Jimmy Carter, the former U.S. President sighted a UFO on January 6, 1969, when he was Governor of Georgia. The former President was quoted by the “National Enquirer” as saying, “I am convinced that UFOs exist because I’ve seen one…It was a very peculiar aberration but about 20 people saw it… It was big; it was very bright; it changed colours; and it was about the size of the moon. We watched it for 10 minutes, but none of us could figure out what it was…”
Some UFO witnesses have described personal contact with ‘occupants’ of strange crafts and even reported being detained. The book Real Aliens, Space Beings, and Creatures from Other Worlds by Brad and Sherry Steiger provides very informative reading. But as author and paranormal researcher Stephen Wagner rightly questions, “To account for the sheer number and variety of aliens and craft reported over the decades, the Earth would have to be visited by dozens of races from dozens of planets outside our solar system. Is this likely? What are these creatures and where do they really come from? Other dimensions? Our own imaginations and subconscious?…science has so far brought us knowledge of only the thinnest surface of our true reality. I suspect that the answers and explanations are, for the present, beyond our understanding…”
And whether they are physical, psychological, interdimensional, or something else in nature, emphasises Wagner, they cannot and should not be ignored… they should be reported, explored, and examined—objectively—to the fullest extent possible. How else, he asks, are we going to get to the bottom of it all? And that should include the numerous documented but not often reported UFO sightings in India as well.
The latest episode of History’s Project Blue Book takes the furthest deviation yet from the facts of the real Project Blue Book program. However, it is very entertaining and it mixes in real conspiracy theories expertly in a manner that is intelligent and makes the viewers think.
I have been reviewing the show for Den of Geek, and my review of the latest episode can be found here:
Project Blue Bookepisode 4 takes a nosedive into the rabbit hole, but the wild storylines follow real conspiracy and UFO mythologies that are popular on the web. It also presents an intriguing alternate theory to the idea that UFOs have anything to do with aliens at all.
Take an odd part of history, add a bit of conspiracy mythology, then sprinkle with magic Hollywood dust and up sprouts a huge, beautiful tree of fantasy. That would sum up my feelings on “Operation Paperclip.” I am a student of history, so I relish in historical accuracy. However, I am also a sci-fi buff, and this latest episode frustrated the history buff in me while exciting my sci-fi side.
Let’s get into it. The show begins with Hynek on an airplane. The first mystery presented was that the passenger cabin of the aircraft looked more like a train with curtains over the windows and seats that faced one another. However, in a tweet, show creator and writer David O’Leary wrote: “Yes, these old 1950s planes really did have train-like booths that faced each other. And lots more leg room!” Score one for historical accuracy! Granted, it’s one of the few points that I will award in this category for this particular episode.
Hynek then sees a UFO flying around the airplane. We are lead to believe Hynek is experiencing this sighting, but then he wakes from a dream. He was dreaming about his most recent UFO case - a sighting by the passengers and crew of a commercial aircraft near Huntsville, Alabama.
Quinn feels certain he knows who is responsible for this UFO incident and he is not very happy about it. Quinn explains that after World War II, German scientists were snatched up by the U.S. as part of Operation Paperclip. He says Huntsville was set up to house German scientists working on rocket technology, led by Werner von Braun. Having fought in World War II, Quinn is with the situation.
Hynek and Quinn travel to Huntsville to find out what the Germans are up to. Quinn is convinced that the UFO that buzzed the airplane was a rocket built by the former German scientists, who he believes were not concerned with endangering the lives of the passengers.
Security denies Hynek and Quinn access to the base, but Quinn crashes through the barricades anyway. This does allow them an audience with Von Braun but also lands Quinn a suspension. Von Braun says he is familiar with Hynek’s work, shows them a secret rocket launch and offers Hynek a job. He admits it was one of his rockets that buzzed the airplane, but Hynek doesn’t believe him.
To make a long story short, after leaving, Hyenk and Quinn break into the base again. This time they sneak around and find a body floating in a suspended animation container. It looks like an alien. The base alarms sound, so the two race off, only to be caught. Von Braun tells them what they saw was a monkey that had been sent into space and was undergoing testing as to the effects of space on its body. Hynek tells him he is suspicious of their project because the rocket explanation for the UFO sighting did not fit the witness testimony. There is something von Braun is hiding.
At the end of the show, we see what that is. After Quinn and Hynek have left, General Harding, Quin’s boss, shows up to join von Braun on a tarmac. A large saucer-shaped object is then wheeled out of a hangar, and a pilot in a flight suit is put into the craft. This pilot is complaining he doesn’t want to do this, but he seems drugged and unable to struggle. The craft looks like human technology, but when it is started up, a weird field surrounds it, then it disappears. The show is mostly full on science fiction with modern UFO and conspiracy mythologies expertly weaved into the story. The visuals are also stunning. It all makes for a fun and exciting show.
Project Blue Book, the TV show, is getting more exciting, and maybe that is due to its divergence from reality. Many feel the show does not need to move away from the real Project Blue Book investigations to be exciting, and that may be the case. I know first hand proving that to a producer is near impossible. However, I find this particular journey into conspiratorial sci-fi is intelligent in that it is expertly incorporating the UFO and conspiracy mythologies while making the viewers think about alternate explanations to the UFO mystery.
The Project Blue Book Files
Huntsville is a city built by rockets. It is the home of NASA’s Marshall Space Center, but before NASA was created, the military had been testing missiles in the area since World War II. After the war ended, rocket testing continued. Operation Paperclip was real, and Werner von Braun was a real rocket scientist brought to the U.S. The U.S. first brought the German rocket scientists to Fort Bliss, Texas, but in the ‘50s, von Braun and his team were moved to Huntsville.
Von Braun’s popularity was primarily due to his involvement in the development of the V-2 rocket. This rocket terrified the allies during the war because it was the first ballistic missile. While the space program was a real thing, the real importance to the military was the development of bigger and better rockets. Especially with the prospect that a ballistic missile would be the ideal delivery system for the newly developed atom bomb.
In UFO circles, there have been many rumors about von Braun. From the belief that he had to be in the know regarding alleged crashes of alien spacecraft such as Roswell, to a rumor that he knew the government was faking emergencies to distract the public and that one day a UFO scare would be used for that purpose.
The Nazi’s also have a UFO history according to many conspiracy theories. It is believed they communicated with aliens and were able to develop technologies based off of alien technology. You can even find pictures online of saucer-shaped craft with Nazi symbols and guns mounted on them. It is rumored that the Nazi’s tried to mount weapons on alien spacecraft and it disrupted the propulsion systems and would not work. There are also rumors that the Germans were developing anti-gravity. In particular, a bell-shaped craft creatively named The Bell. The propulsion system consisted of two cylinders filled with a mercury-like substance that spun in opposite directions.
The way the craft disappeared at the end of Project Blue Bookis reminiscent of another conspiracy theory, one known as the Philadelphia Experiment. This mythology was first brought forth in a UFO book, although the author did not find the story credible. Despite the author’s opinion, this theory has a wide following. The story was that the U.S. developed technology that could render a ship invisible. Allegedly in 1943, the USS Eldridge, a 300 ft long Navy destroyer, was used to experiment with the technology. When the invisibility machine was enabled, the ship disappeared. When it reappeared crewmen reported feeling sick, and some were killed by somehow being embedded into the steal of the vessel.
In reality, the Germans were undoubtedly ahead of their time. At the time, technology such as jet propulsion and rockets were very advanced, and the Germans were way ahead of the U.S. in these areas. They even had a jet shaped like a stealth bomber that did partially inspire some of the stealth bomber’s characteristics. However, beyond rumors, there is no evidence they developed anti-gravity or canoodled with aliens.
The end of this Project Blue Bookepisode seems to suggest UFO sightings are actually due to experimental aircraft. The CIA has suggested this as well. In a CIA report regarding the development of aircraft at Area 51, there is a section titled “U-2s, UFOs, and Operation Blue Book.” In this section, they claim that many UFO reports were due to unwitting civilians spotting test flights of the U-2 spy plane. The report claims, “This, in turn, led to the Air Force’s Operation Blue Book.” The problem with the last statement is that the U.S. Air Force began investigating UFO sightings in 1947 with Project Sign and Project Blue Book began in 1952. The U.S. did not conduct test flights of the U-2 until the mid to late 50s. It is highly likely U-2 test flights did cause UFO reports, but it is not possible for the U-2 test flights to have caused the creation of Project Blue Book.
Une mission spatiale secrète aurait été envoyée vers le vaisseau extraterrestre Oumuamua !
Une mission spatiale secrète aurait été envoyée vers le vaisseau extraterrestre Oumuamua !
Dans cette vidéo : Alors que les astronomes débattent de l'hypothèse de l'engin spatial Oumuamua, un initié et lanceur d'alerte affirme qu'une mission spatiale secrète a été envoyée pour l'explorer... ▼▼Suite ci-dessous▼▼
Autre vidéo à voir :
➨ Corey Goode révèle des documents secrets de la DIA sur des technologies avancées :
Saturn’s largest moon Titan has a thick nitrogen atmosphere – unique among all the moons in the solar system. A new study suggests Titan’s atmosphere originated from organics being “cooked” in its interior.
Saturn’s large moon Titan, with its smaller moon Mimas in the foreground, as seen by the Cassini spacecraft in 2013. Titan’s atmosphere is thick and hazy, and mostly nitrogen, like Earth’s. Where did the nitrogen come from? Image via NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute.
Titan is Saturn’s largest moon and, in many ways, seems more like a planet than a moon. It is eerily Earth-like, yet a very different world from Earth, with extreme cold and rivers, lakes and seas of liquid methane/ethane. Also, Titan is the only moon in the solar system that has a thick atmosphere, and, in that way, too, it’s reminiscent of the major planets in our solar system. Titan’s atmosphere is composed primarily of nitrogen, like Earth’s. Just how Titan’s atmosphere developed has been one of the long-standing mysteries of this bizarre world.
A new peer-reviewed study sheds some light on this question. The study was published online in The Astrophysical Journal on January 22, 2019. The study – from the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) – suggests that the nitrogen in Titan’s atmosphere originated from the “cooking” of organic material in the interior of the moon. Kelly Miller, a research scientist in SwRI’s Space Science and Engineering Division and lead author of the study, provided some background:
Titan is a very interesting moon because it has this very thick atmosphere, which makes it unique among moons in our solar system. It is also the only body in the solar system, other than Earth, that has large quantities of liquid on the surface. Titan, however, has liquid hydrocarbons instead of water.
A lot of organic chemistry is no doubt happening on Titan, so it’s an undeniable source of curiosity.
The main theory about Titan’s atmosphere has been that ammonia ice from comets was converted, by impacts or photochemistry, into nitrogen to form Titan’s atmosphere. While that may still be an important process, it neglects the effects of what we now know is a very substantial portion of comets: complex organic material.
Artist’s concept of the Huygens probe descending through Titan’s thick atmosphere before landing, in 2005.
Image via NASA.
Miller’s study was inspired by a mission to a very different object – comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko – studied in detail by the European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft. It turned out that the composition of the comet was about 1/2 ice, 1/4 rock and 1/4 organic material. The comet’s composition could be significant in terms of figuring out how Titan’s atmosphere came to be, according to Miller:
Comets and primitive bodies in the outer solar system are really interesting because they’re thought to be leftover building blocks of the solar system. Those small bodies could be incorporated into larger bodies, like Titan, and the dense, organic-rich rocky material could be found in its core.
Titan as seen by Cassini’s radar, showing methane clouds in the atmosphere.
Image via NASA/JPL-Caltech.
How exactly does all this apply to Titan? Miller compared thermal models of Titan’s interior to data from organic material in meteorites. The idea was to see how much gaseous material could be produced from meteorite impacts into Titan when it was first forming.
The result was that about half of the moon’s nitrogen and perhaps also most of its methane could be accounted for in this scenario. The organics would be “cooked” into Titan as it was forming a few billion years ago.
While primarily nitrogen, Titan’s atmosphere also contains about 5 percent methane, which can form organic compounds. Those organics are all over Titan today – both in the atmosphere (as haze) and coating the surface (including massive “dunes” of organic material).
Structure of Titan’s atmosphere, which is composed primarily of nitrogen and methane.
Image via Anthony J. Colozza.
But Titan’s atmospheric methane supply still needs to be replenished somehow since the gas breaks down over time, and scientists are still not sure how that happens. On Earth, most methane comes from biology, but on Titan – given the extreme conditions – it is more likely to be primordial methane left over from when the moon first formed, similar to that found in the atmospheres of the ice giants Uranus and Neptune.
Some scientists, however, do think that primitive life of some kind is possible on Titan, perhaps in its methane/ethane lakes and seas or in the subsurface water ocean.
Bottom line: Titan’s thick nitrogen atmosphere is unique among moons in the solar system. The nitrogen may have been “cooked” inside Titan.
The space rock traveled over West Palm Beach, above the Florida Keys, and then to Viñales, a town in Pinar del Río, Cuba. It left a smoke trail seen by many. Images and video here.
The daylight meteor seen in Cuba on February 1 left a long smoke trail.
Image via Hatzel Vela
Several meteorites have been found in western Cuba after a huge meteor was seen by many – in broad daylight – on Friday, February 1, 2019. People in southern Florida also saw the meteor, as this space rock traveled over West Palm Beach, above the Florida Keys, and then to Viñales, a town in Pinar del Río, Cuba.
The event occurred at around 1:16 – 1:17 p.m. EST on Friday, February 1, 2019. Residents of Viñales, Cuba saw a very long smoke trail that lasted more than one minute, while the meteor itself was described as extremely bright, with amyellow-orange color, and lasted more than at least four seconds.
Several Cuban residents reported finding black rocks showing the characteristic fusion crust seen in ordinary chondrite meteorites.
One of several stony meteorites found in Cuba on February 1, 2019, shortly after the huge meteor was seen across the skies.
Image via Hatzel Vela.
Astronomers estimate that the space rock that disintegrated over Cuba was at least a few meters in diameter – likely, van-sized – before entering Earth’s atmosphere. That’s a lot smaller than the house-sized asteroid that entered Earth’s atmosphere over Chelyabinsk, Russia – also in February- in 2013. The shock wave from the Chelyabinsk event broke windows in six Russian cities and sent some 1,500 people to seek medical treatment, mostly from flying glass.
One of the witnesses of the Cuba meteor was Juan Alberto Pérez Pozo, who, immediately after seeing the amazing meteor, started recording the smoke trail and was able to capture the huge sonic boom at 0:46 on this video:
Meteorological satellites also recorded the event:
Remnants of the meteor over Viñales in western Cuba evident in #Goes16 GLM, Split Window Difference, and Sulfur Dioxide views
The bright yellow-orange color seen in the meteor suggests the space rock probably contained sodium. A similar composition was also seen in the Chelyabinsk meteorites, which were later recovered in a lake.
Reports indicate the sonic boom of the Cuba meteor also shattered windows, much as the Chelyabinsk meteor did; however, the Cuba event was at a smaller scale.
A web cam in Fort Myers, Florida, captured the meteor as it was descending towards Cuba:
Other small asteroids passed very close to Earth in the past few weeks, including asteroid 2019 BZ3, a 23-foot (7-meter) space rock that came at just 0.1 or 10 percent of the Earth-moon distance, on January 27, 2019.
Good-sized meteors do strike Earth’s atmosphere frequently. Fortunately, Earth’s atmosphere causes most of these space rocks to disintegrate. According to astronomers who study asteroids, Earth is in no imminent danger of collision with any large, dangerous asteroid.
Bottom line: A small space rock exploded in midair over Cuba, and pieces of it (meteorites) have been found.
Astronomers studying a globular star cluster accidentally discovered a more-distant galaxy behind it. The little galaxy is 30 million light-years away and is nicknamed Bedin 1. The videos in this post take you there.
The computer animation above uses data from the Hubble Space Telescope, and from ground-based telescopes, to take you on a trip through the globular cluster NGC 6752. It shows a newly discovered dwarf galaxy – called Bedin 1 – hidden behind the globular cluster’s stars. Astronomers found this little galaxy while using the Hubble Space Telescope to photograph the globular star cluster, which is located 13,000 light-yearsaway in the halo of our home galaxy, the Milky Way. The newly known galaxy is approximately 2,300 times farther away than the foreground cluster. Still, on the vast distance scale used by astronomers, the newly discovered galaxy is said to be:
… in our own cosmic backyard, only 30 million light-years away.
These astronomers described their new discovery January 10, 2019, in the peer-reviewed journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society – Letters.
Below is another video, which also takes you on a journey to the globular cluster NGC 6752. The final view, from the Hubble Space Telescope, shows the bright stars of the cluster, as well as a collection of faint stars; these faint stars are part of the background galaxy.
The newly discovered object is classified as a dwarf spheroidal galaxy because it measures only around 3,000 light-years across at its greatest extent (barely 1/30th the diameter of our Milky Way). It’s roughly 1,000 times dimmer than the Milky Way. Dwarf spheroidal galaxies are defined by their small size, low luminosity, lack of dust and old stellar populations. Thirty-six galaxies of this type are already known to exist in our Local Group of galaxies, 22 of which are satellite galaxies of the Milky Way. The new galaxy is beyond the Local Group, however.
Because of its 13-billion-year-old age, and its isolation — which resulted in hardly any interaction with other galaxies — the dwarf is the astronomical equivalent of a living fossil from the early universe.
The discovery of Bedin 1 was a truly serendipitous find. Very few Hubble images allow such faint objects to be seen, and they cover only a small area of the sky. Future telescopes with a large field of view, such as the WFIRST telescope, will have cameras covering a much larger area of the sky and may find many more of these galactic neighbors.
Close-up of a part of the globular cluster NGC 6752. Look closely – left side of image – and you’ll see a previously unknown dwarf spheroidal galaxy, nicknamed Bedin 1, in the far background.
This composite image shows the location of the accidentally discovered dwarf galaxy Bedin 1 behind the globular cluster NGC 6752. The lower image, depicting the complete cluster, is a ground-based observation from the Digitized Sky Survey 2. The upper right image shows the full field of view of the Hubble Space Telescope. The upper left one highlights the part containing the galaxy Bedin 1. Image via
Bottom line: Astronomers studying the relatively nearby globular star cluster NGC 6752 stumbled upon a more-distant galaxy behind it. The little galaxy is 30 million light-years away and is nicknamed Bedin 1.
Astronomers studying a globular star cluster accidentally discovered a more-distant galaxy behind it. The little galaxy is 30 million light-years away and is nicknamed Bedin 1. The videos in this post take you there.
The computer animation above uses data from the Hubble Space Telescope, and from ground-based telescopes, to take you on a trip through the globular cluster NGC 6752. It shows a newly discovered dwarf galaxy – called Bedin 1 – hidden behind the globular cluster’s stars. Astronomers found this little galaxy while using the Hubble Space Telescope to photograph the globular star cluster, which is located 13,000 light-yearsaway in the halo of our home galaxy, the Milky Way. The newly known galaxy is approximately 2,300 times farther away than the foreground cluster. Still, on the vast distance scale used by astronomers, the newly discovered galaxy is said to be:
… in our own cosmic backyard, only 30 million light-years away.
These astronomers described their new discovery January 10, 2019, in the peer-reviewed journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society – Letters.
Below is another video, which also takes you on a journey to the globular cluster NGC 6752. The final view, from the Hubble Space Telescope, shows the bright stars of the cluster, as well as a collection of faint stars; these faint stars are part of the background galaxy.
The newly discovered object is classified as a dwarf spheroidal galaxy because it measures only around 3,000 light-years across at its greatest extent (barely 1/30th the diameter of our Milky Way). It’s roughly 1,000 times dimmer than the Milky Way. Dwarf spheroidal galaxies are defined by their small size, low luminosity, lack of dust and old stellar populations. Thirty-six galaxies of this type are already known to exist in our Local Group of galaxies, 22 of which are satellite galaxies of the Milky Way. The new galaxy is beyond the Local Group, however.
Because of its 13-billion-year-old age, and its isolation — which resulted in hardly any interaction with other galaxies — the dwarf is the astronomical equivalent of a living fossil from the early universe.
The discovery of Bedin 1 was a truly serendipitous find. Very few Hubble images allow such faint objects to be seen, and they cover only a small area of the sky. Future telescopes with a large field of view, such as the WFIRST telescope, will have cameras covering a much larger area of the sky and may find many more of these galactic neighbors.
Close-up of a part of the globular cluster NGC 6752. Look closely – left side of image – and you’ll see a previously unknown dwarf spheroidal galaxy, nicknamed Bedin 1, in the far background.
This composite image shows the location of the accidentally discovered dwarf galaxy Bedin 1 behind the globular cluster NGC 6752. The lower image, depicting the complete cluster, is a ground-based observation from the Digitized Sky Survey 2. The upper right image shows the full field of view of the Hubble Space Telescope. The upper left one highlights the part containing the galaxy Bedin 1. Image via
Bottom line: Astronomers studying the relatively nearby globular star cluster NGC 6752 stumbled upon a more-distant galaxy behind it. The little galaxy is 30 million light-years away and is nicknamed Bedin 1.
Book of Enoch: “Fallen angels are imprisoned in Antarctica” (Video)
Book of Enoch: “Fallen angels are imprisoned in Antarctica” (Video)
On March 14, Israel News Live published a story entitled "The fallen angels imprisoned in Antarctica and are still alive." The commentator, Steven Ben-Nun, analyzed Enoch's apocryphal book, which describes the experiences of Enoch, Biblical figure, who was taken to heaven to witness and play a key role in a greater heavenly conflict.
Enoch became the chief intermediary between the two sides of the conflict between the "fallen angels" and the "right angels" who served a deity known as "the Lord." There were multiple problems in the conflict, such as fallen angels, interbreeding and / or performing genetic experiments on humanity, and transmitting knowledge and technologies forbidden to human civilization still in development.
The Book of Enoch begins with the arrival of 200 Fallen Angels in the area of Mount Hermon, which borders modern Lebanon and Syria. The Fallen Angels began to cross and / or genetically modify the local inhabitants.
6.1 And it came to pass that when the children of men were increased, beautiful and beautiful daughters were born to them in those days.
6.2 And the angels, the children of heaven, saw them and wished them. And they said to one another, "Come, let us choose for us wives, for the children of men, and beget children for us."
6.6 And they were altogether two hundred, and they came down upon Ardis, which is the top of Mount Hermon. And they called to the mountain of Hermon, because in it they swore and bound one another with curses.
While the fallen angels had established an outpost on Mount Hermon, it was Antarctica that would be removed for finally after losing the celestial battle with the just angels, according to Ben-Nun's analysis of the Book of Enoch.
Ben-Nun quotes passages from the Book of Enoch that are very suggestive of Antarctica, as well as the place where Enoch was taken to witness heavenly events:
18.5 And I saw the winds on the earth that hold the clouds and I saw the ways of the angels. I saw the end of the Earth; The firmament of Heaven above.
18.6 And I went southward, and it burned day and night, where there were seven mountains of precious stones, three toward the east and three toward the south.
18.7 And those from the east were of colored stone, and one of pearls, and another of healing stone; And those of the south, of red stone.
18.8 And the means reached Heaven, like the throne of the Lord, from Estibio, and the top of the throne was sapphire.
What is interesting in the previous passage is that Enoch refers to a place that "was burning day and night." Ben-Nun believes that this fits the description of Antarctica during the southern hemisphere's summer season when there are 24 hours of sunlight.
As for the seven mountains, this seems to refer to Mount Vinson in the Sentinel Range of Antarctica, according to Ben-Nun. It also refers to six nearby mountains in the range that could qualify as the mountains described in the Book of Enoch.
Mt Vinson is the highest mountain in Antarctica, and is towards the center of the Sentinela Range. It would have stood out so spectacularly with its snow-capped peaks in antiquity, as it does today.
All this leads to an intriguing question. Is Goode himself a modern Enoch who is given a key role in witnessing and mediating between different human and extraterrestrial factions as the Sphere delegate that is the Alliance, which seems to be functionally identical to the omniscient deity described in the Book of Enoch? If so, this would suggest that Enoch himself was an extraterrestrial contactee of the Sphere Alliance Being or a similar group 13,000 years ago.
If the Pre-Adamite / Fallen Angels are awakened / liberated, then there will certainly be a need to deal with them and their hybrid springtime about what roles they should play while humanity awakens to the truth of their history, and manipulation by multiple extraterrestrial groups and elite families.
Norio Hayakawa, a resident of Rio Rancho, New Mexico, has been engaged in the study of UFOs for more than fifty years. An expert on Nevada’s Area 51 and the alleged underground base near Dulce, New Mexico, he was responsible for organising ‘The Dulce Base: Fact or Fiction?’ conference – the first event of its kind ever held – which took place in the town of Dulce in March 2009. During his many years as a UFO lecturer, activist, and researcher, he’s brushed shoulders with such well-known figures as the late William ‘Bill’ Cooper, Bob Lazar and the late Gabe Valdez.
Much of Hayakawa’s research focuses on the technological-militaristic and socio-political aspects of the UFO phenomenon – an area overlooked by most other UFO researchers. A unique and discerning voice in the field of UFOlogy, he suggests there’s been an effort on the part of the authorities, for reasons both disturbing and far-reaching, to manipulate the public’s beliefs concerning UFOs and aliens. Like Dr. Jacques Vallée and others, he isn’t afraid to point out the shortcomings of the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH), while at the same time maintaining an open-mind. Hayakawa kindly agreed to discuss his work with New Dawn magazine.
LOUIS PROUD (LP):Can you please describe your background and how you came to develop an interest in the UFO phenomenon?
NORIO HAYAKAWA (NH): I started getting really involved with UFO research around 1961, when I was a sophomore in high school. However, when I was in elementary school beginning in the early 1950s I had already known about ‘flying saucers’ because I used to listen to my father tell me of his sighting of a strangely manoeuvring green ‘ball’ of fire, which took place when he was fishing one summer night in 1947, in the Bay of Yokohama, Japan. My father was quite familiar with shooting stars and other astronomical phenomena, because he had spent years night fishing and was so used to looking at night skies. But that particular summer night in 1947 was definitely unforgettable to him, he used to tell our family at our dining table as he enthusiastically described his sighting to us.
From 1961, I started getting involved and began to subscribe to newsletters of NICAP [National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena] and APRO [Aerial Phenomena Research Organization] and other groups in the US, even though I was living in Japan. I also began to attend meetings of UFO investigation groups in the Yokohama and Tokyo areas. In 1964, when I was attending college in Tokyo, I became fascinated by a newspaper article about a strange encounter involving a highway patrol officer named Lonnie Zamora who claimed to have witnessed a flying saucer sitting on the desert, just outside of a sleepy little town in New Mexico, US, by the name of Socorro. Of course, that was the famous Socorro incident of 1964. The sighting really convinced me that I have to get to the bottom of this strange phenomenon.
LP: You say the authorities have exploited and benefited from the UFO phenomenon, by using it as a smokescreen for various top secret militaristic projects.
NH: Many defence contractors in the US periodically create ‘cover’ stories in order to detract attention away from covert military projects by some curious segment of the population. These ‘cover’ stories sometimes involve false UFO sighting reports. Such reports are frequently used when contractors come up with new military weapons systems or new military aircraft and so on – for example, new generations of remotely-controlled platforms for various programs. Creating the so-called ‘laughter curtain’ (i.e., bringing up the subject of UFOs or aliens) is one way to curtail serious scrutiny of certain military bases or programs. A very good example is how Area 51, a very important military research, development and testing location, has become associated with rumours of UFOs or aliens. This may well have been concocted by the Air Force itself, for example.
LP: You seem to disagree with the mainstream scientific notion that we have all the answers concerning UFO activity on Earth – or in other words there is no UFO “cover up.” In fact, you’ve stated the authorities are just as baffled by the UFO phenomenon as the general population. Moreover, you suggest the authorities have tried (and are still trying) to promote among the public certain beliefs concerning UFOs – namely, that UFOs are extraterrestrial spacecraft piloted by physical entities – as part of a sinister and elaborate psychological manipulation program.
NH: I am of the opinion that the government, or ‘authorities’, are just as perplexed about the nature of the UFO phenomenon as the public. The only reason they have not disclosed anything conclusive despite many years of research and collection of vital sighting report files is because they are unable to explain it to the public, having long known that the phenomenon cannot be sufficiently explained simply through contemporary, empirical science. The government has never been in the business of explaining anything that is outside of empirical scientific explanations. The UFO phenomenon seems to go beyond just being a physical phenomenon.
LP: What is your perspective on Operation Paperclip?
NH: We cannot underestimate the importance of Operation Paperclip in the aftermath of WWII. Operation Paperclip was a US sanctioned program through which hundreds of former Nazi German scientists and engineers (and even former SS intelligence officers) were brought to the US in order for the US to acquire some of the interesting military technologies that the Germans already had in the late 1930s and early 1940s, such as advanced rocket science and development of prototypes of flying wing aircraft – some of which were even equipped with ramjet engines and attained speeds of up to 500 or 600 miles per hour. New Mexico was one of the primary locations for these scientists because New Mexico already had important laboratories such as Los Alamos, and also important rocket testing ranges such as White Sands. Even today, White Sands Missile Range is the location of the most advanced testing of directed energy weapons systems, with the use of lasers and microwaves.
LP: What is Project Blue Beam and how does it tie into your research and the notion of a coming global crisis?
NH: Project Blue Beam is an alleged secret and futuristic NASA program in which advanced technologies (such as the use of airborne holographic projection devices and manipulation of various frequency waves) could be utilised to create fake visual/audio simulations to convince the public (or the enemy) that they are witnessing a real event – whatever that scenario may be.
The late Canadian investigative journalist Serge Monast (left), with whom I corresponded in 1993 and 1994, was the first to come up with the allegation that NASA will develop this technology in the near future. HAARP, which began to be talked about in the early 1990s, was basically another version of Project Blue Beam, utilising some of the Tesla technologies. According to some researchers, programs such as HAARP and the Blue Beam Project could be utilised in the future to generate panic (such as by creating a fake ‘extraterrestrial invasion’ scenario) so that the frightened and deceived public would clamour for some type of global authority and unity to fend off such ‘threats’.
LP: Could you please elaborate on the notion of a “fake ‘extraterrestrial invasion’ scenario,” using Project Blue Beam and HAARP technologies, as a way to enforce a totalitarian one-world government, or ‘New World Order’?
NH: If there really exists a global cabal whose long-term plan is to enforce a global government, the most logical way to carry out this plan would be to create an absolutely convincing need for such an authority. The ultimate means to achieve such a plan would be to artificially generate worldwide panic by staging a fake ‘extraterrestrial threat’ through the use of such technologies as HAARP and the alleged Project Blue Beam. An unprecedented series of global crises such as natural catastrophes or conflagrations (both of which could also be created) would be the final condition under which such schemes would be realised.
LP: During a recent interview on Truth Connections Radio you made a comment to the effect that there would no UFO history were it not for the US state of New Mexico.
NH: The importance of New Mexico can be seen from the fact that the atomic bomb was first tested in this state. New Mexico is the location of Los Alamos National Laboratory, probably the world’s largest conglomerate military/scientific research community. Los Alamos, by the way, has the world’s most advanced DNA, human genome, and genetics facilities in the world. Albuquerque, New Mexico is the headquarters of Sandia National Laboratories, which, located inside Kirtland Air Force Base, is probably the world’s largest military research, development and testing conglomerate.
New Mexico is such a huge state in size (the fifth largest in the Union), yet is scarcely populated in proportion to its huge area. Even today, the total population of New Mexico is about two million. It has enough space to conduct any kind of covert military research, development and testing programs. By the way, there are more scientists per population in New Mexico than in any other state. Yet the irony is that the level of public education in New Mexico ranks about 48th in the nation.
As I stated earlier, the White Sands Missile Range is today the location of the world’s most advanced directed energy weapons testing programs, involving lasers and microwaves. If aliens really exist, then this, for obvious reasons, would definitely be the primary place of interest to them. In fact, many people seem to believe that an extraterrestrial spacecraft has already crashed in New Mexico (the famous Roswell UFO incident of 1947).
LP: There is said to be a clandestine (and possibly extraterrestrial) underground facility near the town of Dulce, New Mexico – a topic on which you’ve conducted an extensive amount of research. What are some of the discoveries you’ve made concerning Dulce?
NH: Although I have been involved with investigations into the claims of an alleged underground joint US-alien base in Dulce (alleged biological laboratory) for many years, I have yet to see any solid, tangible, physical, irrefutable documentary evidence whatsoever of its existence. Yet, I can also say there seems to be lots of circumstantial evidence that there is ‘something’ there. What that ‘something’ is, I still do not know.
LP: What is your take on the cattle mutilation mystery?
NH: The cattle mutilation mystery, to my knowledge, began to be reported primarily in the mid-1970s in the Dulce, New Mexico and southern Colorado areas. It is my conjecture that it may have had something to do with the government’s monitoring of radiation levels of certain cows in the northern New Mexico region, especially in the aftermath of alleged radiation leaks that began to affect animals and even humans in the Dulce vicinity, after the US exploded an atomic device deep underground, about 22 miles southwest of Dulce in 1967. This experiment, codenamed Project Gasbuggy, was realised by the US Atomic Energy Commission, ostensibly to help ease the flow of natural gas trapped deep beneath hard rocks in the Dulce region. The high rate of cancer in the Dulce area as well as widespread fertility problems among young women in the area is quite noticeable, even today. Plus, there is a possibility the government may have used the Dulce area as a dumping ground for toxic waste materials, besides possibly conducting some form of bio-warfare research involving substances such as anthrax.
The cattle mutilation incidents may also have been a series of staged events by the government to cause local people and the public to believe that Dulce is somehow associated with alien visitation. The late Gabe Valdez, a former New Mexico state patrol officer in charge of the entire Dulce region for many years, also seemed to come to that conclusion. He further concluded that UFO incidents were staged by the government with the use of holographic projections and other mind-control technologies then being developed at places such as Sandia National Laboratories.
LP: Please shed some light on your association with the late Milton William Cooper (otherwise known as William ‘Bill’ Cooper) – the famous conspiracy theorist and author of Behold a Pale Horse – and how his work is of relevance to your own.
NH: When William ‘Bill’ Cooper first came on the scene in 1989 in Los Angeles, I was quite impressed with his speeches. He had brought a new, global conspiracy-type angle to the UFO phenomenon, which sounded very fresh and exciting to lots of us in the so-called UFO community, including myself. I even helped him launch his first public lecture at Hollywood High School in 1989.
As the years went by, Cooper began to disassociate himself from UFOlogy. He went into the ‘militia’ or ‘Patriot’ movement and, unfortunately, met a violent death in 2001 in Arizona. What I admired about Cooper, despite his well-known obnoxious and rather egotistical personality, was the fact that he began to admit that he may have been purposely shown disinformation by the Navy concerning UFOs. He also began to believe that in the future a secret global government could even stage a ‘fake’ extraterrestrial event to create panic in order to establish a forced global governance of some type.
LP: What do you make of the claims of Robert ‘Bob’ Lazar – who says he took part in a top secret government project, based at Area 51 [Nevada, USA], to reverse-engineer recovered extraterrestrial spacecraft – and others who’ve come forward with similar sensational stories?
NH: The claims of Bob Lazar are simply claims and cannot be verified. However, over all these years Lazar has never changed his story. The very fact that Lazar still has a scientific equipment business in Michigan (United Nuclear) and still seems to be doing occasional work indirectly with some defence contractors seems to indicate he is indeed knowledgeable in the scientific applications associated with military technologies. But there is also a theory that Lazar was intentionally manipulated by the government to strengthen the ‘extraterrestrial’ element to the Area 51 story, thus bringing about the ‘laughter curtain’ whenever discussion of this important military base is brought up by the public.
LP: In your opinion, the UFO phenomenon is non-physical in nature, having nothing to do with flesh-and-blood extraterrestrial beings. Alternately, you’ve expressed a strong appreciation of Dr. Jacques Vallée’s extra-dimensional hypothesis, which interprets UFO events in terms of other “dimensions” or “realities” existing alongside our own.
NH: The vast majority of the world’s scientists as well as the public at large seem convinced there has to be advanced extraterrestrial civilisations elsewhere in the universe. However, when it comes to the question of UFOs most of them do not support the theory that we have ever been (or are being) visited by physical extraterrestrial beings in physical spacecraft; physically it is impossible, they say. Even Stephen Hawking, one of the world’s most brilliant minds, while acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrial civilisations are almost certain, says that no aliens have ever come to earth in UFOs.
But the UFO phenomenon seems to be real. I totally agree with Vallée, who continues to support the extra-dimensional origins of UFOs. I also tend to believe that UFOs are not objects nor are they flying. I tend to believe they are temporarily materialising and dematerialising – in other words, intruding into our dimension for reasons unknown and receding back quickly into their dimension. UFO reports have existed from time immemorial. Even today we do not comprehend the true nature of this puzzling phenomenon.
LP: You once worked as a licensed funeral director, while some of your blog posts concern philosophical topics such as death and the afterlife. Do you believe these topics are of relevance to the UFO phenomenon and, if so, how?
NH: The world is filled with mysteries. There are things in this world that cannot be sufficiently explained. Life and death are mysteries unto themselves. So, in this sense, the UFO phenomenon is no different from the mysteries of life and death. The phenomenon, which has existed from time immemorial (i.e. sighting reports), has not been solved yet. This is the reason I am so fascinated with the topic. The world would be dull without such mysteries. In fact, as I’ve stated many times in my public presentations, the UFO phenomenon is perhaps the most important topic of mankind.
Verborgen 13e-eeuwse teksten vertellen verhalen over Merlijn de tovenaar en koning Arthur beetje anders -
Verborgen 13e-eeuwse teksten vertellen verhalen over Merlijn de tovenaar en koning Arthur beetje anders -
WETENSCHAPAan de universiteit van Bristol (Engeland) heeft een bibliothecaris zeven waardevolle pagina’s handgeschreven teksten ontdekt die vertellen over de avonturen van Merlijn en koning Arthur. Het zou gaan om documenten waarop Sir Thomas Malory, de auteur van de verhalen zoals wij ze kennen, zich baseerde.
Waarom de kostbare documenten nooit eerder werden ontdekt? Ze werden als boekenkaft gebruikt van een 16e-eeuws boek, aldus de bibliothecaris van de universiteitsbibliotheek Michael Richardson. Oude teksten werden vroeger wel vaker hergebruikt om boeken te binden. Richardson was eigenlijk op zoek naar middeleeuwse teksten voor enkele studenten toen hij op de bijzondere vondst stootte.
Toveren kan hij niet, maar de bibliothecaris voelde zich alvast betoverd nadat hij ontdekte dat de zeven onbekende handgeschreven perkamenten over Merlijn de tovenaar, koning Arthur, vrienden én vijanden handelden.
De verraste bibliothecaris herkende al snel enkele namen uit het tijdperk van koning Arthur en verwittigde bevoegde collega’s. Het team ontdekte dat de teksten oorspronkelijk deel uitmaakten van een vierdelige editie van de Oudfranse reeks van Jean de Gerson, een befaamd theoloog en kanselier van de Universiteit van Parijs. De reeks zou een eeuw later deel uitmaken van de “Lancelot-Graalcyclus”, een 13e-eeuwse tekst over de zoektocht van de ridder Lancelot naar de Heilige Graal. Vermoedelijk baseerde de al even bekende Sir Thomas Malory zijn verhalen over koning Arthur en zijn ridders (Le Morte d’Arthur) op de verhalen van zijn 13e-eeuwe voorganger.
“De verhalen in de Bristol-fragmenten zijn echter niet precies hetzelfde als de klassieke verhalen, zoals wij ze kennen, van koning Arthur”, aldus Leah Tether, Brits onderzoeksdirecteur van de International Arthurian Society. De fragmenten van Thomas Malory, die tussen 1494 en 1502 werden gedrukt in Straatsburg, bevatten subtiele maar significante verschillen”, vervolgt ze. “Deze fragmenten uit het verhaal van Merlijn en koning Arthur zijn een wonderbaarlijk spannende vondst die mogelijk gevolgen heeft voor het onderzoek. Niet enkel voor de interpretatie van dergelijke teksten, maar ook voor ons moderne begrip van de Arthur-legende.”
Tot nu toe bestudeerden de onderzoekers slechts een fractie van de teksten. Zo konden ze alvast ontcijferen dat de tekst handelt over de strijd met de fictieve Frankische koning Claudas. Merlijn plande die aanval zorgvuldig, maar in werkelijkheid was de veldslag gruwelijker dan verwacht waarbij de manschappen van koning Arthur en vrienden heel wat tegenslagen te verwerken kregen.
In het heetst van de strijd zou Merlijn zelf met een vaandel met daarop een draak die vuur spuwt ten strijde zijn getrokken. Na heel wat escapades en beproevingen richt Merlijn zich met enkele wijze woorden tot de troepen waarna ze eindelijk zegevieren.
Koning Claudas zou volgens de gevonden teksten gewond geraakt zijn, maar hoe dat gebeurt, blijft onbesproken. In de klassieke vertellingen van Sir Thomas Malory staat echter te lezen dat hij in zijn dij geraakt wordt, een metafoor voor impotentie. “Er zijn veel meer verschillen, maar vanwege de schade aan de fragmenten, zal het tijd kosten om de inhoud correct te ontcijferen”, aldus Leah Tether.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.
Metamaterials, in this context defined as pieces of UFOs, debris, implants or other exotic items have been a huge topic since they were referenced in the New York Times piece on December 16th, 2017 and long before that, as well. A lot of work has been done behind the scenes regarding these materials. Data and information will be coming to light via To the Stars Academy’s ADAM Research Project and most likely other groups. Some of the work has been described in Dr. Diana Walsh Pasulka’s amazing book, “American Cosmic: UFOs Religion, Technology.” I can’t say for sure, but I have a hunch that behind the scenes, conclusions have been made about how these authentic Metamaterials were constructed in zero or microgravity and most likely not manufactured on Earth.
Mr. George Knapp has been reporting on this for years. As a primer, here is one of his heavy hitting reports on the subject.
Tom Delonge brought up the Metamaterials during his interview with Joe Rogan in 2017:
Since Tom’s interview, not only was the New York Times article published, AATIP revealed, and military videos released, backing up some of his claims, but the ADAM Research Project was launched:
In Dr. Diana Pasulka’s book it is stated:
Dr. Pasulka also stated in her book:
The quote was made into a graphic by James Iandoli of Engaging the Phenomenon and UFO News Network Sunday Livestream.
James Iandoli reminded me of this classic presentation by Jacques Vallee. I won’t attempt to summarize this presentation.
Vallee’s work is nothing less than historic.
Here are slides from Drs Vallee and Nolan, as well. Submitted by Fredrik E.
Dr. Hal Puthoff spoke about the Metamaterials in his speech at the Society for Scientific Exploration Conference in June, 2018.
The transcript is from the Paradigm Research Group website.
Frank Statler of UFO News Network Sunday wrote a thorough blog about MetaMaterials with astonishing comments from Dr. Garry Nolan. It’s not to be missed:
The Times claimed that Bigelow Aerospace, under the contract of AAWSAP housed Metamaterials in their Las Vegas facility. We later found out that might not be the case, or the whole picture, but it’s my opinion that NIDS, BAASS and/or Bigelow Aerospace did in fact possess these samples.
Here is a statement from Robert Bigelow himself, almost exactly nineteen years ago to the date:
Mr. George Knapp gave an update on Robert Bigelow’s progress during an interview with Phenomenon Radio in 2018. I would recommend listening to the entire interview, it is a blockbuster.
I spoke to one of the elite researchers in the field, Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell, about the Metamaterials. He was gracious enough to submit these exclusive comments that sum up the article eloquently. To follow Jeremy’s groundbreaking work visit I can’t thank him enough.