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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
There is Something on the Moon
There is Something on the Moon
It has been nearly fifty years since the last human being set foot upon the lunar surface.
Were budget constraints really the driving force behind this decision? Or was it something far more sinister?
If the accounts of certain whistle-blowers are to be believed, then it might just be that there is something on the Moon.
Paranormal investigator Joshua Warren claims he found a place in the desert north of Las Vegas where time would slow down for 20 milliseconds. Warren is convinced that it is a gravitational anomaly. In this place there could be a Dimensional Portal or a Wormhole representing a gravitational-time dilation, which is the effect that time flows at different speeds in regions of different gravitational potential, and the greater the gravitational potential (e.g. in the vicinity of a black hole), the slower time will flow.
Warren, interviewed by the Travel Channel’s Paranormal Paparazzi, claims to have measured the “time lapse” in specific areas between Las Vegas and A̳r̳e̳a̳ 51: using a “differential time meter”, Warren recorded a measurement, able to show that time had slowed down at that point.
Time dilation and DT meter
Gravitational time dilation is the effect whereby time flows at different speeds in regions of different gravitational potential, and the greater the gravitational potential (for example in the vicinity of a black hole), the slower time will flow. Albert Einstein included this effect in the Theory of Relativity, and since then, the time dilation has been confirmed by the evidence of “general relativity”: some solutions of Einstein’s equations predict the possibility of space-time travel, but the most extraordinary predictions of this theory has not yet been fully verified.
The meter used by Warren is a DT Meter, precisely a differential time meter, invented by Silicon Valley engineer Ron Heath. According to Warren, the measurement carried out reveals an inexplicable dilation of the measured time, which could only occur in the presence of black holes or wormholes: Warren also argues that such an event should not occur under normal conditions, as its temporal measurement would be challenging. far the laws of physics: “This shouldn’t happen unless there is some kind of unknown technology to be tested nearby that could affect the environment.”
It is not yet officially clear what is really behind this strange phenomenon recorded by Warren, but the investigator is determined to conduct an investigation in Nevada, hoping to identify what lies behind the temporal anomaly. Certainly these areas that are close to AREA 51 are themselves the epicenter of mysterious U̳F̳O̳ sightings, of mysterious objects emerging from the mountains. Maybe these gravitational anomalies are due to the presence of real Stargates connected to the S4 base? Or are there unknown underground bases that we don’t know if they are of a̳l̳i̳e̳n̳ or terrestrial origin? The latest indications of the studies done by Warren in the area close to A̳r̳e̳a̳ 51, hypothesize that in the super secret base a gravitational shield is used to hide a large dimensional portal. The Portal or Stargate could be used for the travel of interstellar ships built with A̳l̳i̳e̳n̳ Retrotechnology. This is one of the reasons why there is maximum surveillance in a place where if you enter, they first kill you and then interrogate you.
The year 2021 gave truth-seekers and alien hunters no shortage of mysteries to ponder. But it also gave them answers — from a hotly anticipated Pentagon report on military UFO sightings, to new insights on habitable exoplanets, to the truth about a so-called "alien signal" from the sun's nearest neighboring star. Here are 9 things we learned about aliens (and where to look for them) in 2021.
1. UFOs are real (and the government knows it)
(Image credit: Bettmann/Getty Images)
In June, the Pentagon released a highly anticipated report detailing 144 UFO encounters between 2004 and 2021. The report was meant to assess "the threat posed by unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP)," and officially confirmed several UFO sightings that had, until then, only been shared through viral media. On one hand, the brief, 9-page assessment confirmed that "most of the UAP reported probably do represent physical objects," which range from birds and balloons to foreign surveillance equipment and top-secret U.S. government projects. However, anyone hoping for an acknowledgement of extraterrestrial intelligence may have been let down when the report failed to link any of the 144 encounters to alien activity.
While alien hunters spend plenty of time searching for habitable planets beyond our solar system, a study published in July in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society warns that scientists shouldn't overlook nature's most extreme objects: Black holes. Because black holes can radiate up to 100,000 times more energy than a star like our sun, they may make tempting targets for alien civilizations looking to power their interstellar enterprises, the study authors wrote. To do this, aliens could use high-tech structures called Dyson spheres (giant, energy-siphoning orbs first proposed in the 1960s) to steal energy from the disc of white-hot matter swirling around a black hole's horizon, then radiate that energy outward into space. That re-radiated energy would create a distinct wavelength signature that astronomers could detect from Earth, the study authors suggested. The researchers are currently developing algorithms to search through existing telescope data in search of those telltale signatures
Typically, the search for alien life begins with the search for Earth-like planets — but there may be another class of alien world that is just as conducive to life, a study published in the Astrophysical Journal in August contends. "Hycean" planets, which are up to 2.5 times larger than Earth and sport huge oceans of liquid water beneath hydrogen-rich atmospheres, could be the ideal spot for microbial life similar to the "extremophiles" that thrive in some of Earth's harshest environments (such as hydrothermal vents), the study authors said. Not only are these planets abundant in the Milky Way galaxy, but they are also incredibly diverse, some orbiting very close to their host star, others orbiting far away. Both could potentially host itty-bitty life beneath their waves, the authors wrote, meaning there may be a whole new avenue of exploration for alien planet hunters.
4. One of Saturn's moon still holds potential for life
(Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
The methane wafting from Enceladus, Saturn's sixth largest moon, may be a sign that life teems in the moon's subsurface sea, a June study found. In 2005, NASA's Cassini Saturn orbiter discovered geysers blasting particles of water ice into space from "tiger stripe" fractures near Enceladus' south pole. That material is thought to come from a huge ocean of liquid water that sloshes beneath the moon's icy shell — but it wasn't just water the orbiter found; numerous other compounds, including dihydrogen (H2) and a variety of carbon-containing organic compounds, including methane (CH4), also appeared in the geysers.
In the new study, researchers ran a series of models to determine whether those compounds could be evidence of microbes that "eat" dihydrogen and produce methane as waste. The team found that methane-farting microbes could indeed be contributing to the planet's gassy geysers — meaning life can't be ruled out on the icy moon.
5. Scientists may be ignoring "alien junk" in our own solar system
According to Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb's recent book "Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth" (published in January by Mariner Books), the strange, cigar-shaped object 'Oumuamua — which zoomed through our solar system in 2017 — is almost certainly a piece of alien technology. In his book, Loeb argues that the object's unusual, elongated shape (unlike any known comet), extreme brightness and apparent acceleration away from the sun suggest that 'Oumuamua is not natural in origin, but a piece of alien technology — possibly jettisoned into our solar system accidentally.
"A buoy. A grid of pods for communication… Other intelligent living organisms' defunct technology or discarded technological trash," Loeb wrote. "These all are plausible explanations for the 'Oumuamua mystery — plausible because here on Earth, humanity is already doing these things, albeit on a far more limited scale." (A majority of astronomers who have studied the object favor natural explanations, calling it a cosmic "dust bunny" or just a really odd comet).
While human efforts to find alien civilizations among the stars have only kicked off in the last century or so, more than 1,700 alien civilizations could have been watching us for thousands of years prior. According to a study published in June in the journal Nature, 1,715 nearby star systems have had a perfect viewing angle of Earth over the last 5,000 years — and more than 1,400 of them still have a clear view today.
All of these stars sit within about 300 light-years of our planet, and 75 of them orbit less than 100 light-years away. Given that humans have been transmitting radio signals for about 100 years, any of those 75 star systems are near enough that "our radio waves would have washed over them already," lead study author Lisa Kaltenegger, an associate professor of astronomy and director of the Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell University, told Live Science at the time. Whether or not any hypothetical civilizations living in those star systems want to communicate with us is another question.
7. There's no "best" way to communicate with aliens
(Image credit: Getty)
If aliens are watching us from relatively closeby, what's the best way to tell them where we live? Live Science writer Joanna Thompson investigated this question in December, finding that no one method is flawless. On one hand, radio waves are a tempting way to communicate with extraterrestrials because these signals fit in a convenient gap in the electromagnetic spectrum called the "water hole" — a frequency between 1420 and 1720 megahertz that's relatively free of cosmic background noise.
On the other hand, radio waves broaden as they travel, meaning any message we send will become more diluted the farther from Earth it gets. Laser light does not have this problem — however, laser signals require incredible precision, and are unlikely to reach any alien observers unless we target our message directly to their star system. Both methods have their advantages — and neither are perfect.
On April 29, 2019, astronomers detected a signal beaming toward Earth, it seemed, from Proxima Centauri — the nearest star system to our sun and home to at least one potentially habitable planet. Because the signal fell into a narrow band of radio waves that are rarely made by human aircraft or satellites, researchers interpreted it as a possible sign of alien technology. But the signal never repeated — and a study published this October in the journal Nature Astronomy explains why: The signal was actually coming from a malfunctioning computer or cellular device located near the telescope that detected it.
In the new study, the researchers looked over the 2019 data again and found several "lookalike" signals that seemed to be missing components of the so-called alien transmission; together, these signals fit a range of frequencies "consistent with common clock oscillator frequencies used in digital electronics," the researchers wrote. In other words, this alien message seems to have been a human computer on the fritz — but studying and identifying it still gives scientists valuable experience in separating real deep-space signals from Earthly noise.
Lucid dreaming, in which people are partially aware and can control their dreams during sleep, could explain so-called alien abduction stories, a study from July suggests. Claims of such abductions date to the 19th century; the circumstances of the kidnappings often sound dreamlike and trigger feelings of terror and paralysis. Certain dream states are also known to produce such feelings, so Russian researchers wondered whether dream experiments could provide clues about alleged extraterrestrial experiences.
The scientists prompted 152 lucid dreamers to dream about encounters with aliens or UFOs, and found that a number of sleepers reported dreams that resembled actual descriptions of alleged alien abductions. Of those who described their dream encounters as "realistic," 24% also experienced sleep paralysis and intense fear. Such emotions often accompany reports of supposed alien abductions, and though individuals who describe being kidnapped by aliens might truly believe that what they experienced was real, these people were likely experiencing an extraterrestrial meeting while in a lucid dream, the study authors reported.
Advanced Civilizations
A Harvard scientist has an interesting theory as to how our universe was formed: in a laboratory by higher “class” of lifeform.
Avi Loeb, bestselling author and the former chair of Harvard’s astronomy department, penned an op-ed in Scientific American this week positing that the universe could have been formed in a lab by an “advanced technological civilization.” If true, he said the origin story would unify the religious idea of a creator with the secular idea of quantum gravity.
“Since our universe has a flat geometry with a zero net energy, an advanced civilization could have developed a technology that created a baby universe out of nothing through quantum tunneling,” Loeb wrote.
Class A Civilization
One of the more interesting ideas posited in an article chock full of them is the civilization classification system. Loeb said that as a low-level technological civilization, humans are class C (or a civilization dependent on its host star).
If and when our technology progresses to the point where we can become independent of the Sun, we’d be class B. If we can create our own baby universes in a laboratory (like our theoretical creators) we’d be class A.
Of course, there’s a wide number of things in our way — the biggest hurdle being our inability to create a “large enough density of dark energy within a small region,” said Loeb. However, if and when we do ever get there, we’d be able to join our theoretical creators in class A!
In any case, the theory is compelling, humbling, and a little bit frightening as well. If Loeb’s past theories are also to be believed, we’re likely not the only ones out there gunning for class A status either.
Mushroom shaped Object Over Sydney, Australia 7-27-2018, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.
Mushroom shaped Object Over Sydney, Australia 7-27-2018, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 7-27-2018
Location of sighting: Sydney, Australia Source: MUFON
This is a very short video, but I feel even a few seconds of footage really gives us an idea of what the eyewitness and others saw that day. This report just came in today, however it was recorded in 2018. I made a close up of the UFO and slowed it down 10X so we can see the UFO shape, color and size. I have never seen a UFO this shape before and this clear. Amazing and 100% real raw footage of an alien craft.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
At the park with my kids, I saw out of the corner of my eye behind the trees in the distance I turned around and it quickly move behind the tree. I looked away again and as I did it came out in front of me( still vertical), hovered for 2 seconds as I pulled out my phone to video and hit record it turned to it's side and took off. In the video you can hear me call out to my daughter as I do it slows down and then takes off again.
A1,200-meter-high monolith discovered on Mars. While other objects near the monolith are unrecognizable and blurred, this object is clearly present since a shadow on the monolith appears on opposite side from the sun.
Therefore it seems unlikely that the monolith is the result of a digital image artifact, stitching error or glitch.
Google Mars coordinates:31° 3'48.78"S 74°15'18.46"E
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Skinwalker Ranch: What is the secret?
Skinwalker Ranch: What is the secret?
Skinwalker Ranch, also known as Sherman Ranch, is a property located on approximately 512 acres southeast of Ballard, Utah, that is reputed to be the site of paranormal and UFO-related activities. Its name is taken from the skin-walker of Navajo legend concerning vengeful shamans.
As stated by the Russian Ministry of Defense, since the beginning of 2021, Window-M, the Russian optical-electronic surveillance complex, has experienced a significant increase in unidentified space activity in near-Earth space.
“Window-M, the Russian optical-electronic complex for the detection of space objects located in Tajikistan, in the Sanglok mountains (Pamir mountain system) and at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level, has detected the movement of about 30,000 (unidentified) space objects for four months from the beginning of 2021 ”, – reported the Russian space defense department.
A year earlier (2020), “Window-M” detected more than 25 thousand space objects.
The Russian Defense Ministry has specified that “Window-M” is a special optoelectronic complex that allows the monitoring of space objects in orbit in the range of altitudes from 50 to 120 thousand kilometers from the earth’s surface. It is interesting to note that at the maximum distance from the earth’s surface, the “Window-M” complex is able to recognize an object whose dimensions do not exceed the size of a tennis ball.
“Window-M” was put into experimental combat service in 1999. A modernization was carried out in 2014 where it received the “Window-M” designation. Since 1999, the complex has made 12.5 million measurements of space objects, more than 7.5 thousand new space objects in high orbit have been discovered, and about 800 spacecraft have been checked in working orbits.
The surveillance complex includes modern optoelectronic stations for the detection and collection of information on space objects, television detection equipment and next generation computer structures.
In April 2021, an eyewitness managed to film in good quality a large UFO near the city of Mexico City. The mysterious object turned out to be close to the mythical flying machines of the “Gods” from ancient scriptures called “Vimanas”.
Archaeologists in Mexico have previously found many drawings and clay statues similar to UFOs. If a real Vimana was noticed in the sky over Mexico City, then it turns out that the ancient Gods returned?
The so-called vimanas could develop incredible speed, and on board could carry the powerful weapon of the ancient Gods. Some texts even describe the construction of the Vimana Gods’ aircraft and the pilot’s manual.
The word Viman consists of two words. “Vi” means the sky and “Man” means a person, when you put these two words together, you get a person in the sky.
It is believed that the local peoples of antiquity tried to portray aircraft in this way. On which once upon a time the “Gods” flew from distant stars…
A̳r̳e̳a̳ 51 is not the only base full of secrecy. Apparently, there are countless underwater bases scattered across different locations on our planet.
While many of us are familiar with A̳r̳e̳a̳ 51 and the Dulce Base, the truth is that there are more secret bases than you can ever imagine. Five years ago the CIA finally admitted the existence of A̳r̳e̳a̳ 51, but many people around the world already knew about the mystery and secrecy behind this base. A̳r̳e̳a̳ 51 is just one of many out there, but it is interesting to note that most of the secret bases are not built on land, but deep, hidden under the oceans.
Creating underwater bases is probably much more efficient than creating them on the surface, on land. For beginners, it is almost impossible to find a diving base, unless of course you know its location and have the equipment to get there.
As the Daily Express reports, while the enigmatic A̳r̳e̳a̳ 51 military installation has become the basis of several conspiracy theories (most of them related to U̳F̳O̳ technology and contacts with e̳x̳t̳r̳a̳t̳e̳r̳r̳e̳s̳t̳r̳i̳a̳l̳ species), it appears that the US Navy owns a facility with a reputation. somewhat similar to A̳r̳e̳a̳ 51. The base in question is known as the Atlantic Underwater Assessment and Testing Center, or AUTEC, and is located in the Bahamas.
A statement posted on the Marine Naval Systems Command website describes AUTEC’s purpose to provide “operational areas instrumented in a real-world environment to meet the requirements of research, development, testing and evaluation and evaluation of operational performance of war fighters readiness. in support of the entire maritime spectrum of warfare. ”
However, the British newspaper indicates that the “secret base”, that of the US Navy, began development in 1964 and apparently used for submarine vehicles and weapon testing to be tested for submarines. This has been linked by conspiracy theorists to “several strange reports of U̳F̳O̳ activity” allegedly occurring in its vicinity.
These reports include stories of a̳l̳i̳e̳n̳s working alongside US Navy personnel at underwater facilities. There is also talk of time travel, probably fueled by the proximity of the infamous Bermuda Triangle which serves as a Dimensional Portal. There are rumors that within this undersea base, submarine aircraft built with U̳F̳O̳ technology and Stargate equipment for dimensional travel are being tested.
The Book of Enoch has gained great fame in recent years, and possibly for being a book that was banned from the so-called “Holy Scriptures.” Some scholars and other amateurs indicate that this book would possess prophecies, and one of them would deal with what is believed to be the Second Coming or the return of God; but it was not interpreted correctly … And they mention that it could be explained as an “a̳l̳i̳e̳n̳ arrival”.
Why did the Church ban the Book of Enoch ? Does the book really describe cases of human abduction by a̳l̳i̳e̳n̳s that occurred thousands of years ago? And is it true that it contains information that speaks of our e̳x̳t̳r̳a̳t̳e̳r̳r̳e̳s̳t̳r̳i̳a̳l̳ past and the key to the future of humanity?
The oldest Bible in the world
In Ethiopia, one of the temples houses the most valuable shrine of Christianity: the Garima Gospels . The two richly illustrated books date from the 6th century AD. C. This is perhaps the oldest and most complete Bible in the world and the Ethiopian Church is one of the earliest Christian churches.
It is curious that the Bible of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church differs from the Holy Scriptures accepted in other Christian denominations. This version of the Old Testament includes a cryptic text known as the Book of Enoch . The Ethiopian Church considers the Book of Enoch to be canonical, while other Churches do not.
Kidnapped by the “gods”
The author of the book is Enoch, Noah’s great-grandfather, the same one who built the ark before the Great Flood . It is believed that Enoch was immortal and God took him alive to heaven.
In his book, Enoch writes that when he was 12 years old, all the villagers heard a noise one night. Two angels descended from heaven and one of them said to Enoch: “Fear not, man, ” and they ascended to heaven in a chariot of fire.
Enoch saw something he couldn’t describe. Of course, he didn’t know what a spaceship was, so he wrote about flying houses made of glass, and below it, Enoch saw planet Earth. It seems that this is one of the first stories in human history about the abduction of people by a̳l̳i̳e̳n̳s .
Proponents of the palaeocontact theory believe that the Book of Enoch is one of the most compelling texts on the arrival of e̳x̳t̳r̳a̳t̳e̳r̳r̳e̳s̳t̳r̳i̳a̳l̳s. But it is by no means unique. Similar stories have survived in many other A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ cultures. This indicates that Enoch’s words have some credibility.
Many A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ texts say that people ascended to heaven and then returned. For example, in Ancient Greece there is a legend about Ganymede, who was lifted up by the eagle of Zeus. Similar legends can be found in the epics of A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ C̳h̳i̳n̳a̳, A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ Egypt , the Sumerians, and other peoples. All of these stories are similar, but they lack the details that abound in the Book of Enoch.
His texts not only prove the existence of a̳l̳i̳e̳n̳s, but also show the other side of God. That is why the Church decided to exclude the Book of Enoch from the Bible , it turned out to be too extreme for the Christians of that time.
Divine watchers
According to the Book of Enoch, not all angels were messengers from God. The best evidence for this is the description of the creatures called Guardians .
The book of Daniel speaks of a certain group of angels, whom God commanded to instruct mankind. They cared for our world and guided the development of our c̳i̳v̳i̳l̳i̳z̳a̳t̳i̳o̳n̳. Daniel only briefly mentioned these creatures, while in the Book of Enoch the Guardians or Guardians of Heaven (or Watchers) became one of the main themes. These “Angels” are not actually spiritual, but real beings. The Bible speaks of it quite clearly and distinctly. They are not from our world, which means they can be safely called a̳l̳i̳e̳n̳s.
In the Book of Enoch, only 200 Guardians descended to Earth. Its leaders were Shamkhazai and Azazel, who later became known as Lucifer . The Guardians had a very bright appearance, and one of their names is “the Bright.” Enoch, as he described them, said that it was difficult to look at the Guardians, they glowed so brightly.
“The version that the Guardians were e̳x̳t̳r̳a̳t̳e̳r̳r̳e̳s̳t̳r̳i̳a̳l̳ guests is confirmed by the testimony of the prophet Elijah . He also ascended to heaven in a chariot of fire. Elijah was a great soothsayer, far superior to other prophets. He had a wonderful cloak that could heal the sick and raise the dead ”.
Chariots of fire are mentioned more than once in the Bible. Apparently we are talking about some kind of vehicle, a spaceship. According to Judeo-Christian beliefs, the soul ascends to heaven after de̳a̳t̳h̳, but in the Bible there are many examples of the ascension of a living person. Besides Enoch and Elijah, the same thing happened with Jesus.
What did the Book of the Giants tell us?
In the middle of the last century, Israeli shepherds found clay pots in one of the caves, in which A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ manuscripts were kept. These turned out to be handwritten copies of the Bible, which were at least 1000 years older than others known at the time. Besides them, there were other manuscripts, among them the Book of Giants.
This book talks about the Nephilim (giants), the children of the Guardians, their life and way of living. The Nephilim are the embodiment of evil. They committed terrible crimes, including eating human flesh. Ultimately, God decided that the Earth needed to be cleansed of the Nephilim, and appointed Noah, Enoch’s great-grandson, as the one chosen to restart human history.
In the Bible, Noah was chosen by God for his mercy. But the Book of Giants has a different version of the Noah story. He became the chosen one even before he was born, and his father was not a man. The newborn’s skin was glowing and its hair was as white as sheep’s wool. Outwardly, it was a copy of the Guardians and was artificially conceived.
The Guardians of Heaven believed that Noah would be the father of a new generation of people. It turns out that Noah was a genetically modified person, created by a̳l̳i̳e̳n̳s for a new life on Earth.
The official version of the Bible says that God was saddened by the atrocities and evils of the human race and decided to end them by sending the Great Flood to Earth. The Book of Enoch tells the same story, but with significant differences. The flood was to destroy the fallen angels and the Nephilim.
According to Enoch, God protects people. He is nothing like the God of the book of Genesis, full of rage and anger. Another difference lies in the fact that Noah received the instructions to build the ark not from God, but from the archangel Uriel. Warn Noah of the impending cataclysm and reveal the future of humanity.
It turns out that Enoch is not referring to the punishment of the human race, but to the a̳l̳i̳e̳n̳s who run our history.
Return of the gods
In the Book of Enoch, chapter 91, it is said that after Enoch’s journey and return to Earth, he was preparing for the second ascension to Heaven. But before that, he gathered his entire family together and shared an unusual prophecy. Methuselah, Enoch’s son, asked his father if he would see him again. Enoch replied:
“The Celestial Guardians have said that I will return to this planet. But thousands of years will pass, so we will not see each other again ”.
The concept of a Divine Chosen leaving and returning to Earth is found in almost all religions. The Jews await the return of the prophet Elijah, who will come before the Messiah and bring an era of peace and justice. It will be the beginning of the End Times.
Christians await the return of Jesus, considered the Messiah. For Islam, this is the Divine Messenger Al Mahdi or Mohammed himself.
In a sense, this return will bring a new age, a new world form, and a new relationship between humanity and God. These prophecies predict that a certain Messiah will appear in the clouds, accompanied by the army of heaven.
Is it possible that all these A̳n̳c̳i̳e̳n̳t̳ texts are about a certain spaceship and an a̳l̳i̳e̳n̳ invasion of Earth? And Enoch’s teachings were supposed to prepare humanity for the day when a new reality would open up to us.
As I write this article it’s just a couple of days before the end of 2021. And, word is out there that there will be knew revelations concerning “government UFO investigations.” We should, however, keep in mind what that term (“government UFO investigations”) actually means. Well, it can mean many things, and that’s a very important thing to note. For example, way back in the 1950s, the FBI initiated investigations into the activities and claims of the Contactees – people who said they had regular, face-to-face contact with aliens and who looked just like us and who came to our Earth from such places as Venus and Mars. Collectively, the FBI’s collective files on the Contactees amount to more than 1,000 pages. The ones who were under surveillance included Dana Howard, George Van Tassel, George Hunt Williamson, Orfeo Angelucci, Truman Bethurum, Margit Mustapa and George Adamski. The surveillance of all these people took up a large amount of work for J. Edgar Hoover’s agents. Indeed, the coverage of the above went on for years. However, the FBI had no direct interest in UFOs and/or alien worlds. It was the pro-Russian/Communist stance that so many of the Contactees held to that had the FBI worried. And, the fact that the Contactees had hordes of followers, too. Over the pond, another well-known Contactee, George King, was the subject of an investigation undertaken by the U.K. police force’s Special Branch. It was all because of King’s politics and atomic weapons. Just like his American comrades, King had politics that made the U.K. government disturbed – mainly because he, too, had large numbers of followers. Now, onto another angle.
(Nick Redfern)
“Giant Rock,” the hang-out of the Contactees and the Space Brothers
In the 1950s, the CIA initiated what was termed “The Robertson Panel.” Time and again, I have seen people totally skew what the panel really did – and was. The fact is this: the overall conclusion of the Robertson Panel was that while UFOs, per se, did not appear to have a bearing on national security or the defense of the United States, the way in which the subject could be used by potentially hostile nations to manipulate the public mindset and disrupt the U.S. military infrastructure did have a bearing – and a major one, too – on matters of a security nature. According to the panel’s members: “Although evidence of any direct threat from these sightings was wholly lacking, related dangers might well exist resulting from: A. Misidentification of actual enemy artifacts by defense personnel. B. Overloading of emergency reporting channels with ‘false’ information. C. Subjectivity of public to mass hysteria and greater vulnerability to possible enemy psychological warfare.” So, yes, the CIA did investigate the UFO phenomenon, but most of this was circulating around psychological warfare and not ETs.
(Nick Redfern)
The Aetherius Society: Watched by the U.K. Police’s Special Branch. All because of politics and “atom bombs.”
In the mid-1990s, an Englishman named Robin Cole tried to penetrate the secrets of the U.K. ‘s Government Communication Headquarters (GCHQ). It’s the U.K. equivalent of the United States’ National Security Agency. Cole clandestinely spoke with GCHQ personnel, discovered that the agency had a large library of UFO books, and that staff had reports on-file of UFO sightings. When GCHQ learned that Cole was nosing around in the work of GCHQ, they sent a couple of Special Branch staff to Cole. GCHQ wasn’t particularly interested in UFOs. Rather, the agency was worried that Cole might have been working for a for a foreign agency, under the cover of being a “Mulder and Scully idiot,” as one file described Cole in 1997. Once again, though, yes the UFO-themed investigations were real, but they were based around worries GCHQ had concerning (a) politics and (b) fears of U.K. citizens being recruited by foreign nations. Another one watched by Special Branch was Matthew Williams. He was a Crop Circle-maker and someone who, on several occasions, broke into various military bases in the U.K.; they were bases that were said to know all about UFOs. One of them being Royal Air Force Rudloe Manor.
What all of this tells us is that yes, over the years and decades there have been numerous UFO investigations by government agencies. But, that doesn’t mean those investigations were based on trying to determine if intelligent alien life had reached Earth. Quite the opposite: the governments of both the U.K. and the U.S, were largely focused on how the UFO subject could be used for manipulation and psychological warfare. So, with all of that said, it would not surprise me if some of the things that, right now, are being whispered about -namely, “UFO investigations” – will actually be found as projects of our making. On this topic: in November 2021, for example, I was given tidbits of information on what is said to be a classified report that will appear into the public domain at some point in 2022. That same report will be focused on how and and why foreign nations have used extremely sophisticated drones as UFOs to “create unease.” And, to see the responses of the public and the media So, yes, I look forward to seeing what’s coming in 2022. But, I’m not at all sure that the “UFOs” will be extraterrestrial in nature.
Researchers analyzed dinosaur footprints dating back more than 200 million years and now their findings have been revealed. The footprints, which were found on a beach in Penarth, Wales, were discovered in 2020 and experts have been studying them ever since.
Researchers believe that the footprints were made by a group of sauropodomorphs that were traveling through the region sometime between 237 and 201 million years ago during the Triassic Period. Sauropodomorphs were huge quadrupedal herbivores that had very long necks and tails. They were divided into two groups – prosauropods and sauropods (these included Diplodocus and Apatosaurus among others).
It’s unclear as to which sauropodomorph species left the tracks, but it may have been a dinosaur like the Camelotiawhich was an herbivore that lived in England during the late part of the Triassic Period and was estimated to have measured about 10 meters in length (33 feet).
Professor Paul Barrett went into further details about the footprints by explaining, “We think the tracks are an example of Eosauropus, which is not the name of a particular dinosaur species but for shape of a type of track thought to have been made by a very early sauropod or a prosauropod.” “We know these kinds of dinosaur were living in Britain at the time, as bones of the sauropod Camelotia have been found in Somerset in rocks dated to the same age.” “We don’t know if this species was the track maker, but its presence nearby was another smoking gun which suggested something like it could have made these tracks.”
(Not the footprints mentioned in this article.)
He went on to say that it is thought that the location was a place where numerous sauropod dinosaurs once gathered, “There are hints of trackways being made by individual animals, but because there are so many prints of slightly different sizes, we believe there is more than one trackmaker involved,” adding, “These types of tracks are not particularly common worldwide, so we believe this is an interesting addition to our knowledge of Triassic life in the UK. Our record of Triassic dinosaurs in this country is fairly small, so anything we can find from the period adds to our picture of what was going on at that time.” Their study was published in the journal Geological Magazine where it can be read in full.
Pictures of some of the dinosaur footprints can be viewed here.
The tracks are located on a public beach in Penarth, Wales and are thought to date back over 200 million years.
Wandelaar vindt 200 miljoen jaar oude dinosaurusvoetafdrukken in Wales
Pootafdrukken die een wandelaar vorig jaar op een strand in het Welshe dorpje Penarth heeft ontdekt, zijn ongeveer 200 miljoen jaar oud en zijn daar wellicht achtergelaten door een voorvader van de dinosauriërs.
Dat heeft het Natural History Museum in Londen vrijdag bekendgemaakt. Mogelijk gaat het om dieren uit de familie van de sauropodomorpha, langgenekte dino's waarvan de Diplodocus de bekendste is. Sporen van deze dino’s zijn zeldzaam in Groot-Brittannië.
Het gaat om een spoor pootafdrukken van ongeveer vijftig meter lang. Wandelaarster en amateurpaleontoloog Kerry Rees ontdekte het spoor vorig jaar op een strand in Penarth in Wales.
Experten van het Natural History Museum onderzochten de afdrukken, en kwamen onlangs tot de conclusie dat ze er al 200 tot 250 miljoen jaar liggen, uit het Trias-tijdperk.
De afdrukken van de dinosaurussen worden nu gedocumenteerd aan de hand van 3D-beelden. Ze uitbreken en bewaren in een museum is namelijk erg moeilijk, maar door erosie is het belangrijk de afdrukken te documenteren. De wetenschappers hebben hun bevindingen gepubliceerd in het wetenschappelijk tijdschrift Geological Magazine.
GERELATEERDE FOTO'S, uitgekozen en gepost door peter2011
Afbeelding: een 3D-afbeelding van een voetafdruk gevonden op het spoor op het strand in Penarth, Zuid-Wales.
Afbeelding: De voetafdrukken kunnen meer dan 200 miljoen jaar geleden zijn gemaakt door een vroege verwant van een dinosaurus, geloven experts
Afbeelding:Voetafdrukken gevonden op het spoor op het strand in Penarth, Zuid-Wales, naast een 3D-afbeelding van een voetafdruk
Afbeelding: paleontologen geloven dat de voetafdrukken hoogstwaarschijnlijk zijn achtergelaten door een zeer vroege sauropod of een prosauropod
Experts van het Natural History Museum onderzochten de voetafdrukken en kwamen tot de conclusie dat ze meer dan 200 miljoen jaar geleden zijn gemaakt
Voetafdrukken gevonden op het strand van Zuid-Wales kunnen zijn gemaakt door een vroege dinosaurus Foto uitgegeven door Natural History Museum van voetafdrukken gevonden op het spoor op het strand in Penarth.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
The Cabal, Black Magic and Extraterrestrial Life
The Cabal, Black Magic and Extraterrestrial Life
Exopolitics Today: Dr. Michael Salla interviews Brad on how extraterrestrial life and black magic have been integral components of the global control system created millennia ago to subvert humanity, and has over the last 50 years prevented the emergence of a Star Trek Future.
As the Deep State unravels and cabal leaders escape Earth due increasing public resistance to their policy agenda and intervention by an alliance of positive extraterrestrial groups working with "White Hats" from different spacefaring nations (the 'Earth Alliance'), it has been claimed that the magical keys and codes used to subjugate humanity, are being surrendered.
This interview discusses what would be involved in the handover of magical keys and codes used by the Cabal, and how this is necessary to bring about our Star Trek Future.
I’ve been busy this year making a Youtube playlist with the best UFO videos that were filmed all over the globe. You can watch it in the player below or click here to go on Youtube.
I wish you all the best in the year that is coming!
The Ancient History of UFOs and the Oppenheimer-Einstein Report
The Ancient History of UFOs and the Oppenheimer-Einstein Report
An unidentified flying object, or UFO, in its most general definition, is any apparent anomaly in the sky that is not identifiable as a known object or phenomenon. Although its definition encompasses any unexplained aerial phenomena, in popular culture the term has generally become synonymous with an extraterrestrial spacecraft.
UFO imagery within a prehistoric cave painting.
(Author provided)
UFO Sightings Throughout History
UFO sightings have been reported throughout recorded history and in various parts of the world, raising questions about life on other planets and whether extraterrestrials have visited Earth. They have become a major subject of interest, and the inspiration behind numerous films and books. However, sadly they are also the focus of intense ridicule.
For decades there has been a move, deliberate or not, to diminish the importance of UFOs and create a public belief that UFOs are part of some form of elaborate hoax. Nevertheless, unexplained aerial observations of UFOs have been reported throughout history, from prehistoric times up until the present day.
Some ancient depictions of flying objects in the sky were undoubtedly astronomical in nature, most probably comets, bright meteors and planets that can be seen with the naked eye, or atmospheric optical phenomena such as lenticular clouds. An example is Halley's Comet, which was recorded first by Chinese astronomers in 240 BC and possibly as early as 467 BC. Such sightings throughout history often were treated as supernatural portents, angels, or other religious omens.
However, we cannot just assume that what our ancient ancestors saw and recorded on cave walls or in ancient texts were astronomical or environmental phenomena. Like today’s sightings, there appears to be a small percentage of sightings that are simply inexplicable. Many of the records existing from our ancient past certainly arouse curiosity, such as the prehistoric cave painting above.
The cave painting bears a striking similarity to images painted hundreds of years later in the 16th century Summer’s Triumph Tapestry . UFO imagery on this tapestry also ties in closely with modern-day UFO accounts. There are also the Aboriginal cave paintings of the Wandjina sky beings , which appear to represent alien visitors.
Aboriginal Wandjina rock art on the Barnett River, Mount Elizabeth Station.
Proponents of the ancient astronaut perspective point to numerous myths and legends telling of so-called “ sky gods ” descending from the heavens, while historic texts dating back 4,000 years appear to describe flying spaceships. In the Vedic literature of India, such as the Rig Veda , the Mahabharata, and the Ramayana, there are many descriptions of flying machines called vimanas which were used in warfare in ancient times. The vimanas were said to be able to fly in the earth's atmosphere as well as into outer space, distant planets and be submerged underwater.
In the pyramids of Egypt, archaeologists have found hieroglyphs that resemble the UFOs that are described in sightings up to the present day. Centuries later, we have the pre-Columbian Quimbaya gold artifacts found in Central America, which appear to be perfect models of flying crafts. Later, in the medieval period, there was an abundance of art produced which appear to depict UFOs in the sky.
As debunkers correctly point out, none of these ancient depictions alone can be taken as conclusive evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life . But they do, at the very least, raise the possibility that extraterrestrials have indeed visited Earth, and that just as people today regularly report sightings of unidentified objects in the sky, so to might our ancient ancestors have encountered objects that they could neither identify nor explain.
Detail of a 14th century painting entitled The Crucifixion, located above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo. It appears to depict a man in some kind of craft looking back over his shoulder.
UFO Scholarly Debate, Investigation and the Oppenheimer-Einstein Report
Considering the above, it therefore seems sensible that UFOs should be the subject of scholarly debate and scientific investigation. Instead, what we see today is an internet full of fake images, hoax videos, sensational Hollywood movies and misinformation that makes it virtually impossible for a legitimate researcher to separate fact from the very large haystack of fiction.
It also appears that our governments are not exactly forthcoming when it comes to offering information about their own research on the matter. We only need to look at the CIA announcement in August 2013 that Area 51 does exist, despite decades of denying its existence while brandishing anyone who dared to suggest it as a mere conspiracy theorist. Fortunately, there do exist some scientifically-driven organizations, such as SETI and MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), which take an objective approach to the study of UFOs.
This brings us to an unclassified top secret document written by Robert Oppenheimer, an American theoretical physicist, and Albert Einstein , a German theoretical physicist. Together they wrote a joint report entitled “Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies”. The six-page document is the first archival evidence to use the phrase “Extraterrestrial Biological Entities” or EBEs. Dated June 1947, the Oppenheimer-Einstein report states that the presence of unidentified spacecraft is accepted as de facto by the military.
The Oppenheimer-Einstein report deals with issues related to UFOs and extraterrestrials: Where extra-terrestrials may come from, what the law say about it, what we should do in the event of colonization and/or integration of peoples, and why they are here. The document suggests that in the event that EBE's desire to settle here on earth there will be "profound change in traditional concepts" of law and the possible need for a new "Law Among Planetary Peoples."
Section of the 1947 Oppenheimer and Einstein report.
The Importance of the Oppenheimer-Einstein Report for UFO Scholarship
This document is important for two reasons. The first reason is that it addresses the possibility of life on other planets in a very logical and coherent way, before exploring what such a realization would mean. It also raises questions about why, if respected scientists such as Oppenheimer and Einstein are able to approach the subject in an academic way, are we unable to engage in such sensible discussion today?
The analysis presented by Oppenheimer and Einstein indicates that “disclosure” of extraterrestrial existence could cause irreversible damage to society. This raises the possibility that our governments today may already know of extraterrestrial existence but have considered the same issues raised by Oppenheimer and Einstein and ruled against public disclosure.
If humanity were told that that intelligent extraterrestrial beings not only exist but have been visiting our planets for thousands of years, what would happen. Could it be that confronted with such evidence would cause social upheaval in the domains of religion, society, law, and finance? If not addressed properly, could this cause chaos on planet Earth?
There are many questions that still need answers. The document suggests that EBEs could be more intelligent and technologically advanced than us, and asks why, if this were the case, they come to Earth in the first place? Would it be to conquer and inhabit Earth, to peacefully cooperate with humans, or to study us in the same way that we study any new species that we encounter? The document considers, if their civilization is more advanced than ours, how could a co-occupation of Earth be feasible?
Portion of the Oppenheimer and Einstein report, penned in 1947.
Can Humanity Handle Access to Advanced Extraterrestrial Technology?
Imagine the situation in which advanced technology is given to our civilization – powerful defense systems, unlimited energy, cloaking devices, space travel to other solar systems, instant transportation devices, and so on. Now considering the current state of our civilization and the people that govern it, what would such a release of technology mean? One word: Chaos.
Another reason that the Oppenheimer-Einstein report is important is because it addresses the presence of alien UFOs on our planet as a fact known to the military. It goes on to relate this knowledge to our invention of nuclear bombs – the single weapon that could eliminate life on Earth for many thousands of years.
It is not hard to understand that if UFOs are kept hidden from the public, it is for multiple reasons, which are logically addressed in this document. It is for these reasons, that we may never see a disclosure of extraterrestrial existence in our lifetime.
In the meantime, it seems that the most sensible approach is to keep an open mind. It is usually the case that a debate rages between two opposite extremes. One side wants to believe wholeheartedly that the cave art and mythological accounts are all descriptions of alien encounters and UFO sightings.
Meanwhile, the other side is so prepared to disbelieve that anything exists beyond the scope of their reason that they will ignore even the most blatant rendition. If scientists can overcome the ridicule and disparaging remarks that come with exploring the subject matter, perhaps one day we will find irrefutable evidence that UFOs and extraterrestrials do exist.
Top image: The Oppenheimer-Einstein report claims that alien UFOs on our planet is a fact known to the military.
‘Aliens in bedroom’: UFO sightings on the rise in Northern Ireland
These included a report of a spaceship and flashing lights in the Downpatrick area on 17 January.‘Aliens in bedroom’: UFO sightings on the rise in Northern Ireland
Police receive eight unexplained sightings in 2021, including white lights and ‘strange images’ on CCTV
An odd disc was reportedly seen in the sky in the Slemish area of County Antrim at the end of May.Photograph: Liam McBurney/PA PA Media
From mysterious discs over Slemish Mountain in County Antrim to strange images spotted on CCTV, unexplained sightings increased in Northern Ireland again last year.
Police received eight sightings in Northern Ireland during 2021, an increase from six such reports in 2020 and four in 2019.
These included a report of a spaceship and flashing lights in the Downpatrick area on 17 January.
In May police received two sightings reports, one of white lights after a helicopter in the Maghaberry area and an odd disc seen in the sky in the Slemish area of County Antrim at the end of the month.
In July there was a report of “strange images” on CCTV in a house in the Newtownabbey area and a dome-shaped object with eight lights in the sky reported in the Saintfield area.
In September a report was received in the Lisburn area of “aliens in bedroom”, while in October a detained patient reported having been abducted by aliens.
The final report of the year was of “unusual bright lights in the sky” in November.
UFO sighting reports on the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) database include unidentified flying objects (UFOs); aerial phenomena; unidentified aerial phenomena; lights in the sky; and aliens and extraterrestrials.
A PSNI spokesperson said no investigations had been carried out in relation to these incidents.
Nick Pope, who used to investigate reports of UFO sightings for the Ministry of Defence (MoD), said it was possible that more people spending more time at home during the pandemic may account for a rise in reported sightings.
“It’s difficult to say what lies behind the small increase in sightings,” he said.
“Covid-19 and lockdowns may have played a role, with people having more time on their hands during the pandemic, and perhaps spotting things that previously may have gone unnoticed.
“Another possibility is that people are following the situation in the United States, where Congress is taking the issue seriously and the Pentagon has launched a new UFO initiative.
“This may make people more likely to report something unusual that they’ve seen because it sends the message that the authorities take the matter seriously.”
However, Pope said he believed the true number of sightings was much higher.
“Sadly, the numbers are still fairly low, and I suspect there’s chronic underreporting, perhaps because of the perceived stigma,” he said.
“That’s possibly a consequence of the Ministry of Defence’s decision to stop investigating UFOs at the end of 2009.
“If the MoD restart investigations and ask the public to report anything unusual, I’m sure they’ll receive lots of reports.”
Paulina Peavy, Untitled (circa 1930s–1980s). Courtesy of Andrew Edlin Gallery and the Paulina Peavy Estate.
Many artists throughout history have claimed some sort of otherworldly inspiration (the muses, for instance). But the visionary American artist Paulina Peavy (1901–1999) may be one of the only to attribute her talents to communications with a U.F.O.—specifically one named Lacamo.
During Peavy’s lifetime, she enjoyed many early successes, including showing with Los Angeles’s Stendahl Gallery, studying with Hans Hofmann, and exhibiting work at the opening of the San Francisco Museum of Art—all before falling into art world obscurity.
The new exhibition “Paulina Peavy: An Etherian Channeler,” on view at the Beyond Baroque art center in Venice Beach, is hoping to reintroduce Peavy as a powerful and one-of-a-kind creative force in the nascent southern California art scene of a century ago.
Paulina Peavy, Untitled (circa 1930s–1980s).
Courtesy of Andrew Edlin Gallery and the Paulina Peavy Estate.
The fascinating show, curated by Laura Whitcomb, marks the first exhibition of Peavy’s work in California in 75 years, and traces her myriad creations —paintings, films, drawings, intricate masks—from the 1930s into the 1980s. Various ephemera related to theosophy and astroculture are also on view in a series of vitrines, along with some of Peavy’s own writings, which detail the elaborate occultist belief systems that informed her work.
Even before UFOs got involved (and we’ll get to that later), Peavy’s story was one against the odds. She was born in Colorado to a miner father and a Swedish immigrant mother. In 1906, the family moved to Portland following the Oregon Trail. Peavy’s mother would die tragically a few years later. In spite of the gender conventions of the time and her own humble origins, Peavy would attend Oregon State College (now Oregon State University), studying art with Farley Doty McLouth and Marjorie Baltzell. While a student there, she received recognition in a national competition hosted by the Art Students League in New York. After moving to Southern California, she received a scholarship to attend the Chouinard Art Institute, where she would later study with Hans Hofmann.
Paulina Peavy holding masks. Photo by Sam Vandivert.
Courtesy of Andrew Edlin Gallery.
In the 1920s, Peavy began to play a pivotal role in the emerging West Coast art scene. She established the Paulina Peavy Gallery, which also functioned as a salon and school, hosting classes for the Los Angeles Art Students League. Like many other artists of the age, Peavy had interests in the supernatural and was loosely affiliated with the occult-inclined art group the Group of Eight, as well as the Synchromists and a group of West Coast surrealists led by artist Lorser Feitelson.
But her true moment of breakthrough came in 1932, when Peavy, by now the mother of two and in the midst of a divorce, attended a seance at the Santa Ana home of Ida L. Ewing, a pastor of the National Federation of Spiritual Science. During a séance there, Peavy claimed to have encountered a discarnate entity she called Lacamo, which she later described as a “wondrous ovoid-shaped UFO.” It was an event that would have a profound impact on Peavy and her work for the rest of her life—because Lacamo, she said, revealed great universal truths which she attempted to convey through her art. (She sometimes co-signed her works with Lacamo.)
Paulina Peavy, Untitled (circa 1980).
Courtesy of Andrew Edlin Gallery and the Paulina Peavy Estate.
At the core of these revelations was a complex cosmology consisting of 12,000-year cycles with 3,000-year seasons. The summer of these seasons harkened a kind of utopia in which human beings transcended the limits of their earthly bodies to become spirits, freed from their sexes and entering “one-gender perfection,” as well as a singular cosmic race.
She also looked to other artists for inspiration. Peavy was fascinated by the Mexican muralists, particularly José Clemente Orozco who also shared a deep interest in hermetic and indigenous traditions, particularly philosopher José Vasconcelos’s belief that a great cosmic race would be born out of the Americas (Peavy exhibited 30 of her paintings at the Golden Gate International Exposition of 1939-40, where Diego Rivera exhibited mural work. She also painted a 14-foot mural titled The Eternal Supper, depicting a “Last Supper” filled with androgynous, racially ambiguous figures which had its debut at the San Diego Fine Arts Gallery (now San Diego Museum of Art) in 1941.)
In drawings and films on view in the exhibition, one sees Peavy alluding to pyramidal shapes and the icon of the Pharaoh, an image that would remain central to her visual lexicon. Within her complex cosmology, the Egyptian era stood as paramount, but one can also see these forms as drawings from the Maya and Aztec lineages heralded by the muralists.
Paulina Peavy, Untitled (circa 1930s–1980s).
Courtesy of Andrew Edlin Gallery and the Paulina Peavy Estate.
Undoubtedly, the most striking part of the exhibition are Peavy’s paintings, in which androgynous faces appear against darkened foregrounds, veils and wisps of colors hauntingly hovering above. For Peavy, who didn’t title or date her works, these paintings were ongoing revelations, and many are the result of 50 years of experimentation. Starting in the 1930s, Peavy employed a signature technique of layering translucent colors, then later, in the 1970s and ‘80s, she often returned to these paintings adding abstract crystal shapes that she believed would make viewers’ more receptive to transcendence and Lacamo’s unearthly wisdom.
“She was instructed [by Lacamo] that her painting could change viewers’ neural pathways so that the viewer could become, over time, a receiver. In other words, the paintings were meant to increase neuroplasticity that would make viewers more psychic and more receptive as channelers themselves,” said curator Laura Whitcomb.
Paulina Peavy, Ghazi Khan (circa 1950s).
Courtesy of Andrew Edlin Gallery and the Paulina Peavy estate.
Another fascinating portion of the exhibition includes a collection of intricately adorned masks that offer a window into Peavy’s practice as a channeler. As art objects, these many-layered masks, which she would wear while communicating with Lacamo, straddle both Surrealist objects and indigenous traditions. As with many women artists before her, Peavy also worked in costume design. In college, she had drawn Surrealist costumes for a campus magazine. Later, in New York, she helped support herself by making costume designs for a fashion house.
Still, everything Peavy created was primarily intended to celebrate her belief system. “Paulina considered herself a philosopher and wrote a number of manuscripts, but most poignantly made films which could elucidate her cosmology,” said Whitcomb. Yet, in her time, these beliefs cast Peavy out of the mainstream art world.
“She has this incredible pedigree where she showed with Delphic Studios—Alma Reed’s gallery—and at the same New York gallery where Agnes Pelton showed abstract works. Peavy was articulate, intelligent, very well educated in the arts, but when she identified her discarnate entity Lacamo, in the aftermath of the war, when there was this fear and anxiety over the UFO phenomenon and the Roswell incident, everyone dropped her and thought she was absolutely crazy,” explained Whitcomb. “These were dangerous ideas to be affiliated with and could get you in a lot of trouble, even on an FBI list.”
Peavy at work in her studio.
Courtesy of Andrew Edlin Gallery.
Peavy made her way henceforth by selling her work, not through galleries but through Albert Bender’s Space Review, one of the most important periodicals of UFO culture of the era, and showing work in astroculture conventions. “She became something of an astroculture celebrity,” said Whitcomb. “She realized the art world was very fearful.”
Now, times have changed and spiritualist women artists such as Hilma af Klint, Georgiana Houghton, and Agnes Pelton are widely celebrated. “In the lead up to the Second World War, many artists were experimenting with the occult—Artaud was casting spells against Hitler. And the past years have been very scary,” said Whitcomb. “I feel like recent interest in the occult had to do with creating a cosmic balance and then we’re reminded of artists’ roles as shamans.”
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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