The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Vivian Lammerse
Het duimendraaien is begonnen. Want terwijl de ruimtetelescoop door het uitgestrekte heelal vliegt, moeten duizenden onderdelen correct en in de goede volgorde worden uitgeklapt.
Afgelopen zaterdag, op eerste kerstdag, was het dan zo ver: de lancering van de langverwachte James Webb-telescoop. En met succes. Want ondanks de vele tegenslagen die de telescoop de afgelopen jaren te verduren heeft gekregen, verliep de lancering op rolletjes. Nu is het duimendraaien begonnen. Want de komende periode is een ongelofelijk spannende, waarin duizenden onderdelen correct, in de goede volgorde, uitgeklapt moeten worden.
Onderdelen De James Webb-telescoop bestaat uit talloze onderdelen. Bij de lancering zaten al die onderdelen netjes in elkaar gevouwen. Maar terwijl de telescoop op zijn eindbestemming afstevent, zullen steeds meer elementen uitgeklapt worden. Dat is zeker geen gelopen race. Volgens NASA kan het na lancering nog op zo’n 300 punten zodanig misgaan, dat de telescoop niet optimaal kan functioneren.
In volle gang Op dit moment is het ontvouwen van de machtige ruimtetelescoop – en dus het duimendraaien – in volle gang. Zo’n dertig minuten na de lancering werden de zonnepanelen al uitgevouwen. Deze zijn nu volledig ingezet en werken naar behoren. Gisteren volgden de antennes. Met de antennes zal de ruimtetelescoop in staat zijn om tweemaal daags tenminste 28,6 gigabyte aan wetenschappelijke gegevens naar de aarde te verzenden. Daarnaast zijn ook de temperatuursensoren op de telescoop geactiveerd, waarmee technici de thermische systemen van de telescoop in de gaten kunnen houden.
Zonneschild De komende periode zullen er steeds meer onderdelen volgen. Met name het uitklappen van het immense zonneschild, dat ongeveer net zo lang is als een tennisveld, gaat spannend worden. Het zonneschild is namelijk van cruciaal belang voor het functioneren van de telescoop. Dit schild wordt als een soort paraplu om de spiegels en instrumenten van de telescoop gevouwen en beschermt onder meer de zeer gevoelige infrarood-instrumenten – die heel koud moeten blijven om te functioneren – tegen de warmte van de zon. De eerste stappen voor het uitklappen van het zonneschild zullen vandaag worden gezet.
Spiegels Een ander zenuwslopend moment zal het uitvouwen van de spiegels zijn. De James Webb is uitgerust met zowel een hoofdspiegel (die uit achttien afzonderlijke spiegels bestaat die zich samen als één grote spiegel moeten gedragen) en een secundaire spiegel. Op dag tien van de missie zal de secundaire spiegel in gereedheid worden gebracht. Deze spiegel is één van de belangrijkste onderdelen op de telescoop en essentieel voor het succes van de missie. En dus mag er tijdens het uitklappen niets misgaan. De spiegel bevindt zich op drie stangen die vanaf de hoofdspiegel naar de secundaire spiegel lopen. Deze kleinere, ronde spiegel speelt vervolgens een hele belangrijke rol bij het verzamelen van het licht van de hoofdspiegel. Het idee is dat de hoofdspiegel het zwakke licht van onder meer de eerste en meest afgelegen sterrenstelsels verzamelt. De secundaire spiegel reflecteert vervolgens het door de hoofdspiegel verzamelde licht in de wetenschappelijke instrumenten aan boord van James Webb. Het is belangrijk dat de spiegels goed worden geïnstalleerd, want een afwijking van meer dan 38 nanometer – één duizendste van de dikte van het haar van een mens – kan al problemen op leveren. Het uitvouwen van de hoofdspiegel begint op dag twaalf.
Bekijk in deze video wanneer alle specifieke onderdelen uitgevouwen zullen worden.
In totaal zal James Webb er 29 dagen over doen om al zijn onderdelen in gereedheid te brengen. En dat terwijl de telescoop ook nog eens in rap tempo op zijn eindbestemming afstevent: een plek op een slordige 1,6 miljoen kilometer van de aarde. Het belooft dan ook een zenuwslopende periode te worden, waarin er nog van alles mis kan gaan. Maar als de telescoop erin slaagt zijn reis succesvol te voltooien, sluit hij daarmee formeel de moeilijkste en meest complexe implementatiereeks af die ooit in de ruimte is uitgevoerd.
After shedding its fairing and booster rocket, the first two deployments are 'automatic,' meaning they happen without the ground giving commands. Once the solar panel is deployed, the telescope will go off of battery power and start generating its own power.
Traditiegetrouw sluiten we het jaar af met een lijst van de mooiste ruimtefoto’s. Wat waren de allermooiste ruimtefoto’s van dit jaar? Ruim 900 bezoekers kozen de volgende tien foto’s.
We tellen in dit artikel terug van de nummer 10 naar de nummer 1. De hoger geplaatste foto’s hebben betere beoordelingen gekregen van de bezoekers en staan daarom hoger in de lijst.
Net buiten de lijst: Spiraalstelsel NGC 1317
NGC 1317 is een klein spiraalstelsel op een afstand van 55 miljoen lichtjaar van de aarde. Dit sterrenstelsel ligt vlak naast “grotere broer” NGC 1316. NGC 1316 heeft drie miljard jaar geleden een spiraalstelsel opgeslokt. NGC 1316 en NGC 1317 zijn lid van een clubje genaamd “De Lokale Groep”, waar ook de Melkweg deel van uitmaakt. De foto is gemaakt door de Hubble-ruimtetelescoop. NGC 1317 eindigde net buiten de top 10.
#10 Bolvormige sterrenhoop NGC 6397
De Hubble-ruimtetelescoop maakte begin dit jaar een schitterende foto van deze kosmische juwelen. We zien hier het bolvormige sterrenhoop NGC 6397 op een afstand van 7.800 lichtjaar van de aarde. De blauwe sterren naderen het einde van hun leven. Zij hebben alle waterstof opgestookt en verbranden nu hun heliumvoorraad. Helium fuseert bij hogere temperaturen, waardoor de sterren er blauw uitzien. De rode sterren zijn superreuzen, terwijl de kleine witte sterren zonachtige sterren zijn.
#9 Zonsverduistering in Nederland
Dit jaar was er een zonsverduistering te zien in de Benelux. Op 10 juni schoof de maan deels voor de zon, waardoor een deel van de zon verduisterd werd. Nederlanders en Belgen met een eclipsbrilletje zagen een hapje uit de zon genomen worden. René Bremer legde deze unieke gebeurtenis vast en fotografeerde tegelijkertijd een vliegtuig, namelijk een Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner. Het gaat hier om vlucht UA90 van New York naar Tel Aviv. Een schitterende foto, die door jullie op plek 9 in de eindlijst is gezet. Bekijk meer foto’s van de zonsverduistering op
#8 NGC 4254
Het spiraalstelsel NGC 4254 werd eerder dit jaar gefotografeerd door de Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) van ESO’s Very Large Telescope. Dit sterrenstelsel ligt op 45 miljoen lichtjaar afstand van de aarde. De spiraalarmen geven een gouden gloed af, wat komt door de wolken van geïoniseerde waterstof-, zuurstof- en zwavelgas. Hier worden jonge sterren geboren.
#7 Supernovarestant 1E 0102.2-7219
Ruim duizend jaar geleden explodeerde er een zware ster in de Kleine Magelhaense Wolk. De Kleine Magelhaense Wolk is een naburig sterrenstelsel. De restant van de ster is dit jaar gefotografeerd door de Hubble-ruimtetelescoop en staat op een mooie zevende plek in de eindlijst van 2021. Supernovarestant 1E 0102.2-7219 is 202.000 lichtjaar van de aarde verwijderd en werd pas in 1981 ontdekt.
#6 NGC 1300
NGC 1300 bevindt zich op 61 miljoen lichtjaar afstand. Hierboven zijn opnamen van MUSE en ALMA gecombineerd. De ALMA-waarnemingen komen vooral tot uiting in bruinachtig oranje tinten die de aanwezigheid van koud gas onthullen. MUSE is verantwoordelijk voor gouden en blauwe tinten, waarbij de goeden gloed op pasgeboren sterren wijst en de blauwe tinten wat oudere sterren vertegenwoordigen. Bekijk ook andere foto’s van sterrenstelsels.
#5 Centrum van onze Melkweg
De Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie heeft dit jaar een bijzondere panorama uitgebracht van ons galactische centrum. Het centrum van de Melkweg bevindt zich op 26.000 lichtjaar van de aarde. Het kosmische meesterwerk is gemaakt door data te combineren van de Zuid-Afrikaanse MeerKAT radiotelescoop en NASA’s Chandra-röntgenobservatorium. Het mozaïek is het resultaat van 370 Chandra-waarnemingen van 1999 tot 2019. In totaal gaat het om 1.555 uur en 26 minuten aan observaties, wat neerkomt op ruim 64 dagen.Het centrum van ons Melkwegstelsel is een kosmisch web van heet gas en magnetische velden met in het midden: een supermassief zwart gat.
#4 Jupiter in drie golflengtes
Wetenschappers hebben verbluffende nieuwe beelden vrijgegeven van planeet Jupiter. Op de foto’s schittert de gasreus op drie verschillende golflengtes van licht, wat ons een uniek inkijkje geeft in de onstuimige atmosfeer van de grootste planeet uit ons zonnestelsel. De beelden in zichtbaar licht en ultraviolet licht werden vastgelegd door Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3, terwijl het Near-InfraRed Imager (NIRI)-instrument van Gemini North zich ontfermde over de infraroodbeelden. Alle foto’s werden precies op hetzelfde moment gemaakt.
#3 NGC 2276
De Hubble-ruimtetelescoop heeft dit jaareen scherpe foto gemaakt van NGC 2276. Op het eerste gezicht lijkt NGC 2276 een fraai spiraalstelsel, maar wie goed kijkt ziet uitgerekte spiraalarmen en gigantische stervormingsgebieden. Dit sterrenstelsel is 120 miljoen lichtjaar van de aarde verwijderd. In de spiraalarmen van het spiraalstelsel worden veel sterren geboren.
#2 Ster AG Carinae
Hubble vierde zijn 31e verjaardag met deze prachtige foto van AG Carinae. Dit is één van de helderste sterren in ons sterrenstelsel. Om de ster zijn flarden van gas en stof zichtbaar, die onlangs zijn uitgestoten door de ster. AG Carinae is slechts een paar miljoen jaar oud, maar zal binnenkort sterven. In vergelijking: onze zon gaat veel efficiënter om met zijn brandstof en heeft daarom een levensduur van ongeveer tien miljard jaar (waarvan er inmiddels 4,5 miljard jaar zijn verstreken).
De ster is momenteel een zogenoemde Lichtsterke Blauwe Variabele. Zo’n hyperreus zendt meer dan 100.000 keer zoveel licht uit per tijdseenheid als de zon. Wetenschappers denken dat AG Carinae in de nabije toekomst een Wolf-Rayetster wordt. Wolf-Rayetsterren verliezen hun massa door krachtige sterrenwinden. Ze leven heel kort en exploderen in een supernova of hypernova. Uiteindelijk blijft er waarschijnlijk een zwart gat achter.
#1 Stellaire kraamkamer AFGL 5180
Op deze Hubble-foto zien we nieuwe sterren geboren worden. Deze stellaire kraamkamer heet AFGL 5180 en is te vinden in het sterrenbeeld Tweelingen. Sterren ontstaan door het samentrekken van gaswolken (nevels) die wel enkele lichtjaren – de afstand die licht aflegt in een jaar tijd – breed kunnen zijn. De ineenstorting ontstaat onder de invloed van zijn eigen gewicht en de zwaartekracht. Dit proces kan enkele honderdduizenden jaren duren. Lees hier hoe het leven van een ster (van wieg tot graf) eruit ziet.
Met een gemiddeld cijfer van een 8,4 is AFGL 5180 verkozen tot ruimtefoto van het jaar 2021. Een prachtige prestatie!
NASA announce telescope breakthrough for alien-hunting mission
NASA announce telescope breakthrough for alien-hunting mission
Following the Christmas day launch of the Hubble telescope successor - the James Webb Space Telescope - surprise early progress has been made giving the project a boost that could see it remain in space longer than expected
The James Webb Space Telescope was launched last week by NASAalong with help from the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency.
The launch was completed smoothly leaving the telescope to begin the lengthy process of setting up so that it can begin its important work.
It is believed to have cost around £7.9 billion and is regarded as the successor to the Hubble Telescope, taking over as NASA's flagship mission in astrophysics. The new model is set to provide clearer space images, helping us explore far away galaxies and alien life.
The telescope gets its name from the administrator of NASA from 1961 to 1968, James E. Webb.
The investigations of the telescope will be broad, looking to improve humanity's understanding of astronomy and cosmology.
What breakthrough has the James Webb Space Telescope made?
The launch of the telescope was monumentally successful, which has meant that the project has more fuel to burn than originally expected.
This means the operation can last for longer.
NASA said the telescope would have enough fuel to: "Allow support of science operations for significantly more than a 10-year science lifetime”
The minimum timeline for the mission had been set at five years.
The research part of the project gets its energy for research from solar power - the solar panel array for which is believed to have been properly deployed already and ahead of schedule.
The telescope as a whole, however, will use traditional propellant methods to position itself in space correctly to conduct its research.
The telescope aims to get to a position being called L2, which is where it is planned to conduct its research from. However, it is thought to not only have enough rocket propellant to get to this point but also to conduct all of the telescope's requirements for an extended period of time.
These include "station keeping" burns that will keep it the right way up and in the correct position in orbit to conduct its work.
The extra propellant has been saved due to the accuracy of the Ariane 5 launch, which took the telescope into space on Christmas day.
Subsequent correction manoeuvres have also been so accurate that overall fuel has been saved and more is now left in its tanks than was expected.
The solar array was meant to deploy either after the correct angle with the sun was found or after 33 minutes from launch. In a huge moment of success, the array was deployed after 29 minutes after launch.
The next stage is to deploy other parts of the telescope, including mirrors that will help researchers gaze deep into space. It is hoped this stage will be reached a month after the launch.
Once this has been completed the following deployment stages will be human-controlled and so the timing of these steps could vary.
Once everything is deployed correctly months of alignments and calibrations will be needed to ensure the telescope is set up perfectly.
When this stage is reached the James Webb will set about helping humanity learn more and more about the cosmos and expand our knowledge of the great beyond.
In November 2021, a photo from China’s Yutu 2 Rover was released showing. According to JP, a pseudonym for my longtime source who currently serves with the US Army, China’s space force (the People’s Liberation Army Strategy Support Force) and US Space Command have recently begun joint missions to explore the object, and that he participated in one of the first missions.
JP claims that early in the morning of December 23, he was sent to a secret research facility on the Moon on a triangle-shaped antigravity vehicle, and was then taken to the giant spacecraft that was partially submerged under the lunar surface. JP says part of the craft’s exterior had been discovered by China’s Yutu 2 rover, and that a joint operation to explore the craft, which was the size of two aircraft carriers had begun between US Space Command and the PLA’s space force.
JP said the giant alien spacecraft was discovered when it began to activate after an extraterrestrial fleet entered our solar system in October, and parked itself between Jupiter and Ganymede. JP participated in an earlier classified mission to Ganymede where he met with some of the extraterrestrial visitors. In this Exopolitics Today interview, JP discusses his role in the classified Moon mission and what he witnessed first-hand.
If anyone else currently serving in the US military would like to contact me regarding their own knowledge and/or experiences regarding recent Moon, Ganymede or other solar system missions, I can be reached at
Heartfelt thanks to my wife, Angelika Whitecliff, for her creative visuals and editing of this interview.
Michael Salla, Ph.D.
Update 5:45 pm, 12/31/2021 – JP has just informed me that he is currently facing disciplinary measures for releasing information about the classified Moon mission into the public arena. There are those in his direct military chain of command that assert the information was not supposed to be publicly released and want to punish him. Despite JP getting into trouble for his actions, and having to do “unpleasant jobs” as punishment, he intends to continue to reveal information, but emphasizes the need for his continued anonymity. He says that he is being protected by a lot of “white hats” that want the information to come out. I am working on another update concerning information JP received about Antarctica, which the “white hats” want to come out.]
Two UFO "Orbs" Sighted By Family Over Karlsfeld In Germany. January 3, 2022
While this family was out for an late evening walk they noticed these two objects in the sky, at first the objects where not moving but then of the UFOs started to move in what can only be described as a "dance in sky" as if it was performing for this family. The objects seem to have no visible nav lights and doesn't move like a drone or a bird.
Thanks to AG1 & his family for allowing me the use of this footage and to view the original video:
James Webb Space Telescope: Sunshield Deployment - Mission Control Live
James Webb Space Telescope: Sunshield Deployment - Mission Control Live
James Webb Space Telescope experts give real-time updates in the final stages of the telescope’s sunshield deployment. A major milestone, the successful shield tensioning will ensure Webb’s mirrors stay cold enough to #UnfoldTheUniverse.
The five-layer, tennis court-sized sunshield is a critical part of the telescope because the infrared cameras and instruments aboard must be kept very cold and out of the Sun's heat and light to function properly.
Bring up the matter of cattle mutilations and, in all likelihood, it will lead into a UFO connection to the disturbing, grisly phenomenon. The fact is, though, there are good reasons to believe that the mutilations have absolutely nothing to do with aliens and UFOs. The truth is worse. Much worse. Since at least 1967, reports have surfaced throughout the United States of animals – but, chiefly, cattle – slaughtered in bizarre fashion. Organs are taken and significant amounts of blood are found to be missing. In some cases, the limbs of the cattle are broken, suggesting they have been dropped to the ground from a significant height. Evidence of extreme heat, to slice into the skin of the animals, has been found at mutilation sites. Eyes are removed, tongues are sliced off, and, typically, the sexual organs are gone. While the answers to the puzzle remain frustratingly outside of the public arena, theories abound. They include extraterrestrials, engaged in nightmarish experimentation of the genetic kind; military programs involving the testing of new bio-warfare weapons; occult-based groups that sacrifice the cattle in ritualistic fashion; and government agencies secretly monitoring the food chain, fearful that something worse than “Mad Cow Disease” may have infected portions of the U.S. cattle herd – and, possibly, as a result, the human population, too. Not only that, the notorious black helicopters are often seen at mutilation sites.
(Nick Redfern) Black Helicopters and Cattle Mutilations
As I said above, it was 1967 when reports began. At least, that’s what numerous Ufologists will assure you. The fact, though, is that government agencies have been carefully and quietly watching the United States’ cattle since the 1940s. And I’m not talking about alien agencies. I’m talking of human agencies. By stating that the phenomenon kicked-off in the Sixties made it sound like the mystery suddenly surfaced out of nowhere. The mystery – for the farmers, at least – was around for decades earlier. J.R. Ruggle, the FBI Special-Agent-in-Charge at the Savannah, Georgia office of the Bureau in the early-to-mid 1940s, wrote thus to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover on February 3, 1943: “This office has received a copy of a communication from John T. Bissel, Colonel, General Staff, Assistant Executive Officer, Military Intelligence Service, Washington, D.C., dated December 29, 1942, to directors of intelligence in all Service commands…”
Colonel Bissel’s communication read as follows: “It has been brought to the attention of this division the possibility in the immediate future of an attempt on the part of the enemy to plant bombs containing germs or to endeavor to create an epidemic, such as hoof and mouth disease, among cattle and other livestock. It is requested that should any information concerning the above come to the attention of the Directors of Intelligence of the Service Commands or the A.C. of S. [Assistant Chief of Staff], G-2 [Army Intelligence], Western Defense Command, that the same be transmitted by the most expeditious means to the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 War Department.” Evidently, such matters were of keen concern to U.S. Intelligence. And that concern did not go away any time soon. In 1944, the FBI prepared a document that dealt with the scenario of a widespread attack on the U.S. cattle herd via unconventional, bacteriological warfare. The document states:
(Nick Redfern)
Helicopters but no UFOs
“A review of the book entitled ‘Sabotage’ by Michael Sayers and Albert E. Kahn, which was published in September of 1942, discloses the following data: The complete record of sabotage carried out by Chernov, supposedly of the German Intelligence service in Russia during 1930 to 1936 is too long to put into the book according to the authors, but includes – killing off pedigree breed-stock and raising cattle mortality by artificially infecting cattle with various kinds of bacteria – effecting a shortage of serum to counteract epidemics of anthrax so that, in one instance, 25,000 horses perished as a result of Chernov’s sabotage – infecting tens of thousands of pigs with erysipelas and with certain plagues by having virulent bacteria placed in medicinal sera.”
What this tells us is that government agencies have been secretly watching America’s cattle herds since the Second World War. None of the data above has a proven a UFO connection. And, based on the timeline from the 1940s, there’s no reason why that should be the same for the 1960s-1980s cases: zero aliens. Now, let’s bring matters to more recent times. Colm Kelleher is an investigative writer who has diligently pursued the cattle mutilation issue. Indeed, his book Brain Trust has the subtitle of “The Hidden Connection Between Mad Cow and Misdiagnosed Alzheimer’s Disease.” A bone-chilling connection between Alzheimer’s, cattle mutilations and the cattle herd: wouldn’t it be very easy to hide the truth behind an “it’s all aliens” angle? Yes, it most definitely would be very easy. Why? Because the UFO angle provides a convenient cover. Cattle mutilations: forget creatures from outer-space. Look right here on Earth for the answer to the mutilations.
The world’s most famous dimming star is KIC 8462852, better known as “Tabby’s Star” for Tabetha S. Boyajian, the astronomer whose scientific paper in 2015 revealed its peculiar propensity for dimming and glowing at irregular intervals. Speculation on causes for the dimmings ranged from dust rings to planetary debris to a second smaller binary star to an extremely large planet to the ever-popular alien-constructed Dyson sphere harvesting Tabby’s energy. While none of these conclusively explain Tabby’s dimmings, they raise the bar for other similar stars and objects to catch the attention of astronomers and the public. A candidate for 15 minutes of flame-on-flame-off fame emerged this week and it could be nicknamed ‘Dusty’ for the star-dimming cloud it’s causing, or “Wacky’ for the strange and mysterious way it operates.
“We report the discovery of a unique object of uncertain nature—but quite possibly a disintegrating asteroid or minor planet—orbiting one star of the widely separated binary TIC 400799224.”
TIC 400799224 was discovered by a team of astronomers using the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS – TIC stands for TESS Input Catalog). TESS specializes in finding small exoplanets and that’s kind of what TIC 400799224 is – an exoplanet orbiting a star system around 2,300 light-years away. The Center for Astrophysics (a collaboration between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and Harvard College Observatory) reports that CfA astronomer Karen Collins and the team found the object by accident when they noticed a 25% rapid drop in brightness for a few hours, followed by several sharp jumps in brightness similar to an eclipse. (A photo can be seen here.) However, this was like no eclipse they had seen before.
An optical/near-infrared image of the sky around the TESS Input Catalog (TIC) object TIC 400799224 (the crosshair marks the location of the object, and the width of the field of view is given in arcminutes). Astronomers have concluded that the mysterious periodic variations in the light from this object are caused by an orbiting body that periodically emits clouds of dust that occult the star.
Powell et al., 2021
“Follow-up speckle imaging determined that TIC 400799224 is actually two stars of similar brightness at 0farcs62 separation, forming a likely bound binary with projected separation of ∼300 au.”
For one thing, what they thought was a star is actually a binary system, with one star pulsating every 19.77 days. The erratic dimming is being caused by an object, probably a disintegrating exoplanet, that periodically emits clouds of dust. Beyond that, the astronomers can’t tell which star the dusty object is orbiting … a key bit of information that could explain the erratic dips in brightness.
“The cloud is also fairly optically thick, blocking up to 37% or 75% of the light from the host star, depending on the true host.”
A depiction of binary stars
According to the Center for Astrophysics, the quantity of dust emitted is quite large in relation to the size of the exoplanet – enough to cause a quick disintegration. Yet the observations show the object has not been reduced in size despite losing so much dust. That makes ‘Dusty’ unique.
“(TIC 400799224 ‘s) detailed properties differ in significant ways from the other objects listed in Table 1 and, therefore, TIC 400799224 may be in a category of its own.”
The team will continue to observe TIC 400799224 to determine what it is. Should Tabby be worried that the new dimming kid in town will take some of the spotlight astronomic spotlight away from her? Unless the astronomers think the dust is a Dyson sphere, she has nothing to worry about.
China Big Panic: Russia just gave its Navy hypersonic nuclear strike weapons and the target is not the US, it’s China
China Big Panic: Russia just gave its Navy hypersonic nuclear strike weapons and the target is not the US, it’s China
Russia has made a massive defence manoeuvre. The Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that the Russian Navy will be armed with hypersonic nuclear strike weapons and underwater nuclear drones. Putin has often spoken of Russia’s next-gen hypersonic missile weapons, which he has called “unequalled”.
These hypersonic missiles can hit any part of the world according to the Russian President. The Russian Navy plans to become a supreme naval power with these new generation arms and while it has generated a lot of fears in the United States due to anachronistic formulations of the Cold War-era, Moscow seems to be preparing itself against a more realistic threat posed by an expansionist China right in its backyard. From the Arctic to the South China Sea, Russia has a lot of interests to protect from China. Putin is thinking about how geopolitical equations will change in the medium-term and the long-term, while it will continue to share an “axis of convenience” with the Chinese Communist Party. In the medium-term, Russia is getting pulled into the Indo-Pacific by an increasingly assertive India, an old friend of Russia.
Russian policymakers continue to dismiss the Indo-Pacific as divisive and anti-China. At an official level, Russia claims to have nothing to do with the Indo-Pacific. But this official Russian stand is a mere eyewash at the best to keep China at bay. Russia has a lot to do with the Indo-Pacific as it shares a 4,500 kilometres-long Pacific coastline in the Russian Far East. Communist China has traditionally laid its eyes on the resource-rich Russian Far East.
In fact, recently Chinese wolf-warriors staked claim on the Russian Far East city- Vladivostok. India hasn’t let the opportunity go. New Delhi has been pushing a Chennai-Vladivostok sea route that passes through the South China Sea, which too China claims as its own. In this backdrop, the Indian envoy to Russia, D. B. Venkatesh Varma recently said that India wants Russia to be more involved in the Indo-Pacific to protect its own interests, amid the rising threat posed by China.
Red Light Over Farmingdale, New York Jan 3, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Red Light Over Farmingdale, New York Jan 3, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Jan 3, 2022
Location of sighting: Farmingdale, New York, USA Source: MUFON
Watch this raw footage as a lone orb moves across the sky and over New York. The object appears red and is moving slowly as if it were watching the people below. The sky is overcast and makes the object disappear faster as its moves off. Because of the overcast sky, we now know this object is below the clouds, not behind the clouds, thus rules out Venus, stars, satellites, and such. But as it moves overhead, its silence is awe striking. UFOs are not uncommon in New York, such as the one seen by John Lennon from his top floor apartment on August 23, 1974. Aliens love New York.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
For a short time it looked angelic shaped. I had noticed this orange light in the sky shortly after driving from the Farmingdale train station going south east to drop someone at their destination is when I first noticed and also verified with the passenger this was not flying craft we had ever seen. 5 minutes after dropping off the passenger I seen the same object in the sky so I decided to pull over and take a picture and video.
Below is John Lennon talking about his UFO sighting in New York in 1974.
Stanton Friedman interview of Gerald Anderson who claimed to have witnessed one of the 1947 saucer crash in NM
Stanton Friedman interview of Gerald Anderson who claimed to have witnessed one of the 1947 saucer crash in NM
This video recording contains an interview with Gerald Anderson, alleged firsthand witness to Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Crash Site 2, Roswell, New Mexico. Anderson was 5 years old at the time of the crash.
The case of Arcesio Bermúdez is one of the most interesting cases of Alien attacks on humans. It all started with strange UFO sightings and ended with the death of Arcesio Bermúdez who suffered from an unknown illness and crystallized to death.
The Mysterious Alien Attack On Arcesio Bermúdez
This strange case happened on July 4, 1969, in an area known as Anolaima, located near Bogotá.
People of Anolaima had reported strange UFO sightings few days prior to the incident.
On July 4, 1969, Arcesio Bermúdez was in his country house in the company of several friends and family. There were about 13 people at his house who all stood witness to the strange UFO and the incident which led to the death of Arcesio.
Late at night, everyone in the house noticed a strange small object which emitted a very bright light hovering above their house. The object then began to descend and land on the farm which terrified everyone present there.
Before settling on the ground the object made several erratic movements just above the house.
Everyone was terrified but, Arcesio who was filled up with courage grabbed a flashlight and headed straight for the light emanating from the UFO. Unfortunately for Arcesio, He never suspected that having done this would have fatal consequences.
At a distance of approximately 2 meters, Arcesio spotted a small being inside the ship. The alien, upon noticing the man’s presence, responded by attacking him with a beam of light that made him fly through the air.
After this mysterious event, the days for Arcesio were of agony. He began to suffer terrible pain, in addition to dehydration that consumed him in such a way that he died within the next 5 days of the incident.
Cesar Esmeral, the doctor who treated Arcesio, who became Colombia’s Minister of Health, declared that this was a unique case. Within a few days, before he died, his body temperature was so low that he was surprised he was still alive.
Most surprising were some blood samples that were taken. It was certified that the blood that had been drawn from his veins was crystallized.
The most disturbing thing about the matter is that, after several investigations, both scientific and police, total silence was kept. The case was never made public.
Today, the place is still frequented by ” Men in Black, ” according to witnesses. They have been seen taking samples from the place where the man was crystallized, although the government never ruled on the matter.
Another strange event related to this attack is that it is believed that the crystallized body of Arcesio was extracted from the tomb.
It is extremely strange and disturbing for a man to end up totally crystallized after an alien attack. Obviously, skeptics doubt this story, but the case is still being studied by different researchers.
Super Interesting Plane and Drone Designs, Courtesy of our Government This Month!
Super Interesting Plane and Drone Designs, Courtesy of our Government This Month!
By Bob Spearing
Tim Aines is the Chief Field Investigator in Illinois under the State Director, Sam Maranto. Illinois has a great team of people including great photo analysts like Greg Cisko. Tim Aines is also a retired military intelligence officer and MUFON certainly needs to bring individuals like Tim to the forefront due to their incredible knowledge base!
Tim has provided me with several spectacular illustrations of current government projects that may be accounting for numerous UFO sightings occurring across the United States in our CMS Database currently!
Per Tim, “On November 8th, the US Air Force released a rah-rah public relations video called “Heritage Today – ISR and Innovation” and in it they embedded a few teaser shots that only lasted a few seconds of two new aircraft, both of which are presumed to be flying now.
The first one is familiar looking.
It is called the RQ-180, or the Great White Bat, or also the Shikaka. It’s a spy drone that has already been seen over California and the Philippines.
The second one is presumed to be the new hypersonic space plane.
Hypersonic means a minimum of 5 times faster than sound, or 3,800 mph plus. It is called the SR-72 and is a drone that replaces the legendary SR-71 Blackbird seen below!
Here is a quick clip of the Air Force’s new drone the SR-72.
Finally, this is Otto Aviation’s new aircraft called the Celera 500L. It’s currently flying all around the country right now doing FAA flight testing at various airports.
Guess what it looks like from a distance and how many CMS reports it will generate. Your first 2 guesses don’t count… 😊 Thank you Tim!
This man ran the Pentagon's secretive UFO programme for a decade. We had some questions
This man ran the Pentagon's secretive UFO programme for a decade. We had some questions
Early last year, the US government officially acknowledged videos of “unidentified aerial phenomena” filmed by its Navy pilots. Was it evidence of extraterrestrials? Here, Luis Elizondo, the former Pentagon intelligence officer in charge of investigating these incidents, reveals (almost) all he knows…
There was a time when UFOs were for cranks. A time when serious news organisations wouldn’t cover them. A time when congress wasn’t demanding Defense Department reports on them. A time when their existence wasn’t freely acknowledged by American presidents (“There is footage and records of objects in the skies that we don’t know exactly what they are,” said Barack Obama in May) and also by ex-spy chiefs (“There are a lot more sightings than have been made public,” said former director of national intelligence John Ratcliffe in March). When it came to UFOs, there was a time when the US government’s official line was that it didn’t study them.
Luis Elizondo was instrumental in changing that.
In late 2017, he met with the freelance journalist Leslie Kean and revealed the existence of a $22 million (£16m) Pentagon programme investigating military reports of UFOs – a programme he had been in charge of since 2010. He had left the job the day before and decided to turn whistle-blower in the name of national security. As he put it in his resignation letter to secretary of defense Jim Mattis: “Bureaucratic challenges and inflexible mindsets continue to plague the department at all levels... The department must take serious the many accounts by the Navy and other services of unusual aerial systems interfering with military weapon platforms and displaying beyond next-generation capabilities... There remains a vital need to ascertain the capability and intent of these phenomena for the benefit of the armed forces and the nation.”
Luis ‘Lue’ Elizondo
Roger Kisby/New York Times/Redux/eyevine
Kean joined forces with two other reporters, one from the New York Times, and on 16 December 2017 the story appeared on the paper’s front page. It detailed the “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program” set up in 2007 to investigate unidentified aerial phenomena or “UAP”, the term that has replaced the now stigmatised “UFO”. Many UAPs, the Times reported, appeared impossible to explain, lacking any visible means of lift but able to travel at unfathomable speed. What’s more, the story stated, Elizondo and his colleagues had “determined that the phenomena they had studied did not seem to originate from any country”.
But the reader didn’t have to take the Times’ word for all this. There were videos. An ally of Elizondo’s, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence Chris Mellon, had helped the reporters obtain footage shot from the cockpits of US Navy fighter jets. One of the videos corroborates arguably the most compelling UAP episode ever to come to light.
An F/A-18 Super Hornet
Ian Hitchcock
According to reports, it took place in November 2004, when pilots were flying training missions from the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier. While squadron leader commander David Fravor was in the air, he was asked to intercept a mysterious aircraft. Upon arrival at its coordinates, what he saw was extraordinary: a 40-foot object, resembling a huge white Tic Tac, that had no visible propulsion system, rotors, wings or exhaust plume. Yet Fravor says it was able to jam radar, react to his movements and run rings around his F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter jet – turning so sharply it was as if the UAP had no inertia – before flying away faster than anything he had ever seen. Simply put, it defied the known laws of physics. Not only were there multiple eyewitnesses – including another pilot who filmed the Tic Tac using his plane’s targeting camera (this was the footage passed to the Times) – but the UAP was also detected by the radar of the nearby USS Princeton, an Aegis-class missile cruiser with state-of-the-art sensor systems.
Cmdr. David Fravor
New York Times / eyevine
In December 2017, Fravor also went on the record with the New York Times and later, in 2019, so did further Navy pilots, who said that in 2014 and 2015 they encountered UAPs “almost daily”. The Times’ reporting radically changed the conversation. After decades of ridicule and taboo, UAPs were suddenly a legitimate political and journalistic talking point. Elizondo ran with the momentum, discussing his work with the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) on major TV networks and, in tandem with the likes of Mellon, briefing officials behind the scenes in Washington and facilitating meetings between them and military members who had experienced UAPs. Through keeping the story alive, he hoped to compel the government to finally establish a more transparent, coordinated, thorough investigation into the phenomenon.
It hasn’t all been plain sailing: in 2019, a Pentagon spokesperson called into question Elizondo’s claim to have worked on AATIP. In response, former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sent a letter to NBC News vouching for Elizondo’s story. “As one of the original sponsors of AATIP, I can state as a matter of record Lue Elizondo’s involvement and leadership role in this program,” Reid wrote.
A still from one of the US Navy videos showing a UAP
U.S. Department of Defense
Now, Elizondo’s hopes for government action have started to be realised. On 27 April 2020, the US Department Of Defense confirmed the veracity of theTimes’ UAP videos and released them officially into the public domain. In a statement, the Pentagon said, “The aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as ‘unidentified’.” In August that same year, the Pentagon announced a new UAP Task Force “to detect, analyse and catalogue UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to US national security”. And in June 2021, the Office Of The Director Of National Intelligence released a report to congress about the government’s work on the UAP issue. Of the 144 encounters studied, it stated, 143 could not be explained. It didn’t blame extraterrestrials, but nor did it rule that explanation out.
Inevitably, Elizondo has attracted considerable interest. There was a bidding war for his forthcoming book, he was recently named one ofPeople’s “100 Reasons To Love America In 2021” and he reveals toGQthat he is working on a new documentary about the UAP topic, although details are under wraps for now. But Elizondo says that he is doing more behind the scenes as a disclosure advocate than ever before. In addition to his role on the advisory board of the UAP think tank Skyfort, he retains high-level national security clearance and is employed as a government defence contractor, although he is not able to say what that work involves.
Luis Elizondo
Roger Kisby/New York Times/Redux/eyevine
One of the consequences of his efforts, he says, is a significant piece of legislation that is going through congress. The 2022 National Defense Authorization Act contains important developments for the study of UAPs. It requires that the secretary of defense sets up a permanent office to carry out the duties currently performed by the UAP Task Force but on a department-wide basis. This new office would have to submit an annual report to congressional committees on a range of its findings, including updates on efforts to track, understand, capture and exploit UAPs – as well as an assessment of health-related effects on those who encounter these strange flying objects. Elizondo calls it “historic”.
GQ spoke to Elizondo as he prepared to head to Washington, DC, to brief members of congress on how to work with foreign allies on the issue.
GQ: What makes you convinced that these flying objects haven’t been made by the US, the Chinese or any other government?
Luis Elizondo: We know it’s not the US because the US has already come out and admitted it’s not us. So now let’s talk about the potential for it to be a foreign adversarial technology. Well, if that were the case, this would be the greatest intelligence failure that this country has ever faced, including that of 9/11. Because some country, for more than 70 years, has managed to be able to conduct operations with a technology that surpasses anything that we’ve ever had or currently have. And they’ve been able to operate in and around our restricted airspace unchallenged
But the second reason is there’s a time aspect. I have in my possession official US government documentation that describes the exact same vehicle that we now call the Tic Tac [seen by the Nimitz pilots in 2004] being described in the early 1950s and early 1960s and performing in ways that, frankly, can outperform anything we have in our inventory. For some country to have developed hypersonic technology, instantaneous acceleration and basically transmedial travel in the early 1950s is absolutely preposterous.
The proposed new UAP office would have to report on health-related effects for individuals who have experienced UAPs. What kind of thing might happen if you were near one?
A lot. Let me give you a notional... I’ve got to be careful, I can’t speak too specifically, but one might imagine that you get a report from a pilot who says, “Lue, it’s really weird. I was flying and I got close to this thing and I came back home and it was like I got a sunburn. I was red for four days.” Well, that’s a sign of radiation. That’s not a sunburn; it’s a radiation burn. Then [a pilot] might say, if [they] had got a little closer, “Lue, I’m at the hospital. I’ve got symptoms that are indicative of microwave damage, meaning internal injuries, and even in my brain there’s some morphology there.” And then you might get somebody who gets really close and says, “You know, Lue, it’s really bizarre. It felt like I was there for only five minutes, but when I looked at my watch 30 minutes went by, but I only used five minutes’ worth of fuel. How is that possible?” Well, there’s a reason for that, we believe, and it probably has to do with warping of space time. And the closer you get to one of these vehicles, the more you may begin to experience space time relative to the vehicle and the environment.
Have you personally ever had a UAP sighting?
I prefer not to answer that. I do not want my own personal experiences or opinions or perspectives to skew the collection of data.
Before you were approached to be part of AATIP, you were a counterintelligence special agent hunting terrorists and drug traffickers. Why did they approach you?
I have no idea. I think probably because I wasn’t prone to any flights of fancy. I wasn’t a particular fan of science fiction. I do have some background in advanced aerospace technology. When I was a young special agent, I did “tech protect” [counterintelligence work to stop US technology from falling into enemy hands] of advanced avionics and my background was a scientist. At university, I had three majors: microbiology, immunology and parasitology.
You came to this not particularly caring about UFOs, but I have read there was a moment where you said to yourself, “Holy f***. This is real.” What was that moment?
It’s funny because the people in the office kind of giggled and they were like, “Oh, he just had his epiphany,” because everybody has one eventually in that office.
But what convinced you it was a real thing?
It was the overwhelming weight of evidence and data. I was talking to pilots routinely. There’s videos out there [in government, that the public haven’t seen] – there’s one that’s 23 minutes long. There’s another one where this thing is 50 feet away from the cockpit. I mean, it ain’t ours. We know that. Sometimes you just couldn’t believe it – you’d have seven or eight incidents in a single day. I’d get these emails from an admiral or a ship’s captain saying, “Lue, what do you want me to do? I can’t keep people below deck forever. These things are swarming my ship, they’re all over the place.” That’s tough. I kept promising the cavalry was coming and I’d have answers for them and the cavalry never came. Senior leadership didn’t want to deal with it.
Some people say theTimesvideos don’t show anything particularly amazing. What do you say to them?
The government has already admitted not only that they’re real, but that they truly are unidentified objects and they’re behaving in a very peculiar way. For example, you have an object that is at altitude, going at 120 knots against the wind, that is rotating at 90 degrees without losing altitude. Anybody who understands aerodynamics, when you’re flying an aircraft and you turn 90 degrees you lose lift, unless you’re in a hard bank. What makes those videos more compelling is not so much what you see, but what you don’t see. It’s the radar signatures, it’s the call signs from pilot to pilot, and pilot to ship, saying, “Hey, we’ve got a bogey up here.” And in one case you hear one of them say, “Look, we have a whole fleet of these things on the ASA [radar display].” Some of the pilots have come out and said there was actually a whole fleet of these things manoeuvring right off camera. The pilots are trained observers. They are trained to identify an aircraft silhouette at 20 miles away – an SU-22, a European Tornado, a Harrier or even an F-16 – and literally within a split moment’s notice be able to identify friend or foe and shoot it down. What they’re reporting doesn’t fit any type of parameters of any type of conventional aircraft that we know of.
When you initially spoke to theNew York Times, were you worried about repercussions?
I was getting calls all the time that the FBI was going to come and Swat my house. There was a point when I got a call like, “Hey, dude, you might have people visit you, like, in the next hour.” So in the middle of the night, I had to stash everything [copies of emails] in my neighbour’s barbecue grill just in case, because that was all the proof and the evidence of the fact that our government was really involved in this topic. It wasn’t easy. It caused a lot of stress on my wife and my daughters. Until recently they were still trying to come after my security clearance.
Do you have a sense of why they didn’t raid you and throw you in jail and instead let you carry on talking?
My personal opinion, which I rarely give because I have no way to substantiate this, [is] there were enough people on the inside that said, “Look, he was briefing the senior brass and you need to be careful because if you squeeze Lue too hard, you’re gonna have very, very senior people come to his defence.”
In your interviews, you tend to emphasise the interdimensional hypothesis that UAPs might not be from “outer space” but from another dimension. Do you think that the extraterrestrial hypothesis is even likely?
I think it’s just as likely as something that is interdimensional. I also think it’s possible that it’s something that has been on Earth for a very long time.
But you don’t have data that has particularly led you to think it could be interdimensional?
There’s information that both supports and negates that. What we do know is there’s a correlation with [UAPs being near or emerging from] water and then there’s also a correlation toward [UAPs appearing near] nuclear technology.
What’s your theory about the water correlation?
Could be as simple as a fuel stop. If you wanted to warp space time, there’s only two ways to do it: lots of energy or lots of mass. So if you wanted to mine something for its energy, you would start with hydrogen, because it’s a simple element. Even though hydrogen is abundant in the universe, it’s found primarily in a gaseous state, which makes it hard because it might take you 100 years to mine a nebula cloud sufficiently to use it as fuel. There is only one type of hydrogen configuration that is super dense that’s found in the universe and that’s liquid water. So in a relatively small amount of time you can mine enough hydrogen to do whatever you need to do with literally a bucket of water.
Let’s talk about crash retrievals and debris. Do you believe we have recovered a craft?
I have been told I have to be very careful how I answer this question. I am not allowed to expound upon anything I’ve already said. What I have said is that it is my opinion, my belief – a strong belief, hint, hint – that the US government is in possession of exotic material associated with UAPs. That is all I’m allowed to say.
Do you believe organic matter or beings have been recovered?
I am respectfully going to pass on that question. There’s a couple questions that I’m really not at liberty to discuss. That’s one of them.
Do you believe these ships may be manned?
They’re intelligently controlled, for sure, because they’re responding and reacting to our actions. That is for certain. They are absolutely intelligently controlled by something.
Is it your opinion that they’re more like drones or do you think they’ve got things inside them?
I suspect they have things inside them.
Why do you think they seem interested in military sites, nuclear sites particularly?
I’ve got some very specific theories. Nuclear technology is a gateway to understanding unlocking the atom. And once you do that, you have a potentially limitless supply of energy. It could very well be that we are a violent species that is on the cusp of understanding space-time and no longer going to be stuck in our little cage. And that could be a problem for an advanced species. Because, you know, we are not necessarily very peaceful to each other.
What’s the consensus around how these things fly?
Right now one of the leading theories out there is that someone has figured out a way to manipulate space-time and, in essence, master the idea of antigravity.
So if you see a UAP moving left to right, it’s not “flying” left to right, it’s bending that space towards it?
Correct. Current hypothesis is that it creates a bubble around it and that bubble is insulating itself from the space-time that all of us experience. And so, therefore, the way it experiences space-time within the bubble is fundamentally different from outside the bubble.
How many presidents have been briefed on the issue and do you know who engaged the most?
I know, as a matter of fact, three presidents have been briefed at some point, but I’m not going to disclose who they were and what was discussed. That’s not up for me to talk about.
In cultural depictions of UFOs, who do you think has got the closest to reality?
I would have to say Close Encounters Of The Third Kind. I just recently saw it for the first time and I was shocked at some of the performance characteristics and how they depicted the UAPs, because that is exactly how they’ve been described in some, up until recently, very classified US documents.
What in particular?
The description of how they do right-angle turns at very fast velocity, the illumination, the shapes of some of these craft. [Steven] Spielberg definitely had somebody on the inside that was giving him information, for sure. I mean there’s a lot of that movie that, if you know what you’re looking at, is very, very close to real life.
Some suggest that the post-2017 UAP disclosure narrative is actually just a government disinformation effort or psyops campaign. What do you say to that?
At no time since I’ve been involved with AATIP has my government been involved in an active disinformation campaign, other than initially denying that it was real. The United States government is not in the habit of conducting disinformation on American citizens. There was a time when our government did do that and got caught and so congress passed laws to make sure that will never happen again.
What can you tell us about what’s coming up in 2022, in terms of new evidence that may come to light or new developments?
I think we’ll see a lot more participation by the international community and a lot more transparency. We’re going to begin sharing information a lot more and I think people may be surprised just how much information is possessed on this topic by other countries. My only hope is that the UK will be able to do the same thing. Much for the same reason that the United States didn’t want to admit that UFOs were real, I suspect the UK [doesn’t] as well. What I can tell you is during my time in AATIP it was very apparent to me that there were certain elements within the royal family that were very interested in this topic. I will not elaborate any more than that. And I hope that those voices within the royal family can be heard, because it is an important topic, perhaps one of the greatest topics that affects all of mankind, all of humanity. And I think if we’re smart, this will be a topic that will help unify us and not divide us.
This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.
A photographer in Zurich, Switzerland, spotted the glowing object while four SpaceX astronauts returned to Earth thousands of miles away.
The 'doughnut UFO' spotted over Switzerland appeared the same night as SpaceX's Endeavor capsule reentry.
(Image credit: Courtesy @Eavix1Eavix
On the night of Monday, Nov. 8, a photographer in Zurich, Switzerland, who goes by the Twitter handle @Eavix1Eavixaimed his camera at the sky and snapped several pictures of what he aptly described as a "doughnut UFO."
Composed of several bright-blue concentric rings, the flying object looked as much like a spacecraft as a breakfast treat. The photographer suspected he had actually glimpsed SpaceX's Endeavour capsule, which was scheduled to return to Earth that night with four astronauts who had just concluded a 200-day stay on the International Space Station. British tabloid site The Daily Mail even included the eerie photos in a roundup of Endeavour sightings the next day.
But there's a problem with this story: When the Endeavour capsule splashed down a little after 10:30 p.m. EDT that night, it landed half a world away in the Gulf of Mexico — more than 5,000 miles (8,000 kilometers) from Zurich.
@elonmusk hopefully was the spaceX dragon capsule and not a doughnut ufo invasion…. 😂😂 November 9, 2021
While spectators in Louisiana, Alabama and several other Gulf states saw clear views of the capsule streaming across the sky, it is almost impossible that anyone in Switzerland would have been able to see the craft's reentry, Marco Langbroek, an amateur satellite tracker and academic researcher at Leiden University in the Netherlands, told Live Science in an email.
"Any passes [of Endeavour] over Switzerland prior to landing that night would have been completely in Earth's shadow, i.e. it would not be illuminated by the sun and hence not visible," Langbroek said. "Reentry itself was over Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico, and would not have been visible from Switzerland. The deorbit burn, prior to reentry, was over the Indian Ocean, so also not visible from Switzerland."
So, if the donut UFO wasn't a SpaceX craft, then what was it? According to Langbroek, the unidentified flying object over Switzerland may not have been flying at all; it could have been the garbled image of a distant star.
"I am pretty certain that the 'donut UFO' on the Swiss images is an out-of-focus image of a bright star," Langbroek said. "It quite looks like it."
Still, other images that the photographer snapped that night seem to show a zig-zagging trail of light behind the object — suggesting it was indeed moving.
According to Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Massachusetts, it's possible that the doughnut UFO was the upper stage of a rocket — that is, the small, topmost section of a rocket used to propel a craft into orbit — reentering the atmosphere and burning up.
However, without a precise time frame for the photos, it's difficult to tie the mysterious lights to any known object that was in the sky that night, McDowell told Live Science in an email. (Live Science requested time stamps for the images, but the photographer was unable to provide them.)
Star, rocket or something else entirely? For now, the doughnut UFO over Switzerland is keeping its secrets — and remains a truly unidentified flying object.
Scientists Can’t Explain These Findings – It Is Beyond Our Understanding
Scientists Can’t Explain These Findings – It Is Beyond Our Understanding
Archeological discoveries are made on a regular basis, and that is a reality, but the issue is that many of them are truly unfathomable from a scientific standpoint.
No matter how much study tries to demonize theorists and label them as lunatics, the truth remains that the theories they generate are riddled with contradictions and holes.
They’d rather imagine 100 crippled slaves lifting 50-ton boulders about 100 feet in the air with little more than pure muscle power, acquiring some technological advancement from an ancient alien life form.
They’d like to believe that these “out of timeline” objects are nothing more than rocks and stones, despite the fact that they’re clearly valid and make no sense from a timeline standpoint, such as 400,000-year-old light bulbs and toy spaceships that are well over 6,000 years old.
Aliens’ carvings have arrived on Earth to rule over humans.
Ancient bunkers that show the existence of nuclear technology a million years ago, as well as evidence of the nuclear fallout that melted the earth into glass.
Humans self-mutilate their bodies to imitate the travelers’ elongated, egg-shaped heads, and so on.
There’s so much we don’t understand out there, and though ignoring them may be science’s way of coping, we’d rather be believers than liars.
A documentary and journey into the future exploring the possibilities and predictions of artificial intelligence. This timelapse of the future explores what is coming, from robots that are too fast for humans to see, to A.I. bots from Microsoft (bringing back loved ones to life) and Google’s laMDA (replacing the need for online searches).
Elon Musk’s Neuralink goes from a medical and healthcare device, to helping people become superhuman – with intelligence amplification, and add-ons that connect to the brain chip.
Artificial general intelligence begins to design an A.I. more powerful than itself. People begin to question if humanity has reached the technological singularity. Artificial Super Intelligence emerges from the AGI.
And further into the deep future. Human consciousness becomes digitized and uploaded into a metaverse simulation. It is merged with A.I. creating hybrid consciousness – which spreads across the cosmos. Matrioshka brains and Dyson Spheres host humanity’s consciousness in a cosmic simulation network.
Machu Picchu – everyone’s favorite Inca site high in the Andes mountains of Peru – is one of those onion-style archeological sites that keeps revealing new features as mysterious layers are peeled away. The year 2021 ended with a major ‘peel’ for the site as LiDAR-equipped drones helped find 12 previously unknown small structures in Machu Picchu National Park which help identify the caretakers of the complex back in the 15th century. The LiDAR also revealed previously unknown canals that show how the Incas controlled water – a feat they believed was a ‘superpower’ granted to them by the gods.
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“The Chachabamba archaeological site contains a unique water complex erected and modified by the Incas. Based on archaeological investigations within the ceremonial sector, it has been established that the function of this water complex was strictly ceremonial.”
As described in a new study published in the Journal of Archaeological Science, a team of researchers from the Center for Andean Studies at the University of Warsaw and the Wroclaw (Poland) University of Science and Technology focused new efforts on Chachabamba, a ceremonial water complex surrounding the Machu Picchu citadel that both demonstrated the power of the Inca peoples and offered pilgrims ritual baths, gardens and fountains. Using data from drones with lidar (light detection and ranging) systems flying very low over the dense vegetation covering much of Chachabamba, they found 12 small structures that appeared to be homes of those who were responsible for the amenities of Chachabamba.
“There are indications that it was mainly women who looked after the complex. as suggested by objects discovered during previous excavations by a Polish-Peruvian team.”
Dominika Sieczkowska from the Center for Andean Studies told Heritage Daily that despite the ornateness of Machu Picchu and Chachabamba, the homes of the female caretakers were plain … some things never change. The hydraulic systems of Chachabamba were functioning until mudslides destroyed part of it in 2012 and the area became overgrown. The LiDAR drones and computer simulations from their data helped the researchers see just how sophisticated the system was when operational and impressing the enemies of the Incas.
“Part of the system was destroyed, and the current study was conducted to answer such unknowns as how much water flowed through the system, which watercourse flowed into the system, and how fast. The light water flow evinced in the researchers’ lidar images is part of the basis for their conclusion that the site’s use was ceremonial rather than functional, supplying residences with water.”
Artnet News explains that researchers now know the power water played in the reputation of the Incas as they conquered other cultures from Argentina to Ecuador – and Chachabamba was the center of that power. And yet, we now know the caretakers of such power were women, not men. This fits in with the belief of some historians that men and women held equal stature and equal responsibilities in Inca society – a practice looked down upon by the invading Europeans because women had no such stature in their societies.
One wonders how different things might have been if the Europeans tried to learn from the Incas rather than conquer them.
Inca site of Chachabamba
Image Credit : Ivo Antonie de Rooij - Shutterstock
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