The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Wetenschappers van de Universiteit van Californië, Berkeley hebben op de planeet Mars sporen gevonden die erop wijzen dat er ooit zandstranden bestaan hebben, gevormd door de constante beweging van de golven van een grote oceaan.
Het gaat om uitgestrekte afhellende afzettingen in de ondergrond, met structuren die vergelijkbaar zijn met die van kustafzettingen op onze Aarde. “Dit impliceert dat er ooit een grote hoeveelheid water moet zijn geweest en ondersteunt de hypothese van een oceaan op de noordelijke laagvlakten van Mars”, schrijven de onderzoekers in het wetenschappelijk tijdschrift ‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences’ (PNAS).
De sedimenten komen voor in de ondergrond van Utopia Planitia, een vlakte op de noordelijke helft van de planeet. Ze zijn 10 tot 35 meter dik en strekken zich uit over een ononderbroken lengte van 1,3 kilometer. Ze werden geïdentificeerd aan de hand van radargegevens van de Chinese Marsrover Zhurong.
De structuur, dikte en lengte van de afzettingen wijzen volgens de wetenschappers op het bestaan van een groot waterlichaam, dat er lange tijd moet hebben gelegen. Op aarde duurt het immers miljoenen jaren voor dit soort sediment ontstaat. De data doen ook vermoeden dat rivieren sediment naar zee transporteerden.
Er zijn in de loop der jaren al heel wat ontdekkingen gedaan die erop wijzen dat er ooit een grote hoeveelheid vloeibaar water moet zijn geweest op het oppervlak van Mars. Er is echter nog veel onduidelijkheid over de aard ervan en wat ermee gebeurde. Sluitend bewijs is er tot nu toe nog niet gevonden in de ondergrond.
“Situatie is ronduit zorgwekkend”: studie onthult verontrustende versnelling van gletsjersmelt en zeespiegelstijging
Wereldwijd krimpen gletsjers in een alarmerend tempo, met grote gevolgen voor onder andere de zeespiegelstijging. Sinds het begin van de 21ste eeuw zijn we maar liefst 6.500 miljard ton ijs kwijtgespeeld. Zo blijkt uit een recente studie in ‘Nature’ waar 35 teams van wetenschappers aan meewerkten. Glacioloog Lander Van Tricht licht de verontrustende resultaten toe. “De hoeveelheid ijs die jaarlijks verdwijnt, komt overeen met het totale waterverbruik van de wereldbevolking over een periode van dertig jaar.”
Martijn Peters
Wat zijn de wetenschappers precies te weten gekomen met hun onderzoek?
“Met behulp van sensoren en satellieten heeft het internationale team van wetenschappers het massaverlies van gletsjers in kaart gebracht”, vertelt de glacioloog. “Hun bevindingen waren allesbehalve positief. Wereldwijd hebben de gletsjers sinds de start van deze eeuw gemiddeld 273 miljard ton ijs per jaar verloren. In het tweede decennium (2012 - 2023) verliep dat veel sneller dan in de eerste tien jaar (2000 - 2011). Ze zagen een toename van 230 naar 310 miljard ton, dat is 36 procent meer. In totaal is het verlies aan ijs hallucinant. In de hele periode zijn we 6.500 miljard ton gletsjerijs kwijtgespeeld. Goed voor een zeespiegelstijging van net geen twee centimeter.”
Waarom zien we nu in de afgelopen jaren een versnelling van het smelten?
“Die toename is het gevolg van onze atmosfeer die opwarmt. Hierdoor krijg je meer smelt, maar ook minder sneeuwval. Ook regionale verschillen in het klimaat oefenen een invloed uit. Zo zagen de wetenschappers plots een hoge afname in het zuidwesten van Azië, waar er in vorige decennia zelfs een lichte toename van gletsjerijs was”, aldus dr. Van Tricht. “Slecht nieuws voor de klimaatsceptici die deze regio graag gebruikten als voorbeeld om te laten zien dat gletsjers helemaal niet kleiner werden, ook al was het een uitzondering op al de rest.”
“De enige regio waar de afname nog steeds plaatsvindt maar wat lijkt te vertragen, is IJsland en Scandinavië. Dit kunnen we toeschrijven aan afkoeling in de regio en een toename van winterneerslag in deze gebieden. De reden hiervoor zijn de onregelmatigheden die wetenschappers zien in de stromingen van de atmosfeer én de Noord-Atlantische Oceaan.”
Welke regio’s zijn er het ergst aan toe?
“Op basis van deze studie blijkt het ijsverlies het grootst te zijn in regio’s waar de gletsjeroppervlakte klein is. Zo zien we in Centraal-Europa een daling van 39 procent, in de Kaukasus 35 procent en in Nieuw-Zeeland 29 procent. In de top 5 van sterkste dalers staan verder nog Noord-Azië met 23 procent en West-Canada en de VS met 23 procent.”
“Dat betekent dus dat de gletsjers van onze Europese Alpen en Pyreneeën het meeste ijs hebben verloren. In 2022 en 2023 werden in de Alpen alle records gebroken. Alleen al in Zwitserland verdween in slechts twee jaar tijd maar liefst 10 procent van het resterende volume ijs. Het was een combinatie van uitzonderlijk warme zomers, weinig sneeuwval en Saharastof wat het extreme verlies veroorzaakte. Kijken we naar het grootste volumeverlies in totaal, dan staat Alaska op kop. Deze regio is goed voor een vijfde van het wereldwijde ijsverlies.”
Hoe ernstig is de situatie?
“De situatie is in sommige regio’s ronduit zorgwekkend te noemen. Want gletsjers zijn momenteel de tweede grootste bijdrager aan de wereldwijde zeespiegelstijging. Enkel het uitzetten van oceanen door de warmte van het zeewater doet beter. De gletsjers dragen zelfs momenteel meer bij dan de ijskappen van Groenland en Antarctica”, verduidelijkt dr. Van Tricht.
Als die verdwijnen heeft dat een grote impact op de landbouw en beschikbaarheid van drinkwater
“En dat is geen ver-van-mijn-bedshow voor ons. Want ons land dat relatief laag ligt, zal een stijgende zeespiegel zeker opmerken. De hele situatie is vooral slecht nieuws voor de kust, de haven en alle laaggelegen gebieden van België.”
“Maar de zeespiegelstijging is maar één kant van het hele verhaal. Het smelten van de gletsjers in de berggebieden heeft een enorme impact op de zoetwatervoorziening van de getroffen regio’s. Een voorbeeld hiervan is Azië, waar gletsjers in de late zomermaanden smeltwater leveren dat essentieel is voor irrigatie. Gletsjers zijn daar een natuurlijk reservoir dat water opslaat en dan later vrijgeeft als het nodig is. Als die verdwijnen heeft dat dus een grote impact op de landbouw en beschikbaarheid van drinkwater. Om je een idee te geven: de hoeveelheid ijs die jaarlijks verdwijnt op aarde, komt overeen met het totale waterverbruik van de wereldbevolking over een periode van dertig jaar. Dat is niet niks”, besluit de wetenschapper.
“Er is bij gletsjerverlies een duidelijk verschil tussen de korte termijn – de komende decennia dus – en de lange termijn. Zelfs als we erin slagen om de temperaturen te stabiliseren, dan nog zullen gletsjers blijven smelten op de korte termijn. Er zit wat vertraging op. Voor de Alpen is het bijvoorbeeld al over en uit. Daar verliezen we vrijwel alle gletsjers.”
“Op de lange termijn zal het verdere verlies sterk afhangen van hoe goed we onze uitstoot onder controle kunnen houden. Tegen 2100 (ten opzichte van 2015) wordt verwacht dat wereldwijd nog een kwart tot een derde van de gletsjermassa verloren gaat. En dat is bij een scenario met lage emissies”, zegt dr. Van Tricht. “Maar bij hoge emissies kan dat oplopen tot meer dan de helft. En de impact stopt natuurlijk niet plots in 2100 op magische wijze, maar gaat gewoon door. Ook in de eeuwen erna zullen gletsjers zich dan blijven terugtrekken.”
Kan een afkoeling de gletsjers nog doen aangroeien?
“Dat hangt er een beetje van af. Gebergtegletsjers kunnen terug aangroeien op de lange termijn als het aanhoudend weer kouder zou worden en er meer sneeuw valt. Maar bij ijskappen is dat anders. Die houden zich in leven omdat ze dik genoeg zijn en zo hoog genoeg rijken. Als ze wegsmelten moet het héél veel kouder worden als we terug ijsopbouw willen zien, omdat die van lager terug moet beginnen aan te groeien.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Secret UFO Crash: Whistleblowers Expose Government Cover-Up!
Secret UFO Crash: Whistleblowers Expose Government Cover-Up!
For decades, governments around the world have denied or downplayed encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs). However, numerous whistleblowers, military personnel, and investigative researchers have come forward, exposing shocking details about secret UFO crashes, advanced alien technology retrieval programs, and the concealment of non-human biological entities. These revelations challenge our understanding of extraterrestrial life and raise serious questions about the extent of government secrecy on this issue.
The Roswell Incident: The Beginning of a Cover-Up
One of the most infamous UFO crashes in history occurred in 1947 near Roswell, New Mexico. Initially, the U.S. military announced the recovery of a “flying disc,” only to retract the statement and claim it was a weather balloon. Decades later, retired Lieutenant Colonel Jesse Marcel, who had been involved in the retrieval, came forward stating that the crash debris was not from Earth and had unique properties unknown at the time. Further investigations by nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman and others revealed testimonies from witnesses, deathbed confessions, and classified documents pointing toward an extraterrestrial origin of the crash.
Whistleblowers and Leaked Documents
Throughout history, various insiders have risked their careers and safety to disclose classified information regarding UFO crash retrievals. The Majestic 12 (MJ-12) documents, leaked in 1988, allegedly revealed a top-secret government program established to manage the recovery of alien craft. While skeptics dismiss these documents as a hoax, renowned researchers like Stanton Friedman argued that they contained authentic details of classified government operations.
Secret UFO Crash They Don’t Want You To Know About
One of the most controversial whistleblowers, Bob Lazar, claimed he worked at a secret facility called S-4, a subsidiary of Area 51, where he was tasked with reverse-engineering alien spacecraft. Lazar described seeing nine extraterrestrial crafts and revealed that the U.S. government had obtained an unknown element, later speculated to be Element 115, used for gravity propulsion. While critics question Lazar’s credentials, some of his claims align with other classified U.S. military projects and advancements in physics.
Military Encounters and Retrieval Teams
Numerous retired military personnel have confirmed the existence of specialized units tasked with retrieving downed UFOs. Sergeant Clifford Stone, a former U.S. Army member, claimed he was part of a covert crash retrieval team that recovered alien craft and bodies. According to Stone, the government had knowledge of at least 57 different extraterrestrial species, and some were interacting with humans.
Similarly, David Grusch, a former U.S. intelligence officer, testified before Congress in 2023, alleging that the U.S. government had retrieved non-human spacecraft and biological entities for decades. Grusch also stated that some individuals who attempted to disclose information were harmed or even killed to maintain secrecy. His testimony reignited public and governmental interest in UAPs, prompting further investigations.
Government Denials and Continued Secrecy
Despite compelling testimonies from military officials, pilots, and intelligence agents, governments continue to deny the existence of extraterrestrial craft and life. Agencies like NASA and the U.S. Department of Defense have reaffirmed that they have no verifiable evidence of alien encounters. However, leaked documents, radar footage, and firsthand witness accounts tell a different story.
Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the U.S. All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), acknowledged that military personnel frequently report sightings of metallic orbs and fast-moving UAPs. While he dismissed some claims as misidentifications, his acknowledgment of the phenomenon supports the argument that unexplained aerial objects are a reality.
Why the Secrecy?
Governments have long justified secrecy under the pretext of national security. If alien technology were revealed to the public, it could lead to global political instability, mass panic, and technological superiority concerns among world powers. Additionally, acknowledging extraterrestrial life would challenge religious and philosophical beliefs, fundamentally altering human understanding of our place in the universe.
Historical examples, such as the Manhattan Project (development of the atomic bomb) and breaking German military codes in World War II, illustrate that governments can and do keep secrets for extended periods. The secrecy surrounding UFO crash retrievals is likely no different, with highly classified operations ensuring the information remains hidden from public scrutiny.
The Future of UFO Disclosure
With increasing pressure from whistleblowers, journalists, and Congressional hearings, UFO disclosure is no longer a fringe topic. The U.S. government has begun declassifying some UAP reports, and high-ranking officials are now openly discussing unidentified aerial encounters. However, full transparency remains elusive.
The existence of covert crash retrieval programs, reverse-engineered alien technology, and extraterrestrial biological entities raises profound questions about humanity’s future. Are these revelations leading us toward a new era of transparency, or will the secrecy persist indefinitely? As whistleblowers continue to emerge and technological advancements make it harder to suppress evidence, we may soon have undeniable proof that we are not alone in the universe.
Until that day comes, it remains our responsibility to question, investigate, and push for the truth about the secret UFO crash they don’t want you to know about.
UFO whistleblower says U.S. recovered nonhuman "biologics" from crash sites
What really crashed in Roswell...? | ALIEN CRASH AT ROSWELL: THE UFO TRUTH LOST IN TIME
Nasa UFO report: What we learned from UAP study - BBC News
NASA's Curiosity rover has obtained the mineralogical and chemical data of ancient lake deposits at Gale Crater, Mars. The present study reconstructs water chemistry of the paleolake in Gale based on the Curiosity's data.
Scientists have searched for signs of water on Mars for decades, piecing together evidence from dried riverbeds, polar ice caps, and mineral deposits.
Now, six months after they uncovered evidence of a vast underground reservoir of liquid water, which according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) is enough to fill entire oceans on the surface, a new groundbreaking discovery is adding to the puzzle of its ancient watery past.
The data – obtained from the Zhurong Mars rover – suggests the Red Planet may have once been home to sunlit, sandy beaches with gentle, rolling waves, not that different from California’s Malibu Beach, Thailand’s Maya Bay, or Brazil’s famous Copacabana.
By evaluating hidden rock layers beneath Mars’ surface, the international research team, including scientists from Penn State, found strong evidence of an ancient northern ocean.
What the study reveals
According to Benjamin Cardenas, PhD, assistant professor of geology at Penn State and a co-author of the study, this is the strongest evidence yet that Mars once held a massive body of water and had conditions more favorable for life.
“We’re finding places on Mars that used to look like ancient beaches and ancient river deltas,” Cardenas says. “We found evidence for wind, waves, no shortage of sand – a proper, vacation-style beach.”
China’s Zhurong rover landed on Mars’ Utopia Planitia in 2021, and transmitted geological data in search of ancient water or ice. Equipped with a ground-penetrating radar, it could explore the planet’s subsurface and detect buried rock formations.
By analyzing the rover’s underground sedimentary deposits, the team reconstructed a more detailed history of the planet and uncovered rock layers resembling those found on Earth’s beaches.
These formations, known as “foreshore deposits,” slope downward toward what was once an ocean, forming as tides and waves transport sediments into a larger body of water.
“This stood out to us immediately because it suggests there were waves, which means there was a dynamic interface of air and water,” Cardenas adds. “When we look back at where the earliest life on Earth developed, it was in the interaction between oceans and land, so this is painting a picture of ancient habitable environments, capable of harboring conditions friendly toward microbial life.”
Shaped by water and time
Cardenas notes that when the team analyzed Martian data alongside radar images of Earth’s coastal deposits, they found striking similarities. He emphasized that the dip angles on Mars aligned closely with those characteristic of coastal sedimentary deposits on Earth.
After ruling out other possible origins for the dipping reflectors, including ancient river flows, wind, or volcanic activity, the team concluded that the consistent shape of the formations and the thickness of the sediments strongly suggest a coastal origin.
“We’re seeing that the shoreline of this body of water evolved over time,” Cardenas says, highlighting that Mars is far from a static snapshot of a planet, as many tend to believe. “Rivers were flowing, sediment was moving, and land was being built and eroded.”
Cardenas says that the sediments not only reveal Mars’ past landscape – a once much wetter world with a possible ocean covering the planet’s northern pole – but also provide key clues on where to search for signs of ancient life. They also shed light on Mars’ evolution, suggesting a warm, wet, and life-friendly period lasting tens of millions of years.
“The capabilities of the Zhurong rover have allowed us to understand the geologic history of the planet in an entirely new way,” Michael Manga, PhD, professor of Earth and planetary science at the University of California, Berkley, and the paper’s corresponding author says in a press release.
“Its ground-penetrating radar gives us a view of the subsurface of the planet, which allows us to do geology that we could have never done before,” Manga concludes. “All these incredible advancements in technology have made it possible to do basic science that is revealing a trove of new information about Mars.”
The study has been published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
NASA finds oceans of water on Mars, deep in Martian crust | WION Pulse
It might not be the most obvious place for a holiday.
But Mars was once home to sun-soaked, sandy beaches with gentle, lapping waves, according to a new study.
Recent data from the Zhurong Mars rover reveals the red planet might have boasted vast ancient oceans and sandy beaches, potentially supporting microbial life. This groundbreaking discovery, providing the clearest evidence yet, redefines our understanding of Mars as a once potentially habitable world.
Researchers have discovered evidence of a ‘vacation-style’ environment on the Red Planet, despite there being no visible liquid on the surface of Mars today.
An international team of scientists used data from China's Zhurong Mars rover to unearth hidden layers of rock underneath the planet’s surface that strongly suggest the presence of an ancient northern ocean.
The new research offers the clearest evidence yet that the planet once contained a significant body of water and a more habitable environment for life, the researchers said.
The Zhurong rover landed on Mars in 2021 in an area known as Utopia Planitia and sent back data on the geology of its surroundings in search of signs of ancient water or ice.
Unlike other rovers it came equipped with ground-penetrating radar which allowed it to explore the planet’s subsurface, using both low and high-frequency radar to penetrate the Martian soil and identify buried rock formations.
By studying the underground sedimentary deposits, scientists are now able to piece together a more complete picture of the planet’s history.
A hypothetical picture of Mars 3.6 billion years ago, when an ocean may have covered nearly half the planet. The blue areas show the depth of the ocean filled to the shoreline level of the ancient, now-gone sea, dubbed Deuteronilus. The orange star represents the landing site of the Chinese rover Zhurong. The yellow star is the site of NASA’s Perseverance rover, which landed a few months before Zhurong.
Researchers have discovered evidence of a ‘vacation-style’ environment on the Red Planet, despite there being no visible liquid on the surface of Mars today
Credit: Robert Citron
The new research offers the clearest evidence yet that the planet once contained a significant body of water and a more habitable environment for life, the researchers said
When the team reviewed radar data, it revealed a similar layered structure to beaches on Earth.
They noticed formations called ‘foreshore’ deposits’ that slope downwards towards oceans and form when sediments are carried by tides and waves into a large body of water.
When the team compared the Martian data with radar images of coastal deposits on Earth, they found striking similarities.
The dip angles observed on Mars fell right within the range of those seen in coastal sedimentary deposits on Earth.
The study also provides new information on the evolution of the Martian environment, suggesting that a life-friendly warm and wet period spanned potentially tens of millions of years.
‘We found evidence for wind, waves, no shortage of sand — a proper, vacation-style beach.’
The study also provides new information on the evolution of the Martian environment, suggesting that a life-friendly warm and wet period spanned potentially tens of millions of years
Professor Michael Manga, from the University of California, Berkeley, also contributed to the paper.
'The structures don't look like sand dunes,' he said. 'They don't look like an impact crater. They don't look like lava flows. That's when we started thinking about oceans.
'The orientation of these features are parallel to what the old shoreline would have been. They have both the right orientation and the right slope to support the idea that there was an ocean for a long period of time to accumulate the sand-like beach.'
The findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal.
LIVE 🔴 Mars: Life on the Red Planet | BBC Earth Science
Thutmose II Tomb DISCOVERED: First Egyptian Royal Tomb Discovery since 1922
Egypt-Museum. February 19th, 2025:
This week, archaeologists unveiled a momentous discovery—the long-lost tomb of Thutmose II of Ancient Egypt’s 18th Dynasty.
The tomb, belonging to Thutmose II, the fourth pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty and husband of the famed female ruler Hatshepsut, was unearthed by a British-Egyptian team led by Dr. Piers Litherland of Galashiels, Scotland. The grandeur of the burial site was immediately evident, with a vast staircase and an imposing descending corridor signalling the tomb’s royal significance.
Entrance to the tomb “When I came out, my wife was waiting outside, and the only thing I could do was burst into tears. When you come across something that you’re not expecting to find, it’s emotionally extremely turbulent, really.” Dr Piers Litherland, BBC Newshour Photograph by the New Kingdom Research Foundation
“And part of the ceiling was still intact – a blue-painted ceiling with yellow stars on it. And blue-painted ceilings with yellow stars are only found in king’s tombs,“- Dr Piers Litherland, an honorary research associate of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research at Cambridge University and the field director of the exploration, BBC Newshour
Accessing the burial chamber proved challenging. The team crawled through a narrow, 10-metre passageway, squeezing through an opening scarcely 40 square centimetres wide before reaching the inner chamber. Inside, they encountered a striking blue ceiling adorned with scenes from the Amduat, an ancient funerary text reserved exclusively for kings—confirmation that they had indeed entered the resting place of a pharaoh.
Thutmose II depicted at Karnak Temple
Definitive proof of Thutmose II’s burial came in the form of alabaster jar fragments inscribed with his name and that of Hatshepsut, marking the first objects ever linked to his interment. However, Dr. Litherland’s team theorizes that the tomb may have been flooded approximately six years after the burial, possibly prompting the relocation of its contents. The researchers believe they have identified a likely site for this secondary tomb, which may still contain untouched treasures.
“This discovery solves a great mystery of Ancient Egypt – the location of the tombs of the early XVIIIth dynasty kings. The tomb of this ancestor of Tutankhamun had never been found because it was always thought to be at the other end of the mountain near the Valley of the Kings. Initially we thought we might have found the tomb of a royal wife, but the wide staircase and the large doorway suggested something more important. The discovery that the burial chamber had been decorated with scenes from the Amduat, a religious text which is reserved for kings, was immensely exciting and was the first indication that this was a king’s tomb.”–Dr Piers Litherland
This discovery crowns more than 12 years of meticulous work by the joint team from Dr. Litherland’s New Kingdom Research Foundation and Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. Their efforts have previously led to the excavation of 54 tombs in Luxor’s western Theban mountain and the identification of over 30 royal wives and court women.
“This is the first royal tomb to be discovered since the groundbreaking find of King Tutankhamun’s burial chamber in 1922,” remarked Egypt’s Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Sherif Fathy. “It is an extraordinary moment for Egyptology and a profound step in our understanding of humanity’s shared past.”
The British-Egyptian team who unearthed the tomb of Thutmose II, led by Dr Piers Litherland, a Scottish honorary research associate of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research at Cambridge University and the field director of the exploration.
Thutmose II
Thutmose II ascended the throne of Egypt around 1493 B.C., yet his reign, when measured against the grandeur of his predecessors and successors, was a modest one. Born to Thutmose I and his secondary wife, Mutnofret, he solidified his position by wedding his half-sister, Hatshepsut, the esteemed daughter of Thutmose I and his Great Royal Wife, Ahmose. His rule was marked by minor military excursions, quelling disturbances in Nubia and the Sinai, but it left behind little in the way of enduring triumphs. His life was cut short around 1479 B.C., leaving behind a young heir, Thutmose III, born to his lesser wife, Iset, and a daughter, Neferure, by Hatshepsut.
The precise circumstances surrounding the death of Thutmose II remain shrouded in mystery, though it is widely believed that he perished not by battle or nefarious circumstance, but likely by natural causes and disease. His reign was brief, and evidence suggests he was of frail constitution, possibly plagued by a lingering illness that drained his vitality.
The mummy thought to be that of king Thutmose II
Examinations of what is believed to be Thutmose II’s mummified remains, discovered within the Deir el-Bahari Royal Cache (DB320) hint at a body weakened by malady, with some scholars proposing that he suffered from a chronic skin disorder, an infectious ailment, or even a hereditary affliction, thought to be the consequence of generations of royal intermarriage. Whatever the cause, his untimely demise around 1479 B.C.
With his passing, Hatshepsut first served as regent for the infant king, yet in time, she seized the throne for herself, boldly declaring her own divine right to rule. Many scholars suggest she found her late husband’s reign lacklustre, prompting her to forge a far more illustrious legacy. As one of history’s most formidable female pharaohs, she devoted herself to monumental architectural endeavours, the most celebrated of which was her resplendent mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahari – a masterpiece of design, and today a tourist hotspot which continues to proclaim her majesty for eternity.
Though officially a widow, whispers of a profound bond between Hatshepsut and her trusted advisor, Senenmut, have long intrigued historians. He wielded great influence within her court, overseeing many of her grand projects, and his depictions in proximity to her daughter, Neferure, suggest a role that transcended mere servitude. Whether love, loyalty, or ambition bound them together, his presence in her reign remains an enduring enigma of Egypt’s golden age.
Thutmose II, though his reign brief, carved a notable legacy in the annals of Ancient Egyptian history. As Pharaoh, he solidified Egypt’s power and influence, especially through his military campaigns in Nubia, which extended the empire’s borders. While his rule lacked the monumental construction projects of his predecessors, Thutmose II laid the groundwork for the grand achievements of his successors, most notably his son Thutmose III. His reign, though overshadowed by that of his famous offspring and widower, nonetheless contributed to the enduring prosperity of the Eighteenth Dynasty, blending military prowess with a steady administration.
Thutmose II was the late husband of the female pharaoh Hatshepsut.
It has often been claimed that this is the first royal tomb unearthed since Howard Carter’s legendary unveiling of Tutankhamun’s resting place in 1922. However, this assertion is not entirely accurate. Several royal tombs and kingly burials have, in fact, been discovered since Tutankhamun’s. Notable among these are the 2017 unearthing of the burial chamber belonging to a 13th Dynasty princess named Hatshepsut at the Pyramid of Dahshur, as well as the royal tombs of Tanis, which brought to light the so-called Silver Pharaohs, including Psusennes I.
Is there more to behold?
Speaking with the British publication The Observer, Scottish archaeologist Piers Litherland suspects he may have identified a second tomb belonging to Thutmose II.
February 23rd 2025:
The team: Mohsen Kamel, Rabee Eissa, Mohamed Abd el-Baset, Hanan Mahmoud, Sherif Abd el-Monneim, Nermeen Aba Yazeed, Amel Elweida, Ahmed Hassan, Judith Bunbury, Andreas Dorn, Kelly Accetta-Crowe, Caroline Sims, Aude Gräzer, and Bryony Smerdon, Mohamed Sayed Ahmed, Ashraf Omar, Heraji Said Mohamed, Shahat Mohamed el-Azab, Kairi Taher, Ahmed Abd el-Ahty, Ahmed el-Tairy. Photograph by the New Kingdom Research Foundation
Just days ago, the announcement of the discovery of Thutmose II’s tomb was announced. After over a decade of work by the New Kingdom Research Foundation and the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, it was in 2022 when the team led by Scottish archaeologist Dr. Litherland, finally came to the site of the tomb they had been searching for.
Discovered 3km west of the Valley of the Kings, and underneath a Theban Mountain waterfall, Litherland and his team, unearthed the debris filled and once flooded tomb of king Thutmose II, which is believed to have been emptied in antiquity, just six years after the pharaoh’s death and burial in 1479 B.C.
Yet, this discovery is but the beginning. Dr. Litherland has shared his compelling theory about what further treasures may lie hidden, awaiting the dedicated efforts of his team in the days to come.
“There are 23 metres of a pile of man-made layers sitting above a point in the landscape where we believe – and we have other confirmatory evidence – there is a monument concealed beneath,” Litherland told The Observer, he continued; “The best candidate for what is hidden underneath this enormously expensive, in terms of effort, pile is the second tomb of Thutmose II.”
Broken items with the cartouche of Thutmose II were discovered, leading the team to believe they had been broken during removal and relocation of the king’s burial. Photograph by Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities
Dr. Litherland revealed to The Observer, that for a year or so, he and his team have been diligently working to penetrate the thick strata of plaster and limestone, in hopes of uncovering the long-lost second tomb of Thutmose II. With unshakable conviction, Dr. Litherland believes that something, most notably the elusive second tomb of Thutmose II, lies hidden beyond these formidable layers, which preliminary evidence strongly suggests were intentionally constructed by human hands. He describes the layers—composed of mud plaster and tufa (a crumbly limestone)—as being “the size of a dining room table,” and asserts with certainty that they were crafted by Ancient Egyptian laborers. “Among the ash, we discovered the remnants of beer jars and the tips of chisels used by tomb builders,” he explains, “leaving no doubt that these layers are indeed the work of man.”
Dr. Litherland explains why additional steps were taken by the Ancient Egyptian workmen, which is currently what is slowing down the progress on the dig. According to Litherland, the workmen seem to have, “levered large portions of the cliff and made them crash down on top”. He went on to say that these pieces,“some as large as a car” were then “cemented in place using limestone plaster.” Sharing insight into the treachourus endevour the team have faced,Dr. Litherland then revealed, “We’ve tried to tunnel into it, we’ve tried to shave away the sides, but there are overhanging rocks, so it’s too dangerous,”
Three weeks ago, Dr. Litherland’s foreman Mohamed Sayed Ahmed, alongside his archaeological director, Mohsen Kamel, made the challenging decision to dismantle the entire structure which currently protrudes from the cliff. It is said they are currently approximately halfway through the process, “We anticipate completing the removal in about a month’s time,” Litherland remarked.
Why would Thutmose II require a second tomb?
The tomb of Thutmose II, discovered by Dr. Litherland and his team, as previously mentioned, was constructed underneath a waterfall of the Theban Mountain. To safeguard the tomb from the encroaching water, evidence suggests, the workmen applied layers of plaster and limestone flakes, thus shielding the tomb while simultaneously sealing and concealing the site from potential robbers.
Dr. Litherland explained to the media, that after crawling through a 35ft passageway with an only 15 inch gap at the top, the team came to the burial chamber, yet he was not at all surprised to discover that the chamber was desolate, “… [it] turned out to be completely empty. Not because it was robbed but because it had been deliberately emptied”, Litherland continued,“the tomb is situated in a poorly-chosen place beneath two waterfalls and at the bottom of a slope down which water would have (and did) pour in the much wetter weather of the 18th dynasty,”.
Such a finding, or lackthereof may be disapointing for some, alas, it only led more credence to Dr. Litherland’s theory that the tomb had been purposely emptied and the king was placed elsewhere – a place Dr. Litherland believes he knows where.
Ineni depicted on a hunt (top half of his body missing) within his tomb (TT81)
Dr. Litherland believes it likely that both of king Thutmose II’s tombs were designed by the renowned 18th Dynasty architect Ineni, who, in his tomb (TT81) biography, recounts his life and mentions that he had;
“excavated the high tomb of His Majesty, unseen and unheard by all,” while having to cope with “a most serious dilemma”.
Dr. Litherland speculates and shares his theory of Ineni taking it upon himself to build the king a second tomb in order to protect his late ruler and give the eternal rest to the king, of which Ineni may have felt he failed in providing. With the flooding of Thutmose II’s original tomb, Dr. Litherland theorises that Ineni felt compelled to right the wrong;“If Ineni was perceived as a failure for not providing what was expected—a secure final resting place for a king who, upon death, ascended as a god—he might have been in a state of considerable distress, determined to ensure that the second tomb would not suffer the same fate.” Litherland continues, “Ineni says in his biographies that he did a lot of clever things to hide the locations of tombs, including covering the tombs with layers of mud plaster, which he says has never been done before. This has not been remarked on ever, to my knowledge”.
“I reached old age of an honoured man, While I was daily in the favour of his Majesty. I was fed from the table of the king, With bread from the royal repast, And beer likewise, And fat meat, various vegetables and fruits, Honey, cakes, wine and oil.” Tomb of Ineni (TT81)
So, who is the mummy currently identified as Thutmose II?
Considering the lack of grave goods from king Thutmose II’s reign, it is safe to presume that, if a second tomb of the king exists, that it may just be filled with items left in tribute to send the king off on his way happily to the Afterlife. And if that is so, therefore it is likely that a mummy of the king may exist within the tomb too.
Little remains of Thutmose II, a lack of funerary items unearthed through the years of excavation lead some to propose, his funerary tribute may be buried with him.“..there are no burial goods of any sort relating to the burial of Thutmose II in any museum or private collection” – Dr. Litherland
Dr. Litherland believes that should the second tomb of Thutmose II be discovered, it is more than likely that the mummified body of the king should be still at rest within his safely sealed chamber. This leads us to wonder, who is the mummy idenfitied with Thutmose II, that was discovered in the Royal Cache of Deir el-Bahari in 1881.
It is generally accepted that Thutmose II reigned for approximately 13 years, ascending to the throne at a young age, likely around 18. His reign, relatively brief, ended with his death at around the age of 30. Litherland believes the body currently idenfitied as or better yet associated with Thutmose II is far too old to have been the king. He tells The Observer that, “He [Thutmose II] is described in Ineni’s biography as coming to the throne ‘the falcon in the nest’ – so he was a young boy”.
Is this really the mummy of Thutmose II?
Until the excavations progress further, we can only speculate and have fun sharing our theories and views until we discover what the future holds. Right now, to say the least, it is a very exciting time for Egyptology.
• We here at would like to congratulate the team and Dr. Litherland for such hard work that brings joy and education to millions across the world. Archaeologists can rewrite history with one find, and let’s hope we continue to discover new and “wonderful things” about our ancient past. •
This is a trending story, come back to our website to see more updates and articles as time goes on.
Although the media is reporting that this amazing discovery of the Tomb of Thutmose II is the first royal tomb discovered since that of Tutankhamun in 1922, it is not, it is not the first pharaoh discovered either. Below is a small preview of our article on the Silver Pharaoh, whose discovery was overshadowed by a world in turmoil.
Forgotten Discovery: The unearthing of the Silver Pharaoh during WWII
Jean Pierre Marie Montet (1885–1966) with the golden death mask of king Psusennes I
Amid the chaos and turmoil of World War II, as the world was gripped by conflict and uncertainty, a dazzling revelation emerged from the sands of antiquity—a discovery that would captivate archaeologists and historians alike. In 1940, in the remnants of Tanis, an ancient city shrouded in mystery within Egypt’s Nile Delta, French archaeologist Pierre Montet (1885–1966), unearthed a sanctuary of splendour belonging to the enigmatic “Silver Pharaoh”.
Unlike the famed golden treasures of Tutankhamun, these royal resting places gleamed with a silvery lustre, an opulence born from coffins and funerary masks crafted from pure silver—a metal once believed to be the flesh of the gods. Here lay Pharaoh Psusennes I, adorned in regal magnificence, his mask a vision of ethereal beauty, reflecting a silvery sheen that seemed to capture the light of the moon itself. The tomb, remarkably preserved and untouched by grave robbers, yielded a wealth of jewels, amulets, and exquisitely crafted artefacts, painting a vivid picture of Ancient Egyptian royalty and religious devotion.
The discovery was nothing short of extraordinary. It revealed the grandeur of the 21st and 22nd Dynasties—a period previously veiled in historical obscurity. As the world waged war, the sands of Tanis whispered of a forgotten era, shimmering with the legacy of the Silver Pharaohs, a testament to the splendour and resilience of Ancient Egyptian civilization.
Jean Pierre Marie Montet (1885–1966)
The Discovery of Thutmose II's Tomb Changes Everything
The Tomb of Thutmosis II: What We Know and What We Don't Know
Het betreft het lang verloren gegane graf van Thoetmosis II, waarvan men denkt dat het de laatste onontdekte koninklijke begraafplaats van de 18de dynastie is.
Archeologen hebben het graf van Thoetmosis II gevonden, de vierde farao van de 18de dynastie en echtgenoot van de beroemde koningin Hatsjepsoet. Deze ontdekking is baanbrekend: het is namelijk het eerste faraograf dat sinds de legendarische vondst van Toetanchamon door Howard Carter in 1922 is blootgelegd.
Graf Het graf werd opgegraven door een Brits-Egyptisch team. De indrukwekkende grandeur van de begraafplaats was onmiddellijk zichtbaar, met een majestueuze trap en een imposante afdalende gang die de koninklijke betekenis van het graf onthulden. “Een deel van het plafond was nog intact”, herinnert onderzoeker Piers Litherland zich. “Het was blauw geschilderd, met gele sterren erop. Dergelijke blauwgeschilderde plafonds met gele sterren komen alleen voor in koningsgraven.”
De ingang van de tombe van koning Thoetmoses II in Luxor, Zuid-Egypte, onthuld als de eerste koninklijke ontdekking sinds het graf van Toetanchamon in 1922.Beeld AFP / Egyptisch ministerie van Toerisme en Oudheden
Meer over Thoetmosis II Thoetmosis II besteeg de troon rond 1493 v.Chr. Zijn regering was relatief bescheiden in vergelijking met die van zijn voorgangers en opvolgers. Als zoon van Thoetmosis I en zijn tweede vrouw Mutnofret, verstevigde hij zijn macht door met zijn halfzus, Hatsjepsoet, te trouwen. Zijn heerschappij werd gekenmerkt door kleine militaire expedities en het onderdrukken van onrust in Nubië en de Sinaï, maar bracht weinig grote overwinningen voort. Zijn leven eindigde vroeg, rond 1479 v.Chr., waarbij hij zijn jonge zoon Thoetmosis III (geboren uit zijn minder belangrijke vrouw Iset) en dochter Neferure met Hatsjepsoet achterliet.
Het betreden van de grafkamer was allesbehalve makkelijk. Het team kroop door een smalle gang van 10 meter en wrikte zich door een opening van slechts 40 x 40 centimeter breed voordat ze de binnenkamer bereikten. Daar werden ze verwelkomd door een opvallend blauw plafond, versierd met scènes uit de Amduat, een oude funerale tekst die alleen voor koningen was bedoeld – het ultieme bewijs dat ze de rustplaats van een farao hadden gevonden.
Artefacten uit de tombe, waaronder fragmenten van albasten kruiken met de namen van Thoetmosis II en Hatsjepsoet
Voorwerpen Het onomstotelijke bewijs dat ze op het graf van Thoetmosis II waren gestuit, kwam in de vorm van scherven van een albasten pot met zowel zijn naam als die van Hatsjepsoet erop, de eerste voorwerpen die ooit aan zijn begrafenis konden worden gekoppeld. De onderzoekers vermoeden dat het graf ongeveer zes jaar na de begrafenis mogelijk is overstroomd, wat tot het verplaatsen van de inhoud zou hebben geleid. De onderzoekers denken een mogelijke locatie voor dit tweede graf te hebben gevonden, waar wellicht nog onaangeroerde schatten te ontdekken zijn.
Mysterie “Deze ontdekking ontrafelt een groot mysterie uit het Oude Egypte: het biedt de oplossing voor de eeuwenoude puzzel over de locatie van koninklijke graven uit de vroege 18de Dynastie”, zegt Litherland. “Het graf van deze voorouder van Toetanchamon was nooit gevonden, omdat men altijd dacht dat het aan de andere kant van de berg, dichtbij de Vallei der Koningen, lag. In eerste instantie dachten we misschien een graf van een koninklijke vrouw te hebben ontdekt, maar de brede trap en de grote deur wezen op iets veel belangrijkers. Het was enorm opwindend om te ontdekken dat de grafkamer versierd was met scènes uit de Amduat, een religieuze tekst die alleen voor koningen is bestemd – de eerste aanwijzing dat we een koningsgraf hadden gevonden.”
De mummie van Thoetmoses II, zijn graftombe en de plek in de buurt van de Vallei der Koningen waar alles ontdekt werd.Beeld AFP / Egyptische ministerie van Toerisme en Oudheden
Toegewijd werk Deze ontdekking is het resultaat van meer dan 12 jaar toegewijd werk van Litherland en zijn team. Eerder hebben hun inspanningen al geleid tot de opgraving van 54 graven in de westelijke Thebaanse bergen van Luxor en de identificatie van meer dan 30 koninklijke vrouwen en hofvrouwen. Maar deze nieuwe ontdekking spant toch wel de kroon. “Dit is het eerste koninklijke graf sinds de baanbrekende ontdekking van koning Toetanchamons tombe in 1922”, benadrukt de Egyptische minister van Toerisme en Oudheden, Sherif Fathy. “Een bijzonder moment voor de egyptologie en een belangrijke stap in ons begrip van het gezamenlijke verleden van de mensheid.”
Dood De omstandigheden rond de dood van Thoetmosis II blijven in nevelen gehuld. Het wordt echter algemeen aangenomen dat hij niet door een gewelddadige daad of ongeluk om het leven kwam, maar waarschijnlijk door ziekte of natuurlijke oorzaken. Zijn korte regering en aanwijzingen over zijn zwakke gezondheid suggereren dat hij mogelijk leed aan een langdurige aandoening die zijn energie had uitgeput.
Thoetmosis II’s mummie werd in 1881 ontdekt in de koninklijke begraafplaats van Deir el-Bahari, waar hij samen met andere farao’s uit het Nieuwe Rijk werd bewaard. Zijn mummie vertoont tekenen van zwakte en uitputting, wat suggereert dat zijn leven kort en waarschijnlijk door ziekte was gekenmerkt. Afbeelding: Egypt Museum
Onderzoek van zijn gemummificeerde resten toont aan dat zijn lichaam verzwakt was door ziekte. Sommige wetenschappers speculeren dat hij mogelijk leed aan een chronische huidaandoening, een infectieziekte of zelfs een erfelijke aandoening, mogelijk veroorzaakt door generaties van koninklijke huwelijken binnen de familie. Wat de precieze oorzaak van zijn vroege dood rond 1479 v.Chr. was, blijft echter een raadsel.
Na de dood van Thoetmosis II fungeerde Hatsjepsoet aanvankelijk als regent voor haar jonge stiefzoon, maar al snel greep ze zelf de macht en verklaarde haar goddelijke recht om te heersen. Veel wetenschappers denken dat ze de regering van haar overleden man als teleurstellend beschouwde, wat haar motiveerde om een veel indrukwekkender erfgoed te creëren. Als een van de krachtigste vrouwelijke farao’s uit de geschiedenis richtte ze zich op monumentale bouwwerken, waarvan haar majestueuze graftempel in Deir el-Bahari de meest iconische is.
A newly released audio recording from a U.S. military pilot has reignited debates over unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), revealing a chilling mid-air encounter with a mysterious object. The recording, captured on September 17, 2024, during a Homeland Security flight, documents the pilot’s real-time reaction as an unknown football-sized object flew beneath the aircraft at 20,000 feet.
Pilot’s Reaction: ‘This Is Going to Sound Weird’
The audio, obtained by UFO Witness host Ben Hansen, captures the pilot reporting a dark, cylindrical object moving swiftly under the wing. Radar onboard the Beechcraft 350 C detected the anomaly, yet no other aircraft were reported in the area.
Air traffic control acknowledged the sighting but downplayed its significance, with one controller heard saying: “There was some UFO reported here, but that’s all taken care of now.” This dismissive response has only fueled speculation about how such incidents are handled.
Too Fast for a Drone? Experts Say It’s Unexplainable
According to Hansen, the object’s movement rules out commercial drones. Calculations indicate that for the object to move as observed, it would have had to exceed Mach 2 within two minutes—a speed far beyond the capability of most unmanned aerial vehicles.
“This wasn’t a bird, a balloon, or anything ordinary,” Hansen stated. “We’re talking about an unknown craft moving through controlled airspace at extreme speeds.”
Why the Government’s Response Is Raising Eyebrows
This latest military encounter adds to the growing number of UFO reports from pilots, fueling questions about what authorities know and why so many incidents are quickly dismissed.
The 2023 congressional hearings on UAPs, prompted by whistleblower David Grusch, brought forth explosive claims that the U.S. government has been secretly recovering nonhuman craft and biological material. However, the Department of Defense has repeatedly denied these allegations.
A Pentagon report from the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office found no evidence of alien technology but did confirm the existence of Project Kona Blue—a proposed initiative to reverse-engineer unknown technology. Officials insist the program was never launched due to a lack of materials.
In the not-so-distant past, NASA’s independent review of UAPs concluded that no proof of extraterrestrial contact exists, yet the agency has urged for greater transparency and scientific study of these unexplained events. Many experts argue that the stigma around UFOs prevents pilots from coming forward, leading to gaps in data collection
We Know How Much Radiation Astronauts Will Receive, But We Don’t Know How to Prevent it
The journey to Mars will subject astronauts to extended periods of exposure to radiation during their months-long travel through space. While NASA’s Artemis 1 mission lasted only a matter of weeks, it provided valuable radiation exposure data that scientists can use to predict the radiation risks for future Mars crews. The measurements not only validated existing radiation prediction models but also revealed unexpected insights about the effectiveness of radiation shielding strategies too.
Space radiation poses one of the most significant health risks for astronauts travelling beyond Earth’s magnetic field. Unlike the radiation from medical X-rays or nuclear sources on Earth, space radiation includes high-energy galactic cosmic rays and solar particle events that can penetrate traditional shielding materials. When these particles collide with human tissue, they can damage DNA, increase cancer risk and weaken the immune system. The effects are cumulative too, with longer missions like a journey to Mars significantly increasing exposure and health risks.
Artist’s illustration of ultra-high energy cosmic rays
The International Space Station crews receive radiation doses similar to nuclear power plant workers due to a little protection from Earth’s magnetosphere, but astronauts traveling to Mars would face much higher exposure levels during their multi-month journey. NASA estimates that a mission to Mars could expose astronauts to radiation levels that exceed current career exposure limits, making effective radiation shielding one of the key challenges for deep space exploration.
A full-disk view of Mars, courtesy of VMC. Credit: ESA
A paper recently published by a team led by Tony C Slaba from the Langley Research Centre at NASA, they use computer models and data from on-board detectors to assess the health risk to long term space flight. The data is taken from the International Space Station (ISS,) the Orion Spacecraft, the BioSentinel CubeSat and from receivers on the surface of Mars. Collectively this data enables a full mission profile to be modelled for a Martian journey. The data was captured during the time period of the Artemis-1 mission, just under one month in duration.
NASA’s Orion spacecraft will carry astronauts further into space than ever before using a module based on Europe’s Automated Transfer Vehicles (ATV). Credit: NASA
Space radiation comes in two primary forms that pose risks to astronauts and spacecraft. Solar Particle Events occur during solar storms, releasing intense bursts of energetic particles from the Sun, while Galactic Cosmic Rays represent a constant stream of highly penetrating radiation from deep space. The findings enabled the team to assess current models for accuracy. They found that predictions match actual measurements to within 10-25% for the International Space Station, 4% for deep space conditions, and 10% for the Martian surface. This level of precision gives confidence in the existing models and in planning radiation protection for future missions.
A cloud of cold charged gas around Earth, called the plasmasphere and seen here in purple, interacts with the particles in Earth’s radiation belts — shown in grey — to create an impenetrable barrier that blocks the fastest electrons from moving in closer to our planet.
They also found that, having assessed traditional shielding approaches, that they are largely ineffective against Galactic Cosmic Rays. In some cases, excessive shielding or inappropriate material choices can even amplify radiation exposure through secondary particle production. This occurs when the ‘original radiation’ creates a cascade of new particles on impact that can be more dangerous than the original radiation! They found that radiation levels vary substantially depending on location and the specific shielding configurations used! Quite the headache for engineers!
Radiation exposure is one of the greatest challenges in human space exploration. The study shows that our models for assessing radiation risk are reliable and that the ability to accurately assess those risks is crucial for protecting astronauts from serious health consequences. Having a good understanding of the risk directly influences how spacecraft are engineered, and plays a key role in mission planning for trips beyond Earth orbit. More work is needed now in the design of radiation protection systems if our space travellers are to be better protected from the long term risks posed by radiation.
Glaciers Worldwide are Melting Faster Causing Sea Levels to Rise More
The GlaMBIE collaboration has compiled all major studies and observations to provide an estimate of the world’s glacier mass change over the last two decades. Credit: ESA/Planetary Visions
Glaciers Worldwide are Melting Faster Causing Sea Levels to Rise More
Anthropogenic climate change is creating a vicious circle where rising temperatures are causing glaciers to melt at an increasing rate. In addition to contributing to rising sea levels, coastal flooding, and extreme weather, the loss of polar ice and glaciers is causing Earth’s oceans to absorb more solar radiation. The loss of glaciers is also depleting regional freshwater resources, leading to elevated levels of drought and the risk of famine. According tonew findings by an international research effort, there has been an alarming increase in the rate of glacier loss over the last ten years.
Combining data from multiple sources, the Glambie team produced an annual time series of global glacier loss from 2000 to 2023. In 2000, glaciers covered about 705,221 square km (272,287 mi2) and held an estimated 121,728 billion metric tons (134,182 US tons) of ice. Over the next twenty years, they lost 273 billion tonnes of ice annually, approximately 5% of their total volume, with regional losses ranging from 2% in the Antarctic and Subantarctic to 39% in Central Europe. To put that in perspective, this amounts to what the entire global population consumes in 30 years.
In short, the amount of ice lost rose to 36% during the second half of the study (2012 and 2023) compared to the first half (2000-2011). Glacier mass loss over the whole study period was 18% higher than the meltwater from the Greenland Ice Sheet and more than double that from the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Michael Zemp, a noted glaciologist who co-led the study, said in an ESA press release:
“We compiled 233 estimates of regional glacier mass change from about 450 data contributors organized in 35 research teams. Benefiting from the different observation methods, Glambie not only provides new insights into regional trends and year-to-year variability, but we could also identify differences among observation methods. This means that we can provide a new observational baseline for future studies on the impact of glacier melt on regional water availability and global sea-level rise.”
This photograph, taken in 2012, shows the Golubin Glacier in Kyrgyzstan, in Central Asia. Credit: M. Hoelzle (2012)
Globally, glaciers collectively lost 6,542 tonnes (7,210 tons) of ice, leading to a global sea-level rise of 18 mm (0.7 inches). However, the rate of glacier ice loss increased significantly from 231 billion tonnes per year in the first half of the study period to 314 billion tonnes per year in the second half – an increase of 36%. This rise in water loss has made glaciers the second-largest contributor to global sea-level rise, surpassing the contributions of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Antarctic Ice Sheet, and changes in land water storage. Said UZH glaciologist Inés Dussaillant, who was involved in the Glambie analyses:
“Glaciers are vital freshwater resources, especially for local communities in Central Asia and the Central Andes, where glaciers dominate runoff during warm and dry seasons. But when it comes to sea-level rise, the Arctic and Antarctic regions, with their much larger glacier areas, are the key players. However, almost Thione-quarter of the glacier contribution to sea-level rise originates from Alaska.”
These results will provide environmental scientists with a refined baseline for interpreting observational differences arising from different methods and for calibrating models. They hope this will help future studies of global ice loss by narrowing the projection uncertainties for the twenty-first century. These research findings are the culmination of many years of cooperative studies and observations, which included the use of satellites that were not specifically designed to monitor glaciers globally. As co-author Noel Gourmelen, a lecturer in Earth Observation of the Cryosphere at the University of Edinburgh, said:
“The research is the result of sustained efforts by the community and by space agencies over many years, to exploit a variety of satellites that were not initially specifically designed for the task of monitoring glaciers globally. This legacy is already producing impact with satellite missions being designed to allow operational monitoring of future glacier evolution, such as Europe’s Copernicus CRISTAL mission which builds on the legacy of ESA’s CryoSat.”
The study also marks an important milestone since it was released in time for the United Nations’ International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation and the Decade of Action for Cryospheric Sciences (2025–2034). Said Livia Jakob, the Chief Scientific Officer & Co-Founder at Earthwave, hosted a large workshop with all the participants to discuss the findings. “Bringing together so many different research teams from across the globe in a joint effort to increase our understanding and certainty of glacier ice loss has been extremely valuable. This initiative has also fostered a stronger sense of collaboration within the community.”
The study also illustrates the importance of collective action on climate change, which is accelerating at an alarming rate. Research that quantifies glacial loss, rising sea levels, and other impacts is key to preparing for the worst. It’s also essential to the development of proper adaptation, mitigation, and restoration strategies consistent with the recommendations made by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Satellites often face a disappointing end: despite having fully working systems, they are often de-orbited after their propellant runs out. However, a breakthrough is on the cards with the launch of China’s Shijian-25 satellite which has been launched into orbit to test orbital refuelling operations. The plan; docking with satellite Beidou-3 G7 and transferring 142 kilograms of hydrazine to extend its life by 8 years! It’s success will mean China plans to develop a network of orbital refuelling stations!
Like cars on Earth, satellites need fuel to manoeuvre and for their constantly decaying orbits to be boosted. But unlike vehicles on the ground, when satellites run out of propellant, they become expensive space debris. This challenge has driven the development of orbital refuelling technology, which could extend satellite lifespans and transform space operations.
An artist’s conception of ERS-2 in orbit. ESA
The International Space Station (ISS) offers one of the most well known examples of an orbiting ‘satellite’ and it too needs to deal with boosting its orbit. The problem is the drag imposed upon the structures by gas in our atmosphere. In the case of the ISS, docked supply craft are typically used to fire their engines to reposition ISS to the correct altitude. Without these periodic “orbital boosts,” the ISS would eventually lose altitude and reenter the atmosphere.
The International Space Station (ISS) in orbit. Credit: NASA
A significant milestone in autonomous refuelling came in 2007 with DARPA’s Orbital Express mission. This demonstration involved two spacecraft: the ASTRO servicing vehicle and a prototype modular satellite called NextSat. Over three months, they performed multiple autonomous fuel transfers and component replacements, proving that robotic spacecraft could conduct complex servicing operations without direct human control.
The technology continues to advance with China’s Shijian-25 satellite (launched on 6 January 2025) representing another step forward in orbital refuelling capabilities. The mission aims to demonstrate refuelling operations in geosynchronous orbit approximately 36,000 kilometres above Earth. This is particularly significant because geosynchronous orbits often host communications satellites that benefit from life extension.
The technical challenges of orbital refuelling are considerable though. Spacecraft must achieve extremely precise rendezvous and docking while travelling in excess of 28,000 kilometres per hour. The fuel transfer system must prevent leaks, which could be hazardous to both spacecraft and create hazardous debris. Adding to the challenge is that many satellites were never designed with refuelling in mind, lacking any form of standardised fuel ports or docking interfaces.
Orange balls of light fly across the sky as debris from a SpaceX rocket launched in Texas is spotted over Turks and Caicos Islands on Jan. 16, in this screen grab obtained from social media video. Credit: Marcus Haworth/Reuters
Looking ahead, several companies and space agencies are developing orbital refuelling systems. These range from dedicated “gas station” satellites to more versatile servicing vehicles that can perform repairs and upgrades alongside refuelling. As the technology advances, it could significantly change how we operate in space, making satellite operations more sustainable and cost-effective.
From time to time, the U.S. military shows glimpses of its X-37B spaceplane, which can travel to space for years at a time.
We just got another glimpse. The U.S. Space Force — which took the reins from the Air Force's expansive military operations in space in 2019 — has released a view the robotic craft took from Earth's orbit. You can see a portion of the X-37B and an outstretched panel above a view of a partially shadowed Earth.
"An X-37B onboard camera, used to ensure the health and safety of the vehicle, captures an image of Earth while conducting experiments in [highly elliptical orbit] in 2024," the Space Force posted on X. "The X-37B executed a series of first-of-kind maneuvers, called aerobraking, to safely change its orbit using minimal fuel."
This is the seventh mission of the X-37B, which orbits 150 to 500 miles above Earth to explore reusable space vehicle technologies and conduct long-term space experiments. The plane was originally built by Boeing for NASA, but the project transferred to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, in 2004. At nearly 30 feet long, it's one-fourth the size of NASA's retired Space Shuttle.
An image of Earth captured by the U.S. Space Force's X-37B spaceplane.Credit: U.S. Space Force
The X-37B's "aerobraking" maneuver mentioned above involves using close passes by Earth's atmosphere to produce drag, ultimately allowing it to switch orbits without burning too much of its finite fuel.
"This novel and efficient series of maneuvers demonstrates the Space Force's commitment to achieving groundbreaking innovation as it conducts national security missions in space," former secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall explained in 2024.
But the spaceplane, which most recently launched in Dec. 2023, isn't coming back home just yet. The mission is "now continuing its test and experimentation objectives," the Space Force said. After that, the craft will plummet through our planet's atmosphere and land on a runway — an event the U.S. military has released images of in the past.
The military clearly wants to promote the X-37B's successes — without revealing too much about its outer space exploits.
The Most Secretive Megaproject of DARPA US X 37B Space Plane
Watch live | SpaceX Falcon Heavy to launch secretive X-37B military space plane
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
How Astronomers Make Deep Maps of the Milky Way
The Milky Way. This image is constructed from data from the ESA's Gaia mission that's mapping over one billion of the galaxy's stars. Image Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC
Have you ever wondered how astronomers manage to map out the Milky Way when it’s so incredibly vast? One of the most powerful tools is something called 21cm radiation.
Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe, plays a key role here. When the electrons in hydrogen atoms flip their spin direction, a specific type of electromagnetic radiation is emitted at a wavelength of 21 centimeters.
The Milky Way galaxy is packed with hydrogen atoms, and these atoms are constantly emitting 21cm radiation. The best part is that this radiation can travel long distances through the interstellar dust that often obscures our view of the galaxy in visible light. This makes 21cm radiation an incredibly useful tool for mapping the structure of the Milky Way.
This radiation reveals everything from star-forming gas clouds to the shapes of the galaxy’s spiral arms. Whereas visible light just gets caught up in all the interstellar dust at it tries to traverse the tens of thousands of light-years across the galaxy, 21cm radiation just sails right though.
But mapping the galaxy’s structure is just one part of the story. Astronomers can also learn about the Milky Way’s rotation by studying the redshift and blueshift of the 21cm radiation. When an object in space moves away from us, the wavelength of the light or radiation it emits gets stretched out, making it appear redder (redshift). Conversely, when an object moves toward us, the wavelength gets compressed, making it appear bluer (blueshift).
By analyzing the redshift and blueshift of the 21cm radiation from different parts of the galaxy, astronomers can determine how fast various regions of the Milky Way are rotating. This information helps them build a more comprehensive picture of our galaxy’s dynamics and motion.
The utility of 21cm radiation isn’t limited to the Milky Way alone. Astronomers can use these same techniques to study distant galaxies as well. By examining the neutral hydrogen gas clouds in far-off galaxies, they can estimate the masses of these galaxies. This is because the amount of 21cm radiation emitted is related to the number of hydrogen atoms present, which in turn gives clues about the galaxy’s overall mass.
21cm radiation is a powerful tool in the field of astronomy that allows astronomers to map the structure of our Milky Way galaxy, understand its rotation, and even estimate the masses of distant galaxies. This technique opens a window into the vast and complex universe, helping us unravel the mysteries of the cosmos with every new observation.
So next time you gaze up at the night sky, remember that there’s a whole lot more going on than meets the eye. Thanks to 21cm radiation, we’re able to peel back the layers of the Milky Way and explore the wonders of the universe in ways that were once unimaginable.
NASA astronomers have been continuing to monitor the trajectory of asteroid 2024 YR4. The initial calculations suggested a 1.3% probability of an Earth impact event, which temporarily increased to 3.1% as more data came in. However, and with a sigh of relief, recent analysis brings encouraging news: the Earth impact probability has decreased significantly to 0.28%, though calculations now show a 1% chance of lunar impact. Observations will continue with the James Webb Space Telescope so stay tuned.
Asteroids are rocky, airless worlds that are remnants left over from the formation of our Solar System about 4.6 billion years ago. They range in size from tiny pebbles to massive bodies hundreds of kilometres across. Most asteroids are found in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter although some follow paths that bring them closer to Earth. Occasionally, they can pose a threat to Earth, which is why astronomers and space agencies closely monitor their orbits and develop potential deflection techniques.
Asteroid Ryugu as seen by Japan’s Hayabusa 2 spacecraft, which returned a sample of the ancient asteroid to Earth in 2020. Image Courtesy ISAS/JAXA
Asteroid 2024 YR4 is one such asteroid that has had gripped the nations media over recent weeks. It’s a near-Earth object that was discovered on 27 December 2024, by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) in Chile. Initially, it had an estimated 1.3% chance of impact with Earth in 2032, making it one of the highest-risk asteroids ever recorded. However, further observations raised that risk!
Atlas 2 on Mauna Loa
Astronomers use systems like ATLAS to identify near-Earth objects (NEOs) that could pose a potential threat to our planet. It was developed by the University of Hawaii and funded by NASA and consists of a network of telescopes positioned around the world to provide continuous sky surveys. Its primary goal is to detect asteroids before a potential impact, allowing for timely warnings and mitigation efforts. Since its installation, ATLAS has successfully discovered thousands of asteroids, including hazardous ones just like 2024 YR4.
Understanding the level of threat from asteroids like 2024 YR4 requires time, time and observations. Imagine a game of tennis and the ball is hit, sending it flying over the net. A photographer sat in the crowd grabs a snapshot of the ball as it flies over the net. The picture is a clear, sharp capture of a point in time however analysis of the image can only reveal the exact location of the ball and not its trajectory. It’s the same with asteroids, once they are discovered, a single observation will reveal where it is but a series of observations are required to understand where it’s going. Ok so this is a simplistic view but it shows how important continued observations are to asteroids like 2024 YR4.
Further observations of asteroid 2024 YR4, conducted during the night of 19-20 February have revealed encouraging results. NASA’s planetary defence team have reported that the probability of an Earth impact has decreased to 0.28%. Monitoring will of course continue to refine trajectory predictions, but current calculations indicate a slight increase in the possibility of lunar impact, now estimated at 1%. These percentages are of course tiny and pose no cause for alarm but 2024 YR4 will continue to be observed over the coming months, just to be sure.
The Lacerta Files: A Shocking Interview with a Reptilian Alien
The Lacerta Files: A Shocking Interview with a Reptilian Alien
The Lacerta Files have long intrigued UFO enthusiasts, conspiracy theorists, and researchers interested in extraterrestrial phenomena. First emerging in 1999, these alleged transcripts detail an interview between a Swedish researcher and an enigmatic reptilian being named Lacerta. While widely debated, the files present an alternative narrative of Earth’s history, the origins of humanity, and hidden civilizations that may exist beneath our feet.
The Origin of the Lacerta Files
The transcripts, which surfaced on conspiracy forums in December 1999 and April 2000, were supposedly translated by Christian Filer. They recount a discussion between an anonymous Swedish researcher and a reptilian female named Lacerta. According to the files, Lacerta’s species evolved millions of years before modern humans and has lived in secrecy underground. Despite the lack of verifiable evidence—such as audio recordings or video footage—the documents have gained traction within UFO and alien research communities.
Who Is Lacerta?
Lacerta describes herself as a member of an ancient reptilian species that predates human civilization. Unlike extraterrestrials from distant galaxies, she asserts that her species is indigenous to Earth, having evolved from dinosaur-like ancestors. Their advanced technology and intelligence allowed them to survive a catastrophic war that occurred 65 million years ago, a conflict between two alien factions that led to widespread destruction and mass extinctions.
Key Claims in the Interview
1. Reptilian Origins and Underground Civilization
Lacerta explains that her kind retreated underground to escape the chaos on the surface, particularly as early human species began to dominate the land. Their subterranean cities remain hidden, allowing them to observe human progress from a distance. She also claims that some historical depictions of serpentine or dragon-like deities in ancient cultures (such as the Egyptian and Incan civilizations) were inspired by real interactions with her species.
2. UFOs and Hidden Technology
According to Lacerta, some of the unidentified flying objects (UFOs) reported by humans belong to her species, though the majority originate from extraterrestrial visitors or human military projects. She describes reptilian spacecraft as cylindrical objects with red lights, often concealed using advanced cloaking technology. Triangular UFOs, she suggests, belong to human military factions using reverse-engineered alien technology.
3. Human Genetic Manipulation by Aliens
Perhaps one of the most controversial claims in the Lacerta Files is that humanity was genetically modified by an advanced extraterrestrial species known as the Elohim (also referred to as the Anunnaki in other ancient texts). This intervention allegedly accelerated human evolution, allowing Homo sapiens to develop much faster than natural evolution would have permitted. Lacerta argues that this manipulation is the reason humans have difficulty accepting the reality of non-human intelligence—it was engineered into their minds.
4. Reptilian Anatomy and Abilities
Lacerta provides a detailed description of her species, noting several distinct differences from humans. She describes her skin as smooth with greenish-beige tones and brown patterns. Unlike mammals, her kind has no navel, as they are born from eggs encased in a soft shell. She also mentions their heightened sensitivity to sunlight, which they absorb through specialized plates on their backs to regulate body temperature.
Additionally, she demonstrates telepathic and telekinetic abilities, claiming her kind can manipulate objects using their minds. These abilities, she asserts, make them superior to humans in many ways.
The Alleged War and Future Predictions
Lacerta claims that Earth has been a battleground for extraterrestrial species, with a major conflict occurring 65 million years ago. This war allegedly led to the mass extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs, though she states that it was caused by an experimental weapon rather than an asteroid impact.
She also hints at an impending war involving different alien factions, implying that Earth remains a strategic location in an ongoing interstellar conflict. However, she does not provide concrete details on when or how this might unfold.
Skepticism and Controversy
Despite the fascinating nature of The Lacerta Files, there is no concrete proof that the interview took place. The absence of physical evidence, the anonymity of the interviewer, and the lack of corroborating testimony raise doubts about the authenticity of the documents. Many skeptics argue that the files are an elaborate hoax or a work of fiction inspired by previous conspiracy theories about reptilian beings, such as those popularized by David Icke.
However, supporters of the files point to the consistency of the narrative, the detailed descriptions of reptilian physiology, and the references to ancient cultures as potential evidence of credibility. Some suggest that if the files are not literal truth, they may still contain symbolic or esoteric knowledge meant to reveal deeper truths about human history and extraterrestrial influence.
The Lacerta Files: Interview with a Reptilian Episode 2
The Lacerta Files remain one of the most debated and intriguing documents in the realm of UFO lore and conspiracy theories. Whether one sees them as an elaborate science fiction story or as hidden truth disguised as fantasy, they continue to captivate readers worldwide. If nothing else, the files challenge us to reconsider what we believe about our origins, the presence of intelligent life on Earth, and the possibility of hidden civilizations living beneath our feet.
As interest in UFOs and extraterrestrial phenomena grows, the Lacerta Files serve as a compelling, if controversial, piece of alternative history. Whether one chooses to believe in the existence of an ancient reptilian race or not, the conversation they spark is undeniably fascinating.
The Lacerta Files: Interview with a Reptilian Episode 1 part 1
The Lacerta Files: Interview with a Reptilian episode 1 part 2
Interview with Reptilian female Lacerta (With Clear Audio and Subtitles)
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Shape-shifting beings in the depths of Lake Vostok, Antarctica
Shape-shifting beings in the depths of Lake Vostok, Antarctica
Antarctica is shrouded in mystery, holding secrets from the past and serving as the site of ongoing covert operations. It's no surprise that numerous restricted zones exist to conceal the truth about what’s really happening there. The intrigue extends beyond the surface, hidden dangers lurk beneath the ice, particularly in the depths of Lake Vostok.
This hidden subglacial lake, sealed off from the world for 15 million years, holds secrets beyond imagination. Preserved in isolation, its ecosystem is unlike anything else on Earth.
When a Russian team drilled into Lake Vostok, they uncovered more than just ancient water. But something went wrong. Two scientists died under mysterious circumstances, and official reports contradict witness accounts. Military operations, classified research, and blurred satellite images suggest something is being hidden.
What are they trying to hide at the bottom of the world? Rumors speak of monstrous, spider-like entities, shape-shifting predators, and colossal, whale-like humanoids known as the "Ningen" a name that means "human" in Japanese.
Lakes Beneath Antarctic Ice: Deep Dark and Mysterious
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The car that lets you FLY over traffic jams! Futuristic £235,000 vehicle takes flight for the first time - hopping over another vehicle on a public street in California
Fed up of being stuck in traffic jams? Soon you could fly right over them in a £235,000 electric car.
Alef Aeronautics' futuristic vehicle can be driven around like a normal car on the streets.
However, it is also packed with propellors in the bonnet and boot that allow it to take off at any time to skip the queue.
This week, the company successfully tested the flying car in a city environment for the first time.
Incredible footage shows the car driving forwards a few metres, before taking off vertically.
It then glides through the air over the car in front of it, before landing on the ground and driving off.
'This drive and flight test represents an important proof of technology in a real-world city environment,' said Jim Dukhovny, CEO of Alef.
'We hope it will be a moment similar to the Wright Brothers' Kitty Hawk video, proving to humanity that new transportation is possible.'
Fed up of being stuck in traffic jams? Soon you could fly right over them in a £235,000 electric car
Alef Aeronautics' futuristic vehicle can be driven around like a normal car on the streets. However, it is also packed with propellors in the bonnet and boot that allow it to take off at any time to skip the queue
Fed up of being stuck in traffic jams? Soon you could fly right over them in a £235,000 electric car
The test was conducted on an unidentified public street that had been closed off.
According to Alef, the video is the first in history to show a car both driving and vertically taking off.
'While previous videos exist of cars driving and using a runway to take off, videos of tethered flights, and eVTOL flying taxis taking off, this is the first publicly released video of a car driving and taking off vertically,' the company said in a statement.
While the test was carried out with a special, ultralight version of the Alef Model Zero, the Model A flying car will eventually be a two-seater with a road range of 200 miles and a flying range of 110 miles.
The carbon-fibre frame – which measures around 17ft long and 7ft wide – is designed to fit in any parking space or garage.
To drive on the road, the car uses four small engines in each of the wheels and will drive similar to a normal electric car.
This leaves space in the front and the back for eight propellors, which spin independently at different speeds to allow it to fly in any direction.
It uses a technology called distributed electric propulsion, with a mesh cover over the rotor blades allowing airflow through the vehicle.
To drive on the road, the car uses four small engines in each of the wheels and will drive similar to a normal electric car
This leaves space in the front and the back for eight propellors, which spin independently at different speeds to allow it to fly in any direction
Its cruise speed in the air is 110mph, while on the road it will be limited to between 25 and 35mph despite being able to go far faster.
This is so the vehicle – which weighs 850lb – can be classed as an ultralight 'low speed vehicle', a legal classification reserved for small electric vehicles like golf carts, to pass regulations.
Mr Dukhovny claims the car, which is aimed at the general public, is relatively simple to use and would take just 15 minutes to learn.
The controls while in the air are similar to those used to fly a consumer drone.
The Model A is different to most of the so-called flying cars being designed today because it actually functions as a car, he said, whereas others on the market tend to be eVTOLS, which are essentially electric helicopters that can only fly.
Alef's founders began working on the concept in 2015 – coincidentally the same date when Marty McFly went Back to the Future in the second instalment of the Hollywood trilogy.
The Model A is currently on pre-order for £235,000 – around the same as the finest Rolls Royce, Bentleys and Aston Martins – but the company is aiming to sell them far cheaper in the future.
Mr Dukhovny said he wanted to bring sci-fi to life and build an 'affordable' flying car, with the cost likely to be closer to £25,000 when built at scale.
The flying car completes first ever inter-city flight (Official Video)
Alef Model A Flying Car - The Street Legal eVTOL Costs Only $300k
Scientists exploring the depths of the Red Sea have discovered natural death traps on the seafloor.
They found brine pools nearly 4,000 feet below the surface of the Gulf of Aqaba, which are up to 10 times saltier than normal seawater and lack of oxygen, essentially killing all life that enters inside.
Researchers speculated that these extreme environments mimic the harsh conditions of early Earth, particularly in the deep sea where life may have first emerged.
Brine pools are rare, with only about 40 ever discovered in the Red Sea, the Mediterranean and the newly named Gulf of America.
The team noted that the pools also act as geological capsules, preserving records of the Gulf of Aqaba's past due to the undisturbed sediment.
They will be able to see information on tsunamis, flash floods, and earthquakes in the region that took place thousands of years ago.
'The NEOM Brine Pools, as we name them, extend the known geographical range of Red Sea brine pools, and represent a unique preservational environment for the sedimentary signals of regional climatic and tectonic events,' the researchers said.
Scientists have discovered four brine pools nearly 4,000 feet below the surface of the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea
Since this brine is so dense, it sits at the bottom of the ocean and cannot easily mix with the surrounding salt water
The Gulf of Aqaba is considered mysterious due to its unique geological features, including extreme depths, volcanic activity, and unusual temperature variations at depth.
The region is an elongated strip of the Red Sea that separates the Egyptian Sinai from Saudi Arabia and some experts believe it is where Moses parted the waters while leading the Israelites to the Promised Land.
That is because the Gulf of Aqaba is deeper and wider than other regions of the Red Sea, which could align with the story of Moses in the Book of Exodus.
The Bible also shares how the Israelites traveling through the wilderness before reaching the sea, and some routes near Aqaba may fit the description.
But scientists from the University of Miami uncovered another enigma while exploring the depths with a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) for six weeks.
Professor Sam Purkis said: 'We were very lucky. The discovery came in the last five minutes of the ten-hour ROV dive that we could dedicate to this project.'
The ROV spotted a 'desolate seabed thickly draped with mud' in those final minutes, leading researchers to the brine pools.
Since this brine is so dense, it sits at the bottom of the ocean and cannot easily mix with the surrounding salt water.
In places where the saltwater wells up from the ground, 'brine pools' can form strange underwater lakes and ponds
The parting of the Red Sea appears in the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament of The Bible
In places where the saltwater wells up from the ground, 'brine pools' can form strange underwater lakes and ponds.
While most lifeforms would perish the moment they floated inside, scientists spotted extremophile prokaryotes thriving.
These are single-celled organisms that live in extreme environments with conditions like high temperature, pressure, salinity, acidity or radiation.
The team also found sulfate-reducing bacteria, which turn sulfate into energy.
Scientists found these bacteria have reduced sulfate levels so much in the Gulf of Aqaba that the ratio of sulfate to chloride in the brine is the lowest ever recorded in the area.
Read More
Beware of the 'Hot Tub of Despair': Terrifying pool appears harmless to the naked eye - but instantly kills almost anything that swims into it
This means the bacteria are playing a big role in changing the water's chemical makeup.
While most creatures cannot live in the pools, many linger near them due to the bacteria creating food sources for them. The team spotted eels, shrimp and mollusks nearby.
The team also believes the pools could offer clues to life on other planets, they shared in the study.
Purkis told Live Science: 'Our current understanding is that life originated on Earth in the deep sea, almost certainly in anoxic — without oxygen — conditions.
Deep-sea brine pools are a great analog for the early Earth and, despite being devoid of oxygen and hypersaline, are teeming with a rich community of so-called 'extremophile' microbes.
'Studying this community hence allows a glimpse into the sort of conditions where life first appeared on our planet, and might guide the search for life on other 'water worlds' in our solar system and beyond.'
The team took core sample from the pools that represented 'an unbroken record of past rainfall in the region, stretching back more than 1,000 years, plus records of earthquakes and tsunami,' Purkis said.
The findings painted a picture of weather events over the last 1,000 years, showing major floods from rain 'occur about once every 25 years, and tsunamis [take place] about once every 100 years.'
The Miracle of the Red Sea: How Moses Saved Israel from Destruction (Bible Stories)
The Shocking Truth About Moses That Few Know!
Moses Parting the Red Sea - Does Science Now Prove This Really Happened?
Scientists Terrifying New Discovery Of Moses Body Changes Everything
NASA engineers are pressing ahead with preparations for the Artemis II mission unless someone tells them otherwise. The ambitious flight will send four astronauts on a trajectory similar to Apollo 8’s historic lunar journey, with the crew traveling around the Moon in an Orion Capsule before returning to Earth. A crucial milestone in the mission preparations was reached as technicians completed the assembly of the Space Launch System’s twin solid rocket boosters inside the Vehicle Assembly Building. The stacking process began in late November 2024 and concluded on February 19th.
In a significant step forward for our return to the Moon, NASA engineers at Kennedy Space Center have finished assembling the massive solid rocket boosters that will power the Artemis II mission. The stacking operation, completed on 19 February 2025, marks a key milestone in preparation for the first crewed lunar mission since Apollo. As someone who never saw the Apollo Moon landings, I’m excited.
Aldrin on the Moon. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin walks on the surface of the moon near the leg of the lunar module Eagle during the Apollo 11 mission. Mission commander Neil Armstrong took this photograph with a 70mm lunar surface camera. While astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin explored the Sea of Tranquility region of the moon, astronaut Michael Collins remained with the command and service modules in lunar orbit. Image Credit: NASA
The assembly process began on 20 November 2024, inside Kennedy’s amazing Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), where generations of Moon rockets have been built. Using techniques that have been refined over decades of spaceflight experience, technicians employed one of the facility’s overhead cranes to carefully position each segment of the twin boosters.
These solid rocket boosters represent modern engineering at its best, being assembled on Mobile Launcher 1, a huge structure standing 380 feet tall – roughly the height of a 38-story building. This launch platform serves a number of different functions, acting as both the assembly base for the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and Orion spacecraft, and the launch platform from which the mission will eventually depart for the Moon.
NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket with the Orion spacecraft aboard is seen at sunset atop the mobile launcher at Launch Pad 39B as preparations for launch continue, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2022, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Credit: (NASA/Joel Kowsky)
The completed boosters will form part of the most powerful rocket ever built by NASA, more powerful even than Saturn V that took Apollo astronauts to the Moon. When ignited, these twin rockets will generate millions of pounds of thrust, working in together with the SLS core stage to lift the Orion spacecraft and its four-person crew toward the Moon.
Apollo 11 launch using the Saturn V rocket
Artemis II represents a historic moment in space exploration as the first time humans will venture beyond low Earth orbit since 1972. The mission profile calls for a crew of four astronauts to journey around the Moon in the Orion spacecraft, testing critical systems and procedures before future missions attempt lunar landings.
The successful completion of booster stacking demonstrates the expertise of NASA’s engineering teams. Each segment had to be perfectly aligned and secured, with no room for error in a process that demands accuracy. The boosters will eventually help propel the spacecraft to speeds exceeding 17,000 miles per hour – fast enough to break free of Earth’s gravity and get to the Moon.
With this milestone achieved, NASA continues toward launch, carefully checking and testing each system to ensure the safety of the crew and the success of this ambitious mission to return humans to deep space.
The Greys’ Secrets: Anatomy, Genetics & Human Hybrids Revealed by Whitley Strieber
The Greys’ Secrets: Anatomy, Genetics & Human Hybrids Revealed by Whitley Strieber
The phenomenon of Grey aliens has fascinated researchers and enthusiasts for decades, with reports of encounters, abductions, and unexplained experiences fueling discussions about their origin and purpose. In a compelling interview with George Knapp, author Whitley Strieber shared his deep insights into the behavior, abilities, and genetic structure of these mysterious beings. Drawing from his own harrowing abduction experience and years of research, Strieber revealed startling information about the Greys’ anatomy, their genetic makeup, and their interactions with humans.
Understanding the Greys’ Anatomy and Physiology
Strieber’s research suggests that Grey aliens have distinct biological characteristics that set them apart from humans. He claims to have learned a significant amount about their anatomy, highlighting that their bodies are designed for functions beyond human comprehension. Unlike humans, they exhibit abilities such as telepathic communication, self-healing, and the capacity to levitate or move instantaneously from one place to another.
One of the most striking revelations from Strieber is the notion that the Greys have a hybrid nature, blending biological and mechanical components. He suggests that some of them are not entirely organic beings but rather bioengineered entities—biological machines with highly developed cognitive abilities. This unique blend of organic and synthetic elements could explain their remarkable resilience and adaptability.
Furthermore, Strieber points out that their lung function is akin to that of birds, allowing for rapid oxygen exchange, which might contribute to their endurance and ability to operate in different atmospheric conditions. Unlike humans, they do not have vocal cords, relying instead on telepathy for communication.
The Genetic Aspects of Grey Aliens
A significant aspect of Strieber’s revelations is his claim that the Greys are actively involved in genetic experimentation, particularly in the creation of human-hybrid beings. According to him, the primary reason behind their abductions is to collect genetic material from humans, which they use to develop hybrids capable of advanced telepathic abilities.
Strieber explains that these hybrids, while appearing human, possess an enhanced connection to the Greys through their genetic modifications. However, one major limitation of these beings is their inability to produce speech, making their integration into human society difficult. He suggests that they might exist in isolated communities, separate from both humans and full-blooded Greys.
Additionally, Strieber theorizes that the Greys might be working to recover certain abilities that early humans may have once possessed but lost over time. He refers to ancient records of telepathy, levitation, and heightened consciousness, suggesting that human civilization may have undergone a significant evolutionary shift that suppressed these capabilities. The Greys, through their hybridization programs, could be trying to bridge the gap between our current state and a more advanced, interconnected existence.
The Purpose of Human Abductions
One of the most controversial claims made by Strieber is that the Greys have been systematically abducting humans for decades, if not centuries. He believes that these abductions serve two main purposes:
Data Collection and Genetic Archiving: The Greys have reportedly collected genetic samples from humans, animals, and plants, preserving biological records in case of catastrophic events that could threaten Earth’s biodiversity. Strieber suggests that the Greys might have witnessed the destruction of other civilizations and are attempting to safeguard humanity from a similar fate.
Hybridization for Telepathic Communication: Through selective genetic modification, the Greys aim to create a species that can seamlessly communicate with them. Telepathy is a fundamental aspect of their existence, and the ability to interact on this level may be crucial for deeper engagement between them and humanity.
A Shift in Human Perception?
The discussion between Knapp and Strieber highlights a broader concern: Is humanity ready to accept the reality of extraterrestrial interaction? Strieber acknowledges that while there has been growing interest in the subject, large portions of the world remain unaware or skeptical. He believes that disclosure efforts, congressional hearings, and whistleblower testimonies are only the beginning of a larger process in which humans will have to reconcile with the existence of these beings.
He also speculates that historical agreements, possibly dating back to the Eisenhower administration, might explain why the majority of abduction reports originate from the United States. While the full details remain unknown, Strieber implies that the government has long been aware of these encounters but has struggled to address them openly.
Whitley Strieber’s insights into the anatomy and genetics of Grey aliens present a compelling narrative about their intentions and interactions with humanity. Whether one believes in the existence of the Greys or not, the recurring patterns in reported abductions, hybrid theories, and telepathic phenomena raise profound questions about the nature of reality and our place in the universe.
As research and testimonies continue to surface, humanity may eventually be faced with undeniable evidence that we are not alone—and that our genetic history may be more intertwined with extraterrestrial life than we ever imagined.
Alien Abduction and UFOs: Why Are Grays So Common? (feat Josef Lorenzo) | Monstrum
Alien Secrets Unveiled | The Greys Order: Agenda Exposed | Sci-Fi Documentary Movie | Free Movie
The TRUTH About Aliens | Who Are The Grays? And Why Are They So Common?
Art Bell's Dark Matter - Whitley Strieber - Alien Abductions
Ancient Aliens: Aliens Human Hybrids Revealed (Season 4) | History
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
Druk op onderstaande knop om je bestand , jouw artikel naar mij te verzenden. INDIEN HET DE MOEITE WAARD IS, PLAATS IK HET OP DE BLOG ONDER DIVERSEN MET JOUW NAAM...
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Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!
Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.