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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Odd cylinder UFO appears over Cheadle staffordshire, UK
Odd cylinder UFO appears over Cheadle staffordshire, UK
40 years ago a very strange cylinder UFO has been photographed over Cheadle staffordshire, UK.
The photographer who has submitted the image to Mufon states:
A little late on reporting something that happened 40 years ago, but then I had no idea who you would report it to, and perhaps more so.... who would believe it anyway.
So my experience. Well as I say.... it happened some 40 years ago when I was working a night shift on security.
It was a bitter cold night with the ground covered in ice, and the sky was very clear. I was walking from one building to another as my job routine. While walking I noticed a light in the air flying very low and head towards me from a north eastern angle. My first and obvious thought was of course... helicopter!
There was something that was a little odd though. First was the fact... one single white light. Then I conceded that it was now getting very close and heading more or less straight for me.
I thought that I should be able to hear the thing by now. You could have heard a pin drop in these early hours and it was very still with zero wind. It intrigued me enough to stop me in my tracks for me to observe.
It came towards me slowly, at around maybe 10mph. By the time it got to within around 50 feet away from me, I knew I was seeing something beyond the ordinary.
It came to a complete halt right in front of me, directly hovering in total stillness over the roof of the building.
Suddenly it shot of as fast as light. No noise no fuss. It looked for all the world like a comet. I did not like the experience one bit. 40 years ago and I still remember it as if it happened yesterday.
One fact remains.... we are being visited and that is a simple fact. I saw more than enough. For 40 years I have thought the same thing, that if I know.... I am dam sure the government and even our scientists must surely know.
I found this fossilised bone on Mars this week and it has been run over by the Mar rover. Now scientists at NASA often say how careful they are not to hurt or destroy their chances of finding life on Mars...and yet, we see the evidence of the rovers tire marks treading over this ancient fossil as if it were nothing. If a person had found this at a park or would turn into an investigation into a murder...since it looks a lot like a leg bone. But since its Mars NASA makes it into their personal road, driving over and ignoring any real evidence of life on Mars.
If president Trump wants real discoveries from Mars, then Trump needs to make me head of NASA and I will expose the truth, unmask all secrets held in their vaults and use the evidence to announce that evidence of alien life on Mars is real and also expose any and all evidence they hold of any life or intelligent beings living on any planet, moon or space in our solar system. That would be real change.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Lost City Of Atlantis found in the North Sea?
Lost City Of Atlantis found in the North Sea?
Divers from oil companies in the North Sea have discovered the remains of a drowned ancient city that once stretched from Britain to Denmark. An ancient city so massive that its population is suspected has been estimated to be in the tens of thousands.
A team of climatologists, archaeologists and geophysicists have now successfully mapped the area. This has shown how large and far-reaching this once “lost land was .” Many specialists claim that this is once the “true heartland” of Europe.
This enormous civilization is thought to have declined about 8000 years ago and that the landmass was sunk over several thousand years, an immersion that began about 20,000 years ago.
Dr. Richard Bates, from St Andrews ‘ Department of Geosciences, who organized the Drowned Landscapes exhibition and covered the finds in the UK, says the data reveals the human history behind Doggerland, a now flooded one City of the North Sea, which used to be larger many modern European countries.
Could these discoveries expose Doggerland as the truly lost city of Atlantis?
Several hypotheses have placed the sunken island of Atlantis within modern northern Europe, among which Olaus Rudbeck is best known. Anyone who suspected that Doggerland, as well as Viking Bergen Island, which is said to have been swamped by a megatsunami after the Storegga slide in 6100, is the real setting for Atlantis, a suggestion he proposed as early as the 16th century.
Some have suggested the Celtic shelf as a possible location and there are certainly links to Ireland. Many places have been proposed for the possible location of the sunken city over the years, but no ruins worthy of such claims have been found. Many of these areas were too small to have hosted such a huge city.
Doggerland, however, fits the law, it could not only turn out to be the largest ancient civilization on earth, but is also located in a possible place based on historical investigations, because the city of Atlantis had at some point sunk in England its History, and it reveals amazing ruins of a once great and hitherto unknown civilization.
Dr Bates, a geophysicist, said: ‘ Doggerland was the real heartland of Europe until sea levels rose to give us today’s UK coastline.
“We have speculated for years about the existence of the lost land of bones dredged up by fishermen across the North Sea, but it is only since we worked with oil companies in recent years that we have succeeded in rebuilding the lost land. Create.
‘ When the data was first processed, I thought it was unlikely it would give us useful information. However, as more area was covered, a huge and complex landscape was revealed. “We have now been able to model its flora and fauna, build a picture of the ancient people living there and understand some of the dramatic events that have subsequently changed the country, including the rise of the sea and a devastating tsunami. ”
In what’s being called humankind’s 1st planetary defense test, space scientists are planning to visit a double asteroid – Didymos and its tiny moon – and crash into the moon in attempt to change its orbit.
NASA’s Deep Impact spacecraft struck a 4-mile-wide (6-km-wide) comet – called Tempel 1 – on July 4, 2005. This image was acquired 67 seconds after impact.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article originally stated, erroneously, that NASA’s DART mission and ESA’s planned Hera mission both fell under the heading of a joint mission called AIDA. But the joint mission AIDA is no more, since ESA did not approve funding for its portion of the mission. However, NASA plans to push ahead with its asteroid-deflection test mission, called DART. And now a new ESA contribution is under study again – the Hera mission – as described in this article and in the video below. Our thanks to Linda Billings – a consultant o NASA’s Astrobiology Program and Planetary Defense Coordination Office (@lbillin on Twitter) – for setting us straight!
In the past several decades, astronomers have woken up to the reality that asteroids orbiting our sun do sometimes strike the Earth. It’s now know that the relativelylittle ones strike fairly often, mostly disintegrating in Earth’s protective atmosphere, and/or falling into the ocean. But larger asteroids have been known to pierce Earth’s atmosphere as well, such as the one that enteredover Russia in 2013, causing a shock wave that broke windows in several Russian cities. At present, astronomers do not expect any large, world-destroying asteroids to be on a collision course with Earth, in the foreseeable future. But smaller asteroids – those capable of causing destruction on a regional or city-wide scale, for example – are possible. And what if we learned that one was headed our way while there was still time to try to avert the collision? Could we deflect it? How?
Astronomers have been meeting and seriously talking about what might be needed to deflect an asteroid for at least a couple of decades. Those talks have evolved into action; NASA’s DART mission is planned to launch in 2021, with the goal of ramming an asteroid in 2022, and testing the asteroid’s response. Meanwhile, a planned ESA mission called Hera is currently under study. A February 4, 2019, statement from ESA explained:
The target of [both DART and Hera] is a double asteroid system, called Didymos, which will come a comparatively close 11 million km (about 7 million miles) to Earth in 2022. The 800-meter-diameter main body (about 2,600 feet) is orbited by a 160-meter-diameter moon (about 525 feet), informally called ‘Didymoon’.
DART is currently planned to launch in 2021. As being planned at present, Hera would arrive at Didymos a few years after DART’s impact. ESA explained:
…Hera will follow-up with a detailed post-impact survey that will turn this grand-scale experiment into a well-understood and repeatable planetary defense technique.
ESA also said the Hera mission will be the first spacecraft to explore a binary asteroid system – the Didymos pair. Also, the moon Didymoon will be the smallest asteroid ever visited by a spacecraft. It is about the same size as the Great Pyramid of Giza. Hera manager Ian Carnelli said:
Such a binary asteroid system is the perfect testbed for a planetary defense experiment but is also an entirely new environment for asteroid investigations. Although binaries make up 15 percent of all known asteroids, they have never been explored before, and we anticipate many surprises.
Check out the scale chart below – prepared by the Planetary Society – of all asteroid and comets so far surveyed by spacecraft. On this chart, the larger Didymos asteroid would form a modest dot, with its smaller moonlet struggling to make a single pixel.
View larger. | The Planetary Society created this comparison chart of all the asteroids and comets visited so far by spacecraft. On this chart, the larger Didymos asteroid would form a dot, with Didymoon struggling to make a single pixel.
ESA said Didymoon’s small size was one reason it was chosen for a pioneering planetary defense experiment. As it happens, this little asteroid moonlet is also in the riskiest class of near-Earth asteroids because of its size: larger bodies can more easily be tracked, smaller bodies will burn up or do limited damage, while a Didymoon-sized impactor could devastate an entire region of our planet.
Read more about the Hera mission from ESA, and the DART mission from NASA, or check out the video below:
Bottom line: In what’s being called humankind’s 1st planetary defense test, space scientists are planning send a spacecraft to a double asteroid – Didymos and its tiny moon – and crash it into the moon in attempt to change its orbit.
Recon Drones
The U.S. Army has placed a $39 million order for tiny reconnaissance drones, small enough to fit in a soldier’s pocket or palm.
The idea behind the drones, which are made by FLIR Systems and look like tiny menacing helicopters, is that soldiers will be able to send them into the sky of the battlefield in order to get a “lethal edge” during combat,according to Business Insider.
Battlefield View
FLIR Systems is currently delivering its “nano-unmanned aerial vehicles,” which it calls Black Hornet Personal Reconnaissance Systems, according to a press release that says the Army is starting an “initial integration” of the drones.
“This contract represents a significant milestone with the operational large-scale deployment of nano-UAVs into the world’s most powerful Army,” said Jim Cannon, the CEO of FLIR Systems, in the press release.
NASA's InSight lander has deployed its first instrument onto the surface of Mars.
New images from the lander show the seismometer on the ground, after it was lifted onto the surface by the lander's robotic arm.
It will record the waves traveling through the interior structure of the planet, and could help explain mysterious 'marsquakes' scientists believe occur regularly.
Scroll down for video
New images from the lander show the seismometer on the ground, after it was lifted onto the surface by the lander's robotic arm. It will record the waves traveling through the interior structure of the planet, and could help explain mysterious 'marsquakes' scientists believe occur regularly. This was the first time a science instrument had ever been placed onto the surface of another planet.
The seismometer allows scientists to peer into the Martian interior by studying ground motion — also known as marsquakes.
Each marsquake acts as a kind of flashbulb that illuminates the structure of the planet's interior.
By analyzing how seismic waves pass through the layers of the planet, scientists can deduce the depth and composition of these layers.
NASA said the lander war performing flawlessly, and was ahead of schedule.
'InSight's timetable of activities on Mars has gone better than we hoped,' said InSight Project Manager Tom Hoffman, who is based at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
'Getting the seismometer safely on the ground is an awesome Christmas present.'
The InSight team has been working toward deploying its two dedicated science instruments onto Martian soil since landing on Mars on Nov. 26.
To deploy the seismometer (also known as the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure, or SEIS) and the heat probe (also known as the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Probe, or HP3), engineers first had to verify the robotic arm that picks up and places InSight's instruments onto the Martian surface was working properly.
Engineers tested the commands for the lander, making sure a model in the test bed at JPL deployed the instruments exactly as intended.
Scientists also had to analyze images of the Martian terrain around the lander to figure out the best places to deploy the instruments.
NASA InSight✔@NASAInSight
Whew – winding down after a long day, but I’ve done it: I’ve placed my seismometer on the surface of Mars! With SEIS, I’ll be able to listen in for marsquakes and help reveal the heartbeat of #Mars.
On Tuesday, Dec. 18, InSight engineers sent up the commands to the spacecraft.
On Wednesday, Dec. 19, the seismometer was gently placed onto the ground directly in front of the lander, about as far away as the arm can reach — 5.367 feet, or 1.636 meters, away).
'Seismometer deployment is as important as landing InSight on Mars,' said InSight Principal Investigator Bruce Banerdt, based at JPL.
'The seismometer is the highest-priority instrument on InSight: We need it in order to complete about three-quarters of our science objectives.'
The 'Martian rock garden' it built in a Pasadena warehouse to test its InSight rover Engineers practice deploying InSight's instruments in a lab at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Several of them are wearing sunglasses to block the bright yellow lights in the test space, which mimic sunlight as it appears on Mars.
The seismometer allows scientists to peer into the Martian interior by studying ground motion — also known as marsquakes.
'Having the seismometer on the ground is like holding a phone up to your ear,' said Philippe Lognonné, principal investigator of SEIS from Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) and Paris Diderot University.
'We're thrilled that we're now in the best position to listen to all the seismic waves from below Mars' surface and from its deep interior.'
In the coming days, the InSight team will work on leveling the seismometer, which is sitting on ground that is tilted 2 to 3 degrees.
The first seismometer science data should begin to flow back to Earth after the seismometer is in the right position.
The lander that could reveal how Earth was formed: InSight lander set for Mars landing on november 26th
Three key instruments will allow the InSight lander to 'take the pulse' of the red planet:
Seismometer: The InSight lander carries a seismometer, SEIS, that listens to the pulse of Mars.
The seismometer records the waves traveling through the interior structure of a planet.
Studying seismic waves tells us what might be creating the waves.
On Mars, scientists suspect that the culprits may be marsquakes, or meteorites striking the surface.
Heat probe: InSight's heat flow probe, HP3, burrows deeper than any other scoops, drills or probes on Mars before it.
It will investigate how much heat is still flowing out of Mars.
Radio antennas: Like Earth, Mars wobbles a little as it rotates around its axis.
To study this, two radio antennas, part of the RISE instrument, track the location of the lander very precisely.
This helps scientists test the planet's reflexes and tells them how the deep interior structure affects the planet's motion around the Sun.
'We look forward to popping some Champagne when we start to get data from InSight's seismometer on the ground,' Banerdt added.
'I have a bottle ready for the occasion.'
Meanwhile, the Rotation and Interior Structure Experiment (RISE), which does not have its own separate instrument, has already begun using InSight's radio connection with Earth to collect preliminary data on the planet's core.
Not enough time has elapsed for scientists to deduce what they want to know — scientists estimate they might have some results starting in about a year.
This image shows some of the instruments visible in the selfie image sent back to Earth by InSight early last Tuesday morning
NASA also recently has finally pinpointed the exact landing location of its new Mars explorer, thanks to a powerful camera on its Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
While the space agency knew InSight had landed within an 81-mile-long (130 km) ellipse on the red planet, there was no way to determine exactly where it touched down within this region.
Now, a series of images captured this week by MRO's HiRISE camera have confirmed that the lander, heat shield, and parachute all sit within 1,000 feet of each other on a lava plain called Elysium Planitia.
NASA has finally pinpointed the exact landing location of its new Mars explorer, thanks to a powerful camera on its Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. While the space agency knew InSight had landed within an 81-mile-long (130 km) ellipse on the red planet, there was no way to determine exactly where it touched down within this region
In the images released today by NASA, InSight and its parts appear as bright teal specks on rust-colored landscape.
But in reality, this is only a trick of the light.
'Light reflected off their surfaces causes the color to be saturated,' NASA explains.
'The ground around the lander appears dark, having been blasted by its retrorockets during descent. Look carefully for a butterfly shape, and you can make out the lander's solar panels on either side.'
Just days ago, NASA's new InSight lander snapped its first selfie from the red planet, giving the mission team (and the rest of the world) a good look at its solar panels and deck now that it's settled in.
InSight also sent back the first complete view of the 14-by-7-foot swath of land that will soon serve as its 'workspace.'
In the images released today by NASA, InSight and its parts appear as bright teal specks on rust-colored landscape. But in reality, this is only a trick of the light
A series of images captured this week by MRO's HiRISE camera have confirmed that the lander (red dot), heat shield, and parachute all sit within 1,000 feet of each other on a lava plain called Elysium Planitia. Previously, the space agency only knew they'd landed within an 81-mile ellipse (blue)
Each of the new images is a mosaic of several captures stitched together.
While the selfie, captured by the robotic arm, is a composite of 11 pictures, the workspace view includes 52 individual photos.
This is allowing scientists to get a good look at the area well before InSight starts putting down its instruments and digging into the ground.
'The near-absense of rocks, hills, and holes means it'll be extremely safe for our instruments,' said InSight's Principal Investigator Bruce Banerdt of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
'This might seem like a pretty plain piece of ground if it weren't on Mars, but we're glad to see that.'
NASA has confirmed the landing sites for InSight, its parachute, and other components thanks to new images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
InSight previously sent back the first complete view of the 14-by-7-foot swath of land that will soon serve as its 'workspace,' indicated in the blue crescent. The team says it looks 'extremely safe'. Its parachute, back shell, and heat shield all landed about 1,000 feet away
Even Mars robots act like tourists every once in a while. NASA's new InSight lander has snapped its first selfie from the red planet, giving the mission team (and the rest of the world) a good look at its solar panels and deck now that it's settled in
Over the last week or so, InSight has sent back the first of its observations – including a clip of light passing over the surface, and recordings of Martian winds.
All of this comes as the lander and the team behind its operations prepare for it to begin work in the next few months.
For now, however, InSight is taking baby steps.
The lander flexed its 6-foot-long arm this week, snapping images of the terrain directly in front of it.
'By carefully swinging my arm out in front of me, I'm starting to get a better look at the ground in front of me where I'll be doing my work', the Nasa InSight account tweeted.
'Meanwhile, kind of hypnotized by the play of light and shadow on my arm'.
'By carefully swinging my arm out in front of me, I'm starting to get a better look at the ground in front of me where I'll be doing my work', the Nasa InSight account tweeted this week. 'Meanwhile, kind of hypnotized by the play of light and shadow on my arm'. This effect can be seen in the clip above
The data collected by InSight's Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) in the months before it's moved onto the ground will eventually be used to cancel out background noises as it works to detect marsquakes
Just days prior, NASA revealed the InSight lander captured the sound of a Martian 'dust devil' during its first days on the red planet.
According to the space agency, this is the first time we've ever heard Martian winds.
The low rumble detected by InSight's sensors are estimated to be blowing between 10 to 15 mph (5 to 7 meters a second) from northwest to southeast – and, the recordings are within the range of human hearing.
NASA says the sounds recorded on December 1 line up with dust devil streaks observed in the landing area.
The vibrations were recorded at a very low pitch, though those with sharp ears will be able to hear it as is, using headphones or subwoofers.
To make it clearer, NASA boosted the pitch by two octaves, making it audible on laptops and mobile devices.
The space agency shared a series of high-resolution photos captured this week. InSight will soon begin snapping images of the terrain directly in front of it, so the team can select the best location to drill down. The solar panel that will help power the machine is pictured
While InSight didn't set out to record Martian winds, specifically, the team says this type of data collection comes with the territory.
The lander detected wind vibrations with two of its sensors: one designed to measure air pressure, and with a seismometer on the deck.
'Capturing this audio was an unplanned treat,' says Bruce Banerdt, InSight principal investigator at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab.
'But one of the things our mission is dedicated to is measuring motion on Mars, and naturally that includes motion caused by sound waves.'
According to the InSight team, the two different instruments recorded the noise in different ways.
While the Auxiliary Payload Sensor Subsystem's air pressure sensor recorded the vibrations directly, the seismometer picked up vibrations caused by the wind passing over the lander's solar panels.
The data collected by InSight's Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) in the months before it's moved onto the ground will eventually be used to cancel out background noises as it works to detect marsquakes.
Its short period (SP) silicon sensors can detect vibrations with frequencies of up to 50 hertz, which sits at the lower range of human hearing, NASA says.
'The InSight lander acts like a giant ear,' said Tom Pike, InSight science team member and sensor designed at Imperial College London.
'The solar panels on the lander's sides respond to pressure fluctuations of the wind.
'It's like InSight is cupping its ears and hearing the Mars wind beating on it. When we looked at the direction of the lander vibrations coming from the solar panels, it matches the expected wind direction at our landing site.'
InSight touched down in a region known as Elysium Planitia. Its location can be seen in the map above, not far from the landing site of the 2012 Curiosity mission, the last NASA probe to land on Mars
NASA's InSight lander has finally removed the lens cover from its cameras, allowing the robotic explorer to take its clearest pictures yet of its new home
The team has released both a raw, unaltered audio sample of the seismometer recording and a second version that's been raised two octaves to make it easier to hear.
For the latter, the APSS sample was sped up by a factor of 100.
According to the experts, the source of the sound is pretty straightforward; vibrations detected by the instruments are much like the air pressure changes you hear when a flag whips around in the wind.
'That's literally what sound is — changes in air pressure,' said Don Banfield InSight's science lead for APSS from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
'You hear that whenever you speak to someone across the room.'
An artist's depiction of alien solar systems of exoplanets.
Credit: M. Kornmesser/ESO
Scientists peering at analien solar systemhave spotted a pair of planets so different that their traits may be evidence of a massive collision.
The key difference is in the planets'density— although the two neighboring planets are similar in size, one is more than twice as dense as the other. The researchers who measured the density imbalance suggest that the stark difference was most likely caused by a giant impact that stripped away much of the less-dense mantle from one of the planets.
The planets, which were first discovered in 2014, orbit a star called Kepler-107 with two other companions. The two innermost planets, Kepler-107b and c, seemed to be about the same size, and in the new research, scientists revisited them in order to try to determine their mass. [Gallery: A World of Kepler Planets]
Here's how that works. The planets were originally detected with the Kepler space telescope, which tracked small dips in a star's brightness that are caused by a planet coming between the telescope and the star. This approach is called the transit method, and those dips are proportional to the relative sizes of the star and the planet.
But a different technique commonly used to identify exoplanets is the radial velocity method, which tracks small wiggles in the star's movement that are caused by the tug of a planet's gravity. That means scientists can use it to estimate a planet's mass.
When the team combined the two types of measurements, they realized the two inner Kepler-107 planets were distinctly different. And the system is particularly intriguing because the denser planet is farther from the star than the less dense planet. In other pairs scientists have studied, the reverse has been true, and researchers have come up with a handful of different potential mechanisms that might result in a denser inner planet.
But those mechanisms don't make sense when the denser planet isn't the one that's closest to the star. That makes the researchers behind the new study suspect that Kepler-107c became so dense because a giant impact stripped away outer, less-dense layers of the planet.
Scientists even think they've watched relatively large collisions take place in distant solar systems: At last month's American Astronomical Society meeting, researchers argued that debris clouds twice observed around a star called NGC 2547-ID8 are best explained by large asteroids colliding.
Solar systems are just messy places, it turns out.
The research is described in a paper published today (Feb. 4) in the journal Nature Astronomy.
A pyramid in Indonesia is thought to be the oldest pyramid in the world, according to scientists. New research presented at the AGU 2018 Fall Meeting in Washington suggests it is could be more than 10,000 years old. It has been found to have layered foundations dating as far back as this after the hill on top of Mount Padang in West Java was found not to be natural as first thought, but in fact, made by humans. The team used a number of methods to gain information, such as archaeological digs and tomography.
What is previously seen as just surface building, it's going down — and it's a huge structure
Andang Bachtiar
Andang Bachtiar, an independent geologist who observed the discovery, told LiveScience: "What is previously seen as just surface building, it's going down — and it's a huge structure,"
One of the researchers explained: "Our studies proves that the structure does not cover just the top but also wrap around the slopes covering about 15 hectares area at least.
"The structures are not only superficial but rooted into greater depth."
It is thought the layers were built up over a number of periods over millennia.
The first layer has been dated back 3,500 years, with the second layer around 8,000 years old.
Oldest pyramid: Research in Indonesia has found a pyramid dating further back than the Giza
(Image: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja)
Oldest pyramid: Padang in West Java has revealed multiple layers dating thousands of years
(Image: Danny Hilman Natawidjaja)
The third layer has been measured as at least 9,500 years old, and could be as much as 28,000 years.
The pyramid is thought to have religious connotations, although this is currently speculation.
This is because of the current location being used by locals for praying, as it is seen as a sacred region.
It is also unlike other pyramids - instead of being symmetrical like many are, the elongated structure has a semi-circle on the front.
It predates the Great Pyramid of Giza which was thought to be around 4500 years old, built over 20 years during the 4th dynasty in Egypt.
A recent discovery in Egypt appears to reveal how the large structure was built so long ago.
A transport system leading from an alabaster quarry to the pyramid was found, made up of a ramp and two staircases.
This is thought to be the way the large blocks were moved to the site.
A statement explained: "Using a sled which carried a stone block and was attached with ropes to these wooden posts, ancient Egyptians were able to pull up the alabaster blocks out of the quarry on very steep slopes of 20 percent or more.”
This map shows the location of the north magnetic pole (white star) and the magnetic declination (contour interval 2 degrees) at the beginning of 2019.
Earth’s northern magnetic pole isn’t fixed but, rather, is in a perpetual motion driven by the movement of the planet’s liquid outer core. In the last couple of decades, scientists have noticed that the northern magnetic pole has been shifting away from the Canadian Arctic toward Siberia at an unprecedented rate. This anomalous variation has forced scientists at the National Centers for Environmental Information to publish their update to the World Magnetic Model (WMM) a year early in order to avoid significant inaccuracies in navigation and positioning. The WMM is used by everything from smartphones to the military.
The planet’s outer core is formed of liquid iron which constantly moves as the planet’s interior gradually cools down. This motion creates electric currents as electrons move through the liquid and, in the process, the energy of the fluid is converted into a magnetic field. If we imagined that Earth’s magnetic field is similar to a bar magnet (or dipole), then we can locate a geomagnetic north and south pole. However, this is an oversimplification of the complexity and variation of Earth’s true magnetic field.
Confusingly, scientists refer to the places where the planet’s magnetic field is vertical as the north and south magnetic poles. If you were standing over the north magnetic pole with a compass, the needle would dip and point towards the south pole, hence its other name: the magnetic dip pole. Over the south magnetic pole, the compass needle would try to point upward.
The northern dipole is roughly off the northwest coast of Greenland and its position has changed very little over the last century. The same can’t be said about the northern dip pole (true magnetic north pole), which has marched north by hundreds of miles in the last couple of decades. Up until the 1950s, the north magnetic pole had been moving at a rate of about 11 km (7 miles) per year but since the 1990s, this rate has jumped to about 54 km (34 miles) per year. Strangely, the south magnetic pole has shifted very little during this time.
Credit: University of Kyoto.
Scientists aren’t sure what causes this anomaly but the leading theory is that surges and flows in the swirl of liquid iron in the core are creating a tug between two magnetic patches: one under northern Canada and one under Siberia. The latter patch seems like its exerting more influence, hence the rapid shift of the magnetic north towards it.
Historically, the WMM has been updated every five years in order to keep up with these movements. The most recent update was scheduled for 2020 but researchers at the National Centers for Environmental Information — a collaboration between NOAA and the British Geological Survey — decided that it had to be released much sooner so as not to disrupt navigation, especially over the Arctic. The new model was pre-released online in October 2018 but its official release was delayed by a 35-day government shutdown. It’s only recently, after President Trump temporarily lifted the shutdown on January 25, that the WMM has finally been updated.
The new model has the North Pole a good 25 miles away from the one previously predicted. This gross discrepancy means that updates in the future will have to be made much more often than before, preferably yearly. But while the WMM is also incorporated by things like Google Maps, regular folks shouldn’t worry too much since the north magnetic pole’s movements aren’t all that important for latitudes below 55 degrees.
A fossil hunter found a “golden cannonball” rock on a beach, and when he opened it, he discovered an ancient fossil dating back 185 million years. Aaron Smith discovered the rock covered in iron pyrite while he was exploring Sandsend Beach in Yorkshire, England. Interestingly enough, the 22-year-old already has a huge collection of fossils that he found.
These pyritic concretions – or cannonballs – are often found in shales along the Yorkshire coastline. They get their “golden cannonball” name because of the smooth polished finish of the pyritic crust which appears to be a golden color when it’s polished.
Since Mr. Smith has been collecting fossils for a while, he had a hunch that the rock may have a fossil inside of it and that’s when he opened it to find a spiral-shaped cleviceras fossil inside which is a form of ammonite. Cleviceras are an extinct genus of cephalopod which once belonged to the Hildoceritidae family during the Jurassic period. The most commonly known cephalopods from the present time are octopuses and squids.
These ancient sea creatures lived between 240 and 65 million years ago before becoming wiped out along with the dinosaurs. Ammonites fed on starfish, small marine creatures, and other small crustaceans like shrimp. They moved in a similar manner as our modern-day squid by using a tube located near their mouth that squirted water.
Cephalopods are hardly found as fossils as they do not have a hard shell, which is why fossils like cleviceras and ammonites are often found perfectly preserved in the limestone core of the cannonballs which protects them.
Mr. Smith posted a video online of his discovery. He said, “It still impresses me that these 185 million-year-old fossils are along our beautiful Yorkshire Coastline waiting to be found.” He went on to explain how much he loves searching for fossils by saying, “I go fossil hunting twice a week when I’m at home from university. Fossil hunting is a hobby of mine, or perhaps more like a serious passion.”
He explained that he got into fossil hunting because his dad was interested in it. “I remember very distinctly searching for our very first ammonite, when we cracked it open we were all so excited! This lit the fire for our future passion to develop,” adding, “Often we can tell that a rock contains a fossil because you can see the edge of the fossil around the outside of the rock.”
A fossil hunter has uncovered a 185-year-old fossil after cracking open a 'golden cannonball' limestone rock on a beach in Yorkshire. Aaron Smith spotted the rock coated in iron pyrite while exploring Sandsend Beach and realised it showed signs that it contained a fossil
Footage shows Aaron Smith, 22, opening the cannonball-shaped rock to reveal the palm-sized Elegantericeras inside before closing it up again. He regularly searches for fossils on the beach nearby his home and has built up a huge collection
The golden cannonballs are given their name because the pyritic crust's smooth polished finish can appear golden when polished
Ammonites (artist's impression) sported a ribbed spiral-form shell, and lived between 240-65 million years ago
Ammonites are perhaps the most widely known fossil, particularly in the UK where hundreds are dug up along the Jurassic Coast every year.
The ancient sea creatures sported a ribbed spiral-form shell, and lived between 240-65 million years ago, when they were wiped out along with the dinosaurs.
Ammonites were cephalopods; their nearest living relatives are animals like squid, octopus and cuttlefish.
They ate starfish, small crustaceans such as shrimp and other small marine creatures, using their tentacles to probe the seafloor before snapping up prey.
The creatures moved using jet propulsion via a tube near their mouth that squirted water, much like some species of modern squid.
Archaeologists working in the Sahara have published their findings outlining the discovery of mysterious stone structures found scattered throughout the world’s largest desert. The structures come in various shapes and forms and appear to date back thousands of years, although researchers still aren’t sure when they were build or what their purpose may have been.
“The archaeological map of Western Sahara remains literally and figuratively almost blank as far as the wider international archaeological research community is concerned, particularly away from the Atlantic coast,” write the University of East Anglia’s Joanne Clarke and independent researcher Nick Brooks, authors of a new book outlining their work studying these unknown and mysterious structures. Clarke and Brooks spent the better part of a decade studying these structures between 2002 and 2009 and have cataloged hundreds of them ranging from straight lines to rectangular platforms to giant circles or crescents. One structure appears to be a combination of smaller forms including lines, stone circles, and platforms, forming a structure over 2,000 feet (600 meters) long.
Some of the structures are thought to mark the location of graves, although most of the structures remain a complete mystery until further research can be conducted. Due to security concerns, however, archaeologists are unable to venture into the area due to the fact that terrorist groups like al-Qaeda operate in the region and are known to kidnap outsiders. For now, these structures will remain an enigma until the Western Sahara can be effectively secured.
While we’re just beginning to scratch the surface of what may lie beneath the shifting sands of the Sahara, these preliminary discoveries only further highlight how many chapters of hidden or unknown history may have been lost to the sands of time. The Sahara is full of mysterious ruins like these stone structures which hint at long-lost knowledge and civilizations. Could the Washington Monument or Eiffel Tower one day fall into ruin only for the historians of the future to puzzle over?
What will future archaeologists make of these ruins near Tunisia?
Perhaps the sonnet “Ozymandias” (1818) by Percy Bysshe Shelley can sum it up best:
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert… near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings;
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
What will the historians of the future make of our crumbling, irradiated stone and metal structures after we’re vaporized to dust?
Lake Vostok is the largest of Antarctica’s subglacial lakes, located to the east of the icy continent and beneath Russia’s Vostok Station. The surface of this freshwater lake is approximately 4,000m under the ice, which places it at approximately 500m below sea level. In 2012, a team successfully drilled through the ice to get to the lake and locate more than 3,500 species of life.
However, there was one strange thing they could not explain.
A bizarre magnetic anomaly on the east coast of the lake spanning 65 miles long and 47 miles wide was discovered, it was revealed during a documentary.
YouTube series “The Real Secrets Hidden in Antarctica” explained how the find was made.
The 2017 documentary detailed: “The Russians at Vostok station confirmed the discovery of a huge freshwater lake miles below the ice.
NASA are looking into studying the anomaly
(Image: GETTY)
Scientists often drill below the ice
(Image: GETTY)
Scientist think this may be due to the Earth’s crust thinning, but it may also signify a lost city hidden below the lake
The Real Secrets Hidden in Antarctica
“They successfully drilled through and found active biological samples of living bacteria, dating back almost 15 million years.
“Scientists claim they have found more than 35,000 life forms as well as rich fossil evidence.
“But there was also a huge magnetic anomaly.
“Scientist think this may be due to the Earth’s crust thinning, but it may also signify a lost city hidden below the lake.”
Antarctica is home to many mysteries
(Image: GETTY)
Now NASA is interested in studying the area in order to get a better understanding of Europa – Jupiter’s icy moon.
Kevin Hand, deputy chief scientist of solar system exploration for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told previously: "When it comes to Europa, there's no better analogy on Earth than Lake Vostok.
“In both cases, the liquid water envelope trapped beneath the ice is cut off from the sun.”
Samples of ice from the top of the lake revealed that iron and sulphur play a significant role in its ecosystem.
The Russians probed the lake in 2012
(Image: GETTY)
Dr Hand added: “The surface chemistry of Europa is riddled with sulphur.
"Chances are that sulphur is going to be an important component for how that ecosystem survives."
The discovery of life below the surface of Antarctica by the Russian team gives NASA an idea of what could develop on Europa.
A List of the DIA's Secret UFO Study Projects has been Revealed
A List of the DIA's Secret UFO Study Projects has been Revealed
The US Office of Information Services has released a Defense Intelligence Agency report addressed to the Senate Committee on Armed Services that lists the titles of more than three dozen research papers funded by the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the secret UFO program run by the Pentagon between 2007 and 2012. The titles outlined in this newly-revealed report offer tantalizing clues into the cutting-edge aerospace concepts that AATIP was investigating, including warp-drive, invisibility cloaks, zero-point energy, and faster-than-light communications.
The report was released under a Freedom of Information Act Request made by Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists’ Project on Government Secrecy. Addressed to both former Senator John McCain, then Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and ranking committee member Senator Jack Reed, the report contains "a list of all products produced under the AATIP contract for DIA to publish," according to the letter itself, dated Jan 9, 2018.
The list of attachments is comprised of 38 titles, with all except one being labeled "UNCLASSIFIED", meaning that while the majority of the documents aren't considered secret, strict controls were still required regarding their distribution. Indeed, some of these articles are freely available online, such as attachment five, Dr. Hal Puthoff's "Advanced Space Propulsion Based on Vacuum (Spacetime Metric) Engineering". Last October, it was reported that the DIA issued a list of AATIP study titles to the House Armed Services Committe; although the contents of that letter have yet to be disclosed, it is probable that it identical to the one sent to the Senate. This list is also similar to one released by Puthoff in July 2018, but now includes a previously-redacted title labeled "SECRET", and an accompanying letter addressed to Senators McCain and Reed.
One must bear in mind that it is unlikely that many of the more esoteric concepts alluded to in these titles have advanced beyond the theoretical, at least as far as their respective authors are concerned; indeed, if any of these ideas have been advanced to the point where they're in practical use, they're unlikely to be documented in reports of such a low classification level.
Regardless, the titles outlined in the attachment list appear to cover a broad range of topics relating to cutting-edge propulsion, communication, advanced materials and energy production technologies, such as "Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy", Dr. Eric Davis; advancements in nuclear fusion, "Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (IEC) Fusion", Dr. George Miley; "Invisibility Cloaking", Dr. Ulf Leonhardt; "Field Effects on Biological Tissues", Dr. Kit Green; and advanced materials, "Metamaterials for Aerospace Applications", Dr. G. Shvets, just to name a few.
Despite the government's official denial of the existence of the UFO phenomenon, this list of study titles illustrates the lengths that at least one project within the DIA, namely the AATIP program, needed to go to try to understand the science behind what made the anomalous objects that were being reported tick, concepts that would otherwise simply have been dismissed as belonging to the fanciful realm of science fiction.
The following is a list of links to the titles that are immediately available online, or papers published by the same authors with slightly different titles. A number of titles in the AATIP list, including #1, "Inertial Electrostatic Confinement (IEC) Fusion", and the majority of titles from EarthTech International appear to be issued in hardcopy, and would need to be ordered from their respective publishers. The remainder of the titles, except for numbers 12 and 15, "are available to Congressional staff access on the Capitol Network (CapNet)."
Harvard's top astronomer says an alien ship may be among us - and he doesn't care what his colleagues think
Harvard's top astronomer says an alien ship may be among us - and he doesn't care what his colleagues think
Since publishing his controversial paper, Avi Loeb has run a nearly nonstop media circuit, embracing the celebrity that comes from being perhaps the most academically distinguished E.T. enthusiast of his time. This has some of his peers grumbling.
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CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Before he started the whole alien-spaceship thing last year, the chairman of Harvard University's astronomy department was known for public lectures on modesty. Personal modesty, which Avi Loeb said he learned growing up on a farm. And what Loeb calls "cosmic modesty" - the idea that it's arrogant to assume we are alone in the universe, or even that we're a particularly special species.
You can find a poster for one of these lectures in Loeb's office today, though it's a bit lost among the clutter: photos of Loeb posing under the dome of Harvard's enormous 19th-century telescope; thank-you notes from elementary schoolchildren; a framed interview he gave The New York Times in 2014; his books on the formation of galaxies; his face, again and again - a bespectacled man in his mid-50s with a perpetually satisfied smile.
Loeb stands beside his desk on the first morning of spring courses in a creaseless suit, stapling syllabi for his afternoon class. He points visitors to this and that on the wall. He mentions that four TV crews were in this office on the day in the fall when his spaceship theory went viral, and now five film companies are interested in making a movie about his life.
A neatly handwritten page of equations sits on the desk, on the edge closest to the guest chairs.
"Oh, this is something I did last night," Loeb says. It's a calculation, he explains, supporting his theory that an extraterrestrial spacecraft, or at least a piece of one, may at this moment be flying past the orbit of Jupiter.
Since publishing his controversial paper, Loeb has run a nearly nonstop media circuit, embracing the celebrity that comes from being perhaps the most academically distinguished E.T. enthusiast of his time - the top Harvard astronomer who suspects technology from another solar system just showed up at our door. And this, in turn, has left some of his peers nonplussed - grumbling at what they see as a flimsy theory or bewildered as to why Harvard's top astronomer won't shut up about aliens.
What you can't call Loeb is a crank. When astronomers in Hawaii stumbled across the first known interstellar object in late 2017 - a blip of light moving so fast past the sun that it could only have come from another star - Loeb had three decades of Ivy League professorship and hundreds of astronomical publications on his résumé, mostly to do with the nature of black holes and early galaxies and other subjects far from any tabloid shelf.
So when seemingly every astronomer on the planet was trying to figure out how the interstellar object (dubbed 'Oumuamua, Hawaiian for "scout") got to our remote patch of Milky Way, Loeb's extraordinarily confident suggestion that it probably came from another civilization could not be easily dismissed.
"Considering an artificial origin, one possibility is that 'Oumuamua" - pronounced Oh-mooah-mooah - "is a lightsail, floating in interstellar space as a debris from an advanced technological equipment," Loeb wrote with his colleague Shmuel Bialy in Astrophysical Journal Letters in November - thrilling E.T. enthusiasts and upsetting the fragile orbits of space academia.
" 'Oumuamua is not an alien spaceship, and the authors of the paper insult honest scientific inquiry to even suggest it," tweeted Paul Sutter, an astrophysicist at Ohio State University, shortly after the paper published.
"A shocking example of sensationalist, ill-motivated science," theoretical astrophysicist Ethan Siegel wrote in Forbes. North Carolina State University astrophysicist Katie Mack suggested Loeb was trolling for publicity. "Sometimes you write a paper about something that you don't believe to be true at all, just for the purpose of putting out there," she told the Verge.
Most scientists besides Loeb assume 'Oumuamua is some sort of rock, be it an asteroid ejected from some star in meltdown hundreds of millions of years ago, or an icy comet wandering the interstellar void. But it's moving too fast for an inert rock, Loeb points out - zooming away from the sun as if something is pushing it from behind. And if it's a comet spewing jets of steam, the limited observations astronomers made of it showed no sign.
Loeb argues that 'Oumuamua's behavior means it can't be, as is commonly imagined, a clump of rock shaped like a long potato, but rather an object that's very long and no more than 1 millimeter thick, perhaps like a kilometer-long obloid pancake - or a ship sail - so light and thin that sunlight is pushing it out of our solar system.
And while he's not saying it's definitely aliens, he is saying he can't think of anything other than aliens that fits the data. And he's saying that all over international news.
"Many people expected once there would be this publicity, I would back down," Loeb says. "If someone shows me evidence to the contrary, I will immediately back down."
In the meantime, he's doubling down, hosting a Reddit AMA on "how the discovery of alien life in space will transform our life," and constantly emailing his "friends and colleagues" with updates on all the reporters who are speaking to him.
In a matter of months, Loeb has become a one-man alternative to the dirge of terrestrial news.
"It changes your perception on reality, just knowing that we're not alone," he says. "We are fighting on borders, on resources ... It would make us feel part of planet Earth as a civilization rather than individual countries voting on Brexit."
So now he is famous, styling himself as a truth-teller and risk-taker in an age of overly conservative, quiescent scientists.
"The mainstream approach [is] you can sort of drink your coffee in the morning and expect what you will find later on. It's a stable lifestyle, but for me it resembles more the lifestyle of a business person rather than scientists," he says.
"The worst thing that can happen to me is I would be relieved of my administrative duties, and that would give me even more time to focus on science," Loeb adds. " All the titles I have, I can dial them back. In fact, I can dial myself back to the farm."
Loeb grew up in an Israeli farming village. He would sit in the hills and read philosophy books imagining the broader universe, he says, a fascination that led him into academia and all the way to 'Oumuamua.
"I don't have a class system in my head of academia being the elite," he says, as he leads a reporter into the locked chamber of the Great Refractor - an enormous 19th-century telescope where he sometimes does photo ops. "I see it as a continuation of childhood curiosity - trying to understand what the world is like."
He joined Princeton University's Institute for Advanced Study in the late 1980s ("Where Einstein used to be," he notes) and later took a junior position in Harvard's astronomy department, where "for 20 years no one had been promoted from within ... They tenured me after three years.")
As he tells it, his life story sounds like a cerebral version of "Forrest Gump" - Loeb always singemindedly pursuing his science and intersecting with the giants of the field, whom he regularly name-drops. Stephen Hawking had dinner at his house. Stephen Spielberg once asked him for movie tips. Russian billionaire Uri Milner once walked into his office and sat on the couch and asked him to help design humanity's first interstellar spaceship - which he is now doing, with a research budget of $100 million and the endorsement of Mark Zuckerberg and the late Hawking.
Loeb mentions casually that when he was 24 years old he got a private audience with the famed physicist Freeman Dyson - and then pauses for effect beneath the 20-foot shaft of the Great Refractor, grinning until he realizes the reporter doesn't know who Freeman Dyson is.
At midday, Loeb leaves the telescope and his office and descends to a bare white classroom to introduce the basics of astrophysics to a dozen new students.
If he's mastered the national news interview by now, his lecture begins a bit stilted. He looks down at the table as he speaks. He asks the freshmen at this most prestigious of universities to go around the table and list their hobbies.
Ten minutes later, Loeb goes off script.
"Did anyone hear the name 'Oumuamua?" he asks. "What did it mean?"
Almost everyone nods, and freshman Matt Jacobsen, who came to Harvard from an Iowa farm town, volunteers quietly: "There was speculation that it was from another civilization."
"Who made that speculation?" Loeb asks, smiling.
There's an awkward silence in the room, and then Jacobsen cries, "Was it you? Oh my gosh!" and the professor smiles wider.
Ten Earthquakes Strike the Coast of Northern California in Less Than 24 Hours | Is the “Big One” Coming?
Ten Earthquakes Strike the Coast of Northern California in Less Than 24 Hours | Is the “Big One” Coming?
Ten earthquakes of preliminary magnitudes between 3.0 and 4.5 struck off the coast of Northern California between Saturday and Sunday, the United States Geological Survey reports.
The series of earthquakes rumbled beneath the Pacific Ocean, between 3 miles and 27 miles west of Petrolia in Humboldt County.
The first earthquake struck early Saturday morning at a magnitude of 4.3, while a second earthquake, of 3.2 magnitude, rumbled about 30 minutes later. Three additional earthquakes hit between 4:30 p.m. and 5:38 p.m. Saturday in the same area, registering magnitudes between 2.9 and 3.6, USGS reported. A 3.0-magnitude earthquake struck that night, at 11:37 p.m.
The geological activity continued into Sunday. USGS reported four earthquakes near Petrolia between 2:18 p.m. and 4:05 p.m. The earthquakes ranged in magnitude from 3.4 to 4.5.
More than 240 people, from Mendocino to McKinleyville, said they felt the 4.5-magnitude earthquake that struck Sunday at 2:18 p.m., according to the USGS’s online “Felt Report” page.
There was no initial word on damage or injury resulting from the quakes. The National Weather Service office in Eureka said Sunday afternoon there was no tsunami danger.
If you live in California, you’ll know the Big One is coming:
a powerful earthquake of up to magnitude eight is headed for the state. Energy has been building up along the San Andreas Fault for more than a century. No-one knows exactly when or where, but that one day that energy will be unleashed.
It might strike at the heart of San Francisco, last devastated by a Big One in 1906. Or maybe it will tear through southern California like the magnitude 7.9 quake that hit in 1857 and ruptured some 225 miles of the San Andreas Fault.
More than 100 years on, it’s hard to predict exactly how hard the next Big One will hit. John Vidale, director of the Southern California Earthquake Center and affiliate professor at the University of Washington, told Newsweek it won’t look like in the movies—cities won’t collapse into rubble and tsunamis probably won’t sweep through California. But without adequate preparations, the Big One could “cripple” the finances of a state that just became the fifth largest economy in the world.
What exactly is a “Big One,” and where could such an earthquake hit?
A tectonic boundary between the North American and the Pacific plates cuts through California. It’s a big fault where the two sides are moving three or four centimeters a year sideways. Strain builds up for one or two hundred years along that boundary, and then finally that strain becomes so great that the fault can’t take it anymore. It breaks and moves 15 ft or so all at once, causing an earthquake.
There’s three, four, five sections, to this fault—and many other faults running in parallel—but we worry about a Big One striking in the north or in the south of the San Andreas. There’s a part between north and south in central California that seems act like a buffer. There’s some chance a rupture could go end-to-end, but we think it’s either unlikely or that it just doesn’t happen.
How often do these massive earthquakes hit?
It’s every few hundred years. The earthquakes that have happened in the meantime are still devastating to a local area, but instead of magnitude eight, they’re more like magnitude seven. It’s a logarithmic scale, so an eight has about 30 times more energy than a magnitude seven.
Don’t smaller quakes help to dissipate some of the energy that’s building up deep underground?
Those little earthquakes let out only a tiny amount of energy compared to the big ones. It would take 10 magnitude seven earthquakes to let out the strain of a magnitude eight. We don’t have that many, so those little earthquakes hardly slow the big ones at all.
Does that mean the next big one is inevitable?
That’s right. When we look at the history of the fault, we can see these big earthquakes have happened many times over the last few thousand years, so yeah, it’s an inevitability. We just don’t know if it’s going to be now or two hundred years from now.
What kind of impact would a northern or southern California Big One have?
The impact of the northern big one would be tremendous—I mean the San Andreas runs right through San Francisco. It’s quite a lot closer to San Francisco than it is to Los Angeles.
Downtown San Francisco is vulnerable—some of the oldest buildings survived the shaking back in 1906, but that doesn’t mean they’d be safe in the next earthquake by any means. Many of the buildings are built close to the fault and on kind of soft ground that might liquify.
A southern Big One would likely strike a little further away from the heart of Los Angeles, so the impact might be smaller. On the other hand LA has a lot more stuff to break than San Francisco—a lot of it is pretty old. So I think the net expectation is similar north and south. The fault is further away in the South, but it’s also riper, more ready, to go than the one in the north.
More generally, there’s a lot of disasters that come from the strong shaking of an earthquake. It would certainly cause landslides, and conceivably chemical spills. We’re also concerned about fires.
What about tsunamis?
Tsunamis aren’t a big worry here. For an earthquake to make a tsunami it would have to be offshore—not be on the main part of the San Andreas. The ground would move sideways, not so much vertically as in other places, and it’s hard to make a big wave moving sideways. But a lot of other things could happen.
When the Tōhoku earthquake hit Japan in 2011, it caused a disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Are there are any nuclear reactors at risk from a Big One in California?
Not around here—there’s one up by San Onofre but it’s been turned off. There’s been a lot of debate about nuclear reactors. Engineers argue they can make reactors safe, but there have been enough accidents over the years that for safety’s sake they are tending not to build them in most places anymore.
If infrastructure doesn’t rebound, what effects will this have on California?
It’s certainly in the realm of possibility that the earthquake causes something that cripples the economy for a long time. Nobody expected the Fukushima reactor to be a dominant problem in Japan’s 2011 earthquake, for example. There’s always a small chance of some very serious unexpected problems.
It’s also possible that a big earthquake might have less effect than we expect. It’s just very hard to predict.
The Big One is worrisome for the government because it disrupts a large area. But for individuals, the moderate-size earthquakes that are right under our feet are often the worst threat.
Los Angeles, for example is filled with faults, and many of them could have a magnitude seven earthquake. A magnitude seven on a smaller fault might well do more damage than the Big One on the San Andreas. The Big One is only part of the danger here.
NASAIn 2015 rees 'Hunga Tonga' plots op uit de oceaan.
WETENSCHAPVier jaar geleden doemde een eiland plots op uit de Stille Oceaan en ondertussen krioelt het stukje land al van het leven. Vooral de mysterieuze modder fascineert NASA-wetenschappers, die al een expeditie naar het eiland ondernamen: “We waren net enthousiaste schoolkinderen”, zegt NASA-wetenschapper Dan Slayback.
In 2015 steeg tussen de twee eilanden van Tonga door een vulkaanuitbarsting onder het wateroppervlak plots een nieuw vulkanisch eiland op uit de Stille Oceaan. Het plekje grond heeft nog altijd geen officiële naam, maar Tongalezen noemen het ‘Hunga Tonga’.
De afgelopen 150 jaar werden nog maar drie dergelijke ‘nieuwe’ eilanden geregistreerd, dus Hunga Tonga is een grote speeltuin voor wetenschappers. Onderzoekers van NASA zakten onlangs af naar het eiland om er de ondergrond, de fauna en de flora te gaan bestuderen. “We waren net enthousiaste schoolkinderen”, zegt Dan Slayback van het Goddard Space Flight Centre van NASA.
Veel leven en mysterieuze modder
Amper vier jaar nadat Hunga Tonga uit de oceaan rees, krioelt het eiland van het leven. In geen tijd begon er vegetatie te groeien en honderden verschillende soorten zeevogels maken hun nest langs de kliffen. Maar het is vooral de lichtgekleurde, kleiachtige modder die de onderzoekers fascineert: “De modder is heel kleverig, we weten niet goed wat het juist is”, zegt Slayback. “Ik weet nog altijd niet waar die modder vandaan komt.”
NASATussen de twee eilanden van Tonga steeg plots een nieuw stukje land op.
Eiland zal snel weer verdwijnen
Vraag is hoelang Hunga Tonga nog boven water zal blijven, want het duurt meestal slechts enkele maanden voor dergelijke nieuwe eilanden weer weg eroderen. Volgens Slayback ziet het er niet goed uit: “Het eiland erodeert veel sneller dan gedacht door de regen.” Maar voor Hunga Tonga opnieuw in de oceaan verdwijnt, verzamelen Slayback en zijn collega’s nog zo veel mogelijk informatie.
WETENSCHAPOnze planeet is het noorden kwijt en dat mag je letterlijk nemen. De magnetische noordpool van de aarder verschuift sneller dan ooit richting Rusland. Wetenschappers zijn genoodzaakt snel in te grijpen.
De magnetische noordpool is het punt waarnaar een kompas altijd wijst en niet te verwarren met de geografische noordpool. Het geografische noorden blijft altijd op hetzelfde punt liggen, loodrecht tegenover de zuidpool. Het magnetische noorden is een krachtveld ten noorden van Canada dat zich constant beweegt, het beïnvloedt het aardmagnetisch veld rond de aarde. Maar nu het krachtveld plots heel wispelturig wordt, dreigen wij er ook de gevolgen van te dragen.
Het magnetische noorden verschuift normaal met ongeveer 15 kilometer per jaar, maar de laatste twee jaar is de pool telkens met zo’n 55 kilometer verschoven. Naar de oorzaak van die plotse beweging is het gissen, maar een heel beweeglijke noordpool kan wel voor problemen zorgen.
De magnetische noordpool is belangrijk voor bijvoorbeeld de scheep- en luchtvaart. Hoewel GPS met satellieten de magnetische noordpool voor een groot deel overbodig heeft gemaakt, blijft hij wel belangrijk als back-up. Vooral bij langeafstandsvluchten kan een ontregelde noordpool grote afwijkingen veroorzaken. “Mocht men er geen rekening mee houden, zou men er snel 100 kilometer naast zitten”, vertelt de Leuvense geoloog Manuel Sintubin aan De Morgen.
Ook kompassen in elektronische apparaten hangen vaak af van magnetisme en zelfs het Amerikaanse leger gebruikt het magnetische noorden voor bijvoorbeeld parachutesprongen. Wetenschappers zijn dus genoodzaakt snel in te grijpen.
Britse en Amerikaanse wetenschappers brengen de magnetische polen in kaart met het World Magnetic Model (WMM). Het WMM krijgt doorgaans om de vijf jaar een update, maar nu zijn de wetenschappers genoodzaakt om de update al een jaar vroeger door te voeren. Door de shutdown in de VS liet die update even op zich wachten, maar gisteren werd het nieuwe WMM dan toch de wereld in gestuurd.
Sommige wetenschappers zien in de verschuiving een voorbode van het omkeren van de magnetische polen van de aarde. Daardoor zou de magnetische noordpool de magnetische zuidpool worden en omgekeerd. Dat kan verregaande gevolgen hebben, onder meer voor het stroomnet en voor onze communicatiesystemen. Het zou ook het leven aan de aardoppervlakte blootstellen aan hogere dosissen straling van de zon en de ruimte doordat ons magnetisch veld erdoor verzwakt.
Dat omkeren is iets dat normaal gezien om de 200.000 tot 300.000 jaar gebeurt. De recentste ommekeer dateert echter al van 780.000 jaar geleden, waardoor sommige wetenschappers denken dat het niet lang meer zal duren eer er een nieuwe aankomt.
Hoe snel de ommekeer exact gaat? De wetenschap krijgt het voorlopig niet preciezer dan “in een paar duizend jaar”, maar de gevolgen zijn wel de hele tijd te voelen. “Er wordt algemeen aanvaard dat tijdens de ommekeer het magnetische veld verzwakt tot 10 procent van zijn volledige potentieel”, aldus Brad Clement van de Florida International University. “Als het verzwakt is, draaien de polen ongeveer 180 graden, waarna het magnetische veld weer sterker wordt in de omgekeerde richting. En dat kan dus duizenden jaren duren.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFO Fastwalker is flying from a mountain in Rioja, Spain captured by a drone's camera
UFO Fastwalker is flying from a mountain in Rioja, Spain captured by a drone's camera
Last month a drone owner captured the amazing footage of a UFO fastwalker over Utah near Area51. Now a similar event has happened in Spain.
A drone owner in Rioja, Spain captured footage of a UFO fastwalker via the camera or his drone showing the UFO coming from a mountain then it makes a turn flying towards the drone upon which it makes again a turn before going upwards.
Like other fastwalkers the speed is enormous. This fastwalker moves 300 meters per second on which we can once again ask ourselves whether these UFOs are equipped with alien technology or not.
Het magnetische noorden is de voorbije decennia zo snel verplaatst dat vroegere schattingen volgens wetenschappers niet meer volstaan voor een precieze navigatie. Daarom hebben ze, een jaar vroeger dan gepland, een update gegeven over de exacte locatie. Wat blijkt: het magnetische noorden schuift almaar meer op richting Rusland. Voor de complotdenkers: ene Vladimir Poetin heeft hier niets mee te maken.
Volgens de wetenschappers verplaatst het magnetische noorden zich ongeveer 55 kilometer per jaar en werd de internationale datumgrens in 2017 overschreden. “Het noorden schuift op van het Canadese Noordpoolgebied naar het Russische Siberië.
Maar waarom is die verplaatsing zo belangrijk voor ons? “Het kan problemen veroorzaken met de kompassen in onze smartphones en andere consumentenelektronica. Ook vliegtuigen en schepen vertrouwen deels op het magnetische noorden als navigatiemiddel”, aldus geofysicus en hoofdonderzoeker Arnaud Chulliat van de universiteit van Colorado. Gps-systemen worden niet beïnvloed omdat zijn werken op basis van satellietgegevens.
Het Amerikaanse leger gebruikt het magnetische noorden voor navigatie en de namen van start- en landingsbanen voor vliegtuigen zijn gebaseerd op hun verhouding ten opzichte van het magnetische noorden. Als dat verandert, moeten ook de namen aangepast worden.
Normaal gezien wordt de locatie van het magnetische noorden eens om de vijf jaar geüpdatet, maar door de snelle verschuiving zagen de wetenschappers zich genoodzaakt de aanpassing al een jaar vroeger dan gepland te doen.
Sinds de eerste meting in 1831 is het magnetische noorden al ruim 2.300 kilometer opgeschoven richting Rusland. Sinds 2000 is de snelheid gestegen van ongeveer 15 kilometer naar ongeveer 55 kilometer per jaar. De oorzaak daarvoor is turbulentie in de buitenste kern van onze aarde. Daar bevindt zich een hete, vloeibare “oceaan” van ijzer en nikkel waarvan de beweging een elektrisch veld tot stand brengt. “Dat kunnen we magnetisch weer noemen”, aldus geofysicus Daniel Lathrop.
Noord wordt zuid en andersom
Opmerkelijk: het magnetische zuiden beweegt trager dan het noorden. Over het algemeen bekeken wordt het magnetische veld van de Aarde zwakker. Volgens experts zou het na verloop van tijd uiteindelijk zelfs omkeren en zal het magnetische noorden het zuiden worden en andersom. In de geschiedenis van de Aarde is dat al meermaals gebeurd, al was de laatste keer wel meer dan 780.000 jaar geleden. Wanneer de volgende “flip” staat te gebeuren, kunnen de experts niet exact zeggen. “Binnen een 1.000-tal jaar?”
Mothman is the colloquial name given to the winged humanoid creature that reportedly appeared in Point Pleasant, West Virginia during 1966 and 1967. Besides the true strangeness of the mothman sightings, the point pleasant case is forever accented by the collapse of the Silver Bridge in 1967 that claimed the lives of 46 people, solidifying the mothman as a bringer of bad omens in modern American folklore. In 2017, mothman sightings began again, this time in Chicago, Illinois. Lon Strickler, owner of the website Phantoms and Monsters, collected 55 reports from the Chicago area during that period. Further investigation uncovered mothman sightings around lake Michigandating back to 1981.The reports described a large winged humanoid, with a face of some kind, and glowing red eyes. Described as either a bat-like or insect-like creature, the sightings matched the originaldescriptions of the mothmanfirst seen in Point Pleasant. Now it seems like this creature or specter or hoax orguy-with-a-jetpackis back again. Recent reports have come out of a very similar creature in Indiana on thesame highwaythat ran over the doomed Silver Bridge in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.
According to Lon Strickler who compiled the 2017 Chicago reports, the witness (identified by the initials TH) contacted him via telephone in January and described a sighting near Muncie, Indiana, just south of the Prairie Creek Reservoir. Muncie is just about halfway between Point Pleasant, West Virgina and Chicago, Illinois. According to TH, the sighting occurred on December 26, 2018. he and his wife were driving on U.S. 35 when he saw a “huge winged humanoid” fly overhead. According to the report:
TH is a military veteran, hunter, trapper and farmer who lives in the immediate area. His knowledge of military flying craft, wildlife and his keen sense of observance was apparent while I talked to him. The winged being that he was observing was unlike anything he had ever seen before. The creature was flying just above treetop level and was easily visible to the witness. His reaction was to slam on his brakes in wonderment, exclaiming to his wife ‘do you see that?’ His wife was shaken by the sudden stop and was unable to react fast enough to see the winged being.
TH stated that the being was humanoid in shape with an obvious ‘face.’ The body had a length of approximately 6-7 feet, with bat-like wings that were extremely wide. The being was dark-colored, and seemed to glide at a steady speed. He never noticed the flapping of wings while watching the creature.
Strickler also noted that the witness’ wife said that TH was “truly affected” by the encounter and constantly wanted to discuss the incident with her, yet had told no one outside his family. After hearing of other reports, he contacted Strickler with his own account.
The deep emotional imprinting is common with mothman sightings. If it is some sort of omen than that would make sense, of course. Whether this is an actual sighting of a winged, humanoid, supernatural creature is obviously pretty hard to prove even if it’s not simply a made up story. Witness testimony is notoriously unreliable. However, it should be noted that soon after this incident the great lakes region of the U.S was hit with the “polar vortex,” plunging temperatures into the -40 degree Fahrenheit range. According to the BBC, the cold snap was responsible for at least 22 deaths. Was the mothman again signalling bad times ahead? Likely not, but still it’s a weird sort of coincidence.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
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