Lieve vrienden en vriendinnen,
In Amerika is het ook niet alles. Soms worden daar zulke vreemde meningen verkondigd. Zoals bijvoorbeeld, dat Jezus nu in de hemel toch nog in het huwelijk getreden is met Maria van Magdala. Zo zout heb ik het hier in Holland toch nog niet meegemaakt.En die Engelssprekenden zijn zo lief. En je moet wel eens in een uitgesproken geval hard kunnen zijn. En in het onderstaande briefje tracht ik ze daartoe aan te sporen. Ger .................. Muddleheaded people
Dear friends,
This topic I have read with in my remembrance 2 Thessalonians 3 v 2, which is in English: "Pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men for not everyone has faith". A dutch translation has here the word 'wargeesten', what in English is translated as 'muddleheaded people', somewhat more friendly.
At any case: do not pay too much attention to this writing. spend your time with all efficiency. Titus 1 v 13 writes: " Therefore ...rebuke them... (rebellious people and deceivers, v10) ...sharply, " They must be silenced , because they are ruining whole 'households'( the congregation also) by teaching things they ought not to teach(v 11)"
Yesterday in Germany I was asked, whether Adam and Eve had a navel. I have answered , that we should not give our strength of thinking to that sort of 'questions'.
Do not make too many efforts to talk to a 'mere talker', (Titus 1 v 10).
Greetings Ger |