Two young people made their way to Bethlehem. She - being pregnant- was sitting on a mule, the mount of the poor, he walked beside.
Joseph said: "Now we do approach the well of Bethlehem, outside the gate. Did I ever tell you the story of the three heroes, Mary". "I know, but please tell ". ...... Long, long ago, a thousand years ago , in the days of king David, he had a bad time, (2 Samuel 23 v 13- 17). He was not a king by then, but he had to flee for king Saul and in a very hot season he hided in a stronghold in the desert. And in a conversation he said to his friends: " I want to drink water from the well , that is near the gate of Bethlehem".
I suppose he did not say that in earnest. But three of his heroes heard him say that and thought: "We want to make our king happy". Now there was a Philistinean occupation of Bethlehem by there is now a Roman occupation, so it was a dangerous plan. Yet they broke together through the enemy lines, Abisai, Benaja and a third man and managed to take some water from the well.
And proudly an happily they brought this water to David. But he did not want to drink it. David said : "They have done a big deed. It might have cost their lives. This water stands for their blood. And only ONE has rights on their blood: the Lord God". He did not drink it , but poured it out before the Lord.
The three heroes saw it and they did not understand at first. But later on they must have understood very well: the king estimates us very high. He thinks of us as being very precious. ...... Mary said: "Nice story Joseph, you tell it as well as the rabbi in the synagogue. But now, my love, take me some water from the well, just like the three heroes did a thousand years ago. I am tired and thirsty".
Joseph went off the steps . When he came back, Mary said: "You know my -still unborn- babe, that I received from the Holy Spirit. You showed your love, by believing my incredible story, of course after an angel having quieted you.
Now the baby, Joseph... I feel, that he has something to do with this old story. Now these men- so to say- sacrificed their blood for their king, because they loved David so much. And in some way Josh...this child...this wonderfully begotten child...perhaps he also will offer his blood for people he loves...only a thought...
O Joseph, hurry: my time is there. Let us go into Bethlehem and seek a place in an inn.... ................. Greetings Ger
Ik dacht, dat het goed was om een overzicht te geven van al mijn blogs. Misschien zijn er sommige daaronder, die jullie niet kennen.
Lezen hoor !...allemaal helemaal lezen...!! ........ Mag ik jullie aandacht eens vestigen op mijn zes blogs.
Op actualiteiten vind je er twee:
-Jan en Joke, lotgevallen van een groep personen
-Jan en Joke, vervolg.
Jan en Joke loopt een beetje rommelig. Het begint bij twee jonge mensen, Jan en Joke. Maar later worden het dan opeens: Bijbelstudies in het Duits en Frans. Maar alles zeer lezenswaard, vind ik.
Maar het vervolg; daar is niets mis mee
Op andere vind je er vier:
- Bijbelstudies,
(Onderschrift: Wegwijzer naar het land van de jubelende vreugd en de eeuwige blijdschap).
- Geloofsaangelegenheden
( Onderschrift: Jezus Christus is gisteren en heden dezelfde en tot in eeuwigheid
- Mijn boeken
(Onderschrift: Gedachten over bekering, wedergeboorte en doop in de Heilige Geest enz.)
-Mijn leven.
( Onderschrift: Verhalen vanaf mijn prilste jeugd, steeds zoekend naar de Goddelijke leiding daarin)
Nog even een nieuwigheid: je kunt mij ook bereikenop onder Gerritse88. Bij profiel verder clicken naar blogs en geloofsaangelegenheden,
Ook aan te bevelen om eens iets goeds , ( nou ja, vind ik dan), te horen.