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    Jan en Joke
    groepskroniek 1985-2010
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    Hello Wayne,

    With very much interest I read your story about your illness.
    Of course it will be irritating to you, when people come with all sorts of ideas for relief of your pain and trouble. And just now you have found a medical surgery to be freed of things hindering you.

    But very modestly I give an experience to you I had myself. You can easily effectuate it, while even being in doctor's hands.

    I had a very nasty itching from november to february last. I visited many medicins and specialists.
    I scratched myself and went lamentating through the house, mostly at night, when the itching was the most horrible.

    Many people said things to me about what I could do. But one day there came this idea into my mind:
    My body is a house for my human spirit as well as for the Holy Spirit, For by the grace of God I am filled with the Holy Spirit. Niow I am bad for my body, scratching it and wounding it. That body of mine has served me so well during 86 years. It deserves better than what I do.
    And I began to lay hands on my own body, saying:
    " Oh dear, beloved body of mine. No longer my hands will scratch you. My hands will only bless you. No longer my nails will scratch you. From now on my hands wil cherish you and bless you. and comfort you".

    And the struggle was so heavy, that sometimes , I scratched and then lay hands on and scratched and lay hands on....

    I also thought:
    " In the name of Jesus I lay my hands on this ill body for new health".
    And I did so.

    There came a period of very hard struggle. For I also got the flue in a very bad way.
    But I came free. Glory for God.

    I hope to have served you with these experiences. You can go to the medecin and do the same as I did at the same time.


    18-05-2009 om 18:35 geschreven door Gerritse

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