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    Jan en Joke
    groepskroniek 1985-2010
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Waarom bidt Christus selectief. En waarom praat God niet tegen mij
    Dear Vonn,

    You had certain thoughts about John 17 v 9:

    Here we read:
    " I pray for them, I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me ; for they are yours".

    And now you ask, what are our thoughts about these words

    Question 1: Based on this prayer, how would you sum up Jesus' "goals" for the Church?

    Question 2 : How well do you see Christians today fulfilling those goals?

    Now you don't give an own meaning; you say some ideas but you leaf room to us.
    'you are only throwing these questions into the group',
    as we in Holland say. i think this to be a very good way of opening discussion.

    Well, I shall give my impression.

    1 Jesus wants to have his glory through the disciples, given to him by the Father. ( v 10)
    Jesus' disciples are 'his stadtholders', his representants in the world. The disciples ought to be one as the Father and the Son are one, (11).
    He asks for the Father's protection for them, now that he is going to his Father himself(12) .
    He wants his children, his believers to have the same joy in their hearts as he (Jesus) has, (13)
    He prophecies over them that the hatred of the world shall certainly come to them, for they are not of the world, like Jesus was not of the world, (14).
    Jesus points out the devil as the real enemy, against whom the Lord shall protect them , if ( of course) they remanin with the Lord, ( 15)
    Jesus wants the Christians to spread his message wider, (20)
    Jesus wants the Christians to show his glory by being one witrh wih one another, (22)

    Now I think , those are Jesus' goals for his church. And I think your first question to be answered with this, (one of the many possible opinions).

    But how are the Christians of nowadays fulfilling this goal of their dear Jesus, so loved by them.

    In many cases it could be better. Jesus gave one mighty help: the baptizm with the Holy Spirit with all his gifts and fruit.
    These are powerful means to spread Jesus' glory. They are known worldwide, but are not used bij every Christian.

    Christians are not so ' one' as would be wishable. When you find another person and he is saying:
    "Oh...I love Jesus",
    and you see from his beliefworks, that it is o.k. with him, then you should feel 'one' with him. That should be better in the future than it is by now.

    The world is hating the Christians, the devil is pursuing them, just as Christ has said. But Christians coming into difficulties, often are complaining, while the Lord has said, that they should be full of joy even then. Again a point of reflection.

    The Christians always should be joyful, because they have such a splendid eternal future. They should not have to await so much of this -hating- world, but more of the coming eternal happy times. But there is not so much happiness as could be. Room for improvement.

    Christians should see the devil as their main enemy, to be conquered with the armor of the Lord. But they often forget the evil one and fight a less efficient battle. Again:
    "boys and girls ...give the devil hell".

    Christians should spread the evangely. But there are many of them, neglecting this task.

    Now the answer to your second question is: Christians could do better. Much is reached...but far more is still to be reached. Come on...boys and girls.

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    Antwoord:serie 19 - 2007/04/27 16:20 De vraag:

    Ik houd van God. maar hij is zo stil. En de heilige Geest houdt zich ook zo stil.

    En ...o ja...3½ week geleden heb ik ook 'de Christus' leren kennen

    Wie geeft me eens wat advies.

    Mijn antwoord:

    Lieber Jan,

    Ein Satz in deinem Topic zog meine Aufmerkamheit an sich ins besondere:
    " Ich habe mich erst vor 3½ Wochen für den Christus entschieden...".
    Aber Jan....ich höre von den meisten Christnen, dass sie zuerst den lieben Herrn Jesus haben kennen gelernt und dass sie erst späterhin Gott den Vater und den heiligen Geist die Bekanntschaft haben gemacht.
    Gott der Vater, Gott der Sohn, und Gott der heilige Geist sind ein. Aber se kommen zu uns mit in sich die selbe Quelle von, (Galater 5 v 22:
    "Liebe, Freude, Friede, Geduld, Freundlichkeit, Gütigkeit, Santftmut"... und so weiter.
    Und Gott der Vater hat Gott den Sohn zu uns geschicket weiL er uns liebt und seinen Sohn zu uns wollte senden, um den Weg von Gott zu uns offen zu machen, (Johannes 3 v 16).
    Und der Sohn ist gekommen und hat alle Sünden von allen Menschen von allen Zeiten, in so weit als sie das für sichselber akzeptieren wollten, übergenommen und die für sie getragen.Und so machte er den Weg frei von Gott zu uns. Aber frag nicht, was das ihm gekostet hat.
    Und dann hat Gott der Vater Gott den Heiligen Geist gesand um es uns möglich zu machen um den vollen Weg zu ihm zurück zu finden.
    Und nun hast du allerhand Fragen.
    Warum ist Gott so stille. Warum spür ich nicht so viel vom Heiligen Geist. Sind es meine Sünde, die viele sind und sicherlich viele waren.
    Aber tue nun dieses
    - geh Jesum zu preisen dass er alle deine Sünde übernommen hat
    - gehe Gott preisen, dass er seinen ganzen Himmel leer gegeben hat um uns zu retten
    - gehe den Heiligen Geist zu loben und danken, dass er uns bei der Hand nehmen will und uns dichter an Gott heran zu bringen.
    - suche die Bekanntschaft anderer Christnen. Lass dich bemütigen und lehren von ihnen un lese mit ihnen die Bibel
    Wenn du das tuest, kommst du bestimmt weiter.
    Gruss aus Holland

    22-09-2007 om 19:02 geschreven door Gerritse

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