Dear all,
About 'healing by God' Pastor David in the posting herebefore said a very remarkable thing. As I have understood him well, he said , that the healing of our inner person, our 'human spirit', was of the most importance.
This struck me, because in 'Ask Ger' I have just begun with a series about ´the gift of healing´. And I have begun with 'inner healing'.
You can go to 'Ask Ger', another forum up here, but I want to make it easier for you. I give the first lection - of propably eight- now ansd here:
THE GIFT OF HEALING; first treatise.
Gift of healing; we did already speak of it so much in Pentecostal circles. I still know, that people said to me in 1960, when I had just begun to become a pentecostal Christian " only know that text from Mark 16 v 18: "They will place their hands on sick persons, and they will get well".
And afterwards, in the first ten years of my 'having part' in those new thoughts it handled first and foremost about 'being healed' and such textes as Matthew 8 v 14 and 15. "When Jesus came into Peter's house, he saw Peter's mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever. - Het touched her hand -...and the fever left her -...and she got up -...and began to wait on him".
There were in that time fatiguing slogans such as: "You were not healed. Oh, then you did not believe". and: "Have you been to the med, (medicin). Then you have denied Jesus".
After the hype in these first decennia there came other 'hot items'. 'Healing by God' came even a little bit on the background. But now it is the time to penetrate into this matter a bit deeper. For most of the gifts I need four essays. But this could be for this gift many more. We will see.
At first; by 'gifts of healing' mostly at first is thought of 'healing of the body'. But besides the body with its organs , muscles and skeleton there are still more: - the soul with all physical disturbances, which can house there -the spirit with all oppressions, which our really deepest person has to undergo.
The evil powers , the powers of darkness; referring to them we already learned, that they are the real adversaries, against whom we have to fight. It is them, who oppress spirit, soul and body. The evil powers try to use our spirit, soul and body for their bad issues. But because they are acting so rough and callious in attacking us, to get grip on us in any hinsight, they cause us wounds.
Our spirit is bearer of God's laws, being these also the laws of truth. And then there are the falsehood spirits. - they try to bend all utterances of our human spirit - belief, one of the richesses of the human spirit is brought upon a wrong track - the key of true knowledge , for which all people are eagerly seeking, is made loss - wisdom is made to foolishness - intelligence is darkened. - the power of the spirit is extinghuished or propelled into a wrong direection Just as the body gets ill, when it has to do things, wherefore it is not built, so it is with the spirit. When the spirit is forced to do quite other things , than those it is hankering for from nature, that spirit becomes ill.
People, worried by all sorts of bodily faults, such as a constant cold, migraine, arthritis, handle good, to let heal their 'inner person' by the Lord. It COULD be that bodily evils have something to do with causes that are deeper.
Let us therefore go back to the healing of the human spirit. The purpose of the Lord with mankind is always the absolute healing of body, soul and spirit as for example pointed to in 1 Thess. 5 v 23: `May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless on the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
To make a real good beginning in our deepest inner, the evil falsehood spirit, which curtails and lames that 'inner person', must be casted lout. Don't think with this only of special services in the congregation, in which a serious warning is given to the demons Think also of such a 'simple' bibletext as Psalm 107 v 20: "He sent forth his word and healed them, he rescued them from the grave".
When a beginning believer with reverence, respect and a 'positive attitude' begins to read the bible....when he is meditating over it, thinking about it, and so on...and so on... then sometimes there are falsehood-spirits, not feeling at home in that sphere and leave or at least are hindered in the developing of their power-of-destruction. In the deepest inner there comes a first healing.
And in the recovering spirit at last an original thought comes to the surface, FOR INSTANCE: "But i am not called to jealousy. That bad mark, I am giving free is does not belong to my being.
So you can do very much to your inner healing. Of course this all does not exclude, that help of other Christians, who can cast out evil spirits by the powerful name of Jesus Christ, will be necessary at many times.
Enough this time with the first exploration of a big arrea.
Greetings Ger
................. Now you can follow all the lectures coming . In these disquisitions I give all the experience I have had in my life, since as a 37 years man, God led me to these thing in 1959.
For the moment I want to give you my last experience with 'healing by Jesus'.
Some of you know that since november last year I was troubled by a very exhausting itching. I visited medecins and specialists, but they could not give an answer to that.
Of course I prayed. And some weeks ago I got an idea, which made me very joyful.
This thought came into my heart after the reading of James 5: ....... Your body is a bearer not only of your human spirit. It is also a bearer of the Holy Spirit, since you - by the mercy of God- were filled with that holy Spirit.
Should you not love your body, also for this reason ?
But what are you doing: you are scratching it, as if it were an enemy.
You could better bless it and say: "Oh....dear body of mine. which my spirit and the Holy Spirit both live....I will treat you as a friend...bless you, lay hands on you in the name of Jesus".
And then; every moment that I was scratching, I said: "Oh Lord ..I am not o.k. on this moment in what I am doing. Sorry; body of mine"
And then I said: "I lay hands on you, blessing you in the name of our dear Lord Jesus".
And for the first time since november I could sleep a good part of the night. And I believe I am on the good way.
There are so many ways 'healing in the name of Jesus' can come to us.A million times Christians in all countries in the world have practise. You can also have it, even being in your own room , alone with your depression. Your gradual 'being healed of it' will be no success story; it does not come in any magazine. But you know and the Lord knows.
You all know all the textes. I only give an anthology and only mention these finding places:Act 5 v 16. 8 v 79 v 34, 10 v 38, 28 v 8, 28 v 9, 28 v 27.
Ai...I leave it to this.
Only a story as I heard yesterday at t.v.
A girl of 23, having become an drugs-adict from her 14th. She met a group of Christians and began to love Jesus. She was innerly healed and long after that...she pledged to Jesus: "Oh foot. You know everything of that accident , when I was 3; all those operations, the constant pain, which even led to all the bad tihngs, for I was so desperate of pain. And now...Lord Jesus...I am still desperate, although I know you...... Lord !!!!"
She never felt any pain afterwards. And long, long after these events she wrote a book, praising the Lord.
Greetings Ger