HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME, ( Matthew 6 v 9).
There are so many thoughts tied to these four words.
You all know the wider context, in which they are standing: " Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10: your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven".
But let us turn back to these two words: "Hallowed be..." The name of God is the expression of his being. He is high and not to be reached by our human thoughts. But in the bible God tells us so much about himself, that we can form an idea, what it is: to hallow his name.
Our dear Lord Jesus Christ gave us an example of this. In John 17 v 4 he says: "I have brought your glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do".
Of course the hallowing of God will be far more stronger in the 'thousand years'to come and in the time after, but the hallowing of God began when Jesus began his work on earth. And he completed his part of the work.
But the Holy Spirit makes it possible also for all of us to complete the work God has ready for US. Many of my readers are reborn and filled with the Holy Spirit. But what I am going to say is valid also for those, who are only converted and know that the great work Jesus has done, makes them free of sin, because he has carried away our sins.
Now listen: Galatians 5 v 22 teaches us , that there is a fruit of 'God the Holy Spirit' and this fruit is divided in nine wonderful pieces: - love, joy, peace - patience, kindness, goodness - faithfulness, gentleness - self-control.
Your work on earth consists of: love. You can have the love of Lord Jesus in your heart , the Holy Spirit can give it to you, when you ask for it. He can give it in permanency, in bad and in good days, so that it is streaming from you like a fountain. Then you are a light for people around you, so that at least they get an idea, that you have something they want to have. And in the best case they will be drawn to you and through you to God.
And when you have joy, you are like a magnet. Indeed, some people will flee from you, because they seek darkness. But there are many people, longing for something else than the surrogate-joy of this world, that 'vanity fair'.
And when there is an innerly peace, you are also a catalyst. People have to make a choice, flee away from you, because they love darkness more than light, or sharing you.
And kindness; there is so little kindness in this world and so much bitterness and hatred. Many people are so tired from all agression and even assertivety, that they are happy to hear someone, who is at last kind, with the kindness, given by the Holy Spirit.
Not more about the fruit.
Some words about the gifts, 1 Corinth 12 v 8-10: - wisdom, knowledge, - gifts of healing - miraculous powers - faith, prophecy - ability to distinghuish between spirits - different kinds of tongues - interpretation of tongues.
They lay all ready for you. You can exercise in the fruit. You can exercise in the gifts. And so for your part you can hallow God's name here and now, already beginning now with the glorious times to come.
Greetings Ger