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    groepskroniek 1985-2010
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Waar zijn we na de dood
    De vraag: "waar zijn wij naar de dood"

    Hello David,

    Let us go together to Luke 16.
    V 19 to 31 are speaking about 'the rich man and Lazarus'.

    Now you can have many preaches about this, but for now this is the only important thing:
    The rich man and also Lazarus immediately after death had an awareness.

    From the rich man this is reported wider than from Lazarus But the impression is given that Lazarus had too an awareness.
    - the rich man could speak
    - he could recognize Abraham, so he could see
    - he could have feelings; "I am in the flames and they torment me".
    - he could be thirsty, (24).

    So some bibles speak about hell, other bibles speak about 'realm of the dead'.

    But as you can read: Abraham and Lazarus were at the good side of the realm of the dead. That is the waiting-room for full heavenly joy . But even this waiting- room is an absolute lovely place to be.

    But the bad side of the realm of the dead, where the rich man was, is a place of provisionary custody. On the great day, whereabout Matthew 25 is speaking, Lazarus goes to the full joy, but the rich man comes from provisional custody into the place of permanent imprisonment. He had a bad time, he gets a bad time , not in the realm of the dead, but now in hell.

    Some people say:
    "Jesus said this in a simplifying way, connecting to the general thoughts in his time".
    I do not believe, that about such important questions Jesus should not say exact things. He always said what he meant.

    There is much more to say about these things , bur for the moment I leave it by this.


    16-02-2008 om 14:14 geschreven door Gerritse

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Verschillen tussen bijbelvertalingen
    Originally Posted by Elshevia
    Thank you ger, for most informitive dialog, it has helped a lot. Now the next question is this nowhere in Scripture does it say that Jesus Christ delivered us
    from or dealt with s...n's powers at Calvary, He dealt with s...n's authority.
    the King James Version uses the greek words dunamis { power } and
    exousia { authority }. interchangeably which creates confusion, in its readers
    where other Bibles do not, in Colossians 1:13. "who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, where other Bibles say that Christ has delivered us from the authority of darkness, may I ask what you think of this wrong translation
    because these two words are not the same, it has been explained to me as....
    when you have the authority, you have the power,

    what is your idea on this ger. Elshevia.

    Hello Elshevia,

    Colossians 1 v 12 and 13 says in the New international version:
    "Let us give thanks to the Father who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.
    For he, ( the Father) has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves".

    Indeed these verses speak of the Father and not of the Son.
    But it remains a fact that the translation of K.J. was not quite correct and that modern translations have something more 'to the point'. this catastrophal ?
    I make a sidestep now. From the 17 th century up to the 20 th century we had in Holland the 'Statenvertaling'.
    And there was standing in Genesis 22 v 1 that the Lord tempted Abraham, whilie in James 1 v 14 is standing:
    " ...God does not tempt anyone".

    But millions of Dutch Christians have found there Saviour in spite of this manco. And I am sure that millions of K.J.- readers have too.

    The word of the Lord is so strong, that little failures do no hurt it.
    Let us know at least this:
    The Lord him all the honour...has saved us from the dominion of darkness.
    He gives us the status of conquerors of darkness an he gave us too the status of ' inheritance of the kingdom of light'.

    But we have to verify that in our lifes.

    I give you an example:
    When I had finished my schooling as a puiblic auditor, the head of the office sent me in 1957 into practise with these words:
    "Now mr are now in full authority as a public auditor. You have all the licenses...but you don't have any experience 'in the field' except from what you experienced in your stage-period. You must make true in your behaviour and in your handling of all practice-matters that you are worth to exercise this magnificent function. But we all in the office want to help you in the first difficult years".

    Now the Lord has given us all these delightful things we have gained by the sacrifice of Lod Jesus and only by God's grace. It is now up to us to step into the works the Lord has prepared for us.


    10-02-2008 om 14:17 geschreven door Gerritse

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Genezingen in de naam van Jezus
    Hello Els,

    You had questions about:

    Luke. 9:1-2. Luke. 9:38-43. Luke. 10:17&19.
    Luke. 11:20, & 24-26. Luke.13:11-13 &16.
    Luke. 13:32. Luke. 14:4. Luke. 22:3.

    I am beginning to answer. But it is not sure that I can answer all textes in one posting. Be however sure that in the course of time they all will be answered as far as the answer is not already given in a previous posting of mine.
    In Holland I now have a girl with 14 questions. And after you I go back from California (?) to Holland to give her an answer to her third question.

    Here we go:

    Luke 9 v 1 - 2.
    " When Jesus had called the Twelve together ,
    he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick".

    This text is valid up to now. The authority to do these things lies open to us. When Jesus sent out his disciples, the Holy Spirit had not yet been poured out, but Jesus gave them a temporary ' power of that Spirit', in awaiting of that glorious day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came to the believers to remain in those who remained filled with the Holy Spirit.

    But nowadays we have many converts, but we don't have so many ' deep converts', ( not with their soul, but with their spirit). And we have even less ' born again' people and the number of people that has been filled by the Holy Spirit and stick to it, without hesitating or sliding back , is even lower.

    But if we make profit out of all the good things Jesus left us , when he had said that delightfuil word: "Finished" (John 19 v 30), then it is now possible to do all the great things the disciples did then.

    But our God is a generous God. I know of a minister in a dutch church , who did not reckon with all these nice things, (but however: he was a good Christian), and a member of his church said:
    "Pastor...I am so sick. Come and annoint me with oil"
    as James 5 v 21 says:
    "Is anyone of you sick ? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and annoint him with oil in the name of the Lord".

    The pastor took with him two elders and they went very shy, but praising the Lord to the sick person and did, what James said. And the sick person was healed.

    But of course Els....people who have had such an experience, have to go on with these things. I do not know, whether this pastor did like this.


    02-02-2008 om 14:26 geschreven door Gerritse

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Wat bedoelt Job, wanneer hij spreekt, zoals in 1 v 21
    Brother Ger, In the book of Job.1:21
    what dose it mean Naked came I and naked shall I go
    dose it mean no cloths or something else.

    My answer comes.

    Dear Shennagirl,

    I repeat what a famous dutch comment wrote about this vers (Job 1 v 21)
    "Naked I came from my mother's womb
    and naked I will depart.
    The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;
    may the name of the Lord be praised"....
    Without any possessions Job came from the womb of his mother. Without any possessions he shall go to the earth , the womb of al creation.
    The same identification of ´motherwomb´and 'the earth as womb' you find in Psalm 139 v 13 - 15.
    Job acknowledges the absolute sovereignty of the Lord and hallows his name. He did not serve the Lord- as the big liar, the devil, suggested - for the profit, but for himself ! Deeply touched by the sovereignty of the Lord he is brought to worship. This is the nucleus of religion: worshipping of the sovereignty of God.
    So ....the being naked has nothing to do with Job's birth an dying. It has a far deeper meaning: satan is a liar as far he said bad things about Job's religion. Job does not always hold up this firm attitude, see 3 v 1.; 9 v 22 and other places.

    But in this all there is a lesson for us. Ephesians 5 v 20 says:
    "always giving thankings to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus".
    And Romans 8 v 28 adds:
    "And we know that in all things God works for the good those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose".

    I hope to have given some more answers than you asked.


    26-01-2008 om 16:31 geschreven door Gerritse

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Is de doop in de Heilige geest er alleen voor predikers en zo
    Hello Elshevia,

    Well...serie 1 is on its way. All the questions are due to come here in the future.

    Now you asked:

    I have found that the Annointing of the Holy Spirit, is only Present when ministering like Praying for others, or Comforting
    Is this correct.

    No Elshevia, I don't think so. In the Old Testament it is often said, like in Numbers 11 v 25 about the seventy elders:
    "When the Spirit rested on them, they prophesied, but they did not do so again.
    You see as such , Numbers 24 v 2, 1 Chronicals 12 v 18, , 2 Chronicals 25 v 1 and other places.

    Before the conquest of our dear Lord Jesus the Holy Spirit was only temporarily with some people, just as you think he is only now with us when we are praying for others or comforting.

    But it is all more wonderful than you already think.

    John 7 v 39 says:
    " By these words ( see before) Jesus meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been gloriefied".

    Till the moment Jesus went to heaven to receive all the power in heaven and on earth on Ascension day the Old Testamentic situation remained.

    But at 'the great evening meal' Jesus said: ( John 14 v 16):
    " And I will ask the Father , and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever- the Spirit of truth".

    And that is so full of splendour Elshevia. The Holy Spirit is with us. For ever and ever and ever....if we do not make that Spirit sad.

    But if we are living with our Lord, the Holy Spirit gives us comfort in all situations.
    On the 26 th of Ocober my wife fell from the staircase and was very badly damaged. But in the first disastrous moment after that. I got a good advice in my heart:
    " Take notion of what is said in Psalm 50 v 23.There stands:
    "He who sacrifices thank offerings, honors God
    and he prepares the way
    so that I (God) may show him the salvation of God"..

    On that moment I was not ministring and not praying, only panicing.
    But the Holy Spirit was then and there present.

    Situation has a bit improved, but I think, my wife shall be in a nursing-home for the rest of her days, (she is 84), although she was only bruised and had nothing broken. But mentally she was already weakening and that process has got more momentum.

    Thank God Elsehevia for the Holy Spirit, who is always with you.

    By the way Els....I saw anywhere a question from you, whether it were possible that a person had the Holy Spirit in him and also a demon. Can you place this question in series 1.


    25-01-2008 om 21:16 geschreven door Gerritse

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