Wat bedoelt Job, wanneer hij spreekt, zoals in 1 v 21
Brother Ger, In the book of Job.1:21 what dose it mean Naked came I and naked shall I go dose it mean no cloths or something else.
My answer comes. G.
Dear Shennagirl,
I repeat what a famous dutch comment wrote about this vers (Job 1 v 21) "Naked I came from my mother's womb and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised".... ................. Without any possessions Job came from the womb of his mother. Without any possessions he shall go to the earth , the womb of al creation. The same identification of ´motherwomb´and 'the earth as womb' you find in Psalm 139 v 13 - 15. Job acknowledges the absolute sovereignty of the Lord and hallows his name. He did not serve the Lord- as the big liar, the devil, suggested - for the profit, but for himself ! Deeply touched by the sovereignty of the Lord he is brought to worship. This is the nucleus of religion: worshipping of the sovereignty of God. ................ So ....the being naked has nothing to do with Job's birth an dying. It has a far deeper meaning: satan is a liar as far he said bad things about Job's religion. Job does not always hold up this firm attitude, see 3 v 1.; 9 v 22 and other places.
But in this all there is a lesson for us. Ephesians 5 v 20 says: "always giving thankings to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus". And Romans 8 v 28 adds: "And we know that in all things God works for the good those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose".
I hope to have given some more answers than you asked.
Is de doop in de Heilige geest er alleen voor predikers en zo
Hello Elshevia,
Well...serie 1 is on its way. All the questions are due to come here in the future.
Now you asked:
I have found that the Annointing of the Holy Spirit, is only Present when ministering like Praying for others, or Comforting Is this correct.
No Elshevia, I don't think so. In the Old Testament it is often said, like in Numbers 11 v 25 about the seventy elders: "When the Spirit rested on them, they prophesied, but they did not do so again. You see as such , Numbers 24 v 2, 1 Chronicals 12 v 18, , 2 Chronicals 25 v 1 and other places.
Before the conquest of our dear Lord Jesus the Holy Spirit was only temporarily with some people, just as you think he is only now with us when we are praying for others or comforting.
But it is all more wonderful than you already think.
John 7 v 39 says: " By these words ( see before) Jesus meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been gloriefied".
Till the moment Jesus went to heaven to receive all the power in heaven and on earth on Ascension day the Old Testamentic situation remained.
But at 'the great evening meal' Jesus said: ( John 14 v 16): " And I will ask the Father , and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever- the Spirit of truth".
And that is so full of splendour Elshevia. The Holy Spirit is with us. For ever and ever and ever....if we do not make that Spirit sad.
But if we are living with our Lord, the Holy Spirit gives us comfort in all situations. On the 26 th of Ocober my wife fell from the staircase and was very badly damaged. But in the first disastrous moment after that. I got a good advice in my heart: " Take notion of what is said in Psalm 50 v 23.There stands: "He who sacrifices thank offerings, honors God and he prepares the way so that I (God) may show him the salvation of God"..
On that moment I was not ministring and not praying, only panicing. But the Holy Spirit was then and there present.
Situation has a bit improved, but I think, my wife shall be in a nursing-home for the rest of her days, (she is 84), although she was only bruised and had nothing broken. But mentally she was already weakening and that process has got more momentum.
Thank God Elsehevia for the Holy Spirit, who is always with you.
By the way Els....I saw anywhere a question from you, whether it were possible that a person had the Holy Spirit in him and also a demon. Can you place this question in series 1.
Antwoord aan iemand, die denkt dat hij rechtstreeks contact kan hebben met God buiten Jezus om.
Hello Child of God,
You wrote important things, but - as far as I can see- you did not mention the name of Jesus, our Lord. The Bible says however these words:
(Of course you know John 14 v 6, where Jesus says): "I m the way ....and the truth.....and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".
Now you say: - I want to be rich as Abraham - I want to be a prophet like Eliah - I want to be a blessed poet like David - I want to have the wisdom of Solomon. .....of course not that full measure, but something that goes into that direction.
But the bible says in Romans 8 v 29: "For those God foreknew he also predestinated to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers".
Now you can also have this wish: - I want to be a look alike to Jesus
And that is possible by the mercy and the grace of God. And all who want to do as such have the heavy but delightful task - to repent their sins - to hallow Lord Jesus that he wants to take the sins away from those who accept him as their way, their truth and their life. - to be not only converted in their soul, but also in their spirit, by following Lord Jesus, also through difficult ways. - to be 'reborn' by the steady reading of the bible, ( 1 Peter 1 v 23) -to let themselves baptize by the Holy Spirit. (Acts 19 and other places)
And that is the way to become like Jesus.
And then there are for you: - wisdom , more thans Solomon - richness, when God allows this to happen to you - prophecy, more than Eliah. ....together with persecution, (Mark 10 v 30).
Please go the way of Jesus Christ you all who hear this.
Struikelen komt in de bijbel soms voor in verschillende betekenissen
Originally Posted by Shennagirl Brother. Ger i was reading in Jeremiah in 46:6 talks about stumble. i don't understand .because in 1 peter 2:8 talks about stumble to are they the same or they different. please explain
Hello Shennagirl. Jeremiah 46 v 6 and 1 Peter 2 v 8 are two totally different places.
Jeremiah 46 v 6: "The swift cannot flee nor the strong escape. In the north by the river Euphrates they stumble and fall".
In Jeremiah there is talk of it, that Egypt , a very big world power in those days, will have a deciding defeat at Karkemis , (river Euphrates); they try to attack Babel, but it all ends in a horrible disappointment. "Their strong men do not escape from being killed, and their swift men cannot flee. They all are stumbling and falling.
Every bibletext has a learning for us. In my young days there was also a very great worldpower, very bad, The Nazikingdom in Germany. They planned to attact another wicked country ,. the Sovjet union, but at Stalingrad, the blossom of their sons was killed and that was the beginning of the end of Nazi- power. It will allways go like that, as it went with Egypt and later with Babel....and much later with Germany ...and just some years ago with the Sovjet union. All these powers, enemous to God, will fall.
And now for 1 Peter 2 v 8: "A stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall". They stumble because they disobey the message- which is also where they were destined for".
Jesus preached an evangely of the unvisible world, the world , where believers, filled with the holy Spirit, conquer satan in his own stronghold.
In old days there were the Pharisees, having a treasure in their hands, all the learnings of the old Testament. But when Jesus came, pointing to new ways, lying in the unvisisble world.... because they wanted to know only the visible world, they said "No". His heavenly words did not answer to their earthly expectations. He became for them a stone, that caused them to stumble and a rock that made them fall.
If they had said "Yes", then should have happened , what is said in v 9: "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God".
But because they did not want to accept the message of Jesus, now...for their own responsability...they are destined to fall further and further down.
This lesson for us: when we only accept Jesus for our salvation and when we don't want to accept anything more from him: - being reborn - being filled with the Holy Spirit - being filled with the gifts and the fruit of God the Holy Spirit, then we are in great danger to fall back under the constant attacks of satan.
So the great lesson is : not remain standing with conversion , but go ahead with rebirth and baptizm in the Holy Spirit.
Zijn er engelen der liefde, die je hart onderzoeken.
Re: Another Question
Originally Posted by Shennagirl A lady ask this Question?
Trust in me, That if you open your heart to God and Jesus, so shall the angels of love scan your heart and mind to see if you are ready to connect to God.
Where can you find that in the bible?
Dear Shennagirl,
Again I have to disappoint you. I can find this nowhere.
What I can find is this: (Colossians 2 v 18): "Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you for the prize. Such a person goes into great detail about which he has seen, and his unspiritual mind puffs him up with idle notions".
Those who speak of holy angels, scanning your heart, whether it is capable of connecting with God...those people are in fact- though they have mostly only good things in mind- worshippers of angels.
The Lord God himself scans the hearts of all people perpetuously, knowing on every moment, what we are doing or thinking or planning to speak. He even knows from eternity everything about us, when nothing was realized in our lifes of all things to happen, (Psalm 139 v 16). He does not need in his allpowerfulness: angels.
Angels indeed have tasks....given to them by the Lord. But they have not thís task.
Tell this lady, that only one name has been given(Acts 4 v 12): "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved, (The name of Jesus Christ) Tell this lady also that angels are SERVANTS of the Lord, but that mankind, turning to Jesus , is destinated to be SONS of God.
Quote: Originally Posted by Shennagirl Brother Ger. My daughter heard that being cremated is a sin. If so where is that at in the bible.
Hello Shennagirl,
Nowhere in the bible is standing that 'being cremated' is a sin. But in old Israel it was always a habit to be buried. And always, when the apostles are talking about dying, they get their examples from 'a burial'., ( 1 Corinth 15 v 42- 45).
Now you can say it is a good habit to bury dead people, but it is not good to say, that cremation is a sin.
An example: lately there was this question in Holland; "is smoking a sin". I have answered then: "No" pointing to Galatians 3 v 3: "Are you so foolish ? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort".
The Galatians were introducing all sorts of Jewish laws of not eating this or not drinking that or not doing this and not acting like that.
And in the early pentecostal times in Holland, there came already 'a new time' law: "Thou shalt not have a television". and: "You shall not read the Telegraph, ( a journal) and of course: "You shall not smoke". But soon we stepped down from those things as 'rules'.
Of coure it is bad to smoke, but we cannot win heaven by 'no smoking'. Of course it is no habit in Christian circles to be cremated, but you cannot go to heaven, because you have been buried instead of cremated.
Galatians 5 v 1: "It is for freedom, that Christ has set us free . Stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a joke of slavery, : ( neither by self - 'fabricated' rules, not finding their firm cementing in the bible).
Originally Posted by suhasinijaiseelraj What is generational curses and how to recognise and how to overcome.
My dear Suhasini,
As always you will find the answer in the Bible. In Numbers 22 to 24 you read the story of Balaam , a very famous sorcerer . to whom was asked to speak out a curse over the Israelites. Now it is a long story. You should read it yourself, for it is tremendous. But God did not allow Balaam to speak out such a curse. In Numbers 23 v 23 Balaam calls out: "There IS no sorcery against Jacob no divination against Israel".
And God does not allow sorcery and divination against Chirstians, following Jezus Christ. - For in those days God's plan was: the Israelite people. He wished to bring them in his promised land and no sorcerer could hinder the plan of God - But now God's plan has gone forward as far as Jesus and he wants to bring his people of these days to the promised land of now, the heavenly Jerusalem.
And if you, Suhasini, love Lord Jesus and follow him, you are free from every sorcery against your family in the past.
Now we step off from John 3 and go discuss for some time terms like: "Born of God', an equivalent to 'being reborn'.
At first we arrive at 1 John 3 v 9:
"No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God".
And I add 2 vers 1 to it: " My dear children , I write this to you that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense - Jesus Christ, the Righteous one".
Of course it is like this, that someone , in who's ' inner person' by rebirth grows a new , heavenly nature, can fall in sin one day.
Originally is it is like this, that in our 'inner person' a tiger is living. The apostle Paul says things worthy of consideration about this in Romans 7. But...when new life is beginning to grow in us , there comes besides this devouring and annihilating tiger...... a complex of wrong thoughts , so close to our most deep ' ínner person', that it is nearly not te be separated from our spirit, although this should be and can be .....comes besides this tiger also a lamb of peace, joy and love.
And now this is the most desirable course of things: - we feed that lamb exuberantly with thoughts of peace and hail , of friendliness, goodness and truth. - and to the tiger we give....NOTHING
All my friends , who become aware by themselves that God is active to let them become reborn 'to al living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade- kept in heaven for you"....(1 Peter 1 v 3 and 4) ...I send a call to them to give nothing to the tiger and EVERYTHING to the lamb. And if yet you get a gloomy, jet-black , joyrobbing thought, do then like this: chase it away immediately. Don't give an opportunity to this thought , to fructify your mind. For you know:James 1 v 14 and 15 say: "Each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. (15) Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown gives birth to death".
But when you have given any room to such a bad thought,...what happens...then the black birds of evil no longer are flying over your head...no...they have made their nests in your hair.
Then turn to Jesus, our 'speaker' to the Father, confess that dark moment to him and....you can pursuit your way of rebirth. For a moment you have given to the tiger.... lying down quite limply .....something to eat. And at the same moment those eyes began shooting sparks and he rose on his feet. - But when you, as soon as you only were able, confessed everything to Jesus and asked him for force never to be so thoughtless an imprudent again - ...and when you thanked God , that he had shown to you weak spots in your character, where you were so fit to be drained off and so easily to be seduced , so that you could handle that more efficiently ... what happened ?:then the tiger fell to the ground again.. and now you can again go further with 'feeding the lamb'.
And once comes the time, that you are so vigilant, that - so to say- you cannot longer sin, because the seed of God constantly remains in you.
When is that time there . Well: that is not so soon: you know me as an 81 years-fellow, (now 85), who could be esteemed, to have conquered the devices of the devil meanwhile , being alert to them anyhow.
Now...this morning there came an unpleasant, annoying thought in me....´the black birds were flying again`.
And to you... my friends, I can tell this freely: just for a moment I gave room to this thought.
But ... quiet down: at the same moment I went to Jesus with this , my defendor, my advocate...and I have said: "Oh Lord...forgivance...do you want to pass the message to God, that I am so sorry for that. Please ; give me strength to be still more alert. Thank you Lord".
And...I could go on again with 'feeding and letting grow the lamb' ..
Quote: Originally Posted by Shennagirl Brother Ger. My daughter heard that being cremated is a sin. If so where is that at in the bible.
Hello Shennagirl,
Nowhere in the bible is standing that 'being cremated' is a sin. But in old Israel it was always a habit to be buried. And always, when the apostles are talking about dying, they get their examples from 'a burial'., ( 1 Corinth 15 v 42- 45).
Now you can say it is a good habit to bury dead people, but it is not good to say, that cremation is a sin.
An example: lately there was this question in Holland; "is smoking a sin". I have answered then: "No" pointing to Galatians 3 v 3: "Are you so foolish ? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort".
The Galatians were introducing all sorts of Jewish laws of not eating this or not drinking that or not doing this and not acting like that.
And in the early pentecostal times in Holland, there came already 'a new time' law: "Thou shalt not have a television". and: "You shall not read the Telegraph, ( a journal) and of course: "You shall not smoke". But soon we stepped down from those things as 'rules'.
Of coure it is bad to smoke, but we cannot win heaven by 'no smoking'. Of course it is no habit in Christian circles to be cremated, but you cannot go to heaven, because you have been buried instead of cremated.
Galatians 5 v 1: "It is for freedom, that Christ has set us free . Stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a joke of slavery, : ( neither by self - 'fabricated' rules, not finding their firm cementing in the bible).
Antwoord op een vraag of er iets aan te doen is, dat de duivel het telkens weer probeert.
Hello Shennagirl,
They always try to come back. Yiou read this even in the history of Jesus. When the devil had given him all these difficulties in the desert and Jesus conquered , there is saidMatthew 4 v 11.: "The devil left him".
But...he came back, although Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit for the full 100%. You read that in Matthew16 v 23. When Peter became a temporary instrument of satan , saying: "Never Lord...this (the cross) shall never happen to you, ( 22), Jesus says: " Out of my eyes , satan".
Although you try to be filled with the Holy Spirit of the Lord to the utmost, the devil , who is absolutely lawless, will come back from time to time to tease you.
But you know wat James 4 v 7 says: "Resist the devil, ( of course in the name of Jesus)(Mark 16 v 17)...and he will flee from you".
But during all your fights you will become stronger and stronger.
How did you write this verey clearly: i will get all unfaithful thoughts against God.some fear will strike me. "will i see victory in my life" what will my son do. will i be put in shame? How to search a proper match for my daughter? will God give me long life. i feel satan is always tempting me one way or the other. I feel to over come all these fears, i need the touch of the Holy Spirit. please do, pray for me that all these fears should go away from me. and i should feel Gods presence all the days of my life. give me some encouraging words thank you
My reaction What can we do for you all of us with our hearts, burning for love for you. We understand this all so well, all of us: the fears, that can come up in the heart of a mother of children.
At first: satan is playing his part. What you however can know, is this: James 4 v 7 says; "Resist the devil and he will flee from you". Of course you do this in the name of Jesus.
But just herebefore Pastor David made me thinking of something else: Psalm 50 v 23 says; "He who sacrificies thankofferings honours God and he prepares the way so that I may show him the salvation of God". It is so very very good to praise the Lord God for his great deeds.
And now Suhasini, I pray for you. ............... Oh Lord God...in the name of Jesus: Here is Ger and he has Suhasini with him. You know Lord: Suhasini is in so many concerns: about her children ...and about herself. But now I ask you; will you on this moment take care of Suhansini and comfort her and make her glad and joyfuil with you. Will you give her peace and love in her heart. Thank you Lord.
Oh Lord, so many of our friends are now comforting with their prayers Suhansini.
And here is Suhasini herself.... (And now you can tell to the Lord everything I need not to know...) ............. Suhasini....do we hear more from you.
Nu heb ik mij bekeerd en nu gaat alles zo zwaar !!!
Mein Lieber,
Du schreibst:
Hallo! Habe vor ungefähr 3Monaten den Weg zu Gott wieder gefunden. An Gott glaube ich schon immer aber ich dachte ich könnte ohne ihn leben (aus trotz heraus) ich weiss das war falsch und ich wünsche mir nichts mehr als das er mir verzeiht. Aber in diesen 3 Monaten habe ich schwere Rückschläge erleben müssen. Habe Depressionen, Körperlich geht es mir auch nicht gut geschweige denn Finanziell. Ich bete nicht dafür das es mir finanziell bessert geht ich bete nur für Gesundheit da ich ja nur dieses eine Leben habe aber alles beten hilft nichts. Sonst sind mir auch viele Missgeschicke passiert und auch komme ich immer wieder vom rechten weg ab so als würde eine böse Macht mich verleiten wollen. Langsam verlässt mich meine Kraft. Ich versuche mit aller kraft nicht wütend auf meinen Gott zuwerden aber doch kommt auch wenn ich es nicht will dieser Zorn immer wieder in mir hoch. Ich weiss ja das es menschen gibt denen es schlechter geht aber ich will doch einfach nur freude am leben haben. Meint ihr ich verlange zuviel? Will Gott mich testen?
Meine Antwort:
Dein Schreiben hat folgende Hauptmomente: - seit drei Monaten bin ich wieder bei Gott zurück - Ich wünschte wohl dasz Gott mir Verzeihung gibt für alles was ist passiert - aber in diesen drei Monaten habe ich so viel schlechtes erlebt: Depressionen. Körperlich geht es schlecht. Finanziël geht es schlecht. - Ich kann auch nicht auf dem rechten Weg bleiben mit Gott. Es ist als wie eine böse Macht mich verleiten wollte - Ich kann doch so böse werden auf Gott; das ist nicht gut, aber immer wieder kommt das in mir auf. - Will Gott mich testen.
- Das ist eben das beste was ein Mensch tun kann: zurückkehren zu Gott. Der verlohrene Sohn aus Lukas 15 tat das und liest du bitte die Geschichte: der Vater war so liebenswürdig zu ihm und er bekam Verzeihung. - Und das ist eben dasselbe dasz du erwarten könnst: Verzeihung. Denn Jesus Christus, Gott und Mensch, hat sein Opfer am Kreuz gebracht und wenn er ausrief: "Es ist vollbracht", (Johannes 19 v 30), waren damit alle Sünden von allen Menschen, die sein Opfer für sichselbst annehmen wollten, ausgebuszt. - Aber es ist noch ein Dritter im Spiel: das ist eben der Teufel. So lange du auf seinem Weg, immer mehr herab, spazierte, sagte der Satan; " Alles klappt. Der ist mit starken Schritten auf dem Wege zur Finsternis, wo ich ihn haben will". Aber jetzt ist es Alarmfase in der Hölle: "Der Kerl versucht aufwärts zu klettern . Schnell; wir schicken ihm allerhand Unfug". - " Und auch etwas Direktes. Ja...gefunden!!! Jetzt musz er erst recht sündigen. Wir schicken ihm eine Verführung. Was ...eine...mehrere.. er musz böse werden auf Gott...ja, das wäre groszartig". - aber: eine Verleitung, eine Verführung durch Satan ist zugleich ein Test Gottes. Er will wissen , wie du dich hälst.
Aber du mein lieber Junge.... ich kann das sagen: ich bin 84... ......AUSHARREN !!!!
Bete im Namen vom Herrn Jesus. Das hat Gott gerne. Er hat seinen Sohn geschicket und Gott will auch dasz wir den Namen seines Sohnes in Liebe nennen. Weiszt du was ...ich gehe mit um dich bei Gott ein zu leiten. Das tue ich wohl mehr. ........ Lieber HerrGott. Hier ist Ger und er hat einen Deutschen bei sich , dessen Name er selst nicht kannt, leider. Aber Du lieber HerrGott weiszt alles. Er wollte zurück zu dir. Er ist auch zurückgekehrt. Aber alles ist so schwer....Hilf ihm bitte. Lege bitte sofort, wenn es möglich ist, einen Notverband, sodasz er einen Augenblick Veratmung hat. Und sorgst du auch weiter für ihn. Danke HerrGott.
Hier ist der Mann selber.... (Und nun kannst du alles sagen zu Gott was du nur wollst. Aber bitte : höflich bleiben...auch ehrbietig und so weiter. Du sprichst nicht zu 'nur so einem'...aber zu IHM) ......
Ach ja...noch dies; Ueber den Teufel sagt Jakobus 4 v 7: "Wiederstehet dem Teufel, so flieht er von euch".
Leistet Wiederstand in dem Name von Jesus. Denn ohne Jesus bist du nirgends.
You wrote: "because Adam introduced sin into the human race (Romans 5:12-14).
I don't agree with this.Although you wrote many good things also in this topic, I want to oppose you in this respect.
Romans 5 v 12 writes: "Therefore , just as the sin entered the world through one man , and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men , because all sinned- ".
What did Adam do. He obeyed to the devil. in this way he became the servant of the devil . He gave his kingdom overe to the devil. Now the devil had become the master of the world. He came with all his bad' fellow-travellers', falsehood -demons, sin-demons, illness-demons and confiscated earth. In this way the cosmos came into the influence sphere of the evil one. This occupier now tried to change and transform this nice whole to a part of the kingdom of evil. Sin, lawwlessness from this moment on could infiltrate the cosmos. This well- ordened and functioning total was infiltrated with destructing forces and laws. The following of this occupation is that mankind is now surrounded with dark and evil powers. Mankind is individually seduced, infiltrated and brought to obediance to these forces from the dark world and in this way mankind is also submitted to death..
Just as death has found its way to all who have sinnend, so Jesus has found the way to life for all who obey him.
Man is not automatically from his birth a sinner, just as he is not an ill person automatically. He has no inherited sin, (original sin), he has no hereditary debt; he has no hereditary taint. Adam has only given over the world to satan and everybody is oppressed biy satan and seduced by satan to sin. Adam has nothing to do with the whole thing. His role was over, when he had obeyed to satan. The devil is the real enemy. He has brought the lie of original sin and so on , this falsehood into the world via Augustinus as the first one, who brought it to a definition. All the texts , used for it, are extremely weak. I call them: Genesis 6 v 5, Genesis 8 v 21, Job 14 v 4 and, (what they call the 'king's text): psalm 51 v 7.
But satan needed to remain invisible for the natural Christian, after Paul had made him absolutely visible in Ephesians 6 v 12. But since the devil has made himself invisible through the errings of : - original sin - hereditary debt - hereditary taint, many people say: "It is all the guilt of Adam. I cannot help to be born from him. It is his guilt and -if you think it through- it is the fault of the Lord himself".
Romans 3 v 23 says: "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". Yes....but they have been seduced themselves for their own reponsability and cannot point back to Adam.
By the way Abednego; did you already read my 'biblestudies' in the forum 'Biblestudies'. For a man like you it is very basic, but perhaps....
From your big reply I take only this element. ...see above... And I give an explanation that will be perhaps a little bit grievious to you at the first insight.
But Jesus also was hurting sometimes, but he did it for the saving of souls and for the opening of eyes, ( see :Luke 11 v 45). And so I want to do.
Now ...in another posting to you and also to Carey amd Emily, Proudmum, I quoted Ephesians 6 v 12 , explaining the totally prominent role of satan But now this is my point as I already, perhaps a little bit covered, said before.
When satan looked at the Christianity, he observed - so to say in 600- that there was a slackening in the development of the good message of Jesus.
And then he said to his 'leading staff of demons': ' Now it is the good time for a counterattack. I make a new religion, which takes all the good things... as far as possible of course... of the teachings of the 'dreadful opponent', (so he calls our dear Lord Jesus, I suppose). But the principal things, as -for example those bad words-:"' I am the truth and the way and the life", John 14 v 6, we leave away. We give to the antagonist all honour, just to deceive people. We let away his divinity,(Joh 8 v 58) and everything else that can damage our affairs. This is the best way we can offend 'the horrible opponent'..
We don't make this new religion so strong, that the weak position of the women should be embettered. You know what 'the enemy 'did say long ago. Genesis 3 v 15: "I will put enmity between you ,serpent, devil, and the woman, and between your offspring and hers, he ,the Opponent, will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. Oh...how we...demons...have listened..... better than ´silly mankind´. And therefore ... amongst these despised ´minkukels´...dutch for ´bungler´... whom we hate, we hate foremost women
At a later stage I bring into this new religion enmity with Jews, for, although I hate all mankind, I hate first and foremost the Jews, from which the ´Opponent´came forth.
I found already a man, to do the job, to be ´our man´on earth´...Mohanmmed, a travelling man of business, well acquainted with Jews and Christians. I am going to deceive this ´bungler amongst bunglers and duffers and noodles´. He knows about Ibrahim, who got messages from the enemy. I shall give him messagess and he will think, that they are coming from ´the other side´.
So herrlich zu hören, dass du so toll- enthousiast bist mit der Taufe in der kommenden Osternacht.
Aber ich verstehe auch so gut dass du dich sehnst nach einer körperlich anwesenden Freundin um zusammen froh darüber zu sein.
Nun ist es so, dass hier auf dem Forum ettliche Christenen sind, die sich freuen mit deiner Freude. Und ich weisz auch bestimmt dass vielen augenblicklich an Gott fragen: ................ Ach Herr Gott ...in Nehmen von Jesu Christ: sei doch extra lieb für Leena, dass sie sich nicht so einsam fühlt, wenn sie aus dem Wasser kommt. Will doch geben..... lieber HerrGott, dass da auch Freundinnen sind, die ihr gratulieren am Ende des Dienstes . Leute mit den Leena so etwas gemütlich plaudern kann, wie Christenen 'plaudern' können auf der ganz eigenen Weise, wie nur Kinder von Gott das unter einander können. Danke Herr Gott. ........................ Und bei solche Gebete schliess ich mich gerne an.
Aber Leena: lass es dir einen Trost sein, dass wir vom Forum mit unserem ´inneren person´hinter dich stehen, dass dieser Ostermorgen für dich überhaupt, was auch weiter ist, ein Fest sein soll.
Vraag van iemand, die bespeurt dat er aan hem getrokken wordt ten goede.
Originally Posted by Crusader I am an atheist but want to know about the three faiths only in which I may be interested to know about. They are Protestant, Baptist and Catholic. If each one can explain that this is the real religion from Jesus whom you call "The Christ", then I will think about it. I feel drawn to the Christian faith in ways I cannot explain, but I need some questions answered. Which is the true faith? What is the history of each? How was each started? Thank you.
Hello Cruisader,
Why going so far?! Protestant, Baptist and Catholic....they have one central person: Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is alive. He is God and man. He is now on the righthand of God the Father and following 1 John 2 v 1 : "...he is there to speak to the Father in our defense".
And Jesus Christ has seen you amongst all the nearly seven billion members of mankind and he knew it was now the time for you to be awakened. He sent God the Holy Spirit to make it like this that you were drawn to Christianity.
And for the moment it does not matter that there are several points of view amongst the people, who follow Jesus Christ.
That is a thing we can talk of at a later stage. But the thing for now is, that Jesus can change everyone like this as is said in Galatians 5 v 22: "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and selfcontrol".
And whoever shoudl not love it to be like that.
Jesus is calling you and he sent you his Holy Spirit, who wants to tell wonderful things to you.
Wat is dat toch met die 'twee getuigen' uit Openbaring 11
Dear all,
Revelation 11 has such an important message to us.
V 1: I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, and count the worshippers there. But excluse the outer court ; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months.
You all know that there are a thousand ways to explain Revelation. Give me a chance to give to you the thousand-and-first way.
In the last days, when the antichrist is ruling , in awaitance of the everlasting kingdom of Lord Jesus, which is about to arrive, there is only one place to be save. That is: being in the immediate presence of the Lord in his unvisible temple. Being filled with his Holy Spirit, thinking the way God is thinking, looking to the world in the way he is looking to the world.
But the Christianity, who have not had the idea in their brain to be filled with the Holy Spirit of the Lord.....they are not IN the temple, but they are in the outer court, where it is NOT safe to be. Even the five foolish virgins from Matthew 25 are in the outer court, vainly trying to get into the temple. They made their way to meet the bridegroom, but they did not have enough oil of the Holy Spirit in their lamps. In the outer court the devils reign for a bad period of one 'year', for a worse period of ' one year' and for an utmost worse periode of 'a half year', symbolically.
V 3: And I will give power to my two witnesses. and they will prophesy for 1260 days, clothed in sackcloth.
The question is : who are these two witnesses ? - They are NOT Joshua and Zerubbabel, , mentioned in Zechariah 4 v14 . They are only alike to them on a bigger scale. These two men from the Old testament built up the temple after the exile. The ´two witnesses' build up the new temple of the Lord, the invisible temple of the Lord. And that after those long, long years of misunderstanding from the first coming of Jesus, till his second coming.
They are NOT Moses and Eliah. They are only alike to them on a bigger scale Eliah had the power to shut up the sky so that it would not rain. But they have the power to shut up the world of the Lord, so that heavenly rain cannot fall down upon mankind, loosing the sight on the real purpose of the Lod to build a new heavenly temple.( v 6) Moses had the power to turn the waters into blood and to do other great miracles in Egypt. But the two witnesses have the power to withold the blessings of the Lord from the earth in those days coming..trhose days of big revolt of a part of mankind, inspired by the antichrist.
But who ARE the two witnesses. They are YOU, when you go on with 'filling your lamps with the oil of the Holy Spirit and finding the way to the feast with the bridegroom NOT blocked by your own negligence.
If any one tries to harm YOU, fire comes from YOUR mouth and devours YOUR enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm YOU , must die, (5).
But who are the people who want to harm you. Those people are not the people, being indifferent to Christianity, bur these are the Christians , not having reached all the possibilities,the Lord has ready. The good things are always enemous to the better things.
So the persevering followers of the Lord will be the most hindered by the no persevering Christians. The most enemous of these 'backsliders' or 'not adult' believers will have become so reluctant that they even want to destroy you, perseverers. But ...spiritually they are destroyed themselves by the words of love, salvation AND fire coming from your mouth, words of grace and mercy, that do not reach them as such.
Now at the end of YOUR testimony the 'backsliders' will hand you over to the beast, the inhabiting evil spirit in the antichrist and the beast will kill you (7).
And all the people, living with their mind on this earth and not in the heavenly realms, will have big feast, because they only have thought of you as ' bores, naggers and so on'. But in fact they are glad you are dead, because you always made an appeal to their deeper knowing: "They are right and I am wrong. I should like to be with them, but I am forced to be bitterly against them".
Big feast during 3½ days. Everyone knows you are absolutely dead after such a period.
But after those 3½ days.....: A breath of life from God entering you !!!! Now you stand on your feet. Terror everywhere, (11).
And....just like Lord Jesus after 3 days..... He drank the bowl on thursday-evening and from then filled with all the bad things of all people of all times, even with the sins of the grandchildren of your grandchildren..... he was spiritually dead from that moment ......they entered into the invisble world in an cloud, just like Lord Jesus.
And then there is a big, last revival. Many people seing this.... say " NO" and perish in an earthquake, symbolically... they have lost their last chance ..... but others , belonging to the 'backsliders', the ' non perserverers', say "YES" and are saved at the very last moment.
Oh my dear friends...try to belong to the witnesses. Don't venture that you say "Yes" on the very last moment. Imagine that you should say "No".
Ich frage mich schon seit geraumer Zeit, wozu denn der Opfertod Jesu gut gewesen sein soll.
Also was ich bisher verstanden habe:
Eva hat eine Sünde begangen, die vererbt wurde, sodass alle, die sündigen in die Hölle kommen.
Was hat das für einen Sinn? Kommen die Kinder von Mördern etwa auch als Mörder ins Gefägnis?
Dann hat Jesus, eine Personifizierung Gottes, sich geopfert, um uns davon zu befreien. Und Gott ist großzügig, dass er seinen eigenen Sohn für uns geopfert hat.
Dann hat Jesus, eine Personifizierung Gottes, sich geopfert, um uns davon zu befreien. Und Gott ist großzügig, dass er seinen eigenen Sohn für uns geopfert hat.
................. Mein Lieber,
Der erste Satz ist schon unrichtig.
Eva hat eine Sünde begangen, die vererbt wurde, sodass alle, die sündigen in die Hölle kommen
Nein; zuerst haben Adam und Eva gesündigt. Die Sünde is nicht vererblich. Das ist ein falscher Gedanke, den man ´Erbsünde´ nennt.
Dieser Gedanke ist von Augustinus zum ersten Mal auf Schrift gestellt worden. Aber die Wahrheit steht in Epheser 6 v 12: `Denn wir haben nicht mit Fleisch und Blut zu kämpfen , sondern mit Mächtigen und Gewaltigen, nähmlich mit den Herren derWelt, die in dieser Finsternis herrschen, mit den bösen Geistern unter dem Himmel'' .
Der Teufel und seine Trawanten haben eine gute Position, weil sie unsichtbar für uns sind und uns unerwartet angreifen können. Kein Mensch kann diese Angriffe dauernd abwehren aus eigner Kraft und der Teufel fängt mit dieser Gewalt schon schnell an, wenn wir noch Kinder sind. So wird wahr , was Römer 3 v 23 sagt: `Sie (die Menschen) sind alzumal Sünder und mangeln des Ruhmes, den sie beim Gott haben sollten`.
Aber das ist ganz etwas anders als ´Erbsünde´. Wir, Menschen, haben, Haupt für Haupt, SELBST gesündigt und ´mangeln des Ruhmes´.
Und dann ist da der zweite Satz: Was hat das für einen Sinn? Kommen die Kinder von Mördern etwa auch als Mörder ins Gefängnis
Der Antwort ist schon gegeben in Hesekiel 18 v 4;
"Jeder , der sündigt, soll sterben.."
Und Hesekiel sagt auch: 18 v 14 folgend...: Wenn der Vater dann aber einen Sohn zeugt, der alle diese Sünden sieht, die sein Vater tut- wenn er sie sieht und doch nicht so handelt.....soll der Sohn am Leben bleiben"
Also ist es nicht so dass die Kinder der Mörder auch im Gefängnis kommen..
Dann der dritte Satz: Dann hat Jesus, eine Personifizierung Gottes, sich geopfert, um uns davon zu befreien. Und Gott ist großzügig, dass er seinen eigenen Sohn für uns geopfert hat.
Du bist selber ein Sünder, ebenso wie alle Leute. Aber dass auch die Anderen Sünder sind, ist für dich nicht von direkter Bedeutung: DU bist schuldig und DU musst Verzeihung empfangen. Und darum ist 'Gott das Wort' gekommen und hat sich auf Erden kennbar gemacht als Jesu Christus. Und er hat alle Sünden von allen Menschen getrunken, wenn er den Kelch nahm mit- in geistlichem Sinn- alle diese Sünden darin.... DEINE Sünden und auch die Sünden von den Enkeln deiner Enkel, (die noch getan werden müssen) und er hat sie alle ausgbüszt.
Und zwischen alle diese bleischweren Tröpfen war auch deiner Tropfen. Und die Verzeihung gilt für dich, wenn du zu Gott sagst mit deinem Herzen: "Dank HerrGott für das Opfer deines Sohnes...auch für mich".
Und dann der letzte Satz: Wozu dies alles. Hätte Gott nicht andere Möglichkeiten gehabt.
Gott ist gerecht. Er ist Liebe, aber auch...: gerecht. Sünden können nicht bestehen bevor ihn. Sie müssen ausgebüsst werden. Und das hat Gott selber gemacht. Bevor wir Jesum als Richter begegnen, war er unser Retter.
Ach...viel mehr zu erzählen. Aber das kommt vielleicht noch.
Hey, Letzten Dienstag ist mein Opa gestorben. Ich bin sozusagen bei ihm aufgewachsen, darum hat es mich wie ein Schlag getroffen... Am Donnesrtag wr die Beerdigung. Es war eine schöne Messe, auch wenn der Anlass nicht der tollste war. Der Tad meines Opas ist der Grund warum ich hier bin. Ich fühle mich gerade jetzt sehr einsam und alleingelassen. Ich kämpfe sehr mit diesem Schlag und weiß nicht genau wies jetzt weitergehn soll. Also ich meine im Thema glaube. Vllt kann mir ja jemand von euch einen guten Rat geben. Grüßle Maya --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Liebe Maya,
Was tut das Weh, wenn ein Beliebter stirbt.
Ich habe mich gedacht, dass auch hier Bibelteksten helfen können.
Was haltest du von Johannes 8 v 29: Da sagt unser lieber Herr Jesus: "Der Vater lässt mich nicht allein..."
Auch du kannst dies dir denken. Wenn du Jesus liebt und wenn du versuchst, um allezeit zu tun, was Jesus gefällt, dann gilt für dich dasselbe.
Du kanns zu Gott sagen: ............... `Lieber HerrGott...du weisst, was mich getroffen hat. Du weisst auch was für ein Schlag das für mich ist. Du weisst auch dass ich jetst nicht gut weiss , wie weiter zu gehen. Aber ich liebe Jesus. Ich glaube mit meinem ganzen Herze in sein Opfer auch für mich. Danke dafür HerrGott das du mich nie allein lasst, dass du meinen Schmerz in deinen Händen nimmt und meine Augen trocknet von Tränen ((Offenbarung 7 v 17, 21 v 4). Danke auch das du mir einen neuen Weg zeigst, auf dem ich sicher gehen kann. ............. Maya...keiner kann trösten , so wie der Herr Gott.
Antwoord aan iemand, die op zoek is naar 'nog wat méer redenen om te mogen scheiden van echt'
Dear Itsmeh,
From the holy scripture I know only three reasons, why a wife or a husband could leave her husband or his wife.
I begin with 1 Corinthians7 v 13 to 16: "If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.
But....if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace. How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife.
From these verses I conclude, that there can be a situation, that a man - for instance- is ' no believer'. But his wife comes in contact with the evangely and the man says: "O K. sweetheart...do your thing. I remain with you. Perhaps times are changing".
But some day the 'unbeliever' might say: "It all lasts too long. I go away".
Now as long as he said: "I am o.k. with you, although you have become ' like that' " nothing changes. The wife is a very holy blessing, because she is in harmony with Jesus and God, a blessing, which blesses her children and also- though unknown by him- her husband. She should not alter such a situation. But when the man shuts the door close behind him, saying: "Now....bye bye...these doings seem to become permanent...I'm not going to go on with this..", the wife should not try to pray him back, even when he is 'unchanged'. Every Christian is called to the peace and harmony of God. A Christian finds this peace amongst the brothers and sisters in the Lord. One does not find his peace amongst the unbelievers. This advice; let the left wife make no further efforts to take up contact with her former husband. This form of evangelism is not after the will of the Lord, because it is cause of quarrel and unpeace.
So I conclude, that there are two well known reasons of divorce: - adultry of one of the two parties. Then the nuptial tie has already been broken. In my meaning divorce is not nesessary, but it is a possibility; there can be repairance, when the thing is incidental. - after having passed away of the marriage-partner, (Romans 7 v 3) - when a man sends away his wife, because she has become a Christian, or leaves her. In those cases a man or woman is not bound.