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    Jan en Joke
    groepskroniek 1985-2010
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    What does 'Song of songs' really mean.

    Hellp Zoey,

    Here I am about 'Song of Songs.

    You asked:
    " It is a song about a fantastic looking pretty girl and an absolute handsome boy. But what is the deeper meaning".

    The contents of this biblebook can be given in short as follows:

    There is a young, nice girl. For sure she KNOWS that she is looking good. Very often she has looked at herself in the water of the brooklet, ( a looking glass of course she has not).
    But she has to work hard and observes very well, that her skin has been scorched by the fierce son. And there is nobody, having really interest for her. She often feels herself very disappointed. (1 v 6).

    And then at once there is that gentle, joyful boy, asking where she feeds her herd and how she is herself. At last someone having interest for her, ( v 7)!!

    At last interest, warm sympaty. And very soon already a spark leaps over. And they both sing in alternate singing about their love-sickness ( 1 v 9,- 2 v 15), (4 v 16- 5v 1)

    And when the boy goes away, the love-laden girlie sings about her friend, ( 2 v 8-17) And so does the boy about his newly found girl-friend, ( 6 v 4- 7 v 5).

    At night , in her own home the girl has such a creepy dream. She dreams , thar 'her boy' is standing before the door and asks to be let in. She wants to do so, but as it is so often in a dream: she does very stupid. And when at last she wants to let him in, he is gone and there happen all sorts of bad things.( 5 v 2 - 7)

    The girls in her neighbourhood ask, whatever tremendous she thinks about that guy. They know him too. But...that he is so far more special than all those other chaps...not just that....
    Now...then she knows to explain it very well, ( 5 v 8- 6 v 3).

    And later on it appears very clearly, what indeed is so special to this lad....he is the king !!!!, in the beginning somewhat hidden, but it becomes ever more clear. And see, how many surprises he has for the girl. !!!

    Zoey....when these youngsters make compliments one to another, sometimes this sounds quite unusually in our ears. For instance when the boy speaks about the nose of his beloved one , as if that nose were 'a tower'.
    In our days a girl should say very quickly:
    "Come off it"
    But those trifles you ought to look-over.

    And this is the lesson.
    Always there are people in every possible age-group, who sometimes say to themselves:
    " Oh...I look dreadfully, I am just like a drowned kitten. And nobody, having really interest in me".
    And then they meet Jesus. And with a shock of joy they establish:
    "Jesus indeed has interest for me, I begin to love him, and I know, that my spiritual love is answered.

    And then ther ARE times, that we lose him throught own contrariness and then things go always worse.

    But when we find him back afterwards, it appears gradually to us,who our dear Lord Jesus is really. The Lord of heaven and earth, all-powerful, eternal...not any superlative reaches.


    18-04-2009 om 18:30 geschreven door Gerritse

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    Tijn wrote:

    Fear for the unknown is something, not strange to anybody, so I think.
    The workings of the Holy Spirit are unknown for many people and that is why I observe a fear for the Holy Spirit amongst Christians
    I do observe it among Old Reformed, Reformed, Reformed 'made free', ( a Dutch specialism), but...remarkably: I also observe it among ....Evangelicals.

    I think, that the indulgences as - for instance- 'the Toronto movement' are due to it.
    Up there people begim to fall spontaneously. They begin talking in tongues. They are going to tremble. They are beginning to laugh out loudly and more of that kind of things, as I have heard.

    Are there people, recognizing themselves in this 'fear'. Or are there perhaps people, embracing the Holy Spirit in love, daring to give the leading in their lives in his hands.

    My answer;

    Hello Tijn,

    How I am reading all sorts of difficult things:
    - falling and trembling
    - laughing out loudly- sounds of animals , produced by man

    I was baptized as a 37 - year man in the Holy Spirit, in this way, that Christians lay their hands on me, according to Acts 19. And in the 49 years after I have never experienced situations as desciribed hereabove. And I don't agree with them either.

    Immediately I spoke in tongues, ...(In Holland they call it soundspeech´nowadays and I think this to be a nice word).

    I have always considered ´soundspeech´ as something, belonging to the normal equipment of a reborn Christian, baptized with the Holy Spirit .I shouls wish ´soundspeech´to everyone, for 1 Corinth 14 v 4 says, that you are edifying yourself with it, you build yourself. And whoever in the whole world does not need edifying and that in this time, in which so much is demolished.

    And how is my situation now,49 years afterwards.
    Let me say it quite frankly: I am not so far as I should want to be.
    But my bibleknowledge is deepened indeed, for besides 'tongues' and 'interpretation of tongues' there is so much more: prophecy, knowledge, wisdom, ability to distinghuish between spirits.Read more about it in 1 Corinth 12.
    And on a now - after 8 years- deleted forum I could answer 3000 questions, with always this as 'basic founding rule': Jesus Christ, Son and man, Redeemer.
    And I am active in America, Flanders and Germany.
    And with 'the fruit of the Spirit' from Galatians 5 v 22 I have- glory to the Lord- also made progress, in the field of:
    - love, joy, peace
    - patience, kindness, goodness
    - faithfulness, gentleness
    - and self-control.

    In 1959 , the year , in which I began with my explorations, I felt sometimes as a grub, ( I don't know the English word for the Dutch 'rups'). Sometimes I lifted my head, but principally I remained fettered to that tree - branch. I went to purpate myself. And in 1960 a butterfly began with his exploration of the world as it was ' outside that tree- branch'.

    God has so many wonderful things standing ready for us.. He has a glorous goal with us: becoming equal to his Son,(Romans 8 V 29). All these blissed developments are very necessary to reach that great goal.
    The heroes from Revelation 11 will succeed in this:
    ( they are NOT: Moses and Eliah, Joshua, the highpriest and Zerubbabel, the governor. No...what they are indeed: the spearhead of the congregation).
    - killed like Jesus, 7
    - 3½ days in the grave, like Jesus,9
    - roused, like Jesus, 11
    - ascended to heaven, like Jesus, 12

    For that great endwar, warriors are made ready, Later on ( Isaiah 32 v 1), in 'the thousand years' they will be kings.

    Come forward for the army of Jesus, which is capable of fighting in the invisible world, the army, which can encounter satan in his own realm.


    11-04-2009 om 19:10 geschreven door Gerritse

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    Schneewolke schrieb:

    Ich habe mal eine Frage. Für mich ist es eigendlich klar, das der Mensch eine unsterbliche Seele hat. Wie kann ich das aber von der Bibel her belegen?

    Es gibt Christen die meinen, das auch die Seele nach dem Tode stirbt und erst bei der Auferstehung der Toten nach 1000Jahren auferweckt wird. Das der Mensch bis dahin im Grabe bleibt.Ich jedoch glaube das ich nach meinem Tod direkt in die Herrlichkeit zu Jesus komme.
    Kennt ihr irgentwelche Bibelstellen die das klar sagen?

    Liebe Grüsse

    Liebe Schneewolke,

    Laszt uns lesen in Lukas 16 v 19- 31.
    Nicht alles benötige ich für meine Antwort.
    Aber wir wissen alle, dasz es hier handelte um zwei Männer:
    - Lazarus, der nach seinem Tod in Abrahmas Schosz getragen wurde von Engeln.
    - der reiche Mann, der sich nach seinem Tod zurückfand in dem Gehennah, dem Todesort, aber nicht an der guten Seite, sowie Lazarus, aber an der schlechten Seite.

    Dasz aber der reiche Mann nach seinem Tod sprach und fühlte, ist ein Beweis dafür, dasz es ein ewiges Fortbestehen nach diesen irdischen Leben gibt.

    Man kann nicht sagen:
    "Na jah....Jesus paszte sich an bei dem primitiven Volksgefühl derzeit. Man soll diese Geschichte nicht ernst nehmen".

    Das fleischgewordene Wort von Gott, der zweite Person der heiligen Drei-einheit paszte sich nie an bei dem Volksgefühl. So wie es hier geht, so GEHT es auch.

    Das erste Teil deiner Frage is hiermit beantwortet.

    Abere dann fragst du:

    Es gibt Christen die meinen, das auch die Seele nach dem Tode stirbt und erst bei der Auferstehung der Toten nach 1000 Jahren auferweckt wird. Das der Mensch bis dahin im Grabe bleibt.

    In der Tat steht in Offenbarung 20 v 5 :
    "Die anderen Toten aber wurden nicht lebendig, bis dasz die tausend Jahre vollendet wurden. Dies ist die erste Auferstehung".

    Bei der erste Auferstehung geht es um die Leute von 1 Thessaloniker 4 v 17.
    In diesem Teil steht:
    "Danach wir, die wir leben und übrigbleiben, wrrden zugleich mit Ihnen, ( die früher gestorbenen 'Toten in Christus') hingeführt werden in den Wolken, dem Herrn entgegen, in die Luft..."

    Nicht alle Menschen werden an dem Anfang der 'tausend Jahre'in die Luft aufsteigen. Nicht alle Toten werden lebendig. Nur die 'Toten und Lebenden', die 'in Christus sind'.

    Also Schneewolke.... wenn du vor dem Kommen unseres lieben Herrn Jesus Christ stirbst..... du dinkst:

    Ich jedoch glaube das ich nach meinem Tod direkt in die Herrlichkeit zu Jesus komme.

    Aber für 99% von den Christnen gilt, dasz sie nach dem Sterben sein werden, wo Lazarus war in der Geschichte, die Jesus erzählte. An der guten Seite des Todenreiches, ganz herrlich.

    Aber das höchste: aufsteigen in die Luft, das ist nur für einen Vorhut weggelegt. Sie werden auch mit Jesus in 'den tausen Jahren' als Köníge regieren, (Jesaja 32 v 1)

    Und wenn du bei dem Zurückkehren von Herrn Jesu noch im Leben sein wird, dann wird es dir gehen wie 99 % von den dann lebenden Christnen:
    2 Thessaloniker 1 v 10 sagt:
    " Herr Jesus wird herrlich erscheinen bei seinen Heiligen und wunderbar bei allen Gläubigen".
    ( Die holländische Bibel hat hier:
    "....und mit groszem Erstaunen anschauet zu werden in allen die zum Glauben gekommen sind").

    Als liebes Kind von Gott wirst du da stehen und plötzlich die Verherrlichung sehen von anderen Christnen, die danach in die Luft aufsteigen.

    Und dir wartet ein herrliches Verbleib 'in den tausend Jahren' bis zu deinem Tod und vieleicht wirst du von dieser Zeit lange genieszen, (Jesaja 65 v 22).

    Vieleicht sagst du:
    "Ich will bei Jesus' kommen auch in die Luft aufsteigen, ihm entgegen, Das konnten doch auch die Christnen in Offenbarung 11"
    Mein liebes Kind; dafür ist benötigt, dasz du nicht nur bekehrt bist, selbst nicht 'nur' wiedergeboren, aber dasz du ganz und gar erfüllt bist mit dem Heiligen Geist, wie es nur wenigen gegeben sein wird um das für 100 % zu erreichen.

    Als Kind von Gott wartet dir eine grosze Zukunft. Aber diese Zukunft kann noch immer gröszer. Und für uns Christen alle erzählt Matth 25 von den groszen Endglück

    Grusz aus Holland

    05-04-2009 om 17:43 geschreven door Gerritse

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    Dear all,

    About 'healing by God' Pastor David in the posting herebefore said a very remarkable thing. As I have understood him well, he said , that the healing of our inner person, our 'human spirit', was of the most importance.

    This struck me, because in 'Ask Ger' I have just begun with a series about ´the gift of healing´. And I have begun with 'inner healing'.

    You can go to 'Ask Ger', another forum up here, but I want to make it easier for you.
    I give the first lection - of propably eight- now ansd here:

    THE GIFT OF HEALING; first treatise.

    Gift of healing; we did already speak of it so much in Pentecostal circles. I still know, that people said to me in 1960, when I had just begun to become a pentecostal Christian
    " only know that text from Mark 16 v 18:
    "They will place their hands on sick persons, and they will get well".

    And afterwards, in the first ten years of my 'having part' in those new thoughts it handled first and foremost about 'being healed' and such textes as Matthew 8 v 14 and 15.
    "When Jesus came into Peter's house, he saw Peter's mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever.
    - Het touched her hand
    -...and the fever left her
    -...and she got up
    -...and began to wait on him".

    There were in that time fatiguing slogans such as:
    "You were not healed. Oh, then you did not believe".
    "Have you been to the med, (medicin). Then you have denied Jesus".

    After the hype in these first decennia there came other 'hot items'. 'Healing by God' came even a little bit on the background.
    But now it is the time to penetrate into this matter a bit deeper.
    For most of the gifts I need four essays. But this could be for this gift many more. We will see.

    At first; by 'gifts of healing' mostly at first is thought of 'healing of the body'. But besides the body with its organs , muscles and skeleton there are still more:
    - the soul with all physical disturbances, which can house there
    -the spirit with all oppressions, which our really deepest person has to undergo.

    The evil powers , the powers of darkness; referring to them we already learned, that they are the real adversaries, against whom we have to fight.
    It is them, who oppress spirit, soul and body.
    The evil powers try to use our spirit, soul and body for their bad issues. But because they are acting so rough and callious in attacking us, to get grip on us in any hinsight, they cause us wounds.

    Our spirit is bearer of God's laws, being these also the laws of truth.
    And then there are the falsehood spirits.
    - they try to bend all utterances of our human spirit
    - belief, one of the richesses of the human spirit is brought upon a wrong track
    - the key of true knowledge , for which all people are eagerly seeking, is made loss
    - wisdom is made to foolishness
    - intelligence is darkened.
    - the power of the spirit is extinghuished or propelled into a wrong direection
    Just as the body gets ill, when it has to do things, wherefore it is not built, so it is with the spirit.
    When the spirit is forced to do quite other things , than those it is hankering for from nature, that spirit becomes ill.

    People, worried by all sorts of bodily faults, such as a constant cold, migraine, arthritis, handle good, to let heal their 'inner person' by the Lord.
    It COULD be that bodily evils have something to do with causes that are deeper.

    Let us therefore go back to the healing of the human spirit.
    The purpose of the Lord with mankind is always the absolute healing of body, soul and spirit as for example pointed to in 1 Thess. 5 v 23:
    `May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless on the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    To make a real good beginning in our deepest inner, the evil falsehood spirit, which curtails and lames that 'inner person', must be casted lout.
    Don't think with this only of special services in the congregation, in which a serious warning is given to the demons
    Think also of such a 'simple' bibletext as Psalm 107 v 20:
    "He sent forth his word and healed them,
    he rescued them from the grave".

    When a beginning believer with reverence, respect and a 'positive attitude' begins to read the bible....when he is meditating over it, thinking about it, and so on...and so on...
    then sometimes there are falsehood-spirits, not feeling at home in that sphere and leave or at least are hindered in the developing of their power-of-destruction. In the deepest inner there comes a first healing.

    And in the recovering spirit at last an original thought comes to the surface, FOR INSTANCE:
    "But i am not called to jealousy. That bad mark, I am giving free is does not belong to my being.

    So you can do very much to your inner healing. Of course this all does not exclude, that help of other Christians, who can cast out evil spirits by the powerful name of Jesus Christ, will be necessary at many times.

    Enough this time with the first exploration of a big arrea.


    Now you can follow all the lectures coming . In these disquisitions I give all the experience I have had in my life, since as a 37 years man, God led me to these thing in 1959.

    For the moment I want to give you my last experience with 'healing by Jesus'.

    Some of you know that since november last year I was troubled by a very exhausting itching. I visited medecins and specialists, but they could not give an answer to that.

    Of course I prayed. And some weeks ago I got an idea, which made me very joyful.

    This thought came into my heart after the reading of James 5:
    Your body is a bearer not only of your human spirit. It is also a bearer of the Holy Spirit, since you - by the mercy of God- were filled with that holy Spirit.

    Should you not love your body, also for this reason ?

    But what are you doing: you are scratching it, as if it were an enemy.

    You could better bless it and say:
    "Oh....dear body of mine. which my spirit and the Holy Spirit both live....I will treat you as a friend...bless you, lay hands on you in the name of Jesus".

    And then; every moment that I was scratching, I said:
    "Oh Lord ..I am not o.k. on this moment in what I am doing. Sorry; body of mine"

    And then I said:
    "I lay hands on you, blessing you in the name of our dear Lord Jesus".

    And for the first time since november I could sleep a good part of the night. And I believe I am on the good way.

    There are so many ways 'healing in the name of Jesus' can come to us.A million times Christians in all countries in the world have practise. You can also have it, even being in your own room , alone with your depression. Your gradual 'being healed of it' will be no success story; it does not come in any magazine. But you know and the Lord knows.

    You all know all the textes. I only give an anthology and only mention these finding places:Act 5 v 16. 8 v 79 v 34, 10 v 38, 28 v 8, 28 v 9, 28 v 27.

    Ai...I leave it to this.

    Only a story as I heard yesterday at t.v.

    A girl of 23, having become an drugs-adict from her 14th.
    She met a group of Christians and began to love Jesus. She was innerly healed and long after that...she pledged to Jesus:
    "Oh foot. You know everything of that accident , when I was 3; all those operations, the constant pain, which even led to all the bad tihngs, for I was so desperate of pain. And now...Lord Jesus...I am still desperate, although I know you...... Lord !!!!"

    She never felt any pain afterwards. And long, long after these events she wrote a book, praising the Lord.


    28-03-2009 om 15:32 geschreven door Gerritse

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    fratermagnus schrieb:

    Ich behaupte: Ein Mensch sehnt sich für gewöhnlich nach Liebe und Glück.

    Ja, mehr noch, er sehnt sich - ob er sich dessen bewusst ist, ist eine ganz andere Frage - nach der Gemeinschaft mit dem lebendigen Gott, der die vollkommene Liebe selbst ist.

    Nun die Frage:

    Können wir als Christen und als Erdenbürger durch und durch glücklich sein auf Erden, glücklich "in dem Herrn"?

    Oder macht uns die Sehnsucht nach dem ewigen Gott doch immer wieder zu schaffen?

    Gott ist für unser menschliches Auge nicht direkt sichtbar, wir glauben an ihn, aber wir schauen ihn noch nicht, wir vertrauen auf seine Verheißung, doch ist das Himmelreich noch nicht in der ganzen Fülle vorhanden.

    Begrenzt unsere Sehnsucht unsere Freude?

    Ich stelle diese Fragen deshalb, weil ich mich nicht selten eher müde, niedergeschlagen, traurig, unglücklich fühle.

    Ich möchte gern endlich durch und durch glücklich sein!


    Mein lieber Freund,

    Bei dieser Frage muszte ich gleich denken an Lukas 10 v 21:
    " Zu der Stunde frohlockte Jesus im heilgen Geist und sprach:
    'Ich preise dich Vater und Herr Himmels und der Erde , dasz du solches den Weisen und Klugen verborgen hast und hast es den Unmündigen offenbart. Ja Vater, so war es wohlgefällig vor dir".

    Es ist für mich klar dasz unser lieber Herr Jesus an diesem Moment absolut 100@ glücklich war. Aber er war glücklich, frohlockte in dem Heiligen Geist.

    Num sagt uns die Bibel in Epheser 5 v 18:
    "werdet voll Geistes".

    Dann kann man also sagen, dasz wir, wenn wir 100% erfüllt sind mit dem Heiligen Geist, auch so hemmungslos froh als Jesus sein können, wie es hier beschrieben ist.

    Wir wissen, dasz Jesus nicht immer so glücklich war. Es waren Momenten in seinem Leben, dasz er eine Sehnsucht hatte nach Gott im mitten von allem Misverständnis von Menschen. Matth 17 v 17.
    Da ist gerade die Verklärung auf dem Berg vorbei. Und unmittelbar danach ist die Geschichte mit dem mondsüchntigen Knaben. Und alles das gehässig ist, das ist da wieder: der harte Praktik. Und dann sagt Jesus:
    "O....du ungläubiges und verkehrtes Volk, wie lange soll ich bei euch sein ? Wie lange soll ich euch dulden ? ".

    Aber dann doch auch:
    "Bring den Knaben hier".

    Mein lieber Freund, wenn du bekehrt, wiedergeboren und erfüllt bist mit dem Heiligen Geist, wirst du dich sowie Jesus voller Sehnsucht fühlen an manchen Momenten, aber du wirst auch die Freude kennen von Jesus an anderen Momenten und das immer mehr, wenn du dich mehr füllen laszt mit dem Heiligen Geist

    Und das Verdrieszliche, dasz du so oft müde bist und niedergeschlagen und traurig und unglücklich....das alles wird weniger und weniger.

    Denn Sprüche 4 v 18 sagt:
    " Des Gerechten Pfad glänzt wie das Licht am Morgen, das immewr heller leuchtet bis zum vollen Tag".

    Grusz aus Holland

    22-03-2009 om 18:51 geschreven door Gerritse

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    Originally Posted by searching49
    I could use a little help with prayers, I had triple bypass surgery done last may and don't seem to be healing well. after the surgery the docs told me I had diabetes and now fighting hard with meds. I do not think of suicide but it's getting harder to face the days of pain and these crazy meds. I know the Lord wants me to hold on but my grip is weak. I would say that prayers for a closer walk with the Lord would be better.

    Thank you

    Hello Lee,

    The central part of your letter is this:
    "Ï know the Lord wants me to hold on but my grip is weak".

    But I give you some words from the Bible.
    Ïsaiah 40 v 29
    "He ( The Lord) gives strength to the weary
    and increases the power of the weak".

    Isaiah 40 v 31.
    "Those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength
    They will soar on wings like eagles,
    they will run and not go weary,
    they will walk and not be faint

    Lee. there are so many textes like these. What you need in these difficult times is:
    - read the bible
    -have a good congregation, (church), where there are people, praying with you an weeping with you an glorifying with you from immediately near.

    We, your p.c. friends, love you so much, but we cannot do so much for you as friends in you close neighbourhood can.

    We pray for you. but it is good to pray yourself in a 'directe' way with textes as your basis.

    But we, friends from a distance can do very important things though.
    Jesus said in Mark 16 v 18:
    "Believers will- in the name of Jesus- lay their hands on sick people and they will be well".

    And that is what we, your friends are doing now, virtually and spiritually.


    15-03-2009 om 18:12 geschreven door Gerritse

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    Sternenflitzer schrieb:

    smiley_emoticons_herzen04.gif Hallo ich habe da mal eine Frage alles betet für die Regierung Weltfrieden hunger usw,doch was ist mit unseren Ehen los überall wo ich gerade hin sehe krieselt es auch bei mir ist so einiges geboten,und das ist mehr alls friedvoll harmonisch,und schön zumal Kinder dabei sind die ganz schön darunter leiten müssen.
    Darum ist es angebracht intensiver zu beten für unsere Familien,im Land sonst geht so viel kaputt,wär hätte lust sich mit mir in verbindung zu setzen um gemeinsam darüber zu beten.Mit lieben gruß Michelle ( Sternenflitzer ) smiley_emoticons_herzen01.gif smiley_emoticons_herzen01.gif smiley_emoticons_herzen01.gif smiley_emoticons_herzen01.gif smiley_emoticons_kolobok.gif

    Liebe Michelle,

    Natürlich können wir für Ehen in Allgemeinem beten. Aber viele von uns
    - sind verheiratet
    - waren geheiratet , doch auf heute geschieden
    - bereiten sich vor auf einen Heirat.

    Laszt uns zumal die eigene Ehe ansehen.

    Bist du verheiratet: so kommt notwendig 'nach drei Jahren' die Frage, die gestellt werden darf:
    "Laszt uns mal reden ".
    In meinem Kreis war ein Junkmann, der einen groszen Motorrad hatte und auch in seinem Heirat mit Freunden lange Züge machte. Da fragt seine Frau eimal, nach drei Jahren:
    "Setz dich mal uns laszet uns ruhig über diesem Hobby sprechen."

    Nun waren die beiden Kinder Gottes und liebten den Herrn Jesus . Sie hatten einen breiten, gemeinschaftlichen Grundschlag. Und doch waren zie beide noch Jahre, bis auf heute, sehr dankbar, dasz sie dann so ganz offenherzig gesprochen hatten.

    Neulich sprach ich mit geschiedenen Menschen. Sie warem nie ´im Glaube' gewesen, hatten keine gemeinsame Interessen. Nach den ersten, wilden Jahren kam eine Verkühlung, die endete in eine Schiedung.Sie haben nie versucht , mit einander zu reden.

    Jungleute, die vor erstem Heirat stehen und auch Geschiedenen, die vor einem neuem Versuch stehen, kann ich nur sagen.
    - sorge dafür einen breiten, Grundschlag, in Christus verankert, zu haben.
    - Bleibe in Gespräch.

    Grusz aus Holland

    08-03-2009 om 18:12 geschreven door Gerritse

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Waarom Adam en Eva weg moesten uit het paradijs.
    Hello m.i.,

    I just do repeat that text, so that co-readers know , where it is all about.

    "The Lord God said:
    'the man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree and eat and live forever' ".
    How was the situation; a horrible disaster had occurred, the tender tie between God and men had been broken by the sin of disobediance . unbelievably it sounds: this catastrofee could be worse: now there was in mankind a feeling of deep panic.
    surely satan should come anew to make disaster complete. For sure he shoukld say :
    "See, how your situation is . Quickly: eat from the tree of life. Worse than up now is not possible. If it does not do any good, it does not do any harm either after the enormous blow , you have alreAdy got".

    But it could be worse: when a sinful man still with all his sins eats from the tree of life, he is losr past recoverey. Then there is for him only left an eternally continued existance in sin...that is..hell.

    God's plans however go on and on. He wants, that one time, the frontsouldiers' of mankind are standing there on both sides of 'the river', (Revelation 22 v 2) and that the rest of saved humanity eats themselves healthy with their superfluous fruits.

    And therefore this ultime annihilation deed of satan cannot be allowed tl succeed

    Away from paradise. Hold back from something still super- clumsy. Now already they are 'just like God'. They know what is good and evil., although they know it in an pityfull, dreadfull way
    There must remain room for salvation once upon a time.
    A road mustr remain open for this deligfhtful future of being youself 'living trees'.

    And that is why God sent them awat from the garden.


    24-02-2009 om 20:39 geschreven door Gerritse

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.....Gebed....
    Originally Posted by searching49
    hey all

    I was wondering about prayer today and read where Jesus says "where two or more are gathered together in my name I am there also" and "go to your Matthew 6 v 6:room and shut the door and pray to the father...

    ok, I hardly think one way of prayer is more important than another but I can't help to think that these two kinds of prayer have meanings of their own.

    I feel there is a difference between prayer alone with the Father and with another or a small group. I just wondered if anyone put more importance on one over the other.


    Hello Searching.

    You refer to two bibletextes.
    Matthew 6 v 6. Read it in combination with v 5:
    "But when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the streetcorners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.
    6 When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father , who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you ".

    Matthew 18 v 19 and 20:
    "Again I tell you that if two of you agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by the Father in heaven.
    20: for where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them".

    Observations to Matt. 6 v 5 and 6:
    The word prayer is used here in a general sense. It can mean : pledging, thanking, praising and worshipping.

    The motive of all these prayers shouild not be 'drawing attention to yourself', but only glory to God. The pureness of these prayers is brought perhaps in danger somewhat more by the presence of others. Therefore the prayer must be so inconspicuous as possible. For God also sees the hidden prayer and shall reward it at his time.

    And about Matthew 18 v 19 and 20.

    It is not meant up here, that if every two individuals came together and asked something whatsoever to the Lord, their prayer is anwered. No: it refers to the congregation of Christ. When there is a situation, that only two members of the congregation, were together and prayed for something, important for all the congregation- members , they will be answered.

    Of course the meaning can not be , that two members of the congregation, having another meaning about the course of the congregation than all the others should be seen as 'the voice of the congregation'.

    Everything in these two textes is referring to the answer to the prayer, sent up in unanimity by the congregation.

    You see, Searching, that there is another background to these two textes than you should think at first sight.

    Ger, (

    14-02-2009 om 15:20 geschreven door Gerritse

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Dopen met vuur
    Hannah60 schrieb:

    Matthäus 3,11

    Ich taufe Euch mit Wasser zur Buße, der aber nach mir kommt, ist stärker als ich, und ich bin nicht wert, ihm die Schuhe zu tragen;
    der wird Euch mit dem Heiligen Geist und mit Feuer taufen.

    Was hat das mit der Feuertaufe auf sich ?
    Wie kann ich mir das Vorstellen ?
    Wer hat das schon mal erlebt ?
    Kann man das überhaupt real erleben ?

    Egal welche Erfahrungen oder auch welches Wissen Ihr habt. bitte teilt es mir mit.

    Herzlichen Dank im voraus für Eure Mühe lieben gruß Hannah.

    Liebe Hannah,

    'Taufe mit Feuer' aus Matth. 3 v 11 kann man sich so vorstellen als alles das was den Christnen trifft und das dazu geëignet ist um 'ihr Gold vom Glaube' zu ' läutern'.

    Es gibt unzählbar viele Schwierigkeiten, die der Teufel an alle Mensche schickt, meistenzeits Krankheiten.
    Die 'nicht Christnen' reagieren darauf manchmal als wäre es nur ein böses Schicksal. Sie benutzen so etwas nicht um damit geistlichen Vorteil zo beholen.
    Aber der Christ sieht in jeder Versuchung auch eine Chance um seinen Glaube zu üben.

    So trifft mich augenblicklich eine Haut-irritation, an dem die Aerzte alles machen, was nur möglich ist, aber die seit Wochen meine geistliche Ruhe räubt und meinen Glaube unter Druck stellt.

    Ich bete viel und bekämpfe den Teufel im Namen Jesus. Und ich sehe, dasz das Gold meines Glaubes wird geläutert, wie auch Offenbarung 3 v 18 sagt:
    " Ich rate dich, dasz du Gold von mir kauft, dasz mit Feuer durchläutert ist, dasz du reich wirst".

    Du siehst Hannah, dasz dies im Praktik jedem Christ, auch dir ,geschehen kann, vielleicht schon von dir erfahren ist.

    Gehe tapfer immer weiter, Hannah. Läuter dein Gold in allen Versuchungen und werde reich im Himmelreich mit Jesum und dem Heiligen Geist. Und weisz, dasz Gott hat sagen laszen in 1 Korinther 10 v 13:
    " Gott ist getreu , der euch nicht läszt versuchen über euer Vewrmögen sondern macht, dasz die Versuchung so ein Ende gewinne, dasz ihr 's könnet ertragen"

    Grusz aus Holland

    08-02-2009 om 14:52 geschreven door Gerritse

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.De zogenaamde vooropname.
    Hello Danny,

    You wrote:

    Hi Ger, This is the first time I have come to you with a question. Most probably it won't be the last! My question is about The Rapture. I seem to remember some time back here on Trinity some one said that the idea of the Rapture is wrong and it will not happen. In your opinion is this true? If it is not, then would you go explain it to me? I have seen and heard from other people and would like to hear your interpretation, my brother here on Trinity. I thank you in advance

    My answer:

    The idea of the rapture, as vey many believe, is that :
    before, during or at the end of the great , bad days of the Antichrist the Christians are taken away from the earth and from the heavenly spheres look at the cruel deeds of this antichrist against the world population.

    But Revelation 11 says:that at the end of times there will be people in fierce battles with the forces of satan. These 'two witnesses' are not Moses and Eliah. They are not Joshua and Zerubbabel either, (from the book of Zechariah), though they do and have the tasks as these four men had in the visible world in old days.
    No: these warriors of the end time are very advanced 'commando's' (among the bigger group of Christians) , who are not only converted and born again, but who have experienced the baptizm in the Holy Spirit with all the gifts and all the fruit..... to the full. And so they struggle in the invisible world and have theire tasks there

    In this fierce battle at last the beast comes ( 7)...
    this beast has got all the power of the devil, ( 13 v 2) and possesses the antichrist. And this beast kills the brave Christian warriors. They are killed , just as Jesus was killed at Golgotha. But this is not the end.

    When 3½ days have gone over their dead bodies, just as was valid for Jesus, "a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet...."(11)
    12: and they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them "Come up here".
    And they went to heaven in a cloud, all just like Jesus"

    That Danny, is the rapture: not before, not in , not at the end of the great tribulation, but AFTER...!!!!.

    This already teaxches us, that Christians should be ready as far as possible, for we are not leaving at a convenient moment, to look from the heaven the bad things that occur on earth. No we are in those bad events to the bitter end.

    Not all the Christians are taken away with the heroes of Revelation 11. There are other Christians, also purified in the great tribulation, who are ready on the great day of Jesus.( 1 Thessalonians 4 v 15- 17):
    " According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. ( have died in Christ).
    16: For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a loud command with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpetcall of God and the dead in Christ will rise first.
    17: After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air".

    And what about the Christians, not having come so far as the commando's.
    Of them speaks 2 Thessalonians 1 v 10:
    " the day he( Jesus) comes to be glorified in his holy people among àll those who have believed".

    All believers in Jesus, who have not come so far as the ´commando´s´are marvelling at them, for at once they see their greatnees. And then they see them disappear in the clouds.
    But these Christians, not having followed the Lord so far. have no part in this rapture. They remain on earth and have a good time in the ´thousand years´. But they do not reign there as kings, (Isaiah 32 v 1).

    Perhaps there is some time between the happenings of Revelation 11 and the happenings in 1 Thess. 4 v 15-17.

    The prophet Daniel may point to this, when he speaks these enigmatic words:
    " ...1290 days....1335 days..." , (12 v 11-12).

    But anyway Danny:
    - try to belong to the heroes
    - if you are 'only looking at' in Revelation 11, make use of the possibility to be more connected to the Lord, which chance is offered with Rev 11 v 13.
    "...the survivors gave glory to the God of heaven..."
    - and use ' the 45 days' to come in shape still more
    - but first and for all : try to come in shape NOW.


    31-01-2009 om 20:48 geschreven door Gerritse

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