"If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he should pray and God will give him light. I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death There is a sin that leads to death. I am not saying that he should pray about that. All wrongdoing is sin and there is sin that does not lead to death"
My trying for explanation:
'Sin NOT leading to death' is such a form of sinning, that referring to it there is a possibility to make an appeal to the conscience of the sinner. If we see a person who is stealing, we can say to him or her: "Your conscience does tell you that this is wrong. In all love I am warning you"
This text speaks of a brother in Christ. When this brother has confessed his sin, he has to ask to the Lord forgivance for it. He ought to repair the damage done by him. And then he has a good relation with the Lord again.
But now 'sin leading to death'. The stealing of something is a sin in the 'natural' world. But sin leading to death is a sin in the SPIRITUAL world. Such a person is tied to demons, who are lying and who brĂng mankind to lying.
How does such a 'falsehood'-demon act. He tries to bring people tied to him to a position in which the do not wish living otherwise than that they ARE living in fact. The human spirit of such unhappy people does not direct himself to God and his holy Spirit, but let himself willingly inspire by the demon and in absolute terms : lets inspire himself by the 'father of falsehood', the devil. Such an evil power brings his victim with terms sounding very pious from the way of truth to the ways of spiritual death. The apostel Paul says this in 2 Thessalonians 2 v 10: "They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. (11) For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie"
A person in the grip -willingly- of a demon of falsehood sees 'the erring for the truth' and directs himself to this lie . He does not ask for forgivance , because he has no idea that he is on a wrong way. He only speaks: "That what I believe is the truth" "What I confess is sure".
Mankind , clinging to Gods truth , are coming, by the grace of the Lord to perfection. The man continuing with falsehood sinks away more and more and will perish in eternal death.
Examples: - When Jesus spoke to certain Jews, they followed him 'in some degree', John 8 v 31 . But the point of difference came, when Jesus spoke to them same verse): " If you hold to my teachings , you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth , and the truth will set you free".(33) : They answered: " We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free ?" .
A clear form of 'sinning to death'. These Jews 'believed' in Jesus , but they had barricaded the way to themselves to follow him. They were tied to the devil, who misled them.The only possibility was, that they should understand the full truth. We never in the Bible read that Jesus casted demons from this sort of people, neither from the Pharisees or from ' the teachers of the law' . He confronted those people with the truth. If they accepted it , they were saved. The only thing we can do with misled christian, thus- in this horrible way- in the grip of falsehood demons, is: trying to alter and renewing their way of thinking. Their sin is indeed, that they keep for a lie that what God's word and God' s Holy Spirt say to them.
- another example from my own life. Some day I made the acquaintance of a man, saying to me: " Isaiah 53 is NOT talking of Jesis Christ as Christians say, it is speaking about the Jewish people. WE, Jews , are the suffering an at last glorious servant of the Lord".
And although I said many things to him, he was tightening to his idea and became angry on me, because I said something else than he did.
And so there are many examples of wandering spirits.
But you, my beloved Itsmeh...you should not be afraid of becoming such a person. I have read so many things from you and I am sure that you are always willing to follow our dear Lord Jesus.
At last Itsmeh, this one word: ' sin to death' is something else than ' the sin of blasphemy of the Sprit', which sin will not be forgiven' , (Matthew 12 v 31).
I do not speak about that sin on this moment. It is the sin of the devil. No 'erring', but the devil and his demons know absolutely sure and sharp, that God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit ARE true. But for pure hatred they say..: " No, we oppose you" .
Will there evet be mankind like that. Or have such people ever been ? I am of the opinion that the coming antichrist will be one of the members of mankind, going so unreachably far.
But don't worry about all these things Itsmeh. You are save . Colossian 3 v 3 says: " Your life is now hidden with Christ in God".