The European Horse City Network is the result of a project bom with a pro-European vocation and the intention to gather cities and regions with a long equestrian tradition. lts aim is the establishment of working approaches to strengthen major ciütural, economie and tourist assets related to horses. By doing so, the organisation will give an impulse to the respective local economies, influence growth of infrastructures, foster tourist activities, embellish natura/ and urban landscapes, and diversify farm inputs. EURO EQUUS is a non-profit association founded on 3 May 2005 by four European cities: Waregem (Belgium), Pardubice (Czech Republic), Jerez de la Frontera (Spain) and Golega (Portugal). The members create a network that allowsfor the exchange ofexperience and transfer of usefiil knowledge.
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The association also gives its members a number of opportunities to préparé joint training projects and organise exhibitions, races and other events. Based on individualproject specifications, it is a common policy that new partners are welcomed to be involved in the association 's activities. (
The city of Waregem has a traditional link with the horse. In the mid-19th century, Waregem was a typical rural village with small-scale agriculture and domestic industry. The horse played a role mainly as a source of power for farming activities and as a means of transport. Waregem acts as the "godfather" of the Flemish Horse, a cold-blooded draught horse. The existence of this breed has often been endangered, but it was recognised once more as a quality breed by ministerial decree on 21 June 2005. This was possible thanks to the association "The Flemish Horse", which is supported by the city of Waregem.
Undoubtedly, Waregem Koerse with the surrounding festivities is the event by which Waregem becomes the beating heart of the region during the late August-early September period. Since 1847, it has been one of the most important sporting events in Belgium, with 35,000 visitors to the Gaverbeek hippodrome. This huge equestrian event is an ideal combination of sports, leisure, contacts and networking.
Waregem has a well-equipped infrastructure and associations regarding activities connected to the horse. Most disciplines can be practiced: trot, hurdles, steeplechase, handling and eventing. Several educational programs are available at the equestrian centre.
Numerous sports camps, training sessions and top sports clinics are held. Also, the first trainers in horse sports for disabled persons are at work at the Bloso centre.