The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Gary, The Non-Terrestrial Officers [Roscoe & Curtis] Salute You [From Their Hillenkoeter & Lemay Space Carrier]!
Gary Mckinnon hacked into NASA looking for evidence of
ZPE (Zero Point Energy) and UFO coverups. While in the hacked NASA (Unsecured
Machine) he looked in folders (Unfilterd) - Pictures of Ufos in orbit, and
pictures of mars and planets to be air brushed, and (filtered) folder had the
after pictures been airbrushed to be released to the world and posted on (BOYY COTT NASA.GOV) (Disinformation) also he mentions, how 'The
Disclosure Project" Steven Greer & Cseti - Information and Evidence was on
one machine read as correct by high ranking nasa employees.
Currently, he
is being extradited to the US for hacking into NASA. And be sentenced for 60Yrs.
What a JOKE !!! Governments lies to world, and Bush KILLS OVER MILLION PEOPLE,
Gary Mckinnon, was just doing whats right
for the public to know about Anti Gravity to help pollution
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Oliver's WebLog ( ENG en NL)
Abduction/Experiencer Surveys
researcher, author and MUFONs former International Director of Field
Investigator Training, Kathleen Marden, and Denise Stoner, Florida MUFONs
Director of Investigations, are collaborating on an abduction experiencer
research project.
Our goal is to expand our understanding of the
alien abduction phenomenon through the use of two questionnaires.
in turn, plan to publish our findings pertaining to little known commonalities
among UFO abductees.
UFO Abduction Experiencer Survey lists 45 general multiple choice questions
pertaining to experiencers demographics, abduction memories, psychic phenomena
experiences, and physiological responses. Some examples of these questions
include the following:
1.Are your abduction memories? Conscious ( ),
Through dreams ( ), Through hypnosis ()
Other ( ) (Please check all that apply.)
you more or less sensitive or intuitive than you were prior to your
abduction?More ( ), Less ( ), about the
same ( )
witnesses reported that they observed a UFO near your house, vehicle, tent, etc.
prior to or during your abduction? Yes ( ), No ( ) If yes, please
you awoken with unexplained marks on your body that you suspect are related to
an abduction experience? Yes ( ), No ( ) If yes, please
you ever suffered burns, hair loss, or conjunctivitis following an abduction?
Yes ( ), No ( ) If yes, please explain.
an abduction, did you ever experience malfunctions of electrical equipment such
as lights, digital watches, computers, etc?Yes ( ), No ( ) If yes, please explain.
Marden requests that abductees/experiencers participate in her Abduction
Experiencer E.T. Technology Survey to increase our knowledge of E.T.
technology. She has discovered unique, unpublicized information observed by
several abductees, but needs to add to her data base. The Abduction Experiencer
E.T. Technology Survey lists 16 multiple choice and fill-in questions. Some
examples of these questions include the following:
1.Were you transported
through a solid object such as a wall, window, roof, etc?) Yes ( ), No (
2.What bodily sensations
did you experience when you were transported from your location to the craft?
Please explain.
3.Did you feel that you
were transported outside Earths atmosphere? Yes ( ), No ( ). If yes, what do
you recall of that experience and was a transport device used?
4.Were you given knowledge
of the crafts propulsion or operational system? Yes ( ), No ( ). If yes, please
explain what you were told.
5.Have you ever undergone
a procedure on the craft that was unrelated to reproduction? If so, please
Completed surveys can be
mailed back to her at P.O. Box 120172, Clermont, FL 34712, or scanned and sent
via email.
Participants identities
will remain anonymous. If you wish to be personally contacted regarding the
results of this survey, you need only include your email address.
Denise Stoner and I want
to thank-you in advance for facilitating our research efforts and increasing our
knowledge about alien abduction.
By Leslie Kean Coalition for Freedom
of Information September 2011
Petit-Rechain UFO Photo - The Current
The photographer Patrick Marechal (PM) says he hoaxed it by
making a Styrofoam model. One friend of his from the factory has been
interviewed by one investigator, who stated that he helped make the model. He
was not present when the picture was taken. This corroborating witness is the
only evidence PM has produced to back up his claim of a hoax.
against him are the following points:
He refuses to give investigators the name and contact
info of his girlfriend, now his ex-wife, who was there when he took the
PM is trying to get money from the person he sold the
copyright to, and is taking him to court to claim it. That person, Guy Mossay, a
well-known journalist who worked for a leading Belgian press agency, states they
had a written agreement giving him ownership of the photo, as was standard; PM
claims there was no agreement. There are other contradictions in interviews with
both of them. Mossay, who since moved to France, is trying to find the
agreement. This battle could give PM a motive for claiming the photo is a hoax
to get back at Mossay but this is pure speculation.
PM says he has 12 photos of the original model hanging
from a wire, and that he would look for them, but he hasnt produced
PM said he would recreate the model and the photo. When
he presented his recreated photo to investigator Patrick Ferryn, it did not look
like the Petit Rechain photo. PM says its because they no longer make the same
bulbs he used at the time.
How was the halo effect as documented by Prof. Marion
created by a Styrofoam model? Marion died a year ago, but this question needs to
be posed to other scientists. Also, could the unique characteristics of the
corner lights and their rotations, with a very different central light, have
been created with light bulbs? If PM cant recreate it, can someone else? The
other scientists who analyzed the Petit Rechain photo need to be approached for
a new look at the picture. And other analysts who have never seen it before
could provide additional insights.
For now,
we have to operate under the assumption that the photo was faked.
However, this is not a simple situation, and there are still unanswered
questions. Greater proof is needed.
Patrick Marechal is a liar either
then or now so his evidence must be discarded. But this does not impact all
the hundreds of sightings that were reported during the Belgian wave, and this
possible hoax must not be used to undermine the strength of the Belgian wave as
an historic, well-documented event.
Filer's Files are now being emailed to 9100 each week plus 600 copies are
forwarded to more thousands. Consider forwarding them to your friends and
In special reports, this week's files cover: Happy Thanksgiving,
Chinese Pyramids Built by Blue Eyed
Blondes? Artificial Structure Found on Mars Correction, Jupiter's Icy
Moon, Europa Has Water Just Beneath the Surface, Possible Artifact On The 2005
YU55 Asteroid, and Astonishing 'Dropa stones' may provide clue to Alien
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alaska,
Arkansas, California, Florida, Indiana, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas,
Washington, and Wisconsin.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in Australia, Canada, Iceland,
Mexico, Spain, South Africa, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to
report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis
around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial
intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand
UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft
conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when
London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US
Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this research. I believe the God of
the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in
ever-increasing numbers.
Looking for a great email campaign and survey
manager? Try
ListRocket supports MUFON and George Filer. Please
support us!
Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and
the best to you and your families for the coming holidays.
Special Reports
Alien visits have often been interpreted in religious terms, but the data is
essentially truthful and often the best we have. Biologists search for
protoplasm in ancient primordial soup. Archaeologists seek man's origin in the
mud. I search with shining eyes for our home in the stars. There are millions of
planets where life may have originated. Most of my readers have been fortunate
to see extraterrestrial craft and have been blessed to see our visitors. I have
seen most of the world, and Super Bowls and World Series, but the most
spectacular was seeing extraterrestrial craft. You are very special to have
observed objects out of this world. I encourage you to let everyone know you are
proud to be chosen to see these spectacular craft.
Chinese Pyramids Built by Blue Eyed Blondes?
Last week we showed some huge Chinese pyramids over ten thousand years old
allegedly built by blue eyed blondes according to Chinese sacred writings. The
visitors built hundreds of pyramids apparently as landing bases. These huge
monuments are realistic proof of extraterrestrial visitors.
Similar pyramids have been
found in Mexico and Peru. The pyramids possess advanced technology that could
move and carve large stones. A similar race can be found in Egypt who were the
pharaohs and priests in ancient times. I suggest that as many ancient writings
claim our ancestors came from space.
"Francis Crick, the discoverer of DNA, although an atheist published his
book, " Life Itself which subscribed to
the theory of intelligent design, that our universe was not simply the result of
a series of chemical accidents. Primordial life was shipped to Earth in some
sort of spaceships.
He states, "Life did not evolve first on
Earth; a highly advanced civilization became threatened so they devised a way to
pass on their existence. They genetically-modified their DNA and sent it out
from their planet on bacteria or meteorites with the hope that it would collide
with another planet. It did, and that's why we're here." Our DNA was encoded with messages from that other
civilization. They programmed the molecules so that when we reached a certain
level of intelligence, we would be able to access their information, and they
could therefore "teach" us about ourselves, and how to progress. It possible
aliens traveled from another planet to Earth. For instance, the largest human
chromosome, chromosome number 1, is
approximately 220 million base
pairslong. Mathematically human DNA is too
complicated to be an accident.
In my opinion, the history of the human race is built on a
series of assumptions and little real evidence ignoring the strong evidence for
visitors. The scientific study of ancient humans is known as Paleoanthropolgy.
Lee R. Burger is Director of Paleoanthropolgy Unit for Research and Exploration
at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa. In his excellent book, "In
the Footsteps of Eve he states, "The fossil evidence for modern human origins in the
critical time period between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago is, like archaics,
frustratingly rare. In fact, the entire fossil evidence of anatomically
modern-looking humans from around the world, and over 60,000 years, wouldn't
fill a card table. The enduring mystery
of human origins is why one member of this primate family evolved into the
dominant species on Earth that are humans today? Nevertheless, the fossil
evidence that does exist points to an African origin for modern humans. Page 296
We are alleged to be
related to apes, but ape brains are rarely larger than 600 cc and humans range
from 1000 to 2000 cc. So we are to believe apes who still have 600 cc brains
through mutations more than doubled their brain size, and started walking
upright, and developed communication. Paleontologists do not like to mention
that in the South African mines strange artifacts indicating ancient technology
are frequently found such as the London artifact. A primitive Neanderthal
hominid was found with the finest iron object whose pureness has never been
matched even today.
Danish researchers have concluded that all blue-eyed people share a common
ancestor, presumably someone who lived 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. Blue eyes are
a recessive gene to some extent. The genetics of eye color are complicated, and
color is determined by multiple genes. So a mutation is unlikely the cause.
There are blue eyed people in Asia and particularly Europe.
Assuming the
first blue-eyed humans were among the proto-Indo-Europeans who subsequently
spread agriculture into western Europe and later rode horses into Iran and
India. In humans, dark hair is a dominant trait; if one parent contributes a gene
for dark hair and the other contributes a gene for light hair, the child will
have dark hair.
Artificial Structure Found on Mars Correction
George J. Haas wrote, "Although I have been a long time fan of Filer's
Files and really appreciate the enthusiastic report of our acceptance in the JSE
- its coverage in Filer's File #47 has many factual errors that need to be
corrected. "
Here is a copy of Filer's Files article in question.
"The Journal of Scientific Exploration announced in its Fall 2011 Issue that
an artificial structure was found on Mars by George Haas, founder and primary
investigator of The Cydonia Institute and James Miller, independent planetary
researcher and member of The Cydonia Institute. They show evidence of an Avian
Geoglyph on the surface of Mars. This is the First Acceptance and
acknowledgement by the scientific community of the existence of an aesthetically
designed structure on the surface of Mars and should encourage a serious review
of the growing archive of anomalous formations observed on the red planet.
Historically -- this could be viewed as the "Disclosure Event of the 21st
Century!!! Congratulations to George Haas and James Miler!
I would like to have the report revised.
The author of the report states that the Journal of Scientific Exploration
(JSE) has announced that an artificial structures was found on Mars. This is not
correct. The JSE did not make any such statement. The JSE never announces
anything. It was The Cydonia Institute that made an announcement - that our
science paper was released. Although the JSE has published the paper it does not
necessarily mean that they endorse our findings. Also the "scientific community"
does not endorse the findings of the science paper. The truth is - the science
paper is only supported by the 7 authors of the paper and a set of consulting
geologists and veterinarians that supported the science paper during its review
and evolution.
The next problem with the report is the accompanying
photo. The image used in the report is not of the avian formation discussed in
the JSE. This image that is posted is of a parrot head that is located in
northern Cydonia. The avian formation in the JSE science paper is not in Cydonia
- it is found in the Argyre Basin region of Mars.
Attached is an image of the parrot geoglyph (provided by The Cydonia
Institute) that is discussed in the JSE and in an effort to resolve the
inaccuracies in the original Filer's File report - I have provided a suggestive
text for your revised report.
Parrot Geoglyph Found on Mars (Revised)
"The Cydonia Institute announced that their science paper "Avian Formation on
a South-Facing Slope Along the Northwest Rim of the Argyre Basin was just
released in the fall 2011 issue of the Journal of Scientific Exploration. The
paper presents evidence of an Avian Geoglyph on the surface of Mars that has 17
points of anatomical correctness. The seven authors hope the paper will convince
the scientific community of the existence of an aesthetically designed structure
on the surface of Mars. Historically -- this could be a real "game-changer and
encourage a serious review of the growing archive of anomalous formations
observed on the red planet. Congratulations to George Haas and the members of
The Cydonia Institute! http:/ Thanks to George J.
Editor's Note: Sorry for misunderstanding. According to the
Encarta Dictionary announced is a transitive verb to declare or report something
publicly. In my opinion publication does not necessarily mean endorsement, but
indicates acknowledgement. JSR should be congratulated for publishing this
important article. I support the concept that this is not a natural formation.
Mars Spirit Rover Mission Finds Evidence of Manufactured
The Spirit Rover landed near Gusev Crater and allegedly stopped broadcasting
its findings for a week. I speculate ruins of a past civilization were found,
but not released. Hugh Hoyland writes, "On Sol 142 of Spirit's mission the left
Panoramic Camera acquired this strange object that appears to have three drill
holes, and a large hole in the center. Mr. Hoyland has collected a series of
strange objects photographed by the Rovers. Photo courtesy of NASA/JPL
Sun's High Level of Flares Can Cause Earth Disasters
Top international scientists and disaster experts have come together with a
sharp message for the world's political leaders: 'Get ready for more dangerous
and unpredictable weather caused by the Sun's effect here on Earth. It is likely
that the Sun will go into a grand maximum in the current cycle.
Jupiter's Icy Moon, Europa Has Water Just Beneath the Surface
Scientists have found the best evidence yet for life on
Europa. Analysis of the moon's surface suggests plumes of warmer water well up
beneath its icy shell, melting and fracturing the outer layers. The results, published
in the journal Nature,
predict that small lakes exist below the crust. Any liquid water
could represent a potential habitat for life. Scientists have long suspected
that a giant ocean, roughly 160km (100 miles) deep, lies beneath the ice crust.
The discovery of shallow liquid water by an American team makes a space mission
to recover water from the moon much more plausible. The shallow lakes also means
that surface waters are probably vigorously mixing with deeper water. "That
could make Europa and its ocean more habitable," said lead author Britney
Schmidt from the University of Texas at Austin, US, who analyzed images collect
by the Galileo spacecraft.
Boris Rodionov, a tenured professor of Microphysics and Cosmophysics of the
State Institute of Physical Engineering, stated that Europa, " was inhabited by an ancient and technologically
advanced civilization."Russian
astrophysicist Boris Rodionov claims to have proof of the existence of "a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization
on Europa. A portion of the surface of Europa appears to show tubes and
structures. Through the use of sophisticated
photographic analysis the scientist managed to make out the contours of what he
calls pipes, tunnels and spherical
Note: I live on a lake and watch cracks in the ice every
year. Some of the thinnest lines may be cracks on Europa but the tube or tunnel
like structures are thousands of feet wide, some are estimated to be 40
kilometers wide. The likelihood of warming lakes makes it much more likely life
exists on Europa.
The photo clearly shows--according to Rodionov--that the lines formerly
considered as mere fissures by the scientific community actually cross over each
other like a knot of expressways.
According to Rodionov, the variety of
"pipelines" and "tunnels" have a diameter similar to the "Chunnel" that crosses
the English Channel. " There are 100 kilometer Europa segments, as well
as other pipelines having immense junctures or orifices between them."
Similar tunnels,
structures have also been found on Mars, and near 10,000 year old pyramids in
China. It seems likely alien life frequently use tunnels or pipelines for
transportation, water and containment of the atmosphere.
It appears Europa is tilted on its axis slightly as it orbits Jupiter's with
its strong gravitational pull creating powerful heat waves in Europa's ocean.
With surface temperatures as cold as minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit, Europa's
surface is covered with a thick layer of ice. , If there is volcanic activity on
the sea floor the liquid ocean beneath the ice could be a recipe for generating
microorganisms that live without sunlight. Tidal wave action could be the
dominant heat source in the oceans of Europa warming the surface.
Arizona State University professor Ronald Greeley. Although Europa lies five
times farther from the Sun than Earth, he notes it may offer a home for life.
"Europa is unique in our solar system," says Greeley. "It's a rocky object a
little smaller than our Moon, and it's covered with a layer of water 100 miles
deep holding more water than all the oceans on Earth, he explains. Greeley adds
that Europa also has the two other basic ingredients of life -- organic
chemistry and a source of energy.
Possible Artifact on the 2005 YU55 Asteroid
Gordon James Gianninoto sent this email concerning the YU55
Asteroid that recently flew by Earth about 860,000 miles (1.4 million
kilometers) from Earth. The Goldstone observations utilized a new system to
obtain images with a resolution of four meters. Radar astronomer Lance Benner,
the principal investigator from JPL states, "The sequence of images we obtained
shows unprecedented fine-scale detail on this asteroid, which is comparable in
size to the Empire State Building. The Goldstone images show evidence for
concavities, a ridge near the asteroid's equator, and numerous features that may
be large boulders."
Michael Christol wrote: "NASA recently posted a video of 28 images of the
YU55 asteroid and while checking the images several showed a strange right angle
pipe feature. Asteroids may be pieces of destroyed planets with unknown
histories, and may be a relic of a previous civilization on another world. It
could be a drain pipe from mining, or a water supply or sewage pipe, or a smoke
stack for venting gases. Nature does make cylindrical shapes with right angle
turns. The enhancement was done using the Photoshop Gaussian filter followed by
Smart Fix that "corrects color balance and improves shadow and highlight detail.
frame is about 19 sec into the video. I estimate the pipe to be about 120 meters
long before the bend and 30 meters in diameter. Thanks to UFO UpDates -- Toronto
and William
Chinese Structures
New photos have appeared in Google Maps showing titanic structures wide
metallic stripes in the middle of the Chinese desert at Dunhuang, Jiuquan,
Gansu. It is a mile long and 3,000 feet wide. Thanks to Ginger John
Astonishing 'Dropa stones' may provide clue to Alien Life
Colonel Donald G. Carpenter helped write the book,
"ENVIRONMENTAL SPACE SCIENCES -- with six other officers that was taught at the
Air Force Academy. He was the originator of the Space Science Course at the USAF
Academy and Commander of the SPACETRACK Radar Site at Shemya, Alaska. He writes,
"As examples of some ancient and world wide evidence of UFOs, we might start
with the discovery made by Tschi Pen Lao of the University of Peking. He
discovered astonishing carvings in granite on a mountain in Hunan Province and
on an island in Lake Tungting. These carvings have been evaluated as 47,000
years old, and they show people with large trunks that may be evidence of beings
wearing breathing apparatus; however, do not forget that humans often in the
past , have represented their gods as animal heads on human bodies. The book
includes a Chapter on UFOs at
at Outer Space.
The famous Dropa stones also provide strong evidence
for extended Earth visits from ancient astronauts. These stones were found by
Chi Pu Tei who led an archeological expedition to the bleak and windswept range
in 1938 in the Baian-Kara-Ula mountain range on the Chinese-Tibetan border not
far from the Chinese pyramids.
While exploring a series of mountain caverns last inhabited by crude
primitives thousands of years in the past, the scientific team found cavern
walls covered with pictograms depicting scenes of the Solar System and a map of
the heavens illustrating the Earth, sun, Moon and various stars connected with
intersecting lines and dots. The pictogram-maps resemble ancient trade routes.
In one of the mural caves they found a stone disc half-buried. The disc had a
thin spiral groove expertly cut into its face running from the center to the
edge similar to a DVD. The disc they found measures about nine inches in
diameter and roughly three-quarters of an inch thick. The center has a perfect
hole that's three-quarters of an inch across. Once they found the disc, they
eventually dug up 716 discs some in pristine condition. Upon inspection,
mysterious hieroglyphic symbols were found carved inside the grooves.
Unfortunately, the discs languished for years forgotten
in the dusty storage area of a museum until Dr. Tsum Um Nui copied the writing
from each of the surviving discs to paper. The unknown hieroglyphs were so
miniscule he could only read them with the aid of a powerful magnifier. An
expert at deciphering ancient languages, Nui worked diligently for many months
translating some of the 12,000-year-old Dropa stones.
The stones recorded an amazing story written at least 12,000 years ago by a
fantastic people the world had forgotten. The discs relate the voyage of the
Dropa to Earth. How they crashed during their exploration of the planet and
became marooned on Earth, a foreign world unknown to them. Their spacecraft was
located in what later became known as the Baian-Kara-Ula Mountains, part of the
Himalayas. Stranded, the lost travelers sought refuge in the caves Chi Pu Tei
and his scientific exploration team had discovered the discs.
Sightings in the
United States
Alaska UFO Hotbed
Seward -- Robert Mackey writes, "I told you Alaska, is a hot bed
for UFO activity and every time I'm in Seward all you have to do is look up at
night as I did on November 17, 2011, at 12:47 AM, and things are flying by every
night. I asked military people there, who claim they are picking things up on
radar. Also pilots see objects in the area. Seward has Air Force and Army
presence there and military maneuvers take place here every year with nato, and
Special Forces. State Police and local police never seem to see these objects at
night. I have even had calls from others in Seward telling me to stop reporting,
what I'm seeing in the sky at night. Locals come to me with their accounts of
ufos from a distance and up close. Thanks go Robert Mackey Seward Alaska
Arkansas Silver Rounded Object
Trumann -- I was driving home on November 7, 2011, at 4:50 AM, when I noticed
a blue fluorescent light about three miles ahead that was low and illuminated
the field below. I slowed down so I could get a better look and was only 20 feet
from the craft about the level of a telephone pole. The craft was round but
pointed in the front like a stealth bomber. It was silver metallic with a very
soft looking material thick in the front. It moved very slowly and had no sound.
Its lighting lit up the ground like it was looking for something. I lined up
directly side by side as I passed it. I kept looking in my rearview mirror at
it, not believing what I saw. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
California Disc
Petaluma -- I was taking pictures using a hi speed
camera of my kids jumping off haystacks on October 22, 2011, at 2:26 PM,
capturing them in mid air. I got home and put them in my computer and spotted a
speck on the picture. But a after a closer look it was a craft, but not an
Note: Analysis "strongly" indicates that the photo is authentic and not
edited. The silent object appears to be a metallic flying disk and is reflecting
the sun.
Comments Received November 15, 2011: My sighting occurred on June 9, 2011,
across the street from the above sighting. I said to myself, "If you're a UFO,
then flash lights. Immediately the object descended at rapid speed directly
towards me with an enormous wing with bright lights on each end. The craft was
three times the size of a rancher's house. It was very low in the sky as it flew
off. I'm a PhD scientist and I saw something incredible. Thanks to William
Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Florida Lights
Stuart /Jensen Beach -- This is what I saw on Green River Drive on my way
home on November 11, 2011, at 6:39 PM. I thought those were falling stars when
suddenly the stars stopped falling and turned into two shiny big objects.
Note: The photos were taken with an Iphone 4 and enhanced to improve clarity.
Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Indiana Moving Lights
New Salisbury -- I was looking at the sky trying to see the 2005 yu255
asteroid and I was looking at the moon on November 8, 2011, at 7 PM. There was a
bright star under the moon. I took a digital picture of it. I have no idea what
it is. It gave me the creeps. I would like to know more about this picture.
Note: The witness photographed Jupiter which was about 10 degrees below the
moon. The "streaking" of Jupiter and the moon was due to camera movement. Thanks
to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
New Jersey Silver Objects and Marks
Mullica Hill -- Evelyn writes, "I found these videos very interesting about
an Italian Woman Impregnated by Aliens - YouTube. Very interesting about the
stuff found on her body that glows. Laura in the NJ case also had glowing stuff
on her body that I always thought was stuff put on her by the aliens for
protection for them so they wouldn't be contaminated by us. Our bacteria may be
harmful to them like some of the Indians in our nation died because of the white
man when they came to America.
The strange part is I have found marks on my body like hers, the three marks
together, I had on my leg. Hers were worse, but I took photos of all the marks
on my body. I wake up and find them on my legs and arms on different days. I put
the details in my journal.
Thanks to Evelyn
Monroe Township -- I saw white abnormally large lines in
the polluted sky on November 17, 2011! I was staring at my sky, as I normally do
at 6 PM every day. I spotted a rare sighting of strange white light formations.
There was definitely some sort of outer space creature trying to communicate
with us! Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
TurnerSville -- Steve was coming out of a Wawa store on Hurffville Crosskeys
Road and looked up to see saw two round silver hovering objects on August 11,
2011, in the afternoon.
Chesilhurst -- In the first two weeks of August an object was seen hovering
in the night sky that had lights on it and half changed to a green color. The
object was watched for over 45 minutes and it was seen twice on a Wednesdays at
10 PM in the same location. Thanks to Evelyn
Ohio Orange Lights
COLUMBUS -- I watched three orange lights in the NW sky
slowly come into view on October 31, 2011. The lights were orange and hovered
and one flew west while the other flew east. The center light stayed in position
as I ran in house to get camera. I came out and only one orange light was in the
sky that headed southwest and disappeared.
Fifteen minutes later, the lights were back in the NW sky so I called my
daughter who lives north of Cincinnati and she saw two orange lights at 9:30 pm.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Thanks to MUFON CMS and Ken Pfeifer
ASHLAND -- My cat jumped onto the window sill and behind it I noticed a dark
grey triangle about one hundred feet across with multi-colored lights over the
airstrip 900 feet from my house. The craft had no sound and flew at 50 feet
straight over the pond where it made a slow turn and continued out of sight at 4
PM, on November 1, 2011. There were numerous different color lights and a red
flashing light on its middle bottom. An orange ball followed about 500 feet
behind it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Cylinder
SOUTH OF ERIE -- Driving on I-79 Highway to Pittsburgh, I
took an odd picture of something very solid in a cloud on November 10, 2011, at
11:18 AM. I took this picture on my I phone.
Note: It is not known if the witness actually saw the object or later
discovered it in the photo. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
McKeesport -- My wife and I were driving north on Myer Boulevard about 11:15
AM, on November 19, 2011, when I saw a bright light above the northern horizon.
I saw that the light was reflecting from a metallic silver object, and was much
brighter than other planes. I called my wife's attention to the object. She
immediately saw it and was as puzzled as I was. The object was metallic and had
a silvery looking cigar shape without wings, propellers, or markings. In the
center of the craft was a series of rectangular windows. It was flying northeast
silently at about 500 mph and suddenly vanished. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Lights
Alpine -- We saw in the distance two red lights side by side on November 9,
2011, at 10:30 PM, with a white light far above them. As they got close they
split up and flew above us at very low speeds and altitude. They were heading
straight towards Marfa, Texas, then a fourth one appeared and joined the other
three. They were all turning around. We heard a fifth one and looked up to see a
big black triangle with red and white lights. Then the lights all turned headed
towards Fort Davis.
Note: The sighting occurred near Marfa, Texas which has been long known to be
a location of strange lights. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Triangle Lights
RIDGEFIELD -- A friend and I were driving to the store on November 17, 2011,
at 9 PM and saw three reddish glowing lights in a perfect triangle formation.
They were 500 to 600 square feet in size and were silently hovering just above
the 100 feet high Cottonwood trees on the west side of NE 29th Avenue. We drove
by it very slowly looking west and saw it for seven minutes and they were gone.
Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Marysville -- I was driving my son home talking about UFOs when I noticed
three bright orange fire balls on November 15, 2011, at 7:15 PM. They were in a
perfect triangle formation and told my son to take a picture with my phone. I
got out of my van as the balls of light started moving very fast and
erratically. I captured this picture of lights that formed a perfect straight
line then they created a triangle again. Then they flew apart one flying east
and two to the west. They went straight up and disappeared. Note: The photo is
of good quality considering that it was taken at night with a cell-phone. Skies
were clear with calm winds. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Wisconsin Triangle
New Diggings -- Three friends and I were traveling back from visiting a UFO
hotspot on the Illinois Wisconsin border on November 18, 2011. We were on a back
road just coming out of a valley when we saw a possible UFO. It was passing in
and out of clouds and when it cleared a cloud we could definitively make out a
perfect black triangle, with three corner lights. It was about 500 to 600 feet
in length and about 300 feet wide. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Argentina Interrupted Journey (1983) Disc
Villa Huidobro -- Lucio Daniel Rossi writes, "The Sordi Family made up of
Armando Sordi, his wife, two daughters and his mother-in-law decided to spend
Christmas Eve, 1983 with relatives. Their three months old baby was very sick so
her parents decided to take her to a doctor the nearby town of Huinca Renanc.
Around 12:40 AM, the family was driving when they spotted a glow that resembled,
"a large communion wafer -- translucent and white that rose quickly into the
The circular object began moving toward them, "as though something were
pushing it from behind. It looked increasingly larger as it flew very low.
Despair gripped the family and Armando pulled over and got out of the car. The
Mother leaned over to protect the baby and saw her husband's leg and foot beside
the car
The UFO flew only a few dozen meters away, was reddish in color giving off a
powerful white glow. "Armando said, "It's flying over us and stopping over those
trees. The Mother says, "I was able to see an immense craft clearly rotating at
an alarming rate. It was noiseless and moved like a hummingbird, one moment
here, and another there. The object measured 25 meters in diameter. It changed
colors from red to orange, yellow, white and green, and always irradiated a
powerful white glow that flooded the surroundings. "It looked like daytime; we
couldn't even see the car's headlights and saw the UFO had
Another car was heading toward them and the UFO vanished as
the other car sped by and then the UFO "lit up again. The family drove away as
the UFO followed at low altitude, lighting the areas over which it flew. When
Armando slowed down, the UFO did the same. It even rose into the air to dodge a
refrigeration plant then flying low before ascending at a prodigious rate and
vanishing. The family saw the craft again and had a possible abduction.
Translation (c) 2011, S. Corrales, IHU, and INEXPLICATA.
BUENOS AIRES -- This was taken by a friend that was just taking a picture of
the view of her new house on May 27, 2007.
I was doing back up and I saw this white disc and amplified it.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Red Light
NORMAN WELLS, NORTHWEST TERRITORY -- I looked out my kitchen window to see a
red light orb on November 20, 2011, hovering above the tree line. I called my
wife who thought it was plane. No planes fly at 11:20 PM, at night without
making a sound. The weather is clear and cold about -33 Celsius so any aircraft
will make a lot of noise. It was hovering in the east, so I went to the corner
of my street, and saw it once more before it hovered over the trees out of
sight. This is my second ufo sighting my first one was in January 1996. Thanks
Iceland Photographs
The Iceland Lights photographed images suggest that two aerial objects have
been photographed, and that the high-frequency (GHz) magnetic field from the two
objects is sufficiently powerful to ionize the air. The actual shape of the
objects is hidden by the ionization effect, and the apparent "points" of the
object on the left are only ionization effects. I have observed that kind of
magnetic effect in most of the photos which George Ritter sent me in which at
least six different kinds of craft appear. Your publications are excellent.
Thanks John E. Combest Engineer.
Mexico Worm
Baja -- Photographer noticed the object (entity) moving about the sky in a
small area in a constant "wormlike" manner. The entity makes random movements
with a sort of intelligence to it. The object was seen from November 15 thru 20,
2011, over the Pacific Ocean just outside of Baja. The entity appears to be tube
shaped, with a glowing mist body and two red eyes as horizontal slits. The
entity observed and moved toward the photographer who vacated the area
immediately. The observer became very upset and fatigued when the entity
"looked" at her. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Africa Sighting
Cape Town -- My mother and I live on Greenways, Strand
Golf Estate that looks out over False Bay. We went out to the boardwalk by the
sea about 9:30 PM, and were chatting and looking southwest. I jumped up with
amazement when I saw an extremely bright star' the shape of the drawing. The
star was bright gold color, with bright blue around its body. It was hovering
together with a smaller little star. They were drifting lower in unison, when
suddenly the larger star started moving up without the smaller star.
I was jumping up and down from excitement shouting for my Mother to get our
camera. Now the bigger star moved down to its original position. Then the
smaller star flew down into the water and as larger star followed and
disappeared into the water as well. The small star was like a little tug boat,
leading the bigger star to where they were going. It is apparent these were
mechanical craft and not a natural phenomenon. The episode lasted for about ten
Thanks to Liesl van Wyk's email
Spain UFO Crash in 1899!
By Scott
Corrales Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology UFO Digest Latin
America Correspondent
Juan Carlos Victorio remarks on an article appearing in
Spain's Mas All de la Ciencia magazine on October 2011, #272 discussing a UFO
crash in Spain a full forty-eight years before the birth of the contemporary
"flying saucer" age.
The article, written by Alex Muniente, asks: "Was there a conspiracy to cover
up an extraterrestrial crash near Barcelona in 1899? In the late 19th century, a
mysterious aerolith exploded over the skies of Barcelona creating astonishment
and confusion throughout the city."
Visit Scott's website:
(Translation (c) 2011, S. Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology)
UK England UFO
HATFIELD -- Photographer Jason Reeve took the dazzling
pictures from outside his northwest-facing bedroom window, in Chantry Court,
with a 20-minute exposure. The images showed a mysterious mushroom-shaped craft
set against the starry night sky.
He said: "I was lying on my bed and I glanced out of my window and saw an odd
light in the sky. I am a photographer and it looked different to anything I had
seen before. I set up my Canon 60D and took a series of photos of a cone shaped
object hovering very high up. He added: "I had captured four separate hovering
lights in the sky, but not visible to the naked eye, with a possible small trail
behind the object, suggesting that the object had been moving.
December 3rd in Murfreesboro's at the Baymont Inn. Speakers
George Filer, Christopher O'Brien, and Tom Reed.
Christopher has authored four books on cattle mutilations in the
San Louis Valley in Colorado. Tom Reed, from Knoxville, will give us updates on
the ongoing investigation of his and his brother's multi-generational abductions
that have now become famous. I'll speak about life on Mars. Contact
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
25-11-2011 om 15:40
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
South Africa lecture, Conehead mummy, and a death.
I leave this Wednesday the 23rd for South
Africa ..... the invitation of Michael
Tellinger (author of "Slave Species of God"), to lecture at his first
annual conference in Johannesburg: UFOs, Science, and
Consciousness. I will be among 15 speakers from around the world, and I
am very excited to be a part of this grand new event.
That said, I am definitely NOT looking forward to 18
hours of flight each way, but I couldn't legitimately call myself a serious
researcher into human origins if I didn't seize this golden opportunity to visit
the "Abzu," the home of the Anunnaki gold mines (yes, the pun
was intended).
I'll be speaking for 90 minutes, doing about an hour on
the new Intevention Theory eBook, and a half-hour summary of where things are
now with the Starchild Skull, focusing on the DNA analysis. Michael intends to
film all aspects of the conference, all speakers, so those who want the DVD of
it should contact him and put in an early order for it. It should be
The infant
Conehead mummy recently found in Cuzco, Peru ....
has caused about 100 people from around the world to contact me about the many
articles and reports featuring it in the past couple of days. All of those
people want to know my thoughts about this astounding relic that has been
examined by three anthropologists who have announced that it looks to be alien
rather than human. The only aspect of this story that is a surprise to me is
that mainstream anthropologists are actually giving it real credence as what all
Coneheads so obviously seem to be---NOT human.
For at least a dozen years I've been saying that
Conehead skulls are clearly not entirely human, if human at all. Yes, they have
a human-LIKE face, but they have brains that are literally twice the size of
normal human brains. And how does the mainstream explain this difference? With
exactly what you see in the article I've linked below: the same excuse they use
to explain the strange shape of the Starchild Skull---deliberate head
The Starchild's brain volume is 400 cubic centimeters
more than it should be. The Conehead brains are 1400 to 1600 more than they
should be! Literally twice the size of normal human brains! So
how does head binding not only reshape the head, but greatly expand the brain
size at the same time? The painting of the Native American in the article proves
my point---her head is reshaped, but not in the least enlarged because that is
simply not possible.
.... every bit of the close scientific scrutiny we have
been trying for so long to arrange for the Starchild. Look at its eye sockets!
Look at their size! They're not like the Starchild's, they're something entirely
different, but certainly not human, in the same way the Starchild's eye sockets
are not human. Human-LIKE, yes, but NOT human.
Look at the size of its head! The body is the size of an
infant, and the skull's fontanelle (the area of the "soft spot" on a human
infant) has not yet closed, yet there seems to be adult type teeth in the mouth!
This is very puzzling to me, and forces me to make some rather wild
speculations. What kind of being has teeth in infancy? Or, conversely, what kind
of being is so tiny as an adult that it has adult teeth but cranial bones that
have not sutured?
All I can say is what I've been saying all along: the
Coneheads need to be as fully analyzed scientifically as I'm trying to make
happen with the Starchild. And to that end, I can let you all in on this: I have
become friends with a man who lives in Peru named Brien Foerster. Brien runs
tours to all the unusual places down there, and many of you have seen him on the
TV show "Ancient Aliens." He will be on it again next season. He is a new force
in our field.
Earlier this year Brien was able to secure bone and skin
samples from four different Conehead skulls, which he passed to me, and I have
in turn passed them to the geneticist working on the Starchild Skull's DNA
recovery. As is always the case, we don't have nearly enough money to do what
should be done with those Conehead samples, but the geneticist does intend to
try to make some very basic recoveries to tell us whatever can be discovered for
a minimal amount of money. When we can make more of an investment in those
samples, as with the Starchild Skull, you can be certain we will.
Now we have two solid chances to make
..... one with the Starchild, and one with the Conehead
samples. I have always believed the Coneheads would prove to be non-human, just
as I know for a fact now that the Starchild will prove to be definitely not
human. But the amazing thing is that the Starchild and the Coneheads are from
two entirely different types of beings! I don't know what the rest of the
Starchild's body looked like, but we do have postcranial Conehead bodies, as
seen in the small mummified one recently found in Cuzco.
This is, at the very least, one of the most cutting of
the cutting edges in science right now, yet it's a subject that virtually no
credentialed scientists dare to acknowledge. I'm astounded, frankly, that the
Spanish and Russian anthropologists have stuck their necks out to say they think
it's alien. But sooner or later this is where science has to go. Sooner or later
they have to face up to things like the Starchild, and the Coneheads, and see
them for what they are .... definitely human-LIKE, but just as definitely NOT
If you doubt what I'm saying, take four minutes to watch
this video about strange skulls, most of which are coneheads, and see what YOU
And now we turn to a very sad announcement for
past week the world of alternative knowledge lost one of its finest scholars and
writers. Alan Alford exploded on our field with his first book,
"Gods of the New Millenium," and he went on to write several
more that were all notable for their profound scholarship and attention to
detail. I must say that I did not agree with much of Alan's later work, but
despite that real philosophical rift between us, we remained good friends for
the decade since we met. Our last email exchange was only two weeks ago, when he
strongly urged me to put all of my old books--especially my novels, published
and unpublished--into an eBook format through the company he was using.
have tried hard to find out what felled Alan at the early age of 50, but he
lived with his wife, Sumu, in her home city of Kathmandu, Nepal, and I am not
yet privvy to any details about his passing. We can only know that Alan Alford
left a truly distinguished body of work behind, and he will be absolutely and
sincerely missed by those of us who knew him and admired his tenacity of spirit
and keenness of mind. He was brilliant, and he was dogged. I will miss his
friendship very much, and I offer his families in England and in Nepal my
sincerest condolences for his all-too-early loss.
free.pdf sample below is 20 pages, and takes an average reader
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ESSENTIALS, the experience will be memorable. For most readers it
requires 3 hours to read, and those 3 hours will change your worldview
Your donations allow us to continue providing free
public information about the Starchild Skull, maintain the website, and fund
ongoing work with the Skull. Thank you for your support!
The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) invites you to
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on Facebook?
A senior U.S. military commander who led the investigation into
UFO sightings in Suffolk has spoken out about the incident for the first time in
30 years.
The incident in 1980 was dubbed Britain's Roswell and became a
topic of fascination in the UK after a group of servicemen went into Rendlesham
Forest to investigate some mysterious lights and came out convinced they had
seen seen an alien spacecraft.
Now one of the men involved has spoken out for the first time
and has admitted the entire episode could have been a hoax.
Sighting: Lieutenant Colonel Halt's sketch of the
alien spacecraft he claims to have seen in Rendlesham Forest
U.S. Air Force Colonel Ted Conrad was base commander of the
airfields at Woodbridge and Bentwaters, near Ipswich.
At the time the base is believed to have stored nuclear
After spotting some strange lights in the sky two nights in a
row, Col Conrad went to investigate and, after clearing some bushes, found some
strange markings on trees, which he believed could have indicated a spacecraft
He then picked a group of his own men and sent them into the
forest that evening.
Armed with night vision goggles and a camera they searched the
area and after seeing nothing suspicious some of the men returned to
However, Col Conrad's deputy, Lieutenant Colonel Halt, stayed
behind and kept in touch with his superior via radio.
Lt Col Halt then reported he saw more lights on the ground and
in the sky.
Other senior officers on the base went outside to see if they
could see the lights but nobody was able to, despite it being a perfectly clear
Lt Col Halt, left, filed a report to the MoD and
said he believed the lights were extraterrestrial while Kevin Conde, right,
admitted to the BBC that he had played a prank on a colleague while he was
working at the base
He later filed a report to the Ministry of Defence and
explained he believed the lights were 'extraterrestrial in origin' and also
accused the U.S. and UK security services of trying to cover the incident
Col Conrad has always remained silent about the incident, until
He has said that a number of people tried to validate Halt's
story but nobody was able to and said there was no 'hard evidence' to back up
any of his deputy's claims and believes the entire incident might have been an
elaborate hoax.
Speaking to Dr David Clarke, UFO adviser to the National
Archives, he said: 'He should be ashamed and embarrassed by his allegation that
his country and England both conspired to deceive their citizens over this
issue. He knows better.'
The former commander has also dismissed Sergeant Jim
Penniston's claims that he had gone into the woods on the first night of the
sightings and claimed he touched an alien aircraft.
Col Conrad said he interviewed Penniston who did not say that
he had touched the aircraft but did say he saw lights in the
'We saw nothing that resembled Lt Col Halt's descriptions
either in the sky or on the ground,' he said.
The US Air Force released this 1972 photo of a
Viking space probe awaiting recovery at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico
as part of its report on Roswell in 1947
Despite Col Conrad's attack on his former colleagues, Dr Clarke
believes that Halt could have witnessed an optical illusion, insisting: 'I don't
think anyone, least of all Conrad, doubts that Halt saw 'something'.
'They had an extraordinary experience and that experience would
remain extraordinary regardless of whether ultimately it was a lighthouse or
poachers' lanterns - which has also been suggested.'
Kevin Conde, a former U.S. security police officer near RAF
Woodbridge, once told the BBC's Inside Out programme that he played a prank
while working at the base.
Conde said he only became aware of the incident 15 years after
it happened and said the sightings fitted the description of a hoax he played on
a colleague at the same time as the Rendlesham Forest Incident.
The Suffolk incident resurfaced claims from those living in
Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947 when an unexpected crash was alleged to have been
the remains of a spacecraft and alien bodies.
But this was rejected by the U.S. military following a close
investigation into the wreckage.
The problem with that blue sky thinking we were introduced to by New Labour
is that we happen to perceive the sky as blue only because of our particular
physiology and arrangement of senses on this particular planet. Blue sky
thinking doesnt so much encourage limitless imagination as embed in its own
metaphor our absolute inability to think outside our perceptual and conceptual
limitations. We cant help but do it our way. We get a poor enough result when
we use blue sky thinking to figure out innovative ways to deal with economic
or social problems, and do no better contemplating the possibility of life
elsewhere in the universe. We think of aliens and immediately cut them down or
up (or some other inconceivable dimension) to our size. They can be bigger or
smaller, their heads huge, their eyes bulbous; they are usually humanoid,
occasionally reptilian, but they are always recognisable as variations on the
theme of life on planet earth. This is as true when we set out to imagine alien
behaviour as it is when we imagine their shape.
In 1967, astronomers in Cambridge listening to deep space with their new
radio telescope heard signals pulsing at precise and regular intervals. One
possible explanation they came up with was that they had tapped into an
invitation to say hello sent out by intelligent beings from another galaxy.
Martin Ryle, the future astronomer royal, was in charge of the group. His
response was unambiguous: if they had really found extra-terrestrials they
should immediately dismantle the new telescope and not tell a soul about the
signals, on the grounds that they wouldnt be able to resist replying and
alerting the possibly hostile aliens to our existence in this cosy, uninvaded
corner of the universe. In fact, they had discovered pulsars. Stephen Hawking
agrees: If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed
in America, which didnt turn out well for the Native Americans.
When the truth seems to be out there, our best bet for surviving would appear
to be not to let a pin drop while circling our wagons. They might be peaceable
seekers after companionship in the universe, but they might not be, and far
safer to overestimate ETs aggressive tendencies than risk inviting Wellsian
Martians or Wyndhams triffids to do their worst. We are star stuff, and if star
stuff is anything like us, it would be wise to reason, we should be very wary
indeed. Ryle and Hawking arent the only ones who suppose that if theyre
beeping us, theres something they want, and if theres something they want and
we have it, theyll certainly come and get it. Better to err on the side of
planet survival and assume that they are greatly in advance of us
technologically, and hostile. After all, theyve been sending out radio feelers
for millennia and we only got our radio telescope the other day. In relation to
aliens, we invariably consider ourselves to be the junior thinkers and makers,
though often we imagine we are nicer. But they are so much older and more savvy
that in all likelihood theyve used up their own planets resources and are
looking around the universe for a handy new planet to inhabit. Ours, we think,
would be just dandy for the kinds of alien we imagine. So answer them and
chances are theyll be enslaving us or harvesting us for food, interbreeding
with, or genetically modifying us so that our children are born with uncanny
blue eyes and an emotionless stare that turns all human hearts to stone.
That is one standard story of human contact with extra-terrestrials. Another
view is that they have been watching us, even walking among us, for millennia.
Quietly waiting for us to outgrow our reptilian, mammalian and higher primate
incarnations until our poor homo sapiens brain finally fangled the right
telescope to hear their signals. Like wise parents, or paternalist gods, they
are giving us our head in adolescence and will be on hand to teach us what we
really need to know about the meaning of life and the universe when we are ready
(see Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick). Or another benevolent scenario
they are like those concerned parents who would, weve been told, have prevented
the recent earthly riots. They have already stepped in, alarmed at the way
earthling civilisation is going and have been taking steps to prevent us blowing
ourselves up or indulging ourselves to pieces. The free-will thing may have
prevented us from growing as wise as we could be, but imagine what the planet
would be like without their surreptitious interventions.
Aliens have nothing but contempt for us, or they love us. Oddly, they dont
seem to be indifferent to us (how could anyone be?), though this is surely the
best explanation for the apparent absence of signals, given so the
calculations go that there are at least ten billion planets in the universe
capable of producing intelligent life. Even this bit of arithmetic may be based
on our incapacity to think beyond ourselves. A recent paper I dont pretend to
understand uses a Bayesian analysis of the probability of abiogenesis to show
that life might, after all, be very rare; rather lax mathematical assumptions
about the term likelihood caused the error in the old equation. Its all maths
to me, but I think this relates to the fact that the terms used for the way life
might come about are based on the sole example we know of universal life, which
is us and our fellow creatures on this planet.
Try as we might to imagine ETs that are not like us, we remain the baseline.
In The Myth and Mystery of UFOs, Thomas Bullard suggests that this may
be more interesting than merely evidence of compulsive anthropocentrism and a
limited imagination. Surely, we arent really trying to grasp the actuality of
extra-terrestrials. Or at any rate, the narratives related by believers in and
experiencers of UFOs, aliens among us and extra-terrestrial abductions tell us
as much about human fears (and hopes) as about the real or fancied activities of
visitors from outer space. Bullard is a board member of the Center for UFO
Studies (CUFOS), a privately funded research group set up in 1973 to make UFO
studies more academically respectable the flagship of scholarly excellence
for the field. CUFOS was headed until his death in 1986 by Josef Allen Hynek, a
professor of astronomy at Northwestern University and longtime consultant to the
US air force. He publicly switched from doubter to believer in the fact, at
least, of unidentified flying objects, having decided that in spite of all the
false sightings there was a stubborn, unyielding residue of incredible reports
from credible people. Bullard echoes Hynek in holding that the body of data
points to an aspect of the natural world not yet explored by science and goes
further, to say that enough threads of coherent experience exist to reject
cultural explanations as less than the whole story, though cultural influences
contribute much to our interest in the phenomenon even as they do much to
confuse our understanding of it. Both sides deserve the serious attention they
have never received.
He describes numerous classical UFO sightings and abduction claims, allowing
that many of them were fake or misinterpretations of astronomical or covert
military phenomena. Those that remain come from reliable sources, lack
alternative explanations, or have a compelling cross-cultural and historical
consistency. He says no more than that some stories cant be accounted for by
other explanations. This makes him a surprisingly restrained advocate of little
green men. His background is in folklore his PhD from Indiana University was
on that subject and it inclines him to give far greater cultural and
anthropological weight to his understanding of sightings and experiences of the
phenomenon of UFOs than youd otherwise expect. In a subject where the lack of
non-anecdotal evidence means it is only possible to believe in extra-terrestrial
visits, not to prove them, a cultural description is probably the only
alternative to evangelical sermonising. Evangelism works wackily both ways: in
1997, Pat Robertson called for people who believe in space aliens to be stoned
to death, since if space aliens did exist they (and therefore believers in
them) would be nothing more than agents of the devil trying to lead people away
from Christ.
Stories of sightings and meetings with aliens take up a good deal of The
Myth and Mystery of UFOs, and are familiar from science fiction in all its
forms as well as reports in newspapers. The mother of all sightings is centred
on Roswell in New Mexico, where in 1947 (and as it happens, in the week I was
born just saying) debris was found which was, according to taste, the remains
of a crashed UFO or of a military weather balloon from a secret spy programme
called Project Mogul. Rumours that dead aliens were found with the debris and
hidden in Area 51, a top secret military base in Nevada, were kept alive by a
scratchy film that emerged in 1995, showing a large-headed, bug-eyed alien
corpse being dissected on an operating table by a man in a white coat. In 2006,
the film was revealed by its maker to have been a hoax, but Roswell was the
first of a slew of mid-20th-century sightings which supplied the prototype of
the conspiracy theory that still circulates among believers. At its most vivid,
the story is that the US government made contact with aliens decades ago and
formed a secret world government in alliance with them, keeping the masses
ignorant and themselves in power. They deliberately mock or ignore believers in
UFOs, who are something like seers or liberationists in the face of devilish or
imperialist forces of oppression. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
fed alluringly off this theory. To more sceptical but still paranoid observers,
UFOs at their most plausible are indeed unidentified flying objects: secret
military hardware mistaken for something otherworldly. The world government
story remains, but the threat is earthly and the solution individual survivalism
or Tea Parties. At their most useful as propaganda at the height of the Cold
War, evil, non-individualist aliens in American movies and on the radio
regularly threatened the earth with obliteration, and with much more
determination and animus than Nikita Khrushchev banging his shoe on the desk at
the UN.
However, it is Bullards account of the myth, rather than the mystery, that
offers the most acceptable account of alien sightings and abductions. Or at any
rate the most familiar and easiest to take. Aliens who whisk innocent sleepers
off to their spaceships and give them medical examinations or impregnate them
are only doing what fairies and hobgoblins have been doing since long ago and
far away. Perfectly ordinary people in folk stories the world over are regularly
stopped on the road and taken away by mischievous or sinister Others. In Western
European culture, mermaids drag sailors to the depths, Oberon and Puck do a
number on Bottom, Rumpelstiltskin demands a human child of his own in return for
a magical favour, the witch entices lost children into a gingerbread house, the
inscrutable Pied Piper, dressed half in yellow and half in red, seduces away
rats and then, when the citizens of Hamelin prove incorrigible, whisks off the
younger generation. In the Bible there was a time when giants walked among us
and sons of God or angels mated with fair-faced human females, or appeared to
individuals to tell them that they were pregnant with a changeling, or to
deliver a warning of things to come and save the world from itself. These
stories of underground and parallel worlds have comforted or terrified human
beings for centuries. Why wouldnt we include the space above our heads in our
narratives, and why wouldnt we update the stories? Bullard describes a
Zimbabwean sighting at Mutare in 1981. A brightly lit sphere was seen by 20
workers coming back from the fields. It rolled along the ground and then burst
into flames. Clifford Muchena saw three men standing observing the fire. They
were tall and luminous, they wore silver suits, and a power from them caused
him to fall to the ground. He told the investigator, Cynthia Hind, that they
were the spirits of his ancestors. She pointed out that his ancestors would
wear hides and crocodile teeth instead of silvery suits, to which Muchena
replied: Yes, but times change! Investigators have cultural limitations as
well as witnesses.
Bullard is doing cultural anthropology of a more functional kind, but its an
effective way of analysing vast amounts of annoying and otherwise unpresentable
data. Conversely, the old stories can be reinterpreted from a modern ufologists
point of view as alien sightings which a non-technological world used its own
cultural assumptions to describe. Aliens interfere in very similar ways,
dangerous, powerful but compelling. They arent angels, but visitors from
far-off planets, not ancient questing heroes but high-tech travellers from
unimaginable distances. Or they are embedded in the mysteries of the planet so
that wonders of ancient architecture and earthworks Egyptian pyramids, Easter
Island sculptures, the Nazca Lines in Peru are to be taken as evidence of
advanced alien technologies fallen into disrepair. Theyve already been and
gone. Did they give up on us or were they only passing through and planting a
little alien know-how for their own comfort? Anything incomprehensible is
available to be either a sign from God or evidence of an extra-terrestrial
visitation. Sleep paralysis is used to explain the helplessness of physical
abduction experiences, but believers stories of what ufologists call high
strangeness are so compelling that its a pity to insist on a terrestrial
physicalist explanation.
Either to give his book a what-the-hell pro-believer kick in the tail that
non-believers can at least smile at, or because the silliness of the example is
so great that it cant be fantasy, Bullard, the anti-sceptical sceptical
director of CUFOS, offers as the most convincing case for the existence of alien
visitations the account of an alien raccoon giving the nod to the Nobel laureate
Kary Mullis. In his final chapter, Bullard tells of Mullis arriving after
midnight (having passed the functional sobriety test: hed driven
successfully through the mountains) at his cabin in the woods of northern
California in 1985.
Once he turned on the lights and left sacks of groceries on the floor, he
lighted his path to the outhouse with a flashlight. On the way, he saw something
glowing under a fir tree. Shining the flashlight on this glow, it seemed to be a
raccoon with little black eyes. The raccoon spoke, saying, Good evening,
doctor, and he replied with a hello.
You will have read more than a couple of folk and fairy stories that start
like this, to say nothing of Alice in Wonderland, the raccoon being a
geographically specific protagonist rather than a white rabbit, a woman of the
sidhe from Eire, a biblical angel or a swan formerly known as Zeus, so
you wont be more surprised by the encounter than Mullis seemed to be. Yet for
all his clarity about the way alien encounters mesh tightly with older and more
terrestrial human legends (those other kinds of Other), Bullard thinks that this
is the hardest story to deny. Mullis himself later came across Whitley
Striebers huge-selling book about his own alien abduction, Communion,
and recognised the time he lost that night, but as a chemist couldnt quite
bring himself to accept that hed been abducted by aliens. Why would they
pretend to be a talking raccoon, and anyway, if theyre so smart, how come they
invariably have to stick probes up abductees bottoms to see what were made of?
On Star Trek didnt they have a little gadget that you popped into an
aliens ear and it told you instantly what kind of life form it was? In fact, I
think Ive seen very similar machines used in present-day Las Vegas at the CSI
laboratories. So holding back on a definitive yes to alien visitation, Mullis
speculated instead that the raccoon was some sort of holographic projection and
that multidimensional physics on a macroscopic scale may be responsible. And,
getting out my Occams razor, I too am inclined to prefer the little green
talking raccoon from outer space as the more plausible explanation. Bullards
point is that here is a highly respected scientist who is adamant that something
perfectly ridiculous actually happened to him. Mullis, in his autobiography
Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, insisted: To say it was aliens is to
assume a lot. But to say it was weird is to understate it Its what science
calls anecdotal, because it only happened in a way that you cant reproduce. But
it happened.
Believers in all manner of paranormal phenomena regularly argue that science
cant effectively test or falsify such experiences, precisely because its
normal science. This argument doesnt help their case among sceptical
scientists, but normal science ought to know by now that almost everything has
at one time been beyond its capacity to test. Maybe it takes a Nobel
Prize-winning scientist to come up with the phrase But it happened.
Reykjavik, Iceland photographer captures Northern
Lights UFOs on October 30, 2011.
George A. Filer III.
MUFON Eastern Region Director
New Jersey State Director
November 16, 2011
Filer's Files are now being emailed to 9000 each week plus 600
copies are forwarded to more thousands. Consider forwarding to your friends and
If you wish to no longer receive emails from us please visit
your profile
In special reports, this week's files cover: Mars Structures, China's
Hidden Pyramids, Renewed Volcanic Activity at Canary Islands, Russian Satellite
Engines fail to Ignite
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alabama,
Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana,
Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee,
Texas, Washington and. Wisconsin.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in Brazil, Canada, Croatia,
Dominican Republic, Iceland, Iran, Iceland, Mexico, New Zealand, and England in
the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video
evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files
assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis
is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically
advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became
interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England
while flying for the US Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force
investigated UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this advanced
research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the
cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Special Reports
Scientifically Acknowledged Artificial Structure Found on Mars
The Journal of Scientific Exploration announced in its Fall 2011
Issue that an artificial structure was found on Mars by George Haas, founder and
primary investigator of The Cydonia Institute and James Miller, independent
planetary researcher and member of The Cydonia Institute. They show evidence of
an Avian Geoglyph on the surface of Mars. This is the First Acceptance and
acknowledgement by the scientific community of the existence of an aesthetically
designed structure on the surface of Mars and should encourage a serious review
of the growing archive of anomalous formations observed on the red planet.
Historically -- this could be viewed as the "Disclosure Event"
of the 21st Century!!! Congratulations to George Haas and James Miler! http:/
The Face on Mars Comic book
Russell P Hamerly writes, "A comic book published in September 1958 shows a
drawing of the Face on Mars formation discovered eighteen years later at Cydonia
by the Viking orbiter in 1976. In fact it comes from a comic book "The Face
on Mars", penciled by Jack Kirby and inked by Al Williamson. -- On an expedition
from the Earth's moon to the planet Mars, an international team of astronauts --
led by American Ben Fisher -- discover a huge carving of a Martian face --
that's as big as a mountain! Ascending to the inscrutable statue's hollow eyes,
Fisher plunges inside, where he finds a green, sunlit countryside with cool,
rich and breathable air, one which shelters a civilization of "magnificent
According to some reports, we had a base on Mars in the late fifties and the
data was leaked by these writers! So was this comic book inspired from a
discovery made then?
China's Hidden Pyramids
Nine university scientists gaped upwards at the gigantic,
prehistoric pyramid that they determine was built some 10,000 years ago. A team of daring Chinese
researchers, digging into the ancient mysteries of the origin of their country,
has come to the inescapable conclusion that an interstellar, supreme alien race
used much of the northern and western Chinese regions as massive Earth
bases. Hundreds of strange pyramids cover parts of China and former
One such base may be the astonishing pyramid structure that sits near the
apex of Mount Baigong in the western province of Qinghai, the Xianyang pyramid.
The Chinese pyramids look similar to those on Mars. The people of Mars may have
recognized mammoth floods were coming to Mars and gathered up their animals and
flew to Earth like the story of Noah. We are
told in the Bible that extraterrestrials (the sons of God mated with the
daughters of men, they were fair, and they took them wives of all which they
chose. Genesis 6.
Three hundred 10,000 year
old pyramids were built by 6'6' blonde, blue eyed gods from space. They look
very much like modern Nordics. Danish scientists studying DNA claim there were
no blue eyed blondes on Earth until 6000 to 10,000 years ago. The visitors chose
to live at fairly high altitude in mountains area that has been lived for
centuries by Tibetans. China is the focus of legends, myths and stories of alien
visitations and many of them center on the Xianyang pyramid. Local villagers
claim their distant ancestors spoke of sky great ships that navigated the
heavens and used the pyramid as a landing, refueling and resupply
The hypothesis
regarding extra-terrestrials is "understandable and worth looking into. Yang Ji,
one of the scientists and a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
explained to reporters. While the scientific exploration team agrees, all
indications are that aliens used the giant structure as one of its primary Earth
Top is flattened - to accommodate landing ships in China and Mexico.
The anomalous pyramid rises almost 200 feet above the countrysidethe
surrounding area littered with mystifying pipes, bizarre artifacts and unworldly
odds and ends. China's state-run Xinhua agency sent a nine man team to
investigate the pyramid and report back on their findings. The team discovered
pipes running from the caves and deep into the ground slanting down into the
earth probably to capture energy.
The agency tersely
says: "The pyramid has three caves with
openings shaped like triangles on its faade and is filled with red-hued pipes
leading into the mountain and nearby salt water lake.
Above the caves are dozens of pipesall of various diametersthat
mysteriously run into the mountainside beneath the towering pyramid. All the
pipes match the color of the surrounding rocks, a murky reddish-brown.
Elsewhere, more pipes, many lying shattered are scattered littering the
ground in every direction. Some of the pipes follow the bank of a salty lake
while others dip into the water and plunge beneath the lake bed. Broken pipe goes deep into ground to pick up
Although the pipes'
purpose is officially classified as unknown, some of the Chinese scientists are
leaning towards the idea that the structure truly is the remains of some
advanced outpost or star base. The pyramid complex stretches out much farther
than what is visible and evidence suggests a highly technological network of
pressurized pipes supplying water and possibly fuels.
One of the 'alien' artifact pipe fragments
Since the ancient site dates from at least 10,000 BCEand is perhaps twice as
old as thatno humans could have engineered it as no serious human culture
existed that long ago.
Qin Jianwen, the head of the Publicity Department of the Delingha government,
says fragments of some of the pipe material were taken for analysis. The pieces
were found to be mostly silicon dioxide and calcium oxide, although more than
eight percent of the metal could not be identified. "The large content of silicon
dioxide and calcium oxide is a result of long interaction between iron and
sandstone, which means the pipes, must be very old,"Liu Shaolin an engineer who did the analysis
explained. How old? Some are guessing 12,000 yearsmaybe much, much older.
Strange artifacts litter the pyramid
Tales of China's ancient days are crammed with stories about the "sky people"
and the "god-men" who came from the stars using the Earth as a base for
exploration. Along the way these beings taught some of the primitive peoples
they met the basics of technology, engineering, farming, and the complex
structure of the universe. Other younger pyramids date to the reigns of the
oldest emperors who often spoke of extraterrestrials and civilizations on other
planets. Some of the emperors even wrote that they were the progeny "of the sons
of the sky , who had landed upon Earth in iron
dragons. Thanks to
Russian Satellite Engines fail to Ignite
Russian scientists and astronomers continued to scramble over the weekend, as
reports surfaced that Russian space officials are unable to contact a failed
probe destined for Mars. "I think we have lost the Phobos-Grunt, former official
... The majority of the fuel will likely vaporize during reentry, but everyone
will be hoping for a splash-down in an ocean as the wreckage will still be
hazardous. There's also a small quantity of radioactive cobalt-57 in one of the
science missions housed in the probe -- a fact that will most likely cause a
media frenzy. Most likely, Fobos-Grunt will crash in late November or December.
NASA indicates it can provide a two hour crash warning. Russian media is dubbing
Phobos-Grunt " the
most toxic falling satellite ever.
Renewed Volcanic Activity at Canary Islands
Since July, the El Hierro Volcano has experienced more than 10,000 tremors
and is now erupting underwater and building an emerging island. The eruptions
have forced Spain to evacuate La Restinga a nearby port. Ships and aircraft have
been ordered to stay away from the bubbling waters. Scientists fear that a large
portion of the volcano may crash into the Atlantic Ocean causing a gigantic
Tsunami that would to strike Europe and reach the US East Coast in six hours.
Witnesses said that explosive plumes and jets 60 feet high could be seen on the
ocean surface from the underwater volcano which began erupting last month.
Thanks to the
Tennessee MUFON Conference
December 3rd in Murfreesboro's at the Baymont Inn. Speakers are:
George Filer, Christopher O'Brien, and Tom Reed.
Christopher has authored four books on cattle mutilations in the San
Louis Valley in Colorado. Tom Reed, from Knoxville, will give us updates on the
ongoing investigation of his and his brother's multi-generational abductions
that have now become famous. I'll speak about life on Mars. Contact
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Sightings in the United States
Alabama Triangle
BeuLAH -- Around mid-October, 2008, I was delivering newspapers around 2:30
AM, near a bridge over Lake Harding on Lee County Road 279; I noticed a
triangular shaped object hovering just above the tree line. The object was near
a football field and 75 feet over a few houses. Two blue-white lights were in
what I believed to be the rear of the vessel. Underneath, I could make out a
red-orange light that seemed to shine on the ground. I watched this go on for
thirty minutes as it seemed as if it was searching for something. Still having
100 newspapers to deliver; I traveled on to my customers. An hour later, I went
back to the area to see if the craft was still there. Remarkably it was hovering
above the tree line and gradually flew out of my field of view to a wooded area
that was gated that I could not enter. I also witnessed a full grown panther
walk across the road.
I contacted Mr. Robert Patterson of MUFON Alabama. We had about an hour long
conversation and his information was very helpful. Thanks to MUFON CMS Artists
Alaska Teardrop
ANCHORAGE -- My Mom was driving me home from an appointment on November 9,
2011, around 1:20 pm. Coming down the hill on Boniface Road an object appeared
from the west about a quarter mile in front of us about 50 feet above the trees.
As it was traveling forward it descended to just above the trees and turned
sharply north paralleling our road and it started to ascend to couple thousand
feet. The object flew right past the Air Force Base traveling north. This was
not military to my belief. It was large, teardrop shaped, dark steel in color,
and the surface appeared to be reflective, extremely fast, and silent. We saw it
for only fifteen seconds and other cars saw it. Two minutes later numerous
military aircraft started flying around looking for it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Arizona Shadow People
Phoenix -- Kristin Mak writes, "I just found this site and have
been reading every single report one by one. Reason being, it was not until very
recently that I have heard the term "shadow people or "bedroom visitor. I was
never interested in the unexplained phenomena, until I read a list of bizarre
and unexplained phenomena and I first read about, and heard the term "shadow
people. I felt the only one with my experience! Can you imagine my elation,
seeing, reading about someone whom ALSO had the same thing happen?
When I was about six, my dad, mom, three sisters, and a brother lived in
Midland, Texas around 1973. I was lying awake in bed, but the whole family was
home and I could hear the TV. I had woken up and I remember it as if it were
five minutes ago and I would die of fright. I felt being watched, and in the
doorway was an adult man, not "alien looking, but rather like a normal man, but
I had the impression he was dressed in clothes from the 1940s, I could see an
outline of his outfit. More like a silhouette, like someone took a photograph,
and snipped out the shape of a man. It was totally black and very sharply
defined black silhouette of a man. I could not make out any features; the space
the man took up was completely void of anything but blackness.
I got the feeling that he was watching and I felt he had intelligence. My
family was unaware of this creature, even though they were in the house. I was
afraid no one would believe me, or I am crazy? I shut my eyes so he would think
I was asleep. I had held my breath, and stayed still, hoping he will go away! I
felt his presence, his breath, a few feet away. I stayed in a tight curled up
motion and felt if I face him directly, I will die from sheer terror.
Then I must have either passed out from fright, or from holding my breath. I
did not mention it until I was well into my 20s to a pastor, my neighbor (funny,
when I brought it up he seemed to beat me to the description of the man, I asked
him how did he know and he smiled but didn't tell me! I told only one other
person, and now you.
I was so excited to hear someone else had this happen to them! The sad thing
is, since I was a child, I have suffered from night terrors on and off my whole
life. Children believe in ghosts, but I did not, and have not, since then. It
has never been resolved in my mind (the explanation). Thanks to Kristin
California UFO
IRVINE -- I was leaving the gym around 10:20 pm, and noticed a brighter than
normal orange star, a mile northeast that looked like it was melting. The object
was changing colors and hovering close to the old marine base near Irvine. I
pulled over with my emergency lights on and took out my iPhone to start
recording this thing as it was beginning to fade.
I noticed small blinking lights coming from the East; that must have been Air
Force jets scrambled from March AFB to chase away the UFO. As the Jets started
to get closer the UFO lost its glow and turned into an off-white color with
barely visible lights. It looked like a deformed skinny potato that was wobbling
away as it changed speed. A helicopter began to investigate the object, but I
believe it was told to back off because turned away from the object, but later
came back to follow it. As the object flew northwest it started to curve towards
Los Angeles. The fighter jets kept circling, but stayed clear of the object. I
have this on video showing the fighter jet arriving and circling around but it's
hard to see the UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Triangle
St. Augustine -- Last night on November 8, 2011, about
12:56 AM, I witnessed something in the sky that put me in shock. Over the
Atlantic shore an unknown ball shaped bright object with orange, purple, green
and red lights surrounded by black balls were drifting south for 25 minutes.
Then it stopped and turned into a silent large white bright ball. The intensity
of light changed every ten seconds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Seffner -- On November 9, 2011, I saw a hovering triangular shaped object
over the tree line. It turned to the right and moved slowly and extremely
silently. It had white exterior pulsating lights and a reddish-blue blinking
light towards the center-top. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pompano Beach -- My boyfriend and I had
just stepped outside to look at the bright full moon on November 10, 2011. The
moon was positioned in the sky almost directly east of our building so I was
looking up at it when I noticed an object moving in the sky heading south at
9:30 PM. A triangular shaped craft appeared right above our apartment. It had no
lights on and there was no engine noise. I have a really good eye for detail and
a photographic memory.
The front portion has some sort of structure and was lighter colored then the
rest of the body which was black. The bright moonlight revealed the craft was
flying a couple hundred feet high heading towards Miami. I have an interest in
predatory birds and have seen many black vultures but this was definitely not a
bird. This is the closest description to what I saw.
I am prepared to believe that a person with an interest in predatory birds
has the ability to remember such detail as in the drawing, but the two drawings
are inconsistent in the details. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs
Idaho Triangle
Meridian -- On November 8, 2011, at around 8:35 PM, I left my home to return
a movie and noticed a blinking light in the distance that smoothly rotated in a
clockwise direction. I slowed my car down and watched as I drove towards my
house. At this point I had moved closer to the object, and was able to make out
the shape of the object. It was a huge triangle, and the blinking light was at
the front. As I became parallel to the object it started to move towards my
house so I sped up trying to get home.
As I pulled into my garage, ran into my house and yelled for my wife, two
sons, niece, and her husband to come look. We all got back outside and could
still see the object in the distance. This thing was covering some distance
silently. My two sons and I sat outside discussing it as a fighter jet flew over
headed for the triangle. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois UFO Spotted
Albany Park, Chicago -- Around 11:30 pm, on October19, 2011, I was parking in
the garage and spotted something dark at 400 feet altitude. It did not make any
noise and seemed invisible. The only visual evidence was that of a blue lights
at rear and front. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting
Kentucky Alien Teardrop
Florence -- The vehicle had landed in the creek and as I carefully approached
at 11:45 PM, there were two figures around the vehicle on October 21, 2011. When
they noticed me they quickly returned to the vehicle and took off. The vehicle
was a teardrop-shaped, metallic colored craft. It rose to extreme speeds in less
than a second. Then it was gone. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National
UFO Reporting Center
Louisiana Lights near Deer
FRANKLIN PARISH -- Our deer cameras caught six round lights
were in a straight line at our hunting camp off Burke Road. The deer cameras
caught 20 plus photos from 8:17 pm on November 3, 2011 to 3:55 am on November 4,
Well there are no aircraft in that area at all. And if you want I can send
you more pictures when its daylight? I have the shutter speed set to 15 seconds.
I have a total of 24 pictures of the light. I am not one to believe in UFOs, but
this is very strange because I grew up out there with my dad and we never saw
anything like that!
Comments Received November 6, 2011: I could be wrong, but this looks like dew
droplets on a strand of spider's web.
That the Lights Might Have Been a Spider Web): I check all of our cameras at
least twice a week and if you look at all the pictures, you will see that the
lights are behind the deer and it has not rained out there in a few weeks.. My
camera is a 2011 Moultrie Trail Camera and it is set up to be tripped by a
motion detector!
Comments Received November 7, 2011: Sarasota, Florida-- I saw a very similar
string of lights off Lido Beach at about 30 degrees above the horizon. There is
no way it was a spider web. It was also observed by another couple that was
walking on the beach on November 3, 2011.)
UFOs Northwest Response: The images show no line across the photo nor do the
lights appear to be suspended from anything. We disagree with the "spider web"
theory because there is not a place for a web to form within range of the
Note: If you play the pictures in order, the lights clearly move. The closest
town is about a 20 minute drive. I don't know what these lights could be as the
camera takes photos when it detects motion and no deer are in some photos.
Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Michigan Triangle
Pioneer, Ohio -- On November 4, 2011 at 6:15 pm, I heard a strange swooshing
sound as a triangular object about the size of a pickup truck passed overhead.
The corners of the object were squared off. It was silver metallic in color, and
no wing or exhaust was visible. It had one white light on the bottom of craft.
There were three circular items, one in each corner and a center light mounted
flush in the bottom of craft. As craft continued on its southwest course it
turned on very large lights which I believe were coming from each corner of
craft. A large red light in front, a green and blue light in back. My sister and
brother were several hundred yards south of me also experienced the loud
swooshing and saw the object. My brother had just retired from military and
could not identify object or its sound. Several years ago I had an encounter
with a huge black hovering triangular object in this same spot. Thanks to MUFON
Missouri Hovering Shiny Saucer Shaped Object
Creve Coeur -- I was driving home down Creve Coeur Mill Road past the lake
when something shiny came into view up in the sky on October 23, 2011. It was
hovering in the sky and I saw it for several minutes while driving, before the
trees blocked my view. It was a really sunny, clear day, only a few clouds, and
it was hovering at the southern end of the lake below the clouds.
the shiny thing did not move or flutter in the wind, and at first I thought it
must be a blimp. But as I got closer I could see that it was not moving, and had
a distinct saucer shape (two saucers on top of each other). The top was very
shiny and the bottom was dark or in shadow. As I got closer the trees blocked my
view and when I got around the trees, it was gone. It was larger than a
semi-truck and I saw panels on it that were reflecting the sunlight. It was near
many large electrical lines. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Triangle and Lights
BRICK -- I was driving home on November 8, 2011, on Route 70 West heading
towards Chambers Bridge Road when I saw four lights in the distance. Three were
white lights on a narrow triangle with a red/blue blinking light at its apex. I
dismissed it at first believing it was a craft landing at McGuire AFB. After
waiting in traffic I looked ahead to see the lights hadn't moved since I last
saw them. I kept looking but it was hovering there or moving very slowly side to
There wasn't enough light so I wasn't able to discern an outline of the
object. This report is being submitted after attending a local astronomy meeting
tonight. A member mentioned also seeing the object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
PICATINNY ARSENAL -- A Post Office Truck Driver reports seeing bright colored
light above Route 80 almost every morning including November 16, 2011 about 4:30
to 5:30 AM. The lights are 500 to 700 feet above the highway and move slowly
changing colors. Telephone report.
Oklahoma Four Boomerangs
LAWTON -- I went outside and saw what I first thought was a small group of
white doves flying south on November 9, 2011. I never took my eyes off of them
because it was quickly apparent that they were not birds as they got closer.
Depth perception told me that they were too high up for birds. The four objects
were flying in formation and not glowing. They were boomer rang shaped dull
white, and non-reflective about 25 to 30-feet from wing tip to wing tip. They
were less than 1000-feet MSL. They flew in a straight-line traveling in a SSW at
150-mph as they flew over me and it didn't take long for me to lose sight of
them. I quickly called Sheppard AFB, and dispatcher said he would relay the
information to the tower. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Triangle
Rogue River -- A huge triangular craft slowly flew
over my house on November 7, 2011 at 7:30 PM, Monday night. I went out to
my truck and heard a jet overhead and saw it was using the normal flight pattern
for bypassing the Medford, Oregon International Airport. But another aircraft
caught my eye flying slowly right over my house at about 2,000 feet altitude. I
could see three bright white lights and one red light at the center of the tail,
not in line with the two rear white lights all in a triangular formation.
I was mesmerized by the colossal size of this craft. How can it stay airborne
at such a slow speed? It was not affected by gravity and almost silent. I could
hear a low electrical motor at the rear as it passed me over from above. I could
smell burnt electrical air as it slowly moved past me. While underneath of the
giant craft I could see a stealth reflecting coating which blended into the
night sky. The lights were very bright, but did not light up the ground. . I
watched it as it headed due north until it disappeared into the fog. This is a
man made craft. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Pennsylvania High Speed Orbs
BENSALEM -- On November 5, 2011, I had my second sighting in six weeks and I
consider myself privileged to have had two sightings in my lifetime. This one
gave me the jitters. My wife and I went to go to pick up my wife's car and she
went inside and I saw a glowing Red Orb flying west across the sky slowly that
passed over head. I went into the store and told everyone to come out to witness
a UFO and two employees came out to watch the glowing Orb. It then picked up an
incredible rate of speed and within 3 or 4 seconds it was almost out of site
when it blinked out and disappeared. It was incredible and the people were
amazed and went back into the store.
About 30 seconds later a second Red Orb came into view following the same
trajectory as the first. I ran back into the store and yelled and five of us
were now outside to watch the Orb. It again did the same exact thing as the
first and blinked out. Later after eating we noticed five large aircraft
searching the area.
I called my brother and told him what had just happened. He thought I was
nuts and told me he had guests over and couldn't talk long. He said so if I go
outside I'm going to see all the aircraft. I said "yes and I'll be at your house
in a minute". When I pulled up he was walking out front and told him to look up.
He and his guest saw them. He couldn't identify them and had flown in an A6
squadron off the USS Enterprise. All five aircraft were identical to each other
and made no sound. They were circling and crisscrossing for almost one hour and
then headed back toward New Jersey. Thanks to MUFON CMS and Ken Pfeifer ufo
Tennessee Triangle
Alamo -- On October 23, 2011, and during the past week my ten friends and I
have been followed and chased by triangle shaped UFOs. They have a large white
spot on front and two red blinking lights on the back. At first we dismissed the
idea but quickly realized we were wrong. We went to a friend's pasture and saw
yellow lights crisscrossing and running our way. We hit the headlights and saw
four large glowing eyes and the dark out lines of two very skinny large headed
creatures. They were about 5'5 in height with large gaping mouths. We got very
frightened and left but came back the next few days and heard humming sounds as
well as grunts and otherworldly growls and saw yellow lights.
A few days later we realized we were being followed by low flying triangular
shapes with two blinking red lights on the back and a bright spot light on
front. It follows us around in our cars flying right above the tree tops very
fast with no noise at all. When we park they stop and watch, and when we leave
they follow us and hover rotating outside our houses noiselessly. We are all
frightened and this is no joke. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Disc
ABILENE -- I was driving down the road on November 14, 2011, and snapped a
picture of a crashed Citylink bus to show my husband.
I noticed the dark object in the picture, but had no idea what it was. I'm
curious if it was a UFO or not.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Headlines from July 3, 1893 News Ledger
TACOMA -- On July 3, 1893 several fishermen were awakened in the middle of
the night by the presence of a strange craft that they described as an "electric
monster." Their watches stopped and the craft/monster emitted electricity and
light. The craft also made a loud sound. Two men were knocked unconscious during
the encounter while the rest of the party fled in terror. They returned and
found their two unconscious friends who were revived and suffered no permanent
injuries. This is the first known documented encounter with a UFO in the Pacific
Northwest. You may download a copy of the actual article as it appeared in the
Tacoma Daily Ledger Newspaper by clicking
here. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Wisconsin Lights
Ripon -- In response to the Neenah Winnebago area-case# 33373- UFOs were
visible in the western sky from Ripon as well. I've been star bathing for six
years now with much video proof of many activities in my area, and in my tree-60
feet away. These particular objects I have gotten on video basically doing the
same thing in 2009-for three days with our lovely military doing their best to
chase them with seven fighter jets. This time there are no jets, but lights open
up in the sky, the craft comes out, and lights fade out. The last time they were
lit up shiny spheres in the video accelerated or changed direction. They
definitely strobed like a plane, but had a different kind of light. There were
giant lights in the sky. I see so many that I don't get emotional. Thanks to
Brazil Disc
BUENOS AIRES-- This was taken by a friend that was just taking a
picture of the view of her new house on May 27, 2007.
I was doing back up and I saw this white disc
and amplified it.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Triangle
Williams Lake, BC-- We just
arrived home about one hour ago and my wife and baby are still shaking after
seeing three lights in the sky. I pulled over to get a better look at it these
rotating lights that were about 150 feet high and were crossing the road. We
proceeded down the road where there are lots of cattle and saw the triangle to
our left as its colors changed to red, blue, green, and a clear light in the
middle. It was keeping up with us and when it leveled out I noticed there were
windows on its side. The object was black and had a shiny surface. It stayed
with us for about 30 minutes and continued to change colors.
I contacted some friends who have also seen the objects ten minutes drive
from here. There is an army base and radar station that might have painted it..
We have ten years of these sightings. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kitchener -- I have seen this for about a year and a half.
I thought it was a star but noticed it changes colors, but it is not there every
night and comes out about 45 minutes before dark. My son took pictures and a
video of it on November 11, 2011, and there is no way it is a star. I bought a
telescope and started to take pictures of it five nights a week. I have tried
different settings on the camera and different cameras and have over 100
pictures some using the telescope some not. It would stay out for about two and
a half hours. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Croatia Three Lights
Belisce -- I took this picture with my mobile phone, and VGA camera, about
3:30 am, on December 19, 2004. The objects made no sound, and showed strong
bright lights for ten minutes. Then the lights slowly disappeared. The skeptic's
don't trust me, but you can see that these spheres don't hold anything. The
other day, a similar object was seen in Indonesia. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Dominican Republic Boomerang
Barahona -- Boomerang shaped lights were seen for fifteen seconds on October
2, 2011. ((NUFORC Note: Witness elects to remain totally anonymous; provides no
contact information. PD)) Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO
Reporting Center
Iceland Lights
REYKJAVIK -- I'm from Mexico and took my family on a surprise vacation to
Iceland to see the Northern Lights and saw them the first night there. On our
last day we decided to visit the Blue Lagoon at 7:10 pm, on October 30, 2011. I
took four pictures and noticed the lights that they looked like the orange
Aurora Borealis. I took several pictures of the sky with my tripod and went
downstairs and showed the pictures to my wife. We saw the UFOs in the dark sky.
It looks like a jellyfish made out of white and purple light. The UFOs change
position in the photos. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Iran Different Shapes
I came back to my house from a one week trip on August 22, 2011, and saw some
movements and several objects with different shapes around my yard. I got near
enough to take some incredible pictures with my mobile phone. I saw up to three
of them with a transparent UFO. They looked similar to humans with a face and
body. I started to take a movie of them for about 45 seconds recording their
movements. Then suddenly my surroundings went dark and they disappeared. I have
several pictures and a movie clip from this scene. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Israel Lights
Zichron Ya'akov -- My girlfriend and I were standing on our balcony at 7 PM,
on November 9, 2011, and I noticed a bright orange light in the sky. It was far
too bright for Mars. The object then disappeared before my girlfriend saw it.
Seconds later it reappeared, brighter than before, and this time she saw it as
well. Then it faded and grew brighter again, so bright that it was almost
blinding, and then it rose in the air and started moving to the left fading as
it did so. Then it stopped abruptly, faded from view, and became the blinding
orange light that it had been before. It flew to the right extremely quickly,
and started fading, blinking, then disappearing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico: Airliner Tailed By Two
Aeromexico pilot Antonio Herce describes the manner in which two objects -- flying at
850 kmh -- escorted another Aeromexico airliner out of Hermosillo, Sinaloa.
Captain Herce was able to see the luminous spheres after making sustained radio
contact with the pilot of the aircraft being "tailed". An exclusive interview
with Ana Luisa Cid. Video at:
New Zealand Object Excretes Red Rod
Wellington -- I was walking across a field on the way home from a friend's
house on October 20, 2011, and noticed a glowing dull green object. It was a
glowing thing just hovering in the air, far above me, but not travelling in any
direction. After about a minute a red line came from the object that was also
glowing and was much brighter than the main body of the object.
At this point the people who were drinking below also likely saw it. The
glowing red line cast a light on the green object and I could now see it was
cloud like and slightly transparent. It had no exact shape and was like a
floating amoeba with many tiny lights clustering around the red lines. The red
line and the object flew away. I had a quiet ringing in my ears and was
mystified. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
UK England Cylinder
Mark Harrison -- This cylinder went over our house a few years ago.
Looking on your site at,
it was the same as the cylinder picture there. I do have a better quality
picture printed somewhere.
Thanks Mark Harrison
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people interested
in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a DVD of
Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes
George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster
David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for a donation
of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your e-mail
address and mailing address.
17-11-2011 om 14:36
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Curious Re The "A Travesty Against The Public" Bit? It Will Follow Shortly!
In UFO circles, much fuss has been made about a recent response by the White
House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to two petitions on
extraterrestrial/human communications, posted on a government website. Phil
Larson, who was tasked to respond, has been accused of everything from lying, to
cover-ups, to gross incompetence. But the real problem lies with the
inappropriate and fundamentally flawed content of the petitions themselves --
not with the government reply to them. The critics seem to have lost sight of
what the petitions actually said and did not say, while insulting and lashing
out at Larson.
One petition asks the Obama administration to "immediately disclose the
government's knowledge of and communications with extraterrestrial beings" and
the other to "formally acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence engaging the
human race." The former asks for congressional hearings about "this subject"
(communications with ET) while the latter requests the release of documents
about "this phenomenon" (an extraterrestrial presence). Thousands of people
signed on to the assumptions that extraterrestrial beings have been secretly
talking to our government or somehow are involved with the whole human race. Try
thinking about these bizarre and murky statements from the perspective of a
scientifically-oriented government official. How is he to make sense of such
absurd requests?
Neither petition had anything to do with the subject of UFOs, as properly
defined; no request for data on UFOs was included. And, chances are, Larson
knows very little, if anything, about the evidence for UFOs. Like most
government scientists, he likely dismissed the subject long ago as baseless and
therefore irrelevant to space policy, and has never looked into it.
Consequently, it's entirely logical that Larson would not make the leap from the
question of extraterrestrial communications to the issue of physical
unidentified flying objects. Did the petitioners not expect that their requests
would be taken at face value?
Without asking for acknowledgment of evidence for UFOs, you can't slam Larson
for not providing it. He addressed
the petitioners' concerns with an update on the current status of the scientific
search for extraterrestrial life: "The U.S. government has no evidence that any
life exists outside our planet or that an extraterrestrial presence has
contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition there is no
credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the
public's eye." The "any evidence" here refers specifically to evidence of ET
interacting with humans, not to evidence for UFOs. Within the realm of science
and logic, his statement happens to be true. Unfortunately, the badly worded
petitions asked for the wrong thing -- something obviously impossible for the
White House to deliver. And, sadly for all of us, the subsequent attacks on
Larson's statement (called "a travesty against the public" by one leading UFO
researcher) will not serve to motivate officials to help our cause.
It's important to realize that these two petitions received attention only
because they acquired the requisite 5,000 signatures (now the minimum is 25,000)
along with hundreds of others. Larson's response does not represent some kind of
formal government statement on the UFO issue -- far from it. Larson simply
provided an obligatory scientific response to citizens seeking an announcement
of contact with extraterrestrials. The significance of his statement should not
be blown out of proportion or spun as something that it is not.
I would like to share some comments from government insiders whom I asked to
read the petition about an "extraterrestrial presence," since this one garnered
the most signatures. Ed Rothschild, principal with the Podesta Group, a leading
government relations and public relations firm in Washington, is "a seasoned
veteran at strategic communications" with "dynamic experience in both Congress
and the public interest community," according to the firm's
website. Ed has provided assistance to my group, the Coalition for Freedom of
Information, in the past, and is an expert at positioning the UFO issue in
Washington. His response to the petition is as follows:
Those who claim that extraterrestrials are here are simply propagating
nonsense -- a non-scientific belief that defies credibility. This is
counter-productive and undermines efforts to get serious government attention
for the issue of the existence of life beyond our solar system. I can't imagine
this silly statement would go anywhere except into government office waste
baskets. The only way to approach the issue of unexplained aerial phenomena
in Washington and expect results is to present the facts and seek a legitimate
inquiry into the small percentage of well-documented cases worthy of serious
investigation. The approach represented by this petition has been shown many
times before to be a failure. Further, those propagating this nonsense choose to
make outrageous claims simply to get media attention, rather than focusing on
the hard work that science requires.
Nick Pope, who worked for the UK's
Ministry of Defense for 21 years and was in charge of the government UFO project
in the 1990s, also has serious concerns:
Any statement that implies the government is lying is going to be
counter-productive. When someone accuses you of being part of a cover-up, you
can't and don't engage with them. I got this sort of thing all the time at the
Ministry of Defense, and no meaningful dialogue was possible with such people. I
simply gave them a polite brush-off, and I understand exactly why this is
necessary within government. To get results, a constructive request should
stress the reasons why the phenomenon is worthy of official investigation.
And what about members of Congress? The best I could do is approach a high
level Hill staffer with knowledge of this issue, who wishes to remain anonymous.
He works for a member from a relevant committee. "As is often said, politics is
the art of the possible. Overly broad statements and fantastical claims of cover
ups serve only to poison the well for anyone interested in advancing any
subsequent suggestion for research or review of policies. Enthusiasm and
conviction is no substitute for reason and evidence."
Scientists are a difficult bunch to convince. Yet theoretical physicist
Michio Kaku acknowledged on national
television that the strongest UFO cases cannot be explained and appear to defy
the laws of physics. But when asked if this confirms that there is
extraterrestrial life, Kaku replied "No, we don't have that smoking gun" yet.
Astronomer Derrick Pitts was swayed by the same evidence, accepting it because
it did not involve "fantastic claims of alien visitation."
Clearly, we can't make the leap from the existence of unknown airborne
objects, for which we have proof, to claims of extraterrestrial communications,
which can't be proven, if we want to appeal to scientists. Neal Lane, Rice
University professor of Physics and Astronomy, was the director of the OSTP
under President Clinton. "Implausible explanations for UFOs such as this one,
made by enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists, are not effective in approaching
government," he explained after reading the petition. "A strong case has already
been made for a new U.S. role in cooperative investigations of UFO phenomena,
involving U.S. cooperation with other countries in investigating the credible
reports and making the results public." That "strong case" is the one I am
proposing as an alternative rallying point, because it is steadily gaining the
support of many key players who know how government works.
Despite our own personal beliefs about alien spaceships, extraterrestrials,
or government cover-ups, we have to adopt a strategy that will work. Our
assumptions and conclusions are completely irrelevant -- and can be harmful --
to this process. It is crucial to realize that the vast majority of U.S.
officials are both uninformed about and uninterested in UFOs. And if they are
open, they are so afraid of ridicule that they have limited capacity to act. We
have to educate them by presenting refined, concise, and well-documented
official data on the UFO phenomenon. Timing is important, too; unfortunately, an
election year is not the time to attempt this.
An effective strategy involves establishing the fact that a UFO, by
definition, is simply something unidentified (the acronym does not mean "alien
spacecraft"); it helps to use the acronym UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena)
whenever possible. The agnostic position, the scientifically sound one,
acknowledges the accumulated evidence of an extraordinary, physical phenomenon
but recognizes that we don't yet know what it is. Secondly, we need to provide a
reason that government should care about UAP, such as pointing out that we could
be vulnerable to exotic foreign spy planes or drones if we ignore reports; that
these objects raise significant air safety issues; that we're losing potentially
valuable scientific data about the nature of this recurring phenomenon. Thirdly,
we have to invite government to engage in an investigation because we need its
expertise, making its participation sound necessary and beneficial, rather than
being accusatory.
Specifically, we need a small government office to serve as a U.S. focal
point in the investigation of carefully selected cases, in cooperation with the
international community. A staffer would have immediate access to all pertinent
data and witnesses when investigating a UFO incident, working in conjunction
with a qualified civilian oversight board. This proposal has received the
support of generals, former and current government and military officials,
scientists, and many other VIPs from around the world.
John Podesta, President Clinton's former chief of staff who served as
co-chair of Obama's transition team, has been one of the more public proponents
of what he calls "a new way forward." Labeling himself a "curious skeptic," he
wrote in 2010 that
"It is definitely time for government, scientists, and aviation experts to work
together in unraveling the questions about UFOs that have so far remained in the
dark." He says that the plan for a small U.S. government agency is "an idea
worth considering."
Former Arizona Governor Fife Symington witnessed a spectacular UFO event
while in office, but felt he had to keep that secret until ten years later. He
knows from experience that change in government policy is desperately needed,
and in response, he has publicly urged establishing this office, as have those
in charge of government agencies investigating UAP in other countries.
I have gathered a powerful coalition of high level government, military and
scientific experts who support a rational, scientific approach to the UFO
problem, as outlined here. We are all fortunate that such respectable figures
have offered advice on how to frame this sensitive issue and work effectively
with our government. Doesn't it make sense to take our cues from them? I invite
all of those who are serious about UFOs to align themselves with this
well-tested, productive approach. Once we have even the smallest change in the
official position -- such as acknowledgement that UAP are worthy of
investigation -- the door is opened. After that, anything will be possible.
On tonight's Happy Hour Alyona is joined by RT Producer
Jenny Churchill and Alex Seitz-Wald from Think Progress. They discuss a new
documentary about Anonymous, toilets being taken off US controlled weapons list,
the Obama Administration makes a comment about
extraterrestrials, and a Judge Blocks graphic Warnings on
According to a Roper poll conducted two decades ago, nearly four million
Americans suspect they've been abducted by space aliens. The experience is not
always pleasant, as the aliens refuse to subscribe to the Geneva Conventions.
Their victims are frequently laid out on tables and treated to unauthorized and
unsavory medical procedures.
It sounds like there's a lot of alien probing going on, and any comprehensive
health plan should probably cover it.
But there's a different kind of alien probe to consider, and it's of a type
that might actually exist. Namely, space probes -- hi-tech hardware -- that have
been placed somewhere in our solar system by extraterrestrial beings keen to
monitor our planet. Canadian astronomer Alan Tough has frequently proposed this
idea as the type of project that might be tempting to a truly advanced society.
After all, if they long ago detected the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere, they
might conclude that our world -- clearly carpeted with life -- is worth
Now two post-graduate students at Penn State have published a paper
considering whether we'd even notice a spy in the sky, observing Earth from
orbit and reporting back to someone (or something) many light-years away.
Obviously, if the probe were large enough - say tens of miles in size -- we
would notice. That's a heft comparable to some of the smaller moons of
Jupiter, and we'd have found it by now. But it's safe to assume that any aliens
able to sequester a probe in our solar system could cram equipment such as
cameras, radio receivers, and spectroscopes into a far smaller package. Our own
Pioneer and Voyager probes are roughly the size (and vintage) of a Volkswagen
Beetle. Yet even with this modest bulk, they've collected a lavish amount of
useful information and sent it back to their builders.
So a practical alien probe might fit in your living room. And at that scale,
according to the Penn State postdocs, Jacob Haqq-Misra and Ravi Kumar Kopparapu,
it could easily remain cryptic.
This shouldn't surprise you. Imagine the solar system as a football stadium,
with the Sun on the 50-yard line, and Neptune (the farthest planet, as
determined by astronomical vote) in the last row of seats in the end zone. At
this scale the Earth is no larger than a pencil point, but a space probe as big
as a bus would be the size of an atom! There's simply no hope of finding
something that small with our current telescopes unless the probe is outfitted
with a noisy radio transmitter (aimed our way) or a set of vulgar, flashing
But maybe the aliens have deployed their instruments much closer, where they
would be easier to discover. Perhaps something aesthetically austere, like a
slab monolith. If they've placed hardware like that on the moon, we could easily
have overlooked it until now. However, as the Penn State authors point out,
NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will soon have charted everything larger
than a suitcase on the Moon's surface. Eventually, you can expect similarly
detailed mapping of Mars. If there are monoliths sticking out of the dirt, we
should see them.
However, a probe needn't be on the surface of any world. In fact, it
would work better in orbit, with no worries about the long-term effects of
weather (on worlds that have it) and with continuous access to sunlight for
Alas, and as noted, it's probably hopeless -- at least in the foreseeable
future -- to do a thorough reconnaissance of our solar system. Nonetheless,
there are certain places, such as the Lagrange points between the Earth and
Moon, where a detailed search for not-made-on-Earth hardware could be
undertaken. The Lagrange points are five positions in space -- all relatively
nearby -- where all the gravitational and centrifugal forces sum to zero. While
most are unstable, Lagrange points 4 and 5 are OK for long-term parking. They're
prime locations for probes of our planet.
Some examinations of Lagrange 4 and 5 in the Earth-Moon system have already
been made, but these experiments weren't sensitive enough to find anything
smaller than your average three-bedroom home. A concerted effort could do
better. And frankly, it sounds like an interesting thing to do.
Bottom line? There's no evidence we're being watched, but hidden surveillance
can't be ruled out either. You should be familiar with this situation: It's like
shopping at your local convenience store.
Filer's Files #46 2011 - White House: "No Pink Elephant", Skunk Works CEO Ben Rich Talks
Video from Space
Shuttle Endeavour STS 61 of Flying "Triangle in 1986.
George A. Filer III.
MUFON Eastern Region
November 9,
Filer's Files are now
being emailed to 9000 each week plus 600 copies are forwarded to more thousands.
Consider forwarding to your friends and neighbor's.
If you wish to no longer receive emails from us please visit
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In special reports, this week's files cover: Triangle
Photographed by Shuttle, US Space Ships Design Based on Alien Craft, Top Secret
Space Program, Doomsday Comet Elenin Disintegrates but may be transmitting, USS
Kirk Naval Ship Encounters Submerged UFO, Study of clays suggests watery Mars
underground, China and Russia Launch Spacecraft into Orbit, YU 55 Asteroid,
White House Says No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups,New History UFO Show and Patrolman
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were
reported over California, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Missouri, New Jersey, New
York, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, and
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in Canada, Italy,
Mexico, Norway, South Africa, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to
report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis
around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial
intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand
UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft
conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when
London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US
Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this research. I believe the God of
the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in
ever-increasing numbers.
Special Reports
Triangle Photographed in
Russ Hamerly reports , "Ron Schmidt provided the attached picture of a black triangle
photographed from the STS61 the fifth flight of the Space
Shuttle Endeavour, that was the first Hubble Space Telescope servicing
The 1986 photo from space likely shows the Aurora spy plane the world's most
famous top secret aircraft. A reliable photograph would be one of the most
coveted finds in the history of classified aviation. Allegedly it is a
hypersonic mach 6 replacement for the ageing SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance
aircraft. The name "Aurora reportedly slipped out in the 1985 US budget
alongside an allocation of $455 million for "black aircraft production.
Russ says we have a new forum I have been working on. Plan
to have some interesting people on there. We
heard from Linda Brown, T. T. Brown's daughter, who wants to chat with John
about his father's anti gravity work. As to these under water triangles... maybe
the NAVY has a secret space fleet? Thanks to Russ Hamerly.
US Space Ships Design Based on Alien
Aviation artist William M. McDonald writes,"Now that legendary Lockheed engineer and Chief model kit
designer for the Testor Corporation, John Andrews is dead, I can announce that
he personally confirmed the design connection between the Roswell Spacecraft and
the Lockheed Martin Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs), spy planes, Joint
Strike Fighters, and Space Shuttles." How can anyone miss the comparison that my
Stingray/Porpoise-like Chimaera design has in common with the three "Aurora"
planes, the F-117 Nighthawk, the TR-3A "Black Manta," and even the original old
YF-12A/SR-71 Blackbird spy planes of Kelly Johnson's Genius?
John Andrews was a close personal friend of "Skunk
Works" CEO Ben Rich, the hand picked successor of Kelly Johnson, the man famous
for the F-117 Nighthawk "Stealth" fighter, it's half-pint prototype the HAVE
BLUE, and the top secret F-19 Stealth Interceptor. Before Rich died of cancer,
Andrews took my questions to him and Rich confirmed:
( Ben Rich and F- 117.)
1. There are two types of
UFOs. The ones we build, and the ones THEY build. We learned from both crash
retrievals and actual "Hand-me-downs." The Government knew, and until 1969 took
an active hand in the administration of that information. After the 1969 Nixon
'Purge,' administration was
handled by an international board of directors in the private
2.'An item,' as opposed to 'The item' was recovered near the
world's only combat operational atom bomb base (Roswell AAF) in 1947. Hull
design, aerodynamic measurements, propulsion info was passed directly to Jack
Northrop and Kelly Johnson, beginning in 1950. A major block of data being
passed on from 'The Working Group' at Wright Patterson AFB's Foreign
Technologies Division in 1952. The item refers to the top secret designation of
Kelly's original variant of the U-2 (TR-1) spy plane in congressional and
Pentagon budgets in the 1950s.
3.Nearly all 'Biomorphic' aerospace designs were inspired by
the Roswell spacecraft from Kelly's SR-71 Blackbird, onward to today's drones,
UCAVs, and aerospace craft.
4. The inward canted vertical stabilizers of the F-19, the
HAVE BLUE, many drones, some UCAVs, and the SR-71 matched the 30 degrees inward
cant of the Roswell spacecraft's shark fin shaped pair of vertical stabs or
'Winglets.' Same goes for the wing camber to fuselage "Blend" of the airframe
5.The outward cants of the F-22 Raptor, the F-117, the
McDonnell Douglas YF-23, and the TACIT BLUE stealth concept prototypes perform
similar aerodynamic functions for stability in high performance flight.
6. Rich observed that the
impression Kelly Johnson's contacts had was a negative impression and Kelly
implied in rare conversations on the subject that "Factions" from "Out there"
were a threat, more than they were a blessing.
(Chimaera design)
The cost of having "Them" around was
"Unimaginable" and "Unbelievable."
7.It was Ben Rich's opinion, that the public should not be told. He
believed they could not handle the truth, ever. Only in the last months of his
decline did he begin to feel that the 'International corporate board of
directors' dealing with the "Subject," could represent a bigger problem to
citizens' personal freedoms under the United States Constitution than the
presence of off world visitors themselves.
Andrews passed this information on to me in
stages, from 1994 until my last phone conversation with him around the Christmas
holidays of 1998. Thanks to cat
Top Secret Space Program
Michael Schratt at Open
Minds has a theory about where all the black budget DOD trillions have been
going over the past 60 years: to fund a TOP SECRET space program that no citizen
in the United States knows about -- including most of Congress. If true, it
means that NASA is only public window dressing for a much bigger and more
advanced American clandestine program to dominate and weaponize space. Schratt
thinks it all began in the 1940s when Presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt and
Harry S. Truman realized that non-human, "celestial" and "interplanetary"
technologies were interacting with our planet. By 1958, the public arm of a
space program - NASA - is what Michael Schratt thinks was created in parallel
with another secret space program. Thanks to Michael Schratt
Doomsday Comet Elenin Disintegrates
but may be Transmitting
Matt Segal writes, "Re: Filer's Files #44 If you
look at images from NASAs stereo system you can see Elenin being hit by some
unknown explosion causing it to breakup and disintegrate. It could very well
have been an ELE and either us or the ETs has something to do with destroying
it. Thanks to Matt. Note: Ham radio operators suspect Elenin is transmitting
USS Kirk Naval Ship Encounters Submerged
Long Beach -- In the fall of 1991, I was operations and
intelligence petty officer on the USS Kirk FF1087, conducting drug interdiction
along with three other naval vessels. During our drug interdiction operations,
we would sail roughly 350-400 nautical miles off the west coast of South
America. Our four ships, within the task force, would sail roughly 150 nautical
miles apart from one another, in a straight line. Our air radar stream would
just slightly capture the land and the entire task forces air radar would
interlink, creating a large and connected air picture, ranging roughly 700-800
nautical miles long. Our primary mission was to track, contact, intercept and
take control of low flying aircraft (drug carriers) coming out of Columbia,
Panama and Guatemala. On occasion we would intercept board and seize sailing
vessels, which we knew were drug carriers. Similar to the movie Clear and
Present Danger, we were in direct communication with a DEA special agent on
land, which would contact our ships via a secured and encrypted communication
device. The actual call sign of our agent on land was "Iron Manvel. As an
operations specialist, my primary duties took place within CIC or the Combat
Information Center. About 0200 hours, on December 16th, I was on CIC Duty as
things were quiet and slow, I made my way up to the ship's bridge. All lights on
the exterior of the ship were out, and the only lighting on the bridge was
contained dark lighting from radar scopes and navigational devices at the helm.
time of night, would be in command of the bridge and he was referred to as the
officer of the deck (OOD). On this particular evening, a junior officer the
Officer of the Deck was a good friend of mine, and he and I were having a
All of a sudden and out of nowhere, like a huge flash from
a camera, emanating from the starboard bow sea level upward was a huge flash of
red glowing light, which lit up our entire ship. It only lit up our ship, not
the surrounding ocean, just our ship. It happened so fast, that the OOD, the
navigator and I were speechless for about 5 seconds, at which time I looked at
the OOD and asked him if he just saw that light. He stated yes in a sullen
voice. I then asked the navigator and he replied yes. I then took the
navigator's sound powered headset, and asked the forward and aft look outs, if
they had just seen the same red flash, to which the forward look out stated,
"Yes! what the hell was that?" Aft lookout said yes as
well. I then immediately contacted CIC, and asked the CIC officer if we had any
aircraft or surface ships in our vicinity, to which he replied clear as a
whistle. I asked if we had any submarine activity in the area, to which he
replied, no. At this point I looked at the OOD and asked him if we should wake
up the captain. The OOD sat there stunned for a minute, as did I and everyone
else. What had just happened did not make any sense. The flash emanated from the
sea, directly off of our starboard bow (like it was touching our bow), and
ascended upwardly so rapidly, creating the effect of the bright red flash. The
other weird aspect of this event was that only our ship was lit up within the
red flash, not the surrounding sea, but our vessel only. The OOD elected not to
wake the captain, and the entire incident was logged in our ship's log as an
unexplained phenomenon. Up until this event, I did not believe in UFO's or
USO's. I have no doubt that our ship, steaming along at 12 knots, came right up
on a submerged unidentifiable aircraft. I don't think the aircraft or USO had
any idea we were sailing up to them. I think whatever it was, took off in a very
unplanned and fast manner, and wanted to quickly identify us, thus the flash. I
have always felt that the event was extraterrestrial in nature. Respectfully
submitted by GMV. Thanks to WWW.UFOCASEBOOK.COM
and Ken Pfeifer ufo
Study of clays suggests watery Mars
by Guy Webster
Impact cratering and erosion
combine to reveal the composition of the Martian underground by exposing
materials from the subsurface. Investigation of exposed clay minerals at
thousands of Martian sites by the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer
for Mars (CRISM) on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter suggests a long period of
wet, warm conditions, mostly underground. Infrared light indicates terrains of
different composition in false-color infrared images (top) of a crater (left)
and an escarpment (right). Each of the scenes is about 6 miles (10 kilometers)
wide. The lower images of the same sites show how distinctive absorption bands
permit identification and mapping of specific minerals. In the lower images,
iron-magnesium clays are mapped in blue. These are the most common clays on
Mars, occupying large sections of the deep crust and mostly formed by subsurface
water. These clays are beneath unaltered volcanic layers that contain the
mineral olivine (green). The site shown in the image on the right also contains
aluminum clays (red), which formed by waters near the surface. These clays are
uncommon on Mars but are sometimes located on top of iron-magnesium clays in a
distinctive stratigraphy, indicating formation later in time. These two example
sites, out of thousands where CRISM has observed clay minerals, are at 10.65
degrees south latitude, 98.22 degrees east longitude (left pair) and 22.06
degrees north latitude, 74.63 degrees east latitude (right pair). In the top two
images, the false color comes from presenting observed brightness's in three
different wavelengths of invisible infrared wavelengths -- as red, green and
blue, respectively, composited into color images. In the bottom two images,
colors are assigned to absorption-band characteristics: infrared frequencies at
which the materials on the Mars surface are less bright compared to their
brightness at other frequencies. The data presented as red are pixel-by-pixel
absorption-band depths at 2,210 nanometers, the data presented as green are
broad absorption-band depths near 1,000 nanometers, and the data presented as
blue are the absorption-band depths at 2,300 nanometers. These color data were
then overlain and merged with the brightness at 770 nanometers to show the
relationship of detected minerals with underlying topography. Image credit:
( -- A new NASA study suggests if life
ever existed on Mars, the longest lasting habitats were most likely below the
Red Planet's surface.
China and Russia Launch Spacecraft
into Orbit
China's space agency announced
Monday the country had successfully launched its Shenzhou-8 spacecraft into
orbit, the first step in a planned space docking operation and a significant
milestone for the country's burgeoning space program. The event was televised
nationally, as the unmanned Shenzhou-8 module took off on a Long March-2F
rocket, on the first part of its journey to dock with the eight-ton Tiangong I,
an experimental space laboratory China launched just over a month ago. If
successful, China would become only the third country on Earth to operate a
permanent space station on orbit.
MOSCOW Russia has launched an unmanned probe on
a daring mission to reach Phobos, a moon of Mars, and to fly samples of its soil
back to Earth. The unmanned Phobos-Ground craft was successfully launched by a
Zenit-2 booster rocket
Although successfully in orbit its engines that
propel the probe to Mars have failed to start. Engineers are working on a likely
computer problem.
Moon Passes a Brilliant Jupiter
Our Moon is reaching its full phase and will glide
past a brilliant silvery Planet Jupiter.
YU 55 Asteroid
Robert Morningstar writes, "Richard Hoagland sent out first
pictures of YU-55 and it does not look anything at all like a "typical
asteroid". I took the raw image (left side of first photo) and did some
enhancements to improve the image. At 6:30 PM, on November 8, 2011, the aircraft
carrier size asteroid flew safely between the Earth and our Moon at 29,000
YU-55 has an interesting geometry. The side facing the satellite telescope
that captured it makes it look hemispherical or saucer-shaped. I am attaching my
YU-55 photo enhancements for your study. To my eye, there seems to be too much
symmetry in this object for it to be an ordinary asteroid. Let me know what you
think. It looks more like a tiny moon. Thanks to Robert Morningstar
White House Says No Alien Visits or UFO Coverups
The White House has responded to two petitions
asking the US government to formally acknowledge that aliens have visited Earth
and to disclose to any intentional withholding of government interactions with
extraterrestrial beings. "The U.S. government has no evidence that
any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has
contacted or engaged any member of the human race, said Phil
Larson from the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy, on the
website. "In addition, there is no credible information to
suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's
5,387 people had signed the petition for immediately
disclosing the government's knowledge of and communications with
extraterrestrial beings, and 12,078 signed the request for a formal
acknowledgement from the White House that extraterrestrials have been engaging
the human race.
"Hundreds of military and government
agency witnesses have come forward with testimony confirming this
extraterrestrial presence,the second petition states.
"Opinion polls now indicate more than 50% of the American people believe there
is an extraterrestrial presence and more than 80% believe the government is not
telling the truth about this phenomenon. The people have a right to know. The
people can handle the truth.
These petitions come from an Obama Administration
initiative called We the People' which has White House staffers respond and
consider taking action on any issue that receives at least 25,000 online
signatures. Regarding these two petitions, the White House promised to respond
if the petitions got 17,000 or more signatures by Oct. 22.
Larson stressed that the facts show
that there is no credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on
Earth.He pointed out that even though many scientists have
come to the conclusion that the odds of life somewhere else in the Universe are
fairly high, the chance that any of them are making contact with humans are
extremely small, given the distances involved.
But that doesn't mean we aren't searching, there
is just no evidence yet. The Kepler spacecraft is searching for Earth-like
planets in the habitable zones around other stars, and that the Curiosity rover
will launch to Mars this month to "assess what the Martian
environment was like in the past to see if it could have harbored
Regarding any evidence for alien life, all anyone
has now is "statistics and speculation, said Larson. "The fact is we have no
credible evidence of extraterrestrial presence here on Earth.
Editor's Note: There is strong indication the
White House is kept out of the loop concerning UFOs. President Ford wrote me
that while in Congress, as Vice President, and as President he was never
provided information about UFOs. It is doubtful President Obama has been given
UFO information.
New History UFO Show
Mondays are about to get even happier for Shaun Ryder.
The slack-jawed singer from 90s Brit-pop sensation, Happy Mondays, will be
looking for signs of extra-terrestrial life.
In an interview with Q magazine, Ryder said:
"I've seen a couple of things which defy explanation. "They were not
craft from this planet.
Ryder became popular with viewers during his
stint in the jungle with"I'm A Celebrity.. Get Me Out Of Here last
year. The TV"based search will begin in Manchester, where he believes there is a
wormhole that cuts through space and time, before heading off to visit Peru,
Chile and Australia. The new eight-part series, "Shaun Ryder On
UFOs will be broadcast on The History Channel.
Novel of Patrolman
Los Angeles -- Cartoonist Michael Jasorka has
written, An Alien Encounter,' an audio adaptation graphic novel
celebrating the amazing true story of Herbert Schirmer. The Nebraska
state patrolman who was taken aboard an alien spacecraft on December 3rd, 1967.
Listen to Herbert Schirmer's very own words, creating a most unique experience!
watching my video here Michael Jasorka Cartoonist -
Looking for a professional email campaign
manager? Try
We offer power-tools for power-users!
Sightings in the United States
Arizona Orb
Maricopa -- On November 6, 2011, around
5:34 PM, I was conversing with my two brothers on their porch. My brother
hollers out, "There a white light in the sky!"... It
was slowly traversing southeast at a high altitude heading towards Tucson. I
quickly realized it was not a normal plane and grabbed my camera, and rapidly
started taking pictures of the object that was traversing. After the third
picture I took, I quickly previewed it via the camera. It didn't look like a
plane, jet, or balloon. Snip Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Rectangle
El Dorado Hills --Attached are a few photos from October 14,
2011, around 9:30 PM and October 17, 2011 around 7:30 PM. We have around fifty
different photos of this event. Each sighting lasted 15 to 20 minutes. The main
craft is bright blue and red with a white line in the middle it made some
amazing moves through the sky and never made a sound. In one of the photos you
can see some type of objects around the main craft and it looks like it has some
sort of trail coming from it.
Note: The photos have been edited, but this does not
indicate a hoax. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Colorado Triangle Ball
USAFA -- I was looking up from my coffee driving to high
school when I thought a new star appeared. This star was not moving but was
brighter than Venus, and 30 degrees to the south of Venus. It stayed where it
was for about three minutes and suddenly grew six triangles each the same
diameter of the ball. After a few seconds the triangles collapsed on the ufo and
it disappeared. I was not afraid and said, "That is number two in my
bookand had normal day at
school."Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Flap
St. Petersburg -- William Puckett
Director UFOs Northwest has received sixteen UFO reports from Florida. Most were
various colored moving lights. On October 15, 2011:a woman takes photos of
purple sky. discovers lights in triangular formation in photos.
Sarasota -- Three bright red lights that were too big &
high to have been planes on October 23, 2011. .Thanks to William
Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Indiana Disc
Evansville -- Facing north on Plaza Drive on the eastside of Vanderburgh
County at about 8 PM, on November 6, 2011, my daughter and I saw the colorful
lights in the sky. The object was about 100 feet in the air and as it got closer
I could see a dark saucer shape. The lights were multi-colored like a Christmas
tree and blinking in rotation underneath it. The thing slowed to almost a stop
just above us then slowly continued flying east. It hover again closer to
Newburgh. The thing looked like a textbook UFO. It was flying parallel between
Lincoln Avenue and Lloyd Expressway. It flew at 200 feet up then lowered to just
above the trees and seemed to disappear. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Disc
Lees Summit -- I am writing you about the
UFO witnessed by John Goslin on October 31, 2011. I saw this with my family on
that night. We left home at nearly 7:35 pm on our way to trick or treat at Lees
Summit North High School. I pulled up to the Blackwell intersection and the
object was in the south sky and turned right and it followed me as I went north.
I turned west onto Scruggs and saw it clearly until it passed over us silently.
I saw it dip like a blimp but it didn't look like a blimp. It was too big and
moving too fast at that time.
After it passed over us and it headed
toward the stadium, we concluded it must be the blimp for the Chiefs football
game. We think we saw two different things in the sky. One being the planes and
the other was Unidentified. I think the public safety was at risk by what was
flying that night. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Three Bright Balls
Essex -- I was on the plane taking pictures to make into
postcards and started snapping away on August 20, 2009. When the plane got above
the clouds at 6:45 PM there were three shining lights flying to the side of the
plane. From that day on I have seen them on regular basis. Thanks to MUFON
WILLIAMSTOWN -- I saw a bright flash as if the craft was
descending from a worm hole on November 3, 2011. After the flash the craft was a
dark metal or black sphere like an aspirin. It moved very fast from horizon to
horizon until out of sight. There were aircraft flying at the same altitude
above 35,000 feet cruising with condensation trails. This craft was easily 2 to
3 times as fast. Around 7:30 PM, the same night, I saw a small star-like orb
moving slowly in the north. My retired Air Force friend saw it with me and said,
"This is no known aircraft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Cape May County Zoo-- I was with my wife and grandson on November 6, 2011,
eating our lunch at a picnic table and saw a large plane flying over and I
noticed a flask of light at 1:23 Pm. The altitude of the plane was 20,000 feet
and flying in a northeast direction. A silver cylinder was flying alongside the
airplane. At first I thought it was a military plane and was being escorted by a
military jet, but the object had no wings. It was shadowing the large commercial
jet towards the rear of the plane. The objects distance from the plane looked to
be a full wing span. I could see the sun reflecting off the cylinder and I
managed to finally take a few photos but the photos did not capture the object.
I just started shooting photos in the general
direction and one photo did capture an object in it. The object looks dark gray
in color and it looks to be at a lower altitude than the jet that passed over. I
am a chief investigator with MUFON in New Jersey. If you are not looking up into
the sky, you will never see a ufo. The time of day was and the sky was partly
cloudy. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Triangle
BUFFALO-- I was looking up at stars on October 11, 2011, and saw
an object coming towards me because the stars disappeared behind it. It was
moving slowly and it was black and went directly over me. It was triangular in
shape and it blended in with the night sky. It was huge like a football field
and it hovered over my head silently and kept going till I could not see it. It
made my skin crawl as this silent craft was so big. NOTE: The above image is a
rendering. Thanks to MUFON CMS system.
North Carolina
-- After the MUFON meeting twelve of
us went Sky Watching at a member's house on November 5, 2011. We had telescopes,
night vision, cameras and Google Sky Map ready for the evening's event. We setup
in a field adjacent to the home around 7:30 pm. We watched a lot of commercial
traffic go by and six satellites go by. They are usually the tiny white specs
that move across the sky in a straight line. Around 9:30 pm, someone says
"Look there! Heading east we saw a boomerang shaped
object flying about 5,400 feet altitude about the same diameter of the moon. It
was three to four times larger than a 747. It had two orange lights, one on each
end and a large center red light. We all noticed that it was silent and did not
have the required red and green lights and none were flashing. The red light was
size of a small car. The photo is a 30 second exposure of the exact location
where we saw the object. I was using a Nikon D50 with a Quantaray LD 70-300
telephoto lens. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Lights
Columbus -- I saw balls of light about the size of a large beach
ball flying over the city five times in the last year. Tonight at about 8 PM, I
noticed it again flying silently southeast less than 1000 feet overhead. It has
a goldish orangish light. I'm private pilot and I know this is no aircraft! This
object moved rapidly from the NW toward downtown, slowed and stopped completely
in mid air. It has been there for over an hour stationary at this point. It was
not the Columbus PD helicopter as it was flying west over the Grandview area and
it had no anti collision lights and was not an aircraft. This object is silent
and is a ball with goldish orangish light emitting from it. There were two
others who witnessed this with me. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Carolina Boomerang
Laurens -- I was outside
smoking at 2:11 AM, on November 5, 2011, I noticed a boomerang or V shaped craft
with small red non blinking lights inside of it. I had seen a similar object
eight months ago flying low and silent that flew slow right over the tree tops.
Tonight I saw the object again, but it was moving faster, with fainter red
lights flying low just as before. I don't know if it is a UFO, because it
disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Two Moving Lights
I was going to leave for work about 6 AM, and I paused, as I normally do
every morning, to gaze at the stars and noticed two stars above the tree line.
As I looked at them I noticed that they were moving due north and drawing nearer
to the tree line. As they neared the trees they were positioned one on top of
the other, forming an invisible diagonal line. They were five inches apart at
arm's length. I then noticed that the two "stars" were traveling in formation at
exactly the same speed and distance and disappeared from view behind the trees.
They were either silent independently piloted craft, traveling flawlessly
together, or lights on some larger craft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Lights in Water 37.4315734N
Portsmouth -- Go to Elizabeth River Boat Landing Park via
Google Maps and use Satellite view...and check close in on the water area just
to the north of this park. You can see the light array under the water shown on
the latest satellite images. Could this be a USO or many of them? If you click
on Google Maps now you can see it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Wisconsin Flaming Orange Light
Burlington -- About 30 people were taking part in the
Haunted Woods Tour as part of the Wisconsin Vortex Conference on October 29,
2011. We were hiking through the woods at about 9 pm, when someone yelled,
"What's up in the sky? We all saw a flaming orange
object flying silently towards us at a slow steady rate zigzagging slightly.
When it was almost right overhead it disappeared. Thirty people saw another one
appear about a mile away and follow the same path also disappearing when it got
overhead. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide Sightings
Canada Huge Object
Levis-- On October 24,
2011, while driving on Highway 20, at Exit 330, I saw 500 immense bright lights
that were very close to us at the drawbridge at 7:28 PM. I found that the car
ahead of me had very strange behavior.
There was a huge stationary object very close to
us. Without further ado myself rest on its side to see better and of course
believe it. I still wonder if this was real. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Italy Silver
I was smoking on the balcony of
my house watching the sky on November 10, 2011, when I saw a strange object over
my house as big as the moon. It started to move, so I took my camera and started
to make the video.
The object was bright silver, but appears white in
the images. The object changes shape continuously, from edgy to smooth and
seemed liquid. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico City-- A humanoid was observed levitating in the sky to the
east of Mexico City on November 2, 2011.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Norway Very fast light, changing colors.
Moss -- At about 20:00 hours on the 15th of October 2011, I
observed a small, but very bright light moving north at about the speed of a
plane. The light accelerated and turned red then suddenly stopped for a few
seconds while pulsating. It changed colors and accelerated rapidly south and
flew out of sight.
I observed a small cluster of four lights, green, red, and white through
binoculars. The lights didn't change color themselves, but switched on and off.
Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
South Africa Triangle
Johannesburg-- Its fun having many UFO stories in the news. Here is a
video of a UFO taken with a Blackberry! One of my friends told me he had taken a
UFO with his cell phone. He said, "It had a Triangle
shape. I had observed this same UFO in 1995 or 1996 in Klerksdorp.
My son reported, "Look Dad the stars are moving. You
will need the video because it looked pretty terrible moving with a red circle
around the UFO. Thanks to De Jager
United Kingdom/England
Glossop -- While walking on Upper Shelf
Moor near just after the daylight faded, a series of dull thuds were heard and
felt by all three people on November 6, 2011. Shortly after reaching the
footpath, a light was spotted in the sky above the Edale area. This light was
moving slowly towards Manchester, resembling an aircraft. However it shot
sideways, covering around five miles in less than a second and then stopped
dead. It then started shooting in random directions, hovering in a stationary
position, and then surging. It seemed to have white light coming from it. After
a while moving around the sky a white beam of light appeared to emit from the
bottom of the object. Shortly after this two fast jets were seen moving quickly
into the area, the object then moved away from them, back towards Manchester. We
then lost sight of it and a helicopter with a searchlight was seen in the area,
sweeping the ground.
This made us all quite anxious and I managed to get a photo of this object
with the motions of the object over four seconds in the lower left corner. While
walking back to the car, we looked behind us with a torch, and a reflective
object was seen on the ground bouncing the light back to us. I shone the torch
back to where I had seen the light and a dark cylinder was seen shooting up into
the air from the exact location of the reflective object just seconds earlier.
UFO Conferences
Memphis UFO Conference-
Increase In UFO
Debbie Ziegelmeyer State MUFON Director of
Missouri will be speaking and doing a power-point presentation in Memphis on
11/11/11. Her main topic will be "The Great Kansas City UFO Wave of
2011, August thru October." Debbie is a recently elected Interim
Board Member of MUFON and also head of the MUFON Dive Team. Debbie's Memphis
talk will be at the Holiday Inn (3700 Central Avenue) directly across the street
from the University of Memphis. The $20 meeting is scheduled from 6 to 9 pm.
Debbie Ziegelmeyer is one of the most dynamic and knowledgeable speakers you
will ever hear. Eddie Middleton, TN MUFON Director, Night
Search Host,
Tennessee MUFON Conference
December 3rd in Murfreesboro's at the
Baymont Inn. Speakers are:
George Filer, Christopher
O'Brien, and Tom Reed.
Christopher has authored four books on
the San Louis Valley in Colorado where cattle mutilations have been more
frequent than anywhere else in the country. Tom Reed, from Knoxville, will give
us updates on the ongoing investigation of his and his brother's
multi-generational abductions that have now become
UFO / ET Congress Bordentown, New Jersey
November 11th, 12th & 13th, 2011 at Ramada Inn 1083 US Highway 206,
Bordentown, NJ 08505. Near US Highway 206 and the New Jersey Turnpike Exit 7 The
Ramada Inn -- 1-609-298-3200 For more information on speakers and their talks
check the Speakerspage.For information on registration see the
BufogLecture Night - Andrew
Thursday 24th November 2011 at
7.30-11.30pm Venue: Hot Shots Snooker Club function room, 100 Crosswells
Road, Oldbury, Birmingham, B688HH. For map and photo of venue see our website at
Andrew Johnson
returns to BUFOG to examine Wilbert Smith's key role in the research and
analysis of the "flying saucer phenomenon. Smith was a prominent member of the
Canadian Government; he had access to classified information.
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
10-11-2011 om 16:55
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Graig, U R A "Plutonian" Alien To "Them"!
Whitley Strieber on The Late Late Show with
Craig Ferguson
As part of his extensive tour for his extraordinary new
novel The Grays, Whitley Strieber was on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
THURSDAY, September 14, starting at 12:35 PST and EST on CBS.
Nuclear Weapons Websites Are In Deep
Denial About UFOs
Discussing Documented UFO Incursions at ICBM Sites
Automatically Rejected
I have attempted to interest various
nuclear weapons-related websites in publishing articles on the topic of UFOs and
nukes, to no avail. My emails to the hosts go unanswered and, with rare
exceptions, the blog posts I submit are rejected by the moderators. In short,
there is an effective information embargo on this subject at respectable
websites where one would predict great interest and debate among the collective
Why is this so? Why is the topic taboo?
The information I provide to these websites is drawn either from the
declassified documents themselves or based on the verbatim testimony of
ex-military personnel who witnessed some of the events described in those files.
These are persons who were once entrusted by the U.S. government to operate Weapons of Mass Destruction, who now
assert that UFOs repeatedly monitored and sometimes disrupted those key weapons
Surely this authoritative information
would be of interest to the experts and laypersons who regularly opine on the
many nukes-related sites. Or, at least, one would think so.
The websites in question span the full
spectrum, from those sponsored by nuclear proponents, to ones run by disarmament
advocates; from technically-oriented sites to philosophical forums. The groups
include Bulletin of The Atomic Scientists, Ploughshares Fund, Arms Control Wonk,
Nuclear Weapons Free, Citizens For Global Solutions, Nuke Watch New Mexico, The
Utopian, Nuclear Age Peace Foundationto name but a few. So far, all of these
have responded to the topic of UFO activity at nuclear sites as they
would the plague; it is something to be avoided at all costs.
Again, I ask:
How ironic that these nuclear weapons
interest groups endlessly discuss the ins-and-outs of the Nuclear Ageits birth,
manifestations, consequences, possible outcomesbut have thus far steadfastly
ignored a central element in its existence: According to the declassified files,
outside observers, technically-advanced but apparently neither American or
Russian, have doggedly monitored the nuclear arms race and, according to the
military witnesses themselves, intermittently injected themselves into its
six-decades-long unfolding in a most disturbing and even shocking manneron both
sides of the ocean.
Georgia Senator Richard Russell was a major figure in the U.S. Senate. As
head of the Senate Armed Services Committee, he exerted enormous influence over
the American defense establishment. When he spoke, the military listened. So
when Russell reported what he had seen while traveling through the Soviet Union,
no one laughed-and hardly anyone outside official circles knew of his remarkable
experience until years later.
Just after 7 P.M. on October 4, 1955, while on a train in the Transcaucasia
region, the senator happened to gaze out a window to the south. To his
considerable astonishment his eyes focused on a large disc-shaped object slowly
ascending as a flame shot from underneath it. The object then raced north across
the tracks in front of the train. Russell scurried to alert his two companions,
who looked out to see a second disc do what the first had just done. At that
moment Soviet trainmen shut the curtains and ordered the American passengers not
to look outside.
As soon as they arrived in Prague, Czechoslovakia, the three men went to the
United States embassy and sat down with Lt. Col. Thomas S. Ryan, the air
attaché. Russell's associate, Lt. Col. E. U. Hathaway, told Ryan that they were
about to report something extremely important-"but something that we've been
told by your people [the U.S. Air Force] doesn't exist."
Soon rumors about the senator's sighting reached America, but when a reporter
for the Los Angeles Examiner tried to obtain details, Russell said
only, "I have discussed this matter with the affected agencies and they are of
the opinion that it is not wise to publicize this matter at this time." The
report was not declassified until 1985. Interestingly, one of the "affected
agencies" was not Project
Blue Book, which never received the report. Apparently, the event was too
sensitive for so lowly a project.
Never before seen footage of the sentencing of Physicist
Robert Lazar in a Nevada court in 1999. Listen carefully to the judge's comments
regarding this case. Most interesting.
Judge: "It is obvious it's very difficult to get
information on Mr. Lazar from government sources, enormously
In special reports, this week's files cover: Mars Structures,
Doomsday Comet Elenin Disintegrates,Libya Militia and
Airpower Defeat Khadafy's Army, UFO Hacker Gary McKinnon's Mum Up for Human
Rights Award, Russian Cosmonaut Claims UFOs Are Real, and Missouri
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alabama,
Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, Texas
and Wisconsin.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in Australia, Canada, Denmark,
India, and England in the United
The purpose of these files is to
report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis
around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial
intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand
UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft
conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when
London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US
Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this advanced research. .
"For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this
world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6.)
Special Reports
MUFON's International Director Clifford Clift writes,
"UFO sighting reports continue to exceed our average of 500 per
July reports were 493, August 1013, September 783, and October
will be in close to 600. Even with the increased numbers, I am still not
convinced we are having a "Flap (extraordinary increase in
activity.) What I have discovered is MUFON is receiving more
sighting reports due to the more positive and increased media coverage of UFOs.
MUFON's name is being used in TV shows and documentaries, movies, and the
printed news.
Mars Unusual Structures
Norman Bryden sent this image. Top right is a tower or
building reflecting light. Rectangular shapes can be seen standing up next to
each other below the light markings. A bright tube like structure is apparent
running left to right across the image. A smaller tower or building is within
the small circle. These appear to be structures unlikely to have been formed by
nature, and indicate intelligent life on Mars. Thanks to Norman Bryden
Matt Segal writes, "Re: Filer's Files #44
If you look at images from Nasas stereo system you can
see Elenin being hit by some unknown explosion causing it to breakup and
disintegrate. It could very well have been an ELE and either us or the ETs has
something to do with destroying it. Thanks to Matt
Libya Militia and Airpower Defeat Khadafy's
UK Tornado GR4 with two Storm Shadow missilesWe should remember in
Libya, to make 3 points:
A rag-tag militia, supported by modern Airpower, defeated a large standing
The cost to the US was less than $2B -- about the cost of one-week's
operation in Afghanistan and there were no US/Allied casualties.
NATO, for all its warts, performed superbly, and should be
Thanks to the Air Force Association
Gary McKinnon's Mum Up for Human Rights
Paul Christian reports, "UFO hacker Gary McKinnon's mother
has been shortlisted for a human rights award in recognition of her decade-long
fight to stop her son being extradited to America. Janis Sharp was surprised and
said she had no idea who had nominated her for the award from human rights
watchdog Liberty, but said she was "honored.
Gary claims he has been seeing data on Non-Terrestrial Officers and
spaceships. 'The whole world thinks it's cooperating in building the
International Space Station, but you've already got a space-based army that you
refer to as Non-Terrestrial Officers'." Gary was hacking around Fort Meade,
reading internal court martial reports of soldiers. At the Johnson Space Centre
he spied on photographs of cigar-shaped objects that might have been UFOs but -
he says -- they were probably satellites. "You end up lusting after
more and more complex security measures," he says. "It
was like a game a computer games. It was hugely addictive." There
were hackers from many nations snooping around every night for the entire five
to seven years I was doing this. He claims, "I found a list of officers' names
under the heading 'Non-Terrestrial Officers' and a list of 'fleet-to-fleet
transfers', and a list of ship names. I looked them up. They weren't US navy
ships. What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship,
off-planet." Apparently, the US has a secret spaceship like Mir,
although "I was smoking a lot of dope at the time. Not good for the
intellect." Allegedly the names of two of the ships are the
General Curtis LeMay and Admiral Roscoe H. Hellkotter. Editor's
Note: If Gary McKinnon's statements are correct, Obama's decision to
cancel the Shuttle program is probably a good decision if there is a more
efficient military shuttle program in operation. The thirty year old shuttles
cost the government allegedly a billion dollars per flight.
On January 28, 1986, he US Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds
into its flight, leading to the deaths of its seven crew members. The Challenger
disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of central Florida at 11:38
am. Later a second shuttle crashed killing its crew. Two of the six space
shuttles were lost.
The military was unable to count on the Shuttles that were now grounded to
carry critical satellites into orbit during the Cold War. They logically looked
for an alternative. The US had been working on building the National Space Plane
carrying a load of passengers to fly from Washington to Japan in under two
hours. It would take off and land from airports. Here is an artists concept of
the X-30
aerospace plane flying through Earth's atmosphere on its way to low-Earth orbit.
The experimental concept is part of the National Aero-Space Plane Program.
President Carter decided to cancel the program but the plans and engineering
could be revitalized to carry satellites and military personnel into orbit.
Within our Black Budget billions are spent to protect the US and its allies from
attack. It is logical that the rumored Aurora or aero space craft exists.
Russian Cosmonaut Claims UFOs Are Real
Cosmonaut Alexandr Balandin stated that "flying saucers"
have come into close proximity to the MIR space station as well as the Baikonur
Cosmodrome. He added there is sufficient evidence to warrant a scientific study
of the phenomenon, and that it is time that world governments officially
acknowledge the UFO phenomenon's existence.
"General Vladimir Ivanov, former commander of Russia's Military Space Forces,
recalls that three objects flew at a considerable altitude over Baikonur
Cosmodrome and were picked up on radar. There is no way they could have been
airplanes." insisted the cosmonaut.
Balandin disclosed at Brazil's First International Ufology Forum, that he and
fellow cosmonaut Musa Manarov had seen UFOs. During docking operations between
his space capsule and the MIR, Balandin saw a glowing object a short distance
Manarov managed to capture the strange phenomenon on
videotape, that was shown during the UFO congress in Brazil. Balandin claimed
that the recording and other evidence presented during the Congress, "must be
studied by an international scientific commission." Balandin insisted that the
Russian military has a great contribution to make to UFO research, giving as an
example the multiple-witness case at the Kaputsin Yar missile base, whose
personnel sighted a semi-circular object flying at low altitude lighting up the
bases facilities with a powerful searchlight in June 1989. "Many of my old
comrades, who are now working at top-secret military facilities, acknowledge
having seen UFOs. Thanks to Rubn Sobrino.
Editor's Note: It is quite possible that some of the craft seen by the
cosmonauts were US military spacecraft as well as extraterrestrials.
Missouri Had 75 the Most Sightings of Any State in
Margie Kay, Assistant State Director for Missouri MUFON resident is heading
up the investigation in Kansas City. Debbie Ziegelmeyer, State Director for
Missouri MUFON and other field investigators are assisting with the high volume
of investigations. The case has been moved to Star Team level.
37 reports remain unsolved and unidentified.
The identified craft include two flight teams that are members of the
Experimental Aircraft Association. The KC Flight team with seven planes flew
over the Chief's Stadium for Monday night football on October 31, leaving the
airport at 6:45 PM and returning at 8:00 PM. The group flew in a circular
pattern, and had bright flashing strobe lights that are typical of their night
Margie believes that this new type of night stunt flying will promote more
UFO sighting reports in the coming years all over the U.S. and believes that
MUFON should put a video of the Flight Team performances on the website.
The unidentified UFO sighting reports include multiple reports of bright
white, blue, orange, and dull black spheres at low altitude -- even inches off
of the ground- and close proximity to witnesses. The spheres are the most
perplexing of the reports, and occurred during the entire month of October.
Other unidentified objects include large craft with blue lights that are not
typical aircraft lights, two craft that turned on their sides and took off at a
high rate of speed, and large diamond and triangular shaped craft that hovered
at tree level.
Radar reports from October 4 indicate that a target was stationary at 38,000
feet nine miles north of the sightings for 20 minutes. Other radar indicates
positive targets in the sighting areas. Several witnesses have submitted video,
photos, and drawings. Most of these are available at
Margie Kay and Debbie Ziegelmeyer have been working late hours in an attempt
to close out the cases as quickly as possible.
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Sightings in the United States
Alabama Four Unknowns
Pelham -- I saw four objects falling from the sky as I was
driving towards the interstate on October 21, 2011, at 7 PM. Each object had a
"tail streaming behind it like a firework that had just exploded in the sky and
falling back to Earth.
They looked like concentrated balls of light at
very close range. Suddenly, the four objects stopped mid air just above the tree
line as the "tails behind them disappeared. Then they started moving side to
side, up and down, in all directions. The movement was easy and fluid and when
they moved the "tails reappeared. The objects, together as if perfectly
synchronized, moved to an aligned position. Each object moved independently to a
particular spot as if they were communicating with each other. These in no way
could be an aircraft. My husband and my mother in different cars saw the same
exact thing. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Arizona Photo
Mesa -- On October 26, 2011, around 2:42
PM, I was sitting in my lawn chair watching the sky towards the northwest. I saw
a balloon size object just instantly appear in the sky moving fast and high jet.
But suddenly I realized that it wasn't a jet, and I promptly began thinking that
it may possibly be a balloon that was quickly traversing with the wind. I
immediately started taking pictures of but the object didn't look anything
similar to a balloon and was slightly changing its shape. It drastically slowed
to almost a crawl and was resisting the wind. It had a brown furry surface
similar to a peach. It was about 125 away while taking pictures of the object it
instantly disappeared in the sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Objects
Carmichael -- I have been seeing these objects for two years
now, they come down, shine bright then fly back up. It seem like they come every
time I sit outside at night like most recently on October 31, 2011. I have also
seen what people call probes that are single white orb like UFO's in the day
light. I have Video of everything going back to 2009 online. It doesn't matter
where I live they are able to find me. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado UFOsFlying Below the
PAGOSA SPRINGS -- Two nights in a row, two UFOs which were
glowing, floated down to the ground and then back up above the condo roof tops
on June 16, 17, 2011, at 9 p.m. at the same location and the encounter lasted 30
minutes both nights.
Both UFOs began to shape shift and split into double UFOs as you can see in
the photos. Their behavior seemed like they were showing how they could evacuate
if they needed to, as they would dive down to the ground and then back up to the
sky. It was amazing how they were flying around each other just above the roofs
and then they would dive down below the roofs and into the lake on the golf
course. One UFO flew as low as 50 feet over my street and both nights they flew
over the Wyndham Condos and Victoria filmed the event both nights. Thanks to
Victoria Liljenquist, God Bless,
Penrose -- I discovered this silver object to the left of
the tree on October 27, 2011. I was standing at my front door facing west to get
pictures of the snow to email to my husband who was out of town. When I zoomed
in on the object I noticed that it had an unusual shape. In the second picture
it had change it shape or direction but was in the same general location. We
have a lot of military craft fly over but they make a lot of noise. I didn't
hear anything and it is too shiny to be a bird. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Connecticut Disc
HARTFORD -- My girlfriend was driving as we headed south on
1-91, when she saw this object at 6:11 PM, on October 17, 2011. I looked above
the city skyline to notice the hovering object that was reflecting the setting
sun off the top of the disc. Banded around the middle in a horizontal row were
five white lights. At first, I thought it was Hospital Lifestar helicopter. The
object was hovering as I saw a plane take off from Bradley Airport headed west
confirming to me what I saw was NOT a plane. It looked totally different. We
went under an underpass and the object was gone. It just seemed to have
disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS system, and Ken Pfeifer ufo
Florida Light
Anna Maria Island -- I was attending a dinner party from 9
to 10 pm, overlooking the entrance to Tampa Bay. The Egmont Key Light was
visible 45 degrees to the left of the observed object. I attempted to call
attention to the other person present to no avail. The object gave off a steady
reddish yellow light at low elevation beyond Edmont Key. It traveled due north
at extreme speed changed direction 90 degrees into a vertical climb and then
disappeared. The entire event lasted less than ten seconds. Thanks to MUFON
27.6648274 N 81.515753 W -- I went to take
photos of our cactus plant that only blooms at night about October 22, 2011.
There were five bright, colorful balls of light that flashed across the night
sky. They all left trails, as if traveling at a high rate of speed. One ball was
bright orange, one violet, one white w/cobalt hue, one was a dimmer/darker shade
of orange (as if farther away, and not as bright), and another was sort of gray
and dimmer as well. Seven photographs were taken in immediate, rapid succession,
but only the first photo revealed these balls of light. The other six photos
just showed a dark, sky. These lights must have been traveling at an extremely
high rate of speed because they were not visible with the naked eye, and I only
saw them in my photograph once developed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Sunrise -- I got some amazing footage of a "flying saucer"
type UFO on October 20, 2011, at 9:15 PM. It would start out as a white orb
connected to a red orb, then it would form into a structure that would change
colors -- almost blinding -- such as green, blue, yellow, and purple! No plane
or helicopter is capable of this!
As I drove closer I was able to
capture the structure which is similar to a space-ship. I noticed that police
had the cross-streets where this object was blocked off, so I called 911 that
night to see if there were any other reports of it, and the dispatcher informed
me that it's under investigation and that there were other reports of UFOs in
the area.
Georgia Hovering Object
WEST POINT -- The UFO appeared over the water as I was video
recording my family at the lake on September 18, 2011. A UFO was hovering about
six inches off the ground 50 yards in front of my vehicle. Only later did I see
the UFO when I returned home did I notice something strange on the video. I
could not see these objects with my naked eye only the camera was sensitive
enough to capture them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Rome -- My wife and I were traveling east on Highway 20 on
October 26, 2011, at about 7:20 PM, about seven miles from the Alabama state
line. We observed a large object traveling northwest near the Coosa River
treetops with a smaller object behind it that looked more like a plane. The
first and third objects had three steady lights on each side that were too far
apart to be a plane. The lights on these larger objects seemed to be attached by
appendages to the object. We couldn't tell the shape of any of the objects. They
flew very low and made no sound. They crossed the road and disappeared into the
mountains. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Lights
Peoria -- I was at a lake resort and saw 25 to 30 orbs in
the sky at 10:06 PM on October 22, 2011. They were zigzagging and just floated
away into space! I took this photo with my camera phone. Thanks to MUFON
Kentucky Little Green Men
By John Lasker in Leo Weekly
Back in May, after nine witness reports were fielded during the previous
month, a "UFO ALERT 5 rating was issued in Kentucky, and the state was placed on
a watch list. The organization issuing the alert was the national office of the
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), which employs scores of trained and paid
investigators. And while such an alert doesn't mean an extraterrestrial invasion
is imminent, it is a reflection of Louisville and Kentucky's intriguing though
often explainable UFO history that goes back some 60 years. "It's been very,
very busy here, says Dave MacDonald, director of Kentucky MUFON, and third in
line for national leadership. "Most of the activity has been centered in two
parts of the state: Bowling Green, which is really close to Fort Campbell, and
in the Big Sandy region, where there are a lot of coal mines, rivers, lakes and
railroads all of these things, for some reason, seem to attract UFOs.
But the Louisville region has had its share of sightings as well. Take, for
example, "The Shootout: In 1993, a glowing pear-shaped object the size of a
basketball played cat-and-mouse with a Louisville police helicopter. Mike
Pickard, the current investigator for Kentucky MUFON's Louisville sector, says
the chase started over General Electric's Appliance Park, and he calls it the
"The Shootout because the UFO fired what appeared to be small and apparently
harmless balls of fire at the pursuing helicopter. But skeptics believe the UFO
was nothing more than a miniature, homemade hot air balloon and that the
fireballs were simply birthday candles, ejected when the balloon came too close
to the helicopter.
The incident has remained legendary among enthusiastic believers, but it just
recently garnered more widespread national attention. Both pilots from that
night Kenny Graham and Kenny Downs tell LEO they spent several days in
Boston over the summer filming a segment about "The
Shootout for a production company that's created shows for the
Discovery Channel. The Sci-Fi Channel also aired an overtly "pro-UFO piece on
the chase last month.
Another local case spiked with mystery occurred on June 24, 2009, when what
some have described as a spinning Coors Light can was spotted hovering over
Louisville International Airport in the early afternoon. It's a case MUFON
continues to investigate, and MacDonald believes video footage exists as he says
a cameraman for a local television news outlet he's not sure which station
was at the scene.
"It is MUFON's hope that our investigations will deliver
the truth, one way or the other, about UFOs, says MacDonald, who's been dubbed
"The Captain by his peers. A pilot since 1987, MacDonald owns Flamingo Air, a
charter company that shuttles passengers to beach destinations, and also runs a
flight school.
"Although we have found that 92 percent of the reported sightings are
explainable, it is that remaining 8 percent which constitutes the most amazing
enigma of our time, he says. "At this time, the evidence in favor of that 8
percent being extraterrestrial is absolutely overwhelming.
More Little Green Men
"Kentucky has a history of UFO activity, no doubt about it, MacDonald says.
"The term little green men' was actually coined by a Kentucky case.
MacDonald is referring to the "Hopkinsville Goblin
Case, which unfolded in the late summer of 1955. After
"an unusual light settled way back in the woods, two
rural families from the small town of Hopkinsville claimed they were terrorized
in the middle of the night by apparent humanoids, described as 3-feet-tall with
thin limbs, over-sized heads and large pointy ears.
"They put the kids under the bed and then surrounded the bed with
mattresses. Next thing they hear is scampering on the roof,
MacDonald says. The witnesses testified the creatures would float through the
air and suddenly appear behind windows and in open doors. Two adult men turned
their rifles on the creatures, blasting away hundreds of rounds, but the bullets
ricocheted off with no harmful effect.
"They then raced into town to tell the sheriff, and the sheriff
attested these people weren't buzzed, MacDonald says.
"Yet these people were crucified.
Besides the families, several law enforcement officers swore they saw strange
lights tear through the sky that night. The story was so convincing that U.S.
Air Force investigators from Fort Campbell visited Hopkinsville, questioning all
witnesses and making sketches of the gremlins.
Half a century later, the case's legacy has staying power. It's been reported
that Steven Spielberg was heavily influenced by what happened in Hopkinsville
that night.
Kentucky also was the setting for another classic UFO case in January 1948,
when four P-51 Mustangs from the Kentucky Air National Guard already in the air
were ordered to intercept a strange object spotted from the control tower at
Fort Knox.
The pilots were soon radioing commanding officers, telling them this thing
was enormous and silver.
Four of the five pilots would disengage the UFO because they were low on
oxygen and fuel, but not 25-year-old Thomas Mantell, who had battled Nazis over
Normandy just a few years before. Mantell continued the chase as this "thing
streaked past at 12,000 feet. Yet Mantell kept pursuing, well past 20,000 feet,
according to the Air Force.
What happened next is considered one of the most significant UFO mysteries
ever. Mantell's P-51 Mustang fell out of the sky and exploded near the
Tennessee-Kentucky line south of Bowling Green.
The pilot blacked out because of a lack of oxygen that was the military's
official explanation. But MacDonald has his doubts. Even at that altitude,
MacDonald says, "Lack of oxygen is not an issue. He had ample oxygen and ample
fuel. Yet in the aftermath, the Air Force insisted there had been no hostile
move against him.
In 2009 near Lexington a trucker and his rig were heading east on Route 60 in
the middle of a warm summer night as bright lights approached fast from behind.
In his rear-view mirror, he noticed the lights suddenly rise off the highway.
Whatever it was, it was directly above him. Both vehicles hurtled down the
highway for a short distance before the tractor-trailer died the engine, the
controls, his radio, all silenced.
Corroborating the trucker's story were witnesses driving the opposite
direction on the highway that night. They, too, told Kentucky MUFON they saw a
triangular craft racing down Route 60. The highway lights went dark as the craft
Intrigued, Kentucky MUFON investigators decided to act, contacting Old
Dominion Power to see if they had documented any power outages that night.
"A representative from Old Dominion Power confided there had been
rolling blackouts that night that corresponded with the path of the
UFO, MacDonald says. Snip Thanks to
Louisiana Cylinder
New Orleans -- During the New Orleans Saints rout of the
Indianapolis Colts 62-7 on October 23, 2011. NBC's cameras focused on the
historic, St. Louis Cathedral. Moving quickly behind the Cathedral was cylinder
shaped object. Thanks to NBC
Missouri Cylinder
I was taking pictures of the skyline on October 31, 2011, and noticed this
object in the sky. As it came over head it looked semi transparent. It had no
noticeable wings and was tubular in shape. These types of craft come through
this area quite often. However this one was rather large. It was about 30 to 40
feet in length with a dark band in the center and on one end. I didn't know what
to make of it. Just thought folks would be interested in seeing this and maybe
someone else has seen this before. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Montana Spikes of Light
Billings -- Last night around 11:30 PM, my husband and I
were sitting on our patio on October 25, 2011, and noticed a big bright "star"
saying, "Wow, that is awfully close and too bright to be a
star." It moved closer had eight white "spikes" of light. We
quickly took pictures and this one came out the best reminded me of a jellyfish.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Hampshire Triangle
Litchfield -- Strange triangle flying objects were seen in the sky above a
field on October 24, 2011, at 11:25 PM. Three triangular brown/gray objects were
seen in sky above Spooky World by at least ten people for at least five seconds.
Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
New Jersey UFO sighting Disk
Hoboken -- My family and I were on the
third floor balcony, when my daughter pointed at a distant blue, green and red
light that was shining very bright from11 to 11:15 pm on August 23, 2011. It was
approaching us with great speed. There were six aircraft flying, but the bright
object caught our attention as it stopped abruptly a few hundred feet above the
buildings. The green and red light of the object were similar to bright traffic
lights. The blue light was rarely seen but extremely bright. It crossed over our
building then returned and hovered for at least five minutes and I took six
photographs. At 11.15 pm the object silently glided away over our roof and
disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Lambertville -- On October 23, 2011, at 7:30 pm, my wife saw
fireworks out the kitchen window and went out to see and started screaming for
me to look at a bright white saucer shaped craft. It had a red blinking light at
the top and bottom and was absolutely silent! I ran in the house and grabbed my
field glasses and saw sequentially flashing strobes. I saw a string of windows
about a third of the way up from the bottom continuing around the craft. It
appeared to be spinning. It was heading towards Lambertville following Route 202
southbound at 900 feet attitude. At a distance of two miles it was 1 and 1/2
thumb wide. I am a private pilot and I know it was not a blimp. It scared me
enough to chase my family inside and to call the Hunterdon County Dispatch.
Others saw it, including my son's friends. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director
National UFO Reporting Center
Ohio Cylinder
I purchased a new Canon 7D three weeks ago and have taken
1200 photos since my purchase. On October 25, 2011, I went out on the deck and
noticed a small bird up in a tree and set the camera to 100 ISO, f/36 and a
shutter speed of 1/20. I snapped a few shots and the next day that I noticed the
strange objects in the shot. A jet is at the bottom, although looks odd and too
bright. I haven't got a clue what the black object is above. I checked the other
photos that I took during the same shoot and I found what looks like a jet
flying almost vertical towards the ground. One of the jets near the object
performed an abnormal maneuver. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Beavercreek -- I was sitting at the intersection and as an
astronomer, it is a habit of mine to look up at the night sky and I noticed ten
glowing, pulsing, and red lights in the sky. On October 22, 2011, my experience
told me that what I was looking at was not natural and I immediately pulled out
my iPod Touch and began filming. It was not the ROSAT satellite which fell that
night but not in that area. The extremely high lights drifted silently across
the sky past Jupiter that is the center light. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Disc
Mcminnville -- The disk like shape in the sky was in the sky
facing west, towards the Cascade Range on October 24, 2011. The light grey
appearance would change, to lighter gray as the object moved and tilted in large
circle track. At times the object would partially appear solid and transparent
as it turned in slow large sweeping turn and tilted. I could only view it with
my naked eye. This object was stunning and left me with an uncomfortable feeling
as it flew away Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Entity
ORANGE -- I woke up with my head turned to the side of my
bed and opened my eyes to a being about 3 to 3-1/2 feet tall. The entity
appeared to be female in orientation. "She" had her hair, which appeared to be
black, pulled in to either a tight bun or pony tail behind her head. Her skin
appeared to be a dark olive tone. She wore clothes but I don't remember them in
detail. I knew she was "otherworldly" because of her facial features. Her eyes
were small and completely black; she did not blink the entire time she was in my
presence. Her mouth was lip-less and in a straight line on her face; it was also
slightly parted. She also had extremely high cheek bones. Her body did not move
but she spoke to me telepathically. I don't remember what she said, but I do
recall it was a reprimand of some kind and that I replied in a sarcastic manner.
At no point did I feel afraid. My dog also acknowledged the being. I after she
spoke, I looked to the foot of my bed where my dog was running towards me. When
I looked back to the being, she stayed visible for about two seconds then
disappeared. Because of her human like appearance I question wither or not this
was a full blooded entity or a hybrid. I had the overwhelming feeling that she
was familiar to me and that we were used to each other's presence. This is my
first memorably run-in with a being however I've had several indications that
something may be going on. Just over a month ago, for instance, I found a red,
freshly healed scoop mark on my inner thigh.
LAREDO -- I looked up with my binoculars on October 23,
2011, WOW! First time I've seen one so close with binoculars. It was massive and
was also seen by Mexican Officials and Airlines during the same time span. I
have been a UFO watcher for years, but this is my first encounter up so close!
Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
San Antonio -- On October 23, 2011, my husband and I
witnessed seeing a ufo, about 2 PM, while heading home on IH 35 south. He asked
me "What does that look like to you, it doesn't look like a plane."
I saw a shiny metallic flying object that it would disappear then
reappear that didn't look like a plane; I have never seen anything like it. My
daughter witnessed the same thing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mukwonago -- My 13 year-old son spotted three bright orange
lights in the sky while I was driving on October 23, 2011, at 10:15 PM. I was
driving closer and pulled into a driveway 200 feet from away from a triangle
hovering 200 feet high.
I rolled my window down but could not hear
anything. We went home to report to husband and drove back...saw nothing. Thanks
to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Worldwide Sightings
Melbourne -- Image was taken May 13,
2010, by Nick of object over my house.
Canada Triangle and Orbs
Carleton Place-- My husband and I
were admiring the stars and saw a low flying triangle shaped flying object with
three red lights flying in a straight line over our home on October 22, 2011, at
10:50 PM. We only saw it for about ten seconds and then it was no longer
visible. It had three red circle shaped areas at each point of the triangle. It
looked almost completely flat and was like a shadow passing above us. It was
also silent. This is the second time my husband has seen it and my first time.
Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
TORONTO -- On October 14, 2011, about 8 PM went out to take photos
of the orbs. Upon taking the photos with a flash on the lightships really power
up with a huge surge of light coming from them which makes them appear on photos
really well. At this point when I click on the camera in sequence I'm able to
see whether the ship comes much closer. It's quiet spectacular to witness these
sightings! Thanks to MUFON CMS
Denmark Photo
Looking at your latest Files...I noticed a black object taken in Denmark
which was very similar to an object I sent to you, which was taken in Laughlin,
Nevada in 2010. Thanks to Kathy in Australia...
India Moving
NEW DELHI -- My friends and I were standing outside watching fireworks and
socializing celebrating Diwali on October 26, 2011. Suddenly a friend pointed
towards the sky at a very bright object flying across the sky. It didn't look
like an aeroplane, being way too bright. Then within another five minutes a
similar object crossed the sky. We rushed to the terrace to see it and saw
another one nearby. Then they disappeared. And just as we were leaving suddenly
one of those popped up again and this time very and got dimmer and vanished
again. Again after ten minutes it came back. But this time from the opposite
side and again crossed the whole sky. And I haven't seen anything like it. It
was so different. I captured a lot of photos and videos. I've written a blog
about the event -
UK Cone
Warrington -- It s like an ice cream cone hovering over the
houses on October 10, 2011, at 16:08 GMT.
UFO Conferences
Tennessee MUFON Conference
December 3rd in Murfreesboro's at the Baymont Inn. Speakers are:
George Filer, Christopher O'Brien, and Tom Reed.
Christopher has authored four books on the San Louis Valley in Colorado where
cattle mutilations have been more frequent than anywhere else in the country.
Tom Reed, from Knoxville, will give us updates on the ongoing investigation of
his and his brother's multi-generational abductions that have now become
Bordentown, New
Jersey November 11th, 12th & 13th, 2011 at Ramada Inn 1083 US Highway 206,
Bordentown, NJ 08505. Near US Highway 206 and the New Jersey Turnpike Exit 7 The
Ramada Inn -- 1-609-298-3200 For more information on speakers and their talks
check the Speakers
page. For information on registration see the Registration
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
03-11-2011 om 16:01
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for October 2011:deel 1
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for October 2011:deel 1
CMS continues
to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In October 2011 there were 728
sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries;
Number of Reports
Within the United States the distribution by State was as follows;
Number of Reports
North Carolina
New Jersey
New York
New Mexico
South Carolina
New Hampshire
District of Columbia
Rhode Island
West Virginia
South Dakota
If you are getting more sighting reports than listed here, please be sure to
enter them manually into CMS. To make this happen automatically, make sure your
local MUFON Website is pointing to the CMS Reporting form on and
direct all calls you get to the MUFON website so that witnesses can enter their
own report directly into CMS.
ALL sighting reports received by CMS are already filled in by the witness,
saving you and your investigators time. Each report is automatically sent to
YOU, the State Director and Assistant State Director, for you to assign someone
to follow-up and complete the report.
If a UFO sighting comes in over the phone, or by e-mail, and you want to
enter it yourself, simply go to CMS at (once logged in) and click on
"ADD CASE" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This gives you a blank
sighting reporting form that you can fill out while the witness is on the phone.
Once the report is filled out be sure to click "SAVE" and you will have easily
added your NEW report to CMS.
nthly Statistical MUFON Report - for October 2011-deel 2
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for October 2011: deel 2 Other interesting data points in CMS during October 2011 are the shape of the
UFOs reported which were as follows;
Shape of Object
Number of Reports
as well as the distance from the observer;
Distance from Witness
Number of Reports
< 100 ft
101-500 ft
501 ft - 1 Mile
Over 1 Mile
Most impressively there were 22 Landings, Hovering, or Takeoffs reported and
0 Entities observed.
To review the CMS data yourself go to and click on "UFO Case
Files" to 1.) Easily look at the Last 20 Sightings, or 2.) Do a customized
search of the CMS database by date and/or location, or 3.) Logon to CMS for even
more detailed UFO sighting information about your State and the World.
I hope you are enjoying our new internet based Sighting and Reporting System.
For questions regarding its use please refer to the User Guide available on your
CMS main menu screen. Please send your questions and/or suggestions to Jan
Harzan at
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!
Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.