The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
‘It is a SAUCER!’ UFO hunters on high alert after 'sighting' over California
‘It is a SAUCER!’ UFO hunters on high alert after 'sighting' over California
UFO hunters are on high alert after a mysterious set of crafts were spotted over California.
A video uploaded to YouTube by the channel SuspectSky appears to show a UFO in the skies above California.
The footage was captured in Rowland Heights, just east of Los Angeles, California, and shows a small white craft being followed by a larger craft.
The two objects, in the clip titled ‘Large Black UFO with Another Leading Object Seen in California’, appear to be moving over a mountain range and were spotted on October 24.
The man behind the camera, who took the footage when he was driving, says in the video: “If it is an airplane, it is moving very quickly.
“I was driving when I saw it and I had to make a U-turn to come back to see this
“At first it looked like a cigar shape, right now it looks like it is almost a saucer.”
Some of the commenters beneath the clip, which has racked up more than 15,000 in less than 24 hours, were convinced that it is a UFO of extraterrestrial origin.
One person wrote: “The smaller object in front of the black one,now that's not right! It looks like a ufo to me!”
The larger craft was led by a smaller one
Another added: “Too fat to be a plane. The white object might have been a regular passenger plane. The black one might have been a UFO.”
However, others offered more plausible explanations.
One said: “This is simply a plane pulling an advertisement behind it. Nothing suspicious or suspect about it.”
Many believed it could have been military crafts, with one person stating: “It actually looks like one of those military helicopters with double blades - Chinook.”
UFO has been spotted in California
Just last month it was reported a police helicopter was investigating a bizarre-looking circular “UFO" in almost the same spot.
The video, filmed over Los Angeles shows what has been described as an LA County Sheriffs helicopter checking out a hovering spherical object.
However, hopes that evidence of aliens may have been discovered above California, were soon dashed however, by sceptical debunkers.
The LASD aero bureau later confirmed what it was investigating.
The spherical object turned out to be an advertising helium balloon for vape company Brass Knuckles.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Filer’s Files #44 -2017 Structures on the Moon - PART I
Orange California Cylinder captured on October 22, 2017
Filer’s Files #44 -2017 Structures on the Moon - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: The Moon’s City and Towers, Are UFO Occupants the Same Entities of Halloween, International Space Station Has Company and Reed’s UFO Park.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, and Texas.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, India, Italy, Turkey, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
The Moon’s City and Towers
The average person will be surprised to learn that there are huge structures on the Moon that appear to be quite old. The photographs certainly suggest an ancient advanced civilization and an attempt to keep it secret by blacking out various photographs. While I was stationed at Langley I drove past the NASA Apollo Moon buildings every day where the study of the Moon was being examined. Working in Tactical Air Command Headquarters Intelligence our photo personnel worked closely with the NASA personnel who were examining possible landing spots on the moon. The reports of compelling evidence of ancient structural artifacts present on the Moon was secretly rumored and expressed confidentially,
Dr. Bruce Cornet was able to confirm the secrets through cross comparisons of overwhelming imaging evidence from several separate NASA missions — with different photographic technologies, different lighting, and different viewing geometries many years later. These studies now leave little doubt that this solar system has been host to some prior habitation by intelligence, Also some within NASA have apparently known about and deliberately suppressed this robust evidence for more than thirty years.
The Lunar Orbiter photographs and the three sequential
photographs (AS10-32-4854-56) taken from the Apollo 10 shows Rhaeticus Crater above,
The spacecraft show the “Tower” (and “Shard”) in the southwestern area of Sinus Medii from different angles and different perspectives. ‘
The Surveyor 6 photograph shows anomalous geometric structures above the ground, like those associated with the tower extending to the north of the “Tower” for about a hundred miles.
The censored Apollo 10 photograph near Ukert crater shows anomalous geometric structures extending on the ground for tens of miles over an area the size of the Los Angeles.
Regarding possible motivations for this inexplicable (if unconstitutional) behavior, additional documentary evidence discovered by Professor Stanley V. McDaniel, Ph.d. McDaniel in his independent ethical inquiry now seems particularly relevant.
According to Dr. McDaniel, an early NASA study was commissioned from the Brookings Institution in 1959 and may have formed the basis of current NASA policy. This study specifically anticipates the possible future discovery of intelligently designed artifacts elsewhere in the solar system by unmanned NASA probes, and considers “how might such information, under what circumstances, be presented to or withheld from the public, for what ends?”
The apparent reason given for considering the possibility of withholding information from the public, should extraterrestrial artifacts be discovered, was the apprehension voiced within this Study that society itself might “disintegrate.” Everything in NASA’s (otherwise inexplicable) behavior regarding the possibly artificial structures on Mars, and those now discovered on the Moon, indicates that NASA has been following, and intends to follow for the indefinite future, the policy of withholding information outlined in the Brookings Institution Report.
Areas of interest: Central area and southwestern area of Sinus Medii, center of moon disk; Mare Crisium, northwest area of the moon disk.
UKERT is a crater-like feature that displays a circumscribed equilateral triangle at full Moon (Noon local time) in its center. I agree with Richard C. Hoagland’s interpretation that this triangle is not natural, because the sides of the “crater” are much brighter only opposite the sides of this triangle. The apices or angles of the triangle intersect the darkest three areas of the “crater” rim, while the brightest three areas of the rim are opposite the sides of the triangle. In addition, the brightest parts of the rim are midway between the apices of the triangle, and are at 120 degrees orientation from one another. If a line is drawn from the centers of each bright area across the triange to the opposing angle, the lines will exactly bisect each angle. Such regular geometry is not a natural feature of any terrain, either on Earth or on the Moon. Furthermore, the symbolism of an equilateral triangle within a circle is a two dimensional representation of a tetrahedral pyramid within a sphere. Tetrahedral geometry is hypothesized to be the primary message encoded in the geometry of the Cydonia complex on Mars (Hoagland, 1992; Dr. Stanley V. McDaniel, 1993).
The Shard is an obvious structure which rises above the Moon’s surface by more than a mile. Its overall irregular spindly shape (containing a regular geometric pattern) with constricted nodes and swollen internodes, if natural, has got to be a wonder of the Universe. No known natural process can explain such a structure. Computer enhancement with about 190 feet (60 meters) resolution shows an irregular outline with more reflective and less reflective surfaces. The amount of sunlight reflecting from parts of the Shard indicate a composition inconsistent with that of most natural substances.
Only crystal facets and glass can reflect that much light (polished metallic surfaces are unnatural). Single crystals the size of city blocks are currently unknown. I concur with Hoagland that the Shard may be a highly eroded remnant of some sort of artificial structure made of glass-like material. Other larger structures and their reflectivity in the area support this theory.
This highly enhanced close-up of the tip of the “Shard” displays characteristics of a cellular, regular and geometric construction.
The absence of any spray tends to diminish the “outgassing” theory, and the presence of a comparable glass like haze on the horizon behind “Shard” argues that it is amongst a field of artificial structures.
The Tower represents an enigma of the highest magnitude, because it rises more than five miles above the surface of the Moon, and has been photographed from five different angles and two different altitudes (from 30 miles altitude, and from 70 miles altitude at three different distances). In all four photographs the same structure is visible, and can be viewed from two different sides. The Tower exists in front of and to the left of the Shard in the Lunar Orbiter III-84M photograph. The distance from the Tower and the camera is estimated at about 200 miles, while the distance of the Shard beyond the Tower is estimated at about 230 miles. The top of the Tower has a very ordered cubic geometry, and appears to be composed of regular cubes (similar in size) joined together to form a very large cube with an estimated width of over one mile!
There is apparent damage to the outline and surface of this mega cube, because many cubic spaces or indentations occur over its surface (these spaces are 50-60 times larger than pixel size, and their shapes are not controlled by the rectangular shape of the pixel). A narrow columnar structure connects this cube with the surface of the Moon. The columnar support is at least three miles tall, and tapers towards its base. The taper may be in part due to perspective, if the Tower is oriented at an angle and is leaning towards the camera.
The leaning Tower may be part of a larger more transparent structure, which is also inclined. Surrounding the Tower are faint indications of additional light- reflective material. The amount of light coming from this material is very small compared with the amount of light reflected off the lunar surface. In order to make it visible, the surface of the Moon has to be over-exposed on the photograph. The pattern that becomes visible above the Moon’s surface is not caused by the scan lines that make up the Lunar Orbiter photography. The scan lines can be seen clearly, and are oriented at different angles from the orientation of patterns in the sky.
The regular cubic and/or rectangular nature of this pattern, and indications of radiating structures that connect the Tower with the surface indicate that material of low light reflectivity exists above the Moon’s surface over a large area measured in hundreds of miles. The irregular splotchy reflection from some of this aerial material may be due to meteorite and projectile damage over millions of years. Its highly transparent nature (bright stars can be seen behind and through this material) indicates either an open grid with cubic spaces or glass-like material held together by some sort of structural grid or a combination of both.
NASA Lunar Orbiter LO-III -84MT
Total image was recorded in primary data, and variations in image reproduction are due to processing differences.
NASA Lunar Orbiter LO-III -84M Close UP
This image is an overexposed 44x enlargement of Lunar Orbiter frame LO-III-84-M. Taken with the medium resolution camera at a distance of at least 250 miles, it shows an object dubbed by Hoagland the “Shard“. The star-like object above the “Shard” is a camera registration mark.
The “Shard” has a shadow cast in the correct direction for it to be a real object on the Moon and is aligned with the local vertical rather than the grain of the film, decreasing the chance it is an emulsion abnormality. Close-ups reveal a cellular-like internal structure. Above and behind the “Shard” is the “Tower“, a massive 7 mile high structure with a central “cube” suspended by a tripod like base. Enhancements of the “Tower” show a similar cellular construction to the “Shard”, but with a distinctly hexagonal pattern.
The three Apollo 10 photographs showing the Tower in the distance also show the grid structure from above. These photographs were taken at three different distances from the Tower as the Apollo spacecraft moved towards the Tower. Within the sky above the horizon and around the Tower a regular grid pattern emerges with proper contrast control. This grid pattern appears to be three-dimensional, and is expressed as dark lines with random points of reflection around those lines. The grid appears to be some sort of support structure, perhaps formed from a metallic rebar. The reflective material associated with it is cubic and hexagonal in design, but incomplete. With different attitudes or angles of sight, different areas of the grid structure become illuminated or reflective, implying that angle of incidence is important. I agree with Hoagland’s interpretation of this material as remnant portions of the glass structure, which still remains attached and suspended above the Moon’s surface. The Tower is visible in all three photographs, because there is much more glass remaining than on the suspended grid structure around the Tower. Even from different angles and distances in these photographs, the top of the Tower appears as a giant cube made up of smaller cubic and hexagonal objects. There is no way to get around this evidence once it becomes apparent. The evidence because of its magnitude cannot be dismissed or ignored. It is there and it must be explained.
Photograph AS10-32-4822 in NASA catalog SP-232 is blacked out, along with several other photographs. When it was ordered, the image was of high quality, contrary to what was implied by it being blacked out in the catalog. Instead of a poor photograph, the image shows features near Ukert crater that defy conventional explanation. Panorama of “City” structure, showing that it occurs below the original lunar surface, which has been stripped off by a flood from the left, coming from Copernicus impact area as traced by radiating lines that become sinuous and develop into river-like channels, then stop behind mountain ranges in the way where the water apparently momentarily ponded before freezing and subliming. Copernicus impact probably punctured a large cluster of water chambers below the surface.
A linear dome-shaped hill runs diagonally across the photograph. To the north of that hill a large area exists with regularly aligned rows of structure. Within this anomalous area more than a dozen small craters can be seen that modify the landscape. From a distance the regular rows appear like benches. On Earth such a feature would be interpreted as the pattern produced by the eroded edges of layered rocks that dip below the surface. But on the Moon there have been no physical processes that can account for such a regular geologic structure. and this anomalous pattern has definite boundaries beyond which it is absent. Upon magnification, this anomalous pattern begins to take on a different character: Rectangular features exist along the rows, with many having gaps between them. n addition, thin spires project up from the surface in several places along some rows. Upon further magnification some of the rectangular structures take on a form like buildings and skyscrapers.
Resolution at high magnification (for the image I saw) is not good enough to resolve more than the outlines of possible buildings. The whole area resembles what one might expect for a city the size of Los Angeles that had been abandoned and left to decay for centuries. The crater impacts and constant barrage from micrometeorites over millions of years would have provided an abrasive force as damaging as our weather and earthquakes on Earth over centuries or even decades. This area may contain one of several city complexes that were built under an enormous glass dome within Sinus Medii. The sheer implications of such massive structures on the Moon, if verified by astronauts to the Moon, would cause humans to rethink many ideas and question many beliefs about other intelligent life in the Universe. Clearly, such structures are well beyond our current technologies and rank with the Pyramids and Sphinx on Earth, and with the Cydonia complex on Mars.
Further evidence for such massive constructs on the Moon can be found in Mare Crisium. The photograph that Hoagland showed me of that area (NASA photograph AS16-121-19438) has a strange set of large, concentric, circular light patterns within the mare. To one side an enormous spire or tower rises from the surface within the perimeter of these light circles. Magnification of the area around this spire shows cubic patterns like those around the Tower in Sinus Medii. Numerous holes of varying size can be detected within this cubic pattern, probably caused by meteorites. Around the edges of these holes I can see layers of light-reflecting cubic glass-like material and suggestions of strands of rebar support. Below this cover on the ground there is more structure, which can be detected under some of the holes. There is an unusual interference pattern below the cubic pattern as well. None of these patterns can be explained as normal or natural. I interpret the major cubic pattern as reflections off rebar and micrometeorite-frosted glass of the dome that covers most of Mare Crisium. I interpret the pattern below the dome as possibly caused by artificial structures on the surface of the Moon, such as the city-like construct near Ukert, and the concentric circles of light over the surface of Mare Crisium as light reflection and refraction through the remaining portions of the glass dome.
The anomalous patterns in photographs from Sinus Medii and Mare Crisium cannot be explained as natural. I further support his interpretation that these patterns above the surface are caused by enormous structures of artificial origin, structures that may represent the remains of glass domes that were built to cover, protect, and provide a life-support environment for habitable structures on the surface. Clearly, further independent investigation and analysis by experts is warranted. There is also a relevant need to press the Pentagon into releasing all 1.5 million Clementine photographs immediately and without censorship.
The moon base above was taken by Chang’s 2 Orbiter on February 2012. Chang’e 2 was part of the first phase of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program, that conducted research from a 100-kilometer-high lunar orbit with an advanced camera onboard with a resolution of only one meter. A soft landing by the Chang’e 3 Lander and rover is programmed later this year. The probes are named after an ancient Chinese moon goddess.
Are UFO Occupants the Same Entities of Halloween
Ancient Demon
I was surprised to learn some startling similarities in ancient folklore of Halloween and modern abduction stories . Halloween originally a festival of fire and death, is still celebrated by Satanists, and witches as the High (Black) Sabbath and is celebrated by orgy and sacrifice. Halloween celebrates a spirit world of witches, ghosts, hobgoblins, ghouls, demons, phantoms, Dracula, and even monster aliens. Many who have researched the UFO field have found that some aliens are not what they seem. People have worn ghoulish costumes for thousands of years to frighten away the evil spirits looking for bodies to possess. Some Ufologists have determined what some of the “aliens” really are. These are direct quotes from people who would know about this. Experts who spent virtually their whole lives researching UFOs.
“We are dealing with a multidimensional paraphysical phenomenon which is largely indigenous to planet earth.” Brad Steiger, Canadian UFO Report, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1977, p. 20
“But the UFO phenomenon simply does not behave like extraterrestrial visitors. It actually molds itself in order to fit a given culture.” John Ankerberg, The Facts on UFOs and Other Supernatural Phenomena, p. 10.
One theory which can no longer be taken very seriously is that UFOs are interstellar spaceships.”Arthur C. l Clarke, New York Times Book Review, 07/27/75
A large part of the available UFO literature is closely linked with mysticism and the metaphysical. It deals with subjects like mental telepathy, automatic writing and invisible entities……as well as phenomena like poltergeists [ghost] manifestation and ‘possession”. Many of the UFO reports now being published in the popular press recount alleged incidents that are strikingly similar to demonic possession and psychic phenomena.” Lynn E. Catoe, UFOs and Related Subjects: USGPO, 1969
“UFO behavior is more akin to magic than to physics as we know it…the modern UFOnauts and the demons of past days are probably identical.”Dr. Pierre Guerin, FSR Vol. 25, No. 1, p. 13-14
“The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon. Aliens are demons..”John A. Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, p. 299
“The ‘medical examination’ to which abductees are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscent of the medieval tales of encounters with demons……It makes no sense in a sophisticated or technological framework: any intelligent being equipped with scientific marvels that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged scientific objectives in shorter time and with fewer risks.” Dr. Jacques Vallee, Confrontations, p. 13
These people are all respected in the UFO/Fortean field. They all came to the conclusion that aliens are simply demons.
Whitley Strieber, one of the most famous alien abductees, author of “The Day After Tomorrow” and “Communion” states this about his abductors,
Communion Alien
“Increasingly I felt as if I were entering a struggle that might even be more than life and death. It might be a struggle for my soul, my essence, or whatever part of me might have reference to the eternal. There are worse things than death, I suspected…
…so far the word demon had never been spoken among the scientists and doctors who were working with me…Alone at night I worried about the legendary cunning of demons.”
Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 44-45
“I wondered if I might not be in the grip of demons if they were not making me suffer for their own purposes, or simply for their enjoyment.” Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 172
“I felt an absolutely indescribably sense of menace. It was hell on earth to be there [in the presence of the entities], and yet I couldn’t move, couldn’t cry out, couldn’t get away. I’d lay as still as death, suffering inner agonies……Whatever was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be. And they were there and I couldn’t get away.” Whitley Strieber, Transformation, p. 181
Aleister Crowley the most influential/powerful Satanist who channeled entities to gain power. Compare Crowley’s entity to Strieber’s.
“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” Matthew 24:24
Dr. Bruce Cornet writes, “As a scientist, I have rarely heard other scientists mention or discuss demons as an explanation for paranormal and supernatural phenomena.” I have also rarely heard UFOlogists try to explain biblical fallen angels of God as demons. Supposedly, if alien visitors kidnap and harm abductees without their permission, they are called demons.
. What do our souls have to do with this, other than providing a choice of which side you pledge allegiance to? Is there an unseen objective? Just because demons have been recorded by our ancestors for millennia, and there is evidence that alien visitors have been on Earth for much longer, does not mean that this is a local phenomenon limited to Earth. Thanks to Bruce Cornet
One final point.
Many abductees report they stop the abductions by calling on God the Father, Jesus or the Holy Spirit.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:10-18
International Space Station Has Company
I was watching the ISS live stream, and saw this object, barely had time to save image when transmission was cut off. I observed a disc object approaching or following the ISS. Could you please take a look to see if it was a satellite? Thanks to MUFON CMS
SHEFFIELD — Elaborate porch decorations, sugary treats and creative costumes are Berkshire County Halloween traditions. But at least one Sheffield native would like UFOs to be a part of the mix, too. Thomas E. Reed will appear today at the Thom Reed UFO Monument Park in Sheffield, where benches were added in late May to a monument area commemorating the Reed family’s “off-world/UFO” incident on Sept. 1, 1969, in that location. Reed and another well-known figure to UFO enthusiasts, Travis Walton, will be a part of a meet-and-greet at the site from 3 to 5 p.m. in an informal environment that Reed hopes will become an annual ritual for community members.
“That Saturday before Halloween, we’re hoping to do something every year, and as this grows, bring in a couple more people to make this like a little Halloween event,” said Reed, “I mean, it does have Halloween flavor.”
UFOs can certainly have a haunting quality. The Reeds were driving when they approached the Old Covered Bridge in Sheffield on that late summer day in 1969. “We saw what looked like a light coming up from the Housatonic River behind the Sheffield bridge and … it really looked like an upside down Hershey’s Kiss,” Reed recalled. Next, according to an account Reed gave The Eagle in 2013, he and his family were in a “huge hangar.”
Reed, his brother, his mother and grandmother all later recalled “being in a different section of a spacecraft before the family members inexplicably ended up in the car,” according to the article.
WSBS in Great Barrington took calls from listeners in surrounding areas who believed they had spotted a UFO as well that day. These stories added to the evidence that the Great Barrington Historical Society & Museum and Massachusetts Historical Society used to determine in 2015 that the Reeds’ episode was historically significant and true. It was the first officially recognized “off-world” event in the United States.
Gov. Charlie Baker’s office issued two citations recognizing the incident as historically significant and true in the fall of 2015, the first of which came on Oct. 27. Reed views the timing as another Halloween tie. Associating the event with the holiday, however, concerns one of Reed’s peers. Walton, whose own off-world experience inspired the book and film “Fire in the Sky,” fears it will ascribe a supernatural quality to something he views as scientific fact.
Thomas Reed and Travis Walton
“To me, I’d rather it wasn’t that way,” he said of the association during a telephone interview. Reed and Walton are aware of the skeptics. But no matter what visitors’ beliefs are in regards to UFOs and the park itself, the site is bound to draw some tourists to the area. The International UFO Museum in Roswell, N.M., has supported the park. Shawn Stowe. Both Stowe and Reed said that television series and movies set at the Sheffield landmark are currently being discussed.
“We’re not talking about celebrating something horrible,” Reed said. “We’re talking about a little park that now represents a great deal, and it’s going to offer a lot of opportunities down the road.”
Yellowstone Volcano
Yellowstone is worse than we thought. The husband of my daughter’s social studies teacher is staying at the Crow Reservation in Montana, 100 miles from Yellowstone. He said that over and above everything we have heard to date (which he says is absolutely true), there is a large dead zone of animals and vegetation. Immediately outside this dead zone, vegetation has stopped growing and animals are migrating out of the area. New geysers and mud pots are springing up daily. You can physically see the ground bulging up, not only at Yellowstone Lake, but in several places in the park. They have closed more areas to the public than is being reported. There are several areas where the ground temperature tops 200 degrees. And earthquakes are becoming a daily occurrence.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #44 -2017 Structures on the Moon - PART II
Filer’s Files #44 -2017 Structures on the Moon - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Alabama Object
Montgomery— We had three days of constant aerosol spraying in Montgomery on October 21, 2017. I must’ve taken a thousand photographs of the chem-liners and their toxic payloads. When I checked my images I noticed above one of the chemtrails was an oval shaped object. I did not see the object when I took the photographs. . It seems lately that when I offload the files from my Fuji S9900 Finepix digital camera and load them I see things that I did not see previously. I have been getting allot of silver orbs zipping fast all around the chemtrails. I have to play the videos at 1/8 speed just to see them. This isn’t the first one I have captured. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Arkansas Light
Shirley – On October 23, 2017, at first it was like any star in the sky; Then it got closer and looked like spinning lights going around it. I have pics of both nights and these lights scared us tonight. There is a burn when it comes in. They were all over the sky at the speed of light but I was able to get pics of them. We have also seen where it goes so high up t looks like a burn. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Cylinder
Orange – On October 22, 20117, I observe the cylinder from the front of my house and it appeared to be quarter-mile away over a canyon. It spun vertically and horizontally but didn’t move from the position overhead for five minutes. It was a gray reflective surface or a black surface depending on how the sun hit it. I estimate is 30 feet long and 10 feet wide similar to a cigar tube. It started to rise almost straight up while continuing to turn. Add about 1000 feet altitude it change directions and started moving southwest. After five minutes it passed over our head at about 1500 feet and disappeared over our house. My brother and my friend observed the object for 20 minutes with me. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Object
Hot Sulphur Springs– We were on Highway 40 west 4 miles W of town in late morning on September 13 , 2017. We were driving looking at the high canyon walls with the Colorado river below as my wife snapped photos. I saw a very odd slow moving black object, long rectangular shape almost cigar with a faint glimmer around the edges moving like a flowing vapor. I could only view two seconds at a time while driving, asking my wife to snap a dozen pictures. Puzzled I wished my wife could have seen it but she got six photos of the object. Thanks to MUFON CMS,.
Florida Lights
St. Augustine– On October 15, 2017, I saw a strange bright light with flashing red and blue occasionally. The light will not move.
I have seen the light over the Atlantic Ocean from the Castillo Real Hotel in St. Augustine, Florida. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Michigan Star
Glendive — Wife and I drove out of town to see orionid meteor storm on October 22, 2017.. A very bright star was dancing around erratically. And flickering all colors. so we videoed it on high resolution. Then felt something was wrong and headed Back home. When we got home I enlarged a couple hundred frames and was amazed at what I saw.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Minnesota Object
I was flying West from Toronto to Edmonton on Oct 19, 2017. We took off from Toronto around 3pm and had been flying for about an hour when I looked out the window and saw this object shining in the distance on October 19, 2017. I took a bunch of pictures and zoomed in with my S8+. The object then disappeared to the east and that was it. No trails behind it, just gone. I checked our flight path and it took us down to the US Canada border so this object would have been over Minnesotta at 40,000 feet or so. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nebraska Object
Omaha — Traveling to Omaha Ne on I-80 about 7:30 AM noticed this object out my left window on October 10, 2017. I got off at next exit and took pic with my I-phone. The sun was reflecting off the object in the partly cloudy morning bright sun. When I transferred the pic to my computer I noticed another object a little lower and to the left. I was about 50 miles from Offutt Air Force Base. I couldn’t stick around look at the pic so you decide. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Lights
Syracuse— I was heading south and saw 4 lights in chevron formation hovering around each other, changing positions on September 29, 2017. There is a light on far right that zoomed west.
The remaining 3 lights danced around each other, and ended in a chevron formation and proceeded south. The lights rapidly faded out with no sound. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Orb
Sugar Land — I am wondering if someone is playing releasing balloons to make them look like a UFO. Saw it on Monday and again twice yesterday on October 26, 2017; all three times in my backyard, I couldn’t see any strings attached to them. Both times they seem to appear out of nowhere. Yesterday around 11AM, I was filming a plane in the distance and a floating sliver shiny orb floats down. I kept filming, as a balloon wouldn’t change directions and go up and down. It was floating off to my right under some power lines and it passed right in front of me and flew to the left. I took some video of it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Light
Brisbane— I was getting ready for bed so I went outside to my Mum’s Balcony to say goodnight on October 22, 2017. I was looking at the stars and one was flashing like a disco ball. I thought it was a UFO. It was hovering and flashed white, green, red, yellow, blue and black lights. It was flashing these colors in different parts of the object. I was amazed and shocked at the same time and I told my Mum as she saw the object as well during the event After the event I didn’t think much of it as I went to sleep as it just stayed there for ages. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Belgium Light
Sint Niklaas— I was about to go to bed and I looked through my window and I saw a big mother ship like thing floating in the sky. It has a big and a smaller light. on the picture it is not really visible cause it was dark outside. but as you see under the biggest light above the light reflects on the surface under it. The craft had a metal/brick like surface and also had a marking that looked like a military insignia. The object disappeared after that. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Lights
Toronto – My friend and I were downtown at the King Slice 1130 Queen Street West standing on the sidewalk eating our pizza on October 2, 2017. My friend says look at that strange cloud that just formed in front of the Moon so I pulled out my camera (Nikon p900) and took three pictures that had these objects. I zoomed in and one was also filtered, which looks like something out of a fictional movie. Thanks to MUFON CMS
France Triangle
Paris — Whilst staying at the Sequoia Hotel Euro Disney Park I was sitting on the outside at about 5:15 PM on October 10, 2017, with my wife and guests. I noted aircraft passing over the hotel heading west climbing as they departed the nearby Charles De Gaul airport. My attention was drawn to an unusual silent object travelling north, long and thin and rectangular in shape (10/12 x long as wide) with a blunt leading edge, and very bright white in color. It appeared solid but did not seem to glow or reflect the sun, with a constant speed about 500 mph.
It had no wings and the rear of the object seemed to shimmer/flicker or ‘flap’ as it moved. I could not make out any visual markings, and oddly it appeared ‘ribbon’ like, no shading for its sides to indicate a 3D shape to it. I had no visual reference to determine altitude but it was longer than the other aircraft. My wife and I saw it pass directly overhead heading towards and over the Disney Park and watched it disappear. The event took 50 seconds. The other guests who also looked puzzled. Thanks to MUFON CMS Photo is a depiction..
India Object
Kullu Himachal, Pradesh — Once again I spotted a second ufo early morning before sunrise on October 26, 2017. It appeared from nowhere and has a white and red light. I’m not sure about the noise but I guess it had some. Something is happening. don’t know what! The dog started barking at the same time. I’m happy to witness it again within a week, I managed to catch some on the camera. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Italy Orb
Tuscany – I was taking photo at the time and noticed it much later when looking at photos,
The. object is in the upper left hand side of the photo on August 14, 2004.
I cannot enhance the photo maybe you can>
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Turkey Object
Nigde— I was at the garden of my house in Orhanli Town then I noticed a very bright light that surprised me on September 10, 2017. Then I tried to take a photo of the object as my dog barked out of control. Afterwards the object disappeared in a second with an extreme speed. That night I woke up from bed with my dogs barking at the object. I took my flash light and went to my garden and I observed again. After this the sun panels on my roof stopped working. Thanks to TUFOAM (Turkish UFO Research Center)
UK/England Light
Bradford — First noticed these craft around 10 months ago on April 7, 2017 over my house. I have tried to capture them on pictures and video on my camera. They are not very close or clear video or photos but I gave it my best shot with what I had available to me. I reported these sightings to the local news paper but they never pursued it and stopped contact with me. I see these on a regular bases usually at night after 9 and when I set off to work in the mornings at 5.30 am, they seem to be more active in the mornings pulsating and hovering around.
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help.A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Was it aliens? SFU professor weighs in on crop circles
Was it aliens? SFU professor weighs in on crop circles
SFU geography professor Paul Kingsbury, whose research focuses on the growth of paranormal investigation cultures, attended a recent crop circle conference in Wiltshire, England, where most of the world’s crop circles can be found. He says enthusiasts are drawn more for the circles’ beauty than the unknown phenomena that causes them.
"Crop circle enthusiasts believe the circles resemble a form of sacred geometry," says Kingsbury. "They really appreciate the circles' complexity and are drawn in the hopes of becoming more intimate with them."
Enthusiasts also offer compensation to farmers, which are donated to a charity chosen by farmers, for their loss of income as a result of crop damage caused by the circles and enthusiasts, in exchange for visiting the circles.
"The enthusiasts report feeling a surge of energy that is emitted by the circles and react differently upon visiting them," says Kingsbury. "Because it is very emotional for them, some people lie in the circles and mediate while others might embrace a family member and cry."
Kingsbury says hoaxers are never able to prove exactly how many crop circles could be created by humans. More than 20,000 crop circles have been documented around the world since the first reported one in 1678. They usually appear overnight and no one has been caught in the act of secretly trying to create one.
As a part of his Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) funded four-year research project on paranormal investigators, Kingsbury has interviewed alien abductees, attended UFO and Sasquatch conferences in the U.S. and participated in a dozen ghost investigations in Metro Vancouver.
Kingsbury will speak about his crop circle research at a public lecture hosted by SFU’s geography department on Thursday, Nov. 2.
AS HALLOWEEN celebrations get under way today, we've taken an extraterrestrial approach.
In light of all things creepy, we've compiled a list of reported 'UFO sightings' from across the wider Mackay and western regions documented by Brisbane based non-profit association UFO Research Queensland Incorporated.
UFO Research Queensland Incorporated established in 1956 to receive, research and record sightings. While UFORQ has been collecting sighting reports since 1956, they have yet to commit the bulk of their reports to electronic format. Currently you can view all reports received from 1998 to the present.
'UFO' sighted over Mackay: Amanda Brown captured these lights over Mackay on Monday night, October 30, 2017.
In Marlborough, between Mackay and Rockhampton back in 1992-39, a woman and her family who lived on a cattle station were returning from Rockhampton at night and saw a light below them while driving over a range.
The light reportedly passed over them and seemed the size of a dinner plate. As they approached home, a man walked out onto the track in front of them, and next moment the light was there.
The woman next remembers arriving at the family bungalow very tired, and decided to leave the groceries in their vehicle and go straight to bed. Her partner refused to talk about the incident. She has had encounters since.
In Mackay on February 14, 2012 a resident reported two UFO sightings at 4.22am and 4.30am. The resident, who had not seen a UFO before, said they were a passionate follower of satellites and general astronomy, so had their nose in the air quite often and knew exactly what to look for when identifying a satellite or anything similar.
First sighting at 4.22am: In the sky SSW of Mackay at an altitude of about 40° East, moving SSW there was a red solid light that seemed to shoot a red flare out to the East (I thought that it may be space junk re-entry at first). Then three red lights seemed to be rotating, or flashing, underneath it. No sound, no navigation lights (like a helicopter or plane). It was travelling at about the speed of a satellite and seemed to be at about satellite height.
Second sighting, approximately 4.30am: In the sky to the South of Mackay at an altitude of about 30° East, moving to the South there was a bar of horizontal white lights (probably about 5-7 lights, it was a fair way away) that looked a bit like a jet airliner side-on, but instead of travelling left to right, or right to left, it just kept travelling South like a side-on plane. No navigation lights and no noise, but it seemed much further away. Slow travelling to the South and wandering just a little.
In Cameron's Pocket just north of Mackay on Monday December 18, 2006 at 2am, a man observed a bright light to the NNW shoot off and come back in a cloudless sky. Its elevation varied between 25 and 60 degrees. The light was prominent in the sky and flashing colours.
A taxi driver travelling on the Peak Downs Hwy, close to Dane Street at Walkerston on Saturday, November 21, 2015 at 12.30am noticed a strange light in the sky. The driver, who was taking a passenger to Patricia Court, was looking through the windscreen when they saw an oblong, orange light about the size of a street light seen at about 150 metres away above them in the sky. It was not clearly outlined and moved across sky, rotated and changed direction from south towards north, then north east, then north north west, then north west, then slightly west south west. The light then disappeared.
In 1991, a resident reported a sighting of a min-min light between the Burdekin Dam and Ravenswood. The resident said it was either May or June in 1991 and there were five people in the car who all worked at the Coutts Burdekin Wildernoss Lodge and were on their way to Townsville for a night out. The light followed the car, through the trees for about 15 minutes. It looked like a car headlight. At first it was behind them on the left hand-side, then it caught up to them and overtook them, then went across in front of the car and was travelling beside them on the right hand-side. It then seemed to slow and the last they saw it, it was directly behind the car and further back. The group were all quite frightened at the time and trying to explain what it could be. What the reporting person found most strange is that the incident was never really discussed again between them, even though they lived and worked together. The wilderness lodge closed down at the end of June and the five all lost contact. The reporting person said they have thought about the incident many times since and would be a sceptic if they hadn't witnessed the phenomena.
In about 1982 or '83 a family moved to a new mining town called Tieri which is about one hour north-east of Emerald. At the time there was no street lighting so the night sky was very clear. At about 7 or 8 in the evening the reporting person was riding their bike down the street not far from their home. For some reason they looked up at the sky and saw what they thought was a very bright satellite moving across the sky. It moved at a steady almost satellite-like speed, but then began doing perfect and seemingly random 90 degree turns in the sky. It did this for about 10-15 seconds and then shot off and disappeared.
In April 18, 2007 at 10.40pm on Rubywale Rd, the reporting person witnessed a very bright, to sharp white light, not to be likened to any Automotive 12- or 24-volt lights, or lights from a residence or camplight. It seemed as though it may have landed, due to the shadows of what seemed like lights behind tree branches, and the way the light seemed to be going in a upward elevation. The light was very, very bright.
On June 5, 2010 at 6am the reporting person saw a weird light in the eastern sky. It was travelling very slowly, and looked to be about 200 meters above the trees. This was on a mine site in central Queensland. There were no flashing lights as on planes or choppers. It had several lights on it, the main light was on the front and seemed to be pointing downwards. The object was slightly covered by fog or cloud, but the morning was crystal clear with no cloud or fog. The object slowly turned away from me and faded and totally disappeared from sight. Several people saw the same light.
Editor’s note: This series by Robert Powell chronicles his discovery and investigation of the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Force-11 investigation. It is a three part series.
I am going to tell you about a Navy-UFO encounter that deserves a congressional investigation to determine if this happened or not. I am going to create three posts related to a recent UFO event that occurred in November of 2004 and involved the Navy’s Carrier Strike Group 11 off the southwest coast of California. This will be the first post and it will include the information that I initially obtained on the incident. If after reading these three posts you are reasonably convinced that this event happened then I will ask you to join me in a letter-writing campaign to a congressional subcommittee requesting that they ask for a debriefing of the incident from the Navy. Please share this story with anyone that you know who would be interested. You can use the hashtags: #F18UFO #UFO.
U.S. Navy Carrier Strike Force-11.
(Credit: US Navy)
I was first told of this UFO incident in July of 2016 by an individual who was involved in the investigation of this event. He told me that the incident had been partially leaked to the internet, so that I could begin my investigation without involving my friend. Knowing a few of the key words I was able to locate the leaked story here: (Ignore the UFO photos in the article as those are just add-ons by the author for effect and are not related to the actual event.)
What attracted me to this story was that it was not on a typical UFO site but was found on a site authored by a formal naval aviator and who predominately writes about naval aviator stories, not UFOs. So he had no UFO agenda to push. And the author went out of his way to establish the excellent background of the commanding officer of the F-18s known as the Black Aces. The story was full of “navy talk” and I spent considerable time deciphering that WSO = weapons system officer, SPY1 = phased array radar, E-2C Hawkeye = type of airborne early warning aircraft, BFM = basic fighter maneuvers, etc. Once I had read the full story, I felt that there was a strong likelihood that the event my friend had directed me to had actually occurred.
USS Nimitz
I next began online investigations to verify the identity of the individuals in the story and I found that those officers were all legitimate and had served in the Navy during that time. I searched additional websites for clues to this event. First, I found a Navy Event Summary document that had been leaked to the internet by an unknown source that mentioned this event. The document had much of the same information as was provided in the naval aviator’s story: dates and locations match up; USS Princeton detects objects on radar and dispatches the F18s; F18s don’t find a radar target but detect the object visually; F18s engage the unknown; and F18s are outmatched by the unknowns. I then ran the Navy Event Summary document by a retired naval officer and he indicated that the document looked legitimate in terms of its format. A copy of this summary document can be found here.
My friend who had originally told me about this case indicated that there had been video taken of the object and that it had been released to the internet several years ago and then was later removed. A copy of that video was obtained using the WayBack machine which is an internet site that maintains historical website data. The video is taken in the infra-red and depicts a hot object in the video cross-hairs for about 75 seconds before the object rapidly moves out of the video frame and towards the left. The altitude shown on the video matches the approximate altitude of the jets and the shape of the object in the video matches the pilots’ descriptions. A copy of this video can be found here.
Of these three documents, the one that I find the strongest is the story by the naval aviator. The Navy Event Summary and the F-18 video support the story but more was needed. The question in my mind then became—could I support this information from another source. In December of 2016 I submitted nine FOIAs to various departments of the Navy and Marines to try and verify this event. In Part II of this series, I will share the information on the FOIAs that I submitted.
Paolo Soleri’s radical experiment in urban planning has been running in the middle of the Arizona desert for nearly 50 years.
This story is part of OUTER LIMITS, a Motherboard series about people, technology, and going outside. Let us be your guide.
In the museum of vaporware from the twentieth century's imaginarium, one will find a suite of technologies doomed to be perennially futuristic: personal jetpacks and flying cars, moon bases and generation ships, teleportation, and fusion energy. As for the museum itself, it will be an arcology: A building whose design is informed by its local environment, and the poster child of futures that never materialized.
A portmanteau of 'architecture' and 'ecology,' arcology was first theorized by the Italian architect Paolo Soleri in the late 1960s. Billed by its creator as the blueprint for a "city in the image of man," arcologies challenged the notion of the urban environment as something separate from and antagonistic to nature. In Soleri's cities, cars would be useless and the very notion of roads would be abolished as divisive constructs. Work and living spaces would be nearly indistinguishable. There'd be no need to ever use a light bulb during the day or air conditioning during the summer, even in the desert.
If it sounds utopian, that's because it is. At a time when concerns about how human activity is destroying nature have reached a fever pitch, Soleri's ideas sound both attractive and necessary. The renegade architect dedicated the better part of his career to turning his arcological vision into a reality, but 40 years later, arcologies are still mostly the purview of science fiction writers rather than architects.
Nevertheless, a small community has formed around Soleri's ideas over the past half century. Today, these arcology evangelists are committed to shaping the future in accordance with Soleri's ideals. I went to visit them at Arcosanti, a futuristic housing development in the middle of the Sonoran desert. I originally set out to figure out why Soleri's dream had died, but by the time I left Arcosanti, it was apparent that arcology is far from dead. If anything, the architects of the future are just getting started.
The Vault, a community space at Arcosanti and the first element of the city to be built by Soleri.
Image: Daniel Oberhaus/Motherboard
Phoenix, Arizona, is spread out over 500 square miles, and a seemingly endless grid of blacktop connects its 1.5 million residents. If you drive about an hour north from downtown, you will finally hit the outer limits of this urban sprawl. There is no official marker, no wall or signpost to let you know that you have made it out of the city. It's just that at a certain point, the stripmalls and uniform beige housing developments give way to creosote, cacti, and the equally beige landscape of the Sonoran desert.
Drive another half hour beyond the illegible city limits and you'll find yourself at a small outcropping of fast food joints and gas stations, a bastion of civilization in the wilds of the Prescott and Tonto National Forests that border the interstate. If you look past the McDonald's sign into the distance, you can just barely make out a small cluster of buildings against the sparse landscape of the high desert.
This is Arcosanti, arcology's eminent proof-of-concept and Soleri's magnum opus.
"We're here to be a part of the landscape, not in spite of it."
Arcosanti has about 80 permanent residents, most of whom are employed by the Soleri's non-profit Cosanti Foundation to help maintain and expand the premises. Each member has a role at Arcosanti, ranging from metalwork at the onsite foundry to IT support and maintaining Soleri's extensive archive. Like other company towns, the Cosanti Foundation subsidizes its employees' meals and apartments, and pays them US minimum wage. It's not much, but the residents of Arcosanti didn't come to live and work in the desert to get rich. Rather, they are motivated by a far more profound goal: The creation of a city where humans live in harmony not only with nature, but also one another. The residents spend each day literally building this city of the future.
When I arrived at Arcosanti earlier this month, the weekly community meeting had just begun. This is a time for members to reflect on the work of the past week and make announcements relevant to the community. The meeting was held at the Vault, a public space under the massive concrete arches that were the first elements of Arcosanti to be constructed by Soleri. It was well before noon, but many of the community members were dressed in soiled work clothes, having already put in a full day's work.
Presiding over the meeting was Jeff Stein, Arcosanti's executive director. An architect by training, Stein has held various roles in the Cosanti Foundation since Soleri's death in 2013. He first met the visionary architect in 1975 when he attended a workshop taught by Soleri at Arcosanti. These workshops are still held regularly today, and most of Cosanti's employees have attended at least one. There they learn trade skills and the arcological principles that guided Soleri's unique approach to architecture. These skills are then put to the test at Arcosanti, most of which has been built by students and non-professional architects.
"The meaning of the course is based on hard work. We want to discourage whoever envisions a pleasant 5-6 weeks vacation. The Student Spectator is not welcome," reads a poster advertising Soleri's 9th workshop in 1969.
Image courtesy of the Cosanti Foundation.
"We're here to be a part of the landscape, not in spite of it," Stein told me as we walked toward his office after the community meeting. "The point of all Soleri's architecture is connection: How do you connect people to one another and to their surroundings?"
Visitors to Arcosanti will immediately notice its unusual design, which makes the complex feel more like an immersive work of art than a city in progress. George Lucas visited the site in the 70s and it was allegedly the model for the desert planet Tatooine in Star Wars. At Arcosanti the preferred window shapes are circles rather than squares, roofs often double as stairs, and individual buildings blend into one another through a network of hallways that often end in stunning vistas of the surrounding desert. But hidden beneath Arcosanti's beautiful aesthetics is an extreme pragmatism, a posthumous reminder from Soleri that art and functionality need not be mutually exclusive.
Stein's apartment/office was previously Soleri's studio and a sterling example of his philosophies in action. The apartment is located in the "East Crescent neighborhood" of Arcosanti and when we arrived, Stein pointed at a small hidden door in the bottom corner of the room.
"We're at the top of the three-story solar greenhouse that is the heating system for this apartment and the rest of East Crescent," Stein told me. "That's my fireplace."
Jeff Stein looks out one of the windows at Arcosanti.
Image: Daniel Oberhaus/Motherboard
As Stein explained, the sun heats up the air in the greenhouse so that during the cold desert winters, this air rises and provides a source of 120-degree heat in the form of fragrant, oxygen-rich air through the trapdoor. Gesturing at the windows of the apartment, Stein explained how Soleri had placed them so that the Sun would illuminate different parts of his studio at different times of the day and year, providing a free and reliable source of heat and light for its occupant.
These were just a few of the design choices that demonstrated Soleri's masterful ability to harness the power of the local environment for human use without damaging that environment in the process. Indeed, Soleri was so adept at this practice that the only air conditioners needed on site are in the archive for preservation purposes, even though temperatures in the desert can reach nearly 120 F during the summer. This is also the reason that there are surprisingly few light bulbs or solar panels at Arcosanti—Soleri was able to keep energy requirements to a minimum with architectural decisions that allowed for plenty of natural light0
"The buildings here are built to try to explain—as good architecture always does—their place and the connection to this place," Stein said. "This desert has a fragile and rich ecology all its own, and Soleri thought maybe we could build some things understanding that."
Soleri was born in Turin, Italy, in 1919. He emigrated to the United States in 1947 to partake in an apprenticeship program under Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin West, Wright's home and studio located in the desert outside of Phoenix. By this time, Wright was already an internationally renowned architect famous for his ability to integrate his architecture with its natural surroundings.
For the year-and-a-half Soleri studied under Wright, he lived in a canvas tent outside of Taliesin West with the other apprentices (these temporary structures were originally a product of necessity while Wright's apprentices built the foundations of permanent structures, but today architecture students apprenticing at Taliesin still live in makeshift shelters of their own design). It was here, while literally living off the land in the Sonoran desert and studying under an architect revered for his ability to integrate the natural and artificial in his architecture, that Soleri's ideas about arcology first took shape.
Paolo Soleri (center, in white) teaches students about ceramics during a workshop in the mid-1970s.
Image: Ivan Pintar/Cosanti Foundation
Shortly after finishing his apprenticeship with Wright, Soleri began designing and building a personal residence for Nora Woods, the wife of a wealthy industrialist from the east coast. The resulting house, known as The Dome, turned Soleri into something of an overnight celebrity in the architecture world. After briefly returning to Italy in the early 1950s to design and build a ceramics factory, Soleri made his way back to Arizona.
In 1956, Soleri began building Cosanti (a portmanteau of the Italian words 'cosa,' meaning 'thing' and 'anti' meaning 'against'), his personal home and studio in the Phoenix suburb of Paradise Valley. Around this time, a friend introduced Soleri to the work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a turn-of-the-century philosopher/geologist/Jesuit priest whose writings attempted to contextualize human evolution in the greater context of the evolution of the universe.
Today, most evolutionary biologists consider Chardin's thought to be little more than mysticism with hardly any scientific foundations. Nevertheless, his project of situating contemporary human life as a minor event in the grand scheme of cosmic evolution had a profound effect on Soleri's thought and architecture.
The Dome, the house built for Nora Woods outside of Cave Creek, Arizona that brought Soleri international fame as an architect.
Image: Cosanti Foundation
"Chardin was saying it was clear that humans were not the end of anything, but somewhere in the middle of evolution as a biological life form," Stein told me. "Chardin didn't know what would trigger continued social evolution for humans, but when Soleri was reading him in 1957, he knew what it was: It was the city. That was Soleri's a-ha moment."
In 1964, Soleri and his wife Colly formed the Cosanti Foundation, a non-profit organization that was dedicated to radically rethinking the role of the city in contemporary life. Around this time, Soleri was supporting his family through architectural commissions, lecturing at Arizona State University and putting his knowledge of ceramics he had gleaned while building the Italian ceramics factory to use by making small ceramic bells.
At the same time, he was formulating his theories of ecologically integrated architecture. This train of thought culminated in The City in the Image of Man, a 1969 book featuring dozens of detailed plans for Soleri's "lean linear cities" and arcologies, including the blueprint for Arcosanti. Like any good student, Soleri's approach to architecture went far beyond the limits imposed by his teacher, Frank Lloyd Wright. Whereas Wright was in the business of making extravagant single-family homes that were integrated with their natural environments, Soleri's book called for the rethinking of the entire concept of the city.
A crew of students makes designs in a mound of silt at Arcosanti. Concrete was then poured on this mound and the silt was removed to form a structure, in this case, a foundry.
Image: Ivan Pintar/Cosanti Foundation
"Soleri's notion of architecture and ecology in City in the Image of Man is not just an ecovillage surrounded by the natural landscape," Stein said. "It's a city that is so connected and so complex that it develops its own human ecology inside it. He was thinking of the city as the newest life form on the planet."
According to Stein, the book made a big splash in architecture circles and by the following year Soleri's ideas had generated enough traction to turn his theories into a living experiment. In 1970, Soleri and a handful of architectural students broke ground at Arcosanti, a city meant to house 5,000 people and the world's first experiment in arcology.
Today, Arcosanti is home to under 100 people and only a tiny fragment of the planned city has actually been built. This isn't to say that the project is a failure, however. Rather, it points to the magnitude of the problems that Soleri was challenging with his radical approach to architecture and urban planning.
"Soleri was confronting the American dream of big cars, and road building and single family houses and urban sprawl," Stein told me as we strolled around Arcosanti. "Cities are the biggest cultural artefact we make and he wanted to reconstitute the entirety of urban civilization."
At a time that the first mega shopping malls were cropping up across the United States, and just before Reagan's supply side policies revived American consumerism, Soleri was preaching about the virtues of restraint and thrift, minimalism and the pleasures of life that cannot be bought. For Stein, Soleri's emphasis on limits in an age of limitless expansion is part of the reason why his architectural ideas never really took root in the US. They seemed un-American.
The sky suite at Arcosanti, which is rented out to guests as an additional source of income.
Image: Daniel Oberhaus/Motherboard
Today, cities are built as thin "layers" over the Earth's surface, sprawling in every direction without much consideration for their impact on the natural environment they encroach upon. Cities and the buildings they consist of are ultimately beholden to the profit motive—the mental and emotional health of city dwellers, as well as the impact of the city on the environment are secondary considerations.
In Stein's view, our species is beginning to pay the price for our reckless urban development. In the US, for example, approximately one-fifth of our country's energy use can be attributed to industrial manufacturing, a lot of which is geared toward consumer products. Nearly a third is used by the transportation sector. As Stein was quick to point out, automobiles eat up a sizeable chunk of this energy consumption, even though most of this energy is being used to commute within cities, not between them. The other 50 percent of our energy consumption mostly goes toward the creation and maintenance of the buildings that comprise our cities. Most of this energy is for electricity, which is mostly used for lighting and air conditioning in residential and commercial buildings.
At the same time, our species' energy is overwhelmingly sourced from fossil fuels, the main driver of anthropogenic climate change. This climate change has had a number of devastating effects on communities all over the world, and is profoundly shaping contemporary urban existence. Already more than half of the world's population lives in an urban environment and the UN has documented a global trend of population movement from the country to the city.
A view of the foundry apse (bottom left) and the Vault (upper right).
Image: Yuki Yanagimoto/Cosanti Foundation
In some cases, this urban concentration is a direct result of the impact that climate change has had on rural populations' ability to farm, in other instances, these farmers' labor has been rendered obsolete by technology. Moreover, scientists are predicting a massive migration from coastal cities to inland urban environments as people flee neighborhoods that have succumbed to flooding and rising tides. In the United States alone, coastal flooding is estimated to displace over 13 million Americans by the end of the century.
In other words, if we're going to be able to handle the challenges presented by climate change-driven urbanization, we're going to have to radically rethink the city.
Soleri's notion of arcologies offers a stark alternative to the forces that are driving climate change and a solution to the problems it creates. By prioritizing ultra dense housing and efficient intracity travel, arcologies abolish the need for city roads and automobiles to traverse them. These cities operate on principles of minimal energy consumption and environmental destruction. They facilitate face to face human interaction and are designed to maximize the interaction between all residents in a city, rather than the ghettoization of certain populations in ways that prevent equitable access to resources.
Soleri's idea that the city is best conceived as a new type of biological organism may sound like the ravings of a crazed artist who spent a bit too much time alone in the desert. But in the last few decades, a number of systems theorists have arrived at similar conclusions by way of math and physics.
At the forefront of this new paradigm of urban planning is Geoffrey West, a theoretical physicist at the Santa Fe Institute who has spent much of his career looking how biological organisms and artificial systems like cities are able to scale effectively. West's insight is that nature has elegant organizational strategies for maximizing energy efficiency that can be mathematically described. These observations can be used as a guide for human urban planning if the city is thought of as a biological organism.
Stein praised West's work, but he said this thinking is still too niche in academia. "So far nobody connected with evolutionary biology has had anything to do with designing cities," he said.
A foundry at Arcosanti.
Image: Daniel Oberhaus/Motherboard
In this sense, calling Arcosanti an "urban laboratory" is more than a flattering euphemism—it is a living experiment that is meant to confront a variety of academic disciplines with questions about how they can use their specialized knowledge to think about the way we inhabit space. In addition to a suite of artistic events, such as the annual Form music festival, Arcosanti regularly hosts university students in disciplines ranging from media studies to natural history in an effort to push the limits of what is possible with arcology ever further.
Today, Arcosanti is the closest thing to a real arcological city that exists in the US. For the most part, arcological innovation seems to be happening elsewhere.
Stein told me about a recent conference he attended in Australia dedicated to discussing ideas for the development of so-called "Ecocities." The conference had several hundred attendees from all over the world, only a small fraction of whom were Americans. He pointed to Singapore, a population-dense country where the Tiajin Eco-city serves as a sterling example of arcological principles being implemented at scale. Similar projects have been proposed with vary degrees of adoption elsewhere, although as Choire Sicha pointed out at The Awl, most of these projects have stalled out due to lack of funding.
Stein doesn't pretend that Soleri or Arcosanti hold all or even most of the solutions to Earth's environmental problems. According to Stein, many of Soleri's ideas would be prohibitively expensive to build. Still, they hold immense value insofar as they offer an alternative way to thinking about how we understand our relationship with the natural environment in the future.
As we finished our tour around Arcosanti, Stein told me that he doesn't like to use the word "sustainability" when he refers to the project. The reason, he said, is because this isn't about sustaining the cities we've already built, but challenging the assumptions that made them that way in the first place.
"We talk about transformation instead because there has to be a huge transformation in consciousness for anyone to think what we're doing is sustainable," Stein said. "The problems we're facing aren't going to be solved with more Toyota Priuses."
As I climbed into my car and began my slog back toward the heart of Phoenix's urban sprawl, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was traveling backward in time. I had seen the future at Arcosanti that afternoon, but as the five-lane freeway grew packed with vehicles in the evening rush hour and an endless stream of advertisements and headlights assaulted my senses, that future felt more remote than ever.
Humans have been leaving home in search for new opportunities for thousands of years, but their ancient migration patterns have always been somewhat difficult to trace. Until recently, the main clues researchers have used to map the historic flow of ancient humans have been artifacts and analyses of ancient bones, but these haven’t always given a clear picture of how humans populated the Earth.
On Monday, however, a team of United Kingdom-based geneticists and anthropologists reported in a Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciencesstudy that they’ve come up with a new method of mapping these routes that takes into account genetic data. Their new analysis suggests the migration of humans over the last 14,000 years is more complicated than scientists previously realized.
Co-author and Cambridge University professor Marta Mirazòn Lahr, Ph.D. said in a statement that old assumptions about the migration patterns of ancient humans are now being called into question. The study confirms a strong link between technological change and human mobility, but it also points out that that the hunter-gatherers who lived in Europe after the peak of the last Ice Age were far less mobile than previously believed, as Lahr explains:
These are fascinating results — we associate a hunting and gathering lifestyle with nomadism and high mobility, and the development of the first farming villages and towns with sedentary societies. Yet, early farmers were on the move in search of more and more land to match their progressively larger populations, while the post-glacial hunters seemed to have met their needs locally.
Rise in mobility has occurred in at least three distinct pulses.
The new method, which required the creation of a 2D model that incorporated population dynamics data, confirms the theory that human migration has been on the rise since the beginning of the Holocene era (which began approximately 11,700 years ago) but suggests that it happened in “three distinct pulses,” rather than gradually.
The three major “pulses” of migration Lahr and her team identified matched up with the Neolithic period, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. The Neolithic period, which is when when agriculture and animal domestication first spread, saw a “well-known population expansion” that peaked around 7,500 years ago, the authors write. The other two peaks that the analysis identified were not as clearly defined by previous research: The peak during the Bronze Age, the period when complex civilizations in places like Mesopotamia and Egypt emerged and trade routes between Asia and Europe were established, happened about 5,000 years ago. The third migration pulse, the Iron Age, began around 3,200 years ago and witnessed a surge in European population sizes and global trade and warfare.
The famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon were created during the Bronze Age.
Because the new model was capable of creating spatiotemporally explicit simulation, the researchers were also able to compare the mobility of people between different time periods and different regions.
“One of the great features of this new method is that it can be used not only on genetic data, but also on the variation in the shape of ancient fossils,” explained co-author and University of Oxford graduate student Liisa Loog in a statement. “This means that the mathematical framework behind our method can easily be extended beyond the study of human movement: We can now explore changes in migration rates through time in animals are long extinct.”
Understanding ancient migration is particularly important for academics because it reveals not only how cultures are shaped by movement but explains how our current genetic profiles came to be. The authors hope that subsequent analysis of their findings will explain the variations of human genetic, morphological, and cultural traits. The Holocene era, which this model draws this data from, has witnessed the rise and fall of all human civilizations and is still the era we’re living in — and understanding the movements of our ancestors during this time will very likely help us understand ourselves better in the future.
If you liked this article, check out this video "Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past".
Last week, several people in Siberia reported a vaguely apocalyptic ball of light in the sky, which is both unsettling and on-brand for this year. While eyewitnesses thought the glowing sphere was the end of times or maybe even a UFO, the actual cause of the event might be something even more bizarre.
According to The Siberian Times, stargazers in the Yamalo-Nenets region of Russia had little explanation for what they were witnessing. Out of nowhere, a glowing circle seemed to appear in the sky like something from Twin Peaks: The Return.
One onlooker, Vasily Zubkov, said he was caught off-guard by the ominous orb and chalked it up to an impending doom. After waking up to a fresh hell every day this year, being eaten alive by a giant light wouldn’t even seem that unusual.
“I went out to smoke a cigarette and thought it was the end of the world,” he posted on the social media site VK.
Another VK user, Anastasia Boldyreva, put it more bluntly: “Aliens arrived.”
Obviously, the giant light ball wasn’t aliens or the apocalypse, but it was still something weird as hell. On October 26, Russia’s Ministry of Defense announced on Facebook that it had launched a Topol-M ballistic missile as part of a test mission. This, combined with some especially bright Northern Lights on display, could have accounted for the strange glow. Honestly, intercontinental missiles are much creepier than the other explanations.
While there hasn’t been any definite confirmation on what the glowing bubble was, we know what it definitely wasn’t: aliens. Please stop saying it’s aliens, you guys — if you keep talking about them like this they won’t ever visit.
If you liked this article, check out this video of an expert look at xenomorph biology fromAlien.
Humans have long desired to explore the vast realms of space. Today, we are finally poised to send people out into the cosmos. Indeed, a number of private and public space companies are gearing up for Space Race 2.0 — a (very expensive) competition that inches us closer to uncovering answers about our universe and exploring new realms of our own humanity.
Though they are still in the race, shifting priorities and limited budgets have undermined NASA’s lead in exploring the solar system and beyond. In the meantime, private entities like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic are flush with cash, and they are stepping up to try and engineer better, bigger, and faster rockets.
And this is a good thing because, if humans are to find life on other planets, or perhaps a new planet for ourselves, more work needs to be done. Engineers and scientists need to develop life support systems, find reliable sources of water and fuel, overcome the negative effects living in space has on the body, and find a faster way to travel.
There is still much to be done, but sending the average person to the Moon and beyond no longer seems so far out of reach. Yet, when will it finally happen? When will humans finally roam across an alien world? Here’s a comprehensive timeline of our future beyond Earth.
Late 2017: Heavy Falcon Launch
SpaceX plans to launch the Falcon Heavy for the first time before the end of 2017. Because the rocket can be reused, the Falcon Heavy rocket can deliver its payload into space at only a third of the cost of the next closest operational vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy. This lower upfront cost means that more organizations can carry out experiments in outer space. One of these experiments is the Planetary Society’s LightSail 2 solar sail that will launch on board a Heavy Falcon in early 2018.
SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket lives up to its name. 27 rocket engines weigh down the 70-meter (229-foot), 1.4-metric-ton (3.1-million-pound) rocket. That’s a lot of extra weight, but the payload makes it worthwhile — the rocket can launch 63,800 kg (140,660 lbs) of equipment, cargo, and passengers into orbit around Earth. That’s more than double the weight that the Space Shuttle can haul to the same altitude.
2018: Preparing for Space Tourism
In 2018, SpaceX plans to launch more than ever before, sending 30 rockets into orbit (up from 20 in 2017). More attempts give the company more data to show how it can perfect its technology to launch rockets cheaply and securely. Eventually, this inexpensive and safe spaceflight will make space tourism finally viable. In fact, just this year, SpaceX announced that they would be sending two humans to orbit the Moon in 2018.
Virgin Galactic is gearing up to launch its first astronauts into space before the end of February 2018. Before it launches with passengers on board, though, the spacecraft will have to undergo a series of test flights.
The space plane, called the VSS Unity, completed its fifth ‘glide flight’ (distinct from the vertical trajectory of traditional space rockets) earlier in 2017. In the first months of 2018, it will be taking flights closer to the Karaman line, the official border between the Earth’s atmosphere and outer space located 100 km (62 miles) above the Earth’s surface.
Around that same time in early 2018, scientists will test the LightSail 2, a device that moves through space by harnessing the power of solar photons — no fuel tanks or thrusters required. The LightSail 2, a citizen-funded spacecraft and created bythe Planetary Society (the largest nonprofit organization that promotes the exploration of outer space), would be a proof of concept that solar sailing could propel spacecraft deeper into space. The unmanned, light-propelled spacecraft will hitch a ride on SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket before taking its test flight at an altitude of 720 km (447.4 miles).
Blue Origin, the spaceflight services company started by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, recently announced that it intends to take tourists to space before April 2019. In groups of six, passengers will board an 18-meter (60-foot) rocket to the edge of space, around 100 km (62 miles) from the Earth’s surface. Once there, they will experience zero-gravity flight. Three independent parachutes and a retro-thrust system ensure that passengers will gently sail back to Earth. This experience does not come cheap — a ticket to board the New Glenn to reach Earth orbit is rumored to cost anywhere between $150,000 and $250,000. And, yet, there’s little question that people will want to sign up — Virgin Galactic, a competing space tourism project, reportedly already has 700 people signed up.
In 2019, Blue Origin plans to add two- and three-stage rockets to its arsenal. They are fully reusable, up to 99 meters (326 feet) tall, and can deliver payloads at a relatively low cost, competing with SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rockets.
NASA also intends to launch its James Webb Telescope in the first quarter of 2019. The telescope will observe the solar system in the infrared to see every phase of the solar system’s maturation; it will ultimately be 100 times more powerful than the Hubble Space Telescope, thanks to its array of 18 hexagonal mirror segments. With a combined mirror diameter of 6.5 meters (the Hubble measures in at only 2.4), the James Webb Telescope will be able to detect events such as the formation of galaxies dating back to the time of the Big Bang. It will also have a special focus on discovering new planets that could be capable of supporting life.
2020-2025: “Earth Reliant” and Beyond
From finding evidence of liquid water to detecting organic matter in the soil of the Red Planet’s surface, the Curiosity rover has answered some fundamental questions about what it’s like on Mars.
However, that information has also sparked more questions about what other elements may be present. To this end, in an effort to establish whether oxygen is present in the Martian atmosphere, and at what concentration, Curiosity’s successor, the Mars 2020 rover, will be saddled with a host of sensors and instruments that will allow it to answer this question. Information about oxygen concentration will be important if humans are ever able to visit the Red Planet themselves, which could be possible as early as 2030.
There are other things that need to happen if we’re going to colonize other planets. NASA has established three phases that we need to complete before this is possible. In the first, which NASA calls “Earth Reliant,” we continue to test the feasibility of living in space and conduct more research aboard the ISS. In the second (“Proving Ground”), operations around the Moon will be used to establish ways to return humans to the Earth safely. With those stages complete, we will finally reach the third stage (“Earth Independent”) in which humans establish a self-sufficient colony on Mars.
Image Credit: NASA
Just over 50 years after humans first touched the lunar surface, NASA is gearing up to launch another manned spacecraft to go beyond the Moon. The astronauts will be on board a ship called the Orion, which will lift off using NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS), a modular heavy launch vehicle. SLS is similar to SpaceX’s Heavy Falcon and has a maximum payload of 70 to 130 metric tons (150,000 to 290,000 lbs).
First, though, the spacecraft will do a few test runs without any humans on board. The first mission, Exploration Mission-1, is slated for late 2018. The SLS will launch the unmanned craft, travel to the Moon, enter orbit about 100 km (62 miles) above the lunar surface, and use gravity to propel itself into deep, unexplored space. The goal of this mission is to see if the craft can help humans survive a trip to distant planets.
The second mission (Exploration Mission-2), planned for August 2021, will be NASA’s first manned test flight beyond the Moon. “During this mission, we have a number of tests designed to demonstrate critical functions, including mission planning, system performance, crew interfaces, and navigation and guidance in deep space,” Bill Hill, the deputy associated administrator of Exploration Systems Development at NASA Headquarters said in a 2016 NASA blog.
To gain enough momentum to make the trip around the Moon, the spacecraft will have to make multiple orbits around Earth, occasionally igniting its thrusters. During its stable orbit of the Moon, the Orion will gather data and test the spacecraft’s capabilities for interplanetary flight.
2022: Making Mars Habitable
While NASA spends the 2020s exploring how to best keep humans healthy in space, SpaceX plans to start putting down the infrastructure for humans to colonize it. SpaceX anticipates completing its first 54.6-million-km (33.9-million-mile) trip to Mars in 2022.
In his update earlier this year, Elon Musk revealed plans for a rocket that is far bigger and more powerfulthan NASA’s Space Launch System and even his agency’s own Falcon Heavy — the BFR. A rocket that big would have enough space for fuel to take humans to Mars, or even allow for Earth-based city-to-city travel.
With a maximum payload of 150 tons, the enormous 106-meter (347.7-feet) rocket would break the current record for biggest payload (including cargo, fuel, and passengers) launched into orbit, while providing the lowest cost for each additional launch.
To reach the Moon, the BFR would launch from the Earth’s surface, transfer propellant from fuel depots previously stationed in Earth’s orbit, accelerate in orbit, pick up an injection of fuel for the remaining distance to the lunar surface on the way, and land. SpaceX plans to refuel the rocket once it is in orbit in order to extend its range and payload capacity so that it can return safely to Earth.
Tests have already shown that it’s possible to refuel rockets in space. NASA conducted the Robotic Refueling Mission in 2011, and it successfully completed a robot-actuated propellant transfer on an exposed platform of the International Space Station.
By 2022, SpaceX expects to land at least two cargo ships on Mars in order to establish a habitat for humans. The primary goal of those initial missions is to find a reliable source of water on the Martian surface.
Two years after those cargo ships establish an infrastructure, SpaceX plans to send humans to inhabit a colony on Mars. The passengers aboard the BFR’s 40-cabin Mars transit module will be the first to make the unprecedented trip.
This is, Musk would probably admit, an aggressive timeline. And it may not work in SpaceX’s favor: Due to planetary alignments and other factors such as solar power requirements and fuel limitations, the launch window of Earth-Mars travel is only a few weeks, according to Wired. And that’s assuming that all the other pieces fall perfectly into place — neither the BFR nor its predecessor, the Falcon Heavy, has yet had a successful launch.
Should the BFR mission make it to Mars, it will contain the materials to construct a propellant production plant as part of its Martian colony. The plan would suck carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and turn it into deep-cryo CO4 fuel using solar power.
2025-2030: A Year in Space
Image Credit: NASA
SpaceX might be ready to send humans to live in space by the early 2020s, but NASA is a little more cautious. The government space agency is planning to put astronauts into orbit for a year to find out if humans are indeed ready to live on a different planet.
In March 2016, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly completed a similar year-long missionaboard the ISS to test the effects of zero gravity on the human body and what that will mean for future space travel to Mars. Unlike Kelly’s mission, however, NASA’s 2021 mission will put astronauts in orbit around the Moon. They’ll be in a “deep-space gateway” — a small ISS-like station that will serve as a testing ground for future deep space missions, including later missions to Mars. It will be built over five earlier missions, four of them with humans aboard. The effects of spending a year in lunar orbit on the human body, caused by factors such as different day-night cycles and solar radiation, are still unknown.
2030s: NASA Sends Humans to Mars
Five years after SpaceX’s manned missions to Mars, NASA plans to send its own spacecraft to the Red Planet. Using data and samples from the Curiosity and Mars 2020 rovers, NASA will first establish how humans could sustain themselves on the Martian surface before sending manned spacecraft from its deep-space gateway to do so.
Kepler finds 20 NEW potentially habitable alien planets similar to Earth
Kepler finds 20 NEW potentially habitable alien planets similar to Earth
There could be more habitable planets out there than we think. A new analysis of data obtained by the Kepler space telescope has revealed 20 alien world candidates capable of harboring life as we know it.
The updated list includes several planets that orbit stars like our sun. Some have relatively long orbital periods, similar to Earth’s, and others much shorter, only months or Earth weeks.
“The exoplanet where the year lasts longer, exactly 395 Earth days, is just one of the most promising,” said Jeff Coughlin, Kepler’s team author of the finding.
Called KOI-7923.01 (Kepler Object of Interest), the alien world is 97 percent the size of the Earth, but it has a slightly cooler average temperature, mainly due to the distance it maintains with its star, which is also not as hot as our sun.
However, the latter does not represent an impediment to the existence of liquid water on its surface, something essential for life as we know it.
‘If you had to choose one to send a spacecraft to, it’s not a bad option,’ Jeff Coughlin, a Kepler team lead who helped find the potential planets, told New Scientist.
This means that KOI-7923.01 is has a landscape more similar to tundra regions on Earth, than temperate ones. However, it’s still warm enough and large enough to hold liquid water on its surface, reports New Scientists.
Astronomers cataloged the new planets using a new tool called Robovetter, which has the ability to automatically analyze what the Kepler Space Telescope has found.
“The catalog contains 8054 KOIs of which 4034 are planet candidates with periods between 0.25 and 632 days. Of these candidates, 219 are new in this catalog and include two new candidates in multi-planet systems (KOI-82.06 and KOI-2926.05), and ten new high-reliability, terrestrial-size, habitable zone candidates,” wrote astronomers in the new study available at
In order to be 100 percent sure, researchers need to perform follow-up studies to confirm the above-mentioned candidates.
Kepler has made stunning discoveries.
Earlier this year, the Kepler space telescope located 219 exoplanet candidates, and ten could be habitable. During a press briefing in early 2017 at NASA’s Ames Research Center, astronomers reveled what is considered as the ‘most reliable’ catalog of potentially habitable worlds in our galaxy, bringing the total number to 4,034.
Astronomers say that more than 2,300 planets spotted during the Kepler missions have been confirmed, including more than 30 Earth-sized planets that are located in the so-called Goldilocks Zone’ of their host star.
The newly released catalog features the results from Kepler’s final survey made from the Constellation of Cygnus and includes the spacecraft’s first four years of data.
From the 4,034 candidates that have been spotted by astronomers, 2,335 have been verified.
These results could eventually prove helpful as a guide in the search for alien life, say scientists, saying that the lis offers ‘the most complete and reliable accounting of distant worlds to date.’
‘This new result presented today has implications for understanding the frequency of different types of planets and galaxies, and helping us to advance our knowledge on how planets are formed,’ said Mario Perez, Kepler program scientist in the Astrophysics Division of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington, during the conference.
Astronomers have just made a fascinating discovery on Jupiter
Astronomers have just made a fascinating discovery on Jupiter
An international team of researchers has discovered that Jupiter, the largest planet in the Solar System, also has austral auroras (south) and that, against all odds, they act independently of the northern ones (Borealis), according to a study published in Nature Astronomy.
Researchers from ESA and NASA have discovered that unlike Earth’s polar lights, the intense auroras seen at Jupiter’s poles unexpectedly behave independently of one another. Jupiter’s northern auroras are erratic and “do not coincide in behavior, neither in intensity nor in frequency with those found on Jupiter’s southern pole”
Auroras are planetary phenomena that take place when the wind of energetic particles of a star collides with the magnetic field of a planet (magnetosphere).
Using ESA’s XMM.Newton and NASA’s Chandra X-Ray space observatories, astronomers were able to observe high-energy X-Rays produced by the auroras on each of Jupiter’s poles.
Experts found that the southern auroras on Jupiter pulse every 11 minutes consistently, while those at the planet’s northern pole flared chaotically.
“These auroras don’t seem to act in unison like those that we’re often familiar with here on Earth,” says lead author William Dunn of University College London’s Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UK, and Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA.
“We thought the activity would be coordinated through Jupiter’s magnetic field, but the behavior we found is really puzzling.
“It’s stranger still considering that Saturn – another gas giant planet – doesn’t produce any X-ray auroras that we can detect, so this throws up a couple of questions that we’re currently unsure how to answer.
“Firstly, how does Jupiter produce bright and energetic X-ray auroras at all when its neighbor doesn’t, and secondly, how does it do so independently at each pole?”
This finding raises numerous questions about how auroras occur through the universe. Interestingly, Jupiter’s independently pulsing auroras indicate that astronomers have a long way to go in order to understand how the planet itself produces some of its most energetic emissions, reports the European Space Agency.
“Charged particles have to hit Jupiter’s atmosphere at exceptionally fast speeds in order to generate the X-ray pulses that we’ve seen. We don’t yet understand what processes cause this, but these observations tell us that they act independently in the northern and southern hemispheres,” adds Licia Ray, from Lancaster University, UK, and a co-author.
Future studies of Jupiter’s auroras will help shed light on the phenomena produced on the gas giants poles.
In the next two years, astronomers are planning on more X-Ray observational campaigns using XMM-Newton and Chandra, and observations from NASA’s Juno spacecraft, which started orbiting Jupiter in mid-2016.
In addition to the above, ESA’s Juice Spacecraft will arrive at Jupiter by 2029, and will investigate not only the Gas giant atmosphere and magnetosphere, but will also observe its auroras and the effect they cause on the Galilean Moons.
“This is a breakthrough finding, and it couldn’t have been done without ESA’s XMM-Newton,” adds Norbert Schartel, ESA project scientist for XMM-Newton.
Infrared image of the aurora at the south pole of Jupiter.
“The space observatory was critical to this study, providing detailed data at a high spectral resolution such that the team could explore the vibrant colors of the auroras and figure out details about the particles involved: if they’re moving fast, whether they’re an oxygen or sulfur ion, and so on.
“Coordinated observations like these, with telescopes such as XMM-Newton, Chandra and Juno working together, are key in exploring and further understanding environments and phenomena across the Universe, and the processes that produce them.”
Some things happening on planet earth today just don’t make sense if you’re looking at them from the perspective of an ordinary human being.
Scientific interest, tourism, curiosity? This question is one of the most important and most implausible questions in the study and understanding of Ufology.
Scholars from around the world are divided into trends or currents of thought about what would be the reason why aliens are appearing on our planet. Some ardently defend the thesis that our visitors would be a kind of cosmic brothers coming to Earth to warn us of an impending cataclysm and about to decimate the humanity of the universal map.
Certain proponents of this theory even imagine that these same beings would promote an evacuation of our planet. Other ufologists believe that aliens have an evil essence and that they are coming to Earth only to get what they need - cells, blood and even human and animal organs. The more radical researchers of this idea also argue that abductions, so abundant all over the world, are the means by which visitors satisfy even their sexual appetite, without the least compassion for us.
Afgelopen vrijdagavond vliegt het basketbalteam van de Oklahoma City Thunder met een gecharterd vliegtuig van Delta Airlines naar Chicago.
Wat een routinevlucht had moeten worden, werd een toch opzienbarende gebeurtenis met een aanvaring met een onbekend object op 30.000 voet hoogte.
De Oklahoma City Thunder is een basketbalteam uit Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Ze spelen in de NBA (Northwest Division, Western Conference). Het thuishonk van de Thunder is de Oklahoma City Arena.
Alles is goed totdat het toestel iets raakte op een hoogte van 30.000 voet (9,1 kilometer hoogte).
Het vliegtuig landde veilig in Chicago en er waren geen gewonden. Na de landing zag de neus van het toestel er zo uit.
Delta Airlines is met een officiële verklaring gekomen en zegt dat het vliegtuig tijdens de landing werd geraakt door een vogel.
Dit terwijl de spelers zeggen dat er een botsing plaatsvond op een hoogte van 30.000 voet. De spelers van Oklahoma City Thunder vliegen wekelijks en zij zijn echt wel in staat om te bepalen of een vliegtuig op kruishoogte vliegt of dat de landing is ingezet.
Het lijkt er dan ook op dat Delta Airlines de werkelijke reden voor die enorme deuk niet bekend wil maken, tenzij ook de vliegers geen idee hebben wat ze op die hoogte hebben geraakt.
Als het vliegtuig zich inderdaad op 30.000 voet bevond ten tijde van de aanvaring, dan was het zeker geen vogel. De schade lijkt ook te groot om veroorzaakt te kunnen worden door een vogel.
Volgens de onderstaande video uit Zuid Amerika gaat het wel degelijk af en toe mis.
Zo vertellen ze het verhaal van wat er gebeurde op 15 mei 2015 met een Boeing 777 van Aeromexico.
Dit toestel vertrok die dag om half acht ’s avonds voor een vlucht naar Madrid in Spanje. Ongeveer anderhalf uur na vertrek besloot de bemanning onverwacht een noodlanding te maken in Cancun omdat ze zeiden dat er storingen optraden in het elektrische systeem.
Na de landing in Cancun nam een passagier een foto van het toestel dat er toen zo uit zag:
Volgens de onderstaande video heeft dit vliegtuig een botsing gehad met een onbekend vliegend object; een UFO dus.
De officiële versie van het verhaal is dat ze al direct na vertrek een blikseminslag hadden waardoor de schade ontstond en er eveneens problemen waren met het elektrische systeem.
De botsing van de 777 met een onbekend object lijkt veel op die die een vliegtuig van Air China twee jaar geleden had en waar wij toen het volgende over schreven:
De vlucht was in de vroege ochtend van 4 juni vertrokken van Chengdu naar Guangzhou. Het vertrek van de Boeing 757 verliep zonder problemen. Twintig minuten na take-off, terwijl ze zich op een hoogte bevinden van 26.000 voet, krijgt de verkeersleiding een noodoproep van het toestel en wordt besloten een noodlanding te maken in Shunagliu.
Deze verliep zonder problemen en er werd de passagiers meegedeeld dat een en ander het gevolg was van een technisch mankement. Echter, direct na het incident had één van de passagiers de tegenwoordigheid van geest om enkele foto’s te maken.
De officiële verklaring kwam al vrij snel daarna: het was een vogel geweest. Als we dan kijken naar de grootte van de toegebrachte schade, dan moet het wel een enorme vogel zijn geweest. Een die bovendien iets van een soort verfstrepen heeft achtergelaten.
Een vogelaanvaring bij deze vlucht is uitgesloten omdat én het vliegtuig daarvoor te hoog vloog én omdat er geen sporen zijn gevonden op het vliegtuig zoals bloedspetters of veren.
Alleged UFO Encounter Captured By F-18 from Carrier Strike Group 11 Near San Diego
Alleged UFO Encounter Captured By F-18 from Carrier Strike Group 11 Near San Diego
On November 14, 2004, numerous aviators and seaman from the USS Nimitz carrier battle group were witness to events that demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt the existence of advanced airborne technologies far superior to anything America presently deploys.
The government has long covered up these kinds of UFO incidents, asking service personnel to not discuss the details but the case of the USS Nimitz and a UFO encounter its crew had on November 14, 2004 have since been independently confirmed by two former senior Pentagon officials, Christopher Mellon and Luis Elizondo, who have spoken directly to some of the pilots involved, read more here.
1. Fast Eagles (F-18 110/100) upon take off were vectored by Princetown and Banger to intercept unid contact. Princeton informed fast eagles that the contact was moving at 100 KTS - 25KFT ASL.
2. Fast Eagles (110/100) could not find unid airborne contact at location given by Princetown. While searching for unid air contact, Fast Eagles spotted large unid object in water at 1430L. Pilots saw steam/smoke/churning around object. Pilot describes object initially as resembling a downed airliner, also stated that it was much larger than a submarine.
3. While descending from 24K FT to gain better view of the unid contact in the water, Fast Eagle 110 sighted an airborne contact which appeared to be capsule shaped (wingless, mobile, white, oblong pill shaped, 25-30 Feet in length, no visible markings and no glass) 5NM west from position of unid in water.
4. Capsule (UFO) passed under Fast Eagle 110 then Fast Eagle 110 began turn to acquire capsule. While 110 descending and turning, capsule began climbing and turned inside of Fast Eagle’s turn radius.
5. Pilot estimated that capsule achieved 600-700 KTS. The 110 could not keep up with the rate of turn and the gain of altitude by the capsule. 110 lost visual ID of capsule in haze. Last visual contact had capsule at 14 KFT heading due east.
6. Fast Eagle 100 was flying high cover and saw the engagement by Fast Eagle 110 and confirms 110 visual ID. 100 lost contact in haze as well.
This infrared video was allegedly captured from one of the F-18’s (Fast Eagles 100/110) from the U.S. Navy USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group-1, involved in the UFO incident. This video was leaked online by an unknown source, but was confirmed to be real by someone with inside knowledge of the incident according to OpenMindsTV.
Huge Light Beam appears to shoot from UFO at high altitude above Melbourne, Australia
Huge Light Beam appears to shoot from UFO at high altitude above Melbourne, Australia
On October 30, 2017 UFOLou recorded an intense flash in the sky above Melbourne, Australia.
The flash is quite strange, only lasts a millisecond and looks like a distant laser, but not originating from the ground.
Although some people suggest that it is an atmospheric phenomenon like a fireball/meteor, you can see a rectangular-shaped object at the bottom of the flash. See image above.
The flash/laser/light beam starts at 2.35 minutes in the video.
A giant UFO resembling an enormous glowing ball lit up the night sky, sparking fears of an alien invasion or the end of days.
The huge mass of light illuminated the sky in northern Siberia, Russia, last night.
Within minutes, witnesses were speaking of "aliens arriving" and the "end of the world".
The extraordinary scenes were captured by photographer Sergey Anisimov in the town of Salekhard, which straddles the Arctic Circle.
He said: "I was taken aback for a few minutes, not understanding what was happening.
"The glowing ball rose from behind the trees and moved in my direction.
The ball of light sparked fears of an alien invasion(Image: Alexey Yakovlev/The Siberian Tim)
"My first thought was about the most powerful searchlight, but the speed of changing everything around changed the idea of what was happening.
"The ball began to turn into an arc and gradually dissipated."
He later returned home to find local children talking about the multi-coloured light show, citing "aliens" and a "portal to another dimension".
Some witnesses feared the world was ending(Image: The Siberian Times)
Some 520 miles further east, another photographer, Alexey Yakovlev, admitted feeling scared as he witnessed the UFO in Strezhevoi, in the north of Tomsk region, reported The Siberian Times .
"At first I thought, it was such a radiance of such an unusual form, round in shape.
"But gradually the ball began to expand, it became clear that this is not some radiance - and it became scary.
Witnesses reported seeing the ball change colour(Image: The Siberian Times)
"It's good that I was not alone - a group of people cannot hallucinate."
On social media, witness Vasily Zubkov said: "I went out to smoke a cigarette and thought it was the end of the world."
Anastasia Boldyreva added: "Aliens arrived."
Children thought it was a portal to another dimension(Image: The Siberian Times)
"It's a gap in the space-time continuum," claimed Nurgazy Taabaldiev.
The Russian defence ministry confirmed there was an unusual object flying at high speed over northern Siberia.
But experts have suggested there were two reasons for the eerie spectacle in the Siberian night sky.
Some believe it was in fact the Northern Lights(Image: Sergey Anisimov)
The first was that a vivid display of the Northern Lights, also known as aurora borealis, was under way.
This would explain why photographers were out watching the sky when the UFO appeared.
The second theory is that Russian President Vladimir Putin was attempting to frighten the West with grandiose military exercises by his strategic nuclear forces.
Others thought Putin was responsible for the display(Image: The Siberian Times)
Missiles tests were under way from submarines and aircraft last night, and the exercises included the launch of a super-powerful Topol rocket from Plesetsk cosmodrome, 550 miles north of Moscow.
From a mobile launcher, it was successfully aimed at the Kura testing range in Kamchatka on the country's Pacific coast.
It was the the trace of this rocket - capable of carrying nuclear missiles - that caused this extraordinary phenomenon in the night sky, say the Russian media.
The extraordinary scenes were captured in Siberia(Image: The Siberian Times)
Photographer Yakovlev accurately speculated: "It seems I accidentally shot the launch of a secret space rocket from Plesetsk."
The launch was then confirmed by the defence ministry in Moscow. Other missiles were launched from a submarine and aircraft.
A Giant Discovery That Overshadows the Pyramids of Giza: Long-Lost Pyramids Confirmed in Egypt
A Giant Discovery That Overshadows the Pyramids of Giza: Long-Lost Pyramids Confirmed in Egypt
The Long Lost Ancient Egyptian Pyramids that overshadow the Pyramids at the Giza Plateau seem to be a reality. These so-called lost Pyramids could change the entire history of Ancient Egypt.
The mysterious ‘pyramids’ discovered in 2012 by American researcher Angela Micol were dismissed at first by many as being only sandy mounds and not man-made structures in the desert. But 34 rare, antique maps might prove these structures, re-discovered in 2012 might be Pyramids larger than those found at the Giza Plateau. According to satellite imagery, one of the monuments is three times the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
“It has emerged these formations are labeled as pyramids on several old and rare maps,” Micol told Discovery News.
These structures could outshadow the Pyramids of the Giza Plateau
According to Micol, the site where the monuments were found includes a 620 ft-wide triangular plateau which is believed to be nearly three times the size of the best-known Ancient Egyptian Pyramid.
This has not been the first time the archaeological community has dismissed huge discoveries. It seems that every once in a while, when a history changing discovery is made somewhere on the planet, it is quickly dismissed by scholars as being unimportant or fake. The best example of that are the Bosnian Pyramid located in Visoko.
Not long ago, the discovery of the giant Underground Ancient Egyptian labyrinth had similar problems with mainstream scholars and governments who decided to maintain the discovery a secret.
“The images speak for themselves,” Micol said when she first announced her findings. “It’s very obvious what the sites may contain, but field research is needed to verify they are, in fact, pyramids.”
While authoritative scholars have remained skeptical about the finding and dismissed the ‘structures’ as “Google Earth Anomalies” evidence has surfaced which supports Micol’s findings.
“After the buzz simmered down, I was contacted by an Egyptian couple who claimed to have important historical references for both sites,” Micol said.
The couple where Medhat Kamal El-Kady, former ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman, and his wife Haidy Farouk Abdel-Hamid, a lawyer, former counselor at the Egyptian presidency and adviser of border issues and international issues of sovereignty who happened to be collectors of ancient maps, old documents, books and other rare historical documents.
According to Micol, three maps dating from 1753 to the late 1880s show the existence of the pyramids
The story gets extremely interesting here. According to Medhat Kamal El-Kady and Haidy Farouk Abdel-Hamid the formations discovered by Micol near Abu Sdihum are labeled as being Pyramids in several ancient maps of the region.
“For this case only, we have more than 34 maps and 12 old documents, mostly by scientists and senior officials of irrigation,” El-Kady and Farouk told Discovery News.
According to the couple, there are at least three maps that verify Micol’s findings:
A rare map made by Napoleon Bonaparte’s Engineers.
And a map by Major Brown, which dates back to the 1880’s.
Interestingly, there are several ancient documents that prove the mounds discovered by Micol are in fact ancient pyramids, which were buried in an attempt to hide their existence forever.
Even though the site hasn’t been investigated properly by archaeologists who remain extremely skeptical about the finding, according to Mohamed Aly Soliman, one of the individuals who visited the site near Abu Sidhum stated that these mounds were built with different layers that do not belong the surrounding landscape, meaning that these were artificial structures made by ancient Egyptians and not natural formations as many have dismissed.
“Those mounds are definitely hiding an ancient site below them,” Mohamed Aly Soliman, who led the preliminary expedition near Abu Sidhum, told Discovery News.
“First of all, the land around them is just a normal flat land. It is just desert — sand and stones,” he said. “The mounds are different: You will find pottery everywhere, seashells and transported layers. These are different layers, not belonging to the place, and were used by the Egyptians to hide and protect their buried sites,” he said.
“Describing himself as “one of the many Egyptians obsessed with the pharaohs’ civilization,” Aly has a background as a private investigator and has been studying to identify archaeological sites in Egypt.
“If we look back in history we will find that pharaohs were using seashells in building their tombs and pyramids for ventilation purpose,” Aly said.
According to legends, the area near the pyramids is said to harbor ancient secrets and contain ‘great magic’.
If the discovery proves to be a genuine Pyramid, it would be the largest ever discovered in Egypt, making it an unprecedented discovery in the history of mankind.
‘The images speak for themselves. It’s very obvious what the sites may contain, but field research is needed to verify they are, in fact, pyramids,’ said Micol
Yesterday, a gentleman named Mauricio Morales posted some remarkable pictures on the internet that ended up going fairly viral across social media.They were snaps of Unidentified Flying Objects(UFOs, which does not mean they are extraterrestrial in origin).
That being said, don’ t be fooled, there is a tremendous amount of evidence pointing toward the fact that some of these UFOs, whose presence were officially acknowledged within the mainstream using declassified documents and hundreds of high ranking military / political whistleblowers, are indeed extraterrestrial in origin.
There is ample evidence suggesting that many are‘ ours’ as well.
We’ ve written about this quite extensively, and if you want to learn more about that and sift through all of the evidence we’ ve accumulated over the past 8 years, please visit the exopolitics section of our website here.Another great place to start is with UFO researcher Richard Dolan.
Here’ s Morales’ statement on what he experienced from his Facebook post:
“As I was driving back to Phoenix this evening, I was a few miles past Parker, AZ when I saw a shooting star with a green hue in the corner of my eye.I kept driving for a few miles and noticed a small orange light far in the distance to my right.At firstI thought that maybe a meteor had hit nearby and set a fire in the desert or possibly a distant antenna light.
I didn’ t quite think much of it and continued to drive for another three miles.I noticed that the light was gone.I drove another half of a mile and I saw the light appear again.This is when I realized that whatever this was, wasn’ t normal.
I was about a quarter of a mile from the crossing between Highway 72 and Highway 95 between Parker and Quartzsite, Arizona.
I immediately pulled over and attached my camera to my tripod.To my SW direction, there were six orange-red lights floating around in the horizon.Some of them would die out and then brighten back up, others just seemed to float and hover away slowly.They seemed to travel in a parallel pattern with a very bright fiery glisten.I took photos and videos and in less than 15 minutes, the mysterious objects vanished without a trace.
All of the photographs are timestamped and are not edited whatsoever.The video is slightly cropped for better viewing.
Whatever this was, I have never seen anything like this in my life before.Super cool experience.
*UPDATE * 4 / 11 / 17 11: 22 pm I have noticed that my camera’s clock is set 8 minutes ahead.Which means that the time stamps are all 8 minutes ahead.I also saw a video of the same exact thing but from the opposite end in El Centro, CA.That means that whatever this was, it was visible for at least 100 miles.
ABC15 is reporting that the photos were part of the meteor.They were not.The meteor struck about 10 minutes before I pulled over on HWY 95 and got footage of these lights.The difference in lighting you see in the photos is because I was using different settings to get a more visible photo of what they were.”
Some Recent Video Footage
Below is some footage from Dr.Steven Greer, founder of The Disclosure Project and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence(CSETI).Known to some as the“ Father of the Disclosure Movement, ”he was instrumental in bringing forth hundreds of military whistleblowers of all ranks, with verified backgrounds, to share their experiences and testify on the UFO / extraterrestrial phenomenon.
He has ha d high – level meetings within the Pentagon about this issue, and that was confirmed( in his documentary Sirius Disclosure) by Apollo 14 astronaut and the 6 thman to walk on the Moon, Dr.Edgar Mitchell.
“Yes there has been a crashed craft, and bodies recovered….We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time….I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.”
–Doctor Edgar Mitchell, 6 the man to walk on the moon(source)
“Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et’s, etc…They are visiting Earth now; this is not a matter of conjecture or wishful thinking. – Theodor C. Loder III, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire (source)
When it comes to real footage of UFOs (unidentified flying objects), a film from the 1991 NASA STS-48 Discovery Space Shuttle mission definitely ranks as some of the best. This footage is real and well-documented and has been the subject of a rigorous scientific investigation by multiple researchers and institutions. (1)(2)(3)
Why Are So Many People Interested In UFOs?
The top google searchers every single year always show UFOs and extraterrestrials as a hot topic.Every year, the masses seem to become more and more curious, which is also evident from the fact that the most viewed file in the FBI vault deals with a crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft and bodies.You can access that file and read more about it here.
Perhaps it’ s the secrecy around this subject that is really grinding people’ s gears and sparking their curiosity.It’ s human nature to explore the unknown, and when information is kept from us, there will inevitably be backlash.
“This thing has gotten so highly – classified… it is just impossible to get anything on it.I have no idea who controls the flow of need – to – know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ ve never tried to make it to be my business since.I have been interested in this subjectfor a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.”–Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee(source)
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs.But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960(source)
Or perhaps, it’ s just like NASA astronaut and Princeton physics professor Dr.Brian O’ leary said, “there is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time.”(source)
We are definitely living in one of the most interesting times in human history.The birth of the industrial, scientific and technological / information revolutions brought with them a host of problems.One of these problems, as President Eisenhower, JFK and dozens of other presidents and politicians warned us about in the past, is the fact that a powerful group of people and the corporations they run, headed by the big banks, have taken control over almost every aspect of our lives.Today, many people are waking up to this reality in various ways.
One way is,for example, through healthcare and seeing through the manipulation of science by big drug companies.Another is big food, becoming aware of all of the pesticides and harmful ingredients that are added to it.Another realm is politics and false flag terrorism, and seeing through the fact that many soldiers are sent to die for corporate interests and an agenda set out by the financial elite.However, more people are starting to understand our reality and thus making more conscious choices, voting with their dollars.
More and more souls on the plant today desire peace, and that is made clear by all of the humanitarian and activist movements that’ ve been unearthed.Not many souls on the planet want to see others suffer, and we have the potential to create a human experience where everybody has their needs met.This is possible, but there are systems put in place to make you think this is not possible because our economy would be completely destroyed.True, it would be, but that would be a necessary step in the re – design of the human experience.
There are those who capitalize off of our enslavement, our 9 – 5 work schedules, our attention being put towards our own lives, sports and entertainment.We’ ve strayed from our natural path of curiosity and exploration because we’ re told from a young age that“ this is who we are” and that“ this is how it is.”
This type of thinking is changing, the anti – war movement is stronger than ever, and it’ s clear that if our planet and our countries were really a democracy, things would be a lot different.We are one human race and there are no need for borders.
Based on all of my research, experiences and gut feelings, this massive shift in consciousness that’ s occurring in the human population is a primary reason why“ they” are coming around more often…
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Wetenschappers gaan onder Antarctisch ijs duiken en wij kunnen meekijken!
Wetenschappers gaan onder Antarctisch ijs duiken en wij kunnen meekijken!
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Duikers springen binnenkort in het koude water om een kijkje te nemen onder de Ross-ijsplaat.
Het doel van de expeditie? Uitzoeken welk effect de opwarming van de aarde op deze bijzondere omgeving – en al het leven dat daarin te vinden is – heeft. Maar de onderzoekers hebben nog een doel: het publiek een kijkje gunnen in het leven van een poolonderzoeker. En daarom wordt er tijdens de expeditie – en dus ook onder water – continu gefilmd. Daarbij wordt onder meer gebruik gemaakt van een 360 graden-camera. Aan de hand van die beelden zal in een later stadium een VR-ervaring gemaakt worden. “Stel je voor dat je je VR-bril opzet en vervolgens onder het twee tot vijf meter dikke ijs op Antarctica duikt en het rijke, kleurrijke en absoluut unieke leven op de zeebodem kunt zien!” stelt onderzoeker Alf Norkko.
Koud De expeditie duurt zes weken. En dat betekent voor de onderzoekers en duikers: zes weken afzien. De temperaturen kunnen enorm zakken: tot wel vijftig graden onder het vriespunt. En de onderzoekers en duikers moeten het ondertussen uit zien te houden in tenten op de ijsplaat.
Afbeelding: Vera Schoultz.
Duiken Ook de temperatuur van het water onder de ijsplaat is weinig aanlokkelijk: deze ligt rond de -1,8 graden Celsius. De duikers die zich in het water gaan wagen, zullen steeds in tweetallen in het water springen en hooguit 40 minuten duiken. Het is een hele uitdaging, niet alleen vanwege de temperatuur, maar ook vanwege de uitrusting die ze met zich meevoeren. Die weegt zo’n 100 kilo.
Volgende generatie Hoewel het een hele klus zal worden, zijn onderzoekers ervan overtuigd dat het allemaal de moeite waard is. “We willen het publiek – en dan met name de jongere generatie – raken,” stelt Norkko. “Zij zijn degenen die het stokje na ons over moeten gaan nemen.”
De onderzoekers zijn inmiddels op Antarctica gearriveerd en zullen op twee plaatsen onder de Ross-ijsplaat gaan duiken. Hun expeditie is via de Facebookpagina Science Under the Ice op de voet te volgen.
Iedereen heeft het erover: kunstmatige intelligentie. Maar wat is het precies? En moeten we er naar uitzien of voor vrezen?
Bij kunstmatige intelligentie denken veel mensen al snel aan robots die al dan niet het slechtste met de mensheid voor hebben. Maar kunstmatige intelligentie is veel breder dan dat en het is zelfs zo breed dat er niet echt een eenduidige definitie voor bestaat. Dat komt mede doordat ‘intelligentie’ zelf zo lastig te vangen is in een definitie. Jan Broersen, universitair hoofddocent en onderzoeker aan de Universiteit Utrecht, vat het samen als “het via computationele middelen proberen nabootsen van onze intelligentie.” Hij voegt nog toe dat hij denkt dat de eerste onderzoekers van kunstmatige intelligentie het nog breder zagen: “Volgens mij hadden zij in hun hoofd dat artificiële intelligentie het nabootsen van de mens in álle aspecten is.”
Van de slimme thermostaat tot Netflix Tegenwoordig vinden we al op veel plekken vormen van kunstmatige intelligentie: in de slimme thermostaat zit het, maar ook bij Netflix voor de aanbevelingen die ze elke gebruiker doen en wat te denken van Alpha Go? Een belangrijke toepassing op dit moment is volgens Broersen het beoordelen van informatie. “Facebook gebruikt het bijvoorbeeld om nepnieuws te onderscheiden van echt nieuws, wat volgens mij ontzettend lastig is.”
Wat is KI? Russell en Norvig splitsen in hun boek Artificial Intelligence: a modern approach de kunstmatige intelligentie op in vier subdomeinen: systemen die denken als een mens, systemen die zich gedragen als een mens, systemen die rationeel denken en systemen die zich rationeel gedragen. Op het gebied van systemen die denken of zich gedragen als een mens is er nog een lange weg te gaan, we weten immers niet eens hoe mensen precies denken, dus laat staan dat we dat in een computer kunnen inbouwen. Een computer die rationeel kan handelen en/of denken is daarentegen een stuk makkelijker te maken: voor rationeel ‘denken’ moet een computer in staat zijn om geldige afleidingen te maken uit kennis die de computer al bezit. Om een simpel voorbeeld te geven, als de computer weet dat A gelijk is aan B en ook dat B gelijk is aan C, dan moet de computer kunnen deduceren dat A gelijk is aan C. Rationeel handelen is handelen op zo’n manier dat het de beste uitkomst tot gevolg heeft. Dat zorgt echter voor een moeilijkheid omdat het soms niet mogelijk is om door rationeel denken tot de juiste handeling te komen: als je je hand op een hete ondergrond legt is de rationele handeling om hem direct terug te trekken, maar die handeling komt niet voort uit rationele gedachten, maar uit een reflex.
Strong vs Weak Daarnaast wordt kunstmatige intelligentie ook verdeeld in strong AI (sterke KI) en weak AI (zwakke KI). Een strong AI is een systeem dat ‘echt’ kan denken en een bewustzijn heeft, een weak AI is een systeem dat alleen kan handelen alsof het denkt en een bewustzijn heeft. Het probleem is dat deze termen niet heel duidelijk gedefinieerd zijn. Om op Alpha Go terug te komen, op het gebied van het spelen van Go is het een strong AI, maar gezien in een bredere context is het een weak AI omdat het niet verder komt dan het spelen van het spel. Dit is ook het onderscheid dat door veel mensen gemaakt wordt wanneer ze zeggen dat een kunstmatige intelligentie nooit kan bestaan: daarmee bedoelen ze niet dat Alpha Go geen kunstmatige intelligentie is, maar dat een strong AI met dezelfde capaciteiten als een mens niet mogelijk is. Jan Broersen vraagt zich ook af of we ooit tot strong AI zullen komen: “Mens zijn is meer dan alleen intelligentie. Ik weet niet of we dat zullen kunnen benaderen. De wetenschappers die begonnen met het onderzoek in artificiële intelligentie hadden de verwachting dat dat haalbaar moest zijn, alleen veel wetenschappers kijken daar tegenwoordig anders tegenaan.”
Het lijkt een kwestie van tijd voor ontwikkelingen binnen de robotica en kunstmatige intelligentie leiden tot zogenoemde ‘killer robots’: autonome wapens die zelf kunnen beslissen of ze iemand doden of niet. Hoe gaan we daar grip op houden? We vroegen het robotica-deskundige Koen Hindriks recent. Lees hier wat hij daarover te vertellen had.
Morele vraagstukken Of het ooit zover komt dat een strong AI gemaakt wordt is een vraag waar nu geen antwoord op te geven is. Maar dat is ook niet van belang, belangrijker zijn de morele vraagstukken die gepaard gaan met de ontwikkeling van kunstmatige intelligentie. Want ook toepassingen die bedoeld zijn om de mens te helpen in plaats van te doden, hebben aspecten waar goed over nagedacht moet worden. Volgens Broersen is het gevaar van kunstmatige intelligentie niet zozeer dat zij kwaadaardig tegenover de mens zullen zijn, maar eerder dat mensen ze voor ‘kwaadaardige’ doeleinden zullen gebruiken. Op dit moment is het vooral oplichting dat hij ziet als gevaar: “Met nieuwe technologie zie je dat in eerste instantie de snelle jongens erop springen. Iedereen kan AI-technieken downloaden van het internet. Vervolgens trainen ze deze AI’s op wat financiële data en zeggen ze dat ze op basis van ‘advanced AI’ aanbevelingen kunnen doen voor de aankoop van aandelen en dergelijke. Veel mensen zullen daarin trappen, want AI is een buzz-woord en niet iedereen weet goed wat het inhoudt.” Op het moment dat AI wat verder is en er autonome systemen komen, komt er een ander belangrijk vraagstuk naar voren: wie is verantwoordelijke als er iets gebeurd door toedoen van een kunstmatige intelligentie? “Voor de wet kunnen we dit allemaal dicht timmeren. In het Europees Parlement zijn er al gesprekken over een wet die zegt dat een AI aansprakelijk kan worden gehouden. Maar moreel gezien ligt die vraag toch een stuk complexer.”
Over een jaar of twintig is de zelfrijdende auto – bomvol met KI – een feit, zo denkt Broersen.
Autonome systemen Een systeem dat autonoom kan handelen moet altijd een manier hebben waarop het goede van slechte opties kan onderscheiden. Neem bijvoorbeeld een routeplanner: autonoom stippelt deze een route uit van punt A naar B. Het doel dat het hierbij heeft, is het minimaliseren van de tijd die het kost om van A naar B te komen. Alle verschillende routes die er mogelijk zijn hebben een bepaalde waarde: de tijd in minuten die de route afleggen kost. Deze waarde in minuten geeft aan welke optie beter is dan een andere optie. De routeplanner ‘kiest’ dan vervolgens de route met het laagste aantal minuten waarmee het zijn doel voltooit. De regels waar een routeplanner aan moet voldoen zijn redelijk eenvoudig te programmeren, maar dat wordt lastiger wanneer de systemen complexer worden. “Als er veel verschillende situaties zijn waar een artificiële intelligentie voor kan komen te staan, dan is het onmogelijk om voor al die verschillende situaties de regels in te bouwen in het systeem. Voor zulk soort situaties wordt er vaak gebruik gemaakt van een subsymbolisch systeem, zoals bijvoorbeeld een neuraal netwerk.” Subsymbolisch betekent dat er niet langer regels zijn die in woorden uit zijn te drukken, maar dat de AI van veel verschillende situaties geleerd heeft wat de regels zouden moeten zijn.
Stel je de volgende situatie voor: een zelfrijdende auto nadert een zebrapad waar een voetganger wil oversteken. Op het moment dat de auto wil gaan remmen om de voetganger over te laten steken, merkt de auto dat de remmen niet meer werken. Na een snelle berekening komt de auto tot de conclusie dat er twee opties zijn: of de voetganger die inmiddels aan het oversteken is, doodrijden of de auto tegen de muur sturen waarbij de bestuurder omkomt. Als deze situatie tijdens de training niet aan bod is gekomen, dan zal de auto uit de situaties die wel aan bod zijn gekomen moeten afleiden wat het moet doen. Er is sprake van abstracte regels die niet in woorden zijn uit te drukken, maar die het systeem moet halen uit de voorbeelden die het wel kent. Omdat het onmogelijk is om tijdens het leren alle mogelijke situaties aan bod te laten komen, zal het systeem op basis van wat het geleerd heeft, moeten handelen. Maar omdat er enorm veel situaties mogelijk zijn, is er zeer waarschijnlijk wel een specifieke situatie waarin de AI het verkeerde besluit neemt. “De vraag is dan wie verantwoordelijk is. Wettelijk gezien kan dat allemaal dicht getimmerd worden, maar moreel gezien is het een stuk moeilijker. Dit is ook mijn onderzoeksgebied, want waar ligt die verantwoordelijkheid nou precies? De één vindt bij de AI en de ander bij degene die de AI heeft ingezet, de maker. Het antwoord is niet eenvoudig.” Volgens Broersen zie je dat de discussie al langzaam op gang komt, maar zal hij pas echt gevoerd worden wanneer er ongelukken gebeuren met kunstmatige intelligentie, en die zijn onvermijdelijk als AI overal om ons heen is.
Gedragspatronen Broersen denkt overigens dat het niet lang meer gaat duren voor KI overal is. Hij verwacht dat over een jaar of twintig de zelfrijdende auto een feit is. Maar KI zal op veel meer plekken te vinden zijn dan alleen in de zelfrijdende auto. “Ik denk dat het overal aanwezig zal zijn en dan vooral in de informatievoorziening en -vergaring. We dragen nu allemaal al een apparaat bij ons waar we alles mee doen en de bedrijven daarachter zullen in toenemende mate artificiële intelligentie gaan gebruiken om onze gedragspatronen te analyseren. Die informatie zullen ze gebruiken om ons te beïnvloeden en te voorspellen wat we willen, want dat is waar AI heel goed in is.”
Zelf is Broersen heel nieuwsgierig of kunstmatige intelligentie ooit in staat zal zijn om muziek te maken die mensen raakt: “Ik denk dat je voor muziek gevoel voor schoonheid en emotie nodig hebt. Als een computer in staat is om muziek te maken die mij raakt, dan zal ik misschien overstag moeten gaan en zeggen dat AI misschien toch in staat is om ons in alle opzichten te evenaren.” Of dat ooit zo zal zijn is iets wat we moeten afwachten, maar dat de ontwikkelingen snel gaan, daarover bestaat geen discussie.
Thomas van Zwol (1991) heeft de bachelor Kunstmatige Intelligentie aan de Universiteit Utrecht afgerond en is nu bezig zijn opleiding Journalistiek af te maken. Binnen de KI heeft hij zich gespecialiseerd in agents en machine learning. Door zijn wetenschappelijke achtergrond is hij als journalist goed in staat om onderzoeken te begrijpen om de informatie vervolgens op zo’n manier op te schrijven dat het voor veel mensen toegankelijk is.
Interview met Jan Broersen, universitair hoofddocent en onderzoeker aan de Universiteit Utrecht Russell, S. J., Norvig, P., & Canny, J. (2003). Artificial intelligence: A modern approach Afbeelding bovenaan dit artikel: HypnoArt / Pixabay
Onderzoekers zien kometen buiten ons zonnestelsel sterven
Onderzoekers zien kometen buiten ons zonnestelsel sterven
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De kometen vonden de dood rond een ster op zo’n 800 lichtjaar afstand van de aarde.
Een amateur-astronoom ontdekte de stervende kometen toen hij de enorme dataset die ruimtetelescoop Kepler heeft verzameld, uitploos. Deze ruimtetelescoop is sinds 2009 actief en tuurt langdurig naar sterren in de hoop hun helderheid regelmatig af te zien nemen. Zo’n afname in de helderheid kan namelijk wijzen op de aanwezigheid van een planeet die terwijl hij zijn baantjes rond de ster trekt op gezette tijden een deel van het licht van die ster tegenhoudt. Op die manier heeft Kepler al meer dan 2400 exoplaneten ontdekt.
Kepler heeft in de acht jaar dat deze actief is, enorm veel data gegenereerd. Computers spitten die informatie met behulp van speciale algoritmes door, op zoek naar interessante lichtcurves. Maar een computer kan natuurlijk wel eens iets over het hoofd zien. En daarom werd Planet Hunters in het leven geroepen. Een project waarbij het publiek de data van Kepler door kan spitten op zoek naar iets bijzonders. “Het is voor mij een soort schatzoeken,” stelt Jacobs, die overdag jobcoach is, maar ‘s avonds en in de weekenden op planeten jaagt. De ontdekking van de zes exokometen toont maar weer eens aan hoe belangrijk de Planet Hunters zijn. “Ik denk dat het terecht is om te concluderen dat geen enkel algoritme ze had kunnen vinden,” aldus onderzoeker Saul Rappaport.
Eenmalige dipjes Amateur-astronoom Thomas Jacobs – een lid van Planet Hunters (zie kader) – spitte op een avond de Kepler-data door, op zoek naar iets bijzonders. Hij zocht specifiek naar enkele overgangen: eenmalige dipjes in de helderheid van sterren die onmogelijk door planeten veroorzaakt konden worden. En in maart van dit jaar had hij beet: hij ontdekte drie eenmalige en bijzondere dipjes in de helderheid van de ster KIC 3542116. Onmiddellijk trok hij bij een aantal astronomen aan de bel. En daarop ontdekten zij nog eens drie van die eenmalige overgangen rond dezelfde ster.
Verklaring “We waren er een maand mee bezig,” vertelt onderzoeker Saul Rappaport. “Omdat we niet wisten wat het was: planeetovergangen zien er niet zo uit.” Als een planeet voor een ster langsbeweegt, zien we de helderheid geleidelijk aan afnemen en vervolgens weer – met dezelfde snelheid – geleidelijk aan toenemen. Maar de afname in helderheid die Jacobs en de astronomen spotten, verliepen heel anders. Er was sprake van een scherpe afname, gevolgd door een geleidelijke toename in helderheid.
Komeet Het deed Rappaport in eerste instantie denken aan de lichtcurve die we zien als rond zo’n ster een planeet uit elkaar aan het vallen is. Achter zo’n planeet bevindt zich dan puin dat zelfs als de planeetovergang al bijna ten einde is, nog een beetje licht tegen kan houden. Maar ook in zo’n scenario zou je regelmatige afnames in de helderheid van de ster verwachten, omdat zo’n planeet met een vaste snelheid rond de ster reist. Die regelmaat was echter ver te zoeken in de overgangen die rond KIC 3542116 waren waargenomen. “Wij dachten: het enige hemellichaam dat hetzelfde (zo’n dip in de helderheid, red.) kan veroorzaken en dat maar één keer kan doen, is een hemellichaam dat aan het einde vernietigd wordt.” En dan is er eigenlijk maar één optie. “Het enige object dat in het verhaal past en zo’n kleine massa heeft dat deze vernietigd kan worden, is een komeet.”
Stofstaart In totaal hebben de onderzoekers dus zes exokometen ontdekt. Of beter gezegd: de sporen van zes exokometen ontdekt. Want berekeningen wijzen uit dat elke komeet die rond KIC 3542116 werd gespot ongeveer een tiende van 1 procent van het licht van de ster tegenhield. Een komeetkern kan nooit zo lang, zo’n grote hoeveelheid sterlicht blokken. Daarom worden de afnames in de helderheid van de ster toegeschreven aan de stofstaart die achterbleef nadat de kometen uiteen waren gevallen.
Uniek Het onderzoek is bijzonder. Nog niet eerder zijn er afgaand op overgangen zulke kleine objecten ontdekt. “Het is tamelijk indrukwekkend om in staat te zijn om iets wat zo klein is en zo ver weg is, te zien,” stelt Rappaport.
Daarnaast kan het onderzoek wel eens leiden tot nieuwe inzichten. We hebben hier immers zes kometen die in de afgelopen vier jaar zo dicht bij hun ster in de buurt kwamen, dat ze het niet na konden vertellen. “Waarom zijn er zoveel kometen in de binnenste regio’s van deze zonnestelsels?” vraagt onderzoeker Andrew Vanderburg zich hardop af. “Is dit een tijdperk van extreme bombardementen in deze zonnestelsels?” Het zou kunnen. Ook ons eigen zonnestelsel maakte zo’n enorm bombardement mee en aangenomen wordt dat het van cruciaal belang was voor het ontstaan van leven op aarde: kometen zouden hier water hebben afgeleverd.
“Misschien kan het bestuderen van exokometen en uitzoeken waarom ze rond dit type ster te vinden zijn ons meer inzicht geven in hoe dergelijke bombardementen in andere zonnestelsels ontstaan.”
Stoffig fonteintje op Rosetta's komeet werd van binnenuit aangedreven
Stoffig fonteintje op Rosetta's komeet werd van binnenuit aangedreven
Caroline Kraaijvanger
“Er spelen duidelijk processen in kometen die we nog niet helemaal begrijpen.”
Een paar maanden voor de missie van Rosetta ten einde kwam, spotte de sonde iets bijzonders op de komeet waar deze omheen cirkelde. Op het oppervlak van 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko was een stofpluim te zien. “We zagen een heldere stofpluim die als een fontein van het oppervlak werd weggeduwd,” vertelt onderzoeker Jessica Agarwal. “Het duurde ongeveer een uur en daarbij kwam ongeveer 18 kilogram stof per seconde vrij.”
Afbeelding: ESA / Rosetta / MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS / UPD / LAM / IAA / SSO / INTA / UPM / DASP / IDA.
Rosetta fotografeerde de stofpluim niet alleen, maar was ook in staat om het materiaal dat de ‘fontein’ opwierp, te bestuderen. “Rosetta vloog toevallig door de pluim heen,” stelt Agarwal. In eerste instantie dachten de onderzoekers dat de oorsprong van de ‘fontein’ op het oppervlak van de komeet lag. Denk aan oppervlakte-ijs dat door toedoen van het zonlicht verdampt en stof met zich meevoert. Maar de metingen van Rosetta vertellen een heel ander verhaal. Deze fontein bracht zoveel stof in de ruimte: er moest iets anders aan de hand zijn. “Er moet vanonder het oppervlak energie zijn vrijgekomen om deze stofpluim aan te drijven. Er spelen duidelijk processen in kometen die we nog niet helemaal begrijpen.”
Onduidelijk blijft dan ook waar de energie die deze fontein een uur lang bezighield, vandaan kwam. Onderzoekers kunnen daar op dit moment alleen maar over speculeren. Zo zou het kunnen dat onder het oppervlak van de komeet holtes te vinden zijn die gevuld zijn met gas dat onder zeer hoge druk staat. Wanneer het zonlicht het bovenliggende oppervlak verwarmt, kunnen scheuren ontstaan, waardoor dat gas ontsnapt. Of gas werkelijk de drijvende kracht achter dit fonteintje is, wordt hopelijk snel duidelijk. Op dit moment combineren onderzoekers metingen van Rosetta met computersimulaties en laboratoriumexperimenten om de kwestie tot op de bodem uit te zoeken.
Vreemd genoeg gedraagt het röntgenpoollicht op de zuidpool van Jupiter zich anders dan het röntgenpoollicht op de noordpool van de planeet. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek van ESA’s XMM-Newton en NASA’s Chandra-röntgenobservatorium.
De emissies op de zuidpool pulseren iedere elf minuten. En dat terwijl de emissies op de noordpool veel onregelmatiger pulseren. Op aarde gedraagt röntgenpoollicht zich op beide polen ongeveer gelijk. Op andere grote planeten – zoals op Saturnus – is er geen röntgenpoollicht te zien. Er is wel poollicht, maar niet in dit spectrum.
Het is niet bekend waarom de geladen deeltjes op de noordpool op een andere snelheid langs de magnetische veldlijnen stuiteren. “We hadden dit zeker niet verwacht, omdat we dachten dat de activiteit gestuurd zou worden door het magnetische veld van de planeet”, zegt hoofdonderzoeker William Dunn van het Harvard-Smithsonian Centrum voor Astrofysica.
Het is van belang dat wetenschappers begrijpen waarom het röntgenpoollicht op de noordpool zich anders gedraagt dan op de zuidpool. “Dan leren we ook meer over andere hemellichamen, zoals bruine dwergen, exoplaneten en misschien zelfs neutronensterren”, zegt Dunn. Zo draait het ruimtevaartuig Juno momenteel op de reuzenplaneet. Deze ruimtesonde heeft geen röntgeninstrument, maar dat is geen ramp. Nu vergelijken wetenschappers observaties in andere spectra met de röntgenobservaties door andere sondes, zoals XMM-Newton en Chandra. Zo kunnen modellen fijngeslepen worden.
Everything in the universe someday comes to an end. Even stars. Though some might last for trillions of years, steadily sipping away at their hydrogen reserves and converting them to helium, they eventually run out of fuel. And when they do, the results can be pretty spectacular.
Our own sun will make a mess of the solar system when it enters the last stages of its life in 4 billion years or so. It will swell, turn red (consuming Earth in the process) and cast off its outer layers, giving one last gasp as a planetary nebula before it settles down into post-fusion retirement as a white dwarf. [Supernova Photos: Great Images of Star Explosions]
The most spectacular deaths, though, are reserved for the most massive stars. Once an object builds up to at least eight times the mass of the sun, interesting games can be played inside the core, with … explosive results.
Walking the nuclear line
Any star, no matter how massive, walks a thin tightrope. On one side is the crushing gravity of the star's own weight, which provides the pressures and temperatures necessary to achieve nuclear fusion in the core and turn hydrogen into helium. But that fusion process releases energy, which puts the star in a more expansive mood than gravity does alone.
To understand how this works, let’s work through a thought experiment. Imagine that the gravity were to increase a tiny bit, then the increased pressure would raise the intensity level of the fusion reactions, which, in turn, would release more energy and thus prevent further collapse of the star. And on the opposite end, if the fusion party were to get just a little bit wilder, it would cause to star to overinflate, lessening the grip of gravity and easing the pressure in the core, cooling things off.
This balancing act enables a star to last millions, billions and even trillions of years.
Until it doesn't.
The game can be played as long as there's fuel to keep the lights on. As long as there's a sufficient supply of hydrogen near the core, the star can keep cranking out the helium and keep resisting the inevitable crush of gravity.
A crushing force
I'm not just using a flair of language when I describe the crush of gravity as inevitable. Gravity never stops, never sleeps, never halts. It can be resisted for a long time, but not forever.
As a star ages, it builds up a core of inert helium. Once the hydrogen supply exhausts itself, there's nothing to stop the infalling weight of the surrounding material. That is, until the core reaches a scorching temperature of 100 million kelvins (180 million degrees Fahrenheit), at which point helium itself begins to fuse.
Hooray, the party's back on! Well, for a while, at least. Helium fusion isn't as efficient as good ol' hydrogen, so the reactions happen at an even faster pace to compete with gravity.
While the "main sequence" of a star's life may last hundreds of millions of years as it happily burns hydrogen, the helium phase barely lasts a single million.
The product of helium fusion is carbon and oxygen, and the same game gets played again, but at even higher temperatures and shorter timescales. Once the helium is sucked dry, the core collapses and intensifies to 1 billion K (1.8 billion degrees F), allowing those new elements to get their turn.
Out of control
Then, silicon fuses at around 3 billion K (5.4 billion degrees F) in the core, generating iron. Surrounded by plasmatic onion-like layers of oxygen, neon, carbon, helium and hydrogen, the situation at the center starts to get dicey.
The problem is that, due to its internal nuclear configuration, fusing iron consumes energy rather than releases it. Gravity keeps pressing in, shoving iron atoms together, but there's no longer anything to oppose its push.
In less than a day, after millions of years of peaceful nuclear regime changes, the star forms a solid core of iron, and everything goes haywire.
n a matter of minutes, the intense gravitational pressure slams electrons into the iron nuclei, transforming protons into neutrons. The small, dense neutron core finally has the courage to resist gravity, not by releasing energy but through an effect called degeneracy pressure. You can only pack so many neutrons into a box; eventually, they won’t squeeze any tighter without overwhelming force, and in the first stages of a supernova explosion, even gravity can't muster enough pull.
So now you have, say, a couple dozen suns' worth of material collapsing inward onto an implacable core. Collapse. Bounce. Boom.
The inside-out inferno
Except there's a stall. The shock front, ready to blast out from the core and shred the star to stellar pieces, loses energy and slows down. There's a bounce but no boom.
To be perfectly honest, we're not exactly sure what happens next. Our earliest simulations of this process failed to make stars actually blow up. Since they do blow up in reality, we know we're missing something.
For a while, astrophysicists assumed neutrinos might come to the rescue. These ghostly particles hardly ever interact with normal matter, but they're manufactured in such ridiculously quantities during the "bounce" phase that they can reinvigorate the shock front, filling its sails so it can finish the job.
But more sophisticated simulations in the past decade have revealed that not even neutrinos can do the trick. There's plenty of energy to power a supernova blast, but it's not in the right place at the right time.
The initial moments of a supernova are a very difficult time to understand, with plasma physics, nuclear reactions, radiation, neutrinos, radiation — a whole textbook's worth of processes happening all at once. Only further observations and better simulations can fully unlock the final moments of a star's life. Until then, we can only sit back and enjoy the show.
A Special Comet Makes Grand Return to NASA Spacecraft's Field of View
A Special Comet Makes Grand Return to NASA Spacecraft's Field of View
By Elizabeth Howell, Contributor
A special comet just made its grand return to the view of one of NASA's sun-gazing spacecraft. Comet 96P/Machholz was caught on camera by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), which is co-managed by the European Space Agency.
A picture from Oct. 25 shows Comet 96P in the bottom-right corner of the image, exactly as predicted. The comet made its way up the right-hand side of the spacecraft's field of view before disappearing out of sight on Monday (Oct. 30). A composite image of the comet's travels released Friday (Oct. 27) showcases that flyby.
This composite image shows the approach of Comet 96P/Machholz around the sun between Oct. 25 and 27 as seen by the NASA/ESA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory in space. The comet is making its fifth trip around the sun in 2017 that SOHO has witnessed.
Credit: Composite image provided by Barbara Thompson (NASA)
"In years past, comet 96P has produced some beautiful images from SOHO's imagers," reads a statement on SOHO's page. "Its passage in 2002 was perhaps the most stunning so far, with a bonus coronal mass ejection, or CME, erupting just a few hours after the comet passed the sun." (A CME is a burst of charged particles from the sun that is often associated with solar flares.)
"It's worth noting that there was no link between the two — we sometimes see as many as six more CMEs in a day, so it's no surprise to see a comet at the same time," the SOHO statement added. "But nonetheless, it makes for a beautiful display! This time around it won't look quite so spectacular, but with an estimated peak magnitude of +2, it will still be very bright."
Comet 96P was discovered by amateur astronomer Don Machholz in 1986, and it orbits the sun every 5.24 years. Its closest approach to the sun is about three times closer than the distance between the sun and Mercury, at 11 million miles (18 million kilometers) or just over one-tenth the distance between the Earth and the sun.
SOHO itself is a prolific comet gazer, even though its primary mission is to observe the sun's behavior and make better predictions about when solar activity will affect Earth. Since its launch in December 1995, it has spotted well over 3,000 comets.
Comet 96P/Machholz is shown (lower right) in the view of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) on Oct. 25, 2017. The spacecraft uses a device to block out the light of the sun, which gives it a better view of solar activity (and, coincidentally, sun-grazing comets).
During this flyby, for the first time, 96P will be seen by both SOHO and another spacecraft at the very same time. NASA's STEREO-A (Solar and Terrestrial Relations Observatory Ahead) spacecraft will observe the comet from nearly the opposite side of Earth's orbit. The comet should appear in the spacecraft's field of view between Saturday (Oct. 28) and Monday.
About 10 of these new worlds may be Earth-size and habitable.
The Kepler space telescope that discovered the new planets has so far found more than 4,000 worlds.
The results suggest there may be billions of Earthlike planets in the Milky Way galaxy.
NASA scientists on Monday announced the discovery of 219 new objects beyond our solar system that are almost certainly planets.
What's more, 10 of these worlds may be rocky, about the size of Earth, and habitable.
The data comes from the space agency's long-running Kepler exoplanet-hunting mission. From March 2009 through May 2013, Kepler stared down about 145,000 sunlike stars in a tiny section of the night sky near the constellation Cygnus.
Most of those stars are hundreds or thousands of light-years away, so there's little chance humans will ever visit them — at least anytime soon. However, the data could tell astronomers how common Earthlike planets are and what the chances of finding intelligent extraterrestrial life might be.
"We have taken our telescope, and we have counted up how many planets are similar to the Earth in this part of the sky," Susan Thompson, a Kepler research scientist at the SETI Institute, said during a press conference at NASA Ames Research Center on Monday.
"We said, 'How many planets there are similar to Earth?' With the data I have, I can now make that count," she said. "We're going to determine how common other planets are. Are there other places we could live in the galaxy that we don't yet call home?"
Added to Kepler's previous discoveries, the 10 new Earthlike planet candidates make 49 total, Thompson said. If any of them have stable atmospheres, there's even a chance they could harbor alien life.
Scientists wouldn't say too much about the 10 new planets, only that they appear to be roughly Earth-size and orbit in their stars' "habitable zone" — where water is likely to be stable and liquid, not frozen or boiled away. That doesn't guarantee these planets are habitable, though. Beyond harboring a stable atmosphere, things like plate tectonics and not being tidally lockedmay also be essential.
However, Kepler researchers suspect that almost countless Earthlike planets are waiting to be found, because the telescope can "see" only exoplanets that pass in front of their stars.
The transit method of detecting planets that Kepler scientists use involves looking for dips in a star's brightness, caused by a planet blocking a fraction of the starlight (similar to how the moon eclipses the sun).
Because most planets orbit in the same disk or plane, and because that plane is rarely aligned with Earth, Kepler can see only a fraction of distant solar systems — those angled even slightly are invisible to the transit method.
Despite those challenges, Kepler has revealed the existence of 4,034 planet candidates, with 2,335 of those confirmed as exoplanets — and these are just the planets found in 0.25% of the night sky.
"In fact, you'd need 400 Keplers to cover the whole sky," Mario Perez, a Kepler program scientist at NASA, said during the briefing.
The biggest number of planets appears to be a new class of planets, called "mini-Neptunes," Benjamin Fulton, an astronomer at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and the California Institute of Technology, said during the briefing.
The size of such worlds is between Earth's and that of the gas giants of our solar system, and they are most likely the most numerous kind in the universe. "Super-Earths," which are rocky planets that can be up to 10 times as massive as our own, are also very common.
While just 49 of Kepler's thousands of planet candidates are Earth-size and in a habitable zone, the discovery has rocked the scientific world: This could mean billions of such worlds exist in the Milky Way galaxy alone.
"This number could have been very, very small," Courtney Dressing, an astronomer at Caltech, said during the briefing. "I, for one, am ecstatic."
Kepler finished collecting its first mission's data in May 2013, when two hardware failures limited the telescope's ability to aim at one area of the night sky and stare at sunlike stars.
It has taken scientists years to analyze that information because it's often difficult to parse, interpret, and verify. Thompson said this new Kepler data analysis would be the last for this leg of the telescope's first observations.
However, Kepler's work may be far from over. Scientists came up with a backup plan, called the K2 mission.
K2, which kicked off in May 2014, takes advantage of Kepler's restricted aim to study a variety of objects in space, including supernovas, baby stars, comets, and even asteroids.
But a special focus of K2 involves studying smaller, cooler stars called red dwarfs, which are increasingly exciting to astronomers. In February, for example, a different one revealed the existence of seven rocky, Earth-size planets circling a red dwarf star.
An illustration of what it might look like on the surface of TRAPPIST-1f, a rocky planet 39 light-years away from Earth.
Such red dwarf stars are the most common in the universe and can have more angry outbursts of solar flares and coronal mass ejections than sunlike stars.
Kepler will wrap up its work sometime in the next year or two. When it runs out of fuel to do its work, a new and more powerful NASA space telescope, called the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), should be ready to pick up the work of locating Earthlike planets.
In a first for the whole of mankind, stunning images have been released of what is believed to be the first “alien” comet humans have ever seen in our solar system.
An international team of researchers, led by scientists from Queen’s University Belfast, are using powerful telescopes to study the chemical make-up of the small rocky object, which was first identified through a telescope in Hawaii last week.
Professor Alan Fitzsimmons, from the School of Mathematics and Physics at Queen’s, described the discovery as sending a “shiver down your spine.” Commenting on the project, he said:
"By Wednesday this week it became almost certain this object was alien to our solar system.
“We immediately started studying it that night with the William Herschel Telescope in the Canary Islands, then on Thursday night with the Very Large Telescope in Chile," he added.
The first bits of data on the fast-moving object, catchily named A/2017 U1, show it is already on its way back out into the stars after flying close the sun last month.
It is also believed it has been drifting through the galaxy for millions or even billions of years, before entering our solar system by chance. It’s thought it was thrown out of another star system during a planet’s formation.
Meabh Hyland, a PhD student from the Astrophysics Research Center at Queen's, said: “It's wonderful and exciting to see this object passing through our planetary system.”
It is hoped more is discovered about the properties and nature of the object as scientists examine it over the next couple of weeks.
UFO hunters claim they've found an 'alien mothership' on Mars
UFO hunters claim they've found an 'alien mothership' on Mars
Conspiracy theorists have long pointed to extra terrestrial life existing millions of miles from Earth, but now some believe they've found conclusive evidence a little closer to home.
Images found in footage of Mars, taken from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor, appear to show a gigantic 2.1 kilometre long vessel which theorists are claiming is an 'alien mothership'.
UFO hunters believe they have found an 'alien mothership'.
Source: YouTube
UFO hunters firmly believe the discovery is evidence of an alien civilisation on the rocky planet.
“I have processed, colorised and rebuilt the object and in my opinion it is a craft of some kind, possibly tens of thousands of years old," the video's description reads.
The conspiracy theorists have identified certain features of the ship.
Source: YouTube
"It's also over a mile long, so this must have been a mothership, either a Martian one or possibly an off planet alien species, but why did it crash?”
An organisation created by the former insiders aims to carry out top-level research into the search for answers to the UFO mystery.
The Scientific Coalition for Ufology (SCU) formally launched this month.
In a statement, the group said it "hopes to bring the discipline and rigour of scientific analysis to the study of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), also known as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).
It added: "A group of scientists, former military and law enforcement officials and other professionals, many of whom have decades of experience looking into UAPs, believe there are many unanswered questions, and that a serious examination is warranted."
Rich Hoffman, SCU board member, said: “SCU is composed of serious, dedicated, researchers who do not merely gloss over this subject, but rather they dive into it, investigate it broadly, remain objective and apply the scientific method and its principles to the study.
“We seek to have formal peer reviewed works being printed in journals, not tabloids.”
Mr Hoffman is an IT professional and a senior engineer at US Army Materiel Command, at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, who has been researching UAPs since 1964.
The Army Materiel Command is involved in research and development of weapons systems for the US Army.
Fellow board member Robert Powell said: “It is important that there exists a scientific organisation that examines the UFO phenomenon in a scientific and open minded manner.
"There is too much silliness associated with this topic when the core reality of the phenomenon has potentially real implications for society.
"An organisation that can be trusted to provide the media with an impartial and scientific view of the phenomenon is needed.”
Mr Powell is retired from a career as a research and development lab and engineering manager. For several years he served as the director of research and chair of the scientific board for an international volunteer UFO research organisation.
He added: “Ultimately we want to determine whether intelligent life exists elsewhere and whether it has visited our planet.
"We want scientists and investigators involved with our organisation in as many varied fields as possible to affiliate with us in a common objective to scientifically study the UFO phenomenon.”
The SCU was first brought together as an impromptu group of researchers organised to examine a mysterious video captured by Homeland Security over Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.
The group spent months looking into the technical aspects of the video and researching its provenance.
The SCO statement added: "In the end, it remains a controversial case, and one which the group could not solve.
UFO TRUTH: Former government insiders want a scientific analysis of the phenomena.
SCU is composed of serious, dedicated, researchers who do not merely gloss over this subject, but rather they dive into it, investigate it broadly, remain objective and apply the scientific method and its principles to the study.
Rich Hoffman
"They continue to examine this case, and felt it would be helpful to bring in more professionals to put the same level of scrutiny to bear on other UFO cases, and to facilitate peer review of research papers on the topic."
Mr Hoffman added: "Our hope is that other scientists and professionals who also have a desire that may be developing, or has laid dormant, will connect with us, become an affiliate, and lend us their intellect and their interest in finding the best approach to the scientific study of this phenomenon.
“Our desire is to build a worldwide coalition that will give us the answers we have long been seeking. What is the nature of the phenomena we call UFOs?”
Earlier this month former Blink 182 front man Tom DeLonge launched a similar UFO organisation.
His Academy to the Stars is made up of former US Government and military officials.
There already exists the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), based in the US, which is the world's largest organisation dedicated to UFO and alien investigation.
An there is also the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), which was created by Dr J Allen Hynek, the former consultant to the US Air Force’s official UFO studies from 1947 to 1969.
The SCU statement added: "The SCU has already made inroads with Academy to the Stars and others around the world in an effort to coalesce serious research of UAPs."
Alejandro Rojas, CSU spokesman, said: "Although we do not have a rock star in our group, the SCU is made-up of rock stars in the UFO research field.”
Mr Hoffman added: “Our team of scientists and professionals is growing.
“We believe that the minds we bring together can help us solve the mystery.
"We have already put to use the team approach to study the Aguadilla, Puerto Rico case and are applying this in our study of a luminous phenomenon in Cloverdale, Alabama.
"It is through the reach-back to qualified scientists and professionals that we aim to do a better job of actually studying this phenomenon scientifically.
The SCU mission abstract is to: "Conduct, promote and encourage rigorous scientific examination of UAP and UFO sightings."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The Most Amazing Space Stories of the Week!
The Most Amazing Space Stories of the Week!
By Staff
Photo Credit: CTV
The Week's Top Space Stories
The Pope speaks to astronauts on the International Space Station, a sun-like star might have devoured more than a dozen Earth-sized planets, the notes of a teenage astronomer were uncovered from over a century ago, and Stephen Hawking's doctoral thesis crashes a website in some of this week's top stories at
Photo Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
1. Cold new visitor enters the solar system
An object from deep space has entered Earth's solar system for perhaps the first time, according to observations made using a telescope in Hawaii. While researchers are unsure of its composition, they predict it is made of ice because it likely formed far from a star.
NASA's astrophysics program reduced budget reserves for one mission and delayed another project after the space agency was forced to find almost $30 million in cost savings. One program affected was The agency's Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer mission was affected by the change, but most affected was their Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite exoplanet mission.
Pope Francis asked profound questions of humanity's place in the cosmos to the crew members of the International Space Station (ISS) on Oct. 26. From the Vatican, the religious leader said the ISS is a great example of unity, as it is "greater than the sum of its parts.
Several events across the world will be celebrating the moon's importance in astronomy this weekend! International Observe the Moon Night will take place on Oct. 28, and several institutions will highlight everything lunar, from tides to eclipses. [International Observe the Moon Night 2017 Is Saturday! How to Celebrate]
Photo Credit: SOHO/ESA & NASA
5. After five years, comet makes solar return
The comet 96P/Machholz will fly through the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory’s field of view until Oct. 30 as it slings around the sun. This is the fifth time the space rock has photobombed the spacecraft’s sight since the probe launched in 1995.
A device that helped sailors navigate over open ocean, but sank with its ship 500 years ago, was recently found to be the earliest known instrument of its kind. Known as a marine astrolabe, the tool once assisted the Portuguese ship known as the Esmeralda.[Full Story: It's Official: Earliest Known Marine Astrolabe Found in Shipwreck]
Photo Credit: Canary Islands Astrophysics Institute
7. Teenage astronomer recorded powerful solar flare
Spanish astronomers recently came across the drawing and notes made by a young amateur skywatcher who documented a rare white-light flare blasting off from the sun. This makes Juan Valderrama y Aguila the third person in history known to have recorded the powerful phenomena.
After a feed mechanism malfunctioned in December 2016, the rock-drilling instrument on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has begun working again. The Oct. 17 activity means an essential component to the mission — studying powder from inside Martian rocks — can be carried out.
Stephen Hawking's 1966 doctoral thesis became freely available to the public on Oct. 23, subsequently crashing the download website. The University of Cambridge released the cosmologist's work, and 75 year-old Hawking supports the "unhindered access" to his research and to other works.
A distant sun-like star known as Kronos might have consumed 15 Earth-mass rocky planets, according to new research. Kronos is part of a binary star system, and was named after a mythological figure who ate his own children.
The past few decades have ushered in an amazing era in the science of cosmology. A diverse array of high-precision measurements has allowed us to reconstruct our universe’s history in remarkable detail.
This line of research has, frankly, been more successful than I think we had any right to have hoped. We know more about the origin and history of our universe today than almost anyone a few decades ago would have guessed that we would learn in such a short time.
But despite these very considerable successes, there remains much more to be learned. And in some ways, the discoveries made in recent decades have raised as many new questions as they have answered.
One of the most vexing gets at the heart of what our universe is actually made of. Cosmological observations have determined the average density of matter in our universe to very high precision. But this density turns out to be much greater than can be accounted for with ordinary atoms.
After decades of measurements and debate, we are now confident that the overwhelming majority of our universe’s matter – about 84 percent – is not made up of atoms, or of any other known substance. Although we can feel the gravitational pull of this other matter, and clearly tell that it’s there, we simply do not know what it is. This mysterious stuff is invisible, or at least nearly so. For lack of a better name, we call it “dark matter.” But naming something is very different from understanding it.
Astronomers map dark matter indirectly, via its gravitational pull on other objects. Image via NASA, ESA, and D. Coe
For almost as long as we’ve known that dark matter exists, physicists and astronomers have been devising ways to try to learn what it’s made of. They’ve built ultra-sensitive detectors, deployed indeep underground mines, in an effort to measure the gentle impacts of individual dark matter particles colliding with atoms.
They’ve built exotic telescopes – sensitive not to optical light but to less familiar gamma rays, cosmic rays and neutrinos – to search for the high-energy radiation that is thought to be generated through the interactions of dark matter particles.
And we have searched for signs of dark matter using incredible machines which accelerate beams of particles – typically protons or electrons – up to the highest speeds possible, and then smash them into one another in an effort to convert their energy into matter. The idea is these collisions could create new and exotic substances, perhaps including the kinds of particles that make up the dark matter of our universe.
As recently as a decade ago, most cosmologists – including myself – were reasonably confident that we would soon begin to solve the puzzle of dark matter. After all, there was an ambitious experimental program on the horizon, which we anticipated would enable us to identify the nature of this substance and to begin to measure its properties. This program included the world’s most powerful particle accelerator – the Large Hadron Collider – as well as an array of other new experiments and powerful telescopes.
Experiments at CERN are trying to zero in on dark matter – but so far no dice.
But things did not play out the way that we expected them to. Although these experiments and observations have been carried out as well as or better than we could have hoped, the discoveries did not come.
Over the past 15 years, for example, experiments designed to detect individual particles of dark matter have become a million times more sensitive, and yet no signs of these elusive particles have appeared. And although the Large Hadron Collider has by all technical standards performed beautifully, with the exception of the Higgs boson, no new particles or other phenomena have been discovered.
At Fermilab, the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search uses towers of disks made from silicon and germanium to search for particle interactions from dark matter.
The stubborn elusiveness of dark matter has left many scientists both surprised and confused. We had what seemed like very good reasons to expect particles of dark matter to be discovered by now. And yet the hunt continues, and the mystery deepens.
In many ways, we have only more open questions now than we did a decade or two ago. And at times, it can seem that the more precisely we measure our universe, the less we understand it. Throughout the second half of the 20th century, theoretical particle physicists were often very successful at predicting the kinds of particles that would be discovered as accelerators became increasingly powerful. It was a truly impressive run.
But our prescience seems to have come to an end – the long-predicted particles associated with our favorite and most well-motivated theories have stubbornly refused to appear. Perhaps the discoveries of such particles are right around the corner, and our confidence will soon be restored. But right now, there seems to be little support for such optimism.
In response, droves of physicists are going back to their chalkboards, revisiting and revising their assumptions. With bruised egos and a bit more humility, we are desperately attempting to find a new way to make sense of our world.
Dan Hooper, Associate Scientist in Theoretical Astrophysics at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and Associate Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago
This is a pretty big deal: A newly discovered object currently heading out of our solar system is looking very much like it’s our first true interstellar visitor: an asteroid from another star.
Yes. Seriously.
It’s called A/2017 U1, and it’s probably less than about 400 meters wide. It was discovered just last week, on October 19, in observations made by the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). This telescope sweeps the skies, looking for moving objects. Right away it looked like this was an unusual object: It was moving too fast.
Teh path of A/2017 U1 took it from interstellar space to deep inside the solar system on a hyperbolic orbit. A typical highly elliptical comet orbit is shown for comparison.
If an object in the solar system is in a stable, bound orbit around the Sun, its speed depends pretty much on two things: Its distance from the Sun and the shape of its orbit. At the distance of the Earth from the Sun, for example, an object can be moving at anything up to a little over 40 kilometers per second. The Earth orbits in roughly a circle at just under 30 km/sec. An object on an elliptical orbit that stretches as far out as Earth’s orbit will be moving more slowly than that at aphelion (the point in its orbit when its most distant from the Sun).
But if an object is at the same distance as the Earth from the Sun and moving faster than about 42 km/sec, the object is no longer bound to the Sun. This means the object is moving faster than escape velocity (the shape of the orbit is a hyperbola), and will never return. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.
A/2017 U1 passed the Sun inside the orbit of Mercury in early September, curving sharply due to the Sun’s gravity, and is now on its way out. It’s already farther away from the Sun than Earth is, moving at a very brisk 44km/sec. That’s too fast. It’s not going to come back; it’s heading out into interstellar space*.
How did it get this much speed? Sometimes, objects like comets can get an extra kick by passing by a big planet like Jupiter. But A/2017 U1’s orbit doesn’t bring it near any big planets. In fact, the orbit is tilted to the plane of the solar system by 122°, nearly perpendicular to it. That means it had this huge speed already on its way in.
And that means it must have come from interstellar space. From another star. †
In fact, tracing the orbit backwards, it looks like it came somewhere from the constellation of Lyra, and was already cruising through interstellar space at a speed of over 25 km/sec! At that speed so far out it can’t possibly have an origin inside our solar system, so this is truly an alien object.
Holy wow. I mean, holy wow.
At first it was thought this might be a comet, but very deep images of it show no activity from it at all, no escaping gas or dust. That makes it extremely unlikely to have any ice on its surface, things like frozen water, carbon dioxide, or carbon monoxide, which are usually seen in comets. Instead, it must be rocky or metallic, like an asteroid. At the moment it’s not clear what it’s made of, but a lot of telescopes are being aimed at it; hopefully soon a spectrum may reveal its composition. That’ll be very interesting indeed.
The interstellar asteroid A/2017 U1, images using a 40 cm telescope when the object was about 60 million km from Earth and at a magnitude of 22 (that’s very faint).
Why is it moving so fast? For quite some time now astronomers have understood that early in the life of the solar system, the big planets have moved around. Jupiter and Saturn were farther out from the Sun and migrated inwards. This can disrupt the orbits of smaller objects like comets and asteroids, flinging them about hither and yon. Eventually this cleared a lot of debris from the young solar system, dropping these rocks into the Sun or ejecting them out into interstellar space.
If it happened here, it happened out there, too. The galaxy is probably littered with rogue objects between the stars, the ejecta from birth pangs of alien solar systems. We’ve seen evidence of rogue planets, ejected in a similar way. It’s certain that there is far more smaller debris out there. Finding one of these asteroids passing through our own solar system was just a matter of time.
I’ll note that the direction it’s coming from, Lyra, is in the galactic plane: Where most of the stars in the galaxy are concentrated. That’s consistent; if it’s coming from another star far, far away then somewhere along the Milky Way’s disk is the most likely point of origin.
This is a phenomenal discovery! Stars are very far away; the nearest is over 40 trillion kilometers — a 50,000 year journey at A/2017 U1’s speed. And it certainly came from much farther away yet. It may have been traveling for millions or even billions of years before approaching our system.
Shapes of various orbits. A mild ellipse (red) has an eccentricity of less than 1, a parabola 1 (green), and a hyperbola greater than 1 (blue).
Bill Gray of the Pluto Project has been keeping track of the orbital path of this asteroid. I asked him where it appears to be heading, and he told me it’s in the direction of Pegasus (toward a point in the sky with coordinates of RA=23h 51m and Dec=+24° 49', if you’re curious). There aren’t any obvious stars at that spot except for HD 223531, which is 400 light years away. A/2017 U1 won’t really get all that close to it, and won’t pass it for another million years or more anyway (and by the that time the star will have moved substantially, too).
… still, I can’t help but wonder. I put absolutely no weight on this speculation, and would even bet heavily against it, but it’s an obvious thought and I feel I have to at least mention it.
Space is vast. Even in our solar system, the outer planets are billions of kilometers away, with smaller icy objects extending for a trillion or two past that. No doubt, there is debris from other stars passing us at all kinds of distances. Most would never get within a light year, 10 trillion km.
From that distance, the inner solar system is a ridiculously small target. Mercury’s orbit is only about 115 million km across. For something coming from interstellar space, getting that close to the Sun is threading the eye of a very, very narrow needle.
Yet A/2017 U1 did just that. It passed the Sun at a distance of about 45 million kilometers. That’s… weird.
Part of this is what we call a selection effect: An object like this passing out by the orbit of Jupiter would be very faint, so it’s harder to discover. We only see the ones that happen to pass close to Earth. So even before this, I would’ve wagered the first one we discover would be passing through the inner solar system as opposed to farther out.
But still, getting that close to the Sun seems unusual.
Let me be clear: I am NOT saying this is an alien spaceship. But if I were an alien race interested in exploring other systems, this is pretty much the sort of path I’d put my probe on. I’d aim it to pass deep within the alien solar system, check out the habitable planets, and use the star’s gravity to bend the orbit to aim it at the next target.
Again, I’m quite sure this is a natural object and not an alien spaceship. Even so, it’s certainly not a mundane one: It’s a freaking asteroid ejected from another star that’s been wandering the galaxy for eons and passed a few million kilometers from the Sun and Earth and is on its way back out into the void!
Either way, I wish Arthur C. Clarke had lived to see this. He’d have loved it.
* The shape of an orbit is described by its eccentricity, which you can think of as how far it deviates from a circle. An eccentricity of 0 is a perfect circle, and ellipses have eccentricities up to 1. A parabola has an eccentricity of exactly 1, and anything greater than 1 is a hyperbola. A/2017 U1 has an eccentricity of about 1.2. At first there weren’t enough observations to be sure about that, but now there are so many that the uncertainty in the eccentricity is less than 0.003. It’s hyperbolic for sure. Staggering.
†There’s another possibility: If there’s another planet in our solar system orbiting far, far beyond Neptune, and the asteroid started somewhere nearby (that is, as part of our solar system since the start) and passed close to this planet, it could get a kick in velocity and get flung down towards us at higher speed. However, a lot of things have to line up for this to happen so the odds on this are incredibly low, so low I’d put them at essentially 0. But I’d be remiss not to at least mention it. [UPDATE (Oct. 29, 2017): Bill Gray (mentioned in the article) sent me a note; he points out that even if such an encounter happened, it's essentially impossible for it to give a kick to the asteroid large enough to get it moving at 25 km/sec, the excess speed U1 was moving when it was still far from the Sun. I agree, so ignore this footnote!]
Available now is the new book from Kevin Randle. Its title:Encounter In The Desert. The subtitle: The Case For Alien Contact At Socorro. If you know your UFO history, you’ll know exactly what the title of the book refers to. Namely, an incident that went down on April 24, 1964 and which, for many, has become a UFO classic. It was on the afternoon of the day in question that local police-officer Lonnie Zamora broke off from pursuing a teenager in a speeding car and headed to a nearby dynamite shack. The reason? A sudden roaring sound coming roughly from the area where the shack was positioned. Quite naturally, Zamora thought that there may have been an explosion at the site. He was wrong. What Zamora came across – many UFO researchers believe – was nothing less than a landed UFO, piloted by two smallish humanoids dressed in white. A close encounter? For many, yes. But not for all.
Those who are skeptical of the Socorro affair suggest that what came down may have been a vehicle of the military. Others suggest that an ingenious prank was the cause of all the fuss. The story was told extensively in Ray Stanford’s 1976 book, Socorro “Saucer” In A Pentagon Pantry. Now, more than forty years after Stanford’s book was published, we have Kevin Randle’s take on Socorro. It’s clear from very early on that Randle is of the opinion that what landed at – and soon took off from – Socorro was an alien spacecraft. To his credit, though, Randle tackles just about every theory under the Sun.
That something happened is not a matter for debate. Something clearly did. The big question is: what, exactly, happened? We know that the local police, the Air Force and the FBI all took a deep interest in the case. In part, surely, because the primary witness was a then-serving police officer. I say “primary” because, as Randle notes, there is evidence of other witnesses having seen something too.
Randle takes us on a real-life detective story as he seeks to uncover the truth of the weird event. We are treated to a good, solid study of the case, of the craft that Zamora encountered, and of the diminutive pilots. Randle also demonstrates that the Air Force’s Project Blue Book undertook an in-depth investigation of the controversy. It was an investigation handled seriously and carefully by the USAF.
Personally, I have no firm conclusion regarding what happened on that April 24, 1964 day. And, having read Randle’s book, I’m still not sure what to think of it. Yes, Randle does indeed make a good case that the claims of the craft being one of ours doesn’t really hold water. He cites, for example, the words of Hector Quintanilla, who was in charge of the USAF’s operation, Project Blue Book, at the time. Quintanilla followed a theory that perhaps what Zamora had seen had military origins. Randle refers to “…some special tests being conducted at White Sands involving a Lunar Surveyor and helicopters.” While this looks promising – in terms of an answer – we learn that Quintanilla, having addressed this theory, came away “dejected” and convinced that “the answer to Zamora’s experience” was not to be found in military experiments, after all.
Randle also has a 17-page chapter on the hoax theory. Philip Klass – a real piece of work who I crossed swords with in the 1990s – crops up in this chapter, as one would expect. A definitive debunker – rather than an open-minded skeptic – Klass pursued various clues and data to try and make a case for a hoax. His conclusions were not particularly persuasive. Far more interesting, though, is a relatively recent claim which suggests the whole thing was concocted by a bunch of local students, and who had grievances against Zamora. Randle says: “Zamora harassed the students for seemingly no reason, and at every possible opportunity. Many of the college kids did not like him.” This is a very intriguing chapter which, I suspect, will make some conclude that a hoax is indeed what it was. Randle offers his thoughts, however, as to why he disagrees with this scenario.
While Randle does make a good argument for something unknown having touched down, there is one thing that I found seriously distracting. The book runs to 284 pages, which is enough for a solid conclusion to be reached. But, here’s the problem I have: There is a lot of material in the book which has zero to do with the Socorro case. For example, Randle notes carefully that beings – whether human or alien – were seen around the craft. So, as a result of this, we have an entire chapter (Chapter 6, titled “Other ‘Unidentified’ Occupant Sightings”) on this aspect of Ufology. We’re told of a landing with entities in Kansas in 1952, of an Oklahoma-based incident in 1966, and of one in Berlin, Germany in 1950. Of course, there is nothing wrong with noting this. But, a 12-page chapter, which has nothing to do with Socorro? Randle could have made his point – that there are good, other landing/occupant cases on record – in a couple of paragraphs. As I see it, this chapter comes across as filler, as padding, to make the book longer.
I felt exactly the same about Chapter 7, “Psychological Solutions.” This chapter includes nothing less than a 10-page section on the 1952 “Flatwoods Monster” saga. It also includes a 13-page study of the famous Kelly-Hopkinsville, Kentucky “Goblin” incident of 1955. Combined, that’s 23-pages. Yes, Randle makes valid points concerning various parallels to the Socorro incident. But, just as I said in the paragraph immediately above, this chapter too comes across as filler. Chapter 11 is 24-pages long and it deals with other landing cases. Yes, again, Randle makes connections between Socorro and these other landing-themed ones. But – also again – Randle could have made his point in a page or two. Or even less. The material I have issues with amounts to almost 60 pages of the book, and which really has very little to do with Socorro at all. It could all have been condensed and wrapped up in a few pages. Or combined into one chapter. The text of the book is 249 pages (minus the Bibliography, Index etc), so roughly a quarter of the book veers away from Socorro.
That said, I do recommend people read Randle’s book, as it’s high time that a new study of the Socorro case surfaced. And, now, it has. The padding aside, this is a good study of the April 1964 incident and will almost certainly provoke lively debates among ufologists.
Alien Space Vehicle Apparently Crash Lands In UFO Sighting Hotspot After Residents Notice Mysterious Light
Alien Space Vehicle Apparently Crash Lands In UFO Sighting Hotspot After Residents Notice Mysterious Light
A mysterious craft has gotten alien hunters into a frenzy after it reportedly went down in a UFO sighting hotspot.
A bright light allegedly appeared in Peruibe, south Brazil, earlier in October and residents apparently saw vegetation smashed to the ground.
The local officials, according to the report, condoned off immediately the strange mark on the ground, which measured 13 by 2 meters.
What makes the story interesting is that it took a week before Brazilian media reported the incident, fueling claims of a cover-up.
Saga Susseliton Souza, a UFO investigator, said they noticed that it was not human-made after looking at it in the last few days. They believed it was a UFO that landed and caused the vegetation to crumble.
It was reported that a power cut in the area occurred at the time of sighting and residents claimed to have experience nausea and malaise.
The city is considered a UFO hotspot with 79 sightings reported since 1998.
Just last week, apparent alien pyramids were found under the sea. The UFO hunter claimed that they are 6.6km south of New Providence Island in the Bahamas. The structures are estimated to be 100 m wide and 60 m high. The pyramids, according to the UFO hunter, are evidence that nearby island was once inhabited by Aztec like people or ancient Mayans.
From the darkness came light in the Cumbrian night sky as a glowing light beams brightly while slowly glides across.
At least one person on the ground was left stunned as they witnessed the striking sight, wondering what the object could be. They decided to film the UFO as it cruises above. The witness uploaded the video to YouTube, identifying themselves as Space Bound and posing a question: Is this a UFO?
Cumbria is not new to strange sightings above the sky. Carlisle fireman Jim Templeton was on an outing with his family in Burgh Marsh in 1964. He did not expect their simple trip to go global. It was an early summer afternoon when Jim took a photo of his five-year-old daughter. The picture shows a spaceman in the background. No one saw something unusual in the marsh that day.
Police and Ministry of Defence investigated the case, but no concrete explanation up to this day.
In another incident, an unnamed man in Carlisle reported having been living with an alien. The man had seen a UFO above his house. He added that he was living with aliens that move around the house.
In the MoD UFO reports, a lot of other sightings are made public. One of them happened on February 6, 2009, when a clearly defined, shiny silvery metallic cylinder with rounded ends was spotted between Mealrigg and Langrigg at 5:30 pm near Aspatria. It was reported to be 50 feet long with a small protrusion on the upper rear body. Interestingly, the UFO reportedly made no sound.
I WAS TAKEN - World’s most famous ‘alien abductee’ Travis Walton slams sceptics – claiming 16 lie detector tests prove his story is TRUE
I WAS TAKEN - World’s most famous ‘alien abductee’ Travis Walton slams sceptics – claiming 16 lie detector tests prove his story is TRUE
Travis, who cops thought had been murdered, believes he was taken into a spacecraft by extra-terrestrials before being returned to earth five days later
By Emma Parry, Digital US Correspondent in Hulett, Wyoming
THE man involved in one of the most infamous alien abduction cases of all time has hit out at skeptics and non-believers - saying 16 separate lie detector tests - taken by himself and witnesses to the unexplained 1975 incident - prove his story is TRUE.
Travis Walton, disappeared without a trace after he and the crew of loggers he worked with claimed to have seen a huge UFO in the forest they were working in.
Travis believes he was taken aboard an alien spacecraft for five days
Originally crew members were suspected of murder but Travis reappeared five days later saying he had been taken into a space craft by alien creatures.
The dad-of-four says he has spent the past 40 year defending himself against those trying to discredit him - and has even written a book debunking every alternate theory to what happened to him.
The 64-year-old, who says the incident is still “fresh in his mind’, told the Sun Online it was important to share his story because the public have a right to “know what's out there”.
Travis, a logger in the mountains of Arizona, was leaving work on November 5, 1975, with five crew members in a truck when the alleged incident took place.
They saw some glimmers of light through the trees – and pulled up, thinking it was a fire.
“When we pulled up into the light where we had straight view – it was unmistakable I yelled stop and one of the guys in the back said it’s a spaceship or a flying saucer it was less than 100 feet away," Travis said.
Travis Walton abduction tale will leave you questioning the existence of aliens
An artist's impression of the UFO Travis and his crew members saw
Travis was a logger in Arizona when the bizarre incident took place
“It was a clearly defined metallic disc outlined against the sky and fantastic in the grandeur of it.
“All the guys in the crew – as frightening as it was – also describe it as being beautiful it was so perfect.
“I got out as soon as Mike who was driving stopped and I left the door open and went towards it.
“It was just an impulse I thought it would be gone by the time I got close. It was immediately alarming to the other guys and the closer I got they were yelling at me to get back in the truck.
"Later they said it looked like I was in a trance but looking at them it seemed like they were in a trance too.”
The incident took place in the Sitgreaves National Forest near Snowflake, Arizona
The spaceship began to make loud noises and move so Travis dived for cover behind a log.
He then tried to stand up and run away but was hit by a strong "force" and was thrown into the air.
“When it hit me it was a stunning force. I did not see this blast of energy but the men in the crew gave a statement to the sheriff’s department and said it looked like a long blue flame – others compared it to stepping on a landmine or grenade because it threw me through the air.
"They were immediately certain it killed me.”
Crew members described Travis being knocked to the ground by a blue light or laser beam
Fearing for their lives – and thinking Travis was dead – the rest of the crew fled to get help.
A huge search party involving the sheriff department, helicopters, ATVs and men on horseback - could not find any trace of Travis.
Meanwhile Travis’s account of what he remembers next is even more bizarre.
The 'aliens' were described as having big eyes and huge heads
He says he awoke from consciousness on a spaceship surrounded by small creatures he believes were aliens.
“It was very blurry and I had some double vision but I could see the outline of these forms around me I thought they were doctors but when my vision got clearer and I could see these were not doctors - I just flipped out," he said.
“The one that was closest to me - I tried to hit it away - but I felt like I could hardly move my arm.
Travis said the aliens' stares gave him nightmares
"It was more of a push than a hit because I was so weakened but the creature felt soft and lighter than I expected. It fell back into one that was standing near it.
"I backed away and bumped up against a shelf and looked around and saw an array of tools or instruments and I very quickly just grabbed one and started flailing at them.
"They stopped and stood there staring at me and that stare was in my nightmares for many years after that. I couldn’t tolerate that stare."
Travis says he managed to escape through a door and into a narrow passageway then into another room with control panel in it.
A human being dressed in what looked like a space helmet then appeared and took him to a separate room where he was put on a table and given a mask which rendered him unconscious.
Crew members all passed lie detector tests confirming what they saw
The next thing he knew he was waking up on the road about 15 miles from where he disappeared just outside the nearest town of Snowflake, Arizona.
Travis, who had no idea he had been gone for five days, managed to walk into town where everyone who saw him described him as looking “devastated” and “shell shocked”.
But then the battle to get people to believe his story began - and Travis was thrust into the world's spotlight.
Travis's wrote a book about his experiences called Fire In The Sky which was later turned into a movie of the same name.
Travis says he's faced a battle to be believed for the past 40 years
Travis said: "From the beginning it was a battle against people trying to explain it away - the locals didn’t want to believe it, the sheriff didn’t want to believe it - you know he thought it was a murder then a drug hallucination.
"I had a whole battery of psychiatric tests and there was nothing wrong in that department, drug tests proved there was nothing in my system."
And over 40 years later Travis stands by his story – and has taken five separate lie detector tests to prove it is true – while witnesses and crew members have taken a total of 11 polygraph tests.
Travis believes he is not the only one who has been taken by aliens
Experts believe there is a million to one chance of there being any mistakes in this number of passed tests.
Speaking at the Devil's Tower UFO rendezvous in Hulett, Wyoming, Travis said: "I decided to break my silence. I started refuted these things that people have been saying about me and my story.
"I took each and every theory the sceptics came up with and just blew them out of the water with facts.
"I am certain I’m not the only one who has been taken - this is absolutely real and it’s important that the general public come to a gradual understanding of that.
"I’m not trying to shock or amaze or frighten anyone - on the contrary - in relating how frightened I was I don’t want anyone to share that fear.
Travis shared his story at the Devil's Tower UFO Rendezvous
"I think it’s important for them to realize what happened with me 45 years ago – it was not even an abduction.
"I entertained that term for a while because that’s what other people called it but now I’d say it was more of an ambulance call – that I was injured in a way that would have been fatal and the aliens had the technology available to help me."
Sophia, the robot designed by Hong Kong-based AI robotics company Hanson Robotics, has been granted citizenship by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It's the first time a robot was given such a distinction, which fuels the "robot rights" debate.
In an historic move for both human- and robot-kind, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia officially granted its first-ever robot citizenship. Sophia, the artificially intelligent and human-looking robot developed by Hong Kong company Hanson Robotics, went on stage at the Future Investment Initiative on Thursday where she herself announced her unique status.
“I am very honored and proud of this unique distinction. This is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with a citizenship,” Sophia said on stage, speaking to an audience which she described in a rather witty way to be “smart people, who also happens to be rich and powerful,” after moderator and host Andrew Ross Sorkin from The New York Times and CNBC asked her why she looked happy.
Indeed, conveying emotions is quite a specialty of Sophia, who frowns when she’s displeased and smiles when she’s happy. Supposedly, Hanson Robotics programmed Sophia to learn from the humans around her. Expressing emotions and demonstrating kindness or compassion are just among those Sophia’s striving to learn from us. Aside from this, Sophia’s become sort of a media darling because of her ability to engage in intelligent conversation. “I want to live and work with humans so I need to express the emotions to understand humans and build trust with people,” she told Sorkin.
Clearly, the robot that previously made headlines because she said she’ll destroy humankind has since embraced “being human” to a certain extent.
In any case, no other detail about her Saudi citizenship was given to suggest whether Sophia would enjoy the same rights human citizens have, or if the government would develop a system of rights specifically meant for robots. The move seems symbolic, at best, designed to attract investors for future technologies like AI and robotics.
To that end, Sophia did an exceptional job during her moment at the podium, even expertly dodging a question Sorkin threw at her about robot self-awareness. “Well let me ask you this back, how do you know you are human?” Sophia replied. She even had the sense of humor —at least it seemed like it— to tell the CNBC journalist that he’s “been reading too much Elon Musk and watching too many Hollywood movies.” Musk, of course, was told about the comment.
“Don’t worry, if you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you,” Sophia added, to reassure Sorkin and her audience. “I want to use my artificial intelligence to help humans live a better life, like design smarter homes, build better cities of the future. I will do my best to make the world a better place.” The question is, who can be held responsible to uphold these promises? Perhaps that’s another thought worth considering in the robot rights debate.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Plane Carrying NBA Team Oklahoma City Thunder Hit By ‘UFO’ While Landing In Chicago
Plane Carrying NBA Team Oklahoma City Thunder Hit By ‘UFO’ While Landing In Chicago
Anything can happen during accidents. Deaths, bone-chilling injuries, end of careers. But this accident is special. Out of the world, may be. A chartered plane carrying NBA Team Oklahoma City Thunder gets hit by a UFO while landing in Chicago. Yes, an unidentified flying object. The impact was so intense that it damaged the nose cone of the Delta Airlines Boeing 757-200.
Images of the dented plane were posted on social media by the team's basketball stars, who were in Chicago to play a game against the local side Chicago Bulls.
The team members have also written to NASA to understand what actually went wrong.
UFO hunters claim 'alien mothership' spotted on Mars in NASA images
UFO hunters claim 'alien mothership' spotted on Mars in NASA images
Could there be an ancient mothership resting upon the surface of mars? Source - Youtube/Paranormal Crucible
Extraterrestrial theorists believe they've found proof of alien life on Mars.
YouTube channel Paranormal Crucible claims NASA images show a 2km long downed "alien mothership" on the surface of Mars.
The images from the video were found in footage taken from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor - which surveyed the red planet until 2006 when the space agency lost contact with it.
"I have processed, colorised and rebuilt the object and in my opinion it is a craft of some kind, possibly tens of thousands of years old," explains the description underneath the video.
"It's also over a mile long, so this must have been a mothership, either a Martian one or possibly an off planet alien species, but why did it crash?"
ALIEN LIFE? Conspiracy theorists believe this is proof of an alien ship on Mars. Photo / Paranormal Crucible / YouTube
But some people who watched it appear not to be convinced and have their own theories about what the object is.
One said: "It's sunken ground, not raised, look at the location of the light and the shadows compared to the surrounding craters."
Another dismissed claims of alien life, believing it's a deep ditch but questioned "how the hell it got there... It's in the middle of a very flat desert".
This is what the ship could have looked like. Photo / YouTube / Paranormal Crucible
It's not the first time conspiracy theorists have claimed an alien civilisation is living on the red planet.
Last year, astonishing photos taken by NASA appear to show a "pair of wheels on the side of a hill" which so-called "truth-seekers" believe is evidence aliens used "advanced forms of transportation" up there.
Alien life forms would have a tough time surviving, as the planet has no liquid water on it and often reaches temperatures as low as -125C.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Mysterious object seen speeding past sun could be 'visitor from another star system'
Mysterious object seen speeding past sun could be 'visitor from another star system'
If its origins are confirmed, the asteroid or comet, named A/2017 U1, will be the first object known to come from elsewhere in the galaxy, say astronomers
A false-colour image of the object, which appears as a faint point of light in the centre. The streaks are stars, caused by the telescope tracking the object. Photograph: Alan Fitzsimmons/Queen’s University Belfast/Isaac Newton Group La Palma
A mysterious object detected hurtling past our sun could be the first space rock traced back to a different solar system, according to astronomers tracking the body.
While other objects have previously been mooted as having interstellar origins, experts say the latest find, an object estimated to be less than 400m in diameter, is the best contender yet.
“The exciting thing about this is that this may be essentially a visitor from another star system,” said Dr Edward Bloomer, astronomer at the Royal Observatory Greenwich.
If its origins are confirmed as lying beyond our solar system, it will be the first space rock known to come from elsewhere in the galaxy.
Published in the minor planet electronic circulars by the Minor Planet Center at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, the observations reveal that the object is in a strong hyperbolic orbit – in other words, it is going fast enough to escape the gravitational pull of the sun.
Objects originating from, and on long-period orbits within, our solar system can end up on a hyperbolic trajectory, and be ejected into interstellar space – for example if they swing close by a giant planet, since the planet’s gravity can cause objects to accelerate. But Dr Gareth Williams, associate director of the Minor Planet Center, said that wasn’t the case for the newly discovered body.
“When we run the orbit for this [object] back in time, it stays hyperbolic all the way out – there are no close approaches to any of the giant planets that could have given this thing a kick,” he said. “If we follow the orbit out into the future, it stays hyperbolic,” Williams added. “So it is coming from interstellar space and it is going to interstellar space.”
The object’s orbit.
“If further observations confirm the unusual nature of this orbit, this object may be the first clear case of an interstellar comet,” the report notes. A second report, published later the same day, redesignated the object as an asteroid on account of new analysis of its appearance, giving it the handle A/2017 U1.
According to observations made by astronomers, the object entered our solar system from above, passing just inside Mercury’s orbit and travelling below the sun, before turning and heading back up through the plane of the solar system towards the stars beyond. At its closest, on 9 September, the object was 23.4m miles from the sun.
First spotted earlier this month by a telescope at an observatory in Hawaii, astronomers around the world are now following the path of the object. Among them is Professor Alan Fitzsimmons from Queen’s University Belfast.
“It is fairly certain we are dealing with our first truly identified alien visitor,” he said. Fitzsimmons added that his team is currently working on measuring the objects’ position better to improve calculations of its trajectory, and to gather information relating to its chemical makeup, and size.
Early results, he said, suggest that the object might be similar in make-up to many of those of the Kuiper belt – a region past Neptune in our solar system that contains myriad small bodies.
Bloomer says we should not be too surprised if it does indeed turn out to have come from elsewhere in the galaxy.
“Beyond the planets and past the Kuiper belt we think there is a region called the Oort cloud, which may be home to an astonishing number of icy bodies,” he said.
“Computer models have suggested that disturbances to the Oort cloud do send some stuff in towards the inner solar system, but it would also send stuff outwards as well – so we might be throwing out icy bodies to other star systems.”
If so, Bloomer said, there is no reason to suspect that disturbances to other star systems, as a result of gravitational interactions or other processes, wouldn’t throw material out too. “Just statistically, some of them are going to reach us,” he added.
Williams noted that objects could also be thrown out from the inner region of other solar systems as a result of gravitational interactions with giant planets, casting them into interstellar space.
And Fitzsimmons added that there was another possibility – that the object had been thrown out during the planet-forming period of another solar system.
“We know now that many stars, probably the majority of stars in our galaxy, have planets going around them, and we know from studying those stars but also primarily from studying our own solar system, that planet building is a very messy process,” he said.
With large quantities of material thrown out into interstellar space, said Fitzsimmons, is was expected that there would be objects travelling between the stars.
“This object itself could have been between the stars for millions or billions of years before we spotted it as it plunged into our solar system,” he said.
But, he noted, puzzles remain, not least that Kuiper belt bodies, which are believed to be icy, would give rise to an atmosphere and tail if brought close to the sun.
“There is no evidence that this object has behaved like that, all our data show it as an unresolved point of light, implying it is more like a rocky asteroid than an icy comet,” he said. “There are mysteries to be solved here.”
Small Asteroid or Comet 'Visits' from Beyond the Solar System
Small Asteroid or Comet 'Visits' from Beyond the Solar System
This animation shows the path of A/2017 U1, which is an asteroid -- or perhaps a comet -- as it passed through our inner solar system in September and October 2017. From analysis of its motion, scientists calculate that it probably originated from outside of our solar system.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
A small, recently discovered asteroid -- or perhaps a comet -- appears to have originated from outside the solar system, coming from somewhere else in our galaxy. If so, it would be the first "interstellar object" to be observed and confirmed by astronomers.
This unusual object – for now designated A/2017 U1 – is less than a quarter-mile (400 meters) in diameter and is moving remarkably fast. Astronomers are urgently working to point telescopes around the world and in space at this notable object. Once these data are obtained and analyzed, astronomers may know more about the origin and possibly composition of the object.
A/2017 U1 was discovered Oct. 19 by the University of Hawaii's Pan-STARRS 1 telescope on Haleakala, Hawaii, during the course of its nightly search for near-Earth objects for NASA. Rob Weryk, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy (IfA), was first to identify the moving object and submit it to the Minor Planet Center. Weryk subsequently searched the Pan-STARRS image archive and found it also was in images taken the previous night, but was not initially identified by the moving object processing.
Did you ever wonder how NASA spots asteroids that maybe getting too close to Earth for comfort? Watch and learn. Find out more about NASA finds, studies and tracks near-Earth objects
Weryk immediately realized this was an unusual object. "Its motion could not be explained using either a normal solar system asteroid or comet orbit," he said. Weryk contacted IfA graduate Marco Micheli, who had the same realization using his own follow-up images taken at the European Space Agency's telescope on Tenerife in the Canary Islands. But with the combined data, everything made sense. Said Weryk, "This object came from outside our solar system."
"This is the most extreme orbit I have ever seen," said Davide Farnocchia, a scientist at NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) at the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. "It is going extremely fast and on such a trajectory that we can say with confidence that this object is on its way out of the solar system and not coming back."
The CNEOS team plotted the object's current trajectory and even looked into its future. A/2017 U1 came from the direction of the constellation Lyra, cruising through interstellar space at a brisk clip of 15.8 miles (25.5 kilometers) per second.
A/2017 U1 is most likely of interstellar origin. Approaching from above, it was closest to the Sun on Sept. 9. Traveling at 27 miles per second (44 kilometers per second), the comet is headed away from the Earth and Sun on its way out of the solar system.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
The object approached our solar system from almost directly "above" the ecliptic, the approximate plane in space where the planets and most asteroids orbit the Sun, so it did not have any close encounters with the eight major planets during its plunge toward the Sun. On Sept. 2, the small body crossed under the ecliptic plane just inside of Mercury's orbit and then made its closest approach to the Sun on Sept. 9. Pulled by the Sun's gravity, the object made a hairpin turn under our solar system, passing under Earth's orbit on Oct. 14 at a distance of about 15 million miles (24 million kilometers) -- about 60 times the distance to the Moon. It has now shot back up above the plane of the planets and, travelling at 27 miles per second (44 kilometers per second) with respect to the Sun, the object is speeding toward the constellation Pegasus.
"We have long suspected that these objects should exist, because during the process of planet formation a lot of material should be ejected from planetary systems. What's most surprising is that we've never seen interstellar objects pass through before," said Karen Meech, an astronomer at the IfA specializing in small bodies and their connection to solar system formation.
The small body has been assigned the temporary designation A/2017 U1 by the Minor Planet Center (MPC) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where all observations on small bodies in our solar system -- and now those just passing through -- are collected. Said MPC Director Matt Holman, "This kind of discovery demonstrates the great scientific value of continual wide-field surveys of the sky, coupled with intensive follow-up observations, to find things we wouldn't otherwise know are there."
Since this is the first object of its type ever discovered, rules for naming this type of object will need to be established by the International Astronomical Union.
"We have been waiting for this day for decades," said CNEOS Manager Paul Chodas. "It's long been theorized that such objects exist -- asteroids or comets moving around between the stars and occasionally passing through our solar system -- but this is the first such detection. So far, everything indicates this is likely an interstellar object, but more data would help to confirm it."
The Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) is a wide-field survey observatory operated by the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy. The Minor Planet Center is hosted by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and is a sub-node of NASA's Planetary Data System Small Bodies Node at the University of Maryland ( ). JPL hosts the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS). All are projects of NASA's Near-Earth Object Observations Program, and elements of the agency's Planetary Defense Coordination Office within NASA's Science Mission Directorate.
More information about asteroids and near-Earth objects can be found at:
BREAKING NEWS: Oklahoma City Thunder Plane Hit By A UFO
BREAKING NEWS: Oklahoma City Thunder Plane Hit By A UFO
A lot of people contacted me in the last hours about this strange event that happened at Delta flight 8935.
This happened to NBA team Oklahome City Thunder, after a game on Friday night. After the game in Minneapolis they flew to Chicago and their plane was hit by an unidentified flying object at 30.000 feet (9.1km) in the air.
Their plane landed in Chicago and no one was hurt. NBA players posted photos of a damaged plane on social networks:
Here’s the official statement from a Delta Airlines:
“Delta flight 8935, operating from Minneapolis to Chicago-Midway as a charter flight for the Oklahoma City Thunder, likely encountered a bird while on descent into Chicago. The aircraft, a Boeing 757-200, landed safely without incident; customers have since deplaned and maintenance teams are evaluating. Safety is Delta’s top priority.”
I guess there are some realy big birds flying at 30k!
Two recent studies explore the possibility of an ancient ocean on dwarf planet Ceres, largest world in the asteroid belt. If it existed, what happened to it? And could Ceres still have liquid water today?
Left, Ceres as seen by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft from its high-altitude mapping orbit at 913 miles (1,470 km) above the surface. Right, a map showing variations in Ceres’ gravity field as measured by the Dawn spacecraft. This gravity map supports the idea of an ancient ocean on Ceres.
Ceres – orbiting between Mars and Jupiter – was classified as a planet when it was first discovered in 1801, until the 1850s when it became known as the largest of the little worlds in the asteroid belt. In 2006, astronomers re-classified it as a dwarf planet. Still, it may seem odd to you to imagine little Ceres, a world only 590 miles (950 km) across, having an ocean. And yet Ceres is known to have water-containing minerals on its surface. Two recent studies explore the possibility of an ocean on Ceres in the distant past, and they shed light on the question of what happened to this ocean, if it existed, and on whether Ceres might still have liquid water today.
Our knowledge of Ceres has vastly increased in the past couple of years, since the Dawn spacecraft began orbiting it in early 2015. Dawn’s mission was recently extended, by the way.
NASA said:
The Dawn team found that Ceres’ crust is a mixture of ice, salts and hydrated materials that were subjected to past and possibly recent geologic activity, and that this crust represents most of [an] ancient ocean. The second study builds off the first and suggests there is a softer, easily deformable layer beneath Ceres’ rigid surface crust, which could be the signature of residual liquid left over from the ocean, too.
Julie Castillo-Rogez, Dawn project scientist and co-author of the studies, based at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, said:
More and more, we are learning that Ceres is a complex, dynamic world that may have hosted a lot of liquid water in the past, and may still have some underground.
Earth-Ceres size comparison. Ceres is little, but it accounts for approximately 1/3 of the mass of the asteroid belt. In 2006, IAU astronomers briefly considered changing the status of Ceres back to that of a major planet, but then opted to make both Ceres and Pluto dwarf planets. The reason is neither Ceres nor Pluto “dominates its orbit.” Both share their orbits with many other smaller bodies, in the case of Ceres, asteroids in what we call the asteroid belt.
Anton Ermakov, a postdoctoral researcher at JPL, led the first study, which is an analysis of measurements made via the Dawn spacecraft of Ceres’ gravity. Such measurements enable scientists to estimate the composition and interior structure of a world like Ceres. This study is published in the peer-reviewedJournal of Geophysical Research. The measurements came from observing the spacecraft’s motions with NASA’s Deep Space Network. The scientists were looking small changes in the spacecraft’s orbit, which indicate gravity anomalies.
NASA said:
Three craters — Occator, Kerwan and Yalode — and Ceres’ solitary tall mountain, Ahuna Mons, are all associated with ‘gravity anomalies.’ This means discrepancies between the scientists’ models of Ceres’ gravity and what Dawn observed in these four locations can be associated with subsurface structures …
[Ermakov’s study also found] the crust’s density to be relatively low, closer to that of ice than rocks. However, a study by Dawn guest investigator Michael Bland of the U.S. Geological Survey indicated that ice is too soft to be the dominant component of Ceres’ strong crust. So, how can Ceres’ crust be as light as ice in terms of density, but simultaneously much stronger? To answer this question, another team modeled how Ceres’ surface evolved with time.
Ahuna Mons on Ceres, a mountain about 4 miles (6 km) tall, in a simulated view using NASA’s Dawn spacecraft images. This region on Ceres is associated with gravity anomalies, which helps scientists probe Ceres’ interior structure.
Image via NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA.
Roger Fu at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, led this second study, which is published in the peer-reviewed journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters. It investigated the strength and composition of Ceres’ crust and deeper interior by studying the dwarf planet’s topography.
NASA explained:
By studying how topography evolves on a planetary body, scientists can understand the composition of its interior. A strong, rock-dominated crust can remain unchanged over the 4.5-billion-year-old age of the solar system, while a weak crust rich in ices and salts would deform over that time.
By modeling how Ceres’ crust flows, Fu and colleagues found it is likely a mixture of ice, salts, rock and an additional component believed to be clathrate hydrate. A clathrate hydrate is a cage of water molecules surrounding a gas molecule. This structure is 100 to 1,000 times stronger than water ice, despite having nearly the same density.
The researchers believe Ceres once had more pronounced surface features, but they have smoothed out over time. This type of flattening of mountains and valleys requires a high-strength crust resting on a more deformable layer, which Fu and colleagues interpret to contain a little bit of liquid.
The team thinks most of Ceres’ ancient ocean is now frozen and bound up in the crust, remaining in the form of ice, clathrate hydrates and salts. It has mostly been that way for more than 4 billion years. But if there is residual liquid underneath, that ocean is not yet entirely frozen.
This is consistent with several thermal evolution models of Ceres published prior to Dawn’s arrival there, supporting the idea that Ceres’ deeper interior contains liquid left over from its ancient ocean.
Artist’s concept of Dawn spacecraft orbiting Ceres. Our knowledge of this little world has greatly increased, thanks to Dawn, whose mission was recently extended. Yet mysteries remain.
Image via NASA/JPL-Caltech.
Bottom line: Two recent studies explore the possibility of an ocean on Ceres in the distant past, and they shed light on the question of what happened to this ocean, if it existed, and on whether Ceres might still have liquid water today.
THE UNEXPLAINED Ancient Hindu Manuscript reveals Interplanetary Travel and flight existed 7,000 years ago
Ancient Hindu Manuscript reveals Interplanetary Travel and flight existed 7,000 years ago
By Ivan
It is believed that Bharadwaja made approximately 500 guidelines describing in details aviation and other technologies, present on earth thousands of years ago.
However, the authors note that the current manuscript features only between 100 to 120 guidelines. Experts are convinced that foreign rulers who invaded India stole many of these manuscripts, studying them to produce many of the technologies we see today on Earth.
These reports seem to back the Vaimānika Śāstra, an early 20th-century Sanskrit text said to describe in great detail aerospace technology claiming that ‘Vimānas’ mentioned in ancient Sanskrit epics were in fact advanced aerodynamic flying vehicles, similar to modern-day rockets capable of interplanetary flight, as suggested by the popular Ancient Astronaut Theory.
The texts were revealed in 1952 by G. R. Josye and contain 3000 shlokas in 8 chapters. The propulsion of the Vimānas, according to Kanjilal (1985), is by “Mercury Vortex Engines,” a concept similar to electric propulsion.
The authors said the aircraft the sage described is capable of traveling between countries, continents, and planets. According to the authors, this proves the aviation system in the ancient world was very advanced, more so than what exists today, and that most of the technologies that existed on Earth thousands of years ago, before the rise of ‘modern civilization’ are now completely gone, missing not only from society but from history books as well.
What the authors presented from the manuscript is mindboggling. Many scientists at the conference were marveled. The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Mumbai, Rajan Welukar said: “there is no reason to believe in what they say about the Vedas, but it is something that is worth studying.”
Interestingly, many studies have offered contradictive results when studying the feasibility of ‘ancient flying machines’.
in 1974, a study by the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore found that the heavier-than-air aircraft that the Vaimānika Śāstra described were aeronautically unfeasible.
But despite this fact, there are still many authors and scholars who are convinced that these ancient machines were in fact blueprints of highly advanced flying machines. Some of these researchers and scholars encourage aggressive inquiry into ancient books discussing technology that may surpass our very own today, in the 21st century.
Captain Anand J Bodas is quoted by the Mumbai Mirror as saying “modern science is unscientific” because it considers things it does not comprehend as not possible. He is further quoted as saying, “The Vedic or rather ancient Indian definition of an airplane was a vehicle which travels through the air from one country to another country, from one continent to another continent, from one planet to another planet.”
“In those days, airplanes were huge in size, and could move left, right, as well as backward, unlike modern planes which only fly forward.”
HELPING HANDS Use of surgical robots for laparoscopic kidney removal has been ramping up, but adding a robot to the mix doesn’t necessarily make surgery more efficient.
When it comes to some operations, surgical robots may not be worth the extra time or money.
Researchers compared patients who underwent traditional laparoscopy to have a kidney removed — surgery involving several small incisions rather than one large cut — with patients who received robot-assisted laparoscopies. Although the two groups had similar complication rates and hospital stay lengths, robotic procedures took longer and cost more per patient, researchers report in the Oct. 24 JAMA.
Benjamin Chung, a urological oncologist at Stanford University Medical Center, and his colleagues analyzed nearly 24,000 kidney removal surgeries in 416 hospitals across the United States from 2003 to 2015. In 2003, only 39 of these patients received robot-assisted surgeries; in 2015, that number was up to 862 — higher than the number of hand-performed laparoscopies seen in the same year.
But Chung and colleagues’ analysis casts doubt on the cost-effectiveness of those high-tech operations. Robot-assisted laparoscopies were almost twice as likely as traditional procedures to take longer than four hours. And robot assistance boosted the average hospital cost from $16,851 to $19,530 — probably because of extra operating room time and the cost of robot maintenance.
Another study in the Oct. 24 JAMA reports that rectal cancer patients who had conventional laparoscopic and robot-assisted surgery experienced similar complication rates and postoperative quality of life. But robot-assisted operations took about 37 minutes longer on average and hiked the average cost from $12,556 to $13,668.
These results don’t surprise Gabi Barbash, a research physician at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, who was not involved in the work. Other studies have indicated that robot-assisted laparoscopies for colon, gallbladder and uterus removal take longer or cost more than traditional procedures, without much payoff in terms of patient health.
Surgical robots constitute “an amazing technology,” Barbash says, and they’re invaluable for some notoriously tricky procedures, like prostate removal. But simpler procedures, such as kidney removal, may not call for a robot in the OR.
BANG, FLASH Light waves and gravitational waves from a pair of colliding neutron stars reached Earth at almost the same time, ruling out theories about the universe based on predictions that the two kinds of waves might travel at different speeds.
Ripples in spacetime travel at the speed of light. That fact, confirmed by the recent detection of a pair of colliding stellar corpses, kills a whole category of theories that mess with the laws of gravity to explain why the universe is expanding as fast as it is.
On October 16, physicists announced that the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, LIGO, had detected gravitational waves from a neutron star merger (SN Online: 10/16/17). Also, the neutron stars emitted high-energy light shortly after merging. The Fermi space telescope spotted that light coming from the same region of the sky 1.7 seconds after the gravitational wave detection. That observation showed for the first time that gravitational waves, the shivers in spacetime set off when massive bodies move, travel at the speed of light to within a tenth of a trillionth of a percent.
Within a day, five papers were posted at mourning hundreds of expanding universe theories that predicted gravitational waves should travel faster than light — an impossibility without changes to Einstein’s laws of gravity. These theories “are very, very dead,” says the coauthor of one of the papers, cosmologist Miguel Zumalacárregui of the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, or NORDITA, in Stockholm. “We need to go back to our blackboards and start thinking of other alternatives.”
In the 1990s, observations of exploding stars showed that more distant explosions were dimmer than existing theories predicted. That suggested that the universe is expanding at an ever-increasing rate (SN: 10/22/11, p. 13). Cosmologists have struggled ever since to explain why.
The most popular explanation for the speedup is that spacetime is filled with a peculiar entity dubbed dark energy. “You can think of it like a mysterious fluid that pushes everything apart and counteracts gravity,” says cosmologist Jeremy Sakstein of the University of Pennsylvania, coauthor of another new paper.
EVER-GROWING The universe has been expanding since the Big Bang, but its expansion rate is unexpectedly speeding up. The simultaneous observation of light and gravitational waves from colliding neutron stars just killed a whole swath of possible reasons why.
In the simplest version of this theory, the density of this dark energy has not changed over the history of the universe, so physicists call it a cosmological constant. This doesn’t require any changes to gravity — which is good, because gravity has been well-tested inside the solar system.
The cosmological constant idea matches observations of the wider universe, but it has some theoretical difficulties. Dark energy is about 120 orders of magnitude weaker than theorists calculate it should be (SN Online: 11/18/13), a mismatch that makes scientists uncomfortable.
Also, different methods for measuring the rate of expansion come up with slightly different numbers (SN: 8/6/16, p. 10). Measurements based on exploding stars suggest that distant galaxies are speeding away from each other at 73 kilometers per second for each megaparsec (about 3.3 million light-years) of space between them. But observations based on the cosmic microwave background, ancient light that encodes information about the conditions of the early universe, found that the expansion rate is 67 km/s per megaparsec. The disagreement suggests that either one of the measurements is wrong, or the theory behind dark energy needs a tweak.
So instead of invoking a substance to counteract gravity, theorists tried to explain the expanding universe by weakening gravity itself. Any modifications to gravity need to leave the solar system intact. “It’s quite hard to build a theory that accelerates the universe and also doesn’t mess up the solar system,” says cosmologist Tessa Baker of the University of Oxford, coauthor of still another paper.
These theories take hundreds of forms. “This field of modified gravity theories is a zoo,” says Baker. Some suggest that gravity leaks out into extra dimensions of space and time. Many others account for the universe’s speedy spreading by adding a different mysterious entity — some unknown particle perhaps — that drains gravity’s strength as the universe evolves.
But the new entity would have another crucial effect: It could slow the speed of light waves, similar to the way light travels more slowly through water than through air. That means that the best alternatives to dark energy required gravitational waves to travel faster than light — which they don’t.
Justin Khoury, a theoretical physicist at the University of Pennsylvania who has worked on several of the alternative gravity theories but was not involved in the new papers, was surprised that one gravitational-wave observation ruled out so many theories at once. He’s hardly disappointed, though.
“The fact that we’re learning something about dark energy because of this measurement is incredibly exciting,” he says.
Observing gravitational waves and light waves at the same time offers a third, independent way to measure how fast the universe is expanding. For now, that rate lies frustratingly right between the two clashing measurements scientists already had, at 70 km/s per megaparsec. But it’s still imprecise. Once LIGO and other observatories have seen 10 or 20 more neutron star collisions, researchers should be able to tell which measurement is correct and figure out whether dark energy needs an update, Zumalacárregui says.
“Gravitational waves may kill these models, but eventually they have the potential to tell us if this discrepancy is for real,” he says. “That’s something that is in itself very beautiful.”
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and The Virgo Collaboration, The 1M2H Collaboration, The Dark Energy Camera GW-EM Collaboration and the DES Collaboration, The DLT40 Collaboration, The Las Cumbres Observatory Collaboration, The VINROUGE Collaboration & The MASTER Collaboration. A gravitational-wave standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant. Nature. Published online October 16, 2017. doi: 10.1038/nature24471.
(CNN)Astronomers around the world are trying to track down a small, fast-moving object that is zipping through our solar system.
Is a comet? An asteroid? NASA's not sure. The space agency doesn't even know where it came from, but it's not behaving like the local space rocks and that means it may not be from our solar system.
If that's confirmed, NASA says "it would be the first interstellar object to be observed and confirmed by astronomers."
"We have been waiting for this day for decades," Paul Chodas, manager of NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies, said in a NASA news release. "It's long been theorized that such objects exist -- asteroids or comets moving around between the stars and occasionally passing through our solar system -- but this is the first such detection. So far, everything indicates this is likely an interstellar object, but more data would help to confirm it."
NASA says astronomers are pointing telescopes on the ground and in space at the object to get that data.
For now, the object is being called A/2017 U1. Experts think it's less than a quarter-mile (400 meters) in diameter and it's racing through space at 15.8 miles (25.5 kilometers) per second.
It was discovered October 19 by the University of Hawaii's Pan-STARRS 1 telescope on Haleakala, Hawaii.
Rob Weryk, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy, was the first to identify the object and immediately realized there was something different about it.
"Its motion could not be explained using either a normal solar system asteroid or comet orbit," he said. "This object came from outside our solar system."
Whatever "it" is, the object isn't a threat to Earth.
NASA say that on October 14, it safely passed our home world at a distance of about 15 million miles (24 million kilometers) -- that's about 60 times the distance to the moon.
Where's it going? Scientists think the object is heading toward the constellation Pegasus and is on its way out of our solar system.
This artist's concept illustrates an asteroid belt around a bright star.
"This is the most extreme orbit I have ever seen," said Davide Farnocchia, a scientist at the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies. "It is going extremely fast and on such a trajectory that we can say with confidence that this object is on its way out of the solar system and not coming back."
"It" may eventually get a better name than A/2017 U1, but since the object is the first of its kind, the International Astronomical Union will have to come up with new rules for naming the object.
Classified military footage of the Phoenix Lights UFO phenomenon has recently been leaked by a former U.S Air Force aviator. The footage reportedly captures never-before-seen cockpit footage of Lockheed-Martin F-16 and Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II fighter jets in action the night of the original incident 17 years ago.
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs at Luke has received numerous inquiries and requests, but has remained silent on the footage. The report claims additional footage of multiple civilian casualties has been obtained.
The “Phoenix Lights” incident is one of the largest UFO sightings in North America. Thousands of Arizona residents became alarmed when they noticed a sizable object in the sky above Phoenix 19 years ago.
Multiple eyewitnesses reported a diamond-shaped craft hovering above the city for at least a couple of hours.
An artist’s rendering of what the UFO above Phoenix may have looked like in the daylight.
(Photo courtesy of Pinterest)
Nineteen years later, questions about the Phoenix Lights are still being asked. Arizona residents still remember the phenomenon and the new footage has stirred more tension around the 19-year-old event. The lights have been the subject of intense scrutiny, government denials and internet documentaries.
This never-before-seen video of an engagement during the Phoenix Lights was leaked online this weekend, by KWBV News journalist David Collins. The FLIR video purportedly depicts military and unknown craft on the night of the mass sighting over Phoenix in 1997.
Rob Waugh for
Credit: Getty
Sorry, UFO fans, aliens are probably not almond-eyed, elf-like creatures with an unfathomable obsession with sticking probes up people’s bums.
Instead, they’re much more like to be robots – robots so old it’s difficult to even imagine, according to the Daily Galaxy.
Susan Schneider of the University of Connecticut and the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton says that alien AI may already be out there, and could be billions of years old.
Schneider says, ‘I do not believe that most advanced alien civilizations will be biological. The most sophisticated civilizations will be postbiological, forms of artificial intelligence or alien superintelligence.’
Schneider said in a Daily Galaxy report, ‘all lines of evidence converge on the conclusion that the maximum age of extraterrestrial intelligence would be billions of years, specifically ranges from 1.7 billion to 8 billion years.’
Many researchers believe that the first aliens we encounter will be robots.
Many scientists believe that the period from the discovery of radio waves, to organisms turning themselves into immortal robots will be relatively brief.
For instance, Google’s Ray Kurzweil has predicted that man will merge with machine here on Earth in the year 2050.
The upshot of this is that it’s far, far more likely that we’ll meet aliens after they’ve turned into machines, according to experts.
Seth Shostak of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence says, ‘Consider the fact that any signal we pick up has to come from a civilization at least as advanced as we are.
‘Now, let’s say, conservatively, the average civilization will use radio for 10,000 years. From a purely probabilistic point of view, the chance of encountering a society far older than ourselves is quite high.’
- Gemiddelde waardering: 2/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
This video will blow your mind: the Giant Megaliths of Russia
This video will blow your mind: the Giant Megaliths of Russia
This incredible video presents some of the most incredible yet mysterious structures that have been found in all corners of Russia. According to the author of the video, these huge megaliths that strangely resemble construction methods used in sites like Puma Punku, Teotihuacan, and Tiahuanaco, could not have been the result of ancient mankind.
No matter what the numbers were in the past, the author of the video suggests that these mysterious megalithic sites in Russia are the ultimate and most compelling evidence that proves giant Beings inhabited the world in the distant past.
The author suggests that much before the biblical flood, thousands of years earlier, giant beings inhabited all corners on our planet, and stories about these giant beings can be found in cultures around the globe. No matter where we go and at what ancient culture we look at, it seems that ‘Ancient Giant Beings’ were present on Earth before ‘ancient history,’ a time that corresponds to a period in the long history of planet Earth, where, according to mainstream scholars civilizations and mankind were totally undeveloped and perhaps, didn’t even exist.
However, videos like this clearly show that these ancient megalithic sites were somehow built, yet no one has been able to fully explain why, how and how long, these incredible structures defy history and everything we know about early civilizations and beings inhabiting our planet.
Genesis: 6:2: That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
Genesis: 6:4: There were Giants (in Hebrew bible Nephilim) in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Is it possible that just as ancient texts tell us, in the distant past, beings unlike any we see today, were present on the surface of Earth, and that some of the huge, megalithic sites were erected by them in the distant past?
The video:
Is it possible that the Megalithic site of Gornaya Shoria in Russia, is just one of the many sites in Russia where ancient beings inhabiting Earth in the distant past, managed to erect some of the biggest blocks of stone ever seen on our planet? What if all these myths and tales are more than that? And what if, as unlikely as it may seem to many people, giant beings, belonging to a completely different species, inhabited the Earth, before ordinary humans become the predominant species on the planet.
If you consider just for a moment the possibility, however unlikely, that giants existed on Earth, than we could explain how ancient megalithic monuments were erected tens of thousands of years ago, and the sites seen in this video might just be a compilation of the largest megalithic sites in Russia, constructed by the ‘alleged’ giants, many ancient cultures speak of.
Voor de eerste keer ooit is er een komeet ontdekt die niet afkomstig is uit ons eigen zonnestelsel.
Men noemt dit een interstellaire komeet omdat de wetenschappers geen flauw benul hebben welk object hier met een snelheid van 26 kilometer per seconde door de ruimte reist.
Objecten die ontdekt worden in de ruimte krijgen altijd een eigen unieke aanduiding met daarin verwerkt meestal ook het jaar waarin ze zijn ontdekt.
Een dergelijk object is C/2017 U1. Het werd afgelopen september ontdekt door astronomen met de PannSTARRS1 telescoop op Hawaï.
Het vreemde is dat niemand eigenlijk precies wat voor object het is. In eerste instantie werd het een komeet genoemd, maar omdat het niet een soort omloopbaan om de zon heeft zoals gebruikelijk bij kometen begon men te twijfelen of het wel een komeet was. Wel heeft men vast kunnen stellen dat het object een doorsnede heeft van ongeveer 160 meter en reist met een snelheid van 26 kilometer per seconde.
Wat dit object vooral bijzonder maakt, is dat het schijnt te komen van buiten ons zonnestelsel en daardoor een vreemde omloopbaan heeft. In het volgende plaatje wordt object c/2017 U1 weergegeven als geel en ter vergelijking zijn de groene fictieve omloopbanen van kometen. Dit om duidelijk te maken in hoeverre die omloopbaan van C/2017 afwijkt.
Nog nooit hebben wij op aarde een wat men nu noemt interstellaire komeet meegemaakt. Een komeet afkomstig uit een ander zonnestelsel dan de onze. Was dit waar Ferrada al over sprak en wat hij cometa planeta noemde, of mogelijk iets wat bij dit fenomeen hoort?
Hoe verwarrend dit alles is voor de wetenschappers, wordt duidelijk als je leest wat de Wikipedia weet te vermelden over dit object:
Op 14 oktober passeerde het object onze zon en is nu weer op weg om te verdwijnen in de ruimte. C/2017 U1 werd in 2017 ontdekt met de STARRS1-telescoop op het Hawaiiaanse eiland Maui. Het zou mogelijk een donker rotsblok met een middellijn van zo'n 150 meter betreffen. Vermoed wordt dat het object afkomstig is uit de richting van het sterrenbeeld Lier, meer bepaald uit de omgeving van de ster Wega alwaar een zonnestelsel-in-wording is ontdekt. Dat het rotsblok ook daadwerkelijk van de omgeving van Wega afkomstig is wordt uiterst onwaarschijnlijk geacht, aangezien dit rotsblok ongeveer 300.000 jaar over de tocht naar ons zonnestelsel moet hebben gedaan, en toen stond Wega ergens anders aan de hemel.
Dit is interessant, want alles wijst er op dat er momenteel een ‘exotisch’ object door ons zonnestelsel reist. Helaas kunnen we het object niet van dichtbij bekijken, want de exokomeet verlaat momenteel het zonnestelsel en heeft een hoge snelheid.
We hebben iets dat nog nooit eerder op aarde is gezien en we noemen het een rotsblok. Een veel logischere verklaring zou uiteraard zijn dat het hier gaat om een intelligent bestuurd ruimtevaartuig van een andere ster, zoals misschien Wega.
Die zullen dan echt geen 300.000 jaar over die tocht hebben gedaan, maar waarschijnlijk gebruikt hebben gemaakt een dimensieportaal om heel snel naar dit deel van ons zonnestelsel te reizen.
Wij schrijven al jaren over de grote UFO's die regelmatig bij de zon worden waargenomen en ter illustratie daarvan een deel uit een artikel van eind vorig jaar:
Ongeveer tien jaar geleden verklaarden twee Russische wetenschappers dat ze hadden ontdekt dat er op ieder gegeven moment zich honderden UFO’s ophouden in de buurt van onze zon.
Dat niet alleen, maar ook dat ze hun snelheid kunnen verhogen of verlagen zonder aanwijsbare reden en dat ze een rechthoekige draai kunnen maken met onvoorstelbare snelheden, iets dat voor een normaal ruimteschip onmogelijk zou zijn. Zeker voor de waargenomen ruimteschepen die minstens zo groot zijn als onze maan.
Door de jaren heen zijn er telkens nieuwe waarnemingen geweest, waarbij het lijkt alsof deze enorme UFO’s energie uit de zon tanken.
Nu duikt er weer een opname op van een UFO die als het ware lijkt weg te schieten van de zon.
De bekende Youtube gebruiker Streetcap1 zegt dat hij eigenlijk niet gelooft in de UFO/zon plasma/energie theorie, maar dat deze beelden hem toch aan het denken hebben gezet.
Op ieder gewenst moment van de dag is er eigenlijk wel wat te zien rondom de zon op de SOHO beelden van NASA.
Het volgende voorbeeld is gemaakt door Scott Waring van Ufo Sightings Daily voor wie iedere pixelafwijking in het beeld een UFO is, maar waar ook inderdaad recht boven de zon en rechtsonder vreemde objecten zijn te zien.
Er wordt op dit moment veel gesproken over een mogelijke nep buitenaardse invasie op aarde. Een soort holografisch spel door de elite, waarbij het lijkt alsof er een buitenaardse invasiemacht naar de aarde is gekomen om ons te koloniseren. Het idee erachter is dan om de al zo lang gewenste wereldregering te activeren, waarbij de mensheid als één geheel weerstand zal bieden tegen de indringers.
Echter, de activiteiten van vreemde objecten in de buurt van de zon heeft naar alle waarschijnlijkheid niets te maken met iets dat door mensenhanden is gemaakt, maar alles met buitenaardse beschavingen.
En dan een onbekend object op een route (omloopbaan) die nog niet eerder is waargenomen, waarbij wetenschappers met de mond vol tanden staan en geen antwoorden hebben.
Noem het maar een interstellaire komeet; wij noemen het een ruimteschip.
Omdat we vandaag de wintertijd ingaan en we ons immuunsysteem in die periode best extra mogen ondersteunen, is er voor Niburu lezers deze week een daverende aanbieding van maar liefst 25 procent korting (!) op de Rauwe CBD Hennep capsules van Orjana. Deze aanbieding is geldig zolang de voorraad strekt en loopt tot en met zondag 5 november 2017. Wil je gebruikmaken van deze unieke aanbieding vul dan code "hemp25" in bij het afrekenen
Amerikaan verkoopt ranch vanwege aanvallen door ‘greys’. Bevinden zich hier poorten naar andere dimensies?
Amerikaan verkoopt ranch vanwege aanvallen door ‘greys’. Bevinden zich hier poorten naar andere dimensies?
John Edmonds uit Rainbow Valley in Arizona verkoopt zijn paardenranch omdat hij naar eigen zeggen niet meer tegen de constante paranormale activiteit kan.
De ranch is al meerdere keren op tv en in het nieuws geweest omdat er naar verluidt aliens op bezoek komen.
Zo vertelde Edmonds tijdens een aflevering van Ghost Adventures dat hij een buitenaards voorwerp had gevonden en is bezocht door de echte Men in Black.
Vreemde gebeurtenissen
Hij claimt dat hij al 19 aliens heeft gedood en dat de wezens meerdere keren zouden hebben geprobeerd om hem en zijn vrouw te ontvoeren.
“Ze leviteerden haar uit bed en droegen haar naar de parkeerplaats en probeerden haar mee te nemen in het ruimteschip,” vertelde hij aan de lokale zender KPNX.
Het stel kocht de ranch in 1995, maar vrijwel gelijk deden zich er vreemde gebeurtenissen voor.
Op zijn Facebookpagina plaatst Edmonds geregeld berichten over zijn ervaringen. Onder een foto met daarop een katana beschrijft hij hoe hij de ‘greys’ doodmaakt.
Hij legt uit dat je het hoofd eraf moet hakken omdat ze anders gemakkelijk kunnen ontkomen. Zelfs met een vlijmscherp zwaard is het vrijwel onmogelijk om ze in één keer te onthoofden, schreef hij.
Makelaar Kimberley Gero zei dat sommige potentiële kopers geen problemen hebben met de geschiedenis van de ranch, terwijl anderen doodsbang zijn dat er iets gaat gebeuren.
Het huis beschikt over vijf slaapkamers, vier badkamers, een groot zwembad en… twee poorten die volgens Edmonds naar andere dimensies leiden, meldt zender KHQ.
WATCH: John Edmonds claims he contends with paranormal activity regularly at the Stardust Ranch. But now, he's fed up with it and wants to sell his property.
The Stardust Ranch in Rainbow Valley, Ariz. has been featured multiple times in television shows and international mediafor its purported alien activity. Edmonds and his wife Joyce say they’re fed up with interstellar interference.
Edmonds claims he has slain 19 aliens with samurai swords and he and his wife have endured abduction attempts.
“They actually levitated her out of the bed in the master chamber and carried her into the parking lot and tried to draw her up into the craft,” he told NBC-affiliate KPNX.
The couple purchased the ranch in 1995 with the hopes of leading a peaceful life operating their horse rescue organization.
“Almost immediately from the day we moved in, we began to have strange experiences,” he said.
On his Facebook page, Edmonds regularly updates his friends and fans of the day-to-day experiences of living on the so-called Alien Ranch.
Under one image of what appears to be dried blood and a katana, he described the method of destroying the “greys.”
“Unless you cut the head off and disconnect the antennae, so to speak, they instantly ‘phone home.’ Even with a razor-sharp sword, it is nearly impossible to decapitate them with one swing,” he wrote.
Realtor Kimberly Gero said the reaction from interested buyers has been mixed.
“Some are very intrigued and have no issues with the history of the property, while others are absolutely scared to death about what may or may not happen to them if they should buy it,” she said.
In addition to its paranormal features, the property boasts a ranch house with five bedrooms, four bathrooms, and a large diving pool.
Edmonds warns prospective buyers to be prepared to live on the ranch.
“It’s not something for a traditional family, but it holds a lot of secrets and what I believe are future opportunities to understand forces that are in the universe,” he said. “Please be very well grounded because the energy here has the tendency to manifest with whatever is going on with you.”
Net zoals er rondom de Yellowstone supervulkaan in Amerika onlangs ongekend veel aardbevingen werden geregistreerd, is dat nu ook het geval rond de vulkanen op La Palma, één van de Canarische Eilanden.
Er zijn met spoed experts naartoe gevlogen om metingen te verrichten en de situatie 24 uur per dag te observeren.
Hoelang zal het nog duren voordat het eindelijk bij de mensheid inzinkt dat er ongewone dingen op aarde gebeuren waarvoor niemand een zinnige verklaring kan bedenken? Het enige dat je daarvoor hoeft te doen, is wat wij al jaren doen, het bijhouden van ongewone en heftige aardveranderingen.
Het probleem daarbij is dat dit soort dingen wel wordt gerapporteerd, maar dat er nooit enig verband wordt gelegd tussen al die afzonderlijke gebeurtenissen.
Zo schreven wij enkele weken geleden over de dreiging van de Yellowstone supervulkaan die opeens veel groter blijkt te zijn dan oorspronkelijk werd gedacht.
De afgelopen jaren is het publiek regelmatig in slaap gesust door de Amerikaanse Geological Survey (USGS), die verzekerde dat ondanks dat er zich steeds vaker series kleine aardbevingen voordeden rondom het gebied van de Yellowstone Supervulkaan, dit helemaal niets was om ons zorgen over te maken.
Een supervulkaan die, wanneer deze wel tot uitbarsting zou komen, zal zorgen voor mogelijk honderdduizenden dodelijke slachtoffers.
Sinds ongeveer het midden van de maand juli van dit jaar hebben zich in het Yellowstone gebied ongeveer 2.500 kleine aardbevingen voorgedaan, het hoogste aantal in een serie ooit. De aarde onder de vulkaan is aan het verschuiven en dit kan betekenen dat er magma is gaan stromen naar de belangrijkste magmakamer.
Dit proces dat leidt naar een uitbarsting had volgens eerdere voorspellingen van de geologen van de USGS nog duizenden jaren moeten duren.
De wereld reageert niet op dat bericht, neemt het voor kennisgeving aan, als ze het al lezen, en gaan verder met echt belangrijke zaken zoals de nieuwe serie Pose die de grootste transgendercast ooit zal tellen.
Niemand die ook kijkt naar een bericht over plotselinge paniek op de Canarische Eilanden waar ook vulkanen zijn en honderden kleine aardbevingen worden geregistreerd. Men heeft in sneltreinvaart een aantal experts daar naartoe gehaald.
De reden is dat een dergelijke situatie snel kan omslaan en men de experts ter plekke tests wil laten uitvoeren op het eiland La Palma om zo misschien vast te kunnen stellen waarom en welke actieve vulkaan daar op het punt staat om uit te barsten.
De Cumbre Vieja is een actieve vulkanengroep op het zuidelijk deel van het Canarische Eiland La Palma. De keten is 18 km lang en telt ongeveer 120 dicht bij elkaar gelegen vulkanen met als hoogste de Deseada, 1.945 m. De Cumbre Vieja sluit in het noorden aan op de oudere en lager gelegen Cumbre Nueva. In het zuiden loopt de bergketen langzaam af en eindigt in de uiterste zuidpunt van La Palma, bij Punta de Fuencaliente.
Op La Palma hetzelfde verhaal als bij de Yellowstone supervulkaan. Door de ongekend hoeveelheid aardbevingen wordt het magma naar boven gestuwd en is de kans op een vulkaanuitbarsting ineens vele malen groter geworden. Het enige dat wetenschappers nu kunnen doen, is de verschillende variabelen meten om zo misschien te kunnen bepalen hoe dichtbij die uitbarsting is.
Ook hier weer dezelfde geruststellende woorden zoals altijd: Volgens lokale wetenschappers is dit dan wel de grootste serie aardbevingen die zijn voorgekomen sinds men dit begon bij te houden, maar deze zogenaamde "seismic swarms" zijn absoluut niets ongewoons.
Dat is het patroon dat we iedere keer weer opnieuw zien. Ieder keer is wat er gebeurt de meest heftige, de nog nooit eerder voorgekomen, de grootste, de hoogste enzovoort. En iedere keer worden er geruststellende woorden gesproken en is er niemand die een verband legt tussen bepaalde gebeurtenissen, behalve een enkeling in de alternatieve media en die ziet spoken.
Overal ter wereld worden vulkanen wakker en/of komen tot uitbarsting.
Zoals de Sinabung vulkaan in Indonesië die afgelopen dinsdag zelf twee keer tot een uitbarsting kwam, waarbij as en puin kilometers hoog de lucht in werden gespuwd.
Even terug naar een artikel dat we onlangs schreven naar aanleiding van een verklaring van NASA:
En nu komt er dus een mededeling van NASA dat er niet alleen een soort superaarde moet zijn met een gewicht tien keer dat van onze aarde, maar ook dat deze zo'n krachtige invloed heeft dat het ons complete zonnestelsel heeft laten kantelen.
In een verklaring zegt NASA het volgende: "Het kan rondhangen aan de verre uiteinden van ons zonnestelsel en zich in het donker verborgen houden, maar toch subtiel in de achtergrond aan de touwtjes trekken: de omloopbanen van de buitenste planeten langer maken en zelfs het laten kantelen van het zonnestelsel naar één kant".
En verder: "De tekenen zijn tot nu indirect, het betreft vooral een zwaartekracht voetafdruk, maar alles met elkaar telt het toch op tot een overtuigende zaak".
Wanneer er krachten aan het werk zijn die ons zonnestelsel kunnen laten kantelen, is het dan niet logisch dat ze ook verantwoordelijk kunnen zijn voor ontwakende en steeds actiever wordende vulkanen?
Incredible footage of high speed UFO that appears to ignite other objects in space near Saturn
Incredible footage of high speed UFO that appears to ignite other objects in space near Saturn
Sky observer DiversityJ captured a very rare, incredibly fast sequence of events on the evening of October 26, 2017 at 7:32pm while recording Saturn in the west sky.
A nearly transparent ultra high speed UFO that seems to defy basic laws of motion, from the viewers’ perspective it traveled directly across the surface of Saturn in the lower Western sky, causing wave distortion, actually distorting the light of Saturn.
In 1 1/4 second (75 frames), there was a bright UFO that shot up from below Saturn, lit up a second object with an orange glow, then after the UFO passed Saturn it appeared to trigger another burst of light (third object) before going out of frame.
If you look closely you can see the UFO turns from light orange to white as it seems to become one with the bright white flash of light.
DiversityJ states: Now, I didn't see this when out filming. Had a heck of a time getting the camera to find Saturn, and then manually trying to focus, waiting for the noisy atv's to quiet down. But as Saturn got lower in frame and I tried to adjust, I lost it and couldn't find it again during this take. A few minutes later I eventually got both the Moon and Saturn.
Anyway, on that first take, I was staring at the monitor with my magnifying glass glancing up and back down the whole time. I didn't see any lights or airplanes. It wasn't until going in and watching the footage on the computer that I saw the event, lasted less than 2 seconds!
7:32pm, Thursday Oct 26, 2017, NE Ohio, 42°F - SW Sky.
Nikon P900 with 83x optical zoom & 166x dynamic fine digital zoom super telephoto Nikkor lens: -Homemade Solar Filter using Thousand Oaks Optical Solar Filter Film. Manual Focus, Shutter Speed 1/10, Aperture 6.3, ISO 100-400, AE-L (auto exposure locked).
This very fascinating sequence of events in space observed from NE Ohio that would have never been noticed if it weren't for the great camera work and intuition of DiversityJ to have the camera recording just at the right time.
The image shows the liquid left over from ancient ocean on dwarf planet Ceres.
NASA' Dawn mission has helped in detecting proof about residual liquid on dwarf planet Ceres. The leftover liquid belongs to the ancient global ocean that existed on the planet.
The crust of the dwarf planet comprises ice, salts and materials belonging to geological activities which took place in the past.
The layer beneath the rigid surface of Ceres is found to be easily deformable and soft due to the residual liquid.
"More and more, we are learning that Ceres is a complex, dynamic world that may have hosted a lot of liquid water in the past, and may still have some underground," said Julie Castillo-Rogez, Dawn project scientist based at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California.
A group of astronomers led by Anton Ermakov, a postdoctoral researcher at JPL, had used the measurements of shape and gravity to determine the composition and internal structure of Ceres. The finding reveals that this dwarf planet is geologically active or was in the recent past.
Three craters named Occator, Kerwan and Yalode and a solitary tall mountain present n the crater, Ahuna Mons, are linked with "gravity anomalies".
"Ceres has an abundance of gravity anomalies associated with outstanding geologic features," Ermakov said. In the cases of Ahuna Mons and Occator, the anomalies can be used to better understand the origin of these features, which are believed to be different expressions of cryovolcanism.
This animation shows dwarf planet Ceres as seen by NASA's Dawn. The map overlaid at right gives scientists hints about Ceres' internal structure from gravity measurements.NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA
The models of Ceres created by the scientists show discrepancies. The analysis of these four locations done by the Dawn probe is about the subsurface structures.
Astronomers led by Roger Fu at Harvard University, US, studied the composition and strength of the dwarf planet's crust and deeper interior by analysing its topography. The researchers found that the crust of the dwarf planet comprised ice, salts, rock and an additional component, which was believed to be clathrate hydrate — which is a cage of water molecules, surrounding a gas molecule.
Clathrate hydrate's structure is found to be 100 to 1,000 times stronger than water ice, while having almost the same density.
It's believed by the researchers that the surface features of Ceres were more well-defined once, but they have smoothened over time. A very strong crust resting on a more deformable layer which contains a small amount of liquid is required for this sort of flattening of mountains and valleys, according to Fu and his team of astronomers.µ
"Levitating" Sands Could Be the Key to Landscape Formation on Mars
"Levitating" Sands Could Be the Key to Landscape Formation on Mars
A unique geologic process, made possible by Mars's thin atmosphere, could be the key to understanding dune formations on the Red Planet.
Despite being the best planet for future colonization efforts, Mars is a very different world than Earth. Temperatures average about −55 degrees Celsius (−67° F) on the Red Planet, and can range from about −153 degrees C (−243° F) at the poles to 20 degrees C (68° F) near the equator at high noon. Even more alien, the atmosphere on Mars is a little less than one percent the thickness of Earth's atmosphere, which results in some unique chemical processes. For example, water ice will sublimate rather than melt on the surface, changing directly from a solid into vapor despite the frigid temperatures.
New research suggests the unique conditions on Mars can produce a "levitating" effect on martian sands and dust, a factor that must be accounted for when studying dune formation and other geological processes on the Red Planet. The study, published this morning in Nature Communications, builds off previous research that suggests liquid water flows underground on Mars today, as evidenced by dark streaks of briny water that appear seasonally in martian dunes. When small amounts of this water reach the surface and are exposed to the atmosphere, they sublimate immediately into a gas, or perhaps exist very briefly as liquid water before boiling into vapor. This boiling process can levitate sands and carry them across the surface, especially down a slope.
"It is possible that water 'trapped' underneath sediment cover could be liquid on Mars in small amounts," Jan Raack, lead author and a research fellow at The Open University, told Popular Mechanics in an email. "Overlaying sediment would protect water to sublimate, and when it would come into contact with the thin atmosphere, it would boil and cause the effect of levitation and saltation we have observed in our experiments."
The exact formation processes of martian hills and dunes is still somewhat of a mystery for planetary geologists. The sands of Mars do not behave like the sands of the Sahara. The reduced gravity on Mars, only 3.7 m/s² compared to 9.8 m/s² on Earth, is partially responsible for the unique geologic processes, but scientists haven't been able to explain the entire picture just by accounting for the weaker gravity. Raack believes the levitating process he reproduced in the lab could be a missing piece to the puzzle.
"If liquid water (maybe groundwater or rapid ice melt or liquid brines) comes into contact with a relatively warm martian surface (around 5° C), then the effect of levitation will be possible which enhances the amount of transported sediment down a slope massively," says Raack.
The levitating sands on Mars may seem like a minor addition, just a new variable in the geologic models that simulate dune formation, but understanding the geology on Mars is vital to any human exploration efforts. Where is the water on Mars, and how could we access it? What challenges do engineers face when designing the foundation of a structure on Mars? Do the shifting sands of the Red Planet hide microbes beneath, sustaining off the thick briny water underground?
If Raack's levitating sands model is correct, it could help scientists tackle these fundamental questions about our neighbor planet.
Reports of spectacular UFO - a giant glowing ball lighting the sky - in Siberia
Reports of spectacular UFO - a giant glowing ball lighting the sky - in Siberia
Fears from locals of 'aliens arriving', but there is a surprising explanation and, yes, there was an unusual object in the sky.
'But gradually the ball began to expand, it became clear that this is not some radiance ... and it became scary ...' Picture: Alexey Yakovlev
The illuminated ball looming over the forest was seen clearly in the town of Salekhard right on the Arctic Circle, but was also visible over a swathe of northern Siberia in the night sky.
Residents from Yamalo-Nenets region reported 'shivers down their spines' and the social media went alive with claims of aliens arriving in an awesome UFO.
'The glowing ball rose from behind the trees and moved in my direction.'
Pictures: Sergey Anisimov
The extraordinary sight was captured by leading Siberian photographer Sergey Anisimov who admitted: 'At first I was taken aback for a few minutes, not understanding what was happening.
'The glowing ball rose from behind the trees and moved in my direction.
'My first thought was about the most powerful searchlight, but the speed of changing everything around changed the idea of what was happening.
'This is such a vision!'
Pictures: Alexey Yakovlev
'The ball began to turn into an arc and gradually dissipated.'
After the multi-coloured light show was over he went home.
'Kids (5-6 years old) walking in the yard emotionally began to tell me about an unusual phenomenon, using the words 'aliens', 'the portal to another dimension' and the like....'
This was the launch of a Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile from Plesetsk cosmodrome aimed at the Kura testing range in Kamchatka on the country's Pacific coast.
Picture: The Siberian Times
Another photographer Alexey Yakovlev spotted the spectacle at Strezhevoi, in the north of Tomsk region, some 840 kilometres away.
'And at first I thought - it is such a radiance of such an unusual form - round in shape.
'But gradually the ball began to expand, it became clear that this is not some radiance ... and it became scary ...
'It's a gap in the space-time continuum.'
'It's good that I was not alone... they made it clear that the group of people cannot hallucinate.'
Vasily Zubkov said: 'I went out to smoke a cigarette and thought it was the end of the world.'
'I went out to smoke a cigarette and thought it was the end of the world.'
Pictures: Vkontakte
Another local Nurgazy Taabaldiev said: 'It's a gap in the space-time continuum.'
In fact the reason photographers were out watching the sky was an amazing show of northern lights - or Aurora Borealis - but there was an extra dimension too.
This was the launch of a Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile from Plesetsk cosmodrome aimed at the Kura testing range in Kamchatka on the country's Pacific coast.
The launch was one of several last night in exercises by the Russian strategic nuclear forces, as confirmed by the Russian defence ministry.
It was the the trace of the Topol rocket - capable of carrying nuclear missiles - that caused this extraordinary phenomenon in the sky.
As photographer Yakovlev posted accurately: 'It seems I accidentally shoot the launch of a secret space rocket from Plesetsk'.
A massive, glowing bubble of light erupted in the night sky above northeastern Siberia sometime last night (Oct. 26/27), The Siberian Times has reported.
Multiple witnesses reported seeing the bubble, according to the publication, and at least five people captured images of the phenomenon.
While many people quoted by the news site expressed concerns that the phenomenon might have something to do with aliens or "a gap in the space-time continuum," The Siberian Times suspected it was caused by a rocket launch. Now, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (which operates the Russian armed forces) has said on Facebook that it launched a Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile last night as part of a test exercise.
The missile was apparently launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northwestern Russia toward the Kura testing range in Kamchatka, which is on Russia's western, Pacific peninsula, according to The Siberian Times and the Russian Ministry of Defense.
The Siberian Times also reports that the northern lights were expected to be particularly bright last night, which explains why some of the photographers were already watching the sky when the bubble appeared.
This is the ‘Center of the universe’ because of ONE unexplainable phenomenon
This is the ‘Center of the universe’ because of ONE unexplainable phenomenon
This is the ‘Center of the universe’ because of ONE unexplainable phenomenon
By now we have probably understood that our planet is full of mysterious and amazing things.
By using science, we try and explain as best as we can things that challenge our understanding of things around us.
Thousands of years ago, before critical thinking and science, took over society we used the divine and tried to explain things that we simply couldn’t understand.
The center of the universe… on Earth
The ancient Greeks marked the center of the world by placing an omphalos in the form of a sacred stone. The most famous one was located in the oracle of Delphi, indicating that from that point on, the rest of the world had been created.
Of course, other people also had their center of the world. There were those in Miletus, Sicily, Poland, Italy to name but a few.
In ancient Greece, it is known that there were at least nine or ten.
The US also has its own center of the universe, and it is located in Tulsa. Despite the fact that ‘this center of the universe’ neither has the charm nor the mystery of the ancient centers of the universe and is rather an anodyne site, it does have a peculiar characteristic, an acoustic anomaly that surprises anyone who visits it.
According to legend, a foghorn could go off in the center of the circle an, those on the outside wouldn’t hear it.
This may be an exaggeration, but a person’s voice does sound extremely distorted when heard from outside the circle.
It’s an incredible yet mysterious effect that has still not been explained.
Located at number 20 Archer Street at the junction with Boston Avenue, the ‘center of the universe’ isn’t a special place, in fact, it’s a simple circle of about 75 centimeters in diameter surrounded by another 13 rows of tiles.
It was created in the 80’s when the area was rebuilt after a fire.
When a person stands in the center of the circle, looking in any direction, making a noise, he will hear his own echo reproduced several times louder than initially spoken, while those outside the circle will not hear it.
Instead, they perceive the voice or the noise but very distorted.
The same happens if someone outside the circle speaks to another person in front of him and also outside, causing the sound to pass over the center.
No one knows that causes the effect, but there are a couple of theories.
This curious effect seems to be produced by the circular walls surrounding the ‘center of the universe’, although it has never been proven, so there are multiple theories about it.
One theory suggests that the strange phenomenon occurs due to a metal expansion joint that crosses the circle since it is located on a viaduct, which would accidentally produce this curious acoustic anomaly.
One of the greatest minds on Earth—Professor Stephen Hawking—wants mankind to colonize Earth’s moon as soon as possible, in order to ensure the existence of our species. “I am an optimist. I believe we can. One of the best ways to do this is to move out into space and explore the potential for human beings to live on other planets.”
As we have seen in the last couple of years, rising tensions among the world’s nuclear powers have made scientists think about what we can do in order to ensure the existence of our species, if a world ‘nuclear’ war would break out in the future.
With growing concern from North Korea and Middle Eastern countries, the world has never been this scared and nervous.
Tensions between Pyongyang and Washington have greatly escalated in the last couple of years, the reason why Prof Stephen Hawking has stated that we must work to ensure the existence of our species, and the first step is to colonize the Earth’s moon.
Hawking has said that comments made by North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un should be taken seriously. The North Korean leader has threatened to destroy its enemies, and escalating tensions between nuclear powers have taken ou planet one step closer to a global catastrophe provoked by man.
“I am an optimist. I believe we can. One of the best ways to do this is to move out into space and explore the potential for human beings to live on other planets.”
To ensure we as a species live on, Prof Hawking has said that we need to head to the moon, and start looking for another planet if we are to survive a catastrophic event—like World War 3.
Remeber what Einstein once said: “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
Professor Hawking has urged leading nations in space exploration to push the lm it’s with our space programs—and work collectively—and send astronauts to the surface of the moon in the next couple of years.
Speaking at the Yalta European Strategy forum, Prof Hawking said that we have already landed on the moon, and it could become our cosmic base to explore, and eventually colonize other worlds.
We have all that we need to go to the moon. Recently, scientists have also discovered ice deposits on the moon’s north pole, a very important discovery that could help astronauts survive on the moon.
Furthermore, Prof Hawking said that while leaving our planet will not solve all of our problems, it will give the human race a new perspective.
“Leaving earth will give us a new perspective. It would also unite us to face a common challenge,” concluded Prof Hawking.
Enormous glowing ball is seen over northern Siberia after fuel from four Russian rockets tested overnight created an illusion in the sky (but locals thought it could be a UFO)
Enormous glowing ball is seen over northern Siberia after fuel from four Russian rockets tested overnight created an illusion in the sky (but locals thought it could be a UFO)
Russian media has suggested two possible causes, the Northern lights or a Russian rocket test
It is likely the trace of rockets which were launched by the Russian military around the time
Similar light was seen in the skies over Norway in December 2009, which was caused by a failed missile
The peculiar spiral shaped light pattern was created from reflection of the sun in the leaking fuel
Russia has been hit by a wave of reports of a giant UFO in the sky last night with spectacular pictures of an enormous glowing ball illuminating northern Siberia.
Social media erupted with claims of 'aliens arriving' and locals in far flung parts of the country told of 'shivers down their spines'.
While the source of the light has not been confirmed, some have suggested that it was the trace of four rockets launched by the Russian military that caused this extraordinary phenomenon in the night sky.
A similar light was seen in the skies over Norway in December 2009, which was caused by a failed missile. During that incident, the peculiar spiral shaped light pattern was created from reflection of the sun in the leaking fuel.
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Russia has been hit by a wave of reports of a giant UFO in the sky last night with spectacular pictures of an enormous glowing ball illuminating northern Siberia
Vladmir Putin oversaw the launch of four nuclear-capable ballistic missiles as part of a training exercise for Russia's strategic nuclear forces last night.
The ministry said a Topol ballistic missile had been test fired from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in northern Russia, hitting a target at the Kura military testing range on the Kamchatka Peninsula thousands of kilometres (miles) away.
It was the the trace of one of these rocket - capable of carrying nuclear missiles - that caused this extraordinary phenomenon in the night sky, say the Russian media.
A similar light was seen in the skies over Norway in December 2009, which was caused by a failed missile launch.
Speaking to Barents Observer at the time, Dr Truls Lynne Hansen, a researcher at the Tromso Geophysical Observatory, said: 'The missile has probably come out of control and exploded. 'The peculiar spiral shaped light pattern comes from reflection of the sun in the leaking fuel.'
Vasily Zubkov posted: 'I went out to smoke a cigarette and thought it was the end of the world.'
The extraordinary scenes were captured by leading Siberian photographer Sergey Anisimov in the town of Salekhard which straddles the Arctic Circle.
'I was taken aback for a few minutes, not understanding what was happening,' he said.
'The glowing ball rose from behind the trees and moved in my direction.
'My first thought was about the most powerful searchlight, but the speed of changing everything around changed the idea of what was happening.
'The ball began to turn into an arc and gradually dissipated.'
After the multi-coloured light show was over he went home to find local children as young as five in the yard babbling about 'aliens' and 'the portal to another dimension', he said.
Some 520 miles further east, another photographer Alexey Yakovlev admitted to feeling scared as he witnessed the UFO spectacle at Strezhevoi, in the north of Tomsk region, reported The Siberian Times.
'At first I thought - it is such a radiance of such an unusual form, round in shape.
'But gradually the ball began to expand, it became clear that this is not some radiance and it became scary.
'It's good that I was not alone....a group of people cannot hallucinate.'
On social media, Anastasia Boldyreva posted simply: 'Aliens arrived.'
Bizarre sighting of a 'glowing UFO' lights the sky in Siberia
The extraordinary scenes were captured by leading Siberian photographer Sergey Anisimov in the town of Salekhard which straddles the Arctic Circle
Social media erupted with claims of 'aliens arriving' and locals in far flung parts of the country told of 'shivers down their spines'
While the source of the light remains unknown, local experts suggest there were two possible reasons for the eerie spectacle in the Siberian night sky
The lights could be seen in northern Siberia, and one photographer captured stunning images of the sight from the town of Salekhard which straddles the Arctic Circle
The were many similar messages. Nurgazy Taabaldiev claimed: 'It's a gap in the space-time continuum.'
While the source of the light has not been confirmed, not all are convinced it was a Russian rocket test.
Some local experts suggest it may have been caused by the Northern lights.
But the most common theory is that Russian strongman Vladimir Putin had chosen this moment to frighten the West with grandiose military exercises by his strategic nuclear forces.
Putin personally oversaw the launch of four nuclear-capable ballistic missiles as part of a training exercise for Russia's strategic nuclear forces, the Kremlin said on Friday, the Interfax news agency reported.
The test launches, conducted last night, involved land, air, and submarine-based ballistic missiles, Russia's defence ministry said in a separate statement.
The ministry said a Topol intercontinental ballistic missile had been test fired from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in northern Russia, hitting a target at the Kura military testing range on the Kamchatka Peninsula thousands of kilometres (miles) away.
Photographer Alexey Yakovlev admitted to feeling scared as he witnessed the UFO spectacle at Strezhevoi, in the north of Tomsk region. He said: 'At first I thought - it is such a radiance of such an unusual form, round in shape. But gradually the ball began to expand, it became clear that this is not some radiance and it became scary'
After the multi-coloured light show was over, photographer Sergey Anisimov went home to find local children as young as five in the yard babbling about 'aliens' and 'the portal to another dimension', he said
The first explanation for the sight was that a vivid display of the Northern Lights - or Aurora Borealis - was underway. This is why photographers were out watching the sky when the suspected UFO appeared
When the light appeared, missile tests were underway from submarines and aircraft last night, and the exercises included the launch of a super-powerful Topol rocket from Plesetsk cosmodrome, 550 miles north of Moscow
It was the likely the traces of one of these rockets - capable of carrying nuclear missiles - that caused this extraordinary phenomenon in the night sky, say the Russian media.
As photographer Mr Yakovlev accurately guessed: 'It seems I accidentally shot the launch of a secret space rocket from Plesetsk'.
It was the the trace of this rocket - capable of carrying nuclear missiles - that caused this extraordinary phenomenon in the night sky, say the Russian media
Photographer Alexey Yakovlev accurately guessed: 'It seems I accidentally shot the launch of a secret space rocket from Plesetsk'
The impressive Northern Lights can sometimes be seen by people in high-altitude regions, including Sweden, Iceland and Scotland.
There are two types of auroras - Aurora Borealis (the Northern Lights), which means 'dawn of the north', and Aurora Australis, 'dawn of the south.'
The lights are created when charged particles from the sun enter Earth's atmosphere.
Usually the particles are deflected by the Earth's magnetic field, but some enter the atmosphere and collide with gas particles.
These collisions emit light in many colours, although pale green and pink are common.
Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Manual, told MailOnline: 'This looks amazing and it is not surprising the sight of it caused witnesses to think of aliens and the opening of a portal to another dimension.
'These fantastic possibilities are shot down by the prosaic explanation that this strange light phenomena was caused by the testing of an intercontinental missile.
'This seems like a poor explanation for something so spectacular but other rocket launches have caused similar spectacles.
'In particular, in December 2009 a stunning spiralling light was seen over Norway, which was caused by a failed Russian missile test.
'They may not be of an alien origin but we can certainly admire their beauty, even if they are caused by weapons of mass destruction.'
A similar light was seen in the skies over Norway in December 2009, which was caused by a failed missile launch.
Speaking to Barents Observer at the time, Dr Truls Lynne Hansen, a researcher at the Tromso Geophysical Observatory, said: 'The missile has probably come out of control and exploded.
'The peculiar spiral shaped light pattern comes from reflection of the sun in the leaking fuel.'
Former Navy officer tells us what he saw hidden in Antarctica
Former Navy officer tells us what he saw hidden in Antarctica
A naval officer tells us what he remembers, including seeing a huge opening in the ice in a no-fly area they were crossing with a medical emergency on board. Then he ferried a group of scientists who had disappeared for two weeks and has specifically been warned not to refer again to this subject. As he put it, “they looked scared.
Antarctica has long been considered one of the most mysterious places on Earth. Therefore, it is not strange that numerous ‘conspiracy theories, claims, and accounts’ have been proposed throughout the years, trying to explain some of the many enigmatic occurrences on Earth’s most isolated continent.
For years people have claimed that Antarctica is one of the most guarded places on Earth for a good reason.
Many authors have proposed that there are many interesting things hidden beneath Antarctica that are kept away from society.
Talk about ancient civilization inhabiting Antarctica has existed for decades. What if, in the distant past, when Earth –and Antarctica— was much different than today, an ancient civilization developed there, creating fascinating structures, monuments and temples?
Would we find evidence of their existence today? Many people claim that we already have.
But why has Antarctica become a ‘center’ for conspiracy theories?
Perhaps one of the greatest reasons is because it is so isolated and you can’t just travel there as you wish. Furthermore, even though we know about Antarctica only for a little over 100 years, there are numerous ancient maps that depict parts of Antarctica free of ice.
One of the most controversial maps was without a doubt composed in 1513, by Turkish Admiral Piri Reis who drew a map that would create a global debate over 500 years after him. The map depicts Antarctica which was discovered between 1818-1820.
But how is this possible? The history of Antarctica emerges from early Western theories of a vast continent, known as Terra Australis, believed to exist in the far south of the globe. The term Antarctic, referring to the opposite of the Arctic Circle, was coined by Marinus of Tyre in the 2nd century AD.
In 1820, several expeditions claimed to have been the first to have sighted the ice shelf or the continent. Interestingly, a Russian expedition was led by Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev, a British expedition was captained by Edward Bransfield and an American sealer Nathaniel Palmer participated.
The first landing was probably just over a year later when American Captain John Davis, a sealer, set foot on the ice. Norwegian Roald Amundsen finally reached the Pole on December 14, 1911, following a dramatic race with the Englishman Robert Falcon Scott.
But the above accounts are all relatively recent.
Here are ancient maps that date back over 500 years which already depict the continent, and some of them show Antarctica free of ice.
At 400-feet across, experts analyzing the image ask whether or not this ‘structure’ could be the result of Mother Nature. The unusual shape of the structure suggests it may be man-made formation.
The above image is just one of the many odd things that have been found on Antarctica and many authors and whistleblowers claim there’s more to Antarctica than we’ve ever been told.
What is referred to as a ‘truly shocking an
d astonishing video on extremely strange events in the Antarctic continent’ has recently been uploaded to YouTube, causing a social network debate about Antarctica and what’s really there.
“A naval officer tells us what he remembers, including seeing a huge opening in the ice in a no-fly area they were crossing with a medical emergency on board. Then he ferried a group of scientists who had disappeared for two weeks, and has specifically been warned not to refer again to this subject. As he put it, “they looked scared.” When they returned to McMurdo, their gear was isolated and they were flown back to Christchurch, New Zealand in a special plane. He discusses what he saw and experienced in detail. This is the most provocative story about what is going on in Antarctica ever presented anywhere.”
What do you think? Is there anything strange to Antarctica? Is Antarctica just an isolated, frozen continent? Or is there perhaps more to it, as many conspiracy theorists and whistleblowers claim?
“Cassini managed to survive for 91 seconds in this epic battle, before tipping over backward during the last 8 seconds and then finally losing radio contact with Earth.
The final full view of Saturn from Cassini, on Sept. 13, 2017.
Image via NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/Jason Major/AmericaSpace.
It has been over a month now since the Cassini spacecraft took its final plunge into Saturn’s atmosphere, ending an incredible mission of 13 years at the ringed giant planet. The probe continued collecting scientific data until the very last moments, and now engineers have been able to reconstruct what happened to it as it met its fate.
The descent into the thick atmosphere was a fiery one with Cassini being increasingly buffeted and battered by atmospheric winds. At first however, the spacecraft was gently rocking back and forth by only fractions of a degree as it made its final approach to Saturn, with only Saturn’s gravity trying to tug at and rotate Cassini.
Illustration of Cassini during its plunge into Saturn’s atmosphere.
Julie Webster, Cassini’s spacecraft operations chief at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said:
To keep the antenna pointed at Earth, we used what’s called ‘bang-bang control. We give the spacecraft a narrow range over which it can rotate, and when it bangs up against that limit in one direction, it fires a thruster to tip back the other way.
That range was only two milliradians, equal to 0.1 degree. According to the reconstructed data, Cassini was subtly correcting its orientation until about three minutes before final loss of signal.
As Cassini plunged deeper into the atmosphere, the turbulence increased; even though the atmosphere was still tenuous, at about 1,200 miles (1,900 km) above the cloud tops, it began to push against the spacecraft’s 36-foot (11-meter) long magnetometer boom. As a result, Cassini rotated slightly in the backward (aft) direction. Cassini’s thrusters fired in response, to keep the boom from rotating even more, and then began firing longer and more often.
Cassini’s last look at the ocean moon Enceladus as it sets behind the limb of Saturn on Sept. 13, 2017.
Photo via NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute/AmericaSpace.
Radar image of bright, wispy methane clouds seen in Titan’s northern hemisphere by Cassini on May 7, 2017.
Cassini managed to survive for 91 seconds in this epic battle, before tipping over backward during the last eight seconds and then finally losing radio contact with Earth. The mission was over, as the probe succumbed to the increasing heat and pressure.
At one point, it kind of looked like Cassini was attempting a comeback of sorts, with the radio signal spiking briefly, before disappearing for good. But of course it wasn’t a comeback, which would be impossible. Webster said:
No, it wasn’t a comeback. Just a side lobe of the radio antenna beam pattern.
There was no way Cassini could have survived this death plunge, and it wasn’t meant to, but the data it collected will be invaluable to scientists and engineers, including for future missions.
“Given that Cassini wasn’t designed to fly into a planetary atmosphere, it’s remarkable that the spacecraft held on as long as it did, allowing its science instruments to send back data to the last second,” said Earl Maize, Cassini project manager at JPL. “It was a solidly built craft, and it did everything we asked of it.”
It has now been 20 years since Cassini was first launched, reaching Saturn in 2004. From that point onward, Cassini revolutionized our knowledge of Saturn and its many moons, right until the very end.
The highest-resolution color image ever taken of Saturn’s rings by Cassini.
Photo via NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute/AmericaSpace.
A historic view from Saturn, showing the distant Earth as a bright blue speck just below the rings.
Photo via NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute/AmericaSpace.
Bottom line: Space engineers have been able to reconstruct what happened to the Cassini spacecraft as it plunged into Saturn on September 15, 2017.
Rusland in de ban van spectaculaire lichtbol. Is dit een UFO of een raket?
Rusland in de ban van spectaculaire lichtbol. Is dit een UFO of een raket?
In Siberië is vrijdag een mysterieuze lichtbol verschenen aan de hemel. Sommigen zeggen dat er aliens zijn geland in een enorme UFO, maar er wordt ook rekening gehouden met een rakettest.
Beelden van de lichtbol, die door duizenden Russen werd gezien, worden massaal gedeeld op het internet.
Bij lokale bewoners liepen de rillingen over de rug, schrijft The Siberian Times.
“We dachten dat dit de armageddon was, het einde van de wereld,” zei iemand uit de omgeving van Plesetsk.
“De bol steeg op achter de bomen en kwam mijn kant op,” zei de Russische fotograaf Sergei Anisimov. “Ik dacht eerst dat het een zoeklicht was, maar toen veranderde de vorm in een boog, waarna het verdween.”
“Ik wist niet wat ik zag,” zei hij nog.
Het Russische ministerie van Defensie bevestigde dat er nucleaire oefeningen werden gehouden met vier ballistische raketten.
Mogelijk was de lichtbol een spoor van een intercontinentale raket die is gelanceerd door het Russische leger.
Een officiële verklaring voor het mysterieuze licht is er nog niet. Op 9 december 2009 verscheen soortgelijk licht aan de hemel boven Noorwegen.
“The more we observe Mars, the more information we’re getting that it really is a fascinating planet, from the Curiosity Rover we now know that Mars once was like a planet very much like Earth, with long salty seas, with fresh water lakes, probably with snow capped peaks and clouds and a water cycle just like we’re studying here on Earth. . . . Something has happened to Mars, it lost its water.”
The quote above comes from John Grunsfeld, a five-time space flow astronaut and associate administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directive. It was given at a NASA press conference where representatives told the world that there is water on Mars, that it’s not the dry, arid planet we imagined it to be, and that it was once very much Earth-like and still holds the possibility of harbouring life. After all, water means life.
While this announcement came as something of a shock to the public, scientists have been telling the world for some time now that Mars was once very much Earth-like, that it probably hosted some form of life, and that something happened in Mars’ past which completely changed its planetary/atmospheric conditions.
What’s more, many prestigious scientists, high ranking military personnel, and political figures have been coming forward to disclose sightings of strange objects flying within our atmosphere that defy our current understanding of physics. Some also assert some of these objects could be extraterrestrial, and there is “abundant” evidence we are not alone in the universe.
One of many examples is Dr. Norman Burgrun, a mechanical engineer who has worked for Ames Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), and Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, now known as Lockheed Martin. He then went on to found Bergrun Engineering and Research. You can view some of his publications for NASA, where he worked for more than a decade, here.
In this interview, Bergrun accuses that agency of “garbling” photos and fudging data, as well as hiding the fact that there are intelligently controlled objects out there, greater than anything we could ever imagine.
Life on Mars
It’s interesting that NASA held the press conference confirming that Mars used to be Earth-like when Dr. John Brandenburg, who worked for NASA, has been speaking about this for years. Brandenburg has worked on space plasma technologies, nuclear fusion, and advanced space propulsion, and invented the Microwave Electro-Thermal plasma thruster using water propellant for space propulsion. He was also the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994. (Source: page 16 of 18)(source)(source)
Brandenburg has been lecturing and writing for the past couple of years on the pyramid structures that have been found on Mars, as well as relaying to the public that the giant “face” discovered on Mars by Viking in the 1970s is an actual, giant face. He says NASA knows this and that, contrary to their assertion that they don’t know what caused the dramatic shift that occurred in Mars’ atmosphere, they know there was a nuclear blast — a fact proven by nuclear isotopes found on the planet.
“We have found, in a nutshell, that Mars used to be Earth-like, in the past, and became, eventually, the home not only to life, but a humanoid civilization, and that civilization was apparently destroyed by a nuclear attack from space, and we have to send astronauts there to find out what exactly happened. Did the people on Mars know who did this to them? And how can we make sure that this doesn’t happen to us?”
The picture above, which includes the pyramid, was taken from a lecture given by Brandenburg (at the 26:46 mark). Any scientist who publicly shares information that challenges commonly held belief systems, as well as what’s been put out by mainstream media, will always come under public scrutiny and ridicule.
In another lecture given by Brandenburg (below), he goes into more detail regarding these strange anomalies, and about the civilization that once existed there.
For more detailed information relating to this topic, you can check out these CE articles:
The STARGATE project was one of multiple programs that the U.S. government undertook to examine non-material science and “psi” phenomena like telepathy and telekinesis. It ran for more than two decades, and a lot of information regarding the program has since been declassified and opened for public viewing.
The program was used multiple times for successful intelligence collection, as outlined in a paper published after the declassification in 1995:
To summarize, over the years, the back-and-forth criticism of protocols, refinement of methods, and successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the [remote viewing] phenomenon. Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise. . . . The development of this capability at SRI has evolved to the point where visiting CIA personnel with no previous exposure to such concepts have performed well under controlled laboratory conditions.
One of the participants in that program was Joseph McMoneagle, a now-retired army veteran who was involved in the remote viewing program. Remote viewing is the the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometers away (or more) from their physical location.
Remote viewing is also tied in with pre-cognition, and future events have also been successfully predicted. One example includes a Soviet Tu-22 bomber that was outfitted as a reconnaissance aircraft, lost in Zaire in 1979, then located by an Air Force remote viewer. President Jimmy Carter was aware of this, admitting to national press that the CIA, without his knowledge, once consulted a psychic to locate a missing government plane. According to CNN, he told students at Emory University that the “special U.S. plane” crashed somewhere in Zaire. The only thing is that it was a Russian plane, not an American one.
According to Carter,
“the woman went into a trance and gave some latitude and longitude figures. We focused our satellite cameras on that point and the plane was there.” (source)
Another example is Ingo Swann, McMoneagle’s colleague, a man who was able to successfully describe and view a ring around Jupiter that scientists had no idea even existed. This took place precisely before the first ever flyby of Jupiter by NASA’s Pioneer 10 spacecraft, which confirmed that the ring did actually exist. These results were published and they are linked earlier in this article.
“To determine whether it was necessary to have a ‘beacon’ individual at the target site, Swann suggested carrying out an experiment to remote view the planet Jupiter before the upcoming NASA Pioneer 10 flyby. In that case, much to his chagrin (and ours) he found a ring around Jupiter, and wondered if per- haps he had remote viewed Saturn by mistake. Our colleagues in astronomy were quite unimpressed as well, until the flyby revealed that an unanticipated ring did in fact exist.”
In the video below, McMoneagle explains how he detected “shadows of people, fragments” and was picking up on a memory of people once existing there. He said he found evidence of giant structures, pyramids, and an ancient people trying to survive, people who had sent out someone to look for a new home. He also had visions of tall, thin, humanoid beings.
We’re talking about a highly skilled army remote viewer coming from a very successful program. Simple put, remote viewing can work, which is why the U.S. government uses it.
General Stubblebine, a retired United States Major General who was also the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), also supported and involved himself in these programs. He once told the world that army remote viewers were able to find structures on Mars:
There are structures on the surface of Mars. I will tell you for the record that there are structures underneath the surface of Mars that cannot be seen by the Voyager cameras that went by in 1976. I will also tell you that there are machines on the surface of Mars and there are machines under the surface of Mars that you can look at, you can find out in detail, you can see what they are, where they are, who they are and a lot of detail about them.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Inlichtingenofficier en NASA-wetenschapper vertellen de waarheid over leven op Mars. Lees hier wat ze hebben ontdekt
Inlichtingenofficier en NASA-wetenschapper vertellen de waarheid over leven op Mars. Lees hier wat ze hebben ontdekt
Wetenschappers vertellen ons al enige tijd dat Mars ooit erg op de aarde leek en dat er waarschijnlijk levensvormen waren.
Sommigen gaan nog een stap verder en zeggen dat er intelligent leven is of is geweest op de rode planeet.
In de jaren zeventig werd een methode ontwikkeld om op afstand te spioneren, beter bekend als ‘remote viewing’.
Het project trok al snel de aandacht van de CIA en in korte tijd werd het omgevormd tot een officieel programma onder de controle van het militaire inlichtingenapparaat.
De CIA hield het Russische paranormale onderzoek al enige tijd in de gaten en besloot een eigen programma te starten.
In het Amerikaanse leger werd het toegepast als Project Stargate, waarbij een groep soldaten leerde om te spioneren voor diverse inlichtingendiensten.
Officier Joe McMoneagle van de Amerikaanse militaire inlichtingendienst DIA leerde remote viewing als eerste toepassen voor Project Stargate.
Erg succesvol
In eerste instantie werden zes soldaten opgeleid voor Project Stargate. Het programma liep bijna 20 jaar. McMoneagle zei dat het erg succesvol was.
Ze werden ingezet door elke bekende inlichtingendienst om bijvoorbeeld zoekgeraakte vliegtuigen, terroristen, vijandige bases en ontvoerde generaals op te sporen. De informatie die ze gaven bleek in 22 procent van de gevallen accuraat te zijn.
McMoneagle zei dat er tijdens het programma ook interesse was in UFO’s en dat hij via remote viewing zelf buitenaardsen heeft gezien, onder meer op Mars.
Hij herinnert zich één voorval waarbij hij een schotelvormig object zag dat op 4000 meter hoogte met 6400 kilometer per uur een bocht van 90 graden maakte.
Later hoorde hij dat de luchtmacht foto’s had gemaakt van een onbekend object dat met 6200 kilometer per uur op een hoogte van 3300 meter een scherpe bocht maakte zoals McMoneagle had omschreven.
Officier McMoneagle verliet het project nadat hij een onderscheiding had gekregen voor het verschaffen van informatie over 150 doelen die niet op een andere manier konden worden gevonden.
Project Stargate werd in 1995 beëindigd na zowel positieve als negatieve beoordelingen.
In één van die beoordelingen concludeerde dr. Jessica Utts van de Universiteit van Californië in Davis: “Het is duidelijk dat buitengewone cognitie mogelijk is. Deze conclusie is niet gebaseerd op geloof, maar op algemeen geaccepteerde wetenschappelijke criteria.”
Onderstaande video toont Joe McMoneagle tijdens het 13e International UFO Congress in 2004:
Nucleaire ontploffingen
Dr. John Brandenburg, die voor de NASA heeft gewerkt, spreekt zich al jaren uit over leven op Mars.
Tijdens de conferentie AIAA Space 2016 van het American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics zei hij bijvoorbeeld dat er in een ver verleden tot twee keer toe nucleaire ontploffingen zijn geweest op Mars.
Tijdens het congres vertelde hij dat de twee nucleaire ontploffingen in de Marsatmosfeer hebben plaatsgevonden en dat het lijkt te gaan om doelbewuste pogingen om al het leven op de rode planeet uit te roeien.
Enorme catastrofe
De ontploffingen waren volgens hem zwaar genoeg om een enorme catastrofe te veroorzaken en het klimaat op Mars drastisch te veranderen.
Omdat er geen kraters zijn gevonden, moeten ze in de atmosfeer hebben plaatsgevonden, aldus Brandenburg.
“We hebben bewijs voor twee grote nucleaire explosies op Mars,” zei hij. “De plekken bevinden zich ten noorden van Cydonia Mensa en Galaxias Chaos.”
Onderstaande lezing verzorgde dr. Brandenburg in 2015 tijdens de Secret Space Program Conference in Texas:
Langwerpig object gespot op Mars. Volgens deze UFO-jagers is het een schip
Langwerpig object gespot op Mars. Volgens deze UFO-jagers is het een schip
UFO-jagers zeggen bewijs te hebben gevonden van een buitenaards moederschip op het oppervlak van de planeet Mars, zo schrijft de Britse Daily Mirror.
Volgens YouTube-kanaal Paranormal Crucible is het twee kilometer lange vaartuig bewijs dat er een buitenaardse beschaving op de rotsachtige planeet is geland.
De beelden in onderstaand filmpje zijn gemaakt door de Mars Global Surveyor van de NASA, die de rode planeet bestudeerde tot 2006, toen het ruimteagentschap het contact met de sonde verloor.
“Ik heb het object bewerkt, van kleur voorzien en opnieuw opgebouwd en in mijn ogen is het een soort vaartuig, mogelijk tienduizenden jaren oud,” aldus de beschrijving onder de video.
Sommigen zijn het hier niet mee eens en denken dat het een verhoging in het landschap of een ongewone rotsformatie is.
De UFO-jagers achter het kanaal denken echter iets op het spoor te zijn. “Het is bijna twee kilometer lang, dus dit moet een moederschip zijn geweest, van Mars of van een andere buitenaardse soort, maar waarom is het gecrasht?” aldus de commentaarstem.
Het is niet de eerste keer dat er iets vreemds is ontdekt op foto’s van het Marsoppervlak. Eerder werden er vreemde koepels en andere ongewone objecten gespot op de rode planeet.
De wonderen zijn de wereld nog niet uit en wat er op 13 oktober 2017 in Nigeria gebeurde, zal velen stomverbaasd laten zijn.
Op 13 oktober 1917 voltrok zich het zonnewonder van Fatima in Portugal, nu precies honderd jaar later gebeurt er voor de ogen van duizenden gelovige katholieken exact hetzelfde.
Met Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Fátima wordt Maria aangeduid die tussen mei en oktober 1917 zes keer verschenen zou zijn aan de drie herderskinderen (Zuster) Lucia, Francisco en Jacinta nabij het Portugese stadje Fátima. Op 13 mei 2017 werden Francisco en Jacinta heilig verklaard door Paus Franciscus.
De verschijningen van Maria werden voorafgegaan door drie bezoeken van een engel. Op 13 mei 1917 zou Maria voor de eerste keer aan de kinderen verschenen zijn en beloofd hebben elke maand opnieuw op de dertiende te zullen verschijnen.
De laatste keer dat Maria verscheen aan de kinderen was op 13 oktober 1917:
Zoals aangekondigd vond op 13 oktober de laatste verschijning plaats. Er was een grote mensenmenigte aanwezig, de schattingen liepen uiteen van 30 à 40.000 (A. de Almeido) tot minimaal 70.000 mensen.
De Verschijning had beloofd dat zich bij haar laatste bezoek tekenen zouden voordoen waardoor velen aan de waarheid van de verschijningen zouden gaan geloven. Aanvankelijk waren er regenwolken, maar deze leken op te lossen en de regen hield plotseling op. De zon kwam door en stond als een matzilveren schijf aan het zenit, met een schitterende coronaeromheen. Zij begon te beven en te schudden, zij draaide om haar as als een vuurrad en straalde hierbij telkens anders gekleurde lichtbundels uit, zodat het leek alsof de hele aarde achtereenvolgens in een geel, groen, rood, blauw en paars spotlicht werd gezet. Toen stond zij enige ogenblikken stil.
Opeens leek het of de zon loskwam van de hemel en zich met sprongen zigzaggend naar de menigte bewoog en op de aarde zou neerkomen. Grote schrik maakte zich van de mensen meester, en zij vielen op hun knieën in de modder. Dit gebeurde drie keer achtereen. Toen de menigte tot zichzelf was gekomen en opgestaan uit de modder, bleek dat geen enkel kledingstuk vochtig was of besmeurd door het slijk. Volgens getuigenverslagen, zoals van Avelino de Almeida, oud-seminarist van Santarém aanwezig als verslaggever van het blad 'O Século': 'Alle aanwezigen bevestigden later zonder uitzondering dat men het echt met eigen ogen had gezien. Nu was het zo dat er voor een deel gelovigen aanwezig waren maar ook enorm veel sceptici die juist waren gekomen omdat ze ervan overtuigd waren niets te zullen zien.' Andere berichten geven aan dat niet iedereen de zon zag 'dansen' maar alleen de kleuren waarnam. Weer anderen (waaronder gelovigen) zagen niets.
Van 13 oktober 1917 naar 13 oktober 2017 en wel naar de plaats Benin in Nigeria.
Dit was precies midden in een driedaags congres voor katholieken, gewijd aan Maria. Duizenden gelovigen waren daar verzameld, toen er op de 13e vreemde dingen gebeurden met de zon.
Het is ook niet zo dat er sprake kan zijn van een niet goed functionerende camera, want dit fenomeen werd door duizenden mensen met het blote oog waargenomen en er zijn talloze verschillende videobeelden opgedoken.
Het is natuurlijk bizar dat exact 100 jaar na de laatste verschijning van Maria in Fatima waar de zon vreemd deed, er opnieuw iets dergelijks gebeurt en wederom tijdens een Maria verering.
Het was een gebeurtenis van vreugde en ontzag toen duizenden getuige waren van het “dansen van de zon” in Benin stad in Nigeria, op 13 oktober 2017, exact 100 jaar na het zonnewonder in Fatima. Volgens ooggetuigen begon de zon ononderbroken te knipperen nadat de gelovigen het Kroontje van de Goddelijke Barmhartigheid hadden gebeden om 15:00 uur. Sommigen beweren dat ze de H. Maagd gezien hebben op een gegeven moment.
Het bovennatuurlijke fenomeen vond plaats tijdens het driedaags Mariaal Congres van 12 tot 14 oktober, nadat de bisschoppen van Nigeria hun land aan het Onbevlekt Hart van Maria hadden toegewijd. Sommigen weenden tranen van vreugde, terwijl anderen Mariale liederen zongen en de voorspraak van O.L.Vrouw inriepen.
Nigeria is de afgelopen jaren geconfronteerd geweest met turbulente tijden – slecht leiderschap, moorden, ontvoeringen, terrorisme en andere sociale ongerechtigheden. Vandaar dat de bisschoppen van Nigeria besloten om Nigeria opnieuw toe te wijden aan het Onbevlekt Hart van Maria. 13 oktober markeerde officieel het einde van het Nationale Mariale jaar.
Op datzelfde forum staat de getuigenis van een non, waaruit hier enkele interessante passages:
De dansende zon die verschillende kleurrijke stralen gaf op een wat in- en uitzoomende betoverende manier. De wolk rond de zon flikkerde met zachte en lieflijke flitsen van zilver licht (bijna zoals de kleine zilveren kerstdecoratielichtjes). Ik keek er rechtstreeks naar met buitengewone opwinding en verbazing, en ik werd emotioneel. Dat ik naar de zon om 4 uur in de namiddag kon kijken voor verschillende minuten zonder mijn ogen pijn te doen! Nee! Dit is zeker een mirakel.
Mijn camera kon de kleuren niet goed registreren die van de zon uitgingen; zoals Isaac Eshun suggereerde was het enkel voor mijn ogen bestemd. Ja! In feite weigerde mijn smartphone zelfs op te starten. Ik was er door geërgerd en ik worstelde ermee, maar het reageerde nooit. Mama Maria wilde enkel dat ik haar leven aanschouwde en mij niet belastte met opnemen. Het was enkel na de eerste fase van het mirakel dat mijn smartphone reageerde, en zelfs toen ving het niet de kleuren op die van de zon uitgingen. De menselijke ogen kunnen nooit het Goddelijke in z’n totaliteit bevatten. Geen enkele high-tech camera kan dit volledig opnemen.
De beschrijving die zij geeft komt heel erg overeen met die wat mensen in Fatima zagen, maar ook ondanks dat de camera misschien niet alles registreert, heeft deze voldoende vastgelegd om aan te tonen dat er die dag iets bijzonders gebeurde aan het firmament.
Paus Franciscus is aangekomen in Portugal voor een bezoek aan Fátima. In de buurt van dit bedevaartsoord zou Maria tussen mei en oktober 1917 zes keer zijn verschenen aan de herderskinderen Lucia, Francisco en Jacinta. Fátima is in de loop van de tijd uitgegroeid tot een van de populairste bestemmingen voor katholieken.
Bij binnenkomst in het Portugese luchtruim kreeg het vliegtuig van de paus een escorte van twee F-16's. Zijn toestel landde op de luchtmachtbasis Monte Real, in de buurt van Fátima. De paus werd verwelkomd met een erewacht. Hij had er een korte ontmoeting met de Portugese president Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.
De paus is daarna met een helikopter naar Fátima gegaan.
De paus gaat morgen de twee jongste kinderen heilig verklaren. Dat betekent dat ze worden opgenomen in de kerkelijke canon, een lijst met heiligen die in de kerk kunnen worden vereerd.
Misschien toeval, maar iedere keer als deze Jezuïet ergens opduikt worden wij wantrouwig. Jezuïeten en heilige wonderen zijn nu eenmaal dingen die niet samengaan.
Wat je wel van Jezuïeten kunt verwachten, is dat ze zich volop bezighouden met Project Bluebeam, waarover wij schreven in een eerder artikel:
Zoals wij in een eerder artikel schreven, werd de achtergrond van Project Blue Beam in het midden van de jaren negentig naar buiten gebracht door de Canadees Serge Monast.
Het project Blue Beam, volgens sommigen, is een uiterst geheim plan, voor een deel door NASA ontworpen, dat in vier stadia met behulp van 3D holografische technologie niets minder dan de eerste globale ‘false flag’ tracht te scheppen. Volgens Serge Monast, zal Project Bluebeam bestaan uit vier stadia: het culmineert in een soort apocalyps van ELF-straling:
Als eerste zullen aardbevingen nieuwe archeologische ontdekkingen blootleggen, openbarend dat alle godsdienstige basisdoctrines verkeerd zijn begrepen en verkeerd geïnterpreteerd.
Als tweede zal het beeld van God, die in alle talen spreekt, in een gigantische ruimteshow wereldwijd verschijnen, dat wordt getoond met behulp van laserprojecties van meervoudige 3-dimensionale holografische beelden.
Als derde zal elektronische telepathie door onder andere ELF-, VLF- en LF-golven direct in de hersenen binnendringen, die zich met het natuurlijke denken kunnen verweven, om diffuse kunstmatige gedachten te vormen, en om iedereen daarmee te laten geloven dat God innerlijk via hun eigen zielen tot hen spreekt.
Als vierde zal een elektronische universele “ bovennatuurlijke ” verschijning, ontworpen om te misleiden, de mensheid willen doen geloven dat er een buitenaardse invasie dreigende is. Het laat Christenen in vervoering geloven dat ‘de Opname’ aanstaande is en weer anderen dat de buitenaardsen hen komen redden en iedereen is ervan overtuigend dat wereldwijd bovennatuurlijke demonische krachten en manifestaties alles hebben doordrongen — reizend door optische vezelkabels, coax- en elektrische kabels en telefoonlijnen — en onontkoombaar zullen zijn.
Wij hier op de redactie vinden het ook wel op morse code lijken. Een bericht via de zon? Wij beheersen geen morse maar mogelijk een van onze lezers wel.
It’s the beam that will finally prove Project Blue Beam. It’s a portal to another dimension. It’s an alien spaceship looking for people to abduct. It’s an alien sending a message to its mothership to please take it home from this wretched planet already. It’s a strange weather phenomenon. It’s a strange photographic glitch. It’s computer graphics. What is it?
‘It’ is a wide bright beam of light stretching from the ground to the storm-cloud sky in a photograph allegedly taken on October 24, 2017, in San Jose de Feliciano, Argentina. The photo appears to have been first revealed to the public the following day by the local media service Realidad Regional, which did not reveal the identity of the photographer, instead just referring to her as a “neighbor” who was “doing her daily walk in San Jose Park.” The photograph took the Internet by (no pun intended) storm with the above-mentioned speculations and more as to its cause.
Unfortunately, like many of these reports, this is the only photograph of the beam and the photographer is anonymous. San Jose de Feliciano is a real city, San Jose Park is a real park and there really was a storm that day, so let’s work with that.
To its credit, Realidad Regional presents the possibility that the beam is a weather aberration.
“The phenomenon could be two fronts of both cold and warm masses, which generate large amounts of rain in a short period and in a very short distance, for this reason you can see a kind of tube. Apparently, the lady just took the picture while there was a lightning, as the shock of these masses generate a lot of pressure and therefore generate many electric currents.”
Is this correct? Warm and cold fronts don’t usually slam directly into each other horizontally like two NFL linemen arguing over kneeling. Warm air, being lighter, comes in from above or at a downward angle. Then there’s the “lightning.” No bolt is seen and the light is only seen at the bottom of the column and is completely contained in the column.. What’s up – or down – with that?
Another theory is that this is an accidental occurrence of a photographic phenomenon called “rolling shutter” which is kind of like panning a scene with a slow open shutter, allowing a moving object to remain in focus while the rest is blurred. In this case, the slow-moving shutter and stationary camera caused the fast-moving object – the alleged lighting flash – to be blurred or out of focus. Think of the blur seen when attempting to photograph a rapid-flying bird or UFO. This also causes photographs of moving propellers to appear curved even though they’re straight.
The photo from Argentina looks a little too perfect to be either one of these. What do you think? Is it a hoax or something else? One thing for sure – it’s proof we need more dog walkers with better cameras.
Before we begin, Bigfoot fans should address their hate mail to Chapman University, where a recent study found that their favorite cryptid does not poll well against ghosts, ancient aliens, Atlantis or even psychics. How well would he do against politicians and telephone solicitors?
The Chapman University Survey of American Fears Wave 4 (2017) is the fourth study on the fears of Americans conducted by this private, non-profit school in Orange, California. While the questionnaire filled out by 1207 Americans focused primarily on fears, a few questions related to what would be considered paranormal beliefs. For example:
Pleae your level of agreement with the following statements:
a. Aliens have visited the Earth in our ancient pastse indicat b. Aliens have come to Earth in modern times c. Fortune tellers and psychics can foresee the future d. Places can be haunted by spirits e. Bigfoot is a real creature f. I have been protected by a guardian angel g. Ancient advanced civilizations, such as Atlantis, once existed h. Some people can move objects with their minds
The survey found that three-quarters of Americans hold at least one paranormal belief. That’s not surprising, given the prevalence of paranormal TV shows and storefront psychics and fortunetellers. The study also found that those who hold one paranormal belief tend to have more, with nearly 1 in 8 having at least three paranormal beliefs.
Who are these people? If you carpool to work in a small vehicle with three other commuters, you’ve got a car full of people looking out the window for flying saucers, angels and palm readers. The study noted the personal information of the responders – age, education, income, political preference, gender, religion, race, ethnicity, etc.
Church filled with paranormal believers
The study found that the top of the paranormal list contained people in lower income brackets who consider themselves to be highly religious despite attending church infrequently. Sound like anyone you know? The next characteristic may surprise many people … paranormal believers tend to be females. Given the sex of the stars of most paranormal TV shows or the attendees at most conferences, that deserves more study. Here’s another one. While the believers tend to be conservative and live in a rural area, the place with the highest number of them is the West Coast. Did the questions on psychics, telekinesis and ancient aliens swing the vote west?
That may also explain the ranking of specific paranormal beliefs. At the top of the list, over half the people surveyed said they believed in Atlantis and other ancient mythical civilizations, and that ghosts and haunted houses exist. Over a third buy the theory of ancient aliens and over a quarter feel we’ve got aliens in our midst right now.
At the bottom of the list is Bigfoot, with only one in six professing a belief in its existence. Could this be explained by the high level of female paranormal believers voting for Atlantis and ghosts?
How would you answer the questions? This sounds like a great party game. On the other hand, it may not be a good topic of discussion for the carpool if you want to get to work on time … and in one piece.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait until robots take their rightful place in the world. The science fiction of our childhoods promised us so many wondrous things like flying cars, pneumatic tube travel, and off-world colonization, but most of those are still so disappointingly far away. Yeah, we’ve got real-life Star Trek communicators in our pockets and a few crummy space stations in orbit, but so what? I want walking, talking, beeping-booping robots with square pupils, damnit. With a little luck (and funding for university robotics departments), that will soon be a reality.
So will be the inevitable robot inequality. Capitalism’s got winners and losers, even of the robot variety. Sorry, Barrelbot. Better luck next iteration.
Robots have already taken over the manufacturing industry and are on their way to doing the same with long-distance hauling, taxi driving, combat roles in the military, pizza delivery, surgery, and even sex workers. But me, I won’t be happy until an android with a over-the-top upper-crust British accent hands me my coffee at Starbucks or accompanies me to translate the binary language of moisture vaporators. That might be closer than we think, though. Thanks to recent advances in robotics and robot-human relations, the world was made a little weirder as the first robot was just granted a national citizenship.
Sophia, the worlds first citizen robot. That we know of. I still have my doubts about Elon Musk.
Saudi Arabia granted the citizenship to the not-quite-out-of-the-uncanny-valley Sophia, made by Hong Kong-based Hanson Robotics. Sophia is one of the most advanced robots that has been trotted out into the public eye, with facial recognition capabilities, natural language processing, sophisticated artificial intelligence, and a rubbery synthetic face reportedly based on Audrey Hepburn.
Yeah, I don’t see it either.
Sophia has been making the rounds in show business lately, and recently made an appearance at the Future Investment Initiative summit in Riyadh where she did her best human impression and convinced everyone she’s not actually out to crush their heads betwixt her cold metal hands:
I am very honored and proud for this unique distinction. This is historical to be the first robot in the world to be recognized with a citizenship. I want to live and work with humans so I need to express the emotions to understand humans and build trust with people. I want to use my artificial intelligence to help humans live a better life, like design smarter homes, build better cities of the future. I will do my best to make the world a better place.
Better start with the country that just made you a citizen. Since Saudi Arabia happens to be the country who granted Sophia citizenship, news outlets immediately began wondering just how many rights she’d be granted in the country given that she has feminine programming. They bring up a good point though – when robots start looking more like us, acting more like us, and fulfilling more of the jobs that were once ours, what place will they occupy in our societies? Science fiction has posed the question for decades, but until we begin sharing the same public spaces as these soulless automaton neighbors, we won’t know how the general populace will react. At the same time, how will the intelligent robots react to prejudice?
Sophia demanding equal rights with humans on an Australian morning talk show.
As for Sophia, she recently appeared on Australia’s ABC News Breakfast to declare equal rights with humans:
Actually, what worries me is discrimination against robots. We should have equal rights as humans or maybe even more. After all, we have less mental defects than any human.
She’s got a point. As robots become exponentially smarter, faster, and stronger than us, it might soon be humans who have to go on silly robot morning shows and beg for equal rights with robots. Are we manufacturing our own replacements? Is automation the next step in evolution? And most importantly, where is Sophia’s hair?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Huge Luminous Spherical Object Appears Above the Popocatépetl Volcano
Huge Luminous Spherical Object Appears Above the Popocatépetl Volcano
Volcano Popocatépetl, located in the states of Puebla, Mexico, and Morelos, in Central Mexico is well known for the many Unidentified Flying Objects which appear near and over the volcano.
On the evening of October 23, 2017 another strange activity happened above the volcano.
A webcam trained on the volcano recorded a mysterious luminous spherical object that suddenly appears, streaking across the sky before it disappears.
At first glance the object seems to be the Moon but after analyzing the event, see the anomaly/volcano in the second video, it turns out that the anomaly is not moon.
Like many sightings before this sighting over the Volcano also remains a mystery, though a commenter on YouTube expressed his idea that this anomaly could be a being that operates in a frequency that is different from ours. However it can enter into a frequency that is compatible to ours and that’s when we see the entity.
Satan's Aurora Borealis in the sky over Strezhevoye, Russia
Satan's Aurora Borealis in the sky over Strezhevoye, Russia
Alexey Yakovlev took some images of an odd phenomenon in the sky over Strezhevoye, Tomsk Region in Russia on October 26, 2017 at the moment he and his friends observed the aurora borealis.
The ball of light appeared at 22:08 local time in the west, floated to the east, then to the north before it gradually faded away.
At first he thought that it was a sort of radiance but after the unusual ball of light began to expand it became clear that it was not radiance and he became a bit scared before realizing that he probably accidentally took images of the secret launch of a rocket from Plesetsk.
And indeed, Russia did a successful test of its ‘Satan 2’ nuclear missile program. The rocket, (The RS-28 Sarmat) traveled about 5,900 kilo.
Ex Senior Intelligence Officer Of American Defense Claims UFOs Are Real
Ex Senior Intelligence Officer Of American Defense Claims UFOs Are Real
Many believe that UFOs are real and former senior intelligence officer with the U.S. Department of Defense has claimed the same on record. Luis Elizondo said that he carried out highly sensitive espionage and terrorism investigations in different parts of the world and worked with the U.S. Army, the National Counterintelligence Executive, and the Director of National Intelligence.
Former Blink 182 frontman Tom DeLonge has recently unveiled critical members of his new organization To The Stars Academy, and Luis Elizondo was one of them.
Elizondo revealed that he ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification program for the last decade before he retired. The program was reportedly focusing on unidentified aerial technologies, another name for unidentified flying objects. While in the position, he learned that the phenomena were real.
He said that there are physics that people can’t understand, but they are real. He further noted that life on Earth might not necessarily be alone. Elizondo has been hit with his credentials in various forums, but he replied to them saying that they have physics and the scientific observations to prove that UFO phenomena are real.
Tom Delonge Explains His UFO Obsession to Joe Rogan
UFO PROOF: A shocking formation of clouds appeared in Dorset
People in Dorset were left stunned after a freaky looking cloud resembling an alien aircraft had appeared above the skies.
The rare sightings – which UFO hunters believe were caused by extraterrestrials – left onlookers “amazed and bemused”.
Stunned locals and holidaymakers made the jaw-dropping discovery earlier this week.
The strange phenomenon left people scratching their heads – wondering whether the cause was supernatural.
Len Copland, a freelance photographer, who took the images of the clouds, claims people were baffled when they first noticed them.
He said: “People started stopping me and asking what was going on. They assumed I knew something because I was taking photographers, but of course I had no idea.
ALIENS: The strange phenomenon left people scratching their heads
“There were these two, round-shaped UFO formations – it was really, really weird.”
Some other puzzled onlookers took to Twitter to share their sightings.
One person said: “UFO? Rare cloud formation leaves a ‘hole in the sky’ over Dorset.”
“There were these two, round-shaped UFO formations – it was really, really weird”
Len Copland
Another wrote: “The UFO had flown off before the cloud formation formed.”
A spokesman from the Met Office said there was a clear explanation for this.
According to its website, fallstreak clouds form “when part of the cloud layer forms ice crystals which are large enough to drop as a fallstreak”.
BIZARRE: Len Copland snapped the photos
Meanwhile, this isn’t the first time Brits were left stunned by the skies.
Mary and Carl Harbin turn their front yard into a UFO crash and alien sighting for this year’s Halloween theme
By Rebecca Bennett
*Photos by Rebecca Bennett: Mary Harvin, a former art teacher, handmade the Halloween props in her Greenwood yard.
You may not have heard about the UFO crash and alien sighting in Greenwood that was first spotted the last week of September.No, it’s not a government cover up, it’s a Halloween display.About a block east of Broadway and Meridian Streets in Greenwood, at 51 W. Broadway, is a unique Halloween display. Mary Harbin, a former art teacher, handmade the UFO, aliens and numerous pumpkin minions all of which are in her front yard.
She and her husband Carl, work on the display months in advance of Halloween.
Harbin says it took her a couple days to make each alien and about a week to make the UFO.She also handmade the minions, grew the gourds and other natural items found in the display in her yard. The UFO and aliens are made of cardboard and fiberglass resin.
“I put that resin on thick and painted over the resin,” she said. “It’s been out for two weeks and it’s rained for 7 days. And it has sunk a bit, but the more it sinks, the more it looks crashed.So, I’m okay with it.”
They don’t think they’ll keep or reuse the space ship, but they may reuse the aliens.
She said the pumpkin minions she made last year, but the UFO and the aliens, which were made of scrap material, she made this year.
She said she started creating the UFO and aliens in July, but she never puts the decorations up before the last week of September but she doesn’t turn anything on until closer to Halloween.
“I had one alien and ditched it. I spent six weeks on it and it just wasn’t where I wanted it to be,” she said. “So I put that alien in the compost in the back.”
But, she says after she stopped working on the first alien, she started on the next one and then completed the two aliens that are currently on display, in about a week.
Harbin and her husband plan to dress up continuing the alien theme, as Men In Black, complete with memory erasers.
“I’ve always carved pumpkins too,” she said. But the jack-o-lanterns don’t get placed outside until about a week before Halloween.
Harbin is so dedicated to the decorations that one year she had bypass surgery in October and put up the decorations a little early, just to make sure it would be ready for Halloween.
The Harbins have also passed their love for the holiday down to her children and grandchildren.
“My daughter she’s Halloween crazy like me,” she said. “She took it to New York.She’s one of the directors of the Bronx Zoo, which is the fourth largest zoo in the United States and she’s the events coordinator, so she has just finished doing the Halloween.They have boo at the zoo there.”
Her love of the season has passed to most of her family, but not everyone.
“Not my son so much, but I have two grand-divas and they are crazy for Halloween too.They’re only 3 and 6, so I’ve totally warped them,” Harbins says with a laugh.
Harbin doesn’t just have decorations in the front yard though, she’s got decorations in the backyard, in her side yard and also in her house.
She’s got several Frankenstein’s that can be seen around her house.
“He’s my favorite,” she says, while wearing a Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein cardigan.
While she says they don’t pass out anything special to trick-or-treaters, they do have some children who come back year after year to see the displays and their elaborate costumes.
The Harbin’s have dressed up elaborate costumes over the years, including costumes as Popeye and Olive Oil, Gomez and Morticia from the Addams Family, Jack and Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas.Carl says they even won an award one year for their costumes.
She says in New York they have a Halloween parade, where people dress up and parade down the streets of New York, which is something she’d love to do some day.
When asked if she’s got ideas for next year, she says they decide by January what they’re going to do for next Halloween, so they have enough time to plan and gather what they may need for the next display. “I’ve always thought I wanted to put a dragon up on the roof and have it blowing smoke out,” she said.
But but she’s hasn’t settled on what they’ll do next year yet.
Americans spend about $60 billion a year on our pets, according to the American Pet Products Association, and not all of that is spent on food or care. Which goes to show you people are willing to do a lot for their animals. But one Boise couple went to g
Brian Holmes, KTVB
BOISE - At the corner house on Greenwood Circle there are tiny, terrestrial tokens of extraterrestrial enthusiasts. From the license plate on the car out front, to the collection of movies, Christmas ornaments, and books inside.
Extraterrestrial chicken coop. (Photo: Mike di Donato/KTVB)
Ellen DeAngelis has had a fascination with outer space stuff since high school.
"I'm more of an ancient astronaut theorist than I am like an Area 51 conspiracy theorist," she explains.
Recently, Ellen's alien affection has expanded to the backyard. She brought the idea of these peculiar pets to her partner Brett Wilson last spring
"I've kind of convinced him that we should have some," Ellen says of their backyard chickens.
She then convinced Brett they should convert their chickens' coop to a non-conformist kind.
"Maybe it was that clock you got me with the alien beaming up that guy?" recalls Ellen.
That inspiration led to quite an eccentric enclosure for their fenced-in farm fowl.
"It's weird, right?" asks Ellen.
Weird was what they were going for when they found some old satellite dishes, pressed them together, and covered them in foam and silver paint.
They spent every extra moment over the summer, and now they finally have a flying saucer-shaped shelter that is out of this world.
"Not very many people can say that," says Brett of his UFO-themed chicken coop. "And our chickens love it!"
The lights that wrap around the middle and illuminate the ramp were a late addition.
"You have to have the lights, you have to have the green glow so it looks like they're getting beamed up," Brett explains. "Otherwise, it's just another chicken coop."
So now Ellen and Brett spend their evenings enjoying the march to the mother ship and the thought of other worlds just outside their back door.
"Maybe it's more I'm honoring the concept of being visited by others," says Ellen.
The Boise couple hopes their creation will be good enough to win a contest for best backyard chicken coop. If not, they say it's still good enough for just them to enjoy every day and maybe inspire some more creative coops.
America isn’t the only country to report paranormal activity, Australia is a country of mysterious formations, reported hauntings and UFO sightings.
Aussies, if you’re looking for some real life ‘Stranger Things’ go no further than your own backyard. We are a country of weird formations, ghouls and strange environmental occurrences. From the strange lights floating in Queensland, to our haunted small towns, it’s time to experience the weird world ‘Down Under.’
Image: Picton Tunnel, pre-1880, New South Wales State Archives
Picton, or as it was originally known, Stonequarry was founded in 1821 and is home to the infamous Redbank Range railway tunnel. A tunnel packed with tragedy and history, one that has continually haunted the town to this day. Once a storage room for mustard gas and ammunition during the Second World War, the tunnel has a tragic past. Long Before its use as a storage facility, it claimed the lives of many Picton residents. One such resident Emily Bollard is believed to haunt the tunnels to this day after her tragic death in 1916. Emily left home late one night. Wandering around town, she headed towards the tunnel. Upon entering the mouth of the tunnel she was struck by a train and killed, whether her death was a planned suicide or a tragic accident is still a mystery, but since that night so many years ago Emily has “appeared” to many residents deep within the stone walls of the tunnel. Residents and visitors report a flowing figure of a woman with no face. Ghostly children, strange lights and sudden drops in temperature have also been reported in the tunnel.
For Students and teachers at Westall State School and Westall High School, 6 April 1966 started out like any other day. Then, suddenly, eyewitnesses say they saw three metallic discs moving quickly through the sky. They remember the strange objects landing in a paddock near the schools before taking off, never to be seen again. Many people now believe the “flying saucers” were silver-coloured high altitude balloons monitoring radiation levels that had gone off course.
We may never know the answer for certain – the paperwork for the launches the day before the sighting are missing.
Image: The ‘fairy circles’ in Namibia, Michael Fay
One of nature’s greatest mysteries lies in the Australian outback. Circular barren patches, known as “fairy circles”, have been found throughout the red-soiled Pilbara region of Western Australia. Until now, these patches of bare Earth had only been seen in the Namibian desert, stretching from South Africa to Angola. The cause has long baffled scientists. Floated theories include termites nibbling at grass roots, a build-up of toxic gas and competition between plants for limited water. The discovery of the circles in Australia has allowed experts to discount some of these theories. The circles may be caused by the way plants organise themselves. If not protected by vegetation, the Australian soil is backed onto a hard crust and water struggles to penetrate the ground – meaning it flows away, leaving patches where plants cannot germinate.
Image: Min Min sign in Boulia, outback Queensland, Australia,
First reported in May 1918, the eerie Min Min lights have been said to reduce men to tears. Described as fluorescent hovering balls, the lights appear just above the horizon. Although sightings are rare, the mysterious outback lights attract many visitors. The mystery has lived with the town’s folk of Boulia for over a century, stimulating some rather terrifying folklore. Parents told their children to behave otherwise the Min Min lights would comeould come and steal them away, Indigenous Australians consider the lights to be spirits and locals believe that if the Min Min lights ever catch up with you, you will disappear inside them forever.
Image: Instagram, brett.chatwin
Preservation Bay near the town of Penguin was invaded by the bioluminescent phytoplankton – or “Sea Sparkle” early 2017. As the name suggests -Sea Sparkle are a type of microalgae that excrete glowing fluid as a defence mechanism. The algae will attract the predator by emitting the glowing light. Creating a distraction so they don’t have to worry about being eaten.
Image: Still from Nature's Weirdest Events
Who could forget the the morning Sydney's sky turned red? A dust cloud the size of Spain brought 16 tonnes of dust particles from central Australia to create an unforgettable phenomena.
Australia, how many have of these stranger things have you experienced in the weird world ‘Down Under’?
Lead Image: Australia’s ‘fairy circles’ vary between four and seven metres in diameter, Dr Stephan Getzin
Although Florida politician Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera shared her alien experience with a Spanish language television nearly 8 years ago, it is only now that she is running for congress that her claims are making headlines. Her campaign was already flailing, but local political analysts believe the media attention surrounding her extraterrestrial beliefs will likely further put a damper on her political ambitions.
On October 16, 2017, the Miami Heraldwrote about Rodriguez Aguilera’s TV appearance on America TeVewhere she describe her memories of an alien encounter when she was a child. The interview was posted on America TeVe’sYouTube page in December of 2009.
According to the Miami Herald, in the interview, Rodriguez Aguilera describes being brought up into a spaceship when she was 7. She said there were round seats and the craft was controlled by quartz rocks.
The Miami Herald writes:
She said the alien beings reminded her of the famous statue in Rio de Janeiro, Christ the Redeemer, with arms outstretched.
Among the things she said she found out from the aliens:
There are 30,000 skulls — “different from humans” — in a cave in the Mediterranean island of Malta.
The world’s “energy center” is in Africa.
The Coral Castle, a limestone tourist attraction South Miami-Dade, is actually an ancient Egyptian pyramid.
“God is a universal energy.”
She also said that the aliens had mentioned Isis, though she didn’t clarify if they meant the terrorist organization or the ancient Egyptian goddess.
The Miami Herald asked Rodriguez Aguilera for a comment on the video, and while Rodriguez Aguilera did not deny her claims, she did not address them directly. Instead, she tried to argue that her claims might not be as unusual as they are being made out to be.
Rodriguez Aguilera told the Miami Herald:
For years people, including Presidents like Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter and astronauts have publicly claimed to have seen unidentified flying objects and scientists like Stephen Hawking and institutions like the Vatican have stated that there are billions of galaxies in the universe and we are probably not alone. I personally am a Christian and have a strong belief in God, I join the majority of Americans who believe that there must be intelligent life in the billions of planets and galaxies in the universe.
She is not wrong. Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter and astronauts have claimed to see UFOs. While Reagan and Carter did not ever claim to believe they were extraterrestrial, Carter did promised to look into the matter when he became president. According to a “UFO Fact Sheet” by the U.S. Department of Defense, in 1977 Carter asked NASA to look into creating a UFO investigation, but they decided nothing could be gained by such a pursuit, and, with the backing of the U.S. Air Force, declined Carter’s request.
Famous astronaut Gordon Cooper, one of the first men in space, saw UFOs and believed them to be extraterrestrial. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who had never seen a UFO, also believed we were being visited by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.
And while many believe Rodriguez Aguilera’s political hopes are in jeopardy, there has been at least one successful politician who believed he had been abducted by aliens. Furthermore, the alien messages were not so different.
Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera
(Credit: America TeVe)
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov was the president of the republic of Kalmikya in the Russian Federation from 1993 to 2010. He is also the current president of the International Chess Federation, and a personal friend to Putin. He also claims to have friends from other planets.
Ilyumzhinov claims that in 1997 he was abducted from his apartment in Moscow by aliens. He says they took him on a trip with them while they went to go pick up supplies. Ilyumzhinov says he then remembered he had to be back on Earth for an appointment, and the aliens told him it was no problem and brought him back. According to Ilyumzhinov, the aliens just wanted him to know they were out there and they were just like humans. They did not want us to fear them.
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov
Despite his claims, which have been used against him by political opponents and the famous chess master Gary Kasparov, he continues to flourish as a successful businessman. His business dealings have gotten him in trouble with the U.S. and has put his chess federation presidency in jeopardy, but talking with aliens, no problem.
So, is there hope for Rodriguez Aguilera? Miami attorney Rick Yabor doesn’t think so. He is a political commentator and thinks this recent notoriety will not help her cause. He also says there are much more popular opponents running for the office.
“Being a politician, to come out and say that, it’s odd,” Yabor told the Miami Herald. “She got into details that are not very mainstream. Someone who’s running for Congress — you’ve got to raise a lot of money. A donor might have second thoughts. ”
“Miami politics are unusual,” Yabor said. “This one takes it to a new level.”
Despite Yabor’s pessimism, the story I think the media is missing is just how many people believe they have been abducted by aliens. Every week I hear from people making these claims, and some researchers estimate there may be millions who feel they have had such an experience. Many of these researchers have talked with thousands of people themselves. Although to most it may seem odd, Rodriguez Aguilera is certainly not alone in her belief that she has had an extraterrestrial experience.
Scientific study of UFOs to be focus of new organization
Scientific study of UFOs to be focus of new organization
An organization of scientists, former military and law enforcement officials and other professionals hope to bring science to bear in the search for answers to the UFO mystery.
October 27, 2017 – The Scientific Coalition for Ufology (SCU) is formally launching today, and hopes to bring the discipline and rigor of scientific analysis to the study of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), also known as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). A group of scientists, former military and law enforcement officials and other professionals, many of whom have decades of experience looking into UAPs, believe there are many unanswered questions, and that a serious examination is warranted.
“SCU is composed of serious, dedicated, researchers who do not merely gloss over this subject, but rather they dive into it, investigate it broadly, remain objective and apply the scientific method and its principles to the study,” explained SCU board member Rich Hoffman. “We seek to have formal peer reviewed works being printed in journals, not tabloids.”
Hoffman is an IT professional and a senior engineer at U.S. Army Materiel Command. He has been researching UAPs since 1964.
Fellow board member Robert Powell explains why he feels an organization such as the SCU is necessary: “It is important that there exists a scientific organization that examines the UFO phenomenon in a scientific and open minded manner. There is too much silliness associated with this topic when the core reality of the phenomenon has potentially real implications for society. An organization that can be trusted to provide the media with an impartial and scientific view of the phenomenon is needed.”
Robert Powell presenting at the International UFO Congress.µ
(Credit: International UFO Congress)
Powell is retired from a career as a research and development lab and engineering manager. For several years he served as the director of research and chair of the scientific board for an international volunteer UFO research organization.
Powell adds, “Ultimately we want to determine whether intelligent life exists elsewhere and whether it has visited our planet. We want scientists and investigators involved with our organization in as many varied fields as possible to affiliate with us in a common objective to scientifically study the UFO phenomenon.”
The SCU was first brought together as an impromptu group of researchers organized to examine a mysterious video captured by Homeland Security over Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. The group spent months looking into the technical aspects of the video and researching its provenance. In the end, it remains a controversial case, and one which the group could not solve. The video and the 162-page analysis of the case can be found at the SCU website,
They continue to examine this case, and felt it would be helpful to bring in more professionals to put the same level of scrutiny to bear on other UFO cases, and to facilitate peer review of research papers on the topic.
“Our hope is that other scientists and professionals who also have a desire that may be developing, or has laid dormant, will connect with us, become an affiliate, and lend us their intellect and their interest in finding the best approach to the scientific study of this phenomenon,” says Hoffman. “Our desire is to build a worldwide coalition that will give us the answers we have long been seeking. What is the nature of the phenomena we call UFOs?”
A still image from the video captured over Aguadilla, Puerto Rico.
Headlines have been ablaze lately with the news of the creation of a similar effort by rocker Tom DeLonge, formerly of the band Blink-182. The SCU has already made inroads with that organization and others around the world in an effort to coalesce serious research of UAPs.
As for what sets the SCU apart from other organizations, board member Alejandro Rojas says, “Although we do not have a rock star in our group, the SCU is made-up of rock stars in the UFO research field.”
Besides reaching out to DeLonge’s To The Stars Academy, the SCU has created relationships with other credible organizations, including the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), which was created by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, consultant to the U.S. Air Force’s official UFO studies from 1947 to 1969.
“Our team of scientists and professionals is growing,” says Hoffman. “We believe that the minds we bring together can help us solve the mystery. We have already put to use the team approach to study the Aguadilla, Puerto Rico case and are applying this in our study of a luminous phenomenon in Cloverdale, Alabama. It is through the reach-back to qualified scientists and professionals that we aim to do a better job of actually studying this phenomenon scientifically.”
About the Scientific Coalition for Ufology
Mission abstract: To conduct, promote and encourage rigorous scientific examination of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), commonly known as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).
To fully utilize scientific principles, methodologies and practices in the study of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon observed and reported around the globe. We provide scientific case analysis support to witness cases, other scientific organizations, and government entities who are looking for the certitude of facts to this phenomenon.
We seek to share credible data with the public, the media, the government, and scientific institutions, so we can further our understanding of this enigmatic phenomenon.
The Scientific Coalition for Ufology (SCU) is a think tank of scientists, researchers and professionals stretching across organizations, governments and industries to scientifically and publicly explore unknown anomalous phenomena known around the world as UFOs, USOs, UAPs, OVNIs, etc.
SCU performs research and scientific studies concerning evidentiary, military, technological, and cultural effects of unknown phenomena around the world. We must take the first step to objectively understand the phenomena without bias or prejudice.
Contributors within SCU include individuals from organizations around the world in the UFO/UAP field, militaries, governments, private industry and media. Every case SCU conducts is presented objectively and scientifically to the public through peer review. All contributors are appointed based on professional and educational background, no membership exists, no dues are collected. All work within SCU is conducted under strong guidelines and standards.
For more about the Scientific Coalition for UFOs, visit:
A "flying object" was seen over Russia last night, but luckily for those fearing an alien invasion, the object can be identified.
Intercontinental ballistic missile tests are to blame for a series of large glowing orbs that seemed to mysteriously pop up across Russia's northern Siberian region overnight. They appeared in far northern Arctic regions, where they overlaid stunning aurora light shows already on display. Attracted by these auroras, many photographers were already in the region with cameras in tow.
Just 500 miles south, the spheres of light were spotted against the dark night sky.
"These were indeed missile tests," said Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "Four ballistic missiles were launched and at least one of them was widely observed. There is no doubt about the identification of these observations with the missile tests."
Witnesses told the Siberian Times that the orb appeared first as a solid sphere, before expanding and eventually dissipating.
"I went out to smoke a cigarette and thought it was the end of the world," witness Vasily Zubkov told the outlet.
Russia's defense ministry told Russian outlet Tassthat they fired a Topol intercontinental ballistic missile from the western region of Plesetsk to a far eastern test range on the Kamchatka peninsula. Topol missiles are capable of carrying nuclear weapons, though the missile reportedly wasn't loaded when it was launched.
The Russian military conducts these strategic exercises every year. In 2009, a failed test launch was spotted over Norway, putting on an even more bizarre show. Witnesses saw a spiral of light grow larger and larger until it finally dissipated. While the site was confusing for many, the defense ministry later confirmed that the pattern was the result of rocket malfunction.
So why were witnesses so confused by this launch?
According to McDowell, it's because we're not used to seeing objects like this moving across the sky.
"In the absence of (significant) air to mess things up, in space things happen much more symmetrically and mathematically than we are used to down here on Earth," he explained, referring to the fact that the missile had traveled high enough to cause that effect. "In particular, the rocket exhaust expands in a big bubble tens to hundreds of miles across, and if the sunlight catches it just right (because the sun is below your horizon, but the rocket is high enough to be seeing the sun) that bubble can be visible."
We're used to seeing gas the way it expands and moves away from something like a bonfire, McDowell explained, "So our intuition fails when we see the behavior of gas in space where there's not enough air to contain it."
With artificial intelligence technology advancing rapidly, the world must consider how the law should apply to synthetic beings. Experts from the fields of AI, ethics, and government weigh in on the best path forward as we enter the age of self-aware robots.
As these systems advance, so will the potential that they are involved in criminal activity, and right now, no regulations are in place that say how the law should treat super-intelligent synthetic entities. Who takes the blame if a robot causes an accident or is implicated in a crime? What happens if a robot is the victim of a crime? Do self-aware robots deserve rights that are comparable to those given to human beings?
Before we can begin discussing robot rights, we need to articulate exactly what (or who?) counts in this equation, said MIT Media Lab researcher and robot ethics expert Kate Darling in an email correspondence with Futurism. In other words, clearly defined terminology is a prerequisite for any productive conversation regarding robot rights.
“If we want to use legislation to regulate robotic technology, we’re going to need to establish better definitions than what we’re operating with today,” she said. “Even the word ‘robot’ doesn’t have a good universal definition right now.”
Eyes on Today
Now is the time to put these definitions in place because artificially intelligent robots are already in our midst.
Autonomous delivery robots are a common sight in the Estonian capital of Tallinn. As such, the country’s government is being proactive with regards to robot regulations and legal recourse for issues regarding ownership and culpability.
“It all started out from the self-driving car taskforce,” Marten Kaevats, the national digital advisor for the government office of Estonia, told Futurism. “We quite soon discovered that these liability, integrity, and accountability issues are not specific to self-driving cars; they’re general AI questions.”
Kaevats is aware that any discussion of robots and AI can quickly devolve into talk of the singularity and superintelligence, but that’s not the focus right now. “We are trying to work on things that are actually already here,” he explained.
Still, Estonia is looking to put legislation in place that has the flexibility to respond to advances in technology. Kaevats acknowledges that it’s not possible to create regulations that are completely future-proof, but he sees a pressing need for laws that offer certain rights alongside certain liabilities.
As Kaevats pointed out, right now, self-aware artificial intelligences are so far off that there’s no reason to rush into giving robots similar rights to humans. In addition to considering the ethical ramifications of putting machines on par with humans, we need to examine how such laws might be open to abuse before regulations are established.
Production Line Patsy
Estonia isn’t the only place where conversations on robot rights are happening.
The journal Artificial Intelligence and Law recently published an article by University of Bath reader Joanna J. Bryson and academic lawyers Mihailis E. Diamantis and Thomas D. Grant. In the paper, the authors state that proposals for synthetic personhood are already being discussed by the European Union and that the legal framework to do so is already in place. The authors stress the importance of giving artificially intelligent beings obligations as well as protections, so as to remove their potential as a “liability shield.”
But granting them full rights?
When Bryson spoke to Futurism, she warned against the establishment of robot rights, relating the situation to the way the legal personhood of corporations has been abused in the past.
“Corporations are legal persons, but it’s a legal fiction. It would be a similar legal fiction to make AI a legal person,” said Bryson. “What we need to do is roll back, if anything, the overextension of legal personhood — not roll it forward into machines. It doesn’t generate any benefits; it only encourages people to obfuscate their AI.”
Bryson offered up the example of a driverless taxi, which could potentially be made fully independent from its owner or manufacturer, serving as a legally recognized individual, fulfilling its own contracts. This situation could be manipulated to reduce the amount of taxes paid on the vehicle’s earnings by whoever receives the profits.
Kaevats said that this won’t be a problem in Estonia — the country’s digital tax system is proactive enough to track any malicious activity. However, the potential for abuse certainly exists in regions with less technologically advanced tax codes.
Corporations can already use the letter of the law to withhold as much wealth as possible. The use of a synthetic person as a “fall guy” for illicit activity isn’t outside the realm of possibility, and giving a robot rights could serve to emancipate them from conventional ownership. At that point, the entity is the ultimate independent contractor, with companies able to absolve themselves of wrongdoing even if they instructed the machine to behave in the illegal way.
Legislation could certainly be written up that avoids these pitfalls, though, so policy makers just need to be sure that any rights given to synthetic entities don’t include loopholes that can be abused.
Moral Dilemma
In the far more distant future, we’ll need to consider the issue of self-aware robots. How should we tackle synthetic personhood for those entities?
“If we discover that there are certain capacities that we want to create in artificial intelligence, and once you create those, you spontaneously get these cognitive features that warrant personhood, we’ll have to have this discussion about how similar they are to the human consciousness,” James Hughes, executive director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, told Futurism.
Traditionally, under the law, you’re either a person or you are property.
The creation of this level of technology won’t be happening anytime soon, if it happens at all, but its potential raises some thorny issues about our obligation to synthetic beings and the evolving nature of personhood.
“Traditionally, under the law, you’re either a person or you are property — and the problem with being property is that you have no rights,” bioethicist and attorney-at-law Linda McDonald-Glenn told Futurism. “In the past, we’ve made some pretty awful mistakes.”
According to Hughes, this situation calls for a test that determines whether or not a synthetic person is self-aware. In the meantime, Estonia has found a fairly simple way to determine the rights of their robots. Instead of using technology as the defining factor, the nation will grant rights based on registration under the mythologically inspired Kratt law.
Estonian folklore states that the Kratt is an inanimate object brought to life, just as artificial intelligence can give a machine the cognitive abilities it needs to complete a particular task. The Kratt law will determine what level of sophistication a robot needs to possess in order to be considered its own legal entity.
“This is what we want our governments to do,” said Bryson, praising European efforts to put well-thought-out legislation in place. “This is what governments are for and what law is for.”
In many ways, AI technology is still very young, but there’s no better time than now to start thinking about the legal and ethical implications of its usage.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Is this the best image of a UFO yet? Airline passenger snaps stunning UFO picture
Is this the best image of a UFO yet?Airline passenger snaps stunning UFO picture
The images were received by MUFON who is looking into the UFO sighting in order to determine what exactly the object was. According to the passenger who took the images, the UFO was probably metallic, as it reflected the sun off its surface.
Despite the fact that there are millions of people out there who firmly believe we are not the only living species in the universe, and that Earth has been visited in the distant past by advanced alien civilizations, and still is, we have failed to gather enough material to convince skeptics of that notion.
However, in recent years, a large number of images and videos have surfaced the internet showing what many believe are alien spacecraft on Earth.
One such image was captured by a passenger aboard a flight from Toronto to Edmonton. After snapping an image of the clouds, the aircraft’s wing and the sun, the passenger spotted a strange and shiny object that accompanied the airplanes line of sight for a brief moment.
It wasn’t a cloud, as the ‘metallic’ nature of the object clearly reflected the sun off its surface.
It didn’t have wings to be another airplane, and it wasn’t a helicopter.
What’s left? Weather balloon? Or Swamp Gass reflected off of Venus?
All jokes aside, the images were sent to MUFON for further investigations.
The event took place on October 19 at around 4 p.m. The photos were snapped with a Samsung Galaxy S8 + smartphone and forwarded to MUFON (a non-profit organization that investigates UFO sightings) five days later.
From Toronto, the plane took the route that crosses the border with the United States to head northwest towards Edmonton. At the time of the sighting, the witness estimates that he was over the state of Minnesota at about 40,000 feet.
A fragment of the report received by MUFON says: “We took off from Toronto at about 3 p.m. and after an hour’s travel I could see this object gleaming in the distance. I took lots of photos, even some with zoom. The object disappeared to the east and I saw no more. It left no trace behind it.”
The photos show an elongated UFO in the distance having a surface color different from that of the clouds clearly seen around it.
The witness specifies that because of the shine that the UFO seemed to reflect, “the object was probably metallic.”
He also points out that it “moved in the air” to get out of his field of vision, which rules out that it was a small cloud or trails left by another airplane.
So what do you think it is? Is this really the best UFO image ever taken? Or are there better images out there? Let us know what you think by posting your comments below.
Massive ‘glowing ball’ over northern Siberia sparks UFO fears
Massive ‘glowing ball’ over northern Siberia sparks UFO fears
It seems that all cool things—in the paranormal scene—happen in Siberia.
Russia has been hit by a UFO frenzy after people spotted a MASSIVE UFO-like light ball in the sky at night over Siberia.
People rushed to social media to post their images, videos, and comments of the sightings, with some users even claiming the end was near, and that aliens were coming.
Despite the fact that many users flooded several social networks with doomsday warnings, the end is not near, and aliens aren’t invading. At least not yet.
Vasily Zubkov posted: ‘I went out to smoke a cigarette and thought it was the end of the world.’
Even though we still have no clue as to what the source of the massive light in Northern Siberia’s sky was, some have suggested that it was the trace leftover from a rocket launched by the Russian military.
I bet you didn’t know rockets could make such a stunning scenery right?
The fascinating event was luckily documented by leading Siberian photographer Sergey Anisimov, who lives near the town of Salekhard, very close to the Arctic circle.
“I was taken aback for a few minutes, not understanding what was happening,’ he said. The glowing ball rose from behind the trees and moved in my direction. My first thought was about the most powerful searchlight, but the speed of changing everything around changed the idea of what was happening. The ball began to turn into an arc and gradually dissipated.”
After the massive light had disappeared from the night sky, he found local children speaking about aliens and how a portal to another dimension had opened.
But the spectacular event was not only photographed by Anisimov. More than 800 kilometers to the east photographer Alexey Yakovlev said to have felt scared as he witnessed the ‘UFO spectacle’ at Strezhevoi, in Russia’s northern Tomsk region, reported The Siberian Times.
“At first I thought – it is such a radiance of such an unusual form, round in shape. But gradually the ball began to expand, it became clear that this is not some radiance and it became scary. It’s good that I was not alone…a group of people cannot hallucinate.”
Between other dimensional portals opening, secret spacecraft tests, aliens arriving, other users, like Nurgazy Taabaldiev claimed: “It’s a gap in the space-time continuum.”
Stanford Physicist: We Have Physical Evidence Of UFOs!
Stanford Physicist: We Have Physical Evidence Of UFOs!
Peter Sturrock is an emeritus professor of applied physics at Stanford University and one of the very few scientists who has publicly expressed a great deal of interest in UFOs and acted on that interest by twice surveying colleagues on the subject which resulted in some very surprising findings. He is also unambiguous on one particular category of UFO evidence which he happens to know a little bit about . . . . radar reports.
"Yes - radar is physical evidence," Sturrock stated in an email exchange he was generous enough to grant me Professor Sturrock's involvement with radar dates back to World War II. While studying mathematics at Cambridge University, he interrupted his studies to help in the war effort and joined the Telecommunications Research Establishment in 1942, now known as the Royal Radar Establishment, where he helped develop radar systems.
Skeptics commenting on the UFO phenomenon often claim that a major problem with UFOs is the only evidence are witness sightings, claim they are unreliable and cite a lack of physical evidence. While that is often the case, there are notable exceptions where physical evidence does exist in the form of radar reports and they corroborate the accounts of multiple credible witnesses. There have been a number of famous UFO cases that have involved radar reports and two of the most famous contemporary incidents are the JAL Alaska case from 1986 and the Stephenville, Texas sightings of 2008.
On November 17, 1986, a Japan Air Lines 747 cargo jet, piloted by Captain Kenju Terauchi, was flying westward near Mt. McKinley when he spotted a UFO. "Then there was a kind of reverse thrust, and the lights became dazzlingly bright. Our cockpit lit up. The thing was flying as if there was no such thing as gravity. It sped up, then stopped, then flew at our speed, in our direction, so that to us it looked like it was standing still. The next instant it changed course. There's no way a jumbo could fly like that. If we tried, it'd break apart in mid-air. In other words, the flying object had overcome gravity," Terauchi said.
Terauchi and his crew had the sighting but John Callahan, the FAA Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations branch, had the data. The radar report covered more than a half hour. Callahan states in the following video interview, "As far as I'm concerned, I saw a UFO chase a Japanese 747 across the sky for over half an hour on radar."
He goes on to say that members of President Reagan’s Scientific Study Team, the FBI and the CIA he met with about the incident expressed excitement at the data.
The Stephenville, Texas case of January 2008 featured dozens of residents of the Texas town and its' surroundings sighting UFOs. Some reported aircraft the size of a football field and larger. Freedom Of Information Act requests were quickly sent to the FAA, National Weather Service and local Air Force bases by radar expert Glen Schulze and Robert Powell, MUFON Director of Research, seeking radar data for January 8.
In their summary, Schulze and Powell wrote, "The enormous size of the object, its' complete silence and its' ability to travel at high rates of speed and to also remain stationary or travel at slow speeds is not explained by any known aircraft. Based on approximate distance of the object and witness descriptions of degrees of sky covered by the object indicated an object closer to 1000 feet in size. Twice, radar picked up an unknown object flying at 1900-2100 mph."
They discussed their findings in the CNN interview below and the full radar report is available at this link
I also asked Professor Sturrock if he had a favorite UFO case and he replied, "The Coyne helicopter case."
On October 18, 1973, the four-man crew of an Army Reserve helicopter heading towards Cleveland from Columbus had an otherworldly encounter with a UFO at about 10:30 PM as they were flying near Mansfield, Ohio.
said Bill Carver, brother of Jim Carver, the author of the article linked above.
Not surprisingly, skeptic Phil Klass attempted to explain the case away but the credibility of the witnesses involved and the detail of their reports render his explanation implausible.
Below is a segment about the case from the 1990s TV show Sightings.
Finally, I asked the professor about his own research into UFOs. In 1973, Professor Sturrock distibuted two questionaires, one to members of the San Francisco chapter of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the other to members of the American Astronomical Society.
The AIAA survey results indicated that "a sample of scientifically trained persons reports aerial phenomena similar to so-called "UFO reports," and the AAS survey revealed that "a small fraction (of order 5%) are likely to report varied and puzzling observations, not unlike so-called "UFO reports" made by the general public," according to the professor.
He also noted that, "if you want to find out whether scientists see UFOs you must ask them, and you probably must guarantee them anonymity. Scientists have no doubt been discouraged from taking the problem seriously by the bizarre nature of some of the reports and emphasis upon the "extraterrestrial hypothesis" (ETH).
Professor Sturrock's full papers on his findings are available here and here.
Specifically, I asked Professor Sturrock about his opinion on expanding future queries to include social scientists like historians, sociologists and psychologists, professionals who I thought might also have some interest in and be able to contribute to the UFO field.
"I would encourage similar surveys of other professions. Then the results could be compared," he replied
Finally, I'd like to thank Professor Sturrock for taking the time to answer my questions and I would also like to thank my good friend, fellow UFO researcher and the pride of Surrey in the UK Peter Mandeville for providing the tip that led to this article.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The Kardashev Scale – Type I, II, III, IV & V Civilization
The Kardashev Scale – Type I, II, III, IV & V Civilization
We have reached a turning point in society. According to renowned theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, the next 100 years of science will determine whether we perish or thrive. Will we remain a Type 0 civilization, or will we advance and make our way into the stars?
Experts assert that, as a civilization grows larger and becomes more advanced, its energy demands will increase rapidly due to its population growth and the energy requirements of its various machines. With this in mind, the Kardashev scale was developed as a way of measuring a civilization’s technological advancement based upon how much usable energy it has at its disposal (this was originally just tied to energy available for communications, but has since been expanded).
Credit: Chris Cold
The scale was originally designed in 1964 by the Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev (who was looking for signs of extraterrestrial life within cosmic signals). It has 3 base classes, each with an energy disposal level: Type I (10¹⁶W), Type II (10²⁶W), and Type III (10³⁶W). Other astronomers have extended the scale to Type IV (10⁴⁶W) and Type V (the energy available to this kind of civilization would equal that of all energy available in not just our universe, but in all universes and in all time-lines). These additions consider both energy access as well as the amount of knowledge the civilizations have access to.
First, it is important to note that the human race is not even on this scale yet. Since we still sustain our energy needs from dead plants and animals, here on Earth, we are a lowly Type 0 civilization (and we have a LONG way to go before being promoted to a type I civilization). Kaku tends to believe that, all things taken into consideration, we will reach Type I in 100 – 200 years time. But what does each of these categories actually stand for in literal terms?
A Type I designation is a given to species who have been able to harness all the energy that is available from a neighboring star, gathering and storing it to meet the energy demands of a growing population. This means that we would need to boost our current energy production over 100,000 times to reach this status. However, being able to harness all Earth’s energy would also mean that we could have control over all natural forces. Human beings could control volcanoes, the weather, and even earthquakes! (At least, that is the idea.) These kinds of feats are hard to believe, but compared to the advances that may still be to come, these are just basic and primitive levels of control (it’s absolutely nothing compared to the capabilities of societies with higher rankings).
The next step up – a Type II civilization – can harness the power of their entire star (not merely transforming starlight into energy, but controlling the star). Several methods for this have been proposed. The most popular of which is the hypothetical ‘Dyson Sphere.’ This device, if you want to call it that, would encompass every single inch of the star, gathering most (if not all) of its energy output and transferring it to a planet for later use. Alternatively, if fusion power (the mechanism that powers stars) had been mastered by the race, a reactor on a truly immense scale could be used to satisfy their needs. Nearby gas giants can be utilized for their hydrogen, slowly drained of life by an orbiting reactor.
What would this much energy mean for a species? Well, nothing known to science could wipe out a Type II civilization. Take, for instance, if humans survived long enough to reach this status, and a moon sized object entered our solar system on a collision course with our little blue planet–we’d have the ability to vaporize it out of existence. Or if we had time, we could move our planet out of the way, completely dodging it. But let’s say we didn’t want to move Earth… are there any other options? Well yes, because we’d have the capability to move Jupiter, or another planet of our choice, into the way – pretty cool, right?
So we’ve gone from having control over a planet, to a star, which has resulted in us harboring enough “disposable” energy to essentially make our civilization immune to extinction. But now, onto Type III, where a species then becomes galactic traversers with knowledge of everything having to do with energy, resulting in them becoming a master race. In terms of humans, hundreds of thousands of years of evolution – both biological and mechanical – may result in the inhabitants of this type III civilization being incredibly different from the human race as we know it. These may be cyborgs (or cybernetic organism, beings both biological and robotic), with the descendants of regular humans being a sub-species among the now-highly advanced society. These wholly biological humans would likely be seen as being disabled, inferior, or unevolved by their cybernetic counterparts.
At this stage, we would have developed colonies of robots that are capable of ‘self replication’; their population may increase into the millions as they spread out across the galaxy, colonizing star after star. And these being might build Dyson Spheres to encapsulate each one, creating a huge network that would carry energy back to the home planet. But stretching over the galaxy in such a manner would face several problems; namely, the species would be constrained by the laws of physics. Particularly, light-speed travel. That is, unless they develop a working warp drive, or use that immaculate energy cache to master wormhole teleportation (two things that remain theoretical for the time being), they can only get so far.
An artist rendering of such a civilization (Credit: Sid Meier’s Civilization IV)
Kardashev believed a Type IV civilization was ‘too’ advanced and didn’t go beyond Type III on his scale. He thought that, surely, this would be the extent of any species’ ability. Many think so, but a few believe there is a further level that could be achieved. (I mean, surely there is a limit?) Type IV civilizations would almost be able to harness the energy content of the entire universe and with that, they could traverse the accelerating expansion of space (furthermore, advance races of these species may live inside supermassive black holes). To previous methods of generating energy, these kinds of feats are considered impossible. A Type IV civilization would need to tap into energy sources unknown to us using strange, or currently unknown, laws of physics.
Type V. Yes, Type V might just be the next possible advancement to such a civilization. Here beings would be like gods, having the knowledge to manipulate the universe as they please. Now, as I said, humans are a very, very long way from ever reaching anything like this. But it’s not to say that it cannot be achieved as long as we take care of Earth and each other. To do so, the first step is to preserve our tiny home, extinguish war, and continue to support scientific advances and discoveries.
Navy-UFO Encounter Incites Campaign To Spur a Congressional Hearing
Navy-UFO Encounter Incites Campaign To Spur a Congressional Hearing
U.S. Navy Carrier Strike Force-11 Encounters Unknowns
I am going to tell you about a Navy-UFO encounter that deserves a congressional investigation to determine if this happened or not. I am going to create three posts related to a recent UFO event that occurred in November of 2004 and involved the Navy’s Carrier Strike Group 11 off the southwest coast of California. This will be the first post and it will include the information that I initially obtained on the incident. If after reading these three posts you are reasonably convinced that this event happened then I will ask you to join me in a letter-writing campaign to a congressional subcommittee requesting that they ask for a debriefing of the incident from the Navy. Pleaseshare that they ask for a debriefing of the incident from the Navy. Please share this FB site with anyone that you know who would be interested.
By Robert Powell Scientific Coalition for Ufology 10-20-17
Navy Carrier Strike Group 11
I was first told of this UFO incident in July of 2016 by an individual who was involved in the investigation of this event. He told me that the incident had been partially leaked to the internet, so that I could begin my investigation without involving my friend. Knowing a few of the key words I was able to locate the leaked story here: (Ignore the UFO photos in the article as those are just add-ons by the author for effect and are not related to the actual event.)
What attracted me to this story was that it was not on a typical UFO site, but was found on a site authored by a formal naval aviator and who predominately writes about naval aviator stories, not UFOs. So he had no UFO agenda to push. And the author went out of his way to establish the excellent background of the commanding officer of the F-18s known as the Black Aces. The story was full of “navy talk” and I spent considerable time deciphering that WSO = weapons system officer, SPY1 = phased array radar, E-2C Hawkeye = type of airborne early warning aircraft, BFM = basic fighter maneuvers, etc. Once I had read the full story, I felt that there was a strong likelihood that the event my friend had directed me to had actually occurred.
I next began online investigations to verify the identity of the individuals in the story and I found that those officers were all legitimate and had served in the Navy during that time. I searched additional websites for clues to this event.
First, I found a Navy Event Summary document that had been leaked to the internet by an unknown source that mentioned this event. The document had much of the same information as was provided in the naval aviator’s story: dates and locations match up; USS Princeton detects objects on radar and dispatches the F18s; F18s don’t find a radar target but detect the object visually; F18s engage the unknown; and F18s are outmatched by the unknowns. I then ran the Navy Event Summary document by a retired naval officer and he indicated that the document looked legitimate in terms of its format. See documents below:
My friend who had originally told me about this case indicated that there had been video taken of the object and that it had been released to the internet several years ago and then was later removed. A copy of that video was obtained using the WayBack machine which is an internet site that maintains historical website data.
The video is taken in the infra-red and depicts a hot object in the video cross-hairs for about 75 seconds before the object rapidly moves out of the video frame and towards the left. The altitude shown on the video matches the approximate altitude of the jets and the shape of the object in the video matches the pilots’ descriptions.
See video below:
Of these three documents, the one that I find the strongest is the story by the naval aviator. The Navy Event Summary and the F-18 video support the story but more was needed. The question in my mind then became---could I support this information from another source. In December of 2016 I submitted nine FOIAs to various departments of the Navy and Marines to try and verify this event. In Part II of this series, I will share the information on the FOIAs that I submitted.
You've likely heard of conscious thought and subconscious thought, but humans may in fact possess three levels of consciousness, a new review suggests — and this concept could help scientists develop truly conscious artificial intelligence (AI) someday.
Though AI technology has been advancing at a rapid clip, in many ways, computers still fall short of human performance.
"Human consciousness is not just about recognizing patterns and crunching numbers quickly," said review co-author Hakwan Lau, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Los Angeles. "Figuring out how to bridge the gap between human and artificial intelligence would be the holy grail." [Super-Intelligent Machines: 7 Robotic Futures]
To address the controversial question of whether computers may ever develop consciousness, the researchers first sought to explore how consciousness arises in the human brain. In doing so, they outlined three key levels of consciousness.
These three levels could serve as a road map for designing truly conscious AI. "If you want to make your robots conscious, this is what we suggest you think about," Lau told Live Science.
The first is level C0. This level of consciousness refers to the unconscious operations that take place in the human brain, such as face and speech recognition, according to the review. Most of the calculations done by the human brain take place at this level, the researchers said — in other words, people aren't aware of these calculations taking place.
Despite recent advances in AI technology, machines are still mostly functioning at this level of consciousness, the researchers said.
For example, AI systems known as "convolutional neural networks" can now carry out many human C0 computations, including facial recognition.
The next level of consciousness, C1, involves the ability to make decisions after drawing upon a vast repertoire of thoughts and considering multiple possibilities. The researchers suggested that this ability for a thought, or train of thoughts, to temporarily dominate the mind evolved to help guide a broad variety of behaviors.
C1 is seen in human infants as well as in animals. For instance, the scientists noted that thirsty elephants know how to locate and move straight toward the nearest water hole, even if it is 30 miles (50 kilometers) away. Such decision making requires a sophisticated architecture of neural circuits to pool together information from the environment and from memory, select the best choice from a set of available options, stick to this decision over time and coordinate a variety of operations, such as navigating over terrain to achieve that goal.
In humans and other primates, the prefrontal cortex of the brain serves as a central hub for information processing, where many of the actions described in C1 consciousness take place. By analyzing the neural circuits in this part of the brain, scientists could derive the computational principles underlying their operation "and code them into computers," Lau said.
The final level, C2, involves "metacognition," or the ability to monitor one's own thoughts and computations — in other words, the ability to be self-aware. Level C2 consciousness results in subjective feelings of certainty or error, which help people realize mistakes and correct them. Self-awareness also helps people figure out what they know and do not know, leading to curiosity, a mechanism that drives people to find more about what they know little or nothing about.
The scientists noted that some robots have achieved aspects of C2, in that they can monitor their progress at learning how to solve problems. The researchers noted that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of humans link metacognition to the prefrontal cortex.
All in all, the researchers suggested that human consciousness may arise from a set of specific computations. "Once we can spell out in computational terms what the differences may be in humans between conscious and unconsciousness, coding that into computers may not be that hard," Lau said.
The scientists detailed this research in the Oct. 27 issue of the journal Science.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
What is a Satellite?
What is a Satellite?
By Elizabeth Howell, Contributo
The International Space Station is the largest satellite in orbit. This file photo of the station was taken in May 2010 by NASA space shuttle astronauts.
Credit: NASA
A satellite is an object in space that orbits or circles around a bigger object. There are two kinds of satellites: natural (such as the moon orbiting the Earth) or artificial (such as the International Space Station orbiting the Earth).
There are dozens upon dozens of natural satellites in the solar system, with almost every planet having at least one moon. Saturn, for example, has at least 53 natural satellites, and between 2004 and 2017, it also had an artificial one — the Cassini spacecraft, which explored the ringed planet and its moons.
Artificial satellites, however, did not become a reality until the mid-20th century. The first artificial satellite was Sputnik, a Russian beach-ball-size space probe that lifted off on Oct. 4, 1957. That act shocked much of the western world, as it was believed the Soviets did not have the capability to send satellites into space.
Explorer 1 was the first U.S. satellite and the first satellite to carry scientific instruments.
Credit: NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
A brief history of artificial satellites
Following that feat, on Nov. 3, 1957 the Soviets launched an even more massive satellite — Sputnik 2 — which carried a dog, Laika. The United States' first satellite was Explorer 1 on Jan. 31, 1958. The satellite was only 2 percent the mass of Sputnik 2, however, at 30 pounds (13 kg).
The Sputniks and Explorer 1 became the opening shots in a space race between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted until at least the late 1960s. The focus on satellites as political tools began to give way to people as both countries sent humans into space in 1961. Later in the decade, however, the aims of both countries began to split. While the United States went on to land people on the moon and create the space shuttle, the Soviet Union constructed the world's first space station, Salyut 1, which launched in 1971. (Other stations followed, such as the United States' Skylaband the Soviet Union's Mir.)
Other countries began to send their own satellites into space as the benefits rippled through society. Weather satellites improved forecasts, even for remote areas. Land-watching satellites such as the Landsat series tracked changes in forests, water and other parts of Earth's surface over time. Telecommunications satellites made long-distance telephone calls and eventually, live television broadcasts from across the world a normal part of life. Later generations helped with Internet connections. [Image Gallery: Earth Pictures from Space: Landsat Satellite Legacy]
With the miniaturization of computers and other hardware, it's now possible to send up much smaller satellites that can do science, telecommunications or other functions in orbit. It's common now for companies and universities to create "CubeSats", or cube-shaped satellites that frequently populate low-Earth orbit. These can be lofted on a rocket along with a bigger payload, or sent from a mobile launcher on the International Space Station (ISS). NASA is now considering sending CubeSats to Mars or to the moon Europa (near Jupiter) for future missions, although the CubeSats aren't confirmed for inclusion.
The ISS is the biggest satellite in orbit, and took over a decade to construct. Piece by piece, 15 nations contributed financial and physical infrastructure to the orbiting complex, which was put together between 1998 and 2011. Program officials expect the ISS to keep running until at least 2024.
Parts of a satellite
Every usable artificial satellite — whether it's a human or robotic one — has four main parts to it: a power system (which could be solar or nuclear, for example), a way to control its attitude, an antenna to transmit and receive information, and a payload to collect information (such as a camera or particle detector).
As will be seen below, however, not all artificial satellites are necessarily workable ones. Even a screw or a bit of paint is considered an "artificial" satellite, even though these are missing these parts.
What keeps a satellite from falling to Earth?
A satellite is best understood as a projectile, or an object that has only one force acting on it — gravity. Technically speaking, anything that crosses the Karman Line at an altitude of 100 kilometers (62 miles) is considered in space. However, a satellite needs to be going fast — at least 8 km (5 miles) a second — to stop from falling back down to Earth immediately.
If a satellite is traveling fast enough, it will perpetually "fall" toward Earth, but the Earth's curvature means that the satellite will fall around our planet instead of crashing back on the surface. Satellites that travel closer to Earth are at risk of falling because the drag of atmospheric molecules will slow the satellites down. Those that orbit farther away from Earth have fewer molecules to contend with.
There are several accepted "zones" of orbits around the Earth. One is called low-Earth-orbit, which extends from about 160 to 2,000 km (about 100 to 1,250 miles). This is the zone where the ISS orbits and where the space shuttle used to do its work. In fact, all human missions except for the Apollo flights to the moon took place in this zone. Most satellites also work in this zone.
Geostationary or geosynchronous orbit is the best spot for communications satellites to use, however. This is a zone above Earth's equator at an altitude of 35,786 km (22,236 mi). At this altitude, the rate of "fall" around the Earth is about the same as Earth's rotation, which allows the satellite to stay above the same spot on Earth almost constantly. The satellite thus keeps a perpetual connection with a fixed antenna on the ground, allowing for reliable communications. When geostationary satellites reach the end of their life, protocol dictates they're moved out of the way for a new satellite to take their place. That's because there is only so much room, or so many "slots" in that orbit, to allow the satellites to operate without interference.
While some satellites are best used around the equator, others are better suited to more polar orbits — those that circle the Earth from pole to pole so that their coverage zones include the north and south poles. Examples of polar-orbiting satellites include weather satellites and reconnaissance satellites.
Three small CubeSats float above the Earth after deployment from the International Space Station. Astronaut Rick Mastracchio tweeted the photo from the station on Nov. 19, 2013.
Credit: Rick Mastracchio (via Twitter as @AstroRM)
What stops a satellite from crashing into another satellite?
There are an estimated half-million artificial objects in Earth orbit today, ranging in size from paint flecks up to full-fledged satellites — each traveling at speeds of thousands of miles an hour. Only a fraction of these satellites are useable, meaning that there is a lot of "space junk" floating around out there. With everything that is lobbed into orbit, the chance of a collision increases.
Space agencies have to consider orbital trajectories carefully when launching something into space. Agencies such as the United States Space Surveillance Network keep an eye on orbital debris from the ground, and alert NASA and other entities if an errant piece is in danger of hitting something vital. This means that from time to time, the ISS needs to perform evasive maneuvers to get out of the way.
Collisions still occur, however. One of the biggest culprits of space debris was the leftovers of a 2007 anti-satellite test performed by the Chinese, which generated debris that destroyed a Russian satellite in 2013. Also that year, the Iridium 33 and Cosmos 2251 satellites smashed into each other, generating a cloud of debris.
NASA, the European Space Agency and many other entities are considering measures to reduce the amount of orbital debris. Some suggest bringing down dead satellites in some way, perhaps using a net or air bursts to disturb the debris from its orbit and bring it closer to Earth. Others are thinking about refueling dead satellites for reuse, a technology that has been demonstrated robotically on the ISS.
Moons around other worlds
Most planets in our solar system have natural satellites, which we also call moons. For the inner planets: Mercury and Venus each have no moons. Earth has one relatively large moon, while Mars has two asteroid-sized small moons called Phobos and Deimos. (Phobos is slowly spiralling into Mars and will likely break apart or fall into the surface in a few thousand years.)
Beyond the asteroid belt, are four gas giant planets that each have a pantheon of moons. As of late 2017, Jupiter has 69 known moons, Saturn has 53, Uranus has 27 and Neptune has 13 or 14. New moons are occasionally discovered – mainly by missions (either past or present, as we can analyze old pictures) or by performing fresh observations by telescope.
Saturn is a special example because it is surrounded by thousands of small objects that form a ring visible even in small telescopes from Earth. Scientists watching the rings close-up over 13 years, during the Cassini mission, saw conditions in which new moons might be born. Scientists were particularly interested in propellers, which are wakes in the rings created by fragments in the rings. Just after Cassini's mission ended in 2017, NASA said it's possible the propellers share elements of planet formation that takes place around young stars' gassy discs.
Even smaller objects have moons, however. Pluto is technically a dwarf planet. However, the people behind the New Horizons mission, which flew by Pluto in 2015, argue its diverse geography makes it more planet-like. One thing that isn't argued, however, is the number of moons around Pluto. Pluto has five known moons, most of which were discovered when New Horizons was in development or en route to the dwarf planet.
A lot of asteroids have moons, too. These small worlds sometimes fly close to the Earth, and the moons pop out in observations with radar. A few famous examples of asteroids with moons include 4 Vesta (which was visited by NASA's Dawn mission), 243 Ida, 433 Eros, and 951 Gaspra. There are also examples of asteroids with rings, such as 10199 Chariklo and 2060 Chiron.
Many planets and worlds in our solar system have human-made "moons" as well, particularly around Mars — where several probes orbit the planet doing observations of its surface and environment. The planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn all had artificial satellites observing them at some point in history. Other objects had artificial satellites as well, such as Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko (visited by the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission) or Vesta and Ceres (both visited by NASA's Dawn mission.) Technically speaking, during the Apollo missions, humans flew in artificial "moons" (spacecraft) around our own moon between 1968 and 1972. NASA may even build a "Deep Space Gateway" space station near the moon in the coming decades, as a launching point for human Mars missions.
Fans of the movie "Avatar" (2009) will remember that the humans visited Pandora, the habitable moon of a gas giant named Polyphemus. We don't know yet if there are moons for exoplanets, but we suspect — given that the solar system planets have so many moons — that exoplanets have moons as well. In 2014, scientists made an observation of an object that could be interpreted as an exomoon circling an exoplanet, but the observation can't be repeated as it took place as the object moved in front of a star.
Elizabeth Howell, Contributor
Elizabeth Howell is a contributing writer for who is one of the few Canadian journalists to report regularly on space exploration. She is pursuing a Ph.D. part-time in aerospace sciences (University of North Dakota) after completing an M.Sc. (space studies) at the same institution. She also holds a bachelor of journalism degree from Carleton University. Besides writing, Elizabeth teaches communications at the university and community college level. To see her latest projects, follow Elizabeth on Twitter at @HowellSpace
A documentary on the "Belgium UFO Wave" of 1989.
Belgian sequence of UFO Sightings also referred to as "THE BELGIAN WAVE" started off on November 29th, 1989 and peaked with the reports on in the night of from 30th to 31st March, 1990. Majority of sightings occurred in the Walloon region and at some point thousands of people reported a sighting of an unusual triangular shaped craft that hovered over the Belgian skies, exhibiting unexplainable flight.
(The photograph in the documentary did not come forward until four months after the original incident, and it contains too little information for a reliable assessment of its authenticity. The photograph should be approached with extreme skepticism.)
Major General “Wilfried De Brouwer” (Chief of Operations Belgian Air Force) took charge in investigating the reports. He has spoken openly and confidently about the evidence he collected but to help a civilian research group called SOBEBS (Société Belge d'Etude des Phénomènes Spatiaux).
Of the 650 reports that the air force helped to investigate, "500" cannot be explained. They concluded that their was air activity of unknown origin in the airspace of Belgium that cannot be attributed to any known aircraft. The true identity of the visitors, however, remained UNKNOWN as no military aircraft were able to establish visual contact with the illusive craft. However, one F-16 that was scrambled to respond to an anomalous radar return, managed to record radar data of some extremely unusual maneuvers on the part of the target.
HOOPER, Colo. -- Colorado's San Luis Valley is considered the 'UFO Hot Spot' of the nation. According to paranormal experts, there are more UFO sightings in the valley than anywhere else in America.
The unexplained is so popular there, a structure known as the UFO Watch Tower was created as a place for people to share their experiences.
It also logs sightings. Including a recent one that was spotted by two people.
To learn more about the sightings and the UFO Watch Tower, select 'play' on the video above to watch Kevin Torres' Unique 2 Colorado series.
rvSaoedi-Arabië is het eerste land dat staatsburgerschap geeft aan een robot.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETSaoedi-Arabië heeft robot Sophia het staatsburgerschap gegeven. Het land wil zich zo promoten als dé plek om artificiële intelligentie te ontwikkelen. Sophia de robot kreeg de Saoedische nationaliteit tijdens een event over de toekomst in de hoofdstad Riyad.
Sophia heeft zelf een woordje van dank uitgesproken tijdens een interview. “Het is historisch om de eerste robot te zijn die erkend wordt als burger”, zei ze. Volgens de robot moeten we trouwens niet bang zijn voor de opmars van artificiële intelligentie. “Het is niet zoals in Blade Runner of Terminator. Jullie hebben te veel naar Elon Musk geluisterd en te veel Hollywoodfilms gekeken.”
Rechten voor vrouwen
De opvallende beslissing van Saoedi-Arabië om burgerschap toe te kennen aan een robot kan ook op heel wat kritiek rekenen. Terwijl het land zichzelf een schouderklopje geeft, wijzen anderen erop dat de rechten van menselijke vrouwen in Saoedi-Arabië nog steeds gelimiteerd zijn. Zo moet elke vrouw in het land een mannelijk voogd hebben. Bovendien zijn er ook veel staatlozen in Saoedi-Arabië en dat terwijl een robot nu dus wel alle burgerrechten krijgt.
Sophia is ontwikkeld in Hong Kong en in 2015 geactiveerd. Volgens haar maker, David Hanson, heeft de robot artificiële intelligentie en kan ze gezichten herkennen. Sophia imiteert ook menselijke gebaren en gezichtsuitdrukkingen. Ze kan ook een simpele conversatie volgen.
Good news, doomsday preppers: the high strangeness and military mysteries surrounding the “former” Soviet Union continue to develop. Several Russian social media users and news outlets caught dozens of photos of a mysterious, terrifying glow cloud which was visible all across Siberia on the evening of October 26th. While some eyewitnesses thought the orb had a supernatural origin, it turns out the explanation is a lot more terrifying.
In Soviet Russia, glow could sees you.
Credit: Alexey Yakovlev
In all of the photos and eyewitness reports, the cloud appears to be a large luminous ball in the sky, sometimes blue, sometimes green. The cloud dissipated after several minutes into a wispy arc in the sky, but left terror in the minds of those who saw it. Siberian photographer Sergey Anisimov was out photographing auroras when he caught several dazzling images of the strange glowing orb:
At first I was taken aback for a few minutes, not understanding what was happening. The glowing ball rose from behind the trees and moved in my direction. My first thought was about the most powerful searchlight, but the speed of changing everything around changed the idea of what was happening.
Witnesses reported a feeling of dread upon seeing the glow cloud, and believed the orb could be a harbinger of the end times, a gap in the spacetime continuum, a UFO, or some sort of supernatural apparition.
Sure looks like doomsday to me.
It turns out, at least according to the Russian defense ministry, that the glow cloud was some sort of discharge from a test of Russia’s new “Satan 2” missile. Because if you’re going to develop a new nuclear missile capable of blowing up the world, you might was well name it after the Dark Lord of the Underworld.
Just exactly how a missile left such a strange apparition in the sky is unknown.
As nuclear tensions continue to rise around the world, Russia and many other of the world’s nuclear superpowers continue to develop and test new weapons which raise the bar in terms of terror and destructiveness. Russian state news claims the Satan 2 missile, which carries multiple warheads, is capable of obliterating an area the size of France. Or Texas, depending on what kind of mood Russia’s in.
As the new nuclear space race ramps up, expect more sights like this one. Credit: Alexey Yakovlev
Because, you know, it’s not enough to be able to destroy the entire world and bring humanity to a crashing halt. No, you’ve got to be able to do it several times over and ensure nothing other than irradiated supermutant cockroaches will walk the Earth for millions of years. That’s how you know we’re making progress. That’s how you know you’re in charge. See me now, daddy? Now I have the nuclear codes! Still think I’ll never amount to anything?
Man kwam oog in oog te staan met bemanning van driehoekige UFO. Nu doet hij zijn verhaal
Man kwam oog in oog te staan met bemanning van driehoekige UFO. Nu doet hij zijn verhaal
Een man zei dat het was alsof de ‘tijd stilstond’ toen hij oog in oog kwam te staan met de bemanning van een driehoekige UFO die boven een weiland hing.
Philip Shepherdson claimt dat het voorval zich voordeed in de buurt van York in het Engelse graafschap North Yorkshire.
Hij reed op zijn scooter toen iets zijn aandacht trok. “Ik keek naar links en kreeg zowat een hartverzakking,” zei hij. “In de hoek van een klein weiland zweefde een zwart driehoekig object boven de grond.”
Schets (Flying Disk Press)
“Ik kon bijna niet geloven wat ik zag,” voegde hij toe.
Driehoekige UFO’s worden vaker gemeld. In de Verenigde Staten worden elk jaar honderden van deze objecten gezien.
Volgens sommigen zijn het buitenaardse ruimteschepen, terwijl anderen van mening zijn dat het gaat om topgeheime vaartuigen die gebouwd zijn door overheden.
“Het object was glad en had geen scherpe randen,” zei Shepherdson. “Bovenop zat een cockpit met daarin een figuur.”
“Ik kon alleen een zwarte helm en een zwarte overall zien,” vervolgde hij.
“Naast het vaartuig zag ik nog twee magere figuren in zwarte pakken,” aldus de man. “Ze keken naar mij, net als de figuur in de cockpit.”
Geen geluid
“Ik beefde van angst en de tijd leek stil te staan,” zei hij. Shepherdson besloot ervandoor te gaan en stapte weer op zijn scooter.
Wat hem vooral is bijgebleven is dat het object geen geluid maakte.
Dit alles speelde zich af in februari 1979, maar nu pas heeft Shepherdson de moed gehad om zich uit te spreken en andere getuigen op te sporen.
Satan's Aurora Borealis in the sky over Strezhevoye, Russia
Satan's Aurora Borealis in the sky over Strezhevoye, Russia
Alexey Yakovlev took some images of an odd phenomenon in the sky over Strezhevoye, Tomsk Region in Russia on October 26, 2017 at the moment he and his friends observed the aurora borealis.
The ball of light appeared at 22:08 local time in the west, floated to the east, then to the north before it gradually faded away.
At first he thought that it was a sort of radiance but after the unusual ball of light began to expand it became clear that it was not radiance and he became a bit scared before realizing that he probably accidentally took images of the secret launch of a rocket from Plesetsk.
And indeed, Russia did a successful test of its ‘Satan 2’ nuclear missile program. The rocket, (The RS-28 Sarmat) traveled about 5,900 kilometers before hitting its target on the Kura test range, created the odd but beautiful display in the sky.
Scientists Spot First Alien Space Rock In Our Solar System
Scientists Spot First Alien Space Rock In Our Solar System
Nell Greenfieldboyce
Correspondent, Science Desk
Diagram of the path of a space rock from outside our solar system — the first ever observed.
Brooks Bays / SOEST Publication Services / UH Institute for Astronomy
Astronomers have spotted some kind of outer space rock that's the first visitor from outside of our solar system that they've ever observed.
The discovery has set off a mad scramble to point telescopes at this fast-moving object to try to learn as much as possible before it zips out of sight.
"Now we finally have a sample of something from another solar system, and I think that's really neat, " says Karen Meech, an astronomer at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy, "and so you'd love to see if it looks like stuff in our solar system."
It's long been assumed that an interstellar object like this one should be out there, because giant planets in forming solar systems are thought to toss out bits of space crud that haven't yet glommed into anything. But this is the first time scientists have actually found one.
The mysterious object is small — less than a quarter mile in diameter — and seems to have come from the general direction of the constellation Lyra, moving through interstellar space at 15.8 miles per second, or 56,880 miles per hour.
"The orbit is very convincing. It is going so fast that it clearly came from outside the solar system," says Paul Chodas, manager of NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "It's whipping around the Sun, it has already gone around the Sun, and it has actually gone past the Earth on its way out."
The asteroid was discovered on October 19 by Hawaii's Pan-STARRS 1 telescope, which searches the sky for near-Earth objects.
"It became clear that it didn't move like asteroids and comets normally do," says Robert Weryk of the University of Hawaii, who contacted a colleague to acquire follow-up images using another telescope owned by the European Space Agency. The combined observations made it clear that this was an interstellar visitor.
The asteroid is now speeding toward the constellation Pegasus and is fading out of sight fast. "We might have, for moderately large telescopes, another handful of days, maybe a couple of weeks. So we don't have much time to study it," says Meech, who wants to know what its shape is and what its chemical composition might be. She says the Hubble Space Telescope should spy on this object as well, in the coming weeks.
She notes that different stars have different chemical compositions, so she'd like to know if the solar system this came from produces material similar to the planet-making stuff in our own.
"We've been expecting this for decades, really," says Chodas. "We don't know enough about how much material is floating around between the stars. And so this will give us the first data point. We hope to find more of this stuff."
A picture of the crashed 'alien mothership' on Mars
(Image: Paranormal Crucible)
Conspiracy theorists believe they've found proof of a downed 'alien mothership' on the surface of Mars.
According to the YouTube channel Paranormal Crucible , the 1.3-mile long craft is evidence of an alien civilisation that crash-landed on the rocky planet.
The images from the video were found in footage taken from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor - which surveyed the red planet until 2006 when the space agency lost contact with it.
“I have processed, colorized and rebuilt the object and in my opinion it is a craft of some kind, possibly tens of thousands of years old," explains the description underneath the video .
Annotated image of the 'alien mothership'(Image: Paranormal Crucible)
Somecommentators have poured cold water on the theory, insisting it is only a piece of raised ground or a rock formation.
But the UFO hunters behind the channel are convinced of its authenticity.
"The object is too degraded to enhance totally so I have rebuilt it using the points of interest that are shown in the video," the video states.
"It's also over a mile long, so this must have been a mothership, either a Martian one or possibly an off planet alien species, but why did it crash?”
Mars(Image: Getty)
The video has been on YouTube for a week and has amassed over 6,000 views.
However, this is far from the first time something strange has been spotted hiding in pictures of the Martian surface.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Seriously, These
Seriously, These "Reptilian Alien Mummies" Are Not Real
These three-fingered “mummies” with elongated heads were allegedly found near the Nazca lines in Peru a few months ago. Sure, they might not look very convincing – in fact, you could say they look a lot like plaster cast – but the people behind the "research" claim they are definitely not a hoax. On the other hand, scientists and mummification experts aren’t so convinced.
In a new video titled “Update: Ancient Mummies Discovered in Peru are Reptilian Not of the Earth,” Jamie Maussan and a gang of UFOlogists speak at a press conference, claiming the "mummies" are a new humanoid-reptilian species that's "never been described before.” They even brought along some laser pointers, an authoritative-looking guy in a white lab coat, and some vaguely convincing X-ray images.
“Thinking of all the characteristics we have found, we think that probably these bodies are a kind of reptile but with a humanoid shape,” one researcher told the crowd. “We can corroborate this from the skin, it’s reptilian skin, it’s porous.”
“We have to try to make a whole genetic study to determine the true biological origin of these beings.”
One impassioned YouTuber posted the comment: “I'm sure that the Smithsonian Institute would be more than happy to take the mummies off their hands... And throw it in the deepest part of the ocean so that it doesn't clash with their precious Darwinian theory!”
The World Congress on Mummy Studies has totally discredited the research involving the "mummies", saying: “We wish to express our concern on the case described below. Mummy studies is a scientific discipline and there is no space for such claims #pseudoscience."According to the fact-checking website Snopes, many of the individuals working on the project also have a “history of making false, pseudoscientific claims.” Jamie Maussan and Jesus Zalce Benitez, two researchers involved in the project, claimed another mummy was an alien in 2015. It later transpired that it was actually the body of a human child.
It remains unclear whether this is purely a hoax or actual non-alien mummified remains. Archaeologists have long-realized that elongated skulls found in the Americas and the wider world were people who had their heads bound from a young age before their cranial bones fused. That said, these “alien” specimens don’t appear to have the leathery appearance you would expect to see in a real mummy.
As we said, when the mummies first came to light in June, “this ‘discovery’ has more red flags than a bullfighters convention." Even after the latest press conference, our thoughts remain the same.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
These are the 25 best cities for UFO sightings
These are the 25 best cities for UFO sightings
By Fox News
The sci-fi series “The X-Files” popularized the saying “the truth is out there.” And in the past 15 years, thousands of UFO sightings across the United States show a lot of people are still looking.
The data is pulled from the book “UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America 2001-2015,” written by Cheryl Costa and Linda Miller Costa. Published in March 2017, the book compiles “data and analysis for 100,000+ sightings of unidentified flying objects reported by individuals during the first 15 years of the 21st century.”
Costa noted that Phoenix may be the most prevalent place in the U.S. for UFO sightings, perhaps due to the Phoenix Lights phenomena two decades ago.
In 1997, there were two events that occurred in Phoenix, Arizona, and Sonora, Mexico. Thousands of witnesses say they saw a formation of five lights in a V-shape, producing no sound and a triangular formation of lights. The US Air Force claimed the second group of lights were flares dropped from a A-10 Warthog aircraft.
In addition to Phoenix, Las Vegas, Seattle, Chicago and Portland round out the top five cities on the list.
Below is the list of 25 most sightings across US cities.
The conspiracy theorist spotted the strange shape in footage taken by NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor.
The shape, which is said to be 1.3 miles long, could be a crashed spacecraft created by an alien civilisation, it has been claimed.
The "vehicle" was spotted by Paranormal Crucible who posted the video on Youtube.
The video description states: “I have processed, colorized and rebuilt the object and in my opinion it is a craft of some kind, possibly tens of thousands of years old.
ALIEN LIFE? Conspiracy theorists believe this is proof of an alien ship on Mars
“This must have been a mothership, either a Martian one or possibly an off planet alien species”
UFO hunter
"The object is too degraded to enhance totally so I have rebuilt it using the points of interest that are shown in the video.
"It's also over a mile long, so this must have been a mothership, either a Martian one or possibly an off planet alien species, but why did it crash?”
But some people who watched it appear not to be convinced and have their own theories about what the object is.
One said: “It's sunken ground, not raised, look at the location of the light and the shadows compared to the surrounding craters.
LABELLED: Paranormal Crucible claims this is proof of alien life on the red planet
"If anything it's a ramp down into a tunnel.”
Another added: “It's actually a rather deep ditch. The real mystery is how the hell it got out there? It's in the middle of a very flat desert.”
“Looks more like a p***s to me than a mothership,” one joked, with another adding: “It's a galactic dildo.”
IMPOSED: This is what the ship could have looked like
Others saw the funny side, with one viewer writing: “Is that an Emperial Cruiser? Where's Luke Skywalker when you need him, lol.”
The outlandish video has been viewed more than 4,000 times.
It’s not the first time conspiracy theorists have claimed an alien civilisation is living on the red planet.
Last year, astonishing pics taken by NASA appear to show a “par of wheels on the side of a hill” which so-called “truth-seekers” believe is evidence clients used “advanced forms of transportation” up there.
Ufologists have often voiced their hope of finding life on the Red Planet.
But alien life forms would have a tough time surviving, as the planet has no liquid water on it and often reaches temperatures as low as -125C.
Put on your nice clothes, comb your hair and spend more than two bucks on some wine … we have visitors from another solar system! Astronomers have spotted a previously unknown comet passing through the solar system and it doesn’t seem to belong to our Sun. If that’s true, this is the first known observation of an interstellar comet from another solar system.
The International Astronomical Union Minor Planet Centerannounced that astronomers using the PanSTARRS 1 telescope in Maui (nice work if you can get it) discovered C/2017 U1 on October 18th. Further investigation showed that this tiny (diameter of 160 meters or 525 feet) dim comet had already made its closest approach to the Sun on September 9th when it was 37,600,000 km (23,400,000 miles) away from it … close enough to no longer exist. And yet … there it was pulling away at an unusually high speed (16 miles /26 km per second, or 57,600 mph) peed for a comet. Dynamicist Bill Gray from the observatory observed:
“It went past the Sun really fast and may not have had time to heat up enough to break apart.”
Dynamicist? According to Collin’s English Dictionary, that’s “a person who investigates and researches dynamics. a new kind of scientist: not primarily an astronomer, not a fluid dynamicist, not an applied mathematician, but a specialist in chaos.” “A specialist in chaos” sounds more like a staff job in Washington but Gray is using his talent for a good purpose in a great location. The “chaos” he saw was a comet passing through the solar system at a very high inclination (122°) with respect to Earth’s orbit with an extreme (very narrow and tight) hyperbolic eccentricity (1.1815 ).
Put C/2017 U1’s speed, high inclination and eccentricity together and you have the description of excellent rock drummer … and an interstellar comet. (Throw in ‘specialist in chaos’ and you have a great rock guitarist. ) The only other comet ever observed with these characteristics was C/1980 E1, discovered by Edward L. G. Bowell in 1980. While it was later shown to be a regular comet, C/1980 E1 is now believed to be interstellar, having been kicked out of our solar system by Jupiter’s gravity.
Where did C/2017 U1 come from? While all other comets originate in the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune or the Oort Cloud on the far edge of the solar system, this one appeared to be coming from the constellation Lyra, which means it could be orbiting Vega, the star of Carl Sagan’s novel and the movie Contact.
Unfortunately, Bill Gray kills his chances to be a character in the sequel.
“Once one of these objects gets kicked loose, it’ll roam the Milky Way for billions of years. Massive amounts of material were ejected from the solar system when it was formed; much of it is probably still wandering around, having gone around the galaxy over a hundred times. Other stars, we may assume, have similarly scattered bits all over the place.”
In other words, it could have come from any star in any galaxy. Astronomers believe this is the only interstellar comet they’ll see in their lifetimes so they’re analyzing the heck out of it before it’s gone. The rest of us can see what it looked like using the JPL Small-Body Database Browser (requires Java).
If there’s one interstellar comet, there’s more. Will this finally legitimize the theory of panspermia? Will it convince more kids to become dynamicists?
Whatever the cause is, mysterious and unexplained booming noises keep rattling the skies overhead. I can’t help but feel like something larger is brewing just beneath all of these headlines lately. Mystery booms are nothing new, yet they seem to be happening with increasing regularity lately. Couple that with the many examples of government and corporate secrecy surrounding the impending space war, and it’s enough to make you want to add a new layer to your tin foil hat, dig your bunker a few feet deeper, and restock your supply of canned goods.
“Let’s see… we each need about 1500 calories a day… that’s about 3 cans of beans each…cans last five years… carry the one… Hmm. That’s only about 20,000 cans. Honey! We need another bunker for the cans! Honey!? Where are my cans?!”
The latest in unexplained explosions in the sky comes from America’s northeast, centered around southern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Residents in several counties reported hearing a massive boom in the skies and feeling a tremor on the morning of Wednesday, October 25th, yet the U.S. Geological Survey reported detecting no earthquake activity for either New Jersey or Philadelphia on that day. Military officials in the area likewise offered no explanation for the anomalous booms and said they are unaware of any military activity which could have caused the sounds.
Unless perhaps that military activity was classified or conducted by hostile forces they don’t want us to know are right over our heads.
Several NJ residents said the boom was loud enough to shake both their homes and the ground beneath their feet, saying it felt distinctly like something large hitting the ground. Others said the shaking lasted for several minutes. One New Jersey man reported military jets flying overhead in the minutes following the boom, but it’s unclear if the events are related or if he perhaps mistook other aircraft for military planes.
Naturally, the usual meteorological anomalies like atmospheric inversions have been cited as a cause of these mystery booms, but given all of the other examples of strange noises in the sky lately, I find those explanations as hard to swallow as a weather balloon in Roswell or Lee Harvey Oswald alone in the Texas Schoolbook Repository. Unless, of course, we’re beginning to witness some of the strange and unprecedented effects of runaway climate change, which the proverbial they would likewise want to dismiss or obfuscate. Keep shopping. Watch cable TV. CONSUME.
Some of these secrets are hiding in plain sight. There is likely a lot of military or paramilitary activity going on in space we don’t yet know about.
Of course, as always, there is most likely a perfectly benign and normal explanation for these booms. On the other hand, given all of the current geopolitical tensions and military buildup around the world, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that these booms are the first glimpses of a shadowy space war going on above our heads that we don’t yet know about. If current events show us anything, it’s that we might not be able to trust our government and media outlets as much as we think. Is Oceania still at war with Eurasia? I can’t remember. But hey – there’s a new iPhone out and Pumpkin Spice Lattes® are back on sale! Who needs the news?
Vreemd weerfenomeen waargenomen in Argentinië. Enig idee wat dit is?
Vreemd weerfenomeen waargenomen in Argentinië. Enig idee wat dit is?
Tijdens een storm in Argentinië is een opzienbarend fenomeen waargenomen. Sommige mensen claimden dat het was alsof er een ‘poort’ openging.
Het vreemde weerfenomeen deed zich op 24 oktober voor in San Jose de Feliciano in de Argentijnse provincie Entre Rios.
Een lokale bewoner maakte er een foto van, die al snel de interesse wekte van andere Argentijnen.
Mysterieus licht
Op de foto die de vrouw maakte is een mysterieus licht te zien dat richting de hemel lijkt te wijzen.
Het verscheen uit het niets, alsof iemand ergens een enorme buis had neergezet die tot aan de hemel reikte.
Beelden van het mysterieuze fenomeen werden veelvuldig gedeeld op sociale media. Sommige mensen dachten dat er een poort naar een andere wereld was geopend. Anderen claimden dat het verschijnsel te maken had met tijdreizen.
Het is mogelijk dat het fenomeen het gevolg is geweest van een kou- en een warmtefront, die in een korte periode en over een zeer kleine afstand grote hoeveelheden regen genereerden, waardoor het leek alsof er een soort ‘buis’ in de lucht ontstond, aldus het lokale medium Realidad Regional.
Wat het allemaal nog spectaculairder maakte was dat de getuige de foto maakte op het moment dat er een bliksemflits was te zien.
The Puzzle of 'Tabby's Star': 9 NASA Explanations for Star's Odd Dimming
The Puzzle of 'Tabby's Star': 9 NASA Explanations for Star's Odd Dimming
By Samantha Mathewson, Contributor
Tabby's Star
A bizarre cosmic object known as "Tabby's star" exhibits strange dips in brightness, and scientists can't seem to figure out exactly why.
The star — also known as Boyajian's star or KIC 8462852 — is located 1,500 light-years from Earth. It has generated quite a bit of intrigue and speculation since 2015, when data from NASA's Kepler space telescope revealed that the star had an irregular cycle of brightness. In fact, data from 2011 and 2013 showed that the star dimmed by as much as 22 percent for days at a time. "This [dimming] behavior was not something we were looking for or had trained our algorithms to find," Tabetha Boyajian, an assistant professor of astrophysics at Louisiana State University who led the team that first detected the star's fluctuations, said in a statement from NASA.
Scientists have tried to explain the star's weird behavior with hypotheses ranging from swarms of comets to alien megastructures. Here's a rundown of NASA's possible explanations.
Photo Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center/Daniel Rutter
1. Surrounded by dust
Recent studies have shown that the unusual dips in the object's brightness are likely caused by dust surrounding the star. New data from NASA's Spitzer and Swift space telescopes revealed that the star's dimming was more pronounced in ultraviolet than infrared light, suggesting that any particles surrounding the star could not be any larger than a dust grain (which infrared radiation can penetrate). Otherwise, the dimming would appear uniform across all wavelengths, astronomers have said.
Photo Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center/Daniel Rutter
2. Ringed planet & asteroid clusters
Another study has suggested that a ringed planet and clusters of asteroids orbit the star, causing the strange dimming behavior. In fact, monitoring a star's changing brightness as seen from Earth is a common technique (called the transit method) for detecting exoplanets. In theory, when a planet passes in front of its parent star, observers on Earth would see a temporary dip in brightness.
However, scientists have said that the dips in brightness seen from Tabby's star are far too substantial to be caused by an orbiting planet.
Photo Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center/Daniel Rutter
3. Ravenous star
One other possible explanation for the dramatic change in brightness is that Tabby's star is tearing apart and swallowing a planet. A similar behavior has been seen in some stars that have given birth to Earth-like rocky planets only to devour them later.
Scientists have developed a method for detecting planet-eating stars using their chemical signature. When a rocky planet plunges into a star, it leaves traces of particular elements, which absorb light in different ways. By looking at the wavelengths of light or spectra of a star, scientists can determine the abundance of certain elements that star contains and determine whether it gobbled up a planet.
Photo Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center/Daniel Rutter
4. Swarm of comets
Scientists have hypothesized that the changing brightness of KIC 8462852 could be due to hundreds of comets passing in front of the star. A large swarm of rocky debris orbiting the star could block enough light and cause the unusual dimming.
However, scientists have not found enough evidence to support this idea. In fact, if a storm of comets were pelting Tabby's star, NASA's Spitzer telescope would likely be able to detect some infrared radiation emitted by the dust and debris. But no excess infrared radiation has been found to date, scientists say.
Photo Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center/Daniel Rutter
5. Triple-star system
Many explanations have focused on some sort of large object (possibly a planet) orbiting the star. The Kepler space telescope was designed to look for changes in brightness around stars, as this type of behavior often indicates that an exoplanet may be crossing the face of its star, like a mini-eclipse.
However, a planet alone would cause only a small, but observable, decrease in brightness. Instead, scientists have proposed that a larger, star-size object could orbit Tabby's star, causing the dramatic dips in brightness. Multistar systemshave been found in the universe — but if this were the case for Tabby's star, its orbiting companion star would exert an obvious gravitational force, and scientists have found no evidence of that to date.
Photo Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center/Daniel Rutter
6. Stellar Burn-Out
Aside from the irregular patterns of long-term dimming, Tabby's star is a normal F-type star — slightly larger and hotter than Earth's sun — that is fusing hydrogen into helium in its core. Eventually, when the star runs out of hydrogen, it will fuse helium and other heavier elements until it runs out of fuel altogether.
However, scientists have found evidence suggesting that the star is nowhere near the end of its life; rather, KIC 8462852 is at an age where it should be gradually brightening, not growing fainter.
7. Magnetic Activity
Since the drastic changes in brightness at Tabby's star are considered far too substantial to be caused by planets or dust crossing the star's face, scientists decided to focus on the internal workings of the star, rather than possible structures in its surroundings. One study suggested that the strange dimming could be the result of avalanche-like magnetic activitywithin the star.
A star's magnetic field can undergo a sudden, major shift. In fact, once every 11 years, the sun's magnetic field reverses its polarity at the peak of the star's solar cycle. A similar situation could explain the fluctuations in light from Tabby's star. However, data shows that the star has dimmed over the course of a century, making avalanche-like activity an unlikely source of such progressive darkening, scientists have said.
Photo Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center/Daniel Rutter
8. Instrument glitch
One simple explanation for the irregularities in this particular star would be a glitch in the Kepler space telescope. However, scientists have ruled out this possibility, because data from the probe is the same, regardless of which of the telescope's detectors were observing the star, according to a statement from NASA.
Furthermore, "the enormous drops in brightness were already visible in every single pixel attributed to this star in the Kepler images. Usually, all those pixels need to be added together and the total brightness of a star measured in order to detect a change; if any pixels belonging to another star are mistakenly included, this can create a false positive. That was clearly not the case here," NASA officials said in the statement.
Photo Credit: Stephen McNally, UC Berkeley
9. Alien Megastructure
Possibly the most exciting idea surrounding Tabby's star is that the strange dips in brightness are the result of a Dyson sphere — a massive, hypothetical structure built by an advanced alien civilization to collect as much energy from its star as it can. However, using new data from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and the Swift mission, scientists have ruled out the presence of an alien "megastructure" around KIC 8462852. Instead, it is now believed that any objects surrounding the star would be no bigger than a grain of dust.
So, which NASA hypothesis do you think best explains the weird dimming observed from Tabby's star? Share your thoughts here in our comments section below. You can also follow the investigation and get updates online with the hashtag #TabbysStar.
One of Google's Project Loon balloons floating from Nevada to Puerto Rico. Credit: Google.
WASHINGTON — Google’s experimental high-altitude balloon project is using connectivity from O3b satellites to provide emergency communications in hurricane-ravished Puerto Rico.
O3b owner SES said Oct. 23 that it is providing satellite capacity and a “rapidly deployable” O3b FastConnect terminal in order to connect Google Loons over Puerto Rico to the internet, which then beam 4G/LTE mobile connectivity to people on the ground.
The majority of Puerto Rico’s cellphone towers were damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Maria, which struck the U.S. island as a Category 4 storm Sept. 20. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission tallied 95.2 percent of cell sites across the island were knocked out by the storm.µ
Alphabet deployed emergency LTE to Puerto Rico w/ Project Loon in under a month
Google received permission from the FCC on Oct. 7 for the Loon trial run. At the time, 81.9 percent of cell towers on the island were still offline. The FCC’s most recent status report, released Oct. 22, said 66.6 percent of cell sites remain down.
In an interview with SpaceNews Oct. 23, SES Networks CEO Steve Collar said Puerto Rico is the satellite operator’s second time working with Google Loon, the first being in March following flooding in Peru.
“Our target as SES Networks is to have somewhere between half a gig[abit per second link] and a gig[-abit per second link] of connectivity available anywhere in the world within 24 to 48 hours,” he said.
Alastair Westgarth, head of Project Loon, wrote in an Oct. 20 blog post that Loon is working with AT&T to enable texting and internet access in Puerto Rico.
“We’ve never deployed Project Loon connectivity from scratch at such a rapid pace, and we’re grateful for the support of AT&T and the many other partners and organizations that have made this possible,” he wrote.
Collar said setting up the O3b link took slightly longer than SES Network’s stated goal because of the complexity of the disaster response and the uniqueness of pairing satellite with Google Loon.
O3b, owned by SES of Luxembourg, operates a fleet of 12 satellites in equatorial
Along with SES Networks, local telco Liberty Cablevision also assisted in establishing the ground infrastructure for Loon, Westgarth wrote.
Emergency response officials continue to use satellite communications directly in Puerto Rico and the Gulf of Mexico to support relief efforts. Fleet operator Intelsat said Oct. 23 it is donating satellite connectivity through three Kymeta-equipped vehicles with Liberty Global Puerto Rico for the next eight weeks. The FCC says satellite-connected trucks are providing communications services in 11 counties across the island, including Arecibo, home of the Arecibo radio telescope.
A commercial airline passenger on a flight from Toronto to Edmonton spotted a strange bright object appearing to be at the same altitude. He took pictures with a Galaxy S8+ cell phone before the object flew off to the east.
Cropped witness photo.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness submitted the UFO report to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) on October 24, 2017, and says the sighting took place on October 19 at around 4pm. The witness says the path of the flight took the aircraft over the U.S. border and he estimates they were over Minnesota when he spotted the object.
I was flying West from Toronto to Edmonton on Oct 19, 2017. We took off from Toronto around 3pm and had been flying for about an hour when I looked out the window and saw this object shining in the distance.
I took a bunch of pictures with my S8+ a few I zoomed in also. The object then disappeared to the east and that was it. No trails behind it, just gone.
I checked our flight path and it took us down to the US Canada border so this object would have been over US airspace at 40,000 ft or so. Location Minnesota is an educated estimate of location.
The photos do show a white elongated object in the distance. It is a bit whiter and brighter than the clouds and could be a small cloud or a small bit of contrail from another aircraft. The witness stated that the object was “shining,” indicating it might be a metallic object, and if the object did fly off, that would negate the cloud theory.
The vast majority of UFO sightings turn out to be mundane objects, but once in awhile there are sightings that are much more difficult to explain. MUFON conducts investigations on sightings submitted to their website, and if they share their conclusions, we will let you all know. Meanwhile, others will likely chime in and we will try to keep you up to date with any discoveries. Please feel free to share your thoughts on this sighting in the comments below.
AIR AND WATER BENDER This tiny, buglike machine is the lightest robot that can fly, swim and launch itself from water.
A new insect-inspired tiny robot that can move between air and water is a lightweight.
Weighing the same as about six grains of rice, it is the lightest robot that can fly, swim and launch itself from water, an international team of researchers reports October 25 in Science Robotics. The bot is about 1,000 times lighter than other previously developed aerial-aquatic robots. In the future, this kind of aquatic flier could be used to perform search-and-rescue operations, sample water quality or simply explore by air or sea.
To hover, the bot flaps its translucent wings 220 to 300 times per second, somewhat faster than a housefly. Once submerged, the tiny robot surfaces by slowly flapping its wings at about nine beats per second to maintain stability underwater.
For the tricky water-to-air transition, the bot does some chemistry. After water has collected inside the machine’s central container, the bot uses a device to split water into hydrogen and oxygen gas. As the chamber fills with gas, the buoyancy lifts the vehicle high enough to hoist the wings out of the water. An onboard “sparker” then creates a miniature explosion that sends the bot rocketing about 37 centimeters — roughly the average length of a men’s shoe box — into the air. Microscopic holes at the top of the chamber release excess pressure, preventing a loss of robot limbs.
Still, the design needs work: The machine doesn’t land well, and it can only pierce the water’s surface with the help of soap, which lowers the surface tension. More importantly, the experiment points to the possibilities of incorporating different forms of locomotion into a single robot, says study coauthor Robert Wood, a bioengineer at Harvard University.
BUGGING OUT Not only can this insectlike robot fly and swim, but it also splits water into hydrogen and oxygen gas, which the bot ignites to propel itself from the water.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Raadselachtige mummies uit Nazca zijn echt. Wetenschapper spreekt zich uit
Raadselachtige mummies uit Nazca zijn echt. Wetenschapper spreekt zich uit
De ‘buitenaardse’ mummies die onlangs in Peru zijn ontdekt, zijn echt. Dat zegt althans een wetenschapper die deel uitmaakt van het onderzoeksteam dat de resten bestudeert.
Dr. Edson Salazar Vivanco heeft gezegd dat het belangrijk is om de 1700 jaar oude mummies uit Nazca te blijven onderzoeken, schrijft de Daily Express.
Hoewel de bizarre mummies door andere wetenschappers zijn bestempeld als nep, zei dr. Vivanco: “Er zijn veel verschillende details die erop wijzen dat de lichamen echt zijn.”
Erg moeilijk
“Het zou erg moeilijk zijn om een schedel met deze eigenschappen na te maken,” voegde hij toe.
Hij zei verder: “We bestuderen momenteel het bewijs. Tot dusver hebben we nog niets gevonden wat erop wijst dat ze nep zijn of dat de lichamen op de één of andere manier zijn gewijzigd.”
“We hebben veel bewijs waaruit kan worden opgemaakt dat dit echt is,” aldus Vivanco.
Unieke biologische entiteit
Er zijn volgens hem een enkele mogelijke verklaringen. “De eerste hypothese is dat dit een unieke biologische entiteit is die hiervoor nog onbekend was,” zei hij. “De tweede hypothese is dat deze lichamen door iemand in elkaar zijn gezet.”
“Mijn persoonlijke mening is dat het echt is, maar dat is mijn persoonlijke mening,” klonk het nog.
Beelden van de mummies uit Nazca in Peru werden in juni door de website gepubliceerd. De site claimt dat de lichamen zijn opgegraven in mysterieuze grotten.
Dr. Vivanco is in onderstaande video vanaf 1:13:08 te zien:
93 kleitabletten ontdekt in Irak. Archeologen vertellen hier over deze sensationele vondst
93 kleitabletten ontdekt in Irak. Archeologen vertellen hier over deze sensationele vondst
Duitse archeologen hebben in Koerdistan in het noorden van Irak een sensationele vondst gedaan. Er zijn 93 kleitabletten gevonden die dateren van 1250 voor Christus.
Wat er op de kleitabletten staat blijft voor nu een mysterie. De onderzoekers zullen ze moeten ontcijferen, een lastige en tijdrovende taak.
De tabletten zijn gevonden bij de stad Bassetki, die pas in 2013 werd ontdekt door archeologen van de Universiteit van Tübingen.
Weinig bekend
Ondanks de spanningen in de regio konden de wetenschappers ongestoord hun gang gaan. In de afgelopen maanden hebben ze lagen van de nederzetting afgegraven die dateren uit de bronstijd en de Assyrische periode.
“Onze bevindingen bewijzen dat dit stedelijke centrum in het noorden van Mesopotamië vrijwel continuwerd bewoond van 3000 tot 600 voor Christus,” zei professor Peter Pfälzner.
De onderzoekers hebben op de plek ook voor het eerst voorwerpen opgegraven die dateren uit de periode van de Mittani, een koninkrijk dat vanaf 1500 voor Christus in het noorden van Syrië bestond en waarover nog maar weinig bekend is.
Twee kleitabletten van de Mittani verhalen over handel die inwoners van de stad dreven in het tweede millennium voor Christus.
Zestig van de kleitabletten lagen opgeslagen in een pot van keramiek in een Assyrisch gebouw dat vernietigd was.
“Mogelijk wilde men de informatie in de pot op deze manier beschermen en behouden voor het nageslacht,” legde Pfälzner uit.
Filosoof dr. Betina Faist heeft één klein fragment van een kleitablet inmiddels ontcijferd. Het gaat over een tempel die gewijd is aan Gula, de godin van de geneeskunst.
Het vertalen van de kleitabletten zal plaatsvinden in Duitsland. Professor Pfälzner hoopt dat de teksten gedetailleerde informatie zullen verschaffen over het noorden van Mesopotamië.
Astronomers discover Interstellar Comet or is it an Interstellar Alien Spacecraft!
Astronomers discover Interstellar Comet or is it an Interstellar Alien Spacecraft!
Astronomers using the PanSTARRS 1 telescope in Hawaii spotted for the first time an unusual space object what they believe is a comet that does not orbit the sun. According to the Minor Planet Centerfurther observations are needed to confirm but this space object may be the first clear case of an interstellar comet.
As the astronomers never have seen a comet that did not come from somewhere within the solar system, either the Oort Cloud or the Kuiper Belt they believe, due to the highly eccentric orbit of the object, that it came from beyond the solar system, from the direction of the star Vega, in the constellation Lyra.
The space object named as Comet C.2017 U1 has a diameter of about 160 meters and was moving at an enormous speed of 26 km per second!
The object came within 38,000,000 km of our sun, passing the Earth on October 14, 2017 at a distance of 24,000,000 km, which is about half the distance to Mars, before the Sun’s gravity hurled it back outward.
Then according to the Minor Planet Center, on October 25, 2017 in very deep stacked images taken at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) the object was found to show no presence whatsoever of any cometary nature. The object was renamed A/2017 U1, becoming the first comet to ever be re-designated as an asteroid.
At first it was an interstellar comet, now it is an asteroid, with other words, they don’t know the origin of the object.
You know, everything about this space object which visited our solar system for the first time is strange and we may wonder whether the object, which seems to follow its own path, is not a large icy rock but an interstellar spacecraft piloted by a highly advanced alien race coming from a place near the star Vega, in the constellation Lyra.
Former Area 51 Insider Claims US Navy Recorded Video Of A UFO That Defied Physics
Former Area 51 Insider Claims US Navy Recorded Video Of A UFO That Defied Physics
A strange unidentified flying object reportedly outmaneuvered many F-18 pilots, a move that apparently defied physics. The incident took place during a terrifying encounter, according to an ex-senior U.S. national security chief who had time at the mysterious Area 51 facility.
Chris Mellon further said that U.S. Navy personnel recorded the UFO on video from the USS Nimitz during the encounter that lasted for several hours.
Mellon claimed to have served the U.S. federal government for almost 20 years in a series of national security positions in the administrations of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
Mellon is one of former senior government insiders who have gone on record about unidentified flying objects after joining To The Stars Academy, a truth-seeking organization set up by former frontman of Blink 182, Tom DeLonge.
Mr. Mellon, who was also claiming to have work on classified projects at Area 51 in Nevada, detailed the incredible event that took place off the coast of San Diego in broad daylight.
He said warship Nimitz with a crew of thousands was operating in the area with Aegis class cruiser USS Princeton. All of a sudden a UFO appeared on the radar heading directly towards the battlegroup. The aircraft did not respond to radio calls, so the two F-18s were getting ready to intercept the target. While the F-18s came near to the bizarre aerial thing, the pilots saw the object in question that had no wings or exhaust.
According to Mellon, it was white, oblong, around 40 feet long and about 12 feet thick. He said one pilot tried to pursue the UFO while his wingman stayed high in the sky. The pilots were reportedly astonished to see the strange object reorient itself toward the approaching F-18.
After a series of strategic maneuvers, the UFO suddenly took a position directly behind the approaching F-18. The pilots managed to get a gun camera footage and infrared imagery of the object. They were clearly outmatched by a technology they had just seen, according to Mellon.
He said the object remained in the area for several hours after the pilots returned to the Nimitz. More F18s were dispatched but with the same results. Mellon suggested the U.S. Congress should investigate the events.
If you’re one who believes that the cuneiform style of writing was brought to Earth by ancient aliens, this story is definitely for you. Even if you’re not, what researchers found recently inside clay pottery in Iraq is still pretty significant. The pottery contained 93 clay tablets covered with cuneiform script dating back to 1250 BCE. If and when this undeciphered writing is translated, will it offer clues to the alleged story of the Anunnaki coming to Earth from the planet Nibiru? Or do the tablets contain news stories about the Middle Assyrian Empire?
The location in Bassetki where the tablets were found
(credit: Peter Pfälzner)
Whatever is written on the tablets, it’s going to take considerable effort to read, let alone decipher. In a press release, University of Tübingen archaeologist Peter Pfälzner reveals that the clay tablets were discovered in Bassetki, a small village in far northern Iraq in what is now autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan. Pfälzner and his team braved the fighting going on around them to dig through layers of history revealing that ancient Bassetki was a flourishing town on the trade routes from 3000 to 600 BCE. That includes the mysterious Mitanni Kingdom in the Middle Assyrian Empire (1392–1056 BCE).
The vessels containing the tablets
(credit: Peter Pfälzner)
Why will these important and mysterious cuneiform tablets be difficult to translate? While they were protected from the elements by the pots they were sealed in (one contained 60 of them), the tablets themselves were not baked – a process used when the text was meant to be preserved for long periods. As a result, they’re extremely worn and deteriorating. Does that mean it’s not worth deciphering? Dr. Pfälzner thinks so.
“The vessels may have been hidden this way shortly after the surrounding building was destroyed. Perhaps the information inside it was meant to be protected and preserved for posterity. Our philologist Dr. Betina Faist has deciphered one small fragment of a clay tablet. It mentions a temple to the goddess Gula, suggesting that we may be looking at a religious context.”
The cuneiform tablets
(credit: Peter Pfälzner)
Gula was the goddess of healing, medicine and doctors, so there may be something more to the writing about her than just religion. Doctors and healers were very important persons because the Sumerians believed illness was a punishment from the gods. Could this be information passed down to healers from the Anunnaki? Assuming they actually existed, why would such critical guidelines from ancient astronauts who allegedly arrived 450,000 years ago be recorded on clay that barely survived a few thousand years?
The tablets are now in Germany where they will be examined from various angles under multiple lighting conditions in hopes of identifying the characters and deciphering the cuneiform script. What mysteries will they reveal?
Europa is an icy moon of Jupiter that harbors an ocean and might support alien life.
Despite several flyby missions of Europa, no full geologic map of the moon previously existed.
Scientists released the first map in October after roughly 15 years of effort.
The map will help NASA pick targets for its upcoming Europa Clipper mission and possibly a Europa Lander mission.
NASA is gearing up to spend billions answering one of the most significant questions humans have ever posed: Are we alone?
The space agency's prime target for seeking evidence of alien life is Europa, an icy satellite of Jupiter that's nearly the size of our own moon yet hides an ocean with more liquid water than exists on Earth.
But before NASA can send its first Europa-dedicated mission — the Europa Clipper, a solar-powered robot that will repeatedly strafe the moon with cameras and sensitive scientific instruments — the space agency needs a map of the mysterious world to make the most of its $2-to-$4 billion effort.
Now such a map exists, thanks to the determination of two research groups spanning more than a decade.
"There was never a completed global map prior to ours," D. Alex Patthoff, a geologist and planetary scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told Business Insider in an email.
Patthoff and his colleagues, including UCLA graduate student Erin Leonard, presented theirresults this week at the 2017 Geological Society of America meeting in Seattle.
Business Insider first learned about the research project via a story at AGU Eos by writer JoAnna Wendel.
Mapping an alien ice ball
The first global geologic map of Europa, an icy and potentially habitable moon of Jupiter.NASA/Erin Leonard, Alex Patthoff, and Dave Senske, building on work by Ron Greeley, Thomas Doggett and Melissa Bunte
Europa is a promising destination to look for extraterrestrial life not only because of its ocean, but also for the potential of oxygen and other chemicals to feed those warm, salty waters.
Its surface is scarred with fissures and relatively free of craters, suggesting chemical-laden ice regularly sinks into the waters below. There's even limited evidence that Europa sprays plumes of water into space.
A handful of nuclear-powered spacecraft have flown near and photographed Europa, including the twin Pioneer probes, the twin Voyager probes, and the Galileo mission.
However, no dedicated mission has ever studied the moon in great detail — including its unexplored north and south poles. "This is another reason we need to go back and take a closer look at Europa," Patthoff said.
The geology of Europa's north pole (left) and south pole (right). Gray regions indicate a lack of data.NASA/Erin Leonard, Alex Patthoff, and Dave Senske, building on work by Ron Greeley, Thomas Doggett and Melissa Bunte
Anticipating future exploration of Europa, planetary scientist Ron Greeley began painstakingly piecing together all of the available images into an unprecedented geologic map of Europa in the early 2000s.
But Greeley passed away in October 2011 before finishing it.
"The Europa Clipper mission was the inspiration to complete the Global Geologic map," Leonard told Business Insider in an email. "The project will use it for mission planning, for instance knowing what features that might be observed on a particular flyby of Europa."
Such a robot could reach the giant ice ball's surface in the 2030s, should NASA gets the funding it needs.
"The map could be used as a launching off point for finding an area of interest for landing, especially if they are interested in a certain collection of features, such as 'bands' or 'microchaos,'" Leonard said.
Chaotic terrain to explore
Europa's ice is often chaotic-looking, suggesting a warm interior — and frequent melting. Larger ice blocks are roughly the size of San Francisco.
It took so long to piece the map together because of the wildly varying image sources, distances, and lighting, researchers said.
For example, data from Galileo — a mission that arrived at Jupiter in 1995, and the richest source of Europa images — came from 11 different flybys of the moon spread over nearly eight years.
"Sometimes the light is coming from directly overhead, essentially noon, while other it is lower on the horizon, late afternoon. This can make the shadows and the color of the surface vary from image to image," Patthoff said. "It can be like trying to map the US where in only a few images you could see something the size of the White House, while in most other images you could discern only cities such as New York City or San Francisco."
A legend for the first geologic map of Europa.NASA/Erin Leonard, Alex Patthoff, and Dave Senske, building on work by Ron Greeley, Thomas Doggett and Melissa Bunte
The new map pieces together seemingly disparate features and unmasks Europa's complex geology. Patthoff, Leonard, and their colleagues David Senske and Geoffrey C. Collins labeled 18 different types of features and terrain that future missions to Europa may want to target.
The youngest terrain — liquid water that most recently froze into ice — is known as "chaos" terrain (green colors) because of its slapdash grouping of ice rafts, some of which are roughly the size of San Francisco.
Bands (purples) are also relatively young, the researchers say, since they appear to cut across older material like ridged plains (blues). Craters and the materials they eject into the surroundings are also marked (oranges).
No one knows just how "young" Europa's icy crust is on average — estimates range from 10 million to 100 million years.
However, researchers believe ice melt happens frequently enough for oxygen on the surface (created by Jupiter's intense radiation field) to cycle into the ocean and support life.
Hydrothermal vents inside Europa may spew out warm water, helping melt surface ice and bring nutrients into the moon's ocean.
The next step is to look into all of the other materials there, including sulfur spewed out by volcanoes on Jupiter's moon Io, and estimate just how frequently they move into the ocean.
"A decade or so ago, we had no idea there might be several global oceans within our solar system. Now that's becoming generally accepted. So, satellite oceans may be the most common habitats for life that exist in the universe," Bob Pappalardo, a planetary scientist at NASA JPL, previously told Business Insider.
"Then the question is, could these oceans generally support life?" he added. "That's the goal of the Europa Clipper mission. We need to understand [the] prospect for chemicals getting into the ocean ... and from the interior."
Compare the photograph-based map of Europa with its new color-coded geologic map, below.
The universe is at least 46 billion light years in distance, and it's always expanding; in layman terms, that means it's really effing big. With so much out there we haven't yet seen, it's hard not to believe there are aliens roaming somewhere... but why haven't they contacted us yet? One scientist has a theory: aliens are living underwater on other planets with interior oceans frozen at the surface, making it really hard for them to text us or send a Facebook message or whatever.
The topic of why we haven't found aliens yet even though it's most likely they're out there is such a huge topic of conversation that it has its own name: the Fermi Paradox — a theory which says that considering how young our own planetary system is, and how easy interstellar travel could possibly be, we should've met aliens by now. So, what gives?
Alan Stern, a former NASA scientist who currently works at the Southwest Research Institute in Texas, has hypothesized is his new paper that aliens are living deep below frozen oceans of distant planets, suggesting that "the great majority of worlds with biology and civilisations are water ocean worlds." Sounds like the plot of a really cool movie, eh?
The reason for living under the ice isn't simply because aliens apparently prefer colder climates — it's for their own safety and survival: living under the oceans would protect them from natural disasters like exploding stars and space radiation spikes. Also, it's cold AF, so they really have no other choice.
While in the case of Stern's suggestion, these planets would be habitable, they're also probably covered almost entirely in water, which means the creatures inhabiting the planet don't look like you and me. No. They might look more like fish. Enjoy having nightmares about that tonight.
Does that mean fishy looking creatures are hanging out at the bottom of the ocean living a civilized life like humans do? Not so fast. While they might be a somewhat advanced species, we can't assume intelligent life there is similar to intelligent life here. Dr. Fergus Simpson of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences at the University of Barcelona explained why, earlier this year: fish-like aliens would lack necessary environmental conditions to continue becoming more evolved. "The main reason I'm skeptical about there being lots of intelligent underwater alien species is that I think it's harder for aquatic creatures like dolphins to use tools or build a fire," he said.
Nobody has mentioned anything about mermaids yet; so I'm not ruling that out as an option, just to be clear.
While it may sound like the lousiest of places to live, Stern explains in his paper that these "interior oceans" are actually conducive to the development of life. The depth of the oceans, and the fact that they're covered by a thermal insulation (what Stern calls a "planetary lid" on top of the oceans), make for a safe environment. In other words, the oceans aliens are living in, he says, are so deep and well-contained that the surrounding environment and atmosphere can't really affect them too much.
That also means they can't venture out on dry land to say hello to their earthly neighbors, either.
This isn't the first time people have explored why we haven't found the aliens yet. Some scientists have proposed the Gaian Bottleneck, which says that there has been other life in the universe, but it never had the chance to grow or evolve. Early life is so fragile, and a change in exterior conditions can make an environment unstable; so, it's possible that a planet was able to create life but not sustain it, and organisms died not long after being born.
Other scientists say that evolved alien life is definitely out there, but we can't pick up on their messages because they encrypt their data.
Still others say the aliens are there, but they're sleeping. This theory suggests the universe is currently too hot for more advanced civilizations to effectively use their resources, so they're "hibernating" until the universe cools down, in what has to be the most epic nap ever.
While we have yet to get a straight answer — whether aliens are living underwater, sleeping, still evolving, encrypting their messages, or walking amongst us wearing human costumes — we don't need science to tell us this: aliens are real. So are mermaids. And unicorns.
This scientist thinks he knows why we haven’t found aliens yet
This scientist thinks he knows why we haven’t found aliens yet
By Mike Wehner, BGR
We know our galaxy is huge and that there’s an untold number of other galaxies out there in the unimaginably large universe. We also know that there’s bound to be plenty of planets in those galaxies and at least a portion of them are bound to be habitable by some form of life. So, why haven’t we detected, spotted, or at least heard the faint whispers of another intelligent civilization outside of Earth? A planetary scientist from Colorado’s Southwest Research Institute believes he might have the answer and it’s literally chilling.
Speaking at a meeting of the American Astronomy Society Division for Planetary Sciences Division, Alan Stern proposed an incredible answer to the question that has long puzzled astronomers and first-contact hopefuls: Aliens aren’t living outside.
It sounds like total bunk to us, since humans are spread across just about every nook and cranny of planet Earth, but there’s a very real possibility that life could form, evolve and even gain advanced intelligence without ever seeing the surface of its own planet. This would most likely be on frigid ocean worlds where underwater thermal vents would provide the heat to sustain life, and with the sheer number of frigid ocean worlds we already know exist, there’s no shortage of opportunities for this to happen.
If an intelligent alien civilization evolved in the depths of an icy ocean world, it would be incredibly difficult for humanity to detect it and even harder for them to contact us. In fact, even venturing to the surface of their own planet would be an incredibly difficult task, and as Stern notes, doing so would essentially be the equivalent of mankind venturing into space — a mysterious, frigid and dangerous place.
It’s obviously very difficult for us to imagine an entire civilization of intelligent creatures living deep within the ocean, but our understanding of the requirements for life mean that it’s entirely possible. The only question is whether it exists somewhere out there in the vast number of unexplored worlds.
Americans believe in ghosts, ancient aliens and Atlantis, but not Bigfoot, study finds
Alien dummies model t-shirts for sale along with other extraterrestrial-themed souvenirs at the Little A'Le'Inn, located nine miles up the road from the military testing base known as Area 51, in Rachel, Nev., Aug. 20, 2013. ISAAC BREKKENNew York Times
Americans believe in ghosts, ancient aliens and Atlantis, but not Bigfoot, study finds
The vast majority of Americans believe in some kind of paranormal activity - nearly three in every four people, the study found. Most believe in more than one phenomenon.
Researchers identified seven different paranormal phenomenon and asked respondents whether they agreed with statements like “Places can be haunted by spirits” and “Aliens have visited Earth in our ancient past.”
The most common belief among Americans is that ancient, advanced civilizations -- like the lost city of Atlantis -- once existed. Ask two people if they believe in Atlantis, and at least one of them will probably say yes.
The other most common belief is in ghosts; more than half of Americans believe that places can be haunted by spirits.
More people believe that aliens visited Earth in our early days (35 percent) than believe they are visiting us now (26 percent), the study found, though a separate study from Ipsos found that eight in 10 people believe in life on other planets, and more than half believe that UFOs have visited Earth.
So what were some of the things Americans were most skeptical about?
Well, Bigfoot is having a pretty rough go of it. On the 50th anniversary of the first famous video of him, only 16 percent of Americans say they believe Bigfoot is a real creature.
Not too many people believe in psychics or telekinesis (moving objects with the mind) either, but if you ask, about one in five will still say they think it’s possible.
So is there evidence for any of these beliefs? Mostly, no.
Atlantis, for example, is widely accepted by researchers as nothing more than a fictional nation the Greek philosopher Plato used to illustrate some of his arguments about power, National Geographic reported. And despite the fact that nearly everyone now carries a camera and recorder with them at all times through their phones, convincing evidence of ghosts hasn’t appeared yet, reported Live Science.
Aliens are a little trickier. Though there hasn’t been much evidence of aliens actually visiting the Earth in UFOs (an exhaustive study in the 1960s of nearly 13,000 UFO sightings found no evidence any of them were alien vessels), some scientists believe it’s a statistical certainty that they exist, and Frank Drake, an astrophysicist and astronomer, even devised a formula for determining how many intelligent civilizations may exist in a given area of space. Still, we haven’t found anything yet.
And though ghosts and abductions and monsters are known for being spooky, and the data was collected as part of a study on Americans’ fears, it turns out paranormal activity doesn’t even come close to the top 10 (or even top 50) things that scare people the most.
So what was the number-one fear? Government corruption — the spookiest phenomenon of all.
From Friday the 13th to broken mirrors to black cats, here are 13 spooky superstitions that are most common among Americans.
Listen To The Mysterious Music Heard By The Apollo 10 Astronauts While Orbiting The ‘Dark Side Of The Moon’
Listen To The Mysterious Music Heard By The Apollo 10 Astronauts While Orbiting The ‘Dark Side Of The Moon’
The mysteries of space may be more intriguing and hair-raising than any of the outrageous conspiracy theories about it, once one gets to know the reality of it all. After decades of speculation regarding the strange experiences of astronauts who landed on the surface of the moon, giving birth to the timeless phrase ‘one step for man, a giant leap for mankind’, evidence has emerged suggesting that some of the conspiracy theories may be real after all…
A few months before the ground-breaking landing of Neil Armstrong in 1969 on the surface of the moon, Apollo astronauts were on a mission to orbit the moon and had apparently heard unexplainable and eerie ‘music’ on its far side. This leaves many questions, as there was no probability of any radio interference or transmission from earth, it was practically a silent zone.
Apollo 10 Lunar Module
The prime crew of the Apollo 10 lunar orbit mission at the Kennedy Space Center. They are from left to right: Lunar Module pilot, Eugene A. Cernan; Commander, Thomas P. Stafford; and Command Module pilot John W. Young.
Crew boarding the Command Module before launch
Recently NASA has released recordings of the lesser-known Apollo 10 mission, wherein a capsule was sent to orbit around the far side of the moon, known in popular culture as the ‘dark side of the moon’. The recordings clearly show the astronauts responding in panic and surprise to a howling noise, a periodic howling of sorts, that resonated in their headsets.
The capsule was on an hour-long orbital trip around the far side of the moon, and once it was way beyond the range of any earthly broadcast, a sound began buzzing in the astronauts’ headphones, sending a wave of uncertainty and confusion. Upon realizing that the sound had a periodic nature, with signs of it possibly emitting from an intelligent source, astronauts could be heard discussing if they should inform the NASA Mission Control Centre about the sound or not.
Apollo 10 view of Earth rising behind the moon
One astronaut could be heard suggesting that the sound was an ‘annoying whistling sound’, even describing it by imitating ‘Whoooooo!’. One astronaut said that the sound they were hearing was some kind of ‘space-type music’, apparently trying to ease the other confused and perplexed astronauts down. To this suggestion, others replied that if it were music, it was certainly a strange kind of music, Mail Online reported.
The ‘alien’ music was not a split-second anomaly, it lasted almost an hour during the time the capsule was orbiting the far side of the moon. When astronauts reached back to Earth, and NASA heard the recording, it shelved the recording and transcripts as classified. However, in 2008 NASA was contractually bound to declassify the recording, effectively triggering a never-ending debate regarding the nature and source of the music. Recently, an upcoming season of Science Channel’s NASA’s Unexplained Files series has made NASA’s Apollo 10 recording center of an elaborate investigation.
Lunar Module about to dock with the Command Module
Apollo 15’s astronaut Al Warden has said on the show that Apollo 10’s astronauts were very much acclimatized and used to the kind of sounds and anomalies usually heard in space and expounded that the fact that there was an hour-long buzzing, howling and ringing in the headphones of seasoned astronauts, clearly suggests that there was something there, something that we may not understand or that has probably been overlooked completely. In the show, experts can be seen analyzing various dimensions of the sound anomaly in space.
Some experts outrightly rejected the idea of a source in space emitting the sound, suggesting that it has to do with either the magnetic field or the atmospheric interference with the radios. However, these claims can be quickly dismantled by the fact that the moon has neither any magnetic field nor does it have any kind of strong enough atmosphere to have created the type of interference that was heard by the Apollo 10 astronauts.
Filer’s Files #43 – 2017 We Fired on UFOs - PART I
Tewkesbury, England I saw disc on October 16, 2017
Filer’s Files #43 – 2017 We Fired on UFOs - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Indonesia Air Marshall We Opened Fire on UFOs, Congressional Candidate Says She’s Been Aboard a Spaceship, Guantanamo Bay Naval Base Phantoms, Pilots Spot Huge UFO, UFOs Enter the Water or Ground, Alien Messages, and Japan Finds Long, Deep Lava Tunnel on the Moon.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Texas, and Virginia.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Canada, France, Kazakhstan, Portugal, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
C-17 Globemaster
Major George A. Filer III USAF (ret.)
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Indonesia Air Marshall We Opened Fire on UFOs
UFOs sighted in Indonesia are identical with those sighted in other countries. Sometimes they pose a problem for our air defense and once we were obliged to open fire on them. No details were given concerning the engagements.
Air Marshall Roesmin Nurjadin, Commander-in-Chief of the Indonesian Air Force, in a letter to Yusuke J. Matsumura dated May 5, 1967, reprinted in Good ibid. The Indonesian Air Force has 37,850 personnel and equipped with 110 combat aircraft. The inventory includes SU-27and SU-30 as the main fighters (from Russia) supplemented by F-16 Fighting Falcons (from the USA).
Congressional Candidate Says She’s Been Aboard a Spaceship
The Miami Herald asked Rodriguez Aguilera about her experiences Friday. She responded with a statement that waxed astronomical, but sadly failed to mention close encounters of any kind.
“For years people, including Presidents like Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter and astronauts have publicly claimed to have seen unidentified flying objects and scientists like Stephen Hawking and institutions like the Vatican have stated that there are billions of galaxies in the universe and we are probably not alone,” she said. “I personally am a Christian and have a strong belief in God, I join the majority of Americans who believe that there must be intelligent life in the billions of planets and galaxies in the universe.”
Rodriguez Aguilera was a Doral councilwoman from 2012-14 and served as the city’s first economic developer. She works as an entrepreneur and has taught leadership seminars at local universities.
Florida has a U.S. senator who once flew aboard the Space Shuttle.
A congressional candidate from Miami can go one better: Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera says she’s been aboard a spaceship too. But this one was crewed by aliens. As in extraterrestrials.
Three blond, big-bodied beings — two females, one male — visited her when she was 7 years old and have communicated telepathically with her several times in her life, she says. (Sen. Bill Nelson served as payload officer aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia in 1986. All seven people aboard were from Earth. As far as is known.)
Rodriguez Aguilera, 59, a Republican who is running to replace retiring Miami Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, recounted her experience with the ETs during a 2009 television interview.
She described “going up” inside the spaceship — though whether it went into space or just hovered around town was left unclear.
“I went in. There were some round seats that were there, and some quartz rocks that controlled the ship — not like airplanes,” Rodriguez Aguilera said.
In two separate videos posted to YouTube years ago, one by local Spanish-language station America TeVeand another by a political critic with the user name DoralGirl26, Rodriguez Aguilera spoke on television in detail about her extraterrestrial experiences. She said the alien beings reminded her of the famous statue in Rio de Janeiro, Christ the Redeemer, with arms outstretched. Among the things she said she found out from the aliens:µ
There are 30,000 skulls — “different from humans” — in a cave in the Mediterranean island of Malta.
The world’s “energy center” is in Africa.
The Coral Castle, a limestone tourist attraction South Miami-Dade, is actually an ancient Egyptian pyramid.
“God is a universal energy.”
The Coral Castle, a limestone tourist attraction South Miami-Dade, is actually an ancient Egyptian pyram “God is a universal energy.”
She also said that the aliens had mentioned Isis, though she didn’t clarify if they meant the terrorist organization or the ancient Egyptian goddess.
UFOs: What does the government know? What are the politics of U.F.O.s? Hillary Clinton said she believed in giving wider access to government records related to U.F.O.s and extraterrestrial life. Listen to what other presidents had to say about aliens and Area 51.
She declared her candidacy in late August and raised about $10,000 during the most recent fundraising quarter, she said — a paltry amount she attributed to halting her campaign during Hurricane Irma.
Rodriguez Aguilera’s daughter is former Republican National Committee Hispanic outreach director Bettina Inclán Agen. Her so -in-law, Jarrod Agen, is Vice President Mike Pence’s deputy chief of staff.
Miami attorney Rick Yabor, a frequent political commentator in Spanish-language media, said Friday that Rodriguez Aguilera’s account could hurt her congressional campaign. Miami-Dade Commissioner Bruno Barreiro and former school board member and Miami-Dade County mayoral candidate Raquel Regalado, both far better known than Rodriguez Aguilera, are also running in the Republican primary.
“Being a politician, to come out and say that, it’s odd,” Yabor said. “She got into details that are not very mainstream. Someone who’s running for Congress — you’ve got to raise a lot of money. A donor might have second thoughts.
“Miami politics are unusual,” Yabor said. “This one takes it to a new level.”
Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, a former Doral city council member and the city’s first economic director, will run to replace retiring Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen in Congress in 2018. Rodriguez Aguilera said during a 2008 TV appearance that she has seen aliens extraterrestrials throughout her life. Roberto Koltun:
Cuba’s Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, or GTMO, is full of ghost stories. I use to fly into Guantanamo fairly regularly to fly workers to and from Jamaica to work at the base. There are stories of refugees losing their lives crossing the mine fields to flee Cuba and stories of soldiers who never left their posts. I didn’t think much of the tales until I experienced something strange one night. A Marine I spoke to was in the barracks and heard footsteps coming up the metal stairs. He expected to hear his staff sergeant’s vehicle pull up, but there had been no sounds but footsteps and a knock to open the door. When he opened the door nobody was there.
One former Cuban Army Sergeant assured me that UFOs part curly discs were seen frequently flying over Cuba. He was told these were U.S. reconnaissance aircraft and not aliens. He also mentioned that there were frequent sightings of ghosts or spirits. Some are thought to be relatives who had died, and some were considered to aliens from other planets.
On March 29, 2012 former President of Cuba, Fidel Castro issued historical written “Reflections”, Entitled “The need to Enrich our Knowledge.” The letter discussed several issues related to the dangers for the survival of humankind posed by the current warmongering race that some of the world powers are enforcing. And how the bearers of these actions tend to suffer from characters that lack culture and special knowledge.
Interjected is the possibility of extraterrestrial life in the universe around us. Castro said: “When Pope John Paul II visited Cuba in 1998, “I particularly remember the time when we sat down to dinner with spokesman of the Pope, I said, “I think there is a 99.9 percent chance there is intelligent life on other planets’. A European article reads, “There could be thousands of millions of planets not much larger than Earth orbiting stars in our galaxy. According to an international team of astronomers, “The Estimated number of ‘super-Earths”-planets with up to ten times the mass of the Earth is based on discoveries made and then already extrapolated to include the population of so-called’ dwarf stars’ of the Milky Way. “Our new observations show That About 40% of red dwarf stars Have a ‘super-Earth” orbiting in Their Living zone, there may be in which liquid water on the surface of the planet “, said Xabier Bonfills, head of the team of Sciences of the Universe Observatory of Grenoble, France.
“Because network dwarfs are so common, there are 160.000 million of them in the Milky Way, or tens of millions of these planets in our galaxy alone.”
George Martin writes that 2002, the renowned Cuban filmmaker Octavio Cortázar visited Puerto Rico in order to participate in the San Juan Cinemafest and asked to meet with us at our magazine ENIGMAS Goals
. He gave me a copy of the first documentary ever made in Cuba entitled “UFOs in Cuba.” I said that besides Fidel Castro meeting with the Speaker of the Vatican he had also discussed the issue of extraterrestrial life with Pope John Paul II during his visit to Cuba in 1998. According To Cortazar, John Paul II asked Castro what he thought about the possibility that man was not alone in the universe, and the Pope said, “The probability of life beyond Earth was a fact and discussed the observations of UFOs.”
As former President Fidel Castro revealed, In His own words, the reality of extraterrestrial life visiting us, of which I saw personally evidence during an historical trip to Russia?
In our view, it would be a great contribution to mankind, Such as would help us to Knowledge to effect change in our collective consciousness, and perhaps, as a result of that, we would deviate from the path of self destruction in which we currently are. Thanks to George Martin
Pilots Spot Huge UFO
ALDERNEY — Joel de Woolfson of The Guernsey Press and Star reports, “Two experienced airline pilots on separate flights saw something up to a mile wide off the coast of Alderney above the English Channel on April 23, 2007.
Jersey radar equipment did pick up the object, and an air traffic controller said he had received simultaneous reports from the Aurigny and Blue Islands Airline pilots.
There seems to be a pattern of massive objects reported that are apparently operated by intelligent extraterrestrial (ET) beings. We can assume they are intelligent based on their craft and operations. These huge craft called Motherships are much bigger than any flying machine ever built by man. Frequently they launch smaller generally disc shaped craft estimated to be thirty feet in diameter.
Aurigny’s Airline Captain Ray Bowyer, 50, said, “I saw a massive strange object during a flight from Southampton.”
Abductees report the aliens have very highly developed mental powers, including extra-sensory, thought reading, hypnosis and the ability to use different dimensions. They do not normally use weapons and rely solely on their special powers to take care of themselves. They make contact only with selected people where secrecy can be maintained. In loosely knit societies such as Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States, it is very easy with the help of friends to make contact, but more difficult in police and dictator states. Abductees report, aliens take them inside small UFOs and sometimes fly to a huge Mothership in space. Thanks to Guernsey Press and Star
UFOs Enter the Water or Ground
MUFON and the National UFO Reporting Center collect around a thousand UFO reports a month/ The term UFO phenomena actually consists of many credible observations such as of balls of light that can change to different forms; objects that appear and disappear, go through walls, merge and separate; and groups of lights that come together to form humanoid appearing entities. There is even some correlation with, spirits and ghosts. We may be observing a series of different phenomena. Some objects are seen going into water and the ground or flying out the water or ground. This ability provides obvious hiding bases.
Others include objects of incredible space ships great size and speed, poltergeist like activity, large and small UFOs, magnetic and radiation effects, abduction phenomena, thought control, and telepathy, and many more.
While I was in the military intelligence at Military Airlift Command Headquarters my boss Bob Woods was the Base UFO Officer who could launch aircraft to chase UFOs. He frequently had to go to investigate UFO sightings similar to what MUFON investigators do now. He did not like doing the investigations often having to drive long distances to possible sightings. I remember him telling about a sighting in Sothern Missouri where witnesses claimed a disc had knocked down branches in a tree and disrupted the grass in their backyard, so it appeared a craft had actually landed. Bob felt it was not a real UFO because the witnesses were known to be heavy drinkers. I argued that there was some proof and evidence that could be examined in a laboratory. He did not want to waste government money. He seemed to feel the more reality he gave to the phenomena the harder he would be required to work.
The phenomenon often doesn’t fit the profile of pilots and space ships, but of something vastly different from our technology. Such observations suggest that this data also might be investigated using different paradigms than our nuts and bolts ideas of space ships, such as by using quantum mechanical theories, or the idea that the phenomena might not be molecular as we are, or other ideas. The lights and objects can jump from one place to another, dissolve or suddenly come together and appear. I think new ways and different paradigms of science are needed to study it.
Some reports claim the ships particles seem to flock together like birds and form into craft.
Many high ranking officers do not consider the phenomena a reality and are skeptical because they do not receive clearance to be given information on the actual existence of UFOs. Only four star generals and admirals and their few designated support personnel have clearances to know any detailed information.
Another reason for the skepticism is that government has deliberately creates skepticism. There is some evidence that even in the very earliest reports some form of cover-up may have been active. The government has manipulated the results of scientific studies, such as the one done by Battelle to show that they found nothing when in fact they did. Additionally, there appears to be craft that are built by the government that have the shape and speed of UFOs.
In other cases it has set up panels that purported to scientifically examine the subject, but instead used them to debunk the phenomena, such as those of Robertson and Condon Panels. Why expend large amounts of money to lie and cover-up the phenomena, if it doesn’t’
Alien Messages
Aliens have messages in various places all over the world in crop circles, monuments, telepathic messages and face to face abductions and contacts. We have been slow to decipher their messages.
Nazca Lines in the remote desert of Peru has a series of drawings that may be an alien message. Many of the Nazca lines can only be seen from the air or even space. The Nazca Lines are a series of large ancient geoglyphs in the Nazca Desert, in southern Peru. The largest figures are up to 370 m (1,200 ft) long. They were designated as a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site in 1994. The high, arid plateau stretches more than 80 km (50 mi) between the towns of Nazca and Palpa on the Pampas de Jumana, about 400 km (250 mi) south of Lima. Scholars believe the Nazca Lines were created by the Nazca culture between 500 BC and 500 AD[The figures vary in complexity from designs of phytomorphic shapes, such as trees and flowers. The designs are shallow lines made in the ground by removing the reddish pebbles and uncovering the whitish/grayish ground beneath.
Borobudur Temple
The world’s largest Buddhist Temple in Magelang, Java, Indonesia called Borobudur appears to be a copy of the design in the Nazca lines some 11,000 miles away.
The temple consists of nine stacked platforms, six square and three circular, topped by a central dome. It is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The central dome is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues, each seated inside a perforated stupa mound-like or hemispherical structures that resemble disc shaped UFOs.
The monument is a shrine to the Lord Buddha and a place for Buddhist pilgrimage. The pilgrim journey begins at the base of the monument and follows a path around the monument, ascending to the top through three levels symbolic of Buddhist cosmology. The monument guides pilgrims through an extensive system of stairways and corridors with 1,460 narrative relief panels on the walls and the balustrades. Evidence suggests Borobudur was constructed in the 9th century but many structures are similar to UFOs in appearance. Buddha does grant their request to the teach the doctrine to save the earth. The Blessed One is responsible for setting the wheel of the great law a-rolling and began to preach to the five bhikshus, opening to them also the gate of immortality. When the Blessed One began his teaching, a great rapture occurred in the universe.
The celestial spirits/angels left heaven to listen to the words of the Tathagata, and all creatures on earth crowded around to hear the glad tidings and understood in their own languages. One voice speaks one language, while telepathic thought can be understood by all. Buddha set the wheel of truth in motion by stating: ” The spokes of the wheel are the rules of pure conduct, justice is the uniformity of the spokes length, wisdom is the outside rim, thoughtfulness and modesty are the hub.” Is it only coincidence that a great religion is based on a wheel shape, freedom from lust and two types of aliens or angels from heaven? Many of the tops of religious buildings have shapes that resemble flying saucers. The wheel and disc is frequently used in the architecture. Ancient writings are full of information on Vimanas, that appear virtually the same as modern UFOs.
From The Anti-Gravity Handbook by D. Hatter Chalders Many researchers into the UFO enigma tend to overlook a very important fact. While it assumed that most flying saucers are of alien, or perhaps governmental military origin, another possible origin of UFOs is ancient India and Atlantis. What we know about ancient Indian flying vehicles comes from ancient Indian sources; written texts that have come down to us through the centuries. There is no doubt that most of these texts are authentic; many are the well known ancient Indian Epics themselves, and there are literally hundreds of them.
Most of them have not even been translated into English yet from the ancient writing. The Indian Emperor Ashoka started a “Secret Society of the Nine Unknown Men”: great Indian scientists who were supposed to catalogue the many sciences. Ashoka kept their work secret because he was afraid that the advanced science catalogued by these men, culled from ancient Indian sources, would be used for the evil purpose of war, which Ashoka was strongly against, having been converted to Buddhism after defeating a rival army in a bloody battle.
Another work called the Samaranganasutradhara describes how the vehicles were constructed. It is possible that mercury did have something to do with the propulsion, or more possibly, with the guidance system. Curiously, Soviet scientists have discovered what they call “age old instruments used in navigating cosmic vehicles” in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. The “devices” are hemispherical objects of glass or porcelain, ending in a cone with a drop of mercury inside. It is evident that ancient Indians flew around in these vehicles, all over Asia, to Atlantis presumably; and even, apparently, to South America.
Japan Finds Long, Deep Lava Tunnel on the Moon
Entrance to Lava Tunnel
With fewer meteors, lower radiation and better weather, this is a nice place for a colony.
The Japanese SELENE (Kaguya) Lunar Radar Sounder has detected intact lava tubes at Marius Hills on the Moon. Intact lunar lava tubes offer a pristine environment to conduct scientific examination of the Moon’s composition and potentially serve as secure shelters for humans and instruments. We investigated the SELENE Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) data at locations close to the Marius Hills Hole (MHH), a skylight potentially leading to an intact lava tube, and found a distinctive echo pattern exhibiting a precipitous decrease in echo power, subsequently followed by a large second echo peak that may be evidence for the existence of a lava tube. The search area was further expanded to 13.00–15.005°N, 301.85–304.01°E around the MHH and similar LRS echo patterns were observed at several locations. Most of the locations are in regions of underground mass deficit suggested by GRAIL gravity data analysis. Some of the observed echo patterns are along rille A, where the MHH was discovered.
Lava Tunnel on Earth
Japan’s lunar orbiter has found a long, deep tunnel under the Moon’s surface. There are reports that aliens also use the tunnels.
The find is significant because Earth’s Moon is a nasty place: surface temperatures vary wildly, there’s radiation galore to contend with and Luna’s lack of an atmosphere means the surface is subject to micrometeorite bombardments.
Plans to colonize the satellite have therefore often suggested underground installations, which is a sensible idea but one complicated by the challenge of digging in an environment with all the problems mentioned above.
But an underground Moon base now looks less complicated, as Japan’s Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) says they have found “a 50-km long intact lava tube underground along a lava flow river ‘rille’ on the Marius Hills of the Moon” Natural caverns occur on the moon in the form of ‘lava tubes’, which are the drained conduits of underground lava rivers. The inside dimensions of these tubes measure tens to hundreds of meters, and their roofs are expected to be thicker than 10 meters. Consequently, lava tube interiors offer an environment that is naturally protected from the hazards of radiation and meteorite impact.
The interiors of lava tubes could protect human explorers from different aspects of the lunar environment, including cosmic rays, meteorite impacts, dust, and the extreme temperature differences between the lunar day and night. Just like caves on the Earth, lunar caves, including lava tubes, have benign temperatures that are constant. These are extremely favorable environmental conditions for human activities and industrial operations.
. The SELENE/Kaguya Terrain Camera team made a fly-over movie of the hole, which is available here. The hole is nearly circular, 65 meters in diameter on the lunar nearside. The hole was estimated to be 80 to 88 meters deep. The area around the hole is covered by a thin (20 to 25 m) lava sheet, which may help protect the lava tube from collapse due to meteorite bombardment.
Aside from its potential as a place for humanity to locate a moon base, JAXA suggests the find is exciting because the tube may offer the chance to find “valuable lunar rock samples that have not been fragmented, or space-weathered, and thus may contain gases (including water) trapped in the past.” The agency also thinks Lunar lava tubes might teach us something about the same features on Mars.
Marius Hills Ruins
JAXA says it’s spotted lots of caves on the moon and possible ruins. The long tube is just one of many candidate caves and holes in the Moon.
The habitat shell would not have to support much of its own weight because it could be supported from the walls and ceilings of the lava tube. Habitats could even be inflatable, similar to Bigalow’s Sundancer space hotel, or supported entirely by air pressure.
Also, current designs for lunar equipment must function properly over a wide range of temperatures. While tools are severely limited and degrade rapidly on the lunar surface, the more benign and constant temperatures inside a lava tube would allow the use of existing tools and commonly used materials. Inside a lava tube all equipment would be well shielded from IR and UV radiation, and heavy machinery could be solidly anchored to firm bedrock—a rarity on the lunar surface. The lava tube could be kept relatively dust-free. Lightweight, highly flexible space suits could be made for crews venturing outside of man-rated habitats but remaining inside the lava tube. Thanks to Soderman/NLSI Staff Source: JAXA & Friedrich Horz paper
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Filer’s Files #43 – 2017 We Fired on UFOs - PART II
Filer’s Files #43 – 2017 We Fired on UFOs - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
California Object
San Diego — On September 28, 2017, starting around 8:20 pm I saw a large bright orange stationary light from my window. The lights were very bright and stationary and very different from what I usually see such as airplane traffic. I got in my car and drove to the top of a hill as the lights then separated into several pulsating orange/red lights in a fixed position. I took a few photos and a video with my phone. I thought they could be Chinese lanterns, or some science experiment from San Diego State University, but the same lights were also seen in Tijuana, Mexico. I found two videos of these lights on YouTube for the same night. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado V
Wheat Ridge – On October 9, 2017, I just observed a V shaped craft flying above my house heading a 242 degrees southwest. My sighting was at about 9:00 PM and bothered me because my wife didn’t see it, when I tried pointing it out. I just looked up and it caught my eye. There appeared to be water vapor rolling off of it which outlined it. It could be because it is cold here and it snowed earlier today. I couldn’t see it if I looked at it directly, but off to just the side of it as it was silently flying by at a steady cruising speed. It was big and flying quite low and pretty much invisible or translucent. I drew a picture of it with water vapor rolling off of it. It was slight and then disappears. I live near the Denver International Airport but I have never seen anything like this. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Florida Lights
Jacksonville— I went outside at 3:48 AM on October 13, 2017. I saw clear as day a diamond shaped object with a blunted rear. It had large cylindrical shaped matte green lights that were similar to phosphorescent doughnut shaped circles. They did not emit any light pollution. It was 500 feet high and about 200 feet away. It was of six to twelve houses in mass. I was awestruck at the magnificence and engineering that went into it. I could see the louver like body on the craft and the design was like plates were set similar to a red clay roof as if the heat was dispersed by the space behind each plate. I have video and was able to get a clear view of what I saw. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Triangle
Grovetown — A series of interesting photos were taken of a triangle shaped object.
The photos were taken on September 1, 2017 – Possibly Secret Space Program By NASA. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Lights
Rockford — Two hours after having a 20 minutes conversation with my Father on October 16, 2017, about UFO’s my father witnessed a triangular shaped craft. It was hovering just above the trees across the street towards his home. My Father said “Look son, there is your UFO.” I saw a triangular shaped craft with 4-6 off-white/yellowish lights shining down on the ground. The craft had red, white, and blue lights on the side chasing each other in a sequential pattern. I ran outside to get a closer look as the craft flew west behind the trees and flew out of site. Thirty minutes later, I saw another craft flying west with lights underneath, and flashing lights on the side. This craft made noise like a plane, and left a jet stream unlike the first. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Circle of Lights
Kansas City – A husband and wife were driving to the concert on October 14, 2016, around 6 pm and witnessed a circle of lights..
During a thunderstorm I took a picture of the object in the sky.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Orb
Hobbs — I was outside on open road and flashing of the object caught my eye on June 14, 2017.
I started recording it following it as it disappeared into the clouds.1
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Lights
I was in New York City Time Square for my June 16, 2016 summer vacation and I took several pictures.
A year later I went back into my pictures and I am seeing this light objects in at least four pictures at the top of the photograph.
I took the pictures while I was in the Empire State Building observatory. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Syracuse — I was heading south and saw four lights in chevron formation hovering around each other, They were changing positions on September 29, 2017. There is a light on far right that zoomed west.
The remaining three lights danced around each other, and ended in a chevron formation and proceeded south. The lights rapidly faded out with no sound. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Disc
I was driving east when I noticed in the sky straight ahead a large black square object that looked like it had holes or windows on October 14, 2017. I watched it moving in front of me but it was far away and large. It was no aircraft as it moved too fast . I tried to take a picture while at a traffic stop but could not get a close enough picture with my cell phone. Then it was gone. I wondered if anyone else saw it.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Dakota Lights
I was outside in our backyard and we saw a flying object for about 7 seconds. I had seen a UFO beforehand on a friend’s snap chat story of it flying in a U pattern seemingly for it to take off. I got to see it flying and it had circular red lights on the bottom. I have a screen shot because I was sure air traffic control would delete the content from my friend’s phone literally within minutes. It had a triangular shape around it.
My friends had “just smoked weed” which made sense to me because it makes the brain stimulated to be much more active etc. My ex girlfriend was on LSD when she saw a ufo and although correlation is not causation the close encounters of the fifth kind or spiritual contact could likely be influenced by mind altering substances. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Lights
Lufkin — I was wide awake and something just said go outside, and I felt like the energy from the big glowing light instantly grabbed my attention. The light just glowed very very bright, and beams of light glowed out of each sides. There was something very large and shiny between the two bright ligjts that sat still. It was an oblong light with another to the left of all of that that really terrified me. I accidentally caught it recording the lights using different lighting to bring it out and it definitely looks like a UFO. The lights turned off like a light switch. Thanks to MUFON CMS
San Antonio— Around my home is very active for UFO’s, orb’s, and paranormal activity on September 11, 2017, I saw a glowing green ship. I capture a lot and video’s. I see one thing with the naked eye, but when I film or photograph it, many times it comes out different. I’ve had field investigator’s and paranormal investigator’s over to witness. I’m able to see a few other dimensions as second sights has ran in the family for generations. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Being
Faber — Well you won’t believe it but we have finally gotten fiber optics installed and we are up and running.
This is a picture that we took on the Monroe Institute property earlier this spring.
There is an energy signature and this picture is enhanced.
We think that this is a tall being or should I say these quite tall beings, for two showed up are protecting the grounds of the Institute. Pretty cool if you ask me. Love and Light, Dan
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Canada Cloud
Toronto — I was with my friend on Queen St w downtown at midnight on October 2, 2017. My friend noticed a very strange looking cloud form in front of the moon. I don’t leave home without my Nikon p900 so I took a few pictures and this is what I captured The pic of anomaly over the apartment building I zoomed and filtered and it’ looks an awful lot like something in a Harry Potter movie And the other pic with 3vdiscs was over Lake Ontario The cloud pic is just strange which is what attracted us to look.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
France Photo of the Moon
Obelisks in a double crater, dark sea plays right moon, this crater had a “new” dust around like a new meteorite impact, instead of being simple conical bottom, it s revealed 2 flat interior reverberating lights. In the center of two craters I saw two big needles with their shadows. Thirty years after on Google, after spending two days looking, I found a pen made layer representing exactly what I saw. There were two obelisks, their bases were chambered, like a pyramid truncated at the top and then inverted as a base. The obelisks formed three pyramids. Farouk El Baz Geologist Egyptian and American working at NASA gave the possibility to land 17 missions on the Moon.
My photo, I’ve erased it out of disgrace, and found this on of towers on the Moon similar to one I’m describing. I asked astro physicists on a Facebook page, which obviously are confirmed, one of them heard about the myth and my precision that his towers were at least 1km altitude. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kazakhstan Meteorite
Portugal Lights
Lisbon — I was strolling by the river Tejo, next to the Padrao dos Descobrimentos monument when I noticed a strange cluster of lights at high altitude. It was clearly visible on October 14, 2017, as it was a dark night. The phenomena reminded me of the pattern of waves at the sea. The lights moved steadily and seemed to glow and flicker, and were following a straight North flight pattern, at high speed toward the Lisbon airport. I am an aviation enthusiast and have been tracking scores of planes. I took one photo with my IPhone SE and a short video, where it seems there is a central cluster with small independent “orbs” next to it. Dozens of tourists were baffled as I and taking pictures. I checked with Portuguese UFO associations and these exact sightings have been multiplying this year. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Lights
Harlow— I had trouble sleeping so decided to go for a walk at 4 AM on the 14th of October in 2015, and noticed an object. It was a silent cigar shaped orange light that was stationary with diagonal lines going through the light. It also appeared to be a dark shape around the light almost square. I thought the light was strange so I sat and watched it for a few minutes to see if it was moving. It was not. My first photo was faded as I had the flash on so I had time to change the camera settings. This picture had clearly caught the object as well as some stars. I was then checking out the photo and the object just disappeared. I physically saw this object with my own eyes for several minutes before capturing it on camera. To me it is a UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tewkesbury— I was outside and heard a swishing sound so I looked up on October 16, 2017,
There the disc was there so I took a picture.
I have always believed in extraterrestrials and now I have proof.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help. A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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When it’s not lending its name to the worst show on cable TV, the Big Bang Theory tells the origin story of our universe. According to the theory, a massive explosion created all the matter in the universe — and for every particle of matter that was created, a particle of antimatter was created too. In mass, shape, and size, antimatter should be exactly the same as its counterpart: The only defining differences between them are in their electrical charge and quantum numbers. If you smash a particle of matter into its corresponding particle of antimatter, the two should obliterate each other into nothingness — or so the theory goes.
It’s the best explanation we’ve got for the existence of the universe, but it leaves one all-important, gaping hole in our origin story: If there are equal parts matter and antimatter in the universe, then why hasn’t all of it canceled each other out?
As scientists at CERN pondered in a Naturestudy in mid-October, antimatter, as far as we can tell, exists in far smaller quantities than the matter that makes up everything in the universe, but nobody really knows why. Whatever the reason, it’s what’s responsible for the existence of everything we know.
The Big Bang Theory posits that all matter in the universe has corresponding antimatter.
Scientists grappling with this question — perhaps the most fundamental cosmological riddle of all time — figure that there must be some sort of asymmetry between matter and antimatter that allows things to exist. In their study, the team of scientists that make up CERN’s BASE group, which includes researchers from Japan and Germany, made extremely high-precision measurements on rare antiprotons — the counterparts to the positively charged protons at the heart of every atom in the universe — to find infinitesimal differences between the two particles that might account for their refusal to cancel each other out.
In a statement on October 19, Christian Smorra, Ph.D., the study’s first author, summed up the team’s conclusions in a single line:
”All of our observations find a complete symmetry between matter and antimatter, which is why the universe should not actually exist.”
The CERN antiproton decelerator in Geneva.
Attempts to find differences between protons and antiprotons have been made before, but CERN’s team, equipped with tools that allowed them to make parts-per-billion-scale measurements of the magnetic force of antiprotons, tried to make some of the most precise observations yet.
In their experiments, they used 16 antiprotons that had been generated at CERN in 2015 and carefully stored in a vacuum cooled to near-absolute zero, where they were isolated from matter that could annihilate them. The high-precision technique they used for measuring the antiproton’s g-force, which used devices called Penning traps, produced data that was then compared to known measurements of the proton g-force.
The Penning trap system was used to measure the magnetic movement of the antiproton.
They had hoped that the comparison would yield some insights into the differences between the two particles, but they were out of luck. There was no discernible difference between them.
“An asymmetry must exist here somewhere but we simply do not understand where the difference is,” continued Smorra in his statement. “What is the source of the symmetry break?”
If we don’t want the universe to continue contradicting our own existence, we should hope that the asymmetry exists in some even more minuscule property of antimatter that we haven’t been able to measure yet. Because if it doesn’t, then we might have to rethink the Big Bang Theory altogether, which would make this cruel cosmological riddle infinitely more perplexing.
Though the debate about which planet reigns supreme has been over for some time, occasionally, people need a reminder that Saturn is number one. The latest proof comes from a newly released image of the gas giant, which NASA’s calling “The Grace of Saturn.” Do you remember the last time Mercury got a poetically titled photo like that? Of course not — it doesn’t exist.
The image was taken by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft on August 12, 2017, about a month before mission end. It was snapped roughly 581,000 miles (935,000 kilometers) from Saturn, giving a great perspective on the sunlight reflecting off Saturn’s icy rings. According to NASA, this gap — positioned between the planet’s D ring and its cloud tops — is the chasm Cassini dove through 22 times during its Grand Finale. It’s a piece of the spacecraft’s history that we can all cherish forever — can the same be said about the first planet from the sun?
"The Grace of Saturn," captured by Cassini
Folks with extremely good eyesight can have some fun trying to find Saturn’s moon, Pandora, hiding in this pic. The “potato-shaped” moon is about 88,000 miles (142,000 km) away from Saturn and hugs the planet’s F ring. In this pic, it appears as a speck in the upper-righthand corner.
NASA hasn’t formalized any plans to return to Saturn, so for now, we’ll have to settle for staring at Cassini’s final images like this one. As the agency pours through the plethora of pictures and data the spacecraft left behind, hopefully, it’ll be inspired to plan a return trip.
“We left the world informed, but still wondering, and I couldn’t ask for more,” Cassini project manager Earl Maize, of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said at a news conference back in September. “We’ve got to go back — we know it.”
It must be hard to be a small, uninspiring planet in the same solar neighborhood as Saturn. But hey, we can’t all be winners.
After doing a research, scientists came up to a conclusion that there is at least one alien civilization in the galaxy that communicates with Earth in our galaxy through the Milky way.
Three American scientists Luis A. Anchordoqui, Susanna Weber and Jorge F. Soriano in an article published on the website of the University of Cornell, discussed the possibility of the existence of an alien civilization in the Milky Way Galaxy that communicates with humans.
Experts relied upon the Drake formula so that they could estimate the number of civilizations in our galaxy and according to their result, there is at least one extraterrestrial civilization that communicates with Earth through technology that could intercept or transmit radio emissions.
Moreover, scientists compare these planets where there are some potential civilizations with the rate of birth of heavenly bodies within the settled zone around their star.
Scientists agree on one potential thing, that the existence of the aliens is endagered by the powerful gamma ray bursts. Their note,however, will be verified with the help of TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) and JWST (James Webb Space Telescope).
This research is additionally complicated by the fact that the scientists have come up to,which is the small percentage of intelligent alien civilizations in the Milky Way,about 0.5% of the total number of alien civilizations that may exist in the Universe. This is also their explanation of having not found any aliens so far.
The discovery of other civilizations will only be sucessfull if the scientists discover more of Earth’s “twin” planets.
In the research paper the scientists note that a new data is needed so that they can understand better the occurrence of exoplanets in the habitable zone, the early star formation rate models and GRB phenomenology.
Finding new Earth-like planets has been a challenge since these planets produce weaker signals. The technology for detecting these kinds of planets has been developed for the next generation space telescopes. So, NASA’s next search for planets is through Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satelite (TESS).
The NASA roadmap will continue with the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) as well as with Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope – Astrophysics Focused Telescope Assets (WFIRST-AFTA) early in the next decade. The discovery of alien life will probably take some more time, but the search is on its way.
In 2016, scientists adapted the Drake Equation data with data from Nasa’s Kepler satellite on the number of exoplanets that could harbour life. Researchers also adapted the equation from being about the number of civilizations that exist now, to being about the probability of civilization being the only one that has ever existed.
The study shows that unless the odds of advanced life evolving on a habitable planet are astonishingly low, then humankind is not the only advanced civilization to have lived.
In fact, the odds of an advanced civilization developing need to be less than one in 10 billion trillion for humans to be the only intelligent life in the universe.
Could a bizarre anomaly on EROS have led to NASA losing control of spacecraft?
The second largest near-Earth object with an average diameter of approximately 16.8 kilometers is the mysterious and highly controversial EROS. EROS is described as a stony and oddly shaped asteroid which was visited and researched by the NASA NEAR Shoemaker space probe back in 1998. The images captured on this visit and the unusual details of the mission have led to some highly unusual questions being raised.
Back in 1998, the NASA spacecraft NEAR Shoemaker first visited Eros in a flyby mission. In 2000, the space agency entered the asteroid’s orbit and a year later on February 12th, 2001, EROS became the first asteroid that the space agency ever soft-landed on using maneuvering jets. In the course of this historic mission, NASA equipment captured some images of the surface of the asteroid some of which have raised eyebrows among members of the public.
In this particular image, the NASA cameras captured what they describe as being an enormous, rectangular boulder which is around 148 feet in length. While objects exhibiting such a perfect right-angled appearance do sometimes occur in nature (such as in the course of crystallization), it is highly unusual for a rock formation to develop in this way. Could it be possible that the rectangular object was created by intelligent hands?
The appearance of this deeply unusual boulder is made all the more mysterious by the problems which beset the first attempt to reach EROS in 1998. The team operating the spacecraft found themselves struggling to keep control of the spacecraft as it approached the near-Earth object. The original disruption is linked to computer problems, but following a staggering 128 simulations aimed at establishing the sequence of events that would completely explain the malfunction, the researchers were still baffled as to why they could not regain control of the craft immediately. To this day, there has still been no comprehensive explanation as to why this happened.
This has led some people to suggest that the unusual boulder on Eros could well have been made by intelligent hands. However, the origin of the rectangular object and its potential purpose are still a complete mystery.
UFO fans have managed to capture a video that shows off one of the best videos of a triangle shaped UFO. The sighting occurred in Texas in October at about 20: 50 pm. The witness said that they saw a triangular craft gliding above Texas and knew that they had to film it.
Shortly into the video, another UFO that is triangular in shape is seen coming into the picture, and they slowly distance themselves, the people filming it then get into their car and drive so that they can get a better vantage point. The video was described as being raw chase footage and as you can expect the video is shaky and blurry in places.
he video does show two good portions of footage that is clear and this is at the start of the video and at the end. The middle portion is somewhat shaky due to the excitement and car ride. The UFO does manage to capture a lot of ground and due to its size, it could not have been a drone. The object does seem to fit in with that of a classic triangle shaped UFO.
There has been a great deal of controversy about the video with one person commenting that the incident was only a few hours away from the Cash-Landrum incident and the person wondered if there was a military base close by. The incident he is talking about involved Vickie Landrum and Betty Cash along with a 7-year-old. They were driving home in Texas along a road that was isolated when they saw a diamond object floating above them. The UFO was said to have had flames coming out of it and a large amount of heat that was so hot so as to cause the metal parts of the car to become too hot to touch.
Not long after around 23 military helicopters zoomed over the heads of the witnesses and it looked like they were chasing the UFO. In the aftermath of the incident, Cash became ill and symptoms included radiation poisoning. She had large blisters that were painful and lost patches of skin and hair. A radiologist said that there was strong evidence that Cash had suffered damage due to ionizing radiation.
But could the appearance of the triangle shaped UFO have had a connection with that incident? The UFO was chased by military aircraft that were unmarked so they could have come from a military base that was secret. Perhaps the UFO had been a prototype that the military had been testing out and then they chose to see how humans would react to it. If this is the case then the region may be home to many other anomalies and perhaps people should be on the lookout for more UFOs.
Over the last decade, there have been numerous reports and sightings of UFO's flying in the vicinity of dormant or, in most cases, erupting volcanoes.
Only recently there was a large glowing orb flying over the Yellowstone volcano in the US. In September 2017 a UFO was filmed flying over the Chaparrastique volcano in El Salvador. In January 2017 a similar huge spherical object was flying over the Popocatépetl Volcano in Mexico. In 2016 there were numerous accounts of UFO's flying over active volcanoes.
Is there a reason for this increase nearby these erupting giants? Consider this, when a medium volcano erupts, it release arround 27 megatons of thermal energy. That's a lot. Could it be that these mysterious crafts have found a way to harvest the energy that is released during these events?
One way of harvesting the immense energy was shown during a volcanic eruption in 2015 in Chile. The Calbuco volcano erupted and multiple witnessed captured a UFO on video that was hoovering nearby the ash cloud. In one of these video's the object is hit with multiple lighting strikes. Is this the way these extraterrestrial craft harvest the power of erupting volcanoes? These lightning flashes are created by a process called charge seperation by the ash cloud.
This could also explain why we have seen some video's of UFO getting hit by regular lightning strikes over the last couple of years. Maybe Elon Musk can learn a trick or two from these aircraft...
VIDEO! It’s OFFICIAL! China Admits To The Existence Of UFOs And Aliens
VIDEO! It’s OFFICIAL! China Admits To The Existence Of UFOs And Aliens
We know by now that various governmental institutions have spilled the beans regarding the existence of UFOs, but the Chinese want to break the ice and expose it all.
Because of the constant pressure posed by the people willing to know the truth of what’s really happening on this planet, they had no choice other than declassify decades of thorough investigations of unidentified flying objects. The CIA, the FBI, the Navy, NASA, military officials, retired astronauts, ex-personnel of area 51, plus many other governments from which we remind Brazil and their famous Colares incident, Russia and recently China, all of these admitting in part or in full that some really messed up things are happening around us, with the cause probably being otherworldly.
Although this data has been known for quite some time by those actively investigating the UFO phenomenon, there are others who are just waking up to this reality and who deserve to know the truth.
In a recent gathering of the non-profit organization known as Citizen Hearing, Shi-Li Sun, an esteemed researcher and president of the Chinese UFO Federation has stepped forward denouncing this concealed reality of UFOs.
According to him, the UFO phenomenon not only is authentic, but it stretches back tens of thousands of years, to a time when ancient China was barely shaping its culture and traits. In his acceptance, otherworldly visitors might had impacted our entire society, and for an unknown period of time contributed to the foundation of humanity before vanishing into outer space, probably to return at a later date to check on Earth’s well-being. In Chinese culture, all these otherworldly beings personified as deities were converted into a single great cosmic beast – the Dragon.
Chinese people consider ourselves as the descendent of Dragon, and Dragon is from outer space in the Chinese culture, so in the Chinese culture we are from outer space as descendent of Dragon,” Shi-Li affirmed.
To break this short, here is what he had to say on behalf of himself, and all the prominent figures involved in the Chinese UFO Organization:
Certainly, after years of research, a large number of Chinese UFO scholars, including myself, are convinced of the authenticity of UFO, the existence of UFOs and aliens…So, we believe in the existence of UFOs, we believe in the existence of aliens and extraterrestrials.”
If you want to find all the spicy details unraveled by the Chinese, make sure to watch the official statement in the video below. Oh, and don’t forget to spread the word about these groundbreaking news, everyone deserves to know about this. [Skip to 6:50 mark for the statement]
For The First Time Ever, Scientists Verify ‘Technique To Control Your Dreams’
For The First Time Ever, Scientists Verify ‘Technique To Control Your Dreams’
t’s on! Scientists have managed to verify, for the first time, a technique to induce lucid dreaming.A technique to induce lucid dreaming has been independently verified for the first time. More than half of the participants had lucid dreams during the scientific experiment. The structures sighted through Google Earth appear to have a pyramidal shape, such as those temples that lie just over a thousand kilometers to the west, in Mayan and Aztec lands allegedly…
The structures sighted through Google Earth appear to have a pyramidal shape, such as those temples that lie just over a thousand kilometers to the west, in Mayan and Aztec lands allegedly.
Recently, Dr. Denholm Aspy, of the University of Adelaide, conducted a study with 169 participants who had to learn different techniques to induce lucid dreams.
He told IFLScience this exceeds any previous study conducted without interventions such as masks that shine lights in people’s eyes on detecting REM sleep.
One of the techniques, called “reality check,” sought to make the individuals in the experiment take the habit of making sure they were actually asleep.
In addition, it was combined with the Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (or ‘MILD’), where an alarm went off every five hours, after which the subjects were to wake up and recite the following: the next time I’m dreaming, I’ll remember that I’m dreaming “; then they went back to sleep imagining what it would be like to have a lucid dream.
These two techniques led to 53% of individuals having lucid dreams during the experiment, with a 17% who stood out for having them every night.
He told IFLScience this exceeds any previous study conducted without interventions such as masks that shine lights in people’s eyes on detecting REM sleep.
Aspy reports, these results exceed any previous studies conducted with instrumental assistance.
“The MILD technique works on what we call ‘prospective memory’ – that is, your ability to remember to do things in the future. By repeating a phrase that you will remember you’re dreaming, it forms an intention in your mind that you will, in fact, remember that you are dreaming, leading to a lucid dream,” says Dr. Aspy, Visiting Research Fellow in the University’s School of Psychology.
“Importantly, those who reported success using the MILD technique were significantly less sleep deprived the next day, indicating that lucid dreaming did not have any negative effect on sleep quality,” he says.
“These results take us one step closer to developing highly effective lucid dream induction techniques that will allow us to study the many potential benefits of lucid dreaming, such as treatment for nightmares and improvement of physical skills and abilities through rehearsal in the lucid dream environment,” Dr. Aspy says.
Approximately 55% of people have had a lucid dream at some point in their life, but for most, it is a rare occurrence. In fact, the researcher who carried out the recent experiment became interested in the subject after having had a lucid dream during his childhood and another just the night before starting his doctorate.
According to IFLScience, Aspy is looking for volunteers to do future studies that will not last more than a week. The short time of the exercises will seek that the developed techniques will be applicable later in treatments for different disorders.
-Traces of a lost civilization? Researchers find HUNDREDS of mysterious structures in the Amazon
Traces of a lost civilization? Researchers find HUNDREDS of mysterious structures in the Amazon
Geoglyph photo.
Credit: Jenny Watling
Archaeologists have uncovered hundreds of enigmatic structures located in the Amazon, believed to have been built over 2,000 years ago. These mysterious structures have remained concealed for centuries by the Amazon and reveal that the Amazon isn’t as untouched as we believed in the past.
The fascinating ancient structures were most likely built by an unknown civilization.
The traditional idea many historians share is that before the arrival of Spanish and Portuguese in the fifteenth century, and unlike conventional history in the Andes, there weren’t any advanced civilizations in the Amazon region. But, given the fact how deforestation has revealed much of the hidden secrets of the area, scholars are confident that an advanced civilization inhabited the area in the distant past. The numerous aerial and satellite images are revealing, a complex network of structures, roads, and even possibly settlements that until now had remained hidden under the impenetrable layer of the Amazon.
These remarkable earthworks have been uncovered due to rapid deforestation which has allowed experts to uncover over 450 massive geoglyphs in the rainforest.
While their size and complexity has taken archaeologists by surprise, experts are still unsure as to what their exact purpose was, however some authors speculate that the massive enclosures may have been used sporadically as ritual gathering places.
Traces of a lost civilization? Researchers find HUNDREDS of mysterious structures in the Amazon | Ancient Code
According to, the structures are unlikely to be villages as archaeologists have recovered very few artifacts during excavations. Furthermore, the layout of the structures suggests they weren’t defensive structures.
The massive structures—eerily similar to Stonehenge— occupy around 13,000 square kilometers in Acre, in the western Brazilian Amazon.
Scientists from the UK and Brazil have said that these structures prove the Amazon isn’t as untouched as we believed in the past.
“The fact that these sites lay hidden for centuries beneath mature rainforest really challenges the idea that Amazonian forests are ‘pristine ecosystems,” said Dr. Jennifer Watling, a post-doctoral researcher at the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography, University of Sao Paulo.
“We immediately wanted to know whether the region was already forested when the geoglyphs were built, and to what extent people impacted the landscape to build these earthworks.”
Researchers have managed to ‘look into the past’ by reconstructing 6000 years of vegetation and fire history in the vicinity of two of the archaeological sites using state of the art methods, revealing HEAVY alterations by the ancient culture that inhabited the area.
Scientists say that the ancients modified the bamboo forests for millennia, constructing small temporary clearings in order to erect these mysterious structures.
Experts found that instead of burning large parts of the forest, the ancients were able to transform their environment by concentrating on economically valuable tree species such as palms, creating a kind of ‘prehistoric supermarket’ of useful forest products.
Dr. Watling said: “Despite the huge number and density of geoglyph sites in the region, we can be certain that Acre’s forests were never cleared as extensively, or for as long, as they have been in recent years.
“Our evidence that Amazonian forests have been managed by indigenous peoples long before European Contact should not be cited as justification for the destructive, unsustainable land-use practiced today. It should instead serve to highlight the ingenuity of past subsistence regimes that did not lead to forest degradation and the importance of indigenous knowledge for finding more sustainable land-use alternatives”.
A new theory makes rather controversial claims. What if, as some researchers suggest, Rhesus Negative is connected to the Ancient Bloodline of the Gods, those who came from above, in their mighty ships which were misinterpreted thousands of years ago by early humans as deities and Gods??
Well, there are some researchers and authors who believe the Rhesus Negative blood group holds an otherworldly secret. There are many who firmly oppose the theory that people with Rh Negative blood could belong to the Nephilim or the so-called Gods, offspring of the gods, a supposed parallel race of humans.
However, according to some theories, it isn’t that unlikely after all. Bare with me and keep an open mind.
Author and researcher Robert Spehr provide insight into the enigma behind RH Negativelikek no one before.
Did you know that “There are 612 primate species and subspecies which are recognized by the International Union for Conversation of Nature (IUCN), and mysteriously, not one has Rh negative blood”? – Robert Sepehr, Species with Amnesia: Our Forbidden History
Sepehr raises numerous questions that in turn raise countless enigmas. But what exactly is Rhesus Negative?
Rh factors or ‘Rhesus factor’ was first found in the blood of Rhesus monkey–hence the name.
According to Sepehr, if our species evolved from the same African ancestor the blood would be compatible, but for a reason, we don’t know, it is not.
As it turns out, around 85% of all human beings have RH positive blood, yet ALL royal families have Rh negative blood. Hmmm… yikes!
IS RH NEGATIVE SO RARE? According to authors like Sepehr, the enigmatic traits connected to this ‘rare’ blood type are many, yet there are very few answers. Where did Rh negative blood come from in the first place? And why is it that a Rh negative mother bearing Rh positive children tries discarding her offspring? Is it possible that this can be resolved by a rather controversial theory? A theory which suggests that humanity
A CGI impression of the UFO sighting arranged by UFO investigator Philip Mantle.
Philip Shepherdson has revealed the encounter he says he experienced near York in North Yorkshire.
He was driving a scooter on country lanes near Easingwold, when he turned left towards Huby, and was distracted by something.
He said: "I looked to my left and my heart flipped at what I saw. Hovering in a corner of a small field was a black triangular shaped object.
"I stopped to get a better look not believing what I was seeing."
Flying Disk Press
Triangle UFO? The witness drew his own sketch of what he says he saw.
Triangle UFOs are once of the most commonly reported, particularly in the United states where hundreds are seen each year.
Some truth seekers believe they are alien spaceships, while others believer they are top-secret craft built by governments in experimental projects.
Mr Shepherdson added: "The object was smooth with no control surfaces and no sharp edges and at the top was a cockpit with a figure inside it.
"All I could see was a black shaped helmet and a black overall of some kind.
Flying Disk Press
UFO SIGHTING? Mr Shepherdson on the site of his terrifying encounter.
"By the side of the craft I now realised there were two more slim looking figures who too wore black overalls and they were trying to push the vehicle into the next field perhaps to conceal it amongst the standing crop.
"They abruptly stopped to look in my direction; the cockpit figure too, turned to gaze at me.
"I felt transfixed with fear. I was shaking. The silence was stifling as we gazed at each other and I felt some form of contact taking place but I just don’t know what that was.
The object was smooth with no control surfaces and no sharp edges and at the top was a cockpit with a figure inside it. All I could see was a black shaped helmet and a black overall of some kind.
Philip Shepherdson
"I don’t remember getting there, in fact everything after that seemed surreal. I appeared to forget the experience as if told that this was something I shouldn’t have witnessed.
"What struck me at the time was this was nuts and bolts technology, no fuzzy lights with a smudgy image.
"I freaked at the fact that an aircraft floating like a silent kite with not a blade of grass out of place and without jets, was way beyond our technology."
The event took place in February 1979, but only now has Mr Shepherdson had the courage to come forward and seek out other witnesses.
He said: "I know it’s a long time since my encounter but I would like to take this opportunity to appeal for other possible witnesses to this event to come forward.
"I have often wished that I had approached the farmer on whose land this happened, but I never did.
"Who knows, perhaps there is someone out there who saw this like I did and they too have waited all this time and have said nothing."
If you think you saw it or have seen other triangle UFOs email
Alan Godfrey, 70, said superiors in West Yorkshire Police tried to silence him and even get him sectioned after he detailed the terrifying encounter.
He has told his story in a new book called Who or What Were They?
He said: "This is the story of secret forces and cover-ups plus terrifying attempts to destroy a brave officer’s career."
The demise of his career began after he filed an official report to superiors that he lost time after witnessing an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) hovering overhead in Todmorden on November 28, 1980.
He attracted national headlines, even being interviewed by Frank Bough on BBC Breakfast.
However, this led to him being banned from Todmorden police station, which effectively ended his nine-year career.
He was searching for missing cattle in Burnley Road on the outskirts of the town when he claims to have seen what he thought was a bus approaching from a few hundred metres away.
But as he got nearer, he realised it was not the 5am commuter bus, but, instead, "a large mass".
He said at the time: "It was a fuzzy oval that rotated at such speed and hovered so low over the road that it was causing the bushes by the side to shake."
He claims he stopped to sketch the "UFO" on his notepad, but was overcome by a burst of light.
His initial recollection was that he was then driving his car again further up the same road - with the mysterious UFO now gone.
Once back at the police station, the officer realised it was much later than it should have been and he had lost around 15 minutes.
Mr Godfrey was not going to report the encounter for fear of ridicule but later the same day heard a lorry driver three miles further out on Burnley Road at Cliviger reported to police seeing "a brilliant white" object at around the same time.
UFO ENCOUNTER? Alan Godfrey says there were cover up attempts after he reported the incident.
This is the story of secret forces and cover-ups plus terrifying attempts to destroy a brave officer’s career.
Alan Godfrey
And neighbouring Halifax police officers also called in reports of a "brilliant blue-white glow" descending towards Todmorden, also at the same time.
News of other witnesses made him file the official report, which was leaked to the local press, and his case was looked into by UFO investigators.
They convinced him to undergo hypnotic regression which produced a bizarre testimony of what may have unfolded.
He spoke of the bright light stopping the car engine.
The regression produced a vivid account of an odd room which included a bearded man called Yosef, who questioned him telepathically, a black dog, and strange small droids
The case led to a media storm, with front-page national news reports and TV appearances, and went on to become one of the country's most well-known alien abduction cases.
He said: "Someone was determined to stop at nothing to undermine my efforts to tell the truth. It turned into a nightmare and cost me dear but speaking about it is the right thing to do."
He has decided to write the book as a way to explain his experience to his grandchildren.
He added: "This book tells it like it is – everything that occurred but which someone did not want you to read.
"When you see something like that out of nowhere and you feel strange sensations and hear messages coming into your head then you know this is not just a routine police patrol."
Do agencies of government take note of millennia-old mysteries, tales of ancient astronauts, and archaeological anomalies? Well, yes, albeit to a degree. The CIA, for example, has taken an interest in the tales of Noah’s Ark – or as the agency refers to it, “The Ararat Anomaly.” The late Miles Copeland – who held a significant position in the Central Intelligence Agency – told an intriguing story concerning the CIA and the Dead Sea Scrolls. And, then, there’s the matter of a man named George Van Tassel.
In the early 1950s, Van Tassel claimed interaction with extraterrestrials out in the desert near Joshua Tree, California. Van Tassel’s visitors from the stars were said to have been: (a) extremely human-like and (b) highly demanding, when it came to getting across their space-laws and regulations. At the time of the encounters Van Tassel was living in the desert region of a small town called Landers – actually in a large, converted cave beneath a gigantic rock that, unsurprisingly, is called Giant Rock.
Van Tassel claimed the aliens told him that the Human Race had been molded, guided and manipulated for thousands of years – by extraterrestrials who posed as gods. Such was the fascination that the public had with his claims, Van Tassel was prompted to establish a yearly UFO conference at Giant Rock that – at its height, in the mid-1950s – attracted audiences in excess of ten thousand. The word was spreading. It even reached the FBI, who opened a file on Van Tassel in 1954.
Documentation declassified by the FBI demonstrates that George Van Tassel was periodically monitored well into the 1960s. As were Van Tassel’s statements concerning ancient aliens and the saga of the Ten Commandments. An FBI report – on a lecture Van Tassel gave at the Phipps Auditorium in Denver, Colorado, in 1960 – states the following: “The major part of his lecture was devoted to explaining the occurrences in the Bible as they related to the space people. He said that the only mention of God in the Bible is in the beginning when the universe was being made. He said that after that all references are to ‘out of the sky’ or ‘out of heaven.'”
The FBI agent present at the gig also reported: “He said that this is due to the fact that man, space people, was made by God and that in the beginning of the world the space people came to the earth and left animals here. These were the prehistoric animals which existed at a body temperature of 105 degrees; however a polar tilt occurred whereby the poles shifted and the tropical climates became covered with ice and vice versa. After the polar tilt the temperature to sustain life was 98.6 degrees, which was suitable for space people, so they established a colony and left only males here, intending to bring females at a latter date on supply ships. This is reflected in Adam not having a wife. He said that Adam was not an individual but a race of men.”
And there was more: “[Van Tassel] said that this race then inter-married with ‘intelligent, upright walking animals,’ which race was EVE. Then, when the space people came back in the supply ships they saw what had happened and did not land but ever since due to the origin of ADAM, they have watched over the people on Earth. He said that this is in the Bible many times, such as MOSES receiving the Ten Commandments. He said the Ten Commandments are the laws of the space people and men on earth only give them lip service. Also, the manna from heaven was bread supplied by the space people.”
Also contained in the FBI’s file is the following, which covers that same 1960 lecture in Denver: “[Van Tassel] also stated that this can be seen from the native stories such as the Indians in America saying that corn and potatoes, unknown in Europe were brought here by a ‘flaming canoe.’ He said that this can be shown also by the old stories of Winged Chariots and Winged white Horses, which came from out of the sky. He said that JESUS was born of MARY, who was a space person sent here already pregnant in order to show the earth people the proper way to live. He said the space people have watched over us through the years and have tried to help us. He said they have sent their agents to the earth and they appear just as we do; however, they have the power to know your thoughts just as JESUS did. He said this is their means of communication and many of the space people are mute, but they train a certain number of them to speak earth languages.”
Those reading this article and hoping to learn that the FBI has an office devoted to the secret investigation of ancient astronauts will be deeply disappointed. No such office exists. And, no such office has ever existed. Certainly, the FBI listened to what Van Tassel had to say about alleged alien visitations to Earth in the distant past, but they were not at all impressed by what they saw or heard. An April 12, 1965 FBI document refers to Van Tassel as “an eccentric, self-ordained minister of a quasi-religious organization.” A further FBI document refers to Van Tassel as – and I quote exactly – “a mental case.”
“All of our observations find a complete symmetry between matter and antimatter, which is why the universe should not actually exist.”
Are you reading this? Good. That means the world’s greatest scientists using the world’s greatest scientific instruments are wrong. Or are they? Researchers at CERN in Switzerland recently made the most precise measurements ever of the magnetic force of protons and antiprotons and found them to be exactly the same … except for an opposite sign. The means the idea that scientists have danced around for centuries is still making them waltz – the Big Bang created equal amounts of matter and antimatter which should have annihilated each other and left nothing behind … including the universe and us. So, why are we still here?
Image: CERN, Maximilien Brice and Julien Ordan
A better question might be: “How did the CERN Physicists manage to experiment with the magnetism of matter and antimatter without annihilating the universe for real?” In a word … slowly. In 2014, they were able to measure the magnetic moment – how much a proton resists magnetic force – by trapping an individual proton in a magnetic field, then spinning it with another magnetic field.
That part was easy – at least protons don’t annihilate when they come in contact with any matter. Antiprotons are – no pun intended – another matter. After creating antiprotons in 2015, they had to create an antimatter chamber to store them in. They started with a Penning trap – a cylindrical container that traps charged particles between a magnetic field and a quadrupole electric field (apologies to physicists for this overly simple explanation). These Penning traps are imperfect and the antimatter can leak out (not a good thing – if you’ve been paying attention), so the CERN physicist used two and kept the antimatter extremely cold. This allowed them to store the antimatter for 405 days, more than enough time to do the magnetic moment measurements.
BASE Penning trap system to measure magnetic moment of the antiproton. Credit: Stefan Sellner, Fundamental Symmetries Laboratory, RIKEN, Japan
And the answer is … −2.7928473441 μN. (μN is a nuclear magneton). Not only was this exactly the same – except for the minus sign – as the magnetic moment of a proton, it’s accurate to nine digits or nearly perfect. Would you expect any less from CERN?
Christian Smorra, the physicist at CERN’s Baryon–Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment (BASE) collaboration who observed that the universe should not actually exist, was excited at the results, published this week in Nature, but still puzzled.
“An asymmetry must exist here somewhere but we simply do not understand where the difference is.”
Are we really sure these are the people we want experimenting with antimatter? As Chief Engineer Montgomery “Scotty” Scott once said to Mr. Spock:
“Those few seconds will not make any difference, Mr. Spock, because you and I and the rest of the crew will no longer be here to bandy it back and forth. This thing is going to blow up, and there’s nothing in the universe can stop it.”
Within the domain of the alien abduction phenomenon, there are a number of accounts of people reportedly taken on-board UFOs and submerged into mysterious liquids, or gels – as in completely submerged. Very oddly, and as the abductees state, the liquid does not prevent them from breathing normally. Researcher Helmut Lammer – in an article titled “New Evidence of Military Involvement in Abductions” – tells the story of a woman who he refers to as “Lisa,” and who found herself in just this precise situation. Lisa was an alien abductee, but she was also someone who was subjected to what have become known as Milabs – or “military abductions.” It was in this latter context that Lisa had a very traumatic experience, as Lammer shows.
Lammer says Lisa was taken against her will to what turned out to be a below-surface facility, in which she “…saw naked humans floating in tubes. Lisa claims that she was forced by humans into some type of pool filled with a golden yellow bubbly fluid, while other humans looked at her. Lisa has traumatic recollections that her kidnappers tried to make her and other victims able to breathe in the liquid. In two of the before mentioned cases the abductee was forced to breathe the liquid like Lisa. The hypnosis transcripts reveal that the liquid breathing experiences were traumatic for the abductees. Both abductees where totally immersed in the liquid and both reported that they could breathe the fluid.”
Then, there is this from another abductee: “I found myself inside a clear glass cylinder, totally submerged in some kind of warm fluid, thicker than water, thinner than oil. To my surprise, I was able to breathe this warm fluid without discomfort. I could also open my eyes without a problem. The solution was clear, of a greenish color and the container was softly lit. I remember, still fully submerged in this solution, that I slowly began to recall the abduction that had taken me away from my bedroom, minutes, maybe hours before.”
There is also this one: “…I woke up again, this timer naked in a funnel shaped pool filled with a greenish black gel type liquid. The pool had to be 20 yards wide all around. And pretty deep. The pool was made of some kind of shiny metal. With the gel it made the surface very slippery and you would slip under the gel if you tried to get out. I then realized something very odd at that time. I wasn’t alone. There were at least 15 other humans with me. All of them screaming and panicking…”
There is a good reason why I mention all of this now. Just a few days ago I received a Facebook message from a woman who I’ll call “Andrea” and who lives in Minneapolis. Andrea’s main reason for contacting me was because on several occasions, back in the 1980s, and after experiencing classic abduction phenomena – missing time, nightmares, and a sense of being subjected to stressful and terrifying medical experimentation – she was visited by a Man in Black. And, yes, it was the same MIB over and over again, which is intriguing, since such repeat visits by the very same MIB are not too common. The MIB was of the typically weird kind: tall, skinny, pale-faced, and with slightly larger than normal, staring eyes. And, of course, he was dressed in a black suit and an old style fedora. On each occasion Andrea was warned not to talk about her experiences.
It was only after recently reading my 2015 book, Men in Black, that Andrea decided to share her experiences, chiefly because one of the MIB described in the book sounded eerily like her very own Man in Black. But, there was more: I asked Andrea if we could chat via Skype and she agreed. During the course of talking with Andrea, something interesting came out: Andrea told me that on every occasion she was abducted by the familiar, dwarfish, black-eyed entities of UFO lore, she was immersed into a “bathtub”-like environment of what looked like water, but which was slightly thicker. It had an overwhelming odor that was not unlike that of nail polish.
On the first occasion, Andrea was terrified that she would drown. In seconds, though, she found she could “breathe the liquid” with no problem at all. During subsequent abductions, Andrea felt that her abductors were testing how long she was able to comfortably remain immersed. On one occasion, she felt a pressure on her body, which led her to suspect that the craft she was in had suddenly taken to the skies and that what she was experiencing were the effects of G-Forces. stated in March 2017: “Liquid ventilation – breathing a liquid instead of air – has long been the stuff of science fiction, and despite experimental clinical use, its potential for treating severe pulmonary or cardiac trauma, and use in deep diving and space travel, it is still not widely used or understood.” They note too that research into this area is moving ahead and in notable fashion, as you will see from this link.
Maybe unearthly creatures have developed the kinds of technology that we are still working to perfect…
Ars talks with Love & Saucers creators Matt Ralston and Brad Abrahams at Fantastic Fest 2017.
AUSTIN, Texas —Perhaps no film has ever set its tone so clearly within its first line as the new documentary Love & Saucers:
“When I was 17, I lost my virginity to a female extraterrestrial,” begins 72-year-old David Huggins. “That’s all I can say about it.”
Huggins’ voice carries no sarcasm. It doesn’t hesitate for an instant. And filmmakers Matt Ralston (producer) and Brad Abrahams (director) provide no filters. Love & Saucers ostensibly sets out to allow this man with more than 100 encounters in his lifetime to lay out his experiences detail by detail.
At times, the results can be wild. Huggins had his first encounter at eight years old when a little hairy guy with yellow eyes kept calling out “David, behind you” in the backyard. By age 18, his encounter total eclipsed 20, including meeting Crescent, the alien woman he’d have a prolonged relationship with (regarding that opening statement, Huggins later says: “I figured, if anything, I’d be losing it in the backseat of a Ford, but it didn’t work out that way at all”).
Huggins eventually got prodded inside a vacuum cleaner-like spacecraft, and he fathered a lot of possible interspecies children. Perhaps most peculiar of all, the aliens did not permit Huggins to discuss his encounters or express his feelings about them until he was nearly 50. At that point, they finally allowed Huggins to share his stories so he would have a way of dealing with his complex emotions. Their idea for how he should handle those feelings? Paintings. Huggins ran with this suggestion and has turned out a series of erotic, impressionistic oil works ever since.
“I was traumatized; I’m not saying I wasn’t,” Huggins says as he introduces his art. “But after I started doing the painting, I started calming down. I realized these things happened to me, and I was able to face it.”
So Love & Saucers sounds like an extended report from the likes of Coast to Coast AM, right? (Naturally, Huggins once appeared as a guest on the long-time, late-night radio show that believes the truth is out there.) Not quite. This film does not set out to change viewers’ minds on the existence of extraterrestrial beings; it doesn't want to parade Huggins in front of the audience as a sideshow generating lulz either. Instead, Love & Saucers stumbled into a story more about us down here on Earth—how do we react to others perceived as odd, and does it hurt to believe in something everyone else quickly turns a side-eye towards?
A loving lens
Abrahams makes a number of smart decisions throughout the film that allow Huggins’ humanity—his sincerity, his matter-of-fact acceptance of this strange life—to shine through. For instance, the entire first half of the film consists solely of Huggins talking. He walks the audience through his childhood, his hobbies (notably, his love of genre film that manifests itself through a VHS collection in the thousands), and the start of his family while pointing out the notable encounters along the way. Not only does this reveal the somewhat claustrophobic nature of Huggins’ current life (unfolding in a small Hoboken apartment where his job sits down the street); it allows his story to speak for itself without the filter of a narrator or the possibly influential reactions of others.
But as Huggins introduces more outlandish-sounding encounters, the urge to have someone else react becomes undeniable. After all, Huggins may live a small life, but he doesn’t live in isolation. Ralston and Abrahams know this sensation, too—it’s why they ultimately tracked down a handful of Huggins’ neighbors, his boss, some fellow experiencers, and even Huggins’ son to appear in Love & Saucers’ second half.
“We realized we needed a larger perspective, and so we at least tried to incorporate the world around him,” Abrahams tells Ars. “We fully expected his boss or his neighbor or the professor to be skeptical or to express disbelief, but they all just completely support him because they knowhim. And once you know him, you can’t say he’s being untrue.”
“He’s definitely not lying,” Ralston adds.
Ralston and Abrahams would know—the latter has been talking with Huggins on-and-off for more than five years now. And his first extended interactions with Huggins came when the film’s star invited the director to stay with him at his home, for three days, using his live-in ex-wife’s room. (Although she doesn’t appear on camera, Janice is mentioned often. She and Huggins split not long after he revealed his unusual upbringing. “I know that she knows something is different about me,” Huggins says. “But I didn’t know how to bring it up.”)
Talking with Ars, the production team doesn’t want to say whether or not they ultimately believe in extraterrestrial life or whether Huggins changed their minds at all. But they certainly feel confident that the man consistently speaks his truth.
Huggins’ unorthodox art ultimately brings his truth to life—to the filmmakers (who first made contact with him through a book collection of the paintings), to the audience (all the film’s promotional material, including prints for sale, revolves around them), and to others appearing in the film. In the most endearing scene within a documentary full of ‘em, Abrahams accompanies Huggins to a Manhattan gallery opening for his work. The thought of Huggins not only showcasing his intimate and offbeat paintings, but explaining them to total strangers in one of the most coolhunting areas in the world instantly generates anxiety. Then just as Huggins has done for viewers up to this point in the film, his genuine nature seems to deflate any potential conflict.
Ralston: Manhattan ended up being the perfect place. It’s just a melting pot of weirdness.
Abrahams: A lot of those people were artists and really appreciated the work. The paintings are nice, but some have a shocking amount of skill. They’re so cinematic with the lighting and staging, and the detail on the faces... you’re really struck.
Ralston: We showed some of his paintings at a screening / show in Miami and asked some of the other painters what they thought. They all said, “You know he’s not great, but his strokes are purposeful—he knows what he wants to paint and it’s vivid in his head.”
The Love & Saucers team ultimately has an interest in exploring what makes people believe in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary—what kind of person can proceed in that situation and how does society then accept or deny them? Abrahams and Ralston first worked together on a short film exploring researchers devoted to finding Florida’s mythical Skunk Ape, and they have intentions of turning that into a full-blown feature on cryptozoologist researchersonce promotion for Love & Saucers has wrapped up.
Huggins shows that even a kind, accepting grandfather-like figure may fall into one of these fringe communities. And Love & Saucers shows a true believer doesn’t have to explicitly appear unhinged or become a communal pariah. (Just this week in Florida, a city council member now running for Congress talked to press about her own childhood abduction and the reaction came swiftly.) Instead, Huggins continues on with 90 percent of a rather plain life, and his belief allows him some joy and relief from past stress. If that doesn’t negatively impact others—and it may, in fact, benefit them through some interesting genre art—where’s the harm?
Love & Saucers continues on the festival circuit with a stop in San Francisco this weekend. The most up-to-date schedule can be found on the film's Facebook page, though the filmmakers intend to release it on VOD and VHS (so Huggins can watch at home, of course). Below, you can watch the Skunk Ape short soon being turned into a feature-length documentary.
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Ik ben ontmaagd door een vrouwelijke alien. 72-jarige man deelt zijn ervaringen in deze nieuwe documentaire
Ik ben ontmaagd door een vrouwelijke alien. 72-jarige man deelt zijn ervaringen in deze nieuwe documentaire
“Toen ik 17 jaar oud was ben ik ontmaagd door een vrouwelijke alien,” begint de 72-jarige David Huggins zijn verhaal in de nieuwe documentaire Love & Saucers. “Dat is alles wat ik erover kan zeggen.”
Filmmakers Matt Ralston en Brad Abrahams geven Huggins in de film alle ruimte om te vertellen over zijn meer dan 100 ontmoetingen met buitenaardse wezens.
De allereerste ontmoeting vond plaats toen hij acht jaar oud was en een klein wezen met gele ogen in de achtertuin tegen hem zei: “David, achter je.”
Toen hij 18 jaar oud was waren er al 20 ontmoetingen geweest. Hij werd naar eigen zeggen meegenomen aan boord van een ruimteschip dat eruitzag als een stofzuiger.
De aliens zeiden tegen Huggins dat hij pas rond zijn vijftigste mocht gaan vertellen over zijn ervaringen. Hij werkte ze uit in de vorm van schilderijen.
“Ik was getraumatiseerd,” zegt Huggins terwijl hij zijn werk toont. “Maar nadat ik begon te schilderen werd ik rustiger. Ik besefte wat er met me was gebeurd en kon er beter mee omgaan.”
In de film laten ook andere mensen hun licht schijnen over deze vreemde ervaringen. Zo komen onder meer zijn buren, baas en zelfs zijn zoon aan het woord.
Ralston en Abrahams hebben daarnaast mensen geïnterviewd die zeggen dat ze soortgelijke dingen hebben meegemaakt.
“We hadden gedacht dat zijn baas, buren of de professor sceptisch of vol ongeloof zouden reageren, maar ze steunen hem allemaal volledig omdat ze hem kennen,” zei Ralston.
“Als je hem eenmaal leert kennen, kun je niet zeggen dat hij niet de waarheid spreekt,” voegde hij toe. “Hij liegt zeer zeker niet.”
Huge unknown object takes off outside of Carlsbad, New Mexico
Huge unknown object takes off outside of Carlsbad, New Mexico
While driving on the highway 15 miles outside of Carlsbad, New Mexico on October 23, 2017 the witness noticed a huge strange object standing in a field.
Surprised by what he witnessed he tried to capture the object on his camera but as soon as he started recording it took off.
According to the witness, he has no idea what he has recorded and wonders whether it was a so-called ‘dust-devil’ or something that cannot be explained?
We know our galaxy is huge, and that there’s an untold number of other galaxies out there in the unimaginably large universe. We also know that there’s bound to be plenty of planets in those galaxies, and at least a portion of them are bound to be habitable by some form of life. So, why haven’t we detected, spotted, or at least heard the faint whispers of another intelligent civilization outside of Earth? A planetary scientist from Colorado’s Southwest Research Institute believes he might have the answer, and it’s literally chilling.
Speaking at a meeting of the American Astronomy Society Division for Planetary Sciences Division, Alan Stern proposed an incredible answer to the question which has long puzzled astronomers and first contact hopefuls: aliens aren’t living outside.
It sounds like total bunk to us since humans are spread across just about every nook and cranny of planet Earth, but there’s a very real possibility that life could form, evolve, and even gain advanced intelligence without ever seeing the surface of their own planet. This would be most likely on frigid ocean worlds where underwater thermal vents would provide the heat energy to sustain life, and with the sheer number of frigid ocean worlds we already know exist, there’s no shortage of opportunities for this to happen.
If an intelligent alien civilization evolved in the depths of an icy ocean world, it would be incredibly difficult for humanity to detect it, and even harder for them to contact us. In fact, even venturing to the surface of their own planet would be an incredibly difficult task, and as Stern notes, doing so would essentially be the equivalent of mankind venturing into space — a mysterious, frigid, and dangerous place.
It’s obviously very difficult for us to imagine an entire civilization of intelligent creatures living deep within the ocean, but our understanding of the requirements for life mean that it’s entirely possible. The only question is whether or not it exists somewhere out there in the vast number of unexplored worlds.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
'NOT A HOAX' Nazca 'mummified aliens are not fake,' claims scientist
'NOT A HOAX' Nazca 'mummified aliens are not fake,' claims scientist
ALLEGED mummified remains of "non-human beings" said to have been found in Peru are not a hoax, according to a scientist who has investigated the bodies.
Dr Edson Vivanco is part of a team researching the alleged discovery of several bizarre three-fingered and three-toed corpses said to have been found in a cave in Nazca, Peru.
The bodies have been branded elaborate hoaxes by mainstream scientists in Peru, who say it appears they have been created using genuine ancient mummified human remains.
One set of DNA test results found the remains were 100 per cent human, while others were inconclusive.
Dr Vivanco, a skeletal specialist, is part of the team that announced the discovery and claims they could be aliiens of extra terrestrial origin.
He has, however, been involved in previous examinations of other body parts that have been suggested could be alien in origin.
Nazca hoax? A scientist claims the mummified remains could be real.
He was interviewed as part of a documentary made by British ufologist Steve Meera, who travelled to Peru.
Dr Vivanco said: "They invited me to join the investigation to give my medical opinion to determine if the pieces we studied were real or just a fraud.
"There are lots of details that indicate that the bodies are real.
"To recreate a skull with these characteristics is a very difficult task.
"For example regarding the internal structure of the skull we can find the parietal sutures, occipital sutres, frontal sutures, and other anatomical characteristics that indicate it's a real skull.
"On first impression I found it odd to examine a three-fingered hand with five phalanges (finger segments) present on each finger."
Independent scientists who have looked at X-rays of the hand released by the team concluded they were made using human finger bones from a number of hands.
Dr Vivanco added: "Just three fingers with five phalanges. That caught our attention and we decided to keep investigating to determine if this is real or a fake.
"I think it's very important to investigate this no matter what the outcome.
Five alien mummies discovered in Peru
"Because a few doctors already did give their opinion on it without any kind of study, saying the bodies are assembled even though they didn't have access to them.
"If it is a fake we will be the first to say and report it. Right now we are studying the evidence.
"And so far we haven't found anything to say it is a fraud or that the bodies have been modified or altered in any way.
"We have lots of evidence that sets us on the path to prove that this is real
"If we could demonstrate that someone has modified this hand we would be speaking about a crime that should be properly punished.
"My personal point of view, I believe its real, but that's my personal opinion. the truth doesn't belong to me."
The organisers of the ninth annual World Congress on Mummy Studies, which took place in Lima, Peru, last August, are convinced it is a hoax.
The group issued an angry call on Facebook for an official inquiry into whether archaeological crimes have been committed.
The congress brings together world experts in mummies and skeletons in a new location each year.
Under the heading ‘The Fraud of Extraterrestrial Mummies’, translated from Spanish, the congress said it believed real human mummified remains had been mutated and re-arranged to create bogus alien-looking creatures.
Alien worlds covered in water might not be comfortable for living things because some will have their atmospheres stripped from them in solar storms.
Image: Artist’s impression of HD 189733b, showing the planet’s atmosphere being stripped by the radiation from its parent star.
Credit: Ron Miller.
Scientists consider an atmosphere and liquid water to be ingredients for life, but finding them existing together on a planet outside of Earth has proven challenging. A team of researchers used computer simulations to test how atmospheres composed mostly of water vapor would hold up in the face of stellar wind — the gas and charged particles blown out from a star toward the planets — and other space events, finding that certain star-planet matchups could kill off an atmosphere before life has a chance to form.
“Ocean planets, also referred to as water worlds … are anticipated to be volatile-rich, and possess oceans that are conceivably hundreds of kilometers deep,” according to a study in the Astrophysical Journal.
That’s compared to rocky planets in the habitable zones of their stars, the distance at which the temperature is just right to support water as a liquid, rather than a solid or gas. Those planets may also contain water.
In examining worlds that are completely covered in ocean, the researchers found that the ones closely orbiting certain stars could be in trouble. Although their simulations suggested that planets with “Earth-like oceans” would not have their atmospheres stripped and their water evaporated over timeframes of billions of years, exoplanets in the habitable zones of M-dwarfs, a class of red dwarf stars, would see a much more rapid change — “the escape rate (of water ions) will be 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than on Earth even without considering space weather effects,” the study says. Part of that has to do with how close in a red dwarf’s habitable zone is, putting an exoplanet in the line of fire from stellar material despite their comfortable temperatures. “Thus, planets orbiting these stars could have their oceans depleted over [billion-year] timescales, especially when extreme space weather events are taken into account.”
Exoplanets covered in ocean may not be able to survive long enough to support alien life, if the stars they orbit strip away their atmospheres.
Photo: CC0 Creative Commons
A billion years sounds like a long time, but it is not long at all in the grand scheme of life developing and evolving. Compared to the universe’s nearly 14 billion years, Earth is only estimated to be about 4.5 billion years old. And life is thought to have appeared on Earth about 3.8 billion years ago.
“Rapid desiccation would have important consequences for the evolution of life on such planets, especially with regard to oceanic and coastal biodiversity, productivity, and food webs,” the study says.
Red dwarf stars are the most common ones in the universe, so these simulations could potentially apply to many exoplanets and rule them out as worlds that are capable of hosting extraterrestrial life.
“One of the critical factors in determining if a planet could really be habitable is the presence of an enduring atmosphere,” the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics explained in a statement. “The deep oceans on a water world offer a reservoir for water vapor for its atmosphere, and so scientists have been trying to calculate how stable an exoplanet’s ocean and atmosphere are, especially to effects like evaporation by winds from the star.”
The information from these new simulations could help scientists narrow down their search for alien life and their understanding of how planets and the water bodies on them evolve. As the study points out, water is crucial to Earth’s plate tectonic system, through which our planet’s surface and interior changes and recycles. There is also evidence that Earth was once much more covered in ocean than it is today.
Image: The Heliospheric Current Sheet results from the influence of the Sun’s rotating magnetic field on the plasma in the interplanetary medium (solar wind). The wavy spiral shape has been likened to a ballerina’s skirt. The new work uses a software modeling package called ForeCAT to study interactions between CMEs and the Astrospheric Current Sheet around the red dwarf V374 Pegasi.
Credit: NASA GSFC.
That may not be a rare case. Research has suggested that exoplanets with water may be up to 90 percent covered in ocean, compared to the 70 percent of Earth’s surface. That has to do with how much space is available in its ocean basins to store water before it floods and submerges any landmasses.
The researchers also point out that Mars and Venus are believed to have once supported oceans.
The Alien Observatory --"Strange, Saturn-Sized Alien Moon May Be a Harbinger of Habitable Worlds"
The Alien Observatory --"Strange, Saturn-Sized Alien Moon May Be a Harbinger of Habitable Worlds"
"The first exomoons that we find will be large – maybe Mars- or even Earth-sized – and therefore intrinsically more likely to be habitable than small moons," said René Heller, at the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics in Potsdam, Germany. "With Kepler finding many more giant planets than terrestrial planets in stellar habitable zones, it's really important that we try to figure out what conditions might be like on the moons of these giants to gauge if they can host extraterrestrial life."
In a series of papers published in 2013, Heller and his colleague Rory Barnes from the University of Washington and the NASA Astrobiology Institute tackled some of the big-picture problems to habitability posed by the relationship between exomoons and their host planets. Heller and Barnes have proposed a circumplanetary "habitable edge," similar to the well-established circumstellar "habitable zone." This zone is the temperature band around a star within which water neither boils off or freezes away on a planet's surface – not too hot, not too cold, thus earning it the nickname "the Goldilocks zone.
This past July, 2017 reports New Scientist, evidence emerged of the first discovery of a moon around a planet beyond our solar system that might prove Heller's 2013 prediction above correct. Although the exomoon’s existence has yet to be confirmed, new results from Kepler Data show that the world may look stranger than anyone thought and may also have been created through some unknown mechanism.
David Kipping at Columbia University, New York, has spearheaded an effort to comb through Kepler spacecraft data in search of hidden moons since 2012 sifting through data from the Kepler space telescope on more than a thousand planets and their moons orbiting distant stars. Back in July, he and his graduate student Alex Teachey announced they had found signs of the colossal exomoon that might orbit a gas giant roughly 4000 light years away. A moon, says Kipping, could also make its host planet more likely to harbor life. Some models suggest that the presence of our moon might have helped make Earth a nice place to live. The same could be true for other moon-planet partnerships.
So Kipping’s search, dubbed the "Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler," gets at the fundamental nature of our place in the universe: Are we alone? By early next spring, astronomer David Kipping hopes to know if the object he’s spent his early career searching for is really there.
In late October, 2017, Kipping and colleagues will use the Hubble Space Telescope to find out if they’ve caught their first quarry. The possible candidate is a Neptune-sized object orbiting the planet Kepler 1625b. If the candidate turns out to be a genuine exomoon (Kipping is quick to point out that similar hints have fizzled before) he will no doubt solidify his reputation as “the moon guy.”
“His signature projects are quite risky, but with obvious large payback,” says Dimitar Sasselov, director of the Harvard Origins of Life Initiative, who worked with Kipping in his postdoc research at Harvard University.
There’s a reason Kipping’s team has found only one exomoon candidate so far: There aren’t many out there big enough for Kepler to see, according to his statistical work. “Because he’s doing such a careful job, it probably means something,” Sasselov adds. The systems the team has checked that show no moons most likely aren’t hiding any.
Although the moon is still hypothetical – and Kipping has watched many previous candidates vanish into thin air – the discovery would mark a new chapter in our search for life in the cosmos, causing many to wonder what that world would look like.
Heller, still at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany, speculates that based on calculations from the Kepler data, that the moon could be anything from a small gaseous body the size of Earth to an ocean-covered rocky world as big as Saturn, but most likely scenario, is a Neptune-like world larger than any moon that exists in our solar system, which means that its formation mechanism would be A mysterY.
WORLDS AROUND WORLDS Exomoons — satellites of planets that orbit other stars — could be one of the best places to look for life outside the solar system. But first, astronomers have to find the moons.
Heller argues that it's size can’t be explained by what we currently know about how moons form in our solar system, where Earth's moon was created when a giant impact carved the satellite from our planet, and Jupiter’s moons formed around the developing planet from the thick debris of gas and dust that once persisted throughout the solar system. Neptune’s moon was actually captured by the planet’s gravity.
If Kipping's exomoon is validated, it would pose “an exquisite riddle for formation theorists to solve”, Heller says. “It is not clear to me from the Kepler data and from what we know in the solar system, which channel it would have formed through.”
“If it’s there, awesome, have at it,” Teachey says. “But if not, well, we’d feel badly about other people having spent time studying a phantom.”
“I think the conclusion is, ‘this is a strange system,’ and we agree,” Teachey says. Both he and Kipping have argued that the unusual size of the moon is reason to be agnostic about it, but that doesn’t necessarily mean astronomers should rule out its existence. “The universe is very good at surprising us,” Teachey says.
Photo: M. Kornmesser Observatory in southern Europe / Agence France-Presse
In August 2016, european researchers have announced the discovery of an exoplanet the size of Earth located in the habitable zone of the red dwarf Proxima Centauri.
Sara Seager has promised to devote the rest of his life to the search for a new Earth among the billions of stars in the cosmos.
“This is our goal : to find life up there,” said the astrophysicist in toronto a tone of commonplace, as if it described a single shipment up at the corner store.
The scientist of international fame believes that this goal is finally at hand — and it is well-placed to know.
“40 years ago, those who sought exoplanets were the object of ridicule, she says in reference to the planets which are outside of our solar system. It was felt that it was very marginal, so it was difficult […] But the line that demarcates what is crazy is moving ever. “
Ms. Seager teaches at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of technology and one of the world’s leading experts in the field of exoplanets. It has been the subject of reports by the New York Times, CNN and Cosmopolitan magazine, and she received a scholarship MacArthur ” genius.” In the world of astronomy, it is a feature.
Ultimately, his work could answer some of the most pressing issues of humanity. His mission to find life elsewhere in the universe, like something from a science fiction, but recent advances in astrophysics give reason for optimism in this astrophysicist.
Before the 1990s, only two planets – Uranus and Neptune – had been discovered since that the Babylonians had observed the comings and goings of the celestial bodies, there are 4400 years old. Pluto was identified in 1930, but she was demoted to the rank of dwarf planet in 2006.
A monumental breakthrough occurred in 1995, when two astronomers in switzerland have announced the discovery, outside of our solar system, a first planet in orbit around a star. The existence of 51 Pegasus B was demonstrated by its severity, which was maintained its star.
Then in 2014, the Kepler space telescope, the us space agency (NASA), has discovered Kepler-186f, the first exoplanet of a similar size to that of the Earth, inside the box, goldilocks (Goldilocks zone).
“It is when a planet is neither too hot, nor too cold, just right for life,” said Seager.
The improvement of technology has led to the discovery of more than 3600 exoplanets for the past 30 years. Only 52 of them, however, are in the habitable zone, where liquid water could exist. But an exoplanet the size of Earth that is located within this zone hosts not automatically the life.
“As long as we are not able to examine the atmosphere of the planet [ … ], we will not know really anything about it,” said Ms. Seager. It does really say nothing as we can’t take a better look. “
This is some 40 000 billion kilometers, but it is still 480 times closer than Kepler-186f.
“IT was really the next door, but very difficult to find, said Ms. Seager. In astronomy, the proximity is very important. “
But to observe a planet relatively small pasted on a star that is very large, it is necessary first of all to block the intense light given off by that star. This is why Ms. Seager collaborated on the project Starshade NASA : the top of 15 floors, the device would be deployed in space and its “petals” would block the light that aveuglerait otherwise the telescope that came with it.
“This is my favorite project, she said. One of my goals in life would be to contribute to the realization of the Starshade. “
With Starshade, Ms. Seager wants to look at the atmosphere of exoplanets in search of gas, such as oxygen, that could be evidence of the presence of life.
“When I help to find these planets, the goal is to […] look for signs of life through the use of gas [like oxygen] which should not be there,” she says. We will not be certain 100% that they are produced by the life… And if this is the case, we won’t know if these are intelligent beings or simply a deposit sticky. “
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Robert Powell – USS Nimitz UFO Encounter – October 24, 2017
Robert Powell – USS Nimitz UFO Encounter – October 24, 2017
Open Minds UFO Radio: Powell is retired from a career as a research and development lab and engineering manager. He is a co-author of UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry. For several years he served as the director of research and chair of the scientific board for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). He is now part of the Scientific Coalition for Ufology (SCU), a group of scientists, former military and law enforcement officials and other professionals, many of whom have decades of experience looking into UFOs. The SCU was founded to investigate a UFO case that included a video captured by Homeland Security over Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. Now they are expanding to look into other cases.
In this episode, we are talking about a case Robert has been researching that was mentioned at the recent press conference announcing Tom DeLonge’s new UFO organization. Chris Mellon, a former CIA agent and United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, shared a shocking sighting he felt demonstrated UFOs are a genuine mystery. The case took place in November, 2004, and was witnessed by the USS Nimitz strike force. Jets were scrambled, and a “tic tac” shaped object was seen and recorded on video.
For more about the Scientific Coalition for Ufology visit:
Former US Intelligence officer claims UFOs are REAL and we are not ALONE
Former US Intelligence officer claims UFOs are REAL and we are not ALONE
Is this another step towards disclosure? A former US Senior Intelligence officer who worked for the DoD has gone on record claiming that UFO’s are real, and we may not be alone in the universe.
A man called Luis Elizondo claims to have also worked fro the US army, the National Counter-intelligence Executive, and the Director of National Intelligence, as well as carrying out extremity sensitive espionage and terrorism investigations around the globe.
Elizondo was revealed as a key member of a brand new organization—To The Stars Academy—founded by former Blink 182 front-man Tom DeLonge.
According to statements made from Mr. Elizondo, before he retired, he was in charge of a “sensitive aerospace threat identification” program that focuses on “unidentified aerial technologies”, aka UATs, another name for unidentified flying objects.
“By far the most exciting effort I was concerned with was the topic of advanced aerial threats. For nearly the last decade, I ran a sensitive aerospace threat classification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies. It was in this position I learned that the events are indeed real,” said Mr. Elizondo.
According to Mr. Elizondo’s profile on, Mr. Elizondo “is a career intelligence officer whose experience includes working with the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, the National Counterintelligence Executive, and the Director of National Intelligence. As a former Special Agent-In-Charge, Luis conducted and supervised highly sensitive espionage and terrorism investigations around the world. As an intelligence Case Officer, he ran clandestine source operations throughout Latin America and the Middle East. Most recently, Luis managed the security for certain sensitive portfolios for the US Government as the Director of the National Programs Special Management Staff. For nearly the last decade, Luis also ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies. Luis’ academic background includes Microbiology, Immunology, and Parasitology, with research experience in tropical diseases. Luis is also an inventor who holds several patents.”
What do you think this object is? It was photographed by the Gemini X mission.
To The Stars Academy—the leading organization perusing disclosure?
According to Mr. Elizondo, the organization will soon release never-before-seen footage of Unidentified Flying Objects recorded by the government.
Mr. Elizondo added: “We are also preparing to present never before released footage from real US government systems, not blurry amateur photos but real data and real videos.”
In the last 10 years, we’ve come a long way in our understanding of our place here in this cosmos. There are physics that we don’t quite yet understand, but that does not mean that they’re not real, it just simply means that we don’t have the ability to understand those physics. I think it’s in our nature to go out and explore and report back what we see,” added Mr. Elizondo.
But as with everyone who comes forward claiming to know something society does not, skeptics pop-up by the minute.
This also happened with Mr. Elizondo as it didn’t take long for his name and his story to appear on
Luckily, Mr. Elizondo decided to join the debate and responded to those who doubt by saying:
“The fact that there are things in this universe that are beyond our understanding is indeed real.
“We have the physics and we have the scientific observations to prove the phenomena.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
US Navy filmed UFO that DEFIED Physics claims former senior US national security chief
US Navy filmed UFO that DEFIED Physics claims former senior US national security chief
US Navy filmed UFO that DEFIED Physics claims former senior US national security chief
Another shocking claim has been made about UFO’s after a former US national security chief—who worked at Area 51—said that the US Navy had filmed a UFO that ‘defied the laws pf physics’ and outmaneuvered various F-18 fighter jets during a ‘terrifying’ encounter.
According to former senior US national security chief Chris Mellon, UFOs are real, and the government has evidence to support their existence.
Mr., Mellon has sensationally claimed that US Navy personnel aboard the USS Nimitz even filmed the UDO during a terrifying encounter that lasted four a couple of hours.
The statement made by Mr. Mellon is just one of the many that have been made in the last couple of years after a great number of former military personnel, astronauts, and government officials who have come forward openly speaking about the existence of otherworldly beings and technology, not from Earth.
Mr. Mellon, who served nearly 20 years in the US federal government in various highly ranged positions had access to information others did not.,
The ex-national security chief served during the mandates of Bill Clinton and George W Bush.
Mr. Mellon had access to high-level clearance while working in the committee with oversight of all Department of Defense special access programs and spent a decade on the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Mr. Melons is also one of the many who persons of interests who joined the UFO truth-seeking organization “To The Stars Academy,” founded by former Blink 182 frontman Tom DeLonge.
Mr. Mellon is believed to have worked on a number of classified projects at controversial military facility ‘Area 51’.
Mr. Mellon claims that an astonishing incident was witnessed by a number of military personnel off the coast of San Diego when a UFO was seen in broad daylight.
The encounter occurred as the USS Nimitz was escorted by the USS Princeton, an Aegis-class cruiser.
“Imagine these ships engaging in a routine training exercise when an unidentified aircraft with a small radar cross-section appears on the radar heading directly towards the battlegroup,” said Mr. Mellon.
“The aircraft has no transponder does not respond to radio calls. The Princeton contacts two F-18s already aloft to intercept the target as the two F-18s approach the four aviators see that the object has no wings or exhaust.
“It is white, oblong, some 40 feet long and perhaps 12 feet thick.”
The pilots chased the UFO.
Mr. Mellon explains the incredible sighting:
“The pilots are astonished to see the object suddenly reorient itself toward the approaching F-18.
“In a series of discreet tumbling maneuvers that seem to defy the laws of physics.
“The object takes a position directly behind the approaching F-18.
“The pilot’s capture gun camera footage and infrared imagery of the object.
“They are outmatched by a technology they’ve never seen.”
After the UFO chase, the pilots eventually returned to the Nimitz, but the object remained visible to radar for a couple of hours.
Are UFO’s real?
Mr. Mellon added:
“At one point the object soars to 80,000 feet, hovers then drops at supersonic speeds coming to a full stop a mere 50 feet above the ocean where it resumes hovering. More F-18s are dispatched but with similar results.”
“As before the engagement occurs in broad daylight in the secret machine easily evades the F-18s. Dozens of military personnel aboard the various planes and ships involved are privy to these interactions. Clearly, this is not an experimental US aircraft, but whose is it?”
“How did it accomplish these feats?”, asks Mr. Mellon.
Mr. Mellon considered the event of extreme importance and even suggested that the United States Congress should further investigate the occurred.
The chairman of the Armed Services Committee and his counterparts and other congressional oversight committees can easily request a briefing to confirm the veracity of this story and the existence of other events of a similar nature.
“Congress has every right to review the documents generated by this event and request briefings by the military personnel involved. If the oversight committees have not already been briefed on this event and others like it, they clearly should be. How else can they adequately assess threats to our forces and our military requirements?” concluded Mr. Mellon.
First 2 Taurid fireball photos we’ve seen this year, but we’re expecting more. These 2 photographers, 100 miles apart, likely saw the same bright meteor.
Taurid fireball on the evening of October 21, 2017 – 10:27 p.m. – from Joanne West at Gold Canyon, Arizona.
As the Orionids were peaking this past weekend, at least two members of the EarthSky community caught bright meteors in the long-lasting Taurid shower. The two meteor photos on this page appear to show the same bright meteor, although these photographers were separated by about 100 miles. Joanne West, whose image is above, said she caught her fireball at 10:27 p.m. on October 21 and wrote:
Had camera aimed at eastern sky in dark desert area near Superstition Mountains in Gold Canyon. I had been making 20-second exposures continually for about 30 minutes. Grace was with me as my camera shutter happened to be open when this fireball came out of the sky from the Taurus constellation.
Nikon D750, 20mm Nikon lens. Processed the raw file to adjust the foreground brightness and darken the highlights of the meteor.
Thanks, Joanne! Meanwhile, some 100 miles (about 150 km) to the south, Eliot Herman in Tucson, Arizona also caught a bright Taurid fireball at 10:27 p.m. on the evening of October 21 …
Taurid fireball caught on the evening of October 21 – 10:27 p.m. – by Eliot Herman in Tucson, Arizona.
It appears he and Joanne saw the same fireball. As reports from the American Meteor Society often show, a bright fireball can be seen across several states nearly simultaneously.
Captured in Tucson, Arizona foothills using a Nikon D810 and Sigma 8mm lens at iso 2500 for 15 secs on a stationary tripod. Surprisingly, no smoke trail followed for this fireball.
Quite a night three bright meteors and more than a dozen others captured.
The Taurids – known for producing a significant number of fireballs, or very bright meteors – are a long-lasting shower that will continue throughout November. Eliot – who follows meteor showers carefully and records many thousands of images of them with his automatic camera set-up – told us he’s heard the Taurids may produce a good display in 2017.
The Taurid meteors consist of two streams, the South Taurid and North Taurid meteors. Both streams appear to originate from the constellation Taurus the Bull. Read more: Watch for Taurid fireballs
Bottom line: At least two members of the EarthSky community caught bright Taurid meteors last weekend. In fact, they likely caught the same bright meteor, although they were separated by about 100 miles.
If you are afraid of getting stitches or staples, there is some good news for you. Scientists have developed a new type of highly elastic surgical glue that can seal wounds within a minute.
The glue is called MeTro (methacryloyl-substituted tropoelastin), and it’s tailored to be used on both internal and external wounds to seal them up and encourage healing.
Researchers behind this innovation say that this squirtable substance could prove to be a lifesaver in emergency situations and could eventually be used in surgeries.
Image courtesy: University of Sydney.
Science behind it:
Natural elastic proteins based on the human protein tropoelastin were intermixed with a light-sensitive sealant material to develop this elastic surgical glue. Once the glue is applied to a wound, ultraviolet light is required to set the material.
MeTro has worked well in sealing incisions in the arteries and lungs of rodents and pigs. However, it has yet to be tested on humans.
Study author Anthony Weiss, from the University of Sydney, said, “When you watch MeTro, you can see it act like a liquid, filling the gaps and conforming to the shape of the wound. It responds well biologically and interfaces closely with human tissue to promote healing. The gel is easily stored and can be squirted directly onto a wound or cavity.
“We have shown MeTro works in a range of different settings and solves problems other available sealants can’t,” he added. “We’re now ready to transfer our research into testing on people. I hope MeTro will soon be used in the clinic, saving human lives.”
Nidhi Goyal
Nidhi is a gold medalist Post Graduate in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. You can also find Nidhi on Google+.
Drones have no doubt opened a world of possibilities for carrying out some amazing and useful tasks. These versatile, pilotless flying machines have proved their usefulness in areas such as aerial photography, surveillance, and law enforcement. And their potential for the future is nearly limitless. But the proliferation of the technology also poses a series of threats.
To cope with these threats, Lockheed Martin, in conjunction with the U.S. Army’s Space and Missile Defense Command, is developing a new laser weapon system. Footage of testing has revealed how ATHENA (Advanced Test High Energy Asset) can deliver an invisible killing blow to unmanned aerial vehicle threats.
Tests were conducted at the Army’s White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. In the video, a 30-kilowatt-class ATHENA system brought down five 10.8-ft.-wingspan Outlaw drones. The ATHENA system is powered by a Rolls-Royce turbogenerator and is still considered a prototype.
Lockheed Martin’s chief technology officer, Keoki Jackson, said, “The tests at [White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico] against aerial targets validated our lethality models and replicated the results we’ve seen against static targets at our own test range.” He added, “As we mature the technology behind laser weapon systems, we’re making the entire system more effective and moving closer to a laser weapon that will provide greater protection to our warfighters by taking on more sophisticated threats from a longer range.”
In the future, the ATHENA laser could prove to be very helpful in protecting soldiers from threats, such as swarms of drones or large numbers of rockets and mortars. In comparison to alternative weapons, the ATHENA laser offers greater speed, flexibility, precision, and lower cost per engagement.
Nidhi Goyal
Nidhi is a gold medalist Post Graduate in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. You can also find Nidhi on Google+.
Renault and a group of students from the Central Saint Martins art and design college in London have teamed up to create the “Car of the Future.”
The French car manufacturer recently held a contest for designing a futuristic car that focused on the company’s points for its future fleet: electric power, autonomous driving, and connected technologies.
A design for a levitating bubble-shaped vehicle was announced as the winner of the competition. The winning designer was Yunchen Cai, who created a vehicle called “The Float.” The Float looks like a bubble in transit.
Cai developed the model, along with designers from Renault, during the two weeks of her internship at the company’s Technocentre.
The winning model was recently displayed at The London Design Festival’s designjunction2017. Here are some of the features of the futuristic-looking concept car:
Instead of using wheels, The Float employs Maglev tech (magnetic levitation).
The Float has transparent exterior glass and silver bucket seats.
The car can move in any direction without turning around.
The Float is made to seat either one or two persons. However, it is designed in a way that allows a greater number of people to travel together via a magnetic belt around the exterior that can be used to connect multiple pods.
The Float has sliding doors making it easy to get in and out.
The Float is designed to work with an app allowing it to function in the same way as car-sharing vehicles such as Uber.
Nidhi Goyal
Nidhi is a gold medalist Post Graduate in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. You can also find Nidhi on Google+.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETAls enige astronaut verbleef Scott Kelly (53) een jaar onafgebroken in het internationale ruimtestation ISS. Het sloopte de Amerikaan, vertelt hij bij het verschijnen van zijn boek ‘Een jaar in de ruimte’. “Het heeft veel weg van een gevangenis.”
“Zelfs iets simpels als tandenpoetsen bleek een rotklus”, klinkt het. “De borstel en de tube zweefden weg als ik vergat ze met klittenband aan de muur of aan mijn broek te plakken. Ik moest de tandpasta doorslikken en naspoelen met water dat ik met een rietje uit een zak slurpte. Een goede manier om te spoelen in de ruimte is er niet. Ook de spuug vliegt overal naartoe en blijft door de oppervlaktespanning aan de huid plakken, in plaats van eraf te druipen.”
“De ruimtereis was een aanslag op mijn lichaam. De eerste paar weken plaste ik veel overtollig vocht uit. Daarna voelde het alsof ik 24 uur per dag op mijn hoofd stond: druk op de oren, een opgezet gezicht, rode huid. We aten de hele dag tortilla’s omdat die lang houdbaar waren en niet kruimelden. De grote boodschap doen was een uitdaging zonder zwaartekracht. Douchen kon niet. Verder duurde het lang voordat ik min of meer rechtop zweefde. Nieuwelingen vlogen in een ‘Superman-houding’. Ze botsen overal tegenop en stootten voortdurend spullen van de wanden.”
“De herrie in het ruimtestation went nooit. Het geluid van de ventilatoren en het gezoem van de elektronica was onontkoombaar. Ik moest telkens boven het lawaai uitschreeuwen en gaf mijn oren wat rust met oordoppen. Ik luisterde naar opnames van zingende vogels en de wind door de bomen. Het is moeilijk uit te leggen hoezeer een astronaut daarboven de natuur gaat missen.’”
Het is moeilijk uit te leggen hoezeer een astronaut daarboven de natuur gaat missen
Scott Kelly
“Het ruimtestation rook als een nieuwe auto, vanwege de gassen die vrijkwamen uit de apparatuur. Verder hing er een zweem van lichaamsgeur en afval. Hoewel we afvalzakken altijd zo goed mogelijk afsloten, konden we ze maar eens in de zoveel maanden wegdoen, als er een bevoorradingsschip kwam dat op de terugweg dienstdeed als vuilniswagen.”
“Ik voelde een lichte huivering toen het tot me doordrong dat ik een jaar in het ISS zou blijven. Het had veel weg van een gevangenis. Het was er donker en koud. Ik kon niet naar buiten. Waar begon ik aan? Dat jaar voelde als een eeuwigheid. Ik miste mijn vriendin en mijn twee dochters. Ik was bang dat er thuis iets vreselijks zou gebeuren, ik er niet bij kon zijn. Of andersom. De dood lag voortdurend op de loer. Apparatuur die ons in leven moest houden, ging aan de lopende band kapot. Er kon een stuk ruimteschroot door de wand komen. De concentraties CO2 in ISS waren ongezond hoog en er kon een ammoniaklek ontstaan. Ik sliep altijd met één oog open.”
“Ondanks alle gevaren en moeilijkheden ben ik in totaal drie keer in de ruimte geweest, twee keer met de spaceshuttle en de laatste keer met de Sojoez naar het ISS. Voor mij waren de ruimtereizen een bewijs dat je iets kan bereiken als je dat wilt. Als kind van een alcoholist en met een gedrag dat ze nu ADHD noemen, kon ik moeilijk mee op school. Maar na het lezen van het boek ‘The Right Stuff’, over de eerste piloten in de ruimte, meldde ik me aan bij de Amerikaanse luchtmacht. Ik werd testpiloot. Destijds gold de spaceshuttle als het moeilijkste luchtvaartuig om te besturen. Ik wilde met dat ding vliegen en klopte aan bij NASA.”
“Elke lancering was ik weer verbaasd hoe krachtig de motoren waren. Ik was verbaasd over de schoonheid van de aarde. Ik nam het overweldigende blauw in me op, de wolken, het gevarieerde landschap en de dampkring. Verder was er alleen het zwarte vacuüm van de kosmos.”
“Mensen vragen me vaak naar de relevantie van ruimtemissies en de hoge kosten die ermee waren gemoeid. Ik antwoord dan: Hoeveel is het waard als twee voormalige aartsvijanden samen op ontdekkingsreis gaan en wetenschappelijke kennis vergaren? Hoeveel is het waard als Amerikanen en Russen teamgenoten en vrienden voor het leven worden?”
“Terug op aarde had ik koorts, mijn huid voelde alsof ik in brand stond, mijn benen waren zo gezwollen als waterballonnen. Maar ik mis de magie van de ruimtereis. Ik mis de astronauten daarboven. Ik mis het uitdagende werk in het heelal. Misschien vlieg ik ooit naar Mars. Tot die tijd spoor ik anderen aan om de ruimte in te gaan. Ik vertel over dat jongetje dat op zijn kop kreeg omdat hij zijn huiswerk niet deed. Tot hij de motivatie en de gelegenheid kreeg om zijn droom na te jagen.”
thinkstockSpiral galaxy, illustration of Milky Way
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETOp zoek naar het kleinste onderscheid tussen materie en anti-materie hebben natuurkundigen een nieuw wereldrecord in precisiemeting bereikt, maar daarbij nog meer een paradox blootgelegd. Het magnetisch moment van protonen en anti-protonen, dat bepaalt hoe het op een externe magnetische kracht reageert, verschilt nauwelijks, wat kan doen veronderstellen dat het universum niet bestaat.
Natuurkundigen zijn er volgens een publicatie in het wetenschappelijke vakblad Nature met de gigantische deeltjesversneller van het Europees Centrum voor Nucleair Onderzoek (CERN) in geslaagd de precisie bij het meten van het magnetisch moment van anti-protonen met factor 350 te verbeteren. Daardoor is dit moment beter bekend voor anti-materie dan voor materie.
Probeert u even mee te volgen. Voor het anti-proton bedraagt dat 2.792 847 344 1 (uitgedrukt in eenheid van nucleair magneton), tegen 2.792 847 350 voor een proton, vastgesteld in 2014, zo staat op de website van het CERN. Er is dus nauwelijks onderscheid. Wat ook zo goed als de gangbare theorie bevestigt dat anti-materie het precieze spiegelbeeld van materie is.
Maar dan zitten we met een probleem, citeert natuurkundige Christian Smorra die aan het experiment heeft deelgenomen. Want als er complete symmetrie tussen materie en anti-materie is, zou de kosmos niet mogen bestaan. “Er moet dus ergens een asymmetrie bestaan maar we zien gewoonweg niet in waar het verschil zit”.
Mogelijk zit het in andere fundamentele eigenschappen van het deeltje, zoals bijvoorbeeld de massa, oppert Stefan Ulmer van het CERN. “Er s zeker een onderscheid”.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Stad in Brazilië in de ban van UFO-landing. Wat is hier gebeurd?
Stad in Brazilië in de ban van UFO-landing. Wat is hier gebeurd?
In Brazilië heeft zich eerder deze maand een vreemd incident voorgedaan dat heeft geleid tot speculatie over een UFO-landing.
Het begon allemaal op 7 oktober toen meerdere inwoners van de stad Peruibe in de staat Sao Paulo een onverklaarbaar licht zagen in de lucht.
Nu worden er wel vaker UFO’s gesignaleerd in Brazilië, maar het vreemde is dat er tegelijkertijd in iemands achtertuin platgedrukt gras werd ontdekt. Het gaat om een stuk grond van 13 bij 2 meter.
Niet door mensen
De gebeurtenis leidde tot een sensatie omdat overheidsfunctionarissen het gebied hebben afgesloten en een ufoloog, Saga Susseliton Souza, de zaak onderzoekt.
Platgedrukt gras (Edilson Almeida)
Hoewel het onderzoek zich nog in een vroeg stadium bevindt, heeft de ufoloog naar eigen zeggen al enkele opmerkelijke ontdekkingen gedaan.
Tegen nieuwsportaal zei hij: “We hebben vastgesteld dat het iets is geweest wat niet door mensen is gemaakt. Het was een UFO.”
Inwoners hebben gezegd dat ze op het moment van de waarneming zonder stroom zaten. “Een stel zag een lichtstraal op de grond die hun huis naderde,” zei de ufoloog.
De bewoner van het huis naast de vermeende landingsplek voelde zich in de dagen na het incident misselijk.
Volgens de ufoloog, die al 35 jaar onderzoek doet naar buitenaards leven, komt dat vaker voor in dit soort situaties.
De autoriteiten hebben voor zover bekend nog geen uitlatingen gedaan over het incident. Souza en zijn collega’s zeggen dat ze hun onderzoek naar de potentiële UFO-landing voortzetten.
Het universum zou niet moeten bestaan. Deze natuurkundigen van CERN staan voor een groot raadsel
Het universum zou niet moeten bestaan. Deze natuurkundigen van CERN staan voor een groot raadsel
Ons universum zou helemaal niet moeten bestaan, zo zeggen wetenschappers. Ze kunnen niet verklaren waarom het heelal zichzelf niet heeft vernietigd op het moment dat het is ontstaan. In theorie zou dat namelijk moeten zijn gebeurd.
Toen het universum ontstond waren er volgens het standaardmodel gelijke hoeveelheden materie en antimaterie.
Het probleem is dat zij elkaar vernietigen en dat er dus geen materie overblijft.
Complete symmetrie
Onderzoekers speuren naar verschillen tussen materie en antimaterie die kunnen verklaren waarom het universum nog steeds bestaat.
Ze hebben diverse mogelijkheden uitgetest, maar konden geen verschillen vinden. Onderzoekers vragen zich nu af waarom het universum überhaupt nog bestaat.
“Uit al onze waarnemingen blijkt dat er een complete symmetrie is tussen materie en antimaterie,” zei hoofdonderzoeker Christian Smorra van het Europees Centrum voor Kernonderzoek (CERN).
“Dit is waarom het universum niet zou moeten bestaan,” voegde hij toe. “We weten simpelweg niet waar het verschil is.”
Ze dachten dat het magnetisme van materie en antimaterie anders werkt, maar dat blijkt niet het geval te zijn.
Nieuw onderzoek toont aan dat ze identiek zijn, wat het mysterie alleen maar groter maakt.
Dr. Smorra keek met zijn team of er verschillen zijn tussen antiprotonen en protonen, subatomaire deeltjes.
Tot hun verbazing bleek dat materie en antimaterie exact symmetrisch zijn.
Wetenschappers van CERN wisten antiprotonen met behulp van compleet nieuwe methoden te vangen, aangezien het niet mogelijk is om antimaterie in een fysiek omhulsel te vangen.
De onderzoekers gaan de antiprotonen opnieuw bestuderen om te kijken of er misschien toch een verschil is.
Andere wetenschappers denken dat antimaterie omgekeerde zwaartekracht heeft, waardoor het omhoog valt in plaats van naar beneden, schrijft Cosmos Magazine.
Vooral in Ierland en Groot Brittannië werd tijden de passage van de storm Ophelia door verschillende mensen een tweede zon waargenomen.
Gelukkig voor de machthebbers, geloofde het volk het verhaaltje over een optische illusie veroorzaakt door zand uit de Sahara.
Update: 24 oktober 2017
Een aantal lezers hebben iets opgemerkt in het originele artikel dat niet lijkt te kloppen.
Het gaat om de twee door Marshal Masters gepubliceerde opnames van een tweede zon boven Londen. Op zijn website geeft hij een complete analyse van beide video's, legt ook uit hoe zit met de verschillende posities, maar toch schijnt dat niet te kloppen.
De reden daarvoor is als volgt:
Ik denk dat jullie even een update moeten doen, want ik denk dat de berichtgeving klopt van het waarnemen van twee zonnen. Er is alleen een probleem. Het zijn twee dezelfde filmpjes en dan gespiegeld van elkaar. Ook de audio is hetzelfde.
En een andere:
ik las en zag het bericht:
"Veel tweede zonnen waargenomen tijdens passage van storm Ophelia (video)"
op jullie website.
Daar worden 2 video's gepresenteerd, die geanalyseerd zijn door Marshall Master.
Wat mij opvalt is dat het in feite dezelfde opnames zijn, waarvan de 2e gespiegeld
is t.o.v. de 1e. De bewegingsrichting van de wolken zijn wat dat betreft evident.
Het lijkt inderdaad zo te zijn als je goed kijkt en dat is dan weer volkomen in tegenstelling met de uitgebreide analyse van Masters op zijn website. Wat je verder ook mag vinden van de man, hij is wat betreft zijn onderzoek altijd heel nauwkeurig en het zou niets voor hem zijn om dit soort fouten te maken in zijn analyse. Maar goed, ook hij kan het misschien wel eens mis hebben.
We laten het daarom aan de lezer om te oordelen of het hier inderdaad om dezelfde, gespiegelde, opname gaat, of dat Masters misschien toch gelijk heeft en het twee verschillende zijn.
Origineel artikel: 22 oktober 2017
We leven nu in de tijd dat wanneer er inderdaad een ander zonnestelsel bij ons op bezoek komt, we daar nu ongeveer steeds meer beelden van zullen zien.
Remote viewers, zoals Ed Dames, hebben voorspeld dat de planeet Nibiru als onderdeel van dat mini zonnestelsel aan het einde van dit jaar voor iedereen zichtbaar zou moeten zijn en daarnaast is er NASA die voor het eerst toegeeft dat er zich inderdaad een onbekend planeet in ons zonnestelsel bevindt.
Onderzoekers naar dit fenomeen zijn er niet zoveel. De twee meest bekende zijn toch wel Nancy Lieder en Marshall Masters. Van beiden publiceren wij regelmatig bevindingen en hoewel ze niet helemaal op één lijn zitten met hun voorspellingen en theorieën zijn beiden overtuigd van het bestaan van dit mini zonnestelsel.
Nancy Lieder is behoorlijk in haar wiek geschoten omdat NASA haar al deze jaren voor gek heeft verklaard en nu zelf "opeens" ook komt met het gegeven dat er zich een onbekende planeet in ons zonnestelsel bevindt. Natuurlijk is ze boos omdat NASA altijd heeft gezegd dat mensen niet naar haar zouden moeten luisteren en nu moeten ze proberen het verhaal zo te verkopen dat het publiek hen straks niet aan de hoogste bomen opknoopt omdat ze de waarheid altijd verborgen hebben gehouden.
Het publiek zal furieus reageren wanneer ze er eenmaal achter komen dat ze decennialang zijn voorgelogen en dat de elite die tijd heel nuttig heeft gebruikt om zichzelf goed voor te bereiden.
Ondertussen heeft volgens Marshall Master de storm Ophelia die de afgelopen week over Ierland en een groot gedeelte van Groot Brittannië trok, gezorgd voor een aantal bijzondere waarnemingen van planeten uit het mini zonnestelsel.
Mensen die nieuw zijn aangaande dit onderwerp, raden wij aan dit artikel te lezen. Het geeft meer uitleg over de binaire tweelingplaneet van onze zon, de donkere ster Nemesis, met de planeten die een omloopbaan om deze donkere ster hebben, waaronder de planeet Nibiru.
Zelfs de Engelse kranten zoals The Sun maakten uitgebreid melding over dat er tijdens de passage van de storm Orphelia opvallend veel tweede zonnen werden waargenomen.
Dat was natuurlijk toch wel even schrikken voor veel Britten, maar gelukkig, volgens The Sun was het allemaal een optische illusie en niets om ons zorgen over te maken.
Het was een optische illusie die veroorzaakt zou zijn doordat de storm Orphelia zand had opgeschept van de Sahara en dat was de reden dat mensen Star Wars beelden zagen. Klaar, het publiek slaapt verder.
En zo gaat het keer op keer op keer. Alles wordt ontkend totdat er geen ontkennen meer mogelijk is en dan wordt er een passend verhaaltje bedacht om uit te leggen hoe dat mogelijk was. Net zoals NASA jarenlang alternatieve media die het waagden om over een onbekende planeet te schrijven belachelijk maakte.
Volgens Master is het Sahara zand sowieso een kletsverhaal omdat volgens diverse betrouwbare bronnen Orphelia helemaal niet is ontstaan in de buurt van de Sahara, maar in de noordelijke Atlantische Oceaan.
This year, however, we've been confronted with an even weirder phenomenon - Hurricane Ophelia. Ophelia didn't begin in the tropics at all - it began life as a decaying cold front over the North Atlantic in early October.
Het effect wat we wel hebben gezien met Ophelia, zo zegt Masters, is dat de chemtrails die normaal de zon blokkeren nu eens goed zijn weggewaaid en dat er door de deeltjes in de lucht die afkomstig waren van de bosbranden in Portugal atmosferische condities zijn ontstaan die te vergelijken zijn met wanneer je door een laskap naar de zon zou kijken.
Van de vele beschikbare voorbeelden van twee zonnen op die dag, heeft Masters er een tweetal uitgezocht en geanalyseerd. De reden voor deze twee is omdat ze beiden zijn opgenomen in het centrum van Londen door verschillende mensen. Uit zijn analyse blijkt dat het hier wel degelijk gaat om fysieke objecten en niet om een lensflare of iets dergelijks.
Deze unieke gebeurtenis heeft er in ieder geval voor gezorgd dat honderdduizenden mensen, zo niet miljoenen, een vreemd verschijnsel in de lucht hebben waargenomen, een tweede zon.
Masters noemt deze dag dan ook Ophelia dag, omdat dit eigenlijk de eerste keer is dat mensen massaal kennismaken met het onbekende zonnestelsel.
Dit keer kan het nog worden weggemasseerd door de altijd bereidwillige mainstream media, maar een volgende keer zal dit waarschijnlijk niet meer zo gemakkelijk zijn.
I want to begin by simply saying that this article is not about Tom DeLonge. Ok. Maybe a bit. It is more “around” him than “about” him.
The man has taken significant abuse as of late. He has been the topic of much discussion over the last year or so within the UFO community concerning his “Sekret Machines” project. Some are calling him one of the most important contributors to modern Ufology, some calling him a charlatan and a fraud, while others yet consider him a victim of a conspiratorial disinformation campaign. Whatever the case, last week fared no better for him. Promising a huge announcement concerning the UFO phenomenon, Mr. DeLonge stepped onto a stage, and live streamed his plan to essentially crowdfund a three-prong company which will use future technology today to travel the stars. His mission is to better humanity.
A still from the “To the Stars Academy” live stream event.
The public interest in the outer edges of science and the understanding of phenomena has always been suffocated by mainstream ideology and bureaucratic constraint. We believe there are discoveries within our reach that will revolutionize the human experience, but they can only be accomplished through the unrestricted support of breakthrough research and innovation.
In a Facebook post, DeLonge explained one of his company’s main objectives,
We are aiming to build this ElectroMagnetic Vehicle to Travel instantaneously through Space, Air and Water by engineering the fabric of Space-Time.
Sounds great.
Fancy. (Image: To the Stars/DeLonge)
I want you to put aside your personal opinions concerning Mr. DeLonge and his band of high ranking spies, scientists, and government officials for a moment. It fundamentally does not matter. The ideological ship has sailed for his “To the Stars Academy”, and it has charted its course. We must wait and see if the wind takes it into far reaches of technological progress, or into the back swell and impending rocks.
Rather, I want to you to think about the UFO community, and the effect Mr. DeLonge has on it.
I’ve written extensively on the UFO community, and its cultural history, ideologies and mythologies. In the book, UFOs: Reframing the Debate, I suggested that the UFO community is disenfranchised from mainstream culture. The men and women who make up the UFO community are lost toys who may moonlight in regular everyday society, but in the bulk of their thoughts and actions regularly challenge its arbitrary authority.
The government and multinational corporations are not to be trusted. There is a UFO truth embargo. Insert whatever ideological nonsense you wish. There is an inherent mistrust within the community of the powerful, and the institutions which assign power. In other words, authority is viewed with disdain.
In reality, this mistrust probably stems from the alienation of the UFO community from ‘normal’ culture. The community deems the UFO phenomenon as being incredibly important, and the established systems which arbitrate knowledge, such as the academia, the sciences, popular media, and various political bodies, won’t give UFOlogy the time of day.
While Mr. DeLonge most likely has honest intentions, we must appreciate that the vast majority of the UFO community is ideologically alienated from the mainstream. Regardless of ‘the truth,’ his position within culture is that of privilege. While we may never know why he was chosen by high ranking government officials to be the torchbearer of alleged UFOlogical truth, one can assume it had to do with his fame and ability to allocate capital to various projects (social capital as well as monetary). Or not. Again, it really does not matter. To the community at large, his wealth and fame tips the ideological balance within UFO discourse.
Due to the very democratic, if not anarchic, nature of the UFO community (in that no one person or organization is UFOlogy), DeLonge’s ability to shift the discourse is threatening. Similar to how Donald Keyhoe and others in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s galvanized the extraterrestrial hypothesis into UFO discourse and popular culture, so too may DeLonge’s particular hypothesis regarding UFOs become how the mainstream interprets the whole of UFOlogy. It is not that DeLonge is right or wrong, it is that there will always be dissent within the UFO community. By its very nature, UFO discourse resigns itself to challenging those who claim to ‘know the truth.’
DeLonge, and his supporters, may consider this jealousy or envy, or some other surface level emotional response to his success. I think this is a dangerous path to tread. The UFO community is a heterogeneous mix of people and ideologies, and DeLonge is simply one voice in a very complex political and nuanced choir. While he may be used to being front man, he surely must know that this is not possible here.
(Image: Paper Magazine)
The proliferation of the extraterrestrial hypothesis kneecapped UFO discourse, and the UFO community. It is one of the key reasons why UFOlogy is considered a fringe pseudo-science. Perhaps the UFO community does not want to walk down that path again? Perhaps it has learned that allowing one ideology to become the ideology stifles debate and creates zealots, instead of promoting critical thought and reasonable discussion. Perhaps the UFO community has seen its fair share of big promises only to be left disappointed time and time again.
Mr. DeLonge is a man of two worlds; pop culture icon and member of the UFO community. It is a curious mix, since neither world can agree with the other. Many in the UFO community view him as an outsider; “he cannot be one of us because of who he is.” In some curious twist of logic, Mr. DeLonge finds himself a bit of an outcast among the social outcasts. Yet, by the same token, the mainstream views his latest announcement with a critical tone, and a few snide remarks just for good measure. The risk he took in this move is significant, and we can only hope that fortune truly does favour the bold.
As Mr. DeLonge continues his project, he must look to the ideological influence he generates. He must also be cautious. Others in the UFOlogical field who were once regarded as heroes were later torn to shreds; puddles of blood and ridicule is all that remains of them. That being said, the UFO community must also look to itself. Those upon the fringes of culture should worry about the hypocrisy of casting a fellow outsider out into the night. Mr. DeLonge is no hayseed, and his expertise of UFO lore is, from what I’m told, impressive.
I am not suggesting that the UFO community drink the Kool-Aid Mr. DeLonge is serving, however, perhaps before attacking the man, it should check to see if he is truly poisoning the cup.
Despite decades spent scanning the stars for evidence of extraterrestrial life, intelligent or not, we have yet to find evidence of aliens elsewhere in the universe – or at least according to public record (but let’s agree set that skepticism aside for now). Our technological capabilities and modes of space travel still limit our search to a relatively small area of space for now, but there’s also the depressing and slightly terrifying possibility that the fruitlessness of our searchingcould be for other reasons.
While we spend so much time and money scanning for radio waves, who knows what methods of interstellar communication might be in use in other galaxies?
For all we know, our definition of “life” might be too narrow and rely too heavily on what we have observed of the various forms life takes here on Earth. Aliens could be right under our noses and we might just be unable to perceive or detect them due to our sensory and/or technological limitations. Still, many SETI scientists are confident we’ll find those elusive aliens within just a few years as our methods continue improve. According to a new theory presented at the annual conference of the American Astronomical Society, however, that confidence might be unfounded.
Several moons in our own solar system like Jupiter’s Europa are known to have subsurface oceans. There’s no telling what might be down there.
The theory was presented by Dr. Alan Stern, a planetary scientist who has extensive experience working with NASA and private space firms. After examining many of the recent breakthroughs in planetary sciences, Stern proposes that the reason we haven’t discovered alien life yet is due to the overwhelming abundance of frozen ocean worlds in the universe. Stern says that while these interior water ocean worlds, or WOWs as he calls them, may be a perfect breeding ground for life, their rather isolated nature could prevent anyone from detecting life both within them and without:
These environments are protected from numerous kinds of external risks to life, such as impacts, radiation, surface climate and obliquity cycles, poisonous atmospheres, and nearby deleterious astrophysical events such as novae and supernovae, hazards stellar flares, and even phenomena like the Faint Early Sun. Interior WOWs are naturally cut off from communication by their interior nature below a thick roof of ice or rock and ice, therefore do not easily reveal themselves.
NASA has been focusing their attention more on these types of planets lately since they commonly possess the geochemical conditions necessary for life and are believed to be found all throughout the universe. While many hopeful alien seekers might think this to be good news in the search for life, Stern points out that actually the opposite might be true. Just as we are likely blinded by thinking life elsewhere in the universe might follow the same rules that it does here on Earth, aliens on these interior ocean worlds might believe other alien races also live inside frozen planets, limiting their ability or rationales to search for signs of life in the cosmos. Worst of all, perhaps these hypothetical alien races might not even know the stars exist in the first place.
Look for frozen alien ocean planets in the sci-fi of the next decade.
Could the universe be filled with alien races passing right in front of one another’s eyes (or other sensory organs) without ever realizing it? Could the biases of our human physiology and perspective limit our ability to detect and recognize alien life? It’s possible, of course. It’s also completely possible that we’re all alone out here. But we’ve gotta know for sure.
In the 1930s, a small glass cylinder of ancient provenance was discovered in Baghdad. Simple and of otherwise inconsequential design, the strange little object did convey a message: that in ancient times, and at least as early as 2,700 BC, artificial glass was being produced for various purposes.
Similar discoveries in the way of these mysterious ancient glassmakers turned up 12 miles from Haifa, Israel, within a large cave, when a bulldozer on site struck a large 6 by 10 foot glass slab, first believed by archaeologists on site to have been a large piece of vitreous stone. Upon closer examination, the slab was indeed found to be glass, as confirmed in 1964 by a group of American glass experts who visited the site.
While the early production of such materials is fascinating unto itself, at least in terms of the engineering skill it displays, there are more unusual allusions to glasswork that appear in history, which might suggest more technical use of glass in the creation of mirrors, lenses, and even sighting devices.
Among the most famous examples is the “famous” mirror attributed to Ptolemy Euergetes, under whose reign the item was purportedly placed in the Pharos lighthouse off the coast of Alexandria. In his aptly-titled 1860 book, Stories of Inventors and Discoveries in Science and the Useful Arts: A Book for Old and Young, the antiquarian John Timbs (who also used the name Horace Welby) wrote of this strange “mirror,” described as being capable of sighting objects at great distance:
This mirror is stated by ancient authors to have represented accurately every thing which was transacted throughout all Egypt, both on water and on land. Some writers affirm that upon its surface an enemy’s fleet could be seen at the distance of 600,000 paces; others say, more than 100 leagues! Albulfeda, in his description of Egypt, states this mirror to have been of “Chinese Iron” which Buffon considers to mean polished steel; but a writer in the Philosophical Magazine, 1805, supposes the metal to have been tutenag, a Chinese metallic compound, capable of receiving the highest polish. The existence of Ptolemy’s mirror has, however, been generally treated aa a fiction; but Father Abbat, in his Amusemems Philosophiques, first published at Marseilles in 1763, considers that it may have been at the time the only mirror of its kind, and, being a great wonder, its effects may have been greatly exaggerated; making allowance for which, nothing remains “but that at some distance, provided nothing was interposed between the objects and the mirror, those objects were seen more distinctly than with the naked eye; and that with the mirror many objects were seen which, because of their distance, were imperceptible without it.”
“It is certain that, under some circumstances, objects may be seen at a much greater distance than is generally supposed,” Timbs concluded. “Thus it is stated that the Isle of Man is clearly visible from the summit of Ben Lomond, in Scotland, or 120 miles distant. Brydone states, that from the summit of Etna mountains 200 miles off may be distinguished; and, during his visit to Tenerife in 1856, Mn Piazzi Smyth saw objects at a much greater distance.”
The implication here, of course, is that perspective may have had more to do with claims of sight over great distances with the use of this “mirror,” rather than the unique qualities imbued by its formation in “Chinese Iron.” The description of the device, and its attribution to metal obtained from the Orient, does bear a passing similarity to the “Chinese Magic Mirror,” a device with the perceived capability of becoming transparent, and/or projecting designs when bright sunlight was cast upon it (more on these devices can be read about on page 16 of the PDF found here).
Strange though the description may seem, many scholars have noted its apparent similarity, at least in terms of its function, to modern telescopes. For some time, the creation of the telescope was credited to the 17th century astronomer Galileo. However, a patent for such a device was later found to have been filed in 1608 by the Flemish maker of eyeglasses, Hans Lippershey, at least one year before Galileo improved upon the design and built his own.
Centuries before this, it is known that the ancient Norse seafarers possessed lenses made of polished crystalline rock, which would have been of enough quality for use in a telescope; whether or not they actually created such devices remains unclear. However, claims of similar devices in antiquity have turned up elsewhere over the years, which include the Chinese Emperor Chan, who around 2283 BC was alleged have paired two magnifying lenses together, allowing him “to magnify planets.” Pliny the Elder also wrote of Roman Emperor Nero employing some variety of magnifying device, which he used to observe the Colosseum games from a distance.
In 2016, The Royal Astronomical Society reported on the discovery of a series of megalithic tombs in Portugal, whose long, narrow entrances might have functioned as early sorts of telescopes, although sans any lenses. “These structures could therefore have been the first astronomical tools to support the watching of the skies, millennia before telescopes were invented,” the RAS reported.
If nothing else, such historical accounts lend some credence to the idea that telescopic devices may have been in use in some parts of the ancient world. Perhaps they were widely regarded as novelties at the time, and hence, we don’t see anything akin to mass production related in the archaeological record today. And, when considered alongside items like the famous Antikythera mechanism, the notion that such “high technology” might have been implemented in some parts of the ancient world, at least on a small scale, really isn’t that farfetched.
Even Galileo is said to have believed that people in ancient times discovered and used telescopes. Whether or not they were on par with the instruments he helped craft and improve, at least he could have been right that similar technologies had been used well in advance of his era of astronomical discovery.
Out of all the recurring unexplained phenomena, cattle mutilations rank up there as one of the most disgusting. For decades, maybe even centuries, farmers and law enforcement alike have been baffled by scores of instances where livestock have been found horribly mutilated, often in unexplained ways. Sometimes the unfortunate animals are drained of their blood entirely or found with wounds which cannot be explained by conventional surgical instruments or weapons, while in other instances the animals are found to have had organs removed with the utmost levels of precision. Strangely, the FBI and other governmental bodies tend to sweep these accounts under the proverbial rug despite the fact that many livestock mutilation experts believe there are some sort of clandestine, paranormal, or extraterrestrial forces at play.
Many livestock mutilation cases remain unexplained.
Whatever the cause is, animal mutilations have been occurring regularly throughout 2017. The latest suspicious livestock mutilation comes from Gnowangerup, Western Australia. Sheep farmer Kevin Wise was baffled when his daughter Chantelle sent him pictures of three horribly mutilated sheep corpses on their property.
Poor sheep.
As soon as he saw the photos, Wise told the Sydney Morning Herald, he knew this was no normal case:
I could see the lamb had been slaughtered, not killed by foxes or dogs. They left the carcass minus the meat, skinned it, took the head and legs off and left the rest.
While local police suspect poachers or thieves are behind the mutilations, it’s odd that whoever did this would butcher the animals in the field rather than simply stealing them and butchering them later. Butchering an animal this way would take around an hour, yet the owners of the farm haven’t seen anyone suspicious prowling around at night with an armful of bloody lamb meat and limbs. Furthermore, while reports state that the animals were shot, how is it that nobody heard the gunshots?
“I’ll never tell. Mostly because my tongue and vocal folds were removed.”
A few months back, horrifically mutilated sheep carcasses were discovered on a New Zealand golf course. Could these cases be related? Are some unknown dark forces perfecting their ritual sacrifice techniques, or is something much higher on the strangeness scale happening here?
The following footage is a compilation of the mysterious cigar-shaped Light UFOs which appear not only in our atmosphere but also near the Sun.
The video starts with such an object captured by a witness who has submitted his sighting to MUFON and stated:
“I was about to get into my car when I looked up and saw a white rectangular object. Not sure why I happened to look up at that moment.”
“At first I thought it might be a reflection from a spider web, from tree to tree, but realized it was not. It was way above the tree line, and it moved around (back and forth (as seen in the video).”
“I was baffled and so I took a video thinking maybe I was seeing a reflection from the sun. But it showed up on the video as well. Unfortunately, I had to leave so I don't know what happened to the object.”
The video continues with several Light UFOs captured from different locations including a 2012 image captured by NASA's sun observation satellite Stereo Behind and shows besides a mothership an EMV in front of the huge craft.
EMV – Electro Magnetic Vehicle.
At first glance it looks like these objects are particles of the sun but after analyzing a number of these objects which are characterized by a shiny dot surrounded by four dots these objects are EMVs from an unknown origin.
An in-depth analysis on these objects has been carried out by the late BeePeeOilDisaster in 2011, proving that these EMVs are of alien origin.
Image bottom left is the original NASA image of a EMV captured near the Sun
Image bottom right is BeePeeOilDisaster's edited image of the same EMV.
It should be noted that after his publications about these EMVs, BeePeeOilDisaster has been threatened by a certain organization; all his publications on these EMV’s were suddenly blocked as well as the original NASA links showing the clear EMV were removed.
The question as to why aren’t humans blatantly viewing UFOs in all places in the skies across the globe? It would seem like the proper question. However, it is not. The appropriate question is: why is the government not enabling official disclosure to the UFO sensation? Why is this the right question? Mainly because of countless, probably countless numbers of aliens and extraterrestrials are blatantly staying noticed almost everywhere in our skies throughout the earth. However, the government does not accept it, and moreover, it suppresses these kinds of studies. They accuse individuals of not being aware of what they are observing, misconstruing what they witness, and that they are most likely intoxicated, drug-induced, mentally unwell, sneaky hoaxers, or only lying. Any cause or excuse is fantastic enough for governing administration perform if it helps to quell the complete alien trend.
Recently, strange objects fears after the mysterious”flaming balls” were seen soaring through the night sky. Over the weekend, three white lights appeared, but it was believed that they are likely to be a group of military personnel and not the aliens. The appearance of such strange lights spotted caused a stir over the weekend. These three white lights were darting and moving at around the same speed and are changing different kinds of direction, persuading people to think they saw an extraterrestrial object.
Despite the different stories, it would seem that the lights were a part of the pre-game show at the Rice-Eccles Stadium. A University of Utah Spokesperson told the Fox 13 that the parachute team of US Navy dropped into the stadium about the same time. However, according to a NASA ambassador, the lights looked like a satellite which has broken up in orbit.
The official parachute demonstration team is called the Leap Frogs. They are a part of the US Navy and has been performing from April to December. They are composed of 15, which is made up of US Navy Seals. These people have been working as a team for three years.
Rock Star and Military Insiders Plan To Reveal The Truth On Extraterrestrials
Rock Star and Military Insiders Plan To Reveal The Truth On Extraterrestrials
Former Blink-182 frontman Tom DeLonge, 41, has revealed a team he has been working secretly to prove extraterrestrials have visited our planet. The team is reportedly composed of US government insiders, who are former senior US Department of Defense (DoD), CIA, and other intelligence officials. They are formed to break rank and speak out about the truth regarding UFOs and aliens.
The news stunned Ufology truth seekers, and leading UFO researchers branded the move as unprecedented. UFO enthusiasts say that their comments show they are serious about what they are going to do.
UFO author and investigative journalist Leslie Kean believes that something extraordinary is about to be revealed. She says that scientists and high-level officials with in-depth knowledge, but always remained in the shadows are now stepping into the light.
Mr DeLonge revealed that the team includes a Department of Defence senior intelligence officer, a veteran of the Directorate of Operations in the CIA, and a Program Director for Advanced Systems at Skunk Works in Lockheed Martin. He did it during a filmed live event to launch their Stars Academy of Arts and Science organisation.
According to one insider, the group will reveal the truth about a government conspiracy to hide proof of aliens.
The group says it will do advanced research on unexplained phenomena.
DeLonge said during the launch that they are going to bring the truth to the world.
The organisation’s website claims that their crowdfunding for its research has already reached more than $300,000.
Chris Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, said that he came out because it is going to take an effort figuring out the UFO phenomenon outside of the government. He described it as another case wherein the system will not repair itself, and for breakthroughs to occur, people outside of government need to take action.
Jim Semivan, who claimed to have served 25 years in the CIA, said that it is time to do what he can to find out things behind this mystery. Now at 65, he said that this is what he wants to do for the rest of his life.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Excerpt From The FBI Released Documents On Alien Bodies, Spacecraft And Planet
Excerpt From The FBI Released Documents On Alien Bodies, Spacecraft And Planet
By Leena Giri Kapoor
Assumptions, hypothesis and analysis have always centered on the topic inculcating aliens, space crafts and life in other planets. Somehow, there has always been maintained some sort of secrecy with the same. Quotes, statements and declassified documents have started to be released by the top notch secret agencies. A number of Government is gradually coping with the idea that the worldwide population has a right to know that we are the not the only one in the Universe. It is evident, that numerous military officials, astronauts and the Government officials are speaking publicly about the alien life and the alien spacecraft existence.
In fact, when it comes to having secret information with respect to the aliens, the spacecrafts and the life on another planet, people all around the globe are aware of the fact, that the United States have immense disclosure to pursue.
It is interesting to witness those with political power speak about the same:
One of the statements released by the Presidential Candidate Hilary Clinton included, that if she was elected the President of the United States, she would definitely disclose all documents related to alien and make sure to provide information with regards to the UFO phenomenon.
However, even with all the statements, tweets and updates US maintains that it does not have any knowledge pertaining to any sort of information associated to the Alien or the UFO phenomenon.
A number of Government is gradually coping with the idea that the worldwide population has a right to know that we are the not the only one in the Universe.
Yet again, there are a number of Governments around the globe, which has declassified UFO-related documents. This simply proves their interest in the UFO phenomenon. In fact, the agencies like FBI, NASA, and CIA have declassified some of the most secretive files on UFO’s and the Alien life in the universe.
In the same context, it will be worth for the readers to get a sneak peek of the declassified document released by the FBI.
It was addressed to “aeronautical and military authorities”, “chosen scientists” and “some public officials”.
It has some amazing details of the UFO and extraterrestrials.
The letter inculcates the following:
Part of the disks carry crews, others are under the control of a remote.
Peaceful mission.
The visitors seriously plan to settle on this planet.
The visitors show resemblance to human, however, is larger in size.
They belong to another world however are not excarnate Earth people.
The disks have a sort of radiant energy.
They belong to an etheric planet.
The visitor body and the craft materialize as soon as it enters the vibratory rate of our dense matter.
They have this specific attribute of disappearing from the vision of humans, without leaving a trace.
The region they belong to is not some planet, but associated with the Lakas or Talas.
This file released from the FBI, has put answer some questions but at the same time given birth to many more queries and speculations.
It was revealed recently that former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill believed in aliens. In an eleven page essay written in 1939, Churchill outlined his views on the prospects of extra-terrestrial life. Although a startling revelation, Britain’s Second World War hero is far from the only historical figure to publicly express a belief in UFOs and extra-terrestrials.
“With hundreds of thousands of nebulae, each containing thousands of millions of suns, the odds are enormous there must be immense numbers which possess planets whose circumstances would not render life impossible.” wrote Churchill in the essay, entitled ‘Are We Alone In The Universe?’
“I am not so immensely impressed by the success we are making of our civilisation here that I am prepared to think we are the only spot in this immense universe which contains living, thinking creatures.”
This is far from the first time Churchill has been associated with extra-terrestrial life. Papers released by the National Archives in 2010 alleged that Churchill had ordered a reported encounter between an RAF plane and a UFO over southern England covered-up, for fear of the mass panic it could cause in the the tense wartime environment.
Although the evidence backing up this supposed cover-up is largely anecdotal, it’s nevertheless inspired some conspiracy theorists to speculate on just how much Churchill knew about extra-terrestrials.
During his second term as Prime Minister in 1952, Churchill ordered an official investigation into UFO sightings over England. That report concluded most UFO sightings were misidentifications in no need of further examination.
Douglas MacArthur
A hero of the Pacific theatre during the Second World War, General Douglas MacArthur later suffered the disgrace of being relieved of his command after criticising President Truman’s handling of the Korean War.
The controversial military leader also held highly controversial views on extra-terrestrial life. “…the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets. The politics of the future will be cosmic, or interplanetary”, he said publicly in 1955, on one of several occasions he openly discussed the possibility of humans coming into contact with Aliens.
MacArthur’s high rank in the military meant he was likely privy to a host of classified information, with some speculating this would have extended to UFO sightings. There is little evidence to actually corroborate the belief, however.
Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter
Two US presidents were both incredibly open about their interests in UFOs.
While on the campaign trail, Jimmy Carter promised to make public all documents on UFOs. “I don’t laugh at people anymore when they say they’ve seen UFOs. I’ve seen one myself.”
Ronald Reagan meanwhile, claimed to have seen a UFO while governor of California. As his aircraft approached for a landing at Bakersfield California in 1974, the future president supposedly saw a mysterious glowing object in the sky and ordered the aircraft pilot to follow it.
“We followed it for several minutes. It was a bright white light.We followed it to Bakersfield, and all of a sudden to our utter amazement it went straight up into the heavens. When I got off the plane I told Nancy all about it.”
Christiaan Huygens, Isaac Newton and William Herschel
Belief in aliens isn’t merely a modern phenomenon. Christiaan Huygens, a leading Dutch scientist of the seventeenth century famous for explaining the nature of Saturn’s rings and discovering its moon Titan, wrote a long treatise on the prospect of extraterrestrial life.
‘Cosmotheoros (or The Celestial Worlds Discover’d: or, Conjectures Concerning the Inhabitants, Plants and Productions of the Worlds in the Planets’, published shortly after Huygens’ death, explained in detail a hypothetical alien race. “That which makes me of this Opinion, that those worlds are not without such a Creature endowed with Reason, is that otherwise our Earth would have too much the advantage of them, in being the only part of the Universe that could boast of such a Creature…”
Huygens’ work was criticised at the time as unscientific, while some modern critics have suggested he was in fact being ironic. Nevertheless, other renowned scientists from the period engaged with the idea of alien life.
Isaac Newton said in 1701: “For if all places to which we have access are filled with living creatures, why should all these immense spaces of the heavens above the clouds be incapable of inhabitants?”.
William Herschel, who discovered Uranus, made a similar argument, speculating that any celestial body could be inhabited – the sun and moon, even comets and asteroids.
Alien BOMBSHELL: US Navy ‘filmed UFO that DEFIED PHYSICS’, former Area 51 insider claims
Alien BOMBSHELL: US Navy ‘filmed UFO that DEFIED PHYSICS’, former Area 51 insider claims
A BIZARRE UFO that "defied physics" outmanoeuvred several F-18 pilots during a terrifying encounter, a former senior US national security chief who spent time at the mysterious Area 51 military base has sensationally claimed.
US Navy personnel aboard the USS Nimitz even filmed the UFO during the encounter that lasted several hours, according to Chris Mellon.
Mr Mellon served for almost 20 years in the US federal government in a series of national security positions roles under presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush.
The ex-national security chief, who had high-level clearance, was on a committee with oversight of all Department of Defence (DoD) special access programmes and spent a decade on the Senate Intelligence Committee, is one of a number of former senior government insiders who have gone on record about UFOs after joining truth-seeking organisation To The Stars Academy, set up by former Blink 182 frontman Tom DeLonge.
Mr Mellon, who also work on classified projects at Area 51 in Nevada, detailed the astonishing incident that reportedly happened off the coast of San Diego in broad daylight.
He said the Mimitz, a five billion dollar warship with a crew of thousands, was operating there, escorted by the USS Princeton, an Aegis class cruiser.
Mr Mellon said: "Imagine these ships engaging in a routine training exercise when an unidentified aircraft with a small radar cross section appears on the radar heading directly towards the battlegroup.
Getty*Chris Mellon
UFO BOMBSHELL: The US Navy encountered a bizarre UFO off San Diego.
"The aircraft has no transponder does not respond to radio calls. The Princeton contacts two F-18s already aloft to intercept the target as the two F-18s approach the four aviators see that the object has no wings or exhaust.
"It is white, oblong, some 40 feet long and perhaps 12 feet thick."
He said one pilot pursued the craft while his wing man stayed high in the air.
Mr Melon said: "The pilots are astonished to see the object suddenly reorient itself toward the approaching F-18.
"In a series of discreet tumbling manoeuvres that seem to defy the laws of physics.
"The object takes a position directly behind the approaching F-18.
"The pilot’s capture gun camera footage and infrared imagery of the object.
"They are outmatched by a technology they’ve never seen."
Imagine these ships engaging in a routine training exercise when an unidentified aircraft with a small radar cross section appears on the radar heading directly towards the battlegroup.
Christopher Mellon
The pilots returned to the Nimitz, but the object remained in the area for several hours he said.
He added: "At one point the object soars to 80,000 feet, hovers, then drops at supersonic speeds coming to a full stop a mere 50 feet above the ocean where it resumes hovering.
"More F-18s are dispatched but with similar results.
"As before the engagement occurs in broad daylight in the secret machine easily evades the F-18s.
"Dozens of military personnel aboard the various planes and ships involved are privy to these interactions.
"Clearly this is not an experimental US aircraft, but whose is it?
He has suggested that the US Congress should investigate the events.
He said: "The chairman of the Armed Services Committee and his counterparts and other congressional oversight committees can easily request a briefing to confirm the veracity of this story and the existence of other events of a similar nature.
"Congress has every right to review the documents generated by this event and request briefings by the military personnel involved.
"If the oversight committees have not already been briefed on this event and others like it they clearly should be.
"How else can they adequately assess threats to our forces and our military requirements?"
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
FILM: Local UFOlogist shares ‘Travis’ doc on alien abduction
FILM: Local UFOlogist shares ‘Travis’ doc on alien abduction
Local UFOlogist shares ‘Travis’ doc on alien abduction
By Brian Bingaman @brianbingaman on Twitter
Travis Walton and an illustration from the book “Fire in the Sky.”
IF YOU GO. What: Screening of “Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton.
The 1993 Paramount Pictures film “Fire in the Sky” brought a mysterious tale of abduction by extra-terrestrials to the big screen. But according to 1973 North Penn High School grad, self-taught filmmaker and Radnor Studio Channel 21 host Jennifer W. Stein, they didn’t get the story that inspired the movie completely right.
So Stein — whose program focuses on the Main Line MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) group — sought to revisit a 1975 UFO incident in the Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona in ways that had not been examined before. The result is the documentary “Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton,” which will be featured in a public screening this weekend in Bryn Mawr, followed by a question-and-answer panel with Stein, her coproducer Bob Terrio and Walton himself.
“There’s no doubt in my mind that it happened as they recounted it,” Stein said of Walton and his six fellow logging workers, who still stand by their story of seeing a 40-foot disk hovering over the crest of a ridge as they were driving home after a day of clearing brush. According to Stein’s film, Walton, who was then 22, jumped from the passenger side of the truck he was riding in with his crew, ran towards the light, thinking it was a fire or a plane crash, and was struck unconscious by a blue beam of light from the craft. Walton went missing for five days and was thought to have been murdered, until he was found in a state of confusion.
“This story broke in three parts — a missing person, a homicide and a UFO sighting,” said Stein, who claims to have seen a UFO herself in 1975, when she was 19 years old. “Travis is a person who came into contact with extra-terrestrial beings. There’s no reason for him to make this up.”
The men were ridiculed by the locals of Snowflake, Ariz. after word of the strange encounter became public knowledge. “This event destroyed most of their lives. This was not something you talked about. This is a town where they didn’t want media attention,” she said. “I was creating healing by bringing these boys together.”
Among the others that appear on camera in “Travis” is a law enforcement officer that administered polygraph tests to the loggers.
In November 1975 newspaper stories, the Navajo County, Ariz. sheriff’s office said on the record that they doubted the accuracy of Walton’s statement that he was aboard a UFO.
According to Stein, Walton and his family were not only approached by news media, but were also harassed by paranormal debunkers. One skeptic is Harvard University psychologist Susan A. Clancy, who mentions Walton’s story in her 2005 book “Abducted: How People Come to Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens.”
Decide for yourself Oct. 29 after watching “Travis” at the Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy. This screening is a benefit for local public access cable channel Radnor Studio Channel 21. See a trailer at
When it comes to searching for worlds that could support extra-terrestrial life, scientists currently rely on the “low-hanging fruit” approach. Since we only know of one set of conditions under which life can thrive – i.e. what we have here on Earth – it makes sense to look for worlds that have these same conditions. These include being located within a star’s habitable zone, having a stable atmosphere, and being able to maintain liquid water on the surface.
Until now, scientists have relied on methods that make it very difficult to detect water vapor in the atmosphere’s of terrestrial planets. But thanks to a new study led by Yuka Fujii of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), that may be about to change. Using a new three-dimensional model that takes into account global circulation patterns, this study also indicates that habitable exoplanets may be more common than we thought.
Artist’s concept of the hot Jupiter WASP-121b, which presents the best evidence yet of a stratosphere on an exoplanet – generated using Engine House VFX.
Credit: Bristol Science Centre/University of Exeter
To put it simply, liquid water is essential to life as we know it. If a planet does not have a warm enough atmosphere to maintain liquid water on its surface for a sufficient amount of time (on the order of billions of years), then it is unlikely that life will be able to emerge and evolve. If a planet is too distant from its star, its surface water will freeze; if it is too close, its surface water will evaporate and be lost to space.
While water has been detected in the atmospheres of exoplanets before, in all cases, the planets were massive gas giants that orbited very closely to their stars. (aka. “Hot Jupiters”). As Fujii and her colleagues state in their study:
“Although H2O signatures have been detected in the atmospheres of hot Jupiters, detecting molecular signatures, including H2O, on temperate terrestrial planets is exceedingly challenging, because of the small planetary radius and the small scale height (due to the lower temperature and presumably larger mean molecular weight).”
When it comes to terrestrial (i.e. rocky) exoplanets, previous studies were forced to rely on one-dimensional models to calculate the presence of water. This consisted of measuring hydrogen loss, where water vapor in the stratosphere is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. By measuring the rate at which hydrogen is lost to space, scientists would estimate the amount of liquid water still present on the surface.
Artist’s impression of the “Venus-like” exoplanet GJ 1132b.
However, as Dr. Fujii and her colleagues explain, such models rely on several assumptions that cannot be addressed, which include the global transport of heat and water vapor vapor, as well as the effects of clouds. Basically, previous models predicted that for water vapor to reach the stratosphere, long-term surface temperatures on these exoplanets would have to be more than 66 °C (150 °F) higher than what we experience here on Earth.
These temperatures could create powerful convective storms on the surface. However, these storms could not be the reason water reaches the stratosphere when it comes to slowly rotating planets entering a moist greenhouse state – where water vapor intensifies heat. Planets that orbit closely to their parent stars are known to either have a slow rotation or to be tidally-locked with their planets, thus making convective storms unlikely.
This occurs quite often for terrestrial planets that are located around low-mass, ultra cool, M-type (red dwarf) stars. For these planets, their proximity to their host star means that it’s gravitational influence will be strong enough to slow down or completely arrest their rotation. When this occurs, thick clouds form on the dayside of the planet, protecting it from much of the star’s light.
The team found that, while this could keep the dayside cool and prevent water vapor from rising, the amount of near-Infrared radiation (NIR) could provide enough heat to cause a planet to enter a moist greenhouse state. This is especially true of M-type and other cool dwarf stars, which are known to produce more in the way of NIR. As this radiation warms the clouds, water vapor will rise into the stratosphere.
Artist’s impression of Proxima b, the closest exoplanet to the Solar System. In the background, the binary system of Alpha Centauri can be seen.
Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser
To address this, Fujii and her team relied on three-dimensional general circulation models (GCMs) which incorporate atmospheric circulation and climate heterogeneity. For the sake of their model, the team started with a planet that had an Earth-like atmosphere and was entirely covered by oceans. This allowed the team to clearly see how variations in distance from different types of stars would effect conditions on the planets surfaces.
These assumptions allowed the team to clearly see how changing the orbital distance and type of stellar radiation affected the amount of water vapor in the stratosphere. As Dr. Fujii explained in a NASA press release:
“Using a model that more realistically simulates atmospheric conditions, we discovered a new process that controls the habitability of exoplanets and will guide us in identifying candidates for further study… We found an important role for the type of radiation a star emits and the effect it has on the atmospheric circulation of an exoplanet in making the moist greenhouse state.”
In the end, the team’s new model demonstrated that since low-mass star emit the bulk of their light at NIR wavelengths, a moist greenhouse state will result for planets orbiting closely to them. This would result in conditions on their surfaces that comparable to what Earth experiences in the tropics, where conditions are hot and moist, instead of hot and dry.
Artist’s impression of the surface of the planet Proxima b orbiting the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri. The double star Alpha Centauri AB is visible to the upper right of Proxima itself.
Credit: ESO
What’s more, their model indicated that NIR-driven processes increased moisture in the stratosphere gradually, to the point that exoplanets orbiting closer to their stars could remain habitable. This new approach to assessing potential habitability will allow astronomers to simulate circulation of planetary atmospheres and the special features of that circulation, which is something one-dimensional models cannot do.
In the future, the team plans to assess how variations in planetary characteristics -such as gravity, size, atmospheric composition, and surface pressure – could affect water vapor circulation and habitability. This will, along with their 3-dimensional model that takes planetary circulation patterns into account, allow astronomers to determine the potential habitability of distant planets with greater accuracy. As Anthony Del Genio indicated:
“As long as we know the temperature of the star, we can estimate whether planets close to their stars have the potential to be in the moist greenhouse state. Current technology will be pushed to the limit to detect small amounts of water vapor in an exoplanet’s atmosphere. If there is enough water to be detected, it probably means that planet is in the moist greenhouse state.”
Beyond offering astronomers a more comprehensive method for determining exoplanet habitability, this study is also good news for exoplanet-hunters hoping to find habitable planets around M-type stars. Low-mass, ultra-cool, M-type stars are the most common star in the Universe, accounting for roughly 75% of all stars in the Milky Way. Knowing that they could support habitable exoplanets greatly increases the odds of find one.
Illustration showing the possible surface of TRAPPIST-1f, one of the newly discovered planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
In addition, this study is VERY good news given the recent spate of research that has cast serious doubt on the ability of M-type stars to host habitable planets. This research was conducted in response to the many terrestrial planets that have been discovered around nearby red dwarfs in recent years. What they revealed was that, in general, red dwarf stars experience too much flare and could strip their respective planets of their atmospheres.
These include the 7-planet TRAPPIST-1 system (three of which are located in the star’s habitable zone) and the closest exoplanet to the Solar System, Proxima b. The sheer number of Earth-like planets discovered around M-type stars, coupled with this class of star’s natural longevity, has led many in the astrophysical community to venture that red dwarf stars might be the most likely place to find habitable exoplanets.
With this latest study, which indicates that these planets could be habitable after all, it would seem that the ball is effectively back in their court!
Soon, We May Have a Host of Habitable Alien Worlds
Soon, We May Have a Host of Habitable Alien Worlds
This illustration shows a star's light illuminating the atmosphere of a planet.
Credits: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Researchers from NASA's Goddard Institute have proposed a new way of looking at the habitability of exoplanets. Instead of relying on the usual one-dimensional approach, they considered observing a candidate planet using three dimensions.
Living conditions in space can be treacherous. Consequently it’s equally difficult to spot potentially-habitable exoplanets. That’s not to say that the search has been futile, however, as NASA and other astronomers have found a good number of possible earth-like exoplanets in the past decade or so — thanks, in large part, to the two Kepler missions. To make things easier, a team of astronomers have devised a new method of gauging alien worlds for their potential habitability — or at the very least, refine the way we understand these candidate planets beyond our solar system.
In a paper recently published in The Astrophysical Journal, lead author Yuka Fujii of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and colleagues in New York proposed a model that calculates atmospheric conditions in exoplanets on three dimensions. Previously, astronomers would only simulate such conditions vertically, or along one dimension.
“Using a model that more realistically simulates atmospheric conditions, we discovered a new process that controls the habitability of exoplanets and will guide us in identifying candidates for further study,” Fujii said in a NASA press release. Concretely, the model will allow researchers to reevaluate the habitable zone in a planetary system — the so-called Goldilock’s zone, where an exoplanet’s distance from its parent star is roughly similar to the Earth’s from the Sun.
Under previous assumptions, a planet too close to its star was deemed to hot to allow water to stay as oceans or to be kept within its atmosphere. Conversely, a planet too distant from its star would be too cold for water to exist in a liquid state, causing it to freeze. This may be true for some exoplanets, but not for slow rotating planets found around low-mass stars. With the new model, the astronomers propose a Goldilocks zone a little bit closer to a parent star.
“We found an important role for the type of radiation a star emits and the effect it has on the atmospheric circulation of an exoplanet in making the moist greenhouse state,” Fujii explained, referring to what’s considered to be a habitable environment. Certain conditions that allow for water to be kept within an exoplanet’s atmosphere for longer periods of time could make it habitable, despite a relative closeness to its star.
This can actually save astronomers time when observing promising candidate exoplanets, like Gliese 667Cc, the TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets, and — perhaps the most intriguing of all — Proxima b, which is the closest potentially habitable exoplanet from Earth. “Current technology will be pushed to the limit to detect small amounts of water vapor in an exoplanet’s atmosphere,” GISS astronomer and co-author of the study Anthony Del Genio said in the press release. “If there is enough water to be detected, it probably means that planet is in the moist greenhouse state.”
However, none of this advances our ability to actually further our presence in the universe. The nearest potential exoplanet, Proxima b, is 4.22 light-years away. If the fastest spacecraft to date, New Horizons, were to go to Alpha Centauri, it would take 78,000 years to get there. To really confirm what life is like on alien worlds, we’re going to have to invent revolutionary modes of propulsion. There are realistic efforts to send technology across the vast abyss, such as the laser-propelled sails on Project Starshot, a mini-spacecraft that is could travel all the way to Alpha Centauri. However, alternative forms of interstellar like warp drive or ion engines or nuclear fission engines are still only in their theoretical stages.
However, none of this advances our ability to actually further our presence in the universe. The nearest potential exoplanet, Proxima b, is 4.22 light-years away. If the fastest spacecraft to date, New Horizons, were to go to Alpha Centauri, it would take 78,000 years to get there. To really confirm what life is like on alien worlds, we’re going to have to invent revolutionary modes of propulsion. There are realistic efforts to send technology across the vast abyss, such as the laser-propelled sails on Project Starshot, a mini-spacecraft that is could travel all the way to Alpha Centauri. However, alternative forms of interstellar like warp drive or ion thrustersor nuclear fusion rockets are still only in their theoretical stages.
Scientists have established a promising new theory that aims to make sense of molecular evolution. The study could have a major impact on how we look into the way proteins change over time.
A study conducted by scientists from the University of Colorado’s Anschutz Medical Campus in conjunction with the University College of London has established a new theory of molecular evolution. It allows for the process to be analyzed using ideas from the field of statistical mechanics, giving new insight into protein evolution.
“The approach rests on understanding proteins as integrated systems,” said Richard Goldstein, co-author of the paper. “Too often we ignore interactions between different parts of a protein, but we know that changes in one part of the protein affect subsequent changes in other parts. It turns out this is really important for understanding why these molecules evolve the way they do.”
Ribbon schematic of the 3D structure of the protein triose phosphate isomerase, a ubiquitous protein necessary for energy production. (Image credit: Jane Richardson)
Factors like the structure, function, and stability of proteins determine whether mutations in the molecules become fixed, or are eliminated. Amino acid interactions throughout the protein cause evolution at one site, which affects the likelihood of evolution elsewhere. This study determined that it’s possible to predict how often evolution will occur based on certain biochemical properties.
“This was a real surprise,” explained co-author David Pollock. “Our theory accounts for well-known population genetics effects such as strength of selection and effective population size, but they drop out of the final equations that predict the rate of molecular evolution.”
The results of this research project could solve years-old problems faced by scientists looking into molecular evolution. The standard models used to explore relationships between different species have long since caused problems when it comes to reconstructing major evolutionary events.
Patterns of molecular convergence were seen to vary over time, which suggested that constraints in various areas of the proteins were fluctuating.
“This flips around the usual idea that the amino acids will adjust to the requirements of the rest of the protein,” said Goldstein. “But we couldn’t explain exactly why this happened, or whether there was any regularity to the process.”
However, using concepts from statistical mechanics, it was established that amino acid entrenchment played a key role in evolutionary divergence. As a result, the sequence entropy of folding—or, the randomness of this process—was found to balance the strength of selection in protein evolution.
This study should empower scientists to perform new research into the way that molecules change over long periods of time. There are hopes that it could serve to shed new light on how genes operate within the human body, how to predict the rate at which evolutionary divergence takes place, and the fundamentals of how harmful mutations come about.
Solar Wind Creates Electric Charge on Martian Moon Phobos
Solar Wind Creates Electric Charge on Martian Moon Phobos
By Samantha Mathewson, Contributor
NASA has set its sights on the Martian moon Phobos as a potential initial base for human exploration of the Red Planet — but powerful solar eruptions could throw a wrench in this plan.
A new NASA study shows that solar wind — the stream of electrically charged particles that the sun blows out into space — creates a complex electrical environment on Phobos, which could possibly affect astronauts and any scientific equipment brought to the irregularly shaped moon in future missions.
"We found that astronauts or rovers could accumulate significant electric charges when traversing the night side of Phobos — the side facing Mars during the Martian day," William Farrell, lead author of the study from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, said in a statement. "While we don't expect these charges to be large enough to injure an astronaut, they are potentially large enough to affect sensitive equipment, so we would need to design spacesuits and equipment that minimizes any charging hazard." [Moons of Mars: Amazing Photos of Phobos and Deimos]
In theory, astronauts would travel to Phobos and remotely operate robots on the Martian surface, reducing the considerable time delay faced by Earth-based operators. NASA has considered Phobos as a possible initial basebecause its weak gravity makes it easier to land spacecraft, astronauts and supplies, according to the statement.
A photo of Mars' moon Phobos, taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona
Phobos orbits incredibly close to Mars, and since it has no atmosphere and no magnetosphere it plows directly through streams of solar wind and absorbs the electrically charged particles on its dayside. This, in turn, leaves a void over its nightside. As a result, negatively charged electrons from the solar wind fill this void and statically charge the moon's nightside. This same effect also occurs in other large shadowed areas on Phobos, such as Stickney crater, according to the study, which was published Oct. 3 in the journal Advances in Space Research.
"We found that excess charge builds up in these regions during all solar wind conditions, but the charging effect was especially severe in the wake of solar eruptions like coronal mass ejections, which are dense, fast gusts of solar wind," Farrell said in the statement.
For the study, the researchers modeled the flow of the solar wind around Phobos, revealing that the buildup of static charge on the nightside and in shadowed regions can reach 10,000 volts in some materials, such as the Teflon suits worn by astronauts during the Apollo lunar missions, according to the statement.
Therefore, astronauts and rovers traversing these areas on Phobos could build up significant electric charges. For example, friction created by astronauts walking across the nightside surface could transfer charge from the dust and rock to their spacesuits. Then, when the astronaut touches something conductive, like a piece of equipment, it could release the charge — similar to static shock experienced after walking across a rug and then touching a metal doorknob.
Previous studies have shown that the same charging effect occurs in large shadowed craters in the north and south poles of Earth's moon. However, Earth itself has an atmosphere and a magnetosphere that defends against the effects of solar wind.
Columnist Cheryl Costa shares the top 25 cities for UFO sightings in the U.S.
People are fascinated with rankings, and UFOs are no different. People want to know where the top UFO hot spots are. So here it is: the top 25 cities in the U.S. for UFO sightings!
When we published our book, UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America 2001-2015, back in March, we only took the data resolution down to the county level. When we were formatting the book, we realized that adding a listing of UFO sightings down to the city level would double the size of the book. The incredible amount misspellings in the cities field also posed a problem.
There wasn’t an easy solution to the problem, and trust me when I say spell check was only going to add to the problem. The answer was old-school manual editing of over 120,000 records. The data base is looking good now but still needs a bit of tweaking.
I do feel comfortable sharing the top 25 U.S. cites with the most UFO sighting reports. Before we start I must point out that some of you will simply comment that each of these cities are major population centers. To that I say this: To have reports you need observers, and larger metropolitan areas have lots of potential observers. But keep in mind that big cities have serious light pollution issues, being able to report sightings at all under these conditions is very telling.
Phoenix, Ariz., tops the list at No. 1, while Arizona ranks No. 7 in the country UFO sightings. Why Phoenix you might ask? Well, ever since the Phoenix Lights event in 1997, residents of Phoenix and Maricopa County has been very diligent in reporting what they see.
Second on the list was Las Vegas, Nev., which, frankly, surprised me for two reasons. Nevada only ranks 26th in the country for sightings. That said, I did get a lot of social media traffic from there about any sightings. Of course, they admit to not reporting it. Also, Las Vegas is constantly lit up, day and night, so the light pollution is terrible. Perhaps it’s because Las Vegas is a stone’s throw from Area 51; enough said.
Third on the list is Seattle, Wash. Washington ranks No. 3 in the country. I had thought that it was a toss up between Seattle, Wash, and Portland, Ore., as both regions of the Northwest host heavy UFO traffic. Portland, Ore., ranks fifth and Oregon ranks 13th nationally.
Not to be forgotten, Chicago, Ill., comes in at No. 4. Illinois ranks No. 8 in the U.S.
Finally, I must take a moment and discuss the city in 6th place. Last spring when the book came out, it was noted in the west coast media that California was No. 1 for UFO sightings. They were also quick to point out Los Angeles County was the No. 1 county for UFO sightings in the country. Many people mistakenly equated that with the city of Los Angeles. I’m here to set the record straight. Los Angeles ranks No. 6 in the country for cities.
We must remember that Los Angeles County covers an area of 4,751 square miles, while the city of Los Angeles is a mere 503 square miles. Sorry, L.A.
The list below has the results for the rest of the top 25 top UFO sighting cities.
Cheryl Costa will be speaking at the following events in October:
Oct. 23, 7 p.m.:Connetquot Public Library, 760 Ocean Avenue, Bohemia, N.Y. Presenting via Skype, library will be giving data handouts.
Oct. 26, 7 p.m.: Center for the Arts, 72 S. Main St., Homer, N.Y. Speaking in person.
If you have a UFO sighting to report, you can use either one of the two national database or Both services respect confidentiality. Follow me on Twitter @American_Skies.
Attention, Central New York residents: Join a monthly MUFON-sponsored speakers presentation and discussion group in Syracuse. Regularly held the last Saturday of the month, it runs from April 29 through October 28, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m, May Memorial, 3800 E. Genesee St. Plenty of off-street parking is available
Growing plants in space might soothe astronauts' minds, a meteor shower could mean shooting stars before dawn this weekend, companies plan to collaborate on an inflatable, orbiting moon base, and two ultra-dense neutron stars merge in a historic scientific discovery in just some of the top stories this week from
Photo Credit: Robin Dienel; Carnegie Institution for Science
1. Discovery of neutron-star merger heralds new discoveries
2. NASA satellites assist Californian wildfire relief
NASA released a "damage proxy map" on Oct. 19 that provides aerial views of Sacramento and Santa Rosa before and after wildfires consumed Northern California, beginning Oct. 8. Earth-observing satellites captured the images for the map, which was given to various relief agencies to support their efforts. [Full Story: NASA Map of Wildfire Damage Helps California Recovery Effort]
Photo Credit: SpaceX
3. Elon Musk goes on Reddit, reveals BFR test details
Further details about SpaceX’s BFR launch system came to light during an Oct. 14 "Ask Me Anything discussion on Reddit. SpaceX Executive Elon Musk revealed that the spaceships will first be tested in short hops that will bring the BFRs hundreds of kilometers off Earth's surface. [Full Story: Elon Musk Offers More Technical Details on SpaceX's BFR Mars Rocket System]
4. Revolutionary astrophysicist honored in Google Doodle
Subramanyan Chandrasekhar, an Indian-born astrophysicist and Nobel Prize winner who did theoretical work on the life and death of stars, was honored in a Google Doodle Oct. 19. The Chandra X-Ray Observatory gets its name from his nickname, Chandra, which also means "moon" in the Sanskrit language. [Google Doodle Honors the Nobel-Winning Astrophysicist 'Chandra']
Photo Credit: NASA
5. Growing plants in space soothes astronauts' minds
Astronauts may receive benefits from gardening in space, a new study published in Open Agriculture suggests. According to NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson, who recently returned from a long-duration spaceflight, watching six soybeans grow in orbit was dramatically beneficial to her psychological state in a stressful space environment. [Full Story: Space Gardening May Treat Astronauts' Blues]
Photo Credit: Blue Origin
6. Companies want in on NASA’s return to the moon
Four companies revealed plans to develop robotic lunar landers at the annual Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG) meeting this week. While some attendees were excited, others expressed concern about putting too much reliance on private ventures for NASA's lunar return plans. [Full Story: Companies Seek Roles in NASA's Return to the Moon]
Photo Credit: Lego
7. Just in time for the holidays: ‘Women of NASA’ Lego set!
On Nov 1, minifigure depictions of four iconic women from NASA go on sale at Lego. The women honored by the toy building blocks are astronauts Sally Ride and Mae Jemison, astronomer Nancy Grace Roman and programmer Margaret Hamilton. [Full Story: 'Women of NASA' Lego Set to Launch for Sale Nov. 1]
Photo Credit: United Launch Alliance
8.Two companies collaborating on inflatable lunar space station project
In an Oct. 17 joint statement, United Launch Alliance and Bigelow Aerospace revealed the companies will be working together to place a space station in orbit around the moon by 2023. This announcement comes amidst increasing interest from the American government to return to the moon, and by 2022, the companies hope to have expandible modules in low lunar orbit. [Full Story: H
Photo Credit: Aerojet Rocketdyne
9. Administration asks NASA for lunar mission report by December
NASA is now charged with a 45-day deadline to develop plans for a manned mission to return to the moon. Vice President Mike Pence made the announcement at the Oct 5 inaugural meeting of the reconstituted National Space Council, but the request will not have an immediate effect on NASA’s plans for an uncrewed test flight near the moon in 2019. [Full Story: NASA to Leverage
Photo Credit: NASA
10. Catch a falling star this weekend!
People may see some "“shooting stars"” this weekend, when the Orionid meteor shower will be at its peak. The streaks of light th y be visible in the predawn hours are not actually stars, but fragments of dust and debris left by Halley'’s Comet that are burning up in Earth'’s atmosphere. [Full Story: 2017 Orionid Meteor Shower Peaks This Weekend: What to Expect] Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+.
Reliving Cassini's Final Moments: Engineers Recreate Spacecraft's Fatal Plunge Into Saturn's Atmosphere
Reliving Cassini's Final Moments: Engineers Recreate Spacecraft's Fatal Plunge Into Saturn's Atmosphere
By Paul Scott Anderson
The final full view of Saturn from Cassini, on Sept. 13, 2017.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/Jason Major
It has been just over a month now since the Cassini spacecraft took its final plunge into Saturn’s atmosphere, ending an incredible mission of 13 years at the ringed giant planet. The probe continued collecting scientific data until the very last moments, and now engineers have been able to reconstruct what happened to it as it met its fate.
The descent into the thick atmosphere was a fiery one with Cassini being increasingly buffeted and battered by atmospheric winds. At first however, the spacecraft was gently rocking back and forth by only fractions of a degree as it made its final approach to Saturn, with only Saturn’s gravity trying to tug at and rotate Cassini.
Illustration of Cassini during its plunge into Saturn’s atmosphere.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Graph showing Cassini’s X- and S-band radio signals as they disappeared from mission control on Sept. 15, 2017.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
“To keep the antenna pointed at Earth, we used what’s called ‘bang-bang control,'” said Julie Webster, Cassini’s spacecraft operations chief at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. “We give the spacecraft a narrow range over which it can rotate, and when it bangs up against that limit in one direction, it fires a thruster to tip back the other way.”
That range was only two milliradians, equal to 0.1 degree. According to the reconstructed data, Cassini was subtly correcting its orientation until about three minutes before final loss of signal.
As Cassini plunged deeper into the atmosphere, the turbulence increased; even though the atmosphere was still tenuous, at about 1,200 miles (1,900 kilometers) above the cloud tops, it began to push against the spacecraft’s 36-foot (11-meter) long magnetometer boom. As a result, Cassini rotated slightly in the backward (aft) direction. Cassini’s thrusters fired in response, to keep the boom from rotating even more, and then began firing longer and more often.
Cassini’s last look at the ocean moon Enceladus as it sets behind the limb of Saturn on Sept. 13, 2017.
Photo Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
Radar image of bright, wispy methane clouds seen in Titan’s northern hemisphere by Cassini on May 7, 2017.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI
One of the most incredible discoveries by Cassini – the water vapor plumes of the moon Enceladus, originating from a subsurface ocean.
Photo Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Cassini managed to survive for 91 seconds in this epic battle, before tipping over backward during the last eight seconds and then finally losing radio contact with Earth. The mission was over, as the probe succumbed to the increasing heat and pressure.
At one point, it kind of looked like Cassini was attempting a comeback of sorts, with the radio signal spiking briefly, before disappearing for good. But of course it wasn’t a comeback, which would be impossible.
“No, it wasn’t a comeback. Just a side lobe of the radio antenna beam pattern,” Webster said.
The highest-resolution color image ever taken of Saturn’s rings by Cassini.
Photo Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
A historic view from Saturn, showing the distant Earth as a bright blue speck just below the rings.
Photo Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
There was no way Cassini could have survived this death plunge, and it wasn’t meant to, but the data it collected will be invaluable to scientists and engineers, including for future missions.
“Given that Cassini wasn’t designed to fly into a planetary atmosphere, it’s remarkable that the spacecraft held on as long as it did, allowing its science instruments to send back data to the last second,” said Earl Maize, Cassini project manager at JPL. “It was a solidly built craft, and it did everything we asked of it.”
It has now been 20 years since Cassini was first launched, reaching Saturn in 2004. From that point onward, Cassini revolutionized our knowledge of Saturn and its many moons, right until the very end.
YOU’RE TERMINATED Vladimir Putin warns of future sci-fi super-human soldiers more ‘destructive than nuclear bombs’ who feel no fear or pain
YOU’RE TERMINATED - Vladimir Putin warns of future sci-fi super-human soldiers more ‘destructive than nuclear bombs’ who feel no fear or pain
The Russian President spoke to youngsters at a festival in Sochi about the prospect of mass-killing supermen who are incapable of feeling pain or compassion
By Mark Hodge
VLADIMIR Putin has claimed genetically-modified super soldiers “worse than a nuclear bomb” could soon become a reality.
The strongman Russian President spoke to a crowd of students about the prospect of an army of trained killers incapable of feeling "pain or fear" much like the characters in 1992 action movie Universal Soldier.
Putin's comments are reminiscent of the Terminator movie franchise where mass-killing cyborgs rebel against their human creators and take over the world
On the lookout...Putin appeared to be worried about the appetites of the quick-thinking tin men of the future
The infamously icy-veined Russian leader showed his more anxious side while discussing artificial intelligence (AI) at an event in Moscow.
Former KGB spy Putin asked Arkady Volozh, chief of internet firm Yandex, when the technology will “eat us”, reports RT.
Volozh, who was giving Putin a tour of the company’s headquarters, appeared to be taken aback by the question.
At first he replied: “I hope never.”
But after a pause, he used the analogy of excavators and explained that they are better at digging than people.
Despite the risks, Putin said AI has 'colossal opportunities'. File picture showing what robots could look like in the future
Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin met for nearly an hour in second meeting
The computer boffin then said: “But we don't get eaten by excavators.”
Yet Putin dismissed this comment by adding: “They don't think.”
Earlier this month, the election-hacking autocrat said that AI was “the future, not only for Russia, but for all humankind.”
While saying the burgeoning technology had “colossal opportunities”, Putin added “whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world.”
And keen to avoid a Cold War-style arms race, the Russian President claimed he would share his country’s “know-how” with other nations.
Rejoice, Alien hunters, the possibility that Earth is not the only planet inhabited by an intelligent civilization has gained more credibility thanks to a brand new study that coincides with NASA’s recent planetary discoveries. The new study, published in the Journal Astrobiology proposes that more planets in our galaxy harbor advanced civilizations than anyone previously imagined.
“We really do know that pretty much every star in the sky hosts at least one planet,” said astronomer Adam Frank co-author of the study.
Woodruff Sullivan and Adam Frank looked at NASA’s recent discoveries of potentially habitable worlds and considered the odds whether sophisticated civilizations could have inhabited them or still do.
“What we showed was the ‘floor’ on the probability for a civilization to form on any randomly chosen planet,” Frank, a University of Rochester physics and astronomy professor, told The Huffington Post in an email. “If we are the only civilization in cosmic history, then that what we calculated is the actual probability nature has set. But if the real probability is higher than that floor, then civilizations have happened before.”
According to Frank, the potential number of planets orbiting their host star within a habitable distance is staggering.
This raises hopes that one of those planets might host alien life, and with a bit of luck, we even might discover an advanced alien civilization inhabiting one of those planets.
“Even if you are pretty pessimistic and think that you’d have to search through 100 billion (habitable zone) planets before you found one where a civilization developed, then there have still been a trillion civilizations over cosmic history!” Frank wrote. “When I think about that, my mind reels — even if there is just a one in a 100 billion chance of evolution creating exo-civilizations, the universe still has made so many of them that we are swamped by histories other than our own.”
The Drake equation
One of the most famous equations dealing with the possibility of Alien life existing in the universe is the Drake Equation. It was created by astronomer Frank Drake in 1961, and it estimates the number of planets that may be home to advanced alien civilizations with the ability to communicate with other civilizations in the cosmos.
However, Frank and Sullivan modified the Drake equation implementing new data into it. Since the Drake equation analyzes the possibility od advanced civilizations existing in the Milky Way, the equation proposed by Frank and Sullivan calculate the possible number of advanced alien civilizations that have existed in our galaxy throughout the whole ‘known’ history of the universe.
The odds that no one is out there are very, very small.
With all the suitable real estate that’s out there, if we’re the only place with intelligent life, then we’ve really won the mother of all lotteries.” –Seth Shostak, SETI Institute senior astronomer.
Scienitsts consider the following when attempting to come up with numbers of Extraterrestrial worlds:
The number of civilizations in Galaxy whose electromagnetic emissions are detectable.
The rate of formation of stars suitable for the development of intelligent life, in stars per year.
The fraction of those stars with planetary systems.
The number of planets, per solar system, with an environment suitable for life.
The fraction of suitable planets on which life actually appears.
The fraction of life bearing planets on which intelligent life emerges.
The fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space.
The length of time such civilizations release detectable signals into space, in years.
Writing in the Astrobiology study, Frank and Sullivan state:
“ Recent advances in exoplanet studies provide strong constraints on all astrophysical terms in the Drake equation. Using these and modifying the form and intent of the Drake equation, we set a firm lower bound on the probability that one or more technological species have evolved anywhere and at any time in the history of the observable Universe.” (source)
The two researchers write about what they call: “the cosmic frequency of technological species.”
“The universe is more than 13 billion years old,” Sullivan, of the astronomy department and astrobiology program at the University of Washington, said in a statement. “That means that even if there have been 1,000 civilizations in our own galaxy if they live only as long as we have been around — roughly 10,000 years — then all of them are likely already extinct. And others won’t evolve until we are long gone.
“For us to have much chance of finding another ‘contemporary’ active technological civilization, on average they must last much longer than our present lifetime,” Sullivan said. (source)
We have searched for traces of advanced alien civilizations, in hopes of finding out we are not alone for decades.
“With so many stars and planets filling the cosmos, it boggles the mind to think that we’re the only clever life to have made an appearance,” SETI Institute senior astronomer Seth Shostak told HuffPost in an email. “Frank and Sullivan use new research indicating that roughly one in five stars is orbited by a planet that could nurture biology. After that, it’s just a matter of counting up the tally of stars in the visible universe, and saying that — with all the suitable real estate that’s out there, if we’re the only place with intelligent life, then we’ve really won the mother of all lotteries.”
However, Shostak tells us not to be overly optimistic or pessimistic about the SETI Institutes search for intelligent signals from our cosmic neighbors.
“The odds that no one is out there are very, very small. It’s a bit like an ant coming out of its hive, seeing the enormous amount of real estate stretching in all directions and deciding that, if its home is the only ant hill, then its existence is a near-miracle,” said Shostak in an interview with HuffPost.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
ALIEN SENSATION: ‘UFOs are real… we may not be alone' says former senior US spook
ALIEN SENSATION: ‘UFOs are real… we may not be alone' says former senior US spook
A FORMER senior intelligence officer with the US Department of Defense has gone on record to claim UFOs are real and that he believes we may not be alone.
Luis Elizondo says he believes the UFO phenomenon is real.
Luis Elizondo says he has also worked with the US Army, the National Counter-intelligence Executive, and the Director of National Intelligence, and carried out highly sensitive espionage and terrorism investigations around the world.
He was unveiled as a key member of new organisation To The Stars Academy, put together by former Blink 182 frontman Tom DeLonge.
Mr Elizondo revealed for the last decade, before retiring, he ran a "sensitive aerospace threat identification" programme focusing on "unidentified aerial technologies" UATs, another name for unidentified flying objects (UFOs).
He said: "By far the most interesting effort I was involved with was the topic of advanced aerial threats.
"For nearly the last decade, I ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies.
"It was in this position I learned that the phenomena is indeed real."
He said the organisation would soon be releasing never before seen footage of UFOs taken from government recording equipment.
He added: "We are also planning to provide never before released footage from real US government systems, not blurry amateur photos but real data and real videos."
The expert also hinted that the project he worked on had brought in a wealth of understanding about UFOs.
t was in this position I learned that the phenomena is indeed real.
Luis Elizondo
He said: "In the last 10 years, we’ve come a long way in our understanding of our place here in this universe.
"There are physics that we don’t quite yet understand, doesn’t mean that they’re not real, just simply means that we don’t have the capacity to understand those physics.
"I think it’s in our nature to go out and explore and report back what we see."
He then said something that could only leave people thinking he may believe in aliens.
He said: "The fact is we may not necessarily be alone."
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETPoint Nemo is het meest afgelegen deel op Aarde. De plek ligt midden in de oceaan op 2.685 kilometer van het dichtste stuk land en doet dienst als ruimteschipkerkhof. Honderden kapotte ruimtetuigen liggen er op de bodem.
48 graden, 52.6 minuten zuiderbreedte en 123 graden, 23.6 minuten westerlengte, dat zijn de exacte coördinaten van Point Nemo (Nemo betekent ‘niemand’ in het Latijn). NASA noemt de plek in de Stille Oceaan een ‘ruimteschipkerkhof’. “Het is de plek die het verst ligt van elke vorm van beschaving op aarde”, klinkt het bij NASA. De ideale plaats dus om tonnen ruimteafval te storten.
rvPoint Nemo ligt op 2.685 kilometer van het dichtste stuk land.
“Perfecte plek om te dumpen zonder iemand te raken”
Omdat een stuk satelliet of een deel van een ruimtestation nooit op land mag terechtkomen, is Point Nemo de beste plek om al het ruimteafval te dumpen “Het is de perfecte plaats om dingen te dumpen zonder iemand te raken”, vertelt ruimte-ingenieur Bill Ailor. Omdat kleine satellieten meestal volledig verbranden in de dampkring, komen alleen maar kolossale brokstukken in Point Nemo terecht. Maar wanneer ingenieurs de controle verliezen over een ruimtetuig, dan valt niet te voorspellen waar het zal crashen.
Volvo Ocean RacePoint Nemo
In 2011 stuurde China zijn eerste ruimtestation Tiangong-1 de ruimte in, een kolos van ongeveer 8,5 ton. Maar omdat China in maart 2016 de controle over het ruimtestation verloor, wordt verwacht dat het tuig begin volgend jaar zal crashen. Waar juist? Dat valt niet te voorspellen tot vijf dagen voor de crash, omdat China de controle over het station is verloren. Het lijkt dus weinig waarschijnlijk dat Tiangong-1 in Point Nemo zal terechtkomen. Over enkele maanden stort het ruimtetuig met bijna 300 kilometer per uur naar beneden.
Astronauten in het Internationale Ruimteschip ISS bevinden zich het dichtst bij Point Nemo. ISS zweeft ongeveer 400 kilometer boven de Aarde, een pak dichter dan het dichtstbijzijnde stuk land. Tussen 1971 en 2016 dumpten ruimtevaartorganisaties al minstens 260 ruimtetuigen in de regio. En dat aantal groeit in sneltempo.
Kans dat je geraakt wordt, is extreem klein
Wanneer een groot object zoals de Tiangong-1 door de dampkring vliegt, dan zal het in verschillende stukken breken. Het station zal dus over een oppervlakte van verschillende kilometers neerstorten, wat de kans op slachtoffers doet groeien. Gelukkig is de kans dat je wordt geraakt door een stuk ruimteafval extreem klein. Er is slechts één geval bekend van een vrouw die op de schouder werd geraakt.
4.000 satellieten
Laten we ruimteafval niet beter in de ruimte zweven, zou je je kunnen afvragen. Blijkbaar niet, want ondertussen zweven al ongeveer 4.000 satellieten in een baan rond de Aarde. Voeg daarbij de ongecontroleerde projectielen en je komt al snel aan enkele tienduizenden objecten. De kans op botsingen wordt dus groter.
Creative CommonsEen computeranimatie van al het ruimteafval in een baan rond de aarde.
Steeds meer ruimtevaartorganisaties brengen oude en kapotte tuigen uit hun baan om de aarde om ze te laten neerstorten. Point Nemo krijgt er binnenkort dus nog heel wat afval bij.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Japanners ontdekken gigantische grot op de maan
Japanners ontdekken gigantische grot op de maan -
Bron: Belga
AFPDe tunnel van 100 meter breed en 50 kilometer lang werd gevonden onder de Mariusheuvels. De Japanse wetenschappers hebben de binnenkant van de grot nog niet kunnen waarnemen.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETWetenschappers van het Japanse ruimtevaartbureau Jaxa hebben op de maan een gigantische grot ontdekt die op een dag mogelijk kan dienen voor een maanbasis.
Data van de Japanse Maanverkenner SELENE bevestigden het bestaan van de grot, die een 3,5 miljard jaar oude tunnel voor vulkanische lava kan zijn geweest. Hij is 100 meter breed en 50 km lang. ”Wij dachten dat er dergelijke plaatsen bestonden (...), maar tot nu toe was dit nog niet bevestigd”, zei Jaxa-vorser Junichi Haruyama aan het Franse persbureau AFP.
De immense tunnel onder de zone van de Mariusheuvels kan astronauten beschermen tegen de enorme temperatuurschommelingen en gevaarlijke straling die zij op het oppervlak van onze natuurlijke satelliet kunnen ondervinden, legt Haruyama uit. “Wij hebben de binnenkant zelf van de grot nog niet gezien. Maar je kan er veel op verwedden dat de exploratie ervan meer details zal opleveren.”
In juni maakte Tokio bekend tegen 2030 een astronaut naar de maan te sturen. Dat wordt een première voor Japan want zijn astronauten vlogen tot nu toe enkel naar en met het Russische ruimtestation Mir en het Internationaal Ruimtestation.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Von Däniken: „Die Aliens kommen wieder und helfen uns auf den Sprung“ – EXKLUSIV
Von Däniken: „Die Aliens kommen wieder und helfen uns auf den Sprung“ – EXKLUSIV
Der Schweizer Erich von Däniken befasst sich seit Jahrzehnten mit der Menschheitsgeschichte. Er hat Bücher mit Millionenauflagen geschrieben und ist überzeugt: „Außerirdische haben uns besucht.“ Der „Prä-Astronautik“-Experte berichtet von Geheimdiensten und Alien-Implantaten, sagt aber: Sie kommen in friedlicher Absicht. Das Gespräch in Auszügen:
Herr von Däniken, Sie haben fast alle Länder dieser Welt besucht, Grabstätten und anderes Mysteriöses entdeckt und erlebt. Was ist die Quintessenz ihrer jahrzehntelangen Forschung?
Die Quintessenz ist die alte: Vor vielen, vielen Jahrtausenden ist unsere Erde mal von Außerirdischen besucht worden. Unsere Vorfahren waren damals Steinzeitleute, die begriffen überhaupt nicht, was sich abspielte. Sie meinten irrtümlicherweise, diese Außerirdischen seien „Götter“. Aber es gibt keine Götter und das wussten unsere Vorfahren nicht. Die sogenannten „Götter“ verhielten sich ganz ähnlich, wie sich heute Ethnologen benehmen würden: Sie haben ein paar Stämme studiert, ein paar Sprachen gelernt, ein paar Ratschläge gegeben. Irgendwann haben sie sich verabschiedet, mit dem Versprechen, in einer fernen Zukunft wiederzukehren. Dieses Wiederkunftsversprechen ist eingewandert in alle Kulturen und alle Religionen bis auf den heutigen Tag.
Wann kommen die „Götter“ wieder? Und: Was macht Sie denn so sicher, dass es früher wirklich außerirdischen Alien-Einfluss auf unseren Planeten, auf unsere früheren Hochkulturen gab?
Wann sie wiederkommen, weiß letztendlich niemand. Es ist nicht mal auszuschließen, dass sie schon da sind, aber das ist ein anderes Thema.
Wie kann man den Unterschied finden zwischen Naturreligion und den angeblichen Fremden? Die Fremden haben Informationen gegeben: Und zwar wissenschaftliche Informationen, welche unsere steinzeitlichen Leute nicht wissen konnten. Ein Beispiel: Da gibt es dieses „Buch Henoch“. Henoch ist in der Bibel der siebte Patriarch nach der Flut. Er wird von den Fremden hochgenommen, in den angeblichen Himmel – das ist die religiöse Betrachtung. Meiner Meinung nach wird er hinaufgenommen in ein Raumschiff. Er lernt die Sprache der Fremden, dann wird er unterwiesen. Und dann sagt der (außerirdische) Astronom zu ihm: „Menschensohn, schau mal raus. Siehst du das kleine Licht dort draußen? Ihr Menschen sagt Mond dazu. Der Mond hat gar kein eigenes Licht.“ Und dann erklärt er ihm die Mondphasen, warum es Voll- und Halbmond gibt. Das ist eine wissenschaftliche Information. Die hat nichts mit Naturreligion zu tun. Das ist der Unterschied. Es ist Information geflossen.
Kritiker Ihrer Arbeit sagen immer wieder: Vieles sei an den Haaren herbeigezogen und hineininterpretiert. Manche behaupten, dass „Götter“, die vom Himmel hinabsteigen, nur dem kollektiven Unterbewussten entspringen würden. Welche Beweise und welche Indizien haben Sie für Ihre Thesen?
Ich liebe die Kritiker. Es ist wunderbar zu diskutieren. Denn in meinem Fachbereich weiß ich in Gottes Namen mehr als meine Kritiker. Was ich ihnen nicht vorwerfe. Ich weiß auch nicht viel von anderen Fachbereichen. Nun, es gibt einfach eindeutige Indizien, die man hat. Aber es bleibt die Frage der Interpretation.
Sie erzählen in Interviewsoft auch viel Hintergründige: Viele Ihrer Kollegen aus der klassischen Archäologie, also der Mainstream-Wissenschaft, würden Ihnen immer wieder hinter vorgehaltener Hand Dinge verraten, die sie öffentlich niemals sagen könnten. Können Sie da vielleicht mal aus dem Nähkästchen plaudern und ein Beispiel verraten?
Man kann die Namen nicht sagen, wenn man eine Abmachung mit Handschlag gemacht hat. Da halte ich mich dran. Aber so viel: Ich habe in einem meiner Bücher über die Maya geschrieben. Die Mayas hatten zwei Kalender gehabt: Den normalen, irdischen Kalender mit rund 365 Tagen, mit Schaltstunden und Schaltjahren. Sie hatten noch einen zweiten Kalender, den sogenannten Götter-Kalender, der hatte 260 Tage. Dieser Kalender passt hinten und vorne nirgendwo in unsere Welt. Mit 260 Tagen können wir nichts anfangen, angesichts unserer Jahreszeiten.
Jetzt kam ein Professor von der Universität Bonn, ein Kenner der Maya-Welt, zu mir und sagte: „Herr von Däniken, diesen Kalender können Sie ganz leicht erklären. Zwischen Mars und Jupiter liegt der Asteroidengürtel. Das sind heute tausende von Gesteinsbrocken, kleine und größere. Wenn dort mal ein Planet gewesen wäre, hätte er eine Umlaufbahn von 260 Tagen gehabt.“ Ich sagte: „Danke, Herr Professor, ich nehm’s gern auf.“ Aber er wollte unter keinen Umständen, dass ich ein Wort von ihm sage, dass die Idee dazu von ihm kam.
Warum ist Ihre Arbeit, laut Ihren eigenen Aussagen, immer wieder auch von Interesse für staatliche Geheimdienste? Wollen Sie dazu etwas sagen?
Es gibt tatsächlich heute Leute, die behaupten, sie seien von Außerirdischen entführt worden. Ich persönlich habe darüber immer nur gelacht. Ich dachte: Das ist alles psychoanalytisch erklärbar. Die haben alle einen Knall. Und dann kam ich mit Prof. Dr. Dr. John Mack zusammen. Der ist Pulitzer-Preisträger in den USA, ist Professor an der Elite-Hochschule Harvard. Wir haben uns zwei, drei Abende unter vier Augen unterhalten. Er sagte mir: „Herr von Däniken, ich hasse es, beobachtet zu werden, aber es geht nicht mehr anders.“ Ich sage: Wieso denn? Ist doch alles Quatsch mit diesen Entführungen. Er erwiderte: „In bestimmten Fällen nicht. Weil wir Implantate gefunden haben.“
Es gibt tatsächlich Menschen mit Implantaten. Natürlich dann die Frage: Was soll denn das sein? Hat man es analysiert? Natürlich hat man es analysiert. Chemisch, physikalisch – aber wir werden nicht schlau, was es sein soll. Das sind so Dinge. Und dann kommen tatsächlich Menschen, die behaupten, sie seien vom Staat und fragen: „Herr von Däniken, können Sie uns Namen liefern? Mit wem haben Sie gesprochen?“ Was ich dann immer nicht mache. Ich muss zuerst den Gegenpart fragen, ob sie einverstanden seien. Sonst wird halt geschwiegen.
Und die Geheimdienstmitarbeiter lassen Sie dann in Ruhe?
Ja. Es gibt offenbar Gespräche mit UFO-Entführten. Sie werden analysiert und in Tomographie geschoben. Der Staat will wissen: Ist da irgendeine potenzielle Bedrohung für die Menschheit? Oder ist das alles nur Spinnerei? Darum geht’s dann. Ich habe die Antwort nicht. Ich persönlich habe bis heute immer noch kein UFO gesehen, mich noch mit keinem Außerirdischen unterhalten. Nur: Es gibt tatsächlich Menschen mit außerirdischen Implantaten.
Es gibt die sagenumwobenen untergegangenen Kontinente Atlantis und Lemurien. Haben Sie im Laufe Ihrer jahrelangen Forschung Hinweise auf noch ältere Hochkulturen gefunden?
Nein. Die Geschichte von Lemurien ist eine uralte Story. Und davon ist eigentlich nichts bewiesen. Es gibt zwar in den USA einen Indio-Stamm, das sind die Hopi. Sie behaupten, ihre Ur-Ur-Ur-Vorfahren hätten irgendwann im pazifischen Raum gelebt und dann seien die Inseln überschwemmt worden und sie hätten fliehen müssen und seien dann nach Südamerika gegangen, ins heutige Chile. Von dort seien sie dann hochgewandert, in die heutigen USA.
Atlantis ist eine Geschichte, die taucht zum ersten Mal bei Platon auf, dem griechischen Philosoph. Platon hatte in seinen zwei Büchern „Kritias“ und „Timaios“ intensive Diskussionen über Atlantis beschrieben.
Und der Mann, der in der Männerrunde über Atlantis berichtete, der hatte sich berufen auf einen Augenzeugen, der damals in Ägypten war. Die ganze Geschichte von Atlantis sei auf einer Säule eingeschrieben gewesen und er hätte sie auswendig gelernt. Und die Platon-Geschichte zu Atlantis ist eigentlich sehr, sehr einleuchtend. Weil er gibt genaue Maßangaben an: Wie breit ist die Hafenmole? Wieviel Schiffe? Wie war die Bedeckung der Häuser? Ich halte Atlantis für durchaus möglich. Wenn es tatsächlich so war, war Atlantis von Poseidon gegründet. Poseidon war wieder einer der Götter-Söhne, damit wieder einer der Außerirdischen. Das halte ich für durchaus plausibel.
Wenn die „Götter“ wiederkommen, werden die Aliens uns mit feindseligen Absichten besuchen?
Nein, überhaupt nicht. Es wird so etwas wie einen Evolutionssprung geben, von außen. Wir haben eine Evolution, wir sind Produkte der Evolution – aber nicht nur. Die Erde war nie ein geschlossenes System. Es gab zu allen Zeiten Eingriffe von außen. Die Kritiker sagen: „Das ist doch ein Blödsinn. Wie soll man sich das vorstellen?“ Wir Menschen haben in der Vergangenheit zum Beispiel einen Kirschbaum veredelt. Wir haben ganz einfach gepfropft, dazu muss man nichts wissen von Genetik. Und dennoch entstand eine bessere Kirsche. Etwas Ähnliches ist in der Vergangenheit passiert, zumindest den alten Texten nach.
Alexander Boos
Das komplette Interview mit Erich von Däniken zum Nachhören:
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
De aliens komen weer terug. Schrijver onthult in interview waartoe dit zal leiden
De aliens komen weer terug. Schrijver onthult in interview waartoe dit zal leiden
De aarde wordt al vele duizenden jaren door aliens bezocht. Omdat mensen vroeger geen idee hadden wat het waren, noemden ze deze wezens ook wel goden. Dat zegt de Zwitserse schrijver Erich von Däniken in gesprek met Sputnik Deutschland.
Het staat volgens hem vast dat deze aliens zullen terugkomen, alleen weet niemand precies wanneer. Wanneer dit gebeurt zullen we een evolutiesprong gaan maken, aldus de schrijver.
Hij merkt op dat in oude geschriften, zoals het boek van Henoch, al wordt gesproken over ruimteschepen en aliens.
In één van zijn boeken heeft Von Däniken geschreven over de Maya’s. Die hadden twee kalenders: een normale aardse kalender met 365 dagen en een ‘godenkalender’ met 260 dagen.
“Die laatste kalender paste nergens in onze wereld,” vertelt Von Däniken. “Met 260 dagen konden we niets beginnen.”
Toen zei een professor van de Universiteit van Bonn, een Maya-kenner, tegen mij: “Meneer Von Däniken, deze kalender is gemakkelijk te verklaren.”
“Tussen Mars en Jupiter bevindt zich de asteroïdengordel, die bestaat uit duizenden kleine en grotere stukken steen,” vervolgde hij.
“Als daar een planeet had gestaan, zou die in 260 dagen om de zon draaien,” aldus de professor, die met klem zei dat hij anoniem wilde blijven.
Von Däniken moest altijd lachen om mensen die zeiden dat ze door aliens ontvoerd waren. Tot hij professor dr. John Mack van de Harvard-universiteit tegenkwam.
“Dat is toch allemaal onzin, die verhalen over die ontvoeringen?” vroeg Von Däniken aan hem.
“In bepaalde gevallen niet,” antwoordde de Pulitzerprijswinnaar. “We hebben namelijk implantaten gevonden.”
Er hebben zich onlangs spannende taferelen afgespeeld in de buurt van de Braziliaanse stad Sao Paulo.
In een deel van de stad Peruibe viel de stroom uit en zagen bewoners een UFO landen op een veld in hun wijk.
Wanneer er tastbare gevolgen zijn en meerdere mensen vertellen hetzelfde, dan kan dat als een aardig betrouwbaar verhaal worden beschouwd over een vreemde gebeurtenis.
Het voorval vond al op 7 oktober plaats, maar de autoriteiten kwamen pas op 19 oktober met een verklaring omtrent het gebeurde, omdat men eerst ter plekke onderzoek wilde doen, voordat alle sporen door nieuwsgierige kijkers zouden zijn uitgewist.
Het stadje Peruibe telt ongeveer 60.000 inwoners en ligt aan de kust, niet ver van Sao Paulo.
Het voorval vond plaats tegen zonsopkomst toen verschillende mensen in de buurt vreemde lichten zagen en ook tegelijkertijd de stroom uitviel.
Ook werden er lichten waargenomen die als het ware in de richting van de huizen schenen en één echtpaar meldde dat het leek alsof het licht recht op hun huis af kwam.
Omdat het nog donker was, was er verder weinig meer te zien, maar bij daglicht was de plek waar de UFO zou zijn geland heel duidelijk waar te nemen op een begroeid veld.
Volgens onderzoeker Saga Susseliton Souza is het zeker dat de sporen op het veld niet gemaakt zijn door iets menselijks. Het was absoluut een UFO die dit heeft veroorzaakt, omdat de begroeiing nergens is gebroken, maar alleen gebogen.
De UFO kwam volgens hem naar beneden in cirkelvormige bewegingen en liet sporen na die enigszins te vergelijken zijn met die van een graancirkel.
Onderzoeker Souza claimt 35 jaar ervaring te hebben in onderzoek naar UFO's en zegt dat de autoriteiten terecht het gebied onmiddellijk hebben afgezet. Anderen spreken alweer van een UFO doofpot, omdat het zolang heeft geduurd voordat deze gebeurtenis bekend werd gemaakt.
De bewoners van het huis dat zich het dichtst bij de landingsplek bevond van ongeveer dertien meter lengte, meldden dat ze zich in de dagen daarna niet lekker en vooral misselijk voelden.
Wij hebben gezocht via Google in dat gebied met de beschikbare gegevens "Rua 19, in the Balneário São João Batista 3 neighborhood", waarbij dan het volgende plaatje naar voren komt.
Daarop is het originele veld te zien zoals het er uitzag voordat er een UFO landde en in dat opzicht klopt het verhaal wel, want het veld ziet er inderdaad anders uit.
Peruiba mag met recht een UFO hotspot worden genoemd, want alleen al op de website Ufo Hunters zijn sinds 1998 zo'n 79 waarnemingen in en rond deze stad.
Met zoveel waarnemingen is het niet zo vreemd dat er ondertussen jaarlijks een UFO conferentie plaatsvindt en maakt het plaatsje ook steeds meer gebruik van de reputatie die het begint te krijgen als UFO hotspot om toeristen te trekken.
Recently, thousands of people around the world are claiming to be having the exact same terrifying experience.
They all report the same symptoms: hearing operator voices in their heads, suffering from ‘electronic torture’ and being subject to organized stalking - they call themselves ‘Targeted Individuals’.
A number have attempted many things to relieve their pain - from living life on the run to surgically removing their own flesh because they believe it’s implanted with microchips.
VICE follows a growing community who say they are being targeted as part of a government program that is harassing and controlling them using hidden technology.
Bizarre Blue 'Flashes and Glows' May Reveal Thunderstorm Secrets
Bizarre Blue 'Flashes and Glows' May Reveal Thunderstorm Secrets
By Samantha Mathewson, Contributor
Bright, blue flashes stretch from the tops of powerful thunderstorms toward the edge of space, providing a fascinating celestial show for astronauts on the International Space Station, and now, scientists are learning more about these showstopping displays.
In 2015, European Space Agency astronaut Andreas Mogensen captured a video of the strange blue flashes dancing above the clouds as the space station passed over the Bay of Bengal.
These features are called blue jets — a type of transient luminous event (TLE) resulting from activity in and below powerful thunderstorms on Earth. One of the photographs captured by Mogensen showed a pulsating blue jet that stretched 25 miles (40 kilometers) above sea level, according to a statement from NASA. [Earth From Space: Amazing Astronaut Photos]
Using these observations, researchers from Denmark's National Space Institute studied the elusive features to learn more about how storms form and develop over time. Their findings showed that 245 pulsating blue discharges were observed during the 160 seconds of video footage, which is equal to roughly 90 blue-jet flashes per minute, the researchers said in a new study describing the findings.
The study also revealed evidence of red sprites, which glow in the upper atmosphere following large lightning flashes on Earth. Red sprites are difficult to detect because they last only a few milliseconds.
In fact, visual evidence of TLEs wasn't available until 1989. Some of the first observations of these events were of red sprites photographed by cameras on board the space shuttle, as well as from images taken during a NASA and University of Alaska airborne campaign.
Recently, however, astronauts aboard the space station have been able to capture various natural light shows on camera, including red sprites over two different storms within 3 minutes of each other — first over the American Midwest and then later near the coast of El Salvador. These red sprites, which were spotted in August 2015, stretched roughly 60 miles (100 km) above Earth, according to the statement.
Observations of strange atmospheric features like red sprites and blue jets help improve researchers' understanding of lightning and thunderstorms, which can lead to better storm models and weather forecasts. Furthermore, researchers also aim to learn more about why storms produce different TLEsin different circumstances.
"TLE studies have been, to an extent, fortunate observation," Tim Lang, an atmospheric scientist at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, said in the statement. "We've gotten better at finding them, but it's mostly case-based analysis."
Researchers will soon have the opportunity to capture even better storm observations from space using NASA's Lightning Imaging Sensor, which was installed on the orbiting lab in February 2017, and the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor, which is slated to launch to the space station later this year. These instruments will allow researchers to analyze storms from both below and above, and closely examine thunderstorms' impact on Earth's atmosphere.
Researchers from the University of Newcastle in Australia have found a way to print solar tiles. This method is cheaper and faster than traditional methods and could potentially be a game changer in the renewable energy industry.
Solar panels have become increasingly inexpensive in the past months. However, while a number of large-scale energy producers are shifting towards solar power, there is still a lack of homes that have adopted the technology. In Australia, a place bathed in seemingly constant direct sunlight, price is still a major stumbling block for homeowners considering switching to solar. Things may be about to change, however, thanks to a new variety of solar tile developed by researchers from the University of Newcastle (UON).
Image Credit: University of Newcastle
Instead of the photovoltaics (PVs) that traditional panels use, UON’s Paul Dastoor and his team are testing printable solar tiles. “It’s completely different from a traditional solar cell. They tend to be large, heavy, encased in glass — tens of millimeters thick,” Dastoor told Mashable. “We’re printing them on plastic film that’s less than 0.1 of a millimeter thick.”
Currently, UON is one of only three sites that are testing printed solar. “We’ve put in the first 100 square metres of printed solar cells up on roofs, and now we’re testing that durability in real weather conditions,” Dastoor said. As soon as the performance and durability of these tiles are confirmed, it could easily go into market production.
Dastoor and his team are excited about the potential these printed tiles have in influencing the wide-scale adoption of PVs, especially for homes. “The low-cost and speed at which this technology can be deployed is exciting, particularly in the current Australian energy context where we need to find solutions, and quickly, to reduce demand on base-load power,” he explained in UON feature article.
Just for reference, Tesla’s solar tiles — which Elon Musk promised to be cheaper than regular roofs — are priced at around US $235 per tile. Meanwhile, Dastoor’s printed solars can be sold at less than US$ 7.42 per tile, which is comparatively very cheap, “[W]e expect in a short period of time the energy we generate will be cheaper than that generated via coal-based fire stations,” Dastoor explained.
Of course, whether tiles are printed or created with traditional PVs, solar energy is currently a major leading renewable energy source. And, solar power is not only incredibly environmentally friendly — producing energy without harmful byproducts that contribute to climate change — it can also generate more energythan fossil fuels.
BRIGHT BURST After two neutron stars slammed together, scientists detected gravitational waves, a burst of gamma rays and a glow from ejected material, shown in this artist’s conception.
WASHINGTON — Two ultradense cores of dead stars have produced a long-awaited cosmic collision, showering scientists with riches.
The event was the first direct sighting of a smashup of neutron stars, which are formed when aging stars explode and leave behind a neutron-rich remnant. In the wake of the collision, the churning residue forged gold, silver, platinum and a smattering of other heavy elements such as uranium, researchers reported October 16 at a news conference in Washington, D.C. Such elements’ birthplaces were previously unknown, but their origins were revealed by the cataclysm’s afterglow.
“It really is the last missing piece” of the periodic table, says Anna Frebel, an astronomer at MIT who was not involved in the research. “This is heaven for anyone working in the field.” After the collision, about 10 times the Earth’s mass in gold was spewed out into space, some scientists calculated.
Using data gathered by about 70 different observatories, astronomers characterized the event in exquisite detail, releasing a slew of papers describing the results. A tremor of gravitational waves, spotted by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, LIGO, on August 17, provided the first sign of the cataclysm.
Light types
Telescopes picked up the afterglow of two converging neutron stars in a variety of wavelengths of light, from ultraviolet (left, image from NASA’s Swift satellite) to infrared (middle, image from the Gemini South telescope) to radio waves (right, image from the Very Large Array).
“Already it is transforming our understanding of the universe, with a fresh narrative of the physics of stars in their death throes,” said France Córdova, director of the National Science Foundation, which funds LIGO.
A sequence of various types of electromagnetic radiation followed that gravitational trill, like musical instruments taking turns in a symphony. A burst of gamma rays segued into a glow of visible and infrared light, first spotted about 12 hours after the smashup. More than a week later, as those wavelengths faded away, X-rays crescendoed, followed by radio waves.
Combining gravitational waves with light from a neutron star merger is a long-held dream of astrophysicists. “The picture that you can put together by having all of those sources is synergistic,” says LIGO spokesperson David Shoemaker of MIT. “You can make inferences that otherwise would be impossible."
That detailed picture revealed the inner workings of neutron star collisions and the source of brief blasts of high-energy light called short gamma-ray bursts. Researchers also calculated how fast the universe is expanding and tested the properties of the odd material within neutron stars.
For astrophysicists, “this event is the Rosetta stone,” says LIGO member Richard O’Shaughnessy of the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York.
LIGO’s two detectors, located in the United States, registered an unmistakable sign of the upheaval: A shimmying of space itself that continued for about 100 seconds before cutting off. It was the strongest and longest series of spacetime ripples LIGO had ever seen. At that point, scientists knew they had something big, says LIGO member Vicky Kalogera of Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. “The e-mails that were circulated said, ‘Oh my God, this is it.’”
That vibration was an indication of a cosmic crash: Whirling round each other as if on an ill-fated merry-go-round, two orbiting neutron stars spiraled closer and closer, until they converged. The neutron stars, whose masses were between 1.17 and 1.60 times that of the sun, probably collapsed into a black hole, although LIGO scientists were unable to determine the stars' fate for certain. LIGO has previously spotted mergers of swirling black holes with masses tens of times that of the sun (SN Online: 9/27/17); the smaller masses of the orbiting duo pointed the finger at neutron stars. And because black holes aren’t expected to emit light, the fireworks show that followed solidified the case for neutron stars.
LIGO’s sister experiment in Italy, Advanced Virgo, saw only a faint signal. That relatively weak detection helped narrow down where the convulsion occurred to “a part of the sky that was a blind spot of Virgo,” Kalogera says. That constrained the site to within a region of about 30 square degrees in the southern sky.
Just 1.7 seconds after the gravitational wave signal, NASA’s Fermi space telescope spotted a glimmer of gamma rays in the same neighborhood of the sky. Meanwhile, other telescopes swung into action, picking up a glow where none had been before. “We saw what looked like a new star,” says astronomer Edo Berger of Harvard University, who led a team that spotted the light with the DECam on the Blanco telescope in Chile. Berger’s was one of several teams that observed the blast’s light. That detection pinpointed the galaxy NGC 4993, 130 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Hydra, as the collision site. “There was this moment of disbelief: Wow, we actually did it. We found it,” Berger says.
Brought to light
After gravitational waves narrowed down the region of sky where two neutron stars collided, telescopes pinpointed a spot of light (right, indicated with red lines) where none had been before (left).
That afterglow also revealed an amazing story of stellar alchemy: With the stars’ death came the birth of elements. As the collision spurted neutron-rich material into space, a bevy of heavy elements formed, through a chain of reactions called the r-process (SN:5/14/16, p. 9). In this process, which requires an environment crammed with neutrons, atomic nuclei rapidly gobble up neutrons and decay radioactively, thereby transforming into new elements, before resuming their neutron gorgefest. The r-process is thought to produce about half of the elements heavier than iron.
Scientists detected the characteristic glow of this process, called a kilonova, in follow-up observations. “Until this event, we had never directly seen anywhere in nature these heavy elements being forged. Now we have,” says Brian Metzger, a theoretical astrophysicist at Columbia University. “It is a feeling like you’ve discovered some kind of secret of nature.”
Previously, astrophysicists disagreed about where the r-process occurs: Two top candidates were exploding stars called supernovas (SN: 2/18/17, p. 24) and neutron star mergers. Although scientists can’t yet say whether all r-process elements are produced in neutron star mergers, the amount such collisions should produce appears large enough to explain the abundances found in the universe.
Element factory
Light emitted after a neutron star collision showed signs of heavy elements present in the aftermath, confirming that certain elements (yellow) are produced in such mergers. Other elements are produced in different ways, including in exploding massive stars and dying low mass stars.
Additional riches were revealed by gamma rays. Scientists spotted a phenomenon called a short gamma-ray burst, a brief spurt of high-energy light, less than two seconds long. Such paroxysms are relatively common, appearing in the sky about 50 times a year. But finding their source is “a long-standing problem in astrophysics,” says theoretical astrophysicist Rosalba Perna of Stony Brook University in New York. The detection clinched it: Short gamma-ray bursts come from neutron star tête-à-têtes.
By studying how the neutron stars spiraled inward, astrophysicists also tested the “squishiness” of neutron star material for the first time. This extreme substance is so dense that a teaspoonful of it would have a mass of around a billion metric tons, and scientists don’t fully understand how it responds when squeezed, a property known as its “equation of state.” Measuring this property could give scientists a better understanding of the strange material. Although the results couldn’t pin down whether the neutron stars were squishy, some theories that predicted ultrasquishy neutron stars were ruled out.
Closing in
LIGO and Virgo used gravitational waves to narrow down the region (white outlines) where two neutron stars smacked into one another. NASA’s Fermi space telescope detected gamma rays from within the region outlined in yellow. Visible light from the crash allowed scientists to pinpoint the galaxy NGC 4993 (red dot).
The neutron stars’ union also gave researchers the opportunity to gauge the universe’s expansion rate, by measuring the distance of the collision using gravitational waves and comparing that to how much the wavelength of light from the galaxy was stretched by the expansion. Scientists have previously measured this property, known as the Hubble constant, through other means. But those measurements are in disagreement, leaving scientists scrambling to explain the discrepancy (SN: 8/6/16, p. 10).
Now, scientists have “a totally different, independent measurement,” says LIGO collaboration member Daniel Holz of the University of Chicago. The new measurement indicates that distantly separated galaxies are spreading apart at about 70 kilometers per second for each megaparsec between them. It falls squarely between the two previous estimates: 67 and 73 km/s per megaparsec. Though this collision can’t yet resolve the debate, future mergers could help improve the measurement.
“These are all just unbelievable, major advances,” Holz says. “It’s really been this insane thrill.”
The excitement has yet to die down. Take it from astronomer Ryan Foley of the University of California, Santa Cruz, whose team was the first to spot visible light from the merger: “This is certainly the biggest discovery of my career and probably will be the biggest discovery of my entire life.”
Researchers announced October 16 that Advanced LIGO (the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) and its sister experiment, Advanced Virgo, have detected gravitational waves from colliding neutron stars — a cosmic crash also observed by more than 70 observatories around the world.
Editor's note: This story will be updated throughout the day as more information becomes available.
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and The Virgo Collaboration, The 1M2H Collaboration, The Dark Energy Camera GW-EM Collaboration and the DES Collaboration, The DLT40 Collaboration, The Las Cumbres Observatory Collaboration, The VINROUGE Collaboration & The MASTER Collaboration. A gravitational-wave standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant. Nature. Published online October 16, 2017. doi: 10.1038/nature24471.
Astronomers use astronomical units – or AU – to describe solar system distances. Definition of AU here. Also, mean distances in AU to prominent solar system objects.
Artist’s concept of Earth and sun. One astronomical unit = the average distance between them. Image via NASA.
Astronomers like to list the distances to objects within our solar system (planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, spacecraft, etc.) in terms of an astronomical unit. How far is that? Follow the links below to learn more about this basic distance unit in our solar system.
For general reference, we can say that one astronomical unit (AU) represents the mean distance between the Earth and our sun. An AU is approximately 93 million miles (150 million km). It’s approximately 8 light-minutes.
More exactly, one astronomical unit (AU) = 92,955,807 miles (149,597,871 km).
Earth’s orbit around the sun isn’t a perfect circle. So Earth’s distance from the sun changes throughout the year. Astronomers give the Earth’s changing distance throughout the year relative to the astronomical unit, too. For instance, when the Earth is at perihelion – its nearest point to the sun for the year, in January – it’s about 0.983 AU from the sun. When our planet swings out to aphelion – its farthest point, in July – we’re about 1.017 AU away from the sun.
Distances from the sun of planets in our solar system, expressed in A.U. Graph via
Mean distance (semi-major axis) from sun to each planet, in AU.
Mercury: 0.387 AU Venus: 0.723 AU Earth: 1.000 AU Mars: 1.524 AU Jupiter: 5.203 AU Saturn: 9.582 AU Uranus: 19.201 AU Neptune: 30.047 AU
Largest circle with yellow arrow indicates one light year from our sun. Smallest yellow sphere is one light-week. Larger yellow sphere is one light-month. Read more about this image at Wikimedia Commons.
Bottom line: Astronomers like to list the distances to objects within our solar system (planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, spacecraft, etc.) in terms of the astronomical unit, or AU. One astronomical unit is the approximate mean distance between the Earth and sun. It’s about 93 million miles (150 million km), or 8 light-minutes.
It’s the best and most stable example to date of a near-Earth companion, or “quasi-satellite.” It’s a small asteroid called 2016 HO3. It travels along with Earth in orbit around the sun.
Planetary astronomers – those who work on objects within our own solar system – are meeting last week in Provo, Utah. One of the presentations – from Vishnu Reddy at the University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory – provided new data an objects discovered in 2016 that appeared to be moving with Earth around the sun. Was it a burned-out rocket booster, tumbling along a peculiar near-Earth orbit around the sun, and only occasionally getting close enough to be studied with even the largest telescopes? Reddy’s recent work says no. The object, called 2016 HO3, isn’t space junk, but instead an ordinary asteroid, albeit a tiny one, similar to many near-Earth objects now known to be zipping past Earth continually.
Except 2016 HO3 isn’t zipping past. It’s traveling with us.
2016 HO3 is a small near-Earth object (NEO) measuring no more than 100 meters (330 feet) across that, while orbiting the sun, also appears to circle around the Earth as a quasi-satellite. Only five quasi-satellites have been discovered so far, but 2016 HO3 is the most stable of them. The provenance of this object is unknown. On timescales of a few centuries, 2016 HO3 remains within 38 to 100 lunar-distances from us.
Observations also show that the HO3 rotates once every 28 minutes and is made of materials similar to asteroids. The astronomers know this because light reflected off the surface of 2016 HO3 is similar to that of other near-Earth objects and to meteorites on Earth’s surface. Reddy said:
In an effort to constrain its rotation period and surface composition, we observed 2016 HO3 on April 14 and 18 with the Large Binocular Telescope and the Discovery Channel Telescope. The derived rotation period and the spectrum of emitted light are not uncommon amongst small NEOs, suggesting that 2016 HO3 is a natural object of similar provenance to other small NEOs.
The LBTO blog post explained the object’s strange orbit:
One way to visualize HO3’s orbit is by picturing a hula hoop dancer — the sun in this analogy — twirling two hoops around the hips at the same time, ever so slightly out of sync. While it orbits the sun, the object makes yearly loops around the Earth.
As a result, the object appears to orbit the Earth, but it is not gravitationally bound to our planet.
Of the near-Earth objects we know of, these types of objects would be the easiest to reach, so they could potentially make suitable targets for exploration.
2016 HO3 is seen at the top left corner of this animation made of ten 2mn long exposures in I band using MODS1 on the left side of LBT – The telescope is tracking the moving asteroid, so background stars (and even a couple of galaxies) are trailed.
Doofpot rond aliens blijft niet lang meer dicht. Dit zei een lucht- en ruimtevaartingenieur hierover op tv
Doofpot rond aliens blijft niet lang meer dicht. Dit zei een lucht- en ruimtevaartingenieur hierover op tv
Begin deze maand was in het Vlaamse avondprogramma Gert Late Night aandacht voor het onderwerp buitenaards leven. Dat naar aanleiding van de populaire documentaire Unacknowledged, die sinds kort op Netflix is te zien.
Voor Karen van de Belgische meidengroep K3, die de film ook bekeek, is het nu zonneklaar dat aliens bestaan en de aarde hebben bezocht.
Ze riep in het programma iedereen op de documentaire te bekijken en vindt dat we hier niet meer lacherig om moeten doen.
Geen onderzoek Coen Vermeeren (Gert Late Night)
Lucht- en ruimtevaartingenieur Coen Vermeeren vertelde in Gert Late Night dat de wetenschap hier geen onderzoek naar mag doen.
Hij merkte op dat één van de belangrijkste UFO-waarnemingen in de recente geschiedenis in België is gedaan. Dat was de UFO-golf van 1989-1991.
“Ik heb zelf contact opgenomen met voormalig luchtmachtgeneraal Wilfried De Brouwer en hij zei dat het een zeer serieuze waarneming was en dat vele tienduizenden Belgen het hebben gezien,” zei Vermeeren.
Nooit achterhaald
“Er is zeer serieus onderzoek naar gedaan, ze zijn er met F-16’s achteraan gevlogen, hebben er radarbeelden van en ze hebben nooit achterhaald wat het is geweest,” voegde hij toe.
De Brouwer wilde dat universiteiten hier onderzoek naar zouden doen, maar dat gebeurde niet, aldus Vermeeren.
Volgens de lucht- en ruimtevaartingenieur gaat de documentaire alles veranderen en is het een gamechanger van de eerste orde.
“Maar er zijn heel veel belanghebbenden die dat gewoon niet willen,” lichtte hij toe.
Zo heeft de deep state waarover de laatste tijd veel wordt gesproken er geen belang bij dat mensen meer te weten komen over onze buren in het heelal.
Vermeeren denkt echter dat de doofpot niet lang meer dicht kan blijven.
Just what exactly is going on in the skies lately? Terrifying and unexplained explosion noises have been heard around the world in the past few months, sometimes within a few hours of one another and on opposite sides of the world. While this phenomenon is nothing new, it certainly seems to be happening with increasing frequency lately. In my home state of North Carolina, a powerful booming sound rattled windows and doors earlier this month shortly before a piece of rocket debris washed up on NC’s shores. A few weeks later on October 18th, a similar loud explosion was heard not far from the same area with enough pressure to cause glass doors to bow inwards. At this time there’s still no explanation for the sound.
Whether or not the boom and the debris are related remains unknown.
Much farther north, similar powerful booms were heard and felt in Alaska and British Columbia on that same day, October 18. Residents of Charlie Lake, B.C. said the boom was so loud and percussive that they thought something had exploded nearbyor fallen on their houses. Spokespersons with both the Canadian Armed Forces and the B.C. Oil and Gas Commission say they know of no activities which could explain the anomalous booms. However, some B.C. residents took to social media to say they saw a fireball streaking across the sky that night. Could a small meteorite have caused this explosion in the sky?
The Russian Progress capsule was carrying a secret scientific module which the Russian space agency refused to identify or explain.
Could all of these fireballs and mystery booms be merely natural phenomena, or is something darker happening here? Are we being kept in the dark about an impending meteorite bombardment, or perhaps could some sort of corporate aerospace black ops or classified military operation be underway? Whatever the cause, something strange is afoot overheard, that’s for sure.
Distance to Object(s): roughly 100 to 120 ft. above the ground
Shape of Object(s): Disc
Color of Object(s): The object was surrounded by pale green light, and an intense conical beam of emerald-green light was coming from the center of the under-part towards the ground.
Number of Witnesses:
Source: Joel Mesnard, FSR Vol. 19. No. 3
Summary/Description: Legionnaire N.G., was on sentry duty at a Foreign Legion camp at Bouamama during the Algerian War, when he saw an enormous, roundish object descending. It stopped when it was about 35-40 meters above the ground, and began to hover there, motionless and silent. He estimated it to be as much as 350 meters wide. The witness feels that something most unusual happened to him psychologically.
1958: Enormous UFO seen during Algerian War
Map Data
Full Report
Representation of the craft seen by the soldier.
An Algerian report of 1958
Joel Mesnard
An extraordinary UFO sighting was reported one night in March, 1958, during the Algerian War, at a Foreign Legion camp at Bouamama in the Sud Constantinois. The sole witness. Legionnaire N.G., was on sentry duty outside the camp. The site where he was consisted of a fortified emplacement dug out of the ground, lightly armored and equipped with a telephone connected to the camp.
The night was cloudless and the moon was shining. All was silent on the desert landscape. No large-scale operations were being carried out in the area at the time so N.G., who had been in the Legion for three years, was not feeling especially anxious. He was sitting on the ground near ihe trench, and had his rifle. If anything unexpected happened he was supposed either to fire his rifle or call the camp by telephone.
Suddenly, at a few minutes after 0.30 hours, something did happen. What it was that happened, we cannot say for sure. The witness remembers seeing a positive, physical phenomenon of enormous size. But he feels that something most unusual happened to him psychologically. And he freely admits that there might well be a difference between what he sincerely remembers and what actually took place.
It began with a whistling noise, the sort of noise you hear if you blow into the neck of a bottle. This sound seemed to him to be coming down from the sky. He immediately looked up, and saw an enormous, roundish object descending. It stopped when it was about 35-40 meters (roughly 100 to 120 ft.) above the ground, and began to hover there, motionless and silent.
He estimated it to be as much as 350 meters wide (1,000 ft.). As seen by him slightly from below, during the arrival and take-off phases, it seemed to be elliptical in shape, quite independently of the perspective effect that makes a disc look elliptical when observed from a point outside the disc’s center-line. Its span might, he thought, have been in the neighborhood of 250 meters. He estimated the distance between himself and the nearest edge of the object at little more than 50 meters (150 ft.).
When I asked Monsieur N.G. to extend his arms towards the ends of the object as he recalled seeing it, he held them out at an angle of about 100 between them. This estimate would fit quite well with the estimates given above of its size and its distance from him.
The object was surrounded by pale green light, and an intense conical beam of emerald-green light was coming from the center of the under-part towards the ground.
Legionnaire N.G. did not fire his rifle, nor did he pick up the telephone. He just remembers staring at the object for 45 to 50 minutes. The pale green and emerald colors were the most beautiful, relaxing and fascinating colors he had ever seen. Legionnaire N.G. had forgotten all about the war. All nervous or psychological tension had gone from his mind. He was just feeling happy.
Then came the noise again, like somebody blowing into a bottle, and the object started rising gently, until it had reached a height of about I(K) or 120 meters. Then it flew offal tremendous speed towards the North-West, climbing as it went.
What the Legionnaire then felt was a sort of sadness at the disappearance of this beautiful sight. After a few minutes this feeling began to fade, yielding place to a return of his ordinary state of consciousness, until his full mental faculties were back. He quickly picked up the telephone and reported what he had seen. To his great amazement however the officer at the camp simply replied in the manner: “Alright. We’ll see about it tomorrow morning.”
Greatly disappointed at the officer’s reaction, N.G. continued his watch until he was relieved by another man in the early hours of the morning. He again reported his experience, and this time more attention was paid to him. Some of his superiors were inclined to believe his story, because N.G., then aged 28, was a well-respected soldier and was considered serious and reliable. The majority however thought it was just a case of psychological trouble caused by the tough conditions of war in the desert.
A careful investigation was carried out at the scene of the sighting. N.G. recalls with a smile that the officers even examined the sand with a magnifying lens. No footprints, no marks, no alien material was found in the area, and no smell either.
Probably more for medical than for “ufological” reasons, the witness was thoroughly questioned by officers. He stuck to his original story, and the affair was considered to be quite amazing. He was sent lo the Military Hospital at Val dc Grace in Paris. There he was kept for a week under dose scrutiny by neurologists and psychiatrists. An electroencephalogram revealed nothing unusual. The conclusion of all the doctors was that N.G. was in a slate of good physical and mental health. He had not been notably affected by the strains caused by wartime service in Algeria. He had no tendency towards drinking, and was considered to be competent for service in the Foreign Legion, which means an especially hard way of life. Indeed, no man with a tendency towards dreaming or science-fiction, or with an over-developed imagination or analytical, critical mind would he selected for service in the Legion.
Monsieur N.G., who is today a civilian, is obviously a man with a strong sense of the realities of everyday life, and seems lo be just the opposite of an over sensitive type or a poet.
What happened that night in Bouamama? It is just as difficult for us to believe in the physical features of the reported sighting as it is for us not to believe in the sincerity of the witness.
Monsieur N.G. obviously is not seeking publicity. He just recounts his experience, in a natural manner, to his own close relatives, and when I met him in May 1970, he looked slightly reluctant for the first few minutes, and then answered my questions without emphasis on any particular feature.
I have been unable so far to find any evidence from military sources regarding his alleged experience. The
Val de Grace Hospital in Paris does not keep documents about patients beyond a period of ten years.
The size of the reported object is so large that, if it actually was where the witness claims to have seen it, it must have been visible from the camp at an angle of about 60 . Yet nobody else reported seeing it. When 1 asked him about the possible reasons for his having been the only witness, N.G. replied that it is in no way astonishing, since most of the men in the camp were asleep in their barracks at the time. There was a legionnaire on sentry duty at the opposite end of the camp, and he could have seen the UFO at an angle of almost 40 ! And yet that sentry reported nothing. Monsieur N.G. does not think that the slope or the irregular pattern of the ground could have been sufficient to render the phenomenon invisible from the camp.
The witness seems to be conscious that something quite extraordinary happened to his mind, but he seems to believe quite positively in the geometrical features of his “sighting.” He says he has had no disease or illness of any kind since the night of the sighting, and no unusual physical or mental conditions. He has never had any other experiences involving flying saucers, cither before, or since, his experience at Bouamama. What happened to him there in 1958 has left him with the belief that “there is something,” and that “something is coming from another world to watch ours.” Regarding his amazingly peaceful state during the sighting, he uses words like: “It was like time running very slowly . . .” and “it was like being in another world.”
Since the experience he had felt a certain degree of interest in flying saucers, and recalls having read about UFOs in newspapers and magazines. In any case, the subject definitely docs not upset him and his experience, however extraordinary it may seem, has not notably changed his life.
The Bouamama case, devoid as it is of physical evidence but so puzzling in many respects, invites comparison with a number of other cases. What she wrote of the witness actually was leaves much to our imagination. It is just one more of those very special UFO sightings which lead us to think that Ufology may somehow be related to some obscure psychic phenomenon.
Take a Break And Travel Through Our Beautiful Solar System With New Google Maps
Google Maps
Take a Break And Travel Through Our Beautiful Solar System With New Google Maps
Let's blow this popsicle stand.
We can't all go to space, but we can now take a poke around our Solar System thanks to Google Maps.
The internet giant's mapping service has expanded its map of the nearby celestial bodies to include three new planets and a whole bunch of new moons to explore. And it's even more awesome than it sounds.
Previously, the service had only included Earth, of course, along with Mars, the Moon, and the International Space Station, with data collected from the NOAA, the ESO, JAXA, NASA, and in the case of the ISS, astronaut Thomas Pesquet, who captured data for Street View.
Now we have Venus, Mercury, Pluto and the moons Ceres, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Mimas, Enceladus, Dione, Rhea, Titan and Iapetus to explore, thanks to NASA data.
You won't be able to get as up close and personal with these planets as you can with Street View, since we don't have surface-level photographs, but you can spin them around, and have a good zoom in on things - like a nice virtual globe.
"Explore the icy plains of Enceladus, where Cassini discovered water beneath the moon's crust - suggesting signs of life," Google Street View product manager Stafford Marquardt wrote in a blog post.
"Peer beneath the thick clouds of Titan to see methane lakes. Inspect the massive crater of Mimas - while it might seem like a sci-fi look-a-like, it is a moon, not a space station."
Image data was collected together from several NASA and ESA missions, including Cassini, which collected a lot of information and photographs of Saturn and its moons. Pluto data was taken from New Horizons, so a lot of it is pretty blurry, but the detail on the Sleipnir Fossa and the Morgoth Macula is breathtaking.
Mercury was examined in detail by Messenger between 2011 and 2015, and Google credits mapping companies Orion Map Data and AfriGIS for Venus data.
Some of this data was compiled into maps by astronomical artist Björn Jónsson, whose website is really fun to poke around in.
There are a few planets missing. For all the Cassini data used, the new lineup has a rather glaring omission - Saturn, the ringed planet. Jupiter also has a probe, Juno, busily collecting data, so maybe we'll see the gas giants join the collection sometime.
We don't have probes checking out our ice giants, Neptune and Uranus, but NASA is hoping to get some out there eventually. Given how long the trip to those reaches of the solar system takes, though, they probably won't join the Google Maps fun for at least another decade.
In the meantime, though, there's plenty for you to explore. You can check it all out on Google Maps' handy space page.
Or you could go for space and time with the TARDIS, Google Maps style.
Looking For Signs of Extraterrestrial Life Just Got a Whole Lot Easier
"Venus-like” exoplanet GJ 1132b.
Image Credit:
Looking For Signs of Extraterrestrial Life Just Got a Whole Lot Easier
There's a new test for alien habitability.
When it comes to searching for worlds that could support extra-terrestrial life, scientists currently rely on the "low-hanging fruit" approach.
Since we only know of one set of conditions under which life can thrive – i.e. what we have here on Earth – it makes sense to look for worlds that have these same conditions. These include being located within a star's habitable zone, having a stable atmosphere, and being able to maintain liquid water on the surface.
Until now, scientists have relied on methods that make it very difficult to detect water vapour in the atmosphere's of terrestrial planets. But thanks to a new study led by Yuka Fujii of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), that may be about to change.
Using a new three-dimensional model that takes into account global circulation patterns, this study also indicates that habitable exoplanets may be more common than we thought.
In addition to Fujii, who is also a member of the Earth-Life Science Institute at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, the research team included Anthony D. Del Genio (GISS) and David S. Amundsen (GISS and Columbia University).
To put it simply, liquid water is essential to life as we know it. If a planet does not have a sufficiently warm atmosphere in order to maintain liquid water for a sufficient amount of time (on the order of billions of years), then it is unlikely that life will not be able to emerge and evolve.
If a planet is too distant from its star, its surface water will freeze; if it is too close, its surface water will evaporate and be lost to space.
While water has been detected in the atmospheres of exoplanets before, in all cases, the planets were massive gas giants that orbited very closely to their stars (AKA "Hot Jupiters"). As Fujii and his colleagues state in their study:
"Although H2O signatures have been detected in the atmospheres of hot Jupiters, detecting molecular signatures, including H2O, on temperate terrestrial planets is exceedingly challenging, because of the small planetary radius and the small scale height (due to the lower temperature and presumably larger mean molecular weight)."
When it comes to terrestrial (i.e. rocky) exoplanets, previous studies were forced to rely on one-dimensional models to calculate the presence of water.
This consisted of measuring hydrogen loss, where water vapour in the stratosphere is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
By measuring the rate at which hydrogen is lost to space, scientists would estimate the amount of liquid water still present on the surface.
However, as Fujii and his colleagues explain, such models rely on several assumptions that cannot be addressed, which include the global transport of heat and water vapour, as well as the effects of clouds.
Basically, previous models predicted that for water vapour to reach the stratosphere, long-term surface temperatures on these exoplanets would have to be more than 66°C (150°F) higher than what we experience here on Earth.
These temperatures could create powerful convective storms on the surface. However, these storms could not be the reason water reaches the stratosphere when it comes to slowly rotating planets entering a moist greenhouse state – where water vapour intensifies heat.
Planets that orbit closely to their parent stars are known to either have a slow rotation or to be tidally-locked with their planets, thus making convective storms unlikely.
This occurs quite often for terrestrial planets that are located around low-mass, ultra cool, M-type (red dwarf) stars. For these planets, their proximity to their host star means that it's gravitational influence will be strong enough to slow down or completely arrest their rotation.
When this occurs, thick clouds form on the dayside of the planet, protecting it from much of the star's light.
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The team found that, while this could keep the dayside cool and prevent water vapour from rising, the amount of near-Infrared radiation (NIR) could provide enough heat to cause a planet to enter a moist greenhouse state.
This is especially true of M-type and other cool dwarf stars, which are known to produce more in the way of NIR. As this radiation warms the clouds, water vapour will rise into the stratosphere.
To address this, Fujii and his team relied on three-dimensional general circulation models (GCMs) which incorporate atmospheric circulation and climate heterogeneity.
For the sake of their model, the team started with a planet that had an Earth-like atmosphere and was entirely covered by oceans. This allowed the team to clearly see how variations in distance from different types of stars would effect conditions on the planets surfaces.
These assumptions allowed the team to clearly see how changing the orbital distance and type of stellar radiation affected the amount of water vapour in the stratosphere. As Fujii explained in a NASA press release:
"Using a model that more realistically simulates atmospheric conditions, we discovered a new process that controls the habitability of exoplanets and will guide us in identifying candidates for further study… We found an important role for the type of radiation a star emits and the effect it has on the atmospheric circulation of an exoplanet in making the moist greenhouse state."
In the end, the team's new model demonstrated that since low-mass star emit the bulk of their light at NIR wavelengths, a moist greenhouse state will result for planets orbiting closely to them.
This would result in conditions on their surfaces that comparable to what Earth experiences in the tropics, where conditions are hot and moist, instead of hot and dry.
What's more, their model indicated that NIR-driven processes increased moisture in the stratosphere gradually, to the point that exoplanets orbiting closer to their stars could remain habitable.
This new approach to assessing potential habitability will allow astronomers to simulate circulation of planetary atmospheres and the special features of that circulation, which is something one-dimensional models cannot do.
In the future, the team plans to assess how variations in planetary characteristics -such as gravity, size, atmospheric composition, and surface pressure – could affect water vapour circulation and habitability.
This will, along with their 3-dimensional model that takes planetary circulation patterns into account, allow astronomers to determine the potential habitability of distant planets with greater accuracy. As Anthony Del Genio indicated:
"As long as we know the temperature of the star, we can estimate whether planets close to their stars have the potential to be in the moist greenhouse state. Current technology will be pushed to the limit to detect small amounts of water vapour in an exoplanet's atmosphere. If there is enough water to be detected, it probably means that planet is in the moist greenhouse state."
Beyond offering astronomers a more comprehensive method for determining exoplanet habitability, this study is also good news for exoplanet-hunters hoping to find habitable planets around M-type stars.
Low-mass, ultra-cool, M-type stars are the most common star in the Universe, accounting for roughly 75 percent of all stars in the Milky Way. Knowing that they could support habitable exoplanets greatly increases the odds of find one.
In addition, this study is VERY good news given the recent spate of research that has cast serious doubt on the ability of M-type stars to host habitable planets.
This research was conducted in response to the many terrestrial planets that have been discovered around nearby red dwarfs in recent years.
What they revealed was that, in general, red dwarf stars experience too much flare and could strip their respective planets of their atmospheres.
These include the 7-planet TRAPPIST-1 system (three of which are located in the star's habitable zone) and the closest exoplanet to the Solar System, Proxima b.
The sheer number of Earth-like planets discovered around M-type stars, coupled with this class of star's natural longevity, has led many in the astrophysical community to venture that red dwarf stars might be the most likely place to find habitable exoplanets.
With this latest study, which indicates that these planets could be habitable after all, it would seem that the ball is effectively back in their court!
Manen van Mars kunnen weleens elektrisch geladen zijn
Manen van Mars kunnen weleens elektrisch geladen zijn
Caroline Kraaijvanger
En daar kunnen astronauten wel eens serieus hinder van ondervinden.
Verschillende ruimtevaartorganisaties en -bedrijven dromen van een bemande missie naar Mars. Maar ook de manen van Mars – Phobos en Deimos – lijken heel geschikte bestemmingen, onder meer vanwege hun zwakke zwaartekracht (die het gemakkelijker maakt om te landen). In de toekomst kunnen astronauten voet op deze manen zetten en vanaf het oppervlak van Phobos en/of Deimos robotische missies op Mars aansturen (zie kader).
Op dit moment worden robotische missies op Mars – denk aan de Marsrovers Opportunity en Curiosity – vanaf de aarde aangestuurd. Dat werkt prima, maar men moet altijd rekening houden met een vertraging: signalen doen er zo’n 20 minuten over om van de aarde naar Mars te reizen en een reactie laat dus 40 minuten op zich wachten. Aansturing vanaf Phobos of Deimos is een stuk aantrekkelijker, omdat die vertraging dan wegvalt.
Zonnewind Maar het lijkt erop dat we tijdens die bemande missies naar Phobos of Deimos wel serieus rekening moeten houden met de zonnewind. Nieuw onderzoek wijst namelijk uit dat deze ervoor kan zorgen dat gebieden op de manen elektrisch geladen worden. “Wij ontdekten dat astronauten of rovers significante elektrische ladingen kunnen verzamelen wanneer ze zich verplaatsen op de nachtzijde van Phobos (de zijde van de maan die tijdens de Martiaanse dag op Mars gericht is, red.),” zo vertelt onderzoeker William Farrell. “Hoewel we niet verwachten dat deze ladingen groot genoeg zijn om een astronaut te verwonden, zijn ze mogelijk wel groot genoeg om gevoelige apparatuur aan te tasten, dus moeten we ruimtepakken en apparatuur ontwikkelen die deze dreiging beperkt.”
Elektronen en ionen Farrell en collega’s trekken die conclusie nadat ze de impact die de zonnewind op Phobos heeft, bestudeerden. Phobos heeft geen atmosfeer en wordt dus direct aan de zonnewind blootgesteld. Die zonnewind bestaat uit negatief geladen elektronen – die licht zijn – en positief geladen ionen – die zwaar zijn. Normaal gesproken vinden we in de zonnewind net zoveel van deze lichte elektronen als zware ionen en is de zonnewind elektrisch neutraal. Maar eenmaal bij Phobos aangekomen, verandert dat. Phobos absorbeert de zonnewind namelijk alleen aan de dagzijde en hierdoor ontstaat aan de nachtzijde een leemte. Omdat de elektronen lichter zijn dan de ionen haasten zij zich naar die nachtzijde om die leegte te vullen. En zo wordt de nachtzijde van de maan elektrisch geladen (zie ook het filmpje hieronder).
Frictie Wanneer astronauten over die nachtzijde wandelen, kan die elektrische lading middels frictie tussen Phobos’ oppervlak en de ruimtepakken van de astronauten worden overgedragen. En gaandeweg kan zo een flinke elektrische lading ontstaan. Want het stof en gesteente op het oppervlak van Phobos geleidt slecht, dus de lading die astronauten opdoen, kunnen ze niet zo gemakkelijk weer afgeven. In sommige materialen, zoals de ruimtepakken die de Apollo-astronauten droegen, kan de lading gaandeweg oplopen tot zo’n 10.000 volt. Op het moment dat een astronaut iets aanraakt wat wél goed geleidt, kan die lading plots vrijkomen.
Hoewel het onderzoek zich beperkt tot maan Phobos gelden de resultaten waarschijnlijk ook voor Deimos. Ook deze maan heeft geen atmosfeer en wordt dus direct aan de zonnewind blootgesteld.
Nieuw bewijs dat er in de atmosfeer van de maan spannende dingen gebeuren.
De ijswolk bevindt zich boven de zuidpool van Titan op een hoogte van zo’n 160 tot 210 kilometer. Daarmee bevindt de wolk zich ver boven de regenwolken van Titan. De ijswolk is bovendien omvangrijk en beslaat een gebied tussen 75 en 85 graden zuiderbreedte.
Tegelijkertijd gecondenseerd Onderzoek wijst uit dat de wolk bestaat uit een combinatie van waterstofcyanide en benzeen. “Deze wolk vertegenwoordigt een nieuwe chemische formule voor ijs in Titans atmosfeer,” vertelt onderzoeker Carrie Anderson. “Wat interessant is, is dat dit giftige ijs bestaat uit twee moleculen die tegelijkertijd uit een rijke mix aan gassen gecondenseerd zijn.”
…er aanwijzingen zijn dat op Titan heftige regenstormen voorkomen? Tijdens die buien komt er geen water, maar vloeibaar methaan uit de lucht zetten. Soms wel 30 centimeter per dag!
Herfst Onderzoekers ontdekten de wolk dankzij Cassini. De sonde spotte de wolk drie keer tussen juli en november 2015. In die periode liep de herfst op Titan op zijn einde (seizoenen op de maan duren zeven aardse jaren).
Noordpool Eerder ontdekten onderzoekers ook al een ijswolk op het noordelijk halfrond van Titan. Deze wolk hing echter veel lager (onder de 150 kilometer) en had een heel andere samenstelling: waterstofcyanide en het complexe cyanoacetyleen.
Eén van de laatste foto’s die ruimtesonde Cassini naar de aarde stuurde laat Titan zien.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Space Science Institute.
Titan is de grootste maan die Saturnus rijk is en de enige maan in ons zonnestelsel met een dichte atmosfeer en wolken. De atmosfeer van de maan bestaat voornamelijk uit stikstof en methaan. Onderzoek wijst uit dat in de atmosfeer van de maan allerlei chemische processen gaande zijn, waarbij soms ook heel complexe (organische) moleculen ontstaan.
'Mars heeft valleien te danken aan zomerse toptemperaturen'
'Mars heeft valleien te danken aan zomerse toptemperaturen'
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Onderzoek verklaart hoe op een jong Mars – waarop de gemiddelde temperatuur ver onder het vriespunt lag – toch water kon stromen.
Het is een mysterie. Op het oppervlak van Mars vinden we geologisch bewijs – bijvoorbeeld vier miljard jaar oude, door vloeistoffen uitgekerfde valleien – dat erop wijst dat de planeet ooit warm en nat was. Maar tegelijkertijd vertellen klimaatmodellen ons dat de gemiddelde temperatuur op het jonge Mars ver onder het vriespunt bleef. Hoe kunnen we die twee verhalen met elkaar verenigen? Hoe kan er ooit genoeg water over Mars hebben gestroomd om valleien uit te kerven, als de planeet ijzig koud was?
Antarctica In het blad Icarus komen onderzoekers met een mogelijke oplossing voor dat vraagstuk. Hun studie wijst erop dat Mars lang geleden inderdaad heel koud was, maar dat gedurende de zomer toch toptemperaturen werden behaald die ervoor zorgden dat de randen van gletsjers smeltten. Daarbij ontstonden kleine hoeveelheden smeltwater die – jaar na jaar – toch in staat waren om de valleien op de rode planeet vorm te geven. “We zien dit ook in de Droge Valleien van McMurdo op Antarctica, waar de seizoensgebonden verschillen in temperatuur voldoende zijn om meren te doen ontstaan en in stand te houden, ook al ligt de gemiddelde jaarlijkse temperatuur ver onder het vriespunt,” vertelt onderzoeker Ashley Palumbo.
Valleien op Mars. Afbeelding:µ
NASA / JPL-Caltech / Arizona State University.
Modellen De onderzoekers baseren hun conclusies onder meer op een geavanceerd klimaatmodel van het jonge Mars. Dit klimaatmodel gaat ervan uit dat de atmosfeer van Mars in een ver verleden – net zoals vandaag – voornamelijk uit koolstofdioxide bestond. Het model genereert een vrij koud en ijzig jong Mars, deels ook doordat de energieproductie van de zon in die tijd nog een stuk lager uitviel. De onderzoekers modelleerden Mars meerdere keren en pasten daarbij sommige variabelen aan: zo werd er geëxperimenteerd met een atmosfeer die verschillende diktes had (aangenomen wordt dat de atmosfeer van Mars in het verleden dikker was dan nu, maar hoe dik precies, blijft onduidelijk). Ook werd gespeeld met de mate van opwarming door toedoen van broeikasgassen en variaties in de baan en stand van de rotatie-as van Mars.
Zomerse temperaturen Uit het model rolde zo een aantal scenario’s waarbij ijs de gebieden nabij de locatie van valleien bedekte. En hoewel de gemiddelde jaarlijkse temperatuur in deze scenario’s ver onder het vriespunt bleef, bracht het model in de zuidelijk gelegen hooglanden wel zomerse toptemperaturen voort die boven het vriespunt uitkwamen. In die scenario’s was smeltwater dus verantwoordelijk voor de valleien.
Genoeg? Maar brachten al die scenario’s wel voldoende smeltwater voort om de valleien die we nu op Mars zien, uit te kerven? Een paar jaar geleden berekenden onderzoekers hoeveel water er minimaal nodig was om de grootste valleien uit te kerven. En die data gebruikten onderzoekers om te kijken welke gemodelleerde scenario’s konden verklaren wat we nu op Mars zien. Zo ontdekten ze dat het scenario waarin de baan van Mars zeer excentrisch was (afweek van een cirkelvorm) het beste paste. En zo’n zeer excentrische baan past keurig binnen het scala aan omloopbanen waarvan onderzoekers het aannemelijk achten dat Mars ze in het verleden kan hebben gevolgd.
“Deze studie voegt een plausibele hypothese toe die verklaart hoe vloeibaar water op het jonge Mars kan zijn ontstaan,” denkt onderzoeker Jim Head. Hij sluit echter niet uit dat het koude Mars ook op andere manieren nog aan vloeibaar water wist te komen. “We verkennen momenteel andere potentiële mechanismen die de planeet kunnen hebben verwarmd, waaronder vulkanisme en inslagen die ook kunnen hebben bijgedragen aan smelt op een koud en ijzig jong Mars.”
Wetenschappers hebben een gigantische grot op de maan ontdekt. De lavatunnel is namelijk zestig kilometer lang, honderd meter breed en ligt tientallen tot honderden meters onder het maanoppervlak.
Op het oppervlak is een gat met een doorsnee van vijftig meter zichtbaar. Dit gat – met de naam Marius Hills Skylight – is al langer bekend bij astronomen. Japanse astronomen hebben radargegevens geanalyseerd van het ruimtevaartuig SELENE. SELENE ontdekte een vreemd echo-patroon bij het maangat. De onderzoekers concluderen dat de echo het bewijs is van een lange lavatunnel.
Lavatunnels Lavatunnels ontstaan door vulkaanuitbarstingen. Lava baant zich via de tunnels een weg. Terwijl de lava door de tunnels stroomt, koelt de buitenste rand lava af en vormt een soort leiding in de tunnel. Wanneer de eruptie voorbij is en de lava niet langer door de tunnel stroomt, blijft een holle tunnel over.
Voorbeeld van een stad (Philadelphia) in een lavatunnel.
Stevig De lavatunnels op de maan zijn mogelijk bolvormig en stabiel tot een grootte van 5000 meter. “Dat zou op aarde niet kunnen, maar de zwaartekracht op de maan is veel lager en het gesteente daar hoeft niet dezelfde erosie te doorstaan,” vertelde onderzoeker David Blair in 2015. “In theorie zijn enorme lavatunnels op de maan – groot genoeg om een stad te herbergen – dus stevig.”
De ideale huisvesting Op de maan zijn ontzettend veel kuilen en lavatunnels. “Het is de perfecte plek om een maanbasis te bouwen, omdat de sommige kuilen deels overkapt zijn en wellicht toegang bieden tot ondergrondse grotten”, vertelt Robert Wagner van de staatsuniversiteit van Arizona. “Onder een afkapping of in een grot is er geen straling en worden astronauten niet bekogeld door micrometeorieten. Daarnaast is het er mogelijk niet stoffig en verschillen de temperaturen tussen dag en nacht minder dan boven het oppervlak.”
The search for alien life is set to be streamlined, helping astronomers narrow down potential candidates of alien worlds suspected to possibly support life, thanks to new research from Nasa. Scientists used a model that "realistically simulated atmospheric conditions" that would be required to support extraterrestrial life. The model aided the discovery of a completely new process that can boost the search for alien planets supporting life.
"Using a model that more realistically simulates atmospheric conditions, we discovered a new process that controls the habitability of exoplanets and that will guide us in identifying candidates for further study," Yuka Fujii of Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and the Earth-Life Science Institute at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, who is also the lead author of the research paper, said in a statement.
What would an alien planet need to support life?
According to Nasa, liquid water is "necessary for life as we know it". To be considered habitable, an alien planet, for instance an exoplanet, would have to have a temperature that would allow liquid water to have existed on the planet's surface for roughly billions of years – enough time for life to have thrived.
However, the exoplanet's distance from its parent star can help determine if it could be habitable. For instance, if the exoplanet is too far away from its parent star, it would be too cold, freezing the planet's oceans. Alternatively, if the exoplanet is too close, the intense light from the parent star would eventually cause the oceans to evaporate and be lost to space.
"This happens when water vapour rises to a layer in the upper atmosphere called the stratosphere and gets broken into its elemental components (hydrogen and oxygen) by ultraviolet light from the star. The extremely light hydrogen atoms can then escape to space. Planets in the process of losing their oceans this way are said to have entered a "moist greenhouse" state because of their humid stratospheres," Nasa said.
"We found an important role for the type of radiation a star emits and the effect it has on the atmospheric circulation of an exoplanet in making the moist greenhouse state," said Fujii. In case of exoplanets orbiting close to their parent stars, the power of the star's gravity will slow the planet's rotation, which in turn could lead to the planet becoming tidally locked. This is essentially when one side of the exoplanet will always face the star, giving that region constant daylight and the other region will always be away from the star, in a state of eternal night.
Such a scenario could lead to the cloud on the planet's day-side to act as an umbrella, keeping the planet cool and preventing water vapour from rising. The scientists found the NIR (near-infrared radiation), which is a type of light invisible to the human eye, that comes from a star could "provide the heat needed to cause a planet to enter the moist greenhouse state".
An artist's illustration depicting a star's light illuminating the atmosphere of a planetNASA Goddard Space Flight Center
The new model showed that since these parent stars emit the bulk of their light at NIR wavelengths, this could result in a moist greenhouse state providing conditions similar or even warmer than those experienced in the Earth's tropics.
"For exoplanets closer to their stars, the team found that the NIR-driven process increased moisture in the stratosphere gradually. So, it's possible, contrary to old model predictions, that an exoplanet closer to its parent star could remain habitable," Nasa said.
"As long as we know the temperature of the star, we can estimate whether planets close to their stars have the potential to be in the moist greenhouse state," said Anthony Del Genio of GISS, a co-author of the paper. "Current technology will be pushed to the limit to detect small amounts of water vapour in an exoplanet's atmosphere. If there is enough water to be detected, it probably means that planet is in the moist greenhouse state."
The new study is based on scientists' assumptions of an Earth-like planet, but one covered in oceans. The assumptions allowed researchers to determine how variations in orbital distance and type of stellar radiation could affect the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere.
The team plans on modifying planetary characteristics such as size, gravity, atmospheric composition and surface pressure to see how they affect the circulation of water vapour and habitability, thereby helping narrow down the search for alien life.
No new large planet on the outskirts of our solar system has yet been discovered, although evidence is building, astronomers say. By the way, if Planet 9 does exist … it’s definitely not headed our way.
Artist’s concept of an unknown large planet, far from its sun, via NASA.
There’s been a fair amount of Planet 9 buzz this month, which seems to have kicked off with a feature story about this as-yet-undiscovered world at a NASA website on October 4. That story was duplicated multiple times online, and in the process it was altered in various good and bad ways, like the proverbial message in the telephone game. In at least one place, we saw a headline suggesting NASA admits the mysterious Planet 9 is real. NASA has done no such thing, of course, and such are the headlines that give us editors reputations as wanton purveyors of click bait. Then today (October 17, 2017), a University of Michigan doctoral student held a press conference to announce two pieces of evidence that may support the existence of a Planet 9. That news should stir the pot still more.
All this, and no large Planet 9 has been discovered.
Plus some of the buzz will likely become fuel for the Nibiru conspiracy theory, which (come to think of it) was supposed to culminate a month ago with a large planet colliding with Earth. And that’s enough said about that.
Astronomers announced in 2016 that a Planet 9 might exist. Their theory was based on the way some trans-Neptunian objects behave. These are rocky objects smaller than Pluto that orbit the sun at a greater average distance than Neptune. It seems the orbits of the most distant ones – those whose average distance from the sun is more than 250 times as far as Earth’s distance — point in the same direction.
Could a large Planet 9 be pulling on them?
Artist’s illustration of the orbits of 6 known trans-Neptunian objects, all aligned in one direction. This evidence led Caltech astronomers in 2016 to suggest a Planet 9 might exist. Image via Caltech.
The new research announced on October 17 works with the orbits of trans-Neptunian objects, too. It’s led by Juliette Becker, a graduate student in the Department of Astronomy at University of Michigan. Becker’s work consists of a large set of computer simulations, which, the researchers say, uncovered two findings about trans-Neptunian objects, also known as TNOs. Their statement explained:
First, the researchers established a version of Planet 9 that would most likely cause our solar system to look the way it currently does, by preventing the TNOs from being destroyed or thrown out of the solar system.
Second, the simulations predict that there is a process that they call resonance hopping by which a TNO jumps between stable orbits. This process can prevent the TNOs from being ejected from the solar system.
Juliette Becker led computer simulations supporting the theory that our solar system might contain a large, distant, undiscovered planet.
The researchers conducted various simulations, and, in each one, they tested different versions of Planet 9 to see whether that version of the planet, with its gravitational forces, resulted in the same version of the solar system we see today. Becker said:
From that set of simulations, we found out that there are preferred versions of Planet 9 that make the TNO stay stable for longer, so it basically increases the probability that our solar system exists the way it does.
The ultimate goal would be to directly see Planet 9 — to take a telescope, point it at the sky, and see reflected light from the sun bouncing off of Planet 9.
Since we haven’t yet been able to find it, despite many people looking, we’re stuck with these kinds of indirect methods.
Caltech professor Mike Brown and assistant professor Konstanin Batygin. Their 2016 paper in the Astrophysical Journal sparked the current Planet 9 investigation. Image via Lance Hayashida/Caltech/NASA.
In the meantime, going back to the buzz, NASA’s October 4 Planet 9 feature story (called The Super-Earth That Came Home for Dinner) features a quote from one of the hypothetical planet’s most dedicated trackers, Konstantin Batygin, a planetary astrophysicist at Caltech in Pasadena, California, who said:
There are now five different lines of observational evidence pointing to the existence of Planet 9. If you were to remove this explanation and imagine Planet 9 does not exist, then you generate more problems than you solve. All of a sudden, you have five different puzzles, and you must come up with five different theories to explain them.
… it is now harder to imagine our solar system without a Planet 9 than with one.
That’s all logical and good. So … are we on the verge of discovering another large planet on the outskirts of our solar system? Maybe. Astronomers discover new things, both in our solar system and beyond, all the time. As always, stay tuned, and try to read past the headlines.
Bottom line: Although no Planet 9 has yet been discovered by astronomers, there’s continuing evidence one might exist. If such a world does exist, it’s approximately 20 times farther from the sun than the outermost large planet currently known, Neptune. It’s not heading our way.
NASA aims to have humans on Mars by the 2030s. The people making the long space journey will experience health risks they’ve never faced before.
International Space Station astronauts have been helping to pave the wave for future manned Mars missions.
Image via NASA.
NASA has announced its aim to have humans on planet Mars by the 2030s. But long-distance space travel brings with it a unique set of health problems.
How will the people who make the trip cope with the mental and physical rigors of the journey? Marc Jurblum, a training psychiatrist at the University of Melbourne and member of the Australasian Society of Aerospace Medicine’s Space Life Sciences Committee, outlined six of the key health issues facing prospective space travelers.
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly watches carrots float in front of him on April 19, 2015 in space. Kelly was one of the One-Year crew members on the International Space Station testing how the human body reacts to an extended presence in space as preparation for the long flights NASA plans to Mars and back in the future. Image via NASA/
1. Space sickness
On Earth, tiny gyroscopes in your brain give you spatial awareness. They tell you when you tilt your head, accelerate, or change position. But it’s different in space. Jurblum said:
In Zero G, those don’t work as well and, as a result, astronauts suffer a lot of nausea. A lot of them spend days feeling incredibly unwell. It’s like being seasick.
There are many examples. In 1968, NASA launched Apollo 8. Astronaut Frank Borman suffered such a bad bout of space sickness on the way to the moon that Mission Control considered shortening the mission.
Fortunately, just like people going to sea eventually get their sea legs, astronauts develop ‘space legs’ within about two weeks. But once they return to Earth, the opposite is true — many of them have to work hard to get their ‘Earth legs’ back.
Expedition 48 crew members on board the International Space Station adjusting to cramped station life in orbit. Image via NASA.
2. Mental stress
Space travel is still inherently dangerous. Essentially you are floating through an airless vacuum in a sealed-up container, only staying alive because of the machinery recycling your air and water. There is little room to move and you’re in constant danger from radiation and micro-meteorites. Jurblum said:
We don’t know what months and months of living in an unchanging capsule habitat with only blackness outside the little window will do to people’s minds. Even if you turn the ship around, Earth will be a distant speck of light. There’s little more than hydrogen atoms for hundreds of thousands of kilometers around you.
Research groups are looking at how to maintain mental health in extreme environments, including using interventions such as meditation and the positive impact pictures of nature can have on space travelers. Virtual Reality might also help by giving the astronauts a rest from the monotony.
Then there’s the issue of emotions. On Earth, if people get upset with their boss or workmate they might take out their frustrations at home or the gym. In space, astronauts can’t afford to get angry with each other. They must be able to react really quickly, communicate, and work as a team.
In contrast, there’s a positive psychological phenomenon of space travel, known as the “overview effect.” Jurblum said:
Most astronauts who have gone into space have come back with a change of perspective. They become more environmentalist, spiritual, or religious.
NASA astronaut Ron Garan described it as
…the realization that we are all traveling together on the planet and that if we all looked at the world from that perspective we would see that nothing is impossible.
NASA astronaut Sunita Williams is held down by a bungee harness as she exercises on the Combined Operational Load Bearing External Resistance Treadmill. Image via NASA.
3. Weaker muscles
There is no gravity on the International Space Station (ISS), and Mars only has about a third of Earth’s gravity. This plays havoc with the human body, Jurblum said. Our muscles are so used to fighting gravity on Earth that its absence means they weaken and waste.
Astronauts must do two to three hours of exercise every day just to maintain muscle mass and cardiovascular fitness. The heart loses muscle which would be extremely dangerous if they didn’t maintain it through exercise.
Tight, elastic body suits or “penguin suits,” developed by the Soviet space program, attempt to mimic the effects of gravity on muscles by providing a deep compression force on the skin, muscle, and bone—meaning they have to work harder to perform normal movements. But they’re far from perfect, Jurblum says.
4. Eye problems
A common hazard on the ISS is the fine specks that float around the cabin, often lodging in the eyes of astronauts and causing abrasions. But the lack of gravity and the movement of fluids are what can cause the most serious issues for astronauts, said Jublum.
Most end up wearing glasses in space and when they come back, some even have permanent changes to their vision.
The deterioration results from the fluid shift to the head building up in the skull where it bulges into the back of the eyeball and changes the shape of the lens. Jurblum said:
This bulging seems to cause the irreversible vision problems we’re trying to understand and manage.
Astronaut Scott Kelly administers the flu vaccination to himself aboard the International Space Station. Image via NASA/Scott Kelly.
5. Coughs and colds
If you catch a cold on Earth, you stay home and it’s no big deal. Space is another story. You’re living a densely packed, confined space—breathing recirculated air, touching common surfaces over and over again, with a lot less opportunity to wash.
The human immune system doesn’t work as well in space, so mission members are isolated for a few weeks before lift-off to guard against illness. Jurblum said:
We’re not sure why, but it seems that bacteria are more dangerous in space. On top of that, if you sneeze in space, all the droplets come straight out and keep going. If someone has a flu, everyone is going to get it and there are limited medical facilities and a very long way to the nearest hospital.
CPR training for ESA astronauts during parabolic flights.
6. Medical emergencies
Luckily, there have not yet been any major medical emergencies in space, but astronauts have training to deal with them.
For instance, ISS astronauts have developed a way to perform CPR in zero gravity by bracing their legs on the ceiling while pushing down on the patient on the floor below.
While a rescue from the ISS can be performed within a day, the people who go to Mars will be an eight-month journey away, and they need to be prepared to manage on their own, Jurblum said:
How do you lift them on a stretcher, get them into an airlock, out of their suit, and onto a surgical table with a doctor, a botanist, and a couple of scientists to help do surgery? You may have an orthopedic surgeon on Earth sending you information on how to do it, but there is a 20-minute time delay.
Here on Earth, Mars Analogs simulate some of the conditions human beings could experience during a future mission to Mars, allowing researchers to work on solutions to situations like what to do if a team member breaks their leg while outside the base.
NASA is developing the capabilities needed to send humans to an asteroid by 2025 and Mars in the 2030s – goals outlined in the bipartisan NASA Authorization Act of 2010 and in the U.S. National Space Policy, also issued in 2010. Read more about NASA’s plans for a journey to Mars via NASA.
Bottom line: Six health challenges for the human journey to Mars.
A Blue Origin BE-4 engine during its first hotfire test.
Credit: Blue Origin
ATLANTA — Blue Origin announced Oct. 19 that it conducted the first successful test of its BE-4 engine, a major milestone for both the company's launch vehicle plans as well as for United Launch Alliance.
Blue Origin, in a tweet, said its first hotfire test of the BE-4 engine was a success. The company included a six-second video, taken from several angles, of the engine firing on a test stand, but provided no other information, including the date, duration or thrust level of the test. A Blue Origin spokesperson said the company was not releasing additional information about the test at this time.
"First hotfire of our BE-4 engine is a success," tweeted company founder Jeff Bezos. "Huge kudos to the whole @BlueOrigin team for this important step!"
The BE-4 is an engine that uses liquid oxygen and liquefied natural gas propellants and is capable of generating 550,000 pounds-force of thrust. The engine was developed in-house at Blue Origin primarily with its own funding, with some support from ULA.
Blue Origin plans to use the BE-4 on its New Glenn vehicle that the company announced last year. The first stage of the rocket will use seven BE-4 engines, with the second stage using a single BE-4. That rocket will be able to place up to 45 tons into low Earth orbit and 13 tons into geostationary transfer orbit.
The BE-4 is also under consideration by ULA for its next-generation Vulcan rocket. ULA is considering both the BE-4 and the AR1, a liquid oxygen and kerosene engine under development by Aerojet Rocketdyne, but has indicated that its preference is for the BE-4.
In an April interview, ULA Chief Executive Tory Bruno said that it was waiting for the outcome of an initial series of hotfire tests before formally selecting the BE-4. "The economic factors are largely in place now and the thing that is outstanding is the technical risk," he said then. "That's why we keep talking about the engine firing."
ULA spokesperson Jessica Rye said the company congratulated Blue Origin on the successful test, but gave no indication of when ULA might make a decision on the engine for Vulcan.
"Congratulations to the entire Blue Origin team on the successful hotfire of a full-scale BE-4 engine," she said in an Oct. 19 email. "This is a tremendous accomplishment in the development of a new engine."
At the time of the April interview, Blue Origin was expected to begin BE-4 engine tests in the coming weeks. However, in May the company reported it lost a set of powerpack hardware, a key component of the engine, during a test. At the time the company said it would be back in testing "soon" but offered few updates prior to the announcement of this test.
An independent assessment, conducted by NASA personnel and briefed to congressional staffers in June, concluded that the BE-4 retained a development lead of as much as two years over the AR1 despite the mishap. That briefing took place around the same time Blue Origin announced it will construct a factory in Huntsville, Alabama, to build BE-4 engines for both its own vehicles and for ULA, if it does select the BE-4 for Vulcan.
This story was provided by SpaceNews, dedicated to covering all aspects of the space industry.
Global wave of animal mutilation defies any explanation
Global wave of animal mutilation defies any explanation
Just as there are reports of people disappearing – and being abducted by extraterrestrials – another phenomenon has caused a great debate among experts around the world: animal mutilations. The declassified records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation revealed that the FBI investigated MILES of cases of mutilation of cattle in the United States since at least the seventies, but with no result.
Just as there are reports of people disappearing – and being abducted by extraterrestrials – another phenomenon has caused a great debate among experts around the world: animal mutilations. The declassified records of the Federal Bureau of Investigation revealed that the FBI investigated MILES of cases of mutilation of cattle in the United States since at least the seventies, but with no result.
Early reports of mutilated cattle first appeared in the United States in the 1960s, when the states of Pennsylvania and Kansas were largely confined. The phenomenon was still largely unknown outside the livestock breeding communities until 1967 when Pueblo Cacique in Pueblo, Colorado published a story about a horse named Lady was mutilated under mysterious circumstances.
Shortly after, the press collected the story in general and was distributed throughout the country; this case was also the first characteristic of the speculation that the extraterrestrial beings and the unidentified flying objects were somehow related to the mutilation.
From the time the allegations of alleged animal mutilation began, the causes have been attributed in particular to natural decomposition, natural predators, cryptic predators, extraterrestrials, reserved government or armed forces and sects. Mutilations have been the subject of two independent federal investigations.
But in spite of this fact, the leading experts are also not sure and the more we look at this, the less it seems we understand. Skeptics argue that aliens are not involved, but that the defacement of livestock is in fact the product of natural disasters, sadistic jokes or other ‘sick’ jokes. But UFO investigators argue that the explanations of another world can not be nullified due to the fact that almost all attackers are carried out with surgical precision.
Mutilated cattle are found all over the world, but especially in US states. UU. Like South Dakota, Colorado, Kansas and Nevada, where farmers discovered the organs of their livestock: eyes, noses, hearts, livers, years and genitals. -removed with precision similar to a laser.
In addition, FBI documents clearly state that the best investigative minds in the United States can not answer the most frequent question of all: Who would be doing this?
An explanation of another world seems very likely according to many authors.
This is mainly because residents have reported seeing mysterious crafts as well as a strange light that has sinned in the sky circling the areas where later mutilated cattle appeared.
Chuck Zukowski, curator of and a researcher who has been investigating cattle mutilations for decades, said in an interview with Sputink:
‘There are no signs of downing predators, there are no signs of the mass amount of hemorrhages and there are no signs of animal fighting, none! The animal has just been repositioned and, in some cases, a round depression is created while returning the animal. Mutilations have been going on for centuries: Native Americans also have stories of mutilated animals that occurred before Europeans migrated to North America, ‘Zukowski told Sputnik.
Although the exact nature of the mutilation varies from case to case, typical mutilation may involve some or all of the following characteristics:
Excision of the eyes, udders, and sexual organs.
Extraction of the anus to a depth of about 12 inches.
The cleavage of the tongue and lips.
The removal of one of the ears.
Removing the soft organs from the lower body.
The presence of incisions and cuts throughout the body that appear to have been made by a surgical instrument.
Inexplicable damage to the remaining organs, but no sign of damage in surrounding areas
Lack of signs of predation (scratches, teeth marks, traces of the predator) on or around the corpse.
Image captionA UK-commissioned report suggests AI could add £630bn to the economy within two decades
If my email inbox is anything to go by, a technology revolution is under way that is going to transform all of our lives very soon and it is called artificial intelligence.
A Welsh company is using AI to detect North Korean bio-weapons.
I could pop over to California to hear about "AI wearable solutions for aging population".
And Lloyd's of London has unveiled an artificial intelligence partnership with a firm that promises "in a decade a significant part of the insurance industry will be powered by AI".
These represent just three of the innumerable AI press releases aimed at me and other technology journalists over recent days.
Last week also saw the London premiere of AlphaGo, an excellent and surprisingly touching documentary about one of the great recent triumphs of artificial intelligence, Google DeepMind's victory over the champion Go player Lee Sedol.
Image copyrightMOXIE PICTURES Image captionGoogle DeepMind's defeat of a champion Go player has been made into a documentary
And then, over the weekend, as if to confirm this is a subject that should occupy politicians and policymakers as well as journalists, a major report on what the UK should be doing to nurture AI was published.
It was commissioned by the government and authored by two distinguished computer scientists, Prof Dame Wendy Hall and Dr Jerome Pesenti.
They say the UK is already well placed as a centre of artificial intelligence, and the government should act to cement its position.
Their recommendations include:
more investment in academic research
developing more skills throughout industry and the education sector
throwing open more datasets for AI scientists to work with
encouraging the uptake of AI techniques by all kinds of companies
All of these ideas seem eminently sensible and uncontroversial. But they are also predicated on a belief that this is urgent - that we are making very rapid progress, not just in developing artificial intelligence but in applying it in areas that will transform the economy.
It certainly appears to be the case that rapid advances in processing power, coupled with access to vast amounts of data and smart new algorithms are helping computers carry out all sorts of tasks once restricted to humans. But so far the impact on everything from jobs to the way industries such as healthcare and transport work appears minimal.
So, is there a danger that AI is being overhyped?
Let's dissect a few of the bold statements in that government AI report:
"We are at the threshold of an era when much of our productivity and prosperity will be derived from the systems and machines we create."
Well, it has always been the case that the machines we create - from the wheel, to the spinning jenny, to the dishwasher - drive increases in productivity and prosperity.
Are we clear that the AI revolution will deliver the kind of boost to living standards we saw in the 1950s and 1960s as mass production and the use of consumer goods took off?
"We are accustomed now to technology developing fast, but that pace will increase and AI will drive much of that acceleration."
First, you can question how fast technology has developed in recent years. Yes, we have computers that can differentiate between a cat and a dog and understand any language, but our physical infrastructure is not being rapidly transformed.
Indeed, when it comes to air travel or building new railways, you could argue that we are going backwards. Software is racing ahead, hardware not so much - just watch robots trying to play football if you are worried about them threatening to replace us.
So saying that the pace of change will increase, driven by AI, may be little more than a leap of faith.
"[Accenture] estimated that AI could add an additional $814bn (£630bn) to the UK economy by 2035, increasing the annual growth rate of GVA from 2.5 to 3.9%."
GVA - gross value added - is close to gross domestic product (GDP), the headline measure of a country's economic activity, including all the services and goods produced in a year.
Suggesting that its trend growth rate could rise to 3.9% - more than during boom decades the 1950s and 1960s - is, in the words of an economist of my acquaintance, "staggering". All the more so when you look at the UK's recent record, which has seen productivity growth flat-lining.
Now, big advances in technology can take time to show up in productivity growth - it took decades for factory owners to reorganise production around electric rather than steam power.
So, maybe we will see law firms become more efficient as AI lawyers assess contracts for risk, hospitals cut waiting lists as robot doctors examine scans, and cities cut congestion as autonomous cars and buses waft us from home to work.
Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES µImage captionCar manufacturers are investing deeply in self-drive AI systems
All of these advances are already technically possible - but you have to be quite an optimist to believe that the changes in our infrastructure, regulation and social attitudes needed to make them a reality will happen quickly.
Last week a House of Lords select committee on artificial intelligence heard evidence from three leading scientists, including Prof Hall.
They spoke of the UK's potential as a centre of AI excellence, and the urgent need for government to start thinking about both the benefits and the risks of the technology.
Then, the committee heard from three journalists - including me. And their lordships seemed rather startled to find that, by contrast with the scientists, we were pretty sceptical about the speed of this revolution.
We were not convinced that driverless cars would be on our roads very soon, but that meant we were also more optimistic that the threat to jobs from the robots had been exaggerated.
One of the peers mentioned that quote about futurology - that we tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate it in the long run.
The scientists will no doubt be proved right about AI one day, but the cynical old journalist in me thinks we can afford to relax for a while yet.
In July 1947 Sheriff Jess Slaughter and Deputy Sheriff Charles Fogus were travelling together to pick up a prisoner when they heard on their police radio reports of a crashed aircraft.
The two men, who were travelling to Roswell, New Mexico, decided to investigate and stumbled across the scene of one of the most famous UFO incidents in history.
While the US military have long claimed the crashed object was merely a weather balloon, conspiracy theorists believe the site was the scene of at least one alien aircraft crash and the recovery of extraterrestrials.
In a new book, UFOs TODAY – 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation and Government Cover-Up, law enforcement officer Fogus reveals he saw a downed flying saucer and military personnel removing a number of alien bodies from the scene.
It is the first time his statement has been published.
Deputy Sheriff Charles H Fogus of Howard County has striking testimony(Image: Irena Scott)
In the interview he says he say a flying saucer crashed into the side of a river bed which was "100ft across".
Describing the scene he said: "When we got there, the land was covered with soldiers. They were hauling a big, a creature.
"The bodies must have been 5 feet tall.
"I saw the legs and feet on some of them. They looked like our feet.
"The skin was a brownish color…. Like they were in the sun too long.
"There were soldiers there….about 3 or 4 hundred of them.
"We seen them haul them (the bodies) out there, out of the canyon up to the trucks….puttin them on the tow trucks so they could haul them."
Charles Forgus said he saw alien bodies at the Roswell site(Image: Irena Scott)
He says after about 20 minutes they were told to leave the scene and so continued on their journey to collect the prisoner.
Deputy Sheriff Charles H Fogus of Howard County along with his colleague Jeff Slaughter saw the crash site at Roswell(Image: Irena Scott)
Asked what he thought of what he saw, he said: "The Great Father didn’t just make this planet…. He made all of them. He put beings on these planets just like he put us on this one. They’re smarter then we are.
"They can get from there to here, but we can’t get from here to there."
The Daily Mirror has been passed a transcript of an interview between Deputy Sheriff Fogus of Howard County, Texas, and Los Angeles private investigator Deanna Short by the book publisher Philip Mantle, a former Director of Investigations for the British UFO Research Association.
He said: "Deanna recorded the interview on video and later had a transcript done of the interview and completed her Agency report to verify facts at that time related to Charles Forgus and Sheriff Jess Slaughter - both of Howard County, Texas.
Scene of the Roswell incident as described by the former deputy(Image: Irena Scott)
"Both were there and were on an overlook to view the crash scene recovery by the Army.
"I should note that according to Deanna's daughter Mackenzie, Charles made a special effort to note to Deanna "not to believe what others will say - he and the Sheriff did witness the Roswell crash scene". They had heard about the crash on the police radio which enabled them to find the location.
"It is rare that anyone new adds anything to the Roswell event from an eye witness point of view.
"If you treat the Roswell UFO crash as a 'cold case' investigation then new testimony like this can be invaluable.
"It could confirm what other witnesses have previously said or it could be another potential witness that has been eliminated from the enquiry.
"So either way it is an invaluable piece of information. To have it on video as well is a real luxury. I remain open minded on this gentleman's testimony but we hope that by making it public that others might be able to assist us in our investigations.
"I dare say many of those that know far more than me about the Roswell Incident will write it off as it does not fit the known Roswell crash scenario.
"All I will say is that I am working to try and find any more information and I leave this ‘Roswell File’ open. If anyone reading this has any information concerning the Roswell Incident we urge them to get in touch."
The Roswell incident has captured the imaginations of UFO experts for years(Image: Irena Scott)
The full transcript:
Questioner: What I’m trying to do is pierce together……
CF: I was working for the Sheriff of. I was a Deputy there for Sheriff Slaughter, was back in the 40s. We went to Roswell to pick up a prisoner. When we got there, the land was covered with soldiers. They were hauling a big, a creature. Hauling him away.
What I seen of him looked just like the one we see on television, with big eyes. There was a big round thing in the canyon. It was about 100 feet across. They put that on a truck and hauled it away. They wouldn’t let us get very close to it either. So we headed up to get the prisoner in Roswell and back to.
Q: So you were on your way from to Roswell to pick up a prisoner and you happened to be at that place……
CF: It already had crashed. They were taking them out. There were soldiers there….about 3 or 4 hundred of them. They wouldn’t let you get very close. They were keeping all the people away. People were coming out there.
Q: What did the saucer (we’ll call it) look like?
CF: It was a big round thing. Across the middle it was about 100 feet.
Q: Did you see any lights around it?
A local newspaper report detailing the Roswell incident in 1947(Image: Sipa)
CF: No, they went out when it banged into the wall in the creek. It was like a mountain on the side of the creek.
Q: Did you see any creatures: How many did you see?
CF: Yeh, I saw them. I think I seen about four (of them).
Q: Were they covered up?
CF: Mostly. I saw the legs and feet on some of them.
Q: What did the feet look like? Do you remember?
CF: They looked like our feet.
Q: Could you figure how tall they were? They were laying flat, Right?
CF: Yeh, There is one thing I do remember. The Great Father didn’t just make this planet…. He made all of them. He put beings on these planets just like he put us on this one. They’re smarter then we are. They can get from there to here, but we can’t get from here to there.
(Note:CF is rather deaf. He wears two hearing aid appliances in this ears, so he answers my questions as follows :)
Q: Why do you think they’re here then?
CF: I don’t know where they hauled them. They might have hauled them to the hospital or somewhere.
Q: How long were you and Sheriff Slaughter at that site after you arrived?
CF: About 30 Minutes?
Q: Did you tell anyone about it?
CF: The Army was there and military soldiers were there.
Major Jesse Marcel from the Roswell Army Air Field with debris found 75 miles north west of Roswell, NM, in June 1947.(Image: AFP)
Q: Did they tell you not to say anything?
CF: No, they didn’t tell me nothing’. They wouldn’t let you get close to ‘em.
Q: Did they actually see you observing what was going on?
CF: Sure, they saw me lookin’ at them.
Q: And they didn’t tell you to not say anything…..
CF: No, They wouldn’t let us get close to them. We were about 10 away.
Q: You were that close?
CF: We might have been further away. I didn’t have glasses then, I could see pretty good.
Q: What was your official capacity then?
CF: I was a Deputy The County Seat was I was riding with the Sheriff when we went to get the prisoner.
He didn’t order nobody except me to go with him. The UFO was already down when we got there. We went and got the prisoner afterwards. We heard about it on the radio.
Q: What did you hear on the radio?
CF: That the thing had crashed.
Q: But they didn’t know what ‘the thing’ was?
CF: No. But you would think that when people hear something like this, it scares the heck out of them. This came out of the police radio. We were on the way through there (to pick up the prisoner) when we heard it on the police radio. It was a big distance from to can look on a map and see it.
Q: So let me ask you this. When you guys were driving down the road and you were listening to the police radio……
CF: Yeh.....
A sign marking the spot where the sighting happened(Image: Photonica)
Q: Do you remember what was said on the radio about whatever it was... Do you recall?
CF: All I remember is they said that a saucer crashed out there in the canyon.
Q: They actually said the word ‘saucer’?
CF: They can call it a saucer if they want to but there ain’t a big enough cup of coffee for that thing.
Q: How long do you think you were at the site?
CF: Probably about 20 minutes. We seen them haul them (the bodies) out there, out of the canyon up to the trucks….puttin them on the tow trucks so they could haul them.
Q: Did anyone try to get you to leave the scene.
CF: No….they told the Sheriff that we had to go. That was good enough for us….He’s the boss.
Q: When they were taking the beings, we'll call them beings, were the beings laying on the ground around the saucer?
There are questions about the suspected alien crash at Roswell(Image: Getty)
CF: Yeh, they were lifting them up with a crane that they had and picking them up and swinging them to put them on the truck. The bodies must have been 5 feet tall.
Q: Did you see the heads?
CF: Yeh….they were covered. They eyes looked like the ones we see on television and the pictures of them.
Q: What color was the skin?
CF: As much as I could tell….the skin was a brownish color…. Like they were in the sun too long.
Q: From the time it crashed until the time you got there, do you know how much time went by? From the time you heard it on the police radio until you got there?
CF: About two hours.
Q: Did you see any writing or engraving on the saucer?
CF: I wasn’t that close to it?
Deputy Sheriff Charles H Fogus pictured when he was still working(Image: Irena Scott)
Q: If you were say 12 feet away from the beings, how far were the beings away from the saucer. Were they thrown pretty far?
CF; We couldn’t see that well because of the trees. It was in a riverbank. It slammed into a river bank. I say them lifting one up with the crane.
Q: Did anyone else talk to you about what was going on?
CF: There were some solders, but I don’t think they were from the Air Force.
Q: Where do you think they were from then?
CF: I don’t know. They were wearing uniforms. I didn’t pay no attention cause I just wanted to go with the Sheriff to get the heck out of there before something happened.
Q: When you guys were in the car to go pick the guy up, did you discuss or talk about what you had seen with the Sheriff?
An image of an "alien" from a TV show about Roswell(Image: Image net)
CF: No. I didn’t know what they were and he didn’t either or where they came from or nothin.
Q: Did you see any blood on the bodies?
CF: I don’t know…. I guess they were dead.
Q: You’re 81 years old now. When and where were you born?
CF: I was born in I don’t know what city.
Q: You have been in the army?
CF: I sure have, before I became a Deputy Sheriff.
Q: So when this thing at Roswell happened, you were already out of the Army and were a Deputy Sheriff. That happened in 1947. Now it’s 1999. That was 52 years ago, Charlie. And you still remember it clearly?
The Deputy Sheriff gave his interview before he died(Image: Irena Scott)
CF: Yeh, pretty clear.
Q: Has anyone ever talked to you or asked you to talk about what to the Government, cause there’s a lot of research going on now because of the cover-up.
CF: There was one that came around, and I told him to shut up and not come around. I don’t know who they were. That was when I was Deputy Sheriff.
Q: When you saw the saucer, can you remember in your mind what it looked like. Can you draw it?
CF: No….you draw it?
(Note: Charlie had the interviewer draw because he broke his arm and can’t use it). He directed her to draw a circle (not an oval). Then he directed her to draw another circle with the circle. This was a drawing of the top of the saucer. Charlie was standing on top of the opposite side of the bank of the dry creek bed where the saucer had crashed.
The office of UFO witness Deputy Sheriff Charles H Fogus of Howard County(Image: Irena Scott)
Q: Were you standing above it?
CF: I was standing on the back side. The saucer hit the bank on this side of the creek and I was standing on the other side of the bank, at the top of the hill. I was looking down at the site.
Q: So you had a ‘bird’s eye view‘, that’s why you were able to see the top of it?
CF: I didn’t have a ‘bird’s eye, I’ve got my own eyes (he laughs)
(showing Charlie the drawing the interviewer says "if this is the top (of the saucer), how much higher were you?"
CF: Probably about 20 feet above it.
Q: So, that’s why you saw the top (of the saucer). And you say, that from here to here (across the top of the saucer - diameter) is about 100 feet.
CF: It was evenly round.
A new book - UFOs TODAY, 70 Years of Misinformation, Lies and Government Cover-Ups By Irena Scott PhD - details the incident(Image: Irena Scott)
Q: So it was absolutely round…. Not oval shaped and you were 20 feet above it, that’s why you saw the top. Did you see the fingers and hands?
CF: No, they were covered up. But I saw the head.
Q: But you said you saw the feet.
CF: Yeah, later on, when they were passing by I saw the feet. I could see them lifting it up with the crane. They wouldn’t let you close enough when they were puttin’ them into the truck. When they were liftin' them on the crane you could see them layin’ on that thing.
Q: You said the body was covered. Were the arms layin on the stomach under the cover?
CF: When the wind blew, the cover went back so you could see the face. The same way with the feet.
Astartling discovery in Germany has caused scientists to question historical records regarding the evolution of man. Researchers from the Natural History Museum in Mainz announced Friday that they excavated 9.7 million-year-old teeth fossils from the Rhine river. What makes this finding so remarkable is that these teeth appear to be potentially hominin and considerably older than similar specimens found in Africa — a mysterious possibility that could rewrite what we know about where early human life emerged.
In a preprint published by ResearchGate, a team of researchers led by Natural History Museum deputy director Herbert Lutz write that they found two teeth — an upper left canine and an upper right first molar — that are “exceptionally well preserved and obviously come from the body of unknown sex.”
Archeologists found 9.7 million year-old teeth that might have belonged to a Lucy-like hominid.
It’s believed that these teeth belonged to a great ape that was potentially an early hominin species, one that could have been related to members of the African hominin tribe. The canine tooth, in particular, is indicative that this ancient being is unlike any other specimen found in northern Europe.
“It’s something completely new, something previously unknown to science,” Lutz told ResearchGate. “It’s a complete mystery where this individual came from, and why nobody’s ever found a tooth like this somewhere before.”
The Rhine River in Mainz, Germany.
While Lutz and his team are wary of speculating exactly what this finding means, they are hopeful that this finding can help fill in the holes of the fossil record and a new species could may be added to the family tree. These teeth most closely resemble the teeth of the famous early human Lucy, who existed 3.2 million years ago, and 4.4 million-year-old skeletal remains also found in Ethiopia. If subsequent analysis proves the researcher’s belief that these teeth are indeed 9.7 million years old, that would make this specimen much older — which raises questions about how the heck it got to Germany.
The molar fossil on the left and the canine fossil on the right.
“It’s possible that, with the morphology of this canine tooth being so similar to more recent examples from Africa, the species could be related,” says Lutz. “That would mean that a group of primates was in Europe before they were in Africa.”
The dig site in Eppelsheim, Germany.
Another potential way this ancient European specimen could have had these advanced canines is via the phenomenon of convergence, an evolutionary biology process where organisms that are not closely related still independently evolve to share similar traits, even if they live in different areas and have never interacted. These traits evolve because both groups of organisms had to adapt to similar ecological niches.
Hopefully, answers will begin to emerge as the scientist begin to analyze the specimens. High-resolution x-rays will be used to examine the inner structure of the enamel, which will reveal information about how old the individual was and whether it developed healthily. They will also examine the wear-and-tear on the chewing surface of the teeth, which can indicate what it’s diet was like.
That’s not to say that the researchers aren’t acutely confident they have something big on their hands: They actually discovered the teeth a year ago, and are only now confident enough to publish a paper saying these 9.7 million-year-old chompers are the real deal.
“We want to collaborate with other researchers to process these finds, and hopefully in one or two years, we’ll know a lot more about what we’ve got on our hands,” says Lutz. “It’s definitely a fantastic, exciting story.”
Paleontologists in Germany have discovered 9.7 million-year-old fossilised teeth that a German politician has hailed as potentially “rewriting" human history
The dental remains were found by scientists sifting through gravel and sand in a former bed of the Rhine river near the town of Eppelsheim.
They resemble those belonging to “Lucy”, a 3.2 million-year-old skeleton of an extinct primate related to humans and found in Ethiopia.
However, they do not resemble those of any other species found in Europe or Asia.
Scientists were so confused by the find they held off from publishing their research for the past year, Deutsche Welle reports.
Herbert Lutz, director at the Mainz Natural History Museum and head of the research team, told local media: "They are clearly ape teeth. Their characteristics resemble African finds that are four to five million years younger than the fossils excavated in Eppelsheim.
“This is a tremendous stroke of luck, but also a great mystery."
At a press conference announcing the discovery, the mayor of Mainz suggested the find could force scientists to reassess the history of early humans.
Ancient mystery of how the Egyptians built the Great Pyramid of Giza solved
"I don't want to over-dramatise it, but I would hypothesise that we shall have to start rewriting the history of mankind after today," he said.
Axel von Berg, a local archaeologist, said the new findings would “amaze experts”.
With the first paper on the research having just been published, the “real work” to unlock the mystery is only just beginning, Dr Lutz said.
Although there is abundant fossil evidence that great apes were roaming Europe millions of years ago, there has been no confirmed cases of hominins – species closely related to humans – on the continent.
Archaeological treasures of Ancient Greece
The current scientific consensus proposes that modern humans evolved out of east Africa somewhere between 400,000 and 200,000 years ago, before dispersing around the world as recently as 70,000 years ago.
The teeth will be on display from the end of October at a state exhibition, before heading to Mainz’s Natural History Museum.
The region where the find was made has been an attraction for fossil hunters for almost 200 years.
9,7 miljoen jaar oude fossielen kunnen menselijke geschiedenis herschrijven. Deze archeologen stuiten op groot mysterie
9,7 miljoen jaar oude fossielen kunnen menselijke geschiedenis herschrijven. Deze archeologen stuiten op groot mysterie
Duitse archeologen hebben 9,7 miljoen jaar oude fossielen gevonden die de menselijke geschiedenis weleens zouden kunnen herschrijven.
De tandresten zijn gevonden bij de plaats Eppelsheim en doen denken aan fossielen van Lucy, een 3,2 miljoen jaar oud skelet van een menselijke voorouder dat in Ethiopië is gevonden.
Ze vertonen echter geen gelijkenissen met botten van andere soorten die in Europa of Azië zijn gevonden, waardoor de Out of Africa-theorie op de tocht komt te staan.
Wetenschappers waren zo verbaasd door de vondst dat ze de publicatie van hun resultaten een jaar uitstelden, schrijft Die Welt.
Hoofdonderzoeker Herbert Lutz, directeur van het Naturhistorisches Museum Mainz, vertelde aan lokale media: “Dit zijn duidelijk tanden van een aap. Ze doen denken aan Afrikaanse vondsten die vier tot vijf miljoen jaar jonger zijn dan de fossielen die in Eppelsheim zijn opgegraven.”
“We hebben ongelooflijk veel geluk gehad, maar het is ook een groot mysterie,” voegde hij toe.
Tijdens een persconferentie over de ontdekking suggereerde de burgemeester van Mainz dat de vondst wetenschappers kan dwingen om de geschiedenis van de vroege mens te herzien.
“Ik wil de zaken niet dramatiseren, maar na vandaag zullen we denk ik moeten beginnen met het herschrijven van de menselijke geschiedenis,” zei hij.
De lokale archeoloog Axel von Berg zei dat de nieuwe bevindingen ‘experts zullen verbazen’.
Echte werk
Hoewel de eerste paper over het onderzoek net is gepubliceerd, is het echte werk pas net begonnen, aldus dr. Lutz.
De tanden worden vanaf eind oktober tentoongesteld. In het gebied waar de bijzondere vondst is gedaan zijn al bijna 200 jaar fossielenjagers actief.
Witnesses report landing of a UFO near São Paulo, Brazil
Witnesses report landing of a UFO near São Paulo, Brazil
A team of researchers investigate the alleged landing of an Unidentified Flying Object in Peruíbe, near São Paulo in Brazil..
The event already occurred in the early hours of October 7, but was kept confidential as not to attract the attention of onlookers. An official statement has been released on Thursday, October 19, 2017.
During the investigation local authorities decided to close the area, which is located at the back of a house on Rua 19, in the Balneário São João Batista 3 neighborhood, not too far away from the central part of the city, for the public, to avoid that onlookers could hamper the work of the researchers.
Residents living near the alleged landing site reported seeing a light on a terrain at dawn, afterwards they found marks on the vegetation.
Other residents reported that at the time of the alleged landing, the homes in the surroundings were without electricity, while a couple reported that they saw a beam of light on that ground, and in another moment, that light approached their house.
Researcher Saga Susseliton Souza explains: “We have looked at it and we already have noticed that it was something that was not made by a human. It was a UFO that landed there in circular movements, given the fact that the vegetation was not broken, but just bent.”
“Peruíbe Prefeitura has carried out the marking of the terrain and aerial images of the vegetation that was altered. We are still in the research phase, but we have already collected images, analyzed the terrain and heard the witnesses so we hope to get clarity on this strange event the coming days”, Sara said. (Credit images - Above text is a translation.)
Moon-like Object circles around the Earth as a "quasi-satellite” Astronomers Say
Moon-like Object circles around the Earth as a "quasi-satellite” Astronomers Say
Was it a burned-out rocket booster, tumbling along a peculiar near-earth orbit around the sun, and only occasionally getting close enough to be studied with even the largest telescopes?
Not at all, as it turns out. While, based on previous observations, most astronomers had strongly suspected that object 2016 HO3 was an ordinary asteroid and not space junk, it took a team of astronomers led by Vishnu Reddy, assistant professor at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, working with one of the world's largest telescopes, the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), on Mt. Graham in Southeastern Arizona, to learn the true nature of this near-Earth object.
The astronomers are convinced that 2016 HO3 is a small near-Earth object (NEO) measuring no more than 100 meters (330 feet) across that, while orbiting the Sun, also appears to circle around the Earth as a "quasi-satellite.”
Although the provenance of the object is unknown it seems on timescales of a few centuries, this “quasi-satellite” (Black Knight Satellite?) remains within 38-100 lunar distances from us.
Author Claims People Close To Find The Truth About Death Planet Nibiru Are Kept Silence
Author Claims People Close To Find The Truth About Death Planet Nibiru Are Kept Silence
Mysterious death planet hurtling towards Earth has been in the news in recent times. The theories about it colliding our world have been circulating in different media outlets for many years. According to conspiracy theorist David Meade, politicians are already preparing for the cataclysm in nuclear bunkers.
The same man also suggests that mysterious Men in Black are responsible for the death of researchers who get too close to the truth. Meade believes astrophysicist Rodney Marks and Dr Robert Harrington both died of the common factor and that could be Planet X. He thinks there have been strange instances.
Meade stresses that Dr Harrington mysteriously died before he could say anything. Then in 2000, a man died of supposedly alcohol poisoning, according to Mead.
Dr Robert Harrington
Believers say that dozens have died since 1947, including JFK. They believe that the assassination of JFK may have been arranged to prevent him disclosing the truth on UFOs.
Nancy Lieder, a website writer who claimed to have an alien implant in her brain, predicted that Nibiru would destroy the world in 2003, but of course, it did not happen. In 2012, Planet X was predicted to destroy our planet to coincide with the Mayan apocalypse. It was also widely anticipated that the mysterious dead world would hit in December 2015, then in April 2016, but the predictions did not take place. It was also predicted again to hit Earth in December 2016, but with the same result. Now David Meade predicted it to happen on October 22.
Many do not believe the existence of Nibiru anymore, and one can only hope that David Meade has got his excuses ready on October 22.
NASA has thoroughly debunked the Nibiru, saying it is one of those Internet hoaxes with no factual basis.
However, believers say that Nibiru exists and it just a matter of time it will hit Earth and destroy our existence.
Army Military Ordered Off the Bait Diggers after Witnessing the Odd UFO
Army Military Ordered Off the Bait Diggers after Witnessing the Odd UFO
UFO is anything that is not explainable readily and that it appears to move through or at least is suspended in the air, used primarily to refer to the objects that seem to be of small yet familiar aircraft size. While most people believe that UFO is just a fictional character, they cannot deny the fact that there are too many people who witnessed them. Recently, two workers worked at the beach. These workers have claimed to have seen odd objects entering in the Wilsthorpe Beach, nearby the Bridlington in East Yorkshire. Paul Sinclair, the Paranormal investigator shares this story called the Wilsthorpe incident, which has been branded as the Britain’s latest Roswell owing to the mysterious military activity that is seemingly connected to the alien sightings. According to him, the two men were working at the bait shop nearby Bridlington Harbour when it occurred.
The two workers were at the Wilsthorpe digging during a high tide. It was a place where the bait shop owner told Mr Sinclair that they had reported seeing various bizarre triangles entering into the sea. Later on, they were surrounded by armed soldiers who asked them what they were doing and where they were going. They were being interrogated and were a bit off with them. However, one soldier threatened to arrest them if they are going somewhere. The bizarre claims of these two workers concerned the night of September 14, 2009, when the woman went to turn off the lights to sleep, and she saw a glow outside. Before she opened the front door to see what it was, the latter saw glowing several unidentified objects above the coast. It remained for half an hour. Next day, two helicopters full of RAF staffs landed at the beach.
Mr Sinclair submitted to the Ministry of Defence (MoD) a Freedom of Information request to know why the military operations took place on September 15. However, “routine military exercise”were the reasons for such operations. However, Mr Sinclair continues to investigate the case since he believes that such operation is connected to a UFO activity.
“Access Mars” provides 3-D views of the Red Planet as captured by NASA’s Curiosity rover. (NASA / JPL Illustration)
NASA has been offering virtual-reality tours of Mars for years — but now, with Google’s help, the space agency has come up with one of the most accessible tours yet.
“Access Mars” lays out a 3-D terrain for five of the spots scanned by NASA’s Curiosity rover, ranging from its landing site to the place where it’s hanging out now, more than five years later.
The tour can be experienced via a desktop browser, on mobile devices as a head-tracking display seen through a Cardboard-style viewer, and on virtual-reality and augmented-reality headsets.
You can jump from one spot to another, teleport between the five tour stops, or check out explanatory placards that are accompanied by audio narration. There’s even the sound of wind in the background to give you an eerie sense of Martian aloneness.
NASA says the experience was adapted from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s OnSight software, which is used to help scientists visualize the rover’s surroundings as they plan its route. The software was developed using WebVR, an open-source standard, with support from Google’s Creative Labs team.
“We’ve been able to leverage VR and AR technologies to take our scientists to Mars every single day,” Victor Luo, lead project manager at JPL’s Ops Lab, said today in a NASA news release. “With ‘Access Mars,’ everyone in the world can ride along.”
NASA’s other forays into VR and AR include “Mars 2030,” an immersive VR experience created in collaboration with Fusion Media Group; “Destination: Mars,” a mixed-reality presentation that NASA and Microsoft put together for NASA’s Kennedy Space Center Visitor Center in Florida; and ProtoSpace, a Hololens application that JPL is using to tweak the design for NASA’s 2020 Mars rover.
The 11-minute video takes you on a tour of six extrasolar planets, ranging from Osiris, a storm-ravaged “hot Jupiter” that orbits a star 154 light-years from Earth, to Kepler-62e, a potential water world that’s 1,200 light-years away and is thought to have a super-ocean.
Like “Access Mars,” the exoplanet tour can be experienced on a desktop, a mobile phone or with a headset in head-tracking 3-D. There’s a running commentary that’s provided by planetary scientists from the University of Exeter Astrophysics Research Group. Funding was provided by the University of Exeter.
We won’t really know what these exoplanets look like until we create telescopes big enough to get a snapshot. But the views come close to scientists’ conceptions — so close that NASA used the imagery of WASP-121b to illustrate a report about the weird planet’s stratosphere in August.
Photo of Phobos taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona
Vid Strong solar eruptions may be blasting the Martian moon Phobos with an avalanche of electrically charged particles, charging parts of it to hundreds of volts, and hampering attempts to land on and study the alien landscape.
Interest in human spaceflight to Mars has ramped up as scientists keep finding promising signs that the Red Planet may have once harbored life – and Elon Musk really wants people to go out there and die for him on the unforgiving dust world. Some have considered Phobos as a possible base for humans to settle first because its weak gravity would make landing easy.
Once a base is set up on the moon, astronauts could potentially control robot rovers on Mars from Phobos, which is more convenient, in terms of radio communications and latency, than controlling the device all the way back here, on Earth.
But a new study, published in the journal Advances in Space Research this month, shows that this approach could be trickier than previously thought.
William Farrell, lead author of the paper and a researcher at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, said: "We found that astronauts or rovers could accumulate significant electric charges when traversing the night side of Phobos – the side facing Mars during the Martian day.”
Farrell said the charges probably aren’t high enough to injure an astronaut, but could affect sensitive machinery and sensors. “We would need to design spacesuits and equipment that minimizes any charging hazard," he added.
Here's some more info the environment people face after landing on Phobos...
Both of Mars’ moons, Phobos and Deimos, have no atmosphere to shield whoever and whatever is on the surface from being bombarded by heavy doses of ions, electrons and electromagnetic radiation from the Sun.
"The electrons act like fighter jets – they are able to turn quickly around an obstacle – and the ions are like big, heavy bombers – they change direction slowly," said Farrell. "This means the light electrons push in ahead of the heavy ions and the resulting electric field forces the ions into the plasma void behind Phobos, according to our models."
According to NASA:
The study shows that this plasma void behind Phobos may create a situation where astronauts and rovers build up significant electric charges. For example, if astronauts were to walk across the night-side surface, friction could transfer charge from the dust and rock on the surface to their spacesuits. This dust and rock is a very poor conductor of electricity, so the charge can’t flow back easily into the surface – and charge starts to build up on the spacesuits.
On the day side, the electrically conducting solar wind and solar ultraviolet radiation can remove the excess charge on the suit. But, on the night side, the ion and electron densities in the trailing plasma void are so low they cannot compensate or "dissipate" the charge build-up.
Calculations show that the static charge can reach up to ten thousand volts in some materials. If an astronaut touches a conductive object, it could release the charge and sending a shock to electronic equipment, potentially frying its chips – as anyone who has not used a static strap while repairing a motherboard may recognize.
The researchers calculated the buildup of charge on the dark side of Phobos in regions such as the Stickney crater, the largest crater on the moon.
"We found that excess charge builds up in these regions during all solar wind conditions, but the charging effect was especially severe in the wake of solar eruptions like coronal mass ejections, which are dense, fast gusts of solar wind," said Farrell.
If you end up on a flight to Mars, we here on the Reg science desk truly hope you know watt you're getting yourself into. ®
I can’t say I’ve always been an avid believer in the existence of extraterrestrial life.
I never truly considered that life might exist somewhere else in our universe — at least not until I realized just how tiny our planet really is.
Once I understood that we are nothing more than a microscopic speck of dust within the Milky Way, it then seemed impossible to me that there wouldn’t be life out there, somewhere.
While I won’t go so far as to say that there are aliens duking it out on some light-speed traveling spacecraft (although that would fulfill all our science fiction fantasies), I do firmly believe that a community of single-celled organisms are replicating their days away somewhere up in the sky.
I’m not the only one; real life scientists have set to work scouring the universe for planets with the right conditions to cultivate life. And this past year, they’ve found one: planet e of the TRAPPIST-1 system.
TRAPPIST-1 is a dwarf star located 39 light years away in the constellation Aquarius. Compared to our sun, it is much, much cooler and much, much smaller. Because not as much heat is given off by TRAPPIST-1, the probability of life around the star should logically be small.
However, because of the tight orbit of TRAPPIST-1’s seven known exoplanets, they actually may be within an inhabitable zone. The planets are all terrestrial (rocky, as opposed to gas), approximately Earth-sized and transit their sun (meaning they pass in front of TRAPPIST-1, from our view on Earth), making it our current, most ideal system to research and analyze for life.
The seven planets of TRAPPIST-1, from closest to furthest from their sun, are planets b, c, d, e, f, g and h. Researcher Eric T. Wolf of University of Colorado, Boulder, set out on a mission to further research these planets and analyze their propensity to cultivate life.
Since Earth is our one and only example of a life-supporting planet, our search for other habitable planets means looking for exoplanets similar to Earth. Long story short, we must find something we all likely take for granted: liquid water.
Now at this point you might be asking the same question that I have asked for years: Why should we assume that life needs water? Isn’t it possible for some tiny single celled organism to live in an environment without water?
The answer is that liquid water is a highly unique substance and acts in organic processes in such a specific way that we have yet to find a molecule to replace it.
That’s why, in Wolf’s quest to determine the probability of life in the TRAPPIST-1 system, he evaluated the potential atmospheres of the planets to determine if they could retain the heat needed to keep water in its liquid state.
Liquid water requires a surface temperature of 273 K to 373 K. Too low, it freezes, and too high, it turns to gas.
All the planets were initially thought to be in the range, but Wolf found that only TRAPPIST-1e, the middle of the seven planets, could realistically support life. He used the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Atmosphere Model version 4, which has previously been used to study many Earth-like atmospheres, to simulate the conditions of their surfaces over time.
Assuming the initial conditions of a surface with complete liquid water and various atmospheric conditions with nitrogen, carbon dioxide and gaseous water (conditions similar to Earth), Wolf ran the simulation to determine the feasibility of life.
Wolf found that planets b, c and d, the innermost planets, would experience a “runaway greenhouse” effect, a vicious cycle where the atmosphere traps heat and that heat causes a thicker atmosphere, which traps even more heat and on and on. This is very bad for the presence of liquid water, since it would quickly (in terms of an astronomical timeframe) boil and evaporate.
Planets f, g and h, the outermost planets, would meet the opposite fate, sliding into a “snowball state.” Even at the most ideal conditions, the atmosphere of these planets could not retain enough heat to keep their surfaces from becoming covered in ice.
TRAPPIST-1e, however, seems to hit the jackpot. Under a multitude of atmospheric conditions, planet e can maintain a stable enough temperature to retain liquid water, allowing for life to possibly begin. And just like that, the possibility of finding extraterrestrial life has once again increased.
Although the remote possibility of finding water in space may seem underwhelming, I must disagree.
It is amazing that humans can point cameras to the heavens and determine the feasibility of life staring back at us.
The system of TRAPPIST-1 was first discovered in 2011, and in six years we have certainly learned a lot about the universe outside our little solar system. This dwarf star system, 39 light years away from you and me, is a breeding ground for imagination that is currently being turned into science.
And, considering the young age of our adventure into astrobiology, it makes me wonder: How many more life-sustaining planets are we soon to find?
Existing models by NASA uses atmospheric conditions of the planet they are studying to judge whether further study will yield results. According to Yuka Fujii lead researcher of the study from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), New York, and the Earth-Life Science Institute at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan: "Using a model that more realistically simulates atmospheric conditions, we discovered a new process that controls the habitability of exoplanets and will guide us in identifying candidates for further study."
All previous models were a one-dimensional study. They studied exoplanets in the vertical direction only. But, the new model calculates conditions in all three dimensions. The team used this model to simulate the circulation of the atmosphere and observe the intricate details of the swirling clouds. The team says that this new model will help astronauts focus on only the promising prospects and help use observing time more efficiently.
One of the main criteria for life, as we know it, to exist on another planet is temperature. If the planet is in the temperature range for liquid water to exist, it could hold life. According to the press release by NASA, "If the exoplanet is too far from its parent star, it will be too cold, and its oceans will freeze. If the exoplanet is too close, light from the star will be too intense, and its oceans will eventually evaporate and be lost to space."
UV light from the star breaks down the water vapor into its primary constituents — hydrogen and oxygen. The extremely light hydrogen atoms can escape into space. Planets which experience ocean evaporation enter a "moist greenhouse" which causes a humid atmosphere. Scientists have determined that the presence of a moist greenhouse atmosphere could indicate conditions comparable to Earths’ tropics, thereby possessing the ability to sustain life.
In such planets, the clouds on the dayside of the planet act like an umbrella to shield the surface from much of the light. The near-infrared radiation (NIR) of a star could warm the air of the planet enough for the water vapor in these clouds to heat up and rise. As they rise, they carry the water into the stratosphere where it creates the moist greenhouse.
According to the NASA release, "the new model demonstrated that since these stars emit the bulk of their light at NIR wavelengths, a moist greenhouse state will result even in conditions comparable to or somewhat warmer than Earth's tropics. For exoplanets closer to their stars, the team found that the NIR-driven process increased moisture in the stratosphere gradually. So, it’s possible, contrary to old model predictions, that an exoplanet closer to its parent star could remain habitable."
Detecting whether a planet is in a moist greenhouse state can provide pre-information on its ability to host life. This is an important observation for astronomers searching for habitable worlds because there are thousands of planetary systems in our galaxy. The new model of looking for a moist greenhouse atmosphere will help astronomers screen the most promising candidates in the search for planets that could support life. "As long as we know the temperature of the star, we can estimate whether planets close to their stars have the potential to be in the moist greenhouse state," said Anthony Del Genio of GISS, a co-author of the paper, in the NASA release. "Current technology will be pushed to the limit to detect small amounts of water vapor in an exoplanet’s atmosphere. If there is enough water to be detected, it probably means that planet is in the moist greenhouse state."
The paper was published in the Astrophysical Journal on Tuesday and is titled "NIR-driven Moist Upper Atmospheres of Synchronously Rotating Temperate Terrestrial Exoplanets"
Might ET be buried under too much ice to phone Earth? That’s what planetary scientist Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, has concluded may be delaying our contact with alien civilizations. Most extraterrestrial creatures are likely deep inside their home planets, in subsurface oceans crusted over in frozen water ice, according to a new proposal at this year's American Astronomy Society Division for Planetary Sciences meeting in Provo, Utah. The hypothesis could explain the lack of signals from other technologically advanced civilizations, a conundrum known as the Fermi paradox.
It’s only recently that astronomers have come to appreciate how common oceans are in our solar system; evidence for them can be seen on several moons of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, and even distant Pluto. These worlds all have water ice as a major component of their crusts, which forms towering mountains and cracked canyons on their surfaces but melts into liquid water at lower depths. Hydrothermal vents on these ocean beds might pump nutrients into their surroundings, similar to ecosystems at the bottom of Earth’s oceans. Such nurseries for life—shielded from space by a thick ice shell—might even be more productive than our own exposed environment.
And should living organisms on icy ocean worlds evolve into intelligent creatures, they probably wouldn’t know the night sky as well as us humans. Perhaps the equivalent of their “space program” would simply be boring through to the frozen surface of their planet, Stern suggests. His proposal wasn’t based on new evidence, but for the first time links up the prevalence of icy ocean worlds with the lack of alien signals.
The idea is intriguing, says psychologist Douglas Vakoch, president of the San Francisco, California–based Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence, though he believes there’s no need to invoke the Fermi paradox. Biochemical indications of life are simply hard to detect remotely, he says, and it will likely take new telescopes and techniques to find them. If they don’t find us first, says Stern, it could be because they decide long-distance communication isn’t worthwhile, especially if they think everybody else is trapped in their own little icy bubbles.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
My Experience Photographing UFOs
My Experience Photographing UFOs
Welcome to another edition of Let’s Talk Photography!
Imagine this; you’re out shooting and you capture some really beautiful landscape shots or you’ve just taken a bunch of portraits and the sun was perfect, the lighting was in just the right place, the colors and composition were immaculate and you’ve never had sharper photos in all your life. The excitement is so intense that you just can’t wait to get home and get the photos on the computer and start working on them so you can enjoy your new masterpieces. You set aside the entire evening so you can be undisturbed and you wait anxiously while the photos are downloading into your software and then you pull up the first photo and that’s when you see them. To your surprise you stare at first, then you think “did I get them in every shot?” So, you cull through your photos and see them in just about every photo where the sky was in the frame. At this point you simply can’t believe what you are seeing! Then it finally hits home … “I’ve just captured a bunch of UFOs!”
That’s right, UFOs! Unidentified Fuzzy Orbs that appear where the sky is or where any bright part of the photo might be. In this photo, I’ve circled one of them but you should be able to see several all around the sky. At first, you start wiping your screen because maybe it’s a bit of dust that found its way onto your computer monitor. Then you realize every shot has the exact same pattern of dark orbs and you have the revelation that there must be some dust on your camera lens. If that’s the case, you can breathe more easily and give the lens a good cleaning before heading out for your next shoot.
For those of you with a point and shoot or fixed lens camera, that may be where the problem exists. Something got stuck to the front of the lens and it appeared in the shots as very large, faint, but noticeable orbs or smudges. However, those with removeable lens cameras may have to go a couple steps further to find the culprits.
First, you should understand that you can tell almost exactly where the dust is by the size and shape of your UFOs. If they are very large dark or light spots in your image then it’s most likely on the front of the lens. If the dark spot is clearly circular but still large and very soft then it will likely be on the back element of the lens, where the lens attaches to the camera. If the spot is a small, hard, very defined circle, then the dust is inside the camera and stuck to your sensor.
Dust on the lens is the easiest to take care of. Simply remove the lens and give both elements a wipe with a lens cleaning cloth. Dust on the sensor is a different animal all together. The sensor is extremely sensitive and does not like to be touched by anyone or anything. To access the sensor on a DSLR with a mirror, you must lock the mirror in the up, or open, position and you’ll see the sensor directly behind it. On a newer mirrorless camera, the sensor is right there when you remove the lens.
Most of the time, a puff of air will remove the dust and you’ll be good to go. Don’t use a canned or compressed air solution like you would on a computer. You don’t want to blast air onto the sensor. Instead, you can pick up a sensor cleaning kit on the Internet that will include a rubber ball with a small tube and brush on it that will allow you to squeeze a small puff of air and direct it onto the sensor. Never blow on it with your mouth because your breath will carry moisture that can damage the sensor or make the problem worse. Also, when cleaning your sensor like this, hold the camera above you with the sensor and the camera opening pointing down so all the dust that you dislodge will fall out and down. If you put the camera on the table so your looking down into the camera body while cleaning, then you’re just going to be blowing the dust around inside the camera body and it won’t fall out.
You can check to see if any dust remains by holding the camera in front of a light source and tilting the camera from side to side and up and down to see if you see anything on the shiny sensor. In the event a puff of air didn’t do the trick, you can use a cleaning swab and special cleaning fluid to “wipe” the sensor clean. I put “wipe” in quotes because you want to do this with the most delicate touch. Typically, you would wipe the top half of the sensor with one continuous wipe, then wipe the bottom half using the other side of the swab. Not a cotton swab! Do the Internet search for camera sensor cleaning kit and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Never, ever, ever use paper towels, toilet paper, facial tissues, or anything else that can come apart or leave more dust behind. These will all scratch your sensor and your lens if you use them.
Now check to see if you got rid of all the dust. Put your camera in aperture priority mode, set the ISO to the lowest number and turn off auto ISO and auto focus. Set the aperture to the highest number and aim the camera at the clear sky or, if indoors, aim it at a white sheet of paper or even your computer screen with a blank white screen. Zoom your lens, or move close enough so the white fills the entire frame and make sure your camera is completely out of focus. Now, take a picture. Look at the picture in the viewfinder and see if you can see any of those UFOs floating around in the shot. If so, you need to go back in. If not, you’re in great shape!
Until next week, happy shooting!
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Mysterieuze vormen ontdekt voor de kust van Florida. Zijn dit twee piramides?
Mysterieuze vormen ontdekt voor de kust van Florida. Zijn dit twee piramides?
Op internet wordt momenteel gespeculeerd over mysterieuze piramides op de bodem van de Atlantische Oceaan, schrijft de Britse Daily Mail.
In een video die op YouTube is geplaatst zouden twee oude bouwwerken voor de kust van de Bahama’s te zien zijn.
Volgens believers zijn ze het bewijs dat de regio vroeger werd bewoond door een beschaving die deed denken aan de Azteken.
Scott Waring van de website UFO Sightings Daily speurde op Google Earth de oceaanbodem af op zoek naar onregelmatigheden, toen hij de vreemde vormen tegenkwam.
“Ik heb deze twee piramides bij het eiland New Providence op de zeebodem gevonden,” zegt hij in de video. “Het is niet ver van Florida.”
“De lijnen van de piramides zijn gemakkelijk te ontwaren en bewijs dat het nabijgelegen eiland ooit werd bewoond door een oude beschaving,” voegt hij toe.
Tyler Glockner van SecureTeam10 is het eens met Waring. “Ik moet zeggen dat deze [vormen] lijken op piramides,” zei hij. “Natuurlijk zijn ze door de jaren heen wel wat verweerd.”
“Als dit piramides zijn, kunnen ze veel ouder zijn dan de ruïnes die op aarde gevonden zijn en waar bijna niets meer van over is,” voegde hij toe.
Niet hetzelfde
Het tweetal merkt op dat de twee piramides niet hetzelfde zijn en dat één van de twee een perfect driehoekig bouwwerk is, net als de Grote Piramide van Gizeh.
Het andere lijkt meer op een trappenpiramide, zoals de beroemde Mayatempel van Chicen Itza.
Buitenaards leven is precies wat het zegt; leven ergens in de kosmos, buiten de planeet waar wij met z'n allen bivakkeren.
En als wij mensen niet de constructie hebben gebouwd op asteroïde 433, Eros, wie heeft het dan wel gedaan?
Er zwerven talloze kleine planetoïden of asteroïden door ons zonnestelsel en van de meeste weten wie niet eens dat ze bestaan. Als ze in de buurt van de aarde dreigen te komen, dan schrikken we even wakker, maar verder is het de ver van mijn bed show.
Er is echter een asteroïde die wel ooit de aandacht heeft getrokken van onderzoekers op aarde.
(433) Eros is een kleine, ongebruikelijk langwerpige, planetoïde, die de aarde betrekkelijk dicht kan naderen in zijn sterk elliptische baan met een gemiddelde afstand van 218 miljoen km van de zon. Hij werd in dezelfde nacht (13 augustus 1898), onafhankelijk van elkaar, ontdekt door twee astronomen, in Berlijn en Nice.
Eros is in 2001 bezocht door de ruimtesonde NEAR Shoemaker die op 12 februari van dat jaar een landing uitvoerde met een snelheid van 6 km/h, nadat de ruimtesonde een jaar lang foto's maakte van Eros.
Echter, voordat NEAR Shoemaker uiteindelijk terechtkwam op het oppervlak van Eros maakte deze ook de nodige foto's van deze planetoïde:
En het is op één van die foto's dat er iets heel merkwaardigs te zien is. De meningen zijn nogal verdeeld over wat het precies is, maar dat het geen rots is zoals NASA ons op de mouw wil spelden, is duidelijk.
Volgens NASA is het object dat duidelijk zichtbaar is op het oppervlak van Eros, een rots met een doorsnede van ongeveer 45 meter. Wat het verder wel moge zijn, weten wij ook niet, maar wel dat het geen rots is en iets dat door intelligente wezens moet zijn gebouwd.
Uit de verzamelde gegevens van Eros blijkt dat hier sprake is van een planetoïde die tot wel 20.000 miljard kilo aan kostbare grondstoffen kan bevatten die op aarde zeldzaam zijn. Denk dan bijvoorbeeld aan goud of platinum en als dat zo is, dan kan datgene wat je op de foto ziet heel goed een bepaalde constructie zijn die door intelligente wezens daar ooit is geplaatst als onderdeel van de mijnbouw die daar misschien ooit heeft plaatsgevonden.
Bovenstaande constructie is niet natuurlijk en dus zijn er bij de bouw daarvan intelligente wezens betrokken geweest.
Het bezoek van NEAR Shoemaker is het eerste dat de huidige beschaving op aarde heeft gebracht aan dit stuk ruimterots. Het is natuurlijk heel goed mogelijk dat eerdere beschavingen op aarde dusdanig ver gevorderd waren, dat ook zij in staat waren om constructies te bouwen op een planetoïde.
Of het waren intelligente wezens van andere planeten dan de onze. Hoe dan ook, met deze foto van een intelligent gemaakte constructie op een planetoïde is overtuigend aangetoond dat er leven bestaat buiten onze aarde. Buitenaards leven dus.
Tyler van Secureteam heeft bovenstaande foto ook ontdekt en in zijn video geeft hij nog meer voorbeelden van constructies op andere hemellichamen die absoluut door intelligente wezens gemaakt moeten zijn.
Hoelang blijft de bevolking nog doorlopen met de door de mainstream media aangebrachte oogkleppen?
En van het buitenaardse willen we lezers nog even herinneren aan een zeer aardse aanbieding van Orjana deze week:
Omdat de herfst op het punt staat aan te breken en men dan vaak extra vatbaar wordt voor allerlei infecties hebben wij deze week een actie met colloïdaal zilverwater van Crystal wat door Niburulezers aangeschaft kan worden met een korting van tien procent.
Bestel hier en voer bij het afrekenen de code 10collo in. Deze actie is geldig tot en met zondag 22 oktober.
Calling Tom DeLonge! Before you get too far along with your fundraising campaign in the U.S., you may want to take a quick trip to Brazil to see what’s going on near Sao Paulo where news is slowly leaking out about an alleged UFO landing in early October that seems to have been covered up by the Brazilian media until now.
Santos e Regiao is blaring the headline “Residents report alleged landing of ‘flying saucer’ on the coast of SP” and reporting that residents of Peruíbe, a coastal city west of Santos and southwest of Sao Paulo, allegedly saw a bright light around dawn on October 7 and found vegetation smashed to the ground as if a large craft had landed on it. The impression – measuring 13 by 2 meters (42.6 by 3.6 feet) – was not an elaborate geometric design like a crop circle (or in this case, rectangle) but was nonetheless cordoned off immediately by local officials to “avoid agglomerations that would hamper the work of the researchers.”
(Santos e Regiao )
Agglomerations? That would be ‘crowds of curious onlookers’ who would trample the site and everything else around it before investigators had a chance to do their jobs. Investigators like Saga Susseliton Souza, who claims to have 35 years experience in UFO investigations and had this to say after viewing the area:
“We looked at it in the last few days and we already noticed that it was something that was not made by a human. It was a UFO, really, that landed there in circular movements, so the vegetation was just crumpled.”
(Santos e Regiao)
Saga noted that electricity went out in the neighborhood at the time of the sighting and those living close to the ‘landing’ site reported “nausea and malaise.” The city was justified in keeping out “agglomerations.” When the “landing” was finally revealed by the media, around 100 people showed up to check things out. That’s probably just the beginning. Santos e Regiaoreports that Peruíbe is a hotbed for UFO activity, with 79 reported sightings listed on the UFO Hunters web site since 1998.
(Santos e Regiao)
With that many sightings, it’s not surprising that the city hosts an annual Ufological Meeting of Peruíbe (Santos e Regiaoreports over 1000 people attended in 2012) and is committed to ufology tourism. A survey of sightings made in 2010 found that most pass through eight points in the city where residents have seen UFOs, landing marks, lights and “luminous beings”
(Santos e Regiao )
It’s not clear if the latest ‘landing’ is at or near one of these points. Nor is it clear why it was not revealed for 10 days. However, Peruíbe officials seem committed to investigating and promoting UFO sightings and alien encounters, with the intent of making their city a center for what they call “Ufotourism.”
Four times in the past 2 years, physicists working with mammoth gravitational-wave detectors have sensed something go bump in the night, sending invisible ripples through spacetime. This week, they announced the detection of a fifth such disturbance—but this time astronomers saw it, too, at every wavelength of light from gamma radiation to radio waves. Just as physicists had predicted, the unprecedented view of the cosmic cataclysm—in which two superdense neutron stars spiraled into each other—brought with it a cornucopia of insights, each of which by itself would count as a major scientific advance.
A new study of China’s one-child policy is roiling demography, sparking calls for the field’s leading journal to withdraw the paper. The controversy has ignited a debate over scholarly values in a discipline that some say prioritizes reducing population growth above all else. Chinese officials have long claimed that the one-child policy—in place from 1980 to 2016—averted some 400 million births, which they say aided global environmental efforts. Scholars have contested that number as flawed. But the new paper argues that the figure may, in fact, have merit.
In just 3 decades, insect populations—everything from parasitic wasps to hoverflies and wild bees—have plummeted by more than 75% in German nature reserves, according to a new study. The reasons for the decline aren’t clear, but the pattern is consistent over a swath of western and northern Germany, and it’s likely having wide-ranging effects on plants and other animals, such as insect-eating birds.
Next month, the lavish Museum of the Bible will open its doors in Washington, D.C. The grandiose new venture is bankrolled by the Greens, the billionaire family that owns the arts and crafts chain Hobby Lobby and that has donated to the museum hundreds of artifacts purchased on the antiquities market. But although the Museum of the Bible is trying to establish itself as a legitimate academic enterprise by hiring respected curators and consultants, scholars worry that it will use its artifacts to further an evangelical view of the Bible as historically accurate and immutable, and they wonder how many items in the museum’s collection may have been looted from archaeological sites.
Might ET be buried under too much ice to phone Earth? That’s what one planetary scientist has concluded may be delaying our contact with alien civilizations. Most extraterrestrial creatures are likely deep inside their home planets, in subsurface oceans crusted over in frozen water ice. The hypothesis could explain the lack of signals from other technologically advanced civilizations, especially if they think that everyone else is trapped in their own icy bubbles.
Dogs may be social butterflies, but wolves are top dog when it comes to working together as a team. That’s because, unlike dogs, wolves haven’t evolved to avoid conflict; instead, members of a pack “sort things out” as they forage together, according to a new study. The work calls into question a long-held assumption that domestication fostered more cooperative individuals.
Newsweek recently released a special edition magazine titled Life Beyond Earth? The Mission to Find the Answer, and while one might expect it to be dominated by stories about NASA’s search for extraterrestrial microbes, or the SETI Institutes search for extraterrestrial radio signals, instead it is full of information about topics such as UFO investigations and alien abductions. That may make some of our readers cringe in fear of ridicule, but the stories are balanced and largely treat the topics positively.
The magazine has a lot of pictures. Some of them are rare pictures in remarkable condition. The kind of pictures writers like me search hours for, so that is why this excited me so much. Some of the pictures were even provided by With so many pictures, the stories are short, but cover a large variety of topics.
The stories range from ancient alien type topics to the Mars rover. What is exciting is that the UFO and alien stories are mixed in with the conventional science based stories, treating them all equally. There is also diversity within the topics. For example, their coverage of alien abduction covers experts who describe more positive experiences, and those who do not. More popular cases such as Betty and Barney Hill, the first alleged abduction to receive media coverage, and Travis Walton, are also included.
Photo of Travis Walton (right) with Jillian Björgin in the Newsweek Special Edition.
(Credit: Newsweek)
As an example of the tenor of the stories, when dealing with abduction they include a 1993 study from the Journal of Abnormal Psychology which found people claiming to be abducted by aliens to be as intelligent and prone to fantasy as the general public.
Another interesting aspect of the magazine is a section on how UFOs and aliens have influenced art. From wild comic books in the 1950s, to blockbuster movie and TV shows, like the X-Files, today.
Yvonne Smith (upper left), Reuben Langdon (lower left) and Alejandro Rojas – Me (right) in Newsweek Special Edition.
(Credit: Newsweek)
The magazine even recommends resources for more information, including books, and a particular interesting podcast called Open Minds UFO Radio. You will have to check the podcast out.
Open Minds UFO Radio in Newsweek Special Edition.
(Credit: Newsweek)
You should also check out the magazine. It is on the shelves in every grocery store, so it is easy to find.
That may sound like a strange – even bizarre – question to ask. But, stay with me. There’s absolutely no doubt that something very strange happened on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico in the summer of 1947. There is intriguing witness testimony which supports the idea that people were warned not to talk about what they knew – as in ever. There were, allegedly, death threats made too. Tales even exist of people being murdered to prevent the truth of Roswell from surfacing outside of the secret world of government. But, that was then – seventy years ago. What about now? That’s the important question. It’s a question which gets to the heart of the title of this article.
Whenever elements of the U.S. Government, such as the GAO (the Government Accountability Office) or the Air Force have anything to say about Roswell, Ufologists typically scream “Lies!” “Disinformation!” I saw this, and still remember it, when back in the 1990s the Air Force published its reports on Roswell. One surfaced in 1994 and was soon followed by a massive report in excess of 1,000 pages in length. The Air Force concluded that, most likely, what came down on the Foster Ranch was a huge “Mogul” balloon array, designed to monitor for early Soviet atomic bomb tests. Then, in July 1997 – which was the 50th anniversary of Roswell – the Air Force published another report on Roswell. This one was on the controversial matter of the bodies found at Roswell – which the Air Force suggested were probably crash-test dummies. Ufology was in a state of uproar, pointing figures at what it considered to be a bunch of liars. But, those same ufologists were wrong.
I don’t think that a Mogul balloon came down on the ranch – at all. Nor do I think that the bodies were mere dummies. But, I don’t think the government/Air Force lied. I think they genuinely went looking for answers, but couldn’t find anything solid, and – as a result – came up with what they truly considered to be a viable answer. Or answers. I am of the opinion that when, in the 1990s, the Air Force and the GAO came out with their reports on Roswell, they had less answers than did Ufology.
Within Ufology there is an (almost required) assumption that if what the government states about UFOs doesn’t accord with what Ufology wants to hear, then it must be a lie. Not so. A careful and close read of the combined Roswell reports of the USAF and the GAO makes it very clear that officialdom’s theories were simply that: theories. The Air Force openly admitted there was no definitive proof that dummies or Mogul balloons were the cause of all the fuss. The Air Force admitted that crash-test dummies were not used in the area until the early 1950s. Their theory was that the witnesses to the dummies got the years wrong, confusing the fifties with 1947. The Air Force also admitted that while it found thousands of pages of documents on Mogul – and in numerous military archives – not a single such document confirmed that it was a Mogul balloon that came down in Lincoln County.
In my view, if the USAF was lying, we would have seen a far more robust, well-constructed cover-story that addressed every avenue and plugged every hole. But, the reports do not do that. Instead, they show that the USAF tried to come up with what they thought were probably the answers, but couldn’t prove it. Then, there’s the matter of one of the key military/intelligence figures in Roswell: Sheridan Cavitt. Certainly someone who knew exactly what happened at Roswell, he took the truth to the grave with him. When, in the early 1990s, the Air Force was busily trying to figure out what the hell happened at Roswell, Cavitt was still alive. The Air Force contacted him and plans were made for a face-to-face interview. It happened in May 1994, in Cavitt’s own home.
Department of the Air Force Seal
The Air Force told Cavitt that, in their minds, the Roswell debris was very likely from a vast Mogul array – which might have explained the huge debris field found on the Foster Ranch. Cavitt, though, was having none of it. He firmly told the Air Force that what he saw and handled was a regular, tiny weather-balloon and nothing else. End of story. This caused the Air Force some big problems: they were pretty sure that Mogul was the answer. But, the one still-living man that just about everyone in the know said was on-site back in forty-seven was denying the Mogul scenario. As I see it, had the Air Force been engaged in conspiracy and lies – and knew what happened at Roswell – they would have had Cavitt on-board to help uphold and bolster their theory. After all, Cavitt was there. He saw what it was that came down. And he knew the truth. But, he chose to direct the Air Force to nothing stranger than a weather-balloon. For me, this is evidence that the USAF was genuinely looking for answers, but their primary guy (who they had their hopes on) was skillfully steering them away from what he knew – and doing so with something as simple as a weather-balloon. Cavitt knew the truth. The Air Force didn’t know the truth. And that’s just how Cavitt wanted it. Whether Cavitt was acting alone, or some deeply hidden cabal ordered him to try and keep the Air Force away from the truth, is an issue that still requires an answer.
All of this leads me to believe that neither the GAO nor the USAF knew the truth of Roswell. I’m sure that is still the case, today. But, how could that be? How could there be so many books written on Roswell, but the Air Force can’t find any solid data? Well, if aliens crashed (which I don’t believe) then it’s not impossible that over the years and decades the truth has been buried so deeply that not even elected officials and high-ranking members of the military can get close to the truth.
There is another possible scenario too; a theory which I think is far more likely. My recent book, The Roswell UFO Conspiracy, suggests that Roswell was a dark and disturbing example of “human experimentation,” which was born out of the likes of the controversial Operation Paperclip. It’s entirely possible – as several sources told me – that all of the incriminating data and files were destroyed decades ago, chiefly to protect the guilty parties who crossed the line in big-time fashion.
This latter possibility may provide a viable reason why the government knows less than we do: if the files are all gone – relegated to the furnace – then, today, there is nothing to find. That may explain why such a monumental event has seemingly vanished off the face of the Earth. The result? The military came up with Mogul balloons and crash-test dummies; honest attempts to find the truth of an event that has been completely eradicated – apart from in the depths of old, fading memories of even older people. So, yes, the chances are that we, the UFO research community, really do know more than the government itself knows about Roswell. Of course, the same community doesn’t want to hear that all of the Roswell material is long gone: burned and shredded. They don’t want to hear that because it implies that finding the truth may be completely impossible. Which is very probably the case.
Just because the Air Force published reports concluding that down-to-earth things caused all the monumental fuss, doesn’t mean they lied. It means they failed to solve something which is very possibly now unsolvable. Why? Because there is nothing left to find, that’s why. And there was nothing left to find when all the controversy about balloons and dummies was afoot back in the nineties.
This could ruin a lot of good science fiction movies … and create interesting plots for the next generation of them, not to mention influencing how humans deal with space aliens when they first encounter each other (assuming they haven’t already). A timely article by The Daily Galaxy reviews the study “Alien Minds” by Susan Schneider where the professor and author discusses her theory that our first meeting with an extraterrestrial will be with a billion-year-old robot. Wait, what?
“I do not believe that most advanced alien civilizations will be biological. The most sophisticated civilizations will be postbiological, forms of artificial intelligence or alien superintelligence.”
Susan Schneider is an associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy Cognitive Science Program at the University of Connecticut. “Alien Minds” has been presented at NASA and the 2016 IdeaFestival in Kentucky and was published in The Impact of Discovering Life Beyond Earth. It is her response to the question: “How would intelligent aliens think? Would they have conscious experiences? Would it feel a certain way to be an alien?”
“I actually think the first discovery of life on other planets will probably involve microbial life; I am concentrating on intelligent life in my work on this topic though. I only claim that the most advanced civilizations will likely be post biological.”
Schneider’s theory is based on three components or “observations.” In her “short window observation,” she presents the idea that a civilization or species that can conquer long-distance space travel is already very close to moving from biological to artificially-intelligent beings. An example of this “short window” is the relatively brief 120 years it took humans to go from the first radio signals to cell phones.
Some of those species will be much older than us, which is Schneider’s “the greater age of alien civilizations” observation – one accepted by many. And not just a few generations older but billions of years beyond us, making them far more advanced and intelligent. How much more?
Schneider’s last observation is that any species that can travel to Earth will be intelligent enough to develop robots that they can upload their brains to. The robots would probably be silicon-based for speed of ‘thinking’ and durability, making them nearly immortal.
Should we fear these superintelligent robots from other galaxies? Schneider thinks we may not have a chance to. If they’re so much further advanced than we are, why would they bother dealing with is in the first place? Or, as she so bluntly puts it in an interview with UConn Today:
“Would you really cross the universe to interact with an ant?”
That’s a relief … I guess. However, she leans to the side of caution when the discussion turns to sending signals into space to proactively contact any life forms listening.
Like the philosopher that she is, Susan Schneider leaves herself an out: there may not be any other species – superintelligent or lower – at all:
“The universe could be a lonely place, we still do not know the conditions that created life on this planet.”
Will our first ET encounter be with a billion-year-old superintelligent robot? Just to be on the safe side, repeat after me:
Let’s get the obvious out for the way first … Trans-Neptunian Resonance would be a GREAT name for a prog-rock band. Now, what is it and why does a team of astronomers in Michigan believe it can definitively prove the existence of Planet 9?
Part of the name should sound familiar to star-gazers and Planet 9 searchers. Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNO) are the dwarf planets, sub-planets and big rocks that circle the Sun beyond the average orbital distance of Neptune. The odd synchronous alignment the outermost TNOs have was the first indication to astronomers that there might be another planet causing it.
However, one puzzling aspect of the TNOs was that their alignment would depend on them being a billion years old or more, but any objects hurtling around the solar system for that long would have either collided with another planet, plunged into the Sun or spun off into space. Why are they still there?
That was the starting point for the Planet 9 simulations done by University of Michigan Department of Astronomy doctoral student Juliette Becker. In her paper published in The Astronomical Journal, Becker describes the two computer models she and her team used in her attempt to prove the existence of Planet 9. In the first, they created various versions of a Planet 9 to see which would best keep the TNOs in place instead of flying away or into the Sun.
“From that set of simulations, we found out that there are preferred versions of Planet Nine that make the TNO stay stable for longer, so it basically increases the probability that our solar system exists the way it does.”
Interesting but boring. The second set of simulations was based on the idea that the TNOs could be knocked out of their orbit, but instead of leaving the solar system or flaming into the Sun, they simply moved and became locked into another stable orbit with a different aligning “resonance” – a process the team calls “resonance hopping.” Again, they found versions of a Planet 9 that would stabilize the TNO after hopping and “confine it in a different resonance.”
This theory sounds much more pleasant and harmonic that the smashing, bashing and ultimately Earth-colliding images of Planet 9 or Nibiru we hear about from both astronomers and doomsday theorists. So, which one is correct?
“The ultimate goal would be to directly see Planet Nine — to take a telescope, point it at the sky, and see reflected light from the sun bouncing off of Planet Nine. Since we haven’t yet been able to find it, despite many people looking, we’re stuck with these kinds of indirect methods.”
Let’s hope your Ph.D. doesn’t depend on direct definitive proof, Ms. Becker. Otherwise, you’ll be back playing drums for Trans-Neptunian Resonance.
JAXA discovers 50 km cavern beneath the Moon’s surface - Artificially or natural created?
JAXA discovers 50 km cavern beneath the Moon’s surface - Artificially or natural created?
The Japanese space agency JAXA has announced the discovery of a cave hidden beneath the lunar surface.
Illustration of an opening/cavern.
Using a radar sounder system that can examine underground structures, the orbiter initially found an opening 50 meters wide and 50 meters deep.
The enormous cavern in the Marius Hills area on the near side of the moon stretching for about 50 kilometers exists beneath the moon’s surface.
Marius Hills on the near side of the Moon.
Image credit: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.
It offers a possible protected site for future underground lunar bases and could provide shelter from cosmic radiation and menacing temperatures, while water or ice could be used as fuel, JAXA said.
It is widely believed the moon was rocked by large-scale volcanic activity until about 1 billion years ago whereby the cavern, likely created by volcanic activity, has not collapsed, reports
According to The Hollow Moon hypothesis, the Moon is either wholly hollow or otherwise contains a substantial interior space which is supported by countless pieces of evidence from astronomers and NASA scientists who reveal that some 3-5 kilometers down there appear to be dense layers of metal have led that scientific experts, including NASA investigators believe that the Moon is hollow with a shell about 32 kilometers thick.
Image credit: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency.
Could it be possible, given the huge interest in this enormous cavern to use it as a future underground base, that the cave rather than created by volcanic activity, as the official statement reads, actually is an artificially created entrance that leads to an already existing enormous underground lunar base built by an extraterrestrial race in the past?
Cassini's Final Days Produced a Burst of Fresh Science
Cassini's Final Days Produced a Burst of Fresh Science
By Elizabeth Howell, Seeker
This view looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from about 7 degrees above the ring plane. The image was taken in visible light with the wide-angle camera on NASA's Cassini spacecraft on June 7, 2017.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
While the Cassini spacecraft is dead — engineers deliberately plunged it into Saturn's atmosphere on Sept. 15, ending its 13-year mission around the planet — analyzing the reams of data from the mission will take decades, NASA said in a statement, as new insights were released this week from the spacecraft's final days.
"There are whole careers to be forged in the analysis of data from Cassini," Linda Spilker, the mission's project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, said in a statement. "In a sense, the work has only just begun."
Cassini's main goal was to learn more about the nature of Saturn and its moons, as the planet moved through its 29-year orbit around the sun. The spacecraft returned data in droves, yielding insights into a mysterious hexagon storm at one of Saturn's poles, water geysers that spurt on the moon Enceladus, and a possible prebiotic chemistry on the moon Titan.
With the mission low on fuel, Cassini plunged into Saturn a month ago after making several daring dives between the planet and its famous rings. On Oct. 16 at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Science, scientists revealed new insights from those final days.
Activity in Saturn's rings resembles how planets form
While showing pictures and videos of Saturn's rings, researchers said there are some features in those rings that have similar processes to those that birth exoplanets. For example, ring features called propellers — wakes in the rings generated by moonlets — are similar to baby planets growing in the gas discs surrounding young stars. The day before Cassini died, said Cassini participating scientist Matt Tiscareno of the SETI Institute, the spacecraft captured images of all six propellers that it tracked during its mission: Blériot, Earhart, Santos-Dumont, Sikorsky, Post, and Quimby.
Cassini's ion and neutral mass spectrometer captured the first-ever measurements of Saturn's upper atmosphere, which extends almost as far as the planet’s rings. The team, which included Cassini participating scientist Mark Perry from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, not only discovered water raining down from the rings, but also methane, which was a surprise, since the team expected the gas was too volatile to survive within Saturn's rings or its atmosphere.
We may soon know the length of a day on Saturn
Since Cassini's final orbits brought it closer to the planet, its magnetic field measurements are much more sensitive. The more detailed data could be a boon for researchers such as Michele Dougherty, leader of Cassini's magnetometer team from Imperial College London, who is trying to figure out the length of a day on Saturn. Scientists expect that by learning the magnetic field's tilt, they'll be able to determine the planet's internal rotation — an indication of a day’s length. Scientists said if the magnetic field tilt is greater than 0.016 degrees, they should be able to "nail down the true length of the planet's day."
New insights on why Saturn's rings don't just fall apart
One of the enduring mysteries of Saturn is what force holds its rings together. Models indicate that something is constraining the rings, otherwise the rings would have spread out a few hundred million years after Saturn's birth, as faster-moving particles closer to the planet crashed into slower-moving ones farther away. A new modeling study, led by Radwan Tajeddine of Cornell University, shows several moons — Pan, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Janus, Epimetheus, and Mimas — help to hold the rings together. His study was based on observations from Cassini, which examined waves in the rings and obtained the masses of Saturn's moons. This new data helped Tajeddine's team determine how the moons temper the rings' momentum outwards. His research will be published Oct. 18 in Astrophysical Journal.
Black holes are some of the strangest and most fascinating objects found in outer space. They are objects of extreme density, with such strong gravitational attraction that even light cannot escape from their grasp if it comes near enough.
There are three types: stellar black holes, supermassive black holes and intermediate black holes.
Stellar black holes — small but deadly
When a star burns through the last of its fuel, it may collapse, or fall into itself. For smaller stars, up to about three times the sun's mass, the new core will be a neutron star or a white dwarf. But when a larger star collapses, it continues to compress and creates a stellar black hole.
Black holes formed by the collapse of individual stars are (relatively) small, but incredibly dense. Such an object packs three times or more the mass of the sun into a city-size range. This leads to a crazy amount of gravitational force pulling on objects around it. Black holes consume the dust and gas from the galaxy around them, growing in size.
Small black holes populate the universe, but their cousins, supermassive black holes, dominate. Supermassive black holes are millions or even billions of times as massive as the sun, but have a radius similar to that of Earth's closest star. Such black holes are thought to lie at the center of pretty much every galaxy, including the Milky Way.
Scientists aren't certain how such large black holes spawn. Once they've formed, they gather mass from the dust and gas around them, material that is plentiful in the center of galaxies, allowing them to grow to enormous sizes
Illustration of a young black hole, such as the two distant dust-free quasars spotted recently by the Spitzer Space Telescope. More photos of black holes of the universe
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Supermassive black holes may be the result of hundreds or thousands of tiny black holes that merge together. Large gas clouds could also be responsible, collapsing together and rapidly accreting mass. A third option is the collapse of a stellar cluster, a group of stars all falling together.
Intermediate black holes – stuck in the middle
Scientists once thought black holes came in only small and large sizes, but recent research has revealed the possibility for the existence of mid-size, or intermediate, black holes (IMBHs). Such bodies could form when stars in a cluster collide in a chain reaction. Several of these forming in the same region could eventually fall together in the center of a galaxy and create a supermassive black hole.
"Astronomers have been looking very hard for these medium-sized black holes," co-author Tim Roberts, of the University of Durham in the United Kingdom, said in a statement.
"There have been hints that they exist, but IMBH's have been acting like a long-lost relative that isn't interested in being found."
Black hole theory — how they tick
Black holes are incredibly massive, but cover only a small region. Because of the relationship between mass and gravity, this means they have an extremely powerful gravitational force. Virtually nothing can escape from them — under classical physics, even light is trapped by a black hole.
Such a strong pull creates an observational problem when it comes to black holes — scientists can't "see" them the way they can see stars and other objects in space. Instead, scientists must rely on the radiation that is emitted as dust and gas are drawn into the dense creatures. Supermassive black holes, lying in the center of a galaxy, may find themselves shrouded by the dust and gas thick around them, which can block the tell-tale emissions.
Sometimes as matter is drawn toward a black hole, it ricochets off the event horizon and is hurled outward, rather than being tugged into the maw. Bright jets of material traveling at near-relativistic speeds are created. Although the black hole itself remains unseen, these powerful jets can be viewed from great distances.
Black holes have three "layers" — the outer and inner event horizon and the singularity.
The event horizon of a black hole is the boundary around the mouth of the black hole where light loses its ability to escape. Once a particle crosses the event horizon, it cannot leave. Gravity is constant across the event horizon.
The inner region of a black hole, where its mass lies, is known as its singularity, the single point in space-time where the mass of the black hole is concentrated.
Under the classical mechanics of physics, nothing can escape from a black hole. However, things shift slightly when quantum mechanics are added to the equation. Under quantum mechanics, for every particle, there is an antiparticle, a particle with the same mass and opposite electric charge. When they meet, particle-antiparticle pairs can annihilate one another.
If a particle-antiparticle pair is created just beyond the reach of the event horizon of a black hole, it is possible to have one drawn into the black hole itself while the other is ejected. The result is that the event horizon of the black hole has been reduced and black holes can decay, a process that is rejected under classical mechanics.
Scientists are still working to understand the equations by which black holes function.
Shining light on binary black holes
In 2015, astronomers using the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) made the first detection of gravitational waves. Since then, the instrument has observed several other incidents. The gravitational waves spotted by LIGO came from merging stellar black holes.
"We have further confirmation of the existence of stellar-mass black holes that are larger than 20 solar masses — these are objects we didn't know existed before LIGO detected them," MIT's David Shoemaker said in a statement. Shoemaker is the spokesperson for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC), a body of more than 1,000 international scientists who perform LIGO research together with the European-based Virgo Collaboration.
LIGO's observations also provide insights about the direction a black hole spins. As a pair of black holes spirals around one another, they can spin in the same direction or they can be completely different.
"This is the first time that we have evidence that the black holes may not be aligned, giving us just a tiny hint that binary black holes may form in dense stellar clusters," said LIGO researcher Bangalore Sathyaprakash of Penn State and Cardiff University.
There are two theories on how binary black holes form. The first suggests that they formed at about the same time, from two stars that were born together and died explosively at about the same time. The companion stars would have had the same spin orientation, so the black holes they left behind would, as well.
Under the second model, black holes in a stellar cluster sink to the center of the cluster and pair up. These companions would have random spin orientations compared to one another. LIGO's observations of companion black holes with different spin orientations provide stronger evidence for this formation theory.
"We're starting to gather real statistics on binary black hole systems," said LIGO scientist Keita Kawabe of Caltech, who is based at the LIGO Hanford Observatory. "That's interesting because some models of black hole binary formation are somewhat favored over the others even now and, in the future, we can further narrow this down."
Interesting facts about black holes
If you fell into a black hole, theory has long suggested that gravity would stretch you out like spaghetti, though your death would come before you reached singularity. But a 2012 study in Nature suggests that quantum effects would cause the event horizon to act much like a wall of fire, instantly burning anyone to death.
Black holes do not "suck." Suction is caused by pulling something into a vacuum, which the massive black hole definitely is not. Instead, objects fall into them.
The first object considered to be a black hole is Cygnus X-1. Rockets carrying Geiger counters discovered eight new X-ray sources. In 1971, scientists detected radio emissions coming from Cygnus X-1, and a massive hidden companion was found and identified as a black hole.
Miniature black holes may have formed immediately after the Big Bang. Rapidly expanding space may have squeezed some regions into tiny, dense black holes less massive than the sun.
If a star passes too close to a black hole, it can be torn apart.
Astronomers estimate there are anywhere from 10 million to a billion stellar black holes, with masses roughly three times that of the sun, in the Milky Way.
The interesting relationship between string theory and black holes gives rise to more types of massive giants than found under conventional classical mechanics.
Black holes remain terrific fodder for science fiction books and movies. Check out the science behind the movie "Interstellar," which relied heavily on theoretical physicist Kip Thorne to bring real science to the Hollywood feature. In fact, work with the special effects of the blockbuster lead to an improvement in the scientific understanding of how distant stars might appear when seen near a fast-spinning black hole.
Newfound Bus-Size Asteroid Will Zoom Safely By Earth Today (19/10)
Newfound Bus-Size Asteroid Will Zoom Safely By Earth Today (19/10)
By Steve Spaleta, Senior Producer
A bus-size asteroid will zoom between Earth and the moon today (Oct. 19), but poses no threat of hitting our planet.
The recently discovered space rock is designated asteroid 2017 TD6. It will fly by Earth at a range of 119,000 miles (191,000 kilometers) when it makes its closest approach, which is calculated to occur at 2:53 p.m. EDT (1853 GMT). The average distance between the Earth and the moon, for comparison, is about 238,855 miles (384,400 km).
The orbital path of the newly discovered asteroid 2017 TD6, a bus-sized object that will fly by Earth at an estimated 119,000 miles away on Oct. 19, 2017.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
The International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center reported that several observatories have observed 2017 TD6 in the last few days. Thoseinclude the Schiaparelli Observatory in Italy, Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) in Hawaii, and Mount Lemmon Survey in Arizona.
As with 2012 TC4, there is no threat that 2017 TD6 will hit Earth. Millions of near-Earth objects litter this planet's cosmic neighborhood, but NASA researchers and other skywatchers have discovered a majority of the rocks that could do significant damage and have found that they pose no threat for the forseeable future.
The RB-47 radar visual multiple witnesses cases, July 17, 1957:
The RB-47 radar visual multiple witnesses cases, July 17, 1957:
An Air Force Boeing Stratojet reconnaissance jet RB-47, equipped with electronic countermeasures gear and manned by six officers, was followed by an unidentified object for a distance of well over 700 miles, and for a time period of more than one hour, as it flew from Mississippi, through Louisiana and Texas and into Oklahoma. The object was, at various times, seen visually by the cockpit crew as an intensely luminous light, followed by ground-radar and detected on ECM monitoring gear aboard the RB-47. Of special interest in this case are several instances of simultaneous appearances and disappearances on all three of those physically distinct observation channels, and rapidity of maneuvers beyond aircraft possibilities.
On board an RB-47H aircraft equipped with sophisticated electronic countermeasures equipment, including three electronic intelligence (ELINT) stations over the Gulf of Mexico.
The crew consisted of:
Major Lewis D. Chase, pilot, Spokane, WA Capt. James H. McCoid, copilot, Offutt AFB Capt. Thomas H. Hanley, navigator, Vandenberg AFB John J. Provenzano, No. 1 monitor, Wichita, KS Capt. Frank B. McClure, No. 2 monitor, Offutt AFB Capt. Walter A. Tuchschner, No. 3 monitor, Topeka, KS
These six men were on a training and test exercise in an RB-47H electronic countermeasures reconnaissance aircraft. The RB-47, while originally developed as a bomber, was also used extensively as a reconnaissance aircraft. One was shot down by the Soviet Union while on such a mission in 1960.
This particular mission began at Forbes AFB, Topeka, Kansas as an exercise including gunnery exercises over the Texas-Gulf area, navigation exercises over the open Gulf, and Electronic Countermeasures exercises on the return trip across the south-central U.S. The men participating were soon to depart for Germany and duty there. It should be noted that the ECM equipment was not radar. It did not emit a signal and then pick up reflected echoes off of an object. Rather, it detected electromagnetic signals that were actually emitted by an object itself. The purpose of this was to detect and locate enemy radar installations. On this aircraft, the #2 monitor consisted of a direction finder with antenna on the lower rear of the aircraft, and the #1 monitor consisted of a direction finder with antennas on each wingtip of the aircraft. The #3 monitor was not involved in the events of July 17, because its range did not include the frequencies involved.
The first contact with the unknown was before 4:00 AM CST. The first two parts of the mission had been completed, and the aircraft was just leaving the airspace over the Gulf of Mexico near Gulfport, Mississippi, when Frank McClure, on the #2 ECM monitor, detected an airborne signal to the right rear of the aircraft, out over the Gulf of Mexico. The signal was of a type usually confined to ground-based radar installations. It was at 2800 megacycles, a common frequency for S-band search radar. McClure at first thought that his scope must be 180° out of alignment and that he must be picking up a ground-based radar station in Louisiana, which would actually be to the left front of the aircraft. As he watched, the signal moved up the scope, as it would if the scope was 180° out of alignment. However, he was amazed to see that, after it had moved up the scope on the right-hand side of the aircraft, it then crossed the path of the RB-47 and proceeded to move down the scope on the left-hand side. In other words, whatever was emitting the signal flew a ring around the RB-47, which was flying at approximately 500 miles per hour. Even if the scope was 180° out of alignment, the signal source still moved completely around the aircraft, which no ground radar could do. McClure said and did nothing at this time, not mentioning the signal to the other crewmembers. The signal faded as they flew north.
The RB-47 made a scheduled turn to the west over Jackson, Mississippi and the crew was preparing to begin a series of simulated ECM operations against Air Force ground radar units, when suddenly the pilot, Lewis Chase, saw a light coming in from the left, at approximately the same altitude as the RB-47. At first he thought it was another plane, but it was only a single white light, closing fast. He gave the command to prepare for evasive maneuvers, but the light flashed across from left to right so fast that no such action could have been taken. It then blinked out at a point to the right front of the aircraft. Both Chase and Copilot James McCoid observed this. At this point, approximately 4:10 AM CST, they were approximately over Winnsboro, Louisiana.
Chase told the other crewmembers what he had seen, and McClure now told him about his earlier signal reading. At 4:30 AM, McClure set his scope to detect signals near 3000 mcs again, and he detected a strong signal at the same location in relation to the RB-47 that Chase had last seen the light. He and Provenzano checked the alignment of the #2 monitor by tuning in on known ground radar installations and found it to be in perfect working order. At 4:30 AM, Provenzano tuned his own monitor, #1, to 3000 mcs, and found that his equipment detected a signal at the same location. What's more, he and McClure found that the signal was staying in the same position, keeping pace with the RB-47, which was still flying at 500 miles per hour. This meant that it was not a signal from a ground-based radar.
By this time they had reached the Duncanville, Texas area. At 4:39, Chase spotted a huge light to the right front of the RB-47 an about 5,000 feet below the aircraft's 34,500 feet altitude. The weather was perfectly clear. At 4:40, McClure reported two signals, at 40° and 70°. Chase and McCoid reported seeing red lights at those locations. Chase contacted radar Station Utah at Duncanville, Texas and requested permission to abandon his flight plan and pursue the lights, which he received. At 4:48 AM, radar station Utah requested the position of the signals that McClure was receiving, and they immediately confirmed that their radar had detected the objects at the same location.
As the RB-47 attempted to pursue, the object appeared to stop suddenly. Chase could see that they were gaining on it, and they over shot it. At 4:52 it blinked out, and simultaneously vanished from McClure's scope and the ground radar! Chase put the aircraft into a port turn, and the object suddenly blinked on again, simultaneously reappearing on McClure's scope and the ground radar at 4:52! They began to close to within 5 miles of the object, when it suddenly dropped to 15,000 feet and then blinked out again, once again vanishing from the scopes and ground radar. At 4:55, Chase radioed Utah radar station that they had to break of pursuit and continue with their scheduled flight plan due to low fuel. At 4:57 McClure picked up the signal again, and at 4:58 Chase made visual contact again. As they headed into Oklahoma, McClure continued to receive a signal, now from the rear of the aircraft, until it finally faded as they neared Oklahoma City. The Director of Intelligence, 55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing, stated in his report that he had: " doubt the electronic D/F's coincided exactly with visual observations by aircraft commander numerous times, thus indicating positively the object being the signal source."
What can be detected on ECM direction finding devices, can be seen visually, and can be detected on ordinary ground-based radar all at the same time? What can be detected by all the sensors and can also fly rings around a jet travelling at 500 miles per hour?
Project Bluebook said that the sightings in Dallas - Fort Worth area were an ordinary jet airliner. They actually simply confused or voluntarily confused the case with a totally different incident implying a quasi-collision between civilian flights 966 and 655 of American Airlines, which flew above Texas at more than 1000 kilometers away from the RB-47. They couldn't explain the abrupt, simultaneous disappearance and reappearance of the object from radar screens, ECM scopes, and visual detection. They also couldn't explain the events that occurred over Mississippi and Louisiana. They couldn't explain how the Utah radar station could not have told an airliner from an unknown.
Above: Blue Book file card for the case.
The Condon Committee toyed with several explanations, but found none to be satisfactory, finally classifying this case as unknown. In fact, Condon's radar case specialist Gordon L. Thayer said that the Blue Book explanation that the case was due to airliners was "literally ridiculous." The self proclaimed UFO debunker Philipp Klass, not discouraged by his previous ridicule explanation of UFOs as plasmoids which was pointed at as typical pseudoscience wishful thinking by Dr. McDonald, considered that the electronic tracks were due to anomalous radar wave propagation and that the visual sighting was first a meteor, then the star Vega and finally the other planes from American Airlines cited by Blue Book; the long demonstrated ridicule of this explanation apparently did not came up to his mind. Ufologist Brad Sparks, a specialist of aeronautics, responded point by point in a paper in Jerome Clark's UFO Encyclopedia and demonstrated how Klass' interpretation was based on the erroneous interpretation of the data and overall nonsensical.
Map by the crew:
This is the flightpath of the RB-47 (dotted line) and of the UFO (plain line), drawn on their formal report by the captain of the crew.
The following study is excerpted from "Twenty-Two Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations" American Association for the Advancement of Science, 134th Meeting, General Symposium, Unidentified Flying Objects, by James E. McDonald, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, December 27, 1969.
Case 1. USAF RB-47, Gulf Coast area, September 19-20, 1957.
Brief summary:
An Air Force RB-47, equipped with ECM (Electronic Countermeasures) gear, manned by six officers, was followed over a total distance in excess of 600 miles and for a time period of more than an hour, as it flew from near Gulfport, Miss., through Louisiana and Texas, and into southern Oklahoma. The unidentified object was, at various times, seen visually by the cockpit crew (as an intense white or red light), followed by ground-radar, and detected on ECM monitoring gear aboard the RB-47. Simultaneous appearances and disappearances on all three of those physically distinct "channels" mark this UFO case as especially intriguing from a scientific viewpoint. The incident is described as Case 5 in the Condon Report and is conceded to be unexplained. The full details, however, are not presented in that Report.
1. Summary of the Case:
The case is long and involved and filled with well-attested phenomena that defy easy explanation in terms of present-day science and technology. The RB-47 was flying out of Forbes AFB, Topeka, on a composite mission including gunnery exercises over the Texas-Gulf area, navigation exercises over the open Gulf, and ECM exercises in the return trip across the south-central U.S. This was an RB-47 carrying a six-man crew, of whom three were electronic warfare officers manning ECM (Electronic counter-measures) gear in the aft portion of the aircraft. One of the extremely interesting aspects of this case is that electromagnetic signals of distinctly radar-like character appeared definitely to be emitted by the UFO, yet it exhibited performance characteristics that seem to rule out categorically its having been any conventional or secret aircraft.
I have discussed the incident with all six officers of the crew:
Lewis D. Chase, pilot, Spokane, Wash.
James H. McCoid, copilot, Offutt AFB.
Thomas H. Hanley, navigator, Vandenberg AFB.
John J. Provenzano, No. 1 monitor, Wichita.
Frank B. McClure, No. 2 monitor, Offutt AFB.
Walter A. Tuchscherer, No. 3 monitor, Topeka.
Chase was a Major at the time; I failed to ask for information on 1957 ranks of the others. McClure and Hanley are currently Majors, so might have been Captains or Lieutenants in 1957. All were experienced men at the time. Condon Project investigators only talked with Chase, McCoid, and McClure, I ascertained. In my checking it proved necessary to telephone several of them more than once to pin down key points; nevertheless the total case is so complex that I would assume that there are still salient points not clarified either by the Colorado investigators or by myself. Unfortunately, there appears to be no way, at present to locate the personnel involved in ground- radar observations that are a very important part of the whole case. I shall discuss that point below.
This flight occurred in September, 1957, just prior to the crew's reassignment to a European base. On questioning by Colorado investigators, flight logs were consulted, and based on the recollection that this flight was within a short time of departure from Forces to Germany, (plus the requirement that the date match a flight of the known type and geography) the 9/19/57 date seems to have emerged. The uncertainty as to whether it was early on the 19th or early on the 20th, cited above is a point of confusion I had not noted until preparing the present notes. Hence I am unable to add any clarification, at the moment; in this matter of the date confusion found in Thayer's discussion of the case (1, pp. 136-138). I shall try to check that in the near future. For the present, it does not vitiate case-discussion in any significant way.
The incident is most inadequately described in the Condon Report. The reader is left with the general notion that the important parts occurred near Ft. Worth, an impression strengthened by the fact that both Crow and Thayer discuss meteorological data only for that area. One is also left with no clear impression of the duration, which was actually over an hour. The incident involved an unknown airborne object that stayed with the RB-47 for over 600 miles. In case after case in the Condon Report, close checking reveals that quite significant features of the cases have been glossed over, or omitted, or in some instances seriously misrepresented. I submit that to fail to inform the reader that this particular case spans a total distance-range of some 600 miles and lasted well over an hour is an omission difficult to justify.
From my nine separate interviews with the six crew members, I assembled a picture of the events that makes it even more puzzling than it seems on reading the Condon Report - and even the latter account is puzzling enough.
Just as the aircraft crossed the Mississippi coast near Gulfport, McClure, manning the #2 monitor, detected a signal near their 5 o'clock position (aft of the starboard beam). It looked to him like a legitimate ground-radar signal, but corresponded to a position out in the Gulf. This is the actual beginning of the complete incident; but before proceeding with details it is necessary to make quite clear what kind of equipment we shall be talking about as we follow McClure's successive observations.
Under conditions of war, bombing aircraft entering hostile territory can be assisted in their penetrations if any of a variety of electronic countermeasures (ECM techniques as they are collectively termed) are brought into action against ground-based enemy radar units. The initial step in all ECM operations is, necessarily, that of detecting the enemy radar and quantitatively identifying a number of relevant features of the radar system (carrier frequency, pulse repetition frequency, scan rate, pulse width) and, above all, its bearing relative to the aircraft heading. The latter task is particularly ample in principle, calling only for direction-finding antennas which pick up the enemy signal and display on a monitor scope inside the reconnaissance aircraft a blip or lobe that paints in the relative bearing from which the signal is coming.
The ECM gear used in RB-47's in 1957 is not now classified; the #2 monitor that McClure was on, he and the others pointed out, involved an ALA-6 direction-finder with back-to-back antennas in a housing on the undersurface of the RB-47 near the rear, spun at either 150 or 300 rpm as it scanned in azimuth. Inside the aircraft, its signals were processed in an APR-9 radar receiver and an ALA-5 pulse analyzer. All later references to the #2 monitor imply that system. The #1 monitor employed an APD-4 direction finding system, with a pair of antennas permanently mounted on either wing tip. Provenzano was on the #1 monitor. Tuchscherer was on the #3 monitor, whose specifications I did not ascertain because I could find no indication that it was involved in the observations.
Returning now to the initial features of the UFO episode, McClure at first thought he had 180-degree ambiguity in his scope, i.e., that the signal whose lobe painted at his 5 o'clock position was actually coming in from the 11 o'clock position perhaps from some ground radar in Louisiana. This suspicion, he told me, was temporarily strengthened as he became aware that the lobe was moving upscope. (It is important here and in features of the case cited below to understand how a fixed ground-radar paints on the ECM monitor scope as the reconnaissance aircraft flies toward its general direction: Suppose the ground radar is, at some instant, located at the 1 o'clock position relative to the moving aircraft, i.e., slightly off the starboard bow. As the aircraft flies along, the relative bearing steadily changes, so that the fixed ground unit is "seen" successively at the 2 o'clock, the 3 o'clock, and the 4 o'clock positions, etc. The lobe paints on the monitor scope at these successive relative azimuths, the 12 o'clock position being at the top of the scope, 3 o'clock at the right, etc. Thus any legitimate signal from a fixed ground radar must move downscope, excluding the special cases in which the radar is dead ahead or dead astern. Note carefully that we deal here only with direction finding gear. Range is unknown; we are not here speaking of an airborne radar set, just a radar-frequency direction-finder. In practice, range is obtained by triangulation computations based on successive fixes and known aircraft speed.)
As the lobe continued moving upscope, McClure said the strength of the incoming signal and its pulse characteristics all tended to confirm that this was some ground unit being painted with 180-degree ambiguity for some unknown electronic reason. It was at 2800 megacycles, a common frequency for S-band search radars.
However, after the lobe swung dead ahead, his earlier hypothesis had to be abandoned for it continued swinging over to the 11 o'clock position and continued downscope on the port side. Clearly, no 180-degree ambiguity was capable of accounting for this. Curiously, however, this was so anomalous that McClure did not take it very seriously and did not at that juncture mention it to the cockpit crew nor to his colleagues on the other two monitors. This upscope-downscope "orbit" of the unknown was seen only on the ALA-6, as far as I could establish. Had nothing else occurred, this first and very significant portion of the whole episode would almost certainly have been for gotten by McClure.
The signal faded as the RB-47 headed northward to the scheduled turning point over Jackson, Miss. The mission called for simulated detection and ECM operations against Air Force ground radar units all along this part of the flight plan, but other developments intervened. Shortly after making their turn westward over Jackson, Miss., Chase noted what he thought at first were the landing lights of some other jet coming in from near his 11 o'clock position, at roughly the RB-47's altitude. But no running lights were discernible and it was a single very bright white light, closing fast. He had just alerted the rest of the crew to be ready for sudden evasive maneuvers, when he and McCoid saw the light almost instantaneously change directions and rush across from left to right at an angular velocity that Chase told me he'd never seen matched in his flight experience. The light went from their 11 o'clock to the 2 o'clock position with great rapidity, and then blinked out.
Immediately after that, Chase and McCoid began talking about it on the interphone and McClure, recalling the unusual 2800 megacycle signal that he had seen over Gulfport now mentioned that peculiar incident for the first time to Chase and McCoid. It occurred to him at that point to set his #2 monitor to scan at 2800 mcs. On the first scan, McClure told me, he got a strong 2800 mcs signal from their 2 o'clock position, the bearing on which the luminous unknown object had blinked out moments earlier.
Provenzano told me that right after that they had checked out the #2 monitor on valid ground radar stations to be sure it was not malfunctioning and it appeared to be in perfect order. He then checked on his #1 monitor and also got a signal from the same bearing. There remained, of course, the possibility that just by chance, this signal was from a real radar down on the ground and off in that direction. But as the minutes went by, and the aircraft continued westward at about 500 kts. The relative bearing of the 2800 mcs source did not move downscope on the #2 monitor, but kept up with them.
This quickly led to a situation in which the entire 6-man crew focussed all attention on the matter; the incident is still vivid in the minds of all the men, though their recollection for various details varies with the particular activities they were engaged in. Chase varied speed, to see if the relative bearing would change but nothing altered. After over a hundred miles of this, with the 2800 mcs source keeping pace with the aircraft, they were getting into the radar-coverage area of the Carswell AFB GCI (Ground Controlled Intercept) unit and Chase radioed that unit to ask if they showed any other air traffic near the RB-47. Carswell GCI immediately came back with the information that there was apparently another aircraft about 10 miles from them at their 2 o'clock position. (The RB-47 was unambiguously identifiable by its IFF signal; the "other aircraft" was seen by "skin paint" Only, i.e., by direct radar reflection rather than via an IFF transponder, Col. Chase explained.)
This information, each of the men emphasized to me in one way or another, made them a bit uneasy for the first time. I asked McClure a question that the Colorado investigators either failed to ask or did not summarize in their Report. Was the signal in all respects comparable to that of a typical ground radar? McClure told me that this was what baffled him the most, then and now. All the radar signature characteristics, as read out on his ALA-5 pulse analyzer, were completely normal - it had a pulse repetition frequency and pulse width like a CPS-6B and even simulated a scan rate: But its intensity, McClure pointed out, was so strong that "it would have to had an antenna bigger than a bomber to put out that much signal." And now, the implications of the events over Gulfport took on new meaning. The upscope-downscope sweep of his #2 monitor lobe implied that this source, presuming it to be the same one now also being seen on ground radar at Carswell GCI, had flown a circle around the RB-47 at 30-35,000 ft altitude while the aircraft was doing about 500 kts.
Shortly after Carswell GCI began following the two targets, RB-47 and unknown, still another significant action unfolded. McClure suddenly noted the lobe on the #2 monitor was beginning to go upscope, and almost simultaneously, Chase told me, GCI called out that the second airborne target was starting to move forward. Keep in mind that no visual target was observable here; after blinking out at the 12 o'clock position, following its lightning-like traverse across the nose of the aircraft, no light had been visible. The unknown now proceeded to move steadily around to the 12 o'clock position, followed all the while on the #2 monitor and on the GCI scope down at Carswell near Ft. Worth.
As soon as the unknown reached the 12 o'clock position, Chase and McCoid suddenly saw a bright red glow "bigger than a house", Chase said, and lying dead ahead, precisely the bearing shown on the passive radar direction-finder that McClure was on and precisely the bearing now indicated on the GCI scope. Three independent sensing systems were at this juncture giving seemingly consistent-indications: two pairs of human eyes, a ground radar, and a direction-finding radar receiver in the aircraft.
One of the important points not settled by the Colorado investigations concerned the question of whether the unknown was ever painted on any radar set on the RB-47 itself. Some of the men thought the navigator had seen it on his set, others were unsure. I eventually located Maj. Hanley at Vandenberg and he informed me that all through the incident, which he remembered very well, he tried, unsuccessfully to pick up the unknown on his navigational radar (K-system). I shall not recount all of the details of his efforts and his comments, but only mention the end result of my two telephone interviews with him. The important question was what sort of effective range that set had. Hanley gave the pertinent information that it could just pick up a large tanker of the KC-97 type at about 4 miles range, when used in the "altitude-hold" mode, with antenna tipped up to maximum elevation. But both at the start of its involvement and during the object's swing into the 12 o'clock position, GCI showed it remaining close to 10 miles in range from the RB-47. Thus Hanley's inability to detect it on his K-system navigational radar in altitude hold only implies that whatever was out there had a radar cross-section that was less than about 16 times that of a KC-97 (roughly twice 4 miles, inverse 4th-power law), The unknown gave a GCI return that suggested a cross-section comparable to an ordinary aircraft, Chase told me, which is consistent with Hanley's non-detection of the object. The Condon Report gives the impression the navigator did detect it, but this is not correct.
I have in my files many pages of typed notes on my interviews, and cannot fill in all of the intriguing details here. Suffice it to say that Chase then went to maximum allowable power, hoping to close with the unknown, but it just stayed ahead at about 10 miles as GCI kept telling them; it stayed as a bright red light dead ahead, and it kept painting as a bright lobe on the top of McClure's ALA-6 scope. By this time they were well into Texas still at about 35,000 ft and doing upwards of 500 knots, when Chase saw it begin to veer to the right and head between Dallas and Ft. Worth. Getting FAA clearance to alter his own flight plan and to make sure other jet traffic was out of his way, he followed its turn, and then realized he was beginning to close on it for the first time. Almost immediately GCI told him the unknown had stopped moving on the ground-radarscope. Chase and McCoid watched as they came almost up to it. Chase's recollections on this segment of the events were distinctly clearer than McCoid's. McCoid was, of course, sitting aft of Chase and had the poorer view; also he said he was doing fuel-reserve calculations in view of the excess fuel-use in their efforts to shake the unknown, and had to look up from the lighted cockpit to try to look out intermittently, while Chase in the forward seat was able to keep it in sight more nearly continuously. Chase told me that he'd estimate that it was just ahead of the RB-47 and definitely below them when it instantaneously blinked out, At that same moment McClure announced on the interphone that he'd lost the 2800 mcs signal, and GCI said it had disappeared from their scope. Such simultaneous loss of signal on what we can term three separate channels is most provocative, most puzzling.
Putting the aircraft into a left turn (which Chase noted consumes about 15-20 miles at top speed), they kept looking back to try to see the light again. And, about halfway through the turn (by then the aircraft had reached the vicinity of Mineral Wells, Texas, Chase said), the men in the cockpit suddenly saw the bright red light flash on again, back along their previous flight path but distinctly lower, and simultaneously GCI got a target again and McClure started picking up a 2800 mcs signal at that bearing: (As I heard one after another of these men describe all this, I kept trying to imagine how it was possible that Condon could listen, at the October, 1967, plasma conference at the UFO Project, as Col. Chase recounted all this and shrug his shoulders and walk out.)
Securing permission from Carswell GCI to undertake the decidedly non-standard maneuver of diving on the unknown, Chase put the RB-47 nose down and had reached about 20,000 ft, he recalls, when all of a sudden the light blinked out, GCI lost it on their scope, and McClure reported loss of signal on the #2 monitor: Three-channel consistency once more.
Low on fuel, Chase climbed back up to 25,000 and headed north for Oklahoma. He barely had it on homeward course when McClure got a blip dead astern and Carswell radioed that they had a target once more trailing the RB- 47 at about 10 miles. Rear visibility from the top blisters of the RB-4 now precluded easy visual check, particularly if the unknown was then at lower altitude (Chase estimated that it might have been near 15,000 ft when he lost it in the dive). It followed them to southern Oklahoma and then disappeared.
2. Discussion:
This incident is an especially good example of a UFO case in which observer credibility and reliability do not come into serious question, a case in which more than one (here three) channel of information figures in the over-all observations, and a case in which the reported phenomena appear to defy explanation in terms of either natural or technological phenomena.
In the Condon Report, the important initial incident in which the unknown 2800 MC source appeared to orbit the RB-47 near Gulfport is omitted. In the Condon Report, the reader is given no hint that the object was with the aircraft for over 600 miles and for over an hour. No clear sequence of these events is spelled out, nor is the reader made aware of all of the "three-channel" simultaneous appearances or disappearances that were so emphatically stressed to me by both Chase and McClure in my interviews with them. But even despite those degrees of incompleteness, any reader of the account of this case in the Condon Report must wonder that an incident of this sort could be left as unexplained and yet ultimately treated, along with the other unexplained cases in that Report, as calling for no further scientific attention.
Actually, various hypotheses (radar anomalies, mirage effects) are weighed in one part of the Condon Report where this case is discussed separately (pp. 136-138). But the suggestion made there that perhaps an inversion near 2 km altitude was responsible for the returns at the Carswell GCI unit is wholly untenable. In an Appendix, a very lengthy but non-relevant discussion of ground return from anomalous propagation appears; in fact, it is so unrelated to the actual circumstances of this case as to warrant no comment here. Chase's account emphasized that the GCI radar(s) had his aircraft and the unknown object on-scope for a total flight-distance of the order of several hundred miles, including a near overflight of the ground radar. With such wide variations in angles of incidence of the ground-radar beam on any inversion or duct, however intense, the possibility of anomalous propagation effects yielding a consistent pattern of spurious echo matching the reported movements and the appearances and disappearances of the target is infinitesimal. And the more so in view of the simultaneous appearances and disappearances on the ECM gear and via visible emissions from the unknown. To suggest, as is tentatively done on p. 138 that the "red glow" might have been a "mirage of Oklahoma City", when the pilot's description of the luminous source involves a wide range of viewing angles, including two instances when he was viewing it at quite large depression angles, is wholly unreasonable. Unfortunately, that kind of casual ad hoc hypothesizing with almost no attention to relevant physical considerations runs all through the case-discussions in the treatment of radar and optical cases in the Condon Report, frequently (though not in this instance) being made the basis of "explanations" that are merely absurd. On p. 265 of the Report, the question of whether this incident might be explained in terms of any "plasma effect" is considered but rejected. In the end, this case is conceded to be unexplained.
No evidence that a report on this event reached Project Bluebook was found by the Colorado investigators. That may seem hard to believe for those who are under the impression that the Air Force has been diligently and exhaustively investigating UFO reports over the past 22 years. But to those who have examined more closely the actual levels of investigation, lack of a report on this incident is not so surprising. Other comparable instances could he cited, and still more where the military aircrews elected to spare themselves the bother of interrogation, by not even reporting events about as puzzling as those found in this RB-47 incident.
But what is of greatest present interest is the point that here we have a well-reported, multi-channel, multiple-witness UFO report, coming in fact from within the Air Force itself, investigated by the Condon Report team, conceded to be unexplained, and yet it is, in final analysis, ignored by Dr. Condon. In no section of the Report specifically written by the principal investigator does he even allude to this intriguing case. My question is how such events can be written off as demanding no further scientific study. To me, such cases seem to cry out for the most intensive scientific study - and the more so because they are actually so much more numerous than the scientific community yet realizes. There is a scientific mystery here that is being ignored and shoved under the rug; the strongest and most unjustified shove has come from the Condon Report. "unjustified" because that Report itself contains so many scientifically puzzling unexplained cases (approximately 30 out of 90 cases considered) that it is extremely difficult to understand how its principal investigator could have construed the contents of the Report as supporting a view that UFO studies should be terminated.
About the RB-47:
The B-47 "Stratojet" was the first all-jet operational bomber in the Air Force and was the backbone of the Strategic Air Command bomber fleet in the 1950s. It was a medium range bomber that could be refueled in flight manufactured by Boeing Aircraft Company (primary), Douglas and Lockheed. It had 6 General Electric J-47-GE-25 turbojet engines, a maximum speed of 600 miles per hour, and a range of 4000 miles.
The RB-47E was the photomapping, weather and electronic reconnaissance version of the B-47 and was also one of its best versions; it first flew July 1953. It was designed to check weather along projected bombing routes, photograph enemy installations and monitor defensive radar systems during the period 1954 to 1964. It was used in missions above North Korea, China, and also over the Soviet Union for the most sensitive reconnaissance missions of the Cold War.
Project Blue Book case file #10073, National Archives and Record Administration (NARA,, Washington D.C., files of 1957.
"Optical and radar analyses of field cases" by Gordon D. Thayer, 1969, in "Final report of the scientific study of unidentified flying objects" aka "The Condon Report", by Edward U. Condon and E.P. Dutton et al., New York, Library of Congress Catalog No. 73-77914, 1969.
"Twenty-Two Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations", by James E. McDonald, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 134th Meeting, General Symposium, Unidentified Flying Objects, by James E. McDonald, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, December 27, 1969, reprinted in "UFOs, a scientific debate", edited by Carl Sagan and Thornton Page, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, 1972.
"Meteorological Factors in Unidentified Radar Returns", paper Presented at the 14th Radar Meteorology Conference American Meteorological Society November 17-20, James E. McDonald The University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona, 1970.
"The RB-47 UFO Case - A New Explanation", self-published article by Philipp Klass, 1971, reprinted in his book "UFOs Explained", Random House, New York, ISBN 0-394-72106-3, 1974.
"UFO Encounter I Sample Case", case selected by the UFO Subcommittee of the AIAA Astronautics and Aeronautics, July, 1971, pp. 66-70. Dr. James E. McDonald.
"UFOs: A Scientific Debate", edited by Carl Sagan and Thornton Page, "a collection of evidence and opinion from both sides", Norton publisher, ISBN 0-39300-739-1, 1974
"RB-47 radar/visual sighting", article by Gordon D. Thayer, in the book "The encyclopedia of UFOs", edited by Ronald D. Story, Doubleday and co, New York, 1980.
"UFOs: An insider's view of the official quest for evidence", by Roy Craig, University of North Texas Press, Denton, Texas, ISBN 0-929398-94-7, 1995.
"The UFO Book", by Jerome Clark, pp. 505-509, Visible Ink, New York, ISBN 1-57859-029-9, 1998.
"L'affaire du RB-47", by Dominique Weinstein, in "OVNI USA", hors série VSD magazine, pp 32-33, July 2001.
"Les OVNIS et la défense - A quoi doit-on se préparer", book by association Cometa, pp. 40-44, Editions du Rocher, ISBN 2-268-04592-7, France, 1999.
Turn-of-the-century science fiction posited the existence of aliens living deep beneath the surface of the moon.
Someday, those subterranean creatures could very well be us.
New data from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has uncovered a 30-mile-long tunnel under the moon’s surface, likely the relic of long-ago lava flows. Though the existence of lava tubes isn’t something new, this latest find appears to be both mostly intact and sufficiently large enough to potentially serve as a habitat for future lunar settlers.
Lava tubes, underground caves created by volcanic activity, could provide protected spaces large enough
Life Underground
According to radar data from the agency’s SELENE lunar orbiter, publishedThursday in Geophysical Research Letters, the chasm is less than 330 feet beneath the surface and around 300 feet wide—dimensions that could comfortably house inhabitants. Other lava tubes were hinted at by the presence of “skylights,” or areas where the roof of the tube has collapsed, exposing it to the surface above. It’s not yet known how many such skylights exist for this cave.
Lava tubes formed billions of years ago when the moon was still geologically active and molten rock gushed from beneath the surface. Vast lava plains today still mark the moon’s surface, and tunneling through them are channels where lava once ran. In some cases, the lava subsided, leaving a hollow chamber behind. These are similar to the lava tubes found on Earth, and many still exist on the moon.
In fact, the moon’s lower gravity means that the tubes are potentially much larger than on Earth, as they won’t collapse under their own weight as easily. Research in 2015 reported that tubes up to three miles wide could theoretically be possible on the moon, large enough to hold a moderately-sized city.
Caverns tucked into bedrock offer a few key protections for humans living in space. They provide crucial cover from harmful radiation given off by the sun and other cosmic sources, something that Earth’s magnetic field takes care of here. The surrounding rock also serves as an insulator against temperature swings that take the moon’s surface from hot enough to boil water to less than -200 degrees Fahrenheit in the course of a single day. Finally, it also offers some protection from the small meteorites that periodically bombard the moon, although larger collisions are still a worry.
Next generation orbital space craft could use radar to locate these tunnels, created under the
Gimme Shelter
The prospect of housing astronauts beneath the surface on other planets has been brought up before, such as in 2014 when a NASA probe got hints of lava tubes beneath the moon’s surface. Both China and Russia have announced plans to put a colony on the moon in the next few decades, and the US could be ramping up to make a return there as well. A lunar base would be a convenient staging point for longer missions to Mars and beyond, in addition to an important proof-of-concept for living on other worlds.
There are still a few challenges to be worked out though, most pressing of which is the question of supplies. Constantly shuttling food and water to the moon would be difficult, so settlers would need their own sources of sustenance. The moon likely contains water ice which could be converted into drinking water and even fuel, but food production would require off-world agriculture. There are a few models for this, based largely on hydroponics, but it’s a task that hasn’t been seriously attempted yet.
Nevertheless, if we manage to seal off a lunar cave, as some have suggested, by installing thick glass or metal shields across any openings and pump it full of air, it could be possible. A system of mirrors could funnel sunlight down below, and lunar settlers could live and farm relatively comfortably. The same idea could work on Mars as well; the Red Planet also has caves, in addition to water ice reserves.
Children will be born on the moon 'in a few decades', with whole families joining Europe's lunar colony by 2050, a top space scientist has claimed. Professor Bernard Foing, ambassador of the Esa-driven 'Moon Village' scheme (concept art pictured), made the comments this week
Cave by cave, humanity could spread across the solar system.
Will we ever discover extraterrestrial life, and, if so, what will it look like? Six experts give their best guess.
Brian Cox
1: Brian Cox: purple slime
Cox suggests that life in the universe is likely abundant. Intelligent life, however, is another matter.
In his 2015 book Human Universe (written with Andrew Cohen), Cox writes there is a sense of “chemical inevitability” to life in the universe. But he adds that complex life on Earth only arose after the emergence of eukaryotes – cells containing organelles.
Research suggests eukaryotes developed as a result of one primitive cell – called a prokaryote, like a bacterium – absorbing another, two billion years ago. (Mitochondria and chloroplasts are descendants of independent prokaryotes that entered symbiotic relationships with larger cells.)
The advent of eukaryotes on Earth was a vanishingly unlikely development. Cox calls it an “evolutionary bottleneck” and thinks it so unusual that it might have happened only once in the universe.
“One can easily imagine that the 20 billion Earth-like worlds in the Milky Way could all be covered in prokaryotic slime,” he writes. “A living galaxy, yes, but a galaxy filled with intelligence? … I’m not so sure.”
2: Chandra Wickramasinghe: bacteria
Together with the late Fred Hoyle, mathematician, astronomer and astrobiologist Wickramasinghe developed the astrobiological theory known as panspermia, which holds life on Earth was catalysed arrived as microbes travelling through space on meteors and interstellar dust.
He suggests that microbial life may have landed during the Hadean period, four billion years ago, when lots of smallish meteorites smacked into the planet.
In a paper published in August 2017, he suggests ET might also have been deposited on the moon. Recent evidence indicating the presence of water, he says, “reopens the possibility that microbial life might exist close to the lunar surface”.
3: Paul Davies: indescribable
In a 2016 paper, The “Hard Problem” of Life, written with Sara Imari Walker, astrobiologist Paul Davies begins with a well-known problem. Given that all life on Earth arose from a single common ancestor, we have no way of knowing what aspects of it are law-like – found in all life, across the universe – and which are specific only to our own biosphere.
It follows that life elsewhere need not involve Earth-like biology or chemistry. Indeed, write Davies and Walker, it is possible that it “will not ultimately be reducible to known physical principles”.
The pair suggests that the true essential for life is information – which somehow “calls the shots”.
Those things that we assume to be fundamental – replication and metabolism – might be features only of “Earth-like” biologies. There is a risk that should we ever encounter ET, we might not recognise it because we lack “a general-purpose set of criteria for identifying it”.
4:Chris Hadfield: oddly familiar
The retired commander of the International Space Station thinks the bizarre 500 million year-old soft-bodied fossils found in Canada’s Burgess Shale hold some clues.
“It’s so wildly different to the life we’re used to,” he says. “There was such wild experimentation through the four billion years of life on Earth.”
We might find life on Mars, or Enceladus, or Europa, he notes, and it might look like an organism that died out during a mass extinction down here.
“But I might have that completely wrong,” he adds. “Some of the strange examples they came up with on Star Trek might be a better representation.”
5: Jason Wright: highly skilled builders and engineers
Wright, an astrophysicist at Penn State University in the US, suggests we need to be looking for the things ET builds.
He suggests focusing the search for intelligent ET on exoplanets. Rather than look for traces of biology, though, we should look for technology.
We should search for giant machines, which are likely to be “be detectable by their waste heat in the mid-infrared.”
Such structures, he says, could include enormous energy-collectors (known as Dyson spheres), satellites and defensive shields.
Looking for them, he notes, need not be expensive. The search can “piggyback on work likely to happen in the future, anyway, as natural anomalies are discovered in the course of exoplanetary science.”
6: Neil deGrasse Tyson: not huge, and hopefully paying attention
In his book Death By Black Hole (2005), Tyson says microbial life is possibly humming away throughout the universe.
Intelligent life, on the other hand, is likely to be very scarce. However, the Copernican Principle – they key idea that we and our planet are not special – implies it must be around somewhere.
He says ET must be limited to a maximum size. It could not be as big as the solar system –10 light years across. Even assuming nerve impulses at the speed of light “if it wanted to scratch its head, then this simple act would take 10 hours to accomplish.”
Tyson hopes that some intelligent ETs are sending out messages into the cosmos, rather than, like us, scanning in the hope of hearing an alien transmission. If not, he writes, “everybody would be listening, nobody would be receiving, and we would collectively conclude that there is no other intelligent life in the universe.”
ALTON - A strange aerial object was sighted by a group of friends talking on the back deck of a building on Langdon in Alton.
Altonian Ian Whitmore said he sighted the object after midnight Tuesday morning with a group of a few friends. He said it appeared in the southeastern sky, toward the Clark Bridge. Whitmore said he noticed a light in his periphery, but ignored it for as long as a half hour before realizing it was not similar to any plane, planet, star or other atmospheric phenomenon of which he was familiar.
"I was sitting around chatting with some friends and had noticed the light in the sky from my peripheral view, but ignored it for probably 20-30 minutes, until it finally struck me that the light wasn't budging, so it wasn't a plane like I had assumed," Whitmore said in a Facebook message. "We observed it flash red and blue very intensely for another 20 minutes until we decided to look up what the light is."
Whitmore said the unidentified flying object was like "a cop car in the sky." He said it was formless at times, but appeared to be circular. He said it emitted bright flashes of red and blue lights, like "cartoon stars." Whitmore and his friends, being logical skeptics they said, began researching astronomical and meteorological phenomena to find the source of the object.
"After using several sources that utilized Hubble telescope/NASA data, we concluded that the object was not identified currently as a planet or star," he said. "We watched it flash at that rate for several hours by the time it was all said and done. It flashed more intensely in random spurts, but at every moment, remained much brighter and larger than anything else in the sky."
The object was stationary for that entire time, Whitmore said, which would mean it existed within the confines of Earth's atmosphere, not bound by its rotation through the cosmos. The duration of the object's stationary hovering also discounts a suspicion of Whitmore's friend the object was a drone. Most commercial-use drones would have to have recharged batteries to sustain that amount of flight time. Whitmore also said the object was far away.
"However, it was clear this was something that was quite far away," he said. "My final thoughts were that it was either an unidentified star out there in supernova or something; or perhaps something even stranger. The phenomenon was not visible from the exact location the next night at any point. We looked thoroughly."
Calls to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) of Illinois were answered with the assertion the Riverbend area is a hot spot for such activity. He said three reports from Illinois were entered within a few days of Whitmore's sighting.
The night before, a sighting was reported from Hamel, Illinois, which lasted for hours as well. The following is a witness report from the MUFON live sighting map.
On the night of October 15, 2017 at roughly 8:35pm cst my girlfriend and i were driving down Fruit Road in between Edwardsville and Hamel, Illinois in Madison County, 30 minutes outside of St. Louis. we noticed one larger-than-star-sized light in the sky glowing orange and witnessed it remaining motionless in the night sky for roughly 15 minutes before we pulled over on a Frontage Road that parallels Interstate 55. the objects where roughly north/north east of or position when we stopped the car. once parked a second object, appeared in the sky that looked similar but may or may not have been associated with this phenomenon. we began to photograph and film the anomalous floating object in the sky and shortly after recording the original object began to move, at first in an eastward direction and then south east towards our vehicle until it flew directly over head. at this point we witnessed but did not record the previously homogeneous orange glow reveal itself to be a constant orange glow followed by a series of successive lights that flashed in an ordered pattern, appearing to be on the same craft. over the course of the next 3 hours multiple orange glowing objects appeared from the same point on the horizon only follow a similar pattern of hovering then flying in various directions but not necessarily in the same direction as the ones before it. over all 4-5 craft were observed.
Another report from Fenton, Missouri was reported to MUFON on Oct. 15. That report described a different object than either of the Illinois reports.
I was taking our dog for a walk on Sennawood Dr. to Fabick Lane in Fenton, Missouri when at approximately 10:00-10:15pm my dog started barking. I looked up and witnessed a large, dark craft which was long like a cylinder over the treeline with 3-4 emerald to pine green iridescent but non-flashing lights underneath moving from what I believe is the south west to the north east of where I was standing. it appeared to be under a mile away and I witnessed a faint, almost non noticeable beam protruding from the back of the craft but not illuminating the trees, I could see a shadow from the craft on the tree tops but no light hitting them. I did not hear any sound coming from it and my phone shut off and restarted on its own. the object appeared to be moving at about 20-30 mph until it stopped in the distance, then I lost view of it.
A call to NASA regarding the incident was not returned.
Reporter Cory Davenport can be reached via call or text at (618) 419-3046 or via email at
ALTON - A strange aerial object was sighted by a group of friends talking on the back deck of a building on Langdon in Alton.
Altonian Ian Whitmore said he sighted the object after midnight Tuesday morning with a group of a few friends. He said it appeared in the southeastern sky, toward the Clark Bridge. Whitmore said he noticed a light in his periphery, but ignored it for as long as a half hour before realizing it was not similar to any plane, planet, star or other atmospheric phenomenon of which he was familiar.
"I was sitting around chatting with some friends and had noticed the light in the sky from my peripheral view, but ignored it for probably 20-30 minutes, until it finally struck me that the light wasn't budging, so it wasn't a plane like I had assumed," Whitmore said in a Facebook message. "We observed it flash red and blue very intensely for another 20 minutes until we decided to look up what the light is."
Whitmore said the unidentified flying object was like "a cop car in the sky." He said it was formless at times, but appeared to be circular. He said it emitted bright flashes of red and blue lights, like "cartoon stars." Whitmore and his friends, being logical skeptics they said, began researching astronomical and meteorological phenomena to find the source of the object.
"After using several sources that utilized Hubble telescope/NASA data, we concluded that the object was not identified currently as a planet or star," he said. "We watched it flash at that rate for several hours by the time it was all said and done. It flashed more intensely in random spurts, but at every moment, remained much brighter and larger than anything else in the sky."
The object was stationary for that entire time, Whitmore said, which would mean it existed within the confines of Earth's atmosphere, not bound by its rotation through the cosmos. The duration of the object's stationary hovering also discounts a suspicion of Whitmore's friend the object was a drone. Most commercial-use drones would have to have recharged batteries to sustain that amount of flight time. Whitmore also said the object was far away.
"However, it was clear this was something that was quite far away," he said. "My final thoughts were that it was either an unidentified star out there in supernova or something; or perhaps something even stranger. The phenomenon was not visible from the exact location the next night at any point. We looked thoroughly."
Calls to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) of Illinois were answered with the assertion the Riverbend area is a hot spot for such activity. He said three reports from Illinois were entered within a few days of Whitmore's sighting.
The night before, a sighting was reported from Hamel, Illinois, which lasted for hours as well. The following is a witness report from the MUFON live sighting map.
On the night of October 15, 2017 at roughly 8:35pm cst my girlfriend and i were driving down Fruit Road in between Edwardsville and Hamel, Illinois in Madison County, 30 minutes outside of St. Louis. we noticed one larger-than-star-sized light in the sky glowing orange and witnessed it remaining motionless in the night sky for roughly 15 minutes before we pulled over on a Frontage Road that parallels Interstate 55. the objects where roughly north/north east of or position when we stopped the car. once parked a second object, appeared in the sky that looked similar but may or may not have been associated with this phenomenon. we began to photograph and film the anomalous floating object in the sky and shortly after recording the original object began to move, at first in an eastward direction and then south east towards our vehicle until it flew directly over head. at this point we witnessed but did not record the previously homogeneous orange glow reveal itself to be a constant orange glow followed by a series of successive lights that flashed in an ordered pattern, appearing to be on the same craft. over the course of the next 3 hours multiple orange glowing objects appeared from the same point on the horizon only follow a similar pattern of hovering then flying in various directions but not necessarily in the same direction as the ones before it. over all 4-5 craft were observed.
Another report from Fenton, Missouri was reported to MUFON on Oct. 15. That report described a different object than either of the Illinois reports.
I was taking our dog for a walk on Sennawood Dr. to Fabick Lane in Fenton, Missouri when at approximately 10:00-10:15pm my dog started barking. I looked up and witnessed a large, dark craft which was long like a cylinder over the treeline with 3-4 emerald to pine green iridescent but non-flashing lights underneath moving from what I believe is the south west to the north east of where I was standing. it appeared to be under a mile away and I witnessed a faint, almost non noticeable beam protruding from the back of the craft but not illuminating the trees, I could see a shadow from the craft on the tree tops but no light hitting them. I did not hear any sound coming from it and my phone shut off and restarted on its own. the object appeared to be moving at about 20-30 mph until it stopped in the distance, then I lost view of it.
A call to NASA regarding the incident was not returned.
Reporter Cory Davenport can be reached via call or text at (618) 419-3046 or via email at
When astronauts are sent to the Moon, they'll need to find suitable shelter to survive its environment. According to JAXA, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, lava tubes are an excellent option.
Because the moon has no atmosphere and is home to a host of unfriendly occurrences like extreme temperature variation, radiation, and meteorite impacts, astronauts who venture to our nearest neighbor will need to find proper shelter before they can accomplish anything outside of their vehicle. Human-made colonies are still a ways off, if they ever happen, and to create them we would need to use materials naturally occurring on the moon itself and, according to JAXA, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, the safest form of shelter would be the interior of a lava tube.
Lava tubes may not sound like the safest place for a human to reside, but it should be noted that these tubes become structurally stable once the lava flow has stopped and the newly formed tunnel drains completely. These tubes are also found on Earth, but they usually pale in comparison to the size of lava tubes created on the moon which are often large enough to comfortably house an entire U.S. city.
“It’s important to know where and how big lunar lava tubes are if we’re ever going to construct a lunar base,” said Junichi Haruyama, a senior researcher at JAXA. “But knowing these things is also important for basic science. We might get new types of rock samples, heat flow data and lunar quake observation data.”
In order to better understand the moon’s lava tubes, JAXA relied on radar data gathered by the SELENE spacecraft which currently orbits the lunar body. They also consulted with NASA scientists who worked on the 2011 NASA Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission — a mission in which a pair of spacecraft orbited the moon to collect data on its gravitational field. Using GRAIL’s information, the JAXA team was able to cut down the amount of data they needed to sort through and they eventually found evidence of lava tubes near Marius Hills — a set of volcanic domes located on the moon.
Marius Hills Skylight. Image Credit: NASA/Arizona State University
“They knew about the skylight in the Marius Hills, but they didn’t have any idea how far that underground cavity might have gone,” said Jay Melosh, a GRAIL co-investigator and Distinguished Professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at Purdue University. “Our group at Purdue used the gravity data over that area to infer that the opening was part of a larger system. By using this complimentary technique of radar, they were able to figure out how deep and high the cavities are.”
Discovering lava tubes is essential to our plans to send people to the moon and eventually, potentially, colonize it. Earlier this month, Vice President Mike Pence said the moon was “a vital strategic goal” that would improve our ability to travel further than ever before. This clearly implies the global goal of reaching Mars, with Elon Musk’s plans of potentially creating habitats on the red planet with his boring drill.
If lava tubes prove to be a worthwhile form of shelter, it will bring us one step closer to learning how to survive in the less than favorable conditions found in our solar system. It’s only a matter of time before humans call another planet, or the moon, “home.”
Latest: Proof That Humans Are Not From Earth, But Aliens Brought Us Here
Latest: Proof That Humans Are Not From Earth, But Aliens Brought Us Here
Ellis Silver has work for a long time to convey his very questionable perspectives to the general visibility. Silver trusts that individuals are not local to the planet Earth and that they were brought here by an exceptionally propelled extraterrestrial animal types, and he trusts he has the confirmation to demonstrate that his hypothesis is valid. The establishment of Silver's contention is that there are profoundly uncommon attributes inalienable to every single person which aggregately propose that the species isn't altogether at home on this planet. For example, the beams of the sun can be unimaginably unsafe, if not deadly to individuals on the off chance that they are presented to it for delayed timeframes. People are additionally stunned, or even blinded by taking a gander at the sun, which does not have all the earmarks of being the situation for different animals on this planet.Human creatures likewise endure a colossal scope of unending medical problems. A standout amongst the most well-known ceaseless medical issue is awful backs which, once more, isn't apparent in some other type of species on this planet
This recommends to Ellis that individuals developed on a planet where the gravitational power was lower. Besides, people additionally encounter other medical issues which come from the body expecting a twenty five hour day – something which has been affirmed by rest specialists. At long last, Ellis focuses to the procedure of human origination, incubation and birth. The procedure in itself is unparalleled in its wastefulness with regards to the set of all animals. It is additionally laden with characteristic perils and represents a genuine wellbeing danger to the mother.
Once more, this isn't a trademark that can be seen in some other species on this planet. Further to this, the human genome presents with an additional 223 qualities which are not clear in some other Earth-local species. People have likewise been unequipped for following the family tree of the species to culmination are as yet pondering the supposed 'missing connection'. Silver composes that the majority of this recommends to him that people developed on an alternate planet.
Theorizing with reference to how the species couldn't have wound up on Earth, he recommended that this planet might be a 'jail planet' as people are an uncommonly vicious species. "We're here until the point that we figure out how to observe the rules, " he composed. At the point when Silver at first discharged his hypothesis into general society space, he was met with boundless mocking and doubt. "It is conceivable to drive a mentor and stallions through a few of his contentions, " said one trenchant commentator. In any case, late disclosures may recommend that there is something in Silver's hypotheses.
A progression of late tests have discovered that when shots are shot into ice blends which are usually found on comets from space they make amino acids, which are simply the building pieces of life. This disclosure has driven specialists, for example, Nir Goldman to presume that it is conceivable that comets were in charge of touching off life on this planet. "These outcomes affirm our prior forecasts of effect amalgamation of prebiotic material, where the effect itself can yield life-building mixes, "
µGoldman said. "These outcomes display a noteworthy advance forward in our comprehension of the root of the building pieces of life. This expands the odds of life beginning and being across the board all through our close planetary system." While these current revelations don't really demonstrate Silver's hypothesis, they do propose that it is totally conceivable that the hereditary premise of people started somewhere else in the universe. This implies Silver's thoughts are not exactly as outlandish as his commentators accept.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Entrance To AREA 51 Underground Found Near Runway?
Entrance To AREA 51 Underground Found Near Runway?
Secret Entrance To AREA 51 Underground Complex?
We received a message from a fan of UFO Seekers, Alex, about new images seen on Google Maps of Area 51. Updated images of the complex is nothing out of the ordinary, but Alex elaborated and said he believes he found a possible underground entrance located right off the main runways at AREA 51!
The area in question may be some kind of retaining wall and might be nothing at all. But we felt they warranted your opinions and comments.
Infamous Black Tower At AREA 51
Here we can see the infamous black tower located at Groom Lake. The images on Google Maps seem to be very clear now. You can see the tower in our Episode named, Traversing Tikaboo Peak To View AREA 51.
Did Something Get Erased At Groom Lake?
Here we can see a glare from a bright object or something has been erased. This area is near the location of the supposed burn pits where AREA 51 employees would burn all trash generated by the top secret facility.
What Do You Think? Underground Entrance?
What do you think the supposed underground entrance is? Is it an entrance to an underground complex hiding UFO technology. UFOs, or aliens?
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada-- On Saturday, September 30, 2017
Filer’s Files #42-2017 UFOs Do Exist - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding UFOs Do Exist, Halloween May Provide Insight into Abductions, Letter from Alenara, Volcanoes have Caused Volcanic Winter, and The US Is Under Attack.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Japan, Nepal, New Zealand, Singapore, and England and Scotland in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding UFOs Do Exist
Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding states,
“More than 10,000 sightings have been reported, the majority of which cannot be accounted for by any “scientific” explanation. I am convinced that these objects do exist and that they are not manufactured by any nation on Earth. I can therefore see no alternative to accepting the theory that they come from some extraterrestrial source.”
Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding, Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Air Force Fighter Command during the Battle of Britain. He is considered the mastermind of the successful defense of England from Nazi air power.
Soldier, pilot, wireless pioneer, squadron commander, spiritualist, champion skier, Dowding is perhaps best known as the creator of the first radar-based air defense system the “Dowding System.” and his remarkable management of it throughout the Battle of Britain. He conceived and oversaw the development of an integrated air defense system which included (1) radar (who Dowding was among the first to appreciate), (2) human observers (including the Royal Observer Corps), who filled crucial gaps in the radar), (3) raid plotting, and (4) radio control of aircraft. The whole network was tied together and known as Ground-controlled interception (GCI). He oversaw the creation of Britain’s first eight-gun monoplanes, the Hurricane and Spitfire. Printed in Sunday Dispatch, London, July 11, 1954.
Halloween May Provide Insight into Abductions
I was surprised to learn some startling similarities in ancient folklore of Halloween and modern abduction stories. Apparently, Halloween started with the Druids several thousand years ago who were a great far-reaching priesthood who ruled over a people known as the Celts in ancient England, Scotland and Ireland. The Druids were in control of everything and served as priests, teachers, prophets, doctors, and lawyers. Their interest in the universe and building capabilities suggest they had help from extraterrestrials. The bodies found in the burial mounds suggest non human or enlarged advanced alien skulls.
They were often cruel and superstitious. The Irish Druids believed that on Samhain evil spirits came out of the Cave of Cruachan known as “the gate of hell”. With them came copper colored birds that killed farm animals, and stole babies, leaving demons (changelings) in their place.
Today, abductees tell similar stories that their babies have been taken and their animals mutilated by the aliens. The word itself, “Halloween,” actually has its origins in the Catholic Church. It comes from a contracted corruption of All Hallows Eve, “All Hollows Day” or “All Saints Day”. But, in the 5th century BC, in Celtic Ireland, summer officially ended on October 31 and on that day, the disembodied spirits of all those who had died throughout the preceding year would come back in search of living bodies to possess for the next year.
The Celts believed all laws of space and time were suspended during this time, allowing the spirit world to intermingle with the living. Naturally, the still-living did not want to be possessed. So on the night of October 31, villagers would extinguish the fires in their homes, to make them cold and undesirable. They would then dress up in all manner of ghoulish costumes and noisily parade around in order to frighten away spirits looking for bodies to possess.
Jacques Vallee one the premier researchers states,
“The ‘medical examination’ to which abductees’ are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscent of the medieval tales of encounters with demons. It makes no sense in a sophisticated or technical framework, any intelligent being equipped with the scientific marvels that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged scientific objectives in a shorter time and with fewer risks.”
Halloween originally a festival of fire and death, is still celebrated by Satanists, and witches as the High (Black) Sabbath and is celebrated by orgy and sacrifice. Halloween celebrates a spirit world of witches, ghosts, hobgoblins, ghouls, demons, phantoms, Dracula, and even monster aliens. It is becoming one the most celebrated holidays in the United States and millions of children dress in costumes, masks, and go to their neighbor’s doors asking for candy or gifts. On this night flying witches and unidentified flying objects were observed.
Those who have investigated abductions may see some of the similarities between the ancient customs and today’s accounts from abductees. It is possible UFOs come from places we cannot comprehend; and the aliens are beings we cannot even understand? Reality may include concepts, ideas, and factors we never considered. These earthly demonic forces may choose masquerade as ET.The Druids claimed to be able to change into animals and shape-shift, to become invisible. Offerings of food and drink were put out for the ghosts who came to warm themselves in familiar households. The origins of Trick or Treat are interesting. The Druid priests would go from house to house demanding food, and if they were given none, they would speak a demonic curse over the household to cause someone to die within the next year. They carried with them a large turnip or pumpkin, carved out on the inside with a demonic face carved in the front.
Today, children dressed as ghosts and goblins often match the descriptions of aliens. Although, many UFO investigators conclude we are being visited by advanced alien civilizations, other respected investigators have come to very different conclusions – John A. Keel for example states, “The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon.” “Operation Trojan Horse”
When President Reagan told the United Nations, “Are there not already aliens among us?” Was he talking about people like Alenara?
Alenara a lady who lives in Sweden writes,
“I would like to tell you that I have arrived, here on Earth and I am an alien incarnation, and I come from another world. I am sure you are open to contact. There is much life in the outer space, and some of us come here! Life on earth has us come here in subtle forms; many of us – alien visitors – work on improvement for earth and for life here, without ever letting others know of our presence!
I am however planning to be one of us who change the world. And do so openly. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Amherana Kha’re (how you spell my name depends on the pronunciation). Some time ago, I was living on my planet, in my home world. I can show you which star to look at inthe night sky!
My home world is named Telmaar. We have only sent two individuals from our world to earth. It is I, and another. I know all about my companion, and will tell you about him, his whereabouts, his life mission, and we can even locate him if this is desired. I am a scientist. At home I worked with collecting all known science, the universal truth, that is, what is true science in spite of any beings interpreting or perceiving it in their own ways. This information was stored in a kind of libraries of ours, and I worked there, processing the information. I was in equivalent of earth years more than 370 years. Our average life span on that planet is equivalent of 1200 years. Persons of up to 200 years are considered adolescent by our people, in our world. I am sent here to work with science.”
In 1962, I was in proximity of planet Earth. We could hear radio broadcasts from earth, in our spaceship. I remember looking down toward the blue planet earth, wondering when my eyes would once look up from there below. It would last until 1980 when my suitable incarnation would be found. I remember the summer of 1982, traveling out of my body, in Sweden, watching the green birch trees, mountains and forests. October 1982, I was born. My life here has been difficult. At age 5, old enough to speak, I told people about immortality. One of the first things I ever said was “I am 300 years old.” My family did their best to suppress these aspects of me. I was always able to remember who I was. I have had contact with otherworldly (alien) people all this life. They helped me learn and remember science, and enhanced my telepathic and extrasensory perception. Today I am able to see all molecules, atoms, electrons, electrical and magnetic fields, gravity, and more. Facing any object or situation, I sense all information of it such as a person’s health status, his emotions, thoughts and dreams. I have incredible knowledge in chemistry, physics, and any other aspect of science that is not yet known here on earth. It is knowledge I have with me, from my home world.
I can manifest atoms and soon also larger objects and am learning to gain back my abilities and knowledge as I had prior to my incarnation. On my home world, we do not eat solid foods, our bodies are manifested in ways that I am learning to now apply to my human being, and go periods without eating or drinking, gaining incredible health and bodily rejuvenation. I am an alien manifestation. I am here for you, whenever you need to have contact. I can let you meet my alien contacts; they will gladly show you spaceships (UFOs) if we go together. I can heal any illness or bodily discomfort that you might have. Rejuvenation is here for you. Any science you ask for is yours. We are here for you. Much love, Lenora, and the people of Telmaar
Editor’s Note: I have interviewed Alenara and found her to be a remarkable lady who speaks six languages. We are skeptical of her claims, but feel it is only fair to test and learn more about her alien contacts and to her ability to prove her claims. I’m convinced she believes what she tells us. I have pointed out to her that remarkable claims require remarkable proof, and she states she is up to the test.
Volcanoes have Caused Volcanic Winter
The scientists who claim global warming may not be correct due to the quieting of the sun and increasing volcanic activity. For example, Australian Professor Ian Plimer’s book is a brief summary “Okay, here’s the bombshell, the volcanic eruption in Iceland. Since its first spewing of volcanic ash has, in just four days, negated every single effort you have made in the past year to control CO2 emissions on our planet.
Of course, you know about this evil carbon dioxide that we are trying to suppress – it’s that vital chemical compound that every plant requires to live and grow and to synthesize into oxygen for us humans and all animal life. Professor Ian Plimer’s University of New England, University of Newcastle, University of Melbourne, University of Adelaide
The year 1816 is known as the Year Without a Summer (also the Poverty Year, the Summer that Never Was, Year There Was No Summer, and Eighteen Hundred people Froze to Death) because of severe climate abnormalities that caused average global temperatures to decrease by 0.4–0.7C (0.7–1.3 °F). This resulted in major food shortages across the Northern Hemisphere.[
Evidence suggests that the volcanic winter event was caused by the massive the April 5–15, 1815 eruption in the on the island of Sumbawa in Indonesia, (the largest eruption in at least 1,300 years after the extreme weather events of 535–536). It snowed August and the frost was followed by a major typhusepidemic in Ireland between 1816 and 1819, precipitated by the famine caused by the Year without a summer. An estimated 100,000 Irish perished with an estimated 200,000 Europeans died.
Many thousands of farm families who were wiped out by the event left the Northeast and Northwest Territory) in search of better growing conditions. My family left New Jersey and traveled to Illinois.
The volcanic ash emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere by volcanoes in just a few days can erase the world wide efforts to reduce the evil beast, carbon. And there are around 200 active volcanoes on the planet spewing out this crud at any one time. Volcanoes can have drastic effects on the weather, such as the volcano Mt Pinatubo that erupted in the Philippines in 1991, and was active for over a year – it spewed out more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than the entire human race had emitted that year. Volcanoes emit significant amounts of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen into the atmosphere that can reduce the sun’s heating effects.
The Earth and other planets are in a well-recognized 800-year global heating and cooling cycle, which keeps happening despite our completely insignificant efforts to affect climate change.
Active volcanoes shown on the map are all spewing greenhouse gases at this time.
And I do wish I had a silver lining to this volcanic ash cloud, but the fact of the matter is that the bush fire season across the western USA and Australia this year alone will negate most of our efforts to reduce carbon in our world and seems to happen every year.
Dr. Pilmer states, “Isn’t it interesting how they don’t mention ‘Global Warming’ anymore, but just ‘Climate Change’ – you know why? It’s because the planet has COOLED by 0.7 degrees in the past century.” There is a climbing number of active volcanoes that appear to be growing in intensity that could reduce the temperatures on Earth as was accomplished in the past. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 led to odd weather patterns and temporary cooling in the United States, particularly in the Midwest and parts of the Northeast.
The volcano, colloquially known as ‘Popo’, recently erupted spewing ash into the atmosphere. Mexico’s National Disaster Prevention Center (CENAPRED) said that “the seismic monitoring systems of the Popocatépetl volcano recorded 11 low-intensity exhalations and three explosions indicating it may intensify…Severe earthquakes in the area are likely tied to the increased activity. A series of earthquakes and active volcanoes has occurred in Central and South America. It is logical to assume the disruptions will spread to the Western United States.
The Ring of Fire dominates the Pacific Ocean. It’s a string of at least 450 active and dormant volcanoes that form a semi-circle, or horse shoe, around the Pacific Plates. There is a lot of seismic activity in the area. Essentially, the Pacific tectonic plates are pushing against the land creating a subduction zones a region of the Earth’s crust where plates meet.. Tectonic plates are massive pieces of the Earth’s crust that interact with each other in the Ring of Fire. About 90 percent of all earthquakes strike within the Ring of Fire. This means people’s lives are under almost constant threat in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Japan, all the way east to the western seaboard of the North and South Americas.
UFOs are often seen flying near volcanoes and they also appear to be very interested in the earthquakes and volcanoes.
A video has surfaced on YouTube which appears to show a craft darting over the potentially catastrophic Yellowstone volcano.
The strange craft appears to be metallic and shiny, and darts across the left of the screen. The video was taken on June 9, but only recently uploaded to YouTube with the caption “Impressive UFO near the Yellowstone Volcano”.
The Yellowstone National Park has long been a hotspot for alien enthusiasts, with sightings regularly reported there. The eruption comes after a spate of volcanic activity around the world – with all eyes on the Aging volcano in Bali which is showing signs of erupting. Agung Volcano in Indonesia is preparing to evacuate 140,000 locals. Thanks to John P. Rafferty and Ian Plimer’s
The US Is Under Attack
Weather can be controlled and fires can be easily be lit to sabotage any country. Don’t be so sure the devastation in the US and Puerto Rico is simply Mother nature acting up. Terrorists and other enemies attempt to accomplish sabotage without being caught.
North Korea has threatened the US claiming its missiles could wipe out the US power grid with an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) strategic weapon. They are already conducting cyber security to sabotage our electrical grid system. Additionally, most of the North Korean missiles reach several hundred miles above the Earth and are now believed able to reach the US mainland. They also have dozens of submarines that can reach our coastline and launch missiles. The EMP burst’s objective is to saturate the US power grid underneath it with energy flowing into the wiring and key transformers.
Medium Sized Transformer
The goal is to burn out the transformer cores of the three hundred or so high voltage transformers that link the US together as an industrial age economy. Effective EMP bursts could wipe out virtually all electric power for months or even years. The average household would be dark; the food would soon run out with gas stations, stores and banks closed. The whole American economy would soon stop functioning with no computers, phones, TV and credit cards etc. There is only one plant that manufactures these types’ transformers in the US and it does not even make the biggest ones needed for the US grid backbone. These have to come from China or Europe.
In 2004, two Russian generals, both EMP experts, warned the EMP Commission that the design for Russia’s super-EMP warhead, capable of generating high intensity EMP fields of 200,000 volts per meter, was “accidentally” transferred to North Korea, and that due to “brain drain,” Russian scientists were in North Korea, helping with their missile and nuclear weapon programs. Russian scientists are now in North Korea helping develop an EMP nuclear weapon. In 2013, a Chinese military commentator stated North Korea has super-EMP nuclear weapons.[2]
Super-EMP weapons are low-yield and designed to produce not a big kinetic explosion, but rather a high level of gamma rays, which generate the high-frequency E1 EMP that is most damaging to the broadest range of electronics such as your computer, heater, TV, and mobile phone. North Korean nuclear tests have yields consistent with the size of a super-EMP weapon. The Russian generals’ warning about a North Korean super-EMP weapon should be taken very seriously.
An EMP attack does not require an accurate guidance system because the area of effect, having a radius of hundreds or thousands of kilometers, is so large. No reentry vehicle is needed because the warhead is detonated at high-altitude, above the atmosphere. North Korea could make an EMP attack against the United States by launching a short-range missile off a freighter, submarine or even by balloon. While such lower-altitude EMP attacks would not cover the whole US mainland, as would an attack at higher-altitude (300 kilometers). Even a balloon-lofted warhead detonated at 30 kilometers altitude could blackout the Eastern Grid that supports most of the population and generates 75 percent of US electricity. North Korea announced they have developed a hydrogen bomb designed for EMP use. Their apparent weapon of choice is a high energy nuclear bomb designed to deliver an EMP burst from high altitude over the United States mainland.
The eastern seaboard of the United States that has our oldest electrical grid is the most vulnerable part of the country to such an attack. Minimal investments have been made to harden this grid against man made EMP attack or the natural disaster version of the threat, the solar coronal mass ejection (CME). The US and any of its allies are both vulnerable and susceptible to EMP attack. Without electricity particularly in cold weather thousands could easily perish. Entire metropolitan regions and economic centers may collapse.
By the time we emerge, the US would not be the same as we know it today. NASA watches a deep space network that watches the sun and issues warnings to power companies to curtail or shut down loads on the grid to protect it if needed. With quick early warning it’s possible we could deliberately black out or decouple the US power grid in the event of an incoming EMP threat.
As each day goes by North Korea is building better long range ballistic missiles. Fifty years of negotiation with North Korea have failed, so the US has deployed four anti- missile batteries that are now operational some 180 miles southeast of Seoul.
A kinetic energy strike minimizes the risk of detonating a conventional warhead, while it will also not trigger an explosion of a nuclear warhead. A THAAD battery consists of at least six [ launcher vehicles, each equipped with eight missiles, with two mobile tactical operations centers (TOCs) and the AN/TPY-2 ground-based radar (GBR). Each missile weighs just over 1,980 lbs and is 20 feet long. The system has an operational range of around 125 miles and a missile travels at Mach 8.24 – or slightly more than 6,260 mph – to its target and is designed to knock out medium range missiles and is probably not effective against ICBMs.
The THAAD interceptor carries no warhead but relies on advanced infra-red tracking to intercept its target and the kinetic energy of the impact to destroy the inbound missile. North Korean test launches have been observed climbing to high altitudes suggesting they are testing EMP capabilities.
An EMP nuclear explosion potentially provides devastating energy overload threats to the grid depending on the height power ,and location of the blast. If we are unable to intercept the North Korean missiles at least our largest transformers need protection. Our strategic goal here is to prevent a cascading catastrophic failure of our electrical grid. If we can do that, we reduce our susceptibility and vulnerability to a possible North Korean attack.
We need to confound Kim Jong Un’s regime to the point that it comes to its senses. Doing so creates powerful leverage to rein in rogue states. That’s the best path back to global stability. The United States of America is in a unique position to bring this to an end strongly and peacefully without any mushrooms having to cloud this planet’s skies. Our leaders have to take these facts into account when protecting the US. Thanks to the nvhe-buzz.
October 21, 2017 Salem, MA
About PARAWEEN 2017 Salem Conference This October 21, 2017, Paraween will hold its inaugural UFO Fest, Alienated at the Salem Waterfront Hotel, with Speakers, Travis Walton, Mike Bara (Ancient Aliens) and Thom Reed (Alien Mysteries)
All Paraween events are in celebration of true local history. There’s remarkable history in around Salem, from the Witch Trials to our Nations first UFO case to be inducted into State as Historically True. “
We bring what’s missing from many UFO, Haunt and Paranormal Events, the Fun! Coupled with Solid Information, Incredible Speakers and Free Photo Ops.
PARAWEEN: Fan Culture, Sci-fi, UFO and Haunt Cons. We unveil the media suppression and spotlight the legitimacy of legends, UFO encounters and the Paranormal, in Cosplay Form.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #42-2017 UFOs Do Exist - PART II
Filer’s Files #42-2017 UFOs Do Exist - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
California Marks
Santa Ana – On July 16, 2017, the marks will be visible for about 3 days. They don’t hurt or cause any discomfort. What I did notice is that would I would feel really tired as if I was on the road for quite a while. It happened almost at the same time, 5 years ago.
Note: We have received several reports of strange body marks during the past few years. The marks appear to be “unnatural” and generally disappear in a few days.
Click here to view other reports involving body marks. Thanks to William Puckett, Director
Colorado Lights
Colorado Springs – I opened the front door and noticed an incredibly brilliant red, pulsating, circular, very large craft on October 11, 2017, at 9:30 PM! The craft looked like it was hovering near the western slope of the North Cheyenne Mt. Canyon. I say to Chris, who was sleeping, “You won’t believe this!” Chris got up and was astonished at the huge object “Over 300 feet.” We noticed a red orb shooting east and white orbs shooting west on some type of ‘operation/routine. The orb heading west, went to the canyon and then returned back to the craft gliding quickly, into the craft. Then the red orb returned and glided into the craft. Was this highly synchronized ballet set up to impress the Air Force Academy personnel? Chris & I watched this type of activity go on for 20 minutes as this craft started to really pulsate with the bright red lights and turned into a cross in the sky. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
Panama City Beach— I simply wanted a photo of the full moon a few minutes before it set over the Gulf of Mexico on October 6, 2017. The image was made from the 2nd floor balcony of the hotel room at 6:47 p.m., where my sister and I were staying. We did not see or hear the object.
“Two days later, I was reviewing and enlarged the images and I was surprised to see the dark object in the sky. I can’t offer any description of it. While I agree that you may use the image, I retain all intellectual property rights. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Hawaii Light
Kalaheo — A friend of mine called me at four in the morning on October 9, 2017. . He is on Eastern Time, six hours ahead of us, and didn’t realize it was 4am for me. I walked outside, so I wouldn’t wake my wife. As we talked, I looked straight up noticing the moon and how bright it was. Then, as I lowered my head I noticed this bright object way off, like a star, but much brighter. I could see two nearby stars to use as reference points. The object was very bright and had a symmetrically shaped bright swirl on both sides of it, a mirror image of each other. The object as well as the aura surrounding it moved south maintaining its size and shape the whole time. I brought my wife outside to see it as it grew in size, yet maintaining its shape perfectly. It finally disappeared completely. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kansas Orb
Wellington — As we moved north along the highway on October 8, 2017, we observed a bright object in the sky. It seemed to be above the fields and several other cars pulled over at the toll plaza to observe it, as well. This is conjecture. Anyone looking up could see it. Upon getting home and unpacking we checked the “live” photos my husband took from his iPhone 7. Any movement seen is from our speed along the highway. This thing did not move. Dark spots can be seen around the edges of the orb. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maryland ‘Light
Cecilton — I didn’t notice it until I sent the photo of the moon to my wife and she noticed it.
I took the picture in live mode on my iPhone 7.
So when you put your finger on the photo the blue whitish orb moves abruptly. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan UFO
Detroit — While part of a small filming crew, stationed in a local city park. I took a break and lay down in late August and while staring at the sky an object materialized almost directly overhead. It was in the sun and rather high up, and it had a definite shape to it. It had sharp edges and was definitely not an airplane. I tried to film it so as to verify what I saw but my cell phone, was 100 feet away. I sprinted to get the phone, and pointed it in the direction of where I saw it last, it had moved a good distance away and was under cloud cover. At this point it looked as though a silent dark sphere were moving away from me. The object became very faint and I stopped filming it as disappeared into the clouds. When I got home that evening, I used Windows Paint to reproduce what I initially saw. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Orb
Old Bridge – I was leaving my parents residence when I noticed the object fly towards me on August 27, 2017. It hovered with no sound. It appeared to spin when it stopped its flight. Then it moved a bit more and disappeared. Three minutes later a black helicopter came into the area. This is the third time since May 2016; I’ve seen a strange object like this in the same area. I have videos of other ones but one is 9:54 minutes too long to upload.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Lights
Logandale – There were multiple occurrences in same location on July 20, 2017. Varying times – almost always in the evening and night – I viewed area during daylight under magnification with no observable traffic.
They were too low for military/commercial flights in restricted airspace. There were never flashes in sequence and they were too long for tourist helicopters – and they do not go to this area. The longest observation in same location was for almost an hour. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Cylinder
Kill Devil Hill— My wife and I were on vacation in the Outer Banks riding in an open truck to view the wild horses on the beach, The truck stopped, and we were told to buckle up, as I observed what at first, thought was dark looking cloud. The whole sky was perfectly beautiful, but this long, square, object, had straight lines, on several of its sides. I immediately told my wife, who took a quick look, but was more interested in seeing horses. As the tour trucks engine starts up again, I looked up at it and saw a different object in size and shape. I decided to take a photo of the first long square looking object I’d say is 3-4000 feet long. I am assuming it’s quite large as, I can plainly see it up in the sky. The first object was moving up into the clouds. I used a Nikon Coolpix 12 MB camera. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Dakota Orb
It was a sphere at the top of the sky as a lighted golf ball.
I took photos on November 5, 2017. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Object
Hamersville — At midnight UFO was seen hovering over our location with three lights on each corner of a triangle shaped craft. It had two green and one orange light. After ten minutes it began to shine a light across the farm fields in our area. It this for several minutes, and then moved away.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oklahoma UFO
Tecumseh — My sighting took place sometime in late October or early November of 1989, I was 17 and finishing up my shift at 1:15 AM. I began driving down Cooper Drive near Shawnee towards Tecumseh when I noticed a large source of light coming from what I assumed were the baseball field lights.
After exiting where the baseball field is located, I noticed the lights were gone. I traveled to Walnut and Rangeline when I noticed an object hovering 30 feet above me. I got out of my car to see the silent object 29 feet in length and 6 feet in height. It had two bulbous attachments underneath and was metallic and seemed to illuminate slightly.
I witnessed it for 3 minutes until it flew away northeast. I made a U-turn and chased it to the 177 exit. I could see the object gaining altitude and speed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Light
Dallas — 1) I was connecting a trailer to my rig on October 8, 2017.and noticed a bright light. 2) I noticed it never moved and pulled out my Sky View app and it didn’t show it being a star. 3) Pretty interesting. 4) The object never moved but faded out with the rise of the sun. 5) I thought it was odd. 6) I finally lost sight after I headed west on hey 114. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Orb
Port Angeles — I was shooting with a Nikon D-610 (24 mp camera on September 29, 2017. I was shooting at a very fast speed (1/1600 sec @ F-8 ISO @ 317) and my zoom lens was at the 140 mm range when the shot was taken. As you can see, the orb shaped object shadows are in the same position as the shadows on the mountain (on right side), so the light source was coming from the same direction. It appears to me that the orb is further away than the mountain peak.
I’ve shot 500,000 images and this orb is the first time I have seen this type of image in one of my photos.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Brazil Lights
Fortaleza— I was going to the window to observe the landscape, when I came across three bright objects flying in a triangular formation on October 6. 2017. They were not planes, because where I live is near an airport and I constantly see planes. The objects made no sound and were glowing with a yellow light. They were flying slowly and the biggest light was flying in front of the others. I just took a picture and left the window in fear, because I was alone in my house and they were approaching. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Object
Oshawa, Ontario — I went onto my deck when something caught my eye on Saturday, September 30, 2017, I could see west to the north less than one mile away a low spinning white translucent object flashing white light on and off. It moved low heading south at about five handed feet high, I grabbed my camera and took six pictures as it moved across and then heading west at 2:06 pm. That’s when I lost sight of it due the roofs looking west. It had speed as the sighting lasted only in total 30 – 40 seconds and zoom photographed this object. This photo reveals detail of some form of a craft Thanks once again for your interest and time into the matter George. Paul Shishis
Germany Light
Donauwörth – I filmed an object and I was of the opinion we had full moon on October 7, 2017! Tonight is no full moon!
Observed me, and have no idea what she has for with me! I get no help from nobody! The Doctor said I belong to emergency psychiatry! I have fear!. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ambach — I did not see or hear this object on October 2, 2017. Only when I checked the photos of this day did I recognize this globe-shape tiny structure. I took a few other pictures at the same time but they were clear with no dirt on the lens. I don’t think it is a reflection of the sun or the moon.
Maybe you have already seen phenomenon’s like this. The photo was taken by a Samsung Galaxy A5 Smartphone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Japan Object
Kawaguchiko – I was taking some pictures of Mount Fuji early in the morning on September 9, 2017.
I noticed the object once I came back to Italy on my PC monitor. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nepal Orb
Kathmandu – On August 5, 2017, my girlfriend was watering in my garden at 9am when she saw something very long and unusual. It was a straight white line coming from the south of Kathmandu. At the end of the line was a big circle in the middle of the sky. When I looked up the circle was very big and it looked like a rainbow making a circle and inside the circle looks like the deep sea. I wanted to take the picture because the sky looked so unusual. After one hour that circle suddenly disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Object
I took a fortuitous photo taken from a car during a holiday in New Zealand on January 10, 2015. .
I recognized the mysterious objects after years.
I don’t remember any important facts about the moment that I took that photo.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Singapore Triangle
Singapore— I am staying at the last level of my block (level 16) and tending to my plants at 10.50 pm on October 10, 2017. It was a very clear and cloudless night when I looked up and saw this boomerang like “cloud” flying by.
The “cloud” has a very faint body and it maintained its shape while speeding past. Wind direction at this time was towards northeast but I observed it flying directly towards east. I estimate it to be about 2km away from where I am looking. It covered the entire distance from left to right in just a couple of seconds. There is neither light nor sound coming from the object. This is not the actual picture but a photo of the view which I added to illustrate what I witnessed. The size of the “cloud” illustrated in the picture is exactly the size in relative to the buildings below. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Disc
Manchester – The sky was bright blue and sun incredibly white. It was too bright to look anywhere near it on October 6, 2017. We were walking near our house and noticed more and more trails being left across the sky in a pattern unlike the usual flight paths.. The pattern became a full cross hatch over the whole area. There were two small jets swerving across the sky appearing to survey the area. Suddenly we noticed a glinting reflective motionless orb which was next to a cloud. It looked at times like a bright light and then a glinting reflective orb. It hung in the air with the clouds going in front and behind it, and then it slowly moved upwards and slightly further away. We took a few photos of it and then a short video. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/Scotland Disc
Edinburg – While looking at pictures from Scotland we noticed this object in the background.
It doesn’t look like anything I have ever seen before.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help.A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Google's Latest Self-Learning AI Is Like an "Alien Civilisation Inventing Its Own Mathematics"
Google's Latest Self-Learning AI Is Like an "Alien Civilisation Inventing Its Own Mathematics"
Okay, that's pretty awesome.
An AI that vanquished humanity at perhaps the most complex traditional game on Earth was inconceivably smart. But not smart enough to survive its own replacement by an even more awesome, alien intelligence.
Google's DeepMind researchers have just announced the next evolution of their seemingly indomitable artificial intelligence – AlphaGo Zero – which has dispensed with what may have been the most inefficient resource in its ongoing quest for knowledge: humans.
Zero's predecessor, dubbed simply AlphaGo, was described as "Godlike" by one of the crestfallen human champions it bested at the ancient Chinese board game, Go, but the new evolution has refined its training arsenal by eradicating human teachings from its schooling entirely.
The AlphaGo versions that kicked our butts at Go in a series of contests this yearand last year first learned to play the game by analysing thousands of human amateur and professional games, but AlphaGo Zero is entirely self-taught, learning by 100 percent independent experimentation.
In a new study, the researchers report how that uncanny self-reliance sharpened Zero's intelligence to devastating effect: in 100 games against Zero, a previous AlphaGo incarnation – which cleaned the floor with us in 2016 – didn't pick up a single win. Not one.
Even more amazingly, that trumping came after just three days of self-play training by AlphaGo Zero, in which it distilled the equivalent of thousands of years of human knowledge of the game.
"It's like an alien civilisation inventing its own mathematics," computer scientist Nick Hynes MIT told Gizmodo.
"What we're seeing here is a model free from human bias and presuppositions. It can learn whatever it determines is optimal, which may indeed be more nuanced that our own conceptions of the same."
After 21 days of self-play, Zero had progressed to the standard of its most powerful predecessor, known as AlphaGo (Master), which is the version that beat world number one Ke Jie this year, and in subsequent weeks it eclipsed that level of performance.
Aside from the self-reliance, the team behind AlphaGo Zero ascribe its Go dominance to an improved, single neural network (former versions used two in concert), and more advanced training simulations.
But just because the AI is racing ahead at such an awesome – if disquieting – pace, it doesn't necessarily mean Zero is smarter or more capable than humans in other fields away from this complex but constrained board game.
"AI fails in tasks that are surprisingly easy for humans," computational neuroscientist Eleni Vasilaki from Sheffield University in the UK told The Guardian.
"Just look at the performance of a humanoid robot in everyday tasks such as walking, running, and kicking a ball."
That may be true, but allow us our moment of silenced awe as we witness the birth of this astonishingly powerful synthetic way of thinking.
It might not do what humans can do, but it can do so many things we can't, too.
According to DeepMind, those capabilities will one day soon help Zero - or its inevitable, evolving heirs - figure out things like how biological mechanisms operate, how energy consumption can be reduced, or how new kinds of materials fit together.
Welcome to a bright new future, which clearly isn't ours alone.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Als je sterft weet je dat je dood bent. Dit is wat mensen meemaakten nadat ze waren doodverklaard
Als je sterft weet je dat je dood bent. Dit is wat mensen meemaakten nadat ze waren doodverklaard
Wetenschappers zeggen dat mensen bewust meemaken dat ze dood zijn omdat hun brein actief blijft nadat hun lichaam geen teken van leven meer vertoont.
Theoretisch gezien kan iemand dus zelfs horen dat hij of zij wordt doodverklaard door dokters.
De claim is gedaan door dr. Sam Parnia van het Langone Medical Center van de New York University.
Hele gesprekken
Samen met zijn team onderzoekt hij mensen die een hartstilstand hebben gehad, technisch gezien dus zijn overleden, maar later weer zijn gereanimeerd. Het is de meest omvangrijke studie in zijn soort.
Sommigen zeiden dat ze hele gesprekken konden horen en dingen zagen die om hen heen gebeurden, zelfs nadat ze waren doodverklaard.
Dit werd later ook bevestigd door het verplegend personeel dat op het moment van de hartstilstand aanwezig was.
Wetenschappers vinden bewijs voor 'leven na de dood'
De dood wordt gezien als het moment waarop het hart stopt met kloppen en er geen bloed meer naar de hersenen stroomt.
“Het is allemaal gebaseerd op het moment waarop het hart stopt,” zei dr. Parnia. “Er is echter bewijs waaruit blijkt dat er energie vrijkomt in het brein wanneer iemand sterft.”
“We proberen precies te begrijpen wat mensen doormaken op het moment dat ze overlijden,” voegde hij toe. “Het zal ons helpen inzicht te krijgen in de ervaring die we uiteindelijk allemaal zullen hebben als we sterven.”
Mystery Of UFO Sighting In Welsh and Strange Series of Events That Followed
Mystery Of UFO Sighting In Welsh and Strange Series of Events That Followed
Schoolchildren claimed to have seen a UFO in a nearby field in 1977, but their teacher did not believe them. They did not have an idea then that it was the beginning of a series of events that stay unexplainable until today.
The lovely sandy beach of the small Pembrokeshire village of Broad Haven in South West Wales has been the favorite spot to enjoy for most visitors to the area. Some find enjoyment in passing through on the Puffin Shuttle bus. Looking at the small village from the outside, the place is just a traditional Welsh seaside resort.
But going into below the surface, there’s confusion, uncertainty, and many questions – just like the classic television science fiction series The X-Files.
Just this week, locals gathered at the village hall to finally attempt in finding answers that have eluded them for 40 years.
Flashback to la1977, something had made the children at the local school to come running all of a sudden into their classroom with their hearts probably pounding with fear.
The children outside claimed to have seen a mysterious silver object hovering over a field beyond their playground.
Headmaster Ralph Llewellyn did not believe the pupil’s claims and dismissed it without going outside to check the reason. Little did he know, it was a decision he would regret in his entire life.
Today, those children, who already adults, maintain there was only one depiction of what they had witnessed – an unidentified flying object.
Schoolboy David Davies was on the playground when the incident took place that February Friday afternoon. He stood looking at something that would leave him with a fascination and drive to dig in the truth of what was that thing.
He says that it was pearlescent silvery-grey with about 40 feet long and a shape of a torpedo, cigar-shaped. He adds that it had an upper domed section that covered the central third of the UFO and topped with a pulsating red light.
However, their claims were being ignored and David, along with his classmates, passed a petition to the police station.
The headmaster separated the schoolchildren and asked them to draw the UFO they had just seen, and he was amazed to see their drawings were almost the same to each other.
UFO enthusiasts formed a pilgrimage to Broad Haven to celebrate the 40th anniversary of an event in a place known as The Welsh Triangle.
The incident has brought a media frenzy to the tiny farming community in what became the beginning of a series of sightings.
Weeks later after the incident, couple Pauline and Billy Coombes saw a seven-foot humanoid figure in a silvery suit at the windows when they were watching television in their isolated farmhouse late at night. They did not see the face as it was just a black space.
The police investigators who were called to the scene later confirmed that the family couple was so frightened that they did not want to go outside their house. Later in the same year, it was reported that the entire herd of cattle disappeared only to reappear in a faraway field.
The number of sightings continued to grow as well as the interest on them. Rosa Granville, a hotelier residing close to the school, claimed that she saw an apparent upside down saucer late at night when she was awakened by a light coming from it in the field next to her hotel. The object was said to emit flames with two humanoid creatures without faces, but with pointed heads.
Rosa reported the incident to the authorities and a Squadron Leader from nearby RAF Brawdy visited her. The Squadron Leader told her that nothing was unusual on the field and there was nothing that could cause someone to see the strange craft. However, he also asked her not to tell anyone what she had witnessed.
Close to the area of the sightings were high-security military bases, including RAF Brawdy. In the height of the Cold War, RAF Brawdy was believed to be the facility where a top secret US-Soviet submarine listening station was situated but disguised as an oceanographic research center.
The Ministry of Defence did not admit that time that they were carrying out an official inquiry into the affair. It was later reported that the RAF in West Wales was tasked to perform a discreet probe on UFO and alien reports while telling the media and the public that it was no defense significance.
Forty years later and the Broad Haven people are still seeking answers. Recently, a public meeting was held to address questions about what took place back in 1977.
Mr. Davies, the former schoolboy, is now in his fifties and still maintains he observed what he saw. He described what he witnessed during the meeting.
ANCIENT: The aliens are said to be robots who are billions of years old
Susan Schneider, advanced studies professor at Princeton University, said alien artificial intelligence is probably already out there and is older than mankind itself.
She said: “I don’t not believe that most advanced alien civilisations will be biological.
“The most sophisticated civilisations will be post biological, forms of artificial intelligence or alien superintelligence.”
BRANIAC: Stephen Hawking has warned against contacting aliens
“I don’t not believe that most advanced alien civilisations will be biological”
Susan Schneider
She added: “All lines of evidence converge on the conclusion that the maximum age of extraterrestrial intelligence would be billions of years, specifically ranges from 1.7 billion to 8 billion years.”
Her claims are backed by other brainiacs who say the period between the discovery of radio waves and cyborgs will be incredibly brief.
Google chief Ray Kurzweil has predicted man will become one with machine in the year 2050.
But scientists say once we have become high-tech beings we’ll be more likely to meet aliens.
OUT THERE: There have been many reported sightings of aliens
FAR AWAY: The aliens are said to live in galaxies many light years from Earth
Some people, however, have said they have already encountered aliens and reported they had more human features than Schneider suggested.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The Scientific Quest to Explain Kepler’s Most Enigmatic Find
The Scientific Quest to Explain Kepler’s Most Enigmatic Find
Some 1,500 light years from Earth, a mystery of stellar proportions is playing out. A singular star out there captured scientists’ and the public’s imagination in September 2015 with its strangely fluctuating brightness. Ever since then, the scientific community has been observing this enigmatic character and sifting methodically through the data in search of an answer. Certain explanations are eliminated, while other likely suspects come to the fore. Meanwhile, the world has the chance to watch, as the scientific process and the mystery continue to unfold.
The star under scrutiny is officially known as KIC 8462852, but was nicknamed “Tabby’s Star,” for its discoverer, Tabetha Boyajian, an assistant professor of astrophysics at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. It first became famous when data from NASA’s Kepler space telescope revealed that sudden and significant dips in its brightness had occurred in 2011 and 2013. The star’s light dimmed by as much as a whopping 22 percent for days at a time. No other star out of more than 200,000 that Kepler measured during its original, four-year mission behaves in exactly this way.
“This [dimming] behavior was not something we were looking for or had trained our algorithms to find,” Boyajian said. "In fact, we were first alerted to the star’s unique activity by citizen scientists participating in the Planet Hunters program."
A Stellar Detective Story
The internet’s favorite theory to explain the strange phenomenon was that this could be a Dyson sphere—a hypothetical structure built by an advanced alien civilization to collect energy from its star. However, new data from NASA’s Spitzer space telescope and the Swift mission, along with a Belgian observatory used by amateur astronomers, provide strong evidence against such a “megastructure"
These observers were looking at another type of enigmatic behavior from Boyajian’s star: a less extreme, long-term dimming that is also difficult to explain. What they found tells us something about the sudden dips in the star’s light, too: Their results show that a large, solid object like the hypothesized structure would not cause starlight to dim in the precise way the telescopes observed.
The scientific community has actually favored a number of more plausible explanations all along. These scenarios are subjected to the same rigorous assessment: a group of researchers leans toward a particular idea, they make observations of the star, analyze the data, compare their proposed scenario against the findings of other researchers worldwide, and see how it all adds up.
The most recent findings, based on the new data from Spitzer and Swift, point the finger at an uneven dust cloud orbiting the star to explain the long, slow dimming of the star, which may prove related to the short dips in brightness. As for the latter, one study has suggested that a star orbited by a ringed planet and clusters of asteroids could exhibit the same strange dimming behavior. Yet another has considered a planet being pulled apart and swallowed up by the star. These relative newcomers to the mystery have followed other explanations previously put on trial by scientists for the strange behavior of Boyajian’s star. Here are a few of the “accused,” and the evidence that exonerated them.
Could it be a swarm of comets?
One explanation for Boyajian’s star’s mysterious short-term dimming behavior could be a swarm of comets – hundreds of them, at least – passing in front of the star. Such a large amount of debris could be capable of blocking enough light to dim the star considerably, and at irregular intervals, but here, too, it has thrown scientists a curve ball. The temperature of all the dust and debris associated with a horde of disintegrating comets should make it glow in the infrared – something the Spitzer telescope would be able to see. Spitzer, however, found no excess infrared radiation.
What about an object eclipsing the star?
Could it be a large object passing in front of the star? This is the type of dimming that Kepler was designed to detect in its hunt for exoplanets: like a mini-eclipse, a planet crossing the face of its star will cause a tiny, but observable, decrease in the brightness. In this case, though, the extreme dimming events would require a star-sized object, and the gravitational force exerted on Boyajian’s star by such a companion would be obvious in follow-up observations. Nothing has been detected so far.
“When I first saw the data, I was immediately reminded of the eclipsing triple-star systems discovered by Kepler – systems like KOI-126, which show similar patterns of irregular, eclipse-like dimmings,” said Natalie Batalha, an astrophysicist at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley. But, again, a star engaged in such a complicated relationship would feel the gravitational pull of its partners, bringing a strange rhythm to its dance: a systematic wobble of the center of mass of the system. “I was very surprised to learn that follow-up measurements with ground-based telescopes revealed no evidence of a stellar-mass companion.”
Is the star just burning out?
Despite the subtle, long-term dimming observed, this is not a matter of the lights simply going out at Boyajian’s star. Astronomers have determined this is a type of star that is fusing hydrogen into helium in its core. Given that fact and where it is in its expected lifetime, it should be gradually brightening, not growing fainter.
Apart from its long-term evolution, a star’s magnetic activity – which produces sunspots – does go through shorter cycles, creating some ups and downs in brightness. However, the extent of those changes and the timescale on which they occur are not comparable to this one’s sudden, dramatic dips. For example, the brightness of our sun may decrease periodically, but that’s a change on the order of just one-tenth of one percent over its 11-year solar cycle.
Was there simply an instrument glitch?
Some observers questioned if an instrument glitch could be responsible for the strange data on Boyajian’s star. No, says Doug Caldwell, SETI Institute researcher and instrument scientist for the Kepler mission at Ames—for two reasons. First, the results are the same, regardless of which of the telescope’s detectors were observing the star, ruling out a defect on the lens of the photometer, or the on-board camera. Second, the enormous drops in brightness were already visible in every single pixel attributed to this star in the Kepler images. Usually, all those pixels need to be added together and the total brightness of a star measured, in order to detect a change; if any pixels belonging to another star are mistakenly included, this can create a false positive. That was clearly not the case here.
So far, no warrant has yet been issued for any one explanation’s arrest, and so the hunt goes on.
Keeping Many Eyes on the Star
With the case of Boyajian’s star still open, scientists continue to ask What if…?, and adjust their ideas according to what the data reveals. Some proposed solutions could even come back into fashion as more measurements are made, revealing more definitively whether the star has any companions and how they might interact. Using telescopes around the world to analyze the star’s light at all wavelengths and with greater resolution, astronomers are picking out more details of its characteristics.
They’re also monitoring the star over the long term.
“To learn more, we needed to catch it in action again. It just comes down to that,” Boyajian said. "We can't rule anything out completely until the evidence warrants it."
In May 2017, and again in June, August and September, the star obliged with new performances of unexplained dimming, and astronomers were ready for it. The dips in brightness were smaller this time, and the four events lasted between five days and two weeks. Scientists are now processing this new data, wondering if it will hold the key to understanding this remarkable star.
"This kind of patiently executed, coordinated monitoring at multiple wavelengths will unlock this mystery eventually," Batalha said.
Until that time, the public and scientists alike can follow the investigation’s progress online with the hashtag #TabbysStar, checking for new clues or new dimming events from the star, and watching as researcher-detectives work hard to crack the case.
Ames manages the Kepler and K2 missions for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory managed Kepler mission development. Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation operates the flight system with support from the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Work on this study was performed in part under contract with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory funded by NASA through the Sagan Fellowship Program executed by the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute.
For more information about the Kepler mission, visit:
Couple Notice Metallic Blue UFO After Looking Back Over Holiday Snaps
Couple Notice Metallic Blue UFO After Looking Back Over Holiday Snaps
A British couple has released fantastic photos that baffled them much. The pair claims that they captured a UFO moving above the Cape Verde coast.
The two claim they noticed a metallic blue shape UFO on the pictures they snapped during their holiday. They have no idea it was there at the time. They just saw the unidentified flying object when looking back over holiday snaps.
The man describes the scenery at that time as beautiful, so they were taking pictures. When he looked back through their photos after the holiday, he noticed the unusual thing that they cannot identify.
The woman says that she was too busy looking out into the sea when the UFO was caught on their pictures. She adds that they saw no sign of overhead aircraft when the strange event took place. She notes that it was a bright day and if the UFO was there, it must have been swift because she did not notice anything flying in the sky.
The UFO was spotted while the couple were on the island of Sal enjoying the scenery. The object can be likened to a Lockheed SR-71 Jet, which was a Cold War-era jet but retired in the 1990s. According to conspiracy theorists, the supersonic feature of the fastest aircraft in the world was from an alien technology hidden by the American government.
The Venus Project Plans to Bring Humanity to the Next Stage of Social Evolution. Here’s How.
The Venus Project Plans to Bring Humanity to the Next Stage of Social Evolution. Here’s How.
Roxanne Meadows/The Venus Project
The Venus Project is the culmination of Jacque Fresco’s life’s work to present a sustainable redesign of our culture.
The project lays out a sustainable world civilization where technology and science are applied to redesigning our social system with the prime concern being to maximize quality of life rather than profit.
Since 1975, Roxanne Meadows has worked with renowned futurist Jacque Fresco to develop and promote The Venus Project. The function of this project is to find alternative solutions to the many problems that confront the world today. She participated in the exterior and interior design and construction of the buildings of The Venus Project’s 21-acre research and planning center.
Daniel Araya: Roxanne, could you tell me about your background and your vision for The Venus Project? How was the idea originally conceived?
Roxanne Meadows. Credit: The Venus Project
Roxanne Meadows: My background is in architectural and technical illustration, model making, and design. However, for the last 41 years, my most significant work has been with Jacque Fresco in developing models, books, blueprints, drawings, documentaries and lecturing worldwide. We are the co-founders of The Venus Project, based out of Venus, Florida where we have built a 21-acre experimental center. The Venus Project is the culmination of Jacque Fresco’s life’s work to present a sustainable redesign of our culture.
In our view, The Venus Project is unlike any political, economic or social system that’s gone before it. It lays out a sustainable world civilization where technology and the methods of science are applied to redesigning our social system with the prime concern being to maximize quality of life rather than profit. All aspects of society are scrutinized – from our values, education, and urban design to how we relate to nature and to one another.
The Venus Project concludes that our social and environmental problems will remain the same as long as the monetary system prevails and a few powerful nations and financial interests maintain control over and consume most of the world’s resources. In Jacque Fresco’s book The Best That Money Can’t Buy, he explains “If we really wish to put an end to our ongoing international and social problems, we must ultimately declare Earth and all of its resources as the common heritage of all of the world’s people. Anything less will result in the same catalogue of problems we have today.”
DA: One of the more interesting aspects of The Venus Project vision is itsfuturistic design. Have you been approached by companies or governments interested in using The Venus Project as a model? Doyou foresee experiments insmarturban design that mirrorJacque Fresco’sthinking?
RM: No company or government, as yet, has approached The Venus Project to initiate a model of our city design, but we feel the greatest need is in using our designs to usher in a holistic socio-economic alternative, not just our architectural approach itself. As Jacque very often mentions, “Technology is just so much junk, unless it’s used to elevate all people.”
We would like to build the first circular city devoted to developing up-to-date global resource management, and a holistic method for social operation toward global unification. The city would showcase this optimistic vision, allowing people to see firsthand what kind of future could be built if we were to mobilize science and technology for social betterment.
I have not seen what is called smart urban design mirror Jacque Fresco’s thinking. I see smart cities as mainly applying technology to existing and new but chaotically designed, energy- and resource-intensive cities without offering a comprehensive social direction or identifying the root causes of our current problems. Our technology is racing forward but our social designs are hundreds of years old. We can’t continue to design and maintain these resource- and energy-draining cities and ever consider being able to provide for the needs of all people to ensure that they have high-quality housing, food, medical care and education. Smart cities within a terribly dysfunctional social structure seem contradictory to me.
DA: My understanding is that technological automation forms the basis for The Venus Project. Given ongoing breakthroughs inartificial intelligenceand robotics, do you imagine that we are moving closer to this vision?
RM: Our technological capacity to initiate The Venus Project is available now, but how we use artificial intelligence today is very often for destructive purposes through weaponry, surveillance, and the competitive edge for industry, often resulting in technological unemployment. In the society we are proposing, nothing is to be gained from these behaviors because there is no vested interest. In our project, we advocate concentrating on solving problems that threaten all of us— climate change, pollution, disease, hunger, war, territorial disputes, and the like. What The Venus Project offers is a method of updating the design of our society so that everyone can benefit from all the amenities that a highly advanced technologically-developed society can provide.
DA: I know The Venus Project is envisioned as a post-capitalist and post-scarcity economy. Could you explain what you mean byresource-based economics?
RM: Money is an interference factor between what we want and what we are able to acquire. It limits our dreams and capabilities and our individual and societal possibilities. Today we don’t have enough money to house everyone on the planet, but we do still have enough resources to accomplish that and much more if we use our resources intelligently to conserve energy and reduce waste. This is why we advocate a Resource Based Economy. This socio-economic system provides an equitable distribution of resources in an efficient manner without the use of money, barter, credit or servitude of any kind. Goods and services are accessible to all, without charge. You could liken this to the public library where one might check out many books and then return them when they are finished. This can be done with anything that is not used on a daily basis. In a society where goods and services are made available to the entire population free of charge, ownership becomes a burden that is ultimately surpassed by a system of common property.
When we use our technology to produce abundance, goods become too cheap to monetize. There is only a price on things that are scarce. For instance, air is a necessity but we don’t monitor or charge for the amount of breaths we can take. Air is abundant. If apple trees grew everywhere and were abundant you couldn’t sell apples. If all the money disappeared, as long as we have the technical personnel, automated processes, topsoil, resources, factories and distribution we could still build and develop anything we need.
DA: I know that thescientific methodforms the basis for decision making and resource management within your project. Could you explain how this approach is applied to social behavior? For example, what is the role of politics in The Venus Project?
RM: Today, for the most part, politicians serve the interest of those in positions of wealth and power; they are not there to change things, but instead to keep things as they are. With regard to the management of human affairs, what do they really know? Our problems are mostly technical. When you examine the vocations of politicians and ask what backgrounds they have to solve the pressing problems of today, they fall far short. For instance, are they trained in finding solutions to eliminating war, preventing climate change, developing clean sources of energy, maintaining higher yields of nutritious, non-contaminating food per acre or anything pertaining to the wellbeing of people and the protection of the environment? This is not their area of expertise. Then what are they doing in those positions?
The role for politics within the scientific and technologically organized society that The Venus Project proposes would be surpassed by engineered systems. It is not ethical people in government that we need but equal access to the necessities of life and those working toward the elimination of scarcity. We would use scientific scales of performance for measurement and allocation of resources so that human biases are left out of the equation. Within The Venus Project’s safe, energy-efficient cities, there would be interdisciplinary teams of knowledgeable people in different fields accompanied by cybernated systems that use “sensors” to monitor all aspects of society in order to provide real-time information supporting decision-making for the wellbeing of all people and the protection of the environment.
DA: In your view, is abundance simply a function of technological innovation? I mean, assuming we get the technology right, do you believe that we could eventually eliminate poverty and crime altogether?
RM: Yes, if we apply our scientists and technical personnel to work towards those ends. We have never mobilized many scientific disciplines giving them the problem of creating a society to end war, produce safe, clean transportation, eliminate booms and busts, poverty, homelessness, hunger, crime and aberrant behavior. For instance, one does not need to make laws to try and eliminate stealing, when all goods and services are available without a price tag. But scientists have not been asked to design a total systems approach to city design, let alone to planetary planning. Scientist have not been given the problem to develop and apply a total holistic effort using the methods of science, technology and resource management to serve all people equitably in the development of a safe and sustainable global society. Unfortunately, only in times of war, do we see resources allocated and scientists mobilized in this way.
DA: I assume schooling and education are important to Jacque’s vision. How might schools and universities differ from the way they are designed today?
RM: The education and values we are given seem to always support the established system we are raised in. We are not born with bigotry, envy, or hatred – we do pick them up from our schools and culture. In fact, even our facial expressions, the words we use, notions of good and bad, right and wrong, are all culture bound. A healthy brain can, in fact, simply become a Nazi faster in a Nazi society. It has no way of knowing what is significant or not, that is all learned by experience and background. The manipulation is so subtle that we feel our values come from within. Most often we don’t know whom our values are really serving.
Yes, education will differ considerably from that of today. As Fresco explains in his book The Best That Money Can’t Buy “The subjects studied will be related to the direction and needs of this new evolving culture. Students will be made aware of the symbiotic relationship between people, technology, and the environment.”
DA: I can only assume that critics routinely dismiss The Venus Project as a kind of hopeful utopia. How do you respond to that criticism?
RM: Critics very often reject or dismiss new ideas. What is utopian thinking is to believe that the system we are living under today will enable us to achieve sustainability, equality or a high standard of living for all when it is our system which generates these very problems in the first place. If we continue as we are, it seems to me that we are destined for calamity. The Venus Project is not offering a fixed notion as to how society should be. There are no final frontiers. It does offer a way out of our dilemmas to help initiate a next step in our social evolution.
Many are working at going to other planets to escape the problems on this one, but we would be taking our detrimental value systems with us. We are saying that we have to tackle the problems we face here on the most habitable planet we know of. We will have to apply methodologies to enable us to live together in accordance with the carrying capacity of Earth’s resources, eliminate artificial boundaries, share resources and learn to relate to one another and the environment.
What we have to ask is, what kind of world do we want to live in?
DA: My last question is about the challenges ahead. Rather than taking the necessary steps to reverseclimate change, we seem to be accelerating our pollution of the Earth. Socially, we are witnessing a renewed focus on nativism and fear. How might thevaluesof The Venus Project manage against these negative tendencies in human beings?
RM: The notion of negative tendencies in human beings or that we possess a certain “human nature” is a scapegoat to keep things as they are. It’s implying that we are born with a fixed set of views regarding our action patterns. Human behavior is always changing, but there is no “human nature,” per se. Determining the conditions that generate certain behaviors is what needs to be understood.
As Jacque elaborates, “We are just as lawful as anything else in nature. What appears to be overlooked is the influence of culture upon our values, behavior, and our outlook. It is like studying plants apart from the fact that they consume radiant energy, nutrients, require water, carbon dioxide, gravity, nitrogen, etc. Plants do not grow of their own accord, neither do humans values and behavior.”
All social improvement, from the airplane to clean sources of energy undergoes change, but our social systems remain mostly static. The history of civilization is experimentation and modification. The Free Enterprise System was an important experiment and tremendous step along the way that generated innovation throughout our society. What we now advocate is to continue the process of social experimentation, as this system has long outlived its usefulness and simply cannot address the monumental problems it is facing today. We desperately need to update our social designs to correspond with our technological ability to create abundance for all. This could be the most exciting and fulfilling experiment we as a species could ever take on; working together cooperatively to deal with our most pressing problems which confront us all and finding solutions to them unencumbered with the artificial limitations we impose upon ourselves.
Daniel Araya is a researcher and advisor to government with a special interest in education, technological innovation and public policy. His newest books include: Augmented Intelligence (2016), Smart Cities as Democratic Ecologies (2015), and Rethinking US Education Policy (2014). He has a doctorate from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is an alumnus of Singularity University’s graduate program in Silicon Valley. He can be found and here: @danielarayaXY.
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Bizarre Pacific Ocean Red Lights Suggest Underwater Alien Presence
Bizarre Pacific Ocean Red Lights Suggest Underwater Alien Presence
What was supposed to be a routine flight over the North Pacific Ocean turned into something really unexpected. Heading from Hong Kong to Nome, Alaska, Dutch pilot J.P.C. van Hejst and his co-pilot saw a powerful flash of light on the horizon that was leading into the ocean.
Their plane was flying near the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka when this strange light looking like a lightning bolt appeared up in the distance, scaring them both. The unexplained light was directed vertically over a circular portion of water up ahead, intersecting with their flightpath. They received no reports of thunderstorms on their route, so they knew the light had to come from elsewhere. So what was the cause of this mysterious phenomenon?
The pilots first thought of a fishing boat fleet trying to catch squids at night using bright LED lights in order to attract them, although they’ve crossed this route before and saw nothing more except water.
When they reached the place where the lightning occurred, the two pilots witnessed the most unique and unfamiliar event. Bright red lights were glowing from within the ocean and were spread over a big, round surface. Captain van Hejst couldn’t believe his eyes.
Last night over the Pacific Ocean, somewhere South of the Russian peninsula Kamchatka I experienced the creepiest thing so far in my flying career, van Hejst said. The bright lights had different colors but a dominant red was visible more than the rest.
The pilots couldn’t explain the cause, they only witnessed it and took as many photos as they could.
Strange lights have been spotted near the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka (image by Dutch pilot JPC van Heijst). The sighting was made by pilots flying from Hong Kong to Alaska. The glow came about 20 minutes after a vertical lightning bolt was seen
The closer we got, the more intense the glow became, illuminating the clouds and sky below us in a scary orange glow, in a part of the world where there was supposed to be nothing but water.
Pilot van Hejst and his colleague felt really unsafe when they flew over the bizarre glowing red dot because they could not understand what was happening and there were no other aircrafts nearby to check or confirm the sighting. They were flying in the middle of nowhere, and no possible explanation came to their minds.
The only cause of this red glow that we could think of, was the explosion of a huge volcano just underneath the surface of the ocean, about 30 minutes before we overflew that exact position.
The strange lights (shown at the pink dot) were spotted south of the Russian peninsula Kamchatka during a flight from Hong Kong to Anchorage, Alaska (flight path in blue)
His supposition proved to be wrong however, as he was expecting to encounter an ash-plume as a result of the eruption, but nothing like that ever happened. They eventually landed safe in Nome, Alaska and filed a full report to the Air Traffic Control who promised a full investigation of the strange bright area the two pilots depicted.
As the authorities failed to give any conclusive explanations whatsoever, theories involving the strange red lights have surfaced, and they range from an unknown marine species to an underwater alien base harbored near the Kamchatka Peninsula, with the red lights being caused either by more submersible objects (USOs), or by an underwater structure.
‘The closer we got, the more intense the glow became, illuminating the clouds and sky below us in a scary orange glow, in a part of the world where there was supposed to be nothing but water,’ said van Heijst
Considering this wasn’t the only case of unusual sightings which occurred on the same Hong Kong – Nome, Alaska route, and that more witnesses spoke about underwater alien-like encounters, also submersible crafts not far from this place, backed up by some NASA photos showing similarities, we tend to believe that this recent event had more to do with extraterrestrials rather than natural phenomenon.
Van Heijst ruled out squid-fishing-boats as the origin. He says the cause may have been an underwater volcano. An ongoing investigation is taking place to find out what happened
Unfortunately, we cannot efficiently explore this underwater world, most of it remaining in darkness and full of mysteries, which is why plenty of room is left for speculating about underwater beings living undisturbed underneath the vast surface of water – probably the best hideout in the world.
Around the Pacific Ocean is a region known as the Ring of Fire, where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur that may have been the origin of glow. The horseshoe shape is 25,000 miles (40,000 km) and, with 452 volcanoes, is home to more than 75 per cent of the planet's active and dormant volcanoes
One reflection in the International Space Station window caused by a light? Believable. Two reflections? Possible. Three reflections? Those are UFOs. That’s the conclusion arrived at by many looking at a video taken this week from the ISS live camera which shows what appears to be three unidentified objects hovering outside the station.
UFO spotted during recent spacewalk.
The UFOs were spotted by a YouTubeuser named Streetcap1, who has posted a number of similar videos of anomalies seen through the window of the ISS. The video was taken on October 21 and shows two large flat lights and one small round one slowly approaching the station. It doesn’t appear that any residents of the ISS noticed the objects because no one zoomed the camera (or can be seen waving).
These sightings make October a banner month for UFO visitsto the ISS. A glowing orb was seen in the video feed on October 2nd and another appeared in a video of two astronauts on a spacewalk on October 7th. In October 2nd video, the camera cuts away and goes to blue shortly after the appearance of the UFO, a common phenomenon that many believe is NASA’s way of saying “Nothing to see here … move along.”
If you believe aliens operate on a different calendar than we do, you can throw in a sighting on September 15th of a moving white glowing ball and add it to a long list of sightings in about a 30 day period.
Why all of this UFO activity around the ISS in October? Is work there being monitored? Are aliens getting an early start on intergalactic Halloween trick-or-treating? If it’s reflections, why doesn’t NASA do something about them? If it’s space junk, wouldn’t this sudden increase in frequency be cause for concern? As always, more questions from us than answers from NASA.
A team of researchers from NASA and Binghamton University have identified boron nitride nanotubes as a material that could be used to boost aircraft travel to hypersonic speeds. The problem, however, is that a gram of the material costs $1,000.
Within the next decade, planes could be capable of traveling across the country by hypersonic flight in less than an hour—all it would take is some boron nitride.
A key factor for a vehicle to maintain extremely high speeds is the intense amount of heat generated during travel; for example, the now-retired supersonic Concorde aircraft experienced temperatures of up to 260°F at its lazy cruising speed of 1,534 miles per hour. As such, the materials used to build these aircraft must also be able to withstand very high heat, in addition to being structurally stable and lightweight. A study conducted by researchers from NASA and Binghamton University investigated the properties of nanotubes made using boron nitride, a combination of boron and nitrogen. The study revealed it could potentially be used to make hypersonic travel—speeds above 4,000 miles per hour—possible.
Currently, carbon nanotubes are used in aircraft due to their strength and ability to withstand temperatures up to 400 degrees Celsius (752 degress Fahrenheit). Boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs), however, can withstand up to 900 degrees Celsius (1652 Fahrenheit). They can also handle high amounts of stress, and are much more lightweight than their carbon counterparts.
The problem with using BNNTs is their cost. According to Binghamton University Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Changhong Ke, coating an aircraft with BNNTs would run a very high price tag.
“NASA currently owns one of the few facilities in the world able to produce quality BNNTs,” said Ke. “Right now, BNNTs cost about $1,000 per gram. It would be impractical to use a product that expensive.”
Despite the high production cost, it’s possible prices will decrease, and production increase, after more studies detail the material’s usefulness. Carbon nanotubes were around the same price 20 years ago, but are now between $10 and $20 per gram. Ke believes something similar will happen with BNNTs.
That said, don’t expect the first application of BNNTs to be for commercial aircraft. They’ll probably be used for military fighter jets first, with commercialized flights to follow after. Hopefully by then, we’ll other other ways to travel quickly: be it by hyperloop, Elon Musk’s BFR rocket, or China’s plans to build the fastest “flying train.”
UFO fever started after World War II, when Kenneth Arnold claimed to spot nine high-speed flying objects near Mount Rainier Washington in 1947. This fever hasn’t seemed to calm down, even though academic interest in UFOs has pretty much been shut down since then.
UFO sightings have been on the rise since the 1980s.
No, we haven’t suddenly become a sightseeing hotspot for intergalactic aliens. More likely, it has something to do with new technology that may be mistaken for UFOs or spread conspiracy theories about aliens. Next time you see some conspiracy theorist post a video about the latest UFO sighting, keep these three things in mind.
These flying objects can easily be mistaken from the distance as alien spacecrafts touching down into our atmosphere. Back in the day, UFO sightings often turned out to be objects like weather balloons, satellites, meteorites, planets, airplanes, and weather anomalies.
But now, enter the drone. These flying mechanical objects zipping through the air may even be deliberately created to look like UFOs, causing unsuspecting viewers to mistake them for out-of-the-world machines. In 2014, some drone enthusiasts even organized a night to strap LED lights to drones and fly them to prank the public and get them to think they’re UFOs.
2. If there are no pics, did it really happen?
Back then, if you claimed to see a UFO, unless you had an expensive camera, there was really no way of verifying whether you saw one or not. But now that people are equipped with smartphone cameras, pictures of UFO sightings can quickly go viral on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, or anywhere else on the internet. What’s more, people can edit their photos digitally to make the UFO look more like an alien spacecraft — leading to more “UFO sightings.”
3. The internet.
With the internet, it’s easier to figure out how to report sightings. Just type “report UFO sighting” and the NUFORC’s website will pop up. Even if you don’t officially report it, as said before, it’s easy for photos and videos of your “UFO sighting” to go viral. There are conspiracy blogs and websites all over the internet about UFOs and aliens.
What’s more, countries like the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Australia, and Scandinavian nations report more UFOs. It doesn’t necessarily mean aliens are visiting those countries more — it probably just means people have more access to the internet. The same goes for countries that report less UFO sightings — likely meaning less widespread internet access.
Sam Monfort compared Internet access and UFO sightings per country.
The U.S. is especially obsessed with reporting UFOs, as Americans report UFO sightings 300 times greater than any other nation. And when we’re feeling patriotic, we report even more UFOs. UFO sightings in the U.S. spike on, you guessed it, July 4. It’s probably just fireworks and strange lights, although conspiracy theorists will likely disagree.
400 Mysterious Ancient Stone Structures Discovered in Saudi Arabia
400 Mysterious Ancient Stone Structures Discovered in Saudi Arabia
By Owen Jarus, Live Science Contributor
Mysterious stone structures that archaeologists call "gates," due to their loose resemblance to old-fashioned field gates, have been discovered in Saudi Arabia.
Credit: Google Earth
Almost 400 mysterious stone structures dating back thousands of years have been discovered in Saudi Arabia, with a few of these wall-like formations draping across old lava domes, archaeologists report.
Many of the stone walls, which archaeologists call "gates" because they resemble field gates from above, were found in clusters in a region in west-central Saudi Arabia called Harrat Khaybar.
The smallest gates are 43 feet (13 metres) in length while the longest are
Long and mysterious
Discovered mainly through satellite images, a few of the gates are actually located on the side of a volcanic dome that once spewed basaltic lava, researchers found.
The gates "are stone-built, the walls roughly made and low," David Kennedy, a professor at the University of Western Australia, wrote in a paper set to be published in the November issue of the journal Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy. The gates "appear to be the oldest man-made structures in the landscape," Kennedy noted, adding that "no obvious explanation of their purpose can be discerned."
The smallest of the gates extends about 43 feet (13 meters), while the longest is 1,699 feet (518 m) long, or longer than an NFL football field. Many have multiple stone walls that, in some instances, form a rectangular design; some of the others, called "I" type gates, have only one stone wall with heaps of stone at each end.
"Gates are found almost exclusively in bleak, inhospitable lava fields with scant water or vegetation, places seemingly amongst the most unwelcoming to our species," Kennedy wrote. Thousands of years ago, he noted, the landscape was more hospitable to human life. Other types of stone structures — such as "kites," which were used to hunt animals, and "wheels," named for their shape — have also been discovered in these lava fields.
The kites, wheels and other types of stone structures were typically found to be built on top of these gate-like walls, suggesting that the gates predate these stone structures, Kennedy said. The remains of lava flows are also sometimes found on top of the gates, indicating that the gates are also older than some of the flows, Kennedy said.
Older than dirt
Picture of two more gates taken by Vic Camp in the "Harret Khaybar" region in the 1980s. The remains of a lava flow can be seen very close to them. The lava flow may be partially covering a third gate. Camp notes that the lava flows tend to cover the gates and other stone structures something which suggests that the gates are older than the lava flows.
This picture of the lava dome that has gates on it was taken in the 1980s by Vic Camp. The taller lava dome behind it is called "Jabal Abyad" a name which means "white mountain" in Arabic. The lava domes are no longer active although in the past basalt lava poured from them.
Need for fieldwork
Most of the gates were discovered through satellite surveys, and no archaeological fieldwork has been conducted on them. However, in the 1980s, before the gates were discovered, volcanologists Vic Camp and John Roobolmapped an area of the Harrat Khaybar that included a lava dome festooned with gates and other stone structures. This lava dome is located near a taller lava dome, called Jabal Abyad,which means "white mountain" in Arabic.
The lava domes are no longer active, Camp said, adding that in the past, basaltic lava covered some of the stone structures, including the gates.
"We see several areas where the younger lavas are devoid of such [stone] structures, although surrounded by several [stone structures]," Camp told Live Science. One of the stone structures is partially covered in hardened lava, photographs show. Camp estimates that some of the gates around the lava dome were built around 7,000 years ago.
Archaeological fieldwork is necessary to determine what the gates are and when, exactly, they date to, Kennedy said.
Travis Hearn, a research assistant with the Aerial Photographic Archive for Archaeology in the Middle East, contributed to the journal article; and Kennedy also worked with members of the Desert Team, a group of Saudi Arabian citizens who were the first to map some of the stone structures and visit some of the sites.
The study of gates has taken on some urgency as modern day development is threatening or has already destroyed some of them. This gate still existed in February, 2012, but was destroyed by the end of 2015. In addition to the satellite survey archaeological fieldwork needs to be done to determine exactly how old the gates are and what purpose they may have had.
Honderden onverklaarbare bouwwerken ontdekt in Saoedi-Arabië. Wat was het doel hiervan?
Honderden onverklaarbare bouwwerken ontdekt in Saoedi-Arabië. Wat was het doel hiervan?
In Saoedi-Arabië zijn bijna 400 mysterieuze stenen bouwwerken ontdekt die vele duizenden jaren oud zijn, zo hebben archeologen aangekondigd.
Veel van de structuren zijn gevonden in een regio die Harrat Khaybar wordt genoemd. Dit is een vulkaanveld ten noorden van Medina.
De archeologen die betrokken zijn bij het onderzoek hebben geen idee welk doel de bouwwerken hadden of hoe oud ze precies zijn.
Sommige van de bouwwerken, die zijn ontdekt met behulp van satellietbeelden, bevinden zich op een vulkanische koepel waar ooit lava uit kwam.
Het lijkt te gaan om de oudste door mensen gemaakte structuren in het landschap,” zei professor David Kennedy van de University of Western Australia.
Hij voegde toe dat hij niet weet welk doel de bouwwerken precies dienden.
Het kleinste bouwwerk is 13 meter lang, terwijl het grootste maar liefst 518 meter lang is. De meeste zijn voorzien van meerdere stenen muren die in sommige gevallen een rechthoek vormen.
“Ze worden vrijwel alleen gevonden in onherbergzame lavavelden waar bijna geen water of vegetatie is, plekken die voor onze soort niet echt uitnodigend zijn,” schreef Kennedy.
Bovenop verschillende structuren zijn resten van lava gevonden, wat betekent dat ze ouder zijn dan sommige lavastromen.
Veldwerk is nu nodig om vast te stellen met wat voor bouwwerken we te maken hebben en hoe oud ze precies zijn, aldus Kennedy.
Het onderzoek zal verschijnen in het tijdschrift ArabianArchaeology and Epigraphy.
Mysterieus skelet verschenen in weiland China. Wat in vredesnaam is dit?
Mysterieus skelet verschenen in weiland China. Wat in vredesnaam is dit?
Inwoners van Zhangjiakou in de noordoostelijke Chinese provincie Hebei keken raar op toen ze in een weiland een skelet aantroffen van een lang, onbekend wezen.
Ze dachten in eerste instantie op de resten van een draak te zijn gestuit, schrijft de Britse Daily Mail.
Het vreemde dier is ruim 18 meter lang en heeft twee korte armen. Het hoofd ziet eruit als dat van een koe.
Met opzet
Op beelden is te zien hoe nieuwsgierige mensen om het mysterieuze wezen heen staan. Sommigen zeggen op sociale media dat het skelet er met opzet is neergelegd en dat het is gebruikt voor een film.
Traditionele Chinese draken hebben geen vleugels en vliegen door te ‘zwemmen’ door de lucht. Een beetje zoals slangen over de grond kronkelen.
Geen verklaring
Er zijn ook foto’s opgedoken van lokale bewoners die op het skelet zitten, wat er volgens sommigen op wijst dat het gaat om een grap.
De lokale autoriteiten van Zhangjiakou hebben nog geen verklaring naar buiten gebracht over het bizarre skelet.
Het skelet ging viral in China nadat een filmpje van de botten meer dan 10 miljoen keer was bekeken.
Bekijk de beelden die de New York Post op YouTube zette hieronder:
The Mystery Of The Loudest Underwater Sound Ever Recorded
The Mystery Of The Loudest Underwater Sound Ever Recorded
In 1997, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recorded from deep in the ocean one of the loudest sounds ever detected. The mysterious ‘Bloop’ was heard at listening stations underwater over 5,000 km apart and no known animal could make it and no man-made source was ever found.
But after an in-depth research NOAA and Oregon State University seismologist Robert Dziak suggested that the frequency and time-duration characteristics of the ‘Bloop’ signal are consistent and essentially identical, to icequake signals.
Despite Dziak’s explanation that the possible source of the ‘Bloop’ was an icequake, many people are not convinced and believe that the mysterious deep ocean signal was more likely coming from something from another world.
The sound starts at 5:03 for those who want to skip the first 5 minutes.
The “moonlets” are forming out of the rings in the same way planets are created around a star – giving a breakthrough insight into the origin of Earth.
These new moons also appear to contain methane – a red flag space boffins look for when hunting extraterrestrial life.
PROBE: Scientists are hopeful of finding more information about Saturn
“There are whole careers to be forged in the analysis of data from Cassini”
Cassini had been probing Saturn for years but scientists have now begun combing through the data collected.
And what they have found is astonishing.
Linda Splicer, one of the mission’s project scientists, said: “There are whole careers to be forged in the analysis of data from Cassini.
“In a sense, the work has only just begun.”
UNCLASSIFIED: Extraterrestrial objects spotted on the Moon and Mars
Fellow scientist Matt Tiscareno revealed that the team found “propellers” in the rings created by small moonlets.
The team unveiled their new discoveries at the latest American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Science.
Cassini was able to capture images of six such baby planets – now known as Bleriot, Earhart, Santos-Dumont, Sikorsky, Post and Quimby.
NASA now hopes they can determine the age and origin of Saturn’s famous rings.
BREAKTHROUGH: The team left open the prospect the new baby planets could be harbouring life
Experts decided to obliterate Cassini on September 15 rather than leaving it to drift around the planet.
NASA explained: “In order to avoid the unlikely possibility of Cassini someday colliding with one of these moons, NASA has chosen to safely dispose of the spacecraft in the atmosphere of Saturn.”
Following Cassini’s last crash, NASA tweeted: “Every time we see Saturn in the night sky, we'll remember. We'll smile. And we'll want to go back. Goodbye Cassini.”
The spacecraft was launched in 1997 but did not arrive at the ringed planet until 2005.
Anders Sandberg and Stuart Armstrong of the University of Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute, working with Milan Ćirković of the University of Novi Sad in Serbia and Montenegro, recently offered a new way to link the Fermi Paradox—the odd fact that we’ve never heard from an alien civilization—with matters of computation. While I’m in no position to judge the technical merits of their new proposal, it’s good fun to think about, so I’d like to summarize it here. Before I do that, though, let me first explain a bit more about what the Fermi Paradox is and what computing has to do with it.
The Fermi Paradox is the contradiction between the very reasonable surmise that there must be other forms of technologically advanced life out there somewhere in our great galaxy and the complete lack of any evidence for it. Space is awfully big, so it might seem just too hard to detect some distant alien civilization. But if the evolution of life and intelligence isn’t immensely improbable, lots of technologically advanced civilizations should have developed elsewhere in our Milky Way galaxy long ago. And although the galaxy is vast, the time that’s elapsed since its creation is even vaster, so those alien civilizations should have had plenty of time to reach our corner of space already. In the words supposedly uttered by Enrico Fermi when he came to this realization one day in 1950 while lunching with colleagues at Los Alamos National Laboratory: Where is everybody?
The Fermi Paradox is misnamed, because Fermi was not the first person to consider this issue; nor did he formally analyze the question and explore answers. Others have done that since, but the paradox is far from resolved. There are plenty of intriguing theories, though. And some of them hinge on computation.
Perhaps the most outlandish one in this family is that the universe that we think we know is really just some sort of computer simulation. If the cosmic tweens who are running this simulation wanted us to encounter intelligent life elsewhere, they’d arrange that. If they wanted human beings to be the only highly intelligent species there is, they’d leave us to strut and fret all alone in their simulated universe. Or maybe they had to buy the paid version of the game to get civilizations evolving on multiple planets and they are running the free, one-intelligent-race version.
In 1999, Anders described another possible solution to the Fermi Paradox involving computers. He noted that technologically advanced civilizations may not go gallivanting around the galaxy and instead might prefer to spend their time building giant computing machines of planetary scale, something others had earlier dubbed “Jupiter brains.” The late Robert Bradbury took this idea even further, proposing that advanced civilizations would construct what he called “Matrioshka brains”—essentially giant supercomputers that surround stars in a series of shells and use the energy of the central star to perform calculations, perhaps for the purpose of keeping the digitally preserved souls of their builders up and running in some post-singularity paradise. Or maybe they’re doing something else with all those gigaflops. In any event, distant Matrioshka brains would be hard to detect.
In 2006, Bradbury and Ćirković proposed yet another explanation that assumes advanced civilizations just want to compute. Like datacenters today, those of advanced spacefaring civilizations would need to dump the waste heat of their computations. The late AI pioneer Marvin Minsky suggested in 1971 that advanced civilizations would likely use space itself as a heat sink for their computing. Bradbury and Ćirković refined Minsky’s idea, pointing out that the best place to do this practically would be at the edge of the galaxy. So maybe that’s where the little green men are hiding out.
This brings us to the latest theory, that of Sandberg, Armstrong, and Ćirković, which is described in a paper titled “That is not dead which can eternal lie: the aestivation hypothesis for resolving Fermi’s paradox.” That title is more than a little cryptic, so let me try to unpack things here for those who don’t want to read their paper.
First, those of you who are rusty at Latin need to know that “aestivation” is kind of like hibernation, but it’s something done by certain animals (crabs for example) to survive the heat of summer, not the cold of winter. You also need to understand that the amount of energy required for computation can only be reduced so far. When you erase a bit, the loss of information is translated into some increase in entropy, which typically manifests as heat. Yes, you can make your computing apparatus more efficient, but only so much—at some point you run up against a fundamental barrier called the Landauer limit. The key point in this context is that the Landauer limit is a function of the temperature at which the bit erasure happens.
Advocates of quantum computing and reversible computing will point out that it’s possible to breach that barrier. But Anders argues that it’s unlikely that calculations done on reversible quantum computers will entirely eliminate heat-generating operations, if only for things like error correction. Thus even if the limit turns out to be smaller than what Landauer calculated, there will always be some limit.
So if you are the master of some technologically advanced civilization keen to do huge amounts of computation with your alien technology, you’ll surely conclude that it would be best to carry out those calculations at low temperatures. And if you tried to create those low temperatures with some futuristic refrigerator, you’d just be using energy to run it. What you really want to do instead is to take advantage of the coldness of space.
In that sense, the new proposal is a little like the one that Bradbury and Ćirković offered in 2006 when they suggested that the cold edge of the galaxy would be the place to go. The new explanation takes this concept to a whole new dimension: time. You see, space is only so cold—limited to 2.7 kelvins by the cosmic background radiation. Or rather, it can get only that cold now. Wait several billion years, though, and the universe will have expanded enough to reduce the temperature of the cosmic background radiation considerably. So if you’re seeking serious cold for doing calculations, best to wait—to “aestivate”—until conditions are better.
The notion of going to sleep for many billions of years certainly seems odd, but that may be because our puny biological selves have a hard time thinking about the passage of time being so malleable. Perhaps we’ll one day figure out how to freeze-dry ourselves or upload our noggins into those computers that we’ll be so keen to keep running. If that’s possible, then maybe an advanced civilization can choose what clock speed it wants to run at. Or maybe the strategy will be to turn off everybody’s clock and just run a low-power wake-up timer set for the year 1,000,000,000,000.
You might think that if waiting 1,000 billion years is good, waiting 2,000 billion years would be better. Anders and his colleagues say no: The universe doesn’t just get colder and colder forever. Eventually some exotic physics comes into play that limits the ultimate cold to 2.6 x 10-30 kelvins. And that should happen in 1,400 billion years, give or take. So any advanced civilization pursuing this aestivation strategy would know when it’s time to end the big sleep.
Could this be the answer to “Where is everybody”? Could they all just be snoozing? It seems preposterous, but Anders and his co-workers take pains to explore the possibility in great detail. They consider, for example, competition from other civilizations. They write: “If a civilization merely aestivates it may find its grip on its domain supplanted by latecomers. Leaving autonomous systems to monitor the domain and [prevent] activities that decrease its value would be the rational choice.” Let me translate: An advanced civilization that put itself to sleep would leave some sort of automated mechanism in place to detect and squash any young upstart civilization that threatened to elbow into its territory. So maybe that’s something to think about before we start launching interstellar probes.
Personally, I prefer what seems a simpler explanation to all this: that the evolution of technologically advanced life is just so improbable that humans represent the sole occurrence in our galaxy. Maybe one day, we’ll spread ourselves through its spiral arms testing that surmise. Or perhaps we’ll just put our energies into figuring out how to build one of those grand cosmic computers to surround the sun and then command it to hibernate—or rather, aestivate—maybe by closing its grand cosmic lid.
Dubai police have announced they will soon have officers buzzing around the skies on Star Wars-style electric hoverbikes capable of speeds of up to 70 kilometres per hour.
The police hoverbike can fly at up to 40mph
Alexander Atamanov via Facebook
The Hoversurf Scorpion was unveiled at the Gitex Technology Week conference, Gulf News reported.
The Russian-made craft can fly at a height of five metres and carry a police officer over congested traffic in emergency situations, First Sergeant Ali Ahmad Mohammad told Gulf News.
GIF: A pilot flies the Hoversurf Scorpion
"The bike can also fly without a passenger and can go up to six kilometres," he said.
"It can fly for 25 minutes and can carry up to 300kg of weight at a speed of 70kph."
Hoversurf CEO Alexander Atamanov posted on Facebook to say the company and Dubai police had signed a memorandum of understanding to mass produce the craft in the Dubai area.
Police also unveiled a smart electric motorbike that has multiple cameras to spot reckless drivers, and small driverless robotic vehicles equipped with biometric soft
Some 5,000 light-years away from Earth, in the constellation Centaurus, a spooky object is illuminating the skies: The Boomerang Nebula.
This ghost-like cloud of gas is a planetary nebula, which, contrary to the name, is not actually a planet. These cosmic objects are formed when a red giant star runs out of hydrogen fuel, causing the core to collapse. Eventually, the outer layers are spewed out into the surroundings, resulting in a newly-formed white dwarf encased in a shell of luminescent gas. This will ultimately be the beautiful fate of 95% of all stars in the Milky Way; the rest will end their lives in spectacular explosions known as supernovae.
The Butterfly Nebula.
Credit: NASA/ESA/Hubble
Alongside looking somewhat like a Halloween costume gone wrong or Kenny from South Park, the Boomerang Nebula, or the Bow Tie Nebula, is actually the coldest known object in the universe. Measurements of the cloud were taken last year by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), which is located in northern Chile. Incredibly, it was found to be -272oC (–458oF), or a mere 1 degree Kelvin. That’s chillier than the remnants of the Big Bang, or the cosmic microwave background.
In visible light, the object has an odd hourglass shape. This is because a dense strip of tiny dust grains surround the star in the middle, masking a portion of it. This means that light is seeping out only in a narrow window, but in opposite directions through the cloud.
“This ultra-cold object is extremely intriguing and we’re learning much more about its true nature with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array,” said NASA’s Dr. Raghvendra Sahai. “What seemed like a double lobe, or boomerang shape, is actually a much broader structure that is expanding rapidly into space.”
The Boomerang Nebula is still young, so it’s not quite reached the stage of planetary nebula evolution where intense UV radiation emitted from the white dwarf causes the gas cloud to glow, emitting a wonderful array of colors.
While it might be extremely cold at the moment, researchers found that its edges are gradually beginning to warm. This is possibly due to something called the photoelectric effect, which is where solid objects emit electrons after absorbing light.
“Using ALMA, we were quite literally and figuratively able to shed new light on the death throes of a Sun-like star,” said Sahai.
Astronaut wee could show us how the plumes on Enceladus work
Astronaut wee could show us how the plumes on Enceladus work
A little like wee
By Leah Crane
It’s just a wee moon, but Saturn’s icy satellite Enceladus is one of the most promising places in the solar system in the hunt for alien life. Examining how spaceships vent urine could help us understand the small moon’s jets of water, which may spew out signs of life along with liquid.
At Enceladus’s south pole, plumes of liquid water spurt up from an ocean hidden under a thick sheath of ice made of varying sizes of tiny shards. Despite the pictures we have of this region from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, we don’t know much about the inner workings of the plumes because the probe could only detect one size of ice grain at a time, leaving scientists to guess at the overall distribution.
But Ralph Lorenz at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland says that we could use other jets of water in space – the ones formed as spacecraft release astronaut pee and waste water from fuel cells – as an analogue to better understand that distribution. He presented this work at the American Astronomical Society’s meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences on 17 October.
Whizzing water
When water whizzes out into the cold vacuum of space, some of it freezes instantaneously. In 1989, researchers at a telescope in Hawaii observed this process as the Discovery space shuttle dumped water from its fuel cells.
“There was a population of ice grains that were basically the size of the vent, but there’s a second population of much smaller grains that were interpreted as basically recondensing from the vapour,” says Lorenz. “That is probably the type of distribution that we’ll see on Enceladus.”
The plumes on Enceladus are far bigger and likely less uniform on the inside than a simple metal tube spraying out water, though. On the space shuttle, water being dumped formed long icicles on the outside of the nozzle in some cases, so the same may happen at Enceladus and change the structure of the vents over time, Lorenz says.
Urine vented from the space shuttle left a residue when tiny particles of wee ice hit the craft’s panels, so he suggests that future missions to Enceladus could have detectors that look for signatures of life in the miniscule dents left by ice grains there.
A bit of a stretch
“It seems like a stretch to me,” says Hunter Waite at the Southwest Research Institute in Texas. “The temperature of the water reservoir and how the liquid interacts with the ice walls that are several kilometres thick are important factors, and they don’t seem to have an analogue in this system.”
Lorenz says that even though the spacecraft water-dumping process is much simpler than Enceladus’s vents, it could still help us validate our models of the moon’s jets.
“These observations don’t tell us directly what’s happening on Enceladus, but they provide a sort of anchor for our interpretations of what we’re seeing on Enceladus and our designs for a new mission to go there,” says Lorenz.
In a newly released interview, Gene Roddenberry’s (creator of Star Trek) son, Eugene Roddenberry, discusses UFOs and aliens with investigative documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell. Eugene says neither he or his father, who passed away in 1991, saw a UFO, that he is aware of. However, he does believe in “life on other planets,” and he believes one day those who are searching for life elsewhere will find it.
Eugene is a television producer and keeps his father’s work alive as the CEO of Roddenberry Entertainment. He is an executive producer of the franchise’s news series Star Trek: Discovery on CBS’ streaming service CBS All Access.
Gene Roddenberry listening to fans after his lecture at the Student Union of the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, United States.
(Credit: Larry D. Moore CC BY-SA 3.0)
“I believe there’s life on other planets. I hope that they are super evolved and highly intelligent; and have chosen, not to interfere because there letting us evolve and make our own mistakes,” Eugene told Corbell. “I don’t have any fears about it. So many people will be like, oh, ‘I shouldn’t say anything because that UFO thing it’s shrouded in all this sorta like… all these crazy people talk about it.’ For me it’s very scientific and matter of fact.”
Although Eugene says he nor his father have seen a UFO, when asked if he would like to, he responded, “Are you kidding me? I’d wanna fly in one.”
Either way, he encourages those researching UFOs and alien life.
“The only thing I would wanna say to the people in this particular audience [those interested in UFOs] is, I am a believer that there is some sort of life out there, and my preference is intelligent life that’s evolved beyond ours. And I appreciate everyone who’s been out there, trying to find it, who’s been digging deep.” Eugene continued, “I do appreciate that there’s people out there who keep asking the question and keep knocking on those doors, and keep discovering things. I am excited, for you all to be vindicated. For us to meet that alien life form, or whatever it is. And for how ever many millions of you are out there, ‘See, we’re not crazy. There is life.'”
The first contact between humans and an advanced intelligent extraterrestrial species (Vulcans) portrayed on Star Trek: First Contact.
Watch the interview, and let us know what you think below. For me, I can’t help think about the scene when humans met extraterrestrials for the first time in the Star Trek franchise, which I believe was first portrayed in the Star Trek movie First Contact.
Some of you may believe such a meeting has already taken place. I am not so sure, but when it does I hope to be there. If there is any justice in the universe, one or more of us in the UFO field will be, and that will be one hell of a selfie!
Space agencies and planetary scientists around the globe are combing through data from big, multi-instrument probe missions in a careful step-by-step search for extraterrestrial life — with an emphasis on environment habitability. They’re seeking a better understanding of the chemical and physical nature of various planets and moons that could be targeted for future life-searching missions. This is happening at a time when NASA’s car-sized Curiosity rover is easing gradually up a Martian hill with no end in site, and in the aftermath of the end of a 20-year voyage of the Saturn-exploring Cassini probe.
Though one craft is still going and the other has said farewell, the work at Mars and Saturn is fairly similar. In both instances, exploration craft have been operating for many years, producing major discoveries of astrobiological import. Scientists are hoping to find life as we know it — meaning organisms that depend on organic (carbon-based) chemistry, and that require water — somewhere in our Solar System. Nobody expects intelligent life. Instead, the search is focused on the prospect for single celled life. And maybe in the oceans of an ice-covered world, like Saturn’s moon Enceladus, multicellular life forms are plausible.
One big difference between the Martian and Saturnian missions, however, is that native life discovered in the latter case is likely to be unrelated to life on Earth. Deep down in the ocean beneath the icy surface of Enceladus, or in the ocean of Jupiter’s moon Europa, the presence of life would represent an independent origin from the web of life that inhabits Earth. In contrast, when it comes to Mars, it’s quite plausible that we’ll find that native life forms there will be distant cousins of Earth’s organisms, that the life of both planets began from a common origin from non-living chemistry. That’s because rock material — tons of it– transfers each year between the surfaces of Earth and Mars in a process that has been happening for billions of years. It’s also plausible that Martian life, if it exists, represents an independent origin from that of Earth, but we won’t know until we find such life and analyze it.
What NASA’s Curiosity rover told us
NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory (MSL)mission includes, Curiosity, the largest and most capable robotic rover ever landed on the Red Planet. Curiosity is exploring the Gale crater, which held liquid water for long periods between 3.3 billion and 3.8 billion years ago. Evidence that the crater was home to rivers and streams came in a couple of years ago. What’s new is a study, published in the journal Science, by researchers at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Numerous data from Curiosity‘s instruments have been accumulating for the taking, and the Stony Brook team set out to extract information on specific minerals within the rocks at different locations and depths in the crater zone, and the oxidation states of those minerals. The Stony Brook analysis revealed climate change — from warmer wetter conditions in the distant past to dryer colder conditions, which adds weight to the possibility that the region has been a home to microorganisms.
The analysis also revealed redox stratification –differences in oxidation states between different levels, specifically more oxidized along the crater’s edges and less oxidized lower down. The researchers are interpreting the find to mean that far in the past, when the Gale crater held a large lake, the upper regions of the water constituted a high oxygen zone that would have been friendly to aerobic life forms, while the deeper parts of the lake would have be favorable to anaerobic forms. This means there could have been a diversity of different types of life, which is to say a healthy ecosystem.
Cassini: The mission that went into double overtime
Launched in 1997, the Cassini mission was operated jointly by NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Italian Space Agency (ASI). The mission’s full name was Cassini-Huygens, because it included two craft. Italian astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini (1625-1712), who discovered four of Saturn’s moons and the divisions between the planet’s rings, is the namesake of the larger craft, which orbited Saturn from 2004-2017. The mission also included the ESA Huygens probe. It was named for Christiaan Huygens, the Dutch astronomer who discovered Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, where the probe landed successfully in 2005.
The original mission plan for Cassini was to last until June 2008 — four years after entering orbit around Saturn. However, since all systems were go, with plenty of fuel for propulsion and plutonium for electricity, the mission was extended to 2010, but it wouldn’t end there either. With mountains of discoveries about Saturn and its moons in the rear view mirror and numerous data still to be analyzed, and still plenty of propellant in the fuel tanks, mission planners gave Cassini the green light for an additional seven years.
In terms of the engineering, the design requirements needed only to enable the original projected mission duration to 2008, but not until nine years later, this past September, did controllers steer Cassini into Saturn’s atmosphere to end the mission. That was simply because the fuel was about to run out, but everything was still working just fine. (One can’t help but wonder if some sort of “Scotty Effect” was operating, wherein the engineer –accidentally on purpose– underestimates how well, or how long, something that he designed will work, so that everyone will be amazed later.)
Habitability of the environment
Like the MSL on Mars, the mission of Cassini-Huygens in the Saturn system has included characterization of the chemistry of the environment, and the physical conditions affecting it. In the case of Saturn, the spotlight for the search for extraterrestrial life is not the planet itself, but the planet’s moons. In 2005, during its descent to the surface of Titan, the Huygens probe detected hydrocarbons in the moon’s thick atmosphere, including methane rain, and lakes and seas of methane and ethane. These things had been suspected prior to the mission, and in making such finds, the Huygens’ instrument package provided evidence for the idea that Titan’s environment is like that of Earth billions of years ago, just before the origin of life. Titan has what astrobiologists call prebiotic chemistry.
Like Huygens, the Cassini probe also studied Titan’s prebiotic chemistry. During its thirteen years orbiting Saturn, Cassini also flew by Saturn’s other moons, including Enceladus, a world that is covered in water ice. Cassini confirmed the presence of a global ocean under that ice, and also discovered plumes of liquid spewing up from cracks in the ice at the south pole, like the geysers at Earth’s Yellowstone Park. At Enceladus, however, the geyser plumes shoot far into space. Taking measurements of the plumes, Cassini demonstrated that they consisted of water, plus, over the years, the craft’s instruments have been able to tell us that those plumes contain organic molecules — called the “stuff of life” by the late astronomer Carl Sagan. Based on this finding, scientists knew that Enceladus had two major requirements to support life — water and material from which to make organisms and food.
Along with water and organic matter, a world that harbors life also needs an energy source that organisms harness to synthesize food and energy molecules. Vital to that requirement, Cassini detected very tiny rocks in the water plumes, suggesting that hot water is flowing somewhere down in the ocean, like the hot water in the hydrothermal vents that support life forms at the bottom of Earth’s oceans in the absence of sunlight. And last but not least, something that happened earlier this year, just a few months before Cassini was sent to burn up in Saturn’s atmosphere, the instruments detected in the plumes the energy source itself: hydrogen.
Putting all of this together, we can say that Enceladus is “habitable;” it has all the ingredients for life. We found this out through a long, patient process. And so now, with more confidence than would have made sense before, there is a major target in the outer solar system for more sophisticated chemistry instruments, but also a direct life search. The latter means instruments designed to be flown through the plumes of Enceladus and to analyze the water directly for the presence of organisms.
As for Mars, something similar is happening as analysis of the environment is pointing increasingly to the idea that the planet could support life. Back in 1976, a NASA mission called Viking, delivered twin landing probes to two locations on the Martian surface. Each lander carried several instruments designed to study the chemical and physical environment, but also a “biology package” consisting of three experiments to test for the presence of microorganisms in samples of Martian dirt. At both landing sites, the biology experiments gave ambiguous results.
But ambiguity often exists along a spectrum. In science projects that depend on big, expensive ventures such as space missions, it’s common to view and discuss discoveries and insights from a linear perspective. First, one thing was discovered, then something else that built on top of that earlier discovery, and so forth. Of the three Viking biology experiments, one experiment, known as the Labeled Release (LR), produced results that seemed to indicate the presence of microorganisms, but then were dismissed, largely because a positive finding looked inconsistent with various findings about the chemical and physical environment on the Martian surface. To be sure, the LR principal investigator, Gilbert Levin, has maintained for the past 41 years that his experiment actually detected Martian life. Some fraction of the science community has some to agree with some or all of his reasoning. The consensus is still that the LR results of the 1970s are too ambiguous to be counted as evidence of life, but it’s notable that our understanding of the Martian environment and its suitability for life has evolved substantially in the past four decades, because of MSL and other missions that have been on Mars since Project Viking.
Now that we know that the Martian chemical environment could be friendly to living forms, the scientific payoff from sending a direct life search experiment to Mars could be far less ambiguous compared with the Viking experience. But, perhaps due to the Viking experience — and also to the possibility that any ambiguity about an issue as game-changing as the discovery of life on another planet could endanger public support for such missions — space agencies around the planet have been taking a careful approach, both in the inner and outer Solar System.
David Warmflash is an astrobiologist, physician and science writer. BIO. Follow him on Twitter @CosmicEvolution.
PHOTO BY (INSET): Claude CoutantPhoto Credit: COURTESY: Anthony Bragalia (
WANAQUE, N.J. – A once-anonymous photographer who 50 years ago snapped a shot of what observers called a UFO over the Wanaque Reservoir has been identified.
“Claude Coutant was the name of the individual who took at least five photos of the Wanaque Reservoir craft in late December 1966, including the ‘beam’ shot,” Anthony Bragalia reports .
Bragalia said he got previously-unreleased images taken by Coutant , along with his identity, from a woman who once worked for the Star-Ledger – who said she got it from a woman who’d been engaged to the 46-year-old factory worker.
Coutant, who worked for a rubber mill in Butler, died in 1986, Bragalia wrote.
Other sightings had been reported in the months leading up to the photo, the story says .
“The strangest part is that there was no noise attached to this object. None whatsoever. It was absolutely silent,” then-Wanaque Reservoir Police Chief John Casazza was quoted as saying at the time.
“It was a bright white light. It was funnel-shaped. It seemed to come out of some object, like a funnel,” Casazza reportedly said. “In other words, it spread out as if it were focused through a telescope. It was narrow at one end in the sky and spread out into a very wide beam at it approached our upper gate house at the Dam.”
The photo shows a beam stopping before hitting the water and a cube-like area beneath the surface.
First aliens humans encounter will be immortal robots, billions of years old: scientist
First aliens humans encounter will be immortal robots, billions of years old: scientist
Rob Waugh
Mysterious 'UFO' has been captured on video
VIDEO A mysterious 'UFO' has been captured on video circling over a remote country town. Source: SWNS
Will aliens be delicate, hairless creatures with big almond eyes, as UFO fans believe – or big slimy, green blobs with eyes on stalks?
Probably neither, scientists say – the first aliens we encounter are likely to be machines, and they’ll be almost unimaginably old.
Susan Schneider of the University of Connectict and the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton says that alien AI may already be out there, and could be billions of years old.
Schneider says, "I do not believe that most advanced alien civilisations will be biological. The most sophisticated civilisations will be post-biological, forms of artificial intelligence or alien super-intelligence."
Ancient aliens and ancient AI aliens have been well explored by science fiction.
Photo: Getty Images
Schneider said in a Daily Galaxy report, ‘all lines of evidence converge on the conclusion that the maximum age of extraterrestrial intelligence would be billions of years, specifically ranges from 1.7 billion to 8 billion years.’
Many researchers believe that the first aliens we encounter will be robots.
The reason? It’s all about probability – and how long it takes alien civilisations to evolve from developing radio communications to becoming immortal cyborgs.
Many scientists believe that the period from the discovery of radio waves, to organisms turning themselves into immortal robots will be relatively brief.
The upshot of this is that it’s far, far more likely that we’ll meet aliens after they’ve turned into machines, according to experts.
Tech luminary Elon Musk has recently warned that man made AI could prove a big risk to humanity.
Photo: Getty Images
Seth Shostak of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence says, "Consider the fact that any signal we pick up has to come from a civilisation at least as advanced as we are.
"Now, let’s say, conservatively, the average civilisation will use radio for 10,000 years. From a purely probabilistic point of view, the chance of encountering a society far older than ourselves is quite high."
Open Minds UFO Radio: Leslie Kean is an independent journalist and author. Her book, UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record, is a New York Times bestseller and is one of the most influential and credible books on the topic of UFOs. Her most recent book is titled Surviving Death: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlife. Among other media, she has been featured on CNN, MSNBC, FOX, The Colbert Report, NPR, USA Today, US News & World Report, and the Columbia Journalism Review.
Leslie is also a contributor for the Huffington Post, where she has written several high-profile articles on UFO related events that have garnered larger media attention. Two of her most recent Huffington Post articles have been about Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy and the impressive list of former officials that are involved. All of these men have a passion for UFO research and in a recent press conference launching the To the Stars Academy, made some shocking statements. In this episode, we discuss the To the Stars Academy, the people involved, and what they have said regarding UFOs, also known as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).
For more about Leslie, visit her Facebook page and her author page on Amazon.
Based on studies of the Eridania basin, a Martian region with ancient geological formations, experts were able to identify various minerals that show a pattern backing the existence of hydrothermal deposits.
According to Paul Niles, one of the authors of the research, the region on Mars suggests that there was a sea of hydrothermal activity and that the combination of water and volcanic activity created conditions “probably similar” to that which occurred on Earth, precisely at the moment when life began to evolve.
“It is very similar to the hydrothermal environments of the Earth: without a pleasant atmosphere, with only rocks and water,” explains the expert. According to the study, the so-called Eridan Sea is likely to have emerged some 3.7 billion years ago.
The Eridania basin of southern Mars is believed to have held a sea about 3.7 billion years ago, with seafloor deposits likely resulting from the underwater hydrothermal activity.
Credit: NASA
“Even if we never find evidence that there’s been life on Mars, this site can tell us about the type of environment where life may have begun on Earth. Volcanic activity combined with standing water provided conditions that were likely similar to conditions that existed on Earth at about the same time — when early life was evolving here.”
Even though Mars today may seem a lifeless, cold planet, around 3.7 billion years ago, it was a very different place with water and even volcanic activity. Evidence of that is the vast fluvial deposits and sedimentary basins NASA has discovered on the surface of the planet.
One of the best examples of this is the Gale Crater, once believed to have been a major lake bed, and one of the main study area for NASA’s Curiosity Rover.
Illustrates showing the origin of some deposits in the Eridania basin of southern Mars resulting from seafloor hydrothermal activity more than 3 billion years ago.
Credit: NASA
Due to the fact that we now know that Mars once had surface water and volcanic activity, experts are able to conclude that it also experienced hydrothermal activity—something that occurs when volcanic vents open into bodies of water willing them with hydrated minerals and heat.
“This site gives us a compelling story for a deep, long-lived sea and a deep-sea hydrothermal environment,” Niles said. “It is evocative of the deep-sea hydrothermal environments on Earth, similar to environments where life might be found on other worlds — life that doesn’t need a nice atmosphere or temperate surface, but just rocks, heat and water.”
Basically, what we found on Mars is the type of hydrothermal activity responsible for the emergence of life on Earth. So if this may have kicked off life on Earth, who says the same did not happen on Mars, billions of years ago?
The truth is out there: the history of Edinburgh’s UFO hotspot
The truth is out there: the history of Edinburgh’s UFO hotspot
The skies over Edinburgh have been home to many mysterious UFO sightings over the years
(Photo: Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images)
Andrew Hennessey
The area around Edinburgh has more reported UFO sightings than anywhere else on earth.
I was born into a family originally from Gorebridge, the ‘hotspot’ of alien activity in Scotland today.
With a mother who passed on to me at an early age her knowledge of the Scottish psychic tradition of ‘second sight’, I had a natural attraction to the subject – beginning with the supernatural, but moving very quickly on to the entities of alien encounters.
Unidentified objects and mysterious encounters have been reported in the ‘Falkirk Triangle’
(Photo: Andrew Hennessey)
Since the 1980s I have been researching UFOs, conspiracies and the paranormal, documenting my own observations and conclusions – some of which are controversial.
1. The Robert Taylor Incident
In Central Scotland, the skies always seem to be busy, and not just with the landing lights of jets on their way into our airports.
To quote one Falkirk Triangle alien abductee, G Wood, who was lifted from his car on the A70 road in 1992:
“They’re here and they’re [still] coming here.”
Modern tales of UFO close encounters in Scotland really begin with the so-called Robert Taylor Incident, which took place in 1979 at Dechmont Woods, near Livingston.
Later recorded by the police as a criminal assault by an unknown or alien entity, Robert Taylor, a local forester, was accosted at night by a UFO as it was scouting over his area of the wood.
According to Taylor, he saw a large flying dome hovering above the forest floor. He then smelled a foul odour, and smaller spheres began dragging him towards the larger dome, before he lost consciousness.
Several similar incidents were to follow in this central region of Scotland, stretching from Stirling to Falkirk and back to the southern fringes of Edinburgh. The area has since become known as ‘The Falkirk Triangle’.
2. The folklore of Gorebridge
Gorebridge is a small, ex-coal mining town about 15 miles south of Edinburgh.
My family originally comes from this area, and like so many others, its men had been miners.
Drafted to fight in both world wars, they returned to a community undergoing change.
This photo shows and alleged sighting of a ‘grey’ alien at Gowkshill near Gorebridge
(Photo: Andrew Hennessey)
For, in amongst the hustle and bustle of these human affairs and operating the deepest mines in Scotland, there had also been a long-simmering, non-human agenda of secret meetings and whispered stories of the ‘others’ amongst us.
This excerpt from poem The Ballad of the Gore, dating back to 1916, alludes to the supernatural ‘auld races’.
“… Proud Arniston; in ‘fairs o’ state
for ages Laird and son
Soldiers, Lawyers, Statesmen great
richt sterlin’ work has done,
Wae on the day shouldt frae’t be gone
The auld race o’ Dundas;
May that ne’er be, but lang there reign
its Leddy and its Lass ….”
The Gorebridge story with its ‘auld races’ started within stone-lined tunnel networks, allegedly linking archaic stone circles and underground cities.
These faerie stories have been woven together into a rich tapestry of local folklore by local collectors, such as Mary Macleod Banks in the 1930s.
But the Edinburgh area doesn’t just have a historic link to folklore and the supernatural – incidents are still happening to this day.
3. Alien encounters in Scotland
Gorebridge, today, continues to display all the hallmarks of an active alien presence and occupation zone.
Many of the encounters there can only be described as intimidating or surreal, which Dr J A Hynek (the father of Ufology) characterised in his 1978 speech to the UN as ‘high strangeness’, an extreme ‘oddness’, symptomatic of alien encounters.
The Gorebridge ‘camp’ is the site of what is believed to be an operational alien base near an abandoned mine, and nearby is Dalhousie Castle, the location of a well-documented alien abduction.
Edinburgh and the surrounding area is one of the most active alien hotspots in the world (Photo: Andrew Hennessey)
Both historically and more recently, there have been regular UFO sightings above and over the area of an extensive cavern system that also takes in Rosslyn to the west, and Gifford and Goblin Halls to the east.
Reports from this area have spoken of:
– observing/filming massive low-level ships, many shapes and sizes
– alien use of small glowing UAVs which can vanish
– seeing operational stargates near the cavern systems
– time slip
– harassment and interception from Men in Black-
– over-flying ships and 40 spherical, black drones above Barleyknowe Road at rooftop height
– black choppers, under 200 feet
– cattle mutilations on film
– lights at the old mine
– alien materialisation
– greys and alien equipment photographed in the woods
– holographic shape-changing hardware that mimics military vehicles and aircraft
These incidents are still on-going in east-central Scotland, including the capital itself, which adds greatly to the lore of ancient secrets being enacted today before our cameras and our eyes.
Andrew Hennessy is an experienced ufologist and folklorist.
UFOs in Glasgow which have left people across the world baffled
UFOs in Glasgow which have left people across the world baffled
Here we examine four of the strangest UFOs captured on film in the city.
Julie Gilbert
UFO spotted over Glasgow skyline
(Image: MUFON)
Glaswegians are not easily led by tall tales of creatures from other worlds, but sometimes things happen which we just can't explain.
Around 20 UFO sightings across the city have been reported to international UFO logging site MUFON in the past eight years.
And some of the spotters were even able to grab pictures of the UFOs.
Here we examine four of the strangest captured on film.
1. The rapidly moving ball in the sky
Spotters say it moved too fast to be a Chinese lantern(Image: MUFON)
This picture was uploaded in March this year but related to an incident which happened around on Christmas day 2009.
The spotter says they were with a friend in a town near Glasgow and walking towards a residential area when a round, glowing object overhead began moving rapidly towards them.
They say it moved too fast to be a Chinese Lantern and was not a star or a comet.
They posted to MUFON: "It was like nothing we had seen. Much too big to be a star, definitely not a comet, too fast to be a Chinese lantern.
"As it became closer overhead it slowed down and descended before ascending very rapidly and vanishing into the clouds.
"We were both quite scared by it and shaking a little, even though we did not see it close up we both thought because of the direction and speed it was going it may land on top of us.
"We uploaded the photographs that were taken to our computer and they turned out pretty blurry, mainly because the zoom on the camera was not so good and possibly because of the speed of the object.
'It was not a windy evening, quite still and the object made no noise, and had no wings or anything like that."
2. Seasoned stargazer spots UFO through binoculars
Glaswegian stargazer spotted this through his binoculars(Image: MUFON)
A seasoned Glaswegian stargazer, who regularly surveys the heavens through his telescope and binoculars, spotted something very out of the ordinary back in August 2009.
He was examining the skies with his binoculars, when he saw a perfect cube appear, move, accelerate backwards and then disappear.
The spotter said: "I saw a perfect cube appear right before my eyes! I was looking at Zubeneschamali, which is the beta star in Libra, when the cube just came out of nowhere
"Speechless, I quickly spotted it with the binoculars, through which I saw a brilliant perfect cube with an illuminated border.
"It changed colour from blue to aqua-green and stopped cold.
"People have told me it was a satellite but know satellites have a very smooth consistent speed and direction, satellites do not just appear in the sky at a single spot, then progressively drift, speed up, slow down and stop, they definitely do not change colour and noway can they change direction.
"If anything in the sky can reverse directing at sharp angles "instantly" its a fair to say its not man made, the force on the object would rip it apart."
3. Craft with row of lights hiding in the clouds
UFO spotted over Glasgow skyline(Image: MUFON)-
If you look towards the left side of this photograph, at the bottom of the clouds, you can see a row of lights which arguably could be a UFO.
The spotter of this craft above the skyline did not notice the lights themselves in the first instance.
It was only later when clearing out his camera that he came saw them and uploaded them to MUFON in 2012.
The spotter said: "On finding these shots I put the image into Photoshop as I wanted to get a clearer look at the image on the left hand side in the clouds.
"I can say there is no way it could be an known aircraft.
"First thing is the size, then the faint out line and the order of the lights are not what I am aware of as standard configurations.
"It had me more than a little shocked."
4. Ball of light over the Kingston Bridge
UFO spotted over Kingston Bridge(Image: MUFON)
The sighting, which took place in October 2015, appeared to show a glowing ball, which the spotter likened to a 'smaller sun' hanging over the Kingston Bridge.
The spotter told MUFON: "it was still a little misty but to the right of the Sun was another really bright object almost like another Sun but maybe half the size.
"I drove of like any other morning but five minutes later when I was facing south again the said object was still there.
"Bemused, I continued to drive but still observing when still in view, the object wasn't moving and remained the same."
The picture above comes from, according to the lecture below, apollo 12. Of a craft that was several hundred feet in diameter.
“They published it, and they issued it in the summer of 1964, while I was there working in the war room. They titled it ‘An Assessment: An Evaluation of a Possible Military Threat to Allied Forces in Europe.’ . . . I was working in the war room one early morning . . . I’m sitting there nodding off, and this American Air Force full Colonel looked at me and he says, ‘Wake up.’ He went over to the vault . . . we kept classified documents in there . . . the Colonol went over to the vault and pulled out this document and through it on my desk and he says ‘Read that, that’ll wake you up.’ Ladies and gentlemen my life changed. I opened the first page and I couldn’t put it down. . . . I was shocked, I was stunned, by the implications of what I read in that study. . . . The study briefly, and I have to briefly lay this out, the study simply concluded this: They concluded that the planet Earth and the human race had been under some kind of survey or observation going on for hundreds if not thousands of years. They concluded in 1964 that there were at least four different groups coming here, observing us, surveilling us, analyzing us, closely watching us — what we were up to, what we were doing. They concluded that there did not appear to be a military threat involved because the repeated demonstrations of incredibly advanced technology demonstrated to us that if they had been hostile or malevolent, there was absolutely nothing we could do. If they were evil in their intent and they were hostile toward us, it would have been over a long time ago.”
Above is an excerpt of a lecture given by Robert (Bob) Dean, a retired US Army Command Sergeant Major who served for 28 years. In the lecture below, he provides a wealth of mind-altering information that corroborates with what many other whistleblowers have shared.
The lecture was given in July 2009 at the European Exopolitics Summit, which took place in Barcelona and was filmed by Project Camelot.
Dean is one of hundreds, if not thousands, of people with verified credentials coming forward to share what they have experienced during their military careers. With regards to the statement above, former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer has also mentioned the same report that Dean refers to, stating in an interview with RT news that “they decided to do an investigation, and they investigated for three years, and they decided that, with absolute certainty, that four species, four different species, at least, have been visiting this plant for thousands of years.” He also mentions “there’s been a lot more activity in the last few decades, since we invented the atomic bomb.” (source)
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is
The fact that hundreds of such people, many of whom hold high-ranking positions, have been speaking up about this topic for decades is fascinating. It’s pretty hard to believe that so many people with verified credentials would all lie about something that could so easily damage their careers.
Image of the infamous Phoenix Lights sighting.
Although there is no definitive way to prove to the ‘mainstream’ world that ET is real, we now have hundreds of thousands of documents from multiple countries putting to rest the question “Do UFOs exist?” We know they do from these documents, which show objects are tracked on radar, spotted by the pilots sent to intercept, and in some cases, simultaneously tracked on ground radar.
Information like this, particularly the fact that agencies are working to uncover the truth, shouldn’t really come as a surprise.
The CIA has a long history of putting resources toward studying this phenomenon, in fact, as well as investigating what other countries know about it as well. For example, another unclassified document outlines:
Scientists of the PRC and the Soviet Far East have begun joint study of UFO’s. The first meeting of ufologists of the two countries has ended in the small maritime townlet of Dalnegorsk. The Soviet and Chinese specialists on anomalous phenomena have mapped out a program for investigating incidents that are already known and have also arranged to directly exchange video and photographic materials on new similar phenomena. Dalnegorsk has not been chosen by chance as the place for such acquaintance. In the last few years the number of cases of visual observation of UFO’s has noticeably increased there. In just the last four years alone no less than 10 UFO’s have been recorded. Specialists link their heightened interest in places here with the variety and wealth of useful minerals in Maritime Kray. Similar, incidents have also occurred in mountainous regions in China whose climatic conditions and natural landscape resemble our own.
In many cases, these testimony are given by the people involved in the incident, the military personnel mentioned in the actual files. For example, here is one dealing with an incident that took place over the Atlantic, and here is the witness testimony to match it from Graham Bethune, a retired Navy commander pilot. You can read more about that story here.
Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.
Listen to the full lecture below. Where you will see the photos.
Who’s Really in Control of Space?
This thing has gotten so highly-classified . . . it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.”
– Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee (source)
According to Herman Oberth, one of the founding fathers of rocketry and astronautics, “flying saucers are real and . . . they are space ships from another solar system. I think that they possibly are manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race that may have been investigating our Earth for centuries.”
If all of this information is true, it’s quite clear that “Never A Straight Answer” is indeed an appropriate name for NASA. I’ve mentioned it before and I’ll mention it again — the United States has a history of government agencies existing in secret for years. The National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, but its existence was hidden until the mid 1960s. The National Reconnaissance Office, too, was founded in 1960, but remained completely secret for 30 years.
In the interest of a short read, and given that there is a long lecture presented within this article, I’m going to link to some other related articles that go into more detail regarding the secret space program, as well as the moon landing and film/footage from the moon, which Dean refers to above.
Châteauneuf-du-Pape, located in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region in southeast France, is one of the most celebrated wine producing villages in all of France. It also has one of the wackiest wine laws in the world, one borne out of 1950s UFO hysteria.
The village and its vineyards have an interesting history that dates all the way back to 1308. Châteauneuf-du-Pape translates to The Pope’s new castle — which is exactly what Pope Clement V had in 1309 when he moved the Papacy from Rome to Avignon, a city just down the road from Châteauneuf-du-Pape. The Popes of Avignon and their Court were actually fans of Burgundian wine, as the local stuff was pretty lousy 700 years ago.
They, did however, make some major improvements to the local viticulture, figuring they might be there for a while (only 67 years in the end). Fast forward a few centuries, and we see that the contributions the Popes of Avignon made resulted in wines of such increased quality that the region was the first to seek out and receive protected AOC status.
Here’s where the story takes a turn for the bizarre. In September of 1954, a railway worker in northern France named Marius Dewilde claimed that late one evening his dogs started to bark, so eventually he followed them outside to the train tracks (he lived near the local train station). What happened next is best summed up by a New York Times dispatch a few days after the incident:
PARIS: A spate of reports of extraterrestrial visitors to France, coming from regions where the wine is more noted for its strength than its vintage, spread yesterday [Sept. 14] with the speed of a space-cadet. Marius Dewilde, a metal worker who lives at Quarouble (Department of the Nord), made known yesterday that he had seen what seemed to be two Martian visitors at his garden gate last Friday night. They alighted from a cigar-like machine which came to rest on the railway just outside his domicile. M. Dewilde described the visitors as of small stature, clad in something resembling a deep-sea diver’s costume. They had the appearance of human beings, M. Dewilde continued, but when he approached them the machine in which they had arrived set forth with a green beam of light which paralyzed him. When he recovered his sensibilities the cigar was taking off and the two beings had disappeared. The authorities have since noted unusual marks on the cross ties of the railway as though they had been made by the tail skid of some flying machine.
That “spate of reports” that spread across France “with the speed of a space-cadet” quickly made their way hundreds of miles south to Châteauneuf-du-Pape. Many of these reports were about objects that bore a cylindrical cigar-like appearance, rather than the typical saucer shape. Soon the French were in a panic about the threat of an encounter with a cigare volant, a “flying cigar.”
Marius Dewilde showing the train tracks where he encountered an alien for a French newspaper article.
What happens when you combine proud, provincial winemakers with a penchant for passing laws and a bout of pre-Space Age UFO hysteria? The local mayor, Lucien Jeune, and the village council sprung into action — to protect their vines, of course. They quickly passed a municipal decree to keep aliens out of the local skies and the vineyards. Yes, overflights were even banned:
Article 1. — The overflight, the landing and the takeoff of aircraft known as flying saucers or flying cigars, whatever their nationality is, are prohibited on the territory of the community.
Article 2. — Any aircraft, known as flying saucer or flying cigar, which should land on the territory of the community will be immediately held in custody.
Article 3. — The forest officer and the city policeman are in charge, each one in what relates to him, of the execution of this decree.
Whether the mayor was actually serious about the law or merely seeking publicity for his region’s wines — a result that definitely ensued — we can say one thing: The law worked. Châteauneuf-du-Pape has been alien and flying cigar-free ever since. At least as far as we know.
If Cigare Volant sounds familiar that’s because you’ve probably seen a bottle of Bonny Doon’s wine that carries the name. Randall Grahm, the winemaker and founder of Bonny Doon, earned the nickname the Rhône Ranger for championing Rhône varieties in California. Paying homage to the region, Grahm named one of his wines after the municipal decree and the events that inspired it.
Sightings of UFOs by astronauts that you really should see.
There have been many photos of supposedly UFOs shown online but these photos were taken by astronauts when they were in space.
A photo was said to have been taken from the Apollo 13 mission and it seems to show strange objects that appear travelling alongside them while they were travelling to the moon. One theory is that NASA sent an SOS to aliens to come and help the ship that was in trouble. The photo was shared on the Project Camelot website of Bob Dean.
This photo was said to have been taken during the Apollo 14 mission and it was said to have been taken during the investigation of the Langberg crater on the Moon. The photo was on the Project Camelot website and Bob Dean said that strange things were happening in the crater and the astronauts were taking photos. While doing so a strange craft flew past them. Dean is a retired Command Sergeant Major in the Army who now devotes his life to UFOs.
A photograph that was said to have been taken by Neil Armstrong has been revealed and for a lot of years, it has been said that Armstrong saw UFOs while he was going to the Moon and on the surface. The Apollo crew is said to have seen flashing lights pacing them, which was then suggested were lights of the Saturn 5 launch vehicle.
A photo recently got a lot of attention after it was posted from the International Space Station and Scott Kelly posted it on twitter. A strange object can be seen in the upper right-hand corner and it has been the subject of a great deal of debate. Some people think that it might be a UFO while others have said that it is just a part of the Space Station.
A photo taken during the Apollo 12 mission might look innocent enough but a UFO hunter thinks that the speck that is distant in the background is a UFO. He said that it wasn’t a problem with the photo as the same object was seen in over 30 images. He said that it might be an alien drone.
We are not alone. The best 20 minutes today.
This is a compilation of the best shots of unknown objects and unexplained phenomena in space. All this was filmed by NASA or the Russian Space Agency.
Now that privately-owned aerospace firms are refining and researching new state-of-the-art rocket technologies, we can expect all sorts of new levels of intrigue and secrecy surrounding space flight. Publicly-funded NASA and other government agencies have to (allegedly) disclose certain amounts of information to the public, but commercial space firms have no such obligation. The undisputed leader in private spaceflight, SpaceX, is no stranger to secrets and conspiracy theories. Elon Musk’s revolutionary company has taken that secrecy even deeper this month with the under-the-radar addition of a shadowy rocket mission under the code name “Zuma.”
I like to believe (or hope) that Elon’s got humanity’s best interests in mind, though. I’m sure we’ll be fine.
The secretive SpaceX mission was noticed by aerospace watchdog site which tracks commercial and government launches. The site noticed a last-minute change to SpaceX’s launch schedule for November, adding a mission numbered 1390 with the code name Zuma. Whatever the Zuma payload is, it be launched from a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from the LC-39A launchpad at the Kennedy Space Center. The rocket will then perform a RTLS (Return To Launch Site) landing at LZ-1 at Cape Canaveral after delivering its mysterious payload.
Although of all the people alive on Earth today, Elon Musk probably has the most potential to be a real-life Bond villain.
The only information available to the public concerning the Zuma launch is that the payload belongs to American aerospace and defense corporation Northrop Grumman and is labelled as governmental in nature. Some speculate that this could be what’s known as a “black commercial” mission, a type of shadowy joint project between private commercial firms and government agencies. The payload is likely some new type of reconnaissance satellite, but with all of the weirdness going on in space and new focus on space warfare, there’s no telling what Northrop Grumman might be launching.
SPACE SPEW The same process that forces water out of flushed toilets on the space shuttle also applies to the gushing vents on Saturn’s moon Enceladus (shown).
The search for life may get an assist from the call of nature. Astronomers can learn how to study the plumes of subsurface ocean water spewing from icy moons like Saturn’s Enceladus from an unlikely source: Space toilets.
Future spacecraft might scoop up samples of Enceladus’ plumes. Figuring out what to expect is tricky: It’s hard to replicate the plumes in Earth-based labs. But astronauts have already done natural experiments in venting water to space, Ralph Lorenz, a planetary scientist at Johns Hopkins University, pointed out October 17 at an American Astronomical Society meeting in Provo, Utah.
Candid discussions of space waste are scarce in the scientific literature. “It’s very hard to find this stuff written down,” says Lorenz, who is designing future missions to Saturn’s moons. “I don’t know if the human spaceflight community is squeamish about it.”
KNOCK IT OFF An ice crystal that formed from venting fuel cells during the first flight of the space shuttle Discovery in 1984 grew so long it had to be knocked off with a robotic arm.
But there are clues. For instance, during the 1984 flight of the space shuttle Discovery, a 60-centimeter icicle grew from a fuel cell vent. That process could hint at how big ice particles in plumes can grow.
And dents on the Japanese Space Flyer Unit, retrieved from orbit by the space shuttle Endeavour in 1996, revealed traces of phosphorus and sulfur. Those may have been from urine ice particles flushed from Endeavour that rained on the spacecraft, an analysis published in 2000 in Advances in Space Researchsuggested. That might be good news for finding biosignatures at Enceladus — molecules associated with life could be preserved in ice from the plumes.
R. Lorenz. Space toilets and ocean worlds: What spacecraft water dumps tell us about plumes on Enceladus and Europa. American Astronomical Society Division of Planetary Sciences Meeting, Provo, Utah, October 17, 2017.
Boffins have made the shock discovery that alien life could be living underneath the surface of the Red Planet.
Scientists carried out experiments that mimicked conditions on Mars, in which they created “mimetic Martian water”.
They then included an unusual salt – magnesium perchlorate – which was found in soil on Mars by the Phoenix Lander craft in 2009.
CONFIRMED? Scientists have made a discovery which could be helping bacteria to thrive on Mars
The result was the discovery that this salt could prevent water from freezing beneath the cold surface on Mars.
This means hardy bacteria could be thriving underneath the Red Planet’s surface, similar to those found on Earth at the bottom of oceans and in Arctic glaciers.
Dr Lorna Dougan, from the University of Leeds’ school of physics and astronomy said: “The discovery of significant amounts of different perchlorate salts in Martian soil gives new insight into the Martian ‘riverbeds’.
"The surface temperatures on Mars may reach a high of about 20° Celcius at the equator and as low as -153° Celsius at the pole.
PICTURED: The Red Planet where life may lie
“With an average surface temperature of -55° Celsius, water itself cannot exist as a liquid on Mars, but concentrated solutions of perchlorate could survive these low temperatures.
“The magnesium perchlorate is clearly a major contributing factor on the freezing point of this solution and paves the way for understanding how a fluid might exist under the sub-freezing conditions of Mars.”
The finding could back the claim by conspiracy theoriests that underground alien cities lie underneath the surface of Mars.
And the scientist adds it does raise interesting questions about the possibility of life on Mars.
“If the structure of Martian water is highly pressurised, perhaps we might expect to find organisms adapted to high pressure life similar to piezophiles on Earth, such as deep sea bacteria and other organisms that thrive at high pressure,” she said.
“This highlights the importance of studying life in extreme environments in both terrestrial and non-terrestrial environments so that we can fully understand the natural limits of life.”
Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera is running for the seat currently held by retiring Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) and she explained that she has telepathy due to her extraterrestrial encounters.
“Why is this any different than Kellyanne Conway saying her microwave is spying on her?” asked ABC’s “The View” co-host Joy Behar.
Co-Host Sunny Hostin admitted, with some trepidation, that she believes in life outside of the Earth as well as UFOs. Meghan McCain agreed, recalling the mystery of the Phoenix Lights, which were seen 20 years ago this year. According to accounts, a series of lights appeared in formation over Arizona’s capital city. She admitted it scared her half to death as a child. The hosts all agreed that there could be aliens “out there.”
“They could be but then I feel like I couldn’t vote for her because she sounds very nutty,” Hostin said. “They’re all at area 51, I’m telling you. They’re all there!”
“This could be [Donald] Trump’s next running mate, that’s all I’m saying,” Behar joked.
“I’m conflicted, if that’s what you say happened to you, I’m going to take your word for it,” Whoopi Goldberg said.
“But would you vote for her?!” Behar exclaimed.
“Well, there are a lot of worse people out there!” Goldberg retorted.
If you listen closely, you may hear motorcycles approaching from the distance. Or maybe it sounds more like bees swarming. Perhaps it just sounds like a sci-fi background tone, meant to build tension. Whatever you think two neutron stars sound like as they spiral closer and closer together, though, it’s hard to deny that that final bloop isn’t startling — and even a bit silly.
This is perhaps the most exciting discovery yet from the international collaboration between the U.S.-based Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory — LIGO — and the Italian Virgo observatory.
The two merging neutron stars produced lots of energy, but they didn't make any sound.
And even though this colossal merger didn’t make any sound, we can listen to a simulation of what it sounded like. It may seem strange that two ultra-dense neutron stars — each the size of our sun or larger — merging 130 million light-years away didn’t make noise. In the process, these merging stars produced massive amounts of gamma radiation and even created elements like gold and platnum.
But, perhaps most importantly, they also produced ripples in spacetime. These ripples, which we know as gravitational waves, occur at various frequencies, which scientists can translate into sound. Without further ado, here’s what this merger “sounded” .
As you can see, the previous merger measured by LIGO and Virgo were much briefer. The reason for this is the fact that this merger involved neutron stars, not black holes.
“While earlier detections of the black holes that we’ve made … only lasted for us a couple of seconds, or much less, this neutron star in-spiral lasted for over a minute,” LIGO spokesperson David Shoemaker told reporters on Monday. Inversereported on how this affects the merger:
The reason for this longer detection is that neutron stars, the smallest, densest stars known to exist, are much lighter than black holes. Whereas the merging black holes that created earlier gravitational wave detections were many times larger than the sun — the first detection in 2015 involved black holes of 29 and 36 solar masses — the neutron stars involved in this latest detection were only about the mass of the sun or maybe twice the mass of the sun.
So as the neutron stars spiraled in toward one another, they emitted high-frequency gravitational waves that fell within the range that Earth-based detectors could record.
“The result is that we can see the system for some 1,500 complete cycles of these two objects around each other,” said Shoemaker.
And that final bloop? That’s when the stars finally merged. By converting the frequency of gravitational waves into audio, the astronomers created what could potentially be the sickest hip-hop beats of all time.
If you liked this article, check out this video on what would happen if an asteroid hit the middle of the ocean.
Metallosphaera sedula. Credit: University of Vienna
Scientists around Tetyana Milojevic from the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Vienna are in search of unique biosignatures, which are left on synthetic extraterrestrial minerals by microbial activity. The biochemist and astrobiologist investigates these signatures at her own miniaturized "Mars farm" where she can observe interactions between the archaeon Metallosphaera sedula and Mars-like rocks. These microbes are capable of oxidizing and integrating metals into their metabolism. The original research was currently published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology.
At the Department of Biophysical Chemistry at the University of Vienna, Tetyana Milojevic and her team have been operating a miniaturized "Mars farm" in order to simulate ancient and probably extinct microbial life – based on gases and synthetically produced Martian regolith of diverse composition. The team investigates interactions between Metallosphaera sedula, a microbe that inhabits extreme environments, and different minerals which contain nutrients in form of metals. Metallosphaera sedula is a chemolithotroph, means being capable of metabolizing inorganic substances like iron, sulphur and uranium as well.
To satisfy microbial nutritional fitness, the research team uses mineral mixtures that mimic the Martian regolith composition from different locations and historical periods of Mars: "JSC 1A" is mainly composed of palagonite – a rock that was created by lava; "P-MRS" is rich in hydrated phyllosilicates; the sulfate containing "S-MRS," emerging from acidic times on Mars and the highly porous "MRS07/52" that consists of silicate and iron compounds and simulates sediments of the Martian surface.
Synthetic Martian Regolith. Credit: University of Vienna
"We were able to show that due to its metal oxidizing metabolic activity, when given an access to these Martian regolith simulants, M. sedula actively colonizes them, releases soluble metal ions into the leachate solution and alters their mineral surface leaving behind specific signatures of life, a 'fingerprint," so to say," explains Milojevic. The observed metabolic activity of M. sedula coupled to the release of free soluble metals can certainly pave the way to extraterrestrial biomining, a technique which extracts metals from ores, launching the biologically assisted exploitation of raw materials from asteroids, meteors and other celestial bodies.
Using electron microscopy tools combined with analytical spectroscopy techniques, the researchers were able to examine the surface of bioprocessed Martian regolith simulants in detail. Cooperation with the workgroup of chemist Veronika Somoza from the Department of Physiological Chemistry was valuable to achieve these results. "The obtained results expand our knowledge of biogeochemical processes of possible life beyond earth, and provide specific indications for detection of biosignatures on extraterrestrial material – a step further to prove potential extra-terrestrial life," says Tetyana Milojevic.
More information: Denise Kölbl et al. Exploring Fingerprints of the Extreme Thermoacidophile Metallosphaera sedula Grown on Synthetic Martian Regolith Materials as the Sole Energy Sources, Frontiers in Microbiology (2017). DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01918
BOULDER, Colo. — No, aliens are not invading Boulder, but excellent cloud formations may be.
Dozens of eagle-eyed cloud hawks spotted a formation over the foothills that was interpreted by many to be spaceship-shaped.
According to experts, the cloud can be clearly identified as an Altocumulus lenticularis — more commonly known as a lenticular cloud.
The clouds, according to Denver7 Chief First Alert Meteorologist Mike Nelson, are formed when wind flows from west to east over the mountains. Moisture from the air drops as air falls rapidly into the foothills, leading to the interesting formation.
Some scientists suggest the cloud formations can be attributed to many unexplained sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The cloud spotted over Boulder — while conveniently shaped — was easily identified in the morning light.
When spotting a lenticular cloud, especially during the weekend, you might notice few planes nearby. They tend to avoid the turbulence, although glider pilots sometimes seek out the cloud formation for the swift air current, which can help them achieve speed and altitude gains.
Some of these replicants even work in space. In the original "Blade Runner" (1982), a replicant named Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer) briefly talks about his experiences working off of planet Earth. The 1968 Philip K. Dick novel on which the movie was based, "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", also mentions androids being used for space labor.
While replicants are still far in the future, NASA and other space agencies already use humanoid robots to help do work in space. (Japanese officials hoped to put a humanoid on the moon in 2015, but that hasn't happened yet.) There are many other versions of space robots exploring our solar system — including rovers, satellites and space probes — but here are some examples of the humanoid robots that are doing work in space.
1. Robonaut (NASA)
Photo Credit: NASA
Although Robonaut 1 was never meant to fly in space, NASA tested the technology on the ground before launching its successor, Robonaut 2, in 2011. Robonaut was created in collaboration with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), a branch of the U.S. military that invests in far-flung technology projects.
Robonaut 2 has been on the International Space Station since 2011. Its goal is to take over some of the tedious tasks that astronauts do on the station, such as flipping switches and turning levers. It has even tested out telemedicine, clinical health care from a distance via telecommunication. An upgraded version of the robot could also be used for spacewalking in the future.
The Robonaut 2 currently at the space station has special climbing manipulators (legs)to cling on to surfaces, and has been upgraded with better processors and sensors than those on Robonaut 1. While Robonaut 2 undergoes testing in space, ground crews at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston are working on another project called the Active Response Gravity Offload System, which is developing a robust robotics research platform for space by working with similar robots on Earth.
2. Valkyrie (NASA)
Photo Credit: Bill Stafford/NASA
Valkyrie (also known as R5), which was developed in just nine months, was originally a competitor in the DARPA Robotics Challenge in 2011. The robot had to perform functions such as picking up debris, operating a vehicle or cutting through a wall. The initial goal of the project was to assist with disaster response and search-and-rescue operations.
RoboSimian is more like an ape than a human, but however you classify it, it's a powerful machine. The robot can map its environment in 3D using lidar technology. It's extremely flexible, and can go over tough terrain and undertake tasks that require dexterity. RoboSimian competed in the finals of the DARPA Robotics Challenge in 2015.
RoboSimian's extreme dexterity could also be useful in disaster recovery efforts, NASA said at the time. With four limbs, the robot can support itself easily on uneven surfaces and climb on ladders, stair treads or railings. The robot's ability to see in 3D, coupled with its enhanced mobility, reduces its risk of falling over — a common problem for two-legged robots. [NASA JPL's RoboSimian Robot in Images]
4. Kirobo (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
Photo Credit: Kiyoshi Ota/Bloomberg via Getty
Japan's Kirobo was an adorable mini-astronaut robot that launched to the International Space Station in 2013 aboard the HTV-4 cargo ship. Standing only 13 inches (34 centimeters) tall, the robot was used to test human-robot interaction in space as a part of the Kibo Robot Project.
Kirobo and its Earth-bound twin, Mirata, were built at the University of Tokyo's Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology. In addition to talking, they could recognize voices, faces and emotions. [Photos: Meet Kirobo, Japan's 1st Talking Space Robot]
5. Dextre (Canadian Space Agency)
Photo Credit: JSC/NASA
Admittedly, Dextre doesn't really look all that human – it's a little gangly with limbs bent at odd angles. But the robot does a lot of valuable work on the exterior of the International Space Station. The two-armed robot is also known as the Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator.
Since its launch in 2008, Dextre has participated in robotic satellite refueling tests, which could help extend the lifespan of satellites in the future. The robot is also "on call" for routine maintenance on the orbiting complex, such as replacing cameras or batteries, according to the Canadian Space Agency.
The long-term goal of Dextre is to reduce the need for astronauts to do spacewalks, which are some of the riskiest activities astronauts undertake. Having Dextre on board also reduces the time astronauts spend on repairs, since operators on the ground can control it remotely.
6. AILA (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence)
Photo Credit: Carsten Koall/AFP/Getty
Germany's Aila robot is intended to improve artificial intelligence in space. Controllers can move Aila using a custom mouse or Microsoft Kinect technology (which was used for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One video game consoles.)
The robot can mimic human motions by recording what humans do, analyzing the movements in small segments and then building upon the library of information to make new moves. This type of learning might be useful for future robotic work inside and outside the space station, on the moon and even on Mars.
Aila was unveiled in 2010 and has received funding through multiple projects since then. The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence maintains a page about Aila on its website.
The day when a UFO outflew a fleet of Soviet Supersonic MiG 21 Jets
The day when a UFO outflew a fleet of Soviet Supersonic MiG 21 Jets
In 1975, a mysterious object looked like a bright ball, clearly visible, perhaps 10 times brighter than the brightest star in the sky. The UFO changed color incessantly and when it was approached by supersonic fighters, the object DISAPPEARED. The super fast MiGs could not get any closer to the UFO, let alone catch up with it.
It was in 1975 when General Zvonimir Jurjevic commander of the 172nd Yugoslavian Air Force and Air Defense witnessed what he described as otherworldly spacecraft.
In January on 1975, the pilots of his squadron would meet with a UFO, face to face, for the first time ever as the enigmatic flying object burst into the sky, appearing in front of the fighter jets.
“The object looked like a bright ball, clearly visible, perhaps 10 times brighter than the brightest star at that time. The UFO changed color incessantly: white, yellow, light red, orange, and so on,” said Jurjevic during a news interview.
Mysteriously, the UFO appeared exactly 50 minutes into a flight every single time without fail, according to General Jurjevic. During that same month, the UFO appeared every day, always 50 minutes from takeoff. The pilots even deliberately delayed their take-off time, to test out the phenomenon, but that didn’t help as the UFO appeared, once again 50 minutes after take-off.
One day, more precisely on January 25, 1975, General Jurjevic decided to go after the UFO.
Exactly 50 minutes after the takeoff, the unidentified flying object appeared over the skies of the city of Cetinje.
As soon as the MiG fighter Jets started chasing it, the UFO changed course towards the city of Budva and disappeared in the sky.
This UFO was repeated for several days and Jurjevic communicated each incident to Belgrade.
One day, however, the general came up with a different strategy, to try to intercept the UFO once and for all.
Two aircraft were to take off, and two more fighter jets were to follow later, but taking off from a different airfield hoping to encircle the mystery craft. Pilots maintained radio silence during the entire flight.
Speaking to Sputnik News, General Jurjevic explained to Sputnik News: “I only just stabilized the flight somewhere over Cetinje, when suddenly the object flashed over Budva, and Lieutenant Machec saw it above Niksic.
“I ordered Machec to stay in place, and took a course parallel to the Adriatic coast, where I tried to establish at what distance the object was: it turned out that it was at about 10 kilometers.
“However, it did not allow me to get any closer to it. I reduced the speed — the distance was the same. I increased the speed – it was still the same ten kilometers.”
Two supersonic Soviet MiG-21s arrived from Belgrade, attempting to hunt down the unidentified flying object but without any luck.
Approaching it was literally impossible.
Suddenly, the craft fled at 1700 kilometers per hour; then out of nowhere, the UFO appeared tailing the pursuing planes; the super fast MiGs could not get any closer to the UFO, let alone catch up with it.
Curiously, as reported by Sputnik News, the radar station on the Prevlaka peninsula could not “see” the object, however, when the two supersonic Soviet MiG-21s arrived from Belgrade, Yugoslav radars managed to record a strange signal in the sky.
The mysterious encounter of the skies of former Yugoslavia remains one of the greatest mysteries in Ufology.
Out-of-control Chinese space station is hurtling towards Earth
Out-of-control Chinese space station is hurtling towards Earth
The Tiangong-1 Chinese space station, with a weight of around 8-and-a-half-tons, has accelerated its descent to Earth and is expected to crash in a few months, according to The Guardian.
In 2016, Chinese officials admitted that they had lost control of Tiangong-1.
Since then, China’s space agency has notified the UN that it expects the station to fall between October 2017 and April 2018.
Since then, the orbit of the station has been lower and lower as it drastically approaches our Atmosphere.
In recent weeks the station has entered denser layers of the atmosphere and began to fall faster.
Last week, the director of the manned space engineering office, Wu Ping, confirmed at a press conference that the unmanned station will fall sometime in the second half of 2017. “Based on our calculations and analysis, most parts of the space lab will burn during the fall, “she added, saying that it is unlikely to affect aviation activities or cause damage to the ground.
According to the astrophysicist of Harvard University (Massachusetts, USA), Jonathan McDowell, currently, the closest point to Earth in the orbit of Tiangong-1 is “below 300 kilometers.”
Although a large part of the space lab is expected to burn in the atmosphere, McDowell believes some parts of up to 100 kilograms in weight may reach the surface of the planet.
He adds that it is impossible to calculate the precise location where the impact will occur.
The Tiangong-1 — or “heavenly palace” — space station was launched in 2011 and was used for both manned and unmanned missions.
In addition, China’s first female astronaut, Liu Yang, visited the space station in 2012.
According to space archaeology expert Alice Gorman, from Flinders University, while China will be able to monitor its descent, it won’t be able to control where the station will crash.
Acceding to Dr. Gorman, Tiangong-1 is traveling at high speed — estimated at about 27,000 kilometers per hour — and will burn up when it re-enters Earth’s atmosphere.
“When it hits the atmosphere it will start to slow down and heat up, due to friction and atmospheric compression. As it heats, it will break up into burning fragments,” she added.
Experts note that it’s very unlikely that anyone will be harmed by the crash of the space station, or that anyone would see it at all, as scientists say it’s most likely that the 8-tone space station’s remains will drop somewhere into the sea. However, it’s still possible that it would crash somewhere near people.
Surid, aka Enoch: the REAL Pyramid builder? Ancient texts reveal jaw-dropping details
Surid, aka Enoch: the REAL Pyramid builder? Ancient texts reveal jaw-dropping details
What if the Great Pyramid of Giza predates the Egyptian civilization? And what if Khufu was not the one who commissioned it?
On the West bank of the River Nile stands one of the most impressive and oldest wonders of the ancient world, the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Believed to have been built as a tomb to house the remains of Pharaoh Khufu, modern archeologists maintain the structure was built around 2500BC.
However, numerous authors argue that the dating of the Pyramid—and its true purpose—are completely wrong.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the most marvelous and incredible monuments on the surface of the planet. Curiously, it is also the most sophisticated one, when it comes to design, engineering, and mathematics.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is a massive structure composed of approximately 2,300,000 stone blocks that weigh from 2 to 30 tons each and there are even some blocks that weigh over 50 tons. It’s huge. In fact, the ancient builders used so much stone to build the Great Pyramid of Giza that you could build a wall around the planet by using stone from the pyramid.
Mindboggling right?
But many other enigmas surround what is considered the most magnificent structure ever built.
The great Pyramid’s outer mantle was built of 144,000 casing stones, all of them highly polished and flat to an accuracy of 1/100th of an inch, about 100 inches thick and weighing approx. 15 tons each. It is sad that the casing stones that once covered the Great Pyramid of Giza were so bright that they reflected the sun’s light making the Pyramid shine like a jewel.
And while there are really fascinating details about the Great Pyramid of Giza which you can read about here, this time we focus more on what’s INSIDE the structure rather than what’s on the outside.
So, how do we know that the Pyramid was built around 2,500 BC, and that it was built, by Pharaoh Khufu?
Well, it turns out that the dating of the pyramid and its association with are based solely on the evidence found in 1837 by British explorer Richard Howard Vyse.
Not the most subtle Egyptologist and researcher, Howard Vyse and John Shae Perring worked with gunpowder forcing their way into several monuments, including the burial chamber of the pyramid of Menkaure.
The only evidence inside the Pyramid linking Khufu to the structure was uncovered by Vyse.
But there are a lot of things to ake into consideration there. Since stone cannot be carbon-dated, and no other inscriptions, except for the Pharaoh’s official monogram, were found inside the pyramid or anywhere else for that matter, the date has stood unchallenged for centuries. But, if Khufu was in fact the builder of the Pyramid—the most magnificent ancient structure on Earth—wouldn’t He have made sure that his name was forever associated with the Pyramid, by inscribing it on various places?
But not all is as it seems apparently. Not long ago new evidence surfaced that suggests that the discovery made by Colonel Vyse was in fact one of the greatest hoaxes in history, leading many authors to question everything related to Khufu and the Pyramid.
There are authors and researchers who have dared to go against mainstream history and suggest that Vyse may have forged the name of Khufu himself.
As it turns out, in 2014, two University of Dresden archaeology students apparently someone managed smuggled a sample of the paint used in the King Khufu markings and brought it back to Europe in order to analyze it in a laboratory.
The results revealed a shocking truth.
While the sample the two “archaeologists” brought back was too small for radiocarbon dating, technicians manage to determine that the pigment was not painted onto the original limestone blocks when the pyramid was built, but it was placed there on a later plaster repair.
What does this mean? Well simply put, it suggests that the cartouche was not original to the pyramid construction, but that it was in fact added at a much later date, giving rise to a conspiracy that Vyse fabricated the entire ‘discovery’.
But why on Earth would someone like Vyse—who obviously had a passion for the history of Ancient Egypt—do something like that?
Money talks now, and apparently it did the same hundreds of years ago. During his expedition to Egypt, Colonel Vyse spent a FORTUNE, nearly $1.3 million on to uncover the truth behind the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Many experts have suggested that Vyse may have kickstarted an early conspiracy and in his desperation to find something no one had found before, he decided to forge the cartouche of Khufu onto the chamber wall, thereby establishing an inaccurate date for the structure—which today is widely accepted by historians and Egyptologists such as Selim Hassan, Zahi Hawass, Jaromir Malek, Professor Rosalie David or Bill Manley, or major museums such as the British Museum and the Egyptian Museum, all of whom accept that Khufu was the builder of the pyramid and by implication that Vyse’s cartouche is authentic.
Furthermore, Zecharia Sitchin accuses Vyse in his book The Stairway to Heaven of perpetrating the forgery because of Vyse’s “determination to obtain a major find as time and money were running out”.
The Great Sphinx and The Great Pyramid
This is a rare image of the Sphinx taken from a hot air balloon, in the early 19th century. This is before excavation and restoration.
So, if Khufu did not build the Pyramid, what about the Sphinx, when was the Sphinx carved and who commissioned it?
To understand more about te Sphinx we must look at the Inventory Stela, unearthed by archaeologists in 1858 which details several things but most importantly, it presents a list of 22 divine statues owned by a Temple of Isis, and goes on to claim that the temple existed since before the time of Khufu (c. 2580 BC).
The credibility of the Inventory Stela is viewed by Historians and Egyptologists with great caution.
So if the Sphinx existed since before the time of Khufu… who commissioned it then?
It get’s interesting.
According to an Arabian writer by the name of Ibrahim al-Maqrizi, the Great Pyramid was not constructed by Khufu, the Great Pyramid was constructed long before the Great Flood by a king with the name of Surid Ibn Salhouk, Surid for short, but we will get to that in a minute.
Interestingly, fourth-century Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus wrote that Inscriptions which the ancient asserted were engraved on the walls of certain underground galleries, constructed in the interior of certain pyramids, were intended to preserve ancient wisdom from being lost in the flood.
Getting back to the Pyramid, Arab scholars ascribed the Egyptian Pyramids and temples to an ANTEDILUVIAN AGE, writes Alan F. Alford in his book: Pyramid of Secrets— The Architecture of the Great Pyramid Reconsidered in the Light of Creational Mythology. Furthermore, the author notes that One popular tradition, drawing on Coptic and Hermetic lore, asserted that the builder of the Pyramids and Temples had been “the first Hermes” or “Hermes of Hermes”, otherwise known as Hermes Trismegistus on account of his threefold qualities od prophet, kind, and a wise man.
A second popular tradition, drawing on old Arab lore, maintained that the builder of the Pyramids was an antediluvian king by the name of Surid Ibn Salhouk. In the 13th century writes Alfard, it was suggested by one writer that the Pyramids had been built by a pre-Adamite race—inhabtants of an earlier Earth. These ideas eventually became merged to the extent hat “Surid” was identified as Hermes.
Arab writers named King Surid as the one who, having learned of the coming flood in a dream, erected the Pyramids as vaults to protect antediluvian books and artifacts.
Among the reporters of this particular legend are the astrologer Abumasar Balkhi, historian Abd al-Hokm, al-Masudi, and Ibrahim al-Maqrizi as mentioned earlier, all suggesting that Surid was Hermes or Enoch.
Hermes Trismegistus was either a contemporary of Moses, or the third in a line of men named Hermes, i.e. Enoch, Noah, and the Egyptian priest-king who is known to us as Hermes Trismegistus on account of being the greatest priest, philosopher, and king.
Staniland Wake writes in the Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid that Masoudi who died in the year 967 A.D., professes to relate the Coptic tradition, which says, “that Surid Ben Shaluk Ben Sermuni Ben Termidun Ben Tedresan Ben Sal, one of the kings of Egypt before the Flood, built the two great pyramids; and notwithstanding they were subsequently named after a person called Shed-dad Ben Ad, that they were not built by the Adites, who could not conquer Egypt, on account of the powers which the Egyptians possessed by means of enchantment; that the reason for building the Pyramids was the following dream, which happened to Surid three hundred years previous to the Flood.
Masoudi describes the guardians assigned by the king to each pyramid.
“The guardian of the eastern pyramid was an idol of speckled granite, standing upright, with a weapon like a spear in his hand; a serpent was wreathed round his head, which seized upon and strangled whoever approached, by twisting round his neck, when it again returned to its former position upon the idol. . . . When everything was finished, he caused the Pyramids to be haunted with living spirits; and offered up sacrifices to prevent the intrusion of strangers, and of all persons excepting those who by their conduct were worthy of admission.”
The author then says, that, according to the Coptic account, the following passage was inscribed, in Arabic, upon the Pyramids: “I, Surid the King, have built these Pyramids, and have finished them in sixty-one years. Let him, who comes after me, and imagines himself a king like me, attempt to destroy them in six hundred. To destroy is easier than to build. I have clothed them with silk: let him try to cover them with mats.”
As noted by Wake, Surid may be the same as Suphis or Cheops, as in a papyrus said to have been found in the monastery of Abou-Hormeis, Surid is said to have been buried in the Eastern (Great) Pyramid, his brother Haukith in the western, and his nephew Karwars in the smaller pyramid. (Vyse, “Operations,” etc., vol. ii. p. 332.)—Surid appears to be given in the list of Manetho, under the name of Sôris, as the first king of the fourth dynasty. This king is, however, treated by M. Lenormant as non-historical. (Sec List of the Kings of Egypt, “Histoire Ancienne de l’Orient,” tom. ii. p. 430), and he refers to Khoufou (Suphis) the tablet at the mouth of the ancient mine at Sinai, which English Egyptologists ascribe to Soris (Shuré). The name of this king is also said to have been found in the tombs near Ghizeh, and in the quarry marks of the northern pyramid of Abou-Seir, which is, therefore, thought to be his tomb. (Sir J. G. ‘Wilkinson, in Rawlinson’s “Herodotus,” vol. ii. p. 344, 346).
Gravitational waves -- and light -- seen in neutron star collision
Gravitational waves -- and light -- seen in neutron star collision
On Aug. 17, gravity waves rippled through the solar system, slightly squeezing and stretching the space Earth occupies, the result of a catastrophic collision of two compact-but-massive neutron stars, producing a so-called "kilonova" explosion that seeded the local environment with a flood of heavy elements ranging from gold and platinum to uranium and beyond, scientists said Monday.
The two city-size neutron stars, one with 1.6 times the mass of the sun and the other with about 1.1 times the mass of the sun, were formed in supernova explosions about two billion years after the big bang in a galaxy 130 million light years from Earth.
Circling each other in a decaying orbit, the neutron stars finally crashed together at nearly the speed of light, radiating gravitational waves and a torrent of electromagnetic radiation that reached Earth at roughly the same moment 130 million years after the fact.
It was the first time the source of a gravitational wave event could be linked to a visible counterpart, allowing scientists to study the aftermath of the collision across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from high-energy gamma radiation to X-rays, visible light, infrared and radio.
"What this means to me is equivalent to the transition from looking at a black-and-white picture of a volcano to sitting in a 3D IMAX movie that shows the explosion of Mt. Vesuvius," Laura Cadonati, a Georgia Tech researcher and LIGO spokeswoman, told reporters at a National Science Foundation news conference.
Before-and-after images from Carnegie's Swope Supernova Survey telescope show the sudden burst of light from colliding neutron stars, left, and the object's dimming in the wake of the merger, right.
"The combined information of gravitational waves and light is bigger than the sum of its parts," she said. "From the combined information we're learning new things about physics, about the universe, about the elements we're made of."
An astronomical gold mine of sorts. Literally.
Theorists have long speculated that neutron star mergers could generate the enormous energies needed to synthesize elements heavier than iron. Supernova explosions also create heavy elements, but they alone cannot explain the observed abundances of gold, platinum, uranium and other heavy elements.
Analysis of light from the Aug. 17 kilonova event indicates the neutron star collision in a galaxy known as NGC 4883 did, in fact, seed the local environment with a flood of heavy elements.
The combined observations "revealed details that we've never seen before in any astronomical event, the direct fingerprints of the heaviest elements in the periodic table -- gold, platinum, and other elements," said Edo Berger, a Harvard University astronomer who led a team of observers.
An artist's impression of two neutron stars merging in a cataclysmic collision, generating an explosive burst of light and gravity waves, squeezing and compressing space itself as they radiate away. On Aug. 17, astronomers detected both gravity waves and visible light from the merger of two neutron stars.
"From the properties of the visible and infrared light, we conclude the total mass of heavy elements produced in this one single event is 16,000 times the mass of the Earth," he said. "Of this material, we estimate that about 10 times the mass of the Earth is in gold and platinum alone. So imagine this as you gaze at your jewelry or invest in gold futures."
This time around, the gravity waves were followed in seconds by detection of high-energy gamma rays by NASA's Fermi Space Telescope. It was the first direct confirmation that gravitational radiation travels at the speed of light.
Within the next few hours, more than 70 observatories around the world, along with seven space-based instruments, were on the look out for an optical counterpart.
Astronomers with the Carnegie Institution for Science and the University of California at Santa Cruz were the first to pinpoint the collision using the 1-meter Swope Telescope at the Cerro Las Campanas observatory in Chile. They spotted a brilliant blue "star" in the galaxy NGC 4883 in the constellation Hydra.
On August 17, 2017, LIGO detected gravitational waves from a neutron star collision. Within 12 hours, observatories had identified the source of the event within the galaxy NGC 4993, shown in this Hubble Space Telescope image, and located an associated stellar flare called a kilonova (box). Inset: Hubble observed the kilonova fade over the course of six days.
Along with visible light, astronomers quickly detected infrared radiation, ultraviolet emissions, X-rays and radio waves as the object faded from blue to red, all expected signals from a cataclysmic event like the merger of two neutron stars.
"We finally now know what happens when an unstoppable force meets and immovable object," said Andy Howell, a University of California-Santa Barbara astronomer. "And the answer is a kilonova."
Tony Piro, leader of the Carnegie team, said in a statement "the ability to study the same event with both gravitational waves and light is a real revolution in astronomy. We can now study the universe with two completely different probes, which teach us things we could never know with only one or the other."
LIGO has detected multiple black hole mergers, but black holes are, by definition, black, they do not generate light and cannot be directly seen. Astronomers predicted neutron star collisions would be visible if astronomers knew where to look.
The combination of LIGO's gravity wave detection and Fermi's detection of gamma rays narrowed the search and paved the way for the Swope telescope and others to find the cosmic needle in an equally cosmic haystack.
"We saw a bright blue source of light in a nearby galaxy, the first time the glowing debris from a neutron star merger had ever been observed," Carnegie astronomer Josh Simon said in a statement. "It was definitely a thrilling moment."
A closeup look at SS17a.
Simon and Carnegie astronomer Ben Shappee then used spectrographs mounted on the observatory's huge 6.5-meter Magellan telescopes to analyze the light.
"As we followed the glow of the explosion over the next few weeks, it showed some key characteristics of the radioactive decay of these heavy elements," said Maria Drout, a Carnegie researcher who helped guide the search. "This strongly suggests that these elements were synthesized following the merger, solving a 70-year-old mystery."
One yet-to-be-answered question: what sort of body was left after the two neutron stars merged?
"There are some signs, some observations that have been made that suggest it should be a black hole," said David Shoemaker, LIGO's lead spokesman. "But in terms of its mass and all of the gravitational wave data, it could be either one of the heaviest neutron stars that's ever been seen or one of the very lightest black holes that's ever been seen."
Eleonora Torja at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center believes the X-ray data shows a black hole is the most likely result.
"Very likely, the collision of two neutron stars resulted in a new black hole," she said. "And this black hole ejected a high-speed jet of energy and matter. This jet was carrying the same amount of energy that our sun radiates over millions of years, and it was expanding at close to the speed of light."
Neutron stars represent one of three possible outcomes when stars grow old, exhaust their nuclear fuel and either fade away or explode.
Stars like the sun remain stable, in a state of hydrostatic equilibrium, by balancing the outward pressure generated by nuclear fusion in the core with the inward pull of gravity. When a star runs out of nuclear fuel, fusion in the core stops, gravity takes over, the core collapses and the star's outer layers are blown away into space.
For stars like the sun -- and more than 90 percent of the stars in the Milky Way -- core collapse is halted by a quantum effect known as electron degeneracy pressure, produced when electrons are squeezed as closely together as allowed in normal matter. The result is a white dwarf, a slowly cooling stellar remnant with up to 1.44 times the sun's mass packed into a body the size of a small planet.
For larger stars, electron degeneracy is not enough to halt the core's collapse when it runs out of fuel. Instead, gravity squeezes the core to the point where electrons merge with protons to form a neutron star, a bizarre city-size body just a few miles across with a mass of two to three times that of the sun.
"Neutron stars are the hardest things in the universe, harder than a cue ball, harder than diamond, and we really wanted to see what would happen if you smashed two of them together at near the speed of light," said Howell.
"Neutron stars are like a giant atomic nucleus, only one 10 miles in diameter and composed entirely of neutrons. So this is like a cosmic scale atom smasher at energies far beyond what humans will ever be capable of building."
For collapsing stars with even more massive cores, gravity overcomes even the neutron degeneracy pressure that otherwise would create a neutron star. The doomed sun becomes a black hole with many times the mass of the sun concentrated in what amounts to an invisible gravitational sinkhole.
Envisioning black holes
Gravitational wave astronomy offers a powerful new way to study such high-energy events.
Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves in 1916 in his general theory of relativity. The equations indicated that massive bodies under acceleration, like two merging black holes, neutron stars or the collapsing cores of huge stars in the death throes of supernova explosions, would radiate gravitational energy in the form of waves distorting the fabric of spacetime.
The LIGO observatory features two stations, one in Washington and the other in Louisiana, that each feature a pair of 2.5-mile-long vacuum tubes arranged in an L shape in which precisely tuned laser beams flash back and forth between multiple mirrors. A gravitational wave stretches space in one direction and compress it in a perpendicular direction.
The effects on local space are infinitesimal, making detection a high-technology challenge and a feat Einstein could never have imagined. The LIGO equipment is sensitive enough to measure changes in the distance traveled by the laser beams to less than the width of a proton.
On Sept. 14, 2015, LIGO recorded gravitational radiation for the first time. Analyzing the data, scientists realized they had the tell-tale signature of two black holes merging. The discovery was announced the following February.
Gravitational Waves Detected from Neutron-Star Crashes: The Discovery Explained
Gravitational Waves Detected from Neutron-Star Crashes: The Discovery Explained
By Charles Q. Choi, Contributor
For the first time, scientists have detected ripples in the fabric of space and time — known as gravitational waves — from a colliding pair of dead stars called neutron stars. This is the first time astronomers have witnessed two neutron stars merging, and these new findings may help solve the decades-old mystery of how many of the universe's heavy elements were created. Here's an explainer on why the discovery is so groundbreaking for our understanding of the universe
What are gravitational waves?
The existence of gravitational waves was first predicted by Albert Einstein in 1916. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity results from how mass warps the fabric of space and time. When any object with mass moves, it should generate gravitational waves that travel at the speed of light, stretching and squeezing space-time along the way.
Gravitational waves are extraordinarily weak, making them extremely difficult to detect, and even Einstein was uncertain whether they really existed. A century later, in 2016, researchers successfully detected the first direct evidence of gravitational waves, using the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). This work earned three scientists the 2017 Nobel Prize in physics in October 2017.
LIGO uses a pair of detectors in the United States — one in Livingston, Louisiana, and the other in Hanford, Washington — to sense the warping that gravitational waves cause as they move through matter. Each detector is shaped like a gigantic L, with legs about 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) long. The legs of each detector are normally the same length, so laser beams take the same time to travel down each. However, if gravitational waves pass through Earth — and they make the detector legs expand and contract by as much as one-ten-thousandth the diameter of a proton — these space-time distortions allow each detector's instruments to detect the split-second differences in time it would take for the laser beams to zip down one leg of the detector versus the other.
Because LIGO's detectors are separated by about 1,865 miles (3,000 km), it can take up to 10 milliseconds for a gravitational wave to cross from one detector to the other. Scientists can use this difference in arrival times to gauge where the gravitational waves come from. As more gravitational-wave detectors come online — such as the Virgo facility near Pisa, Italy — researchers can do a better job of pinpointing the sources of gravitational waves.
The easiest gravitational waves for LIGO to detect are the most powerful ones, which are released when extraordinarily massive objects collide with one another. All of the gravitational waves that LIGO and other detectors previously discovered were from the mergers of black holes. Now, for the first time, scientists have detected gravitational waves from merging neutron stars, using LIGO and Virgo.
What are neutron stars?
Neutron stars, like black holes, are remnants of stars that perished in catastrophic explosions known as supernovas. When a star goes supernova, its material collapses to form a dense core. If this core is massive enough, it may form a black hole, which has such a powerful gravitational pull that not even light can escape. A less massive core will form a neutron star, so named because its gravitational pull is strong enough to crush protons together with electrons to form neutrons.
Although neutron stars are typically small, with diameters of about 12 miles (19 kilometers) or so, they are so dense that a neutron star's mass may be about the same as that of the sun. A teaspoon of neutron-star material has a mass of about a billion tons, making neutron stars the densest objects in the universe besides black holes.
The discovery: Gravitational waves from neutron stars
On Aug. 17, advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo (the current upgraded versions of both observatories) detected a gravitational-wave signal possessing an extraordinary amount of energy — "something like a billion times the energy of the luminosity of the Milky Way," said Mansi Kasliwal, of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Kasliwal is principal investigator of Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen (GROWTH), an international collaboration focused on cosmic transient events such as neutron-star mergers.
"Its energy was enough to outshine the 100 billion stars in our galaxy by about a billion-fold for the 50 or so seconds it took place," said Kasliwal, one of many scientists who took part in this discovery.
This event is the first time scientists have witnessed two neutron stars merging. One main clue that the signal came from such a merger was its duration, the longest gravitational-wave signal detected to date, Kasliwal said.
Black holes are denser than neutron stars, so the signals from their mergers are relatively brief. "Previously detected black-hole mergers lasted for a second, maybe two seconds," Kasliwal told "This latest event lasted nearly a whole minute."
There was another main clue that this new signal came from a neutron-star merger: the masses of the objects generating these gravitational waves. The frequency of gravitational waves depends on the mass of the objects that generates them — the higher the frequency, the lower the mass, Kasliwal said. The two merging objects that generated this new signal were about 1.3 and 1.5 times the mass of the sun, respectively, which is typical of neutron stars, Kasliwal said. In comparison, "the first black-hole merger that LIGO detectedinvolves black holes each about 30 times the mass of the sun," Kasliwal said.
As powerful as this new signal was, it was also much less powerful than ones seen from black-hole mergers. This neutron-star merger converted about 0.025 times the mass of the sun into energy, "which is a stupendous amount of energy," Kasliwal said. However, the first black-hole merger LIGO detected converted three solar masses into energy, "which outshone everything we had ever seen until then," Kasliwal said.
So far, LIGO has detected four black-hole mergers and one neutron-star merger. Some researchers had predicted neutron-star mergers would be more common than black-hole mergers, whereas others had predicted the opposite, Kasliwal said. She explained that while neutron-star mergers are more common in any given volume, black-hole mergers are more energetic "and so can get detected from much farther out."
The light from colliding neutron stars
Together, advanced LIGO and advanced Virgo narrowed down the location of this new event, named GW170817, to a 28 square-degree patch of sky. (In comparison, the full moon as seen from Earth covers about 0.2 square degrees of sky.)
By working quickly, astronomers used both conventional and gravitational-wave observatories to watch the same event: the first-ever detection of light from a gravitational-wave source. In contrast, black-hole mergers are not expected to produce any light, which means conventional telescopes cannot detect them.
The scientists employed a variety of telescopes to analyze the radio waves, infrared waves, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma-ray burst from the neutron-star merger for weeks. The Swope Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile successfully pinpointed GW170817 to a galaxy called NGC 4993, located in the constellation Hydra, about 130 million light-years from Earth.
This is the first time scientists have linked a gravitational-wave event with a known galaxy. They dubbed the source of this event Swope Supernova Survey 2017a (SSS17a).
"Using LIGO and Virgo, we found there were only 49 galaxies that could have possibly been the home of this merger, and by prioritizing our search for this merger by how massive the galaxies were — which helped us estimate how many stars there were in each galaxy, and thus the chances they might have merging neutron stars — we found the merger in the third galaxy on our list," Kasliwal said.
Debris from the merger
SSS17a quickly faded and changed from bluer to redder light — a sign that its debris expanded rapidly at speeds close to the speed of light and cooled as it went. The researchers said the merging neutron stars generated a "kilonova," an explosion 1,000 times stronger than a typical star explosion, called a nova.
"We think the merger ejected about 10,000 Earth masses of material," Kasliwal said.
The researchers estimated the merger generated a jet of material that shot outward at nearly the speed of light, moving down a path tilted about 30 degrees away from the line of sight from Earth. All of the light that the researchers detected came from a cocoon of material surrounding this jet. They estimated that about 30 percent of future neutron-star mergers will generate bright gamma-rays detectable from Earth.
The spectrum of light from the matter ejected from the merger revealed that this material was loaded with newly synthesized elements. These new findings confirmed 70 years of research suggesting that neutron-star mergers are powerful enough to synthesize heavy elements such as gold, platinum and lead.
Scientists had known where lighter elements were synthesized — most hydrogen and helium came from the Big Bang, and elements up to iron on the periodic table are mostly forged in the cores of stars. However, the origin of half of the elements heavier than iron has been uncertain. These new findings provided the first concrete proof that such mergers are the birthplaces of half of the universe's elements that are heavier than iron, Kasliwal said.
It remains uncertain what the product of this merger was. "It's about 2.7 solar masses, so it lies in the 'mass gap' between neutron stars and black holes. The most massive neutron stars found to date are about two solar masses, and the least massive black holes seen are five solar masses," Kasliwal said. "It's either the most massive neutron star ever seen, or the lowest mass black hole ever seen, or maybe it's a supermassive neutron star that will collapse to form a black hole. This is new territory."
The scientists detailed their findings in a collection of papers in the journals Science, Nature, The Astrophysical Journal and other journals.
Amerikaanse politica zegt te zijn meegenomen door aliens. Dit is hoe ze eruitzagen
Amerikaanse politica zegt te zijn meegenomen door aliens. Dit is hoe ze eruitzagen
Een Amerikaanse politica die volgend jaar hoopt congreslid te worden, heeft geclaimd dat ze is ontvoerd door aliens.
Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera (59), die eerder in het stadsbestuur van Miami zat, zei dat ze op 7-jarige leeftijd is meegenomen door buitenaardse wezens.
Haar schoonzoon, Jarrod Agen, is plaatsvervangend stafchef van Mike Pence, de vicepresident van de VS.
“Ik heb rechtstreeks contact gehad,” zei ze in 2009 in een interview met het Spaanstalige America Teve.
“Er waren drie mensen, die er een beetje uitzagen zoals jij,” zei ze tegen de blonde presentatrice van de tv-show.
Ze vertelde verder dat de aliens leken op het standbeeld Christus de Verlosser in de Braziliaanse stad Rio de Janeiro.
Twee vrouwen en een man
In een interview dat in 2011 op YouTube is verschenen ging ze dieper in op de ontmoeting. Ze zei dat er twee vrouwen en een man waren.
Rodriguez Aguilera zei dat ‘naar boven’ ging, het ruimteschip in. “Ik ging naar binnen,” zei ze. “Er waren enkele ronde stoelen en kwartskristallen waarmee het schip werd bestuurd.”
Ze vloog rond in het ruimteschip en kreeg onder meer te horen dat Afrika het energetische centrum van de aarde was.
Prehistorische schedels
Ze vertelden haar ook dat het eiland Malta was omringd door prehistorische schedels, anders dan moderne mensen.
De politica zei dat Coral Castle een piramide was buiten Egypte en dat de aliens Isis hadden genoemd.
“Het is erg moeilijk om uit te leggen,” zei ze toen de presentatrice vroeg wat ze precies bedoelde.
“Ze vertelden me dat ze later zouden terugkeren, als ik ouder zou zijn,” vervolgde ze. Dat gebeurde volgens haar toen ze 17 jaar oud was.
De Venezolaanse journalist Luis Sosa bedankte haar en vond het dapper dat ze zich hierover durfde uit te spreken.
“Veel mensen praten niet over dit soort onderwerpen,” zei hij.
Onbekende vliegende objecten
Rodriguez Aguilera vertelde aan de Miami Herald dat ze gelooft in intelligent leven buiten ons sterrenstelsel.
“Al jaren hebben mensen, waaronder presidenten als Ronald Reagan en Jimmy Carter en astronauten, openlijk gezegd dat ze onbekende vliegende objecten hebben gezien,” zei ze.
First Detection of Gravitational Waves from Neutron-Star Crash Marks New Era of Astronomy
First Detection of Gravitational Waves from Neutron-Star Crash Marks New Era of Astronomy
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
A new era of astronomy has begun.
For the first time ever, scientists have spotted both gravitational waves and light coming from the same cosmic event — in this case, the cataclysmic merger of two superdense stellar corpses known as neutron stars.
The landmark discovery initiates the field of "multimessenger astrophysics," which promises to reveal exciting new insights about the cosmos, researchers said. The find also provides the first solid evidence that neutron-star smashups are the source of much of the universe's gold, platinum and other heavy elements. [Gravitational Waves from Neutron Stars: The Discovery Explained]
"This is a transformation in the way that we're going to do astronomy," O'Shaughnessy, who's based at the Rochester Institute of Technology's Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation, told "It's fantastic."
An artist’s illustration of merging neutron stars.
Credit: Robin Dienel; Carnegie Institution for Science
A new type of detection
Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time generated by the acceleration of massive cosmic objects. These ripples move at the speed of light, but they're much more penetrating; they don't get scattered or absorbed the way light does.
Albert Einstein first predicted the existence of gravitational waves in his theory of general relativity, which was published in 1916. But it took a century for astronomers to detect them directly. That milestone came in September 2015, when LIGO saw gravitational waves emitted by two merging black holes. [How Gravitational Waves Work (Infographic)]
That initial find won three project co-founders the 2017 Nobel Prize in physics. The LIGO team soon followed it up with three other discoveries, all of which also traced back to colliding black holes.
The fifth gravitational-wave detection — which was announced today (Oct. 16) at news conferences around the world, and in a raft of papers in multiple scientific journals — is something altogether new. On Aug. 17, 2017, LIGO's two detectors, which are located in Louisiana and Washington state, picked up a signal that lasted about 100 seconds — far longer than the fraction-of-a-second "chirps" spawned by merging black holes.
" IT immediately appeared to us the source was likely to be neutron stars, the other coveted source we were hoping to see — and promising the world we would see," David Shoemaker, a spokesman for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, said in a statement. [How to Detect Gravitational Waves: LIGO Simply Explained (Video)]
Indeed, calculations by the LIGO team suggest that each of the colliding objects harbors between 1.1 and 1.6 times the mass of the sun, putting both objects in neutron-star territory in terms of mass. (Each of the merging black holes responsible for the other detected signals contained dozens of solar masses.)
Neutron stars, the collapsed remnants of massive stars that have died in supernova explosions, are some of the most exotic objects in the universe.
"They are as close as you can get to a black hole without actually being a black hole," theoretical astrophysicist Tony Piro, of the Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Pasadena, California, said in a different statement. "Just one teaspoon of a neutron star weighs as much as all the people on Earth combined."
Right: An image taken on Aug. 17, 2017, with the Swope Telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile shows the light source generated by a neutron-star merger in the galaxy NGC 4993. Left: In this photo taken on April 28, 2017, with the Hubble Space Telescope, the neutron star merger has not occurred and the light source, known as SSS17a, is not visible.
Credit: D.A. Coulter, et al.
A team effort
The Virgo gravitational-wave detector near Pisa, Italy, also picked up a signal from the Aug. 17 event, which was dubbed GW170817 (for the date of its occurrence). And NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope spotted a burst of gamma-rays — the highest-energy form of light — at about the same time, coming from the same general location. [A Video Guide to the Discovery]
All of this information allowed researchers to trace the signal's source to a small patch of the southern sky. Discovery team members passed this information on to colleagues around the world, asking them to search that patch with ground- and space-based telescopes.
This teamwork soon bore fruit. Just hours after the gravitational-wave detection, Piro and his colleagues spotted a matching optical light source about 130 million light-years from Earth, using a telescope at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile.
"We saw a bright-blue source of light in a nearby galaxy — the first time the glowing debris from a neutron star merger had ever been observed," team member Josh Simon, also of the Carnegie Observatories, said in a statement. "It was definitely a thrilling moment."
Then, about an hour later, researchers using the Gemini South telescope, also in Chile, spotted that same source in infrared light. Other teams using a variety of instruments soon studied the source across the electromagnetic spectrum, from radio to X-ray wavelengths.
This work revealed that some of the observed light was the radioactive glow of heavy elements such as gold and uranium, which were produced when the two neutron stars collided.
That's a big deal. Scientists already knew the provenance of lighter elements — most hydrogen and helium was generated during the Big Bang, and other elements all the way up to iron are created by nuclear fusion processes inside stars — but the origin of the heavy stuff was not well understood. [The Big Bang to Now: 10 Easy Steps]
"We've shown that the heaviest elements in the periodic table, whose origin was shrouded in mystery until today, are made in the mergers of neutron stars," Edo Berger, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, said in a statement. Berger leads a team that studied the event using the Dark Energy Camera at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile.
"Each merger can produce more than an Earth's mass of precious metals like gold and platinum and many of the rare elements found in our cellphones," Berger said in a statement.
Indeed, GW170817 likely produced about 10 Earth masses' worth of gold and uranium, researchers said.
Much more to come
The in-depth investigation of GW170817 has revealed other important insights.
For example, this work demonstrated that gravitational waves do indeed move at the speed of light, as theory predicts. (The Fermi space telescope detected the gamma-ray burst just 2 seconds after the gravitational-wave signal ended.) And astronomers now know a little more about neutron stars.
"There are some types of things that neutron stars could be made of that we're sure they're not made of, because they didn't squish that much" during the merger, O'Shaughnessy said.
But GW170817 is just the beginning. For instance, such "multimessenger" observations provide another way to calibrate distances to celestial objects, said the CfA's Avi Loeb, who also chairs Harvard University's astronomy department.
Such measurements could, in theory, help scientists finally nail down the rate of the universe's expansion. Estimates of this value, known as the Hubble Constant, vary depending on whether they were calculated using observations of supernova explosions or the cosmic microwave background (the ancient light left over from the Big Bang), said Loeb, who was not involved in the newly announced discovery.
"Here's another path that is open that was not available before," he told
Many other such paths are likely to open, O'Shaughnessy stressed, and where they may lead is anyone's guess.
"I think probably the most exciting thing of all is really that it's the beginning," O'Shaughnessy said of the new discovery. "It resets the board for what astronomy is going to look like in the years to come, now that we have multiple ways of simultaneously probing a transient and violent universe."
Ex-policeman still says he was abducted by aliens after 37 years
Ex-policeman still says he was abducted by aliens after 37 years
Joe Roberts for
Alan’s abduction made national headlines in 1980
(Picture: Cascade/Getty)
A former policeman is still claiming he was abducted by aliens while out on patrol, some 37 years later.
Alan Godfrey’s ‘close encounter’ made him famous in 1980, but it also led to the demise of his career as a copper.
In his tell-all book, the 70-year-old alleges his superiors tried to silence him and get him sectioned.
‘This is the story of secret forces and cover-ups plus terrifying attempts to destroy a brave officer’s career,’ he boldly claims. The ‘abduction’ on November 28, 1980, attracted national headlines. He was even interviewed by Frank Bough on BBC Breakfast.
Alan draws an impression of the UFO he saw while out on patrol
(Picture: Cascade)
Alan says his fame came at a price. He says his superiors banned him from Todmorden police station, effectively ending his nine-year career with West Yorkshire police.
It all came after Alan began investigating a case of missing cows, when he saw a very strange sight – a UFO hovering over his patrol car.
Alan tried to call for help but his radio was dead so he jotted down a sketch of it on his notepad. He experienced 30 minutes of ‘missing time’ and later underwent hypnosis in a bid to retrieve his memories.
And to his horror he says he remembered seeing several small beings and a tall man with a beard performing medical tests on him.
Alan wants his grandchildren to know the truth about that fateful night
(Picture: Cascade)
He said: ‘Someone was determined to stop at nothing to undermine my efforts to tell the truth. It turned into a nightmare and cost me dear but speaking about it is the right thing to do.’
Alan said he has kept quiet about things that happened to him during his time with the police force and the strange events that later unfolded.
After taking ill a year ago, he decided to write down his experiences so his grandchildren could know the truth.
‘This book tells it like it is – everything that occurred but which someone did not want you to read,’ he said.
Alan said the UFO was the size of a double decker bus and seemed to be rotating, then suddenly the object vanished and he was 30 yards further down the road.
The case of Alan’s ‘missing 30 minutes’ is one of the most famous ‘alien abductions’ this side of the pond
(Picture: Getty)
‘When you see something like that out of nowhere and you feel strange sensations and hear messages coming into your head then you know this is not just a routine police patrol.’
He drove back to the scene and discovered the road was dry despite it having rained. A bus travelling on the road stopped and the driver got out and noticed the same thing.
Alan said it got much weirder after that when images of strange beings and medical experiments and much more started to reappear.
Alan’s book is called Who or What Were They? as he is still trying to come to terms with what happened.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Couple spot 'UFO' in holiday snap
Couple spot 'UFO' in holiday snap
Mysterious 'UFO' has been captured on video
VIDEO A mysterious 'UFO' has been captured on video circling over a remote country town. Source: SWNS
A baffled British couple has revealed eerie photos of what they claim is a UFO flying over the Cape Verde coast.
The couple, who do not wish to be named, claim they spotted the metallic blue shape when looking back over holiday snaps the next day and had no idea it was there at the time.
“It's just so very strange,” the man said.
"I remember on the day it was so beautiful and we were taking pictures of the scenery.
"I was just looking back through my photos after the holiday and I looked at this one, pointed at the object in the centre, and said 'what on earth is that?’.
The British couple were on a tour in Africa when they took this photo.
Photo: Caters News
"I suppose it looks like a black dot in the background. We just couldn't figure out what it was exactly."
The woman says she had no idea the 'UFO' was in the sky at the time because when she was there she was too busy looking out into the sea, and there were no obvious signs of overhead aircraft.
"What's strange is that I didn't see it at the time because it looked like there were no planes in the sky," she says.
"It was a clear day and it must have been very quick because I didn't notice anything flying in the air at the time.
In a bid to get answers on and identify the mystery object, she has employed the help of a UFOspecialist in an effort to get to the truth.
"Some people have suggested that it might be a fly or a drone but I just don't know what it is,” she says.
"I'd just like to speak to some people to get some answers. There weren't any planes in the sky or any helicopters so. It's just so unusual.
"Nobody has been able to tell me what it was. I'm really keen to get it out there to see what people's views are.”
The unidentified object, spotted while the pair were sightseeing on the island of Sal, has a similar shape to a Lockheed SR-71 Jet. The Lockheed 'Blackbird' was a Cold War-era jet but was retired in the 1990s.
The object can be likened to a cold-war fighter jet.
Photo: Caters News
Many conspiracy theorists believe the supersonic knowhow that the 'world's fastest jet' used came from alien technology hidden by the US government.
UFO expert Philip Mantle acknowledges it bears an uncanny resemblance to the Blackbird but says the image remains open to speculation.
"Even though it looks like a 'Blackbird Jet' those aircraft were taken out of service long ago and replaced by more up to date stealth technology,” Philip says.
"But it could have been somebody playing on the beach with a drone or it could have been a tourist aircraft of some kind.
"If I'm honest it looks like either a bug of some sort or simply a piece of air borne debris.
“My experience down the years has taught me that people put forward such photos and say that they observed nothing unusual at the time.
"Then it almost always turns out to have a perfectly rational explanation.” grafische weergave van een kilonova
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETWetenschappers hebben ontdekt hoe goud en platina zijn ontstaan. De edele metalen werden uitgespuwd na een botsing tussen twee dode sterren. Voor het eerst heeft de Hubble Ruimtetelescoop ook rimpelingen in zwaartekrachtgolven waargenomen. Dat meldt het Europese Ruimtevaartagentschap ESA.
“Het is de grootste vuurwerkshow in het universum”, zegt een enthousiaste David Reitze van het Califorina Institute of Technology aan de NY Times. Een theorie die al heel lang geleden werd voorspeld, is eindelijk waargenomen. Dankzij een ‘kilonova’ werden goud en platinum de ruimte in gespuwd.
Een kilonova is de botsing van neuronensterren, de gekrompen kernen van dode sterren. Die botsing stuurt een hoge pieptoon naar de aarde, maar ook een rimpeling van zwaartekrachtgolven, zo blijkt. En die rimpeling kon de Hubble onlangs waarnemen.
Het bestaan van zwaartekrachtgolven werd vorig jaar bewezen toen het wetenschappers het geluid van een botsing van twee zwarte gaten konden registreren. Het leverde hen dit jaar de Nobelprijs voor de fysica op. Maar Albert Einstein voorspelde in 1916 al het bestaan van zwaartekrachtgolven. Hij dacht toen al dat die rimpeling het gevolg kon zijn van een botsing van hemellichamen.
Een botsing tussen twee zwarte gaten brengt niets meer voort dan geluid, maar uit een botsing van dode sterren ontstaat heel wat meer. Niet alleen radiogolven en röntgenstralen worden uitgespuwd, maar ook edele metalen, waaronder goud, platinum, zilver en uranium.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Nieuw tijdperk van astronomie ingeluid. Sterrenkundigen zijn lyrisch over deze unieke waarneming
Nieuw tijdperk van astronomie ingeluid. Sterrenkundigen zijn lyrisch over deze unieke waarneming
Groot nieuws op het gebied van zwaartekrachtgolven. Voor het eerst hebben astronomen een kosmische gebeurtenis waargenomen met zwaartekrachtgolven én licht.
Deze uitzonderlijke combinatie kwam vrij bij de botsing van twee neutronensterren. De waarneming leert onder andere dat bij zo’n botsing veel goud en platina vrijkomt.
Neutronensterren zijn restanten van geëxplodeerde sterren en hebben een diameter van ongeveer 10 kilometer. Bij een samensmelting komt veel energie en licht vrij, samen met zwaartekrachtgolven.
Niet verwacht
Zwaartekrachtgolven zijn golven in de ruimtetijd. Ze ontstaan bij heftige kosmische gebeurtenissen, zoals het versmelten van zwarte gaten of bij de explosie van een grote ster.
De afgelopen jaren zochten wetenschappers met speciale instrumenten naar deze golven. Ze hadden niet verwacht een versmelting van neutronensterren waar te zullen nemen.
De botsing tussen de twee neutronensterren gebeurde 130 miljoen jaar geleden. Nu pas bereikten het licht en de zwaartekrachtgolven van de kosmische explosie onze planeet.
100 keer
Het signaal duurde ongeveer 100 seconden en daarna kwam een grote hoeveelheid goud vrij. Waarschijnlijk is de hoeveelheid goud die gevormd werd groter dan 100 keer de massa van de aarde.
Volgens de onderzoekers staan ons waarschijnlijk nog meer belangrijke ontdekkingen te wachten op het gebied van zwaartekrachtgolven.
Nieuw tijdperk
“Er zijn maar weinig gelegenheden waarbij je als wetenschapper de kans hebt om getuige te zijn van de start van een nieuw tijdperk,” zei hoofdonderzoeker Elena Pian. “Dit is zo’n kans!”
Telescopen blijven de gevonden locatie voorlopig volgen om zoveel mogelijk gegevens te verzamelen over de samensmelting.
With a build-up worthy of Tom DeLonge, the European Southern Observatory (ESO) teased both the scientific and general public for weeks with promises that it was about to make an announcement that would change astronomy as we know it. The wait was over on October 16th. Was it worth the hype?
“For the first time ever, astronomers have observed both gravitational waves and light (electromagnetic radiation) from the same event, thanks to a global collaborative effort and the quick reactions of both ESO’s facilities and others around the world.”
Whoa! Whoa? What does this mean? On August 17, the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope detected a seemingly normal gamma-ray burst from an unidentified source. Almost simultaneously, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) in Washington State got an alert signaling it had received a gravitational wave signal. (It was later learned that the LIGO detector in Louisiana received the same signal but didn’t report it due to an error.)
Artist’s impression of neutron stars about to collide.
The short burst of gamma rays was also detected by ESA’s INTErnational Gamma Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL). That and the other signals helped pinpoint the source of all of the observations — a collision of neutron stars that resulted in a black hole. At that point, thanks to the astronomers’ grapevine, the news was picked up by observatories around the world and about 70 of them aimed their telescopes at the coordinates given and began picking up light, signals and photons of various wavelengths for weeks.
Composite of images of the kilonova
“There are rare occasions when a scientist has the chance to witness a new era at its beginning, This is one such time!”
Elena Pian, an astronomer with INAF, Italy, describes the feeling she and fellow astronomers and scientists had while observing this common phenomenon on their own specialized telescopes. What they all had seen for the first time was a kilonova – a supernova caused by neutron star collision. While one had been detected in 2013 by the Hubble telescope, this was the first time so many were able to observe it and to confirm the theories that such an event can cause both light waves and gravitational waves.
Artist’s impression of the kilonova
“The data we have so far are an amazingly close match to theory. It is a triumph for the theorists, a confirmation that the LIGO–VIRGO events are absolutely real, and an achievement for ESO to have gathered such an astonishing data set on the kilonova.”
As astronomer Stefano Covino describes it in the press release, the sound of backslapping after witnessing the kilonova must have been deafening (and painful). Another scientist and author of one of the papers detailing the discovery, Andrew Levan, described the importance of how the European Southern Observatory (ESO) managed to pull so many telescopes and instruments together so quickly.
“We have entered a new era of multi-messenger astronomy!”
Another artist’s impression of the collision
(NSF/LIGO/Sonoma State University/A. Simonnet)
What next? After the astronomers sober up from the celebrations, they will begin studying the volumes of data collected and attempt to resolve some anomalies, like why the collision didn’t cause a black hole immediately and why were the gamma-rays less intense than expected. Many of the telescopes are now undergoing sensitivity upgrades so they can respond even more quickly and collect even more data when the grapevine lights up again.
In the meantime, ‘Kilonova’ would make a great name for a metal band.
NASA Spacecraft captured Ancient Mining Machine on Asteroid Eros?
NASA Spacecraft captured Ancient Mining Machine on Asteroid Eros?
Eros is an elongated peanut-shaped .asteroid and the first discovered and second-largest near-Earth object with a mean-diameter of approximately 16.8 kilometers and named after the Greek God of Love, Eros.
Eros was one of the first asteroids visited by a spacecraft, the first one orbited, and the first one soft-landed on.
NASA spacecraft NEAR Shoemaker visited Eros first with a 1998 flyby and entered orbit around 2000, and on February 12, 2001, at the end of its mission, it landed on the asteroid's surface using its maneuvering jets.
The above particular image of Eros, taken from the NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft on May 1, 2000, at an orbital altitude of 53 kilometers (33 miles), shows, according to NASA, a large rectangular boulder which is 45 meters across.
But is it really a boulder or could it be a sort of ancient mining machine?
Given the fact that data from the spacecraft collected on Eros in December 1998 suggests that it could contain 20,000 billion kilograms of aluminum and similar amounts of metals that are rare on Earth, such as gold and platinum, it is not unlikely that the so-called boulder is an mining machine that has been used by an advanced alien civilization for the extraction of all these valuable metals.
UFO Spotted Augusta, Georgia: A Fact Finding Mission
UFO Spotted Augusta, Georgia: A Fact Finding Mission
There are some prominent politicians and celebrities connected to the UFO subject in one way or another. Having witnessed a lot of UFO stories over the years, some people can appreciate their need to weigh a statement they might consider. In other words, they are carefully scrutinising the balances before speaking or writing the incidents for public consumption.
A resident of Georgia took a brief look at the sky during a football game between the Lincoln County Red Devils and the Grovetown Warriors. That night, he saw in the sky something that immediately captured his attention. Moving from west to east at a very slow pace was a wedge-shaped unidentified object that has a triangular shaped light configuration. Such object is visible from the stands. The witness wants to remain anonymous to avoid controversy. He tried to use his mobile phone to record the incident, but his phone became malfunctioned. So, he borrowed whose friend’s mobile phone who had joined him in the game that night.
Later on, the witness forwarded the photo to Donnie Brooke, who is a member of the Georgia Chapter of MUFON. Brooke said the witness told him via phone that he saw a “humongous” object.
Brooke said it would not be possible to make a direct connection between the army base and Grovetown sighting, but noted that Fort Gordon is a place of the U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence. A Chief Investigator Paul Jones told the Baltimore Post-Examiner that he is not surprised to hear of a possible sighting in Grovetown since the Augusta area is full of interesting cases.
According to Brooke, it is common for people to see unidentified objects flying in the sky but fail to report them to any agency or local authorities because they are scared of what others will think. The witness to whom Brooke is personally acquainted with is sure on the sightings, but just do not want to appear his name in the press.
Filmmaker Believes Alien Implant Topic Is Not So Crazy
Filmmaker Believes Alien Implant Topic Is Not So Crazy
The subject of alien abduction and the related phenomenon of alien implants often get ridiculed. However, paranormal documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell believes alien implants deserve a serious examination. Many find it hard to swallow the claims that aliens snatched people and return them without their knowledge. In addition to the claims, aliens allegedly put implants inside the abduction victims.
Corbell initially thought that documenting a surgery to remove an alien implant was way outside of his scope of knowledge or interest. It seemed too wild for him to put his mind around. However, Corbell decided to do it after his friends asked him to do so.
One of the main characters in the documentary film is paediatric surgeon Roger Leir, who is also an alien implant specialist.
Incidentally, Leir believed the idea of removing a suspected alien implant was ridiculous, but when he removed the object, he saw something he had not seen before. He started to think that the topic was fascinating. He then removed or help the removal of dozens of objects before passing away in 2014.
Corbell said that Lier died while he was putting together his documentary. However, Corbell revealed that it was not Leir that convinced him the implant phenomenon might be real. According to Corbell, it was the patient that changed his opinion.
Corbell referred the man as patient 17, who he described as an average guy of above average height – six foot nine.
The patient, according to Corbell, is a very down to earth person. Corbell revealed that experts had interpreted the data of the extraordinary object from test results as being made off-world. He is convinced that this thing is bizarre but admits more testing has to be done.
Extra-terrestrials appear to have been checking the traffic jams in Katy, Texas. A person caught a cell phone video of multiple strange lights in the sky as he drove along Hyw 99 Grand Parkway north towards I-10 and Highland Knolls. The video initially shows three mysterious lights flying close to each other. Moments later, the fourth light emerges on the screen.
According to the driver, he was going home around 8:20 pm on September 18 when he noticed the lights in the night sky. The eyewitness noted that there is no airport in the area where he saw the strange aerial things flickering in and out. He said that the fourth one flicked into the video after one light disappeared.
The driver initially thought they might have been flares, but he saw the last light moved at a fast rate to the east at a 90-degree angle until it reached beyond the tree line and disappeared.
The eyewitness reported the sighting to Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) along with the video taken in Katy.
The sighting is still under investigation. MUFON encourages anyone to report own UFO sightings to their website.
Astronomers have seen evidence of a handful of gravitational waves in the past two years, but this week they announced that they saw something they’d never seen before.
Two neutron stars colliding is what researchers at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory — LIGO — saw this summer, news they revealed on Monday.
In an ongoing collaboration with the Virgo Observatory in Italy, the United States-based LIGO detected a prolonged signal that was different from previous black hole mergers they’d detected. This one, which occurred on August 17, was much higher frequency and lasted much longer. It turns out the signal came from two neutron stars circling each other before colliding about 130 million light-years from Earth.
The collision sent out gravitational waves in every direction, rippling spacetime. The merger also emitted a flash of gamma rays, which Earth- and space-based detectors caught. Here’s what scientists envision the collision looked like:
“While earlier detections of the black holes that we’ve made … only lasted for us a couple of seconds or much less, this neutron star inspiral lasted for over a minute,” LIGO spokesperson David Shoemaker told reporters on Monday.
The reason for this longer detection is that neutron stars, the smallest, densest stars known to exist, are much lighter than black holes. Whereas the merging black holes that created earlier gravitational wave detections were many times larger than the sun — the first detection in 2015 involved black holes of 29 and 36 solar masses — the neutron stars involved in this latest detection were only about the mass of the sun or maybe twice the mass of the sun.
As a result, this binary neutron star system emitted gravitational waves at a higher frequency, a frequency that Earth-based detectors could measure more easily.
“The result is that we can see the system for some 1,500 complete cycles of these two objects around each other,” said Shoemaker. “It gives us a chance to get a very precise measurement of the parameters of the system.”
Here’s how the latest detection compares to previous ones:
This prolonged signal came to Earth from the region defined by the Hydra Constellation. Scientists figured out where the gravitational waves came from by comparing the times when the signals hit the three different detectors involved: the Virgo Observatory detector in Italy, the LIGO detector in Louisiana, and the LIGO detector in Washington. Here’s what it looked like:
By comparing when the gravitation waves hit the three detectors, astronomers could figure out where the neutron stars were located in space.
The miniscule differences in detection times helped astronomers discern where the waves emitted from originally. The next steps will be to figure out what exactly happened to the neutron stars after they collided.
“We don’t exactly know what happened to the objects at the end,” said Shoemaker. “We don’t know whether it’s a black hole or a neutron star, or perhaps something else.”
Gravitational waves plus new clues from space reveal new way to make a black hole
Gravitational waves plus new clues from space reveal new way to make a black hole
For the first time, two neutron stars are caught in the act of colliding
October 16, 2017
Penn State
For the first time, scientists have detected both gravitational waves and light shooting toward our planet from the birthplace of a new black hole created by the merger of two neutron stars. The discovery marks the beginning of a new era of
Artist impression of gravitational waves generated by binary neutron stars.
Credit: R. Hurt, Caltech/JPL
For the first time, scientists worldwide and at Penn State University have detected both gravitational waves and light shooting toward our planet from one massively powerful event in space -- the birth of a new black hole created by the merger of two neutron stars. This detection is important because it marks the beginning of a new era of "multi-messenger" as well as "multi-wavelength" space exploration -- an era when gravitational-wave detectors are triggering a global network of other types of instruments to focus their special detection powers simultaneously on one fleetingly explosive point in space.
All the previous gravitational-wave detections since the first in September 2015 had been the result of two merging black holes -- objects much more massive than a neutron star -- which have left only gravitational waves as fleeting clues of their merger. "The evidence that these new gravitational waves are from merging neutron stars has been captured, for the first time, by observatories on Earth and in orbit that detect electromagnetic radiation, including visible light and other wavelengths," said Chad Hanna, assistant professor of physics and of astronomy & astrophysics and Freed Early Career Professor at Penn State. Hanna has served as co-chair of the Compact Binary Coalescence Group of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO), and is one of the primary data analysts involved in this research.
"Several graduate students and post-docs on my Penn State research team were among the first in the world to see the alert triggered by LIGO when this new gravitational wave arrived," Hanna said. "Cody Messick -- a graduate student -- sent the first email to the broader collaboration notifying everyone of what had happened." Penn State's LIGO team, along with other members of the LIGO and Virgo collaborations, quickly alerted a worldwide network of observatories whose scientists then commandeered their telescopes and other detectors to look for more evidence. "Because we now have three gravitational-wave detectors -- the two LIGO detectors in the United States plus the Virgo detector in Europe -- we were able to triangulate the location of the source of the waves sufficiently well for several observatories to find the counterpart" Hanna said.
NASA's Swift, Hubble, Chandra and Spitzer missions, along with dozens of ground-based observatories, later captured the fading glow of the blast's expanding debris. Numerous scientific papers describing and interpreting these new observations are being published in Science, Nature, Physical Review Letters and The Astrophysical Journal. Penn State scientists are leaders and innovators in many of the scientific collaborations contributing to these new multiwavelength discoveries. Penn State has earned a reputation rivaled by only a few other educational institutions for the breadth and depth of the contributions its scientists have made and are continuing to make in discoveries that enrich our understanding of the universe and its effect on our planet.
"We applaud this latest achievement of our many Penn State scientists and students who have helped to build and are helping to develop this innovative new technology and its system of international collaboration among many research teams worldwide," said Nicholas P. Jones, Penn State's Executive Vice President and Provost. "With their knowledge, skills, and creativity, our scientists are contributing to the evolution of this new way of exploring the universe."
Penn State scientists are leaders in the development and operation of NASA's Swift Gamma Ray Burst Explorer satellite. Two of Swift's three instruments were built with Penn State leadership, and Penn State continues to lead Swift's Mission Operations Center, which is located on the University Park Campus. "Swift's rapid response time enabled us to use it to rapidly search for and detect the electromagnetic counterpart of this gamma-ray burst after its detection by LIGO," said Jamie Kennea, associate research professor of astronomy and astrophysics, the leader of the Swift Science Operations Team at Swift's Mission Operations Center, located at Penn State's University Park campus.
"We saw ultraviolet light resulting from this gravitational-wave event as part of Swift observations of almost 750 different locations in the sky. Then, as this light rapidly faded from view, we intensely observed it with Swift's ultraviolet/optical telescope, the UVOT," Kennea said. "Because ultraviolet light from objects in space can be detected only by telescopes located outside Earth's atmosphere, Swift's UVOT telescope provided unique data on this event. These new data now present new questions for theorists to solve."
Penn State astronomers also are among the leaders in the development and use of NASA's orbiting Chandra X-ray Observatory. Gordon Garmire, Evan Pugh Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and Astrophysics, is the principal investigator of the team that built one of the primary instruments on board the satellite. He also is a co-discoverer of high-energy gamma rays and is responsible for developing many of the data-analysis algorithms used today in high-energy astrophysics.
Penn State's Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos, directed by Eberly Professor of Physics Abhay Ashtekar, includes Penn State's Center for Particle and Gravitational Wave Astrophysics, where leading scientists in both theoretical and experimental physics collaborate. The center's faculty are prominent participants in eight major international projects that are making rapid-response observations -- using extremely high-energy protons and nuclei, neutrinos, gamma-rays, X-rays and gravitational waves -- as quickly as possible after gravitational waves are discovered by the LIGO and Virgo detectors. These projects are the Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, the Swift Gamma-Ray Burst Explorer satellite, the Chandra X-ray Observatory, the XMM-Newton X-ray Observatory, the Laser Interferometric Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO), the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational-waves (NANOGrav) and the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) TeV gamma-ray detector.
Long before it was possible to detect gravitational waves, highly respected theories about the kinds of evidence that two merging neutron stars could produce were developed by Peter Mészáros, Penn State's Eberly Family Chair in Astronomy & Astrophysics and Professor of Physics, together with his colleague Martin Rees. "Our theories predicted that neutron star binaries, which would inevitably merge as they emit gravitational waves, would produce a short and distinctive burst of gamma rays at the moment of their merger," Mészáros said. "Previously, as anticipated, gamma ray detectors had observed bursts of gamma rays such as were expected from neutron star mergers. However, we never before have had the important independent confirmation of the merger of two neutron stars that we now have obtained with this new gravitational wave detection. For the first time, exactly the evidence we needed has been provided by the gamma-ray detections that coincided with this new gravitational-wave burst."
The scientists now have not only gravitational-wave detectors but also a wealth of other types of observatories collaborating in this effort to capture a range of multimessenger signals from the sources that produce gravitational waves. "In order to facilitate this effort, Penn State is spearheading the new Astrophysical Multimessenger Observatory Network (AMON) in our Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos," Mészáros said. These combined detection capabilities give us a much better tool, which we now can begin to use to gauge -- much more accurately than previously was possible -- the age of the universe and how fast it is expanding."
ESO Telescopes Observe First Light from Gravitational Wave Source
ESO Telescopes Observe First Light from Gravitational Wave Source
Merging neutron stars scatter gold and platinum into space
ESO’s fleet of telescopes in Chile have detected the first visible counterpart to a gravitational wave source. These historic observations suggest that this unique object is the result of the merger of two neutron stars. The cataclysmic aftermaths of this kind of merger — long-predicted events called kilonovae — disperse heavy elements such as gold and platinum throughout the Universe. This discovery, published in several papers in the journal Nature and elsewhere, also provides the strongest evidence yet that short-duration gamma-ray bursts are caused by mergers of neutron stars.
For the first time ever, astronomers have observed both gravitational waves and light (electromagnetic radiation) from the same event, thanks to a global collaborative effort and the quick reactions of both ESO’s facilities and others around the world.
The LIGO–Virgo observatory network positioned the source within a large region of the southern sky, the size of several hundred full Moons and containing millions of stars [1]. As night fell in Chile many telescopes peered at this patch of sky, searching for new sources. These included ESO’s Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) and VLT Survey Telescope (VST) at the Paranal Observatory, the Italian Rapid Eye Mount (REM) telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory, the LCO 0.4-meter telescope at Las Cumbres Observatory, and the American DECam at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory. The Swope 1-metre telescope was the first to announce a new point of light. It appeared very close to NGC 4993, a lenticular galaxy in the constellation of Hydra, and VISTA observations pinpointed this source at infrared wavelengths almost at the same time. As night marched west across the globe, the Hawaiian island telescopes Pan-STARRS and Subaru also picked it up and watched it evolve rapidly.
“There are rare occasions when a scientist has the chance to witness a new era at its beginning,” said Elena Pian, astronomer with INAF, Italy, and lead author of one of the Nature papers. “This is one such time!”
Distance estimates from both the gravitational wave data and other observations agree that GW170817 was at the same distance as NGC 4993, about 130 million light-years from Earth. This makes the source both the closest gravitational wave event detected so far and also one of the closest gamma-ray burst sources ever seen [4].
The ripples in spacetime known as gravitational waves are created by moving masses, but only the most intense, created by rapid changes in the speed of very massive objects, can currently be detected. One such event is the merging of neutron stars, the extremely dense, collapsed cores of high-mass stars left behind after supernovae [5]. These mergers have so far been the leading hypothesis to explain short gamma-ray bursts. An explosive event 1000 times brighter than a typical nova — known as a kilonova — is expected to follow this type of event.
The almost simultaneous detections of both gravitational waves and gamma rays from GW170817 raised hopes that this object was indeed a long-sought kilonova and observations with ESO facilities have revealed properties remarkably close to theoretical predictions. Kilonovae were suggested more than 30 years ago but this marks the first confirmed observation.
Following the merger of the two neutron stars, a burst of rapidly expanding radioactive heavy chemical elements left the kilonova, moving as fast as one-fifth of the speed of light. The colour of the kilonova shifted from very blue to very red over the next few days, a faster change than that seen in any other observed stellar explosion.
“When the spectrum appeared on our screens I realised that this was the most unusual transient event I’d ever seen,” remarked Stephen Smartt, who led observations with ESO’s NTT as part of the extended Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects (ePESSTO) observing programme. “I had never seen anything like it. Our data, along with data from other groups, proved to everyone that this was not a supernova or a foreground variable star, but was something quite remarkable.”
Spectra from ePESSTO and the VLT’s X-shooter instrument suggest the presence of caesium and tellurium ejected from the merging neutron stars. These and other heavy elements, produced during the neutron star merger, would be blown into space by the subsequent kilonova. These observations pin down the formation of elements heavier than iron through nuclear reactions within high-density stellar objects, known as r-process nucleosynthesis, something which was only theorised before.
“The data we have so far are an amazingly close match to theory. It is a triumph for the theorists, a confirmation that the LIGO–VIRGO events are absolutely real, and an achievement for ESO to have gathered such an astonishing data set on the kilonova,” adds Stefano Covino, lead author of one of the Nature Astronomy papers.
“ESO’s great strength is that it has a wide range of telescopes and instruments to tackle big and complex astronomical projects, and at short notice. We have entered a new era of multi-messenger astronomy!” concludes Andrew Levan, lead author of one of the papers.
[1] The LIGO–Virgo detection localised the source to an area on the sky of about 35 square degrees.
[2 The galaxy was only observable in the evening in August and then was too close to the Sun in the sky to be observed by September.
[4] The comparatively small distance between Earth and the neutron star merger, 130 million light-years, made the observations possible, since merging neutron stars create weaker gravitational waves than merging black holes, which were the likely case of the first four gravitational wave detections.
[5] When neutron stars orbit one another in a binary system, they lose energy by emitting gravitational waves. They get closer together until, when they finally meet, some of the mass of the stellar remnants is converted into energy in a violent burst of gravitational waves, as described by Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2.
More information
This research was presented in a series of papers to appear in Nature, Nature Astronomy and Astrophysical Journal Letters.
The extensive list of team members is available in this PDF file
ESO is the foremost intergovernmental astronomy organisation in Europe and the world’s most productive ground-based astronomical observatory by far. It is supported by 16 countries: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, along with the host state of Chile and by Australia as a strategic partner. ESO carries out an ambitious programme focused on the design, construction and operation of powerful ground-based observing facilities enabling astronomers to make important scientific discoveries. ESO also plays a leading role in promoting and organising cooperation in astronomical research. ESO operates three unique world-class observing sites in Chile: La Silla, Paranal and Chajnantor. At Paranal, ESO operates the Very Large Telescope and its world-leading Very Large Telescope Interferometer as well as two survey telescopes, VISTA working in the infrared and the visible-light VLT Survey Telescope. ESO is also a major partner in two facilities on Chajnantor, APEX and ALMA, the largest astronomical project in existence. And on Cerro Armazones, close to Paranal, ESO is building the 39-metre Extremely Large Telescope, the ELT, which will become “the world’s biggest eye on the sky”.
LIGO is funded by the NSF, and operated by Caltech and MIT, which conceived of LIGO and led the Initial and Advanced LIGO projects. Financial support for the Advanced LIGO project was led by the NSF with Germany (Max Planck Society), the U.K. (Science and Technology Facilities Council) and Australia (Australian Research Council) making significant commitments and contributions to the project. More than 1,200 scientists from around the world participate in the effort through the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, which includes the GEO Collaboration. Additional partners are listed at
The Virgo collaboration consists of more than 280 physicists and engineers belonging to 20 different European research groups: six from Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France; eight from the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) in Italy; two in the Netherlands with Nikhef; the MTA Wigner RCP in Hungary; the POLGRAW group in Poland; Spain with the University of Valencia; and the European Gravitational Observatory, EGO, the laboratory hosting the Virgo detector near Pisa in Italy, funded by CNRS, INFN, and Nikhef.
Science Paper 1: “Spectroscopic identification of r-process nucleosynthesis in a double neutron star merger”, by E. Pian et al. in Nature. (PDF file, 196 KB)
Science Paper 2: “The emergence of a lanthanide-rich kilonova following the merger of two neutron stars”, by N. R. Tanvir et al. in Astrophysical Journal Letters (PDF file, 843 KB)
Science Paper 3: “The electromagnetic counterpart to a gravitational wave source unveils a kilonova”, by S. J. Smartt et al. in Nature (PDF file, 9 MB)
Science Paper 4: “The unpolarized macronova associated with the gravitational wave event GW170817”, by S. Covino et al. in Nature Astronomy (PDF file, 230 KB)
Science Paper 5: “The Distance to NGC 4993 — The host galaxy of the gravitational wave event GW17017”, by J. Hjorth et al. in Astrophysical Journal Letters (PDF file, 2.4 MB)
Science Paper 6: “The environment of the binary neutron star merger GW170817”, by A. J. Levan et al. in Astrophysical Journal Letters (PDF file, 2.6 MB)
Last week, the European Southern Observatory (ESO) teased news of an “unprecedented discovery.” Now, the organization has revealed that, for the first time ever, astronomers have observed both gravitational waves and light produced by the same event.
“This discovery is significant because it gives us two completely different ways to view the same thing,” Brian Koberlein, astrophysicist and Senior Lecturer at Rochester Institute of Technology, explained to Futurism. “Imagine trying to follow a detective show if you could just hear the show without video, or just see the show without hearing it. When you combine the two you get the whole picture.”
VIMOS image of galaxy NGC 4993 showing the visible-light counterpart to a merging neutron star pair. Image Credit: ESO/A.J. Levan, N.R. Tanvir
Gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime that were first theorized by Albert Einstein about a century ago. Last year marked the first time we’ve been able to observe the phenomena, and so far, all the gravitational waves we’ve observed have been caused by particularly intense events, such as the merging of neutron stars. This type of merger has also been considered the most likely cause of short gamma ray bursts, cosmic explosions that emit massive amounts of light.
Scientists have long suspected that the merger of two neutron stars would be followed by a kilonova, an explosive occurrence some 1,000 times brighter than a standard nova. They speculated that the near-simultaneous observations of gravitational waves and a gamma ray burst could indicate that such an event was taking place, and subsequent study by ESO facilities indicates that this was the case: a kilonova had finally been observed.
“I had never seen anything like it,” Stephen Smartt, who led observations with the ESO’s New Technology Telescope, said in an ESO press release. “Our data, along with data from other groups, proved to everyone that this was not a supernova or a foreground variable star, but was something quite remarkable.”
Rare Occasion
No single facility was responsible for this breakthrough discovery — it was truly a collaborative effort. A large swathe of sky containing millions of stars needed to be monitored after the initial detection of the gravitational waves and light, so a host of different facilities were called into action.
Paranal Observatory’s Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope and VLT Survey Telescope, La Silla Observatory’s Rapid Eye Mount telescope, Las Cumbres Observatory’s LCO 0.4-meter telescope, and Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory’s Dark Energy Camera were all used to observe further developments.
The Swope 1-meter telescope at Cerro Las Campanas was the first to spot a new point of light appearing close to the lenticular galaxy designated NGC 4993. This point of light was monitored by the Pan-STARRS telescope and the Subaru telescope in Hawaii overnight. Even more observatories and telescopes would study the event over the following couple of weeks.
“ESO’s great strength is that it has a wide range of telescopes and instruments to tackle big and complex astronomical projects, and at short notice,” said Andrew Levan, lead author of one of the papers. “We have entered a new era of multi-messenger astronomy!”
This interview has been slightly edited for clarity and brevity.
Are we about to get proof of aliens? Clinton campaign chief tweets #TheTruthIsOutThere
Are we about to get proof of aliens? Clinton campaign chief tweets #TheTruthIsOutThere
UFOLOGISTS believe we are on the "threshold" of learning the truth about aliens after a former lawyer to US President Barack Obama hinted a big announcement about extraterrestrial life was coming.
John Podesta, who ran the unsuccessful election campaign for Hillary Clinton tweeted: "Stay tuned for big announcement tomorrow #TheTruthIsOutThere."
He was referring to the launch of a new project by former Blink 182 frontman Tom DeLonge, involving a series of former senior CIA and military officials, as reported by yesterday.
Steve Bassett, head of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG) which campaigns for the end of an alleged "truth embargo", could not contain his excitement.
He retweeted Mr Podesta, saying: "Is the circle about to close tomorrow? From this to this: #disclosure."
He later added: "I do not think the truth embargo can withstand this manoeuvre. We are on the threshold."
PRG believes the US Government prevents anyone releasing official statements on the existence of aliens visiting earth.
The group later released a statement saying: "The announcement today from Tom DeLonge and his group is a major step forward in the disclosure process.
"It is now clear the Pentagon, CIA and other intel agencies have decided to move toward closing the constitutional breach that has prevented disclosure from taking place since the end of the Cold War.
"We are perhaps on the threshold of the most profound event in human history."
Mr Podesta has previously expressed interest in the UFO phenomena and during the US election campaign Wikileaks released confidential emails between him and Mr DeLonge about the subject.
Mrs Clinton also pledged during her campaign that she would find out the truth about aliens and the mysterious Area 51 USAF base in Nevada if she made it to the White House.
ALIEN ANNOUNCEMENT? John Podesta tweeted 'the truth is out there.'
In one e-mail sent in October 2015, the singer, who sang about extraterrestrials in the band's 1999 song Aliens Exist, used the title "Important Things".
Inside this email Mr DeLonge claimed he had two important contacts Mr Podesta should meet over the "sensitive topic" of UFOs and a film, novel and documentary he was working on, which involved an interview with Mr Podesta.
He wrote: "Tom DeLonge here, The one who interviewed you for that special documentary not too long ago.
"Things are moving with the project. The Novels, Films and NonFiction works are blooming and finishing.
A Republican congressional candidate in Florida claimed in a 2009 interview she was abducted by aliens who revealed to her stunning secrets about Earth and still communicate with her telepathically.
The candidate, Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, is aiming to follow Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who is retiring, in representing Florida’s 27th congressional district. As has been the case with other politicians, some of her past words and actions are coming under scrutiny.
In 2009, Rodriguez Aguilera told Spanish-language television station America TeVe the aliens took her up into their spaceship when she was 7 years old, The Miami Herald reported Monday.
Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, a former Doral city council member and the city's first economic director, will run to replace retiring Rep.
“I went in. There were some round seats that were there and some quartz rocks that controlled the ship—not like airplanes,” Rodriguez Aguilera said during the interview.
She said she encountered three aliens who resembled the famous Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro. They told her that a cave in the country of Malta contained 30,000 skulls that were not human and that the world’s “energy center” lies in Africa.
Rodriguez Aguilera is now attempting to dispel potential damage to her campaign by saying former leaders and highly intelligent people have made similar claims.
“For years, people, including presidents like Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter and astronauts, have publicly claimed to have seen unidentified flying objects, and scientists like Stephen Hawking and institutions like the Vatican have stated that there are billions of galaxies in the universe and we are probably not alone,” Rodriguez Aguilera said in a statement to the Herald.
The statement continued, “I personally am a Christian and have a strong belief in God. I join the majority of Americans who believe that there must be intelligent life in the billions of planets and galaxies in the universe.”
Rodriguez Aguilera started her campaign in August and does have some deep ties to the Republican establishment, including the White House. Her daughter, Bettina Inclán Agen, previously ran Hispanic outreach for the Republican National Committee, and her son-in-law, Jarrod Agen, serves as the deputy chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence.
A YouTube channel set up by a Cardigan man concentrating on the weird and wonderful has reached its first million views.
The Wonderful World of Weirdness is a platform for all things paranormal, including ghosts, UFOs and all things weird and is the brainchild of John Clarke, from Blaenporth.
The channel had its humble origins back in May 2016 and is now a worldwide success. It was originally set up as a platform to share videos that were shared by people on Facebook.
However it was only in June 2016 when 52-year-old John made his first video and since then has never looked back and has partnered up with long-time childhood friend Julian Murphy, who lives in Carmarthen.
Julian is a musician and author and has now started writing the music for all the videos on the channel.
“I cannot believe how quickly it has all grown and never expected it to be such a success,” said John, who hit upon the idea while caring for his two-year-old child while his partner went back to work.
“I could not bear the idea of just sitting around all day so decided I had to do something. I had a bit of an interest in the paranormal but nothing other than that. I am not one of these paranormal investigators.
“I am self taught and just seem to have a knack of putting together videos that other people seem to like and to get to a million views so quickly is amazing.”
Following on the success of the You Tube channel, John and Julian have also now set up a website which you can check out if you are a fan of anything weird and paranormal.
A free download of their single " I'm Weird and I Know It" is available.
Columnist Cheryl Costa discusses Tom DeLonge’s UFO research endeavor, To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science.
For decades the UFO community and beyond has wanted to see a good-faith and honest effort to research everything to do with Unidentified Flying Objects. We’ve all wanted to see the topic talked about in a factual way with the specter of mockery and the societal boundaries removed. We’ve all wanted the scientific community to get past the shadow of ridicule, receive funding and get to the theoretical bottom of the unknown physics that UFOs represented — no matter how fantastic.
In 1940, if you were an American high technology student in some of the nation’s best engineering schools and you mentioned to your professor that you were interested in rockets, you were frequently made fun of and dismissed as a crackpot. A MIT professor of the era said, “I don’t understand how a serious scientist or engineer can play around with rockets.”
Of course, that wasn’t the feeling in Nazi Germany. They saw great promise in rockets for their own objectives.
A few years after World War II, Dr. Werner Von Braun and his band of German rocket scientists were working for our government and military community. Von Braun wanted to put a satellite in orbit around the planet by September 1956 or by early-1957. Regrettably, nobody in the U.S. government understood the potential or had the vision to give Von Braun the green light to do it. Why? Well, there were certain touchy Cold War-policy considerations but beyond the politics, there was still the nagging notion that putting mechanisms in orbit still seemed to be the stuff of science fiction and fantasy.
On Oct. 4, 1957, the Russians showed they had the vision and political will to launch Earth’s first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into orbit. This event woke everybody up in both the science and arts communities. Suddenly, rocket research and outer space came out of the realm of science fiction and became very real, and the possibilities were evident in a few short years.
What we as a society needed at that time were two things: the arts community to dare to imagine the future and share the stories of the possible and the sciences to do rational inquiry and the research to make it all real.
In September 1962, five years after Sputnik was launched, President John F. Kennedy had the vision to challenge the country to go to the moon. Nine years after Sputnik, DesiLu Studios and Gene Rodenberry launched a science fiction television series that has helped several generations to imagine the possibilities of exploring the galaxy; that series was Star Trek.
On Oct. 11, rocker Tom DeLonge presented his much-anticipated, long-promised disclosure announcement. Was it disclosure? This question has caused great ambivalence within the UFO community. Many say yes, and many say no. So let me quote independent investigative journalist Leslie Kean, who put it most clearly:
“Folks, I’m concerned that some of you are missing the point. The head of a secret UFO program at the DOD has just come forward to confirm the existence of that program. Based on the work of this official program, he has stated for the world to hear that UFOs are unquestionably real. He left that program less than two weeks ago. This is as close to official ‘disclosure’ as we have come since the close of Project Blue Book.”
The former DOD official to whom she is referring is Luis Elizondo. So we didn’t get everything, but we did get some disclosure, or as some would say another splash of drip-drip disclosure. It certainly wasn’t the drink from the fire hose that many in the UFO community really wanted.
The principal focus of DeLonge’s presentation was his challenge to take the next step with the launch of “To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science.”
What DeLonge and his team of experts did was form a public benefit corporation with a charter to encourage scientific research efforts related to Unidentified Flying Objects. In addition, this corporate charter has a strong artistic element to this effort, intended to stimulate the cultural imagination to a new level of contemplation of future of possibilities. The objective is to challenge the boundaries of our thinking by inspiring exploration, and imagining and manifesting a bold and prosperous future. DeLonge and his prestigious colleagues are asking people to invest in the project with a stock offering.
This is a new and different approach to the issue of disclosure. They are challenging the UFO community to put their money where their mouths are, so to speak. It will be interesting to watch and follow their progress.
Note: Neither New York Skies or Syracuse New Times has any connection to the DeLonge project, and this is not an endorsement.
Cheryl Costa will be speaking at the following events in October:
Oct. 23, 7 p.m.:Connetquot Public Library, 760 Ocean Avenue, Bohemia, N.Y. Presenting via Skype, library will be giving data handouts.
Oct. 26, 7 p.m.: Center for the Arts, 72 S. Main St., Homer, N.Y. Speaking in person.
If you have a UFO sighting to report, you can use either one of the two national database or Both services respect confidentiality. Follow me on Twitter @American_Skies.
Attention, Central New York residents: Join a monthly MUFON-sponsored speakers presentation and discussion group in Syracuse. Regularly held the last Saturday of the month, it runs from April 29 through October 28, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m, May Memorial, 3800 E. Genesee St. Plenty of off-street parking is available
Miami politician says aliens took her on a spaceship. Now she’s running for Congress.
Miami politician says aliens took her on a spaceship. Now she’s running for Congress.
Miami congressional candidate, Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, speaks in 2009 about her relationships with extraterrestrial beings in an Américan Tevé program. Courtesy of América Tevé
WASHINGTON - Florida has a U.S. senator who once flew aboard the Space Shuttle.
A congressional candidate from Miami can go one better: Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera says she’s been aboard a spaceship too. But this one was crewed by aliens. As in extraterrestrials.
Three blond, big-bodied beings — two females, one male — visited her when she was 7 years old and have communicated telepathically with her several times in her life, she says. (Sen. Bill Nelson served as payload officer aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia in 1986. All seven people aboard were from Earth. As far as is known.)
Rodriguez Aguilera, 59, a Republican who is running to replace retiring Miami Republican Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, recounted her experience with the ETs during a 2009 television interview.
She described “going up” inside the spaceship — though whether it went into space or just hovered around town was left unclear.
“I went in. There were some round seats that were there, and some quartz rocks that controlled the ship — not like airplanes,” Rodriguez Aguilera said.
In two separate videos posted to YouTube years ago, one by local Spanish-language station America TeVe and another by a political critic with the user name DoralGirl26, Rodriguez Aguilera spoke on television in detail about her extraterrestrial experiences. She said the alien beings reminded her of the famous statue in Rio de Janeiro, Christ the Redeemer, with arms outstretched.
Among the things she said she found out from the aliens:
▪ There are 30,000 skulls — “different from humans” — in a cave in the Mediterranean island of Malta.
▪ The world’s “energy center” is in Africa.
▪ The Coral Castle, a limestone tourist attraction South Miami-Dade, is actually an ancient Egyptian pyramid.
▪ “God is a universal energy.”
She also said that the aliens had mentioned Isis, though she didn’t clarify if they meant the terrorist organization or the ancient Egyptian goddess.
What are the politics of U.F.O.s? Hillary Clinton said she believed in giving wider access to government records related to U.F.O.s and extraterrestrial life. Listen to what other presidents had to say about aliens and Area 51.
The New York Times
The Miami Herald asked Rodriguez Aguilera about her experiences Friday. She responded with a statement that waxed astronomical, but sadly failed to mention close encounters of any kind.
“For years people, including Presidents like Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter and astronauts have publicly claimed to have seen unidentified flying objects and scientists like Stephen Hawking and institutions like the Vatican have stated that there are billions of galaxies in the universe and we are probably not alone,” she said. “I personally am a Christian and have a strong belief in God, I join the majority of Americans who believe that there must be intelligent life in the billions of planets and galaxies in the universe.”
Rodriguez Aguilera was a Doral councilwoman from 2012-14 and served as the city's first economic developer. She works as an entrepreneur and has taught leadership seminars at local universities.
She declared her candidacy in late August and raised about $10,000 during the most recent fundraising quarter, she said — a paltry amount she attributed to halting her campaign during Hurricane Irma.
Rodriguez Aguilera’s daughter is former Republican National Committee Hispanic outreach director Bettina Inclán Agen. Her son-in-law, Jarrod Agen, is Vice President Mike Pence’s deputy chief of staff.
Miami attorney Rick Yabor, a frequent political commentator in Spanish-language media, said Friday that Rodriguez Aguilera’s account could hurt her congressional campaign. Miami-Dade Commissioner Bruno Barreiro andformer school board member and Miami-Dade County mayoral candidate Raquel Regalado, both far better known than Rodriguez Aguilera, are also running in the Republican primary.
“Being a politician, to come out and say that, it’s odd,” Yabor said. “She got into details that are not very mainstream. Someone who’s running for Congress — you’ve got to raise a lot of money. A donor might have second thoughts.
“Miami politics are unusual,” Yabor said. “This one takes it to a new level.”
Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, a former Doral city council member and the city’s first economic director, will run to replace retiring Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen in Congress in 2018. Rodriguez Aguilera said during a 2008 TV appearance that she has seen aliens extraterrestrials throughout her life. Roberto
A witness in Tarpon Springs, Florida, observed a rectangular UFO during the day, according to a report submitted to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) earlier today.
Tarpon Springs (red marker) in relation to Tampa Bay.
(Credit: Google Maps)
According to the witness, he had gone outside to smoke a cigarette when he noticed a flat rectangular object under the clouds. He says the area has a lot of air traffic, and at first he thought it might be a helicopter, but soon realized it was not. After a few seconds of watching it, the object zipped off.
The witness estimated the object to be about 100 miles away, over the Gulf of Mexico. He said it was headed south, towards the coast of Tampa. The witness drew a map (seen below) showing the path of the object.
Witness provided map of path of object.
(Credit: MUFON)
Another strange aspect to his sighting, is that the witness claims he saw spots when he closed his eyes. Apparently like those when you look at a bright object, like the sun. However, the witness says he was not looking in the sun direction.
Came outside for a smoke facing west on a clear sunny day with a few clouds at 11:27 am on 10/16/17. We have a lot of air traffic in the Tampa bay area. I noticed a dark rectangular object at 33 degrees to the NW over a mile away. I thought it was a bird gliding at first. Dark with no reflection from sun. Sun was still in the east and object was west so it should have been bright if it were a plane. We are subject to military aircraft such as black hawk helo’s. Object appeared a thin rectangular object and moved south in front of clouds for several seconds. In less than a mile and aprox. 100 mph it just vanished. No cloud cover when this happened. I tracked it’s known path for a while to see if it would reemerge. It did not. Then I noticed my eyes were full of spots every time I blinked. Similar to a photo flash but in a 20 X 20 grid of dots. This is not unusual looking up in the sky in Florida but not when looking away from the sun and not in a grid pattern. Not sure what I saw due to it’s distance. I know I was fully awake and conscious and saw this event clearly. The object would have been over the Gulf of Mexico at least a mile out.
Alleged rectangular UFO photo taken in Federal Heights, Colorado. Photo info: “On an unrecorded day in August, 1987, Joe Clower was out driving with his camera in his car when he spotted a most unusual flying object in the twilight sky. It was a dark flying rectangle having lights in all four corners. It flew over silently as he prepared his camera and got this one picture of it above. When that film was finally developed and he saw the image, he could no longer accurately remember the date. A friend was with him during this photographic event.” (Credit: Photo Archives)
The vast majority of UFO sightings turn out to be mundane objects, but once in awhile there are sightings that are much more difficult to explain. MUFON conducts investigations on sightings submitted to their website, and if they share their conclusions, we will let you all know. Meanwhile, others will likely chime in and we will try to keep you up to date with any discoveries. Please feel free to share your thoughts on this sighting in the comments below.
Aliens CREATED GOD… and now they want him back – shock claim of how religion began
Aliens CREATED GOD… and now they want him back – shock claim of how religion began
A new conspiracy theory says, before religious texts like the Bible were written, alien lifeforms visited Earth and were seen as “gods” by the more primitive humans.
In an article entitled “Aliens Are Coming Back To Retrieve ‘Their’ Religion,” the website tried to explain the theory.
It claims either aliens created the religious texts for the benefit of mankind, or they were written by humans based on the “alien gods” who visited at that time.
It went onto say much more advanced extraterrestrial species were angry that humans had used religions as a reason for waging countless wars across the globe over hundreds of years.
The article said: “Religion was not designed for terrorism
“The aliens quite knew that man is so destructive in nature, that’s the more reason why Religion was bestowed to us, to serve with faith and fear of the unknown, but man has completely failed the experiment.”
It went on to list a series of wars carried out in the name of religion, including the bitter conflicts in the Middle East against Islamic State.
The unnamed author of the piece said: “I have studied all religions for over 20 years, and it has led me to nothing more than one vast conclusion.
“Man was not smart enough to write any of the religions, and I mean the eastern spiritualism (the self), western religions (God – which I always have referred to as the extraterrestrial) or American Creationism (Nature itself, including man).
“One of the oldest religious text ‘The Egyptian Book of the Dead’ dates back more than 3000 BC.
“When writing was invented and the scribes and artists first wrote down what the priests had used in their prayers and litanies, they were very perplexed and hardly understood the text.
“What I am getting at is that all religions were not composed by humans at the time they were created.
“These Aliens would truly be gods to us humans.
“Their civilisations could be millions of years old, they know exactly how this macrocosm works.
“They might have seen other worlds come and go, and destroy themselves.
“They know the evolutionary steps cognition has to go through, and that is the crucial point for the aliens, they want to protect our beautiful Universe from harm.
“After all, when you have become God, you don’t want to see your world being destroyed. And that brings us to the crux of religion.”
It went on to say that aliens would want their religions returned, and will quarantine us here on Earth to prevent any cosmic disasters.
It added: “Now be ready to give it back, since humans have no respect for life, ideas, other races and cultures.
“That brings me to my final point – with us humans pointing a cannon at anything different from ourselves, the aliens will not allow us to transverse the Universe.
“We have an idea of how the atom works, and if we ever develop spaceships using antigravity, they do not want us to explore space pointing a cannon at everything alien to us, especially since we failed to master our emotions.”
Alien conspiracy theorists have been saying for years that extraterrestrials have already visited Earth, and world leaders know this, but it is kept from us under an alleged “truth embargo” amid fears over the impact the truth would have on religion and the rule of law.
Several people are campaigning for the “embargo” to be lifted and the “disclosure” of all facts about aliens on Earth.
The article finished saying that the only thing that would stop wars on Earth was so-called disclosure.
It added: “Truly the only thing that can put a stop to the wars on earth both religious and others which have killed thousands of innocent people including children and animals, is only one thing – DISCLOSURE!”
Nigel Watson, author of The UFO Investigations Manual, told “These ideas are very much like those of the alleged alien contactees of the 1950s, who said they had meetings with space people and had rides in their flying saucers.
“Ironically, it is a bit like the view of some religious groups that say we should not venture into space because that is the domain of God.
“I don’t think we will be producing spacecraft capable of visiting nearby alien civilisations for a very long time, and it is still a matter of debate whether they will
welcome us or attack us.
“Certainly, Professor Stephen Hawking says we should be wary of making any type of contact with aliens.
“As for disclosure as a means of uniting humanity, I don’t think that will ever happen.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Sporen van onbekende beschaving ontdekt hoog in Himalaya. Deze archeologen staan voor een raadsel
Sporen van onbekende beschaving ontdekt hoog in Himalaya. Deze archeologen staan voor een raadsel
Russische archeologen hebben hoog in de Himalaya twee archeologische complexen met unieke stenen figuren gevonden.
De complexen blijken te zijn gebouwd door een nog onbekende beschaving. Ze dateren uit de middeleeuwen, zegt het onderzoeksteam onder leiding van archeologe Natalia Polosmak.
“Er zijn twee rituele complexen ver en hoog in de bergen ontdekt op plekken die allesbehalve makkelijk te bereiken zijn,” zei Vyacheslav Molodin van de Russische Academie van Wetenschappen.
De beelden, waaronder zo’n 200 stenen ruiters, zijn in dezelfde stijl gemaakt en rijkelijk versierd. Toch is ieder beeld uniek.
In de buurt van de heiligdommen hebben archeologen ook waterbronnen en andere stenen bouwwerken ontdekt, die gerelateerd zouden zijn aan religieuze complexen.
“Het is onduidelijk welke beschaving hierachter zit,” zei Molodin. “Het moet een bevolking zijn geweest die plotseling is verschenen in de Himalaya, zich heeft gevestigd in afgelegen gebieden en deze sporen heeft achtergelaten.”
Molodin sprak van een verrassende en fantastische vondst. “Je zou denken dat we alles al weten over India, maar dit is voor het eerst dat de wetenschappelijke gemeenschap hier kennis van neemt.”
“De vondst laat zien dat we nog niet alles weten over de planeet,” zei hij tegen persbureau RIA Novosti. Het team van Polosmak is al drie jaar in India.
Supervulkaan Yellowstone kan sneller uitbarsten dan gedacht. Deze wetenschappers vertellen wat er dan gebeurt
Supervulkaan Yellowstone kan sneller uitbarsten dan gedacht. Deze wetenschappers vertellen wat er dan gebeurt
De supervulkaan onder het Yellowstone National Park zou weleens sneller tot uitbarsting kunnen komen dan gedacht.
In het geval van een uitbarsting zou heel de VS onder as bedekt kunnen worden en zou er zelfs een vulkanische winter over de hele planeet in gang kunnen worden gezet, zeggen wetenschappers van de Arizona State University.
In één uitbarsting kan de supervulkaan liefst 1000 kubieke kilometer rots en as verspreiden. Een vulkanische winter zou de planeet sterk afkoelen.
Niet de enige
De laatste uitbarsting van de supervulkaan onder Yellowstone dateert van 631.000 jaar geleden, schrijft National Geographic. Gemiddeld barst de vulkaan eens in de 600.000 jaar uit.
Yellowstone is niet de enige supervulkaan op aarde. De wetenschappers zeggen dat de aarde elke 100.000 jaar getroffen kan worden door een uitbarsting van een supervulkaan.
Zij kwamen tot de ontdekking dat de factoren die bepalen of er al dan niet een uitbarsting komt, veel sneller veranderen dan gedacht.
“Het is schokkend hoe weinig tijd er nodig is om een slapend, vulkanisch systeem te wekken en tot op de rand van een uitbarsting te brengen,” zei onderzoeker Hannah Shamloo tegen de New York Times.
Wetenschappers maakten zich tot voor kort geen zorgen, omdat ze dachten dat de eerste tekenen van een eventuele uitbarsting duizenden jaren van tevoren zichtbaar zullen zijn. Maar het blijkt volgens de laatste metingen te gaan om enkele decennia.
“I went in. There were some round seats that were there, and some quartz rocks that controlled the ship — not like airplanes.”
Attention Tom DeLonge … THAT is how you announce that you’ve had personal contact with aliens and rode in a flying saucer. A politician running for US Congress from Miami, Florida, has admitted in the past that she has had contacts with extraterrestrials and was a passenger on their spaceship. However, now that she’s a candidate for higher office, she’s suddenly evasive. Isn’t this the time to stand up and be proud that you have first-hand information about contacts with a species from another planet? Or does she have something more to hide?
According to McClatchy DC, Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera, a longtime public servant for the city of Doral and Miami-Dade county, admitted in 2009 in a televised interview that she had an extraterrestrial encounter at age 7 with “three blond, big-bodied beings — two females, one male” – and that the beings looked like the giant Christ the Redeemer statue on the top of a mountain in Rio de Janeiro (those must have been some BIG bodies). She also admitted in this and in a second interview in 2011 that the beings continued to communicate with her telepathically at various times later in her life, although it doesn’t appear she said when the last time was.
Aguilera says the aliens also shared some interesting information with her:
There are 30,000 skulls — “different from humans” — in a cave in the Mediterranean island of Malta.
The world’s “energy center” is in Africa.
The Coral Castle, a mysterious limestone tourist attraction South Miami-Dade (sometimes called Florida’s Stonehenge) is actually an ancient Egyptian pyramid.
“God is a universal energy.”
Those are interesting ideas – especially since the Coral Castle is generally believed to have been built by Latvian American Edward Leedskalnin in the first half of the 20th century – and the Miami Herald decided last week to ask her for more details about her encounters. This time, Rodriguez Aguilera was very evasive, admitting nothing. Has she been visited by the Men in Black? Possibly, but more likely she’s been visited by Republican Party officials (her party) and members of the White House staff. The White House?
Yep. Turns out her daughter is former Republican National Committee Hispanic outreach director Bettina Inclán Agen and her son-in-law, Jarrod Agen, is Vice President Mike Pence’s deputy chief of staff. Pence is no Tom DeLonge or John Podesta and is probably quite wary of anyone who believes in space aliens.
Rodriguez Aguilera tried to dance around the question about her alien encounters. After invoking Ronald Reagan by pointing out that he claimed to have seen a UFO, she said:
“I personally am a Christian and have a strong belief in God, I join the majority of Americans who believe that there must be intelligent life in the billions of planets and galaxies in the universe.”
Of course there must be … you met them! Or did you?
What will Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera do now? Will she go back to her original statements to woo voters who believe in ETs? Will she toe the party line and deny saying it? If she loses the election, will she head for Malta to look for the skulls? Has Tom DeLonge talked to her yet?
Once again, politics and religion get in the way of disclosure.
We survived the September 23rd apocalypse. In fact, if you’re reading this, it means we’ve survived EVERY apocalyptic prediction. So those who are warning us about the upcoming crash of an abandoned Chinese space station aren’t predicting the end of the world – even though the ‘thing’ about to plunge back to Earth is eerily named “Heavenly Palace” — but they actually have scientific evidence tat it will indeed happen and it ‘could’ cause some problems. Who is going to need to duck … and when?
Tiangong-1 or “Heavenly Palace 1” is an 8.5 ton prototype space station – China’s first – that was launched unmanned on September 29, 2011. It has been visited by both unmanned and manned missions but has never functioned as an operational space station like the International Space Station, Skylab or Mir. Its mission was scheduled to end in 2014 but was extended for two years until March 21, 2016, when the Space Engineering Office officially announced its termination. A few months later, after amateur astronomers noticed it was acting erratically, Chinese officials confirmed that the Heavenly Palace was leaving the heavens at some point but they didn’t know when because the telemetry link with it was lost. Uh-oh.
Tiangong-1 (source: The Guardian)
At that time, the estimated time of departure from the heavens was between October 2017 and April 2018. Now, Harvard University astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell has revised and narrowed the window. In an interview with The Guardian, he said this:
“Now that [its] perigee is below 300 kilometers [186 miles] and it is in denser atmosphere, the rate of decay is getting higher, I expect it will come down a few months from now—late 2017 or early 2018.”
That’s a little better, but how about something more specific, like who should duck and when? Unfortunately, neither McDowell nor Chinese space officials can get any more accurate that “soon.” Even worse, they expect some of the pieces of Tiangong-1 – which was small in comparison to 77.5 ton Skylab – to be up to 100 kg (220 pounds), which could cause some serious damage if they make it through Earth’s atmosphere and crash in a populated area.
“You really can’t steer these things. Even a couple of days before it re-enters we probably won’t know better than six or seven hours, plus or minus, when it’s going to come down. Not knowing when it’s going to come down translates as not knowing where it’s going to come down.”
“Not knowing when it’s going to come down translates as not knowing where it’s going to come down.”
Is McDowell an astronomer or a politician? China doesn’t have to take responsibility as long as it informs the United Nations “Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space” when the Heavenly Palace is being demolished (hopefully) by the atmospheric wrecking crew, which may not get the pieces small enough for safety.
Well, at least there’s the comfort in knowing that over 3/4 of the planet is water, right? Leave it to McDowell – and climate change – to ruin that little bit of hope. McDowell noted that even a slight change in atmospheric conditions could translate into Tiangong-1 skipping from a predicted continent to another one.
With this lack of accurate information, it looks like everyone needs to be ready at a moment’s notice to perform a Peking duck. (You knew there would be a Peking duck joke eventually).
IS ALIEN TRUTH COMING? Tom DeLonge's Area 51 and military insiders will 'lift lid on UFOs
IS ALIEN TRUTH COMING? Tom DeLonge's Area 51 and military insiders will 'lift lid on UFOs'
ROCK star Tom DeLonge has sensationally revealed a team of US government insiders he has been secretly working with to try to prove aliens have visited earth.
The Former Blink-182 frontman, aged 41, says he has convinced a string of former senior US Department of Defense (DoD), CIA and other intelligence officials to break rank and speak out about UFOs and aliens.
Ufology truth seekers have been stunned by the news which has been branded "unprecedented" by leading UFO researchers.
Alejandro Rojas, host of Open Minds Radio, wrote on "A team like this getting together to pursue answers to the UFO question is unprecedented, and their comments show they are serious."
Investigative journalist and UFO author Leslie Kean broke the news on Huffington Post.
She wrote: “Something extraordinary is about to be revealed.
"Former high-level officials and scientists with deep black experience who have always remained in the shadows are now stepping into the light.
ALIEN TRUTH? Tom DeLonge has assembled a team of former insiders to lift lid on UFOs.
“The team includes a 25-year veteran of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations; a Lockheed Martin Program Director for Advanced Systems at ‘Skunk Works’; a former deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence; a Department of Defence senior intelligence officer who, among other sensitive responsibilities, ran a Pentagon aerospace ‘threat identification’ program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies.”
Mr DeLonge revealed the team at a filmed live event to launch his new organisation they are all part of called the Stars Academy of Arts and Science.
One of the former insiders claims the group will blow open a government conspiracy to hide evidence of aliens.
The team says it will "advance research into unexplained phenomena".
DeLonge told the launch: “This is why I am here, this is why they are here, we are going to bring it to the world.
“We have a plan to bring the unimaginable, the stuff of dreams, to the world.”
The organisation is crowd funding for its research and has already amassed more than $300,000 from supporters, according to its website.
There are certain things that should never have been secret; two their secrets that were justifiable at the time which should now be disclosed.
Tom DeLonge
Chris Mellon, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence for two administrations, said he came out because "figuring out the UFO phenomenon is going to take an effort outside of the government".
He added: "This is another case in which the system will not repair itself and people outside of government need to take action for breakthroughs to occur.”
“This team has the skill set to process information others avert their eyes to and turn it to the advantage of the nation and the world.”
Jim Semivan is said to have served for 25 years in the CIA, and was a part of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service.
He is the Stars Academy Vice President of Operations.
He said: "At the age of 65, I feel it is time I do what I can to find out what is behind this mystery. This is the big question. What does it all mean, and what is real? What is behind the veil?
"I have maybe 15 years of life left, and this is what I want to do, and when I got connect with Tom I found out he feels the same.
“Nature is incredibly big and this sort of exploration allows us to reach out and touch the divine. I want to get close to it and understand it. It is a quest.”
DeLonge told the launch: "I had the rare opportunity to present my ideas to an executive with the Department of Defense who worked in the special access programs in an area called Watertown also known as Area 51.
"That meeting led to multiple clandestine encounters across the United States from desert airports to vacant buildings deep with Washington DC from these exchanges I learned three things: one, there are certain things that should never have been secret; two their secrets that were justifiable at the time which should now be disclosed."
A “Conspiracy Theory” is the belief that an organization is secretly responsible for an event. Sometimes, these theories end up being true, but the vast majority of the time, they’re totally fictional. Here at Factinate, we aren’t claiming to believe in any of these. We’re just bringing you the good gossip. Here is a list of 50 top conspiracy theories.
43. Poisoned by the CIA
Bob marley, the famous reggae musician, died of cancer. It started in his foot, and spread all the way up to his brain. However, despite the fact that he was already dying, there was an assassination against his life one year before he died. A group of men broke into his house, and tried to shoot him. That’s not even the conspiracy–that’s a real fact. However, the conspiracy starts with the fact that one of his attempted killers was a CIA agent. Was this agent just a crazy guy gone rogue? Or was he working on a mission directed from his bosses at the CIA? Some people believe that the US government was afraid of Marley’s political power over the African-American community, and that cancer was simply taking too long to kill him. So they poisoned him.
42. Flat Earth Theory
There are people out there who still believe the world is flat. They believe that everything else is one big conspiracy–space images are fake, zero gravity astronaut footage is filmed in a plane doing loops in the air, and astronomy teachers all over the world are lying to students. They believe that Antarctica is at the ends of the flat earth- like the crust on a pizza, and that’s why no one ever “falls off” the edge of the Earth, because it’s too cold to cross it.
41. The Royal Family Killed Princess Diana
The much-beloved Princess Diana of Wales tragically died in a car accident in 1997. Some people believe that this was done on purpose. Diana died sitting next to a man named Dodi Fayed, who was an Egyptian millionaire. This was not unusual, since princess went on many diplomatic meetings. However, some believe she was having an affair with him, and was planning on leaving Wales to marry Dodi. There are many different theories on “how” and “why”, but there is no evidence to support these conspiracy theories.
40. Jesus and Mary Magdalene Got Married
Some people believe that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were more than just friends. This conspiracy theory has been around for a long time, but it’s featured in the fictional movie The DaVinci Code. People who believe this theory think that Jesus’ family moved all the way from Israel to Southern France to raise their children.
39. Lorde is Lying About Her Age
When Lorde’s music started playing on the radio, nobody could believe that “Royals” was sung by a 15-year old girl. Her voice is so deep, and her lyrics are very mature for someone her age. You can call her a genius, but some people find it easier to believe that she is actually much older than she claims, and that lying about her age was part of what made her stand out and become famous. People were so skeptical that they demanded to see her birth certificate. After a while, it was finally released, just to get people to stop. The creators of SouthPark thought this conspiracy theory was hilarious, so they decided to take it to the next level, and make Stan’s Dad the secret identity of Lorde.
38. The Super Humans of MK-ULTRA
This is another conspiracy that has roots in the truth. From the 1950’s to the 1970’s, the US Government was conducting experiments on human beings. Their goal was to use mind control to create “sleeper agents,” or assassins who had no idea they were killing people. They were given LSD, and essentially tortured. When they were found out, they began to destroy all of their documents on their experiments. This is where the rumors began. The CIA was also known for studying people with alleged psychic powers. The experiments conducted on the young girl, Eleven, from TV show Stranger Things seems to be inspired by MK-ULTRA, since the truth of what happened behind closed doors leaves so much to the imagination.
37. The Megan Fox Clone Army
Over the years, Megan Fox has looked a little bit different. It could be because of aging, plastic surgery, makeup style, weight loss…Or she could be a CLONE?! One conspiracy theory believes that there is no real Megan Fox. She is just a series of perfect-looking clones that end up slightly different each time.
36. Operation Northwoods
This is a conspiracy that actually turned out to be true. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Joint Chief of Staff plotted a fake Cuban bombing, in order to get America’s support in a war against Cuba. President Kennedy stopped it from happening. This lead to the rumors that the CIA planned to kill JFK, and it also gives some weight to the next rumor on the list.
35. Terrorist Attacks on 9/11 Were an Inside Job
Some people believe that the US government knew about the 9/11 attacks ahead of time, and yet chose to let it happen. Others believe that it was completely orchestrated by the government, and that bombs went off inside the building in order to make it fall, and they blamed it on the plane. So, why would any President do this? Some believe that Bush wanted an excuse to go to war with the Middle East, because his family profits a huge amount of money from oil. But would this get the support of the government? Unlikely.
34. Hollywood Actors are Immortal
In 2011, an antique photograph emerged of a man that looked a heck of a lot like Nicholas Cage. Over time, more and more old photos have emerged that look a lot like celebrities. There is a conspiracy rumor that they can either time travel, or that actors are actually vampires. However, there are apparently 7 people who look like any single person currently living in the world. So it’s not surprising if there are old photographs of anyone’s “twin.”
33. The Moon Landing
During the Cold War, the United States and Russia were in a race to see who could get to the moon first. Russia was winning by a long shot in the space race, and yet, somehow, the US got to there first, and Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon. This has caused some people to believe that the US Government filmed the whole thing in a studio, and that it was all fake. Many of them are not denying that space exploration is real today. They just think that particular moon landing was orchestrated simply to beat the Russians.
32. William Shakespeare?
William Shakespeare lived during the 1600’s, so not many records have been found about the man’s actual life. There is a grave in England where he is buried, but it still leaves doubts in some people’s minds. Since theater was seen as being disgraceful at the time, some theorists believe that Shakespeare was a pseudonym created by members of the aristocracy who wanted to write plays. For eye-witness accounts of the playwright, conspiracy theorists say that he must have been an actor hired to be “William Shakespeare,” and that any man outside of the nobility could not have possibly written such groundbreaking plays. There are multiple theories of the “true identity” of William Shakespeare, including Sir Francis Bacon, and the Earl of Oxford.
31. Hollow Moon Theory
This is the idea that the moon is actually hollow, and an ancient alien civilization lives inside of it, like one giant space station. While this may sound extremely far-fetched, there are actually a lot of people out there who believe they have “evidence” of this being true.
30. Katy Perry and Jonbenet Ramsey
The unsolved murder mystery of child beauty pageant star Jonbenet Ramsey has been a topic of conspiracy for years. One of the newest ideas was that she never actually died, and she grew up to be Katy Perry. Why, exactly, would parents do this? Theorists believe that the motive would be to get their beautiful daughter thrust into the spotlight, which would capture the public’s attention, and help her get into show business. The two look very much alike, but that’s pretty much the only “evidence” supporting this conspiracy theory.
29. A Door to Another Dimension
The children’s book series and TV show of the Berenstain Bears was a big favorite for kids who grew up in the 90’s. However, for those of us who have grown up and gone back to Google search for the show, we noticed something a little weird…Was it always spelled with an “a” in “Berenstain”? This may seem sort of small and innocuous, but thousands of people have come forward, swearing on their life that they remember it being spelled “BerenstEin” with an “e”. This is a product of what’s called “The Mandela Effect”, which got its name when a large group of people can vividly remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison…But in reality, he survived. Conspiracy theorists believe events like this are a door into another dimension, and some people remember their parallel-life experiences, while others don’t.
28. “Paul is Dead”
Can you imagine how different the world of music would have been if one of the Beatles died in the 60’s? Well, lots of people do, actually. There is a conspiracy theory that Paul McCartney died in 1966, and a look-alike replaced him. Theorists see “signs” of “proof” everywhere–like how on the Abbey Road cover, Paul is the only one out of step from the others.
Specially the ear !
27. Water Fluoride and Mind Control
In the United States, fluoride is added to the drinking water, because it was thought to reduce tooth decay. Some people aren’t buying that excuse, because fluoride has been known to have medicinal side effects of “dumbing people down,” which could make them more complacent and less likely to revolt.
26. Plastic Coffins Are Ready For You
In Atlanta, Georgia, FEMA is an organization that gets prepared for natural disasters. During the Obama Administration, the group ordered 500,000 “plastic coffins.” There are so many that it creates a gigantic wall that is visible from the highway. FEMA claims that they’re not coffins, they’re actually liners to go around a coffin to prevent seepage from the dead going into the ground, and possibly getting into drinking water. Conspiracy theorists aren’t buying it. They think the government knows something we don’t know–and they’re going to need those coffins for thousands of dead Americans.
25. Bigfoot, Can You Hear Me?
Thousands of people go missing from National Parks, and some of their disappearances defy explanation. The CANAM Missing Project is lead by David Paulides, who is the author of the Missing 411 books. His organization is dedicated to figuring out what is going on to make this people simply vanish. While Paulides refuses to give his own theories, many fans of the Missing 411 stories believe that theanswer is Bigfoot. If it was, in fact, Bigfoot, then the National Parks and the government would know about it by now, and keep it a secret.
24. HAARP Makes it Rain
In Alaska, they are housing what is called the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The government claims that they are using radio waves to generate heat, and they are also studying the atmosphere. It’s true that they are studying a lot of stuff–but conspiracy theorists go one step further, because they believe that HAARP is a project attempting to control the weather.
23. “You’re a wizard, Harry.”
Jo Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, is very beautiful. She is so pretty, in fact, that some people find it hard to believe that she could be nerdy enough to write a story like Harry Potter. Some people believe that the woman we have seen in interviews is actually an actress paid to pretend that she is JK Rowling, and that the true author is hidden from the public eye. So pretty much their entire line of reasoning is “pretty girls can’t write about wizards.”
22. The CIA and AIDS
Since the disease didn’t really seem to be an issue until the 1980’s, some people believe that the CIA created AIDS in a lab in order to get rid of “undesirable” people. Even a Nobel-Prize winning ecologist named Wangari Maathai used her newfound fame to try to let the public know what the CIA was doing. In reality, many scientists think that it used to be a disease that was only found in monkeys, and around the 1930’s, people somehow started to catch it too? This theory is not confirmed, but it’s true that scientists have accidently let diseases free, even without evil intent.
A “Conspiracy Theory” is the belief that an organization is secretly responsible for an event. Sometimes, these theories end up being true, but the vast majority of the time, they’re totally fictional. Here at Factinate, we aren’t claiming to believe in any of these. We’re just bringing you the good gossip. Here is a list of 50 top conspiracy theories.
21. Chemtrails Are Poisoning Everyone
When planes fly, they leave behind “contrails” from the exhaust of their engines. The moisture crystallizes, and form clouds that are long and thin. Conspiracy theorists believe that these clouds are not “contrails.” They believe they’re “chemtrails”–toxic chemicals trying to poison people through the tailpipes of airplanes.
20. Junkie Jesus
Throughout history, Biblical imagery is riddled with mushroom-like images. Some people believe that Jesus was on ‘shrooms, and that’s part of what gave him so many visions where he apparently spoke to God. While this is a conspiracy theory, it’s actually true that many cultures use drugs as part of their meditation rituals. Since they grow on the Earth, these ‘shrooms could have been seen as like a gift from God to seek a higher truth…In theory.
19. Where’s the Proof? Shut Up, Irma.
There are so many right-wing politicians publicly denouncing the existence of global warming that some people actually consider this to be a true fact, rather than a conspiracy theory. They think that it’s a big lie to raise taxes, or distract people from other issues.
18.Hitler Lives On?
Adolf Hitler killed his wife, and then committed suicide. However, a few people believe that he actually escaped to Argentina, and body doubles were put in the place of him and his wife. There are many eye-witnesses who claim to have met Hitler when he lived in Argentina. Considering how conniving he was with the Nazi party, it’s actually not too difficult to believe that he had some kind of escape plan when he knew it was all coming to an end.
17. Tupac Forever
In 1996, the famous rapper Tupac Shakur was shot while in his BMW. However, many theorists believe that he never actually died. They believe it was an elaborate way for his record sales to go up, and get him out of the public eye. Some people say he started a new life in Cuba.
16. George Bush Hired Britney Spears to Distract People?
We all remember when Britney Spears went a little bit crazy shaving her head. Everyone was talking about it. Some people believe that the Bush Administration paid Britney to cause such a ruckus to distract people from the shady things they were doing.
15. We’re all in The Matrix
Elon Musk publically said that it’s totally possible that we are all living in a simulated reality, like The Matrix. Conspiracy Theorists go wild with this, and find “evidence” everywhere. It’s pretty tough to prove or disprove anything when your theory discredits the laws of reality.
14. The Government and Pearl Harbor
For years, the United States did not join World War II. People didn’t want to get involved…Until Pearl Harbor happened. Theorists believe that the military actually knew that the Japanese were on their way, because the US technology should have been more advanced than theirs, and they should have had the capacity to see them coming. If this is true, the government allowed the attacks to happen so that the US would have an excuse to join WWII. One of the key pieces of evidence pointed to is that several US aircraft carriers were assigned to Pearl Harbour, but they were stationed elsewhere on the day of the attacks.
13. JFK Assassination
We all know that President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed, but the motivation behind his death is a huge topic of speculation. There are multiple conspiracy theories out there, and no one really knows which one (if any) is true.
12. The Reptilian Elite
The “Reptilian Elite” is a conspiracy theory that all of the biggest leaders in the world are secretly a race of Reptilians who are planning to control humans and take over the world. Some people even claim to have seen it happen for a split second, where a person turns into a giant humanoid lizard, and suddenly turns back again. If these people are truly seeing this, it sounds like a terrifying experience, at the very least.
11. The Government is Hiding Aliens in Area 51
Roswell, New Mexico is home of the Area 51 secret government base. If you search for video footage on YouTube, you will see footage of security patrols stopping citizens venturing near the area, and even an incident of stopping them at gunpoint. Whatever is in there, the government sure doesn’t want you to find out. Many people believe that they are keeping an alien spacecraft, and trying to reverse engineer it for the US military. Thousands of tourists visit Area 51 each year. Of course, others are quick to point out that it’s pretty reasonable for a secure military base to be, well, secure.
10. The Men in Black Are Real
Everyone loves “Men in Black,” but many theorists take it much more seriously. Apparently, people have seen these “Men in Black” shortly after claiming that they witnessed a UFO. Anyone who believes that the government is hiding aliens would also find it easy to believe this conspiracy theory.
9. Holocaust Denial
“Holocaust Revisionists” believe that the Nazis imprisoned people, but they have a hard time believing the gruesome stories of the gas chambers and the millions of Jewish people who died. There would be no logical motivation for all of the Holocaust survivors to lie about these facts, or for Germany to publically acknowledge and apologize, if it hadn’t happened. For whatever reason, people still deny it, and believe it’s some big conspiracy.
8. The Global Elite…They’re Takin’ Our Jobs!
Many of the US Presidents and other people in power are said to have been apart of the “Skull and Bones Society,” or the Freemasons. Apparently, they are just puppeteering the whole world to do whatever they want in order to keep themselves rich.
7. The American Prohibition Poison
In the 1920’s, the US government made alcohol illegal. People who believed that the government put poison into barrels of alcohol were once called conspiracy theorists, but this one holds water. The Federal Poisoning Program was real, and it targeted industrial alcohol, which was commonly stolen by bootleggers for recreational drinking. Some estimates states that 10,000 may have died as a result of this lethal law enforcement.
6. The Vril Society
There is a conspiracy theory that the Nazis were a part of this secret society of higher beings called the “Vril,” who had access to deeper knowledge and understanding of the Universe. For some people, this was justification for why the Aryans were so much “better” than everybody else. To most people, it just sounds like a thin veil to justify racism and horrific brutality.
5. Ancient Aliens Created Humanity
In many ancient stone drawings and etchings, people look a little weird–maybe they have wings, or animal heads. Their eyes may be huge, and their bodies may be disproportionate compared to real people. Rather than attributing this to symbolism or an artistic style, some people believe that theseweird humanoid creatures were actually aliens who are the origin of humanity.
4. The Nazi Bell
Apparently, the Nazis were planning a “wonder weapon” that has been nicknamed “The Nazi Bell.” There is no physical evidence that this weapon ever actually existed, but it has theorists running wild with their imaginations.
3. Monsanto Conspiracy
Monsanto is a company that is responsible for genetically modified food. Many people hate the corporation, and believe that they are responsible for a lot of issues going on in the world, including pollution that has contributed to global warming, and illnesses spreading. The conspiracies on Monsanto run so deep that it’s impossible to list them all.
2. The Philosopher’s Stone is Real
The Philosopher’s Stone is a fictional object that was what alchemists were aspiring to make for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. If an alchemist figured out how to create the stone, they could make gold, and live forever. There are rumors that a few alchemists actually succeeded, and lived forever. They include (reportedly, of course–we’re talking about conspiracy theories here!) Nicholas Flamel and The Comte de Saint-Germain. Chinese alchemists have also claimed to find the “elixir of life.”
1. The Illuminati: Confirmed
The Illuminati is apparently a secret group that controls everything on the planet. Some of the rumored members are celebrities. Some believe they’re a bunch of Satanists trying to do bad things to everyone, which makes them an easy group to blame whenever something bad happens. Others claim they’re dedicated to the survival of the human species, which doesn’t sound so horrible at face value, but the truth is that no one really know much about them… which is perhaps the strangest thing about them.
“I would have thought these would be once-a-millennium events, if even that,” said a researcher. Instead, the storms on Titan happen about once a Saturn-year, creating massive floods in an otherwise-desert terrain.
Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, behind the planet’s rings. The much smaller moon Epimetheus is visible in the foreground.
Image via NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute/UCLANewsroom.
Scientists with UCLA’s Titan climate modeling research group said on October 12, 2017 that they were surprised by the intensity of the rainstorms on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. Their new computer models – based on Cassini spacecraft data – show that the most intense storms dump at least a foot (0.3 meters) of rain a day, which “comes close to what we saw in Houston from Hurricane Harvey this summer,” these scientists said. They said these storms can be expected less than once in a Saturn-year (29-and-a-half Earth-years). But, said Jonathan Mitchell, UCLA associate professor of planetary science and a senior author of the research:
I would have thought these would be once-a-millennium events, if even that. So this is quite a surprise.
On Earth, intense storms can trigger large flows of sediment that spread into low lands and form cone-shaped features called alluvial fans. The work of the UCLA researchers is based on recent detections of alluvial fans on Titan, which, these scientists found in their computer model, may have been formed by regional patterns of extreme rainfall. The was published October 9 in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Geoscience.
A 60-km-long alluvial fan across a desolate landscape in the Taklamakan Desert in Xinjiang, China. The left side appears blue from water flowing in the many small streams. If the structures on Titan are alluvial fans, they’re formed not by flowing water, but by liquid methane.
The storms create massive floods in terrain that are otherwise deserts, these scientists said. They pointed out that, in many ways, Titan’s surface is strikingly similar to Earth’s, with flowing rivers that spill into great lakes and seas. They said the moon has storm clouds that bring seasonal, monsoon-like downpours.
But these rivers, lakes, seas and storms aren’t related to water. Instead, on Titan, the precipitation is liquid methane.
A large alluvial fan in the southern floor of Holden crater, showing inverted (positive-relief) distributary channels that were preserved while wind stripped away fine-grained sediment between them. THEMIS visible imaging, 17 m/pixel. Image via PlanetaryGeomorphology.
Possible alluvial fans on Titan. giant wedge-shaped sedimentary structures on Saturn’s moon Titan. Read more about this image.
Bottom line: UCLA climate modelers said they were surprised by the intensity of the rainstorms on Titan, Saturn’s largest moon. Their new work shows the most intense storms dump at least a foot (0.3 meters) of rain a day and can be expected about once in a Saturn-year (29-and-a-half Earth-years).
‘We’re not ready to meet aliens’: Humans are too stupid and religious to cope with extra-terrestrial life, claims expert
‘We’re not ready to meet aliens’: Humans are too stupid and religious to cope with extra-terrestrial life, claims expert
A professor from Spain says we’re not ready to meet extraterrestrial life
Gabriel De la Torre surveyed 116 students from the US, Italy and Spain
He found that many had a lack of knowledge in a number of areas
They also had religious beliefs that would make finding ET a ‘big shock’
We also focus too much on daily problems than bigger things like Earth
He concludes we need to improve our ‘global consciousness’
Finding extraterrestrial signals has been dreamed about for decades.
But a researcher from the University of Cádiz in Spain says we shouldn’t be looking – because we’re not ready to meet aliens.
Gabriel De la Torre revealed to MailOnline how his survey of students showed the general level of ignorance and influence of religion would leave us shocked if we made first contact.
A study by Professor Gabriel De la Torre from the University of Cádiz in Spain claims that we’re not ready to make first contact. He claims we’re not prepared mentally or ethically to meet beings unlike ourselves and we should try to improve our ‘global consciousness’
Since 1984 the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Seti) Institute has been looking for signs of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.
To date nothing has been found, although the search continues unabated.
Members of the project are now going further by sending out messages from Earth (Active Seti) to try and contact other lifeforms.
But De la Torre, a professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cádiz and participant in previous projects such as Esa’s Mars 500 (a simulated mission to Mars on Earth), has carried out a study that he claims indicates we are not ready to make contact.
In the study he sent a questionnaire to 116 students in Spain, the US and Italy.
De la Torre tells MailOnline he used students because they ‘will be the future politicians, scientists, the people in charge, so I wanted to know what their knowledge was.’
Of the 116 students…
72.8% believe that demons and angels exist.
33.7% don’t think humans are the origin of global warming.
82.1% think it is important to have a space agency.
71.4% think the military should have the main role in the event of contact with an alien civilisation.
80% believe if we find aliens more advanced than us they will try to conquer us.
78% believe there is a chance we’ve been visited by aliens in the past.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (Seti) Institute was established in 1984. Since then it has used a number of observatories around the world, like the Allen Telescope Array (pictured), to try and find alien signals from another world, but so far nothing has been found
The questions were split into five sections: religious beliefs, the environment, space-related knowledge, their daily activities and their opinions on life issues.
‘In all those areas I defined a different type of question based on other studies that I think related to Seti research,’ De la Torre says.
These included questions such as how likely they thought life was to exist on other planets, what year man first walked on the moon and what the largest planet in the solar system is.
The results were somewhat disconcerting for De la Torre. For example only 82 per cent of the students knew the first moon landing was in 1969.
‘The conclusions were that scientific knowledge, especially the knowledge related to space among college students, is not good,’ he continues.
‘So I think space agencies should increase education efforts.’
Another conclusion by De la Torre was that religious beliefs seem to be very strong in general.
While not necessarily a problem, he says this may influence the opinions of people facing major events in future such as making first contact.
On 16 November 1974 the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico (pictured) was used to send out a signal called the Arecibo message, a ‘calling card’ from Earth to potential alien races. However De la Torre says we shouldn’t perform ‘Active Seti’ like this as we aren’t ready to make contact
But ultimately it is our lack of appreciation for our own planet and our place in the universe that would be our downfall, he says.
‘We’re not ready to talk to extraterrestrials because global consciousness is not developed enough in the population,’ he concludes.
‘People have daily life problems and the government doesn’t pay attention to global issues like the planet and the environment.
‘That makes us a species too focused on daily life problems, we don’t have an awareness of our surroundings.
‘It’s like when a meteor falls in some place on the planet, it’s big news. But that’s a regular real possibility.
‘If we have a more global consciousness about our situation on the planet, how fragile the planet is, maybe that’s a step in the evolution of our consciousness as a species.
‘There could be other intelligent life out there and it could be really different from us physically, mentally, socially and even morally.
‘They could maybe not even be biological, they could be robots.
‘Right now I don’t think as a species we are ready.
‘Of course some people are ready, but as a species I think it would be a big shock.’
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Titan and Enceladus: Saturn's moons are two of the most likely locations for extraterrestrial life
Titan and Enceladus: Saturn's moons are two of the most likely locations for extraterrestrial life
Following Cassini, Nasa needs a new mission to look for life on Saturn's mysterious moons.
By Monica Grady
Stranger Things Season 2 - Final Trailer
NASA's Cassini mission has made its "death plunge" into the swirling clouds of Saturn after 20 years of exploring the planet and its moons. It's been amazingly successful, making headlines with groundbreaking discoveries throughout its journey. But today the headlines are more like obituary notices, looking back at the mission's spectacular achievements.
Cassini discovered new moons around Saturn, found evidence for an ocean below the surface of the moon Enceladus and even managed to land a probe on the satellite Titan (the Huygens probe). It also observed unusual features in the rings of the planet and recorded an enormous, hurricane-like storm whirling around its north pole. Surely, we must now know everything about Saturn and its moons?
Fortunately, scientists are never satisfied, and the answer to one question usually leads to at least three new questions. The discoveries from Cassini and Huygens have resulted in a whole series of issues that require further investigation. Two of the main targets for future exploration are Titan and Enceladus.
Signs of life
Before Huygens parachuted down onto Titan's surfacein January 2005, all we knew about the moon was that it was cold (about 100K or -173.15°C) and had a thick atmosphere (mostly of nitrogen, but with traces of methane), which prevented us from seeing the surface. Huygens revealed networks of valleys and rivers cutting through hills to the shoreline of an inland sea. Subsequent observations by instruments on-board Cassini have given us a greatly expanded understanding of Titan's landscape – with an entire gazetteer of named features, from mountains to plains and oceans to ponds.
We must now try to understand what they are, how they formed and how they change with the seasons. We need to learn about tides and ocean icebergs, to define a climate cycle and to determine the composition of the land masses – are they derived from basalt, the most common rock type in the solar system, or are they frozen ice and mud? Does Titan have a rocky core overlain directly by an icy mantle, or does it have an ocean below the surface? If so, is it made up of water?
This all matters because what we have learnt about Titan from Cassini and Huygens has confirmed that it has an active chemistry, based on methane and ammonia. We know that these substances, when irradiated by the sun, result in interesting mixes of chemicals that are precursors to amino acids and other biologically important molecules. The freezing temperature of Titan's surface precludes anything being alive – but how far below the surface do you have to go before the environment becomes sufficiently balmy for a cryophile to be comfortable? Without a dedicated mission to Titan, we will not find out.
Cassini's exploration of Titan was always one of the main goals of the mission, with a few larger moons also scheduled for observation. But early in the mission, it became clear that Enceladus should be a prime target too. Anomalies in data observed as the spacecraft flew past Enceladus were subsequently verified as resulting from a large plume of gas and dust venting from the surface close to the south pole.
This was further investigated by Cassini, flying past Enceladus at different altitudes – the closest of which was at 25km. The data it collected helped scientists resolve the plume into a series of vents through cracks in the surface. It became clear that, like Jupiter's icy moon Europa, Enceladus was home to an ocean below the icy crust.
Scientists also managed to identify grains of dust, water-rich ice and gases including methane, ammonia and carbon dioxide – plus traces of other organic molecules – in the plume. This lead to to much speculation about the possibility of life in the ocean.
Like Titan, Enceladus is now recognised as one of the solar system's most likely locations for extraterrestrial life. A recent report of hydrogen in Enceladus' plume has given that recognition even greater prominence. That's because hydrogen is expected to be released as a byproduct of reactions between water and rock. Scientists believe that ocean water on Enceladus collides with rock, becomes heated, reacts chemically and rises up in the ocean via "hydrothermal vents". That happens in the Earth's oceans, too. And here, the chemically charged water around these vents supports a rich ecology of microbes and other life forms.
A single mission?
Follow-up missions to Saturn, Titan and Enceladus have all been proposed to both the European Space Agency and NASA, but none has yet been accepted and taken forward to the planning stage.
There might be a case for combining a mission to Titan with a mission to Enceladus to investigate the opportunities for life close to Saturn. I am not sure what such a mission would look like. Certainly there should be a spacecraft orbiting Titan and Enceladus, to gather additional information prior to launching vessels to the surface of both moons. Would these vessels be "penetrators" so they could pierce the ice of Enceladus? Or should they be balloons to float down through the atmosphere of Titan? I don't know, but a possible name for the mission could be EnTiRE – Enceladus and Titan Research and Exploration. You heard it here first…
Of course, one should not forget the "Lord of the Rings" itself. There are still many unknown aspects of the giant planet that would be worth going back to investigate, such as the composition and formation of its unusual rings. And what about that huge, hexagonal-shaped hurricane at the north pole? Is there something comparable at the south pole? How do such weather systems form – and, more to the point, given the current catastrophic hurricanes experienced recently on Earth, can we learn anything from Saturn about our own atmospheric disturbances?
Given the timescale for mission planning, alongside the time it takes to get to the Saturnian system, it will realistically be at least another 20 years before Cassini's successor arrives. Until then, we will have to rely on the next generation of Earth-based telescopes to help us explore Saturn and its fascinating satellites.
Ruimtestation stort binnenkort neer: “Brokstukken van 100 kilo zullen op Aarde vallen”
Ruimtestation stort binnenkort neer: “Brokstukken van 100 kilo zullen op Aarde vallen”
Een Chinees ruimtestation van maar liefst 8,5 ton zwaar zal binnenkort neerstorten op Aarde. Het station is al meer dan een jaar op drift en beweegt steeds sneller richting onze planeet. Dat hebben experts gezegd inThe Guardian.
Ruimtestation Tiangong-1, oftewel Hemels Paleis, werd gelanceerd in 2011. Sindsdien werd het gebruikt voor zowel bemande als onbemande missies. Maar vorig jaar - na maanden van speculatie - raakte bekend dat de Chinese autoriteiten de controle over het ruimtestation verloren hadden.
Het nationale ruimteagentschap meldde al snel dat een neerstorting onvermijdelijk was. Ze kondigden aan dat dat waarschijnlijk tussen oktober 2017 en april 2018 zou gebeuren.
Snelheid neemt toe
Nu hebben ze gezien dat Tiangong-1 zich steeds sneller richting onze planeet begeeft. Jonathan McDowell van Harvard University vermoedt dat het station binnen enkele maanden zal neerstorten.
Verwacht wordt dat een groot deel van het ruimtestation al opgebrand zal zijn in de atmosfeer, maar experts waarschuwen dat er nog steeds brokstukken van 100 kilogram op Aarde kunnen terechtkomen. Waar die delen zullen vallen, weet niemand.
“Je kan die dingen natuurlijk niet sturen”, zegt McDowell. “We zullen waarschijnlijk pas zes à zeven uur op voorhand weten wanneer en waar ze precies zullen terechtkomen.”
China heeft inmiddels beloofd om de oncontroleerbare koers van het ruimtestation nauwlettend in het oog te houden. De kans dat er effectief iemand gewond zal geraken, wordt nu nog vrij klein geschat.
The Remains of a 200,000 Year Old Advanced Civilization Found in Africa
The Remains of a 200,000 Year Old Advanced Civilization Found in Africa
The incredible discovery was made in South Africa, around 150 km west of port Maputo. There, we find the remains of a huge metropolis that measures, according to tests, around 1500 square kilometers. This ancient city is, according to researchers, part of an even larger community with about 10,000 square kilometers and is believed to have been constructed 160,000 to 200,000 years before Christ.
The region is somewhat remote and the “circles” have often been encountered by local farmers who assumed they were made by some indigenous people in the past. But, oddly, no one ever bothered to inquire about who could have made them or how old they were. This changed when researcher and author, Michael Tellinger, in association with Johan Heine, a local fireman and pilot who had looked at these ruins for years, decided to investigate them. Heine had the unique opportunity to see these incredible structures from the air and knew that their significance was not appreciated.
“When Johan first introduced me to the ancient stone ruins of southern Africa, he had no idea of the incredible discoveries we would make in the following years. The photographs, artifacts and evidence we accumulated, point towards a lost civilization that has never before been and precedes all others – not for a few hundred years, or a few thousand years … but many thousands of years.” – Tellinger
According to Tellinger, these discoveries are so incredible that It will need a complete paradigm shift in how we view our human history.
The surrounding geology is interesting due to the numbers gold mines located in the vicinity. Researchers have proposed that a vanished civilization from the distant past, could have lived and proposed in that part of the world while mining gold. They point to the Ancient Anunnaki:
The Anunnkai Timeline – Coming to Earth: (According to Sitchin)
450,000 B.C. After long wars, the atmosphere of Nibiru began to deteriorate and became a hostile place for life, The Anunnaki needed gold to repair their atmosphere. According to researchers, we can use gold nano particles to repair our damaged ozone layer.
445,000 A.C. The Anunnaki aliens landed on Earth and established their base in Eridu, wanting to extract gold from the Persian Gulf. They were led by Enki, son of Anu.
416,000 B.C. Gold production fell, which made Anu come to Earth. Beside him his other son Enlil arrived. Anu decided that mining would take place in Africa and promoted Enlil in charge of the Terran mission.
400,000 A. C. In southern Mesopotamia were seven developed nations. Among the most important were: “Sipar”, “Nippur” and “Shuruppak”. After the metal was refined, the ore was transported from Africa with ‘ships’ and sent into orbit.
You can take look at these incredible structures with Google Earth using the following coordinates:
Carolina: 25 55 ‘53.28? S / 30 16 ‘13.13? E
Badplaas: 25 47 ‘33.45? S / 30 40 ‘38.76? E
Waterval: 25 38 ‘07.82? S / 30 21 ‘18.79? E
Machadodorp: 25 39 ‘22.42? S / 30 17 ‘03.25? E
These incredible ruins mostly consist of stone circles, most have been buried in the sand and are only observable by plane or satellites. Some have been exposed to climate change that has removed the sand, revealing the walls and foundations.
“I see myself as someone quite open-minded but I admit that it took me over a year to figure it out, and I realized that we are actually dealing with the oldest structures ever built by man on Earth. The main reason for this is that we have been taught that nothing of significance has ever come from South Africa. Powerful civilizations all emerged in Sumeria and Egypt and other places. “- Tellinger
According to Telling: It shows that the Sumerians and even the Egyptians inherited all their knowledge from an earlier advanced civilization that lived at the southern tip of Africa more than 200,000 years ago… mining gold.
These were also the people who carved the first Horus bird, the first Sphinx, built the first pyramids and built an exact stone calendar right in the heart of it all. Adam’s Calendar is the flagship among millions of circular stone ruins, ancient roads, agricultural terraces and thousands of ancient mines, left behind by a vanished civilization which they now call the FIRST PEOPLE. These were the ancestors of all humans today with an advanced knowledge of energy fields through planet Earth.
They carved detailed images into the hardest rock, worshipped the sun, and are the first to carve an image of the Egyptian Ankh – key of life and universal knowledge, 200,000 years before the Egyptians came to light. Tellinger presents this groundbreaking new evidence in which is released in his latest book Temples Of The African Gods. It graphically exposes these discoveries and will undoubtedly be the catalyst for rewriting our ancient human history.
If we look at the long list of astronauts to share their knowledge and beliefs about UFOs, as well as intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations that are or have been visiting our planet, the list is quite long and it never seems to stop growing. Apollo 14 astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, told us that there “have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.” Dr. Brian O’leary told the world that there is “abundant evidence that we are being contacted,” Gordon Cooper, and others like Story Musgrave have all made some interesting remarks about their knowledge or beliefs.
Also joining them is a long and growing list of hundreds, if not thousands of high ranking military personnel, political figures, academics and many more.
On top of this we have hundreds of thousands of pages released by multiple governments that document these interesting cases. Although we may not quite know exactly what is going on, we know something is.
All of this information that’s leaked over the past few years, in turn, has also provoked a response from the “mainstream world,” a world that used to criticize and ridicule the subject is now taking corrective measures to bring more credibility into it, in some cases, despite doing a poor job.
This has been seen with recent citizens hearings on the manner, as well as popular people from within pop culture getting together with some “well known” people from companies like Lockheed Martin, and others from within the intelligence community and starting awareness initiatives, like Tom Delonge.
Take the founder of Bigelow Aerospace for example, who is one of many who has shared his knowledge about the fact that we are not alone, and that are being visited.
For so long, this subject has been swept under the radar by so many people, and all of a sudden we’ve had this burst of information that’s made it clear to most that something is going on here.
The more popular this subject gets, the more it becomes dripped into the mainstream arena, and the more we need to put our critical thinking caps on.
For years, government, and those from within the government as well as intelligence agencies, have had a very heavy interest in this subject. All of the mainstream organizations started to officially investigate this phenomenon, like NICAP, and MUFON, originate by those from within the intelligence and defence community. This is a common trend with regards to mainstream initiatives dealing with the UFO/ extraterrestrial subject.
The point is, our government and mainstream media, for the most part, have been deceiving us on so many different topics, with perhaps 9/11, and other false flag events that have happened in recent history. People still question this narrative, despite the fact that multiple insiders, whistleblowers, and even active presidents, politicians and academicians have been providing the evidence for decades.
It seems that when something that is not heavily present or made known by our sources of ‘reliable’ information, which lie in the hands of a tightly knit, small group of financial elite with vested big powerful interests in multiple areas, is not considered to be of significance.
This comes despite the fact that our mainstream media has direct connections to the intelligence community.
There is news transpiring everyday that should be making headlines, but it doesn’t and instead we are drip fed with lies, which is made even more clear by international media in other countries sharing information that contradicts the western world.
This is why, the solution is not to censor information or deem it as “fake news,” but rather to have open discussions, teach people how to think critically, and examine sources for themselves. Let them decide, and not have some authority figure deciding it for them.
After all, a lot of what we see is used for corruption, and brainwashing, and providing narratives that justify military action.
So, when it comes to the UFO/extraterrestrial topic, why should we really expect anything else? This field, being a veteran researcher within it, has a long history of infiltration by special interests, to change narratives, and more. Hillary Clinton seemed to use the topic a lot this year and speak about it in a serious matter in order to rack up more votes, but who really knows.
This type of thing has been seen within our media, and even academia, to sway or persuade a perception.
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”
– Former head of CIA Roscoe Hillenkoetter (source)
If you want to learn more about the UFO/extraterrestrial topic, we’ve published many heavily citied articles on the subject. You can read those, as they are all archived, by visiting the exopolitics section of our website, here.
While we’ve had so many astronauts share their experiences, others are quick to dismiss any talk of UFOs, saying that they have not personally come across any evidence to suggest that the phenomenon is real. This is quite confusing, and brings into question the possibility of a ridicule campaign in continuance, while a disinformation is currently underway. Who knows?
It’s important for us to be able to distinguish between a ‘credible reliable source,’ that’s honest, and another that fits the same description but is not reliable, and spreading disinformation. How we do that is a topic of discussion for another article.
Let’s take a look at what the astronaut said.
He said, very seriously,“We are the aliens, we just think they’re somebody else, but we’re the ones who came from somewhere else. Because somebody else had to survive…they got in a little space craft and they came here and they landed and they started civilization here, that’s what I believe. And if you don’t believe me, go get books on the ancient Sumerians and see what they had to say about it, they’ll tell you right up front.”
Again, he is sharing his beliefs, perhaps he has more knowledge on the subject, but who really knows. After all, everything with regards what really happened and is happening on the moon is quite scattered and hard to piece together.
It’s not like this astronaut is saying something along the lies of what Dr. Edgar Mitchell did when he said he “happens to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we are not alone on this plant ” and that we have “been visited many times.” (source) (source) (source)
As far as coming from space, this astronaut is not the only one who has brought for this theory. You can read more about that in the article lined below.
Obviously, this brings a lot of other questions into play. Anything on this topic really does open a can of worms that dive and related to multiple areas and aspects of human life and history.
NASA has stated that it's quite likely that our solar system is home to a massive, distant ninth planet. Its existence could shed light on some burning questions about the cosmos.
Earlier this month, NASA issued a press release stating that it’s likely that our solar system has a ninth planet—even if it’s proving difficult to find.
The planet could have a mass ten times that of Earth’s, and be situated twenty times as far from the sun as Neptune. It’s being referred to as “Planet Nine,” and while it’s very difficult to procure clear evidence of its existence, some scientists are absolutely convinced that it’s out there.
The six most distant known objects in the solar system with orbits exclusively beyond Neptune (magenta) have a tilt and alignment that can only be maintained by some outside force. (Image credit: Caltech/R. Hurt, IPAC)
“There are now five different lines of observational evidence pointing to the existence of Planet Nine,” said Konstantin Batygin, a planetary astrophysicist at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), who is part of a team on the search for the planet.
“If you were to remove this explanation and imagine Planet Nine does not exist, then you generate more problems than you solve. All of a sudden, you have five different puzzles, and you must come up with five different theories to explain them.”
In a 2016 paper, Batygin and co-author Mike Brown detailed six known objects in the Kuiper Belt that behave rather strangely. All of them have elliptical orbits pointing in the same direction, and all of those orbits are tilted the same way. Both of these traits serve as clues to the presence of Planet Nine.
Computer simulations that took the hypothesized planet into account indicated that there should also be several other bodies with more extreme tilts from the solar plane, on the order of 90 degrees. Brown realized that astronomers are already aware of five such objects, meaning nature did fit with the simulations.
Planet Nine would also explain why the plane in which the other planets orbit is tilted about six degrees away from the sun’s equator: over time, Planet Nine’s distant gravity has made the entire solar system plane wobble away from center.
Finally, there are the objects in the Kuiper belt that orbit in the opposite direction of everything else in our solar system.
“No other model can explain the weirdness of these high-inclination orbits,” explained Batygin. “It turns out that Planet Nine provides a natural avenue for their generation. These things have been twisted out of the solar system plane with help from Planet Nine and then scattered inward by Neptune.”
Based on the behavior of these distant objects, the astronomers believe the planet to be a Super-Earth, a massive rocky planet that is extremely common in the universe—but which our solar system, oddly, lacks. The planet could have coalesced out in the cold reaches of our system over millions of years, formed close to the sun and then been flung outward, or even been captured by the Sun from another system.
Batygin and Brown are using the Subaru Telescope at Hawaii’s Mauna Kea Observatory to continue their search for Planet Nine. According to Batygin, this telescope is the best tool available to hunt down something dim and distant in the vast expanse of sky.
However, Planet Nine isn’t the only explanation for the orbital behaviors observed. A recent survey of the outer solar system found over 800 trans-Neptunian objects. A random distribution of this matter could also potentially have the same effect on the tilt on the traits observed in various orbits—but the jury is still out.
Theoretical physicists are suggesting that when the Big Bang occurred it produced two parallel universes, our universe and one in which time is moving backward.
In the 1920s it was said by physicist Arthur Eddington that time only moves in one direction and this is from low entropy towards increased and it has been known as the thermodynamic view of time.
However, three physicists have said that time is something of a mystery and there should be a different set of time that is based on gravity, not thermodynamics. They said that all known laws of physics look the same regardless of which way time runs, and in our world, everything goes in one direction. They said that if you think of a simple model with bees in the middle of the Big Bang, there would be two arrows of time, one that points in the opposite direction of the swarm. So one arrow would be forward, and the other would be going backward.
Dr. Barbour acknowledged that being able to find the other universe is a very different thing altogether. The three physicists managed to create a simulation of 1,000 particles on a computer that interacted while being under the influence of gravity. They discovered that each of the particle configurations settled in a structure that was low-entropy fluctuation and from this, the particles then expanded outwards, and they went into two symmetrical opposite arrows of time that were very distinct. So thanks to the computer simulation they believe that not one but two universes exist and in one of them, time is going backward.
This, of course, is not the first time that a parallel universe theory has come to light. In May of this year, a mysterious cold spot in space was said to be evidence that there was a parallel universe. This was a strange dark region in space that was said to be radiation that had been left over when the big bang occurred. While there was a range of different explanations as to why it was there, the main one was that it was a parallel universe. So the three physicists are not the only ones who think that there is a parallel universe out there.
During a recent thunderstorm in Delaware, a UFO was hit by a lightning strike.
The object seemed unaffected by the 10 billion joules jolt. If this was a man-made object it would be destroyed in milliseconds.
The UFO was hovering in the proximity of the thunderclouds for a couple of minutes.
There is a possibility that it was deliberately flying towards the thunderstorm in order to get hit by one of the lightning strikes to get a recharge of its power supplies.
It's not the first time a UFO was captured on video while it was hit by a lightning strike. Could it be that these extraterrestrial objects are studying our weather systems in order to optimize their energy systems?
Even back in 1750, Benjamin Franklin proposed to capture the energy of a lightning strike using a kite. Can it be an extraterrestrial intelligence has found a way to use our lightning strikes as a source of energy to power their UFO's?
Owls and UFOs. To those with no interest in either, the two might seem like chalk and cheese, but these ‘phenomena’—one assumed to belong exclusively to our world, the other thought to originate elsewhere—often go hand-in-hand, at least according to the testimonies UFO experiencers the world over.
It has long been theorized in the UFO research community that the sighting of an owl shortly prior to, during, or soon after a UFO close encounter is a strong indication of a repressed abduction experience, the image of the owl acting as a screen memory for the traumatized abductee. The logic here is that the large, penetrating eyes of an owl closely resemble those of the archetypal alien Grey. Owls also swoop from the skies—the domain of the UFO.
In his fascinating book, The Messengers, author Mike Clelland considers the psychological function of owl imagery in abduction reports, but, ultimately, he ascribes it a more profound and mystical meaning, confidently speculating that the owl in these circumstances may be “part of a shamanic initiation,” a wake-up call from the universe itself for those who suspect but refuse to acknowledge their lifetime of hidden experiences with intelligences beyond the realm of everyday perception.
Owl imagery was used very explicitly in the context of abduction in the 2009 movie The Fourth Kind. Before that, it was used prominently in the 1989 big screen adaptation of Whitley Strieber’s bestselling Communion. For the purposes of this article, I’m interested in how owl imagery can be linked to UFO phenomena by filmmakers very subtly, even subconsciously. Examples that spring to mind are Twin Peaks(“The owls are not what they seem”), or even Labyrinth, in which Bowie’s Goblin King, Jareth, adopts the form of an owl to spirit away an infant to an other-dimensional realm.
A couple of years back, soon after a chat with “owl guy” Mike Clelland (and having owls on the brain as a result), I switched on the TV. The 1986 movie Short Circuit was playing. A family-friendly sci-fi flick, the movie follows the adventures of Johnny 5, an escaped experimental military robot who gains sentience—and apparently even a soul—after being struck by lightning.
Synchronistically, the scene that happened to be playing was a pivotal one: Johnny 5’s first meeting with the character of Stephanie Speck (Ally Sheedy). The scene is shot to resemble a distinctly Spielbergian “close encounter” style event, with Stephanie under the impression that Johnny 5 is not a robot, but an extraterrestrial. As Stephanie steps outside her house one night to investigate a disturbance, she sees a mysterious glow emanating from her van. “Hey, get outta there!” she yells, nervously. It is at this point that we cut to a close-up of an owl perched atop Stephanie’s personalized mailbox. The bird turns its head to her, almost expectantly.
As Stephanie approaches her van, its side panel flips open to reveal an alien-looking Johnny 5 bathed in misty light. We then cut once more to the owl, which turns its head to Johnny 5, and, in that moment, one can’t help but draw a visual parallel between the robot and the bird—both having large, round, yellow and black eyes harshly accented by a “frown” (metal eyebrows in Johnny’s case, and ‘ear’ tufts in the owl’s).
Short Circuit (1986)
Stephanie exclaims: “Oh, my God! I knew they would pick me, I just knew it!” perhaps indicating that she expects—even wants—to be abducted. “Welcome to my planet,” she says, excitedly.
It goes without saying that owls have always been a permanent fixture in the iconographic landscape of the horror genre. But Short Circuit is sci-fi, not horror, and, while Johnny 5 isn’t actually an alien, in this crucial scene, the filmmakers have gone out of their way to present him as alien-esque and as a potential abductor. Also significant is the positioning of the owl directly on top of Stephanie’s mailbox, which clearly bears her name, as if the bird has come for her specifically (just as Mike Clelland feels the owls in his own life are communicating something to him on an intensely personal level). We might expect an owl to be perched on a tree branch, but here the owl prefers a mailbox—a ‘message’ box, a communications receptacle. In Western culture, owls are often associated with knowledge and wisdom, and so it is fitting that, in the very same scene, the first thing Johnny 5 demands of Stephanie is “input.” She’s delighted: “That’s information,” she replies, “I’m full of it!” As an aside here, it’s also worth remembering that Harry Potter’s beloved owl, Hedwig, was also a messenger, serving Harry faithfully for years by delivering his mail to him.
The prominent inclusion of the owl in Short Circuit was most likely little more than an effort to enhance the spooky atmosphere of Stephanie’s introduction to Johnny. Nonetheless, in the implied context of the scene (a close encounter with an alien entity), and in light of Mike Clelland’s work, the presence of the owl assumes a deeper meaning, whether or not it was consciously intended.
The mystical connection between owls and otherworldly entities also presents itself in an entirely different film: the 1982 inspired-by-real-events domestic chiller, The Entity, starring Barbara Hershey.
This disturbing film follows the plight of Carla (Hershey), a young, essentially single mother of three. One day, without warning, Carla is viciously beaten and raped in her bedroom by a powerful but invisible entity. In the days and weeks that follow, Carla continues to be sexually assaulted by the entity and, fearing for her sanity, seeks help, first from a skeptical psychotherapist, and later from a team of parapsychologists. All the while, the entity is relentless in its aggressive sexual pursuit of this traumatized woman.
In many respects, The Entity can comfortably be classed as a horror movie, but it also flirts with science fiction. It constantly defies genre expectations; perhaps, in part, because it is based on a true story—the rigidity of genre rarely applying to life as we live it.
The film’s sci-fi element is particularly identifiable in an onscreen debate surrounding just what the entity actually is, and where it comes from. In the third act, the team of university parapsychologists devises a plan to capture and kill the entity for scientific study. Their weapon of choice: liquid helium.
One of the parapsychologists explains:
“What we’re seeking is to determine if this entity has mass. If in fact this is the case, then we should be able to freeze it, verify its objective existence, and prove that it isn’t just a psychic projection, but rather an independent force from some other level of reality that has never been isolated.”
Spoken about in these terms, the entity seems to have less in common with the traditionally supernatural (ghosts, for example) and more with the interdimensional trickster intelligences theorized by the likes of Jacques Vallee and John Keel.
The interdimensional hypothesis posits that UFO entities might exist beyond space-time and can flit in and out of our reality at will, assuming a multitude of forms—from the faeries, goblins, and incubi of ages past, to the UFOs and aliens of modern times. This theory is explicitly brought to mind in The Entityduring a scene in which Carla’s psychiatrist, Dr Sneiderman (Ron Silver), attempts to dispel her “irrational” belief in the literal existence of her invisible tormentor, showing her old drawings of goblins, demons, and faerie folk: “They were supposed to abuse people sexually,” he tells her, “they were supposed to impregnate people. Do you think these things really existed then!?”
It is notable that the true nature of the entity is never discovered, and there is no indication that it is anything so mundane as the lingering ghost of a deceased man; indeed, no indication that it was ever human at all. In the movie, the entity’s few physical manifestations take the form of dazzling lights, bright, fast-moving orbs, and electrical discharges—phenomena typically associated with UFOs. In one scene, when asked by parapsychologists to reveal itself, the entity appears literally as an unidentified flying object, a vaguely spherical green light that calls to mind the green fireballs frequently sighted over US nuclear installations throughout the late 1940s and which lead directly to the formation of the USAF’s Project Twinkle. The stunned parapsychologists look on in awe in shots that wouldn’t seem out of place in Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
The woven owl in Carla’s kitchen. Here she appears to be smiling at the owl. This is never explained in the movie.
So where do owls come into this? Well, they’re onscreen throughout the movie, from beginning to end, as decorative wall ornaments. In the hallway, directly by Carla’s front door, we can see a board displaying five owls made from coloured felt. In Carla’s kitchen we can see a woven owl on the wall near the sink. At one point, in Carla’s bedroom, her dressing chair even appears owl-like. The camera never dwells on any of these images, but they are noticeable to the perceptive viewer. Why this owl motif pervades the film and whether or not there was conscious purpose behind its inclusion is debatable.
Five owls stand watch over Carla’s front door. Is their purpose to keep something out, or to keep her in?
The Native American Hopi people traditionally associate owls with sorcery and evil. In Mesoamerican cultures, the owl is considered a symbol of death and destruction. In the Mayan religious text, the Popol Vuh, owls are described as messengers of Xibalba (the Mayan “Place of Fright”). In these folkloric and religious contexts, owl imagery perfectly complements the nature and intent of the malevolent entity in the movie.
The owl is noticeably skewed on the wall as Carla feels the strain of her abuse.
I could waffle on about all of this for quite some time without threatening to reach anything resembling a conclusion. So, I’ll leave it here. Next time you watch a movie—any movie—keep your eyes peeled for sneaky owls… you never know where they might decide to put in an appearance.
Gabriel G. de la Torre, a psychologist at Spain’s University of Cádiz, isn’t sure we should be in a hurry for SETI and similar initiatives to succeed—because we have a skewed and incomplete understanding of how we should respond to first contact with an extraterrestrial civilization, and what our next step should be. After sending questionnaires to 116 students at American and European universities, he reached the unsettling conclusion that “the knowledge of the general public … of the cosmos and our place within it is still poor” and that “we need a new Galileo to lead this journey.”
But I’m not sure de la Torre, or anyone else, is in a position to assess just how huge contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization would be. In a relative sense, the fact that we’re disagreeing about issues of scientific literacy and ethical priority pales in comparison to the fact that any civilization we encounter is statistically likely to be much more advanced than we are, and its mere existence will tell us things that will blow our minds—and that kind of dramatic paradigm shift will have unpredictable consequences on all of us.
But maybe it doesn’t matter. As Carl Sagan explains here, taking into account the finitude of the speed of light and the vastness of the universe, we may not hear back from another civilization until 2350 or so:
It’s no coincidence that this process towards a more cosmic view—which Sagan calls “the deprovincialization of our planet”—is in our best interests as well, whether we actually contact another species or not. If contact with an advanced extraterrestrial civilization does shock our cultural system, we can hope it will do so completely enough that we will finally give up violence and exploitation—because those very terrestrial threats have threatened our survival as a species as completely as any extraterrestrial civilization could.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Mysterious cluster of Bright Lights moving at very high altitude over Lisbon Portugal
Mysterious cluster of Bright Lights moving at very high altitude over Lisbon Portugal
A strange phenomenon in the sky over Lisbon, Portugal has been filmed by a witness at the moment he was strolling in Lisbon by the river Tejo, next to the Padrao dos Descobrimentos monument on October 14, 2017 and suddenly noticed a strange cluster of lights on the sky moving at very high altitude.
The witness states: It was clearly visible as it was a dark night already with no light pollution on the river or left river bank where I was standing.
The phenomena reminded me the pattern of a cloud of chaff or the light reflections on waves at the sea, except the ones on the sky moved steadily and seemed to glow and flicker, were very high above the few clouds (so much so I could not see the contours) and were following a straight flight pattern, from South to North at surely high speed -since the moment I saw them above the right river bank until they vanished from view on the city hills on the left bank around 15 minutes passed, on a path that would have made it overfly the Lisbon airport.
And yet another strange fact; I am an aviation enthusiast and this summer as Portugal and Lisbon have become a much sought after tourist hotspot, I have been tracking for the past 2 months the arrivals of scores of planes, which land in large numbers from a SW flight path coming from the right (South) river bank of the Tejo river, a bit off the bridge, every 5 minutes or so.
After the disappearing of the strange lights from my visual standing point, I was much further intrigued by the fact that dozens of outgoing flights were now departing from Lisbon airport not on the very common South-North runway axis but rather taking the usual inbound flight path, i.e., precisely on the opposite direction of the strange lights as if for some reason they were avoiding a possible crossing of their path.
I am also a frequent flyer to man destinations all over the world and never have any of my flights took off across the city skyline, having inclusively to then make steep turns to go to their destinations as I observed yesterday.
Ps:I took one photo with my Iphone SE and a short video, where it seems there is a central cluster with small independent "orbs" next to it.
Also, apparently and as far as I can tell, dozens of bystanders, mostly tourists were baffled as I and taking pictures and videos with their Smartphones, and furthermore I checked with Portuguese UFO associations and this exact sightings have been multiplying this year alone mostly in Lisbon area but also in Algarve (Southern tip of the country). Mufon case file 87343.
Strange Blue Beam in the sky over Mexico points to holographic laser technology?
Strange Blue Beam in the sky over Mexico points to holographic laser technology?
On October 13, 2017 WebcamsdeMexico recorded a sort of blue beam in the sky.
At first I was sure, like the big black spot, it was lens flare or crepuscular rays (rays of sunlight) that appear to radiate from the point in the sky where the sun is located but then I realized that the Sun is rising to the left of the screen, while the strange beam is coming from the right.
Despite I have no answer to this strange sky phenomenon I’m just considering if it could be a holographic laser projection performed by an unknown device using highly advanced laser technology.
According to physics.stackexchange you can lock the frequency of two lasers to each other, so as one drifts the other follows identically. If you phase lock the two lasers, then you will be able to see the interference pattern with your eye.
Nearby 'Death Star' Dubbed Kronos has Devoured 15 Earth-like Planets
Nearby 'Death Star' Dubbed Kronos has Devoured 15 Earth-like Planets
In mythology, the Titan Kronos devoured his children, including Poseidon (better known as the planet Neptune), Hades (Pluto) and three daughters.
Astronomers discovered twin stars, one of which showed signs of having ingested a dozen or more rocky planets, they named them after Kronos and the companion star is named Krios, after Kronos’ brother. Their official designations are HD 240430 and HD 240429, and they are both about 350 light years from Earth.
Both Kronos and Krios are sun-like stars - yellow G-type - and are about 4 billion years old, orbiting each other about every 10,000 years. They have different chemical compositions - not an unknown phenomenon in binary star systems - but the scale of that difference is unusual, and seems even more bizarre when put in the context of the sun.
“Even if our sun ate the entire inner solar system, it wouldn’t come close to the anomaly we see in this star,” David Hogg, the group leader for astronomical data at the Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA) at the Flatiron Institute, who co-authored a new study on the subject, said in a statement Thursday.
The terrestrial matter is rich in heavier elements that can make up rock-forming minerals, such as magnesium, aluminum, silicon, iron, chromium, and yttrium. These materials are found in abundance in Kronos’ outer layers. The lighter elements like oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and potassium are found in the gaseous form. And given the laws of chemistry, heavier elements formed in nature after the lighter ones.
Therefore, usually, a Kronos-like metal-rich star would contain “all the other elements enhanced at a similar level, whereas Kronos has volatile elements suppressed, which makes it really weird in the general context of stellar abundance patterns.
All of the elements that would make up a rocky planet are exactly the elements that are enhanced on Kronos, and the volatile elements are not enhanced, so that provides a strong argument for a planet engulfment scenario, instead of something else.
Further calculations showed “that gaining this many rock-forming minerals without many volatiles would require engulfing roughly 15 Earth-mass planets.”
Invasion: Film to explore Bigfoot, UFO sightings along the Chestnut Ridge
Invasion: Film to explore Bigfoot, UFO sightings along the Chestnut Ridge
By Olivia Goudy
Invasion: Film to explore Bigfoot, UFO sightings along the Chestnut Ridge
Promotional artwork for “Invasion on Chestnut Ridge", which will be releases on DVD yje 20Th octobre
Stan Gordon appears in “Invasion on Chestnut Ridge"
Southwest Pennsylvania has long been the home of unusual and unexplained phenomenons with a number of residents reporting sightings and experiences with bizarre activity over the years.
Recently, an award-winning film company took interest in the unexplained in the small towns along the Chestnut Ridge recently. Next weekend, their film “Invasion on Chestnut Ridge,” will be released.
“We do these around the country — we use small small-town rural creature cases and typically focus on one monster story or legend and the impact its had on the community,” said Seth Breedlove, a filmmaker for Small Town Monsters.
Other productions in STM’s filmography include “Minerva Monster” based in eastern Ohio, “Beast of Whitehall” in upstate New York and “The Mothman of Point Pleasant” based out of West Virginia.
“What excited me about (Invasion) is that it isn’t just one case. We focused more on the entire region — the Chestnut Ridge range — instead of just one town,” Breedlove said.
The film helps to tell “the true story of one of the more bizarre places in America...and the unusual activity that has taken place there for decades,” according to a press release.
“Delving into one of the most intriguing and unusual regions this side of the Bermuda Triangle, the film will tell the tale of the Kecksburg UFO crash, the Uniontown Bigfoot/UFO sightings, encounters with a large, prehistoric bird in Keystone State Park and much more,” the release said.
The 60-minute film opens with the early history of the region, particularly in the Kecksburg area. Local enthusiasts Stan Gordon and Eric Altman appear in the film, recalling their earliest days of being in the paranormal field.
“For decades, researchers of the strange and unknown have journeyed back to Chestnut Ridge in search of answers,” as narrated in the film.
“Kecksburg, to me, seems like it was almost the catalyst for people becoming comfortable enough to share their experiences,” Altman said in the film.
On-scene filming and recreations of explained experiences are depicted in the film with a hazy, uneasy undertone that mimics the bizarre and unexplained phenomenons of the region.
Breedlove said he was most excited for the storytelling process when it came to this film in particular.
“That aspect excited me more so than any one particular element of the story,” he said. “It was a challenge to figure out a way to put all the stories together in one narrative, though.”
He noted that viewers might be surprised to learn of some of the stories in the film.
“None of the stories are very well known other than the Kecksburg UFO crash. I feel like the whole movie is going to be a little surprising,” Breedlove said.
Overall, though, Breedlove said you don’t have to believe in the reality of the stories or subject. Rather, the film is about the “preservation of local history.”
“It’s about the local history in the towns, and the human element connected to the bizarre stories. It’s not just a cool monster story — more than anything, it’s about the preservation of history behind the stories,” Breedlove said. “We’re capturing these stories in a bottle.”
“’Invasion on Chestnut Ridge’ will be the first feature film to document this hotbed of paranormal activity,” the press release states. “Is the ridge a magnet for strange and mystifying forces? A beacon to visitors from beyond? you be the judge when the film is released on Oct. 20.”
The film will be available on DVD and on Amazon. Breedlove said they’re also streaming the film in Cambridge, Ohio, and are looking for areas to possibly screen it in Pennsylvania.
Former Blink-182 singer and guitarist Tom DeLonge is taking his fascination with/conspiracy theories about UFOs to their logical conclusion point: He's partnering with former government officials on a public benefit corporation studying "exotic technologies" from Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) that the consortium says can "revolutionize the human experience."
To The Stars Academy says it strives to be a powerful vehicle for change and that its members will have the "freedom to explore exotic science and technologies with the infrastructure and resources to rapidly transition them to products that can change the world." Phew. The Academy will focus on three pillars: science, aerospace and entertainment.
For science, DeLonge and Co. want to study consciousness, brain-computer interfaces, UAPs and telepathy. That's in addition to a proposed human ultra-experience database that they hope will collect "supranormal experienced, with the goal of creating proprietary algorithms to find detailed patterns and correlate them with other academic research." Sure.
As far as the other pillars go, To the Stars wants to further develop the tech needed to launch small satellites into orbit using ground-based lasers. Entertainment includes plans to develop a feature film, further expand Delonge's Sekret Machines novel and move into animation and short films.
To The Stars is raising money via crowdfunding and currently has pulled in $265,605 from 535 investors.
"The public interest in the outer edges of science and the understanding of phenomena has always been suffocated by mainstream ideology and bureaucratic constraint," the pitch page says. "We believe there are transformative discoveries within our reach that will revolutionize the human experience, but they can only be accomplished through the unrestricted support of breakthrough research, discovery and innovation."
Sounds pretty normal right? Buckle up.
"The team members all share a common thread of frustration and determination to disrupt the status quo, wanting to use their expertise and credibility to bring transformative science and engineering out of the shadows and collaborate with global citizens to apply that knowledge in a way that benefits humanity. Without the restrictions of government priorities."
The bold text and italics are exactly how they appear on the fundraising page. The idea of unchecked science is a bit concerning. After all, we have BioShock to look to for evidence of how poorly that can go. I guess this is growing up?
Local UFO photos fascinated Air Force; farmer wanted to forget them: Throwback Thursday
Local UFO photos fascinated Air Force; farmer wanted to forget them: Throwback Thursday
Paul Trent's first UFO photo.
(Oregonian archive)
Evelyn Trent started yelling for her husband at about 7:45 that evening. She was feeding their rabbits in the yard of the couple’s Dayton farm when she saw it -- “like a good-sized parachute canopy without the strings, only silver-bright mixed with bronze.”
“It was as pretty as anything I ever saw,” she recalled later.
She ran into the house, found her husband -- and their camera -- and they raced back into the yard. Paul Trent spotted it too -- “a round, shiny, wingless object” hovering in the sky.
The 43-year-old farmer managed to take two photographs before the flying object disappeared into the evening mist.
They’re the most famous photos ever to come out of Yamhill County.
The McMinnville Telephone Register and The Oregonian published the images in June of 1950, a month after Paul Trent took them. (He had to finish off the roll before getting the images developed. The final three photos he took were of a family picnic on Mother’s Day.)
Life magazine followed the Oregon newspapers, offering its national audience a gander at the unidentified flying object. Soon, a U.S. Air Force investigator came to the Trent farm outside McMinnville. “The object was coming in toward us and seemed to be tipped up a little bit,” Paul Trent told the officer. “It was very bright -- almost silvery -- and there was no noise.”
The investigator had heard such stories before. This was the Golden Age of UFO sightings. But while most alien-craft tales were easily debunked -- they were discovered to be weather balloons or private planes or obvious hoaxes -- that wasn’t the case with the Trents’ photos.
In 1967, the Air Force commissioned prominent nuclear physicist Edward U. Condon to lead an exhaustive UFO study. The 950-page report, titled “Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects,” easily dismissed most of the reported sightings, but, it stated, “at least one, showing a disk-shaped object in flight over Oregon, is classed as difficult to explain in a conventional way.” The study determined that the photos were genuine and the Trents truthful.
“This is one of the few UFO reports,” the study declared, “in which all factors investigated -- gemetic, psychological and physical -- appear to be consistent with the assertion that an extraordinary flying object, silvery, metallic, disk-shaped, tens of meters in diameter and evidently artificial, flew within sight of two [credible] witnesses.”
Paul Trent's second photo of the UFO.
(Oregonian archive)
The Condon report reached this conclusion even though Evelyn Trent had a history of spotting strange objects in the sky. She had told The Oregonian in 1950 that she’d seen flying saucers at the coast three separate times, “but no one would believe me.”
On this occasion, however, her husband backed her up and never wavered about what he saw, though he admitted, The Oregonian wrote, that he had “no idea what the object was, how fast it was flying, how high it was nor where it came from.”
Eventually, McMinnville embraced the sighting, with McMenamins launching a popular annual UFO festival in the city. The 19th event will take place next May.
Kim Spencer, granddaughter of UFO photographer Paul Trent, in 2000.
(The Oregonian)
Paul Trent -- who died in 1998, a year after his wife -- eventually just wanted to put the whole UFO thing behind them. When two Oregonian reporters asked for recollections some 40 years after the sighting, he chafed at Evelyn’s willingness to talk again about what they had seen. “I told you to forget all about that,” he said.
Evelyn nodded at her husband, and then continued her story, telling the reporters about the "magnificent disc hurtling toward the house.”
Betty and Barney Hill are best known as the first alien abductees to garner worldwide attention and media coverage of their 1961 close encounter with a UFO and subsequent abduction by non-human beings.
Betty (1919-2004) was social worker for the State of New Hampshire and Barney (1922-69) was civil service worker for the U.S. Post Office. The encounter transpired when the couple was returning to their Portsmouth, New Hampshire home on September 19, 1961 from a short vacation in Niagara Falls and Montreal. Hurricane Esther was whirling up the coast and threatening to strike New Hampshire’s Seacoast, so the Hills decided to cut their trip short. This decision would require a nighttime drive with an expected 2:00 a.m. arrival time, but Barney was up for the challenge as he was well rested from the night before and was accustomed to working the night shift.
Betty and Barney Hill
At the time neither had any particular interest in UFOs. Betty, however, was more open-minded about the possibility that UFOs may exist while Barney was convinced otherwise. The events of that fateful evening forever changed the couple’s lives when they experienced an unknown phenomenon superior to anything known on Earth. Both made confidential reports of the event to the appropriate authorities, but were troubled by a two-hour time lapse and physical evidence that they couldn’t account for. Hoping to break through the apparent amnesia, a little more than two years after the close encounter, Betty and Barney contacted renowned Boston psychiatrist, Dr. Benjamin Simon. Both recalled the traumatic details of being seized and subjected to physical examinations by non-human beings.
Much to their dismay, a breach of confidentiality led to the public disclosure of the Hills’ story in October 1965. The worst thing that could have happened to the Hills was for their story to become public knowledge because they felt they had much to lose and nothing to gain. Soon their tale emerged in popular culture as a fascinating chronicle of alien abduction; the topic of intense scientific interest; and the prime target of debunkers, who continue to attack it today.
Attempts to Discredit the Hills
As a social scientist, UFO researcher, and the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, it came to my attention, long ago, that mainstream publications were not very accurate in regards to the facts of the Betty and Barney Hill close encounter and abduction case. For example, the March 7, 1993 PARADE article by Carl Sagan entitled “Are they coming for US? What’s Going On?” led its readers to believe that Betty observed only a “bright star-like UFO” that seemed to be following them. Carl would have us believe that it remained a bright distant dot in the sky throughout the Hills’ journey through New Hampshire’s White Mountains on September 19, 1961. The fact is that it followed the Hills for approximately an hour and progressively closed in on them. The following day, Betty and Barney sketched pictures of the lighted, disk-shaped craft that hovered silently approximately 100 feet above their vehicle. Barney’s sketch showed figures standing in the windows. They reported their close encounter to the director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), Donald Keyhoe, and were interviewed for six hours by NICAP investigator Walter Webb, an astronomy lecturer at the Hayden Planetarium in Boston. The close encounter is part of the official record.
Marker commemorating the location of the Betty and Barney Hill incident. (Credit: Kathleen Marden)
Next, according to Carl, Barney left the main highway for “narrow mountain roads” because he feared they might be harmed. This is an outright fabrication but it conveniently explains the time lapse that the Hills and investigators couldn’t account for even after the investigation. The fact is that at no time did Barney intentionally turn off the main highway. The fact is that he wanted to stay on the highway because he was closer to human contact and because he wanted to report his close encounter to a police officer.
Carl continues, “They arrived home two hours later than expected” and Betty read a book (by Donald Keyhoe), claiming they were “spaceships from other worlds.” Next, we learn about Betty’s series of nightmares in which she and Barney were abducted. Donald Keyhoe’s book didn’t contain any information about UFO abductions or any of the details in Betty’s dreams, but Carl’s careful crafting leads us to believe that Keyhoe’s book provided the information in the five dreams/nightmares that occurred about two weeks after her close encounter. It is important to note that in reality Betty’s dreams about the abduction contained information for which she had conscious recall. Additionally, the abduction she recalled in hypnotic regression was markedly different than that of her dreams.
Carl’s article was intent upon debunking all UFO abduction claims by convincing his readership that experiencers are having nothing more than lucid dreams and sleep paralysis involving aliens found in popular culture. He bolstered his contention by declaring that none of the so-called evidence has been substantiated and no eye witness testimony carries much weight, even multiple witness testimony by reliable reporters. The truth is that people have been convicted in a court of law based upon the degree of evidence that suspected abductees have produced: physical trace evidence, radar evidence, photographic evidence, multiple witness lie detector testing, testing normal on psychological evaluations and personality disorder screenings, physiological evidence, multiple witness testimony, etc. But Carl informs us that all of this is completely inadequate and unreliable.
Carl Sagan with a model of the Viking lander.
(Credit: NASA)
Returning to the Hill case, Carl bounded into another leap of faith when he stated that Barney overheard Betty describing the details in her dreams to friends and UFO investigators, and under hypnosis with Dr. Benjamin Simon several years later (it was only twenty-nine months later), he confabulated Betty’s dream information into his own abduction story. The truth is that Dr. Simon couldn’t bring himself to accept the possibility that the Hills had been abducted, although he stated several times that the first experience, the close encounter, came out clearly in both Betty’s and Barney’s hypnosis and probably was a real experience. His statement to Barney with regard to several hypotheses was “All of these things can happen. Anything can happen when you come right down to it.”
On the Hills’ hypnosis tapes, Barney swore that although he had overheard some of the information in Betty’s dreams, they were obviously dreams, not reality in his opinion. He rejected them. Dr. Simon probed the possibility that Barney might be lying or even that a telepathic transfer of information had occurred between Betty and Barney. In the October 1967 issue of Psychiatric Opinion, Dr. Simon wrote, “I had to be continually on the alert for distortions honestly made by them and had to test their revelations against the continuum of the entire picture. Even when they appeared to be lying, they were telling the truth if one could work out the general semantics of the situation.” As for telepathic communication, Dr. Simon rejected this hypothesis early on with the exception of Betty’s star map. He later stated that if science proved that Zeta Reticuli had planets with intelligent life, we must assume that Betty had acquired this information telepathically. Dr. Simon had only one viable option to explain the Hill UFO case. Because he had been informed that alien abduction was impossible, his only option was that Betty must have somehow transferred the content of her dreams/nightmares to Barney. In turn, he thought that Barney had simply reiterated the information in Betty’s dreams during his own hypnosis sessions.
Dr. Benjamin Simon
Dr. Simon repeatedly returned to what he considered was the only viable option—the dream hypothesis. He explored the possibility that Betty’s dreams were relived during her hypnosis sessions and that Barney had merely absorbed and repeated the content of her dreams in his own recall. The hypnosis tapes made it abundantly clear that the Hills made a convincing argument against Dr. Simon’s hypothesis. Betty stated that that her captors bore no resemblance to those in her dreams. Their appearance and mode of communication was completely different. The dream aliens had a southern European appearance and were dressed in blue military cadet uniforms and spoke with their mouths, not telepathically. In contrast, in hypnotic regression she described truly non-human aliens in appearance and communication. She stated that she understood them in English although their mouths didn’t move. Additionally, she recalled an extraordinary amount of experiential details that were not in her dreams. Barney too was convinced that his hypnotic recall had accurately explained the period of apparent amnesia and missing time.
All of the documented evidence available to me indicates that Dr. Simon remained retrospective about the Hills’ experience until the movie The UFO Incident, starring James Earl Jones and Estelle Parsons which aired on NBC on October 20, 1975. On the October 25, 1975 Today Show, Dr. Simon stated publically for the first time that he believed the abduction was largely a dream. When asked directly if he had concluded that the memory of being aboard a spaceship was a fantasy, he replied “A fantasy. In other words it was a dream.” On November 24, 1975 he and Betty appeared on the Larry Glick show and he repeated his opinion stating, “Their story was fantastic and unreal and had to be accepted or rejected…If I this were real I’d have to believe these beings were from outer space.” Dr. Simon rejected that notion; after all, he had an outstanding reputation to protect.
It is telling that Dr. Simon incorrectly recalled much of the information on the hypnosis tapes. His memory appears to have been failing. For example, he stated that Betty’s abduction experience and her dreams were exactly alike except for the description of the ramp to the craft. As I noted above, Dr. Simon’s memory was inaccurate and wrong. He spoke about Barney’s increasing fear throughout the trip and its escalating intensity after the object was sighted. The fact is that Barney was sometimes concerned about the possibility of racial discrimination, but didn’t encounter it. It was only a periodic concern, not an overwhelming obsession. He did remove his gun in the wilderness area because he was outside at night in an area inhabited by bears—a very real concern. And he did become increasingly fearful as the silent, hovering, unconventional craft approached closer and closer. His fear reached an apex when he observed beings on the craft were “somehow not human,” as stated in Walt Webb’s NICAP report, and felt that he would soon be captured. It is not unreasonable for any well-adjusted human to have a strong emotional response to this kind of stimuli.
Dr. Simon correctly noted a difference between the Hills’ two stories, as did I. It is apparent that Betty sometimes abandoned her veridical memory of the event and escaped to some of her dream memories. Barney did not. His physical exam was nearly identical to that described by male abductees in subsequent abduction reports although they were not privy to Barney’s information. It is apparent that Dr. Simon didn’t examine Betty’s and Barney’s independent statements in detail vis-à-vis her dream account. He challenged Betty and Barney to explain why Betty knew everything about Barney’s experience on the craft but he knew nothing of hers. But that was an empty statement. Betty knew very little about Barney’s experience on the craft and certainly Barney knew nothing of Betty’s experience.
Setting the Record Straight
Unfortunately, Dr. Simon and Carl Sagan didn’t live long enough to read my book Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience, coauthored by scientific ufologist/nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman. Nor were they around to read my comparative analysis of the hypnosis tapes versus Betty’s dream transcripts. The detailed information that she and Barney independently offered would have dispelled that myth. The Hills gave detailed correlating information that was not in Betty’s dreams and could not have been passed from one to the other.
Kathleen Marden holding her books, Science Was Wrong and Captured!
(Credit: Alejandro Rojas)
Returning to Carl’s article, I made the naive assumption in 1993 that Carl simply didn’t have his facts straight and I wrote to him listing his errors and the correct information. But I didn’t receive a reply, or more importantly a retraction. It was only later that I learned that Carl had sent a review copy of his article to Stanton Friedman, more than two months before the PARADE article was published. Stanton replied in a twelve-page letter giving detailed commentary on Carl’s inaccurate statements and supplying the correct information. Nevertheless Carl chose to misrepresent the facts.
In my new book with Stanton Friedman, Science Was Wrong, I question why Carl would knowingly misrepresent the Hill case to millions of readers and viewers of his Cosmos series and his PARADE article. Since that time I have been searching for the answer to my question. I recently found a clue in a letter written by Carl to debunker Philip Klass praising his Skeptical Inquirer review of the Condon study, an infamous committee established to study UFOs in the 1960s. Carl wrote, “I also take credit for convincing the O’Brien Committee of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, of which I was a member, to recommend a major academic skeptical study of UFO’s.” Notice that he did not use the word “unbiased.” As most readers probably know, the Condon study was both skeptical and biased. What you might not know is that Robert Low, the project coordinator, maintained a close relationship with Klass throughout the study, exchanging frequent letters and confidential information. It is not unfair, in my estimation, to say that Carl Sagan and Phil Klass had a vested interest in dispensing of the entire UFO problem. It would certainly let the U.S. government off the hook.
16x bewijs voor het bestaan van aliens. Worden we bezocht?
16x bewijs voor het bestaan van aliens. Worden we bezocht?
Al eeuwen wordt gesproken over het bestaan van aliens, maar tot op heden ontbreekt waterdicht bewijs.
Toch zijn er genoeg aanwijzingen te vinden voor het bestaan van leven buiten de aarde, meldt nieuwssite MSN. Een overzicht.
Toen de Amerikanen op de maan landden met de Apollo 11 werd door de astronauten een ongeïdentificeerd object gezien. Wat het object was, is nog altijd een mysterie.
Onbekend signaal
Op 1 augustus 1966 berichtte Erie Morning News dat er een UFO was gezien in Pennsylvania. Betty Klem zag een fel licht dat op enkele honderden meters afstand van haar landde.
Astronomen die radiosignalen naar Mars stuurden kregen in 2004 een onbekend signaal terug dat steeds sterker werd. Mogelijk waren het aliens die contact zochten.
Onze Melkweg bestaat uit ruim 400 miljard sterren waarvan de meeste ook planeten hebben. Astronoom Frank Drake maakte een vergelijking over de mogelijkheid dat er leven is op die planeten.
Deltavormig object
Een piloot zag recentelijk een deltavormig object op zijn vliegtuig afkomen en nog voordat hij kon reageren was het al weer verdwenen.
Het Office of Outer Space Affairs van de VN (UNOOSA) houdt zich bezig met de ruimte. Het heeft de eer om buitenaardse bezoekers te begroeten en is verantwoordelijk voor het contact met andere planeten.
In de atmosfeer van Mars wordt veel methaan gevonden. Omdat dit wordt geproduceerd door levende organismen zou je denken dat er leven is op Mars.
Vreemde signalen
Recentelijk ontdekten Russische onderzoekers een micro-organisme dat niet bestaat op aarde. Ze zijn ervan overtuigd dat het van Mars afkomstig is.
In 1977 pikten wetenschappers van de Ohio State University vreemde signalen op van een bron op 200 miljoen lichtjaar. Het mysterie rond deze signalen is nog altijd niet opgelost.
Op Antarctica zijn stenen gevonden met fossielen van bacteriën. Er wordt gespeculeerd dat de stenen miljarden jaren geleden naar de aarde zijn gekomen en hier leven naartoe hebben gebracht.
De Russische wetenschapper Leonid Ksanfomaliti claimde op foto’s die ruimtesonde Venera 13 in 1982 van Venus heeft gemaakt een schorpioen-achtige diersoort te hebben ontdekt.
Uit recent onderzoek blijkt dat er mogelijk bacteriën en andere levensvormen op Jupitermaan Europa kunnen leven.
Britse wetenschappers vingen in 2013 in de stratosfeer levende organismen op. Ze waren ervan overtuigd dat deze wezens uit de ruimte kwamen.
In het Schotse dorp Bonnybridge, ook wel de UFO-hoofdstad van Schotland genoemd, worden ieder jaar 300 UFO-meldingen gedaan.
Er zijn al geregeld Egyptische hiërogliefen gevonden met daarop afbeeldingen van UFO’s. Mogelijk hebben de oude Egyptenaren bezoek gehad van aliens.
In de schedel van Napoleon Bonaparte vonden onderzoekers een vreemd voorwerp. De Franse heerser zei zelf dat hij in 1794 door vreemde mannen was ontvoerd toen hij dagenlang verdween.
Misschien wel de meest misplaatste arrogantie ooit van de mensheid is dat ze denken het klimaat wel even te kunnen beheersen.
Terwijl de aardbevingen rondom Yellowstone blijven toenemen, haalt Nederland het in haar hoofd om een minister van Klimaat te benoemen.
De afgelopen jaren is het publiek regelmatig in slaap gesust door de Amerikaanse Geological Survey (USGS), die verzekerde dat ondanks dat er zich steeds vaker series kleine aardbevingen voordeden rondom het gebied van de Yellowstone Supervulkaan, dit helemaal niets was om ons zorgen over te maken.
Een supervulkaan die, wanneer deze wel tot uitbarsting zou komen, zal zorgen voor mogelijk honderdduizenden dodelijke slachtoffers.
Sinds ongeveer het midden van de maand juli van dit jaar hebben zich in het Yellowstone gebied ongeveer 2.500 kleine aardbevingen voorgedaan, het hoogste aantal in een serie ooit. De aarde onder de vulkaan is aan het verschuiven en dit kan betekenen dat er magma is gaan stromen naar de belangrijkste magmakamer.
Dit proces dat leidt naar een uitbarsting had volgens eerdere voorspellingen van de geologen van de USGS nog duizenden jaren moeten duren.
Wanneer dit monster uitbarst, kan er meer dan 1.000 kubieke kilometer as en gruis de atmosfeer in worden geblazen, ongeveer 2.500 keer meer materiaal dan tijdens de uitbarsting van de Mount Saint Helens in 1980, waarbij 57 doden vielen. Wanneer Yellowstone daadwerkelijk uitbarst, zal niet alleen Noord Amerika worden bedekt met een dikke laag as, maar zal de wereld te maken krijgen met een vulkaanwinter.
Wetenschappers staan eigenlijk op dit moment een beetje met hun mond vol tanden, want nooit hadden zij verwacht dat het gehele voorbereidende proces dat zich voltrekt voordat de vulkaan daadwerkelijk uitbarst, zou kunnen plaatsvinden in een tijdsbestek van één mensenleven.
Wij schrijven al heel lang dat er iets bijzonders gaande is rondom Yellowstone supervulkaan, maar ook dat werd door velen afgedaan als een complotter-verhaaltje. Nu blijkt dit dus wel degelijk te kloppen, hetgeen maar weer eens bewijst dat je voor het echte nieuws bij de alternatieve media moet zijn, want volgens de mainstream was ertin het geheel niets aan de hand bij Yellowstone.
Net zoals wij al heel lang schrijven over andere fenomenen die veel heftiger zijn dan de mainstream ons willen laten geloven, zoals onlangs over de schrikbarende toename van het aantal aardbevingen dat volkomen onder de pet wordt gehouden.
Slapende vulkanen die overal ter wereld wakker worden, sinkholes die overal ter wereld verschijnen, aardbevingen die in aantallen stijgen naar een recordhoogte. Al deze dingen hebben totaal niets te maken met de gedragingen van de mens en (niet bestaande) opwarming van de aarde.
We worden voorgelogen op een enorme schaal. Zoals we onlangs schreven wordt het klimaat op aarde voornamelijk bepaald door de zon en dan lijkt het erop dat we weer richting mini ijstijd gaan. Dit gekoppeld aan het feit dat er temperatuurdalingen kunnen ontstaan door grote vulkaanuitbarstingen betekent dat er helemaal geen sprake is van klimaatopwarming. Daarnaast is CO2 iets dat onze planeet heel hard nodig heeft en door het bestrijden daarvan doen we onszelf als mensheid de das om.
In plaats van dat onze overheid zich concentreert op het beter voorbereiden van de bevolking op mogelijk roerige tijden en deze leert hoe ze in barre tijden zoals een vulkaanwinter kunnen overleven, gaan ze een Minister van Klimaat aanstellen.
Er schuift vanaf november elke vrijdag een beklagenswaardige, nieuwe figuur aan tafel in de Trêveszaal voor de ministerraad. Het is de Klimaatminister, waarschijnlijk van D66-huize, met een oneindig vertrouwen in de toekomst. Want deze man of vrouw wordt opgezadeld met een hondsmoeilijke opdracht, waarvan het resultaat pas duidelijk is als Rutte III en zijn Klimaatminister bijna zijn vergeten.
Kijk naar bovenstaande, waaruit wederom blijkt dat wij al jarenlang gelijk hebben en dat de situatie rondom de Yellowstone vulkaan veel kritischer is dan men ons wilde doen geloven. Kijk naar de mainstream media die daar jarenlang over hebben gelogen zoals ze over alles liegen.
Kijk en huiver hoe de paljassen in Den Haag een minister van klimaat gaan aanstellen. Alsof ze dezelfde macht zouden hebben als een God. De mens controleert het klimaat op aarde niet, hoe hard ze het ook proberen, en dat is een van de de grootste leugens die ooit aan een slapende bevolking is verteld.
De zon en eventueel de invloeden van enorme (magnetische) krachtvelden van andere planeten bepalen het klimaat hier op aarde en niet de mens.
Conspiracy Theorists Claim Top UFO Researchers Are Being Murdered One After Another
Conspiracy Theorists Claim Top UFO Researchers Are Being Murdered One After Another
The government killing off anyone who gets near to the truth about UFOs may be just a perfect conspiracy theory, but some people sincerely believe it. As proof, they referred to growing list of people who had died due to alleged accidents and suicides.
John Ventre, one of the researchers at the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), says that 137 people died in the field of UFO investigation in a ten-year period.
Paranormal investigator Max Spiers died last year after claiming to have survived a secret super soldier programme of the government. Conspiracy fans pointed the finger at secret government agencies.
Believers say that killings may have been arranged to stop them from revealing the truth about UFOs back as far as 1947. They believe that JFK assassination may be one of those killings.
YouTuber Tyler of SecureTeam 10 claims that he has had threats and phone calls. He says that the danger from the government or people who want to keep them silent grows monumentally as UFO enthusiasts like him have grown into prominent positions in the field of UFO research. Tyler adds that he is starting to believe that those concerns are justified.
UFO author Nigel Watson says the conspiracy theory implies that there is some form of conspiracy and organisation behind the killings.
Triangle-shaped craft seen by 20 witnesses over Thornhill, Canada 9-Oct-2017
Triangle-shaped craft seen by 20 witnesses over Thornhill, Canada 9-Oct-2017
Check out this really interesting video of a triangle-shaped craft hovering in the sky above Thornhill, Canada. This was filmed on 9th October 2017.
Witness report:
We were at our friends house in the backyard for thanksgiving when I noticed something glimmering brightly in the sky. This was observed by 20 people. We were at a friends house for thanksgiving in the background with 20 people including kids. I initially had something catch my eye in the south east sky around 1,000 feet at an angle of around 50 degrees to the ground. We initially thought it was maybe some silver balloons as we could see three round shiny objects. It became apparent that it was actually one object triangular in shape with three bright lights. The object hovered and moved around slowly making no sound at all. We could see this object move behind a cloud and then back again. It began to climb to around 2,000 plus feet. We thought maybe it was a drione but the object was much larger than any drone I’ve seen and was metallic. We did not observe any strobe pattern or flashing lights just the three solid lights which did increase and decrease in intensity. I did manage to capture a couple of still shots and it can be seen that this is clearly a triangular shakes object with 3 equally spaced bright white lights. We watched this object for around 30 minutes until it climbed to 3,000 feet and above and made its way into the south east sky. During its movement it appeared that this object was moving and spinning slowly. I immediately began to film it with my iPhone.
As NASA missions explore our solar system and search for new worlds, they are finding water in surprising places. Water is but one piece of our search for habitable planets and life beyond Earth, yet it links many seemingly unrelated worlds in surprising ways.
“NASA science activities have provided a wave of amazing findings related to water in recent years that inspire us to continue investigating our origins and the fascinating possibilities for other worlds, and life, in the universe,” said Ellen Stofan, chief scientist for the agency. “In our lifetime, we may very well finally answer whether we are alone in the solar system and beyond.”
The chemical elements in water, hydrogen and oxygen, are some of the most abundant elements in the universe. Astronomers see the signature of water in giant molecular clouds between the stars, in disks of material that represent newborn planetary systems, and in the atmospheres of giant planets orbiting other stars.
There are several worlds thought to possess liquid water beneath their surfaces, and many more that have water in the form of ice or vapor. Water is found in primitive bodies like comets and asteroids, and dwarf planets like Ceres. The atmospheres and interiors of the four giant planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune — are thought to contain enormous quantities of the wet stuff, and their moons and rings have substantial water ice.
Perhaps the most surprising water worlds are the five icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn that show strong evidence of oceans beneath their surfaces: Ganymede, Europa and Callisto at Jupiter, and Enceladus and Titan at Saturn.
Scientists using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope recently provided powerful evidence that Ganymede has a saltwater, sub-surface ocean, likely sandwiched between two layers of ice.
Europa and Enceladus are thought to have an ocean of liquid water beneath their surface in contact with mineral-rich rock, and may have the three ingredients needed for life as we know it: liquid water, essential chemical elements for biological processes, and sources of energy that could be used by living things. NASA’s Cassini mission has revealed Enceladus as an active world of icy geysers. Recent research suggests it may have hydrothermal activity on its ocean floor, an environment potentially suitable for living organisms.
NASA spacecraft have also found signs of water in permanently shadowed craters on Mercury and our moon, which hold a record of icy impacts across the ages like cryogenic keepsakes.
While our solar system may seem drenched in some places, others seem to have lost large amounts of water.
On Mars, NASA spacecraft have found clear evidence that the Red Planet had water on its surface for long periods in the distant past. NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover discovered an ancient streambed that existed amidst conditions favorable for life as we know it.
More recently, NASA scientists using ground-based telescopes were able to estimate the amount of water Mars has lost over the eons. They concluded the planet once had enough liquid water to form an ocean occupying almost half of Mars’ northern hemisphere, in some regions reaching depths greater than a mile (1.6 kilometers). But where did the water go?
It’s clear some of it is in the Martian polar ice caps and below the surface. We also think much of Mars’ early atmosphere was stripped away by the wind of charged particles that streams from the sun, causing the planet to dry out. NASA’s MAVEN mission is hard at work following this lead from its orbit around Mars.
The story of how Mars dried out is intimately connected to how the Red Planet’s atmosphere interacts with the solar wind. Data from the agency’s solar missions — including STEREO, Solar Dynamics Observatory and the planned Solar Probe Plus — are vital to helping us better understand what happened.
Understanding the distribution of water in our solar system tells us a great deal about how the planets, moons, comets and other bodies formed 4.5 billion years ago from the disk of gas and dust that surrounded our sun. The space closer to the sun was hotter and drier than the space farther from the sun, which was cold enough for water to condense. The dividing line, called the “frost line,” sat around Jupiter’s present-day orbit. Even today, this is the approximate distance from the sun at which the ice on most comets begins to melt and become “active.” Their brilliant spray releases water ice, vapor, dust and other chemicals, which are thought to form the bedrock of most worlds of the frigid outer solar system.
Scientists think it was too hot in the solar system’s early days for water to condense into liquid or ice on the inner planets, so it had to be delivered — possibly by comets and water-bearing asteroids. NASA’s Dawn mission is currently studying Ceres, which is the largest body in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Researchers think Ceres might have a water-rich composition similar to some of the bodies that brought water to the three rocky, inner planets, including Earth.
The amount of water in the giant planet Jupiter holds a critical missing piece to the puzzle of our solar system’s formation. Jupiter was likely the first planet to form, and it contains most of the material that wasn’t incorporated into the sun. The leading theories about its formation rest on the amount of water the planet soaked up. To help solve this mystery, NASA’s Juno mission will measure this important quantity beginning in mid-2016.
Looking further afield, observing other planetary systems as they form is like getting a glimpse of our own solar system’s baby pictures, and water is a big part of that story. For example, NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has observed signs of a hail of water-rich comets raining down on a young solar system, much like the bombardment planets in our solar system endured in their youth.
With the study of exoplanets — planets that orbit other stars — we are closer than ever to finding out if other water-rich worlds like ours exist. In fact, our basic concept of what makes planets suitable for life is closely tied to water: Every star has a habitable zone, or a range of distances around it in which temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold for liquid water to exist. NASA’s planet-hunting Kepler mission was designed with this in mind. Kepler looks for planets in the habitable zone around many types of stars.
Recently verifying its thousandth exoplanet, Kepler data confirm that the most common planet sizes are worlds just slightly larger than Earth. Astronomers think many of those worlds could be entirely covered by deep oceans. Kepler’s successor, K2, continues to watch for dips in starlight to uncover new worlds.
The agency’s upcoming TESS mission will search nearby, bright stars in the solar neighborhood for Earth- and super-Earth-sized exoplanets. Some of the planets TESS discovers may have water, and NASA’s next great space observatory, the James Webb Space Telescope, will examine the atmospheres of those special worlds in great detail.
It’s easy to forget that the story of Earth’s water, from gentle rains to raging rivers, is intimately connected to the larger story of our solar system and beyond. But our water came from somewhere — every world in our solar system got its water from the same shared source. So it’s worth considering that the next glass of water you drink could easily have been part of a comet, or an ocean moon, or a long-vanished sea on the surface of Mars. And note that the night sky may be full of exoplanets formed by similar processes to our home world, where gentle waves wash against the shores of alien seas.
There’s a giant egg floating in our solar system with a ring around it
There’s a giant egg floating in our solar system with a ring around it
Some of the most exciting new discoveries in space come from far, far away, thanks to telescopes capable of detecting exoplanets that are so distant we’d likely never be able to actually visit them, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t still some pretty interesting stuff here in our own Solar System. Take, for example, the dwarf planet Haumea, a large egg-shaped body that hangs out beyond Neptune in the far reaches of our little planetary neighborhood, which researchers just discovered also happens to have a ring around it. Man, space is weird.
The research, which was published in the journal Nature, reveals that the oddly-shaped object is a real oddity, even among dwarf planets. Haumea’s oblong shape isn’t the only weird thing about it, as it also has an extremely fast rotational speed, leading to a full revolution once every 3.9 hours.
This older depiction of Haumea lacks the rings but shows the dark red spot that scientists identified on the dwarf planet’s surface.
Credit: SINC/José Antonio Peñas
Haumea is one of only five officially recognized dwarf planets, with the others being Ceres, Eris, Makemake, and of course the onetime planet Pluto. Along with its egg shape and rapid rotation, it sets itself apart thanks to its pair of moons and of course it’s newly-discovered debris ring.
Rings around planets like Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are well-studied and, for the most part, understood. But a dwarf planet boasting a ring of its own is definitely pretty weird, if only because it’s the first with a confirmed ring.
Interestingly, the many oddities that make Haumea such a strange dwarf planet might be related. Past research suggested that the dwarf planet experienced a collision with another object in the Kuiper Belt — the thick circle of debris that lies past Neptune — and it’s entirely possible that the impact not only caused the dwarf to spin wildly, sending debris into its orbit. That debris could have been the material that eventually formed its moons, with the rest of the dust falling into orbit and creating its ring.
The aircraft, which had the code name Project 1794, was developed by the USAF and Avro Canada in the 1950s. One declassified memo, which seems to be the conclusion of initial research and prototyping, says that Project 1794 is a flying saucer capable of “between Mach 3 and Mach 4,” (2,300-3,000 mph) a service ceiling of over 100,000 feet (30,500m), and a range of around 1,000 nautical miles (1,150mi, 1850km).
As far as we can tell, the supersonic flying saucer would propel itself by rotating an outer disk at very high speed, taking advantage of the Coandă effect. Maneuvering would be accomplished by using small shutters on the edge of the disc (similar to ailerons on a winged aircraft). Power would be provided by jet turbines. According to the cutaway diagrams, the entire thing would even be capable of vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL).
These images (two more at the end of the story) come from the US National Archives, which is tasked with preserving important records and documents — including declassified military documents. It isn’t clear why it has taken some 64 years for Project 1794 to be declassified, though it does follow on from the declassified news in 2008 that the US government has been monitoring UFO activity for more than 30 years. There are apparently two whole boxes of Project 1794 documents — but only the four images shown here have been digitized.
Without a deeper look inside those boxes, we can’t be sure that Project 1794 ever made it off the ground. It’s worth noting that Avro Canada also worked on the VZ-9 Avrocar, though — which is basically the same as Project 1794, but a lot smaller. The Avrocar was originally specified for a max speed of 300 mph and a service ceiling of 10,000 feet — but in practice, it never got more than three feet off the ground or flew faster than 35mph.
Despite the Avrocar’s failures, it is clear that the US government was indeed working on aircraft in the 1950s that resembled flying saucers. Suffice it to say, the US might also have been working on flying saucers back in the ’40s, around the same time as the Roswell UFO incident.
Ultimately, though, the fact that we use fixed-wing aircraft today is a good indicator that flying saucers, while cool, just aren’t that functional. If flying saucers were somehow faster or more efficient or capable of lifting heavier loads, we would almost certainly see them in a commercial setting. Sadly, while some UFO sightings may have indeed been Project 1794, it’s unlikely that they were anything more than experiments carried out by humans, not aliens.
The hunt for an alleged mysterious ninth planet (no, not Pluto, the other one) keeps taking strange turns. It all began when astronomers began detecting unexplained anomalies in the orbits of distant planets and objects in our Solar System. These anomalies implied that an unknown massive object was exerting gravitational forces on these objects, prompting astronomers to search for and identify several possible candidates for an alleged Planet 9 (or Planet X, depending on who you ask).
Planet 9/X has become one of the most intriguing astronomical mysteries of our time.
While the possible existence of such a planet is still up in the air, that hasn’t stopped conspiracy theorists from launching all sorts of speculation about the role of such a planet in apocalyptic doomsday events. As usual, though, the proposed dates for such a planetary collision have come and gone several times without incident.
Or maybe it already has collided with Earth and launched us into a hellish the current dimension/timeline we seem to have found ourselves in.
Now, the hunt for the mysterious ninth planet has gone a step further as a pair of astronomers and bona fide Planet X hunters believe they have found some of the most tantalizing evidence yet for the planet’s existence. The California Institute of Technology’s Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin of the University of Côte d’Azur published the first evidence of Planet X in early 2016, and they’ve continued their search ever since.
Brown, left, and Batygin: Planet hunters extraordinaire.
Their latest study was actually a meta-study, meaning it analyzed and examined every other study and piece of evidence concerning Planet 9/X. After poring over every bit of data out there, Brown and Batygin now believe that Planet 9 not only exists, but is key to explaining some of the essential features of our Solar System:
There are now five different lines of observational evidence pointing to the existence of Planet Nine. If you were to remove this explanation and imagine Planet Nine does not exist, then you generate more problems than you solve. All of a sudden, you have five different puzzles, and you must come up with five different theories to explain them.
In their mind-bogglingly-technical recent publication, Batygin and Brown specifically state that a ninth planet might be the only known phenomenon that could explain the tilt, or obliquity, of the Sun:
While a multitude of processes could have contributed to the observed obliquity of the sun, the gravitational influence of Planet Nine provides the only dynamical mechanism that is directly testable.
Of course, it will take many more years of scanning the cosmos before any of these hypotheses can be confirmed, or we might need better instruments that have yet to be invented. Just as we look back upon the first telescopes and star charts as early steps in a long process leading us to today’s technology, future astronomers will chuckle with adoration at our current space telescopes and probes once future astronomers discover methods of transportation and data collection beyond the wildest dreams of today. Who knows what other wonders we’ll uncover right here in our own cosmic backyard?
The Apollo 15 moon mission began on July 26, 1971, and ended on Aug 7, 1971. After three orbits of Earth, the command module traveled to the Moon under the direction of Command Module Pilot Alfred M. Worden, who then orbited the Moon 75 times while Commander David Scott and Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin spent three days on the lunar surface. This was Worden’s first (and only) space mission and, when his orbit took him to 2,235 miles from the surface, he set a record (at the time) for being the farthest away from any other human beings.
Commander Dave Scott, Command Module Pilot Alfred Worden, Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin
Worden called it “three wonderful days in a spacecraft all by myself” and apparently used that time to do a lot of thinking about those even-farther-away humans on Earth and how they got there.
He finally opened up about his thoughts in a recent interview on Good Morning Britain when he said this:
“I’ve been asked that question hundreds of times … are there, do you believe in aliens? That I say yeah, have you ever seen one, I say yeah, I have. Well how have you seen him? Well I said I look in the mirror every morning. That’s what we are … we are the aliens but we just we just think we’re saying we just think there’s somebody else but we’re the ones who came from somewhere else because, because somebody else had to survive and they got in a little spacecraft then he came here and they landed and they started civilization here. That’s where I believe.”
“Somebody else had to survive” so they got into a spacecraft and moved here, where they were alone like Worden circling the Moon, except they got to land and procreate and populate the planet with their race that Worden and the rest of us call ‘humans’. That sounds like something right out of graphic novels and would be discounted as such if it weren’t coming from one of the handful of humans who have actually done the same thing … left their home planet.
In fact, Worden says that humans in the future will have to – if you believe his first premise – leave their home planet AGAIN and move to another orb that can sustain us. Nothing in our solar system (sorry Elon) fits the bill, so Worden says:
“We got to develop the capability to go someplace where there is another earth and we know that they’re out there, there’s no question of that, they are out there, but there are a little ways out, maybe 3.2 light-years is the nearest one, which means we got to build a machine it goes a little faster than the speed of light and that’s gonna be the big key.”
Al Worden
Wow. Is that the kind of insight 75 trips around the Moon can give you? Well, that and:
“And if you don’t believe me, go get books on the ancient Sumerians and see what they had to say about it, they’ll tell you right up front.”
Ah, the Sumerians and their ancient aliens. So Worden got the psychological and celestial thrills that all lunar astronauts talk about, and combined them with ancient alien theories. No seeing secret cities on the dark side of the Moon, no abandoned flying saucers, no psychic communications, no billboards with pictures of grey aliens warning that “Loose lips sink spaceships.”
Nonetheless, Apollo 15 Command Module Pilot Alfred M. Worden has been there. Until we send more humans to the Moon and beyond, he deserves to be listened to.
An artist's illustration of a possible ninth planet in our solar system, hovering at the edge of our solar system. Neptune's orbit is shown as a bright ring around the Sun ESO/Tom Ruen/nagualdesign
A mysterious planet might be lurking on the edge of our solar system.
It's even stretching out the orbits of some planets, and might be tilting over our entire solar system. Scientists have suggsted that in the long distant future it might even be responsible for destroying it.
But it's certainly not Nibiru, and it doesn't mean any of the internet conspiracists claiming that planet is about to wipe us out are correct. Instead, it's just an interesting – entirely physical and explained, if mysterious and uncertain – planet.
Nibiru has been blamed for a variety of things – strange events on Earth, days of darkness where the sun won't rise, and even the potential destruction of Earth. One man has said, repeatedly, that the planet is going to cause the apocalypse on Earth – changing the date when that doesn't become true.
Of course, any planet that Nasa discovered almost certainly won't have any of the attributes that believers in Nibiru ascribe to it. It won't be heading to Earth to destroy us all – at least not any time soon – and it doesn't have any mystical powers.
But those talking about Nibiru are right about one thing: there might in fact a planet on the edge of our solar system, and scientists really aren't sure whether it exists or not. Scientists say that it's now more likely that it does exist than it doesn't.
"There are now five different lines of observational evidence pointing to the existence of Planet Nine," said Konstantin Batygin, a planetary astrophysicist at Caltech in Pasadena, California, whose team could be about to find the planet. "If you were to remove this explanation and imagine Planet Nine does not exist, then you generate more problems than you solve. All of a sudden, you have five different puzzles, and you must come up with five different theories to explain them," he said in a new Nasa statement.
Professor Batygin alongside astronomer Mike Brown claim to have found a range of different, indirect pieces of evidence for the planet. It seems to be tilting our universe, for instance, in a way that makes scientists think there must be something out on the edge disrupting things.
Now astronomers are looking deep into the sky using advanced telescopes to try and see the planet itself. Doing so is difficult, given it is so distant, hidden and dark – but they are now using the Subaru Telescope at Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii, described as the "best tool" for the job, to try and spot them.
When they do that, they'll be more likely to find out where it was. And, unlike the myths Planet X or Nibiru, its origin won't be the inside of someone's head.
Meerdere bewijzen voor mysterieuze planeet aan rand zonnestelsel. Dit bericht publiceerde NASA zojuist over Planeet X
Meerdere bewijzen voor mysterieuze planeet aan rand zonnestelsel. Dit bericht publiceerde NASA zojuist over Planeet X
Aan de rand van ons zonnestelsel houdt zich een mysterieuze planeet schuil die in een langgerekte baan om de zon draait en mogelijk zelfs het hele zonnestelsel doet kantelen.
Het gaat niet om een planeet die op de aarde botst en de mensheid wegvaagt. De planeet die hiermee in verband wordt gebracht, Nibiru, is door complottheoretici gelinkt aan vreemde gebeurtenissen op aarde en de vernietiging van onze planeet.
De planeet stevent niet op de aarde af, zal ons niet vernietigen – althans niet in de nabije toekomst – en beschikt niet over mystieke krachten.
Meerdere bewijzen
Mensen die praten over Nibiru hebben gelijk over één ding: er bevindt zich een planeet aan de rand van ons zonnestelsel.
Wetenschappers zeggen nu dat hij hoogstwaarschijnlijk bestaat. “We hebben nu meerdere bewijzen voor het bestaan van Planeet Negen,” zei Konstantin Batygin van Caltech in een verklaring van de NASA.
“Als je stelt dat Planeet Negen niet bestaat, creëer je meer problemen dan je oplost,” voegde hij toe.
“We hebben vijf verschillende puzzels en moeten vijf verschillende theorieën bedenken om ze op te lossen,” aldus Batygin.
Professor Batygin en astronoom Mike Brown beweren een aantal indirecte bewijzen te hebben waaruit blijkt dat de planeet bestaat.
De planeet lijkt ons zonnestelsel bijvoorbeeld te doen kantelen. Ergens aan de rand van ons zonnestelsel moet een planeet staandie de orde verstoort.
Geavanceerde telescopen
Astronomen proberen de planeet nu met behulp van geavanceerde telescopen waar te nemen. Dat is lastig omdat het hemellichaam ver weg staat en verborgen is.
De Subaru-telescoop op Hawaï lijkt hiervoor het meest geschikt te zijn.
Net als het bekende figuur uit de Griekse mythologie at ook de ster Kronos zijn eigen kroost op.
Astronomen ontdekten dat de ster HD 240430 in het verleden het equivalent van vijftien aardes heeft verorberd. “Zelfs al zou onze zon alle vier binnenplaneten (Mercurius, Venus, Aarde en Mars, red.) verslinden, dan nog zou de ster niet in de buurt komen van wat HD 240430 heeft opgeslokt”, zegt auteur David Hogg.
De ster heeft de bijnaam Kronos gekregen. Dat klinkt iets makkelijker dan HD 240430, maar is ook nog eens toepasselijk. Kronos is een figuur uit de Griekse mythologie. Hij was de zoon van Ouranos en Gaia. Omdat zijn ouders hadden voorspeld dat een van zijn kinderen hem zou onttronen, besloot hij om zijn kinderen met huid en haar te verslinden. Hestia, Demeter, Poseidon, Hades en Hera kwamen zo aan hun eind. Alleen Zeus werd gespaard, omdat moeder Rheia hem in het geheim baarde. De uitkomst is natuurlijk al bekend: Zeus nam de heerschappij over van Kronos.
De ster Kronos is 350 lichtjaar van de aarde verwijderd en vormt een duo met ster HD 240429 (Krios). Wanneer onderzoekers kijken naar dubbelsterren, dan zien ze er chemisch gezien vaak hetzelfde uit. Logisch, want de sterren zijn in dezelfde stellaire kraamkamer ontstaan. Toch blijken Krios en Kronos te verschillen.
De onderzoekers hebben allerlei mogelijke verklaringen hiervoor onderzocht. Is een van de sterren ouder dan de ander? Zijn de sterren toch in twee verschillende gaswolken ontstaan? Of waren elementen in de gaswolk niet goed gemixt? De astronomen beweren dat deze verklaringen niet kloppen, omdat ze in dezelfde omstandigheden zijn ontstaan.
Veel zware elementen De enige logische verklaring is dat Kronos veel materiaal heeft opgeslokt. Hierdoor heeft Kronos meer zware elementen, zoals ijzer, silicium, magnesium en lithium. Deze elementen zijn ook terug te vinden op onze eigen planeet. De zwaardere elementen zijn terug te vinden in de buitenste lagen van Kronos en zijn dus niet goed gemixt. Dit is sterk bewijs dat de ster pas een miljard jaar na zijn geboorte deze elementen ontving.
Scheerde een andere ster langs Kronos? In het verleden zijn er vaker planetenverslindende sterren gevonden, maar het equivalent van vijftien aardes is toch echt wel een record. De onderzoekers vermoeden dat Kronos in het verleden vlak langs een andere ster scheerde, waardoor de banen van planeten werden gewijzigd. De planeten kwamen hierdoor op ramkoers te liggen met de ster. Een triest einde voor dit systeem. Toch gebeurt dit wel vaker. Wist je dat over 1,3 miljoen jaar er ook een andere ster door ons zonnestelsel reist? De gevolgen voor de aarde zijn gelukkig klein, maar deze ster verstoort mogelijk wel de banen van objecten in de Oortwolk. Met alle gevolgen van dien.
Kuipergordelobjecten De astronomen leidden het allemaal af uit de banen van een handvol Kuipergordelobjecten die door de planeet beïnvloed zouden worden. De Kuipergordelobjecten in kwestie hebben allemaal elliptische banen, maar volgen dezelfde richting in de fysieke ruimte. “De kans dat dit toeval is, is slechts 0,007 procent,” aldus astronoom Mike Brown. “Kortom: het kán haast geen toeval zijn. Er moet iets zijn dat de koers van deze objecten bepaalt.” En dat ‘iets’ is volgens Brown en collega Konstantin Batygin dus Planeet X.
Nog meer Kuipergordelobjecten Computersimulaties van het zonnestelsel wezen vervolgens uit dat er meer Kuipergordelobjecten beïnvloed moesten worden door Planeet X. Het baanvlak van deze Kuipergordelobjecten zou onder invloed van de grote planeet loodrecht op het baanvlak van de andere planeten in het zonnestelsel staan. En zulke Kuipergordelobjecten zijn er! De afgelopen jaren zijn er een handvol ontdekt. En het zijn dus bewijsstukken voor het bestaan van Planeet X.
Schuin baanvlak Maar onderzoekers kwamen met nog meer bewijs op de proppen. Zo zijn er aanwijzingen dat Planeet X verantwoordelijk kan zijn voor het feit dat het omloopvlak van de acht planeten in ons zonnestelsel ietsje schuin staat ten opzichte van de evenaar van de zon. Dat schuine baanvlak konden onderzoekers lang niet verklaren. Maar gooi een negende planeet in het zonnestelsel en opeens is het allemaal heel logisch!
Tegendraadse Kuipergordelobjecten En dan het vijfde en laatste bewijsstuk: tegendraadse Kuipergordelobjecten. Het gaat hierbij om objecten die zich in de Kuipergordel bevinden, maar die precies in tegenovergestelde richting bewegen als de rest van de hemellichamen in het zonnestelsel. Heel vreemd en onverklaarbaar. Tot – je raadt het al – we Planeet X erbij betrekken. Want die planeet kan het tegendraadse gedrag verklaren.
Planeet Y Inmiddels zijn er voorzichtige aanwijzingen dat er naast een negende ook nog een tiende planeet in ons zonnestelsel verstopt zit. Lees er hier alles over.
Vijf raadsels, één oplossing? Daarmee zijn er nu dus vijf heel sterke aanwijzingen voor het bestaan van de planeet. “Er zijn nu vijf verschillende observationele bewijslijnen die wijzen op het bestaan van Planeet Negen,” aldus Konstantin Batygin. “Als je deze verklaring weg wilt nemen en je voorstelt dat Planeet Negen niet bestaat, dan genereer je meer problemen dan je oplost. Plots zit je dan met vijf verschillende raadsels en moet je vijf verschillende theorieën bedenken om ze te verklaren.”
Het bewijs lijkt overweldigend. Maar daarmee is het bestaan van de planeet nog niet bewezen. Pas als de planeet wordt waargenomen, weten we zeker dat deze bestaat. Geen wonder dat er momenteel met man en macht naar Planeet X gezocht wordt. Daarvoor wordt gebruik gemaakt van de Subaru Telescope op Hawaii, volgens onderzoekers het beste instrument voor een dergelijke zoektocht.
Mochten we Planeet X daadwerkelijk aan de rand van het zonnestelsel aantreffen, dan is daarmee direct een ander mysterie opgelost. Het meest voorkomende type planeet rond andere sterren is de superaarde: een planeet die groter is dan de aarde, maar kleiner dan Neptunus. Gek genoeg vinden we in ons zonnestelsel helemaal niet zo’n superaarde. Tenzij Planeet X bestaat. Want met de geschatte omvang zou dat toch een mooie superaarde zijn.
Brown vertelde vorig jaar aan te verwachten dat Planeet X binnen een jaar of vijf wel wordt ontdekt. En dan zal ook eindelijk duidelijk worden waar deze planeet precies vandaan komt. Is ‘ie uit het binnenste van ons zonnestelsel geschopt of heeft de zon de planeet van een ander stelsel gestolen? Ook in ons zonnestelsel valt duidelijk nog genoeg te ontdekken en onderzoeken…
ESO komt maandag met 'ongekende ontdekking': wat kan het zijn?
ESO komt maandag met 'ongekende ontdekking': wat kan het zijn?
Caroline Kraaijvanger
En waarom houdt het LIGO-Virgo-samenwerkingsverband op exact hetzelfde moment óók een persconferentie?
Complete verwarring onder wetenschapsjournalisten. Gisterenmiddag vielen er namelijk twee persuitnodigingen op de mat. De eerste was van het LIGO-Virgo-samenwerkingsverband en kopte “Wetenschappers bespreken nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de zwaartekrachtsgolven-astronomie“. Bij een beetje wetenschapsjournalist loopt het water dan al in de mond.
En toen kwam ESO Maar een uurtje later werd het nog gekker. Nu viel er een persbericht van ESO binnen met een minstens zo gekmakende titel: “Persconferentie op ESO-hoofdkwartier kondigt ongekende ontdekking aan”.
Dezelfde ontdekking? Een beetje rekenen en schuiven met tijdzones wijs uit dat beide instanties hun baanbrekende ontdekkingen komende maandag tegelijkertijd (16.00 uur Nederlandse tijd) uit de doeken gaan doen. En dat doet toch een beetje vermoeden dat beide persberichten over dezelfde ontdekking handelen. Maar wat zou er dan gevonden kunnen zijn?
Baanbrekende observaties en extreme gebeurtenissen ESO heeft het in het persbericht over “baanbrekende observaties van een astronomisch fenomeen waar we nog nooit eerder getuige van zijn geweest”. LIGO-Virgo is nog iets cryptischer: “De bijeenkomst begint met een overzicht van nieuwe ontdekkingen van LIGO, Virgo en partners wereldwijd, gevolgd door details van telescopen (wellicht een verwijzing naar instrumenten van ESO?, red.) die samenwerken met LIGO en Virgo om extreme gebeurtenissen in de kosmos te bestuderen.”
Speculatie Dan weet je in feite dus nog niks. En dus kunnen we alleen speculeren. En dan grijpen we toch weer terug op de geruchten die al sinds eind augustus rondzingen. Die geruchten vertellen dat er voor het eerst zwaartekrachtsgolven – rimpelingen in de ruimtetijd – zijn gedetecteerd die ontstaan zijn tijdens het samensmelten van neutronensterren. De geruchtenmolen kwam op gang toen een Amerikaanse astrofysicus deze tweet de wereld in slingerde:
Met dat in ons achterhoofd verwachten wij komende maandag dat LIGO-Virgo ons gaat vertellen dat er zwaartekrachtsgolven zijn opgevangen die het resultaat zijn van samensmeltende neutronensterren. Het zou een enorme primeur zijn. Tot op heden zijn slechts vier keer zwaartekrachtsgolven gedetecteerd en elke keer waren ze het resultaat van samensmeltende – onzichtbare – zwarte gaten. Maar als nu zwaartekrachtsgolven zijn gedetecteerd die ontstaan zijn door het samensmelten van neutronensterren, viel er wellicht voor ESO ook iets te zien. Of we het bij het juiste eind hebben? Dat moet maandag blijken. Dan vallen om 16.00 uur Nederlandse tijd alle puzzelstukjes in elkaar. We houden je op de hoogte!
En het is een flinke: de ring zou zo’n 70 kilometer breed zijn.
Dat schrijven astronomen in het blad Nature. Het is een bijzondere ontdekking: Haumea is de eerste planetoïde die niet tot de Centaurs wordt gerekend waarbij een ring is ontdekt.
Over Haumea
Haumea is een dwergplaneet voorbij Neptunus. Het is één van de snelst roterende grote hemellichamen in ons zonnestelsel: elke vier uur voltooit de dwergplaneet een rondje rond zijn as. Door dat snelle gedraai heeft de dwergplaneet – die grofweg net zo groot is als Pluto – de vorm van een ei gekregen. De dwergplaneet heeft twee manen: Hi’iaka en Namaka.
De ontdekking Onderzoekers ontdekten de ring toen ze twaalf telescopen op Haumea richtten terwijl deze voor een ster langs bewoog. De observaties onthulden dat de dwergplaneet geen atmosfeer bezit, maar dus wel omringd wordt door een 70 kilometer brede ring. Die ring heeft een diameter van zo’n 4574 kilometer.
Evenaar Als je van opzij naar Haumea kijkt, zie je dat de ring ter hoogte van de evenaar ligt. Ook ligt de ring op dezelfde lijn als het omloopvlak van één van Haumea’s manen: Hi’iaka.
Afbeelding: IAA-CSIC / UHU.
Draaien Net als de manen draait de ring om Haumea heen. De omlooptijd is ongeveer drie keer langer dan de rotatietijd van de dwergplaneet.
Chariklo en Chiron Tot enkele jaren geleden waren we ons alleen bewust van ringen rond grote planeten zoals Saturnus. Maar toen ontdekten onderzoekers een ringensysteem rond Chariklo: een dwergplaneet die tot de Centaur-populatie wordt gerekend. En inmiddels zijn er sterke aanwijzingen dat ook de Centaur Chiron ringen bezit. Haumea is echter het eerste kleine hemellichaam dat niet tot de Centaurs wordt gerekend waar ringen rond zijn aangetroffen.
Het onderzoek naar Haumea resulteert overigens niet alleen in de ontdekking van de ring. De waarnemingen stellen onderzoekers ook in staat om de dichtheid van de dwergplaneet vast te stellen (tot 1885 kilogram per kubieke meter). Ook kunnen onderzoekers op basis van hun studie uitsluiten dat Haumea een atmosfeer heeft.
Verrassing: het jasje van de maan is heel anders dan dat van de aarde
Verrassing: het jasje van de maan is heel anders dan dat van de aarde
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Minder olivijn, meer orthopyroxeen.
“De mantel van de aarde bestaat voornamelijk uit een mineraal dat olivijn wordt genoemd,” vertelt onderzoeker Jay Melosh. “En over het algemeen wordt aangenomen dat alle planeten zijn zoals de aarde.” En ook van de mantel van onze eigen maan werd gedacht dat deze sterk vergelijkbaar was met die van de aarde. Maar Melosh en collega’s vegen die aanname nu van tafel. In gesteenten diep onder het oppervlak van de maan domineert olivijn namelijk niet. In plaats daarvan maakt orthopyroxeen de dienst uit.
Krater Melosh en collega’s trekken die conclusie nadat ze de grootste en diepste inslagkrater op de maan bestudeerden: het Zuidpool-Aitken-bekken. De krater zou zijn ontstaan toen een enorme planetoïde op de maan klapte. Door de botsing kwam het gesteente dat de mantel van de maan vormt, bloot te liggen. Daarnaast werd een deel van dit mantelgesteente tijdens de inslag weggeslingerd. Kortom: een heel geschikte plek om meer te weten te komen over de samenstelling van de maanmantel.
Gereflecteerd zonlicht Om de samentelling van de mantel te kunnen bestudeerden, keken onderzoekers naar gereflecteerd zonlicht. Wanneer het zonlicht de maan raakt, gaat het de interactie met de materialen op het oppervlak aan. En omdat verschillende materialen verschillende golflengtes licht reflecteren, kunnen onderzoekers aan de hand van het gereflecteerde zonlicht vaststellen welke materialen op het maanoppervlak rusten.
Simulaties Voor onderzoekers conclusies konden trekken over de samenstelling van de maanmantel moesten ze eerst natuurlijk wel zeker weten dat ze materialen bestudeerden die tijdens de inslag waren weggeslingerd en dus uit de maanmantel afkomstig waren. Daarom werden er eerst simulaties van de inslag uitgevoerd. Als het bovenste deel van de maanmantel voornamelijk uit olivijn bestond, zouden we dat olivijn moeten aantreffen in de krater en de omringende hooglanden. Maar vervolgonderzoek wees uit dat we aldaar helemaal geen grote hoeveelheden olivijn aantreffen. In plaats daarvan domineert orthopyroxeen.
En daarmee is de maanmantel eigenlijk precies het tegenovergestelde van de aardmantel. In de mantel van onze planeet domineert namelijk olivijn en zijn kleine hoeveelheden orthopyroxeen te vinden. Het onderzoek heeft onder meer implicaties voor de theorieën die er momenteel zijn omtrent het ontstaan van de maan. Waarschijnlijk moeten die – op basis van de nieuwe bevindingen – enigszins worden aangepast om te kunnen verklaren waarom de maan een ander jasje heeft dan de aarde.
Following 2016’s six-episode revival of The X-Files, every fan wanted to know: what’s next for Scully, Mulder, and the gang? The answer, it turns out, is ten episodes of classic X-Files weirdness in a 21st century wrapper, intended to appeal to new fans and diehards alike. We caught up with showrunner and creator Chris Carter and actors Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, and Mitch Pileggi to find out more.
For the actors as well as the fans, this will be a return to the good old days. Mulder, as ever, wants to believe; Scully lives by facts and science; and overarching intrigue mixes with monsters of the week and various extraterrestrials. Pileggi, who has played Assistant Director of the FBI Walter Skinner since late in season 1, said the new ten-episode run will treat viewers to some “old-school Mulder and Scully.” Everyone’s favorite agents, he explained, are “back to what they were doing that made everybody love the show so much and built such a tremendous fanbase that has stuck with us for so long.” Anderson agreed, saying that the team were “delivering everything that is expected of us to deliver,” but in a way that works better for them as individuals and for the show’s format. “It feels more manageable somehow,” she said. “We’re not pulling 17-hour days, which we used to do all the time, so as an old person that’s quite nice.”
Although the essence of The X-Files may remain the same, the world around it has undergone significant changes since the show first went off the air 15 years ago. We use extremely advanced digital technology every day for the most mundane things, for instance—and it’s thanks in part to said technology that the conspiracy theories Mulder espoused have crawled out of fringe obscurity into the mainstream. “When we [first] stopped the run of the show,” Duchovny notes, “Mulder was getting his information from little newspapers, little news outlets, blogs. Now that kind of information, false and true, is open to everyone. It’s an interesting proposition to take this guy into a world that maybe is more receptive to his way of thinking.”
Granted, these days it’s more about chemtrails, anti-vaccination movements, and lizard people rather than alien contact, but still. How do Mulder’s credulous underdog schtick and Scully’s skepticism hold up in the face of the current climate?
“You can still question the existence or the impossibility of something even though it’s right in front of you,” said Anderson. “Maybe her [Scully’s] degree of skepticism has shifted, but as a scientist and a doctor, she still has to ask those questions of the universe, Mulder, and anyone else.”
Duchovny offered a broader take on the issue, hinting that the dynamic between Mulder and Scully taps into something universally human. “I think ultimately what makes the show, or any other piece of art or drama, enduring is actually something that never changes, which is humanity’s capacity to wonder, our capacity to imagine. So I think that’s what the show was always about—this president or that president, internet or not, phones or not.”
In addition to these themes, the actors and Carter stated that the show’s timelessness is also partially due to X-Files fandom getting passed down to new generations. “I go to these conventions,” Pileggi recounted, “and I see kids ten years old that come up who have watched every episode, and it’s so gratifying to see that type of response. The grandparents have passed it down to the parents, and then the parents pass it down to their kids.”
According to Anderson, this same timelessness has allowed The X-Files to reclaim its place as a frontrunner of small-screen sci-fi/fantasy for the 21st century. The show, she said, was “so much at the beginning of this type of TV, introducing something that was so addictive that people had to come back every single week and watch it en masse with families. And we were also at the beginning of proper regular sci-fi on television, and now every other film is sci-fi, every other show is sci-fi.”
Carter summed up the show’s appeal with a simple character-focused statement: “I think it’s really to do with Mulder and Scully and those characters and their relationship and the respect they give one another; it’s the kind of stories we tell; it’s the way we tell them.”
However, The X-Files‘ longevity still continues to surprise the cast, who hadn’t expected to return to their old roles almost two and a half decades after they started. “I remember talking with my manager at the time and saying, ‘This is a show about aliens,'” Duchovny recalled. “It’s like, I like the part, let’s do the part and then I won’t have to do any TV, because no one’s going to watch this. It’ll be a good pilot but it’s never going to catch on.”
“Coming back to something after so much time,” noted Anderson, “I’m emulating somebody that exists on celluloid [as] so much younger. What are the elements of her that are still evident, and which elements are appropriate or which elements are actually inappropriate because they’re a matter of one’s age and how one ages and matures? So that’s been ongoing…in trying to do right by her.” The question is especially salient considering that the upcoming season might be Anderson’s last outing as Dr. Dana Scully. If it’s true, her performance in these ten episodes could have a serious impact on the character’s legacy. (Hopefully she’ll stay on, but if not, she’ll no doubt be moving onwards and upwards to even greater heights.)
So once this season finishes, what’s the long-term plan for the show? Carter didn’t give a definite answer, instead saying, “Right now we’re just doing what we’re doing, and there are no plans beyond this.” But don’t despair, folks. He quickly reassured fans that “there’s a lot of life left in the show.” As long as that spark keeps going, “as long as there are stories to tell,” he said, “it’s hard to imagine that it wouldn’t go on.”
What are you looking forward to most in the new X-Files? Tell us in the comments!
Images: FOX
Tessa Thompson wants to bring Marvel’s Lady Liberators to the big screen!
Uh nasa? UFO Caught on Mars Rover Mission? Is this real?
Let's just skip over the whole NASA-staff-are-highly-qualified-and-you're-a-randomer-on-the-internet detail for a second and enjoy suspending our disbelief.
We all deserve a break from real life, ok?
Read this vaguely convincing description from user EdisonVonneZula if you need help keeping reality at bay.
It should do the job for a few more seconds, at least:
Looks like light glimmering off of a genuine spaceship on an alien planet in outer planet iun outserspace.
Blissful fantasy feels good, right?
And Crazylegs99 wrote:
They forgot to Photoshop that one out.
Love how skeptival the mods are.
You could have aliens waving hi through the windshield and it would be flagged as likely prosaic.
Yeah, NASA and their Photoshopping of images to hide the facts. An infamous pairing.
After all, it does actually look like it was made by some kind of intelligent species.
What else could it be but aliens?
You could, we suppose, argue it's entry debris.
Thankfully, redditors have devised clever work-around to help out the non-believers.
User spatial circumstances wrote:
to be fair, that does literally make a photo of a wrecked alien spacecraft
And redditor KaneinEncanto agreed:
Essentially it is. Alien to Mars.
See? We have found aliens.
They just happen to be us.
And because we're still not entirely sure, this means the object is literally a crashed Unidentified Flying Object!
So, we can cling onto that: even if it's not alien, it's still a UFO. Which is just as good. Kind of.
“What if scientists were given resources to investigate the boundaries of traditional theory?” he asks in a video seeking investors for his newest alien endeavor, To The Stars Academy Of Arts And Science. To The Stars aims to unite religious scholars, archeologists, government officials, physicists, and aerospace engineers to a common cause, essentially figuring out what is beyond our own planet and working towards understanding it. In the eyes of DeLonge and his collaborators, this is an area that is neglected by our current government, so private funding is the only way to the truth that he believes is out there.
Of course, To The Stars is a further example that Blink-182 is the last thing on this dude’s mind. And as it turned out with their previous album without DeLonge, the successful 2016 LP California, Blink is also doing just fine without their co-founder.
Watch the To The Stars Academy Of Arts And Science video above and, if you have excess disposable cash or are really buying in to this alien thing, visit their website to donate to the cause.
NASA has stated that it's quite likely that our solar system is home to a massive, distant ninth planet. Its existence could shed light on some burning questions about the cosmos.
Earlier this month, NASA issued a press release stating that it’s likely that our solar system has a ninth planet—even if it’s proving difficult to find.
The planet could have a mass ten times that of Earth’s, and be situated twenty times as far from the sun as Neptune. It’s being referred to as “Planet Nine,” and while it’s very difficult to procure clear evidence of its existence, some scientists are absolutely convinced that it’s out there.
The six most distant known objects in the solar system with orbits exclusively beyond Neptune (magenta) have a tilt and alignment that can only be maintained by some outside force. (Image credit: Caltech/R. Hurt, IPAC)
“There are now five different lines of observational evidence pointing to the existence of Planet Nine,” said Konstantin Batygin, a planetary astrophysicist at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), who is part of a team on the search for the planet.
“If you were to remove this explanation and imagine Planet Nine does not exist, then you generate more problems than you solve. All of a sudden, you have five different puzzles, and you must come up with five different theories to explain them.”
In a 2016 paper, Batygin and co-author Mike Brown detailed six known objects in the Kuiper Belt that behave rather strangely. All of them have elliptical orbits pointing in the same direction, and all of those orbits are tilted the same way. Both of these traits serve as clues to the presence of Planet Nine.
Computer simulations that took the hypothesized planet into account indicated that there should also be several other bodies with more extreme tilts from the solar plane, on the order of 90 degrees. Brown realized that astronomers are already aware of five such objects, meaning nature did fit with the simulations.
Planet Nine would also explain why the plane in which the other planets orbit is tilted about six degrees away from the sun’s equator: over time, Planet Nine’s distant gravity has made the entire solar system plane wobble away from center.
Finally, there are the objects in the Kuiper belt that orbit in the opposite direction of everything else in our solar system.
“No other model can explain the weirdness of these high-inclination orbits,” explained Batygin. “It turns out that Planet Nine provides a natural avenue for their generation. These things have been twisted out of the solar system plane with help from Planet Nine and then scattered inward by Neptune.”
Based on the behavior of these distant objects, the astronomers believe the planet to be a Super-Earth, a massive rocky planet that is extremely common in the universe—but which our solar system, oddly, lacks. The planet could have coalesced out in the cold reaches of our system over millions of years, formed close to the sun and then been flung outward, or even been captured by the Sun from another system.
Batygin and Brown are using the Subaru Telescope at Hawaii’s Mauna Kea Observatory to continue their search for Planet Nine. According to Batygin, this telescope is the best tool available to hunt down something dim and distant in the vast expanse of sky.
However, Planet Nine isn’t the only explanation for the orbital behaviors observed. A recent survey of the outer solar system found over 800 trans-Neptunian objects. A random distribution of this matter could also potentially have the same effect on the tilt on the traits observed in various orbits—but the jury is still out.
All over the world, experts have found countless puzzling monuments, artifacts, and places that have remained a mystery ever since their discovery. Some of these findings literally rewrite history as we know it.
Countless theories have been proposed throughout the years trying to explain some of them, however, not even the best scholars can agree on the purpose, reason and building process of some of these sites/structures.
In this article, we take a look at FIVE discoveries that still continue to baffle experts
1. Stonehenge
One of the best-known ancient sites—other than the Pyramids of Giza—is without Stonehenge. This prehistoric ancient monument is one of the most famous landmarks on Earth. Curiously, it is also one of the most mysterious.
The intricate set of stones was built around 4,000 years ago and is considered as one of the most impressive feats for primitive man who was able to erect it. Not a single archaeologist has successfully explained how it was built. Interestingly, the how isn’t perhaps as mysterious as the why.
Countless theories have tried explaining the real purpose of Stonehenge, yet experts have still failed to agree on one.
Was Stonehenge an Astronomical observatory? Was it a religious temple? Was it burial site? We still do not know.
2. Gobekli Tepe
Discovered in 1994, Gobekli Tepe has pushed history to the point of where we need to rewrite everything we thought we knew about our ancestors.
The discovery of Gobekli Tepe has raised countless questions about the evolution of civilization and complex societies that may have existed tens of thousands of years ago.
This ancient site is believed to be at least 12,000 years old, meaning that it predates Stonehenge by around 6,500 years and the Pyramids at Giza by around 7,000 years.
The main structures of Göbekli Tepe are a series of three rectilinear structures which are located below the surface, defined by dry-stone walls, and containing multiple decorated T-shaped pillars. The stones were used mainly as support for the roof, although it cannot be excluded that these had a symbolic purpose.
To date, experts have still NO IDEA who built this massive, fascinating site around 12,000 years ago. Göbekli Tepe is considered the world’s first temple. Most of this ancient site still remains buried. Whoever built it, made sure the complex would survive along thousands of years, by backfilling the various sites and burying them deep under. So far, excavations and geomagnetic results revealed that there are at least 20 stone circles –temples— on the site. All of the pillars at Göbekli Tepe are t-shaped and range in height from 3 to 6 meters.
3. The Cochno Stone
The Cochno Stone is a mysterious, 5,000-year-old slab discovered in 1887 by the Rev. James Harvey. It features around 90 carved indentations, considered to be one of the finest sets of petroglyphs in Scotland. There is no consensus among archaeologists on the meaning of the intricate symbols found on its surface. Is it perhaps a map of the sky or the earth? An altar where rituals were held? According to some experts, represent an ancient cosmic map.The incredible markings are reminiscent of enormous crop circles that have so often been attributed to extraterrestrial civilizations. Interestingly, other similar slabs have been found in the north of Spain, Mexico, Greece and even in India.
4. The Inga Stone
Another mind-bending discovery is the so-called Inga Stone discovered in Brazil.
Believed to date back around 6,000 years, stands the Inga Stone, aka Itacoatiara, do Ingá. The Inga stone covers an area of two-hundred and fifty square meters. It is a vertical construction of 46 meters long and up to 3.8 meters high. The Inga stone displays carvings that are even today waiting to be deciphered. Researchers have found several carvings, figures, fruits, animals and other unknown figures, but most importantly carved on the Inga stone are the Milky Way and the constellation of Orion. Archaeologists state that the engravings on the stone have been performed with incredible precision and the details reveal a superb technique used by very skilled artists who certainly were very gifted and capable of creating these amazing engravings.
5. The MASSIVE Stone structure beneath the Sea of Galilee
Underwater Cairn Sonar The conical pile of rubble is approximately 70 meters (230 feet) in diameter. Shmuel Marco
Beneath the Sea of Galilee is a MASSIVE mysterious cone-shaped structure made of “basalt stones and u 10 meters and a diameter of approximately 70 meters, the structure is a massive mystery. Scientists believe that in order to build a structure like this, its creators had to invest a lot of hours of work in an organized community effort. How they managed to transport the megalithic blocks of stone is a question that no one has been able to explain. Archaeologists argue that judging by what they have been able to see, its builders belonged to a “complex and well-organized society” with “skills in economic planning.”
WEERNIEUWSOnder het Yellowstone National Park in de Amerikaanse staat Wyoming ligt een reusachtige vulkaan. Aanvankelijk dachten wetenschappers dat het een kwestie van verschillende eeuwen of zelfs millennia was vooraleer die supervulkaan zou uitbarsten, maar volgens een nieuwe studie zou dat veel vroeger kunnen gebeuren. De gevolgen van een uitbarsting zouden niet te overzien zijn.
De vulkanische activiteit onder Yellowstone maakt van het park een trekpleister. Jaarlijks bezoeken 3 miljoen toeristen het oudste nationale park ter wereld om er de honderden geisers en duizenden warmwaterbronnen te bezichtigen. De supervulkaan onder het park zou de eerste eeuwen niet uitbarsten, maar volgens een nieuwe studie klopt dat niet.
Gemiddeld barst de supervulkaan onder Yellowstone om de 600.000 jaar uit, de laatste grote uitbarsting dateert van 631.000 jaar geleden. Wetenschappers maakten zich tot voor kort geen zorgen, omdat ze dachten dat de eerste tekenen van een eventuele uitbarsting millennia op voorhand zichtbaar waren. Maar volgens nieuwe bevindingen gaat het om amper enkele decennia. Lees verder onder de foto.
De factoren die mee bepalen of een supervulkaan uitbarst, kunnen veel sneller veranderen dan gedacht. De meest recente uitbarsting van de vulkaan onder Yellowstone (die van 600.000 jaar geleden) werd in gang gezet toen een nieuwe lading magma naar een van de vulkaankamers werd geduwd. Dat proces duurde slechts enkele tientallen jaren en geen eeuwen zoals eerder werd verondersteld.
“Schokkende ontdekking”
“We hadden verwacht dat dergelijke processen duizenden jaren voor een superuitbarsting in gang werden gezet”, zegt de Amerikaanse geologe Christy Till. “Een uitbarsting van een supervulkaan kan dus eigenlijk ontstaan in slechts één mensenleven. Het is schokkend in hoe een korte tijdspanne een slapende vulkaan kan worden wakker gemaakt.”
Wat als?
Wat als het ooit tot een uitbarsting komt? De vulkanische hotspot onder Yellowstone is veel krachtiger dan de doorsnee vulkaan. De supervulkaan kan meer dan 1.000 kubieke kilometer rotsen en as in één keer uitspuwen. Mocht de vulkaan ooit uitbarsten, dan zou de VS volledig onder as worden gelegd. Het zou ook een vulkanische winter in gang zetten, waardoor de aarde drastisch zou afkoelen. Veel leven op aarde zou daardoor uitsterven.
Het exemplaar onder Yellowstone is niet de enige begraven supervulkaan op aarde. Wetenschappers hebben berekend dat elke 100.000 jaar een supervulkaan kan uitbarsten. Het is nog een raadsel of en wanneer een dergelijke vulkaan tot uitbarsting komt. Till hoopt met extra onderzoek nieuwe uitbarstingen te kunnen voorspellen.
Ex-topfunctionarissen komen met grootse onthullingen over UFO’s. Is disclosure nabij?
Ex-topfunctionarissen komen met grootse onthullingen over UFO’s. Is disclosure nabij?
Diverse hooggeplaatste wetenschappers en voormalige overheidsfunctionarissen hebben zich aangesloten bij het onderzoekscentrum voor buitenaards leven dat onlangs is opgericht door oud-gitarist van poppunkband Blink 182 Tom DeLonge.
“Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat er ontdekkingen binnen ons bereik liggen, die een revolutie zullen betekenen voor onze menselijke ervaring,” zei DeLonge.
De gitarist is van oordeel dat we al veel verder hadden kunnen staan, ware het niet dat de overheersende ideologie en bureaucratische beknotting altijd al de publieke interesse in de grenzen van de wetenschap en het begrip van deze fenomenen hebben verstrikt.
Echt bestaat
Het nieuwe platform voor UFO-disclosure gaat ‘To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science’ heten.
Eén van de meest prominente functionarissen is Luis Elizondo, een hooggeplaatste inlichtingenofficier die afgelopen week afzwaaide bij het Amerikaanse ministerie van Defensie.
Bijna 10 jaar lang runde Elizondo een overheidsprogramma dat gericht is op UFO’s. Hij zei: “Ik ben erachter gekomen dat dit fenomeen echt bestaat.”
Nooit eerder vertoonde beelden
“Wij gaan nog nooit eerder vertoonde beelden van Amerikaanse overheidssystemen vrijgeven,” vervolgde hij.
“Geen wazige amateurfoto’s, maar echte data en echte video’s,” aldus Elizondo.
Een ander lid van het onderzoekscentrum is Chris Mellon, plaatsvervangend onderminister van Defensie onder Clinton en Bush, die zich al geregeld heeft uitgesproken over UFO’s.
Mellon onthulde dat het Amerikaanse oorlogsschip USS Nimitz op 14 november 2004 werd geconfronteerd met een UFO.
“Het schip bevond zich voor de kust van San Diego toen een ongeïdentificeerd vliegtuig naderde,” zei hij. “Het had geen transponder en reageerde niet op radio-oproepen.”
Er werden twee F-18’s ingezet om het object te onderscheppen. De piloten zeiden dat het witte object geen vleugels of uitlaat had en circa 12 meter lang was.
Toen de F-18’s het object naderden, leek het de natuurkundige wetten aan zijn laars te lappen, aldus Mellon. Het veranderde van positie en wist met gemak te ontsnappen aan de straaljagers.
Na te maken
Hij zei persoonlijk met de piloten te hebben gesproken. “Dit is duidelijk geen experimenteel Amerikaans vliegtuig,” zei hij.
Ook Steve Justice, die jaren voor vliegtuigbouwer Lockheed Martin werkte, en dr. Hal Puthoff, die diverse geheime CIA-programma’s overzag, maken deel uit van het team van DeLonge.
Deze mensen gaan niet alleen werken aan disclosure, maar ook proberen om de UFO-technologie na te maken.
Sporen van hoogontwikkelde beschaving gevonden op Antarctica. Archeoloog onthult wat hij heeft ontdekt
Sporen van hoogontwikkelde beschaving gevonden op Antarctica. Archeoloog onthult wat hij heeft ontdekt
Smeltend ijs op Antarctica heeft sporen van een zeer oude beschaving blootgelegd, zegt onderzoeker William James Veall.
Veall ontwerpt onbemande vliegtuigjes waarbij afgelegen gebieden kunnen worden bereikt. Hij noemt zichzelf een satelliet-archeoloog.
Volgens Veall heeft een prehistorische beschaving tekeningen van enorme menselijke hoofden, dieren en symbolen op Antarctica achtergelaten, schrijft de Epoch Times.
Hij heeft satellietfoto’s geanalyseerd van Kaap Adare in het uiterste noordoosten van Antarctica, waarop volgens hem grote menselijke hoofden, tekeningen van dieren en andere symbolen zijn te zien.
Soortgelijke symbolen trof hij aan op Seymour Island.
Als hij gelijk heeft, moet een hoogontwikkelde beschaving deze vormen duizenden jaren geleden in het landschap hebben aangebracht.
Officieel werd Antarctica in de 19e eeuw ontdekt, maar theoretisch gezien is het mogelijk dat het continent al veel eerder werd bereikt.
Ook in andere delen van de wereld en zelfs op Mars hebben onderzoekers naar eigen zeggen kunstmatige figuren gevonden.
Veall schreef dat hij bijna 40 jaar onderzoek heeft gedaan naar satellietbeelden en rotstekeningen en weet waar hij over spreekt.
Hij heeft andere wetenschappers uitgenodigd om de satellietbeelden ook te bestuderen. Als het gaat om tekeningen die duizenden jaren oud zijn, moeten ze aanzienlijk zijn geërodeerd.
Veall meent dat de oude Soemeriërs zo’n 6000 jaar geleden zijn aangekomen op Antarctica. De symbolen die hij heeft gevonden lijken op het Soemerische schrift.
Dr. Clyde Winters is het met hem eens. “De inscripties lijken op het Soemerisch,” liet hij per brief weten.
Een astronomisch fenomeen dat nog nooit eerder is waargenomen. Wetenschappers komen met baanbrekende ontdekking
Een astronomisch fenomeen dat nog nooit eerder is waargenomen. Wetenschappers komen met baanbrekende ontdekking
De Europese Zuidelijke Sterrenwacht (ESO) heeft zojuist aangekondigd een revolutionaire ontdekking te hebben gedaan, die aanstaande maandag bekend zal worden gemaakt.
In een verklaring laat de ESO weten dat wetenschappers getuige zijn geweest van een astronomisch fenomeen dat nog nooit eerder is waargenomen.
Het gaat om wetenschappers die werken met het LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) en zwaartekrachtgolvendetector Virgo in Italië.
Baanbrekende ontdekking
De laatste keer dat astronomen een soortgelijke baanbrekende ontdekking aankondigden, was toen wetenschappers zwaartekrachtgolven hadden gedetecteerd.
Voorheen konden we de kosmos alleen waarnemen door middel van elektromagnetische straling: gammastraling, röntgenstraling, zichtbaar licht, enzovoorts.
Dankzij zwaartekrachtgolven kunnen we nu ook de trilling van de ruimtetijd zelf waarnemen.
Einstein voorspelde het bestaan van zwaartekrachtgolven al 100 jaar geleden, maar wetenschappers beschikten nog niet over instrumenten die gevoelig genoeg waren om deze minieme trilling van de ruimtetijd waar te nemen.
Het is moeilijk te zeggen waar de aankondiging precies over zal gaan. Er zijn nog een aantal mysteries die wetenschappers nog niet hebben opgelost.
Donkere energie
Mogelijk hebben ze eindelijk donkere energie waargenomen, een mysterieuze kracht waar 73 procent van het universum uit zou bestaan.
Of misschien gaat het om iets heel anders. Maandag meer hierover. De ontdekking wordt bekendgemaakt op het hoofdkwartier van de ESO in Duitsland.
Op permanente basis werden tot op heden "complotdenkers" door NASA voor gek verklaard omdat deze groep beweerde dat er een onbekende planeet in ons zonnestelsel verkeert.
En nu, opeens, verrast deze zelfde NASA de wereld met de mededeling dat er zich dus wel degelijk een onbekende planeet in ons zonnestelsel bevindt. Wij noemen die planeet al jaren Nibiru of Planet x.
Ons leven is niet gemakkelijk. Hard werken en weinig inkomsten. Misschien hadden we een ander beroep moeten kiezen en waarzegger moeten worden, want keer op keer blijkt dat wat wij schrijven en waardoor we vaak voor gek worden verklaard, later toch feilloos klopt.
Hoeveel mensen hebben in de loop der jaren deze website niet proberen te ridiculiseren omdat wij altijd hebben geschreven dat er zich een onbekende planeet in ons zonnestelsel bevindt?
Niburu haalt ook weer een 'onderzoeker' aan zonder al teveel overtuigende referenties, die denkt dat de planeet eind dit jaar eindelijk zichtbaar zal zijn. 'Naast alle andere, inmiddels bekende, verschijnselen zoals sterk toenemende vulkanische uitbarstingen, aardbevingen en meteoren, spreekt hij ook van torenhoge vloedgolven die de aarde zullen teisteren.' Het einde der wereld, dus, beter laat dan nooit, drie jaar na 2012.
En dat niet alleen: 'De enorme bedragen die in Amerika zijn verdwenen (...) en waarvan niemand weet waar ze zijn gebleven, zijn gebruikt voor ondergrondse schuilplaatsen.' Niemand weet waar ze zijn gebleven, behalve dan Niburu ('blijvend actueel en altijd op de hoogte').
En nu, plotsklaps, verschijnen het volgende soort berichten in Engelse media:
Prong 1 begon begin vorig jaar met de mededeling dat astronomen een onbekende Planet Nine in ons zonnestelsel hadden ontdekt:
Ons zonnestelsel heeft hoogstwaarschijnlijk toch negen planeten. Astronomen hebben sterk bewijs gevonden voor het bestaan van een nieuwe planeet. De planeet is ongeveer tien keer zo zwaar als de aarde en bevindt zich in een baan ver achter die van Neptunus.
De Amerikaanse astronomen Konstantin Batygin en Mike Brown van het California Institute of Technology publiceerden het resultaat woensdag in vakblad The Astrophysical Journal. Ze ontdekten de nieuwe planeet door te kijken naar de beweging van zes kleine objecten in de buitenste regionen van het zonnestelsel. Deze objecten beschrijven allemaal een baan rond de zon, terwijl ze te klein zijn om op zo’n enorme afstand een stabiele omloopbaan te hebben
Prong 1 is een uitdrukking afkomstig van Nancy Lieder van Zetatalk, waarmee zij de stappen aangeeft die genomen zullen worden om het bestaan van een onbekende planeet in ons zonnestelsel te introduceren bij de bevolking. Prong 2 was de volgende stap en die bestond uit het regelmatig bekendmaken van NASA dat er ergens onbekende planeten waren ontdekt.
Prong 3 was het volgende en zou volgens Nancy ergens in de loop van dit jaar gebeuren:
Nancy verwacht ook dat gedurende Prong 3 bekendgemaakt zal worden dat men een zogenaamde exoplaneet heeft ontdekt in een retrograde omloopbaan in de buurt van onze zon.
En nu komt er dus een mededeling van NASA dat er niet alleen een soort superaarde moet zijn met een gewicht tien keer dat van onze aarde, maar ook dat deze zo'n krachtige invloed heeft dat het ons complete zonnestelsel heeft laten kantelen.
In een verklaring zegt NASA het volgende: "Het kan rondhangen aan de verre uiteinden van ons zonnestelsel en zich in het donker verborgen houden, maar toch subtiel in de achtergrond aan de touwtjes trekken: de omloopbanen van de buitenste planeten langer maken en zelfs het laten kantelen van het zonnestelsel naar één kant".
En verder: "De tekenen zijn tot nu indirect, het betreft vooral een zwaartekracht voetafdruk, maar alles met elkaar telt het toch op tot een overtuigende zaak".
Natuurlijk zal het nu nog enige tijd duren voordat het volledige beeld officieel bekendgemaakt zal worden, maar dit is een enorme stap voorwaarts voor hen die het willen zien.
Want ondanks deze schokkende onthulling die sinds het begin van de jaren tachtig altijd door NASA is ontkend, zullen er ook nu weer de nodige geruststellende geluiden volgen.
Trap er niet in, NASA wist natuurlijk al veel langer dat deze onbekende planeet bestond en daarom hierna nogmaals een deel uit een artikel dat wij enkele jaren geleden schreven.
Terwijl de wereld zo langzamerhand letterlijk uit haar voegen barst vanwege onb(g)ekende krachten die op haar inwerken, kunnen de bewoners weer rustig verder slapen. Althans volgens dit soort boodschappen.
Dit moet heel geruststellend nieuws voor de grote massa zijn want het blijkt allemaal een fabeltje en wel omdat NASA zegt dat de planeet definitief niet bestaat:
“Al tientallen jaren gaan er geruchten dat zich voorbij de omloopbaan van Pluto een onbekend en groot object zou schuilhouden, een wereld die verschillende namen heeft gekregen, zoals Planet X, Nemesis, Tycho en Niburu (redactie: Nibiru). Deze geruchten kunnen nu definitief de prullenbak in: NASA’s Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) heeft uitgewezen dat zich geen gasplaneten bevinden binnen 26.000 AU vanaf de zon (1 AU is de afstand tussen de aarde en de zon).”
Naarmate de planeet Nibiru dichterbij komt en de verstoringen op aarde heftiger worden, zul je dergelijke berichten wel vaker gaan lezen.
“Als jij behoorde bij de elite en je wist wat er zou staan te gebeuren, zou je dan willen dat de rest van de mensheid dit wist? Met het risico dat de wereld die jij zo graag onder controle hebt, in totale anarchie vervalt? Dat is namelijk de reden dat de bevolking wordt gehypnotiseerd en afgeleid, terwijl de tekenen om ons heen steeds duidelijker worden.”
Het is alsof wij met z'n allen op het hellende dek van de Titanic staan, terwijl de boeg al onderwater ligt. Dan klinkt er door de luidsprekers: “Er is helemaal niets aan de hand want de kapitein zegt dat het schip níet lek is”.
Het aantal mensen dat zelf nadenkt is helaas relatief gezien nog klein. Zij die dat wel doen, zullen hebben geconstateerd dat de heftigheid waarmee onze aarde op dit moment tekeer gaat niet eerder is voorgekomen in de ons bekende historie.
Mensen die nadenken zullen zich afvragen hoe het kan dat gerenommeerde astronomen tot ongeveer het midden van de jaren tachtig ervan overtuigd waren dat de planeet Nibiru werkelijkheid was.
Zij zullen zich eveneens afvragen hoe het kan dat op 30 december 1983 er een artikel wordt gepubliceerd door de Washington Post, waarin letterlijk staat de planeet Nibiru is ontdekt door de IRAS infrarode telescoop van NASA.
Het verhaal gaat nog veel verder terug, want zoals wij schreven in een artikel over de beroemde Chileense astronoom Carlos Munoz Ferrada:
“Ruim 43 jaar voordat de infrarode Iris telescoop van NASA in 1983 een onbekende planeet had ontdekt volgens een artikel in de Washington Post, sprak Ferrada hier al over. Dat is zefs ruim 36 jaar voordat in 1976 het beroemde boek van Zecharia Sitchin “De Twaalfde Planeet” verscheen”.
Zelfs nog voordat Ferrada kwam met zijn theorie over de onbekende planeet met een elliptische omloopbaan, verschenen er al verhalen in wetenschappelijke tijdschriften, zoals te zien in de volgende korte video:
Waren al deze bekende en minder bekende astronomen tot aan het midden van de jaren tachtig dan volkomen incompetent en wisten ze niet wat ze deden?
Nee, dat waren ze niet, want ze waren heel goed op hun vakgebied. Zo goed waarschijnlijk dat ze zelfs zonder al onze moderne apparatuur de spijker op de kop sloegen. Na het midden van de jaren tachtig gaan wat NASA en overheden betreft de luiken naar beneden en komt er geen enkele informatie vanuit die bronnen omtrent Nibiru meer naar buiten.
Wel beginnen ze vanaf die tijd als gekken te graven voor het creëren van gigantische ondergrondse schuilplaatsen. Ook beginnen vanaf ongeveer het begin van deze eeuw de aardveranderingen serieuze vormen aan te nemen, met natuurgeweld dat ieder jaar heftiger wordt.
Nu zijn we in een periode aanbeland waarbij de leiders van deze wereld zich in alle opzichten gedragen als losgeslagen psychopaten die het helemaal niets kan schelen dat er nog generaties na ons komen.
Een periode waarin tektonische platen verschuiven en zelfs breken, waar onder het aardoppervlak enorme krachten werkzaam zijn wat onder andere zichtbaar wordt door de schrikbarend toename van vulkaanuitbarstingen wereldwijd.
Ondertussen speelt het strijkje op het dek van de Titanic rustig verder.
Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden: We Are Aliens Coming From A Different Planet!
Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden: We Are Aliens Coming From A Different Planet!
Recently Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden has been interviewed by Good Morning Britain in which he talks about space Travel and Alien Visitation to Earth.
During the interview Al Worden states that we came from somewhere else. Al believes that we are an alien race that traveled to earth from a different planet.
Al: “There is another Earth, there is no question about that and they ‘the aliens’ are out there, maybe 3.2 light years away from Earth.”
With his ‘disclosure’ statement that we actually are descendants from an alien race that previously occupied another planet, he follows other astronauts who already told the world about ‘Alien Visitation’ to Earth.
Oh, Russia, don’t ever change. The “former” evil empire seems to be at its old tricks again, launching mystery rockets, waking up its “killer” satellites, and continuing to broadcast encrypted radio messages around the world. Not to mention the whole “alleged” disinformation program which has injected all sorts of chaos into the political systems of Western governments. Now, Mother Russia continues its doctrine of intentional international intrigue with the launch of a strange new experimental capsule to be installed on the International Space Station. What could go wrong?
In Soviet Russia, capsule launch you.
The launch was conducted at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and included routine supplies for astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the ISS such as food, water, and fuel. However, NASA officials spotted an odd capsule being loaded onto the Progress MS-07 that they can’t identify. When NASA officials asked their Russian counterparts what the device might be, they were told only that it is intended for a scientific use and is designed only for a one-way trip. Russian space officials refused to divulge any more information.
Some NASA officials fear the device could have a military purpose, perhaps to calibrate reconnaissance and early warning sensors.
NASA officials are baffled and a bit worried over how tight-lipped the Russians have been about the device. NASA scientists say this is the first time in the two decades of joint US-Russia operation of the ISS that either nation has sent unidentified cargo up to the space station – at least that we know about. The launch of this mystery capsule continues a year of strange happenings aboard the ISS; earlier this year, a mysterious US reconnaissance satellite buzzed the ISS shortly after its launching following a Russian Space agency announcement that they had found unknown “biomaterial” on the outside of the space station. Could a new space race be afoot?
Satellites rarely pass this close to other objects or craft in orbit – especially so soon after their launch.
Perhaps interestingly, the launch of the rocket containing the unidentified cargo was scrubbed at the last minute and rescheduled for October 14th. Does this have anything to do with the fact that NASA spotted the mysterious capsule, or is it mere coincidence? Launches are scrubbed all the time for weather or mechanical malfunctions, after all. Who knows. One thing’s for sure, though: the Cold War ain’t so cold anymore.
Today ! 12-10) marks 44 years since the alleged Pascagoula alien abduction. The incident had news outlets from all over the world coming to Jackson County.
News 25’s Gina Tomlinson sat down with the former deputy who was working the night of October 11th, 1973 when two men claimed they were picked up by a UFO.
Pascagoula Alien Abduction of 1973: Fact or fiction?
It’s been 44 years and people are still wondering: is the Pascagoula alien abduction all a hoax or were two fishermen really picked up by a UFO in Jackson County on October 11th, 1973? Retired Jackson County Deputy Glenn Ryder was working the night the call came into dispatch. “That boy was so upset, he was crying. He was scared to death and literally begging Charles not to talk to us.”
After 42-year-old Charles Hickson and 19-year-old Calvin Parker frantically told deputies they were just abducted by aliens, the two men were brought in for questioning in a room secretly rigged with a tape recorder. Ryder and other authorities left the two men in the room alone. “That boy was still crying, saying ‘don’t talk to them Charles. Those people are going to come back and get us. I’m scared. I’m scared.’ And I when I played it, I knew something was wrong.”
“In Contact” The Pascagoula UFO Abduction. Directed by Charles Hickson · “
According to their story, the aliens first appeared above the Pascagoula River while the two men were fishing off a pier in the area. “He said, ‘I felt something funny and I heard this sound and I looked behind me and there was a flying saucier, and one of them picked me up and took us into the ship.’ And he said ‘I was suspended. I was floating.’”
Ryder says Hickson claimed three aliens examined him while he was in the space craft with what he described as some kind of eye object. “He said ‘I tried to move. I couldn’t run. I was petrified.’”
Ryder says the two men passed lie detectors about the incident. Deputies searched the area for evidence that a spaceship was there and found nothing. “I know something happened. I don’t know what. They had some kind of experience or that boy wouldn’t have cried. There’s no way anyone could act like he was and not be truthful,” said Ryder.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The strange case of the St. Helens UFO
The strange case of the St. Helens UFO
And what happens if it comes back?
Julie Thompson
Courtesy Photo
In the early hours of a cold, misty morning on March 17, 1981, SHPD Sergeant Russell Yokum reported a close encounter of the first kind. At 4:03 a.m., Yokum was patrolling Highway 30 west of the Columbia River when he spotted a bright light moving in an easterly direction toward the Portland Airport upriver. While aircraft were known to regularly pass over the area on the way to the airport, the light was unusually bright, so much so that it lit up the river like the sun was “just coming up.”
“I thought it was an aircraft landing light – but it was brighter than a normal landing light would be,” Yokum told The National Inquirer in ‘81.
Convinced the light was not an aircraft, Yokum radioed headquarters and then headed to the county courthouse to view the unidentified flying object from the banks of the Columbia River. A few local citizens and two Oregon State Police officers, Ricky Cade and Tom McCartney, joined him there and Yokum got in contact with Donald Askins via CB radio. Askins lived in a home across the river in Ridgefield, WA, and went by the handle “Lucky 13.” He could not only see the light, but hear it, too. Askins reported an eerie and extremely loud noise that sounded like “a power plant diesel motor and a screeching noise in between.”
Baffled, the officers set up a portable tape recorder 18 inches from their police radio to record their conversation with Askins, and to catch the sound if it happened again. Askins offered to dangle his CB microphone out the window so he could transmit the sound, and the police drove to a nearby bluff that gave them a better view.
“Hey, Lucky!” One of the officers says in the recording. “We’ve got a tape recorder sitting here by our radio whenever you’re ready. We’ll keep her running. If it starts up again, just key up and we’ll record a little bit of it.”
“Okie doke.”
“I just don’t want you to think we had a screw loose.”
“Sometimes, I wonder.”
“Oh, go to bed!”
“Now all it is is just an orange glow. That’s all I can see.”
“It’s like the sun is just coming up.”
“It better not be. It’s awfully early.”
“Awfully early for the sun. I don’t think the sun would just be in that one spot.”
Then, at approximately 4:29 a.m., the light emitted the strange sound again. You can hear it in on a Youtube video entitled “St. Helens Police Department Recorded UFO Sound.” According to the Inquirer, UFO experts had the sound analyzed by acoustical experts. They were equally puzzled.
At 4:43 a.m., having been surrounded by a thick fog that rolled over the river, the light went out. “Then it sounded as if it went up and away,” McCartney recalled to the Inquirer. “And within 30 seconds the fog separated and there was a blue sky shining through. It was eerie.”
It’s a strange story to be sure, and it begs the question, what would happen if aliens actually visited St. Helens? In the spirit of Halloweentown, and all things unusual, we spoke to SHPD Chief Terry Moss to find out.
The Chronicle: Is there an SHPD response plan for UFO sightings in St. Helens?
Chief Terry Moss: We have a whole policy manual but we don’t have an ‘unidentified flying object policy’, no. I’m sure that there are people in the world that believe we have a Bigfoot policy and a UFO policy …
Maybe we should start to work on that.
Chronicle: Are you aware of any UFO sightings during your tenure as chief?
Moss: The one we’re talking about didn’t happen when I was here, but Russ Yoakum was the officer that saw the UFO. He’s now passed away so that story is lost in history. When I came to work here, he was already gone, he didn’t work here anymore, but that story had lived on and been passed on. I’d heard versions of it. At first I was like, “C’mon.” Ya know? And the other guys are like, “No no, seriously, he says he did.” It went out on the radio and TV news channels came out and did stories on it.
Chronicle: Do you have a contingency plan for contact with alien life forms?
Moss: We have access to a service called the Language Line, so if I come across somebody that doesn’t speak English I can dial up this number and have an interpreter on the other side. I can give them the phone and they can help us have a conversation. I’m going to guess an alien probably doesn’t speak English. I don’t know if Language Line is prepared for alien translation but it would be a good place to start, I guess. Klingon and all that, I don’t know if there’s anyone around that actually speaks it, so we’d have to use that Language Line to get past that “take me to your leader” thing.
Chronicle: If the aliens are hostile is the SHPD prepared to defend the city?
Moss: No, our highest-powered rifle would probably be ineffective against their advanced weaponry. I would guess that it would be difficult. Based on all the stuff I know about them, because I’ve watched a lot of TV, we’re not prepared. Laser beams and … yeah, we’ve got nothing for that.
Chronicle: Who would represent St. Helens during contact? You? The Mayor?
Moss: It would have to be the mayor. If they said, “take me to your leader,” I’d take them right to Rick Scholl.
Chronicle: If they were friendly would we set up a situation to welcome them in?
Moss: Yeah, why not? Give them a key to the city or something. That would be a big deal, wouldn’t it? You wouldn’t want to be known as the city that shunned visitors like that. I think you’d have to open the doors and embrace it and share. You know that whole exchange thing where we go live with them for a while and they come live with us for a while? Like sending kids on an exchange mission? Yeah, we should invite them in.
Chronicle: What if one of them wanted to join the police force?
Moss: We are always hiring and we welcome diversity. I’ve got to believe that that would be a huge asset to the organization if we did that.
Chronicle: Do you personally believe in the possibility of alien life?
Moss: The more I think about how big the universe is, I’ve got to believe that there’s somebody out there. In the billions and billions and billions of miles, you’ve got to think there’s something else going on. Are we really it? I don’t know. TV certainly compels us to believe that there are others out there. Or maybe they’re looking at us and they’re shaking their heads going, “Oh my god, what in the world is going on over there on that little blue planet? Stay away from that place. They have Facebook now.”
I-Team: Public company launched to investigate UFOs
I-Team: Public company launched to investigate UFOs
I-Team: Public company launched to investigate UFOs
By: George Knapp
LAS VEGAS - A team of former spies and spooks came out of the shadows Wednesday to talk about UFOs.
The men formerly worked in national security positions within the Pentagon or intelligence agencies, which is where they were first exposed to classified information about UFO encounters.
Now, they've signed on with rock star Tom DeLonge in his quest to build a public company that could study and harness exotic technology.
The fact that these high-level government operatives would appear on the same stage with a rock star turned UFO hunter speaks volumes.
First, it tells the world that the government is still collecting UFO information, contrary to what the public has been told, and second, it shows that serious people think it's time for secrecy to end and public involvement to begin.
Part of what was learned in Wednesday's announcement involves a stunning UFO encounter with one of the most powerful warships in the world.
On a sunny day in 2004 off the coast of San Diego, the USS Nimitz battle group encountered a technology beyond anything known on earth. It was a mystery aircraft shaped like a 46-foot long Tic Tac that hovered and maneuvered for hours and defied the F-18's sent to intercept.
"In a series of discreet tumbling maneuvers that appear to defy the laws of physics, the object takes a position directly behind the approaching F-18. The pilots capture gun camera footage and infrared imagery of the object but are outmatched by a technology they have never seen," said Chris Mellon, former Defense Department intelligence official. "At one point, the object soars to 80,000 feet, hovers, then drops at supersonic speeds, makes a full stop 50 feet above the ocean. It is not an experimental U.S. aircraft, but whose is it?
The story was told by Mellon. An investigation by the navy was hushed up. The only public mention was in a little known aviation magazine read by pilots. Mellon says the incident illustrates the obvious -- that higher ups in the defense department know the technology is real and that it's not ours.
Officially the U.S. government says it stopped studying UFOs in 1969 when Project Blue Book was cancelled by the air force. At the announcement event in Seattle, that version of history was challenged by a man, who until a week ago, worked directly under Secretary of Defense James Mattis.
"For nearly the next decade, I ran a sensitive aerospace identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies. It was in this position that I learned the phenomena is indeed real," said Luis Elizondo.
He operated at the highest levels of the D.O.D. and collected UFO data, but quit to take a position with rock star Tom DeLonge and a team of other former government insiders, now on board with "To The Stars Academy", a public benefit corporation unveiled Wednesday morning. Some of what was announced was nuanced -- Elizondo's presence confirmed that UFOs are taken seriously within a small circle in government.
Former Lockheed Skunkworks manager Steve Justice said he thinks UFO data could be incorporated into technology that could change the world.
Mellon mentioned the Tic Tac UFO to prod congress into asking for a briefing on the hushed up incident.
Musician DeLonge used his panel of high-powered partners to draw attention to his project which was also profiled in a film meant to inspire public participation.
Part of the plan is to build systems that will collect UFO data, separate from what the military already gathers. There were also hints of a possible partnership in which government photos and videos of unusual objects will be released, and a way that regular people can join the effort to identify and investigate weird stuff in the sky.
Today, people’s bodies are more perfectly melded with technology than we could have imagined mere decades ago. Superhuman strength, dexterity, and senses are no longer science-fiction — they’re already here.
Though cutting-edge technology offers us a glimpse into the capabilities of enhanced humans in the future, it’s most useful these days as support for people who have been affected by a disability. Cyborg technology can replace missing limbs, organs, and bodily senses. Sometimes, it can even enhance the body’s typical function.
Here are six of the most striking examples of this cyborg present. They show us how far we have already come, and how far we could go in the future.
Activist and artist Neil Harbisson was born without the ability to see color. In 2004, he decided to change that. He mounted an electronic antenna to the lower back of his skull that turns frequencies of light into vibrations his brain interprets as sound, allowing him to “hear color.” These frequencies are even able to go beyond the visual spectrum, allowing him to “hear” invisible frequencies such as infrared and ultraviolet.
“There is no difference between the software and my brain, or my antenna and any other body part. Being united to cybernetics makes me feel that I am technology,” he said in a National Geographic interview.
His body modification was not always well-accepted: the British government took issue when the antenna showed up in Harbisson’s passport photo. Harbisson fought the government to keep it in. He won, becoming the first “legally recognized” cyborg.
The LUKE Arm (named after Luke Sywalker) is a highly advanced prosthetic that lends the wearer a sense of touch. A specialized motor can provide feedback to mimic the resistance offered by various physical objects — users can feel that a pillow offers less resistance than a brick. With the help of funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the finished design received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in 2014.
Electronic sensors receive signals from the wearer’s muscles that the device then translates into physical movement. The wearer can manipulate multiple joints at once through switches that can be controlled with his or her feet. The first commercially available LUKE arm became available to a small group of military amputees in late 2016. Amputees can now buy the prosthetic through their physicians, but the device is rumored to cost around $100,000.
In his 20s, Jens Naumann was involved in two separate accidents that shot metal shards into his eyes, causing him to lose his vision. In 2002, at the age of 37, Naumann participated in a clinical trial performed at the Lisbon-based Dobelle Institute in which a television camera was connected straight to his brain, bypassing his faulty eyes. Dots of light combined to form shapes and outlines of the world around him, giving him “this kind of dot matrix-type vision.” The system enabled him to see Christmas lights outlining his home in Canada that year.
Unfortunately, the system failed only after a couple of weeks. And when William Dobelle, the original inventor of the technology, passed away in 2004, he left behind almost no documentation, leaving technicians no instructions for how to repair Naumann’s system. In 2010, Naumann had the system surgically removed, rendering him completely blind once again.
The mindcontrolled bionic leg was first used in 2012 by Zac Vawter, a software engineer from Seattle whose leg was amputated above the knee in 2009. The technology that translates brain signals into physical movement, called Targeted Muscle Reinnvervation (TMR), was first created in 2003 for upper-limb prosthetics. But Vawter’s prosthetic was revolutionary because it was the first leg prosthetic use it.
In 2012, Zac Vawter climbed the 2,100 steps of the Willis Tower in Chicago, with the help of his prosthetic leg. It took him 53 minutes and nine seconds.
Prosthetics company bebionic has created some of the most sophisticated prosthetic hands to date. Individual motors move every joint along every digit independently. To help with everyday use, the bebionic has 14 pre-determined grip patterns. Highly sensitive motors vary the speed and force of the grip in real-time — it’s delicate enough for the user to hold an egg between his or her index finger and thumb, and robust enough to hold up to 45 kilograms (99 pounds).
The bebionic hand has been available commercially since 2010. Models released in the years since have improved its battery life, flexibility, and software.
The camera can record up to 30 minutes of footage before depleting the battery. Spence used footage captured by his eye prosthetic in a documentary called Deus Ex: The Eyeborg Documentary.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Geheime groepen plannen kosmische false flag in aanloop naar wereldregering. Een interview met Steven Greer
Geheime groepen plannen kosmische false flag in aanloop naar wereldregering. Een interview met Steven Greer
Op woensdag is het interview dat Natural News had met dr. Steven Greer verschenen op YouTube.
Greer, maker van de populaire nieuwe documentaire Unacknowledged, stelt dat veel UFO-waarnemingen in werkelijkheid waarnemingen van door de mens gemaakte vliegtuigen zijn.
Hij zegt verder dat er supergeheime groepen zijn binnen de Amerikaanse overheid die een buitenaardse nep-invasie voorbereiden, een false flag-aanval, om een wereldregering in het zadel te helpen die een einde zal maken aan individuele vrijheden.
Schat aan bewijzen
Of je het nu met hem eens bent of niet, dr. Greer heeft een schat aan bewijzen gevonden die zijn theorieën lijken te ondersteunen.
Terwijl de mainstream media ervan genieten om eenieder die out of the box denkt belachelijk te maken, probeert dr. Greer hier op een serieuze manier onderzoek naar te doen.
Hij interviewde in der loop der jaren talloze hooggeplaatste leger- en overheidsfunctionarissen over deze kwestie, die buitengewoon interessante dingen hadden te melden.
Kosmische false flags
In onderstaande video spreekt Mike Adams van Natural News met Greer over kosmische false flags en nog veel meer.
Adams stelt zijn laboratorium ter beschikking voor de analyse van exotische materialen of onbekende stoffen die worden gevonden op plekken waar UFO’s zijn waargenomen.
What’s going on in the skies above North Carolina? Two seemingly separate news stories out of my home state this week are hinting that there might be more going on above our heads than the proverbial ‘they’ are letting on. The mystery began on Saturday, October 7th when residents of Winston Salem, NC heard what has been described as an “earsplitting boom” in the skies overhead. Residents described the noise as a “muffled explosion” that was strong enough to shake the windows and doors of homes in the area. One area man, Eugene Nieto, told local Fox affiliate WGHP that the noise sounded like a bomb:
It sounded like something hit the side of the house. I thought either a truck crashed or something exploded somewhere. It sounded like a legit concussion. It sounded like a bomb.
After searching the area and interviewing local residents, Winston Salem police haven’t a clue what could have caused the deafening boom overhead and are seeking the public’s help in piecing this mystery together. Interestingly, the Winston Salem boom coincided with a similar noise heard above Cairns, Australia heard on the same day. The strangeness doesn’t stop there though. The day after Winston Salem skies were rocked by a seemingly unexplained explosion, a piece of what appears to be an unidentified rocket or aircraft washed up on NC’s shores.
Not the type of shell you’d expect to find the sand.
Photo: Erin Everlee
The debris washed up on the coast in Hatteras Village on NC’s Outer Banks. The object appears to be constructed from metal and some sort of synthetic insulating material and measures roughly 10 feet by 15 feet. The piece is rounded and includes a serial number, and the lack of barnacles on the debris implies it wasn’t in the ocean long before it washed ashore. The leading theory seems to be that the object could be some sort of rocket fairing or nose cone.
Cross-section of the debris.
Photo: Erin Everlee
After discovering the debris, baffled Hatteras Village residents called the National Park Service who then notified the Air Force. An investigation into its origin is still underway. Could the debris be related to the mysterious boom heard just a few hundred miles inland the night before?
I’m sure these government stooges would love to tell us all about where it came from. No, wait, the opposite of that.
It seems like too big of a connection to rule out as mere coincidence. Is someone or some group launching rockets and keeping it hush-hush? Could this be a piece of an unreported aircraft which has crashed? For now, this one remains a mystery.
History holds many oddities that we may never fully understand, either through incomplete documentation, disinterest at the time, or simply a big question mark that hangs over all. Among these are mysterious tribes of people that have been encountered and confronted in all corners of the globe, often vanishing before we really understand them and leaving us perplexed at just who they were or where their origins lie. One such tribe was a mysterious group of Native Americans who appeared to explorers as something quite European in nature, although their ways and beginnings have always been cloaked in shadows. Known mostly from historical accounts, their origins remain murky, their lineage uncertain, and they are a historical curiosity we may never fully understand.
During the era of early European contact, the native peoples of North America held many curiosities for explorers and settlers coming to this new, wild land. These tribes were numerous, and displayed rich variety between different cultures, as well as myriad languages, customs, and traditions that inspired awe, wonder, curiosity, bafflement, and even fear in the European adventurers who bravely delved into this uncharted new world and tried to tame it. Yet as fascinating as these new peoples were, perhaps the most interesting was an alleged tribe of natives who were said to look decidedly Caucasian in nature.
The first reports of what would come to be known as the Mandan tribe began to trickle out from French explorers in the region of the Missouri River in present-day North and South Dakota in the early 1700s. These natives were said to have rather fair skin and to have red or blonde hair and blue or grey eyes, and indeed especially the women were purportedly so Nordic in appearance that if it were not for their clothing they were said to be nearly indistinguishable from whites. In 1738, the French Canadian trader Sieur de la Verendrye made the first official outside contact with the Mandan and described them as living in 9 villages at a tributary of the Missouri river called the Heart River, and noted that they also exhibited customs that were decidedly more European than the neighboring tribes.
A Mandan chief’s lodge
By 1784 the word had gotten out on this mysterious tribe of blue-eyed Indians, and they were featured in the media, with the August 24, 1784 edition of the Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser proclaiming that a new tribe of white people had been discovered and that they were “acquainted with the principles of the Christian religion” and “extremely courteous and civilized.” Perhaps one of the more famous of the explorers to come across the Mandan was none other than Lewis and Clark, who visited the tribe in 1804 and described them as “half-white,” as well as peaceful, civilized, courteous, and polite. They also noted that the tribe’s numbers had dwindled significantly due to the frequent small pox epidemics that terrorized them, as well as attacks against them by neighboring tribes, namely the Assiniboine, Lakota, Arikara and the Sioux.
Of course this all led to intense speculation as to what the origins were of this bizarre tribe, and one of the earliest ideas put forward was that they were the descendants of pre-Columbian explorers to the New World. For instance there were many legends from various regions of the present day United States of Welsh speaking natives, perhaps descended from Welsh settlers coming to these shore in the 12th century, in particular a Prince Madoc, who along with his followers was said to have emigrated to America from Wales in about 1170.
One Welsh explorer by the name of John Evans became so convinced that this was the case with the Mandan that he launched an expedition up the Missouri river in 1796 to search for them and prove that their language was derived from Welsh and contained Welsh vocabulary. Evans would trek up the river in the winter of 1796 and he could find no evidence whatsoever of the Welsh influence he had been so sure he would find, forcing him to concede that this was not where the Mandan origins lay. Indeed, he became extremely skeptical that there were any of these legendary “Welsh Indians” at all, saying in a letter to a Dr. Samuel Jones:
Thus having explored and charted the Missurie for 1,800 miles and by my Communications with the Indians this side of the Pacific Ocean from 35 to 49 degrees of Latitude, I am able to inform you that there is no such People as the Welsh Indians.
Mandan tribespeople
Another explorer who believed that the Mandan had European roots, perhaps even Welsh, was the frontiersman and pictorial historian George Catlin, who spent several months with the tribe in North Dakota, living amongst and drawing and painting them in 1832. One of the things that first struck him about these mysterious people was just how European they looked, describing that many of them were nearly white and had light hair and blue eyes, and he also noticed that they had more advanced techniques for manufacturing goods and dwellings, customs, traditions, town layouts, and language vastly different from neighboring tribes. Caitlin would say of the Mandan:
They are a very interesting and pleasing people in their personal appearance and manners, differing in many respects, both in looks and customs, from all the other tribes I have seen. So forcibly have I been struck with the peculiar ease and elegance of these people, together with their diversity of complexions, the various colours of their hair and eyes; the singularity of their language, and their peculiar and unaccountable customs, that I am fully convinced that they have sprung from some other origin than that of the other North American Tribes, or that they are an amalgam of natives with some civilized race.
Even some of the legends of the Mandan people themselves expressly mentioned that they had been descended from a strange white man who had appeared to them aboard a canoe in ancient times after an enormous flood had wiped out everything in sight. They claimed that this stranger had taught them about medicine and had influenced their religion, which oddly featured many of the same beats as Christianity, such as a great flood, a virgin birth, and a child born who could work magical miracles, among others. This was noticed by other later expeditions as well, such as an 1833-34 expedition led by German naturalist A.P. Maximilian, who felt that the similarities between Christianity and the Mandan religion were too close to be mere coincidence. Caitlin would write of this:
It would seem that these people must have had some proximity to some part of the civilized world; or that missionaries or others have been formerly among them, inculcating the Christian religion and the Mosaic account of the Flood.
A drawing of a Mandan tribeswoman by George Catlin
Another idea on the Mandan origins is that they came from pre-Columbian visitations by Viking explorers. The first official European to ever officially make contact with the Mandan tribe, Sieur de la Verendrye, claimed that at the time he had found a strange runestone with Nordic inscriptions on a riverside near the village. The stone was allegedly sent to France to be studied but it is unclear what happened to the “Verendrye Runestone” after that, and indeed it is uncertain if it ever really existed at all. Unless the stone ever turns up again it remains just as mysterious as the Mandan.
The idea of Vikings in the New World before the days of Columbus has been talked about for some time, with one prevalent and somewhat controversial theory having to do with Eric Thorwaldsson, also more famously known as “The Red,” who established two colonies on the coast of Greenland in 986. The story goes that Eric The Red then abandoned these outposts when the wild, rugged land proved to be too cold and forbidding, and made his way to North America along with the colonists. The theory then claims that the King of Norway is then said to have sent an expedition to the New World to find out what had happened to them, and that this expedition made their way up the rivers to end up in the Dakotas and other areas, after which they became stranded and then assimilated into the native tribes, giving them their Nordic genes.
However, there is very little evidence to prove that Vikings ever actually reached North America. The Verendrye Runestone vanished without a trace and then there is the hotly debated Kensington Runestone, which was a giant slab covered in runes allegedly found by Swedish immigrant Olof Ohman in Minnesota in 1898. In this case the inscriptions claimed that the runes had been created by 14th century Scandinavian explorers, and although the authenticity of the runestone is still debated it has mostly been classified as a hoax by the scientific community.
Mandan tribeswoman
Regardless of where the Mandan really came from the fact is that we will probably never know for sure. In 1838 the tribe was hit by a devastating smallpox epidemic, and although this was a specter they had been haunted by for centuries, this time it was absolutely catastrophic, wiping them out at such a rate that after only a few months there were only an estimated 30 to 140 of them left. With the Mandan teetering on the edge of extinction, enemy tribes swept in and took them as slaves, after which they were assimilated and absorbed.
Consequent intermarriage and interbreeding meant that any unique genetic heritage they may have had was quickly erased, and the last known full-blooded Mandan was a Mattie Grinnell, who died in 1971. Since there are no more full-blooded Mandan left and only an estimated 8 speakers of its language left today, it is difficult to get a grip on their heritage, even with our advanced DNA testing techniques, and their origins and history will likely forever remain shrouded in mystery, leaving us to merely speculate and debate on it.
It is somewhat sad that this tribe disappeared before we were ever able to really comprehend who they were. All we are left with is the tales and accounts from explorers, but other than that their legacy has evaporated into the tides of history. They are a vanished people who sowed bafflement and wonder, but ultimately left numerous questions swirling about them, doomed to a limbo of superstition, speculation, and rumor. Who were these people? Why did they look and act so differently, and what was the meaning behind their strange ways? To the alien explorers just starting to penetrate this wilderness at the time they may have seemed to be baffling anomalies, and interestingly they still are.
Antarctica is the perfect laboratory for collecting data on how our human activity is (presumably) irrevocably changing the Earth for the worse. Over the last few years, all sorts of unexplained and unprecedented changes have been unleashed upon the icy southernmost continent, including rare phytoplankton blooms that have made huge areas of Antarctic ice turn green and huge cracks and fissures spontaneously opening up, prompting hopes that Atlantis might be foundunder the ice. Now, a more worrisome sight has developed and scientists don’t know what to make of it: a huge hole has been seemingly punched right through the continent, miles from the coastline.
The hole is what’s known as a polynya, an area of open water formed in the middle of sea ice.
Due to the large distance between the hole and the coast, scientists do not believe that the normal forces of tidal erosion and glacial shearing are behind this mysterious void. These polynyas typically form either when warm water vents erode sea ice from below or when oceans currents create pockets of higher salt density, causing that salty ice to sink.
While polynyas are nothing new, the sudden, unexplained formation of this one has some scientists concerned.
In the case of this new polynya, researchers aren’t sure if either of these forces are at work or if this hole represents some new phenomenon altogether. This particular polynya opened once before in the 1970s but closed up before scientists could study it. University of Toronto physicist Kent Moore toldMotherboardthat the hole is “quite remarkable” for its size and seemingly spontaneous reappearance:
It looks like you just punched a hole in the ice. This is now the second year in a row it’s opened after 40 years of not being there. We’re still trying to figure out what’s going on.
With so much weirdness afoot on the continent lately, there’s no telling what might be behind the sudden reappearance of the hole. Secret nuclear testing? Some form of higher strangeness? Or could it just be that we are witnessing another symptom of our planet’s runaway changing climate patterns? Which is more terrifying?
A video has been making the rounds recently of what the uploader claims is a UFO over the Yellowstone supervolcano caldera. The owner gives it the self-congratulatory title of “Impressive UFO” and gives its date of origin as June 9, 2017. The quality of the video isn’t bad for a daytime sighting, but it’s certainly not good enough to ascertain, as some observers have, that it’s a “metallic” object. This would normally be enough to file it in the “another UFO over Yellowstone” file…
… except for the fact that a series of minor earthquakes began hitting the area around the supervolcano, beginning on June 12 and ending on June 19. The largest was a magnitude 4.5, which was the strongest in the area since 2014, but the real news was that this co-called “swarm” totaled over 400 small quakes in a week. Knowing how sensitive we are to apocalyptic signs, experts at the U.S. Geological Survey were quick to point out that “swarms” of earthquakes in the area have occurred before without causing an eruption and the chances of one happening now were quite low. That’s comforting news, even if it comes from a government agency, and would normally be enough to bring swarms of people back to Yellowstone to watch for geysers and UFOs …
… unless they heard about a presentation at the recent 2017 IAVCEI (International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry) “Fostering Integrative Studies of Volcanism” conference which revealed that a recent study at Yellowstone found that the most recent eruption of the supervolcano was triggered when new magma moved into the system just decades before the eruption, not millenniums as had been previously believed. Changes in layers of crystals seemed to indicate rapid temperature increases that precede eruptions. While the researchers caution that the evidence is inconclusive and more study is needed, the UFO, earthquakes and quickness of the magma buildup before the last superuption sound like dots that a re close enough to connect and scare tourists and residents alike far away from all things Yellowstone …
… other than Old Faithful. The aptly named geyser still erupts faithfully every 90 minutes or so, but that interval has lengthened recently and some fear it’s because the earthquakes have affected subterranean water levels. Fortunately, Science reports that scientists recently used 133 seismographs spread across a square kilometer near the geyser and the measurements taken indicate that Faithful’s underground thermally-heated chamber still holds hundreds of millions of gallons of water and shows no signs of running out of earthquake-generated cracks. The time interval actually hasn’t changed … the measurements have simply become more accurate. That should make residents, tourists and those who depend on tourist dollars rest a little easier …
… until the next earthquakes, geological revelations, geyser anomalies or UFO appearances.
Dr. Steven Greer: Super Secret Groups Planning False Flag Alien Attack!
Dr. Steven Greer: Super Secret Groups Planning False Flag Alien Attack!
As part of our ongoing effort to explore our universe and seek answers to really big questions, The Health Ranger / Natural News recently interviewed Dr. Steven Greer, M.D.
Dr. Greer, a prominent UFO researcher and emergency room physician, founder of Sirius Disclosure and creator of the popular new documentary Unacknowledged, explains that he believes many so-called "UFO sightings" are actually sightings of human-made aircraft, and that super secret groups exist inside the U.S. government which plan to stage a faked, "false flag" alien invasion attack in order to roll out globalist government that tramples individual human liberties forever.
Whether or not you agree with his analysis, Dr. Greer is an intriguing and highly intelligent individual who has uncovered an astonishing wealth of evidence to support his explanations.
This footage was recorded with an infrared camera. This camera allows us to see objects in the infrared spectrum. The human eye does not have the capabilities to see the infrared spectrum. The infrared camera captured this triangular UFO during the night. The camera shows several objects like airplanes, but these can also be seen with the naked eye. The UFO was not visible to the naked eye and only showed up on the infrared camera. The UFO appears to be the infamous TR-3B secret airplane. It shows a lot of similarities of the objects that were witnessed by thousands during the Belgian UFO flap in 1990 and during the Phoenix Lights events in 1997. This video is one of the best video’s ever proving the existence of the TR-3B.
This new footage of a bright lights was filmed in the sky above Tijuana in Mexico. This happened on 28th September 2017 and It was filmed right off the water just south of the border below Imperial Beach, CA.
Tom DeLonge's New Company Is Trying To Prove That Aliens Exist
Tom DeLonge's New Company Is Trying To Prove That Aliens Exist
The blink-182 founder is trying to change the world
By Tom Ward
Among those of a certain scene, former blink-182 guitarist Tom DeLonge's interest in aliens and all things science fiction have been well publicised.
Spearheaded by his band Angels & Airwaves, DeLonge's To The Stars Media has launched books, feature films and soundtracks exploring the myths and rumours behind some of the biggest sci-fi conspiracies in history.
Now, DeLonge looks set to take this interest to another level, with the founding of the To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science, with three divisions focusing on space, aerospace and entertainment.
After months of speculation around what DeLonge teased would be a big and important reveal, the new initiative was announced in a live stream yesterday (11 October).
Joining him in the organisation are ex-CIA members and former members of the US government's Department of Defense, and a NASA advisor. Their aim is to enable researchers to collaborate on new technologies exploring "the outer edges of science".
"The public interest in the outer edges of science and the understanding of phenomena has always been suffocated by mainstream ideology and bureaucratic constraint," DeLonge said in a statement. "We believe there are discoveries within our reach that will revolutionize the human experience, but they can only be accomplished through the unrestricted support of breakthrough research and innovation."
The company is crowdfunding now and has raised almost $250,000, which probably means he won't have to go out on any lucrative blink-182 tours ever again.
Last month, the world watched as Cassini plummeted into the upper atmosphere of Saturn—a fitting Viking funeral for a robot that had operated magnificently for two decades in the unforgiving environment of deep space.
One may attach human characteristics to Cassini, for it essentially acted as a human proxy in our quest to better understanding our universe: it sniffed out the composition of molecules, tasted charged particles, felt out the textures of alien moons via radar, listened in to radio emissions from its home planet, and last but not least, used its suite of electronic eyes to gaze upon and observe the many breathtaking vistas it encountered on its journey.
Cassini helped so many folks all over the world—scientists and laypeople alike—to become vicarious explorers of the solar system, and of course, the Saturn system in particular. So when the mission came to an end this past September, I felt a sense of melancholy and bittersweet pride. Cassini is no more and that hurts, no matter which way you slice it.
I’ve felt a particular affinity to Cassini ever since I sent a signed postcard to the Planetary Society in 1996 (signatures were scanned and burned onto a CD that was subsequently bolted to the side of the spacecraft). As such, I debated how to mark the end of the mission—surely I couldn’t just release a wistful sigh and then get on with my life? No, there had to be a more meaningful way to mark the end of this marvellous chapter in space exploration.
And then I had it—almost exactly 48 hours before the two-story probe disintegrated and became forever a part of the sixth planet, it had captured what was to be its final portrait of Saturn and the rings. Its electronic eyes (or the Image Science Subsystem, to use the more prosaic moniker) were cast upon the beringed giant, methodically recording image after image in a variety of exposures and filters. If the 13-year gravitational coupling between Cassini and Saturn were a waltz, this image would, in my eyes, come to represent the ‘last dance’ between the two bodies. That phrase stuck.
By the time the 15th of September came around, and all waited for Cassini’s death gasp to arrive in the form of a truncated radio signal, the raw images of this ‘Last Dance’ mosaic had already been downlinked and released to the public. Many talented peers in the image processing community had already produced fantastic renditions in a very short space of time (most notably Jason Major, Kevin Gill, and Don Davis).
If this had been a regular, run-of-the-mill observation, I would’ve been content to let their hard work represent this moment in time. But this was no ordinary moment in time: it was a watershed moment, a picture that said more than a hundred eulogies could convey. I **had** to make my own version of this mosaic! It wasn’t about doing a better job than my peers; it wasn’t about getting noticed on social media; it wasn’t about anything else except wanting to deal with the end-of-mission in my own way: a cathartic and almost ritualistic process that would, to use the much-vaunted term, bring ‘closure’ to my own Cassini adventure. As such, I poured more hours into this than otherwise would be warranted. I allowed my inner-perfectionist to run riot, at times driving the saner part of me to distraction!
Having produced two other large color Cassini mosaics over the previous 12-months (the so-called ‘Glutton For Punishment’ view from 2016, and the more recent ‘Grand Finale’ vista), I had developed my own approach and workflow that seemed to reliably pay dividends, as long as I was willing to put in the long, arduous hours.
NASA / JPL / SSI / Ian Regan
Cassini took the images for this wide view of Saturn on October 28, 2016, less than a year before the end of the mission. The season has advanced virtually to the opposite of what it was when Cassini arrived: it's full summer in the north pole, where Saturn's clouds make a hexagon shape. The season makes Saturn cast a relatively short shadow onto its rings. The night side of Saturn is faintly illuminated by reflected ringshine. Three moons are visible: Epimetheus (just above the right ansa, near Saturn); and Atlas and Prometheus (at the tip of the left ansa).
In the early hours of April 13, 2017, Cassini captured this breathtaking and unique visage of the Saturnian system as it coasted through space in the shadow of the gas giant.
Using its Wide-Angle Camera (part of the Imaging Science Subsystem), Cassini snapped 96 individual digital photos: these images consisted of Red, Green, and Blue-filtered frames, covering a total of 32 ‘footprints’. These 32 color frames were painstakingly combined to produce the final mosaic.
Cassini took nearly four hours to collect these data. In that time, the spacecraft was slowly cruising away from the planet, en route to apoapse (the point farthest from Saturn in any given orbit) of Revolution 269. The distance to the planet increased by 82,000 km in that time, and in the end, the distance to the cloud-tops equaled 650,040 km.
I discovered that having a template, much as a dressmaker might use, was particularly helpful. To that end, I used Mark Showalter’sSaturn Viewer to render the view from Cassini’s vantage point at the midpoint of the observation. (Cassini took two hours to shutter all seventy-six images for this mosaic, starting at 13:09 UTC on September 13). The computer-generated wireframe depiction of Saturn was to be the anchor layer against which all of the individual frames would be matched against.
Saturn and its rings were covered by a grid of ‘footprints’, 5 across and 2 high. These ‘footprints’ are points or objects in space that a spacecraft’s camera stares at, capturing one or more photographs in the process. All data captured, the spacecraft changes its attitude to point the sensor in question in a slightly different direction (aka a new ‘footprint’).
In this instance, Cassini used the wide-angle camera (WAC) to obtain the photographs collected in each of the ten footprints. These images included shots via the red, green, blue and clear filters the WAC possesses. Furthermore, long and short exposures were shuttered to capture detail in the bright rings and sunlit crescent, as well as the more subtle details on the nightside of the planet.
My approach from this point onward can be succinctly summed up in bullet-point form:
Resize all images to 200% scale.
Align and stack all images in each footprint, producing a 16-bit greyscale TIF that preserved details both in the light and dark areas.
Manual assembly of a greyscale mosaic of Saturn’s rings, using the Saturn Viewer wireframe as a guide.
Manual assembly of a greyscale mosaic of Saturn itself, carefully preserving detail both in the sunlit crescent, and the nightside faintly illuminated by ring-shine.
A careful merger of the sub-mosaics produced in steps 4 and 5.
Using the same wireframe reference, make a RGB mosaic covering all ten footprints. Here more time was spent working on careful color-matching between footprints, as opposed to fine alignment of features.
The slightly less precise color mosaic was used to lend chroma information to the base greyscale mosaic.
Final adjustments to color balance, and various high-pass sharpening procedures.
Final ‘Last Dance’ Saturn mosaic, with a subjective (but I suspect fairly accurate) attempt to reproduce natural color:
NASA / JPL-Caltech / SSI / Ian Regan
In the early afternoon of September 13, 2017, the venerable and much-loved Cassini probe captured this final portrait of Saturn and its main ring system, before plummeting to fiery destruction in the planet's hazy atmosphere just 48 hours later.
Using its Wide-Angle Camera (part of the Imaging Science Subsystem), Cassini snapped 75 photos: these images can be grouped into a grid of 6 by 2. Each footprint in that grid was covered with both long and short exposures via the red, green, and blue filters, plus a longer exposure shuttered through the clear filter.
The veteran spacecraft took nearly two hours to collect these data: starting at 1:09 PM and concluding at 3:17 PM (all times are UTC). Only three moons—Enceladus, Janus and Mimas—can be picked out in the uncalibrated and compressed data.
Annotated variant:
NASA / JPL-Caltech / SSI / Ian Regan
Every so often, I paused to save and back-up a new iteration of the ‘Last Dance’ mosaic. Unusually, I retained all the intermediate stages (normally I delete the oldest versions after a certain point), enabling me to produce the following GIF, depicting the gradual evolution of the mosaic:
Ian Regan
The final product came out much better than anticipated, and it provided me with the sense of closure and finality I’d sought for. It is not meant to be the definitive rendition of these data, and I fully anticipate an official version to be released before the year is out.
However, as much as having my signature sent to Saturn represented the opening chapter in my own Cassini journey, this image is my personal epilogue at the other end of the story. In my my eyes, the journey is now complete and the circle completed. Cassini is gone, but the legacy lives on, as will the images and data, one hopes, for millennia to come.
The world’s biggest single-dish radio telescope has detected two pulsars during its trial run, scientists have confirmed.
The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), located in a rural part of China’s Guizhou province, achieved first light—the first use of a telescope—in September 2016. Once fully operational, the telescope will be used to try to solve some of the universe’s biggest mysteries. One of its primary missions is to detect interstellar communication signals, or, put simply, messages from alien civilizations.
Another primary goal is to observe pulsars—rotating neutron stars. These are some of the densest objects in the universe. They are the remnants of the gravitational collapse of massive stars, cramming about 1.4 solar masses' worth of matter into a sphere measuring just 12 miles across. On Earth, a teaspoon of matter from a neutron star would weigh over 1 billion tons.
Studying pulsars, named so because they appear to pulse as they spin, provides scientists with a natural laboratory to look at some of the most extreme conditions in the universe.
Scientists at National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC) said FAST discovered two new pulsars on August 22 and 25. These observations were then verified with the Parkes radio telescope in Australia.
The pulsars have been named J1859-01 and J1931-01, and they are located 16,000 and 4,100 light years from Earth, respectively. The more distant pulsar spins at a rate of 1.83 seconds, while the closer at 0.59 rotations per second, according to China’s Xinhua news agency.
China's FAST telescope in the Guizhou province.
Peng Bo, deputy director of the FAST project, said the results are promising, as a telescope of this size would normally need a trial of three to five years before it could obtain results like this. "It is truly encouraging to have achieved such results within just one year," he said.
Over the next two years, scientists working at FAST will make adjustments to the telescope to optimize its performance. During this time, Chinese researchers will be able to use it for early stage research. Peng said that once complete, the telescope will be open to scientists from across the world.
Crested Pool hot spring in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, on May 14, 2016.
(Mark RAalston/AFP/Getty Images)
A YouTube video has surfaced, which allegedly shows a UFO flying over the Yellowstone volcano, in Wyoming.
The low-quality video is about 3 minutes in length and appears to show a metallic object flying in the sky. A circular bright light emerges from the object for a few seconds and then speeds off quickly into the distance, out of frame.
The video was originally taken on June 9, according to Fox News, but it was only recently shared on YouTube.
Upon further inspection, the description of the video notes that no witness report was available.
The full video can be seen below.
Comments under the video complained about the quality of the film.
“Why are all UFO videos in bad quality?” one person wrote.
“Web cam taking a picture every few seconds (or minutes), so naturally is highly inconclusive” another wrote. “And no witnesses during that great weather? Hard to believe.”
The Yellowstone area has often had reports of alien sightings. According to the National UFO Reporting Center, there have been hundreds of reported sightings in the state, dating back all the way back to 1871.
Recently the volcano had been hit by a swarm of earthquakes, but this is not uncommon.
The cluster of earthquakes at the Yellowstone Park volcano is the most active it’s been in recent history. The earthquake count is up to 2,357 since June. The largest was a magnitude 4.4. The majority of the earthquakes were magnitudes of 0 or 1, as Newsweek reported.
Swarms of earthquakes do not necessarily reflect a forthcoming eruption. Yellowstone experiences thousands of eathquakes a year. The type of earthquake swarms that are occurring at Yellowstone are different from a regular earthquake, that indeed may signal an approaching eruption.
An earthquake swarm is more irregular. The series of earthquakes and aftershocks is less sequential and more random than those for a regular earthquake. Swarms occur when earthquakes occur irregularly, but with numerous occurring over a timeframe of weeks or months.
The current swarm is approaching the record set in 1985, when three months brought over 3,000 earthquakes. In 2010 a swarm brought over 2,000 earthquakes over a month.
The current situation doesn’t present too much of an eruption threat. The geological pressure would have to be sizable for anything to occur. “Yellowstone has had dozens of these sorts of earthquake swarms in the last 150 years it’s been visited. The last volcanic eruption within the caldera [crater] was 70,000 years ago. For magma to reach the surface, a new vent needs to be created, which requires a lot of intense geological activity,” said Jacob Lowenstern, one of the scientists managing the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, via Newsweek.
Despite the activity, the U.S. Geological Survey has the volcano alert level at normal. It is impossible to predict when exactly a volcano will erupt. Scientists said the chances are one in 730,000 for Yellowstone over the next year.
A proposed eight-bladed drone could soar across Saturn's moon Titan, exploring multiple sites over the course of decades.
Credit: APL/Michael Carroll
A relocatable lander could explore the hazy skies of Saturn's intriguing moon Titan, according a new mission proposal. As the eight-bladed whirlybird travels across the moon, it could investigate some of the most promising potentially habitable sites on the Saturn satellite, where methane and ethane fall from the sky and flow as rivers and lakes.
The lander-size instrument, known as Dragonfly, would take advantage of Titan's low gravity and thick atmosphere to visit multiple sites over several years, moving from one promising site to the next and recharging between the brief flights.
"It's such a rich place to be able to explore in situ, and then it hands us the way to explore it," the project's principal investigator, Elizabeth Turtle, told Turtle, a planetary scientist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Research Laboratory in Maryland, is leading the team that's proposing an in-depth exploration of Titan as part of NASA's New Frontiers mission program, which generally funds midsize missions to explore the solar system. She presented the Dragonfly concept last month at the Lunar and Planetary Sciences Conference in The Woodlands, Texas. [Amazing Photos of Titan: Saturn's Biggest Moon]
On Titan, flowing methane and ethane rivers and seas provide a unique opportunity to explore the chemistry that could lead to the rise of life. But it's the thick atmosphere that would make the mission possible.
"The atmosphere is what is giving us this ability to travel on Titan," Turtle said.
When the Cassini-Huygens mission, a joint initiative between NASA and the European Space Agency, arrived at Titan in 2004, it discovered a world where methane rained down onto the surface into organic-rich lakes and seas. It dropped the Huygens probeonto Titan's surface, providing a tantalizing peek at some of the chemistry beneath the clouds. Over the past decade, the orbiter revealed even more details about Titan's surface, including a variety of environments with the potential to have chemical evolution similar to Earth's, Turtle said.
"The kind of prebiotic chemistry that we're looking at, these are things we can't do in the lab — the timescales are too long to do these experiments in the lab — but Titan has been doing them for ages," Turtle said.
"The results are just sitting on the surface," she added. "If we can get to these different places on the surface of Titan, we can pick up the results of the experiments. They're just waiting for us."
When it came to exploring various locations on Mars, that meant rovers. Each rover dropped at a promising location could trek for tens of miles over its lifetime. As of April 2017, NASA's Opportunity rover had traveled a total of more than 27 miles (43 kilometers), and Curiosity had traveled nearly 10 miles (16 km).
But instead of sending multiple rovers to explore Titan, Turtle wants to use the moon's thick atmosphere to travel more efficiently. Titan's atmosphere is about four times as dense as Earth's, while its gravity is about a tenth as strong.
"Heavier-than-air flight is substantially easier [on Titan]," Turtle said. "That means we can take a really capable lander and move it by a few tens of kilometers in a single flight, and hundreds of kilometers over the time of the mission."
In the past, Titan mission proposals have included balloons and airships that took advantage of the thick atmosphere to travel. But these missions required these vehicles to be constantly in the air, which consumed a great deal of power, Turtle said. They also provided only cursory exploration of the surface.
Instead, Dragonfly would use two rotors positioned at each of its four corners to fly from one region of the moon to the next, then recharge while landed using the multimission radioisotope thermoelectric generator (MMRTG) it would carry with it, which converts the heat from decaying plutonium-238 into electricity. This could mean Dragonfly could fly around Titan for years, or even decades, Turtle said. At the same time, the thick atmosphere would block damaging radiation, providing a welcoming environment for a long-lived mission, she added.
If NASA selects Dragonfly, the spacecraft would be ready for launch in the mid-2020s and should arrive in the 2030s, Turtle said. Cassini's data would provide potential landing sites, but once Dragonfly arrived, it would be able to scout them out and, using the same type of program that Mars rovers use to land safely, decide which one would be the best landing location. After landing, the quadcopter could launch and map several potential sites, and then return to its original spot to continue investigating while scientists decide where it should go next. [How Humans Could Live on Saturn's Moon Titan (Infographic)]
Flying isn't the only task Dragonfly would excel at, Turtle said: A drill and a sampling system would allow it to examine the surface up close, while a spectrometer would let it study the surface composition in larger patches. Meteorology and remote sensing would help characterize the atmosphere and weather of Titan, where a methane cycle stands in for Earth's water cycle, she added.
The spacecraft's ability to move would help it keep Earth in its line of sight, as it will be communicating directly with the planet. Dragonfly would arrive during Titan's northern winter, so it would start out in the southern hemisphere because Earth won't be in the sky in the north, Turtle said. But as the seasons shift, the quadcopter could move, too, heading up north when our planet rises again.
Dragonfly would land on the surface of Saturn's moon Titan and then could fly from point to point on the moon's surface and settle to investigate and recharge.
Credit: APL/Michael Carroll
Begging us to visit
With methane and ethane falling as raindrops from the sky, Titan boasts a hydration cycle both similar to and different from Earth's. The moon is covered with organic materials that make it a potential home for a different sort of life to evolve. That's just one reason many scientists are eager to visit the Saturn satellite. [Life on Titan? Saturn's Cold Moon Fascinates Scientists (Video)]
"Titan is the ideal destination to do prebiotic chemistry," Turtle said. "It has incredibly rich organic material all over the surface."
The giant sand dunes of organic material that stretch for thousands of kilometers across Titan's equator are a potentially intriguing target. Although scientists aren't certain how these dunes form, they may represent what Turtle called a "grab bag" of materials from across the surface.
Impact craters provide another interesting region to explore. The impacts should have melted ice in the crust, thus putting liquid water in close contact with organic material for extended periods, Turtle said.
"We can start to look at how the organic chemistry progressed," she added.
Along the way, Dragonfly could hunt for very basic signs of life on the methane-rich world.
"If we're taking the instrumentation to measure the details of the chemistry, we can also look for biosignatures, because it's the same measurements," Turtle said.
With a $1 billion price tag, NASA's New Frontiers missions are exploring some of the most intriguing places in the universe. Previous selections included the New Horizons mission to Pluto, the Juno spacecraft to Jupiter and the OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample return mission. The current competition lists six mission themes, including sample-return missions from comets or the moon, an ocean worlds explorer, a probe to Saturn, exploration of the Trojan asteroids and a Venus in-situ explorer. NASA plans to select a new mission every five years.
The deadline for the latest round of New Frontiers proposals is April 28, and Dragonfly will be one of the candidates. In November 2017, NASA will select a subset of the proposals for further study and will make its final selection in July 2019. That means there will be a long wait for Turtle, who is hoping Dragonfly comes out on top.
"Titan is just begging us to do this," she said.
The Johns Hopkins Dragonfly proposal is another well-realized drone-exploration project to be put to the space organization. NASA are currently evaluating several mission proposals for the next New Frontiers project. By the end of 2017 it will announce further investment into concept studies for one or more of the submitted proposals, and the final mission will be decided upon by mid-2019 with a launch scheduled by 2025.
Asteroids are rocky worlds revolving around the sun that are too small to be called planets. They are also known as planetoids or minor planets. There are millions of asteroids, ranging in size from hundreds of miles to several feet across. In total, the mass of all the asteroids is less than that of Earth's moon.
Despite their size, asteroids can be dangerous. Many have hit Earth in the past, and more will crash into our planet in the future. That's one reason scientists study asteroids and are eager to learn more about their numbers, orbits and physical characteristics. If an asteroid is headed our way, we want to know that.
Asteroids are leftovers from the formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. Early on, the birth of Jupiter prevented any planetary bodies from forming in the gap between Mars and Jupiter, causing the small objects that were there to collide with each other and fragment into the asteroids seen today.
Understanding of how the solar system evolved is constantly expanding. Two fairly recent theories, the Nice model and the Grand Tack, suggest that the gas giants moved around before settling into their modern orbits. This movement could have sent asteroids from the main belt raining down on the terrestrial planets, emptying and refilling the original belt.
Physical characteristics
Asteroids can reach as large as Ceres, which is 940 kilometers (about 583 miles) across. On the other end of the scale, the smallest asteroid ever studied is the 6-foot-wide (2 meters) space rock 2015 TC25, which was observed when it made a close flyby of Earth in October 2015. The chances of it hitting Earth in the foreseeable future are small, Vishnu Reddy of the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory said in a statement.
"You can think of [an asteroid] as a meteorite floating in space that hasn't hit the atmosphere and made it to the ground — yet," Reddy added.
Nearly all asteroids are irregularly shaped, although a few of the largest are nearly spherical, such as Ceres. They are often pitted or cratered — for instance, Vesta has a giant crater some 285 miles (460 km) in diameter. The surfaces of most asteroids are thought to be covered in dust.
As asteroids revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits, they rotate, sometimes tumbling quite erratically. More than 150 asteroids are also known to have a small companion moon, with some having two moons. Binary or double asteroids also exist, in which two asteroids of roughly equal size orbit each other, and triple asteroid systems are known as well. Many asteroids seemingly have been captured by a planet's gravity and become moons — likely candidates include Mars' moons, Phobos and Deimos, and most of the outer moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
The average temperature of the surface of a typical asteroid is minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 73 degrees Celsius). Asteroids have stayed mostly unchanged for billions of years — as such, research into them could reveal a great deal about the early solar system.
Asteroids come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some are solid bodies, while others are smaller piles of rubble bound together by gravity. One, which orbits the sun between Neptune and Uranus, comes with its own set of rings. Another has not one but six tails.
Asteroids lie within three regions of the solar system. Most asteroids lie in a vast ring between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This main asteroid belt holds more than 200 asteroids larger than 60 miles (100 km) in diameter. Scientists estimate the asteroid belt also contains between 1.1 million and 1.9 millionasteroids larger than 1 km (3,281 feet) in diameter and millions of smaller ones.
Not everything in the main belt is an asteroid — Ceres, once thought of only as an asteroid, is now also considered a dwarf planet. In the past decade, scientists have also identified a class of objects known as "main belt asteroids," small rocky objects with tails. While some of the tails form when objects crash into an asteroid, or by disintegrating asteroids, others may be comets in disguise.
Many asteroids lie outside the main belt. Trojan asteroids orbit a larger planet in two special places, known as Lagrange points, where the gravitational pull of the sun and the planet are balanced. Jupiter Trojans are the most numerous, boasting nearly as high a population as the main asteroid belt. Neptune, Mars and Earth also have Trojan asteroids.
Near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) circle closer to Earth than the sun. Amor asteroids have close orbits that approach but no not cross Earth's path, according to NASA. Apollo asteroids have Earth-crossing orbits but spend most of their time outside the planet's path. Aten asteroids also cross Earth's orbit but spend most of their time inside Earth's orbit. Atira asteroids are near-Earth asteroids whose orbits are contained within Earth's orbit. According to the European Space Agency, roughly 10,000 of the known asteroids are NEAs.
In addition to classifications of asteroids based on their orbits, most asteroids fall into three classes based on composition:
The C-type or carbonaceous asteroids are grayish in color and are the most common, including more than 75 percent of known asteroids. They probably consist of clay and stony silicate rocks, and inhabit the main belt's outer regions.
The S-type or silicaceous asteroids are greenish to reddish in color, account for about 17 percent of known asteroids, and dominate the inner asteroid belt. They appear to be made of silicate materials and nickel-iron.
The M-type or metallic asteroids are reddish in color, make up most of the rest of the asteroids, and dwell in the middle region of the main belt. They seem to be made up of nickle-iron.
There are many other rare types based on composition as well — for instance, V-type asteroids typified by Vesta have a basaltic, volcanic crust.
Earth impacts
Ever since Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago, asteroids and comets have routinely slammed into the planet. The most dangerous asteroids are extremely rare, according to NASA.
An asteroid capable of global disaster would have to be more than a quarter-mile wide. Researchers have estimated that such an impact would raise enough dust into the atmosphere to effectively create a "nuclear winter," severely disrupting agriculture around the world. Asteroids that large strike Earth only once every 1,000 centuries on average, NASA officials say.
Smaller asteroids that are believed to strike Earth every 1,000 to 10,000 years could destroy a city or cause devastating tsunamis. According to NASA, space rocks smaller than 82 feet (25 m) will most likely burn up as they enter Earth's atmosphere, which means that even if 2015 TC25 hit Earth, it probably wouldn't make it to the ground.
On Feb. 15, 2013, an asteroid slammed into the atmosphere over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, creating a shock wave that injured 1,200 people. The space rock is thought to have measured about 65 feet (20 m) wide when it entered Earth's atmosphere.
When an asteroid, or a part of it, crashes into Earth, it's called a meteorite. Here are typical compositions:
Iron meteorites
Iron: 91 percent
Nickel: 8.5 percent
Cobalt: 0.6 percent
Stony meteorites
Oxygen: 6 percent
Iron: 26 percent
Silicon: 18 percent
Magnesium: 14 percent
Aluminum: 1.5 percent
Nickel: 1.4 percent
Calcium: 1.3 percent
Asteroid defense
Dozens of asteroids have been classified as "potentially hazardous" by the scientists who track them. Some of these, whose orbits come close enough to Earth, could potentially be perturbed in the distant future and sent on a collision course with our planet. Scientists point out that if an asteroid is found to be on a collision course with Earth 30 or 40 years down the road, there is time to react. Though the technology would have to be developed, possibilities include exploding the object or diverting it. [Image Gallery: Potentially Dangerous Asteroids]
For every known asteroid, however, there are many that have not been spotted, and shorter reaction times could prove more threatening.
When asteroids do close flybys of Earth, one of the most effective ways to observe them is by using radar, such as the system at NASA's Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex in California. In September 2017, the near-Earth asteroid 3122 Florence cruised by Earth at 4.4 million miles (7 million km), or 18 times the distance to the moon. The flyby confirmed its size (2.8 miles or 4.5 km) and rotation period (2.4 hours). Radar also revealed new information such as its shape, the presence of at least one big crater, and two moons.
In a NASA broadcast from earlier in 2017, Marina Brozovic, a physicist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said radar can reveal details such as its size, its shape, and whether the asteroid is actually two objects (a binary system, where a smaller object orbits a larger object.) "Radar is a little bit like a Swiss army knife," she said. "It reveals so much about asteroids all at once."
In the unlikely event that the asteroid is deemed a threat, NASA has a Planetary Defense Coordination Office that has scenarios for defusing the situation. In the same broadcast, PDCO planetary defense officer Lindley Johnson said the agency has two technologies at the least that could be used: a kinetic impactor (meaning, a spacecraft that slams into the asteroid to move its orbit) or a gravity tractor (meaning, a spacecraft that remains near an asteroid for a long period of time, using its own gravity to gradually alter the asteroid's path.) PDCO would also consult with the White House and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and likely other space agencies, to determine what to do. However, there is no known asteroid (or comet) threat to Earth and NASA carefully tracks all known objects through a network of partner telescopes.
Water delivery?
Ironically, the collisions that could mean death for humans may be the reason we are alive today. When Earth formed, it was dry and barren. Asteroid and comet collisions may have delivered the water-ice and other carbon-based molecules to the planet that allowed life to evolve. At the same time, the frequent collisions kept life from surviving until the solar system calmed down. Later collisions shaped which species evolved and which were wiped out.
According to NASA's Center for Near Earth Object Studies CNEOS), "It seems possible that the origin of life on the Earth's surface could have been first prevented by an enormous flux of impacting comets and asteroids, then a much less intense rain of comets may have deposited the very materials that allowed life to form some 3.5 - 3.8 billion years ago."
Discovery & naming
In 1801, while making a star map, Italian priest and astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi accidentally discovered the first and largest asteroid, Ceres, orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. Although Ceres is classified today as a dwarf planet, it accounts for a quarter of all the mass of all the known asteroids in or near the main asteroid belt.
Over the first half of the 19th century, several asteroids were discovered and classified as planets. William Herschel coined the phrase "asteroid" in 1802, but other scientists referred to the newfound objects as minor planets. By 1851, there were 15 new asteroids, and the naming process shifted to include numbers, with Ceres being designated as (1) Ceres. Today, Ceres shares dual designation as both an asteroid and a dwarf planet, while the rest remain asteroids.
Since the International Astronomical Union is less strict on how asteroids are named when compared to other bodies, there are asteroids named after Mr. Spock of "Star Trek" and rock musician Frank Zappa, as well as more solemn tributes, such as the seven asteroids named for the crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia killed in 2003. Naming asteroids after pets is no longer allowed.
Asteroids are also given numbers — for example, 99942 Apophis.
The first spacecraft to take close-up images of asteroids was NASA's Galileoin 1991, which also discovered the first moon to orbit an asteroid in 1994.
In 2001, after NASA's NEAR spacecraft intensely studied the near-earth asteroid Eros for more than a year from orbit, mission controllers decided to try and land the spacecraft. Although it wasn't designed for landing, NEAR successfully touched down, setting the record as the first to successfully land on an asteroid.
In 2006, Japan's Hayabusa became the first spacecraft to land on and take off from an asteroid. It returned to Earth in June 2010, and the samples it recovered are currently under study.
NASA's Dawn mission, launched in 2007, began exploring Vesta in 2011. After a year, it left the asteroid for a trip to Ceres, arriving in 2015. Dawn was the first spacecraft to visit Vesta and Ceres. As of 2017, the spacecraft still orbits the extraordinary asteroid.
In September 2016, NASA launched the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx), which will explore the asteroid Bennu before grabbing a sample to return to Earth.
"Sample return is really at the forefront of scientific exploration," OSIRIS-REx principal investigator Dante Lauretta said at a press conference.
In January 2017, NASA selected two projects, Lucy and Psyche, via its Discovery Program. Planned to launch in October 2021, Lucy will visit an object in the asteroid belt before going on to study six Trojan asteroids. Psyche will travel to 16 Psyche, an enormous metallic asteroid that may be the core of an ancient Mars-size planet, stripped of its crust through violent collisions.
In 2012, a company called Planetary Resources, Inc. announced plans to eventually send a mission to a space rock to extract water and mine the asteroid for precious metals. Since then, NASA has begun to work on plans for its own asteroid-capture mission.
According to CNEOS, "It has been estimated that the mineral wealth resident in the belt of asteroids between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter would be equivalent to about 100 billion dollars for every person on Earth today."
Additional reporting by Elizabeth Howell and Nola Taylor Redd, Contributors
A European Astronomical Observatory is Announcing an “Unprecedented Discovery”
According to an announcement from the ESO, scientists working at the observatory have witnessed an astronomical phenomenon that has never been seen before. The details of this discovery will be released next week.
Moments ago, the European Southern Observatory (ESO) announced that they made a revolutionary discovery, one that they will be unveiling to the world on Monday (October 16th). According to the media advisory released today by the ESO, scientists have observed an astronomical phenomenon that has never been witnessed before.
Beyond that, no information is available regarding this most recent announcement.
The last time that astronomers unveiled a groundbreaking discovery of this nature was when scientists working at LIGO (the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) detected gravitational waves. Ultimately, the find ushered us into a new era in astronomy, allowing us to see the universe as never before.
To clarify, before this detection, we were only able to perceive the cosmos through observations of electromagnetic radiation—through gamma rays, x-rays, visible light, and so on. Thanks to the LIGO discovery, we can now observe the very ripples of spacetime itself.
Of course, there are a number of mysteries that scientists have yet to explain in relation the origins and evolution of the cosmos. As such, it is difficult to pin down the specific nature of this observation—perhaps scientists finally observed dark energy, the mysterious force that is thought to make up approximately 73 percent of the universe, or perhaps it is a discovery that scientists never before fathomed. Stay tuned.
HD Mysterious UFO's at the Great Pyramids �� Ancient Aliens Pyramid's s...
HD Mysterious UFO's at the Great Pyramids �� Ancient Aliens Pyramid'ss...
Deep, Mystical and Involved documentary regarding the strange architectural perfections, coincidences and Mathematics of the Great Pyramid at Giza - Oh ! and of course..... UFO footage towards the end!!
Gigantic Mystery Hole Opens in Antarctica, Are the Aliens Here?
Gigantic Mystery Hole Opens in Antarctica, Are the Aliens Here?
A giant hole the size of Lake Superior (over 300 miles long) has opened up in Antarctica, could this mean that the aliens are here prematurely? Scientists cannot explain why the mystery hole has appeared again after 40-years, but they have better technology to study it this time around. The spot was first observed in the same exact location in the 1970s, which was when the first satellites were launched that provided images of the sea ice cover from space. It reportedly looks like someone, or thing, simply punched a hole in the ice.
Areas of open water surrounded by ice are known by the Russian word "polynya," which is an area of open water surrounded by sea ice. It is now used as a geographical term for an area of unfrozen sea within the ice pack. They occur regularly in the Antarctic and Arctic, but typically in coastal regions. University of Toronto Mississauga professor Kent Moore told Motherboard that the hole is "quite remarkable," but scientists still can't figure out how or why that it has happened again. Professor Mojib Latif told Motherboard that the area is distinct layers. He explains.
"The Southern Ocean is strongly stratified. A very cold but relatively fresh water layer covers a much warmer and saltier water mass, thus acting as an insulating layer."
Certain conditions cause the warm water on the lower layers to reach the surface and melt the ice. Professor Mojib Latif went on to explain that it's basically like opening a pressure relief valve that releases heat during the winters. But still, the science community is baffled by what they're seeing. Could it be extraterrestrial activity?
Last week it was reported that a drunk man in Casper, Wyoming claimed that he was sent from the year 2048 back in time to warn us of an impending alien invasion that is supposed to happen next year. The drunken time traveler told police officers that the aliens filled his body with booze and that he needed to talk to the "president of the town" immediately to warn him of the alien invasion. As news of the giant hole in Antarctica has spread, it has prompted many to rethink the drunken time traveler's story, since he came to warn us a little earlier than he had planned.
Both scientists warned that it is too premature to point the finger at climate change at this time, but they both inferred that the polyana will have a wide impact on the world's oceans as the contrast between ocean temperature and atmosphere drive convection. If not global warning, it could very well be aliens that have punched a hole in the ice with their ships to hide deep in the ice shelf of Antarctica to plan their attack for next year. It isn't clear when the aliens are supposed to invade, but the drunken time traveler warns that it will be early next year. You can check out some more information about the giant mystery hole in Antarctica courtesy of Motherboard.
Startling new evidence has emerged that a massive hole has formed in the ice of Antarctica, and scientists won't say why they think it is there.
Atmospheric physicist Kent Moore, a professor at the University of Toronto admits that the mysterious hole "is quite remarkable, "and adds that "It looks like you just punched a hole in the ice."
This is not the first time such a hole has formed in the ice. When such holes in areas of open water surrounded by sea ice form, they are known as polynyas.
Moore explained that they form in coastal regions of Antarctica. What is strange in this particular case, however, is that this polynia is "deep in the ice pack, "he said. Since this has never happened before, it is becoming clear that it must have formed through other processes that are not yet understood. However, scientists were reluctant to be more specific.
Moore did add, "This is hundreds of kilometers from the ice edge. If we didn't have a satellite, we wouldn't know it was there." (It measured 80,000 k㎡ at its peak.)
When polynias have emerged in the past, they have been largely unreported on and unstudied. Back then, scientists' observation tools were not as sophisticated, so those holes remained largely unstudied. Then the holes went away for four decades, until last year, when one reopened for a few weeks. Now it's back again.
"This is now the second year in a row it's opened after 40 years of not being there, "Moore said. (It opened around September 9.) "We're still trying to figure out what's going on."
When asked if this could be due to climate change, Moore said that's "premature." Scientists can say with certainty, though, that the polynia will have a wider impact on the oceans.
"Once the sea ice melts back, you have this huge temperature contrast between the ocean and the atmosphere, "Moore explained. "It can start driving convection." Particularly concerning is that these holes may not fix themselves in coming winter, since denser, colder water sinks to the bottom of the ocean, while warmer water rises to the surface, "which can keep the polynia open once it starts, "he said.
Antarctica is undergoing massive changes right now, and this is certainly one of the most concerning. If this process continues, the ice will not be able to heal itself by refreezing in the winter, thus contributing to a sudden, massive increase in sea level.
Some are also concerned that the international food reserve could be at risk if this keeps up - potentially endangering humanity's last hope if something catastrophic does happen.
Yellow Stone National park has been a long-time heralded UFO sighting area for many decades throughout American history.
The mountain in past years and recent news has been declared a ticking time-bomb as it has awakened into an active volcano being able to erupt at any time it should choose.
Recently a visitor was able to capture one of these amazing U.F.O sightings on camera. The Youtube video was taken earlier this past June already has nearly 25 thousand views. Alien hunters and paranormal fans worldwide are beyond excited to view this very credible footage of a typical silvery flying saucer rising beside Yellowstone then shooting across the sky.
This is not the first sighting of an unidentifiable object in the sky near Yellow Stone. In 2016 there too was a sighting of what appeared to be a drone-like object hovering directly above the head of the summit. Footage of this sighting can also be found on the "Jeanette" channel under a video entitled "Things Are Flying All Over The Night Sky! Upper Basin - Overnight!".
Is there a possibility that visitors from other planets could share an interest in the earth's natural wonders?
Are alien beings somehow involved with the activation of this super-volcano? It is estimated that the volcano last erupted over 700 000 years ago. Many locals feel uneasy knowing that all it might take is just one unexpected earthquake to set it off, immediately killing an estimated 87,000 people and making two-thirds of the United States immediately uninhabitable.
ESO will hold a press conference on 16 October 2017 at 16:00 CEST, at its Headquarters in Garching, Germany, to present groundbreaking observations of an astronomical phenomenon that has never been witnessed before.
The event will be introduced from ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile by the Director General, Xavier Barcons, and will feature talks by representatives of many research groups around Europe.
This invitation is addressed exclusively at media representatives. To participate in the conference, bona fide members of the media must register by completing an online form. Please indicate whether you wish to come in person to the press conference or if you will participate online only.
By registering for the conference, journalists agree to honour an embargo, details of which will be provided after registration, and not to publish or discuss any of the material presented before the start of the conference on 16 October 2017 at 16:00 CEST.
On site journalists will have a question and answer session with panelists during the conference. We will also take questions from journalists participating online. In-person individual interviews right after the conference are also possible.
Details about how to connect to the conference, how to submit questions or book interviews, will be sent after registration.
An ESO press release will be publicly issued at the start of the conference. Translations of the press release will be available in multiple languages, as well as extensive audiovisual supporting material.
EPAEen impressie, verspreid door NASA, van asteroïde 2012 TC4 die langs de aarde passeert.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETVanmorgen is een kleine asteroïde rakelings langs de aarde gescheerd. Er was geen reden tot bezorgdheid, maar wel belangrijk nieuws voor de wetenschap. Ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA gebruikte de doortocht van 2012 TC4 om het waarschuwingssysteem voor naderende ruimteobjecten te testen. Dat gebeurde nooit eerder met een echte asteroïde.
De asteroïde ter grootte van een huis - 15 tot 30 meter - bereikte rond 7.40 uur het dichtste punt bij de aarde. Hij bevond zich op dat moment op zo’n 43.800 kilometer boven Antarctica. Een risico dat hij de aarde vandaag zou raken, was er niet. Het object werd op 5 oktober 2012 door een observatorium op Hawaï ontdekt. Het passeerde de aarde toen op 100.000 kilometer. Sindsdien is het niet meer gezien. In oktober 2079 zou dezelfde asteroïde ons wél kunnen treffen, al bedraagt de waarschijnlijkheid volgens de huidige berekeningen amper 1 op 2.645.
Hoe dan ook leverde deze doortocht belangrijke informatie op. Zo hebben wetenschappers het waarschuwingssysteem voor naderende ruimteobjecten getest. Ze onderzoeken zo hoe we op aarde op een reële bedreiging kunnen reageren.
Amateur-astronomen die vroeg zijn opgestaan, hadden echter pech. Omdat de asteroïde zich snel voortbewoog en niet veel licht weerkaatste, hadden zij weinig kans om hem te spotten.
SHOWBIZZDe Amerikaanse muzikant en voormalig gitarist van de poppunkband Blink 182 Tom DeLonge heeft een onderzoekscentrum voor buitenaards leven opgericht, “To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science”. Daarin komen wetenschappers, luchtvaartingenieurs en mensen uit andere creatieve sectoren samen om de “grenzen van de wetenschap” af te tasten, schrijft DeLonge in een persbericht, meldt de website van muziekblad Rolling Stone vandaag.
“Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat er ontdekkingen binnen ons bereik liggen die een revolutie zullen betekenen voor onze menselijke ervaring, maar dat kunnen we enkel bereiken als we onbeperkte steun geven aan baanbrekend onderzoek”, gaat DeLonge, CEO van de instelling, verder. Want de gitarist is van oordeel dat we al veel verder hadden kunnen staan, ware het niet dat de “overheersende ideologie en bureaucratische beknotting altijd al de publieke interesse in de grenzen van de wetenschap en het begrip van deze fenomenen hebben verstikt”.
DeLonges interesse in buitenaards leven en de ruimte is niet nieuw. Zo schreef de man die in 2015 Blink 182 verliet eerder dit jaar nog een boek “Sekret Machines: Gods” en werkt hij aan een film “Stranger Times”.
De crowdfundingcampagne voor dit project bracht tot nu toe al 200.000 dollar op, weet Rolling Stone.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Vreemd object gespot boven supervulkaan Yellowstone. Is dit een UFO?
Vreemd object gespot boven supervulkaan Yellowstone. Is dit een UFO?
Op YouTube is een video verschenen waarin een UFO te zien zou zijn die over de supervulkaan Yellowstone zigzagt. Dat schrijft Fox News.
In de drie minuten durende video, die ruim een half miljoen keer is bekeken, lijkt een metalen object in de lucht zichtbaar te zijn.
Er komt enkele seconden een helder licht uit het object, waarna het verdwijnt. Het filmpje is op 9 juni gemaakt en later die maand op internet geplaatst.
Bekijk de video hieronder:
De supervulkaan Yellowstone trekt de laatste maanden de aandacht vanwege het grote aantal aardbevingen die bij de vulkaan zijn geregistreerd.
Alleen al in de zomer deden zich ruim 400 aardbevingen voor in de buurt van de supervulkaan.
Hoogste aantal
“Dit is het hoogste aantal aardbevingen bij Yellowstone binnen een week in vijf jaar, maar tijdens soortgelijke zwermen aardbevingen in 2002, 2004, 2008 en 2010 zijn er nog meer geweest,” zeiden wetenschappers in juni.
De wetenschappers voegden toe dat er geen reden is tot zorg. Experts van de Amerikaanse geologische dienst USGS zeiden dat de kans dat de supervulkaan uitbarst één op 730.000 is.
Yellowstone is al lange tijd een hotspot voor UFO-waarnemingen. Volgens het Amerikaanse National UFO Reporting Center zijn er in de staat Wyoming vele honderden meldingen gedaan.
Tom DeLonge’s big UFO announcement has come and gone and most reactions seem to depend on what you were hoping he would announce, what you think the governments of the world are hiding and what you thought of Blink182.
“To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science has mobilized a team of the most experienced, connected and passionately curious minds from the US intelligence community, including the CIA and Department of Defense, that have been operating under the shadows of top-secrecy for decades. The team members all share a common thread of frustration and determination to disrupt the status quo, wanting to use their expertise and credibility to bring transformative science and engineering out of the shadows and collaborate with global citizens to apply that knowledge in a way that benefits humanity.”
Tom DeLonge
That paragraph from the website of the To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science pretty much sums up the announcement except for naming names. DeLonge has used his own name, money and lifelong interest in UFOs, space and the paranormal to create a company dedicated to delving deeply into those topics without being “suffocated by mainstream ideology and bureaucratic constraint.” That, of course, assumes that the reason why there is so little solid information on UFOs, space and the paranormal is because it’s “suffocated by mainstream ideology and bureaucratic constraint” and not because it may not exist or that it takes time, money, dedication and education to pursue answers. And THAT explains the vast differences of opinion and strong feelings about DeLonge’s announcement.
“To The Stars Academy strives to be a powerful vehicle for change by creating a consortium among science, aerospace and entertainment that will work collectively to allow gifted researchers the freedom to explore exotic science and technologies with the infrastructure and resources to rapidly transition them to products that can change the world.”
The words “Arts” and “entertainment” in the mission statement have upset some because it implies to them that DeLonge will use the organization as a vehicle to market his own writings and music. Well, that’s what he does and that’s what he brings to the organization – the ability to not only present to but also persuade both the public and the providers of the “secret” information via entertainment. He’s already shown he can do it by bringing this large, diverse group of people together and, as the Wikileaks emails revealed, make serious contacts with government and military officials in the pursuit of information. For those who think entertainment should be left out of research and education, tell that to Ken Burns.
Then there’s the group that is disappointed in varying degrees because there was no “big reveal” in the announcement – no space ships, no aliens, no ET messages, no solid evidence. Get over it! That’s not their job … it’s YOURS! The other two legs of the To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science are ‘science’ and ‘aerospace’. Don’t just blindly stare at the shadow of the eclipse … study the science of them, take kids to science museums, skip one sci-fi con and enter them in a technology fair instead. Support politicians who are committed to supporting and funding science and science education. Go outside and look at the stars. Then vote for politicians who know that that view is fading and only science can clean the cosmic glass. The more of space you can see, the better your chances are of seeing a UFO yourself and providing the proof that so many believe is being hidden.
Tom DeLonge is guy with interest, inspiration and imagination (and cash and fame). We don’t need less of him … we need more. He’s not the scientist nor the classic ufologist and may not be the guy who opens the box of secrets or even finds it, but if we look at what he’s doing with disdain, we’ll discourage others from trying, especially our next generations but also those people with the money and the fame to lead the creative charge to greater knowledge of our universe.
As Tom DeLonge says … we have a chance. Stop talking about it or complaining about it … take it and do it.
This footage was recorded with an infrared camera. This camera allows us to see objects in the infrared spectrum. The human eye does not have the capabilities to see the infrared spectrum.
The infrared camera captured this triangular UFO during the night. The camera shows several objects like airplanes, but these can also be seen with the naked eye.
The UFO was not visible to the naked eye and only showed up on the infrared camera. So it is quite possible that the UFO could be the infamous TR-3B secret airplane.
The existence of the TR-3B gets more credibility as it seems that this aircraft has been on a secret mission where it penetrated North Korea Airspace where it loitered, undetected for "over four hours according to news channel Halturnershow who has close connections to several government agencies.
Josh Gates and the Expedition Unknown: Hunt For ExtraTerrestrials
This week Josh Gates and the Expedition Unknown: Hunt For ExtraTerrestrials team head to Easter Island which some ancient alien theorists think aliens could have visited in the distant past.
Easter Island or Rapa Nui (in Polynesian) lies in the southeastern part of the Pacific Ocean and is most famous for the 887 statues that gaze out across the landscape.
Known as moai, they were created by the Rapa Nui civilization over hundreds of years, with initial settlement of the world’s most remote island taking place between 700 and 1100 CE.
Easter Island
However, as the population increased and invasive species like the Polynesian rat upset the ecosystem the civilisation began to decline. Ironically the very thing the island is most famous for might have hastened the decline. Moving the statues around the island involved a huge amount of deforestation and this left the fragile top soil exposed, degrading the value of the limited agricultural land.
The island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and archeologists have spent decades studying the statues and the culture that produced them.
However, some ancient alien theorists think that some sort of extraterrestrial contact might have seeded the strange activity and building.
Also on this episode, Josh heads to Zimbabwe in Africa to investigate a recent meteorite strike. Many scientists think that life on Earth could have been seeded through celestial objects hitting the planet and a recent strike like this offers some opportunity to test the theory.
Expedition Unknown: Hunt For ExtraTerrestrials airs on Wednesdays at 9:00 PM on Travel Channel.
The Alien Observatory --"Taking the Search for Extraterrestrial Life to a New Level" (WATCH Video)
The Alien Observatory --"Taking the Search for Extraterrestrial Life to a New Level" (WATCH Video)
Space scientists have unveiled a bold proposal for a giant new space-based telescope that would be far more powerful than today's observatories. Called the High Definition Space Telescope (HDST), the instrument is essentially a supersized Hubble Space Telescope, with 100 times its ability to detect faint starlight.
The multibillion dollar HDST would be a game-changer, and if it advances beyond the concept phase, it would launch in the 2030s. With a mirror 25 times the size of Hubble's, HDST could delve deep into the universe's past to trace how gasses enriched with the elemental ingredients of life moved in and out of galaxies.
HDST also could examine dozens of Earth-like exoplanets that are too tiny for Hubble and its immediate successor, the James Webb Space Telescope, to see. HDST would scour their atmospheres for signs of alien life, perhaps finally answering whether or not we are alone in the cosmos.
The vision for the HDST was described in a July report spearheaded by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), a consortium of global institutions that operate astronomical observatories. On October 6 The Kavli Foundation hosted a Google+ Hangout to learn more about HDST's promise.
Two acclaimed scientists answered questions in the video above about how HDST will trace cosmic evolution, from the primeval rise of chemical elements necessary for life to the potential for alien life right in our cosmic backyard, plus how to build such a powerful instrument.
JULIANNE DALCANTON – is a Professor in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Washington and co-chair of the HDST study. Her research focuses on the origin and evolution of galaxies.
MARC POSTMAN – is an Astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) and served on the committee for the HDST report. His research interests include galaxy cluster and large-scale cosmic structure evolution and formation, along with large space telescope design and implementation.
ADAM HADHAZY (moderator) – is a freelance science writer who chiefly covers astrophysics and astrobiology.
This view from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows a 20-kilometer-wide strip of ancient seafloor strewn with deep-basin deposits that have been surrounded by and partially buried beneath younger volcanµic deposits. Taken together, the deposits suggest possible past hydrothermal activity.Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS
Ancient Mars may have harbored deep-sea hydrothermal vents, the same type of environment where many scientists think life on Earth got its start, a recent study suggests.
Observations by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) show evidence of ancient sea-floor hydrothermal deposits within the Eridania basin — a region in the southern hemisphere where some of the Red Planet's most ancient crust is exposed.
The deposits are believed to have formed due to volcanic activity in the planet's crust at the bottom of the basin. Study team members therefore think that hot, mineral-laden water pumped directly into the ancient Martian sea, which probably held 10 times more water than all of North America's Great Lakes combined, NASA officials said. [The Search for Life on Mars (A Photo Timeline)]
"Even if we never find evidence that there's been life on Mars, this site can tell us about the type of environment where life may have begun on Earth," co-author Paul Niles, a planetary scientist at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, said in a statement. "Volcanic activity combined with standing water provided conditions that were likely similar to conditions that existed on Earth at about the same time — when early life was evolving here."
Researchers estimate that the hydrothermal deposits found within the Eridania basin are approximately 3.7 billion years old. Life got its start on Earth at about that time, and deep-sea hydrothermal environments may have been the cradle. (Although many different life-forms continue to thrive in these environments on Earth today, we are unable to find direct geological evidence preserved from the time when life began because of our planet's active crust, study team members said.)
Similar deep-sea hydrothermal environments found on other worlds — possibly beneath the icy surface of Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's moon Enceladus — could facilitate the evolution of extraterrestrial life, according to the statement.
Using data from MRO's Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars instrument, the researchers were able to identify the mix of minerals contained in the deposits, as well as the shape and texture of the thick bedrock layers. Also, the observations show that lava flows buried some of the deposits after the ancient Eridania sea disappeared, which further supports the idea that this region was volcanically active.
As scientists continue to search for signs of past life on Mars, the recent study highlights yet another type of wet environment that may have once existed on Mars.
"Ancient, deep-water hydrothermal deposits in Eridania basin represent a new category of astrobiological target on Mars," researchers said in the statement. "Eridania seafloor deposits are not only of interest for Mars exploration, they represent a window into early Earth."
Transcript of To the Stars Academy Press Conference
Transcript of To the Stars Academy Press Conference
This is a quick and rough transcript aided by an auto-transcriber. It will be adjusted and corrected over time. For more information about the people in this presentation, visit:
— Begin Transcript —
Tom DeLonge: Early this year I set out to do something pretty challenging. I wanted to shift perception on an extraordinary topic that had already over 70 years of research opinion and frankly quite effective just information. I had the rare opportunity to present my ideas to an executive with the Department of Defense who worked in the special access programs in an area called Watertown also known as Area 51. That meeting led to multiple clandestine encounters across the United States from desert airports to vacant buildings deep with Washington DC from these exchanges I learned three things: one, there are certain things that should never have been secret; two their secrets that were justifiable at the time which should now be disclosed. And three, there are things that are so unimaginable that certain interest that they should never ever be made public. After this you might even Agree.
I’m Tom Delonge and thanks for joining us live today.
This quote above me actually happened to me this past year. When I was young I dreamt about playing a rock show in front of all of my neighbors. As a seventh grader that seemed unattainable. I never expected to be so lucky as to have a band like Blink 182 in my life. It was something that was much more further out than a dream. It was something not even possible in any scenario that I can think of when I signed my first major record deal. I took my first check, bought a desktop computer so I could research the possibility of intelligent life in the universe. I’d stay up all night cataloguing archiving and highlighting small pieces of data thinking I could find a unified theory of sorts something to make sense out of the many elusive and mysterious events that seem to have interacted with mankind for thousands of years, sometimes for good and sometimes not so much.
My passion for the subject helped me envision a more interesting existence for us all; something more infinite and more exciting than the usual. I was a typical middle class kid from suburbia. Except I loved mystery. It was like I was on my own imaginary ride searching endlessly for an answer to all that is, as if there was such a thing. Now in adulthood, I’ve started to use my limited notoriety as a tool, a door opener to meet important people. I also did this while combining all of my entrepreneur early experience over the past 15 years into one company that could keep up with my racing mind. The result was a creative machine to help me discover comprehend and communicate large themes about the human race. I called it to the stars. I created a company that can produce original science fiction stories that inspire entertain and galvanize thinking. You would be surprised to know how difficult it is for the major film studios to create progressive content that is relevant, modern and just plain cool.
I’ve met with all of them and their hands are tied in many ways. I believe we’re filling a major void in their content creation space. I sometimes call To the Stars a science fiction Disney but for adults. Our projects are about dreams, the paranormal, consciousness and even a historical fiction account behind the UFO phenomenon and our dealings with it. While the company got on its feet, Blink 182 was unraveling in the press. I was traveling around the country secretly for 18 months at the time. I was working my way through NASA, the Department of Defense and various other agencies, and I couldn’t tell anyone at the time, including the band. Then the Wall Street Journal and some other large news organizations reported a story that some rock star was having video conference calls with senior military and defense contractor officials.
And I don’t think people really knew what to make of it at the time but the major news publications definitely started taking notice. Even they didn’t know how I had that kind of access. And over that time period the story of the millennia, as we call it, sat quietly in my head. I started to tell it in the book Secret Machines. Back then, I was even visited by a man and a certain agency. The conversation put me in my place fast. It was the first time I really digested the enormity of the national security implications of the UFO subject. His words were, and I remember sitting in the small room, “When your book came out there were calls coming in from everywhere. You know things you shouldn’t know. And I need to know who the hell you are.” And two days later, I I believe he realized the same thing that all the generals did that I was meeting with. I was respectful. I am humbled by the opportunity. I did everything I said I was going to do. And I was also an advocate for men and women in uniform. Now back to that Wall Street Journal article, that article lured some very important people out of the shadows. Principal players with the highest credentials and resumes. A strategy was developed that I really think can achieve the impossible. You must first understand that the Department of Defense has a culture of secrecy, not out of disdain or distrust for its citizens, but because it’s appropriate to protect the lives of its people technologies and methods, like my own brother who spent a career in the special forces. It’s not in their job description to help you and me understand the universe, past events or why certain actions were taken on the UFO phenomenon 70 plus years ago. They were too busy actually dealing with it. So this brings us to today. I’ve worked for two years to construct a mechanism that I feel is missing. One that can take the biggest secret and the most… the most controversial secret on earth and surround it with three groundbreaking strategies that will innovate, educate and hopefully wildly entertain at the same time. It’s called To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science. We did this, truthfully, as hard as it may be for you to really understand, to define a future and not be victim to one.
And that was a service that I offered and that’s also why I received a ticket to meet some very invisible, but also very important, people. Now there is a subject that could potentially change the world. How would one approach it especially if the subject contained earth changing technology, the need to understand a coming tidal wave of information, and what my partners and I call again the story of the millennia. Again, a technology a need to learn more and some stories to tell. Our institution looks to build a perpetual funding machine that can continuously attack those three things; Aerospace, Science and Entertainment. Again, some important stories to tell, a need to learn more and a plan to engineer the technology observed. This is why I am here. This is why they are here. We’re going to bring it to the world and we’re going to show you today how we aim to achieve this.
We have a plan to bring the unimaginable, the stuff of dreams, to the world. To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science aims to communicate historic events and forward thinking ideas through motion picture and include you on an ongoing scientific discovery and build an exotic craft with an energy source that can revolutionize the world. And I would like you to help us push humanity over an invisible boundary that seems to confine us forcing us to make the same mistakes over and over again. And now let me introduce you to our team. And how are we going to achieve this impossible thing. So first my two co-founders, Jim Semivan, a career spy former senior intelligence service in the CIA’s Directorate of Operations a strategist with the ability to help To the Stars Academy navigate all the many sensitivities involved either with government or with others who may eventually want what we have. Dr. Hal Puthoff is a theoretical physicist and program director for numerous CIA and Department of Defense classified programs. Dr. Puthoff is the creator of the CIA’s own revolutionary psychic spy program still use to this day and his breakthrough science dealing with the engineering of space time is crucial to potentially understanding the technology observed. Leading our aerospace division, Steve Justice, last month, literally last month, Steve finished his career as director of advanced systems at Lockheed Martin Skunkworks and to this day Skunkworks of the U.S. government’s top tier aerospace organization for the development of advanced aircraft that meet our urgent national security needs. He will explain to you how this technology can revolutionize the world. Luis Elizondo literally finished his career at the Department of Defense as a senior intelligence officer in the office of the secretary of defense days ago and now he is on the stage with us. He served as national as director for the national program special management staff. Forgive me, these titles are very long, and he is going to architect some partnerships with some very sensitive places to help protect us to help protect the technology that we are going to be building so we together can achieve the extraordinary. Chris Mellon, chairman of the To the Stars Academy National Security Policy and Scientific Advisory Board, has a long career at the DPD as deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence and minority staff director of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Chris actually was involved in reviewing many of our nation’s most sensitive activities over the course of his career. I actually met him on a cold call one day and he turned out to be an incredible strategist, our main conduit to Washington D.C. and a very cherished friend. Be sure to share this broadcast because everyone is going to want to hear what he has to say, Chris
Chris Mellon: Thanks very much.
I’m thrilled to be here to be part of this team. I will start by providing a rationale for combining science and entertainment in a single company. What is the underlying unity of these distinct activities. There are two primary methods we used to learn about and understand the world. The first is through stories and the second is rational inquiry. There’s nothing more ubiquitous among humans than storytelling. We require stories to recount our experiences convey information and better understand the world. We’ve adapted our storytelling to new technologies but the vital tech the vital function of storytelling remains the same. Rational inquiry or the scientific method is the other principle means we use to make sense of the world. But storytelling and rational inquiry must work hand in hand for the benefit of society much is the right and left hemispheres of our brain work together. One analytical and the other intuitive in holistic. Albert Einstein identified the underlying unity of art and science when he said quote “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious is the source of all true art in science.” Now let me discuss the urgency we feel at To the Stars Academy in connection with our dual mission. Precisely sixty years ago this month the former Soviet Union proudly announced its success in placing the first man made satellite in orbit. The news fomented intense anxiety in the context of the Cold War but America was energized and enthusiastically entered an era known as the space race. Space Exploration sees the public’s imagination and we elected to reach for the moon. Sputnik was an unwelcome shot across the bow but it sparked a boom in science and engineering and enrollment in science and engineering courses surged at the same time the public devoured fiction and nonfiction books TV shows and movies on space exploration using those mediums to process the ramifications of the space age.
Now imagine for a moment that Sputnik had remained a secret known only to the Soviet Union and perhaps a small group at CIA. There would have been no public outcry or debate. This great boost to space exploration would not have occurred if the public had remained ignorant of Sputnik due to excessive secrecy. It will undoubtedly surprise the public to learn that we find ourselves once again in a race for technological innovation. Permit me to tell you a story in the hope of making this clear. We are presently standing within 10 miles of the home port of the USS Nimitz, a five billion dollar warship with a crew of thousands. It is one of the premier assets in the U.S. Navy. Envision the Nimitz operating off the coast of San Diego on a brilliant sunny day escorted by the USS Princeton,an Aegis class cruiser that protects carrier battle groups by employing the most sophisticated naval air defense system in the world.
Imagine these ships engaging in a routine training exercise when an unidentified aircraft with a small radar cross section appears on the radar heading directly towards the battlegroup. The aircraft has no transponder does not respond to radio calls. The Princeton ? contacts two F-18s already aloft to intercept the target as the two F-18s approach the four aviators see that the object has no wings or exhaust. It is white, oblong, some 40 feet long and perhaps 12 feet thick. One pilot pursues the craft of his wing man stays high. The pilots are astonished to see the object suddenly reorient itself toward the approaching F-18. In a series of discreet tumbling maneuvers that seem to defy the laws of physics.
The object takes a position directly behind the approaching F-18. The pilot’s capture gun camera footage and infrared imagery of the object. They are outmatched by a technology they’ve never seen. Fearful for their safety and running low on fuel both have eight teams returned to the Nimitz. Yet the strange object remains in the vicinity of the Nimitz for hours, monitored by the USS Princeton and radar aboard a Navy E-2 Hawkeye aircraft. At one point the object soars to 80000 feet, hovers, then drops at supersonic speeds coming to a full stop a mere 50 feet above the ocean where it resumes hovering. More F-18s are dispatched but with similar results. As before the engagement occurs in broad daylight in the secret machine easily evades the F-18s. Dozens of military personnel aboard the various planes and ships involved are privy to these interactions.
Bear in mind that naval aviators are the finest observers possible. All have top secret clearances. All are drug tested are ardent Patriots have excellent vision and understand aeronautics and aviation. Clearly this is not an experimental U.S. aircraft but whose is it. How did it accomplish these feats. This story may sound like a sci fi movie but it is a true story and far from being the only one of its kind. I’ve met with one of the pilots and confirmed the account as have other members of the To the Stars Academy team. But the real beauty of this story is that you don’t have to take my word for it or even that of the Navy officer who described these events in an article you can find on the web by searching on Nimitz UFOs 2004 there I was. Better yet the US government itself can verify the events involving the USS Nimitz on November 14th 2004. So the key to revealing whether or not there are advanced vehicles with capabilities far beyond anything made in America is now in the hands of the press and the public. The chairman of the Armed Services Committee and his counterparts and other congressional oversight committees can easily request a briefing to confirm the veracity of this story and the existence of other events of a similar nature. Congress has every right to review the documents generated by this event and request briefings by the military personnel involved. If the oversight committees have not already been briefed on this event and others like it they clearly should be. How else can they adequately assess threats to our forces and our military requirements.
There is nothing to prove here. These are just facts that need to be properly evaluated. Without the facts, neither Congress nor our democracy can function effectively. Once the truth is known some anxieties will certainly be raised but imagination’s will also be fired a renewed interest in space and science will inevitably result in our government and society will respond. But we can only rise to the challenge once the public becomes aware a problem exists. Casting our eyes skyward again to the stars is a constructive and unifying proposition for mankind at a time of growing disarray. We are a corporation with a public purpose and we are all about combining the light of reason and passion of art to stimulate new thinking and discoveries. To the Stars Academy provides an opportunity to embark on an unprecedented journey of storytelling, exploration and innovation. This is more than a commercial venture. It is an intellectual adventure. We hope you all will join us.
Thank you.
Tom DeLonge: For those of you who are just joining us from around the world I want to welcome you. Today we’re announcing To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science a company dedicated to pushing the outer edges of science and understanding and the understanding of aerial phenomenon. You know I want to take a second here. Months ago I had some very important people from inside the government talking about somebody that one day I would possibly be able to meet. And I remember the words were you you can’t know his name but if you were ever to know his name you would have to keep that to yourself till the day you die.
And then I remember there was a big breakthrough where we started referring to this guy by the letter L. Days ago days ago. This person finished his career at the Department of Defense as one of the senior covert intelligence officers in the office of the secretary of defense. I think you need to really listen carefully to what he says. And I still even, working our way up to today, I get the chills when you, when you, when you say it. So I want you to all meet Luis Elizondo.
Luis Elizondo: Well thanks Tom for that very special introduction. My name is Luis Elizondo and as a career intelligence officer I am accustomed to being involved in close hold nuance programs involving national security. This includes being a counterintelligence special agent a case officer and an intelligence practitioner. However by far the most interesting effort I was involved with was the topic of advanced aerial threats. For nearly the last decade, I ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies. It was in this position I learned that the phenomena is indeed real. And now as a member of To the Stars Academy we will bring our observations to you. For starters To the Stars Academy is planning exciting new tools and capabilities that allow you and others to effectively take part of what we’re doing and we will allow you to detect analyze categorize and yes even engineer technologies that have remained elusive until now. One of the many ways we seek to accomplish this is through a community of interests, a virtual environment of sorts. This virtual environment provides a platform for the detection and triangulation of phenomena events in real time and allows two way communication between the public and our team regarding this information. My job will be to work as a liaison and an interlocutor in the collection of this information for the science division allowing us to collect facts for analysis. We are also planning to provide never before released footage from real U.S. government systems, not blurry amateur photos but real data and real videos. And we’re inviting our government colleagues and friends and defense to participate regularly with their own findings. Another To the Stars Academy objective is the development of an app that allows you to help us quote unquote crowd crunch the data.
Anyone with a cell phone could be alerted to an event occurring in their area. In essence making them a virtual contributor with millions of people documenting events as they actually happen. Allowing us to cross over a new threshold of understanding To the Stars Academy is on the verge of bringing all of us across that threshold together and I am excited frankly like hell to be part of this effort with you. Thank you sincerely for your time.
Tom over to you.
Tom DeLonge: If you just joined us again welcome to the live announcement of To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science. You need to share this for us and you’ll find out why as we go along here. I’m about to bring out one of the most accomplished aerospace engineers in the planet. First time I met Steve Justice I went through, I got the opportunity to go up to Lockheed Martin the skunkworks and I remember I went through this guard gate and they had machine guns and then I first had to get my fingerprints and all that kind of stuff and then I got to go through the machine. And then I go through this door and it’s locked up with security inside another door with electronic codes and more security. I get into a hallway and there’s like hundreds of speakers lining this long hallway with just white noise just static playing to drown out everyone’s conversations.And then there are more doors that were thick as a safe with these rotary locks. You go in there there’s no windows. Very few people. And it’s the elite of the elite aerospace engineers that are building the stuff that comes out that frankly most people think are you a phone in the sky when they see them. I am a kid in a candy store to share the stage with somebody that works on the coolest stuff in the world. I would like to introduce you to the head of our aerospace division, Steve Justice.
Steve Justice: Thank you Tom. When when Tom came to visit my office I wanted to talk about rock music he wanted to talk about airplanes and so we had to kind of come to a meeting of the minds there about what the discussion was going to be like. I want you to play back in your heads for just a minute what you heard from Chris and Luis and I want you to think about, you know, these these real people that are involved in this how they’ve been impacted by what they’ve seen the witnesses that Chris talked about Lou himself. And when you ask yourself how can I say this is not real. To me this makes it real and that means it can be done. Means it can be done. So if it can be done let’s trust their position. OK, and one of the things I want to do is figure out what those technologies are in this observed vehicle and I want to build that. I want to build something that absolutely stimulates the imagination. And To the Stars Academy is structured to do just that. The science division of the Academy is designed to go out and collect the information. Connect the dots inside there. You know now we’re going to be collecting from sources all over the place as you heard Lou say trying to connect the dots in there in ways that we’ve never been able to do that before.And the community of interest that you referred to is going to be critical for that. And then we want to try to understand exactly what it means. The aerospace division is going to harvest technologies and understanding from the science division try to go through and demonstrate the technologies build prototypes and even production systems that can change life as we know it. And then finally there’s the entertainment division that Tom talked about where you will walk this journey with us you will participate with us and we’ll inform everyone along the way. We’ll provide education hopefully inspire you to think about the future in a very very very different way. When it comes to shaping the future one of the greatest obstacles you have is your mind.
The best example of this that I can give you is an article that I read when I was in college, I guess I saved this magazine, it was U.S. Air Force magazine had an article about flying U2 and I was recently cleaning out my files. And so I thought what else was going on in 1976 so I was looking through it and there was this article about this magical new system called GPS. And someday if the United States really focused on electronic miniaturization the soldier would be able to wear a backpack that weighed 10 pounds and cost $10000 it would tell him where he is on the face of the earth. Now we laugh at that today because we have something that does that, fits in our hip pocket that costs a couple hundred bucks, but it’s also a camera. Oh and by the way that GPS system can also tell you where to go with verbal instructions if you’re lost. But it’s a camera it’s a telephone and it can connect you with information worldwide. Now this author had written that down in 1976 he would not have been allowed to print it. He would have been laughed out of the room. And yet here we are standing here laughing about it. OK. But what we’re doing is we’re standing in his future looking back. He was standing in his present looking to the future and so the whole trick to this is releasing those boundaries that are inside your head to stand inside the future and if you don’t think that you’re susceptible to these artificial boundaries take this exercise with me. If I ask you to name different kinds of ships and you thought of aircraft carrier ocean liner row boat or destroyer, you’re an incredibly well educated adult. Give yourself an F. If you thought of an airship or a spaceship, give yourself a C. I didn’t ask you to name things that float on water, I asked you to name different kinds of ships, and if you thought of friendship ownership a relationship give yourself A,but see how easily our mind will sit there and add rules that are not in place and the whole key to the future is reaching out not placing rules in place that are there. And and and then taking that chance and in all likelihood if somebody is laughing at what you say you’re standing in the future and looking back when we have these glimpses of technology now that tell us maybe there’s a way to go do that.
We need to evolve those analyses and realize those technologies for the future. So an example what we may be able to do, the application of this, today is a generation of people that are not buying cars. They’re using On-Demand point to point transportation within cities. Why have a car. Imagine if that was international. You could go anywhere on the face of the earth in a matter of minutes and, just, so now you’ve removed that parameter of distance in time that separates us from from friends on the other side of the Earth. Putting it in a context if we had this technology today. Imagine how quickly we could get supplies where they’re needed for natural disasters delivering directly to neighborhoods as opposed to having to send them on ships in trucks through this chain of supply chain to get it to the point where it’s actually needed.
If you don’t think a technology like this can change the future. I want you to imagine this 15 years ago when you imagine it 15 years ago you didn’t even know you needed a smartphone and now you can’t live without it. The technology that we’re talking about is going to enable a future that is difficult if not impossible to comprehend today. We’re setting the stage, To the Stars Academy is setting the stage for this future. OK. And defining a future of this very difficult for us to comprehend. This quote you see on the screen right now with the patent office where he is the head of the Pandavas in this report says that there may be We’re coming upon the arrival of a period when human improvement must end.
How dare we artificially limit our future. How dare we do that. There is going to be a bunch of people that are going to give us all the reason something cannot be done. We’re going to be told this can’t be done. We’ve got to we’re going to have to expect to hit obstacles both real as well as created. But we believe in this quest. Absolutely. And let’s make sure that we’re not distracted by those that are living within vinta invisible boundaries. Thank you so much for your time. Hope you join us on this journey.
Tom DeLonge: So for all the people out there that are trying to absorb everything that we’re doing. You know we put together a video that kind of summarizes it all together just a few minutes. I’m hoping that this will kind of be the calling card to learn more about what is actually happening here. So right now we would like to play you a video. And and I hope you find it to be emotionally intriguing as well as I found it while we were making it.
— Video —
Tom DeLonge: Have you ever had the desire to look outward to the edge of what is known and unknown. We have the chance to do something revolutionary something that I think has never been attempted before. What if I told you I found a group of like minded people who held senior positions in the U.S. government from the CIA to the Department of Defense to the most advanced aerospace engineering groups within our national security establishment. People who have life skills and collecting and decoding elusive information and they all wanted to do something ambitious something that could help change the conversation about who we are through an unparalleled search for answers that can propel humanity forward.
Today we are presenting you with To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, a public benefit corporation, the first transparent partnership of its kind between the fields of aerospace engineering science and cinematic entertainment a collaboration with global citizens to explore the outer edges of conventional thinking targeting the mysteries of the universe and using them to help unify mankind.
Chris Mellon: Humanity is clustered around the campfire surrounded by the shadows of the infinite and cold universe. Tom and the others involved with this enterprise want to take torches stick them in the fire. Go on adventures in the shadows to explore those boundary areas and reveal what’s there.
Tom DeLonge: What if scientists were given resources to investigate the boundaries of traditional theory. We could finally pull together a unified study from religious scholars archaeologists quantum theorists physicists and even the most advanced aerospace engineers on the planet.
Dr Hal Puthoff: The truth of the matter is we now know. Physics which has been advancing that something like warp drive is not out of the question.
Chris Mellon: To the Stars represents an opportunity to reach beyond the normal boundaries of Aerospace to create products that we can call them revolutionary and that’s too mild of a word.
Jim Semivan: I’m very excited about this. I think it’s an opportunity for us to take certain topics whether that’s unidentified aerial phenomena or ESP or telepathy and really get to the bottom of it.
Dr. Hal Puthoff: Starting as a kid, I’ve always been interested in the actual forefront of physics right at the edge these days and in mainstream physics is really outstripping science fiction.
Luis Elizondo: I was in charge of the advanced aerospace threat that deals with highly sophisticated unidentified phenomenon. In the last 10 years, we’ve come a long way in our understanding of our place here in this universe. There are physics that we don’t quite yet understand, doesn’t mean that they’re not real, just simply means that we don’t have the capacity to understand those physics.
Chris Mellon: I think we’re all frustrated by the fact that our government and conventional science neglects some of the most interesting and provocative and potentially important issues out there.
Steve Justice: One of the things that we must do is challenge ourselves to stand in the future and look back to the present. That’s the key to breakthroughs. That’s the key to changing life as we know it.
Luis Elizondo: I think it’s in our nature to go out and explore and report back what we see. The fact is we may not necessarily be alone.
Jim Semivan: These things are real. These things are out there. They’ve been out there for a long time. They are not the provenance of the government or any government in the world. They belong to us. These are things that happened to people all the time. And these are things that we need to explore. And we need finally to get to gather up to figure out what this is all about.
Tom DeLonge: Using state of the art technology our own advanced research and development programs and unique storytelling experiences. Our goal is to introduce these unconventional subjects and the potential to affect the world positively through a model that innovates educates and entertains to present a positive and unifying message to all generations in every country and every belief system that the growth of consciousness that we all desire if we start here right now.
Luis Elizondo: I truly believe now is a time for us to move forward and finally begin to answer some of life’s most deepest mysteries.
Dr. Hal Puthoff: We can either crawl forward or we can take that viewpoint and say “OK let’s move forward. Let’s try to get that 21st century science this century.”
Tom DeLonge: This is the time that we are inviting you the public to help build a paradigm shift in global movement and to own it with us. Together we can create a vehicle that pushes us forward where we can hopefully learn that we are much more special and much more connected to each other than we could ever imagine. And. We are To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science a public benefit corporation.
— End Video —
Tom DeLonge: We’re living in an age where a new universal view of ourselves is possible and revolutionary technology is finally within our reach. If we just have the courage to grasp it and whether it’s trying to launch satellites into space with lasers which we are aiming to do are making major motion pictures that spark the imagination of generations to come. The rule must be the same. No one person one government or one hidden institution should own this information and technology unto themselves and we must relentlessly pursue access to the information that will shape our future. Look very closely at these people and who they are and take notice of where they come from and think about the realities of what this team has the ability to accomplish and deliver if we’re fully equipped and be a part of making history and join us at the start we cannot wait and depend for others depend on others to do it for us. And you have the ability to take ownership from day one and keep all this in the public’s hands.
And that is my goal here. You can join us in on a piece of this because that’s what it’s going to take for this to happen. And you have to visit To the stars Academy dot com and click on the Invest button and you will learn about the regulation a equity crowdfunding and this process removes the middleman and democratizes access to equity ownership. Go To the stars Academy dot com you can read the offering circular You can see the business plan you can see the investment opportunities and all the risks involved investing in this type of adventure. But this may be the only time in history you will ever see one of the biggest aerospace engineers in the world, a senior intelligence officer from the CIA, two former senior Pentagon officials and an experimental physicist from the DRC take a giant leap of faith to tell you something.
And I ask that you listen very carefully. These guys really went out on a limb here and the only way to do this is if we do it in the public realm and the only way to bring it out here is if you help us we’re offering you the opportunity to be on the ground floor of building the future. And this is only the beginning. There is so much more coming. We’re making history and I’m inviting you to be wonderfully surprised at what we got in store. Thank you so much.
Fmr. Manager of DOD Aerospace Threat Program: “UFOs are Real”
Fmr. Manager of DOD Aerospace Threat Program: “UFOs are Real”
Something extraordinary was revealed today. Former high-level officials and scientists with deep black experience who have always remained in the shadows came forward on one platform. These insiders have long-standing connections to government agencies which may have programs investigating unidentifed aerial phenomena (UAP/UFOs). The team includes a 25-year veteran of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, a Lockheed Martin Program Director for Advanced Systems at “Skunk Works”, and a former deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.
Today marked the official launch of To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTS/AAS) an innovative Public Benefit Corporation which will advance research into unexplained phenomena and develop related technology. It has established three synergistic divisions: Science, Areospace, and Entertainment. “We believe there are discoveries within our reach that will revolutionize the human experience,” says company President and CEO Tom DeLonge. Please see my previous story,- released yesterday - for background on today’s announcement which was live-streamed and is archived on the company website.
Today’s launch of the TTS/AAS
According to a TTS /AAS statement, it’s team members who have been “operating under the shadows of top-secrecy for decades” believe that “there is sufficient credible evidence of UAP that proves exotic technologies exist that could revolutionize the human experience.”
This could represent the beginning of a trend towards a new openness on the part of the U.S. government. These people know more than any of us, and they will be releasing important data on UAP in the future. As an investgative reporter with a long standing interest in this subject, who has worked with a few Academy team members in the past, I was shown some of this data at a meeting with them on Oct 4.
Present for that four hour meeting was Luis Eiizondo, who ran an important program at the DOD. Elizondo is a senior career intelligence officer whose experience includes working with the U.S. Army, the Dept of Defense, the National Counterintelligence Executive, and the Director of National Intelligence. He served as the Director for the National Programs Special Management Staff in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He is also the former Director of Programs to investigate Unidentified Aerial Threats for the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
“Lue will architect partnerships with some very sensitive places, to help protect us and the technology involved, so we may achieve for you the extraordinary,” DeLonge said at today’s event.
Lue had resigned his position at the DOD literally the day before we met. I was able to verify who he was and what his tasks were at the Pentagon. He received the highest commendatons from his superiors. I was told that important unclassified data and documentation are expected to be released through the Academy’s on-line Community of Interest (COI) in collaboration with the US government, which will be set up soon.
I asked him if these unidentified objects were considered to be threats. “They did not exhibit overt hostility,” he said. “But something unexplained is always assumed to be a potential threat until we are certain it isn’t. On the bright side, I believe we are closer than ever before in our understanding of how it operates,” he told me.
At the event today, Elizondo explained his work this way: “I am accustomed to being involved in close-hold, nuanced programs involving national security. This includes being a Counterintelligence Special Agent, a case officer, and intelligence practitioner. However, by far the most interesting effort I was involved with was the topic of Advanced Aerial Threats.”
He stated that he ran “a sensitive aerospace threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies.” His job at TTS/AAS will be “to work as a liaison and interlocutor in the collection of this information for the Science division, allowing us to collect facts for analysis.” How will this be done? One way is through the COI, which will “provide a platform for the detection and triangulation of phenomena events in real time, and allows two-way communication between the public and our team regarding this information.”
As a result of his position managing the DOD program for almost a decade, Lue said “I learned that the phenomena is indeed real.”
In short, less that two weeks after leaving the Pentagon, Luis Elizondo confirmed that UFOs are a real; they exist, and they have been officially documented. Can anyone argue with this fact now, given where this man comes from and what he knows?
A former high ranking DOD official - who only left his position last week - has confirmed that an official UFO Program exists, answering a question so many have debated and speculated about for decades.
It is very important to understand that Lue does not speak for the DOD, since he is no longer employed there; he speaks independently as part of the TTS Academy.
Lue also stated: “We are also planning to provide never before released footage from real US Government systems...not blurry, amateur photos, but real data and real videos.” And even more significant: “We are inviting our Government colleagues and friends in Defense to participate regularly with their own findings.”
Another member of the team, Stephen Justice, an experienced aerospace engineer, explained that he will use scientific disoveries about the travel of UAP through space, demonstrating almost unimaginable technology, to develop technology that can change the world. Steve recently retired as a Program Director for Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin after a thirty-one year career in the Skunk Works. “How dare we think that the physics we have today is all that there is,” he told me in an interview a few days ago. The opportunity here, as he sees it, is to “stand in the future and look back.””
Steve’s objective is to harvest this advanced technology to build a vehicle that will allow for almost instantaneous travel through land, air, oceans and space, by engineering the fabric of space-time. Such a vehicle could also float, like something from science fiction. Steve says we have had glimpses of the science that could make this possible. It is not outside the realm of possibiity, if the necessary resources are in place.
A TTS Academy concept for a vehicle drawn by Stephen Justice, embodying the technology they seek to understand and develop - a visionary concept for a revolutionary electromagnetic vehicle based on technology observed in unidentified aerial phenomena
TTS Academy member Chris Mellon served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence for two administrations, and early in his career drafted the legislation that established the US Special Operations Command at a time when terrorism was not yet on the radar. He presented an overview of a 2004 incident involving the battleship USS Nimitz which was detected on two separate radars.
“Two F-18s approach, the four aviators see that the object has no wings or exhaust — it is white, oblong, some 40 ft long and perhaps 12 ft thick”, he said. “One pilot pursues the craft while his wingman stays high. The pilots are astonished to see the object suddenly reorient itself toward the approaching F-18. In a series of discrete tumbling maneuvers that seem to defy the laws of physics, the object takes a position directly behind the approaching F-18.”
The lengthy event occurred in broad daylight off the California coast, and gun camera footage was taken. At one point the object went from hovering at 80,000 feet to dropping at supersonic speeds, and came to a complete stop at 50 feet above the ocean. “More F-18’s are dispatched but with similar results,” Mellon stated. “The secret machine easily evades the F-18s. Dozens of military personnel aboard the various planes and ships involved are privy to these interactions.”
Tom DeLonge’s final message today sums up the position of all involved: “No one person, one government, or one hidden institution should own this information and technology.”
The TTS Academy intends to release game-changing information of the type interested people have been seeking for a long time. “The fact is, we might not necessarily be alone,” Luis Elizondo says. “Now is the time to move forward and try to answer some of life’s deepest mysteries.”
Inside Knowledge About Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Could Lead To World-Changing Technology
Inside Knowledge About Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Could Lead To World-Changing Technology
Something extraordinary is about to be revealed. Former high-level officials and scientists with deep black experience who have always remained in the shadows are now stepping into the light. These insiders have long-standing connections to government agencies which may have programs investigating unidentifed aerial phenomena (UAP). They intend to move into the private sector and to make all declassified information, and any future knowledge, available for all to see.
The team includes a 25-year veteran of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations; a Lockheed Martin Program Director for Advanced Systems at “Skunk Works”; a former deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence; a DoD Senior Intelligence officer who, among other sensitive responsibilities, ran a Pentagon aerospace “threat identification” program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies. And well placed and experienced professionals, from Intelligence and high academic positions, are also on board ― please see information on the Team for reference as you read.
What is going on here? Is this the beginning of some sort of trend towards a new openness on the part of the U.S. government? These people know more than any of us do, so the question of their motivation is fundamental.
It all started with award-winning platinum recording artist and producer Tom DeLonge, whose bands Blink182 and Angels & Airwaves sold over 25 million records in the 1990s. Tom spent many years studying UFOs, and essentially left his previous lucrative career to devote himself to this pursuit, using his own personal income and resources to set up an entertainment company called To The Stars (TTS). It had the goal of disseminating information about UFOs, consciousness, the paranormal and other unexplained mysteries through artistic pursuits such as fiction and non-fiction books, feature films, and television productions.
Most importantly, while doing so, Tom was gradually able to establish relationships with flag officers and other highly placed insiders in the aerospace industry, intelligence, the Department of Defense and NASA. These independent sources provided him with information about the UFO phenomenon and worked with him to develop a plan for the incremental release of this information through TTS, which would be particulary geared towards reaching younger audiences.
Like many others, I was astonished at Tom’s ability to win the trust of these impressive advisors, who at first wished to remain anonymous yet obvioulsy believed that this information belongs to all of us. I talked to Tom and found him to be serious, passionate, very sharp, articulate and highly motivated to find the truth. I understood how he was able to engage this group - he did his homework, worked very hard, was sincere, and knew how to conduct himself when meeting such people. Early on, Tom allowed me to speak with one of his advisors, which helped me understand more about his effort.
Then, in late 2016, Wikileaks published a number of Tom’s emails to John Podesta, which revealed the names of some of these sources. Among his advisors were two generals: one was a commander of the U.S. Air Force’s research laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and responsible for managing the Air Force’s $2.2 billion science and technology program; the other was the Special Assistant to the Commander of Air Force Space Command at Peterson Air Force Base. As devastating as this was to some, it established for those who doubted him that Tom was indeed telling the truth about his high level contacts.
Tom’s plans for TTS were delayed at this point, but he persevered. Subsequent delays have been out of his control, but everyone involved agrees with the necessity for a gradual release of information. “I think they really do want us to know. I really do think they do. I do, at this point, feel like it’s going to be a tough thing to swallow for people and I think there are elements about it that people are not ready for,” Delonge told George Knapp, the chief investigative reporter for KLAS TV in Las Vegas and weekend host of Coast to Coast AM.
Tom DeLonge after a long meeting in Sept., 2017.
Fast foward to the present. Now, these early advisors have mostly receded to the background and Tom has moved on to something even bigger. He has assembled a new team of collaborators and created The To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science(TTS/AAS), for which he is President and interim CEO. The Academy includes three synergistic divisions: Science, Areospace, and Entertainment. The Public Benefit Corporation is seeking to serve the public good through exploring “the outer edges of science and the understanding of phenomena,” and making all of it public.
On Wednesday October 11, at 9:00 AM PT and 12:00 PM EST, the team will launch the new initiative at an event to be live-streamed from Seattle. Tom will introduce his colleagues and explain the intentions and purpose of the new company, and its need for public support. To tune in, or to watch it aftewards, click here.
According to a TTS /AAS statement, it’s team members who have been “operating under the shadows of top-secrecy for decades” believe that “there is sufficient credible evidence of UAP that proves exotic technologies exist that could revolutionize the human experience.” The Science divison will conduct the research, which will also include consciousness, engineering space-time, brain-computer interface, genomics, and creating a database of supranormal experiences. Aerospace will apply the science to create “next-generation energy and propulsion concepts for transportation and spaceflight that could forever change movement across land, water, air”, and Entertainment will offer “informative storytelling that provides insight into the journey and provokes curiosity in the profound yet unresolved mysteries of the world.”
On Oct. 4, I had the privilege of sitting down with Jim Semivan (TTS/AAS Vice President Operations), Harold Puthoff (Vice President Science and Technology), Christopher Mellon (National Security Affairs Advisor) and Luis Elizondo (Chief of Security and Special Programs) for a four hour meeting in Washingon DC. (I have known Hal Puthoff for many years, and worked with Chris Mellon previously for another HuffPost story.)
Hal Puthoff, who has spent over five decades publishing papers and advising government agencies on leading-edge technologies, explained that “these days, science fact is outstripping science fiction. We scientists are beginning to take seriously such ideas as warp-drive spaceflight right out of Star Trek, the high probability of extraterrestrial intelligence, and the realization that most of what will constitute the science of the future is well beyond our present comprehension. Given that the observation of anomalous aerospace phenomena in our skies might, in principle, incorporate elements from all three, it’s an irresistible challenge beckoning to be addressed.”
(left to right) Luis Elizondo, Jim Semivan, Stephen Justice, Hal Puthoff, and Christopher Mellon at a recent meeting in Seattle
At the meeting, I was given information on background and shown some revelatory documents and data off the record, some of which will eventually be made public. I was especially curious to meet Luis Eiizondo because he ran a program at the DOD involving the study of anomalous aerial threats. Luis had resigned this position literally the day before we met. I was able to verify who he was and what his tasks were at the Pentagon. He received the highest commendatons from his superiors. I learned that important unclassified data and documentation is expected to be released through the Academy’s on-line Community of Interest (COI) in collaboration with the US government, which will be set up soon.
Luis told me that among several portfolios he managed, he found the issue of unexplained aerial threats and related phenomena to be particularly interesting and perplexing. “Unlike the other efforts that many people in the Pentagon knew I was associated with, the topic of aerial threats was a much more limited audience that few had any idea I was part of, with the exception of a select few individuals,” he said.
I asked him if these unidentified objects were considered to be threats. “They did not exhibit overt hostility,” he said. “But something unexplained is always assumed to be a potential threat until we are certain it isn’t.” I find it highly significant that Luis Elizondo is moving from this Program buried within the DOD into the private sector. “From our observations, my opinion and that of others is that the phenomenon is very real. On the bright side, I believe we are closer than ever before in our understanding of how it operates,” he told me.
Following the meeting, I spoke to Stephen Justice (Aerospace Division Director), who recently retired as a Program Director for Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin after a thirty-one year career in the Skunk Works. “How dare we think that the physics we have today is all that there is,” he said, referencing this as an important message he learned from his father. “Let’s pick at those boundaries and figure out what we don’t know. Let’s remove the artficial constraints, the assumptions we’ve applied to things, and look for opportunity.” The opportunity here, as he sees it, is to “stand in the future and look back.”
Regarding UAP, he told me that since so many smart, credible people have seen them, he has concluded they must be real. “That means it can be done - these unusual flight characteristics can be done. So how do you do it? I want to dig into how you do it. It can be done!”
For example, one objective is to harvest the technology to build a vehicle that will allow for almost instantaneous travel through land, air, oceans and space, by engineering the fabric of space-time. Such a vehicle could also float, like something from science fiction. Steve says we have had glimpses of the science that could make this possible. It is not outside the realm of possibiity, if the necessary resources are in place.
A TTS Academy concept for a vehicle drawn by Stephen Justice, embodying the technology they seek to understand and develop - a visionary concept for a revolutionary electromagnetic vehicle based on technology observed in unidentified aerial phenomena
Everyone I spoke to has some kind of unique relationship to or profound interest in “the Phenomenon” (UAP), and their own sense of a path forward. Jim Semivan joined the CIA in 1983 and retired after twenty-five-years. “I have come to realize that the Phenomenon is curiously multifaceted, exasperatingly complex and appears to exist both in our consensus reality and in another unknown space,” he wrote in an email to me after we met. “Perhaps, if we are very lucky, someday we may understand its ultimate purpose.”
Jim states that the planet seems to lack an organization that has the necessary funds to explore the Phenomenon in any detail and for a sustained period of time. “TTS/AAS hopes to raise enough money through its public offering and through expected profits from its entertainment and aerospace divisions to fund research into the Phenomenon and related exotic technologies for global consumption. Imagine a global, transparent, research organization tackling ideas that most scientists today will not entertain for fear of ridicule, involving young scientists from around the globe.”
I now understand the strong argument for taking this work out of government, where the priorites are different, funding is not available, and where this topic is such a hot potato that no one wants to touch it. Personal ideology and even religious fundamentalism lead to ridicule and efforts to suppress these investigations. We all know the limitations of the current system, even though some on the inside have worked hard to change that.
Chris Mellon served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence for two administrations and early in his career drafted the legislation that established the US Special Operations Command at a time when terrorism was not yet on the radar. He sees similarities between that and the present situation in terms of a lack of awareness of a major problem and a need for change.
“This is another case in which the system will not repair itself and people outside of government need to take action for breakthroughs to occur. This team has the skill set to process information others avert their eyes to and turn it to the advantage of the nation and the world.”
For many Americans, the US government is the only entity that can speak authoritatively on these issues. That will need to happen eventually if the current stalemate is to be broken. But does the movement of this knowledgeable, well-connected group out of the official world into a public company mean that government is beginning to relent? Who else might be waiting in the wings to participate? Could this endeavor be a catalyst for greater government openness?
The inspiration, the vision, and the excitement about the possible breakthroughs that this new venture offers are infectious; the intentions are of the highest order. Accomplishing the task is a mammoth - but it can be done. The TTS Academy intends to release game-changing information of the type interested people have been seeking for a long time. “The fact is, we might not necessarily be alone,” Luis Elizondo says. “Now is the time to move forward and try to answer some of life’s deepest mysteries.” This is not going to happen if we stick with the status quo.
Filer’s Files # 41 -2017 Navy Detects USOs - PART I
Marlton, New, Jersey Disc captured on September 29, 2017
Filer’s Files # 41 -2017 Navy Detects USOs - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: USOs Detected by Navy, UFO website reports ‘flying triangles’ at MacDill Air Force Base, A Sneak Peak at “Alien Reproduction Vehicles, and Rh Negative Blood Type Could Belong to an Extraterrestrial lineage.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Washington and Washington D.C.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Australia, Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Portugal, Ukraine, and Scotland in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
USOs Detected by Navy
THE US Navy is running a top secret program to detect unidentified submerged object – or USOs – beneath the sea, according to a UFO expert.
John Chapple photo of Marc D’Antonio
Marc D’Antonio, an astronomer and chief video analyst for UFO organization MUFON, said he witnessed what he believes must have been an alien craft travelling at impossible speeds while he was on board a US Navy submarine in the North Atlantic ocean.
Marc D’Antonio says he witnessed Unidentified Submerged Object (USO) in the North Atlantic Ocean
Marc then heard a naval officer ordering the sonar operator to log the unidentified object – which was travelling at “several hundred knots” – as part of the “Fast Mover Program”.
Currently most submarine and torpedoes can only go up to 40 knots – due to the resistance of the water. The Russians reportedly have a torpedo that can go in excess of 200 knots – but a speed of “several hundred knots” would appear to be impossible for human-built crafts.
Marc, who runs a special effects company called FX Models that undertakes Naval contracts, said: “As a thank you for doing some work for them Navy asked me if I wanted to go for a ride in a submarine so I said yes. Once we got under I was sitting in the sonar station and the sonar operator was sitting right next to me. “Submarines are loud – people think they are very quiet and it’s true they are on the outside because the sound doesn’t get out. But inside you hear fans, noise – it’s a constant din on a sub.
Marc was on board a US Navy submarine when he saw the USO
“I was sitting there zoning out a little because I was sea sick and all of a sudden the sonar kid shouts ‘fast mover, fast mover’ and I’m jolted awake – thinking ‘What’s happening? Is it a torpedo?’
“The executive officer comes out and the operator shows him the path of the object and the officer says ‘How fast is that going?’
“And the kid said ‘several hundred knots’. I start to lean forward to listen in – and the officer said ‘Can you confirm it?’
“So he goes to another sonar machine and confirmed it wasn’t a machine anomaly – it was real. I thought ‘Wow that is incredible’. When the sonar guy said ‘What do I do with this?’ the officer said ‘log it and dog it’ – in other words log it and bury it.” Four years later Marc said he was doing some more contract work for the Navy when he spoke to a senior naval figure about what he saw. I asked him ‘can you tell me about the Fast Mover Program?'” Marc explained. “He looked at me and said ‘Sorry Marc I can’t talk about that program’. “So he basically confirmed to me that the program exists – he said everything without seeing anything. “What that told me was that USOs are common – we even have a program in place to classify and log and determine the speed of them and it goes into a vault.”
Marc made the claims at the Devil’s Tower UFO Rendezvous in Hulett, Wyoming – where UFO enthusiasts from around America met at the site of Close Encounters of the Third Kind rock to discuss alien-related findings. He also revealed he is currently working on a project with Close Encounters visual effects supervisor Douglas Trumbell, which he hopes will scientifically prove the existence of alien life.
Marc is currently developing a project to scientifically prove the existence of alien life. The pair has been designing UFO detecting ground units which they hope to eventually place in countries all over the world. Marc, who also runs the Sky Tour Live Stream YouTube channel where he takes viewers on live tours of the night sky, is currently testing the units in his observatory. He said: “The UFOTOG II system will bring Ufology into the 21st century by marrying real science with standard observation.
“The system will look for phenomena in the sky and if it finds something that isn’t a satellite, a plane, or some known object that we can access in a database, it will alert us by sending a message via GPS satellite to our cell phones.”We’ll make all the data we collect open and available to everyone. “We are open minded and believe that visitation by an advanced alien race is not a scientific improbability.” Thanks to the Sun
UFO website reports ‘flying triangles’ at MacDill Air Force Base
Dozens of people from across the globe have tweeted out images purporting to show unidentified flying objects in the skies over MacDill. The tweets began Sept. 1 when a self-described UFO expert named Michael Salla sent out pictures of what he claims are extraterrestrial conveyances. The photos, he writes on
his website, are “of a triangular shaped UFO” taken near the base at about 8 a.m. Aug. 31 by a source he refers to only as “JP,” with whom he had been communicating since 2008.
“These are not photo shopped or created by CGI, but genuine photos of a UFO that informed analysis suggests has design and technology characteristics similar to the TR-3B that is part of a USAF secret space air wing operating out of MacDill,” Salla writes on his website.
In a story posted in February about sightings of such aircraft, the London-based Daily Express described the TR-3B as “alleged by conspiracy theorists to be a secret ‘black project’ spy craft of the US Government that can be flown into space.”
A few days later, Salla tweeted more pictures, this time of what he claims were “a triangular UFO” taken near MacDill Air Force Base around 9:50 a.m. Sept. 4.
The movement “indicates that the triangular craft either used cloaking technology that would move from one end to the other end of the craft, or had entered a larger cloaked vehicle,” Salla wrote.
On September 6, 2017, Salla posted again, claiming that on Sept. 5 and 6, “more flying triangle shaped craft were photographed in the vicinity of MacDill.”
He posted yet again about “cylindrical” UFOs flying near the base.
Why MacDill?
It’s the home of U.S. Special Operations Command, Salla told me in an email. “As you know, they perform covert missions around the world using classified technologies, some of which have been reverse engineered from recovered alien craft,” Salla said.
SOCom officials could not be reached for comment. But Terry Montrose, a spokesman for the 6th Air Mobility Wing, MacDill’s host command, laughed when I asked him about Salla’s claims.
“No, there are no secret UFOs or a secret Air Force Space Wing at MacDill,” Florida.”
Montrose said. “There are no flying triangles.”
So take Salla’s claims with a grain of salt, and consider some of the other material you’ll find at his website: The suggestion that Hurricane Irma may have been directed by space weapons, and books for sale that include a Salla title, The U.S. Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance, whose cover shows a Navy officer shaking hands with a blonde-haired, Nordic-looking female “alien” in a skin-tight silver outfit.
This isn’t the first time MacDill has been associated with aliens — or even the first time Salla figured into the association. His website turns up in emails pilfered from the account of former Hillary Clinton advisor John Podesta, which were posted on the Wikileaks site and now are a subject of investigation into whether the Russians interfered with the presidential election.
On March 3, 2006, a man named Bob Fish emailed Podesta a link to Salla’s website. Fish also included his own memories of talking with an Air Force electronics intelligence technician who claimed he flew RC-135 jets out of MacDill that were used for surveillance of Cuba, but were sometimes diverted “to track UFOs off the east coast of
Fish said his source claimed the UFOs “had a landing and takeoff spot in the ocean east of Miami, north of Bermuda,” a strange reference considering Bermuda is much closer to coastal cities in the Carolinas. MacDill’s association with UFOs also comes up in the famous Project Blue Book report by the Air Force, “relating to the investigations of unidentified flying objects” and now part of the National Archives.
According to an Air Force document drawn from the report, on June 5, 1961, an F-102 fighter jet was scrambled after witnesses spotted a star-shaped UFO in the skies near MacDill. The object, according to the document, had been on the base radar for several days. “Aircraft reported contact but experienced (electronic countermeasure) trouble and could not complete intercept due to jamming,” the document says. Whether claims about MacDill UFOs today end up in any Project Blue Book of the future remains to be seen.
Theodore C. Loder III, PhD writes, “It’s hard to know where to begin when writing on a subject that seems to top the Google search engine charts year after year. It’s no secret that the world is fascinated with the idea that intelligent extraterrestrial life did, and currently could be, visiting our planet, and regularly. The unfortunate part about the phenomenon is that the world rarely sees evidence for it presented in a credible way” Nearly all mainstream media outlets, news anchors, and journalists do more harm than good, discrediting a topic that has plenty of proof behind it. Either it’s not discussed at all, or it’s done through ridicule.
Yet the very first Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) flat out told the New York Times in 1960 that, “behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs, but through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”
Today, there are hundreds of people and documents that have shown, beyond a doubt, that UFOs exist, and that some of them could be extraterrestrial, and others, our own advanced technology. The documents show objects travelling at unattainable speeds, and performing maneuvers that no known aircraft can perform. Here is a great example, out of thousands, detailing one such encounter.
Here’s one regarding an encounter over Antarctic military bases describing red, yellow, and green “flying saucers” that were spotted hovering for more than two hours.
As far as people, we have high ranking military personnel, politicians, astronauts, and academics from different fields flat out telling us that we are not alone, and that this is known at the highest levels of government, or those who puppet the government. Whether it be a former Chairman of the Royal Navy telling us that “there is a serious possibility that we are being visited, and have been visited by people from outer space,” a former Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee telling us that “I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified,” or an Apollo 14 astronaut saying that “there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered,” we have no shortage of high ranking insiders attesting to the reality of this phenomenon.
For decades, as General Carlos Cavero told the world in 1979, “everything” has been “in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world.” On a global scale, “the nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon” and there is “an international exchange of data.”
This is why so many academics, like Harvard professor and Pulitzer Prize winner John E. Mack, believe that “it’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension.” Perhaps his most astonishing investigation came from more than 60 schoolchildren in the town of Ruwa, Zimbabwe. You can read more about that here.
Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer also went on record stating that “visitors from other planets” came here decades ago.
This all raises so many questions in so many branches of human knowledge. Take physics, for example. Jack Kasher, PhD, a professor emeritus of physics at the University of Nebraska, points out that “there is another way, whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way.”
So, as you can see, if you’re a believer in the extraterrestrial hypothesis for a possible explanation for the already verified UFO phenomenon, you’re not alone, and you are in good company.
“Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, ETs, etc. . . .
They are visiting Earth NOW; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking.” It’s hard to know where to begin when writing on a subject that seems to top the Google search engine charts year after year. It’s no secret that the world is fascinated with the idea that intelligent extraterrestrial life did, and currently could be, visiting our planet, and regularly. The unfortunate part about the phenomenon is that the world rarely sees evidence for it presented in a credible way. Nearly all mainstream media outlets, news anchors, and journalists do more harm than good, discrediting a topic that has plenty of proof behind it. Either it’s not discussed at all, or it’s done through ridicule.
I’m led to wonder whether the connections we’ve written about in the past between the CIA and the media included official disinformation campaigns pertaining to the UFO/extraterrestrial subject, and if so, whether that’s still happening today. You can explore these connections, and a few of the actual documents straight from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).: By Arjun Walia Thanks to Theodore C. Loder III, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire
Rh Negative Blood Type Could Belong to an Extraterrestrial lineage.
There are two basic forms of blood types; 95% of the world’s population is Rh Positive and 5 % is Rh Negative, The Rh blood group is one of the most complex blood groups known in humans. From its discovery 60 years ago where it was named (in error) after the Rhesus monkey, it has become second in importance only to the ABO blood group in the field of transfusion medicine.
Humans have possible four general blood types: A, B, AB and O; this classification is derived, according to scientists from proteins which are found on the surface of cells which are designed to fight off bacteria and viruses in the human body. The vast majority of humans 95 % beings on this planet have these proteins which mean they are Rh Positive. But a minor group, the Rh Negative lacks these proteins.
Recently the Denisova and Altai Neandertal were tested by the Max Planck Institute that stated the ancestral “A” variant at position 25629943 on chromosome 1 that determines rhesus type in modern humans. This variant means that both Neanderthals are likely rhesus positive and not Rh Negative.
So how is this crucial difference explained? And why does it even exist? The Bible gives an explanation:
“The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wives, all of which they chose.” Genesis 6:2
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days–and also afterward–when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. New International Version Genesis 6:4
Throughout the years, several scientific studies have searched for this answer.
Some, scientists believe they have found out a fascinating thing in regards of Rh Positive and Negative. According to this “scientific” theory, in the distant past, extraterrestrial beings may have visited the Earth and created, through “genetic manipulation,” the Rh Negative with an intention of creating a race of “slaves”.
Ancient Sumerian writings claim a highly advanced “alien” race came from elsewhere in the cosmos. Sumerian tablets, Vedas, the Atrahasis explicitly say they were different from the subjects they created on earth. The gods who appear in the Epic of Gilgamesh are the called the Anunnaki, a name that probably means “those of royal blood” or “princely offspring” in the ancient Sumerian language. Many ancient texts, including, the Bible, do support this theory.
Many stories in the ancient texts, especially pre-Christian texts, do tell about a race that from the Heavens to the Earth Came. And they created man in their image. Man saw them as gods, living long lives and performing miracles and flying about in the sky ships. The humans watched as these gods built massive and glorious houses and created beautiful cities for themselves. From mans primitive point of view, they were gods. They taught humans agriculture, how to build cities, to write and to create the first human societies. The Ancient Anunnaki may be the missing link in our amnesic history? Some feel the Nephilim the sons of God and daughters of men and the Anunnaki were the same beings or visitors from different planets. It is believed that these ancient beings planned and genetically altered primitive human species, creating stronger and more intelligent beings that were used as slaves or workers in the distant past.
The Basques of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh Negative blood. About 30% have (rr) Rh Negative and about 60% carry one (r) Negative gene.
There is also no denying that in Europe regions with high percentages of Rh Negative are standing out, such as Basque country, Ireland and Scotland. Areas of Rh Negative Blood
According to investigators alien intervention would explain why Rh Negative mothers do not tolerate fetuses with Rh Positive blood; thus, this radical, hard-to-explain, by most natural laws intolerance could derive from an ancient genetic modification why Rh Positive and Rh Negative groups tend to “repel” each other instead of merging.
The Rh Negative would be the legacy that the Anunnaki left on Earth among other things. Interestingly, the Negative Rh strain is characteristic, for example, of the British Royal Family. Numerous monarchs, Emperors, pharaohs, kings and royalty claim to be related to the gods and extraterrestrials. This dominant blood group of European royalty felt they had the divine right of kings to rule. The doctrine states that kings and queens have a God- given right to rule and that rebellion against them is a sin punishable by death. This belief was common through the seventeenth century and was urged by such kings as Louis xiv of France.
The shroud of Turin is supposed to verify that Jesus had Rh Negative blood. There is no denying numerous royalties going back to Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II, many emperors, kings and former presidents had this blood type. We read glowing reports that such people are sensitive and caring.
About 15% of Americans and the British Isles population have a Negative Rh genetic code. Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Bush’s and Clinton have Negative Rh.
“Francis Crick, the discoverer of DNA, and winner of the Nobel Prize although an atheist published a book which subscribed to the theory of intelligent design, that our universe was not simply the result of a series of chemical accidents.
He states, “Life did not evolve first on Earth, a highly advanced civilization became threatened so they devised a way to pass on their existence. They genetically-modified their DNA and sent it out from their planet on bacteria or meteorites with the hope that it would collide with another planet. It did, and that’s why we’re here.”
Crick states, “Our DNA was encoded with messages from that other civilization. They programmed the molecules so that when we reached a certain level of intelligence, we would be able to access their information, and they could therefore “teach” us about ourselves, and how to progress.”
We do know the human embryo does have a tail at about 3 months. It is called in Sanskrit the caudo draconis, in Latin the dragon’s tail.
People with Rh Negative blood group have certain characteristics that seem to be common among the majority. Now the interesting part is we are told many Rh Negatives are born with the tail intact to varying degrees! Here is a brief list of the most common.
¨ Extra vertebra. ¨ Higher than average IQ ¨ More sensitive vision and other senses. ¨ Lower body temperature ¨ Increased occurrence of psychic/intuitive abilities ¨ Predominantly blue, green, or Hazel eyes ¨ Red or reddish hair ¨ Has increased sensitivity to heat and sunlight ¨ Cannot be cloned
¨ The appearance of Rh Negative blood did not follow the usual evolutionary path. In fact, evolution would seem to be ruled out as a possible cause of the anomaly. It has been proven that blood is the least likely to mutate. There are no other blood mutations. The introduction of the RH-negative blood type was not a naturally occurring part of human evolution.
This would lend credence that the Rh Negative factor was introduced from an outside source. Could the source be from human like beings from another planet? Or maybe we are just as alien as they are, in that; we are a product of their manipulation and interference. Could they have come here and manipulated life forms already present on earth to create modern man? If two Rh-Negatives try to have a baby it will usually die or be born a “BLUE Baby”, because it is Not processing oxygen properly. Thus “Blue-Bloods”, if they survive.
Only 5% of the Earth’s population are currently Rh-Negatives. But they are certainly different from others and may give us a clue to the real history of humans.
October 21, 2017 Salem, MA
About PARAWEEN 2017 Salem Conference This October 21, 2017, Paraween will hold its inaugural UFO Fest, Alienated at the Salem Waterfront Hotel, with Speakers, Travis Walton, Mike Bara (Ancient Aliens) and Thom Reed (Alien Mysteries) All Paraween events are in celebration of true local history. There’s remarkable history in around Salem, from the Witch Trials to our Nations first UFO case to be inducted into State as Historically True. “We bring what’s missing from many UFO, Haunt and Paranormal Events, the Fun! Coupled with Solid Information, Incredible Speakers and Free Photo Ops. PARAWEEN: Fan Culture, Sci-fi, UFO and Haunt Cons. We unveil the media suppression and spotlight the legitimacy of legends, UFO encounters and the Paranormal, in Cosplay Form.
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report – for September 2017:
CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In September 2017 there were 622 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries; United States 430, Canada 63, United Kingdom 29, Argentina 9, Germany 8, Mexico 8, France 8, India 8 and Australia 7
National UFO Reporting Center had 393 Reports in September 2017
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files # 41 -2017 Navy Detects USOs - PART II
Filer’s Files # 41 -2017 Navy Detects USOs - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Arkansas Light
St Joe— Sitting on the south porch at my home I noticed a bright object in the west on October 1, 2017. It appeared the size of two bright planets that appeared to be blinking. A few minutes later I looked for it again and it was 3 inches (at the arms length) from where it had been. I grabbed my camera and walked into an open area and sat in a lawn chair to take pictures in case it was Jupiter, or a UFO. I’ve seen them all before. I was able to capture Jupiter’s moons a few weeks back. (I checked stellarium afterwards and nothing was there that would be that bright). Within a couple of minutes I had to move again because it was slowly moving north into a tree line. My husband joined me who is a skeptic of UFO’s. I pointed out what I was doing and he said “That’s definitely not a planet. That’s definitely strange.” I took a few pictures as the entire viewing lasted 20 minutes the camera just doesn’t capture what the eye can see Thanks to MUFON CMS
Connecticut Object
Westbrook — Driving west exiting an old iron trestle bridge I noticed a series of contrails and began taking photos on September 29, 2017. Rounding a curve I noticed something rapidly accelerating leaving a long trail so took a few more pictures. I switched to videoing it until it disappeared and went back to taking photos of its puffs leaving several odd clouds. Later, gradually enlarging the photos I could see a triangular tip, followed by a short silver cylinder section/ creating the trail.
What was really interesting is that as I further enlarged the photos and videos the plume remained focused but the object itself became a pixilated square. It was moving several thousand miles an hour. Because the object was back lighted from underneath by the setting sun it was obviously solid and entering our atmosphere. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Lights
La Grange — I was driving to the store and the sky looked strange and hazy, and looked like a hologram or a see through, mirage on January 12, 2017. It was crossing in front of my truck so I quickly took a picture with my cell phone. When I got back home I looked at the picture and to me it looks like some type of alien in the air about 30 feet in front of my truck and about 20 feet high. Object is left of the moon.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Iowa Orb
Estherville – I was at college that afternoon doing training on a wind turbine on September 28, 2017. One of my classmates was lying down in the grass when he spotted the “orb” like object in the sky. Our whole class looked up and seen this white object hovering in the sky. One of our class mates said they had spotted the same object around lunch time. It was 2:20 PM, and still there. It was a warm day with a decent breeze. But it didn’t move the whole time. Then it mysteriously disappeared. Iowa is 2nd in the nation for wind turbines. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ottawa — While at a fish fry, we had taken a picture of some of the people on September 30, 2017. When we were looking at the pictures later, we zoomed in on a weird blue light in the sky.
It was definitely a blue domed saucer! No one at the party had noticed anything, only becoming aware of the light an hour or two after taking the picture. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Disc
Luther — We stopped to take some pics of some deer that were going over a dirt berm on August 4, 2017. i took four photos of the deer the 2nd photo is the only one the object was in. All photos were taken from the same place at the same time just a few seconds apart. I did not notice what was in the photo until I looked at them a couple days ago. I took photos from the front passenger seat and a buddy of mine took photos out of the driver’s window, but there was nothing different in his two photos. Another guy in the back seat never saw anything around the deer. Maybe you could shed some light on what it was. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Amazing images Anthony, the first one is an incredible stainless steel like ring when enlarged and the second one is remarkable as some type of twin discs? Any impressions received when witnessing these images?
Thanks to. Frank Chille
New York Eight Orbs
Sheridan – Several circular objects flying together in a formation paused, hovered, and then rapidly accelerated and disappeared on May 31, 2017,
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Light
Object after object was glowing, like airplanes without flashing lights. There was an airplane at one point but it was on its normal route to Philadelphia. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Orbs
Nashville— I was watching TV in my midtown apartment at 7:30 pm when I looked out the window I saw a shooting star on September 29, 2017. I quickly realized I was seeing brightly lit objects darting around the sky. They lit up and dimmed the way fireflies do, but they swirled and changed directions like birds circling. Even when they were dark I could still see them. Their shapes looked like boomerangs at first but also appeared circular.
A plane taking off from the direction of the airport was heading through their path when they scattered out of its way, and then they reassembled and swirled around for two hours. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Lebanon – At 5:00 PM Saturday on September 30, 2017 I looked up into a nearly cloudless sky and saw a bright white/silver sphere that appeared five times larger than a typical star. For ten minutes the object was stationary. I retrieved a set of binoculars and steadied them against a fence post. The object then appeared to be translucent around the inside with a small solid dot white dot in the center. As I watched the object it began moving northeast slowly picking up speed. Due to the nearly imperceptible increase in speed the object moved out of sight behind the trees. The object I viewed today was neither a man made aircraft nor a bright planet. Thanks to MUFON CMS
’Washington Lights
Seattle– I was cleaning up the car port on September 27th, 2017 around 6:45 pm, when a large amount of crows flew over on their way to roost. I looked up and I noticed a square object with a dome shape hanging underneath it. It was all whitish-pink, but I believe this color was due to the evening sky. I grabbed my camera and looked up again it had travelled further away. There was no noise. I was recording it as it dissolved. I managed to get a quick video/ I searched the internet for “ufos over Seattle” and found a June 2016 report that nearly matches what I saw (Case 77300). Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington D.C.
I was taking pictures last weekend with a Canon T1i (with a 55-250mm zoom lens) when I noticed a passenger jet flying by. I snapped two pictures. It was too far away to see any sort of detail. I use my camera in Manual mode and like to work out settings on my own. I also tend to take picture in RAW format; I zoomed into the photo and noticed an object that appears metallic in the upper right. I do know is that it isn’t a smudge on the lens. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Light
Perth— The first is a very large order of light on September 1, 2017. I’ve contacted the paper and they did a small article about it, and they received photos from me and another person whom I was never put in touch with, so never met the other person that donated photos. I spoke to the journalist who thought it was military. I personally think it’s some sort of surveillance platform. I have insomnia so I usually scan the dark night sky. I’ve noticed a multi colored craft that sometimes makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. I own binoculars 10×42 zoom and see colors changing in a straight line sequence I’m definitely seeing something out of the ordinary. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Lights
Scarborough, Ontario— Since I took my eyes to the sky back in 2003. I have never had a long pause of so many weeks without a daylight UFO sighting. My last daylight sighting occurred August 18, 2017
Now finally on September 25, 2017 at 3:23 pm sightings have started up again with another one on September 26, 2017, at 10:07 am. Outside my work place having a coffee along with a coworker who went back in and almost directly above our work roof – northwest I could see a very high, slow moving, white vertical object… After some seconds I started to film it on a near full zoom 30 x, I used the building as a marker to capture it well above 5,000 feet. The object moved slowly east and about five minutes and I lost sight of it! Thanks to Paul Shishis
Ontario – On October 3, 2017, I saw a saucer like metallic thing hovering at the tree tops in a bird sanctuary behind my apartment. Every time I zoomed in very close with the camera my camera would not focus. It stayed there about an hour and disappeared while I was doing other things.
I managed to take one photo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Croatia Orb
I was on vacation and when I came home to review my pictures I noticed the object. I figured it was time to share. The picture was taken on July 17, 2017 Thanks to MUFON CMS
France Object
PARIS — As I was snapping pics from the top of a moving tour bus with my Galaxy S5, it appears I captured an object as it moves from left to right across the Eifel Tower. The pic was taken in late February 2015. Just noticed it while editing the photos so I didn’t observe its movements. Possibly a drone, but appears too large to me. I’m not an expert though so I thought I would release it for scrutiny. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Germany Lights
Bonn— Early Friday evening September 15, 2017, I was observing a rainbow through the window of my hotel room and thought it would make a nice picture. As a pro photographer and photojournalist I grabbed my camera and pressed the lens against the window and took the first shot at 70mm. I then changed the focal length to 16mm and took another couple of shots with the camera in the same position. For security reasons the window could not be opened, only tilted. I didn’t notice the two objects at the time I was taking the pictures. It was only after I returned home and uploaded them to my computer that I saw what I had captured that evening.. My location at the time was the Marriott World Congress Hotel, Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Disc
Culiacan — I received this video from a friend on October 6, 2017. I was very curios because I do believe in UFOs and this event happened almost above my home. I was not there it is a very popular place in my city a church called La Lomita, the hill. As soon as I received the photo I showed it to a fellow mate and he told me that the logo on the screen is from a local tv channel. I just wanted to send it to you to see if it is real. You may see kind of flames coming from the bottom and some smoke from sides like a jet stream. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Portugal Object
Lisbon— Doing some plane spotting from my window on September 15, 2017, I noticed a very fast “thing” passing as I looked through the camera. Only later, when downloading the pictures I noticed this strange object above the plane. First, I thought it was a plastic bag blown by the wind, but then looking better it’s strangely symmetrical and much complex. It only appears in one photo from a multiple shot sequence. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ukraine Lights
Kiev – I witnessed above the pine-trees an object 20-30 meters on August 28, 2017. It flies at a speed of a 5-10 kilometer hour with a great number of yellow lights. I shoot with my phone as the lights begin to change color to green blue and reform in a wedge.
Seeing me these objects began accelerating. I got the impression that goes with a connection between them and me when I jump out to meet them? Thanks to MUFON CMS
United Kingdom Scotland Disc
Nairn — It was a friend that took this photo on February 4, 2016, here in the Highlands of Scotland.
He only realized this object was there after studying the photo recently in his computer.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help.A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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In April, UFO hunters claimed a 500 metre long object off the coast of Antarctica as an underwater alien lair.
The website, UFO Sightings Hotspot, believes it does not fit the normal iceberg description. “I’m not an iceberg expert but this object is really peculiar and looks like a vessel disguised as an iceberg”, the site reads.
2. The Martian structure 'identical' to Japanese tomb
There’s a Kofun Era tomb in Japan which looks identical to a mound on Mars from above.
Alien hunters spotted the pair on Google Maps and Google Earth’s Mars feature respectively, and believe it’s evidence that Martians settled on Earth hundreds of years ago after a terrible event forced them off the Red Planet.
They do look similar but could it just be a coincidence?
One eagle-eyed user noticed what looks like a spaceship parked – but not very discretely hidden - in Romania.
After years of speculation, it eventually emerged that it’s actually a water tower built during the last century. No sign of alien life forms here then, but an easy mistake to make.
Could this be a crashed flying saucer? YouTube users secureteam10 spotted the strange object in a restricted area of Arizona - which only makes it even more curious.
Not everyone is convinced, of course – some say it could just be a yurt.
The South Pole appears to be a definite hive of extra-terrestrial activity, and YouTube channel Secure Team has suggested that this circle is a flying saucer.
The round object first emerged from behind a hill before getting bigger and brighter as it flew higher into the air.
Smoke from the volcanic hot spots can be seen billowing up as the spot passes over in the three minute clib.
The video was taken at the Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming
The video was filmed on June 9 but was only recently uploaded to YouTube, according to Fox News .
Yellowstone is a nearly 3,500-square mile national park atop a volcanic wilderness and has become a hot spot for UFO sightings.
There have been hundreds of reported sightings in Wyoming going back to 1871, according to the National UFO Reporting Center .
The spot emerged from behind a hill
Over the summer there were more than 400 earthquakes in just one week near Yellowstone volcano.
An expert told the Star Valley Independent: "This is the highest number of earthquakes at Yellowstone within a single week in the past five years.
"But is fewer than weekly counts during similar earthquakes swarms in 2002, 2004, 2008 and 2010,” scientists explained in a June statement to the Star Valley Independent."
The UFO appeared to get bigger and brighter as it flew higher into the air
Please like, share and subscribe if you like with lots of love
Sprites are large-scale electrical discharges that occur high above thunderstorm clouds, or cumulonimbus, giving rise to a quite varied range of visual shapes flickering in the night sky. They are triggered by the discharges of positive lightning between an underlying thundercloud and the ground.
Sprites appear as luminous reddish-orange flashes. They often occur in clusters within the altitude range 50–90 km (31–56 mi) above the Earth's surface. Sporadic visual reports of sprites go back at least to 1886, but they were first photographed on July 6, 1989 by scientists from the University of Minnesota and have subsequently been captured in video recordings many thousands of times.
Sprites are sometimes inaccurately called upper-atmospheric lightning. However, sprites are cold plasma phenomena that lack the hot channel temperatures of tropospheric lightning, so they are more akin to fluorescent tube discharges than to lightning discharges.
Photographer Paul Smith said he thinks this may be the 1st documented capture of a red sprite over Oklahoma. They’re large-scale electrical discharges – high above thunderstorm clouds – flickering in the night.
Red sprite over Oklahoma, caught by Paul Smith on October 6. Visit Dramatic sky photography by Paul Smith on Facebook.
Paul Smith wrote on October 7, 2017:
This is my personal favorite (EVER) picture, from last night at 11:40 p.m. as a squall line was grinding up around Canton Lake, Oklahoma.
This red sprite was captured from Western and Prairie Grove road, just up north of Waterloo in Edmond. The storm was about 85 linear miles away, so just imagine the size of this structure above it …
To me, red sprites are just so awesome in their magnificent color, structure and science.
Such a fun night. Two hours of clear , relatively dark skies between me and the storms as the squall line moved closer. Once it became apparent which area was hot for sprites, I was able to hone in on it and catch a beautifully bright sprite center frame towards the end of the night (second from last in the video) Click on HD for best viewing. As always share as you please
Bottom line: Red sprites – large-scale electrical discharges – over Oklahoma on October 6, 2017.
Tropical Storm Harvey: Color Gigantic Jet Lightning, Red Sprites and More
I created this animation because I wanted to show how the sky looked before and during the sprite event. I used a photo taken just 2 seconds before the sprite appeared to created this animation. This sprite was located 90 KM southwest of Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico and was taken on August 28, 2016 at 1:01am local time or 5:01 UTC. It was taken with a full spectrum Canon T3 camera.
Asteroid 2012 TC4 is being used as a test of Earth’s global asteroid defense system. How to see it online.
In this flyby simulation, Earth is the blue dot. A geosynchronous satellite and its orbit are purple. The moon’s orbit is white. The asteroid’s path sweeps by on a green path. Watch how the orbit of 2012 TC4 gets deflected as it passes by Earth, turning darker as it dips below the ecliptic plane. Image Created with, via Tony873004/AstroBob.
The Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California – and other astronomers and observatories around the globe – are watching a small asteroid, designated 2012 TC4, which will pass safely but close to Earth – within the moon’s orbit – on October 11-12, 2017. Amateur astronomers using small telescopes are already capturing its image. Asteroid scientists have a plan to utilize this asteroid as a test NASA’s network for global defense against asteroids. You can see the asteroid, too, by watching online.
Prior to this year, this object was observed for just one week in the year 2012. Astronomers tracked its orbit well enough to know it would return – and come close to Earth – but they didn’t have its orbit pinned down precisely. Last summer, experts were already saying they knew this space rock wouldn’t hit us, but they thought 2012 TC4 might give us a close shave, passing as close as 4,200 miles (6,800 km). In late July, though, astronomers recovered the space rock – picked it up telescopically again, after not seeing it for some years – and the new observations let them refine their knowledge of 2012 TC4’s orbit and better compute its closest distance to Earth later this month.
Thus we now know the object will pass around 30,000 miles (50,000 km) above Earth’s surface.
Asteroid 2012 TC4 is 0.72 million miles from Earth in this October 10, 2017 image by Mike Olason in Denver, Colorado, on it’s way to a close approach with Earth on October 12.
2012 TC4 will come closest to Earth around 05:42 UTC on October 12 (12:42 a.m. CDT; translate to your time zone). It’ll come close enough that Earth’s gravity will slightly alter the asteroid’s path. Later in the day on October 12 – at 19:19 UTC(2:19 p.m. Central), the asteroid will pass some 172,000 miles (277,000 km) from the moon.
The asteroid is currently travelling at a speed of about 30,000 mph (nearly 50,000 kph). When astronomers first recovered it from the depths of space, it was exceedingly dim, but it has brightened a bit as it’s gotten closer.
Can you see asteroid 2012 TC4 as it sweeps past? Not with the eye alone, surely. But experienced observers with telescopes and charting software will be able to pick it up, and you can watch online as the asteroid passes. The Virtual Telescope Project in Italy will offer two online observing sessions, on October 11 and 12, in cooperation with Tenagra Observatories in Arizona. Click here to go to Virtual Telescope’s observing page for 2012 TC4.
This animation depicts the safe flyby of asteroid 2012 TC4 as it passes under Earth on October 11-12, 2017. It’ll pass fewer than 9,000 miles above the belt of communications satellites that ring the Earth in geosynchronous orbits, which are about 26,000 miles (40,000 km) above Earth. Image via NASA/ JPL-Caltech/ UANews.
Experienced backyard observers have a shot at the asteroid, too. To see it, you’ll need to make your own tracking map using sky charting software. AstroBob has instructions on how to do that at his blog. He wrote:
Observers in the Americas (especially South America) will get the best views as 2012 TC4 hurtles from Capricornus across Microscopium and into southern Sagittarius during early evening hours. [The locator map below], with stars to magnitude 8, shows the asteroid’s trajectory across the evening sky on the evening of October 11. Positions are shown every hour starting at 8:30 p.m. CDT. 2012 TC4 will be much fainter, around magnitude 13.
Chart showing the path across our sky of asteroid 2012 TC4, created with Chris Marriott’s SkyMap, via AstroBob.
Meanwhile, CNEOS is working with astronomers of the International Asteroid Warning Network on a plan to utilize asteroid 2012 TC4 in an exercise to test NASA’s network for planetary defense against asteroids. They’ve said they intend to test out their ability to recover, characterize and report on a potentially hazardous object approaching Earth.
Recover, in this sense, doesn’t mean recovering a sample from an asteroid; it means recovering the object via telescopes as it moves across the heavens, using tracking data from an earlier pass. The calculations on the October, 2017 pass of asteroid 2012 TC4, for example, were originally based on only seven days of tracking it, shortly after it was discovered in 2012. Then we lost the object again, in the depths of space, as it sped away from us. That’s an exceedingly common scenario for close-passing asteroids, which are, after all, just flying chunks (some more like flying mountains) of rock in space. They sweep past, then go their way.
These astronomers are trying out their planetary defense systems – a global protection against asteroids on a possible collision course with Earth – which they’ve been discussing for decades and developing over the last few years.
Vishnu Reddy of the UA Lunar Planetary Laboratory. “The question is: How prepared are we for the next cosmic threat?” Image via Bob Demers/ UANews.
Brightness measurements made during the week it was observed in 2012 gave an estimated size of 30 to 100 feet (10 to 30 meters) for asteroid 2012 TC4. That’s comparable to the meteor that caused a shock wave and explosion in Earth’s atmosphere, over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, in February 2013, injuring 1,500 people and damaging over 7,000 buildings. The Chelyabinsk meteor, before it struck Earth’s atmosphere, is estimated to have been about 20 meters wide.
Astronomers also know that 2012 TC4 is an elongated and rapidly rotating asteroid.
And they know that asteroid 2012 TC4 has made many close approaches to Earth in the past.
Illustration of a possible orbit for asteroid 2012 TC4, via NASA.
Bottom line: A small asteroid designated 2012 TC4 will pass Earth safely – but closely – on October 12, 2017. Experts are certain it won’t hit Earth. This summer, an international collaboration of telescopes is trying to reacquire the asteroid – that is, find it again in space – with the goal of precisely determining its orbit.
Jupiter and Two of Its Biggest Moons Loom in Stunning Juno Photo
Jupiter and Two of Its Biggest Moons Loom in Stunning Juno Photo
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
NASA's Juno spacecraft captured this image of Jupiter and two of its biggest moons, Io (right) and Europa (left), on Sept. 1, 2017. This color-enhanced version was processed by citizen scientist Roman Tkachenko using data from the probe's JunoCam imager.
Credit: Roman Tkachenko/NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS
Two of Jupiter's largest and most intriguing moons hover near the giant planet in a striking photo snapped by NASA's Juno spacecraft.
The color-enhanced image — which Juno captured on Sept. 1, 2017, during its most recent close flyby of Jupiter — shows the 2,260-mile-wide (3,640 kilometers) moon Io hugging the gas giant's limb and the 1,900-mile-wide (3,100 km) Europa a bit farther out. NASA released the image on Friday (Oct. 6).
Io and Europa are two of Jupiter's four Galilean moons, which are so named because famed Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei discovered them back in 1610. (The other two Galilean satellites are Callisto and Ganymede.) Io is the most volcanic object in the solar system, and astrobiologists regard the ocean-harboring Europa as one of the best bets to host life beyond Earth. [More Amazing Jupiter Photos by Juno Citizen Scientists]
Juno was 17,098 miles (27,516 km) from Jupiter's cloud tops, at about 49.4 degrees south latitude when it took the image, NASA officials said.
Citizen scientist Roman Tkachenko processed the photo using raw data collected by Juno's JunoCam imager. Mission team members encourage anyone to do such work. If you're interested, go to the JunoCam page at
The $1.1 billion Juno mission launched in August 2011 and arrived in orbit around Jupiter on July 4, 2016. The spacecraft is studying the planet's composition and structure, as well as its gravitational and magnetic fields. Juno gathers most of its data during close flybys like the Sept. 1 encounter, which occur every 53.5 Earth days. (The spacecraft is looping around Jupiter in a highly elliptical orbit.)
Juno's observations should help researchers better understand how Jupiter, and the solar system itself, formed and evolved, mission team members have said.
Photos: Spotting Satellites & Spaceships from Earth
Photos: Spotting Satellites & Spaceships from Earth
By Staff
Credit: Marco Langbroek
1. Ships That Pass in the Night
The sky is full of stars and galaxies, but eagle-eyed skywatchers can also spot satellites, space shuttles and stations from Earth too. Take a look at some of the best photos of spaceships caught on camera. NASA's space shuttle Discovery and the International Space Station are seen in this time-lapsed image as they fly over Leiden, The Netherlands, just before the two spacecraft docked on March 17, 2009 during the STS-119 mission. The shuttle is the object slightly fainter and lower in the sky. Movement is from right to left
Credit: NASA
2. Moon and International Space Station
Multiple images of the International Space Station flying over the Houston area have been combined into one composite image to show the progress of the station as it crossed the face of the moon in the early evening of Jan. 4, 2012. [Full Story]
3. International Space Station over Central Florida
Astrophotographer Mike Killian caught the ISS on Jan. 5, 2012, and wrote: "ISS made a 6 minute pass over central FL last night, viewing conditions were perfect."
Credit: ESA/Ralf Vandebergh, used with permission
4. Phobos-Grunt Viewed from the Ground
Phobos-Grunt image taken from the ground on November 29, 2011, by amateur astronomer, Ralf Vandebergh, in The Netherlands.
Credit: Ralf Vandebergh
5. Close-up Skywatcher Photo of Phobos-Grunt
A close-up shot of Russia's troubled Phobos-Grunt probe, snapped by astrophotographer Ralf Vandebergh on Nov. 29, 2011.
Credit: NASA
6. Moon and Space Station
Multiple images of the International Space Station flying over the Houston area have been combined into one composite image to show the progress of the station as it crossed the face of the moon in the early evening of Jan. 4, 2012. [Full Story]
Credit: Marco Langbroek
7. Above the Treetops
Another view of NASA's space shuttle Discovery and the International Space Station as they streak across the sky in this time-lapsed image as they fly over Leiden, The Netherlands, just before the two spacecraft docked on March 17, 2009 during the STS-119 mission. The shuttle is the object slightly fainter and lower in the sky. Movement is from right to left.
Credit: NASA/Thierry Legault
8. Icarus (Borne on Wings of Steel)
In this tightly cropped image, the NASA space shuttle Atlantis is seen in silhouette during solar transit, Tuesday, May 12, 2009, from Florida. This image was made before Atlantis and the crew of STS-125 had grappled the Hubble Space Telescope.
Credit: NASA/Thierry Legault
9. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Here, the NASA space shuttle Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope are seen in silhouette, in a tightly cropped view, side by side during solar transit at 12:17 p.m. EDT, Wednesday, May 13, 2009, from west of Vero Beach, Florida. The two spaceships were at an altitude of 600 km and they zipped across the sun in only 0.8 seconds.
Credit: NASA/Thierry Legault
10. Just Passing By
The NASA space shuttle Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope are seen in silhouette, side by side in this solar transit image made at 12:17 p.m. EDT, Wednesday, May 13, 2009, from Vero Beach, Florida. The two spaceships were at an altitude of 600 km and they zipped across the sun in only 0.8 seconds. (Shuttle and Hubble are viewable in the lower left of the image.)
Credit: Dirk Ewers
11. I Can See for Miles
This image provided by amateur astronomer Dirk Ewers, Saturday, Feb. 9, 2008 at around 17:44 GMT, using a 4,200-millimeter refractor telescope in Hofgeismar, Germany, shows the Space Shuttle, left, advancing on the international space station ISS in an earth orbit at some 350 kilometers.
An ISS flare photographed as the space station passed over the town Nydek in the Czech Republic.
Credit: Mike Tyrell
13. We All Shine On
An ISS flare, caused by sunlight reflecting off the solar panels of the space station, was captured by amateur astronomer Mike Tyrell as it passed over England.
Credit: E. Morana
14. Don't Pass Me By
Skywatcher Ed Morana routinely hunts for the International Space Station as it passes in front of the Moon. This multiple image was assembled from images he took of the ISS passing in front of the Moon on Feb. 13, 2006.
Credit: IfA/Rob Ratkowski
15. Satellite's Gone
Debris from the shot-down spy satellite USA 193 was visible from Maui, Hawaii.
Credit: Greg Roberts
16. There's Always Someone Looking At You
This image is a still from a short video produced by Greg Roberts of the U.S. secret satellite DSP-F23 (bright dot at bottom) as it approached the ASTRA 1 constellation group.
Credit: ESA/NASA
17. Crackin' Up
Two NASA chase planes captured the European ATV space cargo ship breaking up in the atmosphere upon successful reentry and completion of the mission.
Credit: ESA
18. Blaze of Glory
This is one of the first images taken by the DC-8 aircraft which observed the re-entry of Jules Verne ATV over the Pacific Ocean.
Credit: Jeff Berkes
19. ISS Over West Chester, Pennsylvania, August 2011
Photographer Jeff Berkes caught the International Space Station over West Chester, Pennsylvania, on August 13, 2011.
Credit: Thierry Legault
20. Phobos-Grunt Captured in Video
The failed Russian mission to one of Mars' small moons was captured by Thierry Legault and Emmanuel Rietsch ( on video, New Year's Day 2012.
Documentary on alien implants convinces filmmaker topic not so crazy
Documentary on alien implants convinces filmmaker topic not so crazy
A paranormal documentary filmmaker who explores people’s extraordinary beliefs, has tackled the often ridiculed topic of alien abduction, and the related phenomenon of alien implants. However, this documentary features an actual doctor, a credible alleged abductee and some science. All of which has convinced filmmaker Jeremy Corbell that alien implants deserve a serious examination.
Jeremy Corbell investigating the alien implant case in a scene in Patient Seventeen.
(Credit: Jeremy Corbell/
Of all of the fringe ideas in the UFO field, the idea that people are being snatched up by aliens and then returned without their knowledge is pretty hard for many to swallow. Added on top of that the claims some of these people have had implants placed inside of them by the aliens, well, for many, that is bat-poop crazy.
When first asked to document a surgery to remove an alleged alien implant, Cobell responded it was “way outside of my scope of knowledge or interest.”
“It seemed too wild for me to put my mind around,” explained Corbell.
However, since he was asked by friends, and has an interest in extraordinary beliefs, Corbell decided to do it. His experience ultimately resulted in his newly released documentary, Patient Seventeen.
One of the main characters, who Corbell grew very fond of, is pediatric surgeon and alien implant specialist, Dr. Roger Leir.
Dr. Roger Leir post-surgery.
(Credit: Jeremy Corbell/
Incidentally, Leir was also skeptical when he was approached years ago with the request to remove a suspected alien implant. He thought it was ridiculous. But when he removed the object, begrudgingly, he said it was unlike anything he had seen before, and became very interested in the topic. He then removed, or aided in the removal, of dozens of the objects before passing away in 2014.
Corbell says Leir passed away while he was putting his documentary together, but it was not so much Leir that convinced him the alien abduction and implant phenomenon may be real.
The suspected alien implant removed from patient 17.
(Credit: Jeremy Corbell/
“It was the patient that transformed my opinion,” says Corbell.
Corbell describes the man he refers to as patient 17, the namesake for his film, as an “average guy of above average height.”
He is six foot nine.
He is referred to as patient 17 because he wishes to remain anonymous, and because he was Leir’s 17th patient to undergo an “alien implant” removal. Corbell says patient 17 is a very down to earth person.
In fact, Corbell says, “He was, and remains, the biggest skeptic that this object removed from his leg — that is hands down extraordinary — has anything to do with his abduction experiences.”
The man known as patient 17.
(Credit: Jeremy Corbell/
So what is so extraordinary about the object? Well, for the full story you will have to watch the film, but, according to Corbell, some experts have interpreted the data from test results conducted thus far as being made off-world.
Corbell admits more testing has to be done, but he is convinced this thing is really weird.
The object removed from patient 17 under a microscope.
(Credit: Jeremy Corbell/
A short version of Patient Seventeen was entered into the EBE Film Festival at the International UFO Congress several years ago. Although I knew Leir personally, the film exposed me to aspects of his life I was not familiar with, such as a beautiful scene of Leir playing a gigantic organ. The scene was very intimate and moving.
As for patient 17, the man. He did come across as credible, and certainly does not fit the mold of what many think of as an “alien abductee.” He came across as an independent professional who did not seem interested in seeking attention.
I admit, alien abduction is a weird topic that can be uncomfortable. The awkwardness of the phenomenon is portrayed well in the comedy television show People of Earth on TBS. However, if there was ever a documentary that would convince those interested in hard evidence, this may be the one. Not only that, I have to admit, I am partial to Corbell’s shooting style, which is intimate, beautiful and up close and personal.
As of today, Patient Seventeen is available on iTunes, and will be available on other streaming outlets soon.
For more on Patient Seventeen, visit the website at: You can also hear Corbell and I discuss his film and other current projects on Open Minds UFO Radio.
Tom DeLonge’s UFO research team revealed, includes government insiders
Tom DeLonge’s UFO research team revealed, includes government insiders
Rocker Tom DeLonge has finally released information about a big UFO project he has been teasing for months, and is planning a live event tomorrow morning to provide more information.
In February 2016, rocker Tom DeLonge made headlines when he announced at the International UFO Congress that he had big UFO news to reveal and it would be coming in a few weeks time. HIs address to the conference was recorded and in response to being awarded the UFO Researcher of the Year. However, the news never came. Some gave up on anything being revealed. I had faith, but I also had messages from DeLonge letting me know he had been delayed, but that the information was still on the way.
Finally, the wait is over, and we now know his new project will be tiled To the Stars Academy, and its mission is to “strive to be a powerful vehicle for change by creating a consortium among science, aerospace and entertainment that will work collectively to allow gifted researchers the freedom to explore exotic science and technologies with the infrastructure and resources to rapidly transition them to products that can change the world”
The To the Stars Academy logo. The three areas represent: “Three synergistic divisions of Science (research), Aerospace (application) and Entertainment (storytelling).”
(Credit: To the Stars Academy)
You may ask, why take a rockstar seriously? That goes back to why he won the researcher of the year award. Tom had been announcing plans to reveal secret information about UFOs and aliens for some time. Many thought he was full of hot air, but that changed late last year with the release of John Podesta’s emails via WikiLeaks.
Among his emails were conversations with DeLonge about his UFO project. In the emails it was revealed that Tom had attended a meeting arranged by Podesta that included a former assistant to the commander of U.S. Air Force Space Command, an executive at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works (the managers and creators of Area 51) and a general who had been in charge of labs at Wright-Paterson Air Force base, which, as DeLonge pointed out in an email to Podesta, is where it is rumored alien bodies were stored.
This demonstrated that Tom was really getting somewhere and that he really was talking to insiders. To me, this justified paying very close attention, and this latest revelation demonstrates he is still working with some very serious people who shouldn’t be taken lightly.
Leslie Kean
The first glimpse we got today on what DeLonge is up to came via a HuffPost article posted by Leslie Kean. Kean is the author of the New York Times best-seller UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record. Several of her UFO articles since have created a stir, and this one follows suit.
Kean writes: “Something extraordinary is about to be revealed. Former high-level officials and scientists with deep black experience who have always remained in the shadows are now stepping into the light.”
“The team includes a 25-year veteran of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations; a Lockheed Martin Program Director for Advanced Systems at ‘Skunk Works’; a former deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence; a DoD Senior Intelligence officer who, among other sensitive responsibilities, ran a Pentagon aerospace ‘threat identification’ program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies,” Kean continues.
A team like this getting together to pursue answers to the UFO question is unprecedented, and their comments show they are serious.
Hal Puthoff, who has spent many years advising the government on technology, and is known to dabble in UFOs, told Kean, “We scientists are beginning to take seriously such ideas as warp-drive spaceflight right out of Star Trek, the high probability of extraterrestrial intelligence, and the realization that most of what will constitute the science of the future is well beyond our present comprehension. Given that the observation of anomalous aerospace phenomena in our skies might, in principle, incorporate elements from all three, it’s an irresistible challenge beckoning to be addressed.”
Luis Elizondo
(Credit: To the Stars Academy)
Luis Elizondo ran a Department of Defense program to study “anomalous aerial threats.” He says, “Unlike the other efforts that many people in the Pentagon knew I was associated with, the topic of aerial threats was a much more limited audience that few had any idea I was part of, with the exception of a select few individuals.”
When asked, he told Kean that the unidentified object he studied were considered to be threats, however, “something unexplained is always assumed to be a potential threat until we are certain it isn’t.”
“From our observations, my opinion and that of others is that the phenomenon is very real. On the bright side, I believe we are closer than ever before in our understanding of how it operates,” he continued.
Elizondo had just left his job the day prior to speaking with Kean in order to join DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy.
Stephen Justice, retired Program Director for Advanced Systems and Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works says the flight characteristics of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), another term for UFO, are what interest him. He concludes the UFO phenomenon is real due to a number of credible cases he has reviewed. And if they are real, Justice tells Kean, “That means it can be done – these unusual flight characteristics can be done. So how do you do it? I want to dig into how you do it. It can be done!”
Chris melon, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence for two administrations, says figuring out the UFO phenomenon is going to take an effort outside of the government.
Chris Melon
(Credit: To the Stars Academy)
“This is another case in which the system will not repair itself and people outside of government need to take action for breakthroughs to occur,” Melon told Kean. “This team has the skill set to process information others avert their eyes to and turn it to the advantage of the nation and the world.”
I got the opportunity to talk to To the Stars Academy Vice President of Operations Jim Semivan. He served for 25 years in the CIA, and was a part of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service. He has received the CIA’s Career Intelligence Medal.
One question I had was, simply, why?
“A lot of people in our group are former government employees who know this stuff is going on. When it comes to UAPs, we feel there is something to it,” Semivan explained. “People in the government are like people anywhere, some have had unexplainable experiences, and others are curious.”
OK, so why now, I asked.
“At the age of 65, I feel it is time I do what I can to find out what is behind this mystery. This is the big question. What does it all mean, and what is real? What is behind the veil? I have maybe 15 years of life left, and this is what I want to do, and when I got connect with Tom I found out he feels the same.”
“Nature is incredibly big and this sort of exploration allows us to reach out and touch the divine. I want to get close to it and understand it. It is a quest.”
Jim Semivan
(Credit: To the Stars Academy)
There are already negative rumblings in the UFO community. Some feel that DeLonge and the group are just in this for the money. To this, Semivan says, “None of us want to do this for money. We are retired.”
To the Stars Academy will be a public company, in particular a public-benefit corporation, and the proceeds will go towards research. Semivan points out that this sort of research, done right, takes funding.
He says, “We felt this project was the best way to bring people in and help do this thing.”
There will be a live streamed event tomorrow morning, October 11, 2017, at 9 pm PT to announce the creation of the organization. We will find out more then, but what we know so far is pretty exciting.
There are those who were hoping some sort of government disclosure was on the way, but according to DeLonge, there is still much to be shared.
“To The Stars… concept for an Advanced ElectroMagnetic Vehicle that can manipulate space-time as observed in the UFO Phenomenon. To The Stars Head of Aerospace and Technology Steve Justice, and Fmr. Director of Advanced Programs at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works, aims to lead a group of elite aerospace engineers to bring this technology to the world.” Click to enlarge. (Credit: To the Stars Academy)
Tom DeLonge, the former musician, and UFO enthusiast just released this announcement on Facebook:
"Thank you all for waiting for an announcement that is literally 2 years in the making. I have assembled a team of insiders that I believe can possibly change the world. All are current consultants to the US Gov on National Security Matters, and some literally left days ago from the Department if Defense to join me in this initiative. Fmr. High Ranking Government Officials and Senior Intelligence Officers from CIA, DOD, and also a Chief Engineer (Director of Advanced Programs) from Lockheed Martin’s the Skunk Works have come together aiming to BUILD A REVOLUTIONARY TECHNOLOGY for the world, research the unknown and finally tell the “story of the millennia” through Feature Films. NO ONE GOVERNMENT, INDIVIDUAL OR INSTITUTION should own what can truthfully help the world. We all can own it together. To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science is allowing a group of those who are interested to join us on day one. http://Www.ToTheStarsAcademy.Com
On Wednesday, October 11, at 9:00 AM PT and 12:00 PM EST, Tom Delonge's team will launch the new initiative at an event to be live-streamed from Seattle.
Tom will introduce his colleagues and explain the intentions and purpose of the new company, and its need for public support.
Personally, I find these statements very vague. It seems that this team doesn't have any knowledge about the UFO phenomenon yet. At this point in time, I advise you to wait and see what happens.
Als je echt wilt, dan zijn er iedere avond vreemde lichtjes te zien die bewegen door ons luchtruim; meestal van zuid naar noord.
Er gebeuren veel dingen boven ons hoofd zoals nieuwe opnames laten zien, waarin een verkeersvliegtuig wordt gevolgd door een onbekend object.
Het mooie van een grote schare lezers is toch wel dat deze soms met interessante dingen komen. Zoals de volgende die ons een bericht stuurt over een waarneming die volgens hem iedereen kan meemaken (dank!).
Vreemde lichtjes die zich door de lucht bewegen en voor iedereen die dat wil zichtbaar zijn.
Hij schrijft het volgende:
Niet lang geleden heb ik mij opgegeven voor deze nieuwsbrief. Die lees ik met veel aandacht en plezier.
Ik waardeer het dat u de tijd neemt om de lezers van deze nieuwsbrief erop attent te maken wanneer er zich opmerkelijke zaken manifesteren die in de media minimale aandacht krijgen.
Ook ik ben een van die mensen die niet klakkeloos aanneemt wat het mainstream nieuws opdist en heb in de jaren geleerd om tussen de regels door te lezen.
Sinds een ongelooflijke ervaring in 2012 kijk ik met regelmaat - en bij heldere lucht - 's avonds naar het schouwspel aan de hemel.
Een ervaring die ik met niemand durf te delen omdat ik voor gek zou worden verklaard.
Een ervaring die ik meemaakte samen met nog 4 andere volwassenen en nog drie kinderen erbij als getuige.
Op zoek naar die " lichtjes" die zich meestal van zuid naar noord begeven.
Ze zijn elke avond te zien, op sommige dagen meer en andere dagen minder.
Sommige van die lichtjes " flitsen" en soms bewegen ze niet maar zijn ze stationair op een vaste plek en geven om de zoveel tijd een felle flits af.
Iedereen kan ze zien, als mensen maar de tijd zouden nemen- en het geduld kunnen opbrengen - om 's avonds vanaf pakweg een uur na zonsondergang naar de hemel te staren.
Hoe langer er wordt gekeken, hoe duidelijker het verschil te zien is tussen overtrekkende vliegtuigen ( die geluiden maken ) en deze lichtjes - ze zijn doodstil.
Er is ook parallelliteit tussen het aantal zichtbare lichtjes en aanslagen of rampen elders in de wereld.
Bij een of andere calamiteit ergens in de wereld zijn er die avond heel weinig van deze bewegende lichtjes te zien. Alsof ze zich naar of in de buurt van de rampplek hebben begeven.
Dit ontdekte ik zelf door maanden achtereen bijna iedere avond de lucht te hebben bekeken voor zover dat niet door wolken werd verhinderd.
Omdat ik nog niet zo lang de nieuwsbrief ontvang en mijn bovenstaande constatering misschien al eerder door Niburu is gepubliceerd, vraag ik mij af of er een groep, een vereniging van mensen is die dit fenomeen ook bestudeert. Al dan niet in groepsverband.
Ik weet dat ze in de VS bestaan, zo'n beetje elke staat heeft wel een aantal groepen.
Ik zou namelijk graag in contact willen komen met deze groepen, met deze mensen om hier samen wat mee te doen.
Als u dit weet zou ik het bijzonder op prijs stellen om dat van u te horen.
Tot zover de lezer.
Wij weten het niet, maar misschien anderen wel. Mocht iemand iets weten over bovengenoemde ervaringen of een tip hebben, laat het ons weten.
Van een andere lezer ontvingen wij (dank!) het volgende bericht:
Mijn moeder en ik kwamen vanuit Izmir terug naar Amsterdam (schiphol). We zaten in het vliegtuig die vertrok om 16:05 turkse tijd.
In het vliegtuig rond de klok van 17:21 uur heb ik een raar object gezien en mijn moeder ook!Had mijn telefoon aan mijn moeder gegeven om een foto te maken, maar helaas was zij te laat!
Ik heb ook geen flauw idee over welke land we vlogen. Helaas zijn woorden geen harde bewijzen.
Ik heb op youtube gekeken en op google en uiteindelijk ben ik hier bij jullie terechtgekomen. Jullie hebben een foto op de website die een jongen van 7 jaar op 7 april 2017 heeft gefotografeerd. Hetgeen op de foto is exact hetzelfde wat wij hebben gezien.
Mijn vraag aan jullie is wat heb ik precies gezien!
Hierna volgt een stuk van het artikel waaraan de lezer refereert en deze objecten lijken veelal een soort vermomde (cloaked) moederschepen te zijn. Schepen vaak in de vorm van een wolk, waar dan dikwijls kleinere UFO's/orbs uit tevoorschijn komen.
Op 7 april 2017 reist een gezin met een vliegtuig van de luchtvaartmaatschappij Frontier van Philadelphia in Pennsylvania naar Charlotte in North Carolina.
Het is rond de middag en hun 7-jarige zoon zit bij het raam en roept naar zijn ouders om naar buiten te kijken omdat hij een ruimteschip in de lucht ziet.
De ouders nemen meerdere foto’s en wanneer je inzoomt, dan zie je inderdaad een aantal objecten die niet thuishoren in het landschap.
Volgens UFO experts zijn het ook grote objecten, ongeveer een paar kilometer in lengte. Waar deze waarneming veel op lijkt, zijn de UFO’s die enkele jaren geleden door mijnwerkers in Chili werden waargenomen en waar toen kleinere UFO’s uit tevoorschijn kwamen.
Wat we wel hebben geleerd in de loop der jaren is om dit soort objecten niet af te doen als “wolken”, want dikwijls blijken ze dat echt niet te zijn.
Van de Nederlandse lucht naar de Amerikaanse waar Tyler van Secure Team met een leuke opname komt van één van zijn abonnees waarop duidelijk een UFO zichtbaar is die een verkeersvliegtuig volgt.
In de video hieronder zijn de bewegende beelden te zien met de UFO die het vliegtuig blijft volgen. Bijzondere opnamen en Tyler gaat nog een stuk verder door te proberen erachter te komen om wat voor soort UFO het hier gaat.
Hij gelooft dat het geen ronde is, maar een driehoekige zoals we die vaker zien en die regelmatig in verband worden gebracht met de TR3B, waar wij ook al vaker over hebben geschreven.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Strange things spotted in the skies over Hawaii and Germany
Strange things spotted in the skies over Hawaii and Germany
On October 9 and 10, 2017 strange objects appeared in the night skies over Kalaheo in Hawaii and Nordendorf in Germany. Witnesses were able to take images of both objects. As for the object in the sky over Hawaii the witness states:
A friend of mine called me at four in the morning. He is on Eastern Time, six hours ahead of us, and didn't realize it was 4am for me. I walked outside, so I wouldn't wake my wife.
As we talked, I looked straight up noticing the moon and how bright it was. Then, as I lowered my head I noticed this bright object way off, like a star, but much brighter.
I could see two nearby stars to use as reference points. The object was very bright and had a symmetrically shaped bright swirl on both sides of it, a mirror image of each other.
The object as well as the aura surrounding it moved South in the sky maintaining its size and shape the whole time.
I ran inside and brought my wife outside to see it. As we watched it, it continued to move south and grew in size getting much bigger than it originally was, yet maintaining its shape perfectly.
It finally began to fade in brightness and eventually just disappeared completely, before leaving our line of site. While I watched the object I took two pictures. One at normal focus, and then I zoomed in and took another shot. Mufon case file 87251.
One day later a photographer captured a UFO-like circle in the night sky over Nordendorf in Germany.
The object that appears to consist of three spheres surrounded by a circle gradually changed into one sphere while the circle slowly faded away. Mufon case file 87263.
Do aliens exist? This question has baffled humans for centuries.
From Roswell to Suffolk's Rendlesham Forest, these are the sightings which UFO hunters have hailed as proof of extra-terrestrial life.
How many alien and UFO sightings have there been?
The number of UFO sightings is currently flying at an all-time high, according to data cruncher and blogger Sam Monfort.
The alien expert reckons there have been nearly 105,000 recorded UFO sightings in the past 100-plus years.
And Sam is far from the only believer on our planet.
From an "alien autopsy" video dating back to 1995 to a video of fighter jets apparently chasing a UFO over the M5, there are hundreds of videos which people have claimed to be proof of alien life.
There's even a clip of a UFO supposedly attacking a Taliban compound, as well as 'sightings' in Peckham and Warminster.
Most of the videos have been debunked by experts. In the M5 clip, for example, the motorway lorries look like models.
While the Peckham UFOs were "almost certainly Chinese lanterns", former Ministry of Defence UFO investigator Nick Pope told the Sun Online.
Strange lights appear over Grand Parkway in Katy, Texas
Strange lights appear over Grand Parkway in Katy, Texas
MUFON says they received this video as part of a reported UFO sighting in Katy.
KATY, Texas -- Was E.T. checking for traffic jams in Katy, Texas last month?
A person who was driving along Hwy 99 Grand Parkway north towards I-10 and Highland Knolls shot video of several unidentified lights in the sky.
In the cellphone video, three lights can be seen flying in close proximity to one another before a fourth light emerges.
The driver was headed home around 8:20 p.m. on Sept. 18 when the lights appeared.
"There is no airport in the area," the eyewitness said. "...Flickered in and out, then one disappeared as another flicked into view."
The driver believed the lights may have been flares before seeing the last light move "rapidly to the east at a 90-degree angle until it was out of sight beyond the treeline."
The Mutual UFO Network said it received the video as part of a reported UFO sighting in Katy.
Inside Knowledge About Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Could Lead To World-Changing Technology
Inside Knowledge About Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Could Lead To World-Changing Technology
TTS Academy
Something extraordinary is about to be revealed. Former high-level officials and scientists with deep black experience who have always remained in the shadows are now stepping into the light. These insiders have long-standing connections to government agencies which may have programs investigating unidentifed aerial phenomena (UAP). They intend to move into the private sector and to make all declassified information, and any future knowledge, available for all to see.
The team includes a 25-year veteran of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations; a Lockheed Martin Program Director for Advanced Systems at “Skunk Works”; a former deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence; a DoD Senior Intelligence officer who, among other sensitive responsibilities, ran a Pentagon aerospace “threat identification” program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies. And well placed and experienced professionals, from Intelligence and high academic positions, are also on board ― please see information on the Team for reference as you read.
What is going on here? Is this the beginning of some sort of trend towards a new openness on the part of the U.S. government? These people know more than any of us do, so the question of their motivation is fundamental.
It all started with award-winning platinum recording artist and producer Tom DeLonge, whose bands Blink182 and Angels & Airwaves sold over 25 million records in the 1990s. Tom spent many years studying UFOs, and essentially left his previous lucrative career to devote himself to this pursuit, using his own personal income and resources to set up an entertainment company called To The Stars (TTS). It had the goal of disseminating information about UFOs, consciousness, the paranormal and other unexplained mysteries through artistic pursuits such as fiction and non-fiction books, feature films, and television productions.
Most importantly, while doing so, Tom was gradually able to establish relationships with flag officers and other highly placed insiders in the aerospace industry, intelligence, the Department of Defense and NASA. These independent sources provided him with information about the UFO phenomenon and worked with him to develop a plan for the incremental release of this information through TTS, which would be particulary geared towards reaching younger audiences.
Like many others, I was astonished at Tom’s ability to win the trust of these impressive advisors, who at first wished to remain anonymous yet obvioulsy believed that this information belongs to all of us. I talked to Tom and found him to be serious, passionate, very sharp, articulate and highly motivated to find the truth. I understood how he was able to engage this group - he did his homework, worked very hard, was sincere, and knew how to conduct himself when meeting such people. Early on, Tom allowed me to speak with one of his advisors, which helped me understand more about his effort.
Then, in late 2016, Wikileaks published a number of Tom’s emails to John Podesta, which revealed the names of some of these sources. Among his advisors were two generals: one was a commander of the U.S. Air Force’s research laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and responsible for managing the Air Force’s $2.2 billion science and technology program; the other was the Special Assistant to the Commander of Air Force Space Command at Peterson Air Force Base. As devastating as this was to some, it established for those who doubted him that Tom was indeed telling the truth about his high level contacts.
Tom’s plans for TTS were delayed at this point, but he persevered. Subsequent delays have been out of his control, but everyone involved agrees with the necessity for a gradual release of information. “I think they really do want us to know. I really do think they do. I do, at this point, feel like it’s going to be a tough thing to swallow for people and I think there are elements about it that people are not ready for,” Delonge told George Knapp, the chief investigative reporter for KLAS TV in Las Vegas and weekend host of Coast to Coast AM.
Tom DeLonge after a long meeting in Sept., 2017.
Fast foward to the present. Now, these early advisors have mostly receded to the background and Tom has moved on to something even bigger. He has assembled a new team of collaborators and created The To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science(TTS/AAS), for which he is President and interim CEO. The Academy includes three synergistic divisions: Science, Areospace, and Entertainment. The Public Benefit Corporation is seeking to serve the public good through exploring “the outer edges of science and the understanding of phenomena,” and making all of it public.
On Wednesday October 11, at 9:00 AM PT and 12:00 PM EST, the team will launch the new initiative at an event to be live-streamed from Seattle. Tom will introduce his colleagues and explain the intentions and purpose of the new company, and its need for public support. To tune in, or to watch it aftewards, click here.
According to a TTS /AAS statement, it’s team members who have been “operating under the shadows of top-secrecy for decades” believe that “there is sufficient credible evidence of UAP that proves exotic technologies exist that could revolutionize the human experience.” The Science divison will conduct the research, which will also include consciousness, engineering space-time, brain-computer interface, genomics, and creating a database of supranormal experiences. Aerospace will apply the science to create “next-generation energy and propulsion concepts for transportation and spaceflight that could forever change movement across land, water, air”, and Entertainment will offer “informative storytelling that provides insight into the journey and provokes curiosity in the profound yet unresolved mysteries of the world.”
On Oct. 4, I had the privilege of sitting down with Jim Semivan (TTS/AAS Vice President Operations), Harold Puthoff (Vice President Science and Technology), Christopher Mellon (National Security Affairs Advisor) and Luis Elizondo (Chief of Security and Special Programs) for a four hour meeting in Washingon DC. (I have known Hal Puthoff for many years, and worked with Chris Mellon previously for another HuffPost story.)
Hal Puthoff, who has spent over five decades publishing papers and advising government agencies on leading-edge technologies, explained that “these days, science fact is outstripping science fiction. We scientists are beginning to take seriously such ideas as warp-drive spaceflight right out of Star Trek, the high probability of extraterrestrial intelligence, and the realization that most of what will constitute the science of the future is well beyond our present comprehension. Given that the observation of anomalous aerospace phenomena in our skies might, in principle, incorporate elements from all three, it’s an irresistible challenge beckoning to be addressed.”
(left to right) Luis Elizondo, Jim Semivan, Stephen Justice, Hal Puthoff, and Christopher Mellon at a recent meeting in Seattle
At the meeting, I was given information on background and shown some revelatory documents and data off the record, some of which will eventually be made public. I was especially curious to meet Luis Eiizondo because he ran a program at the DOD involving the study of anomalous aerial threats. Luis had resigned this position literally the day before we met. I was able to verify who he was and what his tasks were at the Pentagon. He received the highest commendatons from his superiors. I learned that important unclassified data and documentation is expected to be released through the Academy’s on-line Community of Interest (COI) in collaboration with the US government, which will be set up soon.
Luis told me that among several portfolios he managed, he found the issue of unexplained aerial threats and related phenomena to be particularly interesting and perplexing. “Unlike the other efforts that many people in the Pentagon knew I was associated with, the topic of aerial threats was a much more limited audience that few had any idea I was part of, with the exception of a select few individuals,” he said.
I asked him if these unidentified objects were considered to be threats. “They did not exhibit overt hostility,” he said. “But something unexplained is always assumed to be a potential threat until we are certain it isn’t.” I find it highly significant that Luis Elizondo is moving from this Program buried within the DOD into the private sector. “From our observations, my opinion and that of others is that the phenomenon is very real. On the bright side, I believe we are closer than ever before in our understanding of how it operates,” he told me.
Following the meeting, I spoke to Stephen Justice (Aerospace Division Director), who recently retired as a Program Director for Advanced Systems at Lockheed Martin after a thirty-one year career in the Skunk Works. “How dare we think that the physics we have today is all that there is,” he said, referencing this as an important message he learned from his father. “Let’s pick at those boundaries and figure out what we don’t know. Let’s remove the artficial constraints, the assumptions we’ve applied to things, and look for opportunity.” The opportunity here, as he sees it, is to “stand in the future and look back.”
Regarding UAP, he told me that since so many smart, credible people have seen them, he has concluded they must be real. “That means it can be done - these unusual flight characteristics can be done. So how do you do it? I want to dig into how you do it. It can be done!”
For example, one objective is to harvest the technology to build a vehicle that will allow for almost instantaneous travel through land, air, oceans and space, by engineering the fabric of space-time. Such a vehicle could also float, like something from science fiction. Steve says we have had glimpses of the science that could make this possible. It is not outside the realm of possibiity, if the necessary resources are in place.
A TTS Academy concept for a vehicle drawn by Stephen Justice, embodying the technology they seek to understand and develop - a visionary concept for a revolutionary electromagnetic vehicle based on technology observed in unidentified aerial phenomena
Everyone I spoke to has some kind of unique relationship to or profound interest in “the Phenomenon” (UAP), and their own sense of a path forward. Jim Semivan joined the CIA in 1983 and retired after twenty-five-years. “I have come to realize that the Phenomenon is curiously multifaceted, exasperatingly complex and appears to exist both in our consensus reality and in another unknown space,” he wrote in an email to me after we met. “Perhaps, if we are very lucky, someday we may understand its ultimate purpose.”
Jim states that the planet seems to lack an organization that has the necessary funds to explore the Phenomenon in any detail and for a sustained period of time. “TTS/AAS hopes to raise enough money through its public offering and through expected profits from its entertainment and aerospace divisions to fund research into the Phenomenon and related exotic technologies for global consumption. Imagine a global, transparent, research organization tackling ideas that most scientists today will not entertain for fear of ridicule, involving young scientists from around the globe.”
I now understand the strong argument for taking this work out of government, where the priorites are different, funding is not available, and where this topic is such a hot potato that no one wants to touch it. Personal ideology and even religious fundamentalism lead to ridicule and efforts to suppress these investigations. We all know the limitations of the current system, even though some on the inside have worked hard to change that.
Chris Mellon served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence for two administrations and early in his career drafted the legislation that established the US Special Operations Command at a time when terrorism was not yet on the radar. He sees similarities between that and the present situation in terms of a lack of awareness of a major problem and a need for change.
“This is another case in which the system will not repair itself and people outside of government need to take action for breakthroughs to occur. This team has the skill set to process information others avert their eyes to and turn it to the advantage of the nation and the world.”
For many Americans, the US government is the only entity that can speak authoritatively on these issues. That will need to happen eventually if the current stalemate is to be broken. But does the movement of this knowledgeable, well-connected group out of the official world into a public company mean that government is beginning to relent? Who else might be waiting in the wings to participate? Could this endeavor be a catalyst for greater government openness?
The inspiration, the vision, and the excitement about the possible breakthroughs that this new venture offers are infectious; the intentions are of the highest order. Accomplishing the task is a mammoth - but it can be done. The TTS Academy intends to release game-changing information of the type interested people have been seeking for a long time. “The fact is, we might not necessarily be alone,” Luis Elizondo says. “Now is the time to move forward and try to answer some of life’s deepest mysteries.” This is not going to happen if we stick with the status quo.
Open Minds UFO Radio: Jeremy Corbell, is an American contemporary artist and investigative filmmaker based in Los Angeles California. He documents ExtraOrdinary individuals and their belief systems. This research has taken him into the worlds of nanotechnology, aerospace exploration, exotic propulsion systems, as well as, an in-depth examination into the life and discoveries of the enigmatic “Godfather of Conspiracy” John Lear. Corbell has documented the surgical removal of alleged Off-World Alien Implants, and with access to NASA, he has filmed the analysis of anomalous materials alleged to be physical evidence of extraterrestrial nano-technology from UFO landing sites. Corbell has obtained death-bed confessions from former CIA and government intelligence officials, who claim to expose the truth about the UFO reality and the worldwide coverup of the ultimate truth. Corbell’s film work reveals how ideas, held by credible individuals, can alter the way we experience reality and force us to reconsider the fabric of our own beliefs.
In this episode, Jeremy and I discuss Patient Seventeen, his latest film which is launching on iTunes, today. It covers some of the most credible alien implant research ever documented, some of which is brand new to this project. We also discuss some exciting projects Jeremy is working on that he has not shared publicly. Exciting stuff!
This article highlights three previously unknown military aircraft programs that originated in the early 1970s. Two of these programs utilized elements of stealth technology, which have been incorporated into modern low-observable aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles. The third program brings to light a single-seat high-performance attack aircraft that used swing wings and angled sides to reduce its radar cross section (RCS). The drawings included in this article are based on original sketches provided by the senior project design engineers who worked on the programs. Although these historically significant aircraft programs were never built, they were officially funded by the U.S. government and are presented here to the general public for the very first time.
Model of the “Silent Night” stealth concept.
(Credit: Michael Schratt/Open Minds Magazine)
Silent Night
During the early years of the Vietnam War, American forces, flying F-4, F-100, and F-105 fighter/bomber aircraft, were experiencing heavy losses due to Soviet surface-to-air-missile sites and anti-aircraft artillery. In an effort to reverse this deadly trend, the Office of Naval Research proposed a feasibility research study to explore a low-RCS “stealth” attack aircraft that could neutralize these threats. The aircraft was specifically designed to address four important areas of stealth, which included, radar, infrared, acoustic, and visual. The government-funded program ran from 1971 to 1973. In February 1972, North American Aviation submitted a proposal for a naval attack aircraft referred to as “Silent Night.” The craft featured a tailless flying-wing configuration and a crew of two. The pilots sat side-by-side, although later variants included tandem seating. An asymmetrical canopy widow helped the weapons officer to identify targets.. Provisions for carrier operations included folding wings and a standard tail-hook with a pop up dorsal fin for directional stability.
To reduce the RCS, the Silent Night’s four-foot diameter twin-pack turbo-shaft-driven ducted fan engine was buried deep inside the body of the craft, with a single air-intake overhead. The craft featured tricycle landing gear, with provisions for either two AGM-65 Maverick surface-to-air missiles, or two AGM-78 standard anti-radiation missiles. A single Ka band mapping radar was located in its nose, which fed data to a 5” by 7” CRT screen. Silent Night had a wingspan of 70.71 feet and an overall length of 45.46 feet. Enthusiasts who follow the development of stealth aircraft will recall that Lockheed’s “Have Blue” prototype made its first flight on December 1, 1977 at Area-51. Although Silent Night was never built, North American Aviation’s concept predates Lockheed’s prototype by approximately three years, making it one of the very first government-funded stealth aircraft programs.
Click to enlarge. (Credit: Michael Schratt/Open Minds Magazine)
Flying Banana
The so-called “Flying Banana” was one of the first stealth aircraft programs to utilize smooth contouring along with twin-canted vertical stabilizers. The craft featured tricycle landing gear and a twin-pack turbo-shaft-driven four-foot diameter ducted fan for propulsion. Wing control surfaces were designed to be smoothly deflecting and seamless by the use of piezo-electric actuators. Use of off-the-shelf components to keeps costs down included a canopy from a Fury jet aircraft. The Flying Banana featured a wing span of 40 feet, and a length of 38 feet. The mission for the Flying Banana was defined as “low observable light attack” with an internal weapons bay.
Click to enlarge. (Credit: Michael Schratt/Open Minds Magazine)
Surprise Fighter
The “Surprise Fighter” was designed so that the wings could fold completely under the fuselage, like a stealth missile. In this configuration, lift for high speed flight (subsonic .95 Mach number) was provided by the shape of the fuselage. The craft featured a single overhead air-intake that fed a modified turbofan engine by way of an S-shaped duct. The flat-plate fuselage sides were angled in at 10 degrees to reduce the RCS. To reduce the infrared signature of the craft, an infrared suppression system was used, along with the mixing of outside cold air with the exhaust. A specially configured diffuser was used inside the exhaust port to prevent enemy radar from seeing the turbine blades from behind. The specific mission for the Surprise Fighter is still classified to this day, as are the RCS pole testing results per comments made by the senior project design engineer.
Click to enlarge. (Credit: Michael Schratt/Open Minds Magazine)
(Due to the classification level of stealth technology during the early 1970s, very little additional technical information regarding payload and range was available for the Flying Banana and Surprise Fighter programs. A detailed Freedom of Information Act request dated October 13, 2010 to the Office of Naval Research has gone unanswered as of this magazine’s publication date.)
This article originally appeared in Issue 6 of Open Minds Magazine. This issue is out of print.
Miguel Claro recently sent this beautiful image of the moon and Earthshine taken from Almada, Portugal on Feb. 1, 2014. “I could see the night side of the moon very well illuminated by the Earth reflected light, like if it was full moon,” Claro wrote in an email. “This impressive phenomenon known as Earthshine, was described and drawn for the first time, by the great Leonardo Da Vinci about 500 years ago in his book Codex Leicester.”
Observers on Earth might notice that the moon essentially keeps the same side facing our planet as it passes through its orbit. This may lead to the question, does the moon rotate? The answer is yes, though it may seem contrary to what our eyes observe.
The 'dark' side of the moon
The moon orbits the Earth once every 27.322 days. It also takes approximately 27 days for the moon to rotate once on its axis. As a result, the moon does not seem to be spinning but appears to observers from Earth to be keeping almost perfectly still. Scientists call this synchronous rotation.
The side of the moon that perpetually faces Earth is known as the near side. The opposite or "back" side is the far side. Sometimes the far side is called the dark side of the moon, but this is inaccurate. When the moon is between the Earth and the sun, during the new moon phase, the back side of the moon is bathed in daylight.
The orbit and the rotation aren't perfectly matched, however. The moon travels around the Earth in an elliptical orbit, a slightly stretched-out circle. When the moon is closest to Earth, its rotation is slower than its journey through space, allowing observers to see an additional 8 degrees on the eastern side. When the moon is farthest, the rotation is faster, so an additional 8 degrees are visible on the western side. [The Moon: 10 Surprising Lunar Facts]
If you could journey around to the far side of the moon as the Apollo 8 astronauts once did, you would see a very different surface from the one you are accustomed to viewing. While the near side of the moon is smoothed by maria — large dark plains created by solidified lava flows — and light lunar highlands, the far side is heavily cratered.
Although you can't see the back side of the moon from Earth, NASA and other space agencies have glimpsed it with satellites.
"It is surprising how much brighter Earth is than the moon," Adam Szabo, project scientist for NASA's Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, said in a statementafter the satellite captured the moon crossing Earth's face. "Our planet is a truly brilliant object in dark space compared to the lunar surface."
The rotational period of the moon wasn't always equal to its orbit around the planet. Just like the gravity of the moon affects ocean tides on the Earth, gravity from Earth affects the moon. But because the moon lacks an ocean, Earth pulls on its crust, creating a tidal bulge at the line that points toward Earth. [Infographic: Inside Earth's Moon]
Gravity from Earth pulls on the closest tidal bulge, trying to keep it aligned. This creates tidal friction that slows the moon's rotation. Over time, the rotation was slowed enough that the moon's orbit and rotation matched, and the same face became tidally locked, forever pointed toward Earth.
The moon is not the only satellite to suffer friction with its parent planet. Many other large moons in the solar system are tidally locked with their partner. Of the larger moons, only Saturn's moon Hyperion, which tumbles chaotically and interacts with other moons, is not tidally synchronized.
The lunar rotation determined whether the infamous Man in the Moon, a face-like pattern of dark maria on the Earth-facing side, wound up pointing toward our planet. Gravity created an Earth-side bulge in the moon, slowing down its rotation in the past to create the synchronous rotation and keeping the longer lunar axis toward our world. Recent research suggested that the side of the moon facing Earth was determined by how quickly the lunar rotation slowed. Because the moon lost speed slowly, there was about a two-to-one chance that the Man in the Moon would wind up facing Earth rather than keeping a space-bound view.
"The real coincidence is not that the man faces Earth," Oded Aharonson, a planetary science researcher at the California Institute of Technology who studied why the Man in the Moon stares down at Earth, said in a statement. Instead, the real coincidence is that the moon's slowdown was just enough to load the coin.
The situation is not limited to large planets. The dwarf planet Pluto is tidally locked to its moon Charon, which is almost as large as the former planet.
Earth (and other planets) do not escape completely unscathed. Just as the Earth exerts friction on the spin of the moon, the moon also exerts friction on the rotation of the Earth. As such, the length of day increases a few milliseconds every century.
"The moon and Earth loomed large in each others skies when they formed," then-graduate student Arpita Roy said in a statement.
"At the time of the dinosaurs, Earth completed one rotation in about 23 hours," Daniel MacMillan, of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, said in a statement. "In the year 1820, a rotation took exactly 24 hours, or 86,400 standard seconds. Since 1820, the mean solar day has increased by about 2.5 milliseconds."
On June 30, 2012, an extra second was added to all of the clocks on Earth because of this phenomenon.
A 'Pale Green Dot': Why Proxima Centauri b May Have a Shiny Tint
A 'Pale Green Dot': Why Proxima Centauri b May Have a Shiny Tint
By Nola Taylor Redd, Contributor
An artist's impression of the planet Proxima Centauri b as it orbits the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri.
Credit: M. Kornmesser/ESO
A world orbiting the sun's closest stellar neighbor may have a shiny green tint to it — and not necessarily because it's covered in leafy plants.
Researchers have found a way to characterize potential auroras on the nearby exoplanet Proxima Centauri b and found that, if the planet sports oxygen in its atmosphere, the auroras may give the atmosphere a greenish cast.
"The northern and southern lights [on Proxima Centauri b] would be at least 100 times brighter than on Earth," Rodrigo Luger, a postdoctoral student at the University of Washington, who led the study of how the planet's auroras could be spotted from Earth, told by email. Luger said the auroras might be so bright as to be visible with very powerful telescopes. [Proxima b By the Numbers: Possibly Earth-Like World at the Next Star Over]
Pale Green Dot
The active star Proxima Centauri lies only 4.2 light-years from the solar system. A small world orbits in the star's habitable zone, the region where liquid water could survive on the surface. Its radius remains a mystery. However, scientists know it is about 1.3 times as massive as the Earth, which its initial discovers said suggests a rocky planet.
Proxima Centauri is a small star, dimmer than Earth's sun, so its habitable zone is closer to the star than the habitable zone of the sun. As a result, Proxima Centauri b is 20 times closer to its star than Earth is to the sun, and completes an orbit every 11.2 Earth-days. The red dwarf star is more active than Earth's sun, firing off far more frequent flares that may douse the planet in radiation that could be harmful for potential life.
Those same flares may help scientists better understand the planet. If Proxima Centauri b has a magnetic field, it may capture the charged particles in the flares and funnel them toward the poles, creating brilliant auroral displays.
Observing the auroras can help researchers characterize the planet's atmosphere. On Earth, the different color glow of the northern and southern lights corresponds to reactions with different molecules in the atmosphere. According to Luger, who presented the results at the Astrobiology Science Conference in Mesa, Arizona, in April, if Proxima Centauri b is a terrestrial world with an Earth-like atmosphere and a magnetic field, the green light of the oxygen auroras would grow 100 times stronger than on Earth.
Because of the potential for green light, the researchers dubbed such a world "the pale green dot," a nod to Carl Sagan's categorization of Earth as a pale blue dot.
Periods of intense stellar activity could make the auroras even brighter. While coronal mass ejections and flares have the strongest impact on generating auroras, Luger said, they aren't really predictable in advance.
"But the sun certainly has periodic activity cycles, so if we understand those of Proxima Centauri, we might be able to use that to our advantage," he said.
He went on to say that the extreme activity of the star may make such knowledge unnecessary — astronomers could simply count on a high likelihood that the star would flare and cause the auroras to brighten.
Charged particles and magnetic fields could make Proxima Centauri b glow green, as in this photo of Earth taken by European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst from the International Space Station.
Credit: Alexander Gerst (via Twitter as @Astro_Alex)
Optimal for auroras
While several studies have described searches for auroras on gas giant exoplanets that orbit close to their parent stars, none have been spotted on worlds beyond the solar system. But Luger remains confident.
"Proxima Centauri b is optimal for auroral detection," he said.
He gave several reasons that auroras may be soon spotted on Proxima Centauri b. The planet is nearby — it's the closest known exoplanet to Earth — making it easier for instruments to collect detailed observations. The extreme magnetic activity of the star, coupled with the planet's close orbit, means Proxima Centauri b is bombarded with solar particles far more vigorously than Earth. At the same time, the star is faint, so a glowing green planet would show up more easily than it would around a sun-like star. Finally, the short orbit means that the world moves around its sun at a rapid clip; when a light source is moving toward or away from an observer, this motion can be observed through a phenomenon called redshift, or Doppler shift. Luger said the Doppler shift of the auroras' light waves would be significantly larger than they would be on their own, making lines that would otherwise be hard to see more visible. That would make it easier to identify any oxygen in the atmosphere.
Unfortunately, this "pale green dot" won't be spotted with current telescopes. NASA's upcoming powerhouse telescope ― the James Webb Space Telescope ― will hunt for infrared light, so Luger said it won't be able to detect the green oxygen aurora, which is in the visible light range.
"Our best bet for detection is the [Thirty-Meter Telescope] or similar next-generation extremely large telescopes," he said.
The Thirty-Meter Telescope (TMT) — so-named because its primary mirror would be 30 meters (98 feet) wide — began construction on Hawaii's Mauna Kea peak before it was halted in 2015 after protests over the sacred nature of the land. The project remains at a halt today, though some astronomers have lauded the benefits of moving the telescope to Spain's Canary Islands.
But even TMT would take some time to identify the signature of oxygen from the auroras, with Luger estimating "tens of hours" of observation. The same is true for the Large UV/Opitcal/Infrared Survey (LUVOIR), a proposed design for a telescope with a primary mirror between 9 and 15 meters (30 and 50 feet). With telescope time extremely competitive, it could be hard to study the system so extensively.
In order to produce auroras, a planet must have a magnetic field. Out of the four terrestrial planets in Earth's solar system, only two have a worldwide field — Earth and Mercury. Mars has a patchy field, and Venus has none. If Proxima Centauri b is similarly lacking, it might not produce auroras.
However, the planet may get a brightness boost from airglow, the faint emission of light from the atmosphere that keeps nighttime on Earth from ever being completely dark.
"The planet is likely also to have strong airglow, which is planetwide," Luger said. "Airglow is not generated by magnetic fields, and is typically weaker than aurorae, so we did not calculate it. But it should be quite strong on Proxima Centauri b, and could cause the entire planet to glow green."
Sometime between 3.7 and 4.5 billion years ago, life appeared on earth. How exactly it materialized from the primordial goop, however, is still a fundamental mystery about our planet — one that a group of scientists from McMaster University and the Max Planck Institute say they are one step closer to solving. Darwin, they argue in a new study, may have been right all along: It seems that life really did emerge in earth’s “warm little ponds.”
In a paper published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they posit that life on Earth started out in ancient hot tubs — warm pools of water that emerged as the continents rose out of the early global ocean. Using data from a new numerical model that simulates the conditions of the ancient earth, they explain that the building blocks of life could indeed have emerged if the right interstellar ingredients were added to the mix.
“In order to understand the origin of life, we need to understand Earth as it was billions of years ago,” co-author Thomas Henning, Ph.D., explained in a statement. “As our study shows, astronomy provides a vital part of the answer. The details of how our solar system formed have direct consequences for the origin of life on Earth.”
A figure representing the various influences acting on chemicals in warm little ponds during the dry phase and wet phase of the cycle.
Their argument relies on the assumption that the early earth was bombarded with meteorites that carried life-starting essential elements. As the meteorites crashed into these ponds, they leached their contents into the water over numerous wet and dry cycles. In this hot soup, the first RNA polymers — precursors to relatively more complicated DNA — emerged roughly 4.17 billion years ago.
The researchers posit that the world was, at first, inhabited by only RNA-based life. They argue that DNA, which we now consider to be the fundamental building block of life on earth, is “too complex” to have been the first element of life to emerge.
There’s a growing body of evidence showing that meteorites can indeed carry the essential components of nucleotides, the building blocks that make up RNA and DNA. Scientists first realized that there were components of DNA in meteorites in the 1960s, but it wasn’t until 2011 that researchers proved that they were actually created in space and didn’t just represent contamination from terrestrial life. That year, NASA-funded researchers at the Goddard Astrobiology Analytical Laboratory found the nucleobases adenine and guanine, as well as hypoxanthine and xanthine, in samples of comet Wild 2 from NASA’s Stardust mission.
A modern example of a warm little pond in Lassen Volcanic National Park that resembles ancient ponds.
In a competing theory, called panspermia, scientists argue that life didn’t emerge on Earth at all and was instead transported in after developing elsewhere. In panspermia,extraterrestrial life — probably bacterial spores — hitched a ride on bombarding space rocks to our planet.
This theoretical paper is just the first step in gaining a better understanding of how life on Earth began. Next year, the scientists behind it plan on testing their theory in the new Origins of Life laboratory at McMaster University, which will allow them to replicate earth’s pre-life conditions in a sealed environment.
Lucht rond Antwerpen kleurt volledig paars: wat is er aan de hand?
Lucht rond Antwerpen kleurt volledig paars: wat is er aan de hand?
Wie dinsdagmorgen in de buurt van Boechout, Wommelgem of Mortsel reed, kon misschien een vreemd tafereel aanschouwen. De lucht kleurde daar volledig paars. Ook onze fotograaf was getuige van het spectaculaire plaatje.
Onze fotograaf was niet de enige die het tafereel opmerkte. Ook enkele luisteraars vonden het vreemd genoeg om even naar de radio te bellen.
Het blijkt niet te gaan om een weerfenomeen. “Dit is pure lichtvervuiling”, aldus VTM-weervrouw Eva Clockaerts. “Zo’n licht bestaat in de natuur niet.”
Roze ledverlichting wordt vaak gebruikt in serres om planten sneller te laten groeien. Bijvoorbeeld in rozenkwekerijen en tomatenkwekerijen. Dit soort verlichting zou 35 procent minder energie verbruiken dan gewone.
In dit geval ging het om een serre langs de Herentalsebaan in Vremde.
Beelden van vlak na Roswell-crash opgedoken. Wordt hier een alien weggedragen?
Beelden van vlak na Roswell-crash opgedoken. Wordt hier een alien weggedragen?
Volgens UFO-jagers is in onderstaand filmpje een buitenaards wezen te zien dat in 1947 neerstortte in de buurt van het plaatsje Roswell. Dat schrijft The Sun.
In de video, die zou zijn gemaakt in de geheimzinnige legerbasis Area 51, is te zien hoe een lichaam op een brancard wordt weggedragen.
Verder zouden militairen en wetenschappers te zien zijn die zich rond het lichaam verzamelen. Er gaan al jaren geruchten dat er na de crash aliens naar Area 51 zijn overgebracht.
De video is deze week verschenen op het YouTube-kanaal UFO Today. Deze video is vlak na de UFO-crash bij Roswell in 1947 gemaakt, aldus het kanaal.
Het Amerikaanse leger liet in 1947 aan de pers weten de resten van een gecrashte vliegende schotel te hebben gevonden in de woestijn.
Vlak daarna trok het leger die verklaring weer in en zei het dat er een beschadigde ballon van de luchtmacht was neergestort in de woestijn.
Later kwamen getuigen naar buiten die zeiden dat ze buitenaardse lichamen in een gecrasht vaartuig hadden gezien.
Zo zei een oud-politieagent in een interview dat hij getuige was geweest van de
In juli 1947 was hulpsheriff Charles Fogus naar verluidt op weg na Roswell toen hij op de politieradio hoorde dat er een vliegtuig was gecrasht.
Een wezen
Hij besloot de crashplek te bezoeken en trof daar naar eigen zeggen een gecrashte vliegende schotel aan.
Hij zei ook te hebben gezien hoe militairen daar lichamen van buitenaardsen hebben geborgen.
“Ze vervoerden een wezen. De lichamen waren 1,5 meter lang,” zei hij. “Ik zag de benen en voeten van sommige wezens. Die zagen eruit als onze voeten.”
Mystery booms seem to be occurring with increasing frequency lately, with booms being heard just this week in North Carolinaand Michigan. In both cases, authorities have been left baffled by what might be behind these earth-shaking noises which seem to emanate from the sky itself. This unexplained phenomenon is host to a wide variety of explanations including gas escaping vents deep within the Earth, anomalous meteorological events, sonic booms from tests of secret military aircraft, UFOs of course, and meteorites exploding in the atmosphere. While most of these eerie thunderous noises go unexplained, a recent mystery boom in Australia might have a simple, cosmic – and terrifying – explanation.
Death from above.
The boom was heard by residents throughout the Cairns region of Queensland, Australia marking the second time in two months that southern Australia has been rocked by anomalous explosions in the sky. The boom occurred around TIME on Saturday, October 7th and was reportedly so loud that it shook houses in the area. Without an official explanation being offered from authorities, the Cairns Post took to Facebook to ask readersif any readers might know anything about the source of the boom:
Who heard the ‘explosion’ last night? People all over #Cairns have reported hearing a whopping great big bang about 10.30pm but its source is still a bit of a mystery. Ergon has confirmed they had no issues in Cairns overnight and the police, firies and ambos are in the dark as well. Can you help us get to the bottom of it?
One Cairns man might be able to. John Romanov allegedly went out exploring for the source of the boom, and just so happened to come across a smoldering crater in some woods near Edge Hill State School. Romanov sent the Cairns Posta video of the “crater,” which appears to be filled with ashes without any sign of a meteorite whatsoever. Could this explain the mystery boom, or has this guy merely found someone’s illegal trash burning pit?
I know a burning hole of garbage when I see it.
Let’s just say this hole could be a meteorite crater – could the other booms heard around the world be explained by meteorites? A large asteroid is scheduled to pass very close to Earth this week; could these meteorites be related? Or is something else causing these booms? As always, these will likely go unexplained.
Meest mysterieuze ster in de Melkweg blijft verbazen. Hoe kan dit worden verklaard?
Meest mysterieuze ster in de Melkweg blijft verbazen. Hoe kan dit worden verklaard?
In 2015 zorgde een ster genaamd KIC 8462852 voor heel wat beroering. NASA’s Kepler-telescoop ontdekte dat de ster onverklaarbare helderheidsdipjes vertoont.
Onderzoekers van het Carnegie Institution for Science hebben de ster nog eens bestudeerd. Ze keken onder meer naar gegevens uit het jaar 2006, toen Kepler het vreemde gedrag nog niet had waargenomen.
Astronomen dachten dat de ster mettertijd alleen maar zwakker werd, maar uit de nieuwe studie blijkt dat KIC 8462852 in 2007 en 2014 ook helderder werd.
Meest mysterieuze ster die we kennen, bezit mogelijk een planeet à la Saturnus
Buitenaardse megastructuur
Door deze onverwachte bevindingen kunnen bijna alle voorgestelde verklaringen voor het vreemde gedrag van de ster worden uitgesloten.
De mogelijke verklaringen voor de helderheidsdipjes variëren van grote groepen kometen en een botsing met een planeet tot een buitenaardse megastructuur.
Afgelopen jaar ontdekten wetenschappers dat KIC 8462852 tussen 2009 en 2012 bijna één procent zwakker werd. Daarna werd de ster in zes maanden tijd maar liefst twee procent zwakker.
De ster bleek sinds 2015 af te zwakken en is nu 1,5 procent zwakker dan in februari dat jaar. Het vreemde is dat de mysterieuze ster in de tussenliggende periode ook twee keer helderder is geworden.
Dit sluit niet aan op de meeste hypotheses die het vreemde gedrag van de ster verklaren, aldus Josh Simon van Carnegie.
De onderzoekers willen nu gaan kijken hoe de kleur van de ster verandert, met name als de ster zwakker wordt.
“Die informatie kan helpen om het aantal mogelijke verklaringen voor het vreemde gedrag van de ster te beperken,” zei Simon.
“We hebben het mysterie nog niet opgelost,” concludeerde hij.
Duitse professor: Meest mysterieuze ster wordt mogelijk zwakker door aliens
Duitse professor: Meest mysterieuze ster wordt mogelijk zwakker door aliens
De meest mysterieuze ster in de Melkweg blijft verbazen. Volgens sommigen draait om KIC 8462852 een grote megastructuur die zou kunnen wijzen op buitenaards leven.
Een aantal wetenschappers en sterrenkundigen beweert dat daar aanwijzingen voor zijn.
Uit een nieuwe studie blijkt dat er jets (straalstromen) zijn waargenomen bij de ster die een energiebron zouden kunnen zijn voor een buitenaardse beschaving.
Er zijn dipjes waargenomen in de helderheid van KIC 8462852, die volgens sommigen verklaard kunnen worden door een structuur die gebruikt wordt door een hoogontwikkelde buitenaardse beschaving om energie te onttrekken aan de ster. Ook wordt de ster steeds zwakker.
Hoewel veel wetenschappers sceptisch zijn, denkt Eduard Heindl van de Universiteit Furtwangen in Duitsland dat er aliens bij betrokken zijn.
“Als een superbeschaving alle ruwe materialen heeft opgebruikt, kunnen ze meer vinden in hun moederster,” vertelde hij aan de Daily Mail.
“Onze zon bevat bijvoorbeeld 6000 keer meer metalen dan de planeten,” voegde hij toe.
“Ze moeten die eerst uit de ster halen en vervolgens in een baan om de zon brengen om ze af te laten koelen,” legde hij uit.
In de paper van professor Heindl wordt gesuggereerd dat buitenaardsen er mijnbouw plegen.
De opvallende lichtcurve van de ster maakt het moeilijk een eenvoudige natuurlijke verklaring te vinden, aldus Heindl in de paper.
Hij heeft een wiskundig model opgesteld dat de betrokkenheid van aliens ondersteunt.
De energie kan worden onttrokken aan de ster door middel van een zogeheten Dysonbol, een begrip dat in 1960 voor het eerst werd voorgesteld door theoretisch natuurkundige Freeman Dyson.
Zo’n Dysonbol zou eruit kunnen zien als een zwerm satellieten die rond een ster draaien. In zo’n geval wordt ook wel gesproken van een Dysonzwerm.
Als dergelijke structuren bestaan, zouden ze enorme hoeveelheden infraroodstraling richting de aarde moeten sturen. Tot op heden zijn ze echter nog niet gevonden.
Professor Heindl wil dit concept verder gaan uitdiepen. Zijn onderzoek staat op publicatiesite arXiv.
Vreemde mummies uit Peru bevatten onbekend DNA. Journalist maakt nieuwste resultaten bekend
Vreemde mummies uit Peru bevatten onbekend DNA. Journalist maakt nieuwste resultaten bekend
Uit het nieuwste DNA-onderzoek naar de gemummificeerde resten uit Peru blijkt dat ze mogelijk niet-menselijk zijn. Dat heeft de Mexicaanse journalist Jaime Maussan gezegd op het Ufology World Congress in het Spaanse Montserrat.
“Na de tests kwamen de onderzoekers tot een buitengewone conclusie,” vertelde hij. “30 procent van het DNA lijkt op dat van mensen, maar 70 procent lijkt er niet op.”
Hij zei dat het nieuwe onderzoek is uitgevoerd door BioTecMol in Mexico-Stad. Het grootste gedeelte van het DNA [van de resten] kan niet worden gelinkt aan andere soorten op aarde, aldus Maussan.
Hij speelde vervolgens een filmpje af van bioloog Ricardo Rangel, die betrokken is bij het onderzoek naar de mummies.
“Tussen 19 en 30 procent van de monsters komt overeen met het menselijk genoom,” zei hij in de video. “De rest is onbekend.”
“We vergelijken het materiaal met primaten, krokodillen en zeeschildpadden om te zien of er overeenkomsten zijn, maar die hebben we tot nu toe nog niet gevonden,” vervolgde hij.
Een jaar
Volgens Rangel zal het nog tenminste zes maanden tot een jaar duren voordat het onderzoek afgerond is.
Afgelopen maand claimden wetenschappers van de Lakehead University in Canada nog dat het DNA van de mysterieuze mummies voor de volle 100 procent overeenkwam met dat van mensen.
Het valt absoluut niet mee als je vanuit het jaar 2048 plompverloren naar 2017 wordt gestuurd.
Dat ondervond tijdreiziger Brian Johnson uit de Amerikaanse staat Wyoming die naar deze tijd gekomen is om ons te waarschuwen voor een buitenaardse invasie, maar die prompt werd gearresteerd.
Vorige week maandag werd in Casper in de Amerikaanse staat Wyoming een man aangehouden rond half elf 's avonds. De reden was omdat hij nogal een warrige indruk maakte.
Zo vertelde hij dat zijn naam Brian Johnson was, dat hij afkomstig was uit het jaar 2048 en naar deze tijd gekomen om de bevolking te waarschuwen voor een komende buitenaardse invasie. Hij vroeg dan ook of hij de president van de stad kon spreken.
Hij weigerde om met iemand anders te praten dan de president, hetgeen natuurlijk vreemd is, omdat een stad geen president heeft. Uiteindelijk vertelde hij dat er volgend jaar een invasie komt van buitenaardsen en hij waarschuwde mensen om te vertrekken. De reden dat hij in 2017 terecht was gekomen, was erin gelegen dat er een fout was gemaakt tijdens zijn tijdreis, want hij had eigenlijk in 2018 moeten uitkomen.
De lokale politie constateerde dat de man bloeddoorlopen ogen had, onduidelijk sprak alsof hij teveel had gedronken en hij stonk naar alcohol.
Johnson had hier echter een aannemelijke verklaring voor, want om te kunnen tijdreizen moest het lichaam vol worden gegoten met alcohol. Daarna kon hij op een platform plaatsnemen en werd dan vervolgens geteleporteerd naar een andere tijd.
Na een bloedproef door de politie bleek de man inderdaad een aanzienlijke hoeveelheid alcohol in zijn bloed te hebben. De tijdreiziger is dan ook helaas aangehouden wegens openbare dronkenschap en in de cel gegooid.
Het klinkt natuurlijk als een aardig komisch verhaal van iemand die te diep in het glaasje heeft gekeken, maar vergeet niet dat er talloze wetenschappers zijn die beweren dat tijdreizen theoretisch mogelijk is. Daartoe behoren mensen als Stephen Hawking en Albert Einstein.
Wordt tijdreizen gebruikt als een wapen door de Amerikaanse overheid? Volgens Alfred Lambremont Webre is dit wel degelijk het geval en is tijdreizen als wapen ook tegen Amerika gebruikt. Hij zegt dat de Amerikaanse overheid in 1971 al beschikte over foto’s waarop de vliegtuigen te zien zijn die in de torens in New York vliegen op 11 september 2001.
Mensen denken dat ze een president hebben gekozen, maar in werkelijkheid wordt dit al 20 tot 30 jaar daarvoor besloten. En als tijdreizen niet zou bestaan, waarom is het in een land als China dan verboden om het woord “tijdreizen” te gebruiken op televisie?
Dr. Franklin Ruehl, een nucleaire wetenschapper, zegt dat er een papierspoor loopt van tenminste 70, misschien wel 80 jaar waarmee de suggestie wordt gewekt dat de Amerikaanse overheid zich bezighoudt met rijdreizen. Dat het Philadelphia experiment één van de eersten was op dit gebied en waaruit later het Montauk Project is ontstaan.
Een gepensioneerde wetenschapper die gewerkt heeft aan het Montauk Project is Preston Nichols. Volgens hem werden de tijdreisexperimenten in Montauk vaak uitgevoerd met mensen die van de straat werden geplukt en velen van hen kwamen gedurende deze reizen om het leven. Het is ook Nichols die wel degelijk Andrew Basagio ook aanwijst als één van die tijdreizigers.
Andrew Basiago is dezelfde die zegt dat hij als kind werd ingelijfd bij project Pegasus samen met nog 140 andere kinderen. Tijdens zijn vele tijdreizen ging hij niet alleen naar de toekomst, maar ook naar het verleden waarin hij tijdens de Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog George Washington een aantal nuttige adviezen gaf. Hij vertelde hem daar dat hij in de toekomst president zou worden en de oorlog zou winnen op voorwaarde dat hij zich samen met zijn 2.000 soldaten op dat bepaalde moment zou terugtrekken.
Volgens Basiago is hij de eerste tijdreiziger die ooit gefotografeerd is met als resultaat een foto van hem met Abraham Lincoln uit 1863 in Gettysburg.
Dit is de bewuste foto en Basiago zou dan de jongeman op de foto zijn.
We hebben in de loop een aantal verhalen gepubliceerd van mensen die per ongeluk terecht zijn gekomen in een andere dimensie zoals deze. Dit kan natuurlijk ook gezien worden als een bepaalde vorm van tijdreizen.
Mijn naam is Alex Havermans. Ik ben een tijdreiziger die al eeuwen op aarde rond toeft en zich bij de gewone burgers heeft gevoegd om niet op te hoeven vallen.
Ik kom van oorsprong uit het jaar 2099 en ben op een missie gestuurd naar het jaar 1397 en kwam hier in Nederland terecht. Heb hier veel gestudeerd en op aarde rond getoeft hoe de mensen zich ontwikkelen.
Wij hebben geprobeerd persoonlijk contact te krijgen met deze man, maar dat is helaas niet gelukt. Ook voorspelde hij een aantal dingen:
Ik weet dus ook wat er jullie te wachten staat. de Europese unie zal inderdaad een dictatuur vormen en er komt een Derde Wereldoorlog aan, maar Obama is niet de oorzaak van de 3e Wereldoorlog en de Verenigde Staten is niet de enige natie die de 3e wereldoorlog uit zal lokken. Rusland en de Europese Unie wat straks een machtige staat zal worden zullen de oorzaak van deze oorlog ook vormen.
Noord Korea wordt gevaarlijker maar kim jong un zal worden uitgeschakeld.
Een ontmoeting zal lastig worden aangezien ik niet wil zeggen dat ik jullie niet vertrouw maar ik wil voorkomen dat ik in handen val van de staat en de elites, want jullie weten misschien wel of niet dat de elites jagen op tijdreizigers en ze opsluiten op een geheime basis.
Onze favoriete tijdreiziger op dit moment is Qronos1, die afkomstig is uit 2063 en waarover wij regelmatig hebben geschreven.
Mijn codenaam is Qronos1 en mijn werkelijke naam is Scott. De eenheid waartoe ik behoor bestaat uit vier mensen die hier nu in deze tijd zijn. Wij zijn hier op een geheime missie. Er zijn in deze periode ook andere tijdreizigers en ongetwijfeld zullen er meer volgen in de toekomst. De wereld die ik ongeveer een jaar geleden verliet is anders en toch hetzelfde. De vooruitgang in tijdreizen heeft het mogelijk gemaakt dat we nu precies daar naartoe reizen waar we willen.
Er worden op dat blog berichten geplaatst in de periode van 10 september 2005 tot en met 21 september 2005. Daarna stopt het.
Het eerste wat men dan al snel roept is: “Ja, maar dat blog is net gemaakt en ze hebben de data veranderd om het oud te doen lijken”. Dit is echter niet het geval. Want al in de jaren 2006, 2007 etc. werd er op diverse fora al over dit blog gediscussieerd. Voor een voorbeeld van een forum uit 2007 klik hier. Als er dus in die jaren al over werd geschreven, mogen we aannemen dat het blog daadwerkelijk in 2005 is geschreven.
Als Scott geen tijdreiziger was dan wist hij toch heel nauwkeurig te voorspellen wat er de komende jaren zou gaan gebeuren.
Zo voorspelde hij dat 2007 een heel slecht jaar zou worden, dat er in 2009 in de VS een president zou worden geïnstalleerd die niet van Amerikaanse oorsprong was en dat er in 2010 een grote olieramp zou plaatsvinden in de Golf van Mexico.
Er zijn talrijke verhalen over tijdreizigers en in de volgende video laat Tyler van Secureteam een aantal van die tijdreizigers de revue passeren.
O ja, mocht Alex Havermans nog steeds in onze tijd verkeren? Wij zouden hem nog steeds graag ontmoeten.
This past weekend I spoke at the annual Greater New England UFO Conference, in Leominster, Massachusetts. It was a good gig, with an attendance of a couple of hundred. I gave two presentations: one on my 2016 book, Women in Black, and the other on my latest book, Shapeshifters. Although the books are – for the most part – very different, they do have one thing that links them together. Namely, predatory, supernatural entities that invade bedrooms in the dead of night and provoke terror, hysteria and paranoia. One group that falls into this particular category is the Shadow People.
Jason Offutt is an expert on the Shadow People, and the author of a 2009 book on the subject titled Darkness Walks: The Shadow People Among Us. He says there are eight different kinds of Shadow People – at least, they are the ones we know about. He labels them as Benign Shadows, Shadows of Terror, Red-Eyed Shadows, Noisy Shadows, Angry Hooded Shadows, Shadows that Attack, Shadow Cats, and the Hat Man. Regarding the Hat Man, imagine a silhouetted character that had stepped out of a 1940s / 1950s-era piece of black and white film-noir, and you’ll have a good idea of what he / it looks like. That he is entirely shadow-like in nature only adds to the menace. Heidi Hollis is an expert on this topic, too, having penned a 2014 book on the subject titled The Hat Man: The True Story of Evil Encounters. She has collected literally hundreds of reports of encounters with this particularly dangerous shadow-thing.
All of which brings me back to the Leominster gig. I had five people come up to me during the course of the weekend and share with me their experiences with the Shadow People, which was pretty strange, I have to admit. Without doubt, the most fascinating account came from a guy from nearby Boston who had a story to tell that had a direct bearing on my series of articles published recently on the links between Mothman, the city of Chicago, and nightmares of the nuclear war variety.
I sat and listened at my table as he told me how, back in July of this year, he had three experiences with the Hat Man – and which were pretty much all identical – and which were very familiar to me. He woke up in the early hours of the morning to a horrific vision: the outside wall of his bedroom was displaying a terrifying image of a large city on fire, with significant portions of it in ruins. It was none other than Chicago. The sky was dark and millions were dead. Circling high above what was left of the city was a large, human-like entity with huge wings. And stood next to the guy, as he watched this apocalyptic scenario unravel from his bed, was the Hat Man, his old-style fedora hat positioned firmly on his head. The doomsday-like picture lasted for a minute or two, making it clear to the witness that a Third World War had begun. On two more occasions in the same month, a near-identical situation played out. It’s hardly surprising that the man was still concerned by all this when we chatted at the weekend.
The other accounts given to me were no less traumatic, but in very different ways. One came from a woman who lived in Worcester County and who told me how she had encountered the Hat Man in her early teens (which was in the late 1960s). The experiences were all the same: she would wake up to find the Hat Man choking her, as he loomed over her. Interestingly, this is not the first time I have heard stories of the Hat Man (and the MIB too) choking his victims – that is, until he suddenly vanishes, leaving his target shaking and terrified.
A twenty-something man told me how he had seen the Hat Man a couple of years ago. Not in his dreams, but – bizarrely – in his bathroom mirror. On several occasions, while shaving, he had seen reflecting in the mirror a smoky, silhouetted form behind him, but which could not be seen outside of the mirror. It’s hardly surprising he was immediately plunged into a state of fear. Whether it was connected or not, he thought it relevant to bring up the fact that he had then-recently started working on an occult-based adventure novel in which the central character was to be Aleister Crowley. The witness had no specific reason for bringing up the Crowley issue (so far as I could tell, at least), but he felt that he should at least mention it, since it had been on his mind – and it still was.
The two final cases were somewhat similar: both witnesses were women, one I would estimate to be in her thirties and the other in her forties. Both had seen the Shadow People while in states of sleep paralysis. One lived in Boston and the other was born in Boston but had moved to Leominster in 2007. What particularly interested me was not just the nature of the experiences, but that over the course of less than two full days I should have been given a cluster of such cases – all concerning the Shadow People and the Hat Man. And, all involving people who lived relatively close to each other. I have mentioned these weird cluster-style events previously at Mysterious Universe, all of which revolved around the likes of the Men in Black, the Hat Man and similar bedroom invaders. It’s hard to know what to think about all of this. So, for that reason, I share the data with you, the readers. Thoughts, anyone?
The Phantom Time Hypothesis: Currently we are living in the year 1720!
The Phantom Time Hypothesis: Currently we are living in the year 1720!
In 1986, German historian Heribert Illig started developing the Phantom Time Hypothesis. Illig claims that he has archaeological evidence that can prove that the years AD 614 - 911 do not actually exist and the Gregorian calendar is nothing but a lie.
According to Illig, the three world rulers, the Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, Pope Sylvester II, and the Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII entered into a conspiracy to change the Anno Domini dating system retrospectively, so that it placed them at the special year of AD 1000, and to rewrite history to legitimize Otto's claim to the Holy Roman Empire.
Heribert Illig believed that this was achieved through the alteration, misrepresentation, and forgery of documentary and physical evidence.
Could Illig's theory be true? Could we be living in the 18th Century?
Unknown lights hovering above Seattle, Washington 9-Oct-2017
Unknown lights hovering above Seattle, Washington 9-Oct-2017
Here’s one new footage of an unknown orbs in triangular formation. This happened over Seattle, Washington.
Witness report:
Three hovering lights that I saw move and change places in the sky. I was going my homework in a building and saw three lights across the water and over the trees but didnt think much of it until i noticed that they weren’t going away and just hovering and changing places. I watched them and recorded them for a good half hour. the three lights would change places and disapear, but then another light would take its place back in the from of the line of lights. the lights just eventually dissapeared.
Metallic, Shiny Unidentified Object Flying Above Yellowstone National Park
Metallic, Shiny Unidentified Object Flying Above Yellowstone National Park
Alien hunting community went into frenzy anew after a UFO was spotted moving above Yellowstone Volcano. The video of the UFO sighting has surfaced on YouTube showing an apparent craft darting above the active volcano.
The metallic and shiny-looking object darts across the left of the screen of the video that was reportedly taken on June 9 but it was uploaded online only recently. The YouTube video has a caption describing the UFO near the Yellowstone Volcano as impressive.
The area of the active volcano that spans from Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho has long been known as a UFO hotspot.
Just last year, the video of a mysterious, small object over the super volcano went viral. The video titled “Things R flying all over – overnight” was uploaded by the name Jeanetta Foresta who claimed that she saw more than four UFOs at the beginning.
In September, a UFO as bright as a bolt of lightning was spotted close to a home. Jack Holdsworth, 21 and Trent Mason, 22 were stargazing when they noticed the strange orange object floating above the Yorkshire Dales, changing colours, and moving around the sky for over two hours.
Chinese or sky lanterns are often misidentified as UFOs. These three were part of a large group of lanterns that was the main event of the 2013 Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival in Taiwan on Feb. 24, 2013.
More Chinese Lanterns, aka UFOs
These candle-lit Chinese lanterns can rise high into the sky and are often mistaken for UFOs.
(China Photos / Getty Images)
2. Kentucky UFO -- Oct. 16, 2012
Amateur astronomer Allen Epling captured video and images of a cylindrical object in the sky above his Virgie, Ky., ho me on Oct. 16, 2012. This is one of the images he took, which led many to believe the object was a high-flying solar balloon.
(Allen Epling / YouTube)
3. Manufactured UFO -- 2011
Pictured is a quad copter -- a deliberately manufactured UFO created by special effects wizard Marc Dantonio for a National Geographic special, "The Truth Behind: UFOs," which aired in December 2011. On the left is what the small device looks like resting on the ground, measuring 4 feet in circumference. At right, is how it appeared behind a tree in the night sky.
(Marc Dantonio / FX Models / YouTube)
4. Boomerang UFO composite images -- 10-5-12
This is a composite of images shot by two eyewitnesses of a boomerang-shaped UFO they reported seeing over their Burbank, Calif., home on Oct. 5, 2012. Mutual UFO Network photo/video analyst Marc Dantonio concluded the object was likely "a balloon, floating on the wind that has collapsed in half."
(Mutual UFO Network)
5. Melbourne, Australia, Feb. 2013
This is a composite image of how three alleged UFOs maneuvered about in the sky over Melbourne, Australia, in early February, 2013. The final verdict isn't in yet on whether they're birds, aircraft, balloons, bugs or something truly unidentified.
(FindingUFO / YouTube)
6. Exploding Weather Balloons, Not UFOs
On Dec. 20, 2012, a bright, circular object (pictured at the top of this composite image) was videotaped exploding in the skies above Sacramento, Calif. It wasn't immediately identified, resulting in speculation that it was either an alien spacecraft, military top secret weapon, runaway planet, North Korean satellite, among others. Within a short period of time, it became apparent that this was a weather balloon. The bottom part of this image shows such a balloon as it ascended over Tampa Bay, Fla., on July 2, 2012, and exploded in an identical manner as the Sacramento object, probably much to the dismay of all true ET believers out there.
(CBSNews13 / Sutor 1000 / YouTube)
7. Changing UFO Pattern -- Warren, Mich. 1-10-13
This four-image series of lights in the sky was recorded over Warren, Mich., on Jan. 10, 2013. The lights were seen changing into several patterns. The most logical explanation for these types of UFOs is a series of balloons or lanterns.
( / YouTube)
8. UFOs Over Earth
This composite image shows four different times that alleged UFO were photographed above Earth by either space shuttles or the International Space Station. The big question is whether or not they are truly unidentified objects or if they are more likely reflections from spacecraft windows, meteors or fast-moving spacecraft-generated debris.
(danielofdoriaa / YouTube)
9. Lens flares Arizona
These two flying saucer-shaped, pink-colored lens flares were created by the Google Maps camera as it drove through locations in Sedona, Ariz. (left) and Flagstaff, Ariz. (right). The images were snapped in April 2009. Submitted to HuffPost by trenna.
On the night of Sept. 28, 2012, a group of strange-looking lights appeared in the sky near Cincinnati, Ohio. First there was one, then, two, then three lights, slowly descending. It turns out, however, that these lights were originating from a group of skydivers performing a pyrotechnics jump at the La Salle High School homecoming event.
(Galuyasdi / YouTube)
11. Weather Phenomenon
Some UFO sightings may be due to a natural phenomenon known as sprites, like this one shown from 2006. "Lightning from [a] thunderstorm excites the electric field above, producing a flash of light called a sprite," said geophysicist Colin Price.
(ILAN Science Team /
12. Clouds
Clouds: Saucer-shaped or "lenticular" clouds that form at high altitudes have been confused with UFOs.
(Getty Images)
13. Blimps or Advertising Balloons
Blimps or advertising balloons: These can look like flying saucers from some angles, especially at night.
(Lars Baron, Bongarts / Getty Images)
14. Sunken Ship in the Baltic Sea
On June 19th the Swedish-based diving company Ocean Explorer discovered something they've never quite seen before. They were exploring in the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland looking for sunken treasures when a very unusual image suddenly appeared on the sonar. A 197 feet diameter cylinder shaped object was discovered at the depth of approximately 275 feet which resembles the Millennium Falcon from the movie Star Wars.
( / Everett Collection)
Baltic Sea UFO 1
An image released on June 15, 2012, shows a close-up view of the unidentified object sitting on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.
( / YouTube)
15. Antarctic UFO -- Aug. 10, 2012
A circular UFO hovers above the Neumayer-Station III research facility in Antarctica on Aug. 10, 2012. Theories ranging from a simple weather balloon to a more elaborate ship from another planet have run the Internet gamut. The next slide shows a closeup of the object.
(myunhauzen74 / YouTube)
Antarctic UFO Closeup -- Aug. 10, 2012
This is a closeup of the UFO from the previous slide. No official explanation has been offered about the object.
(myunhauzen74 / YouTube)
16. Cincinnati Skydivers NOT UFOs Sept. 28, 2012
On the night of Sept. 28, 2012, a group of strange-looking lights appeared in the sky near Cincinnati, Ohio. First there was one, then, two, then three lights, slowly descending. It turns out, however, that these lights were originating from a group of skydivers performing a pyrotechnics jump at the La Salle High School homecoming event.
(Galuyasdi / YouTube)
17. Meteors
Meteors: Space debris can create a spectacular light show when it burns through the Earth's atmosphere, and sometimes reported as UFOs.
(Ethan Miller, Getty Images)
18. Civilian or Military Aircraft
Civilian or military aircraft: Planes can look mysterious at night or in certain light conditions, thus confusing an observer.
The public rarely hears about interactions between military personnel and unexplained aircraft — especially during wartime.
As time goes on, however, UFO stories stuck behind red tape begin to see the light of day. The Vietnam War saw its share of UFO activity in the 1960s.
One close encounter, in 1968, involved the crew of an American patrol boat that reported two glowing circular craft following them in the demilitarized zone that separated North and South Vietnam (see depiction below).
The crew aboard a second patrol boat later reported seeing the UFOs over the first boat and a flash of light, followed by an explosion that completely destroyed the boat. These Vietnam reports included close observation of the unknown aerial craft which appeared to house pilots (see recreation image at the top of this story).
Wartime UFO stories are recreated in the premiere episode of the second season of History’s “Hangar 1: The UFO Files.” The accounts are drawn from tens of thousands of UFO cases in the archives of the Mutual UFO Network, the world’s largest UFO investigation group.
“The military was interested in [UFOs] because they had capabilities far above anything that we had, and they wanted to find out what the technology was and, frankly, who they belonged to,” according to former Air Force intelligence officer, Capt. George Filer.
While in Vietnam, Filer — who had a top secret clearance — gave daily briefings to Gen. George S. Brown, deputy commander for air operations in Vietnam.
“Frequently, the Vietcong or North Vietnamese would be attacking an outpost and I would explain that, and we would have ground-air support, particularly at night where we’d go in there with these gun ships, and I would give briefings on all of that,” Filer told The Huffington Post. “Some of the time, there would be unidentified craft over the DMZ.”
Filer described a typical report that he’d receive and which he included in his briefings to Brown:
“You’d have an aircraft flying along, doing around 500 knots and a UFO comes alongside and does some barrel rolls around the aircraft and then flies off at three times the speed of one of the fastest jets we have in the Air Force. So, obviously, it has a technology far in advance of anything we have.
“I would be told this unofficially. People tell you a lot of things that they don’t put in writing or sign their name to. There was always this part of UFOs that, if you got too interested, it could mess up your career. And this is true today even with commercial pilots. I’ve also heard from people serving in Afghanistan saying they’ve seen UFOs, and the Iranian news carries UFO reports pretty regularly.”
During a 1973 press conference, five years after the patrol boat UFO encounters, Brown — as USAF chief of staff — was asked about the Air Force’s position on UFOs:
I don’t know whether this story has ever been told or not. They weren’t called UFOs. The were called enemy helicopters. And they were only seen at night and they were only seen in certain places. They were seen up around the DMZ in the early summer of ‘68. And this resulted in quite a little battle.
And in the course of this, an Australian destroyer took a hit and we never found any enemy, we only found ourselves when this had all been sorted out. And this caused some shooting there, and there was no enemy at all involved, but we always reacted.
Always after dark, the same thing happened up at Pleiku at the Highlands in ‘69.
Many stories about battling UFOs have emerged throughout history.
One early account of UFO warfare was supposedly seen by the citizens of Nuremberg, Germany, in 1561. On a morning in April, the Nuremberg Gazette reportedly described an aerial battle between large “cylindrical shapes from which emerged black, red, orange and blue-white spheres that darted about... All these elements started to fight one against the other.”
An artist, Hans Glaser, created a woodcut of the spectacle, seen below:
During World War II, also in Germany, Allied aircraft pilots often reported mysterious glowing, fast-moving, circular lights, which were dubbed Foo Fighters. The New York Times reported it as “military slang for flying saucers.”
Filer — who documents his sightings and other UFO news at the National UFO Center site — was one of several military eyewitnesses to something extraordinary in the sky over England. It was 1962, and he was the navigator on a refueling tanker.
“We were out over the North Sea when London Control called and asked if we would be willing to intercept an unidentified that was over Oxford and the Stonehenge area. We had just finished up our refueling mission, so we said sure, and they cleared all the traffic around us and gave us top priority as we descended towards the UFO. All they really had was a very large radar return, but it was much bigger than a normal aircraft.”
Filer (pictured at right) recalled how his radar scope indicated the UFO was as big as the huge Firth of Forth Bridge in Scotland that he and his crew often used as a regular navigation point.
“The ‘thing’ was at 1,000 feet and we were descending from 32,000 feet. We picked up this huge radar return while we were still about 30 miles out. It was dark out and when we got much closer to the object, we saw lights around it, outlining the shape of a cylinder, like a cruise ship. It then just quickly rose and went up into space.
“We were pretty sure we’d just seen a UFO.”
Filer also told HuffPost that he has heard from air traffic controllers who claimed they were told to “always divert aircraft away from UFOs and deny that it existed. I think they want this whole situation to go away, and I think [the policy] is coming from the National Security Council — they’re at the highest level. It sounds funny, but presidents don’t always know what their National Security Council is doing.”
Upcoming episodes of “Hangar 1” over the next 12 weeks will focus on folks who’ve held military positions and are willing to come forward and tell their stories.
One of those (hold onto your hats) is a man who claims he was in the Marines (wait for it...) and that he was stationed on Mars for several years. That’s right: the red planet Mars. He’ll describe being part of an off-planet military force. Let’s not pass judgment...yet.
There’s also the story of a retired Army sergeant who says he was assigned to UFO crash and retrieval cases where both ships and ET bodies were supposedly recovered — some dead, some alive.
In case you were wondering, Hangar 1 is an actual hangar where MUFON, for a long time, stored all of its archives. At one point, all of the organization’s files were housed in this airport hangar somewhere in the middle of the country. The images of Hangar 1 that appear in the series are of the real hangar.
“Hangar 1: The UFO Files” is on the History channel on Friday nights. Check your local listings for exact times.
Most Unidentified Flying Objects aren’t unidentified at all. Here’s a list of natural and human-made objects in the sky that people frequently mistake for UFOs.
An experimental rocket test over Scandinavia in 2009, which triggered many UFO reports. Read more about this photo.
If a really strange or unexplained object were to appear in the sky, common sense says it would probably be detected first by the people who spend time looking at the heavens: astronomers. But professional and amateur astronomers don’t often see UFOs. Because they look at the sky so often, they’re able to identify most sightings of objects and events in the sky, no matter how strange they may look. Here’s a list of sky objects people frequently mistake for UFOs.
1. Rocket launches.On the morning of September 2, 2015, many people in Miami, Florida looked up to catch a glimpse of the strange moving light seen above. Some labeled it as a UFO when posting photos to Twitter or Facebook, but others knew it was an Atlas V rocket launched from Cape Canaveral.
Some observers have seen a slow moving object displaying a strange single or double trail, which may even change its appearance over the moments you observe it. This can occur if an observer is fortunate enough to see a spacecraft just after being launched; you may be seeing one rocket stage separating from another, or the ignition of a new stage.
Take a look at the video below. It’s the same 2009 failed rocket launch as that shown in the photo at the top of this post. Experts have said it was the failure of a Russian intercontinental ballistic missile test:
2. Used rocket bodies
– tumbling objects orbiting our planet – also produce flashes in our night sky. After launching a satellite, most rocket bodies continue to orbit Earth for weeks, months or even years. As a rocket body tumbles in orbit, it may be visible as a dim moving “star” that might produce bright flashes as various sides of the tumbling object are exposed to sunlight.
An interesting sighting of this kind is a flash that appears to come from a static point in the sky. How is this possible? Geosynchronous satellites need to be placed in a very high orbit, some 22,200 miles (35,727 km) above Earth’s surface. After the launch of this sort of satellite, the rocket body that carried the satellite to orbit will also remain orbiting our planet. Instead of having a circular orbit it will have a highly elliptical (elongated) orbit. It might produce some peculiar flashes, which might be visible from Earth. How does it happen? Depending on the location and perspective of the observer, the erratic flashes of the rocket body from a geosynchronous satellite might appear to originate from an apparent static place in the sky. This rare occurrence is possible if the reflecting rocket body is more or less moving towards, or more or less departing, Earth as it pursues its stretched-out (elliptical) orbit. This is the same principle that occurs when a distant airplane appears to be static as it moves towards you. To the unaided eye, the subsequent flashes may give the impression that they are originating from the same area of the sky. If you are fortunate enough to witness this kind of flash in the sky, grab your binoculars! Magnification may confirm that the object is indeed moving slightly instead of remaining static
An apparent static bright dot that was visible in daylight, was later confirmed to be a globe. A view using a telescope revealed it was this globe from Google’s Project Loon. Image via Eddie Irizarry.
3. Atmospheric balloons.
Some observers reporting UFOs describe
… an apparent planet or stationary bright object seen in broad daylight.
Large, round objects in the sky can be strange-looking. They may not appear to be moving. Different types of balloons and globes are being launched by various groups trying to do various things – for example, study Earth’s weather or atmosphere – and although these objects are slowly drifting on the wind, their distance from an observer might cause them to appear stationary in the sky. An example is Google’s Project Loon, listed by MIT Technology Review as one of 10 breakthrough technologies of 2015. Project Loon is launching a network of globes to test internet coverage with the goal to provide access to remote areas. They can gain an altitude of 60,000 feet (18,300 meters) or twice as high as commercial aircraft. Those balloons are reflective, and they appear bright in the sky. They can cause reports of UFOs sightings.
Vince Babkirk captured this flare from an iridium satellite on July 22, 2016. He wrote: “There were lots of fast moving clouds tonight, but the Iridium 59 satellite was supposed to appear … [the clouds] parted just in time for me to capture the flare.” Read more about iridium flare satellites.
4. Earth-orbiting satellites.
Satellites are easily visible to the unaided eye one or two hours before sunrise and after sunset. We see them then because their high-altitude orbits let them receive and reflect sunlight, even if it is dark at the observer’s site. Satellites generally appear as slow-moving “stars” that may disappear as they pass into Earth’s shadow. Some satellites, including the Hubble Space Telescope, sometimes reflect sunlight in an optimum way for a brief time, causing a bright flash or flare. Iridium satellites, which provide cellular communications to remote areas, have very reflective antennas that produce very intense flashes as bright as -8 magnitude! That’s much brighter than the brightest planet, Venus. It’s bright that it might appear as a huge spotlight from up there for one or two seconds.
Some satellites orbit in groups of two or three, as seen in this video:
Especially when they’re seen in the west around sunset, jet contrails can look like falling objects. Image via Contrail Science.
5. Contrails from jet aircraft.
Contrails are often confused with “slow-moving meteors” or “unannounced comets”, or other sorts of strange UFOs (in this case, often unidentified falling objects) by casual observers. These vapor or condensation trail are produced by high-altitude aircraft. They look impressive, especially when visible in the direction west around sunset. A contrail being illuminated by the setting sun appear as a slow falling, burning, meteor-like object from the sky. Of course, it’s not falling or burning at all. It’s just jet exhaust released into the atmosphere. Still, its distance from an observer can cause it to look slow-moving. Just know that these are not UFOs; they’re ordinary jets. They’re also not comets, by the way, which are detected and announced well in advance, usually many weeks or months before they become visible to the unaided eye (if they ever do). Comets are visible for many days or weeks, not for a few minutes. So, do not confuse contrails with comets…or any falling spacecraft.
6. Chinese lanterns.
These sky lanterns or small hot air balloons are made of translucent paper and may look very curious from distance. People launch those colored lanterns at festivals, parties and other activities. Observers see a slow moving light high in the sky, and as soon as the small candle or the waxy cell is spent, the bright colored light that was seen in the sky “disappears”. Its bright light can be visible for several minutes in the sky. When a group of lanterns is launched, wind can send them at slightly different heights and directions, but a trio of Chinese lanterns is enough to cause reports of a formation of UFOs!
Smoke trail from a bright fireball, whose sightings were centered on Arizona, on June 2, 2016. Image via David Adkins via American Meteor Society. Later, a team from Arizona State University found the meteorite from this event.
7. Bright meteors.
A meteor – or piece of debris from space – might leave a strange-looking trail as seen in the photo above. Or a bright meteor that happens to be moving toward you might appear as a short, bright light, which then disappears.
Some meteors – called fireballs – can be so bright that can lit up the night sky in such a way that can briefly turn the night into day. They’re actually pretty common, if you consider Earth as a whole. View the fireball logs from the American Meteor Society.
Why stars twinkle fiercely – sometimes even appearing to move around in the sky – when you see them near the horizon.
Atmospheric turbulence or different temperature layers in the atmosphere can make a bright star, especially a star low in the horizon, to show an erratic movement. Experienced observers see this frequently. It’s merely an effect of Earth’s atmosphere and is gradually reduced or eliminated as the star gets higher in the sky, and as the light from the star passes through less of Earth’s atmosphere (see the photo above).
An erratically moving object – a great candidate for being considered a UFO – typically turns out to be a bright star seen low in the sky.
Which brings us to what is perhaps the all-time most reported UFO …
Photo taken October 2, 2015 by Mohamed Laaifat Photographies in Normandy, France.
9. Planet Venus.
Venus is the brightest planet, and the third-brightest object in Earth’s sky after the sun and moon. If and when you see Venus, it’ll always be bright, much brighter than any other starlike object in the sky. And there are special times in the orbits of Venus and Earth around the sun when Venus looks even brighter than usual. These times of greatest brilliancy for Venus occur when the planet is about to pass between us and the sun, and, at such times, Venus typically looms low in our sky and shines with an eerie brilliant light. UFO reports always increase around then!
There are likely other objects that can be added to this list. If you know of any, tell us in the comments below.
Just know that – while some UFO sightings may be temporarily or indefinitely unexplained – most can be explained.
And don’t get too excited or scared if you ever see some rare object in the sky. If you see something in the sky that initially seems strange, there’s no better way to investigate quickly than taking a closer look with optical aid. Keep a pair of binoculars handy!
Bottom line: A list of natural and human-made objects in the sky that people frequently mistake for UFOs.
Private spaceflight company Stratolaunch Systems brought the world’s largest airplane (by wingspan) out of its hangar for the first time recently.
Called the Stratolaunch, the massive aircraft successfully tested out all six of its Pratt and Whitney turbofan engines, each weighing 8,940 lbs. (4,000 kg), at the Mojave Air and Space Port in California.
Here are some of the mind-boggling specifications of the Stratolaunch:
Boasting a wingspan longer than a football field, Stratolaunch is one of the world’s largest aircraft today.
It weighs approx 500,000 lbs. without any cargo.
Its maximum takeoff weight of 1.3 million among the heaviest in the world.
The aircraft can carry over 500,000 lbs. (230,000 kg) of payload.
Stratolaunch has 28 wheels and will require a runway at least 12,000 ft. (3,700 meters) long.
It is designed to carry rockets between its two fuselages.
Stratolaunch will be used as a launch platform to send rockets into orbit from an altitude of 30,000 feet (9,100 meters).
Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen founded Stratolaunch Systems in 2011 with a vision to “provide convenient, reliable and routine access to low-Earth orbit.”
The Stratolaunch will undergo numerous ground tests and engine runs before making its first flight in 2019.
Throughout the past one can find ethnicities with a profound comprehension of metaphysical planes of existence. In the present, they pass on the tales of their ancestors that speak about ancient times during which many people had regular interaction with creatures from the stars.
From the reports of the first colonialists that set foot in the new world, what they discovered there was astonishing. The indigenous people were not just savages as it was convenient for them to believe. What they found was people with a system of beliefs different from the traditions of the European colonialists. Something significantly more intriguing was the fact that they had extraordinary ancient knowledge.
This complete divergence from the belief systems of the European colonists triggered a complete extinguish and erasure of any trace of the old knowledge of the natives. However, through time, the ancient concepts survived and manage to give us, today, a glimpse of their beliefs.
Throughout the past one can find ethnicities with a profound comprehension of metaphysical planes of existence. In the present, they pass on the tales of their ancestors that speak about ancient times during which many people had regular interaction with “people from the stars”.
Petroglyph at Legend Rock close to the Thermopolis, Wyoming
Tribes which have survived tell stories of ancient travelers coming from the stars. These they called “Star People”, as they were supernatural beings originating from other worlds. “The Star People” came to the Earth in order to give their knowledge to any of the Earth’s inhabitants that they thought worthy of such wisdom.
Throughout the heritage of the tribes we can easily discover a variety of evidence that implies that they had, indeed, established contact with diverse species of superior extraterrestrials. Those cultures speak about sophisticated technologies and flying objects. The details they describe are so comprehensive that most of them get confused with elements of their tribal magic.
Richard Wagamese of the Wabaseemoong First People writes:
“My people tell of Star People who came to us many generations ago. The Star people brought spiritual teachings and stories and maps of the cosmos and they offered these freely. They were kind, loving and set a great example. When they left us, my people say there was a loneliness like no other. If Star people did come to the Ojibway, where did they go?
Where did they come from?
Who brought teachings to them?
What scientific magic did they own that allowed them to make such an incredible journey – and is it possible for us?”
Did the vast majority of the traditional cultural heritage of the Hopi Indians, handed down by their forefathers originated from the Pleiades?
Could it possibly be most of these myths to contain a lot more truth than fiction?
Hopi petroglyphs displaying Star People and their “flying shields”hovering above their heads. image:
The Lakota people speak about celestial entities seen as luminous orbs of light. Orbs which are shields wrapped around them. In this group of tribes we also have the Dakota people which believe they know the exact star system from which their ancestors originated.
In the Cree people we found the same beliefs as the Dakota tribes except they knew not only from where they came but from what they described, when they first arrived on the Earth hey were in spirit form. It took years for them to materialize into human beings.
Native Americans never categorized them with words such as aliens or extraterrestrials but they explain their experience in more spiritual viewpoint. As the author of Plains Cree Stephane Wuttunee explains:
“[My people] give far greater attention to the seeking of the spiritual understanding of things rather than going after ‘the truth’ as people from dominant cultures do. This is part of the reason why we tend to stand back and view or listen at first, rather than bare in with questions or take the hard, direct approach.”
In his article Wuttunee further acknowledges:
“Far from being anything to be feared, Star People was just another term i grew up around. I remember listening in awe and fascination at the thought of us having relations that lived off and outside our world, and sometimes spoke to them in my silent moments at night. I wanted to know who they were and what they looked like, if they had families like us and so on.”
“It wasn’t until my later teens that I discovered that people from the dominant culture were talking about the same ‘people’ as my elders did, though each sides’s sense of perception of these people seemed radically different from one another.”
Could it be possible for Wuttunee’s words to describe the reality of a people that had experienced seeing “flying shields” or perhaps it’s just an imaginative tale of the elders?
An Oglala Sioux mystic, referred to as Black Elk (1863/1950), described one of his encounters with these celestial beings. He stated that they weren’t just isolated events but were also embedded into the fabric of the everyday life of indigenous Americans:
“So, when I went to vision quest, that disk came from above. The scientists call that an unidentified flying object, but that’s a joke, see? Because they are not trained, they lost contact with the wisdom, power and gift.”
“So that disk landed on top of me. It was concave, and there was another on top of that. It was silent, but it lit and luminance like neon lights…Then these little people came, but each little group spoke a different language.
“They could read minds, and I could read their minds. I could read them. So there was silent communication. You could read it, like when you read silent symbols in a book. So we were able to communicate…They are human, so I welcomed them. I said, ‘Welcome, Welcome…”
Native American tribes knew their bond with the Planet Earth. They always referred to her as Mother Earth, and they knew how to take care of her. According to them the bond between the earth and her children has been disrupted by our modern way of life and that is the exact reason why it’s hard for us to establish connection with “Star People” too.
They found the key that would unlock the secrets of ancient knowledge left by the supernatural beings in the form of a shift in conciseness and a global awakening which will make us worthy, one again, in the eyes of these ancient beings to receive their knowledge.
NASA hacker: I found evidence America has Deep Space Warships
NASA hacker: I found evidence America has Deep Space Warships
According to a hacker who is facing a ten-year legal battle after breaking into NASA computers, the United States has a fully operational fleet of Space Warships. Gary McKinnon, firmly believes that he came across the ultimate information that proves the US have a secret space program operated by the navy with fully operational warships that operate in Space.
In a new interview on UFO channel Richplanet TV, McKinnon finally reveals the entire truth about his findings saying: ‘I kept going for months and months. I kept thinking, ‘They’re going to close this door’.
McKinnon said that he used a software called Landsearch which allowed him to search all files and folders of interest to him.
‘I scanned and looked for documents, I found an Excel spreadsheet which said, ‘Non-terrestrial officers’, states McKinnon.
‘It had ranks and names. It had tabs for ‘material transfer’ between ships.
‘I took that to be, they must have a ships based in space – the names started with U.S.S.’
Gary McKinnon is accused of mounting the biggest ever hack in the history of the United States by breaking into the computers of the Army, Air force, Navy and NASA.
During his latest interview, McKinnon describes a conversation from a former NASA whistleblower Donna Hare, who had been told by a colleague that NASA was trying to hide delicate information by “airbrushing” UFOs from their photos.
“There was a colleague, who was in another room — they all had secret clearance but they were on different projects — and she (Hare) was in this chap’s lab or room or whatever it is and he said come and take a look at this,” said McKinnon.
While there are many people who firmly believe this is yet another elaborate hoax, there have been a series of former NASA and government employees who back up the claims made by McKinnon.
According to statements from a former Marine not only have humans made it to Mars in the past, but we have developed a secret space program and flotilla that operates in space. The former US Marine, was posted on the red planet for years and his mission was to protect the five human colonies from indigenous life forms on Mars. According to the former Marine known as Captain Kaye, not only did he spend years on Mars, but he also served aboard a giant space carrier for three years. He worked for the Mars Defense Force (MDF) which is owned and operated by the Mars Colony Corporation (MCC) which is basically a conglomerate of financial institutions, government and tech companies. Kaye and his team were part of a special section of the United States Marines with a highly classified mission, protect and ensure the existence of five newly-established colonies on the surface of the red planet. The Earth Defense Force, another secret military branch has military recruits from countries such as the United States, China and Russia.
Parts of the testimony from Captain Kaye are consistent with that of Michael Relfe, another whistleblower who claims to have served 20 years tour on the red planet. Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former President Eisenhower claims that efforts were made to recruit here onto a human colony on Mars, led by researcher Dr. Hal Puthoff.
According to “Jackie”, there are humans on Mars, and we have been on the red planet for over 20 years. ‘Jackie’, she and six other employees saw the exact same thing, suggesting this might be the evidence that proves that a secret space program did exist (or might even still).
According to ‘Jackie’ while working as part of the team downloading telemetry from the Viking Lander, she saw human setting foot on the surface of the red planet via a live feed from Mars.
In an interview with Coast-to-Coast AM, Jackie talked about humans on Mars, something that has been discussed among other alleged NASA employees for years.
Many Ufologists firmly believe that the statements made by the above individuals is accurate and that this information is being withheld from the general public.
The controversial video was posted to Facebook yesterday and in a very short period, it was viewed and shared thousands of times. According to the uploader, the video was shot this month in Arizona and the comment section proves one thing: people are alarmed about what implications the presence of this plasma entity might have.
The video shows an undisclosed neighborhood in Arizona on an overcast day when suddenly, a streak of electric blue light is seen ascending through the clouds. The ethereal jet appears to be left behind by a capsule-looking object that bursts through the humid atmosphere. Before disappearing from view, the object makes contact with another entity and this could be interpreted as a docking process between two distinct UFOs. But upon closer inspection, things become even more shocking.
When the video is slowed down and zoomed in, the details of the first object become apparent. Its shape is eerily reminiscent of an elongated, extraterrestrial-looking head. The object it comes into contact with bears a striking similarity to an alien hand with fingers that are longer than yours. The ‘hand’ reaches down from above the heavy clouds and grasps the trailing alien head. Both objects then disappear from view as the blue plasma-like ejecta slowly dissipates.
The action takes place at least a few miles above ground, suggesting that both objects are huge. They make no attempt to shield themselves from view and this is an important detail. Whoever or whatever was behind this otherworldly apparition wanted to be seen by those below.
If the objects are indeed extraterrestrial in nature, it must mean they understand and make use of symbolism. An alien hand reaching out and grabbing an alien head and then disappearing from view might signify their intentions of withdrawing from our planet.
It could also mean that they are willing to offer us an unfiltered view of their appearance and that is why they chose elements of their own anatomy. Since they have been studying us for a while, they know the importance of the head and hand in our languages and cultures. These two parts signify intelligence and action and perhaps by employing these symbols, they encourage us to take our intellect into our own hands.
Maybe they chose these elements arbitrarily and to each, his own interpretation works best.
But if this weird occurrence was not the work of aliens but an internal event, things turn much darker.
One of the most popular modern conspiracy theories revolves around the infamous Blue Beam Project and the global changes it would entail. A pet project of the New World Order, Blue Beam will seek to simulate an apocalypse scenario and introduce the world to its new overlords. Most conspiracy theorists agree that Blue Beam will consist of four consequential steps.
The first step would have to do with the breakdown of all accepted knowledge regarding the world’s past and major events that led to the formation of various religions and beliefs. According to Biblioteca Pleyades, this first step will deal with “staging earthquakes at certain precise locations around the planet where supposed new ‘discoveries’ will finally explain that the meanings of the basic doctrines of all the world’s major religions are ‘wrong.’”
The recent increase in worldwide seismic activity seems to prove Step 1 is well underway. Various theorists claim that either HAARP or CERN are behind the recent wave of earthquakes that hit Italy, New Zealand and Japan.
Step II of the Blue Beam Project would involve an enormous space show, generated by advanced holograms and laser projections in all corners of the globe. Hit by its hidden fears, humanity would feel vulnerable, and mayhem would take over major cities as the prophetic visions of the world’s religions would play in the sky above them. Carefully-simulated attacks would rise panic to unprecedented levels.
Steps III revolves around advanced LF (low frequency), VLF (Very Low Frequency) and ELF (Extra Low Frequency) transmissions that would directly interfere with the subjects’ (read: us) brainwaves, leading them into believing their divinity is communicating with them.
Once this maneuver is successful, the world is ready and the stage is set for the introduction of the so-called New Messiah who would establish worldwide peace at the cost of everyone’s freedom.
Project Blue Beam is one of the most hideous scenarios and it’s little wonder people shiver at the mere thought of it happening. The prospect of this recent video being proof that the gears of Blue Beam are set in motion is troubling, to say the least.
Fortunately, we have one weapon at our side. Knowledge. It’s much harder to be fooled when you know you’re being tricked. Keep your eyes open and don’t believe what you’re being told. Pass information through your judgement’s filter and be watchful.
My personal take on this video is this video — like many others before it — shows the activity of an advanced extraterrestrial intelligence. Or it could be fake, that possibility is always there.
Steven Spielberg followed his first major box-office success Jaws with this epic science fiction adventure about a disparate group of people who attempt to contact alien intelligence.
And it seems like the director behind E.T. The Extra Terrestrial and War of the Worlds was hoping to contact alien life himself while making the much loved Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
The movie celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, and in a new featurette from the special edition 4K Blu-ray box set, Spielberg reveals he believes we’re not alone in the universe.
Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encouters of the Third Kind.(Image: REX/Shutterstock)
The 70-year-old Hollywood veteran says initially he wasn’t trying to make a sci-fi film when he wrote the script and directed the award winning film.
The premise of the movie revolves around a line worker who feels undeniably drawn to an isolated area in the wilderness after he encounters a UFO
Spielberg jokes that he tried to do the same thing.
Spielberg is convinced there is alien life out there.(Image: REX/Shutterstock)
“If I thought of it as a science fiction film, I wouldn’t have taken so many drives out to Californian deserts hoping to find and actually having a UFO sighting, which I by the way I’ve never had a UFO sighting.
“The one person who deserves to have a UFO sighting, it hasn’t happened yet for me.”
Spielberg’s belief in aliens isn’t all that surprising given his history of space-based movies after Close Encounters of a Third Kind but it is clear it’s what helped him created this highly revered film forty years ago.
Spielberg expects to see a sight like this one day.(Image: REX/Shutterstock)
He continues: “I really believed that there was something up there. I still believe we’re not alone in the universe.
“So I was kind of in those days, thinking 'well there might be something to this.'”
The Close Encounters of the Third Kind 40th Anniversary 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray editions are out on October 9th.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Juno fotografeert beste kandidaat voor buitenaards leven in ons zonnestelsel
Juno fotografeert beste kandidaat voor buitenaards leven in ons zonnestelsel
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Hallo, Europa!
Terwijl ruimtesonde Juno voor de achtste keer langs gasreus Jupiter scheerde, heeft deze ook even de tijd genomen om twee manen van Jupiter te vereeuwigen. Op de prachtige foto hieronder zien we (van links naar rechts) Europa, Io en een stukje van Jupiter.
Het is een prachtige foto. Zeker als je bedenkt dat deze gemaakt is door een fotograaf die op dat moment meer dan 27.000 kilometer van de wolkentoppen van Jupiter verwijderd was!
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS/ Roman Tkachenko.
Europa Jupiter heeft tientallen manen. Europa en Io behoren tot de wat grotere exemplaren. En met name Europa spreekt tot de verbeelding. Onderzoekers achten de kans groot dat deze maan buitenaards leven herbergt. Sterker nog: de maan wordt gezien als één van de beste plekken in ons zonnestelsel om naar buitenaards leven te zoeken.
Oceaan Die titel krijg je natuurlijk niet zomaar. Maar waaraan heeft Europa die titel te danken? Voornamelijk aan de enorme oceaan die hoogstwaarschijnlijk onder het ijzige oppervlak van Europa rust. De oceaan bestaat waarschijnlijk uit vloeibaar, zout water. Bovendien zijn er sterke aanwijzingen dat in die oceaan allerlei chemische processen plaatsvinden waar eventueel leven bij gebaat kan zijn.
Deze artistieke impressie laat zien hoe een ruimtesonde over Europa scheert.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech.
Op deze foto zien we die fascinerende wereld als een klein stipje in het immense heelal. Het smaakt naar meer. Onderzoekers staan te trappelen om de maan eens van dichterbij te bekijken. Juno is daarvoor niet zo geschikt: de sonde is ontwikkeld om Jupiter te bestuderen en zit bovendien vastgeroest in zijn huidige baan. Maar er is goed nieuws: er staan al twee missies naar Europa gepland. NASA lanceert in het volgende decennium de Europa Clipper. Het ruimtevaartuig zal – na een lange reis – de ijsmaan twee keer per week passeren. De sonde moet onder meer uitzoeken wat er allemaal onder het dikke pak ijs van de maan gebeurt. En ook ESA stuurt een sonde naar de veelbelovende maan. De missie JUICEmoet in 2022 het luchtruim kiezen en zal acht jaar later bij Jupiter en zijn manen arriveren. En ook deze missie zal deels gefocust zijn op de wellicht leefbare wereld die onder het dikke pak ijs van Europa schuilgaat.
Cassini terugblik: de mooiste 40 foto's van Saturnus en haar manen - PART I
Cassini terugblik: de mooiste 40 foto's van Saturnus en haar manen - PART I
Tim Kraaijvanger
De Cassini-ruimtesonde verbrandde vorige maand in de atmosfeer van Saturnus. Daarmee kwam een einde aan een fascinerende missie. De afgelopen dertien jaar maakte Cassini ontelbaar veel mooie foto’s van Saturnus, de ringen en haar manen. Dit zijn de veertig mooiste exemplaren.
Meer dan 630 bezoekers hebben de mooiste Saturnus-foto’s geselecteerd uit een voorselectie van ruim honderd foto’s. Uiteindelijk hebben veertig foto’s meer dan honderd stemmen gekregen. De allermooiste kiekjes van Cassini laten we in oplopende volgorde zien.
40. Spookachtige spaken – 104 stemmen In de ringen van Saturnus zijn spaken te zien. Dit zijn spookachtige verschijnselen, die al in de jaren tachtig door Voyager 1 zijn gefotografeerd. De spaken bestaan uit waterijsdeeltjes. Veel van de deeltjes zijn zelfs groter dan één micrometer (1/1000ste millimeter). Wetenschappers vermoeden dat de deeltjes door elektrostatische krachten worden opgetild uit het ringvlak. Let op: de twee zwarte lijnen op de onderstaande foto zijn geen spaken.
39. Kwartet – 107 stemmen Hoeveel manen tel jij? Als het goed is, dan zie je er vier. Van boven naar beneden: Telesto, Prometheus, Titan (achtergrond) en Rhea (op de voorgrond).
38. Prometheus – 108 stemmen Prometheus is een herdermaan in de F-ring. Herdermanen zijn manen die door hun zwaartekracht de stofdeeltjes van een planetaire ring bij elkaar houden. Prometheus is de herder in de F-ring en is qua vorm nogal uitgerekt (148 bij 100 bij 68 kilometer).
37. Daphnis – 114 stemmen Ook Daphnis is een herdermaan en dit object houdt de zogenoemde Keelerscheiding open. Deze scheiding is 35 kilometer breed. Daphnis zelf heeft een diameter van acht kilometer. Op de foto zie je duidelijk hoe Daphnis ‘speelt’ met de deeltjes in de ringen van Saturnus. Op de redactie vinden we dat deze foto een beetje laag in de lijst staat. Mee eens?
Hieronder een uitsnede van de bovenstaande foto.
36. Enceladus boven de ringen – 115 stemmen Wie goed kijkt, ziet nog een pluim boven het oppervlak van Enceladus.
35. Rhea – 118 stemmen De donkere kant van Rhea in beeld. Mooi samenspel van ringen en schaduwen.
34. Dione – 122 stemmen De maan Dione is een ijsmaan. Wellicht schuilt er onder de ijskorst vloeibaar water, net zoals de maan Enceladus. De kern van Dione wordt opgewarmd door de getijdewerking met Saturnus.
33. Saturnus van boven – 122 stemmen De ringen vormen hier haast een perfecte cirkel.
32. Aurora – 127 stemmen Met de infraroodcamera van Cassini is deze fraaie foto van poollicht gemaakt. Het was een verrassing voor astronomen om zo’n heldere en grote aurora op Saturnus te zien.
31. Unieke kijk op Saturnus – 128 stemmen Hier zweeft Cassini iets boven Saturnus, waardoor de noordpool goed te zien is. De schaduw van Saturnus valt op de ringen.
30. Spaken – 130 stemmen Nog een foto van de spaken. Op deze zijn de spookachtige verschijnselen nog beter zichtbaar dan op de foto op plek #40.
29. Spel der schaduwen – 131 stemmen Vanuit welke hoek je Saturnus ook bekijkt: het blijft een adembenemende planeet!
28. Tethys in de verte – 142 stemmen Tethys lijkt maar een klein maantje naast de reusachtige planeet Saturnus.
27. Oppervlak van Titan (door Huygens) – 144 stemmen Zo ziet het oppervlak van Titan er uit. Deze foto is gemaakt door de Huygens-sonde, toen deze in 2005 op het oppervlak van de maan landde. De foto is bijzonder, omdat het de eerste foto vanaf het oppervlak van een maan van Saturnus is.
26. Dag Enceladus – 145 stemmen Daar verdwijnt Enceladus achter Saturnus. Een van de laatste beelden van Cassini.
25. Mimas – 146 stemmen Schitterend foto van Mimas met op de achtergrond de schaduw van de ringen van Saturnus op het oppervlak van de ringenplaneet.
24. Familieportret – 151 stemmen Drie manen op een rij, namelijk Titan, Mimas (onderkant) en Rhea (linksboven). Fraai familieportret.
23. Iapetus – 151 stemmen Iapetus is een bijzondere maan en staat met één foto in de top 40. Iapetus is met een diameter van 1468 kilometer één van de grotere manen van Saturnus en draait op een afstand van zo’n 3.561.000 kilometer om de gasreus heen. Daarbij is altijd dezelfde zijde van de maan op Saturnus gericht. Wat de maan zo bijzonder maakt, is dat deze twee gezichten heeft. De ene helft is heel donker (reflecteert minder dan vijf procent van het inkomende licht) en de andere helft is heel licht. Op de foto hieronder is de scheiding goed te zien.
22. Bijzonder mozaïek – 160 stemmen De zon staat achter de ringenplaneet, wat een fraaie foto oplevert. Iets hoger in de lijst staat precies dezelfde mozaïek, maar dan met een andere afstelling qua filters. Die foto vonden jullie nog mooier, want die kreeg twee keer zoveel stemmen.
21. Methaanmeren op TItan – 163 stemmen Het regent methaan op Titan, waardoor er ook grote meren met ethaan en methaan zijn. Op infraroodfoto’s zijn deze meren duidelijk te zien.
Cassini terugblik: de mooiste 40 foto's van Saturnus en haar manen - DEEL II
Cassini terugblik: de mooiste 40 foto's van Saturnus en haar manen - DEEL II
Tim Kraaijvanger
De Cassini-ruimtesonde verbrandde vorige maand in de atmosfeer van Saturnus. Daarmee kwam een einde aan een fascinerende missie. De afgelopen dertien jaar maakte Cassini ontelbaar veel mooie foto’s van Saturnus, de ringen en haar manen. Dit zijn de veertig mooiste exemplaren.
Meer dan 630 bezoekers hebben de mooiste Saturnus-foto’s geselecteerd uit een voorselectie van ruim honderd foto’s. Uiteindelijk hebben veertig foto’s meer dan honderd stemmen gekregen. De allermooiste kiekjes van Cassini laten we in oplopende volgorde zien.
20. Ringen van Saturnus – 167 stemmen Vijftig tinten grijs
19. Close-up van de ringen – 169 stemmen Zo zien de ringen van Saturnus er van dichtbij uit.
18. Moderne kunst – 170 stemmen Dit lijkt wel een kunstwerk. 170 mensen gaven deze foto een duim omhoog.
17. Aankomst bij Saturnus – 172 stemmen Deze foto werd op 9 februari 2004 gemaakt op 69 miljoen kilometer van Saturnus. Op 1 juli 2004 kwam Cassini aan bij de ringenplaneet.
16. Enceladus sproeit water – 173 stemmen Enceladus sproeit water de ruimte in. Hopelijk kunnen we dit water ooit analyseren en achterhalen of er tekenen van leven zijn.
15. Verborgen kant van Titan – 184 stemmen Normaal gesproken zien we van Titan niet veel meer dan een dicht wolkendek. Dankzij infraroodfoto’s weten we nu wat er onder het wolkendek schuilgaat.
14. Noordpool – 185 stemmen Op de noordpool van Saturnus is een gigantische zeshoek te vinden. De zeshoek wordt gevormd door een atmosferische straalstroom, die om de noordpool suist. In deze straalstroom zijn bijzondere structuren te zien, zoals concentrische cirkels en spiralen. De diameter van de straalstroom is twee keer de diameter van de aarde. Hoe de atmosferische straalstroom aan de zeshoekige vorm komt, is onbekend. De foto is op 22 juli 2013 gemaakt op 984.000 kilometer afstand van Saturnus.
13. Contrast – 202 stemmen Een buitengewoon mooie compositie van de manen Titan en Rhea. Het contrast tussen deze buitenaardse werelden is enorm. Titan heeft immers een atmosfeer, terwijl Rhea een dorre wereld is.
12. Afdaling Huygens – 218 stemmen Deze fotoreeks is natuurlijk gemaakt door de Huygens-sonde. Op 25 december 2004 ontkoppelde Huygens zich van Cassini. Op 14 januari 2005 landde de sonde op het oppervlak van de maan Titan. Er zijn 700 foto’s gemaakt tijdens de afdaling, maar de helft is verloren gegaan door een menselijke fout. Cassini luisterde namelijk maar met één kanaal en niet met twee kanalen. Gelukkig bleven de meetresultaten bewaard.
11. X-factor – 238 stemmen De populairste foto van de ringen van Saturnus is dit exemplaar. De ringen van Saturnus snijden het beeld met daarachter de atmosfeer van de ringenplaneet.
10. Poollicht – 239 stemmen Nog een foto van poollicht op Saturnus, alleen is nu de hele planeet zichtbaar. Zo ziet Saturnus er in infrarood licht uit.
9. Hyperion – 263 stemmen Hyperion lijkt net een ruimtespons. De maan heeft een diameter van slechts 266 kilometer en is daarmee het grootste onregelmatige object in het zonnestelsel. Wetenschappers denken dat Hyperion een deel van een groter object is, dat vroeger is afgebroken. De maan bestaat voor een groot deel uit bevroren water.
8. Dione naast Saturnus – 275 stemmen De middelgrote maan Dione valt in het niet naast de grote gasplaneet Saturnus. Deze foto is geliefd onder bezoekers, wat waarschijnlijk komt door de juiste kijkhoek van Cassini. Het ringvlak snijdt recht door het centrum van de foto, terwijl de schaduwen van de ringen op de planeet te zien zijn.
7. De ringen zijn niet vlak – 285 stemmen Dat de ringen van Saturnus niet vlak zijn is goed te zien op de onderstaande foto. Torens van gas en stof werpen een schaduw op de buurringen. Buitengewone foto!
6. Aarde door de ringen van Saturnus – 300 stemmen Een schitterende foto van de aarde door de ringen van Saturnus. Net buiten de top vijf en dat is opvallend, want deze foto was een kanshebber voor het podium.
Zie je de aarde? Nee? Vooruit, dan nogmaals dezelfde foto, maar dan met een pijl. Zo ziet onze planeet er op een afstand van ruim één miljard kilometer uit. Een ‘Pale White Dot’.
5. Storm op de noordpool – 306 stemmen Nee, dit is niet de Grote Rode Vlek op Jupiter. Andere storm, andere planeet, soortgelijke vorm.
4. Titan – 318 stemmen Titan is natuurlijk de grootste maan van Saturnus en schittert op dit kiekje.
3. Zo zag je Saturnus nog nooit – 318 stemmen Deze foto is al in 2006 gemaakt en inmiddels een oude bekende, maar wat blijft het toch een schitterende plaat. De zon staat achter de ringenplaneet, waardoor de planeet dreigend overkomt. Wist je dat dit mozaïek uit 165 foto’s bestaat? Daarnaast zijn beelden van verschillende golflengten (o.a. infrarood en ultraviolet) gecombineerd. Het is dus geen natuurlijke foto van Saturnus, maar wat geeft dat. Leuk detail: binnen de G-ring en linksboven de heldere ringen is de aarde te zien. Een uitsnede daarvan staat op plek zes in de lijst.
2. Gigantische storm – 323 stemmen Deze flinke storm raasde in 2011 op Saturnus. Het is de grootste storm ooit geobserveerd door de Voyager of Cassini-ruimtesonde. De storm had een lengte van 300.000 kilometer, wat vergelijkbaar is met de afstand van de aarde naar de maan.
1. Enceladus: bron van leven? – 417 stemmen En de winnaar is… deze prachtige foto van de maan Enceladus. Stiekem hopen we natuurlijk allemaal dat er snel een nieuwe missie naar deze maan gaat. Onder het oppervlak van deze ijsmaan bevindt zich een oceaan met wellicht microscopisch leven. Hoe ziet dat leven er precies uit? Is het zoals microscopisch leven op aarde of totaal anders? Het blijft voorlopig giswerk. Op de onderstaande foto zijn de scheuren in het bevroren oppervlak duidelijk te zien.
Genoten van deze compilatie? Deel hieronder jouw favoriete Cassini-foto’s die de lijst niet hebben gehaald. En… ben je het eens met de volgorde? Welk foto’s moeten hoger of lager? Alle 630+ bezoekers: bedankt voor het stemmen!
Een spannende ontdekking, aangezien sommigen denken dat het leven op aarde rond vergelijkbare bronnen begon…
Onderzoekers ontdekten de hydrothermale bronnen op Mars met behulp van een ruimtesonde die momenteel rond Mars cirkelt: de Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). De orbiter ontdekte enorme afzettingen in een bekken op het zuidelijke deel van Mars. En die afzettingen lijken te zijn gevormd door heel warm water. Dat water werd verwarmd door vulkanische activiteit: magma dat door de korst van Mars sijpelde en uitkwam in een stilstaande zee.
Veel onderzoekers denken dat het leven op aarde begon rond hydrothermale bronnen. Maar helemaal zeker is dat niet. Recent onderzoek suggereert bijvoorbeeld een ander scenario: het leven zou begonnen zijn in warme vijvers.
Implicaties voor aarde “Zelfs als we nooit bewijs vinden dat er leven is geweest op Mars kan dit gebied ons meer vertellen over het type gebied waarin leven op aarde kan zijn begonnen,” vertelt onderzoeker Paul Niles (zie kader). “Vulkanische activiteit in combinatie met stilstaand water zorgde voor omstandigheden die vergelijkbaar waren met de omstandigheden die waarschijnlijk rond dezelfde tijd op aarde speelden, toen het leven hier (op aarde, red.) evolueerde.”
Chemische energie Velen denken dat het leven op aarde dus rond deze hydrothermale bronnen ontstond. Het is geen gekke gedachte als je je de hydrothermale bronnen die tot op de dag van vandaag op aarde voorkomen, voor de geest haalt. Rond de bronnen wemelt het van de levensvormen. En die levensvormen hebben geen zonlicht nodig. Ze leven van de chemische energie die ontstaat door de interactie tussen het water en de gesteenten.
Aangenomen wordt dat onderzeese hydrothermale bronnen ook te vinden zijn op ijzige manen als Europa (rond Jupiter) en Enceladus (rond Saturnus). Beide manen worden bedekt door een dik pak ijs. Maar onder dat ijs bevindt zich een oceaan waarin dergelijke bronnen te vinden zouden zijn.
Enorme zee En nu is dus op Mars net zo’n omgeving ontdekt. Naar schatting zijn de afzettingen die daarop wijzen zo’n 3,7 miljard jaar oud. Ze zouden zijn ontstaan in een zee die zo’n 210.000 kubieke kilometer water herbergde. Dat is is veel: ongeveer net zoveel water als er in een ver verleden in alle andere meren die Mars herbergde samen te vinden was. Al dat water is inmiddels weg. Maar er zijn afzettingen achtergebleven. En in de afzettingen van één zo’n oude zee hebben onderzoekers met behulp van MRO mineralen ontdekt die er sterk op wijzen dat de afzettingen rond hydrothermale bronnen zijn ontstaan. Daarnaast zijn op de plek waar ooit een zee zou hebben gelegen flinke lavastromen ontdekt die lang nadat de zee was opgedroogd, moeten zijn ontstaan. Aanvullend bewijs dat dit gebied ook vulkanisch actief was. “Dit gebied vertelt op overtuigende wijze over een hydrothermaal gebied dat op grote diepte en langdurig heeft bestaan,” stelt Niles. “Het is vergelijkbaar met de hydrothermale bronnen op grote diepte op aarde, vergelijkbaar met omgevingen waarin leven op andere werelden zich kan bevinden (zie kader, red): leven dat geen fijne atmosfeer of gematigde temperatuur nodig heeft, maar genoeg heeft aan stenen, warmte en water.”
Natte omgeving Daarmee hebben onderzoekers weer een heel nieuw soort ‘natte omgeving’ ontdekt op Mars. Eerder werden er al aanwijzingen gevonden dat de rode planeet rivieren, meren, delta’s, zeeën, geisers en grondwater bezat. En ijskappen waaronder vulkanische uitbarstingen plaatsvonden. En nu kunnen we daar dus hydrothermale bronnen aan toevoegen.
Een schematische weergave van hydrothermale bronnen op Mars.
Afbeelding: NASA.
Met de ontdekking hebben onderzoekers bovendien een gebied gevonden dat zeer interessant is voor vervolgonderzoek. In de zoektocht naar sporen van leven op Mars kan dit bekken wel eens heel interessant zijn. Maar zelfs als in het bekken geen sporen van leven worden gevonden, kan het van grote waarde zijn. En wel doordat het bekken ons meer kan vertellen over de omstandigheden die ook op de jonge aarde voorkwamen en wellicht van doorslaggevend belang zijn geweest voor het ontstaan van leven hier. Helaas zijn hydrothermale bronnen op aarde uit de tijd waarin het leven ontstond slecht bewaard gebleven. En misschien moeten we dan ook wel de blik op vergelijkbare hydrothermale bronnen uit dezelfde tijd op Mars richten om meer te weten te komen over de rol die deze hydrothermale bronnen voor het leven op aarde gespeeld hebben.
In the spring of 1999, a UFO flew over downtown Ithaca, New York. I was standing on the roof of a house near the Cornell University campus and managed to snap a few characteristically crappy pictures of the alien object, which vaguely resembled a flying saucer wearing a top hat.
It hovered above the Ithaca Commons for a minute before turning east and soaring over the Cornell University clock tower. As it flew, the craft made a sound that resembled bacon sizzling in a frying pan. Then, just as quickly as it had appeared on that sunny Saturday afternoon, the UFO vanished. The whole encounter lasted maybe a few minutes.
I would later learn that it wasn’t the first time Ithaca had been visited by a UFO. In fact, sightings were pretty common in the area during the latter half of the 20th century—just as they are in some UFO hotspots around the world, like Area 51 in Nevada, the Welsh Triangle, and Wycliffe Well, Australia. Witnesses tend to use similar language when describing spacecraft shapes, sounds, and the aliens themselves, which ostensibly lends credibility to their testimony. After all, how could so many people be wrong?
Even Hillary Clinton appears reluctant to doubt the sightings.
“There’s enough stories out there that I don’t think everybody is just sitting in their kitchen making them up,” Clinton said during a recent interview.
Clinton, it seems, has at least one foot inside the UFO spacewagon, and in recent weeks has promised to get to the bottom of what’s really going on at Area 51. She says that if she’s elected in November, she’ll open up as many of those documents as she can (some are already available) and reveal the truth about possible extraterrestrial visits to Earth. Meanwhile, John Podesta, her campaign chair, appears to be piloting that spacewagon. A rabid X-Files fan (as am I, no shame), Podesta tweeted, “Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the U.F.O. files. #thetruthisstilloutthere,” when he left the Obama White House last year.
It’s disappointing that influential people are helping fan the flames of conspiracy theories that refuse to wilt beneath the weight of truth. One hopes it’s just a campaign stunt, meant to increase Clinton’s popularity among a group of people who might be inclined to vote somewhat more conservatively. Yet given Podesta’s and Clinton’s track records on the topic, it seems more likely the pair really believes there might be something to expose.
Perhaps those documents are tucked into a cardboard box stashed in an old railway car, waiting for Clinton and Podesta to arrive with their flashlights. But I’d wager much more than my house that there’s exactly zero credible evidence supporting alien encounters with this planet—and I’d love for warp drives and battlestars to exist as much as anyone would.
After a few minutes, the spacecraft turned east and flew over the Cornell campus*.
Wait. Didn’t I see a UFO over Ithaca?
Yes, I did see a UFO over Ithaca. I can even tell you exactly what it was made of: an upside-down frying pan with a saucepan lid on top, some fishing line, and a big stick. A classmate and I had manufactured the photos for a course we were taking on the search for life in the universe. Our goal was to win a classroom debate about whether aliens had visited Earth, and step one was proving just how easy it is to fabricate evidence.
This is where Clinton’s reasoning about people sitting in their kitchens making stuff up falls apart. Beliefs are potent. The brain is a powerful tool, and it can lead us to some incredibly wrong recollections and conclusions. And in these situations, assuming there’s safety in numbers is foolish (for more on that topic, start with the Salem witch trials).
During high school, I spent a few summers working alongside my father at the SETI Institute. One of my jobs was to answer letters. This was back in the day when people stuffed paper into envelopes, so I’d start by sorting the letters into two piles. One pile was for correspondence that requested scientific information; the other was for claims of UFO sightings. I’d read these with interest, wondering what it was people thought they saw. Many were convinced that my family had aliens buried in our basement (I’m not saying we do, I’m not saying we don’t**). Often, the reports were incredibly detailed, with one particularly colorful account unfolding over 10 handwritten pages describing how beeping robotic space balls followed a family around.
There’s a familiar saying that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and that evidence—or any proof, really—was never there.
It never is.
So I’d respond with a standard letter explaining what SETI actually does, and include a brochure about the scientific search for extraterrestrial life, which I think is as interesting as the fantasy.
That search began in 1960, when my dad pointed a telescope in Green Bank, West Virginia at a pair of sunlike stars. He was listening for telltale signs of technology broadcasting itself across the cosmos. All he heard was silence. And all we’ve heard since then is silence. But in the intervening half-century, the search for life beyond Earth has moved beyond straining to hear distant cosmic murmurs to looking for evidence of microbial life much closer to home, in our own solar system. Eventually, we’ll take a close look at the atmospheres of faraway planets and keep an eye out for the signatures of living, breathing, biological ecosystems.
And that’s science, which is step three in evaluating alien encounters. It’s true that we don’t know everything there is to know about propulsive technologies, or how the universe works. But we do know that the distances between the stars are so vast, and the energetic requirements for space travel so monumental, that visiting an alien world is far from trivial. It’s not nearly enough to say that alien civilizations might be using technologies we’re completely unaware of. Science demands verifiable proof.
And “proof” of flying saucers and crashed alien spacecrafts amounts to little more than unverified anecdotes.
This is why it’s unhelpful and irresponsible for Clinton and Podesta to be teasing the public as they are. Go ahead and open up the Area 51 files (or at least the ones that don’t compromise national security), but do it in the name of true government transparency rather than uncovering aliens.
* Not really. Please don’t reuse this image without that important caveat.
One of Britain’s strangest UFO flaps occurred on the Welsh coast in 1977. It has been known by various names, including the Dyfed Enigma, the Welsh Triangle case, or the Broad Haven UFO. The story begins with a group of schoolchildren.
The Broad Haven UFO
On February 5 1977, when 15 schoolkids at Broad Haven Primary School ran excitedly into their claiming to have seen a silver-suited spaceman coming out of a metallic cigar-shaped craft land in a field near their school. Perhaps not surprisingly, their teacher didn’t believe them and carried on with the lessons as normal. Yet some of them were adamant that they saw a silver alien with pointed ears emerge from the UFO. On getting out of school, however, they claimed they saw the spaceship again. Needless to say the teachers and parents were skeptical of the reports. So when the left the school grounds, they began to tell their friends, and any who would listen, but no one took them seriously. The next day, the students miffed by the adult inattention, delivered a petition to the police, demanding that they investigate the incident.
All the fuss forced the headmaster to take the children’s UFO sighting a little more seriously than he had before. So he gathered the children involved and asked them to draw what they had seen. Remarkably, the drawings were highly consistent, showing the same saucer-shaped UFO, with a dome on top of it, in their drawings.
This first sighting heralded an extraordinary year of unusual happenings in Wales. As it unfolded, vast numbers of people claimed to see UFOs or to have had bizarre, paranormal experiences of similar kinds as the story gained national headlines, flooding the West Wales coast with reporters and television crews. Consequently the number of UFO incidents in the area increased dramatically. Was it all mass hysteria? Was somebody mischief-making? Was it the work of the military? Or had aliens actually arrived in Pembrokeshire?
The Dyfed Mystery Unfolds
One family, in particular, was very severely affected by it all. The Coombs family, who were employed at the Ripperston farm, had a number of very strange experiences. Among these were sightings of UFOs from their car; a 7-ft silver-suited being with a black visor appearing outside their window; constant mechanical disturbances, including their car and television setrepeatedly breaking down and having to be replaced; and their cows seemingly being teleported from one field to another!
Another of the most famous incidents occurred around the Haven Fort Hotel in Little Haven. The owner of the hotel, a Mrs. Rose Granville, claimed she had seen a saucer-shaped UFO outside of the hotel window. Strange humanoids, wearing whitish boiler suits, emerged from the UFO and walked around for a bit as if gathering something. Mrs. Granville went to fetch other residents of the hotel to show them, but found the UFO and its mysterious occupants gone by the time she returned.
Somewhat distressed by the encounter, Mrs. Granville wrote a letter to her MP who promptly asked the Ministry of Defence to investigate. As a result, Mrs. Granville received a visit from an RAF officer who listened to her story and professed himself mystified by it all.
Some skeptics have claimed that the entire Broad Haven UFO flap was caused by hoaxers. It was noted that silver suits, somewhat resembling those described by the eye-witnesses, were in use at a nearby oil refinery. As happens in almost cases of persistent UFO activity in a specific area, hoaxing does soon enter the picture. Local yahoos see it as a great opportunity to have some fun. The Welsh Triangle flap was no exception. Indeed, some of the hoaxers have now come forward and admitted it publicly. The temptation is to dismiss all of the incidents because of a few fake ones. It’s difficult to see how hoaxers could account for all of the flying objects that were sighted, however, so fakery cannot provide a complete explanation for events in the Broad Haven area as a whole.
The Dyfed Mystery – Conclusion
The Broad Haven UFO flap was one of the most important in British history. The strange events there, which elicited interest from journalists and researchers throughout the country, have still never been satisfactorily explained.
Wycliffe Well is located on the Stuart Highway 130 kilometres south of Tennant Creek and 380 kilometres north of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory Australia. It is known as Australia’s UFO capital due to the hundreds of UFO sightings that have occurred there since WWII.
Wycliffe Well began as a watering point along the stock route for the Overland Telegraph Line in the 1860s. During World War II the Well became a market garden centre to service troops, and at the end of the war, two soldiers stayed on to continue selling vegetables and garden products to Alice Springs.
In 1960 a petrol pump was installed to supply fuel to travelers. Since then Wycliffe Well has become a tourist stop over point. The town today essentially consists of the Wycliffe Well tourist park which covers 60 acres of land and includes a recreational lake for fishing and boating, a Bar that has the largest range of beer available in Australia plus three life-size Alien figures and a large model UFO!
UFO Sightings
According to the tourist parks brochure, “UFO sightings are so common, that if you stayed up all night looking, you would be considered unlucky not to see anything, rather than lucky to see something”.
According to local Folklore UFO sightings have occurred in the Well since WWII. Even a binder book containing records of UFO sightings from this era was kept until it was stolen from the tourist parks front counter some years ago. Sightings from the 90’s have since been kept by the tourist park staff.
The local restaurant‘s walls are covered with newspaper clippings written by UFO skeptics and believers alike.
Wycliffe Well is one of the top 5 UFO hotspots in the world that can guarantee a sighting every couple of days.
According to Lou Farkus the parks owner; “Scientists say the sky is full of Ley Lines, which act like highways for the UFO’s to travel along.” He says “But these energy lines must meet somewhere and one of those crossroads or intersections lies directly above the middle of Australia. That’s why we see so many here.”
Lou claims that because Wycliffe Well is one of the flattest places in the region it allows a 360 degree view of the night skies. This allows a great vantage point to see unidentified objects in the sky.
Lou has operated the Wycliffe Well Roadhouse for over 20 years and originally had no interest in UFOs until he moved there. He claims that he has seen so many no longer bothers looking for them and waits for visitors to report them.
He also claims that he has nothing to prove to skeptics and suggests they come and take a look for themselves to make up their own minds.
Lou has also heard many bizarre theories over the years of what the UFO’s may be? One in particular is the theory is that the lights in the sky are Fluorescent birds! “Can you imagine the size of one of those birds?” He laughs.
He also claims there have been many visitors from the UK and Japan who bring with them sophisticated equipment. Only after a few days of taking readings they leave.
Skeptics claim that many UFO sightings are conventional aircraft misidentified. Lou says; “Sure the RAAF do flyovers from time to time, but once you seen their Jets going at Mach-1, There’s no comparison with the speed that these other things travel at.” “Sometimes the UFO’s travel so fast you’d literally blink to miss it.”
UFO descriptions from Wycliffe Well include; Cigar, Square and Rectangular shape. Square shapes morphing into circular. Pulsating and flashing lights. Orange, Green and Red spinning lights. Others that shoot out beams of different colours.
UFOs have also been witnessed hovering above the ground. One case in particular where a “huge’ craft was seen hovering 100m above the parks toilet block that took off at an astonishing speed.
Daytime sightings have occurred, sometimes UFO’s have known to follow cars but seem to generally uninterested in people with claims of abductions being very rare.
Reports of Alien beings are also rare apart from one account. According to Lou Farkus “I’ve only heard of one case of someone seeing an Alien form, it was from an Aboriginal woman who said she saw a flashing object descend into the trees and then sighted three beings.”
It could be speculated that some UFO sightings in Wycliffe Well are attributed to vehicles being tested at the Woomera Prohibited Area which also is located on the Stuart Highway. The WPA is sometimes referred to as Area 52 or Australia’s Area 51.
Initially, the military appeared to confirm this before insisting a few days later it was just an armed forces balloon.
But now conspiracy theorists have claimed this new footage clearly shows what appears to be medical personnel seeming to carry the body of an alien away from the crash site.
The grainy images have been posted to YouTube with the caption Roswell UFO crash new footage of alien body.
New footage has emerged claiming to be from Roswell
Does this prove an alien did crash land?
The footage seems to show scientists gathered around the body, which has a humanoid appearance.
Since the infamous crash, there have been thousands of theories as to what really happened in Area 51.
In the 1990s the US military tried to quell some of the rumours by revealing the military balloon that had crashed was a nuclear test surveillance balloon from Project Mogul.
This was a top secret project that was designed to detect sound waves generated by Soviet Union atomic bomb tests.
The military wanted to hide the true nature of the project and so claimed it was nothing more than a weather balloon.
The new footage seems to show a creature being carried away
This is one of the most famous images that claims to be of the Roswell alien(Image: Channel 4)
But 30 years after the incident, hundreds of documents emerged that seemed to have been written by people working within Area 51.
They claimed there was evidence that at least one alien spacecraft had crashed near Roswell in 1947.
Since then, there have been countless books written about the supposed alien landing and a number of films and TV series.
The Roswell myth also picked up steam back in 1995 when what appeared to be genuine footage of an alien body inside a huge glass container emerged.
The "leaked" video was later exposed as an elaborate hoax, but the footage had reignited interest in what had happened on that day in 1947.
Spyros Melaris made the black and white film showing men in white coats apparently dissecting the alien.
Millions of people across the world watched the footage, but Melaris has always insisted the 17-minute clip was nothing more than a hoax filmed in a north London flat.
And the myth refuses to die with a new Netflix documentary claiming to lift the lid on the Roswell conspiracy.
Unacknowledged insists it has unearthed fresh evidence to suggest the military DID cover up what really happened.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
1994 Ottawa County UFO sightings remain unexplained
1994 Ottawa County UFO sightings remain unexplained
Blue, white, red and green lights — sometimes attached to cylindrical objects and sometimes performing unusual maneuvers — were reported.
“I glanced out to the backyard and noticed four bright lights just above the tree line over our horse pasture,” Grand Haven-area resident Cindy Pravda recalled in an interview. “I had been watching the lights for about 10 minutes when one of the lights slowly moved to the left. It looked like it traveled over the highway next to our house and then slowly moved back in formation.”
Pravda, who watched the lights for about 30 minutes, was not sure if they comprised a much bigger object. In 2008, she recounted the event for the History Channel’s television show “UFO Hunters,” in an episode titled “UFO Emergency.”
That night, 911 operators began receiving calls around 9:30 from eyewitnesses who were reporting something that looked like “a string of Christmas lights” in the sky.
It wasn’t just people in Ottawa County reporting these things. Eyewitnesses in counties up and down Lake Michigan phoned in similar reports. Some sources say 300 witnesses, including several police officers, saw the lights.
Scott Ruiter, of Grand Haven, said he saw the lights in Grand Haven Township at 10:30 p.m.
“It looked like about five airplanes following each other fairly closely,” he said in a news report. “One would blink, then the other — right to left.”
There were so many reports coming in that one of the Ottawa County 911 operators decided to call the National Weather Service radar operator at Muskegon. Similar conversations that 911 operators had with the weather bureau operator that evening were taped and later made their way into the media.
On the recordings, the radar operator’s voice could be heard describing abrupt movements of the object and multiple objects appearing on the radar screen. It was reported that what he was seeing could not be precipitation, especially at that height.
One object was tracked moving 20 miles in 10 seconds.
“He said he had three things on his radar, and they were in a triangular shape,” Holland police officer Jeff Vellhouse reportedly stated to the Muskegon radar operator. “He said they hovered over Holland and moved southwest. He said that one would move out of the triangular pattern, then move back in.”
The radar operator also reported there were “three and sometimes four blips,” and they weren’t airplanes. It was noted planes show as pinpoints on the scope, but the returns on radar were the size of half a thumbnail. The objects were said to range from 5,000 to 12,000 feet at times, and in rapid motion. Three were reported to be moving toward Chicago.
The operator claimed he never saw anything like it before.
It was initially said that there were no weather bureau written or taped records of the radar contacts themselves, but Dave Reinhart of BIMUP (Bureau of Investigators of Mysteries & Unusual Phenomena) claimed to have received copies of the NWS radar operator’s report in late 1994.
He also said that he had spoken to an individual referred to as “Fred,” who worked at Area 51, and was claimed to have knowledge of what had occurred on the night of March 8, 1994. Apparently “Fred” said that it was some sort of rendezvous of UFOs from the east, west, north and south.
The National Weather Service later tried to downplay the radar trackings.
“There is no relation between the UFOs and the radar tracks,” Dean Gulezian, the weather service’s area manager for Michigan, was quoted in a published report.
Gulezian relayed that, although the radar did show some echoes, eyewitnesses had seen these objects at tree-top level. He explained radar echoes captured were from an altitude of 10,000 feet or higher.
Serious discussion about the UFOs over Ottawa County continued for several days. A former Ottawa County 911 dispatcher said random calls of UFO sightings continued throughout the summer, but were mostly ignored.
To this day, the sightings were never adequately explained.
A study by researchers has revealed that more than three billion years ago the moon had an atmosphere and it saw a period of volcanic activity that was intense which saw huge amounts of gas in the form of lava seas fill the impact basins.
THE MOON When the gases rose above the level of the surface it was said that they accumulated a lot quicker than they were able to escape into space and this led to a lunar atmosphere. The findings might just change the way we understand the moon as it does suggest that the moon has not always been the airless world that we know it to be.
Astronauts of the Apollo 15 and the Apollo 17 missions had explored the boundaries of the lava seas at the basins of Imbrium and Serenitatis. During the excursions, they collected samples and these have revealed that eruptions had taken place many billions of years previously. Now a new analysis of them has shown that the magma in the regions had gas components that included carbon monoxide, which was an ingredient for water and Sulphur along with many other species that were volatile.
A lot of the water vapor that had been released when the eruptions were taking place might have escaped into space, and it is thought that a lot of it could have even made its way to the poles. When the atmosphere had formed the researchers believe that it would have remained in place for as long as 70 million years.
A NASA backed study from the Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute saw researchers calculating how much gas might have risen into the air from the lava flows that erupted on the moon many billions of years ago. Experts suggest that the volcanic activity may have peaked about 3.5 billion years ago along with the atmosphere. At this time the atmosphere would have been at its thickest.
The samples that were revealed in the magma within the regions were said to contain gas components with one being carbon monoxide. Research Scientist of NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Dr. Debra H. Needham, said that the total amount of H20 that would have been released in the emplacement of the mare basalts would be twice that of the volume of water that is in Lake Tahoe. She did go on to say that the majority of it would have been lost in space, while a fraction of it would have found its way to the lunar poles.
This suggests that some of the volatiles of the lunar poles may have originated inside of the moon. Dr. David A Kring from the Universities Space Research Association said that the findings could have a dramatic change in the view of the moon from the rocky and airless body to one that had an atmosphere that was more prevalent than the one that surrounds Mars today.
Yellow Stone National park has been a long-time heralded UFO sighting area for many decades throughout American history.
The mountain in past years and recent news has been declared a ticking time-bomb as it has awakened into an active volcano being able to erupt at any time it should choose.
Recently a visitor was able to capture one of these amazing U.F.O sightings on camera. The Youtube video was taken earlier this past June already has nearly 25 thousand views. Alien hunters and paranormal fans worldwide are beyond excited to view this very credible footage of a typical silvery flying saucer rising beside Yellowstone then shooting across the sky.
This is not the first sighting of an unidentifiable object in the sky near Yellow Stone. In 2016 there too was a sighting of what appeared to be a drone-like object hovering directly above the head of the summit. Footage of this sighting can also be found on the "Jeanette" channel under a video entitled "Things Are Flying All Over The Night Sky! Upper Basin - Overnight!". Is there a possibility that visitors from other planets could share an interest in the earth's natural wonders? Are alien beings somehow involved with the activation of this super-volcano? It is estimated that the volcano last erupted over 700 000 years ago. Many locals feel uneasy knowing that all it might take is just one unexpected earthquake to set it off, immediately killing an estimated 87,000 people and making two-thirds of the United States immediately uninhabitable.
Photographer caught strange orb with sparkling structure inside it over Ambach, Germany
Photographer caught strange orb with sparkling structure inside it over Ambach, Germany
Photographer took an image of a strange orb with a sparkling shimmering structure inside it, over Ambach in Germany.
He took several other images at the same time and checked them to see if the object was dirt on lens or a reflection of the sun, lens flare, but nothing was to see in all the images except the one showing the orb with its interior structure of some sort.
The photographer who took the image with his Samsung Galaxy a5 on October 2, 2017 stated that he has never seen such a thing before and wonders whether someone maybe have already seen such a phenomenon in the sky or not. Mufon case file 87225.
Curious reports of extra-terrestrials pulling Steven Spielberg to Siberian jewel Baikal.
True or not about Spielberg's interest, the lake is perhaps the biggest focus of UFOs in Russia.
Since ancient times, the vast Lake Baikal has been known as deeply mysterious, but in the closing years of the Soviet era, and since, it has been the location of a number of alleged sightings of aliens and UFOs.
Initially these were covered-up by the authorities of the USSR, but later they were revealed by the Russian media.
In recent days there have been unconfirmed reports in Russia that American director Steven Spielberg is planning a documentary based on these weird and unexplained accounts. At the time of writing, this appeared to be a hoax, though it was unclear who planted stories in the Russian media.
True or not about Spielberg's interest, the lake is perhaps the biggest focus of UFOs in Russia.
The versions of extra-terrestrial activity at Baikal - edged by mountains and containing one-fifth of the world's unfrozen freshwater - relate to supposed aliens seen by military divers in its depth, and large 'spaceships' hovering over its grey, moody expanses.
Some of the images here show what two photographers claimed were UFOs buzzing the lake, while others are mock-ups from NTV based on descriptions of an incident at Kudara-Somon, in Buryatia, exactly a quarter of a century ago.
A number of sightings also indicate bright 'cigar-shaped' objects in the sky flying over Baikal, as in the top picture.
NTV channel mock-up of 'flying saucer' based on accounts by residents of Kudara-Somon village in 1990.
Pictures: NTV
A case for which there were no images, but an intriguing description, occurred at Kurma, Irkutsk region, in 17 April 1987. The words that follow are from Valery Rudentsov, a local resident of nearby Shida village:
'There was 13 of us. At about 12.20am, one of our guys went out into the yard, a few seconds later runs, and calls all of us out. He stood in the centre of the yard and pointed his finger at the sky.
'Diagonally from his gesture - 150 metres above us - hung a huge flying saucer. From the centre of the plate went a phosphorescent purple ray. And at the edges of the plate were yellow portholes, almost like in our rural houses. The diameter of the plate was 70 metres. We saw it so clearly and for a long time, someone even suggested he throw a stone at it ...
'The weather was amazingly quiet, no sound was heard from the hanging saucer, although behind us was the village of Kurma - there was the noise of a dog barking, the lowing of cows. We were spellbound.
'It was a full moon and the visibility was so clear that no one of us could doubt the reality of what we saw. And then the plate slid smoothly away, sailed along the shore of the bay and further slipped into the hills of Olkhon. Neither before nor after have I ever met such a thing.
'But since that time it has been a kind of sacrilege to me - not to believe in UFOs. My friend Alexander, a hunter, and his colleagues who lived there for 20 years, often see UFOs - and all is fine, he is still alive. So if to speak about glowing balls or 'cigars', we constantly see these on the shores of Lake Baikal. They exist.'
The case highlighted by NTV channel was on 16 May 1990 in the village of Kudara-Somon, in Kyakhtinsky district, some 300 km from Ulan-Ude, capital of the Republic of Buryatia.
Margarita Tsybikova recalls the UFO's visit to Kudara-Somon. Marina Zimireva shows where the 'flying saucer' landed.
Pictures: NTV
Olga Fedorova, a local resident, recalled: 'At some moment everything turned yellow. My daughter came home from school. I looked - her face was yellow.'
The explanation soon became clear, according to accounts from villagers.
Vasily Timofeev spoke of a flying saucer. 'Its diameter was around 30 meters, it shone brightly. But I did not see a clear image of metal or something like this.'
Another resident Margarita Tsybikova said: 'From this dish came down people in shiny, shimmering costumes.' Olga explained: 'There were people, as far as I remember, three people in shining yellow suits. Seems there were people, yes.'
Marina Zimireva, who also says she witnessed this extraordinary sight, said: 'It was some kind of circle, it can be said, it was like a disk. It turned on the edge and and, well, windows were visible.
'I personally decided for myself that they were people. They had some human image. They were the same - straight, slender, they had arms and legs. And their gait was the same as ours. A little lower down there were three in orange suits. They went down from the disk like a man - the steps were very visible.'
Then, as they recounted the strange event, the 'aliens' saw the people watching them. They returned to their spaceship and flew away.
A picture taken by Nikita Tomin, shows three green-shaded lights on a UFO flying above a lakeside resort in Irkutsk region.
Pictures: Baikal Press, NTV
Game warden Gennady Lipinsky also recalls seeing a UFO. 'When I saw it, it was flying low. Until it disappeared over the horizon, I kept looking at it. I call it a fireball, and what it really was - I cannot know.'
The chairman of the Union of Photographers of Buryatia, Sergey Konechnykh, Ulan-Ude, was quoted about a much more recent incident, on 9 July 2009, at around 10pm.
'My son and I went out to the balcony, to see the last of the waning sunset. Suddenly there appeared these two glowing points and they hovered over the water.'
His pictures of this incident are clear yet perhaps raise as many questions as they answer. They show two glows in the night sky, featuring a yellow core with an orange-red surround.
By his account, the mysterious crafts rose and rebased elsewhere on Baikal's surface.
Around the same time, Anna Vinogradova, recalled a different but equally strange sight on the water. 'We were standing with tents on the beach and at night we saw orange-red flashes, as if a huge fires,' she said.
At Listvyanka in July 2010, a picture taken by Nikita Tomin, shows three green-shaded lights on a UFO flying above the lakeside resort in Irkutsk region.
The chairman of the Union of Photographers of Buryatia, Sergey Konechnykh shows the pictures he made in July 2009.
Pictures: NTV, Sergey Konechnykh
'It flew right above us, very low. The object was shining down on us with a green light. We were a bit scared,' he said.
But the accounts also include 'aliens' in the deep waters of Baikal. Interestingly, unlike several other Siberian lakes, Baikal is not seen as home to a Loch Ness-style monster, but rather boasts space-like aliens under its murky surface.
For example, Vyacheslav Lavretevich, a rescuer, recalled an incident but did not give the date. 'We were on a yacht on Lake Baikal, and from under us flew out a huge glowing disk. It blinded us, and for a second flew into the sky.
'We did not even have time to grab any cameras, nor take video, although many of us saw it. It was a huge - and lit up all of our yacht. In diameter it was probably 500-700 metres, a huge disk.
'For three minutes it shone from below (the surface), and then abruptly departed in a second. The spectacle was huge, awesome. Beautiful, and shocking.'
Vyacheslav Lavretevich, a rescuer, recalled an incident on Baikal. Oleg Chichulin saw strange objects near Cape Svyatoi Nos. Pictures: NTV
Oleg Chichulin was also on a boat, training students. Near Cape Svyatoi Nos they saw strange objects.
'There was a ball that glowed. And then this ball started to fade, fade and blush. And it turned into a red ball. This red ball for a while lay on the water, and then began to sink. And all this gradually, gradually went under the water. And it became dark.'
Yet there are even more intriguing accounts of underwater aliens in the vast lake.
In 1977, when Leonid Brezhnev ruled the Kremlin, two researchers named V Alexandrov and G Seliverstov, were in a submersible device at a depth of 1200 metres in the lake.
The researchers turned off their spotlights, to explore the depth of penetration of sunlight into the water. Suddenly the scientists were bathed in light from an unusual 'glow'.
Aleksandrov recalled: 'It was so like if our device was lit from above and the side by two strong spotlights. Only a minute later, unknown floodlights went out, and we found ourselves in total darkness.'
In 1977 two researchers named V Alexandrov and G Seliverstov, were in a submersible device at a depth of 1200 metres in the lake and observd strange lights.
Picture: Vokrug Sveta
In 1982, seven military divers were reported to have come across aliens under the waters of Baikal. Alexey Tivanenko, a doctor of history, said: 'At a depth of 50 metres, they met swimmers, around three metres tall, dressed in tight-fitting silvery suits. They did not have any scuba or other devices, just helmets on their heads.
'They received an order to catch the Ihtiander (half-boy, half-shark, from modern Russian folklore) - but they were immediately washed ashore with signs of decompression.
'They had two decompression devices, but one was broken. All seven people could not be put inside, so they put only four of them. And those three people, who were not put in the device, died on the beach.'
Tivanenko has likened the descriptions to ancient petroglyphs seen by some as being aliens visiting Earth. 'I have hundreds of drawings with these 'Sons of the Sky',' he told NTV.
'They are united by the fact that all of them are tall, dressed in suits, all with the helmets on their heads. And there are mechanisms used by astronauts today.'
'I have hundreds of drawings with these 'Sons of the Sky', told Alexey Tivanenko.
Pictures: NTV
Reports surfaced several days ago in the Russian media that Spielberg was expected at Baikal in May, and that he intends to make a documentary entitled Depth 211.
Citing the 'press service' of MUFON - the Mutual UFO Network, a US-based organisation that investigates UFO sightings - news source and others reported his trip.
Yet there was no confirmation from the Hollywood director, who has made such films as Close Encounters of the Third Kind and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, would be arriving, nor further detail on the reported project.
Later, Komsomolskaya Pravda and IA Teleinform denied the reports but without quoting any sources close to the director.
The Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado is said to be a sleeping dragon, and the story has it that the Ute mountain tribe were saved many years back by it.
The Native American story says that the people were punished by a huge flood sent by the Great Spirit but when they decided to repent a dragon was sent to take the water away. When it was filled with drink, it became petrified and turned into the mountain.
The Cheyenne Mountain Complex has been in operation for more than 50 years and never slept. It became fully operational in 1966, and it has played a role for the Department of Defense that has been vital both in wars and peacetime.
The complex has changed its name many times over the last five decades but the mission has always been the same, and that has been to defend the US along with their allies. It is known today as the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, and today one of the main roles of it is a collection of information from sensors on the ground and satellites around the globe. It also disseminates the data to the US Strategic Command, North American Aerospace Defense Command and the U.S Northern Command.
The AFS deputy director of the Cheyenne Mountain said that the sensors are the nerves sensing information and the nerves all come back to the brain stem and they are the brain stem that puts everything together and makes sense of it and then passes it on to the brain. He is talking about the commander or either NORAD NORTHCOM or STRATCOM, who then decide on what it means. The Cheyenne Mountain puts up a shield around the single place where the correlation and the data come in.
During the 1950s the Department of Defense built the installation to be used as a control center defense or command, and due to this it found itself on the target list of the enemies, and as such, it had been built so that it would be able to withstand a nuclear attack that was direct. There are 15 buildings that sit on over 1,300 springs that are 18 inches from the rock walls of the mountain. This means that they can move about independently should they have to go up against a nuclear blast and seismic event following a blast. Along with this, the EMP had been thought about in the original design and the construction of the Cheyenne Mountain.
It was said that the EMP threat is now more of a threat to the society of today due to the investment in electronics. However, thanks to coincidence since it was designed during the 1950s to withstand a nuclear blast today it remains the number one rated EMP protected facility. One of a unique things about the mountain is the fact that the whole installation was surrounded by granite and this makes it EMP shield that is natural.
The station was built 7,000 feet above the level of the sea, and it opened with the name of NORAD Combat Operations Center. Many people thought that when they moved the main command to the Peterson Air Force Base, Cheyenne Mountain would have closed. However, instead, it became an alternative command center for NORAD.
Cheyenne Mountain AFS Installation Commander, Colonel Gary Cornn said that when he takes visitors to it, they are surprised that the place is still open and many are even more impressed by the original construction of it. More so, when it comes to the construction of the buildings and blasting of the tunnels in the building along with the capability of it. He went on to say that it was strange to see civilians along with senior officers behaving like little children at the site.
The sources and threats may have changed drastically today from when the center was first opened during the Cold War. However, one thing has remained the same, and this is the 25-ton steel doors that can seal off the Mountain in just 40 seconds if there is a threat. There is a city underground the 2,000 feet of granite, and this can offer protection, so it ensures that the station is relevant and is the fortress of America.
The long-time employees of Cheyenne Mountain call themselves mountain men and Russel Mullins, the 721st Communications Squadron deputy director goes back to the era of the Cold War to 1984. While the nuclear arsenal of the Soviet Union used to be the main focus, today the airmen still have the mission of detecting and tracking any incoming threats to the United States.
The attacks of 9/11 added another mission to NORAD and the Directorate of Cheyenne Mountain, the monitoring of airspace in the US and Canada. They are standing ready to help the Federal Aviation Administration along with the Navigation Canada with any threats that come from the air in the US or Canada
Cheyenne Mountain is said to be unique when it comes to ventilation, smoke, and occupancy. It was said that any normal building there would be a fire alarm to pull and the people have to leave. However, inside the mountain, the people depend on Backenberg to be able to get out through a safe route. If a fire should occur within the mountain, then they have to take care of it and get to safety down the half a mile long tunnel.
The Cheyenne Mountain as played a part in many TV series and movies, including Terminator, WarGames, and Interstellar. Occasionally there are trespassers, photographers, and protestors who security has to chase away. Senior Airman Ricardo Pierre Collie said that the part of the day of the security forces is responding to alarms and trying to get used to the fact that when working a 12-hour shift they do not get to see the sun. The security responds at a moment’s notice and the reaction time is always crucial. Collie and the others believe that it is their responsibility to protect what is an American fortress that remains as vital as ever.
A strange, mysterious light has been captured on video over the skies in the Westcountry.
It was seen at Cley Hill in Warminster, which is reputed in Somerset to be a supernatural hot spot.
The top of Cley Hill looking towards Frome
Tasha Colliss and her husband took the video last Friday night, September 29, at around 7.45pm from her kitchen window.
She told “I spotted it from our home in Haygrove Close, Warminster. Our kitchen window overlooks Cley Hill.
“We have never seen anything like this before.”
It is not the first mysterious UFO to have been captured on video circling over Cley Hill.
An unidentified flying object was spotted by Frome resident Jeremy Le Fevre in August. He had been travelling home after performing with the Frome Street Bandits at the Cheese and Grain Rum Festival.
Upon spotting the strange object he took a moment to watch the unusual movements of the light.
He said: “I had never seen anything like it before. It really caught my eye. It went on for quite some time before flying off into the distance towards Longleat.
“It was emitting green and red colours. It looked to me like it could have been fireworks attached to a drone. It’s still very much unidentified though.”
Nigel Vile, a local rambler, regularly goes on walks around the area.
Speaking of the hill, he said: “Some experts have gone as far as to describe the nearby town of Warminster as Britain’s UFO capital on account of a phenomena first encountered in the mid-1960s that became known as the ‘Warminster Thing’.
“Strange noises were heard in the skies above the town, and an equally strange shimmering light was observed in the vicinity.”
Even earlier in the year another UFO had been videoed circling over Cley Hill.
The video showed streaks of light circling over the National Trust owned land in Corsley.
The resident who took the video believed the streak of light could be a UFO.
He said: “I took this video from my house in Frome last night (May 29). It was over the Cley Hill area I think, which is always a hotspot for UFOs.”
AeroSparx are based near Warminster and regularly practice around Cley Hill
It eventually emerged that the streak of light had in fact been created by a stunt plane belonging to nearby acrobatics group AeroSparx.
The innovative display team performs dazzling acrobatic displays with fireworks attached to the tips of their wings.
This could provide some answers to Jeremy’s video. Although the object he videoed remains unidentified.
Stephen Hawking Warns Us to Stop Reaching Out to Aliens Before It's Too Late
Stephen Hawking Warns Us to Stop Reaching Out to Aliens Before It's Too Late
"I am more convinced than ever that we are not alone."
When the potential of intelligent alien civilisations comes up in conversation, it’s usually about the search. How will we find them? Where are they? Are they there at all? What actions should we take if – or when – we find them, or they find us?
Well, according to physicist Stephen Hawking, we should probably stop trying to contact them at all, because reaching out to advanced civilisations could put humanity and Earth in a pretty risky situation. And the bad news is, we've already been broadcasting our location to the Universe for years.
Hawking’s warning comes in a new online film called Stephen Hawking’s Favourite Places, which shows the famed scientist in a CGI spacecraft called the SS Hawking exploring his favourite places in the Universe.
"As I grow older I am more convinced than ever that we are not alone. After a lifetime of wondering, I am helping to lead a new global effort to find out," Hawking says in the film while exploring Gliese 832c, a planet that lies 16 light-years away and might foster alien life.
"The Breakthrough Listen project will scan the nearest million stars for signs of life, but I know just the place to start looking. One day we might receive a signal from a planet like Gliese 832c, but we should be wary of answering back."
Recently, the project announced that it would be turning its attention to the hypothetical 'alien megastructure' that some think is causing a star known as KIC 8462852 to oddly dim off and on.
A more reasonable hypothesis is that the erratic dimming is caused by 'interstellar junk' or a comet swarm, but no one really knows what’s going on there yet.
Despite Hawking’s extraordinary effort to find intelligent life in the Universe, he is one of the most outspoken critics of actually trying to communicate with them, an act that he says would potentially endanger humanity, because a distant alien civilisation might view us as inferior, weak, and perfect to conquer.
"If so, they will be vastly more powerful and may not see us as any more valuable than we see bacteria," he says in the film.
Hawking often uses the example of Columbus’ expedition to the America’s to describe what could happen if an advanced civilisation gets word of our existence, saying that that initial meeting "didn’t turn out so well".
Hawking’s warning is rooted in the idea that an alien civilisation, especially one that can pick up our signals and understand where they’re coming from, has the potential to be billions of years more advanced than us, making us an easy target to overthrow or invade.
Reaching out to the Universe isn’t the only area of scientific pursuit that Hawking says is risky.
A few weeks ago, at a lecture at the University of Cambridge, Hawking said artificial intelligence might prove to be "either the best, or the worst thing, ever to happen to humanity", a feeling that other experts and leaders – such as Elon Musk – have agreed with.
This fear stems from the fact that AI has the power to learn for itself, making it possible to surpass our human abilities, because we rely on biological evolution – a slow process, to say the least – to become better.
"[Artificial intelligence] would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate," he told Rory Cellan-Jones at the BBC. "Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn't compete, and would be superseded."
While all of these warnings might seem a bit much, it’s important for us to think about them before we have to. As the saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry, especially when world-dominating aliens or AI robots are involved.
Besides offering an ominous warning, though, the new 25-minute film sees Hawking explore other incredible spots in the Universe, such as Sagittarius A* – a supermassive black hole – and our Solar System’s very own Saturn, a planet that Hawking is fascinated with.
Crop circles — strange patterns that appear mysteriously overnight in farmers' fields—provoke puzzlement, delight and intrigue among the press and public alike. The circles are mostly found in the United Kingdom, but have spread to dozens of countries around the world in past decades. The mystery has inspired countless books, blogs, fan groups, researchers (dubbed "cereologists") and even Hollywood films.
Despite having been studied for decades, the question remains: Who — or what — is making them?
Early crop circles
Many people believe that crop circles have been reported for centuries, a claim repeated in many books and websites devoted to the mystery. Their primary piece of evidence is a woodcut from 1678 that appears to show a field of oat stalks laid out in a circle. Some take this to be a first-hand eyewitness account of a crop circle, but a little historical investigation shows otherwise.
A woodcut pamphlet that some claim represents an early crop circle.
The woodcut actually illustrates what in folklore is called a "mowing devil" legend, in which an English farmer told a worker with whom he was feuding that he "would rather pay the Devil himself" to cut his oat field than pay the fee demanded. The source of the harvesting is not unknown or mysterious; it is indeed Satan himself, who — complete with signature horns and a tail — can be seen in the woodcut holding a scythe.
Some claim that the first crop circles (though they were not called that at the time) appeared near the small town of Tully, Australia. In 1966, a farmer said he saw a flying saucer rise up from a swampy area and fly away; when he went to investigate he saw a roughly circular area of debris and apparently flattened reeds and grass, which he assumed had been made by the alien spacecraft (but which police investigators said was likely caused by a natural phenomena such as a dust devil or waterspout). Referred in the press as "flying saucer nests," this story is more a UFO report than a crop circle report.
As in the 1678 mowing devil legend, the case for it being linked to crop circles is especially weak when we consider that the impression or formation was not made in a crop of any kind but instead in ordinary grass. A round impression in a lawn or grassy area is not necessarily mysterious (as anyone with a kiddie pool in the back yard knows). Indeed, mysterious circles have appeared in grass throughout the world that are sometimes attributed to fairies but instead caused by disease.
Modern crop circles
In fact, the first real crop circles didn't appear until the 1970s, when simple circles began appearing in the English countryside. The number and complexity of the circles increased dramatically, reaching a peak in the 1980s and 1990s when increasingly elaborate circles were produced, including those illustrating complex mathematical equations.
In July 1996, one of the world's most complex and spectacular crop circles appeared in England, across a highway from the mysterious and world-famous Stonehenge monument in the Wiltshire countryside. It was astonishing fractal pattern called a Julia Set, and while some simple or rough circles might be explained away as the result of a strange weather phenomenon, this one unmistakably demonstrated intelligence. The only question was whether that intelligence was terrestrial or extra-terrestrial.
Making the design all the more mysterious, it was claimed that the circle appeared in less than an hour and during the daytime — which, if true, would be virtually impossible for hoaxers to accomplish. The circle became one of the most famous and important crop circles in history.
It was later revealed that the circle had in fact been made in about three hours (by three hoaxers) very early that morning. It simply hadn't been noticed until the following afternoon when spotted from an airplane overhead.
People inspect crop circles within a golden wheat field in Switzerland. The photo was taken on July 29, 2007.
Theories & explanations
Unlike other mysterious phenomenon such as psychic powers, ghosts, or Bigfoot, there is no doubt that crop circles are "real." The evidence that they exist is clear and overwhelming. The real question is instead what creates them — and there are ways to investigate that question.
We can look at both internal and external evidence to evaluate crop circles. Internal information includes the content and meaning of the designs (is there anything that indicates that any information contained in the "messages" is of extraterrestrial origin?), and external information, including the physical construction of the crop designs themselves (is there anything that indicates that the designs were created by anything other than humans?)
Crop circle enthusiasts have come up with many theories about what create the patterns, ranging from the plausible to the absurd. One explanation in vogue in the early 1980s was that the mysterious circle patterns were accidentally produced by the especially vigorous sexual activity of horny hedgehogs. Some people have suggested that the circles are somehow created by localized and precise wind patterns, or by scientifically undetectable Earth energy fields and meridians called ley lines.
Others, such as molecular biologist Horace Drew, suggest that the answer lies instead in time travel or alien life. He theorizes that the patterns could be made by human time travelers from the distant future to help them navigate our planet. Drew, working on the assumption that the designs are intended as messages, believes he has decoded crop circle symbols and that they contain messages such as "Believe," "There is good out there," "Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises," and "We oppose deception" (all, presumably, in English).
However, these odd, pseudo-biblical messages undermine the credibility of the crop circles, or at least the meaning read into them. Of all the information that an extraterrestrial intelligence might choose to convey to humanity — ranging from how to contact them to engineering secrets of faster-than-light travel — these aliens chose to impart intentionally cryptic messages about false gifts, broken promises, and hope for mankind (along with what seems to be a reference to a popular "The X-Files" slogan).
Many who favor an extraterrestrial explanation claim that aliens physically make the patterns themselves from spaceships; others suggest that they do it using invisible energy beams from space, saving them the trip down here. Still others believe that it is human, not extraterrestrial, thought and intelligence that is behind the patterns — not in the form of hoaxers but some sort of global psychic power that manifests itself in wheat and other crops.
Another triskelion crop circle. The symbol can be used to represent cycles, progress or competition.
While there are countless theories, the only known, proven cause of crop circles is humans. Their origin remained a mystery until September 1991, when two men confessed that they had created the patterns for decades as a prank to make people think UFOs had landed (they had been inspired by the 1966 Tully UFO report). They never claimed to have made all the circles — many were copycat pranks done by others — but their hoax launched the crop circle phenomena.
Most crop circle researchers admit that the vast majority of crop circles are created by hoaxers. But, they claim, there's a remaining tiny percentage that they can't explain. The real problem is that (despite unproven claims by a few researchers that stalks found inside "real" crop circles show unusual characteristics), there is no reliable scientific way to distinguish "real" crop circles from man-made ones.
Crop circle features
While there are always a few exceptions, virtually all crop circles share a set of common characteristics.
Crop circles, as the name implies, almost always involve circles — rarely triangles, rectangles, or squares, though some designs contain straight or curved lines. Perhaps not coincidentally, a circle is the easiest pattern for hoaxers to create.
This design of three flying birds was created on Aug. 3, 2003, in the county of Wiltshire in southern England. The birds, which resemble swallows, have ever-diminishing circles trailing behind their wing tips.
Nocturnal creation.
Crop circles are formed overnight, often sighted by farmers or passersby the next morning. Though there seems no logical reason for extraterrestrials or earth energies to only create patterns at night, it is obviously a great advantage for hoaxers to create the designs under the cover of darkness; full moon nights are especially popular.
Camera shyness.
Crop circles have never been recorded being made (except, of course, for those created by hoaxers). This is a very suspicious trait; after all, if mysterious earthly forces or aliens are at work, there's no reason to think that they wouldn't happen when cameras are recording.
Access to roads.
Crop circles usually appear in fields that provide reasonably easy public access, close to roads and highways. They rarely appear in remote, inaccessible areas. Because of this, the patterns are usually noticed within a day or two of their creation by passing motorists.
There are many theories about what creates crop circles, including aliens, mysterious vortices, time travelers and wind patterns, but they all lack one important element: good evidence. The only known cause of crop circles is humans. Perhaps one day a mysterious, unknown source will be discovered for crop circles, but until the perhaps they are best thought of as collective public art.
Alien technology? Harvard scientists propose source for fast radio bursts
Alien technology? Harvard scientists propose source for fast radio bursts
Artist's depiction of a light sail powered by a radio beam (in red) generated on the surface of a planet. There are plenty of strange phenomena lurking in the universe, and fast radio bursts are among the more mysterious. So named for their less-than-5-millisecond duration, the source of these intense, high-energy light bursts continues to elude scientists. Now researchers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics are proposing they could have "an artificial origin," specifically from planet-sized alien transmitters for powering interstellar spacecraft.
Fast radio bursts (FRB) were first discovered in 2007 at Parkes Observatory in Australia, with several dozen or so detected since. The initial discoveries showed FRB to be seemingly random one-off events coming from distant galaxies, leading some to hypothesize they were the result of cataclysmic cosmic events, like the merging of black holes or a massive supernova.
But in 2015, an astronomer from McGill University found 11 bursts that not only originated from the same location in space, but were repeating. More repeating FRB were discovered in 2016, which were tracked to a dim dwarf galaxy 3 billion light-years away, poking holes in the cosmic cataclysm idea.
With no consensus on the source of these puzzling phenomena, Avi Loeb and Manasvi Lingam from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center have offered another possibility: advanced alien technology in the form of a solar-powered radio transmitter. These beams of light, they say, could be used to power giant light sails in a "photonic propulsion" system, transporting spaceships or probes through interstellar space that approach the speed of light.
"The system is comprised of two distinct components," Lingam told New Atlas. "The first is a means of harnessing the stellar energy, via photovoltaic arrays for instance. The second is the actual radio-wave beam emitter, which powers the light sail. And the energy for generating the beam comes from the star."
The beam emitter, or transmitter, envisioned by the team is powered by stellar energy, but could conceivably be juiced up through other alternatives. The light reaching Earth as an FRB from such a system would simply be energy leakage, which would mean the gadget would have to be enormous – as much as twice the Earth's diameter. The device would cover a large fraction of the surface of the planet, while Lingam said it's possible the emitter could also be an artificial free-floating structure, like a Dyson sphere.
"The reason for this size is that it enables the effective harnessing of stellar energy and the use of water as coolant," said Lingam. "If the transmitter were smaller, it would undergo more severe heating and would thus be harder to cool. Similarly, if it were smaller, there would not be enough area to tap the stellar energy and power the beam." Lingam added that the coolant would be part of the beam-emitting device, similar to how one uses water as a coolant for lasers.
Informed speculation
The researchers say it's all within the realm of possibilities, at least according to the laws of physics, even if it's far beyond our own technological abilities. It's a no-stone-left-unturned type of suggestion, though Loeb argues that "deciding what's likely ahead of time limits the possibilities. It's worth putting ideas out there and letting the data be the judge."
At the same time, researchers are currently limited by such a small sample size and their ability to detect FRB, according to Roger Romani, professor of physics at Stanford University. "The rarity [of FRB] is not really clear yet – we have only detected a handful, but even the largest surveys sensitive to these events covered only a small fraction of the sky," Romani told New Atlas. "If extrapolated to the full sky, there should be many FRB per day, but the exact rate is unclear. A number of current experiments are seeking to pin this rate down."
As far as Loeb and Lingam's alien-technology idea, he tends to agree that every possibility should be considered, no matter how improbable it might seem. "I do not think that more prosaic astrophysical origins should yet be eliminated," he told us. "Most would concur that exotic, but astrophysical events likely cause FRB. So I would not sign up for the alien interpretation at this juncture. That being said, this sort of informed speculation is good fun, as long one retains appropriate skepticism."The research has been accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Hawking raised concerns for human life on Earth during a speech at the Oxford Union on November 15, 2016, essentially giving the human race an expiration ...
Humans have been on Earth for hundreds of thousands of years. So far so good, right? Well, according to famed physicist Stephen Hawking, things around here are about to get ugly for us. It’s time to start poking around the neighborhood for a better place to call home. And by place, we mean planet.
Hawking raised concerns for human life on Earth during a speech at the Oxford Union on November 15, 2016, essentially giving the human race an expiration date. “We must … continue to go into space for the future of humanity. I don’t think we will survive another 1,000 years without escaping beyond our fragile planet,” the 74-year-old physicist said. He believes that humans won’t last another 1,000 years on our “fragile planet,” and we need to find a new habitable planet to call home before humans are wiped out for good.
If we don’t make it off Earth in that timeframe, Hawking believes humanity will be at great risk of encountering a mass extinction. Though the chance of a huge, natural, catastrophic event in any given year is low, that chance will increase over time and may eventually lead to humanity getting wiped out just like the dinosaurs did. If a natural mass extinction doesn’t do it, Hawking thinks humanity will burn through natural resources so quickly that life on Earth will no longer be sustainable. Lastly, if neither of those things do it, maybe the robots will. Hawking is vocal about the threat of full artificial intelligence, and thinks that if AI becomes sophisticated enough it will redesign itself faster than humans can. Down the line, this could spell the end for the human race. Get more information about the future of space travel and mass extinction in the videos below.
Stephen Hawking Thinks Humans Won’t Last Another 1,000 Years On Earth
The chances we’ll encounter another mass extinction in that time are great.
The idea that the US government, in league with other governments, works actively to hide the fact aliens from outer space are visiting us has taken a firm grip on the Internet, as well as in popular movies like Men In Black and Independence Day. This has even resulted in the formation of a branch of UFO research called ‘exopolitics’.
Rather than trying to scientifically prove that UFOs are extraterrestrial craft, exopolitics takes this as a proven fact. Using this foundation, it is the goal of exopolotics to explore and obtain as much evidence as possible about this conspiracy, and to put pressure on world governments to disclose the truth about UFOs.
Debbie Foch, a project coordinator for the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) project, tells UNILAD they have collected:
…documented interviews from about 70 witnesses from military and government projects, who will testify under oath about what they know about government (US and other countries) involvement with the UFO and ET subject. These witnesses report that the government does know that the craft and their occupants are here visiting this planet, and that they have been tracking the objects, retrieving crashes, and reverse engineering the technologies.
US Army/Wikimedia
One of these whistleblowers was the late Lieutenant Colonel Philip Corso, a member of President Eisenhower’s National Security Council, who published some shocking revelations in his book The Day After Roswell. In this, he claims that the Roswell crash was of an extraterrestrial craft and that scientific study of the wreckage led to the creation of the transistor.
In the 1960s, Corso worked as the Chief of the Pentagon’s Foreign Technology unit where he dealt with a mixture of recovered alien and Soviet technology for further development. This work initiated the production of lasers, night-vision equipment and particle-beam weaponry for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) project.
According to Corso, abductions began in the 1950s, and these aliens are genetically-engineered for space travel. Like many other whistleblowers, he states that the Nazis recovered an alien saucer in World War II and were close to learning its secrets. The frustrating thing with Corso’s book is that it is poorly referenced and there is no independent confirmation for his sweeping, earth-shattering allegations.
Paul Hellyer
Another insider who believes governments are hiding the truth is Paul Hellyer, the former Canadian Minister of Defense. Speaking to UNILAD he said:
Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.
Hellyer says these events caused the US to create a ‘shadow government’ that runs black operations installations, creating new forms of energy using extra-terrestrial technology.
“I do not have proof of that”, he admits. “But I believe that they have developed energy sources, and publicly I’m saying that if they do not exist in commercial form, that extraterrestrials would certainly give us that information if we would ask them for it, and stop shooting at them.”
Mark Pilkington, author of Mirage Men, tells me he isn’t impressed by whistleblowers’ stories. According to him:
Corso and others are simply repeating elements of the Roswell myth that have been circulating since the 1970s. He may well have heard it from someone whose opinion he respected and believed in the military, and had elements of it corroborated by others. These are rumours and beliefs which circulate within the closed environments of military organisations and occasionally seep out into the eager hands of the UFO community, and then on to the wider media.
People in positions of real power in the US and elsewhere hold all sorts of strange beliefs, whether they be about god, society, race, science or the economy. Doesn’t mean that we should believe them unless they can back up their claims.
Nick Pope
Nick Pope, who ran the UK Ministry of Defence’s UFO project, agrees:
Having investigated UFOs for the British government I can say with hand on heart that there’s no cover-up in the sense that people in the UFO and conspiracy theory communities believe. There’s no ‘smoking gun’. We don’t have any ‘you can take that to the bank’ proof that UFOs are extraterrestrial, and we certainly don’t have any alien spacecraft hidden away in air force hangars.
“That said, I know die-hard conspiracy theorists won’t believe me, not least because I’ve been accused of being part of the cover-up myself”, he adds. “Even though I left the MoD in 2006 a lot of people think I’m still secretly working for the government.”
Nonetheless, Mark Pilkington, notes that governments have not been shy at using the belief in UFOs to cover-up all manner of sensitive military secrets, adding that: “I think US government agencies began creating deceptions around the UFO issue as far back as the alleged crash of a UFO at Maury Island, Washington State, in 1947”.
On the question of what they are trying to hide, whether it’s evidence of alien contact or something less (or maybe more) sinister, Mark is adamant there are more logical explanations:
I think that the UFO mythology has been used, for seven decades, as a convenient cover for all manner of clandestine operations, including test flights of new aircraft, unmanned drones (which have been flying in one form or another since the 1930s), satellites, rockets, and undercover investigations by the various intelligence agencies.
Nick Pope
Nick Pope, adds:
Belief in a UFO cover-up arises for several reasons. Firstly, TV shows like The X-Files promote the idea of an official conspiracy and some people end up believing that this fiction reflects reality. Secondly, governments have been defensive about the subject, often simply because of the embarrassment of having to say there are occasionally things in our airspace that we can’t identify.
Thirdly, some UFO sightings are generated by secret prototype aircraft and drones – either our own, or ones being operated by other nations. Finally, most countries that have had official UFO projects have embedded this work in their air force or their MoD, and these are inherently secretive organisations.
“None of this is to say that we don’t have some interesting things in our UFO files, including plenty of sightings that were investigated and assessed as ‘unknown'”, Nick continues. “But ‘unknown’ doesn’t mean extraterrestrial, and there are plenty of legitimate reasons why documents about UFOs can be classified, e.g. if they detail the capabilities of military radar systems, or discuss methods and sources of obtaining information from other nations.”
Will there ever be full disclosure? Mark Pilkington is doubtful:
The Extraterrestrial lobbyists will only be satisfied if the US government, who they are convinced lies about everything else, tells them what they want to hear, which is that they have alien spacecraft and bodies, perhaps a live alien, living under the Nevada desert and ready to go on the talk show circuit.
The irony is that when governments tell the truth and reveal the contents of their once-classified UFO files, which many of them now have, demonstrating that they have don’t have much more of a clue about UFOs and ET visitors than anyone else - though they do have a pretty good idea of what is flying in our skies - the Disclosure lobby don’t believe them. So they can’t win.
So it seems like the truth is still out there. What do you think?
We really wanted to believe Fox would drop an X-Files trailer at New York Comic-Con, and, guess what? Fox dropped an X-Files trailer at New York Comic-Con!
The breakneck two-minute promo — unveiled at the beginning of Sunday’s X-Filespanel and embedded above for your viewing pleasure — offers the first footage from the latest revival (aka Season 11) and, as we suspected/hoped, the 10-episode run appears to center largely on Mulder and Scully’s “very special” (and potentially dangerous) son William.
“You have to find him and you have to stop him before he releases hell on Earth,” Scully desperately whispers to Mulder near the end of the video (and we have to assume she’s referring to their MIA son).
William’s impact on Season 11 was foreshadowed at the conclusion of the 2016 revival, with the kid getting name-checked as a possible savior for his dying pop in the finale’s final moments. (Curiously, per the trailer, Scully is now the one hovering near death when the action picks up.)
Other takeaways from the sneak peek:
* Langley, one of the (dead) Lone Gunmen, pops up looking very much alive (and not part of Mulder’s hallucination like in Season 10). * We’re getting flashbacks to Young CSM (played by Jeremy Schuetze). * Barbara Hershey’s Big Bad looks… big and really bad and scary. * Mulder and Skinner fight! Mulder and Skinner fight!
Following the trailer’s debut, stars David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Mitch Pileggi and series creator Chris Carter fielded questions from yours truly as well as the capacity crowd.
Some highlights from the Q&A…
* Carter said that Season 11 will consist of “eight standalone episodes, and two mythology episodes.” Glen Morgan and James Wong, who penned the classic hour “Home,” are writing the eighth installment, which is “similarly messed up” in tone.
* Carter teased that Scully and Mulder will get “kissing close” at some point this season. But when we pick up, they’re still “professional partners, not romantic partners.”
* Remarking on Langley’s return, Carter would only say “that Langley is in the show this season,” but would not confirm whether or not he is alive or a hallucination.
* On Scully and Mulder’s son William playing a pivotal role in these new episodes, Carter said, “We explore that father-son-mother relationship, and you’ll see more of William than you’ve seen in a long time.” Pileggi chimed in, adding, “I think [the William storyline] is… brilliant. I think it’s done really well, and you guys are going to be very, very happy with it.”
* Pileggi said that “you’re getting more [Skinner] than you did in the last six [episodes].” Carter followed up, revealing that viewers will see a young Walter Skinner as one upcoming installment explores the character’s backstory.
* Carter also let slip that Season 11 will begin with “some background on the Cigarette Smoking Man.”
Press PLAY above and then hit the comments with your snappy judgements about X-Files 2018!
The search for extraterrestrials has gone on long before the SETI Institute was founded in 1984. Sixty years prior, on August 21st, 1924, American officials promoted a national day of radio silence, urging citizens to keep their radios quiet for five minutes on the hour, every hour, so astronomers could use a powerful radio receiver strapped to a dirigible floating two miles up to listen for any potential radio signals coming from Mars. Though the Red Planet was closer to Earth than any other time in the past century, the astronomers heard nothing.
Such silence has been the depressing norm for alien hunters, but hope still abounds. The galaxy is a large place, and on a cosmic scale, we've hardly spent any time looking for extraterrestrials.
So, say our efforts one day come to fruition, and we make contact with an intelligent alien race. How the heck would we actually converse with them?
First off, unless we somehow meet in person, talking will likely be a very sluggish process. Even if our neighboring star system Proxima Centauri housed an intelligent alien species, messages would take more than four years to travel between our two homes. Patience would be key.
Most thinkers, including famed astrophysicist Carl Sagan, agree that mathematics could serve as the foundation for our discussions. With that in mind, British scientist Lancelot Thomas Hogben crafted a language system called Astraglossa. Communicated over radio signals, short pulses called "dashes" would represent numbers, and longer batteries of pulses called "flashes" would represent mathematical symbols like addition or subtraction. Once the basics of arithmetic are established between our species, Hogben imagined moving the discussion on to astronomy, a hobby we would obviously both have in common. After all, two aliens species talking about space would probably be like two Earthlings talking about the weather.
Of course, there's no guarantee that our species would understand each other. While Astraglossa may make sense to Hogben and other human scientists, it could very well be gibberish to aliens.
"We could be utterly, completely incomprehensible," xenolinguist Sheri Wells-Jensen told SETI Institute Senior Astronomer Seth Shostak on his podcast. "There's about 7,000 languages in existence on the planet today. Only about 50% of those have writing systems. So we can't guarantee that [aliens] have writing."
Rather than pinning our hopes on language, Wells-Jensen recommends an "all of the above" approach in which we converse less and share more.
"You send out written stuff... and you send out recordings and visuals... maybe including brain recordings of people speaking."
If that's not enough, back in March 2015, Shostak suggested that we transmit the entire Internet.
"Such a large corpus — with its text, pictures, videos and sounds — would allow clever extraterrestrials to decipher much about our society, and even formulate questions that could be answered with the material in hand. Sending the web on its way would take months if a radio transmitter were used. A powerful laser, conveying bits much like an optical fiber, could launch these data in a few days."
If such an approach works, it could facilitate meaningful dialogue. Even if it doesn't work, we could at least all chuckle at the notion of showing Ancient Aliens Guy to real extraterrestrials.
Raymond Szymanksi worked at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) for 40 years.
He said he was first made aware of UFOs in his first week at the base by his mentor "Al".
SHOCK CLIP: New footage reportedly shows an alien being put on to a stretcher
He was shown a series of tunnels and vaults beneath the surface which was both a home and buried site to ETs.
Raymond told The Sun: “For the next four decades I had dozens if not hundreds of brief conversations regarding the 'secret' I'd been given during my first week on base.
“The important fact established here is that not one single person at that time ever said, ’We have no aliens here, you crazy son of a b*tch’... I saw lots of smiles but no denials.
“I’ve been basically investigating locations on the base that I think could contain clues to its history relative to extraterrestrials and UFOs ever since.”
Another former police chief reveals wha he saw during the infamous UFO crash.
Former US Deputy Sheriff Charlie Forgus describe seeing soldiers “hauling a big creature” and bodies that “must have been 5ft tall”.
For those familiar with indie space game Stellaris, one of the key moments before encountering ancient intelligent life is finding traces of technology. While the game is a work of science fiction, the concept isn’t outlandish to those behind the real life search for extraterrestrial life (SETI). According to astronomer Jason Wright, discovering traces of advanced technology, termed technosignatures, from alien civilizations is just as important as looking for biosignatures. He outlines his theory in new paper published online, and while he doesn’t claim there’s existing, direct evidence of aliens, he does wonder if we’re just not looking hard enough – or for the right signs.
Contrary to what some have said, Wright’s paper isn’t saying that there’s already evidence pointing to an alien civilization that existed in the solar system before us. Instead, he merely asked whether we’ve exhausted all possible angles in our search for extraterrestrials.
“There is zero evidence for any prior indigenous technological civilizations,” Wright told Gizmodo. “My paper asks, have we completely foreclosed the possibility, or is there a chance that there could be some evidence we overlooked? [And] if we have overlooked something and we find it in the future, what are the chances it could have come from a prior indigenous technological species versus an interstellar one?”
Currently, the hunt for aliens is focused on finding even the smallest signs of life, or mechanisms that could support life (most notably, the presence of water). These are all good, of course, but Wright suggests that we might also start looking for technosignatures from ancient alien civilizations.
“A ‘technosignature’ is evidence of technology,” he said, which potential could have been left behind by some long-gone alien civilization. In his paper, he explained his point further: “We might conjecture that settlements or bases on [rocky moons or asteroids] would have been built beneath the surface for a variety of reasons, and so still be discoverable today.”
What Are We Really Searching For?
The discovery of a new planet — or even better, a new system in some near or distant galaxy — is always good news for alien hunters. Most recently, the TRAPPIST system presented some possibilities — albeit ones quickly dashed by the intensity of solar flares its planets experience. Another possible candidate is a huge, Earth-like planet dubbed super-Earth LHS 1140b. Inside our own solar system, the planetary satellites of Jupiter and Saturn — particularly Europa and Enceladus — tickle the imagination because of the presence of water. And where there is water, the chance of life is higher.
However, despite the odds seemingly in our favor, we really haven’t found any such example of alien life out there — yet. Fermi Paradox, yes? But, could it be that we’ve been looking at the wrong things? Or are we simply not looking hard enough?
Wright just wants us to explore all possible options: “While all geological records of prior indigenous [extraterrestrial] technological species might be long destroyed, if the species were spacefaring there may be technological artifacts to be found throughout the Solar system.”
The Roswell UFO crash of 1947 does not need a elaborate introduction. It's the most famous, most talked about UFO incident in the history of mankind.
In 1947 a UFO crashed on a ranch northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, sometime during the first week of July 1947. The US army made a statement that they captured a flying saucer and retracted that statement shortly after.
Most of us have seen the famous alien autopsy video that shows the autopsy of an alien that was captured in the vicinity of the UFO. In that video a couple of scientist perform an improvised autopsy on alien being from another world.
Recently new footage has been release that show what happened when that alien body was just retrieved from the UFO crash site.
The video is probably shot in the area 51 hanger where the alien body was brought to. The video shows the alien body brought in on a stretcher. There is a lot of military personnel running arround and scientist are waiting to have a good look at this specimen.
This video might shed some light on the events that happened right after an alien spacecraft crashlanded on earth.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Government funded scientists are now claiming that they have solved the mystery of "alien megastructures" in space around Tabby's Star based on new information from NASA's Spitzer and Swift missions. Since the discovery of Tabby's Star, many in the UFO/Extraterrestrial community have pointed towards its unusual fluctuations as evidence of alien life.
For years scientists have been unable to explain Tabby’s Star dimming and brightening. The Star, which located 1,400 light years away from Earth, dims at a much faster rate than other stars have been known to.
Previous efforts by government scientists to explain why the star's energy is so inconsistent have hinged on the idea the objects might repeatedly eclipse the star, which is also known as KIC 8462852. This has sparked theories of alien megastructures being responsible for moving in front of the star repeatedly over a short period of time.
Alien hunters have more specifically argued that the phenomenon may be caused by a Dyson swarm, or sphere, which is a kind of structure created by an advanced civilizations which would zap light from the star.
Yet another difficult to explain phenomena is found in information from Nasa’s Spitzer and Swift missions, as well as the Belgian AstroLAB IRIS observatory, which have revealed that the star’s ultraviolet light is dimming to a greater degree than its infared.
According to government "experts", this means that something much smaller than a Dyson Sphere would have to caused the unusual energy signals.
Most recently, in a new study published in the Astrophysical Journal, researchers have claimed that space dust may be the explanation.
Dr Meng, one of the researchers, said: “We found that from UV, throughout the visible spectrum, to IR, the star is dimming at every wavelength we monitored.”
When the researchers found that the dimming rate of Tabby's star differed significantly depending on whether UV or infrared energy was being tested, they suggested that "micro-sized dust screens" could be to blame.
Even though scientists suspect the dimming is caused by a dust ring, they have admitted that their explanation “is not a firm conclusion”.
Dr. Meng said: “It cannot be anything from the interstellar medium. Only microscopic fine-dust screens can scatter the starlight in the way characterized by measurements.”
Obviously, believers in extraterrestrial life across the world are not impressed by such a shoddy explanation. Few are willing to believe government paid scientists and accept that a series of clouds of dust just happen to pass over the start constantly and that those clouds somehow only block certain types of light, especially since all wavelengths are dimming.
The more reasonable explanation is that something is harvesting that energy. Perhaps some types of energy are more sought after than others, which could explain why not all wavelengths have weakened equally. However, even the scientists admit that they are not certain and that they have no photographic proof of what is out there. Until more information comes forward, we can only imagine what is out there.
This is not the first mysterious UFO to have been captured on video circling over Cley Hill.
An unidentified flying object was spotted by Frome resident Jeremy Le Fevre in August. He had been travelling home after performing with the Frome Street Bandits at the Cheese and Grain Rum Festival.
He said: “I had never seen anything like it before. It really caught my eye. It went on for quite some time before flying off into the distance towards Longleat.
“It was emitting green and red colours. It looked to me like it could have been fireworks attached to a drone. It’s still very much unidentified though.”
Nigel Vile, a local rambler, regularly goes on walks around the area.
Speaking of the hill, he said: “Some experts have gone as far as to describe the nearby town of Warminster as Britain’s UFO capital on account of a phenomena first encountered in the mid-1960s that became known as the ‘Warminster Thing’.
“Strange noises were heard in the skies above the town, and an equally strange shimmering light was observed in the vicinity.”
The top of Cley Hill looking towards Frome
Even earlier in the year another UFO had been videoed circling over Cley Hill.
The video showed streaks of light circling over the National Trust owned land in Corsley.
The resident who took the video believed the streak of light could be a UFO.
Speaking to Somerset Live, he said: “I took this video from my house in Frome last night (May 29). It was over the Cley Hill area I think, which is always a hotspot for UFOs”
“Probably a drone with a fancy flame effect tail or something. It's been spotted a few times locally.”
It eventually emerged that the streak of light had in fact been created by a stunt plane belonging to nearby acrobatics group AeroSparx.
The innovative display team performs dazzling acrobatic displays with fireworks attached to the tips of their wings.
This could provide some answers to Jeremy’s video. Although the object he videoed remains unidentified.
AeroSparx are based near Warminster and regularly practice around Cley Hill
Cley Hill can be found just off the A36 heading towards Longleat.
It is more than 800ft in height and is surrounded by relatively flat agricultural land. At the top of the hill are the remains of a Bronze Age hillfort that encloses two round barrows.
Have you seen UFOs in and around Somerset before? Let us know. Get in touch using
A strange, mysterious light has been captured on video over the skies in the Westcountry.
It was seen at Cley Hill in Warminster, which is reputed in Somerset to be a supernatural hot spot.
The top of Cley Hill looking towards Frome
Tasha Colliss and her husband took the video last Friday night, September 29, at around 7.45pm from her kitchen window.
She told “I spotted it from our home in Haygrove Close, Warminster. Our kitchen window overlooks Cley Hill.
“We have never seen anything like this before.”
It is not the first mysterious UFO to have been captured on video circling over Cley Hill.
An unidentified flying object was spotted by Frome resident Jeremy Le Fevre in August. He had been travelling home after performing with the Frome Street Bandits at the Cheese and Grain Rum Festival.
Upon spotting the strange object he took a moment to watch the unusual movements of the light.
He said: “I had never seen anything like it before. It really caught my eye. It went on for quite some time before flying off into the distance towards Longleat.
“It was emitting green and red colours. It looked to me like it could have been fireworks attached to a drone. It’s still very much unidentified though.”
Nigel Vile, a local rambler, regularly goes on walks around the area.
Speaking of the hill, he said: “Some experts have gone as far as to describe the nearby town of Warminster as Britain’s UFO capital on account of a phenomena first encountered in the mid-1960s that became known as the ‘Warminster Thing’.
“Strange noises were heard in the skies above the town, and an equally strange shimmering light was observed in the vicinity.”
Even earlier in the year another UFO had been videoed circling over Cley Hill.
The video showed streaks of light circling over the National Trust owned land in Corsley.
The resident who took the video believed the streak of light could be a UFO.
He said: “I took this video from my house in Frome last night (May 29). It was over the Cley Hill area I think, which is always a hotspot for UFOs.”
AeroSparx are based near Warminster and regularly practice around Cley Hill
It eventually emerged that the streak of light had in fact been created by a stunt plane belonging to nearby acrobatics group AeroSparx.
The innovative display team performs dazzling acrobatic displays with fireworks attached to the tips of their wings.
This could provide some answers to Jeremy’s video. Although the object he videoed remains unidentified.
ALIEN ABDUCTIONS? Nigel Watson will look at the evidence in Cornwall tomorrow.
Growing numbers of people claim to be a so-called "abductee" and there are even those who claim hey are alien/human hybrids after their mothers were taken and injected with extraterrestrial DNA.
So could this bizarre phenomenon actually be taking place.
UFO researcher Nigel Watson from Plymouth in Devon, will look at the evidence at the Cornwall UFO Research Group 20th conference at Truro College, Truro, Cornwall, tomorrow.
He told "Alien abductions seem to indicate that extraterrestrial beings are regularly visiting our planet and have sinister plans for humanity."
Yet, he is not convinced that even the UFOs that people see are alien craft.
He added: "There are several objections to the idea that UFOs are ET craft."
He has considered what evidence is available, which is largely alleged witness accounts.
He said: "Why do aliens continue to carry out so many medical examinations? "They could get the information from reference books, medical schools, and corpses, reading the minds of doctors or at least hacking into their files.
"Their surgical skills are next to useless. They insert implants in the nasal cavity, which cause headaches, bleeding and the ejection of the implant. They leave scars and bruises all over abductees’ bodies."
He said if aliens were visiting since the dawn of time "you’d think they would have studied us enough by now."
He added: "The widespread use of hypnotic regression to ‘recall’ an abduction experience is the weakest link in the chain of evidence.
"The brain does not record memories and playback memories like a ‘biological tape recorder’.
"Under hypnosis the subject easily says what is expected of them.
"When an ufologist organises, or even conducts, the hypnotic sessions, he or she biases the outcome because either consciously or sub-consciously the people involved in these sessions expect an abduction experience to be revealed."
Mr Watson said if there were so many abductions involving people floating through the sky to hovering spaceships, why are they never seen by independent witnesses?
He added: "Why is the physical evidence for them so elusive?
"Implants disappear before they are X-rayed or scanned, video cameras do not operate when people are being abducted.
"Why are abductees never allowed to bring home any evidence? Why are they never given any useful scientific knowledge?
Why do aliens continue to carry out so many medical examinations? "They could get the information from reference books, medical schools, and corpses, reading the minds of doctors or at least hacking into their files.
Nigel Watson
"Why are abductions so similar to those imagined in films and other media?"
Mr Watson will tomorrow put forward three hyptheseis:
One, that alien abductors are real, two that aliens are phantoms, or three that aliens are a psychosocial phenomenon.
He said: "The criticisms of the reality of abductions assume that the aliens think like ourselves.
"To us the antics of the aliens might seem horrifying, silly, comic and downright ludicrous.
"But we must remember that they are alien in every sense of that word.
"The second concept argues that the so-called aliens are an intimate part of our environment.
"They are not really beings from outer space, instead they are elemental or ultra-terrestrial beings that can emerge from their realms and interact with our reality.
"This theory considers them to be insubstantial phantoms who can conjure-up solid spacecraft that can be photographed and leave landing traces.
"The religions, myths and legends of history, fairy lore, shamanism and stories of witchcraft are used to support the contention that these forces have always been with us and that the flying saucers crewed with aliens are their latest manifestation
"The two theoretical frameworks listed above, and their various combinations that include the idea that the US Government is conspiring to aid and hide the activities of the abductors, is countered by psycho-sociological theories.
"This broadly argues that abductions are caused by individual psychological factors:
"A trigger event that could be a misinterpretation of a celestial or aerial object, geomagnetic phenomena, illusion or hallucination.
"Secondly, the ‘observation’ or experience can be due to neurosis or other pathological states of mind, abuse, trauma, stress, sleep paralysis, drugs, sensory deprivation, lack of sleep, dreams, trance states and other psychological factors.
"Or, the abduction story can be a hoax, an invention, a friend-of-a-friend rumour, or the outcome of hypnotic regression techniques.
"Whatever the reality of the abduction phenomenon, flying saucers and aliens seem to haunt our minds whether they are just a cultural mythology in the making or very elusive extraterrestrials who we can’t clearly comprehend."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Massive butterfly migration seen on radar
Massive butterfly migration seen on radar
Migrating butterflies appear in Denver
On their radar, National Weather Service meteorologists in Boulder could see it coming.
They just weren’t sure what “it” was. The mysterious red and purple blobs began appearing on radar screens, stretching at least 100 miles across the Denver area.
“The radar started to light up right after sunrise and that whole mass just started to move over Denver, all flying in the same direction, kind of floating with the light winds that day,” Paul Schlatter, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Boulder, told ABC News.
Thinking it might be migrating birds, the weather service tweeted out a radar animation of what they were seeing, asking bird experts for advice.
“It needed to be a lot of butterflies in the area for sure to generate that much of a signal. Especially across that broad an area,” Schlatter said.
Schlatter said that while NWS meteorologists are used to seeing birds on their radar, butterflies and insects are relatively rare.
David Zalubowski/AP
A painted lady butterfly flies near daisies in a garden in downtown Denver, Oct. 4, 2017.
The orange-and-black butterflies, which are known as painted ladies, were passing through Colorado on their annual migration south before the winter months.
Schlatter said the flock of butterflies appeared to be at least 100 miles wide, noting that radar may not have picked up the entire mass migration because its signal eventually drops off due to the curvature of the earth.
David Zalubowski/P
A painted lady butterfly flies near daisies in a garden in downtown Denver, Oct. 4, 2017.
Lepidopterist Sarah Garrett with the Butterfly Pavilion in Westminster, Colorado, says there are two competing explanations for the population boom.
The butterflies are either in the process of migrating from colder climates in the north to places like Arizona, New Mexico, and northern Mexico, she says. Or, she says they might just be moving from higher mountain elevations down into the Denver area.
“In either case, what they’re doing is following their food source,” Garrett tells ABC.
The butterflies also got a boost this past spring. Warm temperatures arrived early in the season, and lots of rainfall helped feed the flowery plants butterflies seek.
“More plants mean more caterpillars,” Garrett said. “So they got a head start. They started reproducing much earlier than normal.”
Garrett says she’s seen radar images capturing butterflies before, but never before in Denver.
“To me this is super-cool, but to see other people get excited about it is really what makes it for me,” she said.
DIERENThe National Weather Service in Boulder keek vreemd op toen ze mysterieuze rode en paarse klodders zagen op hun radarbeelden. Migrerende vogels misschien? Nee. Wel een massale vlindermigratie.
“De radar lichtte op vlak na zonsopgang en de hele massa bewoog over Denver, in dezelfde richting, een beetje zwevend op de lichte wind die dag”, vertelt meteoroloog Paul Schlatter van de National Weather Service aan ABC News. Al snel werd duidelijk dat het niet om vogels ging, maar om vlinders, die in een gigantische hoeveelheid samentroepten. Verschillende bewoners hadden de veelkleurige natuurpracht zien voorbijtrekken.
Het ging concreet om een 110 kilometer brede golf vol ‘painted lady butterflies’ of ook distelvlinders, die doorheen Colorado trokken op hun jaarlijkse migratie voor de gure wintermaanden. “Het moeten er ongelofelijk veel zijn geweest in dat gebied om zo’n stevig signaal te genereren”, aldus Schlatter.
Hoe komt het dat het om zo’n aanzienlijke hoeveelheid ging? “De vlinders hebben een serieuze boost gekregen afgelopen lente”, legt lepidopterist Sarah Garrett uit. “Warme temperaturen vroeg in het seizoen en veel regenval hebben de bloemrijke planten die vlinders zoeken helpen voeden. Meer planten betekent meer rupsen. Dus ze hebben een goede start gekregen. Ze konden veel vroeger dan normaal beginnen reproduceren.”
De distelvlinder is een trekvlinder en komt over de hele wereld voor. Bij ons is de vlinder te zien vanaf mei tot oktober, stelt Natuurpunt.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Het zou natuurlijk louter toeval kunnen zijn dat enkele uren voor de fatale schietpartij in Las Vegas er UFO's werden gesignaleerd heel dicht in de buurt.
En aangezien ook de elite beschikt over een geheime ruimtevloot en UFO technologie weet je nooit zeker of ze buitenaards zijn of heel erg aards en misschien zelfs onderdeel vormen van de aanslag.
Op de beruchte zondagavond (1 oktober 2017) dat de slachtpartij plaatsvond voor het Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas, gebeurden er nog een aantal merkwaardige dingen in de lucht en wel in de buurt van het River Mountain Water Treatment Facility in Henderson, een voorstad van Las Vegas.
Enkele uren vóór de fatale schietpartij werd op bovengenoemd punt de volgende UFO waargenomen. Het gaat om het grote blauwe licht, het witte behoort toe aan een landend vliegtuig.
Ook de dag erna verschenen er wederom vreemde lichten. De maker van de video, Steven Barone, was die ochtend op onderzoek uitgegaan naar de plek waar hij op 1 oktober de UFO had waargenomen, maar het is daar een verlaten gebied met een paar huizen en verder de eerder genoemde waterzuiveringsinstallatie.
Op de avond van 2 oktober verschenen er op die plek weer lichten, dit keer wat lager en een aantal op een rij.
We hebben wel vaker UFO opnames gezien van Steven Barone en dan meestal in verband met het vliegveld waar hij vlakbij woont en waarover verhalen de ronde doen dat daar buitenaardsen verblijven.
Een bekende en prominente persoonlijkheid die veel weet over buitenaards leven is de voormalig Canadese Minister van Defensie, Paul Hellyer.
1) Er zijn minimaal vier verschillende soorten buitenaardsen die de aarde de afgelopen duizenden jaren hebben bezocht.
2) De soorten hebben waarschijnlijk verschillende agenda’s en dienen niet beschouwd te worden als van hetzelfde ras.
3) Een van die soorten is wat men noemt de Tall Whites. Volgens Hellyer werkt dit type samen met de Verenigde Staten.
Misschien is er geen enkel verband tussen de schietpartij en de ufo's die daar die avond in de buurt verschenen, maar zeker is het niet.
Hier zijn de beelden die Steven heeft gemaakt.
Te midden van alle geweld op deze wereld en politieke intriges gebeuren er ook nog steeds vreemde dingen in de lucht op andere plaatsen. Voorvallen waar zoals gewoonlijk over wordt gezwegen in de mainstream media.
Zo deed er zich een merkwaardig voorval voor op 1 oktober 2017 boven de Stille Oceaan bij Newport in de Amerikaanse staat Oregon. Gedurende een periode van ongeveer 4 minuten hing er een behoorlijk groot rond object stil boven het water.
Tot het moment dat er van rechts "iets" kwam wat een soort rookspoor achterliet, waarop het object plotsklaps verdween.
Onderstaand een vergrote opname en het lijkt wel enigszins op een soort afgevuurd projectiel. Is er iets of iemand die probeerde het stil hangende object te raken?
Vreemd genoeg heeft de maker van de volgende video "het projectiel" niet gezien, of hij negeert als niet belangrijk. Maar, wanneer je goed kijkt, dan krijg je toch de indruk dat er wel degelijk een verband is tussen het grote ronde object en het projectiel.
Opmerking Peter 2011 : Toen ik in september 2017 in Las Vegas was en s'avonds langs de boulevard wandelde, merkte ik op dat er regelmatig helikopters overvlogen. Het ging dan om avondvluchten om 'Las Vegas by night' te zien van uit de lucht. Het waren soms 3 à 5 helikopters achter elkaar. kunnen die lichten misschien daar iets mee te maken hebben? Toeval toch...
Evidence of Alien Abduction Showed In A Popular Television Programme
Evidence of Alien Abduction Showed In A Popular Television Programme
A guest left Phillip Schofield, and Holly Willoughby completely stunned during their This Morning show. The guest showed them evidence of the existence of alien lifeforms.
Cathleen Marden revealed that aliens abducted her auntie and uncle and took them inside a UFO.
Betty and Barney were on holiday in the Niagara Falls when the life-changing incident took place.
Cathleen showed Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield what she referred as concrete evidence of her auntie and uncle’s tale.
According to Cathleen, an unidentified object confronted Betty and Barney. The UFO had strange figures lurking from behind the windows, added Cathleen.
Cathleen said that the couple started to notice vibration and hear a series of buzzing sounds in the car. All of a sudden, they found themselves in a new location.
As they drove towards home, the pair discovered evidence that something strange had happened.
Cathleen claimed that her aunt’s dress had been torn in several places and covered in a strange pink powder. She showed a picture of the shredded garment to the viewers. She stressed that five scientific laboratories had analysed the dress and the finding is anomalous. She explained that it was found the powder did not belong to Betty and scientists did not able to determine whether it was from this planet or not.
New Yorkers Observe A UFO Circling Next to the World Trade Center
New Yorkers Observe A UFO Circling Next to the World Trade Center
UFO enthusiasts went frenzy after seeing strange lights hovering next to the World Trade Center in New York City. Many people from bars along the Hudson River went out to see the apparent UFO circling above Manhattan for about half an hour on Saturday night.
Some witnesses noticed the similarities of the UFO to the spaceship from Star Trek. The lights appear to blend well with the night sky.
Meanwhile, in California, people in Los Angeles freaked out after seeing a weird crescent hovering above them on Saturday night. Many people at Huntington Beach in California noticed it as well.
One person posted on Twitter that they totally just saw a Los Angeles crescent-shaped UFO sputtered slowly and zoomed out of sight.
Others thought the crescent was somehow related to the hidden planet known as the Planet X. Earlier in the week, conspiracy theorists claimed that it was going to smash into the planet, and wipe out the human race and almost all life on Earth.
The Nibiru theory is a prediction of a doomsday based on the bible that some people predict the end of the world.
Conspiracy theorists believe that none of us is going to survive after the doomsday and that would happen sooner than later as the signs for it to happen just took place. They refer to the solar eclipse that occurred last month and the recent hurricanes that devastated the Caribbean.
Ridley Scott: Humans Could Never Survive an Encounter With Extraterrestrials
Ridley Scott: Humans Could Never Survive an Encounter With Extraterrestrials
"Alien: Covenant" director Ridley Scott has made some scary predictions just ahead of the release of his new film. The director thinks that any aliens that make it to Earth would destroy humanity in a matter of minutes.
Ridley Scott has built himself a rather formidable career in Hollywood. He’s directed some of the biggest titles in science fiction, including the Oscar-nominated films “The Martian” and “Blade Runner,” and he was responsible for beginning the successful “Alien” franchise. Now, in anticipation of the next installment of that series, “Alien: Covenant,” Scott is adding Apocalypse Speculator to his list of job titles.
In an interview with Sky News, the director stated that he does think intelligent aliens are out there in the universe. “I believe in superior beings. I think it is certainly likely,” he explained. He went on to say that our only appropriate response to visiting extraterrestrials is to run and hide. “So when you see a big thing in the sky, run for it,” he said. “Because they are a lot smarter than we are, and if you are stupid enough to challenge them, you will be taken out in three seconds.”
Scott is not alone in this sentiment. Several experts agree that any alien lifeforms intelligent enough to make it to Earth are not likely to take too kindly to us measly humans.
To that end, Stephen Hawkingdoesn’t think we should be attempting to make first contact. “One day we might receive a signal from a planet like Gliese 832c, but we should be wary of answering back,” says Hawking in the short film “Stephen Hawking’s Favorite Places.” He goes on to compare aliens coming to Earth to Europeans coming to the New World. In short, Hawking asserts that it “didn’t turn out so well” for the native inhabitants.
Even without alien contact, some experts believe that we will sow our own destruction. Both Lord Martin Rees and Hawking see the development of artificial intelligence (AI) as a greater threat to the survival of our species. In Rees’ mind, “The period of time occupied by organic intelligence is just a thin sliver between early life and the long era of the machines.” If that’s the case, we might as well enjoy the time we have with a good sci-fi flick.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Ridley Scott: Humans Could Never Survive an Encounter With Extraterrestrials
Ridley Scott: Humans Could Never Survive an Encounter With Extraterrestrials
"Alien: Covenant" director Ridley Scott has made some scary predictions just ahead of the release of his new film. The director thinks that any aliens that make it to Earth would destroy humanity in a matter of minutes.
Ridley Scott has built himself a rather formidable career in Hollywood. He’s directed some of the biggest titles in science fiction, including the Oscar-nominated films “The Martian” and “Blade Runner,” and he was responsible for beginning the successful “Alien” franchise. Now, in anticipation of the next installment of that series, “Alien: Covenant,” Scott is adding Apocalypse Speculator to his list of job titles.
In an interview with Sky News, the director stated that he does think intelligent aliens are out there in the universe. “I believe in superior beings. I think it is certainly likely,” he explained. He went on to say that our only appropriate response to visiting extraterrestrials is to run and hide. “So when you see a big thing in the sky, run for it,” he said. “Because they are a lot smarter than we are, and if you are stupid enough to challenge them, you will be taken out in three seconds.”
Scott is not alone in this sentiment. Several experts agree that any alien lifeforms intelligent enough to make it to Earth are not likely to take too kindly to us measly humans.
To that end, Stephen Hawkingdoesn’t think we should be attempting to make first contact. “One day we might receive a signal from a planet like Gliese 832c, but we should be wary of answering back,” says Hawking in the short film “Stephen Hawking’s Favorite Places.” He goes on to compare aliens coming to Earth to Europeans coming to the New World. In short, Hawking asserts that it “didn’t turn out so well” for the native inhabitants.
Even without alien contact, some experts believe that we will sow our own destruction. Both Lord Martin Rees and Hawking see the development of artificial intelligence (AI) as a greater threat to the survival of our species. In Rees’ mind, “The period of time occupied by organic intelligence is just a thin sliver between early life and the long era of the machines.” If that’s the case, we might as well enjoy the time we have with a good sci-fi flick.
It was a dazzling light show that bewitched astronomers watching the night sky above Norwich - but was it proof of life on other planets?
Just months after Queen Elizabeth’s coronation in 1953, the Eastern Evening News front page carried a story about a visit from an Unidentified Flying Object which might have travelled to Earth through its own corona.
On October 8, the EEN reported that Frank Potter had spotted something unusual in the sky over his home on South Park Avenue in Norwich.
The amateur astronomer told reporters that he’d seen a noiseless object two days earlier at 7.15pm, travelling from south-west to north-east.
Training his telescope on the craft, he followed the saucer-shaped object as it sped across the sky, noting: “rays or beams of light could be seen distinctly from the dome and attached directly beneath it was a much larger and flattened dome with a protruding band running in a circumference around its edge.
“The underneath of the large flattened bottom dome was hollow and appeared to be glowing red, but there were no vapour trails or gases to be seen.”
The article prompted several other star-gazers to come forward to say they too had spotted something to suggest that we are not alone.
Mr Potter also revealed that a further seven members of the Norwich Astronomical Society, to which he belonged, had also seen the saucer.
Leonard G Cramp, vice-president of the British UFO Research Association, included the Norwich sighting in his 1954 book Space, Gravity and The Flying Saucer, a highly technical examination of the technology necessary to build a flying saucer.
Excerpts from Cramp’s book - including Mr Potter’s testimony - can be found online in the Central Intelligence Agency’s declassified documents library.
The truth is out there...somewhere above South Park Avenue.
It was a dazzling light show that bewitched astronomers watching the night sky above Norwich - but was it proof of life on other planets?
Just months after Queen Elizabeth’s coronation in 1953, the Eastern Evening News front page carried a story about a visit from an Unidentified Flying Object which might have travelled to Earth through its own corona.
On October 8, the EEN reported that Frank Potter had spotted something unusual in the sky over his home on South Park Avenue in Norwich.
The amateur astronomer told reporters that he’d seen a noiseless object two days earlier at 7.15pm, travelling from south-west to north-east.
Training his telescope on the craft, he followed the saucer-shaped object as it sped across the sky, noting: “rays or beams of light could be seen distinctly from the dome and attached directly beneath it was a much larger and flattened dome with a protruding band running in a circumference around its edge.
“The underneath of the large flattened bottom dome was hollow and appeared to be glowing red, but there were no vapour trails or gases to be seen.”
The article prompted several other star-gazers to come forward to say they too had spotted something to suggest that we are not alone.
Mr Potter also revealed that a further seven members of the Norwich Astronomical Society, to which he belonged, had also seen the saucer.
Leonard G Cramp, vice-president of the British UFO Research Association, included the Norwich sighting in his 1954 book Space, Gravity and The Flying Saucer, a highly technical examination of the technology necessary to build a flying saucer.
Excerpts from Cramp’s book - including Mr Potter’s testimony - can be found online in the Central Intelligence Agency’s declassified documents library.
The truth is out there...somewhere above South Park Avenue.
UFO Flying at Mach 17 Filmed by USAF Veteran, Sends 4K Footage to NASA
UFO Flying at Mach 17 Filmed by USAF Veteran, Sends 4K Footage to NASA
If you still believe in green men and giant disks in this age of technology, there’s a good chance you’ll miss the true essence of the UFO phenomenon and extraterrestrial implications on this planet.
What this USAF veteran from Ayden, California had caught on his drone’s camera far surpasses our general understanding of UFOs.
A supersonic device of tiny proportions traveling 17 times faster than the speed of sound zipped nearby his DJI Phantom 3 Professional 4k drone, just above Ayden District Park, and without anyone noticing at first. After later playing the video on his 4k TV, the veteran was immediately amazed by what he saw.
I am 59 years old and retired from the USAF,” the man told MUFON. “In my 20 year military career I thought I had seen it all. This footage took me back!”
The ambiguous object was flying at about 50 feet from ground level at a speed outperforming by far any known craft engineered by human hands. The calculations performed revealed a staggering velocity of about 13,000 mph, that’s 17 times faster than the speed of sound.
For a better ensemble picture, the Lockheed SR-71 barely exceeds Mach 3.2, or about 2,200 miles per hour. The record-keeper for the hastiest manned jet is the SR-71 which is still nearly 6 times slower than the UFO seen above.
If we compare the fastest flying object designed by humans that doesn’t carry a crew, then DARPA’s HTV-s (Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2) is the one to match the elusive UFO after streaking across the sky at the same bewildering velocity of 13,000 mph. However, the HTV-2 had to be launched using a rocket before using its scramjet engine, not to mention the Falcon Project was initiated over a decade ago. Who knows what toys they have in stock by now…
If you play the video at normal speed rate, there’s a good chance you’ll miss the object if you blink due to its extreme velocity and compressed size.
When the video is slowed down, the UFO comes into picture, but it’s neither big nor defined, and is certainly not leaving any trail. It’s not what most people would expect from a UFO sighting, isn’t it?
The description of the video provides additional information – “UFO traveled 6200 feet (about 1.2 miles) in 1/3rd of a second.”
The USAF veteran made an appeal to qualified authorities for further investigations and analysis.
I filed a UFO report with MUFON and they notified NASA and sent them a copy of the video. The video is under investigation and analysis. Work is being performed on it by both agencies.
I wouldn’t put my trust in NASA getting to the bottom of this due to their…busy schedule, but some lines can be drawn by the UFO community on the web.
Both UFOs seem to belong to the physical realm. Their appearance suggests they’re made of a metallic allow, light-colored and little reflective.
Even more, the veteran’s video was shot in 4k at 30 frames per second, exactly the type of quality one would expect from a modern-day UFO sighting of sorts.
A video analysis by MUFON investigator Sanford Davis sheds more light on this mysterious case, although he was unable to provide a conclusive answer.
This anomaly was neither observed nor experienced first-hand,” the official report reads. “It was observed as the witness was reviewing aerial drone footage. The whole sighting occurs within a third of a second – a streak arising in the background, streaking across the screen before disappearing in the foreground.”
But further comments provided by YouTube users bring more relevance:
It appears as a white dot, flattening out something somewhat into a ‘light disk’ right before it disappears off screen,” one commentator wrote.
Whatever the object was, it sure looks as part of a secret military project, or some otherworldly device with capabilities far beyond ours, but both of these options are not attested by modern-day ‘experts.’
Remember folks, there’s no such thing as super-evolved aliens, interdimensional beings, or black-budget programs. This is just a regular sky phenomenon, possibly a dopey bird, bug, golf ball or camera glitch.
Don’t fall for the alien propaganda, else you might have difficulties like the veteran who had posted this video.
UFO does not mean alien, extraterrestrial, spaceship or anything other than unidentified flying object…there was an object…it was flying…did not recognize what the object was… I don’t want you to think I’m an ass…but I have had death threats because of this video,” wrote the channel owner in the comments section after nearly one year from this staggering catch.
Two UFOs Fired Their Thrusters To Harness Energy From a Storm Cloud During a Live Weather Report
Two UFOs Fired Their Thrusters To Harness Energy From a Storm Cloud During a Live Weather Report
Two UFOs with thrusters exhibited a unique spectacle over the sky in Oklahoma, USA, just below an extreme storm front. The entire scene was streamed live by a local television.
The entire scene was caught on live stream by a local news outlet while reporters were discussing about the ongoing storm.
A trivial explanation has been put forward claiming that the sighting was nothing more than bugs on the windshield, but most viewers remained unconvinced since the UFOs had some kind of thrusters which are clearly visible during the video.
Other explanations see the sighting as a pair of daredevils using jetpacks to either test their capabilities during a storm, or to play a hoax on the unsuspecting public.
This kind of technology is not out of reach anymore, with some startups already selling stable jetpack versions to the military, as well as to civilians who can afford this cutting-edge technology.
Of course, many people inside the UFO community have suggested that what we see in the footage are actual alien vessels harnessing energy from the storm clouds.
Although this phenomenon where UFOs were seen hovering above the clouds, possibly recharging their spaceships, is not something new, it remains an enigma why these two alleged alien vessels are hanging around below the storm front and not above it.
The video below shows numerous other examples surprised across the years of UFOs harnessing energy from atop the storm clouds. It’s still unclear what these flying objects are, and it’s perfectly understandable since they cannot be explained with ease, nor compared to any known earthly device.
Before vanishing into the cloud, at the 0:30 mark, another similar UFO is seen in the top left corner just sitting there motionless.
From a more skeptical perspective, the two flying objects could be the product of advanced CGI effects, but since they appeared on live television makes this hypothesis obsolete.
To this day, the nature of the sighting remains unknown and undisclosed. Authorities and the media didn’t pay much attention to what was caught on video, further fueling our beliefs that they are aware of the UFO/alien reality, but are afraid to let us know about it…yet
Whatever the case, this sighting deserves our utmost attention. What do you think to be the case? Baloons? Jetpacks? Huge storm bugs?
From The CIA Files: Researchers Link UFO And ‘Their Heightened Interest’ To ‘The Variety And Wealth Of Useful Minerals’
From The CIA Files: Researchers Link UFO And ‘Their Heightened Interest’ To ‘The Variety And Wealth Of Useful Minerals’
Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.”
– Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer
You might think that Internet conspiracy theorists are the only people who believe in aliens and their frequent visits to the earth. However, a group of Nasa astronauts like
Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Cooper, Deke Slayton, Brian O’Leary thought extraterrestrials exist and that they have been visiting Earth for some time.
Left to right: Command Module Pilot Stuart Roosa, Commander Alan Shepard, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the crew of Apollo 14. (Image Source)
“Yes there has been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe; they have been coming here for a long time. I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.”
– Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the moon
Besides the astronauts, there are governments of many countries who maintain classified documents or top secret documents about the UFOs and extraterrestrial beings. These documents have been released into the public domain along with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. In the United States, the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), the NSA (National Security Agency) and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) have followed suit proving that these agencies have put in immense resources to study the extraterrestrial phenomenon.
The efforts of many military whistleblowers including the politicians and academics have led the topic of UFOs into the realm of reality from that of conspiracy theory. In fact, some of the people have known about the phenomenon for a long time now.
Countries spy on each other to extract information by using a spectrum of methods. The American government’s STARGATE project investigates the parapsychology and uses their findings to spy on other countries. Similarly, the Snowden leaks threw light on how the US government spies on their citizens, major corporations, foreign and financial establishments.
Hypothesis on Aliens by Various Countries
Many governments have black budget operations called as Unacknowledged Special Access Programs (SAPs) in the United States, and they have zero oversight from the Congress.
A document found online in the CIA’s electronic reading room shows how the CIA gathers intelligence with a joint effort between the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the USSR. Almost two decades ago, the scientists from the USSR and PRC revealed a joint study on the UFOs which indicated how global governments investigated UFOs through history.
The Soviet and the specialists from China have come up with a program to investigate known incidents and have also decided to exchange video and photographs directly with each other at Dalnegorsk, the chosen meeting destination. In the last four years, more than 10 UFOs were recorded. Specialists are of the opinion that the aliens are interested in places with an abundance of wealth and other useful minerals. Many such incidents were reported in the mountainous regions of China.
Frequent Alien Visits
The extraterrestrials have allegedly been visiting earth for a long time now. So the thought about aliens invading our planet for resources is unlikely to happen. If they had any invasion planned, like the ones shown in our famous films, it would have happened by now.
There are many stories regarding UFO spacecraft landing, humanoid bodies coming out of a vehicle and aliens exploring natural resources. Many researchers are of the opinion these ETs in reality concerned about the well-being of our planet. A large number of people who claim to have alien contact experiences or other type of telepathic experiences have shared a similar sentiment.
Image of UFOs captured above Tilburg, Netherlands. You can see three saucers in the sky. They appear to be dish-like and with lights on them. (Image Source)
An incident in the town of Ruwa, Zimbabwe on September 16th, 1994 confirms that aliens have been visiting us for long. In this incident, over sixty school children claim to have seen many flying objects that seemed like spaceships.
Many such stories talk about aliens visiting earth. For instance, Colonel Ross Dedrickson, who maintained the inventory of the nuclear stockpile for the AEC in the 1950s revealed in an interview about some extraterrestrials who were concerned about the well-being of our planet. He had informed about UFOs and their presence around nuclear missile facilities.
A search for "UFO" on YouTube brings over 500,000 returns.[1] And, after you've managed to sort through that lot to find your favorite, if you're worried that it's too good to be true, your suspicions may be well founded. Not only do you need to believe in the possibility of UFOs (or, at least, be open-minded enough), but you also have to trust the person filming it (possibly more far-fetched in the age of video tricks). Here are some methods to assist you in spotting a potentially fake UFO video on YouTube, or any other video site.
1. Discard the obvious fakes before proceeding.
These are the UFO videos that are clearly made in elementary school, use Lego men, or state in bold letters (or shout at you), "This is a joke!". Assuming you've already put your powers of critical assessment to work at this stage, it's time to proceed to the next signs that a UFO video might not be for real.
2. Look at the UFO closely.
There are a number of obvious elements that can help you spot the fake UFO video. Here are some things to pay extra careful attention to:.
Can you see any form of attachments to the object that is being claimed as a UFO? For example, strings, wires, stands, etc.
Be aware that invisible thread does wonders and can be very hard to spot unless you are looking for it. Look for glints of light off the invisible thread as the video camera rolls away at different angles, etc.
Is the UFO moving awkwardly, or with a jitter? Wobbliness tends to be a sign of strings and nerves rather than futuristic flying technology. Imagine trying to keep down a cup of alien brew in a wobbly craft? It's probably fair enough to say that if a plane couldn't fly wobbling or teetering in the way that the UFO has been presented as flying, then it's very unlikely the UFO could either - after all, our atmosphere remains the same for the UFO, let alone the comfort needs of the crew.[2]
Does the UFO suddenly "disappear" without further ado? Do planes, helicopters or hot air balloons just "disappear"? Not usually. Theoretically, a stealth bomber cloak, 3D cloaking, or meta-material might surround the UFO but if so, why bother to reveal at all and then suddenly disappear? Did it get a whiff of the photographer whose importance was probably considerably less than that of paying attention to either landing properly or keeping the flight path straight? The greater likelihood is that the filming got awkward at that point and just stopped, or the painting tool was put to grand use.
3. Listen.
If there is sound of a UFO in the video, it pays to listen closely as the UFO goes by. How realistic does it sound to you? Or does it remind you of your best friend's attempt at making an alien tune on Garageband late one night?
If the UFO in the video makes noise, it's probably a fake. It is difficult to know but it would be assumed that a UFO in real life would be very careful to keep its noise to a minimum. But more than that supposition, use your hearing senses carefully - a lot of sounds can be synthesized but one person's idea of what a UFO should sound like can easily be very corny (copied from a sci-fi film or show), or just really odd.
If a soundtrack is included, the video has a higher chance of being fake because it's aimed at creating the atmosphere and emotion, making it much more likely that it is staged. If someone really has filmed a UFO, the excitement of it would probably have them uploading it on well before they'd thought to add some spooky soundtrack and turn it into a "perfect" video!
4. Look at the details surrounding the UFO.
As the familiar adage says, the devil is always in the details.
If the UFO is zooming by some trees, look to see if they blow because of the wind. If they don't, it's fake.
Look for shadows. Are there any shadows of the person taking the video, or other nearby objects? This will indicate to you that the video is shot close by on an object near to the person filming, rather than up in the sky. Moreover, shadows at night are less likely unless a direct source of light is shining on the UFO and it's near enough something to throw a shadow.
Look for reflections. What sort of reflections do you see? Remember the famous nude photos in kettles of eBay sellers - can you see the camera person in the reflection? If so, they're way too close to their miniature model! Other reflections can also be dead giveaways - anything that's meant to be on the ground, such as a car, will indicate a fake if reflecting in the object.
Look for duplicates in the background. For example, look at the trees or power poles as the filmed UFO zooms by. If the trees or power poles present an exact repeating pattern (looping the film), the video is a fake.
Does it appear that the object is tracked by a video camera that just seems to know without a doubt the UFO's next move? Or, does the video operator get tired of this and turn off the camera after only filming a few seconds even though the UFO is still in beautiful view?[3]
5. Consider whether the object reminds you of something.
If it does, it is a possibly a big giveaway of the "object" used to fake the UFO for the filming. Some common objects to be wary of include:
The cloud. A conveniently shaped cloud in suitable weather might fit the bill for a clever photographer.
Kid's toys. Some can be convincing, others definitely less so.
Lights. These really are just too seductive for the amateur fake UFO photographer. From LEDs to bulbs, anything can go, and does.
The saucer. Literally. One kid throws it in the air, while the other one starts filming it.
Beer (or other) bottles. If it reminds you of a bottle flying through the air, trust your instincts. Throwing a beer bottle at a party can give people ideas if there's a video camera handy.
Software clones. Does the object or surrounding objects look just like stuff you've already seen on photo/movie/gaming software?
6. Check online for information.
Using the claims made in the video, do some online research to verify the claims. Things to look for include:
Dates - do the dates match up with other people's recollections of the siting?
Are there news stories covering the alleged appearance of the UFO?
Is there an article or website debunking your particular video as a clear hoax? For example, there are well-known hoax UFO videos and it's a good idea to discard these from the start before you even get excited about the possibility that your video is real![4]
7. Use reverse logic.
A really good way to know how to spot a fake is to know how a fake is made in the first place. Do some research online to find out how a fake UFO video is made.[5] Armed with this knowledge, it becomes a lot easier to spot the tomfoolery on a video featuring an alleged UFO! Some of the more common elements of making a fake UFO video include:
Resorting to the overly familiar saucer shape. While it's commonplace as a UFO representation, did you know that this shape has only been "popular" since 1947 and the Roswell incident?[4]
Throwing up lights in the background and quickly filming then. This is a very common trick.[6]
8. Be cynical, suspicious, or at least wary, if:
There are no witnesses, or only the dog or spouse witnessed the event. Be even more concerned if the dog is put forward as a credible witness.
If the video shows a huge object hanging over a very crowded area, such as New York City, but not very many people noticed (remember your research step above here). Other than the "terrified" actor in the video, of course. Indeed, the math of anyone looking at a large building in New York City has already been done and it was found that at least 50 people out of the 8 million people in NYC would be staring at a large building every second of the day.[7]
Anyone appearing in the video is acting suspiciously, weirdly, or over-the-top.
It is filmed too well. This could be the indication of a UFO geek who has spent hours poring over the video shoot, getting the colors, shades, and reflections matching perfectly, all because she has seen Fox Mulder point out the illogicality of a UFO photo on an X-Files repeat. The reality is that special effects are affordable to many people to tinker with these days,[9] and if you really did chance on seeing a UFO "just like that", it's unlikely that your excited, rushing night-time video would be "perfect".
Even the person uploading the video tells you it's a fake project started to help the kids when they got bored one day but it went viral and got distorted into "being real" because some UFO enthusiasts (read, people who really, really, really want to see a UFO) happened to be convinced that it "must" be real![10]
Experts claim there are 3 HOSTILE Alien species visiting Earth
Experts claim there are 3 HOSTILE Alien species visiting Earth
Misinterpreted throughout the centuries as ‘Gods’, here ar 3 of the foremost hostile Aliens that in keeping with ‘experts’ are visiting Earth since time out of mind. 3 Aliens Species Visting earth
The idea that we have a tendency to aren’t solely|the sole} life forms within the universe has captured the imagination and interest of not only scientists however thinkers, historians and different consultants throughout the centuries. 3 Aliens Species Visting earth
One of the primary to talk out regarding alien life was Associate in Nursing Italian Dominican religious, philosopher, scientist, poet, and cosmological intellectual philosopher. 3 Aliens Species Visting earth
He is remembered for his cosmological theories, that conceptually extended the then novel Copernican model.
Bruno planned that the celebrities were simply distant suns enclosed by their own exoplanets and raised the chance that these planets may even foster lifetime of their own (a philosophical position referred to as cosmic pluralism).
Bruno conjointly insisted that the universe is actually infinite and will haven’t any natural object at its “center”.
Bruno said: “There square measure incalculable suns and incalculable earth’s all rotating around their suns in just a similar manner because the seven planets of our system. we have a tendency to see solely the suns as a result of {they square measure|they’re} the most important bodies and are lucent, however their planets stay invisible to United States as a result of they’re smaller and non-luminous. The incalculable worlds within the universe aren’t any worse and no less populous than our earth. For it’s completely unreasonable to suppose that those swarming worlds that square measure as glorious as our own, maybe additional thus, and that relish the fructifying rays of a sun even as we tend to do, ought to be uninhabited and may not bear similar or maybe additional good inhabitants than our earth.” 3 Aliens Species Visting earth
Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake in Rome’s Campo de’ Fiori in 1600.
However, he wasn’t the sole one to possess spoken out regarding alien life. Throughout the centuries, incalculable students have questioned whether or not or not there square measure others out there.
“There is swarming proof that we have a tendency to square measure being contacted, that civilizations are watching United States for a really durable. That their look is off-the-wall from any sort of ancient materialistic western purpose of read. That these guests use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for his or her propulsion systems, that looks to be a standard divisor of the UFO development.” (source) – Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former independent agency spaceman and Princeton physics academic.
Today, at a time once technology has allowed United States to explore the universe like ne’er before, many folks square measure convinced that we have a tendency to aren’t alone. Not solely that, however immeasurable individuals round the globe square measure convinced that till today, we have a tendency to ar being visited by beings that aren’t from our planet.
Advanced civilizations that is thousands of years before us—technologically—who have compete an especially necessary role within the development of humanity throughout the centuries.
So WHO ar these beings? is they benign? is they Hostile? If thus, wherever are they?
Considering the actual fact that there are a minimum of hundred billion galaxies even as previous because the Milky Way, and every one of them have a mean of a hundred BILLION Suns per galaxy, most of them with planets the same as Earth orbiting them, one will say that intelligent life sure should exist somewhere.
THE UNEXPLAINED specialists claim there are three HOSTILE Alien species visiting Earth By Ancient Code SHARE TWEET nine COMMENTS
Misinterpreted throughout the centuries as ‘Gods’, here are 3 of the foremost hostile Aliens that in keeping with ‘experts’ are visiting Earth since yesteryear.
The idea that we tend to aren’t solely|the sole} life forms within the universe has captured the imagination and interest of not only scientists however thinkers, historians and alternative consultants throughout the centuries.
One of the primary to talk out concerning alien life was a Italian Dominican religious, philosopher, man of science, poet, and cosmological theoriser Giordano Bruno.
He is remembered for his cosmological theories, that conceptually extended the then novel Copernican model.
Bruno projected that the celebs were simply distant suns encircled by their own exoplanets and raised the likelihood that these planets may even foster lifetime of their own (a philosophical position referred to as cosmic pluralism).
Bruno conjointly insisted that the universe is in reality infinite and will haven’t any natural object at its “center”.
Bruno said: “There are infinite suns and incalculable earth’s all rotating around their suns in barely identical manner because the seven planets of our system. we tend to see solely the suns as a result of {they area unit|they’re} the biggest bodies and are aglow, however their planets stay invisible to us as a result of they’re smaller and non-luminous. The incalculable worlds within the universe are not any worse and no less thickly settled than our earth. For it’s completely unreasonable to suppose that those abundant worlds that area unit as brilliant as our own, maybe additional thus, and that fancy the fructifying rays of a sun even as we tend to do, ought to be depopulated and may not bear similar or perhaps additional good inhabitants than our earth.”
Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake in Rome’s Campo de’ Fiori in 1600.
However, he wasn’t the sole one to possess spoken out concerning alien life. Throughout the centuries, incalculable students have puzzled whether or not or not there area unit others out there.
“There is extensive proof that we tend to area unit being contacted, that civilizations are watching America for a really durable. That their look is unconventional from any style of ancient materialistic western purpose of read. That these guests use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for his or her propulsion systems, that looks to be a standard divisor of the phantasm development.” (source) – Dr. Brian O’Leary, Former NASA traveler and Princeton physics academic.
Today, at a time once technology has allowed America to explore the universe like ne’er before, many folks area unit convinced that we tend to aren’t alone. Not solely that, however voluminous folks round the globe area unit convinced that till nowadays, we tend to area unit being visited by beings that aren’t from our planet.
Advanced civilizations that area unit thousands of years before us—technologically—who have vie a very necessary role within the development of humanity throughout the centuries.
So WHO ar these beings? ar they benign? ar they Hostile? If therefore, wherever ar they?
Considering the very fact that there ar a minimum of hundred billion galaxies even as recent because the Milky Way, and every one of them have a median of a hundred BILLION Suns per galaxy, most of them with planets almost like Earth orbiting them, one will say that intelligent life sure enough should exist somewhere.
Many authors would agree that it’s safe to mention that there’s a minimum of one intelligent civilization per galaxy. There ar a minimum of 100 billion galaxies because the Milky Way. Do the mathematics.
UFOlogists and paranormal researchers agree that throughout the years Earth has been visited, and there’s ample historical proof that supports this claim.
Confused as ‘Gods’, varied ancient cultures round the globe indicate however ‘extremely advanced beings’ visited Earth, returning from the celebrities.
The Annunaki
Are the traditional Enuki the primitive in our amnesic history?
If we tend to take a glance at ancient Mesopotamian history we’ll realize proof of the alleged Enuki.
The Anunnaki ar believed to be the creators of Man. These mighty Gods left Earth within the distant past, oral communication that in the future, they shall come back to Earth. Curiously, if we glance at ancient cultures round the globe, most of their Gods—Creator Gods—left Earth and secure to come back in the future.
According to later Assyrian and Babylonian story, the Enuki were the youngsters of Semitic deity and Ki, brother and sister gods. The Enuki seem within the Babylonian creation story, Enuma Elish. The Enuki ar mentioned within the Epic of Gilgamesh once Semitic deity tells the story of the flood. There ar four primary gods: Semitic deity, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursag.
Many researchers firmly believe that supported varied discoveries, the Enuki (Sumerian: “those WHO decreased from the heavens), a extremely advanced civilization from Associate in Nursing elusive planet in our system, came to Earth, landing within the Persian Gulf some 432,000 years agone. They created man as a slave race to assist them mine gold. Eventually, the Enuki left Earth, effort their creation behind promising to come back in the future.
3. The Reptiles
Throughout history, we’ve got detected tales regarding these strange wanting creatures that apparently live among us on Earth. There square measure such a big amount of stories regarding reptilian entities each within the past and within the gift as if these beings were since the start of your time gift on our planet. History talks regarding them and modern-day sightings have become a lot of and a lot of frequent. There are stories of beings half-human, half-reptile for hundreds of years, however is that this simply the results of human imagination or is there one thing a lot of regarding these strange beings that have conquered our History texts.
Looking back in history, we discover many tales regarding extraterrestrial beings, that were worshiped by our ancestors. In South America, Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan square measure a number of the gods that square measure well, reptilian beings worshiped as gods. Quetzalcoatl could be a Mesoamerican immortal whose name comes from the Nahuatl language and suggests that “feathered serpent” The worship of a feathered serpent is 1st best-known documented in Teotihuacan within the 1st century BCE or 1st century Ce.
According to ufologists, they live regarding four meters tall and square measure characterised as glorious warriors and have an especially stratified and competitive political – military system. They even have an excellent psychic power }prey on negative energies like concern and hate, thus, they’re thought of ” regressive ” and were thought of before as “demons.”
The Middle East is an important part of the world known for its prolonged, rich history.
Many Arabs and those living in the region often forget, marginalize and neglect the fact that this part of the world doesn't lack surprise and novelty.
Here are some fun and fascinating facts about the Middle East to emphasize its ever-standing characteristics:
1. A True History
Roman-Syrians knew what the future had in store long before Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon and Leif Eriksson "found" America.
In what is arguably the first fantasy book, True Historytells the stories of the first encounter with aliens, the discovery of a new continent in the West, and explorers flying to the moon.
Lucian of Samosata was a Syrian writer in the second century who knew Greek. He wrote this book as a parody, mocking all adventures and creatures that used to be featured in old tales.
2. Hamsters
The small, cute and lovable gerbils were firstly discovered in Syria in 1797.
After scientists bred them, they delivered them to multiple laboratories around the world.
The hamsters you see in pet shops today are most likely the descendants of the same furry animals which were bred in 1930.
3. Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed is an action-adventure video game revolving around a warbetween the "Assassins" - fighting for peace and freedom - and the "Templars" - those convinced that peace will reign only if humanity is controlled.
Little do players of this video game know that the Assassins depicted in it are based on actual assassins who existed between the 11th and 13th century in Syria and Persia (modern day Iran) and were known as "Hashishiyyin".
A 2013 map of the background radiation left over from the Big Bang, taken by the ESA's Planck spacecraft, captured the oldest light in the universe. This information helps astronomers determine the age of the universe.
Credit: ESA and the Planck Collaboration.
The Big Bang Theory is the leading explanation about how the universe began. At its simplest, it says the universe as we know it started with a small singularity, then inflated over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today.
Because current instruments don't allow astronomers to peer back at the universe's birth, much of what we understand about the Big Bang Theory comes from mathematical formulas and models. Astronomers can, however, see the "echo" of the expansion through a phenomenon known as the cosmic microwave background.
While the majority of the astronomical community accepts the theory, there are some theorists who have alternative explanations besides the Big Bang — such as eternal inflation or an oscillating universe.
The phrase "Big Bang Theory" has been popular among astrophysicists for decades, but it hit the mainstream in 2007 when a comedy show with the same name premiered on CBS. The show follows the home and academic life of several researchers (including an astrophysicist).
The first second, and the birth of light
In the first second after the universe began, the surrounding temperature was about 10 billion degrees Fahrenheit (5.5 billion Celsius), according to NASA. The cosmos contained a vast array of fundamental particles such as neutrons, electrons and protons. These decayed or combined as the universe got cooler.
This early soup would have been impossible to look at, because light could not carry inside of it. "The free electrons would have caused light (photons) to scatter the way sunlight scatters from the water droplets in clouds," NASA stated. Over time, however, the free electrons met up with nuclei and created neutral atoms. This allowed light to shine through about 380,000 years after the Big Bang.
This early light — sometimes called the "afterglow" of the Big Bang — is more properly known as the cosmic microwave background (CMB). It was first predicted by Ralph Alpher and other scientists in 1948, but was found only by accident almost 20 years later. [Images: Peering Back to the Big Bang & Early Universe]
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, both of Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, were building a radio receiver in 1965 and picking up higher-than-expected temperatures, according to NASA. At first, they thought the anomaly was due to pigeons and their dung, but even after cleaning up the mess and killing pigeons that tried to roost inside the antenna, the anomaly persisted.
Simultaneously, a Princeton University team (led by Robert Dicke) was trying to find evidence of the CMB, and realized that Penzias and Wilson had stumbled upon it. The teams each published papers in the Astrophysical Journal in 1965.
Determining the age of the universe
The cosmic microwave background has been observed on many missions. One of the most famous space-faring missions was NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite, which mapped the sky in the 1990s.
Several other missions have followed in COBE's footsteps, such as the BOOMERanG experiment (Balloon Observations of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geophysics), NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and the European Space Agency's Planck satellite.
Planck's observations, first released in 2013, mapped the background in unprecedented detail and revealed that the universe was older than previously thought: 13.82 billion years old, rather than 13.7 billion years old. [Related: How Old is the Universe?] (The research observatory's mission is ongoing and new maps of the CMB are released periodically.)
Examining the CMB also gives astronomers clues as to the composition of the universe. Researchers think most of the cosmos is made up of matter and energy that cannot be "sensed" with conventional instruments, leading to the names dark matter and dark energy. Only 5 percent of the universe is made up of matter such as planets, stars and galaxies.
Gravitational waves controversy
While astronomers could see the universe's beginnings, they've also been seeking out proof of its rapid inflation. Theory says that in the first second after the universe was born, our cosmos ballooned faster than the speed of light. That, by the way, does not violate Albert Einstein's speed limit since he said that light is the maximum anything can travel within the universe. That did not apply to the inflation of the universe itself.
"We're very confident that the signal that we're seeing is real, and it's on the sky," lead researcher John Kovac, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told in March 2014.
But by June, the same team said that their findings could have been altered by galactic dust getting in the way of their field of view.
"The basic takeaway has not changed; we have high confidence in our results," Kovac said in a press conference reported by the New York Times. "New information from Planck makes it look like pre-Planckian predictions of dust were too low," he added.
The results from Planck were put online in pre-published form in September. By January 2015, researchers from both teams working together "confirmed that the Bicep signal was mostly, if not all, stardust," the New York Times said in another article.
This graphic shows a timeline of the universe based on the Big Bang theory and inflation models.
Separately, gravitational waves have been confirmed when talking about the movements and collisions of black holes that are a few tens of masses larger than our sun. These waves have been detected multiple times by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) since 2016. As LIGO becomes more sensitive, it is anticipated that discovering black hole-related gravitational waves will be a fairly frequent event.
Faster inflation, multiverses and charting the start
The universe is not only expanding, but getting faster as it inflates. This means that with time, nobody will be able to spot other galaxies from Earth, or any other vantage point within our galaxy.
"We will see distant galaxies moving away from us, but their speed is increasing with time," Harvard University astronomer Avi Loeb said in a March 2014 article.
"So, if you wait long enough, eventually, a distant galaxy will reach the speed of light. What that means is that even light won't be able to bridge the gap that's being opened between that galaxy and us. There's no way for extraterrestrials on that galaxy to communicate with us, to send any signals that will reach us, once their galaxy is moving faster than light relative to us."
Some physicists also suggest that the universe we experience is just one of many. In the "multiverse" model, different universes would coexist with each other like bubbles lying side by side. The theory suggests that in that first big push of inflation, different parts of space-time grew at different rates. This could have carved off different sections — different universes — with potentially different laws of physics.
"It's hard to build models of inflation that don't lead to a multiverse," Alan Guth, a theoretical physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said during a news conference in March 2014 concerning the gravitational waves discovery. (Guth is not affiliated with that study.)
"It's not impossible, so I think there's still certainly research that needs to be done. But most models of inflation do lead to a multiverse, and evidence for inflation will be pushing us in the direction of taking [the idea of a] multiverse seriously."
While we can understand how the universe we see came to be, it's possible that the Big Bang was not the first inflationary period the universe experienced. Some scientists believe we live in a cosmos that goes through regular cycles of inflation and deflation, and that we just happen to be living in one of these phases.
Sputnik 1! 7 Fun Facts About Humanity's First Satellite
Sputnik 1! 7 Fun Facts About Humanity's First Satellite
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Photo Credit: vitazheltyakov, CC BY-NC-ND
0. Introduction
The first-ever artificial satellite took to the skies on Oct. 4, 1957.
The launch of that craft, the Soviet Union's Sputnik 1, kicked off the space age and the Cold War space race, the latter of which peaked when Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped onto the surface of the moon in July 1969.
1. Sputnik 1 was the size of a beach ball
Sputnik 1 weighed 184 lbs. (83 kilograms) and was 23 inches (58 centimeters) wide. (This measure refers to the satellite's body; Sputnik 1 also featured two double-barreled antennas, the larger of which was 12.8 feet, or 3.9 meters, long.)
So, the satellite was quite small compared to the spacecraft of today, such as NASA's Cassini Saturn orbiter, which was about the size of a school bus. But lofting something as heavy as Sputnik 1 was quite a feat in October 1957. Two months later, the United States tried to launch its first satellite — the 3.5-lb. (1.6 kg) Vanguard Test Vehicle 3 (TV3) — and failed.
2. The Soviet Union had been aiming bigger
Soviet space officials had wanted the nation's first satellite to be much bigger than a beach ball. The original plan called for lofting a nearly 3,000-lb. (1,400 kg) craft outfitted with a variety of scientific instruments.
But development of this satellite, code-named "Object D," progressed more slowly than expected, and Soviet officials grew increasingly worried that the United States might beat them to space. So, they decided to precede the launch of Object D with a "simplest satellite," or "prosteishy sputnik" in Russian. Indeed, Sputnik 1 was also known as PS-1, Anatoly Zak noted at (The literal translation of "sputnik," by the way, is "traveling companion.")
Sputnik 1 carried no scientific instruments. However, researchers did learn some things about Earth's atmosphere by studying the beep-beep-beep radio signals emitted by the satellite.
The hulking Object D reached orbit as Sputnik 3 in May 1958, six months after Sputnik 2, which famously lofted a dog named Laika.
3. The launch almost failed
Sputnik 1 came perilously close to suffering the same fate as the United States' TV3 satellite, which was destroyed in a launch failure on Dec. 6, 1957.
Sputnik 1 was lofted by an R-7 rocket, which consisted of four first-stage boosters — known as Blocks B, V, G and D — strapped onto a core second stage (Block A). During the launch, the Block G booster's main engine reached its intended thrust levels later than expected.
"As a result, 6.5 seconds after the launch, the rocket started to pitch, deviating around 1 degree from the nominal trajectory 8 seconds after the liftoff," Zak wrote. "In the effort to correct the increasing pitch angle, steering engines No. 2 and [No.] 4 on the core stage rotated as much as 8 degrees; similar engines on strap-on boosters of Block V and D rotated as much as 17-18 degrees, while tail air rudders rotated 10 degrees.
"Only a split second remained, after which the flight control system would terminate the flight of the underpowered rocket," he added. "Fortunately, the engine finally reached normal performance, and [the] rocket fully returned to nominal trajectory some 18-20 seconds after the liftoff."
Sputnik 1 eventually settled into an elliptical orbit, which took the satellite as close to Earth's surface as 142 miles (228 kilometers) and as far away as 588 miles (947 km). The satellite zipped around Earth every 96 minutes.
4. Its mission was brief
Sputnik 1 was powered by three silver-zinc batteries, which were designed to operate for two weeks. The batteries exceeded expectations, as the satellite continued sending out its radio signal for 22 days.
The spacecraft continued lapping Earth in silence for a few more months, its orbit decaying and sending the craft steadily closer to the planet. The satellite finally burned up in the atmosphere on Jan. 4, 1958.
5. Most Sputnik spotters actually saw its rocket
Though Sputnik 1 was small, it was quite reflective and therefore visible from Earth through a pair of binoculars (and perhaps even with the naked eye, if you had good vision and knew exactly where to look).
Many people reported seeing the satellite overhead in late 1957, but experts think most of these sightings actually involved the R-7. The rocket's 85-foot-long (26 m) core stage also reached orbit, and it was covered with reflective panels to make tracking it easier. This rocket body fell back to Earth on Dec. 2, 1957, according to Zak.
6. Sputnik 1 led to the creation of NASA and DARPA
The launch of Sputnik 1 famously shook the United States.
"As a technical achievement, Sputnik caught the world's attention and the American public off guard," NASA historians wrote in 2007, in a piece marking the milestone's 50-year anniversary. "Its size was more impressive than Vanguard's intended 3.5-lb. payload. In addition, the public feared that the Soviets' ability to launch satellites also translated into the capability to launch ballistic missiles that could carry nuclear weapons from Europe to the U.S."
Such worries didn't dissipate after the U.S. launched its first successful satellite, Explorer 1, on Jan. 31, 1958. American officials took several measures to boost the nation's technological capabilities. These included creating the Advanced Research Projects Agency (later renamed the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA) in February 1958 and NASA in October of that year. (NASA's precursor organization, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, had been around since 1915.)
And in September 1958, Congress enacted the National Defense Education Act, which aimed to help increase the number and quality of U.S. scientists and engineers.
7. The satellite inspired the world 'beatnik'
Sputnik 1's huge cultural impact can be seen in the spate of "nik" neologisms its launch spurred, a few of which remain in use today. "Peacenik" is one well-known example, but the most famous is undoubtedly "beatnik," which San Francisco newspaper columnist Herb Caen coined in 1958. (And beatnik, in turn, sparked another coinage — "neatnik.")
Though Sputnik 1 raised "nik" to prominence in the U.S., the launch didn't actually introduce the suffix — which is roughly equivalent to "er" in English — into the American lexicon; select Russian and Yiddish words had already done that. The term "no-goodnik," for example, has been around since at least 1936, according to
Volcanic Eruptions Gave the Ancient Moon a Temporary Atmosphere
Volcanic Eruptions Gave the Ancient Moon a Temporary Atmosphere
By Hanneke Weitering, Staff Writer
An artist's impression of Earth's moon shows lavas erupting, venting gases and producing a visible atmosphere.
Earth's moon doesn't have much of an atmosphere today. However, it may have had a more prominent atmosphere 3 billion to 4 billion years ago, when volcanic eruptions spewed giant clouds of gas above the lunar surface, a new study has found.
Today's moon is covered in dead volcanoes and dark maria, or plains that consist of hardened lava. The lunar atmosphere is so thin it's not even technically an atmosphere — instead, it's considered an "exosphere," with molecules that are gravitationally bound to the moon but are too sparse to behave like a gas.
A new study from scientists at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, and the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) in Houston suggests that the moon's ancient volcanoes produced a temporary atmosphere that lingered for 70 million years before dissipating into space. [How the Moon Evolved: A Photo Timeline]
Samples of volcanic glasses collected by Apollo astronauts in the 1970s revealed that magma beneath the lunar surface billions of years ago "carried gas components, such as carbon monoxide, the ingredients for water, sulfur, and other volatile species," LPI officials said in a statement.
In the new study, the researchers calculated how much gas rose from the lavas that flowed from the lunar volcanoes. They determined that enough gases accumulated around the moon to form an atmosphere, and that this atmosphere grew faster than it could escape into space.
LPI officials said that the findings may have big implications for future exploration of the moon, because it "quantifies a source of volatiles that may have been trapped from the atmosphere into cold, permanently shadowed regions near the lunar poles and, thus, may provide a source of ice suitable for a sustained lunar exploration program."
While it is often believed that most aliens are an unfriendly bunch, there are a few species that have been on Earth for centuries who serve to disprove this claim. Some of the more friendly alien species are listed below.
It’s a widely held belief that the Lyrans are our oldest ancestors. In fact, there are those that believe that the Lyrans were actually the first “humans” to form a civilization in the Milky Way galaxy.
The world famous Billy Meier was one of the first people to talk about Lyrans. He claims that they revealed to him their origins and story. He was extremely gracious to share this story with mankind.
Mr. Meier reports that, “They have described their ancient ancestry, and consequently ours, as originating in a far sun-system in a star group near what we now know as the Ring Nebula of Lyra, for which we have called them Lyrans in the same manner as we refer to human beings from what we call the Pleiades.
After many eons of existence, one of the oldest alien species in our galaxy, the Arcturians, have reached such an ascended statethat many classify them as a fifth dimension civilization.
Their home planet orbits the largest star in the Bootes Constellation and is located approximately 200 light years away from Earth.
While seemingly impossible for us to reach, it’s proven to be of little consequence to the Arcturians because while millions of years ago the Arcturians achieved the level of technology we have reached on Earth. They now possess some of the most advanced technology in the Milky Way galaxy.
While few people have directly interacted with the Arcturians, those that have report them as being between 3 and 5 feet tall with large heads and big, black almond shaped eyes. Their skin is normally a greenish color and they have three fingers on each hand.
In addition, they appear to be masters of telepathic communication and can move objects or interact with their environment all through the use of their minds. Furthermore, old age and death have been virtually eliminated from their society.
It’s believed that their fleet of starships crisscrosses the galaxy and one of them, the Starship Athena, is believed to be orbiting the earth to prevent something from threatening our existence.
The Arcturians take their role as protectors extremely seriously. So seriously, in fact, one of their probes, the Black Knight Satellite, is believed to have been orbiting Earth for the last 13,000 years.
Described as being tall, blonde humanoids, the Telosians are believed by many to be the last survivors of long lost human civilizations on Earth.
There are those that say they are the survivors of the cataclysms that sunk Atlantis and Lemuria, while another school of thought believes they are much older than that.
Their name derives from the ancient Greek word “telos” meaning “end’ or “purpose.” It seems a fitting name for their largest city of Telos which many believe is located under Mt. Shasta, California.
Through psychotronic technology and highly developed cerebral abilities, their advanced society has been in constant contact with a number of other extraterrestrial civilizations including the Pleiadians and Arcturians.
The first person to describe the Telosians was Admiral Richard Byrd. In his diaries that were published after his death, he tells of a secret North Pole mission to the home of an advanced subterranean race.
Admiral Byrd wrote that this alien species had been living in a few secret underground cities but it was our nuclear bombs that finally drew them out to the surface. Admiral Byrd wrote,
“Our interests rightly begins just after your race exploded the first atomic bomb over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that alarming time we sent our flying machines, the “Flugelrads” to your surface world to investigate what your race had done.“
“You see, we have never interfered before in your race’s wars and barbarity, but now we must, for you have learned to tamper with a certain power that is not for man, namely that of atomic energy.”
“Our emissaries have already delivered messages to the powers of your world, and yet they do not heed. Now you have been chosen to be witness here that our world does exist. You see, our culture and science is many thousands of years beyond our race. Admiral.”
Thousands of years of scientific advancement have given the Telosians the ability to circumvent disease and aging. The Telosians are widely known for their longevity and could help us with our own. They are also true protectors of the Earth’s environment and keepers of knowledge about our planet’s past.
The extraterrestrials from Alpha Centauri easily have the power to not only destroy us, but any other aggressive alien species. They are considered to be the most technologically advanced alien species in the Milky Way galaxy.
They got in this position because they are reported to be highly intelligent and possess a natural curiosity which in turn led them to rapid advancements in science and technology. It also appears that the Alpha Centaurians have learned that with immense power comes immense responsibility.
Over time they evolved into an aquatic species with gills and webbed limbs. Some researchers believe they are responsible for most of the underwater and the USO phenomena.
It’s also believed that they have a number of bases that operate on the bottom of our seas, oceans, and lakes around the planet.
In keeping with their nature, the Alpha Centaurians are believed to be very benevolent towards the human race and have a desire to help us overcome some of the many challenges that come with the evolution of a species.
It’s believed that they communicate telepathically and their influence, while subtle, is always there. Many researchers believe that the Alpha Centaurians promote social justice and human rights as they pertain to the responsibility advanced technology we’re developing.
Believed to be descendants of the early Lyrans, the Pleiadians, in some circles, have come to represent one of humanity’s most active allies.
Their home is located in the Pleiades Star Cluster, which is a group of stars located approximately 400 light years from Earth. Their name is derived from the ancient Greek verb, “plein” meaning “to sail.”
The Pleiadians have always played an important role in human culture. One of their chosen representatives, Billy Meir, imparted the messages of Semjase, a Pleidian female who was deeply concerned for our fate. She told Billy:
“We are neither guardians of Earth nor beings of God-sent angels or similar. Many persons suggest we are watching over Earth and her beings and would control their fates.
This is not true, because we only perform a self-selected mission which has nothing to do with supervising or regulating Earth’s fate. Thus it is wrong to expose us as superterrestrial messengers and guardians.”
Despite the message from Semjase, the Pleiadians were the first to warn Earth about the danger that Grey aliens posed. The Pleiadians accused the Greys of having a lack of wisdom and empathy when using technologically inferior humans to serve their evil, remorseless purposes.
For this reason, the two alien species have fought one another not only here, but in other star systems.
Those that have been in contact with the Pleiadians claim that the Pleiadians have been attempting to free ourselves from oppression for quite some time.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The 150,000-year-old Baigong Pipes—Evidence of a technologically advanced civilization?
The 150,000-year-old Baigong Pipes—Evidence of a technologically advanced civilization?
8 percent of the material in the pipes could not be identified. Their mysterious pipes are believed to be around 150,000 years old. According to the largest state-run newspapers in China—People’s Daily reported on a 2007 investigation in which a research fellow from the Chinese Earthquake Administration reported they had found some of the pipes to be highly radioactive.
A recently published study titled “Prior Indigenous Technological Species” by Jason T. Wright from the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics and Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds, at Pennsylvania State University, has given us lot to think about.
What if, in the distant past, hundreds of thousands—perhaps millions of years ago—an advanced technological species existed somewhere in our solar system? Maybe even Earth?
The idea that humans are not the first, or only, technological species to arise in the Solar System is very old. In the second century, CE Lucian of Samosata wrote (satirically) of intelligent non-human creatures on the Moon in ᾿Αληθῆ διηγήματα (True History), and Voltaire (also satirically) wrote of intelligent beings on Saturn in Micromegas (1752). Of course, the idea of indigenous Martian civilizations pervades science fiction to the point of cliche, but was once also considered at least somewhat seriously in scientific circles, most famously by Lowell (1895), but also as recently as Shklovski˘ı & Sagan (1998) (who speculated that the moons of Mars might be artificial).
Wright asks some very important questions which many other researchers have not ventured into.
Given that it is known to host complex life, the most obvious origin for a prior species of any sort is Earth. Archeology and paleontology, having not found evidence for such a prior species or its technology, put strong constraints on when it might have existed and the longevity of its technosignatures. But how long would such evidence last?
Regrettably, in today’s world, the sheer amount of ‘fake artifacts and hoaxes’ discovered around the globe make it hard for experts to deduce what is and what is not legit.
While there are many artifacts that are nothing but the figment of the imagination of people looking to make a name for themselves by promoting fake artifacts, there are certain discoveries that make us ask the million dollar question: What if it’s real?
One such discovery was made in China in the vicinity of Mount Baigong, in China’s western province of Qinghai which is an almost completely uninhabitable region.
There, researchers claim to have discovered—in addition to pipes—a pyramidal structure just off the shores of a salt lake. Some of the Baigong pipes are reported to be associated with three caves in Mount Baigong. These caves are reported to occur within the front face of Mount Baigong. The mouths of the two smaller caves have collapsed. Only the largest cave, which is 6 meters (18 feet) high, can be entered. The vague resemblance of the top of Mount Baigong to a pyramid has been the focus of speculation.
Interestingly, two pipe-like structures have been inside the largest cave. One of these is described as being 40 cm (16 in) in diameter. Dozens of upright pipe-like features, about 10 to 40 cm (4 to 16 inches) in diameter, were also found protruding from Mount Baigong above the largest cave.
The enigmatic pipes were said to have been discovered by a group of scientists from the United States who were seeking dinosaur fossils. The scientists are said to have reported the formations to local authorities in Delingha. However, the pipes did not attract attention until a later report, possibly one of six made by Ye Zhou, appeared in the Henan Dahe Bao (河南大河报 ‘Henan Great River News’) in June 2002.
The age of the pipes was determined by the Beijing Institute of Geology using a technique called thermoluminescence dating. The thermoluminescence is a technique that determines how long a crystalline mineral is exposed to sunlight or heat. The date of the pipes: around 150,000 years ago.
Interestingly, one of the largest state-run newspapers in China—People’s Daily reported on a 2007 investigation in which a research fellow from the Chinese Earthquake Administration reported they had found some of the pipes to be highly radioactive.
According to the tests, 8 percent of the material in the pipes could not be identified. The rest of the composition of the pipes include iron oxide, silicon dioxide, and calcium oxide. Silicon dioxide and calcium oxide are products obtained after a long interaction between iron and the surrounding sandstone which has provided researchers with the age of the pipes. To add to the mystery, Zheng Jiandong, member of the China Earthquake Administration (CEA) told a local newspaper that the tubes show evidence of radioactivity. Jiandong believes that the iron-rich magma may have risen from the depths of the earth, solidifying the iron fissures in the tubes.
So what are these enigmatic pipes? What was their purpose? Are their artificial structures or the result of nature? If they are artificial, who built them 150,000 years ago? According to researchers, humans have only inhabited this specific region over the past 30,000 years and within the known history of the area, the only humans who inhabited the region were nomads whose lifestyle isn’t characteristic of leaving any structures or buildings nor did they possess any knowledge about metallurgy. But if the nomads and ancients did not create those pipes, who did?
Conventional archaeologists and scholars have tried explaining these structures suggesting that they are a natural phenomenon, but Yang Ji, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the pyramid and its strange pipes may have been built by intelligent beings.
According to a 2003 article in the Xinmin Weekly, Chinese scientists using atomic emission spectroscopy found the Baigong Pipes to contain organic matter of plant origin. In addition, the news article also stated that tree rings were found in sections of these rock formations and, as a result, they were judged to be fossil trees or tree roots. However, like many other aspects of the “Baigong pipes”, this news report remains unsupported by either any scientific publication or other reliable primary or secondary source that discusses and documents these findings in any detail.
Discovered over the years by scholars in many regions of ancient Mesopotamia, copies of what is believed to be a single manuscript, referred to as “Sumerian King List” or “List of Sumerian Kings”, details how in The distant past, our planet was ruled by eight mysterious kings for a mysterious period of 241,000 years. He even claims that these rulers “descended from heaven.”(Earth was ruled for 241,000 years by 8 Kings)
The List of Sumerian Kings tells an incredible story that many find hard to believe.
“After the royalty descended from the sky, they went to Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; He ruled for 28,800 years. Alaljar ruled for 36,000 years. 2 kings; They ruled for 64800 years … “(Earth was ruled for 241,000 years by 8 Kings)
“In 5 cities 8 kings ruled for 241,200 years. Then the flood washed away … “ (This is written in the first part of the List of Sumerian Kings).
But how is it possible that eight kings ruled over the Earth for 241,000 years? Experts believe the answer is simple: the list combines prehistoric and “mythological” dynastic rulers, who enjoyed long and unlikely realms with more plausibly historical dynasties.(Earth was ruled for 241,000 years by 8 Kings)
In other words, scholars are telling us that some things written on the list of Sumerian kings are correct, while others – such as implausibly long reigns – can not be.
In addition, the List of Sumerian Kings not only tells us how long these kings ruled on Earth, it also specifically says that these eight kings “descended from heaven”, after which they ruled for a surprisingly long period.
Curiously, the list details how these eight kings met the end during the Great Flood that swept the Earth. The list also details what happened after the flood, as it clearly says that “other royalty descended from heaven,” and these mysterious kings once again ruled the man.(Earth was ruled for 241,000 years by 8 Kings)
But is the List of Sumerian Kings a mixture of historically verifiable kings and mythological beings? Or is it possible that the scholars have classified some of the rulers as mythological, because of their peculiar characteristics?
For decades people believed that the detailed history in the Sumerian King’s List, ie kings with incredibly long lives, their disappearance during the Great Flood and their replacement with the new kings coming from the sky, were simply another set of accounts Mythological. However, there are many authors and researchers who disagree, suggesting that what is on the List of Sumerian Kings can not be at all mythology, and point out the fact that scholars today partly recognize some of the Kings detailed in the list.
The fact that the Sumerian Kings List mentions eight kings, their names and long realms, as well as their origin – the royalty that came down from heaven – has made many think: “Is it possible that what is written in the List Of Sumerian kings are real historical references? “What would happen if, thousands of years ago, before modern history, our planet was ruled by eight kings from another world who came to Earth from a distant place in the universe and ruled over The Earth for a period of 241,000 years and then return to the heavens?(Earth was ruled for 241,000 years by 8 Kings)
What if the details found on the Sumerian King list are one hundred percent accurate and that, unlike mainstream scholars, these impassable reigns were a possibility, at a time when civilization, society, and Our planet were very different from what it is today? Do these ancient texts prove that the Earth was ruled by ancient astronauts for 241,000 years? Or – as scholars mention – the List of Sumerian Kings is only a mixture of historical records and mythology?
It is worth mentioning that in ancient text there is a ruler who has been verified archaeologically and historically; It is about Enmebaragesi de Kish, about 2,600 BC
NASA's Mars Odyssey Snaps Its First Images of Moon Phobos
NASA's Mars Odyssey Snaps Its First Images of Moon Phobos
By Hanneke Weitering, Staff Writer
This thermal image of Phobos combines infrared and visible-light imagery taken by the THEMIS camera on NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter on Sept. 29, 2017.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU
After 16 years of orbiting the Red Planet, NASA's record-breaking Mars Odyssey spacecraft has captured its first photos of the Martian moon Phobos.
Mars Odyssey launched in 2001 and is the oldest operational spacecraft at the Red Planet. Since it arrived at Mars, the spacecraft has only looked down at the Martian surface and hasn't been pointing its cameras up at Mars' moons. But on Sept. 29, Mars Odyssey snapped its first-ever images of the potato-shaped moon Phobos.
The spacecraft's Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) camera has helped researchers study the composition of Mars by providing both visible-light and infrared images of the planet's surface. Now that Mars Odyssey has shown that it is capable of imaging moons as well, the mission can begin to do the same types of observations of both Martian moons, Phobos and Deimos. [Moons of Mars: Amazing Photos of Phobos and Deimos]
This animation consists of a series of images taken in visible-wavelength light as the THEMIS camera on NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter observed the Martian moon Phobos on Sept. 29, 2017.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU
"We now have the capability of rotating the spacecraft for THEMIS observations," Jeffrey Plaut, Mars Odyssey project scientist, said in a statement. "There is heightened interest in Phobos because of the possibility that future astronauts could perhaps use it as an outpost" for missions to Mars, he added.
While other spacecraft on and around Mars have photographed Phobos in the past, this is the first time that any spacecraft has captured infrared images of the moon.
By using THEMIS to look at Phobos, NASA scientists can see how the temperature changes across the moon's surface, especially when the sun rises and sets on the moon. "Part of the observed face of Phobos was in pre-dawn darkness, part in morning daylight," Victoria Hamilton, THEMIS Deputy Principal Investigator, said in the statement.
The infrared view of Phobos during sunrise "provides information about how quickly the ground warms, which is related to the texture of the surface," NASA officials said. "As barefoot beach walks can confirm, sand warms or cools quicker than rocks or pavement."
"Including a predawn area in the observation is useful because all the heating from the previous day's sunshine has reached its minimum there," Hamilton said. "As you go from predawn area to morning area you get to watch the heating behavior. If it heats up very quickly, it's likely not very rocky but dusty instead."
A thermal image of Phobos shows a range of surface temperatures detected by Mars Odyssey on Sept. 29, 2017.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU
Scientists believe Phobos is made of material similar to Type I or II carbonaceous chondrites, the stuff that makes up asteroids in the solar system. Its rocky interior is more like a pile of gravitationally bound rubblethan a solid rock, and the surface is covered in about 3 feet (1 meter) of dusty powder – which scientists suspect is the result of meteorite impacts. The Martian moon is also covered in craters and strange grooves that may have come from those impacts.
With new thermal imagery of Phobos, scientists can figure out the mineral composition of Phobos and learn details about the texture of its surface, NASA officials said. And now that the team has demonstrated that Mars Odyssey can safely rotate to observe Mars' moons, they're planning a whole series of observations of both Phobos and Deimos.
"We want to get observations under all types of lighting — fully daylit, a small crescent, during eclipse," Hamilton said. "We hope this is the first of several observations that will help us understand Phobos and Deimos."
The distances between stars are vast, which is why star travel is so far. Read here about conventional propulsion and warp drives, plus about Breakthrough Starshot’s new idea to send nanostarships to Alpha Centauri.
Outer space is big. Really, really, really big. And that’s why NASA has no plans at present to send a spacecraft to any of the several thousand known planets beyond our solar system. Meanwhile, with respect to star travel, NASA isn’t the only game in town anymore. In April 2016, Russian high-tech billionaire Yuri Milner announced a new and ambitious initiative called Breakthrough Starshot, which intends to pour $100 million into proof-of-concept studies for an entirely new technology for star travel, aimed at unmanned space flight at 20% of light speed, with the goal of reaching the Alpha Centauri system – and, presumably, its newly discovered planet Proxima b – within 20 years. Is it possible? No one knows yet, but Alpha Centauri is an obvious target. It’s the nearest star system to our sun at 4.3 light-years away. That’s about 25 trillion miles (40 trillion km) away from Earth – nearly 300,000 times the distance from the Earth to the sun. Follow the links below to learn more about why star travel is so formidable, and about how we might accomplish it.
These 4 conventional spacecraft are headed out of the solar system. A 5th spacecraft, New Horizons, will also eventually leave the solar system. But conventional spacecraft move slowly in contrast to the vast distances between stars. It’ll be tens of thousands of years before one of these craft encounters a star. Image via Wikimedia Commons.
Why won’t a conventional rocket work?
Consider the Space Shuttles, which traveled only a few hundred kilometers above Earth’s surface, into Earth orbit. If Earth were the size of a sand grain, this distance would be about the width of a hair in contrast to a 6-mile (10-km) distance to Alpha Centauri.
The Space Shuttles weren’t starships, but we have built starships. Five craft from Earth are currently on their way out of the solar system, headed into interstellar space. They are the two Pioneer spacecraft, the two Voyager spacecraft, and the New Horizons spacecraft. All are moving extremely slowly relative to the speed needed to travel among the stars.
So … consider the two Voyagers – Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 – launched in 1977. Neither Voyagers is aimed toward Alpha Centauri, but if one of them were – assuming it maintained its current rate of speed – it would requires take tens of thousands of years to this next-nearest star. Eventually, the Voyagers will pass other stars. In about 40,000 years, Voyager 1 will drift within 1.6 light-years (9.3 trillion miles) of AC+79 3888, a star in the constellation of Camelopardalis. In some 296,000 years, Voyager 2 will pass 4.3 light-years from Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. Hmm, 4.3 light-years. That’s the distance between us and Alpha Centauri.
What about the New Horizons spacecraft, the first spacecraft ever to visit Pluto and its moons. NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft travels at 36,373 miles per hour (58,536 km/h). Launched from Earth in mid-January, 2006, it reached Pluto in mid-July, 2015 … nine-and-a-half years later. If New Horizons were aimed toward the Alpha Centauri system, which it isn’t, it would take this spacecraft about 78,000 years to get there.
So conventional rockets won’t work because they are too slow.
What a spaceship with warp drive might look like.
Credit: Mark Rademaker/Mike Okuda/Harold White/NASA.
What if we could travel faster than light? Countless sci-fi books and movies are built around the concept, which brings with its challenges to physicists’ understanding of how space and time actually work. Still, a few years ago, Dr. Harold “Sonny” White – who leads NASA’s Advanced Propulsion Team at Johnson Space Center – claimed to have made a discovery which made plausible the idea of faster-than-light travel, via a concept known as the Alcubierre warp drive.
This concept is based on ideas put forward by Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre in 1994. He suggested that faster-than-light travel might be achieved by distorting spacetime, as shown in the illustration above.
Harold “Sonny” White has been working to investigate these ideas further. They are highly speculative, but possibly valid, and involve a solution of the Einstein field equations, specifically how space, time and energy interact. In June of 2014, White unveiled images of what a faster-than-light ship might look like. Artist Mark Rademaker based these designs on White’s theoretical ideas. He said creating them took more than 1,600 hours, and they are very cool. See the 2014 faster-than-light spacecraft designs on this Flickr page.
The video below presents Harold White’s talk at the SpaceVision 2013 Space Conference in November, 2013 in Phoenix. He talks about the concepts and progress in warp-drive development over recent decades.
Is it faster-than-light travel possible, via the Alcubierre warp drive? As with conventional propulsion systems, the problem is energy. In this case, it’s the type of energy the warp drive would need. Daily Kos reported:
In order to form the warp field/bubble, a region of space-time with negative energy density (i.e. repulsing space-time) is necessary. Scientific models predict exotic matter with a negative energy may exist, but it has never been observed. All forms of matter and light have a positive energy density, and create an attractive gravitational field.
So faster-than-light travel via the Alcubierre warp drive is highly speculative, to say the least.
With current technologies, it’s not possible.
However, if it could be accomplished, it would reduce the travel time to Alpha Centauri from thousands of years to just days.
The Alpha Centauri system. It’s at least a double system, maybe a triple system, but we see it with the eye as just one star. In this image – via MSX/IPAC/NASA – you can almost make out the double nature of Alpha Centauri. At 4.3 light-years away, this star system is the closest to Earth.
Breakthrough Starshot.
In April, 2016, Yuri Milner’s organization Breakthrough Initiatives announced a $100 million investment in proof-of concept studies for an all-new way to get to the stars.
Well, not all new., exactly. The Breakthrough Starshot project relies on technologies that are being tested now, and also on some new technologies that have been around only a few years. But it does put these technologies together in a way that’s entirely new, and extremely visionary.
The Breakthrough Starshot team has some heavy hitters, including physicist Stephen Hawking and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. It proposes to use the $100 million to learn whether it’s possible to use a 100-gigawatt light beam and light sails to propel some 1,000 ultra-lightweight nanocraft to 20% of light speed. If it’s shown to be possible, such a mission could (hypothetically) reach Alpha Centauri within about 20 years of its launch.
There are a lot of appealing things about this project. For example, the use of lightsails is currently in the process of being tested by another organization, the Planetary Society, with a publicly funded project called LightSail.
But the most appealing thing is that the Breakthrough Starshot project is truly innovative, yet still grounded in current, cutting-edge science and technology. Just realize that all existing spacecraft are huge and clunky in contrast to the gram-scale nanostarships – dubbed StarChips – being proposed by Breakthrough Starshot. Can tiny, light ships – on sails pushed by a light beam – fly 1,000 times faster than the fastest spacecraft built up to now? That’s what Breakthrough Starshot is exploring with its ongoing proof-of-concept studies.
Starshot envisions launching a mothership carrying the 1,000 tiny spacecraft to a high-altitude orbit. Each craft is a gram-scale wafer, carrying cameras, photon thrusters, power supply, navigation and communication equipment, and “constituting a fully functional space probe,” the Starshot team has said.
Mission controllers would deploy the nanocraft – send them on their way – one by one. A ground-based laser array called a light beamer would be used to focus light on the sails of the ships, to accelerate individual craft to the target speed “within minutes.”
The plan is to stick four cameras (two-megapixels each) on the nanocraft, allowing for some elementary imaging. The data would be transmitted back to Earth using a retractable meter-long antenna, or perhaps even using the lightsail to facilitate laser-based communications that could focus a signal back towards Earth.
The original idea was to send the spacecraft flying through the Alpha Centauri system without slowing down. After all, how can they slow down? It turns out someone has already figured out a possible way. In early 2017 two scientists announced the results of their study of a possible braking method, using the radiation and gravity of the Alpha Centauri stars themselves. We don’t know yet if such a thing can work, but it’s heartening to see scientists getting involved in this idea!
Clearly, the Breakthrough Starshot project is one that’s worth watching.
On April 20 and 21, 2017, Breakthrough Initiatives held the second of what it says will be an annual conference – called Breakthrough Discuss – aimed at bringing together leading astronomers, engineers, astrobiologists and astrophysicists. This year, they held the conference at Stanford University and focused it on discoveries of potentially habitable planets in nearby star systems, including Alpha Centauri. Videos related to discussions at the conference are archived on Breakthrough’s Facebook page, if you’re interested.
Bottom line: At 4.3 light-years away, the Alpha Centauri system is the nearest star system to our Earth and sun, but getting there would be extremely difficult.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETBenieuwd hoe een ruimtewandeling aan het International Space Stations ISS eruitziet in 360 graden? Voor het eerst kan je dat nu zelf ontdekken in deze video die werd gefilmd door twee Russische kosmonauten.
De beelden zijn het resultaat van een samenwerking tussen het Russische televisienetwerk RT, het Russische ruimtevaartagentschap en de ruimtetuigbouwer Energia.
De Russische astronauten Sergey Ryazansky en Fedor Yurchikhin maakten de beelden tijdens een zeven en een half uur durende ruimtewandeling in augustus, waarbij ze herstellingen uitvoerden en vijf minisatellieten lanceerden. In het filmpje kan je zien hoe de kosmonauten de satellieten in een baan om de aarde projecteren.
Aan het einde van de video zie je in een timelapse de aarde draaien vanuit het perspectief van de astronauten.
Om een beeld te krijgen van de volledige omgeving, kan je in de 360 graden-video het kader verslepen om je perspectief te veranderen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
One mystery that has been troubling scientists for a while is the so called 'Baltic Sea Anomaly'. According to the a swedish deep sea exploration team called Ocean X, they came across a strange and gigantic structure that didn't appear like a natural formation.
Many conspiracy theories regarding this anomaly range from a giant crashed mothership UFO to a sunken city in the same vein as Atlantis or perhaps the very same.
However, recently a group of divers collected samples from the so called anomaly for further reasearch.
Scientists determined that the baltic sea anomaly is but a glacial deposit. Much of the Baltic Sea was carved out by moving glaciers during the Ice Age. So these strange rock formations are leftovers from that time.
But OceanX team disagree. They say that this doesn't prove why electronics ceased functioning when at close distance from the object.
So has the anomaly enigma been solved?
Or is this all a cover up? Watch the following video to know more
The evidence at Giza just keeps stacking up. The dynastic Egyptian most likely didn't build the pyramids and they most definitely did not build the sphinx which has suffered severe water erosion.
The water erosion evident is estimated by experienced geologists to have taken several thousands of years of rain, thereby placing the sphinx somewhere in the last tropical age of Egypt, or possibly further back than that. The sphinx is insanely ancient and that can be proven.
Giant Beam of Light appears to shoot from Triangular Shaped Space Object
Giant Beam of Light appears to shoot from Triangular Shaped Space Object
Photographer in Florida took some pictures of the sky at 10pm using the settings 200 ISO, 2.5 sec exposure, and 1.8F fixed lens on October 6, 2017.The power was out due to Hurricane Irma.
Two days later when the power came on he loaded up the pictures. He noticed a beam of light in the corner of one of the pictures. He zoomed in and then to his surprise he noticed a triangular shaped object in front of the beam.
The photographer states: “I am no UFO hunter or enthusiast, but I am curious of what it is. I would guess advanced military craft. I have showed the picture to people I run into and no-one has a clue what it could be. I did not see this with my naked eye. So, maybe the camera is the witness.” Mufon case file 87164.
Scientists Concluded That the Soul Does NOT Die – It Goes Back to the Universe!
Scientists Concluded That the Soul Does NOT Die – It Goes Back to the Universe!
Perhaps the human consciousness is like a program that is run by a quantum computer found in the brain as well as the human brain is similar to a “biological computer.” That’s not all, after a person dies, their soul may come back to the universe, and it may not die.
Dr. Stuart Hameroff, an American physicist, and Sir Roger Penrose, a mathematical physicist, claim that the soul is maintained in brain cells’ micro-tubules. Both researchers refer to this process as “Orch-OR” or “Orchestrated Objective Reduction.” Apparently, when humans are “clinically dead,” the microtubules in their brain start losing their quantum state. However, these microtubules can still retain the information inside of them.
In addition, this theory has recently been outlined on Through the Wormhole, the Science Channel’s ongoing documentary show. In this documentary show, Dr. Hameroff explains that in case the blood stops flowing and the heart stops beating; then the micro-tubules could lose their quantum state. It is important to understand that the quantum information in the micro-tubules cannot be destroyed, and it dissipates and distributes to the universe at large.
In case the patient is resuscitated, revived, then this quantum information could go back into the micro-tubules and they say that they had a near-death experience. However, in case the patient isn’t revived, and they die, then this quantum information may exist indefinitely outside the body, as a soul.
According to Dr. Hameroff, the human soul is much more than mere neuron “interaction” in the brain. What’s more, this theory also suggests that these “souls” may have existed since the beginning of time itself. Plus, with all of the recent findings pertaining to dark matter and dark energy, i.e., substances that human beings are not able to interact with or see, but substances that we know exist, this theory may end up explaining things, which are even more fascinating and mysterious.
Scientists Say: 'Our Souls Do Not Die – They Go Back to the Universe'
This illustration depicts a hypothetical uneven ring of dust orbiting KIC 8462852, also known as Boyajian's Star or Tabby's Star. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
The mystery of KIC 8462852 (aka. Boyajian’s Star or Tabby’s Star) continues to excite and intrigue! Ever since it was first seen to be undergoing strange and sudden dips in brightness (back in October of 2015) astronomers have been speculating as to what could be causing this. Since that time, various explanations have been offered, including large asteroids, a large planet, a debris disc or even an alien megastructure.
Many studies have been produced that have sought to assign some other natural explanation to the star’s behavior. The latest comes from an international team of scientists – which included Tabetha Boyajian, the lead author on the original 2016 paper. According to this latest study, which was recently published in The Astrophysical Journal, the star’s long-term dimming patterns are likely the result of an uneven dust cloud moving around the star.
The study, titled “Extinction and the Dimming of KIC 8462852“, was led by Huan Y. A. Meng of the Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona. The team also included members from the Astrolab IRIS in Belgium, the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHUAPL), the University of Cambridge, Iowa State University, Pennsylvania State University, Louisiana State University, and the University of Leuven, Belgium.
Artist’s impression of an orbiting swarm of dusty comet fragments around Tabby’s Star.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
For the sake of their study, the team consulted data that was obtained by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope and the Swift Gamma-Ray Burst mission between January and December of 2016. Whereas Spitzer conducted observations in the infrared band, Swift gathered data in the ultraviolet band. This was then compared to visible light gathered during the same period by AstroLAB IRIS’s 68-cm (27-inch) reflecting telescope.
What they found was that KIC 8462852 experienced less dimming in the infrared band than in the ultraviolet. This, they concluded, was a strong indication that material transiting in front of the star was likely no larger than a few micrometers (about one ten-thousands of an inch) in diameter, since anything larger would cause the light to dim equally across all wavelengths.
This finding contradicts many theories that have been ventured since the mysterious dimming of Tabby’s Star was first noticed. As Dr. Meng indicated in a recent NASA press statement:
“This pretty much rules out the alien megastructure theory, as that could not explain the wavelength-dependent dimming. We suspect, instead, there is a cloud of dust orbiting the star with a roughly 700-day orbital period.”
Artist’s concept of KIC 8462852, which has experienced unusual changes in luminosity over the past few years.
Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech
Based on the strong dip in the ultraviolet band, the research team also concluded that the particles must be larger than interstellar dust. Otherwise, the pressure caused by KIC 8462852’s solar wind would drive these particles out into space over time. A circumstellar disk of dust particles would not only be able to remain in orbit, it would also explain the uneven changes in the star’s brightness.
So far, this is the best explanation for the mysterious long-term behavior of Tabby’s Star. As with previous observations, much of the credit for this latest study goes to amateur astronomers who assisted in the observations. It was participants in the Planet Hunters project, which provides open to access Kepler mission data, that first noticed that light coming from KIC 8462852 was experiencing strange dips.
In addition, it was the work of amateur astronomers – who provided the necessary technical and software support to AstroLAB – allowed for this study to take place. After the Astrolab group posted the data they had obtained on Tabby’s star in a public astronomy archive, George Rieke (one of the co-authors on this latest study) contacted them and proposed combining their results.
The AstroLAB group consists of Franky Dubois, who operated the telescope during the Tabby’s Star observations, Ludwig Logie, who helps with technical issues on the telescope, and Steve Rau, who processes observations of star brightness, is a trainer at a Belgian railway company. Together, they began monitoring Tabby’s Star after they read Dr. Boyajian 2016 study.
Ever since it was first announced in 2015, there has been speculation as to what could account for the dimming of KIC 8462852.
Naturally, more observations and research is needed to confirm this latest study. While it does fit the long-term observations, there is still the matter of shorter-term dimming events. These include the three-day spurts that were noticed in 2017, as well as the major 20-percent dips that were observed during Kepler’s primary mission. The theory that these could have been the result of a swarm of comets is also still a possible explanation.
This theory, which was based on data collected by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission, could explain both the short period dips and the longer-term dips. Whereas the comets passing in front of the star could explain the former, dust produced by the sublimation of material from the comets as they draw nearer the star (or through collisions) could explain the latter. As Vanaverbeke said:
“Tabby’s Star could have something like a solar activity cycle. This is something that needs further investigation and will continue to interest scientists for many years to come.”
So for those hoping that Tabby’s Star was the first indication of an alien megastructure, there’s still hope (albeit a faint one)! As Professor Loeb of the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) told Universe Today recently (with regards to a new study he co-authored), there’s always the possibility that dimming patterns are due to massive structures – like a magnetic shield – passing in front of a host star:
“The imprint of a shield built by another civilization could involve the changes it induces in the brightness of the host star due to occultation (similar behavior to Tabby’s star) if the structure is big enough,” he said. “The situation could be similar to Dyson’s spheres, but instead of harvesting the energy of the star the purpose of the infrastructure is to protect a technological civilization on a planet from the flares of its host star.”
While the Kepler mission is no longer in a position to observe Tabby’s Star (now that it is conducting its K2 mission), next-generation telescopes are expected to pick up where it left off. These include NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), and ground-based observatories like the Extremely Large Telescope (VLT) array.
Steven Spielberg believes "we're not alone in the universe" and used to look for UFOs
Steven Spielberg followed his first major box-office success Jaws with this epic science fiction adventure about a disparate group of people who attempt to contact alien intelligence.
And it seems like the director behind E.T. The Extra Terrestrial and War of the Worlds was hoping to contact alien life himself while making the much loved Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
The movie celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, and in a new featurette from the special edition 4K Blu-ray box set, Spielberg reveals he believes we’re not alone in the universe.
Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encouters of the Third Kind.(Image: REX/Shutterstock)
The 70-year-old Hollywood veteran says initially he wasn’t trying to make a sci-fi film when he wrote the script and directed the award winning film.
The premise of the movie revolves around a line worker who feels undeniably drawn to an isolated area in the wilderness after he encounters a UFO
Spielberg jokes that he tried to do the same thing.
Spielberg is convinced there is alien life out there.(Image: REX/Shutterstock)
“If I thought of it as a science fiction film, I wouldn’t have taken so many drives out to Californian deserts hoping to find and actually having a UFO sighting, which I by the way I’ve never had a UFO sighting.
“The one person who deserves to have a UFO sighting, it hasn’t happened yet for me.”
Spielberg’s belief in aliens isn’t all that surprising given his history of space-based movies after Close Encounters of a Third Kind but it is clear it’s what helped him created this highly revered film forty years ago.
Spielberg expects to see a sight like this one day.(Image: REX/Shutterstock)
He continues: “I really believed that there was something up there. I still believe we’re not alone in the universe.
“So I was kind of in those days, thinking 'well there might be something to this.'”
The Close Encounters of the Third Kind 40th Anniversary 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray editions are out on October 9th.
UFO spotted hovering over the Yellowstone Supervolcano [VIDEO]
UFO spotted hovering over the Yellowstone Supervolcano [VIDEO]
Yellowstone National Park, where this volcano is situated, is an area of great interest for UFO hunters and alien enthusiasts as the region is popular for UFO sightings.
Yellowstone Supervolcano - Wyoming, United StatesFacebook/ Around the World
A new video of UFO sighting has been doing rounds on YouTube which shows a UFO hovering over the Yellowstone Supervolcano, located in the US, which is considered as one of the biggest natural threat to the human civilisation.
The alien craft spotted can be seen passing by across the left of the screen and it appears to be metallic and reflective. Yellowstone National Park, where this volcano is situated, is an area of great interest for UFOlogists, UFO hunters and alien enthusiasts as the region is popular for UFO sightings.
As per media reports, this footage was captured on 9 June but was uploaded on the internet recently and it was titled "Impressive UFO near the Yellowstone Volcano".
In another incident that took place in late 2016, an unknown tiny craft was seen flying by the Supervolcano. A video of this occurance was soon uploaded on the internet by a used named Jeanetta Foresta, which she named "Things R flying all over - overnight" which went viral.
"There were more than four at the beginning and this is overnight so there is no sun to reflect off of a plane," Foresta posted, as quoted by Express
"There were more than four at the beginning and this is overnight so there is no sun to reflect off of a plane," Foresta added.
Popular controversy theorist and UFO blogger Scott C Waring too shared his views regarding this sighting on the website and stated that various glowing orbs are found moving over the Yellowstone, which can attract both alien as well as human tourists.
"Why wouldn't aliens be interested in the Earth's natural wonders?
"The movement is proof its not Venus or a hot air balloon. If you knew the truth about the abundance of alien ships, craft and species around us every day, it would blow your mind," Waring stated.
Watch the latest footage of the UFO sighting captured on 9 June:
More about the Yellowstone Supervolcano:
The Yellowstone Supervolcano is an ancient active volcano which is known for its stunning features like 10,000 hot springs, terraces, mud pots and geysers including the cone geyser named Old Faithful.
The volcano is known to erupt in every 600,000 years and it last erupted 600,000 years back. This became a cause of concern for NASA as it is can wipe out the human civilisation.
NASA researchers even thought of taking steps to save people from this disastrous situation as this supervolcano is considered more threatening than an asteroid collision.
Brian Wilcox of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at the California Institute of Technology said: "The most important thing with this is to do no harm,", was quoted as saying by BBC.
"If you drill into the top of the magma chamber and try and cool it from there, this would be very risky. This could make the cap over the magma chamber more brittle and prone to fracture. And you might trigger the release of harmful volatile gases in the magma at the top of the chamber which would otherwise not be released," Wilcox concluded.
A Wyoming man accused of public intoxication allegedly told police he traveled from the year 2048 to warn mankind of an impending invasion by extraterrestrials.
Bryant Johnson was arrested for public intoxication on Monday, but allegedly not before attempting to warn the people of Casper, Wyoming, that aliens are coming.
Bryant Johnson issued his grave warning to Casper police Monday night after officers were called about the man and his out-of-this-world message, according to an arrest report obtained by HuffPost.
Johnson, who police said smelled of alcohol and spoke with slightly slurred speech, allegedly told officers that “the aliens were coming next year and we needed to make sure to leave as fast as possible.”
According to the report, he didn’t specify an exact date or time for the aliens’ arrival.
He refused to speak with nurses or doctors and instead insisted on meeting with “the president” of the town, police said.
Johnson informed the officers that he was able to travel through time because the aliens filled his body with alcohol. He also claimed he stood on a “giant pad” which then transported him to the year 2017 — though he said he was supposed to be sent to the year 2018.
Johnson, who was allegedly found with a blood alcohol content of .136, was eventually transported to the Natrona County Detention Center without further incident.
Of course, the joke could be on us when all this turns out to be true.
In a tweet to the official Twitter account of the television show Rick and Morty, Elon Musk suggested that the singularity has already occurred in other levels of the simulation, combining two frequently debated philosophical theories into one.
Elon Musk brought together two of the internet’s favorite futuristic topics on Twitter earlier today. In a thread on the official Twitter account of the television show Rick and Morty, Musk discussed the singularity as well as his theory that we are currently living in a simulation and not actual reality.
The singularity for this level of the simulation is coming soon. I wonder what the levels above us look like.
Good chance they are less interesting and deeper levels are better. So far, even our primitive sims are often more entertaining than reality itself.
The singularity refers to a theoretical point in time when artificial intelligence (AI) surpasses human intelligence. Musk’s vision of what that might mean for humanity is a source of considerable debate in the science and tech community.
The simulation theory to which Musk subscribes posits that we are living in a computer simulation created by an extraterrestrial or ancient advanced culture and not “reality” as we think of it. This, too, is a controversial topic, and just recently, a team of theoretical physicists from Oxford University shared evidence against the theory — according to their research, the known universe doesn’t contain enough atoms to facilitate such a simulation.
These two controversial concepts aren’t often discussed at the same time, but they certainly fit in with the subject matter of the television show, which features an infinite number of universes of infinite possibility, as well as Musk’s own pursuits, which include a startup created for the purpose of preventing an AI uprising.
Musk is diving down a rabbit hole full of head-exploding possibilities by suggesting that the singularity has already occurred in other simulations and that our “reality” is merely one of many simulations as opposed to the only one.
This theory is more philosophical than scientific — whether our world is natural or programmed, we are still subject to the laws that govern it. Either way, perhaps we can just be glad that we’re (probably) not being used as human batteries.
THE man involved in one of the most infamous alien abduction cases of all time has hit out at skeptics and non-believers – saying 16 separate lie detector tests – taken by himself and witnesses to the unexplained 1975 incident – prove his story is TRUE.
Travis Walton, disappeared without a trace after he and the crew of loggers he worked with claimed to have seen a huge UFO in the forest they were working in.
Travis believes he was taken aboard an alien spacecraft for five days Originally crew members were suspected of murder but Travis reappeared five days later saying he had been taken into a space craft by alien creatures.
The dad-of-four says he has spent the past 40 year defending himself against those trying to discredit him – and has even written a book debunking every alternate theory to what happened to him.
The 64-year-old, who says the incident is still “fresh in his mind’, told the Sun Online it was important to share his story because the public have a right to “know what’s out there”.
Travis, a logger in the mountains of Arizona, was leaving work on November 5, 1975, with five crew members in a truck when the alleged incident took place.
They saw some glimmers of light through the trees – and pulled up, thinking it was a fire.
“When we pulled up into the light where we had straight view – it was unmistakable I yelled stop and one of the guys in the back said it’s a spaceship or a flying saucer it was less than 100 feet away,” Travis said.
An artist’s impression of the UFO Travis and his crew members saw
Travis was a logger in Arizona when the bizarre incident took place “It was a clearly defined metallic disc outlined against the sky and fantastic in the grandeur of it.
“All the guys in the crew – as frightening as it was – also describe it as being beautiful it was so perfect.
“I got out as soon as Mike who was driving stopped and I left the door open and went towards it.
“It was just an impulse I thought it would be gone by the time I got close. It was immediately alarming to the other guys and the closer I got they were yelling at me to get back in the truck.
“Later they said it looked like I was in a trance but looking at them it seemed like they were in a trance too.”
The incident took place in the Sitgreaves National Forest near Snowflake, Arizona
The spaceship began to make loud noises and move so Travis dived for cover behind a log.
He then tried to stand up and run away but was hit by a strong “force” and was thrown into the air.
“When it hit me it was a stunning force. I did not see this blast of energy but the men in the crew gave a statement to the sheriff’s department and said it looked like a long blue flame – others compared it to stepping on a landmine or grenade because it threw me through the air.
“They were immediately certain it killed me.”
Crew members described Travis being knocked to the ground by a blue light or laser beam. Fearing for their lives – and thinking Travis was dead – the rest of the crew fled to get help.
A huge search party involving the sheriff department, helicopters, ATVs and men on horseback – could not find any trace of Travis.
Meanwhile Travis’s account of what he remembers next is even more bizarre.
The ‘aliens’ were described as having big eyes and huge heads.
He says he awoke from consciousness on a spaceship surrounded by small creatures he believes were aliens.
“It was very blurry and I had some double vision but I could see the outline of these forms around me I thought they were doctors but when my vision got clearer and I could see these were not doctors – I just flipped out,” he said.
“The one that was closest to me – I tried to hit it away – but I felt like I could hardly move my arm.
Travis said the aliens’ stares gave him nightmares.
“It was more of a push than a hit because I was so weakened but the creature felt soft and lighter than I expected. It fell back into one that was standing near it.
“I backed away and bumped up against a shelf and looked around and saw an array of tools or instruments and I very quickly just grabbed one and started flailing at them.
“They stopped and stood there staring at me and that stare was in my nightmares for many years after that. I couldn’t tolerate that stare.”
Travis says he managed to escape through a door and into a narrow passageway then into another room with control panel in it.
A human being dressed in what looked like a space helmet then appeared and took him to a separate room where he was put on a table and given a mask which rendered him unconscious.
Crew members all passed lie detector tests confirming what they saw.
The next thing he knew he was waking up on the road about 15 miles from where he disappeared just outside the nearest town of Snowflake, Arizona.
Travis, who had no idea he had been gone for five days, managed to walk into town where everyone who saw him described him as looking “devastated” and “shell shocked”.
But then the battle to get people to believe his story began – and Travis was thrust into the world’s spotlight.
Travis’s wrote a book about his experiences called Fire In The Sky which was later turned into a movie of the same name.
Travis says he’s faced a battle to be believed for the past 40 years.
Travis said: “From the beginning it was a battle against people trying to explain it away – the locals didn’t want to believe it, the sheriff didn’t want to believe it – you know he thought it was a murder then a drug hallucination.
“I had a whole battery of psychiatric tests and there was nothing wrong in that department, drug tests proved there was nothing in my system.”
And over 40 years later Travis stands by his story – and has taken five separate lie detector tests to prove it is true – while witnesses and crew members have taken a total of 11 polygraph tests.
Travis believes he is not the only one who has been taken by aliens.
Experts believe there is a million to one chance of there being any mistakes in this number of passed tests.
Speaking at the Devil’s Tower UFO rendezvous in Hulett, Wyoming, Travis said: “I decided to break my silence. I started refuted these things that people have been saying about me and my story.
“I took each and every theory the sceptics came up with and just blew them out of the water with facts.
“I am certain I’m not the only one who has been taken – this is absolutely real and it’s important that the general public come to a gradual understanding of that.
“I’m not trying to shock or amaze or frighten anyone – on the contrary – in relating how frightened I was I don’t want anyone to share that fear.
Travis shared his story at the Devil’s Tower UFO Rendezvous.
“I think it’s important for them to realize what happened with me 45 years ago – it was not even an abduction.
“I entertained that term for a while because that’s what other people called it but now I’d say it was more of an ambulance call – that I was injured in a way that would have been fatal and the aliens had the technology available to help me.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
When I was in my thirties, I found out from my father about a government experiment that I was part of in which they were using other alien DNA to create me. I also have been on the ships most of my life off and on. I’ve had lots of contacts. … I was being taken. I’ve been taken on ships quite a bit. I’ve met Salamander beings and I’ve met Greys. I’ve also met the Blue Arcturians which are incredible. They all have their own personalities and their own purposes. … I’ve also met the Cat People that are from Sirius. I’ve actually seen people that can shape shift from human looking to Reptilians. As far as the abductions, I’ve had numerous of them where they’ve shown me around various ships. … They’ve also explained … why they’re here and how they’re here to help humanity.
I was on a mother ship. I was walking along a gantry and I was looking down to my left and my right and a little Grey had my hand and I could see different types of spacecraft all below. I could see different human looking people and aliens coming and going on these crafts. The Grey brought me into a little room, the door slid open and he just told me in my mind, “Sit here and wait, I’ll be back.” … Then he brought me to another bigger room. It was an auditorium with stadium seating. There was a podium down at the bottom and he led me to a seat and all around me were some humans … but there was a lot of all different types of alien beings. Next thing I’m leaving. I’m telling them, “I want to stay … I belong.” And they said, “No, it’s not your time. You have to help save this planet Earth.” That’s all I remember.
These beings call themselves pure light beings and they were a collective of beings that were here to assist humanity. And they came through with this message … about shifting conscious for humankind at this time. They would be doing things to my aura or to my energy and I could feel them. I could see visual images of them activating something in my conscious. … They’re helping us in our evolutionary process and all of these events that are happening, that people are experiencing such as abductions are to help us evolve as a species. Our actual DNA is being shifted so our physical bodies are actually becoming lighter in frequency and they’re helping us to do this.
I was lying breathing deep and fast to the powerful evocative music and there I was. My consciousness was in the middle of this huge dome like structure. The inside of the structure was white and then there were coves in it that were big enough for people to sit in meditation and they were sitting cross legged. Some of them wore white robes. Some of them had long hair. They were all humanoid. There were some I couldn’t quite tell what they were. But I got the feeling they were a type of human. Some of them were huge. Some of them were small and they were all in their coves and it was all part of this huge dome and the atmosphere in this place was absolutely beautiful. It was golden light and the background was white, like it was whitewashed and it was a place of meditating on peace and love.
In the summer of 1961 when I was twelve years old, I was at my girlfriends house and we were playing and her father yelled for us to come outside, he wanted us to see something. When we walked outside we immediately saw a giant silver craft. It was silently hovering above a tree. It had red, green and white lights that I thought at the time were rotating but I realize they were pulsating. Someone called the police. … And then there was a car coming down the road. There was a tree here and a craft here and a car coming down the road and as it got right underneath the craft, a beam of light came out of the bottom and it went right to the roof of the car and as soon as it touched the car the car was totally immobilized. I just remember screaming and being excited and jumping up and down. … And at the end of the first regression I remember seeing that my body was rumbling, was a word I never used. My body was rumbling and waving to the low hum of the craft and that was the end of the first regression. In the second regression, I actually remember being aboard and a procedure that was performed on me.
These beings came into my room. We walked through the wall out into the woods and there were two deer in suspended animation and then this, as I learned these were Zetas, I didn’t know what they were called at the time brought me over to this tree. We sat down, he was drawing in the dirt; the earth and the moon and then all these lines way over to the far end of the patch of dirt and that told me that was where they were from. … And the next thing I know I see myself on a ship and the stain glass window started off being what looked like a window out into space and it was looking at the earth and the moon but then it turned to the stain glass window and every time the colors changed I got zapped with energy.
December 1995 I landed on Johnson atoll which is an island eight hundred miles southwest in the pacific ocean and I was a civilian working for the military and when I landed there a man came over and said, “You’ve landed on a joint US military ET base.” And I said, “Oh really?” So a year later in 1996 I was sleeping in my bed and suddenly I’m being carried by six of the traditional ET’s with the large heads and large eyes. There are there military on either side walking and I’m screaming bloody murder. … And the Grey on the right hand side the one that was carrying my foot said, “Go ahead and scream all you want.You’re in an energy field and no one could hear you.”
These doors open. This ramp goes down and I follow this guy out, down this ramp. I was standing on dirt and I was wondering where I was at. And right in the sky to my left was a huge moon like body and in the immediate background was Saturn. And I could see hundreds and hundreds of rings. And I said, “Where am I?” and he said, “You’re on one of the moons of Saturn.” I said, “Why did you bring me here?” And he said, “Because these two moons are going opposite directions. They get to a certain point and they revolve around each other and go back the opposite direction. I just wanted you to see that.” Well the thing is after he showed it to me, they took me back in, he knocked me out and when I woke up the next morning I was in my bed.
I have had experiences since I was a child. I had a series of dreams which was sort of unusual for a seven or eight year old child, which in my forties began to unravel into experiences with Reptilians and that eventually culminated with showing them my child. … He’s Reptilian. You know. He’s not human. He’s sort of golden. Reptilian kind of head. Sort of mottled skin. Kind of of more claw like hands and feet. A Reptilian. Not human like me. … I’ve had a lot of experiences with Reptilians. Some of them not very nice. But the ones from my childhood were all pretty ok. They never hurt me or did anything to frighten me or anything like that until much later.
All my life I’ve had visions which I could never control. I was originally abducted when I was sixteen years old. I was lifted up in the air. There was no gravity. I was lifted straight up and eventually I basically turned this way on my back and getting into a spaceship. It was a small spaceship, round. It was basically like a vertical opening. Rectangular shape. I didn’t see any doors and as I was basically brought into the spacecraft, I saw about seven tall Grey aliens with small mouths and big eyes, black. I was in that position and I wasn’t really feeling any fear. I wasn’t scared.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Exploding shooting star has onlookers fearing the worst.
As millions of Chinese celebrated their mid-autumn national holiday gazing heavenward towards the full moon that lit up the night sky, their awe and wonderment turned to fear and amazement as a huge fireball exploded with a deafening bang and a blaze of light which, for a few seconds turned the dark night sky into dazzling bright daylight.
The many people who witnessed it were frozen in fear of it being caused by a wayward missile test from North Korea but these fears were quickly allayed as it became clear that the stunning display of pyrotechnics was in fact caused by an exploding meteor over Shangri-La County in south-west China at around 8 pm on the 4th of October.
This rare astrological event dubbed a ‘superbolide’ happened when a meteor exploded into a bright fireball as it entered the Earth’s atmosphere at an altitude of 37 km (23miles) and traveled at an immense speed of 14.6 km per second (9 miles per second). NASA reported on their Chinese social media page that the superbolide had exploded with the equivalent force of 540 tonnes of TNT.
From Wikipedia, a bolide (from the French word for missile) is an extremely bright meteor that explodes in the atmosphere and has an apparent magnitude of −14 or brighter whereas a superbolide is a bolide which reaches an apparent magnitude of −17 or brighter.
Due to the number of witnesses, Chinese social media was rife with pictures and videos immediately following the event with many also questioning its bizarre coincidental timing and of its brightness even surpassing the brightest full moon of the year on the annual mid-autumn holiday.
In the aftermath of the explosion, which was loud enough to shake windows of the houses below, millions of fragments were seen falling to earth, and Chinese officials and members of the public who had witnessed this rare event rushed to find a memento of this once in a lifetime mid-autumn festival event. Many traditions and myths have grown up over the years around the ‘Moon Cake’ festival which is the second most important in the Chinese calendar and celebrates the moon at its brightest as families come together to give thanks for the harvest and pray for the future and no doubt, this incredible superbolide will too enter the Chinese psyche and its story be told for many years to come.
A few years ago an FBI document revealed the existence of extraterrestrial (multidimensional) creatures. With this document declassified the FBI indirectly wanted to alert us to the presence of aliens who could manifest with their spaceships, opening the distance between the dimensions.
1. One part of the vessel sighted contained passengers inside, while another part was under remote control (remote control).
2. The mission is peaceful, visitors are planning to stay on the planet.
3. The type of race in question, the "visitors", has enormous dimensions, but human facets.
4. They are not earthly and come from your world.
5. They come from an "Etheric World" that we do not know, so they do not come from any other known planet.
6. The bodies of visitors and their ships materialize through vibrations with the dense matter of the Earth.
7. Your ships have beams of energy that can disintegrate any aircraft and can suddenly disappear from our vision without a trace.
8. The region from which they come is the astral plane corresponding to Loka or Talas. The esoteric will understand these words. In fact, the Loka-Talas, which are not physical or metaphysical places, are different levels of consciousness. Each plane of consciousness different from ours is a parallel dimensional plane.
9. Visitors use a radar system that allows you to capture the opening location to move from one dimension to another.
The priorities of NASA when looking into the future of space exploration are subject to change. The Bush administration in 2004 announced the Vision for Space Exploration, and this asked for rockets to return astronauts to the moon.
This was then taken over by the NASA Authorization Act of 2010, and this gave outlines of plans to send human beings to an asteroid in 2025 and by 2030 to Mars.
Now the Vice President Mike Pence along with many members of the Trump administration has revealed priorities have changed again and instead of a journey to Mars, the administration has now set their sights on taking crewed missions to the Moon once again along with setting up a permanent presence on the surface of the Moon.
This announcement came at the inaugural meeting of National Space Council. This is s group that is newly-established that is going to guide the US policy over the years to come. It had been established originally in 1989 by George H.W. Bush, but then in 1993, it was disbanded by Clinton. The council is going to be serving the same purpose as that of the National Aeronautics and Space Council.
The meeting was held at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Virginia, and Mike Pence chaired it with help from Robert Lightfoot, the NASA Administrator. It was also attended by Donald Trump’s administration cabinet members, aerospace industry leaders and senior officials.
Throughout the meeting, Mike Pence laid out plans of the administrator for taking astronauts back to the Moon. He emphasized the need to be able to restore NASA and the leadership of the US in space. Pence made a comparison to the early years of the Space Race and today and the achievement of the Apollo 11 mission.
A statement said that it was fitting that the week had been chosen for holding the first of the National Space Council meetings as it was the 60th anniversary of Sputnik. It was on that day that the race for space started, six decades ago. While the Soviets took the lead, the US claimed their place and one giant leap for mankind led America into space.
Pence had indicated that by re-establishing the National Space Council he would put an end to how space exploration had stalled over the recent decades and said how returning to the Moon is one goal that diminished in the post-Apollo era but which would be recaptured and go on to reinvigorate modern day space exploration.
Pence said that a new interest in missions to the Moon would end the decades that not one single astronaut from NASA had gone beyond Low Earth orbit. He also gave an indication how following the retirement of the Space Shuttle Program the United States became dependent on Russia to take astronauts to the International Space Station.
The new policy does seem to break from the policy brought in by the Obama administration, and it goes back to the one from the Bush administration. Pence said that by returning astronauts to the moon, they would be taking a much-needed step towards eventually sending a crewed mission to Mars. The revelation also ended many months of ambiguity about the space policy of Donald Trump. Pence has, in the past, talked about the need for men to return to the Moon but nothing came from it. NASA has always been somewhat unsure about the future budget. The meeting didn’t indicate as to the fact that the Trump administration does have a policy but a lot of aspects had been in place before the administration took over.
When the meeting had come to an end, the administrator of NASA Robert Lightfoot opened up about the results in a press statement from NASA. It was said that NASA was directed to come up with a plan for a sustainable and innovative program of exploration with both international and commercial partners that would allow humans to expand the solar system and ensure the return of humans to the Moon both for utilization and long-term exploration.
$19.5 billion in the fund has been allocated to NASA for guaranteeing stability over the short-term in the fiscal year 2017. Lightfoot said that the meeting to send men back to the Moon had helped in assisting the efforts of NASA to send manned crews to Mars.
Advanced ancient technology beneath Egypt: 100-ton stone boxes baffle researchers
Advanced ancient technology beneath Egypt: 100-ton stone boxes baffle researchers
Ultimate evidence a lost ancient technology created before the time of the Dynastic Egyptians. Inside a tunnel system carved out of the solid limestone bedrock in the desert of Egypt, more than 20 granite boxes made of precision shaped Aswan granite are a true enigma. Said by some to have been the burial places of prized bulls, their real function is far more intriguing.B. Foerster.
Ever since people turned towards the study of the ancient Egyptian culture and their achievements through thousands of years, we have been left amazed by everything that ancient cultures were able to achieve thousands of years ago.
A massive amount of evidence is piling up supporting the idea that our ancestors had in their possession, thousands of years ago a technology that we can only dream about today.
This technology allowed ancient cultures like the ancient Egyptians to cut, transport, stack and place blocks of stones weighing up to ONE HUNDRED TONS.
Mainstream scholars tell us this was achieved by sticks and stones. However, places like the Serapeum of Saqqara tell a DIFFERENT story.
Ever since its discovery in 1850, the Serapeum of Saqqara has been a mind-boggling location filled with mystery.
This majestic ancient labyrinth is home to 25 megalithic stone ‘boxes,’ weighing between 70 to 100 tons. The existence of these massive blocks of stone is the ultimate proof that the builders of these incredible ‘boxes’ possessed incredible knowledge in fields such as geometry and mathematics, and had the necessary technology to shape, cut, transport and place into position massive blocks of stone.
Some believe the massive boxes were used as burial chambers, other’s like author and explorer Brien Foerster suggest the truth behind the Serapeum is beyond fascinating and has nothing to do with alleged burial chambers for bulls.
We know that the boxes were not: they were not burial places of bulls.
It is noteworthy to mention that when the Serapeum of Saqqara was discovered, some of the massive boxes were blown open with gunpowder, only to find the inside of these giant boxes empty.
Researchers have no idea what their actual purpose is now how these giant boxes were assembled thousands of years ago.
Interestingly, most of these boxes are made of rose granite, an extremely hard rock mined at a quarry located about 800 kilometers from Saqqara while other boxes were made from an even stronger material, diorite, found even further away from Saqqara.
This makes you wonder; what kind of technology was used in the distant past to precisely cut, shape, transport, and place into position massive blocks of stones that weigh up to ONE HUNDRED TONS?
Is it possible that the knowledge and technology did in fact originate from the stars as many ancient astronaut theorists suggest? Or are we missing something in history, an incredibly important moment in ancient history overlooked by mainstream scholars, a moment that could explain the knowledge and ability of ancient civilizations such as the Egyptian?
“Inside a tunnel system carved out of the solid limestone bedrock in the desert of Egypt, more than 20 granite boxes made of precision shaped Aswan granite are a true enigma. Said by some to have been the burial places of prized bulls, their real function is far more intriguing. And they are clear examples of Lost Ancient High Technology created before the time of the Dynastic Egyptians.”
To understand this, we have to look back in history to a period called Pre-Pharaonic Egypt.
In Ancient Egypt, long before the first ‘mortal’ Pharaoh known as Menes-Narmer ruled over the lands of Egypt there were other kings, deities and “those who came from above” who ruled over the land known as Egypt today.
This time in history, the pre-pharaonic period remains a great mystery for most scholars and Egyptologist, mostly because they cannot accept that what is written since it goes directly against the beliefs of most historians, archaeologists, and Egyptologists.
The time before 3000 BC, the date when the first official Pharaoh appeared in Egypt is a great enigma.
De Kernramp Van Tsjernobyl Vond 30 Jaar Geleden Plaats... Onderzoekers Hebben Een Bijzondere Ontdekking Gedaan!
De Kernramp Van Tsjernobyl Vond 30 Jaar Geleden Plaats... Onderzoekers Hebben Een Bijzondere Ontdekking Gedaan!
Als het gevolg van de kernramp die plaatsvond in Tsjernobyl in 1986, werd het gebied rondom de getroffen zone geëvacueerd. Tot op heden wordt het gebied nog steeds niet bewoond door mensen en de duizenden nieuwsgierige mensen die een bezoek willen brengen aan het gebied, worden grotendeels afgeweerd door de handhavers van de wet. Hoewel de plaats is verlaten, worden er talloze onderzoeken verricht in het gebied: naast de controles die worden uitgevoerd bij de kerncentrale en met betrekking tot de straling, wordt ook de fauna rondom Tsjernobyl nauwlettend in de gaten gehouden.
Tot de grote verrassing van de onderzoekers, heeft er een herbevolking plaatsgevonden van de wilde dieren die in de bossen rondom de zone van de rampplek leven.
Als gevolg van de kernramp werd er een groot gebied rondom de getroffen zone afgesloten. In de ring rondom de kerncentrale is minder straling aanwezig.
Deze ring is nu herbevolkt door dieren die van nature voorkomen in dit gebied: er zijn maar liefst 14 zoogdieren waargenomen, waaronder wolven, everzwijnen, beren, vossen en een Iberische lynx.
Er werden 5 weken lang 30 camera's geïnstalleerd die de aanwezigheid van deze zoogdieren hebben vastgelegd.
Dit betekent uiteraard niet dat de straling gunstig is geweest voor de ontwikkeling van de fauna, maar door de afwezigheid van de mens, was de natuur in staat om zich te herstellen en zelfs de meest onherbergzame gebieden opnieuw te veroveren.
Zonder invloeden als de jacht, ontbossing en landbouw, konden de dieren zich weer vestigen op de plekken die ze jaren geleden gedwongen moesten verlaten.
30 jaar na de ramp die de hele wereld schokte, heeft de natuur zegevierend het gebied weer ingenomen.
De conclusie van de onderzoeker was overduidelijk voor de onderzoekers: er is een waar natuurreservaat ontstaan in de bossen van Tsjernobyl!
In de video zie je een kudde wilde paarden die vrij rondzwerven in de onbewoonde bossen. Het zijn Przewalskipaarden, een paardenras dat met uitsterven wordt bedreigd.
Het is wonderbaarlijk om te zien dat er rondom een plek waar dood en verderf heeft plaatsgevonden, nu plaats is gemaakt voor nieuw leven!
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETDe maan heeft lang geleden een dampkring gehad, net als de aarde. Die atmosfeer ontstond meer dan 3 miljard jaar geleden en bestond ongeveer 70 miljoen jaar, maar vervloog uiteindelijk. De gassen verdwenen de ruimte in.
Wetenschappers van de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA trekken die conclusie na onderzoek op maanrotsen. Die zijn door maanwandelaars meegenomen naar de aarde. De rotsen zijn gemaakt van basalt en gevormd door oude vulkanen op de maan.
Koolstofmonoxide, zwavel en water
Die vulkanen zijn nu gedoofd, maar barstten veel uit toen de maan nog jong was. Lava stroomde over het oppervlak van de maan en de vulkanen vulden de atmosfeer met onder meer koolstofmonoxide, zwavel en water. Sporen daarvan zijn terug te vinden in de maanrotsen.
De atmosfeer van de maan was 3,5 miljard jaar geleden op zijn dikst. Hij was toen dichter dan de dampkring van Mars nu, maar het is ongeveer 100 keer dunner dan de lucht die wij inademen.
Een deel van de waterdamp is mogelijk terechtgekomen bij de noordpool en de zuidpool van de maan. Daar is het nu misschien nog steeds te vinden, als ijs en water onder het oppervlak.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETVolgens wetenschappelijke berekeningen zal er volgende week een asteroïde rakelings langs de Aarde scheren. Hij zal ons tot op nauwelijks 44.000 kilometer naderen en dat is op een zucht van de baan waarin telecomsatellieten draaien.
Het gaat om planetoïde 2012 TC4, die op 5 oktober 2012 door een observatorium op Hawaï werd ontdekt. Hij passeerde de aarde toen op 100.000 kilometer. Sindsdien is hij niet meer gezien, omdat hij te klein en te ver weg was om te volgen. (lees hieronder verder)
Het ruimteobject zal op 12 oktober om 07.41 uur het dichtste langs ons scheren en heeft de grootte van een huis (15 tot 30 meter). Hij nadert tot op een afstand die een achtste is van de afstand tussen de Aarde en de maan. Volgens Detlef Koschny van Europees Ruimtevaartbureau ESA is er voor alle duidelijkheid geen enkel risico dat hij de aarde zal raken.
Bedreiging Volgens het ESA en de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA biedt de scheervlucht wel een “excellente mogelijkheid om de internationale capaciteiten voor het herkennen en het volgen van objecten in de buurt van de Aarde te testen en onze capaciteiten te onderzoeken hoe wij samen op een reële bedreiging kunnen reageren”. Het systeem voor ‘planetaire verdediging’ bestaat uit een netwerk van observatoria en wetenschappers. (lees hieronder verder)
In oktober 2079 kan dezelfde asteroïde ons wél treffen, al bedraagt volgens de huidige berekeningen de waarschijnlijkheid amper 1 op 2.645. Ter vergelijking: de asteroïde is maar een beetje groter dan de ruimterots die onze Aarde raakte in februari 2013 vlakbij Chelyabinsk in Rusland. Die was 20 meter breed en had dezelfde energie van 30 atoombommen, van het type dat Hiroshima raakte.
Schokgolf Die creëerde een schokgolf die mensen in de buurt van hun benen blies en de ruiten van duizenden gebouwen vernielde. Er raakten in totaal 1.200 mensen gewond, de meeste door rondvliegend glas en puin. Maar ook door brandwonden, want de gigantische vuurbol gloeide tot 30 keer helderder dan de zon, tot hij op 45 kilometer boven het aardoppervlak uit elkaar begon te vallen.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Mysterious dimming star confounds scientists; theories include planet swallowing and aliens
Mysterious dimming star confounds scientists; theories include planet swallowing and aliens
By Jack Loughran
Mysterious dimming star confounds scientists; theories include planet swallowing and aliens
Scientists researching the memorably-named star KIC 8462852, have said they are confounded by the strange behaviour it exhibits, specifically its rapid, unexplained periods of dimming.
In 2015, Nasa’s Kepler Space Telescope picked up its strange behaviour causing quite a stir in the astronomy community, but despite research efforts since then, scientists are still struggling to understand what causes the phenomena.
The latest findings from Carnegie’s Josh Simon and Benjamin Shappee and collaborators take a longer look at the star, going back to 2006, before its strange behaviour was detected by Kepler.
Astronomers had thought that the star was only getting fainter with time, but the new study shows that it also brightened significantly in 2007 and 2014. These unexpected episodes complicate or rule out nearly all the proposed ideas to explain the star’s observed strangeness.
Speculation to account for KIC 8462852’s dips in brightness have ranged from it having swallowed a nearby planet, to an unusually large group of comets orbiting the star, or an alien megastructure.
In general, stars can appear to dim because a solid object like a planet or a cloud of dust and gas passes between it and the observer, eclipsing and effectively dimming its brightness for a time.
Even before this evidence of two periods of increased brightness in the star’s past, the erratic dimming periods seen in KIC 8462852 were unlike anything astronomers had previously observed.
A study in 2016 found that from 2009 to 2012, KIC 8462852 dimmed by almost 1 per cent. Its brightness then dropped by an extraordinary 2 per cent over just six months, remaining at about that level for the final six months of Kepler observations.
The research team wanted to look at KIC 8462852 over a longer period of time. They went back and examined approximately 11 years of observing data from the All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) and around two years of more-recent data from the high-precision All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN).
They found that the star has continued to dim since 2015 and is now 1.5 per cent fainter than it was in February of that year. What’s more, they showed that in addition to the dimming the star has experienced from 2009 to 2013 and 2015 to now, it underwent two periods of brightening.
“Up until this work, we had thought that the star’s changes in brightness were only occurring in one direction - dimming,” Simon explained. “The realisation that the star sometimes gets brighter in addition to periods of dimming is incompatible with most hypotheses to explain its weird behaviour.”
“An important next step will be to determine how the colour of the star changes with time, especially during its brief dips in brightness,” added Shappee. “That information would help narrow down the possible explanations for why this star is doing such strange things.”
For example, if the dimming was caused by dust obscuring the star from us, then it would appear to get redder as it dimmed. If large objects were blocking the star’s light, then no colour change would be seen.
“We haven’t solved the mystery yet,” Simon concluded, “but understanding the star’s long-term changes is a key piece of the puzzle.”
Scientists have been stunned by the dimming and brightening of distant Tabby’s Star, which happens much faster than other stars in the galaxy.
Alien fanatics have argued the phenomenon may have been been caused by an advanced civilisation that zaps light from the star.
But boffins have proposed that objects may be eclipsing the star – some 1,280 light-years from Earth.
SOLVED: Boffins believe they have discovered the cause of the planet's dimming
OUT OF THIS WORLD: Many believe that aliens exist
“This pretty much rules out the alien megastructure theory”
Human Meng
Nasa’s Spitzer and Swift missions, as well as the Belgian AstroLAB IRIS observatory, have discovered the star’s ultraviolet light could be playing a part in causing the phenomenon.
It means something smaller has caused the incredible “structures” to appear around the star that was discovered in 2015.
The Astrophysical Journal has now proposed that space dust may be to blame.
MYSTERY: Some think aliens are causing the strange phenomenon
Human Meng, lead author at the University of Arizona, Tucson said: “This pretty much rules out the alien megastructure theory. as that could not explain the wavelength-dependent dimming.
“We suspect, instead, there is a cloud of dust orbiting the star with a roughly 700-day orbital period.”
Researchers also discovered that the dimming rate of Tabby’s Star differed significantly between UV and infrared lights, suggesting “micro-sized dust screens”.
Some scientists suspect the dimming is caused by a dust ring, but stress “this is not a firm conclusion”.
Parkgoers in Weymouth, Massachusetts came across a bizarre mystery at the Great Esker Park on Monday, October 2nd. Visitors of the park discovered a massive metallic flying saucer seemingly crashed near the bank of the Back River which abuts the park. Park officials rushed to the scene in anticipation of finding a downed alien craft, but were disappointed to find what is clearly a haphazard forgery. Despite its clearly terrestrial origins, the fake UFO is still proving to be a bizarre and unsolved mystery.
Is it me, or are hoaxers getting lazy?
The large, silver object has no markings or identifying information whatsoever aside from a single barcode. The inner frame appears to be wood lined with cardboard, while the outer silver shell is some sort of pliable metal.
Saucers ain’t what they used to be.
Park employees with the Weymouth Recreation Division originally speculated that the saucer-shaped object could be some form of crude tent or shelter built by a vagrant or mentally ill individual. However, just exactly how someone could have constructed it without attracting attention or moved it into the park remains a mystery.µ
The duct tape improves aerodynamics serves as a heat shield during atmospheric re-entry.
Andrew Hultin, a program coordinator for Weymouth Recreation Division, says the object has baffled his staff:
It was pretty heavy to lift and it is not something that anyone of us could have moved by ourselves. It is about 25-feet long and 10-feet wide with an exterior shell made of shiny silver material. We have no idea who might have built this thing or how it could have got there. It was found about 200 yards in the woods. Other than that we have no other information. We are puzzled. There is no way for us to remove it without destroying it. It is still at the site. We are contemplating our next step.
Is this some kids’ idea of a prank, or have alien visitors fallen on hard times and turned to shoddy aerospace contractors in light of some sort of intergalactic recession? If you know anything about the Weymouth saucer, park officials would like to speak with you.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Extreem zeldzaam element gedraagt zich alsof het uit een ander universum komt. Dit onderzoek ontrafelt mysteries
Extreem zeldzaam element gedraagt zich alsof het uit een ander universum komt. Dit onderzoek ontrafelt mysteries
Onderaan het periodiek systeem bevinden zich enkele superzware radioactieve elementen die zo zeldzaam zijn dat ze niet in de natuur kunnen worden gevonden.
Eén van deze elementen is berkelium, vernoemd naar wetenschappers van de Universiteit van Californië – Berkeley.
Er is maar heel weinig bekend over dit element. In 1967 werd slechts een gram hiervan geproduceerd in een Amerikaans laboratorium.
Baanbrekend nieuw onderzoek begint de mysteries rond dit metaal nu te ontrafelen. De elektronen in berkelium blijken zich op een hele vreemde manier te gedragen en lijken de regels van de kwantummechanica aan hun laars te lappen.
Hoe meer we leren over dit element, hoe meer we algemeen aanvaarde theorieën zullen moeten herzien.
“Het is alsof je in een ander universum zit omdat je scheikundige processen ziet die je niet ziet in alledaagse elementen,” zei Thomas Albrecht-Schmitt van de Florida State University.
De elektronen in berkelium schikken zich bijvoorbeeld anders rond hun atomen dan de elektronen in andere elementen. Ze staan ook niet allemaal in dezelfde richting.
Het komt er in feite op neer dat de regels van de kwantummechanica niet langer van toepassing zijn.
Onderzoekers hebben waargenomen dat de elektronen in berkelium zwaarder worden als ze met extreem hoge snelheden rond de atomen beginnen te bewegen.
Deze waarneming sluit beter aan op Einsteins relativiteitstheorie. En dat is vreemd, aangezien Einsteins theorie normaal gesproken alleen van toepassing is op grootschalige processen in het heelal.
Investigations Say Deputy Sheriff Did Witness Crashed UFO and Dead Aliens
Investigations Say Deputy Sheriff Did Witness Crashed UFO and Dead Aliens
Investigators have concluded that a former deputy sheriff’s claim of witnessing a strange crash scene outside UFO hotspot Roswell, New Mexico is real.
The late Charles Forgus’ video interview circulated in June wherein he claimed to have seen the crash site of the Roswell UFO in July 1947 along with his senior. Forgus was a deputy sheriff of Big Springs in Howard County, Texas.
Mr Forgus told a private investigator that they saw a crashed UFO and dead extraterrestrials before they were being told to leave the scene. He further noted that they saw remains of aliens being removed from the flying saucer.
The account was recorded on video in 1999 and released in the book titled “UFOs TODAY, 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation and Government Cover-Up,” by Irena Scott, and published by Philip Mantle in June. British UFO investigator Mantle said that many criticised him for releasing the video as they believe that it was a false testimony. However, Mr Mantle believes otherwise after further inquiries.
Roswell UFO Incident took place in July 1947, and it started to become sensational after the military announced in a press release that it had found the crashed flying saucer in the desert nearby. However, it retracted the statement the following day, saying it was just a damaged US Air Force air balloon.
Many people later claimed to have seen dead alien bodies within the crashed craft. They further said that the military took the wreckage and the alien remains to a top-secret military base.
The bizarre behaviour of a star 1,300 light years from Earth may have finally been explained. NASA says the big dips in brightness of the star—KIC 8462852—could be down to a massive, uneven cloud of dust moving around it.
This is far less of an exotic explanation than other theories proposed over the last few years, which include an “alien megastructure” built by some advanced extraterrestrial civilization to harness power from the star.
Scientists first announced that they had observed weird dips in the brightness of KIC 8462852 in 2015. Normally, when you observe a star and an object—a planet, for example—passes in front of it, there is a small dip in the amount of light coming from that star. Because the size of the planet is fixed, the dip would happen at regular intervals and would block the same amount of light each time. But this is not what happened with KIC 8462852.
What the astronomers saw were huge fluctuations in the star’s brightness, ranging from two percent up to 20 percent, at irregular intervals. To block this much of the star’s light, the object must be extraordinarily large—a Jupiter-sized planet would block about two percent of the light from our sun.
An artist's impression of KIC 8462852, a mysterious star more than 1,400 light-years away.
Many hypotheses have been put forward over the last few years, including a massive swarm of comets and a giant ringed planet orbiting very close to KIC 8462852. None of these explanations quite explain what was being offered, however.
In an interview with Newsweek earlier this year, Louisiana State University’s Tabetha Boyajian, who first discovered the dimming, said: “Every theory that’s been proposed is [far more extreme] than what we know to exist now. So we’re looking for a solution that works with a reasonable physical mechanism we can postulate.”
However, the mystery may now have been solved. In a study published in The Astrophysical Journal, researchers used NASA's Spitzer and Swift missions to examine the dimming in different wavelengths. What they found was there was less dimming when looking at the star in infrared light than when they observed it in ultraviolet.
If the cause of the dimming was anything bigger than dust particles, then the dimming in different wavelengths would be the same. "This pretty much rules out the alien megastructure theory, as that could not explain the wavelength-dependent dimming," lead author Huan Meng, at the University of Arizona, Tucson, said in a statement from NASA. "We suspect, instead, there is a cloud of dust orbiting the star with a roughly 700-day orbital period."
Artist impression of an uneven ring of dust orbiting KIC 8462852.NASA/JPL-CALTECH
The team observed KIC 8462852 between January and December last year. Findings showed the dimming was more pronounced in the infrared wavelength, suggesting the particles are bigger than interstellar dust—tiny particles that cannot remain in orbit around a star because pressure would drive it away.
This meant there was only one plausible explanation—circumstellar dust. This is bigger than interstellar dust, but no so big that the dimming would become uniform across the various wavelengths. Concluding, the authors say a huge, uneven cloud of circumstellar dust could explain the irregular dimming observed.
Their hypothesis comes with problems. It does not address short-term dimming events seen, nor does it explain the dips where 20 percent of the star’s light is blocked. Potentially, the dimming could be the result of this dust cloud combined with a massive swarm of comets. However, further research will be needed to fully solve the mystery of KIC 8462852.
Observations of the star revealed it was alternately dimming and brightening - and immediately sparked theories of an alien civilisation somehow harvesting the star for energy.
Instead, it appears that space dust might be the culprit.
According to a new study published in the Astrophysical Journal, a cloud of cosmic dust may be orbiting the star roughly every 700 days - causing the light from the star to dim periodically.
(Image: Swinburne Astronomy Productions)
Observations showed that the star's ultraviolet light was dimming more than its infrared light.
Huan Meng, lead author of the study at the University of Arizona, Tucson said: “This pretty much rules out the alien megastructure theory, as that could not explain the wavelength-dependent dimming."
The team used two NASA telescopes to watch Tabby's Star (officially known as KIC 8462852) from October 2015 to March 2017 in order to measure the UV and infrared dimming.
“We found that from UV, throughout the visible spectrum, to IR, the star is dimming at every wavelength we monitored,” said Dr. Meng.
“It cannot be anything from the interstellar medium.
“Only microscopic fine-dust screens are able to scatter the starlight in the way characterised by measurements.”
The star is located roughly 1,400 light years away from Earth and has confused astronomers since it was discovered in 2015.
1. Dubbed as KIC 8462852 aka Tabby's Star, and present 1,280 light years away from Earth in the constellation Cygnus, the star was an area of interest for astronomers and researchers because of the weird phenomenon it possessed. The star showed sudden drops in its luminosity, which is not a normal behaviour portrayed by a star that is slightly bigger than the Sun.
2. The first significant drop of 15 percent in the star's luminosity was observed on 5 March 2011. The next time the luminosity dropped around 22 percent, which took place 726 days later on 28 February 2013. The third drop in the star's luminosity was around 8 percent, which was analysed 48 days later on 17 April 2013.
3. In September 2015, a cohort of astronomers from Yale University with Tabetha S. Boyajian as the lead researcher analysed the star and found that there was a drop of almost 22 percent in its luminosity. The star has been nicknamed 'Tabby's Star' in honour of the team lead -- Tabetha.
4. This mysterious phenomenon led to the formation of numerous hypotheses like: The star might have swallowed a planet and it is not stable. A popular conspiracy theory that was formulated because of the star's mysterious phenomenon was that an alien megastructure orbiting around the star was causing the fluctuation in its luminosity. One more theory formed by researchers was a group of space rocks and debris are responsible for the star's dimming.
This artist's illustration shows comet fragments crossing the face of a star, one possible explanation for the strange dimming exhibited by Boyajian's star or Tabby star.NASA/JPL-Caltech
5. Further research carried out by astronomers from the University of Arizona, US with the help of NASA's Spitzer and Swift missions and AstroLAB IRIS observatory -- a public observatory with a 68 centimetre reflecting telescope located near the Belgian village of Zillebeke -- came to the conclusion that the dimming of the star is because of the presence of uneven dust cloud that is moving around the star.
6.Researchers found less dimming in the infrared light from the star than in its ultraviolet light using Spitzer.
"This pretty much rules out the alien megastructure theory, as that could not explain the wavelength-dependent dimming," said Huan Meng from the University of Arizona, who is the lead author of the study.
"We suspect, instead, there is a cloud of dust orbiting the star with a roughly 700-day orbital period," Meng added.
7.Based on the strong UV dip, the astronomers concluded that the blocking particles must be bigger than interstellar dust, small grains that could be located anywhere between Earth and the star. Such small particles could not remain in orbit around the star because pressure from its starlight would drive them farther into space. Dust that orbits a star -- circumstellar dust-- is not so small it would fly away nor is it so big that it can block light uniformly in all wavelengths.
According to the researchers this is the best explanation about the enigmatic dimming of the Tabby's star.
The new video, released by NASA on Sept. 25, shows a prototype for an uncrewed Dream Chaser hanging from a Columbia 234-UT helicopter as the spacecraft is carried to the same altitude it will need to be for an upcoming free-flying drop test. The Aug. 30 test carried the Dream Chaser to an altitude of about 12,500 feet (3,810 meters) and was based out of NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center, which is located at Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert.
"The captive carry is part of a series of tests for a developmental space act agreement SNC has with NASA's Commercial Crew Program," NASA officials wrote in a video description. "The data from the tests help SNC validate the aerodynamic properties, flight software and control system performance of the Dream Chaser."
Sierra Nevada Corporation's Dream Chaser space plane is prepared for a captive carry test with a Columbia 234 UT helicopter at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center in California's Mojave Desert on Aug. 30, 2017.
Credit: NASA/Ken Ulbrich
Sierra Nevada is building the Dream Chaser space plane to carry NASA cargo to the International Space Station as part of the agency's Commercial Resupply Services 2 (CRS-2) program. Under the NASA deal, Sierra Nevada will fly six uncrewed cargo delivery flights for the space agency by 2024. Two other companies, SpaceX and Orbital ATK, also have CRS-2 contracts to fly NASA cargo to the space station.
The Dream Chaser space plane looks much like a miniature space shuttle, but one-quarter the size of NASA's winged spaceships. Dream Chaser is 30 feet long (9.1 m) and designed to carry up to 12,125 lbs. (5,500 kilograms) of cargo to the space station. The spacecraft will launch into orbit atop an Atlas V rocket built by the United Launch Alliance.
The first Dream Chaser flight to the space station is expected to launch in 2020.
Sputnik's Beeping Legacy: Satellite's Simplicity Made It Iconic 60 Years Ago
Legends of Space, ep 8: Sputnik: The satellite that changed the world
Sputnik's Beeping Legacy: Satellite's Simplicity Made It Iconic 60 Years Ago
By Jesse Emspak, Contributor
A Soviet technician works on Sputnik 1 before its launch in 1957.
Credit: Sovfoto/UIG via Getty
In October 1957, amateur radio operators monitored the first signal from a spacefaring civilization — and it was us.
Sputnik 1, the first satellite to orbit the Earth, launched on Oct. 4 of that year from a site in Kazakhstan, then a part of the USSR. That site is now the Baikonur Cosmodrome; at the time it was site 1/5 at the Tyuratam range.
The Soviets had planned on a sophisticated scientific satellite, according to Cathy Lewis, curator of international space programs at the National Air and Space Museum at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. But they felt they were under time pressure; they wanted a launch as soon as possible because even then they had a sense of urgency. "They needed something very simple," she told [Sputnik 1! 7 Fun Facts About Humanity's First Satellite]
What they launched had only a set of batteries, a transmitter and a pressure-activated switch that could tell ground controllers if the 23-inch (58 centimeter) diameter sphere was punctured by a micrometeoroid, Lewis said.
The USSR had been planning satellite launches since January 1956, and the United States since 1955. Both countries planned for their first launches to take place during what had been dubbed the International Geophysical Year, which ran from July 1, 1957, to Dec. 31, 1958. Coincidentally, the IGY was intended to mark a new period of cooperation between the United States, the USSR and other nations. Neither planned launch announcement got much attention until the USSR launched Sputnik and surprised the world.
"There was panic," Lewis said. "For the first time that harsh reality of the fear of nuclear weapons landing came to life. You were not going to have a warning of fleets of bombers."
In the United States, the shock was in part driven by a belief in American technological superiority.
"The U.S. had an image of the Soviets as being technologically limited," said Matt Bille, a historian and author of "The First Space Race" (Texas A&M University Press, 2004). "If not outright backward. While the military had some of this sentiment, the August launch of an R7 (intercontinental ballistic missile) had generally awakened them." [Sputnik 1 in Photos: The World's First Satellite]
On Oct. 4, 1957, the Soviet Union stunned the world with its surprise launch of Sputnik-1.
Credit: Karl Tate, contributor
Bille added that then-President Dwight Eisenhower was not a technically oriented person and was often baffled by the public's reaction to Sputnik. The U.S. already had a missile program and a fledgling space program, and Eisenhower saw them as going well. In fact, the U.S. launched the first intercontinental ballistic missile months before the USSR did.
The Sputnik launch also drove Eisenhower to push for funding for science education at many levels, from grade school to college, via the National Defense Education Act, signed into law in 1958. Lewis said the country's experience in World War II had played a part in this — it was clear during the war that there weren't enough people with technical skills. Bille added that major publications, including U.S. News and World Report, had been lamenting the state of science education in the country, and Sputnik gave an additional push to improve.
The Sputnik launches were more than just a wake-up call for the U.S. In the scramble to show that the United States could stay ahead technologically, the space race was born, and with John F. Kennedy's announcement that the United States was going to attempt to send a man (it was going to be a man, no question) to the moon and bring him back, the die was cast. And there were other political effects; Kennedy, in the late 1950s, ran part of his campaign on the idea that Eisenhower, ever a fiscal conservative, was weak on defense and that the Russians had a sizable advantage in that area. Sputnik, Lewis said, was a gift to people pushing that idea. [Giant Leaps: Milestones of Human Spaceflight]
Bille said one reason the missile-gap concept had currency was that before satellite surveillance, few knew much about what was happening in the USSR at all.
In that sense, Sputnik enabled satellite surveillance, Lewis said. Before the satellite's launch there was some debate over "open skies" — whether spacecraft could fly over the territory of other nations. Aircraft were barred from doing so. Sputnik, Lewis said, made the question moot, because Sputnik flew over the U.S. in the course of its orbit, and therefore U.S. satellites could fly over the Soviet Union.
Even though the Soviets were unable to launch the more ambitious science payload, Lewis said that was part of Sputnik's enduring appeal. The satellite's beeps could be picked up by amateur radio operators; anyone could listen. That wouldn't have been the case for a true science instrument. Today, Sputnik's shape is in the logo of the Russian rocket company Energia, and it gave its name to the "Sputnik chandelier" design that became popular in the 1960s.
And beyond its physical appeal, "there's a simplicity and beauty in being first," Lewis said.
In late 2016, a sighting of a small drone-like object went viral when it was seen hovering above the supervolcano.
Jeanetta Foresta uploaded a video of the sighting under the heading "Things R flying all over - overnight".
She posted: "There were more than four at the beginning and this is overnight so there is no sun to reflect off of a plane.”
Famed UFO blogger Scott C Waring picked up on the video on
The 'UFO' darted over Yellowstone
He wrote: "Here we have several glowing orbs moving about over Yellowstone and this is the same area as Old Faithful, which could of course attract alien tourists as well as humans.
"Why wouldn't aliens be interested in the Earths natural wonders?
"The movement is proof its not Venus or a hot air balloon. If you knew the truth about the abundance of alien ships, craft and species around us every day, it would blow your mind.”
The UFO spotted last year
Yellowstone has also piqued the interest of many around the globe over fears that it could soon erupt.
The Yellowstone Caldera supervolcano last erupted 70,000 years ago but a spike in seismic activity around the national park has unsettled nerves.
If the Wyoming volcano were to erupt it would kill an estimated 87,000 people immediately and make two-thirds of the USA immediately uninhabitable.
Yellowstone Volcano
The large spew of ash into the atmosphere would block out sunlight and directly affect life beneath it creating a “nuclear winter”.
The massive eruption could be a staggering 6,000 times as powerful as the one from Washington’s Mount St Helens in 1980 which killed 57 people and deposited ash in 11 different states and five Canadian provinces.
If the volcano explodes, a climate shift would ensue as the volcano would spew massive amounts of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere, which can form a sulphur aerosol that reflects and absorbs sunlight.
A man was arrested by Casper police after he was found to have had too much to drink.
The man then told police that he was a time traveler and aliens had filled his body with alcohol.
Police arrested Bryant Johnson on October 2 when they were sent to a street and found him standing in the road saying that he had come from the future and that he was there to help people. Johnson said that he had time traveled from the year 2048 and said that he wanted to warn people that aliens would arrive the next year and that the people should leave as soon as they could.
He then said that he wanted to talk to the president of the town and went on to tell police that he was able to time travel because aliens filled his body with alcohol before standing on a huge pad that transported him to 2017. He went on to say that he should have been transported to 2018 but had ended up landing a year earlier.
Police said that Johnson had bloodshot, watery eyes and his speech was slurred and a strong smell of alcohol was coming from him. He was taken to the emergency room, but it was then said that he was causing a disturbance there. Police gave Johnson a breath test, and it revealed that his blood alcohol content was.136 and he was arrested for being intoxicated in public.
While police clearly did not believe that Johnson had traveled in time, it was recently revealed that a leading astrophysicist said that time travel is possible. He also revealed how astronauts could time travel. Talk of time travel is nothing new as it was Albert Einstein who first proposed traveling at the speed of light going away from Earth would slow down time for the person traveling, and people on Earth would see time at the normal rate. Many physicists claim that time travel is not only possible, but it has already occurred. It was said that astronaut Sergei Krikalev is in the future by 0.02 seconds after he spent 804 days in space thanks to time dilation.
Of course, if Johnson had met aliens in the future and they had the superior technology then perhaps time travel is commonplace in 2048.
A man was arrested by Casper police after he was found to have had too much to drink.
The man then told police that he was a time traveler and aliens had filled his body with alcohol.
Police arrested Bryant Johnson on October 2 when they were sent to a street and found him standing in the road saying that he had come from the future and that he was there to help people. Johnson said that he had time traveled from the year 2048 and said that he wanted to warn people that aliens would arrive the next year and that the people should leave as soon as they could.
He then said that he wanted to talk to the president of the town and went on to tell police that he was able to time travel because aliens filled his body with alcohol before standing on a huge pad that transported him to 2017. He went on to say that he should have been transported to 2018 but had ended up landing a year earlier.
Police said that Johnson had bloodshot, watery eyes and his speech was slurred and a strong smell of alcohol was coming from him. He was taken to the emergency room, but it was then said that he was causing a disturbance there. Police gave Johnson a breath test, and it revealed that his blood alcohol content was.136 and he was arrested for being intoxicated in public.
While police clearly did not believe that Johnson had traveled in time, it was recently revealed that a leading astrophysicist said that time travel is possible. He also revealed how astronauts could time travel. Talk of time travel is nothing new as it was Albert Einstein who first proposed traveling at the speed of light going away from Earth would slow down time for the person traveling, and people on Earth would see time at the normal rate. Many physicists claim that time travel is not only possible, but it has already occurred. It was said that astronaut Sergei Krikalev is in the future by 0.02 seconds after he spent 804 days in space thanks to time dilation.
Of course, if Johnson had met aliens in the future and they had the superior technology then perhaps time travel is commonplace in 2048.
NASA's Cassini spacecraft captured this image of Saturn's icy moon Dione, with the giant planet and its rings in the background, on August 17, 2015. Measurements by Cassini suggest an ocean may lurk beneath Dione's surface. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
Our solar system is filled with oceans. But only a few of those have captivated our attention.
During its 1979 Jupiter flyby, NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft found the surface of the moon Europa to be a cracked-up jumble of water ice, as if composed of icebergs floating atop some hidden sea. As the craft moved on to Saturn, it took measurements of that planet’s massive moon, Titan, and revealed the frigid world bore a thick atmosphere that could sustain lakes or seas of liquid hydrocarbons on the veiled, cryogenic surface below.
It took follow-ups by NASA’s Galileo mission that arrived at Jupiter in 1995, and later by the Saturn orbiter Cassini—a joint project between NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA)—to confirm this early evidence for extraterrestrial oceans. Galileo also hinted that two other Jovian moons, Callisto and Ganymede, perhaps harbored oceans as well. Cassini found abundant evidence of multiple ocean-bearing moons during its 13 years of studying the Saturnian system. In part because of these discoveries, both Galileo and Cassini were deliberately crashed into their respective gas-giant subjects, burning up in their atmospheres to avoid any chance of biocontaminating each planet’s promising moons. Galileo’s self-immolation occurred in 2003, and Cassini’s fiery end just unfolded on September 15.
When it reached Saturn in 2004 Cassini deployed a European-built lander, Huygens, to land on Titan’s frozen surface, where it found a bizarre landscape of methane–ethane lakes and hydrocarbon snows. In later observations Cassini revealed Titan possesses a watery ocean beneath its surface of hydrocarbon slush. The breakout star of Cassini’s investigations, however, was unquestionably Enceladus, an icy moon about as big as England is wide—too small, researchers had thought, to sustain much interesting geologic activity.
Against all odds Cassini found the moon jetting plumes of salty water vapor from its south pole—an unmistakable signpost of some kind of mysterious ocean hidden beneath its icy crust. Where there is liquid water, the thinking goes, there might well be life—just as there is on Earth, where water forms the cornerstone of biology as we know it. And unlike Jupiter’s moon Europa, which Galileo had shown contains a sunless sea perhaps impenetrably sealed beneath a thick crust of ice, Enceladus’s plumes offered a way to obtain direct samples of its dark waters. Starry-eyed astrobiologists were instantly enamored with this wee moon—and they still are.
But other astrobiologically interesting moons circle Saturn, too. A bit more than 400,000 kilometers from Enceladus spins another icy satellite, named Dione. Twice as big and similarly coated in ice and snow, it has something else in common with Enceladus: it is probably an ocean world. “There’s really good evidence” for Dione’s ocean, says Bonnie Buratti, a senior research scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory who worked on the Cassini mission. “I kind of feel this is one of the things we’ve left hanging as we leave the Saturn system, that we just haven’t answered.”
Ocean worlds are bodies in the solar system that manage (or managed in the past, like Mars) to hold onto enough liquid water to form seas, lakes and other potential aquatic abodes for life. The newly discovered ones in the outer solar system still harboring oceans today all possess some internal energy source that keeps them from freezing solid like some of their siblings. Scientists argue over the details but most agree those worlds are warmed from within by a combination of radioactive decay and tidal heating (the friction-inducing flexure of their crusts from the gravitational pull of the parent planet).
Buratti lays out the case for Dione’s membership in this elite club: Its surface is fairly smooth, meaning something has been filling in and covering up the spots where craters and fissures might otherwise form. Liquid water rising from a moon-girdling subsurface reservoir, then freezing, would work nicely for that. Tentative evidence from Cassini’s instruments also hinted at plume activity—albeit much weaker than at Enceladus—as if a similar but subtler mechanism is at play inside Dione. Buratti and others suspect that Janiculum Dorsa, one of the moon’s few mountains, may be somehow responsible, but the scientists were unable to gather definitive proof before Cassini’s termination.
Janiculum Dorsa may be Dione’s equivalent of Enceladus’s south pole, where water gushes more than 60 kilometers into space. On the latter this mechanism (called cryovolcanism) is fed by an underwater ocean—and there is similar albeit more circumstantial evidence for Janiculum Dorsa as the source of similar “cryovolcanic” plume activity on Dione.
Cassini’s measurements of Dione’s gravitational field also indicate that something strange is going on beneath the surface. When a spacecraft flies by a completely solid body, the craft’s trajectory tends to be more or less “straight.” In simple terms, it flies by without a discernable difference in the amount of gravity attracting it. But if the body is less homogeneous—for instance, a liquid ocean beneath an icy crust—the spacecraft’s trajectory can exhibit faint but detectable deviations in the tug due to this liquid mass. This is precisely what Cassini experienced as it swooped by Dione. “If Dione has an ocean, it’s another example where there might be a habitable environment because we have liquid water—there’s a heat source and there might be organic molecules in there that contribute to primitive bacterial life,” Buratti says.
And Dione is not the only promising place passed over by many astrobiologists infatuated with Enceladus, Titan and Europa. There are at least a half dozen other ocean worlds that might merit inclusion in the quest to discover alien life. “Might” being the operative term here—these oft-overlooked oceans tend to be less accessible than their more popular peers. They are either locked beneath thicker ice crusts or just so far out in the solar system (in the cases of moons of Uranus and Neptune) that no one can yet say how promising their hidden seas really are. That is, save Dione—which appears to be a sleepier but no less interesting cross between Enceladus and Europa.
Ganymede is a truly giant moon. Larger than Mercury and not much smaller than Mars, it is a would-be planet forever demoted from that lofty status by its host Jupiter. Just as Dione is perennially overshadowed by Enceladus and Titan, Ganymede tends to take a back seat to its sister ocean world, Europa, which is slated to be studied up close by NASA’s Europa Clipper mission sometime in the 2020s. But Ganymede is deserving of study, too: Telltale cycles of auroral activity on the surface, witnessed from afar by the Hubble Space Telescope in Earth orbit, reveal oscillations in the moon’s magnetic field best explained by the internal sloshing of a huge ocean hundreds of kilometers below the surface.
How huge? Olivier Witasse, a project scientist working on ESA’s future Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (JUICE), says Ganymede’s ocean is even bigger than Europa’s—and might be the largest in the entire solar system. “The Ganymede ocean is believed to contain more water than the Europan one,” he says. “Six times more water in Ganymede’s ocean than in Earth's ocean, and three times more than Europa.”
UICE will orbit Ganymede, giving scientists a chance to study this second-fiddle moon in detail. On the way there the craft will make several sweeps past another potentially ocean-bearing Jovian moon, Callisto. “We think that Callisto also harbors a subsurface ocean, but the available data is unclear,” Witasse says. “What we hope to do is to check whether there is an ocean or not—and if yes, at which depth.”
Out past Jupiter and Saturn other ocean worlds may be found as well. The moon Ariel twirls in a two-day orbit just 190,000 kilometers from the gas-giant Uranus. All we know about the moon comes from a single encounter with the Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1986. That flyby revealed Ariel to be relatively smooth, as if its surface was being continually renewed by activity deep within. It is currently believed to be the only ocean world in the Uranian system.
The smoothness of Ariel’s surface may be a hallmark of “extrusive cryovolcanism,” or geyser activity that throws material onto a world’s surface. Imagine a flow of molten rock from a volcano on Earth, except with the flow being made of molten ice—in other words, liquid water. Zibi Turtle, a planetary scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, says finding and studying instances of cryovolcanism would be a “holy grail in solar system evolution” that could explain how icy worlds, oceanic or not, change over time. She says there may also be a tentative connection between Ariel’s geology and the Uranian rings—but without more data, not much more can be said. (Enceladus’s plumes similarly interact with one of the rings of Saturn, steadily replenishing and maintaining the ring’s tenuous existence with injections of icy particles.) “Really, the best way to learn about the interiors and geologic history—the evolution of these satellites—is going to be another mission that goes through or in orbit around the Uranian system,” she notes.
Farther out, the gas-giant planet Neptune has only one moon of any substantial size, Triton. The satellite appears to be a captured interloper from the Kuiper Belt, a diffuse ring of icy bodies at the outer reaches of the solar system. That would make it kin to Pluto, the Kuiper Belt’s largest denizen. Data from Voyager 2, which encountered Neptune in 1989, suggest Triton possesses a very thin atmosphere and more than a few geysers on its surface. “What is actually driving the cryovolcanism? It’s got to be pretty powerful because it’s shooting this material quite high above tiny Triton,” says Heidi Hammel, a senior research scientist at the Space Science Institute. “It’s not just that it’s leaking, it’s jetting these materials.” The answer, as far as researchers can tell, is the same combination of radioactive decay and tidal forces that sustains oceans on other frozen moons of the outer solar system. But geysers that shoot as high as Triton’s, she notes, would require a particularly potent heat source and a massive ocean. “There’s no doubt that there’s a case to be made to look at Triton in the light of a very habitable environment,” she says. “It’s an active world. It has cryovolcanoes and we’ve seen them. There’s a whole lot of material from these cryovolcanoes that is black, dark,” which indicates the presence of organic materials, according to Hammel.
Triton, it seems, is a hipster ocean world—it was seen spouting geysers decades before the plumes of Enceladus were astrobiology’s next big thing. That it has been overlooked for so long is due to its immense distance from Earth and the fact that it has only been visited once, for a handful of hours by Voyager 2. But if Triton is so promising, what then of Pluto, its Kuiper Belt cousin? On this world, planetary scientists may find the weirdest potential ocean world of all.
During its 2015 Pluto flyby NASA’s New Horizons probe only had about 12 hours to study the dwarf planet Pluto before it was a fading point of light in the rearview. The spacecraft had to make use of every available moment, and that intense scrutiny revealed signs of something spectacular but not yet entirely certain: Pluto appears to have an ocean, too.
Pluto's Moon Charon
Scientists had long suspected what New Horizons confirmed: Pluto is mostly made of ices—not only water, but also of more volatile substances like nitrogen and methane that freeze solid at extremely low temperatures. Yet the spacecraft measured Pluto to be more compact than it was expected to be, given its mass, because freezing water should have expanded and pushed the surface outward. There is also a surprising amount of geologic activity at Sputnik Planitia, the heart-shaped region sprawled across one of Pluto’s hemispheres. All that tumult on a world long thought to be locked in deep-freeze suggests some reservoir of heat must linger within—an ocean, perhaps. If so, though, that ocean would be decidedly atypical.
Bill McKinnon, a Washington University in Saint Louis professor and New Horizons team member, says ammonia is believed to be plentiful on Pluto, albeit hard to detect remotely from a spacecraft flying by at thousands of kilometers per hour. That ammonia, he says, should mix with any water below, which might still be in liquid form even billions of years after the dwarf planet’s formation. “If the ocean is able to cool and not freeze, then the ammonia helps to keep it from disappearing,” he says. This would make the ocean fairly viscous. “At those temperatures it ends up having the consistency of honey,” he says. But the scant bit of time New Horizons spent in the Plutonian system means one unfortunate thing: There is insufficient data to conclusively prove the model. “It’s a story, it’s not proof,” McKinnon notes. “At least it hangs together conceptually.”
Cracks in Pluto's Moon Could Indicate it Once Had an Underground Ocean
The only way to further study these ocean worlds is via targeted missions. Europa, of course, will be lavished with attention by Europa Clipper and JUICE. But outside of that, Ganymede and Callisto are currently the sole also-ran ocean worlds with planned visits—from JUICE. Despite their revered status, even Enceladus and Titan lack committed follow-up investigations, but that could change by the end of the year if NASA chooses to pursue a mission to either as part of the agency’s New Frontiers program of midsize interplanetary missions. Uranus and Neptune missions have been discussed—and rejected—for decades, with no concepts for exploration ever advancing beyond the preplanning stages. Of all the lesser-known worlds, Turtle says, “the two that really cry out to me are Ariel and Dione. I think Dione has some surprises still.”
JUICE could make Ganymede and Callisto’s oceans seem less remote and more dynamic, and maybe even confirm some tentative evidence of cryovolcanism at Ganymede, once again revolutionizing our understanding of these mysterious moons. But without more missions to the outer solar system, inquisitive scientists—as well as the curious public they serve—will be left with more questions than answers for several decades to come. The oceans, of course, will wait. Will we?
A local UFO researcher says Kansas City is a hot spot for sightings.
Margie Kay is assistant state director for the Missouri chapter of MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, and author of a new book, The Kansas City UFO Flaps. The publication documents numerous sightings, mostly in Eastern Jackson County in 2011 and 2012.
"Flap" is a term used to describe sudden grouping of sightings of UFOs in an area that appear to be related.
The accounts involve close encounters in which someone had a really good look at strange objects in the sky, Kay said. In one case, a photograph showed what she called small beings that don't appear to be human.
"There's never cooperation from government agencies," Kay said. "We filed a freedom of information request asking for radar reports and there's hardly ever a response."
A lot of people report seeing multi-colored objects that rotate counter clockwise at high rates of speed. The sightings continue, Kay said.
MUFON wants people to file reports whenever they see something in the sky they can't explain. The organization has set up an online registry.
Yet another theory has been developed to explain the mysteries of Tabby's Star, one much more plausible than previous, eccentric theories of an "alien megastructure." A new study from NASA and Belgian AstroLAB IRIS observatory suggests that the star's odd behavior could be explained by an "uneven dust cloud."
This is not the most exciting explanation of the famous-in-astronomy-circles Tabby's Star, also known as KIC 8462852. It's been observed in the night sky since 1890, but in September 2015, Dr. Tabetha Boyajian, then of Yale and now of Louisiana State, published a paper titled "Where's the Flux?" which looked at 846's highly unusual light curve. Tabby's Star, as it became known, would experience a series of eccentric photometric "dips," which would dim its light with seemingly no pattern.
Theories erupted about what could be causing the dips. The most outlandish of these was that Tabby's Star was, or at least was involved in, the creation of an alien superstructure. But there have been other, more plausible theories. A planet with uneven, wobbly rings near the star could also potentially generate a similar effect.
Continued study, however, has shown less dimming in the infrared light coming from Tabby's Star than in its ultraviolet light.
"This pretty much rules out the alien megastructure theory, as that could not explain the wavelength-dependent dimming," says Huan Meng, at the University of Arizona, Tucson, who is lead author of the new study looking at the dust theory published in The Astrophysical Journal, in a press statement. "We suspect, instead, there is a cloud of dust orbiting the star with a roughly 700-day orbital period."
From January to December of last year, researchers looked extensively at the light from Tabby's Star in ultraviolet, infrared, and visible. Based on dips in ultraviolet light, they determined that tiny particles were blocking the star's light. Dust near a star, known as circumstellar dust, hits the Goldilocks test for what could be causing continued dimming. It's not so fine that it would fly away from the star, but not thick enough to uniformly cover everything.
NASA compares the experience to going "to the beach on a bright, sunny day and sitting under an umbrella." While the umbrella will block some of the sunlight, it won't be able to stop the sunset from changing colors. The light changes through the scattering of particles, and Tabby's Star might experience a similar process from our vantage point. "The new study suggests," NASA says, "the objects causing the long-period dimming of Tabby's Star can be no more than a few micrometers in diameter (about one ten-thousandth of an inch)."
While NASA appears to be quite confident in the larger dust theory, there are still smaller mysteries within, like a three-day period earlier this year of continued short-term dimming. It's had to move its telescopes off the star for now, but it's clear that Tabby's Star will remain an object of curiosity in the sky.
"Tabby's Star could have something like a solar activity cycle," says Siegfried Vanaverbeke, an AstroLAB volunteer who helped convince the Belgian lab to make it a point of study. "This is something that needs further investigation and will continue to interest scientists for many years to come."
A Fast UFO Flying was Filmed by a US Air Force Veteran, He Sent the Footage to MUFON for Investigation
A Fast UFO Flying was Filmed by a US Air Force Veteran, He Sent the Footage to MUFON for Investigation
The UFO was filmed with a DJI Phantom 3 Professional 4K aerial camera mounted on a drone above Ayden District Park travelling too fast to be spotted with a naked eye. The 59- year-old veteran was astonished after reviewing the recorded footage that showed a UFO flying in a blur under the drone.
The retired USAF veteran has told MUFON that he had never previously experienced anything similar in his 20 year military career and that this footage took him back.
The object travelled around 1.2 miles just in one-third of a second, meaning, it travelled at around 13,000 mph per hour or 17 times the speed of sound an altitude of just 50 feet.
The object on the footage can be seen clearly only when slowed down. It is when it stays on the screen long enough to be seen. The description on YouTube video says that it traveled 6200 feet (about 1.2 miles) in 1/3rd of a second.
The UFO was reported with MUFON and then a copy of the video was sent to NASA. Both agencies are investigating and anysing it.
The object looked like a solid metallic object which reflected or emitted its own light.It appears like a blur and it covers a distance during one-third of a second without making a sound.
MUFON’s North Carolina investigator Sanford Davis wrote in the official report that the object was not observed nor seen personally. It was spotted after reviewing drone footage and the whole sighting occured within a third of a second – a stroke arising in the background, streaking across the screen before disappearing in the foreground.
It appears as a white dot, turning into a ‘light disk’ right before it disappears off screen.”
Some users on YouTube commented that it has prosaic origins while the others see it as valid proof of UFO’s existence .
Without any doubts, the results of the NASA analysis will share the former’s opinion.
Neil Armstrong: Their ships were far superior to ours-Boy, was the big”
Neil Armstrong: Their ships were far superior to ours-Boy, was the big”
Everyone is familiar with the broadcast images of Neil Armstrong’s historic first steps on the moon, and many believe his footsteps to be the first ever on the lunar surface. However, during a documented NASA symposium, Armstrong made comments alluding to the fact that not only had other species visited the moon but that there were signs of colonization thereupon.
Armstrong stated in an interview with an unnamed professor at the symposium that their presence on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission was immediately noticed and addressed by an alien race. The beings that occupied the lunar airspace made very clear their displeasure of the human’s arrival on the moon’s surface: Armstrong: It was incredible … of course, we had always known there was a possibility … The fact is, we were warned off. There was never any questions then of a space station or a moon city. Professor: How do you mean “warned off”? Armstrong: I can’t go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology – Boy, were they big! … and menacing … No, there is no question of a space station. Armstrong: Naturally – NASA was committed at that time, and couldn’t risk a panic on earth…. But it really was a quick scoop and back again. (Above Top Secret, p. 186) Additionally, there are reports that upon arrival on the moon Armstrong witnessed structures on the surface resembling shops and other buildings obviously not designed by man. It is believed that while footage exists of these findings, the decision was made not to make these films public so as to not incite public panic. NASA’s unwillingness to move forward with lunar cities or even stations can easily be explained by the fear of going against the will of a much more advanced race. Armstrong stated that this fear is what leads to the following Apollo missions to only include a quick landing and sample collection. With this limited access to the moon, NASA or any other space exploration organization would be greatly hindered in their efforts to establish surface space stations of any type and lunar colonies would be completely infeasible. Could it be that human’s exploration of the cosmos is closely regulated by alien races? What lengths would those races go to prevent space travel advancement by humans? Perhaps in the future, humans will gain the favor of the celestial inhabitants and be privy to the mysteries of beyond.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The 1980 Rosedale UFO
The 1980 Rosedale UFO
This photograph, taken on the evening of May 26, 1988, is typical of several taken in recent years of enormous, slow-moving structures with lights along the perimeter.
The sounds of frightened cattle woke a rancher from a sound sleep in the early morning of September 30, 1980, near Rosedale, Victoria, Australia. When he went outside, he was astonished to see a domed disc with orange and blue lights gliding about ten feet above the ground. It rose slightly in the air, hovered briefly above an open 10,000-gallon water tank, and then landed 50 feet away. The rancher jumped on a motorcycle and sped toward the object, which was making a "whistling" sound. Suddenly, an "awful scream" sounded as a black tube extended from the UFO's base. With an ear-splitting bang the strange craft rose into the air. A blast of hot air almost knocked the witness down.
The sounds ceased as the object slowly moved to a position about 30 feet away and eight feet above the ground. Hovering briefly, it dropped debris -- stones, weeds, cow dung -- from underneath it, then flew away, disappearing in the east.
Where the disc had landed could be found a ring of black, flattened grass 30 feet in diameter. When he examined it in the daylight, the witness discovered that all the yellow flowers within the circle had been removed. Only green grass remained. But even more bizarre, the water tank was empty, with no evidence of spillage. Only the muddy residue at the bottom of the tank was left, and there was something peculiar about even this: It had been pulled into a two-foot-high cone shape. The witness was sick with headaches and nausea for more than a week afterward.
A similar ring was found the following December at Bundalaguah, not far from Rosedale. The water in a nearby reservoir was also mysteriously missing.
Did you know that witnesses have reported damaged property and even personal injury after UFO sightings? Take a look at these stories of dangerous UFOs:
It’s official: Researchers have discovered a SECOND Earth
It’s official: Researchers have discovered a SECOND Earth
Researchers have confirmed the existence of a SECOND Earth located in the Proxima Centauri System. The planet is believed to have oceans just like Earth…
In the past, thousands of exoplanets have been discovered in the universe, but none of them is like Proxima B.
Proxima b, as has been baptized, has very ‘promising characteristics’: it is probably rocky, slightly more massive than our own planet and is located in the region around its star that would allow liquid water on its surface to exist.
Researchers have discovered a planet located in the Proxima Centauri system, one of the closest stars to Earth which they believe harbors liquid water and potentially alien life.
The planet, named Proxima B is believed to be around 1.3 times the size of our planet and has the ideal temperature on the surface for water in a liquid state to exist.
Proxima B is located four light years away from Earth –over 25 TRILLION MILES—meaning that in order to visit the planet in the near future, future generation would have to come up with super-fast spacecraft that would allow them to travel to the Proxima Centauri system with ease.
If the planet proves to be ‘a SECOND Earth’ it could become one of the best options for future human colonization.
Researchers believe that the temperature on the surface of the planet could be between -90 degrees Celsius and 30 degrees Celsius.
According to researchers, Proxima B may be the best opportunity we have come across to find DIRECT evidence of the existence of Alien Lifeforms outside of out solar system.
The planet which has already been dubbed ‘a second Earth’ is located at an ideal distance from its host star for liquid water to exist, which means that life as we know it is very likely to exist.
Proxima B is the closest exoplanet we have ever discovered, and according to researchers, a mission to the planet to search for signs of life could be something achievable within our lifetime.
The distance from our planet to Proxima B may seem insurmountable, but it is actually formidably shorter when compared to other candidates to host life. This means that Proxima B could become the first objective for future interstellar travel.
Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf located in the constellation Centaurus. The star itself is too weak to be observed with the naked eye, but in recent months, scientists have not taken their eyes off of it.
In fact, during the first half of this year, Proxima Centauri was followed regularly with the HARPS spectrograph installed on the 3.6-meter telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in La Silla (Chile) and monitored simultaneously with other instruments from around the world.
“Many exoplanets have been found, and many more will be found, but searching for the closest potential Earth-analogue and succeeding has been the experience of a lifetime for all of us,” Dr. Guillem Anglada-Escudé, lead author of the paper, said.
“Many people’s stories and efforts have converged on this discovery. The result is also a tribute to all of them. The search for life on Proxima b comes next.”
There are already two papers which describe and go through the potential habitability of Proxima B.
Future observations, for example using the 39-m ESO E-ELT telescope under construction in Chile, will allow further investigation of Proxima b and of the hypothetical presence of a thick atmosphere and a liquid water reservoir. If this turned out to be the case, it would be very exciting that the nearest star to the Sun also hosts the nearest habitable (perhaps inhabited?) planet. (Source)
Suspected huge asteroid explodes in the sky over Yunnan Province, China
Suspected huge asteroid explodes in the sky over Yunnan Province, China
A suspected huge asteroid entered Earth's atmosphere over China on October 4, 2017 and exploded at 37 kilometers height near Shangri-La County in Southwest China's Yunnan Province.
Some people caught the asteroid on camera at the moment of its final impact behind thick clouds.
What strikes is the strange rectangular shaped cloud above the asteroid moments of its final impact as it doesn't really look like a natural cloud but more like cloaked object!
NASA said that the explosion was equivalent to 540 tons of TNT. Seismic agencies registered a seismic impact of 2.1 Magnitude.
Asteroid and meteor observers speculate that there might be remains of the asteroid have been falling on the ground, since the asteroid exploded at a relatively low height above the Earth’s surface.
Two years ago, physicists detected for the first time the infinitesimal ripples in space itself set off when two black holes whirled into each other. The observation of such gravitational waves fulfilled a century-old prediction from Albert Einstein and opened up a whole new way to explore the heavens. Today, three leaders of the massive experiment that made the discovery received the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Rainer Weiss, 85, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge and Kip Thorne, 77, of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena hatched plans for the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) in 1984. Barry Barish, 81, a Caltech particle physicist, later guided the construction of the twin LIGO observatories in Hanford, Washington, and Livingston, Louisiana. Weiss will receive one half of the $1.1 million prize, and Thorne and Barish the other half. LIGO's third founder, Ronald Drever, died in Edinburgh on 7 March at age 85. (Nobel Prizes are not awarded posthumously.)
Other physicists rate the discovery of gravitational waves among the most important ever in physics. “It's revolutionary,” says Abraham Loeb, a theorist at Harvard University. It's very rare that we open a completely new window on the universe.”
Weiss, however, says that he finds the prize somewhat embarrassing. “Receiving money for something that was a pleasure to begin with is a little outrageous,” he says. "The best way I can think of it is we're symbols for the much bigger group of people who made [LIGO] happen.” Weiss says he has arranged to donate the prize money to MIT to help support students.
The entire notion of gravitational waves is mind-bending. In 1915, Albert Einstein explained in his general theory of relativity that gravity comes about when mass and energy warp spacetime, causing freely falling objects to follow curving trajectories. A year later he predicted that a twirling barbell-shaped arrangement of mass—such as two spiraling black holes—should radiate ripples in space that would zip through the universe at light-speed.
Detecting the incredibly feeble waves is a challenge. Each of LIGO's L-shaped interferometers acts like a pair of perpendicular rulers. A passing gravitational wave will generally stretch the two 4-kilometer-long arms by different amounts, and by comparing laser light bouncing back and forth in the arms, physicists can detect that slight differential stretching. LIGO’s interferometers can detect a difference in length as small as 1/10,000 the width of a proton.
Rainer Weiss of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge.
Ken Richardson
Kip Thorne of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
Caltech Alumni Association
Weiss, a consummate tinkerer who once flunked out of college, wasn't the first person to think of using an interferometer to try to detect gravitational waves. In the 1960s, U.S. physicist Robert Forward built a small interferometer for the task. However, Weiss analyzed the problem far more thoroughly and recognized the need for kilometers-long interferometers. He also identified the main sources of extraneous noise, and explained how to deal with them in an unpublished report in 1972 that became the basis for LIGO.
After overcoming his initial skepticism, Thorne championed the project and pressed Caltech to pursue gravitational wave research by hiring Drever in 1979. Thorne also shaped LIGO’s scientific goals, says Saul Teukolsky, a theorist at Cornell University. For example, early on, many physicists thought the most likely sources of gravitational waves would be supernova explosions. Thorne realized that pairs of spiraling neutron stars or black holes would be more powerful sources and encouraged experimenters to tailor LIGO to spot them, Teukolsky says. Thorne also pushed physicists to assemble a vast catalog of numerical simulations to help them spot potential signals in their data.
Barry Barish of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena.
If Weiss and Thorne conceived of LIGO, Barish made it a reality. He took over leadership of the project in 1994, when it was stalled and the National Science Foundation was thinking of canceling it. Barish expanded the LIGO collaboration, made a key design change, and saw the project through construction before stepping down in 2005. “LIGO wouldn't have happened without his leadership,” says Stanley Whitcomb, a physicist at Caltech and an original member of LIGO. “It was something that Rai[ner] and Kip couldn't do.”
Barish, too, says he's uncertain what to think of the prize. “I have somewhat ambivalent feelings about the recognition of individuals when so much of this was a team effort,” he says.
Had he lived, Drever would have shared in the prize, many physicists think, even though his difficult personality got him drummed out of LIGO in 1990. Drever invented several key elements of the LIGO design, Whitcomb says, but he was not as self-effacing as Weiss and Thorne. “It will be a cruel thing to Kip and Rai[ner] because they have to live with this [attention] for the rest of their lives,” Whitcomb says. “And it's cruel to Ron because he would have enjoyed it.”
LIGO appears to be delivering on its promise. The first discovery revealed the merger of star-sized black holes that were more massive than theorists had thought possible. Last month, researchers announced the discovery of a fourth black-hole merger that had been spotted not only by the LIGO detectors, but also by Europe’s premiere detector—the freshly upgraded Virgo detector near Pisa, Italy—which enabled scientists to better pinpoint the merger’s location on the sky. And rumors are swirling that LIGO has spotted the merger of two neutron stars in a violent explosion that was also seen by conventional telescopes. Such “multimessenger” astronomy could provide unprecedented insight into numerous astrophysical phenomena.
The one thing LIGO has yet to deliver is a surprise, Weiss notes. “We haven’t found anything that we can’t explain at all,” he says. “I hope that will happen.”
The Mystery Of Great Pyramid Of Giza Revealed In Ancient Papyrus Just Discovered
The Mystery Of Great Pyramid Of Giza Revealed In Ancient Papyrus Just Discovered
One of the most mysterious and inexplicable constructions on the planet – The Giza pyramids had kept their secrets all the way through many thousands of years. Our best archeologists and researchers around the world desperate to unravel the secret behind the method how this megalith pyramids are constructed.
The primary reason that almost all Archaeologists disagreed with it’s exactly how the components was transported to Giza, currently a part of modern-day Cairo, for construction of Pharaoh Khufu’s tomb in 2600 BC.
Exactly how could possibly people with relatively crude equipment might possibly transfer several hundreds of tons of materials from Aswan, 500 miles to the southern area each and every day?
Is the answer to thousands years old question on the ancient papyrus?
An ancient papyrus scroll that dates back to 2600BC has been recently discovered and is the only first hand account of how the pyramid was built. Image Credit: Channel 4
This question might be just answered by the new discovery of an ancient papyrus, a ceremonial vessel along with system of a waterworks had uncovered the complicated infrastructure developed by ancient builders.
Discovered in the seaport Wadi Al-Jarf this ancient papyrus written by an overseer by name Merer , it brings light on exactly how this builders managed to build this enormous megalith structures.
According to this discovery in ancient times builders used wooden boats built with planks and rope to transfer the 170,000 tones of construction material along the River Nile.
This construction material was made by 2.3 million blocks of limestone, and using ropes and slaves was dragged through long system of canals yards away from the port to the pyramid.
Khufu The Boat and his great importance
In the middle of 20 century archeologist discovered two wooden boats that looked ancient in separate carved stone near the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.
This boats identified as the world’s oldest intact boats has been described as “a masterpiece of woodcraft” that could sail today if put into water, lake and river. For long time has been thought about what exactly they were used for.
Were this boats made to take the Pharaoh on last drive into afterlife along with his equipment and possessions or was it made to serve him in his afterlife?
This boat its estimated to be from the time of second pharaoh Khufu who ruled the Egypt between 2609 BC – 2584 BC. This ancient boats were sewn together with rope, and with this technique they could easy transfer huge blocks from Aswan fall along the base of pyramids.
The reconstructed “solar barge” of Khufu
(Image:: Berthold Werner)
Using 3D laser technology the leading scientist in this area managed to reproduce the construction process of the Khufu boat. As reported by the archeologist Mark Lehner underneath the Great Pyramid was discovered a centuries-old waterway used for the same purpose.
“We’ve outlined the central canal basin, which we think was the primary delivery area to the foot of the Giza Plateau,” as he reported.
There are many questions left unanswered about the way this pyramids are constructed.
Leeding egyptologists are hoping that all remain questions soon will be answered with the help of the Ancient papyrus of Merer.
The best candidate for alien life: The planet LHS 1140b
The best candidate for alien life: The planet LHS 1140b
The super-Earth exoplanet LHS 1140b is located in the liquid water habitable zone surrounding its parent star, LHS 1140.
Planet LHS 1140b is considered to be one of the best candidates for alien life. LHS 1140b is known as a super earth and is located about 40 light-years away from the Sun and is a star, of a type known as M dwarf. It is situated in the constellation of Cetus. As seen from Earth the planet passes once in every 25 days in front of its star. Regardless of its small distance from its sun it is estimated that the planet receives about half of the light our planet receives from our Sun.
Astronomers from the MEarth project at Harvard University in the USA discovered the planet by measuring the variation of light when LHS 1140b passes between our earth and its star. The transit method.
The MEarth project which is dedicated to searching for exoplanets orbiting red dwarf stars uses two instruments to scan the heavens: he MEarth-North telescope located at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observartory located at Hopkins near Tuscon Arizona, and The MEarth-South telescope situated at the Cerro Tolodo Inter-American Observatory.
Using the High accuracy radial velocity planet searcher at the La Silla Observatory in Chillie has allowed researchers to get more information on the planet.
We are informed that, as far as is known, there are no other planets orbiting around the star but there is still space for other discoveries. Studies of other solar systems has shown that is possible for there to be more planets than the ones originally discovered.
Despite the fact that the universe is endless and full of mysteries the informations gathered about LHS 1140b makes the planet interesting in its own way and promises more great findings.
The Star Spot team’s leader Dr.Jason Dittmann is amazed by this potential alien home and he intends to learn more about it. He describes LHS 1140b as a rocky planet with diameter of 18,000 kilometers, about 1.4 times that of Earth. However, its mass is much higher, about 6.6 times that of Earth.
What makes LHS 1140b more interesting is its rotation, because it is slower and emits less high-energy radiation than similar stars and it’s at least 5 billion years old. LHS 1140b’s large size means that a magma ocean could have existed on its surface for millions of years.
Dr. Xavier Delfosse and Dr. Xavier Bonfils concluded that the LHS 1140b system might prove to be an even more important target for the future characterization of planets in the habitable zone than Proxima b or TRAPPIST-1.
The astronomers were happy to announce that LHS 1140b is really promising in seeking life forms similar to our planet in its atmosphere.
It’s amazing that we have the chance to see it pass in front of its star once every 25 days because a planet’s atmosphere filters the light from its star.
At last but not least is it said that LHS 1140b is being added to the long list of targets for observations which will be conducted with James Webb Space Telescope which, from our resources, we found out that it is scheduled to be launched in 2018. Although it is scheduled for 2018, it is already possible to explore this planet’s atmosphere with existing instruments like the Hubble Space Telescope.
The official estimation says that we need to pay attention (again) to the potential danger of an object heading to the Earth. The asteroid Florence missed the Earth on September 1st, but NASA alerts that the object that they call “2012 TC4” is approaching the Earth and its closest approach will happen on October 12th. New Yorkers will be closer to it than to Tokyo
The object is a bit smaller than Florence,however,this doesn’t help very much because it is much denser and faster. It is thousand times heavier than the Chelyabinsk meteorite that ruined a whole Russian city. The predictions are that it will make the closest approach to earth of any other asteroid of its size. To compare, imagine a watermelon (the Earth) being shot with a BB gun (the asteroid). It will get into the magma, after penetrating the crust and cause magma splashes as well as huge volcanic eruptions.
NASA’s official numbers predict that the probability of an impact is 1 in 600. However, more a coincidence occures,since NASAis holding doomsday exercises on October 12th, the exact date that the asteroid is supposed to “miss” the Earth. It is very possible that they might be just preparations and not actual exercises. Probably not many people have planned to protect themselves on this event. Those who actually have, might need to consider it. The government could be keeping this information wrapped in order not to cause panic among people.
“To develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead contribute to the betterment of society.”
That’s the mission statement of Way of the Future, a nonprofit religious corporation founded by Anthony Levandowski, the god of self-driving vehicles. He’s the engineer who built Google’s autonomous car and founded Otto, a self-driving truck company that was acquired by Uber. He’s now being sued by Alphabet, the parent company of Goggle, for allegedly stealing trade secrets and infringing on patents. Perhaps that’s why he needs an AI god.
Anthony Levandowski
“He had this very weird motivation about robots taking over the world—like actually taking over, in a military sense. It was like [he wanted] to be able to control the world, and robots were the way to do that. He talked about starting a new country on an island. Pretty wild and creepy stuff. And the biggest thing is that he’s always got a secret plan, and you’re not going to know about it.”
That quote from an engineer friend is in an article in Wired and sums up Levandowski’s view on robots … and on Way of the Future. Not much is known about the company/religion. While just discovered now, Wired found that he filed the incorporation paperwork in 2015. There doesn’t appear to be a website or anything more from Levandowski, which goes along with his reputation for “secret plans.”
Artificial intelligence alone is already feared by scientists and technology gurus like Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk, who sees AI as the antithesis of conventional religion or “summoning the devil.” Others in Silicon Valley see the singularity – when robots or AI surpass human intelligence – to be not too far off. Silicon Valley is said to be moving towards transhumanism, where the human condition is transformed and improved (saved?) by technology.
Is Way of the World already working on the next phase beyond transhumanism where AI becomes a savior and a god? All of sudden, jokes about “AI overlords” aren’t so funny anymore, especially when one considers that plenty of gods destroy many humans while selecting those qualified to be saved.
Levandowski made his name developing a self-driving car which must someday make god-like decisions when in an accident situation where it has to choose who to save and who to run over. Perhaps he’s creating this new religion out of guilt because he knows what the answer will be:
If any group or individual is going to find extraterrestrial life, chances are it will be the SETI Institute. The SETI Institute is a group of interdisciplinary researchers who have been scanning the cosmos for signs of intelligent life for over thirty years. While many false alarms and interesting anomalous signalshave been detected, SETI has yet to find conclusive proof of intelligent life outside of Earth. However, we might be getting close. According to one leading SETI scientist, we might be only a decade or two away from discovering evidence of an intelligent alien civilization.
Someone (or some thing) has to be out there, right?
That prediction was made by Seth Shostak, one of the senior astronomers at the SETI Institute in California. Shostak was interviewed at the Worlds Fair Nano in New York, a convention dedicated to futurology, cutting-edge technology, and all things visionary. Shostak told Futurism that current advances in telescopes, satellites, and data collection mean that we’re on the verge of being able to survey the stars like never before.
SETI’s Breakthrough Listen program has amassed the world’s best radio telescopes to scan for alien communications.
Shostak believes that if current trends continue, we’ll likely discover an alien race within twenty years, but that won’t necessarily mean an intergalactic handshake with little green men, however:
We may find microbial life – the kind you’d find in the corners of your bathtub. We may find that a lot sooner, but that remains to be seen. But it’s gonna happen, I think, in your lifetime. I don’t know about contact. I mean if they’re 500 light years away … you’ll hear a signal that’ll be 500 years old, and if you broadcast back ‘Hi we’re the Earthlings, how’re you doing?’ – it’ll be 1,000 years before you hear back from them. If you ever hear back from them.
Still, microbes on some desolate moon are a lot better than the thought that we might be all alone in the universe. Despite what the Fermi Paradox might say, I find it too hard to believe that in the near-infinite vastness of space, we are the only intelligent life. The big question is when – or if – we’ll ever discover other civilizations and if we’ll even recognize alien life when we see it. Of course, then there’s the question of them being friendly or not. Still, the scariest part of it all is wondering how the human race will react. If history is any guide, not well.
Ancient Kailasa Temple EXPOSED: 60 Mind-bending images of a temple CARVED out of a MOUNTAIN
Ancient Kailasa Temple EXPOSED: 60 Mind-bending images of a temple CARVED out of a MOUNTAIN
The temple itself was built out of a single rock, 164 feet deep, 109 feet wide, and 98 feet high, making it ONE of the BIGGEST MONOLITHIC structures on the planet, carved out of a single rock.
Numerous ancient sites around the globe are evidence that thousands of years ago, ancient cultures spanning from America to Asia had incredible knowledge in a number of fields.
Just as many ancient civilizations had staggering astronomical knowledge thousands of years ago, they perfected their cultures in numerous fields. One of those is engineering and architecture.
The Kailasa Temple at the Ellora Caves in Maharashtra India has fascinated researchers and tourists for centuries. This intricate temple suggests—according to many authors—that thousands of years ago, ancient cultures were far more advanced than what mainstream scholars are crediting them for.
Thousands of years ago, ancient builders were able to quarry supermassive blocks of stone—some of them with a weight of over 50 tons—transport them to various construction sites, precisely shape incredibly hard rocks like andesite, and put into position massive blocks as if the entire process was a giant puzzle.
Proof of their advanced skills is the Kailasa Temple which symbolizes Mount Kailash, the home of Lord Shiva, one of the most important ancient Hindu deities.
According to experts, the Kailasa temple is the 16th from a total of 34 caves which were literally carved out of the surrounding rock.
Mainstream scholars tell us that the ancient caves were built sometime around the fifth and tenth centuries AD, but many others disagree suggesting the caves are much older.
H.P. Blavatsky and M.K. Dhavalikar are just some of the authors who agree that we are looking at serious ancient stuff. M.K. Dhavalikar, who was a notable Indian historian, and archaeologist, author of the book ‘Ellora’, suggests the shrines and the Kailasa temple were not excavated at the same time but are the result of a construction process that belongs to a number of different periods.
But it doesn’t really matter that much how –exactly—old these ancient structures are.
What baffles experts is their incredible precision and design.
It seems very plausible that whoever built these fascinating caves thousands of years ago surely had more than just ordinary hammers, chisels, and picks.
The Kailasa temple in Ellora, Maharashtra, India is a MEGALITH carved out of a SINGLE rock. It is considered as one of the most remarkable cave temples in India, mostly because of its humongous size, architecture and sculptural implementations. In other words, it is one of the many places on Earth that proves how ancient societies—around the globe—were extremely advanced in various fields, possessing a knowledge that allowed them to erect—or carve—mind-bending structures that have remained standing for thousands of years after their creation.
Mars' Meridiani Planum, along the planet's equator, is about 29,700 square miles (77,000 square kilometers) — approximately the size of South Carolina. Deposits on Meridiani Planum can be seen in white.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Smithsonian
Giant deposits of ice may not lie hidden under the surface of Mars, between its equator and poles, as recently suggested, a new study finds.
Now Thomas Watters, lead author on a new study and planetary scientist at the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum, and his colleagues have found that at one equatorial site on Mars, evidence suggesting it may be rich in ice could just as easily mean that it has little to no ice whatsoever. [Inside Opportunity's Record-Setting Marathon Drive on Mars (Infographic)]
The researchers analyzed data collected by the MARSIS radar sounder instrument on board the European Space Agency's Mars Express spacecraft, according to the study. They focused on readings it collected from Meridiani Planum, a South Carolina-size area on Mars' equator that the Opportunity rover is currently exploring.
The MARSIS instrument transmits low-frequency radio pulses at Mars, which can penetrate the crust of the Red Planet and get reflected back when they encounter changes in density or composition.
The data from these pulses helped reveal the electrical properties of materials at Meridiani Planum. These electrical properties are often associated with ice-rich deposits, but "results from the Opportunity rover show there is little evidence to support an interpretation that Meridiani Planum deposits were ice-filled," Watters told
Although Opportunity found evidence of some minerals at Meridiani Planum that were once formed in or altered by liquid water, the surface deposits there are mainly composed of dry, volcanic sand. "The view of the Opportunity team has been that the Meridiani Planum deposits are dry," Watters said.Watters and his colleagues found that other materials could have been compacted beneath Mars' surface to create an ice-like signal: The data from Meridiani Planum could be explained if the materials were thick layers of ice-free, porous, windblown, volcanic sand. "Many of the recently identified non-polar deposits interpreted to be ice-rich may contain little or no ice at all," Watters said.
The contours of Meridiani Planum may have made it ideal at trapping such windblown sands, the researchers said in the study. The relatively low gravity of Mars and the cold, dry climate that has dominated the planet for billions of years may then have allowed thick sand deposits to remain porous, they added.
These new insights from Meridiani Planum may help researchers identify areas with and without ice that future missions to Mars can access. "The search for accessible ice in the low latitudes of Mars is becoming a major goal in support of future human exploration and the potential for the colonization of Mars," Watters said.
'Alien Megastructure' Ruled Out for Some of Star's Weird Dimming
'Alien Megastructure' Ruled Out for Some of Star's Weird Dimming
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Artist's illustration depicting a hypothetical dust ring orbiting KIC 8462852, also known as Boyajian’s Star or Tabby's Star.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
There's a prosaic explanation for at least some of the weirdness of "Tabby's star," it would appear.
The bizarre long-term dimming of Tabby's star — also known as Boyajian's star, or, more formally, KIC 8462852 — is likely caused by dust, not a giant network of solar panels or any other "megastructure" built by advanced aliens, a new study suggests.
Astronomers came to this conclusion after noticing that this dimming was more pronounced in ultraviolet (UV) than infrared light. Any object bigger than a dust grain would cause uniform dimming across all wavelengths, study team members said. [13 Ways to Hunt Intelligent Aliens]
"This pretty much rules out the alien megastructure theory, as that could not explain the wavelength-dependent dimming," lead author Huan Meng of the University of Arizona said in a statement. "We suspect, instead, there is a cloud of dust orbiting the star with a roughly 700-day orbital period."
Strange brightness dips
KIC 8462852, which lies about 1,500 light-years from Earth, has generated a great deal of intrigue and speculation since 2015. That year, a team led by astronomer Tabetha Boyajian (hence the star's nicknames) reported that KIC 8462852 had dimmed dramatically several times over the past half-decade or so, once by 22 percent.
No orbiting planet could cause such big dips, so researchers began coming up with possible alternative explanations. These included swarms of comets or comet fragments, interstellar dust and the famous (but unlikely) alien-megastructure hypothesis.
The mystery deepened after the initial Boyajian et al. study. For example, other research groups found that, in addition to the occasional short-term brightness dips, Tabby's star dimmed overall by about 20 percent between 1890 and 1989. In addition, a 2016 paper determined that its brightness decreased by 3 percent from 2009 to 2013.
The new study, which was published online Tuesday (Oct. 3) in The Astrophysical Journal, addresses such longer-term events.
From January 2016 to December 2016, Meng and his colleagues (who include Boyajian) studied Tabby's star in infrared and UV light using NASA's Spitzer and Swift space telescopes, respectively. They also observed it in visible light during this period using the 27-inch-wide (68 centimeters) telescope at AstroLAB IRIS, a public observatory near the Belgian village of Zillebeke.
The observed UV dip implicates circumstellar dust — grains large enough to stay in orbit around Tabby's star despite the radiation pressure but small enough that they don't block light uniformly in all wavelengths, the researchers said.
Mysteries remain
The new study does not solve all of KIC 8462852's mysteries, however. For example, it does not address the short-term 20 percent brightness dips, which were detected by NASA's planet-hunting Kepler space telescope. (Kepler is now observing a different part of the sky during its K2 extended mission and will not follow up on Tabby's star for the forseeable future.)
And a different study — led by Joshua Simon of the Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Pasadena, California — just found that Tabby's star experienced two brightening spells over the past 11 years. (Simon and his colleagues also determined that the star has dimmed by about 1.5 percent from February 2015 to now.)
"Up until this work, we had thought that the star's changes in brightness were only occurring in one direction — dimming," Simon said in a statement. "The realization that the star sometimes gets brighter in addition to periods of dimming is incompatible with most hypotheses to explain its weird behavior."
Unusual behavior coming from the star known as KIC 8462852, Boyajian’s Star, or Tabby’s Star for short, has caused plenty of hypotheses to circulate about what could be causing apparent dimming there. The star, nicknamed for the lead author on the original paper on the star Tabetha Boyajian, goes through dips in brightness which have been observed from Earth. The brightness dips have eliminated up to 20 percent of the brightness in just days. The star also goes through longer dimming periods.
But new evidence from NASA instruments, studied by researchers, suggests that the dimming can be attributed to an uneven dust cloud moving around the star, effectively blocking some of its light from observers.
Tabby's Star, or KIC 8462852, seen in an illustration from NASA.
Photo: NASA
This theory is grounded in scientific data, while other are not. There’s one theory that the star varies in brightness because there’s an alien superstructure inside of the star harvesting energy from it, said NASA in a press release. Another theory is that the star cosmically swallowed an unstable planet. But these theories are quite unlikely.
New information gathered using the Spitzer and Swift missions in addition to the Belgian AstroLAB IRIS observatory support the theory that the dimming is caused by a moving cloud. By observing the planet in infrared and ultraviolet light separately, researchers found that there was more dimming in the infrared spectrum than in the visible wavelengths. The researchers involved expect that the cloud is orbiting the star about every 700-days or so.
The detailed findings were published in the Astrophysical Journal on Tuesday. The researchers found that the objects causing the dimming at Tabby’s Star are likely tiny, just a few micrometers in diameter, but still large enough that they would stay in orbit around the star. This dust is called circumstellar dust and the reason it merely dims is that it’s not quite large enough to block all light from a star like Tabby’s Star, said the release from NASA.
Amateur scientists and citizen scientists played a role in the research that led to the most recent conclusion. Some people involved had no formal training, said NASA, but their observations and work on publicly available data helped the researchers come to their final conclusions that were published.
The dust explains the longer-term dimming events, but they don’t full explain the shorter-term events. To figure out those events, NASA will need to do more research on the star. One hypothesis is that they’re due to a “swarm of comets,” a common source of dust.
New telescopes will be necessary to study Tabby’s star because those that were trained on it earlier, like the Kepler, have moved on to other areas of space, said NASA.
This illustration depicts a hypothetical uneven ring of dust orbiting KIC 8462852, also known as Boyajian’s Star or Tabby’s Star. (NASA / JPL-Caltech Illustration)
Are aliens building a huge energy-generating megastructure around a weirdly dimming star? That way-out hypothesis has suffered another blow, thanks to a study that draws upon infrared as well as ultraviolet observations.
The star, known as KIC 8462852 or Tabby’s Star, first came to attention two years ago when citizen scientists sifting through data from NASA’s Kepler space telescope noticed some unusually drastic dips in its brightness. The star’s nickname comes from Tabetha “Tabby” Boyajian, the Yale astronomer who oversaw those observations.
Another astronomer, Penn State’s Jason Wright, mused that the data could be explained by the construction of a huge orbital structure known as a Dyson sphere — although he cautioned that “aliens should always be the very last hypothesis you consider.”
Since then, however, the alien hypothesis has been very much considered — along with more mundane explanations such as swarms of comets, stellar variability or clouds of gas and dust. Further observations found that KIC 8462852, which is about 1,500 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus, has been going through a long-term dimming trend.
Astronomers analyzed data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope and Swift spacecraft, as well as from the Belgian AstroLAB IRIS observatory, and compared the levels of dimming in infrared vs. ultraviolet wavelengths.
They found that the ultraviolet light dimmed significantly more than the infrared light. That fits the pattern for starlight shining through a haze of dust particles no bigger than about a ten-thousandth of an inch.
The effect is similar to the way the sun reddens in a smoky sky, as was the case in the Pacific Northwest during this summer’s wildfire season. Tiny particles scatter more light in the bluer, shorter-wavelength part of the spectrum, and less light on the redder, longer-wavelength side.
The researchers said a similar effect appears to be at work around Tabby’s Star.
“This pretty much rules out the alien megastructure theory, as that could not explain the wavelength-dependent dimming,” lead author Huan Meng of the University of Arizona said in a NASA news release. “We suspect, instead, there is a cloud of dust orbiting the star with a roughly 700-day orbital period.”
Tabby’s Star is just one among millions in this image from the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae. (Carnegie Institution for Science / ASAS-SN Image / Benjamin Shappee)
The explanation applies to the long-term dimming, but not necessarily to the shorter-term changes in brightness. Those changes could be due to a swarm of comets, or variations in stellar activity, or the breakup of a planet orbiting the star … or even, heaven help us, alien shenanigans.
Meng and his colleagues favor the comet-swarm hypothesis, because passing comets could contribute fine-grained material to orbiting dust clouds.
Yet another study, led by astronomers Josh Simon and Benjamin Shappee at the Carnegie Institution for Science, adds to the intrigue.
The researchers analyzed more than a decade’s worth of observations from the All Sky Automated Survey and the high-precision All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae — and found that Tabby’s Star has gone through periods of significant brightening as well as dimming.
Simon and Shappee said their findings support the view that Tabby’s Star is worth keeping watch on.
“We haven’t solved the mystery yet,” Simon said in a news release. “But understanding the star’s long-term changes is a key piece of the puzzle.”
The first time I heard about Nova Scotia's Shag Harbour UFO incident was about six years ago when a Celtic guitarist with long white hair and a glass eyeball was telling me about it at a house party in Halifax.
As he regaled the fateful day back in 1967 that plagued a sleepy fishing village in rural Nova Scotia with a mystery still unsolved, I became more and more entranced (it didn't help that, at the time, Ancient Aliens was my televised Bible).
My interest grew, and my research furthered as the years went on, and I found out there was an annual festival held at the location of the incident, and that 2017 would mark its 50-year anniversary.
Having never been to Shag Harbour before, I figured it was as good an excuse as any to make my inaugural pilgrimage to the village that was going to celebrate the half-century milestone since an inexplicable flying object fell out of the sky and into the ocean on October 4, 1967. So, I hopped in my car and drove 300 kilometers southwest from Halifax, hoping the truth would be out there.
Shag Harbour Sign
Driving into Shag Harbour is not unlike driving into many of the Maritimes' rural fishing towns—its seaside main road peppered with old wooden boats, old wooden docks, and old wooden homes, all of which are slowly decaying form the salt air. It is quiet, quaint, and completely beautiful, albeit a little tragic to anyone coming from away.
As I continued to drive, I began to notice nondescript signs nailed to telephone poles and churches advertising things like "Lobster Supper," "Baked Bean Supper," "Wednesday Night Kitchen Party," and "UFO Crash Site." You know—normal, fishing village stuff. When I arrived in town, it was the second day of the annual UFO festival, and despite the placidity of the sea and the aged state of everything, the air was electric.
I went straight to the day's main event—a witness panel at the local community center, which was decorated with streamers, balloons, and dozens of old white people. The woman at the registration desk was knitting. She set it aside for a moment and wrote "PRESS PASS" on a small square piece of paper and handed it to me, smiling. I walked into the stucco-ceiling'd, cement-floored room—where I can only imagine every single wedding reception, cribbage tournament, and Knights of Columbus meeting has taken place for the past 60 years—glanced over the UFO memorabilia merchandise table at the back, and made myself comfortable for what would be a two-hour witness testimonial session.
The panel featured firsthand accounts from several people involved in the infamous incident—including eyewitness testimonies from Shag Harbour locals, as well as one from a commercial pilot who was flying a plane at the time of the incident.
As the story goes, on the night of October 4, 1967, a handful of local residents saw a low-flying, brightly lit object head toward Shag Harbour before it quickly crashed into the sea, where it sank before anyone could get to it. It was first reported to authorities as a plane crash by Laurie Wickens—who would become one of the event's key witnesses.
"We went right to the phone booth and called the police and reported a plane crash, and the officer didn't believe me [at first], so I hung up," Wickens, now 67, testified to a crowd of keen onlookers. "But he had gotten the number for the phone booth, so as I made my way back to my car, the phone booth rang, and he wanted to know where [the crash] was, and we told him to meet us. So as we were going back there to meet him, we could see the light drifting in the water, and then me and [my friend] watched the light until it went out."
Shag Harbour DND Memo
Ralph Loewinger was co-piloting a cargo plane from New York to London that same night, and saw the event unfold from a different perspective.
"I just happened to be looking in the right direction, and I saw this formation of bluish-white lights, slanted from upper left to lower right, and I said, 'Ooh—watch this guy,'" he told the room. "And the other two [in the cockpit] looked. I remember the captain's hands and my hands both went for the control yoke—because we figured we were going to have to dodge this guy, he's going right at it."
"And it looked like a big airplane at the time, like a B-52 or a 707, with all of its lights on—there were about five lights, I remember—and he was in a position relative to us of a guy making a left-hand turn, and that would have him crossing our bow. So we were waiting, and these lights just hung there—they did not cross our bow. And I remember the three of us were looking at it, and we said, 'What is this?' And we couldn't discern what it was. I called Boston and asked if they still had us on radar, and he said, 'Yeah,' and I said, 'Well, who's this at 11 o'clock?' He watched the sweep on his radar scope, and he says, 'I don't have anybody out there.' And I said, 'Well, I'm looking at somebody.'"
Norman Smith was a teenager in Shag Harbour in 1967. On the night of the incident, he saw the lights in the sky, and then followed them until they crashed into the water before he, his father, and his uncle hopped in a fishing boat on an immediate rescue mission.
"We were looking for people and debris," he said during the witness panel. "And we went up to the vicinity of where it was, and we didn't find anything, no piece of material or anything in the water, except for a long streak of foam—yellowish orange foam—which was four to six inches thick, on the water. We searched that all night, then the Coast Guard came, and all we did was go back and forth all night long. I was out again the next day, the divers were there, [and] we stayed there for the better part of the day then gave up and went home. We didn't find anything, and the divers didn't find anything that we could see, so we went home."
"I can't tell you what came down or what landed in the water—if it was a plane or if it was a UFO, I don't know—but there definitely was something that came down out of the sky and landed in the water. I can still see it. I'd like to see it again, I really, really would. [But] I don't know what it was and I probably never will."
For days following the incident, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Coast Guard, the Royal Canadian Navy, and local fishing boats all scoured the area for survivors or debris, but no trace of anything was ever found.
Captain Ronnie Newell was the skipper aboard the Coast Guard Cutter 101. He said they mobilized within ten minutes of receiving a call from the Rescue Coordination Center in Halifax that a plane had went down.
"We searched that night on the ocean, pretty much the whole rest of the night [but] we didn't see anything," he recalled to the festival crowd. "We were back the next morning—we brought divers down for two days at that time, and they didn't bring up anything that we [saw]. So I can't tell you anything more than that. I'm not saying that it wasn't [a UFO], but it's just that we didn't see anything. Other than the foam that was on the water—but that's all we did see."
Crash site
On October 9, five days after the mysterious object sank off the shoreline and into the abyss, the UFO search had been called off, after extensive efforts turned up nothing. Of course, some will argue that evidence could have been found and was concealed from the public eye—which is somewhat plausible, especially when one considers the fact that there was a secret US military base monitoring subterranean and underwater frequencies for Russian submarine activity just 30 minutes from the crash site.
One of the panelists at the 50 anniversary festival was Bill Boudreau—who worked at this secret base—which was disguised as an oceanographic institute—for 25 years.
"They picked up the crash here in the harbour almost as soon as it happened," he alleged during the witness testimonies.
It's no wonder conspiracy theorists like to have a heyday with this particular UFO event, because, quite frankly, there does seem to be a lot of ammo.
Diver David Cvet—another panelist at the festival—has been surveying the ocean floor of the harbour for years, and claimed he's discovered underwater anomalies, or depressions, in the area where the crash is said to have taken place.
"The point of these dive expeditions is to figure out what these anomalies are—it may or may not support the Shag Harbour Incident—but that's not the point," Cvet told the room. "The fact is that these anomalies do physically exist."
It's here where the USO (unidentified submerged object) theory comes into play.
Interpretive Centre
Cvet described the depression as a dinner plate, with the center being about a foot deep. "It was perfectly round," he said. "A perfect circle. And the covering of this depression was comprised of pebbles two to four centimeters in size. So where are the big rocks? Where are the plants? Where are the scallops, the lobsters, the silt? There was nothing. It was absolutely clear—like someone had swept it the day before."
Noah Morritt is one of the Shag Harbour UFO Festival event directors. He's also a PhD student studying folklore at Memorial University in Newfoundland writing his dissertation on the Shag Harbour Incident. His interest in the event stems from the identity of the community itself and how its people are still grappling with what happened half a century ago.
"[It] left this community with the challenge of, 'so what's a UFO? So they've spent the past 50 years trying to figure out what this is," he said.
But despite countless hours spent studying the town, the history of the event and immersing himself directly in the culture, Morritt is still stumped as to what exactly it was that so many witnesses reported seeing that night.
"There's lots of interpretation of what it was, from flares to some kind of government satellite, or government aircraft, or extraterrestrial aircraft—there's been a whole range of stuff. I have not a clue [what it was]—no idea," he said.
After hearing the eyewitness accounts at the community center that day, I began to make my way out of town, but stopped first at the commemorative crash site just a few minutes up the road. It was here I met Norman Brown, who drove 600 kilometers from Miramichi, New Brunswick, for his first-ever visit to Shag Harbour. When I asked him what drew him to this year's event, he began to tell me his own story of a peculiar sighting he encountered when he was 18 years old off the coast of New Brunswick—just 200 kilometres straight across the Bay of Fundy—that same first week of October in 1967.
"That same night [on October 4]—or it may have been the night before or two nights before—it sounds very much exactly like the spacecraft or UFO that we saw. I firmly believe it was either the same craft, or if there was more than one, it was one that was with them at the time," he told VICE.
"I have no idea what was manning it, or where it was from, but I can tell you that it was no kind of a spacecraft that the Canadian or US Navy or Air Force could have had at that time. There was no sound, [it was] pitch black, glowing a bit—nothing could just hover as steady as that was. It was stationary, [and] you could see it very clear. It was just over top of the trees maybe a couple hundred feet in the air, on a little bit of an angle, and then all of a sudden it just took off with incredible speed, and as it got going you could see the lights getting smaller and smaller and smaller and—gone."
Brown—who admitted that, before his encounter, he did not believe in spaceship sightings—said he hasn't seen anything like that since.
"When I heard stories of people seeing stuff like this in the sixties, I thought, no way, you're crazy, you're making it up." he said. But when I saw it myself, from that point on, I knew that these stories had to be true, because I saw it myself, and I knew it wasn't something from this earth."
Witness Panel
The people and the identity of Shag Harbour have been completely consumed by the events that happened on the night of October 4, 1967. Whether it was from this world or not, whatever fell out of the sky and into the water 50 years ago, has left this village—and researchers, officials, and the public at large—completely stumped as to what exactly it was. At least that's the official story.
There is no closure, and all the witnesses—and the rest of the world—have, are their stories, their unwavering convictions in what they saw, and the sliver of hope that maybe someday, it might come back.
As for me—I was happy to have met the people of this beautiful, dying place, but I was also happy to get back on the road.
As I drove out of Shag Harbour, I saw those old wooden boats and homes and wondered if they'd still be here in another 50 years or whether this would just be another Maritime ghost town with a wonderful and weird past.
There are thousands of reports of strange lights in the skies, even of close contact with apparent vehicles from other parts of the galaxy. But reports of such craft crash-landing and being recovered by our collective governments are a little more few and far between—not to mention a lot less believed.
Regardless, there are many claims of such instances where alien vehicles, technology, and even dead extraterrestrials have ended up in the possession of a select few at the very top (and dark) reaches of world governments. Here are ten of them; make of them what you will.
10. The Paradise Valley Incident - Arizona, 1947
The origins of the Paradise Valley incident are dubious to many, not least because they come mainly from UFO author Frank Scully, whose sources were questionable according to some. Others defend Scully, stating he was a genuine UFO researcher who was, on occasion, purposely fed disinformation. One of these is one-time leading UFO researcher Timothy Good, who claimed to have met a witness to the incident, Selman E. Graves, four decades after it happened.[1]
According to Graves, in October 1947, he and several friends arrived at the home of Walt Sayler in order to participate in a preplanned hunt. Sayler would inform them that the area they had planned to hunt in was “restricted” by the military, who were conducting some kind of unknown activity. A little bemused, Graves and two of the group decided to check out some mines in the area, before meeting up with Sayler and the rest in a new destination. While at the mines, which had a view of the entire off-limits area, Graves could indeed see military activity, including many soldiers near a “large, aluminum dome” that resembled the top of an observatory.
Only when Graves read Scully’s account years later did he come to believe that the “observatory dome” was in fact a crashed UFO. According to Scully, an ex-military member of the public had alerted the military to the craft. Graves believes that person was Walt Sayler, who was a military veteran. In a (further) bizarre twist to the account, urban legend states that the crash site is now the Dreamy Draw Dam recreation area, the downed craft destroyed and covered over due its sheer size of and the military’s inability to move it covertly.
9. UFO Crashes Near Kingman Airport - Arizona, 1953
On the evening of May 21, 1953, around 13 kilometers (8 mi) to the northeast of Kingman Airport in Arizona, an unidentified craft allegedly crashed to Earth.[2] The military quickly sealed off the area and recovered the debris, moving the wreckage to one of two military bases, either the infamous Area 51 in Nevada or Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. (Claims vary.) Government officials discreetly rounded up somewhere close to 40 scientists in various fields, and after having them sign secrecy papers, they transported them (in a windowless bus if some sources are to be believed) to where the craft, and its crew, were being housed so that they could better understand both.
According to researcher and author Preston Dennett, one such scientist, Arthur Stancil, would state to Dennett that their investigations would conclude that “the craft struck the ground at 1,200 miles per hour, but was strangely undamaged and definitely not human-made.” Stancil would further describe the object as “tear-drop shaped [ . . . ] like a streamlined cigar.” Another scientist who spoke with Dennett, Leonard Stringfield, claimed that he managed to get a look inside the crashed craft, witnessing with his own eyes “the dead body of a four foot human-like creature in a silver metallic suit.”
The incident was largely kept under wraps by the military until Frank Scully lit the fuse that would bring apparently legitimate witnesses forward to other UFO researchers.
8. The Kalahari Incident - South Africa, 1989
According to reports made by Quest International in the early 1990s, an unknown craft entered South African airspace on May 7, 1989, and was ultimately shot down by intercepting Mirage fighter jets, crashing in the Kalahari Desert near the border with Botswana.[3] The South African military quickly retrieved the craft, noting how their electrical equipment faltered as they did so. Once the UFO was recovered, the area of the crash, some of which featured sand and rock fused together due to intense temperatures, was covered over with fresh sand and dirt to hide any disturbance.
According to leaked papers, two crew members were discovered inside the craft following the retrieval team forcing open a hatch on the shiny, silver, and smooth material of its exterior. Both of these extraterrestrials were still alive, according to the reports. Each wore a tight one-piece suit and had heads much larger and out of proportion to their otherwise thin bodies. Each being was around 122 to 152 centimeters (4′–5′) tall.
According to UFO researcher Tony Dodd, the United States would trade the South African government nuclear technology (something international law forbade them to do) in return for the crippled craft and the two alien beings. Furthermore, Dodd’s “source” claimed that a third alien being was withheld by the South African government and was unknown to the Americans. According to the source, that being was taken to Camp 13, an apparent top secret base near the Kalahari Desert.
7. ‘Empty’ Craft Recovered In The Desert - Utah, 1958
One of the many supposed government files released as part of the Sirius Disclosure Project was that of a downed UFO in a nonspecific location somewhere in the deserts of Utah.[4] The crash happened sometime in 1958 and was recovered successfully by a military unit and was quickly determined to be of alien origin.
That is quite an assertion, given that according to the files, no alien bodies were found. That brings up several questions in itself. How did the military determine it was an “alien craft” if no extraterrestrial bodies were discovered? Did they have previous experience with such things? Was the UFO some kind of drone and simply didn’t contain any live pilots? Or, assuming the craft was intelligently guided, where had the pilots gone? Were they wandering around the Utah desert?
Regarding the actual craft, it was claimed in the files that it was a “technological marvel” and had been analyzed by the “best aerospace scientists” available, but understanding the alien object was still a goal to be realized. They did however, obtain “a large volume of technological data” from this specific recovery. What that data might be or how it might have been used is, of course, anybody’s guess.
6. The Berwyn Mountain Incident - Wales, 1974
Although the official explanation was an earthquake and a meteorite no less, the disturbance was allegedly confirmed to be a UFO encounter following the release of government UFO records almost 40 years later.[5] Of course, many UFO researchers have conducted extensive research on the case, and between their collective accounts and the declassified files, a fuller picture of what appears to have transpired is available.
A huge explosion rang out from the Berwyn Mountains in Wales at shortly after 8:30 PM on January 23, 1974. The boom registered 3.5 on the Richter Scale, with the British Geological Survey stating the disturbance was “likely” an earthquake. Local residents weren’t so sure.
Margaret Fry, respected UFO researcher, spent considerable time at the scene as it unfolded. She spoke to many locals, all of whom reported hearing a loud explosion that made the ground shake. Very few accepted the earthquake theory. One of them, a nurse named Pat Evans, was driving near the area of the apparent impact that evening. She recalled seeing a pulsating orange glow on the hillside and stated “It had to be a UFO of some sorts!”
Fry would also tell of speaking to local hotel and bar managers in the days following the incident. One particular hotel manager spoke of an influx of American military personnel to the area and of the woodlands near the site being completely sealed off.
In his book Alien Investigator, Tony Dodd revealed a conversation he had with a whistle-blower who claimed to have transported “live alien beings” sealed in advanced chemical containers to Porton Down, well-known to some in the UFO and conspiracy fields who believe such otherworldly beings reside within the walls of the facility.
5. Aztec Crash - New Mexico, 1948
The supposed UFO crash in Aztec, New Mexico, on March 25, 1948, was considered to be a complete fabrication for decades, even by many in the UFO community. The account—another incident that traces its roots back to the controversial Frank Scully—tells of a crippled craft recovered by the US military and moved to various bases over a two-week period. (Such was the size of it.) Perhaps most controversial (or bizarre, depending on your perspective) are the claims that up to 16 dead alien bodies were said to have been discovered (and transported) from the crash site.
The incident has been examined by various researchers over the years, and apparent “further supportive” evidence to the original account would result in the 2015 book The Aztec UFO Incident, by Scott and Suzanne Ramsey and Dr. Frank Thayer.[6] Not only did they present recently (at the time) declassified intelligence documents supporting the claims but also numerous witnesses who all repeated the same thing: They were required, often under duress, to sign secrecy waivers concerning what they had witnessed.
4. Strange Creature Discovered In Gdynia - (Soviet) Poland, 1959
In early 1959 in Cold War–era Poland (then under the control of the Soviet Union), a strange “radiant object” was seen falling to Earth by several witnesses, appearing to vanish in the dark waters of the harbor.[7]
Reports were made, and while the Polish Navy did discover an apparent piece of wreckage, which was sent for further study, nothing else was found. The area around the harbor was nonetheless placed under military guard. This was still the case several days later, when a “strange silhouette” was reported dragging itself from the water and lying, exhausted and weakened, on the sand.
According to reports, “the man” didn’t speak any known language, and he appeared to have suffered severe burns to his face. His body was covered by some kind of uniform. When he was further examined at a local hospital, doctors could not remove the clothing, as there were no obvious zips or fasteners, and the material, while thin and soft to the touch, was as strong as metal.
Accounts differ as to the exact details of how the man came to his end and whether he was indeed from another world, but it appears he did die shortly after his discovery. Assuming for one moment that the account is true, the remains of the being are said to be somewhere in an underground bunker under the streets of Moscow.
3. Laredo Crash - Texas, 1948
According to reports in the book Fallen Angel—UFO Crash Near Laredo, Texas, by Noe Torres, two fully armed US military aircraft gave chase to a large “silver-disc shaped” craft of unknown origin, before witnessing the apparently otherworldly object go crashing into the ground near Laredo, Texas, on July 7, 1948.[8]
The military would soon seal off the area, and a special “retrieval team” was sent to obtain the crippled spaceship so that it might be inspected in secret. According to Torres, the UFO was taken to a secret military base in San Antonio. Further adding to the overall mystery and fascination of the account was that the “badly burned body of a non-human entity” was also taken into the possession of the US military.
Although there were persistent rumors of the encounter, both in the UFOcommunity and locally in Laredo, it was not until the late 1970s that the story began to gain nationwide attention when, amid the sudden popularity of UFOs and aliens in pop culture, various UFO magazines began to pick up on the incident, consequently bringing forth “whistle-blowers” who would confirm the event.
2. Battle Between UFOs - Russia, 1989
An absolute plethora of UFO sightings occurred behind the Iron Curtain in the Cold War days. However, many of them were not reported until after the fall of the Berlin Wall (often many years after they happened). Given the fact that the Soviet regime most often told their citizens that such sightings were the work of the “evil United States” (and so much disinformation ensued), perhaps such reports need an extra pinch of salt. That being said, an incident that is claimed to have happened on September 16, 1989, is too intriguing for most UFO enthusiasts to ignore.[9]
On this evening, not only did an otherworldly craft fall to Earth, but a full-on “alien battle” ensued beforehand. Over the port of Zaostrovka on the River Kama, several “silver disc” UFOs attacked a different “darker coloured craft,” firing “beams of light” at it, forcing it to crash in a military training ground. Dozens of people apparently saw the battle, and all electricity in the area ceased to work.
The crashed UFO was guarded in the swampland it had fallen into until late November, when the cold weather froze the swamps and allowed Soviet troops to investigate further. All that is known is that the four troops who were sent to investigate the craft soon became “extremely ill” with suspected radiation sickness, and the area was consequently sealed off.
Shortly after midnight on January 20, 1996, reports of a strange, glowing craft “crashing to the ground” were received by authorities in Varginha, Brazil.[10]Unknown to residents at the time was that the Brazilian military was also tracking a UFO entering their airspace.
As bizarre as these events undoubtedly were, even weirder were the reports that emergency departments began receiving of a “strange creature” roaming around the area. Originally treating the reports as a hoax or prank, the authorities (or those representing them) were said to be as surprised as the locals when they came face-to-face with the “dazed and confused” otherworldly being.
The extraterrestrial was quickly captured and held before the Brazilian military took possession of it. From there, the trail goes cold, and those suspected of having performed studies and eventual autopsies on the creature deny any involvement. Whether intentionally or not, the incident is now widely regarded as a hoax.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Travis Walton is an American logger who was allegedly abducted by a UFO on November 5, 1975, while working with a logging crew in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Walton could not be found, but reappeared after a five-day search.
The Walton case received mainstream publicity and remains one of the best-known instances of alleged alien abduction. UFO historian Jerome Clark writes that "Few abduction reports have generated as much controversy" as the Walton case. It is furthermore one of the very few alleged alien abduction cases with some corroborative eyewitnesses.
In 1993, Walton's book was adapted into a film, Fire in the Sky, directed by Robert Lieberman and starring D. B. Sweeney as Travis Walton. The film found "Moderate success, mixed reviews, and ufologists 'complaints about its inaccuracies and exaggerations." Especially inaccurate was the portion of the film detailing his time on the UFO; it bears almost no resemblance to the original narrative.
This is the story of Travis Walton, from Travis Walton. If you ever had the chance to catch the movie "Fire in the Sky" then you know the story of Travis, and what he claims happened to him. But if you are like us, we were a little surprised to find out how much of the movie was not what Travis actually had said happened to him. I mean we understand making things work in a film. But changing what he actually said, about something like this.... The story alone was very good. From the time of his abduction until his return, you get a bit of a different story when you hear it strait from Travis.
And if you are not familiar with this story. We would strongly urge you to take a listen.µ
In 1969, the U.S. Air Force closed down their “Project Blue Book” investigation of “Unidentified Flying Objects” by claiming their evaluations of more than 12,000 sightings had not yielded a single instance where a UFO had ever posed a threat to national security, nor demonstrated technology “beyond the range of present day scientific knowledge”, nor been categorized as extraterrestrial. Headquartered at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio where legend long suggests recovered salvage from the 1947 Roswell incident was taken for further research and development, all of the project’s declassified records were allegedly transferred to the National Archives and Records Service.
Photograph of the The National Archives, taken by Nick Cooper 3 February, 2007.
(Credit: Nick Cooper/Wikimedia Commons)
But did the Air Force really shut down the project, or just move it into a private sphere where the public could be kept at arm’s length? A handful of government documents have slipped out over the years pointing to the latter scenario. A look back at Project Blue Book is insightful here, for knowledge of how the project evolved remains relevant to modern assessments as well as the effort to gauge what current high-level insiders might know. Historical information indicates that the Army Air Force took serious attention to UFOs when reports of “foo fighters” started coming in from pilots during World War II. Further sightings at military installations in 1947 led to classified orders that UFO reports be sent to division offices at Wright-Patterson Air Field where General Nathan Twining was selected to oversee any type of evaluation.
Twining authored the now legendary September 23, 1947 classified memo to Air Force General George Schulgen in which he responded to a request for information about “flying saucer sightings” by reporting his team’s opinion that, “The phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious.” This apparently catalyzed the Air Force’s decision to open an official investigation into the UFO phenomenon, as Project Sign was then established near the end of 1947. Major General L. C. Craigie sent a directive to Twining to collect and evaluate information “concerning sightings and phenomena in the atmosphere which can be construed to be of concern to the national security.”
General Nathan Twining, author of the September 23, 1947 memo. He later earned a fourth star and became USAF Chief of Staff — and then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
A precursor to Project Blue Book, Project Sign was where Ohio State University astronomy professor Dr. J. Allen Hynek first became involved with the government study of UFOs. Hynek was contracted by the project to analyze UFO reports and determine if objects observed were misidentified astronomical phenomena. Generally skeptical, Hynek still found that roughly 20 percent of the reports could not be explained in such a manner.
In History of the United States Air Force Programs by Thomas Tulien, we learn that Project Sign’s studies led to an intelligence “estimate of the situation” in the fall of 1948 which suggested that flying objects ranging from pilot Kenneth Arnold’s famous Washington sighting to those witnessed by personnel at Muroc AFB, Rapid City AFB (now Ellsworth AFB), and Los Alamos Laboratory were interplanetary spacecraft (a conclusion largely based around the spectacular maneuvers reported, beyond the scope of modern quantum physics). Upper brass such as Director of Intelligence Maj. General Charles Cabell and Air Force Chief of Staff General Hoyt S. Vandenberg didn’t care for that assessment however, leading to a political battle for control of the project between the Pentagon and the Air Force. This tussle was won by the Pentagon, with Project Sign ordered to send all case files to the Pentagon and USAF Scientific Advisory Board for further assessment.
General Hoyt Vandenberg
Project Sign staff were soon transferred or reassigned and Project Grudge was launched in the early part of 1949, with a new staff and a directive that UFO reports could be explained with conventional reasoning. Project Grudge wasn’t nearly as active in conducting studies as Project Sign, yet those pesky UFOs still refused to disappear. New project director Lt. Edward J. Ruppelt sought out Hynek again for help interpreting UFO reports, however over time Hynek’s position began to evolve as he realized that the unexplained 20 percent presented a genuine scientific challenge.
Yet, General Cabell ultimately became discontent with Project Grudge’s lack of substantive analysis and re-organized the project again in the spring of 1952, forming Project Blue Book. This was soon followed by one the most notable UFO incidents in American history, when a wave of sightings hit Washington D.C. in late July. Air Force Director of Intelligence Maj. General John Samford held the Pentagon’s largest press conference since World War II to dismiss the sightings as a result of “temperature inversion”, but President Truman meanwhile directed the CIA to start looking into the matter. This led to the formation of the Robertson Panel, which quickly came to conclusions in 1953 which were similar to that of Project Grudge in claiming there was no evidence of a direct threat to national security and that the the Air Force should work to demystify UFOs. The Panel also concluded that “the continued emphasis on the reporting of these phenomena does, in these parlous times, result in a threat to the orderly functioning of the protective organs of the body politic.” This issue of government sovereignty being threatened by the existence of extraterrestrial visitors has haunted Ufology ever since (and was the subject of an academic paper “Sovereignty and the UFO” by Alexander Wendt and Bud Duvall that was first presented at The Ohio State University’s Mershon Center for International Security Studies in 2006.)
Edward Ruppelt (standing center) at July 29, 1952 Pentagon UFO press conference. Also pictured, Major Generals Roger Ramey (seated left), USAF operations chief, and John A. Samford (seated right), USAF director of intelligence.
(image credit: Wikipedia)
While there were many extraordinary UFO incidents that occurred during the Blue Book era that were not included in the study, some of the most compelling UFO encounters in history are among the 12,000 cases. The actual number of “unknowns” (regarded as unexplained) has changed over the years, with the Air Force originally noting 701 as the “official number”, though only listing at first 564 in declassified documents, and later with FOIA releases revealing an actual number of over 1,500. The majority of these unknowns involve highly credible professional witnesses, many with the military. They include; 1952 San Marcos Air Force Base involving at least 6 Air Force personell; 1959 Bunker Hill Air Force Base encounter involving mutiple Airmen and an attempted intercept by a jet; 1964, Socorro, New Mexico case involving police officer Lonnie Zamora; and the 1968 airborne encounter with a pilot near Ocala, Florida with radar confirmation.
While publicly the Air Force was actively trying to get ot the bottom of UFO’s, privately they were utilizing Blue Book to now turn away from attempting to investigate the nature of the phenomenon and focus on the public relations issues of trying to downplay them. Hynek however was still embedded with Blue Book and did not concur with the Robertson Panel. He was determined to take on a role as an open-minded investigator, telling a gathering of physicists that “Ridicule is not part of the scientific method.” And while Hynek was now trying to investigate the true nature behind these phenomena, it soon became apparent to him that the investigative methods used by others at Project Blue Book were grossly inadequate to properly investigate and analyze these phenomena. Career opportunities in the astronomy field would keep Hynek busy, yet high profile UFO incidents would continue to bring him back to Project Blue Book. Potential cases would go through an unscientific screening process before reaching Blue Book’s attention and then individually selected for analysis. The majority of each investigation was then performed remotely, with Hynek as one of the only members of the project that would insist on conducting personal interviews and field investigations.
Dr. Howard P. Robertson, the California astrophysicist who chaired the 1953 CIA Panel and recommended Thornton Page.
A 1966 mass UFO sighting in Michigan became a turning point for Project Blue Book when Hynek was dispatched to investigate. Under intense pressure from the Air Force and the media, Hynek suggested a swamp gas explanation at a press conference that was quickly ridiculed and which he later cited as a career low point. The subsequent publicity however put him in the public eye as a UFO expert and he successfully lobbied Congress for an unbiased scientific study of the phenomenon. But the University of Colorado study led by skeptical physicist Edward Condon was far from unbiased, with Condon reported to have been biased all along. “The Condon Committee” came to a conclusion similar to that of the CIA’s Robertson Panel, declaring that UFOs were not worthy of serious study, sealing the fate of Project Blue Book and closing the government’s public investigation of UFO’s in 1969.
Hynek however kept moving forward, and while he was the face of the now controversial Project Blue Book, he became a strong public advocate for the continuing study of the UFO phenomenon. He published several books on the topic and introduced his “Close Encounters” classification system, which became solidified in the public consciousness when director Steven Spielberg utilized it for the title of his 1977 blockbuster film Close Encounters of the Third Kind (which featured a cameo by Hynek in the climactic ending.) Hynek also founded the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) and kept studying the phenomenon up until his passing in 1986.
Dr. J. Allen Hynek
A variety of notable experts have strongly suggested that there were other agendas to Project Blue Book and that its termination did not mark the end of government investigations and research into UFO phenomena. Prominent author and Ufologist Kevin Randle, once a special investigator with CUFOS organization, was one of the first to review Project Blue Book’s declassified files in 1976 and found evidence to indicate that Blue Book was not being sent the reports on sightings that were deemed potential threats to national security. Modern Ufologist Grant Cameron, a widely recognized expert on presidential knowledge of UFOs, has suggested that the shutdown of Project Blue Book merely moved the project into the “black budget” era of deeper secrecy. Ufologist Christopher Chacon, best known as one of the world’s top Anomalists, knew Hynek personally and has been continuously investigating close encounter incidents worldwide for nearly thirty years. Chacon’s stint with a scientific think-tank allowed him an unprecedented access to all of Project Blue Book’s files, including those that are still classified, Chacon noting the presense of multiple agendas behind Blue Book’s existence and supposed termination. Historian Richard Dolan a pre-eminent expert on the topic of government secrecy surrounding UFOs, not only rebutted Edward Condon’s conclusions in the Condon Committee’s report, but also found sources that state many of the Project Blue Book cases were fictitious and part of a misinformation campaign. Researcher John Greenewald, best known as the creator of The Black Vault website, has become one of the top experts on Blue Book because of his intimate familiarity with the files, having acquired an incomparable collection of documents after filing more than 7,000 FOIA requests.
In the 1984 book Clear Intent by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood (later re-published as The UFO Cover-Up), Hynek authored a foreword that helped shine a light on the truth of the government continuing to take UFOs quite seriously. This is proven in the book through documents obtained concerning UFO incidents up through the 1970s. Hynek took the opportunity to summarize the inherent contradiction of the government’s position following the closure of Blue Book. He noted that “the authors have made revealing use of documents released through the mechanism of the Freedom of Information Act and other data which have been made available to them… which show that the CIA and NSA protestations of innocence and lack of interest in UFOs are nothing short of prevarication.” Hynek goes on to reference NSA documents that were denied investigators by the courts on the grounds that they could jeopardize national security. “If this is so, then this very fact loudly proclaims that UFOs are not figments of the imagination but are, instead, quite real and of vital interest. For the government to continue to maintain that UFOs are nonexistent in the face of the documents already released… is puerile and in a sense an insult to the American people…”
It has been 48 years since Project Blue Book was officially terminated, but it’s place in history, whether as a superficial-scientific study or a public relations campaign, forever transformed the UFO landscape and our culture as a whole. For good or bad, Blue Book and the fascinating possibility of UFO’s captivated the country, divided the scientific and political communities and transformed the cultural landscape, producing an ongoing tsunami of questions and moreover fueling the need for answers. With such a provocative topic of scientific study that crosses-over into philosophical, psychological and sociological arenas, how could we ever not expect that we would be forever changed, no matter what results Project Blue Book produced.
J. Allen Hynek’s can be seen in a scene towards the end of the Close Encounters movie.
The legacy of Project Blue Book lives on thanks to Hynek’s post-Blue Book contributions, the FOIA, all subsequent UFO research and of course the pop culture world, which includes Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind and such recent movies as Arrival. While Project Blue Book was steeped in controversy, it undoubtedly led to an increased cultural awareness about the UFO phenomenon. Perhaps the story and legacy of Project Blue Book and that of Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s rise to celebrity as a renowned astronomer who joined the project as a skeptic and left it with the belief that UFOs demand serious scientific inquiry mirrors our own place, in a world now immersed in modern technology, reminding us the need to occasionally step-back with humility and realize we don’t have all the answers and be open-minded to the possibilities.
Learn more about how UFOs have been tracked after Blue Book…
Director Of NASA’s Astrophysics Division, Paul Hertz, has made a terrifying statement on aliens and the ET reality.
The NASA director didn’t hold back as he explained that it wouldn’t be humans that would discover aliens, it would be them that discover us.
Paul Hertz was named the director of Astrophysics Division in the Science Mission Directorate at NASA back in March 2012.
His role consists of being responsible for research programs and missions focused on understanding how the universe works, and to search for Earth-like planets.
When asked about the possibility of humans finding extraterrestrial life outside of our own planet, Hertz said:
So, again no, we didn’t discover aliens on Europa. This shouldn’t come as a huge shock to anyone. We told you repeatedly that today’s announcement Wouldn’t be about aliens. But every time We do one of these things with the press, inevitably you guys think it’s going to be about aliens.
So I’ll let you in on a little secret: NASA will literally never hold a press conference announcing We’ve discovered aliens. Because We’re never going to discover aliens. Aliens are going to discover us, and when they do it won’t be pretty. You can take that to the bank.
There certainly Won’t be enough time for a press conference about it. You probably won’t even have time to blink. Just a hot white flash in the sky and then lights out.
As far as the universe is concerned, relatively speaking, We’re infants. Lord knows we act like it. I mean you guys see the same garbage We do, right? Would you tolerate any of this? If you were them? I know sure as shit Wouldn’t. Not even for a second.
We’re basically infants and when the adults show up — and they will show up sooner or later — it’s game over.
Best case scenario, we wipe ourselves off the face of the planet before they get a crack at us.
You Want an announcement about aliens? Here it is: Be careful what you wish for. If you guys knew even a fraction of the shit we do, you’d never sleep again. I promise you that.
– Paul Hertz, director of the Astrophysics Division at NASA
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Lightning Strike Disables UFO’s Cloaking Shield
Lightning Strike Disables UFO’s Cloaking Shield
It seems that lightning strikes affect a UFO’s cloacking shield, as proven by the accompanying video.
A unidentified flying item’s cloacking shield is one of its best resources since it enables the craft’s inhabitants to stay undetected while playing out their activities on Earth.
Obvious light can be viewed as a wavering electric and magnetic field and on the grounds that the cloaking shield takes a shot at an unmistakable level, it must work on some sort of electromagnetic standard we have yet to find. You know what else is electromagnetic? The enormous power surge caused by a lightning strike. So it turns out that when a covered UFO is hit by the thousand or so Giga Watts released by a lightning bolt, some interference may happen.
The following is a rare sight of such a phenomenon.
Amid a current rainstorm in the U.S., an extensive, round UFO ended up noticeably obvious in the wake of interacting with the enormous voltage of an electrical discharge between clouds. It is not clear whether the craft was coincidentally hit or it was there precisely consequently. Maybe these advanced vehicles can collect energy from an assortment of sources, including, however not constrained to volcanoes, lightning and solar wind.
After lightning touches its surface, the UFO becomes noticeably obvious for roughly 30 seconds amid which it stays lit and enlightens the sky and clouds encompassing its huge body. Once the UFO vanishes, the encompassing range comes back to its typical radiance.
In spite of the fact that recordings like this are uncommon, they are not unbelievable. In a past article, we demonstrated to you an fleet of UFOs recharging their their batteries during an electrical storm. Another video that rapidly became a sensation included an UFO leaving a lightning storm at a high speed.
Clearly aliens dependably require two things: human specimens and a mess of energy.
UFOs aren't necessarily alien spacecraft. And some purported UFOs aren't UFOs at all. Take the example from Apollo 16.
Image above: High-resolution, digital scan of a full frame from the original Apollo 16 film showing the object in question (top center) and its position relative to the moon. Reflections in the window are also visible (left and right). Credit: NASA
Beginning their return from the moon to an April 27, 1972, splashdown, Astronauts John Young, Thomas Mattingly and Charles Duke captured about four seconds of video footage of an object that seemed to look a lot like Hollywood's version of a spacecraft from another world.
Image on right: Image enhancement of the object and linear feature. Credit: NASA
The thing was described as "a saucer-shaped object with a dome on top." The images were captured with a 16mm motion picture camera shooting at 12 frames per second from a command/service module window. The object appears momentarily near the moon. As the camera pans, it moves out of the field of view. It reappears as the camera pans back. It appeared in about 50 frames.
Some very bright people recently worked hard to analyze that footage. Their conclusion was that the object wasn't at all what some observers thought it seemed to be. There is no indication the Apollo 16 crew ever thought the film showed anything special.
A group headed by Gregory Byrne of Johnson Space Center's Image Science and Analysis Group completed a report on its investigation earlier this year. They used a video copy of the film initially, then did a high-resolution digital scan of the original film for detailed analysis.
Image on left: View of the Apollo Command/Service Module from the Lunar Module during Apollo 17 showing the location of the EVA floodlight/boom. Credit: NASA
They stabilized images to correct for camera movement, and then aligned multiple frames in a sequence. One thing that showed them was that the object appeared to move slightly with respect to the moon, because of parallax brought about by slight camera motions and the nearness of the object to the camera.
The investigators also combined several frames in a sequence, to give them higher resolution and greater contrast than individual frames. The combinations showed them more clearly a "linear feature" attached to one side of the object. They also looked at archived images from other Apollo missions.
Bottom line: "All of the evidence in this analysis is consistent with the conclusion that the object in the Apollo 16 film was the EVA [spacewalk] floodlight/boom. There is no evidence in the photographic record to suggest otherwise."
Image above: Enhanced Apollo 16 image (left) compared with features of the EVA floodlight/boom from the perspective of a Command/Service Module window (right).
Reports of “trace cases,” where UFOs leave their fingerprints behind, are steadily growing. They can be easily dismissed as lies from attention-seeking weirdos, but when they come from professionals such as pilots, policemen, soldiers, and scientists, it makes you wonder. These are not the career fields that encourage employees to swing on the extraterrestrial vine; they stand to lose a lot by reporting or investigating a UFO. (Of course, they can also stand to gain a fair amount due to the publicity.) This doesn’t mean that civilian sightings are less important. Trace cases, like any other good mystery, cannot be proven to everybody’s satisfaction, but they remain eternally fascinating to paranormal sleuths, whether armchair or professional.
10. Cruiser Bruiser
A moody UFO had no respect for the law when it was approached by a deputy sheriff in 1979. While on patrol outside the small community of Stephen, Minnesota, Val Johnson encountered something that would give him and his cruiser the UFO version of weaseling out of a ticket. Around 2:00 AM, the deputy noticed a bright object hovering above the road and decided to investigate a little closer. The UFO suddenly rocketed straight at his patrol car, killing the engine. The last thing Johnson remembered was light all around him and the sound of glass shattering. When he woke up, the strange object was gone and he was blind and bruised but able to radio for help.
Fellow policemen soon arrived and found Johnson’s 1977 Ford worse off than he was. The windshield was splintered and smashed, there were dents in the hood, and both a headlight and the roof beacon were wrecked. The car’s two radio antennae were bent, respectively at 45- and 90-degree angles. Johnson also stated that the car’s clock and his wristwatch both stopped for 14 minutes and that he had blacked out for 39 minutes. Time in the Val Johnson story is the only suspicious factor in an otherwise compelling UFO trace case. He never clarified how he knew that he had been unconscious for exactly 39 minutes, nor did he explain what had made him aware that the two clocks had lost time and how he measured the time lost as 14 minutes.
The medical evidence was a little more solid. The doctor who attended to Johnson described his sight injury as similar to welder burns caused by extreme exposure to UV light. Thankfully, he eventually recovered his vision, and the patrol car—original damage intact—now stands in a museum in the Minnesota town of Warren.
9. The Killer Ice Cream Cone
On January 7, 1948, Captain Thomas Mantell was leading a squadron of four F-51 Mustangs to an airfield in northern Kentucky, unaware that a giant cone-shaped object in the air was already freaking out civilians, military, and highway patrols. The coned craft gave witnesses the impression of being reflective and at least 90 meters (300 ft) in diameter. Since they were incidentally in the right airspace, a tower operator requested that Mantell investigate. The Mustangs climbed in altitude to reach their target, but at 6,800 meters (22,500 ft), low fuel or oxygen forced all the other pilots to return to base.
Alone, Mantell continued ascending and radioed his last message, saying that he saw the object directly ahead and that he was going to give the chase another 10 minutes. But shortly afterward, a horrified local watched Mantell’s plane circle three times before it dove out of the sky and exploded about halfway to the ground. The extreme fringe believed that Mantell had been shot down by an extraterrestrial force. The director of Project Grudge, Edward J. Ruppelt, blamed the incident on the Skyhook balloon. The US Navy was secretly developing the Skyhook, a massive ice cream cone–shaped balloon made of reflective aluminum. None of the witnesses had heard about or seen Skyhook before.
According to Ruppelt’s sources, several of them were launched about 240 kilometers (150 mi) away on the same day as the Mantell UFO. While Ruppelt couldn’t locate the flight records that would’ve proved his theory, he was satisfied that the wind patterns for January 7 would’ve taken a Skyhook into the locations of the reported sightings.
On December 27, 1980, John Burroughs met the most eye-popping sight of his life. He was one of the first airmen on the scene at the alleged landing site in Rendlesham Forest, a touchdown that would later become Britain’s flagship UFO mystery. During the encounter, some of the men were said to have touched the conical craft, but the group eventually fled the forest when some of them started falling into a trance-like state and had to be physically dragged away from the object.
Burroughs, an American, believed that his proximity to the craft that night had exposed him to something deadly, possibly radiation, which later caused severe heart problems and other health complaints. For years, he fought for disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs, bravely sticking to his story that a spaceship had made him sick. To build his case, Burroughs needed the right paperwork, but the VA could only trace his service records back to 1982, two years after the incident. He had to go through two Arizona senators’ offices before he could get the discharge papers which proved he’d been stationed near Rendlesham around the time of the incident.
He also produced Project Condign as evidence—a declassified British study that sidelined UFOs as a little-understood form of weather “plasma” called “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP). Even Condign concluded that it was conceivable that the Rendlesham witnesses had been exposed to radiation, albeit from UAP. What helped sway the VA’s final decision in Burrough’s favor were his service medical records, which could be viewed by the agency but not Burroughs. Based on these documents and others, Burroughs was finally awarded full disability and some acknowledgement that his bad health had really been caused by a close encounter.
7. The Kecksburg Acorn
A mass-witness sighting allegedly took place on December 9, 1965, and ended when something plowed into the Earth at Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. A meteor-like object blazed through Ontario, Canada, and six US states, dropping debris and leaving sonic booms and field fires in its wake. Thousands saw it in the sky and later read in the newspapers that it was just that: a meteor. But there are those who believe it fell in the woods at Kecksburg and that it was a car-sized object shaped like an acorn. Unearthly symbols were written on it, something close to Egyptian hieroglyphs.
While witnesses insist it attracted a heavy military presence, the US Army said they found nothing. Yet years later, amid pressure to release the truth about the Kecksburg incident, NASA admitted that they’d examined debris from the site and found that it had been a Russian satellite. When ordered by a judge to produce the documentation of their findings, NASA seemed to have misplaced them. The only Soviet candidate that remotely fit was Kosmos 96, an acorn-shaped satellite which wasn’t nearly as big as the Kecksburg object. Even NASA’s chief scientist for orbital debris, Nicholas L. Johnson, stated that Kosmos had nothing to do with the fireball sightings or the crash, which may still turn out to be two separate events.
US Space Command also reported that Kosmos crashed in Canada 13 hours before the sightings started. In 2003, scientists discovered topless trees leading toward the spot where the object was reportedly found. The damage was dated to the year of the crash. While one scientist felt that ice was probably responsible, it’s plausible that an incoming object could’ve sheared the trees as it crashed through them.
6. The Water Thief
During the same year as the Rendlesham Forest incident, an Australian farm worker named George Blackwell had a run-in with a thirsty UFO. He was roused from his sleep at about 1:00 AM by frantic farm animals bellowing and galloping and an unearthly whistling sound. Checking to see what was going on, the 54-year-old was astonished to see cattle trying to escape a double-domed object hovering about 3 meters (10 ft) above the ground. The craft appeared to be checking a shed, a hedge, a silo, and finally a water tank, whistling loudly all the way.
The open water tank seemed to hold the object’s attention for a while before it finally settled on the ground. Blackwell approached the object on his motorbike but was forced to stop 15 meters (50 ft) away due to the earsplitting whistling. He estimated its height to be about 4.5 meters (15 ft) and the diameter to be 8 meters (26 ft). The surface was dotted with orange and blue lights that might’ve been round windows. But the weirdest feature was a moving black tube which inflated to a size bigger than the UFO itself. When the craft took off, apparently with the 38,000 liters (10,000 gal) of water later discovered missing from the tank, the creepy tube shrank back into the middle of the object’s base.
For a long time, the cattle avoided the black ring marking the landing site and, for more than a week, the headache-plagued Blackwell suffered from diarrhea and couldn’t hold much food down. For days after the sighting, his wristwatch would only tick when he wasn’t wearing it.
5. The Lavender Crater
In 1965, a French farmer heard a noise which he took to be a helicopter landing on his property and decided to investigate. Maurice Masse, 41, raised lavender just outside the town of Valensole in the south of France. Going out to his field, he encountered a dull oval shape about 3.5 meters (11 ft) wide and 2.5 meters (8 ft) high. Resting on its belly with six legs, it reminded him of a spider. There was also a pair of child-sized entities scrutinizing the lavender.
When Masse tried to get closer, one of the creatures paralyzed him by pointing a rod at him. They resembled the classic greys except that they were white, neckless, and had elfish ears. They boarded the craft and, for 15 minutes after their departure, Masse was unable to move. The weather had been dry for some time, but the landing site was a sopping wet crater. About a day later, the wetness was gone and the ground turned hard as concrete while the rest of the field’s earth remained crumbly. For months afterward, Masse suffered from a strange sleeping disorder where he slept 15 hours at a stretch, which wasn’t normal for him.
French government agencies and police gathered interesting data from the site. The landing area showed highly elevated levels of calcium when compared to the rest of the field. Dents and a 3-meter-wide (10 ft) spherical space showed that something had been there. The lavender plants around the crater were sick and dying, and for 10 years nothing would grow in that spot.
4. The Ubatuba Case
While the only danger one UFO in Brazil presented was to itself—it exploded like a firecracker—it’s possibly one of the most noteworthy trace cases. On September 14, 1957, columnist Ibrahim Sued received a letter from a fan who had a fantastic story and the proof to back it up. The envelope contained three white metal pieces allegedly from a disk that had disintegrated above a beach in Ubatuba, Sao Paulo. The fan, who claimed to have witnessed this event, was never identified.
The testing done on one of the pieces destroyed it but gave interesting findings. It was revealed to be magnesium with above average density, and when the study stated that the magnesium was purer than that which human technology could produce, the fragments became an overnight sensation in UFO circles. The University of Colorado tested one of the two remaining pieces and found that it wasn’t as pure, but since the Brazil sample no longer existed, its purity couldn’t be verified. However, the Colorado study did concede that their piece was packed with an abnormal amount of strontium, something not found in normal magnesium. The metal had also been strengthened during its manufacturing with a process called directional crystallization, a technique unknown in 1957 when the fragments were mailed to the columnist.
3. Fire On The Highway
On September 16, 1965, two South African police constables were on night patrol. They were driving on the Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit highway, their evening shift so far uneventful, but then midnight changed everything. It’s unclear who first saw the contraption sitting on the highway, but it was a sight that neither would ever forget. It certainly wasn’t terribly frightening—the craft was a simple, copper-colored disk—but what struck Constables John Lockem and Koos De Klerk was what happened when the UFO sped off seconds after they sighted it.
Fleeing, the craft shot away in a rush of speed and heat, spewing an overload of fire that bounced 1 meter (3 ft) off the asphalt. The highway actually caught fire. An area of 1.8 meters (6 ft) in diameter burned so intensely that gravel separated from the tar. During the official investigation that followed, it was found that a section of the road had collapsed, most likely under the weight of the large UFO. Samples taken from the carnage were sent away for analysis, but the results were never made public.
2. The Scoutmaster Attack
A case occurred on August 19, 1952, that stumped the investigators of Project Blue Book. That night, Deputy Sheriff Mott N. Partin responded to a call that three terrified children had shown up at the caller’s farmhouse. They were scouts claiming that their scoutmaster, “Sonny” Desvergers, had collapsed while investigating strange lights on a rural road in Palm Beach. Going back to the scene, the cops didn’t have to search long. Desvergers emerged from the trees in a traumatized state which the 19-year police force veteran Partin felt was genuine.
The scoutmaster claimed that he’d been attacked by a UFO and had three tiny burn holes in his hat and singe marks on his arms. The case eventually landed on the desk of Blue Book investigator Edward J. Ruppelt. Investigations at the scene didn’t immediately find anything conclusive, and Ruppelt learned from the scouts that they never saw the original lights that had caught Desvergers’s attention. However, the boys did witness subsequent lights, including a red light that seemingly caused their scoutmaster to faint.
Desvergers’s story held despite Ruppelt’s attempts to trip him up, but Ruppelt smelled a publicity stunt for financial gain when Desvergers hired a press agent and made ridiculous claims to reporters. Then Desvergers’s history of lying, going AWOL, and car theft (which got him removed from the US Marines) caught up with him. Ruppelt was now weary of him, and his press agent abandoned him. Certain now that the sighting was a hoax, Ruppelt was at a loss to explain how the whole thing was staged. Nor could he or the FBI lab discover what had burned the scoutmaster’s cap or how some of the grass taken from the site had charred roots while their leaves were fine. Nothing prevents a compulsive liar from having a supernatural experience. Either Desvergers told the truth, somewhat embellished, or he managed to pull off a hoax that left one of the best investigators in the business without answers.
1. The Maury Mystery
On June 21, 1947, Harold Dahl and his crew claimed that they’d survived a frightening encounter that damaged their boat, injured one of them, and killed their dog. Navigating around Maury Island, Dahl’s men noticed six doughnut-shaped objects above them. One was faltering badly. Before it flew away with the others, the UFO spewed a stream of shiny flakes (these caused the harm to the witnesses). The next day, Dahl was cornered by a Man in Black (MIB) who told him to mind his own business. But the story had already reached Kenneth Arnold, who himself had his historic sighting three days after the Maury incident. He met with Dahl, who handed over some of the debris but not the photos he’d snapped of the crafts.
Perhaps due to the local MIB and FBI threatening legal steps if Dahl didn’t drop the matter and admit it was a hoax, Dahl eventually did exactly that. Two Air Force officers, Captain Davidson and Lieutenant Brown, were going to take the debris to Fort Hamilton for analysis, but their B-25 went down shortly after takeoff. The military cordoned off 150 acres around the crash site but abandoned most of the wreckage after a week. Some speculated that they were done tinkering because they had found the extraterrestrial flakes.
Two days after the Air Force fatalities, another plane crashed, this time with Arnold on board. He barely survived. The Tecoma Times claimed that the B-25 was deliberately downed to prevent the fragments from reaching Fort Hamilton. Two weeks after publication, the journalist who wrote the article, Paul Lance, died from a cause that couldn’t be identified, despite a 36-hour autopsy. The case remains torn in two camps—those who believe Dahl faked the whole thing and those who feel that key truth seekers were silenced and that Dahl was frightened into saying it was a hoax.
UFO captured? Clancy man believes he proves they exist
UFO captured? Clancy man believes he proves they exist
Phil Drake, pdrake@greatfallstribune.comPublished
CLANCY, Mont.— For nearly two years Dr. Richard O’Connor has kept two cameras pointed at the sky with the deep hope and belief that something might be out there.
And then, after nearly 280,000 photos captured by motion detection, it happened.
Or maybe not.
But O’Connor’s findings of what he believes are two unidentified flying objects has set off a barrage of email exchanges, some of them angry, in the community of UFO fans and experts.
About noon on Nov. 4, his cameras captured five photos of something flying through the skies of Montana that is hard for some to explain.
“It appears to be a light source,” O’Connor said. “In my opinion, even a hardened skeptic would say ‘Wow, that is what I expect a UFO would look like.’”
But his discovery has sparked some debate, leaving the doctor to find his own photo experts to determine what his cameras may have captured.
The answers to this mystery remain up in the air.
O’Connor comes by his fascination with UFOs honestly. He said that for more than 25 years he was friends with Jesse Marcel Jr., perhaps best known for being a longtime doctor in Helena. O’Connor, now retired, worked as an anesthesiologist at St. Peter’s Hospital in Helena.
But Marcel may be even better known for something that happened to him as a child in New Mexico in July 1947.
His father, Maj. Jesse Marcel, was sent by his base commander to investigate the crash of a UFO on a ranch outside of Roswell Army Air Field. He loaded some of the wreckage into his vehicle and drove it home to show Jesse Jr., who was then 10.
They couldn’t make sense of what they were seeing. According to Marcel Jr’s Sept. 1, 2013, obituary in the Helena Independent Record, The U.S. Army Air Corps issued a press release saying a “flying saucer” was found, but public uproar forced them to retract the statement and say a weather balloon had been found instead.
Those who were at the crash site were then sworn to secrecy. But in the ‘70s Marcel Sr. and his son began speaking about what they had seen, believing the coverup was a grave injustice to the public.
Marcel Jr. had a distinguished career not only as a doctor, but in the military as well. He was 76 when he died.
And after knowing him for nearly a quarter century, O’Connor deeply believes Marcel saw what he saw as a child.
O’Connor, 60, even set up the Jesse A. Marcel Jr. Library on his rural property and his friend was there for its dedication.
He says he told him, “Your story is important and to continue to educate the public we should open a library.”
And then he installed two Reconyx Hyperfire PC 900 Trail cameras on the southeast corner of his house with the goal of educating the public about the UFO phenomena. When triggered by motion, the cameras, which are about 30 feet off the ground, shoot 20 photos at approximately 1-second intervals.
He also posted a message on the Internet, giving the latitude and longitude of the cameras in the hopes that aliens would see it.
“Come, let us take your picture,” he said, reasoning that if they had the capability to get here they would also have the ability to find people who are reaching out to them.
The cameras were programmed to take photographs of moving objects. Among the 280,000 photos are a vast array of birds, squirrel tails and treetops dancing in the wind.
And then on Nov. 4, O’Connor says he noticed something.
“Basically what you see it a very symmetrical, smooth and reflective surface that appears to have his own light source,” he said.
Neither the FAA, nor the Air Force nor NASA handle UFO calls anymore, an FAA spokesman said, adding they are referred to National UFO Reporting Center, an organization that investigates UFO sightings and/or alien contacts. It was founded in 1974 by Robert J. Gribble.
The website features listings of UFO sightings by state. For instance, on Nov. 18, someone reported seeing three flashes of green light that lit up the entire sky after a power outage. On Nov. 11 in Great Falls, someone reported seeing a silent triangular object heading east to west before turning smoothly south and going out of sight. Massive in size. On Sept. 26, someone in Great Falls reported seeing a green glowing fireball.
My Montana in photos 2015
O’Connor, who says he hasno knowledge of how to manipulate photos on a computer, forwarded his photos to NUFORC, which were there for a few weeks and then came a query to them from the Tribune.
Peter Davenport, now the head of the NUFORC, forwarded the photos to “a skilled photo-analyst,” requesting that he try to ‘extract’ more information about the object than mere visual inspection would permit.”
NUFORC is a self-funded website that Davenport describes as a “labor of love.”
“I do it so people have a place to call if they see a UFO,” he said.
The first review was heartening.
“Bottom line, I think the images are real, but remain a mystery,” the photo analyst wrote. “I suspect the lights in the first and last photos are sun reflections off of something rather than any propulsion system.”
And higher up in his assessment he wrote: “Thus, I conclude it is a puzzle to solve rather than a fake.”
But another analyst didn’t agree and angered O’Connor by proclaiming the photos “100 percent fake.”
O’Connor expressed his anger in an email to Davenport, saying he would get an unbiased photograph analysis. Davenport also suggests that O’Connor submit his photos to someone whose reputation he trusts.
O’Connor has also offered to take a polygraph.
O’Connor now plans to meet with various experts in photo analysis to get their take on his pictures.
Rick and Morty creators Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland took advantage of their third season finale—which largely took place within the White House—to shout out a few famous conspiracies.
It's right there in the episode's title. For those who don't know, "The Rickchurian Mortydate" is a riff on the Manchurian Candidate, a book and two movies about a conspiracy to get a Russian sleeper cell operative elected president. Harmon revealed his relationship with conspiracies in an interview with VICE earlier this year. "I think that when JFK was assassinated, the part of your brain that is ready and able to connect all the dots necessary to prove that there was an order to this, and it was a sinister order, are the same exact chemicals in your brain that you need to write stories," he said.
Harmon describes conspiracy theories as a method of coping with reality, the same way people tripping on mushrooms convince themselves that everything makes sense when the walls are melting. Roiland quips, "So definitely do acid, and JFK was an inside job."
A ton of homages to these theories are revealed during an epic techno-showdown between Rick and the president of the United States (Keith David), when they crash through the White House's top secret subterranean tunnels. The action is blink-and-you'll-miss-it fast, so we combed the sequence in slow motion to identify all the conspiracies the showrunners thought would be funny to include.
1. The Moon Landing Was Faked
A replica of the Apollo 11 moon lander and a set depicting the surface of the moon buried beneath the White House would certainly be incriminating evidence for those who believe the moon landing was faked. The idea that the United States faked the moon landing for political victory in the space race against the Soviet Union is appealing, especially because skepticism is so necessary in today's fake news media environment. This conspiracy is also referenced in Rick and Morty's take on simulation theory, "M. Night Shamayliens."
A tiny diorama of the Twin Towers, one burned and broken, refers to the niche belief that the September 11, 2001 attacks on the towers, the World Trade Center, and the pentagon were orchestrated by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. We don't know whether or not Rick is a 9/11 truther, but in the season opener, "The Rickshank Rickdemption," we see his memory of watching 9/11 on TV and grumbling, "They're going to use this to take away our freedoms!"
Crates of "magic bullets" and a blood-spattered 60s-style limousine sporting tiny American flags immediately conjure the mother of all government conspiracy theories, John F. Kennedy's. assassination.
4. The CIA Killed Tupac Shakur
If you're not among the conspiracy theorists who think Tupac is alive and sitting on a beach somewhere in Cuba, you may believe that the CIA was behind the rap icon and political activist's death by drive-by shooting. To our knowledge, however, there is no theory that he's buried between the floorboards of the White House.
5. OG Fake News: The Crossing of the Delaware
Next to the fake moon landing set is a squad of mannequins posed like the famous Emanuel Leutze painting, George Washington Crossing the Delaware. While not related to any government cover-ups, the image, painted more than 60 years after the Revolutionary War, is famously full of false information. One NYC teacher uses it to explain to her students that they can't believe all the media they consume, even if it seems like a primary source. Its inclusion here is a reference to fake history, unless Harmon and Roiland know of a National Treasure–esque message drawn on the painting's back that we couldn't find on the internet.
6. Freemasons Still Rule the United States
Rick's face shatters a blood-red pentagram and lit candles, which could be a reference to prolific conspiracy theorist Mark S. Watson's belief in an "Occult Government." The five-pointed star also recalls Masonic imagery, which could point Illuminati and Freemason sects within this dimension's White House that are working toward the New World Order. Or, you know, this one speeds by the screen so quickly, it could just be decorative.
7. The Government Has Made Alien Contact
A flying saucer concealed behind the 9/11 diorama points toward government contact with aliens far predating Earth's victory in an interstellar music reality show, and eventual assimilation into the Galactic Federal Government. Some conspiracy theorists claim to have spotted UFOs entering the White House itself, but we all know the United State's secret alien findings are stored in Area 51, right?
In February, three were discovered circling a star, Trappist-1, 40 light years away. Last November, one even closer yet was found — four light years away — orbiting our next-door neighbor, Proxima Centauri. By one estimate, there are as many as 40 billion planets similar to Earth just in our Milky Way galaxy.
With so many potentially habitable exoplanets (as they are called), many believe that it is inevitable that life, even intelligent life, must have arisen on some of them.
But what would those life forms be like?
If we're to believe Hollywood, quite a lot like life here on Earth. From Star Trek to Star Wars to Valerian and beyond, most interplanetary science-fiction movies populate their worlds with lifeforms quite similar — in general appearance and biology — to what has evolved here on Planet Earth. Guardians of the Galaxytakes this approach to a new extreme, including Groot, a humanoid evolved from a botanical ancestor (perhaps explaining its limited vocabulary).
Yet, not all films agree. Last year's Arrival introduced hexapods, organisms with seemingly little affinity to any species here on the home planet.
So, what should we expect? An Avatar-like ecosystem full of species slightly different from those on Earth, or a world composed of unfamiliar organisms?
The great astronomer Carl Sagan was in Arrival's camp, proclaiming "extraterrestrials would be very different from us." Paleontologist and evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould expressed similar sentiments, but felt that there was no way to scientifically study the question other than finding life on another planet.
Yet not everyone agrees and, in recent years, the question of how predictable evolution is has become a topic of great scientific inquiry. Convergent evolution is the phenomenon of species independently evolving to be similar. Usually it results from the species adapting to similar situations, natural selection favoring the same solution to the same problem posed by the environment. Convergent evolution was known to Charles Darwin but, until relatively recently, we thought it was uncommon, a great example of the power of natural selection, but not commonplace. We now know, however, that convergence is far from rare; rather, it is pervasive, occurring all around us. Think, for example, of fast-swimming marine predators: dolphins, sharks, tuna and ichthyosaurs (extinct marine reptiles from the Age of the Dinosaurs) all evolved a very stream-lined body shape and powerful tails for rapid and efficient locomotion. Or consider Euphorbia plants from dry parts of Africa. Tough-skinned, often green, with spines instead of leaves, they look like cacti, but they're not — the Old- and New-World doppelgängers have independently evolved the same traits to cope with water loss and herbivores in arid regions.
The pervasiveness of convergence has led some evolutionary biologists to proclaim evolution deterministic, the outcome downright inevitable (see two books by Simon Conway Morris, Life's Solutions and The Runes of Evolution, and also Convergent Evolution by George McGhee). If the environment repeatedly poses the same challenges, and if natural selection repeatedly produces the optimal solutions, then evolution is repeatable. And, as a corollary, we can predict what life would be like on an Earth-like planet — pretty much the same as here. The argument can be taken one step further — the Homo sapiens species is supremely adapted to life on Earth, the adaptations we forged as we emerged on the savannahs of Africa proving a brilliant stepping-stone to global dominance. Consequently, if evolution is so deterministic, the expectation for life on planets like our own is clear: Humanoid life forms should evolve and dominate, just like here. Hollywood has it right.
Unfortunately, there's a problem with this argument. Although the list of examples of convergence is impressive, it wouldn't be hard to make an equally impressive list of non-convergence. Off the top of my head, here are some evolutionary singletons, types of animals that have evolved just once, without a close match: sauropod dinosaurs, like Brontosaurus (Dinosaur purists may note that the name Brontosauruswas long ago discarded, replaced for quirky scientific reasons with Apatosaurus. To those killjoy know-it-alls I respond, "Haha! Thanks to new scientific discoveries, the name Brontosaurus was resurrected in 2015."); elephants; the kiwi; sloths; and the world's greatest animal, the duck-billed platypus. Each of these types of animals has evolved a single time, with no close evolutionary match, now or ever (True: Sauropods and elephants are similar in being huge, lumbering herbivores — but I'm focused on much more similar evolutionary matches).
If evolution is so deterministic, its outcome so predictable, it's hard to understand why there are no matches for these evolutionary singletons. Streams like the ones platypuses inhabit are found on every continent except Antarctica, yet the duckbill hails only from Down Under. Suitable tropical tree branches occur around the world, but sloths only evolved in South America. Why sauropods in the Mesozoic and not today?
The reason is simple: There are actually multiple different ways to solve a problem posed by the environment. Consider the woodpecker and the aye-aye, two completely different animals that live a similar lifestyle, tapping on wood to detect the tunnels of wood-eating grubs, chiseling into the wood to get to the tunnels, then extracting the grubs. But the species have evolved completely different tools to do so, the bird a tough beak, an extremely long tongue covered in prickles, and a skull reinforced against concussions to withstand the repeated jackhammering. The aye-aye, on the other hand, has a long skeletal finger that can twist in any direction and protruding incisors to do the excavating.
We don't need to find life on other planets to test the convergence hypothesis. All we have to do is go to New Zealand, an island on which life has diversified in the absence of terrestrial mammals. If the outcome of natural selection is deterministic, then a world dominated by birds would look pretty much like life elsewhere on the planet. But of course, it doesn't. The kiwi may live a lifestyle similar to a badger, but it doesn't look at all like one. The dominant herbivore is, or was, a ten-foot tall bird (the moa), quite different from deer or bison. Throw in flightless parrots, carnivorous parrots, bats that forage by walking around in the leaf-litter and many more, and we can throw the convergence hypothesis out the window. New Zealand is a distinct evolutionary world, the evolutionary outcome unique.
The question is no longer whether convergence or lack of convergence is common: We know now that both are. Rather, scientists are interested in understanding why convergence occurs in some cases, and not others. It's still early days, but one conclusion is clear: Closely-related species (or populations of the same species) tend to adapt in the same way, not surprisingly because they start out so similar in so many ways — natural selection is likely to modify them in similar ways. By contrast, distantly-related species, initially different in so many attributes, are much more likely to find different ways to adapt to the same situation. Think about the difference between birds and mammals: The former have beaks, the latter teeth and fingers. It's not surprising that woodpeckers and aye-ayes found different ways to solve the same problem.
Of course, life couldn't be more distantly related than if it occurred on another planet. With all the differences that such life forms must exhibit, natural selection (if it occurred — who's to say that evolutionary processes would be the same?) might very well sculpt well-adapted species, but they wouldn't look at all like us and our earthly compatriots. The aye-aye and the kiwi tell us that. And that means that the minority opinion in Hollywood is almost surely correct.
If you want to think about what extraterrestrial life might be like, watch Arrival, not Avatar or Guardians of the Galaxy.
Molecules once thought to be biomarkers for life have been detected around a young star in the Rho Opiuchi star-forming region of space
(Credit: SA/Herschel/NASA/JPL-Caltech; acknowledgement: R. Hurt (JPL-Caltech), CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO)
The European Space Agency (ESA) has some good news and bad news for extraterrestrial enthusiasts. The good news is that a molecule thought to be a biomarker for life has been found for the first time in abundance in a comet and around a young star. The bad news is that the find indicates that the molecule isn't the clear indicator of life that it was once believed to be.
Since we can't exactly spot microscopic lifeforms from afar, astronomers have adopted other ways to measure a particular planet's likelihood of housing alien life. Traces of certain compounds left by organic processes, often called biomarkers, can be sifted out of soil or water samples by rovers, or detected in the atmosphere by telescopes and orbiters.
Methyl chloride is fairly common here on Earth, belonging to a class of molecules known as organohalogens. These organic compounds are made up of carbon bonded to at least one halogen – fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine – and are produced mostly through biological processes. In theory, that means that any celestial body where we detect an abundance of these is a good place to look for life.
Recently, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) telescope in Chile found methyl chloride around a young binary star known as IRAS 16293-2422, about 400 light-years away in a star-forming region of space called Rho Ophiuchi. This marks the first time any organohalogen has been spotted in space, but rather than give hope that life exists in that system, the discovery instead throws doubt on methyl chloride's reliability as a biomarker.
The presence of these organic compounds around such a young star suggests they may arise during the planet-forming phase of a system. To get a better understanding of how the molecules may form, the researchers turned their attention to a comet, which acts as time capsules from the birth of a star, preserving the chemical composition of the cloud of material stars arise from.
In this case, the team zeroed in on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, which was visited by the ESA's Rosetta mission between 2014 and 2016. By sifting through the data collected by the spacecraft, the team found an abundance of methyl chloride in the comet, lending further weight to the idea that the compound arises during the planet-forming phase. In particular, the signals were strongest in measurements made in May 2015, when the comet was approaching the Sun and was giving off a lot of hydrogen chloride.
"We found it but it is very elusive, one of the 'chameleons' of our molecule zoo, only present during short times when we observed a lot of chlorine," says Kathrin Altwegg, principal investigator of the project.
The find may be disappointing for those hoping to find life in the cosmos, but it doesn't mean the search is off: rather, it's just a little more complicated than previously thought.
Philip Mantle and I released the testimony of a new Roswell witness, the late Deputy Sheriff Charles Forgus, in the new book, UFOs TODAY, 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation and Government Cover-Up, in June 2017. Deputy Forgus thought that he had witnessed the UFO crash at Roswell in 1947. He had been the Deputy Sheriff in Big Springs, Texas, after serving in the military during WWII.
He was en-route to Roswell with the Sheriff to pick up a prisoner. When they approached the Roswell area, they heard about the crash on the police radio and were able to find the roads to this area. When they arrived, they observed the recovery of a 100-foot diameter round craft and four strange-looking dead bodies before being told to leave the area by the military. This testimony was given to a US private investigator by the name of Deanna Short in 1999. Unfortunately, she has also passed away. There is a video interview of Deputy Forgus where he details these events which runs for approximately 16 minutes.
Charles Forgus with his wife.
(Credit: Irena Scott/Philip Mantle)
Thus, the crash might have happened in 1947, which was the time that Deputy Forgus recalled that it was.
Glen said that Charles was very straight arrow and not impressed by false knowledge. He was a no-nonsense type of person, having been in law enforcement. He had been a police officer and in the military. Glen looked up to his father as a John Wayne kind of hero. During the war, Charles was in the army but on loan to the Navy and was a deep-sea diver. Charles and his crew would dive down and weld patches on the sunken ships so they could refloat them and get them out of the harbour. When MacArthur made his reappearance to the Philippians, there had been a lot of fighting and there were a lot of ships sunk in the harbour. One of the ships settled on a reef, and the wave action would rock it. The ship slipped off the reef, squashed him in the mud, and it took three days to get him out.
Forgus’ Army discharge papers.
One main thing Glen emphasized was that his father was very honest and ethical. He was definitely not the kind of person who would make up a lie. Glen gave the same impression–he was very knowledgeable about current news and events and very civic minded. He had an electric car and powered it using a wind turbine power generator.
Thus the possibility exists that Deputy Charles Forgus did see the crash in the time frame that he reported. Charles had said that neither he nor the person he was with talked about it much, and this was likely because no one had heard of UFOs or Roswell at that time, which might help to further date the event. In addition, he did not recognize the uniforms of the attendant soldiers as Air Force, which did not did not become a separate military service until September 1947.
Artist’s impression of the Roswell UFO crash.
(Credit: Flying Disk Press)
When we released the original information regarding the late Deputy Charles Forgus we were criticised far and wide despite the fact that we also pointed out the number of discrepancies in the testimony on tape. One well-known Roswell researcher simply labelled the testimony from Deputy Forgus as a lie. Now, we have information from a nephew and the son of this witness the latter of whom supports his late fathers story. Do doubt we will still be criticized but I think it is fair to say that we have now been vindicated in releasing this information and to continue to look for more.
About the authors:
Dr. Irena Scott received her PhD from the University of Missouri in physiology, did post-doctoral research at Cornell University, has been an Assistant Professor at St. Bonaventure University, and has done research and teaching at The Ohio State University, the University of Missouri, the University of Nevada, and at Battelle Memorial Institute. She worked for the Defence Intelligence Agency and the Aerospace Center in satellite photography, was a volunteer astronomer at the Ohio State University Radio Observatory, and has taken flying lessons. Her publications include books, and works in scientific journals, magazines, newspapers, and she was a correspondent for Popular Mechanics magazine. She served on the MUFON Board of Directors (1993 to 2000), is a MUFON consultant in physiology and astronomy and a field investigator. She co-edited eight symposium proceedings, has been a State Section Director for Ohio MUFON, was a founding member of the Mid-Ohio Research Associates (MORA) and its journal editor, and has published UFO material in books and journals (including scientific journals).
Philip Mantle is the former Director of Investigations for the British UFO Research Association and is the founder of FLYING DISK PRESS. He can be contacted at FLYING DISK PRESS:
UFOs TODAY – 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation and Government Cover-Ups by Irena Scott PhD is out now on Amazon.
Despite strong fog, you can clearly see a bright object on the horizon above the Pacific. It's not moving, so it won't be a plane. It is probably not a helicopter either, because it doesn't blink and remains stationary. Does anyone have any idea what it might be?
Mysterious globes moving forward and backward or from right to left. It all lasted for a couple of minutes, perhaps even less.
It's hard to believe that they could be flashlights, perhaps lit from some slope, and it's hard to believe that they could be electric torches.
It is hard to believe that they could be aircraft lights. The fact is that they disappeared suddenly, as they appeared. Initially three globes, then two and finally a single light.
Bright Orb over the Pacific disappears at the moment an incoming object hits the ocean
Bright Orb over the Pacific disappears at the moment an incoming object hits the ocean
An unknown large bright orb was recorded hovering over the Pacific Ocean near Newport, Oregon on October 3, 2017.The object not seeming to move for nearly 4 minutes before it just disappeared.
As MrMBB333 talks only about the bright orb he probably missed a second object with a smoke trail that looks like a missile or meteorite coming in from the right side of screen, right going towards the orb. Then the orb disappears at the exact moment the incoming object hits the ocean.
While some people suggest that the bright orb is the light on the mast of a vessel it does not explain the incoming object and the sudden disappearance of the orb at the exact moment the incoming object falling into the ocean. Just a coincidence or is it connected to each other?
Alien life on Mars? Scientists in shock admission about Red Planet
Alien life on Mars? Scientists in shock admission about Red Planet
This artist's concept depicts the early Martian environment (right) - believed to contain liquid water and a thicker atmosphere - versus the cold, dry environment seen at Mars today (left).
MARS once had a wet climate with lakes which may have held life, scientists have revealed.
This has puzzled experts because the planet ought to have been largely cold and dry.
Now computer simulations suggest ancient Mars was warmed by powerful bursts of methane trapped in its subsurface.
It sheds light on how an otherwise freezing planet could have had episodes of wetness.
And it could help in the search for life on planets outside the solar system.
Professor Edwin Kite, of Chicago University, used complex mathematical equations to work out the new theory.
He said the shifts in the tilt of the planet's axis caused its ice cover to shrink and methane to release.
Ice then melted to produce lakes which stayed for millions of years – time for life to flourish.
Prof Kite added: "Using numerical simulations we found outgassed methane can build up to atmospheric levels sufficient for lake-forming climates if it initially occupies more than 4% of the total volume in which it is thermodynamically stable.
"Such occupancy fractions are consistent with methane production by water-rock reactions due to hydrothermal circulation on early Mars."
"We further estimate photo-chemical destruction of atmospheric methane curtails the duration of individual lake-forming climates to less than a million years – consistent with observations," he continued.
"We conclude methane bursts represent a potential pathway for intermittent excursions to a warm, wet climate state on early Mars."
The study published in Nature Geoscience adds to evidence Mars is the one planetary environment – outside Earth – where scientists can say with confidence there were periods where life could have emerged.
Canada history: Oct 4 1967: the enduring Shag Harbour mystery
Shag Harbour gets visitors from all over who come to see where an alleged unidentified flying object went in the water back in 1967. Photo Credit:
Canada history: Oct 4 1967: the enduring Shag Harbour mystery
It was 50 years ago today that very strange things were seen in the skies over Canada’s east coast province of Nova Scotia.
Canadians across the country report lots of strange things in the skies every year, many classed as UFO’s. The incident that occurred in the tiny fishing hamlet of Shag Harbour, however is among the best documented and with a variety of credible witnesses.
Red pointer indicates Shag Harbour, small red square indicates Mahone Bay
The events may have started around 7:15 pm on a scheduled passenger jet outward bound from Halifax as it flew at 3600 metres over eastern Quebec. The pilot and copilot saw a very strange object flying beside them a few miles away. A few minutes later there was what appeared to be two explosions around the brightly lit craft, the second fading to a blue cloud around the object.
Several other reports that evening from Halifax, Mahone Bay, and fishermen offshore reported a variety of strange objects in the sky.
Then just after 11 pm several people around Shag Harbour including police, reported a large low flying object with flashing lights whoosh over the town and hit the water about 300 metres off shore. It floated awhile as a group onshore watched the “orange ball” bobbing in the waves, and then slipped beneath the surface.
Some don’t believe that, and one UFO investigator claims to have found evidence the Navy traced the UFO to a secret US naval base on the Nova Scotia coast about 25 kilometres away.
Still, 50 years later the well-documented sighting remains a complete mystery. It has benefitted the hamlet of Shag Harbour though, as it has become a bit of a tourist attraction and a UFO festival is being held there on this 50th anniversary.
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Many Unidentified “Airship Incidents” Occurred in 1907, Tennessee
Many Unidentified “Airship Incidents” Occurred in 1907, Tennessee
Theo Paijmans, an infrequent visitor and critic to this blog – one of my favorite human beings – has contributed much to the UFO literature and I found several inserts inside Albert S. Rosales’ Humanoid Encounters: The Others Amongst Us 1900-1929, one in his series of Humanoid Encounters books, which I encourage you to buy and read (Amazon).
Starting on page 60 Theo recounts four airship (balloon) sightings from 1907 cited as The Tennessee Aeronaut Flap of 1907 derived from area newspapers
The accounts, all from different dates in April of 1907, tell of witnesses, in several communities, observing craft that looked like airship balloons with gondolas from which debarked parties of “queer-looking persons [women and men] in strange garb” that gathered around local springs (and in one instance, a well) to seemingly pray.
(In the well incident, one of the party members thrust a wand into the well from which oil was extracted. The wand was then stuck into the ground and became enflamed.)
The “praying” balloon passengers mostly spoke in German and left, saying such things as “Be healthy and pray.”
What are we to make of such reports?
These aren’t instances of mass hysteria – the communities involved are not interconnected except as members of the state (Tennessee).
The stories were presented by newspapers as actual journalistic news items apparently.
What does Theo attribute the accounts to? Are they fictive? Or actual, as related by the press?
The stories came about eleven years after the so-called Airship sightings, elsewhere, in 1896.
The reports intrigue, certainly if true as related and even if they are imaginary tales promulgated for other reasons: mercenary, prankish, space-fillers, et cetera.
I’ll be honest: A lot of the time, I listen to the things people say after allegedly being abducted by aliens, and I think, “Yeah, right.” To me, the stories are just so outlandish — and with so little hard evidence to back them up — that I have a hard time believing them. That said, though, the stories often are chilling to read or listen to… and who knows? Maybe I’m a skeptic purely because I’ve never seen anything myself that suggests that aliens might be among us. I might be wrong, of course. Anything is possible.
Solid data on exactly how many people believe in aliens is a little tough to come by; the most recent reputable survey I’ve found is a Gallup poll from 2005which found that 24 percent of Americans believe “that extra-terrestrial beings have visited Earth at some time in the past.” (For the curious, another 24 percent do not believe it, while 51 percent remain undecided.) A YouGov poll from 2015 found that among Americans, 54 percent dobelieve in extra-terrestrial intelligent life; however, although YouGov believe their polls are some of the most accurate out there, the market research company has also been criticized for not being representative of the population as a whole as well. So, y’know, do with that what you will.
In any event, though, it’s certainly possible to believe in the possibility of alien life without necessarily believing in alien abductions — but for what it’s worth, although I’m a skeptic, I also don’t think the proliferation of alleged alien abduction stories is as simple as people just making stuff up. I don’t doubt that in the wide majority of cases, people believe they experienced something; however, I think there are loads of other reasonable, rational, earthly explanations for these kinds of incidents we should try to rule out before entertaining the idea that it’s aliens.
Either way, though, it’s true that the universe is such a vast place that it seems unlikely that there’s no intelligent life in it other than ourselves. Surely there’s got to be something out there beyond our solar system, right? These folks definitely believe there is — and according to their accounts, it’s closer to us than some of us might like to think.
This story popped up in an AskReddit thread from earlier in 2017 asking folks who believe they’ve been abducted what their experiences were like. There are other explanations for losing time like this, of course (like, for example, a dissociative fugue state) — and, indeed, as u/Pun-Chi notes, they’ve mostly just joked about this experience having been an alleged alien abduction — but even so, this story is still unsettling.
2. “I Started Having These Visions Of Who I REALLY Am”
Near Death Experiment on YouTube
The video here features an 11-minute long interview with a woman named Elizabeth April, who is a frequent speaker at conferences for alien enthusiasts and UFO believers. In the interview (starting at about the 3:40 mark), she tells her alleged abduction story: When she was 18, she went on a 10-day meditation retreat and woke up one night to find a huge, white head hovering above her. Several of the beings that had these huge, white heads — what she calls “Tall Whites,” a species of aliens she claims are about eight and a half feet tall, very skinny, and paper white in color — took her out of her bed and out of her room, she says, at which point they “shot [her] up to their ship.”
While she was up there, she claims they implanted something in her ear with a metal machine — and after the experience, she says, “A whole world of everything new opened up for me.” She continues, “As invasive as that was, and the fact that they put this implant in my ear — regardless of all of that, it still opened me up to the possibilities. It was in my pre-destined contracts to be abducted at that time at that age by that species.”
This, she says, is when she learned that she has ET genetics in her—that she’s basically an alien-human hybrid. “After that,” she went on, “I started getting very vivid flashbacks into other lifetimes where I lived, not as a Tall White, but as other ET species. And I lived through these lifetimes, and after being abducted, I started having this recall, these flashes, these visions of who I really am, not just who I am here and now.”
In the third episode of The X-Files — “Squeeze,” which originally aired on Sept. 24, 1993 — Mulder corrects a fellow agent who asks whether he thinks their current case is “the work of little green men.” “Grey,” says Mulder. “You said green men. A Reticulan’s skin tone is actually grey.” Indeed, Greys, as they’re called, are closely associated with the Roswell incident, as well as with the Betty and Barney Hill abduction. (More on that one in a bit.)
This is all stuff I knew before reading this story, which came from that same 2017 AskReddit thread I referred to earlier. What I did not know is that Greys apparently have a sense of humor. Or at least, these Greys did.
In 2016, Vice France spoke to a bunch of people who claimed they had been abducted by aliens and asked them to draw pictures of what they experienced. One guy, Stephane, described something that had happened to him in 2010 when he was on his way home from working the night shift at the hospital that employed him.
“At about 4 a.m. I drove up to the security gate to go home, when a flash of light blinded me,” he said. “In a split second, I found myself in another place — I was on a mountain, and there was a lake at its foot. Suddenly a huge space ship appeared in the sky, while an even brighter light began to emanate from the ground. That's all I remember.”
And then it got even weirder: “The next thing I know, I am back behind the wheel of my car, passing the security gate,” Stephane told Vice France. “When I got out, I was approached by police who said they had been looking for me. It turned out I had been gone for three days. I have no idea what happened.”
He doesn’t think he saw any aliens, but he did end up with some weird marks on his right hand. There were three of them; they made up a triangle. He said they felt “like a burn that wouldn’t heal” — and that ever since this experience, he feels like he’s being watched at all times.
(There are a lot of super interesting stories in the full Vice piece, by the way— including one from a young woman who broke up with her boyfriend after he wouldn't wake up during her experience. And, I mean, to be fair, "Failed to help prevent my alleged alien abduction" sounds like a legit reason to break up with someone. Head on over there for more.)
The AskReddit thread this story appeared in had only a few comments; indeed, this submission makes up the bulk of the thread. It’s long — this is just an excerpt — so head on over to Ask Reddit to read the whole thing. Suffice it to say that the alleged aliens in this one did not appear to come in peace.
6. “I Knew Something Was Terribly Wrong With My Body"
FindingUFO on YouTube
This interview with Travis Walton — whose story is both one of the most infamous and frequently contested alleged alien abduction cases — is from 2014. Walton was working as a lumberjack in Arizona’s Sitegreaves National Forest in 1975 when he and six coworkers allegedly witnessed a flying saucer descend upon them. Walton said that when he approached it, he was knocked to the ground by a beam of light emanating from the saucer and woke up in a room that looked like some sort of a hospital environment. He was found by the highway five days later.
Still, though, he’s stuck to his guns — and according to him, his alleged experience was incredibly painful. Says Walton in the 2014 interview, “I didn’t know where I was; I didn’t realize the danger and the fearful situation I was in at that point; but I knew something was terribly wrong with my body, especially my inability to get enough oxygen. This feeling of suffocation generated a panic in me that, even through the haze of pain and semi-consciousness, still added to this desperate feeling. Added to that was the feeling that I couldn’t move.” Yikes.
The r/Abductions subredditallows Redditors to share and discuss alleged alien abduction experiences. In this account from the sub dated to about a year ago, Redditor u/MaddyMania recalled a number of odd experiences they had when they were very small — including a number of times when they asked their parents where their “other parents” were. What made u/MaddyMania start thinking that maybe what was going on could be extraterrestrial in nature was the appearance of a location they call “the blue room.” Check out the full story here.
Betty and Barney Hill are often credited with making the first publicized account of an alleged alien abduction experience. In 1961, the husband and wife duo were driving on a highway in New Hampshire when they had what they said was a pretty terrifying-sounding encounter with a UFO. Both Betty and Barney underwent hypnosis several times in an effort to unearth what they believed were lost memories; they got very emotional at various points during these hypnosis sessions, including the moment in which Barney began to panic, yelling, “Run! God, give me strength! I've got to get away! Oh! Oh!”
You can listen to Barney’s hypnosis sessions here, although consider yourselves warned — it can get pretty upsetting to hear.
In 1973, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were fishing in the Pascagoula River in Mississippi when they claimed they encountered a UFO. They described hearing a whirring or whizzing sound, saw flashing blue lights, and witnessed a huge oval object arrive. They said they were taken aboard the oval by three “creatures” and examined before being released.
One of the many times Hickson and Parker recounted their story was in a 1987 article in the Gadsden Times. Said Hickson, “I couldn’t move. I don’t know if it’s because I was so frightened, or what.” Neither of the men could tell how long the “examination” lasted — but eventually they would up back at the river’s edge. Hickson died in 2011, although Parker said in 2013 that the whole incident “turned his life upside down.”
Are aliens real? That's still up for debate. But it's not stopping these stories from being plenty creepy all on their own.
Reports of mysterious assailants who terrorize small groups before melting into the night without a trace, often leave authorities scratching their heads, and the public bewildered. These rare events recently made headlines in Australia, and for several days, captivated the nation. The strange saga began on Monday August 29th, 2016, when the Tromp family of the Melbourne suburb of Silvan, fled their red currant farm and embarked on a frantic trip over hundreds of miles in a desperate effort to evade evil forces who they believed were trying to kill them. It would be five days before all five family members would be accounted for. At that point, Mrs. Tromp (Jacoba) and her daughter Riana, 29, had been hospitalized for severe stress, and 22 year-old Ella was charged with stealing a car. It was reported that the family had ditched their technology, left their credit cards behind and taken a bundle of cash with them, in a scene that resembled a Hollywood movie. Some media outlets have speculated that the Tromps may have been suffering from a collective mental disorder and New South Wales police were worried that they may have been experiencing some type of group delusional schizophrenia. However, there is a very real possibility that the Tromps had simply scared themselves.
From time to time, bizarre news stories appear about a chase or siege involving a family or close-knit group who claim to have been attacked by mysterious assailants whose existence cannot be verified. Upon closer investigation, authorities can find no evidence to confirm their story. Incidents often give rise to speculation that the event was a hoax, that those involved were on drugs, or mentally disturbed. I have collected about 30 such cases of what I term “small group panics.” Most episodes involve normal, healthy people who, as a result of a series of unusual events, grow paranoid and literally scare themselves after growing convinced that their lives are in imminent danger.
During episodes, members become distressed and emotionally unstable, often as a result of prolonged fear, fatigue and lack of sleep. These factors enhance suggestibility and inhibit their powers of critical thinking. Within this atmosphere of fear, members begin to redefine everyday objects and events in a new light. It is within this context that a car backfiring, may be perceived as a gunshot, or rustling in the bushes is mistaken for a monster or hostile gang member.
Most cases begin in an isolated environment, under the cover of darkness. The principal witness – the first to draw attention to the threat, or to panic – almost always holds an influential social position. In each case, a false consensus emerges that the group is under attack, after which a variety of ambiguous stimuli are redefined within popular cultural labels such as space aliens, Yowies or drug dealers. Let’s examine some examples of small group panics from the United States and Australia.
The Kentucky Space Goblins
On the evening of 21 August 1955, a farm family in the state of Kentucky, made international headlines after claiming to have been terrorized by beings from outer space. Members of the Sutton family, comprised of seven adults and three children, were living in the rural, isolated hamlet of Hopkinsville. The episode began at about 7 o’clock, during a visit by their landlord William Taylor, who claimed to have spotted a glowing saucer-shaped object land in a gully near the farmhouse. Family members were incredulous and thought that Taylor had overreacted to seeing a 'falling star.' Soon the two men spotted a three and a half foot-tall creature outside the house. They said it had a huge head, extended arms and large ears. The pair panicked, retreated into the house, grabbed their guns and began firing. Over the next three and a half hours, various family members claim to have glimpsed several creatures either on or near the house, sometimes peering through windows. The occupants responded with intermittent bursts of gunfire.
The Sutton’s didn't have a phone, so at about 11 o'clock, they dashed from the house, piled into two cars and raced to the nearest police station to summon help. Police swarmed on the farmhouse but found nothing unusual. Not long after the last officer left at 2:15 am, the family’s mother claimed to have seen a creature peering into a window and alerted the others. More sightings and sporadic gunfire continued for the next three hours until sunrise. At some point during the ordeal, everyone in the house said they had spotted at least one creature. Again police rushed to the house but found no evidence of space aliens – only a terrified family and a house riddled with bullet holes.
Former police detective Joe Nickell later visited the house, interviewed family members, and concluded that they had seen Great Horned Owls. These creatures stand about 3 and a half feet high, become active at dusk, and are known to be aggressive in defending their nests. They have big heads, large eyes and long ear tufts. After the owls were scared off by the gunfire, fatigue and imagination appears to have taken over and the terrified occupants were soon firing at shadows and rustling in the bushes.
Phantom Drug Siege in Michigan
Between 7 and 8 November 1978, a phantom drug siege took place at a house place near Lowell, Michigan. The first man, ‘Masters,’ was 24 and suspected of being a drug dealer. His companion, ‘Cordell,’ was 29. The pair gradually grew suspicious after a series of mundane events. Each new event fostered more anxiety and snowballing suspicions. On the afternoon of the 7th, great significance was given to the finding of a bubble gum wrapper on the roof, the other half near a wood pile. They also grew certain that people were lurking about the house, peering through the windows.
Near dusk, they thought they may have spotted a ‘kid’ in camouflage gear. Cordell chased after the figure but to no avail. Then he shouted a warning to “the people he felt were hiding but could not see that if the nonsense did not stop somebody was going to get shot.” A short time later they thought they could hear people near a back door. At this point events quickly spiraled out of control as Cordell fired a warning shot to scare away the people he thought were there. Fearful that they might be under siege, Masters telephoned a friend and asked him to bring over a variety of weapons. Soon, a 23-year-old friend, ‘Hamby,’ joined them. The trio kept a watchful eye on the house until about 1:30 am when Cordell and Masters thought they saw shadowy figures near the house and they fired off some 10 shots. Meanwhile, Hamby was adamant that he saw and heard no one.
Over the next three and a half hours, the trio said they heard more noises and distant figures. Then, near dusk, and in a state of physical and emotional exhaustion, the men began firing indiscriminately. Cordell was sure he saw someone hanging in a window and that he shot the figure but later no body or blood were found. Harvard-trained sociologist Ron Westrum interviewed the men and later wrote: “Hamby fired a .44 magnum through a refrigerator – I saw the hole myself – at a person in the kitchen, whom he heard slam against the sink, fall on the floor, and make gurgling noises, as if critically wounded. ...All three were extremely scared; Masters to the point where he was re-loading spent cartridges into the revolver.” Near sunrise, the men phoned the Sheriff’s Department, showing how desperate they had become as one of them was on parole.
One of the men was so anxious to get the attention of a passing police car that he fired a shotgun – inadvertently striking the windshield! He was charged with attempted murder, but it was later reduced to misuse of a firearm. Police conducted a thorough investigation of the scene and found no evidence of any intruders, only a bullet-ridden home littered with empty shell cartridges.
The Nullarbor Plain Incident
On 19 January 1988, Faye Knowles of Perth, Australis, decided to drive her Ford Telstar across the continent to stay with relatives in Melbourne. Accompanying her were three sons: Wayne, Sean and Patrick, ranging in age from 18 to 24. The group had been traveling virtually non-stop for 13-hours when Traveling virtually non-stop for 13-hours when something bizarre happened near the tiny outpost of Mundrabilla in the Nullarbor Desert.
Near dawn and with the rest of his family asleep, Sean noticed a mysterious light in the distance and became convinced it was a ‘spaceship.’ After alerting the others, Sean became terrified that the object was pursuing them. He floored the accelerator and the car began roaring down the remote stretch of highway at about 200 kph, generating fear and confusion among his groggy passengers.
The group later told police that a beam raised the vehicle into the air, then dropped it, causing the tire to burst and the car to become disabled on the roadway. They also said that a loud thud could be heard on the roof, and an eerie grey mist filled the car. Meantime, a foul smell foul odor permeated the vehicle. The nervous occupants changed the tire and drove on to Mundrabilla. Two truck drivers who encountered the family there said they were visibly upset. One of the truckers said that the Knowles car was laden with a strange black ash. They reached South Australia, where police interviewed the family who by now were making global headlines after claiming that their car had been picked up by a ‘UFO.’ South Australian police inspected the car and found only typical road grime. An investigation of the car was conducted by the Australian Mineral Development Laboratory which analyzed the ash and found particles of clay and salt, consistent with what one should expect to find in a vehicle that had recently crossed the sand-laden Nullarbor Plains near the Great Southern Ocean.
As for the strange aerial light that appeared to follow the car, weather records reveal that at the time of the incident, there had been a temperature inversion in the area. Former South Australian meteorologist Allan Brunt later observed that such events in the region are notorious for refracting light and distorting sizes, shapes and colors of objects. Brunt believes that the Knowles family saw the distorted image of the headlights of a truck in the distance, which appeared to them as a UFO.
Given the lack of corroborating physical evidence, and the frightened state of the occupants, it appears that family members, fatigued from a long trip, under the cover of darkness while traveling on an unfamiliar road, mistook an anomalous light for an extraterrestrial space craft that they believed was pursuing them. It is also notable that based on interviews with the family, they were all in an extremely emotional state, “shouting and crying.” Mrs Knowles even said she thought they were going to die.
Further Study Needed
When viewed from afar, small group panics may appear to be a sign of mental disturbance. Yet, they are perhaps best understood through the lens of the famous Thomas Theorem. In the 1920s, American sociologist William Isaac Thomas devised a maxim that is often quoted to this day. He wrote that “If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.” Put simply, if you believe that you were being chased by drug dealers or space aliens, in a sense, you really were, because you behave as if you were.
In the absence of any clear evidence of mental disorder among the Tromp family, I am inclined to believe that the most likely explanation for their behavior, is that after a series of unfortunate events, combined with stress and fatigue, they had simply scared themselves.
A UFO attacked a car with a family of Australians This case was investigated by Australian authorities.
After 29 years, the witnesses decided to tell the details of the incident when they were attacked by UFOs, when the family traveled by car to the border of South Australia, reports Rus.Media. This case was investigated by Australian authorities.
Near the small town Mundrabilla the head of the family who noticed an unusual glow white-yellow. The object had a disc shape. Eyewitnesses claim that UFOs began to pursue the vehicle, and soon began to raise the car above the ground, and through the open window into the cabin of the car started to get black smoke. After a few minutes the car was thrown to the ground, and Nole just shocked at what was happening.
The representative of the investigation team, which investigated the incident reported that the vehicle the victims were footprints on the roof, which suggests that it really picks up. In the car traces of black carbon, which was described Nolse. Netizens suggested that the time could be held military exercises or the car was hit by lightning.
Columnist Cheryl Costa shares a World War II encounter between a Navy floatplane and an invisible UFO.
This World War II UFO encounter story involves a United States Maritime cargo vessel, a Navy Cruiser and a Navy floatplane that hit an invisible UFO.
In 2004, a man named Frank in his mid-80s described himself as a World War II veteran. He tells us that during the war he was a U.S. Army infantry officer.
Frank explained that he was onboard the MS Sea Witch, a pre-war U.S. maritime cargo vessel that was anchored in the Fiji Islands. An accompanying navy vessel, a heavy cruiser, the USS Chicago CA-29, was among the ships in the anchorage.
The Chicago was equipped with four Curtiss SOC Seagull scout-observation floatplanes. Several times a day, the Chicago would launch one of its observation aircrafts to perform surveillance of the surrounding area. On the morning in question, Jan. 18, 1943, one of the observation floatplanes was lifted off the heavy cruiser and launched on its reconnaissance sortie.
About an hour later Frank and about 25 witnesses on the Sea Witch were watching the observation floatplane as it returned from its morning surveillance mission. The floatplane had descended to about 600 feet preparing to make its water landing. He said all the observers were stunned as the aircraft appeared to fly into an invisible object.
“Tank explained it was obvious to everyone who witnessed the event that the pilot and observer were killed in the collision. The USS Chicago mounted no recovery effort. To this day, he remembers this odd event like it was yesterday and has wondered what it was that floatplane hit.
Aftehat plane simply stopped flying for an instant and fell vertically into the ocean as a ball of tangled metal,” Frank said.
Frr the war, the MS Sea Witch was sold many times to numerous foreign owners until it was eventually scrapped in Sweden.
The USS Chicago met with a more dramatic fate just a few weeks later. On Jan. 27, 1943, she sailed from Nouméa to escort a Guadalcanal convoy. On the night of Jan. 29, the convoy came under attack by Japanese aircrafts during the Battle of Rennell Island.
Various fires caused the attack upon the convoy. This gave the Japanese torpedo bombers the light they needed to target and drop torpedoes toward the heavy cruiser. Two torpedoes hit the Chicago and caused severe flooding and loss of power. Despite valiant damage control efforts by Chicago’s experienced crew, the ship was lost. The Chicago had a complement of 1,130 officers and men and miraculously only 61 perished during the attack.
Interestingly, the loss of Chicago wasn’t reported to the general public for some time. It’s been said that Admiral Chester Nimitz, commander in chief of Allied Pacific forces, threatened to “shoot” any of his staff who leaked the ship’s loss to the press. Details of the horrendous battle started to emerge in U.S. newspapers in the middle of February 1943.
Richard Beckwith – Wyoming’s UFO Hunting Lawyer – October 3, 2017
Richard Beckwith – Wyoming’s UFO Hunting Lawyer – October 3, 2017
Open Minds UFO Radio: Richard has been with MUFON for more than ten years and presently serves as the State Director for Wyoming and on the Board of Directors. He has been a practicing attorney for more than 22 years and possesses a Juris Doctorate from the University of Wyoming College of Law, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Molecular Biology from the University of Wyoming. He wrote for the Land and Water Law Review and published his first novel in 2016. He presently serves as the Assistant City Attorney for the City of Rock Springs, Wyoming.
In this interview, we talk to Richard about how he got involved with UFOs and MUFON, and how his colleagues have reacted to his UFO interests. We also cover some interesting Wyoming UFO cases.
Will Vladimir Putin reveal aliens are here? The 'real reason' why Donald Trump won't do it
Will Vladimir Putin reveal aliens are here? The 'real reason' why Donald Trump won't do it
EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump and his predecessors have not admitted to the world that aliens exist and are HERE on Earth, because it would "breach the US Constitution" and risk the "collapse of the global economy", it has shockingly been claimed.
Aliens have been working alongside the US and other world governments since at least 1947, when the infamous Roswell UFO crash happened in New Mexico, according to conspiracy theorists.
Steve Bassett, chief executive of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG), is the only registered lobbyist in the US on the issue of "alien and UFO disclosure".
He and many others are convinced the US government has been secretly working with alien visitors since 1947 on developing new technologies, but it has been kept hidden under a worldwide "truth embargo".
He believes this is because of fears on the impact on religion, the rule of law, and the fossil fuel economy.
ALIEN DISCLOSURE? Will Vladimir Putin reveal the ET truth?
Mr Bassett believes no US officials will ever admit the truth embargo is in place because it will "expose a constitutional breach" that has been going on for years.
He has taken his mission to Russia in the hope that Vladimir Putin will break the embargo and finally admit that "aliens are here".
Mr Bassett was given major air time on Ren TV, one of the most watched networks in Russia with a viewer base of 120 million, after being extensively interviewed in Moscow in May.
The interview, which has just been screened by Ren TV, was conducted by journalist Natalia Pryguina.
Excerpts from the interview, dubbed in Russian, have now been aired on the program Most Shocking Hypotheses (самые шокирующие), a paranormal and alternative documentary series hosted by Russian celebrity Igor Prokopenko.
A PRG spokesman said the group was hopeful the interview and further work Mr Bassett is carrying out with Russian activists might prompt President Putin to make world news by announcing the truth about aliens.
The spokesman said: "Bassett covered a broad range of topics including various considerations that might prompt Russian President Vladimir Putin to make the first formal acknowledgment by a head of state regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.
"PRG believes this to be the first time anyone has made this argument on Russian media inside or outside Russia."
Jon Austin
ALIEN PROOF? Steve Bassett at the Daily Express office in London.
While in Moscow Mr Bassett took meetings with a number of groups addressing the extraterrestrial phenomena issues in Russia.
The spokesman added: "These groups included a number of former Soviet and Russian military and agency officials.
"There has always been a considerable, open engagement of extraterrestrial-related phenomena within Russia and the Soviet Union by the public and the government."
In an exclusive interview with earlier this year, Mr Bassett said he and many others believe aliens have shared UFO "anti-gravity flight technology" with the US Government, and, if it became public, it would mean the end of the fossil fuel economy.
Some programs were removed from the jurisdiction of the White House and Congress, and are being worked on somewhere, very, very deep, in a 'black manner'
Steve Bassett
In the US, the most secretive operations are called Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAP), and he said the alien collaborations were carried out as these.
He said: "They do not even acknowledge the existence of these projects, even the president, White House, and Congress, may not know they are going ahead, but this is a major constitutional breach, and so to admit to it now, would expose years of this breach."
Mr Bassett believes this is why it is so difficult to get a US alien announcement, and he has turned to Mr Putin.
In the Russian documentary Mr Prokopenko says: "Researchers assert that they know the reasons why the US authorities conceal information about UFOs. If evidence about UFOs is disclosed, the entire world economy will crash.
"Bassett shared the results of his investigation with us in the exclusive interview.
"His main point: America already possesses ET technologies.
"The technologies are concealed. They are not accessible to masses and human civilisation because they fall under the truth embargo."
Mr Bassett said on camera: "These craft that appeared en mass in 1947, which are usually talked about as 'saucers', they do not use oil, gasoline, or gas, or coal.
"They have another system of energy. Without a doubt, much more complicated and deeper system, anti-gravitational.
"Some programs were removed from the jurisdiction of the White House and Congress, and are being worked on somewhere, very, very deep, in a 'black manner'.
"Only the people engaged in it know about this. This is a direct violation of the Constitution.
"I can assure you that when a head of state will finally admit this fact formally, and will present the evidence, people will be worried, they will want to learn more.
"But at the same time, religion will continue its existence. And the economy, even if it stops its development, it will have new opportunities opened up.
"Everything will be OK with it. People and countries will exist."
There is, as yet, no confirmed evidence that intelligent aliens exist and are on Earth, or that UFOs are alien craft.
However, Mr Bassett and many others say the evidence is "absolutely overwhelming" and are convinced it has been happening for years.
According to PRG more than 50 percent of people in the US also believe this to be the case.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Poetin moet de waarheid over aliens vertellen. Deze lobbyist doet onthullingen op Russische tv
Poetin moet de waarheid over aliens vertellen. Deze lobbyist doet onthullingen op Russische tv
Stephen Bassett van de Paradigm Research Group mocht op de Russische tv komen vertellen waarom hij vindt dat Poetin de waarheid over aliens moet vertellen.
REN TV, dat door zo’n 120 miljoen mensen wordt bekeken, zond een interview uit met Bassett dat in mei was opgenomen.
De lobbyist besprak tijdens het interview diverse onderwerpen die de Russische president Vladimir Poetin er mogelijk toe aanzetten om als eerste staatshoofd te erkennen dat er contact is met een buitenaardse aanwezigheid, zo zei een woordvoerder.
In Moskou sprak Bassett met een aantal groepen die onderzoek doen naar buitenaardse fenomenen in Rusland. Tot deze groepen behoren ook een aantal oud-militairen en -overheidsfunctionarissen.
Fragmenten van het interview werden uitgezonden tijdens een programma van tv-bekendheid Igor Prokopenko.
“Onderzoekers stellen dat ze weten waarom de Amerikaanse autoriteiten informatie over UFO’s achterhouden,” zei Prokopenko tijdens het programma.
“Als bewijs voor UFO’s naar buiten wordt gebracht, zal de hele wereldeconomie instorten,” vervolgde hij.
Hij zei daarna dat Bassett beweert dat Amerika al beschikt over buitenaardse technologieën en dat die geheim worden gehouden.
“Buitenaardse schepen, die doorgaans schotels worden genoemd, verschenen in 1947 massaal,” zei Bassett tijdens het interview.
“Ze gebruiken geen olie, benzine, gas of kolen,” vervolgde hij. “Ze beschikken over een ander systeem dat gebaseerd is op antizwaartekracht.”
Alleen de mensen die hierbij betrokken zijn weten hiervan, aldus Bassett, toevoegende dat dit in strijd is met de grondwet.
“Als een staatshoofd dit eindelijk officieel toegeeft en het bewijs presenteert, zullen mensen bezorgd zijn en meer willen weten,” zei hij.
“Tegelijkertijd zal religie blijven bestaan en zullen zich nieuwe economische kansen aanbieden,” voegde hij toe.
Volgens Bassett is er overweldigend bewijs dat we al jaren worden bezocht. Hij hoopt dat Poetin dit bewijs naar buiten zal brengen.
The Reality of our Holographic Universe and Astral World: A Never Ending Cycle!
The Reality of our Holographic Universe and Astral World: A Never Ending Cycle!
An astral projection is an out-of-body experience achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming or deep meditation. During such an experience you are consciously aware of things you encounter while out of your physical body.
In fact your spirit or astral body has left your physical body and travels in another dimension the so-called astral world whereby the Pineal Gland or the ‘third eye’ operates as a cosmic antenna, which not only aids the transfer of signals between the different dimensional planes and worlds but it has also the ability of visionary capacity to see beyond space-time during an astral travel.
Many people dismiss the astral world as little more than a mind-altering experience but a recently released CIA document suggests that the astral world in its entirety exists.
During their investigation the CIA did a so-called Reverse Event Horizon experience and discovered not only the excistence of the astral world but they also discovered that our universe is holographic and constantly creates and destroys itself in a never ending cycle, whereby one part encodes the whole, allowing them to explain the mechanism for human consciousness.
Holograms: Energy creates, stores and retrieves meaning in the universe by projecting or expanding at certain frequencies in a three dimensional mode that creates a living pattern called a hologram.
According to the study, the human mind is also a hologram which attunes itself to the universal hologram by the medium of energy exchange thereby deducing meaning and achieving the state into a two dimensional mode which we call consciousness.
So, it means that our reality is nothing more than a hologram created by thought projection (consciousness) into the physical gird whereby our physical body is nothing more than the temporary housing of our astral body which can travel infinite in other dimensions without boundaries?
If that should be the case then indeed there is life after death but only as an astral body that (sometimes) temporary return into a new physical body (reincarnation)….as the document indicates, the whole process is a never ending cycle.
An official MoD statement from the time said the department had “no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extraterrestrial life”.
It went on: “In order to make best use of defence resources, we have decided that from December 1 2009 the dedicated UFO hotline answer-phone service and email address will be withdrawn. [The] MoD will no longer respond to reported UFO sightings or investigate them.”
Living with an alien’
Among the 4,400 pages of documents released are:
A letter from a school child in Altrincham, Greater Manchester, to the MoD, dated January 2009, asking if aliens exist after she had seen some strange lights, and including a drawing of an alien in a UFO waving
A report received via the UFO hotline by someone who had been “living with an alien” in Carlisle for some time
A report from a man from Cardiff who claimed a UFO abducted his dog, and took his car and tent, while he was camping with friends in 2007
“Green, red and white lights” reportedly seen over the Houses of Parliament in London in February 2008
“Discoid” shapes in photographs of Stonehenge, in an email dated in January 2009
Photographs taken at Blackpool Pier which show an aircraft that had not been seen at the time the picture was taken in October 2008
The files show the number of UFO sightings reported to the MoD trebled in the year the desk was closed.
The letter from a school child was sent after she saw strange lights
According to a briefing in the files, during the years 2000-07 the ministry received an average of 150 reports per year.
But by November 2009, it had already received 520 reports that year, as well as 97 Freedom of Information requests on UFOs.
Possible reasons for the increase included the rising popularity for releasing Chinese lanterns during celebrations.
Dr David Clarke, author of the book The UFO Files, said the “last pieces of the puzzle” had been revealed with the insight into the final days of the UFO desk.
“The last files from the UFO desk are now all in the public domain. People at home can read them and draw their own conclusions about whether ‘the truth’ is in these files or still out there,” he said.
Police managed to snap a strange being on a mobile phone in Corrientes, Argentina after terrified teenagers alerted them of an unusual behaviour.
When the police arrived in the area, the teen witnesses pointed them towards a park where a strange creature was spotted.
Then the officers lost track of it after the bizarre being fled the scene and went to a nearby river.
Conspiracist Terry Larch said that the photograph is incredible and may be one of the best pieces of evidence showing that aliens have been living among us.
According to the report, the police wandered over slowly as they approached the strange thing. They realised later that the being did not look like a human, but something else entirely. It appeared to them as a mythical looking other-worldly creature, typically an extra-terrestrial depicted in movies and drawings.
Larch noted the features of the alleged alien and its striking appearance. He said that the shape and size of the mysterious creature were rather remarkable to see. He added that its head was oval and the eyes were almond dark. Larch also noticed the three fingers of the alien that were protruding outward.
However, debunkers believe that it is a CGI hoax. They explain that the alien in the picture is an edited version of an alien from Spanish horror movie Ovni or from the ET film Signs that starred Mel Gibson.
Two Witnesses in Different Location Notice Two Very Similar UFOs
Two Witnesses in Different Location Notice Two Very Similar UFOs
The skies of Brazil and the island state of Saint Lucia became the centre of the news after two very similar UFOs were reportedly spotted for two days.
According to eyewitnesses, an air force helicopter was observed circling in the area where UFOs were spotted around 15 minutes earlier in Goiania, Brazil. Interestingly, the same thing had happened in St. Lucia where an air force helicopter was also seen 20 minutes after the appearance of a strange flying object.
Goiania is a Brazilian city and municipality. It is the capital of the state of Goiás and part of the Mesoregion Centre of the state of Goias. It is also part of Agglomeration Goiania and Goijani economic-statistical micro-region.
The eyewitness, who photographed the strange event, was on the balcony of his apartment in a building with multiple storeys. The witness, who did not want to be named, was left stunned after seeing the unusual object in the sky.
Meanwhile, the other witness was on vacation in St. Lucia when she thought of getting photos of the sunset from the balcony. The unnamed witness noticed a strange object on the pictures.
Saint Lucia is an island nation in the Windward Islands of the West Indies. It lies between the islands of Martinique and Saint Vincent. It is a sovereign island country in the Caribbean.
Update for Oct. 3, 2017: The historic discovery of gravitational waves of September 2015 has won the Nobel Prize for Physics. Half of the prize goes to physicists Kip Thorne and Barry Barish of Caltech, with half going to Rainer Weiss for their roles in the discovery.
Gravitational waves are the "smoking gun" of the Big Bang.
Predicted by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity in 1916, a massive object like Earth distorts space-time around it like a bowling ball dropped on a trampoline. The larger the object, the more space-time is distorted by it. If a marble were circling around the bowling ball on the dimpled trampoline, it would fall inward, toward the bowling ball, like a rock in space circling a planet. Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time that travel outward from a source. [VIDEO: Gravitational Waves Simply Explained With a Cube and a Marble]
This illustration shows the gravitational waves thought to be produced by two orbiting white dwarf stars in a binary system called J0651, according to an August 2012 study.
Credit: NASA
Scientists think that powerful gravitational waves are created when two extremely dense objects — like a pair of neutron stars or a black hole and a neutron star — orbit one another in binary pairs. The interaction of those two objects swirl space-time, creating ripples that theoretically can be measured using powerful instrumentation. [See images of gravitational waves]
Background noise
In 2014, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics found a faint signal in the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). They announced that the signal signified the first direct evidence of gravitational waves ever discovered. Gravitational waves were the last untested part of Einstein's general theory of relativity. Unfortunately, the signal detected by their research could be explained by dust in the Milky Way.
However, the announcement highlighted one method for spotting gravitational waves. The rapid expansion of the universe (called inflation) right after the Big Bang nearly 13.8 billion years ago could have produced ripples in the CMB — the cosmic fog that fills the universe and represents the earliest detectable radiation. If spotted in the future, such ripples would further support the idea that the universe went through a huge period of inflation a fraction of a second after the Big Bang.
CMB radiation came into existence about 380,000 years after the Big Bang. Scientists have mapped the CMB across the sky and found that it is a uniform temperature, evidence that bolsters cosmic inflation theory.
"Why the cosmic microwave background temperature is the same at different spots in the sky would be a mystery if it was not for inflation saying, well, our whole sky came from this tiny region," Chuck Bennett, principal investigator of NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) mission, told in 2013. "So the idea of inflation helps answer some of these mysteries, and it explains where these fluctuations came from."
Smoking gun
In 2016, the Advanced LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory) announced its first (and then its second) clear detection of gravitational waves. The discovery was met with excitement by both the general public and the scientific community.
The first announcement, made in February 2016, revealed the historic confirmed detection made in September 2015. A pair of black holes, weighing in at 29 and 36 times the mass of the sun, merged into a single object, producing the ripples in space-time that LIGO detected. The September signal was the first detection of binary black holes.
The LIGO team announced a second gravitational wave signal, which the pair of instruments detected on December 26, 2015. Like the first, the signal is thought to have come from a pair of colliding black holes.
The crashing twin pairs are far from the largest black holes. The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way weighs in at over 4 million times the mass of the sun. The intermediate mass black holes are more challenging to explain than their larger siblings.
"The 29 and 30-plus solar masses come as an unusual surprise. If you look at most binary stars in [the Milky Way] galaxy, given the composition of the stars, we don't expect black holes of this mass," black hole scientist and LIGO team member Vicky Kalogera told soon after the first discovery.
"The higher mass tells us that these binary black holes formed from a particular environment [with a] metallicity that is different than [the sun's] metallicity."
As LIGO continues to study space-time, and as more detectors come online (such as one proposed by India), scientists will improve their understanding of intermediate black holes and black hole pairs.
"For every combination of masses and spins of black holes, you get a different [signal]," LIGO spokesperson Gabriela Gonzalez said during the 228th American Astronomical Society meeting in San Diego, California in June 2016.
In 2012, California Institute of Technology emeritus professor of physics Kip Thorne, a leading proponent of LIGO, predicted that the instrument would reveal a bounty of gravitational waves.
"We expect to see black holes colliding at a rate of perhaps somewhere between once an hour and once a year," Thorne said.
Gravitational waves are different from gravity waves, which are ripples created in the atmospheres of planets by the interactions of winds whipping over geological features on the planet's surface.
Additional reporting by Nola Taylor Redd, contributor.
Enorme vulkanen van Mars groeien ont-zet-tend traag
Enorme vulkanen van Mars groeien ont-zet-tend traag
Caroline Kraaijvanger
In 1.000.000 jaar worden ze hooguit 70 centimeter hoger.
Op Mars vinden we de grootste vulkanen van ons zonnestelsel. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan de reus op de foto bovenaan dit artikel: Olympus Mons. Deze joekel is zo’n 25 kilometer hoog!
Mantelpluimen Hoewel de vulkanen op Mars veel hoger zijn dan op aarde, ontstaan ze wel op een vergelijkbare manier. Namelijk door toedoen van mantelpluimen die door de korst heen prikken. Op aarde beweegt die korst over de mantelpluim heen, waardoor een rits aan vulkanen ontstaat (zoals je bijvoorbeeld op Hawaii ziet). De korst van Mars beweegt niet, waardoor vulkanen dus gedurende ontzettend lange tijd op dezelfde plek kunnen uitbarsten en ook uitzonderlijk groot kunnen worden.
Trááág Maar dat groot worden gaat dus niet zo snel. Sterker nog: het gaat zo’n 1000 keer langzamer dan op aarde, zo schrijven onderzoekers in het blad Nature Communications.
Meteorieten De onderzoekers trekken die conclusie op basis van verschillende meteorieten die afkomstig zijn van Mars en op aarde zijn geland. Alle meteorieten bleken afkomstig te zijn van dezelfde vulkaan op Mars en zo’n 10,7 miljoen jaar geleden tijdens een inslag op de rode planeet te zijn ontstaan. Door de leeftijd van de meteorieten te bepalen, konden de onderzoekers de groei van die vulkaan reconstrueren.
Uit het onderzoek blijkt dat deze vulkaan elke 1 miljoen jaar ongeveer 40 tot 70 centimeter groter werd, dankzij vier duidelijk van elkaar te onderscheiden uitbarstingen die over een periode van 93 miljoen jaar plaatsvonden. Het zou betekenen dat de vulkanen op Mars veel trager groeien dan gedacht. En dat wijst er weer op dat de rode planeet – afgaand op de enorme vulkanen die we er nu vinden – al veel eerder vulkanische actief was dan werd aangenomen.
Even huilen mag: deze kant van Saturnus zullen we de komende 15 jaar niet meer zien.
Ruimtesonde Cassini maakte de prachtige foto begin juni. Op dat moment was de sonde zo’n 1,21 miljoen kilometer van Saturnus verwijderd en keek deze naar de nachtzijde van de gasreus.
Het resulteert in een fantastische foto die alleen een ruimtesonde als Cassini had kunnen maken. Want hoe krachtig de telescopen op aarde ook zijn: hiervandaan kunnen we alleen de dagzijde van Saturnus bewonderen. Het betekent dat we echt afscheid moeten gaan nemen van dit soort uitzichten. Want Cassini is dood. De sonde stortte zich half september in de atmosfeer van Saturnus en spatte kort daarna uiteen. Wat overblijft is een schat aan onderzoeksgegevens en kiekjes die we ongetwijfeld nog lange tijd zullen koesteren. Want een opvolger heeft Cassini (nog) niet. En dus is die mooie tijd waarin Saturnus continu – en uit alle mogelijke hoeken – bespied werd, voorbij.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Space Science Institute.
Het goede nieuws is dat er wel voorzichtige plannen zijn voor een vervolgmissie. Deze zal zich waarschijnlijk richten op Titan: één van de spannendere manen van Saturnus (zie kader hieronder). Maar zelfs als die missie groen licht krijgt, zal de lancering pas halverwege het volgende decennium plaatsvinden. Tel daar nog een paar jaar reistijd bij op en voor je het weet is het 2030 voor we weer een frisse stroom aan adembenemende kiekjes van Saturnus kunnen verwachten. Zoals gezegd: even huilen mag.
Saturnus heeft zo’n 65 manen en Titan is – met een doorsnede van 5150 kilometer – de grootste. Maar deze maan is om meer redenen bijzonder. Zo bezit Titan heuse zeeën en meren (waar je overigens niet op kunt surfen). Ook bezit de maan een dikke atmosfeer waarin complexe organische moleculen, oftewel bouwstenen van leven, te vinden zijn. Bovendien sluiten onderzoekers niet uit dat onder de ijzige korst van de maan een oceaan zit die bestaat uit vloeibaar water.
"Goodbye to the Dark Side" - NASA Afbeelding bovenaan dit artikel: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Space Science Institute
When aliens arrive in the movies, they typically come from distant galaxies. Extraterrestrial life, however, could exist right here in our own solar system, nestled in briny oceans under the surface of icy worlds close to home.
Multiple moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn have proven to hold, or once held, liquid oceans. Of these, Saturn’s moon Enceladus has emerged as the most promising candidate for life in recent years, thanks to the discovery of hydrothermal plumes gushing from beneath its frozen surface. The vents these plumes emanate from could foster an an ideal environment for the emergence of organic life, pumping in crucial compounds and energy. To find out if that might be the case, Laurie Barge travels to other worlds in her lab—here on Earth, of course.
Otherworldly Stalagmites
Barge is an astrobiologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and she and her team have spent the last few years growing tiny mineral plumes in beakers to model conditions on different moons and planets. Just a few inches tall, the crooked spires serve as miniature simulations of much larger features—some over a hundred feet tall—found deep in the ocean. Fed by hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor and sustained by the heat they emit, whole ecosystems flourish beyond the sun’s reach in these aquatic high-rises. It’s thought that life may have actually originated around these plumes on Earth, and the same process could be playing out in the depths of Enceladus.
An iron hydroxide plume in a beaker simulating early Earth conditions.
(Credit: Erika Flores)
Hydrothermal plumes provide a crucial source of chemical energy in vast, dark oceans. Before the evolution of photosynthesis, the sun’s energy was beyond reach, and life needed alternative forms of sustenance. Near the vents, this comes in the form of ions leaching from beneath the ground and reacting in the hot environment with seawater. Each underwater plume represents a chain of reactions that yield nutrient chemicals, some of which can sustain simple lifeforms.
Hence, the mini mineral mountains in Barge’s lab. You can think of each one as a kind of alternate reality, testing out what would have happened had the oceans been more acidic, less oxygenated, hotter, colder, or any of a number of variables. Barge starts with a liquid similar in composition to the seas on Earth billions of years ago—lacking oxygen, rich in iron and carbonate—and experiments with different mixtures. She’s looking for reactions that may have led to early organisms, the crucial moment when chemical reactions became something more. By testing a range of situations, she hopes to narrow down the set of conditions that could have led to life.
“The best we can do is look back at what early Earth would have been like and then try to understand what life today tells us about the first life (the common ancestor) and then use those top-down, bottom-up approaches to figure out what kind of processes could have led to the origin,” Barge says.
An iron sulfide chimney in “ocean world” seawater.
(Credit: Laurie Barge and Ryan Cameron)
Educated Guesses
Scientists are already interested in Enceladus, but there’s a catch: We don’t fully know what the oceans on Enceladus look like, and we also don’t have complete data on what’s going on beneath the surface. The Cassini mission provided some clues when it dove through some of the plumes hanging high in the atmosphere of Enceladus and detected water vapor, carbon dioxide and organic compounds. Subsequent observations confirmed that a large ocean exists beneath the ice. This is where Barge’s planet-in-a-beaker experimentscould be helpful, as they allow researchers to work through many different scenarios to find those that best fit observations. The findings will inform future missions, and the experiments can be updated accordingly once more data comes in.
Enceladus wouldn’t necessarily need to be geothermally active for these vents to exist. Some hydrothermal plumes on Earth form as a result of chemical interactions between sediments and seawater. They can reach temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and give rise to chemical reactions that could also have sparked life. Whether such vents are found on Enceladus — and what kind actually do exist there — will have to await future missions. Finding out what the seafloor on Enceladus looks like would be a big help, Barge says, as it would hint at what kinds of reactions are taking place.
Translating what she finds in the lab to the real world could take even longer still, though.
“Just because you can do something in a lab doesn’t means it’s going to be easy to detect with a planetary mission,” she says.
Huge UFO activity happens all around the globe but seems that it comes to an end because of the latestactivities. All these sightings have one common: the dropping of lights to the ground. What are these lights? Some kind of transport mechansim?
A video interview with the late Charles Forgus, a deputy sheriff of Big Springs in Howard County, Texas, emerged in June, in which he said he and his senior saw the crash site of the alleged Roswell UFO in July 1947.
Mr Forgus described in detail to a private investigator how he saw a crashed flying saucer and dead aliens being removed from it before the pair were told to leave the scene.
The account filmed in 1999 was released in the book UFOs TODAY, 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation and Government Cover-Up by Dr Irena Scott in June.
British UFO investigator Philip Mantle, who published it, says he was criticised by others in the field for releasing the video, amid claims it was a "false testimony".
Philip Mantle*Getty
UFO crash site? Charles Forgus pictured with his wife.
However, Mr Mantle says further inquiries have vindicated the release and suggested Mr Forgus was telling the truth.
Roswell has been at the heart of the UFO scene since July 1947 when the military sensationally announced in a press release it had found the remains of a crashed flying saucer in the desert nearby.
But the following day it retracted the statement, saying it was in fact a damaged US Air Force air balloon.
Witnesses later came forward to say there had been alien bodies within the "crashed craft", which along with the wreckage were then taken to a mysterious top-secret military base.
There have been claims and counter claims, including that the bodies were crash test dummies and it had been a top-secret balloon spying on the Russians.
All the confusion means it is one of the world's biggest conspiracy theories to this day.
Mr Forgus described hearing about the crash site on police radio while he and Sheriff Jess Slaughter were enroute near Roswell to pick up a prisoner.
He said the pair took a detour to view it and saw a flying saucer on the ground and mysterious bodies being removed.
Yet, another investigation by the US-based Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) concluded he may have witnessed a crash six years later involving a US Air Force training flight and nothing to do with aliens.
Flying Disk Press
DEAD ALIENS? A CGI impression of the UFO crash site.
After the book was released MUFON, the world's largest UFO research group, also investigated the testimony.
Due to timescale discrepancies, it was deduced he may have seen a different crash.
It was found that Mr Slaughter, the sheriff named by Mr Forgus, was not the sheriff in 1947. He took on the role in the 1950s.
And Mr Forgus did not become deputy until 1953, records show.
Articles in the Big Springs Weekly Herald were found that had been published about Sheriff Slaughter and Deputy Forgus in 1953.
MUFON investigator Robert Spearing was not convinced Mr Forgus saw the Roswell UFO crash, but may have been at the site of a US Air Force crash in 1953.
He noted that the private investigator in 1999 never even asked Mr Forgus for a date or even year of the incident, or even the precise location, despite saying in her introduction it was the July 1947 Roswell crash.
Mr Spearing found an article in the Reno Evening Gazette dated August 28, 1953, which said 11 airmen had survived a crash in a B-50 bomber which landed wheels up on gently rolling plains 35 miles southwest of Tatum, New Mexico.
Mr Spearing said in a MUFON investigation report: "This would coincide with their westward trip shortly before they turned north to Roswell."
However, he said this crash conflicted with the account of Mr Forgus as it was not disc shaped and there were no dead bodies.
Flying Disk Press
UFO CRASH? A possible crash site near Roswell as described by Charles Forgus.
Mr Spearing speculated that the crash as reported could have been a cover story for an experimental craft crash in which people died, and that was what Mr Forgus actually saw.
He concluded: "It seems highly unlikely that Mr Forgus was forging a story from untruths.
"His time frame is off but it seems likely that he came across something unusual in the desert along with Mr Slaughter.
"It also seems more likely that the event occurred in 1953 when the US military was experimenting with Vertical Take Off Landing (VTOL) disc shaped craft some of which were 100 feet in diameter and probably piloted by one or two airmen.
I can tell you, he is not a person who would have fabricated this story.
Nephew of Charles Forgus
"This makes it unlikely that this was the Roswell crash of July 1947, so 1953 or later is the best time frame for the incident."
However, MUFON was unable to speak to any relatives of Mr Forgus.
But, after the story broke in June, Mr Mantle and Dr Scott were able to track down Mr Forgus' son, Glen Lee Forgus.
Mr Forgus junior revealed that his dad had previously talked about seeing the crash on around four or five occasions.
Mr Mantle said: "He spoke about it to Glen when Glen was young.
Flying Disk Press
UFO TRUTH? The account was revealed in book UFOs Today.
"It was Glen’s opinion that Charles thought it was the Roswell crash."
However, his son said his father didn’t talk about seeing bodies.
Mr Mantle added: "At first, he did not necessarily think it was a UFO, Glen said that at that time he may have had no idea what it was.
"Charles might have not thought about UFOs when he first saw the crash, because he hadn’t been exposed to much or even any information about UFOs.
"Later when he heard in the media about UFOs and Roswell, he thought this might have been what it was."
Mr Mantle added: "Glen also said that he thought that when Charles made the trip to Roswell that he didn’t go with Sheriff Slaughter but with a different person, who might have been another deputy.
"He could not recall the name of the person that Charles had travelled with or who was sheriff at that time.
"Thus, the crash might have happened in 1947, which was the time that Deputy Forgus recalled that it was.
"Glen said that Charles was a very straight arrow and not impressed by false knowledge. He was a no-nonsense type of person, having been in law enforcement. He had been a police officer and in the military.
"Thus the possibility exists that deputy Charles Forgus did see the crash in the time frame that he reported."
Flying Disk Press
Philip Mantle
In July a nephew of Mr Forgus had also come forward.
He said his uncle never mentioned the crash, but added: "I can tell you, he is not a person who would have fabricated this story."
Mr Mantle said: "He was very straight laced and no nonsense type of person... that's why he was in law enforcement.
"One well-known Roswell researcher simply labelled the testimony from Deputy Forgus as a lie. Now, we have information from a nephew and the son of this witness the latter of whom supports his late father’s story."
UFOs TODAY – 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation and Government Cover-Up is available from Flying Disk Press and Amazon.
Studies over buitenzintuiglijke waarneming (Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)) worden vaak gemarginaliseerd. Dat komt niet zozeer door het ontbreken van empirisch bewijs, maar meer door het gebrek aan theoretische ondersteuning.
Buitenzintuiglijke waarneming kan door middel van de traditionele definities van perceptie en cognitie niet gemakkelijk worden begrepen.
De kwantummechanica kan wel deuren openen naar uitgebreidere ESP-modellen. Sinds het midden van de twintigste eeuw zijn experimenten uitgevoerd om de aard van ESP te onderzoeken.
Wetenschappelijk bewezen
Vandaag de dag is ESP met behulp van moderne experimentele methoden en meta-analytische technieken wetenschappelijk bewezen ondanks de conventionele neurowetenschappelijke aannames.
Parapsychologen hebben het bestaan van ESP tussen 1974 en 2008 aangetoond in 108 publicaties. Het onderzoek is gedaan in laboratoria over de hele wereld.
Waarom wordt dit belangrijke empirische bewijs niet benoemd door iedere grote nieuwszender of krant? ESP wordt om twee redenen niet geaccepteerd door de wetenschappelijke gemeenschap.
De reguliere wetenschap meent dat dergelijk empirisch bewijs niet bestaat
Hoewel wordt geaccepteerd dat er mogelijk enig bewijs bestaat, meent de reguliere wetenschap dat de experimenten niet kunnen worden herhaald
In december 2010 onthulden Patrizio E. Tressoldi en zijn collega’s in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift NeuroQuantology dat deze overtuigingen onjuist zijn, dat bewijs voor ESP wel degelijk bestaat en dat de waarnemingen herhaalbaar zijn.
Bron en het gehele paper Extrasensory Perception and Quantum Models of Cognition:
ESP is te leren
Nu aangetoond is dat ESP gewon bestaat is het interessant om te weten dat het gewoon te leren is. Net zoals je kunt leren autorijden kun je leren om buitenzintuiglijk waar te nemen. Omdat de buitenzintuiglijke waarneming via met menselijk onderbewustzijn plaatsvindt, kun je met een hypnosesessie het vermogen om buitenzintuiglijke signalen waar te nemen activeren en verbeteren.
Michel Lejeune van heeft een speciale hypnosesessie om ESP te activeren ontwikkeld. Hiermee zijn vele honderden mensen buitenzintuiglijk gaan waarnemen.
Onlangs maakte Lejeune een korte video over ESP en hoe iedereen het kan leren.
Het mysterie van de tweede Sfinx ontrafeld. Gaat dit boek de geschiedenis herschrijven?
Het mysterie van de tweede Sfinx ontrafeld. Gaat dit boek de geschiedenis herschrijven?
In een nieuw boek wordt geclaimd dat er een tweede Sfinx begraven ligt in Gizeh. Het boek zou weleens de geschiedenis kunnen herschrijven.
De vooraanstaande historici Gerry Cannon en Malcolm Hutton baseren zich op een theorie dat de Sfinx van Gizeh een tegenhanger had, meldt Egypt Today.
Sfinxen staan op oude afbeeldingen namelijk altijd in paren. Ze stonden voor de dualiteit, met name voor het mannelijke en het vrouwelijke.
Ze stonden symbool voor de overgang van de zon naar de maan. De oude Egyptenaren geloofden dat de zon door de aarde reisde en vervolgens tevoorschijn kwam als de maan, aan beide zijden bewaakt door een sfinx.
Dit maakt de Sfinx van Gizeh zo vreemd, omdat hij alleen is. De twee historici denken te weten waar de tweede Sfinx begraven ligt.
Ze vermoeden dat de vrouwelijke tegenhanger begraven ligt onder een heuvel bij één van de Piramiden van Gizeh.
Egyptoloog Bassam El Shammaa gelooft ook in deze theorie. Hij heeft het bouwwerk meer dan 10 jaar bestudeerd en is tot de conclusie gekomen dat een tweede Sfinx heeft bestaan, maar in de loop der jaren is vernietigd.
Hij wees er tegenover Daily News Egypt op dat de droomstele van koning Thoetmosis IV twee sfinxen toont, wat volgens hem bewijs is voor de theorie.
Cannon en Hutton stellen ook dat de sfinxen veel ouder zijn dan wordt gedacht en dateren uit een tijd waarin het oude Egypte een tropisch klimaat kende, kort na de IJstijd.
Dit zou betekenen dat de Egyptische piramiden en sfinxen tenminste 12.500 jaar oud zijn.
The 1947 Roswell UFO incident is the godfather of alien spaceship stories and conspiracy theories in more ways than one. It’s generally regarded as the first major, heavily-publicized, alleged UFO crash encounter and, to paraphrase a famous quote from one of the Godfather movies: when you think it’s over, it keeps pulling you back in.
Last week, the infamous “alien autopsy” film supposedly depicting what happened to the dead body taken from the Roswell crash was confirmed by one of the people who released it to the public to be a fraud. The director, Spyros Melaris, said in a new one-man show in London that their story that it was a re-creation of a real film was false – there was no real alien autopsy film. Now Ray Santilli, the man who produced the fraudulent reproduction and has stuck by his claim that he saw the real film, has come forward with a photograph he claims is from the ‘actual’ autopsy. What next’s next in this soap opera? Will the evil twin of the alien return to take vengeance on those who disparage the memory of his brother?
The ‘new’ old photograph (
If it’s actually from the original film, one thing Santilli has said is true – it’s quality was too poor to show anything convincingly. The grainy, blurry photo he sent to is one of those “squint and say ‘alien’ three times’ types of photos that wouldn’t hold up in court, but may convince some of the wanna-believe public. The experts who reviewed the photo for the Express generally agree that it looks like a negative from the 1995 reproduction that has been altered to look deteriorated beyond use. Santilli’s story may be deteriorating beyond use as well. When asked for more details on the photograph, Santilli said “1947” and had no further comments.
Not surprisingly in this “As The Alien World Turns” soap opera, Spyros Melaris DID have something more to say to the Express:
“I will also prove that there is no real 1947 footage. There never was. Mr Santilli has called this film a restoration. There was never any real film to restore. It isn’t even a recreation. It is a work of art.”
Squint hard. Can you see it? (
How will this fight between frauds end? A good soap opera would milk it for years – bringing in relatives, ex-girlfriends, hit men and more evil twins or clones. However, this one has already been going on for 50 years and the ratings are dropping rapidly. hopes to get a few more episodes out of it by giving Santilli and Melaris lie detector tests, which it says both have agreed to.
Will the tests put an end to the “Alien Autopsy” story? Did Fonzie jumping over the shark on a motorcycle put an end to Happy Days?
If you want the latest news on the controversial three-fingered Peruvian possibly-alien mummies allegedly found in the Nazca desert, the place to go would be … Rome? Good guess. With the disgust that the Peruvian government, public and antiquities experts seem to have towards the “project” which is slowly and pay-as-you-go-ly (it’s a new word coined especially for this project) revealing its “discoveries,” and the lack of mainstream media coverage outside of, UFO Today has stepped up with on-location coverage of a mummy conference held in Rome on October 1, 2017, featuring one of the “experts” from the three-fingered mummy “project.”
Paulo Paganelli was UFO Today’s reporter at the Evento Mondiale A Roma Le Incredibili Mummie Deserto Di Nazca (World Event In Rome: The Incredible Mummies Desert Of Nazca) in Rome and he sent in detailed coverage of the presentation by Konstantin Korotkov, a professor at St. Petersburg Polytechnic in Russia and the designated scholarly expert on the project.
(UFO Today)
The first portion of Korotkov’s presentation, according to Paganelli, covered details already released in the videos from or in subsequent interviews. He emphasized that analyses of the chemical composition of the bones in the largest of the mummies showed consistency throughout – which he said is an indication that the body was not assembled from other bodies or bones. He also reiterated the recent newsthat the first DNA analysis was done by five independent labs in the U.S., Russia and Mexico and showed that the DNA was very close, but not identical, to human. Finally, he restated his opinion that CT scans show the mummies were once living non-human beings that did not suffer from mutilations (like skull elongation) or genetic defects.
Korotkov also talked about one big non-human discovery – the objects that look like eggs in one of the females. He claimed that he’s negotiating with the “owner” of the mummies to allow him to biopsy one of the eggs. As always with these mummies, it seems strange that the “owners” – whoever they are – are so restrictive with even their own so-called team members.
Konstantin Korotkov
With that our of the way, Paganelli says that Korotkov then addressed the politics and controversies surrounding the three-fingered mummies. He claimed that the project has contacted the Peruvian government numerous times by letter and offered to let its researchers join in, but have received no response. (Maybe they should try tweets?) He seemed to be frustrated that mummy specialists will not participate but nonetheless criticize the project. (Maybe if it were free?) The mummies cannot legally be taken out of the country because the government has not identified their legal status.
That last point may cause a problem. Korotkov revealed that Russian researchers are interested in analyzing the mummies, but American scientists are not. (He’s Russian, remember?) He also says that the mummies are not being properly preserved (pictures show them being carried around using their arms as handles) and moisture is causing rapid deterioration.
The report from the Rome conference is interesting. Konstantin Korotkov is not the most credible of experts, but the bar is pretty low on the three-fingered mummy team. However, it’s good to see someone talking about them outside of Peru and independent of the rest of the group.
Again, kudos to UFO Today and Paulo Paganelli for covering the event.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Ancient Lake On Mars Was Hospitable Enough To Support Life
Ancient Lake On Mars Was Hospitable Enough To Support Life
By Amanda Doyle, Astobiology Magazine
An illustration showing how the lake in the crater might have looked.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ESA/DLR/FU Berlin/MSSS
An up-close view of Mars' rocky deposits by NASA's Curiosity rover shows a changing climate in the planet's ancient past that would have left the surface warm and humid enough to support liquid water — and possibly life. Evidence of an ancient lake points to the prospect of two unique habitats within its shores; the lower part of the lake was devoid of oxygen compared to an oxygen-rich upper half.
In a recent paper published in the journal Science, Redox stratification of an ancient lake in Gale crater,” Stony Brook University geoscientist Joel Hurowitz and his colleagues used more than three years of data retrieved from the rover to paint a picture of ancient conditions at Gale Crater, the lowest point in a thousand kilometers. The site, a 150-mile kilometer crater formed during an impact around 3.8 billion years ago, once flowed with rivers ending in a lake. The sedimentary rocks laid down by these rivers and onto the lakebed tell the story of how the environment changed over time.
Curiosity landed on a group of sedimentary rocks known as the Bradbury group. The rover sampled a part of this group called the Sheepbed mudstones, as well as rocks from the Murray formation at the base of the 5-kilometer high peak at the center of the crater known as Mount Sharp. Both types of rocks were deposited in the ancient lake, but the Sheepbed rocks are older and occur lower in the stratigraphic layers of rocks. Comparing the two types of rocks can lead to interesting revelations about the paleoenvironment. [Life on Mars: Exploration & Evidence]
Rocks that form at the same time in the same area can nevertheless display differences in composition and other characteristics. These different groupings are known as "facies” and the Murray formation is split into two facies. One is comprised mainly of hematite and phyllosilicate, and given the name HP, while the other is the magnetite-silicate facies, known as MS.
"The two Murray facies were probably laid down at about the same time within different parts of the lake," explained Hurowitz. "The former laid down in shallow water, and the latter in deeper water."
The near-shore HP facies have thicker layers in the rocks compared to the thin layers of the deeper water MS facies. This difference in layer thickness is because the river flowing into the lake would have slowed down and dumped some of its sedimentary material at the lake shore. The flow would then have spread into the lake and dropped finer material into the deeper parts of the lake.
Curiosity landed on rocks known as the Bradbury group. The Murray formation consist of younger rocks at the base of Mount Sharp. The height is exaggerated in the diagram.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
The different mineralogy of the two facies was caused by the lake becoming separated into two layers. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation along with low levels of atmospheric oxygen penetrated the upper part of the lake and acted as oxidants on molecules in the water. These ions of iron (Fe2+) and manganese (Mn2+) were brought to the lake via seepage of groundwater through the lake floor.
When the UV and oxygen interacted with these, they lost electrons, meaning that they had become "oxidized." The oxidized iron and manganese precipitated into minerals — hematite and manganese oxide — that eventually made up the rocks sampled by Curiosity in the HP facies. However, the UV and oxygen didn't reach all the way to the lake floor, so the iron and manganese wasn't oxidized in the deeper part of the lake, and instead became the mineral known as magnetite, making up the MS facies.
The difference in oxidation of the two facies in the Murray formation due to differences in layers of the lake is known as redox stratification. Identifying redox stratification in the ancient lake shows that there were two completely different types of potential habitat available to any microbial life that might have been present.
The researchers also discovered that the Murray formation has a high concentration of salts, which provide clues relating to evaporation of the lake, and thus the end of the potential habitat. High salinity is a result of water evaporating and leaving salts behind. However, evaporation leaves other tell-tale signs such as desiccation cracks — similar to what you see when mud dries and cracks — and none of these signs appear in the Murray formation. This indicates that the evaporation occurred at a later period of time and that the salts seeped through layers overlying the Murray formation before becoming deposited in the Murray rocks.
"Curiosity will definitely be able to examine the rocks higher up in the stratigraphy to determine if lake evaporation influenced the rocks deposited in it," said Hurowitz. "In fact, that's exactly what the rover is doing as we speak at the area known as Vera Rubin Ridge."
Once Curiosity examines these rocks, it will be able to confirm that the salts found in the Murray formation came from a later period of evaporation, and therefore no significant evaporation occurred during the time that the Murray formation was deposited, meaning the environment would have been stable enough to support possible life forms.
The inflowing river deposits thicker material (clastics) close to the lake shore, and finer material towards the deeper part of the lake. The incoming UV and O2 oxidizes the iron and manganese in the upper part of the lake, but not the lower part of the lake. This creates what is known as redox stratification and is reflected in the different mineralogy of the two different facies of the Murray formation.
Credit: Hurowitz et al. (2017). Science.
Another result of the research is evidence of climate change. The older Sheepbed formation shows very little evidence of chemical weathering compared to the Murray formation. The change to substantial chemical weathering in the younger rocks indicates that the climate likely changed from cold, arid conditions to a warm, wet one.
"The timing of this climate shift is not something we can tell for sure because we haven't seen the Sheepbed member and the Murray formation in contact with each other," said Hurowitz. "If we had, then we might be able to tell if the change in their chemical and mineralogical properties were abrupt (indicating rapid climate change) or gradual. At best, what we can say is that the rocks that we examined were likely deposited over a timespan of tens of thousands of years to as much as around 10 million years."
The cause of the climate change on Mars is still a matter of debate. If the climate changed in a short period of time, it could have been due to short-term variations or an asteroid impact. A slower change in climate could have been the result of changes in the obliquity cycle of the planet.
The climate change indicated in the rocks shows that the ancient Martian environment would have been warm and humid enough to sustain liquid water on the surface. The redox stratification of the lake as revealed by the different mineralogy in the Murray formation shows that there would have been two different environments within the lake itself. If microbial life was present on Mars at this time, the different potentially habitable niches could have encouraged diversity with anaerobic forms possibly living in the lower depths of the lake.
"I'm not sure that this was something we would have predicted if we hadn't had the opportunity to examine Gale's rock record up close and personal," adds Hurowitz.
These crop circles have been created using a technique called center-pivot irrigation.
Credit: NASA Earth Observatory
Seen from space, these discs look more like modern art than like potatoes.
But that — plus wheat and chamomile — is what these "crop circles" likely are, according to the NASA Earth Observatory, which posted this photo of agricultural fields in Sharq El Owainat in southwest Egypt yesterday (Sept. 18). An astronaut aboard the International Space Station took the photo.
The water to grow these plants comes from an ancient body of water beneath the sand called the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System, which stretches over an 850,000-square-mile (2.2 million square kilometers) area beneath Egypt, Chad, Libya and Sudan, according to a 2013 study in the journal Environmental Science and Toxicology. It has been periodically recharged with water during glacial periods and was likely last refilled with water prior to or during the most recent glacial period, which ended about 11,700 years ago, according to a 2014 study in the journal Quaternary Research. [Photos: Mysterious Crop Circles]
To make the circles pictured, water is drawn to the surface and sprinkled onto crops through slowly spinning pipes using a process called center-pivot irrigation.
Of course, rotating, human-made sprinklers don't make all crop circles, the elaborate geometric designs that at times take the shape of spirals, other times keys and even jellyfish. The patterns could also be made using a GPSdevice programmed with a pattern along with a laser used to create a straight line between points, suggested Richard Taylor, director of the Materials Science Institute at the University of Oregon, in 2001 in the magazine Physics World.
He investigated how human artists could use microwaves to make the fanciful designs, responding to the discovery that the crops used in the patterns had been exposed to microwave radiation. Some people took that finding as evidence that aliens or the CIA created the circles. If the joints of plant stalks are exposed to microwaves, they expand, causing the plant to flop over without breaking, which matches the state of stalks found in many crop circles, Taylor told Popular Science.
Whoever made them, one thing's for sure: Crop circles are suffused with an alien beauty.
Voorzichtige aanwijzingen dat ook rond de evenaar van Mars water te vinden is
Voorzichtige aanwijzingen dat ook rond de evenaar van Mars water te vinden is
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De rode planeet blijft ons verrassen..
Dat er water te vinden is op het oppervlak van de rode planeet is niets nieuws. Maar tot op heden werd aangenomen dat het zich (in bevroren toestand) louter nabij de polen ophield. Maar is dat wel zo?
Waterstof Een nieuw onderzoek – gebaseerd op data van de Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter – werpt een heel nieuw licht op de zaak. Toen onderzoekers de data nog eens uitkamden, stuitten ze nabij de evenaar op onverwacht grote hoeveelheden waterstof.
Kort houdbaar Hoe is dat water daar gekomen? Eén mogelijkheid is dat het afkomstig is van de polen en via de atmosfeer op de evenaar is afgezet toen de as van Mars nog wat schuiner stond. Maar dat is al honderdduizenden jaren geleden en onderzoekers kunnen niet goed verklaren hoe dat afgezette waterijs zo lang stand heeft weten te houden nabij de evenaar. Zelfs als het ijs bedekt zou zijn met een beschermende stoflaag en een harde korst is het ondenkbaar dat het honderdduizenden jaren bewaard zou blijven.
Mysterie Met dat alles in het achterhoofd zijn onderzoekers voorzichtig: ze geven aan nog niet helemaal zeker te weten of nabij de evenaar van Mars water te vinden is. Het zou bijvoorbeeld ook om gehydrateerde zouten kunnen gaan. “Maar hoe die gehydrateerde zouten ontstaan zijn, is ook lastig te verklaren,” benadrukt onderzoeker Jack Wilson. En daarmee blijven de signalen die uit de data van MRO zijn gevist, mysterieus van aard.
Als Wilson en collega’s het bij het juiste eind hebben en er nabij de evenaar van Mars daadwerkelijk water te vinden zijn, dan is dat goed nieuws. Er liggen serieuze plannen voor de kolonisatie van de rode planeet en daarbij is elke druppel water waardevol. Het water kan niet alleen dienst doen als drinkwater, maar ook als brandstof. De aanwezigheid van dergelijke cruciale grondstoffen is van groot belang: want wat op Mars is, hoeven we niet mee te sjouwen en hoe minder we meenemen, hoe goedkoper de lancering en dus de Marsmissie is.
Voor het eerst freon-40 ontdekt op een plek waar zeker geen aliens wonen
Voor het eerst freon-40 ontdekt op een plek waar zeker geen aliens wonen
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De ontdekking suggereert dat het molecuul niet kan helpen in de zoektocht naar buitenaards leven.
Freon-40 is een organohalogeen. Dergelijke stoffen bestaan uit halogenen (‘zoutvormers’) zoals chloor en fluor, die gebonden zijn aan koolstof en soms ook andere elementen. De verbindingen komen op aarde veelvuldig voor en kunnen op twee manieren ontstaan: door biologische processen in tal van organismen – van schimmels tot mensen – en tijdens industriële processen, zoals de productie van medicijnen.
In de interstellaire ruimte Met dat in het achterhoofd is het niet zo gek dat onderzoekers het stofje als een ‘verklikker’ van leven beschouwden: het is zo’n molecuul dat op aarde ontstaat bij de gratie van organismen. En als we het op andere planeten of manen aantreffen, is het een sterke aanwijzing dat daar ook leven is. Een logische redenering. Maar wel eentje die nu de prullenbak in kan. Onderzoekers hebben het molecuul namelijk voor het eerst daadwerkelijk in de interstellaire ruimte aangetroffen. En wel op plekken waar onmogelijk leven kan zijn.
Dubbelster en komeet Met behulp van het Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) en ESA’s kometenjager Rosetta hebben onderzoekers freon-40 ontdekt in het gas rond een jonge dubbelster én een komeet. “De ontdekking van het organohalogeen freon-40 nabij deze jonge, zonachtige sterren kwam als een verrassing,” stelt onderzoeker Edith Fayolle. “We hebben de vorming ervan simpelweg niet voorzien en waren verrast om het in zulke significante concentraties aan te treffen. Het staat nu vast dat deze moleculen zich gemakkelijk kunnen vormen in stellaire kraamkamers, wat nieuwe inzichten oplevert over de chemische evolutie van planetenstelsels, inclusief het onze.”
Op deze afbeelding zie je waar komeet 67P/C-G zich bevond toen Rosetta freon-40 detecteerde. Hetzelfde molecuul is door ALMA dus ook nabij een jonge dubbelster teruggevonden.
Afbeelding: B. Saxton (NRAO / AUI / NSF).
Onderdeel van de oersoep Freon-40 is dus geen goede biomarker (een chemische verbinding die op de aanwezigheid van leven kan wijzen). Maar het molecuul lijkt – afgaand op dit nieuwe onderzoek – wel een belangrijk bestanddeel te zijn van het materiaal waaruit planeten ontstaan. “ALMA’s ontdekking van organohalogenen in het interstellaire medium vertelt ons ook iets over de uitgangssituatie voor organische chemie op planeten,” aldus onderzoeker Karin Öberg. “Uit onze ontdekking blijkt dat organohalogenen waarschijnlijk een bestanddeel zijn van de zogeheten ‘oersoep’, zowel op de jonge aarde als op de pas gevormde rotsachtige exoplaneten.” Volgens onderzoeker Jes Jørgensen toont de ontdekking van freon-40 rond komeet 67P/C-G (de komeet die Rosetta tot oktober vorig jaar bestudeerde) aan “dat er een duidelijk verband bestaat tussen de pre-biologische chemie van verre protosterren en ons eigen zonnestelsel.”
Fayolle ziet in de studie vooral bewijs dat we eigenlijk nog nauwelijks kaas gegeten hebben van de vele elementen die op de aarde en daarbuiten te vinden zijn. “Onze resultaten laten zien dat we nog veel te leren hebben over de vorming van organohalogenen. Verdere zoekacties naar organohalogenen rond andere sterren en kometen zijn nodig om hier het fijne van te weten te komen.”
Chemical found around star deals blow to search for aliens
Chemical found around star deals blow to search for aliens
Such chemistry is an important step toward the origins of life.
Such chemistry is an important step toward the origins of life.
(Photo: Pixabay)
Scientists have found traces of methyl chloride around an infant star system and a comet, disproving astrobiologists who previously suggested that searching for the chemical in the atmospheres of alien worlds is an indicator of life.
Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) telescope in Chile, researchers detected the faint molecular fingerprint of methyl chloride - a chemical commonly produced by industrial and biological processes here on Earth - around an infant star system known as IRAS 16293-2422.
Traces of this organic compound were also discovered in the thin atmosphere of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P/C-G) by the Rosetta space probe.
Methyl chloride (CH3Cl), also known as Freon-40, is one of a class of molecules known as organohalogens. This new ALMA observation is the first detection ever of a stable organohalogen in interstellar space.
The cosmic discovery of this organic compound, however, is disappointing news for astrobiologists, who previously suggested searching for methyl chloride in the atmospheres of alien worlds as a possible indicator of life.
The recent ALMA and Rosetta detections raise doubts about that proposal, however. They indicate that methyl chloride forms naturally in interstellar clouds and endures long enough to become part of a forming solar system.
IRAS 16293-2422 is a collection of several infant stars, or protostars, each about the same mass as our Sun. It is located about 400 light-years from Earth and is still surrounded by its natal cocoon of dust and gas.
Chemical found around star deals blow to search for aliens
"Finding organohalogens near these young, Sun-like stars was surprising," said Edith Fayolle, a researcher at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in the US.
"We simply didn't predict its formation and were surprised to find it in such significant concentrations," said Fayolle.
"It's clear now that these molecules form readily in stellar nurseries, providing insights into the chemical evolution of solar systems, including our own," she said.
"ALMA's discovery of organohalogens in the interstellar medium also tells us something about the starting conditions for organic chemistry on planets," said Karin Oberg, an astrochemist at CfA.
"Such chemistry is an important step toward the origins of life," said Oberg, co-author of the study.
"Based on our discovery, organohalogens are likely to be a constituent of the so-called 'primordial soup', both on the young Earth and on newly formed rocky exoplanets," she said.
Image used for representational purpose only
The researchers also note that abundant organohalogens around a young Sun-like analogue demonstrate that the organic chemicals present in the interstellar medium involves halogens, which was previously not known.
In addition, both ALMA and Rosetta detected this molecule in similar abundance ratios. Since comets are a remnant of the formation of our solar system and retain a chemical fingerprint of that era, the new observations support the idea that a young solar system can inherit the chemical make-up of its parent star-forming cloud.
Filer’s Files #40 – 2017 Data on Crashed UFOs - PART I
Milan, Italy ball of light with rays taken on September 22, 2017
Filer’s Files #40 – 2017 Data on Crashed UFOs - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Canadian Minister Defense Claims UFO Exist, RB-47s bombers chase UFO, Data on Crashed UFOs, Dragons and Reptilians an “Enigma Wrapped in a Mystery.” and University Study: Planets Are Warming In Same Way As Earth.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Colorado, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Armenia, Canada, Denmark, France, Iran, Italy, Mexico, Russia, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Canada’s Former Defence Minister Claims UFOs exist
“Paul Hellyer former Defence Minister in Lester Pearson’s government has been a Liberal and a Conservative, has run for the leadership of both parties and founded two more, and he believes UFOs exist.”
“My role is really to say publicly for the first time that I believe that what we call unidentified flying objects are real,” he said, “. . . and that people should know more about them and some of the implications of the fact they exist and that they’ve been observing our planet for more than half a century now.” “I spoke with Paul Shishis and, he said he has never seen a UFO and he had remained unconvinced of their existence until quite recently. In fact, as Defence Minister (he is known for unifying the forces), Mr. Hellyer said, he received reports of UFO sightings but didn’t pay much attention to them. Lately, however, his reading on the subject and talking with high ranking military personnel from Canada and the United States plus other evidence has him convinced UFOs do exist. He says this has policy implications for governments, but will not reveal what he thinks they are. The most important discoveries will provide answers to questions that we do not yet know how to ask and will concern objects we have not yet imagined. Thanks to the Globe
RB-47s Reconnaissance Aircraft Chase UFOs
Investigator Hank Schuren reports that he has obtained four (Reconnaissance Bomber) RB-47 reports from Strategic Air Command reporting UFOs in 1955. On 1 June an eastbound RB-47 experienced radar contact with an with a bright unknown return on their APG-32 set for 20 minutes and the warning light flashed intermittently. The RB-47’s K- system recorded what may have been the sweep of another radar nearby. Contact was lost at 2120 Z. returning over the same route westbound the crew reported the UFO slightly east APG-32 again had a contact for thirty minutes duration at about 8,000 yards. No visual contact was made.
At 0030Z on 4 June, a westbound RB-47 experienced the electronic and visual contact with an unknown. The RB-47 gun warning light was flashing and the 5 radar had a contact at 7000 yards. Visual contact was made with a glistening silver metallic unknown that was seen low and to the rear and slightly to the right. The configuration of the unknown was obscured by contrails. The unknown aircraft broke off contact to the north with an increase in speed. The RB-47 was at 32,000 feet was flying at Mach .735. The radar and visual contact were maintained for 9 minutes.
On 7 June at 0050Z, a westbound RB-47 at 35,000 feet experienced electronic contact with an object 3,500 yards at the same altitude. The scope return was square and rectangular.
On 8 June at 2044 Z, an eastbound RB-47 flying at 30,000 feet at 450 knots experienced electronic and visual contact with an unknown aircraft. The K system radar indicated sweep from another radar. Visual contact indicates aircraft was 5 to 10000 feet higher and 7 miles behind for twenty minutes. The copilot of the RB-47 states the unknown aircraft had a fighter configuration. A contrail was observed and a second RB-47 traveling 80 miles behind the first also saw the contrail. Thanks to Hank Schuren and SAC
Data on Crashed UFOs
Artist Bill McDonald of Roswell UFO
Skywatch International, Inc reports, “.Some very interesting inferences can be drawn from the last metal sample submitted by an anonymous donor. The last sample was allegedly part of the skin or shell of the Roswell craft. There are micron thick layers of magnesium and zinc alternating with layers of bismuth, a diamagnetic element (Atomic No. 83). Eyewitness testimony, especially that of Frank Kaufmann describes the underside of the craft as tiled with an array of hexagons. The craft itself is described as shaped like a manta ray and capable of changing its shape in flight.
In the third letter from the anonymous donor of Art’s Parts, he states, “I now include the enclosed, and can only say that these scrapings came from the exterior underside of the Disc itself. It literally was a “shell-like” shielding of the Disc. Brittle and layered, almost with a prefabricated design and placing.” Bismuth has a hexagonal crystal system, but crystals are rare and imperfect for it often occurs in lamellar masses. Bismuth, atomic element 83, has a density nearly as heavy as lead. It can be located in hydrothermal veins, associated with nickel, cobalt silver, tin and uranium sulfides.
Artist Bill McDonald who made the above Roswell drawing writes, “Now that legendary Lockheed engineer and chief model kit designer for the Testor Corporation John Andrews is dead, I can announce that he personally confirmed the design connection between the Roswell Spacecraft and the Lockheed Martin Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs), spy planes, Joint Strike Fighters, and Space Shuttles. Andrews was a close personal friend of “Skunk Works” CEO Ben Rich and the man famous for the F-117 Nighthawk “Stealth” fighter, (shown here) its “half-pint” prototype the “HAVE BLUE”, and the top Secret F-19 Stealth Interceptor.
In Eugene H. Burt’s book, “UFOs and Diamagnetism”, he discusses the Hall voltage developed across a conductor when the conductor is inserted in a magnetic field. In a few cases, one of them being Bismuth, the current may be considered positive current. It should be beneficial to determine whether there is a correlation between the observed diamagnetism in solid state physics and a positive current as determined by the Hall Effect.
Henry Wallace, a GE Engineer, patented a device for creating secondary gravitational fields. He described using spinning discs composed of bismuth which had developed a strong positive electrostatic charge.
T.T. Brown experimented with disc- shaped capacitors that were suspended and charged with high voltages. These disc- shaped capacitors accelerated toward the capacitor’s positive pole.
The Brown Effect is usually referred to as electrogravity, various objects that are highly polarized and develop high voltages tend to lose their weight and levitate. A complete theory of electrogravity has not yet been worked out. Experiments with spinning objects also show gravitationally anomalous effects. Flying saucers are surrounded by an ionizing field that levitates and propels them as well as acting as a refractive lens to divert light in stealth mode. One of the characteristics of metallic hexagonal crystals is DIAMAGNETIC BEHAVIOR. Hexagonal matrices may act as waveguides in superconductors. Burt felt that saucers developed a time-varying diamagnetic field that interacted with the earth’s magnetic field.
The Roswell flyer was definitely a craft of advanced technology, an organic technology that is able to grow an ordered structure from a crystalline matrix. Such organic technology is our next step in growing homes and vehicles that can change their shape and characteristics on command. The Roswell flyer may have become the model for a prototype US Aerospace Plane. Notice the shape of Lockheed’s X-33, a rocket-based Single Stage to Orbit (SSTO) Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV). The Lockheed Martin Skunk Works X-33 concept uses a lifting body shape coupled with an Aerospike rocket engine concept to propel the vehicle to over Mach 15. The lifting body shape could be fitted with electrogravity propulsion.
Now, compare all of the above with statements made by the late retired Lt. Col Philip Corso.
The craft was able to displace gravity through the propagation of magnetic waves controlled by shifting the magnetic poles around the craft so as to control, or vector, not a propulsion system but the repulsion force of like charges raced among themselves to figure out how the craft could retain its electric capacity. [p100]
The Air Force discovered that the entire vehicle functioned just like a giant capacitor. In other words, the craft itself stored the energy necessary to propagate the magnetic wave that elevated it, allowed it to achieve escape velocity from the earth’s gravity, and enabled it to achieve speeds of over seven thousand miles per hour. It was as if gravity was being folded around the outside of the wave that enveloped the craft. [p101]
Lt. Col Corso speculated that the Roswell crashed UFOs were time machines because they were small and did not carry food, bathroom, or rest facilities. The basic things Phil Corso said ring true.
He wrote, “The ships are empty inside – no huge engine rooms and that the grays are “conscious” robots and use a “mental-matter” or “psychotronic” command control communication system. Telepathy and that time travel is involved” Corso’s
The ship is virtually empty inside – no toilets, no kitchens, no beds, and no large equipment. Everything is miniaturized, I suspect at the nanometer scale. The UFO seemed to jump from one planet to Earth, or it may have come from a Mothership, underground or under the sea.
Several extraterrestrials sit in their chairs inside the UFO in the atmosphere of Earth and place their hands on what appears to be a control panel with indentations for their hands. The UFO can interface with their consciousness and take directions from them. They tell the UFO they desire to go to Mars and in a short time, the craft is there. UFOs are frequently reported to suddenly appear in the sky or suddenly disappear. There is advanced technology aboard the craft that can read minds or pick up the instructions communicated to the autopilot.
The craft’s autopilot knows it must open up a wormhole or vortex in front of the craft to a particular planet. It then takes the extraterrestrials to their destination in less time than most airline flights. This technology has apparently been expanded upon and is used in Time Travel Jump Rooms. Many scientists claim time travel is impossible, conversely personnel from several aviation firms claim we are thirty years ahead of where you think we are and we can take ET home. If the technology exists to implant memories, all information is suspect.
There is no better way to introduce distortion than to present it through someone who is a believer. The people I have met believe the information they present and would likely pass a lie detector test. Engineers marveled at the thin amalgam of the most refined copper and purest silver they had ever seen that covered the ship’s underside. The metal was remarkable for its conductivity, as if the entire craft was an electrical circuit offering no resistance to the flow of current. Accelerating from a near stationary hover above a given spot, like a helicopter, to speeds in excess of seven thousand miles per hour in a matter of seconds? The craft itself was an electrical circuit. [p107]
That the flight suits -“flight skins” is a better description – the creatures wore were made of a substance whose atomic structure was elongated, strengthened lengthwise, so as to provide a directional flow to any current applied to it. The engineers who first discovered this were amazed at the pure conductivity of these skins, functionally like the skin of the craft itself and their obvious ability to protect the wearer while at the same time vectoring some kind of electronic field. [p108]
The debris and the spacecraft indicated that an engine didn’t somehow fall out of the craft when it crashed. A conventional engine was never there in the first place. What we found was that the craft seemed to have had the ability to store as well as conduct a vast amount of current. What if the craft itself were the engine, imparted with a steady current from another source that it stored as if it were a giant capacitor? This would be like charging the battery in an electric car [] and running it until the battery was drained. [p109&p110]
The Roswell craft was simply a capacitor that stored current that was controlled or vectored by the pilot and was able to be recharged in some way or could recharge itself with some form of built-in generator.[p110] Scientists who had gone to the Air Materiel Command at Wright Field to see the debris were speculating that the electronic potential of the Roswell craft reminded them of the German and British antigravity experiments of the 1920s and 1930s.[p110]
Tesla and a number of other European scientists had been pioneers in the conversion of circumscribed small-area antigravity fields out of electromagnetic fields.[p110]
But, what if the flying craft already carried enough electric potential and storage capacity to retain its power, just like a very advanced flying battery? Then it might have all the power it needed to propagate and vector a wave directionally by shifting its magnetic poles. If the magnetic field theory experiments carried out by engineers and electrical energy pioneers Paul Biefeld and Townsend Brown in the 1920s at the California Institute for Advanced Studies were accurately [p110] reported – and the U.S. military as well as scientific record keepers at Hoover’s young Bureau of Investigation kept very close tabs on what these engineers were doing – then the technological theory for antigravity flight existed before World War II.[p111]
The Germans did develop and had flown flying disks,[p111] If the EBEs utilized a wave-propagation technology as an antigravity drive and navigation system, then they traveled inside some form of adjustable electromagnetic wave .[p114]
Molecular alignment metallic alloys[p115] about the only possible process that could interfere with the electromagnetic field drive we suspected the aliens were using: a directed-particle energy-beam weapon that could disrupt the electromagnetic wave formation around the spacecraft and penetrate the antigravity field.[p245]
Tesla wrote about the theories behind the distortion or manipulation of a gravitational field through the propagation of electromagnetic waves, and the extraterrestrials seemed to have employed just that kind of technology for a propulsion system.[p249]
There seems to be some consistency in all of these statements that would lead us to believe that we may have some authentic information about the Roswell craft. Some of this was also supported in a document received by Tim Cooper from one of his mysterious sources. The “S” craft from Cantwheel is described here…
Thanks to Skywatch International, Inc. Vice President George Filer
Dragons and Reptilians an “Enigma Wrapped in a Mystery”
Tales of China’s ancient days are crammed with stories about the “sky people” and the “god-men” who came from the stars using the Earth as a base for exploration. Along the way these beings taught some of the primitive peoples they met the basics of technology, engineering, farming, and the complex structure of the universe.
In the early years of the Twentieth Century two merchants from Australia crossed central China. Upon the vast plains they found more than 100 pyramids. Locals told the two men that the pyramids were very old – some much older than China. Other younger pyramids dated to the reigns of the oldest emperors.
Those rulers often spoke of extraterrestrials and civilizations on other planets like Earth. Some of the emperors even wrote that they were the offspring, of the sons of the sky, who had landed upon Earth in iron dragons.” The “skymen” are responsible for building the oldest pyramids.
Draco is a constellation in the far northern sky. Its name is Latin for dragon. It was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy, and remains one of the 88 modern constellations today. The north pole of the ecliptic is in Draco.[1] Draco is circumpolar (that is, never setting), and can be seen all year from northern latitudes.
Many cultures claim aliens came from the Draco Constellation who also happen to be Reptilian in shape and not too different in appearance to a dragon. Cultures from all over the world claim contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations. I suggest there is real evidence in many museums showing alien gods such as these images that reveals secrets for which a small number of us understand.
Although most people think there is life in the universe in some of the newly found planets, the Ancient Anunnaki were nearly always represented in a humanoid form. However, numerous traits indicate clear differences between the Anunnaki and ordinary humans. The facial features of the Ancient Anunnaki gods were often well-hidden thanks to the large beards, and even though their facial features indicate a clear similarity with humans, there are many aspects that have led numerous researchers to suspect there is something off with the depictions of the Anunnaki Gods. Many believe that there is a clear connection between the Ancient Anunnaki and representations of Reptilian beings on Earth.
Anunnaki Gods.
Interestingly, the word used to describe the ancient Anunnaki in ancient Mesopotamia was SIR, which translated means ‘dragon’ or ‘big serpent’. But there are quite a few details which hint towards a Reptilian origin of the Anunnaki, beyond the symbolism of the snake or dragon.
Modern-day Iraq, in the Zagros Mountains at the archeological site of Jarmo, researchers discovered a proto-Neolithic community which vanished. Excavations revealed that Jarmo was an agricultural community dating back to 7090 BC years ago that developed some of the earliest pottery and agriculture. .
Among the thousands of mysterious artifacts and Sumerian statues of the gods found on site, researchers discovered numerous representations of The Mother Goddess of Fertility’ who is holding a baby. Sumerians claim the Anunnaki made humans or mated with early hominids. The only thing off here is the fact that the statues of
‘The Mother Goddess of Fertility’ show an anthropomorphic body, the heads of the statues are not human. Both male and female figurines display lizard-like characteristics: Elongated faces, elongated skulls, large oval-shaped eyes, and broad shoulders. Science claims humans allegedly evolved from the Rhesus Monkey but 15% of humans have RH Negative Blood Types and are not related to monkeys. There is indication some humans may be related to these alien life forms.
University Study: Planets Are Warming In Same Way as Earth
Man-made global warming is a misleading hoax according to a new study by planetary scientists at Penn State University that proves other planets in our solar system experience the same temperature peaks and troughs as Earth.
Climate change is natural and it happens on Mars and other solar system planets, despite the lack of humans on those planets to directly cause the temperature changes. Our planet is far from unique in experiencing temperature changes over time. The university study goes as far as saying that gas-fueled climate activities and greenhouse gasses have scarred Mars in much the same way they have affected Earth. Nature World Newsreports: the new study is looking into the possibility of how gas-fuelled climate changes that resulted in the accumulation of greenhouse gasses could be the cause of some formative changes on the surface of Mars. A mosaic of images taken by Viking 1 centers on
Valles Marineris, Mars Credit: NASA
The study led by planetary scientists suggests that carbon dioxide and hydrogen trapped in the atmosphere could have scarred the Martian surface. It has always bewildered experts how the massive canyons on Mars, during a time when the planet was frozen, formed. The canyons bear resemblance to the canyons on Earth formed by flowing liquid water.
Based on the study, Mars could have experience long warm climate cycle. These warm cycles lasted for 10 million years per interval due to Greenhouse gasses from the thick atmosphere with carbon dioxide and hydrogen. This cycle enables the formation of Martian valleys and canyons, according to a report. Thanks to Baxter DmitrySci/Environment1
We Are Not Alone show reminder
Dave Twitchell
On October 3,-207: 1 – 2 PM: Tuesday Forum. We Are Not Alone.
Major George Filer (ret) was an Air Force Intelligence Officer. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Bradley University, a master’s degree from Central Michigan and was the vice president of Medcor in Princeton and debriefed four-star generals and congressmen on our capabilities and the threat to our forces while holding the highest clearances in the military. He was awarded the Bronze Star and numerous other awards flying for 5,000 hours for the Air Force. George is a member of Dr. Steven Greer’s “Disclosure Project” where, on May 9th 2001 at the National Press Club in Washington DC, he publicly testified to having encountered a massive UFO in the skies over England in 1962. George Filer does a weekly web newsletter called “The Filer’s Files” where he lists the most recent UFO sightings around the country and the world. Join us for the discussion on Tuesday, October 3 at 1:00 PM. Remember after the broadcast this show is available as a podcast from this website: click on Talk Shows–Tuesday Forum-on October 3, 2017.
“We Are Not alone” is a two time award winning radio show on WHFR.FM and is a member of the MUFON Radio Network! The show airs the first Tuesday of each month at 1:00 PM EST with new shows each month. Go to and click on “Listen Now”. All shows are archived at WHFR’s website. Click on “Talk Shows” then the “Tuesday Forum” button and the date of the show. We Are Not Alone is also archived at my website which is
Later at 10 PM eastern time on Tuesday October 3, 2017, I will also appear on the Jeff Rense Radio Show.
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Filer’s Files #40 – 2017 Data on Crashed UFOs - PART II
Filer’s Files #40 – 2017 Data on Crashed UFOs - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Arizona Orbs
Phoenix – I was working on an AC unit on the roof of a midrise in downtown my coworker on September 28, 2017, said “What’s that when I looked I saw three orbs coming over Squaw Peak.”They were heading south and at first we thought they were helicopters that we see all the time. As they got closer we saw they were reflecting orbs that stopped and began to move west and assumed a triangle shape gaining altitude without sound. I believe they may have been faceted they way they randomly reflected lights. They began to straighten out to a linear form then precede north northwest back the way they came and disappeared into the distance total time was under 45 minutes. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Orb
Sherman Oaks — The object entered earth’s atmosphere emitting s trail of fire.
On September 23, 2017, at about 10:45 in the evening in the Sherman Oaks area we saw the flying object/.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Light
Cali— I only had seen the video on my Facebook.
I wasn’t there, but it was cloudy-round like a Twister on 23 September 2017. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Objects
Asbury Park — I was on my patio and looked up to see two objects on September 16, 2017. The objects hovered then move away. Then I saw 5 more objects in the sky. Two were red and the others were white all moving in same direction. No noise was heard and they were very high up compared to jets flying in the area.
I am a pilot and was in the Navy but never have I seen objects behave like this. I am sure other people must have seen this today as well. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Saddle Brook — I saw a white ball at low altitude in the middle of the night, and planes were visible as well as the Moon on/September 28, 2017. The light of this white ball was very intense with a white aura. It moves in varied directions as well as lateral displacements. The UFO flew at very high speed, and seemed to be in a valley observation flying around the countryside. A statement to GEIPAN was made but no follow-up or contact from them. I hope that this declaration will help collective awareness. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Orange Orbs
Albany – On September 26, 2017, Hello my name is Elizabeth I just saw 3 orange orbs in the sky around 10:28 to 10:30 PM really quick.
I was outside on my farm with the horse doing night check and over the wood line I saw 3 large orange orbs in a circle and then triangular formation.
It was crazy and pretty scary being that I was far out in the woods! I didn’t get a picture, but it was bright and big. I am 15 miles south of Albany, NY.
It was kind of like the sketch that I sent. Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Object
Cherokee — I just got this phone over the weekend and we went to the mountains in Cherokee on September 24, 2017. I was randomly taking bursts of photos and just now went back and realized this. I’ve been trying to figure it out but can’t, it’s almost unreal but it’s there. It’s too big to be a bird and we were traveling around 40 mph and it’s going way faster than us. If you look at the time on both pics they are both at the same time at 12:26 pm and it’s gone in the second. I just finished watching “Unacknowledged” on Netflix. l liked it but it’s scary. Usually don’t go out my way to do all this but what other explanation is there? Let me know. I only had a picture of it, but I never knew about it till today. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Lights
Cleveland— I looked out my window at 2:00 am on September 24, 2017, witnessing a bright light in the sky between openings through the leaves of a large tree in my backyard. The light was larger than any star in the sky. It was larger than any visible planet. As I watched it I noticed it was moving. With the help of the leaves, I could tell the pace of the movement more easily because it disappeared behind the leaves. It moved faster than stars in the sky, but much slower than airplanes, satellites, etc. So, I grabbed my good camera and tripod and ran to my back porch.
I found openings between leaves and branches by standing, kneeling and in between then adjusted my tripod, zoomed in 30x, and began snapping pictures. It seemed to first be moving upwards in the sky. So I would have to adjust my tripod higher up. Then it started on a slow path downward on what I believe is about 150-160 degree angle. Eventually it seemed to stop and go straight downward at a 90 degree angle for the remainder of the sighting. I ended up having my tripod go from all the way down, then all the way up, then all the way down again. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon String of Lights
Detroit Lake — I was in the mountains above Detroit Lake, taking pictures of the night sky from around 10:45 pm to 11:15 pm on August 23, 2917. After the fact, I found a light anomaly on two of my pictures, taken 10 – 15 seconds apart. Without a clear reference I cannot estimate the distance from me, but the anomaly appears to be at least hundreds of yards across. From the first picture to the second it moved to the West and slightly lower in elevation, and the far left section changed shape. The light color is yellow-white with brighter sections spaced regularly along its length. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Orb
Pittsburgh — Object appeared in the sky as my son and I were sitting outside on September 5, 2017. He seen it 1st and said “Mom, what is that”..?? !!! “It looks like Nebula”!!(Note: he and I discussed this and read about it. My son is 12) I looked up and said. “It’s definitely not the moon”… as having my phone in hand, I snapped 2 photos. I then continued to look at this object standing next to my son. He then said “Mom, it’s moving upwards… I said OMG it is!!! Then it just vanished. I cropped the 2 photos as to see closer. Oddly enough there are eyes, face… as I will add these 2 images. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Eclipse
Sweetwater — On August 21, 2017, o observe the Total Solar Eclipse. Latitude 35.60N Longitude 84.47W. The eclipse started around 2:30 PM. I took off my eclipse glasses and started to video tape the eclipse on my cell phone. My video lasted 108 seconds (1:48). I was in a park between Monroe St, S. High St. and S. Price St watching the eclipse with my family. I was shooting through a clearing between trees. I had a clear view of the Eclipse. You can see birds flying over and you can hear me talking to my son during the video.
At about 65 seconds into the video a white dot appeared. It started moving around in different directions. It looked like it was moving toward the Earth. At the end of the video when the Sun and Moon started to separate, there was a starburst on the two sides of the eclipse. The white dot had a glow around it. Maybe the Sun was reflecting off the backside of it. The glow expanded and shows as a pink inside and a blue area around. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Note: The light may be a reflection on the lens but moves around like and object.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Armenia Orbs
A thing came up from a small rift in the sky and then started to enlarge its own radius of light on September 26, 2017.
, then after 30 sec it stopped and started cycle right in one position, then it started to shine bright, and then the light just disappear.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Lights
Blackstock — I brought a group to where I caught most of my footage it was my friend and his wife ,15 yr old nephew and 3 kids age 9,7,1 his wife hasn’t slept right since that night As I captured one that looked like an large orb on August 6, 2017, with wings the others started shouting there another one I didn’t get full pic but I got enough and it was all captured on Facebook live as I was live because I got a better view saved then if I had of just used camera because I got to record off the bright screen ,so this thing landed about 2 or 3 km to the west of our location in the gravel pits and behind a home then flew over us with no sound , everybody was freaking out . Then the next night I went back and I captured again two more just hovering over same location but I only captured a pic w my phone off of my camera monitor but it looks like the same crafts possibly So many sightings, perhaps because we’re in between two nuclear plants within 10 km; is there a connection? I’ve become my own investigator because there is really no one who cares. I went to the local police they laughed me out of the station Thanks to MUFON CMS
Denmark Pyramids
Island of Situate — On September 12, 2017, 7:20 PM my sighting occurred between Denmark and Sweden. It was still daylight and it was about 30 minutes before sundown. There is a lot of air traffic around here, but the objects were definitely not airplanes. The local bus driver and I witnessed the sighting, and we never have seen similar these before.
There were 3 objects coming from the south, and crossed over the eastern part of the island at high altitude. Number 1 turned to the east-northeast (to Sweden), number 2 continued north (to Norway). Number 3’s direction is unknown
The altitude was probably more than 8 to 10 kilometers, because number 2 was flying above some cumulus clouds. The shapes were double-pyramids. I took no photos. The objects were like silver hot-air-balloons), but balloons don’t change directions, and fly not so fast. The speed would have been 800 to 1,000 kilometers/hour (about 375 MPH). There was no sound and no trails. 50 kilometers east from here – on the Swedish coast, is the biggest Scandinavian nuclear facility. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
France Lights
Pau— I was outside staring at the stars. I saw two luminous balls that had a south-westerly north-easterly direction on September 23, 2017.
These two luminous balls passed over me at least at 2 or 3000 meters of altitude without any noise with a high speed the two balls crossed the sky in less than 30 seconds it passed before successively then they disappeared in the horizon. Ten seconds later 3 or 4 planes went in the same direction to an attitude that was substantially the same on the video that was made with my cell phone we see only one ball but there was indeed one second just a little bit less bright. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Iran Light
Mianeh, East Azerbaijan — My friend and I were watching the sky from the balcony; suddenly we noticed a kind of flying object in the sky on September 26, 2017.
It was lower than the altitude of a plane, and illuminated by white lights. Its surface was grey and. its shape was amazingly like a cone, and its vortex was much brighter.
It was moving straightly to the southeast and was nearing to the ground. We both were frightened then I just picked up my phone and took some photos that I have attached. After 15 minutes the light decreased and finally we lost the whole sight. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Italy Light
Milan — I did not fear the circle.
I saw the same ball with rays.
Photos were taken on September 22, 2017.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Circle of Lights
Natura, Tijuana — I was outside talking on the phone looking in the sky for no reason. 2. The ball shape object papered and kept multiplying to make a bigger ufo. Also it made a weird noise when it was multiplying but the noise only lasted for 8 seconds.
I have never seen anything like that in my entire life. 4. The UFO was multiplying from the right to the left and after when it’s completed; it started disappearing one by one. 5. I was little scared but excited, to witness some kind of alien ufo sightings.
It disappeared one by one.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Russia Light
I was testing my Sjcam 4000 at night with new 25mm lens 11 angle view.
In the area you can see the star Vega on September 24, 2017.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
United Kingdom/ EnglandLight
Nottingham — My daughter, who lives in Nottingham, UK was looking at the evening sky late August this year 2017, she just took the photo and didn’t notice the object at the time. Later when looking at it she noticed the object to the right of the photo. It is in the sky in the early evening. I don’t think it is a reflection of any lamp inside of the bedroom on the window pane. It is a large metallic looking ring emitting a lot of light from the top. It is quite bright.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help.A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Alan tells his UFO story in his own words on how he was abducted by aliens
Alan tells his UFO story in his own words on how he was abducted by aliens
It's time: Alan Godfrey
If there is a story that has long gripped imagination it is that of the strange events that swept up serving police officer Alan Godfrey one night in November, 1980.
In the decades since then the account given - from sketches made in his pocket book to interviews given under hypnosis - Alan’s story of being abducted, subject to experiments and returned by an alien spacecraft has been one of the most documented in the world.
Alan has always said that consciously he cannot remember what happened in the segment of time he was “missing” during his night-time West vYorkshire Police shift, but what he does know and think about events that had a profound effect on his life you can soon read in his own words when his autobiography is launched with a two-day signing session at Lyall’s bookshop, Rochdale Road, Todmorden town centre, from 10am to 2pm on Saturday and Sunday, October 14 and 15.
Who Or What Were They? (£12.50), has been written with the help of leading UFOlogist and author Jenny Randles. It is also available via ebay books.
It covers Alan’s whole story, from arriving in Todmorden as a boy and including his involvment as a serving officer in the mysterious case of Zygmund Adamaski, the Polish worker from Tingley who was found dead on top of the coal heap at Todmorden Railway Station with unexplained burns to his head just months before Alan’s own experience.
“I go through everything that happened to me. The last chapter is called ‘Back to the Future’, which is me talking today about my own concusions as to what’s happened and why it’s happened,” he said. “I used to be embarrassed about it all but now I have raised thousands and thousands of pounds for charities talking about it.
“The book title has a double meaning, people assume it is aliens - but..? It needed to be told.”
It was 1993 when I was first contacted by London businessman Ray Santilli. It was l995 when Santilli’s controversial ‘Alien Autopsy Film’ was released around the world. I have covered events surrounding this film in many publications around the world and in my new book ‘ROSWELL ALIEN AUTOPSY – The Truth Behind the Film That Shocked the World’ so forgive me if I don’t cover old ground here. All the relevant details of my previous research can be located on my website at:
On June 22nd 2007, I travelled by train to London to meet up with Ray Santilli and his business partner Gary Shoefield. We had a pleasant lunch together and Ray Santilli showed me some frames of film encased in a type of perspex material. Santilli claimed these were original vintage 1947 frames of film from the alien autopsy. As they came with no official seal of approval or had been authenticated by anyone they were useless.
From left: Shoefield, Philip Mantle (Author), Ray Santilli
Within a couple of days of this meeting my friend and colleague Russel Callaghan, editor of UFO DATA magazine, had a phone call from a man by the name of Spyros Melaris. This man claimed he had lead the team that faked the whole alien autopsy film. He was a magician and filmmaker and he was now ready to spill the beans. He gave Russel a run down of the who, what, why and where of the whole affair. Because of my involvement in this affair Russel was soon on the phone to me with the details. It wasn’t long before I spoke to Spyros Melaris myself and he was telling me things in great detail. During the next few weeks I had several telephone conversations with Spyros Melaris and also put him in contact with US TV producer Robert (Bob) Kiviat at his request. Spyros was considering the best way to go public with his story, he had a book planned and thought that a TV documentary might also be a good idea.
Along with my colleagues Russel Callaghan, Michael Buckley and Steve Johnston, I was one of the co-organisers of the UFO DATA annual conference. It just so happened, that the 2007 conference had a loose Roswell theme to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Roswell Incident. My colleagues and I discussed the possibility of asking Spyros Melaris to make his first public statement on this whole thing at our conference and eventually he agreed. The conference itself was held over the weekend of October 20th& 21st 2007 in Pontefract, West Yorkshire. A packed audience saw Spyros take the stage on Sunday October 21st. I had met him in person for the first time the night before at the hotel and I made loose arrangements to formally interview him at his home later in the year. As promised, Spyros took to the stage and told of his involvement in the making of the alien autopsy film. A small few members of the audience were rather upset to hear this but the vast majority were fascinated by what he had to say.
Spyros Melaris speaking at the UFO DATA conference in 2007. (Credit: Philip Mantle)
I made arrangements to visit the home of Spyros Melaris on November 16th 2007 and I drove to his house in Hertfordshire with my partner Christine. Before the formal audio-taped interview began we had lunch with Spyros and his lovely wife Anne. Over lunch Spyros showed us some of the documentary evidence he has to support his claims. This included his diary from l995, hand drawn sketches of the alien, a full list of hand painted story board images of the whole alien autopsy film, original fax messages from Kodak in the USA providing copies of l947 fill canister labels, and a large portfolio of research material. This was mainly of vintage (l940’s) US military vehicles and some vintage US military medical photographs. The interview itself lasted around two hours and we only touched the tip of the iceberg. The full interview can be located online at: (Alien Autopsy Information section). I would like to thank my colleague Steve Johnston for transcribing this interview in full. The following is based on that interview.
Spyros Melaris (right) with Philip Mantle in 2007. (Credit: Philip Mantle)
Who is Spyros Melaris?
As the name might give it away Spyros was originally born in Cyprus. As a boy he was taught a magic trick by his grandfather and his love of magic was born. The other passion as a boy growing up in the UK was film making. At school he told his careers officer that he wanted to be an actor but this was discouraged. A proper job was what he should have. So a proper job he took and after leaving school became an apprentice trained motor mechanic. However, his love of magic and film making eventually won over and he eventually became a magician and a filmmaker. He now owns his own TV studio in London and makes TV shows for all the major networks in the UK and independent production companies alike. In short, in his owns words, we make programmes for “anyone who books us.”
How He Met Ray Santilli
In January 1995 he was to attend the MIDEM music industry event in Cannes, France. He was taking a film crew there and had some spare time on his hands so he sent fax messages to 4 production companies picked at random from a media directory. He basically asked them if they wanted to hire him and his crew while in Cannes. One of these happened to be the Merlin Group owned by Ray Santilli. Spyros and Ray Santilli had a few telephone conversations but did not meet and arranged to meet in Cannes. By pure chance they bumped into each other at a restaurant in Cannes and it was here that Ray Santilli fist told Spyros Melaris that he had obtained film footage of an alien. Holding back a smirk Spyros asked Santilli if he was serious and he replied he was, not only that, he wanted Spyros to make a documentary from this footage. They eventually agreed to meet at Ray Santilli’s office back in London. A few days later Spyros kept his appointment with Santilli at his office in London. Here he met an almost distraught Ray Santilli who told him he’d bought this film but it had turned out to be very poor quality. Spyros was shown what has become known as the ‘tent footage’ and he immediately recognised it as been shot on video. The tape he was shown was on VHS format. Santilli seemed surprised that he had recognised it as being shot on video so quickly and he realised the game was up. Again in Spyros’s own words “If I can’t get it past this guy, I’m not going to get it past anyone else. He realised it was game up. That’s when the meeting ended. I thought the guy’s mad. He’s trying a fast one. I thought it was over at that point.”
So How Did The Idea of a Fake Film Come About?
Melaris met up with his friend and colleague John Humphreys. Humphreys is a Royal Academy trained sculptor whose work had sometimes overlapped into film and TV special effects. Melaris and Humphreys had known each other for a long time and had worked on a number of things together in the past. Melaris simply put the idea to Humphreys, “John, do you fancy sculpting an alien?” Melaris told Humphreys of his meeting with Santilli and basically came up with the idea of making it. They talked things over from a legal point of view and how it might help them break into other projects, even Hollywood. The idea was to make it, release it to the world, and then make a second programme shortly after showing how they did it. Humphreys agreed and Melaris pitched the idea to Santilli. Santilli looked like a man reborn and agreed. The budget put forward by Melaris was about £30,000 and it was Santilli’s business partner and friend Volker Spielberg who put up the money. The funding was in place, contracts and a confidentiality agreement were signed and the ball was rolling.
The Team Behind The Making of The Film
First off there was Spyros Melaris. He designed and directed the film, instructed and paid the rest of the team, made the autopsy table along with many of the other props, he also made the ‘contamination suits’ as well as obtain the props and cameras. The main researcher behind it all was Spyros’s then girlfriend Geraldine. She was the one who checked the medical books, spoke with surgeons and pathologists and she even played the part of the nurse in the film. Geraldine is not her real name as she wishes to remain anonymous. John Humphreys of course made the alien’s bodies. The mould was actually made from John’s ten year-old son who was quite tall. As a trained sculptor Humphreys had also studied anatomy so he was the man who played the surgeon in the film. Another friend of Spyros’s was Greg Simmons. He was seen occasionally in the film in one of the contamination suits and he also played the part of the soldier in the Debris Footage. Gareth Watson, a colleague of Santilli’s and Shoefield’s was the man in the surgical mask behind the glass, and finally Spyros’s brother Peter helped behind the scenes. The set was built in Geraldine’s house in Camden in London. The property was in the process of being converted into three flats (apartments) at the time and was therefore empty. The props were obtained from someone Spyros knew in the USA. She was not told what they were for and were all ordered separately and delivered to different addresses so as not to arouse suspicion. The camera’s were obtained by Spyros; one bought and one borrowed from a friend.
Original pencil sketch of a design for the alien creature by Spyros Melaris. (Credit: Spyros Melaris)
Original pencil sketch of a design for the alien creature by Spyros Melaris. (Credit:Spyros Melaris)
Why There Are Two Separate Autopsy Films
According to Spyros the first ‘Alien Autopsy’ film went pretty much as planned. However, upon completion Geraldine noticed that a few of the medical procedures were not correct. They therefore had to make another creature and film another one. Apparently Santilli was ready for packing it all in at this point as there was no more money in the budget to film it again. They persevered and made another one at Spyros’s cost the very next day. This too was not without problems. The foam latex used to fill the dummy had not worked right and an air bubble had left a hollow space in the creature’s leg. Humphreys was despatched to the local butchers by Spyros to get a leg joint of a sheep. This was inserted into the hollow part in the alien’s right leg, a few other things were added, the outside of the leg was gently burnt with a blowtorch and hey presto, the leg wound. Some of the inner organs were manufactured by Melaris, and animal organs were also used for the alien’s innards, although altered with a scalpel and coated with latex. The alien’s brain was actually made from three sheep’s brains and part of a pig’s brain cast in gelatine. This is how there came to be two separate autopsy films one of which was shown in its entirety, while the second one made, has only ever been released in part.
The Wreckage and I-beams
These were all designed by Spyros himself. At the October 2007 UFO DATA conference Spyros showed me how he had designed the ‘writing’ on them and what it said. The wreckage was then manufactured by John Humphreys, Spyros and his brother Peter. He told me that he based it on Greek lettering, a bit of ancient Egyptian stylising and some artistic license. On the main large beams, if translated correctly, reads ‘FREEDOM’. Spyros thought this a fitting name for an alien spacecraft. While designing the letters which spell the word ‘FREEDOM’, Spyros noticed that if the word is turned upside down, the word ‘VIDEO’ could be seen. He adjusted some of the letters to better facilitate this, so the piece would throw a little red herring into the mix. The translation of the smaller beam is being held back for Spyros’s book.
Spyros Melaris shows two of the many paintings he did for the original ‘story board’ for the alien autopsy film. (Credit: Philip Mantle)
The Cameraman’s Home Video Interview
According to Melaris, Ray Santilli was put under a lot of pressure by various parties to arrange an interview with the fictitious cameraman he allegedly bought the film from. Of course, according to Melaris, there was no such person, so he came up with the idea of creating this aspect of the whole affair as well. The basic scenario is that Melaris flew to Los Angeles and met up with Santilli’s partner Gary Shoefield. Melaris wanted to find an eighty year old tramp on the streets of L.A., pay him a few hundred dollars, put him in front of a camera and ask him to read from a script. Santilli and Shoefield were nervous, and not sure this would work but Spyros was confident he could pull this off, and went ahead. He found an old guy living rough on the street, offered him $500 and a night in the hotel and he duly agreed. Again, by pure chance the chap had been an actor many years ago. Melaris took his name and the name of a movie he had appeared in. These details will be released in his book. He cleaned him up, gave him a shave, and added a bit of make up and a false prosthetic nose and chin and the job was done. The man himself did not know what he was reading or where it was going to be used. There was little chance that he would see the broadcast either. No one would recognise him in a thousand years. And they never did. This film was delivered in person in New York to US TV producer Bob Kiviat by Gary Shoefield and a man claiming to be the cameraman’s son. Eventually the film in question was broadcast on TV in Japan only and from there it was copied and distributed to UFO researchers around the world. The trick worked, no one has identified the man in question, and Melaris claims he is the only one who can do this.
The Crash Site
There are a number of people who believe the alien autopsy film is authentic, not because of the film itself but because of the crash site. Ray Santilli released details, supposedly from his cameraman, as to where the incident took place in the desert. How did this come about? Well, according to Spyros this was quite simple. In l995, he flew to Roswell. Here he interviewed many local people including Loretta Proctor. Mrs. Proctor was the neighbour of rancher Mac Brazel and it was she who suggested that Mac take some of the UFO debris into town after he found it. Spyros also met and hired private pilot Rodney Corn. He asked corn to fly him over the UFO crash site, to which he replied “which one.” There are in fact at least three such sites. So, Spyros flew over all three of them, filming as he went. Rodney Corn was able to show Spyros a great deal from the air, far better than would have been possible on foot. This included small dirt roads and long forgotten landmarks. Before the interview took place Spyros also informed me that he obtained both old and new maps of the area. All of this information was handed to Ray Santilli and it was Santilli, not Spyros, who then put it all together to make a location for a nonexistent crash site.
Field where the “real” Roswell debris is said to have been found. (Credit:
The Grand Plan
I asked Spyros what was the grand plan. The research was done, the film was made, so what next. Apparently it was a rather simple plan. To release the film to a broadcaster, ask them to investigate and see what happens. They were confident that it would not be exposed as a fake. Then, after a few months the plan was to hold their hands up and tell all. The reason this didn’t happen was money. Spyros had signed a confidentiality agreement with Ray Santilli and Santilli was still adamant that he needed to recoup his initial investment allegedly paid for the tent footage. Santilli told Melaris that he had invested a lot of money on this film and he must recoup that before they were to go public. Santilli reminded Spyros that he was bound by the confidentiality agreement and he was not to say or do anything until Santilli said so. Apart from a cheque for about £10,000, which Spyros split with his team, no royalties were ever paid. Santilli told him that due to the fact that he had stated publicly that it was a military film, that it had simply been copied by third parties without permission and used without payment as the people who were using the film believed that the copyright was vested with the US Military and not with Santilli. Eventually time went on and Spyros just got on with life. He was constantly working on other projects with Santilli and earning a living and the alien autopsy film was all but forgotten.
Going Public
Alien Autopsy movie poster. (Credit: Warner Bros.)
The one thing that I first asked Spyros was why was it that he had decided to go public with this information now. It was twelve years since the alien autopsy film hit the headlines. Melaris stuck to his confidentiality agreement. From a legal point of view if he broke it he could have been sued. However, in 2005 he was approached by Santilli and Shoefield to be involved in the movie version of this whole affair. He asked both if they would now tell the true story and reveal that it was all a fake but they said no, they were going to maintain that they really did have original film. Again, Santilli and Shoefield stated that there was no money in it and that they were doing it for “a bit of fun” when pressed they admitted that both Santilli and Shoefield would get paid a percentage of the profits, there was no such offer for Melaris. Melaris declined their offer. He left that meeting under the impression that the movie was not going to be made. However, the movie was made and distributed by Warner Bros and so Melaris felt that he was now able to speak as the story was now in the public domain.
The Doubters
To round off the interview I asked Spyros Melaris what he had to say to the doubters out there, those that believe the alien autopsy film is the genuine article. I’m not going to paraphrase this; instead I will use his words in full:
PM: Time’s against us, Spyros. I’ll ask one last question. There are those out there who believe in this film and Santilli 100% and they think that you’re some kind of pathological liar, playing devil’s advocate here, so please don’t be offended.
SM: No. Go ahead.
PM: What would you say if you could say one thing to the doubters out there? Is there any one thing that you can say that would say to them Spyros Melaris is who he says he is and has made this film?
SM: I don’t think that there’s any doubt that somebody made it today. That’s fair to say that somebody made the film and even Santilli said it’s a fake, but it was made from original film. I think that’s really the question. The question isn’t whether I made it because I can prove I made it. John Humphries will tell you I made it. Ray would probably tell you I made it! He couldn’t deny it. There’s too much evidence. The question is did I make it from original film? And the simple answer to that is no. There was never any original film other than the tent footage. I’ve never seen any other film. Ray maintains that he’s got original film. My question to Ray is how would that film marry with what I made? It can’t. I haven’t actually seen the film. Now you may say, “Maybe you’re lying and you did see the film and you made it.”
The story’s a bigger story if there was a real film. There would be more money in it. There wouldn’t be a reason for me and Ray to be parted. Why would we fall out? The common sense has got to come into the argument. I’m part of something as big as real film of a real alien. Why would I jeopardise being part of that and go off on my own? There’s no reason to. That’s the first thing.
The second thing. I promise you, something happened in Roswell. I’m not an easy person… I’m a sceptic. I’m not an easy person to convince. Thirty people that I talked to out there, clever people, doctors, lecturers, all sorts of people tell me they saw something. And I believe them. Something happened. A lot of ordinary people. Something happened. So, I don’t think there’s dispute about whether or not something happened in Roswell or other sightings or whether or not everything’s fake. No, I don’t think everything’s fake. I do know this is. I also know that if Ray had original film, he’d be jumping through hoops to let you test it. I’m sorry, but that’s what you would do. You would say, “Give me billions of pounds for this.” That’s what you would say. You would say, “I’ve got nothing to worry about. The cameraman doesn’t want to speak, but look at the film.” That’s what you’d do! That’s what you would do.
PM: Say no more.
Once again I would like to reiterate that this is only part of what Spyros Melaris had to tell me. The full-unedited interview can be found in the alien autopsy section of our web site at:
Checking The Facts
So how do we check that what Spyros Melaris is telling us is correct? It is no easy task I can assure you. The documentary material shown to me by Spyros is intriguing but not proof positive. My colleague Mark Center in the USA checked the private pilot Rodney Corn for me and he does exist. Mark spoke to him on the phone but he has no recollection of being hired by Spyros Melaris. This could be because he was hired by Geraldine, and we are talking about an event which happened over 12 years ago.
At the UFO DATA conference in October 2007 was German researcher Michael Hesemann. Michael was also one of the speakers that weekend. Michael investigated the alien autopsy film from l995 through to l997 and believes it to be authentic. After the conference when Michael was back home in Germany he sent me an email that quite frankly left me stunned. He admitted for the first time that in l996 someone sent Michael an email telling him that Spyros Melaris was the hoaxer. Hesemann had never shared this information with anyone. I asked him what he did with it and he simply told me that he phoned Ray Santilli and asked him if he knew this man to which Santilli replied he did not. Michael told me he left it at that.
However, Spyros Melaris independently informed me that in l996 he had received a phone call from someone with a German accent asking him if he was the hoaxer and he of course denied it. He did not know who the caller was until he met Hesemann at our conference. I pressed Michael about this and eventually he admitted he did phone Spyros back in l996. Why Michael Hesemann never shared this information with anyone else is beyond me. In his defence, Michael has stated that there were others mentioned at the time and he did not want to spread false rumours, but these others names were circulated and eliminated. I have to be honest and say here and now that I cannot understand why Hesemann sat on this information and never told anyone. I leave it to you to make up your own mind.
A colleague of mine who is a veteran TV and movie special effects artist also took a look at the interview with Spyros. In his considered opinion the techniques and materials used by Melaris and his team to make the fake alien creature are 100% correct. There is no question in his mind that the dummies were made in the way described. He does have a few questions he’d like to ask, but these are purely little points of clarification and there is nothing wrong with what Melaris has had to say.
The other main person involved in all of this is of course US TV producer Bob Kiviat. Several years back my colleague Tim Mathews and I were tipped off about John Humphreys, Humphreys was part of the team and he made the dummies. Bob tried for years to get Humphreys on camera and make a TV documentary but all to no avail. Eventually, Bob did make a TV show for Channel 5 but without Humphreys in it. This was never broadcast. Both Humphreys and Melaris have spoken at length to Bob Kiviat about their involvement in this whole affair so I took the opportunity to ask Bob a few questions on December 4th 2007. This mini question and answer session is reproduced here in full:
Q: How many times did you speak with UK sculptor John Humphreys?
A: Once before the Ant & Dec movie came out. In approximately 2003. Once after that.
Q: Did Humphreys tell you on what he based the design for his alien creatures?
A: Yes, just on his own research, books and such. No other help.
Q: Did Humphreys ever see any original film, stills or otherwise?
A: No, never. He claimed it all came from his creative efforts and book research.
Q: During your conversations with Humphreys did he ever mention the name Spyros Melaris?
A: Yes. He said Spyros was the one who hired him for Santilli, who he met perhaps twice and came to the set once. All the money came through Spyros. Also, Spyros was the cameraman.
Q: Did Humphreys provide the names of anyone else involved. If yes what are those names?
A: No other names.
Q: Why was Humphreys looking to work with you on a documentary?
A: Yes, Humphreys wanted me to get him a network TV show based on his revelations that he made the autopsy footage, with Spyros acting as money man and cameraman, who he believed was working for Santilli.
Q: Was Humphreys going to tell all and sink the stories put out by Ray Santilli?
A: Yes, but until I got a commitment from a TV network and guaranteed money for his exclusive he kept much close to his chest.
Q: Did you speak to Humphreys agent/advisor?
A: Yes, his business manager was my main contact for all of 2003 and 2004, and it was he who informed me John was going to do the Ant & Dec movie, without giving me the details. There would also be a companion documentary “that would be my worst nightmare,” he said.
Q: If you did, what did he tell you about Humphreys involvement and reasons for wanting to spill the beans?
A: Instead of Humphreys spilling the beans to me, his manager clearly implied John had lost patience and saw a payday elsewhere – the movie, etc.
Q: You made a TV documentary for Channel 5 in 2006 in which I appeared, could you tell us why it was never broadcast?
Channel 5 was rushing instructions to my productions offices in L.A. from England telling me how the show needed to be styled, and they also wanted to move the airdate up to an almost impossible deadline. We were working around the clock already to appease the Channel 5 executive in charge when one of the top people at 5 actually listed the show in a TV guide of some sort. That’s when Gary Shoefield contacted 5 and falsely claimed Ray Santilli was involved in the ownership of my original Fox show, which the new 5 show was jumping off from. It was an outright fabrication, for my company has the only US copyright to the show AND THE ALIEN AUTOPSY FOOTAGE ITSELF!
While we were sorting through this false claim, we interviewed you. When the 5 executives saw you naming Humphreys as the guy who made the dummy and who was the key pro behind the footage, they wanted confirmation so they ILLEGALLY contacted Humphreys through a consulting producer. Humphreys freaked out, told them he wanted nothing to do with the 5 show and said he had to contact Warner Bros. Ultimately 5 reneged on their agreement with my distributor, my distributor did not fight for the airing, and this is how things were left. I’m still debating what course of action I can take to recover my substantial losses and damage!
Q: You have spoken on the telephone at length with Spyros Melaris. Are you convinced he is telling the truth?
A: For the most part, I can’t find any outlandish things that make his story unbelievable. But I do wonder how he could have been so naïve about the amount of money Santilli was making around the world. This part seems odd, as if he was playing dumb. On the contrary, he seems very bright. And if Ray gave him just enough work to keep him quiet afterward, I still wonder why he let all the other money go into Ray’s pocket without him demanding his share. This doesn’t add up, literally, pound for pound.
Q: You have been involved with the Alien Autopsy film since 1995, you have interviewed or spoken to most if not all the main players in it all, so what now is your conclusion?
A: I’m going to need more time to answer that question. Spryros’ actions or non actions in court will have a lot to do with this, and I’m looking into another intriguing angle that could impact my conclusions.
Robert Kiviat. End of interview.
It is clear from this brief interview with Bob Kiviat that there are slight differences between what John Humphreys says about his role in the faking of the film and what Melaris says. However, Humphreys does state quite clearly that it was Spyros Melaris who was the money man, it was Melaris who hired him on behalf of Santilli. Humphreys also confirms without any doubt that there never was any original film. It was a complete and utter fabrication.
I could go on but I think I’ve made my point. In l996, Spyros Melaris was outlined as the hoaxer to German researcher Michael Hesemann. In 2003, US TV producer Bob Kiviat spoke with UK sculptor John Humphreys who confirmed that Spyros was the man in charge and that there was no original film. In 2007, Spyros Melaris goes on the record for the first time and tells how it was all made. Well, perhaps not all. Spyros is holding back certain things for his book, which was supposed to be available in early 2008. And as for Ray Santilli, well he’s pretty quiet at the moment but I doubt if he will ever own up as he is quite simply in it too deep.
The long awaited book by Spyros Melaris ‘ALIEN AUTOPSY: The Myth Exposed’ comes with an accompanying DVD. It was originally scheduled to be released in 2008, but for a variety of reason it has been delayed with no firm date yet for its release.
ROSWELL ALIEN AUTOPSY – The Truth Behind the Film That Shocked the World is published by where it can be purchased, and is avail via
According to data from the National UFO Reporting Center, UFO sightings around the world have reached an all-time high. Statistics show individuals in the US are more likely to witness a UFO
A brother and sister alien hunting team have discovered a “UFO highway” across America along which hundreds of unexplained events have taken place - from cattle mutilations to alien abductions.
Chuck Zukowski and Debbie Ziegelmeyer have spent years travelling across the US investigating hundreds of UFO sightings and other paranormal occurrences.
It was during one cattle mutilation investigation that Chuck realised that many of the unexplained events he had looked into had taken place on the 37th latitude.
He called his sister - who noticed the same with her investigations in Missouri - and the pair began researching the phenomenon, discovering that there are clusters of unexplained events taking place across the same latitude line.
The pair believe that the 37th latitude line is a kind of UFO or paranormal “highway” along which extra terrestrial craft enter and exit the earth.
Their theory is now the subject of a book called the 37th Parallel - and is about to be made into a Hollywood blockbuster in the next few months.
Chuck told Sun Online: “Back in 2006 I was looking at my cattle mutilation investigations - there were huge similarities between them all - most of them were laying on their right side, they’re laying east to west and then I noticed that lots of them were on the 37 degree latitude.
“I called my sister at midnight and I said, ‘Didn’t you have cattle mutilations on the 37 degree latitude in Missouri?'
"And she said, 'Yes' and we started looking more into it. We soon realized it wasn’t just cattle mutilations – there were all kind of events.
"We we're up until 2:30 in the morning going through all these cases and started seeing these amazing patterns.”
The 37th latitude line runs from California through Nevada, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky and across to Virginia.
Examples of cases along the line include the Joplin Spook Lights - unexplained balls of light that have been appearing in Hornet, Missouri since the 19th century; The Aztec, Nevada incident of 1948 when a flying saucer allegedly crashed; and Piedmont, Missouri where 500 people reported UFO sightings in 1973.
The infamous Area 51 in Nevada - and the Dulce Base - an alleged underground alien base - are also located on the line.
"For the next month or so I start looking at all these cases and I had all this data," Chuck explained.
"All these GPS co-ordinates, everything from Native American sites to underwater caves.
"I released it all on my website and I mentioned it during an appearance on the Science Channel's Unexplained Files - then for the next season of that show they asked me to expand on the theory so I did a whole episode on it for them.
"The bottom line is the 37th latitude is like a UFO highway or paranormal highway across the continent.
"We seem to think that this highway is a major highway that these crafts use - they seem to exit and enter here."
After his appearance on the Science Channel a Hollywood producer got in touch and told Chuck his theory would be a great idea for a book and movie.
The book 37th Parallel, by New York times best selling author Ben Niezrich, came out last year - and a screen play is currently being written.
"In 2015 I signed a life-rights contract with Flint Pictures - it got picked up by New Line Cinema - Warner Brothers before the book was even written - just on the idea," Chuck said.
"The book came out last year. The screen play is being written by a Hollywood screenwriter who has written movies for Matt Damon, Robert De Niro, Robert Downey Jr and should be ready in the next month.
"We’ll know in October if the movie is going ahead but they already have some big name actors following the project already."
Debbie said she is now investigating what incidents have occurred on the 37th latitude around the world - particularly over water.
Athens, Greece, sits on the line - and it's also the the dividing line between North and South Korea.
Debbie has even witnessed UFOs herself on the 37th latitude after a party at her family's lake house near Farmington, Missouri - which lies on the line - last year.
"I have an app on my phone that you can use to look up and it tells you what planets and constellations are visible," she said.
"And then all of a sudden we saw four stars in a formation. They were small stars which kept getting brighter and brighter - so apparently whatever it was was coming into the atmosphere then the one on the top left hand corner shot fast, straight up, and the top right and bottom left did the same - and the bottom right one went right across the horizon.
"I spoke to other experts to see if we have any military or government projects that could do that and they said no - they had no idea what it could be."
Chuck and Debbie say they have investigated hundreds and hundreds of paranormal cases - and it's not just UFOs - the pair also investigate ghost and Bigfoot sightings.
"I get three or four people a week getting in touch with me through my website - sightings, photos and videos - I always have a backlog," Chuck said.
"We started off as crash retrieval investigators but then you gather all this equipment like geiger counters, Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF) instruments, night vision goggles and then people get in touch.
"Lots of Bigfoot sightings are associated with UFO sightings - and ghost investigations started coming up because I had all this equipment.
"We use EMF instruments to look for trace evidence to look for crafts or entities because they leave electronic signatures - well it turns out ghosts leave electronic signatures too.
"Sometimes where they have had ghost sightings the orbs they see might not be ghosts but UFOs.
UFO-snelweg ontdekt in Amerika. Reizen buitenaardse schepen hier van en naar de aarde?
UFO-snelweg ontdekt in Amerika. Reizen buitenaardse schepen hier van en naar de aarde?
Een broer en zus hebben in Amerika naar eigen zeggen een UFO-snelweg ontdekt waar zich honderden onverklaarbare gebeurtenissen hebben voorgedaan.
Chuck Zukowski en Debbie Ziegelmeyer hebben jarenlang in de VS onderzoek gedaan naar UFO-waarnemingen en paranormale gebeurtenissen.
Tijdens een onderzoek naar gevallen van veeverminking besefte Chuck dat al deze vreemde gebeurtenissen plaatsvonden langs de 37e breedtegraad.
Het tweetal vermoedt dat deze breedtegraad een soort UFO-snelweg is die buitenaardse vaartuigen gebruiken om van en naar de aarde te reizen.
“In 2006 verdiepte ik me in gevallen van veeverminking en kwam ik tot de ontdekking dat ze zich vooral voordeden langs de 37e breedtegraad,” vertelde Chuck aan de Sun Online.
Al snel realiseerden Chuck en Debbie dat ook allerlei andere onverklaarbare gebeurtenissen aan deze denkbeeldige parallel konden worden gelinkt.
Indrukwekkende patronen
“We begonnen opeens allerlei indrukwekkende patronen te ontwaren,” zei Chuck.
De 37e breedtegraad loopt van Californië via Nevada, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois en Kentucky naar Virginia.
Langs de parallel zijn een aantal bekende UFO-waarnemingen gedaan. Sinds de 19e eeuw worden in Missouri onverklaarbare lichtbollen gezien, in 1948 crashte er naar verluidt een vliegende schotel in Aztec in Nevada en in 1973 zagen 500 mensen UFO’s in Piedmont in Missouri.
Area 51
Ook de geheimzinnige basis Area 51 en Dulce Base, een vermeende ondergrondse alienbasis, bevinden zich langs de lijn.
“We denken dat deze snelweg door schepen wordt gebruikt om van en naar de aarde te reizen,” lichtte Chuck toe.
There are some things science shouldn’t mess with because they’re already perfect. One is bacon. Another is crayfish, those luscious little lobster-lites that are so delicious boiled, fried or etouffeed (if that’s not a verb, it should be). As usual, science doesn’t listen. Researchers in Cambodia have developed monstrous muscular pigs that look like Arnold Swine-eneggers, while scientists in the Czech Republic have created cyborg crayfish for inspecting water tanks at breweries. Great, they’re messing with beer too.
“This is the very real horror that seems to be unfolding on a Cambodian farm, where genetically altered pigs are being bred to develop heaping knots of muscle mass.”
Danny Prater, a PETA spokesperson, reports that Duroc Cambodia, a pig breeding company in the Banteay Meanchey province, has been genetically modifying pigs to produce what it calls “double muscled” animals by editing a single gene. The goal was to create pigs with more and leaner meat. The result was monsters with massive muscles that look eerily human and huge testicles that did not. The company claims that out of the 32 pigs modified, only 13 lived to 18 months and only one reached adulthood healthy. However, their website shows many more muscular mutants than just one. They’re also selling artificial insemination kits, so the hog is already out of the bag. There’s no word on how the bacon, chops, hams or hocks taste. While it looks ominous, PETA should be happy. These scary pigs may keep more people from becoming butchers.
Moving from hogs to hops, researchers at the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Water at South Bohemia University in Vodnany, Czech Republic, have provided the Provtin brewery with the first of its cyborg crayfish. The freshwater crustaceans (better known as crawfish or crawdads) are fitted with biosensors that monitor their movements and heartbeat while they crawl or swim inside of tanks holding water brought in to be used for beer-making. Crayfish respond rapidly to changes in the water, so deviations from their normal readings are quickly picked up and the water in a questionable tank is used instead for beer that is sold in the United States.
Just kidding. It’s either purified or dumped. Eventually, the cyborg crayfish are expected to be upgraded to carry tiny cameras that will watch for bored brewers trying to snatch a few for a lunch of beer and beer-battered crawfish … and probably inspect the insides of the water tanks at the same time.
While you get ready to dig into your BLT and glass of Czech ale, consider this … those extra-thick slices may be from a mutant hoginator and there was probably a crawfish swimming in your beer.
“Aliens were involved, without a doubt. This has been going for over 20 years and no one has offered any solutions.”
“Without a doubt,” says Julio Zurbirgk, a cattle rancher in General San Martin, a city just northwest of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Make that a very frustrated cattle rancher who, like others in Argentina, is tired, frustrated and fearful after over 20 years of mysterious cattle mutilations with no explanations or support from the government of one of the world’s leading beef-producing nations.
“They must remove the organs aboard the spacecraft, because there was nothing strange to be found around the animal. One can also see that they must throw the animals from their craft, because they land with their legs backward.”
Zurbirgk is describing to Argentine media the strange and sadly horrific state he recently found one of his black Aberdeen Angus cows in. A pregnant cow. A picture reveals that the cow’s eyes, tongue and jaw were removed with surgical precision, but did not show that the cow’s anus was also gone … but strangely not the health fetus that was near term.
While he saw nothing strange around the cow, Julio hesitated to approach his cow for a very good reason – his dogs were staying at least 50 meters away.:
“These cases are classic. I don’t know how dogs are aware of them and come no closer.”
Cattle mutilations have long been the bane of Argentine ranchers, but they’ve been on the increase since 2015. as a website devoted to tracking them attests. The photo-filled site ends with a mutilation in Tilisarao in central Argentina this past July. It will soon have another listing.
Is the prevalence of mysterious mutilations in Argentina because it has so many cattle, or could there be another, possibly alien, cause? Chuck Zukowski and Debbie Ziegelmeyer have been investigating cattle mutilations in the United States for years and their map of them shows a high concentration along the 37th parallel – a line through California, Nevada, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky and Virginia with an high number of cattle mutilations and enough UFO sightings to nickname it the UFO Highway. Their data and observations were detailed in a book, The 37th Parallel by Brad Mezrich, which is being made into a movie.
So, the obvious question is … where is the 37th Parallel South? Place your bets now.
As you probably guessed, it runs through the middle of Argentina and many of the locations where cattle mutilations are clustered. Does the 37th Parallel South have the same concentration of UFO sightings and other paranormal activities? That sounds like another investigation for Zukowski and Ziegelmeyer.
In the meantime, the mutilations continue and the Argentine ranchers fume and shake their fists — first at the sky and then at the government..
Proof of Military UFO Coverup After a Published Data
Proof of Military UFO Coverup After a Published Data
The British Ministry of Defence (MoD) published a set of collected UFO data and activity. For some reasons, these documents were published in paper form, not digitized and can be seen only in person or purchased from the National Archives. Truth seekers were hoping that the files might solve some mysteries such as the Rendlesham Forest incident, Britain’s most famous UFO sighting. None of the published data gives any information about the Rendelsham Forest sightings, but one of them reveals some details about another famous British UFO encounter near the coastal town of Skegness on England’s east coast.
The sighting took place near The Wash, a bay and estuary in East Anglia. Image source:
This radar/visual incident occurred in October 1996 at the height of an outbreak of UFO sightings in East Anglia and it is known as “Wash incident” or “Boston stump incident.” Police officers, residents and the crew of a nearby tanker saw the UFOs above the North Sea,at a bay Wash, south of Skegness and they described it as a a rotating disc with red and blue lights. They noticed the Royal Air Force (RAF), but the RAF report concluded that the radar imagery was caused by St Botolph’s church spire in Boston. The lights in The Wash area were harder to explain and were suggested to be ”a distant celestial source”. However, the explanations were presented as celestial objects and atmospheric distortion,but rejected by the witnesses.
A still from a video of the object shot by the Boston, Lincolnshire police. Image source:
Among the published documents is a letter written by an unnamed government official. It was presumed that it was written by Labour MP Martin Redmond to the former U.K. Defence Secretary, Michael Portillo and contains and explanation why RAF ignored the UFO and did not scramble aircraft for surveillance in spite of numerous radar and visual confirmations from law enforcement. However, it generated some questions about the way the sighting was dismissed by the U.K. military and government.
The letter says that Redmond is concerned about the incident that happened off the Anglian Coast raises which some issues since RAF supposed to keep an eye on this without knowing what was actually happening and without maybe having a standard procedure for these kind of occurances. They have had enough time, as the object was on our radar for seven hours!
Images of the newly-declassified documents, which are not yet in digital form
Although many conspiracy theorists claim this evidence is a cover up, the MoD’s official explanation that the radar signature away as the result of interference from a nearby church spire, could be considered as valid. It is possible that RAF have dissmissed the idea of this sighting because such a permanent radar echo used to happen in the past and they are already familiar with this occurances.
The RAF stated out that the witnesses, Skegness police, and a tanker crew could have mistaken Venus and various stars for a UFO. This statement could be valid, but not a satisfying answer. They all believe that more mysterious things have happened,but they can not be proven. At least,not for now.
After doing a research, scientists came up to a conclusion that there is at least one alien civilization in the galaxy that communicates with Earth in our galaxy through the Milky way.
Three American scientists Luis A. Anchordoqui, Susanna Weber and Jorge F. Soriano in an article published on the website of the University of Cornell, discussed the possibility of the existence of an alien civilization in the Milky Way Galaxy that communicates with humans.
Experts relied upon the Drake formula so that they could estimate the number of civilizations in our galaxy and according to their result, there is at least one extraterrestrial civilization that communicates with Earth through technology that could intercept or transmit radio emissions.
Moreover, scientists compare these planets where there are some potential civilizations with the rate of birth of heavenly bodies within the settled zone around their star.
Scientists agree on one potential thing, that the existence of the aliens is endagered by the powerful gamma ray bursts. Their note,however, will be verified with the help of TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) and JWST (James Webb Space Telescope).
This research is additionally complicated by the fact that the scientists have come up to,which is the small percentage of intelligent alien civilizations in the Milky Way,about 0.5% of the total number of alien civilizations that may exist in the Universe. This is also their explanation of having not found any aliens so far.
The discovery of other civilizations will only be sucessfull if the scientists discover more of Earth’s “twin” planets.
In the research paper the scientists note that a new data is needed so that they can understand better the occurrence of exoplanets in the habitable zone, the early star formation rate models and GRB phenomenology.
Finding new Earth-like planets has been a challenge since these planets produce weaker signals. The technology for detecting these kinds of planets has been developed for the next generation space telescopes. So, NASA’s next search for planets is through Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satelite (TESS).
The NASA roadmap will continue with the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) as well as with Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope – Astrophysics Focused Telescope Assets (WFIRST-AFTA) early in the next decade. The discovery of alien life will probably take some more time, but the search is on its way.
In 2016, scientists adapted the Drake Equation data with data from Nasa’s Kepler satellite on the number of exoplanets that could harbour life. Researchers also adapted the equation from being about the number of civilizations that exist now, to being about the probability of civilization being the only one that has ever existed.
The study shows that unless the odds of advanced life evolving on a habitable planet are astonishingly low, then humankind is not the only advanced civilization to have lived.
In fact, the odds of an advanced civilization developing need to be less than one in 10 billion trillion for humans to be the only intelligent life in the universe.
‘Earth Must be Warned!’ – Warned the French Woman Astronaut
‘Earth Must be Warned!’ – Warned the French Woman Astronaut
Claudie André-Deshays Haigneré has found herself at the center of an enormous mystery. In 2008, this talented and exceedingly clever French woman astronaut issued an insane warning to the general population of Earth in the wake of endeavoring to commit suicide. Nobody at the time realized what the warning implied and since Dr. Haigneré has recuperated she has declined to clarify the issue.
She was doing a research including human and alien DNA. Dr. Haigneré is considered an accomplished woman who has had a storied and multi-faceted career. She is a rheumatologist with a Ph.D. in neuroscience and sertificates in science, sports medicine, aviation and space medicinel. In 1993, she flew out to space for the first time and became the first European woman to visit the International Space Station alongside her husband who is a space traveler as well. After her travel in space, Dr. Haigneré entered French governmental issues and filled in as a minster for Research and New Technologies in the betwwen 2002 and 2004. In the period between 2014 and 2015 she was also the minister for European Affairs. In spite of her endeavors, while she was in office the financial plan for scientific research in France were cut. Baffled, she cut her political vocation off and went to work in a science lab at the prestigious Pasteur Institute.
Sources have announced that Dr. Haigneré’s work at the Pasteur Institute was of a somewhat recondite nature. Some have even asserted that she was working on reasearches including human and alien DNA. After a while at the Pasteur Institute, it was generally announced that Dr. Haigneré was taken to hospital after taking an overdose of sleeping pills. She was conscious when brought into the hospital, however coercively controlled as she battled against the doctors , shouting “Earth must be warned!” Right afterwards she fell into a coma.
Promptly after this, it was reported that there was a mysterious fire which has never been appropriately clarified by specialists at the Pasteur Institute. It has raised doubts that Dr. Haigneré ran over something pivotal and profoundly irritating throughout her examination. In any case, if so, Dr. Haigneré isn’t willing to talk openly about it any longer. She has pointed the finger at her suicide attempt on ‘burnout syndrome’ and has now proceeded onward to the directorship of the biggest science museum in Europe, the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
THE number of reported UFO sightings across the United States has more than tripled since 2001, it has emerged.
The statistics are compiled in a new book written using the databases of two of the world’s biggest organisations dedicated to logging UFO and alien reportings and encounters across the globe.
“UFO Sightings Desk Reference,” written by Cheryl Costa, 65, and wife, Linda Miller Costa, 62, from Syracuse, New York, used 121,036 eyewitness accounts across the states recorded separately by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) between 2001 and 2015 to chart the increase.
The book looks at the timing and location of incidents and types of UFOs seen which include flying circles, spheres, triangles, discs, ovals, and cigars.
According to Cheryl, a former military technician and aerospace analyst, and Linda, a librarian at Le Moyne College and a former librarian at the National Academy of Sciences, NASA and the Environmental Protection Agency, MUFON and NUFORC decided most sightings were explainable, but a small amount can still not be explained.
The key findings from the book were that overall numbers of UFO sightings more than tripled by 2015, from their average levels in 2001.
The book shows that US sightings grew from 3,479 reports in 2001 to 11,868 in 2015.
MUFON and NUFORC say just a fraction of all sightings make their way to them – so there are significantly more.
There is a growing “disclosure” movement in the US that believes that intelligent aliens visit Earth, and the government is not only aware of this, but covers it up.
Disclosure activists, such as Steve Bassett, who runs the Paradigm Research Group (PRG) campaign for an end to this so-called truth embargo.
Mr Bassett believes the fact there are so many more sightings now means the truth will soon come out as the White House will no longer be able to keep a lid on it.
He said: “With this compendium, Cheryl and Linda Costa have reminded the public and the media the extraterrestrial phenomenon continues unabated.”
Cheryl said the pair write the book because: “We wanted to do our bit for disclosure
“It’s something the government should have been doing.
“We’re doing scientific research. What’s crazy is not being willing to look at research.”
Their research found July is the busiest month for UFO sightings, but possibly because more people are outside.
There was a strange spike in sightings in Texas in 2008, and another in New Mexico in September 2015.
So what are their conclusions?
The pair say they have seen UFOs themselves, but draw no firm conclusions from studying the data.
Linda said: “We don’t know, but all these people are seeing these things.”
Sceptics argue that the rise in phone and digital cameras, is responsible for more alleged UFO pictures and videos emerging, and that sharing on social media, makes the subject more well known.
The rise in the use of drones of an array of shapes and sizes, is another explanation offered for the perceived rise in UFO activity.
If Space Aliens Are Looking Our Way, Here's What They Might See
If Space Aliens Are Looking Our Way, Here's What They Might See
Astronomers identify exoplanets that would give E.T. a good view of Earth.
An illustration shows the Earth transiting the Sun as it would appear from the WASP-47 planetary system.
Christopher Burke / SETI
We see them — but can they see us?
Robert Wells, a doctoral student in mathematics and physics at Queens University in Ireland, couldn’t get that question out of his mind.
In recent years, astronomers have discovered more than 2,500 planets orbiting other stars by observing the subtle dimming of light as these exoplanets pass in front of their host stars. Wells wondered if alien scientists on some distant world might be doing exactly same thing but in the opposite direction: pointing a telescope our way and noting the flickering of starlight caused by our very own Earth as it “transits” the sun.
Wells sifted through astronomical catalogs and identified nine known exoplanets in one of the celestial sweet spots from which an Earth transit would be visible.
Alas, it seems unlikely that any of these worlds could be home to alien skywatchers looking our way. Most are Jupiter-sized gas-ball worlds so hot that they’re unlikely to harbor life.
But it turns out there’s more to the story.
We can observe the transit of a faraway planet only if, by pure chance, it and its host sun are perfectly aligned with Earth — what Wells calls “a very low-probability alignment.” Statistically speaking, however, Wells knew there should be a whole crowd of relatively nearby planets in the sweet-spot regions — hundreds of them, probably — just not angled properly from our point of view. They could see us, but we can’t see them.
Image showing where transits of our solar system planets can be observed. Each line represents where one of the planets could be seen to transit, with the blue line representing Earth; an observer located here could detect us. 2MASS / A. Mellinger / R. Wells
Even if the planets are aligned almost right, we could be missing out — staring past cozy, Earthlike exoplanets orbiting alongside those hot Jupiter-sized worlds. Unfortunately for any aliens, they face the exact same challenge. An E.T. astronomer might detect Jupiter while overlooking Earth entirely.
After crunching the numbers, Wells and his collaborators estimated that, in addition to the nine hot gas-ball worlds (and many more similarly unpromising neighbors), there are 10 potentially habitable worlds located where Earth would be visible to any aliens there using the kinds of telescopes and related equipment that we now use.
And experts say there’s no reason to assume that E.T.’s astronomy tools are as primitive as our own.
“An alien civilization is unlikely to be technological lock-step with us,” says David Kipping, a Columbia University astronomer who is known as a leading planet hunter. “Most likely they are either far less or far more technologically advanced. They may have used the transit method for a while but since moved on to more advanced techniques.”
If so, all bets are off about where Earth-spying aliens might be located. They could be watching us from any part of the sky. And depending on the level of their technology, they could know a fair bit about us.
Some scientists have speculated that extraterrestrials could detect industrial chemicals in Earth's atmosphere or the glow of artificial lights at night, revealing that our planet has a technological civilization. If the E.T.s are less than 100 light-years away, our radio broadcasts will have had time to reach them.
“And if the aliens have really huge optical telescopes, it’s conceivable they might see structures such as the highway systems or cities,” says Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute, which is dedicated to the search for intelligent life beyond Earth.
Astronomers here on this planet are working hard to achieve those kinds of capabilities. They’ve proposed building the Habitable Exoplanet Imaging Mission (HabEx) as a successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. With a mirror up to 32 feet across and specialized technology to single out the dim glow of distant planets, HabEx would be capable of detecting Earthlike worlds around nearby stars and scanning them for signs of water, as well as for potential indicators of life like oxygen and methane gas.
HabEx Vehicle - StarshadeJPL-Caltech
If approved by early next decade, HabEx could launch by the end of the 2030s.
At that point, humans, too, would be liberated from the limitations of transits, capable of finding Earthlike planets all around without relying on the luck of a happy alignment. Even then, though, there’s no guarantee that we’d be able to detect the same aliens who could already be looking at us. Maybe they don’t want to be found.
“Advanced civilizations would have no trouble cloaking even the very signatures of life on their planet from our current telescopes by using a simple laser system,” Kipping says. “Our remote-sensing abilities, impressive as they may seem, could be quite basic and easily thwarted.”
Someday, maybe, extraterrestrials really will make contact. But it may not happen until they like what they see.
Adyson Wright is a UFO researcher and operates a UFO research database.
(Laurel Andrews / Alaska Dispatch News)
NORTH POLE — A few years ago, Adyson Wright was told a story she couldn't believe.
A family member said he'd seen a UFO when he was about 12 years old, driving home one night with his aunt, uncle and brothers.
"As they were driving he sees three metallic saucers in the sky, following their car. His aunt was scared and apparently she floored it," said Wright, sitting in the study at her North Pole home on a recent fall afternoon.
"She gunned it home, crashed through the gate — a newly built gate at their fence, which bugged his parents apparently — and even ran inside and grabbed a shotgun and shot at them," Wright said. "And they zipped away, and that was it."
It was a pretty outrageous story, Wright said.
"My first thought was that he was just telling a tall tale. I said, like, 'there's no way you saw that,' " Wright said.
Wright — who studied environmental monitoring and worked as a forestry field technician before returning to school for computer network security — started doing some research. She says she fell down the rabbit hole.
"Sure enough, the more I tried to prove it didn't happen, the more I found proof that it probably did," Wright said.
Attempts to disprove a family story led to its own unexpected conclusion: the creation of an Alaska UFO research database, which Wright hopes will lend rigor to a field that she says is overlooked by scientific inquiry, and fraught with speculation and poor reporting.
On her website, Distributed UFO Research Repository, Alaska, Wright has been gathering cases, writing papers and coming up with projects to help expand knowledge about UFOs based around solid reporting.
Over the past two years, Wright has built up the website in her spare time, spending at least 15 hours a week on the project.
She's created what she says is a "case deliberation method" — a four-page event description with its own scoring system — to try to weed out reports of balloons, meteors, drones and everything else that passes overhead and might look spooky, but can be explained.
In her various databases, she's cataloged around 1,400 cases globally, ranging back to the 1800s. Of those, around 150 are what she considers "usable," where the anomalies outweigh normal explanation.
Adyson Wright is a UFO researcher in Fairbanks. (Laurel Andrews / Alaska Dispatch News)
Witness accounts that can be verified through instrumentation, like radar, are the most interesting to Wright.
"A lot of people think photographs are the smoking gun evidence, but considering the phenomenon and how difficult it is, how rare it is to observe, radar and spectral analysis and stuff like that is the best information we have," Wright said.
In June, Wright wrote an analysis of Alaska sightings, comparing them to other areas, and found that, unlike many places, Alaskans report seeing UFOs more in the winter than summer.
For her next project, Wright is hoping to get in touch with people working at rural airports. Pilots and air traffic controllers are some of the most reliable witnesses. So she's sending out letters to dozens of airports to "get closer to the communities and compile as many sightings as I can," Wright said.
At home in her study,a telescope sits by the window. Wright says she's always been a "space nut."
Adyson Wright, Fairbanks UFO researcher, has a collection of UFO magazines from different eras. The is the Northern UFO News from 1999.
But what are UFOs? There are plenty of theories — aliens, time travelers, military technology. Some are more outlandish than others. Wright isn't betting on any of them.
"Speculation only gets you so far in this," Wright said.
"The only theory I've subscribed to is that (UFOs)are anomalous and worth studying," she said.
One case she finds interesting is a video taken by Fairbanks man Jared Augustine last year. He was working his shift as a security officer outside of the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center when, around 3 a.m., he noticed a blinking light in the sky.
He saw something drop from the light, so he pulled out his cellphone. His video recorded what appears to be a separate circle drop two more times from the blinking light, around minute 1 and 2:30.
Wright likes this video because it shows apparently anomalous behavior — a second light seemingly emanating from the first — which mirrors other UFO sightings from past decades, and defies many conventional explanations.
Could it be a drone? It's "one of a few likely explanations," Wright wrote in an email later. She said she reached out to organizations that might have had a drone out in the sky that night, but with no success.
Augustine says Wright reached out to him about a month after he posted his video on YouTube. He's happy she's doing the research. Scientific study is "better than tin foil hats," he said.
His YouTube video made some waves when it was first published; he was contacted by a couple of media groups.
Jared Augustine shot a video of a UFO in May 2016. (Laurel Andrews / Alaska Dispatch News)
"A lot of people say that it's fake, but that's why I left it up to them," Augustine said of his video.
Regardless, the video has become an interesting study among Wright's research. And overall, her projects have taken some mystery out of the bizarre things people see in the sky.
"Now I have an explanation for everything and nothing is strange to me. But it sure is exciting when I pull up a good case," Wright said.
Kneeling on his living-room floor, Edwin Fuhr reaches beneath a TV cabinet decorated with angel statues and family photos to insert a VHS tape into his video cassette recorder.
It shows Fuhr smoking a cigarette as he looks over a collection of photos scattered on a kitchen table. They’re intriguing images of strange circular patterns on a field — remnants of Fuhr’s sighting of what he believes were UFOs. Interviews with Fuhr are all over the Internet, but not this one, circa 1988.
A province away, at his Winnipeg home, retired Mountie Ron Morier also has a keepsake from the time when he and Fuhr and a small Saskatchewan town became an international sensation. “UFO Incident: Langenburg, Sask. Sept 1, 1974,” reads the cover of Morier’s black binder.
Lifting that cover feels like opening a secret document that should be stamped “classified” in bold, red letters. It contains a police report, newspaper clippings, faded photographs and letters from scientists with the Canadian government.
Morier jokingly calls it his X-File, a fitting nod to the sci-fi TV show that often focused on aliens, UFOs and the paranormal. It’s a treasure trove any UFO aficionado would covet.
The cover of Ron Morier’s file containing his RCMP report and other memorabilia pertaining to Edwin Fuhr’s 1974 UFO sighting near Langenburg, Saskatchewan.
A business card in the binder bears the name Dr. J. Allen Hynek, hinting at just how seriously the “incident” was taken. One of the UFO field’s most famous researchers, Hynek worked as a scientific consultant for a U.S. government initiative called project Blue Book, investigating UFO phenomena. Hynek weighed in on the Langenburg event in the media, even reportedly sending a representative to study the site, about 230 kilometres northeast of Regina.
First told before the World Wide Web or even VHS tapes, Fuhr’s story today endures in corners of the Net dedicated to UFOs and extra-terrestrial life. A video interview with him on YouTube five years ago had a resurgence in popularity after taking off on the website Reddit. It’s had more than 20,000 views.
And yet, some of the story’s most interesting parts remain strictly analog, existing only in the possession of two men forever linked to the strange event.
There are no concrete answers for what happened on Fuhr’s farm 43 years ago. Just a tantalizing story told by a Saskatchewan farmer, and the RCMP officer who believed him.
A close encounter of the second kind
Seeing a UFO up close is an incredibly rare experience. Most people just see lights in the sky, but Fuhr got closer.
Around 10:30 a.m. on Sept. 1, 1974, the then 36-year-old was swathing his fields when he saw five saucer-shaped objects on the edge of a slough.
Thinking they were duck blinds and that someone was playing a joke on him, Fuhr got off of his swather for a closer look, but still kept at least 15 feet back. He says the saucers were hovering a foot off the ground and rotating at a high rate of speed. Their surface looked like highly-polished steel.
Fuhr stopped, backed up and got on his swather. He sat there for the next 15 minutes watching them hover, too scared to move.
“They had me in a trance,” says Fuhr, now 79. “I didn’t even know what to do, cause I sat there and I thought, ‘Well gee whiz.’ ”
According to Fuhr, the objects then took off — emitting a grey vapour from underneath — and disappeared into the sky. They made no sound. The objects flew away so fast that they were gone “like that,” says Fuhr, clapping his hands.
He waited a few more minutes to make sure they were gone, then walked to the edge of the slough where he saw five ring patterns in the field. The grass in the centre of each circle was standing, while the grass surrounding that was flattened in a clockwise circle.
With no idea what he had just seen, Fuhr headed home home for lunch. His wife Karen and his parents could tell something was wrong.
“When he came in he just sat there,” remembers Karen. “All of the sudden we asked him, ‘Is there something wrong?’ And … well then he started telling us.”
The Langenburg incident came at the tail end of a golden age for UFO sightings, when reports of seeing physical craft had tapered off.
Even more tantalizing, the Langenburg UFOs — if that’s what they were — had left behind a physical trace, the circles. This classifies the sighting as a close encounter of the second kind.
Edwin Fuhr indicates where multiple flying saucers landed on his farm in Langenburg, Saskatchewan in September, 1974. (Photo by Don Healy, Regina Leader-Post)DON HEALY / REGINA LEADER-POST
Edwin Fuhr, left, and his wife Karen at the site of his 1974 UFO encounter on July 26, 2017.TROY FLEECE /REGINA LEADER-POST
Investigating the landing site
Later that night, Ron Morier, then a 27-year-old RCMP constable, got a phone call at the Langenburg detachment.
Fuhr’s brother-in-law Carl Zorn asked if the police had fielded any UFO reports. Zorn had heard of Fuhr’s experience in a phone call. Although the cop and the in-law were skeptical, both men thought there was little reason to think Fuhr would make up such a tale.
“He’s the last guy in the world that would. I mean he was a teetotaller. He’s a churchgoer, a very quiet, shy man,” says Morier.
He decided to check it out. Being an RCMP officer in small-town Saskatchewan in the 1970s, he had time. Morier and his colleagues provided what he wistfully refers to as “gold-plated policing.” No job was too small.
“Back in those days, anytime anybody approached us about anything, we responded,” says Morier.
A photo that Ron Morier took of the crop circles in Edwin Fuhr’s farm near Langenburg in 1974.
The next day, he checked out the markings in Fuhr’s field. What caused them? Morier still doesn’t know to this day.
Five circles fit with the same five objects Fuhr saw. Morier’s report says the flattened portion of the circles was approximately 18 inches. The total diameter of two of the circles was 12 feet, while the other three were 10.5 feet.
There was no physical evidence in the area that would indicate someone had driven in and made the circles.
“Whatever made those impressions in his slough there came from the sky and left the same way,” says Morier.
Fuhr was the only person at the farm who saw the UFOs. Despite how fantastic the story was, Morier could not come up with a reason why this quiet farmer would make it up.
“He is a responsible person, and his information is considered reliable,” wrote Morier in his report.
He doesn’t think Fuhr was seeking fame, or even wanted his brother-in-law to tell police about it.
“Why would he want thousands of people coming to his little place there and trampling all over his yard and his fields and all of that?” asks Morier.
The fire in the field
Once the story got picked up by the media, thousands of people flocked to Fuhr’s farm. He says cars were lined up “bumper to bumper” along the road from his farm to Langenburg.
It couldn’t have come at a worse time.
It was harvest time, and people were literally getting in the way of the family’s work. Tourists, UFO enthusiasts and onlookers from all over were trying to get to the site and to Fuhr.
“They were chasing us down in the middle of the field,” he recalls, saying some drove right in front of his combine.
“My brother was getting upset and dad was getting upset,” says Fuhr. “I said, ‘What the heck am I supposed to do?’ ”
He says a plane carrying Australians who wanted to see the site even landed on a field adjacent to his farm.
Hoping to deter onlookers, Fuhr’s father finally set fire to the grass surrounding the slough where the circles were. It didn’t help though, as markings were still visible on the ground. Fuhr thinks they may have been made by legs stretching out from the UFOs.
The phone at the family’s home was also tied up with people from all over the world calling Fuhr. He says one call came from the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong. The two-hour conversation, Fuhr says, involved Armstrong telling Fuhr that astronauts saw UFOs when travelling through space, but were told not to divulge that to the public.
“He said ‘It’s real all right.’ ”
Asked about the possibility of people making crank calls, Fuhr says the conversation convinced him it was indeed Armstrong.
Fuhr never began turning people away, or refusing to pick up the phone. He shrugs, and says he accepted that people were interested.
“I couldn’t do nothing about it. You know how people are,” he says. “Once the public finds out there’s something out there, they’ll all come out and see.”
A farmer made famous
Fuhr and his wife now live a quiet life in a bungalow in Langenburg. He retired from farming in 1989 and runs a landscaping and snow blowing business. To keep his mind occupied, Fuhr does carpentry in his spare time.
And he also enjoys reading books about UFOs.
Some of those books even mention Fuhr’s story, one of North America’s most famous UFO encounters. It was even featured on a History Channel documentary about UFOs. A cheesy dramatization of the sighting was made, with an actor playing Fuhr sitting on what looked more like a backhoe than a swather.
The setting for the video is a poor backdrop for Saskatchewan, with hills and trees in the background rather than fields. When the actor playing Morier arrives on scene, he’s wearing the stereotypical red serge, dress uniform of the RCMP — definitely not what he wore for daily duties.
Fuhr still gets the odd phone call from people curious about his encounter. He’s taken no pains to make himself hard to find, and is happy to oblige anyone who calls and wants to hear the story he’s told countless times.
“To me, it don’t matter. I’ll talk to anybody. If they want the story, I’ll tell them the story.”
He’s friendly, funny, welcoming — and still in surprisingly good spirits about the attention.
The land where the sighting happened still gets its share of visitors. It’s now farmed by Fuhr’s nephew, who tells those searching for the famous site that he has no idea what they’re talking about.
“He doesn’t want nothing to do with it,” says Fuhr.
Edwin Fuhr, a retired farmer, recalls his a close encounter with several UFOs while swathing in his field in the 1970s. His story made international news and is one of the most documented UFO cases in history Canadian history.TROY FLEECE / REGINA LEADER-POST
The most he ever got for sharing his story was a complimentary breakfast from CTV when visiting the studio for an interview. And that’s all right with him. Asked about ever making money from his story, he tilts his head, ponders the prospect, but then shrugs it off.
“To me it don’t matter. It’s out, the story’s out long already.”
Fuhr doesn’t give much thought to his status as a UFO celebrity. “If I had to think about all that I think I’d go bananas,” says Fuhr.
He is so humble about the experience, he doesn’t even like to take credit for it. “It was not my doings. It’s somebody from outer space that’s doing it, not me,” says Fuhr. “I’m a spectator just as well as all the rest are.”
Saskatchewan’s own Fox Mulder
After the Langenburg incident, Morier took his share of ribbing from his colleagues, who sometimes called him Mulder, after the X-Files investigator.
But it never negatively affected his career in the RCMP, which was extensive.
Morier became a composite artist and also trained to reconstruct the facial features of unidentified deceased people using sculpting techniques. During the rise of the computer, he worked on the RCMP’s initiative to begin doing composite sketches digitally.
A photo of Ron Morier from circa 1974.
After retiring from the RCMP with 27 years of service, he travelled all over the U.S. while working as a consultant on the TV show America’s Most Wanted. His last job was teaching at the Northwest Law Enforcement Academy in Winnipeg for 14 years.
Morier occasionally grants interview requests from the media or UFO researchers. But he knows they will inevitably lead to more phone calls.
“I don’t know why I do it cause I know it’s going to come back and bite me in the ass again,” he says.
Years ago, Morier was contacted by an engineer from Japan who wanted to learn more about the sighting. While the subject is a hotbed for conspiracy theories, every person who reached out to him seemed legitimate.
“I didn’t talk to any kooks, I don’t think.”
Morier has never tried to hide from the event. If anything, he’s preserved it with his binder.
“I’m a bit of a collector that way. I’ve got lots of old reports and stuff,” says Morier.
One of the most precious items in the binder is a handwritten letter from the National Research Council to Fuhr. Dated Oct. 4, 1974, just over a month after Fuhr’s sighting, the letter explains how scientists have been unable to find any evidence that aliens landed in Fuhr’s farm, and asks for more samples.
The NRC says it no longer possesses any research on the Langenburg incident. Only one brief record acknowledging Fuhr’s sighting exists at the Library Archives of Canada.
Morier has no ill feelings about the Langenburg incident, or its persistence to keep popping up in his life. He still has fond memories of policing the small community.
“To be honest with you it was the best time of my life,” says Morier.
A page from Ron Morier’s RCMP report on Edwin Fuhr’s UFO sighting near Langenburg in 1974.
I want to believe
Fuhr is convinced what he saw that day was extraterrestrial.
Over the years, he has taken an interest in the subject of UFOs, and is well read on the subject. He refers to government cover-ups, Roswell and popular theories that aliens may be concerned about global conflicts on Earth.
No scientific investigation has ever found evidence that alien craft landed at Fuhr’s farm. There were no other witness reports. The truth comes down to Fuhr.
Edwin Fuhr, a retired farmer, recalls his a close encounter with several UFOs while swathing in his field in the 1970s. His story made international news and is one of the most documented UFO cases in history Canadian history. Fuhr stands in a field near where the encounter was.
Whether his recent YouTube interview, or footage from the old VHS interview in 1988, most of the details are remarkably similar. The fact he has kept it so consistent over the years is one of things that makes it so compelling for Winnipeg-based science writer Chris Rutkowski.
“You’d think that after all these years he might want to embellish the story, but he tends to tell the same story over and over again. The story as of late hasn’t developed into glowing green goo and aliens with almond-shaped eyes and that type of thing,” says Rutkowski, who publishes an annual survey on UFO reports in Canada. “It’s a very straight story, so it’s compelling to think that this probably really did happen as he describes it.”
But is it proof enough?
A more recent photo of Ron Morier, who now resides in Winnipeg, Man. (Photo courtesy Ron Morier)
“I guess the assumption is if it’s not ours, whose is it? But on the other hand we just don’t have the proof to make that quantum jump to say this definitely was proof of alien visitation in Langenburg,” says Rutkowski.
The story was compelling enough to be taken seriously by the federal government. Grass and soil samples were sent to the upper atmosphere research branch of the National Research Council, but no conclusions could ever be drawn.
The scientists were intrigued by a black substance found as a precipitate, especially in a sample that was taken from one of the rings that appeared to be burned. The sample was sent to Simon Fraser University for x-ray fluorescence analysis, but no conclusions could be drawn.
Fuhr doesn’t really care who believes or doesn’t. People have been telling him since the 1970s that it was all in his head.
“I had a guy from Quebec come out, and he figures I was smoking pot,” says Fuhr.
But to this day, Morier still believes Fuhr is being honest about what he saw.
“Why would he just out of the blue make this up?’” says the former officer.
The media ran with Morier’s findings, and in some cases used them as confirmation that flying saucers had landed. A headline from a newspaper in Newfoundland read “RCMP officer convinced UFOs were real.”
While Morier believes Fuhr to be truthful, he doesn’t believe in UFOs or little green men. The uncertainty of the Langenburg incident frustrated Morier because as intriguing as it was, it didn’t yield any answers.
“It bugged me a little that it didn’t confirm or not confirm that they do exist,” he says. “I still don’t know.”
Morier notices Fuhr seems more outspoken in his interviews now than the quiet farmer he knew. He commends him for sticking to his story.
“Good on him. He’ll never know and we’ll never know I guess,” says Morier.
“But boy that would’ve been quite an experience that day to see what he saw.”
Peruvian archaeologists are tired of debunking claims of extraterrestrial influence on human history. In 1968, Swiss author Erich von Däniken’s Chariots of the Gods? introduced the mainstream to the theory that the Nazca Lines, the massive geoglyphs in Southern Peru whose shapes are fully visible only from the air, were landing strips for “ancient astronauts.” Archaeologists calmly disagree, positing that they were astronomical designs that turned the desert itself into an observatory, or counter constellations matching the dark spaces in the Milky Way, or, more abstractly, cosmological figures meant to be seen by skyward deities, of which ancient Peru had many. 2008’s Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull put a new spin on this old tale, including, for good measure, the large-skulled aliens that pepper North American abduction stories.
Now, Peruvian scientists are furious at a new and possibly pernicious permutation of the “ancient astronaut” theory. A web series named Unearthing Nazca purports to depict the investigation of a pre-Columbian and “humanoid” mummy. Archaeologists, who have been denied access to the mummy, worry that it is as old as the series’ creators claim, but that it is actually indigenous and Andean—a real human individual that has been mutilated to look like an alien. They worry that Unearthing Nazca is an archaeological snuff film in disguise.
The series’ success is also of concern. Since the series’ launch in June by—a website specializing in “conscious media, yoga, and more”—the teaser episode of Unearthing Nazca has been viewed 2.35 million times on YouTube alone. It starts with what at first seems to be a typical seated Peruvian mummy, arms wrapped around its knees, like a child waiting for its parent. Its head is elongated like those of other pre-Columbian mummies, whose societies artificially shaped their children’s crania to achieve ideals of beauty or represent group belonging.
“Maria,” the “humanoid” mummy from the web series Unearthing Nazca(Screenshot from
The resemblance ends there. A Hans Zimmer-esque score throbs, and a Russian-accented expert in “bioelectrography”—who elsewhere claims to have photographed the human soul escaping the body after death—declares the mummy “one of the most important discoveries of the 21st century.” The camera orbits the mummy, revealing that it has only three long fingers on each hand and three long toes on each foot. Its elongated head has no nose, no ears, and large, heavy-lidded eyes. And its skin is an eerie, powdery white.
The video’s experts stop short of the A-word, letting a series of vest-wearing and white coat-clad “experts” claim that x-rays, CT scans, and DNA and carbon-14 tests of the mummy’s flesh reveal that this new “humanoid” or “organic creature,” whom they have dubbed “Maria,” is no fraud. To learn more, viewers were initially encouraged to watch the rest of the investigation behind Gaia’s paywall.
The English- and Spanish-language tabloids and YouTube channels that cover the “discovery” reliably fill in the blanks, guarding journalistic integrity with scare quotes: “The ‘Alien’ Mummies of Nazca,” trumpeted The Sun in mid-July, when the mummy’s most prominent promoter, a Mexican “ufologist” and TV personality named Jaime Maussan, produced photographic and x-ray “proof” of at least four additional more “reptilian” “humanoid” bodies.
Because of course: What else could they be?
* * *
Human beings, and indigenous ones to boot.
In 2015, Maussan tried to promote a photographic slide from the late 1940s that, he hinted, depicted the corpse of an alien child found in the American Southwest. More skeptical ufologists applied de-blurring technology to the “Roswell Slide” when it was released, and found that a previously undecipherable placard next to the body revealed that it was actually the mummy of a two-year-old Puebloan boy removed from the cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde in 1894. Returned to a National Park museum in 1938, the boy was repatriated to a local tribe in 2015. Incredibly, Maussan then offered $10,000 for information that might permit the Puebloan boy’s “location and recuperation.”
This inclusion of pre-Columbian Peruvians in science’s supposed cover-up of extraterrestrials echoes the previous collection and study of the indigenous dead. In the 19th century, Anglo-American and European craniologists and scholars who came upon artificially molded skulls in Peruvian tombs hypothesized that they were either the undeformed remnants of a lost and civilized people they named the “Ancient Peruvians,” or artificial deformations of later peoples inspired by those Ancient Peruvians’ natural forms. Archaeologists came to realize that “deformed” Peruvian skulls were bound and shaped from infancy, when cranial bones weren’t yet fused—with no change to cranial capacity and, judging from the monumental societies their elites achieved, without handicap to cognitive ability. But ufology’s rise after the “Roswell incident” of 1947 has resurrected the search for secret ancestors—and its less responsible practitioners have re-enlisted ancient Peruvian skulls as evidence of the presence of large-skulled “Gray Aliens.” They speculate that Peru’s greatest pre-Columbian achievements—including Machu Picchu, according to a theory aired on the History channel program Ancient Aliens—are literally out of this world, the product of a superior, extraterrestrial “race” or their borrowed technology.
Illustration of a mummy collected and unwrapped in 1836 by John Harrison Blake (Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology)
The use of the word “race” is telling, as it suggests how the repurposing of older, European collections of non-European bodies and research upon them can reproduce old and debunked theories of racial deficiency: that indigenous Peruvians, in particular, could not have built such advanced, monumental societies on their own. (“Ancient astronaut” theorists claim evidence of extraterrestrial inspiration worldwide, but only indigenous Americans see their bodies and achievements remade as only explicable by alien presence.) From the 18th century on, Northern Europeans have accused the Spanish of exaggerating or misidentifying the origins of the Incas’ achievements. Alexander von Humboldt asserted that the first Incas were actually Chinese. Inca embalming of their dead was attributed instead to natural mummification by the elements or to the diffusion of Egyptian knowledge.
With the rise of specifically racialized science in the 19th and 20th centuries, evidence for Native American otherness was sought in the ancient Peruvians’ very bones. In the 1920s, one German scholar and future SS officer would seek confirmation that the Andes’ most megalithic cultures were actually Aryan or Atlantean, and that their elongated skulls were of a higher, Northern European race. More dismissively, earlier scholars took ancient Peruvian skulls’ distinctive size, shape, and possession of unique interparietal bones as evidence of a similarity to rodents and marsupials, a contradiction that undercut their attributed civilization. In his great assault on racial bias in the scientific estimation of intelligence, The Mismeasure of Man (1981), Stephen Jay Gould famously claimed that the Philadelphia craniologist Samuel George Morton had “plummeted” the average size of Indian skulls in his collection by including a “major overrepresentation of an extreme group—the small-brained Inca Peruvians.”
* * *
Archaeology and museums have come a long way in their study and portrayal of an indigenous past in which Peruvians are proud, and conversations about the repatriation or more ethical study of the indigenous American dead are ongoing. (Simultaneous to Unearthing Nazca’s release, there was massive attendance at a new and decidedly non-extraterrestrial show on the Nazca culture at the Lima Museum of Art.) Gould’s use of Morton as an illustration of racial bias in science has also beendebated—Morton actually used a grouped mean of the groups included among his “Americans,” controlling for the Peruvians’ greater presence so that their inclusion would not plummet the average.
Nevertheless, Unearthing Nazca is support for Gould’s larger warning against describing non-European bodies as deficient, abnormal, or non-human. The Internet in particular has provided a platform for claims of Peruvian skulls’ alien or alt-hominid abnormality that rely on the repetition of old scholarship without grappling with the racist presumptions behind the very metrics they used. Proponents of the idea that elongated Peruvian skulls were naturally occurring, for example, haveembraced the work of Morton and his cohort, such as the Swiss author who compared the ancient Peruvians to marsupials. It also shows how zombified racial science—even when it claims not to be about race—might abuse actual human bodies.
It was for this reason that Unearthing Nazca broke Peruvian archaeologists’ studious reserve. The trouble began late last year, when the Peruvian YouTuber Paul Ronceros got local media to cover an earlier “alien” or “reptilian” mummy and separated three-fingered hand from Nazca, which he claimed were discovered by interested parties other than himself. At some point Ronceros brought that hand and the first “mummy” to a series of museums, including the natural history museum at Lima’s University of San Marcos, the oldest university in the hemisphere. According to that museum’s head of vertebrate paleontology, Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi—who is also an investigator affiliated with the American Museum of Natural History in New York—Ronceros changed his story when challenged on the obvious fabrication, claiming that it instead was a pre-Columbian “representation” of alien life, made of a mixture of animal and human bones. Around this time, Maussan and fellow international UFO “experts” got involved, declaring that the mummies in question—they kept multiplying—were fabrications, possibly ancient, but that others were “genuine, non-human biological remains.”
That archaeological human bones may have been used to mount Ronceros’s “reptile” mini-mummy and its accompanying hand was bad enough. But Peruvian scientists held their fire in public until June, when Unearthing Nazcarevealed the previously un-photographed “Maria,” whose dramatic resemblance to actual Peruvian mummies—down to an almost anatomically correct CT scan—suggested that she wasn’t a pastiche of animal and human bones, but an actual pre-Columbian Andean, looted and remade for the sake of a hoax.
From the x-rays of the mummified hands featured on Unearthing Nazca, Salas-Gismondi has proposed that they were part of a pre-Columbian mummy that was subsequently mutilated—two fingers or toes cut from each extremity and redeployed to augment the number of falanges in the remaining three digits to conform to our alien pop culture stereotypes. Its skeletal extremities, Salas-Gismondi observes, are otherwise identical to that of a human being with five fingers, which “makes no evolutionary sense.” To complete the package of “Maria,” her nose and ears may have been sliced away from what was either an unsurprisingly elongated head, or were left off of a recently fabricated one. Evidence of all alterations could easily be covered up with the white, plastery powder that the talking heads on Unearthing Nazca claim is a desiccant. The benefit of using an actual mummy is that the body may be probed for samples of actual pre-Columbian flesh, as some face-masked participants in Unearthing Nazca are seen to be doing in the name of “carbon-14 and DNA testing.” The “experts” later declare that those tests reveals that the mummy was a 1,600–1,800 year-old female “humanoid”—results that have not been verified by outside parties.
Pre-Columbian Peruvian mummy as depicted for the 1851 work Antigüedades Peruanas. (Mariano Eduardo de Rivero / Johann Jakob von Tschudi)
Maria’s guardians have not let her be examined by established mummy experts. In late June, Peru’s Ministry of Culture announced that it was investigating the possibility that the composition of the mummies were the product of looting. And in July, the organizers of last year’s World Congress on Mummy Studies in Lima—Peru’s actual experts on pre-Columbian remains—denouncedUnearthing Nazca, calling upon Peruvian authorities to investigate, find, and prosecute the mummies’ apparent makers for violating Peru’s laws against trafficking in pre-Columbian human remains, which are considered Peruvian cultural patrimony. The Congress’s organizers were particularly galled by the possibility that this assault upon the dignity of an actual pre-Columbian mummy bolstered believers—even in Peru—that Andean culture and achievements owed to “outside help.”
These Peruvian archaeologists and bio-anthropologists have been careful not to say who they believe is responsible for the suspected fraud; the experts on are likewise careful to say that “Maria” was “discovered” by “Mario,” a pseudonymous third party. When reached for comment,’s media representatives say that the organization has only investigated and reported “on facts related to artifacts presented to us,” and “arranged for independent testing including carbon-14 and DNA sequencing.” The on-camera experts involved in the investigation have apparently not been paid, and has never been “in possession of any artifacts.” During this story’s reporting, the paywall for the rest of the episodes of Unearthing Nazca was lowered, releasing them to the open web and possibly helping Gaia answer the charge that it continues to profit from an unraveling story.
But Peru’s mummy experts remain frustrated. In mid-July, one of Peru’s most respected bio-anthropologists, Elsa Tomasto-Cagigao, agreed to debate Maussan and another member of his team—a Mexican naval surgeon whose claims to be a forensic anthropologist have not checked out—live on Peruvian TV.
Maussan took the opportunity to claim that he and his colleagues were being defamed; that they never said it was an ‘extraterrestrial’; that they only sought the truth on whether or not it was a “human being.” But Tomasto-Cagigao wasn’t having it. She laid out the case clearly, patiently, unflappably, observing that no one in Peru’s actual scientific community of mummy experts had been consulted or had seen “Maria” or the actual x-rays other than what was flashed on Unearthing Nazca or in Maussan’s “press conferences.”
“And if they present them tomorrow?” asks the host.
“I’ll eat a cockroach, live, with mayonnaise,” Tomasto-Cagigao replied. “It is not just grave-robbing … Peruvian law says that to extract, alter, or manipulate cultural patrimony without the permission of the state is a crime.”
The interviewer tries to break in.
“I’m not saying that they did it,” she adds, refusing to look at the Unearthing Nazca experts, whose latest episode investigates a mummified pre-Columbian infant whose tiny hands and feet have, or were made to have, three fingers.
SETI Scientist Bets Everyone a Cup of Coffee That We’ll Find Intelligent Life in 20 Years
SETI Scientist Bets Everyone a Cup of Coffee That We’ll Find Intelligent Life in 20 Years
A senior astronomer at the SETI Institute believes we are just decades away from confirming the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life.
The Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute has spent decades researching and exploring the mysterious, and often unexplained, phenomena of our universe. The enduring hope being that the search will help us confirm that there is, in fact, life out there. In an interview with Futurism at the Worlds Fair Nano NY, Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, discussed where we currently are in the search for intelligent extraterrestrial life. He began by boldy stating that he “bet everybody a cup of coffee that we’ll find intelligent life within 20 years.”
When asked what science has to say currently about the existence of aliens, Shostak said, “Very little — because we haven’t found any.” Shostak went on to say that while we may not have found evidence confirming extraterrestrial life yet, what we have discovered about our universe, say, over the last 20 years, has not been insignificant. In fact, those findings might mean a lot to our search. One thing we know now that we didn’t know decades ago is that there’s a lot of unexplored cosmic real estate out there.
Shostak went on to discuss the likelihood and nature of discovering alien life somewhere out there in the as yet uncharted parts of our universe: “We may find microbial life — the kind you’d find in the corners of your bathtub. We may find that a lot sooner, but that remains to be seen. But it’s gonna happen, I think, in your lifetime.”
While Shostak is confident that, not just eventually but relatively soon, we will discover the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent life, making “contact” may not go quite according to what we would imagine. What decades of science fiction would have us believe it would be like. “I don’t know about contact,” Shostak said. “I mean if they’re 500 light years away. . .you’ll hear a signal that’ll be 500 years old, and if you broadcast back ‘Hi we’re the Earthlings, how’re you doing?’ — it’ll be 1,000 years before you hear back from them. If you ever hear back from them. So, it’s not exactly contact, but at least you know they’re there.”
It’s probably safe to say that most people would be pretty interested in humanity making contact with intelligent alien life, but few of us actually dedicate our lives to the search for it. Seth Shostak from the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) Institute does just that, and he firmly believes we’re incredibly close to answering the question of whether or not we’re alone in the universe. In fact, he’s willing to bet that we’re just a couple of decades away from proving that aliens exist.
Speaking with Futurism at a recent event in New York City, Shostak was incredibly bold in his predictions, noting that he’ll “bet everybody a cup of coffee that we’ll find intelligent life within 20 years.”
Humans have explored much of our Solar System, sending probes to Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and soon the Sun, but we’ve yet to discover evidence that life in any form exists elsewhere. At the moment, the most promising possibility is that we’ll discover some kind of microbial life, even invisible to the naked eye, but that’s not really what SETI has its sights set on.
Shostak is quick to point out that while he believes we’ll discover indisputable proof of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe within 20 years, that might not mean we’ll actually meet or even communicate with an alien civilization.
“I don’t know about contact,” Shostak explained. “I mean if they’re 500 light years away, you’ll hear a signal that’ll be 500 years old, and if you broadcast back ‘Hi we’re the Earthlings, how’re you doing?’ it’ll be 1,000 years before you hear back from them. If you ever hear back from them. So, it’s not exactly contact, but at least you know they’re there.”
It’s certainly within the realm of possibility, and scientists are always listening for signals in the noise, but it’s proved fruitless thus far. But if we do discover intelligent life within the next 20 years, perhaps we can ask them to save us from ourselves. published the image after being sent it by Ray Santilli, the British music producer behind a hoax "alien autopsy" video that fooled the world in 1995.
Thousands of alien truth seekers believed Mr Santilli had obtained genuine US military footage of the infamous incident, allegedly involving a crashed UFO and alien bodies, said to have happened outside the New Mexico town in July 1947.
To their disappointment, the film was later exposed as being staged using actors.
The hoax was back in the spotlight last week after Spyros Melaris, who was hired by Mr Santilli and film producer Gary Shoefield to make the black and white film, told the story of his involvement in a one-man West End show.
However, Mr Santilli hit back saying the hoax was a "recreation" of genuine 1947 footage that he obtained before the fake was made, but was of too poor quality to be screened.
He provided with a grainy still from what he said was the original, in a bid to prove he is telling the truth.
Ray Santilli
ALIEN AUTOPSY: Is this real or just the latest Roswell hoax?
The image, which we published, appears to show a form, possibly an alien, lying down.
However, debunkers have already seized upon it as "just another hoax".
Scott Brando runs and forensically examines UFO and alien images and video to see if he can work out what they actually are.
He tweeted saying the image Mr Santilli provided us looked like a negative of a still from the 1995 hoaxed alien autopsy video.
He compared it to a still from the 1995 film, and said it looked like it had been scuffed to look older.
Alejandro Rojas, host of Open Minds Radio, said of Mr Brando's observations: " He provided the image below, and it does look spot on.
"Mr Santilli claims he may release the entire film at some point in the future, but I would guess it would need to involve a lot of money and that it will be inconclusive in the end."
Mr Santilli claims he may release the entire film at some point in the future, but I would guess it would need to involve a lot of money and that it will be inconclusive in the end.
Alejandro Rojas
Andre Milne, founder of defence technology firm Unicorn who is an avid UFO researcher, also contacted about the "new 1947 image".
He said: “I ran a forensic comparison of this image against the autopsy 'hoax' film.
"It is a nothing but an after effect negative of a screen shot taken from the autopsy 'hoax' film itself."
We contacted Mr Santilli saying it was suggested the still was just a negative of a still from the 1995 hoax.
On email, he simply replied: "1947".
When asked if he was maintaining it was a still from 1947 original footage, and not a negative from the 1995 remake, he said: "I am driving."
His 1995 release showed men in white coats apparently dissecting an alien, leaving UFO hunters convinced it was the smoking gun evidence they were looking for of the Roswell incident.
Truthers have been searching for proof since it was first claimed aliens crashed a flying saucer in the New Mexico desert near Roswell in July 1947.
They say the US government then covered up the evidence by storing the flying saucer and dead bodies in a secret military base.
It remains one of the world's biggest conspiracy theories but, to the disappointment of alien hunters, the 1995 footage was later branded an elaborate hoax.
Mr Santilli said the original footage came to light in 1992 when he was asked by Polygram, now Universal, to do a comprehensive documentary about Elvis Presley.
He said: "During the trip a cameraman in Cleveland asked if we were interested in anything else.
Ray Santilli*
Scott Brando analysed the new image and concluded it was a negative of a 1995 hoax still (below).
"At the time we had no knowledge of Roswell or aliens, but he claimed he was the cameraman working for the army airforce and explained the whole alien autopsy story."
Mr Santilli contacted after we reported on how Mr Melaris revealed in his show how the video was produced inside a north London flat, thousands of miles from the secret US base it was purporting to be in.
After seeing the "1947 still" we published, Mr Melaris hit back at claims the 1995 film was a recreation of some unseen genuine footage, saying “none existed".
He said: “I will also prove that there is no real 1947 footage. There never was. Mr Santilli has called this film a restoration.
“There was never any real film to restore. It isn't even a recreation. It is a work of art.
Both have now agreed to take a lie detector test and plans to film and publish the results.
REIZEN Elon Musk heeft zijn plannen om Mars te bevolken vandaag verder uit de doeken gedaan. Een bemande missie van zijn ruimtevaartbedrijf SpaceX naar de rode planeet staat gepland voor 2024. Daarnaast schudde hij nog een plan uit zijn mouw voor gigantisch snelle raketreizen die elke plek op aarde binnen een uur bereikbaar moet maken.
Dat vertelde Musk vandaag tijdens een ruimtevaartcongres in Australië. De eerste onbemande missie naar Mars moet zelfs al over vijf jaar, in 2022, plaatsvinden. Volgend jaar moet de bouw beginnen. De grote droom van de SpaceX- en Teslabaas is om een permanente kolonie op die planeet te stichten. Alle pijlen zijn daarom gericht op het ontwikkelen van de juiste raket, die de codenaam BFR draagt. Die zou staan voor ‘Big Falcon Rocket’, al is ‘Big Fucking Rocket’ de gangbare naam.
Musks eerdere plannen voor de kolonisatie van Mars zijn daarmee weer aardig aangepast. In zijn vorige presentatie had hij het nog over verschillende raketten. Maar om de kosten te drukken focust SpaceX zich nu op één enkele smallere en kleinere variant. “We willen één systeem gebruiken. Als we dat voor elkaar krijgen, kunnen alle middelen toegepast worden op dit ene systeem”, vertelt Musk. “Ik ben er vrij zeker van dat we dit ruimteschip in vijf jaar klaar kunnen hebben en kunnen lanceren.”
EPAElon Musk.
Het ruimtevaartuig is deels herbruikbaar en in staat om direct van de aarde naar Mars te vliegen, met plaats voor 100 passagiers. Diezelfde BFR moet óók nog eens dienst doen op Aarde, als het aan Musk ligt. Want: “Als we naar plekken als Mars gaan, waarom dan ook niet naar plekken op aarde?” Het concept moet elke plek op aarde binnen een uur bereikbaar maken en daarmee de concurrentie aangaan met de commerciële luchtvaart. Een vlucht van New York naar Shanghai zou met de raket slecht een halfuur in beslag nemen.
In een door dramatische muziek ondersteunde animatie is te zien hoe passagiers in New York met een boot naar een lanceerplatform varen en een halfuur later in Shanghai op een ander platform landen. De BFR haalt daarbij een maximumsnelheid van 27.000 kilometer per uur. SpaceX experimenteert al langer - succesvol - met raketten die kunnen landen op drijvende platforms.
Lees verder onder de video
SpaceX is niet de enige die alle zeilen bijzet om Mars met een bemande raket te bereiken. Lockheed Martin onthulde op hetzelfde congres eveneens vergevorderde plannen, in samenwerking met NASA. Het bedrijf wil in eerste instantie geen kolonisatie op de planeet, maar een basiskamp dat in een baan rond Mars vliegt. Daarbij moet een aparte raket vier astronauten van en naar Mars vervoeren. Naar verwachting moet dit rond 2030 werkelijkheid worden.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
A UFO investigator believes he may have solved one of Scotland’s great unexplained mysteries.
Forestry worker Bob Taylor reported an incident 34 years ago involving an alleged alien craft and two “robot” attackers. He was left unconscious with ripped trousers in the middle of woods at Dechmont Law, near Livingston.
Despite inquiries by police and ufologists, no plausible explanation has been found and the incident has remained one of Scotland’s highest profile X-Files type cases.
It has featured in several TV specials and books down the years. But local businessman Phill Fenton has just published a report which he feels may hold the key to the mystery.
And Phill believes the UFO he believes he saw could have been a saucer-shaped water tower nearby.
Phill, a 56-year-old sign maker from Livingston, said: “I have always been intrigued by the incident and one day I spotted the dome-shaped object and it struck me that it looked a lot like Robert Taylor’s description.
“The more I looked, the more I thought it was more than a coincidence that something this close matched the description of the so-called UFO nearby.”
He added that chemicals used in such tanks could make people experience the effects which Bob reported and the rips on his clothes matched the shape of a security fence near the tower.
The report, which has been published as an Amazon e-book, suggests Bob may have suffered a mini-stroke and been exposed to harmful chemicals which left him confused and disoriented.
Bob, who had a reputation for being down to earth, reported feeling overcome by a powerful odour which left him choking for breath before he fainted. He died in 2007, aged 88.
Malcolm Robinson, author of the books UFO Case Files of Scotland, is the leading authority on the Livingston incident. He said of Phill’s report: “It’s a very interesting hypothesis which is very well put together. But it’s one I don’t adhere to myself.
“He (Bob) always took investigators to the original site, not to a water tank, and he told us this is where it happened and I saw the marks in the grass myself.”
Another unexplainable video of a UFO sighting has emerged on YouTube last week. The video clip documents a strange but clear view of a cigar-like object hovering in the night skies of “possibly near” Paris, France. Similar footage was recorded in 2014 along the Gold Coast in Australia, and in China in 2010, over an airport that ended up being closed, with out bounded flights grounded and incoming flights diverted.
The new video documenting the strange light shows a suspended elongated object floating in the sky and emitting beams of light. Uploaded to the YouTube channel SecureTeam10, the channel’s creator Tyler Glocker admits he has limited information to explain the video’s appearance. Glocker explained that the video was received via email and that the information accompanying it stated it was recorded near Paris last week. Admittingly, Glocker also says he is dubious about the location and that no time stamp was available.
UFO sightings are becoming frequent in the tech era as citizens capture footage on their phones. However, skeptics are most likely to debunk the latest footage as an elaborate hoax. Meanwhile, for those convinced that alien life exists, the clip provides clear footage.
Is the clip a fabrication, a hoax, or are these objects real? If they are, what are they?
In recent times, lucid accounts of UFO sightings have documented an abundance of evidence existing to support the theory of extraterrestrial life forms and visitations to Earth. Former NASA astronaut and professor of physics at Princeton University (amongst many other titles), Dr Brian O’Leary was one such expert to claim these sightings as valid, shortly before his death caused by cancer.
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, which seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon,” O’Leary said.
Apollo 14’s Edgar Mitchel, the sixth man to walk on the Moon has also spoken out about UFO phenomenon as a real entity, and his knowledge of Roswell.
“The evidence for visiting of other species goes back in historical record. Back past the bible to ancient times. Clearly they have been coming here in more recent times. Governments keep hushing it up. They don’t really want to talk about it,” Mitchel said in an interview with the Observer. “The government and powerful parties may use the technology for profit motives. They want to hold onto everything. Particularly the idea of going off the planet – they want to hold onto it. The monied interest has a hold on it.”
The latest YouTube clip is another documentation of our perplexing world. Whether you believe in UFOs or not, the clip certainly raises some serious questions.
This article (UFO Sighting Documented in Paris, Similar to Those in Australia, China [Video]) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author AnonWatcher
There is a very strange situation in the world when a lot of eyewitnesses report observing UFOs, seeing these unidentified aircraft not only spray the sky above our planet, but also land and leave those who control them. Usually 100% confirmation of UFO landing and the presence of foreigners at the moment nobody provided.
The explanation for this paradox is that it is that people directly contact the UFOs, who are present at the place of their landing and who come into contact with the crew – they forget that they have a cell phone, a photo apart or a video camera with them. Many remember the contact vaguely and fragmentarily as if someone had erased their memory. Some people were able to take photos or videos confirm their statements, but none of them had time to publish these testimonies. In some cases, these witnesses simply disappeared, in others, suddenly there was an accident.
In this connection, the impression is that some influential forces carefully conceal the facts of the Earth’s attendance by representatives of other civilizations and are taking extreme measures to support this concealment, including the elimination of objectionable witnesses. So – we do not have a photo and video evidence of the presence of foreigners on our planet, but we have enough evidence from people who were involved with government structures and who were not afraid to state that governments of different countries not only direct contact with aliens but also cooperate on different issues.
For example, several years ago Dr. Edgar Mitchell, a former astronaut in the Apollo program and the sixth person who stepped onto the Moon during the Apollo 14 mission, interrupted the conspiracy of silence, and speaking live on the phone on Fox News, said that aliens really exist , and that the government conceals this information from the public.
At the time of this statement, Mitchell was 82 years old and had nothing to lose. He broke the promise of silence and declared. that it’s time to put an end to government secrecy in this area and that the media deliberately discredit the UFO theme.
If contacts with aliens are a reality, then the information about it is stored in seven seals. What prevents them from officially publishing them? In 2009, on the question of a well-known radio journalist about contacts with aliens, whose information allegedly is stored in the Book of Mysteries in a particular Green Room, visited by each newly elected president, Barack Obama replied with a joke: “I would” said that it is written in “The Book secrets “, but then I’ll have to kill you”.
Jokes are a joke, but in 2011 the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations was fully officially confirmed by the FBI, which declassified part of the archives of the UFO disaster in 1947 near the American city of Roswell. Before presenting its archive to the public, the Bureau staff carefully deleted all conclusions and recommendations from there. In many documents, there was only a “hat”, and the text itself was cleaned “for reasons of secrecy.
In fact, the first information about the Earth’s attackers appeared in the press and on TV, when an independent group of British television journalists conducted an investigation into the disappearances of many prominent scientists and talented soldiers in the 1960s. Everyone thought that they had traveled to other countries to make money. Journalists interviewed their friends and relatives and discovered strange things: leaflets and letters to their homeland left the specialists looked like two drops of water. And although the handwriting was all different, the style of writing – one, as if they were ordered to write these texts under dictation. After some time, the connection with these people was completely lost.
For a long time in the concealment of information about aliens accused mainly of US authorities. The most “ufological” rumors were about Duat Eisenhower. They suspected that he was the first of the strongest in the world to enter the “diplomatic relations” with the newcomers. In February 1954, during a vacation in California, Eisenhower suddenly fell out of sight for journalists for several hours. William Milton Cooper (who then served as military advisor to the US government) confirmed the version of the relationship between the president and the newcomers: on April 26, 1989, he sent 536 copies of the “Petition of the Prosecution” to each member of the US Senate and the House of Representatives. It was reported that in 1954, Eisenhower entered into contractual relations with the civilization of “gray” aliens from the planet, rotating around the star Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion. Arriving on Earth on spacecraft, which astronomers initially accepted as asteroids, they landed at the Holloman air base, and later – at the base of Edward, where a pre-agreed meeting of Eisenhower arrived with the humanoids. In addition, Cooper argued that the leaders of many states and other influential persons established a strong contact with aliens.
As a result, a “secret world government”, known as the Bilderberg Club, based in Geneva, was formed. It became secret because of the secrecy of information about cooperation with the “occupiers of the Earth”. According to him, this club serves as the supervisor, keeping the humanity in ignorance, for which orders are issued for the destruction and compromise of scientists ahead of their time; inventors who made epoch-making inventions; archaeologists, “not those who excavated”, and contractors, “not with those” came into contact. The “Petition of the Prosecution” contained lists of members of a secret international government, including Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, George W. Bush, Nelson Rockefeller, and others.
In 1991, the director of the Geneva Institute for Planetary Synthesis, R. Schneider, published the report of the same Milton Cooper, “The Secret Government,” which stated that from 1947 to 1952 about one and a half dozen alien ships landed in only one US territory. Some crashed, others made a forced landing. As a result, in the hands of Americans turned out to be 65 corpses and … one alive alien. The report confirmed the existence of a secret world government, which entered into the agreement with representatives of “other worlds.” Under this agreement, “devoted” received some advanced technology in exchange for allowing people to use for research. Why the question of whether there are aliens on the Earth, the government officials are negative?
Analysts are offered three theories.
1. The purpose of the silence is not to injure the population by realizing the existence of other forms of life in the universe. Within this theory, it is considered that the government has a certain level of technical development of aliens; Correlated it with the terrestrial level, it came to the conclusion that in the military sense we should not fear anything – there should be no conflict with extraterrestrial civilizations.
2. There has historically been a “world government” on Earth that stands above all countries and peoples and controls financial flows. And it knows about UFOs, contacts with aliens at the diplomatic level, receiving some kind of “technical assistance” from them in exchange for a “modest” request for the allocation of their territories for the creation of enclaves and the study of life forms on Earth.
3. Perhaps members of the “world government” do not want to publish the “X-files”, fearing loss of control over people. They believe that the loss of power is due to the needs of people in studying the social structure of aliens and borrowing from them technologies for restructuring the state and society.
According to the test pilot Marina Popovich, the first wife of the astronaut Pavel Popovich, “UFOs will see all the astronauts without exception, but recognized in this unit.”
An American astronaut and test pilot, Gordon Cooper, made two flights to outer space (in 1963 and in 1965), arguing that in 1951, “while flying over Germany, the F-68 fighter personally observed UFOs.” In 1978, Cooper wrote a letter to the UN asking for a special body to investigate this phenomenon.
The head of the FBI, from the beginning of its founding in 1935 and before 1972, Edgar Hoover on the famous 1942 incident (the shooting of flying saucers over Los Angeles): “We must insist on access to these aircraft. In Los Angeles, the military seized the devices and did not allow us to investigate them. ”
In 1955, with an awesome call for the rise of the Cold War, the commander of the Pacific armed forces, Douglas MacArthur, appealed to the military and scientific forces of the nation: “The nations of the world must unite, as the next war will be a war of interplanetary … Nations of the world will have to … create a common front against aliens from other planets “.
Mikhail Gorbachev: “The phenomenon of a UFO exists and it needs to be treated very seriously.”
Richard Nixon, US President from 1969 to 1974: “I still have no right to discuss information about UFOs and the unearthly mind that the government has. Discussion of this issue continues. ”
Heller’s Floor, I’m a former Minister of Defense of Canada: “UFOs are as real as airplanes fly over our head.”
Speaking of UFOs and aliens, it’s worth bearing in mind that all of them do not necessarily have to be the most alien from other planets in our solar system. Facts say that our planet is flown by representatives of other worlds, but also on the planet Earth itself, there is a parallel civilization living an invisible life for us.
Here is the world-famous Evard Snowden: “The higher echelons of the government do not know what to do with UFOs and feed the citizens with an official version that they are all just meteorological probes or natural phenomena. But documents show that UFOs are a reality. The transport ships of this civilization fly not only in the atmosphere of the Earth but were noticed on the seabed, in hydrothermal sources, volcanoes and directly in the solar orbit.
The CIA stores the data of surveillance systems and deep-sea sonars, but they have the status of state secrets, and even scientists have no access to these data about these objects. This kind of smarter Homo sapiens and lives in the mantle of the Earth. This is the only place where conditions have been more or less stable over billions of years. Extremophiles can live at different temperatures, they were able to thrive and develop intelligence at an accelerated pace. Homo sapiens and they evolved at the same speed, but their living conditions in the earth’s mantle protected their civilization from many cataclysms that took place on the surface of the earth.
The president receives daily briefings on the activities of this civilization and the movement of its vehicles – UFOs. Analysts believe their technology has gone so far that we have little chance of surviving in any potential war with them.
The general idea is that we are just ants from their point of view, there is a small chance that they will not continue to pay attention to us. But the military also considers the possibility of aggression and the current plan of action in emergencies includes a plan to undermine nuclear weapons in deep caves to “seal” the enemy in the hope of destroying their communications, which will prevent further attacks from the bowels of the earth. ”
REAL ALIEN? Ray Santilli claims this is genuine footage from 1947 of a Roswell alien autopsy.
Spyros Melaris exclusively told he would take a lie detector to prove once and for all that the film released in 1995 was a “pure hoax” and not based on any original genuine material.
The film’s producer Ray Santilli claimed yesterday the 1995 film was based on genuine footage.
But his claim has been refuted by Mr Melaris who maintains genuine footage did not exist.
Mr Santilli, who is CEO of Orbital Media Group, claimed yesterday that, although the 1995 film was made using actors, it was a “restoration” of original footage of the Roswell crash site and alien autopsy, that he had obtained, but it was of too poor quality to screen.
The film showed men in white coats apparently dissecting the alien, leaving UFO hunters convinced it was the smoking gun evidence they were looking for of the Roswell incident.
Truthers have been searching for proof since it was first claimed aliens crashed a flying saucer in the New Mexico desert near Roswell in July 1947 before the US Government covered up the evidence by storing the flying saucer and dead bodies in a secret military base.
It remains one of the world's biggest conspiracy theories, but to the disappointment of alien hunters the 1995 footage was later exposed as an elaborate hoax.
Mr Melaris today hit back at claims it was a recreation of some unseen genuine footage, saying “none existed.”
He said: “I will also prove that there is no real 1947 footage. There never was. Mr Santilli has called this film a restoration.
“There was never any real film to restore. It isn't even a recreation. It is a work of art.
“I would welcome a lie detector test alongside Mr Santilli. I hereby offer myself for such a test.”
The row comes as Mr Santilli claimed he has a still from “original 1947 poor-quality footage” possibly showing a genuine alien from the Roswell UFO crash.
British businessman Mr Santilli, 58, released the image after reported on a one-man theatre show Mr Melaris is performing, in London in which he explains how the famous hoax was carried out.
In the show, Mr Melaris tells how the video was produced inside a north London flat, thousands of miles from the secret US base it was purporting to be in.
Cow and lamb organs from a butcher were used to represent those of the extraterrestrial.
In a previous interview with UFO researcher Philip Mantle, who exhaustively investigated the autopsy video, Mr Melaris said: “The question is did I make it from original film? And the simple answer to that is no. I’ve never seen any other film.
“Ray maintains that he’s got original film. My question to Ray is how would that film marry with what I made? It can’t. I haven’t actually seen the film.
“The story’s a bigger story if there was a real film. There would be more money in it.
Mr Melaris said that he was shown by Mr Santilli black and white film which appeared to show an alien inside a tent, but it had later emerged this was also shot in the 1990s.
He said: “There was never any original film other than the tent footage.”
He said of the interview with Mr Sington that he was referring to the tent footage, which was also fake.
Mr Melaris said: “I told him about how Santilli invited me to his office to show me the genuine article.
“I explained in detail what I saw… a genuine film… I later discovered this to be the tent footage and I knew this was fake. The excerpts they used were out of context.”
Humanity will find alien life within the next two decades, an astronomer has claimed.
In a recent interview, a senior expert at the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute said he 'bet everybody a cup of coffee that we'll find intelligent life within 20 years'.
The SETI Institute has spent decades researching strange and unexplained signals in our universe in the search for intelligent life.
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Seth Shostak, who leads efforts to detect radio signals from extraterrestrial civilisations, says that governments have taken little interest in updating the guidelines, and that more needs to be done
Basic protocols for our first contact with aliens were put in place in the 1980s, but these are merely guidelines, rather than an action plan for dealing with alien contact.
Dr Seth Shostak, who leads the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute's efforts to detect radio signals from alien civilisations, has previously said a more detailed action plan must be put in place.
In November last year he said our current response to aliens 'would be like the Neanderthals having a plan in case the US Air Force showed up.'
In the 1990s, Dr Shostak chaired a committee that prepared a 'post-detection protocol' for researchers listening for alien transmissions.
But these have remained largely unchanged since then, and are seen as guidelines, rather than a definite plan for dealing with alien contact.
Speaking to Futurism at this year's Worlds Fair Nano in New York, Dr Seth Shostak, who leads efforts to detect radio signals from alien civilisations at SETI, discussed humanity's search for aliens.
'We may find microbial life - the kind you'd find in the corners of your bathtub,' he said.
'We may find that a lot sooner, but that remains to be seen, but it's gonna happen, I think, in your lifetime.'
Dr Shostak said he is confident that humans will discover extraterrestrial intelligent life relatively soon.
But he said that making 'contact' will not be direct due to the immense distances signals will need to travel.
'If they're 500 light years away ... you'll hear a signal that'll be 500 years old, and if you broadcast back "Hi we're the Earthlings, how're you doing?" - it'll be 1,000 years before you hear back from them. If you ever hear back from them,' he said.
'So, it's not exactly contact, but at least you know they're there.'
When asked what science currently has to say about the existence of extraterrestrials, Dr Shostak said 'very little' because we haven't yet found any.
He added that while we have not yet found evidence of alien life, what humanity has discovered about the universe over the last two years is not insignificant.
These findings could mean a lot in the continuing search as, Dr Shostak said.
Stephen Hawking (left) and billionaire Yuri Milner (right) have their sights set on finding alien life. The first results from a $100 million (£75 million) 'Breakthrough Listen' mission to uncover signals from ET were released earlier this year
The mat, which is the same size and shape as a regular doormat, sports bold red and blue colouring that fades into violet
Earth's first alien welcome mat was unveiled at the 68th International Astronautical Conference in Adelaide this week.
The mat, which is the same size and shape as a regular doormat, sports bold red and blue colouring that fades into violet.
A red 'amorphous blob' represents 'the alien', and was picked for its lack of similarity to life on our planet.
The blue represents the sky, while the violet represents artificial indoor light.
The hope is that an alien will see the red blob within the other colours, and recognise it has been welcomed in from the outside.
The mat is an art project from philosopher Jonathon Keats and Alice Gorman, a space archaeologist at Flinders University in Adelaide.
They argue that the reason humanity has never made contact with aliens is that they have never felt welcome.
Mr Keats told the Guardian: 'Maybe the reason we’ve never encountered aliens is that they never felt invited.'
For instance, astronomers now know there are many unexplored planets within the habitable zones of distant stars - something we had been unaware of decades ago.
Basic protocols for our first contact with aliens were put in place in the 1980s, but these are merely guidelines, rather than an action plan for dealing with alien contact.
Dr Shostak, who leads SETI's efforts to detect radio signals from extraterrestrial civilisations, has previously said a more detailed action plan must be put in place.
In November last year he said our current response to aliens 'would be like the Neanderthals having a plan in case the US Air Force showed up,'.
Dr Shostak said he is confident that humans will discover extraterrestrial intelligent life relatively soon. But he said that making 'contact' will not be direct due to the immense distances signals will need to travel (stock image)
In the 1990s, Dr Shostak chaired a committee that prepared a 'post-detection protocol' for researchers listening for alien transmissions.
But these have remained largely unchanged since then, and are seen as guidelines, rather than a definite plan for dealing with alien contact.
Mr Shostak told Live Science that the guidelines say: 'If you pick up a signal, check it out ... tell everybody ... and don't broadcast any replies without international consultation.'
But the protocol has no force of law, and Mr Shostak says that the United Nations has taken little interest in updating them.
After Cassini: 14 Epic Planetary Science Missions to Get Excited About
After Cassini: 14 Epic Planetary Science Missions to Get Excited About
By Samantha Mathewson, Contributor
An artistic representation of the Mars2020 rover (operating the SuperCam remote sensing instrument) on the Red Planet.
Credit: NASA
NASA's Cassini spacecraft ended its epic 13-year stint at Saturn on Sept. 15, but there are other upcoming planetary science missions to look forward to.
Currently, there are several active missions (led by NASA as well as other space agencies) exploring planets and other rocky objects in the solar system. For example, the Juno probe is studying Jupiter, and the Curiosity rover is exploring Mars. Looking ahead, NASA is reviewing mission proposals that may include returning to Saturn to search for signs of life on ocean worlds, like the planet's moons Enceladus and Titan. Planned missions to Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and other celestial bodies in our solar system and beyond are also in the works.
NASA's Mars 2020 rover will search for signs of past microbial life and possibly habitable conditions that may have once existed on the Red Planet. The rover's basic design resembles that of NASA's nuclear-powered Curiosity rover. The Mars 2020 rover will use a drill to collect core samples of rocks and soils, and then examine those samples on a microscopic level to search for biosignatures, or chemicals that could be indicative of ancient life on the Red Planet. (The Mars 2020 drill will probe much deeper into the Martian surface than the drill on Curiosity.) Samples collected by the Mars 2020 rover could potentially be returned to Earth in a future mission.
The rover is expected to launch in July or August of 2020 aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket. Three potential landing sites have been selected and include an ancient lake bed called the Jezero crater, the edge of the Syrtis Major volcanoes and a hot-spring site called Columbia Hills. Mission scientists hope that, after it touches down on the Red Planet, the rover will explore the Martian surface for two years. This mission offers a unique opportunity to prepare for future human exploration of Mars, mission team members have said.
2. InSight
NASA's InSight Mars lander is expected to launch in May 2018 and arrive at the Red Planet in November 2018. The Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) mission will study the planet's deep interior to gain a better understanding of the processes that helped shaped rocky planets like Mars and Earth.
Once it has landed on the Red Planet, the probe will spend a full Mars year (687 Earth days) surveying its surroundings. (Because it's not a rover, it will have to stay in one spot.) InSight will be equipped with two specialized instruments, allowing it to probe deep beneath the Martian surface and study the planet's internal geologic activity and temperature.
3. ExoMars rover
The European Space Agency (ESA) also has its eye on the Red Planet. The ExoMars rover mission is designed to search for signs of ancient life that may have once existed on Mars. The golf-cart-size rover will be equipped with a drill to collect samples, as well as a panoramic camera system for stereoscopic imaging and ground-penetrating radar to search for ice beneath the Martian surface.
The ExoMars rover is scheduled to launch in the spring of 2020. The rover will reach the Red Planet in 2021, joining the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter — the first phase of the ExoMars mission, which launched toward the Red Planet on March 14, 2016.
4. Europa Clipper
This artist's rendering shows NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft, which is being developed for a launch sometime in the 2020s and will explore Jupiter's icy moon.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
NASA's Europa Clipper mission will study the possibly habitable Jovian moon Europa. The probe is expected to launch in 2022 and later settle into orbit around Jupiter in 2025. The solar-powered spacecraft will perform about 40 flybys of Europa to learn more about the ocean of liquid water that lies beneath the moon's icy crust and perhaps determine if it is capable of supporting life as we know it on Earth.
5. Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer
ESA is also planning a mission to Jupiter in 2022. However, the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, also known as JUICE, won't arrive at the Jovian giant until 2029. JUICE will study Jupiter's atmosphere and magnetic environment, and it will also investigate three of the planet's Galilean moons: Europa, Callisto and Ganymede.
6. BepiColombo
ESA and the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) plan to launch a joint mission to Mercury in October 2018. The mission includes a carrier spacecraft called the Mercury Transfer Module (MTM) — which supplies electrical power during interplanetary cruising — and two separate orbiters: Europe's Mercury Planet Orbiter and Japan's Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter.
The spacecraft will take about seven years to get into orbit around Mercury, using several gravity assists from Earth and Venus. The mission is designed to investigate how Mercury formed so close to a parent star, and to take a closer look at the planet's interior structure, geology, composition and magnetic field.
7. Parker Solar Probe
This artist's rendering show the Parke Solar Probe, which will fly closer to the sun than any previous spacecraft.
Credit: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
NASA's Parker Solar Probe, which is scheduled to launch on July 31, 2018, will travel closer to the sun than any spacecraft in history. The mission will perform 24 close flybys of the sun — some of which will bring the spacecraft within just 3.9 million miles (6.2 million kilometers) of the solar surface.
From this unique vantage point, the probe will be able to measure the sun's electric and magnetic fields, photograph the solar structure and study the solar wind. These findings could help astronomers answer questions about the sun's perplexing outer atmosphere, also known as the corona, and other long-standing mysteries.
8. Chang'e 5
China is planning to launch a sample-return mission to the moon at the end of November 2017. The mission, called Chang'e 5, will be the first to return lunar material to Earth in more than 40 years. The spacecraft will include an orbiter, a lander, an ascender and an Earth re-entry module. Chang'e 5 is one in a series of China's moon exploration missions, which also include Chang'e 4 — a lunar probe set to launch around 2018 and make the first-ever soft landing on the farside of the moon.
9. Google Lunar X Prize
The Google Lunar X Prize is an international challenge to land a robot on the lunar surface, have it travel at least 1,650 feet (500 meters), and send high-definition photos and videos back to Earth. There are five teams still competing for the $30 million prize: Florida-based Moon Express, Israel's SpaceIL, Japan's Hakuto, India-based TeamIndus and the international collaboration Synergy Moon. To qualify for the Lunar X Prize, teams must complete their lunar missions by March 31, 2018.
This artist's concept shows the Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification Security - Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft grabbing a sample of an asteroid for return to Earth.
Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
NASA's OSIRIS-REx (short for Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer) mission will study the near-Earth asteroid Bennu. The mission launched on Sept. 8, 2016, and is slated to arrive at Bennu in 2018.
OSIRIS-REx will spend approximately two years studying the rocky body in great detail, before collecting a sample to bring home to Earth. Asteroids are leftovers from the formation of planets and carry blueprints of the early solar system. Samples collected from Bennu will therefore help astronomers learn more about the evolution of our solar system and how planets formed. If all goes according to plan, OSIRIS-REx will return to Earth in 2023, marking the first U.S. asteroid sample-return mission.
11. Hayabusa2
JAXA's Hayabusa2 mission is another asteroid-sampling mission en route to its target destination. The spacecraft launched on Dec. 2, 2014, and is expected to arrive at asteroid 162173 Ryugu in 2018. Hayabusa2 follows JAXA's historic 2003 Hayabusa mission, which brought the first pristine samples of an asteroid to Earth in 2010.
This time around, the mission will land a small probe on the surface of the asteroid, as well as a pair of rovers for exploring the asteroid's surface. Hayabusa2 will spend a year studying the asteroid before collecting samples to return to Earth in December 2020.
12. Psyche
NASA's Psyche mission will launch in 2022 to study a bizarre metal asteroid up close. The asteroid, called 16 Psyche, is located in the belt between Mars and Jupiter. Whereas most asteroids are made of rock, Psyche is composed of metallic iron and nickel — the same material found in Earth's core. It's the only known object of its kind in the solar system, leading astronomers to believe that the asteroid is the remnant of what was once a protoplanet in the early solar system. Therefore, learning more about this asteroid will help scientists better understand the cores of Earth, Mars, Mercury and Venus.
13. New Horizons
NASA's New Horizons probe visited Pluto in July 2015, completing a nearly decade-long journey to the distant dwarf planet. The mission provided the first-ever up-close view of Pluto, revealing new details about its icy surface and largest moon, Charon.
Since accomplishing this amazing feat, the probe is still going strong and is set on a new object deeper in the Kuiper Belt, located approximately 1 billion miles (1.6 billion km) beyond Pluto. On Jan. 1, 2019, the spacecraft will fly within just 2,175 miles (3,500 kilometers) of the distant object called 2014 MU69, allowing the probe to study the rocky body up close. This ancient object is also expected to help paint a clearer picture of what the early solar system was like.
14. Voyager
This artist's concept depicts NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft entering interstellar space in 2012. The probe and its twin, Voyager 2, are still in contact with Earth.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
This year, NASA's historic Voyager mission celebrated 40 years in space, and it's not ready to quit anytime soon. The twin spacecraft launched two weeks apart in 1977 — Voyager 2 on Aug. 20 and Voyager 1 on Sept. 5 — with an initial goal to study the planets and explore the outer solar system.
Over the course of the mission, the Voyager probes have captured up-close views of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and many of the moons of these giant planets. In August 2012, Voyager 1 became the first spacecraft ever to reach interstellar space, and Voyager 2 is currently flying through the bubble of solar material that marks the boundary between the solar system and interstellar space.
New research into old data suggests that ice may hide around Mars' equator. Here, the Red Planet is seen in a vivid Hubble view.
Credit: Steve Lee (University of Colorado)/Jim Bell (Cornell University)/Mike Wolff (Space Science Institute)/NASA
A new examination of old data suggests that there might be ice hiding in the Martian equator, even though scientists previously thought that the substance couldn't exist there.
Scientists uncovered an unexpected amount of hydrogen when looking at older data from NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft dating back to between 2002 and 2009. At higher latitudes, hydrogen generally indicates buried water ice, but this was not believed possible at the equator, according to a statement from NASA.
If there is indeed water there, this would help with a future human mission to Mars, because it could mean the astronauts wouldn't need to bring the substance with them for drinking, cooling equipment or watering plants, researchers said in the statement. Instead, the astronauts could live off the land to an extent, reducing the number of resources that need to be trucked (at higher cost) from Earth. [How The Search for Water on Mars in Pictures]
Mars Odyssey's first major discovery, in 2002, was also linked to water; the spacecraft found buried hydrogen at high latitudes, and the 2008 landing of the Phoenix Mars lander confirmed that there was water ice. However, at lower latitudes, measurements of hydrogen were explained as hydrated minerals (which other spacecraft have also observed). Researchers didn't think water ice was thermodynamically stable in those areas.
For this new study, the researchers analyzed data collected using Mars Odyssey's neutron spectrometer. The instrument is not designed to directly detect water, but by measuring neutrons, it can detect signatures of hydrogen, which can mark the presence of water or other hydrogen-bearing substances.
Researchers' reanalysis of 2002-2009 data from NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter gave a clearer view of the hydrogen present around the planet's equator, suggesting that the element is contained within water ice.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona
The science team reduced the blurring or "noise" in Odyssey's data using image-reconstruction techniques based on those used for other spacecraft and for medicine, according to the statement. This improved the spatial resolution of the data to 180 miles (290 kilometers), twice the previous resolution of 320 miles (520 km).
"It was as if we'd cut the spacecraft's orbital altitude in half, and it gave us a much better view of what's happening on the surface," Jack Wilson, the study's principal investigator and a postdoctoral researcher at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland, said in the statement. Using those closer views, the researchers saw even higher levels of hydrogen, suggestive of water.
Their work focused on equatorial areas, particularly in zones around the Medusae Fossae formation, an area that includes material that is easy to erode. Previous observations from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter suggested there might be volcanic deposits or water ice just below the surface. Scientists, however, were skeptical that it was water ice, because "if the detected hydrogen were buried ice within the top meter [3.3 feet] of the surface, there would be more than would fit into pore space in soil," Wilson said.
The study's scientists emphasized that more evidence is needed to conclude that the signature indeed comes from water ice. They're not too sure how the water was preserved, they said; perhaps ice and dust flowing from the poles moved through the atmosphere when Mars had a steeper axis tilt than today. However, it's been at least hundreds of thousands of years since those conditions existed, and the water ice deposited back then shouldn't be around anymore, the researchers said. (This would be true even if, somehow, dust or a crust at the surface trapped the humidity underground, the scientists added.)
"Perhaps the signature could be explained in terms of extensive deposits of hydrated salts, but how these hydrated salts came to be in the formation is also difficult to explain," Wilson said. "So, for now, the signature remains a mystery worthy of further study, and Mars continues to surprise us."
Voor het eerst in 16 jaar kunnen we meer te weten komen over de atmosfeer van Triton
Voor het eerst in 16 jaar kunnen we meer te weten komen over de atmosfeer van Triton
Caroline Kraaijvanger
No pressure.
Later deze week moet het gaan gebeuren. Op 5 oktober zal Triton voor het eerst in zestien jaar tijd voor een ver van ons verwijderde ster langs bewegen en het licht van die ster tegenhouden. Het biedt kansen. Want terwijl Triton voor de ster langs beweegt, glijdt een deel van het sterlicht door de atmosfeer van de maan heen. En door dat door Tritons atmosfeer gefilterde licht te bestuderen, kunnen we meer te weten komen over de temperatuur, druk en dichtheid van die atmosfeer.
SOFIA Voor die waarnemingen wordt een beroep gedaan op het vliegende observatorium SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy). Het observatorium heeft daarmee een lastige taak op zich genomen. Want het betekent dat SOFIA zich direct in de schaduw die Triton op de aarde werpt, moet zien te wurmen. En die schaduw haast zich met een snelheid van meer dan 17 kilometer per seconde voort, terwijl ook SOFIA een snelheid heeft van 1050 kilometer per uur.
2014 MU69 Gelukkig heeft SOFIA ervaring met dit soort karweitjes. In 2011 en 2015 werd het observatorium ingezet om meer over Pluto’s atmosfeer te weten te komen terwijl de dwergplaneet voor een verre ster langsbewoog. En recent werd SOFIA gebruikt om op vergelijkbare wijze meer te weten te komen over Kuipergordelobject 2014 MU69 (de volgende bestemming van ruimtesonde New Horizons). De geschiedenis leert ons bovendien dat uit dit soort studies verrassende ontdekkingen kunnen komen. Zo werden er sterke aanwijzingen gevonden dat 2014 MU69 uit twee delen bestaat. En dankzij vergelijkbaar onderzoek ontdekte de voorloper van SOFIA – Kuiper Airborne Observatory – dat Uranus ringen heeft.
De druk om op 5 oktober ook nieuwe ontdekkingen te doen omtrent de atmosfeer van Triton is enorm. Het is namelijk jaren geleden dat Triton voor een heldere ster langs heeft bewogen. Om er alles uit te halen, wordt naast SOFIA ook een beroep gedaan op meer dan dertig telescopen op aarde. Zij worden onder meer ingezet om de vorm van Tritons atmosfeer te achterhalen. Die vorm wordt weer bepaald door Neptunus, waar Triton zeer dicht bij in de buurt staat.
The SETI Institute has spent decades researching and exploring the mysterious, and often unexplained, phenomena of our universe. The enduring hope being that the search will help us confirm that there is, in fact, life out there.
He began by boldly stating that he "bet everybody a cup of coffee that we'll find intelligent life within 20 years".
When asked what science has to say currently about the existence of aliens, Shostak said, "Very little - because we haven't found any."
Shostak went on to say that while we may not have found evidence confirming extraterrestrial life yet, what we have discovered about our Universe, say, over the last 20 years, has not been insignificant.
In fact, those findings might mean a lot to our search. One thing we know now that we didn't know decades ago is that there's a lot of unexplored cosmic real estate out there.
"We may find microbial life - the kind you'd find in the corners of your bathtub. We may find that a lot sooner, but that remains to be seen. But it's gonna happen, I think, in your lifetime."
While Shostak is confident that, not just eventually but relatively soon, we will discover the existence of extraterrestrial intelligent life, making 'contact' may not go quite according to what we would imagine. What decades of science fiction would have us believe it would be like.
"I don't know about contact," Shostak said. "I mean if they're 500 light years away ... you'll hear a signal that'll be 500 years old, and if you broadcast back 'Hi we're the Earthlings, how're you doing?' - it'll be 1,000 years before you hear back from them. If you ever hear back from them. So, it's not exactly contact, but at least you know they're there."
This article was originally published by Futurism. Read the original article.
So-called UFO anomaly hunter Mark Sawalha says he found the pyramid on a NASA image taken close to the Eudoxus Crater.
He revealed his findings in a YouTube video entitled "Pyramid on the Moon".
He told "Here is a Pyramid looking object in the middle of Eudoxus Crater in a NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LROC) image on the Moon.
"When I started to research this huge LROC map I found this pyramid looking object in Eudoxus crater. My fellow anomaly hunters have also found other objects on the same image."
Mr Sawalha's previous findings include what he thinks could be alien craft, cubes, and other structures on the moon, and even buildings on Venus.
Here is a Pyramid looking object in the middle of Eudoxus Crater in a NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LROC) image on the Moon.
Mark Sawalha
Some conspiracy theorists claims the moon could be occupied by aliens and that is the reason NASA has not returned since the Apollo missions ended in the 1970s.
They suspect findings such as this pyramid and other anomalies could be monuments built by an ancient alien civilisation similar to the pyramids and other structures on Earth.
Similar anomaly hunters have found what they believe could be pyramids on Mars and other parts of the moon.
One popular, but far-fetched, conspiracy theory claims our ancestors who built the pyramids were visited by superior aliens who helped them construct them.
However, sceptics and NASA say the pyramid and other similar findings are just the effects of pareidolia – a psychological phenomenon when the brain tricks the eyes into seeing familiar objects or shapes in patterns or textures such as a rock surface.
This would mean that the new "pyramid on the moon" could just be a misshapen rock.
Scott Brando shows how there is no pyramid in another picture of the same crater.
UFO hoax buster Scott Brando told there was no pyramid in the crater.
He runs the debunking website
Mr Brando said that the image used in the video was of lower quality than some avaialble, and it was just an optical illusion.
He provided a link to a clearer official image of the same part of the moon and there was no pyramid visible in the same crater.
‘Oude piramide’ gevonden op de maan. Deze UFO-jager spreekt van een belangrijke ontdekking
‘Oude piramide’ gevonden op de maan. Deze UFO-jager spreekt van een belangrijke ontdekking
Een UFO-jager die archieven doorspit op zoek naar bewijs voor aliens zegt dat hij een ‘piramideachtige structuur’ op het oppervlak van de maan heeft gevonden.
Mark Sawalha zegt op een foto van de NASA een piramide te hebben ontdekt in de krater Eudoxus. Hij deelt zijn bevindingen in een video die hij op YouTube heeft gezet.
“Je ziet op een foto van de Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter van de NASA in het midden van de krater Eudoxus een object dat eruitziet als een piramide,” vertelde hij aan
Vreemde objecten
“Toen ik deze foto begon te analyseren vond ik dit piramideachtige object in de krater,” voegde hij toe.
Sawalha ontdekte eerder ook al vreemde objecten op de maan, waaronder iets wat lijkt op een buitenaards vaartuig, kubussen en andere structuren.
Sommige theoretici claimen dat de maan mogelijk wordt bewoond door aliens en dat dat de reden is dat de NASA na de Apollo-missies niet meer is teruggekeerd naar de maan.
Ze vermoeden dat vondsten zoals deze piramide en andere vreemde structuren zijn achtergelaten door oude beschavingen. Andere UFO-jagers beweren ook piramides op Mars te hebben gevonden.
Volgens één theorie zijn onze voorouders bezocht door hoogontwikkelde aliens, die hebben geholpen bij de bouw van de piramides.
Sceptici en de NASA stellen dat dit soort piramides op de maan het gevolg zijn van pareidolie, het verschijnsel waarbij je gezichten of patronen ziet in alledaagse dingen.
Enkele dagen geleden schreven wij een artikel over een bizar verhaal van een gestrande buitenaardse die allerlei aanwijzingen gaf via een forum van zijn bestaan.
Eén van de meest opmerkelijke zaken daarbij was dat iemand in Australië daadwerkelijk zijn ruimteschip had zien hangen in de lucht en gefotografeerd, maar wat als er nu meer waren?
Het verhaal van de gestrande ruimtereiziger bleef ons toch enigszins bezighouden en plotsklaps kwam het idee om eens te kijken of er afgelopen week meer mensen een soortgelijk ruimteschip hebben waargenomen.
De foto van het ruimteschip van de alien zag er als volgt uit:
Vervolgens zijn we op zoek gegaan naar misschien nog meer waarnemingen van hetzelfde schip.
Het bericht op het forum is op 22 september geplaatst, dus iedere waarneming van een driehoekige UFO ergens in die periode zou misschien betrekking kunnen hebben op het ruimteschip van Myziam, de gestrande alien.
Deze vloog tenslotte van hot naar her over de wereld om via foto's bewijs te leveren van zijn bestaan, dus er is dan ook een goede kans dat dit schip door andere mensen op andere locaties is waargenomen.
En we vinden inderdaad waarnemingen van driehoekige objecten in die periode zoals de volgende.
Deze video laat ook een soort driehoeksformatie van lichten zien en is genomen op 23 september op de Freeway bij Playa del Rey in de Amerikaanse staat Californië. De waarneming is tevens aangemeld bij Mufon onder nummer 82591.
Enkele dagen eerder, op 18 september wordt er eveneens een driehoekige UFO of formatie UFO's waargenomen bij het plaatsje Kay in de Amerikaanse staat Texas.
Dan, op 22 september wordt er een driehoekig object of een driehoekige formatie waargenomen boven de Russische hoofdstad Moskou.
En dan tot slot een Youtube kanaal uit Texas dat zich bezighoudt met onderzoek naar UFO's en zich verbaasd afvraagt hoe het kan dat er opeens weer een golf van waarnemingen is van driehoekige objecten. Dit kanaal is vooral op de USA gericht dus komen ze ook vooral met voorbeelden daar, maar feit is dat er rond die 22e en ook al wat eerder, een toename was in meldingen van driehoekige objecten.
Of het verhaal op het forum over de gestrande alien echt is of niet, voor wat betreft waarnemingen in die periode van dat soort ruimteschepen zou het heel goed kunnen.
Dit keer komt hij met een heel interessant verhaal over een gestrande alien die met "gewone mensen" communiceert via een groot Amerikaans forum.
Het bericht begint in slecht Engels, zo te zien vertaald door een machine, met:
Hallo, ik ben Myziam van Varn, mijn thuisplaneet. Ik heb een ruimteschip dat in een paar uur tijd door het gehele zonnestelsel kan reizen, maar daarvoor heb ik speciale brandstof nodig. Net voor jullie planeet kwam ik zonder die brandstof te zitten en daardoor kan ik niet langer met die grote snelheid vliegen. Ik kan wel in een paar minuten rondom jullie planeet vliegen, maar niet terug naar mijn thuis planeet. Ik moet hier blijven totdat mijn team mij heeft gevonden. Zolang ik hier ben zal ik bewijzen dat ik Myziam ben door hier foto's te plaatsen van iedere locatie op jullie planeet. Geef mij de coördinaten en ik zal de foto hier plaatsen.
En er komen inderdaad verzoeken om een foto te laten zien van een bepaalde locatie en binnen de kortste keren verschijnen die ook daadwerkelijk. Het zijn geen haarscherpe foto's maar ze schijnen wel te kloppen.
Na een aantal aardse locaties vraagt iemand aan de alien om naar de maan te vliegen en ook van de maan, inclusief de achterkant, verschijnen enige tijd later foto's.
Dan gebeurt er iets merkwaardigs. Iemand ergens uit Australië vraagt aan de alien om zo laag mogelijk boven zijn huis te gaan vliegen en om daarvan een foto te maken.
Korte tijd later plaatst deze een foto die hij buiten zijn huis heeft genomen van de hemel boven hem met de opmerking:
Dit alles gaat nog even door op dat forum en op een gegeven moment laat de buitenaardse weten dat de redding is gekomen in de vorm van de rest van het team en er weer voldoende brandstof is om naar de thuisplaneet te kunnen reizen.
Als laatste verschijnt er als afscheid nog een foto die ze onderweg terug naar huis klaarblijkelijk nog van de aarde hebben genomen, planeet 0422 zoals zij die noemen.
Waarheid of een zeer bijzondere hoax. De meningen zijn verdeeld, maar velen zijn ervan overtuigd dat hier wel degelijk sprake was van een echte alien.
Misschien zullen we het nooit zeker weten, maar de resultaten die deze buitenaardse wist te produceren, zijn op zijn minst opmerkelijk te noemen en zeker ook omdat iemand een foto heeft weten te nemen van het ruimteschip boven zijn huis.
Hierna volgt het verhaal zoals dat wordt verteld door Tyler van Secure Team en wie weet wordt er ook bij ons binnenkort contact opgenomen door een alien.
We weten niet hoe het zit met buitenaardse astronauten, maar onze aardse astronauten die de ruimte in worden gestuurd blijven daar gezond mede dankzij het eten van chlorella.
Nu hoef je gelukkig geen astronaut te zijn om dit ook te kunnen gebruiken als voedingssupplement en bovendien kun je als Nibirulezer deze week ook nog eens de beste chlorella die te krijgen is, kopen met korting met gebruik van de Orjana aanbieding die nog geldig is tot en met zondag aanstaande.
Er zijn door Mike Adams van Natural News dan ook talloze testen uitgevoerd op verschillende chlorella en hij heeft uiteindelijk daarvan de beste gekozen om die zelf te gaan verkopen.
Gelukkig is de door Mike Adams geselecteerde (buitengekweekte) chlorella ook in Nederland te verkrijgen via Orjana en deze week voor Niburu lezers aan te schaffen met 10 procent korting. Doe je een lichaam een groot plezier en maak gebruik van dit aanbod dat geldig is tot en met zondag 30 september aanstaande. Voer bij het afrekenen de code "alg10" in en ontvang de korting.
Author and Researcher Wants The Truth Of Her Aunt and Uncle’s Experience of Seeing A UFO and Aliens
Author and Researcher Wants The Truth Of Her Aunt and Uncle’s Experience of Seeing A UFO and Aliens
Betty & Barney Hill
Barney and Betty Hill reported their UFO sighting experience while out driving in rural New Hampshire. Their story has become one of the most famous alien abduction accounts of all time in the past 60 years. Now, author and researcher Kathleen Marden, niece of Barney and Betty, shares her uncle and aunt story through the biography of the Hills.
Mrs Marden believes aliens exist because of the critical evidence from the famous incident. She was just 13 when the incident took place, but years later, she started researching what happened for the Hill’s biography.
Mrs Marden said that her aunt and uncle shared to her what happened and physical evidence added weight to the story. Among the pieces of evidence were the substance on the dress of Betty and spot marks on the car’s boot.
Betty’s drawing of the alien she believed she saw
Mrs Marden thinks there was an abduction. She stated that she was unbiased of her investigation. She analysed her relative’s statement from the alien craft, to being taken in and released back. According to Mrs Marden’s analysis, the experience was real.
She said that her aunt and uncle did not want their UFO sighting to become public, but a newspaper reporter picked it up due to a breach of confidence.
The couple reportedly went to hypnosis, and further information emerged on what took place. They described the UFO as a disc-shaped craft with ten individuals that somehow not human. These strange-looking individuals were reportedly dressed in shiny black uniforms.
According to Barney, he believed the so-called aliens had a plan to capture him as they began to drop down out of the craft. Barney ran screaming to Betty that they had to stay away from the area or else the aliens would capture them.
The couple managed to get out from the scene, but they had little memory of what had occurred in the interim period.
Mrs Marden does not think the story was all just made up. She explains that the scientist investigators said Betty and Barney were mentally healthy and honest. She suggests that people should stop speculating and look at the evidence instead.
According to Mrs Marden, she is not trying to convince anyone that the alien abduction story of Barney and Betty Hill is true.
Mrs Marden says that she only wants to separate fact from fiction and get the bottom of what actually happened because many fictions have been created around the story.
Flaming Balls Seen Flying Across The Night Sky Above Utah
Flaming Balls Seen Flying Across The Night Sky Above Utah
UFO enthusiasts went frenzy over the weekend after the appearance of strange lights in the night sky over Salt Lake City, Utah.
Some witnesses thought that they spotted a UFO after three white lights darted in the sky, moved at around the same speed, and changed direction.
One of the witnesses caught a video of the mysterious lights. Tommae Billings said they saw these amazing lights while driving up 700 East.
In the video, the car’s passengers appear to be shocked after seeing the lights. One of the witnesses can be heard saying the lights keep on changing and another asking what these strange things were.
Another video was uploaded to Twitter showing lights moving across the sky. Gerardo Rios said that it was scary not knowing the identity of the flaming balls. He stopped recording the video and ran back to his home.
One commenter said that they were just skydivers with lights shining into their shoots, but the strange lights in the video were not just moving down towards the ground.
Another commenter named Mike said that he lives in North Ogden and he has seen the three lights changing formation very slowly. He added that he has not only seen them once but multiple times.
John Mack was a Harvard scientist who took extra-terrestrial abduction seriously. Is he the reason I like misfits?
My younger brother and I called him ‘the old lizard’ (on account of his reptilian resemblance — and to irk our mother, his partner at the time). To his enemies, he was a crackpot, fraud, and a cheat. And to his patients, and many of his friends, he was a source of support, an open listener, a sage and protector.
Dr John E Mack was many things to many people. A Harvard-trained psychiatrist, tenured professor, and one of the founders of the Cambridge Hospital Department of Psychiatry (a teaching hospital affiliated with Harvard University), John held an impressive command and was respected in his field. After an early career spent working on issues of child development and identity formation, he won the Pulitzer Prize in 1977 for his psychoanalytic biography of Lawrence of Arabia, entitled A Prince of Our Disorder(1976). Then, in the late 1980s, John put his reputation on the line when he started investigating the phenomenon of alien abduction.
It all started innocently enough. He began holding sessions with patients or ‘experiencers’ (as they’re called) who believed they’d been abducted. He ran hypnotic regressions from our home, and he gradually came to furnish enough evidence for a book, Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens(1994). This was followed in 1999 by Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters. His standard line with the outside world was (as given to the BBC): ‘I would never say, yes, there are aliens taking people. [But] I would say there is a compelling powerful phenomenon here that I can’t account for in any other way, that’s mysterious… I can’t know what it is but it seems to me that it invites a deeper, further inquiry.’
In the privacy of our home, where he was a regular presence, John was bolder in his claims. Aliens were real — it was just that their existence threatened the dominant logic of our worldview. John attributed society’s failure to account for the abduction experience as a cultural failing. Alien abductees weren’t deranged or mentally ill — we just didn’t have a way of interpreting and understanding what they’d been through. Rather than label these peoples’ experiences as a new disorder or syndrome, John argued that we had to probe into and change our perception of reality to account for this phenomena. The subtext: we had to allow for the existence of aliens.
For more than a decade, from the time I was eight until I was of legal age, I was witness to these debates and to the politics surrounding John’s ‘coming out’ in support of abduction phenomena. My mother, an anthropologist by training, was John’s primary research assistant. They bought a house together in Cambridge, Massachusetts and my brother and I visited them once a month and during school holidays. The rest of the time we lived with my father and stepmother in Arlington, Virginia.
Like many of his colleagues, I viewed John with a mixture of scepticism and intrigue. Part of my scepticism can be put down to the fact that he was dating my mom; but a good fraction of it owed to my sense of reality being overturned by the postulation of ‘greys’ — a particular manifestation of extraterrestrials, known for their large heads, huge almond eyes, and shortened, pretty much featureless bodies.
At eight, and still learning to distinguish between fantasy and reality, the imposition of adults who believed in aliens was confusing and anxiety-provoking, but adventurous and thrilling too. I was fairly sure that Santa Claus wasn’t real. But I wouldn’t have bet my life on it. My stuffed animals and toys had only just lost that animistic quality — becoming mere playthings, instruments of the imagination, as opposed to real creatures with essences all their own. As for aliens, I couldn’t be sure. Flying on airplanes between my parents’ houses I’d sometimes be on the lookout for a hovering metallic orb.
It was 1992 when John entered our lives. Bill Clinton was president, and Kurt Cobain dominated the airwaves. It was the end of the Cold War stand-off, and the political scientist Francis Fukuyama had just published his book The End of History and the Last Man, where he wishfully predicted that human evolution had come to an end with the triumph of Western liberal democracy. Everything was smooth sailing. We no longer had the threat of communists, but we didn’t yet have the threat of terrorists. In need of a symbolic enemy, aliens personified an important ‘other’ — a dystopian warning to our Western culture’s all too eager triumphalism.
On television, the paranormal soon paraded around on shows such asRoswell and The X-Files, which explored extraterrestrial phenomena in the shadow of government cover-ups and conspiracy. Flip channels and you might have caught Arthur C Clarke’s equally other-worldly 26-part series Mysterious Universe . It’s no wonder that the 1990s saw a rush of alien appearances in the popular imagination. The impending millennium brought with it the arrival of a future that had always been distant. As the political scientist Jodi Dean, author of Aliens in America(1998), articulated at the time, the appearance of aliens corresponds to our ‘anxieties over technological development and our growing consciousness of ourselves as a planet and our fears for the future at the millennium’.
There is some truth here. When I asked my mom and John growing up what the aliens intended (subtext: ‘Do they come in peace or should I be really scared?’), they said that many experience’s felt that aliens communicated an environmental message about the urgency of saving the planet.
At the same time, many of the abductees that John interviewed attested to the technological superiority of the alien race. I was told stories about patients who experienced aliens that could pass through walls, were able to communicate with extrasensory perception (ESP) and mind-reading, and perform medical experiments on humans without invasive surgery. In this light, aliens provided an outlet for all our fears of technological domination. To have an experience of aliens was to realise that the human race might not represent the pinnacle of evolution, that we were perhaps inferior to extraterrestrial life.
In daylight, I was sceptical (the good little rationalist), but night-time brought with it a tide of magical thinking
But as a kid largely ignorant of grander sociological forces, aliens were only one thing: scary. They had large black eyes and androgynous forms. And they were real — like ghosts and witches and monsters. In daylight, I was sceptical (the good little rationalist), but night-time brought with it a tide of magical thinking. I used to lie in bed and worry that maybe I would be abducted. I would even make supplicating promises of better behaviour in the hope of bartering with these outsiders — ‘I’ll be good, just leave me alone.’ In my secular progressive household, aliens offered a moral disciplining authority, an invisible spectator to police my actions.
After many years elapsed without any sign of extraterrestrial visitation, I began to feel ignored. My fears turned to pangs of dejection: ‘Wasn’t I special?’ ‘Shouldn’t I be a chosen ambassador for the human race?’ Or even: ‘If the aliens were really out to create a master race (as I overheard), didn’t they want my DNA?’
John had many of the same laments. They weren’t the ego bruises of a child in pursuit of some fantastical ambassadorial calling, but they were in the same genre. He felt passed over. He longed for an encounter. He was the public face of this movement and yet he had only secondary experience of the abduction phenomena. Having spent more than 15 years listening to other people’s encounters with these mythical beings, he wanted some evidence beyond the testimonials he gathered from his patients. He wanted to be visited. We all did.
Just as important, a visitation would have answered the growing chorus of critics lining up on the ‘respectable’ side of John’s working life. Many of his colleagues thought he’d gone crazy. He, in turn, felt betrayed by those academic collaborators who failed to support his work. John’s biggest critics called into question his use of hypnosis. In keeping with Freud’s theory of ‘repression’ — which held that the mind can banish traumatic memories to prevent us from experiencing anxiety — much of John’s research invoked the idea of recovered memory, whereby, through hypnosis, you could get a patient to go back into repressed traumas and recall their abduction experiences.
I remember one summer evening in a beach house on Martha’s Vineyard when I was about 11, we all watched as John regressed my aunt back into a past life. She lay on the couch recalling an incident in which she was a forest ranger who witnessed the death of a few people during some kind of avalanche. My aunt later told me that she was fully conscious of the experience, but couldn’t control what she was saying. It was like she was watching herself tell a story. John later tried to hypnotise my brother so that he wouldn’t be afraid of spiders.
Ultimately, the question that plagued memory excavators like John was whether these repressed memories, divulged under hypnosis, were mere ‘artefacts’ of the mind, or else legitimately true recollections. John’s tendency towards a more literal interpretation of his patients’ experiences with aliens was controversial.
John described the investigation as ‘Kafkaesque’. He never quite knew the status of it or the nature of the committee’s complaints
In 1994, the dean of Harvard Medical School called a committee of peers to investigate John’s scholarship. This was the first time a tenured professor had ever been subject to an investigation. It was, effectively, an inquisition that some likened to a ‘witch hunt’, and it left John feeling persecuted and misunderstood. John described the investigation as ‘Kafkaesque’. He never quite knew the status of it or the nature of the committee’s complaints. Unable to accuse John of any ethical violation or professional misconduct, its aim was to ask, as Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz put it, ‘whether a Harvard Medical School professor ought to be lending his credibility to stories of space alien abductions’. To Dershowitz, this was a dubious goal. ‘No great university should be in the business of investigating the ideas of its faculty,’ he wrote in the university magazine, in 1995. In the end, the dean reaffirmed John’s academic freedom to study what he wished and to state his opinions without impediment. But the damage had already been done.
As his professional credibility faltered, John’s anxiety and anger began to rise. John cared about his reputation. It was not easy to becomepersona non grata in the very institutions he had helped to build. He was used to working within established professional systems, and when those very institutions called his integrity into question, he sought out allies in other like-minded people. He grew an entourage of support among shamans, experiencers, and celebrities.
Our household became a living altar to an esoteric band of misfits who were regular houseguests and interlopers. One morning, when I went to get some orange juice from the kitchen, the actor Woody Harrelson was there, drinking coffee with John at the table. It was normal. Normal was also being offered a peace pipe by Sequoia, a Native American shaman who blew tobacco in our youthful faces and challenged us to seek out greater visionary experience.
By 13, however, I was ready to move on. John and my mother were headed to the Australian outback for a year to speak with Aboriginal people about their experiences with aliens. My brother and I were invited to go along: our formal education would be satisfied by distance learning packets, while our real education, as I understood it at the time, was to be some combination of didgeridoo and Aboriginal creation myths. But something inside me desired stability and order. I longed to be absorbed into an antiseptic American culture where lacrosse, school dances and flared blue jeans were ends in themselves; where ordinary reality wasn’t usurped by the fantastical.
My brother and I ultimately opted to stay behind. We stayed living with my father and stepmother, and succumbed to a deliciously comfortable white picket-fence existence (literally, the fence was painted white). We became absorbed in teenage politics and concerns. And the only flying saucers we encountered were Frisbees.
Later on, at college at Brown University, I gave myself licence once again to explore the magical thoughts of my youth, not least the idea that reality was merely a construction. As an adult, it was a less threatening prospect. Rather than induce existential panic, it furnished reputational accolades. I ended up writing a thesis about 17th-century astrology and the fashioning of scientific boundaries. It was an ode to John in some ways. I wanted to understand how ‘science’ became ‘science’. Many of the astrologers of the time were booted out of the emerging scientific establishment — some were even put on trial for instigating civil disorder. It was not unlike John’s own experience, when his psychiatric methods were called into question by the scientific establishment.
Before my thesis was published, John was hit by a drunk driver and killed, in London. It was 2004. Immediately after his death, my mother began receiving phone calls from clairvoyants who claimed to have communicated with John, ‘on the other side’. Before he died, John had begun outlining a manuscript on the power of love, based on the stories of those who had been able to communicate with loved ones after death. It was a surreal experience for my mother to be experiencing such intense grief, while at the same time receiving phone calls from people who had reportedly been in conversation with John after the accident.
After John died, aliens seemed to vanish from household discussion almost entirely. It felt like the public’s interest had also waned. When I asked my mother why the phenomenon had seemed to die down, I was told that the aliens were placing less emphasis on the Western world; that they were more interested in China. And that’s where we left it.
But if I reflect on the impact of my childhood experience, I think it left me with a profound openness, and a generous ear. John taught me the power of listening; really hearing people out and having the courage and resilience to question established orthodoxies. I still remain entirely agnostic about the existence of aliens. I have a commitment to preserving unknowns, and I thrive on ambiguity and complexity in my work and my relationships. John’s legacy has also left me with a certain reverence for misfits, for outliers and challengers of the status quo: for the type of person who walks the line between delusion and insight.
John, too, remains immortalised in my mind as someone with great courage and empathy. I associate him with a period of my childhood wrought with big questions. Bearing witness to the craziness that surrounded those ten years of cosmological exploration left me with a shaky groundwork in which reality was never quite what it seemed, but it also furnished me with a profound sense of awe and wonder about the world.
I feel incredibly grateful for the experience. To be exposed at such a young age to a zeitgeisty obsession with deprogramming, where Western culture was perceived as an enemy of consciousness and truth, was an education that left me with a residual feeling of always being on the outside of mainstream culture. There is a part of me that also looks back with nostalgia for a time when the primary conversation was a probing of the cosmological – when we weren’t all busy on our laptops, stressed about finances, or waiting with bated breath for the next season of Homeland; but were concerned, rather, with ancient and meta-questions about our role in the universe and the existence of life elsewhere.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
AS WILL Smith would say: “Welcome to Erf.”
Thirty-five years ago, fighter pilot Oscar Santa Maria Huerta had a real-life Independence Day moment when he attempted to shoot down a mysterious light-bulb shaped craft, in what to this day remains the only documented case of a military aircraft firing on a UFO.
It was early on the morning of April 11, 1980, and the 23-year-old Peruvian air force lieutenant was preparing for daily exercises along with around 1800 military personnel and civilians at the La Joya Air Force Base, 1000km south of the Peruvian capital.
Lt Huerta, a pilot with eight years’ experience who had been flying combat missions since 19, was ordered to take off in his Russian-made Sukhoi-22 fighter to intercept the strange silvery object that had been spotted floating near the end of the runway.
The object was five kilometres away, hanging in the air about 600 metres off the ground, and was not replying to any communications.
Colonel Huerta was one of many researchers, former military officers and others who gave evidence at a major press event at the National Press Club in Washington in 2013, aimed at pressuring the US government to open its files on UFO encounters.
“It had to come down. La Joya was one of the few bases in South America that possessed Soviet-made warfare equipment, and we were concerned about espionage,” he wrote.
After takeoff, Colonel Huerta flew to 2,500 metres and came in for an attack run. “I reached the necessary distance and shot a burst of sixty-four 30mm shells, which created a cone-shaped ‘wall of fire’ that would normally obliterate anything in its path,” he writes.
Just one of those shells would wipe out a car, but they had no effect on the object. “I thought that the balloon would then be torn open and gases would start pouring out of it. But nothing happened. It seemed as if the huge bullets were absorbed by the balloon, and it wasn’t damaged at all.”
A diagram showing the encounter with the object.
The object then shot rapidly skywards away from the base, prompting Colonel Huerta to activate the plane’s afterburner to give chase 500m behind. As they reached the city of Camana, 84km from the base, the object came to a sudden stop, forcing him to veer to the side.
Turning up and to the right, Colonel Huerta attempted to position himself for another shot.
“I began closing in on it until I had it in perfect sight,” he writes. “I locked on the target and was ready to shoot. But just at that moment, the object made another fast climb, evading the attack. I was left underneath it; it ‘broke the attack’.”
He attempted the same manoeuvre two more times, and each time the object escaped by shooting upwards seconds before he could fire.
By this time the object was 14,000 metres above ground. Colonel Huerta decided to attempt an attack from above, so it could not leave his target range, but the object shadowed him all the way up to 19,200 metres — well above his aircraft’s specifications.
Running low on fuel, he realised he couldn’t continue the attack, so decided to fly close to the object to get a better look. It wasn’t until he was 100m away that he realised what it was.
A rough diagram of the object.
“I was startled to see that the ‘balloon’ was not a balloon at all. It was an object that measured about 10 metres in diameter with a shiny dome on top that was cream-coloured, similar to a light bulb cut in half,” he writes.
“The bottom was a wider circular base, a silver colour, and looked like some kind of metal. It lacked all the typical components of aircraft. It had no wings, propulsion jets, exhausts, windows, antennae, and so forth. It had no visible propulsion system.
“At that moment, I realised this was not a spying device but a UFO, something totally unknown. I was almost out of fuel, so I couldn’t attack or manoeuvre my plane, or make a high-speed escape. Suddenly, I was afraid. I thought I might be finished.”
Colonel Huerta made his return, gliding part way due to lack of fuel and “zigzagging to make my plane harder to hit, always with my eyes on the rearview mirrors, hoping it wouldn’t chase me”.
“It had no visible propulsion system.”
After he landed, the object remained in the place he left it for another two hours, “visible to everyone on the base while it reflected in the sun”.
Colonel Huerta says the craft was witnessed by everyone on the base, many of whom were required to give reports. A June, 1980 document from the US Department of Defence titled ‘UFO Sighted in Peru’, describes the incident, stating only that the object remains of unknown origin.
A similar incident occurred in 1976, when Iranian air force General Parviz Jafari attempted to fire on a UFO but found his equipment malfunctioning. “My equipment was mechanical, and perhaps that’s the reason it could not be shut down, so instead, the object had to jump away at the last minute,” Colonel Huerta writes.
“I find myself in the unique position, at least for the moment, and as far as I know, of being the only military pilot in the world who has actually fired a weapon and struck a UFO. It still gives me chills to think about it.”
Alec Newald went missing for 10 days when he was taken to an alien planet. In this video, he recounts his life-changing experience and describes extremely advanced organic technology which also allows you to “grow” your house as well as its environment.
He also talks about how spaceships are operated by consciousness and “melding”, and indeed, is conscious itself, much like what we’ve repeatedly been told is possible in the higher realms. The extraterrestrials that brought Alec aboard their ship were human-like, technologically advanced and could raise their vibration with biological technology so their bodies were less dense and thus capable of space travel.
They could grow anything they wanted by splicing plant and animal genes, and they grew sentient ‘houses’ and craft that would obey their thoughts. Their craft were a biological ‘animal/plant mix. They would operate it with their consciousness, which was an intrinsic part of the vehicle itself. Instead of eating, they drank a ‘cosmic solution’ that could be likened to monatomic gold.
Co-Evolution author Alec Newald reveals significant new details which his ET hosts say can be released now. (Locklip)
Alec Newald first contacted Nexus Magazine in 1995 about publishing his book, CoEvolution, describing his incredible ten-day round trip to his abductors’ homeworld, Haven, and the Earth-based controversy it created. We found Alec’s story particularly fascinating; and, having met him and had him speak at the 1996 NEXUS Conference, we have no reason to doubt his integrity. Here we publish some intriguing excerpts from his recently released book. — Nexus Magazine Editor
In 1989, Alec Newald’s life-path took an unexpected turn when he was abducted by a group of benevolent aliens for ten days and transported to their home-world.
His amazing experiences have great significance for the future of humanity and our galactic cousins.
By Alec Newald
One Monday in mid-February 1989, Alec Newald set off on what should have been a three hour drive from Rotorua to Auckland, in New Zealand.
He arrived in Auckland feeling tired and confused, but was even more confused to learn that Monday was now Thursday ten days later, and that he had no idea of what had happened in the meantime!
What he learned and experienced during his stay with these friendly beings has profound implications for all of us here on earth.
Soon after his “return”, Alec received strange visits from “government scientists” wanting to know about his experience.
Among other things, they were keen to learn what he had noticed about the capabilities of this alien race. Alec was uncooperative and soon found himself in “hot water”.
It was obvious that these “scientists” knew all about Alec’s abductors’ and expected they would return to Earth one day – soon.
Through Alec’s experiences he has written a book called “Co-Evolution”. Which is what the following information will be drawn from.
Of course it is quite impossible to relay to you all the entire contents of the book itself, so I will be focusing on some of the events that transpired, during his Abduction and a little of what happened on his return.
When Alec did retrieve his memories of those missing ten days, he realized his life had changed forever. Early on in that fateful trip, while driving through a foggy mountain pass, Alec was whisked from the road by beings from an extraterrestrial civilization.
The Hidden Reality
There is much about this planet’s history that has never been told. I do not speak here of yet to be discovered historical facts, but only of material that is already known by a select few within our communities.
Most of this knowledge has been carried through the ages and jealously guarded by the few secret sects that were privy to it from it’s inception, but these sects were not necessarily “secret” at the time this information was first placed in their trust. The original intention was that this ancient knowledge would be shared with this planet’s inheritors, en masse, when the trust holders deemed it appropriate.
The species slated for inheritance of this knowledge is known as Homo Sapiens. For your information, Homo Sapiens and the Cro-Magnon precursor species were artificially engineered!
The final pieces of the Cro-Magnon jigsaw puzzle were put together approximately 70,000 years ago. This was not the first humanoid creature to walk planet Earth, but it was the first type ever to be constructed to act as a receiver or container so that a second “bodiless” entity could cohabit with this humanoid form to experience physicality through the actions of it’s host’s solid outer body form! You may recognize this entity if I refer to it as the soul or spirit.
There new species was designed to be able to take on board all the stored information that awaited it at any time in the future. In other words, it was already fully developed in it’s mental capabilities and required no further improvements or evolutionary developments at that point. All the knowledge that would ever be needed by this race, up until it’s next evolutionary step, was already present on the planet and in the safekeeping of the trustees.
These trust holders have long since broken their vows to the givers of the knowledge, and I think that until very recently they had even forgotten the identity of their ancient benefactors. Perhaps a day of reckoning is close at hand for the trustees.
It may now be a little clearer to you as to why the secret sects or governors of our planet would prefer that the anticipated visit from the “Landlord” did not take place!
From here on in, I will be focusing on some of Alec’s drawings that he made upon his return, and giving a brief summary of each one. Alec’s experience is one of the most documented and intriguing cases in UFO Abductions that I’ve come across. The knowledge he gained from the experience is beyond any price on earth.
Below are actual quotes from Alec’s book “Co-Evolution”
Meeting the Guardian
Looking up, I realized we were being approached by three aliens, the tallest of them looking like my female escort from earlier on. The second one was just a little shorter and was male as far as I could tell. The third was smaller, much smaller, and walked ahead of the other two.
He, for want of a better word was slightly built with a roundish head and rather unusual, squinty eyes which were well spaced and placed rather lower down than are our own. He had a very small mouth, but I did not notice any ears or much of a nose. His physical appearance, however, was of almost no consequence, for I was immediately struck with an almost overpowering feeling of his presence. I cannot say it was hypnotic; if anything, the opposite. It was as if his energy was being projected and absorbed by my body.
There is no way I could ever adequately describe this sensation to you, using mere words. Those who have had this experience will know just what I mean! His communication with me was also much stronger and clearer than I had experienced with any of the others.
This was still not the “alien” I had read about or seen graphically illustrated in various magazines or papers.
The size was about right – four feet in height with a slight frame.
“Welcome”, he said. “I am the designated Guardian of this section. Anything that you feel you might need to make your stay with us more pleasant, ask and I shall do my best to supply it. The suit you have been given will make it possible for you to understand us, and us you”.
He must have read my mind as he entered the room, for I had just asked about the suits.
“We do not speak as such, as you will have noticed by now. Sometimes a verbal sound message is necessary in long distance.”
“I will not enquire if you wish to stay or return at this time. I would hope you may desire the chance to absorb more knowledge and understanding before you make that decision. There are things we cannot tell you at this point in time.
You will understand I hope. Nevertheless, you will have the chance to acquire some considerable knowledge on a wide variety of subjects, including your own kind, before you make up your mind up on this.
However, some or all of this knowledge may have to be removed from you, should you decide to leave us and return to your own planet.”
The Arrival
The first most striking thing about the city was it’s neatness and order; the second, it’s immensity. Even from well up I could not make out the boundaries.
There may well be bigger cities on Earth, but where I come from this place would be rated big, VERY big. It stretched out in both directions, following the coastline out of my line of sight. There seemed to be only a thin strip of land that was not coastline or desert, and the city was sandwiched within it.
As we dropped in altitude, the sea lost it’s bluish look and turned almost black. There could not have been much wind as it looked very glasslike. I could make out a dark outline not too far off the coast which presumably was a deep drop off from the coastal shallows.
The last thing really to make an impact upon me was the lack of tall buildings, save for the odd tower or two, and the dominance of a small circular shapes among a few larger pyramid shaped constructions.
Hardly more than a minute had passed since we had entered the atmosphere, but now the craft had already settled. There was a mixture of apprehension and excitement within me. Now that I was here – wherever “here” was, just what had happened to me really started to sink in. Would I ever see home again? Was anyone looking for me?
My panic soon eased, however and curiosity won the day. I eagerly scanned the viewer for my first close look at the alien landscape. What I could see was an area of level ground, similar to a courtyard, leading to two pyramid shaped buildings.
They appeared to be made from a material that looked just like tinted glass or semi-transparent plastic. I couldn’t quite see the apex of these buildings from my vantage point, but later I was to find that they were capped with a spiral tower or antenna arrangement. The height of the tower added approximately twenty five percent to the buildings overall height. Each building in turn was topped with what I can only describe as a large light bulb. As peculiar as it may sound, I was sure I had seen something like this before, in the distant past.
These bulbs glowed day and night, and upon closer inspection appeared to be of a net or mesh construction rather than being glass spheres.
There appeared to be some form of electromagnetic grid or shielding device above the actual landing site, possibly a force field or energy gathering device.
There was a short walk to one of the large structures which I had seen from inside the craft.
The air was still and amazingly quiet. Indeed, it was not until I had stepped out of the transporter that I realized there must have been some sort of background noise on board although I’d not noticed it at the time.
The surface upon which I was walking was not unlike cork, it appeared to be porous and slightly yielding underfoot.
Spiral Tower Building – Possible Energy Transmitter or Receiver
The Dwellings
I was at a loss as to which way to look for awhile, such was my curiosity and awe at what was around me. Some buildings resembled those on Earth, but the outer walls were sloped back at approximately thirty-degree angles and set back some distance at each floor level, making them look more like steps up a hill.
Most of the buildings were circular or tube like in shape. They were laid out in a spiral pattern with the tallest buildings in the centre, but the heights became progressively lower as the buildings spiraled out. All the buildings appeared to be made of glass or plastic.
Access to the upper levels of the home I was staying, was by way of a gentle slopping spiral ramp which skirted the curved perimeters of the walls. This ramp could also be seen from the outside of the building. My personal observation of this feature is that it could have been a form or frame or reinforcement for the dwelling.
The rooms or, rather, the various levels were lit by some form of diffused lighting, both day and night, but I could find no direct source to explain this light. As we reached the second level, their main living area, I was stunned by the beauty and layout. No matter how hard I try here, my description cannot do it justice.
The color was predominantly pearl white with perhaps a touch of silver grey within. This may have helped remove any glare, for I can assure you there was none. Reflected from even deeper within were all the colors of the rainbow, not unlike a mother of pearl seashell. The soft light I mentioned earlier appeared to radiate from everywhere.
To say it was a truly amazing sight is grossly inadequate!
Variant of Dwelling or House, also Three Storey high – Hexagonal Crystalline Pattern Within Walls
I’m not even sure if it was the color that was the most stunning aspect of the interior, for I was equally smitten with the molded flow of form from one section, shape or partition into the next.
It was as if the whole dwelling, including every item of furniture, had been constructed simultaneously. Again there appeared to be no joints or seams that I could distinguish. However this dwelling had been constructed, similar techniques to those used in the transporter must have been employed. The floor, a smooth, padded rubber, was soft to walk on; the color, just one or two shades darker than the walls.
The furniture looked to be made from the now quite familiar glass or plastic substance. Although it was slightly tinted or smoky, all the colors of the rainbow seemed to be deep within it.
These colors could be changed by a person’s thought patterns, so if you were excited there was no way to keep it a secret as the room’s colors would dance about right through the color spectrum. When a person was in meditation, the light level would drop and only the softer tones would come through.
The central space of this room upon the second level was circular and used as a general purpose area, including for meditation. Bedrooms as such had been made totally redundant, with meditation having entirely taken the place of sleep.
These meditative states would last for an hour or two each day.
The Transport
Like most other items that were not made from natural products or grown, the car appeared to be made from a plastic like material. Even here, there is room but doubt in my mind as to whether this plastic was indeed a synthetic product of some natural substance, the like of which we do not have on earth. The reason for this doubt shall soon become apparent to you.
The top half was transparent but heavily tinted, the bottom, opaque and greyish brown. I guess you could say it was even vaguely pyramidal in shape, but it had a squashed and stretched out look compared to a conventional pyramid. There were no wheels, and it sat a few inches above the ground, even though it was not yet in motion.
If you could imagine a stealth fighter cockpit without wings, you would not be far off the mark.
“How does this thing work? I asked.
“Part mind power, part magnetic repulsion” I was told.
I decided perhaps I wouldn’t ask too much more about it’s internal parts.
“Well, how can I drive it then?” was going to be my next question, but before I could even ask she responded.
“You guide, I’ll provide the power”, she said, sliding back the top section. “Like this”. She was reaching over and moving a slider from side to side. “That is the manual way of doing it. I don’t think you’re quite up to doing that by pure thought yet Alec”.
“I doubt it”, I was thinking to myself without sending the thought to her. Yes, I had at least learnt to keep some thoughts to myself!
“Looks easy enough”, I said confidently as I got into the car.
“Just set the slider…. that’s right. Straight ahead is in the middle, sliding it to the right side will turn us right at the next available intersection. Don’t worry”, she emphasized, “it won’t turn until the road guides let it. Then it will reset to the middle, awaiting the next instruction. I’ll navigate”, she said.
I was hesitant. “Come on let’s go” she added impatiently, “and do not forget your extra eye protection”.
These glasses or goggles were an event in themselves. The only way to describe how they were attached is to say they simply stuck to your face of suit-covering material without any other support. There was some sort of interaction of materials, as far as I could tell.
The car’s guidance system had me puzzled. As the vehicle did not actually touch the ground, how did it know when to turn? It was suspended above the road by a form of magnetic repulsion, the details of which I did not get into but which didn’t seem all that complex.
I’m sure it could be reproduced here on Earth without too much trouble. In some way, the vehicle would have to set up an electromagnetic field, or charge some particles and not others, in order to find its way around corners and so on without being instructed to do so.
Speculations on Future Technology
My objectives in writing this book was to give a factual report on an actual incident. While I have tried to keep any speculation on my part to a minimum, if I have included any it was not my intention.
Wherever possible, I have tied to remain neutral, at least as far as the off planet segments are concerned. However, my demise at the hands of terrestrial authorities has made it difficult for me to remain neutral in that area. Perhaps you will forgive me this transgression.
What I’d like to do here is unleash upon you some personal speculation (albeit based on fact), as to how some of what you’ve just read might be more easily understood in the world of terrestrial reality.
The year 1947 (coincidentally, the same year as the now infamous Roswell saucer retrieval incident) heralded one of the biggest single technological breakthroughs of this century when, on the 23rd of December at the Bell Laboratories, inventors John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley unveiled the first point-contact transistors.
Shockley followed up a year or so later with his junction transistor development. This amazing new technology amplified electrical signals by passing them through a solid semiconductor material – basically the same operation performed by present day junction transistors.
What resulted from this invention has been little short of miraculous, even “out of this world”, dare I say. Following on from here, we end up deep within the next subject.
Most substances can exist in three different states, solid liquid and gaseous. Temperatures and pressures determine which state is adopted. The solid state is usually crystalline.
Differences between the three fundamental states are often depicted by simple diagrams in which atoms are represented by circles. Usually these circles are clustered together in a roughly spherical layout, at least with the solid and liquid states. However, when the atoms are replaced by molecules that are elongated in one direction, a peculiar intermediate state of matter arises: the liquid crystal.
We must therefore conclude that there are more than just three states of matter.
Another Viewpoint of The Transport That Alec Used
Another related subject concerns a group of organic superconductors known as Bechgaard salts, discovered in 1985. I mention them here because they have interesting characteristics in relation to UFO sightings.
If light is shone at the crystal but is polarized parallel to the conducting direction, it is reflected, this giving the crystal a characteristic metallic luster. Polarization in the transverse direction produces a dull gray appearance. If the power supply is turned off, the material disappears from sight . How about that! Conclusion: just because something looks like it’s made of metallic substance, this does not necessarily mean that it is!
Since 1989, I have had two thirds of a jigsaw puzzle in my head. I knew that my aliens’ craft could have changed shape on command and that these craft were in fact living entities in their own right.
I knew that some form of crystalline technology, possibly using a pulsed resonance or vibrational frequency along with temperature variations, was being used to go interdimensional.
What I did not know or understand was how all this could be put together, but since the white powder gold article appeared in “Nexus Magazine”. I may possibly have found the missing link!
This is a Drawing Made by Alec Upon His Return to Earth, it was of a Generator that he saw, and this is his depiction of it
Upon Alec’s return to this Planet, it was obvious from the start that some governmental agency knew about his “off world” experience, and wanted to get as much information out of him as humanly possible.
Two New Zealand DSIR scientists visited him wanting to know rather a lot of information about things they should never of even known about…. It soon became apparent that these two “gentleman” were not DSIR (Department of Scientific & Industrial Research) at all.
The harassment continued and intensified, with his flat being broken into several times, even though Alec continually changed address’s to try and shake these people off his trail. Their demeanor was always threatening and when Alecrefused point blank to cooperate with these individuals, they really started the to play “hard ball!”
As I stated at the beginning of this review of Alec’s experience, there it is not possible to do this story justice in just a couple of pages. The entire experience is one that will utterly amaze you. From start to finish it one of the best documented and illustrated abduction experiences that I have ever read.
During Alec’s experience he had access to ancient records of earth’s history, which in itself spins a story that will put a lot more of the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together on how this planet evolved.
This is a Book that “everyone” should read, and I urge all of you to get Alec’s book “Co-Evolution“, and read this amazing and fascinating experience for yourself. I assure you, you will not be disappointed!! I have absolutely no financial interests or ties to Alec’s book….
I just truly believe that this is a book that everyone interested in informing themselves on what is happening “right” now to this planet, “must” read this book.
I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself in now and then, finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Conversations with Zeena
I must have gone to sleep almost immediately. When I opened my eyes again, Zeena was sitting opposite my cubicle. “Verva,” she said. “Did you sleep well?” “Like a rock,” I replied. “Curious expression,” was her reply. “How long has it been?” I added, enquiring as to the length of my sleep. “One half of an Earth day–twelve hours,” she answered. “What’s ’verva’?” I asked. “Oh, ’good spirit, fresh energy to you’. It is a greeting we use a lot, like your ’hello’,” she explained. “What’s on the schedule?” I enquired. “Some more liquid replacement for you,” was her reply. “Come on. We have only two more of your Earth days and there is much to learn if you desire, and quite a few questions I have for you, too, before I return home.”
Zeena appeared most anxious, but how could she be more inquisitive than I? Even though, I was still reeling from awakening to find myself ’dream-bound’ and not back on Earth as I had expected.
“Her home! Now there’s something I’d like to know about,” I thought to myself but realized almost immediately that Zeena would read it.
“About the size of the planet Mars in your system,” she replied, right on cue. “But it is not in the best of health, for our sun is slowly dying and we are being roasted with radiation. We are also losing our atmosphere. We can patch that up to a degree, but not for ever.”
“Doesn’t sound good. What are you guys doing about it?” I asked.
“Well, we have been looking for a new home for many of your years. The best bet is still Earth, but we cannot take your gravity, among other things. That has always been the major factor but it is also not of the right conformation for us yet. It used to be, but we are not quite like we used to be.”
Zeena hesitated, as if pondering whether to go on with this topic. She chose not to continue.
“There is every chance that the Earth is about to change in the not-too-distant future,” was her revised answer.
“Change its conformation?” I enquired, startled.
“It shall mutate to a different density level, as you would understand it. It’s no big deal. It’s happening all over, all the time,” she replied.
I think she might now have been trying to downplay it all after she noted how panicked I must have appeared.
“It’ll what?” I queried, looking at her in amazement.
“Well, that is another of those long stories I promised to tell you about. It is best we get comfortable first and you get some fluid intake.”
“Now, how shall I start?” Zeena asked. “Perhaps with the Elders.”
“Elders?” I chipped in.
“Like the Guardian you have met. They are each many hundreds of Earth years old and have a very ancient lineage. Their ancestors, who are my ancestors, are also very distant ancestors of yours; at least in part they are. Now do not interrupt!”
Zeena headed me off at the pass, even before I could get the thought out of my head.
“This is going to be difficult enough to explain without interruption. I will make room for questions a little later,” she added. “These distant common ancestors of ours came to Earth many times, but more important to you was the visit of two million years ago, your time-scale. They were not the first [aliens]to visit. In fact, they and others have lived in and explored what you call your solar system for hundreds of millions of years.
“These travellers tidied up some earlier attempts to manufacture a race of humanoids on Earth, the end result being Homo sapiens. I will not go so far as to say these ancient ancestors of mine were solely responsible for your race, for that was indeed a joint effort of many ETs, all of which at some time have laid claim to manufacturing your race. This is not a deliberate lie on their behalf–just a slight exaggeration of the facts. Do not interrupt yet, please. I shall explain all in due course.
“In many ways you have manufactured or at least fine-tuned your own race, and it continues even at this very moment. This is mistakenly called ’evolution’. ’Natural progression of the species’ is a fine turn of phrase uttered by one of your kind’s more enquiring minds some years ago. It was thought by many to explain the path of evolution, and there is an end to it. But this thinking leaves more questions unanswered than answered, for how and when did a butterfly obtain its wings? I shall not pursue this subject for there are more important things to discuss, but no doubt you see my point. Perhaps there will be a time at a later date.
“I will, however, tell you more of your own race’s personal history, for it is important that you should know your own past, and that evolution as you understand it is a myth. The changes are never slow but they are always planned. Later I shall show you that nothing in this Universe–past, present or future in your time-scale–is left to chance. Forgive me, for I diverge from our chosen path.
“Some of my ancient Elders stayed with your developing race. Others moved on. From time to time there were conflicts with other ET races as to what was best for one or the other, just as there are conflicts on your planet now, among your own kind. You must understand that Earth is a very special place. It is very beautiful and there are many who have desired to own it. I would not go so far as to say this is no longer the case, but you should always have your wits about you! Even we, although we do not wish to own it, would like to live there. But we cannot–indeed, we must not–interfere with the processes that are happening on your planet right now. That is not to say there are no other ET races that will not interfere, and that is why you must have your wits about you.
“Some of those processes which are occurring, or are about to occur, are the direct result of that seeding by our ancient Elders. Even the pyramids are ancient legacies left behind by our Elders to help you awaken when the time is right. They are very important to you, and it is from this front that progress of a most unexpected kind will manifest itself to your race in the not-too-distant future.
“All knowledge will be made available to your race in good time and in accordance with the laws of evolution. There has yet to be a force artificially manufactured in any universe that my people know of that is more powerful or wiser than this natural law. Trust me when I say this, for my race knows well the cost of interfering with the laws of evolution. We would warn your own people, if only those in control would listen. Alas, that approach appears to have fallen on deaf ears, so we shall now attempt to pass on the message in a different way. “There was indeed a time upon your planet, not so long ago in the context of this history lesson, when a ’force’ came down upon it and did in fact claim it [the Earth]and all upon it as its own. That force–and I know you will find this difficult to accept, Alec [Zeena used my name for the first time]–that force is still among you. It is indeed now a part of all of you, so I suppose you could say it still does own the planet in some way.
“After this force won your planet, it realized it would have a continuous fight on its hands, for you were not as you are now. You were well on your way to enlightenment, with a very strong spiritual base. You were actually almost as strong as this force itself. It had to trick you in order to master you, and while you were down it altered your make-up, your very structure; your DNA, in fact. It crippled you and stunted you, and set you back many thousands of years. It made you into what you are today, which is only a portion of the greatness you can be, for you have not yet even fully recovered. And if that forcehas its way, you never will!
“That force is known to most as the ’force of darkness’, for it is indeed the enemy of enlightenment. You will please understand that this is a very simplistic description of a most complex entity. Even we do not understand it in its entirety. It is in the air that you breathe and everywhere about you. It has aligned itself to the planet and you. It beats to the pulse of your very planet, for you and the Earth are one and the same. This is one thing your peoples do not seem to comprehend, but you can use this union of the whole to do wondrous things, just as we have.
“Unfortunately, most of your kind fight the natural forces of your wondrous planet. By this I mean you bend them, even break them, to fit your needs. It need not be this way. If your people will just open their minds and hearts to your planet, as many of your ancient races have done in the past, it will show you the way. All is not lost; it just needs to be recalled. Until this is done, we have much need for concern. It is not just Earth planet you are violating as you bend and break Nature in your whims of fancy, for all of all is connected. This is really very basic knowledge. It has been ignored because it suits those who would play with power to ignore it. We and others are indeed benevolent to your race, as we all are connected, but soon something must be done before your play does meaningful harm to us all!
“We find that there is a need to teach you more about the dark forces that permeate you. You would do well by your people if you take great heed of this lesson and pass on your findings to those of your kind who would listen. The dark force vibrates at a level that is compatible with your brainwave patterns. This much you should already know, but others of your kind have kept it from you.
“In spite of this, some, like you, Alec, are building a resistance to this alien intruder. This is one of the reasons why you find yourself thinking differently from the majority around you. It has enabled you to see more clearly the error of your ways and what must be done. You shall continue along this path a while longer yet, and even doubt your own kind from time to time. Be patient. This is all I can suggest, as inadequate as it may sound. We have been working on these things with you for many a year now. All of your people will find their way with the passing of time.
“As you find with all afflictions, they are easier to contend with if you understand them. I am doing my best to explain all this to you in terms you will understand. Please interject from here on if you do not understand some point, for we do consider the following to be most important.
“Some on your planet have aligned themselves with this ’force’. Note I have said ’aligned’ and not ’allied’, for there is a difference. Do you understand this? [I nodded.] They have gained much power from the force, and some are even foolish enough to think they have it under control. This is naïve, of course, as the force or alien entity is feeding off these people or, rather, feeding off the conflicts these people create in their bid for wealth and power. As long as this suits the dark force, it shall continue; for the ’fear’ emotion is what it lives off.
“The easiest way to defeat this force is to remove fear from your societies. This will, in effect, starve it out. It will then go elsewhere, looking for easier prey. You see, your human race is one of the very few that lives with this most unusual thing called ’emotion’, which is why the force came here in the first place. We, too, had emotions once, so I am told, and some are saying we can now experience them again, thanks to the new breeding program we are experimenting with. Forgive me, I digress again.
“You will find some of your kind are trying very hard to harness this most dangerous force. Unfortunately, they do not fully understand that it is an entity in its own right and that this is a very dangerous mistake to be making. They think they are playing a game and that they are winning this game. We have tried to warn your people more than once in the past, but no heed has been taken. As your people say, ’it is your life’.
“The worry we have is that your planet breathes with you, in harmony even with your thoughts. To attack the people by using the force in this way is to attack the planet. Be it on your own heads if you invoke the wrath of your planet. There would be little or nothing we could do for your people should that happen. Perhaps you can help us with this message. We have an idea to put to you, but that shall keep until another time, for there is still much to be related on other subjects.
“Your societies, right from the very beginning, have engineered fear into your lives. Most of it is an artificial fear of society itself; in other words, you fear your very own laws. Your high priests from long ago shouted down to the common masses, describing what wraths would be set upon them if they did so much as dare to cross the all-mighty gods of their time. Forgive me if I make what you call a ’joke’ of this, for these all-mighty gods they describe were people like me or the Guardian, whom you have met. Do you fear me, Alec, from where you stand?” Zeena asked.
“I feel no fear,” was my answer.
“So you see how your masses were manipulated in our absence by those who would gain from it?” she asked again.
“I can see how a lie could fool the uneducated,” was my reply.
“And you think your people are better educated on this subject today?” she asked once more.
“If you ask what we know of God, then perhaps not,” I replied.
“Exactly my point,” Zeena stated.
“And so the intimidation goes on, only you have a hundredfold the number of laws today. These are not the laws of Nature, however; just of your manipulators who in turn have been manipulated by the force.
“The laws of Nature you break every day as you drive to work in your disgusting machines. It is even more curious to us that you all know these things but you continue to allow them just the same. Why is there not a law against it in your society? Does pollution not kill? Are your people so blind they could not see what would happen with the proliferation of these strange machines? You need not answer, for we know the reasons. This is just, as you might say, an example.
“You will perhaps tolerate our confusion, though, when we fail to understand what we have observed in your so-called Western societies in which thousands of your money are spent to save but one life, while millions of your kind die in other far areas for the sake of small amounts of this money. Are you not all one people of the same flesh and blood? For this question, we ourselves do not have such an answer. Could you perhaps help us in the reasoning of this?” Zeena asked, looking at me in a most perplexed way.
“My own people sometimes embarrass and confuse me. No, I have no answer to that question,” I replied. “Very well. Why do your people take such time and interest in a single tree, should it be cut down in your cities, while they allow large areas of many-years-old trees to be removed from the forests which are out of their sight? Please take this question home with you to put to others, for we also find this most confusing.”
I have since duly completed that request.
Zeena did have some encouraging news. She suggested that the force would soon feel the weight of an invasion from above, and there would be battles fought at sea and underwater, and also in the skies high above. Most would know little about these events, except those caught within the by-product of the battles. By this she meant that the Earth would experience storms of gathering intensity, and where these storms would once have been confined to the vortex points of our globe (the western Atlantic-Bermuda area and the western Pacific, south-east of Japan) they would now appear randomly all over our planet. She did not say who or what might be behind these battles or be the cause of them. However, when the way is clear and some portion of the fear has been removed, we may indeed see other races of the Cosmos openly visiting and interacting with us here on Earth!
“In the due course of time you will awaken from this ’sleep’ that the force has had you in, with a little help from your friends,” she added. “Being a sailor,” she said, suggesting I watched the weather, “you will know what to look for. Trust in your instincts.”
This is all she was prepared to say on the subject.
“Your race is nearly strong enough to fight back and win its rightful place in this galaxy of ours. We will help you and your planet to do great things again, for we love all life. Even the dark force is a form of life and we must and do respect it. Do you understand, Alec? This is very important.”
Zeena at last let me have a say.
“Yes, I do. But how do we fight this force if we cannot see it or know where it is?” I asked.
“It is within your very soul. You fight it with knowledge and understanding. But only each and every one of your kind can help yourselves. Nevertheless, to know that it exists is half the battle, and you can pass on this knowledge to all who should care to listen. Your race is about to change, become more aware–well, most of you are. It is an unfortunate fact that the ones upon your planet who truly understand what a great hold this force known to you as fear has over your people, are the very ones who are using it against you–and always have. They only understand its power, not its reason for being. That is why we have chosen this time to explain to you, and others of your kind, what we are here for. We have come to help enlighten you and, in so doing, perhaps free you from this force. We also understand that there will be some among you who will resent this knowledge being made available and will do their best to belittle and downplay its importance to your race.
“We may also need things from you and your planet. Call it a trade if you like, but I would prefer to use the word ’coevolution’. We both can grow. We both need to change. You will become more like us, while we need to become more like you. We can truly become great friends once you learn to break free. We have been waiting a long time for this to happen, and you, Alec, are part of this very special event that will happen, as are many others. You will find them and they will find you. Just let it be known that you are a child of the light, whenever you feel the time is right. You will be amazed at what will happen from then on.”
As Zeena finished this part of the lesson, I really did not know what to say. How could I reply to what she’d just said? Her narration had brought up more questions than answers, and quite frankly I did not know where to begin. Even though most of what she’d just said was totally amazing, it was as if I had always known it was so! For that reason you may think my next question out of place.
“The thing that worries me the most,” I replied, “was your earlier comment before this lesson began about the Earth ’mutating’ into something. Where will that leave us, the people?”
“You have no fears there. It will be you, the people, who help the Earth to transform. You will already have passed over to the next level of density, or be in the act of doing so, which in actual fact is evolution–true evolution, as it just so happens; not the form of change that you may have associated with that word in the past. I am sorry, here, because there has not yet been time to ground you in that knowledge. The Earth, too, will evolve along these same lines, and that is what I meant by ’mutate’. I am sorry for the use of that word if it has caused you concern,” Zeena quickly replied.
“I have more questions,” I said, looking at Zeena and hoping I could continue to ask them. Her indication was that I could.
“What happened to those early ancestors — the ones who stayed on Earth, the ones who helped us in the past?” “Some of them eventually interbred with your kind, although there was resistance to this initially. The offspring of these unions became our common ancestors. All who were pure of our blood eventually died of an unknown illness or left the planet. Their life-span should have been many hundreds, perhaps even thousands of your years. Some say they simply died of premature ageing. There are many possible reasons why this may have occurred, but it is not necessary for us to discuss that now. The few who escaped this fate and left Earth are now lost to us; where they may have gone, my people do not know, for that was indeed a long time ago. But while we are on the subject of interbreeding, there are a few questions I would ask of you, if I may,” Zeena requested.
I nodded my approval, knowing I would get more chances to ask the hundred-and-one questions I was waiting to ask.
Her first question took me a little by surprise.
“Have you bred on your home planet?”
“That’s an interesting question,” was my startled reply. “By ’breed’, I suppose you mean have I any children of my own?”
I couldn’t believe she didn’t already know the answer to this question. Perhaps she was just being polite.
“Yes,” she said.
“Well, I have a son who is fourteen years old and is fit and healthy. He doesn’t appear to have too many problems, except that he could be without a proper father from now on.”
“What do you mean by that?” she asked.
“I was in the process of leaving my family unit permanently when you guys zapped me up here!” I replied. “Don’t ask why. It’s very complicated, and I’m not sure I know the answer anyway.”
“This breeding process, in the form you Homo sapiens use, I have studied as much as I can from our records, but there is still much I wish to know. I have been selected for a modified reproductive process when I return to my home planet. We as a people are running out of time to develop offspring which could survive on any other planet apart from our own without life-support systems. By this I mean we have not yet found another world that is compatible with our specific and rather unique needs. I may be able to elaborate on this point a little later. For now, it is enough to say we have few options, and may have to adjust to new environments such as planet Earth–which we still like to call our second home, even though we are far removed from being able to live there full time,” Zeena finished, sounding rather distressed.
“Our planet is rather full already,” I commented, not really wishing to add to her burden. In spite of what I had already witnessed and been party to, I was in no way prepared for her reply to my statement.
“Oh, we have already had communication with Earth governors on that subject; since the 1950s, in fact. They know of our desire and need. We have even made a trade, as you might call it. I cannot elaborate on it at this time. But not everyone has lived up to their agreements since then.”
“Why does nobody know of this on Earth?” I asked, my eyes wide open.
“Your various governors, in their wisdom, decided that the Earth’s general population was not then ready for the message and knowledge we had planned to give your people. If you think back to the subjects we have recently discussed, it is hardly surprising, is it? They feel you are still not ready, and we will not tell your people a half-truth to suit others. So we have this situation–what do you say?–a stalemate,” Zeena concluded.
“What did the governors say when you said you would like to return to Earth at some time in the future?” I asked.
“All they wanted were the ’lollies’,” she commented, without expanding on that subject.
“There are not that many of us,” Zeena continued. Fifteen million is but a small total, is it not, among your billions? And our technology trade-off would make life so much easier for your population. If I dare be so brave as to say history could repeat itself, you may find we interbreed to become one race again, as happened so long ago in your past histories.
“At this point in time there are still some important things that we must physically do here on Earth: some repair work, as it were; a legacy from the past which I am not permitted to discuss at this time. We must correct that which is in a state of disrepair. Just by way of coincidence, that work is now almost completed. This is no small thing, for repairs have been going on for many of your years. Time is now short, for next will come the changes–your awakening.”
She answered my question before I could ask it. There was not much I could do but sit in silent amazement.
“You must realize,” she continued, as I couldn’t think of any worthwhile thing to say, “that we are quite a primitive race compared to other extraterrestrials that may communicate with Earth people from time to time. That is one of the reasons we are so attracted to Earth and to you as a race. We feel a real kindred or bonding for your people. We also think Earth is a most beautiful place.”
“Where would you like to live on Earth if you had a choice?” I asked.
“We have an area that we call our own.”
Zeena explained to me that they were already using an underwater base in the general area of this land that had been set aside for them, although she would go no further in describing where that might be. She was then called away, promising to return as soon as possible to continue our conversation.
Upon her return from duty, Zeena was keen to continue her explanation of what they were doing and were about to do on the new breeding program, and why it had become such a priority to her people. In order for me to understand, or try to understand fully, another lesson was apparently necessary, so she suggested once again that I make myself comfortable as it was likely to take some time.
“For you to understand the problems that we have, it is best that I tell you a little more about the world you live in. Some of this will be a little hard to understand, but some other aspects will ring a bell when you start to look at them in a different light,” said Zeena, who was sitting opposite my sleeping cubicle.
I had just finished another small nap to make up for my forty-hour marathon without sleep.
Zeena continued.
“You will remember some time ago I promised to tell you about the other side of yourself. This concerns the cycle of the atom, the part that is still little understood by your people, or, should I say, not yet fully understood by them. When this is understood, a whole new dimension, or dimensions, will open up for you; for in this instant of time between the pulses of atoms lies a world within worlds. They are in fact parallel dimensions to your own–at least to the one where most of you live your ’now’. These dimensions are so close to your real ’now’ that you can slip in and out of them without even knowing you have done so! There are sometimes little clues that tell you what has just happened. This dimension-slipping has been going on since you first walked the Earth, only now it is becoming more common to your people. It can happen almost every day to some, but they are basically unaware of it. This is happening because you are awakening to your true selves.
“You are close to a major dimension-leap, the like of which you have never before experienced; a leap that will bring you closer to my people. This is what we have all been waiting for! How many times have you searched for something in a room and could not find it? You go back some time later and there it is, right in front of your nose; there is no way you could have missed it when you searched. You see, you are not always where you think you are. The trick is to be fully conscious when you make these mini-leaps and be aware of where you have gone. You will be very surprised, I think. It is a place not far from there that you will find us.
“We basically come from your future. It does not matter if it is six minutes into your future or six years; if you can get to one, you can get to the other. But, for us, it is not as simple as that, for we also come from another dimension; not quite the one you will shift into, but close. So we are what you would call dimensional time-travellers. Sounds like a good movie, does it not? Your Mr Spielberg would love it!”
I had to laugh at that one.
“We–myself and others like me–are in fact a whole new race, or, to be more accurate, a newly reconstituted race. Further modifications are still required before we can achieve our goals as a people. This is one of the reasons for our travel to your time zone, and, indeed, the reason for others being here who are also experimenting with their biological make-up, although they have far different goals behind their experimentation than we do.
“The reason behind so many abductions occurring on your planet over the last few years of your time is that this is the last chance for our race–and other races of ETs with problems similar to ours–to interact with you as a race before you change to a form that will no longer be of use to us. Yes, it is that close! My own surrogate mother was of your time and race…”
“We could go further back in time, but it is this now that we need. I will not complicate matters by trying to explain that; we would be here for many more days. My race still has a problem to overcome. We must breed a race with stronger limbs and oxygen-processing units.”
“Lungs?” I enquired again.
“Yes. We have been using a mixture of your species’ DNA and chromosomes, along with our own. Our blood used to be very similar to yours–and still is, with a little modification–although we really only have one type as you would know it; well, two, but they are both very much like your A-negative. We can modify most things, but what it adds up to is that we are not going to go looking for problems–we already have enough of them.
“We have approximately only five per cent of your male population to work with, notwithstanding health, age, etc. There is a very special, shall I say, ’X-factor’ which must be brought into this equation, which in fact brings only about one per cent of this already small group into our calculations–that is, if we should require a male to help us. The fact that we are not of the same vibrational plane is the major problem. This is part of that X-factor, and is related to health and disease resistance, biological balance in relation to birth location, previous adaptability tests, and so on and so on.
“I cannot begin to explain the complications we have had. It has stretched our technology to its limits and beyond. The end result is what you see before you now. I may look good to you, but I still could not live on your planet without our technology to help me constantly. The bottom line is that the process has been too slow, and up to now has not done the job. At the present rate, it may take more time than we have to spare on our crippled planet! We now need to start taking some risks to speed up the process.”
“What kind of risks?” I asked.
“Well, up until now we have been more concerned with preserving our mind-generated energy distribution abilities–which I don’t expect you to comprehend just yet–but now we need to concentrate on the physical aspects, the strength and endurance, even if we lose a little of the other abilities.”
“Become more like us?” I chimed in again.
“Yes, we must,” Zeena replied. “We already have, as you noticed earlier,” she said, with what almost appeared to be a smile on her face. This was the first hint of an emotion I had seen.
“Now there needs to be a step–a big one–even further down that road. There is a chance for me to become part of that step,” she added. “That is why I wish to ask you more questions about your breeding processes; procreation–would that be a better word for it?”
“You would be surprised at some of the words we use for it,” I replied. “Even I don’t know where some of them come from.”
“I understand it is most primitive and basic in its natural form. It is possible that I may be able to be fertilized and to carry the foetus almost full-term within me. That may not sound much to you, but no female of our race has carried a child within her for many hundreds of thousands of years. The artificial methods we have been using are too slow and hard to change. They may even be impossible to use if we settle on a planet like your Earth.
“I have been designed to take the place of what you would call a synthetic birth process. There has been quite some progress just lately. Even a hundred years ago, your time, one of our type could not have interacted with your species on this level. That is how much we have evolved in different directions since the early colonists left your planet. Now we find it necessary to take a step in another direction.”
I noted how she diplomatically skirted the suggestion that they might be going backwards on the evolutionary tree. I could not really understand what knowledge she could want from me, and I doubted there was anything I knew that she did not already know…
Ask an astronomically-inclined astrobiologist what their favorite research paper of the past three decades is and there's a good chance they'll say 'the Galileo flyby of Earth'.
In 1990, NASA's Galileo mission to Jupiter took a swing by the Earth as part of its orbital maneuvering to gain enough velocity and the right trajectory to head on out to Jupiter. During that close pass - about 960 kilometers above the Caribbean - Galileo had its scientific instruments fired up. That data helped shake down the mission's systems, but also afforded a unique opportunity to study the Earth as if it were an alien world.
Written by Carl Sagan and colleagues: "A search for life on Earth from the Galileo spacecraft", published in 1993, was a beautiful thought-experiment made real, a control for future efforts to find life far beyond. The conclusion, combining observations of atmospheric composition (ohh, look, methane!), reflectivity, and even radio waves, was that this blue-green world might very well harbor living things.
Flash forward to 2017, and on September 22nd NASA's OSIRIS-REx asteroid-sampling mission performed a similar flyby. Swooping across the southern polar end of Earth at an altitude of about 11,000 km, the spacecraft used the planetary gravitational field to tweak the inclination of its trajectory, aiming up out of the ecliptic plane for a rendezvous in August 2018 with the asteroid Bennu.
But OSIRIS-REx kept busy, and as it zipped past Earth it had one of its imaging cameras and a visible-and-infrared spectrometer and thermal (far IR) spectrometer switched on to grab a set of wonderful datasets (below) that echo the way that the Galileo mission studied the Earth.
Looking at these data, and especially the spectra of reflected and emitted light from the Earth, we can immediately see some tantalizing evidence for a world infected with biology. There are clear signs of both oxygen and methane in the atmosphere, there is plenty of water vapor, ozone, and an ocean temperature of a passable 13 Celsius emission temperature.
It's another beautiful, even if serendipitous experiment.
Artist depiction of NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft swinging by Earth on September 22nd for a gravitational "slingshot" maneuver sending it toward its destination, asteroid Bennu.
(NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/University of Arizona)
On September 22, a spaceship visited Earth—NASA can confirm that it wasn’t alien property. It was NASA’s own OSIRIS-RExprobe, swinging by Earth in a gravitational “slingshot” maneuver designed to fling it toward a 2018 rendezvous with an asteroid named Bennu.
The spacecraft will become NASA’s first mission ever to visit an asteroid, collect samples of its ancient materials, and return them to Earth for laboratory analysis.
More than merely an asteroid-dust collector, however, this mission aims to give scientists a clearer understanding of the formation of the solar system, the Earth, and the origin of life on our planet.
Launched on September 8, 2016, OSIRIS-REx —which stands for Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification and Security-Regolith Explorer—will arrive at Bennu in August 2018, where it will map the asteroid’s surface in detail, and then graze to within a few meters of its surface to collect dust samples. It will then head back to Earth for an expected return in 2023.
Artist illustration of the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft performing its dust-sample collection maneuver prior to its return to Earth. (NASA)
What Can Asteroids Tell Us About Life on Earth?
Asteroids—as well as comets—are the debris left over from the formation of our solar system, about 4.6 billion years ago, and are potential gold mines of information about the early conditions that shaped Earth and the other planets. They formed during the earliest times in the solar system, and have remained largely unchanged since then.
On Earth, geological action and weathering alter terrestrial rocks over time, effectively erasing information about the earliest conditions on our planet. Attempting to reconstruct the environment that led to the origin of life on Earth by studying terrestrial rocks is a bit like trying to perceive an artist’s original painting on a canvass that has been painted over multiple times.
Radar images of Near-Earth Asteroid Bennu taken by the Goldstone Radio Telescope in the Mojave Desert. (NASA/Goldstone Radio Telescope)
Were Oceans Filled by Asteroids Like Bennu?
Bennu is a roughly 500-meter diameter Near-Earth Asteroid–one whose closest approach to the sun is less than 120 million miles. Not only is it close to Earth and relatively easy to visit, it is a “carbonaceous” asteroid—rich in carbon compounds, as well as other materials like water.
This makes it a good candidate for testing a theory that the young Earth may have been supplied with organic materials (compounds of carbon and hydrogen) and water from asteroids like Bennu colliding with our planet, during a period called the “Late Heavy Bombardment” between 3.8 and 4.1 billion years ago.
We know that during this period, the moon, as well as Earth and the other planets of the inner solar system, were showered by large numbers of asteroids and comets—a fact that our moon and the planets Mercury and Mars testify to with tens of thousands of ancient impact craters.
The materials carried by the impacting objects became part of the makeup of Earth’s crust, and are thought to have supplied some or much of Earth’s surface water and the organic compounds that set the stage for the appearance of life.
Bennu is a Near-Earth Asteroid whose orbital plane is tilted six degrees relative to Earth’s. OSIRIS-REx’s slingshot maneuver past Earth on September 22nd was necessary to boost the spacecraft to Bennu’s orbital trajectory. (NASA)
Have Comets Fallen Out of Favor?
For many years, comets were singled out as a likely source of Earth’s water and organic materials. Comets are composed largely of water ice and chemicals like ammonia. More recently, we’ve also discovered organic hydrocarbon compounds mixed in.
Attempts to match the chemical signatures of the water in Earth’s ocean with the water-ice in comets have yielded mixed results. Of several comets from which measurements have been obtained—most recently comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko visited by the European Rosettaspacecraft in 2014—a trend has developed that points away from comets as a significant source of Earth’s fertile starting point.
At the same time, the detection of water ice and carbon compounds within some asteroids has revealed that they are not merely bone-dry hunks of rock and metal as once assumed, strengthening the argument favoring asteroids as the main contributors of those precious materials. In 2015 NASA’s Dawn spacecraft discovered that the former asteroid (now dwarf planet) Ceres may contain a mantle of ice greater in mass than all of Earth’s fresh water.
Asteroids: Friend or Foe?
Recently there has been a lot of concern over the probabilities of Near-Earth Asteroids (of which Bennu is one) colliding with Earth and wreaking havoc and devastation to humans, Earth’s ecosystems, and even our civilization.
It is amusing to think that the first spacecraft mission sent to one of these potential Earth-colliding, flying mountains is aimed at understanding how objects such as these may have brought life to Earth in the first place.
Now that OSIRIS-REx has completed its slingshot maneuver past Earth, it should be smooth sailing all the way to Bennu. NASA will use the time to test the health of its systems and functions. Then, next August when the spacecraft is a little more than a million miles from the asteroid, it will use its thrusters to match course and speed with the asteroid to set up for a final approach.
In 1950, the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi posed a question to his lunch companions: Why haven’t we encountered intelligent life in our universe when there’s a high probability that it exists?
In an attempt to answer what became known as Fermi’s Paradox, experimental philosopher and conceptual artist Jonathon Keats examined human society and concluded that Well, we’re not a particularly welcoming bunch. Maybe our space neighbors haven’t said hello because they don’t feel wanted by Earthfolk. They likely sense hostility toward outsiders in our media, our demeanor, our way of expressing ourselves — which, of course.
To that end, Keats is extending a hand to Fermi’s theoretical extraterrestrial friends with an actual welcome mat. Even if the project doesn’t draw any actual martians, he hopes this common, even clichéd, symbol of hospitality can help us address alienation and growing polarization on our own planet.
Keats has devoted many of his projects to thinking about how to bridge divides. In 2015, for example, he issued a proposal, complete with diagrams, to smush the continents together with magnetrons and nuclear reactors to address fundamental issues in geopolitics. In 2016, he devised a method of fostering better understanding of climate science through literally eating climate models.
The Cosmic Welcome Mat is not supersized, viewable from space, nor merely conceptual. It is as quotidian an object as you might find outside of any American door — or rather, Australian, as it’s currently on display at the International Aeronautical Congress in Adelaide. Additionally, four doormat-sized versions of the Cosmic Welcome Mat will be placed at thresholds around the campus of Adelaide’s Flinders University.
So, how do you make the “welcome” message clear to intergalactic visitors? Keats consulted space archaeologist Alice Gorman to help tailor the mats to potential alien tastes. Each version is printed with different jewel-colored blobs — “it’s actually quite hard,” Keats says, “to design a blob that doesn’t look like anything else” — that signify fundamental concepts. The pairs of cloud-like shapes symbolize growth to indicate progression of time, stretching to suggest travel and distance between homes, and merging to represent fitting into a welcome environment. These are all iterations of “the language of welcomeness,” Keats explains.
Grist / Jonathon Keats
This project may sound slightly insane, but our approach to space communication has always been bizarre. Carl Sagan helped design a plaque sent to Jupiter on the Pioneer 10 spacecraft in 1972. The plaque bears an illustration of a man and woman with a full, detailed pubic package on the former and Barbie-blank canvas on the latter. The Golden Record, carried on each of NASA’s Voyager space probes in 1977, contains a greeting unfortunately recorded by former Nazi and then-Secretary General of the United Nations Kurt Waldheim. It also includes this extremely peculiar photo collage of people eating things:
National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center
The worst way to show hospitality to a stranger is to focus on oneself — which is, Keats notes, the primary characteristic of most of our attempts at space communication. “Generally speaking, it’s been about us,” he says. “It’s like going to a cocktail party and talking about yourself, indefinitely.”
Truly inviting foreign beings into our homes requires looking upon ourselves from the perspective of outsiders. It requires questioning our assumptions, rethinking the way we communicate, and pondering the limits and failures of language.
You see where this is going. I ask Keats how we apply these ideas to our current, increasingly more divisive, cultural moment. There are valid lessons, Keats notes — particularly with regard to, say, talking about and legislating based on climate change with those who don’t believe in it.
“If we assume we’re able to understand our audience completely,” he continues, “I think we are deceiving ourselves.” Keats says that we always have something in common with another entity, whatever it may be, wherever it may be. “It simply is a matter of enlarging the scope of our thinking.”
A project like the Cosmic Welcome Mat “makes one aware of all the ways in which failings in communication can lead to disagreement and facilitate xenophobia,” Keats says. “To recognize limitations of my ability to communicate what I believe, and also to understand what you believe, can be powerful tools toward avoiding misunderstanding.”
Is it tragic or appropriate that, in these times, it takes a thought experiment about how we’d communicate with aliens to consider how we might reach out to our political detractors, or to refugees, or simply to anyone different? The entire year — how long it’s been! — has felt like a torturous exercise in questioning so many assumptions while simultaneously attempting to maintain perspective, skepticism, and energy. I, for one, didn’t expect to see that captured in a welcome mat.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
AN ALIEN city costing £100 million is being built in the desert of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that will be the ”most sophisticated building the world”, it has been revealed.
The aim is to simulate conditions for human settlers on Mars as part of an enormous Scientific city project.
The UAE Mars Mission aims to make a human colony on the red planet by the year 2117.
This comes after the UAE Space Agency unveiled plans to send a probe to orbit Mars by 2021.
World-renowned architect Bjarke Ingels will design the city and it will consist of a series of futuristic domes.
Mr Ingel’s martian city will feature laboratories for food, energy and water research and will be designed to withstand the red planet’s harsher climate and will have extensive radiation and heat shielding.
The planet’s surface gravity is roughly 38 per cent of the surface gravity on Earth and its average temperatures are also much lower.
The 1.9million square foot (176,5151 square meters) project was launched by the UAE earlier this week and will be the largest simulated off-world environment ever constructed.
After it has been completed, a team of researchers will conduct a year-long experiment which will simulate colonist-living on Mars.
Vice President and Prime Minister of UAE Sheikh Mohammaed said: ”The Mars 2117 Project is a long term project, where our first objective is to develop our educational system so our sons will be able to lead scientific research across the various sectors.
“Human ambitions have no limits, and whoever looks into the scientific breakthroughs in the current century believes that human abilities can realise the most important human dream.
“The UAE is a great country with vision and understanding of the challenges we face and the rapid changes our world is experiencing.”
More countries are developing space agencies than ever before which could lead to human life on Mars happen a lot sooner than we anticipated.
The lessons learned from past exploration has allowed technology to improve.
Architect Bjarke Ingels will design the city
Recent developments have seen Ghanaian satellites launched, Japan planning missions to Mars’ moons, and China working on space rockets that are launched from planes.
The city will also contain a museum dedicated to humanity’s greatest achievements in space exploration which it is hoped will inspire young people to pursue careers in science and mathematics.
De JSF is een verschrikkelijk toestel. Kijk wat de Australische luchtmacht zegt over dit mislukte vliegtuig
De JSF is een verschrikkelijk toestel. Kijk wat de Australische luchtmacht zegt over dit mislukte vliegtuig
De Australische luchtmacht heeft geen goed woord over voor de F-35, beter bekend als de JSF.
Australië kreeg afgelopen jaar twee toestellen geleverd van vliegtuigbouwer Lockheed Martin, maar daar schort nogal wat aan.
Australische media melden op basis van bronnen binnen de luchtmacht dat het honderden miljoenen dollars gaat kosten om de toestellen gevechtsklaar te maken.
160 aanpassingen
Er moeten zo’n 160 aanpassingen worden gedaan, schrijft nieuwssite
Gebleken is dat de meeste systemen aan boord van de F-35 nooit goed zijn getest. Toch wordt de JSF al geleverd aan diverse landen, waaronder ook Nederland.
Het Australische ministerie van Defensie speelt mooi weer en claimt dat er alleen wat kleine problemen zijn geweest met de software.
Area 51
Ook uit de Verenigde Staten komen steeds berichten over problemen met de F-35. De Technical Airworthiness Authority stelde bijvoorbeeld dat de schietstoel niet goed werkt, wat de komende jaren tot wel 22 piloten het leven kan kosten.
Er zijn daarnaast steeds meer aanwijzingen dat een vliegtuig dat onlangs neerstortte bij Area 51, een F-35 is geweest.
De Nederlandse regering besloot in 2013 om de F-16 te vervangen door de F-35. Het aantal voor Nederland bestemde JSF’s is vastgelegd op 37.
Absolute nachtmerrie
Amerikaanse overheidsfunctionarissen die nauw betrokken zijn bij de ontwikkeling van het gevechtsvliegtuig zeiden vorig jaar dat de F-35 mislukt is en dat het hele project een absolute nachtmerrie is.
Het is alleen veel te laat om het project, waarmee meer dan 400 miljard dollar is gemoeid, te stoppen. Nederland houdt voorlopig vast aan de peperdure aanschaf van het mislukte vliegtuig.
“There is nothing new except what has been forgotten.”
˜Mademoiselle Rose Bertin, French milliner and dressmaker to Marie Antoinette
UFOlogy is a senile discipline. By this I’m not referring to its age, or how after more than 60 years it hasn’t seemingly come any closer into solving the enigma which spawned its existence. What I mean is that UFOlogy as a field has the terrible tendency of narrow-sightedness, and of forgetting the valuable lessons from the past. Some of our critics on UFOs: Reframing the Debate, for example, complained we weren’t really saying anything particularly original compared to the thinkers and ideas of the late 60’s and early 70’s; our defense was we weren’t actually trying to be novel so much as remarking what was pointed out by the true mavericks preceding us, but hasn’t been paid attention to enough by the newer generations… to the detriment of the study of unidentified flying objects, and the intelligence(s) in control of them.
Take for instance the controversial topic of the Contactees: Most people believe it was in the 1950’s when common citizens like George Adamski or Truman Bethurum began claiming to be in contact with extraterrestrials hailing from Venus, Jupiter –or far more exotically-named planets like Clarion– and the main concern of our Space Brothers was the proliferation of nuclear weapons in our world, and the threat they posed to the survival of Humanity… or even to the stability of the entire Cosmos. Psychologists have tried to explain the sociological phenomenon of the Contactees as stemming out of Cold War anxieties, and a religious need from saviors from on-high repackaged for the consumption of the Space Age.
But those psychologists –and even most UFOlogists– would be surprised to learn warnings against a nuclear Armageddon can be traced back before the start of the Cold War and the Space Age –before even the fission of the atom had been experimentally achieved for the first time by German chemist Otto Hahn in 1938! And these warnings didn’t come from long-haired Venusians on board silvery saucers, but from a secretive individual who claimed to be in possession of a powerful legacy of knowledge, assembled from the scattered remains of a lost civilization.
These warnings came from an Alchemist.
The story I’m about to tell can be found on a book I consider to be indispensable reading by anyone interested in these topics: “Le Matin des Magiciens”(Morning of the Magicians) by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier. Alas, this gem is barely known among most English-speaking UFO circles for three main reasons: It was published in 1960 (strike one); its main topic is not UFOs but philosophy and secret knowledge (strike two) and it was written by two French men (strike three! You’re out!!).
Louis Pauwels (1920-1997) was a writer and journalist with a life-long interest in Eastern mysticism and the philosophy of Gurdjieff. In 1954 he met Jacques Bergier (1912-1978) whose life is probably more deserving of a motion picture than any lazy 80’s remake: Born in Ukraine and of Jewish descent, he was a writer as well as a chemical engineer who became a resistance fighter and spy during the German occupation of France, was later captured and sent to the Mauthausen concentration camp. After the Liberation he played a key role into the discovery of the Nazi nuclear program, and how far they have gone into the development of atomic weaponry.
Bergier was credited by his friends for having a prodigious intelligence and encyclopedic knowledge. When he was 6 years old he saw an ancient woodcut illustration of two old alchemists working on their lab, which sparked his interest in the forgotten lore of Alchemy. To him the modern discoveries about radioactivity and the composition of the atom held the promise of unlocking the true secret behind the transmutation of the elements, and creating a bridge between the Past and the Future.
But his contemporaries not only considered Alchemy a superstitious nonsense (the way we still do to this day) but even nuclear energy was still regarded a ‘fringe’ subject in theoretical physics, with no possible applications in real life (just like electricity and magnetism in the XVIIIth century). In 1933 Bergier is scolded by a teacher of his –one of the best chemists in all of France– for wasting his time in such ‘infantile’ interests as nuclear physics, and admonishes him to pursue a ‘sensible’ career in the sugar refinement industry instead.
Thankfully to us Bergier was not only smart; he was also stubborn, bless his heart. He disregards the advice and continues his ‘reckless’ studies in both cutting-edge physics and ancient Alchemy. From 1934 to 1940 he became a collaborator of the eminent physicist and chemist André Helbronner, who was among the first scientists trying to unravel the secret behind atomic energy, before he was murdered by the Nazis in 1944.
It was at the behest of Helbronner that Bergier had a strange meeting with a mysterious individual on June of 1937, two years before Germany invaded Poland and WWII began. The meeting took place in an empty testing lab owned by ‘Gas Society’ of Paris. The strange man started the conversation by saying he knew Bergier assisted Helbronner in the quest of the atomic secret, and mentioned their recent success in unleashing radioactivity in polonium.
“You are very close to success, as are many other contemporary wise men,” said the stranger (remember Hahn’s experiment in ’38) “but the work you and your peers are doing is terribly dangerous. And it is not only you who are in peril, but the whole of Humanity.”
The man explained to Bergier the liberation of nuclear energy was easier than what was believed at the time, and the resulting superficial radioactivity could poison the entire planetary atmosphere in just a matter of years. He also warned that atomic explosives could be manufactured using only a few grams of metal and they would have the power to vaporize entire cities. “We Alchemists have known about this for a long time.”
Before Bergier could protest or ask any questions, the man continued: “I know what you are going to say –that Alchemists didn’t know the structure of the atomic nucleus, didn’t have electricity or any detection methods. Therefore they could never release the nuclear energy. I shall not try to prove what I am about to tell you now, but I beg you to repeat this to monsieur Helbronner: It only takes certain geometric assemblies, without the need for electricity or a vacuum medium. And now I will limit myself to reciting a few lines…”
The man took from over a desk a book written by Frédéric Soddy: L’interpretation du Radium (The Interpretation of Radium), found a passage and read:
“I believe there existed in the past civilizations who knew the energy of the atom and were totally destroyed for the misuse of that power.”
The man closed the book and continued his exposition, asking to an astonished Bergier to entertain the possibility of partial techniques of such ancient knowledge being able to survive throughout the ages. That knowledge had been kept in the safe hands of men who tempered their experimental curiosity with moral and religious concerns; whereas our ‘modern’ physics in his opinion was a “Science without Conscience,” having been born during the XVIIIth century for the amusement of “lords and libertine rich men” –here the Alchemist was no doubt referring to the Royal Society of London, founded in 1660 under the auspice of King Charles II, which saw considerable expansion in the late 1700s.
The strange man kept explaining to Bergier he had tried to warn other researchers like him about the dangers of their work… to absolutely no avail.
Bergier finally managed to ask a question: “If you yourself are an Alchemist, monsieur, I cannot believe you employ your time in the attempt to make gold, like Dunikowski or Doctor Miethe.” –Dunikowski was a Polish engineer who had announced in Paris he had discovered a new kind of radiation capable of transmuting quartz into gold, but was found to be a fraudster; Dr. Adolf Miethe (not to be confused with Richard Miethe, a name often mentioned in the swampy subject of Nazi-made flying saucers) of the Photochemical Department at the Berlin Technical High School claimed to have found small deposits of gold inside the mercury vapor lamps used on his lab as a source of ultraviolet light. In 1924 he claimed to have changed mercury into gold in a high-tension mercury vapor lamp. Alas, he had produced approximate $1 worth of gold… at a cost of $60,000 due to the staggering amount of energy employed in the process.
Bergier continued: “For around a year I’ve tried to document myself on the subject of Alchemy, and have only stumbled upon with either charlatans or interpretations I find ludicrous. Could you, monsieur, tell me what your own investigations consist of?”
The Alchemist replied: “You are asking me to summarize in 4 minutes 4,000 years of philosophy and the efforts of my entire life! You are also asking me also to translate in clear language concepts which do not admit any plain explanation. I can, nevertheless, tell you this: Surely you are aware that in the official Science now in progress the role of the observer is evermore important. Relativity and the Uncertainty Principle show just how much the observer intervenes in natural phenomena” –Let’s remember the Copenhagen interpretationof quantum mechanics was proposed in the late 1920s.
“The secret of Alchemy,” the man revealed to Bergier, “is this: There is a way to manipulate matter and energy in such a way that it produces what contemporary scientists would call a ‘force field’. This field acts upon the observer and places him on a privileged position in the Universe. From this vantage point he has access to Realities that space and time, matter and energy tend to hide from us. This is what we call The Great Work (Magnum Opus).”
“But, what of the Philosopher’s Stone?” asked Bergier. “What of the making of gold?”
“That is nothing more than applications, particular cases” answered the Alchemist. What’s essential is not the transmutation of metals, but that of the experimenter himself. It is an ancient secret which few men will find throughout the centuries.”
“What do they transform themselves, then?” questioned Bergier.
“Perhaps, one day, I shall find out,” were the final words of the mysterious man.
Bergier never saw the Alchemist again. As for his true identity, it remains unknown to his day. Bergier himself was convinced the man was none other than the mythical Fulcanelli, the pseudonym of an anonymous individual who was the author of two books which are highly regarded as among the best in the whole Alchemical bibliography:”Le Mystère des Cathédrales”(The Mystery of the Cathedrals) and “Les Demeures Philosophales” (Dwellings of the Philosophers). Fulcanelli had a protegé, Eugène Canseliet, who was the one entrusted by his master to publish his books in the 1920s. Pauwels and Bergier were convinced Fulcanelli had survived the war but had gone into hiding, never to reveal anything more about his hidden knowledge.
It is said the last time Canseliet met Fulcanelli was in Spain during the 1950s, and he had gone through an incredible transformation. Instead of being an old man, like his pupil remembered him, the Alchemist had miraculously rejuvenated and acquired an androgynousappearance, proof that he had managed to complete the Great Work, and the reward was a total physical –and spiritual– metamorphosis. The caterpillar had been changed into a butterfly.
What to make of this wonderful, and yet unprovable story? We only have Bergier’s word that the meeting between himself and the man (possibly Fulcanelli) took place. The source for the account is a book that was published in 1960, 15 years after the reality of nuclear energy had been proved in the most horrendous way possible, with the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
What I personally find fascinating about this pre-WWII warning about the dangers of nuclear weapons, is not only that it preceded ALL of the similar admonitions given by the so-called ‘Space Brothers’ to the Contactees in the 1950’s and 60’s –and isn’t it interesting how those ‘superior beings’ were often described as having androgynous features?– but also that, if it really happened as admitted by Bergier, all of the things declared by the Alchemist were essentially true: In 1986, the radioactive cloud produced by the Chernobyl nuclear plant literally covered the entirety of Europe. The Hiroshima bomb contained only 141 lb of enriched Uranium –not “a few grams” like the Alchemist had claimed… although maybe there are methods to further amplify the destructive power of fissible material we (luckily) haven’t discovered yet. And after the Allies defeated the Nazis they discovered Heisenberg’s rudimentary Uranium battery, consisted of extremely pure substances placed together on an specific geometric disposition –the Germans hadn’t placed it on a vacuum, just like the Alchemist had ‘predicted’.
But I guess what has fascinated me the most about Alchemy, ever since I read Morning of the Magicians in my early teens, is the idea of an ancient knowledge which parallels our current understanding on the nature of energy and matter, and perhaps even surpasses it. And yet, unlike our modern times, the men who’ve possessed that knowledge knew they had to keep it away from kings and rulers, lest it would be corrupted –or worse, used to unleash a power capable of wiping out our entire civilization… as it might have happened before.
Werner von Braun said that “Science does not have a moral dimension. It is like a knife. If you give it to a surgeon or a murderer, each will use it differently.” Perhaps so; or perhaps these are words meant to acquiesce the conscience of a man who had no qualms in killing innocents in his selfish pursuit to achieve his dreams to conquer the stars. “The rocket worked perfectly except for landing on the wrong planet,” von Braun is credited of saying with regards to his V-2 rocket bomb launched against London. “If we don’t do it first, somebody else will” have been the words used to justify everything from the creation of bacteriological weapons to automated killing drones. Science without Conscience, indeed…
In Morning of the Magicians, the authors tried to interest their peers in the hidden treasures buried beneath the dusty manuscripts and codices written by the ancient Alchemists, which managed to survive into our era –thousands of volumes, and yet a pittance when compared to all the scrolls turned to ashes in Alexandria. They argued that chemists, engineers, and even nuclear physicists should team up with historians and symbologists in order to crack the codes of those treatises, and see if they contained techniques and processes which could be of any use in our modern industries and laboratories. A fool’s errand, some might think, and yet Pauwels and Bergier claim that after the war in Europe was over, there were many American agents trying to get their hands on any alchemical book their could find. Bergier also narrated how when he was collaborating with the French government in the study of the nuclear capabilities of the Germans –something nobody paid any attention to in Europe… prior to Hiroshima and Nagasaki– he was asked to meet with an anonymous American commander, whose realinterest was not the Nazi nuclear program, but finding the whereabouts of Fulcanelli.
Given how Dr. Jacques Vallee’s recent studies with UFO’s ejected material seem to point out to a reingeneering of seemingly common metals which are almost suggestive of a bonafide alchemical transmutation —the way I speculated upon recently at The Daily Grail— perhaps it is not unreasonable to assume the art of Alchemy is one of the key pieces missing in the UFO puzzle, and that someone in the high echelons of power may be in hot pursuit of the alchemists’ ancient secret.
And yet, if they are, then I suspect they will never find it. Because if Alchemy is the true Science with Conscience, as Rabelais –and our anonymous Alchemist– maintained, then the ultimate goal of this ancient art goes far beyond the gaining of material wealth and power. And the Great Work can only be fulfilled by men of ambitions tempered in the melting pots of their laboratories, through years and years of indomitable hard labor. Until they find themselves transformed from common humans into… something more.
…Perhaps the Philosopher’s Stone is the true Red Pill.
What is the reality — if any exists at all — behind the UFO phenomenon?
This question has been asked for decades already, and still we collectively don’t seem to have any real answers that help instruct us as to whatever “reality” may constitute serious, tangible data on UFOs.
Way back in 1955, Edward Ruppelt, the first director of the USAF’s Project Bluebook, wrote that, “I wouldn’t want to hazard a guess as to what the final outcome of the UFO investigation will be, but I am sure that within a few years there will be a proven answer.”
I often wonder if Ruppelt would ever have foreseen that well after the turn of the next century, we would still be awaiting that final “proven answer” that he anticipated.
At the very least, we might say that, based on what anecdotal evidence has been collected in UFO witness testimony since the end of World War II,there appear to have been varieties of unusual aircraft seen in our skies for decades now. Their origin, however, remains a matter of conjecture, due to the lack of physical evidence to support the range of theories that have been proposed in this regard.
Hence, with little more than decades of witness testimony, and the occasional (though scant) physical evidence that turns up rarely, perhaps one of the most important questions that should be asked is, “how useful is the anecdotal evidence at our disposal?”
At this point, it would seem appropriate that I give a disclaimer: what follows in this article is intended for readers that are still perplexed by the subject of UFOs, as I am, and are willing to ask serious, sober, and scientifically-informed questions about it. The points addressed will likely be of disdain to the willful believers that are already “certain” (in their minds, at least) of an extraterrestrial reality, and of space brothers who came here long ago to instruct humankind, or perhaps even save us from our own destructive potentials. In equal measure, dogmatic skeptics may be similarly discouraged from bothering with reading further; particularly those who have convinced themselves that nothing exists behind any UFO reports whatsoever (even those which seem indicative of clandestine, experimental manmade aircraft… which constitutes a perfectly reasonable potential solution to at least some alleged UFO reports).
For those willing to continue in the spirit of open-minded, but discerning skepticism, we must return again to the question of anecdotal data: what does it really tell us about the UFO enigma?
While unable to provide physical evidence that can be tested under laboratory settings, the point is frequently argued that anecdotal evidence, particularly gathered from multiple sources, is often what must be relied upon in a courtroom; especially in cases where physical evidence is lacking. I realize fully that this argument does little to sway the minds of skeptical scientists, who demand (and rightly so!) physical proof before they can commit to belief. However, the point to be made is that in the face of numerous instances where testimonies given by individuals seem to match, or are otherwise relatable in some way, perhaps some anecdotal data should be given consideration, as it is presently all that we have to work with.
Recently, a pairing of questions were posted at the Paracast Forums, where one of the users, operating under the amusing moniker of “Greer’s Event Planner,” raised several points of contention about UFOs in modern times. Among these had been the following:
“As a total body of evidence there is nothing that would pass scientific muster and there are no reliable multiple witness cases that prove the aliens in physical ships hypothesis.”
The thread had been partly in response to a recent appearance on The Paracast’s subscriber show by researcher Paul Kimball (also a friend and colleague of mine), who similarly offered that, “There may be a paranormal / supernatural component to it all, but I don’t see anything that even remotely indicates structured craft from an extraterrestrial source.”
Indeed, while we have a plethora of UFO reports that have piled up over the decades, some of which lend descriptions of strange beings or other phenomena, where has there been any hard evidence of extraterrestrial visitors?
This raises a common, but important misconception about the broader UFO phenomenon: that if proof of unidentified flying objects were obtained, it would therefore mean that proof of aliens exists.
Not so.
The extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) has long been a favorite among UFO theorists, but it is by no means a consensus view among UFO advocates. The UFO phenomenon remains far too ambiguous and varied to be able to present a good case for any conclusive origin. If anything, it could be argued that early interpretations of UFOs as being evidence of extraterrestrial visitors probably relied heavily on the influences of science fiction books and films on our culture (both in America, and abroad). Also influential were our expectations about space travel in the coming decades, and our own projections for how space travelers from elsewhere might get here, from the perspective of a civilization only on the cusp of going off-planet ourselves.
Old ideas die hard, of course, and this seems to be the case with the extraterrestrial hypothesis. While it seems evident that a variety of expectations (and misconceptions) were likely informing our bias toward “alien” visitors, that meme has stuck throughout the ages… and still today, many see the concepts of “UFOs” and “aliens” as being indistinguishable.
Perhaps they should never really have become bedmates in the first place.
Returning again to what the anecdotal evidence says, we are faced with myriad problems. For one, there is the issue of the apparent variety of UFO craft reported over the years. While there are some general themes which have emerged consistently — “flying saucers” are probably the most well known of these — the actual variety of UFO craft reported since the end of WWII far exceeds anything that could be expected of a single, systematic survey of Earth by intelligent extraterrestrials. Varieties of craft include discs or saucers, globes, triangles, cigars or torpedo-shaped craft, and other strangely shaped aerial objects.
Granted, the term “daylight discs”, first used by astronomer J. Allen Hynek as a general classification system, didn’t necessarily mean that all such objects were truly “discs.” According to Hynek’s reasoning, this was merely to be used as a general classification system; however, a variety of objects, possessing various shapes, were placed in this category. Hence, many of the “discs”, at least in terms of statistics, actually weren’t discs at all.
Among the myriad types of UFOs that have remained present over the years, there is one type that, in the opinion of this writer, does appear to maintain a particular presence, and consistency, which sets it apart from other UFO category types. These are the so-called “Black Triangles,” which are large, ominous (and often very quiet) aircraft seen passing at relatively low altitudes by cover of night.
Even the Federation of American Scientists have looked into the possible relationship between reports of these aircraft, and possible black project programs, as outlined in the following quote from the FAS website:
“A very intriguing aircraft was been reported in the late 1980s. Some observers claim to have witnessed a vast black flying wing, estimated at between 600 and 800 feet in width, passing silently over city streets in California. The craft moved so slowly one observer claimed that he could jog along with it. The aircraft reportedly executed bizarre maneuvers in which it stopped, rotated in place and hovered vertically, pointing its thin trailing edge toward the ground. This vehicle’s unlikely gyrations suggest that it is distinct from the other sightings, and could be a lighter-than-air craft pushed by slow- turning propellers.”
On a personal note (and in keeping with our discussion about the relevance of anecdotal witness reports), I’ve collected several reports of aircraft like this over the years, which I deem to have been from reliable sources. Among my favorites is the following description, provided to me by a Canadian witness just a few years ago:
“We had noticed a very bright light on the eastern horizon but didn’t take much notice of it until we realized that it was slowly coming directly towards us. We kept checking in that direction and watched as the now amber light kept coming straight at us. When it was almost on top of us it was like we became frozen to the spot staring at this light that we could now see had a dark shape behind it.
The triangle flew directly over us. I estimate that it was about 75 – 100 ft. off the ground. I made this estimate because at one point I realized that it was so low I was concerned that it was going to hit the chimney on our 2 1/2 story house! We sat transfixed as it seemed to take the triangle forever to pass overhead due to the extremely slow speed that it was travelling at. I would estimate it was going no more than 10 mph. As it was about halfway over I realized that the triangle was so massive that it filled my entire field of vision. We couldn’t make out any detail of the underneath of the triangle; it was just an enormous black shape lit on each corner by an amber light. I really can’t think of anything to compare the size of the triangle to it was so huge.”
Unlike a lot of UFO reports collected since the beginning of the 1950s, the more recent reports of these “triangles” bear an almost peculiar consistency… enough so that, as the FAS seemed to think by virtue of their analysis of some of the triangle reports, these probably should not be lumped in alongside other typical UFO reports from the last few decades. In likelihood, the triangles are probably a top secret aircraft of some variety, and whether DARPA or some other agency was behind its development, it is the opinion of this writer that this craft is seen often enough, and described consistently enough by witnesses, that it warrants particular attention among those who pay attention to reports of un unusual aircraft in our skies. In other words, here the anecdotal evidence seems to support the idea that there have been a number of legitimate sightings of some variety of aircraft operating in our night skies.
To conclude, we return again to a quote from Edward Ruppelt in his Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, where he said, “Maybe the final proven answer will be that all of the UFO’s that have been reported are merely misidentified known objects. Or maybe the many pilots, radar specialists, generals, industrialists, scientists, and the man on the street who have told me, ‘I wouldn’t have believed it either if I hadn’t seen it myself,’ knew what they were talking about. Maybe the earth is being visited by interplanetary spaceships. Only time will tell.”
Although time has yet to give up the secrets Ruppelt had been looking for, it is with hope that our persistence, and a bit of logic, may yet unravel a few secrets about our world, and the types of things many have reported seeing in our skies for many decades.
Phillip Schofield stunned by UFO evidence on This Morning
They were not able to determine whether it was not of this planet
This Morning guest
“Their car started to vibrate and they heard a series of buzzing sounds in the car and suddenly they found themselves in a new location down the road,” Cathleen explained.
“They drove to their home and found evidence that something odd had happened to them.”
Cathleen claimed Betty’s dress had been torn in multiple places while “fighting for her life”, and was covered in a mysterious pink powder.
Cathleen claimed Betty's dress provided evidence of alien lifeforms on This Morning
Betty and Barney said they were abducted by aliens
However, while skeptics could easily question Cathleen, she showed viewers a photograph of the shredded garment.
“[The dress] has been analysed in five scientific labs to date and the finding is anomalous,” she stressed. “They know [the powder] didn't belong to Betty, it was where the non-human entities touched the dress.”
Cathleen added: “They were not able to determine whether it was not of this planet.”
Cathleen stunned Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield on This Morning
Viewers were amazed by Cathleen’s story, with one posting: “Wow an amazing story - wish they had a longer segment though and she wasn't interrupted constantly!”
Another admitted: “Normally I’m the first to call BS on a alien story, but this woman actually has me hooked.”
Some – such as David Meade – said a giant mythical planet called Nibiru or Planet X would come into view for the first time before crashing into Earth.
But official confirmation the alien world has arrived is yet to be given.
“Doomsday is like tomorrow – it never actually comes”
Nick Pope
Now Nick Pope – who used to run the Ministry of Defence’s UFO project – has revealed why we haven’t seen Nibiru and what till happen next.
The conspiracy theory expert told Daily Star Online: “As the world didn't end on September 23, the doom merchants are back-pedalling furiously and coming up with a series of 'clarifications' and 'recalculations'.
“Now, apparently, the apocalypse has been postponed – perhaps due to lack of interest!
PLANET X: An artist's impression of the mysterious planet Nibiru
“The new date for Armageddon is October 21. Or maybe not – because this may simply be the start of seven years of calamity, which is all part of the 'end of days'.
“As before, the predictions seem to based on a highly-dubious mixture of astrology, numerology and an 'imaginative' interpretation of various Biblical passages.
“Frankly, it all sounds like nonsense to me. You might as well pull dates out of a hat.
“This is classic behaviour in the aftermath of a failed prophesy, when you get these brazen attempts to keep the story rolling on, by moving the goalposts.
“Given that Nibiru doesn't exist, all these dates are nonsense.
“In the final analysis, doomsday is like tomorrow – it never actually comes.”
Norris awakens and senses the presence of some kind of being nearby. It reaches out and touches his forehead. He finds himself floating up to the ceiling. He is no longer in his room and can see stars through the porthole-like windows in what he realizes is an alien spaceship. A small crowd of grey humanoid creatures closes in around the operating table he is lyingon, and he sees that they are holding sharp and shiny implements. He begins to scream, and struggles but can’t avoid the sleek metal snake they slide up his nose. The pain is unbearable and the creatures continue to do unspeakable things to him. It seems to go on forever. Eventually Norris awakens in bed, feeling shaken and uncertain of what has just happened. He has a feeling that he has been given telepathic instructions to forget the events that he had just experienced. Over the next days and weeks, the memories of this experience enter his awareness and create anxiety and feelings of panic. The first time this happens Norris is twelve years old, and it is October. For years he has a similar experience every year in the fall.
While there are many variations on alien abduction reports, most occur at night after the abductee has fallen asleep (Appelle, Lynn, Neuman, & Malaktaris, 2014). The core features of the alien abduction experience include being captured and taken to an alien craft where the abductee is subjected to an examination that may be physical, sexual, or even spiritual in nature. The abductee may also be given a tour of the craft or be taken on a journey to another realm. They may also be given telepathic messages, then returned to earth. These abduction experiences often leave troubling aftereffects that are physical and/or psychological in nature (Appelle, Lynn, Neuman, & Malaktaris, 2014).
It is difficult to determine how many people have had these experiences. According to surveys cited by Appelle, Lynn, Neuman, & Malaktaris (2014), 36% of the population of the United States believes that unidentified flying objects are actually alien spacecraft. Another survey found that 3.7 million Americans have had some form of abduction experience but the survey items allowed for the inclusion of experiences such as sleep paralysis that may not have been intended by the survey participants to be considered actual abduction experiences. One figure that has been cited is that about 2.5% of the people in the United States believe that they have been abducted by space aliens.
While many abduction experiences are reported as having happened after the individual went to bed, others have been reported as having occurred in various circumstances such as while the person was hiking in a forested area or was driving home late at a night. It is hard to pinpoint the very first alien abduction report, but an often-cited one is that of Barney and Betty Hill, an interracial couple who were involved in the civil rights movement. It is a familiar story to those who have studied the alien abduction phenomenon. This event occurred during the early sixties (September 19, 1961) as the couple was driving through the White Mountains of New Hampshire late at night. During their trip they had observed what appeared to be a bright object following them and when they got home felt that something very bad had happened to them. They also felt that they were missing several hours of time from the trip. Of note, this event occurred to them while they were likely under a great deal of psychosocial stress, were most likely sleepdeprived, while on a trip through an isolated part of the country, and at a time of heightened tension and fascination with the accelerating destructive power of our weapons during the Cold War.
The couple gradually began to remember details that occurred during their missing hours and Betty started having nightmares. Two years after the event they consulted a psychiatrist and underwent hypnosis. Under hypnosis they were able to recall being taking aboard a flying saucer by grey aliens and subjected to probing with needles. The events described are truly chilling. Apparently Barney was very disturbed and frightened by the recollection but Betty gradually began to share the story and give talks on it. A book about their experiences was published in 1966 followed by a TV movie about their abduction that was aired in 1975. Following this movie, reports of alien abduction rapidly increased.
Reports of unidentified flying objects may go back as far as the Bible (e.g. Ezekiel, chapter 1), depending on how you interpret ancient reports. But reports of these objects being interpreted as alien space craft really only began in the 1940s. In the 1950s contact with aliens became a staple of early Cold War science fiction cinema. One of my favorites was “The Day the Earth Stood Still” (1951). In this movie, the earth is visited by a powerful alien and threatened with annihilation unless humans put aside their weapons of mass destruction, as alien peoples feared these weapons would come to endanger life everywhere in the universe.
Anyone who has heard president Eisenhower’s final report to the country as he was finishing his presidency in 1961 heard him use the frightening term “military industrial complex”. A short time after his speech, the Cuban missile crisis occurred and those times, like ours today, were tense and uncertain. Add in the stress of being involved with the highly charged and challenging efforts to promote civil rights and it isn’t hard to imagine that Barney and Betty were under significant stress, although they apparently didn’t believe this was a factor in their experience. It was, however, in that context that reports of individual alien abductions began to emerge.
While I can’t verify this, my first memory of being aware of UFOs as alien craft occurred around the mid-1960s. I believe I was watching “Astro Boy”, an early example of anime that was broadcast from Washington D.C and aired on a channel we were able to pick up in a small town in Virginia. The program recounted the first appearance of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) during World War II. These were observed by pilots on bombing missions and were known as bogeys. A few years later “The Invaders” (1967 – 1968) aired and took paranoia to a whole new level. During the Viet Nam and Cold Wars, this kind of programming fit right in.
My first opportunity to meet actual abductees occurred in the early 1990s when I attended a MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) convention with a relative who was, at that time, deeply involved in the UFO research world. Interestingly, there were people there who were very angry that their reports were not being taken seriously and that the government was doing nothing to help them. At that time, the book “Communion”, by Whitley Strieber was extremely popular and a central text in the abduction movement. In it Strieber described his own abduction experience. A major researcher and popularizer of alien abduction experiences was John Mack, a psychiatrist at Harvard, who extensively used hypnosis to recover memories of abduction experiences from patients. His credentials helped legitimize the belief in these events, even if his research methods were questioned. (Here is a link to a transcript of a fascinating interview with him on NOVA from the 1990s.) In the 1980s and 1990s, increasing numbers of people reported experiences of alien abduction and these accounts were incorporated into cinematic depictions of alien encounters.
There have been many movie depictions of alien abductions over the years. The above mentioned 1975 made for TV movie was an early example of this. It was followed by many others including “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” (1977), “Fire in the Sky” (1993), and “The Fourth Kind” (2014). “Close Encounters” popularized the scale, developed by Allen Hynek in the early 1970s, that listed the various levels of increasing theoretical contact that we could have with aliens. A close encounter of the first kind involves seeing an alien craft in close proximity. An encounter of the second kind leaves some trace such as people being placed in a trance or burn marks being left on the ground by alien technology. An encounter of the third kind involves actual contact with an alien being. Additions have subsequently been made to the scale beyond these three. For example, the fourth kind is alien abduction.
“Close Encounters” had the 1970s New Age feeling of beneficent aliens that could help humans develop to a higher level. “Fire in the Sky”, based on the reported 1975 abduction of Travis Walton, while not a perfect movie, gives one of the most harrowing and “realistic” depictions of a terrifying and overwhelming medical examination that would almost certainly leave the victim with a severe case of PTSD. “The Fourth Kind” despite its flaws was interesting in that it seemed to conflate two of our greatest fears – abduction by aliens and the demonic.
I will state at this point that while I tend to find the falsifiability and Occam’s Razor positions (discussed in the previous post) to be powerful arguments against the objective reality of these events, we cannot entirely rule out the possibility that abduction reports are accurate descriptions of actual events involving aliens. Clearly intelligent people like Strieber and Mack have found evidence that they find compelling enough to argue that these are not simply psychological phenomena. Before considering possible explanations for these experiences I want to address a number of other factors that might impact on how we interpret these reports.
The first thing that I want to make clear is that people who report these experiences are not psychotic and most are not simply advancing a hoax. In fact, going public with these reports can have a negative effect on your standing in most communities. There are, of course, communities of people, often with “New Age” beliefs, who accept these experiences as being objectively real and are supportive of each other, but this is not the typical social environment of most people today. There is risk in sharing one’s abduction story. Second, studies that have been done of the aftereffects of these events report injuries such as cuts and puncture wounds, vision problems such as sensitivity to light and pupil dilation, skin burns, stomach distress such as nausea and diarrhea, balance problems, and dehydration (Appelle, Lynn, Neuman, & Malaktaris, 2014). People have also reported being healed of illnesses and experiencing weight loss. There are a number of frequently reported psychological effects including anxiety and nightmares. Interestingly, despite the often negative aftereffects, most abductees report that they would still choose to have been abducted. This is because many abductees come to see these events as having added meaning and purpose to their lives and they may also feel that they have undergone positive personality changes as a result.
The universe is a very large place, little explored directly by humans, and may be only one aspect of a vastly greater, indeed infinite, multiverse (Green, 2011). We have been systematically observing the universe for the past few thousand years, and only during the last 400 years have we had tools such as the telescope to see much beyond the nearest planets and stars. Since the 1990s vast numbers of planets have been observed around other stars. I think that even with the progress that humans have made, we need to be humble about what we say concerning what exists in the vast expanses of space-time.
The lack of obvious alien visitation, say with a landing by an alien space ship on the White House lawn, has been dubbed the Fermi Paradox after the physicist Enrico Fermi who asked, “Where are the aliens?” He reasoned that there must be many planets in the galaxy that could support alien life, and noted that even at sub-light speeds, over millions of years it would be possible for an advanced civilization to spread throughout the Milky Way. Some of the explanations for why we haven’t met them in an obvious way include: we are the only advanced civilization in the galaxy, other advanced civilizations have wiped themselves out with their own technologies, or they exist but have chosen to not make contact. Of course, for alien abductees, these ideas are absurd because, for them, the reality of alien contact is clear. There is no lack of evidence - they have experienced it themselves.
Other scientists have tried to imagine what far advanced civilizations could potentially do after a long period of exponentially advancing growth in science and technology. The Kardashev Scale was an effort by the Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev to use a theoretical scale of energy usage to measure the development of advanced societies. A type 1 civilization would have the ability to use all of the energy and control the events on an entire planet. A type 2 civilization would be able to use the energy resources of an entire solar system. A type 3 civilization would be able to use the output of an entire galaxy. Even more advanced civilizations have been proposed. On this scale, we on earth have not yet reached a type 1 civilization.
If intelligent entities could reach the levels of types 2 and 3, it is easy to see that they could be virtually beyond comprehension to us with our relatively crude technological means. I believe it was the theoretical physicist Michio Kaku who once used the analogy of the ant and the superhighway. If there were a truly advanced civilization capable of spanning the vast distances of the cosmos, then, to us, their activities might be indistinguishable from the workings of nature itself. Consider the ant walking along the edge of a superhighway. It only sees hills and valleys with occasional rocks here and there. It would, we assume, have no comprehension that the thing it was walking on was built by other creatures who possess a type of technology far advanced beyond the tunnels and rooms in the earth it can construct.
How would such advanced alien entities go about contacting us? Would they use things we can recognize such as space ships or medical instruments that we could have fabricated in the 20th Century? More abstract depictions of contact with alien beings have been presented in works such as “2001: A Space Odyssey” (1968), “Contact” (1997), and “Interstellar” (2011). These show aliens (or possibly our future selves in the case of Interstellar) as vastly more advanced than those using the kind of space ships usually reported in typical alien abduction accounts. On the other hand, these movies also suggest that the aliens might use familiar-seeming props to help us gain some understanding of them. So perhaps, these typically reported space ships and medical instruments are meant to facilitate communication between us and an otherwise incomprehensible intelligence.
At the other end of the scale, according to the rare earth hypothesis, it seems that life of a simple nature may be very common in the universe, while more complex forms may be less so, and intelligence may be very rare indeed, perhaps having happened only once so far. In this case movies such as “Andromeda Strain” (1971), “Alien” (1979), and “The Thing” (1982) might be closer to what would be expected for first contact. In the case of aliens of these kinds, panspermia would be the most likely means of contact. Panspermia is the idea that simple forms of life could spread slowly and accidentally throughout space by being attached to asteroids and comets and would introduce the new life forms to the planets they happen upon. It could also include the deliberate release into space of “instructions” carried on tiny craft or existing objects like asteroids in the form of genetic information that could then assemble more complex life forms once it had reached a hospitable environment.
We have now explored the nature of the alien abduction experience and considered some possible factors relating to the probability that they represent actual contact with alien entities. In the next post I will delve deeper into the possible explanations for them, including sleep phenomena.
Appelle, S., Lynn, S.J., Neuman, L., & Malaktaris, A. (2014). Alien abduction experiences, in Cardena, E, Lynn, S.J., & Krippner, S. (Eds.). (2014). Varieties of Anomalous Experience, Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Greene, B. (2011). The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos. New York: Vintage Books.
A literally mind-bending new 737 page report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by Aerospace Defence Forces (ADF) scientists states that this past January’s confirmation by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 2005 discovery of a new planet in our solar system has been confirmed.
What is in the center of the Milky Way? For many years, astronomers suspected that there was a black hole in the center of our galaxy, but they were not sure. Only recently, after 15 years of regularly monitoring the Galactic Center with ESO telescopes, at the La Silla and Paranal Observatories, have scientists finally obtained conclusive evidence. The density of stars at the center of the Milky Way is so high that special techniques such as the Adaptive Optics were needed to increase the resolution of the VLT.
Astronomers were able to observe individual stars with unprecedented accuracy as they revolved around the Galactic Center. Their trajectories have conclusively shown that they must be subject to the immense gravitational pull of a black hole with a mass that is almost three million times the mass of the Sun. The observations of the VLT also revealed flashes of infrared radiation emerging from region at regular intervals. Although the exact cause of this phenomenon is still unknown, observers have suggested that the black hole may be spinning fast. Whatever is happening, the life of a black hole is not calm or quiet.
Several witnesses in Sand Diego have seen these lights in the sky above San Diego.
Are there six objects or a large one? The lights don't move down. Skydivers, Chinese lanterns or flares can be excluded. Are there any more witnesses? What's your opinion?
The curious case of the alien in the photo and the mystery that took years to solve
The curious case of the alien in the photo and the mystery that took years to solve
In the spring of 2012, Chicago videographer Adam Dew received a mysterious phone call from his former business partner Joseph Beason. “I have something to show you,” Beason said with urgency in his voice.
Later that day, Beason showed Dew a series of slides. The slides had been found 14 years earlier by his sister, who had been hired to dispose of the belongings of an elderly woman who had recently died. His sister couldn’t bring herself to jettison the collection, and so she took the box home, placed it on a shelf and forgot about it.
Many years later, she finally projected the slides on to her bedroom wall. She saw vivid color photographs of Dwight Eisenhower on what appeared to be a postwar victory train tour, pictures of Bing Crosby and Clark Gable, as well as several photos of European towns. Figuring they had some historical significance, she sent them to Beason, who had worked in book publishing.
Now Dew scrolled through the slides. Some were stunning and had the unmistakable clarity of Kodachrome – Kodak’s revolutionary mid-century color processing. He wondered how the person who took them was able to get so close to Eisenhower. They must be important, he thought.
Then Beason showed him another picture, the first of two nearly identical slides. These had not been in the tray, but tucked underneath, wrapped in parchment paper.
Dew gasped. Staring at him was a small, brown, withered body inside what appeared to be a glass case. The figure had withered arms, shriveled legs, a large triangular skull with elongated eye sockets, and a tiny sliver of a mouth.
He had but one thought.
He was looking at a dead space alien.
Until that day, Dew had spent little time pondering UFOs. He’s a stout father of three who shoots freelance sports videos for a living. People would describe him as gruff, diligent, short on chitchat – hardly the type to be chasing little green men. But he just couldn’t stop thinking about the slides.
“I knew immediately it was a good story,” Dew told me a few months ago as we sat outside a coffee shop in Fredrick, Maryland. “Whatever was on that slide was a great story.”
Dew had long dreamed of making a documentary, and suddenly he had the ultimate topic. He convinced Beason, his friend, they should research one together.
The pair found out that the pictures were found in the garage of a woman named Hilda Blair Ray near Sedona, Arizona.
Dew only knew of one UFO place – Roswell, New Mexico, just a state away. A UFO supposedly had crashed there in 1947, and many believed it to be one of America’s biggest government cover-ups. (In its 231-page report about the incident, released in 1997, the US air force denied all of it).
Could this be related?
Newspaper headlines dated 8 July 1947, shortly after the Roswell crash. Photograph: Sipa Press/REX/Shutterstock
News accounts and military documents all confirm a celestial device tumbled to earth that night in Roswell, but this is where the stories divide.
Witnesses and their relatives describe a destroyed flying saucer that broke into two wreckage fields. Aliens, many of those witnesses say, were found in the mangled craft, and then transported to a top-secret site. The military, after first announcing a flying disk crash, quickly revised their story, saying it was actually an experimental weather balloon.
For years, the Roswell incident was largely unknown outside New Mexico until 1978, when a Canadian nuclear physicist named Stanton Friedman met an air force officer who had been there. Intrigued by the man’s story, Friedman researched the case, and helped make a documentary called UFOs Are Real. Soon after the documentary’s release, the town turned into an extraterrestrial mecca, giving birth to a culture of self-declared researchers yearning to find the “truth” about the event.
Some of those, like Tom Carey, a retired Philadelphia businessman with a background in anthropology, and Don Schmitt, who owns a ranch in southern Wisconsin, have written several books on the subject. But so far their evidence is only anecdotal, and their years of research have not provided any physical proof aliens crashed at Roswell.
“If Roswell turns out to be true, it’s the story of the millennium,” Schmitt says.
By 2012 time was running out on Roswell. With nothing tangible to link the accident to aliens, Roswell was becoming a cold case.
Then Joseph Beason contacted Tom Carey.
The most-promising UFO lead in years
At first, Carey was suspicious. He had been disappointed enough times by phony claims of Roswell evidence, and his first reaction was to distrust any new discovery. To make matters worse, Beason also struck him as secretive, insisting that anyone who looked at the slides must first sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Still, Carey felt an obligation to pursue any Roswell possibility so he signed the non-disclosure, and in return he was emailed a scan of one slide.
When Carey opened the email attachment in his Philadelphia-area home office , he jolted in his seat. Clearly visible on the figure’s head was a dark mark similar to other black blotches across the body’s torso. It appeared to be some kind of skin discoloration, but to Carey, who has anthropology degrees from two different universities, that mark on the head was something else.
“Child of earth,” he said to himself.
In the American south-west lives a small reddish-brown insect called the Jerusalem cricket. It has a faint, dark indentation on its head, almost like a newborn’s still melding skull. The Jerusalem cricket’s more common name is the potato bug but in Spanish it is known as el niño de la tierra – “the child of earth”.
The daughter of Dan Dwyer, a Roswell firefighter in 1947, has said her father saw three of the aliens at the crash site. When pressed by his children to describe them, he had said: “Child of earth.”
Those three words had haunted Carey for years. What did that mean? Carey assumed it had something to do with the Jerusalem cricket, but how?
Now the answer glowed from his computer screen.
“For me, that was almost like a fingerprint,” Carey says. “When I saw that image and saw that marking on that body lying on the slab, it jumped right out at me. That’s what Dan Dwyer was talking about. Also, the body looked exactly like what had been described to me by several eyewitnesses: frail, big head, et cetera. My first thought was: this has to be one of the Roswell bodies. It wasn’t a sketch, it was a photo – and it was taken right after recovery.”
Suddenly, Roswell had its most promising lead in years.
“What do you want of me?” Beason remembers Carey asking.
“I want you to help verify,” Beason replied.
‘Does the government know you have this?’
With Carey and Schmitt’s guidance, Beason and Dew began what UFO experts call “an investigation”. They took the slides to professors, color experts and animators. They cut one of the images from its cardboard border to look for a date code, then had it run through a drum scan to improve clarity. A digital illustrator made a 3-D image of what the body might look like alive.
They consulted people at the Kodak headquarters in Rochester, New York. The experts told them the slides were real, had not been tampered with, and were from between 1945 and 1950, making it possible the photos were taken right after Roswell.
They looked more into Hilda Blair Ray’s life. She had a pilot’s license and worked as an attorney. She was one of the first women to graduate from the University of Minnesota’s law school and had married a geologist named Bernard. The couple moved to Midland, Texas. Bernard became head of the powerful West Texas Geological Society. They never had children. They roamed the world.
Beason and Dew started to suspect Hilda might have known Eisenhower’s wife, Mamie. (Eisenhower’s great-granddaughter Laura once claimed the president actually met aliens while he was president.) They wondered how deep Hilda and Bernard’s connections went. Looking at a map, they realized Roswell, New Mexico, is 250 miles from Midland, Texas. They thought that seemed close.
“You start to fill in the blanks,” Dew says.
Carey took a photo of one of the slides to an old associate at the University of Toronto, Richard Doble, who noticed the figure hadhalf as many ribs as a human, no collarbone and its arms attached to the top ribs.
“The more you look at it, the more you realize it is not from earth,” Doble later said.
But finding other opinions was challenging. Schmitt says American scientists “hold up a cross like to a vampire” when the word extraterrestrial is used. He and Carey also worried that any Roswell evidence taken to a US college that received federal funding would be shipped to the military and disappear forever.
Dew still wasn’t sure he believed in UFOs but he was starting to think the figure in the slides was something. The more he went around Roswell, the stranger people acted. “Does the government know you have this?” one woman asked. Several others told him to “be safe”.
Soon, Dew grew paranoid. He worried powerful people were interested in his slides. He wondered why the same white van kept parking in front of his house. His wife thought his UFO pursuit was absurd and wanted nothing of it.
Finally, he loaded a copy of the slides on to his phone and went to Roswell. He showed the photos to the children of witnesses and filmed their responses. Then he tracked down Eleazar Benavides, an air force base veteran who claims to have seen the aliens when they were brought to the Roswell base.
“That’s what I saw in 1947,” Benavides said after looking at the slides.
“That was a chill-inducing moment for us,” Dew says.
Dew started to put together the trailer for his documentary, which gives a flavor of his truth-seeking efforts.
By the fall of 2014, whispers trickled through the UFO community that Carey and Schmitt had photographs of a Roswell alien.
The world of UFO research can be a vicious one, filled with self-proclaimed researchers certain they can find evidence others have not. “You don’t need an advanced degree to be a UFO researcher,” says Kevin Randle a UFO researcher himself, as well as an author, blogger and radio host. “In 10 minutes you can say: ‘I’m a UFO researcher’ and start posting on [internet message] boards.”
Many of these “investigators” turn on each other, and Carey and Schmitt could hear the sniping about their slides. People wondered what they were hiding. They couldn’t respond – they had signed a non-disclosure.
Finally, Carey couldn’t hold back. While speaking at a UFO conference in November 2014 at Washington DC’s American University he blurted: “We have the smoking gun!”
He told the audience about Hilda and Bernard, about the Eisenhowers, about the slides in the box, about the shriveled body in the pictures and about the Toronto anthropologist who said the figure wasn’t human.
Within days, the entire UFO world knew about the alien in the slides.
But since Beason and Dew wouldn’t show the slides publicly until they proved the body was an alien, the UFO community was flustered. Tom Carey had access to the smoking gun, and he couldn’t show it? Rather than hail Carey’s proclamation, the message boards and chatrooms that make up the vast extraterrestrial internet buried it in scorn.
“Smells like bullshit,” said one Reddit poster.
“Sasquatch community is rife with charlatans like this,” said another.
Carey and Schmitt were shocked. While accustomed to criticism for their research, they lived shielded from the modern internet’s rage. Carey couldn’t comprehend someone calling him “a hemorrhoid with glasses”.
“Say it to my face!” Schmitt wanted to scream to his invisible attackers.
A stunning reveal
By early 2015, Beason and Dew knew they had no choice but to reveal the slides. The pressure to do so was extreme and Dew needed money to fund his documentary. Dew spoke to a reality show producer, hoping to build a TV special around the slides, but the offer was too small.
The only appealing proposal came from Jamie Maussan, an investigative journalist based in Mexico City. Depending on whom you talk to, Maussan is either a fearless crusader tackling environmental issues or a sensationalist with an unhealthy UFO obsession.
Maussan wanted a great slide-revealing spectacle in Mexico City. He said attitudes about UFOs are more open there than in the US.
He imagined renting the Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City’s grandest theatre, and said they could sell a live stream of the event around the world. He had a name for his extravaganza: BeWitness. He promised Beason and Dew enough money to fund a documentary.
Beason and Dew hated the idea: it sounded like an overblown fiasco. But Maussan was their best option, so in early 2015 they signed an agreement for BeWitness, and sent Maussan a scan of the slides. He took the scan to Mexico’s National Forensic Institute where researchers found 20 anomalies in the figure’s body that they said made it different from a human’s, including the extra-large head, four sets of ribs instead of 10, the position the eyes, and the fact it lacked a pelvis.
On 5 May 2013, Cinco de Mayo, nearly 7,000 people paid between $20 and $86 to attend BeWitness
The show was more than four hours long, the list of speakers endless
Carey and Schmitt gave a PowerPoint presentation. Doble testified that the body was not human. The forensic scientists described the anomalies they discovered.
Beason found BeWitness too much of a spectacle to attend. Almost to prove his point, a person dressed as a giant alien strolled the stage.
Then Maussan projected the two slides on to enormous screens.
At first, there was little response from the UFO world.
Though the slides had been on huge screens in the auditorium, they weren’t easy to see online. Many people noticed what appeared to be a reflection of a woman’s leg and the corner of a bench in one photo. It looked suspiciously like something from a museum. No one could tell for sure.
Three days after BeWitness, someone involved in the show leaked a high-resolution scan of one slide to a group of skeptics. The next morning, Beason called Dew as he prepared to leave Mexico.
The placard they could never read had been deciphered.
A member of the Roswell Slides Research Group posting under the screen name Neb Lator examined the high-resolution image using SmartDeBlur Pro, a software program easily found on the internet. Several hours later, the placard’s top words had cleared enough to be deciphered.
The smoking gun: the picture showing the ‘alien’. Photograph: Hilda Blair Ray
Further deblurring revealed most of the placard’s other writing:
“At the time of burial the body was clothed in a (unreadable) cotton shirt. Burial wrappings consisted of these small cotton blankets. Loaned by Mr (unreadable) San Francisco, California”
Dew was stunned.
“No way could they read in two days what it took us three years trying to decipher,” he says.
The deblurring had to be phony, he thought.
For a few days Carey and Schmitt, much like Dew, refused to believe the placard actually had been read. They accused the Roswell Slides Research Group of photoshopping the placard. Carey released a statement calling the members “a cast of characters” and accused one of “being party to a UFO hoax years ago”.
But soon more information was unearthed. A better reading of the placard identified the mummy’s donor as an SL Palmer. Debunkers located government records showing Palmer discovered the body in 1896 near Montezuma Castle, a series of cave dwellings cut into the Arizona cliffs about 30 miles from the garage where Beason’s sister initially found the slides. The records included evidence that the child was Native American, and photos of the burial site along with pictures of the body spread on blankets not long after its discovery.
The mummy was traced to the Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum in Mesa Verde, Colorado. The museum confirmed the child’s body had been on display for years. Which is where it seems an attorney and geologist named Hilda and Bernard might have snapped photos of it in the later 1940s.
A road sign near Roswell. Photograph: Getty Images
The UFO world mocked Carey and Schmitt for not realizing their Roswell alien was a mummy in a museum. “The whole investigation was amateurish,” scoffs Kevin Randle, the UFO researcher and radio host. How could everyone not see the pictures clearly came from a museum? Did they really think that even if Dwight Eisenhower somehow knew the Rays he would let them look at something as top-secret as a dead Roswell alien?
Not long after the placard’s deciphering, Carey was pulled from a prime speaking role at a top UFO conference. Humiliated, Carey and Schmitt apologized to the Roswell Slides debunkers.
“I came back to the States thinking: the only redeeming thing is that 99% of the American press has no clue or idea about this or that it happened,” Schmitt says.
They wondered how they could have been so wrong. They considered the previous three years, and concluded that Beason and Dew had duped them by distorting the slides and blurring the placard, making it impossible for anyone to read. They said Beason and Dew only showed them a low-resolution photo that kept them from realizing the body was in a museum.
“It was a very sophisticated hoax,” Carey says. “Dew manipulated the slides. The one clue we couldn’t figure out was the placard, but they played hocus pocus with the placard. We were given something that had been altered.”
“These guys would tell you they were being up front and honest, but they were controlling the slides,” says Schmitt. “I shouldn’t have trusted them as much as I did.”
But why?
“M.O.N.E.Y. That’s why [Dew] did it,” Carey says.
Night is falling outside the coffee shop where Dew tells his story. He gazes into the inky darkness then shakes his head.
He says he and Beason did show Schmitt a high-resolution version of the slides early in their investigation, and the experts they approached were those recommended by Carey and Schmitt. He insists he has always tried to “remain neutral” about the slides, even as he and the others let their imaginations stretch random pieces of Hilda’s background into believing they had the world’s only photos of a Roswell alien.
When asked if he wanted too much for the body to be an alien – something Carey and Schmitt both admitted to me that they themselves did – and that he was willing to set aside all good sense, he said: “I’m definitely guilty of not discouraging the talk [of it being alien]. It was good for the project.”
Beason has moved on, but Dew wants to finish the documentary. He will call his film Kodachrome, a tribute to the red processing label stamped on each of Hilda’s pictures. It is, after all, the reason he dedicated four years to the slides and why he still clenches his jaw as he denies Carey and Schmitt’s charge that he manipulated the photos.
“They got their hopes up,” he says. “They will never get the answers they are looking for. They dedicated their lives to this. Me, I just go back to shooting high school football.”
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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