The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Al Worden, former astronaut and the first person to take a space walk, gave an interview today to describe his view of the history of mankind. He believes that the people are descended from an extra-Iridic race related to ancient Su}erians.
(Natural News) An upcoming interview to be published next week on Natural News features Dr. Steven Greer in a face-to-face interview with Mike Adams (the Health Ranger). Dr. Greer is an emergency room physician who has spent decades researching UFO phenomena. His new film, “Unacknowledged,” is currently one of the most popular feature documentaries on Netflix (see link and trailer below). Mike Adams is the founder and lab science director of CWC Labs, a mass spec analytical laboratory specializing in heavy metals and chemical analysis of food and environmental samples.
What’s interesting about this interview is that both Dr. Greer and Mike Adams are trained in the sciences, yet both recognize the deep layers of deception used by powerful, covert groups to deceive and manipulate humankind. This rare interview delves into UFO myths vs. truths, social engineering and the “grand false flag” that may subject all of humanity to a faked alien invasion as a means of finalizing a totalitarian world government.
In effect, Dr. Greer is warning humanity about the most massive false flag operation in the history of the world. If he’s right, we are all about to be subjected to an unprecedented psychological warfare operation rooted in fear and deception in order to achieve world government and the outright elimination of individual liberties and national sovereignty.
The full interview, lasting about 45 minutes, is being published next week on
See Dr. Greer’s site at, then watch and share the trailer below:
Wordt er toegewerkt naar een buitenaardse nep-invasie? Dr. Steven Greer waarschuwt in dit interview voor false flag
Wordt er toegewerkt naar een buitenaardse nep-invasie? Dr. Steven Greer waarschuwt in dit interview voor false flag
De nieuwe film van Steven Greer, Unacknowledged, is momenteel één van de populairste documentaires op Netflix.
Mike Adams van Natural News besloot hem uit te nodigen voor een interview, waarin vooral wordt ingegaan op mythes rond UFO’s en de manier waarop het volk wordt gemanipuleerd door middel van social engineering.
Dr. Greer gaat tijdens het gesprek ook in op een grootse false flag waar mogelijk de hele mensheid aan zal worden blootgesteld: een buitenaardse nep-invasie als opstapje naar een totalitaire wereldregering.
Grootste false flag-operatie
Greer waarschuwt de mensheid voor de grootste false flag-operatie in de geschiedenis.
Volgens hem is de elite van plan een ongekende psychologische oorlogsoperatie uit te voeren om een wereldregering te realiseren en individuele vrijheden en nationale soevereiniteit te vernietigen.
Greer heeft inmiddels meer dan 500 oud-militairen en -ambtenaren geïnterviewd over hun ervaringen met betrekking tot UFO’s, aliens en de manier waarop buitenaardse technologie wordt achtergehouden door overheden en ruimteagentschappen.
Bizarre geheimen
In 2001 organiseerde hij een persconferentie waar 20 van deze getuigen bizarre geheimen onthulden over buitenaardse levensvormen die onze planeet bezoeken.
Greer werkte eerder mee aan de film Sirius, die onthulde dat onze aarde al meerdere malen is bezocht door buitenaardse wezens, maar dat dit steeds geheim werd gehouden onder druk van een militaire, industriële en financiële elite.
Onder meer getuigenverklaringen van vooraanstaande wetenschappers en officiële documenten die het bestaan van aliens aantonen passeerden de revue.
Het volledige interview, dat zo’n 45 minuten zal duren, is vanaf volgende week te bekijken. Hieronder alvast een trailer:
Have you seen a UFO streaking across the sky far faster than any normal jet is capable of? Heard mysterious booms that no one can explain and government officials refuse to acknowledge? Congratulations! You may be one of the first civilians to have witnessed or experienced the long-rumored SR-72 ‘Son of Blackbird’ spy plane which has been expected for years as the replacement for the legendary SR-71 Blackbird which spied on the Soviet Union, North Korea and North Vietnam and was feared and respected by MiG-25 pilots who could never outpace, out-climb or out-maneuver them.
Lockheed Martin
Aerospace Daily & Defense Report has confirmed sightings of an SR-72 demonstrator or prototype accompanied by two T-38 jets in late July landing at the U.S. Air Force’s Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, home of the infamous Skunk Works, Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Development Programs division. At the SAE International Aerotech Congress and Exhibition in Ft. Worth, Texas, this week, Orlando Carvalho, executive vice president of aeronautics at Lockheed Martin, would not discuss the SR-72 specifically, but had this to say about what its capabilities might be:
“Hypersonics is like stealth. It is a disruptive technology and will enable various platforms to operate at two to three times the speed of the Blackbird. Operational survivability and lethality is the ultimate deterrent. Security classification guidance will only allow us to say the speed is greater than Mach 5.”
That means at least Mach 6 or at least 3,800 mph (6,126 km/h) and probably faster for a very big reason … it’s designed to fly both piloted and unmanned. The manned X-15 reached Mach 6.72, setting the acknowledged speed record in 1959, but the Cold War and heightened security has likely kept the U.S. military from revealing the true speed of subsequent jets.
NASA’s unmanned X-43 scramjet reached Mach 9.6 (7,310 mph – 11,850 km/h) in 2004 but the program was suspended shortly afterwards. Boeing’s X-51 Waverider unmanned “research” scramjet hit Mach 5 in 2013.
“Simply put, I believe the United States is on the verge of a hypersonics revolution.”
Carvalho dropped this big hint that the SR-72 will (or has already) delivered more than its predecessors. Rob Weiss, executive vice president and general manager of Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Development Programs said in June that development of an SR-72 precursor flight research vehicle (FRV) was proceeding on schedule. Then in July, the SR-72 unmanned subscale prototype was seen landing at the Skunk Works. Aerospace Daily & Defense Report says Lockheed Martin has had no comment on that sighting.
Why not?
“Speed matters, especially when it comes to national security.”
Carvalho gives the obvious answer — national security. No air force or jet contractor has publicly acknowledged the successful development of a propulsion system that combines a jet turbine with a ramjet, allowing the aircraft to take off from a conventional runway rather than being dropped at high altitude from another plane. Is Lockheed covering up the possibility that the craft which landed at the Skunk Works is already there? Unfortunately, no one saw it take off (or is willing or brave enough to admit it).
Lockheed Martin
However, plenty of people in the U.S. and England are hearing mysterious and unexplained booms and seeing impossibly fast UFOs. Are they seeing an SR-72? Has another developer beat Lockheed to the hypersonic punch? Do you actually expect an answer?
Keep watching the skies and have your smartphone ready.
Assuming the universe has expanded at a constant rate, we can say with a fair amount of accuracy that the diameter of the observable universe is approximately 92 billion light-years in size. That’s enough space for at least 100 billion billion planets, conservatively. So, mathematically speaking, it’s a safe bet that at least one of those billions upon billions of planets is home to intelligent life.
That means that aliens exist — even if only on a distant planet, in a galaxy far, far away.
This isn’t new information. Before science had ever developed the means to measure the enormity of the universe, we humans looked to the stars with great wonder. “What’s out there?” is truly an age old question. No one knows the answer. So it goes in the realm of the mysterious. But without any confirmed — ahem, at least publicly — contact with legitimate extraterrestrials, we’re left to wonder: Where does our vision of aliens in pop culture come from?
“Entertainment and literature,” explains Josh Gates, host of Expedition Unknown: Hunt for Extraterrestrials (premieres Wednesday at 9/8c on Travel Channel). “We take our cues from brilliant minds like Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury…Scientists tell us that if extraterrestrial life is out there, it’s most likely in the form of microscopic bacteria. There may even be fossilized evidence of that in meteorites and long extinguished Martian geysers. But what do we picture? Facehuggers, Rastafarian Predators, and Jar Jar Binks.”
Don’t worry, there’s very little scientific evidence that suggests a creature like Jar Jar Binks actually exists (thank Q). While Gates is right about alien life most likely existing at a microscopic scale, popular culture has a long-standing tradition of envisioning aliens as something else entirely. That’s why he’s set out on a quest to search for the answer to the question: “Are we alone in the universe?”
“When we think of a stereotypical alien, we tend to picture a small, green or gray humanoid with big eyes and an oversized noggin,” Gates says of our long-held notions about intergalactic life. “Green has been associated with aliens since at least the 1940s. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction credits the first usage to a story called “Mayaya’s Little Green Men” which appeared in Weird Tales in 1946.”
Host Josh Gates on the set of Expedition Unknown: Hunt for Extraterrestrials (Wednesdays at 9/8c on Travel Channel)
Of course, “little green men” aren’t the only alien archetypes in culture. Their gray cousins are popular guest stars in a myriad of TV shows — ranging from The X-Files to South Park.
“Blame H.G. Wells for that,” Gates continues. “In 1893 he wrote an article titled Man of the Year Million, where he postulated that the human race might end up as gray-skinned creatures with black eyes and large heads. Many of the Roswell reports also mentioned gray-skinned creatures, which helped fuel the depiction in popular culture.”
This classic depiction has endured for decades. The design isn’t random, it should be noted. While we’re all used to this depiction, the physicality of these aliens actually speaks volumes on how we, as a culture, perceive interplanetary explorers.
“Personally, I think aliens are often pictured with oversized heads and small bodies as a nod to their advanced intelligence,” Gates says. “They live above the neck, flying around the universe with little use for their physical bodies.”
While the green (or gray) aliens with big, bulbous heads are arguably the most enduring vision of mysterious visitors in pop culture, they surely aren’t the most frightening.
“Alien stories were fertile ground for sci-fi writers to offer social commentary,” says Gates. “In the 1980’s the culture of greed and excess was in the crosshairs of John Carpenter’s cult classic They Live. Close Encounters of the Third Kind is as much about one man’s obsession with an alien encounter as it is about the madness of life in 1970’s suburban America. It’s also not a coincidence that some of the greatest science fiction ever written was penned during the Cold War. In films like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, or in television shows like The Twilight Zone, aliens often look just like us because they are us. In that era, humans were the scariest existential threat out there. “
To put it more simply: Aliens have been used as a narrative device within pop culture to act as a catharsis for our own fears and insecurities. Part of the reason why we love scary space adventures is that we all harbor an internal fear of the unknown. That’s why the truly horrifying depictions of aliens that have terrorized theaters for decades are among the most popular. But it raises the question: What is the scariest alien of all time?
“If I have to choose just one, it has to be the Xenomorph from Alien,” Gates says. “It’s based on the designs of Swiss artist H. R. Giger, the creature is the perfect combination of horrifying, graceful, strangely sexual, and utterly…other. Nearly 40 years after the release of the film, the chest-bursting Xenomorph is just as scary as ever and still commands the throne of alien villains.”
Perhaps the most interesting thing about how we imagine our various ETs is that we can easily draw a line between pop culture’s depiction of aliens and the cultural zeitgeist that was present when those depictions first materialized. As Gates so eloquently put it, alien stories were — and are — the perfect space for writers and creators to make a statement on current events without actually saying anything directly. So, if that was true then, is it true now? Will current events shape the way we depict aliens in the future?
“That’s a terrifying concept,” says Gates. “But, actually, I think technology and social media will be more influential to future alien designs than otherworldly politicians. Like many people, I’m nervous that our obsession with screens and followers is isolating us and dumbing us down.”
Though, it’s fair to argue that we’ve already seen modern influence affect alien stories. “The Matrix really started a new wave of aliens that tapped into this,” he continued. “It’s why shows like Black Mirror are so delightfully creepy. I think the convergence of machines, AI, and humanity is ripe for alien stories.”
But the question still lingers: How will our view of aliens evolve? What’s coming next? The answer — as cheesy as it may sound — is in the stars.
Expedition Unknown: Hunt for Extraterrestrials premieres Wednesday at 9/8c on Travel Channel. See below for a sneak peek from the show!
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Just before the summer of 1835 could come to an end, The New York Sun announced that the astronomer John Herschel had found life on the moon. In the previous century, Herschel’s father William, another famed astronomer who had discovered Uranus and suggested the universe was inconceivably vast, had famously, if somewhat playfully, proposed not only that our lunar satellite might contain life, but that the sun, which he believed was hollow, contained beings inside it; now, the newspaper article proclaimed, the son had proved one of the father’s extraordinary theories by observing a veritable menagerie of wondrous creatures through an unprecedentedly powerful telescope in South Africa.
For days the paper increased its circulation and generated a mixture of hysteria and bemusement from the general public as it described the moon’s putative personages in increasingly explicit detail through a six-part series: blood-red poppies, blue unicorns, amphibious blobs that rolled precipitously across pebbly beaches, and, most shockingly, simians with batlike wings (“Vespertilio-homo, or man-bat”). The moon, it appeared, not only hosted life; its life was positively, bombastically thriving in an extraterrestrial Eden.
It was all an elaborate hoax. The story, which was published under Herschel’s name and intended to satirize absurdly specific claims about the universe (most notably those of Scottish reverend Thomas Dick), was ludic and lucrative science-fiction, and it would be just over a century before a piece of sci-fi caused such a mass uproar again, with Orson Welles’ notorious 1938 radio rendition of The War of the Worlds on Halloween night (which engendered both hysteria and heart failure in those listeners who thought it a real broadcast about Martian invasion.)
By the time it was revealed as a hoax, however, an American minister had already readied crates filled with Bibles to be shipped up to the moon to convert the extraterrestrial heathens, and a rankled Edgar Allan Poe claimed that the sensationalist newspaper had simply plagiarized one of his own short stories about a voyage to the moon, “Hans Phaall—A Tale,” published just before the Sun’s series. Herschel placidly dismissed the articles as “incoherent ravings,” but his wife Margaret was amused by the “clever” fraud. “It is only a pity that is not true,” she sighed to William Herschel’s sister, Caroline, herself renowned for discovering new nebulae and comets.
The idea that life might exist elsewhere in our universe has a long history, and from our discovery of the first exoplanet—a planet outside our solar system—in 1995 to today, that notion remains scientifically intriguing, if unresolved. But before scientists observed exoplanets, many writers and philosophers turned to our solar system’s own humble retinue for speculations—and, sometimes, explicit assertions—about life beyond Earth. These musings and, in the case of the mystic Emmanuel Swedenborg, entire spiritual travel guides to other planets, helped shape a particular literary genre: the “plurality of worlds” or “cosmic pluralism” debate, which was intimately connected to certain forms of what we would later call science-fiction. (Sci-fi has a lengthy history; these texts are both ancestors and oft-unacknowledged elders of the genre.) Those who believed in a plurality of worlds claimed that other planets, if not an infinity of undiscovered “worlds,” were inhabited. This little genre, ergo, had large aims: no less than to explain whether life on Earth was unique, the answer to which held profound theological and philosophical implications. Are we special? the debate asked. And can we really handle it, if we aren’t?
In 2017, near the anniversary of when the astronomer Shannon Lucid returned to Earth in 1996 and took the title of most hours in orbit for a woman (188 days, later exceeded in 2007 by Sunita Williams), it’s interesting, if unnerving, to reflect on this literature of other worlds in space, given that our own planet lies under the subtle yet lethiferous glare of a changing climate many politicians refuse to acknowledge is real. That we are aiding in the possible eradication of life (except, perhaps, for the cute, near-indestructible tardigrades) on the only planet known to harbor it tempers the charm and comedy of revisiting these writers’ projections. Yet for all their naïveté of imagining all our planets, moons, and even suns could support life, the genre still has something to teach us today. How we envision alien life, even in fiction, often reflects us in turn, often betrays our own limitations and assumptions. How we portray the Other is a sundial of the self.
We may not be able to tesser time, slipping through temporal wrinkles to a better elsewhere, but the assumptions in these plurality-of-worlds texts can teach us a little for present and future, all the same.
Cosmic pluralism dates back millennia. Some of the ancient Greeks, like Leucippus, Democritus, and Epicurus, proposed that our cosmos contained “infinite worlds” or aperoi kosmoi; from here emerged the now-quotidian idea of extraterrestrial life. An unknown author designated pseudo-Plutarch described the 5th-century B.C.E. Pythagorean belief that “the moon is terraneous, inhabited as our earth is, and contains animals of a larger size and plants of a rarer beauty than our globe affords.”
Still, the basic idea of other worlds was far from unique to ancient Greece. In various forms, such speculations appeared across time and place; it’s only natural, after all, to wonder what secrets the night, with its curious stars and stelliferous storms, may hold. Multiple tales in One Thousand and One Nights, for instance, feature trips across the cosmos and even discussions of inhabited planets beyond Earth. With the rise of Christian orthodoxy, texts that spoke explicitly about the “plurality of worlds” were suppressed in the Middle Ages. From the 17th century onwards, there emerged a particularly notable outburst of such texts with the development of improved telescopes; the literature of a plurality of worlds is largely a literature reflecting the science of its day. Some of their authors, however, faced draconian consequences for voicing their ideas, most notably Galileo and Giordano Bruno, the latter of whom, after suggesting a pantheistic cosmos in which infinite planets existed, was burnt at the stake for heresy in 1600.
These texts abounded. Pierre Borel, a physician and compatriot of Descartes, published in 1657 A New Discourse Proving the Plurality of Worlds, the title of which indicates both ongoing debate and firm conviction. Borel claimed that “many of the most subtle minds in France” believed in the plurality of worlds “but keep [their beliefs] secret for fear of being ridiculed by the vulgar ignorant.” A highly influential book appeared in Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds (1686) by Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle, which detailed a series of conversations between the narrator and a beautiful marquise, in which the narrator speculates, seriously and jocularly, on the existence of other inhabited planets. In his preface, Fontenelle claimed that “religion simply has nothing to do with this system, in which I fill an infinity of worlds with inhabitants…When I say to you that the Moon is inhabited, you picture to yourself men made like us, and then, if you’re a bit of a theologian, you’re instantly full of qualms.”
The moon was indeed a popular and controversial place to imagine other people in this genre, thanks largely to Galileo’s unprecedented descriptions of it as “not unlike the Earth” after observing it through his powerful lens (though literature on lunarians predated this, as Lucian of Samosata had satirically described a voyage to an inhabited moon in his True History, a progenitor of sci-fi, in the 2nd century). Galileo did not claim the moon harbored life. But his timid-yet-revolutionary descriptions in The Sidereal Messenger of earthlike mountains on the moon seemed to blasphemously suggest our planet was not special; if other cosmic bodies, too, could have mountains, couldn’t they also have civilizations, casting doubt on the Bible’s implication that we were unique? (Kepler, going beyond Galileo, argued that cavities on the moon were the “homes” of intelligent lunar beings.)
Before Galileo, Ludovico Ariosto had sent his character Astolfo to the moon on a hippogriff in his 1532 mock-epic, Orlando Furioso; the following century, the Anglican bishop Francis Godwin composed The Man in the Moone, in which a man rides geese up to the moon and encounters Protestant Christians named “the Lunars.” John Wilkins and Cyrano de Bergerac added to this genre, in 1638 and 1657 respectively, of literature about lunar civilizations. So infectious was the idea of an earthlike moon that the cartographer Michael van Langren produced an astonishing map of the moon in 1645—the world’s first recorded lunar map—in which he named mountains and craters after “great men” to secure his patronage. The moon, it seemed, was quite profitable for sublunary Earthlings.
After William Herschel discovered Uranus and began suggesting the cosmos was terrifyingly immense, Romantic writers—who, contrary to stereotype, often held some interest in science—began including such imagery in their work. The lone figure, like the iconic ancient mariner or the men standing alone against vast natural landscapes in Caspar David Friedrich’s paintings, animated Romantic work, and scientists sometimes became those solitary symbols: William Wordsworth described Newton in The Prelude as a Romantic mariner himself, “voyaging through strange seas of Thought, alone.” Percy Shelley was particularly intrigued by the seemingly blasphemous implications of a plurality of worlds, threading images of “those million worlds” with “inhabitants” in lines and footnotes through Prometheus Unbound and Queen Mab. In “Essay on the Devil and Devils,” he mused, with vulpine glee, whether or not hell might exist on fiery comets (or even in the sun) and whether “Earthlings or Jupetrians [sic] [are] more worthy of visitations by the Devil.” Influenced by revolutionary astronomical observations and before a figure like Jules Verne was even born, many a writer was imagining worlds twenty thousand fathoms—or more—from our own.
Perhaps the most extraordinary entry into the plurality-of-worlds literature came from Swedenborg. A controversial Christian mystic, Swedenborg alleged that the Lord had appointed him the religion’s savior, allowing him to travel freely, in “astral” form, between Heaven and Hell. Putting this handy ability to use, he published a remarkable book in 1758, The Earths in Our Solar System Which are called Planets and the Earths in the Starry Heaven, and Their Inhabitants; Also the Spirits and Angels There From Things Heard and Seen, detailing what he claimed were visits, in spirit, to Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus, and more—all of which, of course, were inhabited. Astonishingly, Swedenborg united anthropocentrism and Copernicanism: there are many inhabited earths, he alleged, but because “the Divine created the universe for no other end than that the human race may exist… wherever there is an earth, there are men.” Humanity, the angels conveniently revealed to the Swedish mystic, is central, everywhere.
Here is the crux of a deeper problem. Swedenborg’s “quest” to speak with “men” from other “earths” reveals a recurring issue with writers who imagined a plurality of worlds: that the very idea of “other earths” suggests how strongly they desired non-Earthlings to be, for all intents and purposes, human.
Many of these texts indeed proffered aliens who seemed curiously, conservatively like us. Sometimes, this was intentional, satirizing real-life figures; other times, it was not. The trend for some science fiction to imagine that alien life will resemble Earth’s inhabitants (human or otherwise) has long irked me: why should we think any other planet’s life would have eyes in the places we do, if they possess eyes at all? (The worst, to me, are aliens that wear human clothing, like t-shirts, yet possess anatomies that make such attire impractical at best, if not impossible for them to get on.) They also tended to be men, and male-dominated where women exist; imagining gender beyond a simple fixed binary, as in Ursula Le Guin’s masterful, much later novel, TheLeft Hand of Darkness, was rarer.
These are failures to imagine that which is truly, utterly alien. Yet there’s something human in this failure. It says much about us, after all, that we find it so much easier to imagine aliens resembling us, or organisms on our planet, than something definitively different. “Given the diversity of life on Earth,” the astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson wrote in NASA’s Astrobiology magazine in 2003, “one might expect a diversity of life exhibited among Hollywood aliens. But I am consistently amazed by the film industry’s lack of creativity. With a few notable exceptions,” he continues,
such as life forms in The Blob (1958) and in 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Hollywood aliens look remarkably humanoid. No matter how ugly (or cute) they are, nearly all of them have two eyes, a nose, a mouth, two ears, a head, a neck, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, a torso, two legs, two feet—and they can walk. From an anatomical view, these creatures are practically indistinguishable from humans, yet they are supposed to have come from another planet. If anything is certain, it is that life elsewhere in the universe, intelligent or otherwise, will look at least as exotic as some of Earth’s own life forms.
This trend makes me occasionally cringe at planet-hopping books and films I enjoy, from Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time to the Saga comics. Their non-Earthlings may vary from the outré to the orthodox, but even in their oddest permutations, they often seem, at core, like us. To get around this, writers like Fontenelle, and, later, William Herschel cautioned that their aliens were “not like men in any way,” yet their writing, like so many others, still makes extraterrestrial life seem positively, well, terrestrial.
I was guilty of this as a younger writer, too. I imagined worlds at once fantastical and hewing to earthly imagery. Mauve deserts, sprinkled with brittle crystal flowers small and smaragdine. Halloween-themed planets, peopled with grinning upside-down-teardrop ghosts and witches with wisteria hair. As a teen I feverishly wrote juvenile novels this world will (hopefully) never see, in which other universes, known, simplistically, as dimensions existed, and in which grand subway trains in a rocky hub deep in our Earth—Grand Central, perhaps, with stalactites and interdimensional post offices—rattle-roared through subterranean tunnels to purple portals that led to other worlds.
Caribbean reality, as Junot Diaz says, can be quite sci-fi, and I embraced this. A group of my Dominican friends who were all atheists would sometimes get together in Roseau for beers and I transformed them, later, in a story into a Borgesian secret society that studied inter-universal libraries, searching, as they descended down shelves on jetpacks—these were quite formidable libraries—for clues about the gods of other realms. For years a staggering drunk with the glower of a gargoyle lumbered up the precipice side of the mountain road to my village, narrowly being missed by rushing buses and cars who laughed at him as they passed by, and I later placed a version of the man—who had by then vanished, perhaps down the precipice—in another universe.
My fantastical images were not “real,” yet they were not that alien, ultimately. They were combinations of parts, recolors, reskins, refractions, through the prism of a muse, of motifs from books, videogames, anime, reality, my walks on lonely nights through the star-dusted orchard of the self. There’s nothing wrong with this. I loved writing these stories. But it reveals how difficult it is, even in art, to escape our humanness.
Yet there’s a darker side to this fixation, through history, with depicting the colossal cosmos as essentially human or alien worlds as similar to Earth. “Could we reach the moon, we should think of reducing it to a province of some European kingdom,” the gothic novelist Horace Walpole pooh-poohed the rise of hot-air ballooning in 1783. Walpole may have somewhat overestimated the aerial capabilities of balloons, but his larger point was accurate. We speak so often conceptually of “colonizing”—a telling word—the moon or Mars to save our species, and perhaps our fictional proliferation of humans across a plurality of worlds symbolizes, more broadly, our seeming inability to discard our worst aspects, our most fearful symmetries, even when we leave a planet.
Imagine, on a clear night, that every star is a planet exactly like our own, with people imagining just like us. It makes us seem quite infinitesimal. “In cosmic terms, we are subatomic particles in a grain of sand on an infinite beach,” Calvin tells Hobbes. It’s difficult to envision large numbers, so many of us don’t realize how vast the universe truly is, or how minuscule we are—enough that, in a map of the cosmos, we might as well not even exist.
Yet we do. For all our tininess, what we do matters.
Thomas Hardy understood it well for his time, as Two on a Tower, his underrated 1882 novel of astronomy and romance—love set against a terrifyingly, monstrously vast universe—indicates. Its universe is enormous and uncaring, yet even as subatomic specks on an endless beach, its characters’ star-crossed romance matters. Our love matters. We make our own meaning in a likely meaningless cosmos. We sail on, even if there is no port on our map, because of the sheer love that animates our sailing. When we stop creating our story, like Scheherazade, we may die. And sometimes we love the things that bring us closest to Death, love the songs that pull us into rocks flecked with foam and bone, love the books that take us to the cold smoking edge of the world.
Yet we are in danger of losing the seas we know, their salt-breath, the familiar ports we sail to on so many green nights. Things are falling apart—but slowly enough that we can tell ourselves all is well. Ninety-nine of life on our planet since its genesis is extinct, and it is only within the last few centuries that we have lost some of them—due either to wanton hunting, as with Steller’s sea cow or the iconically nonexistent dodo, or to the unexpectedly catastrophic results of mundane events, like the erasure of a rare flightless wren in New Zealand’s Stephen’s Island in the 1890s, which met its end at the paws of a lighthouse keeper’s cat (alongside copious, concupiscent feral cats that had escaped from their owners into the forest) that kept bringing its owner its avian corpses, until there were none left for the cat to display. Perhaps our familiar things won’t entirely vanish as the climate changes, but they will colossally, fatally transform—and with them, if we survive, so will our art. So will we. It all sounds alarmist, even silly. I wish it was.
Cosmic pluralism reads with a vespertine poignancy to me today. But even as a pessimist, I see something in the plurality-of-worlds genre, and sci-fi more broadly, that may save us yet: our curiosity. Cosmic pluralism bloomed out of wonder about the “big” questions, a wonder that won’t ever fully leave us—I hope—even if we think we’ve answered some of them. We’ve made it this far; perhaps that will save us, somehow, in the end.
It’s lovely to dream of other worlds, to listen to the music of a mapless place. That’s what fiction, in all forms, does. I cherish seeing the world from a rarer angle: the small-vastness of things before skydiving, the way scuba-diving at night feels like spacewalking on Earth, the way our own mundane-sublime planet may seem an alien landscape from the right angles. But we cannot forget this world when we wake from those dreams. If I have children, I want them, one day, to be able to enjoy the Earth as I did, its little and big wonders—as well as those of the vast cosmos. We need to harbor, if we do not, a caring, earthly, life-affirming perspective, even as we also require a more humbling cosmic one, lest we think ourselves the grand owners of the universe, with domain over its contents.
Perhaps we cannot tesser away to a less dire future, but we can try to better the future we do have, all the same.
Mysterious red blob photographed in the Louisiana night sky
Mysterious red blob photographed in the Louisiana night sky
An reader in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana spotted something odd in the night sky and was fortunately able to photograph it. The photos show a strange red blob in the sky he and his wife were able to see with the naked eye.
One of the four images provided by Malone.
(Credit: Patrick Malone)
Closeup of the object in the above image.
(Credit: Patrick Malone)
Patrick Malone says he and his wife were leaving the house when they noticed “a faint red blob” in the night sky above them. He decided to go inside and grab a camera. He then took several photographs with two different lenses using his Canon T2i DSLR camera. They watched the object for about 45 minutes. Malone says he was not looking at it, but his wife was, she was trying to get another picture, when it left. Via Facebook Messenger, Malone wrote that she said, “it did not fade it just disappeared.”
Via email, Malone gave me this account:
On the night of Wednesday September 13th, at about 10:00pm, my wife and I were about to leave our house in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana. Before getting in the truck I looked up in the sky and noticed a faint red blob directly above. I said to my wife, what in the heck is that? She looked up and saw it as well. We stared at it for about 10 minutes before I thought about attempting to take a picture of it with the dslr. The entire time it was in the sky it did not move or shift, it stayed directly above at about 90 degrees. It was at such a sharp angle all of the photos had to be taken free hand. I have included the best photos I have of this weirdism. All photos are directly off of the memory card and not edited, they were all taken with a cannon t2i. The pictures where the blob is zoomed out were taken with a Takumar 55mm lens and the blurry zoomed in photo is with a Vivatar 75-205mm. Both lenses are manual non-electric. All photos have about a ¾ second shutter speed so the blob is brighter in the photo than it was by the naked eye.
The pictures are fascinating. The object does look like some sort of celestial object, but it is awfully bright. Malone says a friend told him that a missile or spacecraft launch could look like this, but he was not able to find a records of such a launch on that evening.
Second of the four images provided by Malone.
(Credit: Patrick Malone)
Third of the four images provided by Malone.
(Credit: Patrick Malone)
Fourth of the four images provided by Malone.
(Credit: Patrick Malone)
Malone says he does not know what it is, but would like help figuring it out.
I checked the website to find out if anything was in the sky at the time, and there was a part of a Russian rocket — space junk — that circled overhead at about 9:24 pm, but that would look like a point of light crossing the sky, not a red blob. So, for now, at least for the Malones and I, the mystery continues.
If you think you know what it is, let us know in the comments below.
If you would like to analyze the original photos, they can be downloaded here.
Hawking is er bang voor. En hij is niet alleen. Maar is dat terecht? Waarschijnlijk niet, zo stelt Vincent Icke, hoogleraar theoretische sterrenkunde.
We hebben tot op heden nog geen buitenaards leven ontdekt. Maar toch lijken veel onderzoekers er bijna zeker van te zijn dat het bestaat. Zo ook Vincent Icke, hoogleraar theoretische sterrenkunde bij de Sterrewacht Leiden en auteur van het zojuist verschenen boek ‘Reisbureau Einstein‘. Volgens hem zijn er maar liefst drie sterke aanwijzingen dat het leven op aarde niet uniek is en dat buitenaards leven dus ergens op ontdekking wacht. “De eerste aanwijzing is het feit dat sterren zoals onze zon heel algemeen zijn,” zo vertelt hij aan “Alleen in onze Melkweg zijn naar schatting al zo’n 120 tot 150 miljard sterren te vinden, waarvan zeker 10 procent zonachtig is.” De tweede aanwijzing betreft onze planeet: de aarde. “We weten inmiddels dat sterren vrijwel altijd een planetenstelsel om zich heen hebben en veel van die planeten zijn aardachtig. Dat wil zeggen dat ze qua grootte vergelijkbaar zijn met de aarde en in de leefbare zone staan, oftewel vloeibaar water kunnen herbergen.” De derde aanwijzing draait om chemie. “Ons leven is gebaseerd op zes verschillende elementen: koolstof, fosfor, zwavel, waterstof, stikstof en zuurstof. En lang dachten we dat deze alleen onder heel bijzondere omstandigheden ontstaan. Maar dat is niet zo. Inmiddels weten we dat deze zes atomen de gewoonste elementen in ons universum zijn en dat tussen de sterren al veel ingewikkelde chemische constructies te vinden zijn. Hoe beter we kijken, hoe gewoner onze planeet, onze ster en onze chemie wordt. En als alles hier zo gewoon is, is er een grote kans dat het ergens anders ook heel gewoon is.”
Hier zie je de ultrakoele dwergster TRAPPIST-1. Recent kondigden onderzoekers aan dat rond deze dwergster – TRAPPIST-1 -maar liefst zeven planeten cirkelen die qua grootte vergelijkbaar zijn met de aarde. Zeker drie ervan zouden zich in de leefbare zone bevinden.
Afbeelding: NASA.
Aliens met geitenwollensokken aan? Het klinkt heel aannemelijk. Maar waarom hebben we dat buitenaardse leven – of die exoburen, zoals Icke ze in zijn boek noemt – dan nog niet gevonden? “Een eenvoudig, maar ietwat teleurstellend antwoord zou kunnen zijn: ‘Ze zijn er niet’,” erkent Icke. “Dat moeten we mogelijk achten.” Maar zelf wil hij daar eigenlijk niet aan. Een alternatieve mogelijkheid is dat aliens net als mensen bijzonder onzorgvuldig met hun planeet omgaan en zichzelf kapot maken alvorens we ze ontdekken óf juist zo zuinig op hun planeet zijn dat deze ongerept lijkt. “Als exoburen naar ons kijken, zien ze een atmosfeer die verstoord is en moeten ze concluderen dat we de aarde aangetast hebben. We gaan immers als gekken met onze planeet en hulpbronnen om. Dat kan twee kanten opgaan: we maken onszelf kapot (en dan is er voor exoburen niets meer te zien). Of we leren om zorgvuldiger om te gaan met onze kosmische omgeving.” In het laatste scenario is de atmosfeer schoon “en zijn we dus veel moeilijker – eigenlijk alleen nog maar aan de hand van communicatie – te detecteren,” aldus Icke.
De Extremely Large Telescope. De telescoop moet in 2024 de ogen openen.
Afbeelding: ESO / L. Calçada.
Op dit moment wordt er naar buitenaards leven gezocht met behulp van radiotelescopen. Met die telescopen wordt geprobeerd om communicatiesignalen van exoburen op te sporen. Het is bijna onbegonnen werk. “Communicatie vindt altijd plaats op heel specifieke frequenties of kanalen. Als buitenaardse wezens dergelijke communicatiekanalen in gebruik hebben, dan moeten we die communicatie op aarde kunnen ontvangen. Maar dan moet je wel weten waar vandaan er ongeveer uitgezonden wordt.” En daar wringt de schoen. Want dat weten we niet. En dus speuren we al decennialang lukraak de hemel af. Vooralsnog zonder resultaat. Niet heel verwonderlijk als je je realiseert hoe immens groot het universum is…
Dat de zoektocht naar aliens nog tamelijk onsuccesvol is, is wellicht ook te wijten aan onze beperkte detectiemethoden. “Op dit moment is het eigenlijk niet mogelijk om in detail naar exoplaneten te kijken. Aardachtige planeten zijn minuscuul en dus heb je telescopen met enorme spiegels nodig om voldoende licht van zo’n planeet op te kunnen vangen.” Het goede nieuws is dat dergelijke telescopen in de maak zijn. Denk aan ruimtetelescoop James Webb of ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). “Ik verwacht het meeste van ELT,” vertelt Icke. Met behulp van deze telescoop kunnen we de atmosferen van exoplaneten uitpluizen en zoeken naar elementen die het resultaat zijn van biologische activiteit. Je moet dan zeker niet direct denken aan zesarmige, intelligente aliens, zo benadrukt Icke. “Als we exoleven ontdekken, zal dat in eerste instantie groen slijm zijn. Het is namelijk onmogelijk om gericht naar gevorderd leven te zoeken (zie kader). De ontdekking daarvan zal dan ook een toevalstreffer zijn.”
Aliens op bezoek Een andere mogelijkheid is natuurlijk dat onze exoburen op een dag óns ontdekken en opzoeken. Velen zien dat als een doemscenario. Maar Icke ziet dat anders. “Interstellair reizen vereist een stabiele, vredelievende exo-beschaving,” denkt hij. In zijn boek legt hij helder uit hoe hij tot die conclusie is gekomen: “Voor kolonisatie is meer nodig dan steeds verder gaan: daarvoor moet een samenhangende maatschappij worden opgebouwd. Dat kan alleen op een tijdschaal die overeenkomt met de maximale snelheid en de bijbehorende reistijden. Een interstellaire beschaving (dus niet een enkel zwervend ruimteschip) moet aan die tijden zijn aangepast. Daarom denk ik dat een exo-beschaving stabiel moet zijn op een tijdschaal van ruwweg honderdduizend jaar.” Dat is een flink tijdbestek en de geschiedenis leert ons dat een gewelddadige of overheersende maatschappij nooit zo’n lang leven beschoren is. “Neem de dictatuur,” vertelt Icke. “Dat type beschaving houdt op aarde nooit lang stand, misschien vijftig, honderd jaar? Dat is niks op kosmologische tijdschaal.” Kortom: een beschaving die de moeite neemt de aarde te bezoeken, is dus – met het oog aan het enorme tijdsbestek en de moeite die daaraan vooraf is gegaan – waarschijnlijk vredelievend. “De technologische ontwikkeling die zij moeten hebben doorgemaakt om interstellair te reizen zal hun hebben geleerd dat samenwerking snellere en betere resultaten oplevert dan strijd,” schrijft Icke.
Exoburen die iets van ons nodig hebben Het klinkt logisch. Maar wat als deze buitenaardse wezens – zoals je zo vaak in sciencefictionfilms ziet – iets van ons nodig hebben? Misschien wel grondstoffen? Of onze complete planeet? Ook dat ziet Icke niet gebeuren. Hij kan zich niet voorstellen dat exoburen nu net hun oog laten vallen op dat doodgewone planeetje van ons. “Als wij een dijk in het Markermeer willen leggen gaan we heus het daarvoor benodigde zand niet uit, ik noem maar wat, Australië roven,” zo schrijft hij. “Een civilisatie die de hele Melkweg kan bereizen heeft niets aan ons planeetje. Er zijn ongeveer 150 miljard sterren in de Melkweg. Als een miljoenste daarvan de door exoburen gewenste eigenschappen heeft, dan hebben ze de keus uit 150.000 planeten. Daarbij is het niet erg waarschijnlijk dat nu uitgerekend onze aarde van een soort is die ‘zij’ graag zouden willen ‘hebben’.” Dat het beeld van een bezettende, overheersende exobuur zovelen parten speelt, is waarschijnlijk wederom terug te leiden naar dat verouderde zelfbeeld van ons: de aanname dat wij, onze planeet en onze ster heel uniek zijn.
Ons slechte geweten Moeten we onze angsten jegens eventuele exoburen dan echt laten varen? Icke denkt van wel. “Als je kijkt naar de sociologie van levende wezens dan is die angst onterecht, niet meer dan een projectie van ons slechte geweten,” vertelt hij. Klakkeloos gaan we er immers vanuit dat de aard van de exobuur vergelijkbaar is met die van ons. “We hebben daar een mooie spreekwoord voor: ‘Zo de waard is, vertrouwt hij zijn gasten’.” Dat ondertussen zelfs een genie als Hawking zijn angst voor een exo-invasie niet onder stoelen of banken steekt: daar is Icke niet van onder de indruk. “Hawking is heel slim, maar ook gewoon een mens. Persoonlijk denk ik dat hij hier niet lang genoeg over heeft nagedacht.”
Terwijl sommige onderzoekers vurig wensen dat de dag waarop we buitenaards leven op onze stoep aantreffen, nog ver weg is, ziet Icke er naar uit. “Ik denk dat dergelijke ontdekkingen wetenschappelijk gezien zeker iets zijn om naar uit te kijken.” Vaak wordt dan gezegd dat we in zo’n situatie – met name op het gebied van technologie – een hoop van onze exoburen kunnen leren. Maar dat weet Icke zo net nog niet. “Ze zijn ons waarschijnlijk al zo ver voorbij.” Toch moeten we de impact van zo’n ontmoeting ook weer niet onderschatten. “Erna kunnen alle claims die de mens ooit heeft gehad op bijzonderheid overboord.”
Reisbureau Einstein In het boek Reisbureau Einstein vertelt Vincent Icke hoe planeten en sterren ontstaan en wat er dicht bij de Melkweg en verder weg allemaal te vinden is en hoe we daar dan precies kunnen komen. Ook verkent hij misschien wel één van de grootste vraagstukken die de mensheid al langdurig bezighoudt: zijn we alleen? En als we niet alleen zijn, hoe intelligent zijn die anderen dan? En wat kunnen wij van hen verwachten? Zo af en toe balancerend op het randje van wetenschap en speculatie heeft Icke met Reisbureau Einstein een prettig leesbaar, fascinerend en leerzaam boek geschreven. Een aanrader voor iedereen die wil weten waar wij vandaan komen, bereid is de gedachte dat we helemaal niet zo bijzonder zijn te omarmen en zo goed en zo kwaad als dat nu reeds mogelijk is zijn exoburen wil leren kennen.
Interview met Vincent Icke Afbeelding bovenaan dit artikel: Couleur / Pixabay
Hubble maakt fantastische foto van een stellaire kraamkamer
Hubble maakt fantastische foto van een stellaire kraamkamer
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Hier worden – dankzij een heftige botsing tussen twee sterrenstelsels – talloze nieuwe sterren geboren.
Op de fantastische foto schittert het enorme sterrenstelsel NGC 4490. Het sterrenstelsel is in botsing gekomen met een kleinere buurman: NGC 4485. En door die kosmische botsing is in beide sterrenstelsels veel gas en stof met een hoge dichtheid te vinden. En daarmee zijn de omstandigheden zeer geschikt voor het ontstaan van nieuwe sterren.
Roze vlekken Dat is op de foto ook goed te zien. Je ziet talloze roze vlekken oplichten. Het zijn dichte wolken, bestaande uit geïoniseerd waterstof, die gloeien door toedoen van het ultraviolette licht van nabijgelegen jonge, gloeiendhete sterren.
Op deze foto zie je NGC 4490. Het stelsel is letterlijk overhoop gehaald door een botsing met NGC 4485 (niet te zien op de foto). De botsing leidt niet alleen tot stervorming, maar tast tevens de vorm van dit sterrenstelsel – van oorsprong een spiraalstelsel – ernstig aan.
Afbeelding: ESA /Hubble & NASA / D. Calzetti (UMass) / LEGUS Team, J. Maund (University of Sheffield) & R. Chandar (University of Toledo).
Supernova’s Maar in deze sterrenstelsels vinden niet alleen geboortes plaats. De dood waart er ook rond. Zo zijn er de afgelopen decennia al verschillende supernova’s gespot in NGC 4490.
De botsing tussen NGC 4490 en NGC 4485 is al miljoenen jaren in de maak. Beide sterrenstelsels trekken met hun zwaartekracht aan elkaar. En dat resulteerde uiteindelijk in een botsing. Het heftigste deel daarvan is inmiddels achter de rug: de twee sterrenstelsels zijn al door elkaar heen bewogen en uit de knoop. Op dit moment wordt de afstand tussen de sterrenstelsels weer groter. Maar ze blijven letterlijk aan elkaar trekken en over een paar miljard jaar wacht dan ook opnieuw een botsing.
Meer weten over interacties tussen sterrenstelsels en de gevolgen die deze interacties kunnen hebben? Klik dan hier en bekijk nog veel meer prachtige foto’s van ‘kosmisch vuurwerk’.
"Bursting with Starbirth" - Afbeelding bovenaan dit artikel: ESA /Hubble & NASA / D. Calzetti (UMass) / LEGUS Team, J. Maund (University of Sheffield) & R. Chandar (University of Toledo)
SpaceX's BFR: met een raket naar de andere kant van de wereld
SpaceX's BFR: met een raket naar de andere kant van de wereld
Tim Kraaijvanger
In 39 minuten vliegen van New York naar Shanghai? Het is de toekomst van de ruimtevaart. Elon Musk presenteerde vannacht zijn nieuwe plannen.
Zo werkt SpaceX aan de ontwikkeling van de BFR, wat staat voor grote raket (Big Rocket). Waar de F voor staat, kun je waarschijnlijk zelf wel invullen. Deze raket wordt o.a. op aarde ingezet om van stad naar stad te reizen. Dit klinkt misschien gek, want waarom zou je een raket pakken als je ook met het vliegtuig kunt gaan? De belangrijkste reden is tijd. De raket heeft een maximumsnelheid van 27.000 kilometer per uur en dat is dus heel wat sneller dan een gemiddeld vliegtuig met een cruisesnelheid van 1.000 kilometer per uur.
Dat maakt de cirkel weer rond, want Musk innoveert de totale transportsector. De trein is ouderwets, want je gaat straks met de hyperloop naar Parijs of Londen. Traditionele automerken kijken met angst en beven naar Tesla. En nu lijkt het alsof vliegtuigmaatschappijen het straks zwaar krijgen als Musk passagiers sneller en (hopelijk) veiliger en goedkoper kan vervoeren. Daarnaast is het uitzicht tijdens zo’n ruimtereis spectaculair. Klinkt allemaal enorm ambitieus. Musk heeft in het verleden laten zien dat hij dingen voor elkaar krijgt (zoals de Dragon-capsule, Falcon 9, zeelandingen), dus dit blijft ongetwijfeld niet bij artistieke impressies. De vraag is alleen of hij zijn ambitieuze tijdlijn kan handhaven.
Wat is de BFR? De BFR kan 150 ton vervoeren en is daarmee krachtiger dan andere raketten van NASA en SpaceX. Op termijn gaat de BFR de huidige Falcon 9 en Falcon 9 Heavy-raketten vervangen. De winst uit satellieten lanceren en voorraadvluchten naar het internationale ruimtestation door SpaceX geïnvesteerd in de ontwikkeling van de BFR.
De BFR wordt niet alleen ingezet voor internationale vluchten. De raket gaat ook naar de maan en Mars. Zo wil Musk eerst een maanbasis creëren om vervolgens een kolonie op Mars te starten. De bovenste trap van de raket heeft veertig cabines met plek voor vijf tot zes personen per cabine. De bedoeling is dat in 2024 vier BFR’s naar de rode planeet gaan, waarvan er twee zijn bemand. Dit betekent dat er zo’n 400 mensen naar Mars reizen.
De bovenste trap van de BFR in de ruimte.
Vijfjarenplan “Over zes tot negen maanden beginnen we met de bouw van de eerste BFR”, liet Musk vannacht weten tijdens een conferentie in Australië. “Ik heb er alle vertrouwen in dat we een complete raket kunnen bouwen en lanceren in vijf jaar.”
Via sociale media heeft Musk artistieke impressies en video’s gedeeld van de BFR. De beelden spreken voor zich.
Verrassing! ESA vindt nog een laatste close-upfoto van Rosetta's komeet
Verrassing! ESA vindt nog een laatste close-upfoto van Rosetta's komeet
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De foto laat het landingsgebied van de kometenjager Rosetta zien.
Ruimtesonde Rosetta was maar liefst twaalf jaar onderweg en arriveerde eind 2014 bij komeet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Na twee jaar rond de komeet te hebben gecirkeld, kwam de missie van de ruimtesonde in september 2016 met een zachte crash op het oppervlak van 67P/C-G ten einde.
Laatste foto De laatste complete foto die Rosetta maakte (zie hieronder), werd in september 2016 door ESA vrijgegeven en laat het oppervlak van de komeet van heel dichtbij zien.
Afbeelding: ESA / Rosetta / MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS / UPD / LAM / IAA / SSO / INTA / UPM / DASP / IDA.
“De laatste complete foto die door Rosetta werd verstuurd was de laatste foto die we in één stuk op aarde zagen arriveren, enkele momenten voor Rosetta landde in Sais (de naam van het landingsgebied, red.),” vertelt onderzoeker Holger Sierks. “Later vonden we enkele pakketjes met telemetrische data op onze server en dachten: wauw, dat kan wel eens een andere foto zijn.”
In pakketjes Wanneer Rosetta een foto maakte, werd deze namelijk aan boord van de kometenjager gesplitst in telemetrische pakketjes en vervolgens naar de aarde gestuurd. Zo werden de laatste beelden die Rosetta tijdens de afdaling naar 67P/C-G maakte, opgedeeld in zes pakketjes. Maar de verzending van de laatste foto werd onderbroken nadat drie van deze pakketjes – oftewel de helft van de complete foto – waren ontvangen. Hierdoor herkende de software die gebruikt wordt om de telemetrische gegevens te verwerken de foto niet en bleef deze onopgemerkt. Tot nu.
De laatste, gereconstrueerde foto van Rosetta. Afbeelding: ESA / Rosetta / MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS / UPD / LAM / IAA / SSO / INTA / UPM / DASP / IDA.
Hoewel Rosetta er nooit in geslaagd is om alle zes de pakketjes naar de aarde te versturen, hebben onderzoekers op basis van de eerste drie pakketjes toch een foto kunnen reconstrueren. Dat komt doordat de data niet pixel voor pixel, maar laag voor laag is verstuurd. Het betekent heel concreet dat elk pakketje de foto gedetailleerder maakt. Als drie van de zes pakketjes aankomen, heb je dus wel een complete, maar geen supergedetailleerde foto. Op de gereconstrueerde foto zien we een gebied dat in werkelijkheid ongeveer 1 meter breed is. Elke pixel laat een gebied zien dat 2 bij 2 millimeter meet.
Met de foto weet Rosetta ons – een jaar nadat deze een fatale landing op komeet 67P/C-G maakte – nog steeds te verrassen.
It is a common occurrence for ‘UFO’s to be tracked on military radar, and more and more people are starting to believe that these objects are of extraterrestrial origin. One reason for this is the disclosure of evidence supporting such a hypothesis in recent years. If you want to see a fraction of that evidence, you can check out this article or the one pertaining to military radar linked above, or you can visit the exopolitics section of our website, here. If you really want to go in depth and read some proper studies on this topic, you can check out Richard Dolan’s books. They are a great place to start, he is a brilliant academic and one of the world’s leading researchers on the topic of UFOs.
Sagan’s Close Colleague
Apart from the congressional hearings on this subject, and the fairly recent citizens hearing that took place, along with the release of official documentation, there has been a surge in people believing that ETs are real because of the work of scholars like Dr. Brian O’Leary.
Brian was a close colleague of Carl Sagan, who recruited him to teach at Cornell University in the late 1960’s, where he researched and lectured in the department of astronomy and physics. After Cornell, he taught physics, astronomy, and science policy assessment at various academic institutions, including the University of California Berkeley, Hampshire College, and finally at Princeton University from 1976 to 1981. After this he went on to Washington, where he would become an advisor to various political leaders, presidential candidates, and the United States Congress.
Before all of this, Dr. O’Leary was a NASA astronaut and a member of the sixth group of astronauts selected by NASA in August of 1967. One year after that, as mentioned above, Sagan recruited him to teach at Cornell. O’Leary was also a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as well as secretary of the American Geophysical Union’s Planetology Section. Furthermore, he was the team leader of the Asteroidal Resources Group for NASA’s Ames Summer Study on Space Settlements. He was a founding board member of the International Association for New Science as well as founding president of the New Energy Movement.
“Carl Sagan called me from Cornell and asked me to join the faculty. I accepted the offer and spent many years at Cornell in the astronomy department, planetary science department. And I became very creative in research then, but still within the bounds of western science, but in the planetary exploration program. That was for a period of about a decade.”(source)(source)
As you can see, his resume is more than extensive, and O’Leary is just one out of hundreds of people with this type of distinguished background to blow the lid on the extraterrestrial phenomenon. I use his video below in a lot of my extraterrestrial/UFO related articles, and I apologize to our regular readers, but I feel it’s always useful to share with readers who have yet to come across it. The clip is taken from the Thrive documentary which, if you haven’t seen yet, I highly recommend.
You can read his entire biography — though I’ll warn you it is quite large — HERE. Above I’ve provided only the highlights of his impressive career.
Brian passed away shortly after this video was taken. Apparently it happened shortly after having a heart attack and a diagnosis of intestinal cancer.
He had some interesting things to say during a live interview with Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot (view full live interview here, read transcript of video here). O’Leary and Sagan were close for a number of years, but had a little bit of a falling out when O’Leary decided to leave Cornell. In the interview, he remarked:
It was… One very cold snowy day in May, I landed in Syracuse, and there was a horizontal blizzard — in May — and I said: That’s it for upstate New York. And Carl thought that was very frivolous. Because, of course, he was kind of an empire-builder kind of guy; and he also had a huge ego.
After he left, O’Leary started to examine some of Carl’s work. He said that the famous “Face” in Cydonia on Mars — photographed by Viking in 1975, this enormous formation (about a mile across) resembled a human face and created a major buzz at the time — was tampered with by Sagan before being released to the public:
It was very, very disappointing to me, because not only was Carl wrong, he also fudged data. He published a picture of the “Face” in Parade Magazine, a popular article, saying that the “Face” was just a natural formation, but he doctored the picture to make it not look like a face.
At this time, Sagan and O’Leary were arguably the world’s two leading experts on Mars, and they entered into many disagreements over that face. This rift was made clear in O’Leary’s publication in 1998, “Carl Sagan & I: On Opposite Sides of Mars.” It can be found in The Case for the Face: Scientists Examine the Evidence for Alien Artifacts on Mars, eds. Stanley V. McDaniel and Monica Rix Paxson. Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press.
I began to realize, just directly from the scientific point of view, not only hearsay, that this man was colluding with NASA, that there might be more to this than before. . . . Carl was on a committee with a number of notable people. There was a report issued by the Brookings Institution in 1961 — and that’s about when I knew Carl, during those years; the ’60s mostly was when I worked closely with him — that he and this other group said: Well, if any ETs ever showed up on the Earth, it has to be covered up. That’s the only way we’re going to be able to manage this, because if we can’t, then it would be too much of a culture shock.
Quite a shocking statement from someone of Brian’s stature, isn’t it? In the interview, he goes on to say that Carl and his colleagues recocover-up remains today, but it’s plausible to assume that in the beginning, perhaps there was no I’ll intent.
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are ledmmended that the governments cover up the UFO phenomenon, and that he believes this provided justification for the ongoing cover-up
It’s important to note that this does not make Sagan a ‘bad guy.’ He was clearly the opposite of that, and his love for science and educating humanity was quite clear. If he was in favour of covering this up, if he did know about it, there is a very good chance it was done for what they perceived to be, good reasons. Sure, there might be some corporate reasons, and some other not so pleasant reasons the to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source)
Interesting Quotes About The UFO Phenomenon (A Few Out Of Many)
***Please keep in mind, the documentation regarding this phenomenon can be found from links that were mentioned in the very first paragraph of this article
” Everything is in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data.”
– General Carlos Castro Cavero (1979). From “UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2,″ written by Richard Dolan.
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, by other civilizations. Who they are, where they are from, and what they want should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not be the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” (source)
– Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
“There is another way whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way.” (source)
– Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of physics, University of Nebraska.
“This thing has gotten so highly-classified… it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.”
– Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee (source)
Yes, it’s both. It’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension. And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it asks us to stretch to open to realities that are not simply the literal physical world, but to extend to the possibility that there are other unseen realities from which our consciousness, our, if you will, learning processes over the past several hundred years have closed us off.”
– John Mack,Dr. John E. Mack, a Harvard University psychologist and Pulitzer prize winner (source)
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. . . . [and] it behooves us, in case some of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers.”
— Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (source)
“An extraterrestrial influence is investigating our planet. Something is monitoring the planet and they are monitoring it very cautiously.”
- 2008 Presidential Candidate Mike Gravel (source)(source)
“Some of what people report as UFOs are extraterrestrial (ET) vehicles. Some of those extraterrestrial vehicles actually have ET crews, and some of those ET crews catch and release humans.”
— Dr. Don Donderi, a retired McGill University Professor of 40 years in the Department of Psychology(source)
“Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et’s, etc…They are visiting Earth now; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking.
– Theodor C. Loder III, Phd, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire (source)
“Decades ago, visitors from other plants warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead, we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after.”
– Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defense Minister (source)
My people tell of Star People who came to us many generations ago. The Star people brought spiritual teachings and stories and maps of the cosmos and they offered these freely. They were kind, loving, and set a great example. When they left us, my people say there was a loneliness like no other.”
I’m skeptical about many things, including the notion that government always knows best, and that the people can’t be trusted with the truth. The time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. We have statements from the most credible sources – those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.
John Podesta, for example — former White House Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton, Barack Obama’s right hand man (councillor), and the current head of Hilary Clinton’s presidential campaign,Taken from Leslie Kean’s 2010 New York Times bestseller, UFOs: Generals, Pilots, And Government Officials Go On The Record, in which Podesta wrote the forward
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered… We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time…I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.”
– Doctor Edgar Mitchell, 6th man to walk on the moon(source) (source)(source)
Below is one video out of thousands floating around on the internet of supposed footage of unidentified flying objects. Keep in mind, many pictures and videos of these crafts have been published and analyzed thoroughly, so there is no shortage of verified footage and pictures. (More information on that can be found below the video.)
This one in particular comes from Dr. Steven Greer, founder of The Disclosure Project and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI). Known to some as the “Father of the Disclosure Movement,” he was instrumental in bringing forth hundreds of military whistleblowers of all ranks, with verified backgrounds, to share their experience and testify on the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon.
There is, admittedly, plenty of disinformation being spread within the UFOlogy field, and many people seeking to manipulate the evidence and public opinion, which makes it difficult to assess what information is legitimate and what is not. It unfortunately comes down to doing your own research and using your best judgement.
Greer has had meetings with high level people in the Pentagon, according to himself, Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14, who accompanied him on some of these meetings), and many more.
Dr. Greer has been doing these types of outings for quite a while, and he’s not the only one. Last year, a couple of CE members made a trip out to a gathering of researchers, whistleblowers. and enthusiasts, and witnessed something similar.
When you get to that level, and hang around those types of people, your going to draw attention, and anybody who draws massive amounts of attention will be praised, as well as vilified. Within the UFO movement, there are those that disagree and don’t associate with each other, which is very weird and shouldn’t be happening.
Interesting footage.
I think it’s safe to say that UFOs are no longer a fringe topic, as their existence has been verified in the mainstream world, but beyond that, most people are still in the dark. It’s important to keep in mind that a decade ago you were considered a conspiracy theorist for even believing in the existence of UFOs. Things have changed since then, but believing that some of these craft are extraterrestrial in origin is still considered ‘out there.’
This is why so many scientists around the world have been urging the scientific study of UFOs for decades. The Sturrock Report, for example, an effort that gathered the world’s top minds, was put together in the form of a paper urging that, if “the analysis of physical evidence turns up very strong evidence that objects related with UFO reports were manufactured outside the solar system, then one must obviously consider very seriously that the phenomenon involves not only extraterrestrial vehicles, but probably also extraterrestrial beings.”
Their main objective was to examine any possible physical evidence, and have it carefully collected and analyzed. These objects have been commonly photographed, as well as tracked on air/ground radar.
The pilots were flying in a formation of four F86 Sabre jet aircraft. One of the pilots described the phenomenon as a “bright light which was sharply defined and disk-shaped,” that looked like “a shiny silver dollar sitting horizontal.” Another pilot managed to photograph the object, as you can see above.
An analysis of this case was also published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration (“Optical Power Output of an Unidentified High Altitude Light Source,” vol. 13, #2, 1999).
This is one of many examples to give you an idea. Many documents indicate electrical equipment failure when entering the vicinity of these UFOs, like this one from the National Security Agency (NSA).
Just as there was evidence for UFOs when they were still considered a conspiracy, most, if not all researchers who have studied this phenomenon, will tell you with absolute certainty that there is ample evidence to support what’s known as the “extraterrestrial hypothesis,” and so will high ranking whistleblowers with verified backgrounds, from various decades — from Herman Oberth, one of the founding fathers of modern rocketry, to Edgar Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the moon.
It’s similiar to Snowden’s mass surveillance revelation, which also used to be considered a conspiracy theory. His story stands as a great example of just how hard it is for someone to blow the whistle on secret, unacknowledged Special Access Programs.
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers.”
— Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (source)
These objects perform maneuvers that defy our understanding of physics. What’s more, there have been strange reports of involvement with and of extraterrestrials within the secret space program.
If you want to listen to a great lecture and learn more about the secret space program, you can check out this article we published on it earlier in the year.
If you’d like to go through some of that evidence, please visit the exopolitics section of our website.
Or you can check out these two articles (out of many) that explore the different types of possible races we could be dealing with here:
Members of the Society For Planetary SETI Research (SPSR) have recently published a paper in the Journal of Space Exploration about certain features on the far side of the moon that appear in the crater Paracelsus C. Titled “Image Analysis of Unusual Structures on the Far Side of the Moon in the Crater Paracelsus C,” it argues that these features might be artificial in origin, meaning someone other than a human being built them and put them there.
Contrary to popular belief, reports of artificial structures on the moon are both common and persistent. Among the first were from George Leonard’s 1976 book, Somebody Else is on the Moon, and Fred Steckling’s 1981 book, We Discovered Alien Bases on The Moon. There are many more, and from many credible sources, which we will get to later in the article.
During the early years of SETI, in 1963, even Carl Sagan spoke about the possibility of extraterrestrial visitation:
It is not out of the question that artifacts of these visits still exist, or even thatsome kind of base is maintained (possibly automatically) within the solar system to provide continuity for successive expeditions. Because of weathering and the possibility of detection and interference by the inhabitants of the Earth, it would be preferable not to erect such a base on the Earth’s surface. The Moon seems one reasonable alternative. Forthcoming high resolution photographic reconnaissance of the Moon from space vehicles – particularly of the back side – might bear these possibilities in mind. (source)
This new study describes how they discovered seven Apollo-15 and four Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) images of the same enigmatic objects in the moon crater Paracelsus C, and how they differ significantly from the rocks scattered around and within the majority of craters on Luna.
Drawing from multiple images taken at different times of the lunar day, and from different sun angles, the authors point out how it’s possible to predict an approximate shape for the objects by using shape-form-shading software. This type of 3D rendering has allowed them to fly around the site in order to see how odd the objects look in their location within the south-west quadrant of the crater, which is approximately 24km in diameter. The question the scientists now ask is, are these objects artificial? If so, when were they manufactured, and by whom? They emphasize that a rover mission to Paracelsus C would probably provide some very interesting answers.
The study concludes by stating that,
“Based on the evidence presented in this paper we believe this area in Paracelsus C is one such candidate that is worthy of future study by orbital missions and surface rovers. Both of the features analyzed in this area are statistically different from the surrounding terrain.”
Carl Sagan argued that deviations like these are a necessary (though insufficient) condition of intelligent activity. What’s also interesting to note about Sagan is that he was accused, by multiple colleagues, of assisting the elite with the extraterrestrial coverup. You can read more about that allegation here.
Another great point the authors make deals with scientific fraud, which is something we see today in all realms of research, from health to climate change. The politicization of science is a real problem in the modern day world, and the study authors point out how it is impeding efforts to learn more about outer space:
A decidedly conservative mainstream scientific establishment often rejects anomalies based on subject matter alone, i.e., there cannot be alien artifacts on the moon because there are no alien artifacts on the moon (or other planets). Such a view is an example of circular reasoning, based on the belief that extraterrestrials do not exist, or if they do exist that they could not have traveled to our solar system.
What Could They Be? Here Are the Images
One of the authors, Mark Carlotto, an image scientist with 30 years of experience in satellite remote sensing and digital image processing, studied optics, signal, and image processing at Carnegie-Mellon University from 1972-1981, where he received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering. He’s had several positions in academia and industry. Here are some of the peer-reviewed papers he’s authored and c0-authored prior to this one.
In the video below, as well as in the paper, he outlines how these lunar features look like “unusual structures” and even “passageways”:
By combining multiple images, we show the larger feature, oriented in a northeast/southwest direction, is not simply a wall but two walls on either side of a narrow valley or “passageway”. Using single image shape from shading and 3D terrain visualization we show in a computer-generated perspective view looking northeast that the southwest end appears to be the entrance to the passageway. A reverse angle view looking southwest shows the passageway ending at a rise of terrain at the other end, possibly leading underground. The terrain surrounding the two structures is not flat but appears “excavated” by some unknown mechanism, natural or artificial. It is shown that these objects are visually different from the lunar background because their underlying structure is different. (source)
More Strange Oddities on the Moon
“Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.” (source)
The quote above is from Bob Dean, a retired U.S. Army Command Sergeant Major who also served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) of NATO as an intelligence analyst.
Even the Russian government called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings about the disappearance of film footage, as well as 400 kilograms of lunar rock that were obtained from multiple lunar missions. You can read more about that here.
On top of that we have comments from several astronauts, including Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the moon, alluding to the fact that our government already knows we are not alone:
Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on, because there is no doubt that we are being visited. . . . The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time. . . . [Mankind has long wondered if we’re] alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we’re not alone. (source)
“I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real, although it’s been covered up by governments for quite a long time. Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone, they have been coming here for a long time.” (source)(source)(source)(source)
– Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD., NASA astronaut
Here is a clip of NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary saying the same thing.
Even the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA that discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994, said that it was really a photo reconnaissance mission to check out strange objects on the far side of the moon. He’s also stated that he has seen pictures of multiple artificial structures on the moon that aren’t ours, arguing that there is no way we could build such things and that someone else is up there. (Source: page 16 of 18)(source)(source)
He currently works as a consultant to Morningstar Applied Physics. Here is one of his latest research endeavours.
Not long ago, he gave a lecture showing evidence for the existence of an intelligent civilization existing on Mars long ago, as well as, according to him, definitive proof that the giant face and pyramid found on Mars in 1976 were constructed by intelligent life: “Secrecy in government is an evil which is sometimes necessary, but I think it’s a good thing that this coverup on Mars is ending, and, hopefully at some point we can sit down and have a frank conversation, not about what happened on Mars 250 million years ago, but what is happening right now.”
Dr. Norman Bergrun, who worked for Ames Research Laboratory, NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), and Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, now known as Lockheed Martin, has accused NASA of “garbling” images to hide certain things, in this interview. You can see the full interview here.
He worked for NASA for more than a decade, and you can view some of his publications for NASA here.
Another great example of witness testimony comes from Donna Hare, who had a secret clearance while she was working for the NASA contractor Philco Ford. She is one of hundreds of insider witnesses with a verified background that have come forward as part of Dr. Steven Greer’s Disclosure Project in order to publicly testify about their experiences working within these sectors.
It was the job of her colleague to airbrush evidence of UFOs out of photographs before they were released to the public. (source)
Karl Wolf, another witness for Greer’s Disclosure Project, who was with the USAF and held a top secret crypto clearance at Tactical Air Command in Langley AFB Virginia, was assigned to an NSA facility to do equipment repair, and came across an airman who told him about how they receive images from the lunar orbiter. He was told that they’ve discovered a base on the backside of the moon. Keep in mind, this was in 1965. Karl claims to have seen the mosaic which showed the base, geometric shapes, towers, spherical buildings, radar dishes, and other massive structures. He gave his testimony in Washington at the National Press Club more than a decade ago and you can watch it here.
Interesting to think about, isn’t it?
The crazy thing is, that it’s not just the moon. For example, A new study published in the Journal of Space Exploration titled “The Mounds of Cydonia: Elegant Geology, or Tetrahedral Geometry and Reactions of Pythagoras and Dirac?” has added to the already robust evidence pointing to “artificial surface interventions” on Mars.
You can read more about that in this article linked below:
Ongewone structuren op achterkant maan kunnen zijn gemaakt door aliens. Dit onderzoek is hier pas over verschenen
Ongewone structuren op achterkant maan kunnen zijn gemaakt door aliens. Dit onderzoek is hier pas over verschenen
In het Journal of Space Exploration is een studie gepubliceerd over opmerkelijke objecten in een krater op de achterkant van de maan.
Deze objecten bevinden zich in de krater Paracelsus C en zijn mogelijk kunstmatig van aard, wat zou betekenen dat ze daar door buitenaardsen zijn geplaatst.
Het onderzoek heeft betrekking op foto’s die vanuit Apollo 15 en de Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter zijn gemaakt van raadselachtige objecten in de krater.
‘Muren’ of ‘torens’
Op het eerste gezicht lijkt het te gaan om ‘muren’ of ‘torens’ op het maanoppervlak.
De structuren zien er heel anders uit dan de rotsen die in de krater worden gevonden, aldus de onderzoekers.
Ze merken op dat het met behulp van computersoftware mogelijk moet zijn om de omvang van de objecten te schatten.
Interessante antwoorden
De onderzoekers vragen zich af of de objecten kunstmatig zijn. En zo ja, wanneer zijn ze gemaakt en door wie.
Ze wijzen erop dat een maanrover zeer interessante antwoorden zou kunnen geven op deze vragen.
“Wij zijn van mening dat dit gebied in Paracelsus C in de toekomst nader bestudeerd zou moeten worden vanuit de ruimte en met behulp van maanrovers,” concluderen ze.
Onbekend mechanisme
Eén van de onderzoekers, Mark Carlotto, toont in onderstaande video enkele van de vreemde structuren in de krater.
De bodem rond de structuren is niet vlak, maar lijkt te zijn uitgegraven door een onbekend mechanisme, natuurlijk of kunstmatig.
De Amerikaanse sergeant Karl Wolfe werkte in 1965 mee aan het Lunar Orbiterprogramma. Hij claimt constructies te hebben gezien op de maan en bases op de achterkant van de maan.
Wolfe zei in juni of juli 1965 de opdracht te hebben gekregen om op de luchtmachtbasis Langley een probleem met de fotoafdrukapparatuur te verhelpen.
Hij werd naar een grote hangar geleid, waar de NASA foto’s analyseerde die waren gemaakt door de Lunar Orbiter.
Intelligente wezens
In de donkere kamer was een man aanwezig die Wolfe vertelde dat er een basis op de achterkant van de maan was ontdekt. Hij liet opnames zien van hoge torens en ronde gebouwen op het maanoppervlak.
“Het waren constructies die zeker niet waren ontstaan als gevolg van een meteorietinslag of botsing met een hemellichaam,” aldus Wolfe. “Ze waren gebouwd door intelligente wezens.”
Vandaag zal een zogenaamde reuzen asteroïde langs de aarde scheren, maar gelukkig zal deze ons niet raken.
Wel zien we steeds meer onbekende objecten uit de ruimte op ons afkomen en het zal dan ook mogelijk niemand verbazen dat één van de brokstukken ons zal gaan raken.
Net zoals de afgelopen jaren de aardbevingen op aarde dramatisch zijn toegenomen, zo is het ook met waarnemingen van zogenaamde vuurbollen in de lucht.
Vuurbollen zijn meestal stukken ruimtepuin die richting aarde komen en vervolgens opbranden in onze atmosfeer. Soms zijn er grotere brokstukken die ook nog ergens terechtkomen en soms gaat dit gepaard met grote explosies zoals enkele jaren gelden gebeurde in Rusland.
Hoe meer vuurballen, hoe meer ruimtepuin richting aarde komt en hoe die vuurballen zijn toegenomen is te zien in het volgend plaatje.
Nu al staat de teller hoger dan in geheel 2012 en is er een goede kans dat het record van 2016 wordt verbroken.
Wat die toename veroorzaakt, weet eigenlijk niemand, behalve degenen die geloven dat zich een onbekende planeet Nibiru in ons zonnestelsel bevindt die ervoor verantwoordelijk is dat er veel meer asteroïden onze kant worden op geslingerd
Veel van de kleinere asteroïden in de ruimte worden niet opgemerkt door de mensheid. Een aantal grotere zijn wel bekend en één daarvan passeert vandaag de aarde.
Florence is de naam van de reuzenasteroïde die vrijdag langs onze planeet zal scheren. Het gaat om de grootste asteroïde die, zover bekend, ooit langs de aarde passeerde. Florence heeft een diameter van bijna vijf kilometer en mocht de asteroïde op aarde inslaan, zou dat het einde betekenen van het leven zoals we het kennen. Florence zal op 7 miljoen kilometer van onze planeet voorbijrazen, ongeveer 18 keer de afstand tussen de aarde en de maan.
Het is van 1890 geleden dat Florence ons zo dicht naderde en de volgende scheervlucht komt er pas in het jaar 2500. Wetenschappers krijgen vrijdag dus een unieke kans op de asteroïde van dichtbij te bestuderen met radars.
Volgens het Amerikaanse ruimteagentschap NASA is het de eerste keer dat een asteroïde van dergelijke omvang zo dicht bij de aarde komt sinds NASA asteroïden begon te observeren. "Hoewel heel wat asteroïdes dichter bij de aarde zijn gepasseerd, waren die allemaal kleiner", zegt Paul Chodas, manager van het NASA-centrum voor de studie van asteroïden.
Echter, de dag dat één van de ons bekende asteroïden op aarde zal knallen, is al bekend.
In oktober 2013 wordt er in de wereldmedia melding gemaakt van het feit dat er een nieuwe asteroïde is ontdekt en dat de kans groot is dat deze in 2032 de aarde zal raken.
Het volgende is onder andere wat wij schreven in 2013:
Natuurlijk weet je dat wanneer iets dergelijks gebeurt NASA onmiddellijk zal ingrijpen en verklaren dat al die astronomen die dat hadden berekend het fout hadden en dat zij hebben gecalculeerd dat deze asteroïde niet of nauwelijks een gevaar zal opleveren.
Normaal gesproken is het dan een beetje einde verhaal, want NASA is voor de meeste mensen net de bijbel of de koran, wat zei zeggen, is waar.
Echter, er is nog een naar onze mening overtuigend argument om aan te nemen dat deze asteroïde wellicht de aarde wel degelijk zal raken in 2032.
En dat argument is afkomstig van een weblog dat in 2005 werd geschreven door een man die zei dat hij uit de toekomst kwam en op aarde was met een bepaalde missie en dat hij vanaf dat moment gerekend over enkele weken weer zou vertrekken naar waar hij vandaan kwam.
Al enkele jaren lang schrijven wij over een tijdreiziger uit het jaar 2063 die naar onze aarde is gekomen in het jaar 2005 op een speciale missie.
Die missie duurde niet zo gek lang en tijdens zijn verblijf in onze tijd schreef deze tijdreiziger onder de naam Scott op een blog waar hij diverse dingen onthulde betreffende onze toekomst.
Mijn codenaam is Qronos1 en mijn werkelijke naam is Scott. De eenheid waartoe ik behoor bestaat uit vier mensen die hier nu in deze tijd zijn. Wij zijn hier op een geheime missie. Er zijn in deze periode ook andere tijdreizigers en ongetwijfeld zullen er meer volgen in de toekomst. De wereld die ik ongeveer een jaar geleden verliet is anders en toch hetzelfde. De vooruitgang in tijdreizen heeft het mogelijk gemaakt dat we nu precies daar naartoe reizen waar we willen.
Er worden op dat blog berichten geplaatst in de periode van 10 september 2005 tot en met 21 september 2005. Daarna stopt het.
Het eerste wat men dan al snel roept is: “Ja, maar dat blog is net gemaakt en ze hebben de data veranderd om het oud te doen lijken”. Dit is echter niet het geval. Want al in de jaren 2006, 2007 etc. werd er op diverse fora al over dit blog gediscussieerd. Voor een voorbeeld van een forum uit 2007 klik hier. Als er dus in die jaren al over werd geschreven, mogen we aannemen dat het blog daadwerkelijk in 2005 is geschreven.
Als Scott geen tijdreiziger was dan wist hij toch heel nauwkeurig te voorspellen wat er de komende jaren zou gaan gebeuren.
Zo voorspelde hij dat 2007 een heel slecht jaar zou worden, dat er in 2009 in de VS een president zou worden geïnstalleerd die niet van Amerikaanse oorsprong was en dat er in 2010 een grote olieramp zou plaatsvinden in de Golf van Mexico.
Echter, iets dat hij ook voorspelt, is het volgende:
“Yes WW3 took allot from us and the asteroid that hit the earth in 2032 also did some bad things, but we have come out off all that ok”.
Het blog waarop dit geschreven is, stamt daadwerkelijk uit 2005, ver voordat asteroïde 2013 TV135 door astronomen werd ontdekt. Astronomen die hiervan schrikken en bekendmaken dat er een kans is dat deze asteroïde de aarde kan raken in 2032, hetzelfde jaar dat dit in 2005 door Scott de tijdreiziger wordt voorspeld.
In dit geval hopen we dat NASA een keer gelijk heeft, maar gezien de vele leugens die ze in de loop der jaren hebben rondgestrooid, houden we het er vooralsnog op dat onze tijdreiziger volkomen gelijk heeft.
Strange Light Anomaly that looks like a hologram appears in the Sky
Strange Light Anomaly that looks like a hologram appears in the Sky
Reality may be just an illusion, what we see could be just one big projection of holographic anomalies.
It sounds crazy but in 1997 theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena already proposed that our Universe is not real and would be merely a hologram. while several other physicists back up Maldacena’s theory as they have worked out simulations which has provided some of the clearest evidence that indeed our Universe could be just one big projection.
If our entire existence is a program then who is running the simulations?
According to Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrum it is quite possible that an advanced civilization with enormous computing power has decided to run simulations and projecting holographic displays to create an illusion and we are all living in this illusion.
If that should be the case then what about the strange light anomaly in the sky filmed from an unknown location on September 28, 2017 that looks like some kind of projection which covers a part of the sky/clouds.
The farmer who saw and the Mountie who believed: Sask.'s most famous UFO sighting
The farmer who saw and the Mountie who believed: Sask.'s most famous UFO sighting
There are no concrete answers for what happened on Edwin Fuhr’s farm 43 years ago.
Kneeling on his living-room floor, Edwin Fuhr reaches beneath a TV cabinet decorated with angel statues and family photos to insert a VHS tape into his video cassette recorder.
It shows Fuhr smoking a cigarette as he looks over a collection of photos scattered on a kitchen table. They’re intriguing images of strange circular patterns on a field — remnants of Fuhr’s sighting of what he believes were UFOs. Interviews with Fuhr are all over the Internet, but not this one, circa 1988.
A province away, at his Winnipeg home, retired Mountie Ron Morier also has a keepsake from the time when he and Fuhr and a small Saskatchewan town became an international sensation. “UFO Incident: Langenburg, Sask. Sept 1, 1974,” reads the cover of Morier’s black binder.
Lifting that cover feels like opening a secret document that should be stamped “classified” in bold, red letters. It contains a police report, newspaper clippings, faded photographs and letters from scientists with the Canadian government.
Morier jokingly calls it his X-File, a fitting nod to the sci-fi TV show that often focused on aliens, UFOs and the paranormal. It’s a treasure trove any UFO aficionado would covet.
The cover of Ron Morier’s file containing his RCMP report and other memorabilia pertaining to Edwin Fuhr’s 1974 UFO sighting near Langenburg, Saskatchewan.
A business card in the binder bears the name Dr. J. Allen Hynek, hinting at just how seriously the “incident” was taken. One of the UFO field’s most famous researchers, Hynek worked as a scientific consultant for a U.S. government initiative called project Blue Book, investigating UFO phenomena. Hynek weighed in on the Langenburg event in the media, even reportedly sending a representative to study the site, about 230 kilometres northeast of Regina.
First told before the World Wide Web or even VHS tapes, Fuhr’s story today endures in corners of the Net dedicated to UFOs and extra-terrestrial life. A video interview with him on YouTube five years ago had a resurgence in popularity after taking off on the website Reddit. It’s had more than 20,000 views.
And yet, some of the story’s most interesting parts remain strictly analog, existing only in the possession of two men forever linked to the strange event.
There are no concrete answers for what happened on Fuhr’s farm 43 years ago. Just a tantalizing story told by a Saskatchewan farmer, and the RCMP officer who believed him.
A close encounter of the second kind
Seeing a UFO up close is an incredibly rare experience. Most people just see lights in the sky, but Fuhr got closer.
Around 10:30 a.m. on Sept. 1, 1974, the then 36-year-old was swathing his fields when he saw five saucer-shaped objects on the edge of a slough.
Thinking they were duck blinds and that someone was playing a joke on him, Fuhr got off of his swather for a closer look, but still kept at least 15 feet back. He says the saucers were hovering a foot off the ground and rotating at a high rate of speed. Their surface looked like highly-polished steel.
Fuhr stopped, backed up and got on his swather. He sat there for the next 15 minutes watching them hover, too scared to move.
“They had me in a trance,” says Fuhr, now 79. “I didn’t even know what to do, cause I sat there and I thought, ‘Well gee whiz.’ ”
According to Fuhr, the objects then took off — emitting a grey vapour from underneath — and disappeared into the sky. They made no sound. The objects flew away so fast that they were gone “like that,” says Fuhr, clapping his hands.
He waited a few more minutes to make sure they were gone, then walked to the edge of the slough where he saw five ring patterns in the field. The grass in the centre of each circle was standing, while the grass surrounding that was flattened in a clockwise circle.
With no idea what he had just seen, Fuhr headed home home for lunch. His wife Karen and his parents could tell something was wrong.
“When he came in he just sat there,” remembers Karen. “All of the sudden we asked him, ‘Is there something wrong?’ And … well then he started telling us.”
The Langenburg incident came at the tail end of a golden age for UFO sightings, when reports of seeing physical craft had tapered off.
Even more tantalizing, the Langenburg UFOs — if that’s what they were — had left behind a physical trace, the circles. This classifies the sighting as a close encounter of the second kind.
Edwin Fuhr indicates where multiple flying saucers landed on his farm in Langenburg, Saskatchewan in September, 1974. (Photo by Don Healy, Regina Leader-Post)Don Healy /Regina Leader-Post
Edwin Fuhr, left, and his wife Karen at the site of his 1974 UFO encounter on July 26, 2017.TROY FLEECE / Regina Leader-Post
Investigating the landing site
Later that night, Ron Morier, then a 27-year-old RCMP constable, got a phone call at the Langenburg detachment.
Fuhr’s brother-in-law Carl Zorn asked if the police had fielded any UFO reports. Zorn had heard of Fuhr’s experience in a phone call. Although the cop and the in-law were skeptical, both men thought there was little reason to think Fuhr would make up such a tale.
“He’s the last guy in the world that would. I mean he was a teetotaller. He’s a churchgoer, a very quiet, shy man,” says Morier.
He decided to check it out. Being an RCMP officer in small-town Saskatchewan in the 1970s, he had time. Morier and his colleagues provided what he wistfully refers to as “gold-plated policing.” No job was too small.
“Back in those days, anytime anybody approached us about anything, we responded,” says Morier.
A photo that Ron Morier took of the crop circles in Edwin Fuhr’s farm near Langenburg in 1974.
The next day, he checked out the markings in Fuhr’s field. What caused them? Morier still doesn’t know to this day.
Five circles fit with the same five objects Fuhr saw. Morier’s report says the flattened portion of the circles was approximately 18 inches. The total diameter of two of the circles was 12 feet, while the other three were 10.5 feet.
There was no physical evidence in the area that would indicate someone had driven in and made the circles.
“Whatever made those impressions in his slough there came from the sky and left the same way,” says Morier.
Fuhr was the only person at the farm who saw the UFOs. Despite how fantastic the story was, Morier could not come up with a reason why this quiet farmer would make it up.
“He is a responsible person, and his information is considered reliable,” wrote Morier in his report.
He doesn’t think Fuhr was seeking fame, or even wanted his brother-in-law to tell police about it.
“Why would he want thousands of people coming to his little place there and trampling all over his yard and his fields and all of that?” asks Morier.
The fire in the field
Once the story got picked up by the media, thousands of people flocked to Fuhr’s farm. He says cars were lined up “bumper to bumper” along the road from his farm to Langenburg.
It couldn’t have come at a worse time.
It was harvest time, and people were literally getting in the way of the family’s work. Tourists, UFO enthusiasts and onlookers from all over were trying to get to the site and to Fuhr.
“They were chasing us down in the middle of the field,” he recalls, saying some drove right in front of his combine.
“My brother was getting upset and dad was getting upset,” says Fuhr. “I said, ‘What the heck am I supposed to do?’ ”
He says a plane carrying Australians who wanted to see the site even landed on a field adjacent to his farm.
Hoping to deter onlookers, Fuhr’s father finally set fire to the grass surrounding the slough where the circles were. It didn’t help though, as markings were still visible on the ground. Fuhr thinks they may have been made by legs stretching out from the UFOs.
The phone at the family’s home was also tied up with people from all over the world calling Fuhr. He says one call came from the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong. The two-hour conversation, Fuhr says, involved Armstrong telling Fuhr that astronauts saw UFOs when travelling through space, but were told not to divulge that to the public.
“He said ‘It’s real all right.’ ”
Asked about the possibility of people making crank calls, Fuhr says the conversation convinced him it was indeed Armstrong.
Fuhr never began turning people away, or refusing to pick up the phone. He shrugs, and says he accepted that people were interested.
“I couldn’t do nothing about it. You know how people are,” he says. “Once the public finds out there’s something out there, they’ll all come out and see.”
A farmer made famous
Fuhr and his wife now live a quiet life in a bungalow in Langenburg. He retired from farming in 1989 and runs a landscaping and snow blowing business. To keep his mind occupied, Fuhr does carpentry in his spare time.
And he also enjoys reading books about UFOs.
Some of those books even mention Fuhr’s story, one of North America’s most famous UFO encounters. It was even featured on a History Channel documentary about UFOs. A cheesy dramatization of the sighting was made, with an actor playing Fuhr sitting on what looked more like a backhoe than a swather.
The setting for the video is a poor backdrop for Saskatchewan, with hills and trees in the background rather than fields. When the actor playing Morier arrives on scene, he’s wearing the stereotypical red serge, dress uniform of the RCMP — definitely not what he wore for daily duties.
Fuhr still gets the odd phone call from people curious about his encounter. He’s taken no pains to make himself hard to find, and is happy to oblige anyone who calls and wants to hear the story he’s told countless times.
“To me, it don’t matter. I’ll talk to anybody. If they want the story, I’ll tell them the story.”
He’s friendly, funny, welcoming — and still in surprisingly good spirits about the attention.
The land where the sighting happened still gets its share of visitors. It’s now farmed by Fuhr’s nephew, who tells those searching for the famous site that he has no idea what they’re talking about.
“He doesn’t want nothing to do with it,” says Fuhr.
Edwin Fuhr, a retired farmer, recalls his a close encounter with several UFOs while swathing in his field in the 1970s. His story made international news and is one of the most documented UFO cases in history Canadian history.TROY FLEECE / Regina Leader-Post
The most he ever got for sharing his story was a complimentary breakfast from CTV when visiting the studio for an interview. And that’s all right with him. Asked about ever making money from his story, he tilts his head, ponders the prospect, but then shrugs it off.
“To me it don’t matter. It’s out, the story’s out long already.”
Fuhr doesn’t give much thought to his status as a UFO celebrity. “If I had to think about all that I think I’d go bananas,” says Fuhr.
He is so humble about the experience, he doesn’t even like to take credit for it. “It was not my doings. It’s somebody from outer space that’s doing it, not me,” says Fuhr. “I’m a spectator just as well as all the rest are.”
Saskatchewan’s own Fox Mulder
After the Langenburg incident, Morier took his share of ribbing from his colleagues, who sometimes called him Mulder, after the X-Files investigator.
But it never negatively affected his career in the RCMP, which was extensive.
Morier became a composite artist and also trained to reconstruct the facial features of unidentified deceased people using sculpting techniques. During the rise of the computer, he worked on the RCMP’s initiative to begin doing composite sketches digitally.
A photo of Ron Morier from circa 1974.
After retiring from the RCMP with 27 years of service, he travelled all over the U.S. while working as a consultant on the TV show America’s Most Wanted. His last job was teaching at the Northwest Law Enforcement Academy in Winnipeg for 14 years.
Morier occasionally grants interview requests from the media or UFO researchers. But he knows they will inevitably lead to more phone calls.
“I don’t know why I do it cause I know it’s going to come back and bite me in the ass again,” he says.
Years ago, Morier was contacted by an engineer from Japan who wanted to learn more about the sighting. While the subject is a hotbed for conspiracy theories, every person who reached out to him seemed legitimate.
“I didn’t talk to any kooks, I don’t think.”
Morier has never tried to hide from the event. If anything, he’s preserved it with his binder.
“I’m a bit of a collector that way. I’ve got lots of old reports and stuff,” says Morier.
One of the most precious items in the binder is a handwritten letter from the National Research Council to Fuhr. Dated Oct. 4, 1974, just over a month after Fuhr’s sighting, the letter explains how scientists have been unable to find any evidence that aliens landed in Fuhr’s farm, and asks for more samples.
The NRC says it no longer possesses any research on the Langenburg incident. Only one brief record acknowledging Fuhr’s sighting exists at the Library Archives of Canada.
Morier has no ill feelings about the Langenburg incident, or its persistence to keep popping up in his life. He still has fond memories of policing the small community.
“To be honest with you it was the best time of my life,” says Morier.
A page from Ron Morier’s RCMP report on Edwin Fuhr’s UFO sighting near Langenburg in 1974.
I want to believe
Fuhr is convinced what he saw that day was extraterrestrial.
Over the years, he has taken an interest in the subject of UFOs, and is well read on the subject. He refers to government cover-ups, Roswell and popular theories that aliens may be concerned about global conflicts on Earth.
No scientific investigation has ever found evidence that alien craft landed at Fuhr’s farm. There were no other witness reports. The truth comes down to Fuhr.
Edwin Fuhr, a retired farmer, recalls his a close encounter with several UFOs while swathing in his field in the 1970s. His story made international news and is one of the most documented UFO cases in history Canadian history. Fuhr stands in a field near where the encounter was.
Whether his recent YouTube interview, or footage from the old VHS interview in 1988, most of the details are remarkably similar. The fact he has kept it so consistent over the years is one of things that makes it so compelling for Winnipeg-based science writer Chris Rutkowski.
“You’d think that after all these years he might want to embellish the story, but he tends to tell the same story over and over again. The story as of late hasn’t developed into glowing green goo and aliens with almond-shaped eyes and that type of thing,” says Rutkowski, who publishes an annual survey on UFO reports in Canada. “It’s a very straight story, so it’s compelling to think that this probably really did happen as he describes it.”
But is it proof enough?
A more recent photo of Ron Morier, who now resides in Winnipeg, Man.
(Photo courtesy Ron Morier)
“I guess the assumption is if it’s not ours, whose is it? But on the other hand we just don’t have the proof to make that quantum jump to say this definitely was proof of alien visitation in Langenburg,” says Rutkowski.
The story was compelling enough to be taken seriously by the federal government. Grass and soil samples were sent to the upper atmosphere research branch of the National Research Council, but no conclusions could ever be drawn.
The scientists were intrigued by a black substance found as a precipitate, especially in a sample that was taken from one of the rings that appeared to be burned. The sample was sent to Simon Fraser University for x-ray fluorescence analysis, but no conclusions could be drawn.
Fuhr doesn’t really care who believes or doesn’t. People have been telling him since the 1970s that it was all in his head.
“I had a guy from Quebec come out, and he figures I was smoking pot,” says Fuhr.
But to this day, Morier still believes Fuhr is being honest about what he saw.
“Why would he just out of the blue make this up?’” says the former officer.
The media ran with Morier’s findings, and in some cases used them as confirmation that flying saucers had landed. A headline from a newspaper in Newfoundland read “RCMP officer convinced UFOs were real.”
While Morier believes Fuhr to be truthful, he doesn’t believe in UFOs or little green men. The uncertainty of the Langenburg incident frustrated Morier because as intriguing as it was, it didn’t yield any answers.
“It bugged me a little that it didn’t confirm or not confirm that they do exist,” he says. “I still don’t know.”
Morier notices Fuhr seems more outspoken in his interviews now than the quiet farmer he knew. He commends him for sticking to his story.
“Good on him. He’ll never know and we’ll never know I guess,” says Morier.
“But boy that would’ve been quite an experience that day to see what he saw.”
SpaceX founder Elon Musk revealed Friday that, his company’s name notwithstanding, his rockets can do more than just explore space. They could also be the future of travel here on Earth.
Building on an idea he first mused about at last year’s International Astronautical Congress, Musk presented a video at this year’s IAC in Adelaide, Australia, detailing how the company’s next-generation rocket could take passengers anywhere on Earth in less than an hour, with most places reachable in just 25 minutes to a half-hour.
“If you build a ship that’s capable of going to Mars, what if you take that same ship and go from one place to another on Earth?” Musk asked as he set up the video. The idea is an evolution of something Musk briefly considered during his 2016 IAC presentation in Guadalajara, Mexico, in which he suggested SpaceX’s rockets could be used for super-fast cargo delivery between cities.
Never one to go with the conservative option, Musk opted for a much grander proposal by including passengers. Based on the video, the idea is similar to what Musk outlined last year, in which the rockets launch from a floating ferry some miles offshore from the city itself. The rocket would reach a top speed of about 18,000 miles per hour.
“The great thing about going to space is there’s no friction, so once you’re out of the atmosphere it’s smooth as silk,” said Musk, promising no turbulence during the outer space portion of the flight.
How smooth the takeoff and landing would be, however — or indeed how much a 25-minute connection between New York and Shanghai would cost — were left unanswered. Musk did not indicate any timeline for the scheme, or indeed any reason to think a timeline exists at all in any serious sense.
Still, the simple fact the video exists suggests Musk is thinking seriously about what his rockets can do while only barely leaving Earth at all.
“That’s not a typo,” SpaceX founder Elon Musk said Friday at the International Astronautical Congress as the date for the company’s first Mars missions flashed up on the big screen. “Although it is aspirational.”
The date in question is 2022, just five short years from now. That’s the target Musk has set for himself and SpaceX to build the first two cargo ships to reach Mars. According to his presentation at this year’s IAC in Adelaide, Australia, the plan is to start building the first of these next-generation rockets in mid-2018.
“I feel fairly confident that we can complete the ship and prepare the ship for launch in about five years,” he said. “Five years feels like a long time to me.”
These two uncrewed cargo runs in 2022 would set up four more missions in 2024, two of which would be crewed. Musk revealed the specific purposes for these early Mars missions.
Musk lays out his plan.
“The goal of these initial missions is to find the best source of water,” he said. “That’s the first mission. The second mission is to build the propellant plant.”
This plant would be a massive rocket refueling station, one in which Martian water, ice, and carbon dioxide can be recombined to create methane and liquid oxygen, the twin propellants needed for the rockets to return to Earth for their next use.
The early, uncrewed missions would deliver the raw materials needed to build the propellant plant, including all the solar panels needed to power it and the life support needed to keep the astronauts alive.
2022 and 2024 are important dates for SpaceX to hit because they would let the company make those years Earth-Mars rendezvous — points at which the planetsare close enough together in their respective orbits to facilitate an economical journey between the worlds.
From there, Musk indicated the plan would be to start gradually building Mars City and terraforming the planet, “making it really a nice place to be.”
You may want to rub your eyes both before AND after you watch this new ad from a Japanese milk company. It shows a UFO with an oddly familiar black-on-white paint job hovering over a field filled with children holding glasses. As they raise them skyward, the UFO’s bottom opens to reveal a giant cow’s nipple that squirts what is allegedly milk into the glasses to the delight of the kids. What bizarre future might this ad be preparing the Japanese — and possibly the world — for?
I knew you’d have to see it to believe it. Do you believe it?
According to Sora News 24, the company behind the ad is Rakunoh Mother’s, a Japanese milk producer, which in itself is an anomaly since Asians are more lactose intolerant than most other ethnic groups. Can an Uddered Flying Object convince them to ignore the revulsion and gulp gallons of milk like their American counterparts? Rakunoh Mother’s seems to think so, but comments on Japanese social media sites may indicate otherwise.
“This is madness!” “Shouldn’t that be pixelated when it appears onscreen?” “That’s one long nipple right there.” “I never knew this sort of thing happened in Kumamoto.” “My heart is pure so all I see is the fact that the milk is freshly squeezed.”
My heart is pure? What does that have to do with drinking alien milk? Or is it? Apparently the response to the first commercial was so confusing that Rakunoh Mother’s felt the need to make a second one showing how the ship acquired the milk.
Well, that was less creepy … not! Just when we’re starting to get used to the ideas of alien abductions, cattle mutilations and flying saucers stealing our water, fuel, precious metals and volcanic power, now we have to consider they’re absconding with our milk too? Can’t beings from the Taurus constellation find their own cows?
Is there a sinister motive behind these commercials or is this just the work of a really clever ad company? Perhaps an earlier commercial about how milk can build strong bones for even non-humans can answer this question.
That one isn’t as creepy but is it convincing? Is Japan covertly preparing its citizens for an announcement about alien contact? Or are ETs capitalists too and these commercials are their way to prepare us to buy back what they’re taking from us? Perhaps they’re more human than we think.
UFO caught on tape over Saddle Brook, New Jersey 28-Sep-2017
UFO caught on tape over Saddle Brook, New Jersey 28-Sep-2017
This bright unidentified flying object was recorded over Saddle Brook, New Jersey on 28th September 2017.
Witness report:
Bright light hovering near the moon, unblinking, stationary, then moved up until it disappeared. I was driving home when I noticed a stationary light in the sky. It was pretty bright, and unblinking. I wasn’t sure if it was a ufo but I decided to get it on camera anyway, because there was a dark object about 15 minutes earlier that could have been a lone cloud, maybe? But the clouds have been weird the past couple of days and I thought maybe it was a weird weather phenomenon, and I remembered seeing a random rainbow in the clouds yesterday that eventually disappeared…anyway, my suspicions about ufo activity was high so I decided to video this light. I had a hard time keeping my phone still (since I was driving and I know, I’m a bad girl), I tried zooming in and zooming out, showing its size relative to the moon, and all of a sudden I noticed it changed position in the sky and I watched (intermittenly) as it rose above the moon before disappearing entirely.
This UFO video of a bright object or orb flying across the night sky was filmed over El Salvador, the smallest and the most densely populated country in Central America. This happened on 28th September 2017.
If tech experts are to be believed, artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform the world. But those same experts don’t agree on what kind of effect that transformation will have on the average person. Some believe that humans will be much better off in the hands of advanced AI systems, while others think it will lead to our inevitable downfall.
How could a single technology evoke such vastly different responses from people within the tech community?
Artificial intelligence is software built to learn or problem solve — processes typically performed in the human brain. Digital assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri , along with Tesla’s Autopilot, are all powered by AI. Some forms of AI can even create visual art or write songs.
There’s little question that AI has the potential to be revolutionary. Automation could transform the way we work by replacing humans with machines and software. Further developments in the area of self-driving cars are poised to make driving a thing of the past. Artificially intelligent shopping assistants could even change the way we shop. Humans have always controlled these aspects of our lives, so it makes sense to be a bit wary of letting an artificial system take over.
Image credit: Silver Blue/Flickr
The Lay Of The Land
AI is fast becoming a major economic force. According to a paper from the McKinsey Global Institute Study reported by Forbes, in 2016 alone, between $8 billion and $12 billion was invested in the development of AI worldwide. A report from analysts with Goldstein Research predicts that, by 2023, AI will be a $14 billion industry.
KR Sanjiv, chief technology officer at Wipro, believes that companies in fields as disparate as healthcare and finance are investing so much in AI so quickly because they fear being left behind. “So as with all things strange and new, the prevailing wisdom is that the risk of being left behind is far greater, and far grimmer, than the benefits of playing it safe,” he wrote in an op-ed published in Tech Crunch last year.
Games provide a useful window into the increasing sophistication of AI. Case in point, developers such as Google’s DeepMind and Elon Musk’s OpenAIhave been using games to teach AI systems how to learn. So far, these systems have bested the world’s greatest players of the ancient strategy game Go, and even more complex games like Super Smash Bros and DOTA 2.
On the surface, these victories may sound incremental and minor — AI that can play Go can’t navigate a self-driving car, after all. But on a deeper level, these developments are indicative of the more sophisticated AI systems of the future. Through these games, AI become capable of complex decision-making that could one day translate into real-world tasks. Software that can play infinitely complex games like Starcraft, could, with a lot more research and development, autonomously perform surgeriesor process multi-step voice commands.
When this happens, AI will become incredibly sophisticated. And this is where the worrying starts.
AI Anxiety
Wariness surrounding powerful technological advances is not novel. Various science fiction stories, from The Matrix to I, Robot, have exploited viewers’ anxiety around AI. Many such plots center around a concept called “the Singularity,” the moment in which AIs become more intelligent than their human creators. The scenarios differ, but they often end with the total eradication of the human race, or with machine overlords subjugating people.
Several world-renowned sciences and tech experts have been vocal about their fears of AI. Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking famously worries that advanced AI will take over the world and end the human race. If robots become smarter than humans, his logic goes, the machines would be able to create unimaginable weapons and manipulate human leaders with ease. “It would take off on its own, and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate,” he told the BBC in 2014. “Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.”
Elon Musk, the futurist CEO of ventures such as Tesla and SpaceX, echoes those sentiments, calling AI “…a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization,” at the 2017 National Governors Association Summer Meeting.
Neither Musk nor Hawking believe that developers should avoid the development of AI, but they agree that government regulation should ensure the tech does not go rogue. “Normally, the way regulations are set up is a whole bunch of bad things happen, there’s a public outcry, and after many years, a regulatory agency is set up to regulate that industry,” Musk said during the same NGA talk. “it takes forever. That, in the past, has been bad, but not something which represented a fundamental risk to the existence of civilization.”
Hawking believes that a global governing body needs to regulate the development of AI to prevent a particular nation from becoming superior. Russian President Vladimir Putin recently stoked this fear at a meeting with Russian students in early September, when he said, “The one who becomes the leader in this sphere will be the ruler of the world.” These comments further emboldened Musk’s position — he tweeted that the race for AI superiority is the “most likely cause of WW3.”
Musk has taken steps to combat this perceived threat. He, along with startup guru Sam Altman, co-foundedthe non-profit OpenAI in order to guide AI development towards innovations that benefit all of humanity. According to the company’s mission statement: “By being at the forefront of the field, we can influence the conditions under which AGI is created.”Musk also founded a company called Neuralink intended to create a brain-computer interface. Linking the brain to a computer would, in theory, augment the brain’s processing power to keep pace with AI systems.
Other predictions are less optimistic. Seth Shostak, the senior astronomer at SETI believes that AI will succeed humans as the most intelligent entities on the planet. “The first generation [of AI] is just going to do what you tell them; however, by the third generation, then they will have their own agenda,” Shostak said in an interview with Futurism.
However, Shostak doesn’t believe sophisticated AI will end up enslaving the human race — instead, he predicts, humans will simply become immaterial to these hyper-intelligent machines. Shostak thinks that these machines will exist on an intellectual plane so far above humans that, at worst, we will be nothing more than a tolerable nuisance.
Image source: Max Pixel
Fear Not
Not everyone believes the rise of AI will be detrimental to humans; some are convinced that the technology has the potential to make our lives better. “The so-called control problem that Elon is worried about isn’t something that people should feel is imminent. We shouldn’t panic about it,” Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates recently told the Wall Street Journal. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg went even further during a Facebook Live broadcast back in July, sayingthat Musk’s comments were “pretty irresponsible.” Zuckerberg is optimistic about what AI will enable us to accomplish and thinks that these unsubstantiated doomsday scenarios are nothing more than fear-mongering.
Some experts predict that AI could enhance our humanity. In 2010, Swiss neuroscientist Pascal Kaufmann founded Starmind, a company that plans to use self-learning algorithms to create a “superorganism” made of thousands of experts’ brains. “A lot of AI alarmists do not actually work in AI. [Their] fear goes back to that incorrect correlation between how computers work and how the brain functions,” Kaufmann told Futurism.
Kaufmann believes that this basic lack of understanding leads to predictions that may make good movies, but do not say anything about our future reality. “When we start comparing how the brain works to how computers work, we immediately go off track in tackling the principles of the brain,” he said. “We must first understand the concepts of how the brain works and then we can apply that knowledge to AI development.” Better understanding of our own brains would not only lead to AI sophisticated enough to rival human intelligence, but also to better brain-computer interfaces to enable a dialogue between the two.
To Kaufmann, AI, like many technological advances that came before, isn’t without risk. “There are dangers which come with the creation of such powerful and omniscient technology, just as there are dangers with anything that is powerful. This does not mean we should assume the worst and make potentially detrimental decisions now based on that fear,” he said.
Experts expressed similar concerns about quantum computers, and about lasers and nuclear weapons—applications for that technology can be both harmful and helpful.
Definite Disrupter
Predicting the future is a delicate game. We can only rely on our predictions of what we already have, and yet it’s impossible to rule anything out.
We don’t yet know whether AI will usher in a golden age of human existence, or if it will all end in the destruction of everything humans cherish. What is clear, though, is that thanks to AI, the world of the future could bear little resemblance to the one we inhabit today.
During his presentation at the International Astronautical Congress, Elon Musk explained how he envisions SpaceX's BFR helping humans explore space. He believes the system could support the establishment of human bases on the Moon and Mars alike.
The basic idea behind the BFR is to create a single booster and ship that could replace the company’s Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy, and Dragon. This would allow SpaceX to pour all the resources currently split across those three crafts into the one project.
Once completed, the BFR could be used to launch satellites and space telescopes or clean up space debris. It would also be capable of docking with the International Space Station (ISS) for the delivery of cargo. Most excitingly, though, is the BFR’s potential to facilitate the establishment of off-world colonies.
The current BFR design is large enough to ferry up to 100 people and plenty of equipment, which Musk believes will be instrumental in creating a base of operations on the Moon. “It’s 2017, I mean, we should have a lunar base by now,” he said during his IAC presentation. “What the hell is going on?”
Musk’s aspirations go well beyond the Moon, though. SpaceX’s goal of heading to Mars as soon as they have the technology to do so is well known, and during last night’s presentation, Musk shared imagery of a fully fledged Martian city.
Construction on SpaceX’s first ship capable of heading to Mars is expected to start within the next nine months, and Musk hopes to send a pair of cargo ships to the planet in 2022, though he admitted that this goal is somewhat “aspirational.”
Two years later, SpaceX would send astronauts to the Red Planet aboard two crewed BFRs. These first “settlers” would construct a fuel plant that would serve as the beginning of the Martian colony. After that, the plan is to build multiple landing pads, then expand out into terraforming and the construction of an urban environment.
Musk’s objectives are indisputably audacious. However, putting humans on Mars will take some big, bold ideas, and his certainly qualify.
Often, the resulting videos and pictures are immediately discredited or easily explained – but on rare occasions, believers are treated to a genuine mystery.
Unfortunately, that is not the case with any of the following videos.
Daily Star Online has collected four of the most outrageous alien hoaxes ever to fool the world – starting with a classic.
FACT OR FICTION: Daily Star Online explores four of the most famous alien hoaxes
In September last year, it was reported that a giant alien spacecraft had been spotted in the skies above Malaysia.
Video of the alleged sighting does indeed show an enormous object whizzing through the air, accompanied by the low roar of an engine while panicked voices behind the camera murmur with concern.
As the craft passes overhead, white light can be seen shining from the underside of the vessel.
However, Malaysian police claimed to have received no reports of such a sighting.
The spacecraft was later understood to have been inserted into the video using special effects, hijacking a 2007 conceptual spaceship design by artist Damien White.
'UFO' hovers in the night sky before disappearing
Almost 13 million people saw remarkable footage showing a cluster of glowing blue lights in the skies above Colorado, US, after it was posted on Facebook earlier this year.
The group of UFOs behave strangely in the sky before ascending in unison and disappearing into a portal and out of sight.
It is claimed that the video was shot near the San Luis Valley – a notorious hotspot for alleged UFO activity – although local media did not pick up on the incident.
As it transpired, the footage was ripped from a YouTube video claiming to have been filmed in Mexico.
But a Spanish YouTube investigator savaged the footage, suggesting it could be easily replicated using video effects.
Gabe Hash said: “The video is only 30 seconds long and nobody is talking while the person is recording it, meaning that it meets all the characteristics of an animation.
“Most of the video is blurry and as I’ve said below, this is done to camouflage the animation. In conclusion, in our opinion the video is fake and just an animation rendered via computer.”
NASA live stream cuts out after floating grey object spotted
UFO-hunters could not believe their eyes when they discovered a grey-shaped object appear on NASA’s live video stream from the International Space Station.
And their suspicions were apparently confirmed when the stream cut out almost immediately, fuelling rumours of an agency cover-up.
However, the bizarre phenomenon was easily dismissed by experts as, rather disappointingly, the moon.
The moon can appear grey, not white, when viewed from outer space due to various mineral on its surface.
The Earth’s atmosphere can also make the moon seem oddly-shaped.
These two facts, combined with the likelihood of technical malfunction when broadcasting from space, mean the feet likely showed the moon shortly before a common video interruption.
UFO-like figures appear in the sky over the Dominican Republic
Strange lights in the skies above Haiti were captured on video in one of the first YouTube viral phenomena.
The clip shows a series of strange ships appear in the sky before whizzing out of sight, with footage of similar incidents claiming to have been shot in other cities around the world.
Millions have seen the video since it was posted on YouTube – although the video has far less exciting origins than many would have you believe.
It is actually the creation of an artist known only as “Barzolff”, forming as part of a “sociological experiment”.
SHAG HARBOUR, N.S. – As Laurie Wickens pointed off to the horizon one evening last year, it was like he was 18 years old again.
But there were some major differences. This time he was riding in a bus with a group of UFO-story enthusiasts.
And it was nearly five decades later.
What wasn’t different, however, was the level of intrigue and mystery, despite the passage of time.
This week the annual Shag Harbour UFO Festival touches down and will mark the 50-year anniversary of the Shag Harbour UFO incident of Oct. 4, 1967.
Wickens was one of many eyewitnesses to see something in the sky five decades ago, and he’ll be among those taking part in the festival running Friday, Sept. 29 to Sunday, Oct. 1.
Wickens still can’t say with 100 per cent certainty what he saw that night in Shag Harbour, but he’s convinced it was an unidentified flying object – a UFO – which is also how the incident was referred to in Government of Canada documents.
Wickens’ description on the bus tour last year – and more bus tours are planned this year – kept everyone enthralled. He said as he and some friends drove in a 1956 green and white Pontiac they saw lights above the tree line, but heard no sound.
“The lights would come on in sequence – one, two, three, four – then they’d all go off for a while and then start that sequence over,” he described, estimating the length of what he saw to be around 60 feet long, flying low to the horizon
"They weren't high because we wasn't looking up, we were looking out,” he said about the lights.
At the Shag Harbour Incident Centre.TINA COMEAU PHOTO
Eventually the lights crossed over the road and for a few seconds he and others lost sight of them. But then they watched the lights dive in a rapid 45-degree movement towards the water’s surface. At that point they Wickens and his friends thought they had witnessed a plane crash.
“When I called the RCMP the first thing he wanted to know was what I was drinking,” Wickens said about reporting the incident. But his phone call was followed by other ones, including one from other residents and also an off-duty RCMP officer. It wasn’t long before the RCMP, Coast Guard and fishing vessels had descended on the scene.
The fact that there was never any debris found made Wickens certain it wasn’t a plane crash he has witnessed. But what had left the yellow foam on the water’s surface, and what were the lights they had seen in the sky and then watched for about an hour on the water’s surface?
To this day, that remains the question.
Visiting the site of the crash of an object in the water in what is referred to the 1967 Shag Harbour UFO incident.TINA COMEAU PHOTO
Peter Goreham is another witness to the 1967 Shag Harbour UFO incident. In an interview during last year’s festival he recalled about telling his parents about the incident the next morning. They didn’t believe him until they saw the story on the news.
In the decades that have past Goreham said he continues to wonders about a cylinder-type device found by a lighthouse keeper the following morning. It was damaged, smouldering and had wires or something else coming out from it, he said. Someone from the American military, he claimed, took it away and told the lighthouse keeper not to talk about it.
“That was the last we saw of it,” he said
The keynote speaker at this year’s festival will be Chris Styles, who has been investigating the Shag Harbour incident for decades and has co-authored two books on the subject: Dark Object, with Don Ledger, and Impact To Contact, with Graham Simms.
“There’s been a lot of updates to the story and more information is now available since he wrote the two books,” Brock Zinck, vice-president of the Shag Harbour UFO Incident Society, told this newspaper a few weeks ago. “I’m really looking forward to his presentation. I don’t want to give away anything, but I think people are going to be surprised by what he has to say.”
At the Shag Harbour Incident Centre you can buy an alien.TINA COMEAU PHOTO
2017 Shag Harbour UFO Festival Schedule
Friday, Sept. 29
• 6-6:45 p.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: registration and meet and greet
• 6:45-7 p.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: opening remarks
• 7-9 p.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: Keynote address: Chris Style “Shag Harbour 50 Years On”
• 9-11 p.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: Musical performance by Jon Mullane
• 10 p.m. Impact Site: Dark Skies Stargazing presented by Deep Sky Eye Observator
Saturday, Sept. 30
• 7-9 a.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: Breakfast served by community hall
• 9-10:15 a.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: Don Ledger “Pilot Cases & Incident, and Air Canada Flight 305”
• 10:15-11:30 a.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: Aaron Gulyas “History of UFO Crashes”
• 11:30 a.m. UFO Interpretation Centre: Vendors
• 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: Graham Simms “Maritime Mysteries and UFOs”
• 12:45-1:45 p.m. Lasagna Lunch at Samuel Woods Museum or food trucks at the Interpretation Centr
• 1:45-3:45 p.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: Shag Harbour UFO Incident Witness Panel with Q&A. Panel will include Laurie Wickens, Peter Goreham, Norman Smith, Michael Crowell, Captain Ronnie Newell (Skipper of Coast Guard Cutter 101), Bill Boudreau (Shelburne Witness), Ralph Loewinger (commercial pilot)
• 3:45-5 p.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: TBA
• 5 p.m. Shag Harbour Community Centre: Dinner Break served by the Chapel Hill Historical Society
• 4:30-6:30 p.m. UFO Interpretation Centre: Live Podcast Recording with Jordan Bonaparte from Night Time Podcast and Martin Willis from Podcast UFO
• 7-8 p.m. Guided Bus Tour #1
• 9 p.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: Danc
Sunday, Oct. 1
• 7-9 a.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: Breakfas
• 9-9:45 a.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: Hugh Spencer “Roswell, St. Paul, and Shag Harbour”
• 9:45-10:30 a.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: Coffee Party with Tim Doucette of Deep Sky Eye Observatory
• 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: Alien Abduction Panel with Q&A: Susan Anderson and Ruth Kenney
• 12:30-1:30 p.m. Lunch (Served by Woods Harbour Community Hall)
• 1:30-2:30 p.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: Paul Kimball “UFO Filmography”
• 2:30-4 p.m. Woods Harbour Community Centre: Q&A with festival speakers
Speaking on This Morning , she claimed neither her auntie or uncle believed in aliens until their holiday in Montreal where they saw a UFO.
She told Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield: "They were driving through Hampshire in 1961, when they had a close encounter with a UFO.
"Barney got out of the car with binoculars and looked, and according to the airforce report, they observed a craft that was approximately 100ft above them.
Kathleen Marden claims her auntie and uncle were abducted by aliens(Image: ITV)
Barney and Betty say they saw a red light and UFO(Image: ITV)
"It was very large, as large as a dinner plate at arms length, and was observed by a dozen people as well as them.
"They said it was a bonafide sighting, not just a blip."
Kathleen went on to explain how her uncle described "figures standing behind the windows on the craft, dressed in shiny uniforms, and somehow not human."
She said: "Barney believed he saw a cap on some of the heads, when they turned sideways, something seemed to be protruding from the head area.
A red beam of light then came, and Barney ran to the car shouting, 'We need to get out of here!' There was then a loud sound, and then woke up and realised they'd lost two hours of time.
"Barney believed there was a plan for them, and they jumped in the car, raced down the highway from this craft, and moved over the vehicle.
"Betty looked up, expecting to see a light but looked up at darkness.
"The car was vibrating, and they woke up and then had very little memory of the interim, other than encountering a road block and a fiery orb."
Kathleen was blasted by viewers(Image: ITV)
Holly and Phil managed to keep a straight face(Image: ITV)
Kathleen continued to claim the biggest evidence they'd been involved in an alien abduction came when they got home.
Betty's dress was torn in several places, but she put it in her wardrobe knowing she'd wash it and fix it at a later date.
However, when she went to take it out again, there was a "pink powder on all the areas she'd been touched".
Cynical This Morning viewers were quick to accuse Kathleen of lying about her family's alien abduction.
One said: "This woman is crazy. She's reading this!"
Another blasted: "This woman is nuts powder bulls**t!!"
A third, wondering why aliens never go anywhere but the States, quipped: "Seems aliens are a bit xenophobic and racist... they always visit USA."
*This Morning continues on ITV1 weekdays at 10.30am
Doctor Roger Lier is a polarizing figure in the world of UFO enthusiasts and the new mystery/documentary, Patient Seventeen, seeks to provide more information about Lier and his beliefs. Roger Leir claims to be a leading surgeon that removes nanotechnology from human beings that were placed in them by aliens from another world and Patient Seventeen looks to verify the authenticity of Leir's claims through the thought provoking documentary. The real-life Patient Seventeen is a man from Southern California in his forties and he claims that he was visited by aliens when he was a child. Leir recently put him under the knife to remove a metallic object from his calf, which he believes was put there by extraterrestrial beings. The official synopsis for the documentary reads.
"Meet a surgeon who claims to remove highly advanced implants, nanotechnology microchips imbedded by aliens, non-humans monitoring our earth. Discover the world of abductions, scalar wave transmissions, and a program to study or manipulate the human race. Armed with a patient, a scalpel, black lights and a stud finder; we seek to verify the authenticity of this alleged Off-World Implant Technology."
Filmmaker Jeremy Kenyon Locker Corbell aims to find the truth in Leir's work and interviews him and Patient Seventeen at length throughout the course of the unsettling movie that is sure to raise a few eyebrows. Patient Seventeen is the latest movie in a series that Corbell calls his "investigative film series" through his Extraordinary Beliefs productions.
A podiatrist by training, from the late 1980s Roger Leir became increasingly involved with his local branch of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Attending one of its conferences in 1995, he was presented with several foot X-rays from a woman who believed that she had been abducted by aliens. Despite Leir's skepticism, the scans did indicate that there was something in her big toe, and to satisfy his curiosity he offered to operate on her, free of charge. On August 19th, 1995 he extracted two very small foreign objects from the patient, each one metallic in appearance. A second patient underwent surgery that same day for an object about the size of a watermelon seed, between his thumb and index finger.
By the late 1990s, Leir's findings had established him as a prominent, though controversial, spokesperson for the alien abduction and UFO communities. The Aliens and the Scalpel, detailing his experiences with "implant" surgery, was published in 1999, followed by Casebook: Alien Implants. He made appearances in various television documentaries, including the History Channel's UFO Hunters, and attended conferences in more than 40 countries. In 2003, he travelled to Varginha, Brazil, to conduct his own research into the alleged crash of an alien craft there seven years previously, an event dubbed "the Brazilian Roswell." The investigation formed the basis of his final book, UFO Crash in Brazil.
Doctor Roger Leir died in 2014 at the age of 79 and Patient Seventeen aims to dive into his studies that many believe to be completely fabricated. Discover the world of alien abductions in the new trailer from The Orchard's Patient Seventeen. Armed with a patient, a scalpel, black lights and a stud finder; director Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell seeks to verify the authenticity of alleged Off-World Implant Technology in this gripping documentary available to own October 10th, and On Demand October 31st. You can check out the trailer courtesy of The Orchard Movies YouTube channel below.
Famous alien autopsy film confession reignites debate
Famous alien autopsy film confession reignites debate
The man responsible for making what has become one of the most famous alleged alien films in the world recently spoke the the UK’s Metro News, admitting that he had created the video. He says he made it as a joke, but he regrets that it has fooled so many people. One of the men who paid for the creation of the film told the Daily Express that although the film is fake, it was based off of real footage. However, there are many reasons to doubt this account.
What has come to be known as the “Alien Autopsy” in UFO circles was first made famous in a TV documentary in 1995. The show was called Alien Autopsy – Fact or Fiction, produced by Robert Kiviat in 1995 and hosted by Star Trek’s Jonathan Frakes.
The film was purportedly of an alien that was recovered at the famous alleged crash of an extraterrestrial spacecraft outside of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. However, it was quickly picked apart and was found to be fake. Still, the filmmakers purportedly made millions.
The movie was owned by Ray Santilli and Gary Shoefield. To defend their participation in the hoax, Santilli claimed that they really were given a piece of film of the alien autopsy by a mysterious cameraman who they say they confirmed was a US Air Force cameraman in 1947. They claim the film had deteriorated, so they hired people to make a recreation.
Spyros Melaris told Metro News he was the guy hired to make the film, but he says the whole thing came from his imagination, not any mysterious footage.
A recent article in Metro News reads, “Spyros Melaris reveals in a new one-man West End show that the film claiming to show an alien body being examined in 1947 was actually shot in a north London flat.”
From left: Gary Shoefield, Philip Mantle, Ray Santilli.
(Credit: Philip Mantle)
Melaris says he hired sculptor John Humphreys, a special effects expert, who among other shows, has worked on Dr. Who. Humphreys created the aliens, and for the innards, they obtained cow and lamb organs from a local butcher.
To further fool people, Melaris says they spliced their footage into real 1947 newsreel to look more authentic.
As for Humphreys, he has also come forward regarding his involvement. UK UFO researcher, and frequent contributor to, Philip Mantle has been investigating the Alien Autopsy for years, and has corresponded with Humphreys.
Humphreys also, ironically, worked on a movie about Sheffield and Santilli’s creation of the hoaxed film. It generally followed Santilli’s claim that they had seen real footage and tried to create it. The movie started comedy team Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly, known as Ant and Dec. At the end of the movie, after the two had been exposed as hoaxers, they receive the “real” footage, but it was too late.
John Humphreys creating the alien prop for the movie.
(Credit: Philip Mantle)
This “real” footage was grainy black and white film, and sure enough, rumors started that the footage used in the movie was the real footage Santilli had seen. This rumor was supposedly given credence by Santilli himself. When confronted, he told Mantle that he could not talk about it, adding to the mystery.
Alien Autopsy movie poster.
(Credit: Warner Bros.)
Humphreys was not so shy. He told Mantle that he had created the props for the entire movie, including the new black and white film at the end.
“For me this ends the debate,” writes Mantle. “Humphreys has no reason to take credit for something he did not do. The evasiveness of Santilli and [director Johnny] Campbell also speaks volumes. As far as I’m concerned the short black & white sequence at the end of the ‘Alien Autopsy’ feature movie is not the real deal and is simply a cinematic special effect made by the movie company and John Humphreys.”
But the story does not end there. As recently as today, the Daily Express released an exclusive interview with Santilli who stands by his claim that the real footage exists. In fact, he provided an image that allegedly shows a piece of the real film. However, he still will not reveal the name of the man who provided him the film.
“I refute Spyros Melaris’s version of his involvement in Alien Autopsy,” Santilli told the Daily Express. “If anything Spyros was part of a team. He felt there should been more acknowledgement for his work or the artistic side.”
Gareth Watson, an actor who played a doctor in the fake video, says he was also lead to believe there was real film footage and he saw it.
However, he says, “The original footage was of very poor quality to the point I could have been looking at the yeti.”
Alien Autopsy image recently provide to the Daily Express. This is supposedly part of the real footage provided to Santilli.
(Credit: Ray Santilli)
If Watson is right, and the footage is of such poor quality, how could they have recreated it?
At one point, years ago, our organization was offered the opportunity to examine a piece of the “real” film, but we were told we could not be proved a piece that had an image of the alien or anything else from the autopsy footage. But it was allegedly a piece from the reel. Without being able to prove that, it was not worth our time.
But let’s take a closer look at the image Santilli provided the Daily Express. Scott Brando runs He is also active on social media and carefully examines UFO and alien claims. He tweeted me something he noticed, which is that the image Santilli provided the Daily Express looks like a negative of a still from the hoaxed alien autopsy video. Of course it is also scuffed up to look old. He provided the image below, and it does look spot on.
Comparison made by Scott Brando/
So this once again seems to be Santilli up to his old tricks. Why doesn’t he give up? Maybe he loves the attention and is still making money. He claims he may release the entire film at some point in the future, but I would guess it would need to involve a lot of money and that it will be inconclusive in the end.
“I would like to say now that there is a big part of me that feels remorse. I underestimated the response,” Maleris told Metro News. “The reality is that everybody in the UFO community took this film as the smoking gun, proof of UFOs and aliens.”
Well, not everyone. Most UFO researchers didn’t buy it, but many UFO enthusiasts have. Either way, many interested in the UFO phenomenon will find it hard to forgive Melaris as the search for the smoking gun continues. I’de be willing to wager that if a smoking gun is found, it is not Santilli who has it.
Alexander the Great's 'lost city' was a magical place where people drank wine and naked philosophers imparted wisdom, ancient accounts claim.
Now, nearly 2,000 years after the great warrior's death, archaeologists believe the city may have finally been discovered in Iraq.
Experts first noticed ancient remains in the Iraqi settlement, known as Qalatga Darband, after looking at declassified American spy footage from the 1960s.
The images were made public in 1996 but, due to political instability, archaeologists were unable to explore the site properly for years.
Now, using more recent drone footage and on-site work, researchers have established there was a city during the first and second centuries BC, which had strong Greek and Roman influences.
They believe Alexander the Great founded it in 331 BC, and later settled in the city with 3,000 veterans of his campaigns.
Alexander the Great's 'lost city' was a magical place where people drank wine and naked philosophers imparted wisdom, ancient accounts claim.
Now, nearly 2,000 years after the great warrior's death, archaeologists believe the city may have finally been discovered in Iraq.
Experts first noticed ancient remains in the Iraqi settlement, known as Qalatga Darband, after looking at declassified American spy footage from the 1960s.
The images were made public in 1996 but, due to political instability, archaeologists were unable to explore the site properly for years.
Now, using more recent drone footage and on-site work, researchers have established there was a city during the first and second centuries BC, which had strong Greek and Roman influences.
They believe Alexander the Great founded it in 331 BC, and later settled in the city with 3,000 veterans of his campaigns.
Scroll down for video
Nearly 2,000 years after Alexander the Great's death, archaeologists believe his 'lost city' has been found in Iraq's Qalatga Darband. Shown here is the Darband-i Rania pass from the northeast. The site of Qalatga Darband is the triangular land beyond the bridge on the right
Alexander the Great is arguably one of history's most successful military commanders.
Undefeated in battle, he had carved out a vast empire stretching from Macedonia and Greece in Europe, to Persia, Egypt and even parts of northern India by the time of his death aged 32.
Only five barely intact accounts of his death at Babylon in 323 BCE survive to the present day.
None are from eyewitnesses and all conflict to varying degrees.
According to one account from the Roman era, Alexander died leaving his kingdom 'to the strongest' or 'most worthy' of his generals.
In another version, he died speechless in a coma, without making any plans for succession.
Undefeated in battle, Alexander had carved out a vast empire stretching from Macedonia and Greece in Europe, to Persia, Egypt and even parts of northern India by the time of his death aged 32.
Researchers believe Qalatga Darband - which roughly translates from Kurdish as ‘castle of the mountain pass’ - is on the route Alexander of Macedon took to attack Darius III of Persia in 331 BC.
The city may have served as an important meeting point between East and West.
It is 6 miles (10km) south-east of Rania in Sulaimaniya province in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Researchers at the British Museum first explored the site using spy footage of the area from the 1960s.
An archaeological dig was not possible when Saddam Hussein controlled Iraq.
But more recently improved security has allowed the British Museum to explore the site as a way of training Iraqis to rescue areas damaged by Islamic State.
As well as on-site work, the Museum has also been able to capture its own drone footage of the area.
'We got coverage of all the site using the drone in the spring — analysing crop marks hasn't been done at all in Mesopotamian archaeology', lead archaeologist John MacGinnis told The Times.
'It's early days, but we think it would have been a bustling city on a road from Iraq to Iran.
'You can imagine people supplying wine to soldiers passing through', he said.
'Where there are walls underground the wheat and barley don't grow so well, so there are colour differences in the crop growth'.
A graphic of what the 'lost city' would have looked like, with a temple, inner fort and wine press facilities. Farmers in the area had found remains of big buildings and a large fortified wall in the area
Researchers first noticed apparently ancient remains in the Iraqi settlement, known as Qalatga Darband (pictured) after looking at declassified American spy footage from the 1960s. However, an archaeological dig was not possible when Saddam Hussein controlled Iraq
From the excavation work, they discovered an abundance of terracotta roof tiles and Greek and Roman statues, suggesting the city's early residents were Alexander’s subjects.
Among the statues they found was a female figure believed to be Persephone, the Greek goddess of vegetation, and the other is believed to be Adonis, a symbol of fertility.
They also discovered a coin of Orodes II, who was king of the Parthian from 57 BC to 37 BC.
On its western flank, the city was protected by a large fortification which ran from the river to the mountain.
It is situated on a large open site around 60 hectares (148 acres) large on a natural terrace.
The 1960s Corona spy satellite footage showed a large square building, potentially believed to be a fort, according to aBritish Museum blog.
More recently improved security has allowed the British Museum to explore the site as a way of training Iraqis to rescue areas damaged by Islamic State. The findings suggest, Qalatga Darband, may be on the route Alexander the Great took to attack Darius III of Persia in 331 BC
An abundance of terracotta roof tiles and Greek and Roman statues suggests the city, which now has a thriving wine trade, could have been created by Alexander. Statue of a nude male (left) which could possibly be Adonis and a Coin of Orodes II (right)
There were rumours there was an ancient city at the site three years previously and farmers had found remains of big buildings and a large fortified wall.
Experts processed their drone footage and increased the colour contrasts to show rectangular buildings hidden beneath fields of crops.
An abundance of terracotta roof tiles and Greek and Roman statues also suggests the city, which now has a thriving wine trade, could have been created by Alexander.
They found two key statues - one a female figure believed to be Persephone, the Green goddess of vegetation, and the other is believed to be Adonis, a symbol of fertility.
Farmers in the area had also found remains of big buildings and a large fortified wall.
There were a number of limestone blocks, believed to be wine or oil presses.
Meanwhile, excavation of a mound at the southern end of the site revealed a monument which could have been a temple for worship.
Fieldwork started in the autumn of 2016 and is expected to last until 2020.
The project, which was part of the government-funded Iraq Emergency Heritage Management Training Programme, has been possible due to improved security in the country.
It is part of a £30 million ($40 million) government plan to help Iraq rebuild historical sites destroyed by Islamic State.
This fund is designed to counter the destruction of heritage in cultural zones from Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
The programme involves bringing groups of Iraqi archaeologists to London for eight weeks of training at the British Museum.
They are then sent to excavations in the field for six additional weeks where they learn how to do drone surveys and 3D scanning.
Archaeologists at the British Museum have found a number of statues and coins and have established there was a city during the first and second centuries BC which had strong Greek and Roman influences
Archaeologists also found terracotta roof tiles, such as this antefix (pictured) - which suggested Greek and Roman influences
Experts believe Qalatga Darband is on the route Alexander the Great (pictured) took to attack Darius III of Persia in 331 BC
Qalatga Darband is six miles (10km) south-east of Rania in Sulaimaniya province in Iraqi Kurdistan, just next to Dukan Lake. Using drone footage, experts have now established there was a city during the first and second centuries BC
The project, which was part of the government-funded Iraq Emergency Heritage Management Training Programme, has been possible due to improved security in the country.
It is part of a £30 million ($40 million) government plan to help Iraq rebuild historical sites destroyed by Islamic State.
This fund is designed to counter the destruction of cultural heritage in cultural zones from Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
The training programme involves bringing groups of Iraqi archaeologists to London for eight weeks of training at the British Museum.
They are then sent to excavations in the field for six additional weeks where thy will learn how to do drone surveys and 3D scanning.
The plan is to provide training for more than 50 Iraqis over a period of five years.
The team now want to find linguistic evidence to confirm their findings.
Earlier this year archaeologists believe they found the last will and testament of Alexander the Great - more than 2,000 years after his death.
A London-based expert David Grant claimed to have unearthed the Macedonian king's dying wishes in an ancient text that has been 'hiding in plain sight' for centuries.
The long-dismissed last will divulged Alexander's plans for the future of the Greek-Persian empire he ruled.
It also reveals his burial wishes and discloses the beneficiaries to his vast fortune and power.
Evidence for the lost will can be found in an ancient manuscript known as the 'Alexander Romance', a book of fables covering Alexander's mythical exploits.
Likely compiled during the century after Alexander's death, the fables contain invaluable historical fragments about Alexander's campaigns in the Persian Empire.
The project, which was part of the government-funded Iraq Emergency Heritage Management Training Programme, has been possible due to improved security in the country
Beelden autopsie op Roswell-alien gepubliceerd. Is dit een echt buitenaards wezen?
Beelden autopsie op Roswell-alien gepubliceerd. Is dit een echt buitenaards wezen?
De Britse filmmaker Ray Santilli claimde eerder dat hij van een tachtigjarige militair een film had gekocht die was gemaakt van het onderzoek naar het Roswellincident.
Nu heeft hij enkele frames vrijgegeven waarop één van de Roswell-aliens te zien zou zijn.
De militair zou altijd hebben gezwegen over de film, maar hem uiteindelijk verkocht hebben om aan geld te komen voor het huwelijk van zijn dochter.
Vreemd uitziende organen
Op de film zou te zien zijn hoe onderzoekers het lichaam van de alien openen en er vreemd uitziende organen uit halen.
Volgens Santilli heeft Kodak aan de hand van serienummers vastgesteld dat de film in 1927, 1947 of 1967 uit de fabriek moet zijn gekomen.
Hij claimt dat de nepfilm die hij in 1995 maakte over de Roswell-crash (zie video hieronder) is gebaseerd op de oorspronkelijke, authentieke beelden.
‘Zeker geen hoax’
Op het beeld, dat door de Daily Express is gepubliceerd, zijn drie frames te zien die een dode alien op een operatietafel lijken te tonen.
De film die Santilli in 1995 maakte was ‘zeker geen hoax, maar een reconstructie’, zo vertelde hij aan de krant.
Op de vraag of het gaat om de oorspronkelijke beelden, antwoordde hij: “Zeker weten.”
Roswell-alien (Ray Santilli)
Iets anders
“Laat me duidelijk zijn: ik was er niet bij in 1947, dus ik kan niet met zekerheid zeggen of het een alien is, maar het zijn de oorspronkelijke camerabeelden,” zei hij.
De beelden kwamen volgens hem in 1992 boven water, toen Polygram (nu Universal) hem vroeg om een documentaire over Elvis Presley te maken.
“Een cameraman vroeg ons in Cleveland of we interesse hadden in iets anders,” zei Santilli. “Hij claimde voor de luchtmacht te hebben gewerkt en de autopsie op de alien te hebben gefilmd.”
Hele film
De beelden waren na al die jaren van dusdanig slechte kwaliteit dat hij besloot om een reconstructie te maken. Dat vertelde hij er indertijd echter niet bij.
Santilli zegt nog steeds eigenaar te zijn van de oorspronkelijke beelden. Mogelijk maakt hij op een later moment de hele film openbaar.
Verloren stad van Alexander de Grote ontdekt in Irak. De manier waarop is verrassender dan je zou denken
Verloren stad van Alexander de Grote ontdekt in Irak. De manier waarop is verrassender dan je zou denken
Archeologen hebben in Irak een verloren stad ontdekt. De stad, die meer dan 2000 jaar verborgen lag, is ontdekt aan de hand van dronebeelden en oude foto’s die openbaar zijn gemaakt.
Qalatga Darband, naar verluidt in 331 voor Christus gesticht door Alexander de Grote, is ontdekt door een team Iraakse en Britse archeologen onder leiding van het British Museum.
De vindplaats trok de aandacht van archeologen nadat de CIA satellietbeelden uit de jaren zestig had geopenbaard, waarop ruïnes te zien waren.
Bruisende stad
De beelden zijn al in 1996 vrijgegeven, maar vanwege de politieke instabiliteit konden archeologen de vindplaats jarenlang niet goed onderzoeken.
Hoofdonderzoeker John MacGinnis en zijn collega’s gebruikten drones om de resten van de gebouwen te vinden die eeuwen onder de grond verscholen lagen.
“Het is nog vroeg, maar we denken dat het een bruisende stad was op de weg van Irak naar Iran,” vertelde hij aan The Times.
Op de vindplaats in Iraaks-Koerdistan zijn onder meer Griekse munten en standbeelden van Grieks-Romeinse goden gevonden.
De Iraakse archeologische diensten hebben zeer veel hinder ondervonden van de chaos die ontstond na de door Amerika geleide invasie van Irak in 2003.
Eén van de grootste
Alexander de Grote creëerde één van de grootste rijken in de oudheid, een rijk dat zich uitstrekte van Macedonië en Griekenland in Europa tot Perzië, Egypte en zelfs delen van India.
Hij was ongeslagen in de strijd en wordt beschouwd als één van de meest succesvolle bevelhebbers aller tijden.
Flaming object streaking across the sky releases escape pod over Santiago, Chile?
Flaming object streaking across the sky releases escape pod over Santiago, Chile?
The following footage of a strange moving flaming object was caught on camera by Francisco Garcia on September 25, 2017 19.30 local time over Santiago, Chile.
While the object streaking across the sky it suddenly releases something what looks like an escape pod sparking theories that it could be a UFO.
Others suggest that the flaming object is the effect of a large plane as it’s cuts through a cloud layer but I’m not sure if that is the case because it does move in a way that doesn’t suggest clouds.
So, the object is a UFO ejecting an escape pod or is it more likely that the object is something like a meteorite, space junk or a man-made reentry vehicle reentering the atmosphere and breaking up?
The couple’s bizarre claims concern the night of September 14 2009 at 11pm.
They lived in one of 30 flats that overlook the sea at Wilsthorpe.
The pair decided to go to bed, however, as the woman went to turn off the lights, she saw a glow outside.
Mr Sinclair said “something told her to look outside” before she opened the front door and looked out to sea where she was amazed to see several glowing UFOs above the coast.
Mr Sinclair said she described them as 15-feet long and eight-feet wide “spaceships over the sea”.
He said: “She said there was a huge circle of boomerang-shaped craft.
“She said there were loads – 30 to 40 and the sea below was bubbling, banging and crashing.
“They were silent, but there was electricity going into the sea.
“Ron (her husband) said it was like a blue and white Christmas tree over the sea. He was frightened and left after ten minutes and put his head under the pillow for the night.
“But, she told me she was not frightened and knew she was never going to see anything like it again in her life.”
She stayed for around half and hour before the objects began to “lift out of the circle in pairs at a 45 degree angle until just two were left which shot off straight up.”
Two Chinook helicopters full of RAF personnel landed at the beach by the remote hamlet.
Mr Sinclair also spoke with a man who runs a bait shop at Bridlington Harbour, who told him his bait diggers had seen “triangle” craft enter the sea in 2009 over the same period.
He said two of his bait diggers had been on Wilsthorpe Beach the day the couple saw the military operation.
They told of seeing “triangles entering the sea” and later “being surrounded by soldiers.”
Separately a man working on a boat at Blythe Park boat compound also confirmed the military presence, he said.
Mr Sinclair submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to find out why the operation took place on September 15.
However, the response he eventually received, said it was just a “routine military exercise” and few other details were provided.
The reply said “no live ammunition was used” and “any explosions heard were controlled detonations of simulated ammunitions.”
The response added that it was “one of a number of regular exercises” as part of work to defend the UK, and new locations would often be used with landowners’ consent.
Mr Sinclair continues to investigate the case and is trying to obtain historic coast guard reports from the period.
He believes it is connected to a high level of reported UFO activity along a 25-mile stretch of the East Yorkshire and North Yorkshire coast from Brandesburton in East Yorkshire to Scarborough, North Yorkshire, between May and September 2009.
High levels of military aircraft flying low and circling near his home in Bridlington, East Yorkshire, were also recorded that September.
Mr Sinclair said the case did not yet prove a UFO presence, but: “I think the military arrived because of the objects.”
In a post on his Truth Proof Facebook page about the case, he wrote: “Nothing found can prove with any certainty the UFOs were over the sea as an elderly couple claim, or that the black triangles entered the sea in September 2009 like the bait diggers described.
“All I can do is stack the evidence for and against, either side of the scale.”
Elf jaar geleden maakte de eerste maanorbiter van de Europese ruimtevaartorganisatie SMART-1 een geplande, maar allesbehalve zachte landing op onze natuurlijke satelliet. Met een snelheid van zo’n twee kilometer per seconde stuiterde deze over het maanoppervlak. “Er waren in die tijd geen andere ruimtevaartuigen in een baan rond de maan om close-upbeelden van de inslag te maken en het vinden van de exacte locatie was meer dan tien jaar een ‘cold case’,” vertelt SMART-1-projectonderzoeker Bernard Foing. Want hoewel de op aarde gevestigde Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope de lichtflits die tijdens de inslag ontstond, vastlegde, bleef de exacte locatie van de inslag in nevelen gehuld.
Gevonden! Maar die cold case kan nu gesloten worden. Want Foing heeft de laatste rustplek van SMART-1 gevonden, zo vertelde hij tijdens het European Planetary Science Congress. “Voor deze Crash Scene Investigation gebruikten we alle mogelijke getuigen op aarde, observaties en computermodellen om de exacte plek te vinden en uiteindelijk vonden we de littekens.”
De littekens Want de inslag is ook de maan niet in de koude kleren gaan zitten, zo blijkt. Op beelden van de inslagplek is een twintig meter lange en vier meter brede geul te zien die dwars door een oudere krater loopt. Aan het einde van de geul treffen we ejecta aan – maanmateriaal dat tijdens de inslag is weggeslingerd – dat richting het zuiden is uitgewaaierd. “De hoge resolutie-beelden van de Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiterlaten sneeuwwitte ejecta van het eerste contact (met de maan, red.) zien, vervolgens is door het ruimtevaartuig een kanaal dat van noord naar zuid loopt, uitgekerfd voor deze ging stuiteren.”
De laatste rustplaats van SMART-1.
Afbeelding: P Stooke / B Foing et al 2017 / NASA / GSFC / Arizona State University.
Als het aan Foing ligt, gaan we de littekens die SMART-1 heeft achterlaten nog eens van dichterbij bekijken. “De volgende stap is het sturen van een robotische onderzoeker die de resten van SMART-1 – het lichaam en de ‘vleugels’ bestaande uit zonnepanelen – gaat onderzoeken.”
Wonderschone Saturnusnevel vastgelegd door ESO's Very Large Telescope
Wonderschone Saturnusnevel vastgelegd door ESO's Very Large Telescope
Tim Kraaijvanger
Deze planetaire nevel heeft qua silhouet iets weg van de planeet Saturnus, maar is wel een totaal ander object.
De Saturnusnevel is zo’n 5.000 lichtjaar van de aarde verwijderd en is te vinden in het sterrenbeeld Waterman. Ooit was deze nevel een lichte ster, vergelijkbaar met de zon. Aan het einde van zijn bestaan dijde het object uit tot een rode reus en begon het zijn buitenste gaslagen af te stoten. Deze gaslagen zijn weggeblazen door krachtige sterrenwinden en vervolgens verlicht door de ultraviolette straling van de ster.
Het resultaat is dat er nu een kleurrijke nevel te zien is. Deze foto is gemaakt door het MUSE-instrument van ESO’s Very Large Telescope. Dankzij de observatie van de Saturnusnevel leren onderzoekers meer over de complexe structuren binnen een planetaire nevel. Zo ontdekten de wetenschappers een golfachtige structuur in het stof, die nog niet helemaal te plaatsen is. Er is minder stof te vinden aan de rand van de binnenschil van de nevel. Wordt dit stof daar vernietigd? Zo ja, komt dit door de uitdijende schokgolf of verdampt het stof door de hitte?
Nevel NGC 7009 met annotaties. Voor het eerst is het stof in de nevel vastgelegd.
In het midden van de nevel is een ster te zien, die langzaam transformeert in een witte dwerg. In deze ster vinden geen kernreacties meer plaats. Wel is de ster zeer dicht. Zo heeft een gemiddelde witte dwerg een straal van enkele duizenden kilometers, terwijl een kubieke centimeter witte dwerg-materiaal een paar honderd ton weegt. Als je op een witte dwerg zou staan, zou je direct in elkaar worden gedrukt door de zwaartekracht. Het zwaartekrachtsveld is namelijk honderdduizenden malen sterker dan op het aardoppervlak.
Ook onze zon wordt ooit een witte dwerg. Zo’n witte dwerg koelt heel langzaam af. Pas na tientallen miljarden jaren – en mogelijk nog langer – is de ster volledig uitgedoofd en blijft er een zwarte dwerg over.
NASA Satellites Detect MASSIVE, 150-mile anomaly in Antarctica
NASA Satellites Detect MASSIVE, 150-mile anomaly in Antarctica
A bizarre anomaly of around 250 km has been found in Antarctica thanks to satellite images provided by NASA.
A bizarre, new theory claims that a mysterious anomaly discovered beneath the ice in Antarctica may be a sort of secret base.
UFO hunters are convinced that not only did the Nazi’s built secret bases on the north and south pole but that there are several bases on Antarctica that were used not only by humans but by otherworldly visitors as well.
The massive Antarctica anomaly encompasses a distance of nearly 250 kilometers across and reaches a maximum depth of 850 meters below the surface.
The anomaly was discovered in an area known as Wilkes Land on Antarctica.
Speaking about the discovery, Secureteam10 says: ‘To this day, scientists have no idea or way to discover exactly what is buried deep under this thick ice shelf. This continent has been shrouded in a mystery of its own for years now.’
‘There is some evidence of this coming to light in recent years, with images purporting to show various entrances built into the side of mountains, with a saucer shape and at a very high altitude. This begs the question: how would you enter these entrances without something that could fly and was the same shape as the hole itself?’
You only need one such discovery, and a conspiracy is at hand.
Furthermore, it is believed that the US Navy led a mission to investigate such anomaly.
The recon mission was dubbed ‘Operation Highjump.’ Operation Highjump included a staggering 13 ships, aircraft escort, aircraft carrier, a submarine, two destroyers and a total of 4,700 men with full battle gear in what was officially called an ordinary ‘training exercise.’
Operation Highjump was curiously terminated six months earlier than expected. An excerpt from February 19, 1947 describes Admiral Byrd’s arrival over the pole at 1000 hours:
We are crossing over the small mountain range and still proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over Ice and Snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation Instruments are still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!
The odd anomaly was first found by NASA satellites in 2006.
However, not everyone is willing to go with the conspiracy theory of secret bases located hundreds of meters below the Antarctican ice.
Others believe that the bizarre anomaly isn’t so bizarre after all, and that it is in fact the result of an asteroid impact twice the size of the one which exterminated the dinosaurs.
‘This Wilkes Land impact is much bigger than the impact that killed the dinosaurs, and probably would have caused catastrophic damage at the time,’ said Ralph von Frese, who was a professor of geological sciences at Ohio State University when he discovered the crater in 2006. All the environmental changes that would have resulted from the impact would have created a highly caustic environment that was really hard to endure. So it makes sense that a lot of life went extinct at that time.’
Dusk is falling outside the Alien Research Center, and I’m ready to go home. But Mikayla, our photographer, wants to capture some final shots of the metal alien while the light is good. The sun is flat on the horizon, turning the desert, the highway, the alien and everything else gold. The pros call this moment “magic hour.” I shuffle around the empty lot and snap a few phone pics of a street sign that warns: Open Range Next 110 Miles.
From out of nowhere, a rushing engine and flying dirt. Could it be a UFO? Nope. It’s a jalopy, nearly hitting me. A young man and his father have driven all the way from Eau Claire, Wisconsin, to explore the interplanetary hot spot that surrounds state Route 375, aka the Extraterrestrial Highway. They’ve already visited the gate to Area 51, but they’re too late for the Alien Research Center. The gift shop is closed.
Meeting an extraterrestrial would be the coolest thing ever, the son, Jeremy Richter, tells me. He spins intricate histories of aliens, and I wonder aloud what he’ll do if he actually meets one.
His answer? A question: “What do you think about our species? In my opinion, our species is half idiotic and half insane.”
What is it about humanity and our insatiable need to be judged? Thousands of years of advancement and we still desire some Egyptian god—or Ancient Alien—to weigh our souls against a feather.
In Rachel, Nevada, polite European tourists have mostly replaced the true believers. This town is famous for interstellar travel, yet it doesn’t even have a gas station. But it does have the Little A’Le’Inn, which serves surprisingly delicious “World Famous Alien Burgers.” Inside, the waitress wears flying saucer earrings and a branded T-shirt. Also, the wall of old UFO photos has been encased in plexiglass, and the owner has grown suspicious of camera-wielding journalists.
There, Mikayla and I buy enamel souvenir pins and a 33-cent map of Area 51. We use the latter to find the famous “black mailbox,” which an annoyed local rancher constructed to corral all the letters people sent to aliens. It has come and gone and even changed color over the years. Right now, it’s located at the dirt-road turnoff to Area 51.
It’s also surrounded by an ad hoc collection of trinkets. I look and see the future: One day, after the robots revolt, the zombies attack and the few human survivors regroup into sad little bands that scour a scorched and despoiled Earth, this will be what passes for a religious temple. Even now, it feels holier than Parisian cathedrals. The items could be mistaken for the flotsam and jetsam of a single-use society, except for the thoughtful way it has all been arranged: painted rocks, a Star Wars-themed sunshade, a Hawaiian lei, mason jar shrines, business cards, foil food wrappers, water bottles, a pink glowstick, a brunette hairdresser’s mannequin ... and, above it all, an American flag taped to a broken lawn chair.
The black mailbox is stuffed, and the letters are all dated within the past few weeks. They’re written on whatever scrap people had with them: valet parking tickets, a Utah church comment card and a Styrofoam cup. Most are ironic or funny or fishing for social media likes. But Mary Staunton’s letter to “E.T.” sticks with me: In neat script, the Irish woman explains how her late husband had wanted to meet an alien: “He always said that we have enough room in our garden for a ship to land. Maybe he’s with you now. I still miss him so much.”
The scene outside the Little A’Le’Inn is equal parts Mayberry and Twilight Zone. Two middle-aged tourists from the Midwest relax out front, enjoying the shade of a rare tree. Begrudgingly they admit their fascination with UFOs, like it’s an embarrassing medical condition. They have a healthy sense of skepticism, but still, they’ve seen some freaky stuff. To their credit, invisible planes buzz overhead—circling and circling, like motorcycles in a cage. Also, right on the side of the road, there’s a big government testing device that tracks the amount of nuclear contaminants in the air. It’s higher here than in Vegas, but Vegas isn’t at zero radiation, either.
These men understand the ambient creepiness but also stand outside it. Like the way we enjoy Vegas kitsch: It’s that double appreciation where you get the joke but also fall for it at the same time. Just as Mikayla and I are searchers, even though we pretend not to be.
Once I start looking for them, I see aliens everywhere. A Hoover Dam gift shop called the Flying Saucer stocks a collection of used and rare books and DVDs about aliens. A green figurine rides a model train at the Railroad Museum in Boulder City. A bunch of cute, alien-themed school supplies are on clearance at the local big box. Bumper stickers, tattoos, emoji and trendy hipster patches. Turns out Alien Tequila is owned by George Harris, who also owns the Alien Research Center. He’s planning to build a museum in the back.
If what we seek can be found, Mikayla and I discover it in the array of alien-themed gift shops and jerky stands scattered around our desert landscapes. Here, decades of human ambition, fears and scientific discoveries have been distilled to a shelf of refrigerator magnets and bouncy balls. I’m sincerely inspired when I see the vast selection of memorabilia. Together it tells the story of who we are and who we want to be: from the optimism of Star Trek’s Prime Directive to the deadpan cool of Men in Black to the suspicion and distrust at the heart of The X-Files. Are aliens as ubiquitous in older places, where trees and skyscrapers crowd out potential UFO landing spots? Or just in the desert Southwest, where the Wild West serves as a runway to the Final Frontier?
As part of the festivities at the recent UFO Rendezvous, James and Sally Neiman were some of the stars of the parade and costume contest.
Devils Tower, near Hulett, Wyoming, became the first national monument in 1906 and is also is the focal point of the UFO movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
At the recent UFO Rendezvous in Hulett, Travis Walton told the story of his 1975 alien abduction.
Giraffe Girl, Lit Eimi, was an enthusiastic participant in the alien-themed parade at Hulett’s UFO Rendezvous near Devils Tower.
Jeanna Wiley, Chris Campbell, Sandra Mooney, and Kile Tarrant model their alien pants at the Devils Tower Visitors Center gift shop.
Jim Gruehl, operator of the Devils Tower Trading Post, offers 40 different alien items for sale.
Laurie Tucker, an organizer f the 1st Annual Devils Tower UFO Rendezvous, shows off her UFOs Wyoming license plate.
Christine Edwards was the winning entry in the mashed potato Devils Tower building contest.
Just that morning as the first annual Devils Tower UFO Rendezvous revved up a few miles down the road, Jim Gruehl conducted inventory and counted 40 different alien items for sale at the Devils Tower Trading Post in Hulett.
Rubbery masks, socks, stickers, magnets, T-shirts, plush toys, feet-tall plastic green men, mugs, shot glasses and signs seemingly channelling messages from afar were in stock.
“Send More Tourists, The Last Ones Were Delicious,” read one sign. “Spaceship Parking Only,” was another
This may be the center of the universe for alien memorabilia.
“It’s absolutely because of ‘Close Encounters,’” said store general manager Gruehl.
Devils Tower, the signature character in the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” owns the horizon in this eastern region of Wyoming, a unique monolith of symmetrical rock standing 5,112 feet above sea level .
It emanates the same magnetic attraction as it did 40 years ago when “Close Encounters” made its debut, and in 1906 when President Theodore Roosevelt designated it the first National Monument.
More than 500,000 accounted-for people visit each year along with an uncounted number of aliens.
Some of the gravitation was sparked by the Steven Spielberg movie released in 1977 and re-released for a 40th anniversary this month.
For a few days in mid-September, Planet Hulett, population 383,
located in the shadow of Devils Tower, was transformed by true believers in unidentified flying objects, becoming the epicenter of the ongoing search for intelligent life in the universe.
The Sept. 14-16 program was organized by Laurie Tucker and others and included lectures on “UFOs Are Real” and “Alien Abduction.”
Tucker, who owns vehicles with Wyoming license plates “C-UFO” and “UFOS,” ensured the agenda featured a community parade with alien theme, a costume contest and a Devils Tower mashed potato sculpture contest. This was a tribute to a movie scene when a UFO-obsessed Richard Dryfuss shaped Devils Tower at the dinner table.
“I take it more seriously,” Tucker said of UFOs, “but I also have fun with it.”
Tucker said a tentative reach-out to Dreyfuss was aborted when she heard he commands $70,000 an appearance.
That’s a lot of mashed potatoes.
In another “Close Encounters” homage, the Main Street Civic Center played the 135-minute movie when the heavens did not cooperate and an outdoor show was rained out.
Frieda Dent, 93, ran the movie. She remembered filming in the 1970s and how some Hulett residents were extras in a panic scene as government officials cleared the Devils Tower area.
“Every time I see it, I see something different,” Dent said.
The locals’ attitude seemed to be, “Hey, who are we to say there’s nobody else out there?”
Science or science
UFOs have long fascinated, perplexed, tweaked imaginations, been pshawed, or described as fabrications of the crazy.
The debut of American UFO consciousness, as well as Exhibit A of accusations of government conspiracy to hush up spaceships penetrating U.S. air space, basically dates to Roswell, N.M., in 1947.
A crashing flying saucer was reported in the July 8 edition of the Roswell Daily Record. The mysterious “flying disc” was taken into custody on a ranch by the U.S. military and soon after was identified as “a weather balloon.”
Seven decades later in Hulett, the weather balloon theory still didn’t fly.
Scientists say the earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago. Since it presupposes a visiting alien culture would be more advanced technologically than humans, it was suggested aliens may have checked out earth long ago with only mild interest and UFO sightings could be periodic reconnaissance follow-ups.
During a panel discussion it was noted many scientific ideas or inventions were dismissed as harebrained long before being proven.
When Columbus set off to sail the ocean blue in 1492, a large segment of the population still believed his ship was going to drop right off the edge of the flat earth.
How many people living in 1850 envisioned the jet plane, putting a man on the moon via rocket ship or the cell phone?
“I don’t think we can actually think of anything that’s impossible,” said astronomer Marc D’Antonio, whose presentation was titled, “The Real Science of E.T.”
Generally, in science fiction movies aliens are portrayed as looking quite different from the human race. They are either good guys who wish to make friends, such as in the 1982 “E.T-The Extraterrestrial,” or guys who want to annihilate everyone, such as in the 1996 “Independence Day.”
Speaker Richard Beckwith, former city attorney of Rock Springs, gave a talk titled “UFOs Are Real.”
“It’s not a belief system, it’s science,” Beckwith said. “If you can’t say what an object is, you can’t say what it is not. It’s a big universe.”
With such a massive universe, traveling across it for millions is an issue of relevance. In some films astronauts are placed in suspended animation for years as they hurtle towards destinations.
“Light speed is the speed limit of the universe,” D’Antonio said of the 186,000 miles-per-second measurement.
That could be an obstacle for reaching Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy – the nearest one – 662 trillion kilometers – from Earth.
D’Antonio said aliens may have, or humans might someday, make “an end run around it.”
Have Americans been conditioned for that in “Star Trek” by “Beam me up, Scotty?”
“That’s exactly right,” D’Antonio said.
Speaking of movies, the new version of “Close Encounters” had been available for just a week, but when asked, about half of the 50 listeners said they had already seen it.
Many participants made pilgrimages to Devils Tower; one of them being Alejandro Rojos of Arizona, a first-time viewer who said, “It’s incredible.”
Rojas, a host for “Open Minds” radio, and a science and entertainment blogger for the Huffington Post, talked about “Close Encounters,” “E.T” and “Gremlins,” saying Spielberg was probably influenced by a highly publicized UFO incident in Kelly, Ky., in 1955.
Five adults and seven children in a farmhouse where no alcohol was drank attested they spent four hours employing gunfire to hold off little men from a spaceship that landed on the property.
The aliens were described as 2-to-4 feet tall with claw-like hands and later “little green men” was appended to the narrative. Subsequently, little green men became a somewhat standard look for aliens in the media.
Alien abduction
The movie “Fire In The Sky” differs considerably from Spielberg’s work.
Based on the book of the same name by Travis Walton, who was played in the 1993 film by D.B. Sweeney, it is purported to be the true story of a mind-bending alien abduction. Despite being a better-documented incident than others, Walton ever since has been derided as crazy.
“It never goes away,” said Walton as he began telling his spell-binding tale.
The Arizona logger, then 22, and six other crew members, were driving out of a national forest on Nov. 5, 1975. They halted when they saw a bright light through some trees and stopped to investigate. Walton, on the passenger side, jumped out of the truck.
“There was a clearly defined metallic disc outlined against the sky,” Walton said. “It was frightening and beautiful.”
Feeling entranced, Walton began walking toward the UFO as his co-workers yelled to get back in the vehicle.
A beam of light lasered Walton with “a stunning sort of force.” He was hurled 20 feet and knocked unconscious. Convinced Walton was dead, his friends fled to report to authorities.
Walton, weak and scared, woke in a strange room surrounded by aliens. When left alone he made a run for it through the craft, but was re-captured. Eventually released, he staggered sobbing to a phone booth to call relatives.
Walton had been missing for five days and a widespread manhunt was conducted. Fellow loggers were interrogated and suspected of murder, though they passed polygraph, drug and sobriety exams. So did Walton.
Despite the passage of years, at times Walton teared up in his telling. No one has shaken his or the other loggers’ story, with multiple lie detector tests passed. But the incident is still called an elaborate hoax.
“I’m certain I’m not the only one,” Walton said of being abducted by aliens. “It’s very common for things we fear to become the butt of jokes.”
Walton was asked if he had emerged from merely being lost in the woods for five days having likewise lost 10 pounds from lack of food and water, whether he might not have been declared a hero for surviving.
Walton paused. “It might have been completely different,” he said.
The Tower
Devils Tower is completely different. It cannot be mistaken for any other rock formation.
Square-like, with striations on its sides, its composition is molten rock. But its origins are as mysterious as UFOs.
Devils Tower is considered sacred in Cheyenne and Arapahoe oral traditions long predating “Close Encounters.” Visitors pause for reflection on benches at its base, necks craning upward, perhaps scanning for aliens still hovering from the movie.
A National Park Service ranger was asked how often she is quizzed about the movie laughed, and said, “Hundreds of times a day.”
Four female workers at the visitors center gift shop wore matching lycra alien-design pants and hobnobbed with a few-foot-tall alien modeling a Devils Tower zip-up sweatshirt. A new sticker reading, “Hello, my name is Lloyd” was slapped on his chest.
There were numerous Lloyd-lookalikes at the cold, but not rained-on Hulett parade. Jude Talaba of Boulder, Colo., like a ventriloquist held an alien in her arms, and said, “He was born just three days ago.” As in purchased.
Andy Bears drove a golf-cart disguised as a spaceship. Strapped in, he said, “I can’t get out.” Another alien abduction.
Ivy Flores manufactured a Devils Tower for her float consisting of a barrel covered in tinfoil and sprayed brown, with stones and foliage around the base, like the genuine article.
Smaller rocks and greens were available when others shaped mashed potato Devils Towers like build-your-own sundaes.
Giraffe Girl, Lit Eimi, claimed to be an alien from “everywhere” who parachuted in. Her full giraffe outfit included a tail.
“I do like humans,” she said. “I love humans. All of them.”
Her age, Eimi said, is “Infinity. But they tell me I was born on July 18, 1991.”
James Neiman, 87, and wife Sally, 83, love to dress up and she ordered spiffy alien duds online. Yet the senior-citizen aliens lost out in the costume contest to a 9-year-old from the wrong movie.
In impeccable character imitation wearing a red, hooded sweatshirt, pushing a bicycle with an E.T. doll in a basket perched on the handlebars, Ben Harrison as Elliott won the crowd applause.
Devils Tower beckoned, but prepared to pedal skyward, Harrison could not gain l }ift-off because the chain busted on his bike during the parade.
Ray Santilli, 58, claims the grainy image is a still from "genuine original footage" he based the fake 1995 film on.
He says it is proof that the 1995 hoax film, which initially purported to show an autopsy being carried out on a dead alien recovered from the supposed Roswell UFO crash site in 1947, WAS based on REAL original footage which came to light. is publishing the image, which appears to show three slides from a real of film, for the first time after being sent it by Mr Santilli.
It is suggested the slides show a dead alien, recovered from the Roswell crash, on an operating table.
Speaking exclusively to, Mr Santilli said the "alien autopsy" film he released in 1995 was not a hoax but a "restoration or recreation."
Mr Santilli, who is CEO of Orbital Media Group, said: "It was certainly not a hoax."
YouTubeALIEN AUTOPSY? Ray Santilli claims this is a still from a 1947 video of the "Roswell incident".
His 1995 release showed men in white coats apparently dissecting an alien, leaving UFO hunters convinced it was the smoking gun evidence they were looking for of the Roswell incident.
Truthers have been searching for proof since it was first claimed aliens crashed a flying saucer in the New Mexico desert near Roswell in July 1947 before the US Government covered up the evidence by storing the flying saucer and dead bodies in a secret military base.
It remains one of the world's biggest conspiracy theories, but to the disappointment of alien hunters the 1995 footage was later branded an elaborate hoax.
Asked if the image said to be from the original film depicted an alien, Mr Santilli initially said: "Of course it does."
ALIEN AUTOPSY: A scene from the 1995 Ray Santilli film which was done using actors.
He then said: "Let me just be clear. I was not there in 1947, so I can't say for sure if it is an alien, but it is the original camera footage."
Mr Santilli said the original footage came to light in 1992 when he was asked by Polygram, now Universal, do do a comprehensive documentary about Elvis Presley.
He said: "We placed ads in local papers in the Eastern Seaboard of the US for anyone who had seen Elvis in 1954 who had still images or footage.
"We listed the hotels we would be in and said to meet us and we would look at it and buy for cash.
"We came away with the largest collection of Elvis assets brought together on one occasion, it was a remarkable achievement.
"During the trip a cameraman in Cleveland asked if we were interested in anything else.
"At the time we had no knowledge of Roswell or aliens, but he claimed he was the cameraman working for the army airforce and explained the whole alien autopsy story."
Mr Santilli said it tool two years of exchanges to reach an agreement to buy the footage.
"By the time we got back it had deteriorated to a certain extent and we were not able to use it and recreated a fair section."
However, when the recreated footage was released, Mr Santilli and his team did not make it clear it was a remake of poor original footage, which there was no mention of.
He still maintains that was the right thing to do.
He said: "If you look at the great works of art - these works of art are over 200 or 300 years old and have been restored with people working on them many times.
"they have very little bearing on the original image.
"We did the same thing with the moving image of the alien autopsy."
He said that the recreated film was given to broadcasters "for free" who were told to "make a documentary and investigate the authenticity" of the footage.
Mr…reportedly made millions from the footage.
He did not confirm an amount, but said the money his team made was from "home video" rights to the documentaries that broadcasters then made.
He maintained it was the right way to go about it.
He said: "We were not there in 1947 so did not want to misrepresent the event.
"It was not a hoax - Fox put up a million dollar reward for someone to come forward and say it was fabricated and it was 20 years before anyone spoke.
"If it was a hoax someone would have come forward a lot sooner."
Philip Mantle
Real alien? Ray Santilli in his office at the time he met with UFO researcher Philip Mantle.
Let me just be clear. I was not there in 1947, so I can't say for sure if it is an alien, but it is the original camera footage.
Ray Santilli
So where is the original footage now?
He says he still has it, but some of the frames are missing.
He may release it in full at a later stage.
Mr Santilli also said full background checks were carried out on the cameraman, but he is not currently prepared to identify him, to kill off the doubters.
Mr Santilli contacted after we reported on how Spyros Melaris, who was hired by Mr Santilli and film producer Gary Shoefield to make the black and white film, told the story of his involvement in a one-man West End show.
Mr Melaris revealed how the video was produced inside a north London flat, thousands of miles from the secret US base it was purporting to be in.
He explained how the "dead alien" in the 17-minute film, which has been viewed by millions of people across the globe, was created by a sculptor called John Humphreys, who was a special effects expert who had worked on the sets of Dr Who.
Mr Melaris said 1940s surgeons’ outfits and medical equipment were supplied from prop providers in the UK and USA.
The two pathologists were his brother and then girlfriend, he said.
Cow and lamb organs from a butcher were used to represent those of the extraterrestrial, and raspberry jelly was planned to be used for the brain, but it turned out to be "too dark".
The 16mm film was then spliced with an original Pathe newsreel of a 1947 college baseball match in Roswell to help convince experts from Kodak it could be real, he said.
Mr Santilli said: "I refute the Spyros Melaris's version of his involvement in Alien Autopsy. If anything Spyros was part of a team.
"He felt there should been more acknowledgement for his work or the artistic side.
"We followed a plan, laid out by a sequence of events, they all did a remarkable job.
"There was original film, an original concept or story, and no one person was responsible for everything."
Gareth Watson, who played the doctor observing the procedure in the fake footage, appears to confirm what Mr Santilli says about there being original footage that was recreated.
He took part in an email question and answer session with veteran UFO researcher Philip Mantle earlier this year.
Mr Watson said: "I was led to believe there was original footage of poor quality and this was 'a recreation', not a hoax.
"I was shown by Ray Santilli and Gary Shoefield a VHS copy of very grainy poor quality footage of an alleged alien autopsy.
"They decided it was not of commercial value in its current state hence the 'recreation'.
"So I left with impression that what I saw was the original footage. I have no idea where that is now or what Ray Santilli did with it.
"The original footage was of very poor quality to the point I could have been looking at the yeti."
Mr Mantle does not believe any original footage existed, and it was all just a hoax.
He said: "There are however a few people who still believe that Ray Santilli is telling the truth and there was original authentic film.
"One such gentleman in the UK is Colin Woolford. Colin and I disagree but we have remained on friendly terms."
Mr Woolford tours the country giving lectures at UFO conferences where he argues the original footage is likely to exist.
Social media users first reported the sighting of the four large lights at the bottom of the famous volcano, which last erupted in 2013.
And some even believe it's proof that aliens exist after claiming they were UFOs .
There were reports that three of the lights disappeared all at once, after which the fourth appeared to enter the crater of the volcano.
The remaining light was said to move with a trajectory and ease 'unlike that of a helicopter or plane'.
Four large lights appear at the bottom of the San Miguel volcano in El Salvador(Image: CEN)
But others have criticised these theroies.
John Jimenez dismissed the idea of the lights being UFOs and highlighted El Salvador’s high crime rate, saying: "People are delirious from so much crime."
The San Miguel volcano, also knowns as Volcan Chaparrastique, is 2,130 metres (6,990 feet) in height and last erupted on December 29, 2013.
Reports say the lights moved with an ease 'unlike that of a helicopter or plane'(Image: CEN)
Last year, residents in El Salvador were baffled after they heard 'strange noises' in the sky that lasted three hours.
Reports of odd sounds in San Salvador, the capital, sparked a huge debate over whether it was the work of aliens.
A recent video also appeared to show an unidentified flying object near the active volcano of Popocatepetl in Mexico.
Lights believed to be 'UFOs' near the active volcano of Popocatepetl(Image: CEN)
The UFO book that seems to be gathering interest and momentum at the moment is ‘UFOs TODAY – 70 Years of Lies, Misinformation and Government Cover-Up’ so I have taken this opportunity to interview the book’s author, Irena Scott PhD. 2017 will see the 70th anniversary of flying saucers and debate has raged on ever since and there seems no sign of it stopping anytime soon.
PM: Please tell us something about your background. Who is Irena Scott PhD?
I have a PhD, have had a professorship and have worked in scientific research for most of my life. My life began on an Ohio farm. We lived under quite primitive conditions, such as farming with horses. This background enables me to consider things from both a heartland farmer and a scientific viewpoint. Despite our lack of books and media, I became interested in astronomy at a very young age. I worked my way through college with an astronomy major, but found that I couldn’t be employed in that field because it was male-only in those days (which also enabled me to see scientists as less logical than normally presented). So, I went into one of the closest fields that females were allowed in, satellite photography. I worked at the Aerospace Center in St. Louis, Missouri, where they sent me to six months of cartography school, which was equal to a master’s degree. I later transferred to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) in Washington D.C. in the field of photointerpretation and photogrammetry. Here I received some of the highest clearances in the government and learned not only about this field, but also government secrecy and cover-up, and now think the government has much more ability to cover-up than people expect.
Later I married and moved to Nevada, because my husband had a position there after a previous position that included working in Area 51. I began working for the University of Nevada, earned free tuition, and later transferred and received a PhD from the University of Missouri School of Veterinary Medicine in physiology (a combination of chemistry and biology). After doing post-doctoral research at Cornell University, I became an Assistant Professor at St. Bonaventure University. Other positions included research and teaching at The Ohio State University, the University of Missouri, and at Battelle Memorial Institute (Battelle). I have also been a volunteer astronomer at the former Ohio State University Radio Observatory, been stationed at Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB), and have taken flying lessons.
I have a variety of publications including books, research published in scientific journals, and in newspapers and magazines–such as having been a correspondent for Popular Mechanics magazine with byline articles and photographs in the science and technology sections. My listings as a scientist include: Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in the Midwest, and Who’s Who in Frontier Science and Technology. One of my recent books, Uncle: My Journey with John Purdue published by the Purdue University Press, is on a historical subject.
In the 1990s, I joined several UFO groups. I served on the MUFON Board of Directors (1993 to 2000), was a MUFON consultant in physiology and astronomy and a field investigator for both MUFON and the Center for UFO Studies. I co-edited eight MUFON symposium proceedings, have been a State Section Director for Ohio MUFON, was a founding member of the Mid-Ohio Research Associates (MORA) and its journal editor, and have published UFO material in books and magazines–including scientific journals. As an investigator, I conducted many studies and in these I met numerous fascinating people with amazing accounts.
PM: How and when did you first become interested in the UFO phenomenon?
I have always slightly paid attention to the subject because of a number of events that happened in my family from an early time. For one example, an aunt in West Virginia would write letters to my mother describing UFO events. Some events happened even before we had heard of UFOs–in one case, an aunt in West Virginia talked about small glowing objects that sometimes flew through their house. However my parents were conservative, Middle–American, farmers and did not allow us to even speak about the subject, thus, any interest was repressed. This made me a little sensitive to the idea of government cover-up, also.
I was also quite fortunate in the places I lived – such as Ohio, Nevada, and Washington DC – have been heavily involved in the UFO scene. For example, in Ohio are WPAFB and Battelle where the best-known studies took place. The DIA has been important in UFO study and some think that is the agency that began to investigate UFOs after Project Blue Book was closed.
PM: Have you ever had a personal UFO sighting at all?
Several events have drawn my attention. For one, I sometimes visited people who lived in the Davis Mountains in Texas that overlooked Marfa, which is known for the Marfa Lights. One night I saw and videotaped for about half an hour a large bright light over the town of Marfa that would turn on and off. Later I called the airport and they had nothing to report, but they would have been closed that late at night.
In another instance, while living in Missouri, my Mother in Ohio called to ask if I had just heard a strange sound. I thought this was quite odd and asked if my parents had just developed dementia. Later when I moved back to Ohio, I found information about this October 11, 1973 event. Not only had there been a strange noise, but a sudden wave of UFO reports happening at the same time. With the help of the State of Ohio seismologist Mike Hansen, I studied the noise. It was extremely widespread and much larger than a sonic boom or similar event. I was able to publish information about this sound in a peer-reviewed scientific journal (“Investigation of a Sound Heard over a Wide Area,” Ohio Journal Science 87(2), 1987: 11). I still don’t know what caused the sound. I also wondered why my parents had the strange mental reaction to it and wondered if others did.
PM: Has being an academic helped you in your research of the UFO phenomenon?
Yes, for example a Battelle co-worker and I were the first to show smoking gun evidence that UFO materials research may have taken place there. I also make some smoking gun discoveries while working in other places, for example at the DIA and at WPAFB. Being in the scientific field has made this possible. I worked in several of the institutions that were the most involved in UFO research, the DIA, Battelle, and WPAFB.
Being an academic has helped me in other ways. For example, I have been able to publish pieces about UFOs in scientific journals, and think this helps to establish the credibility of UFO study. I’ve spent much time interviewing not only witnesses, but people at random. In one case, after a sighting had been reported in the newspapers, I began to interview other people in that general location and published the results, “Survey of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Reports in Delaware County, Ohio.” Ohio Journal of Science 87.1 (1987): 24-26. One impressive result was that there appeared to be many more possible sightings than reports. Unfortunately, because of the difficulty of reporting these events, UFOlogy has been slow to advance and is still the subject of ridicule.
In addition, having training in statistics and experimental methods, I am able to evaluate the scientific experiments that have been done. It has helped me in interviewing witnesses, because I can ask questions that might be useful in scientific understanding. It makes me more aware of what might be called hard evidence and how to collect it, also.
PM: Could you explain how your new book UFOs TODAY first came about.
I joined several UFO groups in the 1990s and began to investigate sightings. I also became an editor of such publications as the MUFON symposium proceedings, and a local publication, the Ohio UFO Notebook. My field investigations gave me more of a perspective on UFOlogy than I would have from simply reading books. I discovered that the sightings that contained the most detail, often did not necessarily match the general idea of flying saucers as disc shaped craft. There were all kinds of unusual sightings, which along with my childhood exposure to the subject, made me think that the phenomena is much more complex than generally presented. I reported on many of these odd instances, thus, I already had them written up. Later the idea of writing a book struck me.
PM: Whilst compiling your research for your new book is there any one piece of evidence that for you really stands out?
Some of the most amazing to me have been ones that included interaction and ones such as lengthy events where authorities were notified, came, and even took part in the sightings. The authorities were often as mystified as the observers. For example, one sighting near Logan, Ohio, was of objects above a cornfield. These would blink on and off and move around. They were interactive with people. One followed a car. Authorities were notified, the event was reported on newscasts and TV, and police and other people came out to watch. Airplanes began to fly over in a grid pattern, although no one knew where they came from–the agency didn’t contact anyone. The objects remained interactive and one flew up to an airplane. A second sighting occurred the very night after another investigator and I had interviewed the witnesses.
Others have been abduction events, such as several that were linked with the October 11, 1973, sound that I investigated.
Dr. Irena Scott
(Credit: Irena Scott/Philip Mantle)
PM: What do you say to those that remain skeptical with regards to the UFO subject?
The term UFO carries considerable baggage. People generally link it with little green or gray men in space ships, or even the Loch Ness Monster. People ask each other whether they believe in it. This is because in general the idea is associated with alien visitation; people are asking whether they believe UFOs come from space. However the phenomena actually consists of many credible empirical observations such as of balls of light that can change to different forms; objects that appear and disappear, go through walls, merge and separate; and groups of lights that come together to form humanoid appearing entities. Others include objects of incredible size and speed, poltergeist-like activity, large and small UFOs, magnetic and radiation effects, abduction phenomena, thought control, and telepathy, for a few. Because of this, the phenomenon often doesn’t fit the profile of pilots and space ships, but of something vastly different from us. Such observations suggest that this data also might be investigated using different paradigms than our nuts and bolts ideas of space ships, such as by using quantum mechanical theories, or the idea that the phenomena might not be molecular as we are, or other ideas. I think new ways and different paradigms of science are needed to study it.
Another reason for the skepticism is that government has deliberately created it. Not only does it cover up, but it appears to use brainwashing techniques that produce skepticism rather than scientific examination. For example, there is some evidence that in even the very earliest reports some form of cover-up may have been active. The government has manipulated the results scientific studies, such as the one done by Battelle, to show that they found noting when in fact they did. In other cases it has set up panels that purported to scientifically examine the subject, but instead used them to debunk the phenomena, such as those of Robertson and Condon. It has actively set up debunking campaigns to plant outlandish UFO claims in the media to make UFO reports sound ridiculous. The Condon Report summary cautioned teachers to discourage any interest of pupils in UFOs, because such study would be harmful to their development. So if UFOs do not exist, how would an interest in them harm pupils and why should pupils be brainwashed? Why expend large amounts of money to lie and cover-up the phenomena, if it doesn’t exist. Such activities would certainly help the UFO phenomena by causing people to not take it seriously, thus helping it to hide its activities. In addition, UFO phenomena may be quite complex, thus one even wonders exactly what governments are covering up.
PM: In your opinion, how do we keep moving forward with UFO research?
I think numerous observations indicate this important phenomenon is much more complex that just space ships. I think it would be well to have statisticians go over the best UFO event data with the best developments in statistics to see what treads, or even significant results, can be found. I also think that as knowledge of people’s family trees and genetic studies are improving that one might search to see if there are any genetic similarities in people having sightings. Also people may not really understand what the phenomena is and that it might be much more complex that space ships from other worlds. Thus, I think that examining it for proof that we have visitors from space, or studying the propulsion systems and that sort of thing may not be as valuable as thought. For example, in both scientific experiments and in many reports there are mental aspects that are very difficult to understand. I think people need ways to study this element. I also think that people are interpreting the phenomena using Newtonian physics ideas, but need to study the possibility that the quantum theory elements may be involved in the phenomena. Other methods might be those of Dr. Harley Rutledge, who set up a study area with observing stations in an area of many sightings. His design may have resulted in the best scientific study ever done. He was even able to examine interactive behavior. Moreover, numerous reports have shown that the phenomenon is interactive, or even seems to put on a show, but witnesses in general are not directly contacted. This should also be studied.
One of the most controversial aspects of this book has of course been the testimony of former US Deputy Sheriff Charles Forgus (deceased). He claims that he was a witness to the UFO crash at Roswell in 1947. There is no way this can be verified of course and his testimony is simply being put into the public domain for further scrutiny. In my opinion the author is to be congratulated on treating such possibly controversial testimony in an open and honest way. Obviously efforts are continuing to try and obtain more information about Charles Forgus and his testimony with a variety of researchers involved and organizations on both sides of the Atlantic. It will be interesting to see what they uncover.
Christelijke numeroloog stelt de apocalyps uit. Het einde der tijden vindt nu op deze datum plaats in Universum 28 september 2017 19:00 11 Reacties 1,153 Bekeken
Christelijke numeroloog stelt de apocalyps uit. Het einde der tijden vindt nu op deze datum plaats
De christelijke numeroloog die suggereerde dat de wereld op 23 september zou eindigen, heeft nu gezegd dat de apocalyps is uitgesteld.
Tegenover de Washington Post verklaarde David Meade, die claimde dat een mysterieuze planeet in botsing zou komen met de aarde, dat die datum slechts het begin van de eindtijd markeert.
“De wereld eindigt niet, maar de wereld zoals we die kennen zal eindigen,” lichtte hij toe. “Een groot deel van de wereld zal rond het begin van oktober niet meer hetzelfde zijn.”
Geen toeval
Meade voorspelde dat de planeet Nibiru op 23 september op de aarde zou botsen en tot een aantal rampzalige gebeurtenissen zou leiden.
Volgens hem zijn de recente zonsverduistering in de VS en de reeks verwoestende orkanen geen toeval.
Nibiru zou 33 dagen na de totale zonsverduistering te zien zijn, aldus de numeroloog. “Ik heb het hier over astronomie, over de Bijbel,” vertelde hij aan de krant.
Een andere christelijke groep, die zichzelf Unsealed noemt, claimde dat er een ‘teken’ aan de hemel te zien zou zijn op 23 september.
Een video die de groep over dit proces maakte is al ruim vier miljoen keer bekeken.
Eind augustus zei Meade dat Nibiru tussen 20 en 23 september zichtbaar zou worden. Hij zei dat aanwijzingen hiervoor op de Egyptische piramides en in de Bijbel zijn geschreven.
15 oktober
Hij focust zich nu op een andere datum: 15 oktober 2017. “Dat is de belangrijkste datum van deze eeuw en van dit millennium,” schrijft hij op zijn website.
“Het begin van het einde start nu,” voegt hij toe. “De wereld gaat zeven jaar ellende tegemoet. Er zullen zeven jaar lang catastrofale gebeurtenissen plaatsvinden.”
“Wacht maar tot midden oktober,” klinkt het nog. “Ik denk niet dat je teleurgesteld zult zijn.”
When we think of space travel, or the exploration of the cosmos in general, we are inundated with grandeur notions of enormous spacecraft, thriving multi-planetary civilizations, and awe-inspiring extraterrestrials. Popular culture and exciting research has thus molded our perception of space into one of unbridled and relentless optimism (which I love). We see Mars and other Earth-like planets as organic cradles of life, and as we get lost in the amazement of doing so, we trivialize a very difficult reality – our need to colonize and assimilate into a new world.
Being cooped up in an air-locked dome for months and eating freeze-dried food for every meal engenders immense psychological and social changes, ones which we haven’t come to fully appreciate. Thankfully for us, six brave research subjects have committed themselves to the very same reality; they spent eight months in isolation in a Mars-like habitat to better understand the long-term psychological impacts of a manned mission to the red planet. What did they eat? How did they live with each other? How did they retain their sanity? Was it eight months of hell? What follows is a fairly unorthodox set of human experiences, but one that fully underscores the importance of space travel’s most unappreciated dimension.
The crew of four men and two women was quarantined below the summit of the Hawaii’s Mauna Loa, the world’s largest active volcano. They left their dome in space suits, and all communications were purposefully delayed by 20 minutes – the time/signal delay between Earth and Mars. Moreover, their outfits were laced with sensors to track proximity to others and noise levels. Most importantly, however, their purpose extended beyond the geological studies to simply gauge whether or not it was possible to maintain a self-sufficient habitat on Mars. During the eight months in isolation, mission biology specialist Joshua Ehrlich managed to grow vegetables, even in the hard-rock soil of the volcano’s summit.
Obviously, we are deeply limited by our capacity to re-create such a reality for the researchers. That being said, the NASA-backed project has taken every reasonable measure to do so, and across their team of biologists, tech specialists, and psychologists, they’ve formed a representative environment to conduct a traditionally disregarded type of study.
If there’s any takeaway from this research project, it’s that we now have an empirical study on the psychological implications of space exploration. Now, keep in mind that this kind of stuff isn’t new – my issue arises in the fact that we let Sci-Fi blockbusters and spaceship launch videos take precedence over these kinds of studies. We become giddy at the prospect of leaked rocket designs, but fail to make ourselves aware of Mars simulation projects that may not actually get us to the red planet, but will fully determine the longevity of a potential civilization there.
I strongly feel that if we begin to understand human interaction in limited spaces and different environments, we can center our designs for structures and technologies that will ensure our health and well-being in an exogenous civilization. This gets into a field known as HCD (Human Centered Design) that seeks to build great resources only after fully accepting the needs, sentiments, and desires of their users. These research projects help collect the data required for the creation of such intelligent designs. Ultimately, Mars simulation projects play a monumental role in the development of living structures and other survival technologies that will come to define the length of our stay away from Earth, and we should revere the purveyors of such studies just as much as those who are building machines to help get us there.
'We are emphasizing the essentials of math and physics'
Perhaps they just came up woefully empty in their search here on Earth, but scientists are hunting for intelligent life in outer space – and they plan to begin sending messages to aliens in 2018.
While astronomers have long scanned the stars with radio telescopes, hoping to detect some life form in the great beyond, alien hunters in a network known as Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or METI, are ready to take the search to the next level.
Douglas Vakoch, president of METI International
By chatting with aliens, of course.
Douglas Vakoch, president of METI International, is leading a research group that’s determined to send messages to extraterrestrials.
Vakoch’s team has faced opposition from some in the Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI, community. In February 2015, 28 top SETI scientists published a letter warning of the dangers of reaching out to alien life forms.
“Intentionally signaling other civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy raises concerns from all the people of Earth, about both the message and the consequences of contact,” the 28 scientists wrote. “A worldwide scientific, political and humanitarian discussion must occur before any message is sent.”
Specifically, the scientists are concerned that:
An alien’s “reaction to a message from Earth cannot presently be known.” Earthlings know nothing about the space inhabitants, their intentions, their capabilities or whether they’re benign or hostile.
Because Earthlings are so far behind when it comes to space communications, “it is likely that other communicative civilizations we encounter will be millions of years more advanced than us.”
The scientists worry that Earthlings are still decades away from “creating a comprehensive search for radio signals similar to those produced by our own technology. They warn, “As a newly emerging technological species, it is prudent to listen before we shout.”
They say nearby advanced space inhabitants may have already detected Earth’s radio transmissions, “such detections are far more difficult than detecting a focused radio or optical signal sent from a large telescope.”
In fact, they argue, it’s not even necessary to send powerful electromagnetic signals into space to study interstellar communication or develop a plan to respond to alien messages sent to Earth.
Finally, they warn, “Opponents of METI would vocally condemn METI transmissions, confusing the public about, and imperiling funding for, bona fide scientific endeavors related to extraterrestrial life.”
But Vakoch and his team of METI researchers aren’t too concerned with the warnings.
“One of the reasons people are so afraid of METI is that it seems riskier to do something than to do nothing,” Vakoch told CNet’s Daniel Oberhaus. “When we try to evaluate the risks and benefits of an unknown situation where we have little or no actual data, we fall back on the most vivid images that come to mind. But just because the first images of alien contact that come to mind are horrific, that doesn’t mean they’re realistic.”
Both the SETI and METI communities agree that any language transmitted to aliens should be rooted in math and science.
Yoda in ‘Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith’
“Some of the most prominent messages of the past have tried to cover everything,” Vakoch told CNet. “We’re taking the opposite approach. Rather than trying to communicate everything [about math, science and life on Earth], we are focusing on saying a few things very clearly. For our first messages, we are emphasizing the essentials of math and physics.”
The METI International team will begin by blasting the messages to nearby stars, particularly ones that have planets in habitable zones.
Vakoch told the site his team is determined to learn how to communicate with aliens so Earthlings aren’t left in the dark once the space beings try to talk to us.
Sigourney Weaver in ‘Alien’
“Many of our most severe problems on Earth today are due to a focus on immediate gratification,” Vakoch said. “If future generations of SETI researchers are looking for replies to today’s transmissions, committed to a multigenerational scientific project, the very act of continuing to look will be a success in itself, whether or not they ever find life out there.”
The news of the scientists’ 2018 transmissions sparked dozens of online comments, including the following:
This will not end well for Earth.
Yeah, I’m thinking that is a bad idea. We are going to get our a–es handed to us if anyone comes.
This is akin to the Mayans or the Aztecs sending an invitational message to Spain.
Threat of nuclear war, religious terror, racial strife, arguments over climate change, globalism vs. nationalism … The message: We still need a few years to figure out our own s–t, K?
Yes, let’s send them messages right away. Give the death star something to home in on.
Bad idea. We should passively listen until we know what we are dealing with. If aliens are anything similar to humans, things may turn bad. Throughout history, what have humans done when new lands were discovered? We conquer and pillage the land from the indigenous (less advanced) people. Advertising our whereabouts is not smart in an unknown universe.
Lack of signs? Maybe there has been an old, old master race eradicating civilizations once they are discovered so it doesn’t have to share the cosmos. … Selfishians.
Unfortunately, the transmission will be received by the XzgyddllIax, a binary race, which will read only the null values in the transmission, and interpret it to read, “Eat Us! We’re chewy on outside with delectable crunchy center.”
How the Dawn Space Mission Unveiled the Asteroid Belt
How the Dawn Space Mission Unveiled the Asteroid Belt
Happy launch-iversary, Dawn.
Dawn Science Team/NASA/JPL-Caltech/GSFC
By Marc D Rayman, NASA
More than a thousand times farther from Earth than the moon, farther even than the sun, an extraordinary extraterrestrial expedition is taking place. NASA's Dawn spacecraft is exploring dwarf planet Ceres, which orbits the sun between Mars and Jupiter. The probe has just reached the closest point it ever will, and is now beginning to collect its most detailed pictures and other measurements on this distant orb.
Ceres is a remnant from the dawn of our solar system nearly 4.6 billion years ago. All the data Dawn is now sending back will provide insight into Ceres' history and geology, including the presence of water, past or present. Scientists believe that by studying Ceres, we can unlock some of the secrets of the epoch in which planets, including our own, formed.
But this mission isn't only for scientists. Discovering the nature of an uncharted world is a thrill that can be shared by anyone who has ever gazed up at the night sky in wonder, been curious about the universe and Earth's place in it, or felt the lure of a bold adventure into the unknown.
I happen to fall into all those categories. I fell in love with space at the age of four, and I knew by the fourth grade that I wanted to earn a doctorate in physics. (It was a few more years before I did.) My passion for the exploration of space and the grandeur of scientific discovery and understanding has never wavered. It's a dream come true for me to be the mission director and chief engineer on Dawn at JPL.
Although Ceres appeared as little more than a fuzzy blob of light amidst the stars, scientists determined that it's the behemoth of the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter – nearly 600 miles in diameter. Its surface area is more than a third of the area of the continental US. Before Dawn's arrival, Ceres was the largest object between the sun and Pluto that a spacecraft had not visited.
Since well before Dawn, we've had telescopic evidence that Ceres harbors water. While it's mostly in the form of ice, scientists have good reason to believe an underground ocean once circulated. The question of whether reservoirs still lurk beneath the alien surface remains open. Dawn's studies of Ceres may even provide hints about how Earth acquired its own supply of that precious liquid billions of years ago.
Dawn en route to Ceres
In 2007, we launched Dawn from Cape Canaveral, and it will never again visit its erstwhile planetary home. In 2011, it became the only spacecraft ever to orbit an object in the main asteroid belt, devoting 14 months to scrutinizing protoplanet Vesta. Dawn showed us this second most massive resident of the belt is more closely related to the terrestrial planets (including Earth) than to the much smaller chunks of rock that are typical of asteroids.
The unique capability to travel to worlds beyond Mars, enter orbit and maneuver extensively and then depart for yet another destination is achieved with advanced ion propulsion. The technology spent much of its history in the domain of sci-fi, including Star Trek and Star Wars. (Darth Vader's TIE Fighter is named for its twin ion engines.) But what may have seemed only science fiction is science fact. Without its three ion engines (note that Dawn does the TIE Fighters one better), Dawn's mission wouldn't be possible.
The ion engines use xenon gas, a chemical cousin of helium and neon. With electrical power from Dawn's large solar panels, the xenon is given an electrical charge in a process called ionization. The engines use high voltage to accelerate the ions. They're then shot out of the engines at up to 90,000 mph. When the ions leave the spacecraft at this fantastically high speed, it's pushed in the opposite direction. Dawn's ion propulsion system is exceptionally efficient – 10 times as efficient as conventional spacecraft propulsion. It's comparable to your car getting 250 miles per gallon.
Dawn drops into Cerean orbit
Finally, after a journey of more than seven years and three billion miles, our interplanetary ambassador reached Ceres on March 6 2015, and gracefully entered the dwarf planet's permanent gravitational embrace.
Mission controllers at JPL then piloted the craft to three orbits at successively lower altitudes, so we could first obtain an overview and then gain better and better views of this vast unexplored territory. And Dawn has just performed the penultimate act in its grand celestial choreography. It's spent the last seven weeks maneuvering to its lowest altitude. Orbiting now about 240 miles above the exotic terrain of rock and ice, Dawn is closer to Ceres than the International Space Station is to Earth.
Dawn brings Ceres into focus
Included in the spacecraft's suite of sophisticated sensors is a camera that has already taken 10,000 pictures of alien landscapes on Ceres. Following from Ceres' own name, features Dawn discovers are named for agricultural deities and festivals from around the world.
We see rugged terrain and smooth areas, sometimes with streaks of material that's flowed across it. There are craters large and small, created by billions of years of assaults in the rough-and-tumble neighborhood of the asteroid belt. We see mountains and valleys, huge fissures in the ground and bright spots that glow with a mysterious luster, reflecting much more sunlight than most of the dark surface.
The most striking of these shining regions, inside the 55-mile-wide Occator Crater (named for the Roman deity of harrowing), is so bright that the Hubble Space Telescope detected a hint of it a decade ago. Dawn's pictures to date have been more than 200 times sharper than Hubble's. The images we're starting to get back now will be even better, revealing 850 times the detail that Hubble had provided.
Dawn has shown us a mountain named Ahuna Mons that towers more than 20,000 feet in an otherwise unremarkable area, comparable to the elevation of North America's tallest peak, Mt Denali. (Ahuna is a celebration of thanksgiving for the harvest among the Sumis of northeast India.) Bright streaks seem to suggest some unidentified material once flowed down the steep slopes of Ahuna Mons. While scientists have not yet determined what forces and processes shaped this conical mountain, it doesn't take a geologist to notice its resemblance to terrestrial volcanic cones. Imagine what it might have been like to witness an eruption of some strange combination of water and other chemicals on this cold, distant world.
Beyond photos, Dawn will take a great many other measurements from its new orbital perch before its mission concludes in 2016. It will measure radiation to help scientists determine what types of atoms are present on Ceres. It will use infrared light to identify the minerals on Ceres' surface. And it will gauge subtle variations in the gravitational field to reveal the interior structure of the dwarf planet.
Once the spacecraft exhausts the small supply of conventional rocket propellant it squirts through thrusters to control its orientation in the zero-gravity, frictionless conditions of spaceflight, it will no longer be able to point its solar arrays at the sun, its antenna at Earth, its sensors at Ceres or its ion engines in the direction needed to travel elsewhere. But the ship will remain in orbit around Ceres as surely as the moon remains in orbit around Earth and Earth remains in orbit around the sun. Its legacy in the history of our efforts to reach out from our humble home to touch the stars is secure. Dawn will become an inert celestial monument to humankind's creativity, ingenuity, and passion for exploring the cosmos.
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article here.
The little ones then stop and hold up glasses with their outstretched arms waiting for them to be filled.
But then things turn a little strange.
A spaceship , coloured like a Friesian cow , suddenly opens its port and a giant cow's udder flops out, swinging high above the children's heads.
The UFO hovers overhead with the udder hanging down(Image: AsiaWire/Youtube)
Viewers have asked for the advert to be changed(Image: AsiaWire/Youtube)
Even the children look confused(Image: AsiaWire/Youtube)
As the shots pans out, white milk is then shot down from the craft to the children's glasses.
The advert by Rakunoh Mother’s milk company has caused controversy in the country with many users taking to social media to express their views on the bizarre milky downpour.
One said: "This is madness!", while another added: "Shouldn’t that be pixelated when it appears onscreen?"
The advert has come in for criticism(Image: AsiaWire/Youtube)
The advert by Rakunoh Mother's milk company has caused controversy(Image: AsiaWire/Youtube)
Another user wrote: "That’s one long nipple right there", while another netizen joked: "I never knew this sort of thing happened in Kumamoto."
ROSWELL SHOCK: Hoax alien autopsy film 'WAS recreation of REAL ET post mortem footage'
ROSWELL SHOCK: Hoax alien autopsy film 'WAS recreation of REAL ET post mortem footage'
EXCLUSIVE: A "hoax alien autopsy" film that fooled the world in 1995 was a recreation of genuine footage of a post mortem on an extraterrestrial found at the Roswell UFO crash site, it has sensationally been claimed.
A still from the 1995 "hoax" footage - now said to have recreated a genuine video.
British businessman Ray Santilli, 58, who was responsible for distributing the hoax autopsy film, contacted after we reported on the video yesterday.
Mr Santilli, who is CEO of Orbital Media Group, maintains the 1995 film is based on genuine footage.
He said: "I maintain the original film was real and as stated we restored and recreated elements of the film."
He said not everyone involved in the production of the film was aware of the alleged genuine footage, which is understood to have been discovered in Florida.
Mr Santilli said: "The team used were employed on a need to know basis and were never privy to the entire story.
"They only knew what they were commissioned to work on. The team were all the very talented and best in their field."
Yesterday, we reported on how Spyros Melaris, who was hired by Mr Santilli and film producer Gary Shoefield to make the black and white film, told his story of his involvement in a one-man West End show.
The film showed men in white coats apparently dissecting the alien, leaving UFO hunters convinced it was the smoking gun evidence they were looking for of the Roswell incident.
Truthers have been searching for proof since it was first claimed aliens crashed a flying saucer in the New Mexico desert near Roswell in July 1947 before the US Government covered up the evidence by storing the flying saucer and dead bodies in a secret military base.
It remains one of the world's biggest conspiracy theories, but to the disappointment of alien hunters the 1995 footage was later exposed as an elaborate hoax.
Mr Melaris revealed how the video was produced inside a north London flat, thousands of miles from the secret US base it was purporting to be in.
He explained how the "dead alien" in the 17-minute film, which has been viewed by millions of people across the globe, was created by a sculptor called John Humphreys, who was a special effects expert who had worked on the sets of Dr Who.
Mr Melaris said 1940s surgeons’ outfits and medical equipment were supplied from prop providers in the UK and USA.
The two pathologists were his brother and then girlfriend, he said.
Cow and lamb organs from a butcher were used to represent those of the extraterrestrial, and raspberry jelly was planned to be used for the brain, but it turned out to be "too dark".
The 16mm film was then spliced with an original Pathe newsreel of a 1947 college baseball match in Roswell to help convince experts from Kodak it could be real, he said.
Musician Mr Santilli made millions, after claiming it had been shot by a US military official after the Roswell incident, and obtained by him years later, according to Mr Melaris.
Yet, Mr Santilli insists there is an original reel the film was based upon.
Mr Santilli told "I refute the Spyros Melaris's version of his involvement in Alien Autopsy. If anything Spyros was part of a team."
Gareth Watson, who played the doctor observing the procedure in the fake footage, appears to confirm what Mr Santilli says about there being original footage that was recreated.
I maintain the original film was real and as stated we restored and recreated elements of the film.
Ray Santilli
He took part in an email question and answer session with veteran UFO researcher Philip Mantle earlier this year.
Mr Mantle asked him: "Have you anything you would like to add about the alien autopsy film hoax that perhaps you have never shared with anyone before?"
Mr Watson said: "I was led to believe there was original footage of poor quality and this was 'a recreation', not a hoax."
He went on to say that he viewed what was described as the original footage.
Mr Watson said: "I was shown by Ray Santilli and Gary Shoefield a VHS copy of very grainy poor quality footage of an alleged alien autopsy.
"They decided it was not of commercial value in its current state hence the 'recreation'.
"So I left with impression that what I saw was the original footage. I have no idea where that is now or what Ray Santilli did with it.
"The original footage was of very poor quality to the point I could have been looking at the yeti."
A brother and sister alien hunting team have discovered a “UFO highway” across America along which hundreds of unexplained events have taken place - from cattle mutilations to alien abductions.
Chuck Zukowski and Debbie Ziegelmeyer have spent years travelling across the US investigating hundreds of UFO sightings and other paranormal occurrences.
It was during one cattle mutilation investigation that Chuck realised that many of the unexplained events he had looked into had taken place on the 37th latitude.
He called his sister - who noticed the same with her investigations in Missouri - and the pair began researching the phenomenon, discovering that there are clusters of unexplained events taking place across the same latitude line.
The pair believe that the 37th latitude line is a kind of UFO or paranormal “highway” along which extra terrestrial craft enter and exit the earth.
Their theory is now the subject of a book called the 37th Parallel - and is about to be made into a Hollywood blockbuster in the next few months.
Chuck told Sun Online: “Back in 2006 I was looking at my cattle mutilation investigations - there were huge similarities between them all - most of them were laying on their right side, they’re laying east to west and then I noticed that lots of them were on the 37 degree latitude.
“I called my sister at midnight and I said, ‘Didn’t you have cattle mutilations on the 37 degree latitude in Missouri?'
"And she said, 'Yes' and we started looking more into it. We soon realized it wasn’t just cattle mutilations – there were all kind of events.
"We we're up until 2:30 in the morning going through all these cases and started seeing these amazing patterns.”
The 37th latitude line runs from California through Nevada, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky and across to Virginia.
Examples of cases along the line include the Joplin Spook Lights - unexplained balls of light that have been appearing in Hornet, Missouri since the 19th century; The Aztec, Nevada incident of 1948 when a flying saucer allegedly crashed; and Piedmont, Missouri where 500 people reported UFO sightings in 1973.
The infamous Area 51 in Nevada - and the Dulce Base - an alleged underground alien base - are also located on the line.
"For the next month or so I start looking at all these cases and I had all this data," Chuck explained.
"All these GPS co-ordinates, everything from Native American sites to underwater caves.
"I released it all on my website and I mentioned it during an appearance on the Science Channel's Unexplained Files - then for the next season of that show they asked me to expand on the theory so I did a whole episode on it for them.
"The bottom line is the 37th latitude is like a UFO highway or paranormal highway across the continent.
"We seem to think that this highway is a major highway that these crafts use - they seem to exit and enter here."
After his appearance on the Science Channel a Hollywood producer got in touch and told Chuck his theory would be a great idea for a book and movie.
The book 37th Parallel, by New York times best selling author Ben Niezrich, came out last year - and a screen play is currently being written.
"In 2015 I signed a life-rights contract with Flint Pictures - it got picked up by New Line Cinema - Warner Brothers before the book was even written - just on the idea," Chuck said.
"The book came out last year. The screen play is being written by a Hollywood screenwriter who has written movies for Matt Damon, Robert De Niro, Robert Downey Jr and should be ready in the next month.
"We’ll know in October if the movie is going ahead but they already have some big name actors following the project already."
Debbie said she is now investigating what incidents have occurred on the 37th latitude around the world - particularly over water.
Athens, Greece, sits on the line - and it's also the the dividing line between North and South Korea.
Debbie has even witnessed UFOs herself on the 37th latitude after a party at her family's lake house near Farmington, Missouri - which lies on the line - last year.
"I have an app on my phone that you can use to look up and it tells you what planets and constellations are visible," she said.
"And then all of a sudden we saw four stars in a formation. They were small stars which kept getting brighter and brighter - so apparently whatever it was was coming into the atmosphere then the one on the top left hand corner shot fast, straight up, and the top right and bottom left did the same - and the bottom right one went right across the horizon.
"I spoke to other experts to see if we have any military or government projects that could do that and they said no - they had no idea what it could be."
Chuck and Debbie say they have investigated hundreds and hundreds of paranormal cases - and it's not just UFOs - the pair also investigate ghost and Bigfoot sightings.
"I get three or four people a week getting in touch with me through my website - sightings, photos and videos - I always have a backlog," Chuck said.
"We started off as crash retrieval investigators but then you gather all this equipment like geiger counters, Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF) instruments, night vision goggles and then people get in touch.
"Lots of Bigfoot sightings are associated with UFO sightings - and ghost investigations started coming up because I had all this equipment.
"We use EMF instruments to look for trace evidence to look for crafts or entities because they leave electronic signatures - well it turns out ghosts leave electronic signatures too.
"Sometimes where they have had ghost sightings the orbs they see might not be ghosts but UFOs.
It’s been almost two weeks since NASA’s Cassini spacecraft plunged itself into Saturn, becoming one with the longtime object of its fascination. While that chapter of Cassini’s mission has closed, the spacecraft left behind volumes of photos to inspire and evoke new questions, including a spellbinding final portrait of Saturn and its rings.
The image — featured Tuesday on NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) — is actually a composite of 36 photos taken on September 12th, fastidiously rearranged by citizen scientist Mindaugas Macijauskas. The result shows Saturn in its most hauntingly beautiful form, as our Sun illuminates the planet’s northern hemisphere from outside the frame. According to NASA, this shadow position “cannot be imaged from Earth” and we won’t see it again until another spacecraft visits Saturn.
Feel free to drink it all in:
Cassini's final view of Saturn and its rings
While NASA hasn’t released any formal plans for another trip to the gas giant, scientists — including Cassini project manager Earl Maize — are already itching to return. Some former Cassini team members want NASA’s next sojourn in the Saturnian system to be a dedicated hunt for alien life, which would seriously up the ante on an already incredible voyage.
“We left the world informed, but still wondering, and I couldn’t ask for more,” Maize said at a press conference on September 13, just before mission end. “We’ve got to go back — we know it.”
While Saturn might not be as thicc as its celestial neighbor Jupiter, the gas giant remains a cornucopia of unsolved mystery. We still don’t know how oldits famous rings are, or how long a day on the planet actually is. But perhaps the most often-overlooked Saturnian mystery is that it has been secretly harboring “kittens” in its F Ring, according to data from NASA’s Cassini.
Of course, these features aren’t actually baby cats — if they were, I would have jetted out of here long ago. These 60-some odd “kittens” are actually baby moons — or moonlets — which form after particles within the ring collide and clump together. These kittens — which were first spotted by researchers from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft back in 2007 — influence the shape of the F ring so that it’s constantly changing its structure.
For some reason, Saturn’s kittens remained under the radar for many years. A spokesperson from NASA tells Inverse that the kittens are suddenly back in the public consciousness after a reporter asked about naming Saturnian features after pets during a post-mission briefing on Sept. 15. According to NASA, the baby moons were named kittens — and even given individual cat names like “Mittens” and “fluffy” — because “they appear to come and go unexpectedly over time and have multiple lives.” Apparently, some dog people weren’t happy about the name change, but were ultimately overruled.
“This was an appropriate nomenclature for temporary features, and I favor using feline names in other applicable situations,” Larry Esposito, principal investigator of the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) experiment on the Cassini, tells Inverse. Esposito — who is credited with discovering Saturn’s F Ring back in 1979 — was chiefly in charge of naming the kittens.
“These ‘kittens’ show us clumps now forming in Saturn’s F ring, a disk of material like the original protoplanetary disk around our Sun, like when the Earth and the other planets formed 4.5 billion years ago,” he said.
Prometheus and Saturn's F Ring
The great thing about these kittens — besides the obvious — is that they reveal how utterly mysterious Saturn still is, even after Cassini. To be fair, if any planet were secretly serving as a kitty utopia, it would almost certainly be Saturn.
“Saturn’s rings look so serene from a distance, but then when you get up close there is SO MUCH dynamic activity taking place,” Summer Ash, an astrophysicist at Columbia University, told Inverse. “From spiral waves to vertical structure to spokes, and now moonlets! It’s bananas. These moonlets are yet another aspect of Saturn’s rings that shows how little we understand about the system, even after a 13-year mission at the planet.”
Earth was not destroyed by Planet X last weekend, so we can now turn our attention back to more important things, like the three-fingered, potentially-alien Peruvian mummies. The last time we heard from the “researchers,” they had announced the finding of at least 20 mummies by a ‘guy named Mario’ and someone – possibly Mario – saw live creatures running away when the mummies were discovered in a Peruvian cave. One of the mummies appeared to be pregnant with eggs, leading to more speculation that the creatures are aliens and possibly reptilian. Meanwhile, the World Congress on Mummy Studies doubts all of the conclusions and is upset with the profiteering use of the Peruvian creatures – whatever species they may be — and the Peruvian government agrees. Seems like it’s time for a diversion, right? That came this week with the long-promised DNA tests of the mummies and the long-awaited announcement of the findings. The results of the tests are in, and the creatures were found to be …
Let’s pause here for a moment. What do you think the mummies are?
As in the past, the go-to source for all things on the 3-fingered Peruvian mummies is, which claims to have viewed all of the videos from, the group allegedly in possession of the mummies, conducting the research and sending the samples to laboratories for further studies. It identified the lab which performed the test as the Paleo DNA laboratory at Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada, and said that the report on the mummies’ DNA was available online, but no links were provided and searches turned up no further details on the report. The website has a short preview of its latest video, which is available for a fee. There also appears to be no updates from journalists Steve Mera and Barry Fitzgerald, who are said to be conducting their own investigations on the mummies.
So-called baby mummy
That’s enough prefacing. The wait is over. The DNA test results are in on a 3-fingered hand and some brain matter and the mummies are … humans! quotes the report:
“The evidence suggests the source of DNA from the biological material from the cranial brain and the bone extracted from the hand belongs to homo sapiens (humans).”
Specifically, a male homo sapien. Let the back-pedaling begin.
“Because we know that now we have three types of human like creatures. It is Neanderthals, Cro-Magnon like ourselves, and Denisovan. Now, at next level, they have to make much more detailed analysis, and much more complicated analysis, so they will create a library of genes, and then they will be able to compare it with database of human subjects. Then, we’ll see whether it is exactly human like, or it is little bit different.”
“Human like” says Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, who claims to have been working with since the discovery of the mummies, in a response video. He and others say more DNA testing is needed.
Is it time to wrap up these mummies and return them to the people of Peru?
BOOK REVIEW:Operation Trojan Horse by John A. Keel (Anomalist Books) 2013
“Our skies have been filled with ‘Trojan horses’ throughout history, and like the original Trojan horse, they seem to conceal hostile intent” – John A. Keel, 1969.
Over the many years that I have read about, researched and personally experienced the UFO mystery, my intuition has always ended up on the side of things pointing to these mysterious craft as not being of the “nuts-and-bolts” variety, but of a more elusive and, possibly, multi-dimensional source.
That position, while not shared by the majority of folks out there, was one held, more or less, by the late John A. Keel (1930-2009), the same guy who coined the terms “Men in Black” and “ultraterrestrials” and whose book The Mothman Prophecies would lead to a feature film in 2002 starring Richard Gere.
A writer, journalist and adventurer, Keel was drawn to the idea of “magic” at an early age, seeking it out in the mysterious “Far East” in the 1950’s, following a stint in the U.S. Army during the Korean War.
And that interest in magic led the ramblin’ writer to bounce around the wide-ranging region between Singapore and Egypt, where he befriended snake charmers, was “buried alive,” learned the secrets of the “Indian rope trick” and was “cursed by a mummy,” experiences captured in his first book, Jadoo, which was first published in 1957.
And between 1957 and 1970, Keel began to seriously immerse himself in the controversy surrounding flying saucers, also known as UFOs.
Like any good and objective journalist, Keel spent these years researching the subject, talking to UFO eyewitnesses and delving deep into the history of the confounding and puzzling topic and ultimately publishing Operation Trojan Horse, a 300-plus page book that focuses on the bizarre nature of the alleged “craft” and how we really don’t know who or what is behind their unexpected appearances around the world.
Keel’s findings seemed to parallel that of Dr. Meade Layne, an investigator of the “inter-dimensional/folklore school of thought” on the UFO phenomena (to quote a relative of Layne’s). That “paraphysical” and “parapsychological” position was not widely embraced by those who followed the more commonly trod path of extraterrestrials and spacecraft from distant stars.
In fact, Keel writes in his groundbreaking book, now 47-years old, that Kenneth Arnold, the private airplane pilot whose June 1947 sighting of strange craft flying near Mount Rainier in Washington state, kicked off the “modern flying saucer scare” and would later express his belief that “the objects were actually some form of living energy, and were not necessarily marvelous spaceships.”
Other researchers, Keel notes, would conclude that UFOs are closely linked with “mysticism and the metaphysical.” Clearly, the research was pointing to a more “occult” quality to the UFO phenomenon than the mainstream government, military and – in most cases – civilian researchers wanted to admit.
But Keel had already seen a lot of strange things by this time and was a seasoned journalist having traveled the world. It only made sense that he would report on the subject, wherever it took him.
And it took Keel to some pretty wild places!
No, there is a more “trickster”-ish quality to the experiences, things that don’t make sense, at least in a logical way. And then there is the issue of “visible light.” It would seem that UFOs may exist at “frequencies beyond visible light but that they can adjust their frequency and descend the electromagnetic spectrum – just as you can turn the dial of your radio and move a variable condenser up and down the scale of radio frequencies.”
Keel notes plenty of “patterns” in the phenomenon, how UFOs seem to stay within geographical boundaries, or appear in great “circle” patterns over large stretches of landscape. Many UFO sightings happen of Wednesdays, we learn.
We are taken back to the 19th century, when people like Joseph Smith are visited by “angelic beings” who point out the location of buried plates that will lead to the founding of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – the Mormons.
Throughout history, Keel notes, these “beings” which are thought to be from “heaven,” may actually be “ultraterrestrials,” entities that are non-human and may be of natural or even supernatural origin and are indigenous to our planet. They are thought to be linked to the folkloric entities of days gone by – fairies, brownies and so forth.
Flying ships were reported with increasing frequency throughout the 19th century, leading up the 1896-97 airship “flap” (or major, continued series of sightings) that had thousands of people seeing strange things in the sky.
But what were they seeing? What about the people of the mid-20th century, when Keel was gathering his information? It’s never entirely clear.
For instance, in March 1966, Eddie Laxton, of Temple, Okla., was driving on U.S. Highway 70 in Cotton County, on his way to work at Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls, Texas, when he had a dramatic UFO experience near the Red River, one that got the attention of his Air Force bosses.
Laxton said a human-like alien, who looked more like a mechanic in coveralls, was examining the underside of his “fish-like” spacecraft, with a “flashlight,” as if he were making repairs. But the alien got spooked pretty quickly, jumping in his UFO and taking off at a rapid rate.
Keel says this ruse of “pretending” to repair an ailing saucer has been used time and again by the “ultraterrestrials” of Operation Trojan Horse, or whatever it is they are doing. And yet no one really knows what their objective is.
And then there is the distortion of time, when it comes to many sightings. In one utterly shocking case, an Argentinian doctor and his wife got into their Peugeot 403 in a town near Buenos Aires, planning to travel 150 km south.
But the travelers did not make it to their destination. Keel tells us their family received a call from the Argentine consulate in Mexico City saying the couple “appeared” in Mexico’s capital city 48 hours later and nearly 5,000 miles from home. Except for a weird “fog” that enveloped their car that morning in May 1968, the doctor and his wife have no idea how they got to Mexico City.
Again, the occult angle cannot be emphasized enough. Keel says that “black magic” is often linked to the phenomenon, and some people have such frightening experiences dabbling in the topic, that they abandon it for good. In fact, Keel tells his adult readers who are parents to warn their children away from Ufology altogether.
“I have in my files hundreds of cases, some of which have now been investigated by qualified psychiatrists, in which young men and women obsessed with the UFO phenomenon have suffered frightening visits from these apparitions, been followed by mysterious black Cadillacs which appeared and disappeared suddenly, and have been terrified into giving up their pursuit of UFOs. Many contactees report similar experiences.”
“The phenomenon is reflective,” adds Keel. “the more frightened the victim becomes, the more the manifestations are escalated.”
While Keel does not solve the mystery, he was courageous enough to diligently investigate the topic with seriousness and open-mindedness.
UFO HUNTERS - Brother and sister alien hunters discover ‘UFO highway’ across America – with clusters of sightings and unexplained events along same latitude
UFO HUNTERS - Brother and sister alien hunters discover ‘UFO highway’ across America – with clusters of sightings and unexplained events along same latitude
Their theory has been turned into a book "The 37th Parallel" and will soon be made into a Hollywood movie
By Emma Parry, US Digital Correspondent
A BROTHER and sister alien hunting team have discovered a “UFO highway” across America along which hundreds of unexplained events have taken place - from cattle mutilations to alien abductions.
Chuck Zukowski and Debbie Ziegelmeyer have spent years travelling across the US investigating hundreds of UFO sightings and other paranormal occurrences.
UFO hunters Chuck Zukowski and Debbie Ziegelmeyer
It was during one cattle mutilation investigation that Chuck realised that many of the unexplained events he had looked into had taken place on the 37th latitude.
He called his sister - who noticed the same with her investigations in Missouri - and the pair began researching the phenomenon, discovering that there are clusters of unexplained events taking place across the same latitude line.
The pair believe that the 37th latitude line is a kind of UFO or paranormal “highway” along which extra terrestrial craft enter and exit the earth.
Their theory is now the subject of a book called the 37th Parallel - and is about to be made into a Hollywood blockbuster in the next few months.
Chuck told Sun Online: “Back in 2006 I was looking at my cattle mutilation investigations - there were huge similarities between them all - most of them were laying on their right side, they’re laying east to west and then I noticed that lots of them were on the 37 degree latitude.
“I called my sister at midnight and I said, ‘Didn’t you have cattle mutilations on the 37 degree latitude in Missouri?'
The 37th Parallel by Ben Mezrichis based on Chuck and Debbie's theory
"And she said, 'Yes' and we started looking more into it. We soon realized it wasn’t just cattle mutilations – there were all kind of events.
"We we're up until 2:30 in the morning going through all these cases and started seeing these amazing patterns.”
The 37th latitude line runs from California through Nevada, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky and across to Virginia.
Examples of cases along the line include the Joplin Spook Lights - unexplained balls of light that have been appearing in Hornet, Missouri since the 19th century; The Aztec, Nevada incident of 1948 when a flying saucer allegedly crashed; and Piedmont, Missouri where 500 people reported UFO sightings in 1973.
The infamous Area 51 in Nevada - and the Dulce Base - an alleged underground alien base - are also located on the line.
A map of the "UFO highway" across America
"For the next month or so I start looking at all these cases and I had all this data," Chuck explained.
"All these GPS co-ordinates, everything from Native American sites to underwater caves.
"I released it all on my website and I mentioned it during an appearance on the Science Channel's Unexplained Files - then for the next season of that show they asked me to expand on the theory so I did a whole episode on it for them.
"The bottom line is the 37th latitude is like a UFO highway or paranormal highway across the continent.
"We seem to think that this highway is a major highway that these crafts use - they seem to exit and enter here."
Chuck's registration reads UFONUT - the name of his website
After his appearance on the Science Channel a Hollywood producer got in touch and told Chuck his theory would be a great idea for a book and movie.
The book 37th Parallel, by New York times best selling author Ben Niezrich, came out last year - and a screen play is currently being written.
"In 2015 I signed a life-rights contract with Flint Pictures - it got picked up by New Line Cinema - Warner Brothers before the book was even written - just on the idea," Chuck said.
"The book came out last year. The screen play is being written by a Hollywood screenwriter who has written movies for Matt Damon, Robert De Niro, Robert Downey Jr and should be ready in the next month.
"We’ll know in October if the movie is going ahead but they already have some big name actors following the project already."
Debbie said she is now investigating what incidents have occurred on the 37th latitude around the world - particularly over water.
Athens, Greece, sits on the line - and it's also the the dividing line between North and South Korea.
Chuck and Debbie at Devil's Rock, Wyoming - where they spoke at a UFO conference
Debbie has even witnessed UFOs herself on the 37th latitude after a party at her family's lake house near Farmington, Missouri - which lies on the line - last year.
"I have an app on my phone that you can use to look up and it tells you what planets and constellations are visible," she said.
"And then all of a sudden we saw four stars in a formation. They were small stars which kept getting brighter and brighter - so apparently whatever it was was coming into the atmosphere then the one on the top left hand corner shot fast, straight up, and the top right and bottom left did the same - and the bottom right one went right across the horizon.
"I spoke to other experts to see if we have any military or government projects that could do that and they said no - they had no idea what it could be."
Chuck travels to UFO and ghost sightings, cattle mutilations and other paranormal incidents in this truck
Chuck and Debbie say they have investigated hundreds and hundreds of paranormal cases - and it's not just UFOs - the pair also investigate ghost and Bigfoot sightings.
"I get three or four people a week getting in touch with me through my website - sightings, photos and videos - I always have a backlog," Chuck said.
"We started off as crash retrieval investigators but then you gather all this equipment like geiger counters, Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF) instruments, night vision goggles and then people get in touch.
"Lots of Bigfoot sightings are associated with UFO sightings - and ghost investigations started coming up because I had all this equipment.
"We use EMF instruments to look for trace evidence to look for crafts or entities because they leave electronic signatures - well it turns out ghosts leave electronic signatures too.
"Sometimes where they have had ghost sightings the orbs they see might not be ghosts but UFOs.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Prince Philip’s UFO interests inspired biography
Prince Philip’s UFO interests inspired biography
Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and husband to the queen of England, is a UFO aficionado. His UFO interests are not only included in a biography, author Philip Eade writes in his foreword that the idea for the biography came about when he was considering writing a book about prominent ufologists in the period after World War II. The biography is titled, Prince Philip: The Turbulent Early Life of the Man Who Married Queen Elizabeth II, and proves to be a great read.
In a story in The Daily Beast, they highlighted 12 of the most “juicy bits” of the biography. Regarding the UFO “bits,” they wrote:
During the course of that research, Eade discovered not only that Prince Philip was a subscriber to the magazine Flying Saucer Review, but that he once sent his equerry, Sir Peter Horsley, “to meet an extraterrestrial humanoid at a house in Ealing.” Eade writes, “A number of witnesses were invited to Buckingham Palace to discuss their experiences, as Horsley later explained, to ‘put them on the spot’ and to test their honesty in the presence of royalty, a method as effective as any truth serum.” Horsley was on the prince’s staff from 1952 to 1955 before climbing to great heights in the Royal Air Force. When Horsley published his memoirs in 1997, a senior official at the Ministry of Defence commented, “How unfortunate that the public will learn that the man who had his finger on the button of Strike Command was seeing little green men.”
The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, June 2012.
(Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Although it may seem surprising that a member of the royal family would have an interest in UFOs, Prince Philip is not the first. In fact his uncle, Lord Mountbatten, had similar interests. In a biography by Philip Ziegler in 1985, he wrote that Mountbatten had admittedly “far-fetched” ideas about the origins of the mysterious phenomenon. Ziegler explained this idea in his book:
[We were] both convinced that they come from another planet but we mutually and independently came to the conclusion that they were not ‘aeroplanes’ with silly little almost human pilots but are themselves the actual inhabitants: Martians, Venusians, Jupiterians or what have you. Why should life in another planet with entirely different conditions in any way resemble life on our planet? Their inhabitants might be ‘gaseous’ or circular or very large. They certainly don’t breathe, they may not have to eat and I doubt if they have babies—bits of their great discs may break away and grow into a new creature. The fact that they can hover and accelerate away from the earth’s gravity again and even revolve round a V2 in America (as reported by their head scientist) shows that they are far ahead of us. If they really come over in a big way that may settle the capitalist-communist war. If the human race wishes to survive they may have to band together.
Lord Mountbatten (Credit: Allan Warren)
In 1955 Lord Mountbatten investigated a UFO incident in his own back yard, literally, that put his theory to the test. In Timothy Good’s book, Above Top Secret, there is a report written by Mountbatten on his investigation of a sighting on the grounds of his Broadlands Estates in Romsey, Hampshire. Frederick Briggs, a retired British Army Sergeant, was working as a bricklayer on the grounds, when he says he saw a large craft that looked like a child’s top hovering over a field. He says a column came down from the center of the craft, and there appeared to be a humanoid figure descending with the pillar.
Mountbatten states in his report that he personally interviewed Mr. Briggs. He reported that Briggs “did not give the impression of being the sort of man who would be subject to hallucinations, or would in any way invent such a story.”
In an interview with Nick Pope, a man who led official investigations into UFOs for Britain’s Ministry of Defence, I asked about the royal family’s interest in UFOs. Pope was reticent to speak on the subject, stating:
Um… yeah this is a kind of difficult area for me to enter. Of course, even though I have left the Ministry of Defence, I am still bound by the official secrets act, and it binds me for life. Yes, I know that some members of the royal family have an interest in UFOs, Crop Circles, and the unexplained generally, because of my security oath this isn’t an area that I can really discuss in any great detail I am afraid.
I told him that his answer was sort of fun, and he laughed and said, yes you can infer from that what you will. It begs the question, is the queen herself also a UFO buff, or does she shrug off her husband’s interests as spouses are prone to do?
A version of this story was first posted in the Huffington Post, but I discovered that I had neglected to post it here at I discovered that when I was looking for this story in relation to a recent talk I did that was featured in The Sun, a UK newspaper.
Karen Van EykenHet eiland Lord Howe behoort tot Zeelandië
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETSinds begin dit jaar is onze Aarde een continent rijker: ‘Zeelandië’. Vandaag de dag is nog maar 6 procent van het nieuwe continent zichtbaar. Het hoeft dan ook niet te verbazen dat het zo lang duurde vooraleer het ontdekt werd. Tijdens een maandenlange internationale expeditie - bestaande uit 32 wetenschappers uit 23 landen - heeft het nieuwe continent haar geheimen prijsgegeven.
Over het ‘zevende’ continent was amper iets geweten omdat het grotendeels is gezonken en zich meer dan een kilometer onder het zee-oppervlak bevindt. Vroeger dacht men dat het gewoon om een groep continentale eilanden ging waaronder onder meer Nieuw-Caledonië en de Australische eilanden Lord Howe en Norfolk. Maar een jarenlange studie van de aardkorst heeft begin dit jaar uitgewezen dat ze samen met Nieuw-Zeeland het zevende continent vormen. Geologen spraken tot nu immers over zes continenten. Zij voegen Europa en Azië immers samen tot Eurazië. Nu is Zeelandië het nieuwste en zevende zusje.
Zeelandië is 3,5 miljoen vierkante kilometer groot. Het wordt van Australië gescheiden door een 25 kilometer brede trog. Het ligt voor 94 procent onder water en zou miljoenen jaren geleden gestaag zijn gezonken na een afsplitsing van het megacontinent Gondwana. 23 miljoen jaar geleden zonk het grootste gedeelte weg waardoor nog maar 6 procent van het oppervlak boven zee uitstak.
Karen Van Eyken Het eiland Lord Howe
De recente expeditie bestond onder meer uit boringen in de diepzee. Volgens de Amerikaanse expeditieleider Gerald Dickens werden heel wat significante nieuwe fossielen ontdekt. Zij bewijzen dat Zeelandië zich niet altijd zo diep onder het zee-oppervlak bevond als nu het geval is.
Karen Van Eyken Lord Howe
“De wetenschappers bestudeerden 8.000 specimens en hebben honderden fossielen geïdentificeerd”, verklaarde Dickens. “De ontdekking van microscopische organismen die normaal in warme ondiepe zeeën terug te vinden zijn en stuifmeelkorrels van landplanten toont aan dat de geologie en het klimaat van Zeelandië dramatische veranderingen hebben ondergaan doorheen de tijd.”
Karen Van Eyken Lord Howe
De nieuwe ontdekkingen gaan meer duidelijkheid verschaffen over hoe tektonische platen bewegen en zullen toelaten om toekomstige veranderingen in het klimaat te voorspellen.
thinkstockEen zwart gat in een sterrennevel. (illustratiebeeld)
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETWetenschappers hebben voor de vierde keer een zwaartekrachtgolf van twee in elkaar smeltende zwarte gaten opgemerkt. De waarneming is een primeur voor de Europese zwaartekrachtgolvendetector Virgo, die staat in de buurt van het Italiaanse Pisa.
Het verschijnsel werd op 14 augustus om 12.30.43 uur Belgische tijd voor het eerst tegelijk waargenomen door twee soorten van detectoren: de twee LIGO’s (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) in de VS en Virgo.
Lees ook
Rapper zamelt geld in om te bewijzen dat aarde plat is
Volgens het Franse Nationaal Onderzoekscentrum CNRS was de LIGO-detector in Louisana de eerste om de vierde zwaartekrachtgolf op te pikken. Die in de staat Washington volgde acht duizendsten van een seconde later, en nog eens zes duizendsten van een seconde later was de Virgo aan de beurt. LIGO staat voor “Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory”.
De Virgo was op 1 augustus opnieuw opgestart, na een update en maanden testen. De detector verenigt 250 natuurkundigen, ingenieurs en technici uit twintig Europese laboratoria.
Trillingen in ruimtetijd
Albert Einstein stelde in 1915 dat het heelal bestaat uit ruimte en tijd, en dat die één geheel vormen. Na een heftige gebeurtenis kan die ‘ruimtetijd’ trillen. De schokgolven, de zwaartekrachtgolven, gaan dan door het heelal als rimpelingen na een steen in een vijver. Bij zo’n rimpeling rekt de ruimte iets uit of krimpt hij iets. Hoe groter de massa en hoe sneller de beweging van een massarijk object, des te hoger de zwaartekrachtgolf. Dat Einstein het opnieuw bij het rechte eind had, bleek in september 2015. Toen zijn de eerste zwaartekrachtgolven gemeten.
1,8 miljard lichtjaar ver weg
GW170814, zoals de nieuw ontdekte zwaartekrachtgolf is gedoopt, is veroorzaakt in de laatste ogenblikken van de versmelting van twee zwarte gaten die 31 en 25 keer zo zwaar waren als de Zon. Uiteindelijk bleef er één zwart gat over dat 53 keer de massa van onze ster heeft. Het energie-equivalent van 3 keer de massa van de Zon is in de vorm van zwaartekrachtgolven uitgestraald. De botsing vond plaats op zowat 1,8 miljard lichtjaar afstand.
De laatste dagen zijn er geruchten dat de Nobelprijs voor Fysica volgende week naar de ontdekking van de zwaartekrachtgolven zou gaan. De bekendmaking van de vierde vondst, waarover te lezen zal zijn in het vakblad Physical Review Letters, kan daarbij een duwtje in de rug geven.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Enorme ijspieken onthullen dat Pluto veel veranderlijker is dan gedacht
Enorme ijspieken onthullen dat Pluto veel veranderlijker is dan gedacht
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Nieuw onderzoek onthult hoe Pluto aan zijn tot wel 500 meter hoge ijspieken komt.
In eerste instantie stonden onderzoekers voor een raadsel toen ze op beelden van Pluto – gemaakt door ruimtesonde New Horizons – een soort slangenhuid ontwaarden. Maar eerder dit jaar moesten onderzoekers concluderen dat die slangenhuid bestaat uit vele penitenten die tot wel 500 meter hoog zijn en enkele kilometers van elkaar verwijderd zijn. Een unieke ontdekking. Voor het eerst waren penitenten op een ander hemellichaam dan de aarde ontdekt (zie kader).
Op aarde vinden we penitenten – uit sneeuw of ijs opgebouwde pieken – op grote hoogte (bijvoorbeeld in de Andes). Hoewel de pieken qua uiterlijk sterk doen denken aan de penitenten op Pluto zijn er toch de nodige verschillen. Zo zijn de penitenten op aarde hooguit enkele meters hoog en staan ze vrij dicht op elkaar. Op Pluto kunnen ze tot wel 500 meter hoog worden en zijn ze enkele kilometers van elkaar verwijderd. Een ander belangrijk verschil is dat de ijspieken op Pluto niet bestaan uit waterijs, maar uit methaanijs.
Dynamisch Wetenschappers hebben zich nu nog eens over deze ijspieken gebogen en denken te weten hoe ze precies zijn ontstaan. Hun bevindingen suggereren dat zowel het oppervlak als de lucht op Pluto een stuk dynamischer is dan werd aangenomen.
Klimaatvariaties De penitenten op Pluto ontstaan wanneer methaan – afkomstig uit de atmosfeer van Pluto – in bevroren vorm op het oppervlak neerslaat (net zoals ijs aan de binnenzijde van je diepvries neer kan slaan). “Toen we ons realiseerden dat het geschubde terrein bestaat uit hoge afzettingen van methaanijs, vroegen we ons af waarom het deze pieken – in plaats van grote klodders – op de grond vormt,” vertelt onderzoeker Jeffrey Moore. “En wat blijkt: Pluto heeft te maken met variaties in het klimaat en soms – als Pluto iets warmer is – begint het methaanijs te verdampen.” Het ijs transformeert dan direct in gas (ook wel sublimatie genoemd, zie kader hieronder). De aanwezigheid van deze penitenten op Pluto wijst er dan ook op dat het klimaat van de dwergplaneet over lange perioden – denk aan miljoenen jaren – veranderingen heeft ondergaan. Eerst zorgde een vrij koud klimaat ervoor dat methaan op grote hoogte in bevroren vorm neer kon slaan en later zorgde een warmer klimaat ervoor dat er sublimatie plaatsvond, waardoor uiteindelijk ijspieken achterbleven.
IJspieken ontstaan dus door sublimatie. Maar hoe krijgen ze dan precies hun karakteristieke vorm? Je moet je voorstellen dat er eerst een sneeuwoppervlak is, waarin holtes zitten. In die holtes wordt gereflecteerd licht opgevangen, waardoor er in die holtes meer sublimatie plaatsvindt en alsmaar diepere sleuven ontstaan. “Doordat de temperatuur en de luchtvochtigheid toenemen, kan het ijs in deze sleuven wél smelten,” zo legt men op de site van ESO uit. “Deze positieve terugkoppeling versnelt de groei van de karakteristieke vorm van de penintentes.”
Het onderzoek toont niet alleen aan dat het oppervlak en de lucht op Pluto veranderlijker zijn dan gedacht. Het geeft ook meer inzicht in de topografie van Pluto. Dankzij de scheervlucht van New Horizons langs Pluto kunnen we één zijde van de dwergplaneet nu in hoge resolutie bekijken. Van de andere zijde hebben we alleen beelden in lagere resolutie. Nu we weten dat er methaan te vinden is in hoger gelegen gebieden, kunnen onderzoekers uit de aanwezigheid van methaan afleiden welke gebieden hoger gelegen zijn. En dus ook nauwkeurigere topografische kaarten maken van de zijde die New Horizons niet in hoge resolutie heeft kunnen vastleggen. Overigens hebben onderzoekers reeds sterke aanwijzingen gevonden dat penitenten ook op de ‘andere zijde’ van Pluto te vinden zijn en dus een wereldwijd verschijnsel zijn.
ESA test instrument waarmee we de ijzige manen van Jupiter gaan bestuderen
ESA test instrument waarmee we de ijzige manen van Jupiter gaan bestuderen
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Het radarsysteem dat dwars door de ijskorst van Europa, Ganymedes en Callisto gaat kijken, ondergaat zijn vuurdoop.
In 2022 is het zover. Dan vertrekt een ruimtesonde naar misschien wel één van de spannendste plekken in ons zonnestelsel: Jupiter. Tijdens de missie (Juice genaamd) zal er onderzoek worden gedaan naar de atmosfeer en magnetische velden van Jupiter. Maar nog veel interessanter is dat er ook een blik wordt geworpen op Jupiters ijzige manen Ganymedes, Europa en Callisto. Van alle drie deze manen wordt vermoed dat ze onder het oppervlak een vloeibare oceaan herbergen en dus potentieel leefbaar zijn.
Het instrument Zoals gezegd bevinden die oceanen zich niet aan het oppervlak. Ze gaan schuil onder een ijskorst. Maar daardoor laten onderzoekers zich niet van de wijs brengen. Ze gaan gewoon proberen om dwars door die ijskorst te kijken met behulp van het Radar for Icy Moons Exploration-instrument. Het is het eerste instrument dat in staat is om direct te achterhalen wat er onder het oppervlak van werelden aan de rand van ons zonnestelsel speelt. En daarmee is het misschien wel het belangrijkste instrument van de complete missie.
De test van het radarsysteem.
Afbeelding: Airbus / Rolf Schwark.
Test En zo’n instrument stuur je vanzelfsprekend niet op pad zonder het eerst uitgebreid te testen. En dat heeft ESA nu gedaan. De Europese ruimtevaartorganisatie bootste de omstandigheden waarin het instrument straks moet functioneren na. En daarvoor had ESA nodig: een nep-ruimtesonde en een helikopter.
Antenne Kort nadat de ruimtesonde die Jupiter en zijn manen gaat verkennen, gelanceerd is, zal er een zestien meter lange antenne worden uitgeklapt. Eenmaal bij Jupiters manen aangekomen, zendt deze radiogolven naar het oppervlak van de manen. Het instrument zal vervolgens meten hoelang het duurt voor reflecties van die radiogolven weer bij het instrument arriveren. Ook de kracht van die reflecties wordt vastgelegd. Het instrument kan op basis van die gegevens tot wel negen kilometer diep ‘kijken’.
Tijdens de test van het instrument werd een nep-ruimtesonde met daaraan de antenne onder een helikopter gehangen. Gekeken werd hoe de antenne zich – onder meer ten opzichte van de ruimtesonde – gedroeg en hoe de signalen die naar de antenne terugkeerden, eruitzagen. “Alle experimenten werden afgerond en zullen de komende weken geanalyseerd worden,” vertelt onderzoeker Lorenzo Bruzzone. De inzichten die dat oplevert, worden meegenomen tijdens de verdere ontwikkeling van de antenne. “De test was een belangrijke stap richting het begrijpen van het gedrag van de echte antenne die ons uiteindelijk in staat stelt om zeer accurate metingen te verkrijgen van de radarecho’s die het diepe ondergrondse van Jupiters ijzige manen voortbrengen.”
Juice wordt in 2022 gelanceerd en zal zo’n zeven jaar later bij Jupiter aankomen. De sonde zal negen maanden rond Ganymedes cirkelen, waarvan vier maanden op een afstand van slechts 500 kilometer. Ook zal de ruimtesonde op kleine afstand langs andere manen van Jupiter scheren. Het is niet helemaal duidelijk of het radarsysteem dwars door de ijskorst van de manen heen kan kijken, omdat onduidelijk is hoe dik die ijskorst precies is. Maar zelfs als de ijslaag te dik blijkt, levert de missie waarschijnlijk een schat aan informatie op. Zo kan er gekeken worden hoe die ijskorst is opgebouwd en of er tussen de ijslagen van Europa bijvoorbeeld nog vloeibaar water huist. Ook hopen onderzoekers met behulp van het radarsysteem meer inzicht te krijgen in de evolutie van de kraters op Callisto en de tektonische geschiedenis van Ganymedes.
"Helicopter test for Jupiter Icy Moons Radar" - ESA Afbeelding bovenaan dit artikel: ESA / ATG medialab (ruimtesonde) / NASA / ESA / J. Nichols (University of Leicester) (Jupiter) / NASA / JPL (Ganymedes) / NASA / JPL / University of Arizona (Io) / NASA / JPL / DLR (Callisto en Europa)
Filer’s Files #39 -2017- UFO Crash Revelations - PART I
Beonne, New Jersey Disc captured on September 13, 2017 I was traveling
Filer’s Files #39 -2017- UFO Crash Revelations - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Roswell UFO Crash, UFO Crash on Plains of St Augustin, New Jersey UFO Landing Site Heals Horses, and Mighty Temple of the Sun. and Navy Attack Submarines Key to Defeating North Korean Navy.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Brazil, Canada, , Portugal, Puerto Rico, and England and Wales in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special projects
Lord Admiral Hill-Norton
Lord Admiral Hill-Norton writes, “There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilization; and it behooves us, in case some of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out that they are, where they come from, and what they want.
This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers.”
Comments from excellent artist and investigator Bill McDonald concerning the Roswell craft and the Lockheed Skunk Works development of advanced aircraft…
Skunk Work’s Director Clarence L. “Kelly” Johnson mentored two young men: Ben R. Rich who was hired in 1957 to design engine inlets for the U-2 and John Andrews–The young hotshot model kit designer for Comet Models—who went on to design and be Chief Special Projects Designer for the Testor Corporation.
From 1980 to 1999, John Andrews sat on the knowledge of the skiff’s “Wave rider-stingray-cetacean-form” configuration. He died on Good Friday, 1999 of a cancer similar to Ben Rich’s.
Bill McDonald obtained detailed information about the Roswell alien craft from Army counter intelligence personnel he called Rick and Frank who carefully described, sketched and overdrew on my sketches until the lateral profile of the craft was exactingly close to the profile of a harbor porpoise a species of cetacean known as Dall’s Porpoise. The stingray-skate-like diamond triangular wing form profiles were subtly different–But close enough to satisfy a detective’s standards regarding multiple witness composites.
The hexagonal power cell belly tiles were identically described by both men, to include being subducted under a thin rim layer of approximately eighteen inches. Big hexagons near the nose, shrinking in size towards the tail and trailing wing edges.
John Andrews independently confirmed that Kelly and Ben also described a complex “Power grid” on the ships belly. Likewise for the cockpit canopy/forward sensor array shield–Only subtle variances in shape and placings. Frank thought it was a cockpit canopy. Rick stated it was a cover for a multi-tiered instrument array. The craft carried seven aliens.
Witness “Dutch” Bischoff in Anaheim (Who claimed to be a CIC auxiliary pilot) stated it was a “Half nose cone.”– May 1993—Long before my interviews with Rick and Frank.
Len (Stringfield) stated very surprising things over the phone in December ’94. Len was VERY specific about the skin of the flight crew: He stated that macroscopically, the skin resembled the tiny, granulated smooth beaded scales of the tiny albino Geckos inhabiting the islands of the South Pacific.
He stated that his physicians reported that the skin was NOT the semipermiable layers that hold in moisture and fluids and hold out dangerous rot bacilli. He stated that it was like synthetic screen mesh under a microscope.
He stated that the flight crew members would have leaked like sieves if they were walking around outside the landed craft and not encased in some artificial cellophane-like substance. Infection would have occurred in seconds. They apparently worked together navigating and operating the craft. Rick n his porch during those early July 1995 interviews that when he crawled through the wreckage he noticed something very odd about the texturing of the floor of the flight deck of the interior crew cabin. He stated that it was the oddest form of “Antiskid” imaginable. He stated that examining experts had compared the deck flooring to rings and swirls like “Fingerprint” and “Coral growth” patterns. Rick stated that in later years, he had occasion to examine a kidney dialysis bag and that when cut open, the microtubule packing was similar to the crystalline layers of microtubes in the floor layers. He also described vented louvers in the flooring edges on either side of the crew compartment which when he drew them reminded me of the gill slits of sharks and rays.
I put the skin and the flooring descriptions together and came up with the fluid life support system / flight ballast inertial dampening buffer. Oxygenated fluorocarbons approximate the weight of water but evaporate fast after a hull breech. Sterile fluids would not only sustain life but would also cushion the flight crew from high “G” aerial maneuvers and in dead from rapid onset infections and rapid catastrophic dehydration.
All witnesses told me that the craft was unusually light for its size. Without some form of heavy ballast, it would have fluttered like a kite without a tail in atmospheric flight mode. Trim was critical for a craft of its size and weight. Every seat needed to be filled–And as you know, two bodies remain unaccounted for unless you believe Don Schmitt’s latest claims with Tom Carey. Only a fluid fulfills all ballast and all delicate trim requirements for atmospheric flight–Magneto-aero electric propulsion in the air. Certain species of frogs breathe and receive nutrients directly through their skin tissue membranes. They die fast out of the water. Their lungs are partially atrophied from lack of use. Their digestive systems are reduced. Normal defecation is almost never seen. Sound familiar? Thanks to Bill McDonald
A UFO Crash on Plains of St Augustin
Art Campbell
Art Campbell has done an incredible job of researching the July 2, 1947 crash of a small, extraterrestrial craft in the Plains of St Augustin, New Mexico not far from the Roswell crash. There is speculation that the two UFOs collided or were affected by radars. Art Campbell has been interested in UFO research since the 1950’s. He was an early NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena.) investigator, founder and Chairman of a NICAP chapter in Kansas City, and worked closely with Major Donald E. Keyhoe. He made a contact with ex-president Truman in the spring of 1958 at the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. Keyhoe’s subsequent letter to President Truman begins Mr. Campbell’s UFO book with accompanying material sent to the president in the appendix.
He is a retired 30 year teacher, coach, and school principal, a Navy veteran, with a Masters Degree in Education.
Art Campbell writes, “In May of 2012 a group of 15 people found a great deal of important material near the San Augustin, NM crash site that is thought to have happened tube same time as the Roswell crash. By far the most important finding was this I-beam.
Alien beam found at crash site
It is 2 inches across at the flanges and 13 1/4 inch long. Rather crude flanged holes at each end indicate it may have been a repair. Bottom skin, honeycomb, and I-beam might have been scraped off a craft on the first skip down. Below the I-beam is another piece of honeycomb. This one had some skin attached, believed to be just inside the interior. Some excitement occurred when a faint triangle, circle and other markings were found near the right end of beam. The beam is probably the most significant find at the crash site and wants to make sure everybody knows about it. The beam looks more like an H-beam used to distribute horizontal loads. Crude flanged holes are a mystery. It is possible it was used more than once in a repair of some sort.
The beam has a metallurgical composition primarily aluminum with high silicon, manganese, copper, and iron. It is my guess that a grid of beams covered the entire bottom of the UFO (probably crisscrossing the bottom of the craft in 10-12″‘ squares) supporting the honeycomb sandwich. Our craft when it skipped down lost allot of its bottom and this beam was probably ripped out. The honey comb material has been found at two crash sites.
Honeycombs nearly identical were found 6000 miles apart and 41 years later, Magdalena, NM Plains UFO crash debris honeycomb on left, Shikoku Island debris found in 1971, on the right. A Mr. Shioto saw the UFO explode and found the debris.
All of the samples were tested with a volt-ohmmeter, and were found to conduct electricity. Fifty-six (56) elements were detected in at least one sample. The aluminum contained alloys not available in aluminum in 1947. The coatings on all metals were blended with metal and rich in silica, titania, magnesia, sulfate, phosphate, and chloride, were almost certainly not available in 1947. The coatings are similar to those removed from people claiming alien contact. The samples still emit magnetic and electrical energy indicating these samples include nanotechnological smart metals and of probable alien origin. Analysis of some of the metal indicated it was not from Earth.
Skin of St. Augustin UFO
Campbell found many items which are as follows:
The major component of the metallic portions of all of the samples proved to be aluminum (Al). All of the samples appeared to be composed of aluminum alloys, with varying amounts of alloying elements. Other elements detected included beryllium (Be), carbon (C), oxygen (O), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), silicon (Si), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), chlorine (Cl), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), titanium (Ti), iron (Fe), and palladium (Pd). The coating layers of the coated samples were much different in composition from the metallic portions of the samples. Aluminum was still a major component of the coatings, but was present to a lesser degree than in the metallic portions of the samples. The amount of oxygen in the coatings was much greater than in the metallic phase of the samples, indicating that the aluminum was probably present as an oxide layer, rather than as free metal. The proportions of carbon, silicon, and chlorine in the coatings were also higher than in the metal, indicating.
An artificial 3-layered container about the size of a human fist, believed to be some kind of an artificial body organ.* Seven kinds of unusual foil containing high levels of silicon, iron and manganese (unknown to the foil industry.)* Some strange wax material which may have been some kind of an insulation coating inside the UFO* Also found of a similar material was the remains of a small structural member (possibly a tiny I-beam)/* Possible alien sole shoes were found of different sizes of an extremely narrow width. Art’s book goes into great detail with photographs and analyses of these shoe soles.
The fluid would also allow for near but not quite neutral buoyancy in seawater. Her shape suggests that she could most likely dive into the ocean and fly out again with slightly positive buoyancy easily offset by her magneto-hydrodynamic propulsion modes underwater.
New Jersey UFO Landing Site Heals Horses
Medford — Darlene writes, My friend told me that in 1969 or 70 her friend and several people saw three unusual objects hovering the high tension wires next to my property the house was not built. They saw one land on what is now my horse field and pond. I Google it and the articles said that in fact there were sightings. We have an indentation in the field since we moved here that fills up with water yet it never erodes and stays the same shape. We have found unusual metal pieces in that area when it does dry up. This is a picture of a framed view if my lot. Thanks Darlene.
Note: I drove out to investigate the pond site and visited Darlene’s friends, horses, donkeys and horse stables. . The amazing situation was that Darlene takes in virtually dying animals that would normally be end of their lives with .wounded and crippled legs and bodies. They are attracted to the water and spend some time there and are cared for and fed normal food. Miraculously, the animals gain their strength and appear healed and feisty.
I have interviewed several abductees who claim to have been healed, and some people claim to be in touch with aliens/angels who are able to heal others. It appears that aliens feel obliged to preserve the specimen for their own purposes. As one abductee said, ‘It’s equipment maintenance.” I examined the area around the pond and there was little plant life and the dirt seemed to clump.
I was able to obtain samples of the area for the Missouri MUFON Laboratory who did a great job in analyzing the area. The conclusions were as follows: Many diseases and conditions in horses are due to nutrition. The healing of horses in this case may be due to minerals lacking in their former diet which are present in different combinations in this pasture area. As for the human healing this may be due the same conditions that are present in the crop circle healing which cannot be either proven or disproven by scientific methods as yet.
At some time in the past the soil under the pond has been subjected to high heat event of 1000 F or more which resulted in changes seen in forest fires, There is a lack of pond organisms and lack of very low bacteria are counter to what are regularly seen in ponds where animals live, it may be contributed to the high minerals (potassium and phosphors) present or in fact to the serializing effects of high heat on the soil, A small glassy stone or possible meteorite was found in the pond (shown)
Possible Meteorite Twice Actual Size
The recommendation is to have the stone go further testing in an SEM elrctron microscope equipped with a mineral evaluation system to determine all elements to rule out a meteorite. There is further evidence of a high heat event that melted the soil into a glazed conglomerate of gravel encased glass.
Note: A meteorite may have caused the high heat event, or the landing of a possible UFO. Thanks to MUFON Missouri Lab Thanks to Lynn Mann.
Mighty Temple of the Sun God
Sun god Inti
The amazing Temple of the Sun, Koricancha which means “golden courtyard.” The Inca dedicated it to the sun god Inti, and as is the case with many temples dedicated to sun deities throughout the world, they adorned it with gold. Strangely the sun god resembles small aliens.
At the height of their power, this temple was one of the most important in the entire empire. The Inca used large stones, similar to those used in the construction of Machu Picchu to create the walls. Then, they inserted golden plates, and decorated the temple with golden vases and statues. The mummified bodies of deceased Incan kings were also placed inside, and the Inca likewise honored them with royal clothing, headdresses, and golden ritual objects. These mummies, while certainly not alive, were not considered dead, and the Aclla Cuna (Virgins of the Sun) cared for them. Other important artifacts were in Koricancha. Life-sized golden statues of deities and deified ancestors were in the courtyard, and golden altars were the stage upon which the Aclla Cuna prepared ritual foods and offerings. Among all of the sacred artifacts, however, one in particular was revered: a sun disk made of pure gold.
Koricancha, originally called Inta Wasi
Key to the Gate of the Gods
According to legend, this disk was more than an ornamental or even ritual object. It was the key to a sacred doorway called La Puerta de Hayu Marca, or the Gate of the Gods. It is said that the first Incan priest-king Aramu Muru took this golden disk to the site of an ancient, spiritual city in which the inhabitants could commune with gods. Readers may find this idea strange, but even in modern times, legends from worldwide cultures relate that ancient, even antediluvian civilizations were in contact with gods. In the Christian tradition, God became angry and decided to kill all humans save Noah and his family and friends, and He tasks him with saving two of each species. The Sumerian, Akkadian, and more than 500 other traditions have similar accounts of a great flood and divine beings reaching out to assist a select group of sentient beings. Even in modern times, Mahayana Buddhists meditate upon Bodhisattvas, savior deities who supposedly assist humans. Catholic and Orthodox Christians likewise pray to saints, deified human beings who are closer to divinity. While such saints are alive, they are similarly thought to have the ability to commune with God. Therefore, when Incan legends speak about an ancient city in which its inhabitants were closer to Inti, this is universal and unceasing nomenclature, and the tale should not be dismissed outright because of it.
Worldwide myths and legends generally spring from something, some fraction of truth that storytellers elaborate upon throughout the centuries. Good questions to keep in mind are, “What is the real truth?” and “What is the real history?”
The Santo Domingo Church was built in the 17th century on the foundations of the Inca Temple of the Sun (or Koricancha). The Church was nearly destroyed by earthquakes twice, but due to the spectacular construction of the Inca walls it sustained minimal damage. The uninspiring Baroque decoration of Santo Domingo contrasts poorly to the superbly crafted Inca masonry, and much of the cloister has been gutted to reveal four of the original chambers of the great Inca Temple (Koricancha).
Some of the finest Inca stonework that one can see in all of the old Inca Empire is the curved wall beneath the West End of the Church. It is said that during Inca times the walls of the Koricancha (Quechua for ´Golden Courtyard´) were lined with about 700 solid-gold sheets each weighing about two kilos. This is where life-size gold and silver replicas of corn were ceremonially ´planted´ in agricultural rituals. Also reported were solid-gold treasures such as altars, llamas and babies. All that remains today of this splendor is the stonework – the conquistadors took the rest, which was melted down, and nothing survives.
The first conquistadors reported the existence of a “Golden Sun Disc” which was considered a replica of the sun and considered the holiest religious symbol in the empire. This solid golden disc was larger than a human being and before the main party of Spaniards arrived, it mysteriously disappeared. Today, the Golden Sun Disc remains lost. In Inca times the disc was positioned to catch the morning sun and to throw its rays into the gold-lined temple. It filled the temple with bright light and illuminated the mummies of the dead Inca rulers, who were seated in niches along the walls.
The entire temple complex was also an observatory, from which priest’s monitored major celestial activities. Every summer solstice, the sunrays shine directly into a niche – the tabernacle – in which only the Inca was permitted to sit. Along with the main temple dedicated to the Sun, there were other temples dedicated to the Moon, Venus, the Thunder and Lightning and the Rainbow.
Navy Attack Submarines Key to Defeating North Korean Navy
The U.S. Navy has taken delivery of the future USS Colorado, the 15th Virginia-class attack submarine that will likely be required to attack the North Korean Submarine force considered one of the largest in the world.
. (UPI) — The future U.S. Navy submarine USS Colorado, built by Huntington Ingalls Industries and General Dynamics Electric Boat, has been delivered to the service. U.S. Sea Systems Command says “Colorado’s delivery is the 15th Virginia-class submarine produced for the Navy. It brings another Block III Virginia-class submarine to the fleet within budget,
The future USS Colorado, or SSN 788, is and the fifth Block III model. Block IIIs feature a redesigned bow with enhanced payload capabilities — 12 individual vertical launch tubes were replaced with two large-diameter Virginia Payload Tubes that can launch six Tomahawk cruise missiles against land and naval targets.
North Korea’s reliance on submarines exposes a harsh reality for the country: U.S. and South Korean naval and air forces are now so overwhelmingly superior that the only viable way for Pyongyang’s navy to survive is to go underwater. While minimally capable versus the submarine fleets of other countries, North Korea does get a great deal of use out of them. Although old North Korea’s submarines have the advantage of numbers and, in peacetime, surprise. Pyongyang’s history of armed provocations means the world hasn’t seen the last of her submarine force. Romeo Submarine
. The Korean People’s Navy (KPN) is believed to have sixty thousand men under arms—less than one-twentieth that of the Korean People’s Army (KPA) ground forces. This, as well as comparable budget makes the KPN’s draftees spend an average of five to ten years, so while Pyongyang’s sailors may not have the latest equipment, they do end up knowing their jobs quite well. The KPN’s submarine fleet is one of the world’s largest, but most of their seventy .submarines are older models. Some submarines are able to launch mid range missiles that could launch from coastal areas. The Soviet Union declared North Korea’s prize.
Romeo class submarine to be obsolete, but they could be tasked to sink US carriers, South Korean, and Japanese vessels. The country has 20 Romeo class boats, comprising almost a third of its submarine fleet.
But Kim Jong-un, the “Supreme Leader” of North Korea, took a short ride on a Romeo sub and issued stern battle orders during a proud tour of a Romeo class submarine. Every other navy in the world gave up on the Romeo, with its noisy and easily detectable diesel engine. The boats carry Yu-4 torpedoes, a Chinese-made weapon dating from the 1960s with a range of six-and-a-half kilometers. The Los Angeles Class nuclear-powered attack submarines of the U.S. Navy, meanwhile, carry Harpoon missiles that can sink a ship 240 km away. Each Romeo displaced 1,830 tons submerged, had a top speed of thirteen knots and was operated by a crew of fifty-four. The Romeo submarines were armed with eight standard-diameter 533-millimeter torpedo tubes, two facing aft. A multinational report on the sinking of the South Korean corvette states that the KPN operated twenty Romeo-class submarines, forty Sang-O (“Shark”) class coastal submarines (SSCs), and ten midget submarines of the Yono class.
The Soviet Union declared North Korea’s prize submarine to be obsolete and started building nuclear subs.
But Kim Jong-un, the “Supreme Leader” of North Korea, issued stern battle orders during a proud tour of a Romeo class submarine of the People’s Navy. Every other navy in the world gave up on the Romeo, with its noisy and easily detectable diesel engine. The country has 20 Romeo class boats, comprising almost a third of its submarine fleet. Any captain of a Romeo class submarine might, however, view hostilities with trepidation.
The boats carry Yu-4 torpedoes, a Chinese-made weapon dating from the 1960s with a range of six-and-a-half kilometers. The attack submarines of the U.S. Navy carry Harpoon missiles that can sink a ship 240 km away. North Korea’s submarine fleet, while smaller and less well funded than the other armed services, has generated an outsized number of international incidents. On September 18, 1996, a Sang-O SSC operated by the Reconnaissance Bureau ran aground near Gangneung, South Korea. The submarine, which had set a three-man party of commandos ashore two days before to reconnoiter a South Korean naval base, had failed to pick up the party the previous night. On its second attempt, the submarine ran aground and became hopelessly stuck within sight of the shoreline.
This week the North Korean foreign minister asked on a visit to New York to attend the UN General Assembly announced his country would launch devastating countermeasure and said his country may test a hydrogen bomb in the Pacific Ocean that could be the most powerful detonation of an H-bomb in the Pacific.
Kim Jong Un is surrounded by “Yes” men who are likely encouraging his actions despite his enemies have over whelming military capability. It would seem logical to attack the missile capability and nuclear operational centers of North Korea. During the Iraq War Israeli Commandos attacked the nuclear capability of Iraq that had been moved to Syria. A similar operation could be carried out. The biggest problem in attacking North Korea is that they have thousands of well hidden missiles and artillery that can bombard Seoul, South Korea. In recent months, it has also launched a pair of still-developmental ICBMs it said were capable of striking the continental United States and two intermediate-range missiles that soared over Japanese territory.
A hydrogen bomb test could pose a danger to shipping and aircraft, even if North Korea declares a keep-out zone. The missile would likely fly over Japan and provide a risk to the population by putting a live nuclear warhead on a missile that has been tested only a handful of times. The United Nations after its sixth test has put stiffer sanctions on North Korea and China has joined in with Banking Sanctions. Russia that has a joint border with North Korea may be the only nation still helping. The US is likely to respond if North Korea conducts further provocations.
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Filer’s Files #39 -2017- UFO Crash Revelations - PART II
Filer’s Files #39 -2017- UFO Crash Revelations - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
California Object
I was using my Flirt ONE infra-red attachment to my IPhone 5 camera to observe the unknown large planet in sky on September 1, 2017, at 10:21 PM. I saw some birds, stars, or meteors. The birds were noticeable flying in the view of my camera. The video is 4:24 minutes long and during the last 19 seconds a bright object comes from the bottom left heading southeast above me in the night sky. It continues to cross the mid line, and then backs up, stops, then backs up again and zaps a meteor. I presume to knock it out of its orbit. Then it continues on its path. This was a UFO or military vehicle traveling in near earth orbit zapping an incoming meteor. Then continues on towards the top right. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Light
North Port— Driving with my wife and son, leaving my daughter’s house on September 18, 2017, turning a corner I first saw a very low flying helicopter flying in a southeasterly direction. I then saw a glowing light or orb hovering over the parking lot in front of us, just to the west of the helicopter. I stopped the car and the orb starting flying northwest. It would stop, hover, pulsate, and change direction abruptly. We observed it for close to 5 minutes and it disappeared in the sky. At first, I thought the helicopter shot off a flare. The orb was hovering when I first observed it, and I did not physically act like a flare. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Orb
I was coming back after shopping and I stopped after seeing a golden object flying near my house. I started taking pictures of it on September 17, 2017.
Soon I had to move and when I looked back it vanished. The object sometimes pulsated and once changed shape and spitted into 7. I got it all in the video that is attached.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Iowa Triangle of Lights
Muscatine — My friend and I were out shooting video of the night sky in March 2017, and flying my phantom drone. We were a couple miles down the road from the local Salsbury Recreation Area by highway F70. As I was flying my drone, my friend noticed this star like light that started moving towards me. The moon was bright, and I didn’t notice it right away. As I brought my drone back towards me, I noticed that the light started following my drone. As I got closer to my landing area it was so close and low to the ground that I was getting freaked out. Around 4 AM it went directly over our heads at about 300 feet with no sound. As it followed my drone it stayed in a direct path right towards me. I landed a few minutes before the object reached us. As it got close to us, it seemed to slow down and just kind of hover for a few minutes and then started heading northwest towards Iowa City. As it got to the Cedar River banks it slowed to a complete halt and sat above the tree line for a bit. After about 5 minutes; it faded away.
It was triangle in shape and had a light on each point as well as some strobing lights on the bottom of the craft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Red Light
Milan– I’m head cook at my job and I let my buddy go home and he quickly runs into the restaurant and tells me to go outside. I get out and I see two bright vivid red orbs side by side and it was a bright red and it was pretty far away. I quickly pull out my phone but before I get my camera started it disappears.
Then it reappears after 10 seconds, disappears again, after coming back it goes up and down in a perfect line and then it just vanishes. I have a video before it comes back the second time cause I thought my boss was going to yell at me but it was crazy. If this goes viral or anything please MUFON contact me. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mississippi Object
Jackson — It was like someone was using a laser pointer in the sky on June 27, 2017.
That’s how they always move around the sky.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Disc
Bayonne— At 8:20 AM on September 13, 2017, I was traveling to work east bound on the Newark Bay Extension Bridge, right adjacent to Marist high school, I noticed an object that looked like an ink colored oval/disk. The object flew across my path from south to north. I originally thought it was a balloon due to the fact it had that type of movement, it may have been tumbling slowly while it remained in a continuous flight path. It was very hard to tell how big it was and how high it was. I grabbed my phone stuck my arm out the window and snapped 2 holy Mary’s shots. That being said, as soon as I saw it, despite the fact I said to myself it looked like it moved like s balloon, this object looked very strange to me and I’ve never seen anything like it before. I’ve lived across the bay from Newark Airport my whole childhood so I know so the sky in that area, and it’s filled with planes and I know what they look like. I’ll admit I am kind of a UFO enthusiast but I’m not inclined to be fanciful. Shape color and location of this object was very unusual and doesn’t make any sense.
New Mexico Cylinder
I was taking a photo of a rainbow with my camera phone on September 15, 2017. When I came in to look at the image, I saw the object next to the rainbow.
I had not seen it while taking the photograph. I took several photos of a sunset directly after taking this photo, and the object was not visible in these photographs.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Triangle
Hoboken— About 1 30 AM on September 21, 2017, I looked up and there it was, passing overhead. I saw a real UFO today flying slow and silent across the sky. I was able to video for 30 seconds. It moved from bottom right to upper left in the film which was north east to south west. There were two spikes coming off the front of it. Video on request should anyone want. Thanks to Doug Auld
Pennsylvania Lights
Philadelphia— My husband was driving home and it was then that people spotted some unusual lights in the sky on September 9, 2017. My husband saw them and pulled over to the side of the road, pulled out his phone and started recording. There were other people pointing up at them also. When my husband got home he rushed upstairs and told me to look out the window at the lights. I looked but they were gone. My son went out front to look and they continued on south. My husband is retired Air force and is a history buff and loves the military aircraft. This was something he didn’t know how to describe. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Utah Lights
Salt Lake City— My daughter and two other friends were driving north on I-15 when her friend saw a bright light appear on September 16, 2017.
She told the other two and all started watching the light. Then another light appeared and then a third. My daughter called me, but I was not in a place to observe so I told them to record it using their phones of which one did. Then the lights blinked out one at a time and the is clearly shown in the recording. Thanks to MUFON CMS
’Washington Object
Seattle — I saw this very low in the air by my work yesterday with coworkers. It was the size of a helicopter. It was flying in an unnatural path on September. I have a normal photo and a zoomed in photo. It happened at 12:28 PM. It lasted maybe 4 to 5 minutes. This was in South Seattle on airport road at my work at Seattle Barrel Company. It flies to the left in the picture I will send. It was red on top and the bottom was a gold color.
Witness Responses to Investigator Questions: Yeah it was very strange. It was directly in front of me at first. It was about a football field and a half away. It was in a straight path. But when I pointed it out to my coworkers and managers it started to go up and down out of sight through what little bit of trees were there. Once there were no more trees it was fully exposed. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Brazil Light
Fortaleza Ceará, Parque Araxá – On July 8, /2016, at 12:13 PM, some lights appear in random formation following left to right. Five lights are visualized accelerating at super speed in the same second. A brilliant point surge and a bright light cut the video in diagonal at a super speed. A second bright light of circular format this of greater intensity and of greater size cut the sky. Another luminous point in direction of the sun almost impermeable. A new ufo appears in the left corner, follows right and accelerates with supersonic acceleration and some lights appear and follow. The ovnis disappear as everything was filmed, and various lights can only be viewed on the video in slow motion. Camera – Lenovo vibe k5, 16mb pixels, model 2016. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Light
St Sauveur – I was driving home after night shift, near Lake N Ski Hills on September 16, 2017, when I saw a large object hovering. I stopped the car and took a photo. Then I drove away.
Object was there when I left. I felt peaceful but very aware and couldn’t believe what i was seeing. No doubt it was a UFO.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Portugal Light
Montijo – On September 20, 2017, a video was taken of a single engine aircraft flying above the cameraman.
Suddenly the bright light appeared near the aircraft and moved with the craft for a short distance. Direcção 800 metros Pista Principal Base Aérea nª 6.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England: Lights
Livingston — While walking my dogs at night outside on September 18, 2017, I noticed two strange lights flying around in the night sky. At first I thought it was a helicopters or drones, but the more I watched I don’t think this is the case. They didn’t look too far away, maybe a mile or so and seemed to maneuver effortlessly through the sky. After watching for a few minutes I went for my phone and recorded them. After recording I went inside to put dogs in and when came back out they were gone.
Wales Object
Just arrived on holiday at the Black Hills in Wales on May 4, 2017.
I took images of dark objects above the hills.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help. A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Buitenaards ruimteschip landde op landgoed Britse royals. Oom prins Philip onthult in deze stukken wat er gebeurde
Buitenaards ruimteschip landde op landgoed Britse royals. Oom prins Philip onthult in deze stukken wat er gebeurde
De oom van prins Philip, Lord Mountbatten, was erg geïnteresseerd in UFO’s en schreef zelfs een officieel rapport over de landing van een alien in een zilverkleurig ruimteschip op zijn landgoed. Dat blijkt uit historische documenten waar The Sun over schrijft.
Mountbatten hield zijn interesse in het paranormale zijn hele leven geheim, zo vertelt UFO-expert Alejandro Rojas aan de krant.
In februari 1955 schreef Mountbatten over een waarneming die was gedaan door zijn metselaar, Fred Briggs.
Onzichtbare kracht
Die had gezegd dat hij een vliegende schotel en een buitenaards wezen had gezien. Mountbatten beschreef hoe een zilverkleurig ruimteschip landde bij het buitenhuis Broadlands in Hampshire.
De vliegende schotel bleef vlak boven de grond zweven, waarna een man met een helm uit de bodem van het vaartuig kwam, zo blijkt uit de stukken.
Schets van de UFO (Broadlands Archive)
Briggs werd van zijn fiets geworpen terwijl een ‘onzichtbare kracht’ hem tegen de grond drukte.
Blauw licht
Het object had een doorsnee van enkele meters en was aluminiumkleurig. Langs de rand waren gaten te zien.
Het wezen dat uit het schip stapte was gekleed in een donkere overall en droeg een bijpassende hoed of helm, schreef Mountbatten.
Plotseling kwam uit één van de gaten een blauw licht, waarna Briggs van zijn fiets viel en tegen de grond werd gedrukt. De vliegende schotel verdween vervolgens in het niets.
Erg verbaasd
Mountbatten zei in een verklaring dat de metselaar aangaf bang te zijn dat niemand zijn verhaal zou geloven.
Hij zei verder dat hij daarvoor nooit in vliegende schotels had geloofd, maar dat hij erg verbaasd was door wat hij had gezien.
Mountbatten schreef dat Briggs geen man was die dit soort dingen uit zijn duim zou zuigen.
Ook andere Britse royals zijn geïnteresseerd in het paranormale. Zo is prins Charles gefascineerd door graancirkels en prins Philip is zelf ook geïnteresseerd in UFO’s.
The infamous ‘Alien Autopsy’ film about the alleged operations performed on the body of a suspected extraterrestrial reportedly recovered from the still-unproven 1947 crash of a purported alien spacecraft near Roswell, New Mexico (is that enough qualifications?) is the movie that wouldn’t die. Released in 1995 as part of a Fox network special called Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction, it was revealed in 2006 to be a “restoration” by a filmmaker who claimed to have faithfully recreated the original which he had seen before it deteriorated beyond use. Now, another party in this “restoration” has opened a one-man show on London’s East End giving his version of the story. What’s next – a Broadway musical? (Seriously, if anyone reading this is interested, I’m available to write the book and lyrics.)
“In 1995, Spyros Melaris created an illusion of global significance. His mission was to create something so unusual, so disturbing that it would rock the world. ‘The Alien Autopsy’ was not just a hoax. It challenged belief systems. It asked, “Do Aliens exist, and are they visiting our planet?” The film fooled NASA, Kodak and every expert who had a say in the subject including the Queens Pathologist. The film maintained its integrity for 15 years until Melaris and his crew revealed the truth. In this show presentation Melaris has prepared slides, film and inside secrets. A truly interactive presentation, where you can ask questions about any aspect of the film and Melaris will reveal all.”
That’s the description from the Leicester Square Theatre in London where the show opened on September 24th. The “one-man” is Spyros Melaris, one of the lesser-known characters in this film’s sordid past. He claims he was the director of the film and the one responsible for creating the fake aliens and other special effects. Melaris says he met Ray Santilli, the producer and name most associated with the autopsy film, in 1995 at a music event in Cannes. Santilli later confided that he had the actual footage of an alien autopsy and wanted Melaris to make a documentary about it.
However, when Santilli showed him a copy of the alleged ‘real’ film, Melaris determined it was a fake shot on video. He says he instead agreed to make a fake version of the autopsy on film, release it as the real thing and them make another documentary on how they pulled off the fake. He hired John Humphreys, a special effects expert who has worked on Dr. Who, to make the alien’s body using his 10-year-old son as a model. Melaris bought 1940s surgical outfits, used cow, sheep, pig and lamb organs (the local butcher must have loved them) for the alien’s internal parts and spliced in footage from a 1947 newsreel. He also claims he built the fake wreckage and hired all of the actors.
As those in ufology know, the ruse worked. Fox television broadcast the “footage” on August 28, 1995, and twice more within a few months, getting huge ratings each time. While a number of people doubted its authenticity, it was not disproven until 2006 when Ray Santilli and fellow producer Gary Shoefield admitted that their film was actually a “reconstruction” but still said the a real film existed and they used a few frames of it, although they wouldn’t say which ones.
Spyros Melaris
While he has admitted to making the fake film before, now Melaris gone to the London stage to declare to the world beyond ufology that there was never a real alien autopsy film that the fake was based on. Why now? He answers in a Metrointerview:
“For me, it was just a joke, a bit of fun but I have learnt my lesson. I would like to say now that there is a big part of me that feels remorse. I underestimated the response. The reality is that everybody in the UFO community took this film as the smoking gun, proof of UFOs and aliens.”
An act of contrition for one of the biggest hoaxes in history.
Now what? Broadway? A musical? I’m serious, Spyros. I’m available and experienced.
Hello ET: The Musical with songs like “There’s No Business Like UFO Business,” “If I Were a Space Man,” “Ignoring Gravity,” “The Impossible Scheme” and “You’ll Never Fly Alone.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Witness films weird multiplying ball-shaped object in the sky over Cali, Colombia
Witness films weird multiplying ball-shaped object in the sky over Cali, Colombia
Witness was outside his home in Cali, Colombia and while talking on the phone he noticed something strange in the night sky.
A small ball shaped UFO-like object suddenly appears between the clouds, then the object produces a weird noise for at last 8 seconds and multiplying itself from the right to the left. After the smaller object has multiplied itself into one bright object it started to disappear again, one by one, according to the witness.
He has filmed the strange sighting on September 23, 2017 and said that he never has seen something like that in his entire life and although he was a little scared he was very excited to have witnessed something in the sky what he described as a UFO sighting.
Note: Although the poor quality of the video, the first bright object seems to be the moon, a possible explanation for the second bright object could be ball lightning which is an unexplained atmospheric electrical phenomenon, though it not explains the strange noise and the fact that it multiplied itself before disappearing again, one by one. Anyhow, see the video below and decide for yourself.
Mufon case file – In case the above video is not working here is the original Mufon video link:
Self-proclaimed Christian “researcher” David Meade predicted the apocalypsewould begin on Saturday, September 23, but now he says it’s actually going to happen on October 15. Usually, doomsayers reschedule the date far enough out that people won’t remember when the previous incorrect prediction was. But Meade now says that he never actually meant to say that September 23 was the day the world would end. Rather, he meant it was simply the day when the signsof the apocalypse would occur. Go figure.
Meade’s hypothesis — that a dwarf star called Nibiru or Planet X will collide with Earth, or at least pass close enough to Earth to throw significant debris at us — runs counter to evidence gathered by a reputable space science organization you may have heard of: NASA. Here’s what they had to say on the matter in 2012, the day after the Earth was first supposed to end:
Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.
Many online conspiracy theorists claim to have taken photos of Nibiru, or Planet X.
As Inverse previously reported, Meade and his cohorts claim that Nibiru orbits on a trajectory that intersects with Earth’s orbit every 3,600 years. They say that Nibiru will be a crucial component of the coming apocalypse, which was partially evidenced by a series of astrological phenomena involving Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Virgo, and Leo that match up with a passage in the Book of Revelation from the Christian Bible. Meade said September 23 was significant because it came 33 days after the Great American Solar Eclipse, and Jesus Christ lived for 33 years.
After the September 23 prediction didn’t come true, Meade rescheduled. Now he says that the eclipse marked the beginning of a 40-day countdown that will end on October 15.
Biblical math aside, for anyone who’s ever had someone ghost on them, rescheduling is a classic bad sign.
We’re not eager for the apocalypse to occur, but when someone makes a prediction, they start to seem a little unreliable when they backpedal. Perhaps — almost certainly — it’s everyone’s fault for giving Meade and his cohort so much attention. But as long as he continues to make scientific claims that are totally unsupported by science, we’ll be here to call him out on them.
If you liked this article, check out this video about how the “Flat Earth” movement is making a come
UFOs Near ISS Appear To Be Rampant But Astronauts Allegedly Trying To Hide Their Presence
UFOs Near ISS Appear To Be Rampant But Astronauts Allegedly Trying To Hide Their Presence
Over the last few years, NASA has been accused of deliberately cutting their ISS live feed every time an apparent UFOs appear on the camera screen. These UFOs allegedly tend to slow down, make sharp turns, speed up, and move intelligently. These UFO behaviours have made some enthusiasts to believe that they are not space junk.
People without deep understanding on the subject of UFO and ET cover ups that have been going on for many years would believe that NASA has no reason to hide anything. However, many credible people have gone into details how the cover ups work. Many films go into this incredible detail, including the one titled “Unacknowledged.”
More pieces of evidence have been brought out through declassification and FOIA. It appears in millions of formerly classified files that governments, military and high profile personnel took this subject very seriously, but made it as a mockery on a public level. However, the situation now is becoming different and disclosure has become one of the most desired subjects around the world.
Some conspiracy theorists believe that there is a mockery made of the subject along with the blind denial. They say that the media have been conditioning people to believe that UFO or ET subject is a joke to keep the subject quiet. Other UFO experts suggest that UFO cover up is one of the greatest criminal cover ups of all the time.
Roswell ‘alien autopsy’ - full truth about 'jellified brains and body parts' emerges
Roswell ‘alien autopsy’ - full truth about 'jellified brains and body parts' emerges
ROSWELL is the UFO mystery that never goes away with many still believing aliens crashed in a flying saucer in the New Mexico desert, and to this day the US Government has covered up the truth.
So, in 1995, when a shocking black and white "leaked" video emerged showing the autopsy of an alien by "men in white coats," it shocked the world and left UFO hunters convinced it was the smoking gun evidence they were looking for of the Roswell incident.
However, to their disappointment it was later exposed as an elaborate hoax.
Spyros Melaris made the black and white film showing men in white coats apparently dissecting the alien in 1995, leaving UFO hunters convinced it was the smoking gun evidence they were looking for of the Roswell incident.
They had been searching for proof since it was first believed aliens crashed a flying saucer in the New Mexico desert in 1947 before the US Government covered up the evidence.
To their disappointment the video was later exposed as an elaborate hoax.
Some alien conspiracy theorists remain convinced the footage is real and the "hoax" was another smoke screen by the FBI to keep the truth hidden.
Mr Melaris is revealing how the video was produced in a new one-man West End show in which he says it was all shot inside a north London flat, thousands of miles from the secret US base it was purporting to be in.
Mr Melaris explains how the "dead alien" in the 17-minute film, which has been viewed by millions of people across the globe, was created by a sculptor called John Humphreys, who was a special effects expert who had worked on the sets of Dr Who.
He said he got 1940s surgeons’ outfits and medical equipment from prop providers in the UK and USA.
The two pathologists were his brother and then girlfriend, he said.
Cow and lamb organs from a butcher were used to represent those of the extraterrestrial, and raspberry jelly was planned to be used for the brain, but it turned out to be "too dark".
The 16mm film was then spliced with an original Pathe newsreel of a 1947 college baseball match in Roswell to help convince experts from Kodak it could be real.
Musician Ray Santilli promoted the footage and reportedly made millions after claiming it had been shot by a US military official after the Roswell incident, and obtained by him years later.
Mr Melaris told the audience at London’s Leicester Square Theatre on Sunday: "For me, it was just a joke, a bit of fun but I have learnt my lesson.
"I would like to say now that there is a big part of me that feels remorse.
ALIEN AUTOPSY: The alien from the fake autopsy video (left) which was linked to Roswell.
For me, it was just a joke, a bit of fun but I have learnt my lesson. I would like to say now that there is a big part of me that feels remorse.
Spyros Melaris
"I underestimated the response. The reality is that everybody in the UFO community took this film as the smoking gun, proof of UFOs and aliens."
British UFO investigator Phillip Mantle was the first to be contacted by Mr Santilli.
He said: "I was caught up in this battle.
"It took my 14 years to get to the bottom of it all and finally prove that the Alien Autopsy film was exactly what many people had claimed it was, a money-making scam.
"The rest as they say is history."
Mr Mantle says many times he met Mr Santilli, and a man called Gareth Watson, who played the doctor who observed the procedure through a glass screen in the footage.
He had an email exchange with Mr Watson earlier this year.
Mr Watson said he was sworn to secrecy after the film was made and that Mr Santilli had made a lot of money from the film.
Mr Mantle asked him: "Knowing what you know now if you could turn back the clock would you still have participated or would you have kept out of it all?"
Mr Watson replied: "Kept out of it."
Nick Pope investigated the UFO phenomena for the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) until 2006.
Today he tweeted: "I was the only MoD official invited to the 1995 screening of the alien autopsy film. Naturally, I knew it was fake."
A new intercontinental missile being tested by Vladimir Putin's Russia has been mistaken for an alien invasion.
Confused witnesses thought the bright object in the sky - which had a 'wiggly tail' - was an extraterrestrial ship .
In fact it was a RS-12M Topol missile, which was being tested by the Russian military as tensions heighten over North Korea.
The weapon was fired from the Kapustin Yar testing range in southern Russia, and hit a target in a remote area of Kazakhstan.
An agreement between the former Soviet state and Putin's Russia allows the latter to shoot test missiles into the Kazakh countryside, but it caused plenty of confusion among locals.
The missile, which had a long tail in the sky, sparked fears of an alien invasion(Image: social media / east2west news)
The stunning images were taken as Russia tested its new Topol missile at a time of heightened tensions(Image: social media / east2west news)
People on the ground were baffled by the bright light in the sky as the missile flew over(Image: social media / east2west news)
"If anybody asks me to describe an UFO, this is exactly how I would have pictured it," one baffled witness said.
Another posted online: "I was horrified, and all my friends saw it, nobody knew what it was."
One observer feared a black hole had arrived, and another said: "I'm scared of aliens, I heard they kidnap people."
The spectacular light show came amid fears a UFO was flying over(Image: social media / east2west news)
Incredible images show the path the missile took during the weapons test by Vladimir Putin's forces(Image: social media / east2west news)
And another wrote: "It was an alien spacecraft with a wiggly tail."
Locals were told by the Defence Ministry that the strike was "not an act of invasion or breaking through state borders" by Russia.
The missile was described as appearing like a brightly illuminated ball with several halos.
Some said they saw a "wiggly tail", while other witnesses said it "changed shape" and "suddenly disappeared".
The mysterious lights appeared in the sky after the missile was fired from a Russian training area(Image: social media / east2west news)
Witnesses said the missile had a 'wiggly tail' in the night sky(Image: social media / east2west news)
"Many Russians witnessed the bright and strange object in the night sky - people in Rostov, Cheboksary, Kazan, Samara and other cities photographed and filmed it commenting that it might be a UFO," said one report.
The test sparked anger among people living nearby, who were furious that Russia was carrying out the test so close to their homes.
One man wrote: "Why are they launching these missiles right above my district?"
A student wrote: "What was it?? Do you trust this missile story? It was so close, right above our hostel."
Some voiced anger that the missile had been directed so close to their homes(Image: social media / east2west news)
The spectacular lights were mistaken for an alien invasion(Image: social media / east2west news)
And another said: "I thought about missile but why at night? And it was so bright. Poor retirees with heart problems."
A spokesman for the Kazakh defence ministry said: "Launching ballistic missiles is a private matter of the Russian Army. Warning on this matter is not possible at the moment.
"Weapons, defence matters, activities of the foreign army are not in the competence of Kazakhstan. It is not an act of invasion or breaking through state borders."
The test launch "does not do any harm" to Kazakhstan, he said.
A Topol-M ballistic missile was fired into the countryside in Kazakhstan(Image: / east2west news)
Kazakhstan confirmed that firing the missile was not an act of invastion by Russia(Image: social media / east2west news)
The dramatic images were taken as the missile flew over(Image: social media / east2west news)
In Kyrgyzstan an eyewitness told of an "an unknown object floating in the sky over Bishkek" - the capital city.
The object then "exploded in the sky", it was claimed.
Russian defence chiefs said the warhead hit the designated target at the Sary-Shagan testing range in Kazakhstan with the "desired accuracy".
The RS-12M Topol (SS-25 Sickle) is a single-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile, which entered service in 1985.
It has a maximum range of 6,125 miles and can carry a nuclear warhead with a yield of up to 550 kilotons.
The launch aimed to test an advanced version of warheads installed on intercontinental ballistic missiles, according to state-controlled Sputnik News Service.
Russia tested a new, advanced intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of delivering a nuclear weapon to the U.S.
The Russian Defense Ministry said its missile forces successfully launched a Topol RS-12M, called SS-27 "Sickle B" by NATO, from the Kapustin Yar range in the southern Astrakhan region. The missile reportedly flew about 1,200 miles before striking a target at the Sary Shagan testing site in Kazakhstan. The ministry said data collected from the test would help develop new anti-missile defense penetration technology.
"A combat union of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces test launched an intercontinental ballistic missile Topol RS-12M from the Kapustin Yar state central range in the Astrakhan region," a ministry spokesman said, according to the state-run Tass Russian News Agency.
"The goal of the launch was to test advanced ballistic missile warheads," he added.
Military specialists walk past a Russian Topol intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) at the exposition field in Kubinka Patriot Park outside Moscow, on August 22 during the first day of the International Military-Technical Forum Army-2017. The Topol RS-12M, called SS-27 "Sickle B" by NATO, can be fitted with a nuclear warhead and travel up to 6,800 miles.
The Topol RS-12M can be fitted with a nuclear warhead and travel up to 6,800 miles, easily putting major U.S. cities such as New York and Washington in range. After Tuesday's launch, however, it was local Russians who appeared to be most shaken. Some residents in southern Russia took to social media to post pictures of the curious, spiral-like trail left behind by the missile.
"I have a tape of some kind f**king thing in the sky, is this the end of the world? Ahhhhhh!," one user wrote.
"Queue X-Files theme," another wrote, wondering if it could have anything to do with Russia's operations against the Islamic State group (ISIS) in Syria.
"I arrived in this city, and here comes a UFO to take me back to Mordovia," a third tweet read.
It isn't the first time the Topol has caused a stir among confused onlookers. In 2013, astronaut Mike Hopkins was onboard the International Space Station when he photographed a mysterious cloud and shared it on Twitter. Hopkins said he didn't know what it could be, but called it "pretty amazing." It was later disclosed that Russia's Strategic Missile Forces reported a Topol missile launch that same day.
Hundreds in Israel scrambled to emergency lines to report UFO sightings in 2010, the Jerusalem Post reported, after what was later found to be a similar Russian ICBM test also visible in Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey.
Two decades ago the world was gripped by a television film showing an autopsy of an alien at a secret location by people said to be government pathologists.
The filmmaker has now revealed that Alien Autopsy was an elaborate hoax.
Spyros Melaris revealed how he fooled the world in a new one-man show in London's West End, and that the film - which he claimed had been made in 1947 at Roswell, New Mexico - was in fact shot in a north London flat.
The "dead alien" which fascinated viewers worldwide had been made for Melaris by sculptor John Humphreys, a special effects expert who has worked on Dr Who, the BBC sci-fi series.
Melaris, 58, told his West End audience how he sourced surgeons' outfits and medical equipment from prop shops in Britain and the United States. The "government pathologists" - who in the 17-minute film appeared to dissect the corpse of an extraterrestrial - were in reality his brother and a girlfriend.
Melaris said they used cow and lamb organs from a local butcher's for the alien's innards.
He spliced his 16mm film footage onto original Pathe newsreel of a 1947 college baseball match in Roswell to persuade experts from Kodak it could be genuine. Musician Ray Santilli is said to have made millions by claiming the grainy film was made by a US military official shortly after the 1947 Roswell UFO incident.
Man behind infamous 'alien autopsy' video finally reveals the whole truth behind it. Picture Tim Stewart. Melaris, 58, told a West End audience how he ...
At his one-man show at London's Leicester Square Theatre, Melaris said: "For me, it was just a joke, a bit of fun but I have learnt my lesson.
"I would like to say now that there is a big part of me that feels remorse. I underestimated the response. The reality is that everybody in the UFO community took this film as the smoking gun, proof of UFOs and aliens."
Man behind infamous ‘alien autopsy’ video finally reveals the whole truth behind it
Man behind infamous ‘alien autopsy’ video finally reveals the whole truth behind it
Rob Waugh for
Not a real alien (Picture Getty)
In 1995, a video showing the autopsy of an alien by ‘government pathologists’ shocked the world – and made millions.
Man dies after 'police fire shots into car' near motorway in Bristol Now the film-maker behind it has revealed how the infamous ‘Alien Autopsy’ film fooled the world (not to mention inspiring a pretty terrible movie starring Ant and Dec).
Spyros Melaris reveals in a new one-man West End showthat the film claiming to show an alien body being examined in 1947 was actually shot in a north London flat.
The ‘dead alien’ in the 17-minute footage watched by millions worldwide was made for him by sculptor John Humphreys, a special effects expert who has also worked on Dr Who.
Picture Tim Stewart
Melaris, 58, told a West End audience how he sourced 1940s surgeons’ outfits and medical instruments from prop providers in the UK and USA.
The ‘government pathologists’ filmed dissecting the pale, potbellied corpse of the extraterrestrial being were his brother and then girlfriend in the Camden apartment.
Melaris said they used used cow and lamb organs from a local butcher for the alien’s innards. At one point he revealed they considered raspberry jelly for the brain but it was “too dark”.
He spliced his 16mm film footage onto original Pathe newsreel of a 1947 college baseball match in Roswell to persuade experts from Kodak it could be genuine.
Musician Ray Santilli reputedly made many millions by claiming the grainy black and white film was made by a US military official shortly after the1947 Roswell UFO incident.
Filmmaker Spyros Melaris Tim Stewart news
In a one-man show at London’s Leicester Square Theatre on Sunday, Melaris said, ‘For me, it was just a joke, a bit of fun but I have learnt my lesson. ‘I would like to say now that there is a big part of me that feels remorse.
I underestimated the response. The reality is that everybody in the UFO community took this film as the smoking gun, proof of UFOs and aliens.’
David Gillham is a man who has been searching for the truth about UFOs for more than 20 years after spotting something he couldn’t explain in the skies above his Truro home.
He was so intrigued by the unusual sight that he started to look into other sightings around the local area, made contact with Army and RAF bases and even started a weekly meet-up for like-minded people to share their experiences.
At its peak, the group had 100 attendees all interested in mysterious activity over Cornwall.
While the group stopped many years ago, Mr Gillham has been inviting “open-minded people” from across the county and farther afield to attend the annual convention hosted by the Cornwall UFO Research Group (Cuforg).
The convention aims to help people learn more about the different theories that could explain unidentified flying objects, share their own stories and find out more about the many sightings reported to Cuforg every year.
David Gillham, founder of the Cornwall UFO Research Group, which hosts the annual UFO convention
Mr Gillham explained that he had first formed the research group after his own sighting in 1995.
He said: “I was looking out of the window at home, towards Nansavallon Woods and I saw two red lights hovering just above the trees. I live on top of a hill so the lights were at eye level.
“I called the wife to come and look and she saw them too. Then the lights went off towards Truro.
“I went down the little lane behind the old Richard Lander School so that I was looking down on to the woods. The lights had gone by the time I got there and it was pitch black by that time. Then two or three helicopters came over. They started criss-crossing over the woods and then a plane flew over quite low.
“After about half an hour I decided to go home and when I got there my wife was standing in the kitchen with the lights off. She was at the window and she said, 'those lights weren’t helicopters, I’ve just seen helicopters fly over and it wasn’t the same'.”
Mr Gillham was so determined to get to the bottom of what he had seen that night that he started carrying out his own research.
“I went down into the valley the next day and started knocking on doors," he said. "I really wanted to find out what the lights were, but no-one knew.
“Then I called Culdrose but they couldn’t tell me anything. It’s very interesting, but I have never been able to get to the bottom of it.”
More than 20 years later, the lights Mr Gillham spotted over Truro that night remain a mystery.
But the incident sparked an interest in other UFO sightings across the county and Mr Gillham said he has had hundreds reported over the years, including a mass sighting in 2000 and a councillor who claimed she had close encounter with a flying saucer.
Mr Gillham said: “There was a mass sighting in Cornwall in 2000. It was an evening in December at around 6pm when someone spotted four lights in the sky. The back light was going on as the front was coming off and it looked like a circle with something in the middle that was covering the lights as it flew.
“It flew over Marazion, Helston, Falmouth , over Truro and then up the A30 towards St Austell. Then a helicopter flew over straight after.
“I then came across a man from Ponsanooth who had managed to video the UFO, it definitely looked circular. It was seen by more than 20 different people that night.”
Kelvin Barbery from St Agnes, took this photograph of a UFO spotted in the skies between Swanpool and Maenporth(Image: Kelvin Barbery)
While sightings of mysterious lights in the skies are an interesting topic for many people in Cornwall, which Mr Gillham described as “a hotspot” for UFO activity, it was a close encounter that proved the enthusiasts' most interesting tale.
“One of the most interesting stories I have ever heard was from Councillor Joan Vincent from St Austell in the Sixties,” Mr Gillham said. “I went to her house to interview her about what she had seen.
“At the time there was a lot of sightings in the area. It had got to the point that students were climbing up to the top of hills at night to try to see something.
“This councillor said that she had gone down towards the clay pits with her husband. She said there had been a bright light that was so bright it almost blinded them.
“She looked over the top of a Cornish wall where the light was coming from and said that in the field on the ground was a UFO. She said it frightened the life out of them both and they shot off in their car.
“Although she told me about it, she wasn’t ready to speak out in public. A while later she told Bella Magazine and the West Briton about it and said she felt it was time she spoke out. Afterwards she had a lot of people contact her and say that they had seen this object take off from the field.”
This image drawn by Councillor Joan Vincent showing what had she had witnessed, appeared in the Cornish Guardian(Image: Cornish Guardian)
Cornwall Live’s print editions, including the Cornish Guardian carried the story in 1995 as well as a follow-up story when more people contacted the paper, breaking their silence over the UFO that they had seen over the clay country more than 30 years before.
Over the years Mr Gillham has compiled all of the sightings reported to him. Many, he says, can be answered simply by objects such as weather balloons, the space station overhead or Chinese lanterns, but many others remain a mystery.
Mr Gillham said: “I’ve seen objects myself. I’ve seen a silver round object way up the sky. I’ve seen an object coming in and out of the clouds and then a helicopter shoot up to the same area.
“I’ve also had lots of very good sightings reported in Cornwall over the years and lots more don’t report it.
“There are a lot of different theories of what the UFOs could be including things crossing out of different dimensions. I can’t tell you what they are because I don’t know. I have been looking for an answer for all these years and I still haven’t found one. It’s very interesting. I keep an open mind.”
Joan and Roy Vincent photographed at the scene of their close encounter
The UFO conference will give other like-minded people the chance to come together to share their own sightings and hear theories from experts in the field.
“We have four talks throughout the day, one from an expert who is coming over from Sweden to talk to us,” said Mr Gillham. “One of the main reasons for the conference is for like-minded people to come together and talk about what they have seen, hear the different theories, without being ridiculed.”
The 20th annual UFO conference will take place in the Fal Building at Truro and Penwith College on Saturday, October 7.
Mr Gillham added: "We have some really interesting talks this year. We always try to find different speakers from across the UK and further to make it interesting for everyone.
"We had David Icke come to speak to us one year."
David Icke looked at the records of Cornish Sightings with David Gillham, when he attend the Cornwall UFO Conference as a speaker
The doors will open at 9.50am, with the closing speech by Mr Gillham at 5.15pm. There will be four talks throughout the day:
Ghost rockets, Swedish military cases, by Clas Svahn
The spiritual consequences of UFO disclosure and contact with extra-terrestrials, by Alan Foster
Are UFOs extra-terrestrial craft? By Nigel Watson
The Earth its ghosts and our past in its creation, by Tim Water
Tickets cost £25 and can be purchased on the door.
For further information visit the Cornwall UFO Research Facebook page.
NAZCA TOMB: DNA results are in on the 'mummified aliens'... and they are REAL beings
NAZCA TOMB: DNA results are in on the 'mummified aliens'... and they are REAL beings
EXCLUSIVE: Alien hunters hoping to prove the Nazca tombs contained extraterrestrials have been left shocked after tests on the mummified remains found they contained DNA from living beings.
Nazca Tomb: The 'alien' remains were found to have 100 percent human DNA.
The bodies, which included a three-fingered corpse, were reportedly found in a tomb near the Nazca Lines in southern Peru, and it was thought by some researchers they could be a newly undiscovered species or even aliens.
Scientists were unable to get DNA codes from some of the samples sent for analysis, however DNA types were confirmed for a three-fingered hand, and from a brain tissue sample.
However, in a blow to people hoping for proof of alien visitations of Earth, the samples were concluded to be a 100 percent match to human DNA.
Both the hand and brain tissue were found to come from a male homo sapien, according to a report from Paleo DNA laboratory at Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada, now available online.
It said: "The evidence suggests the source of DNA from the biological material from the cranial brain and the bone extracted from the hand belongs to homo sapiens (humans)."
Conspiracy theory website ran a series of videos which claimed the bodies had been found in a tomb near the Nazca Lines in southern Peru, and it was thought they could be a newly undiscovered species or even alien.
The bodies were carbon dated to between 245 to 410 AD, but genuine scientists believe they have been created to look like aliens using the "grave-robbed" mummified remains of anciently-buried humans.
The organisers of the ninth annual World Congress on Mummy Studies, which took place in Lima, Peru, last August, issued an angry call on Facebook for an official inquiry into whether archaeological crimes have been committed.
The congress brings together world experts in mummies and skeletons in a new location each year.
Under the heading ‘The Fraud of Extraterrestrial Mummies’, translated from Spanish, the congress said it believed real human mummified remains had been mutated and re-arranged to create bogus alien-looking creatures.
Commenting on the DNA results, British UFO investigator Nigel Watson said: "It shows it has a male human skull and hands. Another fake bites the dust."
However, has since released a further video suggesting it could be a being closely related to humans and still from outer space.
The evidence suggests the source of DNA from the biological material from the cranial brain and the bone extracted from the hand belongs to homo sapiens (humans)."
DNA test report
Dr Konstantin Korotkov, who is working with on the project, and claims to have previously photographed a soul leaving a human body, suggested in the video they may only be related to human DNA.
He said: "From the first DNA analysis, it was proven it’s not chimpanzee, it’s not monkey, but it’s human-like DNA.
"Because we know that now we have three types of human like creatures. It is Neanderthals, Cro-Magnon like ourselves, and Denisovan.
"Now, at next level, they have to make much more detailed analysis, and much more complicated analysis, so they will create a library of genes, and then they will be able to compare it with database of human subjects.
"Then, we’ll see whether it is exactly human like, or it is little bit different.”
The team said early DNA results of another mummy, named “Maria”, show she is female, and that carbon dating samples from the body matched the hand making manipulation of body parts unlikely.
Mexican journalist Jaime Maussan, who is also working with, said they were now testing smaller reptilian looking bodies.
He said: “They are very very similar. It is like a reptile skin, a snake skin.
"It proves we have two types of beings.
"If we can prove they are real we would have six bodies - enough evidence to say this case is real."
Dr Raymundo Salas Alfaro, a radiologist from Peru, said in the video: "We are scientifically proving that this body is a real body, that was once alive.
"For example, here we have the teeth from the upper arch, and here are the ones from the lower arch. The skull with the remains of brain mass, this part here shows the lungs at the side. "This is the heart, with the bronchus, and the great vessels, lungs at both sides.
"This is still the heart, and here are the four cavities, and the bronchi that are preserved.”
Writing about the case on conspiracy theory website, Arjun Walia said: "'Human-Like DNA'- what does that even mean?
"After all, humans share 50 percent of their DNA with a banana, approximately 80 percent with dogs, and 99 percent with chimpanzees.
"In reality, our genomes differ in many ways, but the numbers seem to imply something else.
"The point I am trying to make is, with regards to my research into the extraterrestrial phenomenon, the common factor is humanoid." ended the video saying further DNA screening would take place.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Chuck Zukowski – UFOs and the Paranormal Along the 37th Parallel – September 26, 2017
Chuck Zukowski – UFOs and the Paranormal Along the 37th Parallel – September 26, 2017
Chuck Zukowski runs the website He is a micro-chip engineer and an ex-reserve (volunteer) deputy sheriff in Colorado Springs. He has been investigating UFOs and other paranormal phenomena for several decades. He is currently the Cattle Mutilation expert for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Chuck and his sister Debbie (MUFON board member and Missouri state director) noticed that many of the cases they explored ran along the 37th degree parallel. They began researching this phenomenon and started sharing their discoveries, including on this podcast. Their work got picked up by several TV shows, and eventually a book by well-known author Ben Mezrich was written. The idea and Chuck’s research is now being developed into a motion picture.
In this interview, Chuck shares his discoveries and lets us in on how all of this attention on his work came about.
In a recent interview, Microsoft co-founder and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates told The Wall Street Journal he disagrees with Elon Musk's assertions that artificial intelligence is a significant threat to humanity.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of today’s hottest topics. In fact, it’s so hot that many of the tech industry’s heavyweights — Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. — have been investing huge sums of money to improve their machine-learning technologies.
An ongoing debate rages on alongside all this AI development, and in one corner is SpaceX CEO and OpenAI co-chairman Elon Musk, who has been issuing repeated warnings about AI as a potential threat to humankind’s existence.
Now, Microsoft co-founder and billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates is sharing his opinion on Musk’s assertions.
In a rare joint interview with Microsoft’s current CEO Satya Nadella, Gates told WSJ. Magazine that the subject of AI is “a case where Elon and I disagree.” According to Gates, “The so-called control problem that Elon is worried about isn’t something that people should feel is imminent. We shouldn’t panic about it.”
While the perks of AI are rather obvious — optimized processes, autonomous vehicles, and generally smarter machines — Musk is simply pointing out the other side of the coin. With some nations intent on developing autonomous weapons systems, irresponsible AI development has an undeniable potential for destruction. Musk’s strong language may make him sound like he’s overreacting, but is he?
As he’s always been sure to point out, Musk isn’t against AI. All he’s advocating is informed policy-making to ensure that these potential dangers don’t get in the way of the benefits AI can deliver.
In that, Musk isn’t alone. Not all experts think his warnings are farfetched, and several have joined Musk in sending an open-letter to the United Nations about the need for clear policies to govern AI. Even before that, other groups of AI experts had called for the same.
Judging by what Nadella told the WSJ. Magazine, much of this conflict may actually be mostly imagined. “The core AI principle that guides us at this stage is: How do we bet on humans and enhance their capability? There are still a lot of design decisions that get made, even in a self-learning system, that humans can be accountable for,” he said.
“There’s a lot I think we can do to shape our own future instead of thinking, ‘This is just going to happen to us’,” Nadella added. “Control is a choice. We should try to keep that control.”
In the end, it’s not so much AI itself that we should watch out for. It’s how human beings use it. The enemy here is not technology. It’s recklessness.
One of the greatest mysteries that researchers of ancient history have had to contend with is just how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.
The pyramids, which are considered to be one of the greatest architectural feats that the world has ever seen, are enormous stone structures constructed of gigantic rocks which were mined, transported and slotted together prior to the invention of both the crane and the wheel.
It is a quandary that has puzzled Egyptologists for more than a century, but now it looks as though part of the mystery may have been solved.
Archaeologists and historians have known for a long time that the rock used to construct the pyramids was extracted from two locations, one of which is in Tura which is around eight miles away from the site of the pyramids and Aswan, which is a phenomenal 533 miles away from the site. The question as to how the ancient Egyptians managed to transport the rock all of that way before the use of the wheel has dogged historians ever since the exact age of the pyramids was uncovered. However, now a newly uncovered papyrus scroll may have provided a very simple answer to this perennial problem.
The papyrus scroll contains the notes of an ancient Egyptian overseer called Merer and is the only first-hand record of how the pyramids were constructed in existence. In his notes, Merer explains how the stones were extracted from quarries and then moved to Giza via specially constructed canals. The blocks of rock were received an inland port that was built mere yards away from the base of the Great pyramid where they were dragged across the ground by the slaves who build the awesome megaliths.
Merer's notes make complete sense to Mark Lehner, an archaeologist who has worked in Egypt who discovered evidence of an ancient waterway lying beneath the plateau where the Great Pyramid of Giza lies.
These discoveries relating to the construction of the pyramids will be explained in full in a new Channel 4 documentary called Egypt’s Great Pyramid: The New Evidence.
Alien abduction: The couple claim they were surrounded by up to ten beings.
The case of Betty and Barney Hill is one of the world's best known alien abduction claims.
And now their niece Kathleen Marden, 69, has spoken about the case for the first time in the UK.
Aliens on a flying saucer swooped in to snatch the couple, of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on September 19 1961.
Just south of Lancashire, New Hampshire, Betty and Barney claim to have seen a strange, oval craft hovering above them.
Then, they spotted a group of 'humanoid beings' watching them from behind a curved lighted window in the craft.
Their last conscious memory was of the same creatures standing in the middle of the road, blocking their path.
The next thing they knew they were pulling up at their house in Portsmouth.
More than three hours of their journey was unaccounted for with neither of them able to remember the details of that night’s events.
Speaking at the UFO Truth magazine conference in Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, Ms Marden claimed to have proof her relatives' account is true, after since it happened when she was just 13.
Now a UFO author and researcher, who has written a biography of the Hills, Ms Marden argued the couple were "credible witnesses".
The Florida-based writer said: “I believe there was an abduction. When I began the investigation I was as unbiased as I could be.
“I did analysis of Betty and Barney’s statement when they were on the (alien) craft, being taken and then released. My analysis is that the experience was real.
I only want the truth. And I want to separate fact from fiction because a lot of fiction has been built around what happened to Betty and Barney.
Kathleen Marden
She said: “I said ‘I know you’re not from this planet but where are you from?’ He showed me a star map indicating where he came from.”
Under hypnosis, Betty drew the map which consisted of twelve prominent stars connected by lines and three lesser ones that formed a distinctive triangle.
She said she was told the stars connected by solid lines formed "trade routes", whereas dashed lines were to less-traveled stars.
Scientists at the time discredited the map said to outline the exact location of where she claimed the extra-terrestrials originated.
Experts claimed there was no constellation similar to the drawing and that it bore no resemblance to any known formation at the time.
In 2015, statistician David Saunders, who took part in research called the Condon UFO study, argued that the unusual alignment of key sun-like stars in a plane centred around Zeta Reticuli was statistically improbable to have happened by chance from a random sketch and that Betty was in fact telling the truth.
Other puzzling evidence surrounding the claimed abduction at the time include Betty’s dress being torn, and covered in a strange pink powder which was later confirmed as "not being of any organic origin".
There were shiny concentric circles covering the boot of their car and when a compass was placed next to them it would spin uncontrollably.
Dr Erol faruk claims to have compelling evidence a UFO landed in Delphos, Kansas, 40 years ago.
Dr Erol Faruk has published the findings of his investigation into a substance left on the ground after a famous UFO sighting in a book which has concluded extraterrestrial activity is the only explanation.
In self-published work, The Compelling Scientific Evidence for UFOs, the British-born chemist of Turkish heritage, examined in detail the Delphos UFO case seen in Kansas, USA, on the evening of November 2 1971.
It is considered by some alien investigators as one of the most compelling UFO cases on record - due to the scorched ring left in the ground - allegedly when the UFO landed.
The witness was Ron Johnson, 16, who was tending sheep on his family's farm with dog Snowball, at about 7pm, when he spotted a six to eight feet diameter mushroom-shaped UFO appearing in the night sky.
It was described as having multi-coloured lights, and hovering about 75 feet away among trees at just a few feet above ground.
It then ascended with a blinding light.
He alerted his parents who saw it disappearing from view.
But, the family found a glowing ring on the ground where it had landed, and a similar material on trees nearby.
The family said the glow "felt strange, like a slick crust, as if the soil was crystallised," and Mrs Johnson was left with a numbing anaesthetic sensation on her hand after touching it.
A picture taken by the Johnsons of the 'glowing ring' ten minutes after the sighting.
Samples of soil, which was said to have a profound water repellant nature from within the ring were sent for analysis and stored in a number of laboratories.
Another witness also came forward, a Lester Ensbarger from Minneapolis, who advised Deputy Sheriff Leonard Simpson that at 7.30 pm the same night, he saw a bright light descending in the sky in Delphos.
According to website "The experience of Ron Johnson is still considered as one of the best documented 'ground trace' UFO cases of the past century, and is still unexplainable by any conventional or earthly means."
Dr Faruk, who admits to a lifelong interest in the UFO phenomenon, focussed his work on investigating the chemical make up of the soil from the ring.
He was able to obtain some of the stored solid after requesting it while based at Nottingham University.
The ring left by the 'Delphos UFO' 42 months later.
The hovering object of presently unknown origin appears to have contained within its periphery an aqueous solution of an unstable compound whose likely sole function would be light emission.
Dr Erol faruk
He wrote: "Placing water onto the affected soil was very like placing it onto a glass surface, with the water spontaneously forming into droplets sitting on the surface."
Although, he remained unable to fully identify the soil compound, he claimed to detect "a highly water-soluble organic compound which is potentially chemiluminescent”.
This could have been responsible for the alleged glow seen at the time, he said.
Dr Faruk concluded there were three possible explanations - a hoax, the ring was in fact a fairy ring - a natuarlly occurring ring of toadstools, or a genuine alien space ship had been seen.
He said a hoax was unlikely due to the unusual characteristics of the compound, and its elongation towards the wind direction on the night.
He also ruled out a fungal ring, claiming the "water-soluble alkali metal salt of an organic carboxylic acid" found in the compound would not be produced by a fungi.
This, he said meant the conclusion of a genuine UFO sighting was the most favourable.
He wrote: "A picture begins to emerge as to what possibly happened that evening.
Ron Johnson pictured with dog Snowball at the time.
"The hovering object of presently unknown origin appears to have contained within its periphery an aqueous solution of an unstable compound whose likely sole function would be light emission.
"Some of the solution was deposited into the ground while the object positioned itself under a tree (to possibly avoid observation from the air).
"Once enough of this solution was deposited, the object departed after which the Johnson family approached the ring area."
The book is based largely on a scientific research paper Dr Faruk wrote for publication in a number of scientific journals, but his publication was rejected.
Dr Faruk claims that although his report deals with "physical and chemical evidence" as required, he was told it was investigating an "inappropriate" subject matter.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Er is een buitenaards ruimteschip op aarde geland. Deze wetenschapper claimt hier bewijs voor te hebben
Er is een buitenaards ruimteschip op aarde geland. Deze wetenschapper claimt hier bewijs voor te hebben
Een scheikundige claimt te hebben bewezen dat er een buitenaards ruimteschip op aarde is geland, meldt de Daily Express. De man heeft de zaak bijna 40 jaar onderzocht.
Dr. Erol Faruk heeft onderzoek gedaan naar een UFO-landing waarbij een vreemde substantie achterbleef op de grond.
Zijn conclusie luidt dat buitenaardse activiteit de enige mogelijke verklaring is voor dit incident, dat op 2 november 1971 plaatsvond in Kansas.
Oogverblindend licht
De getuige, Ron Johnson, was indertijd 16 jaar oud en zorgde voor de schapen op de boerderij van zijn familie, toen hij plotseling een paddenstoelvormige UFO aan de hemel zag met een doorsnee van enkele meters.
Het object produceerde verschillende kleuren licht en hing vlak boven de grond. Vervolgens was een oogverblindend licht te zien, waarna de UFO omhoog schoot.
Gloeiende cirkel vlak na de landing
Ron rende naar zijn ouders, die het object in de verte zagen verdwijnen. Het gezin trof op de landingsplek een gloeiende cirkel aan.
Op de bladeren van de bomen werd bovendien een vreemde substantie gevonden.
De gloed voelde vreemd aan, alsof de bodem was gekristalliseerd. Rons moeder voelde haar hand even niet meer toen ze het materiaal aanraakte.
Bodemmonsters werden naar verschillende laboratoria gestuurd. Dr. Faruk richtte zich tijdens zijn onderzoek voornamelijk op de samenstelling van het bodemmateriaal.
Toen hij voor de Universiteit van Nottingham werkte, wist hij de hand te leggen op enkele van de monsters.
Hij zei dat er drie mogelijke verklaringen waren: een hoax, een feeëncirkel of men had een authentiek buitenaards schip gezien.
Volgens dr. Faruk is het uitgesloten dat het een hoax was of dat Ron en zijn ouders een elfencirkel hebben gezien.
Hij legde zijn studie voor aan verschillende wetenschappelijke tijdschriften, maar die wilden hun vingers er niet aan branden.
Hoewel in het onderzoek fysiek bewijs wordt aangedragen, vonden de tijdschriften het onderzoeksonderwerp ‘ongepast’.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Nieuws van Paul ( NL)
Mysterieus zeemonster spoelt aan in de Filipijnen. Dit zeggen lokale bewoners erover
Mysterieus zeemonster spoelt aan in de Filipijnen. Dit zeggen lokale bewoners erover
Strandwandelaars keken op het Filipijnse eiland Leyte vreemd op toen ze in het water een groot dier zagen drijven. Dat schrijft de Daily Mail.
Het mysterieuze wezen bleek ruim 10 meter lang en was nog nooit eerder gezien. Lokale bewoners spreken van een zeemonster.
Het zeedier werd donderdagochtend ontdekt, waarna al snel toeristen naar het gebied trokken.
“Ik was aan het wandelen op het strand en maakte wat foto’s,” zei Nujnuj Capistrano, een lokale bewoner. “Ik was verrast omdat het zo groot is. Het is voor het eerst dat ik deze soort heb gezien.”
“Ik weet niet wat ze ermee hebben gedaan, maar ik weet wel zeker dat het wezen al dood was toen ik het zag,” voegde hij toe.
“De stank was verschrikkelijk,” klonk het verder. “Ik kan het niet omschrijven, maar het stonk enorm.”
Julius Alpino, een lokale expert, liet weten dat wetenschappers nooit kunnen achterhalen wat het geweest is omdat het karkas al in staat van ontbinding is.
Hij voegde toe dat het mogelijk gaat om een soort walvis.
De autoriteiten besloten het wezen terug naar de zee te slepen, aangezien het niet begraven kon worden en het karkas een risico vormde voor de volksgezondheid.
Reddingswerkers hebben het zeemonster met behulp van een kabel naar diepere wateren gesleept.
The universe is a weird place. We’re only just beginning to scratch the surface of what makes physical reality tick here on Earth, while the goings-on of various objects and energies in space sometimes defy even our wildest scientific theories. Among the many unexplained phenomena we can observe with our scientific instruments are so-called cosmic rays, blasts of high-energy radiation that zoom through the universe close to the speed of light.
It has been speculated that these rays might originate from distant supernovae.
These ‘rays’ are actually band of particles made up of protons and the nuclei of common elements like hydrogen and iron and their energy levels are the strongest observed in nature, over 1,000,000 times stronger than what man-made particle accelerators can create. These particles are mostly deflected by the Earth’s atmosphere, but sometimes make it through where they can irradiate flight crews and even scramble electronic circuits.
When these rays hit our atmosphere, they break apart into secondary particles and rain ionized particles and electromagnetic radiation down upon us.
For years, the source of these cosmic rays has eluded astronomers’ best attempts at explaining them. However, a groundbreaking study conducted at the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina might have finally found their source. After observing cosmic ray particles bombarding Earth for twelve years, a team of over 400 scientists believe they have pinpointed the source of these mysterious rays. According to their headache-inducingly technical publication in Science, the researchers believe the source of the 30,000 particles they observed is a distant region of space with an abnormally high concentration of galaxies.
Could some type of unknown galactic phenomenon be causing these rays?
The University of Adelaide’s Bruce Dawson says that this suggests that Earth is bombarded by stardust from the farthest reaches of space:
This clearly indicates an origin of particles outside of the Milky Way and is a very exciting outcome; the result of years of careful work with a highly tuned giant detector. This is the first conclusive evidence that real atomic material, not just star-light, arrives at Earth from distant galaxies.
This study has interesting implications for the formation of all the matter in the universe, possibly even confirming a ‘center’ out of which all matter is expanding. As Carl Sagan put it, “The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.” But where did that stuff come from? Studies like this one make me wonder if there actually was a ‘beginning’ to it all or if everything has just always been. Perhaps the fact that our lives have a clear beginning and end make us try to force that type of narrative onto the universe around us. It’s kind of terrifying and reassuring at the same time to imagine that all that is has always been and always will be. Except for us, of course. We’re all gonna die and rot in the ground.
Linda Moulton Howe: Holographic UFOs and the Mantis Beings Mystery Explained!
Linda Moulton Howe: Holographic UFOs and the Mantis Beings Mystery Explained!
In this exciting and groundbreaking episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Coast to Coast AM Investigative Reporter Linda Moulton Howe and listen to her most important and revealing interview ever!
Alien Resurrection Technology
Linda recounts her deep investigation of unique UFO abduction cases where the contactee is shown an advanced genetic material process that involves keeping a human being alive or resuscitating them so they can achieve their true soul's purpose.
She documents the case of Linda Porter who, in the middle of her abduction experience, was shown a process where the alien beings she encountered were constructing an identical clone of a dying man to transfer his entity using a complex process that involved life suspension tubes and bloodless surgery.
The beings explained that this was being done to allow the man to continue his present evolution and continue his contact with them. At one point Porter became extremely disturbed after seeing a figure in one of these tubes that closely resembled her.
Mantis Beings Psycho-Spiritual Mystery
In the middle of these ET Resurrection cases is an almost spiritual archetype of a wisdom figure appearing as a Praying Mantis. In Porter's case, she had the impression that the Mantis being knew the Earth from ancient times and was working desperately to try and remedy the current environmental conditions that threaten the future of the human race.
The Final Answer to the UFO Question
Join us as we travel through the decades of Linda Moulton Howe's stunning investigations of the UFO and Alien Abduction phenomena and follow her shocking conclusion that in the final analysis, the Earth may in fact be a holographic projection by advanced beings from another dimension!
Similar Oval-Shaped UFOs appear over Brazil and St Lucia just a coincidence?
Similar Oval-Shaped UFOs appear over Brazil and St Lucia just a coincidence?
Within two days, two UFOs have been photographed over Brazil and St Lucia that looks very similar.
Is it just a coincidence or is it possible that both objects, alien or man-made, are part of an unknown military project, given that in case of the St Lucia UFO about 20-30 minutes after the sighting an army helicopter appeared and flew over the same area.
Image left: UFO Brazil - Image right: UFO St Lucia.
The first UFO has been captured in Goiânia, Brazil on September 23, 2017.
The photographer who was inside a tall building took the photo with his Moto G3 cell phone and said that the sky was clear with some chemtrails. He did not see the UFO which was oval shaped with a dome until he discovered the object in the photo. Mufon case file.
The second UFO has been captured in Smugglers Cove, St Lucia on September 24, 2017.
The photographer was on vacation in St Lucia when she decided to head outside onto the balcony to capture photos of the sunset. She also didn’t know that she has captured a UFO until she was showing the photos to her husband and noticed the object in one of the images.
She stated: “Immediately I zoomed in to a strange glowing light that stood out on top / in front of huge cloud cover. The photo I took was a live photo and the object just seems to hover. When I zoom in, the oval like shape is almost too perfect. About 20-30 minutes after the sighting (when the photo was taken) what appeared to be an army helicopter (camo) flew over the resort! Mufon case file.
Meanwhile, people in California were actually treated to what they believe was a true UFO show.
Freaked-out Los Angeles residents saw a weird crescent flying over them on Saturday night.
People in Huntington Beach, California, witnessed it too.
One person posted on Twitter: ‘We totally just saw UFO over Los Angeles! crazy crescent wing out of light, sputtered slowly, then zoomed outta here! That was nuts.’
Others joked about it being one of Kim Jong-Un’s missiles.
Earlier this week, conspiracy theorists were lining up to warn us of hidden Planet X, which for obvious reasons was not been detected by Nasa.
They claimed it was going to smash into the planet, wiping out the human race and nearly all life on Saturday.
The Nibiru theory, as it is known, is a doomsday prediction based on biblical texts which some people claim predict the end of the world.
The passage Revelation 12:1 reads: ‘A great sign appeared in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and a crown of 12 stars on her head.
‘And being with child, she cried out in her travail and was in anguish of delivery.’
Conspiracy theorist and researcher David Meade this passage is proof that none of us were going to see the sunrise on Sunday.
He claims the ‘sign appearing in heaven’ refers to the solar eclipse which took place last month, and that the recent hurricanes which have devastated the Caribbean are proof that a cosmic ballet is ushering in the end of the world.
UFO seen circling next to World Trade Center in New York Read more:
UFO seen circling next to World Trade Center in New York
Mysterious readings on US submarine sonar leads UFO researcher to believe Navy has secret USO program
Mysterious readings on US submarine sonar leads UFO researcher to believe Navy has secret USO program
The Mutual UFO Network’s chief photo expert, Marc D’Antonio, says he was on a US Navy submarine when they tracked a very fast moving object in the ocean. Subsequent responses from Navy personnel lead D’Antonio to believe the Navy has a secret program regarding Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs).
USOs are the underwater equivalent to UFOs. Although much less popular, there are famous USO cases Ufologists often reference.
One of the most interesting USO stories, for me, is that of my friend D’Antonio’s. I have heard it several times in his company, and I believe we talked about it on one of his many appearances on the Open Minds UFO Radio podcast.
Marc D’Antonio in Hulett, Wyoming.
(Credit: John Chapple/The Sun)
D’Antonio, beside being an astronomer and photo expert — among other professional exploits — is also a model maker. He has had several government contracts to build models, many requiring a Top Secret clearance. Among these contracts have been projects with the Navy.
D’Antonio says he was once invited to take a ride in a nuclear submarine and at one point things got weird. Although D’Antonio has told the story before, it has not been featured in the mainstream media until recently. D’Antonio and I both gave presentations at the recent Devils Tower UFO Rendezvous in Hulett, Wyoming, and Emma Parry from the UK’s The Sun was there to write about it.
Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Shawn Halliwell checks his sonar system during a battle drill aboard the strategic missile submarine USS Maryland, Feb. 16, 2009.
(Credit: US Department of Defense/Gerry J. Gilmore)
She has written several stories stemming from the event, one of them on D’Antonio’s USO encounter. Here is what she wrote on D’Antonio’s recollection of the USO during his Devils Tower lecture:
“I was sitting there zoning out a little because I was sea sick and all of a sudden the sonar kid shouts ‘fast mover, fast mover’ and I’m jolted awake – thinking ‘What’s happening? Is it a torpedo?’
“The executive officer comes out and the operator shows him the path of the object and the officer says ‘How fast is that going?’
“And the kid said ‘several hundred knots’. I start to lean forward to listen in – and the officer said ‘Can you confirm it?’
“So he goes to another sonar machine and confirmed it wasn’t a machine anomaly – it was real. I thought ‘Wow that is incredible’.
“When the sonar guy said ‘What do I do with this?’ the officer said ‘log it and dog it’ – in other words log it and bury it.”
Four years later Marc said he was doing some more contract work for the Navy when he spoke to a senior naval figure about what he saw.
“I asked him ‘Can you tell me about the Fast Mover Programme?'” Marc explained.
“He looked at me and said ‘Sorry Marc I can’t talk about that programme’.
“So he basically confirmed to me that the programme exists – he said everything without seeing anything.
“What that told me was that USOs are common – we even have a programme in place to classify and log and determine the speed of them and it goes into a vault.”
Pretty odd encounter, I believe. I have known D’Antonio for a long time, and he is very careful about what he says. He is known for his skeptical perspective, as any good scientist should have. So, for me, his claims go a long way.
Some readers may respond with “Duh! Of course the Navy tracks USOs!” Others may feel like D’Antonio’s claims are too sensational to be believed. All I can say is that I trust D’Antonio, for whatever that is worth.
One iteration of the "cosmic welcome mat" developed by experimental philosopher Jonathon Keats, in consultation with space archaeologist Alice Gorman. The mats are designed to let aliens know they are welcome here on Earth.
Credit: Michelle Szep/Flinders University
Maybe E.T. has just been waiting for an invitation.
That potential solution to the Fermi Paradox is getting a test this week, with the debut of a suite of "cosmic welcome mats" designed to let intelligent aliens know that Earth is happy to receive them (as long as they wipe their tentacles first, of course).
One of the mats now graces the entrance to the Adelaide Convention Center in South Australia, where the 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) is being held from Monday to Friday (Sept. 25 to Sept. 29). And a handful of other mats have been placed around the campus of nearby Flinders University. [13 Ways to Hunt Intelligent Aliens]
Previous missives to E.T. have generally included a fair bit of information about ourselves. For example, the golden plaques affixed to NASA's Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 probes, the Golden Record flying aboard the twin Voyager spacecraft, and the radio message beamed toward a distant star cluster in 1974 by Puerto Rico's Arecibo Observatory all sought to let aliens know what we look like, among other things.
Such communiques may be too complicated (and too self-centered) to really draw aliens in, said experimental philosopher Jonathon Keats, who developed the welcome mats with Flinders University space archaeologist Alice Gorman. So they aimed for simple.
"I think 'Welcome' is the simplest message of all," Keats told
A cosmic welcome mat at Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia. During the week of Sept. 25, 2017, a handful of the mats — which come in four different varieties — will grace doorsteps at Flinders, and one will sit at the entrance of the Adelaide Convention Centre. (The Centre is hosting the 68th International Astronautical Congress during this time.)
Credit: Michelle Szep/Flinders University
You can't assume journeying aliens will speak English, or any other human language, so he and Gorman didn't just grab a stack of mats off a Walmart shelf. Instead, they came up with their own design, which features an amorphous red blob against a blue-and-purple background.
The mats are bordered by black, which stands for outer space. The blob is the alien — a representation that Keats hopes E.T. would recognize based on the shape's "otherness." (Most creatures and objects on Earth have a defined geometric structure, and the red stands out strongly against the background, he said.)
The mats communicate "welcomeness" in a similarly abstract way. There are four different versions of the basic design, and all mean to convey spatially that the blob fits in well with its surroundings, Keats said.
In addition, two of the designs evoke a biochemical reaction, with the blob/alien "agonist" slotting nicely into a "receptor." A third version shows that the blob has room to grow, and the fourth features multiple blobs, suggesting that aliens of all kinds are welcome, Keats said.
Gorman's students will vacuum the mats every day during the IAC meeting, and then assiduously analyze the collected sediment to see which versions trapped the most dirt and dust — a proxy for "invitingness" — and how much of this gunk came from space. (About 100 tons of extraterrestrial material hits our planet every day, the vast majority of which burns up in the atmosphere.)
These data will inform future iterations of the mat, which Keats hopes go global and beyond. He'd like to get one on the doorstep of every person on the planet, as well as aboard the International Space Station, he said.
Whether or not the mats persuade E.T. to step in for a drink, Keats said he would like the project to inject a little bit of invitingness into what he sees as an increasingly xenophobic world.
"My core audience is everybody," he said. "We're all aliens."
Scientists recently discovered an underwater site built entirely by octopuses off the east coast of Australia. Here’s a look at the intelligent invertebrate
Two legs good, eight legs better?
“No sci-fi alien is so startlingly strange” as an octopus, according to naturalist and author Sy Montgomery. The eight-armed mollusc, which can fit through an opening an inch wide, has half a billion neurons, the majority of which exist outside its brain and on its arms
Aquarium break
Octopuses frustrate the neat division between clever vertebrates and simple-minded invertebrates. “Octopuses have flooded laboratories by deliberately plugging valves in their tanks with their arms.
At the University of Otago, an octopus short-circuited the electricity supply—by shooting jets of water at the aquarium lightbulbs—so often it had to be released back into the wild,” writes Oxford philosopher Amia Srinivasan in the London Review of Books
An Australian giant cuttlefish: ‘It is no stretch to say they have personalities.’
Photograph: Peter Godfrey-Smith
A paradox: octopuses have big brains and short life spans.
Photograph: Peter Godfrey-Smith
Serial shark killer
In 2000, the Seattle Aquarium made the risky decision of housing a giant Pacific octopus in its 400,000-gallon tank with several dogfish sharks, believing the octopus would hide when threatened, writes Montgomery in her book The Soul of an Octopus
“To their astonishment, the octopus instead began systematically murdering the sharks. The sharks were not missing, but were found dead, uneaten, in the tank,” she adds. According to news reports, the shark-killing spree comprised a series of preemptive strikes, with the octopus taking out potential predators before the sharks even had a chance to threaten it
NIBIRU FOUND? Shock video footage of ‘Planet X UFO’ soaring over USA
NIBIRU FOUND? Shock video footage of ‘Planet X UFO’ soaring over USA
NIBIRU sightings linked to Planet X UFOs have been reported across Los Angeles after several people simultaneously filmed strange lights in the night sky on Sunday.
Scores of conspiracy theorists expected the mysterious Planet X, known as Nibiru, to arrive in the skies on Saturday, September 23, to herald the apocalypse.
The spectacular theory gained a lot of traction and media attention but the world continues.
Nibiru which is said to orbit the sun every 3,600 years and is 10 times the size of Earth, was nowhere to be seen. But oddly enough, something else appeared in the night skies.
Several freaked out residents of Los Angeles, California took to social media on Sunday, September 24, to share videos and photos of what appears to be a crescent shaped object flying through the skies.
Some have speculated about the object being extraterrestrial in nature, while others quickly dismissed it as a shooting star or plane.
Writer and film critic Andy Signore tweeted: "We totally just saw #UFO over Los Angeles! Crazy crescent wing out of light, sputtered slowly, then zoomed outta here! That was nuts.”
Fon H Davis also tweeted: “So this just #UFO just flew over Los Angeles. What is it? A meteor perhaps? Not a missile we hope.”
Planet X UFOs: These photos allegedly show a Nibiru UFO over the US
Nibiru: Are these photos proof of Planet X UFOs or something else entirely?
Someone also described the object as a “burning light stationary in the sky”.
We totally just saw UFO over Los Angeles! Crazy crescent wing out of light, sputtered slowly, then zoomed outta here! That was nuts
Andy Signore
According to UFO conspiracy website, the object had a smooth fiery trail, and was too small to be a helicopter.
The spectacular nature of the unidentified object led some to speculate that it was somehow connected to the alien planet Nibiru.
Ricky Salinas said: “Just saw a f**** Meteorite or UFO over Pasadena am I the only one that saw that?"
As the Nibiru panic quickly spread through Los Angeles, evidence came to to suggest the object was in fact spacecraft – but not alien.
Late last night, California's Vandenberg Air Force Base launched a brand new NROL-42 spy satellite at around 1:49 a.m. EDT. The same time that the ‘UFO’ was spotted.
The NROL-42 will join the ranks of the United State’s National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) satellites in orbit around Earth.
Colonel Gregory Wood, 30th Space Wing vice commander, said: "This launch is the culmination of many months of work by United Launch Alliance, the National Reconnaissance Office and the 30th Space Wing.
Planet X: The 'Nibiru UFO' turned out to be a US spy satellite launch on Sunday
Spy satellite: The satellite was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base
"All of Team Vandenberg is dedicated to mission success and proud to play a part in delivering these capabilities to our nation."
To further illustrate the the object had no connection to the mystical Planet X, Nasa have repeatedly rejected claims of the planet's existence.
Nasa’s leading scientist Dr David Morrison said: "There is no credible evidence whatever for the existence of Nibiru. There are no pictures, no tracking, no astronomical observations.
"I can quite specifically say how we know Planet X or Nibiru does not exist and does not threaten the Earth."
Mysterious lights have been spotted in Hawaii in the island of Oahu recently, leaving the local people baffled while some others started speculating about UFOs. This strange happening was noticed on September 18 and was witnessed by thousands of people as per media reports.
Presence of around 8 to 10 such lights in the Hawaiian skies was reported by local people. According to news reports, on September 18, 2017, a man named Mash Hatae woke up to quench his thirst around 2:30 am that's when he spotted two of these unusual lights in the sky, which then became three. He recorded these bizarre lights and guesstimated them to be flares.
He revealed that the lights were large and very bright. He shared the video with media personnel. It is yet to be found what these mysterious lights really are.
A news report quoted the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as saying that it received no reports from the public regarding the baffling incident.
The US Army, Hawaii Air National Guard (HI ANG), etc have not claimed any responsibility about these mysterious lights and no official statements were made by them regarding this strange occurrence in the night sky.
Watch the news clip here:
Facebook/ Pasig City Natin
Usually sightings of such objects turn out to be some sort of secret tests, drones or military practices. There have been instances in the past when mysterious lights in the sky are speculated to be UFOs and such sightings trigger numerous conspiracy theories.
YouTube screenshot / secureteam10
A similar instance had occurred in UK in which mysterious light was observed circling in the sky. It was believed to be a light emitting UFO. It was finally found that the luminous object was actually a stunt plane which belonged to an aerobatic team called AeroSPARX who carry out their air shows throughout Europe.
Visions Michel GRANGER phénomène ovnis, les extraterrestres et des mutilations animales - PART I
Les enlèvements ET : réels ou imaginaires ? Si l’on en croit la chronique, une multitude d’extraterrestres arrivés jusqu’à la Terre - aux larges yeux et à la peau grise (!) - seraient engagés, depuis plus de 50 ans, dans une vaste opération d’enlèvements d’individus visant à faire des prélèvements et des examens sur la population humaine, surtout anglo-saxonne, à des fins indéfinies et mystérieuses… Rien que cela ! Face à pareille et extraordinaire assertion, la question qui se pose est : les personnes qui témoignent de cette opération, sont-ils réellement emportés dans l’espace, examinés, et ensuite restitués ? En d’autres termes, y a-t-il quelque chose d’objectif derrière toute cette affaire ou bien n’est-ce que fantasmagories manifestement subjectives (irréelles), voire psychiatriques ?
Il faut se souvenir qu’il y a, chez tous les esprits peu cultivés (1), une tendance à transformer les images internes en faits objectifs; on croit aisément avoir vu ce que l’on s’est imaginé. F. Myers, Les Hallucinations Télépathiques, Félix Alcan, 1905.
Que des vaisseaux spatiaux venus d’ailleurs hantent notre ciel, c’est déjà peu évident compte tenu de toutes les objections qui s’y opposent : mais n’est-ce pas grâce à un tel scénario de vol spatial que la technologie terrestre a pu réaliser, dans le ciel lunaire (missions Apollo) et martien (sondes et autres engins posés et explorateurs), ses premiers pas hors de sa planète originelle ? Que les pilotes de ces engins aient pu s’en extraire après atterrissage sur Terre, pourquoi pas, les astronautes des missions lunaires ont bien fait de même ? Déjà, l’aspect et l’attitude de certains de ces prétendus extraterrestres(ET) (humanoïdes à l’allure trop humaine et surtout sans combinaison spatiale), ont soulevé des interrogations quant à leur provenance. Mais qu’en plus, à l’insu des autorités officielles et en toute impunité, ces ET débarqués sur notre sol s’adonnent, compulsivement, à une opération massive d’échantillonnage et de sévices divers sur les humains sans que la moindre preuve physique, si ce n’est celle des témoignages ahurissants des victimes, soit disponible, est une fable difficile à avaler autrement que comme un conte de fées moderne. Une fable à forte tendance libidinale trop humaineà mon sens Et pourtant l’ufologie, tout d’abord réfractaire puis reluctante à s’y intéresser, après avoir longtemps nié (2) ces récits de prétendus enlèvements ET, à dû se résoudre à les intégrer dans son corpus; une concession qui pourrait bien à terme la ridiculiser et la décrédibiliser totalement et pas seulement aux yeux des scientifiques déjà peu enclins à quelque considération envers elle. Ceux-ci, d’ailleurs, ne s’y sont pas trompés en la laissant se dépêtrer avec cette facette connexe difficile à interpréter. Heureusement, après une longue période de grande confusion, certains indices récents semblent indiquer qu’on revient à plus de raison ; et c’est tant mieux. Brièvement voyons comment cette thèse des enlèvements ET a émergé du milieu occultiste et spiritualiste pour venir s’imposer en ufologie, puis appesantissons-nous sur ce qui a pu amener à cette poussée médiatique délirante des années 1990-95 [d’aucuns y voient le mécanisme d’implantation d’un mythe contemporain (3)] pour finalement constater qu’après une véritable autodestruction par le nombre, après avoir engendré les pires excès (notamment dans la quête depreuves tangibles), les pires outrances, l’épidémie est en passe de sombrer dans un salutaire reflux observé aujourd’hui. Un retour aux fondamentaux de l’ufologie : les observations (4) célestes et les enquêtes sur le terrain - dont tout ufologue ne peut que se réjouir, du moins à mon sens. Examinons d’abord comment l’idée de relations psychiques entre certains hommes (on nomme ces gens privilégiés des contactés) et des créatures étrangères à notre planète (aliens) s’est immiscée insidieusement dans l’ufologie, en une parodie de la rencontre de Moïse avec Dieu sur le Mont Sinaï (Exode, 19 :16-20). Née en Europe, elle a fait ensuite florès Outre Atlantique.
Contactés voyageurs
Bien que le premier contacté fût suédois, l’Amérique a, depuis toujours, été une pépinière pour les contactés de tous poils. E. Swedenborg (1688-1772), dans son traité cosmologique publié en 1758, informait le monde qu’il avait personnellement visité les différentes planètes du système solaire (sauf Uranus, Neptune et Pluton inconnues à son époque !) et même au-delà et y avait découvert tous les bienfaits qu’il aurait souhaité voir appliquer à notre monde : justice sociale, progrès technologique, éducation publique et bien-être moral... Avant 1900, la Suissesse Catherine Elise Muller, alias Helène Smith, ramena de ses pérégrinations médiumniques sur Mars des paysages pittoresques (descriptions, dessins) mais aussi une langue martienne (!) sur laquelle cogita longuement le professeur de psychologie genevois Theodore Flournoy (1854-1920) malgré l’évidence qu’elle présentait beaucoup de similitudes avec le français ! Ces deux précurseurs issus de la tradition religieuse mystique, voyageant en astral plutôt qu’en ovni, furent prolongés par la mouvance occulte à travers la théosophie (5), jusqu’à l’arrivée de l’ufologie moderne quand certains témoins arguèrent de leur réussite dans une communication psychique avec les occupants des mystérieux airships (1946) ; puis, avec les pilotes des soucoupes volantes (1950). Ces contactés de la première heure étaient des prophètes modernes transmettant des messages spéciaux sensés provenir des ET surtout axés autour du sauvetage de l’humanité du désastre (nucléaire) qui l’attendait ; les ET en question étaient des Êtres Supérieurs, des Grands Frères (le terme n’a pas attendu Obama pour être utilisé !).Quelques noms de cette période : Daniel Fry (1908-92), Howard Menger (1922-2009) [6], Laura Mundo (1913-89), George Van Tassel (1910-78) ; et George Adamski (1891-1965) lequel prétendit embarquer depuis le désert de
Californie pour Vénus, Mars et Saturne… Il présenta même en 1951 des photos fantaisistes de la face cachée de la Lune ramenées de son excursion spatiale ! En fait, tous ces contactés voyageurs, amis des ET, rapportèrent des informations sur les planètes voisines de la Terre encore mal connues qui, malheureusement, se révélèrent parfaitement fausses au fur et à mesure des acquits de la conquête spatiale (quelques rares exceptions sont encore avancées, sur lesquelles il serait trop long d’épiloguer). Adamski prétendait avoir rencontré des Vénusiens grands et blonds alors qu’on sait que cette planète est un chaudron brûlant au pire susceptible d’abriter un bouillon de culture bactérien thermophile ! Jusqu’en 1960, les relations entre les contactés et les ufologues demeurèrent très distanciées, au stade de deux univers mentaux séparés (7) malgré leur point de convergence patent à travers l’hypothèse extraterrestre comme origine des ovnis, très en vogue à l’époque.
Les premiers abductés
C’est en septembre 1961, le 19 précisément, que se situe l’épisode initial, fondateur, du phénomène dit d’abduction (8), assimilable à un enlèvement par les ET : il s’agit duvoyage interrompu de Barney et Betty Hill, survenu près de Groveton, New Hampshire, alors qu’en auto, ils s’en retournent à leur domicile après un déplacement à Québec. Betty, au côté de Barney (un couple biracial), le conducteur de leur Chevrolet Bel Air, peu après minuit alors qu’ils roulent sur la US Highway 3, remarque une étrange lumière dans le ciel qui semble les suivre et se rapprocher car sa taille ne cesse de grossir. Elle pousse du coude son mari qui traverse alors une zone escarpée montagneuse ; à l’instigation de Betty, Barney arrête son véhicule et ils sortent pour dégourdir les pattes de leur chien Delsey et observer le ciel ; ils s’éloignent prudemment car c’est une région à ours ! Ayant remarqué que la lumière est toujours là et en mouvement, Betty va chercher une paire de jumelles dans l’automobile en stationnement ; ils la braquent en direction de l’ovni. Ce qu’ils allaient apercevoir tous les deux devait définitivement bouleverser leur vie et, ainsi que certains observateurs le prétendent, le cours de l’histoire du monde, écrit pompeusement John G. Fuller (9). En fait, il est difficile de savoir exactement ce qu’ils ont réellement vu et vécu même à la lecture du livre de Fuller qui narre par le menu leur aventure ; entre leurs souvenirs conscients (objet brillant en forme de crêpe, silencieux, avec des lumières clignotantes, qui les suit), leurs impressions sur le coup (énorme vaisseau structuré comprenant une rangée de fenêtres avec derrière au moins six silhouettes qui les regardent), la paralysie passagère de Barney, puis leur fuite hystérique, leurs souvenirs du lendemain (un étrange bip-bip électronique, leur marche dans les champs) et ce qui va ressortir de leur période d’amnésie d’une durée de 2 heures qu’ils vont se remémorer plus tard, sous hypnose…, on a du mal à faire la part des choses. Car Barney et Betty vont arriver à destination avec un tel retard sans pouvoir dire ce qui s’est réellement passé durant ce laps de temps manquant : d’oubli commun à deux. Cette fameuse période d’amnésie consécutive à l’observation d’un ovni va devenir plus tard une phase-clé et incontournable de l’expérience abductive quand l’hypnose va être avalisée pour réveillerles souvenirs oubliés ; voici un réservoir inépuisable de détails à extraire de l’esprit des témoins soumis à un tel scénario qui va bientôt constituer un puits sans fond (nourrissage (enjolivement ?) du récit au fur et à mesure des sessions d’hypnose régressive) mais aussi une raison majeure de fabrication par les hypnothérapeutes accusés d’influencer les témoins et d’implanter dans leur esprit de faux souvenirs stéréotypés. Pas plus traumatisés que ça, Barney et Betty, après avoir discuté ensemble, décident de garder pour eux leur curieuse expérience ; pas longtemps : le surlendemain, Betty en parle à sa sœur puis à leurs voisins. Ainsi, l’histoire remonte à la police locale puis à la base aérienne voisine de l’US Air Force(Pease) qui, suite à un échange téléphonique entre Barney et le major de la 100ème escadre de bombardiers de la base, en fait un rapport d’information succinct et bateau qui conclut qu’il est impossible de croire à la possibilité ou à la véracité de ces événements. Il est ainsi probable qu’on en serait resté là – un banal cas d’observation d’ovni – si Betty n’avait pas eu, dans les semaines après l’incident, des rêves (9) récurrents décrits comme des cauchemars extrêmement vivaces où elle se voyait enlevée par un ovni ! Elle raconte tout cela à un représentant du N.I.C.A.P. (11) qui interviewe le couple le 21 octobre pendant 6 heures, ce qui les met sur le devant de la scène. Le 3 mars 1963, les Hill donnent leur première conférence publique… Betty semble apprécier ce brouhaha médiatique (12) autour d’eux, Barney, beaucoup moins. Au point que sa santé ayant montré quelques problèmes, il consulte un médecin qui l’oriente vers un psychiatre, lequel, dès le 6 juin 1964, le soumet à des séances d’hypnose destinées à réveiller ses souvenirs ainsi emprisonnés et les libérer d’une emprise supposée faire écran. Betty, a devancé son mari dans cet exercice, 3 mois plus tôt ! Ainsi, se complète leur aventure avec un timing détaillé de l’embarquement dans l’ovni aux côtés de créatures à tête chauve et mongolienne et des examens et prélèvements (de sperme pour Barney et d’ovules pour Betty à l’aide d’une aiguille enfoncée dans le nombril). Un scénario répliqué depuis par des milliers d’abductéset un prototype d’ET abducteur devenu une image inscrite au patrimoine de l’inconscient collectif US.
Quelques émules jusqu’en 1980
Pendant plus de 20 ans, l’aventure rapportée par les Hill qui, n’était pas, soit dit en passant, la première suggestion de kidnapping forcé dans les annales de l’ufologie, ne constitua pas, certes, un cas isolé, mais ne fit pas non plus tache d’huile. Malgré la forte publicité médiatique dévolue à cette affaire (elle parut dans la revue Look en feuilleton en 1966 !), peu d’autres cas émergèrent après, notamment aux Etats-Unis où seulement un cas fut signalé jusqu’en 1973 [cas Schirmer (13)] et discuté dans le rapport Condon. La vague d’observations d’ovnis qui se produisit alors draina quelques cas connus par les noms des victimes : Hickson (1973), Roach (1973), Walton (1975), Moody (1975), Larson (1975), Stephen (1975), Thomas (1976), etc. et Andreasson (réminiscence d’une rencontre de 1967). Le premier livre écrit sur le sujet des abductions paraît en 1977 (14) et se consacre à l’examen de 13 cas. Jusqu’en 1980, ces rencontres avec des occupants d’ovni relatèrent chacun un scénario particulier bien spécifique, même si tous sont confrontés malgré eux à des êtres de petite taille et souffrent de la période d’amnésie qu’on tente déjà de lever grâce à des séances d’hypnose. Quelques cas émanent hors de l’Amérique mais au compte-goutte. Au point que l’ufologue britannique, Jenny Randles, en 1979, dans un livre généraliste sur les ovnis, qualifiait les quelques cas d’enlèvements supposés existant à l’époque de très rares ; dix ans plus tard, elle consacrait (15) au sujet un ouvrage entier présentant 200 cas d’espèce documentés, y compris un catalogue de 26 cas britanniques. A noter qu’elle y incluait pour la France : Valensole et Romans (cas Giuliana) or, à ma connaissance M. Masse n’avait pas été enlevé (mais seulement paralysé), et les prélèvements n’ont touché que la lavande (!) ; pour le second cas, il y avait de sérieuses réserves comme remarquées par le regretté Michel Figuet qui en soulignait déjà l’extrême subjectivité ! Dans la compilation pionnière de 1987 de Thomas E. Bullard (16), un folkloriste ufologue de l’université de Bloomington, Indiana, dont les abductions constituèrent le sujet de thèse, on trouve seulement 5 cas français (17) (2 %) sur un total de 270 s’échelonnant entre 1858 et 1985 en Amérique du Nord (49 %), Amérique du Sud y compris le Brésil (26 %), Australie (8 %) et Europe surtout Angleterre (19 %). Ainsi arrive-t-on à 1989-90, avec un phénomène d’abduction « non formaté », limité numériquement et géographiquement, s’abritant timidement sous l’ample pelisse de l’ufologie qui compte déjà des dizaines de milliers de cas. Mais deux ans plus tard, la rumeur allait envahir le monde et dynamiter l’ufologie, la forçant à s’en préoccuper : les abductés américains existent par millions ! Qu’est-ci qui a pu ainsi transformer, en l’espace de deux ans, ces quelques expériences individuelles anecdotiques en fait de société massif ? Cela s’est fait en deux temps, le premier d’ailleurs dans une certaine indifférence malgré l’énormité de l’information.
L’enquête d’OMNI (1988)
Sous l’impulsion d’un auteur à succès (18) sur le phénomène des abductions qui commençait à passionner les foules (19), le mensuel OMNI, dans son numéro de décembre 1988, en marge d’un long article sur la question, proposa un questionnaire à ses lecteurs où figuraient, entre autres, mêlées à des questions plus périphériques, les deux suivantes (il y en avait 25 (20) en tout) : 1/ -n’avez-vous jamais vu quelque chose que vous pensez être un ovni ? et, si oui, 3/ (je garde la numérotation initiale) - quand vous vous remémorez cette observation, ne vous semble-t-il pas y avoir des trous bizarres comme si vos souvenirs de l’expérience ne formaient pas un tout cohérent ? (21). Visés, les 5 millions de lecteurs potentiels de ce magazine (22).
Le résultat de cette enquête fut publié en février 1989 : 2000 questionnaires avaient été retournés remplis : 75 % faisaient état d’une observation d’ovni (1/) suivis à 42 % par l’expérience de temps manquant (2/). 41 % rapportaient avoir fait des rêves récurrents concernant des ovnis et 65 % pensaient que ceux-ci (les ovnis)pouvaient bien être extraterrestres ! Pamela Weintraub, la rapporteuse de ces confessions, révélait que 450 questionnaires remplis avaient été envoyés par B. Hopkins à la Fund for UFO Research qui avait rentré les données sur un ordinateur. Finalement, les données avaient été envoyées (quel micmac !) à Robert Swiatek, le tsar des abductions de la fondation (sic) qui les avait analysées pour voir ce qu’elles pouvaient signifier : 4 % des réponses d’hommes et 11 % des réponses de femmes donnaient des informations assez proches pour être acceptées comme abduction (sic). A partir de là, le Dr Jean Mundy, psychologue new-yorkaise participante au dépouillement, m’écrivait en 1989, qu’elle estimait que 50 % des gens qui avaient écrit avaient eu une rencontre rapprochée avec des vaisseaux spatiaux et leurs occupants !! Et d’ajouter que, jugeant de ces réponses, probablement un million d’Américains avaient été en contact direct avec des ET, peut-être plus (23). Malgré la contestation de P. Klass arguant qu’il y avait dans ce questionnaire un biais manifeste (24), le rendant inapte à être extrapolé à la population américaine, la rumeur était lancée et bien lancée. Elle allait enfler pour atteindre un niveau ahurissant en 1992.
Le sondage ROPER (1991)
Des millions d’Américains disent avoir été enlevés par des extraterrestres !, titra le prestigieux Times en juillet 1992 ! En France, Paris Match et VSD lui emboîtèrent le pas sans beaucoup vérifier. A l'origine de ce scoop venu d’Amérique, un sondage de 1991 auprès d’un panel d’Américains [exclus, ceux de l’Alaska et de Hawaï) de plus de 18 ans (pourquoi ?)], par The Roper Organizationpour le compte de la Bigelow(25) Holding Company (BHC), visant primairement à déterminer le pourcentage de sujets ayant vécu des expériences anormales inhabituelles dont le syndrome d’abductionovni fait partie. A 5947 personnes sélectionnées (26), il a été posé 11 questions dont celles : 3/ (je garde ici aussi la numérotation d’origine) : - Avez-vous vu un ovni? et 11/ : - Avez-vous fait des rêves où apparaissaient très nettement des ovnis ? ; mais surtout 5 autres sensées indicatives d’une expérience d’abduction avec la notion de fréquence : une fois, une fois ou deux ou jamais, à savoir :
4/ Vous est-il arrivé de vous réveiller paralysé avec le sentiment d’une personne étrange ou d’une présence ou de quelque chose d’autre dans votre chambre ? 5/ Avez-vous eu l'impression de voler dans les airs même si vous ne savez pas pourquoi ni comment ? 7/ Avez-vous fait l'expérience d'une période de temps d’une heure ou plus pendant laquelle vous avez été apparemment perdu mais que vous n’avez pu vous souvenir pourquoi ou bien où vous êtes allés ? 8/ Avez-vous observé des lumières ou des boules brillantes dans votre chambre sans savoir ce qui a pu les provoquer et d’où elles venaient ? 9/ Avez-vous constaté sur votre corps des surprenantes cicatrices dont ni vous ni quelqu’un d’autre ne se souvient comment vous les avez eues et d’où elles proviennent ?
Analyse contestable
Par delà les résultats bruts aux sept questions dites « reliées aux ovnis » dont voici les chiffres : 3/ = 7 %, 4/ = 18 %, 5/ = 10 %, 7/ = 13 %, 8/ = 8 %, 9/ = 8 %, 11/ = 5 %, ce sont les cinq concernant les symptômes d’abduction qui nous intéressent. Quelle analyse les abductionnistes (27) en ont-ils fait ? En vérité, ils semblent avoir été grisés par l’extrapolation directe des chiffres obtenus et ne s’y sont pas arrêtés, même pas effleurés par la validité externe douteuse (28) de cette enquête (c'est-à-dire sa validité à être généralisée aux 270 millions d’Américains par une bête règle de trois), pour ne s’émerveiller que sur l’ampleur apparente des phénomènes enregistrés : 7 % des Américains ont vu un ovni, cela fait : 270 millions x 0,07 = 20 millions d’observations au moins ! N’ayant trouvé que 18 personnes qui avaient répondu positivement aux 5 questions clés sur lesabductions, la logique aurait été de déduire que 0,3 % de la population américaine présentait les critères de cette expérience, soit 820 000 individus. C’était déjà pas mal mais l’ennui était statistique : pour un échantillon de 6 000 unités, la marge d’erreur est de +/- 1,4 % ; ça veut dire que théoriquement les 18 abductés révélés par le sondage pouvaient être les seuls touchés par l’expérienceabductive dans toute l’Amérique ! Du coup, l’émerveillement tombait de façon dramatique. Qu’à cela ne tienne : ne suffisait-il pas, pour décerner le titre d’abducté possible, de se contenter de 4 yes et d’unno ! On va voir que nos deux experts abductionnistes n’entrevoyaient pas encore les à-côtés pervers de l’abaissement de leurs exigences ; d’ailleurs, ils ne se donnaient nullement la peine d’en fournir même la moindre justification malgré tout l’arbitraire de l’opération. Toujours est-il que sans se livrer à la moindre recherche d’inter-corrélations (voir si ceux qui ont répondu OUI sont bien les mêmes et dans quel pourcentage), ils déduisaient mathématiquement des 119 réponses à 4 yes aux 5 questions clés que 2 % de la population américaine présentait, selon eux, les critères requis de l’abduction, soit entre 1,11 et 6,29 millions aux extrêmes de la marge d’erreur. C’est ainsi que 3,7 millions d’Américains majeurs et qui ne sont ni en prison, ni en base militaire (?), ni en maison de santé, furent annoncés comme ayant une forte possibilité d’être un abducté ovni, ce qui se transforma dans les journaux par : Plusieurs millions d’Américains enlevés dans des vaisseaux extraterrestres ! Quel beau titre pour faire vendre en plein été quand l’actualité se fait morne. Mais n’était-ce pas enfoncer le bouchon un peu trop loin ?
Le piège caché de la surenchère sur le nombre
Car, jouant le jeu à fond, à partir de ce chiffre et de considérations variées, certains se livreront, à diverses et embarrassantes extrapolations. L’ufologue Robert J. Durant s’ingénia, en 1993 (29), à évaluer la charge de travail à attribuer auxabductions par les aliens. Comblant la lacune des enfants exclus de l’enquête Roper et intégrant la notion de multi-abductés (30) ressortie de l’enquête (10 abductions possible dans une vie entre 5 et 55 ans), il arrivait à 50 millions d’abductions américaines en 50 ans, soit un million par an ou 2740 enlèvements perpétrés par jour. En ramenant à 2 heures la durée moyenne d’un enlèvement qui nécessite la présence de 6 aliens, R. Durant estime que 1370 ET travaillant 24 heures sur 24 pourraient suffire à accomplir ces travaux sur le continent américain, écrit sans rire Marie-Thèrèse de Brosses (31) alors que le propos de Durant est de montrer le ridicule de la situation. Si le phénomène d’abduction est mondial, le nombre des abductés doit être multiplié par 22 ! [on verra que ce n’est pas le cas (32)]. Vingt-deux millions d’abductions dans le monde par an ! Et là, R. Durant reprend un problème soulevé par un de ses collègues (33): celui de la logistique nécessaire à tous ces enlèvements ET qui devraient impliquer des millions de soucoupes volantes au point que littéralement les cieux en soient obscurcis par ces millions de soucoupes ! Ainsi, les E.T. devaient avoir lancé sur l'Amérique une opération de grande envergure dont la logistique met en œuvre, chaque nuit, des milliers de vaisseaux spatiaux, allant et venant comme des lucioles. A l’évidence, il n’en était rien. La conclusion qui s’imposait de cette absurdité était la suivante : le sondage Roper éliminait de lui-même la possibilité que les abductions soient réelles et les ramenaient à un phénomène psychologique. En clair les abductés avaient rêvé leur expérience : ils l’avaient vécue de l’intérieur !! Il s’agissait bien d’un syndrome, non pas d’un voyage spatial physique. Dès lors, l’ufologie aurait dû prendre ses distances (on est en 1992-93 quand l’énormité du nombre des victimes du syndrome d’abduction éclate) ; il n’en a rien été au point que c’est l’ufologie qui risqua de sombrer toute entière emportée par cette psychologisation obligée du phénomène.
Abductés : oui, psychopathes : non
Suite au sondage Roper de 1991, les organisateurs dépassés par les chiffres obtenus se tournèrent vers la seule corporation apte, selon eux, à soulager les si nombreuses victimes d’abductions : les « psy ». Un fascicule de 60 pages basé sur les résultats de l’enquête fut envoyé à 100 000 professionnels américains de la santé mentale, psychiatres, psychologues, afin de les inciter à soigner plus humainement les victimes du syndrome d'enlèvement à bord des ovnis (sic). Ce qui relevait sans conteste d’un bon sentiment. Mais, paradoxalement, preuve que les initiateurs du sondage Roper 1991 n’avaient pas perçu l’effet autodestructeur du chiffre annoncé, il était demandé textuellement aux thérapeutes de métier decroire ce qu'affirment les kidnappés de l'espace et de les traiter de la même manière que les gens qui ont subi un trouble de stress post-traumatique comme, par exemple, les soldats confrontés aux atrocités de la guerre ou les enfants maltraités. Tout un programme !
Contre toute attente, voilà qu’il apparut aux « psy » que, contrairement à la plupart de leurs patients, les abductés ne semblent pas des fous (quoique certains…, comme on verra plus loin ?), ni des cinglés, ni des déviants sexuels ; ils ne sont pas atteints de psychopathologie, relançant la polémique sur l’expérience vécue par les abductés. Un nouveau venu à l’abduction, et pas des moindres puisqu’il s’agit d’un psychiatre reconnu, le Dr John E. Mack (34), mit tout son poids pour accréditer l’idée que les expériences des abductés défieraient toutes les explications psychiatriques traditionnelles. C’est lui qui a écrit : Les kidnappés, d’une manière générale, ne sont pas des gens mentalement perturbés (ils n’ont pas un quelconque dérangement mental), mais ils ont vécu des expériences hautement déstabilisantes. Qu’il me soit permis d’en douter pour certains dont le délire sera vu plus loin. Une étude psychologique canadienne montre, pourtant, que les abductés, contrairement à ce qu'on a pu croire, ne sont ni moins stables mentalement, ni moins intelligents, ni davantage portés à la fantaisie que la population moyenne. La seule différence est qu'ils croient aux ovnis. Ainsi donc, le syndrome de l'abduction serait-il la maladie des ovnis ? Il résulta du sondage Roper de 1991, et de l’information largement diffusée au personnel de la santé mentale en Amérique, une frénésie d’efforts pour tenter d’expliquer les récits d’enlèvements par des causes non pathologiques. Citons en vrac : trauma de naissance (Lawson), séquelles de violences subies durant l’enfance (Loftus), syndrome des faux souvenirs (cryptomnésie), thèse psychiatrique, cauchemars neurotiques, [anomalie du lobe temporal (D. Klein)], hypnose iatrogénique, hypnopompie (rêves éveillés), personnalités enclines à la fantaisie (syndrome de Peter Pan), onirisme, terreurs nocturnes (D. J. Hufford), cauchemars (D. Stacy), paralysie du sommeil, phénomène de transfert freudien, allergies (A. Budden), troubles sexuels (on va voir ci-dessous qu’elle n’est pas dénuée de fondement, si j’ose dire), hystérie sexuelle freudienne (R. Ofshe), troubles neurologiques (M. Persinger), masochisme (R. Baumeister), apparitions religieuses (H. Evans), maladie des ovnis (R. M. Laibow), psi (Dr Berthold Schwarz), délire (S. A. Clancy), possession spirite (J. Schnabel), possessions démoniaques (J. Pontotillo), etc. Ajoutons-y, les interprétations des sceptiques : hallucination collective (C. Sagan, S. Mizrach), épidémie hystérique (E. Showalter), affabulation (K. D. Randle), suggestion hypnotique de souvenirs implantés (P. Klass), crise individuelle psychologique (J. Rimmer), psychose mondiale (G. Earley), thèse paranoïde (L. Lammer), contamination sociale, fascination littéraire, thèse fantasmatique (psychosociale), mythe en formation pour l’avènement d’une nouvelle religion (T. Matheson) et finalement intrusion psychique de J. Vallée dite solution intermédiaire qui plaît à M.-T. de Brosses et implique une intervention étrangère au niveau du cerveau des abductés. Quelque chose d’aussi difficile à démontrer que l’existence de Dieu ! A noter qu’aucune de ces théories ne prend le phénomène des enlèvements ET au premier degré ! L’objet de cet article m’interdit d’entrer dans les détails de cette débauche d’explications. J’ai d’ailleurs déjà effectué en partie ce travail en 1999 (35) quand rien ne laissait encore présager d’une sortie de crise abductive de l’ufologie. Mon coauteur, le docteur Jacques Bernot, médecin psychiatre hélas disparu aujourd’hui, m’avait persuadé de ne pas exclure une quelconque origine organique et artificielle du phénomène des abductions et de conclure avec lui plutôt sévèrement. Ce qui nous avait valu quelques remarques d’ufologues avertis optant pour une théorie plus complexe que celle à laquelle nous avions abouti. Avant de passer aux bonnes nouvelles pour l’ufologie, à savoir le déclin actuel de la vague abductive, voyons ce qui peut expliquer le désintérêt pour le sujet des scientifiques dits académiques. Car, au même titre que l’ufologie, on peut dire que l’abductologie n’est pas un sujet porteur pour la recherche scientifique. Les dérapages et dérives outrancières que l’on verra plus loin n’ont certainement pas aidé non plus.
La méfiance des scientifiques
Dans le Fortean Times de juillet 2008, P. Brookesmith fustige les scientifiques pour le peu d’intérêt qu’ils ont porté au phénomène des abductions (36). Et il n’a pas tort, le bougre, en ne pouvant citer que quelques rares livres sérieux consacrés à la question par des diplômés ou assimilés (37) (il en a peut-être manqué quelques-uns). Les seuls professionnels, qui y ont, en effet, porté quelque attention, sont les « psy », les anthropologues et les sociologues folkloristes, lesquels, il faut bien l’avouer, ne sont guère mieux considérés dans la communauté scientifique que les ufologues. La seule tentative hélas avortée d’une approche scientifique multidisciplinaire du phénomène desabductions fut, à ma connaissance, celle de David G. Gotlib, un jeune étudiant en médecine psychiatrique canadien qui, en janvier 1990, lança son projet mais jeta l’éponge 5 ans plus tard. Officiellement cet arrêt qualifié d’interruption (temporaire ?) était dicté par un manque de temps dans sa vie personnelle et professionnelle… Personnellement, grâce à Internet, je l’ai suivi jusqu’à fin 1999 où il avait terminé sa formation de psychiatre et allait s’installer à son compte. A cette date, il était d’accord avec moi pour déplorer le bas niveau scientifique en vigueur pour aborder le problème des abductions et n’avait pas de projet de relancer son activité sur la question. Mais qui sait ? Tout est possible, m’écrivait-il le 12 juin 1999. Dix ans plus tard, personne ne s’est présenté pour continuer son approche. Son idée de travail était d’avoir un réseau pluridisciplinaire sur la question qui débattait librement dans son Bulletin of Anomalous Experience (Expériences Anormales étant préféré à abduction trop restrictif) ; cela ne dura que 5 ans et j’ai eu l’honneur de figurer dans sa liste de participants, lesquels ne dépassèrent jamais la trentaine. Il avait su se rapprocher de diverses disciplines telles que : médecine, psychiatrie, parapsychologie, science sociale, ufologie, etc. Dommage qu’il n’ait pu continuer ; mais aujourd’hui, c’est trop tard maintenant qu’on nous annonce le phénomène en déclin. Avant d’en terminer justement avec cela (un nouveau sondage Roper montrant le phénomène desabductions en phase de régression, confirmée par des informations encore plus récentes), je voudrais enfoncer le clou de la non-réalité physique des abductions en soulignant deux arguments supplémentaires :
L’absence de preuves physiques ;
Les affirmations outrancières sur la question.
Pas de preuves physiques
Bien qu’encore largement plus fréquentées par les ovnis que celles d’Europe, les nuits américaines ne sont visiblement pas sillonnées par des essaims d’ovnis se livrant à leur basse besogne abductive. Ceci, d’ailleurs, au mépris de toutes les règles de sécurité en vigueur et à l'insu du système de surveillance aérien le plus sophistiqué et le plus efficace de la planète ! Depuis le 21 septembre 2001 à fortiori. De toute façon, à une telle échelle, un tel charivari en va-et-vient aéroporté devrait laisser des traces ; notamment sur le lieu des enlèvements, sur le lieu du retour, traces physiques mais aussi témoignages de tiers se trouvant là à proximité, contusions sur les enlevés ainsi molestés, etc. Aucun ovni abducteur n’a jamais marqué le lieu de son atterrissage, à ma connaissance. Il est vrai que selon les récits, les ET descendent d’un vaisseau en sustentation dans l’air et l’abducté est attiré (aspiré) à distance à l’intérieur depuis son lit, à travers le mur, les fenêtres (!). Jamais la moindre dégradation de matériel n’a, encore à ce que j’en sais, ainsi été signalée. Pourquoi aucune opération d’hélitreuillage ET n’a-t-elle jamais été repérée par un groupe de gens, surtout quand elle a eu lieu en pleine ville à la vue d’un public brusquement devenu aveugle ? Cela défie l’entendement pour quelque chose d’aussi grave et qui doit aussi demander des moyens si spectaculaires Comment se fait-il que personne, étranger à l’opération, jamais ne soit jamais venu témoigner de ce qu’il a vu ? Quant aux abductés, ils devraient, un jour ou l’autre, garder quelque stigmate de l’incident : contusion, ecchymoses, blessures… Certes, certains enlevés ET ont présenté quelques marques mais il est impossible d’établir avec certitude le lien de cause à effet surtout quand ce sont des cicatrices imputées à un enlèvement lointain. De même, les examens tels que décrits, menés sur les abductés, devraient laisser des séquelles internes ; or les traces d’interventions chirurgicales décelées parfois sur des ravis n’ayant jamais été opérés ne sont pas très convaincantes (M.-T. de Brosses). Aucune n’a jamais été certifiée médicalement, je pense. Etablir un lien entre les abductions et les mutilations animales sur bovins me semble de la plus haute fantaisie et pourtant cela a été fait (38). L’affaire des implants, selon laquelle les abductés seraient soumis à un système de monitorage, baguéscomme les oiseaux, pour les retrouver puisqu’ils seraient pour la plupart des multi-abductés « suivis » tout au long de leur vie, a fait grand bruit mais, toujours à ce que j’en sais (39), aucune des analyses des particules sous-cutanées localisées et extraites des victimes ne s’est révélé artificielle. Pour ce qui est du syndrome du fœtus manquant et des grossesses virginales consécutives à uneabduction, nous allons aborder ci-dessous le côté sexuel du phénomène avec tous les excès engendrés. Souligné comme un argument massue excluant tout enlèvement physique par P. Klass, celui, aussi, qu’aucune plainte contre un acte d’abduction n’a jamais été enregistrée par le FBI. Ainsi, tous ces enlèvements sans exception se seraient-ils suivis de restitution intégrale (certes, avec traumatisme comme un animal soustrait à son milieu naturel, trafiqué et remis en liberté) ? En plus du business des ouvrages narratifs des abductions qui ont eu un réel succès en Amérique (je ne sais pas en France), certains petits malins, prompts à profiter de l’occasion, y ont vu un moyen pour faire de l’argent. Dans UFO Journal en 1992, on pouvait trouver une publicité intitulée : Protégez-vous des ET. Et de proposer un détecteur d’ovni à 239 dollars, carte bleue VISA acceptée ! Dans l’hebdomadaire scientifique britannique New Scientist du 18 octobre 2003, l’adresse d’un site Internet était indiqué, là où on pouvait se procurer un casque anti-abduction. Dans la même veine, certaines compagnies ont proposé une assurance anti-abduction (40) ! Là où 35 millions d’Américains n’ont pas d’assurance santé, cela paraît osé. Eh bien, ça marche, paraît-il. En 1994, l’Evening Times parlait de 6 000 contrats anti-abduction signés en Amérique ! Et même en 1996 on parlait d’une première mondiale ; un assureur britannique annonçait avoir indemnisé un client victime d’enlèvement par des ET : 1,7 millions de dollars ! Mais c’était un canular destiné à donner un coup de pub à la compagnie d’assurance ! Ce qui n’a pas empêché les offres d’assurance anti-ET de se poursuivre notamment par une filiale de la Lloyds. Un livre a même été écrit sur l’art et la manière de se défendre soi-même contre une atteinte E.T. : l’auteur, Ann Druffel, une sociologue ufologue active depuis 1957 et à la réputation sérieuse, fait œuvre là d’un petit livre surprenant par son titre et sa jaquette (41). Elle a basé son étude sur les témoignages de 72 résistants, abductés, qui ont, semble-t-il, réussi à trouver une parade aux visites et aux abductions non désirées. Mais elle reconnaît que ce ne sont pas tous les abductés qui veulent ainsi résister, les Gris étant vus comme bienveillants. Comme rien ne prouve qu’ils soient tout-puissants cesaliens, elle indique neuf techniques de résistance efficaces dans l’ordre : 1/ la lutte mentale, 2/ la lutte physique, 3/ la légitime colère, 4/ la fureur protectrice, 5/ le soutien des membres de la famille , 6/ l’intuition (?), 7/ les méthodes métaphysiques (!), 8/ l’appel à des aides spirituels et, en dernier ressort, les répulsifs dits etifuges comme les herbes, achillée, sel, barre de fer, crucifix, croix – sic ! On croit rêver ! Mais il y a pire.
Visions Michel GRANGER phénomène ovnis, les extraterrestres et des mutilations animales - PART II
Visions Michel GRANGER phénomène ovnis, les extraterrestres et des mutilations animales - PART II
Les dérives outrancières de l’abductologie
Dans son livre, Marie-Thérèse de Brosses soulignait l’évolution récente des rencontres du 5ème type (abductions) ; et de s’étendre à plaisir sur le côté de plus en plus sexuel des expériences. L’examen physique devient surtout gynécologique pour les femmes ! (Examen vaginal obligatoire, précise la psychologue E. Fiore (42), spécialiste des hypno-régressions). C’est D. Jacobs (27) qui ajouta au scénario de l’abduction l’objectif reproducteur (outre ceux physique et mental) et ainsi enrichit l’épisode examen de détails plus ou moins scabreux qu’il appelle savoureusement inquisitions physiologiques. Du coup, les tripotages (sic) des abductées se firent plus hard et les récits d’abductions s’agrémentèrent de scènes à caractère sexuel qui semblent remplir une part importante des enlèvements. Les scénarios d’abduction ressemblent beaucoup à de la pornographie féminine, écrit Elaine Showalter (19). Pulsions sexuelles amenant à l’orgasme induites à distance chez les femmes par le grand être (le chef des ET abducteur ?), masturbation des hommes (éjaculations provoquées par des caresses pour pompage de sperme), sado-masochisme, pénétrations avec divers objets, fantaisies sexuelles inter-abductés,coïtusinterruptus, et même incitation à la pédophilie (les ET montrent comment faire à une fillette de 13 ans !), etc., etc., tout cela n’accrédite guère le comportement d’Êtres Supérieurs venus des confins de la galaxie pour ainsi se rincer l’œil et favoriser les bas instincts de l’être humain. Car étant normalement dépourvus d’organes sexuels, les aliens ne participent pas directement aux ébats. Nous n’avons pas de preuves manifestes que les extraterrestres possèdent des parties génitales, mais les êtres hybrides en ont parfois (Jacobs). Les actes mixtes entre humains et ET sont rares, reléguant ainsi aux oubliettes l’épisode fameux d’Antonio Villas-Boas qui, en 1957, s’était accouplé à une extraterrestres cochonne (d’après les cris qu’elle poussait sous son étreinte) au Brésil. On a vu que D. Jacobs considérait ce cas comme la première abduction. Interdits donc de travaux pratiques, les aliens abducteurs se rattrapent en regardant (des ET voyeurs) en observant, et parfois en interférant (sadiques), voire obligeant les ravis à forniquer ensemble, ce qui paraît, en effet, ravir certains abductés. M.-T. de Brosses parle d’une abductée qui s’est fait tatouer un ovni près du pubis ! N’ayant pas de sexe, ces aliens n’en sont pas moins des obsédés du sexe humain, insatisfaits de ce qu’ils ont vu depuis 50 ans et en redemandant toujours encore. Toute cette mascarade, la procédure médico-sexo-génétique installée au cœur de l’abduction (M.-T. de Brosses), serait sensée répondre à la bonne cause et fournir la matière première (ovules + sperme) pour créer des hybrides humain/ET ; car les ET sont là pour ça, pour perpétuer et revivifier leur race ; ainsi seraient nés, soit in vitro (en couveuses), soit de femmes porteuses souvent inconscientes de leur état, des créatures hybrides (43) : certains ont calculé à partir des chiffres du Roper qu’il y aurait eu de la sorte 100 millions d’hybrides sur Terre en 50 ans ! Où sont-ils ? Qui les nourrit ? Il en aurait résulté des syndromes de grossesses virginales chez certaines abductées (elles ne se souviennent pas d’avoir été engrossées !) et, de fœtus manquant (44) lorsque les ET récupèrent l’enfant avant terme. A quelles fins ? Arrêtons-là avec deux anecdotes supplémentaires qui montrent que le mal est vraiment profond. En 1992, un multi-abducté australien se retrouva après une visite avec un cheveu blond enroulé autour du pénis (45) !! Il aurait récolté cela au cours d’une gâterie que lui aurait prodigué une femelle alien ; on ne dit pas si elle était asexuée mais il semble qu’elle ait été conquise par une pratique humaine qu’appréciait fort un ancien Président des Etats-Unis de la part de certaines de ces stagiaires. Eh bien, croyez-le : ce navrant épisode fut pris au sérieux avec le paiement d’une analyse d’ADN mitochondrial par le CUFOS(Center for UFO Studies), créé par feu A. J. Hynek (46), avec un article de 14 pages dans son journal (47). L’analyse a montré que le matériau génétique du cheveu est biologiquement proche de celui de l’homme (la femme en l’occurrence) normal mais d’un type racial inhabituel en Australie, voire extrêmement rare. Et de se demander s’il s’agit d’un cheveu abandonné par une coquine extraterrestre venue se ressourcer ici sur terre (drôle de manière !) ou celui d’une Australienne albinos, d’une chinoise décolorée ou d’une taïwanaise (sic) ? Un dernier exemple en date : voilà qu’un abducté accuse les ET de lui avoir enlevé le pénis pour le remplacer pour un plus petit (48) !! Pas étonnant qu’on nous apprenne qu'une proportion grandissante de demandes de divorce en Amérique stipule l'intervention charnelle d'un(e) amant(e) de l'espace ! Selon The People du 29 janvier 1995, les cas de divorce sont nombreux chez les abductés. De plus en plus nombreuses aussi sont les femmes jalouses qui se plaignent que leur mari manque à ses devoirs conjugaux parce qu'il est sous l'emprise d'une belle extraterrestre sexy ? Linda, par exemple, affirme que son mari a perdu sa virilité après ce qu'elle décrit comme des partouzes spatialesavec un équipage mixte d'ovni ! Un homme est aussi en prison pour 40 ans, à Elizabeth (New Jersey), pour avoir tué sa femme sous prétexte de la protéger contre l’agression de créatures venues d’ailleurs… La maladie des ovnis n’a pas de limites.
Le sondage Roper 1998
J’ai dit, plus haut, qu’il y avait pourtant des raisons d’espérer voir cet épisode américain d’ufologie fiction se terminer. Sur quoi se fonder ? Sur un autre sondage plus récent effectué par Roper pour le compte du NIDS (du temps où il existait encore), auprès d’un échantillon de 5995 Américains adultes dont la publication a reçu beaucoup moins de publicité de la part des médias. Malgré les déclarations affirmant qu’il confirmait les résultats de 1991 (Hopkins), les réponses positives aux fatidiques questions ont accusé un déclin marqué si bien que les abductionnistes ont préféré n’en pas faire état.Voici les résultats des réponses aux 5 + 2 questions-clés : 3/ = 7 % (-), 4/ = 11,6 % (- 35,5 %), 5/ = 4,7 % (- 53 %), 7/ = 6,4 % (- 50,77 %), 8/ = 5,25 % (- 34,37 %), 9/ = 4,4 % (-44,5 %), 11/ non demandé cette fois). On voit que le pourcentage d’Américains à avoir vu un ovni n’a pas varié entre 1991 et 1998 (7 %) ; mais les réponses aux cinq questions-clés concernant les symptômes d’abduction ont diminué de 31,2%. Ce sont, cette fois, douze sondés qui ont répondu yes aux 5 questions et 58 à 4. De la sorte le nombre d’abductés possibles tombe de 3,7 à 2,5 millions (49). C’est moins, mais c’est encore beaucoup ; en tout cas la thèse de la contamination par le cinéma, la TV, les articles spécialisés qui ont fleuri entre 1991 et 1998 semble inadaptée. P. Brooksmith souligne récemment les contradictions internes de cette enquête puisque la question directe avez-vous subi une abduction par un ovni ? a été posée cette fois et récolté 20 yes (à comparer aux 12 qui ont tous les symptômes de l’abducté ; mais il n’a pas de théorie complète pour expliquer la baisse du nombre d’abductés potentiels entre 1991 et 1998. Plus récemment (36) (il n’est pas abductionniste, on l’a compris), il fait état d’informations obtenues auprès du site Abduction Information Center, selon lesquelles les rapports d’abductions seraient de moins en moins nombreux. Il y a 7 ans, le centre recevait entre 5 et 15 cas d’abductions par jour, et aujourd’hui de 1 à 2 par semaine ! Effectivement la vague serait en net recul. Reste à confirmer. Une enquête en cours du MUFON (50) devrait nous y aider.
Alors, que conclure ?
Rien, je dis bien RIEN, ne vient corroborer le côté objectif des enlèvements ET, dits abductions. Que ce soit le nombre des victimes incompatible avec de réelles opérations matérielles de transport, l’absence totale de preuves physiques, le côté trop humain, trop bassement terrestre dirais-je, de certains témoignages des victimes, TOUT (51) porte à dissocier ces expériences de la réalité. En clair, les abductés s’imaginent avoir vécu leur expérience, cela ne fait aucun doute pour qui se donne la peine d’étudier le dossier. Reste à se demander pourquoi ces gens ont des souvenirs de choses qui ne leur sont pas arrivées, à comprendre pourquoi ces gens croient qu’ils ont été kidnappés par des aliens . Et j’ajouterais : pourquoi on cherche tant à nous en faire accroire sur la question ? Une partie des réponses est donnée dans un petit livre que tout le monde devrait lire (52). Car, le phénomène déborde maintenant largement le microcosme ufologique et on peut redouter les effets d’une telle campagne d’intoxication dans d’autres domaines. Bien sûr, le problème des abductions doit être pris en compte par les professionnels de la santé mentale pour soulager les victimes des souffrances qu’ils endurent : souffrance morales et non physiques, mais tout aussi dévastatrices, même s’ils compensent souvent en partie en se croyant desélus. La vie des enlevés a changé après une abduction : n’est-ce pas là l’indice d’un mal-être de la société américaine déboussolée, en recherche de valeurs (et de mythes ?), coincée entre une grande liberté de pensée et le puritanisme ; séquelle du contexte socioculturel de fascination pour les aliens, un sondage de 1991 n’a-t-il pas montré que 40 % des Américains pensent que les abductions sontpossibles. Les causes du problème sont certainement plus profondes et plus graves qu’une simple crise de l’imaginaire tournant autour de caricatures d’ET libidineux obsédés par la sexualité humaine. Pour moi, la vague d’abduction américaine 1990-2010 restera un période obscure pour l’ufologie ; pourra-t-elle s’en relever ? C’est tout ce que je lui souhaite.
Notes et références :
1/ Evacuons d’emblée le problème de la classe sociale des abductés ; il a été affirmé par les sceptiques qu’ils n’appartiennent qu’à la couche la moins instruite de la population. Les victimes d’abduction sont des femmes au foyer, des fermiers, des agriculteurs dont les connaissances de base se limitent à la littérature ovni (Skeptical Inquirer, Janvier/février 2009). C’est faux !Pourquoi aucun contact avec des scientifiques mais uniquement avec des bûcherons, des pêcheurs ? (Ground Saucer Watch, décembre 1986). Archifaux !T. E. Bullard, qui a interviewé 309 abductés, parle de ménagères, de fermières mais aussi de docteurs, d’infirmières, de professeurs. J’ai longtemps correspondu avec un professeur d’université prétendant avoir subi cette expérience.Le Professeur J. Mack écrit : J’ai eu affaire à des étudiants, des femmes au foyer, des secrétaires, des écrivains, des gens de la finance ou de l’industrie, des professionnels de l’informatique, des musiciens des psychologues, un caissier de boîte de nuit, un gardien de prison, un acupuncteur, une assistante sociale, un ingénieur du gaz. Ainsi les abductésproviennent de toutes les couches sociales de la société américaine et la campagne de discrédit engagée contre eux par les sceptiques ne peut sérieusement mettre en avant leur propension àmatérialiser leurs fantasmes pour les voir comme vrais. Aucune étude statistique n’a montré que les ET abducteurs faisaient une sélection avant de cibler leurs victimes. Il semble bien que l’opération se fasse au hasard mais surtout chez des femmes. On peut cependant remarquer une absence de personnalités d’élite parmi la communauté d’abductés ; eux auraient peut-être d’autres moyens de se faire entendre que les cabinets de psychiatres. La tentative de mouiller une personnalité telle que le secrétaire des Nations Unies par la Reine des abductées, Linda Napolitano (1b) en 1989, n’a pas marché. Interrogé, celui-ci a répondu : Je ne me souviens de rien de ce genre. Mais peut-être souffre-t-il d’un effet d’écran sur son système mnémonique ? Aucun astronome, à ma connaissance, n’a jamais été abducté, mais comptez-vous beaucoup d’astronomes professionnels dans votre entourage ? Je serais tenté de dire : aucun physicien non plus s’il n’y avait un cas en France, et pas des moindres, qui tend à infirmer cette affirmation (contexte dit Oummite).
Par ailleurs, on a avancé que les responsables des enlèvements ET ne cherchent pas la publicité. Or, il y a un contre-exemple frappant dans l’expérience abductive de W. Strieber. Cet écrivain professionnel à succès de romans d’horreur et d’imagination (romans de vampires, d’êtres surnaturels) a raconté son abduction dans un livre publié en 1988. Ce livre a eu un succès qui dépasse de loin toutes les meilleures ventes d’ouvrages sur les ovnis (j’ai lu un million d’exemplaires). W. Strieber affirme avoir reçu 250 000 lettres de lecteurs de son livre Communion rapportant avoir rencontré les visiteurs. On a coutume de dire que Strieber sensationnalisa lesabductions. Les partisans de l’interférence de l’imaginaire sur les témoins aiment à penser que c’est son livre – plutôt le dessin de couverture que le texte d’ailleurs – qui, ayant subjugué ses lecteurs, en a fait par l’influence de la fascination des abductés potentiels lesquels, nombreux, se sont manifestés lors du sondage de 1991. Il est vrai qu’il était le premier aussi (avant D. M. Jacobs) à y introduire des connotations érotico-sexuelles !W. Strieber n’a d’ailleurs jamais beaucoup défendu le côté objectif de son expérience et, dans son deuxième livre publié en 1989 :Transformation, il s’éloigne de la réalité physique des visiteurs pour parler de ses visions et se transformer d’abducté en shaman. P. Klass (1919-2005.), qui ne voit pas dans les abductions autre chose que des inventions suggérées sous hypnose, a reconnu ne pas croire que W. Strieber avait délibérément menti !
La couverture de la traduction de Communion publiée aux Editions J’ai Lu ne risquait pas de provoquer en France une vague d’abductions ! 1b/ Granger, Michel, Kidnappings par les E.T. Le cas du siècle, TAU CETI, n°34, avril 1995.
2/ Même les ufologues américains restèrent longtemps méfiants à l’encontre de ces rencontres très, très rapprochées. Le MUFON, notamment, Mutual UFO Network, la plus grande association ufologique américaine actuelle, refusa de s’en faire l’écho jusqu’en 1990. Elle s’est bien rattrapée depuis.
3/ Matheson, Terry, Alien Abductions, Creating a Modern Phenomenon, Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, 1998. 4/ Dans les années 1970-80, il fallait 10 pages format A3 à l’UFONS(UFO Newsclipping Service, Editor David Marler, P.O. Box 1001, Edwardsville, IL 62025, e.mail : pour faire tenir mensuellement tous les articles de presse parus en Amérique sur les ovnis; aujourd’hui 4 pages suffisent parfois !
5/ Lewis, James R., The Gods have landed ;New Religions from Other Worlds, State University of New York Press, Albany, NY, 1995.
6/ Howard Menger, auteur du livre : From Outer Space to You, Saucerian Books, Clarksburg, Virginie, 1959.
7/ Jerome Clark, The UFO Encyclopedia, Omnigraphics Inc. Detroit, MI, 1998.
8/ Enlèvement vs abduction ! Justement les anglo-saxons ont inventé le verbe to kidnap pour désigner cela ; l’utilisation, par les Américains, deabducted est plus ambiguë au point que sa traduction a posé problème. L’école ufologique française dite folklorique a même joué là-dessus pour proposer le terme de ravis, ce qui révèle soit une méconnaissance grave du phénomène (peu probable ; rares sont les abductés sièges d’une expérience dite exaltante) tant l’expérience de l’abducté est le plus souvent pénible, douloureuse (qualificatifs rencontrés = viol, torture, calvaire, horreur, cauchemar, panique etc.), soit d’une tentative de récupération pour assimiler ces enlèvements à ceux figurant dans les annales du folklore. De toute façon, cette dénomination franco-française a vite fait long feu. 9/ John G. Fuller, Le Voyage Interrompu ; deux heures à bord d’un ovni, Editions du Rocher, 1982. Publié initialement en 1966. 10/ Betty a bien sûr dû raconter ses rêves à son mari, d’autant que, contrairement à ce qu’a écrit Fuller, on a aujourd’hui la preuve qu’elle avait lu un livre de D. J. Keyhoe sur les ovnis avant et nonaprès l’incident. Barney aurait intégré la séquence onirique de Betty (rêve partagé), selon le psychiatre de Boston, utilisant l’hypnose dans sa pratique, qui traita initialement le couple. Il n’y aurait eu là qu’un phénomène de fantaisie partagée. Aujourd’hui encore cette hypothèse n’est pas définitivement évacuée comme en témoigne tout dernièrement, dans le MUFON Journal d’avril 2009, une étude visant à éliminer cette possibilité. 11/ NICAP : National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomena : la plus vaste organisation ufologique au monde de l’époque. 12/ Betty, du fait de sa longévité (Barney, lui, décéda d’une hémorragie cérébrale en 1969), fut longtemps considérée comme la grand-mère des abductés ; elle continua à colporter pendant plus de 40 ans son histoire dans les congrès ufologiques qui l’invitaient régulièrement jusqu’à sa mort survenue en 2004 ; on l’y voyait souvent poser auprès d’une effigie de l’alien qu’elle disait avoir rencontré (voir Michel Granger, Mort de la grand’mère des ovnis, Dimanche S & L, 2 janvier 2005).
Le cas Hill, malgré son caractère fondateur du phénomène de l’abduction, fut largement attaqué quant à son authenticité physique. Les socio-psychologues ont trouvé à cette histoire maintes explications dont celle que Betty, conditionnées par les livres sur les ovnis, de science fiction et la télévision montrant des créatures ET à gros yeux, aurait fait passer la suggestion du rapt à la réalisation. Le couple aurait traduit en terme soucoupique une peur d’une autre origine (peur d’agression raciste contre les Noirs), dans le cadre des discriminations raciales qui sévissaient encore en Amérique (selon Michel Meurger in Alien Abductions, Scientifictions,La Revue de l’Imaginaire Scientifique, numéro 1, Volume 1, Encrage, 1995).Le support physique du fantasme aurait été selon P. Klass, la planète Jupiter exceptionnellement brillante ce jour-là (Klass, Philip J., UFO Abductions, A dangerous Game, Prometheus Books, New York, 1989.
12/ Selon D. Jacob, un autre spécialiste des abductions, c’est le cas Villas Boas, le premier abducté (le Rico Sifredi du genre). Cf. David M. Jacobs,A Brief History of Abduction Research, in Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 23, N° 1, printemps 2009. 13/ Cas Schirmer
16/ T. E. Bullard, UFO Abductions : The measure of a mystery, 1987, Volume 1 : Comparative Study of Abduction Reports et Volume 2 : Catalog of Cases, 1987. Plus de 600 pages format A4.
17/ Il s’agit de :
A. Anonyme, 1950 ;
B. M. Bachelard, 1954 ;
C. Anonyme, 1960 ;
D. Frank Fontaine, 1979 rangé dans la catégorie canular
!E. Stéphane Gasparovic, 1983. Examinons en détails les 4 cas possiblement authentiques : A/ Le 20 mai 1950, une femme rentrait chez elle à 16 h dans la Loire quand elle fut éblouie par une lumière céleste avec une sensation de paralysie. Deux énormes mains noires apparurent devant elle, comme descendues du ciel, qui la touchèrent et elle ressentit comme un choc électrique. Elle fut tirée par la tête et emportée dans un champ où elle cru sa dernière heure arrivée. Son assaillant semblait invisible. Elle réussit à atteindre les maisons les plus proches, entendit un coup de vent et vit une lumière blanche fuser au loin. Où est l’abduction ? B/ M. Bachelard, gendarme, est dit avoir été aérotransporté dans sa voiture, le 18 octobre 1954, en plein jour, par un engin en forme de cigare alors qu’il circulait entre Gelles et Coheix, dans le Puy-de-Dôme ! Bullard cite A. Michel comme référence et la revue Lumière dans la Nuit de décembre 1968 (si un lecteur peut m’envoyer photocopie, je l’en remercie). J’ai retrouvé mention de ce cas dans le livre de A. Michel : Mystérieux Objets Célestes mais il ne parle que d’une observation d’ovni traumatisante pour le témoin qui se retrouva à destination alors que son véhicule avait été ralenti à30 km/h par l’ovni. Décidément voilà deux cas plutôt récupérés qu’effectifs ! C/ C’est un cas franco-canadien développé par B. Hopkins dans son livre (18) ; il concerne Virginia Horton (pseudonyme) chez qui des séances d’hypnose régressive effectuées en 1979 réactivèrent des souvenirs oubliés, notamment concernant une rencontre inquiétante lors d’un séjour en France, en Alsace, en juin 1960, quand elle avait 16 ans. Lors d’un pique-nique familial, pour jouer avec son frère, elle était entrée dans les bois et y était restée 30 minutes à une heure, ce qui avait inquiété sa famille d’autant qu’à son retour il y avait du sang sur son chemisier. Incapable d’en préciser la cause, elle se souvenait seulement d’un cerf qui l’avait regardée drôlement ! Or les régressions par hypnose jusqu’à son personnage 19 ans plus tôt auraient révélé (!) que l’image du cerf faisait écran à un véritable contact ovni où elle avait rencontré une famille de créatures grisâtres dans un engin volant posé dans la forêt : Ils célébraient quelque chose. Du sang lui avait été prélevé par l’intérieur du nez et la cérémonie visait à fêter le résultat d’une expérience effectuée sur elle 10 ans plus tôt lorsqu’elle avait déjà été enlevée par ces mêmes êtres alors que, gamine, elle ramassait les œufs dans la grange de la ferme de son grand-père, dans le Manitoba, au Canada. Elle avait, à cette occasion, fait un voyage à bord de l’ovni et été auscultée dans un cabinet médical. Les étrangers avaient de longs doigts et des yeux sans paupières… Cas pas vraiment français, l’unité de lieu n’étant guère respectée. D/ Stéphane Gasparovic, habitant de Sommerecourt, en juillet 1983, déclara à L’Est Républicain : J’ai été aspiré par une boule de feu. Il resta absent deux heures et raconta, à l’hôpital où il avait été admis après avoir été retrouvé errant comme un robot, avoir parlé à des petits êtres avec des oreilles pointues. Assez pauvre témoignage pour briguer le titre d’abduction ! A noter que notre principal abducté français, C. Vorhilon, alias Raël, n’y est même pas mentionné !
18/ Budd Hopkins en l’occurrence, auteur de Enlèvements extraterrestres, les témoins parlent Editions du Rocher, 1995, publié initialement en Amérique sous le titre Missing Time, Ballantine Books, New York, 1981. En 1991, il confiait avoir reçu plus de 4000 lettres d’experiencers d’abduction et en 2003, J. F. Moffitt met 1500 cas d’abduction à son crédit (in Moffitt John F.,Picturing extraterrestrials ; Alien Images in Modern Mass Culture, Prometheus Books, Amherst, NY, 2003).
19/ Showalter, Elaine, Hystories, Hysterical Epidemics and Modern Culture, Picador, Grande Bretagne, 1997. 20/ Je ne sais pas vraiment où M.-T. de Brosses a pu trouver que ce sondage OMNI comprenait 450 questions si ce n’est qu’elle n’a même pas dû avoir la revue en main ! 21/ Remarquer dès le début le côté tarabiscoté des questions qui n’est peut-être pas étranger aux réponses. Pourquoi ne pas demander carrément : croyez-vous avoir été enlevés par des ET ? 22/ Mensuel, dont l’éditeur fut Bob Guccione et qui eut comme directeur éditorial de 1978 à 1982, le fameux auteur de science-fiction scientifique Ben Bova ; dans ses pages se mêlait un subtil mélange d’articles sur des sujets de société et d’avant-garde et des nouvelles de SF. Il cessa de paraître fin 1995 après avoir commencé en octobre 1978. Je fus un fidèle abonné. 23/ Lettre personnelle du 1er Mai 1989. 24/ Notamment le biais du public sondé plus conditionné à travers la revue que le commun des Américains à cette problématique extraterrestre. 25/ R. Bigelow est un mécène américain qui consacre son argent à l’étude des ovnis et phénomènes connexes. C’est lui qui finança notamment le NIDS (National Institute of of Discovery). Il semble qu’il veuille actuellement investir dans le MUFON. 26/ Selon un service omnibus à la maison : il s’agit en fait d’un groupe de personnes représentatif de la population américaine (ni ciblé, ni biaisé) offrant aux clients de l’organisation de sondage la possibilité de poser des questions à un échantillonnage, régulièrement remis à jour, en face-à-face et non par téléphone comme j’ai pu le lire ; les sondés sont rémunérés, d’où le coût du sondage estimé à un demi-million de dollars, soit 83 $ par pack de 11 réponses (c’est bien payé). 27/ B. Hopkins s’était fait aider dans sa tâche de formulation des questions par son collègue D. Jacobs et par le Dr Ron Westrum, professeur de sociologie à l'Université du Michigan. David M. Jacobs, historien de l’ufologie, est l’auteur, sur les abductions, deSecret Life, paru en 1992 et traduit et publié en français sous le titre : Les Kidnappeurs d’un autre monde, Presses de la Cité, en 1995. Ce livre quidramatise et sexualise le scénario des abductions a eu un impact important sur la popularité du phénomène. La traduction française donnée par Sylvaine Charlet en a beaucoup atténué l’attrait.
28/ L’option questions indirectes avait été encore adoptée pour faire ressortir la majorité des abductés qui, selon les experts en la matière (eux), ne sont même pas conscients de leur statut peu enviable (sic). De plus, il s’agissait plutôt que de leur poser la question directe : avez-vous été enlevé par des ET ? de les interroger sur les symptômes spécifiques que le duo de grands spécialistes ès abductions Hopkins/Jacobs avaient dégagés de leur connaissance de la question. Inutile de dire que cette méthode fut dénoncée comme très contestable, comme par : Robert L. Hall, Mark Rodeghier et Donald A. Johnson, in Journal of UFO Studies, New Series, Vol. 4 1992, selon lesquels laprévalence des abductions n’existe pas ! Un peu comme le fait que les hypochondriaques qui, dans un dictionnaire médical, se trouvent tous les symptômes des maladies mais ne les contracteront pas toutes, voire aucune. 29/ Durant R. J., Alien Abduction Workload, Bulletin of Anomalous Experience, Vol. 4, N°1, février 1993. 30/ Une ravie interviewée par M.-T. de Brosses avoue avoir été enlevée plus d’une quarantaine de fois… !
31/ Marie-Thérèse de Brosses, auteur du livre : Enquête sur les enlèvements extraterrestres, Plon, 1995. 32/ Le fait, justement, que les abductions surviennent surtout en Amérique milite aussi en faveur d’un phénomène de société lié au contexte socioculturel plutôt qu’à un statut de peuple élu vis-à-vis des ET qui s’intéressaient surtout aux Américaines (80 % des abductés sont des femmes !). Cinq millions d’abductés en Amérique et tout juste 5 en France ! M.-T. de Brosses ne cite qu’un cas français (récent, pas de date) qui, victime de moqueries sur son cas (les abductés français ne sauraient vers qui se tourner pour parler de leur expérience) s’est réfugié dans le mutisme, sauf en ce qui la concerne. Quant à S. Allix, qui a consacré un livre à cesrencontres non humaines, il ne cite même pas un cas français ! (Allix, Stéphane Extraterrestres : l’enquête, Albin Michel, 2006). Ainsi les aliens viendraient faire jouir les Américaines et pas les françaises ! Pourquoi cette préférence ? Un correspondant Américain auquel je me suis ouvert de cetteprédilection ET m’a fait la savoureuse réponse suivante : Probablement parce que les aliens qui visitent la France sont aveugles ou stupides. Ou même gays ! 33/ voir FATE, Vol. 45 N°9, septembre 1992. Dennis Stacy, jouant la provocation in More on Alien Abduction Workload, Bulletin of Anomalous Experience, Vol. 4, N°4, août 1993, allait jusqu’à parler de 1,2 milliards d’abductés dans le monde d’où la nécessité pour le phénomène d’être psychologique. Une origine terrestre et non extraterrestre. 34/ John E. Mack, Dossiers extraterrestres : L’affaire des enlèvements, Presses dela Cité, 1995. Mack ratifia les abductions.
35/ Michel Granger et Jacques Bernot, Le problème des abductés, inREVUE FRANCAISE DE PARAPSYCHOLOGIE, Volume 1, N° 3-4, 1999-2000. Cet article copieux (30 pages) était un résumé d’un livre en préparation qui avorta vu les circonstances. 36/ Peter Brookesmith, When Aliens go to College, Fortean Times, n°238, juillet 2008. 37/ Les abductionnistes à succès, B. Hopkins et D. M. Jacobs, sont respectivement artiste peintre, sculpteur et historien (Ph. D. ?). W. Strieber est romancier. A. Druffel est sociologue. Seul John Mack avait de sérieuses références scientifiques (M. D.) : professeur de psychiatrie à la Harvard Medical School ; il fut prix Pulitzer… pour une biographie de Lawrence d’Arabie. C’est lui qui écrivait : Pour moi il est clair que des humains sont enlevés par des E.T. afin d'être utilisés dans toutes sortes d'expériences. Là, à mon avis il s’aventurait hors de son domaine de compétence. Il est d’ailleurs le seul abductionniste à s’être ainsi arc-bouté à cette cause perdue. L’intérêt du Professeur Mack pour les abductés s’est terminé malencontreusement en 2004, quand un autobus londonien l’a renversé fatalement. 38/ C’est Rémy Chauvin, dans son livre Le retour des Magiciens, JMG Editions, 2002, qui fait ce surprenant – et exclusif - amalgame en parlant d’abductions animales ! A ma connaissance, aucunabducté reconnu n’a été mutilé ! 39/ Granger, Michel Implants extraterrestres, UFOMANIA, n°14-15, mars 1997. 40/ Granger, Michel, Assurance anti-extraterrestreETRANGETES & MYSTERES, N° 31, septembre 1997. 41/ Druffel Ann, How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abduction, Three Rivers Press, New York, 1998. 42/ Fiore, Edith, Abductions ; Encounters with extraterrestrials, Sidgwick & Jackson, 1989, Londres.
43/ Si des hybrides humains/ET sont nés, il faut bien que les aliens aient quand même une certaine sexualité ? Ou bien alors pratiquent-ils une sorte de clonage à partir de leurs cellules indifférenciées et des cellules sexuelles humaines prélevées sur les abductés ? 44/ Granger, Michel, Le mystère du foetus manquant, ETRANGETES & MYSTERES, N° 20, septembre 1995. 45/ Granger Michel, Le cheveu d’E.T.SENTINEL NEWS, N°15, Octobre-Décembre 1999. Ces autocitations multiples ne sont pas là pour satisfaire mon ego mais pour éviter qu’un lecteur deUFOMANIA ne vienne me traiter ici de superficialité compte tenu de l’espace restreint qui m’est imparti pour régler un problème aussi foisonnant que les enlèvements ET type abductions. J’ai étudié par ailleurs en profondeur ce que je résume ici. Dont acte ! Quant au reste, je l’ai dit et je le répète, je n’ai rien à vendre sur la question. A la rigueur si quelqu’un veut savoir ce que j’ai écrit sur un de ces sujets particuliers qu’il s’adresse à la revue et je lui ferai copie de l’article demandé. 46/ International UFO Reporter, (Volume 24, Numéro 1). 47/ Le pauvre a dû se retourner dans sa tombe. 48/ Fortean Times, septembre 2008. 49/ Brookesmith, Peter, Roper’s Latest Knot : The 1998 Abduction Survey, The Anomalist, N°8, printemps 2000. 50/ Appel à abductés in MUFON Journal, avril et mai 2009. 51/ Et qu’on ne vienne pas me dire que certains cas de télé(trans)portation d’abductés « à la Star Trek» justifient moindrement la réalité de l’enlèvement abducteur ! La télé(trans)portation d’êtres vivants est aujourd’hui – et pour longtemps – du domaine de la science fiction. Or, on veut nous faire croire que les abductions font partie du réel. Pourquoi ? Nous vendre des salads ? 52/ Clancy, Susan A., Abducted ; How People come to believe they were kidnapped by Aliens, Harvard University Press, Londres, 2005. Ce livre soulève quelques pistes intéressantes.
Archeologen snappen eindelijk hoe de Oude Egyptenaren zo’n 4.500 jaar geleden de wereldberoemde Piramiden van Gizeh - het enige van de zeven klassieke Wereldwonderen dat nu nog overeind staat - hebben kunnen bouwen. Om het onmogelijke te verwezenlijken werd onder meer 170.000 ton kalksteen vervoerd per boot.
De Egyptenaren haalden de kalksteen uit een steengroeve in Tura, zo’n dertien kilometer van Gizeh gelegen. Daarnaast werd voor de monumentale bouwwerken ook graniet gebruikt. Die kwam van een groeve in Aswan, meer dan 850 kilometer van Gizeh verwijderd.
Dat was allebei al langer bekend, maar archeologen raakten het maar niet eens hoe al die stenen naar Gizeh (nu een deel van Groot-Caïro) meer dan 4.500 jaar geleden getransporteerd werden. Tot nu, want de ontdekking van een eeuwenoude papyrusrol, een ceremoniële boot en een netwerk van waterwegen lijkt het mysterie nu voor eens en altijd uit te klaren.
De nieuwe bewijzen tonen aan dat duizenden arbeiders de ruim 170.000 ton kalksteen met houten bootjes (gebouwd met planken en touw) via de Nijl vervoerden. De stenen - die elk tot 2,5 ton konden wegen - gingen langs speciaal daarvoor aangelegde kanaaltjes om te arriveren in een inlands haventje op amper enkele meter van de bouwwerf.
De papyrusrol is het eerste document “uit de eerste hand” over hoe de piramides werden gebouwd en werd geschreven door een opzichter met de naam Merer. Hij legt in detail uit hoe de kalksteen vervoerd werd van Tura naar Gizeh.
Het netwerk van waterwegen werd ontdekt door archeoloog Mark Lehner. “We hebben het kanaalbassin blootgelegd, waarvan wij denken dat het dienst deed als centrale afleverpunt aan de voet van het Plateau van Gizeh.
De Piramiden van Gizeh bestaan uit de Piramide van Cheops (ofwel de ‘Grote Piramide), van Chefren en van Mykerinos. De wereldwonderen werden gebouwd tijdens de vierde dynastie, tussen circa 2551 en 2472 voor Christus.
De nieuwe ontdekkingen waren zondagavond te zien op de Britse zender Channel 4 in de documentaire ‘Egypt’s Great Pyrimad: The New Evidence’.
NIBIRU SIGHTING? Does this video show Planet X UFOs arrive for end of the world?
NIBIRU SIGHTING? Does this video show Planet X UFOs arrive for end of the world?
NIBIRU did not arrive in the skies on September 23 for the apocalypse, but new video evidence has come to light, suggesting that Planet X UFOs may have come to Earth instead.
As the Planet X craze swept through the world on Saturday, thousands of conspiracy theorists and doom mongers were convicted that the world was about to end.
However 24 hours later the world still stands right where it was, and no sighting of Planet X has been reported. Or has it?
The mysterious Planet X, known also as Nibiru, is a mystical planet hidden behind the solar system that allegedly orbits the sun every 3,600 years.
The colossal planet – 10 times the size of Earth – was believed to appear in the skies yesterday to collide with Earth or signal the start of the apocalypse.
But video footage filmed in the dead of night supposedly shows that the Planet X theory may have been misunderstood, and Earth was instead visited by extraterrestrials from Nibiru.
Steven St Catherine, a freelance model who recorded the shocking footage after 2am on Sunday morning from the balcony of an apartment block in northwest London, is convinced that he saw UFOs.
Mr Catherine said: “Usually I only see things like that on YouTube and I was on the 15th floor in the high rise blocks and the view is amazing but I know that weren't a plane.”
“Trust me I've never seen nothing like it for my own two eyes,” he said, adding that he spotted five objects in the night sky.
The first of two videos posted to Facebook, was shared with the caption: “I think I saw Nibiru but I got more to freak you out with later, I recorded it on my iPhone just now.”
Planet X: Do these pictures show Nibiru aliens visiting Earth on September 23?
In the video, Mr Catherine pointed his phone at what appeared to be a pulsing light trailing across the night sky.
“Guys look at this yeah?” he says in the footage. “I don’t know what the f*** this is, but I swear to you I can see something in the f****** sky. Listen to me guys, yeah?
“Something’s in the sky guys, yeah. Remember September 23rd? There’s supposed to be a planet going by? I think this might be Nibiru.”
It is unclear just what exactly it was that Mr Catherine caught in the questionable footage. Sceptics would quickly dismiss the light as an aeroplane, drone or something else – but not Nibiru or UFOs.
But a more interesting thing happened in a second video shot by Mr Catherine, where even more bizarre looking lights appear in the sky.
Planet X: Steven St Catherine is convinced that he saw UFOs over London
In the second video he says: “All right I’m with my brother right now and again, I’m seeing something in the f***** sky?
“Now, they’ve been talking about Nibiru. Now, I say this could be a UFO, I don’t know.
Now, they’ve been talking about Nibiru. Now, I say this could be a UFO, I don’t know
Steven St Catherine
“But I know you guys can see something in the sky. I’m taping it… What is going on Rich? This is the second one. Rich, this is the second one. What is this?
“Guys I’m on the phone, an iPhone, and I’m telling you I’ve got something in the sky.”
At this point in the video the man and his brother were startled by the appearance of two identical glowing orbs in the sky.
"Oh my gosh Richie, look at that! There’s two more,” Mr Catherine says.
“Rich what’s going on? What is going on Rich? Rich what the f*** is happening like? Seriously Richie, what’s going on? Ritchie?”
Mr Catherine’s brother responded by yelling out into the quiet night: “Hey yo, yo, yo. Look up! Look at the sky!
“Hey look at the sky! Yo look at the sky! Yo if you can hear me, look at the f****** sky!
Planet X: Nibiru has been debunked by Nasa as nothing more than an online hoax
The video ends with Mr Catherine crying out that he is “not talking no rubbish”.
“I know a lot of people are on the internet talking about like Nibiru, but I say this much, I swear on everyone’s life I saw something in the sky. And I’ve just recorded it.
“Yeah? I’ve got it on my phone. Peace.”
But whether or not Mr Catherine did see a UFO or Planet X pass Earth, is a highly contested debate.
According to Nasa, the whole Nibiru mythology is an elaborate internet hoax that flares up every time someone prophesies the end of the world.
Nasa’s leading scientist Dr David Morrison said: "There is no credible evidence whatever for the existence of Nibiru. There are no pictures, no tracking, no astronomical observations.
"I can quite specifically say how we know Planet X or Nibiru does not exist and does not threaten the Earth.
"Firstly, if there was a planet headed into the inner solar system that was going to come close to the Earth, it would already be inside the orbit of Mars, it would be bright, it would be easily visible to the naked eye - if it was up there it would be easy to see it, all of us could see it.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Big bang is niet het begin van het heelal en we weten dat al 40 jaar. Deze wetenschapper doet verrassende uitspraken
Big bang is niet het begin van het heelal en we weten dat al 40 jaar. Deze wetenschapper doet verrassende uitspraken
Op school heb je vast geleerd dat het universum is ontstaan op het moment van de big bang of oerknal.
Ruimte, tijd en alle materie en energie zijn ontstaan uit een enkel punt en dijden vervolgens uit, waarna zich atomen, sterren en sterrenstelsels vormden.
Deze theorie verklaart veel van wat we zien, maar is helaas onjuist en wetenschappers weten dit al bijna 40 jaar, schrijft astrofysicus Ethan Siegel in zakenblad Forbes.
Iets vreemds
In de jaren twintig en dertig werd de theorie rond de big bang bedacht. Toen we naar verre sterrenstelsels keken, ontdekten we iets vreemds: hoe verder ze van ons af stonden, hoe sneller ze bij ons vandaan leken te gaan.
Het universum leek steeds sneller uit te dijen. Wetenschappers stelden dat er een beginpunt moest zijn geweest, waaruit het hele heelal is ontstaan.
De ontdekking van de kosmische achtergrondstraling in 1964 door Arno Penzias en Bob Wilson leek een bevestiging te zijn van de big bang.
Niet stroken
Er zijn echter een aantal specifieke dingen die niet stroken met het idee van de big bang.
Zo heeft het universum niet verschillende temperaturen in verschillende richtingen, hoewel een gebied op miljarden lichtjaren nooit de tijd heeft gehad (sinds de big bang) om te interacteren of informatie uit te wisselen met een regio op miljarden lichtjaren in de tegenovergestelde richting.
In 1979 bedacht de Amerikaanse wetenschapper Alan Guth een alternatief: de theorie van kosmische inflatie, die deze problemen zou kunnen oplossen.
De kosmische inflatie gaat uit van een vroege fase van exponentiële uitbreiding voor de big bang.
In deze toestand zouden kwantumfluctuaties blijven bestaan en zouden ze zich, terwijl de ruimte uitdijde, verspreiden over het universum.
Daarbij werden gebieden gecreëerd waar de energiedichtheid net iets afweek van het gemiddelde.
Niet het begin
De big bang heeft wel plaatsgevonden, maar pas ná de fase van kosmische inflatie, aldus Siegel.
“Wat er voor de inflatie is gebeurd, is een open kwestie, maar één ding is wel zeker: de big bang is niet het begin van het universum,” concludeert hij.
Nog steeds is het UFO fenomeen voor veel mensen een onderwerp van taboe of iets dat thuis hoort bij de mensen die je niet serieus moet nemen omdat zij ze zien vliegen.
Steeds vaker echter, verschijnen er vreemde objecten tijdens normale nieuwsuitzendingen op televisie zoals nu weer gebeurt bij een aardbeving in Mexico.
Het voorval vond plaats net nadat een krachtige aardbeving van 7.1 op de schaal van Richter de stad Pueblo had getroffen op 20 september. Een aardbeving waarbij honderden doden vielen en waarbij uiteraard de wereldpers aanwezig was om opnames te maken.
Plotsklaps verschijnt er tijdens een live televisie-uitzending een object uit de wolken, daalt een stuk naar beneden, blijft hangen om vervolgens weer naar boven te bewegen.
Alhoewel je dan al snel aan een drone denkt, ziet het object er absoluut niet uit als een drone. Het is echter zoals in de volgende opname te zien, wel degelijk een intelligent bestuurd object
De volgende opname is een close-up en daarin zie je dat het object er niet uitziet als een drone.
Dat wil niet zeggen dat het toch niet een drone zou kunnen zijn. Soms worden beelden nogal vertekend, maar een feit is dat er regelmatig UFO's worden waargenomen voor, tijdens en na aardbevingen.
En hoewel voor sommige verschijningen misschien een logische verklaring te vinden is, geldt dat zeker niet voor alle, zoals wij al schreven in een eerder artikel.
In een lokale krant in het Engelse Cumbria stond een interessant artikel over het verband tussen aardbevingen en UFO’s.
Er staat dat volgens een onderzoeksteam buitenaardsen wellicht de inwoners van Cumbria hebben gewaarschuwd voor een naderende aardbeving in de Ierse Zee.
De North West Ufo Research Group zegt dat het aantal UFO meldingen in de streek omhoog schoten vlak voor de aardbeving vorige maand. Hierdoor wordt door diverse mensen gesteld dat de onbekende lichten in de lucht waarschuwingen hiervoor waren.
Er vond een aardbeving plaats op 25 augustus en volgens Pat Regan, oprichter van de onderzoeksgroep, werden er in weken voorafgaand aan de beving vreemde dingen gemeld.
Volgens Regan is het geen toeval dat er zoveel waarnemingen waren vlak voor de aardbeving en zegt ze dat er zich wereldwijd een bepaald patroon aftekent. “Het gebeurt over de hele wereld. Een paar dagen voor de tsunami op Tweede Kerstdag in 2004 werd er door mensen in Indonesië en India een vreemde UFO waargenomen”.
Het is ook niet de eerste keer dat iets dergelijks in Cumbria voorkomt. In 2009 was er eveneens een aardbeving van 3.7 op de schaal van Richter en ook toen waren er meer UFO meldingen dan normaal. “Het is een fenomeen wat zich voordoet. Waardoor dit wordt veroorzaakt weet niemand”.
Pat Regan heeft intussen een boek geschreven over het verband tussen UFO’s en aardbevingen. Helaas wordt er niet bij verteld hoe het boek heet of waar het te krijgen is.
Het lijkt erop dat Regan gelijk heeft want zo werd er bijvoorbeeld vlak voor de grote aardbeving en tsunami in Japan in 2011 ook een verhoogde UFO activiteit waargenomen.
Niet alleen bij hele grote aardbevingen doet dit verschijnsel zich voor. Zo werd er ook een UFO gefilmd op 4 april dit jaar in Mexico, vlak voor een beving met een kracht van 4 op de schaal van Richter.
De vraag die onbeantwoord blijft is: “Waarom zijn die UFO’s daar?” Is het inderdaad om de mensheid te waarschuwen of is er een andere reden.
Zuid Amerika is het continent bij uitstek voor buitenaardse zaken en dat zeker wanneer de politie een buitenaardse fotografeert.
De plaatselijke media stonden enkele dagen geleden in de Argentijnse stad Corrientes bol van de verhalen over een alien in een lokaal park.
Update: 25 september 2017
In het originele artikel schreven wij het verhaal over een politieman die een foto had genomen van een alien in een park in de Argentijnse stad Corrientes. Deze gebeurtenis ging viraal en alles en iedereen schreef over dit bijzondere voorval.
Vooral omdat in de Spaanstalige media werd vermeld dat de foto echt was omdat deze was genomen door een politieman kreeg het verhaal de nodige geloofwaardigheid.
Echter, ook hier is toch weer sprake van hoax, zoals we vernamen van een lezer:
Als trouwe lezer van jullie site wil ik jullie graag informeren over het volgende;
In het artikel over de alien in het park in Argentinië (Corrientes) zit een foto. Volgens deze Twitter pagina is die foto afkomstig uit de Spaanse horrorfilm O.V.N.I. en dus niet gepubliceerd door de politieagent.
Het begon allemaal op dinsdag 13 september toen een aantal tieners in het Mitre Parque in de Argentijnse stad Corrientes de politie belden omdat ze "een vreemd individu" hadden zien rondsluipen in het park.
Normaal gesproken maakt de politie waarschijnlijk niet zoveel werk van dit soort meldingen, maar in dit geval lag het toch anders. Alsof ze wisten dat ze met iets bijzonders te maken hadden.
De melding werd gedaan in de avond of het begin van de nacht en de volgende ochtend bleek dat het park was afgezet en dat er een aanzienlijke politiemacht op zoek was naar iets.
De reden dat het complete park werd afgezet, is omdat de politie met eigen ogen heeft kunnen zien over wat voor "vreemd figuur" die jong volwassenen hadden gezien.
Niet alleen dat, maar één van de agenten slaagde erin om een opname te maken van wat al snel de alien werd genoemd. Toen de politie dichterbij probeerde te komen vluchtte het weg, sprong vervolgens in het water en was verdwenen.
De foto die door de politie agent in Corrientes werd genomen, liet het volgende zien.
Alhoewel het misschien in eerste instantie wel wat lijkt op een mens zie je toch ook dingen waarbij je gaat denken aan een buitenaards wezen. Zo lijkt de vorm van het hoofd typisch op dat wat past bij een alien. De verhoudingen zijn niet goed in te schatten maar de lengte lijkt ook langer dan die die bij een mens gewoon zijn. En ook de ledematen lijken in een andere verhouding tot het lichaam te staan.
Wat we zeker weten, is dat de foto echt is, omdat deze is vrijgegeven door de politie en ook door een agent is genomen met zijn mobiele telefoon.
Iets dat ook opvalt in de foto is dat het wezen geen kleding schijnt te dragen en dat het over goed ontwikkelde spieren beschikt. Ondanks alle inspanningen van de politie is er verder geen enkel spoor aangetroffen van dit zeer bijzondere figuur.
Volgens plaatselijke radiozenders waren er in de dagen voorafgaand aan de waarneming van deze alien diverse vreemde lichten boven de stad waargenomen. Ook waren er de laatste tijd opvallend veel UFO waarnemingen in Argentinië.
Of dit alles verband houdt met de alien in het park weten we niet, maar wel dat er eerder dit jaar ook een bijzonder incident plaatsvond in de Argentijnse stad Corrientes.
In februari van dit jaar verschenen er beelden van een UFO die achter een helicopter aan zat, of andersom, en ook dat veroorzaakte toen nogal wat ophef.
Kortom, het mysterie in Corrientes van de vreemde objecten in de lucht en ronsluipende aliens in het park zal nog wel even voort duren.
One of the more interesting stories to come out of the recent Devils Tower UFO Rendezvous conference in Wyoming was the discussion in a presentation by a UFO expert about his own encounter with, not an unidentified flying object, but an unidentified ‘submerged’ object. What did he see and why are so many concerned that the US military is involved in a coverup?
Marc D’Antonio is an astronomer, chief video analyst for MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), a film industry advisor and the CEO of FX Models, a model making and special effects company. That extensive background is why he’s invited to speak at many UFO conferences, including the recent one at Devils Tower and the upcoming International UFO Conferenceto be held in Arizona in February 2018. His speech and workshop topics at Devils Tower included MUFON Field Investigator Training, The Real Science of ET, UFOTOG II and a stargazing outing while wearing his astronomer hat. Those topics and activities make it seem strange that one of the media outlets covering the event, The Sun, chose to highlightone segment of one of the talks where D’Antonio discussed something he observed while looking down rather than up.
Marc D’Antonio
(photo from Devils Tower UFO Rendezvous)
According to the account in The Sun, D’Antonio remembered a trip on a US Navy submarine a number of years ago when the sonar operator suddenly began yelling “Fast mover! Fast mover!”
“The executive officer comes out and the operator shows him the path of the object and the officer says ‘How fast is that going?’ And the kid said ‘several hundred knots’. I start to lean forward to listen in – and the officer said ‘Can you confirm it?’ So he goes to another sonar machine and confirmed it wasn’t a machine anomaly – it was real. I thought ‘Wow that is incredible’. When the sonar guy said ‘What do I do with this?’ the officer said ‘log it and dog it’ – in other words log it and bury it.”
The Sun reports that D’Antonio said he kept the information for four years before asking a “senior naval figure” about it.
“I asked him ‘Can you tell me about the Fast Mover Program’? He looked at me and said ‘Sorry Marc I can’t talk about that program’. So he basically confirmed to me that the program exists – he said everything without seeing anything. What that told me was that USOs are common – we even have a program in place to classify and log and determine the speed of them and it goes into a vault.”
Unfortunately, there seem to be no other accounts of this particular portion of any of Marc D’Antonio’s presentations nor any statement by D’Antonio himself – his own report in Huffington Post of the conference focuses on the stunning beauty of the landscape of the Devils Tower area and the dark sky above it. How did he go from a sonar operator yelling the seeming vague exclamation “fast mover” to the existence of a ‘fast mover program’ (or progamme)? Was it a lucky guess or a calculated trick to ask a “senior naval figure” about such a program, whose existence the “official” allegedly did not deny.
Devils Tower
That doesn’t seem to be enough information to confirm the existence of a government secret program hiding reports of unidentified submerged objects, but it does highlight the benefits of non-governmental programs like UFOTOG II (UFO photography) where he’s working with sci-fi visual effects expert Douglas Trumbull to set up a state-of-the-art and extensive remote UFO detection system that will collect sightings in a database made available to the public to both encourage more people to scan the skies and help identify and learn from the sightings.
He probably wouldn’t object to scuba divers and private submarine captains doing the same thing.
Strange Sound from the sky in Slovakia caused by cloaked UFO?
Strange Sound from the sky in Slovakia caused by cloaked UFO?
It is not a new phenomenon, strange eerie sounds heard from the sky, and it has been reported all over the world in recent years.
While some scientists have analyzed records of these sounds and said that they are acoustic gravity waves and formed in the upper atmosphere, what people hear is only a small fraction of the actual power of these low frequency acoustic emissions, a physics professor at the University of Saskatchewan theorized that it's more likely electromagnetic noise emitted from auroras and radiation belts.
Then there are some theorists who claim that there is a fundamental relation between the UFO phenomenon and magnetic-vortex-gravity anomalies in the Grid.
At all, it seems that no one knows exactly the source of these sounds.
Maybe it is just a natural phenomenon that sometimes occurs in the upper atmosphere but what if huge cloaked UFOs are responsible for these sounds?
The latest strange sound from the sky has been recorded in Slovakia on September 24, 2017 and once again what might be causing the eerie sound?
Armed Military Ordered Bait Diggers To Stay Off British Beach After Seeing Mysterious Triangle UFOs
Armed Military Ordered Bait Diggers To Stay Off British Beach After Seeing Mysterious Triangle UFOs
The appearance of two triangular UFOs created a buzz not only to bait diggers working on a beach, but also the military. The two workers said they had seen the mysterious objects that seemed to enter the sea at Wilsthorpe Beach in East Yorkshire.
Paul Sinclair, a paranormal investigator, talks about the Wilsthorpe incident in a new book. The event has been dubbed as the Britain’s new Roswell because of the strange military activity apparently connected to UFO sightings.
The two workers were employed in a bait shop at nearby Bridlington Harbour. They were working when the incident took place.
Mr Sinclair said the two men were at Wilsthorpe digging in the mass tides when they saw triangles going into the sea. Then soldiers with guns asked the two workers what they were doing and where they were going. The soldiers reportedly told them to stay away from the beach to avoid arrest.
The bait diggers claimed that they hung around looking the military men from the cliffs. They saw the military men had what appeared to be metal detectors while going up and down the beach. Mr Sinclair also shared how a married couple in their 80s spotted around 30 to 40 UFOs hovering above the same beach in the night. The next day, the military operation took place. The incident happened on September 14, 2009, at 11 pm. The pair lived in a flat that overlooked the sea at Wilsthorpe.
When the couple decided to go to bed, the woman saw a glow outside. Something told the woman to go outside. She opened the front door and looked towards the sea where she saw several glowing UFOs over the coast. She described the mysterious things as 15 feet long and 8 feet wide. She claimed that they left after about half an hour.
The next day, the couple saw two Chinook helicopters landed at the beach by the remote hamlet. These helicopters were full of RAF personnel, according to the couple.
A man working on a boat at Blythe Park confirmed the presence of the military personnel.
Mr Sinclair tried to find out the reason of the military operation on September 15 through submitting a Freedom of Information request to the Ministry of Defence (MoD). The office responded saying that it was just a routine military exercise and no live ammunition was used. It added that explosions were controlled detonations of simulated ammunition. It also revealed that when they conducted regular exercises such as the one in question, they would seek landowner’s consent.
Nevertheless, Mr Sinclair still believes it is connected to a high level of reported UFO activity between May and September 2009 in the East and North Yorkshire coast. He stated that the case did not yet prove to be UFO-related. However, after investigating the case and obtaining historical coastguard reports from the period, he thinks the military arrived due to the presence of the unidentified flying objects.
It was long thought the gloomy octopus was a solitary creature, only interested in meeting others to mate once a year.
But new research shows these creatures are not the loners previously thought and like to hang out in a small city off the Australian coast which scientists have dubbed 'Octlantis'.
In the comforts of their underwater commune these creatures display complex social behaviours - either directly in den evictions or indirectly through posturing, chasing or colour changes.
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It was long thought the gloomy octopus was a solitary creature, only interested in meeting others to mate once a year. But, international researchers found a site in the waters off the east coast of Australia that is home to up to 15 gloomy octopuses (pictured)
The first gloomy octopus site was observed in Jervis Bay off the east coast of Australia and described in 2009 by Matthew Lawrence, an independent scholar and an author on the paper.
Named Octopolis, up to 16 animals were observed interacting there.
It contained several dens as well as a human-made flat object around 30cm (12 inches) long.
It was thought at the time that perhaps these octopuses required an artificial object around which to form their settlement.
The second site is located just a few hundred meters away from the first site, and has been dubbed Octlantis.
The site is about 10 to 15 meters (33 - 49 feet) under the water's surface and is about 18 meters (59 feet) in length and four meters (13 feet) wide.
It is composed of a few patches of exposed rock and beds of discarded shells from prey animals.
A total of 13 occupied and 10 unoccupied octopus dens — holes excavated into sand or shell piles — were found at the site.
International researchers led by the University of Illinois-Chicago and Alaska Pacific University studied the site in Jervis Bay off the east coast of Australia that is home to up to 15 gloomy octopuses (Octopus tetricus).
While little is known about the solitary lives of octopuses, a few octopus settlements have been found in recent years.
The new site is the second gloomy octopus settlement found in the area, and the discovery lends credence to the idea octopuses are not necessarily loners and socialise under the right conditions.
'At both sites there were features that we think may have made the congregation possible — namely several seafloor rock outcroppings dotting an otherwise flat and featureless area,' said Stephanie Chancellor, a Ph.D. student in biological sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago and an author on the paper.
'In addition to the rock outcroppings, octopuses who had been inhabiting the area had built up piles of shells left over from creatures they ate, most notably clams and scallops.
'These shell piles, or middens, were further sculpted to create dens, making these octopuses true environmental engineers.'
The first gloomy octopus site was observed and described in 2009 by Matthew Lawrence, an independent scholar and an author on the paper.
Named Octopolis, up to 16 animals were observed interacting there. It contained several dens as well as a human-made flat object around 30cm (12 inches) long.
It was thought at the time that perhaps these octopuses required an artificial object around which to form their settlement.
The second site is located just a few hundred meters away off Eastern Australia, and has been dubbed Octlantis.
(A) Two octopuses partly buried in scallop shells on the shell bed; (B) map of the site; (C) three octopuses in the cellular cement block; (D) probing by a male octopus with a non-mating arm; (E) a 'tent' mating by a large male with a smaller female and (F) two octopuses in a 'face-to-face' position
Complex social behaviours evolve over generations. The new site is the second gloomy octopus settlement found in the area, and the discovery lends credence to the idea that octopuses are not necessarily loners
The site is about 10 to 15 meters (33 - 49 feet) under the water's surface and is about 18 meters (59 feet) in length and four meters (13 feet) wide.
It is composed of a few patches of exposed rock and beds of discarded shells from prey animals.
A total of 13 occupied and 10 unoccupied octopus dens — holes excavated into sand or shell piles — were found at the site.
The researchers dove to place four GoPro cameras at the new site to film for a day, recording 10 hours of footage that showed numerous social interactions among the inhabitants.
The newly-discovered settlement of gloomy octopuses supports the idea that octopuses can congregate and socialise under the right conditions. Pictured is a visitor to Octlantis
A total of 13 occupied and 10 unoccupied octopus dens — holes excavated into sand or shell piles — were found at the site. Pictured is a resident octopus
The first gloomy octopus site was observed in Jervis Bay off the east coast of Australia and described in 2009 by Matthew Lawrence, an independent scholar and an author on the paper. The second site is a few hundred metres away
The number of octopuses observed at the site ranged from 10 to a high of 15.
'Animals were often pretty close to each other, often within arm's reach,' Ms Chancellor said.
Mating, signs of aggression, chasing, and other signalling behaviours were observed.
Researchers believe that it is not that the octopus behaviour has changed but that human's ability to observe their behaviour has.
'Some of the octopuses were seen evicting other animals from their dens. There were some apparent threat displays where an animal would stretch itself out lengthwise in an 'upright' posture and its mantle would darken', she said.
In the comforts of their underwater city these creatures display complex behaviours - either directly in den evictions (pictured) or indirectly through posturing, chasing or colour changes
researchers believe that it is not that the octopus behaviour has changed but that human's ability to observe their behaviour has. Pictured is an evicted octopus
'Often another animal observing this behaviour would quickly swim away.
'This behaviour could be territorial but we still don't really know much about octopus behaviour. More research will be needed to determine what these actions might mean', she said.
A great deal of energy is exerted during antagonistic behaviour, and it could lead to a potential risk of injury to the octopus, according to the study which is published in Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology.
'We still don't know what the benefits are of this kind of behaviour, which is linked closely to living in densely populated settlements, compared to the life of a solitary octopus', said Ms Chancellor
Today, UFO’s and ET’s are much easier to talk about than ever before. In the mid 1900’s, bringing up the topic would be like directly asking others to publicly call you crazy. But over the years it has become a very popular subject and many appear to be lifting the veil on what is a very elaborate government coverup regarding the existence of UFO’s & Extraterrestrials
Disclosure has happened, it starts with former presidents Truman, Carter, Regan and (the Soviet Unions Gorbachev). I’ve got stacks of generals, including Soviet generals who’ve come out and said UFOs are real. My point is, how many times do senior officials need to come forward and say this is real? – Army Col John Alexander
The phenomenon being reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious – US General Nathan Twining
All Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin, flying saucers – or UFOs if you want to call them by that name – Maurice Chatelain, Fomer Chief of NASA communication systems
Humanity has been progressing in it’s understanding that it is not the only intelligent life form in our universe. Extraterrestrial life has been confirmed through a variety of different sources as we continue to contemplate the reality behind our space brothers and sisters. High ranking military and political figures have come forth over the past few years sharing their experiences, previously classified files by dozens of governments from all over the world have now made their way into the public domain. Government files indicate objects travelling at high rates of speed that are (sometimes) tracked on military radar performing maneuvers that defy our understanding of physics. When military jets are scrambled, hundreds of air force pilots have described the same thing.
I was thinking that firing at this thing may not be the best idea, I didn’t know what it was but I knew it was not of this Earth. It was not a man made object, they could stop, they could absolutely stand still and they could go mock 10 or more and any time. It was something that we humans know nothing about – Dr. Milton Torres, rtd. jetfighter pilot us air force
We or at least some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. It is ironic that the US should be fighting monstrously expensive wars, illegibly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have been kept deliberately in the dark
– Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defence Minister
Department of Defense personnel recently shared their experiences at the national press club in September 2010. UFOs spotted at nuclear missile sights and tampering with equipment is nothing new. This is a global phenomenon, more evidence presenting itself for us to see that we are not alone.
Apart from released government files, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National Security Agency (NSA), and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have also collectively released some of their UFO files in 2011. We now have admittance from the military, governments, and three letter agencies that UFOs are real.
Officers of G2 (Army Intelligence) have discussed the matters of Unidentified Ariel Objects otherwise known as flying discs, flying saucers, and balls of fire. This matter is considered top secret by the and the air force – 1949 FBI Memo
Several eye-witness, as well as military and government cases have suggested that many different species of extraterrestrials exist in our universe, other universes and other dimensions. All are made up of the same life force that we are made up of, all of us are infinite consciousness, all of us are the same playing out different existences and experiences.
On planet earth, humanity is rapidly waking up to the presence of extraterrestrials and that is why we have seen statements, files and other documentation manifest into our reality. Collectively, as we become more aware of our entire earth experience and what has been occurring, we express our hearts desire for change. As we express our hearts desire for change openly and just be ourselves and come from a place of love, we attract those that have gone through the same process.
Many extraterrestrials are here assisting with our collective desired direction, they help in many ways beyond our understanding. Others have been involved with our governments in technological exchange programs, and some have been involved with the manipulation that has occurred on this planet by the illuminati. It is important to realize that we are one on this planet, the human beings of earth are responsible for changing it, the human beings of earth are responsible for the direction of it. Souls on the planet that have the courage to be themselves and shine their light through their thoughts, actions and reactions, you are having a tremendous effect in raising the earths vibration into a whole new plane of existence.
When it comes down to it, we are all vibrating energy, some vibrate at a higher rate than us and others at a lower rate. Inner peace, love, understanding and acceptance are returning to the planet. Harmony and balance with nature and the realization that we are all interconnected with everything is directly related to the extraterrestrial phenomenon, among other things.
We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an Act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity…Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do
– Ben Rich, Former Head of Lockheed Skunkworks
The entities that we did catalogue, were in fact humanoid.
– Sgt Clifford Stone
At no time when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs
– Astronaut Scott Carpenter
Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
We’re used to the idea of searching for space aliens by scanning the heavens for their radio signals — after all, that’s what Jodie Foster’s character does in the 1997 movie Contact and the way alien hunters commonly go about their work.
But some scientists think the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) shouldn’t be limited to far-flung star systems. Rather, they argue, we should consider the possibility that evidence of intelligent aliens might exist here on Earth, or on one or more of our nearest neighbors in the solar system.
These scientists aren’t saying aliens might be living among us now. They’re raising the possibility that another intelligent species lived or visited our cosmic neck of the woods millions or billions of years ago and left behind so-called “technosignatures” — things like radios, rockets, or other examples of advanced technology — that might yet exist deep underground or out in space. – Should We Be Looking for Space Aliens a Bit Closer to Home?
“It occurred to me that the idea has all but vanished from the professional literature, and I wanted to point this out and ask to what degree it is gone because we have ruled it out,” Penn State astrophysicist Dr. Jason Wright told NBC News MACH in an email. “We need experts in a variety of fields across – Should We Be Looking for Space Aliens a Bit Closer to Home?
astrobiology, geology, and anthropology to look at all the data to make concrete statements” about whether there’s a chance that advanced space aliens once lived or visited here.
Wright, who outlined his provocative argument in a paper published June 1 in the “International Journal of Astrobiology,” said he doubted that intelligent aliens ever lived on Earth. Even if they did, he said, we’re unlikely to find their technosignatures because they’d likely have been destroyed long ago by erosion and Earth’s ever-shifting land masses.
Similarly, it’s unlikely that technosignatures might yet exist on Venus, given its extreme heat and volcanic activity. But “the subsurface of Mars or the moon would be a good place for something to survive, say, billions of years, because there are no plate tectonics to destroy things there, and beneath the surface things would not be badly eroded by wind, dust, and meteorite impacts,” Wright said.
If alien technosignatures do exist on Mars or the moon, it’s conceivable that we could use Earth- or space-based telescopes to detect them. Or it could take a little digging, by a future moon or Mars rover — or even an astronaut’s hands. Given the pace of space exploration, of course, these possibilities are decades away from realization.
What do other experts make of Wright’s musings? – Should We Be Looking for Space Aliens a Bit Closer to Home?
Dr. Avi Loeb, professor of astronomy at Harvard University, thinks it’s highly unlikely that Earth was once home to advanced beings other than humans. “First of all,” he said, “we don’t find any computer terminals in archaeological digs,” giving another example of a technosignature we might we might find in a dig if technologically advanced beings arose on Earth before us.
But, Loeb said, “There could have been a visit by another alien civilization” from another solar system. The aliens might have visited us in person, he said, or via some form of space probe.
If Wright is curious about what might lie below the surface of Mars and the moon, Loeb seems more interested the possibility that technosignatures could be found in space.
Telescopes could be used to look for strange objects left behind by some advanced spacefaring civilization — for instance, a craft that might have been used to ferry beings or space probes our way. One way to mount this effort — what has been called the Search for Extraterrestrial Artifacts — would be via a sky survey. That’s a set of repeated telescopic viewings of the night sky that is often used to identify objects relatively close to Earth.
Stars over Yushu county, in the mountains of Qinghai province as the Milkyway rises in the night sky. AFP/Getty Images / This Content Is Subject To Copyright. – Should We Be Looking for Space Aliens a Bit Closer to Home?
Stars and galaxies remain fixed in these observations because they are so far away. Anything that changes its position from night to night is closer to us and thus likely to be an asteroid, dwarf planet, a spacecraft launched by NASA or another space agency — or, theoretically, an alien rocket abandoned long ago.
“You’re looking for the needle in the haystack here, something unusual,” Loeb said.
Sky surveys have been mounted by many organizations, including the Planetary Society and the SETI Institute. But most have been aimed at distant star systems. The few that have looked for objects in our own solar system are nearly 40 years old, and they came up empty.
None of the legitimate scientists who have wondered about the possibility of alien life right here on Earth expects that someday we will find a “smoking gun” proving that aliens once visited us or that Earth was once home to advanced beings that predated humans. But they think those possibilities may be worthy of scientific inquiry. As Loeb said, “There is no special reason they would have visited, but it’s worth checking.”
If you go back around a hundred years in time you’ll find that speculation about extraterrestrial life was rampant, much like today. However, in 2017, our expectations of finding life in the solar system are much more measured than they were for our ancestors. No more theories of lakes on Mars dug by the Martian race or Dinosaurs walking on a balmy Venus.
Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, which is currently on the lookout for alien signals coming from the depths of space, has run through the most likely places we will find simple microbial life in our solar system; the list includes places we’re already exploring but also other places we’ve only taken photos of, on flyby missions.
First on the list, is Mars. The red planet is the most extensively searched place that features on the list, we’ve sent crafts to orbit the planet, we’ve landed rovers to learn more about the terrain of the planet and now we are preparing to land people on the surface. Shostak believes there could be life forms hidden under the dusty surface of Mars, about 30 meters down or below, where some liquid water may also be present.
Next up we have three of the four Galilean moons that orbit around Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. Io is a fiery volcano planet so it’s not considered to be particularly hospitable to life, however, the remaining three, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede have potential. According to Shostak, Europa’s subsurface oceans could host life which might survive using the hotspots at the bottom of the oceans which are like “little mini volcanoes and that would give you energy for life.” Both Ganymede and Callisto also host oceans but Europa remains the most likely place for life.
The next location is Saturn, where two of its moons, Titan and Enceladus, could potentially harbor life. Although less well known than Europa, Enceladus is one of the most likely places where life could be found and it turns out that it’s not so hard to find out either. Shostak said “it’s shooting geysers into space. So you don’t have to land. You don’t have to drill. You just go grab some of [that] geyser gunk and bring it back to Earth and maybe you’ll find aliens.” Titan, on the other hand, has liquid lakes of natural gas, so it could also sustain life.
The final candidate that Shostak put forward was Pluto. We’ve only just got decent pictures of the dwarf planet thanks to a flyby. Shostak hypothesizes that there are pockets of liquid water underneath the surface of Pluto which means it could also host microbial life.
When asked whether we’ll find extraterrestrial intelligent life, Shostak replied that it might be found in the next two decades. “There’s a lot of real estate out there, right? There are a trillion planets in the Milky Way. We can see a trillion other galaxies, each with a trillion planets. If they’re not out there, then all these people behind us are really special.”
It may seem impossible to discover extraterrestrial intelligent life in the next 20 years, but considering the leaps that human technology has made over just the past two decades, it could be possible, or perhaps it's just a hopeful bias.
NIBIRU SIGHTING? Does this video show Planet X UFOs arrive for end of the world?
NIBIRU SIGHTING? Does this video show Planet X UFOs arrive for end of the world?
NIBIRU did not arrive in the skies on September 23 for the apocalypse, but new video evidence has come to light, suggesting that Planet X UFO’s may have come to Earth instead.
As the Planet X craze swept through the world on Saturday, thousands of conspiracy theorists and doom mongers were convicted that the world was about to end.
However 24 hours later the world still stands right where it was, and no sighting of Planet X has been reported. Or has it?
The mysterious Planet X, known also as Nibiru, is a mystical planet hidden behind the solar system that allegedly orbits the sun every 3,600 years.
The colossal planet – 10 times the size of Earth – was believed to appear in the skies yesterday to collide with Earth or signal the start of the apocalypse.
But video footage filmed in the dead of night supposedly shows that the Planet X theory may have been misunderstood, and Earth was instead visited by extraterrestrials from Nibiru.
Steven St Catherine, a freelance model who recorded the shocking footage after 2am on Sunday morning from the balcony of an apartment block in northwest London, is convinced that he saw UFOs.
Mr Catherine said: “Usually I only see things like that on YouTube and I was on the 15th floor in the high rise blocks and the view is amazing but I know that weren't a plane.”
“Trust me I've never seen nothing like it for my own two eyes,” he said, adding that he spotted five objects in the night sky.
The first of two videos posted to Facebook, was shared with the caption: “I think I saw Nibiru but I got more to freak you out with later, I recorded it on my iPhone just now.”
Planet X: Do these pictures show Nibiru aliens visiting Earth on September 23?
In the video, Mr Catherine pointed his phone at what appeared to be a pulsing light trailing across the night sky.
“Guys look at this yeah?” he says in the footage. “I don’t know what the f*** this is, but I swear to you I can see something in the f****** sky. Listen to me guys, yeah?
“Something’s in the sky guys, yeah. Remember September 23rd? There’s supposed to be a planet going by? I think this might be Nibiru.”
It is unclear just what exactly it was that Mr Catherine caught in the questionable footage. Sceptics would quickly dismiss the light as an aeroplane, drone or something else – but not Nibiru or UFOs.
But a more interesting thing happened in a second video shot by Mr Catherine, where even more bizarre looking lights appear in the sky.
Planet X: Steven St Catherine is convinced that he saw UFOs over London
In the second video he says: “All right I’m with my brother right now and again, I’m seeing something in the f***** sky?
“Now, they’ve been talking about Nibiru. Now, I say this could be a UFO, I don’t know.
Now, they’ve been talking about Nibiru. Now, I say this could be a UFO, I don’t know
Steven St Catherine
“But I know you guys can see something in the sky. I’m taping it… What is going on Rich? This is the second one. Rich, this is the second one. What is this?
“Guys I’m on the phone, an iPhone, and I’m telling you I’ve got something in the sky.”
At this point in the video the man and his brother were startled by the appearance of two identical glowing orbs in the sky.
“Oh my gosh Richie, look at that! There’s two more,” Mr Catherine says.
“Rich what’s going on? What is going on Rich? Rich what the f*** is happening like? Seriously Richie, what’s going on? Ritchie?”
Mr Catherine’s brother responded by yelling out into the quiet night: “Hey yo, yo, yo. Look up! Look at the sky!
“Hey look at the sky! Yo look at the sky! Yo if you can hear me, look at the f****** sky!
Planet X: Nibiru has been debunked by Nasa as nothing more than an online hoax
The video ends with Mr Catherine crying out that he is “not talking no rubbish”.
“I know a lot of people are on the internet talking about like Nibiru, but I say this much, I swear on everyone’s life I saw something in the sky. And I’ve just recorded it.
“Yeah? I’ve got it on my phone. Peace.”
But whether or not Mr Catherine did see a UFO or Planet X pass Earth, is a highly contested debate.
According to Nasa, the whole Nibiru mythology is an elaborate internet hoax that flares up every time someone prophesies the end of the world.
Nasa’s leading scientist Dr David Morrison said: "There is no credible evidence whatever for the existence of Nibiru. There are no pictures, no tracking, no astronomical observations.
"I can quite specifically say how we know Planet X or Nibiru does not exist and does not threaten the Earth.
"Firstly, if there was a planet headed into the inner solar system that was going to come close to the Earth, it would already be inside the orbit of Mars, it would be bright, it would be easily visible to the naked eye - if it was up there it would be easy to see it, all of us could see it.”
Bizarre UFOs Spotted Crossing Surface of Moon through a Telescope
Bizarre UFOs Spotted Crossing Surface of Moon through a Telescope
The reports represent what people have reported to the world as UFO sightings and encounters. This is in no way, shape or forms a release of information that allows the authorities and enthusiasts to examine all that they know about the phenomenon. Although the investigations have obviously been handled more competently and professionally, still those encounters were debunked as a hoax. According to YouTuber Crrow777, he has spent many years of trailing using a high-definition camera via telescope on the moon. The user admitted that he captured a wide array of objects that are passing to the lunar surface. They even included a “boomerang” object.
According to the witness, it is made up of 3 interconnected discs, regular discs, and a strange unevenly-shaped object. Crrow777, who has been narrating in his videos, claims to film the moon through a telescopic lens, for many years. So, he knows well that the UFOs are not insects, birds, or satellites that were soaring much closer to the Earth and had been made an optical illusion as to their shape, size, and dimension. In a promotional blurb for the footage, he added that the footage is a compilation of unidentified objects transiting the moon. But bear in mind that he was a major conspiracy theorist that firmly believes that the moon does not exist, and is a hologram. He even claims that the International Space Station is simply a hoax.
Many conspiracy theorists still believe that the US Government has created secret space craft that can go into space that the people are not told about. So many conspiracy theorists claim the moon is occupied by the aliens, which is why NASA never returned. As you can see, the world of Ufology is quickly garnering an incredible amount of evidence to back up the theory that UFO’s are real and visiting the earth. If pretty much everything information seems a bit far-fetched, don’t doubt an excessive amount. For the non-believers with the UFO concept, it is a good idea that they do watch some real video clippings in the UFO sightings.
Swimmers and Beachgoers Transfixed With Black Ringed UFO
Swimmers and Beachgoers Transfixed With Black Ringed UFO
Every time UFO Researchers and enthusiasts as from their space agency about astronaut unusual phenomenon and encounters, NASA sends out the debunkers. Even though many Astronauts have been coming and has been very honest about what they have witnessed in space, every space agency continually slams the door. More than a few have been lucky enough to hit right between the senses by NASA which claims that the statements brought by the Astronauts were the results of fatigue, depression, and space sickness. But would this recent strange video make any difference?
A new video that has emerged online about an object soaring in the sky over the city’s Jinshitan beach. It shows that the object was floating among the clouds before it disappeared. Swimmers and beachgoers have witnessed the ring as it flew above them. One onlooker Jing Qi said that the strange object has an oval shape and it is expanding and coming towards them closer and closer. Before it disappeared, the ring transformed its shape into a parallelogram. However, users of social media began speculating on the website’s credibility since they were able to trace the possible origin of the object from Weibo, China’s version of Twitter. As per ET Today, several eyewitnesses have suggested that the ring could have been formed through a group of insects that are moving together. Web users, however, were wise to point out a justifiable explanation in connection of being strange due to its sudden appearance.
Despite the reasonable explanations of swimmers, the residents still believe that the ring had been caused by the visual effects of decorations or lights that had just taken place on the beach. Later on, a spokesperson from a local playground has confirmed that the ring was a consequence of a flame from a show organized for the public. They added that the smoke from the special effects has manifested as a strange floating ring in the sky.
7 Lessons 'Star Trek' Taught Us About Life, Leadership and Diversity
7 Lessons 'Star Trek' Taught Us About Life, Leadership and Diversity
By Elizabeth Howell, Contributor
Photo Credit: Paramount
0. Never Stop Exploring
"Star Trek" is, at its roots, an exploratory series. Whether the crew is exploring a sector by choice, or stranded due to unfortunate accident (ahem, "Voyager"), their primary focus when tooling around the universe is looking for new things and cataloging them. As a whole, although there are exceptions, crews are respectful when meeting with aliens and, if the species happens to be less technologically advanced than themselves, they observe a "Prime Directive" of non-interference.
On the surface, this makes "Star Trek" sound like a boring series — a bunch of pacifists cataloging alien environments — but in reality, there is much more happening underneath the surface. Crews adapt over time and learn from their encounters with various species, sometimes even reflecting on how meeting other cultures makes them feel about their own species. Think about Data ("The Next Generation"), for example: an android who is always observing humans in his quest to become more human-like himself.
1. The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few
Photo Credit: Paramount
That line comes straight out of the moving "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" (1982), which many fans consider to be the best "Star Trek" movie of all time. At the movie's end, Spock exposes himself to deadly radiation, and, while dying, delivers that line to an upset Captain James T. Kirk. While Spock's sacrifice is the most famous, there are many other examples of somebody giving up something to benefit others — and we're not just talking about giving up your life. [Abandon Ship! 'Star Trek' Loves to Destroy the Enterprise]
Think about the number of times that the Enterprise hears a distress call or sees a stranded ship. Usually, they want to rush to the rescue (even if it's to their own crew's detriment, such as being exposed to a nasty disease in "The Original Series" episode "The Naked Time," 1966). Crewmembers not only willingly give up their lives for others, but also give up career or life opportunities. For instance, in "The Next Generation" episode "Sins of the Father" (1990), Worf willingly accepts a traitor accusation on behalf of his family to stop civil war among the Klingons. Worf's decision essentially makes him an exile from his people.
2. Embrace Diversity
Photo Credit: Paramount
"Star Trek" broke barriers with each successive series, which is clear even when taking a quick glance at the main cast. "The Original Series" (1966-69) had a black woman, a Russian (during the Cold War) and an Asian man among the main cast, and is popularly cited as featuring the first interracial kiss. "The Next Generation" (1987-1994) had high female representation, and included episodes dealing with matters such as homosexuality and robot rights. Other series had milestones such as including several aliens in the main cast ("Deep Space Nine", 1993-1999), or featuring a female captain ("Star Trek: Voyager," 1995-2001).
One can argue that "Star Trek" had more leeway in portraying crews this way because it was a science fiction series, but its decisions to embrace diversity still caused some difficulties for cast members. Kate Mulgrew (who played Captain Kathryn Janeway on "Star Trek: Voyager") told a convention audience in 2017 that she was asked repeatedly for her character to have sex, something she felt shouldn't be necessary for a captain. As for the interracial kiss, some reports say that NBC never intended for the Deep South to see it — a decision that fortunately did not come to fruition.
3. Questions the Status Quo
Photo Credit: Paramount
"Star Trek" also wasn't afraid to poke holes in the politics and beliefs of our times. Series creator Gene Roddenberry famously wanted to portray a utopian future where even the crew members did not argue among one another. While "Star Trek" eventually did allow crews to bicker among themselves for dramatic purposes, there are several episodes in every series that challenge viewers to look at their culture and ask themselves what is truly right.
A few examples: "Balance of Terror," 1966 ("The Original Series") was an episode ostensibly about an encounter with the Romulans, but in reality it was showing that the Cold War between the United States and Russia was probably a futile exercise. "Terra Prime," 2005 ("Enterprise") dealt with a terrorist group that created a Vulcan/human hybrid baby to try to incite conflict among Earthlings and Starfleet. "Past Tense, Parts 1 and 2," 1995 ("Deep Space Nine") was a thinly veiled look at class conflict.
4. Lead Boldly, but Also Listen
Photo Credit: Paramount
Every "Star Trek" series has a captain with his or her own distinctive personality; while hard to capture a person in a word, some adjectives to describe each captain could be bravado (Kirk), strategy (Picard), skepticism (Sisko), sarcasm (Janeway) and dutifulness (Archer). Whatever their personality, however, each of these captains certainly occupied the chair with dignity and class — but still willing to admit they needed the help of others to do the job correctly.
For example: In the episode "Detained," 2002 ("Enterprise"), Archer is held captive in a prison and although he has an escape plan, it requires the efforts of the entire crew to get him out of there. "Deep Space Nine" episode "The Visitor," (1995) sees Sisko have a new appreciation of his son after, in an alternate timeline, his son makes a moving sacrifice to help Sisko.
5. In Every Decision, Use Logic and Emotion
Photo Credit: Paramount
"The Original Series" probably had the best-meshing top three crew members: Captain James T. Kirk, Science Officer Spock and Dr. James McCoy, the crew's doctor. Spock was an extremely logical Vulcan alien, while McCoy was an extremely emotional doctor (who often complained that Kirk was asking him to do things outside of his expertise.)
When Kirk made a decision, he would often listen to both sides before deciding what to do. Kirk was also a brilliant strategist, in that he wouldn't just take one side or the other, but would combine logic and emotion to solve a problem. (Or sometimes Kirk would just go his own way anyway, but that was Kirk.)
6. Learn from Entities That are Better Than You
Photo Credit: Paramount
We see this lesson over and over again in the "Star Trek" series simply because there are different specialties among each crew. Uhura ("The Original Series") is famously gifted in linguistics, for example, so her abilities to interpret other languages are respected and used by her crewmates. But in a strategy sense, there is perhaps no better example of improving from your enemies than the various crews' encounters with the Borg. [How 'Star Trek' Technology Works (Infographic)]
The Borg is an enemy that assimilates all aliens it meets into a collective, and they're able to do so because their ships are powerful and their hive mind is good at strategy. But despite their advantage, the humans are able to overcome them on several occasions — sometimes by allying with members of the enemy themselves. For example, the character Seven of Nine ("Voyager") is temporarily re-assimilated back into the Borg during the two-part episode "Dark Frontier" (1999), but uses her insider knowledge to help other crew members escape while placating the Borg queen. In the episode "Collective" (2000), Seven extracts information from the Borg to get the true names of some assimilated children.
7. Life Lessons
Photo Credit: Paramount
Below are seven of the many lessons that "Star Trek" taught us, in honor of the new series "Star Trek Discovery" making its debut Sept. 24. May the series, coming in the 51st year of the "Star Trek" franchise, live long and prosper!
As autumn brings with it cooler temperatures and clearer night skies, Douglas Vakoch, president of Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI), wants you to take the opportunity to survey the glory of our galaxy — and to contemplate the existence of alien life.
“You look at the night sky — virtually all of those stars have planets,” Rosenberg said in an exclusive interview with Futurism. “Maybe one out of five has it at just the right zone where there’s liquid water. And so we know there are a lot of places that there could be life. Now the big question is, are they actually trying to make contact, or do they want us to try?”
METI’s stance is that we should assume the latter, and the collection of scientists have taken it upon themselves to reach out to any potential alien civilizations. In fact, the next transmission planned for next year. However, there have long been voices opposed to this strategy — perhaps the most prominent of which being Stephen Hawking.
Hawking, a noted physicist and author, supports the search for aliens, but regularly cautions against attempting contact. Hawking argued in “Stephen Hawking’s Favorite Places,” a video on the platform CuriosityStream, that aliens could be “vastly more powerful and may not see us as any more valuable than we see bacteria.”
Paying Our Dues?
These are not warnings that Vakoch takes lightly. “Well, when Stephen Hawking, a brilliant cosmologist, has said, ‘whatever you do, don’t transmit, we don’t want the aliens to come to Earth,’ You’ve got to take it seriously,” Vakoch told Futurism.
But there’s one key point that Hawking really doesn’t seem to take into consideration in this assessment, Vakoch said.
It’s the fact that every civilization that does have the ability to travel to Earth could already pick up I Love Lucy. So we have been sending our existence into space with radio signals for 78 years. Even before that, two and a half billion years, we have been telling the Universe that there is life on here because of the oxygen in our atmosphere. So if there’s any alien out there paranoid about competition, it could have already come and wipe us out. If they’re on their way, it’s a lot better strategy to say we’re interested in being conversational partners. Let’s strike up a new conversation.
It’s Vakoch’s belief that humanity’s first contact with alien life will occur within our lifetimes. Butven if it does not, he believes the METI project will be foundational to any relationship our world builds with others.
“Sometimes people talk about this interstellar communication as an effort to join the galactic club. What I find so strange is no one ever talks about paying our dues or even submitting an application. And that’s what METI does,” Vakoch said. “It’s actually contributing something to the galaxy instead of saying gimme gimme gimme me. What can we do for someone else.” e
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute believes that our Solar System could possibly harbour life forms in the microbial level and have listed seven places that are the likely candidates.
Seth Shostak, senior astronomer with SETI, in an interview with Futurism has said that there are "at least seven other places in our own solar system, so kind of next door places you could get to with a rocket, that could have microbial life," adding that it is likely that microbial life is found before intelligent life.
1. Mars
The red planet is one of the first candidates for finding life, notes the report. With more and more information coming out about the planet's chemical and environmental makeup, it might not be too unrealistic to expect to find life there. Nasa recently uncovered a "key ingredient for life" in a fascinating chemical discovery on Mars as they found Boron.
The highest concentration of boron measured on Mars is in this mineral vein called "Catabola,"NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/LANL/CNES/IRAP/LPGNantes/CNRS/IAS
2. Jupiter's moons
Europa is a prime candidate for finding a life within its sub-surface oceans. There are hot spots at the bottom where "little mini volcanoes and that would give you energy for life," said Shostak.
The Europa mission will see a craft landing on the icy moon within the next 15 yearsNASA/JPL-Caltech
Ganymede is the largest moon in the entire Solar System, notes the report and could support life in its ocean beneath the thick ice sheets on the surface.
Callisto is another moon that even has an atmosphere apart from its ocean, says the report.
3. Saturn's moons
Recently it was reported that chemical "precursors" to life was confirmed on Saturn's largest moon, Titan as Nasa found the right chemical setup that can support cell membranes on that moon. According to the Futurism report, there are large liquid lakes that are filled with natural gas and these could be good places to start looking for life.
Another satellite of Saturn– Enceladus is another prime candidate in the search for life and according to Shostak, an even more favourable place for life to form. The report points out that it might be even easier to study life in Enceladus as it shoots plumes of ice into space. "You don't have to land. You don't have to drill," explained Shostak. "You just go grab some of those geyser gunk and bring it back to Earth and maybe you'll find aliens."
Vents and plumes on Enceladus' south pole.NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/Mosaic by Emily Lakdawalla
One of the reasons why Cassini spacecraft had to plunge into Saturn was because scientists believed that if there happens to be life on any of its moons, there is a possibility of contamination from Cassini that they needed to avoid.
4. Pluto
Pluto is believed to have pockets of liquid water under its surface and according to Shostak "any place [where] you have liquid water — liquid of any kind — maybe have microbes." It was reported that the New Horizons probe discovered blue skies and red "water ice" on Pluto as well as numerous small, exposed regions of water ice.
The rugged, icy mountains on Pluto are as tall as 11,000 feet highNasa
The report surmises that these seven places in the solar system have the right conditions –not just water– to support life. Shostak said: "You have something that gives you food, fundamentally, and the opportunity to create life, which after all is just organic chemistry."
In a previous report by Futurism, it was noted that there being life on alien planets and actually finding life on those planets are different aspects as humans might not even recognise life that is completely different in form. Earth's atmosphere allows for life that is carbon-based, but planets with atmospheres that have biosignatures made of different other gasses could possibly hold life that is completely unrecognisable to humans.
We think we know what it means when we see certain transit signalsNASA Goddard Space Flight Center, CC BY
Given the current state of our home planet, and indeed our species, it can seem a bit surplus to needs to speculate on whether extraterrestrials are going to one day come and eat us (or, well, you know, do anything equally unpleasant).
Nonetheless, the question of whether there's anyone or anything 'out there' that might ever show up to cause trouble does seem to come around again, and again, and again. For example, it's become a bit of a perennial topic for Stephen Hawking to mention, and he's not alone among serious scientists in speculating on the outcome of any such encounter.
As with any effort to decode the likely thought processes or intents of entirely hypothetical lifeforms, the options are - shall we say - fairly loosely constrained.
I do agree with Hawking's general thinking that if a species goes to all the trouble of undertaking interstellar travel itself (rather than sending robotic scientific probes) the chances are that it wants more than a few nice anecdotes for the next edition of the Really Lonely Planet Guide to the Galaxy.
But contrary to many Hollywood-style sci-fi tales, I doubt that what an alien species needs are most of the usual tropes: water (what, one of the most abundant compounds in the cosmos?), human slaves (seriously, you can traverse interstellar space and you need slaves?), or some mystical 'life-force' to be drained from us all (no, just no).
A semi-plausible motivation would actually be the need for a functional biosphere, because an alien home-world has gone belly-up. Although here too, if you can sustain life on a mothership (for the sake of argument) for what would be at least decades, if not centuries of travel, would the need for a planet be quite so desperate? Maybe it would be. As anyone with half a cup of grey-cells in their head is painfully aware, a planetary ecosystem, replete with chemical recycling, photosynthesis, and moderately stable climate regimes, is actually pretty useful, hard to replicate, and possibly the very best life-support system money can buy.
Of course it's easier to set up a colony if the indigenous lifeforms don't include anything particularly intelligent, so the cost-benefit analysis has to include the effort of handling the locals who might get in your way. Option A is to try to be nice and hope you get asked to co-exist, Option B is to follow the template of what humans have successfully, and desplorably done to each other over the millennia: "I know you were here first, but now it's ours and we're going to make it GREAT (again)".
Which brings me to the real point of this post. If the single greatest motivation for a species to go interstellar, and to show up in a hostile fashion, is because their home system can no longer support them, we should be trying to find those nearby exoplanets where it looks like life is on its way out.
Being able to actually do this is a way off, so bear with me. Suppose though, in the not-so-distant-future, we do have the capability to confirm the presence of a biosphere on an exoplanet, and we have refined our techniques so that we can measure stuff like industrial pollution, climate change, and perhaps even the infra-red excess of active technology. In this case we might be able to gauge the odds that life has messed things up good and proper.
With this information in hand we could go as far as assigning a probability that a technological species on one of these dismal worlds will pack up and come looking for a new home. And, given that this would tell us the best directions to be looking in, we might conceivably be able to pick up signs of an interstellar launch, or deceleration, or other activity.
There you have it. The best way to avoid hostile alien invasion, or at least be forewarned, is to continue funding all that wonderful exoplanetary science; research that will answer a bunch of other critically interesting questions along the way.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
TV-uitzending onderbroken door mysterieuze boodschap over aliens en Armageddon. Dit is hoe mensen erop reageerden
TV-uitzending onderbroken door mysterieuze boodschap over aliens en Armageddon. Dit is hoe mensen erop reageerden
Amerikaanse tv-kijkers keken donderdag raar op toen de uitzending plotseling werd onderbroken door een doembericht.
Geschokte kijkers zagen opeens een noodbericht in beeld komen, waarna een mannenstem waarschuwde voor een buitenaardse invasie en het begin van de Armageddon.
De bizarre waarschuwingen werden uitgezonden in de omgeving van Orange County in de Amerikaanse staat Californië.
Extreem gewelddadige tijd
De onbekende man zei: ‘Besef je dit: we gaan een extreem gewelddadige tijd tegemoet’ en dat ‘de wereld eindigt op 23 september’.
Reddit-gebruiker smittenkitten77 ontdekte dat deze uitspraak was gedaan in het christelijke radioprogramma Insight for Living met Chuck Swindoll.
“Het was net of Hitler aan het woord was,” vertelde Stacy Laflamme aan de Orange County Register. Ze voegde toe: “Het klonk als een radioboodschap die op tv werd uitgezonden.”
Area 51
In een filmpje van de uitzending, dat op YouTube is gezet, wordt gesproken over contact met aliens die het militaire establishment hebben geïnfiltreerd, met name Area 51.
De website Gizmodo wist te achterhalen dat het hier gaat om een boodschap die Art Bell van radioshow Coast to Coast AM in 1997 kreeg van een man die claimde in Area 51 te hebben gewerkt.
Het is nog onduidelijk of de boodschappen met opzet of per ongeluk zijn uitgezonden. De kabelbedrijven weten niet hoeveel klanten de waarschuwingen te zien kregen.
Er wordt nog onderzocht waar het signaal precies vandaan kwam. Veel tv-kijkers waren naar verluidt erg geschrokken van de uitzending.
Vreemde radioflitsen vinden iedere seconde plaats in het heelal. Zijn dit signalen van aliens?
Vreemde radioflitsen vinden iedere seconde plaats in het heelal. Zijn dit signalen van aliens?
Wetenschappers die speuren naar snelle radioflitsen, volgens sommigen signalen van aliens, zeggen dat ze op ieder moment plaatsvinden.
Snelle radioflitsen zijn signalen die slechts enkele milliseconden duren en om die reden zijn ze erg lastig te vinden. Er is nog niets bekend over de exacte herkomst van dit soort flitsen.
Als het mysterieuze fenomeen een teken van intelligent leven in het universum is, lijken de nieuwste bevindingen te suggereren dat het veel algemener voorkomt dan gedacht.
Iedere seconde
Onderzoekers van het Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) hebben berekend hoe vaak snelle radioflitsen in het waarneembare heelal plaatsvinden.
Uit hun onderzoek blijkt dat er iedere seconde tenminste één radioflits wordt geproduceerd.
Toen de mysterieuze flitsen in 2001 werden ontdekt, hadden astronomen nog nooit eerder zoiets gezien.
Sindsdien hebben ze enkele tientallen snelle radioflitsen waargenomen, maar ze weten nog steeds niet hoe ze precies ontstaan.
Hoofdonderzoeker Anastasia Fialkov zei: “Als we gelijk hebben over het hoge aantal snelle radioflitsen, kun je de hemel in dit geval vergelijken met paparazzi die foto’s maken van een beroemdheid.”
“Deze flitsen zijn echter niet met het blote oog te zien, maar komen in de vorm van radiogolven,” vervolgde ze.
“In de tijd dat jij een kop koffie zit te drinken, zijn er honderden snelle radioflitsen geweest ergens in het heelal,” aldus coauteur Avi Loeb.
“Als we ook maar een fractie van die flitsen goed kunnen bestuderen, zouden we hun herkomst moeten kunnen bepalen,” zei hij.
Mysterious Glowing Orb follows his own flight trajectory over London
Mysterious Glowing Orb follows his own flight trajectory over London
The Orb phenomenon is still a mystery. While, some researchers have agreed that some orbs are the result from natural phenomena such as insects, dust, pollen, or water vapor there is no doubt that some orbs may well be representing something supernatural, a reality that is not yet understood by UFO and paranormal investigators.
Is such an Orb evidence of spirit presences representing the essence or soul of a departed person or is such a luminous sphere something that is under intelligent control of an extraterrestrial race?
While there is a lot that has yet to be explored about this phenomenon, it has been proven that authentic orbs have their own flight trajectory and they emit their own light and that is exactly what Gary Lowe has filmed when he was in his car through Dagenham, Greater London on September 23, 2017.
When Mr. Lowe noticed the object in the sky he then pulled his car over and started to film the glowing object, which erratically darting across the sky and was moving ‘too fast to be explained' without making a sound, reports dailymail.
The Gurdon Light is said to be an eerie white-blue, sometimes orange, glowing light that moves through the trees near the railroad tracks, off Interstate 30 in southern Arkansas.
Local legend has it that the light is the lantern of a railroad worker who fell on the tracks and was beheaded, or in another variation the light of a worker who was killed in a brawl on the tracks. Thought by most to be too far from the highway to be car lights, the light remains a mystery. Some scientists have postulated the possibility of a piezoelectric effect. Piezoelectricity is generated by materials such as certain ceramics and crystals, which when bent or squeezed generate electricity and sparks. A very similar phenomenon (triboluminescence, which generates electricity and light when a material is broken rather then bent as in piezoelectricity) can be seen in the sparks of WintOGreen Lifesavers.
One possible explanation for the Gurdon light is that underground quartz crystals in the area are under constant stress and cause an electric reaction that results in the glow. Unlike other mysterious lights, the Gurdon Light is reported to always be present, but only visible at night. The light has been chronicled by the television show Unsolved Mysteries and remains a Halloween favorite for locals.
About 75 miles south of Little Rock, down Interstate 30, just east of Interstate 67, pull over at the railroad tracks, and walk down the tracks about two miles, crossing four creek bridges. Alternative: It may be difficult to find from I-67. The better way may be to get off I-30 at state road 53 and turn right on a dirt road just before where the tracks cross 53, about half-way from I-30 to down-town Gurdon. The only way to find this spot is to look for the unlabeled tracks crossing 53 on Google maps. There's also a small pull-over on the left (if you're coming from I-30) close to where the tracks used to cross the road (which are now invisible from 53).
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Apocalypse Now? Doomsday Predictions Are Just Recycled Bogus Theories
Apocalypse Now? Doomsday Predictions Are Just Recycled Bogus Theories
By Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Contributor
Credit: Igor Zh./Shutterstock
Old doomsday predictions never die. They just get recycled.
Just six years after radio preacher Harold Camping promised the apocalypse, and five years after the end of the Mayan calendar was supposed to extinguish life on Earth as we know it, new doomsday predictions have arrived. This time, they come via YouTube and a man named David Meade, who claims that the first spiritual sign of the apocalypse will arrive today (Sept. 23).
Meade's theories meld biblical prophecy with astronomy. He claims that on Sept. 23, there will be a rare alignment of the sun in the constellation Virgo — with the moon just to the east — with nine stars and three planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) clustering around the constellation's head, like a crown. This is supposed to be the sign foretold in the beginning of Revelation 12, which reads, in the New International Version of the Bible: "A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth." [Doomsdays: Top 9 Real Ways the World Could End]
The date, Sept. 23, is 33 days after the total solar eclipse that crossed the United States in August. That number is meaningful to Meade because Jesus Christ is said to have been 33 when he died.
This astronomical sign, Meade said, is evidence that the end is near. In October, he said, the mysterious Planet X will pass close to Earth, which will mark the beginning of seven years of Tribulation — a period of time that some say will be full of hardships before the second coming of Christ — followed by the rapture of true believers to heaven and a millennium of peace. [Oops! 11 Failed Doomsday Predictions]
Astronomy plus apocalypse
Meade's theories echo a lot of ideas that have been floating around conspiracy and doomsday circles for years. Planet X, sometimes known as Nibiru, was supposed to have crashed into Earth during the Mayan apocalypse of 2012 or maybe in 2011, or was it 2003? The problem with this idea is that a rogue planet hurtling toward Earth just doesn't exist. The hysteria over the mythical planet got so pitched in 2011 that NASA scientist David Morrison made a YouTube video to explain that Nibiru isn't real, and that if a giant planetary object were zooming through the solar system, it would be easily visible from Earth and easily detectable from gravitational changes in the orbits of planets in our solar system. (Confusing matters, there is a possible "Planet X" beyond Pluto, but astronomers have not proved its existence yet. If it exists, it orbits far at the outskirts of the solar system. "Planet X" is what scientists call possible planets that have yet to be identified.)
Eclipses, too, have long been associated with the end. According to the writings of 16th-century Franciscan friar Bernardino de Sahagún, Aztecs made human sacrifices during a total solar eclipse, fearing that if they did not, the darkness would never lift. "It was thus said: 'If the eclipse of the sun is complete, it will be dark forever! The demons of darkness will come down. They will eat men,'" de Sahagún wrote.
The Vikings, too, felt they had to do something to prevent perpetual darkness — in their mythology, a wolf named Skoll was eating the sun, and they had to make noise to scare the monstrous beast away, lest the sun vanish forever.
Total eclipses, though, are visible from someplace on Earth roughly every 18 months. The alignment of the sun in Virgo is not particularly rare, either — it happens once a year, every September. Earth's view of the sun's relationship to the stars simply changes as it moves through its yearly orbit. That's why astrologers developed the concept of the 12-month zodiac.
Nor are the other stellar alignments around Virgo on the 23rd that unusual, according to EarthSky. The moon passes through every constellation of the zodiac throughout the month, so it's regularly just east of Virgo. The crown of 12 stars upon Virgo's head on the 23rd is an arbitrary designation, according to EarthSky, because there are more than nine stars in the constellation Leo, which is supposed to make up the stellar portion of the crown. [Monsters of the Night Sky: Strange Constellations to See in Fall]
What's more, this exact arrangement of stars and planets has happened before, EarthSky found. In the past 1,000 years alone, it occurred in 1827, 1483, 1293 and 1056.
Biblical predictions
Repetition doesn't appear to faze Meade. When asked by Live Science whether the failed Planet X predictions of recent years gave him any pause in his own prognostications, he responded by email, "There's never been a year like 2017. Read my book."
In fact, there's plenty of evidence that failed doomsday predictions don't do much to forestall future "prophets." Nineteenth-century preacher William Miller, founder of the group that would eventually become the Seventh-day Adventists, predicted doomsday in 1843, then in 1844, and died five years later, still thinking the end was nigh. Camping, who took out billboards to advertise the supposed coming apocalypse in 2011, had previously promised the end of the world in 1994. (Camping died in 2013.) In one famous 1954 case, a woman named Dorothy Martin convinced her followers that although the end of the world was coming, a UFO would drop by to save them. When nothing happened on the appointed date, Martin and her followers decided not that they'd been wrong, but that their faith had saved the world from doom. A psychologist who had infiltrated the group wrote about their reaction in the book "When Prophecy Fails" (Harper-Torchbooks, 1956).
"The real tragedy of this kind of thinking is that many people do take it seriously," said Allen Kerkeslager, a comparative religion professor at St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia. Sometimes a mythical apocalypse really does become the end of the world, at least for believers. Between A.D. 66 and 73, the Jews of Judea revolted against their Roman occupiers, Kerkeslager said, bolstered by prophecies that promised that their struggle was part of a great End Times battle and that God would rescue them at the last minute. God did not, and tens of thousands died.
"There are so many past cases showing that no amount of contrary evidence or failed prophecies will ever deter some of the people who believe that the Bible has codes about an apocalyptic end that will leave their own group triumphant," Kerkeslager told Live Science in an email. "For such people, there is no need to negotiate or compromise in delicate international political crises and arms races, no need to work out peaceful resolutions with countries deemed somehow part of an 'axis of evil,' and no need for concern with environmental problems such as the impact of human-caused climate change on a planet that is going to be destroyed and recreated anyway. So all of this does have very real and very dangerous negative social implications."
Apocalypse everywhere
For most people, it's easy to dismiss Meade, and certainly the idea that the world will enter its last throes tomorrow has no more to back it up than the umpteen failed predictions that came before it. But apocalyptic thinking is everywhere, said Robert Joustra, a political scientist at Redeemer University College in Ontario and co-author of the book "How to Survive the Apocalypse:Zombies, Cylons, Faith, and Politics at the End of the World" ( Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2016).
Postapocalyptic shows like "The Walking Dead" or "The Leftovers" are a secular way of dealing with the same questions that the Book of Revelation would have been written to answer, Joustra said: What is the point of all this suffering? What is the meaning of life? How should we live now, in the midst of all our struggles?
The symbolism in the apocalyptic Book of Revelation would have had a very different meaning to the early, badly persecuted Christians who read it compared to people of the 21st century, Joustra said. They would have taken certain numbers, like 7, to represent perfection and completion, not as an invitation to start pulling out the calculator to predict the date of the rapture. For them, Revelation would have offered a measure of comfort, promising that their suffering under Roman rule would eventually amount to victory and eternal peace.
A more individualistic approach to the apocalypse dominates today's pop culture, Joustra said. Ever since the invention of the atomic bomb, he said, mainstream apocalypse narratives have shifted from something that God will do to something humans will cause. The question then becomes what sort of person an individual will be once you strip away laws, institutions and social mores, he said. [Doom and Gloom: 10 Post-Apocalyptic Worlds]
It's a concept that would have flummoxed the ancients, Joustra said. For example, the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotlebelieved that humans were defined by their relationships, institutions and communities. Stripping those things away and then asking what was left would be almost nonsensical, Joustra said.
"It's a much more individualistic way of thinking about human nature and the apocalypse that I think is different from anything else in human history," he said.
If and when we finally encounter aliens, they probably won’t look like little green men, or spiny insectoids. It’s likely they won’t be biological creatures at all, but rather, advanced robots that outstrip our intelligence in every conceivable way. While scores of philosophers, scientists and futurists have prophesied the rise of artificial intelligence and the impending singularity, most have restricted their predictions to Earth. Fewer thinkers—outside the realm of science fiction, that is—have considered the notion that artificial intelligence is already out there, and has been for eons.
Susan Schneider, a professor of philosophy at the University of Connecticut, is one who has. She joins a handful of astronomers, including Seth Shostak, director of NASA’s Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI, program, NASA Astrobiologist Paul Davies, and Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology Stephen Dick in espousing the view that the dominant intelligence in the cosmos is probably artificial. In her paper “Alien Minds,” written for a forthcoming NASA publication, Schneider describes why alien life forms are likely to be synthetic, and how such creatures might think.
“Most people have an iconic idea of aliens as these biological creatures, but that doesn’t make any sense from a timescale argument,” Shostak told me. “I’ve bet dozens of astronomers coffee that if we pick up an alien signal, it’ll be artificial life.”
With the latest updates from NASA’s Kepler mission showing potentially habitable worlds strewn across the galaxy, it’s becoming harder and harder to assert that we’re alone in the universe. And if and when we do encounter intelligent life forms, we’ll want to communicate with them, which means we’ll need some basis for understanding their cognition. But for the vast majority of astrobiologists who study single-celled life, alien intelligence isn’t on the radar.
“If you asked me to bring together a panel of folks who have given the subject much thought, I would be hard pressed,” said Shostak. “Some think about communication strategies, of course. But few consider the nature of alien intelligence.”
Schneider’s paper is among the first to tackle the subject.
I’m not saying that we’re going to be running into IBM processors in outer space. In all likelihood, this intelligence will be way more sophisticated than anything humans can understand.
“Everything about their cognition—how their brains receive and process information, what their goals and incentives are—could be vastly different from our own,” Schneider told me. “Astrobiologists need to start thinking about the possibility of very different modes of cognition.”
“There’s an important distinction here from just ‘artificial intelligence’,” Schneider told me. “I’m not saying that we’re going to be running into IBM processors in outer space. In all likelihood, this intelligence will be way more sophisticated than anything humans can understand.”
The reason for all this has to do, primarily, with timescales. For starters, when it comes to alien intelligence, there’s what Schneider calls the “short window observation”—the notion that, by the time any society learns to transmit radio signals, they’re probably a hop-skip away from upgrading their own biology. It’s a twist on the belief popularized by Ray Kurzweil that humanity’s own post-biological future is near at hand.
“As soon as a civilization invents radio, they’re within fifty years of computers, then, probably, only another fifty to a hundred years from inventing AI,” Shostak said. “At that point, soft, squishy brains become an outdated model.”
Schneider points to the nascent but rapidly expanding world of brain computer interface technology, including DARPA’s latest ElectRX neural implant program, as evidence that our own singularity is close. Eventually, Schneider predicts, we’ll not only upgrade our minds with technology, we’ll make a wholesale switch to synthetic hardware.
“It could be that by the time we actually encounter other intelligences, most humans will have substantially enhanced their brains,” Schneider said.
Which speaks to Schneider’s second line of reasoning for superintelligent AI: Most of the radio-hot civilizations out there are probably thousands to millions of years older than us. That’s according to the astronomers who ruminate on such matters.
“The way you reach this conclusion is very straightforward,” said Shostak. “Consider the fact that any signal we pick up has to come from a civilization at least as advanced as we are. Now, let’s say, conservatively, the average civilization will use radio for 10,000 years. From a purely probabilistic point of view, the chance of encountering a society far older than ourselves is quite high.”
It’s certainly humbling to consider that we may be galactic infants of beetle-like intelligence compared with our cosmic brethren. But despite their superior processing power, there’s a fundamental aspect of cognition our interstellar neighbors may lack: Consciousness.
It sounds bizarre, but, Schneider writes, the jury’s still out on whether any artificial intelligence is capable of self-awareness. Simply put, we know so little about the neurological basis for consciousness; it’s almost impossible to predict what ingredients might go into replicating it artificially.
“I don’t see any good reason to believe an artificial superintelligence couldn’t possess consciousness, but it’s important to identify the possibility,” said Schneider.
Still, Schneider feels the assertion that artificial life simply can’t possess consciousness is losing ground.
“I believe the brain is inherently computational—we already have computational theories that describe aspects of consciousness, including working memory and attention,” Schneider said. “Given a computational brain, I don’t see any good argument that silicon, instead of carbon, can’t be a excellent medium for experience.”
You don’t spend a whole lot of time hanging out reading books with your goldfish. On the other hand, you don’t really want to kill the goldfish, either.”
I hope she’s right. Somehow, the notion of a galaxy teeming with soulless supercomputers is way creepier than introspective, WALL-E-like beings, or dry, sardonic Qs.
The concept of superintelligent alien AI still sounds very speculative. And it is. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth consideration. Indeed, expanding our purview of alien intelligence may help us identify life’s fingerprints in the cosmos. “So far, we’ve pointed antennas at stars that might have planets that might have breathable atmospheres and oceans and so forth,” Shostak told me. “But if we’re correct that the dominant intelligence in the cosmos is artificial, then does it have to live on a planet with an ocean?”
It’s a bit of a mind-bender to think that habitable worlds may hold false promise when it comes to advanced alien life, but that seems to be Shostak’s conclusion.
“All artificial life forms would need is raw materials,” he said. “They might be in deep space, hovering around a star, or feeding off a black hole’s energy at the center of the galaxy.” (That last idea has seen its way into a number of science fiction novels, including works by Greg Bear and Gregory Benford).
Which is to say, they could be, essentially, anywhere.
Begging a final question: How might superintelligent aliens view us? Will our cosmic cousins see us as nothing more than convenient biofuel, a la the Matrix? Or do they study us quietly from afar, abiding by a Star Trek-esque maxim of non-interference? Schneider doubts either. In fact, she reckons superintelligent aliens couldn’t really care less about us.
“If they were interested in us, we probably wouldn’t be here,” said Schneider. “My gut feeling is their goals and incentives are so different from ours, they’re not going to want to contact us.”
That’s a welcome divergence from Steven Hawking’s claim that advanced aliens might be nomads, looking to strip resources from whatever planets they can, and that all efforts to contact said aliens may end in our own demise.
“I’d have to agree with Susan on them not being interested in us at all,” Shostak said. We’re just too simplistic, too irrelevant. “You don’t spend a whole lot of time hanging out reading books with your goldfish. On the other hand, you don’t really want to kill the goldfish, either.”
So, if we want to meet our galactic peers, it looks like we’ll probably have to keep seeking them out. That may take thousands or millions of years, but in the meanwhile, perhaps we’ll upgrade our own intelligence enough to level the playing field. And as an early Christmas present, it seems we can all tick alien robots juicing us for energy off the list of likely apocalypses.
Since their discovery in 2002, scientists have struggled to understand Fast Radio Bursts—high-energy pulses that originate from galaxies billions of light-years away. Though only a handful of these radio blips have ever been detected, new research suggests they could be a ubiquitous fixture of the cosmos, flashing about once every second throughout the observable universe. It’s an intriguing conclusion, but one lacking in observational data that would lend it support.
Scientists still aren’t sure what causes these powerful bursts of radio emission. The most popular explanation is that they are caused by rapidly spinning neutron stars with extraordinarily strong magnetic fields, known as magnetars. Much more speculatively, these bursts could be produced by an advanced alien civilisation’s antenna ray for light sail propulsion.
What we do know is that at least some FRBs are not produced by catastrophic events, such as a supernova explosion. We know this because of a Fast Radio Burst source known as FRB 121102—an object that’s producing FRBs with surprising regularity. Last month, scientists working on the Breakthrough Listen Project—a 10-year mission to search the skies for signs of extraterrestrial intelligences (ETIs)—detected 15 new FRBs from this single source. In total, only 23 FRB sources have been observed so far, pointing to the difficulty of detecting these strange signals.
By applying what we know of FRB 121102 and the other known FRB sources, Anastasia Fialkov and Avi Loeb from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics have calculated how many FRBs could exist across the entire sky. The title of their new paper, now published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, pretty much sums up their conclusion: “A Fast Radio Burst Occurs Every Second Throughout the Observable Universe.”
That’s obviously a lot—a conclusion that, if correct, would upend what we know about FRBs.
“If we are right about such a high rate of FRBs happening at any given time, you can imagine the sky is filled with flashes like paparazzi taking photos of a celebrity,” noted Fialkov in a press release. “Instead of the light we can see with our eyes, these flashes come in radio waves.”
Fialkov, who led the study, worked under the assumption that FRB 121102 is representative of all FRBs, an object located in a metal-poor dwarf galaxy about three billion light-years away.
“In our paper we calculated the rate of FRBs in the entire volume of the observable universe and found that it can reach once every second,” Loeb told Gizmodo.
As for they chose to focus their estimate on FRB121102, “FRB121102 is the only FRB for which a host galaxy and a distance were identified,” Loeb said. “It is also the only repeating FRB source from which we detected hundreds of FRBs by now. The radio spectrum of its FRBs is centred on a characteristic frequency and not covering a very broad band. This has important implications for the detectability of such FRBs, because in order to find them the radio observatory needs to be tuned to their frequency.”
“If we are right about such a high rate of FRBs happening at any given time, you can imagine the sky is filled with flashes like paparazzi taking photos of a celebrity."
Loeb says that if we can study even a small fraction of the FRBs like FRB121102, those that occur on a regular basis, we should be able to unravel their origin and answer myriad other questions.
“FRBs can be used to measure the column of free electrons towards their source,” he said. “This can be used to measure the density of ordinary matter between galaxies in the present-day universe. In addition, FRBs at early cosmic times can be used to find out when the ultraviolet light from the first stars broke up the primordial atoms of hydrogen left over from the Big Bang into their constituent electrons and protons.”
Andrew Siemion, Director of Berkeley Research Center, agrees with the conclusion of the new study, that FRBs are probably happening all the time. He also thinks determining the rate of FRBs could help to unravel celestial mysteries.
“For example, if we hypothesise that a particular phenomena is due to, say, the merger of two stellar mass black holes, but discover that the rate of the phenomena is much less or much greater than the expected rate of mergers, we know either mergers are not responsible or our rate estimate of their occurrence is wrong,” said Siemion, who wasn’t involved in the new study, in an interview with Gizmodo. “Indeed we have known for some time that FRBs are fairly common... and the fact that we detect them so rarely testifies to how difficult they are to observe and how much real estate we have to cover with our telescopes.”
But Emily Petroff, a postdoctoral researcher at the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON), says it’s still an open question as to how many FRBs are going off and how often.
“This paper is taking one approach which is to hours of looking, no other FRB has been seen to emit repeat pulses so it may not be right to assume that they all behave like this special source. But in the absence of any additional information it’s a fair assumption to make for the purposes of this model.”
Petroff says that only a small fraction of FRBs may be like the FRB 121102 repeater, which if true, would bring the numbers estimated in this paper down significantly.
“This paper makes an interesting point about what the sort of maximum number of FRBs going off at any given time might be, but I think the main takeaway is that our knowledge of FRBs is too limited at the moment to know if these distributions might be correct,” said Petroff.
Clearly, what’s needed are more observations. And as Loeb points out, we’re already—or soon will be—in the possession of tools that are capable of findings more FRBs, including the recently deployed Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) and the soon-to-be-finished Square Kilometre Array (SKA). [The Astrophysical Journal Letters]make some estimates about the underlying population and then to see how many are visible. It makes a nice contribution to the overall body of work but I don’t think it answers any fundamental questions,” Petroff told Gizmodo. “Despite hours and
Verbaasde vader ziet gloeiend object door de lucht zoeven: “Het vloog te snel om het logisch te kunnen verklaren”
Verbaasde vader ziet gloeiend object door de lucht zoeven: “Het vloog te snel om het logisch te kunnen verklaren”
Verbaasde vader ziet gloeiend object door de lucht zoeven: “Het vloog te snel om het logisch te kunnen verklaren”
Een Britse man kon zijn ogen niet geloven toen hij ’s avonds op pad ging om een meeneemmaaltijd af te halen en een onverklaarbaar voorwerp door de lucht zag vliegen. De man haalde snel zijn smartphone tevoorschijn om het gloeiende licht te filmen en publiceerde de beelden op sociale media in een poging een verklaring te vinden. “Ik kan het gewoon niet verklaren en het was iets dat ik nog nooit eerder zag”, aldus de verbaasde vader.
Gary Lowe uit Dagenham in Oost-Londen zag naar eigen zeggen iets “dat hij nog nooit eerder had gezien” en beweert dat het mysterieuze voorwerp zonder geluid door de lucht zoefde. “Het was compleet onverklaarbaar”, vertelt de vader van drie. “Ik kan gewoon niet bedenken wat het zou kunnen zijn geweest. Ik veronderstel dat het dan om een ufo gaat.”
De 38-jarige man geeft zelf toe dat hij eigenlijk niet in ufo’s gelooft en zegt dat de meeste raadselachtige fenomenen op een rationele manier kunnen worden verklaard. “Maar dat voorwerp vloog te snel. Het gloeide beurtelings rood en wit, ik kan het gewoon niet verklaren.” Lowe deelde de video van de UFO op sociale media, in de hoop dat experts hem kunnen vertellen wat hij die avond zag.
Nadat Lowe het onverklaarbare tuig in de lucht had zien hangen, zette hij zijn auto onmiddellijk langs de kant, en hij was niet de enige. “Andere mensen moeten er ook getuige van zijn geweest”, beweert hij. “Er waren andere ooggetuigen in de buurt en het ding leek vlakbij te vliegen.”
Onverklaarbaar of gewoon een drone?
Hoewel er volgens de Brit nog een andere man uit een restaurant kwam gelopen om de ufo te bekijken, zijn andere mensen niet zo onder de indruk van het mysterieuze voorwerp. “Toen ik de video aan mijn vrouw toonde, was ze amper verbaasd”, zegt Lowe. “Net zoals enkele anderen denkt ze dat het gewoon een drone was.”
Die mening deelt Philip Mantle, de voormalige directer van de Britse UFO Research Organisation: “Het probleem is dat dergelijke video’s meestal door een smartphone worden gemaakt en dus van bedenkelijke kwaliteit zijn.” Mantle geeft toe dat het gloeiende licht “veel sneller naar beneden gaat dan een gewoon vliegtuig”, maar oppert dat het gewoon een drone was die “meer dan normaal werd verlicht door de zonsondergang”.
Gary Lowe is echter niet tevreden met die uitleg en wil verder graven om het mysterie te ontrafelen: “Ik weet niet wat het was, maar ik ben geen scepticus. Het is mogelijk dat het ding van een andere planeet kwam, ik weet het gewoon niet.” Hij hoopt nu dat online ufologen meer duidelijkheid kunnen scheppen.
A black and white film said to show an autopsy on a Roswell alien was released in 1995. It was later said to be a reconstruction of actual footage
TOMORROW marks the 70th anniversary of the start of what is either the longest-running hoax in modern history or the biggest cover-up the world has even known.
It was on September 24, 1947, that US President Harry S Truman allegedly – there will be a lot of words like that in this profile – signed a special classified executive order to establish a committee of 12 experts to carry out a “top-secret research and development/intelligence operation” into the supposed crash of an alien spacecraft some 75 miles north-west of Roswell Army Air Field base in New Mexico. They were given the code name Majestic 12.
MORE like an unidentified flying object, really. Something certainly did crash north of Roswell in the summer of 1947, and at first it was clearly identified as a “flying disc” which had been recovered by Roswell base personnel.
A press release was even sent out from the base announcing its recovery, and local newspapers proudly reported that the “disc” had been impounded with the help of the local sheriff’s office.
Local people reported seeing plastic-like substances and wires lying at the site. The world’s most famous UFO incident and the whole saga of Area 51 – the designation of the “secret” land and air space around Roswell – was under way.
IN post-war America, a spate of UFO sightings and especially flying saucers had led the populace to believe that invasion from space was imminent, this on top of the growing paranoia about the USSR and the Communist threat to the good ole US of A.
The Roswell UFO incident, as it became known, started in fairly simple terms. The version of events put out by the military authorities was that the “disc” was a weather balloon, but no-one was buying that, and quite rightly so because the authorities were already colluding in a massive cover-up. The material actually came from a huge balloon that was involved in a top-secret spying mission known as Project Mogul which used balloons equipped with microphones to listen out for Soviet atomic tests. Or so the US authorities maintain to this day.
Had the US Government simply announced the truth, Roswell would probably never have featured in films such as Independence Day or television’s Dark Skies and the X-Files, but they couldn’t tell the public about something that didn’t officially exist. It’s always the cover-up that gets you …
IT took the US Government until the 1990s to admit it, but the Project Mogul explanation fits the facts. The alternative version is Majestic 12, in which the president’s dozen specialists took possession of seven to nine – depending on who you believe – crashed flying saucers and the alleged remains of up to 27 alien life forms
According to an alleged leaked memo, we even know the names of the Majestic 12. They included Sidney William Souers, a former director of central intelligence; James Vincent Forrestal, the Secretary of Defense; Jerome Clarke Hunsaker, chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics; General Nathan Farragut Twining, Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force from 1953 until 1957; Dr Vannevar Bush, head of the US Office of Scientific Research and Development during the Second World War; Detlev Bronk, internationally recognised as the developer of biophysics; Donald Howard Menzel, one of America’s greatest theoretical astronomers and astrophysicists; and General Hoyt Sanford Vandenberg, second chief of staff of the US Air Force after whom Vandenberg Air Force Base is named. None of the dozen has ever confirmed membership of Majestic 12, and let’s face it, would such men have been involved in the sort of experimentation that the “aliens” were supposed to have undergone?
THE ufologist community has been split by Majestic 12 for decades. The name only entered common usage after the allegations of a cover-up of the Roswell UFO incident emerged in the early 1980s.
Hey presto, up popped a series of “leaked” Majestic 12 documents including a memo allegedly written by Robert Cutler, assistant to President Dwight D Eisenhower, to the aforementioned General Twining, referencing Majestic 12.
More and more outlandish claims were made about Majestic 12 and allegations were made that the people who revealed the existence of the documents were involved in an elaborate hoax.
Documentaries have been produced that alternatively debunk or support the Majestic 12 theories, and one later claim was made that the whole story was an exercise in disinformation from the start, as the US Government wanted to conceal what was really going at time, namely experiments connected to the Cold War.
Both the FBI and the US Air Force have carried out lengthy inquiries and have concluded that the claims about Majestic 12 and Roswell were completely bogus. But then they would say that, wouldn’t they?
Researchers say that FRBs could help scientists unravel the origins of the universe
Ever since fast radio bursts (FRBs) were first discovered in 2001, they have posed a mystery to scientists, with questions surrounding how and where they occur. Astronomers have spotted a few dozen FRBs over the past few years and even estimated the possible origin location of the mysterious signals.
However, what causes these signals still remains a mystery. Scientists now estimate that the mysterious radio signals may be firing off every second, all across the universe.
Most FRB sources are only detected once, given that the powerful bursts last just milliseconds. One particular burst, FRB 121102, which was first detected in 2002, has since fired a further 34 bursts over the years since.
This has allowed astronomers to pinpoint the location of the FRBs, which was discovered coming from a galaxy three billion light years away.
Now, two astronomers at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) have estimated that FRBs are emitted at a rapid rate.
"If we are right about such a high rate of FRBs happening at any given time, you can imagine the sky is filled with flashes like paparazzi taking photos of a celebrity," said Anastasia Fialkov of the CfA, who led the study. "Instead of the light we can see with our eyes, these flashes come in radio waves."
Although the cause of the mysterious signals still remains a mystery, the new study indicates that FRBs may be not be as rare as previously thought. "In the time it takes you to drink a cup of coffee, hundreds of FRBs may have gone off somewhere in the Universe," said Avi Loeb, co-author of the study. "If we can study even a fraction of those well enough, we should be able to unravel their origin."
Researchers say that FRBs could help scientists unravel the origins of the universe. "FRBs are like incredibly powerful flashlights that we think can penetrate this fog and be seen over vast distances," said Fialkov. "This could allow us to study the 'dawn' of the universe in a new way."
This artist's impression shows part of the cosmic web, a filamentary structure of galaxies that extends across the entire sky with the bright blue, point sources shown here are the signals from Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) that may accumulate in a radio exposure lasting for a few minutesM. Weiss/CfA
Cassini captured mysterious 'glitch' on Saturn's rings before death dive
Cassini captured mysterious 'glitch' on Saturn's rings before death dive
Cassini sent home one last batch of photos from Saturn before plunging to its death Friday and among them was an attempt to record a mysterious object embedded in the planet's rings, otherwise known as "Peggy."
Peggy lives along the edge of Saturn and is an anomaly from which researchers have been unable to unearth the source.
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Cassini sent home one last batch of photos from Saturn before plunging to its death Friday and among them was an attempt to record a mysterious object ...
Cassini captured mysterious 'glitch' on Saturn's rings before death dive. The bizarre disturbance was first noticed in 2013 by London researcher Carl Murray ...
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The bizarre disturbance was first noticed in 2013 by London researcher Carl Murray, who named it after his mother-in-law after making the discovery on her birthday. And its effects on dust particles and surrounding ice has been recorded ever since.
Murray believes Peggy is a moon forming within the planet's rings, though researchers have yet to receive a direct image of Peggy's form.
Based on the size of the disturbance, however, Peggy's mass is estimated to be quite large. Researchers speculate its current form is likely a large cloud of debris and that it's been quite active as it is predicted to have split into two several years ago.
“When Cassini came out of its ring plane orbit in early 2016, we went back to look where Peggy should be; and we found Peggy and we've been tracking it ever since,” Murray told BBC News earlier this year.
“But a few degrees behind we could also see another object, even fainter in the sense that it had an even smaller (disturbance) signature. And when we tracked back the paths of both objects, we realized that in early 2015 they would have met," Murray added. "So, probably, Peggy 'B', as we call it, came from a collision of the sort that causes Peggy to change its orbit, but rather than a simple encounter that deflected the orbit slightly, this was more serious.”
Now Murray and his team are using the data obtained by the NASA spacecraft before its plunge into Saturn. “I couldn’t find Peggy in the data though I’m still looking,” he told Gizmodo. “Peggy’s probably there, I just haven’t found exactly where yet.”
“I’m used to every day going to the computers when the images come down [to] just look for fun stuff, like Peggy!” Murray explained. “It’s going to take me awhile to get used not getting to see these images every day.”
Cassini legt vlak voor crash iets mysterieus vast in ringen van Saturnus. Dit object zorgt voor raadsels
Cassini legt vlak voor crash iets mysterieus vast in ringen van Saturnus. Dit object zorgt voor raadsels
De ruimtesonde Cassini heeft na 13 jaar zijn laatste gegevens verzonden. Afgelopen week beëindigde het ruimtetuig zijn missie naar Saturnus door op de planeet te storten.
Vlak voordat Cassini te pletter stortte probeerde de sonde een mysterieus object vast te leggen dat verscholen ligt in de ringen van de planeet. Het object wordt ook wel ‘Peggy’ genoemd.
Peggy bevindt zich aan de rand van Saturnus en onderzoekers zijn er nog niet in geslaagd om te bepalen wat het precies is.
Geen beelden
Het bizarre object werd in 2013 ontdekt door onderzoeker Carl Murray, die het vernoemde naar zijn schoonmoeder.
Murray denkt dat Peggy een maan-in-wording zou kunnen zijn, hoewel onderzoekers nog geen beelden van de vorm van het object hebben.
Geschat wordt dat Peggy een vrij grote massa heeft. Wetenschappers vermoeden dat het object enkele jaren geleden in tweeën is gebroken.
Tweede object
“Begin 2016 keken we naar de plek waar Peggy zou moeten zijn,” vertelde Murray eerder dit jaar aan BBC News. “We vonden Peggy en volgen het [object] sindsdien op de voet.”
In de buurt van Peggy troffen ze nog een tweede object aan, dat Peggy B is gedoopt.
Murray en zijn team gebruiken nu de data die het ruimteschip van de NASA heeft verzameld voordat het neerstortte op Saturnus.
Nog niet gevonden
“Ik kon Peggy niet vinden in de gegevens, maar ik ben nog steeds aan het zoeken,” vertelde hij aan Gizmodo.
“Peggy zit er waarschijnlijk tussen, ik heb het object alleen nog niet gevonden,” voegde hij toe.
Cassini is in 1997 gelanceerd en deed er zeven jaar over om bij Saturnus te komen. De ruimtesonde ontdekte onder andere oceanen op Enceladus en zeeën van vloeibaar methaan op Titan.
With the possible exception of ghosts, there are few supernatural subjects that divide opinion quite like unidentified flying objects (UFOs).
David Spereall chats to Mike Covell about strange and suspicious sights in the sky, and finds Hull has more than its fair share of stories.
Whether you believe it or not, the phenomena of UFOs has long been discussed and debated, with annual conferences held internationally on the subject.
But while many will associate UFO stories with places like Nevada, with its mysterious 'Area 51', Hull has had more than its fair share of UFO reports.
(Image: PA/National Archives)
1. The 'Splitting Moon' of 1801
The earliest sighting of a UFO in Hull can be traced back to June 1801. The sighting of an unidentified object over the city featured in local and national press, as well as contemporary science journals.
Whatever it was came from the south west towards Hull and resembled an immense moon with a black bar across the middle.
It then split into seven smaller globes of fire which subsequently vanished over the Humber, before reappearing like the face of the moon and again split into five circular balls of light, not unlike stars.
At the time, Hull and the Humber was supposedly bathed in a mysterious blue light.
The event prompted much discussion. Could it have been a celestial object like a comet or meteorite or was it something more sinister?
2. The 1909 Scareship
In 1909 a Mr Walker of Coltman Street in west Hull contacted police after an airship was seen over the city. This was part of a wave of similar independent sightings reported across the country that year.
3. Is it a bird, is it a train? Mystery at the Paragon
In 1913, crowds of residents and policemen stood in awe as a strange object complete with red and white lights hovered over Paragon Station.
Press reported that it was seen over the area for about an hour.
Hull Paragon in the early 1900s
4. The Longhill Landing
One of the strangest cases came in 1967, when a UFO was said to have landed in an east Hull park in Longhill.
The story goes that on November 15, a group of children saw a cigar shaped craft descend and hover over the park, leaving burn marks on a hill.
Two police officers attended the landing site and found the marks but no sign of the aircraft. Initially it was thought the children were fibbing but their stories were too similar to one another.
Children reported a strange landing in a Longhill park in 1967.(Image: Kate Woolhouse)
Other eyewitnesses described seeing a similarly-shaped object flying over Hull but the dates did not appear to tally.
Another said it was a helicopter from the Yorkshire Electricity Board making an emergency landing, but the matter was never fully resolved.
5. Football match disrupted by UFO
In October 1986, 20 people in Bransholme saw a moon-shaped object with a curved cone on the top and red lights flying in the direction of East Park.
The group, who were playing football at the time reported the sighting to police, who in turn contacted RAD Binbrook.
But the event was never explained and remains unsolved. Such was the scale of the encounter, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) kept a file on it.
6.That aircraft, it has three corners
In July 1990, a Hessle woman claimed to have spotted a giant flying triangle in the sky. Seen for around 45 minutes, she and her son watched the extraordinary sight together through a pair of binoculars.
Three months later a teacher at Winifred Holtby School in Bransholme had a similar experience as he stood in the car park at 7pm. The object remained in the sky for several minutes before vanishing over the horizon.
7. The alien in the window
One of the strangest chapters in the region came in December 1994 when the Hull Daily Mail reported what appeared to be an alien photographed looking through a window of a property in Sproatley.
It was claimed that huge dents had been found in the grass outside the property. Weeks later, it was said the photo had been sent to NASA for an explanation. The case was taken up by the British UFO Research Association, but the trail ran cold and the outcome remains a mystery.
8. Rocky '09
In 2009, Mr Covell himself investigated the case of Peter Welton from west Hull, who had witnessed, with his wife and family, a large piece of hot rock hit his property and smash through the roof.
The debris that crashed through the roof of Peter Welton's home, in Forrester Way in Hessle, in 2009.(Image: Rob Stebbing)
Mr Welton was in the bedroom of his home when he heard the loud bang, and on investigating, discovered the rock which weighed 4lbs. It was dark grey, round, and about the size of a football.
It was so hot it took an hour and a half to cool down and when it was removed the family used oven gloves.
Initially the MoD reported it could have come from an aircraft or satellite, prompting a media frenzy and the story being followed around the world.
Peter Welton was left nonplussed by the discovery.(Image: Rob Stebbing)
Three months later, the MoD confirmed no military aircraft was near the property at the time and all those who had been nearby during the day were all intact after inspection.
They put forward the theory it was probably debris from space that had entered the atmosphere after its orbit decayed.
If we somehow survive the apocalypse of September 23rd, we still have to worry about the eventual albeit still theoretical arrival of Planet X, which may or may not destroy the Earth, split the U.S. in half or, if things go well, get blown to bits by a North Korean nuclear missile courtesy of Kim Jong-Un. However, if that doesn’t happen, we may be saved by our own Sun. Astronomers have discovered a star that has been eating some of its very large planets. Can the same thing happen in our solar system? Sorry, Jupiter and Neptune … we’d do the same thing for you (wink-wink).
Astronomer Semyeong Oh of Princeton University led a recent study of binary or twin stars HD 240430 and HD 240429, located 325 light years from the Earth and two light years apart. Her team found large amounts of heavy elements such as lithium, magnesium and iron on the surface of HD 240430 and few on HD240429. This was odd because other evidence indicated that the stars came from one star cluster and should have similar if not identical amounts of any elements.
This data was fed into a computer model and a few possible scenarios rose to the top: the stars aren’t twins but instead met and connected at a later date; the cluster made HD 240430 more well-endowed; HD 240430 got its heavy metal infusion from somehow devouring some of its rocky and metallic planets. Oh and her colleagues liked the third option and, anticipating they could prove it, nicknamed the star Kronos after the mythological Greek Titan who ate his own children to prevent them from overthrowing him. HD240429 by default became Krius, the weakest Titan who didn’t eat his children and was overthrown.
Based on the model, Oh determined that Kronos/HD 240430 contained the metallic equivalent of 15 Earths, a stellar amount in stellar terms. Because the metals were massed together and not separated by weight, this lends considerable credence to them coming from Kronos/H240430’s appetite for big planets.
However, it’s not proof. For one thing, how do they explain Kronos/HD 240430 eating planets and Krios/HD 240429 not having the same hunger? One thought is that their gravitational proximity caused Krios/HD 240429 to knock Kronos/HD 240430’s planets out of orbit and into its waiting hot mouth. Another theory is that a different star passed by and did the disrupting. Oh’s team is now looking for any remaining giant planets still around either star in an attempt to get closer to the cause.
The bad news is, this does not bode well for our own Sun stepping up to the dinner plate and eating Planet X before it eats us. For one thing, it doesn’t have a twin – unless you follow the theory that Planet X is orbiting a remote twin of the Sun that will hurl X into our path. Also, Jupiter and Neptune are still big entrees on the solar system plate and the Sun’s surface gives no metallic signatures indicating past planetary meals.
This did not end well for either one
Greek mythology says things may not bode well for Kronos/HD 240430 either. The Titan Kronos was overthrown in the Titanomachy war and either imprisoned for life or castrated by his son, Zeus.
There was no Kim to fire a nuclear arrow to save him either.
The Hubble Space Telescope offers us an unprecedented close-up look at the many strange and wondrous objectsoccupying our solar system and even in some of the farthest reaches of observable space. Occasionally, Hubble detects objects that defy classification and scientists’ understanding. One such discovery was made this week, and astronomers aren’t sure what to make of it.
Our eye in the sky.
The object is actually a pair of objects orbiting around one another in an asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter. Astronomers have named the pair 288P and are at a current loss to explain and classify them. The pair is the first known set of objects which are both locked into orbit around one another while also ejecting trails of water vapor into space behind them. That second characteristic is usually only found in comets, but the 288P objects are locked into the asteroid belt unlike comets.
288P and their vapor trails.
Furthermore, the orbits of the objects are unique. They lie around 100 km (~62 miles) apart in an elongated orbit not usually seen in asteroid pairs. Jessica Agarwal, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute who discovered the odd hybrid comet/asteroids (cometoids? astromets?), says that the 288P objects might be the first-known asteroids to eject water as comets do:
If that is the case, it basically can change our understanding of how asteroids evolve, so how fast they disintegrate and change their sizes. And this in turn can also change our understanding of how they have evolved in the past and our models of the initial distribution of asteroids in the asteroid belt.
Until astronomers find more objets like 288P to study, this odd couple will remain a mysterious anomaly.
While using his telescope sky-watcher Bill Bryson recorded a possible UFO fleet crossing the moon.
Bill Bryson states that it is not unusual for him to see similar objects at least one per session but 14 objects that fly clearly in a formation is very unusual.
Bill: “Now I do not pretend to know really what they were - but it looks to me that either they are UFOs or Bats.”
Given that the camera was zoomed in on the moon, it is unlikely that the objects were bats, bugs or even birds as they would have been out of focus.
Besides, according to a commenter, birds fly at a speed of 25-35m.p.h. At that speed, to cross camera parallax then the birds must fly at an average altitude of 5,000 ft. But as Bill zoomed in on the moon, the camera was, say at 50,000 ft. in air, so then it is impossible that it was a bat or bird flight.
The first short (slow-motion) video of Streetcap1 shows the moment the fleet consisting of about 14 UFOs flying in formation from right to left across the screen. The second video is the longer original footage of Bill Bryson and shows the UFO fleet flying at high speed across the moon.
A black and white film said to show an autopsy on a Roswell alien was released in 1995. It was later said to be a reconstruction of actual footage
TOMORROW marks the 70th anniversary of the start of what is either the longest-running hoax in modern history or the biggest cover-up the world has even known.
It was on September 24, 1947, that US President Harry S Truman allegedly – there will be a lot of words like that in this profile – signed a special classified executive order to establish a committee of 12 experts to carry out a “top-secret research and development/intelligence operation” into the supposed crash of an alien spacecraft some 75 miles north-west of Roswell Army Air Field base in New Mexico. They were given the code name Majestic 12.
Majestic 12 scientists experiment aliens Roswell UFO DIA leaked document
MORE like an unidentified flying object, really. Something certainly did crash north of Roswell in the summer of 1947, and at first it was clearly identified as a “flying disc” which had been recovered by Roswell base personnel.
A press release was even sent out from the base announcing its recovery, and local newspapers proudly reported that the “disc” had been impounded with the help of the local sheriff’s office.
Local people reported seeing plastic-like substances and wires lying at the site. The world’s most famous UFO incident and the whole saga of Area 51 – the designation of the “secret” land and air space around Roswell – was under way.
AZTEC 1948 UFO CRASH - Secret Recovery of Alien Technology | FULL Documentary - YouTube | Aliens and UFO Video and Pictures | Pinterest | UFO, Aliens and ..
IN post-war America, a spate of UFO sightings and especially flying saucers had led the populace to believe that invasion from space was imminent, this on top of the growing paranoia about the USSR and the Communist threat to the good ole US of A.
The Roswell UFO incident, as it became known, started in fairly simple terms. The version of events put out by the military authorities was that the “disc” was a weather balloon, but no-one was buying that, and quite rightly so because the authorities were already colluding in a massive cover-up. The material actually came from a huge balloon that was involved in a top-secret spying mission known as Project Mogul which used balloons equipped with microphones to listen out for Soviet atomic tests. Or so the US authorities maintain to this day.
Had the US Government simply announced the truth, Roswell would probably never have featured in films such as Independence Day or television’s Dark Skies and the X-Files, but they couldn’t tell the public about something that didn’t officially exist. It’s always the cover-up that gets you …
IT took the US Government until the 1990s to admit it, but the Project Mogul explanation fits the facts. The alternative version is Majestic 12, in which the president’s dozen specialists took possession of seven to nine – depending on who you believe – crashed flying saucers and the alleged remains of up to 27 alien life forms.
According to an alleged leaked memo, we even know the names of the Majestic 12. They included Sidney William Souers, a former director of central intelligence; James Vincent Forrestal, the Secretary of Defense; Jerome Clarke Hunsaker, chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics; General Nathan Farragut Twining, Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force from 1953 until 1957; Dr Vannevar Bush, head of the US Office of Scientific Research and Development during the Second World War; Detlev Bronk, internationally recognised as the developer of biophysics; Donald Howard Menzel, one of America’s greatest theoretical astronomers and astrophysicists; and General Hoyt Sanford Vandenberg, second chief of staff of the US Air Force after whom Vandenberg Air Force Base is named. None of the dozen has ever confirmed membership of Majestic 12, and let’s face it, would such men have been involved in the sort of experimentation that the “aliens” were supposed to have undergone?
Majestic 12 scientists experiment aliens Roswell UFO DIA leaked document
THE ufologist community has been split by Majestic 12 for decades. The name only entered common usage after the allegations of a cover-up of the Roswell UFO incident emerged in the early 1980s.
Hey presto, up popped a series of “leaked” Majestic 12 documents including a memo allegedly written by Robert Cutler, assistant to President Dwight D Eisenhower, to the aforementioned General Twining, referencing Majestic 12.
More and more outlandish claims were made about Majestic 12 and allegations were made that the people who revealed the existence of the documents were involved in an elaborate hoax.
Documentaries have been produced that alternatively debunk or support the Majestic 12 theories, and one later claim was made that the whole story was an exercise in disinformation from the start, as the US Government wanted to conceal what was really going at time, namely experiments connected to the Cold War.
Both the FBI and the US Air Force have carried out lengthy inquiries and have concluded that the claims about Majestic 12 and Roswell were completely bogus. But then they would say that, wouldn’t they?
Did you guys know that there is a group that tracks yearly UFO statistics in Canada?
Because there is and they're goddamn glorious.
The main crew tracking the data is the Winnipeg-based Ufology Research Centre who just released their 2016 findings of UFO sightings in the great white north. The data—which is totally true because, you know, it's data—is produced by the centre working in cooperation with investigators and researchers all across the country. The group releases the information yearly "in an attempt to promote the dissemination of information across the field of ufology. "
So, with that in mind, let's go through these numbers, why don't we?
To start, since 1989 the crew has reported 18,038 Canadian UFO sightings or encounters. In total, there were 1,131 UFO reports officially filed in Canada—"the fifth year in a row above 1,000 cases," excitedly reads the study. The only year that had more sightings was 2015.
"This data clearly contradicts comments by those who would assert that UFOs are a 'passing fad' or that UFO sightings are decreasing in number," reads the study.
Fuck yeah, the truth is out there, fam.
Like all good studies, this one is chock full of weird little statistics and breaks down the sightings by province. Turns out, Quebecers see the most little grey men, followed by Ontario, BC, and Alberta and that summer is the best time to see the extraterrestrials. Montreal had the highest amount of any sightings in a major city with 73—Vancouver took a close second with 70.
Sadly, though, most of these sightings had "insufficient evidence" and "the percentage of UFO cases considered unexplained in 2016 has dropped to four percent, the lowest in 28 years of study," which is a total bummer. The crew writes this off as the "result of more careful scrutiny of raw report information available."
The best part comes at the tail end of the study where they keep the "unusual" reports. In this segment, you can find the short tale of a man who "reported that an alien entity was responsible for stealing his sunglasses, belt and silver possessions."
Further into the study, you can read about a person in Cornwall, PEI who had a close encounter with "a thin, six-foot-tall, long-fingered, white alien in a black suit" that appeared in his bedroom. The person then had a chat with the alien before it took its leave by walking through a wall. Meanwhile in Quebec, on the same night, a person was transported in a flash of white light to a bathtub. Here he encountered "three green, big-eyed humanoid creatures who communicated with him telepathically."
Another is straight-up elegant in its simplicity:
"A report was received which read simply, 'They contacted me!'"
The study ends with a man in northern Quebec who spotted himself a sasquatch—which I don't believe counts as an alien but, frankly, who cares, because sasquatches are awesome. Not all encounters were as wonderful as these, some are kinda, well, boring.
In total, close encounters were less than one percent, the majority of sightings (over 50 percent) were just simple lights in the sky. The study also breaks down the sightings that weren't simple lights and, oddly enough, the "flying saucer" classification only was reported five percent of times, tying it with whatever "fireball" is.
So, kiddos, keep your eyes on the sky and the curiosity in your heart strong because if you're lucky, very lucky, maybe one day you'll end up on this list.
At the very least you might see a sasquatch, which apparently counts.
Het nut van vanadium: op zoek naar microfossielen op Mars
Het nut van vanadium: op zoek naar microfossielen op Mars
Tim Kraaijvanger
Stel, een toekomstige Marsrover vindt microfossielen op de rode planeet. Hoe weten we dan dat het gaat om buitenaards leven? Onderzoekers beweren dat de rover moet zoeken naar sporen van vanadium.
Als er ooit leven was op Mars, dan moeten er microfossielen te vinden zijn. Het is lastig om microfossielen te vinden op Mars. “Het is alsof je een biefstuk veel te lang in een hogedrukpan stopt”, zegt onderzoeker Craig Marshall van de universiteit van Kansas. “Door de hitte en de druk worden biologische verbindingen vernietigd. Wat overblijft is koolstof.”
Vier scans van een acritarchide. Dit is een organisch microfossiel.
Koolstof kan gevonden worden met Ramanspectroscopie. Toch is dit niet genoeg. “Het kan zijn dat we met Ramanspectroscopie iets zien wat lijkt op leven, maar wat het niet is”, zegt Marshall. Zo kunnen er fossielachtige structuren met sporen van koolstof ontstaan rondom hydrothermale bronnen. “Het is lastig om dit verschil te zien.”
Toch denkt Marshall dat hier een oplossing voor is: vanadium. Vanadium is een overgangsmetaal en wordt gevonden in ruwe olie, asfalt en schalie. Deze materialen hebben allemaal een biologische oorsprong. Marshall: “Chlorofyllen bevatten magnesium. Eenmaal onder de grond vervangt vanadium het magnesium. Het koolstofhoudende materiaal en de chlorofyllen zitten aan elkaar vast en blijven voor altijd bewaard.”
Marshall en zijn collega’s hebben experimenten uitgevoerd met microfossielen op aarde en die zijn geslaagd. Wanneer er sprake is van echt leven, wordt ook vanadium aangetroffen.
“Hopelijk leest iemand van NASA dit paper”, zegt Marshall. Hij hoopt dat de techniek de nodige aandacht krijgt, zodat er wellicht iets mee gedaan kan worden voor de Mars 2020-missie. “De hoofdonderzoeker van de röntgenspectrometer van de Mars 2020-missie was een van mijn eerste studenten. Ik denk dat ik haar een e-mail ga sturen.”
Heldere vuurbol boven Nederland en België vastgelegd
Heldere vuurbol boven Nederland en België vastgelegd
Tim Kraaijvanger
Gisteravond rond 21:00 uur verscheen er een heldere vuurbol boven Nederland en België. Er zijn inmiddels meer dan 250 meldingen binnengekomen.
De helderheid van de vuurbol wordt geschat op een magnitude van -8. Dat betekent dat het object helderder was dan iedere ster en planeet aan de avondhemel.
Op dit moment is nog niet bekend of de vuurbol een kleine ruimtesteen was of een stuk ruimteafval. Werkgroep Meteoren laat weten dat dit momenteel wordt uitgezocht.
Gevaarlijk? Nee hoor! Een vuurbol is een grote meteoor met een helder verbrandingsspoor, oftewel een heldere vallende ster. Een vuurbol ziet er spectaculair uit en is vaak ongevaarlijk.
Formulier Heb jij de vuurbol ook gezien? Vul dit formulier in. Inmiddels hebben meer dan 250 mensen dit gedaan uit Engeland, Frankrijk, Duitsland, België en Nederland.
Foto’s en video’s Hieronder zie je beelden van de vuurbol.
would love a vodka shower and a never ending supply of sushi. follow me on twitter @rachaelrumancek
March 13, 1997 is a date that the residents of Phoenix, Arizona will never forget. Spanning nearly 300 miles and witnessed by thousands of people, an extraordinary formation of synchronized lights began to invade the airspace over Phoenix, Arizona all the way down to Sonora, Mexico. Although the incident, as always, was discredited by the US government with their own version of the events, the Phoenix Lights remains the largest UFO sighting in history.
Check out the original footage from the 1997 Phoenix Lights incident that inspired found footage horror film, Phoenix Forgotten:
Whether you find yourself standing on the side of the skeptics, with the believers or somewhere in between, #PhoenixForgottenpromises to shed light on the chaos surrounding the infamous night with a #foundfootage horror that gazes deep into the "what-ifs," that still remain.
I was fortunate enough to sit down with Florence Hartigan, start of Phoenix Forgotten, about the upcoming found footage horror. Check out the trailer below.
Behind The Mystery Of The Phoenix Lights With 'Phoenix Forgotten' Star Florence Hartigan:
RR: So although the film is inspired by real events, your character (Sophie) is not. How does she fit into the chaos following the Phoenix Lights?
"My character Sophie is a documentary filmmaker who grew up in Phoenix, Arizona. When she was a little kid her brother, Josh [Luke Spencer Roberts], went missing after going out to the desert with two of his friends, trying to find answers to mysterious lights they’d seen in the sky. 20 years later, Sophie is still haunted by her brother’s disappearance. It’s like she’s grown up in the shadow of this tragedy, so she comes back to her home town to do some digging. She’s driven to find answers, to shed any light she can on Josh’s disappearance."
RR: Phoenix Forgotten was inspired by actual events, like so many other found footage horrors, but what made this film seem particularly promising?
"So with this film the idea was for it to feel for the viewer, like you’re watching the actual documentary that Sophie has made. So, it was important to me that my performance felt as grounded and real as possible. I mean that’s always my goal, but particularly in this project we actually have real residents of Phoenix who aren’t actors in the film, people we interview about their real life experience and thoughts, so knowing I was going to be in scenes with people just being themselves set the bar for where I wanted my performance to land. We also did a lot of improvising in this shoot. Pretty much every scene has an improvised component, so that obviously involves a lot of thinking on your feet."
RR:That sounds like a genuinely challenging role. With all the improv, how did you prepare yourself for taking on Sophie and making her authentic?
"I found it really interesting to play somebody who experiences a tragedy like this. It’s such a terrible thing to lose a sibling and for parents to lose a child like Sophie’s parents did, especially in an instance where there’s no closure. They don’t know what’s happened to him so there’s no saying goodbye really, just this endless wondering. And for Sophie, not only did she lose her brother but she essentially lost both her parents too. They both never recovered from losing Josh, so there’s all these subsidiary tragedies that go along with the main loss. I actually watched a lot of documentaries preparing for this role, especially Werner Herzog docs. He’s someone who interviews a lot of people whose lives have been shaped by tragedy. I was fascinated by how people talk about really painful things that have happened a long time ago, that’s the space Sophie occupies. When tragedy happens to you, you keep on keeping on, you have to, but there’s still all this deep emotion just under the surface. So that was a pretty interesting thing to explore.
As I mentioned before, I watched a lot of Werner Herzog documentaries. 'Grizzly Man' and 'Into The Abyss' were two that really stuck with me. I also listened to a lot of Terry Gross interviews and I revisited 'Serial' knowing I was going to be improvising and interviewing real subjects, I wanted to hone in on how really great interviewers get good material out of the people they interview. I also did a bunch of research into how missing persons cases are handled in that area, on other cases where people go missing in the desert, that kind of thing."
RR: Being unlike the other projects you have worked on in the past, is there anything special you took away from this experience?
"I think there are a couple of interesting things I took with me. For one, I had never really thought in detail about what a hostile environment the desert is and how vast it is in Arizona. We interviewed a real pilot for our film, Kevin Boontjer, who has been involved in this kind of search and rescue mission in missing persons cases like the one in our movie and you’ll see in the film, he told us just how easy it is to just disappear out there. There’s just so much ground to cover and so much rough terrain, it’s just so easy to lose people, even with dogs and planes and people looking. On the other hand, in a case like ours you will usually find something, especially with three people. And in our story, obviously nothing has been found for 20 years. So yeah, it was interesting talking to people with real experience about that stuff."
RR: Before signing on to play Sophie, were you aware of the Phoenix Lights incident that occured in 1997?
"I wasn’t, though in my research for the film I discovered it’s an incident a lot of people are really passionate about. I grew up in New Zealand, so the story didn’t quite reach me there, though it was a huge news story at the time. The 24-hour news cycle kinda picked up and ran with it and it’s the sort of story that kept getting play on its anniversary, stuff like that. That was useful in my preparation for the role too, it was so powerful for me to imagine; what if the worst thing that ever happened to you was one of the most famous things that ever happened in your town? Every time it gets brought up those old wounds get opened again. That would be devastating."
RR: Next comes the big question, and this is the one I am totally asking on a personal level. Do you believe that the Phoenix Lights - the notoriously enigmatic event that inspired Phoenix Forgotten - could have extraterrestrial origins?
"Oh sure! I think there’s so much we don’t know about the universe, so who’s to say what’s out there? I like the idea that we’re not alone in the universe.
I think going in to the film I was more inclined to think there was something a little more supernatural about the origins of the lights, but having talked to the people I talked to at this point I feel skeptical. There’s still that aspect of the case that feels like a cover-up though and we show some of that actual footage in the film. The Arizona government at the time goes a long way to make the whole thing seem like a joke. The official press conference about the sighting at the time featured a guy in an alien suit. I just think if there’s nothing there, why bother?"
RR: So how closely does this film follow along with the actual events that occurred?
"One of the things I think is a cool point of difference in our film is that it’s a blend of fact and fiction. The jumping off point for our story is a real event. The Phoenix Lights were something that actually happened, the largest recorded UFO sighting in history. In terms of accuracy, we actually use real news footage from the time as well as news footage we created to serve our story about the missing kids. So in terms of accuracy I think what’s created is a really realistic, 'what if' scenario; what if a kid had been so obsessed with the Phoenix Lights that he went looking for them?
I think it blends fact and fiction in a way I haven’t seen very often and that’s really interesting to me. I also think there are some really great performances from our cast and I think it’s a horror movie that has a really engaging, emotional heart to it...The message for me is that you should always look at where you’re getting your information from, there’s as many sides to a story as there are people to tell you that story. And don’t go wandering off into the desert at night!"
RR: Phoenix Forgotten is quickly becoming a favorite among found footage connoisseurs. Now that it's making it's way into the homes of horror fans and cinephiles everywhere, where can fans be on the lookout for you next?
"My next project is another horror movie, an animated feature called 'Malevolent.' It stars Morena Baccarin from 'Deadpool,' William Shatner and Ray Wise from 'Twin Peaks,' who plays my father. That was a cool experience. I feel like with horror so much is communicated with body language and facial expression so it was such a fun challenge to create a character just with my voice, as well as getting across all the physical gory horror stuff. I had a ball!"
Phoenix Forgotten is out now on Blu-ray and DVD. It's also available through major retailers and popular streaming platforms such as #Vimeo, #iTunes, #Amazon and #GooglePlay. For real time updates on Florence's upcoming work be sure to follow her on Twitter and Instagram.
Is it any wonder that a place as wondrous and unique as Wyoming would be the site 40 years ago for the filming of the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind?”
We traveled across the state last week in a grand loop which took us to Devils Tower, the country’s first national monument, which was the reason that movie was filmed there.
This tower, called Bear Lodge by the Indians, is just plain odd. It looks like a giant tree trunk (made of hardened lava) that juts out of the ground to over 800 feet high in the middle of the Wyoming Black Hills.
It was the country’s first national monument back in 1912. And of course a huge Facebook rumor went out this year where it was claimed that archeologists discovered it really was a tree trunk with petrified roots deep underground. Alas, not true.
But first, let me tell you about our latest road trip around the state. Our drive took us through Wind River Canyon to Thermopolis and Worland and over the Big Horn Mountains to Buffalo and Gillette before getting to Devils Tower. Our trip home was through Hulett, Moorcroft, Gillette, Wright, Casper, Shoshoni and Riverton.
That route took me through some of the best viewing areas of the recent solar eclipse.
Melissa Neylon, who works at the Washakie Museum and Culture Center in Worland, was at Boysen for the eclipse and said 39,000 cars were counted all over the park.
Wyoming native Alan O’Hashi, who made a video on Vimeo about the eclipse, said Glendo hit that magic number of 50,000 people which they were expecting for the eclipse.
I’m not sure if Shoshoni got the 40,000 visitors they were expecting, but they did get something permanent about the event.
At the extreme northeast part of town is a unique monument built by some odd visitors who build these things where eclipse epicenters are located. The only other one is in Namibia, Africa.
A fringe group with some serious money behind it built this edifice. Members believe there are actually two moons and during an eclipse, an alternate universe comes into play. The group is headed by Eames Demetrios of Greece and quite a little group gathered at the Shoshoni site during the eclipse. We don’t think they tore their clothes off or sacrificed any animals during the event, but based on seeing this concoction of strange objects — well, they must have had a really good time.
One of Wyoming’s greatest photographers is Dewey Vanderhoff of Cody, and he was telling me about this site and he provided some of this research on it.
He also took some wonderful eclipse photos from his vantage point in Shoshoni.
Dewey was also impressed by the bumper-to-bumper traffic from Shoshoni to Casper. Here is how he described it:
“Try to imagine a solid caravan of cars all the way from Shoshoni to Casper and beyond after the eclipse. This is 100 miles of unbroken, solid traffic. If each car is a dot and the space between them a dash, it spelled out SOS over and over again. Allowing for a generous average of 50 feet per vehicle, that works out to 10,560 cars at any one time during the mass exodus from Wyoming.” The real total was probably much more than this as it went on all afternoon and early evening.
Huge numbers of people left the next day, which were not included in the record counts compiled by the Wyoming Department of Transpiration.
Also on the list of eclipse oddities, there was the report of a man jumping off a cliff in central Wyoming at an abandoned uranium open pit mine.
Apparently there was water in the bottom, but he missed and scratched the heck out of himself. Luckily, a passer-by saw the leap and called 9-1-1.
Meanwhile, the partying continued back at Devils Tower as they celebrated the 40th anniversary of the famous movie. Among the contests was one to see who could make the best replica of the tower out of mashed potatoes. Now that could be a real test.
With the country and the world focused on Hurricanes Harvey and Irma in Texas and Florida, there really is not much interest in what is happening here in Wyoming. But I thought it important to document some of the oddball events that have been going on here.
Check out additional columns at He has published six books. His coffee table book series has sold 30,000 copies. You can find them at
UFO expert reveals US Navy is running a top secret programme to detect underwater UFOs
UFO expert reveals US Navy is running a top secret programme to detect underwater UFOs
US Navy is secretly running a top secret programme -- Fast Mover Programme to spot unidentified submerged object (USO).
Facebook/ U.S. Navy
Marc D'Antonio, a UFO expert revealed the US Navy is secretly running a programme called Fast Mover Programme to spot extra terrestrial spacecrafts, known as unidentified submerged object (USO), under the ocean waters.
He claimed he was on a US Navy submarine in the North Atlantic Ocean, where he saw a USO which travelled at an impossible speed of 700 knots.
Torpedoes and submarines travel in a maximum speed of 40 knots.
[Representational image]Pixabay
"As a thank you for doing some work for the Navy, they asked me if I wanted to go for a ride in a submarine so I said yes. Once we got under I was sitting in the sonar station and the sonar operator was sitting right next to me," said D'Antonio as reported by Express.
"Submarines are loud – people think they are very quiet and it's true they are on the outside because the sound doesn't get out. But inside you hear fans, noise - it's a constant din on a sub. I was sitting there zoning out a little because I was seasick and all of a sudden the sonar kid shouts 'fast mover, fast mover'. I'm jolted awake thinking 'what's happening? Is it a torpedo?" he said further.
He tried digging out more about the Fast Mover Programme by a senior naval personnel four years later, but the person refused to tell him anything about the secret project.
D'Antonio stated: "I asked him 'Can you tell me about the Fast Mover Programme?'"
"He looked at me and said 'sorry Marc I can't talk about that programme'.
"So he basically confirmed to me that the programme exists - he said everything without seeing anything. What that told me was that USOs are common. We even have a programme in place to classify, log and determine the speed of them and it goes into a vault," according to the Express report.
These revelations were made by D'Antonio in a meeting hub -- Wyoming at Devil's Tower UFO Rendezvous— in Hulett. UFO hunters and UFOlogists share and research on the findings made by them regarding any alien and unidentified findings.
In July of 1947, a foreman at a homestead in New Mexico found a pile of debris some miles from his home. He took his son to go look at it, finding a bright wreckage of tinfoil, rubber strips and various paper and sticks. It seemed of little consequence to him, but he returned a few days later with the rest of his family to collect the material. The next day, the foreman heard reports from an army base about a so-called “flying disk” crash and, thinking that perhaps this was the debris he had picked up, went to the Sheriff immediately. The situation was handled in a confidential but polite manner. The U.S. military assured the citizens that the crash was a simple conventional weather balloon. The residents of the small town nodded and returned to the buzz of their normal lives, the story fading to the back of any and everyone’s mind. The military had always been a little secretive and looming, but they were the government and could be trusted, of course. It wasn’t until decades later that anyone would be back asking questions about Roswell, New Mexico.
The military base known today as Area 51 is a remote link of the Edwards Air Force base in Nevada. It is referred to by the Central Intelligence Agency as “Groom Lake” – the nickname “Area 51” originally coming from reports during the Vietnam War. It is known in popular culture to be a place of great mystery: UFO sightings, government conspiracy, and withheld information litter the history of the base. Over the decades, Area 51 has been accused of the storage and reverse engineering of alien technology, the study of those aliens alive and dead, and the development of time travel and teleportation equipment. Seeming to feed these nationwide suspicions, the current purpose of Area 51 remains unknown to the public. In fact, it wasn’t until July of 2013 that the CIA openly admitted to the existence of the base. Some history was offered to the public, and then the case was abruptly closed. It would seem that the most likely purpose of Area 51 is the development and testing of confidential air and spacecraft weapons systems, otherwise known as Black Projects. Though it has never been declared a secret base, all research conducted there is labeled Sensitive Compartmented Information.
However, there are a great many secret bases across the nation and the world, and even more UFO sightings, so what draws theorists and government officials alike to this empty area of the desert? Surely the plain factor of mass hysteria cannot be overlooked, but it is most definitely balanced by a series of dubious occurrences. The first of which, on a mainstream scale, was a sighting in 1955. Ordinarily enough, the first UFOs spotted were not of a blatant extraterrestrial nature, but rather new weapons testing. The site was being used by the CIA for the development of the Lockheed U-2 strategic reconnaissance aircraft. What the locals who reported these strange aircrafts didn’t know was that three years earlier, in 1952, Project Blue Book had paid a visit to the base.
Project Blue Book was a study conducted by the United States Air Force with two goals: the first was to determine if a unidentified flying object could be a threat to national security, and the second was to scientifically analyze said UFO data. Of course, this all seems to have a funny smell to it. A military program making judgments and final calls on the safety and legitimacy of its own operations is perhaps not the most reliable situation. Unsurprisingly, Blue Book reported no threats to national security and, interestingly enough, no UFOs that contained extraterrestrial life. In 1952, this response left no questions screaming for answers, and the matter was put to rest. Coincidentally, five years prior, in 1947, a small town foreman and his son found a pile of debris in Roswell, New Mexico. These stories become perpendicular at this point, for the wreckage of that mysterious aircraft in New Mexico was transferred to where but Area 51.
Suspicions continued to rise following another incident, this one related less directly to the hiding of extraterrestrial technology and more to the missteps of the military. In 1994, five resident contractors (who insisted on remaining anonymous in official reports), and the widows of contractors Robert Frost and Walter Kasza sued the United States Air Force and the Environmental Protection Agency. They claimed that immense amounts of unknown chemicals were being burned in open trenches at Area 51- more specifically, Groom Lake. Tissue samples were taken from the petitioners, and their body fat revealed high levels of dioxin (a highly toxic organic chemical), dibenzofuran (a chemical derived from coal tar), and trichloroethylene (a compound often used as an industrial solvent). They argued that these chemicals had harmed their health and, in the case of the widows, killed their husbands. They sought knowledge about the chemicals so that they could take precautions to prevent future injury. However, they were denied. Citing the State Secrets Privilege, the base claimed that releasing information would be a threat to national security and would discharge military secrets. The judge on the case rejected this argument, siding with the petitioners. At this point, dramatic measures were called for. President Bill Clinton signed a Presidential Determination protecting Area 51 from environmental disclosure laws, and the case was henceforth dismissed due to supposed lack of evidence. Whatever it was that was burning at Groom Lake, the military had just sacrificed human lives for it.
Outside of popular culture gags about UFOs and conspiracy accounts, the deeper history of Area 51 seems to present a serious question about the power of the military in our nation and what it is exactly that they constitute as “national security”. Whether you believe in the government’s possession of extraterrestrial science or just think Groom Lake is a spooky place, one thing is clear: it is of utmost importance to the Unites States Military that we do not find out.
VIDEOBoven ons land lichtte een heldere vuurbol gisteravond de hemel op. Het ging om een klein steentje dat met tienduizenden kilometer per uur in de dampkring verbrandde en zo een heel heldere 'vallende ster' werd. Hier zie je nog beelden van zeven prachtige vuurballen en een ufo die de voorbije jaren werden gefilmd!
Wie gisteravond rond 21 uur naar omhoog tuurde, heeft 'm misschien wel gezien: een heldere vuurbol schoot door de lucht. Veel Belgen en Nederlanders maakten er melding van op sociale media. "Het gaat om een klein steentje dat met een snelheid van tienduizenden kilometer per uur de dampkring binnenkomt. Het doet de lucht fel oplichten en wij zien het dan als een vuurbol", zegt weerman Frank Deboosere.
Noodweer Benelux kreeg gisteravond heel wat meldingen binnen. De vuurbol die rond 21 uur boven vele dorpen en steden te zien was, ook in Nederland, is eigenlijk een heel heldere vallende ster. "Die is vaak niet groter dan één centimeter", zegt Deboosere. De meteoriet kan, wanneer ze in de dampkring komt, heel fel gaan schijnen. "Zo helder als de volle maan of zelfs nog helderder", vervolgt Deboosere. "Meestal is het leven van een vuurbol erg kort en dus quasi onmogelijk om op beeld vast te leggen. Na één of twee seconden is alles voorbij." Wie het verschijnsel heeft waargenomen, kan dat melden.
Intussen is ook een prachtige foto van het fenomeen op het web verschenen. Een Nederlandse fotograaf slaagde erin om de vuurbol vast te leggen met zijn speciale camera en zette het beeld op Twitter.
De Amerikaans-Europese Hubble-ruimtetelescoop heeft een vreemd en uniek object in ons zonnestelsel ontdekt, zo heeft het Hubble Informatie Centrum in Garching nabij München bekendgemaakt.
In september vorig jaar had planetoïde 288P zijn kleinste afstand tot de zon bereikt, en stond ze dicht genoeg tot de aarde om er in de asteroïdengordel tussen Mars en Jupiter de Hubble op te richten.
Het bleek dat 288P niet één object was, maar dat het uit twee bijna even grote asteroïden bestaat die op een afstand van ongeveer honderd kilometer om elkaar draaien.
Zeer waarschijnlijk waren ze aanvankelijk een enkelvoudig object dat zo snel om zijn as draaide dat het in stukken brak, zeggen de astronomen.
Bovendien waren de planetoïden onder invloed van de zonnewarmte bezig waterdamp uit te stoten. Dat maakt 288P tot de eerste dubbelplanetoïde waarbij komeetachtig gedrag is waargenomen, zo staat in de mededeling.
Gezien 288P nog waterijs bevat, kan de dubbelplanetoïde niet ouder zijn dan pakweg 5.000 jaar.
Ons eigen sterrenstelsel - de Melkweg - is altijd de referentie geweest om andere sterrenstelsels in het universum te bestuderen. Maar nieuw onderzoek van enkele buurstelsels lijkt erop te wijzen dat we niet zo een typisch voorbeeld zijn als we wel dachten. En dat kan verregaande gevolgen hebben voor alles wat we menen te weten over ons universum.
De nieuwe data staan in de Satellites Around Galactic Analogs (SAGA) Survey. Die probeert meer te weten te komen over onze Melkweg door andere, soortgelijke systemen te bestuderen. De afgelopen vijf jaar nam de studie acht andere stelsels onder de loep en daaruit blijkt dat de satellietstelsels die rond onze Melkweg draaien veel minder actief zijn dan bij onze buren. Ze zijn minder helder en produceren ook minder sterren. Als dat wordt bevestigd door onderzoek van nog andere stelsels, zou dat betekenen dat onze Melkweg minder 'normaal' is dan we dachten.
"En dat geeft een ander perspectief", aldus Marla Geha, de auteur van de studie, die gepubliceerd werd in het vaktijdschrift Astrophysical Journal. "Er komen elk jaar honderden studies uit over kosmologie, het vormen van sterren en donkere materie. En die gebruiken ons eigen sterrenstelsel als referentie. Maar het zou dus wel eens kunnen dat onze Melkweg eerder een uitzondering is. En dan gaan die redeneringen niet zomaar op, natuurlijk."
Modellen Als dat zo is, kan dat dus gevolgen hebben voor ons begrip van andere sterrenstelsels. Om te weten of onze modellen dus effectief betrouwbaar zijn en de theorie klopt, wil de SAGA Survey in totaal 100 sterrenstelsels bestuderen. Want het staal van acht dat nu werd gebruikt, is nog te klein om echt harde conclusies te trekken. De komende twee jaar zullen al 25 andere systemen aan het onderzoek worden toegevoegd en dat moet al een beter beeld geven.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Wedge-Shaped UFO Moves Slow Near Augusta, Georgia
Wedge-Shaped UFO Moves Slow Near Augusta, Georgia
A resident of Grovetown, Georgia had taken a brief look skyward during a football game on a Friday night. During the match between the Grovetown Warriors and the Lincoln County Red Devils, he noticed a wedge-shaped object moving west to east at a slow rate of speed. He observed the UFO’s triangular light configuration from the stands.
The witness, who chooses to stay anonymous, tried to record the aberration using his cell phone, but it malfunctioned. He decided to borrow the phone of a friend to take a photo of the mysterious UFO. He then sent the picture to Donnie Brooke, a member of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) – Georgia Chapter.
Brooke confirmed that he received the picture on the night of September 1 and that the witness knows him personally. He said that the witness told him the UFO was moving eastward toward Fort Gordon Army Base. The witness revealed to him over the phone that he looked skyward while leaning back in his seat and saw a humongous object.
Brooke called the witness after receiving the photo. He said to the witness that the image was somewhat similar to a triangle object he saw about eight months ago. The object that Brooke saw was also moving towards Fort Gordon. The story of the witness confirmed what he had encountered, according to Brooke.
Brooke sent the photo to Georgia MUFON director Ralph O. Howard, who said that it is compelling. Howard stated that there are several witnesses of UFOs in the area but did not report them because they are afraid of what others will think. He is hoping that the witness who sent the photo logs to their site and files a report so that they can get enough information. He explained that without having those details, they could not launch an investigation and establish whether the actual event is what the witness believes he saw or not.
Flying Saucers in Red, Green & Yellow Colors Spotted Hovering For Two Hours Over Military Bases In Antarctica
Flying Saucers in Red, Green & Yellow Colors Spotted Hovering For Two Hours Over Military Bases In Antarctica
Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter once revealed via the New York Times in 1960 that high-ranking Air Force officers led many citizens to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense through official secrecy and ridicule.
Hillenkoetter is the very first director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the third director of Central Intelligence, and the third director of the post-World War II US Central Intelligence Group. For so many years, people who believe in the existence of alien UFOs are perceived as crazy individuals. In the present time, however, is a much different story. Thousands of declassified documents reveal that global militaries and intelligence agencies have an extremely high interest in UFOs and intelligent extraterrestrial life.
In 1979, General Carlos Castro Cavero stated that everything is in the process of investigation in the world as both the US and Spain, as well as the rest of the word, are working together in the UFO phenomenon studies.
Lord Admiral Hill-Norton once said that there is a serious possibility people from outer space or other civilisations have visited or been visiting for many years here on Earth. He suggested that there should be a rigorous scientific investigation to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. He said that the possibility should not be the subject of rubbishing as these people from outer space could turn hostile.
In one CIA document, several pieces of information can be found suggesting particular attention paid to UFO or extraterrestrial topic under the guise of national security. According to many conspiracy theories, the intelligence community has been studying the subject for years and using the term ‘national security’ to classify everything, protect the interests of the elites around the world, and enable them to do whatever they want.
The CIA document reveals details of the Antarctic flying saucers. It says that Argentine, Chilean and British military bases in Antarctica have seen a group of red, green, and yellow flying saucers above Deception Island for two hours. The saucer UFOs were also observed flying in formation above the South Orkney islands in quick circles. The document dates back to 1965, more than five decades old already.
Conspiracy theorists have pointed out how other unrelated factors are inserted into the document.
It is also important to note that the 1965 document shows the CIA have been putting tremendous effort and resources into studying such topic. Now, it makes sense to ponder what type of information do they have at present, more than 50 years later. They may have known more details as to who or what are operating these UFOs, how they work, where they come from, and what are their intentions
Three People From Different Areas Spot Similar UFO
Three People From Different Areas Spot Similar UFO
Three people have come forward claiming that they photographed and videotaped a UFO in the skies over Plymouth. Alan Kingwell, 62, was one of the witnesses of the appearance of strange black shapes. Alan was shooting a time-lapse video in his garden in Plymouth when the UFO sighting took place. The footage shows two dark shapes hovering in the blue sky that sometimes covered with clouds.
David Shepherd of Plymstock also noticed similar shapes on one of his photos. He believes may have spotted the same UFO.
Earlier in the summer, Mr Shepherd photographed a block blob. He noticed a little black shape after an X shape of aeroplane contrails in the sky caught his attention. The strange UFO that was below them looked similar to what Mr Kingwell caught on video. Like what Alan described, the black shaped UFO lingered for around 10 minutes before it disappeared.
On September 15, John Mooner of Newton Abbot also saw the same UFO. He stated that he was sky watching with his Nikon P900 camera when he spotted the unusual object hovering just above one of the clouds. Since the object was stationary, he took a photo and continued to watch as it remained in one position for around a minute before it finally started to move and flew off at incredible speed. He then lost sight of the object as it headed towards some thick cloud cover.
'We saw something. Something came down': The Shag Harbour UFO sighting, 50 years later
'We saw something. Something came down': The Shag Harbour UFO sighting, 50 years later
Laurie Wickens, president of the Shag Harbour Incident Society, is seen in Shag Harbour, N.S. on Saturday, Sept. 16, 2017. On the night of October 4, 1967, Wickens and four of his friends spotted a large object descending into the waters off the harbour. The object was never officially identified, and was therefore referred to as an unidentified flying object. The 50th anniversary of the event is being marked with a three-day festival.Andrew Vaughan / THE CANADIAN PRESS
It was around 11 p.m. on the night of Oct. 4, 1967. Most witnesses thought it was a doomed aircraft
HALIFAX — The first frantic callers to reach the RCMP were clear: something had crashed in the waters off Shag Harbour, N.S.
It was around 11 p.m. on the night of Oct. 4, 1967. Most witnesses thought it was a doomed aircraft.
Among those who saw the string of flashing lights on that clear, moonless night were three RCMP officers, scores of fishermen and airline pilots flying along the province’s rugged southwest coast.
But a series of searches turned up nothing. No wreckage. No bodies. No clues as to what really happened that night 50 years ago.
To this day, I don't know the absolute answer, but we're still finding things
A Halifax-area man later uncovered a trove of government and police records that would make the Shag Harbour incident Canada’s best-documented and most intriguing UFO sighting.
Hundreds of UFO sightings are reported across Canada every year, but none has the paper trail of Shag Harbour.
In a series of RCMP reports and correspondence sent by telex between military officials in Ottawa and Halifax, there are specific references to unidentified flying objects, and no attempts were made to explain away what people were reporting.
Chris Styles, the UFO researcher who dug up those documents, remains baffled by the case.
“To this day, I don’t know the absolute answer, but we’re still finding things,” says Styles, the author of two books about the Shag Harbour incident.
Next week, on the eve of the 50th anniversary, Styles will be the keynote speaker at the start of the three-day Shag Harbour UFO Festival. After 20-plus years of dogged research, he says he has new evidence to share.
It points to an explanation that hardly seems possible, unless you have a sense of what Styles has uncovered so far.
To be sure, the most compelling evidence comes from eyewitnesses like Laurie Wickens, now a 67-year-old former fisherman.
There was four (lights) in a row, and they were going on and off
Laurie Wickens, president of the Shag Harbour Incident Society, is seen in Shag Harbour, N.S. on Saturday, Sept. 16, 2017.Andrew Vaughan/The Canadian Press
“There was four (lights) in a row, and they were going on and off,” says Wickens, at the time a 17-year-old driving home to Shag Harbour with a friend and three young women. “One would come on, then two, three and four — and they’d all be off for a second and come back on again.”
Sure he was about to witness an airline disaster, Wickens found a phone booth and called the local RCMP detachment. Questions were asked about his sobriety. But he wasn’t drunk, and he was sure about what he saw.
Several other people called the Mounties that night. They all told same story.
Soon afterwards, Wickens was among a dozen or so people gathered at the water’s edge, watching in amazement as a glowing, orange sphere — about the size of a city bus — bobbed on the waves about 300 metres from shore.
At 11:20 p.m., it slipped beneath the surface without a sound.
Three of those at the wharf were Mounties. One of them called the Rescue Co-ordination Centre in Halifax. A coast guard cutter was immediately dispatched to conduct a search.
All I know is that we saw something, and something came down. I can't prove it, but in my opinion they found something
Before the ship arrived, volunteer searchers aboard two fishing boats soon spotted a long trail of bubbling, yellow foam on the calm waters — but no wreckage.
A squad of Royal Canadian Navy divers later failed to turn up any clues after a three-day scan of the harbour floor, according to official military records.
To this day, Wickens has no idea what he saw.
“All I know is that we saw something, and something came down,” he says, adding that he believes the divers pulled something from the water.
“I can’t prove it, but in my opinion they found something.”
Wickens, now president of the Shag Harbour UFO Society, will take part in a panel discussion Saturday that is expected to include Ralph Loewinger, one of the pilots aboard Pan Am Flight 160, a Boeing 707 cargo aircraft that was at 33,000 feet that same night.
They saw the same row of flashing lights over the Gulf of Maine as they approached to coast of Nova Scotia.
Nobody reported a UFO. Everybody reported a plane crash. That gives a boost of credibility to the story
Loewinger and the other crew members never reported their sighting. Their story came to light about six years ago when Styles tracked them down.
“What sets this story apart is that the impact … was witnessed by several independent and very credible witnesses,” says Brock Zinck, a Nova Scotia seafood buyer and vice-president of the Shag Harbour UFO Society.
“Nobody reported a UFO. Everybody reported a plane crash. That gives a boost of credibility to the story.”
About 36 hours after the initial sightings, several Defence Department officials signed off on a memo that made it clear authorities had no idea what they were dealing with.
“A preliminary investigation has been carried out by the Rescue Co-ordination Centre in Halifax,” the memo says. “It has been determined that this UFO sighting was not caused by a flare, float, aircraft or in fact any known object.”
A souvenir hoodie is displayed at the Shag Harbour Incident Interpretive Centre in Shag Harbour, N.S.
Andrew Vaughan/The Canadian Press
It’s worth noting the search at Shag Harbour was conducted during a highly charged period in Canada’s history.
The space race was on and so was the Cold War. Russian submarines were known to frequent the East Coast. And the Americans were testing all manner of devices to spy on their communist foes, including crude spy satellites that ejected film canisters at high altitudes.
While the official records provide no explanation for what happened, there are vague clues pointing to another incident about 50 kilometres north, just off the coast of Shelburne.
In his 2001 book, Dark Object, Styles says he eventually interviewed former military insiders and members of the navy’s Fleet Diving Unit, who told him the orange orb spotted in Shag Harbour had submerged under its own power and travelled to a spot on the seabed off Shelburne.
At the time, the area was the location for a top-secret U.S. military base, disguised as an oceanographic institute. The facility used underwater microphones and magnetic detection devices to track enemy submarines, but its true purpose wasn’t revealed until the 1980s.
“I interviewed anybody who was still alive,” Styles says. “I tracked them down. I was a bulldog with it back then.”
In the book, Styles’ sources talk about a secret flotilla of American and Canadian ships dispatched to the area. There was speculation about Russian submarines and, yes, extraterrestrial visitors. But there is no hard evidence to back their claims.
But the clues keep coming.
During a recent search of an island off Shag Harbour, Styles says he spotted a military marker that indicated it was placed there by staff from the fake institute in Shelburne, which means the U.S. military snoops had been there at some point.
“I’m not here to make believers,” he says. “Some people say I’m a believer, but that’s a bit of an exaggeration. I want the real answers.”
After 13 years, nearly 300 orbits and millions of scientific observations, NASA scientists directed the Cassini probe to burn up in Saturn's atmosphere last week.
They ended the mission because the spacecraft's fuel was nearly depleted, meaning that NASA would have lost the ability to control Cassini's trajectory and could not guarantee it would not crash into a sensitive site like the icy moon Enceladus, which could potentially harbor extraterrestrial life
Saturn and Enceladus are currently more than 930 million miles from Earth, but humankind seems to have less dedication to cleanliness in space closer to home. Even as space-based services like weather forecasting and GPS become an intimate, inseparable part of our daily lives, we risk the sustainability of the space environment through sloppy practices that could make near-Earth space into a perilous demolition derby.
Right now, more than 500,000 pieces of space debris (ranging in size from that of a marble to a school bus) closely orbit the Earth. This space junk — such as defunct satellites or rocket parts left over from past launch missions — can whip around uncontrollably at 17,500 miles per hour. In space, a fleck of paint can bring about more damage than can a speeding bullet on Earth.
What’s more, this debris field is poised to grow significantly in coming years. The danger of hurtling space debris destroying crucial satellites will grow quickly and could spike suddenly. In 2009, the derelict Cosmos 2251 satellite collided with an active Iridium 33 satellite that was providing global cell phone service. Both satellites were destroyed, creating 3,000 smaller tracked pieces of debris and hundreds of thousands too small to detect but that pose dangers to other spacecraft.
The U.S. military is concerned about space debris because it threatens the critical role space plays in America’s national security, from intelligence collection to communication and navigation. But every inoperative satellite or stray object makes space more difficult and dangerous for many users, not just the military. This is something of interest to anyone who wants a good weather forecast, relies on a ridesharing app or even just loves Snapchat.
As these threats increase, my colleagues at the non-profit Aerospace Corporation are collaborating with the government, space industry and partners around the world on solutions to space debris challenges. We help the U.S. government set design requirements and assist vehicle contractors to design spacecraft that can maneuver to avoid collisions, withstand small debris strikes and move to disposal orbits or safely reenter the Earth’s atmosphere at end of life.
As the number of satellite launches grows, launch safety is increasingly important, so we have developed probability-based screening of launch trajectories to ensure that a new launch will not collide with known objects in orbit. And when it comes to the daunting process of removing space debris, Aerospace is preparing to test the Brane Craft — a super-thin, flexible sheet to envelop debris and haul it safely back into Earth’s atmosphere.
Policymakers worldwide need to recognize that dramatic growth in the commercial space sector is increasing congestion in space and represents a shift from the decades in which governments dominated the domain. New commercial players are advancing promising new space applications with real economic potential. That is why more than 10,000 satellites are slated to launch over the next decade compared to only 7,800 since the dawn of the space age. That is also why a "just say no" regulatory approach is not a viable path to space sustainability.
With so many new entrants to the space industry, including from nations with little history of spacefaring, future U.S. space industry economic competitiveness would benefit from sensible regulatory simplification to keep the U.S. as the home of choice for space companies. Today, three separate U.S. government agencies — the Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Communications Commission and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — have major legal responsibilities for regulating orbital debris mitigation as part of their licensing roles.
A "one-stop shop" for regulation and licensing could facilitate both solutions to the emerging debris threat and greater regulatory responsiveness and clarity for new players. However, an overly blunt deregulatory approach could put space sustainability at risk, which is in no one's long-term interest.
Time is of the essence here. Congestion in space is no trivial issue, and the effects will eventually be widely felt. Inaction from the U.S. could cede economic and military advantage to other players. By leading the world in advancing down technically feasible and economically viable paths to space sustainability, the U.S. can continue to benefit from the growing space economy and rely on space for vital national security missions.
Jamie Morin is vice president at The Aerospace Corporation, a non-profit that runs a Federally Funded Research and Development Center to serve as a leading architect for America’s national security and civil space programs. Morin serves as executive director of the Center for Space Policy and Strategy, which provides objective analysis and comprehensive research to ensure well-informed, technically defensible, and forward-looking space policy.
Let’s just get this out of the way up front: Nibiru, aka Planet X, does not exist. It is not going to collide with Earth on Saturday. And the end time is not about to begin.
NASA helped explain this back on December 21, 2012, when people incorrectly thought the Mayan calendar foretold the end of the world, and we’re here to remind you again that the scientists at NASA who’ve dedicated their lives to enhancing human understanding of space know way more about space than you or any YouTuber do.
The Planet X conspiracy theory has gained traction over the years as trust in public institutions has fallen and the internet has enabled amateur sleuths to amplify, legitimize, and present their “research” to a wider audience.
Enter Planet X.
According to a small but vocal group of conspiracy theorists, a planet called Nibiru, or Planet X, intercepts Earth’s orbit ever 3,600 years, passing within 14 million miles of Earth — the sun is 93 million miles away, so this would put Nibiru pretty close. They have some pseudoscientific reasons that supposedly explain why we can’t see this planet that’s allegedly about to crash into us, but we at Inverse find NASA’s 2012 explanations more compelling and scientifically rigorous:
Q: Is there a planet or brown dwarf called Nibiru or Planet X or Eris that is approaching the Earth and threatening our planet with widespread destruction?
A: Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.
Of course, for those who subscribe to the school of thought that gives rise to such conspiracy theories as Nibiru or the flat Earth, NASA’s authority is irrelevant. NASA’s official statements simply prove the depth of the cover-up.
But for those who believe in science and the scientific process, here’s another gem from NASA’s 2012 debunk … which went live on December 22, 2012, the day after the Earth was supposed to be destroyed. It’s as true now as it was then:
Q: How do NASA scientists feel about claims of the world ending in 2012?
A: For any claims of disaster or dramatic changes in 2012, where is the science? Where is the evidence? There is none, and for all the fictional assertions, whether they are made in books, movies, documentaries or over the Internet, we cannot change that simple fact. There is no credible evidence for any of the assertions made in support of unusual events taking place in December 2012.
Where’s the science? Where’s the evidence? There is none. Let’s put this Planet X thing to bed once and for all.
If you liked this article, check out this video about how the flat earth movement is making a comebac
“Aliens are Real” was the title of the first lecture I sat in on during the first annual UFO Rendezvous held in Hullet, Wyoming, this past week.
The UFO Rendezvous was a three-day conference held near Mato Tipila (Devil’s Tower). The event was held in conjunction with 40-year anniversary of the release of the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The gathering brought together those who claimed to have been abducted, academics and ufologists, as well as curious minds like myself.
The first lecture was a presentation about powerful figures who had either admitted to believing in extraterrestrials or who had they had first hand knowledge of their existence. The session set the stage for the next speaker who was none other than Travis Walton. Travis Walton is the inspiration behind the film Fire in the Sky. The movie has now become a cult classic and is considered to be a depiction of the most widely documented alien abduction ever.
Mr. Walton’s talk centered around correcting inaccuracies in the movie and on debunking critics who claim that it was a hoax. According to Walton, he was abducted in the woods near his work site. The incident was witnessed by several of his coworkers who saw an object floating in the woods that resembled an extraterrestrial craft. Walton would appear five days later at a location 15-miles away from the original site where the craft was seen by his coworkers. Mr. Walton passionately, and with great detail, explained his version of the night he was abducted and his experience while he was missing from this earth. He would then provide evidence that the United States government had worked to undermine his story. I will never know for sure if he was telling the truth, but what I do know is that as a Lakota it is hard to not at least give a guy the benefit of the doubt when he says the government is up to some shady things.
His speech would spark a discussion about the merits of disclosure. In the alien research community, the term disclosure has sort of become the Holy Grail and refers to the moment that world governments release their files on this matter. Mr. Walton believes that the general public could not handle this revelation should it occur. He feels that a steady trickling of information would be more effective and safer.
Lakota people do have knowledge of beings from other worlds visiting this earth. That discussion however is for other people to provide details on. I never pretend to be an expert on any parts of our spiritual beliefs.
What I know is that Lakota people would welcome disclosure. We are humble enough to recognize that as humans we know very little about the universe and that there are powers greater than us.
When the day for disclosure comes I guarantee that there will be a Lakota sitting somewhere saying, “We told you so.”
Brandon Ecoffey is the editor of LCT and is an award-winning journalist who was born and raised on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
My Twitter feed on MacDill Air Force Base has been out of this world lately.
Dozens of people from across the globe have tweeted out images purporting to show unidentified flying objects in the skies over MacDill. The tweets began Sept. 1 when a self-described UFO expert named Michael Salla sent out pictures of what he claims are extraterrestrial conveyances.
The photos, he writes on his website, are "of a triangular shaped UFO" taken near the base at about 8 a.m. Aug. 31 by a source he refers to only as "JP," with whom he had been communicating since 2008.
"These are not photoshopped or created by CGI, but genuine photos of a UFO that informed analysis suggests has design and technology characteristics similar to the TR-3B that is part of a USAF secret space air wing operating out of MacDill," Salla writes on his website.
In a story posted in February about sightings of such aircraft, the London-based Daily Express described the TR-3B as "alleged by conspiracy theorists to be a secret 'black project' spy craft of the US Government that can be flown into space."
A few days later, Salla tweeted more pictures, this time of what he claims were "a triangular UFO" taken near MacDill Air Force Base around 9:50 a.m. Sept. 4.
The movement "indicates that the triangular craft either used cloaking technology that would move from one end to the other end of the craft, or had entered a larger cloaked vehicle," Salla wrote.
On Sept. 6, Salla posted again, claiming that on Sept. 5 and 6, "more flying triangle shaped craft were photographed in the vicinity of MacDill."
He posted yet again about "cylindrical" UFOs flying near the base.
Why MacDill?
It's the home of U.S. Special Operations Command, Salla told me in an email.
"As you know, they perform covert missions around the world using classified technologies, some of which have been reverse engineered from recovered alien craft," Salla said.
SOCom officials could not be reached for comment. But Terry Montrose, a spokesman for the 6th Air Mobility Wing, MacDill's host command, laughed when I asked him about Salla's claims.
Michael Salla, who runs an extraterrestrial research website, claims these are images taken of ...
"No, there are no secret UFOs or a secret Air Force Space Wing at MacDill," Montrose said. "There are no flying triangles."
So take Salla's claims with a grain of salt, and consider some of the other material you'll find at his website: The suggestion that Hurricane Irma may have been directed by space weapons, and books for sale that include a Salla title, The U.S. Navy's Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance, whose cover shows a Navy officer shaking hands with a blonde-haired, Nordic-looking female "alien" in a skin-tight silver outfit.
This isn't the first time MacDill has been associated with aliens — or even the first time Salla figured into the association.
His website turns up in emails pilfered from the account of former Hillary Clinton advisor John Podesta, which were posted on the Wikileaks site and now are a subject of investigation into whether the Russians interfered with the presidential election.
On March 3, 2006, a man named Bob Fish emailed Podesta a link to Salla's website. Fish also included his own memories of talking with an Air Force electronics intelligence technician who claimed he flew RC-135 jets out of MacDill that were used for surveillance of Cuba but were sometimes diverted "to track UFOs off the east coast of Florida."
Fish said his source claimed the UFOs "had a landing and takeoff spot in the ocean east of Miami, north of Bermuda," a strange reference considering Bermuda is much closer to coastal cities in the Carolinas.
MacDill's association with UFOs also comes up in the famous Project Blue Book report by the Air Force, "relating to the investigations of unidentified flying objects" and now part of the National Archives.
According to an Air Force document drawn from the report, on June 5, 1961, an F-102 fighter jet was scrambled after witnesses spotted a star-shaped UFO in the skies near MacDill. The object, according to the document, had been on the base radar for several days.
"Aircraft reported contact but experienced (electronic countermeasure) trouble and could not complete intercept due to jamming," the document says.
Whether claims about MacDill UFOs today end up in any Project Blue Book of the future remains to be seen.
For now, with MacDill commands running operations across the war-torn Middle East and supporting commandos around the globe, they're a diversion that brings a few grins.
No new deaths were reported by the Pentagon last week in ongoing operations.
There have been 2,347 U.S. troop deaths in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan; 43 U.S. troop deaths and one civilian Department of Defense employee death in support of the follow-up, Operation Freedom's Sentinel in Afghanistan; 38 troop deaths and two civilian deaths in support of Operation Inherent Resolve, the fight against the Islamic State; one troop death in support of Operation Odyssey Lightning, the fight against Islamic State in Libya; and one death under classified as other contingency operations as part of the global war on terrorism.
Contact Howard Altman at or (813) 225-3112. Follow @haltman.
MacDill chuckling as UFO website reports 'flying triangles' at base: Howard Altman 09/21/17 [Last modified: Thursday, September 21, 2017 10:21am] Photo reprints | Article reprints
A small shed on a free range outside of Hulett Wyoming. This image was taken as the Sun was getting low in the West, the ‘sweet light’ time. Visible are the red Spearfish Formation sedimentary rock at bottom, the brown Stockade Beaver Shale above it, and finally the Hulett Sandstone at the top that is yellowish tan. The colors are dramatic especially at sunrise and sunset.
This past Sept 14-16 I received and invitation to speak at the first annual Devils Tower UFO Rendezvous. Richard Beckwith, Wyoming’s state director for the Mutual UFO Network asked if I was interested and I said sure. It seemed to be a great locale and looked to be a more scientifically based first time conference. As an astronomer, (we really DO exist), I wanted to talk on a topic that is pertinent to any conference about extraterrestrial life: Exoplanets. After all, other worlds around other stars could harbor life like us if they are in the right place and are the right atmospheric makeup. I also did a second progress report talk on the UFOTOG II project that I have been working on with Douglas Trumbull. The conference organizers, Laurie Tucker and Bob Olsen did a magnificent job for their first “rodeo” and the press attended each day including the UK Sun newspaper.
One thing I was really looking forward to was the absolute dark skies that Wyoming offers depending on where you go. In the town of Hulett, there are a few lights, security or otherwise for some of the facilities there (cattle and lumber being the main concerns), I brought the camera that I use with our SkyTour LiveStream YouTube channel we produce on clear nights from the John Zack Memorial Observatory in CT so that I could avail myself of the incredible sensitivity of that camera. I put a lens on the camera body and off I went. I was a bit nervous flying this expensive gear so it rode with me under the seat on the flights. I was not prepared for the landscapes however. Southwestern Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah were once part of a large group of lakes that formed sedimentary rock known as the Green River Formation. Laid down 55 million years ago, this formation is rich with fossils characterized by the tan colored rock matrix and dark fossil remains.
Green River Fish fossil that I acquired several years ago originating from a site in southwestern Wyoming. These fossils are particularly beautiful from this formation.
The Exoplanet talk on Friday afternoon was live streamed on my channel so if you want to see it you can go Here to the SkyTour LiveStream page and watch it. It is a lighthearted, sometimes funny look at the science behind the discovery of Exoplanets. Sunday I discussed progress on UFOTOG II which is the UFO detection system I am putting together with Douglas Trumbull (VFX genius, god, and UFO Hunter). At this point the John Zack Observatory is being used as a test site for instruments we come up with as well as a LiveStream site for the clear night tours of the sky with a moderate telescope. We can show ultra faint objects live and in real time thanks to the camera technology we employ.
On Sunday, a free day, I went to Devils Tower, the most memorable part of the 1977 movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Interestingly, Doug Trumbull did the visual effects for the movie so it was cool to visit that site even though the time spent filming there was certainly not the lion’s share of the time. The movie took the crew all over the world, from Devil’s Tower, to India to dunes in California. The process that actually made the tower is in debate but the cause is not. It is very likely an igneous intrusion, where magma from underground pushes into overlying strata and then cools there. Even though the process that made the tower still debated, it is known that the only reason we SEE the tower at all is because the surrounding shales and softer rocks were eroded away over the last 50 million years. That is to say that Devils Tower which rises over 850 feet above the landscape NOW, was actually buried deep underground before it was exposed by the relentless erosion that took place since its formation. Overall the elevation of the tower above sea level is over 5000 feet.
Devils Tower rises 850+ above lounging Longhorns and Bison in this view taken Sunday 9-17-2017.
The geology of the Tower is fascinating but the sheer beauty is breathtaking. Once at the Tower you are close to 5000 feet in elevation so looking at the surrounding terrain is amazing. Sweeping valleys and large conifer trees dot the landscape so it really does make you take pause. To see what that looked like check out the image below.
The sweeping valley below the Tower was breathtaking.
Just as a point of scale, check out the pictures below.
Devils Tower seen from the base. The many rocks and boulders, some house sized, form deep crevasses in which rattlesnakes and other animals seek refuge from the hot Sun. At least one rattler was seen this day near this spot.
The crystallized igneous rocks that form the towers distinctive columnar structure are similar in appearance to the Devil’s Postpile in California but are a much larger diameter. Magma that cools slowly underground can crystallize into the characteristic hexagonal form. Devil’s Postpile was formed from a different type of lava than the Tower but on the outside it looks the same. A similar rock crystallization process occurs. The key item here is that the above picture doesnt give you an adequate sense of scale . Consider the picture below however!
The columnar lava forming the Tower is called Phonolite Porphyry which is a relatively rare type of lava. Note the CLIMBER just right of center. NOW the scale of the Tower can be fully appreciated!
Can you see the climber just right of center? These lava columns are clearly among the largest, suggesting that the process that made Devils Tower encouraged such large crystal growth. These columns can break off and crash to the base of the tower as can be seen in the above photo as well... This makes climbing somewhat treacherous. I have NO desire to climb this decaying massif! For instance look at this photo below.
COPYRIGHT 2017 BY MARC DANTONIOOne of the columns that weighs several tons has broken off in this photo and is resting against the body of the Tower. Note the climber ABOVE it straddling the single column.
The Tower is decaying slowly and will eventually erode to a small hill in the far future. For no
w it is an exciting tourist attraction.
While there I noticed a strong acrid odor that burned the eyes and made it hard to breathe. This was the smoke from existing forest fires in Montana that was drifting down to us. In fact if you went north in Wyoming this past weekend you would have another experience too: that of ash from the fires raining down on you coating everything with a gray layer. It was like a post apocalyptic scene from a movie. I didnt witness this personally but some people there had done so. I am glad I stayed in Hulett...
One of the things on my to do list was to photograph the night sky. It rained for the first couple of days which was disheartening until I realized that the smoke that was shrouding the Tower would be cleared out by the rain. Then Sunday it cleared impressively! I took a number of photos that night and the next. Devils Tower is actually open and accessible 24 hours so after dark I went up to the Tower and took photos of the Milky Way over the Tower and then farther away on the highway did a similar set of photos. First of all, Hulett itself, lights and all is still impressive . Note the image below showing the Dark Sky view around Hulett. It registers green on th light pollution scale which is fairly close to the darkest skies.
Hulett has a few lights around the center of town but even still, the Milky Way with quite a bit of complexity is easily seen even from the center of town...
Here is an example of what the night sky looks like in Hulett. You can see the lights, but you can also see the complex Milky Way. Its stunning.
Hulett with lights is still stunning!
Milky Way with some cloudy interlopers inHulett. Note that Devil’s Tower, 9 miles away is visible in the distance just above the front of the hood on the right hand truck.
After taking the pictures in Hulett and after seeing Devil’s Tower in the photos appearing in the distance I went to the Tower and on the way found a spot where the Milky Way was descending on the Tower. This below is that image. It looks like a scene out of Close Encounters.
Devil’s Tower rises like a silent sentinel above the surrounding Wyoming wilderness. The Milky Way descends through it...
And finally after arriving at the Tower at night I was able to capture the full majesty of the Tower. The sky wasnt quite dark enough to keep me from seeing my hand in front of my face but then I realized WHY. It was the STARLIGHT that was brightly illuminating the scene as there was no light pollution worth mentioning here. In the above image you are seeing the light dome (orange yellow light causing the tower to appear in silhouette) from the town of Gillete 100 miles away.
The Andromeda Galaxy can be seen just above center in this image of the northeastern Milky Way as seen from the base of Devil’s Tower. The red glow on the right is due to an intrinsic characteristic of fast cameras called called amplifier glow. During final processing that color will be removed from the image.
Of course there was other fun too... Getting personal with an Elk...
Awwww what a warm fuzzy... face...
Prairie Dogs were ever present. They are a scourge because cattle could fall into the holes and break their legs. Out here these cute guys are varmints!
Well I hope you enjoyed coming along for the ride! If you have any questions let me know!
We spoke to veteran UFO investigator Dr David Clarke about all the paintings and drawings he uncovered in the UK's real-life 'X Files'.
After a decade of pressuring the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to release some of its 11,000 case reports on UFO sightings in the UK (having filed many FOIA requests and conducted his own investigations into Britain's UFO paperwork) Dr David Clarke's efforts paid off in 2008 when those files were made public, prior to the MoD's UFO desk closing in 2009.
Since World War Two the government had logged – and, at times, investigated – reports of UFOs. In 2009, the MoD claimed that not one UFO sighting it had looked into had been of military or defence interest, and that the effort and resources put into monitoring the reports was no longer deemed worth it. In an about-face from "poacher to game keeper", Clarke was appointed curator for the transfer of these files into the National Archive.
A lecturer in folklore and journalism, Clarke's years of working on Britain's UFO papers led to his new book, UFO Drawings from The National Archives, a beautiful collection of paintings, diagrams and drawings from the archive, complimented by the accounts that came with them. We spoke to Dr Clarke, of Sheffield Hallam University, about the difficulty of being a journalist working on UFOs.
WATCH: The Alien Worshippers
VICE:For those not familiar, what was your route into the world of UFO research?
David Clarke: I got into it as a journalist. Before we had the Freedom of Information Act, they used to release previously secret government documents on New Year's Day – all the documents that were over 30 years old. It used to be a big media event.
Of course, New Year's Day is dead as a doornail for news – nothing going on. I was at The Yorkshire Post and they used to make me look through those released files to find things to run in January. Naturally you are looking for a crazy story, and the UFO files kept coming up. I had an interest in the subject already, having seen Encounters of the Third Kind in the cinema aged ten. From there I went on to reading paper backs about UFOs, the Bermuda Triangle and so on. I had moved on, but got back into that area in the late-90s when The X-Files came out. And then all these files came along, and I needed a niche as a journalist…
Once you started reading the files, was there a particular angle that hooked you, or was it just the childhood interest flooding back?
The thing that intrigued me was that I knew from looking over the released files that there was this mysterious Ministry of Defence department that looked at UFOs! They were looking at the subject for about 60 years and spending quite a bit of public money on it. I wanted to know why. From the mid-90s this stuff was coming out in bits and pieces, up until 2006 or 2007, when they decided to make public all this stuff that had been, until that point, largely secret. The first British government documents on UFOs were actually released to the National Archives in 1986 as part of that 30-year rule. They included the famous memo sent in 1952 by PM Winston Churchill to the Air Ministry that asked: "What's all this stuff about flying saucers? What is the truth?"
They didn't release the secret files in 2008 on a whim. I'd spent a lot of time investigating – speaking with people who had reported sightings, as well as tracking down those I could who were involved in investigating them. From 1998 I was bombarding the government with FOIAs. The more eccentric UFO fans would write to them saying, "We know you are hiding crashed flying saucers, we know the truth!" And of course if you were one of the Ministry people you would just be like, "Please go away."
Image: The National Archives AIR 2-17983
I liked that aspect of the book. Your description of these supposedly hi-tech, top secret government departments, the "Men In Black"… but actually they come across more as harassed, under-resourced people in back rooms under piles of letters about god knows what who eventually effectively said, "Sod it, you can have it all." You definitely dent the glamour surrounding that side of things.
There's that mythic idea of a lavishly funded X-files department that rush around in black suits… it's more like Yes Minister. Or was, as it doesn't exist any more.
It must be very hard to exist in that world for so long as a skeptic, and to balance that with spending time with so many people who believe strongly that they have seen things that can't be explained by earthly means.
It's not easy. I mean, where do I start? There's obviously something there – it's very hard to detach oneself and be completely objective. The first question people usually ask me is, "Do you believe in UFOs?" Which I find very odd. Why ask that? If I wrote a book about the history of Christianity, the first question wouldn't be, "Do you believe in Jesus?", would it?
Image: The National Archives AIR 2-18961
This crosses over to another issue you talk about in the book – that of people's assumptions and associations. You say "UFO" and people think 'aliens'. But of course the vast majority of UFO claims are explained away without getting anywhere near even a suggestion of extraterrestrial causes.
Well, the irony here is that when UFOs first became big, in the late-1940s, it was all about "flying saucers". A flying saucer is explicitly a craft from another world. The American air force came up with the term "UFO" to get away from that association. But that's now come full circle. The MoD actually came up with a new term – UAP, which stands for Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. It avoids the use of the word object, and the associations people have with UFO. They used that from around 2000 onward until they closed the desk.
How does someone who's spent so long looking over this material, of which there's so much, go about selecting the few cases you included in the book? Is the book a shortlist of your favourites, a selection of the best images?
It was a balance. It's an image-led book – an art book – so I had to favour the more visually striking cases. But some of the most interesting cases, or stories, aren't particularly well illustrated. Not everyone did a painting or drawing of what they saw.
Image: The National Archives DEFE 24-1207
In some cases I felt that the less artful illustrations were just as revealing. The style of image, to an extent, tells you something about those making the claim. From the really matter of fact map drawn by a policeman, to the ridiculously elaborate, full-colour illustrations some sent in.
I am glad you think that, and that that's how it comes over. People tend to think of UFOs as just one thing. You can see in the book that there are a zillion things that can be UFOs. Zillions of things that cause people to see what they think are UFOs, and these people are from all sorts of backgrounds. You get the imaginative accounts by people who claim to be in contact with aliens, and you get quite ordinary people who have no interest in the subject at all. That policeman you mentioned was just out checking doors. He felt he should report what he saw, submitted it as a standard police report. He didn't expect anyone to get back to him, and he certainly didn't imagine his report would become public.
Another thing that comes over in the book is the different responses people have to explanations they are given. Some people clearly have no interest in being told anything that deviates from their own view.
But then there are others who very happily accept explanations given. It's impossible to generalise about people who see UFOs. Some do have that will to believe – it's almost a religious thing. They might not be people who go to church, but they still seem to be looking for something – something more in their lives. To them, seeing a thing they don't understand in the sky is akin to a religious experience. And of course it can become an obsession.
The cover of 'UFO Drawings from the National Archives'
How much of the UFO phenomenon is mass hysteria of a sort, driven by popular culture, and how much is innocent interpretation of unexplained sightings?
People have experiences, genuine experiences. But nobody is free from the impact of popular culture. You have people reporting sightings saying, "I have no interest in popular culture, but…" and you're like, "Come off it – you haven't ever seen Thunderbirds, or The X-Files?" Even if people genuinely don't think they are influenced by those things, they may well be. There was a famous psychology experiment where they briefly showed a group of people a picture with a flying object on it, then asked them to draw it again. People drew classic "flying saucers", with windows or flanges or whatever, but that wasn't what they were shown… where was that coming from? It was coming from that stock of sci-fi imagery.
There are cases in the book where detailed accounts of UFO sightings, by seemingly rational people, were conclusively shown to be run of the mill aircraft sightings.
On that psychology side, there's a case of a woman driving at night with her boyfriend in Essex, in the 70s, on the A12, I think. She saw an object overhead – a triangle shape with lots of white lights on it. She was transfixed. They pulled over and thought it was going to land on the car! She said it wasn't a plane, that it had no wings and made no sound. Her father was an RAF Group Captain who reported it officially – a pages-long account of the event and object. This agency DI55 looked into it – they are the real X-Files lot, defence intelligence staff. They got radar records and found that, without any shadow of doubt, what they had seen was an aircraft landing at Stansted airport. They traced it to the time and place.
But even if what she saw was a plane, what she thought she saw, and what she reported, was a UFO. People see ordinary things in extraordinary circumstances, or extraordinary things in ordinary circumstances… both can lead to these sightings.
I once saw an object in the sky that I couldn't explain; it zoomed between two tall buildings. It turned out to be a Tesco carrier bag, but I only knew that because I followed it around the building and saw it land. If I had wanted to believe maybe I would have reported it as a flying saucer.
Image: The National Archives DEFE 24-2060
How many of the reports sent in to the UFO desk actually led to investigations?
Very, very few. But it changed over the years. When the desk was first set up in the Churchill years, it was all taken very, very seriously because people really thought these might have been Soviet spy planes. The Americans had Project Blue Book at that time too. Even then the British version was, as usual, a cut-price version run by air force intelligence, but that was a golden era for UFO investigations in the UK.
Later it was handled by civilians, and it started to attract attention from people like the Aetherius Society, who bombarded them with letters. There were protests outside Whitehall demanding "the truth" as early as 1958.
When the Americans packed it in in the late-60s the British continued to collect and look at these reports. A lot of the earliest, and most thorough, investigations were actually destroyed – as they predated things like freedom of information, public records act and so on. Of course, the fact these were destroyed plays into the hands of the more conspiracy-minded UFO enthusiasts, even though the government destroys stuff all the time.
By the time you get to the 1980s and 90s it's just a constant washing of hands – no one wants anything to do with it. The last time they had a real field investigation team sent out was in the late-1960s.
What is your overriding view of the UFO world, in light of your investigations?
One of the MoD's UFO desk officers I tracked down was an air force psychologist called Alex Cassie. He'd been investigating air crashes and their causes, focusing on why pilots made mistakes they shouldn't. He was drafted into this real life X-Files team investigating flying saucer sightings. When I spoke to him he said he had visited about half a dozen people around 1967, 68, and I distinctly remember what he said to me – he said, "I came to the conclusion that the people who see UFOs are far more interesting than the UFOs themselves." And I came to the same conclusion myself, actually.
UFO Drawings from The National Archives is available now, on Four Corners Books.
Nibiru: How the nonsense Planet X Armageddon and Nasa fake news theories spread globally
Nibiru: How the nonsense Planet X Armageddon and Nasa fake news theories spread globally
Nibiru: Planet X - the end of the world as we know it on September 23, 2017? Probably not CREDIT:GETTY
Nibiru conspiracy theories about the end of the world have been circulating online for more than two decades, with the latest dubious prophecy predicting the apocalypse on September 23, 2017.
Planet X, or Nibiru, refers to a mythological planet in our solar system that will supposedly crash into Earth and wipe out the human race, however it has been consistently dismissed by Nasa and other experts as an internet hoax.
Despite absolutely no scientific evidence to back up the suggestions of a rogue planet getting rapidly closer to Earth, myths about Planet X continue to be perpetuated online.
Of course, this isn't the first time time harbingers of doom have predicted the end of time; Nasa also had to deny the existence of Nibiru in 2012.
Throughout history there have been similar claims, but thankfully none of them so far have been proved correct.
How did conspiracy theories about Planet X start?
Online chatter about Nibiru began back in 1995 when Wisconsin native Nancy Lieder created the alien-conspiracy website ZetaTalk.
Ms Lieder claims to be a conduit for aliens from the Zeta Reticuli star system, 39.17 light years from Earth, who have warned her about the Nibiru catastrophe.
The conspiracy theory hasn’t gone away, with so-called Christian numerologist David Meade claiming Planet X is heading in our direction.
Meade believes October could see thestart The Rapture and a seven-year tribulation period of widescale natural disasters.
Why September 23?
It has been claimed an unusual celestial arrangement mirroring signs from the Bible’s Book of Revelation on September 23 will signal the start of the end of the world.
However, the EarthSky blog notes there will be “nothing unique” about the sun, moon and planets on the date.
“In the past 1,000 years, this same event has happened at least four times already, in 1827, 1483, 1293, and 1056,” explains astronomer Christopher M. Graney.
Haven’t we been here before?
Mars, with Earth visible in backgroundCREDIT: GETTY
This isn't the first time the apocalypse has been predicted:
American Baptist teacher William Miller first shared publicly his belief in the coming Second Advent of Jesus Christ in 1833, predicting he would return in the year 1843.
The Millerites were his followers and Millerism became a national movement, however when Jesus didn’t arrive, October 22, 1844, became known as the Great Disappointment.
Twenty years ago, 29 members of Heaven’s Gate, a UFO religious millenarian group, committed suicide with the aim of boarding a UFO they believed was hiding behind the Hale-Bopp comet before the supposed end of the world.
Planet X was also supposedly discovered by the ancient Sumerian people and was meant to hit Earth in 2003, but never arrived.
“This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened the doomsday date was moved forward to December 2012 and linked to the end of one of the cycles in the ancient Mayan calendar at the winter solstice in 2012,” say Nasa.
The end of the world was also supposed to arrive on 21 May 2011, with Christian doomsday prophet Harold Camping predicting the Rapture would begin at 18:00 in each of the world's time zones, wiping out nay-sayers with rolling earthquakes as believers ascended to heaven.
Nasa had to debunk an ancient Maya prophecy theory about the world ending back in 2012.
The Mayan connection “was a misconception from the very beginning,” astrophysicist Dr. John Carlson said at the time.
“The Maya calendar did not end on Dec. 21, 2012, and there were no Maya prophecies foretelling the end of the world on that date."
Chris McCann, leader and founder of the eBible fellowship, said the world would be engulfed and destroyed by a great fire on October 7.
Nasa has definitively dismissed wild theories about Nibiru as pseudoscience, issuing a number of statements denying its existence.
“Various people are ‘predicting’ that world will end on September 23 when another planet collides with Earth,” say Nasa.
“The planet in question, Nibiru, doesn't exist, so there will be no collision. The story of Nibiru has been around for years (as has the 'days of darkness' tale) and is periodically recycled into new apocalyptic fables.”
They add: “Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth … astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist.
“Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.”
Nasa fake news and the days of darkness tale
A fake news story being widely shared online suggests Nasa has confirmed Earth will experience 15 days of complete darkness in November 2015.
Another fake news video claims that Nasa has found Nibiru and confirmed it is heading straight for us.
Debunking website Snopes explains the “days of darkness” tale is a “bit of fake news lifted from an older viral rumour”
They say that it “had already been around the online block several times before,” adding, “it has long since become an evergreen online hoax — a jape that is typically resurrected a few times a year by dubious websites that simply update the time span for the alleged ‘period of darkness’ and send it winging around the internet again.
What do other experts say?
Nick Pope, who used to investigate UFOs and other mysteries for the Ministry of Defence, says “Nibiru doesn't exist”.
He adds: “The world won't end on September 23. Shame on the people promoting this hoax in the name of evangelical Christianity.”
Mr Pope told The Telegraph: “I'm certain Nibiru doesn't exist because if there really was a rogue planet heading for Earth, due to hit on Saturday, it would be visible to the naked naked eye by now.
“Furthermore, astronomers would have been aware of its presence for years, both through direct observation and through gravitational effects on other planets in the solar system.”
Why are some people so keen to promote this conspiracy?
“The people promoting this prediction seem to be doing so because of religious belief, tenuously linking the recent eclipse with Biblical passages, including one from the Book of Revelations,” Pope says.
“I suspect the reasons include self-publicity and the desire to promote their particular brand of evangelical Christianity.”
Is there anything we should be worried about?
“All this isn't to say that there aren't some existential threats out there, but if people want to worry about something, they should probably worry about North Korean missiles, or about Iran acquiring nuclear weapons, not about Nibiru,” Pope adds.
“There have been countless previous predictions of the end of the world. Self-evidently all these predictions were false. September 23 will pass without incident, just as we safely negotiated all the previous dates that had been put forward as doomsday.”
The disappearance of the UK’s “most spectacular” UFO photo
The disappearance of the UK’s “most spectacular” UFO photo
Hanging on the wall near the British government’s UFO Desk was what one of the men who occupied that desk called “the most spectacular UFO photo ever sent to the Ministry of Defence (MoD).” The photo has since disappeared, but the story of how the picture was obtained, and what it showed, has not.
Nick Pope ran the MoD’s UFO project from 1991 to 1994. When he was first assigned to the position, he was not excited about it. He felt the issue was ridiculous and he was not looking forward to having to deal with a bunch of UFO nuts. However, over the years, Pope found there were credible cases of incredible things, and began to see there was something truly mysterious about the phenomenon. One of the cases that lead him to this conclusion had to do with a photo that was made into a poster that he found hung in the office near his desk when he began working the UFO desk.
A recreation of the Calvine UFO photo poster.
(Credit: Channel 5)
“I first came across this story in 1991, when I joined the UFO project,” writes Pope on his website. “A poster-sized enlargement of the best photo was prominently displayed on the office wall.”
“The X-Files first aired in the UK in 1994 and I acquired the same nickname (Spooky) as Fox Mulder, for obvious reasons,” Nick continues. “Mulder famously had his ‘I want to believe’ UFO poster on his office wall and though uncaptioned, I suppose this was my equivalent.”
The photo showed a picture of a large diamond shaped craft with a jet in the background. When he asked about the photo, Pope was told that they had officially determined the image was real. They estimated the craft to have been 25 meters (over 80 feet) in diameter.
However, if asked, they were instructed to answer, “no definite conclusion had been reached regarding the large diamond-shaped object.”
Pope learned that the object had been photographed on August 4, 1990. Two people had been walking near the town of Calvine in Scotland when they spotted the large diamond-shaped object. They described the object as looking metallic. It sat in one position, hovering silently for several minutes before taking off vertically at, as Pope writes, “a massive speed.”
During the sighting, the witnesses also saw a military aircraft that they thought might be a harrier jet, but they were unsure whether the jet was escorting the craft, chasing it, or whether the jet pilot was even aware of the diamond-shaped UFO.
The witnesses had taken several photographs and sent them to the Scottish Daily Record newspaper. The paper contacted the MoD, and the MoD was somehow able to convince the paper to hand over the photographs along with the negatives.
” The photos were then sent to the Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS) who then sent them on to imagery analysts at JARIC (Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre). Yet at the time, MoD hadn’t even publicly acknowledged that there was any intelligence interest in UFOs at all,” Pope explains.
“We implied and sometimes stated that we didn’t ‘investigate’ UFOs, but merely ‘examined sightings to see if anything reported was of any defence interest’ – as if the two were somehow different!”
Pope say the MoD was actually very interested in these cases, but often less interested in where the craft came from than what they could learn from it. They had hoped to identify some sort of technology they would be able to appropriate.
Nick Pope, former MOD UFO investigator, at the International UFO Congress.
(Credit: Peter Beste/Open Minds)
Either way, the Calvine UFO photos impressed the UFO desk investigators enough that they hung the poster in the office.
“At one particularly surreal briefing on the UFO phenomenon my DIS opposite number indicated the photo and pointed his finger to the right: ‘It’s not the Americans’, he said, before pointing to the left and saying ‘and it’s not the Russians.’ There was a pause, before he concluded ‘and that only leaves …’ – his voice trailed off and he didn’t complete the sentence, but his finger was pointing directly upwards,” recalls Pope.
The office where the UFO desk was located also housed other non-UFO related projects.
Pope says the reaction of some colleagues who came to visit unaware of the UFO program had amusing reactions to the poster.
Pope writes, “You’d have this surreal moment when they’d stop mid-sentence, stare at it, point and say ‘what the hell’s that?’ – this wasn’t the archetypal distant, blurred UFO photo. This was up close and personal, reach out and you can touch it stuff. ‘I don’t know what it is, but it’s not one of ours’ was our stock answer to the inevitable question.”
Eventually, around 1994, Pope says his superior determined the craft was a secret American aircraft or drone. Pope says they had already asked the U.S. if the craft or something similar of theirs was being tested over the UK, and were told they were not. Pope believes his boss had decided to support a potential cover-up by the Americans and the MoD and removed the poster. It was never to be seen again.
Although Pope has discussed these photographs in the media and has posted an article on his website, no one has come forward to claim they took the photos. Nor has anyone at the Scottish Daily Record come forth to discuss any involvement. The case remains a mystery.
During the past week, Earth has been said to have a close shave three times. Astronomers found three asteroids which have never been seen before and they went whizzing past Earth a great deal close
While the three asteroids really did not pose any real threat to Earth, it does happen to be rather unsettling that the biggest out of the three asteroids, with the name of 2017 SQ2, was seen on Monday. This is close to four days after another hunk which was said to be the size of a warehouse passed Earth around 120,000 miles above the heads of people.
The asteroid given the name of 2017 SM2 is said to be around half that size, and this asteroid passed over the Earth on Wednesday morning, and this one was said to be around 188,000 miles over our heads.
The smallest and the closest of the debris from space that has just been found close to Earth is 2017 SR2, and this has been said to be about the same size as a bus. This asteroid was said to have passed by Earth on Wednesday at about 1.30pm PT, and it was just 55,000 miles away from Earth.
Of course, there are many asteroids that float around the same region of the Solar System that Earth does, and it seems that now astronomers are finding new debris that goes flying past Earth closer and closer every day. Many of the asteroids have thankfully passed Earth at a distance that is very comfortable and which is said to be several times further away than the Moon is. However, there is the rare time when an asteroid does come closer than the space that is between Earth and the Moon.
While they did not pose any threat to Earth, they are worth noting, and their flying past the Earth has made for a dramatic week for many astronomers. Up to date, a total of 31 asteroids have passed by Earth closer than the Moon during 2017. One of the closest times an asteroid came past us was in April when a rock that was said to be the size of a car came past a great deal closer than most artificial satellites.
One of the closest shaves might be next month when asteroid 2012 TC4 is said to be coming past Earth, and this is about the size of a house, and it may pass Earth at just 5,000 miles on 12 October. NASA is full of confidence that while this is going to be a close call, the asteroid is not going to strike Earth.
However, there may still be a good reason to be concerned about it as in 2013 there was an explosion over Russia caused by an asteroid that had been undetected and collided with the atmosphere of Earth.
The Hubble Space Telescope is no stranger to finding strange things that defy definition and one more has been added to that list, a binary asteroid spotted by astronomers that is also a comet.
Astronomers have found not just one, but two, swirling around each other in a cosmic dance and leaving behind a stream of dust as they go. It is certainly a beautiful example of nature and it does bring about questions that are very interesting concerning just how many hybrids there might be out there.
As part of the Spacewatch program, the binary object was seen first in 2006 and it was given the rather unassuming name of 2006 VW139. However, in 2012 astronomers found that there was something strange about it as the asteroid had characteristics that were comet-like, with one giveaway being the tail that was streaming behind it.
There is nothing new about main-belt comets. However, they are not common either. The asteroid is only one of a dozen objects to have ever been found and what makes this one standout is the fact that it is in two pieces.
2006 VW139 is made from two lumps of equal size that are orbiting each other at about 60 miles distance but why it split in half is something of a mystery and left astronomers wanting to take an even closer look. When the twins came closer to the Sun in September last year, NASA made the Hubble Space Telescope capture images that were clearer of the tail and the nucleus and this confirmed signatures of a comet sitting where they do not usually sit.
Jessica Agarwal from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany said that they had found indications that were strong for sublimation of water ice thanks to an increase in solar heating, very much in the same way as the comet's tail is created. Researchers believe that 2006 VW139 split apart around 5000 years ago thanks to stress rotation, where a stream of vapor coming off them helped them to move more and more apart.
There is still one question that remains, and this is how common systems such as this are actually in the inner Solar System. Agarwal said that more observational and theoretical work is needed along with the sighting of more objects similar to this one to be able to find an answer to the question. It is hoped that more of the oddball icy asteroids will be seen with technology making advancements, to reveal a great deal more of the beauty along with detail in the rock-studded asteroid belt.
Canada's best-documented UFO sighting still intrigues, 50 years on
Canada's best-documented UFO sighting still intrigues, 50 years on
Highway sign identifying the incident location at Shag Harbour.
Michael MacDonald, The Canadian Press
HALIFAX -- The first frantic callers to reach the RCMP were clear: something had crashed in the waters off Shag Harbour, N.S.
It was around 11 p.m. on the night of Oct. 4, 1967. Most witnesses thought it was a doomed aircraft.
Among those who saw the string of flashing lights on that clear, moonless night were three RCMP officers, scores of fishermen and airline pilots flying along the province's rugged southwest coast.
The Shag Harbour Incident Interpretive Centre is seen in Shag Harbour, N.S. on Saturday, Sept. 16, 2017.
Laurie Wickens, president of the Shag Harbour Incident Society, is seen in Shag Harbour, N.S. on Saturday, Sept. 16, 2017.
But a series of searches turned up nothing. No wreckage. No bodies. No clues as to what really happened that night 50 years ago.
A Halifax-area man later uncovered a trove of government and police records that would make the Shag Harbour incident Canada's best-documented and most intriguing UFO sighting.
Hundreds of UFO sightings are reported across Canada every year, but none has the paper trail of Shag Harbour.
In a series of RCMP reports and correspondence sent by telex between military officials in Ottawa and Halifax, there are specific references to unidentified flying objects, and no attempts were made to explain away what people were reporting.
Chris Styles, the UFO researcher who dug up those documents, remains baffled by the case.
"To this day, I don't know the absolute answer, but we're still finding things," says Styles, the author of two books about the Shag Harbour incident.
Next week, on the eve of the 50th anniversary, Styles will be the keynote speaker at the start of the three-day Shag Harbour UFO Festival. After 20-plus years of dogged research, he says he has new evidence to share.
It points to an explanation that hardly seems possible, unless you have a sense of what Styles has uncovered so far.
To be sure, the most compelling evidence comes from eyewitnesses like Laurie Wickens, now a 67-year-old former fisherman.
"There was four (lights) in a row, and they were going on and off," says Wickens, at the time a 17-year-old driving home to Shag Harbour with a friend and three young women. "One would come on, then two, three and four -- and they'd all be off for a second and come back on again."
Sure he was about to witness an airline disaster, Wickens found a phone booth and called the local RCMP detachment. Questions were asked about his sobriety. But he wasn't drunk, and he was sure about what he saw.
Several other people called the Mounties that night. They all told same story.
Soon afterwards, Wickens was among a dozen or so people gathered at the water's edge, watching in amazement as a glowing, orange sphere -- about the size of a city bus -- bobbed on the waves about 300 metres from shore.
At 11:20 p.m., it slipped beneath the surface without a sound.
Three of those at the wharf were Mounties. One of them called the Rescue Co-ordination Centre in Halifax. A coast guard cutter was immediately dispatched to conduct a search.
Before the ship arrived, volunteer searchers aboard two fishing boats soon spotted a long trail of bubbling, yellow foam on the calm waters -- but no wreckage.
A squad of Royal Canadian Navy divers later failed to turn up any clues after a three-day scan of the harbour floor, according to official military records.
To this day, Wickens has no idea what he saw.
"All I know is that we saw something, and something came down," he says, adding that he believes the divers pulled something from the water.
"I can't prove it, but in my opinion they found something."
Wickens, now president of the Shag Harbour UFO Society, will take part in a panel discussion Saturday that is expected to include Ralph Loewinger, one of the pilots aboard Pan Am Flight 160, a Boeing 707 cargo aircraft that was at 33,000 feet that same night.
They saw the same row of flashing lights over the Gulf of Maine as they approached to coast of Nova Scotia.
Loewinger and the other crew members never reported their sighting. Their story came to light about six years ago when Styles tracked them down.
"What sets this story apart is that the impact ... was witnessed by several independent and very credible witnesses," says Brock Zinck, a Nova Scotia seafood buyer and vice-president of the Shag Harbour UFO Society.
"Nobody reported a UFO. Everybody reported a plane crash. That gives a boost of credibility to the story."
About 36 hours after the initial sightings, several Defence Department officials signed off on a memo that made it clear authorities had no idea what they were dealing with.
"A preliminary investigation has been carried out by the Rescue Co-ordination Centre in Halifax," the memo says. "It has been determined that this UFO sighting was not caused by a flare, float, aircraft or in fact any known object."
It's worth noting the search at Shag Harbour was conducted during a highly charged period in Canada's history.
The space race was on and so was the Cold War. Russian submarines were known to frequent the East Coast. And the Americans were testing all manner of devices to spy on their communist foes, including crude spy satellites that ejected film canisters at high altitudes.
While the official records provide no explanation for what happened, there are vague clues pointing to another incident about 50 kilometres north, just off the coast of Shelburne.
In his 2001 book, "Dark Object," Styles says he eventually interviewed former military insiders and members of the navy's Fleet Diving Unit, who told him the orange orb spotted in Shag Harbour had submerged under its own power and travelled to a spot on the seabed off Shelburne.
At the time, the area was the location for a top-secret U.S. military base, disguised as an oceanographic institute. The facility used underwater microphones and magnetic detection devices to track enemy submarines, but its true purpose wasn't revealed until the 1980s.
"I interviewed anybody who was still alive," Styles says. "I tracked them down. I was a bulldog with it back then."
In the book, Styles' sources talk about a secret flotilla of American and Canadian ships dispatched to the area. There was speculation about Russian submarines and, yes, extraterrestrial visitors. But there is no hard evidence to back their claims.
But the clues keep coming.
During a recent search of an island off Shag Harbour, Styles says he spotted a military marker that indicated it was placed there by staff from the fake institute in Shelburne, which means the U.S. military snoops had been there at some point.
"I'm not here to make believers," he says. "Some people say I'm a believer, but that's a bit of an exaggeration. I want the real answers."
After thirteen years of some truly epic space exploration, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft ended its career by exploding on the atmosphere of Saturn in a controlled collision. Cassini was responsible for making some of the most groundbreaking discoveries in our solar system including detecting possible life-sustaining conditions on Saturn’s moon Enceladus. Cassini gave us an unprecedented look at Saturn and her moons, giving us a glimpse at what true alien worlds are like.
Rest in pieces, Cassini.
Even in its final moments, Cassini continued to make some startling discoveries. As it approached its final resting place in Saturn’s upper atmosphere, Cassini snapped some photographs of one of Saturn’s most mysterious features, named “Peggy” after the mother-in-law of the scientist who discovered it.
Peggy was one of the last things Cassini ever saw.
Peggy has been described as an odd “glitch” in one of Saturn’s outermost rings. Through a telescope, Peggy appears to be an anomalous bright spot in Saturn’s rings, but up close appears a lot stranger. Saturn’s rings are typically smooth-looking and perfectly circular owing to the planet’s gravity, but Peggy looks like a strange rough or jagged area and measures some 750 miles across.
Peggy from a distance.
Carl Murray of Queen Mary University of London worked on the Cassini project for nearly three decades and was responsible for naming Peggy. Murray was among the first to discover Peggy and says even after all these years, NASA scientists still don’t know what the ‘glitch’ might be:
We obviously wanted to know, ‘Was it real? What is it? Where did it come from? Where is it going?’ We’ve been tracking it almost ever since. We’ve never actually resolved the object. All we can do is track the glitch.
Main theories for what Peggy might be include a dense cloud of dust and debris caught in Saturn’s gravity, or even perhaps a tiny proto moon that hasn’t quite broken free of the planet’s pull yet. For now, Peggy will remains a mystery until the next deep-space probe can get a good look at her.
Zuid Amerika is het continent bij uitstek voor buitenaardse zaken en dat zeker wanneer de politie een buitenaardse fotografeert.
De plaatselijke media stonden enkele dagen geleden in de Argentijnse stad Corrientes bol van de verhalen over een alien in een lokaal park.
Het begon allemaal op dinsdag 13 september toen een aantal tieners in het Mitre Parque in de Argentijnse stad Corrientes de politie belden omdat ze "een vreemd individu" hadden zien rondsluipen in het park.
Normaal gesproken maakt de politie waarschijnlijk niet zoveel werk van dit soort meldingen, maar in dit geval lag het toch anders. Alsof ze wisten dat ze met iets bijzonders te maken hadden.
De melding werd gedaan in de avond of het begin van de nacht en de volgende ochtend bleek dat het park was afgezet en dat er een aanzienlijke politiemacht op zoek was naar iets.
De reden dat het complete park werd afgezet, is omdat de politie met eigen ogen heeft kunnen zien over wat voor "vreemd figuur" die jong volwassenen hadden gezien.
Niet alleen dat, maar één van de agenten slaagde erin om een opname te maken van wat al snel de alien werd genoemd. Toen de politie dichterbij probeerde te komen vluchtte het weg, sprong vervolgens in het water en was verdwenen.
De foto die door de politie agent in Corrientes werd genomen, liet het volgende zien.
Alhoewel het misschien in eerste instantie wel wat lijkt op een mens zie je toch ook dingen waarbij je gaat denken aan een buitenaards wezen. Zo lijkt de vorm van het hoofd typisch op dat wat past bij een alien. De verhoudingen zijn niet goed in te schatten maar de lengte lijkt ook langer dan die die bij een mens gewoon zijn. En ook de ledematen lijken in een andere verhouding tot het lichaam te staan.
Wat we zeker weten, is dat de foto echt is, omdat deze is vrijgegeven door de politie en ook door een agent is genomen met zijn mobiele telefoon.
Iets dat ook opvalt in de foto is dat het wezen geen kleding schijnt te dragen en dat het over goed ontwikkelde spieren beschikt. Ondanks alle inspanningen van de politie is er verder geen enkel spoor aangetroffen van dit zeer bijzondere figuur.
Volgens plaatselijke radiozenders waren er in de dagen voorafgaand aan de waarneming van deze alien diverse vreemde lichten boven de stad waargenomen. Ook waren er de laatste tijd opvallend veel UFO waarnemingen in Argentinië.
Of dit alles verband houdt met de alien in het park weten we niet, maar wel dat er eerder dit jaar ook een bijzonder incident plaatsvond in de Argentijnse stad Corrientes.
In februari van dit jaar verschenen er beelden van een UFO die achter een helicopter aan zat, of andersom, en ook dat veroorzaakte toen nogal wat ophef.
Kortom, het mysterie in Corrientes van de vreemde objecten in de lucht en ronsluipende aliens in het park zal nog wel even voort duren.
Misschien moeten we maar heel snel wennen aan het feit dat er steeds meer kinderen op aarde worden geboren die voor een deel buitenaards zijn.
Van China tot Mexico, overal worden ze aangetroffen en langzamerhand wordt duidelijk dat deze kinderen hier op aarde zijn met een bepaalde missie.
Zonder dat men het eigenlijk echt merkt, schijnen buitenaardsen toch heel actief te zijn op deze aarde. Niet openlijk waarbij ze duidelijk zijn te herkennen, maar door kinderen die op aarde zijn en afwijken van "normale" kinderen.
De reden dat zij nu op aarde zijn, is om de mensheid te helpen met het ontwaken van wat men noemt buitenaards bewustzijn.
Deze bijzondere kinderen hebben vaak nog herinneringen aan een vorig leven als buitenaardse aan boord van een ruimteschip. Ondanks dat ze nu een menselijke verschijningsvorm hebben, houden ze nog steeds contact met hun kosmische familie, waardoor ze ook op het pad blijven dat ze moeten volgen.
Navolgend een aantal voorbeelden van wat sommige van die kinderen zeggen:
Zoals de 5-jarige Aiden:
"Ik vind het niet erg om door muren te gaan en ik leer meer op de schepen dan op school. Ze komen alleen 's nachts, ze zweven, ze lopen niet, er zijn ook blauwe, zoals die ik in mijn hoofd heb gezien".
Of Jena van 8:
"Soms krijg ik hoofdpijn, mijn hoofd is zo klein. Ik kan het niet altijd zo snel opnemen. Het is alsof er kennisbommen op mijn hoofd worden gegooid".
Een volwassen sterrenkind:
"Het herinneren aan wat ik hiervoor deed, is zoals het herinneren van een droom. Het betekent niet dat het niet echt was, maar dat het mechanische gedachteproces buiten het normale bewuste denken ligt. Het ligt aan de uiterste rand van mijn verstand, je moet alleen die rand vinden en dan verder gaan".
De volgende tekening werd door de moeder van een 2-jarig meisje in Australië gevonden in haar slaapkamer. Toen de moeder vroeg wat dat was, antwoordde het kind: "Dit was de dame die vannacht in mijn slaapkamer was en mij mee naar boven nam, ver, ver naar boven en toen hebben we wat gegeten".
Algemene kenmerken van sterrenkinderen:
Herinneringen aan het boord van een ruimteschip zijn en onderwezen worden. Herinneringen aan een vorig leven waarbij ze niet menselijk waren Beschikken over informatie die ze niet bewust hebben geleerd. Het gevoel een missie te hebben. Het zich hier niet thuis voelen. Heel intelligent en intuïtieve creativiteit.
Karaktertrekken van een sterrenkind:
Buitengewone mentale en analytische eigenschappen. Direct contact met een hoger bewustzijn. Buitengewone gevoeligheid onder andere omdat drie of meer strengen van hun DNA is geactiveerd ten opzichte van twee bij gewone mensen. Fotografisch geheugen. Non verbale communicatie. Snelle reactie van motorische zenuwcellen. Manipulatie van tijd en ruimte.
Er zijn nieuwe onderzoeken gedaan bij deze kinderen op verschillende locaties. Hieronder een aantal locaties met de daar geconstateerde resultaten.
Sterrenkinderen in het Himalaya gebied:
Vreemd gedrag. Kinderen gebruiken onbekende gebarentaal. Kinderen maken tekeningen van driehoekige objecten die in de lucht vliegen. Kinderen communiceren telepathisch met onzichtbare buitenaardsen.
Sterrenkinderen in Mexico:
Eveneens vreemd gedrag. Velen melden UFO waarnemingen. Hun capaciteit om problemen op te lossen neemt toe en ze zijn meer gedisciplineerd. Ze gebruiken voortdurend een vreemd soort onderlinge gebarentaal.
Er zijn in Mexico City ongeveer 1.000 kinderen die met verschillende lichaamsdelen kunnen "zien". Dit is bijvoorbeeld getest door een kind te blinddoeken en een krant onder haar voet te leggen. Ondanks dat ze schoenen droeg was ze in staat om de koppen in de krant te lezen... met de onderkant van haar voeten
Sterrenkinderen in China:
Heel erg paranormaal begaafd en intuïtief. Sommige kinderen kunnen alleen met hun gedachten bloemknoppen laten opengaan. Ze vertonen telekinetische vaardigheden en andere paranormale gaven zoals het voelen van andermans gedachten (telepathie). De Chinese overheid is erg geïnteresseerd in deze kinderen en er zijn zelfs experimenten gedaan waarbij deze kinderen erin slaagden om voor een draaiende camera een DNA molecuul in een zogenaamde petrischaal te veranderen.
Al het bovenstaande komt ook aardig overheen met het verhaal van de jonge vrouw, Bridget Nielsen, waarover wij eerder schreven, die zegt moeder te zijn van tenminste 10 hybride kinderen.
I WAS TAKEN World’s most famous ‘alien abductee’ Travis Walton slams sceptics – claiming 16 lie detector tests prove his story is TRUE
I WAS TAKEN - World’s most famous ‘alien abductee’ Travis Walton slams sceptics – claiming 16 lie detector tests prove his story is TRUE
Travis, who cops thought had been murdered, believes he was taken into a spacecraft by extra-terrestrials before being returned to earth five days later
By Emma Parry, Digital US Correspondent in Hulett, Wyoming
THE man involved in one of the most infamous alien abduction cases of all time has hit out at skeptics and non-believers - saying 16 separate lie detector tests - taken by himself and witnesses to the unexplained 1975 incident - prove his story is TRUE.
Travis Walton, disappeared without a trace after he and the crew of loggers he worked with claimed to have seen a huge UFO in the forest they were working in.
Travis believes he was taken aboard an alien spacecraft for five days
Originally crew members were suspected of murder but Travis reappeared five days later saying he had been taken into a space craft by alien creatures.
The dad-of-four says he has spent the past 40 year defending himself against those trying to discredit him - and has even written a book debunking every alternate theory to what happened to him.
The 64-year-old, who says the incident is still “fresh in his mind’, told the Sun Online it was important to share his story because the public have a right to “know what's out there”.
Travis, a logger in the mountains of Arizona, was leaving work on November 5, 1975, with five crew members in a truck when the alleged incident took place.
They saw some glimmers of light through the trees – and pulled up, thinking it was a fire.
“When we pulled up into the light where we had straight view – it was unmistakable I yelled stop and one of the guys in the back said it’s a spaceship or a flying saucer it was less than 100 feet away," Travis said.
An artist's impression of the UFO Travis and his crew members saw
Travis was a logger in Arizona when the bizarre incident took place
“It was a clearly defined metallic disc outlined against the sky and fantastic in the grandeur of it.
“All the guys in the crew – as frightening as it was – also describe it as being beautiful it was so perfect.
“I got out as soon as Mike who was driving stopped and I left the door open and went towards it.
“It was just an impulse I thought it would be gone by the time I got close. It was immediately alarming to the other guys and the closer I got they were yelling at me to get back in the truck.
"Later they said it looked like I was in a trance but looking at them it seemed like they were in a trance too.”
The incident took place in the Sitgreaves National Forest near Snowflake, Arizona
The spaceship began to make loud noises and move so Travis dived for cover behind a log.
He then tried to stand up and run away but was hit by a strong "force" and was thrown into the air.
“When it hit me it was a stunning force. I did not see this blast of energy but the men in the crew gave a statement to the sheriff’s department and said it looked like a long blue flame – others compared it to stepping on a landmine or grenade because it threw me through the air.
"They were immediately certain it killed me.”
Crew members described Travis being knocked to the ground by a blue light or laser beam
Fearing for their lives – and thinking Travis was dead – the rest of the crew fled to get help.
A huge search party involving the sheriff department, helicopters, ATVs and men on horseback - could not find any trace of Travis.
Meanwhile Travis’s account of what he remembers next is even more bizarre.
The 'aliens' were described as having big eyes and huge heads
He says he awoke from consciousness on a spaceship surrounded by small creatures he believes were aliens.
“It was very blurry and I had some double vision but I could see the outline of these forms around me I thought they were doctors but when my vision got clearer and I could see these were not doctors - I just flipped out," he said.
“The one that was closest to me - I tried to hit it away - but I felt like I could hardly move my arm
Travis said the aliens' stares gave him nightmares
"It was more of a push than a hit because I was so weakened but the creature felt soft and lighter than I expected. It fell back into one that was standing near it.
"I backed away and bumped up against a shelf and looked around and saw an array of tools or instruments and I very quickly just grabbed one and started flailing at them.
"They stopped and stood there staring at me and that stare was in my nightmares for many years after that. I couldn’t tolerate that stare."
Travis says he managed to escape through a door and into a narrow passageway then into another room with control panel in it.
A human being dressed in what looked like a space helmet then appeared and took him to a separate room where he was put on a table and given a mask which rendered him unconscious.
Crew members all passed lie detector tests confirming what they saw
The next thing he knew he was waking up on the road about 15 miles from where he disappeared just outside the nearest town of Snowflake, Arizona.
Travis, who had no idea he had been gone for five days, managed to walk into town where everyone who saw him described him as looking “devastated” and “shell shocked”.
But then the battle to get people to believe his story began - and Travis was thrust into the world's spotlight.
Travis's wrote a book about his experiences called Fire In The Sky which was later turned into a movie of the same name.
Travis says he's faced a battle to be believed for the past 40 years
Travis said: "From the beginning it was a battle against people trying to explain it away - the locals didn’t want to believe it, the sheriff didn’t want to believe it - you know he thought it was a murder then a drug hallucination.
"I had a whole battery of psychiatric tests and there was nothing wrong in that department, drug tests proved there was nothing in my system."
And over 40 years later Travis stands by his story – and has taken five separate lie detector tests to prove it is true – while witnesses and crew members have taken a total of 11 polygraph tests.
Travis believes he is not the only one who has been taken by aliens
Experts believe there is a million to one chance of there being any mistakes in this number of passed tests.
Speaking at the Devil's Tower UFO rendezvous in Hulett, Wyoming, Travis said: "I decided to break my silence. I started refuted these things that people have been saying about me and my story.
"I took each and every theory the sceptics came up with and just blew them out of the water with facts.
"I am certain I’m not the only one who has been taken - this is absolutely real and it’s important that the general public come to a gradual understanding of that.
"I’m not trying to shock or amaze or frighten anyone - on the contrary - in relating how frightened I was I don’t want anyone to share that fear.
Travis shared his story at the Devil's Tower UFO Rendezvous
"I think it’s important for them to realize what happened with me 45 years ago – it was not even an abduction.
"I entertained that term for a while because that’s what other people called it but now I’d say it was more of an ambulance call – that I was injured in a way that would have been fatal and the aliens had the technology available to help me."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 1/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Investigator searches for evidence of UFOs: NT News supplies it
A UFO sighting was recorded on a dash cam at a service station in Darwin.
Credit: Australian Night Sky PhotographyLifestyle
Investigator searches for evidence of UFOs: NT News supplies it
HERE in the NT, there are plenty of sightings of UFOs.
In fact, we’ve been called the alien capital of Australia.
Now, a US UFO hunter is investigating possible sightings here and offering $US100,000 ($A124,719) for credible evidence.
A UFO photographed by Alan Ferguson over Acacia Hills. Picture: Alan Ferguson
James Fox is particularly appealing to government officials who might have evidence but are fearful of going public.
“We’re trying to get government officials to come forward and not say ‘Hey, ET has landed’ but there have been events (witnessed) by extremely credible observers of relatively incredible things and we have yet to explain or be able to explain these and to sort of acknowledge some of these incredible events in an official capacity.”
He first made the $US100,000 offer during a conference in 2013 but none of the material submitted has yet satisfied him.
UFO spotted over Darwin
Now he is publicly announcing the reward to the world during of an Australian speaking tour.
Bayview resident Steve Casanova said he wasn’t convinced aliens were out there, but he couldn’t be sure.
“You do see strange things at night so whether it’s a UFO or not, you never know,” he said.
“I’ve seen strange things up there, lights and such. And clearly the Territory is the place for UFO sightings.”
Another photo of a UFO taken by Alan Ferguson at Acacia Hills. Picture: Alan Ferguson
The NT News has compiled conclusive proof of UFOs sighted in the NT.
Steve Lyons and Karen Smith were driving down Gilruth Avenue on Sunday when they saw this unusual object . Picture: STEVE LYONS
Northern Territory
Fire in the Darwin sky a mystery
A UFO-like object has stumped a local Darwin couple, who were unable to identify the flying object.
Anula residents Steve Lyons and Karen Smith were driving up Gilruth Ave towards Cullen Bay on Father’s Day when Ms Smith spotted the fast-moving object with a fire-red tail in the sky just after 7pm.
Both were unable to identify the object, which didn’t leave a trail and moved quite fast across the sky in a north-westerly direction.
“We thought maybe it was a plane, but if it was a plane we would have been able to see some sort of distinctive plane features,” Ms Smith said.
“There doesn’t appear to be any.
“I’ve never seen a plane with that amount of fire coming out the back of it.”
However, the NT News sought out the expert opinion of local astronomer Geoff Carr to help unravel the mystery.
He busted the conundrum and said it was definitely a plane.
“It’s a plane, it goes over regularly all the time. I watch it regularly, I always try to get it in a picture crossing the moon,” he said.
“No little green men, just pilots and passengers.”
He said the couple may have believed that it was a UFO but said the atmosphere often played tricks on the eyes.
Dr. Steven Greer, MD and founder of The Disclosure Project and The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), has been on a mission for decades to shed light on the fact that we’re not alone, that we’ve never been alone, and that an ET presence is currently engaging our planet and the human race.
This topic is so broad that it encompasses nearly every area of human study and endeavour, diving into the black budget world, a world that has no oversight from Congress, as well as science, technology, new energy, history, and much more. It’s a topic when, fully exposed, will definitely ignite a major paradigm shift for the human race.
So far, Dr. Greer has been very successful, having brought forth hundreds of military and political whistleblowers of all ranks, with verified backgrounds, to testify and share their experience in public. To compliment these whistleblowers, thousands upon thousands of page of UFO documents have also been released by dozens of governments.
Earlier in his career, Dr. Greer was also chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Caldwell Memorial Hospital in North Carolina.
The Disclosure Project movement began making noise when a groundbreaking National Press Club Disclosure event brought forth these whistle-blowers. You can view that full conference here. More than 1 billion people worldwide have now listened to the testimony given at this conference, and it received coverage from several mainstream media outlets, as it was just too big to ignore.
Since then, multiple efforts have sprung forth, one being the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure that took place a couple of years ago. It was also held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, and saw a number of professors, historians, scientists, and high ranking political and military personnel gathered to elaborate on the ongoing reality of the UFO phenomenon to several former congresspeople.
Dr. Greer also released a previous film, titled Sirius, where he revealed having high level meetings within the Pentagon regarding the UFO/extraterrestrial topic. This was verified by Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the Apollo 14 astronaut who accompanied Greer on his meetings.
He’s one of several astronauts to make numerous statements about the extraterrestrial issue.
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.” (source) (source) (source)
In Greer’s new film, Unacknowledged, you’ll hear military, government, intelligence, and corporate witnesses present compelling testimony on the existence of extraterrestrial life forms visiting the planet, as well as the reverse engineering of the energy and propulsion systems of these craft. It also goes into the possibility of a “false flag” alien invasion.
This is by far one of the best documentaries out there to bring ANYONE up to speed as to what is happening with the UFO coverup and the implications that come with it. I truly enjoyed what this film had to offer and I believe it will make huge waves in helping to open the general public up to the reality of UFO’s and ET’s.
If you have ever had trouble explaining this phenomenon to skeptics or non believers, this is the film to show them and you simply can’t deny it any longer.
Greer has also authored multiple books and put out multiple DVDs on the subject, and teaches people and hosts groups throughout the world focused on peaceful contact initiatives. They are out there, so why not try to make contact? He also continues to research advanced alternative energy sources that, as you will see in the documentary, go hand in hand with the UFO phenomenon.
This man has done a lot for this movement. Known as “the father of the disclosure,” he is no doubt responsible for the massive wave of information and awareness that’s being created on the subject today.
“There are objects in our atmosphere which are technically miles in advance of anything we can deploy, that we have no means of stopping them coming here … [and] that there is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. That it behooves us, in case some of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers.”
– Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (source)
By the way, by “unacknowledged,” Greer is referring to Special Access Programs (SAP). From these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.” (source)
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
That being said, don’t be fooled, there is a tremendous amount of evidence pointing toward the fact that some of these UFOs, whose presence were officially acknowledged within the mainstream using declassified documents and hundreds of high ranking military/political whistle-blowers, are indeed extraterrestrial in origin.
There is ample evidence suggesting that many are ‘ours’ as well.We’ve written about this quite extensively, and if you want to learn more about that and sift through all of the evidence we’ve accumulated over the past 8 years, please visit the exopolitics section of our website here. Another great place to start is with UFO researcher Richard Dolan.
Here’s Morales’ statement on what he experienced from his Facebook post:“As I was driving back to Phoenix this evening, I was a few miles past Parker, AZ when I saw a shooting star with a green hue in the corner of my eye. I kept driving for a few miles and noticed a small orange light far in the distance to my right.
At first I thought that maybe a meteor had hit nearby and set a fire in the desert or possibly a distant antenna light.I didn’t quite think much of it and continued to drive for another three miles. I noticed that the light was gone. I drove another half of a mile and I saw the light appear again. This is when I realized that whatever this was, wasn’t normal.I was about a quarter of a mile from the crossing between Highway 72 and Highway 95 between Parker and Quartzsite, Arizona.
I immediately pulled over and attached my camera to my tripod. To my SW direction, there were six orange-red lights floating around in the horizon. Some of them would dim out and then brighten back up, others just seemed to float and hover away slowly. They seemed to travel in a parallel pattern with a very bright fiery glisten. I took photos and videos and in less than 15 minutes, the mysterious objects vanished without a trace.All of the photographs are timestamped and are not edited whatsoever. The video is slightly cropped for better viewing. Whatever this was, I have never seen anything like this in my life before. Super cool experience.
*UPDATE* 4/11/17 11:22pm
I have noticed that my cameras clock is set 8 minutes ahead. Which means that the time stamps are all 8 minutes ahead. I also saw a video of the same exact thing but from the opposite end in El Centro, CA. That means that whatever this was, it was visible for at least 100 miles.
ABC15 is reporting that the photos were part of the meteor. They were not. The meteor struck about 10 minutes before I pulled over on HWY 95 and got footage of these lights. The difference in lighting you see in the photos is because I was using different settings to get a more visible photo of what they were.”
Below are a few pictures, but you can view the video Timelapse on his Facebook page.
Some Recent Video Footage
Below is some footage from Dr. Steven Greer, founder of The Disclosure Project and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI). Known to some as the “Father of the Disclosure Movement,” he was instrumental in bringing forth hundreds of military whistleblowers of all ranks, with verified backgrounds, to share their experiences and testify on the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon.
He has had high-level meetings within the Pentagon about this issue, and that was confirmed (in his documentary Sirius Disclosure) by Apollo 14 astronaut and the 6th man to walk on the Moon, Dr. Edgar Mitchell.
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. . . . I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.”
– Doctor Edgar Mitchell, 6th man to walk on the moon (source)(source)(source)
“Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et’s, etc…They are visiting Earth now; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking.
– Theodor C. Loder III, Phd, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire (source)
When it comes to real footage of UFOs (unidentified flying objects), film from the 1991 NASA STS-48 Discovery Space Shuttle mission definitely ranks as some of the best. This footage is real and well-documented, and has been the subject of rigorous scientific investigation by multiple researchers and institutions. (1)(2)(3)
Very interesting to say the least. Many have called out the official explanation that these are ice particles as bogus, and at the 23 second mark to approximately 35 and beyond, you’ll see why.
Why Are So Many People Interested In UFOs?
The top google searchers every single year always show UFOs and extraterrestrials as a hot topic. Every year, the masses seem to become more and more curious, which is also evident from the fact that the most viewed file in the FBI vault deals with a crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft and bodies. You can access that file and read more about it here.
Perhaps it’s the secrecy around this subject that is really grinding people’s gears and sparking their curiosity. It’s human nature to explore the unknown, and when information is kept from us, there will inevitably be backlash.
“This thing has gotten so highly-classified… it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.”
– Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee (source)
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”
Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source)
Or perhaps, it’s just like NASA astronaut and Princeton physics professor Dr. Brian O’leary said, “there is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time.” (source)
We are definitely living in one of the most interesting times in human history. The birth of the industrial, scientific and technological/information revolutions brought with them a host of problems. One of these problems, as President Eisenhower, JFK and dozens of other presidents and politicians warned us about in the past, is the fact that a powerful group of people and the corporations they run, headed by the big banks, have taken control over almost every aspect of our lives. Today, many people are waking up to this reality in various ways. One way is, for example, through healthcare and seeing through the manipulation of science by big drug companies. Another is big food, becoming aware of all of the pesticides and harmful ingredients that are added to it. Another realm is politics and false flag terrorism, and seeing through the fact that many soldiers are sent to die for corporate interests and an agenda set out by the financial elite. However, more people are starting to understand our reality and thus making more conscious choices, voting with their dollars.
More and more souls on the plant today desire peace, and that is made clear by all of the humanitarian and activist movements that’ve been unearthed. Not many souls on the planet want to see others suffer, and we have the potential to create a human experience where everybody has their needs met. This is possible, but there are systems put in place to make you think this is not possible because our economy would be completely destroyed. True, it would be, but that would be a necessary step in the re-design of the human experience.
There are those who capitalize off of our enslavement, our 9-5 work schedules, our attention being put towards our own lives, sports and entertainment. We’ve strayed from our natural path of curiosity and exploration because we’re told from a young age that “this is who we are” and that “this is how it is.”
This type of thinking is changing, the anti-war movement is stronger than ever, and it’s clear that if our planet and our countries were really a democracy, things would be a lot different. We are one human race and there are no need for borders.
Based on all of my research, experiences and gut feelings, this massive shift in consciousness that’s occurring in the human population is a primary reason why “they” are coming around more often…
Experts weigh in on what the detection of other life forms might mean to the human race.
or more than a century, from George Melies’ A Trip to the Moon to Stephen Spielberg’s E.T. and Close Encounters to this summer’s blockbuster sequel to Independence Day, mass media, and the general public, have pondered what will happen if we ever came into contact with extraterrestrial life forms. Carl Sagan’s book Contact, and Jodie Foster’s movie of the same name, explores one possible scenario in which a Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) scientist (played by Foster) discovers a signal repeating a sequence of prime numbers originating from star system Vega, the 5th brightest star visible from Earth. Even if Contact’s version of an alien encounter is more likely than that presented in Spielberg’s E.T., the possibilities are worth pondering.
And yet experts believe that the odds of receiving a radio transmission composed of prime numbers or encountering intelligent extraterrestrial life in the near future are “astronomical.” even with Hillary Clinton’s promise that if elected President, she would open up the “X-files” (Area 51).
But the odds may be increasing due to continuing advances in technology and money. At a press conference held in April in New York City, Russian billionaire and Breakthrough Prize co-founder Yuri Milner, along with famed physicist Stephen Hawking, announced Breakthrough Starshot, a 20-year voyage to the Alpha Centauri star system. Should the existence of planets in the Alpha Centauri system be confirmed, Starshot could provide us with the best measurements of an exoplanet atmosphere we could ever hope to get this century. Milner will spend $100 million dollars to fund the project. Facebook’s founder and CEO, Mark Zuckenberg, is on the project’s board of directors.
The goal of NASA’s Kepler Mission was to find terrestrial planets in the habitable zone of stars both near and far where liquid water and possibly life might exist. To date, Kepler has confirmed the existence of 2,337 exoplanets, including 1,284 new planets announced as of this writing. In a press release issued by NASA, chief scientist Ellen Stofan, said, “This announcement more than doubles the number of confirmed planets from Kepler. This gives us hope that somewhere out there, around a star much like ours, we can eventually discover another Earth.”
But what would happen if we discovered life beyond Earth?
Christof Koch, president and chief scientific officer of the Allen Institute for Brain Science, believes most people will be excited to learn that there is intelligent life out there. “For some ‘contact” would be a wish come true and fill us with awe. But for others it would raise concerns. One can’t assume that alien cultures are by definition benevolent,” Koch says. “If we look at the history of our world, lesser civilizations were often destroyed by more advanced ones. Would the same happen to us if we encountered an advanced alien civilization?” Hawking has warned against sending messages out into space for this very reason.
Koch has devoted his life to defining what consciousness is whether it be the internet, robots, animals, etc. Since it is doubtful that our first contact will be with humans from another planet it is important for us to understand what consciousness is so we can better understand what we do discover as we explore space. “The first discovery would probably be bacteria which might excite some scientists but not the general public. Another scenario might be a radio signal whose origin would be questioned. Was it a deliberate signal sent to us or is it random noise that can be explained scientifically? I am not holding my breath for a signal that includes prime numbers,” Koch says.
Mary A. Voytek is the senior scientist and head of NASA’s Astrobiology Program who started Nexus for Exoplanet System Science to search for life on exoplanets. She notes that NASA scientists are currently looking at the most extreme conditions on Earth to better understand what conditions can support life throughout the universe. “If we can determine what makes a habitable planet on Earth it will help guide us to look for conditions in the universe” she says.
Voytek notes that NASA acknowledges that the discovery of life has significance beyond science: “In order to fully understand the societal implications, we must talk to the experts-scholars in sociology and the humanities as well as theologians.”
“When I give lectures about my work ,most people are excited about the possibility of the discovery of extraterrestrial life,” Voytek says. “This is nothing new… The ancient Greek atomists in the fourth century B.C. wrote about it. There is a quote by Democritus that I like to cite. ‘To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field sown with millet only one grain will grow.’”
He agrees that a discovery of something like a radio signal would result in arguments, as well as a fading lack of interest due to time. “It could take decades or even hundreds of years for us to get a response from a signal we send out. For people who are used to instant communication, this will be frustrating,” Vakoch says.
Others think we’ll have a more dramatic experience. Susan Schneider, a professor of philosophy and cognitive science at the University of Connecticut and a fellow of the Center for Theological Inquiry, believes that if we do find intelligent life, it will be most likely be in the form of super-intelligent artificial intelligence. “For some people this would be hard to accept. Discovering a civilization that is no longer biological would be scary for us,” But Schneider is optimistic that most people will find the discovery of benevolent intelligent life exciting. “People are excited by the unknown. And the discovery of a new civilization might have many potential benefits. Perhaps an advanced civilization will share their knowledge with us,” Schneider says.
The artistic concept of Kepler-186f is the result of scientists and artists collaborating to imagine the appearance of these distant worlds.
(NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle)
The Catholic Church has come a long way since the days of Galileo. Pope Francis made headlines when he said he would baptize Martians. Many were surprised at the Pope’s remarks, but the Vatican has been positive about aliens for many years. Father Jose Gabriel Funes, a priest and an astronomer, views aliens as brothers and said the Church has no problem with the idea of intelligent life in the cosmos. Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno is the first clergyman to win the Carl Sagan Medal and the current president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation. In a 2014 article in the Christian Post, Consolmagno said “the general public will not be too surprised when life on other planets is eventually discovered, and will react in much the same way it did when news broke in the ’90s that there are other planets orbiting far off stars.”
A similar view is held by Orthodox Jews. In an e-mail to me, Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski, director of Chabad of the Upper East Side of Manhattan, wrote, “Jews believe in other life forms. The universe is populated with infinite amount of them. They are not physical, however, rather they are angels who are spiritual conscious beings that are beyond anything we could imagine. The Talmud says one angel’s mind is the equivalent of a third of the world’s population’s intelligence combined. For us it’s no surprise that we are not alone in the larger universe.”
Vakoch said people must keep in mind that we are only at the beginning of exploration. “We have just started looking. It has only been a few hundred years that we’ve been a technologically advanced society. That’s a very small amount of time in our universe.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
In this sighting you will see 5 crafts in the sky in a ‘W’ like formation. They then move around the sky and then the video abruptly ends. As a long time explorer and researcher of the UFO phenomenon let me be the first to say “I really want to see the end of this video.”
This is some of the most clear and intriguing footage I have seen, not to say there aren’t a lot of great videos out there, but more so that this video gives a clear example of the stunning sightings that have been taking place over the last 10 years in increased frequencies.
The first question that popped into my mind when I saw this video was “why hasn’t this been reported anywhere else?” Good question. When I looked around I wasn’t able to find any other videos or articles related to this sighting. But, this was also the case with another sighting we were sent back in April of 2017. It also took place in Phoenix and shortly after our article went out, more experiencers of the sighting reported on it. Soon the mainstream news reported on it, but claimed it was just a meteor breaking up and falling through the sky.
April 2017 sighting in Phoenix, Arizona.
Photo: Mauricio Morales
This is the thing with UFO sightings; many people see them and don’t record, report or tell anyone about them. I’ve seen a number of sightings in my life that came during CE-5 expeditions I used to do in my hometown years ago. We never brought cameras and thus never had media of it, yet we would often see between 8 and 10 crafts show up each time. We took the time to learn the difference between satellites, planes etc. so we could properly identify what we were seeing. Some of the most stunning sightings I’ve ever had were done during those expeditions, and yet none were recorded or published.
Think within yourself, how many times have you seen something you thought you were certain was a UFO yet never reported or told anyone about it?
Check out the video of the August 18th, 2017 sighting and be sure to read on below to discover why I think the UFO & ET phenomenon is by far one of the most important things happening to humanity right now.
The Importance Of The UFO & ET Phenomenon
I’ve said this many times over and I will say it again: the UFO and ET phenomenon that is rising heavily into humanities focus over the last 10 years is one of the most important things taking place for us as a whole. Why? Because it represents an evolution humanity direly needs, and gratefully, is experiencing.
In 2011 I began exploring in incredible detail a shift that is taking place on our planet. My work in this shift started back in 2009 when I first learned something grand was taking place on this planet and that things were changing rapidly, but it went full force during the filming of the latest documentary I made called CE3: The Shift, which you can watch for free here.
I explored this shift taking place through a scientific, cosmic, ancient cultural and modern events lens to help prove that we are in fact witnessing something we have ever experienced as modern humans on this planet. A big part of this shift relates to humanity opening itself up to a truth that has been hidden from us for decades, one that allows us to realize we are not alone in the universe and one that would change the way we live on our planet entirely. The latter is the reason as to why the UFO and ET phenomenon has been so aggressively covered up.
Imagine for a moment that you are back in the times when humans in what we now call Europe were not aware of humans in what we now call America. Life is being lived and there are sets of traditions, cultures, and ways of doing things that are set. One day, after a very long boat ride Europeans discover the civilizations in America. Suddenly there are a whole new set of humans with different traditions, cultures, and ways of doing things that can now be learned from. Perhaps it could be seen that knowledge for these civilizations has in essence been doubled. This results in changes, evolutions, expansions in ways of doing things and so forth. Now, from a human consciousness point of view it also came with war and fighting, but as explored in the film I made, this is a factor of a primitive level of consciousness, one that we are evolving beyond in our current times. I know how it sounds, watch the film.
Joe Martino during his TEDx talk in NYC. Graph shows how solar cycles affect human consciousness.
Humans are now doing this exact same thing with ET’s. We have been playing amongst each other for thousands of years and we have learned immensely from one another. Just like it was time 60 years ago for us to start interacting deeply with ET’s, it’s even more so now, but we must work past the challenges set before us which are; a deep state controlling information, our ego minds, religious beliefs, and fears.
When we begin to interact with ET’s on a big level we are going to learn and open up to incredible new ideas, in the same way we will share ideas of states of consciousness with other beings. As humans, we often downplay ourselves and believe we are inferior to ET’s. This is of course a very mind and ego based view of ourselves, one that is often reinforced in our society, but it’s simply not true. ET’s do not view u
s in this manner, and unlike we have been told in many movies out there, ET’s are not an evil force waiting to come harvest or kill us. There are many races out there and virtually all are peaceful in nature.
It’s time to start opening up to them, clearing out our minds of fear and disbelief about a topic that is so abundant with evidence and begin to welcome a huge catalyst in an evolution within humanity that will help bring about peace on this planet.
Update 1: I have found an article showing a drone display of UFOs that took place in Austin, Texas in 2017. There is a chance this video footage is from that same night although I have only found 1 article on this so far.
Today, UFO’s and ET’s are much easier to talk about than ever before. In the mid 1900’s, bringing up the topic would be like directly asking others to publicly call you crazy. But over the years it has become a very popular subject and many appear to be lifting the veil on what is a very elaborate government coverup regarding the existence of UFO’s & Extraterrestrials
Disclosure has happened, it starts with former presidents Truman, Carter, Regan and (the Soviet Unions Gorbachev). I’ve got stacks of generals, including Soviet generals who’ve come out and said UFOs are real. My point is, how many times do senior officials need to come forward and say this is real?
– Army Col John Alexander
The phenomenon being reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious
– US General Nathan Twining
All Apollo and Gemini flights were followed, both at a distance and sometimes also quite closely, by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin, flying saucers – or UFOs if you want to call them by that name – Maurice Chatelain, Fomer Chief of NASA communication systems
Humanity has been progressing in it’s understanding that it is not the only intelligent life form in our universe. Extraterrestrial life has been confirmed through a variety of different sources as we continue to contemplate the reality behind our space brothers and sisters. High ranking military and political figures have come forth over the past few years sharing their experiences, previously classified files by dozens of governments from all over the world have now made their way into the public domain. Government files indicate objects travelling at high rates of speed that are (sometimes) tracked on military radar performing maneuvers that defy our understanding of physics. When military jets are scrambled, hundreds of air force pilots have described the same thing.
I was thinking that firing at this thing may not be the best idea, I didn’t know what it was but I knew it was not of this Earth. It was not a man made object, they could stop, they could absolutely stand still and they could go mock 10 or more and any time. It was something that we humans know nothing about
– Dr. Milton Torres, rtd. jetfighter pilot us air force
We or at least some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. It is ironic that the US should be fighting monstrously expensive wars, illegibly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have been kept deliberately in the dark
– Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defence Minister
Department of Defense personnel recently shared their experiences at the national press club in September 2010. UFOs spotted at nuclear missile sights and tampering with equipment is nothing new. This is a global phenomenon, more evidence presenting itself for us to see that we are not alone.
Apart from released government files, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National Security Agency (NSA), and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have also collectively released some of their UFO files in 2011. We now have admittance from the military, governments, and three letter agencies that UFOs are real.
Officers of G2 (Army Intelligence) have discussed the matters of Unidentified Ariel Objects otherwise known as flying discs, flying saucers, and balls of fire. This matter is considered top secret by the intelligence officers of both the army and the air force – 1949 FBI Memo
Several eye-witness, as well as military and government cases have suggested that many different species of extraterrestrials exist in our universe, other universes and other dimensions. All are made up of the same life force that we are made up of, all of us are infinite consciousness, all of us are the same playing out different existences and experiences.
On planet earth, humanity is rapidly waking up to the presence of extraterrestrials and that is why we have seen statements, files and other documentation manifest into our reality. Collectively, as we become more aware of our entire earth experience and what has been occurring, we express our hearts desire for change. As we express our hearts desire for change openly and just be ourselves and come from a place of love, we attract those that have gone through the same process.
Many extraterrestrials are here assisting with our collective desired direction, they help in many ways beyond our understanding. Others have been involved with our governments in technological exchange programs, and some have been involved with the manipulation that has occurred on this planet by the illuminati. It is important to realize that we are one on this planet, the human beings of earth are responsible for changing it, the human beings of earth are responsible for the direction of it. Souls on the planet that have the courage to be themselves and shine their light through their thoughts, actions and reactions, you are having a tremendous effect in raising the earths vibration into a whole new plane of existence.
When it comes down to it, we are all vibrating energy, some vibrate at a higher rate than us and others at a lower rate. Inner peace, love, understanding and acceptance are returning to the planet. Harmony and balance with nature and the realization that we are all interconnected with everything is directly related to the extraterrestrial phenomenon, among other things.
We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an Act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity…Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do
– Ben Rich, Former Head of Lockheed Skunkworks
The entities that we did catalogue, were in fact humanoid.
– Sgt Clifford Stone
At no time when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs
– Astronaut Scott Carpenter
Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Columbia Shuttle meets the Black Knight Satellite.( 2014 ) Awesome! (Video)
Columbia Shuttle meets the Black Knight Satellite.( 2014 ) Awesome! (Video)
There are currently more than 100,000 satellites orbiting the Earth, from space junk, to high tech probes transmitting signals back to Earth. But one of these satellites is thought to be of extraterrestrial origin and has been circling our planet, prior to the launch of Sputnik. This mysterious spacecraft is known as the Black Knight satellite, alleged to be of alien provenance and covered up by NASA for more than 60 years.
While most man-made satellites orbit in prograde, due to the ease and fuel efficiency of using the Earth’s natural gravitational pull, the Black Knight is said to orbit in retrograde, adding to its curious nature. But is it actually an alien satellite monitoring our planet, or simply a thermal space blanket like NASA has claimed photo evidence of it to be?
Recently, a series of fast radio bursts were picked up by Stephen Hawking’s Breakthrough Listen Initiative, which some have speculated could be coming from the technology of an advanced, extraterrestrial species. This wouldn’t be the first time a scientist picked up signals from the cosmos and believed it to be of alien origin. Nearly a century ago, Nikola Tesla claimed to have recorded electrical signals at his laboratory in Colorado Springs that were of intelligent nature.
Tesla had been working on the technology for his Wardenclyffe Tower, when he noticed signals which were not of earthly origin and could be ruled out as being weather-related. He believed the signals were being transmitted from a civilization on Mars, so he developed a device to send signals back out to make contact. Tesla was arguably the most well-versed in radio signal transmission at the time, having pioneered the technology, so it’s hard to imagine that he would have been confused by any earthly interference.
No one knows exactly what those signals were that Tesla picked up, but some believe that it might have been a transmission from the Black Knight satellite. Not long after Tesla’s reception, an amateur radio operator in Norway, named Jørgen Hals recorded transmissions called Long Delayed Echoes, or LDEs. A theory by Stanford professor, Ron Bracewell, proposed that these echoes were the product of an alien satellite picking up radio signals from Earth and rebroadcasting them back, creating a delay of several seconds. Some have speculated that the Black Knight could be this theoretical satellite, known as a Bracewell probe.
In the early 1970s, a man named Duncan Lunan reinterpreted and examined these LDEs, concluding that they were too strong to simply be echoes of radio signals from Earth. Lunan said he translated the signals and, to his surprise found a map of Epsilon Boötis, a binary star in the Boötes system. Although Lunan doesn’t like his interpretation of the LDEs associated with the conspiracy surrounding the Black Knight, there are similarities in the nature of his discovery and its timeliness.
Communications Tower
In 1954, there were a few news reports claiming that the U.S. Air Force had discovered two satellites orbiting the Earth. With Sputnik, the first man-made satellite, not launching for another three years, the discovery obviously came as a surprise. But the U.S. Air Force was not the only government agency to notice the satellites. The Venezuelan Communications Ministry also noticed their presence a few years later while tracking Sputnik. The ministry noted that these satellites were moving from east to west, orbiting in retrograde. Aside from the fact that there were only a few artificial satellites in orbit at the time, none would have been in retrograde orbit.
In 1954, Donald Keyhoe claimed that a satellite was found to be orbiting Earth. Keyhoe was originally a marine naval aviator who later became the most prominent name in ufology, establishing the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, or NICAP. Keyhoe’s claim was picked up by the San Francisco Examiner and St. Louis Post Dispatch. According to the articles, Keyhoe said that the Secretary of the Air Force, Harold Talbott, was aware of the satellites and had even witnessed a ‘silvery, disc-shaped object’ in the sky. Though, Talbott dismissed these claims.
Another confounding characteristic of the Black Knight was the fact that it was circling the Earth in polar orbit, a feat not accomplished by man-made satellites until 1960. This type of orbit is typically used for mapping, reconnaissance, and tracking, and often it is done in a sun-synchronous orbit so that each time the satellite passes a particular spot, it is the same time of day. The combination of retrograde and polar orbits makes this type of satellite stick out especially in the late 50s/early 60s when satellite technology was in its nascent phases. And it wasn’t just military entities who photographed an unidentified satellite, but also the Smithsonian Observatory at Harvard as well as the Gruman Aircraft Corporation in New York.
But the story of the Black Knight gets even more bizarre with the French Space Commission’s observation of the satellite while Jacques Vallée was on staff. Despite excitement and intrigue by Vallée and his colleagues, a senior member of his team deleted their imaging of the satellite, for reasons unknown. While Vallée said he believed it was out of embarrassment for the commission’s inability to identify the orbiting object, it was becoming increasingly common for agencies around the world to notice the unidentified satellite, without explanation.
The Black Knight Satellite –
There are several pictures circulating the internet of what is thought to be the Black Knight. These pictures, taken by NASA, are purportedly images of a thermal cover that was dropped during a spacewalk or extra-vehicular activity on the ISS. During this expedition, one astronaut finished his mission early and was asked to cover the space station’s trunnion pins with thermal covers. The astronaut who was asked to complete this as a free-floating task, did not have the cover properly attached to him, losing track of it and letting it float away. When asked later which pin he lost the cover to, he said he could not remember and that he was too upset with himself to think about it. NASA claims that the photographs that most believe are the black knight satellite are simply images of this thermal cover as it floated away from the space station. There is also a video of the astronauts inside the space station filming and photographing the cover as it floats off.
It is entirely possible that NASA’s claims are true. There are plenty of similarities between the thermal cover and the images believed to be the Black Knight. There aren’t however, sufficient explanations of the sightings and documentation of the satellite from the 1950s and 60s by numerous government and scientific agencies.
In 1963, while orbiting Earth, astronaut Gordon Cooper reported seeing a glowing green light ahead of his Mercury 9 module. He reported it to the Australian Space Command, who were able to track it. Oddly enough, when Cooper returned to Earth he was not allowed to talk about the light and it was reported that he had suffered hallucinations from an excess of carbon dioxide in his cabin. Despite NASA’s attempt to explain what Cooper saw with a more mundane explanation, he continued throughout his life to divulge stories that detailed his experiences with UFOs and other unexplained phenomena. He often spoke of attempted government cover-ups regarding UFOs and unexplained activity, so it would come as no surprise that the Black Knight could be real and its origin being withheld from the public.
No doubt we’ve all heard of the legend of Atlantis, the ancient, once great city that was lost when the ocean submerged it.
To this day the legendary city has yet to be found (or proven to have ever existed) yet over the years many other underwater cities have been found, each of them as eerie as they are mind blowing.
1. Port Royal, Jamaica
Once a notorious hub for pirate activity, prostitutes, booze, and raging all-night parties, Port Royal was once branded ‘the most wicked and sinful city in the world’.
That was so until June 1692 when a massive 7.5 earthquake shook the island of Jamaica, sucking Port Royal into the ocean due to it’s unstable foundations and killing over 2,000 of it’s inhabitants. Was this earthquake a fatal natural accident or was it retribution for all the sins committed within the cavity? For hundreds of years people believed the latter.
In the years since then the infamous city, once one of the largest European cities in the New World, has continued to sink and now it lies forty feet below the ocean. The sunken city is a hive for archeological exploration as amazingly many near-perfect artefacts are still being unveiled from the site.
2. The Pyramids of Yonaguni-Jima, Japan
To this day experts still argue over whether the Yonaguni Monument which lies underwater just off the coast of Japan is man made or simply a natural occurrence.
While there is evidence to support the natural theory, looking at the terraced stones and triangular shapes that which make up the pyramid it’s hard to believe such a monument could occur naturally. The pyramid rises a massive 250 feet from the sea floor and is a constant lure for scuba-divers for obvious reasons.
If the structure was manmade, experts suggest it was likely built during the last ice age at roughly 10,000 BCE.
3. Dwarka, Gulf of Cambay, India
The ancient city of Lord Krishna was once thought to be merely a myth but ruins discovered in 2000 seem to be breathing life into the old Indian tale.
The story goes that Lord Krishna had a magnificent city which was made up of 70,000 palaces made of gold, silver, and various other precious metals. The city was prosperous however upon Lord Krishna’s death Dwarka supposedly sank into the sea.
The ruins are situated 131 feet beneath the ocean surface in the bay of modern-day Dwarka, one of the seven oldest cities in India. Acoustic studies have shown the ruins to be amazingly geometric, stunning experts.
Many artefacts have been recovered from the site but perhaps none more important than one which was dated to 7500 BCE, supporting the theory that the ruins may well be the ancient Dwarka.
4. Lion City of Quiandao Lake, China
Hailed as the most spectacular underwater city in the world, China’s Lion City certainly is a marvel.
Built in Eastern Han Dynasty at roughly 25-200 CE and spanning about 62 football fields in area, today Lion City can be found 85-131 feet beneath the surface of Thousand Island Lake, an area that was intentionally flooded in the 1950s to create a dam.
The sculptures that decorate the city rival the beauty of even Alexandria so it’s little wonder that Lion City is now one of China’s most popular tourist destinations.
5. Cleopatra’s Palace, Alexandria, Egypt
Just off the shores of Alexandria lies what is believed to be the palace of Cleopatra, an ancient Egyptian queen. It is believed that the ruins were cast into the sea by an earthquake over 1,500 years ago and lay dormant until recent years.
Along with the royal quarters, archaeologists also believe they have found the temple of Isis alongside them. To date, more than 140 artifacts have been uncovered from the site and experts now believe they have located the tomb of Cleopatra and an ancient museum within the ruins.
Hopefully the ruins will be opened up to divers and tourists in the years to come, allowing us all to have a closer look at the marvel that is Cleopatra’s palace.
Giovanni Cassini (left) and Christiaan Huygens (right).
Credit: Paul Fearn/Alamy; ART Collection/Alamy
NASA's Cassini mission came to a dramatic end last week after two decades in space.
The Cassini orbiter illuminated gigantic storms on Saturn, explored the planet's rings, and revealed potential sources of life in Saturn's moons. The spacecraft deployed the European Space Agency's Huygens probe, which landed on the surface of Saturn's moon Titan in humankind's most distant touchdown to date. The probe beamed back images of Titan's craggy highlands, oily shorelines and steep ravines, lifting the veil on an alien — though in some ways strangely Earth-like — landscape beneath a dense atmosphere. [Cassini's Greatest Hits: Best Photos of Saturn and Its Moons]
Cassini and Huygens forever changed the way scientists understand Saturn and its rings and moons. But the real-life scientists named Cassini and Huygens had a much different view of the planet when they were pushing the boundaries of astronomy in the 17th century.
Turning Saturn's ears into a ring
In 1610, Galileo Galilei became the first person to ever set eyes on Saturn through a telescope. Until then, the planet was little more than a flickering light in the sky. But through his rudimentary instrument, with 30x magnification, Galileo was able to see that Saturn had some kind of appendages or "ears" that stuck out from either side of the planet. They did not move like the moons he had discovered around Jupiter.
Galileo would never quite figure out what these "ears" were.
Enter Christiaan Huygens. Born to a well-heeled family at The Hague in the Netherlands in 1629, Huygens became a leading scientist and mathematician of his era. He invented the pendulum clock. He was the first person to theorize that light travels in waves. And from early on in his career, Huygens devoted himself to designing and perfecting telescopes.
Huygens and his brother came up with a way to mechanically grind and polish telescope lenses for greater clarity. On the night of March 25, 1655, Huygens peered through his new 12-foot telescope and looked at Saturn. At the time, he couldn't resolve Saturn's ears, but he did spot a speck of light next to the planet. Over several nights he watched it travel around Saturn, concluding that it was a moon (which would later be known as Titan, Saturn's largest moon).
Two years later, Huygens was finally able to see that Saturn didn't have ears, but rather was surrounded by a ring. He published a short treatise called "De Saturni luna observatio nova," to formally announce the discovery of Titan and to cryptically call dibs on his explanation for Saturn's ears, which he still needed more time to research. He left a clue in the form of an anagram, which (according to the Smithsonian Libraries), if solved, would have read: "It is surrounded by a thin flat ring, nowhere touching, and inclined to the ecliptic."
More moons, more rings
Huygens believed Saturn had just one solid ring. But his theory was undercut a couple decades later, when Giovanni Domenico Cassini made his own observations of the planet.
Cassini was born in 1625 in northwest Italy. He made his way into astronomy via astrology, and early on in his career, he studied Jupiter and the motions of its moons. Heis sometimes credited for discovering Jupiter's Great Red Spot (a centuries-long storm on the gas giant). And his measurements of the discrepancies in the eclipses of Jupiter's moon Io even helped Danish astronomer Ole Römer calculate the speed of light.
In 1668, King Louis XIV of France invited Cassini to join the new French Academy of Sciences. Cassini helped establish the Paris Observatory and it was there that he set his sights on Saturn. Cassini discovered four more moons around Saturn: Iapetus and Rhea in 1671 and 1672, respectively, and Tethys and Dione in 1684. (Scientists now know that Saturn has 62 moons.) Cassini also noticed that Saturn's ring might not be a single, solid object, and in 1675, he described a gap in the rings, now known as the Cassini division. Cassini even speculated that the rings were not solid, but made up of swarms of tiny moonlets too small to see. He wasn't too far off. According to the European Space Agency, scientists today describe the ring particles as pebbles and dust.
Loving the Alien: How Steven Spielberg changed science-fiction
Loving the Alien: How Steven Spielberg changed science-fiction
Now back in cinemas in a 4K digital print on its 40th anniversary, ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind' captured a generation’s imagination with Spielberg’s loveable aliens
Steven Spielberg's 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind' taught audiences to love aliens Sony
Steven Spielberg was six when his father made him watch the skies. Arnold Spielberg dragged his son out of bed without explanation in the middle of the night, and drove to a field where they joined New Jersey neighbours in staring at a meteor shower blazing through the dark. That 1951 experience was grandly reimagined in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. After an early career defined by the shuddering menace of Duel and Jaws, Spielberg’s 1977 hit focused on crazed suburban dreamers, cultists and the simply curious in the forgotten Midwest, people like “me, and my parents, and the friends that I knew”, he explained, as aliens make unambiguous, majestic contact.
“This particular project had a noble agenda,” its star Richard Dreyfuss reflected on its 20th anniversary in 1997. “That we are not only not alone, but that we have relatively little to fear…Close Encounters was truly the first cultural, iconic moment that said, ‘Calm down, we’re okay. They can be our friends.’” Now back in cinemas in a 4K digital print on its fortieth anniversary, Close Encounters taught audiences to love the alien. It’s a lesson which has been regularly attacked or forgotten. But this strand of wistful, visionary science-fiction cinema has also endured, from Contact to last year’s Arrival.
Richard Dreyfuss’s character Roy Nearydoesn’t fight the happy, heavenly creatures - he joins them in 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind'
Though the conservative, apolitical Spielberg of 1977 was no hippie, Stephen King noted how Close Encounters tallied with its times. The director had “come to his majority while students were putting daisies in the muzzles of M-1s” and the US military failed in Vietnam, King wrote. When Spielberg signed up for a science-fiction film in 1973, it was to be called Project Blue Book and, like Jaws’ venal mayor, be steeped in the justified paranoia of the then swirling Watergate conspiracy, as it explored government cover-ups of UFO sightings. The military remain untrustworthy in Close Encounters. Army helicopters, so familiar from Vietnam news footage, storm over the night-time horizon, and are evaded by Dreyfuss and Melinda Dillon’s suburban visionaries as they trail UFOs which hide in the clouds, in pursuit of the wondrous truth.
“We don’t identify with people in uniform,” Spielberg explained in 1997 (on the set, ironically, of Saving Private Ryan). First contact would not be made by “the face of the government”. Instead, he cast the great French director Francois Truffaut as the “kind and optimistic” scientist who takes charge of our first interstellar conversation.
“The film seems less concerned with science fiction than with recapturing the wonder of a child’s first experience of cinema,” Time Out’s critic David Pirie wrote at the time, calling Close Encounters “the first film in years to give its audience a tingle of shocked emotion that is not entirely based either on fear or suspense”. This sense of wonder became a Spielberg cliché, and the prevalent intention of successful Eighties fantasy directors. Pirie’s review shows how new it seemed in 1977. The shark-like shadow and cinema-shaking Dolby rumble of the Star Destroyer in Star Wars’ opening scene just months before was replaced by benign awe at Close Encounters’ mountain-sized Mothership. Spielberg had written the screenplay with his own childhood wonder at Disney’s Pinocchio running through his head, and the smaller UFOs seen early in his film seem made of light, as they dazzle and dance like Peter Pan’s Tinkerbell.
The loveable alienETwas a companion for 10-year-old Elliott in Spielberg's 'ET The Extra-Terrestrial'(1982)
Spielberg had grown up enjoying a very different science-fiction tradition, formed during its only previous period of cinema popularity in the Fifties. Then, the Cold War threats of Russia and the Bomb were reflected in countless low-budget tales of radioactive monsters and alien invasion. Don Siegel’s Invasion of the Body-Snatchers (1955) was an enduringly sinister, politically potent nightmare of an American small-town losing its identity to alien pods. More typically, Earth vs. the Flying Saucers, The Thing and War of the Worlds saw a US Army fresh from World War Two success in pitched battle with the invaders.
Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) had introduced the cosmic awe which one of its special effects maestros, Douglas Trumbull, would develop in Close Encounters, and Nic Roeg’s The Man Who Fell To Earth (1976) explored Earth’s enervating effect on David Bowie’s harmless, listless alien. Enduring mainstream audience expectations, though, of both science-fiction and Spielberg, were still played up to in Close Encounters. The toys of Melinda Dillon’s three-year-old come eerily alive at night, before he runs happily into the fields to be snatched from her by a UFO. Even the Mothership’s five-note musical communication ominously hints at John Williams’ previous theme for Jaws. When we finally glimpse the aliens, though, they are mostly child-like. Dreyfuss’s character Roy Neary doesn’t fight these happy, heavenly creatures. He joins them.
Spielberg cast the French director FrancoisTruffaut (left) as a scientist, Claude Lacombe, who takes charge of our first interstellar conversation in 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind'
Alien had vicious fun with a Fifties-style monster in 1979. But this new philosophy was confirmed with E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982). Intended as a small, personal film partly inspired by an imaginary friend who comforted Spielberg during his parents’ divorce, its first contact was flooded with wonder, and overwhelmingly emotional. Expanding on the final alien he’d built for Close Encounters, Carlo Rambaldi designed E.T. as a stumpy, clumsy, eventually miraculous companion for 10-year-old Elliott. Armed government agents who capture and scientifically torture him are again objects of fear and suspicion. E.T. is essentially a child himself, naïvely wise, sacred, and finally transfigured back into space.
E.T. dwarfed every previous film’s box-office. In its wake, John Carpenter’s bleak remake of 1951’s The Thing, in which the alien is a bloodily body-morphing, visceral infection, and Ridley Scott’s dystopian Blade Runner, both released two weeks later, bombed. Carpenter fared better with Jeff Bridges’ innocent, romantic visitor in Starman (1984), just as Ron Howard did with the elderly-rejuvenating aliens of Cocoon (1985). Simple interstellar shoot-‘em-ups inspired by Star Wars continued, and elsewhere at the Reagan-era box-office the not exactly pacifist likes of Rambo also triumphed. But Spielberg’s loveable aliens had conquered a generation’s imagination.
1997 saw a major continuation of 'Close Encounters’ ideas, when Spielberg protégé Robert Zemeckis directed 'Contact' starring Jodie Foster
Roland Emmerich’s Independence Day (1997) was the first major hit to trash this new orthodoxy, as it took simple joy in aliens smashing up the White House and everything else, before Will Smith blows the hell out of them. Tim Burton’s satirical Mars Attacks! (1996) had shown the way, as the Martians gleefully obliterate pacifists who’ve watched too much Spielberg.
And yet, 1997 also saw a major continuation of Close Encounters’ ideas, when Spielberg protégé Robert Zemeckis directed Contact from a Carl Sagan script. Jodie Foster is the maverick scientist who picks up alien communications, and their apparent blueprint for a ship to visit them. “Is it the default position of eggheads that all aliens are harmless?” James Woods’ NSA man sneers, as the military itch to act. This sober film finally lets Foster spend mere seconds in the aliens’ galaxy. She returns as a prophet-messenger preaching of the “awe, and the humility, and the hope” she experienced as time and physics bent around her, preparing humanity for further contact.
(Lava Bear Films)
Spielberg meanwhile answered Independence Day in 2005 by regressing to violent Fifties childhood pleasures, remaking George Pal’s War of the Worlds (1953) for a post-9/11 age. “Is it the terrorists?” Dakota Fanning asks Dad Tom Cruise as great white clouds billow down New York streets as they did when the Twin Towers fell, New Yorkers again become refugees fleeing Manhattan, and Martian tripods loom out of the mist. Where E.T. inverted the famous moment in Pal’s film when a malevolent alien hand reaches towards a human, Spielberg revels in ratcheting up that exact moment’s threat. “This isn’t one of my movies where suburbia is invaded by benign extra-terrestrials,” he explained, sounding almost relieved. He was so shaken by 9/11 that he even tampered with E.T., digitally removing its hostile government agents’ guns.
This decade has seen both traditions develop, and new points in between. Neill Blomkamp’s District 9 (2009) used his South African experience to imagine aliens “not destroying New York…they wouldn’t necessarily have the answers for human beings”, but instead proving weaker, and being hemmed into ghettos, where their Nigerian neighbours sell them cat-food at caviar prices. This is the first contact our colonists gave Native Americans and Africans.
Daniel Espinosa’s Life (2017) updates Alien to imagine dormant microscopic life on Mars which grows at a frightening rate, ferally chewing through a space-station’s scientists. Ryan Reynolds’ character compares the creature to Anthrax, though its mix of predatoriness and self-preservation is left ambiguous. “What’s frightening about discovering extra-terrestrial life is that we don’t know if its intentions will be friendly or hostile,” co-writer Rhett Rees accurately noted, “and one or the other species, either it or we, will be exploiting or exploited.”
Dennis Villeneuve’s Arrival (2016), though, is a successor to Contact, and so Close Encounters. It also looks back to the most famously pacifist science-fiction hit of the Fifties, The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951), in which the Christ-like Klaatu is shot by nervous soldiers when his flying saucer lands in Washington DC, and demands Earth mend its warlike ways or face destruction. Villeneuve’s towering, truly alien Heptapods similarly wish humanity to evolve. Military trigger-fingers again itch, but Villeneuve leaves the gunfire off-screen. Instead, Amy Adams’ linguist keeps talking. The non-linear time inhabited by the aliens lets her glimpse her whole life, and transform how she lives it. Humanity learns “humility” through this contact, Villeneuve thinks. As with Christopher Nolan’s alien-free, time-warping Interstellar and Contact, space offers near-religious hope of dealing with death. The promise Roy Neary believed as he stepped into the Mothership forty years ago still holds.
‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind: The Special Edition’ is out in cinemas now, and on Blu-ray on 9 October
A dinner-plate-sized sculpture of a pea-sized Cambrian sea creature, <em>Agnostus pisiformis</em>. This trilobite-like creature dates back 500 million years. (Esben Horn)
It looks like a space alien, or maybe a very deformed clam. But really, it's a re-creation of a 500-million-year-old life-form.
New images show a sculpture of Agnostus pisiformis, a now-extinct arthropod that used to live in what is today Scandinavia. These creatures, just four-tenths of an inch (1 centimeter) long when they were alive, are nevertheless known in exact anatomical detail because they've been preserved so perfectly in shale and limestones.
"The incredible degree of preservational detail means that we can grasp the entire anatomy of the animal, which, in turn, reveals a lot about its ecology and mode of life," Mats E. Eriksson, a geology professor at Lund University who commissioned the sculpted re-creation as part of a new paper in the journal Earth-Science Reviews, said in a statement.
According to that paper, A. pisiformis started life as a larva and developed into adulthood by repeatedly shedding and regrowing its hard exoskeleton. Its body was protected by two shields that looked a bit like clam shells when the animal curled up. Little is known about the creature's ocean-going lifestyle, but it probably plucked bits of organic matter out of the water for food. [Photos: Strange, Eyeless Creatures from the Cambrian Period]
The odd little critter is also useful to modern scientists as what's called an index fossil. Index fossils are fossils that appear in only a particular time period, so they're used to date layers of rock: If the fossils appear in a rock layer, there's no question about when that layer formed.
Artists at 10 Tons studio in Denmark created the new lifelike sculptures of A. pisiformis. The process was painstaking and involved multiple steps with hand-modeled clay, wax molds and silicon casts. The final sculptures were made with translucent silicon, and each is about the size of a dinner plate — much larger than the real creatures, which makes it easier to see their anatomy. The artists made a partially unrolled sculpture, mimicking the arthropod's likely positioning during swimming, as well as a rolled-up version to show how its exoskeletal shields would have protected it. They also made a model of the creature as it appears under a scanning electron microscope.
The researchers and artists hope their creations will go on display in a traveling exhibit about the bizarre animals of the Cambrian seas. In their paper, they called the period "one of the most exciting times in Earth history." The Cambrian period was the time of the Cambrian explosion, a rapid diversification of life that gave rise to a host of oddball creatures.
Met een geplande kamikazeduik in de atmosfeer van Saturnus heeft de Amerikaanse sonde Cassini opgehouden te bestaan. Dat was rechtstreeks te volgen op NASA TV.
De NASA wilde absoluut vermijden dat de in 1997 gelanceerde verkenner aan het einde van zijn missie te pletter zou storten op één van de manen van Saturnus, en zo toekomstig wetenschappelijk onderzoek kon bezoedelen. Het ruimtetuig dook dus tijdens zijn 294ste baan rond de planeet met 113.000 km per uur de atmosfeer van de gasgigant in.
De dichtheid van de atmosfeer bracht de 2,5 ton wegende sonde aan het tollen. Naar verwachting viel de sonde uit elkaar, wellicht zoals een meteoor. Daarmee is de 3,2 miljard dollar kostende missie voorbij. Het radiosignaal deed er 83 minuten over om ons te bereiken.
De geslaagde kamikazeduik was ook een orgelpunt omdat de sonde er in de nadagen van haar missie in slaagde 22 keer tussen de planeet en haar ringen te duiken.
In het vluchtleidingscentrum, het Jet Propulsion Laboratory van de NASA in Pasadena, begonnen mensen te applaudisseren en elkaar te knuffelen. Sommigen onder hen hadden hun hele loopbaan aan de missie gewijd.
Tot het laatste moment hebben tien instrumenten op de sonde nog normaal gefunctioneerd, in het bijzonder een spectrometer om de samenstelling van de atmosfeer te analyseren. Bij wijze van primeur voor een Saturnusmissie zijn de data nog in realtime doorgestuurd.
De Cassini heeft tijdens de eigenlijke missie van dertien jaar de kennis omtrent Saturnus, zijn ringen en zijn manen een revolutionaire wending gegeven. Ook Belgische onderzoekers hebben van de Amerikaanse verkenner geprofiteerd.
De sonde was samen gelanceerd met de Europese Huygens. Die is op 14 januari 2005 zacht geland op de Saturnusmaan Titan, waarbij het Europese Ruimtevaartbureau ESA voor het eerst een ruimtetuig op een ander hemellichaam had neergezet. Huygens is zodoende het enige fysieke overblijfsel van de Cassini-Huygensmissie waaraan ook het Italiaanse ruimtevaartbureau ASI deelnam.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
TRUTH IS DOWN THERE US Navy is running top secret programme to detect alien spacecraft under the ocean, UFO expert claims
TRUTH IS DOWN THERE - US Navy is running top secret programme to detect alien spacecraft under the ocean, UFO expert claims
Leading astronomer and ufologist Marc D’Antonio says that he witnessed a USO – unidentified submerged object – while aboard a navy submarine in the North Atlantic
By Emma Parry, Digital US Correspondent in Hulett, Wyoming
THE US Navy is running a top secret programme to detect unidentified submerged object – or USOs – beneath the sea, according to a UFO expert.
Marc D’Antonio, an astronomer and chief video analyst for UFO organisation MUFON, said he witnessed what he believes must have been an alien craft travelling at impossible speeds while he was on board a US Navy submarine in the North Atlantic ocean.
Marc D'Antonio says he witnessed Unidentified Submerged Object (USO) in the North Atlantic ocean
Marc then heard a naval officer ordering the sonar operator to log the unidentified object - which was travelling at "several hundred knots" - as part of the “Fast Mover Programme”.
Currently most submarine and torpedoes can only go up to 40 knots – due to the resistance of the water.
The Russians reportedly have a torpedo that can go in excess of 200 knots - but a speed of "several hundred knots" would appear to be impossible for human-built crafts.
Marc, who runs a special effects company called FX Models that undertakes Naval contracts, said: “As a thankyou for doing some work for them Navy asked me if I wanted to go for a ride in a submarine so I said yes.
“Once we got under I was sitting in the sonar station and the sonar operator was sitting right next to me.
"Submarines are loud – people think they are very quiet and it’s true they are on the outside because the sound doesn’t get out. But inside you hear fans, noise - it’s a constant din on a sub.
Marc was on board a US Navy submarine when he saw the USO
“I was sitting there zoning out a little because I was sea sick and all of a sudden the sonar kid shouts 'fast mover, fast mover' and I’m jolted awake – thinking ‘What’s happening? Is it a torpedo?’
“The executive officer comes out and the operator shows him the path of the object and the officer says 'How fast is that going?'
“And the kid said 'several hundred knots'. I start to lean forward to listen in – and the officer said ‘Can you confirm it?’
“So he goes to another sonar machine and confirmed it wasn’t a machine anomaly - it was real. I thought ‘Wow that is incredible’.
“When the sonar guy said ‘What do I do with this?’ the officer said ‘log it and dog it’ - in other words log it and bury it.”
Four years later Marc said he was doing some more contract work for the Navy when he spoke to a senior naval figure about what he saw.
“I asked him ‘Can you tell me about the Fast Mover Programme?'" Marc explained.
“He looked at me and said 'Sorry Marc I can’t talk about that programme'.
“So he basically confirmed to me that the programme exists - he said everything without seeing anything.
“What that told me was that USOs are common – we even have a programme in place to classify and log and determine the speed of them and it goes into a vault.”
Marc made the claims at the Devil’s Tower UFO Rendezvous in Hulett, Wyoming – where UFO enthusiasts from around America met at the site of Close Encounters Of The Third Kind rock to discuss alien-related findings.
He also revealed he is currently working on a project with Close Encounters visual effects supervisor Douglas Trumbell, which he hopes will scientifically prove the existence of alien life.
Marc is currently developing a project to scientifically prove the existence of alien life
The pair have been designing UFO detecting ground units which they hope to eventually place in countries all over the world.
Marc, who also runs the SkyTour LiveStream YouTube channel where he takes viewers on live tours of the night sky, is currently testing the units in his observatory.
He said: "The UFOTOG II system will bring ufology into the 21st century by marrying real science with standard observation.
"The system will look for phenomena in the sky and if it finds something that isn't a satellite, a plane, or some known object that we can access in a database, it will alert us by sending a message via GPS satellite to our cell phones.
"We'll make all the data we collect open and available to everyone.
"We are open minded and believe that visitation by an advanced alien race is not a scientific improbability."
Marine heeft topgeheim programma voor onbekende objecten in zee. UFO-expert vertelt over zijn opmerkelijke ervaring
Marine heeft topgeheim programma voor onbekende objecten in zee. UFO-expert vertelt over zijn opmerkelijke ervaring
De Amerikaanse marine komt in de oceaan vaak ongeïdentificeerde objecten tegen, zo stelt een UFO-expert. Dat meldt The Sun.
Astronoom Marc D’Antonio zei dat hij in de Atlantische Oceaan aan boord van een Amerikaanse onderzeeër een buitenaards vaartuig heeft gezien.
D’Antonio zei dat een officier opdracht kreeg om het ongeïdentificeerde object, dat zich voortbewoog met een snelheid van ‘honderden knopen’, moest registreren onder het ‘Fast Mover Programme’.
De meeste moderne onderzeeërs behalen een snelheid van zo’n 40 knopen. De Russen zouden beschikken over een torpedo die meer dan 200 knopen haalt, maar ‘honderden knopen’ lijkt onmogelijk te zijn voor vaartuigen die door mensenhanden zijn gemaakt.
D’Antonio is directeur van het bedrijf FX Models, dat onder andere wordt ingehuurd door de Amerikaanse marine.
Als bedankje mocht hij een keer aan boord komen van een onderzeeër.
Fast mover
De officier die de sonarapparatuur bediende spotte volgens hem plotseling een onbekend object. ‘Fast mover, fast mover’ riep hij, aldus D’Antonio.
De marineofficier kreeg vervolgens de opdracht het object te registreren en er verder geen aandacht aan te besteden.
D’Antonio vertelde een marinefunctionaris die hij kende wat hij had gezien. Hij vroeg hem of hij iets kon vertellen over het Fast Mover Programme.
“Hij keek me aan en zei ‘sorry Marc, ik kan niets zeggen over dat programma’,” zei hij. “Hij bevestigde dus eigenlijk dat het programma bestaat.”
“Hij vertelde me dat deze objecten veelvuldig worden gezien,” vervolgde hij. “Ze worden geregisteerd, de snelheid wordt vastgesteld en vervolgens gaat die informatie in een kluis.”
De astronoom deed zijn uitspraken tijdens de Devils Tower UFO Rendezvous, een bijeenkomst in de Amerikaanse staat Wyoming.
De wereld zoals we die kennen staat op het punt te eindigen. Dat stelt althans deze onheilspellende profetie
De wereld zoals we die kennen staat op het punt te eindigen. Dat stelt althans deze onheilspellende profetie
Vanaf aanstaande zaterdag zal de wereld niet meer hetzelfde zijn. Dat heeft numeroloog David Meade voorspeld tegenover de Washington Post.
Hij vertelde aan de krant dat op 23 september het einde der tijden aanbreekt. De numeroloog baseert zich op een aantal verzen en getallencodes in de Bijbel.
Centraal staat het getal 33. Dat is de leeftijd waarop Jezus stierf. Bovendien wordt de naam Elohim, Hebreeuws voor God, 33 keer vermeld.
Eerste gevolgen
Ook het feit dat het 33 jaar geleden is dat er een zonsverduistering zichtbaar was in de VS, is volgens hem een voorteken.
Meade legde uit dat Planeet X, ook wel Nibiru genoemd, op ramkoers met de aarde ligt. De planeet zou zaterdag zichtbaar worden en in oktober zouden de eerste gevolgen merkbaar zijn.
“De apocalyps uit de Bijbel wordt werkelijkheid,” citeerde de krant hem.
Daarin staat geschreven dat het einde der tijden zal komen als er een vrouw verschijnt aan de hemel, gekleed met de zon, met de maan onder haar voeten en een kroon van 12 sterren op haar hoofd.
Zaterdag heeft het sterrenbeeld Maagd (de vrouw) de zon achter en de maan onder zich.
Negen sterren van het sterrenbeeld Leeuw en de planeten Mars, Venus en Mercurius vormen volgens hem de 12 sterren.
Deze theorie over de eindtijd werd enkele jaren geleden door de NASA afgedaan als een verzinsel. NASA-wetenschapper David Morrison zei toen dat de planeet al lang zichtbaar had moeten zijn als die nu op de aarde zou afstevenen.
Ook binnen de christelijke gemeenschap krijgt Meade de wind van voren. “Getallen in de Bijbel zijn symbolisch bedoeld, maar niet om voorspellingen te doen,” aldus predikant Ed Stetzer.
An international team of scientists has launched a campaign to build a telescope capable of peering 120 trillion miles into space, in hopes to find signs of life beyond our solar system.
The ExoLife Finder (ELF) will scour the cosmos for the possible chemical fingerprints of life on distant planets, and could even image faraway oceans and continents.
Once the radical telescope is completed, it will set its sights on the first target – the roughly Earth-sized exoplanet Proxima b thought to be orbiting within the habitable zone of our closest stellar neighbour, just 4.2 light years away.
An international team of scientists has launched a campaign to build a telescope capable of peering 120 trillion miles into space, in hopes to find signs of life beyond our solar system. ExoLife Finder will scour the cosmos for the chemical fingerprints of life on distant planets
The ELF telescope will consist of 16 5-meter (16.4 foot) mirror made from thin 'printed-mirror' technology.
It's radical design will allow scientists to reduce the cost and increase the targeted sensitivity by a factor of 10.
It will use a structural principal called tensegrity, which relies on tension and compression to reduce the mass and weight, in a similar technique to that which allows bicycle wheels or bridges to support a huge amount of weight.
Its mirrors will each be equipped a secondary, 'off-axis' mirror, for optics.
These will reduce the amount of scattered light that might interfere with the photons from the exoplanets.
And, the mirrors will be thinner than others, thanks to fire-polished window glass shaped in a specialized kiln, combined with an electronic 'muscle,' made from electroactive polymers.
The ELF telescope will consist of sixteen 5-meter (16.4 foot) mirror made from thin 'printed-mirror' technology, according to the new Kickstarter campaign from the Planets Foundation.
All in all, it will be 25 meters wide (82 feet) when finished, at the proposed location in Chile's Atacama Desert.
According to the researchers behind the project, ELF will be able to image exoplanets within 25 light years of Earth, including the promising worlds of the nearby star system Alpha Centauri.
The system holds two stars, Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B, and a small, faint red dwarf dubbed Alpha Centauri C, or Proxima Centauri.
And, circling this red dwarf, scientists recently spotted what could be a rocky planet in the habitable zone.
With the ELF telescope, the researchers plan to investigate this nearby world and others for the energy signatures of life in the atmosphere such as including water, oxygen, methane, and ozone.
Or, they say it could even detect colonies of photosynthetic organisms or thermal waste at the surface from advanced alien civilizations.
The ELF telescope will consist of sixteen 5-meter (16.4 foot) mirror made from thin 'printed-mirror' technology, according to the new Kickstarter campaign from the Planets Foundation. All in all, it will be 25 meters wide (82 feet) when finished
'We aim to find life on nearby planets outside the solar system, also known as exoplanets,' says Dr Svetlana Berdyugina, Director, Kipenheuer Institute for Solar Physics and Planets Foundation co-founder.
'We have designed a revolutionary telescope with a number of metamaterials, making our mirrors incredibly light and also reducing the cost of our telescopes by a factor of 10.
'Our powerful new telescope ExoLife Finder, or ELF, will be able to see planets up to 120 trillion miles away, and will image oceans, continents, and life on exoplanets.'
Once the radical telescope is completed, it will set its sights on the first target – the roughly Earth-sized exoplanet Proxima b thought to be orbiting within the habitable zone of our closest stellar neighbour, just 4.2 light years away. An artist's impression is pictured
Distance: This is the closest Earth-like planet we could ever find.
Orbiting our nearest star, the planet is only four light years away.
Missions to send spacecraft to the planet to examine for signs of life are already in planning, and could happen within decades.
Composition: The planet is rocky and a similar size to Earth.
Temperature: It lies in the 'habitable zone' of its star, which means there could be liquid water on its surface - a key ingredient for alien life.
The temperature on the surface of the planet could be between -90° and 30° Celsius (-130 and 86 Fahrenheit).
Atmosphere: If Proxima b has an atmosphere, the simple ingredients - water, carbon dioxide, and rock - that are needed for the formation of biochemical cycles that we call life, could all be present and interacting on the planet's surface.
'Proxima B is our neighbour': New Earth-like planet discovered
The team has so far raised over $16,000 toward their goal of $35,000, which they hope to meet by October.
This will allow the researchers to move forward and built a fully working prototype of the advanced polymer actuator system, upon which the revolutionary 2-centimeter-thick mirrors will depend.
They've also revealed a slew of science gifts for backers of the project, including a tardigrade 'cosmic light,' and a clock modelled after the Voyager I space probe.
Planet found in habitable zone around closest star to Earth
More lights dancing around sky in UFO video, this time in Great Britain
More lights dancing around sky in UFO video, this time in Great Britain
A new UFO video submitted to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) shows bright objects flying around the night sky. In a similar videorecently taken in Arizona, it was speculated the objects were drones. However, this witness does not believe drones to be responsible for this sighting.
Screenshot of UFO video from Great Britain of lights in the sky.
(Credit: MUFON)
According to the report, the video was taken on September 18, 2017. The report was submitted the same day. The witness was walking the dogs when the lights were spotted. At first the witness thought the lights may be drones or a helicopter. However, the witness felt differently after watching the objects “manoeuvre effortlessly through the sky.”
Screenshot of UFO video from Great Britain of lights in the sky.
While walking dogs at night outside back of house I noticed two strange lights flying around in the night sky. At first I thought helicopters or drones but the more I watched I don’t think this is the case. They didn’t look too far away, maybe a mile or so and seemed to manoeuvre effortlessly through the sky. After watching for a few minutes I went for my phone and recorded them. After recording I went inside to put dogs in and when came back out they were gone.
Map of Livingston, where the UFO video was captured.
(Credit: MUFON)
While the objects do seem odd, and must have been quite a sight, they could still be drones. As mentioned in relation to another recent sighting, drone technology continues to improve, and flying them at high speed through twists and turns has become a burgeoning sport. Check out the video of a drone racing championship in the UK below.
Take a look at the video, which can be downloaded here, and let us know what you think.
UFO appears over Mexico 7.1 Earthquake during Live TV News
UFO appears over Mexico 7.1 Earthquake during Live TV News
A powerful 7.1 earthquake struck the state of Puebla, about 80 miles southeast of Mexico City this morning. Mexico's National Civil Defense agency put the death toll at 217, so far. In populated parts of Mexico City dozens of building collapsed or were heavy damaged.
During a live TV broadcast suddenly a UFO coming out of the clouds, then the object stops and moves again. While it could be a drone that takes a look at the aftermath of the earthquake the object does not look like a drone.
It is not the first time UFO’s have been seen before, during or after an earthquake occurred.
The day a UFO in Welford sparked international alien invasion scare
The day a UFO in Welford sparked international alien invasion scare
Authorities descended on village amid flying saucer panic
John Garvey
FIFTY years ago this month, something appeared in a Welford field that caused an international sensation.
A metallic, saucer-shaped craft was emitting a low beeping sound when it was discovered by locals who, in turn, alerted authorities.
Soon the public was being kept at bay as scientists, police and Ministry of Defence officials descended on the village.
The mystery deepened as reports began to come in of five more identical objects being found.
All were sited in a straight line from east to west – Queenborough on the Isle of Sheppey; Bromley in south London; Ascot in Berkshire; the village of Welford; Chippenham in Wiltshire and Clevedon in Somerset.
The Welford saucer was found on September 4, 1967, in a cornfield 25 yards from the road near Tullock Farm, by auxiliary postwoman Eva Rood on her morning deliveries.
She told husband Fred, who rang Hungerford police.
Police officer James Hennessey was sent out to investigate and said later: “I went out into the middle of the field and, lo and behold, there was this thing... silver-coloured, metallic-looking, with a dome on top and making a bleeping sound.”
Soon, USAF personnel from RAF Welford arrived.
Mr Hennessy said: “They were a bit panicky. I called CID for help.”
Officers from Hungerford, Sulhamstead, Great Shefford and Lambourn were all drafted in.
Then, to everyone’s alarm, a mysterious green goo began oozing from the object, just as scientists from AWE Aldermaston arrived to join the fray.
The story was first covered by NWN reporter Peggy Cruse, who had been given the most bizarre tip-off of her career during routine police calls.
Soon afterwards, news flashed round the world of the apparent alien invasion.
It was only later that the truth emerged – it was all an elaborate hoax dreamed up and executed by science fiction-obsessed apprentices at the Royal Aircraft Establishment in Farnborough, Hampshire.
The saucers were moulded from fibreglass and painted with artist’s graphite to give them an eerie sheen.
The ‘alien goo’ was coloured, fermenting bread dough and the beeping – which only sounded when the object was touched – was operated by an ingenious motion-detecting device.
The nation relaxed.
But by the time the pranksters had come forward, the ‘Welford saucer’ and its cousins had earned their place in UFO history.
TRUTH IS DOWN THERE US Navy is running top secret programme to detect alien spacecraft under the ocean, UFO expert claims
TRUTH IS DOWN THERE US Navy is running top secret programme to detect alien spacecraft under the ocean, UFO expert claims
Leading astronomer and ufologist Marc D’Antonio says that he witnessed a USO – unidentified submerged object – while aboard a navy submarine in the North Atlantic
By Emma Parry, Digital US Correspondent in Hulett, Wyoming
THE US Navy is running a top secret programme to detect unidentified submerged object – or USOs – beneath the sea, according to a UFO expert.
Marc D’Antonio, an astronomer and chief video analyst for UFO organisation MUFON, said he witnessed what he believes must have been an alien craft travelling at impossible speeds while he was on board a US Navy submarine in the North Atlantic ocean.
Marc D'Antonio says he witnessed Unidentified Submerged Object (USO) in the North Atlantic ocean
Marc then heard a naval officer ordering the sonar operator to log the unidentified object - which was travelling at "several hundred knots" - as part of the “Fast Mover Programme”.
Currently most submarine and torpedoes can only go up to 40 knots – due to the resistance of the water.
The Russians reportedly have a torpedo that can go in excess of 200 knots - but a speed of "several hundred knots" would appear to be impossible for human-built crafts.
Marc, who runs a special effects company called FX Models that undertakes Naval contracts, said: “As a thankyou for doing some work for them Navy asked me if I wanted to go for a ride in a submarine so I said yes.
“Once we got under I was sitting in the sonar station and the sonar operator was sitting right next to me.
"Submarines are loud – people think they are very quiet and it’s true they are on the outside because the sound doesn’t get out. But inside you hear fans, noise - it’s a constant din on a sub.
Marc was on board a US Navy submarine when he saw the USO
“I was sitting there zoning out a little because I was sea sick and all of a sudden the sonar kid shouts 'fast mover, fast mover' and I’m jolted awake – thinking ‘What’s happening? Is it a torpedo?’
“The executive officer comes out and the operator shows him the path of the object and the officer says 'How fast is that going?'
“And the kid said 'several hundred knots'. I start to lean forward to listen in – and the officer said ‘Can you confirm it?’
“So he goes to another sonar machine and confirmed it wasn’t a machine anomaly - it was real. I thought ‘Wow that is incredible’.
“When the sonar guy said ‘What do I do with this?’ the officer said ‘log it and dog it’ - in other words log it and bury it.”
Four years later Marc said he was doing some more contract work for the Navy when he spoke to a senior naval figure about what he saw.
“I asked him ‘Can you tell me about the Fast Mover Programme?'" Marc explained.
“He looked at me and said 'Sorry Marc I can’t talk about that programme'.
“So he basically confirmed to me that the programme exists - he said everything without seeing anything.
“What that told me was that USOs are common – we even have a programme in place to classify and log and determine the speed of them and it goes into a vault.”
Marc made the claims at the Devil’s Tower UFO Rendezvous in Hulett, Wyoming – where UFO enthusiasts from around America met at the site of Close Encounters Of The Third Kind rock to discuss alien-related findings.
He also revealed he is currently working on a project with Close Encounters visual effects supervisor Douglas Trumbell, which he hopes will scientifically prove the existence of alien life.
Marc is currently developing a project to scientifically prove the existence of alien life
The pair have been designing UFO detecting ground units which they hope to eventually place in countries all over the world.
Marc, who also runs the SkyTour LiveStream YouTube channel where he takes viewers on live tours of the night sky, is currently testing the units in his observatory.
He said: "The UFOTOG II system will bring ufology into the 21st century by marrying real science with standard observation.
"The system will look for phenomena in the sky and if it finds something that isn't a satellite, a plane, or some known object that we can access in a database, it will alert us by sending a message via GPS satellite to our cell phones.
"We'll make all the data we collect open and available to everyone.
"We are open minded and believe that visitation by an advanced alien race is not a scientific improbability."
On the morning of August 28, a strange object visited the San Gabriel Valley. Julian Lopez uploaded a video to YouTube showing a helicopter apparently from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department circling the UFO over West Covina for an inspection. Lopez is convinced there’s a UFO over the San Gabriel Valley that looks like a big eyeball.
Several witnesses claimed to have seen a large, white balloon use for advertising. The balloon was reportedly emblazoned with a corporate logo. It was allegedly seen in the same time and place where the UFO was spotted.
It was still not clear, however, whether the advertising balloon was the same object that sparked UFO sighting reports.
Black ring caught on tape over Jefferson City, Missouri 17-Sep-2017
Black ring caught on tape over Jefferson City, Missouri 17-Sep-2017
Here’s one new daytime footage of a black ring hovering above Jefferson City, MO on 17th September. What do you think it is?
Witness report:
Black ring hovering and sky. At first it looked like smoke. As we approached it looked more solid
My wife and I were driving north on Highway 54. Approximately 10 miles S. of Jefferson City. She brought to my attention this black ring in the sky in front of us. I was driving so she grabbed her phone to take a photo. After the snapshot, she took it upon herself to start recording video. Good move. After discussing it and trying to understand what we just saw, I wish we would’ve stopped to study it closer. We did check the review mirrors as we drove out of sight. The object was still there as we drove away. At first we thought it was a smoke ring. But as we approached it, the black ring looked dense. It definitely was not smoke. If I had to guess it was approximately 500 feet high. And 30 to 50 feet in diameter. The object was stationary as we passed by.
These crop circles have been created using a technique called center-pivot irrigation.
Credit: NASA Earth Observatory
Seen from space, these discs look more like modern art than like potatoes.
But that — plus wheat and chamomile — is what these "crop circles" likely are, according to the NASA Earth Observatory, which posted this photo of agricultural fields in Sharq El Owainat in southwest Egypt yesterday (Sept. 18). An astronaut aboard the International Space Station took the photo.
The water to grow these plants comes from an ancient body of water beneath the sand called the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System, which stretches over an 850,000-square-mile (2.2 million square kilometers) area beneath Egypt, Chad, Libya and Sudan, according to a 2013 study in the journal Environmental Science and Toxicology. It has been periodically recharged with water during glacial periods and was likely last refilled with water prior to or during the most recent glacial period, which ended about 11,700 years ago, according to a 2014 study in the journal Quaternary Research. [Photos: Mysterious Crop Circles]
To make the circles pictured, water is drawn to the surface and sprinkled onto crops through slowly spinning pipes using a process called center-pivot irrigation.
Of course, rotating, human-made sprinklers don't make all crop circles, the elaborate geometric designs that at times take the shape of spirals, other times keys and even jellyfish. The patterns could also be made using a GPSdevice programmed with a pattern along with a laser used to create a straight line between points, suggested Richard Taylor, director of the Materials Science Institute at the University of Oregon, in 2001 in the magazine Physics World.
He investigated how human artists could use microwaves to make the fanciful designs, responding to the discovery that the crops used in the patterns had been exposed to microwave radiation. Some people took that finding as evidence that aliens or the CIA created the circles. If the joints of plant stalks are exposed to microwaves, they expand, causing the plant to flop over without breaking, which matches the state of stalks found in many crop circles, Taylor told Popular Science.
Whoever made them, one thing's for sure: Crop circles are suffused with an alien beauty.
Nick Pope investigated UFOs and conspiracy theories for the MoD, gaining inside information on some of the most infamous cases, including the unsolved Rendlesham UFO incident.
He said he felt compelled to speak out about the Planet X and Nibiru claims which have taken the internet by storm.
Scores of conspiracy theory YouTube videos and website reports claim the end of the world is near, and will begin on September 23, before The Rapture begins.
The theory has its roots in fundamentalist Christian beliefs amid claims an astological constellation on September 23 matches a verse from the Bible.
Scores of YouTube doom videos and evangelical websites point to an astrological constellation on September 23 matching Revelation 12:1–2, which will signal the start of the Rapture and second coming of Christ.
The passage 12:1–2 reads: "And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of 12 stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth."
However, it has also been hijacked by Planet X or Nibiru conspiracy theorists who claim a mythical mini solar system will be visible in the sky from September 23 before passing Earth next month, causing huge earthquakes and tidal waves due to its gravitational pull.
NIBIRU COMING? Nick Pope, former MoD investigator, says Nibiru is a hoax.
Nick Pope
Nibiru threat: Nick Pope speaks out.
Mr Pope dismissed the claims, but said there was a darker side to the conspiracy theory, and it could even lead to avoidable deaths.
He said: "I'm disappointed but not surprised at some of the end of the world predictions currently doing the rounds.
"Nibiru doesn't exist. The world won't end on 23 September. All that's happening is that a hoax is being perpetuated in the name of evangelical Christianity.
"There's absolutely no hard science underpinning these latest claims - it's just the same old doomsday nonsense that we've seen time and time again, over the years."
Mr Pope said after September 23, those pedalling the claims would go quiet or "come up with some lame, bonkers excuse, perhaps claiming that prayer saved us all from Armageddon."
But, he added some people could lose their lives. He said: "On one level it's almost comical, but there's a dark side to this. There are a lot of people out there who believe this sort of thing - conspiracy theorists, the young and impressionable, the mentally ill, and maybe others too.
"The worst case scenario is that vulnerable people might be pushed towards suicide if they think the world's going to end anyway, in a few days' time.
"Let's at least try to learn some lessons here.
"After 23 September passes without incident, it probably won't be long before the next end of the world prophecy comes along.
"When it does, let's just ignore the doom merchants and not give them and their prophesies the oxygen of publicity."
Nibiru doesn't exist. The world won't end on 23 September. All that's happening is that a hoax is being perpetuated in the name of evangelical Christianity.
Nick pope
But the claims continue online.
Yesterday, revealed how British conspiracy theorist Matt Rogers claimed to have obtained the first real image of Planet X heading our way.
However, Mr Rogers provides no detail of how he obtained the alleged image and there is no evidence to back up any of his outlandish claims.
Last month also exclusively revealed how Christian numerologist and conspiracy theorist David Meade claimed to have obtained secret video footage of the system on its way.
Speaking on Late Night in the Midlands, a US conspiracy theory radio show, Mr Meade claimed he had spoken to a professor of astronomy in Paris based at a large observatory, who told him Nibiru was real.
He said: "I've seen it and he told me the name of the observatory he has seen it at, and he said he had a secret film of it, which he later sent me."
However, remarkably, Meade, who claims to want to warn the public about Nibiru, said he had yet to make the footage public.
Mr Meade, who wrote the book Planet X - The 2017 Arrival, claims the solar eclipse of August 21 was a sign before Nibiru appears in the sky to everyone from September 23, before passing and causing the apocalypse in October.
The Planet X system is alleged to be a mini solar system.
The myth was born in 1976, when writer Zecharia Sitchin claimed that two ancient Middle Eastern cultures – the Babylonians and Sumerians – told of a giant planet – Nibiru – that orbited the Sun every 3,600 years.
The Planet X conspiracy theory was given a boost earlier this year when NASA announced the discovery of a new planet in our solar system which they named Planet Nine.
They found evidence of a real planet up to 10 times the mass of Earth in the outer reaches of the Solar System, in the constellation Orion.
However, NASA says Planet Nine will not pass earth, and the Planet X theory of an apocalypse is completely false.
There have been many predicted end of world dates that have all come and passed before, as this one is likely to.
But after he reviewed the clip he discovered something mysterious in the sky.
“If we brought some contrast into the footage we can witness what can only be described as a cube,” he says.
“We can now see what the viewer saw. He noticed a faint line in the clouds that gave him an impression it was geometric.
MYSTERY: A cube-shaped UFO is claimed to have spotted hiding in plain sight
“As you can see here, what was once invisible we can now see what can only be described as a square or cube-shaped UFO.”
After more examination of the strange video – taken in Ontario, Ohio – Tyler comes to the conclusion it is an extremely rare sighting of a craft.
“Had this been just a clear blue sky, I doubt we will be seeing anything at all. So then you have to ask yourself are we seeing some sort of cloaking mechanism because clouds do not move and form in this way.
“The cube, or square-shaped, is one of the most mysterious as it’s the one we rarely see and the most elusive you will see.”
BIZARRE: Tyler Glockner has previously posted wacky videos of supposed cube-shaped UFOs
More than 83,000 people have seen the clip since it was posted to Tyler’s YouTube channel secureteam10 today.
Viewers had mixed reactions to what the object could be, with one suggesting it “is a cloaked vehicle that was un-cloaked by indirect light”.
Another added: “That has to be some sort of alien spaceship.”
But a third disagreed, writing: “Clearly just a glitch in the camera.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Mystery in the Southwest: A Look Inside the Infamous Bradshaw Ranch
Mystery in the Southwest: A Look Inside the Infamous Bradshaw Ranch
From the Phoenix Lights to the Mogollon Monster, Arizona has long been known as a mecca for the strange. According to the Mutual UFO Network’s reporting archives, Arizona ranked as one of the top three states in the country for UFO sightings per capita in 2013. Arguably, one of the most concentrated areas of reported anomalous activity is centered in Yavapai and Coconino counties. This area was first inhabited by indigenous tribes including the Anasazi, Hohokam, and the Sinagua, all of whom were deeply rooted in the belief that their ancestors came from the stars. Petroglyphs dot the canyon walls, hinting that visitors from other worlds had wandered amongst them and many locals maintain the belief that otherworldly visitors remain attracted to this unique area.
Sedona, a small city located within this region, has roughly ten thousand residents and attracts more than four million tourists annually. Some come solely for the natural beauty of the unique red-colored sandstone formations while others come to explore the mystical and spiritual implications of the area. Known for its vortices (sites where the energy of an area is allegedly magnified), metaphysical bookstores, crystal shops, and aura readers, the city openly embraces its eclectic personality. In fact, these traits, combined with the abundance of UFO sightings, have prompted many paranormal researchers and enthusiasts to relocate here permanently.
Just outside of Sedona down a long, rough, dirt road winding through the desert lays an expansive ranch that currently sits quietly deserted. The weeds are overgrown and the ground is parched. In the distance you can hear the eerie squeak of the windmill slowly turning. The gate towards the main ranch house is closed and a small sign indicates that trespassing is illegal as the property is owned by the United States government, specifically the U.S. Forest Service. Hiking trails line the outside of the perimeter, though they seldom see many visitors. But the ranch wasn’t always this way and there are some who firmly believe that this serene piece of land isn’t as quiet as we’re led to believe.
Bradshaw Ranch
In 1945, Bob Bradshaw, a budding photographer and actor, moved to Oak Creek Canyon to alleviate seasonal allergies. Soon after he opened a Kodak licensed photography shop and quickly established himself as a pillar in the community. It was during this time that Hollywood gained significant interest in using the majestic red rocks as a backdrop in Westerns, television programs, and commercials. Bradshaw became integral in their productions.
Part of a western set used in commercial shoots at the Bradshaw Ranch.
(Credit: Sedona Monthly)
In 1960, Bradshaw acquired a large parcel of land covering 140-acres. At the time, the only remaining structure was an old adobe house. He quickly put to use his Hollywood contacts and utilized the ranch as a filming destination. According to, the tour company operated by the Bradshaws, Bob worked on twenty-eight films, nineteen television shows, and seventy-seven commercials during his lifetime, and the ranch itself hosted five films, two television series, and numerous commercials. An old western town movie set was erected on the grounds during filming of the 1967 Elvis Presley film Stay Away Joe, and remained a fixture of the property until the 1986. Bitter Creek, as the town was known, was rebuilt in the mid 1990s. It was during this time when John Bradshaw took over management of the land and utilized it as a dude-ranch: a tourist destination for horseback rides, cookouts, and jeep tours. Bradshaw Ranch wasn’t all Hollywood glamour though; it hosts an obscure history that revealed itself suddenly, though for those involved, not unexpectedly.
Strange Anomalies Plague the Bradshaw Family:
Dirt road leading to the ranch.
It was in 1992 that Bob Bradshaw Jr.’s wife Linda, along with several of her sons, began to catalog unusual activity on the property. It began slowly with sightings of unusual lights in the clear desert sky and escalated into tales of Bigfoot, UFOs, extraterrestrial beings, dinosaurs, and strange creatures. The experiences she reported, along with other witnesses, border on the strange side, even for the UFO community.
Linda firmly believed that the ranch was home to what she referred to as a light portal. She inferred that whatever the anomalous and strange activity occurring was due to an inter-dimensional window to which creatures benign and benevolent could freely travel from one dimension to another. This is not a new notion however; in 1975 the interdimensional hypothesis (IDH) was presented as a favorable theory by Jacques Vallée in his collaboration with Dr. J. Allen Hynek, The Edge of Reality: A Progress Report on Unidentified Flying Objects. IDH states that UFOs and related paranormal phenomena are not visitations from other planets, but from other dimensions that coexist as separate entities alongside our own.
In 1995, Linda, along with her close friend and UFO researcher Tom Dongo, published a book filled with their alleged encounters and photographs they claim are otherworldly beings, strange flying craft, and unexplained light anomalies. Merging Dimensions: The Opening Portals of Sedona was a book they thought would change the world, but they were both disappointed and frustrated that it released to little fanfare.
One encounter Linda described was that of being woken by one of her sons, who was in the company of a woman and her daughter, in the early hours of the morning. She alleges that at approximately 2:45 a.m. her son and the woman not only spotted an unidentified craft but had an encounter with extraterrestrial beings as well. She describes:
Strolling past the window were four short-statured aliens wearing tight-fitting one-piece uniforms of a light tan color. They were what are typically called the Zeta Reticuli (also known as the Grays), only these appeared to be a bit more ashen-colored, almost white. Once the beings were out of sight and the witnesses recomposed themselves, the three of them jumped into their car and sped to the house where I was sleeping. I remember so vividly how my son vigorously shook my arm to wake me up. I can still hear the trepidation in his voice as he said, “Mom, wake up. They’re here!” I raised up and said, “Who’s here?” He exclaimed, “The aliens, Mom.”
The encounter further evolved when Linda saw one of the beings outside, and resolved to investigate further the following day. Small unexplained footprints were spotted in the dirt and the evidence was documented via her son’s video camera. If the story is to be believed, the strangest turn occurred when the witnesses spotted what they referred to as a dinosaur in one of the washes. Two of the witnesses described a dusty-colored, five foot, lizard-like dinosaur that stood erect, while the other two only made it in time to see a long tail vanishing into the bushes. In future encounters, they would discover large reptilian-like prints on a reoccurring basis.
The strange sightings persisted, and Linda continued to document to the best of her ability. She would take photographs in random areas to see if things would develop on film that she could sense but were invisible to the naked eye. The photos were taken on 35mm film and developed at a local photo processing center. She amassed a large collection of photos of light anomalies, what she believed to be alien beings, as well as various unidentified craft. She also captured and had interactions with a Bigfoot she referred to as “Big Girl” and believed that she was in the company of young offspring as well.
As a self-described animal lover, Linda became increasingly agitated that some of her dogs and horses were falling ill with tumors and other maladies the vet could not rationally explain. She was also disturbed to discover that someone or something had torn the manes off several of her horses. She was perplexed, stating, “Her lovely, long golden mane was missing. The mare’s mane was not cut off evenly. It looked as if it had been torn off, resulting in extremely jagged edges.” She surmised that it could not be the work of humans, but what ripped the hair and the purpose of the action remains a mystery to this day.
The unusual activity on the ranch continued to be an almost everyday occurrence until the late 1990s when it seemed to stall quite suddenly.
Rumors of a Cover-Up
On September 22, 2000 in a USDA Forest Service Release, Bill Kusner, spokesperson for Keep Sedona Beautiful, alluded to the government’s interest in the property. He stated,
These public purchases will serve to preserve the spectacular open landscape well known throughout the world, to provide opportunities for additional access for recreation, and to protect archaeological resources. Keep Sedona Beautiful is hopeful that a $3.5 million appropriation in FY 2001 will allow for the purchase of 90 acres in Yavapai County locally known as the Bradshaw Ranch.
US Forest Service sign at Bradshaw Ranch.
(Credit: Cottonwood Hotel)
After years of property tax hikes and the government’s pressing interest in the property, the ranch became another parcel of federal land, acquired by the U.S. Forest Service. In May of 2003, the Bradshaw’s vacated the property.
Conspiracy theorists were quick to dismiss Kusner’s words, and insinuated that the ranch was really purchased in order to conceal the powerful inter-dimensional portal alleged to exist on the property. Others speculate that it was a tactical maneuver to conceal a top-secret military base and an even larger extraterrestrial cover-up.
There have been rumors for decades of the existence of top-secret underground bases and an elaborate tunnel system, which some suggest is used by both extraterrestrials and the U.S. military. They vary in location, and some believe there to be entrances at a large cement plant in Jerome, beneath Bradshaw Ranch, and in various canyon areas around Sedona. Numerous reports of hikers encountering and being threatened by heavily armed soldiers with no visible insignias on their uniforms have strengthened this opinion in believers. UFO researcher Tom Dongo expands on these ideas in his book Mysterious Sedona: Year 2000 edition:
A machine gun, usually an M-16 (or in some cases semi-automatic pistols) is then leveled at the hikers. By the tone of the voice of the “soldiers” the hiker(s) is left with no doubt that he will be shot on the spot if he does not turn around, retrace his steps, and rapidly leave the area . . . every single one of these gunpoint encounters has taken place along the route of the probable tunnel system.
Those looking for hard evidence of these claims won’t find it. There are plenty of stories of suspicious activity, missing persons, and aliens and UFOs spotted in conjunction with soldiers, but no substantiated evidence exists to prove these theories. Military activity in the area could very well be routine training exercises and those hikers asked to turn around may be done for their own safety.
The Ranch Today
There are a variety of researchers and authors who supplement their time by providing UFO and vortex tours in the area. Several of these tours include a visit to Bradshaw Ranch for those hoping to catch something out of the ordinary. Tourists can venture out with Sedona resident Jocelyn Buckner, who wrote a guide specifically focused on the ranch. She urges visitors to respect the fence-line and claims, “There’s no reason to trespass. Invite the ‘unseen others’ to visit you. You will hear, see, or feel them if you remain open.”
The most reported “sightings” during these tours are photos of “orbs.” The orbs are not visible to the eye, but show up on photographs often looking as if they are attracted to certain individuals. The orb phenomenon is an extremely controversial topic with proponents offering up the “it’s not dust” mantra. Opponents and many professional photo analysts surmise that the majority of objects referred to as orbs have very simple, terrestrial explanations. Objects appearing in the circle of confusion, or the point where the lens of a camera cannot focus, and dust, moisture, and other particles in the area can form this optical illusion.
The ranch continues to attract international recognition as a paranormal hotspot through various television programs, books, and websites. In April of 2013, Discovery Channel’s Uncovering Aliens filmed multiple segments at the ranch. During filming, self-described extraterrestrial contactee Steven Jones alleges that he experienced his own bout of the unknown. While an interview was being conducted with Dongo, Jones had wandered off on his own, past the properties windmill above the fence-line on the hill. Jones returned thirty-or-so minutes later, interrupting the crew, flustered, asking the time and yelling for everyone to look at his wristwatch. It had stopped. He recounted that he had heard unusual voices or odd whispers coming from somewhere around him, experienced a brief period of missing time, and visually pointed out the electrical disturbance of his watch. The experience was not aired on television, and we can only speculate as to what really happened when Jones was alone in the desert.
Bradshaw Ranch is set to remain an enigma. The likelihood that any serious investigation could take place, akin to the in-depth scientific endeavors of the National Institute for Discovery Sciences (NIDS) at Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, is slim. The U.S. Forest Service maintains a strict no trespassing policy in order to protect the historic and anthropological landmarks on the land.
This small piece, as well as the expansive canyons surrounding Sedona, will continue to be shroud in mystery and attract the curious and likeminded. Its residents will continue to defend their experiences and beliefs wholeheartedly and unapologetically. If you do take a trip out to Bradshaw, you may not see anything mysterious, but there is a calm quiet, an eerie breeze, and maybe, locals will tell you, something watching unseen in the distance.
This story originally appeared in the last issue of Open Minds Magazine.
Filer’s Files #38 – 2017 We Can Take ET Home - PART I
UFO over Almoloya de Juárez, Mexico on September 12, 2017.
Filer’s Files #38 – 2017 We Can Take ET Home - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Lockheed Skunk Works Director says We Can Take ET Home, UFOs Collect Electrical Energy, The Cygnus Loop Shockwave Supernova Explosion, Astronaut Photography of Earth Shows UFOs, Strange Structures on Moon and Mars, Faces on Mars and Earth, Little People and President Donald Trump has given military orders for U.S. forces to shoot.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada, New Jersey, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Canada, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Puerto Rico, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Lockheed Skunk Works Director says We Can Take ET Home.
Ben Rich “We already have the means to travel among the stars but these technologies are locked up in Black Projects…and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.” – Ben Rich, Former Director of Lockheed Skunk works shortly before his passing
“We now have the technology to take ET home. No, it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars.” – Ben Rich, Former Director of Lockheed Skunk works shortly before his passing
Ben Rich was asked how UFO propulsion functioned. His reply was remarkable. “Let me ask you. How does ESP work?” The man asking the question of Mr. Rich said – “All points in time and space are connected?” Ben Rich then replied, “That’s how it works!” There was more than one confirmation of Ben Rich’s words on the subject of UFOs. Here is one:
William Hamilton wrote, “Rich Andrews was a close personal friend of Lockheed’s “Skunk Works” CEO Ben Rich, the hand-picked successor of Skunk Works founder Kelly Johnson and the man famous for the F-117 Nighthawk “Stealth” fighter, its half-pint prototype the HAVE BLUE, and the top secret F-19 Stealth Interceptor. Before Rich died of cancer, Andrews took my questions to him. Rich confirmed:
There are two types of UFOs — the ones we build, and ones THEY build. We learned from both crash retrievals and actual “Hand-me-downs.” The Government knew, and until 1969 took an active hand in the administration of that information. After a 1969 Nixon “Purge”, administration was handled by an international board of directors in the private sector.
Drawing by Bill McDonald
“‘An’ item” — as opposed to “‘The’ item” — was recovered near the World’s only combat operational atom bomb base (Roswell AAF) in 1947. Hull design, aerodynamic measurements and propulsion info was passed directly to Jack Northrop and Kelly Johnson, beginning in 1950, with a major block of data being passed on from “The Working Group” at Wright Patterson AFB’s Foreign Technologies Division in 1952. “‘The’ item” refers to the top secret designation of Kelly’s original variant of the U-2 (TR-1) spy plane in Congressional and Pentagon budgets in the 1950s.
Nearly all “Biomorphic” aerospace designs were inspired by the Roswell spacecraft, from Kelly’s SR-71 Blackbird onward to today’s drones, UCAVs, and aerospace craft. The Roswell craft had a stingray-skate-like diamond triangular wing form. The hexagonal power cell belly tiles were sub ducted under a thin rim layer of approximately eighteen inches. There were big hexagons near the nose, shrinking in size towards the tail and trailing wing edges. Ben also described a complex “Power grid” on the ships belly.
The inward canted vertical stabilizers of the HAVE BLUE, many Drones, some UCAVs, and the SR-71 matched the 30 degree inward cant of the Roswell spacecraft’s shark fin-shaped pair of vertical stabilizers or “Winglets.” The same goes for the wing camber to fuselage “Blend” of the airframe designs.
The outward cants of the F-22 Raptor, the F-117, the McDonnell Douglas YF-23, and the TACIT BLUE stealth concept prototypes perform similar aerodynamic functions for stability in high performance flight.
UFOs Collect Electrical Energy
UFOs appear to have overcome gravity based on their ability to maneuver, tremendous speed, and ability to launch into space. It takes an enormous amount of electrical energy to directly deform the gravity tidal force curvature field! Indeed it takes 4 billion tons of mass energy equivalents to make a 1-fermi change in the local radius of curvature! Measurements of the power coming from some UFOs indicate they have the electrical energy equivalent to a power plant that would provide electrical power for a small city. UFOs are frequently seen hovering above power lines, power plants and electrical thunderstorms. We can speculate they use the electrical energy to overcome gravity. Numerous power blackouts often are associated with UFOs.
The study of UFOs propulsion system will lead to new forms of energy. High speed UFOs are frequently reported as leaving a green trail indicating they are using hydrogen in their propulsion system.
The Cygnus Loop Shockwave Supernova Explosion
NASA photographs prove there is substantial cosmic energy in space. The shockwave from a 20,000 year-old supernova explosion in the constellation of Cygnus is still expanding into interstellar space. The collision of this fast moving wall of gas with a stationary cloud has heated it causing it to glow in visible as well as high energy radiation, producing the nebula known as the Cygnus Loop (NGC 6960/95). The nebula is located a mere 1,400 light-years away. The colors used here indicate emission from different kinds of atoms excited by the shock: oxygen-blue, sulfur-red, and hydrogen-green. This picture was taken with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 on board the Hubble Space Telescope. Credit: J. Hester (ASU), NASA
Astronaut Photography of Earth Shows UFOs
UFO is at the far right of lightning in the cloud formation
The STS-96 resupply mission to the ISS was in its last days and the Shuttle Discovery had undocked from the International Space Station the day before on November 26, 2007. The Crew was enjoying some much deserved rest. This picture is from late in the Florida sequence, the last of many anomalies, and the location is now off the coast of the USA and a line of flashing thunderstorms can be seen over the ocean. The camera had been panned away from where previously seen anomalies had been moving about far below. This didn’t last long though, as a new object appeared from bottom right. The object circled is what we will follow. Although the field of view is moving steadily north east as the Shuttle sails along on orbit, this new object looked to the human eye to have a direct course toward center screen. We can see the object is now clearly headed for the center of the picture. At this point more lightning starts flashing and the bright area just beyond the arrowhead is indeed another flash of powerful lightning. The camera operator (INCO) has a very clear interest in this object, as he has been moving the camera to follow the object. This apparent interest is confirmed when the camera operator decides to zoom in a second time for a closer look. Just as it seemed we were going to get a good look at the object, the INCO cut the feed and we were left looking at a screen filled with interference. Thanks to the late Jeff Challender
Editors Note: The UFO appears to stop above the line of thunderstorms. We can assume the UFO is taking on both electrical energy and water. The water provides both oxygen and hydrogen and electrical energy that can be used for propulsion.
Steve Tobias is collecting NASA photos from the shuttle missions. He writes, “Almost every photo in the NASA archives has UFOs in it, almost everyone but not all…. A close up example is from STS 47 mission flown by Endeavor with a photo taken September 12, 1992. I am working on the analysis based on the evidence I uncovered from viewing NASA video feeds that were recorded and released through the thoughtful, generous people who used to share freely what they had on video. UFO formations regularly follow the NASA expeditions in space it seems.
STS-68 photo was taken on October 4, 1994, over the Atlantic Ocean. It doesn’t look like clouds to me and we have seen the videos from people showing many pale white spheres in daytime, meaning bright enough to be seen even when sunlight is in the atmosphere of earth. The light intensity of the objects is roughly equal to the reflection of sunlight off the moon.
A rough outline of close up of orb reveals a structured craft with at least 2 portals with internal light sources, or the portals are a result of back light effects in space reflecting off the spherical metallic surface of a UFO. Many people who placed videos they had of past nasa moving UFOs in flight near the shuttle aided me as to what type of formations the ufos were in around earth orbit.
Frequently photographed by the astronauts are the cylinder- shaped white UFOs. I have seen several objects in nasa photos that show the type of form that might be of alien origin. They are thousands of feet long and much larger than any known craft produced on Earth. In one Aurora photo an object like a long cylindrical (vapor creating coated?) object was seen in the center of a huge perfect circle contrail and in the next photo it was leaving that contrail cloud.
NASA title: International Space Station ISS-009 E11846 Low Cloud Formations, Sunglint Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to Steve Tobias
Moon Has Strange City like Structures
Michael Bara, Steve Troy and other researchers such as Bruce Cornet have done a great job in searching for evidence of artificial structures on the Moon. This area, roughly the size of the Los Angeles basin, displays a highly anomalous rectilinear pattern across the Lunar landscape. The arrangement is reminiscent of a ruined city, and close-up views reveal a variety of unexplainable features.
This large area near the crater Ukert is strikingly rectilinear and has a very distinct and unnatural looking boundary. Among them are the “paperclip”, the “crystal palace” and “Arcology Row”, the deep carved linear pattern across the mountains in the foreground. Another completely bizarre feature in this frame is this “carved out” square. It sits just at the base of the arcology mountain chain and clearly shows signs of having been subjected to modification. More data by geologist and paleontologist Dr. Bruce Cornet is at // Thanks to Michael Bara Copyright 1997 –
NASA scientists call this beautiful image near the South Pole of Mars, the Inca City. It was taken by the Malin camera. Notice face at the top of the image. This region of Mars, has been the subject of some extensive research, culminating in the publication of a book called Eagles Disobey: The Case for Inca City, Mars and “What NASA is Telling You About Mars” by Ted Twietmeyer.— The images imply this is the ruins of a city based on the precise angles at virtually each and every wall-junction!
Also, the Mars Rovers are taking photos of mechanical artifacts and evidence of alien structures. NASA claims they are looking for signs of water that we found years ago. We have located many artifacts that show evidence of former life on Mars. Is the atmosphere far denser than what we’ve been told for many years? NASA launched the Mars Reconnaissance Observer satellite. This is now in orbit around Mars.
Faces on Mars and Earth
Dr. Bruce Cornet writes, “Now that Dr. John Brandenburg, Plasma Physicist, has made his splash regarding evidence for two enormous atomic (hydrogen?) explosions on Mars just to the northwest and northeast of the Mars Face in the Cydonia Complex, His prophetic statement echoes in the halls of academe: “Mars presents the human race with a Darwinian intelligence test, and so-far, we are failing it. Scientists cannot connect the dots at Mars because the resulting picture is too terrifying to accept.” J. Brandenburg, And some of the radioactive isotopes identified by Brandenburg as having been produced by nuclear reaction have short half-lives, and wouldn’t still be around on Mars if those atomic explosions were millions of years old.
Note: I discussed the explosions on Mars with Dr. Brandenburg and he thought they may be relatively recent. Also, the nuclear explosion can be caused by war or by natural means such as asteroids setting off uranium deposits. Mars gravity is relativity small compared to Earth, so a society at war or contemplating heavy asteroid bombardment may choose to escape to Earth. The pyramids and statues on Mars are similar to those in Egypt.
See if you can spot the remnants of the Face on Earth (FOE) in the topographic map I attach, before looking at the Face on Mars overlay image. And then ask the question, how can the pass through the mouth of that face, since rivers cannot flow uphill? And why is there a perfectly good channel for the Wallkill River that wraps around the top of the face as a Yazoo tributary? Was the river diverted by a canal after the Wisconsinin meltdown?
Would that indicate someone in ancient America knew about the Face on Mars? And why does that Yazoo tributary empty into Echo Lake? And why is there a small nearby lake near Walden, NY, called Lake Osiris, and on the topographic map a label of Osiris Colony next to that lake? And why are two mountains further south in the Wallkill River Valley named Mt. Adam and Mt. Eve? Is the Universe trying to tell us something? If what Bruce discovered is real, and indeed the centers of the Crater on Mars and the Crater traces on Earth were originally at the same Latitude of 41 degrees 36 minutes N. Why is it so difficult for people to wrap their heads around the concept that we are not the first high-tech space-faring civilization of hominids on Earth? Pride, self-image, and arrogance for not being the first? Note that the previous Pleistocene Interglacial (Sangamonian or Eemian: 118,000-139,000 years ago) was long enough to allow one of our ancestors to do more than make fire, chip rocks, hunt and gather, especially if Homo sapiens has been in existence for at least 200,000 years..
Dr. Bruce Cornet writes, “We are slowly being awakened to the fact that alien technology/has the keys to time control and time travel. The Akashic record “The Book of Life,” and dimension is out of time, and therefore spans all time at the same time. I have wondered how Mars and Earth could be so out of phase, with the Cydonia Complex built first as proposed by speculators. Finding the Face on Earth means it was created first, but how could that be if Dr. Brandenburg is correct, and the atomic war that destroyed Mars could be millions of years old? With time travel, your grandfather could be born after you. Or perhaps the Face on Mars is slightly younger than the Face on Earth, and all this was planned eons ago.
When I discovered that the Rennes le Chateau, France diagrams of Wood (Genesis, 1986) from the book Revelations of the Holy Grail fit over Philadelphia, I was astounded. How can two areas thousands of miles apart have such similar geography to the extent that the Masons knew where to build and how to build the City of Philadelphia? The Schuylkill River follows the exact path it had to for symbolizing the Serpent swimming up river into the Womb of the Egyptian goddess Isis or Delphia. Phila means womb, and delphia obviously refers to the alternative name for Isis. Wood showed the Serpent still in the sky in France (quarry carving), before being cast down to Earth. The Masons showed the Serpent swimming up river from the Delaware River (be aware of del for Delphia), in order to fertilize Isis and be the father of Horus.
The Serpent appears to originate from the southern bank of the Delaware, where a small town named Red Bank is located in New Jersey. At the time of my discovery, I lived is a second Red Bank on the eastern side of New Jersey. Kevin Smith, from Red Bank, produced the movie Dogma, where the gate to heaven is located in the Catholic Church at Red Bank where I lived at the time. How synchronistic is that!!! Meaning of Red Bank
And there is an old Roman road that runs up the Rennes le Chateau valley through the legs of Isis, just as the Schuylkill River does. Serpent mounds interest me also. David Wood (1986; see Planetary Mysteries) discovered a serpent feature in the valley of Rennes in France. He showed that this feature was consistent with mythology, which placed the Serpent in the heavens, where according to the Rennes-le-Chateau terraglyphs (which he discovered); the Arc Crescent of Nut is positioned across the head of the Extended Pentagram.
Then I was led to discover that the Freemasons designed Philadelphia after the same secret diagram. Mysteriously, the Serpent is no longer positioned at the head of the Extended Pentagram and inside the Arc Crescent of Nut.
And Bryn Mawr is located at the right hand of Isis (Delphia), just as the mesa on top of which the town of Rennes le Chateau is located on high ground (meaning of Bryn Mawr in Welch).
Again, who was directing all of this hundreds (if not thousands) of years apart and thousands of miles apart? The ground plan or template for this connection had to have started in Earth time back before the last Ice Age for the geographic markers to be put in place, as Wood recognized for France. And the Paris Rose Line of Longitude goes through all the European sacred sites and the Rennes valley!
In “Cold, Hard Facts” (Popular Science, June 2013: 31-32) geologists and climatologists have identified a three thousand year period of ice core global warming (127-130,000 y.b.p.) in the middle of the Eemian (Sangamonian) Interglacial, during which global temperatures reached 3-5 degrees C hotter than today. Was this heating period due to a man-caused runaway greenhouse effect, or did the Sun actually get hotter? There are ancient myths, pointed out by Martinez, of the Sun getting hotter and/or closer to Earth, and forcing the Little People underground; a reference to this anomalous period of global warming (right where we are today in the middle of our Interglacial)? Did the Little People cover their cities and homes with earth mounds for protection from such heating, and that habit persisted after that period of global warming ended? Did the Hobbits really exist? These questions are why I think Martinez’s book is very relevant to those interested in the truth about our ancestry, and who are not willing to accept some consensus interpretation because it is culturally or politically acceptable. (Dr. Susan B. Martinez, the Lost History of the Little People, 2013).
Shoot North Korean Missiles Down
President Donald Trump has given military orders for U.S. forces to shoot down and destroy any missile launched from North Korea and moving towards the continental United States, Hawaii and Guam, Newsmax has learned. Sources close to the president’s national security team tell Newsmax that the order was given to Pentagon brass in the wake of last month’s threat by North Korea to fire a ballistic missile aimed at Guam, a U.S. territory. There is general consensus in the White House and the Pentagon that North Korea is quite close to the ‘red zone’ and that the U.S. must act soon or lose the upper hand,” one official told Newsmax.
Bolton, who has advised the president informally on security matters, said the U.S. is being “driven in the direction of a preemptive strike because North Korea won’t back down.” “We are close to the finish line,” Bolton said, referring to Pyongyang’s recent missile and nuclear developments. “It highlights how little time we have here. “Just days after North Korea’s nuclear test detonation, Han Tae Song, the North Korean ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, told a disarmament conference the U.S. could expect more “more gift packages.” If the U.S. military does act on President Trump’s orders to shoot down a missile, this would be achieved through different U.S. anti-ballistic programs under the aegis of the Missile Defense Agency.
Among these programs are the 26-year-old Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system, (THAAD), whose “hit to kill” interceptors are designed to shoot down an incoming missile through kinetic energy that explodes the missile on impact. “It’s called stopping a bullet with a bullet,” one veteran intelligence expert told Newsmax. The technology appears to be working.
In late August, a day after the North Korea missile flew over Japan, the U.S. Missile Agency conducted a test that successfully struck and destroyed a missile.
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Filer’s Files #38 – 2017 We Can Take ET Home - PART II
Filer’s Files #38 – 2017 We Can Take ET Home - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Arizona Lights
Sedona — During a visit camping near the Bradshaw Ranch, I was taking photographs on August 25, 2017; I captured two photographs that were approximately 3-5 meters from the perimeter of the ranch.
This photo is anomalous in nature, was taken at the front gate of Bradshaw Ranch. It was one of the last photos that I took on the evening in question during my time performing night photography at the location. The object appears to have a trace of a trail, unknown in quality, gray in color. The main focal point of the object after the trail of gray/white appears to be the actual object itself, bright white and yellow in color. It is important to note that the object starts its movement behind the squared fence line and appears to move through it. The size of the object was approximately that of a softball for comparative analysis. My feelings during the event were from retrospective thought were calm and peaceful. However, also from retrospective thought prior to the event, my feelings were trepid and tense. This shift in emotion in not explainable by rational thought. This object was observable to the naked eye.
Oro Valley— Driving on Tangerine Road on September 3, 2017, I saw the lights.
I pulled over to see and film. I watched for about 10 minutes and filmed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Object
Kernville — I was driving on Highway 20 in California near Marysville heading back towards Auburn California about 7:30 p.m. on September 11th 2017. It was cloudy and very misty and very humid it had just finished raining which I noticed half a rainbow coming out of a cloud I decided to take a picture of the rainbow and noticed at the bottom of the rainbow a white orb that was moving towards the rainbow and started to move closer up about from where I was it looked a few inches up but it could have been a few hundred feet I took three photos as my girlfriend was driving from the car and you could see that the orb changed two three different directions within the photos…. most of this area is a rural area with farms in mountain ranges. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Connecticut Light
Stanford — So its 4:30 at night on September 15, 2017, and I’m listening to some of my favorite songs in my mom’s car in the driveway of my house, I was taking hits of a nicotine pen and recording myself for snap chat. During my 3rd video, as I’m recording myself I see an odd light flash behind me and it was very bright and I was very confused. I get out of the car to check around the street to see if a car drove by, or if anyone was around with a flashlight or anything, because that’s what I thought it could’ve been, but it seemed as though someone or something didn’t want me to see IT. Mind you its 4:30, so I go inside and replay the video to just make sure if I was just hallucinating or something. The object literally appeared in the middle of my back left window, shining and looking like it was either hovering across the car or descending to the ground, but after it left sight of my window and camera it disappeared, you’d have to see for yourself. I’m just curious to see what it actually is, I searched around the car after it happened and I saw nothing. I just have one question and that would be to please inform me about any research that gets done. I’d honestly love to be a part of the process so if that isn’t possible I would like to get informed though everything please. I hope you guys find out or know what this little creature is. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
Panama City Beach — I took these photos about 5 seconds apart, on October 1, 2016, I believe I was facing southwest at the time.
The reason I sent two was because the second pic was to show that the object was not there before.
I did not notice the object until I got home and down loaded them to my computer. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Lights
Granite City — At the time of the event I was passing the rear door of my home and heard an airplane approaching. This is typical due to being in the flight path of Lambert St. Louis Airport. I notice what I thought to be the space station coming up over the tree line. We often spot the space station and satellites from our back yard. However this particular light was larger and more brilliant than that of the space station. When the orb topped the tree line from my vantage point it stopped and hovered. Holding its position for several moments as I tried to get my youngest child’s attention from within the home, the orb did not move. When my child finally joined me they too observed the orb hovering and holding its position. We were unable to gauge the distance against any landmarks. There were no flashing lights or sound and did not resemble a drone as we own a dji Phantom 3 Professional. We observed the light for approximately 8 minutes in total. The light traveled what I believe to be east and stopped to hover for several moments and then changed directions heading south and eventually lost site behind a tree. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Orb
Carlisle– I thought it was a plane when I captured the image on August 18, 2017/
I blew it up and found a saucer shape with a glowing Window.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nevada Lightning
Henderson – On September 6, 2017, this time I shot a craft by accident. I was shooting electrical lightning strikes at 10:42 PM on September 6, 2017. My location was at Cornerstone Park in Henderson, NV. I was looking 5 miles south, onto the city of Boulder, NV. Where the lightning was striking, I only have one frame 113 of the craft. I was using a Sony DSLR A350 with a 300 MM lens. My camera settings were: zoomed at 150 MM, F8, ISO 100, used a tripod, shutter release cable and the exposure was 25 seconds.
I contend the only reason I saw this craft is because in the right spot at the same time the lightning struck it and charged the UFO skin up thus illuminating it ultra violet. It’s a triangle shape craft with a head beam on it.
Las Vegas Airport is located 4 miles due West of my location. Was there traffic? Yes. Other aircraft through my previous frames all left a light trace. This frame did not, that is why I suspect, and it got uncloaked when the lightning went off. I will research my other photos and look again for that type of theory. I have 2 full days of about 25 strikes in all. I try not to get fried when I shoot these storms. Sometimes it’s a thin line. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
New Jersey Triangle
Forked River — I had dropped my daughter off at her friend’s house to spend the night on June 15, 2017. As I stopped at the stop sign and looked left, I saw the object just above the trees and houses (there is a small lake just down that road to the left.) It was very close and shaped like an elongated triangle (see first attachment to show the area as seen from my approximate location, this shows the “K” shaped intersection and approximate size and location of the object.) It was moving, but very slowly. This area is near a Navy base (Lakehurst) and a Army base (Fort Dix) so I kind of thought it was an experimental plane from one of these bases as, at that time, I had never heard of triangular UFOs. After a while though, I realized there was absolutely no sound. And the sheer size of it was immense. I looked towards the front and saw it moving into the next tree line, but as I looked back towards the rear of the object, it just seemed to disappear. Needless to say, I was perplexed and didn’t tell anyone at the time what I had seen. However, it has nagged at me ever since, and when I learned that other people had been seeing triangular craft, I decided to open up about the sighting. It was close enough for me to see detailing on the underside of the object. There were lights on the underside that cast a glow on the bottom, as well as on the treetops. I remember red, blue and white lights, but there could have been other colors that I either didn’t see or make note of. Looking back, it was pretty awesome. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Lights
Blountville — I took pics of funny looking clouds, on September 14, 2017. When looking at the pics I saw 4 sets of lights and a dark object in the clouds. There may be 3 sets of lights. When I took the pics I did not see the UFOs, only after looking at pics did I see them and knew that they had to be UFOs.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Object
I saw a reflective light in a picture on September 8, 2017.
I zoomed in and I saw what looked like a large craft with another rectangle in the center.
There were multiple orbs around the surrounding area.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Lights
LaPush— Photos were taken from the beach on July 27, 2017.
First set with people on the beach was taken first, the 2nd shot shown was taken 300 yards down the beach and shows a white object,
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Canada Dark Orb
Scarborough, Ontario — On Friday, September 1, 2017, we had a ‘prelude ‘ to the Canadian International Air Show around 1:09 pm today.
Dark images were flying above the helicopters preparing for the show. The dark image is at top of picture.
Canadian International Air Show – Toronto Air Show started Saturday – September 2, 2017
I was recording that storm because it was intense on September 11, 2017.
I only noticed the object after a few hours so I recorded the video. I don’t know what it is but I linked a short clip.
My uncle is the author of the footage so change ‘I’ with ‘Him’. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Orb
Almoloya de Juárez — We were going to have breakfast when a member of my family told me about the object in the sky on September 12, 2017. I went out to see it and first thought that maybe it was a balloon. But after seeing it up close, it was not anything I had seen before. I went up to the top of the house to see it better with the help of my binoculars and I started to photograph it. It did not emit sound or lights and it moved very slowly. We saw it for more of an hour until it disappeared in the horizon. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Object
What you see in the picture is what I saw, without sound, but extremely fast on February 29, 2015. It was gone within a blink.
I first saw it about 3 miles away and raised the camera and took a pic and it was gone… If some-one can tell me what this is please do.
Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Peru Object
Machu Picchu— Photo of object in background is similar to photo of a news story of UFO in Los Angeles.
Similarities are outstanding
.I saw similar craft or sphere on September 30, 2016.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
”Puerto Rico Object
Humacao — I went for a drive around the highway and started taking pictures of the mountains. I found some objects around the same area from a different angle. I reported on previous cases. This time I was closer to the “hot area” when taking the pictures on Saturday, September 9, and 2017 at 8:12 AM.
There are two versions of the pictures. One version is the original the camera took. The other version which has been ‘cleaned’ and cleared-up.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Spain Object
Burgos — My friend and I were walking up this hill located in Spain to see the cloud formations on July 2, 2008. The sky was beautiful blue with white clouds. We photographed the sky and area. When we received the photos back from development we noticed this object flying through the clouds.
We have other photos of it flying through the clouds leaving a hole in the cloud, leaving a type of cam trail…
Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK //England Light/ and Puffs on Rope
Liverpool — I was outside and looked up see this strange vapor trail with puffs on it like knots on a rope, on March 14, 2017. This is unlike regular vapor trails from local planes-as there is an airport nearby. It reminded me of the Aurora vapor trail sightings so I snapped 3 pics. I didn’t see the craft in question as it was either too high or had moved on. It was flying in a wide circular motion towards the NW. It didn’t bother me too much as I know about ETs/crashed crafts/TR3Bs etc. What did surprise me was that this occurred in the UK. The vapor trails eventually just expanded in size and disappeared into the surrounding atmosphere. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Disney — On August 13, 2017, we were visiting Lyme Park in Disney on a sunny day with only some high cirrus-clouds at the time. We sat down in the garden and took some pictures. There was a plane flying by at high altitude and behind it I saw what appeared to be a bright star. This was odd, because it was about 3:45 pm and neither moon nor stars were visible. The star changed in brightness which was unusual, because at first there were no cirrus clouds in front of it and still its brightness changed. Perhaps it was a satellite or the iss, but it stayed stationary in the sky. After about a few minutes some cirrus clouds past in front of it and although the ‘star’ was a bit less visible, you could still see it changing in brightness. I therefore tried to focus on it with my camera (200mm lens) and took a photograph. The first photograph showed on zooming in on the camera screen just a bright dot. I therefore took a second photograph and at zooming in I saw that it had a shape. When I looked up again, the object had disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help. A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
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I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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The two workers said they had seen the other-worldly objects entering the sea at Wilsthorpe Beach, near Bridlington in East Yorkshire.
Paranormal investigator Paul Sinclair tells their story in a new book he is penning about the Wilsthorpe incident, which has been branded Britain's new Roswell due to the mysterious military activity seemingly connected to UFO sightings.
The two men were working for the owner of a bait shop at nearby Bridlington Harbour when it happened, according to Mr Sinclair.
He said: "They were at Wilsthorpe digging in the mass tides. It was an area where the bait shop owner told me they had reported seeing triangles going into the sea.
"On this day they were surrounded by soldiers with guns who asked them where they were going and what they were doing.
"They were interrogated, and the lads were a bit off with them, but the soldier said 'if you are not off the beach by the time we turn around you will be going nowhere, because we will arrest you'.
"The bait diggers said they hung around looking from the cliffs and the military men had what looked like metal detectors and were going up and down beach."
The bait diggers claimed they were ordered away by armed military men.
Last week exclusively revealed how Mr Sinclair claimed a married couple in their 80s said they saw 30 to 40 UFOs hovering over the same beach the night before, and the military operation the next day.
The couple's bizarre claims concern the night of September 14 2009 at 11pm.
They lived in one of 30 flats that overlook the sea at Wilsthorpe.
The pair decided to go to bed, however, as the woman went to turn off the lights, she saw a glow outside.
Mr Sinclair said "something told her to go outside" before she opened the front door and looked out to sea where she was amazed to see several glowing UFOs above the coast.
Mr Sinclair said she described them as 15-feet long and eight-feet wide "spaceships over the sea".
They left after about half an hour she claimed.
Next day they said two Chinook helicopters full of RAF personnel landed at the beach by the remote hamlet.
They were interrogated, and the lads were a bit off with them, but the soldier said 'if you are not off the beach by the time we turn around you will be going nowhere, because we will arrest you'.
Paul Sinclair
Mr Sinclair said that separately, a man working on a boat at Blythe Park boat compound also confirmed the military presence.
Mr Sinclair submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to find out why the operation took place on September 15.
However, the response he eventually received, said it was just a "routine military exercise" and few other details were provided.
The reply said "no live ammunition was used" and "any explosions heard were controlled detonations of simulated ammunitions."
The response added that it was "one of a number of regular exercises" as part of work to defend the UK, and new locations would often be used with landowners' consent.
Mr Sinclair continues to investigate the case and is trying to obtain historic coastguard reports from the period.
He believes it is connected to a high level of reported UFO activity along a 25-mile stretch of the East Yorkshire and North Yorkshire coast from Brandesburton in East Yorkshire to Scarborough, North Yorkshire, between May and September 2009.
High levels of military aircraft flying low and circling near his home in Bridlington, East Yorkshire, were also recorded that September.
Mr Sinclair said the case did not yet prove a UFO presence, but: "I think the military arrived because of the objects."
In a post on his Truth Proof Facebook page about the case, he wrote: "Nothing found can prove with any certainty the UFOs were over the sea as an elderly couple claim, or that the black triangles entered the sea in September 2009 like the bait diggers described.
"All I can do is stack the evidence for and against, either side of the scale."
Some of the sightings have been detailed in Mr Sinclair's first book - Truth-Proof: The Truth That Leaves No Proof, which is available on Amazon.
What’s going on in Argentina? OK, besides the never-ending Hitler sightings and conspiracies? How about UFO sightings and a conspiracy to cover up an alien sighting? In the past week, we have reports of at least two UFO sightings and multiple reports and a photograph of an alleged extraterrestrial in a park with strange behavior that has some worried that there’s something more than fishy in the waters there and no one is talking about it. Is it time to start crying for Argentina?
One alleged UFO sighting occurred on September 10 in Pomancillo in northwestern Argentina. El Ancasti, the local media outlet, reports that a Professor Alberto Rufino Calderón, a resident of Fray Mamerto Esquiú in the Catamarca Province, witnessed and had the presence of mind to photograph a UFO over property he had recently purchased. He says the unusual movements of the UFO had him thinking it was something other than a drone, bird or conventional aircraft.
“An airplane or an animal is incapable of doing that.”
(Credit: El Ancasti)
He told El Ancasti that locals believe the stones and mountains have energy and healing powers and strange occurrences are not uncommon. Perhaps the most uncommon is the vision of Our Lady of the Valley which happened between 1618 and 1620 in a cave located at Choya when a local man heard voices and eventually found an image of the Virgin Mary with a brown face like his. She is now the patron saint of Argentine tourism – coincidence? Was the UFO being drawn to the energy of the mountain?
The next sighting comes from the El Diario media site in Carlos Paz, which reports that:
“Yesterday, a lot of messages entered the newsroom giving an account of the hitherto unexplained phenomenon.”
Like what? First came the report from Gonzalo Cufré of a UFO over the mountains, especially Cerro de la Cruz, surrounding the city. This occurred some time on or before September 11.
“I was standing outside, in the courtyard of my house, when I saw a very clear light that had no kite form and that fell vertically. I ran a few meters and saw her fall behind the Cerro de la Cruz. I can not explain what it could have been “
Not a kite … we sometimes forget that these are common in other countries. What was it? Luckily, Sergio Soria sent a picture of what El Diario thinks is the same UFO.
(Credit: El Diario)
The UFOs in both photos are difficult to identify, so the next question is: are they connected to the alien in the Parque Mitras in Corrientes in far northeast Argentina? Radio station LT7AM 900 (and others) reported that police were called to the park on or before September 13 by teenagers who claimed to have seen an ‘individual’ behaving strangely. Allegedly, the cops also saw the ‘individual’ and photographed it with a cellphone (where are those body cams when you need them?). According to the media report:
“When police officers tried to approach the ‘extraterrestrial being’, they said it escaped, jumping into the water and vanishing from sight immediately.”
Jumped in the water? Is this one of those ETs whose spaceships are hidden on lake, pond and ocean bottoms? The station posted the photo on its Facebook page and there were suspiciously no more reports or photos. Speculation ranged from the best picture of a Grey alien seen in some time to a hoax using a clip from a movie, possibly Signs or perhaps even a homemade video. Unless more sightings and images pop up, this is likely the case.
However, that doesn’t explain the UFOs. Could these be connected to the stories of Nazi flying saucers and the Hitler-in-Argentina rumors? Stranger dots have been connected.
(Shout out to Inexplicata for its tireless work finding Hispanic UFO reports)
The third director of the post-World War II United States Central Intelligence Group (CIG), the third director of Central Intelligence (DCI), and the very first director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, oncetold the world, via the New York Times in 1960, that, “behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs,” and that, “through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.”
The key words are here are “official secrecy and ridicule,” which is why, for so many years, you were perceived as a crazy person at the slightest mention of UFOs, let alone intelligent extraterrestrial life.
Today, however, it’s a much different story. Hundreds of thousands of pages of de-classified documents show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that intelligence agencies and global militaries have an extremely high interest in the UFO phenomenon, and have had this interest for a very long time.
For example, just go to the CIA’s Freedom of Information Act electronic reading room, and type in the word “UFO,” and you’ll see for yourself. There is no shortage of interesting documents that span not only the CIA’s website, but on a global scale.
“Everything is in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data.”
– General Carlos Castro Cavero (1979).
On top of documents, their release has sparked a number of high-ranking officials from various fields, from top military brass, politicians, and credible figures from within academia, astronauts and more. Here’s one of hundreds of statements.
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. That it behooves us, in case of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.”
– Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
The Document Referencing Red, Green & Yellow “Flying Saucers”
This document, straight from the CIA , relays several pieces of information, with the part about these UFOs highlighted in brackets, which suggests special attention paid to it. It goes to show just how interested, and how important this topic is within the intelligence community. They’ve been studying it for years under the guise of “national security,” a term now used to classify everything, and protect the interests of the global elite as well as allow them to basically do whatever they please, with justification.
It states as follows:
“ANTARCTIC FLYING SAUCERS” – A group of red, green, yellow has been seen flying over Deception Island for two hours by Argentine, Chilean and British bases (military) in Antarctica. The flying saucers were also seen flying in formation over the South Orkney islands in quick circles.”
It’s strange how other unrelated factors are inserted into the document, and interesting how this part is highlighted.
Quite telling isn’t it? What’s even more interesting is that this document is more than five decades old, dating back to 1965.
It highlights one of the main questions that the release of these documents have raised: we now know that groups like the CIA have been putting a tremendous amount of resources into studying this topic, and it makes you wonder, what type of information do they have now, more than five decades later? What have they found out with regard to who/what are operating these things, how they work, where they come from, and what their intentions are?
This information is most likely locked up in Special Access Programs (SAPs), within the (containing unacknowledged and waived SAPs). These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.” You can read more about that here.
Judging by the fact that there is substantial evidence that the Germans were making flying saucers as far back as 1941, as well as other countries, could these particular “flying saucers” be crafted by another country? Perhaps manufactured by the Germans, soviets, China, or whoever, to conduct reconnaissance missions over other countries’ military installations?
UFOs over military installations are nothing new. For example, the picture below is a real picture taken in August of 1952. It’s a photograph of multiple UFOs taken by the Coast Guard photographer at the time above a US military installation, a common place for UFO sightings. The photo was classified by the US government, and then later approved for release. It was witnessed by multiple ‘professional’ people.
So, where does the extraterrestrial hypothesis come in? Well, a large part of it is due to the fact that multiple high ranking people from various fields, including those from within the intelligence/military community, have flat out said, on multiple occasions, that these agencies are aware of multiple races that have made contact with the human race, or certain individuals of the human race.
For example, whether it be an Apollo 14 astronaut (6th man to walk on the moon) Dr. Edgar Mitchell stating that “there have been crashed craft and bodies recovered” or that he has been “privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visiting on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real,” or academicians likes Harvard University psychologist and Pulitzer prize winner Dr. John E. Mack saying “Yes, it’s both literally and physically happening,” there is no shortage of information to suspect that the extraterrestrial hypothesis is highly plausible.
“There is another way, whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way.”
–Dr. Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Nebraska.
I’ll leave you with this quote below, which was also given many decades ago by British Scientist, and Emeritus Professor of Applied Physics at Stanford University Peter A. Sturrock. Sturrock and a number of other notable scientists around the world came together during the 1990s in order to examine the physical evidence that is commonly associated with the UFO phenomenon. One example used by Sturrock in his analysis was a photo taken by two Royal Canadian Air Force pilots on August 27th, 1956, in Macleod, Alberta, Canada. (“Physical Evidence Related To UFO Reports” – The Sturrock Panel Report – Electromagnetic Effects) (source) (source)
“If it does indeed turn out that there is relevant physical evidence, if this evidence is carefully collected and analyzed, and if this analysis leads to the identification of several facts concerning the UFO phenomenon, then will be the time for scientists to step back and ask, what are these facts trying to tell us? If those facts are strong enough to lead to a firm conclusion, then will be the time to confront the more bizarre questions. If, for instance, it turns out that all physical evidence is consistent with a mundane interpretation of the causes of UFO reports, there will be little reason to continue to speculate about the role of extraterrestrial beings. If, on the other hand, the analysis of physical evidence turns up very strong evidence that objects related with UFO reports were manufactured outside the solar system, then one must obviously consider very seriously that the phenomenon involves not only extraterrestrial vehicles but probably also extraterrestrial beings.” (source)
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Rode, gele en groene vliegende schotels hangen uren boven bases op Zuidpool. Lees erover in dit CIA-document
Rode, gele en groene vliegende schotels hangen uren boven bases op Zuidpool. Lees erover in dit CIA-document
In het internetarchief van de CIA iseen documentte vinden waarin wordt gesproken over vliegende schotels die boven de Zuidpool zijn gesignaleerd.
De spionagedienst was kennelijk erg geïnteresseerd in het bericht over de vliegende objecten, want het is tussen haken geplaatst.
In het bericht valt te lezen dat een groep rode, groene en gele vliegende schotels is gezien boven het eiland Deception.
De waarneming is gedaan vanaf Argentijnse, Chileense en Britse bases op Antarctica. De UFO’s bleven twee uur lang in het gebied.
Er wordt verder gemeld dat de vliegende schotels ook in formatie cirkels vlogen boven de Zuidelijke Orkneyeilanden.
Het bericht, dat dateert van juli 1965, doet een aantal vragen rijzen. Door wie werden de UFO’s bestuurd en waar kwamen ze vandaan? En wat is er sindsdien nog meer waargenomen boven de Zuidpool?
Het is bekend dat de nazi’s al werkten aan vliegende schotels en volgens verschillende theorieën hadden zij allerlei bases op de Zuidpool.
Een voormalige Amerikaanse marineofficier vertelde daarnaast dat hij op Antarctica de ingang naar een geheime UFO-basis heeft gezien.
Hij deed zijn onthulling tegenover onderzoeksjournaliste Linda Moulton Howe van Ze zegt meerdere keren te hebben gesproken met de klokkenluider, die zich Brian noemt.
Brian (59) maakte naar eigen zeggen onderdeel uit van een bemanning die door een no-flyzone boven Antarctica vloog en daar UFO’s, aliens en een ingang naar een basis heeft gezien.
Hij zei dat hij tussen 1983 en 1997 gestationeerd was op het continent en verschillende keren ‘zilverkleurige schijven’ heeft gezien boven het Transantarctisch Gebergte.
Hij claimde dat mensen en aliens er samenwerken en dat er topgeheime projecten worden uitgevoerd.
There is a race of beings upon the planet, increasing in number, although visually and physically indistinguishable to most humans. They are here to guide the awaking of terrestrial consciousness.
Many of them are star children born these days have memories intact from previous existence on board craft as extraterrestrials. They are kept on track by continuing their interaction with their cosmic family while they are in human form.
For example:
Aiden 5 years: I don’t mind going through walls, and I learn more on the ships than I do at school. They only come at night, float not walk, there are blue ones too, like ones I’ve seen in my mind’s eye.
Jena 8 years: Sometimes get a headache, my heads so small, I can’t always take it in so quickly. It’s like knowledge bombs are being dropped on my head.
Adult Star Child: Remembering what I did before is like remembering a dream. It does not mean it was not real, it means that the mechanical thought process lies outside my now normal conscious thinking. It lies on the outer ridge of my mind, you have just to find the edges and go further.
Star Children: Memories of being on space craft and being educated Have past life memories including ones where they are NOT human Information that they have not consciously learnt Sense of mission Feel alienated Very intelligent and intuitively creative
Traits of Star Child: Superior mental and analytical capabilities Direct connection to higher awareness Extreme sensitivity to though and emotion enhanced DNA Photographic memories Fast motor neuron response Manipulation of time and space Non verbal communication
New Studies:
Star children Himalayas: Strange behavior Children use unknown sign languages Children draw pictures of triangular objects flying in the sky Children communicate telepathy with unseen ETs
Star children Mexico: Mexican children also manifest similar behavior, when many in the area reported for a long time UFO sightings Problem solving skills have increased and they are much more disciplined Continually use a strange sign language among themselves
In Mexico City 1000 children are able to ‘see’ with various parts of their body
Star children China: Very psychic and intuitive Some have the ability to open flower buds by thought alone Display telekinetic abilities as well as other fascinating multi dimensional skills, such as sensing another’s thoughts (telepathy)
The above findings closely match Mr. Cati’s latest analyses regarding a large scale alien invasion of select human beings, by an alien race that uses the host bodies of human hosts to covertly and secretly exist on planet earth while outwardly appearing as humans whereby according to Mr.Cati this seasons hurricane names list contains codes relevant to the selected human beings aka child children, the new cosmic humans. See here Mr.Cati’s analysis.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Climate change has been causing havoc with planet Earth as we have seen some of the deadliest of storms, sea levels rising along with temperatures and changes to climate patterns that bring about strange and unforeseen effects.
One of these is the emergence of a new island from the waters of the Outer Banks in North Carolina.
The island started out as just a small sandbar that was frequented by stingrays and sharks and which was accessible only by boat. It was not long before it turned into a fully-fledged island which can now be walked to.
The local people in the region have named it Shelly Island thanks to the huge amount of shells found in the virgin sand. However, stranger things have been turning up on the island more recently.
Now another strange object has made an appearance on the island and this time it has not only baffled the local beach-goers but also historians. The object in question was found by the Hoffman family who was visiting from Virginia. The son-in-law Dan found the weird object and his mother in law told him that it was perhaps treasured from a shipwreck off the Outer Banks. She went on to say that whatever the object is, it is old and has been in the ocean for some time.
The Hoffman family contact Jami Lanier, a local historian at the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, but Lanier was not able to identify the mystery object. Lanier said that it is difficult to tell what it is as there is plenty of encrustation, but it could be some instrument used on a watercraft. Now Lanier is going to ask marine archaeologists if they can help to determine what the object is.
Many strange and mysterious objects have been found recently on beaches. Someone found a starfish that was made of a strange metal just off Rhode Island and someone else found a wooden structure that has not been identified in Canada. It does make one wonder what else might drift up from the bottom of the sea onto a beach in the future.
Just a few months back the island was evacuated when an object that was bomb shaped was found to be buried in the sand of the island. The officials from the US Coast Guard, US Navy, Dare County Emergency Management and National Park Service became interested in the island, and a team was called to examine the new found strange object. It was said to be a leftover training device from World War II, but one week later a real bomb was discovered on the same island, and this time ordnance disposal teams were sent to detonate it.
Researchers working with NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover have announced that the expedition has discovered traces of boron in the ancient Gale Crater, which is approximately 3.8 billion years old.
This discovery has caused a great deal of excitement amongst astrobiologists who have pointed out that the traces of boron suggest that Mars might have been capable of supporting life on its surface at some point in the distant past.
Boron is considered to be of the utmost interest to astrobiologists who search for traces of life on other planets. This is because it is essential to the stabilization of the sugar molecule known as ribose. Ribose is one of the main components of ribonucleic acid (RNA), a molecule which is present in all living cells and a driving force behind metabolic processes. This incredibly valuable molecule is known to be very unstable and requires boron to keep it in shape so that it can form RNA.
It is believed that the earliest ‘proto-life’ that existed on the planet Earth emerged from what scientists refer to as an ‘RNA World.' According to some scientists, this would have entailed the collation of individual RNA strands containing information which would have formed the ability to replicate themselves and form the foundation of the basic life system which is the origin of all life on the planet today.
Given the importance of boron in establishing RNA, scientists have suggested that its presence on Mars could indicate that there was once life on the Red Planet. "Because borates may play an important role in making RNA — one of the building blocks of life — finding boron on Mars further opens the possibility that life could have once arisen on the planet, "said Patrick Gasda, a postdoctoral researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico who has been working on this study. "Borates are one possible bridge from simple organic molecules to RNA, "he continued, "Without RNA, you have no life. The presence of boron tells us that, if organics were present on Mars, these chemical reactions could have occurred." According to Gasda, this is further proof that the conditions for life on Mars were in place in the ancient past and that these life forms were completely independent from those on planet Earth.
This is not the first time that the Mars Curiosity Rover has turned up evidence which indicates that life could have once existed on the Red Planet. Since 2012, the mission has discovered a lot of evidence which strongly suggests that Mars was once teeming with water. Curiosity has discovered evidence of a lake and stream system within the Gale Crater, where the traces of boron were found. In addition to that, the slopes of Mount Sharp in the center of the crater appears to have been formed by the process of movement of an ancient water system.
Earth is a miraculous being. We have lived on this planet for centuries and still haven’t learned of all its magnificent depths and crevices. Yet, beyond the mysteries of our own home, we have the beauty of the stars to consider, which inevitably leaves us wondering, what else is beyond this blanket of darkness and twinkling lights? While we have discovered much about our solar system and neighbouring planets, there is still plenty more to learn.
In 2011, Nasa launched a space probe called Juno which is currently orbiting Jupiter. Juno finally began its scientific investigation of the planet when it entered orbit on July 5, 2016. The mission aims to learn more about how the planet formed, its composition, the amount of water present within the deep atmosphere, and its mass distribution. It will also measure its deep winds, which have been noted to reach speeds of up to 618 kilometers per hour (384 mph), and its gravity field, magnetic field, and polar magnetosphere.
On July 10, Juno completed a close flyby of Jupiter and its Great Red Spot during its sixth science orbit. “For generations people from all over the world and all walks of life have marveled over the Great Red Spot,” said Scott Bolton, principal investigator of Juno from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. “Now we are finally going to see what this storm looks like up close and personal.”
On Friday, September 1, the JunoCam collected more images of this magnificent gas giant from its seventh science orbit, and NASA put the raw images online. In the following photos you will see what seems to be a large storm cutting into the side of the planet, creating a rather lovely pattern, along with amazing closeups of the clouds, a shadow on Jupiter caused by one of its moons, and hurricanes making their way across the planet. As an additional treat, there is also a video stitching together images as Juno flew over Jupiter.
Juno’s missions is scheduled to end in July 2018 but the mission could be extended if all continues to go well.
NASA has been accused of cutting their ISS live feed a number of times over the last few years as alleged UFO’s have flown into the view of the camera. Like clockwork each time, the feed goes down. Here’s thefirst timeit happened, and here is the second.
Now there are often claims that what we see floating around in space is nothing more than space junk. While there is obviously space junk floating around in space, space junk doesn’t tend to slow down, make sharp turns and speed up as an intelligently controlled craft would. Precisely why the videos above and the one we are going to explore below are obviously not space junk.
It’s also commonly brought up that NASA would have no reason to hide anything, this usually comes up as a result of people not quite understanding the depth of the UFO and ET coverup that has been going on for many decades. While this can be a complicated subject, many people have gone into very credible detail describing precisely how this works. In fact, a new film called Unacknowledged goes into this in extraordinary detail. I highly suggest checking it out as it’s important to be informed on this issue vs simply blindly dismissing it.
Millions of files have been disclosed to the public via declassification and FOIA that have brought forth more evidence than anyone could possibly need to approach this subject seriously. This is why I encourage people to watch the film Unacknowledged because it details the bevy of hard evidence from verified declassified documents and credible whistleblowers. Our governments, military and high profile personnel take this matter very seriously, but on a public level we are being manipulated into seeing it as a mockery. But that’s changing, and disclosure is becoming one of the most sought after subjects in the world.
Along with the blind denial, there is a mockery made of the subject. People have been trained to think about it as a joke by the media so as to keep the subject covered up and quiet, and there are many reasons for that. It is often said by experts in this field that the UFO cover up is one of the greatest criminal cover ups of all time. You can hear our extended Richard Dolan interview to learn more about this.
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any kind of traditional materialistic western point of view, that these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon.”
In the video below you will see a UFO come into frame. This is followed by the astronaut bringing his/her hand up and covering the area where the camera would be able to see.
Then, you see a number of objects fly by, but you will see a number of other flying objects. Then the astronaut pans the camera away from the area.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Astronaut lijkt UFO’s bij ISS te willen verbergen. Wat gebeurt hier?
Astronaut lijkt UFO’s bij ISS te willen verbergen. Wat gebeurt hier?
NASA is al een aantal keren beschuldigd van het uitschakelen van de livestream nadat er een UFO in beeld verschenen was.
Iedere keer als er een onbekend object verschijnt, gaat het beeld op zwart. Veel mensen stellen dat het ruimteagentschap iets te verbergen heeft.
Dat blijkt ook uit de film Unacknowledged, die onlangs op Netflix is gezet. De recente docu onthult hoe de Amerikaanse geheime diensten alle bewijzen over het bestaan van buitenaardse wezens in de doofpot hebben gestopt.
Eén van de theorieën die in de film geopperd worden is dat Marilyn Monroe vermoord is door de CIA omdat ze gesproken had met een journalist die onderzoek deed naar het Roswellincident.
Astronauten aan boord van het internationale ruimtestation ISS zouden zelfs doelbewust bewijs voor UFO’s verbergen.
In een filmpje op YouTube is een astronaut van het ISS te zien met op de achtergrond de aarde. Op het moment dat in de verte mysterieuze lichten in beeld komen, doet hij zijn hand voor de camera.
Hetzelfde gebeurt in een ander fragment, waarin een oplichtend object voor de aarde langs zoeft. Opnieuw wordt het beeld afgedekt door een witte handschoen.
Complottheoretici zien hier bewijs in dat we niet alleen zijn in het heelal en dat de overheid tegen ons liegt.
“Dit zijn indrukwekkende beelden,” reageerde iemand. “Ik heb zoiets nog nooit gezien. Hoe kan iemand dit debunken?”
One of the most entertaining names that I’ve come across in the physics sector is the “Oh My God Particle.” Scientists also refer to this particle as the “ermahgerd particle” (kidding, kidding. It’s not really called that, but it is called the “Oh My God Particle”). Now, the first thing that may pop into some of your minds is the Higgs Boson, which was discovered in 2012. This isn’t too surprising as the media went around calling it the “God Particle.” However, these two particles are very different. So what is the Oh My God Particle? Well it is a simple, lowly proton. So why the name?
This proton had the effective mass-energy of a baseball traveling at 90 km/h (56 mph)! This type of particle is known as a cosmic ray, they’re generally just protons but can sometimes be a Helium atom or even an electron. What makes them so interesting is that they’re traveling very near the speed of light, and the Oh My God Particle is the fastest ever found.
Discovered back in 1991 in Utah, this very high energy particle is likely to have originated from around the Supermassive Black Hole in the galaxy Centaurus A before it made its journey to the Earth. Now we mentioned that it was traveling near the speed of light… Well how near? Well this proton had a energy level of about 50 joules of energy, which is enough to briefly light up a 50 Watt light bulb. This may not seem like much energy, but since a single proton weighs 1.67e-27 kg (or 0.167 with 26 zeroes before it), it must have had an incredible speed. And that speed has been calculated to being about 99.9999999999999999999995% of the speed of light! That means that, per a second, it was traveling only 1.5 quadrillionths of a meter slower than the speed of light. Not to worry though, even though this particle had the mass-energy of a baseball, if you were to be hit by one of these in the head while walking down the street, you wouldn’t be knocked unconscious. I hope now you can appreciate why it is called the Oh My God Particle…the scientists that detected this particle probably yelled that out when they worked out how fast that single proton was traveling.
The hidden world under Antarctica: Researchers reveal what lies beneath the ice
The hidden world under Antarctica: Researchers reveal what lies beneath the ice
Researchers have revealed what actually lies under the western parts of the icy continent of Antarctica.
There is a hidden world under Antarctica, in a new study, researchers have shown giant ‘wetlands’ 800 metres beneath the Ice in western Antarctica. Thanks to the Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling (WISSARD) project financed by the National Science Foundation (NSF) researchers are one step closer to discovering exactly what lies beneath the thick ice sheets covering most parts of the icy continent.
Reports indicate that Lake Whillans — first discovered in 2007, covering a staggering area of 20sq miles— which lies beneath 800 meters of ice in Western Antarctica is eerily similar to a ‘wetland.’
Researchers hope that further studies will allow them to understand how sea levels rise, and how ice behaves in response to global warming.
“It is amazing to think that we did not know that this lake even existed until a decade ago.,’ said Helen Amanda Fricker of Scripps, who initially discovered Subglacial Lake Whillans in 2007 from satellite data.
‘It is exciting to see such a rich dataset from the lake, and these new data are helping us understand how lakes function as part of the ice-sheet system.”
Researchers now know that Subglacial Lake Shillans is fed by ice ad contains small amounts of seawater from ancient marine sediments which can be found on the seabed of the lake. The water of the lake periodically drains to the ocean through some channels connecting the lake, however, with insufficient energy to carry much sediment.
The new data will allow researcher to better comprehend the extensive biogeochemistry and mechanics of Lake Whillans, but will also help them improve current models of how Antarctic subglacial lake systems interact with the ice located on the surface and the sediments located below it
Three separate papers analyzed the studies obtained in January of 2013, when the WISSARD project managed to successfully drill through the ice sheet reaching Subglacial Lake Whillan, retrieving water and sediment samples from a body of water that had remained in isolation from direct contact with Earths Atmosphere for thousands of years.
Two of the most interesting papers were those published in Geology and the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
According to lead author Alexander Michaud, of Montana State University, they used data taken from a 38-centimeter (15-inch) long core of lake sediment to characterize the water chemistry of the subglacial lake and its sediments. They discovered that lake water primarily originates from melting at the base of the ice sheet covering the subglacial lake and that there was a minor contribution from seawater, trapped in the sediments under the ice during the last interglacial period, a time when the Antarctic ice sheet eventually retreated.
Scientists have found that the ancient, isolated reservoir of ocean water has the ability to affect the biogeochemistry of this lake system.
The second paper published in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters, lead author Timothy Hodson of Northern Illinois University and his colleagues looked at core sediments taken fro the lake in hopes of discovering more about the relationship of the ice sheet, subglacial hydrology, and underlying sediments. Their discoveries show that while numerous floods pass through the lake every once in a while, the flow of the floods lacks energy in order to erode extensive drainage channels.
Researchers concluded that that the environment beneath the Icy continent is very similar to a wetland within the coastal plain on other parts of the planet.
What we have to understand is that around 170 million years ago, Antarctica was part of the supercontinent called Gondwana. Around 25 million years ago, Antarctica as we know it, gradually broke apart from Gondwana.
According to research, Antarctica was not always cold, dry, and covered in ice sheets. Au contraire, during its long history, Antarctica was located farther north and experienced a tropical or temperate climate, meaning that it was covered in forests, and inhabited by various ancient life forms.
UFOs in the sky above Cessnock and Singleton weren't from another planet
UFOs in the sky above Cessnock and Singleton weren't from another planet
Damon Cronshaw
UFO: A strange triangular-shaped craft spotted in the sky, south-west
UFO south-west of Cessnock.
UFO: Strange triangular-shaped lights in the sky spotted south-west of Cessnock
... UFO sighting in Hunter Valley sky | VIDEO, PHOTOS, POLL .
Could they be UFOs or some kind of military craft?
This thought came to mind when a man reported dozens of lights in the night sky south-west of Cessnock and north towards Singleton.
The man captured the lights on video. Some lights were still, some were flashing.
The man, who did not want to be named, first saw the lights while out on his deck, calling his dog in.
He lives in an area surrounded by bush and state forest near the Watagan Mountains, not far from the Laguna area.
“Looking to the north, I noticed three flashing lights coming towards me,” he said.
“All of a sudden one went to the left, the other to the right, and the third one kept coming our way.”
Soon others came over the horizon, shocking the man and his wife.
They’d lived in the area for years, but had never noticed so many lights in the sky before.
“I noticed most of them did a U-turn and went back again. I thought ‘this is strange, am I in a movie, like one of those attacks from Mars,” he said.
“There were so many out there, it was such a spectacle.”
The man said that helicopters and aeroplanes occasionally fly over, but “this seemed quite odd” because the craft were “flying together”.
“Normally when an aeroplane or helicopter goes by, we can hear it – even in the house.
“These were quiet.”
The Singleton Military Area is to the north of the man’s property. A Department of Defence spokesman said Singleton barracks “didn’t have anything going on which they think could have been responsible”.
The man said the craft first appeared in the sky about 8pm on Thursday.
“Most had three or four flashing lights on them,” he said.
“They turned around and went back north. By 8.30pm, they were all gone and the sky was clear of these flashing lights.”
About 15 to 20 minutes later, the aircraft had returned.
He could see them for another half hour or so.
“At the very end, there was only one or two I could see doing this strange kind of loop,” he said.
“They were coming out from north to south, then they turned around and went back north again.”
Did he think they were UFOs?
“The first thing my wife said was ‘they’re UFOs’, but I don’t really believe in UFOs.”
He thought they could possibly be military drones.
He wondered if someone could help identify the craft.
“I’m curious because it’s an odd thing and I don’t have an explanation,” the man said.
“I’m one of those people that likes to have an answer to these things. Maybe somebody else saw it. If a number of people saw it, there could be different perspectives on it.
“Someone in the aeronautics industry might recognise the lights and know what kind of craft it is.”
Topics posted the man’s story on Reddit and YouTube.
Thankfully someone out there in internet land was able to solve the mystery.
A post under the name HydraMonkey, said the lights came from “regional link flights placed into holding whilst waiting to land” at Sydney Airport.
“The article says the flights started at about 8pm. At that time there were three flights in holding just south of the Singleton Military Area with a Virgin flight just breaking from holding and moving south.
“To the west three larger jets are moving to final approach for Sydney.”
But why did the man not hear any sound coming from the planes?
“There was a very strong westerly blowing wind on Thursday that went as far to affect normal flights at Sydney,” HydraMonkey said.
“Depending on where he was, the wind might have been moving sound away from him.”
If anyone has a UFO story to share, let us know at
A Plymouth man is among three people who claim they have photographed and filmed a UFO in skies over Plymouth.
The Herald reported last week how Alan Kingwell, 62, shot a timelapse video in his garden - and later discovered the mysterious dark shapes when he edited the film.
The video shows two dark shapes "flying" motionlessly in the blue sky and sometimes being covered by clouds.
The suspected UFO over Plymouth, filmed from Liskeard(Image: Alan Kingwell)
And after seeing similar shapes on one of his photographs, David Shepherd, from Plymstock, believes he may have seen the same thing.
Mr Shepherd reckons he photographed a "block blob" earlier in the summer.
After his eye was caught by an ‘X’ shape of airplane contrails in the sky, David noticed a little black shape beneath them which he believes “looked similar” to the one seen in Mr Kingwell's footage.
Like the potential UFO seen on the video sent in by Alan, the black shape seemed to linger for “about 10 minutes” and then disappeared suddenly.
David Shepherd, from Plymstock, took this photograph(Image: David Shepherd)
And John Mooner, from Newton Abbot, has also seen a similar thing on September 15.
"I was sky watching looking for anything out of the ordinary when I started to look around the edge of some far off clouds through my Nikon P900 camera viewfinder," he said.
"The camera was zoomed in about half way and that's when I spotted it. There was an object that was hovering just above one of the clouds.
"The object was stationary so I quickly took a photograph and watched as the object remained in that position for about a minute before it finally began to move.
John Mooner took this photograph (zoomed in, inset)(Image: John Mooner)
"The object flew off at incredible rate of speed heading towards some thick cloud cover where by I lost sight of it."
Whilst many experts are quick to dismiss such photos as being down to camera faults, birds or balloons, the resemblance is there and we may have to admit that we aren’t alone in the universe.
Nick Pope, who used to investigate UFOs and other mysteries for the Ministry of Defence, told MailOnline : "In cases where nothing unusual is seen at the time, but where something strange is noticed when viewing film footage later, a suspicion must be that there's an issue with the camera.
"I appreciate that the witness saw something later, through his binoculars, when he returned to the scene, but this could be totally unconnected, and by his own admission he only glimpsed this for seconds.
'It could have been something quite ordinary, like birds or balloons, but by that time the witness was thinking 'UFOs', and may well have had that classic X-Files "I want to believe' mindset.'
The shapes over Plymouth follow a number of recent UFO sightings across the UK.
Last week a group of alien experts claimed a nudist beach in Wales could be attracting visitors from outer space.
A series of strange glowing objects have recently been spotted above Morfa Dyffryn, a beach between Harlech and Barmouth famous for its naturist area.
NASA's InSight Mars lander will be the first mission to examine the deep interior of the Red Planet to boost our understanding of how all rocky planets form. It will also provide data for other Mars missions, including possible manned SpaceX flights.
NASA’s next mission to Mars will see the spacecraft InSight exploring the deep interior of the Red Planet, in the hopes of discovering more about how all rocky planets — including Earth — formed. Preparations for the 2018 mission have ratcheted up this summer, and NASA says it is on track for a May launch from central California’s Vandenberg Air Force Base. This will be the first mission to focus on the deep interior of Mars.
The Mars lander portion of NASA’s InSight spacecraft is lifted from the base of a storage container to be tested in a Lockheed Martin clean room facility in Littleton, Colorado. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Lockheed Martin
After the spacecraft lands on Mars near the equator, it will place two main instruments permanently on the surface using a robotic arm: a seismometer to detect seismic waves from earthquakes and meteor impacts, and a heat probe to measure heat coming from the core. Scientists hope they will gain insight into the inner layers of the planet using these tools.
Meanwhile, a third experiment will assess perturbations in how Mars rotates on its axis, using radio transmissions in order to make better guesses about the size of the planet’s core.
The launch was originally set for March 2016, but problems with equipment necessitated a delay, with the launch rescheduled for sometime during the two weeks beginning May 5, 2018. The lander should reach Mars the Monday after Thanksgiving of the same year.
Depending on what they discover about the Red Planet, NASA may gain more insight into the stability of Mars and its history since formation. This in turn might yield information about its potential for colonization — something on the minds of everyone thinking about Mars today, including Elon Musk of SpaceX, who is partnering with NASA for a 2018 mission. Fans of SpaceX are also waiting for a possible September update on the company’s plans for Mars missions, including possible manned flights.
Eindelijk ontcijferen wiskundigen dit 3.700 jaar oude Babylonische kleitablet
Eindelijk ontcijferen wiskundigen dit 3.700 jaar oude Babylonische kleitablet
Tim Kraaijvanger
Het 3.700 jaar oude Babylonische kleitablet Plimpton 322 is aan het begin van de vorige eeuw gevonden, maar kon niet ontcijferd worden. Eindelijk is het wiskundigen gelukt om het mysterie op te lossen.
Op het kleitablet is een goniometrische tabel te zien. Dit bewijst dat de Babyloniërs – en niet de Grieken – voor het eerst goniometrie (of trigonometrie) bestudeerden. De goniometrie is een tak van de wiskunde die zich bezighoudt met driehoeken en op driehoeken gebaseerde goniometrische functies. Waarschijnlijk gebruikten de Babyloniërs de tabel om te berekenen hoe paleizen, tempels, kanalen en piramides gebouwd moesten worden.
Eerste voorbeeld: 1 spijker x 60 + 9 spijkers. Tweede voorbeeld: 2 spijkers x 60 + 2 spijkers. Derde voorbeeld: het visje betekent 10, dus 10 visjes x 60 + 2 spijkers.
Bron: Wikipedia.
Het kleitablet is ooit gevonden door Edgar Banks, de persoon waar het personage Indiana Jones op is gebaseerd. Op het tablet staan vier kolommen en vijftien rijen met cijfers. Het is spijkerschrift gebaseerd op het sexagesimale stelsel. Dat wil zeggen dat zestig het grondtal is. Een mooi voorbeeld van dit positiestelsel is hiernaast te zien.
Lange tijd dachten onderzoekers dat kleitablet Plimpton 322 door docenten werd gebruikt om de rekensommen van studenten te controleren. “Ons onderzoek laat echter zien dat Plimpton 322 voorbeelden van rechthoekige driehoeken beschrijft”, vertelt onderzoeker Norman Wildberger. Het paper van hem en Dr Daniel Mansfield is te lezen in het wetenschappelijke vakblad Historia Mathematica. “Daarbij wordt gebruik gemaakt van trigonometrie op basis van ratio’s en niet op basis van hoeken en cirkels. Het is het werk van een genie.”
Dit kleitablet ligt in een bibliotheek van de Columbia Universiteit in New York.
Vaak wordt de Griekse astronoom Hipparchus genoemd als de grondlegger van de trigonometrie met zijn bekende tabel. “Het tabel op Plimpton 322 is echter meer dan duizend jaar ouder”, vervolgt Wildberger. “We kunnen veel leren van dit kleitablet. En dan te bedenken dat er nog veel meer soortgelijke tabletten zijn, die nog onvoldoende bestudeerd zijn.”
Volgnes Mansfield en Wildberger beschrijven de vijftien rijen op het tablet een reeks van vijftien rechthoekige driehoeken. Iedere driehoek is minder steil dan de vorige.
Het kleitablet is niet compleet. De linkerkant is afgebroken. De onderzoekers laten in het paper wiskundige bewijzen zien dat de oorspronkelijke tabel uit zes kolommen en 38 rijen bestond.
Kleitabletten Het komt regelmatig voor dat kleitabletten nieuwe inzichten geven. In 2014 concludeerde een curator van het British Museum in Londen dat de ark van Noach rond was en niet langwerpig. Hij kreeg een kleitablet onder ogen, waarop de ark tot in de kleinste details beschreven wordt. Een ander kleitablet onthulde dat de eerste bieren mogelijk geen echte alcoholhoudende bieren waren.
The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week
The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week
By Live Science Staff
Each week we uncover the most interesting and informative articles from around the world, here are 10 of the coolest stories in science this week.
Farewell, Spacecraft
The Cassini spacecraft has plunged into Saturn, sending back its final communications before burning up in the ringed planet's atmosphere.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
And just like that, it was gone.
The final stream of data from Cassini was received at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in southern California. The spacecraft communicated with Earth via the Deep Space Network, a series of telescopes around the world that keep contact with spacecraft that fly beyond the moon. The Deep Space Network is managed from JPL. [Read more about the end of Cassini.]
Intelligent Laughter
What brings together Nobel Prize winners, unconventional research, a mini-opera about incompetence, and not one, but two barrages of paper airplanes? The Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony, of course.
Credit: M. Weisberger/Live Science
Many important questions are asked in the pursuit of science, but here's one that isn't heard very often: Why so serious?
At the 2017 Ig Nobels, held in the Sanders Theatre at Harvard University, researchers representing five continents made an appearance to acknowledge the dubious achievement of acquiring an Ig Nobel. [Read more about the funny research.]
One Extreme or the Other?
Two pages of the 240-page Voynich Manuscript.
Credit: Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
The story was tailor-made for headlines: The indecipherable Voynich Manuscript that once stumped the best code breakers of World War II had finally been cracked, and it was a simple health-and-wellness guide for medieval women.
Hurricane Harvey stranded a mysterious fanged eel on the beach in Texas, leaving the animal to die, rot and bloat. But despite its untimely end, the creature has since become an internet star.
Illustration by Evald Hansen based on the original plan of grave Bj 581 by excavator Hjalmar Stolpe; published in 1889 (Stolpe, 1889)
Credit: Evald Hansen/American Journal of Physical Anthropology
A high-status Viking warrior who was thought to be a man turns out to be a woman, a new DNA analysis finds.
One of the graves was that of a presumed Viking warrior, whose remains were buried with a range of warlike weapons. For decades, however, researchers assumed that the burial was that of a high-status male officer. [Read more about the new find.]
SpaceX Videos
Successful rockets are all alike, but every unsuccessful rocket is unsuccessful in its own way.
Credit: SpaceX/YouTube
Get ready for out-of-this-world fiery blasts on "How Not to Land an Orbital Rocket Booster," a new SpaceX blooper reel produced by Elon Musk, the company's founder and CEO.
The conflagrations really are like no other, and Elon insists that they're "just a scratch" or a "rapid unscheduled disassembly" in some cases. [Read more about the bloopers.]
To the Rescue!
Two territorial hippopotamuses foiled a crocodile that tried to wrestle a wildebeest into a water hole, as seen in a dramatic video of the encounter. [Read more about animal superheroes.]
Endangered Peoples
Uncontacted Indians in the Brazilian Amazon, filmed from the air in 2010.
Credit: Survival International
Brazilian authorities are investigating reports that gold miners killed about 10 members of an uncontacted tribe in the Amazon rainforest.
The indigenous rights group Survival International warned that such an attack could mean that a large percentage of the tribe has been wiped out. [Read more about the story.]
War toys
Archaeologists in England are excavating the ruins of the fort of Vindolanda, which was once at the northern edge of the Roman Empire.
Credit: The Vindolanda Trust
Military brats of ancient Rome probably played soldier to pass the time.
Birley's team discovered the toys after lifting the stone foundations from a more recent renovation of the fort. They found damp, black, oxygen-free soil sealed underneath —good conditions for preserving artifacts. [Read more about the toys.]
Coolin' Off
A new technique pushes the limits of how cold molecules can get to a tiny fraction of a degree above absolute zero. [Read more about absolute zero.]
$100 Million E.T. Hunt Spots 15 Mysterious Light Flashes
$100 Million E.T. Hunt Spots 15 Mysterious Light Flashes
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Artist's illustration of a fast radio burst reaching Earth, with colors signifying different wavelengths.
Credit: Jingchuan Yu, Beijing Planetarium
A $100 million search for intelligent aliens has spied 15 bizarre, repeating flashes of light coming from a distant galaxy.
The galaxy — a dwarf known as FRB 121102 that lies 3 billion light-years from Earth — is a known source of such brief, high-energy fast radio bursts (FRBs). But the newly detected pulses stand out, astronomers said.
"Bursts from this source have never been seen at this high a frequency," Andrew Siemion, director of the Berkeley SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley, said in a statement. [Are Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts Propelling Alien Spacecraft? (Video)]
Siemion is a team member with Breakthrough Listen, a $100 million project that's searching for potential signals from alien civilizations from the 1 million stars closest to the sun, the 100 galaxies nearest our own Milky Way, and the galactic plane.
Some researchers think FRBs — which were discovered in 2007 and remain mysterious today — could be such alien signals. For example, astronomers have speculated that FRBs may be generated by powerful lasers designed to blast alien craft through space at high speeds — a propulsion method akin to that being developed by Breakthrough Listen's ambitious sister project, Breakthrough Starshot. (Aliens aren't the only possible explanation, of course; some scientists think FRBs are likely emitted by fast-rotating neutron stars, for instance.)
So, FRB 121102 — which, as its name suggests, was discovered on Nov. 2, 2012 — was a natural target for the Breakthrough Listen team, researchers said. The scientists, led by Berkeley SETI Research Center postdoctoral researcher Vishal Gajjar, detected the 15 new pulses on Saturday (Aug. 26) using the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia.
"As well as confirming that the source is in a newly active state, the high resolution of the data obtained by the Listen instrument will allow measurement of the properties of these mysterious bursts at a higher precision than ever possible before," Gajjar said in the same statement.
A sequence of 14 of 15 fast radio bursts (FRBs) detected by the Breakthrough Listen team using the Green Bank Telescope. The streaks across the colored energy plot are the FRBs appearing at different times and different energies because of dispersion caused by 3 billion years of travel through intergalactic space.
Credit: Breakthrough Listen/UC Berkeley
To be clear, the Breakthrough Listen team isn't claiming that FRB 121102's pulses are evidence of alien life. But the new observations, and others like it, could lead to a better understanding of FRBs and other puzzling phenomena, researchers said.
"Whether or not fast radio bursts turn out to be signatures of extraterrestrial technology, Breakthrough Listen is helping to push the frontiers of a new and rapidly growing area of our understanding of the universe around us," Siemion said.
The Breakthrough Listen project was announced in July 2015 by billionaire entrepreneur Yuri Milner and a team of scientists, including famed cosmologist Stephen Hawking.
Special relativity teaches us that the three dimensions of space and the solitary dimension of time are woven together like a fabric. It's impossible to think of them as separate entities, only a singular unified entity — space-time. We can't think of motion through space without being mindful of motion through time, and vice versa. Left-right, up-down, back-forth and past-future are all on equal footing.
And yet, time does seem a little different. We have complete freedom of movement within space, but we cannot avoid our future. Time seems to have an "arrow," whereas the spatial dimensions are ambidextrous. Given the unity between time and space, it leads to the obvious question: Is time travel, of any sort, possible? Under any circumstances? At all? [How Time Travel Works in Science Fiction (Infographic)]
Many science fiction stories explore humanity's desire to travel back in time. Is such a thing really possible in our universe?
Credit: Universal
Into the future: Sure
Oddly enough, the answer is yes! We cannot avoid moving into our futures, but we can control the rate that we move through time. This is a consequence of another lesson from relativity: Not all clocks are the same.
The speed at which you move through space determines the speed at which you move through time. In the succinct phrase: Moving clocks run slow.
IF you could build a big enough rocket (don't ask me how, that's an engineering problem) to provide a constant acceleration of 1g (9.8 meters per second per second; the same acceleration as provided by the Earth's gravity at its surface), you could reach the center of the Milky Way galaxy — a healthy 20,000 light-years away — in just a couple decades of your personal time.
You could stop for a few hours, have a picnic near Sagittarius A* (the black hole at the center of the galaxy), and then hop back in to your rocket and come back to Earth.
By the time you return you'll be eligible for retirement benefits, if the institution providing those benefits is even around, because while you only traveled for a few decades according to the clock on your ship, about 40,000 years would've passed on the Earth.
Closing the loop
Time is relative, but it still flows in the same direction for everyone. To ask if we can go into reverse is the domain of general relativity (GR) — this is the mathematical language we use to not only understand gravity, but the full connection between space-time and motion.
In GR, we ask a slightly more technical question: Is there any arrangement of matter and energy (the stuff that warps space-time) to permit the existence of closed time-like curves, or CTCs? I know this is jargon but it's a fun phrase to toss around at parties. "Curve" here means a path, "time-like" means you never go faster than the speed of light, and "closed" means it returns to its starting point — in other words, its own past.
So, Oracle of Einstein, are CTCs permitted?
Creators of science fiction love to play with time travel, but is such a thing possible in the real universe?
Credit: BBC
The possibilities are finite
There are about half a dozen known configurations of space-time that allow CTCs, or time travel into the past. For example, Kurt Gödel (of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem fame) discovered that if the expansion of the universe was accelerating (which it is) and the universe is also rotating, CTCs would be allowed and we could travel into our past on a whim.
As far as I can tell, Gödel used this solution to point out to Albert Einstein that perhaps GR wasn't all it was cracked up to be — I mean, come on, shouldn't any self-respecting theory of the natural world avoid such an obviously absurd solution?
But Gödel's point was moot — all observations indicate that the universe is not rotating, so that particular solution does not apply to our universe, and time travel into the past is verboten.
Ah! But what if we were to construct an infinitely long massive cylinder and set it spinning on its axis near the speed of light. It would drag on space-time around it, and certain paths around that spinning cylinder would end up in their own past. Good thing there are no infinitely long massive cylinders in the universe, or we might have to worry.
Wait, I've got one: If you make a wormhole (a shortcut between two distant locations in space-time) and send one end racing off near the speed of light and bring it back, the normal time-dilation effects would put one end in the "future" of the other, so you could waltz right through the wormhole throat and end up in your past. What's that? Wormholes require "negative mass" to exist, and negative mass does not exist in the universe? Well, hmm.
Into the past: Nope
It's the same story every time (pardon the too-hard-to-resist pun). For every scenario we concoct in general relativity to allow CTCs and time travel into our own past, nature finds a way to confound our plans and rule out the scenario.
What's going on? General relativity allows — in principle — time travel into the past, but it appears to be ruled out in every case. It seems like something funny is afoot, that there ought to be some fundamental rule to disallow time travel. But there isn't one. We can't point to any particle interaction at the subatomic level that clearly prevents the formation of CTCs.
The inevitable progression of time from the past to the future resembles another indomitable law of nature: entropy. That's the iron law of thermodynamics that states that closed systems go from ordered to disordered. (This law explains why an egg will never just happen to unscramble itself if you leave it alone long enough). Is time linked to entropy? Maybe, but that's the subject of another article….
In 1947 troffen wetenschappers een 550 miljoen jaar oud fossiel aan. Het mysterieuze dier kreeg de naam Dickinsonia. Maar was het wel echt een dier? Ja, bevestigt nieuw wetenschappelijk onderzoek.
Het fossiel van Dickinsonia costata wordt vaak vergeleken met een luchtbed. Het dier had een flexibele lichaamswand, die kon uitzetten en krimpen. De afgelopen decennia werd er flink gediscussieerd over Dickinsonia. Was het een dier? Een korstmos? Of toch een schimmel?
In een paper in het wetenschappelijke vakblad Proceedings of the Royal Society B. concluderen onderzoekers dat Dickinsonia toch echt een dier was. “Dickinsonia behoort tot de Ediacarische biota”, vertelt onderzoeker Dr Renee Hoekzema van de Oxford universiteit. Deze groep bestaat uit meercellige organismen zonder harde delen, die ruwweg 540 tot 580 miljoen jaar geleden op aarde leefden. “Toch lijken de fossielen van deze dieren niet op andere levende of uitgestorven organismen. Het is een palaeontologisch raadsel.”
Groei De onderzoekers focusten zich op de manier waarop Dickinsonia groeide. Groeide het dier als een organisme of als een schimmel? Eerder onderzoek toonde aan dat Dickinsonia vanuit het kleinste en tevens jongste punt groeide. “Dit blijkt echter niet te kloppen,” beweert Hoekzema.
“Dickinsonia groeide doordat vanuit het midden nieuwe lagen ontstonden, die vervolgens groter werden”, zegt Hoekzema. “Als we gegevens over de groei combineren met informatie over hoe Dickinsonia bewoog en morfologische kenmerken, dan kunnen we alle niet-biologische mogelijkheden uitsluiten.”
Cambrische explosie “Dit onderzoek laat zien dat dieren miljoenen jaren voor de Cambrische explosie al evolueerden”, vertelt medeauteur Dr Alex Liu van de universiteit van Cambridge. Tijdens deze 25 miljoen jaar durende periode nam de diversiteit toe en ontstonden de meeste moderne dierenfamilies, zoals gewervelden, sponzen, geleedpotigen, weekdieren en kwallen.
De Ediacarische biota verdwenen overigens snel. Nieuwe diersoorten veranderden het milieu, waardoor de Ediacarische biota moeilijk konden overleven.
Autonome wapens – ‘killer robots’ die zelf beslissen of ze iemand doden of niet – komen eraan. En de politiek hult zich in stilzwijgen.
Begin dit jaar luidden 116 deskundigen in een open brief – gericht aan de Verenigde Naties – de noodklok. In de brief waarschuwen ze voor de derde revolutie in oorlogsvoering. Na het buskruit en de nucleaire wapens zijn nu de volledig autonome wapens in aantocht. En daar waren de ondertekenaars van de brief heel stellig over. “Zodra ze ontworpen zijn, zullen ze ervoor zorgen dat gewapende conflicten op een grotere schaal dan ooit en veel sneller dan mensen kunnen begrijpen, worden uitgevochten. Het kunnen wapens van terreur zijn, wapens die dictators en terroristen gebruiken tegen onschuldige populaties, maar ook gehackte wapens die zich op ongewenste manieren gedragen.” Ferme taal. Maar er zit geen overdreven woord bij, zo verzekert Koen Hindriks, oprichter en CEO van Interactive Robotics en één van de ondertekenaars van de brief ons. Want de autonome wapens komen er – als we geen actie ondernemen – echt aan.
In de loop “Simpel gezegd moet je dan denken aan machines die zelf kunnen bewegen, dus zonder aansturing van de mens en machines die zelf kunnen schieten,” vertelt Hindriks aan “Dus bijvoorbeeld een drone die uitgerust is met wapentuig.” Gewapende drones zijn er natuurlijk al. Maar nu worden ze nog op afstand, door mensen bestuurd. “En wij willen voorkomen dat de mens uit de loop gehaald wordt.”
Selectie In theorie zou een gewapende drone al zonder mens uit de voeten kunnen. “Het grootste probleem is echter de kwaliteit van handelen. Zo kan een drone in theorie zelf zijn target bepalen, maar dat gaat dan op basis van beweging en is dus niet heel gedifferentieerd.” In andere woorden: de drone schiet op alles wat beweegt en gaat dus niet eerst rustig na wie er in zijn gezichtsveld loopt en of het wenselijk is dat die persoon wordt neergeschoten. “En daar gaat de brief in feite over,” stelt Hindriks. “Machines moeten niet gaan bepalen op wie er wel of niet geschoten wordt.”
De brief van Hindriks en collega’s is een vervolg op een soortgelijke brief die eerder verscheen en voornamelijk ondertekend werd door wetenschappers. Wat de meest recente brief zo bijzonder maakt, is dat de namen van bedrijven die zich bezighouden met robotica en kunstmatige intelligentie onder de brief staan. “Dat maakt direct duidelijk dat deze bedrijven zich in ieder geval niet bezighouden met de ontwikkeling van autonome wapens,” merkt Hindriks op. Zo is Hindriks zelf bezig met het tegenovergestelde van killer robots: sociale robots. “Humanoïde robots die ontworpen zijn om de interactie met mensen aan te gaan.” De robots kunnen bijvoorbeeld ingezet worden in het onderwijs, de verpleging of in kantoren voor de ontvangst van mensen. “Deze robots gaan er echt aankomen, we moeten alleen nog uitvinden welke robot het meest geschikt is voor welke taak.”
Tijdspan Op dit moment lijkt dat ook nog niet aan de orde te zijn, simpelweg omdat we nog geen machines kunnen bouwen die geheel zelfstandig hun doelwitten kunnen selecteren, identificeren en elimineren. Maar dat gaat veranderen. Wanneer? Dat is lastig te voorspellen, stelt Hindriks. “Wij stellen – zeker hier in het westen – hoge eisen aan onze precisie-wapens. Als we die eisen ook aan onze autonome wapens stellen en ze in een onbekende omgeving in willen gaan zetten, kan het nog wel meer dan twintig jaar duren voor we zover zijn. Maar dat betekent dat we in die twintig jaar verschillende stappen moeten gaan zetten waarbij van alles mis kan gaan. Want dit soort technologieën werkt niet van de ene op de andere dag: die moet je doorontwikkelen.”
Zorg Maar het is niet de wellicht door fatale fouten getergde ontwikkelingsfase waar Hindriks zich het meeste zorgen over maakt. “Mijn grootste zorg is dat de autonome wapens in verkeerde handen terecht komen. Hier in het westen gaan we de discussie over deze wapens nog aan. Maar er zijn samenlevingen waarin er – op nationaal niveau, want ik zie terroristische groeperingen zich niet zo snel ontwikkelen tot experts in dit soort technologieën – minder scrupuleus over wordt nagedacht. En hoe houd je daar grip op?”
Voorkomen In het beste scenario hoeft er nergens grip op te worden gehouden en wordt de productie van autonome wapens voorkomen. Maar of het gaat lukken om ervoor te zorgen dat alle landen wereldwijd zich achter zo’n ban scharen? Dat lijkt twijfelachtig. En als autonome wapens in een paar landen toch geproduceerd gaan worden, zal het voor andere landen lastig zijn om achter te blijven. “Over de volgende stap wil je eigenlijk niet nadenken, maar dat is dat je je legers voor moet gaan bereiden op het feit dat anderen deze wapens in kunnen gaan zetten.” Dat kan eigenlijk maar op één manier: door ze zelf ook te omarmen. “En voor je het weet, zit je midden in een wapenwedloop.”
Net als chemische wapens Maar als een complete ban geen optie is, wat moeten we dan? “Ik denk dat je de autonome wapens op termijn goed vergelijken kan met chemische wapens,” vertelt Hindriks. “De technieken om chemische wapens te maken, zijn redelijk gemakkelijk te achterhalen en in de toekomst zal dat ook voor autonome wapens gelden.” Als het zover komt, moeten we die autonome wapens misschien wel net zo aanpakken als de chemische wapens. “Dat betekent dat je allereerst moet voorkomen dat die autonome wapens er komen. En als ze er toch komen, moet alles in het werk gesteld worden om ze weer op te ruimen.”
Een gewapende drone. Dergelijke drones worden reeds door verschillende landen ingezet, maar als er geschoten moet worden, zijn het nog altijd mensen die – op afstand – op de knop drukken. Afbeelding: Paul Ridgeway / Amerikaanse luchtmacht (via Wikimedia Commons).
De overheid Hoewel nog onduidelijk is hoe we grip gaan houden op de autonome wapens, is wel duidelijk wie hierin een voortrekkersrol moeten spelen: overheden wereldwijd. “Maar het is lastig om overheden te mobiliseren,” weet Hindriks. Daar zijn verschillende redenen voor te bedenken. Allereerst zijn er wereldwijd genoeg andere crises die de aandacht vragen en urgenter lijken dan killer robots die wellicht over enkele decennia pas het levenslicht gaan zien. Daarnaast zullen veel van de technologieën achter de autonome wapens de gemiddelde politicus boven de pet gaan, waardoor de urgentie van dit probleem wellicht wordt onderschat. “We staan aan het begin van een discussie die op dit moment nog te veel vanuit de academische wereld gevoerd wordt,” erkent Hindriks. En dat is ook één van de redenen dat deze open brief de wereld is in geslingerd. “Er moet in de volle breedte het besef komen dat dit eraan zit te komen.”
De meeste landen hebben nog geen standpunt ingenomen over autonome wapens. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk vormt daarop een uitzondering en sprak zich in 2015 al uit tegen een ban. Maar inmiddels is het land – mede door de brief van Hindriks en collega’s – daarop teruggekomen. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk omarmde een week geleden een nieuwe militaire doctrine: wapens moeten altijd onder directe controle van mensen blijven.
De huidige stand van zaken De meeste landen hebben zich nog niet over de kwestie uitgelaten (zie ook het kader hiernaast). De VN lijkt iets meer doordrongen van het dreigende gevaar en heeft een Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems samengesteld. In deze groep zitten deskundigen die onderzoek zullen gaan doen naar robotica en kunstmatige intelligentie en de VN op basis van hun onderzoek kunnen adviseren. Het is hoopvol. Maar met die werkgroep zijn we er zeker nog niet, zo benadrukt Hindriks. Want het is zaak dat ook alle lidstaten in de zorgen van de VN gaan delen. “En dat zien we nu nog niet. Het ene land heeft het hoger op de agenda staan dan het andere.” En zoals gezegd houden veel landen zich in deze discussie afzijdig. En dat terwijl er een grote behoefte is aan een helder standpunt van landen. Zo’n standpunt kan namelijk weer dienen als startpunt voor verdere discussies over manieren om de autonome wapens onder controle te houden.
Enige haast is wel geboden. “Ik denk dat we nog net op tijd aan de bel hebben getrokken.” Want het eerste autonome wapen mag dan nog enige tijd op zich laten wachten: ook een wereldwijde consensus die erop gericht is om grip te houden op deze wapens is er niet van de ene op de andere dag. En dit is duidelijk geen technologische ontwikkeling waarbij je het je kunt veroorloven om achter de feiten aan te lopen…
Interview met Koen Hindriks Afbeelding bovenaan dit artikel: Powie / Pixabay
Most of today's scientists agree the universe as we know it started with the Big Bang. But one question still puzzles experts: What happened before that?
For most of history, it was assumed the universe was fixed, running from the infinite past to the infinite future — meaning, the universe always was, and will always continue to be.
But with Albert Einstein's proposed theory of relativity and the rise of quantum mechanics, new ideas began sprouting up everywhere.
Cosmologists Sean Carroll and Alan Guth proposed one theory known as Two-Headed Time. This is similar to the infinite cosmos idea, except the Big Bang happened in the middle.
According to the theory, a distorted mirror of our universe contracted until 14 billion years ago when it eventually reached its minimum size. Then the Big Bang happened, and our universe has been expanding ever since.
Other physicists have suggested we live in a multiverse, in which our universe sprouted from a parent universe and could be one of many.
Another theory is our universe could be the output of a black hole in another universe: The black hole attracts matter, which gushes out a hole at the other end and gives birth to our universe.
Others propose what's known as the Big Bounce. The idea here is one universe collapsed inward and then bounced back to make an entirely different one.
But perhaps there was nothing before the Big Bang, not even time itself. This is the most widely accepted theory, with some well-known supporters, like cosmologists Alexander Vilenkin and Stephen Hawking.
Scientists currently don't have a way to test any of these proposals; today's telescopes can't even see as far back as the Big Bang, let alone what came before it.
Humanity is on the verge of discovering alien life, NASA higher-ups say.
Physicists hope within the next few decades, any of these theories or one that's yet-to-be-discovered might finally help explain how the universe began.
Let's assume for a minute that intelligent extraterrestrials exist and that they're just as curious about the universe as we are. If they were looking for habitable exoplanets, how would they find Earth?
It might be easier than you think. Radio signals have been expanding into space since we first harnessed the technology in the 1900s. We've even purposely broadcast messages directly at other stars in the hopes that aliens are listening. So far, they haven't returned our calls.
And if transmissions don't give us away, our emissions might. Since the mid-1700s, we've been filling the atmosphere with a multitude of greenhouse gases. This pollution could be visible to alien astronomers — in the same way they could detect oxygen in our atmosphere. More emissions would slightly alter our atmospheric makeup, indicating that Earth is habitable and that we're a tech-savvy civilization.
There are also maps to Earth currently gliding through space aboard NASA's twin Voyager spacecraft. If aliens ever intercept and decode it, they'll have a handy set of directions.
Or, extraterrestrials might employ one of our most commonly used methods to find exoplanets — transits. Every time a planet crosses in front of its host star, the star's light dims at regular intervals. One team of researchers plotted out which parts of the sky would have the best view of our solar system and found that out of the thousands of known exoplanets, nine are ideally placed to observe Earth transits.
But even if aliens searching for habitable worlds do happen to spot Earth, it could take upward of thousands of years to make contact.
Astronomers have long searched for life on other planets, but could aliens someday spot our humble terrestrial home? As the SciShow’s Hank Green explains in the video below, this type of encounter looks pretty unlikely. That's because many exoplanets simply aren’t lined up correctly to see any of the planets in our solar system transit the Sun, which is the way Earth-bound scientists often find other planets.
Don’t despair, however, that we won't ever find faraway life: Astronomers went through all of the known exoplanets, and found about 65 of them that are positioned in the right place to see one of the planets in our solar system, including nine that could see Earth. Meanwhile, there may also be 10 nearby Earth-like planets that we can’t see, but from which life forms could see Earth transiting the Sun.
So, who knows? Maybe one day, we'll make contact with a brand-new space species. Until then, we'll keep looking (and wondering whether we're being looked at).
Learn more about our potential to be spotted by aliens, as well as how galaxies get their magnetic fields, by watching the SciShow's video below:
500-Million-Year-Old Creature Looks Like Space Alien in Re-Creation
500-Million-Year-Old Creature Looks Like Space Alien in Re-Creation
By Stephanie Pappas, Live Science Contributor
A dinner-plate-sized sculpture of a pea-sized Cambrian sea creature, Agnostus pisiformis. This trilobite-like creature dates back 500 million years.
Credit: Esben Horn
It looks like a space alien, or maybe a very deformed clam. But really, it's a re-creation of a 500-million-year-old life-form.
New images show a sculpture of Agnostus pisiformis, a now-extinct arthropod that used to live in what is today Scandinavia. These creatures, just four-tenths of an inch (1 centimeter) long when they were alive, are nevertheless known in exact anatomical detail because they've been preserved so perfectly in shale and limestones.
"The incredible degree of preservational detail means that we can grasp the entire anatomy of the animal, which, in turn, reveals a lot about its ecology and mode of life," Mats E. Eriksson, a geology professor at Lund University who commissioned the sculpted re-creation as part of a new paper in the journal Earth-Science Reviews, said in a statement.
According to that paper, A. pisiformis started life as a larva and developed into adulthood by repeatedly shedding and regrowing its hard exoskeleton. Its body was protected by two shields that looked a bit like clam shells when the animal curled up. Little is known about the creature's ocean-going lifestyle, but it probably plucked bits of organic matter out of the water for food. [Photos: Strange, Eyeless Creatures from the Cambrian Period]
An assemblage of real Agnostus pisiformis fossils.
Credit: Per Ahlberg
The odd little critter is also useful to modern scientists as what's called an index fossil. Index fossils are fossils that appear in only a particular time period, so they're used to date layers of rock: If the fossils appear in a rock layer, there's no question about when that layer formed.
Artists at 10 Tons studio in Denmark created the new lifelike sculptures of A. pisiformis. The process was painstaking and involved multiple steps with hand-modeled clay, wax molds and silicon casts. The final sculptures were made with translucent silicon, and each is about the size of a dinner plate — much larger than the real creatures, which makes it easier to see their anatomy. The artists made a partially unrolled sculpture, mimicking the arthropod's likely positioning during swimming, as well as a rolled-up version to show how its exoskeletal shields would have protected it. They also made a model of the creature as it appears under a scanning electron microscope.
Agnostus pisiformis is an index fossil used to accurately date the layers of rocks where it is found. Many well-preserved fossils discovered in shale and limestone enable researchers to reconstruct their anatomy, including soft tissue.
Credit: Esben Horn
The researchers and artists hope their creations will go on display in a traveling exhibit about the bizarre animals of the Cambrian seas. In their paper, they called the period "one of the most exciting times in Earth history." The Cambrian period was the time of the Cambrian explosion, a rapid diversification of life that gave rise to a host of oddball creatures.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind suggested that, while light years and galaxies may separate humble humankind and extraterrestrial life, the universal language of music could transcend such differences. Before the mothership opens its glowing gates in Steven Spielberg’s 1977 classic, its passengers collaborate with human experts on a giddy light and sound symphony.
As the film is re-released in cinemas nearly 40 years later, we seem no closer to making first contact with aliens. But if we did, would music really be the best way to communicate with them?
Close Encounters of the Third Kind was somewhat timely: on September 5, Nasa launched its Voyager programme, which, four decades later, continues to study the solar system. Jonah Katz, a linguistics professor at West Virginia University, tells The Telegraph, “those records were included 'just in case' the probes somehow ended up being discovered by an extraterrestrial; that wasn't the point of the Voyager mission at all”.
Golden Record: Greetings to the Universe contained pictures of life on Earth - such as a woman in a supermarket - as well as music that reflected the diversity of humankind’s creative capabilities. Bach was on there, along with Mozart, Beethoven and Stravinsky, as well as Azerbaijani folk music and Chuck Berry - a controversial choice at the time as some deemed his song Johnny B Goode to be “adolescent”. (Carl Sagan, the Cornell University academic who chaired the record’s creation, argued that there were “a lot of adolescents on the planet”.)
The discs also came with a diagram of how to play them, in the hope that extraterrestrial life might come across the Voyager spacecraft and discover the record. Two years ago, the contents were uploaded online, so all of humankind could listen to them, too.
In 2008, Nasa beamed a Beatles song towards the North star, but again, this was more for human benefit - a means of celebration of the Beatles' and Nasa's shared anniversaries - than for any aliens.
Nasa engineers installing the 'Golden Record' into Voyager
A couple of years later, scientists from SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute, explained at a conference that human art and music would be of far greater interest to alien life than maths or physics, which have previously been used to try and contact aliens.
Douglas Vakoch, the director of interstellar message composition at SETI, said at the time: “If they’re so advanced, we probably can’t teach them about science, but we can tell them what it’s like to be at this precarious point where we don’t know if we’re going to continue as a species.”
But Katz believes that using the fundamentals of mathematics to communicate with aliens is still a better strategy. “[Music] tends to be 'tacked on' to other kinds of messages that represent more fundamental information about the universe and our place in it,” he says. The laws of physics and maths don’t vary between different points of the universe, but the laws of music do. As Katz explains: “There's no particular reason to think that, say, a melody in a major key would be interpretable or pleasant for an alien. The major scales is not even universal across human cultures.”
The SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) telescope array in CaliforniaCREDIT: REUTERS
Bearing scales in mind, the chances of the aliens using exactly the same 12-note chromatic - as they do in Close Encounters of the Third Kind - is extremely unlikely. “It would be extremely far-fetched for extraterrestrials to coincidentally stumble across the same pitch collections, using the same 12-note chromatic,” says Katz.
Say, however, that our music was heard by aliens and they managed to make sense of its scale, what could we expect to hear back? Spielberg’s symphony isn’t so unrealistic - theoretically speaking, at least: “We often repeat melodies or harmonies more than once, but alter them in some way on the repetitions,” says Katz. “So maybe if we sent a particular kind of melody or harmonic sequence into space, an alien that 'understands' human music could send back a slightly altered repetition to us to show understanding.”
After that, it’s just a case of waiting to see if they want to invade our planet and turn us into slaves, or not.
Octlantis is a just-discovered underwater city engineered by octopuses
Octlantis is a just-discovered underwater city engineered by octopuses
The gloomy octopus, lonely no more in Octlantis. (Scheel et al.)
Gloomy octopuses—also known ascommon Sydney octopuses,or octopus tetricus—have long had a reputation for being loners. Marine biologists once thought they inhabited the subtropical waters off eastern Australia and northern New Zealand in solitude, meeting only to mate, once a year. But now there’s proof these cephalopods sometimes hang out in small cities.
Evicted citizen of Octlantis. (Scheel et al.)
In Jervis Bay, off Eastern Australia, researchers recently spotted 15 gloomy octopuses congregating, communicating, dwelling together, and even evicting each other from dens at a site the scientists named “Octlantis.” The international team of marine biologists, led by professor David Scheel of Alaska Pacific University, filmed these creatures exhibiting complex social behaviors that contradict the received wisdom that these cephalopods are loners. Their study was published in the journal Marine and Freshwater Behavior and Physiology (paywall).
The discovery was a surprise, Scheel told Quartz. “These behaviors are the product of natural selection, and may be remarkably similar to vertebrate complex social behavior. This suggests that when the right conditions occur, evolution may produce very similar outcomes in diverse groups of organisms.”
The mystery of Octopolis
Life in Octlantis. (Peter Godfrey-Smith)
It’s not yet clear what led to the creation of Octlantis or if these sorts of congregations are common.
At least one other gloomy octopus site was found recently, though; it was discovered in 2009, not far away in Jervis Bay, and named Octopolis. At that time it was considered a total anomaly. Researchers believed that the cephalopods gathered there because an unidentifiable human object happened to have formed a central point that the cephalopods surrounded with dens. The unknown artifact was a single object about 30 cm long, heavily encrusted, possibly made of metal. The site has been observed for seven years now, and at any given time, there are somewhere between two and 16 octopuses there.
Gloomy posse (each letter indicates an octopus). (Scheel et al.)
In Octlantis, however, there is no similarly mystifying human object to explain the gloomy octopus congregation.
The likely explanation, said Stephanie Chancellor, a study co-author and doctoral student in biological sciences at the University of Illinois-Chicago, in a statement, is that in both Octopolis and Octlantis there were several seafloor rock outcroppings dotting otherwise flat and featureless areas. “In addition to the rock outcroppings, octopuses who had been inhabiting the area had built up piles of shells left over from creatures they ate, most notably clams and scallops. These shell piles, or middens, were further sculpted to create dens, making these octopuses true environmental engineers,” she said.
Gritty city life
Civilization and its discontents. (Scheel et al)
Like any urban environment, Otocopolis and Octlantis can be tough places to live. Citizens must be scrappy. The company and food are abundant but all the activity in the cities also attracts predators, including sharks.
There’s also a lot of aggression apparently, although the researchers can’t yet explain why. Gloomy octopus males seem to spend a great deal of time chasing each other out of dens. Scheel is hesitant to speculate about what exactly this behavior means. “We are still studying this,” he said.
Lonely no more?
Gloomy octopuses aren’t the only supposedly solitary cephalopods to have been spotted interacting socially in the last decade.
Scheel believes that octopus behavior probably hasn’t changed in that time. Rather, humans’ ability to observe the behavior has. Today more divers are in the water with cameras and better technology to quickly communicate findings amongst divers and scientists.
Complex social behavior evolves over generations. (Scheel et al.)
However, that doesn’t mean cities like Octopolis and Octlantis are super common. “Congregations such as these probably occur wherever shelter is limited to small patches of habitat, and food is plentiful,” he posits. But the marine biologist does suspect the findings show gloomy octopuses have been socializing for a very long time. “Most commonly, the gloomy octopus seems to den by itself,” Scheel writes. “For these complex behaviors to occur, I think that they must encounter one another and interact regularly over generations, even if at any time there are more octopuses living a solitary life than interacting consistently throughout every day.”
The picture above represents a broadcast (known as the “Arecibo” message), put together by Carl Sagan and colleagues that was sent into space via radio waves at a special ceremony to celebrate the remodelling of the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico. Apparently, the received a response, you can read more about that story here. It’s speculative, for sure, but the information below, is not. This article pertains to a real deal document.
Strange signals detected from outer space are becoming quite popular, especially within the past couple of years alone. Here’s one of several studies positing that some of these signals could be from an intelligent extraterrestrial source.
Scientists have discovered six more bursts of radio signals coming from a place in deep space outside our galaxy from where similar signals were detected earlier this year and in 2012. From this specific location, a total of 17 such radio signals have been received, and given their nature, there is also heavy speculation about whether we are being ‘contacted’ by some type of extra-terrestrial life form. You can read more about that here.
This article touches upon an NSA document that was released via a lawsuit. Rumours around the internet say the agency was ordered to declassify the document in 2004, but did not officially release it until 2011, which they did so quietly. Not many details are available about the document, except for the fact that it is real, and published in the NSA database via their technical journal.
“Dr. Campaigne presented a series of 29 messages from outer space…The following article develops a key to these messages.”
A paragraph from the Appendix reads as follows:
“Recently, a series of radio messages was heard coming from outer space. The transmission was not continuous, but cut by pauses into pieces which could be taken as units, for they were repeated over and over again.”
Towards the end of the document, the author states that
“we have penetrated the meaning of basic symbols, and even more important, have learned some of the syntax rules- of the notation, and have caught mistakes in the process. We have a few words for sophisticated concepts, and given more data, with a little labor, we could establish its translation.”
There was no document to be found that actually describes what exactly they found out, and what that translation was.
Quite interesting to say the least.
Keep in mind, this is one of thousands of documents that have been released via FOIA requests, and dozens of global intelligence agencies and governments have now released hundreds of thousands of pages of documents that discuss possible extraterrestrial beings.
For example, here (page 21 & 22) is an FBI document in the form of a memorandum, addressed to “certain scientists of distinction,” to “aeronautical and military authorities,” and to “a number of public officials.”
The document is a letter that was sent to the director of the FBI in Washington from the San Fransisco office, on a matter pertaining to UFOs & extraterrestrials.
“Lt. Colonel (name redacted) of G2 [G2 means army intelligence], San Francisco advised today he has no further information, and that our Seattle office is in possession of all information known by him and is handling the matter at Tacoma, Washington.”
The document goes on to provide a copy of a letter written by someone with “several university degrees” and a former “university department head.”
It contemplates an extraterrestrial presence visiting us.
There is also an important distinction to be made from the UFO phenomenon, and the extraterrestrial phenomena, although there is sufficient evidence to show that, at least in some cases, they are interrelated. That being said, may of of these “UFOs” could be, and probably are, highly sophisticated, black budget (Special Access Programs, human craft).
The existence of UFOs has been officially verified, and thousands of military records show that they are commonly tracked on radar, and perform maneuvers and travel at speeds that no known aircraft can travel. This seems to have started a long time ago, in Germany, and the CIA was keeping tabs.
“A German newspaper recently published an interview with George Klein, famous German engineer and aircraft expert, describing the experimental construction of ‘flying saucers’ carried out by him from 1941 to 1945.”
There are hundreds of cases, and it’s something that still happens today. A quite popular incident comes from Tehran, Iran. This incident occurred on the night of September 18th, 1976. A four page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and NSA report describes the encounter in detail. Furthermore, both of the pilots involved discussed the event years later.
What happened on this night is an example of what has happened multiple times with regard to military encounters with UFOs. Residents of the city noticed a big bright object in the sky. The airport traffic controller also noticed, “it was an intensely bright object that was not supposed to be there.” The Iranian Air Force was contacted (at the time they were a close ally of the United States, under the rule of the Shah), and they dispatched two F-4 fighter jets to check out the object. The United States took this encounter very seriously; a report of what happened was sent to multiple national security officials and U.S. President Gerald R. Ford, CIA Director.
Both pilots, when approaching the object, experienced weapons systems and electronic failure within their aircraft.
“As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted object came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4.”
Dr. Jacques Vallee, notable for co-developing the first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA, and for his work at SRI International on the network information center for ARPANET, a precursor to the modern Internet, also published a paper in the Journal of Scientific Explorationtitled “Estimates of Optical Power Output in Six Cases Of Unexplained Ariel Objects With Defined Luminosity Characteristics.”
In it is a great shot of one of these “UFOs” snapped by Canadian Military Pilots (see below).
I’d like to point out that, although the existence of UFOs is verified, the fact that these could be operated by extraterrestrials is not. That being said, just as there was a lot of evidence for the UFO phenomenon before all of this declassification, there is still “abundant evidence that we are being contacted.”
– Dr. Brian O’Leary, Ex Nasa Astronaut and Princeton Physics professor.
What points to this fact, is that those directly involved with these sightings, and those who have held some prominent positions, have clearly stated, hundreds of times that some of these UFOs are indeed operated by extraterrestrials.
“This thing has gotten so highly-classified… it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified”
– FormerSenator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee
Whoever is in control or “in the know” with regard to this topic, it’s way above the government, and most likely managed by some sort of “secret government,” atop the “Deep State.”
Given the release of this information within these past few years, those that are mentioned in these files have come forward. One (out of many) examples would be now retired Navy commander pilot Graham Bethune, who held a top-secret clearance. He was a VIP Plane Commander who flew most of the high-ranking officers and civilians from Washington, DC. In his testimony below, he explains how he was flying a group of VIPs and other pilots into Argentia, Newfoundland, when every single person on the plane witnessed a 300 foot object that traveled 10,000 feet straight up in a fraction of a second toward their plane. As you can see from the video below, he has documented the event extensively.
To access the official files pertaining to this particular case, you can visit the government’s ‘Project Bluebook’ files to read them. You can find those links and the files for this case at the National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomenon.
In this interview, he states he learned that some of these objects were indeed extraterrestrial, from “the boys upstairs.”
So, as you can see, there is no shortage of information within this realm, in the form of credible sources and documents and statements from credible people. This isn’t even the tip of the iceberg.
To learn more about the extraterrestrial phenomena, you can visit the exopolitics section of our website and sift through our heavily soured articles.
NSA ontving 29 buitenaardse boodschappen uit de ruimte. Wat proberen ze ons te vertellen?
NSA ontving 29 buitenaardse boodschappen uit de ruimte. Wat proberen ze ons te vertellen?
In een document van de National Security Agency (NSA) wordt bevestigd dat er al contact is geweest met buitenaards leven.
De Amerikaanse geheime dienst heeft bijna 30 boodschappen ontvangen vanuit de ruimte, zo valt af te leiden uit het document.
Niet alle boodschappen uit de ruimte konden worden ontcijferd. Sommige bevatten een wiskundige formule, terwijl andere bestaan uit andere coderingen. Eén van de boodschappen bevat het periodiek systeem.
Het contact tussen de aarde en de ruimte heeft plaatsgevonden via de satelliet Spoetnik van de Sovjet-Unie. De NSA heeft het geheime dossier moeten vrijgeven na een jarenlange rechtszaak.
In oktober 2004 moesten de documenten eigenlijk al worden vrijgegeven, maar het duurde tot april 2011 voordat ze eindelijk beschikbaar waren.
De NSA heeft jarenlang geprobeerd te voorkomen dat dit document naar buiten zou komen. Een rechter oordeelde echter dat dat in strijd is met de wet.
Dr. Howard Campaigne en enkele andere wiskundigen van de NSA moesten de boodschappen ontcijferen.
Hij gaf aan dat zijn team sommige boodschappen had weten te ontcijferen, maar dat andere in mysterie gehuld bleven.
“We weten inmiddels wat de basissymbolen betekenen en belangrijker nog: we weten hoe de zinsbouw in elkaar zit,” zei hij.
Meer gegevens
“We hebben enkele woorden voor complexe begrippen en als we meer gegevens krijgen kunnen we ze vertalen,” voegde hij toe.
In het stuk staat alleen niet wat Campaigne en zijn collega’s precies hebben ontdekt en welke woorden ze hebben kunnen vertalen.
Scientists thought Planet 9 might be an exoplanet captured by the Sun in its early days, but new mathematical applications have proven that the likelihood of planet-swapping for the potential new solar sister is near zero. This raises the question: how could the big planet have gotten so far out there?
Planet 9 probably isn’t from another star, according to researchers from the UK and Switzerland. According to a paper on the Cornell University Library archive, while previous studies show how planet-sized objects can be captured during the early evolution and dissolution of stellar nurseries, it seems several constraints reduce the probability of interstellar planet-swapping to a near-zero value, in the case of Planet 9.
Not long ago, scientists like Alexander Mustill of Lund University observed unusual orbital characteristics of several objects in the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt — a cloud of frozen objects beyond the orbit of Neptune — and hypothesized the presence of an interstellar interloper; essentially, a (former) exoplanet snatched up by the Sun’s gravitational forces soon after it was born, roughly 4.5 billion years ago.
Roughly 20 times the mass of Earth, this ninth planet’s effects on other distant bodies would place it in an eccentric elliptical orbit, up to 60 degrees off the solar orbital plane. If confirmed, Planet 9 is estimated between 150-350 AU away. That’s at least 150 times farther from the Sun than the Earth.
It’s difficult for a massive planet to form so far from the interior of a new solar system, where most of the mass accumulates into planets. Consequently, some speculated that Planet 9 may have been captured, or “stolen” from another star in the Sun’s salad days.
At present our Sun is in a low-density stellar environment betwixt the spiral arms of our galaxy. But since planet formation occurs almost immediately (on a cosmic timescale) after a star is born, when the sun was born — in one of the denser, stellar-nursery sectors of the galaxy — it was in close proximity with other stars and their newborn planets.
In their paper, the authors set out to determine whether a significant fraction of stars can capture free-floating planetary-mass objects (FFLOPs) in original, star-birthing environments where orbits are close enough to allow our young Sun to pilfer Planet 9.
They found that the number of planets pulled away from wide and fragile orbits is independent of the total mass of a star-forming region. Put another way: common sense suggests more people meet up in a city than a small town, even by brute force of statistics. But if humans were stars, and dates were planet-swaps, Twin Peaks would see as many meetups as New York City. (Though there aren’t that many Dale Coopers.)
Indeed, the fraction of planets expected to be swapped depends on the initial bulk velocity of their stellar nursery (i.e., the speed and direction of a whole group of newborn stars). The researchers found that FFLOPs are twice as likely to swap in looser, unbound regions of stars undergoing rapid expansion than in regions tight enough to collapse into a star cluster.
In contrast, planets swapped in tight-knit star clusters are more likely to have had bulk velocities that placed their trajectory in the neighborhood where Planet 9 could be swept up. That means that there was a good entry window for Planet 9 to be swapped, but it would have been one of the most rare and improbable kind.
Considering both dense and loosely packed stellar groups together, the scientists found the number of candidate planets that meet the conditions necessary for Planet 9 to be where we think it is is extremely low; around 5-10, from an initial population of 10,000 FFLOPs.
The authors of the study concluded that only 1-6 percent of planets are snatched by stars in star-forming sectors, in the regions with a significant population of FFLOPs. This means the probability of Planet 9 being a step-planet of interstellar swapping is almost zero, much lower than the estimate provided by Mustill et al.
The authors explained their differing conclusion as a result of alternate mathematical methods of calculating initial star velocities, and the absence of the “rogue planet” assumption. However, this raises the question: how could something 20 times the mass of Earth get so far out?
How planets (and their orbits) form in young solar systems remains a big mystery in astrophysics. As with many other things, the initial conditions of planet formation set the cosmic stage for everything to come, influencing the behavior of every other planet in our system. That’s why when spacecraft like Juno map the interior Jupiter, considered the first formed planet in our solar system, we get a peer into the ancient wonders of how our solar system came to be the way it is, and this knowledge will enhance our search for life in the far reaches of the galaxy.
It’s not easy stop microscopic creatures hitching a ride into space. That’s where the Planetary Protection Office comes in, explains Katie Mack.
Artist’s impression of Cassini burning up in Saturn’s upper atmosphere.
You’d think it was the name of a superhero, but the Planetary Protection Officer doesn’t wear a cape or work in a secret underground lair. The most devious villains encountered by NASA’s Planetary Protection Office are microscopic creatures that live in pond water and vaguely resemble inflatable bears. Though the office is tasked with protecting Earth from alien threats (for instance, from samples brought home from outer space), its primary purpose is to save the rest of the solar system from us.
Life is messy. It gets everywhere. On Earth, every niche we’ve found where liquid water is even intermittently present is positively teeming with the stuff. Microbes swarm in drops of water, tiny arachnids burrow in your eyelash follicles (sorry), and super-hardy creatures known as extremophiles make their homes in seemingly hostile habitats such as frozen glaciers and deep-sea volcanic vents.
By flourishing so well where we’d least expect them on Earth, these extremophiles give us hope for finding life in the unfriendly conditions of the outer Solar System. But they also present a problem.
With our intrepid microbial menagerie always present, when we humans build and send out a spacecraft to look for life, we risk contaminating the very environment we’re trying to study. Aside from being generally impolite and perhaps setting off an extremely small-scale war of the worlds, contamination like this could make it hard to tell if any life we detect is really alien.
This is where planetary protection comes in. Article IX of the Outer Space Treaty, drawn up by the United Nations’ Office for Outer Space Affairs and to which 107 nations are party, asserts that space exploration should avoid “harmful contamination” of other space bodies. Whenever an agency such as NASA sends a probe out into the universe, non-contamination guidelines require sterilisation procedures appropriate to the probe’s ultimate destination. The rules are significantly stricter for a lander than an orbiter, and even more rigorous if the landing site is thought to have a high chance of hosting life. The Planetary Protection Officer oversees the process.
It can have frustrating consequences for exploration. Planetary protection is part of the reason for NASA plunging its Cassini spacecraft into Saturn’s atmosphere, vaporising it in a blaze of glory. Cassini was never meant to be a lander; but Saturn has moons with liquid water, such as Enceladus, that are considered some of the best bets for the possibility of alien life in the Solar System. If Cassini hadn’t burned up, it might at some point crash into one of those moons, potentially wrecking whatever biosphere that moon might contain.
Similar concerns have prevented anyone from sending landers to regions on the surface of Mars that appear to have intermittent seepage of liquid water, where chances for life might be high. No matter how hard we try to completely sterilise a spacecraft, there’s always some chance a tiny Earth denizen might be clinging on.
Some of those microscopic explorers have proven incredibly hard to get rid of. The tiny tardigrade, also known as a water bear, for example, is an eight-clawed aquatic animal that grows to a maximum length of about one millimetre and sort of looks like a cross between a monochrome panda and an air mattress.
Tardigrades have long been known to survive extreme temperatures, hard radiation and even the vacuum of space. When water isn’t present, they can shrivel up and wait it out in a dormant state for up to a decade, or perhaps – according to some researchers – even centuries.
While tardigrade habitats are usually far from spacecraft labs, it is conceivable one could stick to a shoe or blow around on the breeze; and there may be other tiny extremophiles we haven’t yet catalogued hitching rides into space.
When humans eventually walk on the surface of Mars, sterilising everything will be impossible. It may be that, at that point, all hope of avoiding contamination will be lost.
In the meantime, the Office of Planetary Protection is here to look out for our fellow citizens of the cosmos, even if it does mean we have to say goodbye to our favourite robotic explorers a little sooner than we’d hoped.
A strange light formation was spotted in the sky above Salt Lake City on Saturday night.
Videos taken around 8pm of the sky above the Utah city show a mysterious scattering of lights flying through the sky.
And while the lights can most likely be explained as a satellite breaking up in orbit - the unusual sight prompted speculation they could be shooting stars or aliens.
A strange light formation was spotted in the sky above Salt Lake City on Saturday night
In one of the videos, one large spot of light soars through the air before it breaks off into several smaller spots of lights.
A second video, however, shows at least four lights flying through the sky, all a similar size and shape and going roughly the same speed.
Based on descriptions, Patrick Wiggins, the NASA Ambassador to UTAH, told FOX 13 that the lights might have come from a satellite that broke up in orbit.
He told the station he'd been told a satellite could break up Saturday night.
Based on descriptions, Patrick Wiggins, the NASA Ambassador to UTAH, told FOX 13 that the lights might have come from a satellite that broke up in orbit
However, people on social media had their own explanations.
One woman said they were probably just lanterns that went rogue during a Lights Festival in a nearby town.
An author and researcher whose relatives claimed to be abducted by aliens in one of the most famous UFO stories of the last 60 years says she has key evidence proving extra-terrestrials exist.
Barney and Betty Hill said they saw a UFO as they were driving through rural New Hampshire, USA.
Their niece Kathleen Marden was just 13 at the time but began researching the incident many years later for a biography of the couple.
A pink substance on Mrs Hill's dress and spot marks on the car boot are evidence of the 1961 abduction, the Florida-based writer told the Examiner in her first ever British interview.
The self-proclaimed 'Ufologist' was speaking at the UFO Truth magazine conference in Holmfirth, west Yorkshire, which ran this weekend.
She said her aunt and uncle were credible witnesses whose story only went public when a journalist breached their confidence.
UFO from below: This could be the bottom of a flying saucer, says Malcolm Robinson.
The "craft" was reportedly photographed by a man, who had to "bend over backwards" to get it in sight above an oil refinery.
The extraordinary image was revealed to the audience at the Outer Limits Magazine 70 Years of the Modern UFO Era conference in Hull by UFO investigator Malcolm Robinson.
Mr Robinson, who has investigated UFOs since the 1980s, said it was the most remarkable UFO picture he has come across.
He told the audience that two men were photographing the BP oil refinery at Grangemouth, central Scotland, at night when they spotted a distant red object.
It then flew directly towards them, he said.
Malcolm Robinson says it is the most extraordinary UFO picture he has seen.
He said: "This red ball of light shot across towards them and was 200 to 300 feet above when he took the picture.
"He literally had to bend over to take it.
"We checked with all the usual people and there was nothing in the area at the time.
"It is nice we got a photo. Is that evidence?
"I am here to tell you to open up your minds."
Mr Robinson runs Strange Phenomena Investigations (SPI) based in central Scotland.
The image was sent to him in 1991 but remains one of the most compelling he has seen.
In an article on the SPI website, Mr Robinson said: "UFO testimony is one thing, but when you receive testimony backed up with a quite spectacular UFO photograph, well that's another matter.
"We at SPI received quite an amazing UFO photograph which was unlike anything we have ever seen before."
The incident happened on November 12 at around 9.30pm.
Phil Trevis, who snapped it was with a friend at the time.
In a report sent to SPI with the picture, he said: "My friend and I were taking photographs of the BP chemicals plant in Grangemouth (from Polmont Reservoir) when we noticed a dim, or rather, two small dim flashing lights over by the two 'flashing pylons' at Kincardine Bridge.
Mr Robinson added: "What you are actually looking at is the underside of the object - concave, with numerous bright flashing lights being thrown out into the dark night sky, which creates a sort of halo effect.
"SPI conducted the usual lines of investigative enquiry to try and get to the bottom of this incident.
"We ascertained that there was no aircraft activity in that part of central Scotland that night.
"Letters to the British Petroleum plant at Grangemouth, asking them if they had any small light aircraft or microlights in operation above their complex that night (on pipe inspection duty) came back stating that no such light aircraft or micro-lights were flying above the plant that night."
Pictures show the eerie orange object change colour and move around the sky for more than two hours.
Trent Mason, 22, and Jack Holdsworth, 21, spotted the UFO in the skies near the famous Ribblehead railway viaduct in the Yorkshire Dales.
The pair said they were shocked as the object made circular and triangular patterns.
Trent, from Leeds, said: "It just popped up on the horizon, then disappeared back where it came from. I wasn't sure if I saw it but looked at Jack and his face was white
WEIRD: A glowing light appeared in the sky in the Yorkshire Dales
"It was there one minute, then next it lit up like a bolt of lightning. It was like a flash and whoosh, it was gone. If I'd blinked I would have missed it.
"It was absolutely incredible. The stars were dots in the night sky and this was the size of a 5p. It was hard to judge how far away it was but it was definitely higher than the hills."
The pair drove from Leeds to the world famous viaduct on the Settle to Carlisle railway line for spot of star-gazing.
FAMOUS: The pair saw the object in the skies near the famous Ribblehead railway viaduct
“It was like a flash and whoosh, it was gone”
They arrived at around 2.30am and parked up beneath the arches which appeared in the 2012 film Sightseers.
Trent said: "It was quite late, we just wanted to go up there and do some stargazing and we saw it.
"It stayed in same vicinity, but it was doing squares, circles, triangles. It was doing them very slowly but you could just make it out.
"We were sat there for two and a half hours just studying it, watching it flying around the sky.
AMAZED: Trent Mason said after watching the object for a couple of hours
"I lost track of time sat there. It was mind-blowing. We just looked at each other like 'Wow, what the hell was that?"
The area attracts thousands of hikers every year who take part in the Three Peaks Yorkshire Challenge.
Yorkshire based UFO researcher Philip Mantle, a former director of investigations for the British UFO Research Association, said: "For decades now UFO sighting reports have come across my desk from areas in and around the Yorkshire Dales national park and surrounding areas.
"Over the last few years UFO sighting reports in this area have been few and far between, however, for whatever reason, 2017 has seen a sharp upturn in reports in this area.
"Why this is, I have no idea, but the sighting reported by these two gentlemen fits with other sightings I have had from this general area in the past."
Wilsthorpe Incident: There were allegedly 30 to 40 UFOs over the sea.
The husband and wife, aged in their 80s, who have not been named claim to have witnessed the phenomenal sight over Wilsthorpe Beach in East Yorkshire.
Paranormal investigator Paul Sinclair tells their story in a new book he is penning about the Wilsthorpe Incident, which has been branded Britain's new Roswell due to the mysterious military activity seemingly connected to UFO sightings.
The couple's bizarre claims concern the night of September 14 2009 at 11pm.
They lived in one of 30 flats that overlook the sea at Wilsthorpe.
The pair decided to go to bed, however, as the woman went to turn off the lights, she saw a glow outside.
Mr Sinclair said "something told her to go outside" before she opened the front door and looked out to sea where she was amazed to see several glowing UFOs above the coast.
Mr Sinclair said she described them as 15-feet long and eight-feet wide "spaceships over the sea".
He said: "She said there was a huge circle of boomerang-shaped craft.
"She said there were loads - 30 to 40 and the sea below was bubbling, banging and crashing.
"They were silent, but there was electricity going into the sea.
"Ron (her husband) said it was like a blue and white Christmas tree over the sea. He was frightened and left after ten minutes and put his head under the pillow for the night.
"But, she told me she was not frightened and knew she was never going to see anything like it again in her life."
She stayed for around half and hour before the objects began to "lift out of the circle in pairs at a 45 degree angle until just two were left which shot off straight up."
Two Chinook helicopters full of RAF personnel landed at the beach by the remote hamlet.
Mr Sinclair also spoke with a man who runs a bait shop at Bridlington Harbour, who told him his bait diggers had seen "triangle" craft enter the sea in 2009 over the same period.
Mr Sinclair also spoke with a man who runs a bait shop at Bridlington Harbour, who told him his bait diggers had seen "triangle" craft enter the sea in 2009 over the same period.
She said there were loads - 30 to 40 and the sea below was bubbling, banging and crashing. They were silent, but there was electricity going into the sea.
Paul Sinclair
He said two of his bait diggers had been on Wilsthorpe Beach the day the couple saw the military operation.
They told of seeing "triangles entering the sea" and later "being surrounded by soldiers."
Separately a man working on a boat at Blythe Park boat compound also confirmed the military presence, he said.
Mr Sinclair submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to find out why the operation took place on September 15.
However, the response he eventually received, said it was just a "routine military exercise" and few other details were provided.
The reply said "no live ammunition was used" and "any explosions heard were controlled detonations of simulated ammunitions."
The response added that it was "one of a number of regular exercises" as part of work to defend the UK, and new locations would often be used with landowners' consent.
Mr Sinclair continues to investigate the case and is trying to obtain historic coastguard reports from the period.
He believes it is connected to a high level of reported UFO activity along a 25-mile stretch of the East Yorkshire and North Yorkshire coast from Brandesburton in East Yorkshire to Scarborough, North Yorkshire, between May and September 2009.
High levels of military aircraft flying low and circling near his home in Bridlington, East Yorkshire, were also recorded that September.
Mr Sinclair said the case did not yet prove a UFO presence, but: "I think the military arrived because of the objects."
In a post on his Truth Proof Facebook page about the case, he wrote: "Nothing found can prove with any certainty the UFOs were over the sea as an elderly couple claim, or that the black triangles entered the sea in September 2009 like the bait diggers described.
"All I can do is stack the evidence for and against, either side of the scale."
Some of the sightings have been detailed in Mr Sinclair's first book - Truth-Proof: The Truth That Leaves No Proof, which is available on Amazon.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week
The Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week
By Live Science Staff
Each week we uncover the most interesting and informative articles from around the world, here are 10 of the coolest stories in science this week.
Farewell, Spacecraft
The Cassini spacecraft has plunged into Saturn, sending back its final communications before burning up in the ringed planet's atmosphere.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
And just like that, it was gone.
The final stream of data from Cassini was received at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in southern California. The spacecraft communicated with Earth via the Deep Space Network, a series of telescopes around the world that keep contact with spacecraft that fly beyond the moon. The Deep Space Network is managed from JPL. [Read more about the end of Cassini.]
Intelligent Laughter
What brings together Nobel Prize winners, unconventional research, a mini-opera about incompetence, and not one, but two barrages of paper airplanes? The Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony, of course.
Credit: M. Weisberger/Live Science
Many important questions are asked in the pursuit of science, but here's one that isn't heard very often: Why so serious?
At the 2017 Ig Nobels, held in the Sanders Theatre at Harvard University, researchers representing five continents made an appearance to acknowledge the dubious achievement of acquiring an Ig Nobel. [Read more about the funny research.]
One Extreme or the Other?
Two pages of the 240-page Voynich Manuscript.
Credit: Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library
The story was tailor-made for headlines: The indecipherable Voynich Manuscript that once stumped the best code breakers of World War II had finally been cracked, and it was a simple health-and-wellness guide for medieval women.
Hurricane Harvey stranded a mysterious fanged eel on the beach in Texas, leaving the animal to die, rot and bloat. But despite its untimely end, the creature has since become an internet star.
Illustration by Evald Hansen based on the original plan of grave Bj 581 by excavator Hjalmar Stolpe; published in 1889 (Stolpe, 1889)
Credit: Evald Hansen/American Journal of Physical Anthropology
A high-status Viking warrior who was thought to be a man turns out to be a woman, a new DNA analysis finds.
One of the graves was that of a presumed Viking warrior, whose remains were buried with a range of warlike weapons. For decades, however, researchers assumed that the burial was that of a high-status male officer. [Read more about the new find.]
SpaceX Videos
Successful rockets are all alike, but every unsuccessful rocket is unsuccessful in its own way.
Credit: SpaceX/YouTube
Get ready for out-of-this-world fiery blasts on "How Not to Land an Orbital Rocket Booster," a new SpaceX blooper reel produced by Elon Musk, the company's founder and CEO.
The conflagrations really are like no other, and Elon insists that they're "just a scratch" or a "rapid unscheduled disassembly" in some cases. [Read more about the bloopers.]
To the Rescue!
Two territorial hippopotamuses foiled a crocodile that tried to wrestle a wildebeest into a water hole, as seen in a dramatic video of the encounter. [Read more about animal superheroes.]
Endangered Peoples
Uncontacted Indians in the Brazilian Amazon, filmed from the air in 2010.
Credit: Survival International
Brazilian authorities are investigating reports that gold miners killed about 10 members of an uncontacted tribe in the Amazon rainforest.
The indigenous rights group Survival International warned that such an attack could mean that a large percentage of the tribe has been wiped out. [Read more about the story.]
War toys
Archaeologists in England are excavating the ruins of the fort of Vindolanda, which was once at the northern edge of the Roman Empire.
Credit: The Vindolanda Trust
Military brats of ancient Rome probably played soldier to pass the time.
Birley's team discovered the toys after lifting the stone foundations from a more recent renovation of the fort. They found damp, black, oxygen-free soil sealed underneath —good conditions for preserving artifacts. [Read more about the toys.]
Coolin' Off
A new technique pushes the limits of how cold molecules can get to a tiny fraction of a degree above absolute zero. [Read more about absolute zero.]
Giant, Scorching-Hot Alien Planet Is Darker Than Asphalt
Giant, Scorching-Hot Alien Planet Is Darker Than Asphalt
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Artist’s illustration showing the exoplanet WASP-12b, which is as black as fresh asphalt in optical wavelengths.
Credit: NASA, ESA, and G. Bacon (STScI)
Exoplanets come in pretty much all colors, including pitch black.
The huge, blistering-hot alien world WASP-12b has a reflectance, or albedo, of just 0.064 at most, a new study reports.
"This is an extremely low value, making the planet darker than fresh asphalt!" lead author Taylor Bell, a master’s student in astronomy at McGill University in Montreal, said in a statement. [Gallery: The Strangest Alien Planets]
For perspective, the moon's albedo on the same scale is 0.12, and Earth's is 0.37. The icy Saturn satellite Enceladus, the most reflective object in our solar system, clocks in at 1.4, study team members said. (These numbers are the "geometric albedo" of these objects. Another commonly used albedo scale, the Bond scale, goes from 0 to 1.)
WASP-12b lies about 1,400 light-years from Earth. The exoplanet is about twice the size of Jupiter and completes one lap around its star every 1.1 Earth days.
This super-close orbit has made the planet a bizarre and hellish world. The powerful gravitational tug of its parent star has pulled WASP-12b into an egg shape, and temperatures on the planet's dayside reach about 4,700 degrees Fahrenheit (2,600 degrees Celsius), study team members said. (Close-orbiting planets like WASP-12b tend to be tidally locked, always showing the same face to their star, just as the moon always shows its "near side" to Earth.)
WASP-12b has been studied extensively since its 2008 discovery. But Bell and his colleagues took another look in October 2016, investigating the "hot Jupiter" with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph instrument aboard NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.
The low albedo came as a surprise, Bell said.
"There are other hot Jupiters that have been found to be remarkably black, but they are much cooler than WASP-12b," he said in the same statement. "For those planets, it is suggested that things like clouds and alkali metals are the reason for the absorption of light, but those don't work for WASP-12b because it is so incredibly hot."
Alien Planet Quiz: Are You an Exoplanet Expert?
Astronomers have confirmed more than 800 planets beyond our own solar system, and the discoveries keep rolling in. How much do you know about these exotic worlds?
It's so hot, in fact, that molecular hydrogen — the familiar H2 — gets broken apart into atomic hydrogen in WASP-12b's skies. The team's work suggests that the planet's atmosphere is mostly atomic hydrogen and helium, and that this composition leads to the pitch-black profile.
WASP-12b is just the second exoplanet to have its albedo measured spectrally in this manner. The other — a fellow hot Jupiter, HD 189733b — appears to be deep blue.
"The fact that the first two exoplanets with measured spectral albedo exhibit significant differences demonstrates the importance of these types of spectral observations and highlights the great diversity among hot Jupiters," Bell said.
Though WASP-12b reflects virtually no light, it does emit some: The planet is so hot that it glows red like molten metal, researchers said.
Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI) intends to send messages into space in 2018 in an attempt to contact alien life. METI president Douglas Vakoch doesn't want fear to slow us down, saying we should build a foundation for future scientists to keep looking.
METI, an offshoot of SETI comprising those who wish to actively seek out alien life instead of waiting, has been met with substantial opposition to its plans since it was formed. Few are against the idea that alien life exists in our universe, but a significant number have wondered if humanity should be the ones letting other species know we’re here. The concern is that such new life wouldn’t be friendly to us or very understanding, and the interactions could eventually lead to our subjugation or extinction.
Douglas Vakoch, president of METI, isn’t worried about these worst-case scenarios. Speaking with CNET, Vakoch argues that our negative expectations of aliens are not to be taken at face value; just because violence is the first thing we think of, it doesn’t inherently mean it will become reality.
“One of the reasons people are so afraid of METI is that it seems riskier to do something than to do nothing,” he said in the interview. “When we try to evaluate the risks and benefits of an unknown situation where we have little or no actual data, we fall back on the most vivid images that come to mind.”
We have come up with ways to communicate with a species hundreds of light-years away that doesn’t speak our language, but there are many challenges to this feat. Aside from the time it would take for a message to travel, there’s the issue that comes with trying to craft a message that, by sight, can be identified as harmless but still be valuable.
Vakoch believes that past messages have tried to cover too many things at once. METI’s messages, however, will focus on math and physics — something SETI agrees with, since math and physics could be the only two things we have in common with any alien life.
It takes a while for things to travel through space, though, so regardless of when new messages are sent, we’re still in for a bit of a wait. People have proposed that alien contact will occur anywhere from within a few years to thousands of years from now. But as long as people hold onto the will to keep trying, Vakoch thinks that perseverance in itself will benefit humanity.
“Many of our most severe problems on Earth today are due to a focus on immediate gratification,” Vakoch said to CNET. “If future generations of SETI researchers are looking for replies to today’s transmissions, committed to a multigenerational scientific project, the very act of continuing to look will be a success in itself, whether or not they ever find life out there.”
METI planning to contact alien life in 2018 -- Representational ImageREUTERS/NASA/Handout via
A group of alien searchers is gearing up to send out cosmic messages in 2018 in order to look for the existence of extraterrestrial life, according to a report in CNET.
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), which brought a number of alien hunters together, led to the scanning of cosmos with massive radio telescopes, but despite 50-odd years of efforts, we're still looking out for the solid signs of alien life. With the efforts of astronomer Frank Drake, the SETI began in 1960.
Now, a specific group of astronomers within the SETI community has grown tired of waiting and is prepping to send out messages to the unknown, if they exist somewhere in the cosmos. The research group, which calls itself Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligences (METI) International, is working on cosmic messages, hoping to send them out sometime in 2018.
However, the question that arises here is that they will send the messages to where. The cosmos is practically endless and the number of planets in the habitable zone (at the right distance from its host star) is increasing continuously.
Douglas Vakoch, the president of the group, addressed this concern by telling CNET that they will go for nearby stars, specifically those with planets in the habitable zones.
It's also worth noting that they'll have to devise a message which extraterrestrial species could understand easily. There have been some ways in the past – mathematical languages, rudimentary chatbots, music, or pictograms – but METI will specifically focus on maths and physics.
"Some of the most prominent messages of the past have tried to cover everything," Vakoch said. "We're taking the opposite approach. Rather than trying to communicate everything [about math, science, and life on Earth], we are focusing on saying a few things very clearly. For our first messages, we are emphasizing the essentials of math and physics."
The idea of proactively reaching out to the extraterrestrials seems fair, but not many are in favour of the prospect. Why? Because aliens could ATTACK! Many prominent scientists, including Stephen Hawking, believe contacting the unknown could not only lead them to us but also increases the chances of a potential attack if they're hostile.
Still, METI is moving ahead with their plan, looking forward to finding alien life. "One of the reasons people are so afraid of METI is that it seems riskier to do something than to do nothing," Vakoch said. "When we try to evaluate the risks and benefits of an unknown situation where we have little or no actual data, we fall back on the most vivid images that come to mind. But just because the first images of alien contact that come to mind are horrific, that doesn't mean they're realistic."
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Object on August 30, 2017
Filer’s Files #37 -2017 UFO Reports - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Kurt Russell Sees UFO, Clark McClelland NASA Engineer Reports on UFOs, Comparing Climatic Cycles, Chinese Pyramids, and Unacknowledged Movie on Netflix.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alabama, California, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Argentina, Canada, Hawaii, Mexico, New Zealand, and Thailand, Wales in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Kurt Russell Sees UFO
Kurt Russell, the movie star, claims he saw UFOs over Phoenix. And not just any UFOs, but the ones that have become celebrities in their own realm: the Phoenix Lights.
Russell, during an interview on the British Broadcasting Company, said he was flying his private plane into Phoenix on March 13, 1997, when he spotted the phenomenon that came to be known as the Phoenix Lights.
Russell, a licensed pilot, reported the lights to the control tower at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and may have been the first person to officially log the sighting.
The lights have been the subject of speculation and debate in the 20 years since they appeared. That was aided by the fact that rational explanations for the lights did not surface until July. By that time, the notion of them being mysterious objects had already taken root. Russell stars in “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” with Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana. Most people who witnessed the lights reported seeing a V-shaped formation fly from north to south over the city, roughly following the path of Interstates 17 and 10, starting around 7 p.m.
Television stations showed footage of a later sighting: a series of orbs hovered in the sky to the west of the city, disappearing at random intervals.
The lights created a murmur of coverage locally when they happened. But that June, USA TODAY put an artist’s rendering of the lights on the front page. National news outlets followed up with their own stories and a star UFO sighting.
Clark McClelland NASA Engineer Reports on UFOs
There was some very interesting validation of the Bill Tompkins material by the return of Clark McClelland (former NASA Apollo Engineer who had direct, longtime access to Dr. Kurt Debus the Director of NASA to the Jeff Rense program. Both Dr. Debus and Dr. Von Braun had been key Nazi rocket scientists. Much more will be revealed regarding the Aldebaran connection. One of Clark’s final comments about giving notice – upon his passing – that his remains are to be returned to the Planet Aldebaran was fascinating!
Clark had confided much more info about these matters that he has not yet let go public.
Dr Kurt Debus and Dr Von Brawn
Bill Tompkins told me that Dr. Debus was indeed telepathic and was in touch with the Nordic Navy women that were working alongside him inside the secret think tanks. Debus really bonded with Tompkins having him chair three project missions and participate in design work and consulting for 7 mission projects. Tompkins said that when he was tasked with presenting the original design concept for the Apollo Program on a Monday morning at the Redstone Arsenal (outside Huntsville) AL to Dr. Debus, Von Braun and the entire team of German scientists assigned to the project – after the one hour presentation was completed Debus approached Tompkins, took him into his office.
Again, Debus bonded immediately with Tompkins, introduced him to all the other German scientists working there, asked Tompkins to both lunch and then much later dinner where they discussed extreme details of the Apollo Program and the overarching master plan of the program. At the end of that first evening Debus asked Tompkins to remain at Redstone as his personal guest for the balance of the week – of course Tompkins did so and he had the full approval of Douglas Aircraft to pursue this endeavor. Tompkins said it was an amazing week in his life – much was confirmed to him by Debus regarding the info gained by the German operatives debriefed during WWII.
Astronaut Story Musgrave Saw Disc in Space
Former NASA engineer Clark C. McClelland writes, “Space Shuttle Columbia during STS-80 took a crew of five astronauts into a 17 day, almost 16 hour mission around the earth, the longest flight in the history of this vehicle. During this lengthy flight a very strange event occurred that even had crewman Dr. Story Musgrave unable to explain what he observed from the shuttle windows. A large disc shaped object appeared below the shuttle Columbia.”
The disc was first observed to miraculously appear from out of nowhere, flying through the clouds below and progressing from right to left as the astronauts stared in utter amazement. The outer rim of the craft appeared to be rotating counter-clockwise. It was very large (compared to common space junk and breakaway ice), approximately 50 to 150 feet in diameter.
Astronaut Dr. Story Musgrave, a Payload Specialist on the STS-80 Mission, was interviewed following the flight. As he viewed a videotape of the incident which showed lightning flashes in the atmosphere, the city lights of Denver, Colorado and other earthbound sights, he stated: “I don’t know what it is. Whether it’s a washer, debris, ice particles, I don’t know. But it’s characteristic of the thousands of things which I’ve seen. What is not so characteristic is it appears to come from nowhere. You would think that if it’s facing the dark side or facing a side towards you which is not reflecting the sun, you would think that you would see something there. It’s really impressive.”
During an earlier interview, Dr. Musgrave stated, “I attempted to communicate with ET life forms during each of his six missions.” He actually asked them to take him with them. Now that’s an astronaut with a lot of courage. Dr. Musgrave retired after this flight from NASA. Since then he’s been spreading his considered opinion that alien life exists. When Musgrave speaks of this, it’s no great leap for one to assume he’s admitting knowledge of alien life. As the final slide of a “Grey” ET was shown during a recent astronomy presentation by Dr. Musgrave, he made this surprising comment: “These guys are real… I guarantee it!” Dr. Musgrave does know the truth. This author guarantees it!
Consider that carefully. These are world renowned scientists making statements almost beyond belief. Dr. von Braun and others of his stature have the courage to disclose “sensitive” information, but obviously the leaders of the US and the world do not. If billions could find a way of coping with the overwhelming threat of atomic annihilation for half a century, it is reasonable to assume we can cope with the knowledge of these “Other Intelligence’s” from the stars. We can cope with the fact they are visiting earth, and have been since the beginning of history. “Those still asleep must open their eyes. We Are Not Alone.” Thanks to Clark C. McClelland, former ScO, U.S. Space Shuttle Fleet, KSC, Florida 1958 to 1992. Thanks to Frank Chille
Comparing Climatic Cycles
Dr. Bruce Cornet writes, “Because Egyptologist have been blinded by mythological labels and stories, and by a failure to understand where this advanced knowledge of historical climatology and celestial mechanics came from (for further understanding read Fingerprints of the Gods, by Hancock, 1995; Hamlet’s Mill, by de Santillana and von Dechend, 1969; and The Death of Gods in Ancient Egypt, by Sellers, 1992), they could not see or recognize that those Egyptians knew more about the causes of glaciations and interglacial’s than we do today! Aliens likely gave us technology to move large objects, but they found us too violent and decided to cause the floods or they just occurred causing to lose the technology.” I published a study on ResearchGate under:
Comparing Notes between Triassic-Jurassic Milankovitch Climatic Cycles
Precession cycles are part of Earth’s climatic history, and cause/modulate changes in Ice Ages versus Interglacials. The Precession Cycle (Wobble)
Next is precession, or wobble. This cycle occurs every 26,000 years. This gyroscopic wobble of the earth’s axis is driven by tidal forces which are influenced by our sun and moon. The Earth is actually not perfectly round so the gravitational pull tugs the axis over time creating the wobble cycle. Now there’s a technical term for you.
This wobble can cause a difference in the types of seasons one polar hemisphere will experience over the other. The hemisphere at perihelion (closest to the sun) will enjoy an increase in summer solar radiation but a cooler winter, while the opposite hemisphere will have a warmer winter and a cooler summer.
Currently the southern hemisphere is at perihelion, so they are enjoying warmer summers, but cooler winters, which likely contributes to snowfall in the hemisphere.
The ancient Egyptians were given information by “those who moved great stones with ease”, information which dates back 25 thousand years before the first Egyptian Dynasty. But Egyptologists failed and continue to fail to recognize the charts and graphs as scientific data, and were given hieroglyphic and mythological explanations by Dynastic Priests. Only with the data from Antarctic Ice Cores did these graphs become meaningful and recognizable to me as information passed on to humans after the Meltdown. The positions of the south and north celestial poles appear to move in circles against the space-fixed backdrop of stars, completing one circuit in approximately 26,000 years.
The Egyptians recognized the three major components of Earth Precession, which are only influenced by the Moon, and the sun coupled with the Earth’s Chandler wobble: 21,600 yrs, 108,000 yrs, and 432,000 yrs.
Dr/ Cornet described and studied 28 thousand feet of these cycles in Late Triassic cores during the early 1990s under the Newark Basin Coring Project by Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. They appear to be caused by the wobble of our Sun, and the alignment vs non-alignment of Earth’s orbit with the Sun’s Accretion Disc.
I attach two of the Egyptian scientific diagrams with mythological labels to show that records were kept by someone many tens of thousands of years before the first Egyptian Dynasty in 3100 BC.
Our news media and scientists are thinking within a narrow box, numerous other countries have a belief in life in space; paranormal capabilities and that we are being visited. China has a million ufologists and the average person is aware of visitation.
Bob writes, I watched a Youtube video on the Giza pyramids. Later, came up to a red light, and looked at the car in front of me. The license plate was GZA 313. Immediately I knew what the license plate meant. It was a reference to the fact that the pyramids and Pharaohs statues were created with help of the same beings who flew over Arizona on March 13, 2017. At the moment that this happened, I was listening to the part in which the video showed that one Egyptian sculpture of a Pharaoh was so symmetrical that it could not have been done by hand. In fact, the symmetry of the face is so exact that I’m at a loss to explain how something could be done without a computer. My training is in automation and CNC milling machines. I use a milling machine at work. I understand how 3-d objects are created and how modern machinery would be used to create such an object. I’m at a loss to understand how something such as that could be created without advanced machining. These stone monuments are messages through time. Consider how could it be possible that the FOE could be created over 100 thousand years ago, and that the creators knew that a river would be diverted as a canal through its mouth! It’s all mind-boggling. –Bob
Note: This image is from Mars indicating a civilization once existed on Mars.
Chinese Pyramids
Once we thought pyramids only could be found in Egypt but then we discovered that they exist all over the world. So if all these ancient cultures were building pyramids yet they had little to no contact with each other then why were they all building pyramids about the same time?
Additionally, the pyramid of Emperor Wu (Shown) was built in 53 years which is interesting to note. It is possible the ancient Egyptians built their pyramids in about the same amount of time but perhaps using more laborers. Egypt’s Great Pyramid is 140 m (450 feet) high while Emperor Wu’s is 50 m (155 feet) high making it about 1/4 the size as the one in Egypt. China has almost 200 pyramids. Mars as well as Earth has numerous pyramids and statues carved into the side of mountains like on Earth. Thanks to NASA
Unacknowledged Movie on Netflix
Now available on Netflix Worldwide with Major George Filer, Paul Hellyer Canadian Defence Minister, and Dr. Richard Greer etc
Unacknowledged, LLC is thrilled to announce this historic deal with Netflix which reaches over 108 million subscribers thru the streaming service. Dr. Greer and The Orchard worked closely with Netflix to bring Unacknowledged to a wider audience and disclose the shocking issues around UFO secrecy. If you’re a subscriber on Netflix you can now access the film in all countries with subtitles.
“Unacknowledged” focuses on the historic files of the Disclosure Project and how UFO secrecy has been ruthlessly enforced-and why. The best evidence for extraterrestrial contact, dating back decades, is presented with direct top-secret witness testimony, documents and UFO footage. From briefings with the CIA Director, top Pentagon Generals and Admirals, to the briefing of President Obama via senior advisor John Podesta, chairman of the Hillary Clinton Campaign, we take the viewer behind the veil of secrecy and into the corridors of real power where the UFO secrets reside. The viewer will learn that a silent coup d’état has occurred dating back to the 1950s and that the Congress, the President and other world leaders have been sidelined by criminal elements within the military-industrial-financial complex.
Author:Bob from Arizona It was brave of them to put this together, they have brought a lot of attention onto some very unscrupulous individuals. Personally I choose not to be quite as audacious as Greer in mentioning the names and locations of specific strategic installations and operations pertaining to the E.T. presence, electromagnetic weapons platforms, military abduction assets, crash and retrieval teams, A.R.V. storage hangers and the working parts of the related psychological warfare/deception programs. But I will say this, they exist, they are well funded and the people involved in these USAPs are some of the most ruthless people on the planet.
There is presently a massive active psychological warfare operation which involves using assets in Hollywood exert influence in the interest of putting out stories that portray real world events in a fictional medium as to marginalize and sensationalize the subject matter. These operations present factual information in a medium (such as sci-fi) which strains credibility and dissuades serious discussion and investigation of said subject matter. There is also a related counter-intelligence operation which is aimed at portraying off world beings in a very xenophobic and frightening way as to shape the psychology of the masses and their attitudes towards interstellar visitors. These operations have been very effective in dissuading, distracting, and confusing people preventing them from taking very serious and important issues seriously.
I was surprised at the precision in the details Greer was able to share in this film (him not being a military man) but the information he presented is indeed accurate and actionable. To all the everyday citizens out there I tell you this; the people and operations this film exposes are the single most dangerous element on earth which threatens the possibility of a better and more equitable future for your children. These covert elements and black operations can only continue to exist if you keep allowing them to through your ignorance and passivity. Pay attention and choose to act, the time is now.
Conspiracy fact with hard evidence to boot!
Author:cody-93996 from Pasadena, California Am I ever glad I made time to go see this Premiere! It connected the dots for me and made things clear in a way I did not expect. What this man and his team have discovered and exposed gave more evidence to what I have suspected was true. While researching military spending over the past decade for my thesis I came across an Associated Press investigation that was finished in 2009 which found at least $4.7 billion was spent by the pentagon the during the previous year on psychological warfare operations aimed at its own citizens. The Department of Defense admitted to this massive operation paid for by tax dollars which employs between 27,000 and 30,000 government and military employees. They described these ongoing operations as efforts to “sway public opinion” and according to Department of Defense budgets and other documents this budget would continue to increase (from 4.7 annually to almost double) in coming years. That’s almost as much as the government spent on body armor for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan between 2004 and 2006. Imagine that, you are literally paying your government to brain wash you.
This documentary exposes where all that money along with more “dirty money” is being spent year after year.
Wikipedia defines Psychological warfare as having been known by many other names or terms, including Miso, Psy Ops, COINTELPRO, Political Warfare, and Propaganda. The term is used “to denote any action which is practiced mainly by psychological methods with the aim of evoking a planned psychological reaction in other people.” Various techniques are used and are aimed at influencing a target audience’s value system, belief system, emotions, motives, reasoning, or behavior. It is used to induce confessions or reinforce attitudes and behaviors favorable to the originator’s objectives, and is sometimes combined with black operations or False Flag tactics. Target audiences can be government, groups, organizations, and individuals, and is not just limited to soldiers. Civilians can also be targeted by technology and media so as to cause an effect”.
Recently declassified documents (dating back as far as 1953) show that the CIA made significant investments into establishing a foothold in Hollywood (along with major news media outlets) to ensure that the CIA is in the position to use that footing for their psychological warfare value. Many films were produced to help the public realize UFOs are here.
This film exposes what most people may not realize, the fact that some of the things they watch in movies or on TV represent intentional efforts to psychologically manipulate them in order to achieve a specific intended goal. These “Psy Ops” are being paid for and orchestrated by specific compartments of their own government.
Most intelligent people realize that the mainstream media is more about PR for the current dominant institutions and government than about real journalism, but how much of what we watch on TV and in Movies is specifically tailored as to illicit an intended psychological response in the audience? How many of the depictions we see on the big screen are not merely fictions to entertain, but rather represent strategic attempts on the part of the global intelligence communities to shape the perspectives and opinions of a malleable population in order to perpetuate the status quo?
There are documents now available to the public which show clearly that in the 1950s the CIA contracted Disney studios on several occasions to write stories that were intended to shape public perception of specific issues. In the age of information, in an era of a vast globalized military industrial complex, there is a war being waged for the hearts and minds of humanity in which truth is the most likely casualty. This war is not fought with bullets or bombs, but their weapons of choice do lay in most people’s living rooms.
This documentary is unprecedented in its honest attempt to shine light onto the vast array of psychological warfare tactics utilized by the intelligence community (especially in relation to the ET presence and “free energy”).
I suggest that we should exercise caution when we open our hearts and minds to the onslaught of images, ideas, and stories that are projected to us by the mainstream corporate media and the internet. Even more so, it would be prudent to have our eyes wide open when watching those depictions presented to us under the guise of “entertainment” because many times it is anything but. This ground- breaking documentary, “Unacknowledged” shows us that the system (military industrial complex) is now desperately seeking to justify its own existence and perpetuate the lies and fear that keep it alive. In this time of universal deceit, Discernment is Key.
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Filer’s Files #37 -2017 UFO Reports - PART II
Filer’s Files #37 -2017 UFO Reports - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Alabama Light
Ranburne— My wife and I were watching fireworks on July 4th when we noticed these strange lights doing unnatural things. We videoed them on my iPhone and on her Lg G3 smart phone. We knew this was not an airplane or fireworks or a drone. We were excited and confused so that’s why we documented the event. After several times of it disappearing and reappearing it finally stopped. We were at home and started videoing around 9:00 pm central time. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Object
Elk Grove — It happened on September 5, 2017, at 7:46 pm, my wife “DJS” has the psychic power to uncloak. Time after time, she has proven to me that she can feel a UFO or even a portal in the sky and take a photo of the UFO that will appear in the photo. In one photo, she actually captured a portal in the sky over Copperopolis. The one that really struck a chord with me was the story of the mysterious eye and her account of an alien abduction. She got the impulse to snap a photo and she captured 3 UFOs in a V formation.
During our investigations together we were connected to the UFOs by using two crystal skulls. She asked the UFO to “power up” and that is exactly what the UFO did and was witnessed by others. Other people who may have had the psychic power to uncloak UFOs were: Ed Walters, and Eduard Albert Meier. My wife “D” has the psychic power to uncloak UFOs and does it have a connection to her alien abduction? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Triangle
Augusta– On September 1, 2017, a series of photos were taken of a triangle shaped craft over Augusta that could be the US experimental TR-3B;
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois 7 Oval Shaped Objects
Glendale – On August 31, 2017, the witness called and reported his sighting via a voice-mail message. I called the witness and interviewed him later. The witness couldn’t sleep so he took a walk to a gas station about 1.5 miles from his house. He noticed a light hovering to the east. He at first thought it was an aircraft, but realized that it wasn’t because it kept silent, hovering and was too large for an aircraft. He snapped one photo of the oval shaped object that was 250 yards in diameter. There were blinking white, blue and green lights around the perimeter and on the bottom corners. He then noticed seven other similar objects gradually appeared 25 miles from Chicago O’Hare Airport. Upon arrival at the gas station he saw two police officers and they also were observing the sky. One policeman said that the object was an “airbus.” The other officer was baffled. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Indiana Object
Mentone — My deer camera has 4 pictures that look like a rod of light taken on September 8, 2016. They are hours apart and the closest one people say look like a grain auger and the farther away Ones look like glowing rods with a slight bend in them. The confusing part is it looks like it takes off from my neighbor’s house then the next picture it’s above my house. I went and talked to neighbor and now he’s confused. The people in my area are curious to what might have made these forms in the air.
Kansas Lights
Wichita — I was out looking for UFOs when I noticed what looked like a star that was moving real slowly on July 13, 2017. So I tried to record it. The ship had scramblers that made my phone go crazy. After about 45 minutes, I finally manipulated the ships scramblers so I was able to record this massive ship with little ships flying in and around it. We were at my brother’s house in Wichita and it looked like a huge diamond in the sky that scared me. It was like the movie “Independence Day.” It was in the sky for already 5 hours watching earth before we even realized the star was moving. I tried to record, but it wouldn’t let me. Then we noticed ten UFOs all around it and one Lil UFO shoots of in space like Superman. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Massachusetts Orb
Bourne — I was sitting on my deck on September 1, 2017, and saw a giant orange ball of light heading south across sky. I immediately called my husband out when it first appeared and he observed it also. Five minutes later another orange ball flew south across the sky. Neither of us could identify the ball of light. I was able to take two pictures of 2nd sighting. I waited but did not see it again.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Object
Absecon — I awakened at 4:48 am with a feeling of being wide awake and a feeling of gently swaying sensation left to right as I lay in bed on September 8, 2017. I could feel the swaying pressure going from left to right like I was floating on a big wave ever so gently. I had a slight head fog with the feeling of slight pressure building in my head like driving up to the mountains. I got up to see the sunrise in the east and the moon was high in the south western sky. Then I started taking pictures of the moon as some birds were flying,
When I got into my vehicle to drive home I felt like I was in a slight drunk state but did not consume alcohol. I had to force myself to be extra alert when driving. I noticed the object in my picture once I downloaded it into my computer I zoomed in and it does not look like anything I ever saw before. Appears to be black with what looks to be a light of hole in middle. It could be a drone but I just never seen a drone like this before. I saw nothing when I was looking in the direction of the moon. I did feel a slight drugged like feeling a light headed fogginess. Maybe it’s the atmosphere and climatic changes, and magnetic field or gravitational pull that’s doing something to make me feel this way. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Disc
New York City— I was walking, so very happy talking to a friend from California on the phone, when something told me to take a picture on January14, 2017….. I noticed a white object on the front, and a flying craft in the back ground. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Object
Philadelphia — On August 30, 2017, I looked out of my 3rd floor window and saw 8 objects fly over my city from west to east. At first from a distance maybe 1-2 miles I thought they were soaring vultures. Redtails are common but not that many at once so that drew my attention. I went back to my work the objects were much closer and were not birds but were very smooth looking objects and resembled a manta ray. The way they flew was very controlled and not just with the wind, they would bank and change altitude, dip and bank. I ran back inside to grab my camera to snap two photos before they flew out of sight.
The building that blocked my view so they had to be very low. I looked out of my 3rd floor window and saw about 8 objects fly over my city from west to east. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Carolina Triangles
Myrtle Beach – I discovered 3 triangle UFOs high resolution photos that I don’t remember taking. In the phone details, it says that I took it through my camera at 8:02 pm on March 27th, 2017. I don’t even know where this church is. My wife and son were at a function that night but we cannot account for where I was. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Triangle
Atoy— I left a friend’s house, headed home, driving the same route I always drive at about 2ish in the morning on June 1, 2017. Not driving fast the sky flashed blue as if lightning flashed but there were no clouds. There was no moon and very little light pollution except for my headlights. What was odd about the light/flash was that it was bluish in color and seemed to flash over the top of my truck. The only thing I can equate it to is when someone is welding, the light that it gives off is not like a lightning flash or other sorts of light fixtures. It flashed for about 3 or 4 flashes, fast but long enough to look up and still see it going on through the windshield. This light lit up the whole sky, like I said, like lightning would have. There was no sound like a rumble of thunder that should have followed if it had been lightning. As I looked up, it moved from the rearview mirror to the steering wheel and disappeared over the trees southwest. It did not move fast, about 30 mph or so. It was triangle shaped on an acute triangle, there were about 6 or 7 lights on my side of the object, The lights lit it just enough to see the object was a dark color but flat colored. The object could have been the shape of a stealth fighter but seemed thicker and longer. It seemed thin as it flew over the road ahead of me. It was 100 yards above me and disappeared about 125 yards in front of me. I was traveling south along F.M. 1210 towards Atoy. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Port Orchard— Working on Pasture fence on my farm on July 23, 2017, I didn’t notice it at the time.
Only after I looked at the game camera footage did I notice it. Perhaps it was a large bird.
We do have Eagles and Canadian geese in the area. It was circular shape and possibly metallic silver. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Argentina Orb
Ensenada — I tell you that I was in a park with my daughter taking pictures on August 21, 2017, when it occurred to me to take one in the sun seeing that it looked bigger than usual. I didn’t remember it was eclipse of the sun day. When I look at my encounter with the orb that I could only see in the photo or through the camera not to the naked eye, I have serious doubts that it is not the reflection of the camera or the lens. During the days prior to this I always looked towards that same direction as if expecting something. The curious thing is that this same phenomenon happened on August 19, 2017, two days before, I do not know if it disappeared and then I went home without being sure that it is a UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Sphere
Scarborough, Ontario — On Friday, September 1, 2017, I took this series of photographs.
We had a ‘prelude ‘ to the CNE’s Air show at around 1:09 pm today
Thanks to Paul Shishis
Hawaii Red Marks
Kekaha Kauai– I was worried about the red marks that my dad noticed when we are in the living room. He looked at it and wiped with alcohol because he thought it was only a stain from my bed or from my shirt, the alcohol did not remove the marks. What should I do?
Response to Investigator Questions: I live here in the USA in state of Hawaii. We noticed the marks on August 30th, 2017. I don’t have exact time, but my dad noticed it around 7 PM. The night before I got the mark I had two dreams, but I can’t remember them. I was really tired after work and fell asleep around 5 PM naked. I woke up and went into the living room with my parents. I was sitting in the living room and my dad noticed something on my back. I told him maybe it was just dirt. I was so irritated at my dad when he kept telling me about it so I went inside the bathroom and saw this red mark in my back. We took alcohol and cotton to try to wipe it out, but I couldn’t get it out. I know that it’s not a regular mark because it should be fading already. I gave my mom an ice cube and she rubbed it on my back… Ice, alcohol, water couldn’t remove the mark and I have no symptoms and it’s not itchy. I’m got stressed thinking about where I got the red marks, There are similar patterns of articles and pictures on the web. Missiles were launched at around 1 AM that night and I live close by to the base.
Note: I have received several reports of similar “red marks in grid pattern” in the last year few years. The cause of these marks has not yet been determined. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Mexico Orbs
During our stay in Mexico City my girlfriend and I visited the Templo Mayor Site and museum. We did not see anything strange that day in the skies of Mexico City. When we returned home from our vacation I downloaded from my girlfriend’s I-phone pictures from that day had white orbs in the sky. This photo was taken by her from inside the Templo Mayor museum. The photo captures glowing disc shaped and orb like objects and a non-glowing disc shaped object hovering above Mexico City. If the picture is magnified you can see the non-glowing dark/grayish disc shaped object. The glowing object between the domes of the cathedral seems to be to far away to be a reflection of a light from within the museum. The non-glowing disc shaped object does seem to be neither a reflection nor dirt. What are they? Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Object
I took this picture with my IR camera in the early morning hours on September 3, 2017. I don’t know what it is, but that pic shows what might be a UFO, with a blue orb next to it. Can someone please tell me what this is? If that’s a blue UFO next to it, then the ufo might be 10 meters across. Then it roughly shows the size of it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Thailand Light
Bangkok — I was stuck in traffic and since I like watching the sky at Twilight time I saw the light that I thought was a Northern star. I drive home in that direction every day, and never see a single star.
Then I saw it so bright but not moving. It’s also the brightest star I’ve ever seen. I was screaming in my car with shock and happiness. I’m just about to grab my camera and then it disappeared, right in front of my eyes. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/Wales Light
Barmouth — Standing on our caravan holiday plot in Talybont, when myself and 3 friends noticed 4 ‘puffy’ like clouds directly in front of us over the sea. My friend’s and I took photos on our camera phones. When checking the photos we noticed the orb quickly and took other photos. The orb was only visible when looking through the camera phone, not with the naked eye. The orb moved in fast upward and downward movements on the phone. A third friend took photos but no orb was visible. We thought it could have been a trick of the light as we were shooting into the sun. After approx 10 minutes we forgot about the orb so don’t know when or if it disappeared. My friend phoned me tonight to say that orbs had been seen over Dyffryn which is a very short walk away. It was very exciting reading the reports on the internet of these sightings and felt I would like to report ours. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help.A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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A video uploaded to popular conspiracy channel, SecureTeam10, on YouTube shows the strange disc which was unearthed by the Russian miners.
The team, who were part of the Kuzbassrazrezugol mining company, were mining in the remote region of Volgograd when they found the ‘UFOs’ some 40 metres underground.
The disc is around 1.2 metres in diameter and weighs roughly 440 lbs – or 31 stone.
The narrator of the video claims that the object was “found to have been coated in a metal known as tungsten … this is a metal that has typically been used in technology that belongs to the military”
“Tungsten has one of the highest melting points and is commonly used in things that are put up in space due to the fact that they can withstand the extremely high temperatures that occur when an object enters the atmosphere.”
The narrator of the video says that theories are spreading that “these objects actually hold the remains of extra-terrestrial beings.
“They obviously look artificial, they’re all in the shape of a flying saucer … not to mention the fact they were found deep underground in a mine.”
The 'UFO' is 1.2 metres in diameter
Excavator Boris Glazkov, who found the object, said: "I have to say it wasn't hard to see as it was really distinctive and large.
"I've never seen anything like this object, which is obviously man-made, out here in the middle of nowhere before. It is a real mystery.”
His colleague, Arthur Presnyakov, added: "There were actually two similar objects, but the first one broke as it was being pulled out of the ground by the excavator bucket.
“They obviously look artificial, they’re all in the shape of a flying saucer"
"We thought we saw something sure, because it broke into pieces, but then when the second one appeared we stopped work and carefully removed it from the bucket.”
However, commenters on the video were not as convinced.
One person wrote: “Looks like a type of a mill stone.”
Another said: “How could anyone possibly think that is a UFO just because they are saucer shaped.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
UFO that ‘lit up like a bolt of lightning’ SPOTTED during camping trip in Yorkshire
UFO that ‘lit up like a bolt of lightning’ SPOTTED during camping trip in Yorkshire
A COUPLE of friends claim to have been mesmerised by a mysterious UFO that was as bright as a "bolt of lightening”, while camping in the Yorkshire Dales.
The object reportedly changed colour from white to orange
Trent Mason, 22, and Jack Holdsworth, 21, were stargazing when they reportedly saw an eerie object change colour and move around the sky for more than two hours.
They were said to be shocked as the object made circular and triangular patterns in the sky and changed colour from white to orange.
The two friends were camping near to the Ribblehead railway viaduct when they claim the object appeared.
Mr Mason said: "It just popped up on the horizon, then disappeared back where it came from. I was not sure if I saw it but looked at Jack and his face was white
"It was there one minute, then next it lit up like a bolt of lightening. It was like a flash and whoosh, it was gone. If I'd blinked I would have missed it.
"It was absolutely incredible. The stars were dots in the night sky and this was the size of a 5p. It was hard to judge how far away it was but it was definitely higher than the hills."
The friends were camping near to the Ribblehead railway viaduct when they claim the object appeared
The Yorkshire Dales area is said to attract thousands of hikers every year.
Yorkshire based UFO researcher Philip Mantle, a former director of investigations for the British UFO Research Association, said: "For decades now UFO sighting reports have come across my desk from areas in and around the Yorkshire Dales national park and surrounding areas.
“It therefore comes as no surprise to learn of the sighting by Mr Mason and Mr Holdsworth over the world famous Ribblehead viaduct.
"Over the last few years UFO sighting reports in this area have been few and far between, however, for whatever reason, 2017 has seen a sharp upturn in reports in this area.
"Why this is, I have no idea, but the sighting reported by these two gentlemen fits with other sightings I have had from this general area in the past."
For those who like to drive, nothing is quite as inviting as a freshly-applied (and dried) blacktopped road. Do space travelers feel the same way about a completely black planet that is dark enough to disappear and absorbs everything its nearby star shines at it? What fresh hole in space is this? Has an alien civilization invented a planetary cloaking device?
The discovery of the lack of light on the dark exoplanet was announced this week by NASA and the European Space Agency. The obsidian orb is WASP-12b and it was actually discovered in 2008 orbiting WASP-12, a magnitude 11 yellow dwarf star located approximately 1400 light-years away in the constellation Auriga. While WASP-12 is about the size of our Sun, WASP-12b is what NASA calls a “hot Jupiter,” which sounds like an astronaut exclamation (Hot Jupiter, Spock! Who cares if she’s green … she’s gorgeous!”) but is slang for a large (in this case, twice the diameter of our Jupiter), hot, gaseous planet (also called a roaster planet) with a quick orbit – WASP-12b makes its circuit in just 10 days. That makes it so incredibly hot (2600 degrees Celsius on its daylight side) that its star’s pull is able to mold the exoplanet into an egg shape.
Astronomers discover dark past of planet-eating 'Death Star'
An artist’s impression of WASP-12b (NASA)
Astronomers from McGill University, Canada and the University of Exeter, UK, used the Hubble space telescope to observe WASP-12b during an eclipse (theirs, not ours) when it passed behind its sun. Taylor Bell, a Master’s student in astronomy at McGill University and lead author of the report, explains what they saw:
“The measured albedo of WASP-12b is 0.064 at most. This is an extremely low value, making the planet darker than fresh asphalt!”
Hot Jupiter, Taylor! What’s an albedo?
Latin for “whiteness,” albedo is a measurement of reflection. While other colder exoplanets have low albedos due to clouds or surface alkali metals, WASP-12b’s extreme heat means it has neither of these. Its super-low albedo is caused by its super-hot temperature which breaks down its hydrogen molecules into hydrogen atoms, allowing WASP-12b to reflect almost no light – it eats 94% of it. This gives this hot Jupiter a dark red hue, contrasting it to another hot Jupiter, HD 189733b, which has a higher albedo, making it deep blue and causing astronomer Bell to wax philosophically:
“The fact that the first two exoplanets with measured spectral albedo exhibit significant differences demonstrates the importance of these types of spectral observations and highlights the great diversity among hot Jupiters.”
An artist’s impression of a normal hot Jupiter
Does that dark color make WASP-12b an attractive asphalt roadish planet just begging for a landing? Would the first crew to touch down paint white stripes or parking lot lines? Would that make the residents on the cooler side yell “Hot Jupiter! Why didn’t we think of that!”
At 1400 light years away, we’ll probably never know.
The topic of Unidentified Flying Objects is one that’s currently gripping the attention of many, so much so that it looks like the United States will be releasing some of its UFO files in the near future, according to longtime White House insiderJohn Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and several other sources from where the ‘official’ announcement will most likely come. Although it’s hard to expect any sort of full truth about this topic to be fully disclosed in the mainstream, ‘official’ files from several different governments and intelligence agencies from around the world already confirm the existence of UFOs (links below), so don’t get your hopes up for any type of new information that another country hasn’t already disclosed, but who knows?
You can read more about ‘official government disclosure’ and what we have to be cautious of i it does ever happen in an article published earlier this month, here.
It’s interesting that this topic is getting so much attention right now in the mainstream, especially with Hillary Clinton making her comments about it as of late (article on that linked above). That being said, as mentioned above, it’s important to recognize that we’ve been ‘bamboozled’ by the government and corporate media for so long, with so many different examples ranging from the war on terror to the war on drugs, that it’s hard to expect any type of honest revelation about what’s really going on. For anybody who has researched the topic of UFOs in depth, it’s quite clear that this issue goes well beyond government parameters. It appears, to me at least, that politicians are simply told what to say on most topics; they too have ‘bosses’ and those they take instruction from. So, keep that in mind when the government decides to disclose the ‘truth.’
This thing has gotten so highly-classified… it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.
– Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee (source)(source)
Although the files (of which there are thousands) that have been made available for public viewing d0 contain some eye-opening details, most notably objects of unknown origin performing maneuvers and travelling at speeds no known aircraft can, they contain no hard evidence that states the objects are extraterrestrial in origin, but, there is, as former NASA astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor Brian O’leary puts it, “abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time.” (source)
If you’d like to see some of these files, you can read THIS article—it’s heavily sourced and includes a number of examples of what happens when the military tracks a UFO on radar. Yes, the military tracks UFOs on radar, and the objects are also confirmed by the pilots who are sent to take a closer look. Official pictures have also been released; here’s one of many examples in Canada. Not only are they tracked on radar, but they disrupt critical instrumentation and communications within our military jets.
Dr. Jacques Vallee, notable for co-developing the first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA, and for his work at SRI International on the network information centre for ARPANET, a precursor to the modern Internet, also published a paper in the Journal of Scientific Explorationtitled “Estimates of Optical Power Output in Six Cases Of Unexplained Ariel Objects With Defined Luminosity Characteristics.” (source)(source) This also details other phenomenon associated with this craft.
Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.
What’s the point? The point is that UFOs have been confirmed as real by these previously classified files, as well as by hundreds of military personnel of every rank over the past few years. Some of the cases described in these files are truly amazing, and now that thousands of them have been officially declassified, the people involved in these incidents have no more fear of coming forward and sharing their stories.
For a quick 10 minute summary video to get you up to speed on the topic, you can watch THIS clip taken from a Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, given in front of several former U.S. congresspeople, by people from within the military realms, political realms, and the world of academia.
Before going into the story below, it’s important for readers to recognize the ‘seriousness’ of this issue and the concerns that people are having, and have had for years.
One of these people is a now retired Navy commander pilot Graham Bethune who held a top-secret clearance. He was a VIP Plane Commander who flew most of the high-ranking officers and civilians from Washington, DC. In his testimony below, he explains how he was flying a group of VIPs and other pilots into Argentina, Newfoundland, when every single person on the plane witnessed a 300 foot object that traveled 10,000 feet straight up in a fraction of a second toward their plane. As you can see from the video below, he has documented the event extensively.
Below are some very interesting quotes taken from the interview. The interview was conducted by Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the Disclosure Project, which has interviewed hundreds of military personnel of all ranks.
To access the official files pertaining to this particular case, you can visit the government’s ‘Project Bluebook’ files to read them. You can find those links and the files for this case at the National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomenon.
And I was flying at that time, Admiral McCormick who had relieved Eisenhower. Admiral McCormick was the NATO commander…(15:44) There was quite a few that knew about this so this is where I learned a lot that really was not official.
I do know that we did bring some of the craft back from Germany after World War II.
Then we knew that it was a friendly encounter, we knew it knew we were there, we knew it came out to see us. We watched it for a while.
Since then I’ve learned from the boys upstairs why we saw different colours as it was coming toward us. The colours were around the perimeter. And it turned from a yellow to an orange to almost a fiery red and then almost a purplish-red. And they said that that had to do with the amount of energy being used or dissipated. It had to do with the UFO power settings. When it slowed down, close to us, in a fraction of a second, it was back to the yellow range. And it was foggy around it or a plasma mist.
On the flight line where we parked our plane, most of the time, we weren’t too far from what looked like a hangar. Every time my boss and I went by there, he could not understand why I was not interested in going and looking at what was behind the metal wall…And he told basically that they had a craft back there and he told me basically that they did have bodies there…
The last quote you see above the video is one example of why the extraterrestrial hypothesis as an explanation for some of these UFOs existing. Sure, we have files that basically confirm the existence of UFOs, but the extraterrestrial part comes from stories like this one. Another example is former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer, who told the world that visitors from other planets have been coming here for years, and that global militaries are aware of this (source).
The 6th man to walk on the Moon, the late Dr. Edgar Mitchell, told us that “yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered” and that he happens to be “privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.”
The list literally goes on and on of why the extraterrestrial hypothesis exists, another great example comes from a school in Zimbabwe, where more than 60 school children witnessed a large craft landing and intelligent humanoids around it. You can read more details about that case here.
The evidence to examine the UFO topic, and the extraterrestrial hypothesis, is huge, and would take thousands of pages to present.
Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, ETs, etc…They are visiting Earth NOW; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking.
– Theodor C. Loder III, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire (source)
Again, to access the official files pertaining to this particular case, you can visit the government’s ‘Project Bluebook’ files to read them. You can find those links and the files for this case at the National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomenon.
This is a topic that will leave no aspect of humanity untouched. From science, history to technology and consciousness. This is a major paradigm shift moment for our species, and it’s only a matter of time.
Vips zien 100 meter grote UFO die in een oogwenk 3000 meter aflegt. Deze marinecommandant was erbij
Vips zien 100 meter grote UFO die in een oogwenk 3000 meter aflegt. Deze marinecommandant was erbij
Graham Bethune is een gepensioneerde marinecommandant die toegang had tot topgeheime informatie.
Het was zijn taak om hooggeplaatste legerfunctionarissen vanuit Washington D.C. naar andere legerbases te vliegen.
Fractie van een seconde
In onderstaande video vertelt Bethune dat hij op een dag een groep vips en andere piloten naar Argentia op het eiland Newfoundland bracht, toen iedereen aan boord plotseling een UFO van 100 meter zag die in een fractie van een seconde meer dan 3000 meter omhoog schoot in de richting van het vliegtuig.
Bethune heeft het voorval uitvoerig gedocumenteerd. Het onbekende vliegende object was voorzien van een koepel met daaromheen een gele waas.
De marinecommandant zei over het voorval:
Ik vloog op dat moment admiraal McCormick, die Eisenhower had vervangen. Admiraal McCormick was de NAVO-commandant.
Goede bedoelingen
Velen van ons wisten hiervan en ik kreeg veel informatie die niet naar buiten werd gebracht. Ik weet dat we een aantal vaartuigen na de Tweede Wereldoorlog uit Duitsland hebben meegenomen.
We wisten dat de inzittenden goede bedoelingen hadden, we wisten dat zij wisten dat wij er waren, we wisten dat het ons in de gaten hield.
Nadien kreeg ik van de hoge bazen te horen waarom we verschillende kleuren zagen terwijl het vaartuig op ons afkwam. Het object was eerst geel en daarna oranje, rood en vervolgens paars.
Ze zeiden dat dat te maken had met de hoeveelheid energie die werd gebruikt. Het had te maken met de energie-instellingen van de UFO.
Toen het vlak bij ons in een fractie van een seconde afremde was het weer geel. Rond het object was een mistige plasma te zien.
Niet ver van de plek waar wij ons vliegtuig parkeerden stond iets wat op een hangar leek.
Iedere keer dat mijn baas en ik er langs kwamen snapte hij maar niet waarom ik niet wilde weten wat er achter die metalen muur verborgen lag.
Hij zei dat ze daar een schip hadden en dat ze daar ook lichamen bewaarden.
Op diverse plaatsen zijn er de afgelopen tijd weer vreemde objecten waargenomen, waaronder een zwerm van ongeveer 50 onbekende objecten boven Rotterdam.
Verder is er een wel heel spectaculaire opname gemaakt van een formatie van vijf UFO's die verschenen boven de Amerikaanse staat Florida ten tijde van de ramp met orkaan Irma.
Omstreeks 22.00 was ik uit het raam aan het kijken naar de maan die vrij laag stond en een mooie kleur had. Ineens naast de maan uit het niets verschenen 3 felle rode lichtbollen in een driehoek formatie. Ik pakte mijn telefoon en filmde en maakte een paar foto, s van het verschijnsel. Toen ik even stopte met filmen en op balkon ging staan verschenen er wel ongeveer 50 rode lichtbollen.
De objecten waren vrij hoog in de lucht en fel van rode kleur. Ze gingen aan en uit en verwisselde van positie maar ook hingen ze vrij stil. Alle rode bollen hadden dezelfde felheid van licht. Na ongeveer 10 minuten bewogen ze zich richting Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel. Ik heb dit nog nooit eerder gezien. Ben benieuwd of iemand weet wat dit verschijnsel is.
Afgelopen maandag veroorzaakte de orkaan Irma de nodige schade in de Amerikaanse staat Florida. En zoals je wel vaker ziet bij rampen zoals aardbevingen of vulkaanuitbarstingen duiken er UFO's op.
Zo ook in Florida waar een prachtige opname werd gemaakt van een kleine formatie UFO's die zich geluidloos door de lucht voortbewogen.
Aan de commentaren is te horen dat de getuigen erg onder de indruk zijn van wat ze in de lucht zien.
Vraag is dan natuurlijk of we hier te maken hebben met nieuwsgierige buitenaardsen of objecten van de geheime ruimtevloot die komen opnemen hoeveel schade de door hen gemaakte orkaan heeft veroorzaakt.
En vervolgens gaan we weer terug naar Nederland waar een onbekende dame op een voor ons onbekende locatie iedere keer weer opnieuw UFO's weet vast te leggen.
Het is voor ons een raadsel hoe ze dit iedere keer voor elkaar krijgt. De opnames lijken echt, dus wie weet heeft zij wel een speciaal contact met buitenaardsen.
Mochten er mensen zijn die hier meer over weten dan horen we het graag.
The five 1,700 year-old mummies are more reptilian than human. New images of the "alien mummies" were unveiled during a press conference called "The mummies of Nazca" in Peru by Mexican ufologist and journalist Jamie Maussan.
This included X-rays of the mummified remains so Maussan could banish claims that they were fake or made of plaster.
Maussan alleges that of the five bodies discovered, three of them had "characteristics that are closer to reptiles than humans."
If their findings are correct than this is yet another astonishing discovery with the potential to completely alter our shared view of history.
Secret UFO Society: Why Footage is A Proof of Alien Existence
Secret UFO Society: Why Footage is A Proof of Alien Existence
Seeing a real-life Alien is an experience you are unlikely ever to forget. In fact, it can even change one’s life. The bizarre footage shows a mysterious light hovering over the sky of Sydney, Australia. UFO & Paranormal Research Society of Australia is a secret agency that regularly meets to discuss the likes of UFO sightings, alien abductions, and other bizarre phenomena. Once a month, the group is hosted by guest speakers at the Campbelltown Arts Centre. While the members are made up of students, lawyers, and retirees, they all believed that the truth is out there.
With aliens now fully credited due to the many sightings, the real danger for the government is they pick up a clear signal. According to the secret society, instead of having to pull over their eyes by the government, humans have to know what’s going on in this world. Pilots and astronauts are now coming out of the woodworks. According to the Sydney public servant, she has been visited by aliens since nine-years-old. Even though former lawyer Moira believes in the existence of extraterrestrial life, she still admits that a proof for many extraterrestrials hard to prove.
In her book, she explains that those who are abducted by aliens are frequently chosen for their intellectual capacities. The UFO enthusiast revealed the countless reports from people about aliens and men in black with an oriental appearance. He emphasized that they need to believe that anything is possible, but they also retain a big dose of skepticism due to the lack of evidence. As a precaution against this possibility, the government pressured the community into agreements that strange objects would have to undergo prolonged scrutiny by the agencies before it could be announced to the world. Despite certain precautions, the government cannot hinder the people from presenting evidence or sharing stories.
The UFO Mystery Revelation: Astronaut Breaks With Conclusive Proof
The UFO Mystery Revelation: Astronaut Breaks With Conclusive Proof
Unidentified Flying Object has always been the most debatable subject owing to its lack of judgment. While people relate them to aliens, it does not necessarily mean extraterrestrial invasion or visitation. It simply means any type or kind of object that is not readily identifiable. For the first time, a former NASA astronaut has publicly spoken about the world’s infamous cases that took place 20 years ago, saying he has a conclusive proof to resolve the mysteries. Tom Jones is a veteran of 11 years in four space shuttle missions. Before he joined the US space agency, he pondered on alien mystery saying that he can solve such 1996 UFO Tether occurrences.
The encounter involves a satellite breaking off. This satellite was believed to be tethered to the space shuttle. When the astronauts later filmed the incident, it shows hundreds of aliens appearing like organisms in a sea. Despite his evidence, conspiracy theorists are still unsatisfied with his conclusive proof. In an interview with the Smithsonian Air and Space Magazine, the discussion was about the old question about whether or not he or the astronauts has been a real alien vessel during their visitation in orbit.
Conspiracy theorists believe that there are proofs seen by NASA personnel and astronauts. In fact, there are those that blown the whistle. For those who opened spoken is Mr. Mitchell, but his testimony does not convince Jones. According to him, astronauts do not have alien proof. The reports have turned out to be pure ice crystals, lightning flashes, drifting orbital debris, or meteors streaking on the dark atmosphere underneath. It has been held that their search for extraterrestrial existence and some other civilizations ended up the proofs of alien civilizations. Many people think that aliens were a threat to the Earth, but this has not been proven at all.
Het zou zomaar kunnen, nu blijkt dat de Marskorst een veel lagere dichtheid heeft dan werd aangenomen.
Nieuw onderzoek suggereert dat de korst van Mars een gemiddelde dichtheid heeft van 2582 kilogram per kubieke meter. Daarmee is de Marskorst qua dichtheid vergelijkbaar met de korst van de maan. En dat is een verrassing. Onderzoekers dachten namelijk altijd dat de Marskorst een dichtheid had die minstens net zo groot was als die van de aarde (2900 kilogram per kubieke meter).
Het suggereert dat de Marskorst in ieder geval deels relatief poreus is. Een alternatieve optie is dat de Marskorst een andere samenstelling heeft dan gedacht of veel dunner is dan werd aangenomen. Hoe dan ook: de Marskorst verrast. En dat kan implicaties hebben voor het beeld dat we momenteel van de evolutie van de rode planeet hebben. “De korst is het eindresultaat van alles wat tijdens de geschiedenis van een planeet is gebeurd,” legt onderzoeker Sander Goossens uit. “Dus een lagere dichtheid kan belangrijke implicaties hebben voor de totstandkoming en evolutie van Mars.”
De onderzoekers hebben deze kaart vrijgegeven, die de verschillen in de dichtheid van de Marskorst aanduidt. Overigens wijst het feit dat de gemiddelde dichtheid van de planeet lager uitvalt dan gedacht, erop dat de verschillen van plek tot plek niet zo groot zijn als werd aangenomen. Dus het verschil tussen de gebieden met een dikke korst (rood op deze kaart) en een dunnere korst (blauw) is kleiner dan gedacht. Op deze afbeelding kijken we recht op het enorme klovensysteem Valles Marineris. Links – waar de rode vlek te zien is – treffen we Tharsis Montes aan. Dit is een vulkanisch plateau. Onder vulkanen is de dichtheid van de Marskorst groter.
Afbeelding: NASA / Goddard / UMBC / MIT / E. Mazarico.
De onderzoekers trekken hun conclusies op basis van een model. Daarbij lieten ze zich leiden door zwaartekrachtsmetingen die Marsorbiters door de jaren heen hebben gedaan. Of het model van Goossens en collega’s ook daadwerkelijk een goed beeld geeft van de Marskorst kan al op korte termijn duidelijk worden. Naar verwachting kan de Marslander InSight ons daar namelijk veel meer over vertellen. De lander wordt volgend jaar gelanceerd en zal op het oppervlak van Mars metingen verrichten die niet alleen meer inzicht kunnen geven in de korst van Mars, maar tevens kunnen onthullen hoe het binnenste van de planeet in elkaar steekt.
Dit zijn de allerlaatste foto's van Cassini [update]
Dit zijn de allerlaatste foto's van Cassini [update]
Tim Kraaijvanger
OP 15 september eindigde de Cassini-missie. Het ruimtevaartuig verbrandde net na het middaguur in de atmosfeer van de atmosfeer van de ringenplaneet. De allerlaatste foto’s kun je hier zien.
Naar verwachting gaat het contact om 12.31 uur verloren. De laatste kreet van de ruimtesonde zal zo’n 83 minuten later op aarde arriveren. “Het laatste signaal van de sonde is als een echo,” legt projectmanager Earl Maize uit. “Het zal bijna anderhalf uur nadat Cassini al weg is door het zonnestelsel galmen. Hoewel we weten dat het lot van Cassini dan al beslist is, is de missie hier op aarde nog niet over zolang we nog een signaal van Cassini ontvangen.” Gisteren schreef Caroline een uitgebreid artikel over de laatste dag van Cassini.
Cassini duikt met een snelheid van 113.00 kilometer per uur in de atmosfeer van Saturnus. Dertig seconden nadat Cassini het contact met de aarde verbreekt, spat de sonde – door de enorme wrijving die deze in de atmosfeer ondervindt – uiteen. Kort daarna verbrandt het ruimtevaartuig en is er dus helemaal niets meer over.
Vandaag ontvangen wetenschappers nog veel foto’s van Cassini. Wij plaatsen hieronder de mooiste beelden. Dit artikel wordt in de loop van de dag verder uitgebreid. Je kunt ook de site van NASA bezoeken en de laatste vrijgegeven beelden bekijken.
De maan Enceladus in beeld. Deze foto is 13 september gemaakt en gisteren gearriveerd.
Een ruwe foto van Titan. Woensdagmiddag gemaakt en deze kwam gisteravond binnen op aarde.
Foto van de ringen van Saturnus. Dit is een onbewerkte foto, die gistermiddag is gemaakt. Vanochtend om 5:26 uur kwam de foto binnen bij het Cassini-team.
Foto van de ringen van Saturnus. Vanochtend gedownload om 8:06 uur Nederlandse tijd. Deze foto is gisteravond door Cassini gemaakt.
Nog eentje van de ringen.
Een foto van de atmosfeer van Saturnus. Ook deze foto is gisteravond gemaakt. Er is helaas niet veel te zien.
Dit is de allerlaatste foto die gemaakt is met de camera’s op de Cassini-ruimtesonde. We zien hier de nachtkant van de planeet. Het weerkaatste licht van de ringen is nog goed te zien. De foto is gemaakt op 14 september om 22:00 uur Nederlandse tijd. Op dat moment was Cassini 634.000 kilometer van Saturnus verwijderd.
Op deze foto is te zien waar Cassini is verbrand in de atmosfeer van Saturnus.
NASA legt laatste hand aan Marslander die kijkje in de rode planeet gaat nemen
NASA legt laatste hand aan Marslander die kijkje in de rode planeet gaat nemen
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Volgend jaar mei moet Marslander InSight het luchtruim kiezen.
De afgelopen zomer is er hard aan de lander gewerkt, zo laat NASA weten. En inmiddels is deze bijna klaar voor lancering. “De lander is af en de instrumenten zijn erop gemaakt,” vertelt Stu Spath, namens NASA. Dat betekent dat de lander nu uitgebreid getest kan gaan worden: de laatste grote hindernis alvorens deze gelanceerd wordt.
InSight heeft ons geduld aardig op de proef gesteld. Oorspronkelijk zou de lander vorig jaar al gelanceerd worden, maar problemen met de seismometer gooiden roet in het eten. Die problemen zijn nu opgelost, zo verzekert NASA. Maar dat heeft wel tijd gekost. En een hoop geld. Zo moest er meer dan 153 miljoen dollar extra in de missie worden gestopt.
Mei 2018 Enige haast was ook wel geboden. Want de lanceerdatum komt steeds dichterbij. NASA wil de lander ergens in mei naar Mars sturen. De lander zal daar dan eind november 2018 arriveren.
De missie Onderzoekers hebben hoge verwachtingen van de lander, die iets compleets nieuws gaat doen op Mars. Zo is de lander uitgerust met sensoren die straks in Mars gehamerd zullen worden, om vervolgens op drie meter diepte of meer onderzoek te doen naar de hoeveelheid energie die uit het binnenste van de planeet komt. Ook beschikt de lander over een seismometer die zelfs piepkleine ‘Marsbevingen’ kan detecteren en meer kan onthullen over de binnenste lagen van de planeet. Daarnaast moet de sonde ook verstoringen in de rotatie van de rode planeet kunnen opvangen en zo meer kunnen vertellen over de omvang van de kern van Mars.
Binnen enkele weken na de landing op Mars zal InSight zijn robotarm gebruiken om twee instrumenten op de rode planeet te plaatsen: de siesmometer en een warmtesonde die zichzelf vervolgens in de rode planeet zal hameren.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech.
Het werk van InSight geeft niet alleen meer inzicht in Mars, maar in alle rotsachtige planeten die ons zonnestelsel rijk is, zo denkt hoofdonderzoeker Bruce Banerdt. “Omdat het binnenste van Mars in de afgelopen drie miljard jaar veel minder omgeroerd is dan dat van de aarde, is bewijs omtrent de kindertijd van rotsachtige planeten in deze planeet wellicht beter bewaard gebleven.”
Hubble suggereert dat buitenste TRAPPIST 1-planeten nog water herbergen
Hubble suggereert dat buitenste TRAPPIST 1-planeten nog water herbergen
Caroline Kraaijvanger
En dat geldt dus ook voor de drie exemplaren in de leefbare zone.
Eerder dit jaar maakten onderzoekers bekend dat rond de ster TRAPPIST-1 maar liefst zeven planeten ter grootte van de aarde cirkelen. Een unieke vondst: we kennen namelijk geen enkele andere ster die zoveel aardachtige planeten herbergt. De ontdekking spreekt enorm tot de verbeelding. Onder meer omdat maar liefst drie van de planeten zich in de leefbare zone bevinden. Er wordt direct druk gespeculeerd over de leefbaarheid van dit systeem en sommige onderzoekers fantaseren zelfs al over aliens die van de ene naar de andere TRAPPIST-1-planeet ‘hoppen’.
Hubble Maar is er daadwerkelijk leven mogelijk in dit systeem? Ook daar is al veel over gezegd en geschreven. En nu doet ook ruimtetelescoop Hubble een duit in het zakje. Met behulp van de telescoop gingen wetenschappers na hoeveel ultraviolette straling elke planeet rond TRAPPIST-1 ontvangt. “Ultraviolette straling is een belangrijke factor in de atmosferische evolutie van planeten,” vertelt onderzoeker Vincent Bourrier. “Net als in onze eigen atmosfeer – waar ultraviolet zonlicht moleculen splitst – kan ultraviolet sterrenlicht waterdamp in de atmosfeer van exoplaneten splitsen in waterstof en zuurstof.” Energierijkere ultraviolette straling kan bovendien de bovenste laag van de atmosfeer van een planeet verwarmen, waardoor de resulterende waterstof en zuurstof uit die atmosfeer kan ontsnappen.
Een planeet bevindt zich in de leefbare zone als deze niet zo dicht bij zijn ster staat dat eventueel water op het oppervlak verdampt, maar ook niet zo ver van de moederster verwijderd is dat eventueel water op het oppervlak bevriest.
Leefbaar Waarnemingen met Hubble suggereren dat met name de binnenste planeten van het systeem aan flinke hoeveelheden UV-straling zijn blootgesteld en door de tijd heen waarschijnlijk ook gigantische hoeveelheden water zijn kwijtgeraakt. Over een periode van acht miljard jaar mogelijk meer dan twintig keer meer water dan in de aardse oceanen zit. Anders is dat voor de buitenste planeten, waaronder TRAPPIST-1e, -f en -g, die zich in de leefbare zone bevinden. De Hubble-waarnemingen suggereren dat zij veel minder water zijn kwijtgeraakt en dat op het oppervalk mogelijk nog water te vinden is.
Of deze planeten echt nog water herbergen, is met de huidige telescopen helaas niet vast te stellen. Daarvoor zullen we een beroep moeten doen op de volgende generatie telescopen, zoals de James Webb.
Zo gaan de laatste dagen van ruimtesonde Cassini eruit zien
Zo gaan de laatste dagen van ruimtesonde Cassini eruit zien
Caroline Kraaijvanger
NASA onthult draaiboek voor Cassini’s kamikazeduik in de atmosfeer van de onvergeeflijke Saturnus.
Bijna twintig jaar nadat Cassini – een missie van NASA, ESA en de Italiaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie – gelanceerd werd, zit het erop. De sonde stopt ermee. En nee, Cassini gaat niet rustig met pensioen, maar eindigt met een klapper: een duik in de atmosfeer van Saturnus. De doodsduik levert mogelijk – op de valreep – nog waardevolle informatie op, maar is vooral bedoeld om te voorkomen dat de manen van Saturnus hun ongerepte karakter verliezen (zie kader).
NASA heeft er heel bewust voor gekozen om de Cassini-missie met een duik in Saturnus’ atmosfeer te laten eindigen. De ruimtevaartorganisatie wil zo voorkomen dat de sonde stuurloos in het Saturnus-systeem gaat ronddolen en neerstort op één van Saturnus’ potentieel leefbare manen. “Zo blijven zij ongerept voor toekomstige verkenning,” aldus projectmanager Earl Maize.
Het draaiboek De laatste dagen van deze fantastische missie zijn dus aangebroken. Maar hoe zien ze er precies uit? NASA doet dat nu uit de doeken. Op 9 september zal de sonde voor de laatste keer in het gat tussen Saturnus en zijn ringen duiken. De sonde passeert de wolkentoppen van de gasreus tijdens deze snoekduik op een afstand van zo’n 1680 kilometer. Twee dagen later, op 11 september, zal Cassini een scheervlucht maken langs Saturnus’ maan Titan. Hoewel de ruimtesonde de maan op een afstand van een slordige 119.000 kilometer passeert, zal de zwaartekracht van Titan er toch voor zorgen dat Cassini iets wordt afgeremd (hierdoor zal Cassini een paar dagen later diep in de atmosfeer van Saturnus duiken). Op 14 september werpt Cassini dan een laatste blik op Saturnus en zijn manen. Het resulteert in foto’s van de manen Titan, Enceladus, de zeshoekige straalstroom op de noordpool van de planeet en de ringen. Een dag later, op 15 september, is het dan toch echt tijd voor de duik in Saturnus’ atmosfeer. Terwijl Cassini in die atmosfeer duikt, blijven de instrumenten aan boord van de sonde zo lang mogelijk data verzamelen en zolang het Cassini lukt om de antenne op de aarde gericht te houden, zal die data ook naar de aarde verstuurd worden. Heel lang houdt de sonde dat waarschijnlijk niet vol. Al snel zal de dichte atmosfeer van Saturnus de sonde in zijn greep krijgen. Waarschijnlijk gebeurt dat wanneer de sonde zo’n 1510 kilometers van Saturnus’ wolkentoppen verwijderd is. Op dat moment lukt het Cassini niet langer om de antenne op de aarde gericht te houden en zal de communicatie stilvallen. Een paar momenten later zal de sonde – door de enorme wrijving in de atmosfeer – als een meteoor uiteenvallen.
Projectmanager Earl Maize noemt het einde van Cassini “schrijnend, maar passend en nodig.” Met de duik in Saturnus’ atmosfeer komt een einde aan een missie die bijna 20 jaar geleden begon. Cassini werd in oktober 1997 gelanceerd en arriveerde in 2004 bij Saturnus. Inmiddels doet de sonde al zo’n dertien jaar onderzoek naar de gasreus en zijn manen. En dat heeft heel wat verrassende ontdekkingen opgeleverd. Bovendien trakteerde Cassini ons regelmatig op spectaculaire foto’s.
Cassini maakt geweldig filmpje tijdens snoekduik in het gat tussen Saturnus en zijn ringen
Cassini maakt geweldig filmpje tijdens snoekduik in het gat tussen Saturnus en zijn ringen
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Oh, wat zullen we deze sonde missen wanneer deze over iets meer dan 14 dagen een kamikaze-actie onderneemt.
Op dit moment duikt Cassini herhaaldelijk in het gat tussen Saturnus en zijn ringen. En daarbij kijkt Cassini de ene keer naar Saturnus en de andere keer naar het machtige ringenstelsel van de gasreus.
Uitzicht Ongeacht welke kant Cassini ook opkijkt: het uitzicht moet fantastisch zijn. En dankzij een nieuw filmpje kunnen we een beetje van dat uitzicht meegenieten. Het filmpje is namelijk opgebouwd uit 21 foto’s die Cassini maakte terwijl deze in het gat tussen Saturnus en zijn ringen dook. Tijdens deze snoekduik had Cassini de ogen op het ringenstelsel gericht.
Afbeeldingen: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Space Science Institute.
Uniek We zien de ringen hier vanuit een uniek perspectief (nog niet eerder heeft een ruimtevaartuig zich in de ruimte tussen de gasreus en zijn ringenstelsel gewaagd). En dat perspectief verandert ook nog eens. Zo zien we in eerste instantie de door de zon beschenen zijde van de ringen en later de zijde die niet door de zon beschenen wordt, maar waar wel wat zonlicht doorheen valt.
We zien op de beelden verschillende ringen. De C-ring is wat grijzig en lijkt omvangrijk, omdat deze zich op de voorgrond bevindt. Voorbij de C-ring bevindt zich de B-ring en de ietwat minder heldere A-ring. De B- en A-ring worden van elkaar gescheiden door de Cassini-scheiding. Ook de F-ring is zichtbaar.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Space Science Institute.
Cassini maakte de beelden op 20 augustus, tijdens één van zijn laatste duiken in de ruimte tussen Saturnus en de ringen. Er staan nog twee snoekduiken op het programma en dan is het toch echt einde verhaal voor Cassini. De sonde zal opdracht krijgen om zich in de atmosfeer van Saturnus te boren en kan dat niet navertellen. Daarmee komt een einde aan een prachtige missie die behalve fantastische foto’s ook indrukwekkende wetenschappelijke ontdekkingen met zich meebracht.
Nog zo’n prachtige foto die NASA gisteren heeft vrijgegeven. Cassini maakte de foto op 26 april terwijl deze zich voorbereidde op de eerste duik in het gat tussen Saturnus en de ringen. We zien hier het turbulente wolkendek boven Saturnus’ noordpool. Op het moment dat Cassini de foto maakte, was deze zo’n 267.000 kilometer van Saturnus verwijderd. Op dit moment baadt de noordpool van Saturnus nog in het zonlicht, maar de winter is in aantocht en zal deze noordpool jarenlang in duisternis gaan hullen. Maar dat is niet erg: dankzij Cassini – die zag hoe de zomer zich aandiende en de noordpool liet baden in het licht – hebben we nu voor het eerst een gedetailleerd beeld van die noordpool gekregen. En daar kunnen we voorlopig wel even op teren.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Space Science Institute.
UFO hunters Tim and Tracey Doyle, who run YouTube channel UFO seekers, took them with specialist telescopic lenses from the top of 1.4-mile high Tikaboo Peak, a mountain 25 miles opposite the mysterious base.
The heavily guarded Area 51, deep in the Nevada desert, is at the centre of many alien-related conspiracy theories.
It is claimed that alien flying saucers crashed on Earth, such as the alleged 1947 Roswell incident, and that the wreckage and even corpses were taken to Area 51 for experimentation and to be analysed away from public view.
One theory suggests that USAF scientists have tried to emulate the alien technology to create their own top-secret spy craft capable of travelling into space at the base.
Area 51 exposed? UFO hunters scaled mountain to film inside Area 51,
Area 51 has been used by American aviation authorities since 1955 and is closed off to those without top-level security clearance.
However, the US Government did not even admit the base existed until 2013, in a series of documents released as part of a Freedom of Information request, and it is heavily protected by armed guards.
The images obtained by the pair show what looks like a water tower, several complexes, and vehicles moving around.
There is no sign of any stored UFOs or alien activity in the pictures.
Thousands visit the remote area of Nevada every year in the hope of seeing ETs.
Many more sceptical people believe Area 51 is so top-secret, because it is where the USAF designed and tests experimental new spy planes and air craft.
It is accepted that the USAF does secretly test new aircraft inside Area 51, with the U-2 spy plane, SR-71 Blackbird, and the F-117A Nighthawk stealth fighter all developed there.
Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, said: "Area 51 has always been a magnet for those who believe the US Government knows a lot more about UFOs than they are prepared to reveal to the public.”
The area is so mysterious that US presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton made a shock promise that she would declassify all secret Area 51 files.
And more recently alien hunters claimed they had found a UFO inside a climate controlled hanger near Area 51 using Google Maps.
The video, filmed over Los Angeles on Saturday, shows what has been described as an LA County Sheriffs helicopter checking out a hovering spherical object
It has been shared several times on social media and UFO and conspiracy theory websites and YouTube channel.
Tyler Glockner, who runs conspiracy theory YouTube channel Secureteam10, produced a video about the sighting.
In the short video he said a lot of people recorded it and saw it, which "validated the sighting."
However, hopes that evidence of aliens may have been discovered above California, were soon dashed however, by sceptical debunkers.
The LASD aero bureau later confirmed what it was investigating.
The spherical object turned out to be an advertising helium balloon for vape company Brass Knuckles.
Scott Brando, who runs hoax busting website, tweeted: "Object identified. As I said that #UFO filmed from #LosAngeles was an advertising balloon by "Brass Knuckles"."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Stealth bombers, UFO rumors, test pilots among Wright-Patterson's past 100 years
Stealth bombers, UFO rumors, test pilots among Wright-Patterson's past 100 years
The F-117 Stealth Bomber with a C-5A Transport on the flight line at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, on May 10, 2003. NASA Identifier: C-2003-915
By BARRIE BARBER | Dayton Daily News
DAYTON, Ohio (Tribune News Service) — For a century, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base’s legend was being the birthplace of the military test pilot, where foreign aircraft and missile technology secrets were discovered, and of long denied rumors of space aliens and UFO captivity.
But what marks Wright-Patterson’s history in the Miami Valley more than anything else as it celebrates its 100th anniversary this year, is the military installation’s decades-long output of discoveries and inventions that have had a revolutionary impact on the aerospace industry and technology used worldwide.
From stealth technology that turned military jets nearly invisible to radar to heat shields that protected a space capsule’s scorching plummet toward Earth, Wright-Patterson and its predecessors were the places where it happened, observers say.
“If you’ve ever flown on an airline or a commercial airplane there’s almost nothing on that airplane that was not affected by the labs or the technology at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base,” said Timothy Gaffney, a Dayton area aviation history author and expert.
The cradle of aviation
The genesis of Wright-Patterson traces to 1917, when the Army carved out two Dayton airfields, Wilbur Wright Field and later McCook Field, to push the boundaries of the new science of aeronautics and flying. Wright-Patt encompasses Huffman Prairie Flying Field, where Orville and Wilbur Wright perfected the airplane.
Today, the base has targeted cutting-edge hypersonic research to developing wearable bio-technologies for soldiers on the battlefield with a push to commercialize technology produced in Air Force Research Laboratory shops.
“It’s one of the important centers for aeronautical research in the United States,” said Janet Bednarek, a University of Dayton professor who teaches aviation history. “All throughout its history, very important, fundamental research and testing work has happened at what is now Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and the surrounding area.”
Wright-Patterson has evolved into the state’s largest single-site employer, with more than 27,000 employees and a more than $4 billion estimated impact.
“The base I think certainly has provided a lot of stability and carried us through those times where there has been a lot of upturns and downturns in industry,” said John Leland, vice president of research and the executive director of the University of Dayton Research Institute, which has a long history of joint technology development with Wright-Patt labs.
Thousands of inventions and research discoveries have bubbled over from Wright-Patterson for decades.
According to AFRL, among the most significant are advanced gas turbine engines, aircraft electronic controls, stealth, advancements in radar and composites, precision-guided bombs, advanced telescopes, and fuels.
The B-2 Spirit stealth bomber made one pass at the 2009 Vectren Dayton AIr Show on Saturday, July 18. Staff Writer
Golf clubs to cell phones
Technology spin-offs out of Wright-Patterson research hubs have touched millions of people every day.
Wright-Patterson developed rare earth magnets that are in everything from cell phones, audio speakers, headphones to computers and cordless power tools, said Charles E. Browning, a retired Wright-Patt employee who once led the Materials & Manufacturing Directorate.
Composites, such as carbon fibers, discovered at Wright-Patterson form aircraft wings and shape sports equipment, he said.
The advancement of jet engine technology adapted in both military and civil aviation and laser-and satellite-guided bombs and missiles were two important technologies developed at Wright-Patt, said Morley O. Stone, chief technology officer at AFRL, headquartered at Wright-Patterson.
And to gain an edge in war, Wright-Patt scientists helped create and perfect precision bombing to overcome an adversary’s advantage of more troops, tanks, planes and ships in combat.
“This is really the (Department of Defense) strategy that we had for closing the numerical superiority that this nation (faced) when we were looking at things like the Soviet Union on the battlefield of Eastern Europe,” Stone said.
Radar-evading stealth allowed the U.S. “to maintain air superiority for decades,” Stone said.
Parachute testing at Dayton’s McCook Field, a forerunner of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, circa 1918. DAYTON HISTORY Staff Writer
Birthplace of the right stuff
McCook Field was the birthplace of the earliest test pilots and “cradle of aviation” experiments that pushed the frontiers of early powered flight in the military.
Along with new airplane designs and engines, the field supported a U.S. Army Air Service around the world flight in 1924 and developed free-fall parachutes.
“Airplanes were new, they were brand new, and they were still just learning about the fundamentals of how to … fly higher, faster, farther,” Bednarek said.
Earliest test pilot pioneers Jimmy Doolittle at McCook Field and Chuck Yeager at Wright Field practiced the art of “the right stuff” in Dayton.
Both later gained international fame. Doolittle led the U.S. B-25 Mitchell bombing raid against Japan in April 1942 after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Yeager was the first pilot to break the sound barrier in level flight in the Bell X-1 rocket plane over California’s Mohave desert in October 1947.
Pioneer researchers often invented the technologies needed to reach higher, farther and faster.
McCook Field workers in the 1920s built the “Five-Foot Wind Tunnel,” used to design a new era of all-metal monoplanes from the earliest days of cloth and wood biplanes, according a historical narrative. . In 1995, the machine – then under the ownership of the Air Force Institute of Technology — was declared a Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark. It ceased operations in 2003.
“Almost every craft that was used during the Second World War and leading up to it was tested in that tunnel,” said Brady Kress, president and CEO of Dayton History. “The basics of aeronautical research and lift and drag and all of that – the core principles of modern aviation, were all conducted on that.”
In World War II, as the base workforce swelled to 50,000, Wright Field made historic progress in pursuit, bombardment, and observation planes and auto giros and helicopters, according to the book, “Splendid Vision, Unswerving Purpose: Developing Air Power for the United States Air Force for the First Century of Powered Flight.”
Operation Paperclip brought German scientists after the end of World War II to Wright Field, among other places in the United States, to advance U.S. air and space science which was in a Cold War contest with the Soviet Union.
Many with jet engine expertise headed to Wright-Patterson after the war, Gaffney said. “It was the go-to place for aviation technology,” he said.
From the skies to the stars, Wright-Patterson has a decades-long record in spaceflight. Candidates to become the first Mercury 7 astronauts, for example, underwent a battery of psychological, physiology and biochemical tests at Wright-Patterson, testing the would-be space travelers mettle to withstand noise, vibration and heat and endure exhausting exercises before they were chosen to climb aboard a flaming rocket to be the first Americans launched into space.
“When we started to look at what it takes to actually put a human being in space the crew systems support that was required to do that basically all had to be created and invented,” Stone said.
For Ohio native John Glenn, memories of the tests at Wright-Patterson were vivid when Stone met the late Mercury astronaut and former U.S. senator a few years ago.
“He looked at me, pointed that finger at me and says, ‘The worst week of my life was spent at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base,’” Stone said.
Wright-Patterson continues to lead U.S. military aerospace medical research. The 711th Human Performance Wing and the Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine are headquartered at the base, which is set to launch a $34.4 million centrifuge that will test the limits of military pilots to withstand crushing g-forces.
Uncovering adversaries' secrets
The dissection of adversaries technology in secret labs fell to the Foreign Technology Division, a forerunner of the National Air and Space Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson
Under Project Blue Book, Wright-Patterson was immersed in the 1950s and 1960s in investigating reports of Unidentified Flying Objects – or flying saucers. The Air Force has long denied aliens or UFOs were hidden at Wright-Patt or that investigators found credible evidence of alien technology or life on Earth.
More commonly, Wright-Patt scientists and engineers reversed-engineered foreign missiles and planes – a task that continues today at NASIC — to discover what made them work. In recent decades, researchers dissected Soviet-era missiles and a MiG-29, one of which stands outside the secretive agency.
“They weren’t chasing aliens,” Gaffney said. “They were worrying about whether these things were threats to national security.”
The truth is in there? Secret US base in Ohio hides living and dead aliens from the 1947 Roswell UFO crash, claims retired Air Force engineer who worked there for 39 years
The truth is in there? Secret US base in Ohio hides living and dead aliens from the 1947 Roswell UFO crash, claims retired Air Force engineer who worked there for 39 years
Raymond Szymanksi says aliens from the infamous crash were bought to the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) in Dayton, Ohio for inspection
He said the mentor told him about a system of tunnels that house living and deceased extra-terrestrial beings
Szymanski claims his mentor at the facility once asked him, 'Have you heard about our aliens?'
A secret US base in Ohio hides living and dead aliens from the 1947 Roswell UFO crash, according to a retired Air Force engineer who worked there for 39 years.
Raymond Szymanksi says aliens from the infamous crash were bought to the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) in Dayton, Ohio for inspection.
He said a mentor told him about a system of tunnels that house living and deceased extra-terrestrial beings.
Raymond Szymanksi says aliens from the infamous crash were bought to the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (pictured) in Dayton, Ohio for inspection
Szymanski claims his mentor at the facility once asked him, 'Have you heard about our aliens?', according to The Sun.
Speaking to the Sun Online, he said: 'During my first week, Al provided me with some totally unexpected and unsolicited sage advice.
'He said that in 1947 there was a crash down in Roswell and they brought the machines and the aliens here for inspection and said they keep them in secret tunnels under the base.'
The town of Roswell in New Mexico became infamous after reports that a flying saucer had crashed in the desert near a military base there on or around July 2, 1947.
Raymond Szymanksi (pictured) said a mentor told him about a system of tunnels that house living and deceased extra-terrestrial beings
The bodies of aliens were said to have been recovered and autopsied by the U.S. military, but American authorities allegedly covered the incident up.
Military authorities issued a press release, which began: 'The many rumours regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence officer of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc.'
The headlines screamed: 'Flying Disc captured by Air Force.' Yet, just 24 hours later, the military changed their story and claimed the object they'd first thought was a 'flying disc' was a weather balloon that had crashed on a nearby ranch.
The Roswell incident in 1947 when autopsies were allegedly carried out on aliens who crashed in the New Mexico desert, and then covered up by American authorities. Pictured, one of the supposedly captured aliens
The bodies of aliens were said to have been recovered and autopsied by the U.S. military, but American authorities allegedly covered the incident up
The media and the public accepted the explanation without question. Roswell disappeared from the news until the late Seventies, when some of the military involved began to speak out.
In 2012, a long-serving CIA agent spoke out on the 65th anniversary of the Roswell Incident to reveal a hidden CIA file on the 'UFO' that was supposedly found at the site - and says, 'It really happened.'
Conspiracy theorists believe that alien bodies from the crashed 'disc' were autopsied - and that modern technologies have been built on discoveries from inside the craft.
The headlines screamed: 'Flying Disc captured by Air Force.' Yet, just 24 hours later, the military changed their story and claimed the object they'd first thought was a 'flying disc' was a weather balloon that had crashed on a nearby ranch
Pictured, a map of the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Video playing bottom right...
Chase Brandon, an agent who served 25 years with the agency, said that the information is concealed in a hidden vault within the agency's Langley headquarters.
'It was in a vaulted area - there was one box that really caught my eye. It had one word on it: Roswell. I rummaged inside it, put the box on the shelf and said, "My God, it really happened."
Szymanski has written a book on the topic called 50 Shades of Greys.
Roswell disappeared from the news until the late Seventies, when some of the military involved began to speak out. Pictured, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base today
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Did you see the ‘UFO’ over the San Gabriel Valley last week? Local sleuths may have figured out what it was.
Did you see the ‘UFO’ over the San Gabriel Valley last week? Local sleuths may have figured out what it was.
Residents across several San Gabriel Valley cities on Sept. 3 recorded videos and snapped photos of what many described as a “UFO.” The object, which appeared on closer examniation to be a balloon advertising a store selling marijuana concentrates and vaporizer pens, was seen in West Covina and Sierra Madre.
A spherical object spotted hovering silently over the San Gabriel Valley this week had residents gazing skyward and wondering what they were witnessing.
The object appeared in the sky over the San Gabriel Valley the morning of Aug. 28.
One video, posted by YouTube user Julian Lopez, appears to show a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department helicopter circling around the object for an inspection around 7 a.m. over West Covina.
“Well, my friends, there’s a UFO over the San Gabriel Valley,” the videographer said.
UFO Over Los Angeles California
UFO Captured over Los Angeles California San Gabriel Valley 08/28/2017
“A helicopter is circling it,” he added. “It looks like a big eyeball.”
While the object resembled a large balloon, “There’s nothing holding it down, though. That’s the thing,” Lopez.
Lopez said he had just finished washing his car when he spotted the object out of the corner of his eye.
The sphere was gray in color and made no noise, he said.
“It was just weird because it didn’t budge,” Lopez said. The witnesses went into his house to tell his 6-year-old son to come take a look, as well as to retrieve his cell phone to record video.
The man and his son watched as two helicopters flew in close proximity to the object. At least one of them circled around it before leaving the area.
After sitting motionless for several minutes, the object slowly began moving toward the west, Lopez said. He had to stop recording in order to prepare his kids for school and go to work.
But another witnesses in Arcadia spotted and photographed the object several hours later, about 10 miles to the northwest.
Daniel Acosta was with his wife when they noticed the object floating motionless in the sky. Acosta estimated the object was hovering at least 1,000 feet above Altadena and appeared to be 6 to 10 feet in diameter.
“It’s the strangest thing. I have no idea,” he said.
Acosta said he initial reaction was: “That doesn’t belong there, and it doesn’t make sense.”
Officials at the sheriff’s Aero Bureau said a sheriff’s helicopter often checks out potential airborne hazards that are spotted in the sky, but no information about the object was available Sunday. The crew that manned the helicopter on Aug. 28 was not on duty Sunday.
Local police and sheriff’s officials had no information regarding the sightings, and Federal Aviation Spokesman Allen Kenitzer said he also had no information regarding the incident, which resulted in no report by the FAA.
The National UFO Reporting Centerkeeps a database of unusual sighting in the sky, however, reports from Monday were yet to be uploaded to the archive over the weekend.
As conversation and speculation about the object swirled through the community, both online and real, local sleuths offered a possible answer to the mystery: an advertising balloon.
“I noticed the UFO Monday around 10 a.m. from Monrovia,” Jon Gollihugh said in a email. “It was (hovering) over the mouth of San Gabriel Canyon. There was a large buzz about it on Facebook with residents of Sierra Madre.”
“One person took a telephoto shot of it. It appeared to be an advertisement balloon for a THC (E-cigarette) that got away.” he said. “I followed it across the foothills from above Sierra Madre towards Monrovia canyon around 11:30 a.m.”
Several witnesses reported seeing a large, white advertising balloon emblazoned with a corporate logo in the same time and vicinity of the object.
One photograph captured the logo of a company called “Brass Knuckles,” which sells marijuana extracts and vaporizing products.
It was not clear Sunday night whether the advertising balloon was the same object that triggered Monday’s UFO sighting reports.
Lopez said the incident has left him more curious.
“I’m kind of looking up more at the sky,” he said.
A pair of hikers have captured new footage of the secretive US military compound Area 51 after scaling a nearby mountain under the cover of darkness.
Calling themselves "The UFO Seekers", the pair ascended Tikaboo Peak which lies a whopping 41.8 kilometres away from Area 51 in the Nevada Desert.
They then used the strongest telescopic camera equipment available off the shelf to capture sweeping images inside the world's most talked-about military base, and uploaded it to YouTube.
Sadly, despite having the clearest footage yet, there was little sign of any extra-terrestrials – but that hasn’t stopped the conspiracy theorists from having a field day with hare-brained explanations.
First erected in 1942, Area 51 was little more than a pair of runways used to ferry miners in and out of the desert to work on nearby lead and silver refineries.
But in 1955 the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) took control of the runways and implemented highly-classified security restrictions.
Their plan – if you believe it – was to use the wide open expanses of the desert to develop the Lockheed U-2, an ultra-secretive reconnaissance aircraft designed to fly at extreme heights over unknowing Soviet nations to capture intelligence.
Area 51 became the US Government's go-to facility for conducting highly-classified aerial testing, and became the birthplace for the now-infamous Lockheed Stealth Bomber.
During the Cold War the government would also ferry captured Soviet aircraft to the desert, in a bid to stealthily replicate and understand Russian technology.
The sheer absurdity of the variety of aircraft available – and likely, the aerial manoeuvres performed by the world's best pilots – made Area 51 a hotspot for UFO buffs.
Several conspiracy theories have developed over the true purpose of Area 51, with the most popular claiming that an underground lab hidden beneath Groom Lake houses the only-known crashed UFO and the bodies of aliens inside.
Part of the tin-foil brigade's reasoning is the strange occurrence of the "Cheshire airstrip", a secret runway that many claim only appears when rain sprinkles onto its camouflaged asphalt.
Although none of the conspiracy theories have ever been conclusively proven, the intense security restrictions around Area 51 have done little to silence doubters.
The base is patrolled around the clock by guards. Signage around the perimeter of the base tells visitors photography is not permitted and that deadly force will be used against trespassers.
RAF wing commander Alan Turner could not explain UFO activity he and 11 others saw on radar.
Alan Turner OBE said he and 10 others watched in amazement as "six or seven" unexplainable blips appeared on radar they were monitoring.
Mr Turner was duty military supervisor at RAF Sopley, in Hampshire, when the inexplicable events unfolded.
He said: "The duty civil supervisor drew my attention to a situation on radar the likes of which neither of us had ever encountered.
"Emanating from a point some twenty nautical miles east of the eastern extremity of the Salisbury Plain danger area were a series of six or seven blips moving on a south-easterly track each being separated from the other by about six miles."
He said that strangely, at about forty miles from the point they appeared on radar, they disappeared but were "followed almost immediately by a replacement at the point of origin”.
He established they were at 3,000 feet when they first appeared on radar, but were rising rapidly to be at 60,000 feet once they disappeared.
He said: "To climb to such a height in only forty miles was beyond the ability of any fighter aircraft at the time."
Mr Turner said the phenomenon was witnessed by four civil and six military controllers on duty at the time in other areas.
He said: "I called Heathrow radar to discover that they, also, were seeing a similar picture.
"The same situation prevailed in the fighter control operations rooms at RAF Neatishead, near Norwich, Norfolk.
To climb to such a height in only forty miles was beyond the ability of any fighter aircraft at the time.
Alan Turner
"The three units involved operated different radars from each other thus different frequencies were in use."
A baffled Mr Turner made checks with the Met Office to try to get to the bottom of what happened.
He said: "The weather forecast from the south of England was calm and sunny.
"I called the Met Office to confirm the strength of the upper winds to find that they were also relatively calm and were about fifty degrees off the south-easterly track of the blips.”
Mr Turner insisted the Met Office also confirmed there were no Met balloons or probes airborne at the time.
He said: "I am at a loss to explain what I, and many other people, saw.
"In those days aircraft could not climb at such a rate. To be seen on displays by three different ground radars, plus the airborne radar in the Canberra, is also a mystery."
Details of the case, which happened in the summer of 1971, have been revealed by veteran British UFO investigator Philip Mantle, as one of his most memorable investigations, as he prepares to retire from the UFO conference scene.
Mr Mantle will recount this and a number of other UFO cases at the Outer Limits Magazine UFO conference in Hull on September 9.
A CGI impression of the visitation seen by the family.
The bizarre sighting is said to have happened in Normanton, West Yorkshire, when one of the children ran into the kitchen and told the mum a plane had landed in a field.
Joyce Westerman and all six children were interviewed by UFO investigators and gave a similar account.
The case has been detailed by veteran British UFO investigator Philip Mantle, as his most memorable investigation, as he prepares to retire from the UFO conference scene.
He said: ”Accounts of UFOs allegedly landing and their apparent occupants being observed as well is remarkably rare, but I investigated such an account with my colleague Mark Birdsall of the Yorkshire UFO Society.
Mr Mantle said he was told it was around mid-afternoon when her eight year old daughter ran into the house shouting and crying and telling her mother to “come quick, an airplane has just landed in the field.”
He said: “Just a matter of a few hundred yards away, in the fields adjacent to her house, she saw an object on the ground.
“It was a dull grey colour and had the appearance of a “Mexican hat”.
“Around the object stood three very tall “men” all of who appeared to be dressed in silver suits.
Around the object stood three very tall 'men' all of who appeared to be dressed in silver suits.
Philip Mantle
“These men seemed to be pointing to a dark instrument on the ground.”
He said the witnesses described it as looking light a torch with no light.
Mr Mantle added: “The uniforms the men wore, were metallic silver and would crease when the men moved.”
They said the men then went to the rear of the “craft” and it “rose vertically, stopped in mid-air, and then shot off at an angle at a high rate of speed.”
Mr Mantle said: “All of the witnesses stated quite clearly that both upon landing and departure this object never made a sound.
“Needless to say they were speechless. All six of Mrs Westerman’s children related similar accounts to us.
“There were minor discrepancies but we expected to find that from different people.
“I have often been asked by people down the years which one UFO case is the ‘best’ one I have come across and I have to say that Mrs Westerman and her six children is the one that for many reasons is always at the top of my list.”
The events happened in early summer 1979.
Mr Mantle will recount this and a number of other UFO cases at the Outer Limits Magazine UFO conference in Hull on September 9.
Did aliens visit Stoke-on-Trent? This mocked up photograph shows a UFO hovering over the city.
High above the bottle kilns which littered the Potteries skyline and the crimson glow from the furnaces at Shelton Bar – dozens of strange objects were spotted hovering over North Staffordshire.
Summer was coming to an end in 1967 and the truth was certainly out there. But as to what that truth was has still not been explained some 50 years later.
That was the time when dozens of people reported seeing ‘flying saucers’ in the North Staffordshire skies. The first sighting was reported in The Evening Sentinel on August 28, 1967, but the UFO epidemic continued well into September.
It was seen by an 18-year-old man who told the newspaper in a letter: “I was crossing the canal bridge at Howard Place, Shelton, on the right hand side of the road, when I happened to glance up to my right along the direction of the canal, and to my astonishment I saw two bright orange lights hanging motionless in the sky.
“The two lights were the same size and elliptical (oval) in shape, and were somewhat separated by a distance somewhat less than the length of one of them. There was no noise.
“Living in Shelton, no-one can have failed to see the sky lit by the furnaces at Shelton Bar, but the lights I saw were unlike anything I have ever seen in my life.”
That was the first of many UFO sightings over the next few days and weeks. In fact the investigators Roger Stanway and Anthony Pace later logged more than 70 separate incidents of UFO activity over Stoke-on-Trent in their report, UFOs: Unidentified, Undeniable.
The day after the first letter appeared in The Sentinel, two more UFOs were witnessed over Newcastle, by a 17-year-old girl and three of her friends. She told The Sentinel: “We were motoring from Newcastle towards Nantwich and we had got outside Newcastle when we suddenly spotted two red lights which appeared to be travelling at a great speed across the country.
“We tried to follow them in the car but they gradually got smaller and smaller and then disappeared. I was quite frightened at first.”
She added that one of the lights appeared to be longer in shape than the other and both were very bright.
“At first we thought they might have been car lights, but when they disappeared suddenly, we realised they were not. We were going to report the matter to the police but thought better of it. They would probably have thought we had been drinking,” she said.
A still from the 1977 movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
On August 31, under the headline, “saucers galore”, The Sentinel reported on a number of other sightings. A Smallthorne woman saw a “bright orange light” hovering over some nearby houses.
“I am positive it was a flying saucer,” she said, “the light seemed to be revolving and there was absolutely no noise. After a few minutes the light moved off in the direction of Norton, but it stayed as bright as ever.”
A girl from Bentilee saw a UFO coming towards Hanley High School from Shelton. When her parents, and brother came out to look, they saw two more. Eventually, all three flying saucers disappeared in the direction of Longton.
More sightings were made each day, of flying saucers, domes shining red and orange, luminous cigar shapes and other UFOs. Experts at Jodrell Bank, however, were sceptical, suggesting that what had really been seen could have been a weather balloon, a satellite low on the horizon, the glance of the sun on a delta-winged bomber, or a, “more local reflection”.
Have aliens visited Stoke-on-Trent?
But still more reports of flying saucers arrived at The Sentinel’s offices in Foundry Street, Hanley.
The tale took a new twist on September 1, 1967, when a housewife reported three more saucers – which had landed in a field near Hanley High School. She told The Sentinel: “I saw the same objects in the same place the night before, but I waited until I could check again.
“Last night I saw one large, bright orange light and two smaller ones further away. The bright one was flashing and throwing out vertically a shower of green sparks. The objects rose slowly and disappeared.”
RAF Ternhill attempted to end the mystery by explaining that some of the sightings could have been helicopters or flares dropped by aircraft.
“On Monday and Tuesday (September 4 and 5) we were dropping flares by parachute to assist the pilots landing at night. These are bright red in colour and on a clear night they can be seen from miles around. We occasionally get calls from people saying they have spotted unidentified flying objects and it usually turns out to be the flares,” said a spokesman for the Air Traffic Control Centre.
Have aliens ever visited Stoke-on-Trent?
He added that another explanation could be helicopters: “Group Captain E.W. Deacon has been flying over the Newcastle area this week and people might have seen his helicopter which has flashing red navigation lights.”
So that explains the mystery of the flying saucers.
Except that the RAF had no idea what it was that people had seen a week earlier, when the bulk of the reports had been made.
“We had no night flights at all last week,” added the spokesman, “many of the UFO sightings are probably genuine.”
Je zult het in geen enkel geschiedenisboek tegenkomen, maar wanneer je goed naar afbeeldingen kijkt van de farao’s dan valt onmiddellijk iets op.
Er hebben inmiddels onderzoeken plaatsgevonden waaruit blijkt dat de Egyptische farao's het product waren van genetische manipulatie door buitenaardse bezoekers.
De mensheid is in het algemeen nogal onder de indruk van titels. Als iemand bijvoorbeeld Drs of Mr voor zijn of haar naam zet, dan denkt men al snel hier te maken te hebben met iemand die het wel zal weten.
Zo zit het ook met onze geschiedenis. En dus wordt ons door geschiedkundigen met indrukwekkende titels voor hun naam verteld dat onze menselijke beschaving ongeveer vijfduizend jaar oud is en dat er daarvoor misschien een soort oermens op deze aarde rondwandelde.
Gelukkig zijn er steeds meer mensen die zich niets aantrekken van al die geleerde titels en eindelijk zelf een keer hun logisch denkvermogen gebruiken.
En dat logische denkvermogen zegt dat wanneer er op talloze plekken op aarde op verschillende continenten hetzelfde soort afbeeldingen worden gevonden van duizenden jaren oud, dat een manier van onze verre voorouders was om ons een boodschap door te geven. Een boodschap van iets dat ze hadden gezien of meegemaakt en niet het resultaat van een overmatige fantasie zoals de geleerde titels ons willen doen geloven.
We hebben de laatste weken in een aantal artikelen gevonden voorwerpen laten zien uit Egypte en Mexico, waaruit zonder enige twijfel blijkt dat ver voor onze huidige beschaving er buitenaardsen deze planeet hebben bezocht.
Op verschillende continenten komen de duizenden jaren geleden gemaakte voorwerpen voor wat betreft afbeeldingen overeen en beiden tonen typische kenmerken die je in verband kunt brengen met buitenaards leven zoals de karakteristieke alien gezichtsvorm en hun bijbehorende ruimteschepen.
En wanneer we het hebben over bepaalde gezichtsvormen, dan worden de typische langgerekte schedels ook in verband gebracht met wezens van andere planeten, waarover wij eerder schreven.
Zoals over een groep onderzoekers met de naam Genesis Quest.
Aangezien een aantal van hun fysieke kenmerken zo afwijken van de onze, kunnen deze wezens misschien wel afstammen van een totaal andere en tot nu onbekende mensensoort. Er is een ander aanknopingspunt en dat is dat er meer menselijke resten met dit soort afwijkende strukturen gevonden zijn in andere delen van de wereld. Overigens altijd in de buurt van monolithische (homogeen en moeilijk doordringbaar) structuren, waar men ook geen verklaring voor heeft.
Je vindt de langwerpige schedel ook terug in kunstvormen binnen oude culturen en het schijnt dat ze aanbeden werden. Ook bij de Egyptenaren vind je ze terug en dan met name in afbeeldingen van King Tut en zijn familie. Als deze schedels inderdaad zou oud blijken te zijn en er zou een DNA overeenkomst worden gevonden met resten uit andere delen van de wereld, dan zou dit bewijzen dat men al oceanen kon oversteken in een tijd waar volgens de geschiedenis alleen primitieve jagers voorkwamen. Dat gegeven op zich zou betekenen dat de geschiedenis kan worden herschreven.
Volgens andere bronnen blijkt uit recente onderzoeken dat de Egyptische farao’s het product zijn van genetische manipulatie door een vergevorderd buitenaards ras.
Dit soort onderzoeken wordt bewust uit de media gehouden, maar de genetische resultaten van een assistent professor, Stuart Fleischmann, van de Zwitserse universiteit in Cairo zijn veelbelovend.
Zo bleek bijvoorbeeld uit DNA onderzoek bij de farao Achnaton, vader van Toetanchamon, dat er een afwijkend gene voorkwam, CXPAC-5 genaamd, die verantwoordelijk is voor het groeien van de hersenschors.
Alles wat wordt gevonden in Egypte wijst op een buitenaardse beschavingen en natuurlijk zijn de piramides veel ouderdan de paar duizend jaar zoals ons wordt wijsgemaakt.
Het meest aannemelijke is dat ze zijn gebouwd rond 10.000 voor Christus, ruim 12.000 jaar geleden.
De volgende korte video geeft nog eens een aantal voorbeelden waaruit de conclusie kan worden getrokken dat ieder zelfdenkend/geïnformeerd mens kan weten dat er buitenaardsen in Egypte actief waren.
"I was traveling to work along Beltway 8 East in Houston, TX, this morning and noticed an extremely bright light high in the clear blue sky. The illuminating light was spherical and grew in size, somewhat changing shape, then decreased in size, then completely disappeared in an instance. It did this three times within a period of 3 minutes or less." Reportedly seen on Sept. 8, 2017 in Houston Source: Texas UFO Sightings
Photo: Lorenz And Avelar/Getty Images
"I was sitting in my truck on the second level of the Hilton Parking Garage making phone calls, when I noticed something reflective moving in a NNW direction high in altitude... I saw no details, other than it was quite large and it was shiny- close to what I would guess was disk like- but I can't say for certain." Reportedly seen on Aug. 5, 2017 in Houston Source: Texas UFO Sightings
"A beekeeper was retrieving a bee trap at the Sienna Plantation near Sugar Land in Houston when they stopped to snap some quick photos of the sun setting. When they viewed the photos later, they noticed a strange dark cylindrical object in just one of the photos, implying the object must have been moving at a very fast rate." Reportedly seen on June 17, 2017 in Sugar Land Source: Texas UFO Sightings
A large bright light hovering in the sky was seen in Katy without an explanation as to what it could be. Some say it was a UFO. Reportedly seen on June 1, 2017 Source:Texas UFO Sightings
Photo: Mark Stevenson/Stocktrek Images, Getty Images
"At the beginning, it was 6 UFOs in a shape of triangle/Diamond and move fast from one location to another. When they move in shape of one line. We had pictures taken at the open of the golf course." Reportedly seen on April 23, 2017 Source:Texas UFO Sightings
Photo: Anonymous, ASSOCIATED PRESS
"Originally there was 3 lights in a large, vertical triangle formation. Each light would independently fade away, vanish and then reappear in place. They were almost stationary but you could see them very slowly moving south. One by one, each light finally disappeared." Reportedly seen on May 24, 2017 Source: Texas UFO sightings
Photo: ANTONIO SCORZA, Getty Images
"I was in the front yard trying out my sons telescope he received for his birthday that friday with him and few other family members while trying to focus on the moon (when) my nephew started yelling look look over there when we looked up we saw (an) orb with orange and red glow coming very fast from behind us." Reportedly seen on May 27 ,2017 in Spring Source: Texas UFO Sightings
Photo: Christian, Carol, Screen Shots Via MUFON
"I had nine other friends that saw this event. We saw 12 total lights. They were all a couple minutes apart.... it also was not a windy night... it is hard to say it was Chinese lanterns."
"I was watching the Seattle Mariners vs Houston Astros last night. I saw an orb seem to roll out onto the field from between the catchers legs and roll towards the pitcher. As it crossed the pitcher's mound I could clearly see the ORB was in the air! As it crossed the mound it turned a little. Not much wind last night in Houston. The players did not seem to notice it." Reportedly seen on TV while the Astros hosted the Mariners on April 5, 2017 Source: Texas UFOs
Photo: David McNew, Getty Images
"I was driving home from work in stop and go traffic headed north, and noticed the object towards the right side of my viewing range. It seemed to move in a spinning or rotating motion, with a hazy, glowing appearance. I had to veer to the right, as the road turned, and I lost sight of it." Reportedly seen on April 5, 2017 Source: Texas UFO Sightings
Photo: Visions Of America, Getty Images
"My husband and I were sitting in our hot tub watching the sky. I saw a kind of disc shaped object in the sky traveling northward. It had 2 lights that were triangular in shape on either side and a dark center. It also seemed to "wobble" slightly, almost as if it were disturbing the atmosphere or gravity field around it." Reportedly seen on March 19, 2017 Source:Texas UFO sightings
Photo: AP
"They spin in two directions simultaneously (a wheel within a wheel,) as they jump and bop around within a reasonably confined area within our view. They go up and down but never in extreme ranges and do not land while we observe them."
The Houston area has been a hotspot for UFOs so far this year, if a website dedicated to tracking UFO sightings in Texas is to be believed.
Texas UFO Sightings welcomes photos and videos from Texans reporting on alleged UFO sightings as people come across them. The reports range from believable to absurd.
In one reported sighting, a submission includes a photo from an April 5 Astros game at Minute Maid Park against the Seattle Mariners. The tipster told the website that "an orb seems to roll out onto the field from between the catcher's legs and roll toward the pitcher. ... The players did not seem to notice."
A former NASA scientist is continuing to claim that alien activity is occurring within Saturn’s rings.
Media: GeoBeats
Other reports range from bright, unidentifiable lights at night to strange disc-shaped objects traveling through the sky. There are some suggestions the objects could be mistaken for airplanes flying in and out of Bush Intercontinental and Hobby airports, but people deny these notions vehemently.
"We had to video this strange object in the sky," wrote one UFO witness in Montgomery County who claimed to see a flying orb on Feb. 26. "It was definitely not an airplane. The object moved from side to side and up and down. It would go from bright to dim and back to bright again."
UFO sightings in America have a long history, dating back to at least 1865 reports the American Chronicle.
The Missouri Democrat ran an article that year after interviewing a trapper who claimed to see a "bright, luminous body" in the skies. The headline for the story was "A Strange story-remarkable discovery."
Texas UFO Sightings doesn't claim that any of the submitted photos and videos are in fact flying saucers. Instead, the site asks people if they believe the objects could be satellites or military crafts.
Read the stories submitted to Texas UFO Sightings in the gallery above.
Filer’s Files #36 – 2017 Dalai Lama Reports ET Is Here - PART I
Lambertville, New Jersey Cylinder –on August 26, 2017.
Filer’s Files #36 – 2017 Dalai Lama Reports ET Is Here - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Dalai Lama Reports ET Is Here, Did Aliens Create the Pyramids? Did Secret Cyber Attacks Kill Navy Sailors? Stop the Hurricanes, and Unacknowledged Movie on Netflix
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Oregon, and Tennessee.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Brazil, Canada, France, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, Russia, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Dalai Lama Reports ET Is Here
I met with Dr. John Mack at Princeton University and we had a long discussion about his speaking with the Dalai Lama. John E. Mack, M.D. (1929-2004), was a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and Professor of Psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School, who was interviewed for the documentary film about the Dalai Lama, called, “The Dalai Lama Renaissance.”In the film he speaks about his conversations with the Dalai Lama concerning extraterrestrials and his experience with them.
The Dalai Lama had awareness that the universe is filled with beings of all kinds. In fact when we were here he classified intelligent life in the cosmos in three categories: beings like us that have form that are embodied. Second were beings that have form where they’re not embodied, and the third is beings that have no form.
Dr. Mack explaining a common theme and belief of many as to why they are here. Based on my research, I believe there are multiple beings from multiple star systems and possibly other dimensions and universes. It’s logical to assume that there could be multiple motives, and multiple races out there who are also not at all concerned with us Aliens looking at Earth would see are good at destroying the greenery on Earth.
It’s important to note that Mack believed the ET phenomenon was, without question, real, and so did his funders (which included Lawrence Rockefeller. The people he works with are told by the aliens that they are very aware of our destroying the environment of the planet. The abductees are shown incredibly beautiful images of the planet and then are shown people sowing destruction of the enviroment.
In 1992, the Dalai Lama said in his explanation of why the alien beings were coming here is that they were disturbed by what was happening on Earth and in some sense we were destroying their home whether on their Earth or physically in another dimension. Coming here as part of a process to wake us up to what we are doing. This has been confirmed over and over again. (Note: This is the message I also received that we must environmentally protect the Earth
Dr. Mack was the founding director of the Center for Psychological Studies in the Nuclear Age and was active as a member of Physicians for Social Responsibility and the Prevention of Nuclear War. He began a study of people who felt they were abducted by aliens. In the beginning he felt they had some sort of mental problem. John assured me that abductions were an authentic mystery, and were real evcnts.
A number of different ‘faiths’ or religions have different depictions of extraterrestrial and/or extra dimensional beings. It’s not really clear (to me) under what definition of ours (humanity) Buddhism would fall under, but the Dalai Lama, along with other texts and various teachings are no doubt aware of the fact that there our cosmos is teeming with all kinds of life. Tibet allegedly has an alien base and Dalai Lama’s statements are profound.
“The number of habitable worlds in our galaxy alone exists in the tens of billions, and that’s on the lower end of the scale. And the number of habitable galaxies we can see apart from our own is approximately one hundred billion. That means there are billions of planets within each galaxy, in a sea of galaxies, which seems to be infinite — that we are aware of. To ponder the idea that intelligent extraterrestrial life might exist out there in all that endless possibility only seems natural. How could there not be?
“If we looked down at the world from space, we would not see any demarcations of national boundaries. We would simply see one small planet, just one.” — The Dalai Lama Interesting video John Mack Television appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show
Did Aliens Create the Pyramids?
There are almost 200 known pyramids in China. The first one was reported to the outside world during WWII by an American pilot, James Gaussman. He was flying over the mountains of China carrying supplies to the Chinese from India. One of his engines began to fail and he thought the fuel lines were icing up so descended to a lower altitude. He leveled out in a wide valley and there directly in front of him there was a gigantic white pyramid that shimmered as though it were made of metal. The most remarkable thing was the pyramids’ capstone. It was a huge jewel-like material that he thought was made of crystal. He circled the pyramid three times then headed to his home base. In his intelligence report he stated he saw nothing around it, just a huge pyramid set in the wilderness. Gaussman ended his report with these questions “Who built it? Thanks toGeorge Reynolds
China – A team of Chinese scientists found a mystery pyramid that local legend says is a launch tower left by aliens from space that is 50-60 meters (165-198 ft) tall structure dubbed “the ET relics” – in the western province of Qinghai. The mystery pyramid sits on Mount Baigong, has three caves with triangular openings on its façade and is filled with red-hued pipes leading into the mountain and a nearby salt water lake.
Xinhua said. Rusty iron scraps, pipes and unusually shaped stones are scattered around the inhospitable and largely uninhabited area.
The pipes are allegedly 150,000 Year-Old that might rewrite Chinese history. In China’s Qinghai Province near Mount Baigong is a mysterious pyramid with three caves that lead to a saltwater lake. Under the lake bed and on the shore are iron pipes ranging in size with some being as small as a toothpick. Someone used the pipes to carry water to or away from the pyramid. What is baffling Chinese historians is that the area wasn’t thought to have been occupied by people until around 30,000 years ago. And according to historians, the humans that were around were nomads, thus making it unlikely that they would have taken the time to install plumbing. That leaves a 120,000 year gap of “who was here laying down iron pipe?”
To add to the mystery ancient pyramids are also being found on Mars as this NASA image shows.
Did Secret Cyber Attacks Kill Navy Sailors?
Ten American sailors are dead after what’s been called an “accidental” collision between an oil tanker and the guided-missile destroyer USS John McCain in the South China Sea on August 22, 2017. Now, security experts are warning that the American public isn’t being told what really happened. The ship was likely the victim of a serious cyber attack? North Korea is essentially at war with the US and they have sophisticated cyber warfare technology to fool the ships involved. >
On Wednesday, the U.S. Navy removed Vice Admiral Joseph P. Aucoin from command of the Seventh Fleet, after four accidents since January — including two deadly collisions in the past two months. On July 29, 2017 the USS Fitzgerald allow itself to be hit by ACX Crystal in open water, killing seven sailors in clear weather conditions and light traffic? But according to Jeff Stuzman, a top cyber intelligence expert and a former information warfare specialist for the Navy, these tragedies may not be accidents at all. Stuzman told the McClatchy news service that he’s particularly suspicious about where the USS John McCain collision occurred, near the crowded Strait of Malacca that connects the Indian Ocean with the South China Sea.
“A Navy destroyer normally has a full navigation team going with full lookouts on every wing and extra people on radar,” he told McClatchy. “There’s something more than just human error going on because there would have been a lot of humans to be checks and balances.” A cyber attack could prevent a ship’s radar, steering, or guidance systems from operating properly. North Korea really has done a lot more damage with their cyber warfare than they’ve ever done with missiles. The North Korean cyber warfare units– Bureau 121 and No. 91 Office, are part of the Reconnaissance General Bureau of North Korea’s military, and have over 6,000 hackers, some of whom are based outside of North Korea, Charles R. Smith reported. These units, he continued, have conducted major bank heists, such as breaking into the security system at the Bank of Bangladesh, and siphoning $81 million through casinos in the Philippines.
And Navy Admiral Michael S. Rogers testified before Congress in May that the U.S. Cyber Command was witnessing a serious escalation in cyber attacks around the world. And while the Navy has been investigating the collision for days, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson refused to debunk claims that cyber sabotage may have occurred, McClatchy reported.
China seems to be reveling in the disaster. “What goes around, comes around,” Chinese Real Admiral Zhang Zhaozhong wrote in a cryptic social media post. “The USS John McCain has been making a lot of trouble in the South China Sea. The American public and the families of the sailors who lost their lives deserve the truth as many nations have advanced cyber technology. Both Kim and Trump are playing to their bases, he added, but In spite of the stepped up threats from both North Korea and President Trump, Smith does not foresee a military conflict at this time. . North Korea, , does not have the logistics to carry out much of an operation outside of a missile or artillery strike, and for the most part US naval operations are not in place for an attack with several severely damaged ships
Unacknowledged Movie on Netflix
Now available on Netflix Worldwide with Major George Filer, Paul Hellyer Canadian Defence Minister, and Dr. Richard Greer etc
Unacknowledged, LLC is thrilled to announce this historic deal with Netflix which reaches over 108 million subscribers thru the streaming service. Dr. Greer and The Orchard worked closely with Netflix to bring Unacknowledged to a wider audience and disclose the shocking issues around UFO secrecy. If you’re a subscriber on Netflix you can now access the film in all countries with subtitles.
“Unacknowledged” focuses on the historic files of the Disclosure Project and how UFO secrecy has been ruthlessly enforced-and why. The best evidence for extraterrestrial contact, dating back decades, is presented with direct top-secret witness testimony, documents and UFO footage. From briefings with the CIA Director, top Pentagon Generals and Admirals, to the briefing of President Obama via senior advisor John Podesta, chairman of the Hillary Clinton Campaign, we take the viewer behind the veil of secrecy and into the corridors of real power where the UFO secrets reside. The viewer will learn that a silent coup d’état has occurred dating back to the 1950s and that the Congress, the President and other world leaders have been sidelined by criminal elements within the military-industrial-financial complex.
Letter from Frank Chille
The photos of indeed originals (in color) taken during the same time that Adamski took motion picture footage of the same craft. KT told me that Valiant Thor was inside this craft however it is not Victor One but a much smaller craft. Madeleine C. Rodeffer has passed. Did reverse look-ups on her phone number and address and found out she had passed at the age of 86 in West Virginia.
KT does want this info to come out and thinks your website would be ideal to present all the data she sent me. Thanks to Frank Chille
Stop the Hurricanes
Hurricane Sandy has caused untold billions of dollars in damage and 300 deaths and we saw the “storm coming,” for days in advance. We can send people into space and put vehicles on Mars — why can’t we stop a hurricane in its tracks, before it comes to our major population centers and starts causing heavy damage? I know we can modify the weather if we decide to.
The National Severe Storms Laboratory NSSL Site Information – NOAA’s reports, “The most destructive and deadly tornadoes occur from super cells, which are rotating thunderstorms with a well-defined radar circulation called a mesocyclone. (Super cells can also produce damaging hail, severe winds, unusually frequent lightning, and flash floods.) Numerous super cells form into hurricanes.
When I was in Vietnam in 1968, the Air Force extended the Monsoon season by over a month by cloud-seeding with silver iodide crystals using two C-130s and two F-4s on the Ho Chi Minh trail. I encourage the Air Force to use weather controlling tactics to protect American lives and property. Project Stormfury was an attempt to weaken tropical cyclones by flying aircraft into them and seeding with silver iodide starting in 1962 by the United States Government. Initially wind speeds were successfully cut, but it was determined most hurricanes do not contain enough super cooled water for cloud seeding to be effective. The last experimental flight was flown in 1971. Additionally, researchers found that unseeded hurricanes often undergo the same structural changes that were expected from seeded hurricanes. This finding called Stormfury’s successes into question, as the changes reported now had a natural explanation.
I suggest hurricanes can be tamed and potential flooding storms should be spread out. For example, the Chinese, in August of 2008, used 37,000 people to seed clouds aiming for a dry Olympics. Hundreds of teams used anti-aircraft guns to shoot shells of silver iodide into approaching cloud masses and kept Beijing dry.
The most common chemicals used for cloud seeding include silver iodide, potassium iodide and dry ice (solid carbon dioxide). Liquid propane, which expands into a gas, has also been used. This can produce ice crystals at higher temperatures than silver iodide. After promising research, the use of hygroscopic materials, such as table salt, is becoming more popular. The bad news is that storms and floods still account for almost three-quarters of weather-related disasters, and they are becoming more common. Harvey was unusually devastating because it suddenly gained strength came ashore off Houston and stalled over the city that has virtually no restrictions on land use that made the situation much worse. Cities need to protect flood defenses and wetlands where excess rain can go. The National Severe Storms Laboratory NSSL Site Information –
Even more important is to develop methods to stop the hurricanes from forming. Silver iodide causes the cloud to form more ice crystals, making the hail smaller. And while we don’t yet have the technology to stop rain completely, cloud seeding has been used to put a hold on rainy days.
This has primarily been documented happening in China, which has the largest, national weather modification team on Earth. The stand-alone ministry utilizes planes, rocket launches, and anti-aircraft guns to employ cloud-seed technology, which they credit with the lack of rain during the Olympics in 2008. In 2009, they used 18 cloud-seeding aircraft and 48 fog-dispersal vehicles to ensure a rain-free day for the 60th anniversary of communist party rule.
The goal, rather, is to fill up a cloud with silver iodide and make it rain before it actually passes over the coast. The alternate technique is shooting a coolant made from liquid nitrogen into the cloud, which increases the number of droplets while decreasing their size — making an acceptable sprinkle.
So why don’t city officials plan to cloud-seed every time there is a flood warning? Clever planning while the hurricane is forming out at sea would just end up raining heavily over the ocean.
Surplus Harvard T-6 single engine aircraft were fitted with racks under each wing containing 32 railroad fuses that were impregnated with silver iodide were ignited individually or all at once, depending upon the threat. In coordination with ground units, the aircraft would lay a plume of silver iodide in front of approaching cumulonimbus clouds (CBs) with noticeable effect. Large, active Cumulonimbus clouds CBs which cause most of the damage were reduced to nothing. Heavy hail storms were also reduced in intensity.
A potential hurricane starts out has a tropical disturbance the first stage of development of a hurricane. It consists of a mass of thunderstorms that have only a slight wind circulation. The tropical disturbance becomes a tropical depression when the winds increase to more than 20 knots or 23 miles per hour.
A TROPICAL DEPRESSION forms when a group of thunderstorms comes together under the right atmospheric conditions for a certain length of time. Winds near the center of the tropical depression are constantly between 20 and 34 knots (23 – 39 mph). Lowered pressure is indicated with at least one closed isobar on a surface pressure chart. Also, the organized circulation of wind in the center of the thunderstorms is detected. This is possible w
When attacking the potential hurricane would be most successful. This is a satellite picture of a tropical depression. Tropical depressions look like individual thunderstorms that are grouped together.
A TROPICAL STORM forms when the maximum sustained winds have intensified to between 35-64 knots (39-73 mph). It becomes better organized and begins to look like a hurricane with a circular shape. At this point, the storm is given a name. Most of the problems from tropical storms come from heavy rainfall.
This is a satellite picture of tropical storm Charlie in 1998 over Texas. This storm dumped between 5-10 inches of rain over many southern Texas cities. A HURRICANE finally forms when surface pressures continue to drop and when sustained wind speeds reach 64 knots (74 mph). There is also a definite rotation about the eye.
C-5 Galaxy aircraft can carry a standard: payload of 240,000 pounds of dry ice or chemicals that could seriously affect a hurricanes eye walls. Maximum payload capacity of the C-17 is 170,900 pounds with a service ceiling of 45,000 feet. Even drones could be used to tame dangerous clouds. Air Weather Service is headquartered at Scott AFB, IL, where I briefed the commander on a regular basis. AWS was restructured as a field operating agency during the reorganization of the former Military Airlift Command now called Air Mobility Command.
As the storm intensifies, the updraft draws in low-level air from several miles around. Some low-level air is pulled into the updraft from the rain area. This rain-cooled air is very humid; the moisture in the rain-cooled air quickly condenses below the rain-free base to form the wall cloud. (Possible attack point)
Weather Modification Incorporated, in Fargo, ND 58102 •phone: 1-701-235-5500 conducts cloud seeding with small two engine aircraft with good results.
. The Air Force could gain tremendous support from the American people if they could calm the hurricanes, lightning, and flooding deaths. Thanks to NSSL.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #36 – 2017 Dalai Lama Reports ET Is Here - PART II
Filer’s Files #36 – 2017 Dalai Lama Reports ET Is Here - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
California Object
Chatsworth — I was in the car and I took a photo of an unusual cloud formation on August 27, 2017.
It was only when I looked at the photo on my phone, that I noticed the black UFO in the upper right corner. The UFO was no longer visible.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
’Florida Lights
Boynton Beach— I we walking my dog and decided to take a photo of the morning sun on August 31, 2017. Upon reviewing the photo I saw a blue dot inside a saucer shaped object that was just to the left of the sun.
My phone has the ability to show movement if you flick the photo. When I did this, I saw that the blue dot was moving downward in a wavy direction. The photo clearly shows the blue dot locates in a saucer-shaped object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Object
Palentine — On august 24, 2017, about 9:30 pm,. I took my dog out for a walk and saw a flickering light. Kind of looked like a star but I knew it was not. So I ran in and got my external zoom lens for my iPhone and shot some videos. There were amazing good videos for an iPhone at night. It looked like an orb to the bare eye, but when I zoomed in the camera it made my jaw drop.There was a glowing saucer shaped ship. Hovering but still moving slightly side to side and up and down. It was amazing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Louisiana Strange Object
Monroe — It was 1:24 in the afternoon on Sunday, August 13th. I was driving to watch the final day of the PGA event. The interstate runs through some pretty rural areas, two miles before a small town on the way, I see an object hovering about 20 feet above full grown oak trees. I pulled out my iPhone 7 in time to snag a picture of the object. As I passed the object I looked back to get another glimpse of it, but it had vanished before I could do so. I wasn’t acquainted with any of them. I was driving 75 mph and could only get one picture without putting other drivers in danger by not paying attention at the wheel. I’ve been living here for 26 years, driving up and down that same stretch of interstate, and have never seen anything like it in my life. Nobody can give me a good explanation of what it might be. It’s not balloons because they weren’t moving in the wind, and they weren’t rising or falling. There was no string or rope attached to it. I don’t know what it could be. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mississippi Lights
Hernando — I was traveling on I-55 north bound on my way to work on August 27, 2017. I first noticed the lights in the sky about half a mile up ahead on the east side of the interstate in Memphis. As I got closer the lights just stayed there and did not move. It seemed as if the lights where attached to an object that was stationary and not moving. They were about 100 feet above the tree top level. I took my phone out once I got closer and shot a quick video. But once I passed it I could not video anymore. If you watch the video and slow it down, you can see the same lights fly over my car. After that I did not see anything else. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Cylinder
Lambertville – I took a casual picture of the County Fair amusements using an Apple SE phone which has the live photo feature on August 26, 2017. The live photo shows the object projecting diagonally up to the twilight sky from bottom left to upper right. It was a quick projection motion like a slingshot. I noticed this when reviewing my picture during dinner later that night. I would not be surprised if this picture was a UFO because a few years ago while driving east on Rt. 202 through Buckingham, PA. I had a white comet like light swoop down and up just over my sunroof on my 2003 Neon SXT. I felt the momentum which caused me to look up through my sunroof to see the comet like form. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Lights
Garden City South — I saw glowing orange orbs traveling southwest to northeast on August 26, 2017. They were traveling at approximately the same speed. I had no time to obtain a camera. There was a total of seven (7) of these objects not clustered. Some other individuals and I watched these objects. The woman that was observing these orbs at the same moment as I stated that she and some other people observed these same orange glowing UFO’s a few years previously on a July evening. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Oklahoma Light
Tulsa— I was in my bed because I was unable to sleep on August 31, 2017. The past few nights my daughter and son hadn’t been able to sleep much either. My daughter noticed a bright blinking light. I went outside to see if I could see it better and noticed there were two of them to the east. They were really far apart and I’m not sure what they were. This is the third incident with weird objects in the sky. My daughter took a picture of one and also a week later. I came in and watched the one I could see from my window. I took 19 pictures trying to zoom in to see what they were but my phone kept blurring out with red boxes kept flickering on my screen. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Light
Detroit Lake— his odd image was taken during the eclipse. Whatever this is its moving fast. I am guessing it traveled a half to one mile from the picture. The camera shutter speed was 1/250 to 1/500th of a second. One mile in 1/500th of a second equals 1,800,000 MPH.
Note: The witness’s speed estimate of the object is based on an estimate of the distance of the object from the camera lens. I suspect that the object was quite close to the camera lens and could have been an insect.
Altoona— My mom, my sister and I were driving back to my sister’s apartment when they told me they saw a UFO in the sky on August 13, 2817. I was sitting in the backseat and looked up and sure enough there was a huge triangle hovering over a tall building. It had two red lights in the rear and one white light that would flash on and off. I could see the craft slowly turning and the craft soon vanished. We continued driving and we saw about 3 triangles hovering over the church. We did not stop driving to look however and continued on our way home when we got back to the e third floor balcony we could see another triangle hovering above the tree tops within half a mile of the apartment. Looking very closely I could see dim beams of light coming out from the craft. Also if I remained very silent I could hear a very faint humming coming from the craft. The triangle hovered there for at least four hours, I went to bed, the next morning it was gone. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Light
Nashville — After the death of my father in law in 2011, my mother was freaked out by images appearing in her security camera, in Gallatin TN. March 16, 2016, Thereafter, I begin to record and study the phenomenal images, one of which persuaded me that there may very well be life after death; that spirit energy does exist. I began to study spiritual energy and ectoplasm; the unseen as described in the Quran and everything concerning the possibility of extra terrestrial life. I started collecting crystals and meditating to high frequency vibes.
I also began to take photos at dusk – wherever I happened to be. On the 21st of March, in 2016, I took the usual photos of the area around and above my home. As a habit, I resisted using a flash for fear of distorting whatever might be projecting natural light. That night, took photos of what I believed (at the time) to merely be the dark night sky above and behind my home – where I had photographed other phenomena (but not observed with my naked human eye), including tall dark smoky looking images, weird images reflected in a car mirror, and objects floating to the ground like a spider on a web into my ancient trees. It wasn’t until a month or so later that I noticed the two attached photographs, as I was casually flipping through my iPad and deleting bad photos. I’ve taken lots of photos since, but have taken nothing that compares to these!
Attached are photos of the event. Also attached are two comparative photos: one showing the night sky featuring a triangle of stars, one of which appears to have been near the area from which what I call “the lightship” may have been traveling. There is another object in the background of the photos that appears to have been in motion. It does not align with any of the three stars in the triangle.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Brazil Cylinder
Curitiba— The photo I attached to this report was taken by a friend of mine during his vacation in Brazil in 2009. He was aboard a regular speed bus south of Curitiba when he and the passengers saw the flying object standing in the sky at a height of about 500 meters and had an apparent length of 100-150 meters. The flying object has made a tilt change on its axis to remain stationary.
Canada Light
Picton, Ontario — Here’s is a coincidence I just discovered that I also have images of the same type of flying white rod
On August 1, 2017, while at camp near Sandbanks Lake Ontario this is located in the Prince Edward County near Picton, Ontario I was filming the clear night sky with my Sony Camcorder after midnight until 1:00 am
The setting on the camcorder is on a night shot – infrared, giving technology a peek we do not see with the naked eye. Later on August 6, 2017 when I reviewed the clips taken Shock and fascinated to see what I have captured These unknown long white flying serpent- like creatures These are known as flying ‘ Rods ‘PLEASE if this is a insect I would sure like to know the class order type of insect? They are biological and move quite fast in swirling manners as illustrated have over a dozen captures on film here is the photographic evidence to better illustrate the same
Audenge — My 11-year-old girl filmed last night in the garden while she was playing. When she watched her video she alerted me to the fact that something crosses the horizon at high speed while everything is idle. I’ll add an extract because the video is longer. She is very sensitive and she felt the presence of an entity in a house and became frightened. She was afraid I did not believe her. I told her “even if you saw a UFO I will believe you, an hour later she showed me her video. Personally I think it is a big bug but why would it go faster than the speed of the video? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Object
Zacatecas — “My nephew went on vacation to Mexico. and visited Zacatecas and stood in front of a street sign that stated “ZACATECAS. He decided to take a picture with him standing next to the sign. So he had his girlfriend take the cell phone picture. After the picture was taken, he ended up posting it on his Facebook page a few days later. I saw the picture on Facebook and noticed something odd in the upper left corner was this round silver object. There are visible power lines underneath the object. But as I zoomed in, I could see there weren’t any wires holding this object up. I remembered from watching TV programs that they showed video of UFO’s that looked very similar to the one in the picture. I’m not sure if it’s a UFO or not. What do you think? C
New Zealand Dusk
This is the second time I’m reporting this craft as I have a little more understanding of it. My first reported is ”case 84965” this is my update July 7, 2017. I only knew about this craft after looking at my photos so up until then I couldn’t tell you anything. But now I would like to inform the public of my case after down-loading my event on MUFON the following happened. Upon arriving home recently I noticed changes in my table-office. Things had been moved about and papers vanished. This not only happed once but at least 3-4 times within 2 weeks. My flat is always locked. I checked my laptop and usb sticks and a lot of my UFO pictures had been removed of which there were many and good close up ones of ufos. I have excellent camera gear, not only that my printed photos of that craft are missing as well. I took my laptop in to be checked by geeks, there answer was brief. Yes laptop has-is being hacked and my pics had been removed. Back to the craft, I know a high-up person in the us air force. When I showed him the picture; he said, “Yes it’s one of ours, you’re not meant to know about these craft, and what they do.” That’s all he said. Is it one of the DARTS I asked; he refused to answer. So to anybody that’s reading this. I do not know who helped themselves to my laptop, pictures, usb sticks or photos. I do know I am being watched and my ufo pics are stolen from me. So people, beware of our lying governments and the organization that’s involved in UFO cover-ups, Thanks to MUFON CMS
Portugal Object
Lisbon— I was (as an airline spotter) taking some photos of an unusual visit of a Lufthansa A340 at Lisbon airport from the balcony of my house on July 30, 2017. I took several snapshots of the incoming plane doing its final approach when the camera spotted a very fast object passing behind the aircraft. When downloading the images to the computer, cropped to have a better view, I spotted a dark spot and found that it was not a bird or drone, because of shape. Size, and hi speed. This is cropped photo with the object over the back of the plane. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Russia Object
Tyumen— I was working at the table when I saw a strange object outside the window on September 1, 2017, moving at a speed of a hundred kilometers per hour. I managed to turn on the camera and decided to record the video, there was not time for the pictures, although they had more resolution.
The focal length of the lens is 90 mm diaphragm 5.4. When the object was clearly visible, the UFO suddenly disappeared from the field of view and the lens. The object moved in one direction and did not turn anywhere, I pointed the camera to the sky where it moved but it was not in it. I turned the lens back and also down and up but the UFO disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK Beams
London — A year ago my girlfriend was driving my son home to Kent on July 10, 2017, from London. I was in the passenger seat and my son said, “What’s that in the sky?”
On way back to London I see this silver thing in the sky near Bexleyheath and took picture of a crystallized saucer with a blue beam pointing down to street level. Then the next day I started seeing objects near the moon spaces all the time for a week. Then I got picture of a faint lizard man that was scary at first but he was smiling at me? So I just kept seeing low orbit space ships hovering in the sky from July. I have been seeing some alien monsters everywhere in the sky. I have at least 1000 pictures to show you. But since last week there must be over 10.000 massive industrial type spaceships in orbit. THINK THEY ARE SENDING MASSIVE BLUE BEAMS TO GROUND EVERY NIGHT. My phone is a Sony e3. Let me show you some of the monsters Please tell me what you think is it an invasion or something. They intimidate the other ships because they are so big and there is so many of them.
I see a face in the clouds and my camera went into error mode it would not start up again. The pictures I took of the human face were gone? Then I see two triangle ships no more 150 feet high just above me. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
Please Help
Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help. A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #35 -2017 William Tompkins Passes - PART I
Object flew over petroleum site in Columbia on August 23, 2017.
Filer’s Files #35 -2017 William Tompkins Passes - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: William Tompkins Remembered, UFOs Ancient Objects of Worship and Adoration, Chilean Navy Spots UFO. , We Are Not Alone, Total Eclipse UFO.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, and Tennessee.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, New Zealand, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
William Tompkins Remembered
Frank Chille writes, So very sorry to inform you of the passing of William ‘Bill’ Tompkins. I just got off the phone with his loving life-mate and wife Mary, who informed me that Bill left this realm. At 2:30 AM PT on August 21, 2017 it is so difficult to find the words to adequately define the nature of our bonding and friendship.
Bill was selfless in his sharing of the extraordinary events in his life and how astounded, he, himself found it all to be. Yet he lived all of these experiences and recalled the minutest of details. These accounting which he shared many hours on Jeff Rense’s Program as well as others once he was given – what he affectionately called, “Having Holy Water Thrown. On Him” by his US Navy contacts to come forward with his life story and what happened behind the scenes.
Those who knew and Loved Bill will miss him unquestionably. He was a very giving man who would share tirelessly his passion for getting out the real message of the Battle of Los Angeles, the history of the Secret Space Program and the hidden knowledge acquired during WWII while at North Island Naval Station in San Diego California. Remember, these were all first person experiences and interactions with some of histories most profound and oft times little known activities of noteworthy public figures. There was so much shared in our long conversations that I’d like to bring forward and recount with you folks over the next week or two. A great man of integrity with a genuineness and sincerity that is rarely found has left an indelible imprint on what will be discussed and studied for many years to come. Bill has given us a treasure trove of knowledge, documents as well as hours of broadcast time to review and consider for the gems he has presented to us. Rest Well & With Love Brother Bill . . . .
Note: I personally met Bill and spoke with him many times and affirm Frank’s email. Bill Tompkins was embedded in the world of secrecy due to his excellent memory and model building skills he was assigned to Naval Intelligence working for Admiral Rick Abatta. According to Tompkins, his unit had a series of US Naval spies who returned from Germany who had discovered that the Germans were working on advanced wingless aircraft or types of discs apparently with the help of extraterrestrials. He was discharged in 1946. After working at North American Aviation and Northrop, he was hired by Douglas Aircraft Company in 1950, and when they found out about his involvement in classified work, was given a job as a to create design solutions as a draftsman with a peripheral assignment to work in a “think tank”. This work was partly controlled by the Navy personnel who used to work for James Forrestal, who was allegedly assassinated because he was going to publicly reveal what he knew about UFOs. Bill Tompkins was asked to conceive sketches of huge space Naval interplanetary craft designs.
Later, as he became involved in the conventional aspects of the Saturn Program that later became the Apollo launch vehicle, his insight to system engineering resulted in his offering some critical suggestions personally to Dr. Wernher von Braun about ensuring more reliable checkout using the missiles in their vertical position and also some very efficient launch control concepts adopted by both NASA and the Air Force. He also helped design the Apollo Control Room. Our friend will be greatly missed and to pass away just hours before the eclipse is a salute to his life.
UFOs Ancient Objects of Worship and Adoration
Bronze Age Art and Culture in Irish Gold from 2000 BC
Stone Age cave dwellings have drawings of UFOs indicating they have been with us for over ten thousand years. Following the Stone Age and followed in turn by the Iron Age, the Bronze Age (c.3000-1100 BCE) marked the era in which prehistoric man began mixing copper with tin to produce bronze implements and other precious metal work of great skill and imagination.
. Archeologists claim ancient Jewelry and metalwork are sun discs that ancients used in worshipping the sun. We all know what the sun looks like, and the sun does not have a cross or beams on it or various circles as shown. I suggest the metalwork was trying to depict disc shaped UFOs. Many graves in all parts of the world hold the remains of people holding the discs. Cave drawings, hieroglyphic early statues show God like beings inside the discs. It would be difficult for a god to be inside the heat of the sun.
Belief in the soul and continuation of life after death is part of numerous religions and the very earliest beliefs. The discs seen would represent a viable method for our souls to reach heaven. When Pacific Islanders saw aircraft in the 1930s they started worshiping them. Assuming ancients saw UFOs they likely assumed they were gods and collected souls.
Thus, in Ireland, the “Copper Age” (Chalcolithic era) did not commence until about 2500 BCE and the Bronze Age not until around 2000 BCE. While most of the prehistoric art fashioned by Irish craftsmen was strictly functional, in the form of decorative features added to weapons, cooking utensils, horse-tack, and drinking vessels, the Bronze Age also saw more artistic examples like horn-shaped Celtic metalwork.
Up to 400 tons of copper was mined in the southwest of the country (c.2500-1800 BCE), in County Kerry and Cork, and then alloyed with tin brought over from Cornwall in England. Many bronze items were exported to the Continent from Ireland during this period.
. Ireland was a relatively rich source of gold ore which stimulated an active cottage industry in this precious metal. This is evidenced not only by the considerable number of gold ornaments and artifacts, dating back to the Bronze Age, which have been unearthed in Ireland.
At first, this gold-work comprised mainly simple shapes (like crescents) as well as disks of gold sheet.
Hold hair in place (c.800-600 b.c.). National Museum of Ireland
Most cultures have traditions and words to describe the straight, often geometric alignments that ran across ancient landscapes, connecting both natural and sacred prehistoric structures together. Usually the names given to represent these invisible lines are translated to an equivalent of ‘spirit‘, ‘dream‘, or ‘energy‘ paths that are often used by ufos.
Even though the term ‘ley-line was originally conceived by Alfred ‘Watkins, by 1929, he referred to his alignments only as ‘old straight tracks’ or ‘archaic tracks.’
Ley lines are hypothetical alignments of a number of places of geographical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths. their existence was suggested in 1921 by the amateur archaeologist Alfred Watkins, whose book ‘The Old Straight Track’ brought the alignments to the attention of the wider public’.
The following natural and man-made features were suggested by Watkins to be reliable ley-markers: mounds, long-barrows, cairns, cursus, dolmens, standing stones, mark-stones, stone circles, henges, water-markers (moats, ponds, springs, fords, wells), castle, beacon-hills, churches, cross-roads, notches in hills, camps (hill-forts),
There are several developed theories on the purpose of ley-lines such as spirit ways and death roads – (funerary paths. in the various burial mounds discs made from stone or metal are found with the buried bodies, this Hopewell mound was located in Ohio and the discs shown came from a mine 90 miles away. there is certainly evidence that funerary rites were involved at several important locations around the world. the burial of valuable goods alongside funerary remains, placing of remains inside stone chambers underground, that may have been added to pre-existing ley-lines. there is also indication the ufos followed the ley lines. I personally viewed a large ufo over Stonehenge.
A number of rituals and traditions have been associated with the path taken by funerary parties. Watkins mentions the English funerary tradition of stopping at a crossroads and saying a prayer, a custom still practiced to this day. Other customs involve walking around churches and stones en-route. Processions are not supposed to carry a corpse twice over the same bridge. Another interesting funerary-custom, still practiced into the 20th century was for mourners to carry a pebble and when they passed certain spots, throw their pebbles into a pile of previous mourner’s pebbles. Could the round pebbles represent UFOs?
Sir Norman Lockyer (astronomer-royal) was the first ‘respectable’ person to recognize geometry in the ancient English landscape. He noticed the geometric alignment between Stonehenge, Grovely Castle and Old Sarum. the three form an equilateral triangle with sides 6 miles long, with the Stonehenge-Old Sarum line continuing another 6 miles to the site of the present Salisbury Cathedral, and beyond.
Aerial view of Old Sarum
This extremely significant finding shows both that the early megalithic builders were aware of both astronomy and geometry, and combined them deliberately into their constructions. The megalithic tradition in the British Isles can apparently be traced back to at least 3,000 B.C., if not earlier. The Romans themselves, who in their conquests discovered these ‘straight tracks’ in almost every country they subjugated: across Europe, north Africa, Crete, and the regions of ancient Babylon and Nineveh.
in 1911, W.Y.Evans-Wentz, mentions the ‘fairy paths’, along which invisible elemental spirits are believed to travel across Ireland. In his book ‘the Fairy Faith In Celtic Countries’, he referred to them as the ‘arteries’ through which the earth’s magnetism circulates. Jacques Vallee writes, in Celtic regions, witnesses described seeing fairies who were accompanied by strange oval objects in the sky, and these beings were also known for abducting people– not unlike modern reports of alien abduction, he pointed out. A ninth century account from the Archbishop of Lyon, France dealt with three people who were said to emerge from a flying ship– villagers thought they came from a magical land called Magonia that was beyond the clouds.
After the 1914-18 World War, Major F.A. Menzies, M.C., a distinguished British army engineer became very proficient in locating earth energy alignments (ley-lines), and also sources of noxious energy. During the 1940’s, his research at ancient megalithic sites showed several astronomical alignments that are believed to have been associated with solar (fire) worship in pagan times.
Alexander Thom found a smaller common unit of measurement in the spiral carvings on certain megaliths. He concluded that the megalithic builders were sophisticated astronomers engaged in a detailed study of the movements of the heavenly bodies, incorporated into their structures over a long period of observation.
We find that the spiral configuration is also carved on ornate antler rods in France, found in Sicily, Spain and not least of all Malta, where some of the most sophisticated spirals adorn the ancient Maltese temple of Tarxien (ca.3300 b.c), one of the oldest stone buildings on earth. Moreover, adjacent to the extensive megalithic site Carnac in Northern France is the impressive structure at Gavr’inis, which is described by Alistair service and Jean Bradbury (m galiths and their mysteries, 1979) as quite simply the finest decorated passage-grave of all,with Newgrange in Ireland its only rival.
Twenty-three of the twenty-nine slabs which form the walls of Gav’inis are carved with intricate spirals, intersecting semicircles, and other whorled patterns. It is not yet known whether these patterns are purely decorative of whether they have some religious significance. A meaning or a symbolism seems likely, since the spiral forms occur so often in Newgrange one of the World’s oldest structures.
Spirals are Neolithic carvings, but the code remains hidden. A spiral may represent a UFOs circling to ascend or descend.
Ornate spirals and patterns also adorn two large stones outside the entrance to Newgrange, perhaps pointing the way to what lies inside – further carvings of grouped spirals on the roof of side cells, and an enigmatic triple spiral illuminated by sunlight flooding down the passage at sunrise the winter solstice.
Newgrange, Ireland Scotland Tarxian, Malta
Paul Devereux found in his book entitled ‘lines on the landscape’, that wherever the straight landscape line occurred, a key theme connecting them which was a belief in the dead travelling along ‘spirit/funerary paths’, to the ‘otherworld’. ufos are thought to travel along the ley lines picking up the dead spirits. Numerous borrows and burial mounds are located along the ley lines.
Stonehenge Discs
Stonehenge Discs are virtual copies of Irish Discs or did both artisans see similar craft.
The 4,500 year old thin disc of gold is decorated with a cross and circle
It is one of just six sun-discs to have been found in Britain and may have belonged to a chieftain of a tribe living in the area around Stonehenge
The golden disc is one of the earliest known pieces of metalwork in Britain
It was found in a burial mound at Monkton Farleigh in Wiltshire in 1947
One of the earliest known pieces of metalwork in Britain, found just a few miles from Stonehenge, has gone on display to the public for the first time.µ
Thought to represent the sun, the gold disc, which was forged around 4,500 years ago at around the same time the main circle of Stonehenge was erected, was discovered in the Bronze Age burial mound of a local chieftain.
The 4,500 year old thin disc of gold is decorated with a cross and circle. It is one of just six discs to have been found in Britain and may have belonged to a chieftain of a tribe living in the area around
Stonehenge. The golden disc is one of the earliest known pieces of metalwork in Britain. It was found in a burial mound at Monkton Farleigh in Wiltshire in 1947.
Archeologists claim these are sun discs claiming ancient men worshiped the sun. The sun does not have a cross or beams on it. I suggest the metalwork was trying to depict disc shaped UFOs. Many graves in all parts of the world hold the remains of people holding the discs. Cave drawings, hieroglyphic early statues show God like beings inside discs. Belief in the soul and continuation of life after death is part of numerous religions. The discs seen would represent a viable method for our souls to reach heaven. DailyMail on Facebook
Both the Egyptians and Babylonians developed languages that they claim were “given” by the gods and also, even the Egyptian specialists are at a loss as to explain how a backward nomadic people could blossom into a fully fledged literate, technologically advanced, political state in what seems to be the space of 200 years!, which is what I am led to believe happened in the case of the Egyptians, a byproduct of ET intervention? Who knows? As an aside: We are also talking about a time when a small band of tribesmen in about the same geographic area were having regular visits from “God” in various forms, fiery chariots, pillars of fire, burning bush, and a wheeled vehicle that Ezekiel described in such detail that an engineer from NASA has taken out a patent on its wheels!.
There are thousands of depictions of winged sun discs in Egypt. An interesting correlation with Sumerian culture is that the original Egyptian rendering of Osiris is Ausur. A striking resemblance to the name Ashur? Then there’s the Hindu God Surya, which bears resemblance to Assyria, the city named after Ashur. Depictions of Surya bear remarkable resemblance to the Greek gods riding on their Chariots of the Sun powered by winged horses.
If you want to get New Age there’s also Ashtar of the Galactic Federation of Light.
Winged Sun Disc on Ben Ben Stone found in Dashur, Egypt
Note: It is worth noting the “all seeing eyes” of Horus in the image which is a description for the flying Greek god Helios the all seeing. It is easy to observe the world from on high.
If you lived 2000 years ago and you saw a helicopter, how would you describe it? Would it make a noise like galloping horses? Would you describe it as having a scorpion’s tail? In the book of revelation there are what seem to be descriptions and thus prophesy about today’s machines described in the language and imagery of the time.
If we go further back in time there are more incredible descriptions of things such as the chariots of the gods. The people of the time did their best to describe them by carving them into stone, writing about them, passing down stories about them etc.
The Faravahar Persepolis
The most interesting of these for me is the winged sun disc, which appears all over the world in ancient times (and in modern times too). Very similar versions of this symbol appear in various countries in Mesoamerica (Toltec, Aztec, Mayan cultures) and the Middle East (Babylonian, Egyptian, Persian, Hebrew cultures).
In modern day Iran the Faravahar is a national symbol. The Faravahar is a winged sun disc with the primary god Ahura Mazda sitting in it or on top of it who represents a guardian angel.
In present-day Zoroastrianism, the Faravahar is said to be a reminder of one’s purpose in life, which is to live in such a way that the soul progresses towards Frashokereti, or union with Ahura Mazda. It’s the symbol of the state religion of the Persian Empire: Zoroastrianism.
Teams of daring Chinese researchers, digging into the ancient mysteries of the origin of their country, have come to the inescapable conclusion that 12,000 years ago; an interstellar supreme alien race used much of the northern and central Chinese regions as massive Earth bases. Incredible Ancient Asian art depicts alien encounters. China’s pre-history is rife with alien ships, alien beings and alien goings-on.
An ancient Chinese relief depicts an episode in the countryside when frightening “flying men” terrorized herders.
Eerily, the ancient artist recorded exactly what UFO investigators would record today.
This is a reproduction of the stone relief found by a scientific expedition of anthropologists during 1957 led by professor Tsj’i Pen-Lai.
The remarkable relief was discovered within an ancient maze on Jotuo island in Lake Toengt’ing.
The Lolladoff disc plate above was found in Nepal and dated to around 10,000 BCE.
Note what appears to be a saucer-shaped object in the center and a being, resembling an alien at the lower right.
This old Asian scroll from Japan depicts a Japanese merchant happening upon a small flying saucer that’s landed near a rice field. Look carefully at the writing above the craft.
The column on the right of the image is not Japanese, it’s a representation of the symbols the merchant saw on the craft and described to the artist who then added them to the scroll for accuracy.
Ezekiel Spots UFO
The religious leader in the Bible, Ezekiel writes about an encounter with a flying object year 592 B.C. near Cheber River Chaldea, in today’s Iraq.
“As I looked, behold a stormy wind came out of the north and a great cloud, with brightness round about it, and fire flashing forth continually, and in the midst of the fire, as it were gleaming bronze.
“And from the midst of it came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: they had the form of men, but each had four faces, and each of them had four wings. Their legs were straight and the soles of their feet were like the sole of a calf’s foot; and they sparkled like burnished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands… each had the face of a man in front; the four had the face of a lion on the right side… the face of an Ox on the left side, and… The face of an eagle on the back.”
Ezekiel describes hominoids wearing helmets with virtual cameras or helmets on the sides and at the rear, marked with symbols? “And their wings were spread out above; each creature had two wings, each of which touched the wing of another, while two covered their bodies.
“Now as I looked at the living creatures, I saw a wheel upon the earth beside the living creature’s one for each of the four of them. As for the appearance of the wheels and their construction: their appearance was like the gleaming of a chrysolite… being as it where a wheel within a wheel… the four wheels had rims and they had spokes: and their rims were full of eyes round about. And when the living creatures went the wheels went beside them; and when the living creatures rose from the Earth, the wheels rose.”
“.There was a likeness of a throne, in appearance like sapphire; and seated above the likeness of a throne was a likeness as it were of a human form. And upward from his loins I saw as it where gleaming bronze, and there was brightness .Like the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud on the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about … And when I saw it… I heard the voice of one speaking, the spirit lifted me up. I heard the sounds of the wheels that sounded like a great earthquake.”
Ezekiel claims he was taken to Tel-Abib where his fellow exiles are”…overwhelmed amongst them seven days Ezekiel encountered a flying craft. Thanks to
Chilean Navy Spots UFO
The Chilean Navy video of the UFO was captured on November 11, 2014, when the Airbus Cougar AS-532 helicopter was on a patrol mission flying west of Santiago and north along the coast. The helicopter was at an altitude of 4,500 feet with perfect visibility flying at 152 mph.
At 1:52 p.m., the technician was already filming when he noticed an odd-looking flying object in the sky over the ocean and both the Navy captain and technician observed an object 37 miles away. The technician zoomed in with the infra-red while filming in order to achieve better clarity of the object. The pilot made contact with two radar stations that were unable to pick up the object on their radars.
The Chilean Navy handed the video over to the CEFAA, and scientific experts from around the world analyzed the footage. General Bermudez states. “This has been one of the most important cases in my career as director of CEFAA because our Committee had full participation from the scientists of the academic world, the armed forces, and the aeronautic personnel from the DGAC; General Bermudez noted that the final conclusion that was reached after two years of study of this video footage is that the object in question is believed by most to be a UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon).
Where is God,
Apparently There Is More Than One?
Richard Anderson writes, “This is an excellent video made by high school students who don’t say a word … from a Catholic High School (Archdiocese of Hartford, CT) in response to a Senator’s remark about.”
Since childhood, Sheldan Nidle has had access to vital information regarding Earth’s hidden history and amazing data on extraterrestrial science and culture.
“Your First Contact” has deeply impressed those who have read it. One reviewer has called “Your First Contact” a reference work for the awakening’. Others have found it unique because it adds the galactic realm to the existing body of resources on the Ascension.
We Are Not Alone Show Reminder
Marie Cisneros joins host David Twichell for this installment of We Are Not Alone on Tuesday September 5, 2017: 1 – 2 PM. Marie has always had an interest in the paranormal and UFOs since an early age, having experienced her first sighting at age 10. After an early retirement in 2006, she devoted more time to researching the UFOs, joining MUFON that year and becoming a certified field investigator. For the past year and a half, she has been a columnist for the MUFON Journal with her “One on One” article devoted to spotlighting MUFON investigators and officers around the country and around the world. Remember after the broadcast this show is available as a podcast from this website: click on Talk Shows–Tuesday Forum
“We Are Not Alone” is a two time award winning radio show on WHFR.FM and is a member of the MUFON Radio Network! The show airs the first Tuesday of each month at 1:00 PM EST with new shows each month. Go to and click on “Listen Now”. All shows are archived at WHFR’s website. Click on “Talk Shows” then the “Tuesday Forum” button and the date of the show. We Are Not Alone is also archived at my website which is
Total Eclipse UFO
Hello Major Filer: I hope you were able to view the recent total eclipse. It was quite a show.
I have attached a general view of totality and a couple of partials with something more of interest to you. Something rectangular in shape darted across some photos taken in burst mode, less than 1 second between #158 and #159.
I have heard quite weird. reports of square and rectangular craft. I guess they did not want to miss the event. Regards Robert M Stiles
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #35 -2017 William Tompkins Passes - PART II
Filer’s Files #35 -2017 William Tompkins Passes - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Arkansas Light
I was taking photos of the solar eclipse with my camera on a tripod and looked up to see a jet weaving around and spraying chemtrails. I took out my phone and snapped a photo of the jet and didn’t think of it after that. I went inside and looked at it and there was the object I thought was a star. I zoomed it in and it didn’t look like a star at all. I never observed the object with my eyes nor did I see it in the viewfinder. I saw it only after I was going through the photos on my phone.
I would have noticed the very bright light before I took the photo but it was not there, nor was it there after I took the photo.
Just to the right of the object is also a black spot that was not visible in the sky but it showed up on the photo. Rogers —
Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Object
Thermal— I tried viewing the eclipse on August 21, 2017 by making holes on Piece of paper with needle didn’t work so put my phone camera on “shutter” took random pics walking around the yard with phone high above my head.
Hoping to view the eclipse I decided to take more pics at 10:25ish. Going through my pics I found this and it freaked me out; so I was done with the eclipse after that. Our dog was in a gated area where we have a large black water bucket that had a bunch of bees swarming around it. I showed my husband the picture and he thinks it’s just an out of focus bee but hell no, I checked every pic I took and yes there were allot of bees, but I found nothing like that in any of the other pictures. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Lights
Nunn — I was setting up to record the eclipse of the sun for tomorrow on August 21 when I caught a circle shaped object next to the Sun on August 20, at 11:20 am. At first I thought it was the reflection so I took 9 videos to see if the object would move and it did! I was using my Z740 Cell-phone Camera with a number 12 welding glass plate for welding to record the eclipse with.
I clip number 4 I rotated the camera 90 degrees and the object was not a reflection or it would have moved! In clip 8 the sun was behind a cloud but the planet or ship wasn’t! The Sun was out of focus due to the clouds but the ship/planet wasn’t! In Clip 9 it was gone! I’m not sure why that happened? Can you please tell me what I’m looking at to put my mind at ease? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Object
Coral Gables— During the peak time of the eclipse 2:58 PM, I took a series of pictures using my IPhone and a polarized lens. The first picture I took was horrible so I quickly used my sunglasses to reduce the glare. I took a series of pictures seconds apart and noticed the disk object. When I zoomed in on the object I was surprised with the detail. You can see the solid shape of disk with some type center structure. You can also see some transparent tentacles.
When you look at the series of pictures (that were taken a few seconds apart) you can see that the object is moving away from the sun and was not anywhere near the ground. So it had to be few miles high and very large. I have no idea what this is. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Disc
Louisville— I was driving along the Ohio River in Kentucky on August 8, 2017, when I saw an object in the sky I have been calling them fake stars, low on the horizon. I was close to the house so I went home got my video camera. I first saw the object started filming; zooming in and out when my camera focused onto a cylinder object that projected a triangle shape with a red light. The object shot something down to the ground or up from the ground it looked like a fire beam. I have been seeing these things all summer. Black helicopters are always in the area.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Massachusetts Eclipse Object
Lancaster — During yesterday’s eclipse I was trying to take pictures to show my students. I was not successful in pointing my camera directly at the sun because there were clouds in the way. So I decided to see if I could find another way to record the event. A few minutes later I decided to run an errand and as I was going to my car I noticed that I could see the eclipse in the reflection of the glass windows of my vehicle.
I took out my phone and snapped some pictures using the window as a filter. (There were no lights on inside my car and I angled the camera so my reflection wasn’t in it). When I was reviewing the pictures later on, I noticed pretty clear images of a UFO in each of them. I was really excited to see what I had captured!! I believe we are not alone and this solidifies my belief!
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nevada Object
Las Vegas — A floating object was above so I took this image then suddenly it disappeared on August 23, 2017.
Object appears to be triangle shaped with large lights or propulsion
system underneath. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Light
Canilworth — We were driving when a circle reflecting object came out the clouds. I took a picture of it on August 22, 2017.
We spotted it until I reached my destination. It came lower and went back up.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Object
Greensboro— I was on a flight to Chicago from Greensboro NC and being I had a window seat by the engine. I decided to take selfies with my phone of the view. I didn’t review any of the photos until two days later. I was having a conversation with a coworker about our flights and started to show him the photos. At first glance I thought there was something on my film and realized something was outside the window following the plane. In the photos you can see at least 3 objects in different positions in each photo. My coworker and I were amazed at the objects zooming in and out trying to make out what the objects could possibly be. Had I seen the photos while still on the airplane I would have tried to get video of these UFO’s? What do you think about the objects? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Disc
Concord Township — My husband and I were watching the eclipse on August 21 between the hours of 2 and 3 pm and snapped some pictures of the eclipse. Some kind of disc shaped object was in the pictures but when we looked up we did not see anything in the sky due to the suns extreme brightness that day.
In two of the pictures you can see a trail in the sky’s atmosphere. We both were taken back by these photos and we both feel we witnessed a UFO sighting that day.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Object
Salem— I was taking pictures during the eclipse on August 21, 2017, continuous shots and caught these lights that seem to be in motion in only one shot.
The sun is not blurred so it’s not movement from the camera, it’s the object moving.
I zoomed in on the photo to double check; there is a nice sharp line on the sun…no movement.
Included are the other pics from this burst in order. I didn’t notice it until I downloaded the pics onto my computer.
Thanks to MUFON CMS Note: Likely Planet Venus
Pennsylvania Lights
Pittsburgh – I was viewing the solar eclipse through my camera phone taking pictures without looking into the camera. Three clouds covered the sun for a short time, so I looked direct through the phone and took a pic.
I saw a quite large object gliding through the air and took the camera away to look, and it was gone. I got a descent picture of it.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Object
Maryville — We live on a farm next to the Smoky Mountain National Park on August 22, 2017. I was taking a great deal of pictures yesterday to capture the behavior of animals on our farm during the eclipse for my farm life blog. About 15 minutes before the full eclipse I was taking rapid pictures of my goats. When I downloaded my pics today I noticed in one of my shots that had four different interpretations of the shot spanning about 1/100ths of a second intervals – an object in the sky high and smaller. There were NO birds flying at this time. The animals including our chickens and turkeys had all gone to lie down. Then on the next picture the disc shaped object had moved a vast amount and was larger and dropped 300 feet downward. The first picture didn’t have any object, then picture two and three both showed this disc like object and the fourth picture didn’t have it. In 1/100th of a second, it had moved a huge amount. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia UFO
Hobart, Tasmania — We were on vacation on February 27, 2017, when my aunt decided to take a photo at dawn near the place we were staying at.
We only noticed the object in the picture after the fact, so cannot say it was witnessed in person.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Light
Burke Mountain— The night of July 2nd, 2017, was fairly warm and our bedroom window was left open. Around 3:20 a.M., I heard a thump noise coming from outside. Looking above my neighbors’ house I saw an extremely bright light. It was way too big and bright to be a star and not on the mountain itself. I then took the binoculars and this light was not one but five round lights side by side in a row. The middle light was the largest and most powerful. They each emitted their own beam of light powerful enough to be radiating above, below and on each side of this row of lights. I stared at it for a few minutes more and then around 3:45 a.M., they simply continued to beam, so I went back to bed. It did not move. I woke up my husband who had been sleeping downstairs, not wanting to deal with a hot bedroom. When I explained what I had seen, he casually replied that I had seen a ufo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Columbia Objects
I wasn’t the witness, a relative who works at the petroleum site sent me the pictures.
The pictures of a disc were sent on August 23, 2017.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Costa Rica Disc
Heredia — The day of the event started with a storm, so I went out to see if it was a tornado, but I could see a formation of spiral clouds on January 24, 2016, as if something had made them take a circular shape. Then I left with my with my mother and my partner, I took pictures with my Sony Xperie S cell phone of a diamond shaped object with a kind of motor or reactor in the bottom. You can see an airplane a little below the object. A few days later I saw cigar shaped objects that move slowly and then change direction and move away at very high speed.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Zealand Object
Queenstown — I was in my house on June 24, 2017 and recently started filming the night sky with my infrared night vision camera 60×60 350m and military laser after wanting to find the unknown for myself. I was on my balcony filming the night sky as usual in a crystal clear sky on the South Island of New Zealand. Then out of nowhere the disc shaped craft zooms in! I’m trying to get my laser on it but it’s quite difficult when aiming a camera with one hand and a laser with the other. I hit this disc shaped craft with my laser as I’m getting reflections off it! Just to mention I do live at the bottom of a mountain with surrounding mountains on all sides in the distance’s with an 800 ft deep lake in the middle. (Google Queenstown New Zealand).
United Kingdom Light
My dad and sister were sat in the back garden and seen a strange light hovering in the sky on August 23, 2017.
They continued watching this for around 40 minutes and seen this thing change shapes and move around in an odd manner.
They took some photos and stopped looking. Went to look again and it had vanished. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help.A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Wilsthorpe Incident: There were allegedly 30 to 40 UFOs over the sea.
The husband and wife, aged in their 80s, who have not been named claim to have witnessed the phenomenal sight over Wilsthorpe Beach in East Yorkshire.
Paranormal investigator Paul Sinclair tells their story in a new book he is penning about the Wilsthorpe Incident, which has been branded Britain's new Roswell due to the mysterious military activity seemingly connected to UFO sightings.
The couple's bizarre claims concern the night of September 14 2009 at 11pm.
They lived in one of 30 flats that overlook the sea at Wilsthorpe.
The pair decided to go to bed, however, as the woman went to turn off the lights, she saw a glow outside.
Mr Sinclair said "something told her to go outside" before she opened the front door and looked out to sea where she was amazed to see several glowing UFOs above the coast.
Mr Sinclair said she described them as 15-feet long and eight-feet wide "spaceships over the sea".
He said: "She said there was a huge circle of boomerang-shaped craft.
"She said there were loads - 30 to 40 and the sea below was bubbling, banging and crashing.
"They were silent, but there was electricity going into the sea.
"Ron (her husband) said it was like a blue and white Christmas tree over the sea. He was frightened and left after ten minutes and put his head under the pillow for the night.
"But, she told me she was not frightened and knew she was never going to see anything like it again in her life."
She stayed for around half and hour before the objects began to "lift out of the circle in pairs at a 45 degree angle until just two were left which shot off straight up."
Two Chinook helicopters full of RAF personnel landed at the beach by the remote hamlet.
Mr Sinclair also spoke with a man who runs a bait shop at Bridlington Harbour, who told him his bait diggers had seen "triangle" craft enter the sea in 2009 over the same period.
Mr Sinclair also spoke with a man who runs a bait shop at Bridlington Harbour, who told him his bait diggers had seen "triangle" craft enter the sea in 2009 over the same period.
She said there were loads - 30 to 40 and the sea below was bubbling, banging and crashing. They were silent, but there was electricity going into the sea.
Paul Sinclair
He said two of his bait diggers had been on Wilsthorpe Beach the day the couple saw the military operation.
They told of seeing "triangles entering the sea" and later "being surrounded by soldiers."
Separately a man working on a boat at Blythe Park boat compound also confirmed the military presence, he said.
Mr Sinclair submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to find out why the operation took place on September 15.
However, the response he eventually received, said it was just a "routine military exercise" and few other details were provided.
The reply said "no live ammunition was used" and "any explosions heard were controlled detonations of simulated ammunitions."
The response added that it was "one of a number of regular exercises" as part of work to defend the UK, and new locations would often be used with landowners' consent.
Mr Sinclair continues to investigate the case and is trying to obtain historic coastguard reports from the period.
He believes it is connected to a high level of reported UFO activity along a 25-mile stretch of the East Yorkshire and North Yorkshire coast from Brandesburton in East Yorkshire to Scarborough, North Yorkshire, between May and September 2009.
High levels of military aircraft flying low and circling near his home in Bridlington, East Yorkshire, were also recorded that September.
Mr Sinclair said the case did not yet prove a UFO presence, but: "I think the military arrived because of the objects."
In a post on his Truth Proof Facebook page about the case, he wrote: "Nothing found can prove with any certainty the UFOs were over the sea as an elderly couple claim, or that the black triangles entered the sea in September 2009 like the bait diggers described.
"All I can do is stack the evidence for and against, either side of the scale."
Some of the sightings have been detailed in Mr Sinclair's first book - Truth-Proof: The Truth That Leaves No Proof, which is available on Amazon.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Alien hunter offers $100K reward for proof of UFOs
Alien hunter offers $100K reward for proof of UFOs
By Joe Hildebrand,
As one great search for alien life comes to a fiery end on the edge of Saturn, another one is about to begin in Australia.
American UFO hunter James Fox is offering $100,000 to anyone who can give him credible evidence of extraterrestrial activity on Earth — including from a claimed sighting in suburban Melbourne he is investigating.
The proposal is perhaps not as crazy as it seems. It comes in the same week that the NASA spacecraft Cassini ends its groundbreaking 20-year mission that recently discovered the Saturnal moon Enceladus had an ocean and potential hydrothermal activity — key building blocks for life.
However, Fox’s quest is at the opposite end of the journey: Any alien life that made it to Earth. And that quest has now come to Australia.
In particular, he is appealing to government officials who might have documentary or photographic evidence but might be fearful of going public because of either the stigma or official repercussions.
“We’re trying to get government officials to come forward and not say ‘Hey, ET has landed’ but there have been events (witnessed) by extremely credible observers of relatively incredible things and we have yet to explain or be able to explain these and to sort of acknowledge some of these incredible events in an official capacity,” he tells
“Coupling along with that, we know through interviews with some of the military men and women we met with, that there are bits of evidence, whether it be radar or some photographs of landing gear, that sort of thing, that have never seen the light of day. And we are encouraging any military or government officials with some of these materials a rather large sum of money — $100,000 and possibly more — if they are willing to come forward.”
Very few of the tips Fox has received make the cut even for analysis.
“We’ve got lots of compelling photographs but nothing where our jaw hit the floor.”
At the moment, Fox says a physicist is currently examining some “physical evidence” — an object found in New Mexico — to see if it might have come from an alien spacecraft. If it is found to be unearthly that could be the first to qualify for the reward.
He is offering complete anonymity and even encourages people to contact him via tradition mail lest electronic communications get intercepted.
But while the documentary maker admits this all sounds very paranoid, he insists he is no tinfoil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorist. He has no truck with people who got drunk and then woke-up claiming they’d been beamed up for a probing.
Instead, Fox says there are serious questions about classified material the US military is refusing to release. And he says Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta has spoken to him on the record for his upcoming film, voicing frustration that the military refused to fully declassify potential UFO material under Bill Clinton’s administration. He also says that Hillary Clinton was planning to revisit the issue if she had become president.
“He (Podesta) basically said that he was acutely aware of the stigma associated with the phenomenon but he felt that someone in his position needs to come forward and participate to encourage others to do so. And that President Clinton had made efforts and he had many discussions with Hillary and that Hillary was planning on doing another effort of releasing classified documents.”
“He said that the phenomena cannot be explained away … (not) all of it. That it merits further investigation and that other people should take it more seriously.”
Fox says he cannot reveal his financial backers due to obvious sensitivities but that they include two extremely high-profile American public figures and philanthropists.
Fox first made the $100,000 offer among UFO circles during a conference in 2013 but none of the material submitted has yet satisfied him. Now he is publicly announcing the reward to the world ahead of a speaking tour of Australia that kicks off this weekend.
The significance of this is that he will be interviewing people who claim to have witnessed one or more flying saucers in the Melbourne suburb of Westall in 1966.
The infamous “sighting” by some 200 students and teachers at Westall High School was reported in both The Age and The Dandenong Journal and remains a mystery to this day.
The Age report suggested it might have been a weather balloon while others have suggested it may have been an experimental military aircraft.
Fox says that anyone who has credible evidence, such as a rumored photograph of the craft, would be eligible for the $100,000 if that evidence proved to be authentic.
“It would have to be coupled with a piece of pretty substantial evidence. If there was a photograph of the object on the ground, a photograph of the object in the air, if there was a government document, irrefutable, confirming that, that would certainly be considered something that was bona fide,” he says.
“We’re talking to a gentleman now, I can’t say any names, but apparently there was someone who did take a photograph of something very similar to that a day or two prior to the landing so we’re going to meet with him.”
Meanwhile, in the outer reaches of the solar system, a more conventional and expensive search for alien life is drawing to a close.
The extraordinary $3 billion-plus Cassini mission will end on Friday when the spacecraft self-immolates by plunging into Saturn. Having discovered the potential for life, its controllers at NASA and the European and Italian space agencies must now destroy it rather than risk contaminating the very worlds it unlocked with its own alien composition.
And so if someone like James Fox ever evolves on the oceanic moon of Enceladus to search for evidence of UFOs he will be sorely disappointed.
EXCLUSIVE: Military swamped beach after spate of UFO sightings in new 'British Roswell'
EXCLUSIVE: Military swamped beach after spate of UFO sightings in new 'British Roswell'
A BRITISH RAF squadron was seen by multiple witnesses swarming an area of coastline that had been plagued by mysterious UFO sightings, can exclusively reveal.
UFO SHOCKER: Details of a new 'British Roswell' UFO case were revealed by Paul Sinclair (pictured)
The case of the Wilsthorpe Incident is being investigated after a number of witnesses to the bizarre events along a 25-mile stretch of the East Yorkshire and North Yorkshire coast were discovered.
Witnesses reported seeing strange lights, and odd-shaped craft in an area from Brandesburton in East Yorkshire to Scarborough, North Yorkshire, between May and September 2009.
In some cases UFOs were seen entering the sea, and cars ground to a halt as one appeared, it is claimed.
Two Chinook helicopters full of RAF personnel landed at the beach by the remote hamlet of Wilsthorpe, East Yorkshire, on Tuesday, September 15 2009, at the height of the sightings, paranormal researcher Paul Sinclair has revealed.
It was the day after a bizarre late-night sighting of between 30 and 40 UFOs in the same area by an elderly couple whose home overlooked the beach, he said.
The multiple UFOs sighting followed a spate of other strange UFO sightings along the area of coastline, Mr Sinclair told the Outer Limits Magazine 70 Years of the Modern UFO Era Conference in Hull.
The military action and UFOs were witnessed by the couple, two bait diggers, and a boat worker, a seven-year investigation by Mr Sinclair has discovered.
Jon Austin*Paul Sinclair
A pink UFO image sent to Paul Sinclair in 2009 during the height of the sightings.
A local newspaper report written more than a week later on September 24 said up to 50 people had seen the military arrival.
The case began in 2009 as Mr Sinclair recorded several UFO sightings in the area on his former website ILF-UFO.
He also video recorded high levels of military aircraft flying low and circling near his home in Bridlington, East Yorkshire, on September 18 that year.
He said: "At least one of the choppers had its rear loading ramp half open and for some reason the men inside were observing me."
It was not until 2014 when he interviewed the couple, aged in their 80s, about their experience in 2009, that he realised it was one of the UK's most important UFO incidents.
The couple lived in one of 30 flats that overlook the sea at Wilsthorpe.
Mr Sinclair told the conference that the woman described seeing on September 14 2009 15-feet long and eight-feet wide "spaceships over the sea".
He said: "She said there was a huge circle of boomerang-shaped craft.
Jon Austin* Paul Sinclair
The remote flat from where the elderly couple claimed to see up to 40 UFOs.
"She said there were loads - 30 to 40 and the sea below was bubbling, banging and crashing."
The woman said that after about half an hour, the "craft" flew off.
The next day the couple said they saw the military swarming all over the beach.
Mr Sinclair also spoke with a man who runs a bait shop at Bridlington Harbour, who told him his bait diggers had seen "triangle" craft enter the sea in 2009 over the same period.
He said two of his bait diggers had been on Wilsthorpe Beach the day the couple saw the military operation.
They told of seeing "triangles entering the sea" and later "being surrounded by soldiers."
Separately a man working on a boat at Blythe Park boat compound also confirmed the military presence, he said.
Mr Sinclair, who continues to investigate the case, has collated a record of other UFO sightings in the area from at least May 2009 that were either reported in local newspapers or directly to his website.
These include a pink flying saucer and three star-like objects over Flamborough Head, east Yorkshire, on May 10 2009, a huge UFO over Driffield six days later, and a "spherical-shaped craft" seen by nine people at River Head three days after that.
Jon Austin*Paul Sinclair
Sketch of 'crucifix-shaped UFO' seen by retired police man David Holroyd, who saw three UFOs.
As a collective they tell an amazing story that if true stands with the great UFO incidents of our time.
Paul Sinclair
He revealed sightings that continued throughout June and July, including spheres of light over the sea, plus triangle, circular, and egg shaped craft.
Witnesses included trawler men and a retired police officer.
He also had reports of cars stopping working after a UFO sighting, including a black triangular object.
The vehicles worked fine again after the UFO flew out to sea.
These included an off-duty police man driving back from Barmston, East Yorkshire, whose car lights dimmed after a large cube-shaped UFO appeared.
Mr Sinclair said witnesses, including himself, also saw unusually high levels of military aircraft in the area at the peak of the sightings spate.
He said RAF helicopters had flown exceptionally low over his home at times, including when he recorded them three days after the military presence on September 18.
He said: "Why were these planes there? What was so important at the time?
"Does that mean there was a UFO presence, no, but it means there was a military presence.
"We still get military aircraft in the area, but you never get them flying over the rooftops like then."
Picturesque Wilsthorpe beach was mobbed by military after alleged UFO sightings.
Mr Sinclair submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to find out why the operation took place on September 15.
However, the response he eventually received, said it was just a "routine military exercise" and few other details were provided.
The reply said "no live ammunition was used" and "any explosions heard were controlled detonations of simulated ammunitions."
The response added that it was "one of a number of regular exercises" as part of work to defend the UK, and new locations would often be used with landowners' consent.
Mr Sinclair said the case did not yet prove a UFO presence, but: "I think the military arrived because of the objects."
He continues to investigate the case and is trying to obtain historic coastguard reports from the period.
In a post on his Truth Proof Facebook page about the case, he wrote: "When I filmed the helicopters I had no idea there would be any connection to a UFO incident.
"So far it has taken seven years to connect these events, mine and the people who have been bold enough to submit their accounts.
"As a collective they tell an amazing story that if true stands with the great UFO incidents of our time.
"Nothing found can prove with any certainty the UFOs were over the sea as an elderly couple claim, or that the black triangles entered the sea in September 2009 like the bait diggers described.
"All I can do is stack the evidence for and against, either side of the scale."
Some of the sightings have been detailed in Mr Sinclair's first book - Truth-Proof: The Truth That Leaves No Proof, which is available on Amazon.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
New Netflix documentary blows Roswell alien conspiracy WIDE OPEN after sensational claims
New Netflix documentary blows Roswell alien conspiracy WIDE OPEN after sensational claims
A SHOCKING new Netflix documentary claims to have unearthed fresh evidence casting doubt on the official narrative surrounding the infamous Roswell UFO incident.
In 1947, an alien spacecraft was alleged to have crash-landed in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico, US, carrying multiple extraterrestrial occupants onboard.
The US military denied the claims, suggesting the “flying disc” reportedly spotted by multiple eye-witnesses was instead a conventional weather balloon.
Despite repeated investigations into the crash, Roswell remains one of the most talked-about conspiracy theories of recent times.
And now Unacknowledged, a recently-released Netflix documentary, claims to have unearthed fresh evidence suggesting the military might have covered up evidence proving alien life crash-landed on Earth.
FRESH CLAIMS: Richard Doty described the alien spacecraft in great detail
Richard Doty, a former special agent working for the US Air Force, worked on multiple investigations into the alleged visitation of extraterrestrials – starting out with Roswell.
“It was more or less an oval, or egg-shaped craft. It wasn’t a saucer”
Richard Doty
In an interview with filmmaker Michael Mazzola, Doty went into great detail describing the spacecraft that had been picked up by military forces on July 8, 1947.
“It was more or less an oval, or egg-shaped craft. It wasn’t a saucer,” he explained.
“It didn’t have any actual levers or flight control systems that we would identify.
“But they [researchers] eventually, over some time, figured it out. It was all done by hands. The creatures would put their hands on controls and have these headsets on.
“The headset would somehow control the aircraft.”
QUESTIONABLE: A report of the incident claims there were three alien bodies recovered
Veteran serviceman Doty went on to describe the physical appearance of the three aliens he claims were found dead on board the downed craft.
“The creatures were about 4ft,” he continued.
“Some of them were mangled, heavily injured and their bodies torn apart.”
Multiple exhaustive investigations into the Roswell crash failed to produce any evidence of an alien crash-landing – but believers in the conspiracy claim this in itself proves the incident has been concealed by the government.
SpaceX, the space exploration venture headed by Elon Musk, has followed a rocky road to get where it is today. The company has successfully landed a number of orbital rocket boosters back on Earth after launch, a practice aimed at reducing costs and preparing for a mission to Mars. On Thursday, though, the company shared a two-minute video of its failings.
“Long road to reusabity of Falcon 9 primary boost stage…When upper stage & fairing also reusable, costs will drop by a factor >100,” Musk said on his Twitter account.
If SpaceX can reuse its rockets, it stands to save a considerable amount of money. A Falcon 9 rocket booster costs $62 million, but the fuel only costs $200,000 to $300,000 a mission. Reusing the rocket saves the company $46.5 million of the initial cost, or 75 percent.
One YouTube commenter described the video as a real-life version of Kerbal Space Program, while also “the most expensive fail video on the internet.” Considering the initial cost of the rocket and the amount of failures, it’s possibly true.
The video contains a number of failures and successes. Watch the full, high-resolution footage here:
That’s what makes it all the more remarkable to look back at what NASA’s website looked like when Cassini first launched back in 1997. The internet was in its infancy then: YouTube and Facebook both wouldn’t be founded until 2005, while Twitter only began in 2006. What web presence Cassini had was limited to NASA’s own site, and it’s unrecognizable from the page in 2017. To realize Cassini is a product of 1997’s technology rather than 2017’s is to be even more humbled by all it has accomplished.
Here’s what greets you when you arrive at the current webpage for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Cassini’s home instition.
And here’s the 1997 page, as preserved by the Internet Archive.
Welcome to retro NASA.
Pointing this out isn’t intended as some mere exercise in laughing at the rather basic fact the internet was more primitive in 1997 than 2017. But think about how far technology has come in those 20 years, as shown by the difference between these two websites — and then consider Cassini didn’t get to enjoy any of that.
After all, once Cassini launched on October 15, 1997, there was no way of changing its on-board tech. All the computers at JPL that work with Cassini are now 20 years more advanced than what the probe has to offer. It’s all the more awe-inspiring to realize Cassini achieved all it has considering it was built at a time when NASA, perhaps the world’s single most famous science and research institution, couldn’t manage a website more impressive than this.
Slightly different than 2017's site.
Or a news page that was anything more than a long bulleted list of hyperlinks.
It's nothing but news.
Or this announcement of Cassini’s launch on October 15, which is nothing more than the proverbial wall of text.
Hey, at least it's printer-friendly.
In the grand scheme of things, 1997 isn’t even that long ago. Voyager 1 and 2 are still operating as they slowly leave the solar system, and those both run on tech from the late 1970s. But that’s just it: Every probe we send into space becomes a relic of the time it was first launched, its every success a tribute to how far we had come by that point. That we’ve come so much further since then makes the prospect of Cassini’s successor missions all the more tantalizing.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind suggested that, while light years and galaxies may separate humble humankind and extraterrestrial life, the universal language of music could transcend such differences. Before the mothership opens its glowing gates in Steven Spielberg’s 1977 classic, its passengers collaborate with human experts on a giddy light and sound symphony.
As the film is re-released in cinemas nearly 40 years later, we seem no closer to making first contact with aliens. But if we did, would music really be the best way to communicate with them?
Close Encounters of the Third Kind was somewhat timely: on September 5, Nasa launched its Voyager programme, which, four decades later, continues to study the solar system. Jonah Katz, a linguistics professor at West Virginia University, tells The Telegraph, “those records were included 'just in case' the probes somehow ended up being discovered by an extraterrestrial; that wasn't the point of the Voyager mission at all”.
Golden Record: Greetings to the Universe contained pictures of life on Earth - such as a woman in a supermarket - as well as music that reflected the diversity of humankind’s creative capabilities. Bach was on there, along with Mozart, Beethoven and Stravinsky, as well as Azerbaijani folk music and Chuck Berry - a controversial choice at the time as some deemed his song Johnny B Goode to be “adolescent”. (Carl Sagan, the Cornell University academic who chaired the record’s creation, argued that there were “a lot of adolescents on the planet”.)
The discs also came with a diagram of how to play them, in the hope that extraterrestrial life might come across the Voyager spacecraft and discover the record. Two years ago, the contents were uploaded online, so all of humankind could listen to them, too.
In 2008, Nasa beamed a Beatles song towards the North star, but again, this was more for human benefit - a means of celebration of the Beatles' and Nasa's shared anniversaries - than for any aliens.
Nasa engineers installing the 'Golden Record' into Voyager
A couple of years later, scientists from SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute, explained at a conference that human art and music would be of far greater interest to alien life than maths or physics, which have previously been used to try and contact aliens.
Douglas Vakoch, the director of interstellar message composition at SETI, said at the time: “If they’re so advanced, we probably can’t teach them about science, but we can tell them what it’s like to be at this precarious point where we don’t know if we’re going to continue as a species.”
But Katz believes that using the fundamentals of mathematics to communicate with aliens is still a better strategy. “[Music] tends to be 'tacked on' to other kinds of messages that represent more fundamental information about the universe and our place in it,” he says. The laws of physics and maths don’t vary between different points of the universe, but the laws of music do. As Katz explains: “There's no particular reason to think that, say, a melody in a major key would be interpretable or pleasant for an alien. The major scales is not even universal across human cultures.”
The SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) telescope array in CaliforniaCREDIT: REUTERS
Bearing scales in mind, the chances of the aliens using exactly the same 12-note chromatic - as they do in Close Encounters of the Third Kind - is extremely unlikely. “It would be extremely far-fetched for extraterrestrials to coincidentally stumble across the same pitch collections, using the same 12-note chromatic,” says Katz.
Say, however, that our music was heard by aliens and they managed to make sense of its scale, what could we expect to hear back? Spielberg’s symphony isn’t so unrealistic - theoretically speaking, at least: “We often repeat melodies or harmonies more than once, but alter them in some way on the repetitions,” says Katz. “So maybe if we sent a particular kind of melody or harmonic sequence into space, an alien that 'understands' human music could send back a slightly altered repetition to us to show understanding.”
After that, it’s just a case of waiting to see if they want to invade our planet and turn us into slaves, or not.
A group called Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence are about to step up the call to ET
A group called Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence are about to step up the call to ET
A SMALL group of stargazing researchers want to be more step up the hunt for ET, but others think it’s a risky idea.
A UFO? Video captures strange object near Ohio
OUR quest to contact aliens has reportedly created a rift between scientists responsible for handling humanity’s potential communication with ET.
For the past five decades or so, a network of scientists and astronomers have been scanning the cosmos looking for any radio signals or electronic signs left by an advanced alien species.
This network is largely known as SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Despite all their efforts, the cosmic radio waves have remained quiet when it comes to celestial messages from intelligent life.
The cynics among us would probably be quick to invoke the idea of the Fermi Paradox as to why such exercises by SETI are a fool’s errand — but some of the researchers are highly optimistic. The director of the institute, Seth Shostak, has famously predicted we’ll make some sort of contact with an alien species within the next two decades.
Of course, he is way more bullish on this topic than anybody else, and sadly there has so far been nothing to support his optimism.
So a splinter group of stargazing researchers inside SETI wants to be more proactive in the hunt for ET. Instead of just combing the skies looking for signals, they want to go on the offensive and beam messages into the cosmos on behalf of the human race.
The group calls themselves Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or METI, and they are dedicated to designing and sending messages intended for extraterrestrial recipients.
METI plans on beaming out its first messages in 2018.
It won’t be the first time we’ve sent messages into space but some worrywarts think it’s a bad, or potentially even dangerous idea to solicit the attention of an unknown and obviously intelligent alien race. Those opposed to the idea include Stephen Hawking who thinks sophisticated aliens might view us like we view bacteria.
But Douglas Vakoch, president of METI International, is dismissive of such concerns.
“One of the reasons people are so afraid of METI is that it seems riskier to do something than to do nothing,” Mr Vakoch told Motherboard over e-mail.
“When we try to evaluate the risks and benefits of an unknown situation where we have little or no actual data, we fall back on the most vivid images that come to mind. But just because the first images of alien contact that come to mind are horrific, that doesn’t mean they’re realistic.”
METI plans on beaming out its first messages in 2018, the only question is how do you communicate with a species we have absolutely no idea about?
Previous solutions to this conundrum have proposed things like sending some form of a purely mathematical language, music, or pictograms in the direction of potentially habitable exoplanets.
The message will almost certainly need to be rooted in maths and physics, since they’re the fundamental language of the universe as we know it and thus are likely to be the only two types of knowledge we have in common. And that is exactly METI’s plan.
“Some of the most prominent messages of the past have tried to cover everything,” Mr Vakoch said. “We’re taking the opposite approach. Rather than trying to communicate everything (about math, science and life on Earth), we are focusing on saying a few things very clearly.”
But the question remains: will anyone, or anything, hear it?
It would be those two that would bring another emerging directorial talents work to Columbia. Steven Spielberg had just had a massive financial success with Jaws, his third feature film, at Universal Pictures. It was during post-production of his second feature film, The Sugarland Express, in 1973 that Columbia had picked up a new science-fiction project Spielberg had been working on for a while. With the vast acclaim of Jaws, Spielberg would be given unprecedented complete creative control of what would become Close Encounters of the Third Kind, also taking full screenplay credit for the picture -despite numerous other writers working on the project, including Taxi Driver's own Paul Schrader.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind would go on to critical acclaim and financial success -thus saving Columbia from the indignity of bankruptcy- and established Spielberg's artistic voice of childlike wonder and astonishing imagery for years to come. Like Star Wars -released the same year to even bigger financial rewards, the film has established iconic imagery that even those who haven't seen the film recognise. But what does it tell us about Spielberg and our relation to film as an art form?
The film began life as an early amateur feature that Spielberg had made called Firelight as a teenager. Entire sequences from this attempt at a full-length feature were lifted and incorporated into Close Encounters. It was an idea formed at a young age, during a meteor storm that the youthful Spielberg had witnessed.
From this and buoyed by the success and stresses of Jaws, and it's lengthy shoot, Spielberg started putting together the elements of Close Encounters. Working backwards from its iconic climactic sequence, the script was heavily influenced by the song 'When You Wish Upon a Star' from Walt Disney's adaptation of Pinocchio. Under the working title of Watch The Skies -which would later be referenced in the Joe Dante directed but Spielberg produced Gremlins (1984), as a film playing at a movie theatre- the film went into production in 1976. The film's final title would come from famous ufologist J.Allen Hynek, who had written a book called “The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry” that detailed his three points of contact with UFO's. The First Kind: A sighting of one or more UFO's. The Second Kind: Observation of physical evidence of extra-terrestrial visitation. The Third Kind: Contact with one or more extra-terrestrials.
Casting wise, Richard Dreyfuss got wind of what Spielberg was up to as his next project during the shooting of Jaws and campaigned to play the lead role of Roy Neary. Spielberg later conceded that Dreyfuss was perfect for the character as he was "a bigger child than his own children" which perfectly fit with Roy's descent into total obsession with the imagery he sees after his close encounter. One of Spielberg's great celluloid heroes, François Truffaut, plays the role of Lacombe, the French scientist entrusted with extra-terrestrial activities in the United States. Truffaut was ably supported by a young Bob Balaban as his interpreter and by sparse appearances from Lance Henriksen. The crucial roles of a mother called Jillian and her young son Barry are portrayed by Melinda Dillon and Gary Guffey. More so than Neary's own family unit -a post-Young FrankensteinTeri Garr portrayed Ronnie Neary, Roy's wife- these two would act as kindred spirits for Roy's journey in the film.
The journey Roy takes is fascinating and there are numerous interpretations one could read into it. The concept of him being obsessed and plagued by visions of what would eventually be Devil's Tower- the point of contact for the extra-terrestrial life-forms- is one almost of religious enlightenment. Roy is given the clues by an other-worldly force and is possessed enough to follow this whim, to the complete detriment and abandonment of his family unit and earthly responsibilities. Spielberg has since admitted -not being a father at the time of creating this picture- that he regrets the way that Roy takes himself away from his family. But in a spiritualist reading of the events, with him ascending to another world or reality at the end, is there any other way it could have happened? Similarly, Jillian is led to Devil's Tower after the abduction of her son Barry, via perhaps the film's most iconic sequence where bathed in bright light and the possession of a variety of household appliances, he opens the door to them. She is plagued by the exact same visions. The breath-taking cinematography of Close Encounters would win cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond an Oscar and it's likely that this sequence was at the forefront of voters' minds.
There is the nature of these visions too. When Roy starts to have them, he initially draws them. This quickly expands to creating models out of his children's train sets and his food until, in the last straw for his confused and terrified family, he erratically starts taking elements of the outside world in to build Devil's Tower. Shovels full of dirt and fences are thrown in through the window. He himself is almost about to give in when, either in a coincidence or divine intervention, he sees the location on television as a decoy story the government are running to protect their own investigation, which has also led to Devil's Tower. When he begins his journey there are others alongside him trying to reach the Tower, who are also compelled to be there. Some have had an audible communication from the life-forms. This five note communication would go on to become another iconic element and was composed by John Williams, two films into his collaboration with Spielberg which continues to this day.
Another interpretation is one of film making itself. Is making a film not a series of visual ideas that require drawing or constructing before being let loose in reality? Was Spielberg reflecting on the whole creative process? It's an interesting thought.
The idea of the participants in the event being challenged and exerting themselves to be there creates a great tension in proceedings that is then magically lifted with the arrival of the mothership. Infamously, Spielberg and his editor Michael Kahn have reflected that the last 35 minutes of this film were the hardest they have ever had to cut together and Spielberg was not satisfied with his final cut upon its release in November 1977 -Columbia's financial woes leading to pressure for getting the film out there. Kahn would go on to edit every film Spielberg has directed since.
The sequence concludes with Neary stepping onto the mothership and disappearing off into space with it, beginning a new life. With the release of the special edition in 1980, thanks to the massive box office success of the picture, audiences got a glimpse inside that mothership. Spielberg's dissatisfaction with the original cut leading Columbia to let him add some sequences in, as long as they had something massive to promote a re-release with -hence the addition of that moment. He has since admitted to regretting adding it, believing it to be the province of the audience's imagination as to what the interior should look like. It's telling that for the 1998 Collector's edition version of the movie, he kept most of the other changes and excised that sequence leading to his definitive directors cut.
With its financial success, the picture kept Columbia from going under, but more importantly it firmly established Steven Spielberg's cinematic manifesto. More so than Jaws, this is the escapist child-eyed imagery that would later be complemented by E.T. – The Extra-terrestrial and Jurassic Park. The eyes of a dreamer who could express his heartfelt emotions via dazzling effects sequences and technically superior compositions. Forty years on from it's theatrical release –let's not forget, in the same year as George Lucas's Star Wars, which gave us a completely different science-fiction story to be dazzled with- the film retains all of its power and despite the protesting of its inaugurator, is as near perfect and as cerebral as some of the greatest of science-fiction classics.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 5/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Pharaohs of Egypt as Alien Hybrids: Truth or Myth?
Pharaohs of Egypt as Alien Hybrids: Truth or Myth?
There are wall paintings and petroglyphs from every corner of the earth that seem to indicate we have had visitors from other worlds. Who were they? The old inscriptions depict aliens with halos around their heads and appear to be trying to show something from other worlds. There has also been much talk about alien species being responsible for the pyramids. At first, it was a believed to be a myth, but now, it is more than that. According to the latest and modernized genetic studies, Egyptian Pharaohs were the subject to genetic manipulation through an advanced Alien civilization. The conclusions were discussed because it appears like the builders and designers of these pyramids had a strong connection with ET beings. Of course, these ET beings were originated far away.
While the media is silent about this discovery, it is still a massive game changer for human existence. As stated in the history, if Stuart Fleischmann’s 7-year study of the genomes of 9 Pharaohs were proven correct, then the world’s history books should be changed, and humans should be ready to accept the new understanding of the Universe. The research started when Fleischmann and the scientists submitted the ancient DNA to Polymerse Chain Reaction. In this field, the technique is used to amplify and replicate a single piece of DNA, which provides researchers a clearer picture of a genetic fingerprint.
After the initial test, eight of nine samples had interesting results. Akhenaten, who belonged to the 14th century BC Pharaoh and the father of Tutankhamun, is the ninth example. It was a small fragment of brain tissue at first and was then repeated by bone tissue. With regards to the overall findings, none of the results came back to normal. With all the scientific explanation, it is clear that the Pyramids were not created by stones, water, and sand, but are made by advanced ET Beings.
Scientists and conspiracy theorists may fight even with the small details due to the opposing viewpoints. Whether you believe the existence of extraterrestrial beings or not, experts came to design to dig at the mysterious and confusing accounts of alien sightings and abduction.
The 22-year old Frederick Valentich disappeared while training flight in a Cessna 182L light aircraft in Australia on 21 October 1978. According to Valentich, he could see a huge unknown vessel has four bright landing lights. He cannot confirm the type, but said it passed 1,000 feet overhead at a high speed. However, as soon as he stated that it is not an aircraft, he disappeared. His disappearance coincided with the sighting report.
Travis Walton is an American logger who was abducted by an alien on November 5, 1975 while working with a logging crew in Arizona. After five days of working, Walton reappeared. Before his abduction, he and his crew saw a massive golden disc flying shining brightly. The men reported that Walton was below the object when the vessel wobble from side to side, and everything disappeared. UFO historian writes that abduction reports have generated much controversy.
Barney and Betty Hill were an American couple who were abducted by aliens in New Hampshire from September 19, 1961, up to September 20, 1961. The Hills were driving to Portsmouth and observed a bright light in the sky. Betty found a “bizarre-shaped” craft flashing the multi-colored lights travelling across the face of the moon.
A Positive Note from John Salter Jr John Salter Jr has a different view of an alien abduction. The sociology professor was driving in Wisconsin when he had an encounter with the “friendly” aliens. He claims that they were all gripped by amnesia. After regaining consciousness, the humanoid creatures were led away.
There are more registered UFO sightings than you believed them to be, at the same time debunkers are accompanying them.
ALIEN FLYING SAUCER? Could 1950 black and white 'best ever UFO pic' actually be real?
ALIEN FLYING SAUCER? Could 1950 black and white 'best ever UFO pic' actually be real?
IN THE age of digital telescopic zooms and phone cameras there are now more so-called UFO pictures and videos captured around the globe than ever before.
But despite the advances in technology, most images are arguably still blurred or grainy at best.
Some still say that the best ever UFO caught on camera was one of the first - an image which was shot 67 years ago.
Just two snaps were taken of the "flying saucer" Evelyn and Paul Trent claimed to see as it flew passed their farm ranch between McMinnville and Sheridan in Yamhill County, Oregon, USA.
All those years on and many still believe these were genuine pictures caught on a simple Kodak camera, although last year there were a number of claims saying it was a hoax using a truck wing mirror as the spacecraft.
One who believes it could be a real flying saucer caught on camera is Russ Calaghan.
The UFO researcher made the claim at a UFO conference in Hull on Saturday.
Taken in 2008, this UFO image is in colour and impressive, but fairly grainy
He told the 70 Year Anniversary of the Modern UFO Era event: "The Trent photographs are one of the most plausible.
"Some people say you can see the cable dangling from the wire or that the light is different in the two pictures and the sun is in the wrong place.
"But, if you zoom in I can see no cable.
"And it looks pretty cloudy in this one, so I can see no sun - look at the close up - that, to all intents and purposes, is a flying saucer."
UFO mania began in the US in june 1947 when a salesman from Boise in a small plane near Mount Rainier, Washington, said "nine shiny objects" were "flying at high speed near his plane".
The other snap by Trent is less clear and some say shows the part of the mirror that would have atta
Paul trent photographed at his farm in 1950
A close up of the 'UFO' in first snap also appears to show what could be connector of wing mirror
A month later an Air Force colonel revealed the 509th Bomb Group had captured a downed flying saucer near Roswell, New Mexico, with an alien crew.
His report was denied by superiors the next day who said it was a crashed weather balloon, but the Roswell incident took UFO sightings off the scale.
So did the Trents just pull off a fantastic hoax off the back of the craze that started three years earlier, or was this one of or the first UFO ever snapped?
Their story was that on May 11 1950 in the evening, Evelyn Trent walked back toward the house and saw a "flying metallic disc" moving towards her.
She ran to get husband Paul who grabbed the Kodac and took two photos, before it flew off.
The local newspaper splash after the Trents first revealed their pictures
There was no motor, no sound, just the wind. We have been bugged an awful lot.
Evelyn Trent, 1950 UFO witness
After being developed and shown to a friend, the pictures made the front page of their local paper, the Telephone Register, then the story went national, on TV, and later worldwide.
The Trents became celebrities for a time and were flown to New York to appear on TV. They loaned the photo negatives to the international News Service, whi
the late couple were reportedly never paid for the pictures, and although there were some inconsistencies in their recounting, pretty much stuck to the original account.
The pictures have been analysed ever since with some researchers claiming they must be genuine and others believing they were hoaxed using a hubcap hanging from wire from the telphone circulated them worldwide, according to
Evelyn Trent and the couple's son at their home
In 1997, the Trents were interviewed by Bryan Denson of The Oregonian for a 50th anniversary piece and Mrs Trent said the craft made no sound, but a wind descended from the saucer.
She also claimed they had been "bugged" since the sighting.
In September last year, a number of UFO sites ran a theory that the Trents had photographed a wing mirror from Mr Trent's truck hanging from the washing line to create the UFO effect.
One report on the badufos.blogsot even produced claims to have found a police record of Mr Trent getting a ticket for having a missing side mirror at 6.30pm the day the photo was taken.
The object appears to expand and contract as it hovers above Bracknell in Berkshire – not the first time the small town has seen unexplainable phenomena
Father-of-one Bob Wise, 49, could not believe his eyes when he filmed the UFO last week.
Wise, a carer who claims to have seen around 15 UFOs, said: "It was really bright and moving slowly."
WEIRD: A glowing light appeared in the sky above Bracknell in Berkshire
“People laugh at me but things are happening up there”
Bob Wise
"The way it glowed reminded me of burning magnesium.”
He isn’t sure what the object was – though he theorised it may be extraterrestrial or a Government experiment.
Wise added: “I’m open to the possibility that there might be a secret military base nearby.
"The military could be 60 or 70 years ahead in terms of technology," he continued.
"I'm always on the look out because it so fascinating.
"Every time I walk to the shop I stare up at the sky – people laugh at me but things are happening up there."
Bracknell has seen a number of high profile UFO sightings over the years.
In 2013, a pilot was flying 34,000ft over the town when he saw a "bright silver, rugby-ball shaped" craft hurtling towards him.
Photos were taken from the ground of mystery objects after the incident.
On Friday, Cassini will vaporize itself in Saturn's skies.
The Cassini orbiter is ready to die. Nearly 20 years after it departed Earth, and 13 years after it arrived at Saturn, the workhorse spacecraft is nearly spent. Its fate was orbitally sealed on Monday, when it flew by Titan, Saturn's largest moon, for one last gravity assist. Mission leads dubbed this Cassini's "goodbye kiss."
It was also a kiss of death, as Titan swung Cassini towards its final destination. On Friday at around 6:32 AM ET, the spacecraft will plunge into the ringed gas giant. It will radio back data for as long as possible, capturing a taste of Saturn's atmosphere and the closest visuals of the planet humankind has ever witnessed, before it meteorically vaporizes in the skies, a dramatic end to its tenure as the most productive interplanetary orbiter in decades.
"There isn't anything like Cassini," Jonathan Lunine, a planetary scientist who has worked on Cassini-Huygens from its inception, told me at his Cornell University office in Ithaca, New York. "Now, it's going to be in my mental rearview mirror. It's going to be a strange feeling."
Saturn has beckoned to countless generations of skywatchers, including the orbiter's namesake, the Italian astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini (1625-1712). Radially, the planet is around nine times larger than our own, and is extremely voluminous, containing enough space to fit over 700 Earths inside it.
It's no wonder that this exotic system has captivated so many people across history, but its far-flung location has been a major roadblock in studying it. Saturn's distance from our planet fluctuates between 1.2 billion kilometers (746 million miles) and 1.7 billion kilometers (one billion miles) at its farthest, which makes Cassini's epic seven-year trek to the system that much more impressive.
Arrow pointing to view of Earth from Saturn (a 2013 Cassini image).
As a joint project between NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Italian Space Agency (ASI), the Cassini-Huygens mission also has a special legacy as one of the most successful collaborations in space exploration history.
Harnessing the talents of thousands of experts across the world over a timespan of 35 years—from its beginnings in 1982, when the mission was formally conceived, through its launch in 1997, to Friday's self-destruction—Cassini is a multinational and multigenerational labor of love. People have understandably grown attached to this spacefarer, and that personal connection shines through when they speak about it.
"It's really a sad feeling," Nicolas Altobelli, who began working on the mission as a graduate student in 2000, and is now the ESA project scientist for Cassini-Huygens, told me over Skype from Madrid, Spain.
"Cassini has been with me for all my professional life so far," he said. "It's very weird to think that Cassini will not be there somewhere in the sky."
Cassini has undeniably earned its retirement. During its trailblazing adventures, the spacecraft discovered several Saturnian moons, witnessed a rare storm rage in the planet's northern hemisphere, directly sampled the watery plumes of the potentially habitable world Enceladus, collected grains of interstellar dust, and delivered the Huygens lander to Titan's otherworldly surface, sticking the first planetary landing ever achieved in the outer solar system.
In addition to racking up these stunning milestones, the orbiter has snapped around 400,000 pictures of the Saturn system, including breathtaking views of Earth from its distant vantagepoint. It has relayed back terabytes of data about its adopted home, revolutionized our understanding of Saturn, and raised a fresh slate of intriguing mysteries that will have to be resolved by its successors.
Cassini kicked its reputation up a notch during its "Grand Finale," which refers to its 22 "daring dives" between Saturn and its ring system during the past five months.
Titan has been one of Cassini's priorities during this last act. This strange moon, which is slightly larger than Mercury, shares a particularly special relationship with the orbiter. Hidden under a veil of atmospheric haze, Titan has been the source of intense curiosity since its discovery by the Dutch polymath Christiaan Huygens in 1655. Voyager 1 imaged Titan up close in 1980, and determined the composition, temperature, and density of its atmosphere, which sparked theories that liquid hydrocarbons might be under the moon's cloudy skies. ESA and NASA were inspired to partner Cassini with a lander to expose the tantalizing landscape on the surface.
The result was the ESA-led Huygens lander, which hitched a ride with Cassini to Saturn. After separating from the orbiter in December 2004, Huygens entered Titan's thick atmosphere and successfully parachuted to the ground on January 15, 2005.
Lunine, an expert on Titan, worked on Huygens, and served as the co-investigator of the probe's Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer instrument, which catalogued the composition of the moon's atmosphere. When Huygens' descent snapshots began to arrive back at Earth, he was with the imaging team at ESA's Space Operations Center in Darmstadt, Germany. The portrait Huygens painted of its final destination was "spectacular," Lunine said, somehow both strikingly alien and eerily familiar.
"The images were unworldly; they were like Earth in terms of certain features. Then, in other ways, they didn't look at all like Earth," he recalled. "We saw gullies in the side of a hill that looked like they had definitely been carved by [liquid methane] rainfall."
These unique features, in tandem with Titan's rich organic chemistry, have sparked debates over its potential habitability. No life has been detected there, but then again, Cassini-Huygens was not specifically equipped to assess habitability of any of the other worlds it explored.
Given the adventures that Titan and Cassini have shared, it's fitting that the moon was responsible for tugging the orbiter into its Grand Finale victory lap back in April, before pushing it toward its grave this week.
Titan is not the only Saturnian moon that has divulged its secrets to Cassini. Enceladus, a walnut-shaped oddball measuring only 500 kilometers (310 miles) in diameter, was also thrown into sharp focus. Several close Cassini flybys revealed that the moon was spewing the contents of a subsurface liquid ocean from icy surface cracks, literally spilling its guts out to the solar system.
"Of equal import to what we've learned about Titan is what we've learned about Enceladus," Lunine said. "Before Cassini arrived at Saturn, it was clear Enceladus was peculiar, but we didn't know there was a plume."
Enceladus was a major research target for Cassini from the start, but the surprise discovery of the plume in 2005 left mission leads brainstorming ways to directly sample these jets of moon juice. Cassini got to pull off this maneuver on October 28, 2015, diving through the moon's sprinkler at an altitude of only 50 kilometers (30 miles) above the surface, and collecting a spray of alien ocean particles.
"What we have seen fantastically demonstrated by Cassini is that those icy moons are able to be geologically active," Altobelli told me. For instance, an April 2017 study co-authored by Lunine and published in Science detected molecular hydrogen and silicates in the plume, which means that the moon is likely to be hydrothermally active. On Earth, hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor support thriving communities of life, so it's plausible that Enceladus has its own biology too.
"It's a very Earthlike environment that could, for all we know, support life," Lunine said.
The prospect of alien inhabitants in the Saturn system is the reason why Cassini must die, as mission leads do not want to risk the spacecraft colliding with worlds that could be contaminated by Earth microbes. So for now, Enceladus' habitability remains an open question to be resolved by future spacecraft, such as the proposed mission Enceladus Life Finder (ELF).
Beyond these exciting revelations about Titan and Enceladus, Cassini provided unprecedented visuals of the known worlds Phoebe, Iapetus, Rhea, Hyperion, and Dione, and discovered six tiny moons called Methone, Pallene, Polydeuces, Daphnis, Anthe, and Aegaeon.
It also used its Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) tool to trap submillimeter dust grains from the interstellar medium. These small particles, primarily composed of calcium, carbon, iron, magnesium, silicon, and sulfur, are direct samples of this extrasolar void, sifted from the abundance of icy particles produced by the Saturn system. As interstellar interlopers, they can be mined for clues about the broader environment from which the solar system was born some 4.5 billion years ago.
"It is the end of a human adventure"
"It's exactly like a deep space survey with a telescope, except instead of photons we are getting dust particles," Altobelli, who is a member of the CDA team, told me. "You get the end product of millions of years of processing in the interstellar medium."
The scope of Cassini's mission ranged from capturing particles smaller than red blood cells to mapping out planetary-scale atmospheric dynamics to testing the general theory of relativity that governs the known universe. Cassini took wide shots and close-ups across several wavelengths and from wildly different angles. It constrained, and in some cases solved, long-debated theories about Saturn and the solar system. It has intimately studied the planet's rings, and during its final months, it captured the view between this icy belt and the gas giant for the first time.
Perhaps most importantly, Cassini made a powerful case to further explore Saturn and its dazzling satellites, and address this system's copious unsolved mysteries. Unfortunately, due to budget constraints and changing cultures at NASA and ESA, there's no project of this scale on the horizon to follow up on Cassini's efforts.
"This whole legacy of understanding Saturn to a much greater depth than before actually leads us to a dilemma," Lunine said. "If we want to address all the exciting things that Cassini has discovered, we need a super-orbiter system." Think: Life-sniffing probes to fly through Enceladus' plume, boats and aerial vehicles for Titan, and other accoutrements.
But the next generation of Saturn missions is more likely to be deployed piecemeal to study specific objectives, each one with a budget of under $1 billion (Cassini-Huygens cost about $3.26 billion). Several of these concepts focus on exploration of Enceladus' plumes and Titan's lakes, including Lunine's projects ELF and the aquatic vehicle Titan Mare Explorer (TiME). Other scientists have proposed Titan drones and Saturn atmospheric entry probes.
Many of these proposed missions have been selected for development by NASA, but as of now, they still remain in administrative limbo.
NASA and ESA have sketched out broad details of a possible Cassini-Huygens successor called the Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM) that would bundle a Titan aerial balloon and the TiME boat concept in with a new Saturn orbiter. But that project is now on hiatus, ousted by a preference for visiting Jupiter and its own icy moons, including Europa. For now, NASA's public manifest of planned Saturn missions remains sadly empty.
The uncertain future for Saturnian exploration underscores the singular adventure of Cassini-Huygens. Though this trusty orbiter will cease to exist Friday, the years it spent exploring the Saturn system are etched in its dispatches.
"This is really something people should know," Altobelli said, "that these missions are selected for delivering data that can be preserved for future generations. Most of the Cassini data has already been archived. This provides the possibility for anyone in the world to access the data and analyze them." While Cassini will no longer be relaying back information every day, its scientific legacy is far from over.
Moreover, there is a prismatic range of ways to consume, interpret, and represent Cassini's motherlode of data that transcend science. Take the work of Matt Russo, a postdoctoral fellow at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, who specializes in converting the resonances of astronomical systems into musical compositions. Inspired by the Grand Finale, he produced scores based on Cassini's trajectory and its observations of Saturn's rings and moons.
"Saturn is just jam-packed with resonances," Russo told me over the phone. "Within the ring system, you have every resonance you could want with any of the moons. It's really the most musical object in the solar system."
Such interdisciplinary revelations mined from Cassini will continue, and that is some consolation to the international network of people who are about to lose the emissary they raised through a rocky bureaucratic infancy, blasted into deep space, and guided through an eventful expedition that ended in its atmospheric cremation.
"This, in some ways, looks almost like a one-of-a-kind thing," Lunine said, "because Cassini has had a much more intimate collaboration than other missions. Every instrument on both the probe and the orbiter was an international collaboration between the US and a European country."
"I hate to think it was a fluke," he continued. "But it was a great example of how, by working together with Europe, the US could do something greater."
The sense of gratitude is echoed by team members from around the world.
"It is the end of a human adventure," Altobelli said. "This type of project, where you have so many people trying to get the best science from the mission—and you have to negotiate—little by little, you get a family spirit developing."
On the eve of its death, Cassini has brought people together for one final daredevil maneuver. NASA will livestream the scene at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, where team members have convened for the orbiter's fatal dive.
By the time the last radio signal is received on Earth, at approximately 7:55 AM ET Friday, the orbiter will have joined its astronomer namesake as part of history, and merged with the beautiful planet it has come to know so well.
We're not likely to hear any robotic chattering from the Saturn system for a long time, and the outer solar system will seem lonely. But Cassini-Huygens, even as a mission of the past, will be a beacon of what is possible when Earthlings work together to explore new frontiers. Goodbye and godspeed to a beloved interplanetary trooper.
In his 1952 short story, “The Martian Way,” science fiction legend Isaac Asimov imagined a future where settlers of the red planet, cut off from Earth’s water supply by an oppressive government, travel to the rings of Saturn to get their hands on precious ice.
As with any sci-fi written more than six decades ago, there are plenty of details we now know are inaccurate, and for a long time it looked like Asimov had erred when his settlers considered all their watery options. Vesta, the second-largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, is described in the story as “a two-hundred-mile-diameter asteroid that’s hardly more than a chunk of ice,” very different from the arid space rock astronomers long took it to be.
Now, thanks to the latest round of results from NASA’s Dawn mission, we have learned Asimov was right about Vesta all along. As researchers at the University of Southern California write in Tuesday’s Nature Communications, the probe discovered unusually large smooth regions on the otherwise craggy asteroids. The researchers linked these with higher hydrogen concentrations, which in turn strongly suggest the presence of ground ice on Vesta.
“It was believed to be a dry body,” NASA researcher Essam Heggy, Ph.D. tells Inverse, saying previous evidence for water on Vesta had, at best, been ambiguous. Dawn’s findings erase those ambiguities. It’s just the latest of many findings in recent years showing that water and ice are damn near everywhere in the solar system, adding Vesta to a list that already includes Mars, the moons Europa and Enceladus, and its fellow asteroid Ceres.
“The more we search, the more we find ice and water in the solar system,” says Heggy, “and the more we realize water is not unique to our planet.”
The extent of Vesta's smooth, possibly hydrogen-rich areas
The presence of ice in the asteroid belt is especially intriguing, as collisions between asteroids can knock them out of their orbits and send them hurtling elsewhere in the solar system. Heggy says comets are already known to be a major transporter of water molecules through the solar systems. Asteroids might well have also played a role in distributing water, though he says it’s too early to speculate on what role they might have played in shaping Earth’s supply of water in the primordial solar system.
NASA’s Dawn spacecraft visited Vesta in 2011-12, and it has since moved on to Ceres. Even half a decade later, researchers are able to pull new observations from the Dawn data that would be impossible to replicate here on Earth.
“There are Earth-based radar observations of the asteroid system, but the Dawn spacecraft was able to explore the roughness on the surface of Vesta at much better resolution than we could do from the Earth,” says Heggy. “And that’s how we were able to distinguish the presence of large, smooth areas on the surface of Vesta.”
Beyond hinting at the presence of water on yet another body in the solar system, having this more precise understanding of Vesta’s surface means it’s even more possible for NASA to plan out a potential future landing on the asteroid. There might not be the same need for water that drove the explorers of “The Martian Way” to consider a trip to the icy asteroid, but this latest data suggests Vesta is very much worth seeing up close.
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VIDEOEen Marsbasis op een terrein van 95.000 km², waar astronauten getraind worden én waar toeristen welkom zijn. Dat ambitieuze plan wil China uitvoeren op het Tibetaans Hoogland. Kostprijs van dat alles: meer dan 50 miljoen euro.
Een onderzoekscentrum voor de ruimtevaart gecombineerd met een heus themapark, moet het globaal gezien worden. En dat in een landschap dat al enigszins 'Martiaans' aandoet: het Tibetaans Hoogland in Qinghai, niet ver van de meest westelijke punt van de Chinese Muur.
Jaar reizen Het echte Mars ligt gemiddeld - de afstand varieert constant - op ongeveer 78 miljoen km van de aarde. Een trip die bijna een jaar in beslag neemt en vooralsnog niet voor het brede publiek gecommercialiseerd is. Maar niet getreurd: straks kan je vanuit Peking een vlucht van iets meer dan zeven uur nemen om te ervaren hoe het leven op de rode planeet zou zijn.
Het gigantische project moet ook glamping-toeristen lokken, zeg maar avontuurlijke kampeerders die graag wat meer luxe willen dan een gewone tent. Glamping zit in de lift in China. De bezoekers zullen er kunnen logeren in gesimuleerde ruimtecapsules om het leven in het buitenaardse na te bootsen. Zo kunnen ze gewichtloosheid aan den lijve ondervinden. Ook al is het koude woestijnachtige terrein dor en ruig, toch zal het er nog altijd iets comfortabeler leven zijn dan op de rode planeet zelf. Daar laat de atmosfeer met amper 0,2 procent zuurstof niet toe vrij te ademen.
Supermacht China wil een supermacht worden op het vlak van ruimtevaart. Het smijt er miljarden tegenaan om die doelstelling te bereiken. Tegen 2022 wil Peking een permanent bemand ruimtestation geïnstalleerd hebben. En tegen 2020 wil China een sonde naar het echte Mars sturen. Vier jaar geleden was het land al succesvol met de eerste zachte landing op de maan in veertig jaar.
Het 'Marsdorp' kadert in dat grotere plaatje van Chinese ruimtevaartambities. Het moet zowel de lokale economie aanzwengelen als China's ruimtevaartplannen promoten. Maar niet iedereen is even enthousiast daarover. "Het zal moeilijk zijn voor de Marssimulator om het origineel te imiteren", reageerde Jiao Weixin, professor in de rumtevaart aan de universiteit van Peking. Hij gelooft niet meteen dat het station de Chinese verkenning van Mars erg zal vooruithelpen.
ASTRONOMIEWetenschappers hebben een tot nog toe onbekend massief zwart gat ontdekt nabij het centrum van de melkweg. Het zwarte gat is 100.000 keer groter dan de zon en is het eerste 'middelzware' zwarte gat ooit waargenomen.
Elk sterrenstelsel heeft in zijn middelpunt een superzwaar zwart gat, dat zo zwaar kan zijn als tien miljard zonnen. Ook 'ons' melkwegstelsel bevat, naast meer dan 100 miljoen gewone zwarte gaten, een superzwaar zwart gat: Sagittarius A. Dat is zo groot als 400 miljoen zonnen en bevindt zich in het middelpunt van het melkwegstelsel.
Wetenschappers hebben nu sterke vermoedens dat ze voor de eerste keer ooit een kleiner broertje van zo'n superzwaar zwart gat hebben gezien, niet ver van Sagittarius A. Het 'middelzware' gat is 'slechts' 100.000 keer zo groot als de zon. In de astronomie werd wel van het bestaan van zo'n gat uitgegaan, maar waargenomen was het nog nooit.
De ontdekking werd gedaan door een team van Japanse astronomen die een moleculaire gaswolk in de ruimte observeerden vanuit de Atacamawoestijn in Chili, waar het grootse astronomische project ter wereld zich bevindt. De wetenschappers vroegen zich af hoe het kon dat het gas zo veel en zo snel bewoog. De enige verklaring bleek een immense zwaartekracht te zijn, die enkel te verklaren was door een zwart gat.
De ontdekking leert wetenschappers mogelijk meer over het ontstaan van superzware zwarte gaten, die mogelijk geboren worden wanneer middelzware gaten samensmelten.
Onderzoekers van het project van Stephen Hawking, 'Breakthrough Listen', hebben 15 sterke radiosignalen opgevangen uit een dwergsterrenstelsel dat 3 miljard lichtjaren, oftewel de afstand die het licht aflegt op 3 miljard jaar, van ons verwijderd is.
Dr. Vishal Gajjar, een van de onderzoekers in het project naar buitenaards leven dat in 2016 van start ging, detecteerde op 26 augustus enkele 'fast radio bursts', of snelle radioflitsen die van een plek kwamen die bekend staat als FRB 121102 en zich bevindt in een dwergsterrenstelsel op 3 miljard lichtjaren van ons verwijderd. De plek werd in 2012 ontdekt, toen er ook snelle radioflitsen vandaan kwamen. De 15 nieuwe signalen die men ondertussen van dezelfde bron heeft opgevangen zijn helderder en hun frequentie is hoger dan de vorige signalen.
FRB 121102 is de enige locatie van waaruit de signalen zich herhaaldelijk voordoen die men sinds de start van het project heeft kunnen identificeren. Men heeft ondertussen al een 20-tal signalen gedetecteerd, maar omdat de signalen slechts enkele milliseconden duren en de telescopen telkens slechts een klein deel van de lucht kunnen waarnemen, kan men moeilijk bepalen waar de radioflitsen zich herhalen.
Er is heel weinig geweten over deze korte uitbarstingen van radiogolven. Volgens sommigen kunnen ze ontstaan uit zwarte gaten of roterende neutronensterren met extreem sterke magnetische velden. Een gewaagdere hypothese is dat de signalen bakens zijn van buitenaardse ruimteschepen.
"Of de snelle radioflitsen nu buitenaardse tekens zijn of niet, ons project verlegt grenzen en verricht baanbrekend onderzoek naar het universum", aldus Andrew Siemion, directeur van het Breakthrough Listen-project, waarvoor de Russische miljardair Yuri Milner 100 miljoen dollar ter beschikking stelde.
Wetenschappers hebben aanwijzingen gevonden dat er mogelijk water is op de zeven aardachtige planeten bij ster TRAPPIST-1. Dat heeft de Hubble-telescoop ontdekt. Het vergroot de kans dat er leven mogelijk is op de planeten. Al hebben de onderzoekers geen directe bewijzen gevonden.
In de voorbije acht miljard jaar zouden de binnenste planeten liefst twintig keer zoveel water verloren hebben als wat er in de oceanen op onze aarde te vinden is
Op 22 februari van dit jaar maakte NASA, in samenwerking met de Luikse astronoom Michaël Gillon, bekend dat op veertig lichtjaar van ons verwijderd, zeven - tot dan nog onbekende - planeten zweven rond de dwergster TRAPPIST-1. Drie van die planeten zouden levensvatbaar kunnen zijn. Dat impliceert dat de temperaturen die er heersen, de aanwezigheid van water mogelijk maken. Het zijn exoplaneten die qua massa, grootte en oppervlaktetemperatuur erg op onze planeet gelijken.
Het team van onderzoeker Vincent Bourrier, van het Observatorium van Genève (Zwitserland), heeft nu de UV-stralen in het planetair systeem verder onderzocht. Die UV-straling kan ervoor zorgen dat watermoleculen in de atmosfeer uiteensplijten, wat dus de aanwezigheid van waterstof in de atmosfeer bevordert.
De waarnemingen van de Hubble-telescoop toonden aan dat de binnenste planeten van TRAPPIST-1, TRAPPIST-1b en TRAPPIST-1c (de drie levensvatbare exoplaneten) grote hoeveelheden water kunnen hebben verloren. In de voorbije acht miljard jaar zou het om liefst twintig keer zoveel water gaan als wat er in de oceanen op onze aarde te vinden is.
Aangezien de UV-straling bij de drie buitenplaneten (TRAPPIST-e, -f en -g) duidelijk zwakker is, doet zich de mogelijkheid voor dat die nog steeds grote hoeveelheden water hebben. Toch kunnen onderzoekers nog geen eenduidige uitspraken doen over het watergehalte van de drie hemellichamen. De astronomen rekenen daarvoor op de opvolger van de Hubble, de James Webb-telescoop die volgend jaar de ruimte ingaat.
WETENSCHAP De bijzondere ringen van de planeet Saturnus zouden zowat 100 miljoen jaar oud zijn. Dat is relatief jong, zo blijkt uit gegevens van ruimtesonde Cassini, die al dertien jaar rond de planeet vertoeft.
Om de zes dagen duikt het tuig tussen de top van Saturnus' atmosfeer en de befaamde ringen. Dat heeft nu unieke data opgeleverd
Als de data kloppen, is dat verrassend nieuws, benadrukken wetenschappers. Cassini zal nog twee keer heel dicht in de buurt van Saturnus komen vooraleer zichzelf op 15 september te vernietigen in de atmosfeer van de planeet. De sonde valt binnenkort namelijk zonder brandstof.
De voorbije dertien jaar heeft de sonde in de buurt van Saturnus doorgebracht, maar door het nakende einde van haar opdracht nemen wetenschappers er nu risico's mee. Om de zes dagen duikt het tuig tussen de top van Saturnus' atmosfeer en de befaamde ringen. Dat heeft nu unieke data opgeleverd.
Een van de opvallendste onderzoekspogingen is het wegen van de ringen. Als Cassini hun gewicht kan inschatten, zegt dat ook iets over hun leeftijd. Hoe massiever ze zijn, hoe ouder, is de redenering van de wetenschappers. Zij gingen er altijd van uit dat de ringen samen met Saturnus zijn gevormd, zowat 4,6 miljard jaar geleden.
Die stelling lijkt door de nieuwe data te worden tegengesproken. Ze zouden zowat 100 miljoen jaar oud zijn, wat volgens de wetenschappers "erg jong is, zeker vergeleken met de leeftijd van het zonnestelsel".
Al talloze schepen en vliegtuigen verdwenen in de beruchte Bermudadriehoek. "Het werk van aliens", zeggen sommigen, "energiestralen van Atlantis", beweren anderen. Maar de Australische wetenschapper Karl Kruszelnicki heeft een simpele, en logische verklaring voor het mysterie. "Er is helemaal geen mysterie."
De Bermudadriehoek, de driehoek in de Atlantische Oceaan tussen Miami, de Bermuda-eilanden en Puerto Rico, is al tientallen jaren voer voor discussie. Talloze schepen en vliegtuigen verdwenen er en nog meer theorieën deden de ronde, van aliens tot Atlantis. Maar de meest logische verklaring komt toch van Karl Kruszelnicki.
Karl Kruszelnicki, een Australische wetenschapper en schrijver, meent dat er voor elke schipbreuk of crash een logische verklaring is: een menselijke fout, slecht weer of druk verkeer.
Kruszelnicki legt aan uit dat de Bermudadriehoek een enorme oppervlakte bestrijkt. De driehoek is zo'n 700.000 vierkante kilometer groot, dat is liefst 23 keer groter dan België. Omdat er in het gebied ook heel wat trafiek is, is het niet meer dan logisch dat er ook veel ongevallen gebeuren. "Het aantal schepen dat verdwijnt in de Bermudadriehoek is percentueel niet hoger dan ergens anders."
De verdwijning die de gekte rond de Bermudadriehoek ontketende, was Vlucht 19, een vlucht van vijf Amerikaanse bommenwerpers die verdween tijdens een traingssessie in 1945. Maar ook daar blijkt een logische verklaring voor te zijn.
Vlucht 19 vertrok op 5 december 1945 vanuit Fort Lauderdale in Miami voor een trainingssessie van twee uur boven de Atlantische Oceaan. Na een radiostilte keerde geen enkele van de vijf vliegtuigen terug. Van de veertien teamleden ontbrak elk spoor. Later die avond verdween ook een vliegtuig dat op zoek was naar de vermiste Vlucht 19. Van de dertien inzittenden werd nooit nog iets vernomen.
Na Vlucht 19 begonnen talloze theorieën over de Bermudadriehoek op te borrelen. Elk ongeval in de driehoek werd uitvergroot, waardoor het mysterie alleen maar grotere proporties begon aan te nemen. Maar ook Vlucht 19 is te verklaren. "Ten eerste was het weer al slecht, de golven waren toen 15 meter hoog. Bovendien was luitenant Charles Taylor de enige ervaren piloot in het team."
Mogelijk was piloot Charles Taylor, de leider van het team, de schuldige. "Hij had een kater, hij was vertrokken zonder horloge en hij was in zijn carrière al twee keer verloren gevlogen", zegt Kruszelnicki. Uit radiotranscripties blijkt dat Vlucht 19 de coördinatie kwijt was voor de verdwijning. Volgens de transcripties dacht luitenant Taylor dat zijn kompas stuk was en dat hij zich boven de Florida Keys bevond. Maar uit een latere analyse bleek dat ze boven de Bahama's vlogen.
Luitenant Taylor zou ook een piloot hebben overruled die het wel bij het rechte eind had. De vliegtuigen trokken zo verder de Atlantische Oceaan in, waar het veel moeilijker is om lichamen of gezonken toestellen terug te vinden.
Vliegende benzinetank
Het vliegtuig dat verdween terwijl het de oceaan afspeurde op zoek naar Vlucht 19, verdween helemaal niet volgens Kruszelnicki. "Er zijn verschillende getuigen die het vliegtuig zagen ontploffen." Het type vliegtuig, een PBM-Mariner, had bovendien ook al de niet zo flatterende bijnaam 'vliegende benzinetank'.
Het mysterie van de Bermudadriehoek lijkt dus opgelost. Het is een anticlimax, maar er is helemaal geen mysterie, als we Karl Kruszelnicki mogen geloven.
Tired of buying Powerball Lottery tickets and never winning the top prize? Perhaps your odds (1 in 292 million) would be better if you tried taking a video of a UFO and submitting it to a movie executive who is offering a cool $100,000US for concrete evidence of extraterrestrial activity on Earth. Can a Reptilian just show up and collect the prize? Don’t be absurd. Why would a Reptilian need $100,000?
“It would have to be coupled with a piece of pretty substantial evidence. If there was a photograph of the object on the ground, a photograph of the object in the air, if there was a government document, irrefutable, confirming that, that would certainly be considered something that was bona fide.”
The offer was made this week by James Fox, the director of the UFO documentary Out of the Blue and the follow-up I Know What I Saw. On his first visit to Australia, during which he’s giving lectures and interviewing witnesses from the so-called Westall UFO incident in Melbourne in 1966 (when over 200 students and teachers saw a saucer-shaped UFO descend and take off), Fox announced his offer in an interview with
“And we are encouraging any military or government officials with some of these materials a rather large sum of money — $100,000 and possibly more — if they are willing to come forward.”
The prize will be paid to anyone, not just military or government officials, but Fox singles them out because he’s made this offer to them before … in 2013 at a UFO conference. The response was disappointing.
“We’ve got lots of compelling photographs but nothing where our jaw hit the floor.”
That’s why Fox is now opening the reward to the general public. He expects interest to be high because of the recent U.S. presidential election when John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager and former White House chief of staff, spoke opening about disclosing UFO secret files to the public. While he wouldn’t reveal if Podesta will be involved in the evaluation of submitted evidence, Fox says he’s talked to him (an interview that will appear in his next film):
“He said that the phenomena cannot be explained away … (not) all of it. That it merits further investigation and that other people should take it more seriously.”
What are your odds of seeing a UFO? An accepted probability used in comparison with winning the lottery is 1 in 3 million. What are your odds of convincing James Fox to part with the money? (It’s not his – he says it’s from “two extremely high-profile American public figures and philanthropists.” Tom DeLonge?) That will be tough. Fox has been interviewing military and government officials and UFO witnesses and experts for almost two decades.
Here’s the kind of things he wants to see and it sounds like he knows they’re out there, including from the Westall UFO incident.
“… there are bits of evidence, whether it be radar or some photographs of landing gear, that sort of thing, that have never seen the light of day. We’re talking to a gentleman now, I can’t say any names, but apparently there was someone who did take a photograph of something very similar to that a day or two prior to the landing so we’re going to meet with him.”
Get out your cellphones and start scanning the skies. Check the attic for that piece of metal your weird uncle claimed he got when he was abducted. (Better wear gloves or disinfect it.) Who knows? It could be worth $100,000.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Asteroid 2012 TC4 hurtling towards Earth and NASA is ‘Excited’!
Asteroid 2012 TC4 hurtling towards Earth and NASA is ‘Excited’!
Asteroid 2012 TC4 is heading towards Earth, with NASA claiming it gives their scientists a chance to test its space threat-scanning ability.
The asteroid has been out of range of telescopes since 2012. But on July 27, 31, and then again on Aug. 5, the approaching asteroid 2012 TC4 was observed again by Olivier Hainaut, Detlef Koschny and Marco Micheli of the European Space Agency using one of the European Southern Observatory's 8.2-meter telescopes at its Very Large Telescope Observatory.
The scientists said they are “excited” by the asteroid, which could be as large as 130 feet in size and is expected to fly past Earth on October 12 and even though scientists cannot yet predict exactly how close it will approach, they are certain it will come no closer than 4,200 miles (6,800 kilometers) from the surface of Earth while NASA said it is "absolutely certain" the rock will miss the planet.
This asteroid was first spotted in 2012 and it was this asteroid that worried people who thought the Mayan ancient civilization has predicted the end of the world.
At this moment the asteroid is approaching at about 30,000 mph (14 kilometers per second), and will continue to brighten - reaching 13th magnitude at time of closest approach.
NASA scientists are planning to use its upcoming October close approach to Earth as an opportunity not only for science, but to test NASA’s planetary defense system. The defense will not fire missiles from Earth into space yet, they want to monitor the asteroid only.
Niece of 'alien abductee' couple Barney and Betty Hill due to speak in Holmfirth
Niece of 'alien abductee' couple Barney and Betty Hill due to speak in Holmfirth
Speakers at UFO conference includes retired US Air Force officer
The UFO conference in Holmfirth
An American writer who is convinced that some alien abduction stories are real is a guest speaker at a UFO conference in Holmfirth this weekend.
Kathleen Marden, a leading UFO and abduction researcher, dates her interest in the subject to September 1961 when her aunt, Betty Hill, phoned her childhood home to report that she and her husband Barney had encountered a flying saucer in New Hampshire’s White Mountains.
The couple later claimed they had been abducted by extra terrestrials, an account which is recognised as the first widely publicised report of an alien abduction in the United States.
Kathleen Marden is among six speakers at the two-day UFO Truth Magazine International Conference which takes place this weekend, September 16 and 17, at Holmfirth Civic Hall.
Conference organiser Gary Heseltine, founder and editor of the UFO Truth Magazine, said: “The conference is fast becoming a regular calendar event for Holmfirth with local shops, cafes, restaurants and hotels and guest houses all benefitting from the hundreds of people who descend on the town from Friday to Sunday from all around Britain and some even from Europe.
He added: “The magazine was founded in 2013 and it was always my hope and intention that it should be based in the town.
Kathleen Marden
“I wanted to bring a late year boost to local businesses and for it to become a regular fixture in the yearly calendar for Holmfirth.”
“This year we have two major speakers from the United States, Kathleen Marden and Robert Jacobs. Kathleen is the niece of the couple Barney and Betty Hill who became famous for being involved in the first well documented ‘alien abduction’ case in 1961.
“Kathleen has become a highly respected UFO author and researcher in her own right.”
He added: “Robert Jacobs is a retired US Air Force officer and missile specialist who became involved in a major UFO event in 1964 when an Atlas rocket that he was tracking and filming was targeted by a UFO whilst in mid-air causing it to crash to the ground.”
The third overseas speaker is Francisco Correa who is the head of the Exo-politics movement in Portugal. He will reveal a array of Portuguese military and pilot UFO cases.
The UK speakers are Gary, the host and founder of the magazine, author Andrew Johnson and blogger and radio show host, Ben Emlyn-Jones.
There are still a small number of tickets available for this event which has been a sell-out every year to date.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Does this photograph and shock new evidence solve Rendlesham UFO mystery once and for all?
Does this photograph and shock new evidence solve Rendlesham UFO mystery once and for all?
EXCLUSIVE: The famous Rendlesham UFO did descend from the air and land in woods next to two US military bases 37 years ago - and this image that has surfaced proves it, it has been claimed.
Rendlesham UFO solved? Russ Callaghan (pictured) may have cracked the case.
UFO researcher Russ Callaghan believes he may have solved the case once and for all - and it has nothing to do with aliens, but a "UFO" capusule made by humans, he insists.
Mr Callaghan revealed his new theory at The Outer Limits Magazine's first ever UFO conference in Hull on Saturday to a stunned audience.
The Rendlesham legend, which happened around neighbouring bases RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters, near Mildenhall, Suffolk, has been dubbed Britain's Roswell, in a nod to the mystery of the UFO crash said to have taken place outside the town in New Mexico, USA, in July 1947.
The UK suspected alien event saw three US officers based at RAF Bentwaters claim a "triangular-shaped craft" landed in neighbouring woods in the early hours of December 26, 1980.
The capsule which Russ Callaghan says resembles the sketches made by witnesses of a triangular UFO.
The men first noticed lights and then a UFO "on the floor", and could not account for a 40 minute period while searching in the woods when their communication systems went "off air".
The three - John Burroughs, Bud Steffens, and James Penniston - later told of feeling "static" as they observed the object's flashing lights and hieroglyphic-like markings.
Former Colonel Charles Halt, 77, the most senior witness, who was base deputy commander at the time, was not present during the first encounter, but was told the next morning and investigated that night after officers shouted: "It's back, the UFO's back."
He went to investigate with a team who found three 1.5inch "impact holes," damage to the canopies of trees and "higher radiation levels" in the "landing" area.
He said they then saw a mysterious object in a field between the woods and a farmhouse with "a red light moving."
A sketch made by John Burroughs of the triangular UFO he saw.
The ex-colonel said: ”It came towards us into the forest, moving, bobbing up and down in the trees. It was oval, about 100 to 150 yards away, with a dark centre and red around it.”
He claimed there were "sparks" coming from it and after a minute it "exploded and disappeared."
They then spotted objects in the sky, 3,000 to 4,000ft up.
Due to high interest in the case, the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) investigated the case and concluded the lights from Orford Ness lighthouse had been responsible for what was seen over the two nights in terms of lights.
However, this has not satisfied most UFO investigators, failing to explain claims of the UFO being on the ground on the first night.
Mr Callaghan also does not believe the lighthouse was fully responsible for what happened, although he did cast doubt on recent claims from Mr Halt, who insists a real UFO was probably involved.
Mr Callaghan said: "No, it wasn't the lighthouse in my opinion."
Some investigators claim the timing of the lighthouse rotations were in sync with the light sightings observed by Mr Halt on the second night.
But Mr Callaghan was not convinced, saying the old-style analogue recorder used may have had inaccurate timings.
He said: "I don't think they were recording the lighthouse as everyone on the base was aware of where the lighthouse was."
However, Mr Callaghan had spoken with the lighthouse attendant working that night who told him he had met with Mr Halt.
The lighthouse worker said the eyewitness accepted the lights he described did probably originate from the lighthouse.
Mr Callaghan believes if aliens were involved there would have been more mystery observations on the night.
He said: "We are talking about nuclear bases. If something invaded from space they would know about it and there would be a big reaction.
"There was allegedly photos and film taken of the UFO at the time, but we have never seen any of it."
The ARRS practiced on a mock up. This is the one that was at Bentwaters, it is in Florida now. What is interesting is it was on three legs.
Russ Callaghan
Now, he believes he may have obtained a photograph of what the men saw.
Mr Callaghan has discovered that the 67th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron was based at RAF Woodbridge at the time of the incident.
The ARRS was a separate unit to Mr Halt's, and would not have to brief them on what it was doing, he said.
This squadron was involved in the recovery of the command module capsules used during the Apollo moon missions and, during the 1980s, the recovery of film sent back to Earth in capsules from spy satellites.
Jon Austin
Rendlesham UFO: Russ Callaghan giving his theory at the conference.
They were recovered by a helicopter once they landed back down, and the ARRS used a mock-up capsule for practice sessions.
Mr Callaghan produced images of the capsule that was actually used at RAF Woodbridge on the night in question.
He said documentary film makers in the Rendlesham case had always left out details about the ARRS crew and the capsule.
He said: "There was no Apollo in 1980, but satellite photographs were taken on film that made entry back to Earth on a mini capsule.
"The ARRS practiced on a mock up. This is the one that was at Bentwaters, it is in Florida now. What is interesting is it was on three legs."
Colonel Charles Halt (left) believes aliens visited Rendlesham.
The three airmen who claimed to see the UFO on the first night said the craft was on three legs, and had sketched it as such."
Mr Callaghan said he discovered the ARRS did a practice run on Christmas Day night 1980, but that it had run into problems, and "the chopper pilot dropped the capsule in Rendlesham Forest”.
He said: "They came back the next night to recover it. This could explain what they men say, but nothing I am saying here is proof positive."
Mr Callaghan believes the recovery operation could explain the subsequent large military presence in the forest, and that the ARRS would not have had to brief Colonel Halt's squadron on what happened.
However, the theory does not explain why the MoD investigation report did not offer this up as an explanation for the sighting and just blamed it on the lighthouse.
Questions also remain on why the US Veterans' Association agreed in 2015 to pay the medical bills of Mr Burroughs who claims exposure to high levels of radiation during the "UFO encounter" left him with heart problems.
UFO believers in the conference did not appear impressed by the theory.
In a question and answer session with Mr Callaghan, former policeman John Hanson, who recently published The Halt perspective, about the former colonel's involvement in Rendlesham, said: "It is strange colonel Halt would accept what he saw was the lighthouse, because what he was talking about was thousands of feet in the sky."
During a conference break another UFO researcher discussed the claims with Mr Hanson.
He said to him: "I'm an ex-cop, your an ex-cop, and we look at things in a balanced way.
"He's just rubbished everything.
"How do we know he’s not here just to discredit everything?"
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Meteor sparks tsunami panic in Queensland
Meteor sparks tsunami panic in Queensland
Tracey Ferrier
Meteor Shower Adorns Southern Lights Over Tasmania
VIDEO Photographer Daniel Lam captured this stunning timelapse footage of a meteor shower streaking across the skies of Nile, Tasmania.
Reports of a meteor falling on a far north Queensland beach have forced police to reassure locals they were never at risk from a tsunami.
Police were inundated with panicked calls from people in Cairns and nearby Yarrabah on Monday night, expressing concern that a meteor may have fallen to earth and sparked a tsunami.
Local officers had to call the police media unit and ask them to issue social media posts saying there was no threat.
"Residents around Yarrabah and #Cairns area there is no tsunami threat in place," police posted on Facebook and Twitter.
Reports of a meteor falling, similar to those seen in this file picture, in Queensland, have triggered fears of a tsunami.
Photo: AP
Some Facebook users seemed baffled by the message, with others explaining that a meteor shower in the far north was behind the post.
Russell Garrard joked that fears of a tsunami might have been linked to "some podgy short daddy's boy getting into the nuclear weaponry again" - a reference to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's recent nuclear tests.
Police said that there was no tsunami threat.
The Bureau of Meteorology also received calls overnight, but it's unaware of a meteor actually hitting the ground.
"It sounds like someone has seen a meteor and reported it and had some concerns about tsunamis, which seems a bit strange to me unless it was a large lump of rock," forecaster Gordon Banks said.
"The vast majority of meteors that are seen are little bits of dirt."
Tasmanian 'UFO' mystery solved
VIDEO This vision from Tasmania may look like a UFO or meteor, but it's been confirmed as something completely normal.
Spielberg offered to aid in United Nation UFO effort during Close Encounters era
Spielberg offered to aid in United Nation UFO effort during Close Encounters era
Steven Spielberg is really into UFOs. This is not too hard to imagine given movies like Close Encounters of the Third Kind, ET: The Extraterrestrial and his mini-series Taken, among others. In a recent interview with journalist Lee Speigel, I discovered that he also lent a helping hand in a 1970s effort get the United Nations to investigate UFOs.
Devils Tower National Monument. The location of a UFO rendezvous in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
(Credit: Alejandro Rojas)
Lee Speigel
I am currently in Hulett, Wyoming, where I can see Devils Tower National Monument, which was popularized by the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Tomorrow, I will be doing a talk about Spielberg and his history of interest in the UFO phenomena at the Devils Tower UFO Rendezvous which commemorate the 40th anniversary of the movie. In my talk I will be playing a clip of Speigel describing a meeting with Spielberg who was interested in his effort to display the best UFO evidence at a general session of the United Nations.
Speigel was a young New Yorker at the time who had just put together a record album documentary on UFOs. He realized there were a lot of credible people talking about UFOs and pitched the project to CBS Inc., who liked the idea and sent him around the country to interview these people. Among those he interviewed were scientists, politicians, law enforcement and an astronaut, Gordon Cooper, who relayed his personal UFO experience.
Dr. Wernher von Braun and Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper during the MR-3 (Freedom 7) mission on May 5, 1961, which put the first American, Alan Shepard, in space.
(image credit: NASA)
A couple years after producing his record, Speigel heard about an effort to get the United Nations to officially look into the UFO issue. The effort was initiate by Grenada’s Prime minister, Sir Eric Gairy. He decided that what the effort needed was a presentation with the likes of the credible people he had in his record. So, with the confidence of a young New Yorker, he contacted the ambassadors to Granada and offered his services. The government of Granada liked his idea and the event planning began.
Two of the people Speigel enlisted for his presentation were Dr. J.Allen Hynek and Dr. Jacques Vallee. Hynek was a well-known astronomer who acted as a consultant to the U.S. Air Force’s official public UFO investigations from their inception in 1947 to their end in 1969. He then went on to form his own civilian UFO investigation organization, and is arguably the father of modern civilian UFO research. The later, Vallee was a student of his at Northwestern University, and went on to become an author and UFO researcher as well.
Hyenk and Vallee also played important roles in the conception of the movie Close Encounter of the Third Kind. Hynek actually developed the Close Encounters UFO sighting categorization system, and was a consultant for Spielberg on the movie. Vallee, being French, was the inspiration for one of the lead characters in the movie, Claude Lacombe, played by French director Francois Truffaut.
J. Allen Hynek can be seen in a scene towards the end of the Close Encounters movie.
(Credit: Columbia Pictures)
“It was amazing,” says Speigel. “One day I got a call from Spielberg’s publicist to see if I wanted to go out to Hollywood to meet with Steven, Dr. Hynek and Dr. Vallee.”
Speigel’s first response was, “Why do you want me there?”
He didn’t think anyone knew who he was. He was told that Spielberg had heard of his upcoming U.N. presentation and he wanted to talk to the group and offer his assistance.
Speigel says the three men did meet with Spielberg to talk UFOs. Understandably, he says it was an amazing experience. At the end of the meeting, Spielberg said his office would help with anything they needed, and Speigel says they did provide some graphics and information that was incorporated in the U.N. presentation.
So what happened with the U.N. and UFOs? Well, on November 27, 1978, Speigel, Hynek, Vallee, Gairy, Cooper and other credible witnesses and researchers did put on a presentation that included photos and video.
As a result, the U.N. passed a decision on UFOs, which holds less weight than a resolution, but is official none the less.
Their decision included this verbiage: “The General Assembly invites interested member states to take appropriate steps to coordinate on a national level scientific research and investigation into extraterrestrial life, including unidentified flying objects, and to inform the secretary-general of the observations, research and evaluation of such activities.”
Meeting at the UN on UFOs. Clockwise from left: astronaut Gordon Cooper, astronomer Jacques Vallee, astronomer/astrophysicist Claude Poher, astronomer J. Allen Hynek, Grenada Prime Minister Sir Eric Gairy, UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim, Morton Gleisner of the Special Political Committee, Lee Speigel, researcher Len Stringfield, and University of Colorado psychologist David Saunders
(Credit: Lee Speigel)
The U.N. was to follow up on Granada’s UFO request the following year, but by then Granada had undergone a coup that unseated Gairy and the subject was dropped.
You can read more about the U.N. event at Lee Speigel’s website, and on various interviews on the Open Minds UFO Radio Podcast. It is also part of my presentation on Official Government UFO Agencies seen below.
New mysterious signals detected by search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) project
New mysterious signals detected by search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) project
New unidentified signals from deep space have been detected by the Breakthrough Listen project, an attempt to detect evidence of an extraterrestrial civilization. Similar signals have been detected before, but more signals than ever were recorded recently, and, according to the Breakthrough Listen project, an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization has not been ruled out as a potential source.
The type of signals recently observed are called fast radio bursts (FRBs). They are extremely short bursts, but also extremely bright. Most of the FRBs detected thus far have been singular events, which is not so mysterious. Scientists often discover mysterious radio transmissions, but they are typically due to cosmic events. What makes the newly discovered signals mysterious is that they repeat, unlike a cosmic event which sends out one large signal when the event takes place.
FRB 121102 was discovered on November 2, 2012, giving it its name. In 2015, it was found that FRB 121102 repeats, then in 2016 it was traced back to a galaxy billions of light years away. However, scientists know of nothing in that area which would be creating a repeating signal.
On August 26 of this year, scientists with Breakthrough Listen used the Green Bank Telescope to observe FRB 121102. They recorded ten 30-minutes scans and detected 15 bursts. This may not sound like much, but up until this point there had been less than two dozen FRBs recorded.
The Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Radio Telescope (GBT) focuses 2.3 acres of radio light. It is 485ft tall, nearly as tall as the nearby mountains and much taller than pine trees in the national forest. The telescope is in a valley of the Allegheny mountains to shield the observations from radio interference.
(Credit: National Radio Astronomy Observatory)
So what could these FRBs be?
“Several explanations for FRBs have been suggested,” explains a recent article in Newsweek. “One is a cataclysmic event, such as a neutron star collapsing into a black hole. But such an event would produce only one burst and therefore does not explain the repeating pattern of FRB 121102. Another possible explanation is that they are coming from a young, highly magnetized neutron star, but so far nothing like this has been detected in this region of space.”
After acknowledging the mystery of the discovery, Newsweek goes on to conclude, “Despite widespread speculation, the possibility of the signals coming from an advanced alien civilization has been largely ruled out.”
Of course, not everyone agrees. A recent article in New Scientist covers some ideas scientists have come up with which would include potential alien sources for the signals.
Breakthrough Listen is part of what is called the Breakthrough Initiative. It is financed by Russian billionaire Yuri Milner. While Musk, Bezos and Bigelow have decided to spend their fortunes on building spacecraft and/or habitats for humans to get to and inhabit space, Milner has decided to look for aliens.
Yuri Milner and Stephen Hawking announcing the $100 million Breakthrough Initiative in London in 2015.
(Photo via Breakthrough Initiative)
There are thee parts to the Breakthrough Initiative. The first two announced were Listen and Message. The first aimed at listening for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations, much like what the SETI Institute is known for. The second, Breakthrough Message, entailed a $1 million prize for the creation of messages to send to space. However, the messages will not be sent, probably because Stephen Hawking, an associate of the initiative, has expressed concern about what will happen if aliens find out we are here.
The third, Breakthrough Starshot, plans to send hundreds of tiny spaceships to the closest star system, Alpha Centauri, to look for signs of life. These spacecraft would largely consist of sails that are pushed along by lasers here on Earth. Once they reach their destination, the little spacecraft will have a few hours to record video and whatever other telemetry they will be able to obtain. The data will then be sent back to earth via lasers. However, because we are talking about such vast distances, the data will take four years to reach Earth, even at the speed of light.
Artist depiction of Breakthrough Startshot.
(Credit: Breakthrough Initiatives)
Coincidentally, or not, the New Scientist article explains that this type of spacecraft could be responsible for the FRBs.
The article posits:
…maybe they are using these powerful radio beams to power light sails, which push spacecraft along by bouncing light off a large, reflective sheet. A sail that requires a beam as powerful as an FRB would be much bigger than any we’ve ever considered making on Earth. Such an alien light sail could carry almost a million tonnes – in contrast, the International Space Station only weighs about 420 tonnes.
If there were many extraterrestrial civilizations with colossal alien cruise ships, there could be many powerful radio beams sweeping through the sky, each following the path of a sail. When the beam’s path intersects with the Earth’s, we’d see a bright but fleeting burst of radio waves.
The Breakthrough Initiative’s press release includes this bit of speculation In their recent announcement on this latest discovery. According to the Breakthrough Initiative press release, “Possible explanations for FRBs range from outbursts from rotating neutron stars with extremely strong magnetic fields, to more speculative ideas that they are directed energy sources used by extraterrestrial civilizations to power spacecraft.”
So, in the end, we can not be sure what is causing the FRBs, but an alien civilization is not being ruled out. At least not by everyone, especially the Breakthrough Initiative.
A technical summary of Breakthrough Listen’s discovery has been releases in an Astronomer’s Telegram, and will be released in further detail in an upcoming article in a scientific journal.
UFO News, Mysterious Space Signals and Mars – September 5, 2017
UFO News, Mysterious Space Signals and Mars – September 5, 2017
Open Minds UFO Radio: Alejandro and Martin discuss the latest UFO news, including the recent detection of mysterious signals from space and humanity’s plans for Mars. No special guest in this episode, besides the always special ufo news presenter Martin Willis of Podcast UFO. Martin and Alejandro talk at length about some of their favorite topics that have recently made headlines and/or were featured articles on This includes the discovery of signals from space by an organization searching for intelligent extraterrestrial life. Signals that some scientists speculate could be the result of advanced extraterrestrial technology. We also discuss Mars, Alejandro’s visit to the set of the National Geographic Channel’s Mars TV show set, and current plans to get humans to Mars within the next 10 years!
Canadian UFO researcher and author to teach UFO continuing education course
Canadian UFO researcher and author to teach UFO continuing education course
Chris Rutkowski is a science writer and UFO researcher. He has authored several books on UFOs and has also taught courses on the subject. Next month Rutkowski will begin teaching his latest UFO course for the continuing education program for the St. James-Assiniboia School Division in Winnipeg.
UFOs are still somewhat of a taboo topic and often met with ridicule in the world of academia, so UFO courses are few and far between. However, ridicule is something Rutkowski combats well with a well developed sense of humor. And, being a science writer, Rutkowski also understand how to bring credibility to a topic that is often misunderstood.
“I often get asked, ‘What is really going on? And where do I get good information?,’” says Rutkowski. “Such courses are a way to educate the public about a very confusing subject.”
Although the public’s curiosity is healthy when it comes to UFOs, it was Rutkowski’s relationship with the St. James-Assiniboia School Division that helped get the course created.
“I have been teaching courses on writing for several years. They asked me if I had ideas about other courses I could do and I suggested a course on UFOs,” explained Rutkowski. “Because my latest book came out a few months ago and is about a major UFO case in our area, and because it’s been getting a lot of attention, they knew about it and thought it would make a good special interest class.”
Rutkowski’s latest book, co-authored with Stan Michalak, is titled When They Appeared. It is about a famous alleged UFO encounter in 1967 near Falcon Lake, which is a bit less than 100 miles east of Winnipeg. According to the book’s description, the incident was the most investigated UFO event in Canada’s history.
The story is very odd. On May 20, 1967, Stefan Michalak, father of the co-author, says he came across a strange craft. It had some sort of vents on the side. It took off and in the process injured Stefan, who suffered from burns on his chest in the pattern of the vents on the craft.
Stefan Michalak’s sketch of the strange craft he encountered.
Stefan Michalak was treated at a hospital for burns to his chest and stomach that later turned into raised sores on a grid-like pattern.
The news soon got ahold of the story and it became a media sensation.
“It just flipped our lives over,” Stan recently told CBC News. “It took several years before it finally died down.”
Rutkowski’s UFO class will be held at John Taylor Collegiate.
(Credit: John Taylor Collegiate)
I asked Rutkowski if he felt teaching the public about UFOs was important. He replied, “Yes, in that there is a real thirst from the public for information about UFOs beyond tabloid news.”
As a science writer, and someone who takes the UFO phenomenon seriously, I also asked what approach Rutkowski takes in presenting the course material.
“I include some discussion on critical thinking and how to evaluate UFO reports and claims,” Rutkowski replied. “I do acknowledge that there is much we don’t know, but that there is much we do.”
If you live in the Winnipeg area, you can register for Rutkowki’s UFO course, which starts September 25, 2017, at, and you can find the book at the publisher’s website, To find out more about his work, you can follow Rutkowski’s UFO Blog at
UFO witness spots large “spherical object” during hike in Portugal
UFO witness spots large “spherical object” during hike in Portugal
A hiker in Portugal took some photos of an odd object recently. The witness submitted the photos and report to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) yesterday. According to the report, the sighting took place on August 20, 2017.
Picture submitted by witness. Click to enlarge.
(Credit: MUFON)
Second picture submitted by witness. Click to enlarge.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness says the object appeared to be the size of a helicopter. The witness described it as an “irregular sphere” in the title of the report, and as a spherical object in the description. However, the odd shape that can be seen in the photos is difficult to describe.
I was hiking on the mountain and taking pictures when I observed a spherical object the size of a helicopter. It flew silently and too fast, so I immediately started shooting. While doing this I lost the visual reference of the object. When I returned to look at the sky in search of the first object appeared a second object at the same speed and following the same path. The objects traveled from SE to NW at a speed of over 300 km / h, at an altitude of 100m to 200m and at a distance of less than 3km from the observation point.
Map of area submitted by witness. Click to enlarge.
(Credit: MUFON)
Mylar balloons can look odd floating around and are often reported as UFOs. However, they are typically a regular shape and smooth. Could this one be a half deflated balloon? If so, it would not have been as large as a helicopter as the witness describes, and it does look to be rather large in the photo.
The marker shows the location of Vila Real, the area the witness says the sighting took place.
(Credit: Google Maps)
The vast majority of UFO sightings turn out to be mundane objects, but once in awhile there are sightings that are much more difficult to explain. MUFON conducts investigations on sightings submitted to their website, and if they share their conclusions, we will let you all know. Meanwhile, others will likely chime in and we will try to keep you up to date with any discoveries. Please feel free to share your thoughts on the object in the comments below.
A witness in Arizona submitted a video to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) of lights dancing around the night sky. The video is very impressive, but the lights are most likely drones.
Screen shot from UFO video submitted to MUFON.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness submitted the video on September 10, 2017, indicating the sighting had taken place on the evening of September 3. The witness wrote that the UFOs were witnessed while driving in the Oro Valley, a suburb of Phoenix. The witness stopped the car to take a look and film the objects.
Marker indicates approximate location of witness. The objects were likely around the park at the bottom of this image.
(Credit: Google Maps)
The witness described the objects as “3 balls of light with glimmer of red and blue hovering, flying near tangerine rd and copper spring dr.”
The witness stated the objects were seen for about 10 minutes. The video lasts almost 2 minutes, and can be downloaded here.
The park where drones were most likely launched.
(Credit: Google Maps)
The lights dance around the sky, and the video is impressive, but so are modern day drones. Another giveaway is that the objects seem to launch from a park in the distance.
Drone technology has come a long way. In fact, drone racing has become a popular sport. Drone racers can don a virtual reality goggles and view the race first person. It is like a real-life video game. Check out this great video below of drone racing from GoPro. The drones are very maneuverable, and because Phoenix enjoys great weather, it is a hot spot for nighttime drone racing.
A witness in Arizona submitted a video to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) of lights dancing around the night sky. The video is very impressive, but the lights are most likely drones.
Screen shot from UFO video submitted to MUFON.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness submitted the video on September 10, 2017, indicating the sighting had taken place on the evening of September 3. The witness wrote that the UFOs were witnessed while driving in the Oro Valley, a suburb of Phoenix. The witness stopped the car to take a look and film the objects.
Marker indicates approximate location of witness. The objects were likely around the park at the bottom of this image.
(Credit: Google Maps)
The witness described the objects as “3 balls of light with glimmer of red and blue hovering, flying near tangerine rd and copper spring dr.”
The witness stated the objects were seen for about 10 minutes. The video lasts almost 2 minutes, and can be downloaded here.
The park where drones were most likely launched.
(Credit: Google Maps)
The lights dance around the sky, and the video is impressive, but so are modern day drones. Another giveaway is that the objects seem to launch from a park in the distance.
Drone technology has come a long way. In fact, drone racing has become a popular sport. Drone racers can don a virtual reality goggles and view the race first person. It is like a real-life video game. Check out this great video below of drone racing from GoPro. The drones are very maneuverable, and because Phoenix enjoys great weather, it is a hot spot for nighttime drone racing.
The human race has been fascinated with the vast sea of space for as long as our first flickers of awareness that it even existed began to form. Specifically, one very profound question that has gestated within our collective consciousness is simply: are we alone? We have long pondered whether there might be someone else out there amongst that uncharted ocean of stars, and this has become the focus of science fiction stories, personal reflection, philosophical dilemma, and scientific debate from the time we were able to comprehend that there were even other planets out there. In recent years our ever advancing technology has allowed us to peer into the deep black of space and locate many other planets orbiting stars just as our own, with quite a few even displaying signs that they may even be similar to ours and be habitable, and for decades we have carefully listened in to hear if there is any message flying about in the void. But is there anyone there at all?
The question of whether there is other advanced life out there is a profound one, and perhaps one of the most important unanswered questions there is. Another is, if intelligent life is out there, then where are they? We have spent vast amounts of time looking for such life, used millions upon millions of dollars, and made great sacrifices exploring the great unknown beyond our world, scouring every corner of the known universe for any sign whatsoever of life, and yet as far as we know we are the only ones. How could this be? There are ideas.
In 1950, influential and notable physicist Enrico Fermi was working for Los Alamos National Laboratory, and one day while having lunch with colleagues Emil Konopinski, Edward Teller and Herbert York, the conversation came around to UFOs and alien life. The group began discussing the possibility of other alien civilizations out there scattered across the galaxy, and that was when Fermi simply and bluntly asked “Where are they?” This generated a bit of laughter around the table, but he was perfectly serious. When the others asked exactly what he had meant, Fermi explained that if there was another civilization or civilizations that had developed out there with the technological ability to traverse space, then eventually they should have already spread out all over the galaxy, and we should have had some brush with them by now in some form.
Fermi reasoned that there had been plenty of time for them to do so, and utilized complicated equations to illustrate that over millions and millions of years, just a drop in the bucket compared to the age of the universe, these hypothetical alien civilizations should have at least found us by now. Fermi explained that with so many stars and potential planets in the observable universe, then if even a fraction of those had produced intelligent, spacefaring life then they would have exponentially broken their barriers and moved out into the galaxy, colonizing new worlds, and we would have surely known about them by now. By Fermi’s various calculations, the probability for intelligent life somewhere in the universe was high considering the sheer scale of it all, and if such advanced societies had developed, then after so much time aliens should be everywhere by now, or at the very least given us some sort of sign of their existence, even if such societies are rare. Yet there is no one, no evidence of such a thing, not a single sign that there is anyone else out there at all. Essentially, like Fermi asked, where is everybody?
This is the main gist of what has gone on to become known as the “Fermi Paradox,” and although it has been criticized by many as being perhaps too simplistic and making too many assumptions based on our own ideas of life, it has nevertheless gone on to become a major cornerstone for debate on the topic of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, and has inevitably hung over most discussions on the matter. This offhand lunchtime remark has propelled the imagination and driven the efforts of organizations like SETI. No matter what one thinks of the veracity of Fermi’s question, it is a compelling one to say the least, and there have been many numerous and varied theories that have come forth to try and explain just why we have not found anyone else out there in this cold universe of ours.
Perhaps the most intuitive and ready answer is that the universe is simply too incredibly huge, and that these beings are just too incalculably far away. Perhaps we, or them, live in the boondocks of the universe, the outer fringes, and with scales like these we are talking about with distances and areas so vast that the average person would have trouble even comprehending it all, it seems quite possible. Imagine the galaxy as a sprawling beach of white sand, and the universe as every beach in the world and you are getting somewhat close. Now imagine someone in, say, South Africa trying to find one particular single grain of sand on some remote beach in North America. These are the kinds of vast scopes we are dealing with here, even more so.
In this theory, we are simply too far away and too lost in the cosmos to even register. We could just be out in the middle of nowhere amidst a beach of stars and no one has noticed us. We might just be in an isolated, uncharted corner of the universe and while all the other intelligent races out there are getting together we simply remain undiscovered. This seems like a rational idea, and could be true, but Fermi didn’t think this cut the mustard. He was under the impression that distance mattered little, nor did the speed of travel. The SETI Institute’s very own web page says of this:
You can quibble about the speed of alien spacecraft, and whether they can move at 1 percent of the speed of light or 10 percent of the speed of light. It doesn’t matter. You can argue about how long it would take for a new star colony to spawn colonies of its own. It still doesn’t matter. Any halfway reasonable assumption about how fast colonization could take place still ends up with time scales that are profoundly shorter than the age of the Galaxy. It’s like having a heated discussion about whether Spanish ships of the 16th century could heave along at two knots or twenty. Either way they could speedily colonize the Americas.
This could be explained away by saying that life may just be incredibly rare in the universe, which when coupled with the immense distances involved serves to keep us apart, but even if this were the case there is also the fact that these would be races far beyond us in terms of development, so would we really remain merely out of sight in some remote corner of the universe without being detected in the slightest? Is this possible? Indeed, we have been boldly announcing our presence to the universe for decades, so are they so far away that they haven’t received the message or what? Perhaps, or maybe they do know we are here but simply don’t care. Maybe they are listening to our desperate calls out into the cosmos but just don’t want to answer?
There are a lot of reasons why these hypothetical aliens might not want to acknowledge our existence. Perhaps we just seem to be too primitive, and they no more wish to try and talk to us than we might wish to try and talk to an ant. As renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson has said, “We’d be drooling, blithering idiots in their presence.” More optimistically, maybe they are listening, but waiting until we reach a certain level of sophistication before finally approaching us. Or maybe they see us as an inevitable threat and have decided to stay away. More depressingly, maybe we just aren’t all that interesting to them. Who knows? It also could be that they see us as merely a curiosity, and are watching but willfully choose to leave us be as we are, just watching us and seeing what happens next. This theory even has a name, the “Zoo Hypothesis,” first suggested by a John A. Ball in 1973, which suggests that we are at best curiosities for other civilizations and at worst not worth talking to or insignificant, just entertainment and nothing more. Ball would say of this idea:
The idea that we shall be welcomed as new members into the galactic community is as unlikely as the idea that oysters will be welcomed as new members into the human community. We’re probably not even edible.
It seems to be a slap in the face, that we could spend so much time and money more or less blaring out our presence into the stars without an answer simply because they choose to ignore us or blow us off for whatever reasons. If that seems too depressing for you, then an offshoot of this is that we are just using the wrong method of communication to reach out to them. Although using radio waves seems natural and rational to us, there is the chance that they have moved well beyond such primitive methods of broadcast, or have never even developed this means of communication at all. Maybe they are using some other advanced system of communication and are so far beyond our own attempts at contact that they simply don’t recognize our signals for what they are. This could work the other way around as well, with them potentially sending out copious messages out into the stars but with us unable to detect or understand them to any extent. One cosmologist and astrophysicist named Lord Rees has observed:
They could be staring us in the face, and we just don’t recognize them. The problem is that we’re looking for something very much like us, assuming that they at least have something like the same mathematics and technology. I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms we can’t conceive.
In short, we might mutually have no idea that the other is trying to communicate, and our messages just might turn out as white noise to each other. Other reasons for no response from the cosmos could also be that we just haven’t been looking long enough or have been focusing on the wrong places, but the fact that we have gotten no response to our various dedicated efforts to reach out seems at least somewhat discouraging.
Other theories prove to be a slight bit more dismal and sobering yet. One very persistent theory is that intelligent life has routinely developed throughout the cosmos, but that they have inevitably hit a dead end or stumbling block along the way. According to this idea, it is the intrinsic nature of an advanced species to eventually destroy or cripple itself, or reach point where it is otherwise unable to continue its journey out into the stars. There are two different takes on this idea. One is that advanced societies are inherently self-destructive; an idea called the Medea Hypothesis, named after a Greek goddess who killed her own children. According to this hypothesis, any sufficiently developed civilization will eventually totally wipe itself out through warfare, violence, genocide and strife.
It is not hard to see this in effect to some extent even within the news of our own current affairs, so perhaps no aliens have gotten far enough to reach us because they just have it wired into their genes to annihilate themselves before they ever even get the chance. They simply self destruct at some point, never progressing past a certain point of development. Or maybe other species out there have indeed reached past this point, but none that have overlapped in the same era before fading away. After all, we are talking about mind-bogglingly long stretches of time, so maybe they have just naturally run their course and reached an end before another intelligent civilization comes about to talk to, but in the end there has been something that has caused the extinction of an intelligent race to make it uncontactable.
Another take on this basic premise is called the “Great Filter Theory,” which holds that intelligent life is, for one reason or another, simply not able to progress to the point of intergalactic travel and communication. It supposes that we eventually reach some form of a barrier to our inexorable technological advances that keeps us tethered to our own world and unable to reach out into the cosmos to any appreciable degree. This could be because of many reasons, such as war, ecological catastrophe, a cataclysmic event, or the limits of our minds, but it all boils down to us inevitably hitting an impenetrable wall through which we cannot pass. That species are doomed to fail at reaching out into the stars is unsettling to say the least, but on a brighter note maybe we are just the first ones to have managed to breach this limit?
There are some who think so, but if this is the case and we are truly the first, then all other life in the universe would be far too primitive to have reached our level of sophistication and so would remain incognito for quite some time to come, essentially making us effectively alone. If this is the case, then we are truly the first intelligent beings to make it to the point where we are flying out into space and making attempts at communication, but no one else has the ability to listen. This relative primitive state of affairs could explain why no other civilization has been sending signals into space or answering our own, because they still simply lack the means with which to do so, and we may be waiting for quite some time.
Linked to this is the idea that alien life may be simply far too different from ours to even recognize. We like to think that we have a handle on what constitutes life and its building blocks, or the criteria for a hospitable world, but what if we have it all wrong? What if life does not have to abide by our own tentative understanding of its rules, and we are more or less anthropomorphizing it to fit our own limited window for what life requires or should be like? If this were the case alien life could be all around us and blaring into our ears and we would not recognize it in the slightest bit because it would be too different from our limited definition of what life should be for us to recognize it as such. It could just be incomprehensible to us.
Moving out into more far-out territory we come to more, shall we say, unconventional explanations for our lack of any sort of contact with extraterrestrials. One common one is that we are all living in a simulated reality and therefore aliens don’t exist simply because they have not been programmed in. There is actually a lot of speculation on this matter, of which I have covered at Mysterious Universe before, and as questionable as it all may seem it would definitely explain why there are no aliens. Similar to this is the idea that aliens do exist, but that they live in another plane of reality, and therefore remain mostly hidden to us. They may even be all around us right now, but we would never know because they are invisible and lurking in another dimension or plane of existence just beyond our perceptions.
There is also of course the notion that alien life is already here, as evidenced by all of the UFO sightings and alien encounters we have recorded over the decades. Maybe we have to look no further than these reports to see the evidence that not only does alien life exist, but that it is already here amongst us, just remaining in the shadows hidden, elusive and unverified. Although there are certainly a lot of strange UFO sightings and reports of meetings with aliens, these nevertheless remain unconfirmed, and even if they are all real they could be something even stranger still, and not necessarily evidence of life from the stars.
Finally we have what might be the bleakest, most depressing answer to the Fermi Paradox of all, and that is that we truly are alone. Although that may seem unbelievable considering the countless planets that apparently lie out there in the universe, perhaps we just happened to win the intergalactic lottery. Despite all of the talk of the building blocks of life present on other worlds, perhaps things were able to come together just so and in such a precise manner on our planet that life was able to evolve, but hasn’t done so anywhere else. There is the possibility that this was a one of a kind occurrence, an anomaly, and that even if it were to happen again there would be no guarantee that it would ever advance past single-celled organisms. In this scenario we are truly the only ones, the only advanced race in the entire universe, indeed perhaps the only life at all, and the reason no one has answered our calls or shown up at our doorstep is that there is simply no one else out there, just the yawning chasm of endless, inhospitable, empty space. It is a chilling revelation to be sure, and with all of the potential for life lying out there in the chasms of space a seemingly unbelievable one, yet one that must be at least considered; that maybe, just maybe, we are alone after all.
There are other ideas as well, running the range from the rational to the absurd, but these are the main theories as to why we have yet to officially encounter any aliens or even detect them in the slightest bit. We continue to trudge on as we always have, the dedicated amongst us reaching out to the stars and trying to elicit a response, and that response never comes. Why is it that we have never found any evidence of life beyond our own? Why have we remained alone and uncertain as to our status in the universe? Is the answer right around the corner, or is it as some suspect that we are the only life there is in this unfathomably large universe; the exception to the rule and the sole consciousness within an infinite sea of dark, lifeless emptiness? Until we make the contact we yearn for, we will not know.
In Steven Spielberg’s iconic 1977 science-fiction film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, a mysterious force compels desperate seekers to converge on Wyoming’s Devils Tower in search of answers. When they arrive, they encounter a massive alien mothership which communicates through music and returns scores of missing persons who have been abducted over the years. A lucky few of the witnesses are allowed to go aboard the mothership and travel to the stars with the alien beings. Forty years after the film’s release, UFO seekers are returning to the 800-foot-tall tower, but this time the mysterious forces compelling them to come together is much easier to explain.
If you haven’t seen ‘Close Encounters’, make sure to catch it in theaters this year.
UFO hunters, E.T. enthusiasts, and sci-fi fans are converging in Wyoming for the first Devils Tower UFO Rendezvous, held September 14-16. Rather than a musical mothership, the UFO enthusiasts are this time going to be greeted with a barbecue, parade, and live entertainment. But who knows? Anything could happen.
The official promo photo for this year’s UFO Rendezvous.
According to the official website, the mission of the UFO rendezvous “shall be to bring together a wide variety of social groups with the common interest in learning and education about UFO’s and the celebration of the anniversary of the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind and their intent is “to gather to further the study and interest of UFO’s while celebrating on an annual basis.”
Devils Tower was named America’s first national monument in 1906.
The rendezvous will feature a special screening of the film, MUFON field investigator training, and speeches by MUFON director Jan Harzan, paranormal investigator Chuck Zukowski, and infamous alleged abductee Travis Walton. A one-day pass costs a cool $100, while a full weekend-long registration is $189. Better hope there’s free popcorn at the movie screening.
Here’s a well-known mystery: many people believe that aliens and their spacecraft from the Roswell incident are hidden in special tunnels at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Here’s a little-known fact: Raymond Szymanski worked at Wright-Patterson for 39 years and wrote a book published in 2016 called 50 Shades of Greys about what he saw there. Here’s a new mystery: why is the book suddenly back in the news? Is someone getting us ready for full disclosure?
A number of media outlets revisited (or visited) 50 Shades of Greys recently after its author was interviewed by Sun Online. In the book, published in January 2016, Szymanski begins with details of his first days on the job at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 1973 when a mentor named Al introduced him to the Avionics Laboratory’s Management Operations Office by asking, “Have you heard about our aliens?”
“He said that in 1947 there was a crash down in Roswell and they brought the machines and the aliens here for inspection and said they keep them in secret tunnels under the base. When I asked him how he came to know about the secret, he responded, ‘Everybody who works on base knows’. I was stunned. Me, a young co-op student barely into his first week, was now initiated into a small select group of 10,000 people and given their most incredible secret ever – that we have aliens and their craft in our tunnels on our base.’”
Szymanski says he then began a clandestine and at times overt investigation into what his mentor was talking about. While his onsite snooping ended with his retirement from Wright-Patterson in 2011, his search for evidence continued until the book was published in 2016.
In his recent interview, Szymanski does his best to avoid revealing details of what he’s discovered while hinting at what he found.
“For the next four decades I had dozens if not hundreds of brief conversations regarding the ‘secret’ I’d been given during my first week on base. The important fact established here is that not one single person at that time ever said, “We have no aliens here, you crazy son of a b*tch”… I saw lots of smiles but no denials. I’ve been basically investigating locations on the base that I think could contain clues to its history relative to extraterrestrials and UFOs ever since. By looking at evidence, which I document in the book in text and photographs, it would appear to me as if the stories are true.”
Why does Szymanski used the term “Greys” in the title? Is it just a clever play on that ‘other’ book about 50 shades? Szymanski admits that, while he’s been in the tunnels his mentor described, he didn’t see any dead or living aliens in them … at leas that he could recognize as aliens. However, he claims to have strong evidence of possible burial sites on the base and suggests he’s been spied up at least three times by men who “wore black suits and black hats.”
Aerial view of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
If you’re thinking that Szymanski doesn’t have a proverbial smoking gun, you’re probably right. In fact, while he seems to imply that there IS a smoking gun, he doesn’t think humans are ready for it and that could be why he hasn’t seen it either.
“We still aren’t ready for full disclosure, the governments like to keep secrets cause that’s what keeps us safe sometimes. The last time the Air-Force made the announcement ‘hey we’ve got a flying saucer’ that didn’t go so well, so what would happen if they announced it this time?”
So he doesn’t seem to think full disclosure is coming any time soon. Nonetheless, the insights of an insider inside the infamous Wright-Patterson Air Force Base sounds interesting for what Szymanski says it contains:
“I present new theories, I show you evidence and I let you make up your own mind.”
What going on these days at Area 51, the ‘top secret’ Air Force base in Nevada protected by agents authorized to use “deadly force” to protect the property and the secrets it holds? If you’re tired of the same old satellite photos and don’t want to risk your own life peering through the fence with your phone on a really long selfie stick, you’re resigned to waiting for someone crazy enough to figure other ways to get a look inside. A couple of UFO seekers who call themselves the UFO Seekersdid just that recently by climbing a peak for a peek. Piqued?
The dangerous precipice surmounted by these brave Area 51 fanatics is Tikaboo Peak, which is in fact well known as the place for the best outside-the-fence ground-based view of Area 51. While it’s perfectly legal to climb up there, it’s also perfectly frustrating because it’s 26 miles from the base as the crow flies … if the crow managed to survive the flight without being shot down. The peak is at 8,000 feet and is accessible via the Interceptors Trail — a 25-mile dirt road off of US-93 that is sandy, deeply rutted and dangerous even for an SUV.
Topology from Area 51 to Tikaboo Peak (credit: Daily Mail)
Despite that, Tim and Tracey Doyle, the intrepid team from UFO Seekers, made it to the top, recording all the way. At the peak, they set up a camera with a super-long-distance lens to recordwhat was going on at Area 51 on a typical day. As you might expect, they spotted what appear to be flying saucers, small beings with large grey heads working out in what looks like a heavily guarded prison recreation area and a triangular-shaped jet that moved almost too fast to be seen and may have cloaked.
OK, that last part was what you hoped they saw, right? The shots of Area 51 are clear and sharp, but they showed what the military personnel would feel comfortable showing in the direction of a peak that is known to occasionally have people with high-powered lenses peering back at them. They saw conventional military vehicles, roads, hangars, runways and buildings. One of the hangars was one that had been know to be under construction and new appears to be completed, but what’s inside couldn’t be seen through any tiny windows … if those dots were really windows. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to be in use for anything out of the ordinary – at least from a distance of 26 miles.
What about in the other direction? The UFO Seekers noticed a large antenna on Tikaboo Peak. It’s been there since at least 2015 and, while its purported purpose is to provide weather data to the base, it’s most likely sending surveillance videos as well, so dress nice and wave if you make the trek.
And yes, anyone can make the trek … not just ufo seekers or UFO Seekers. If their video piques your interest in a peek from the peak, check the trail and hiking guides in Las Vegas or the Tikaboo Peak Facebook page. Yes, the secret peeking peak has a Facebook page – so much for being the first (or the second) to get exclusive shots of the latest whatever from Area 51.
The best part about the video by UFO Seekers is the adventure itself. They do a great job of recording the trek and their pictures – while not of alien bodies or crashed spaceships – are excellent photos of the most famous base in the U.S. That’s what adventure is all about … the day you climb the peak just might be the day the saucer lands.
An airliner in Scotland had a recent close encounter with an object which aviation experts have so far been unable to identify. The incident is the second such near-miss to happen at the airport since 2012.
As if plane travel wasn’t scary enough.
The Glasgow-based Evening Times reported the incident this week after the near-miss was posted to the UK Airprox Board, a forum where pilots and passengers can post reports of “airprox.” An airprox is defined as any incident “in which, in the opinion of a pilot or air traffic services personnel, the distance between aircraft as well as their relative positions and speed have been such that the safety of the aircraft involved may have been compromised.” According to the report, the incident occurred on May 26 when an Airbus A230 was on approach into the Glasgow Airport:
The A320 pilot reports the he was approximately three nautical miles finals for Runway 23 when the crew spotted an orange light ahead and slightly above, which appeared to be traveling in the opposite direction. The light passed about 100-200ft above their aircraft.
The report concludes by noting that “the board could not determine the identity or proximity of the object.” Sightings and near-misses of drones have become fairly common over the last couple years as commercial drones are becoming more popular, but pilots and air traffic control personnel are usually able to easily identify drone encounters.
Near-misses with drones have become unsettlingly common.
There have been other similar close calls reported lately, including an incident with a Canadian airliner in which pilots were forced to take evasive action in order to avoid an oncoming UFO. Sightings of UFOs occurring on passenger planes have been shown to be on the rise. Are these merely a result of increased drone activity, or is something else afoot in our skies? Either one is sure to worry frequent flyers.
While birds and planes have certainly been mistaken for UFOs over the years, there are far more interesting things that have been mistaken for saucers, too. As history has shown, a lot of these mysterious skybound objects were secret military prototypes and other technologies, some of which were even operating outside the bounds of existing nuclear test treaties.
Popular Mechanics recently featured a piece by Kyle Mizokami, which discussed Soviet tests back in the late 1960s that dealt with such technologies. Residents in the Soviet Union reported six incidents where a strange, crescent-shaped object roughly the size of the moon appeared in the night sky, and to much attention from the press and regional UFO groups.
It was later revealed that these “UFOs” had a very terrestrial source:
The “UFO” sightings were actually test launches of the R-36 Orb, a secret nuclear space missile. Developed from the SS-9 Scarp intercontinental ballistic missile, the R-36 Orb was designed to rocket into low earth orbit and de-orbit over the United States. Launched in a southern direction, the weapon could pass over the South Pole and then come at the United States from the direction of Mexico, bypassing the network of early warning radars facing north. The trip would be longer but would catch the Americans by surprise, allowing the Soviets the chance to detonate a 2-3 megaton thermonuclear weapon wherever they might choose.
The chilling details about this technology show just how dire the Cold War period could have been, had there ever been a situation that erupted into conflict. Here, it also shows us one of many instances where weapons development by military superpowers have contributed to UFO sightings. In his book The Demon Haunted World, Carl Sagan similarly discussed how the U2 and Oxcart programs during the same era put high altitude aircraft into the sky which, seen close to dusk by ground based observers, were high enough that they could easily reflect light of the sun from a good distance away. Ideally, this would present circumstances where it was nearly dark for those on the ground, and thus the objects appeared very different from most conventional planes of that era.
One of the most famous situations involving a military operation that was mistaken for phenomenon associated with UFOs involved Paul Bennewitz, who in the 1980s had interpreted tests being conducted at Kirtland Air Force Base as evidence for extraterrestrial communication (these tests actually involved NSA studies being conducted at the locale). Bennewitz, who already had a history of mental illness, became one of the targets of a misinformation campaign, whose actors included Richard Doty, an agent with the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations, as well as ufologist William Moore and others.
There are countless other examples of military exercises and various experimental technologies being mistaken for things like extraterrestrial vehicles and other more esoteric things. However, in recognizing this fundamental truth, questions must be raised in relation to whether all reports of UFOs can merely be chalked up to mis-identification of known phenomenon (including military operations, etc), or if there are indeed foreign sources behind some reports of UFO craft.
In another recent MU article, I wrote about my personal experiences with viewing space debris, iridium satellites, and other reflective objects that often are mistaken for being UFOs, driving home the importance for being able to spot and properly discern what these objects are. Part of what drives me to do this is the fact that, for instance, I’ve seen the everything from iridium “flares”, to bioluminescent plankton turn up in videos the likes of those produced by Dr. Stephen Greer’s Disclosure Project, in segments where participants claimed to have been communicating with “alien” intelligences.
While it’s easy to jump to criticism, and begin ridiculing such cases of mistaken identity, I feel a more noble (and worthy) way to engage such situations is to attempt to educate, rather than resort to cynicism. Commentators that routinely employ ridicule and cynicism in their arguments betray an intention to present themselves as intellectually superior, which further reveals motivation based in egotism, rather than education.
Unfortunately, the bad attitudes taken by many modern skeptics are, to me, evidence of this egotistically-driven cynicism; these individuals may find themselves lacking in fortitude in some other area of their lives, which may drive an innate desire to find areas where compensatory control can be established, thus manifesting in exercises that attempt to establish intellectual “higher ground,” if not through facts, through ridicule and harassment. However, further extrapolation on the motives and frustrations of such skeptics would require delving deeply into the psychology of these individuals, and is thus beyond the scope of the present argument.
As I have said countless times before, there are many good skeptics, and then there are a few bullies… we’ll leave it at that for now. At the end of the day, what we’re left to try and discern is whether a majority of incidents involving unusual aerial objects can be explained by clandestine military activities (and often in the absence of reliable data, due to the secrecy surrounding such subjects).
Thus, it becomes difficult at times for us to gauge what kinds of technology have been developed and tested over the years, versus the kinds of things that seem otherworldly, and are thus perceived as being “theirs” (i.e. the aliens).
I would nonetheless say that, if I had to guess, there is probably a lot going on behind the scenes right here on Earth, which can explain much of the weird stuff we’ve seen turn up during UFO incidents over the years. The question is, if not by virtue of the all-hallowed “disclosure” idea, then how will we ever get to the bottom of what’s really going on?
During a nighttime UFO “sky watch” that I participated in a number of years ago, I recall a crowd of observers that were standing near me, who became extremely excited as an object appeared directly above us. This light grew brighter as it passed overhead, and at the “climax” of the experience, it seemed to produce a bright flash almost directly downward, after which it suddenly dimmed, become faint enough that we could no longer see it.
“Did you see that?” one of them said with excitement. “It signaled to us, and then blinked out completely!” To my group of hopeful UFO-spotters, it was clear that this object had been no star; additionally, the fact that it became very bright at one point seemed to indicate that the object was attempting to communicate with us in some way.
While they were correct that the object had been no star, I found it odd–though slightly charming–that they perceived the change in brightness we observed as being somehow relevant to our little group of observers. To them, it was as though some intelligence greater than us actuallyhad been aware that we were down here watching, and chose to send salutations to our meager little group.
Perhaps my innate cosmicism stems from my appreciation for Lovecraft’s writing, which often played down the importance of humanity in the eyes of his fictional alien Elder Gods. After all, why would humanity necessarily be of any importance to alien visitors? Furthermore, if aliens were trying to communicate with us, why would they do so in ways that are so ambiguous as to merely fly overhead and flash their landing lights at us?
Of course, to anyone that has spent enough time outside observing the night sky, the object I’ve described here was no UFO spaceship at all. It was pretty obviously an iridium satellite, which was reflecting more light from the sun in our direction as its position turned in its orbit while passing overhead. Countless times since then, I have used an app on my iPhone to determine when, almost down to the second, an iridium satellite was going to appear; in many of those instances, the same characteristics involving a buildup to a bright flash was repeated.
As instructive as the story above had been, I also recall with equal vividness the time a colleague of mine argued that there was no benefit to discussing these identifiable flying objects, or “IFOs,” for which he presented an unusual kind of logic. “At the end of the day,” he said, “this proves nothing, because we aren’t talking about actual spaceships!”
To the contrary, I think it is very important to be able to identify the more prosaic things in the night skies. The only thing more important than this would probably be discussing it with others, so that a broader range of observers can become adept at identifying seemingly unusual things they have seen.
A great example was recently sent along to me by a listener of my podcast named Calvin, who gave an excellent description of something he and a group of friends observed recently over Tennessee.
“We were all laying down on blankets looking up at the sky at the campground we were staying at, Calvin said. “We were specifically watching for iridium flares or any other kind of satellites. We saw a few iridium flares over the course of a few hours.”
Calvin further described how at one point, a bright flash of light from another part of the sky captured he and his company’s attention:
“At one point though we saw an extremely bright flash come from the opposite side of the sky the iridium flares were traveling from. when we looked there was nothing there. But a split second later the object flashed again but not as bright as the first time. we then started to track the object going across the sky and seemingly flashing at random. The flashing didn’t seem to be evenly spaced and sometimes it would flash so faint you could barely see it and other times the object would flash so bright nothing else was as bright in the sky. Between the flashes though we would totally lose sight of the thing. Also it was moving extremely slowly compared to the iridium flares i am used to seeing.
Whatever it was it appeared to be in orbit but we have no way of knowing for sure if it was. We were talking about the thing the whole time we had it under sight, which was no less than 15 minutes. We have no clue what the thing was, but we also think from the random flashing and the degree of brightness that maybe it was a tumbling object in space. Maybe some space junk catching the sun’s rays just right or something similar.
While the behavior was similar to what my own sky watching group had observed years ago, Calvin and his company’s interpretation of what they saw is similar to my own, in that they believe it was a manmade object in orbit, reflecting light as it tumbled along. “Whatever it was it was weird to us,” Calvin told me. “I have never seen anything like it, and I was wondering what you would think about this object as well.” Although such objects can, at times, appear a bit out of the ordinary based on their movement, light patterns, etc, my bet would be that Calvin was spot-on when he suggested it was some type of “space junk.”
So again, the question may come to mind, “why is any of this important?” In what I consider to be a truly landmark book, Allan Hendry’s The UFO Handbook, the author spends almost half the book discussing the various “normal” things that can appear quite out of the ordinary to an observer at night. A favorite of mine had been advertising planes, which often perplexed observers for miles with their illuminated flags advertising everything from restaurants, to legal services. When seen even from a short distance away, these lit-up banners were often interpreted by ground based observers as resembling luminous, dome or saucer-shaped aircraft. In most cases, Hendry was able to make calls to regional FAA authorities, and determine almost precisely which planes were flying in an area at a given time, and hence, identified many such “saucers” as the commercial aircraft they actually were.
As Hendry was intending to help illustrate by focusing on identifying prosaic sources of nighttime UFO reports, a skilled UFO investigator needs to be informed on more than just the potentials relating unidentified aircraft. They must also be able to identify otherwise easily recognizable objects, which may appear differently when seen under unique circumstances.
Even experienced sky watchers may, from time to time, see things that fall outside the ordinary patterns associated with them, whether it be manmade objects in orbit, or even airplanes, as Allan Hendry discussed in The UFO Handbook.
Of course, I in no way mean to assert that all unidentified flying objects have prosaic solutions, and neither did Hendry when he wrote about such scenarios decades ago. But to borrow an absurd (but relative) reference, as G.I. Joe often said, “knowing is half the battle.” I do think it’s pretty safe to say that this applies to UFOs too, and that for observers who educate themselves on the varieties of the IFO experience, sky watching is not only more fun, but it makes them better at spotting any actual UFOs, as well.
Just recently I was mailed a review copy of Kevin D. Randle’s book, The UFO Dossier, which is published by Visible Ink Press. Many people will associate Kevin with his books on the Roswell, New Mexico event of early July 1947, including UFO Crash at Roswell (this one with Don Schmitt); Crash: When UFOs Fall From the Sky; and what I consider to be Kevin’s best book on Roswell, which is titled Roswell in the 21st Century. So, when I got a copy of Kevin’s latest, I was expecting more on what many see as Ufology’s number-one case. But, no! Roswell is completely absent. I’ll refrain from saying it has been abducted…
The sub-title gets right to the theme of the book: 100 Years of Government Secrets, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups. This is a book written by someone who has been in the UFO subject a long time, and that shines through in the pages of this slightly more than 400-pages-long book. In some respects, it reads like many of the UFO-themed books I read as a kid. Now, I don’t mean that Kevin’s book is an exercise in nostalgia; it’s certainly not. Rather, I mean that it’s packed with data on classic incidents of the type many might say we rarely see nowadays. I’m talking about the likes of “vehicle interference” cases, close encounters between military aircraft and UFOs, waves and flaps, and landing cases. Even though many assume that those days are gone, Kevin shows that such incidents still occur – and to a significant degree.
The “Battle of Los Angeles” gets good, solid coverage. What I particularly enjoyed about Kevin’s write-up on this curious affair – which involved unknown targets seen in the skies of Los Angeles on the night of February 25, 1942 – was Kevin’s approach. To his credit Kevin does not rely on sensational tales – or as Greg Bishop calls it, “UFO porn.” Rather, for the most part, Kevin focuses his attention on official documentation on the case and which was prepared by the Office of Air Force History. Kevin takes issue with the military’s weather-balloon-based conclusions. And being Kevin, he does not do so in a shrill, arms-folded, defensive and sensationalized fashion. Rather, he carefully dissects the official version of events and points out the flaws – of which, he concludes, there are more than a few.
For me, one of the most interesting sections of the book is that titled “Lights in the Night Sky.” The legendary saga of the “Lubbock Lights” of 1951 gets good, solid treatment. Kevin, remaining open-minded and with no agenda, finds fault in some of the reports, but suggests that some of the encounters still fall into the “unknown” category. Kevin notes one of the most important aspects of the sighting of “a group of dully glowing lights” which passed “overhead in a matter of seconds.” And what might that be? The fact that the primary witnesses were a group of professors from the Texas Technical College – now the Texas Tech University.
In this same section, Kevin also focuses on what I consider to have been a highly credible wave of UFO activity which occurred in Belgium in November 1989, and which continued through 1990. That the Belgian Air Force took this wave of activity extremely seriously adds weight to the reports of fast-flying, triangular-shaped UFOs. Kevin, however, does not shy away from the issue of hoaxing and how this has definitely impacted on what may have been a legitimate number of encounters.
Turning his attention to the 1970s, Kevin takes a look at the October 18, 1973 extremely close encounter between a UFO and the crew of an Army Reserve helicopter in the skies of Ohio. That was the night when – according to arch-skeptic Philip Klass – the crew had an encounter with nothing stranger than a meteor. Kevin notes the many and varied reasons why Klass was wide of the mark. Kevin comes to the point: “In the end, this is a case that screams to be labeled as ‘unidentified,’ because there is no valid explanation for it. Klass was simply wrong in his analysis, and his speculations should be ignored because of his manipulation of the evidence and his lack of the flight characteristics of the helicopter.”
Minnifield photo
Particularly refreshing was the section “Humanoid Reports in the Twenty-First Century.” It’s very much a mistake to say that reports of alleged alien entities are on the decline. We’re not just talking about alien abduction-type encounters. Flying humanoids, nine-foot-tall monsters, and a classic Contactee-like report from North Port, Florida fin August 2012 all appear in the pages of Kevin’s book. As for the rest of the book, you get a good study of the Rendlesham Forest incident of December 1980, pilot encounters in the skies of France, and the controversial McMinville photos of May 11, 1950 – taken by Paul Trent. The 17-page piece on McMinville is one of the best, as Kevin turns detective and addresses the case to a really in-depth degree. Real or fake? Again, Kevin gives the reader both sides of the argument.
If you want a no-nonsense, impartial look at Ufology and some of its most well-known cases, then The UFO Dossier is one I definitely recommend.
Those who thought that potential discussions of UFOs in the White House ended with the defeat of Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager, John ‘We’ll Open the Secret Files’ Podesta, have new hope. The nominee for chief scientist of the Department of Agriculture claims he once had an encounter with a UFO that he believed was traveling at 5,000 miles-per-hour. Will he pursue the release of the files that might identify what he saw?
We’ll leave the discussions about whether former radio host and economics professor Samuel H. ‘Sam’ Clovis Jr. is qualified to be a chief scientist to the political blogs and instead focus on whether the former US Air Force F-16 fighter pilot, former Inspector General of the United States Space Command and alleged UFO witness is qualified to be our inside guy for opening the X-Files.
According to a 2014 report in the Des Moines Register, Clovis was running for one of Iowa’s US Senate seats when he admitted to host Simon Conway at WHO Radio that he once encountered a UFO. From Conway’s account in the Register:
“His radar locked on it, and it was doing things our technology couldn’t do, he explained. The UFO was traveling toward him at 5,000 mph — and we’ve got nothing that does that. It came to a complete stop, he said, then reversed away at 5,000 mph.”
Clovis served in the Air Force for 25 years from 1971 to 1996 and, although he doesn’t give a date, this incident probably occurred earlier in his flying career. There’s no indication that any other pilot or ground crew member saw the UFO nor heard what would have been at least two sonic booms. According to the article, pilot Clovis handed the radar report over to his commanding officers and doesn’t seem to have said anything about it publicly until 2014.
What about privately? Towards the end of his Air Force career, Clovis served as Inspector General of the U.S. Space Command (USSPACECOM). Formed in 1985, this branch of the Defense Department, based at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado, was responsible for Air Force activities in outer space – such as satellite communications, intelligence, missile-warning and weather systems in conflict areas. As Inspector General, Clovis would have been responsible for monitoring and auditing the actions of Space Command to ensure it operated in compliance with generally established policies of the government and to watch for instances of misconduct, waste, fraud, or criminal activity. There seems to be no indication of anything of the sort happening under Clovis’ time at Space Commend, nor is there any public information that he inspected or was even interested in UFO activities at the time.
Sam Clovis
How about now? Well, he’s nominated for chief scientist at the Department of Agriculture, not exactly an organization that would be aware of or interested in UFO activities … unless they were connected to crop circles. While the department works with NASA on climate science – something important to farmers – Clovis has called climate science “junk” and would probably avoid dealing with NASA. With his background in economics, it would appear he’d be more interested in looking for spending to cut rather than X-files to expose.
For now, Sam Clovis doesn’t seem like a candidate for full disclosure of UFO files should he get an inside White House job. Perhaps someone can nominate Tom DeLonge for a job.
For me, it’s always a good day when I put the finishing touches to a manuscript. And, June 16, 2015 was the date on which I completed the writing of my book, Men in Black: Personal Stories and Eerie Encounters. Of course, the manuscript still had to go through the editing and proof-reading stages. And I had to dig out a bunch of photos, too. But, there’s a good feeling of satisfaction, while sitting at your desk, knowing that the bulk of the work is done. Plus, it was a hot and sunny day. The birds were singing in the trees outside my apartment. And that night I was due to see, with a bunch of friends, a Motley Crue tribute band play in a local beer and junk-food dive. It was all good! Except, that is, for one thing which occurred around 9:45 a.m. That was roughly the time when I made the final change to the manuscript, then saved and closed it. I was ready to email it to my agent, Lisa Hagan, for review.
Only barely a second or two after I closed the document, I heard a sudden bang coming from one of the rooms in my apartment. I frowned, stood up, and probably said something to myself along the lines of “WTF?” And, since my apartment home is a small one, it didn’t take long at all for me to find the cause of that bang; seconds, in fact. On walking into my bedroom, I saw that one of the many pictures I have on my walls had fallen to the floor. Despite the floor being carpeted, the black picture frame was broken and the glass had shattered, with pieces and shards all over the carpet. Dammit. Time to get out the vacuum-cleaner. What was particularly eye-opening, however, was the specific item which had fallen from the wall.
It was a framed letter written back in 1953 by none other than Albert Bender. He was the man who, arguably, birthed the mystery of the Men in Black. It was all as a result of his early-1950s-era traumatic experiences with a trio of glowing-eyed, vampire-like MIB in his hometown of Bridgeport, Connecticut. The strange tale was chronicled in Bender’s 1962 book, Flying Saucers and the Three Men. It wasn’t long after that initial encounter in the fifties that Bender, who had got into UFOs in the late-1940s, and who created the International Flying Saucer Bureau, couldn’t take anymore mayhem and menace in his life. Bender quit Ufology, only briefly returning at the turn of the sixties to write and promote the aforementioned Flying Saucers and the Three Men. And, after that, he did not look back. Well, maybe a glance or two, but certainly not much more. Now, back to my busted picture.
At the time, the maintenance guys at the apartments were working outside, hammering away at something. So, one could make a good, solid case that the vibrations from their tools dislodged the picture and – hey, presto – I’m left with a broken frame and glass everywhere. Maybe that’s all
In Delhi, India, close to half a dozen pilots have reported seeing unidentified flying objects near the city’s largest airport every month.
In at least some of the incidents, air traffic controllers have halted flights as a safety measure, although a majority of the incidents involving “mystery objects” have not resulted in flight interruptions, Hindustan Timesreported. While police say they have been unable to identify a number of the objects in the reports, this has been due in part to the reports being logged by pilots in nautical miles.
In the past two years alone, there have been hundreds of reports of the mystery objects logged by authorities.
Explanations for the “UFOs” ranges from drones, to balloons, and even bright lights flashed at events nearby, which include wedding celebrations. Aviation authorities have advised partygoers to refrain from using brightly lit fixtures and other light emitting sources when in near proximity to the Delhi airport.
Much like in the United States, the use of lasers, when directed at aircraft in flight, is a punishable offense.
This, under the local legislation section 144 CrPC, states that, “Any person, group of persons, organizers, owners, occupiers, employees contravening these orders shall be liable to be punished in accordance with provisions of section 188 of the IPC.”
UFO sightings near airports have apparently been on the rise in other locales around the world, particularly since the advent of the modern drone era. Popular varieties available online can be obtained for just a few hundred dollars, available to hobbyists and other aviation enthusiasts. However, regulations in most countries prohibit operation of drones in close proximity to airports, due to the safety concerns involved.
Drones and balloons aren’t the only strange objects reported by pilots near airports. In 2010, a truly bizarre incident occurred, which involved a “flying egg” that was observed by a pilots during a training flight near the Anoka County-Blaine Airport (ANE), outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The pilots noted that, “other aircraft were on the frequency but no other aircraft were in our area,” despite the sudden appearance of a strange looking, egg-shaped object near them on their approach for runway number nine.
The pilots in question attempted to establish radio contact with the mystery craft, but to no avail, reporting that the pilot of the mystery object, “was heading slightly southeastward. They were pushing us off our final approach to Runway 9. As we corrected to the southeast to avoid this aircraft I told Tower we had an aircraft out our left window within probably 200 [feet]. He did not have him on a transponder and was able to visually see him with field glasses out the Tower window.”
The only other descriptions given in pilot’s report had been that, “This unidentified aircraft appeared to be a homebuilt (ultralight?) with an enclosed cabin that looked as if it seated two. It looked similar to a flying egg.” Who knows what the aircraft in question was, or who its pilots had been, since there didn’t appear to be radios or transponders on board (interestingly, there is a bit of history to these odd, “egg shaped” objects in UFO lore. For more on this subject, see my article from last year on pilot encounters with egg shaped UFOs).
Could there be some hobbyists at work in Delhi, India, as well? Regardless, it seems that with the use of conventional drones on the rise, similar reports of “mystery objects” by pilots will no doubt continue.
The U.S. Air Force has refused to reveal the aircraft involved in a crash last week that claimed the life of the pilot. The incident, which took place at a training facility in Nevada, has sparked speculation that some kind of previously unknown aircraft was involved.
The incident took place on Tuesday, September 5. Unusually, the Air Force waited about three days to make the crash public. Consider two other crashes the service reported last week, one involving two A-10 Thunderbolt fighters and the other an Iraqi Air Force officer flying an F-16. In both cases the incident was reported the next day.
The more cryptic accident took place on the Nevada Test and Training Range, about 100 miles northwest of Nellis Air Force Base. The NTTR bills itself as the "the largest contiguous air and ground space available for peacetime military operations in the free world", with 2.9 million acres of land and 12,000 square miles of airspace to test equipment and train U.S. military forces.
F-22A Raptor and F-35 Joint Strike Fighters of the U.S. Air Force over the Nevada Test and Training Range, July 2017.
GettyU.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Daryn Murphy
Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Eric Schultz, 44, died from injuries sustained in the crash. Schultz, who had been denied entry into the pilot training program three times due to poor eyesight, went into academia, where he earned six degrees including a doctorate in aerospace engineering from Caltech and an MBA from Penn State. Later, he was a senior scientist and business development manager at engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney, and a rotary wing test engineer at the Naval Air Warfare Center.
After receiving corrective eye surgery, Schultz immediately joined the Air Force and became a fighter pilot. He had more than 2,000 flight hours in a variety of aircraft, including the F-15E Strike Eagle (which he flew on 50 close air support missions over Afghanistan) and Canadian CF-18 Hornet. Schultz was the 28th pilot to fly the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
His crash has led aviation watchers to ask: What aircraft was Schultz—a brilliant aerospace engineer and accomplished pilot—flying when his aircraft went down over Nevada? According to the Air Force, he was flying a training flight with an aircraft assigned to Air Force Material Command. According to, the Air Force has stated, "information about the type of aircraft involved is classified and not releasable." Asked this weekend about the crash, Air Force Chief of Staff David Goldfein said, "I can definitely say it was not an F-35."
F-117A Stealth fighter.
There are three prevailing theories. The first is that the plane was a F-117A stealth fighter. The F-117A was retired in 2008, with aircraft placed in storage at the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada. In 2014, it emerged that some of the planes were still flying. The stealth fighters are thought to be used as flying test beds for new technologies that could make their way into future aircraft. We've been told, however, that the planes are flown only by Lockheed Martin pilots—a fact that, if true, rules out the F-117A.
A second theory is that the crash involved a foreign aircraft, one of the many Soviet-made Sukhoi and MiG fighters the Air Force has accumulated over the years through trades, defections, and other typically under-the-table means. During the 1980s, the U.S. Air Force's 4477th Test & Evaluation Squadron was responsible for this top-secret stable of aircraft under a classified program known as Constant Peg. The program was finally acknowledged in 2006. (Update: Aviation Week is now reporting that Schultz was most likely piloting a foreign aircraft.)
Crash Over Nevada Reportedly a Foreign Aircraft
The 4477th squadron was disbanded in 1990, but the Detachment 3 of the 53rd Test Evaluation Group is believed to carry on the mission of evaluating foreign aircraft. There have been repeated sightings of Sukhoi Su-27 "Flanker" fighters over Nevada, with the latest sighting in January. Although the Su-27 is an older airplane, it is still similar to its descendants the Shenyang J-11, Su-30, and Su-35 "Flanker-E".
Su-27 Flanker, Soviet Union, 1989.
It's also possible that the Air Force may have access to aircraft such as the Su-30, which was sold to countries such as India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam, many of which are friendly to the U.S. The Air Force would love to get its hands on more modern Russian fighters, as the rise in air-to-air incidents between U.S. and Russian aircraft in the Baltics and over Syria makes learning about them a priority.
The third theory is there is a new, previously undisclosed "black" jet out there flying over Nevada. Highly classified and developed and built in total secrecy, the aircraft fills some valuable niche in the taxonomy of warplanes. The SR-71 Blackbird strategic reconnaissance aircraft and the F-117A stealth fighter are two examples of such aircraft. Both flew for years before being declassified. A mysterious crash outside Bakersfield, California in 1986 stirred up widespread speculation in the existence of a top-secret stealth fighter, which was finally revealed by the Air Force in 1988.
If the black jet exists, what is it? It could be one of the mysterious, triangle-shaped aircraft allegedly spotted over Texas in 2014. The aircraft, which appeared similar to the B-2A Spirit stealth bomber, were declared B-2As by the Pentagon. Still, there were enough apparent differences between the B-2A and the Texas aircraft for many to doubt the official explanation.
If it were a new plane, it could be a high-altitude precision strike aircraft. Air Force watchers were surprised by the F-117A's retirement in 2008, believing that the aircraft still had years left in them and that retiring them would leave a hole in the service's strike capability. That is, unless there was another, better plane waiting to take the F-117A's place. Could that be the aircraft spotted over Texas in 2014? Does any of this have to do with last week's crash in Nevada?
For now it's all speculation. It could be a long time before we find out the classified details behind last week's crash and the actual truth of the matter could turn out to be more mundane than any of the three theories. All we know is that the crash occurred and that a brilliant pilot lost his life in secret service to his country, and that should be enough for some real reflection.
One of the enduring theories explaining various UFO phenomena in the modern era is that militaries have created and propagated UFO rumors in order to mask tests of new aerospace technologies. One hole in this theory, though, is that UFO sightings predate the advent of man-made flying machines by quite a few centuries. Nevertheless, it’s plausible to suspect that perhaps at least some of the sightings over the last century or so can be chalked up to clandestine military tests or even foreign entities operating over our own skies.
A mysterious triangular aircraft seen over Texas in 2014.
Tests of secretive new aircraft and reports of foreign spy planes seem to have been ramping up this year, with numerous sightings of odd planes and unconventional aircraft pouring in around the globe. Now, a strange and fatal crash of a U.S. Air Force craft is showing that there is indeed likely more than meets the eye in the skies overhead.
The crash occurred at Nellis Air Force Base, a frequent target for UFO and conspiracy theories.
Lt. Col. Eric Schultz, 44, of Annapolis, Maryland died in the crash. Schultz was a highly decorated pilot and test engineer who flew over 50 combat missions in Afghanistan. The USAF reported that the crash occurred around 6:00 pm on Tuesday, September 5th at the 2.9-million acre Nevada Test and Training Range about 100 miles northwest of Nellis Air Force Base.
Lt. Col. Schultz leaves behind a wife and five children.
However, the Air Force didn’t report the crash until September 8th, and has still yet to state what type of aircraft was involved in the crash. Maj. Christina Sukach, chief of public affairs at Nellis, has said only that “information about the type of aircraft involved is classified and not releasable.” Air Force Chief of Staff General David L. Goldfein has meanwhile stated only that the aircraft was definitely not an F-35.
The F-117 was officially retired in 2008, but several sightings indicate that at least a few are still perhaps secretly in service.
So what was it then? Several aviation outlets have speculated that perhaps Lt. Col. Schultz might have been flying a Chinese or Russian-made aircraft in order to test its capabilities. Photographs of Russian-built Sukhoi SU-27 planes flying over the Nevada Test and Training Range surfaced last year. Other theories state that perhaps Schultz was flying a modified F-117A or other “black jet,” meaning some form of undisclosed spy plane. If that’s the case, we’ll likely never know.
A Russian SU-27 fighter photographed over Nevada in 2016.
Which brings me back to my original point – can at least some modern UFO sightings be chalked up to secretive military testing? Given that the USAF clearly doesn’t want us to know what plane was involved in the crash, it’s safe to say that there are planes currently in our skies that are unlike anything the general public is familiar with. Or, could it work the other way; could the proverbial ‘they’ want us to think they’re testing new craft when in fact extraterrestrial craft are zooming around conducting surveillance on us lowly earthlings? Unlikely, but as with all things mysterious, who really knows for sure? For now, this one goes down as a genuine military mystery and more importantly, an unfortunate tragedy.
The ongoing saga of the EM Drive has been one of the more intriguing space stories lately. The story goes back a few decades when U.K.-based inventor and physicist Roger Shawyer came up with the concept. The EM Drive requires no fuel, but uses powerful electromagnetic radiation and a loophole in the laws of physics to create thrust where there should basically be none. Over the last year, the EM Drive has been in and out of the news with leaked documents, publicly-available patents, and full-scale tests of the groundbreaking and controversial propulsion device. If the EM Drive lives up to the hype, it could be the first step in mankind’s quest to achieve true interstellar travel.
Artist’s depiction of how the EM Drive works.
With such high stakes, you’d think the various space agencies of the world would cooperate in order to get a working EM Drive in space, but you know how humans are. Tribalism wins every time. The EM Drive has set in motion somewhat of a new mini-space race between China and the West. Chinese scientists announced last year that they had a successful EM Drive working in space, but doubts were cast on those claims in the West due to no real demonstration of the drive. Now, Chinese state media have released a video they claim shows their working EM Drive.
The video is titled “Propellantless propulsion: The Chinese EmDrive by CAST scientist Dr Chen Yue, China’s Space Agency,” and shows scientists performing various tests on the alleged working EM Drive. Aside from good ol’ British tabloids, few Western news outlets have jumped on the story, possibly due to the current lack of subtitles or translations.
The video could just be Chinese state propaganda designed to further demoralize the underfunded American aerospace program.
So far, the story seems to be mostly covered by Chinese and Russian news agencies. With all of the turmoil in the U.S. over the future of NASA and its leadership, could this be merely more shadowy agitprop aimed at discouraging any future development of our storied and successful space program? Time will tell, as the Chinese scientists claim to soon launch a working EM Drive into space for actual testing.
Midden- en Zuid Amerika zijn natuurlijk fascinerende gebieden voor hen die op zoek zijn naar buitenaards contact in het verleden.
Waar we recent bewijs zagen van dit contact in Egypte, zo komen er nu heel interessante objecten tevoorschijn in Mexico.
Het is eigenlijk misdadig als je bedenkt hoe ons verleden systematisch voor ons verborgen wordt gehouden door de machthebbers. Hoe ze er alles aan doen om het overweldigend bewijs dat er is voor buitenaards contact, ook in het verleden, volkomen negeren.
Terwijl het bewijs dat de aarde in het verleden werd bezocht door buitenaardsen letterlijk voor het oprapen ligt. Zoals dat bijvoorbeeld het geval is in een bepaalde streek van Mexico.
We spreken dan over een gebied tussen de steden Pueblo en Veracruz waar als sinds oude tijden verhalen de ronde doen over een mysterieus ruimteschip en drie grotten in dat gebied.
Eerder dit jaar besloot een groep onderzoekers een expeditie te ondernemen naar dit bepaalde gebied om te zien of ze iets meer te weten konden komen over dit geheimzinnige ruimteschip.
Ze vonden geen ruimteschip, maar wel talloze stenen tabletten, met daarop allerlei afbeeldingen die aan duidelijkheid niets te wensen over laten.
Op de bovenste afbeelding zie je duidelijk een figuur dat lijkt op een alien die voor een lokale heerser staat die op een troon zit.
De onderzoekers zijn ervan overtuigd dat deze stenen het ultieme bewijs zijn dat de aarde al duizenden jaren geleden bezoek heeft gehad van buitenaardsen.
En ook hier is de bekende vorm van een klassieke vliegende schotel, inclusief koepel, waar te nemen.
Verder zijn er op de stenen nog allerlei vreemde symbolen gevonden die nog ontcijferd moeten worden.
Dit is het soort bewijs dat niet van tafel geveegd kan worden. Het zijn stenen van duizenden jaren oud die ons een verhaal vertellen, dat volgens de machthebbers op deze wereld niet mogelijk is omdat het niet zou bestaan.
Navolgend nog wat meer beelden, met helaas Spaans gesproken commentaar, maar het geeft in ieder geval een goede indruk van deze zeer bijzondere vondst.
Bright UFO appears after lightning strike over Hastings, Nebraska
Bright UFO appears after lightning strike over Hastings, Nebraska
On August 3, 2017 during a lightning storm in Hastings, Nebraska a photographer recorded not only a beautiful display of lightening. After a lightning strike an ascending bright UFO becomes visible, speeding across the sky then turns a slightly before disappearing.
The lightning strike and UFO starts from 0.55 seconds to 01.36 seconds in the video which the photographer has submitted to MUFON.
Mysterious stones engraved with alien figures and spaceships found in a Mexican Cave
Mysterious stones engraved with alien figures and spaceships found in a Mexican Cave
Local legends speak of a mysterious ‘spaceship’ that has remained since ancient times somewhere near a system of three caves located between the cities of Veracruz and Puebla in Mexico on which a group of researchers decided to travel to the area a few months ago to find out more about this mysterious ‘spaceship.’
So far they did not found the alleged ‘spaceship’ but during their research in one of the caves they have found stone objects with images of what seems to be alien spacecraft and aliens engraved in the stones.
Engraved in one of the stones there is a suspected alien standing next to a ruler of pre-Hispanic culture. There are also symbols found that need to be decrypted.
The researchers are convinced that the’ jade’ stones with engraved extraterrestrial figures could be the ultimate proof that the earth has been visited by aliens thousands of years ago, moreover, the mixture of extraterrestrial and non-extraterrestrial cultures on the stones suggests that there was contact between aliens and the Mayan culture.
One of the researchers, José Aguayo, admitted that the Mexican Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) cannot say anything about the discovery because there are images on the objects that contradict everything we have been told about our history and origin.
Cluster of UFOs over the US/Mexico Border filmed one day before Mexico’s Earthquake
Cluster of UFOs over the US/Mexico Border filmed one day before Mexico’s Earthquake
On September 7, 2017, one day before the massive earthquake in Mexico a cluster of Unidentified Flying Objects has been filmed over the US/Mexico border.
It seems that these kind of objects appear when something is going to happen like back in 1997 when the big earthquake happened in Mexico City they were all over the skies for 3 days, then when the tsunami and earthquake hit in Japan, they were in the skies above Japan and when the big tornado hit Oklahoma a few years back, they were in the sky above that town!
According to the latest rumors, there are a lot of those objects in the sky right now above the California /Mexico border that would be the San Andreas Fault Line.
Rendlesham UFO: Craft seen could have housed aliens says former MoD investigator
Rendlesham UFO: Craft seen could have housed aliens says former MoD investigator
THE RENDLESHAM UFO, made infamous in 1980, could have been an alien craft from outer space according to an ex-Ministry of Defence investigator who did a cold case review of the mystery.
Nick Pope (pictured) is not convinced by a theory that the Rendlesham UFO was man made.
Nick Pope, who investigated the UFO phenomena for the MoD until 1996, has dismissed new claims it was a military test capsule that landed in Rendlesham Forest.
The Rendlesham mystery, dubbed Britain’s Roswell, became legend when three US officers based at RAF Bentwaters claimed a "triangular-shaped craft" landed in neighbouring woods in the early hours of December 26, 1980.
Due to high interest in the case, the British Ministry of Defence (MoD) investigated the case and concluded the lights from Orford Ness lighthouse had been responsible for what was seen over the two nights in terms of lights.
Yesterday, revealed the theory of UFO researcher Russ Callaghan, who produced an image of a space capsule that was stationed at one of two nearby airbases at the time of the incident.
The capsule Russ Callaghan claims could be the Rendlesham UFO.
He claimed the strange sighting was actually the 67th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron which was based at RAF Woodbridge at the time of the incident. put the theory to Mr Pope, who carried out a cold case review of Rendlesham in 1994.
Mr Pope said the case still mystified him, with no earthly explanations so far.
He said: "The first point to make is that there's no mention of the 67th ARRS dummy capsule in any of the original United States Air Force or Ministry of Defence documentation on the case.
"It's inconceivable to me that both the USAF and the MoD officials handling the original investigation would have missed this.
"Despite the claim the 67th ARRS had conducted a flight on Christmas night, I don't believe this is correct.
"Indeed, according to my information, there was no military flying at the base at all that night.
"Furthermore, if there had been, everybody would have seen and heard the helicopter that was allegedly involved, and yet they didn't.
"If this had been the explanation, everyone would simply have said so.
"More fundamentally, the theory simply doesn't fit the facts, when considering what the witnesses actually saw and reported.
"Neither does it fit with the radar data, or the radioactivity levels found at the landing site, which the MoD's Defence Intelligence Staff assessed as being 'significantly higher than the average background'.
"In summary, while this is an intriguing theory, it's one that I've heard before and had discounted."
The Rendlesham legend took place around neighbouring bases RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters, near Mildenhall, Suffolk, and is much like the mystery at Roswell – a suspected UFO crash said to have taken place outside the town in New Mexico, USA, in July 1947.
The men first noticed lights and then a UFO "on the floor", and could not account for a 40 minute period while searching in the woods when their communication systems went "off air".
The three - John Burroughs, Bud Steffens, and James Penniston - later told of feeling "static" as they observed the object's flashing lights and hieroglyphic-like markings.
In summary, while this is an intriguing theory, it's one that I've heard before and had discounted.
Nick Pope
Former Colonel Charles Halt, 77, the most senior witness, who was base deputy commander at the time, was not present during the first encounter, but was told the next morning and investigated that night after officers shouted: "It's back, the UFO's back."
He went to investigate with a team who found three 1.5inch "impact holes", damage to the canopies of trees and "higher radiation levels" in the "landing" area.
He said they then saw a mysterious object in a field between the woods and a farmhouse with "a red light moving".
Mr Callaghan has discovered the 67th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron was based at RAF Woodbridge at the time of the incident.
Speaking at The Outer Limits Magazine's first ever UFO conference in Hull on Saturday to a stunned audience, he said: "No, it wasn't the lighthouse in my opinion."
Jon Austin
Russ Callaghan giving his theory at the conference.
He revealed the image of the capsule that was actually used at RAF Woodbridge on the night in question.
The ARRS was a separate unit to Mr Halt's, and would not have to brief them on what it was doing, he said.
This squadron was involved in the recovery of the command module capsules used during the Apollo moon missions and, during the 1980s, the recovery of film sent back to Earth in capsules from spy satellites.
They were recovered by a helicopter once they landed back down, and the ARRS used a mock-up capsule for practice sessions.
Mr Callaghan produced images of the capsule that was actually used at RAF Woodbridge on the night in question.
He said: "There was no Apollo in 1980, but satellite photographs were taken on film that made entry back to Earth on a mini capsule.
"The ARRS practiced on a mock up. This is the one that was at Bentwaters, it is in Florida now. What is interesting is it was on three legs.
"The three airmen who claimed to see the UFO on the first night said the craft was on three legs, and had sketched it as such."
Mr Callaghan said he discovered the ARRS did a practice run on Christmas Day night 1980, but that it had run into problems, and "the chopper pilot dropped the capsule in Rendlesham Forest”.
He said: "They came back the next night to recover it. This could explain what they men say, but nothing I am saying here is proof positive."
Mr Callaghan believes the recovery operation could explain the subsequent large military presence in the forest, and that the ARRS would not have had to brief Colonel Halt's squadron on what happened.
However, the theory does not explain why the MoD investigation report did not offer this up as an explanation for the sighting and just blamed it on the lighthouse.
Questions also remain on why the US Veterans' Association agreed in 2015 to pay the medical bills of Mr Burroughs who claims exposure to high levels of radiation during the "UFO encounter" left him with heart problems.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Opmerkelijke voorwerpen gevonden in Mexicaanse grot. Zijn dit afbeeldingen van buitenaardse wezens?
Opmerkelijke voorwerpen gevonden in Mexicaanse grot. Zijn dit afbeeldingen van buitenaardse wezens?
In een Mexicaanse grot zouden voorwerpen zijn gevonden met daarop afbeeldingen van wat aliens en ruimteschepen lijken te zijn.
De grot, die zich tussen de steden Veracruz en Puebla bevindt, maakt deel uit van een stelsel van drie grotten.
In een andere grot werden vooral vleermuizen gevonden en in de derde werden vroeger gevangenen opgesloten.
Op de stenen voorwerpen staan afbeeldingen die erg doen denken aan buitenaardse ruimteschepen en wezens.
Op één van de stenen is een vermeende alien te zien die naast een heerser van een pre-hispanische cultuur staat. Ook zijn er symbolen gevonden die nog ontcijferd moeten worden.
Naar verluidt spreken lokale legendes van een mysterieus ‘schip’ dat ergens in de buurt van de grotten verborgen ligt.
Dit was ook de belangrijkste reden dat een groep onderzoekers enkele maanden geleden afreisde naar het gebied.
Ultieme bewijs
De onderzoekers zijn ervan overtuigd dat ze op het ultieme bewijs zijn gestuit dat de aarde duizenden jaren geleden is bezocht door aliens.
Eén van de onderzoekers, José Aguayo, lichtte toe dat het Mexicaanse instituut voor antropologie en geschiedenis (INAH) niets kan zeggen over de vondst omdat er afbeeldingen op de voorwerpen staan die indruisen tegen alles wat ons is verteld over onze geschiedenis en herkomst.
Onderstaande afbeeldingen werden door Cinco Radio op Twitter geplaatst:
Onbekend vaartuig gecrasht in Nevadawoestijn. Wat gebeurt er in hemelsnaam bij Area 51?
Onbekend vaartuig gecrasht in Nevadawoestijn. Wat gebeurt er in hemelsnaam bij Area 51?
Afgelopen week kwam luitenant-kolonel Eric Schultz op tragische wijze om het leven in de Nevadawoestijn. Velen vragen zich nu af wat er precies is gebeurd, meldt nieuwssite
De Amerikaanse luchtmacht wil niets zeggen over welk vliegtuig Schultz bestuurde op het moment dat hij crashte. Het duurde ook drie dagen voordat ze wilden toegeven dat hij was overleden.
Waarom wil men niets kwijt over de omstandigheden rond de dood van de piloot?
“Ik kan met zekerheid zeggen dat het geen F-35 was,” zei stafchef van de luchtmacht generaal David L. Goldfein afgelopen weekend.
Hij reageerde op berichten dat het zeer controversiële stealthvliegtuig bij het ongeluk betrokken was en dat het incident in de doofpot was gestopt.
Tijdens testvluchten met de F-35 Lightning II brak meerdere keren brand uit, waarbij zelfs een piloot gewond raakte.
Area 51
De Amerikaanse luchtmacht houdt de kaken stijf op elkaar. We weten alleen dat een onbekend toestel op zo’n 200 kilometer ten noordwesten van Nellis Air Force Base is gecrasht in de Nevada Test and Training Range.
In ditzelfde gebied bevindt zich de extreem geheimzinnige basis Area 51.
Daar zouden gecrashte buitenaardse vaartuigen en ultrasnelle spionagevliegtuigen worden bewaard.
De luchtmacht wilde wel zeggen dat het onbekende vliegtuig werd getest door de Air Force Materiel Command.
Dit is de eenheid die onderzoek naar vliegtuigen financiert en uitvoert op plekken als Area 51 (Groom Lake).
Analisten zoeken nu in stapels geopenbaarde documenten over activiteiten in Nevada naar aanwijzingen.
Drie cirkelvormige objecten gezien bij ruimtestation ISS. Deze beelden brengen UFO-jagers in extase
Drie cirkelvormige objecten gezien bij ruimtestation ISS. Deze beelden brengen UFO-jagers in extase
Bij het internationale ruimtestation ISS zijn een drietal vreemde ringen gespot. Beelden van de mysterieuze vormen zijn onlangs op YouTube gezet, meldt de Daily Mail.
Volgens sommigen zijn hier buitenaardsen aan het werk, terwijl anderen denken dat het gewoon wolken zijn.
De oorspronkelijke beelden zijn gemaakt door de NASA en tonen drie witte cirkelvormige objecten onder het ruimtestation.
“We hebben hier drie vreemde objecten die net boven de aardatmosfeer omlaag drijven,” aldus de commentaarstem. “Is dit iets buitenaards?”
“Ik ben er niet zeker van dat dit vreemde wolken zijn,” klinkt het nog. “Ze zijn verder nergens te zien. Zijn het misschien poorten?”
Het filmpje is inmiddels ruim 70.000 keer bekeken en veel mensen denken dat het gaat om buitenaardse objecten.
“Interessant materiaal,” reageerde TheGib74. “NASA wil niet dat we in HD kunnen kijken, of ze zijn aan het sparen voor Mars.”
J Sonders schreef: “Ze hangen te hoog en gaan te snel om wolken te kunnen zijn. Ik heb gezien dat sommige UFO’s sporen achterlaten als ze onze atmosfeer binnenkomen.”
Niet iedereen is hiervan overtuigd. Een aantal anderen suggereerden dat we hier simpelweg te maken hebben met wolken.
Er is nog maar weinig bekend over dit verschijnsel. Sommigen denken dat het wordt veroorzaakt door exploderende elektriciteitssystemen.
Anderen claimen dat er als gevolg van de bewegingen in de aardkorst piëzo-elektrische velden worden opgewekt waarbij lichtflitsen zijn te zien.
Een studie uit 2014 laat zien dat paren negatief geladen zuurstofatomen door de druk van de tektonische platen uit elkaar kunnen worden getrokken en richting het aardoppervlak worden gedrukt, waar ze een lichtgevend plasma vormen.
Het zuiden van Mexico werd vrijdag getroffen door een aardbeving met een kracht van 8,2. Volgens president Enrique Pena Nieto gaat het om de zwaarste aardbeving in een eeuw.
Er werd een tsunamiwaarschuwing afgekondigd voor de kust van de deelstaat Chiapas in het zuiden van het land, waar aan de kust golven van een meter hoog werden gezien.
De beving deed zich voor op een diepte van 35 kilometer. Er zijn al 61 naschokken geregistreerd en ook de komende 24 uur worden nog zware naschokken verwacht.
De Mexicaanse regering meldt dat er minstens 15 doden te betreuren zijn. Op beelden die op sociale media worden verspreid, zijn ingestorte gebouwen en slachtoffers te zien.
Bizarre objecten gevonden in Siberische mijn. Zijn dit gecrashte UFO’s?
Bizarre objecten gevonden in Siberische mijn. Zijn dit gecrashte UFO’s?
Mijnwerkers hebben in Siberië een mysterieus object in de vorm van een vliegende schotel gevonden, schrijft de Daily Express.
Het vreemde cirkelvormige object, dat een doorsnee heeft van 1,2 meter en 200 kilo weegt, werd 40 meter onder de grond gevonden.
Gezien de plek waar het voorwerp is gevonden, lijkt het ouder te zijn dan mammoetbotten, die op dezelfde locatie op een diepte van 25 meter zijn ontdekt.
Nog nooit
Boris Glazkov , die het object heeft gevonden, zei dat het opviel vanwege de vorm en omvang. “Ik heb nog nooit zoiets gezien,” zei hij. “Het is een groot mysterie.”
Zijn collega Arthur Presnjakov, voegde toe dat ze twee voorwerpen hadden gevonden, maar dat het eerste kapot was gegaan tijdens de graafwerkzaamheden.
“Er waren twee soortgelijke objecten, maar het eerste is kapot gegaan,” zei hij. “We dachten iets te zien omdat het in stukken brak, maar toen het tweede object verscheen legden we de werkzaamheden stil en haalden we het voorzichtig uit de graafbak.”
Het object was ingekapseld in het metaal wolfraam, dat vaak wordt gebruikt voor militaire technologieën.
Buitenaardse wezens
Er gaan theorieën rond die stellen dat het object is vervaardigd door buitenaardse wezens.
UFO-kanaal SecureTeam10 plaatste begin deze week een video over de ontdekking op YouTube:
Wetenschappers bouwen machine die contact moet leggen met aliens. Het belangrijkste onderdeel is niet wat je zou verwachten
Wetenschappers bouwen machine die contact moet leggen met aliens. Het belangrijkste onderdeel is niet wat je zou verwachten
Egon Arenberg, een webmarketeer uit Florida, denkt een manier te hebben gevonden om contact te maken met aliens.
Arenberg stelt dat DMT (dimethyltryptamine) kan worden gebruikt om buitenaards leven waar te nemen.
Hij wil een speciale DMT-machine maken om contact te leggen met dingen die buiten onze bewuste waarneming bestaan.
Andere universum
Er waren immers ook speciale instrumenten voor nodig om te bewijzen dat radiogolven en bacteriën echt bestaan.
Arenberg en anderen hopen een machine te bouwen die gebaseerd is op een ontwerp van twee academici. Zij publiceerden er afgelopen zomer een wetenschappelijke paper over.
DMT geeft volgens de uitvinders een inkijkje in het ‘andere universum’.
Nieuwe grens
Arenberg bouwt de machine overigens niet zelf. Hij heeft een non-profitorganisatie opgericht om te netwerken met mensen die iets kunnen bijdragen aan het project.
“Dit is net zoiets als NASA,” zei hij. “Dit is een lanceerplatform gericht op het vinden van nieuwe soorten leven. Dit is een nieuwe grens.”
Mensen die willen meewerken aan het project moeten eerst worden getraind om voorbereid te worden op de ervaringen die ze kunnen krijgen.
Ons verstand te boven
Wijlen scheikundige Nick Sand maakte miljoenen LSD-tabletten en gebruikte zelf duizenden keren DMT.
Hij schreef dat DMT ons verstand te boven gaat. “Sommige dingen moeten gewoon een mysterie blijven,” zei hij. “We kunnen niet alles analyseren en ontleden.”
Alienjagers reizen af naar Area 51. Dit zijn de scherpste beelden ooit gemaakt van deze sinistere legerbasis
Alienjagers reizen af naar Area 51. Dit zijn de scherpste beelden ooit gemaakt van deze sinistere legerbasis
Alienjagers hebben fascinerende nieuwe beelden gemaakt van één van de best bewaakte Amerikaanse legerbases ooit: de vermeende aliengevangenis Area 51.
Area 51 bevindt zich in de Nevadawoestijn en werd in 1955 gebouwd als testgebied voor het pas ontwikkelde spionagevliegtuig U-2, schrijft de Daily Mail.
Sindsdien zijn er meerdere UFO-waarnemingen geweest en wordt de geheimzinnige basis in verband gebracht met gevangengenomen aliens en overheidscomplotten.
De basis is in mysterie gehuld.
Onderzoekers Tim Doyle en Tracey Sue van het YouTube-kanaal UFO Seekers hebben de 2,4 kilometer hoge Tikaboo Peak beklommen, die op zo’n 42 kilometer van de basis ligt, en hebben een speciale lens gebruikt om onderstaande beelden te maken.
In de video zijn onder meer voertuigen – auto’s of terreinwagens – te zien die over wegen en landingsbanen rond de basis rijden.
Diverse complexen
Ook zijn diverse complexen en iets wat lijkt op een watertoren te zien.
Ieder jaar reizen duizenden mensen af naar Nevada in de hoop aliens te zien in de buurt van Area 51. Complottheoretici stellen dat er UFO’s en aliens kunnen worden gevonden.
In 2013 gaf de CIA geheime documenten vrij waarin de basis als Area 51 wordt beschreven. Het was voor het eerst dat de naam in officiële stukken werd genoemd.
Overweldigend bewijs dat er vliegende schotels zijn. Intrigerende film over zoektocht naar aliens uitgezonden op tv
Overweldigend bewijs dat er vliegende schotels zijn. Intrigerende film over zoektocht naar aliens uitgezonden op tv
Is er leven buiten de aarde? En waarom is die vraag zo belangrijk voor ons? Daarover gaat de film ‘Searching for Aliens’, die zondag werd uitgezonden op tv.
“Ik vind het een interessantere discussie dan praten over de Kardashians,” zegt rapper Lange Frans in de film.
“Of we die vliegende schotels nou zelf hebben gebouwd of dat ze van ergens anders komen, wij zijn niet in de loop,” vervolgt hij.
“Dat die dingen er zijn, dat staat voor mij vast,” stelt Lange Frans. “Daarvoor is voor mij persoonlijk het bewijs astronomisch overweldigend. Er is een tsunami aan bewijs.”
Hij vertelt verder dat hij de Nederlandse astronaut André Kuipers eens heeft ontmoet en hem toen twee vragen heeft gesteld.
Lange Frans vroeg Kuipers onder meer of hij bekend was met het boek UFO’s bestaan gewoon van lucht- en ruimtevaartdeskundige Coen Vermeeren.
Hij zei: ‘Ja, ik heb het gelezen en ik vond het fantastisch’, aldus de rapper.
Daarnaast vroeg hij de ruimtevaarder hoe het nu precies zit. Kuipers pakte Lange Frans daarop bij zijn schouder en zei: “Het is een bijzondere reis.”
“Als je piloot bent en je werkt voor de KLM, en je zegt dat je een UFO hebt gezien, krijg je te horen dat je niet goed kunt waarnemen en je brevet misschien maar moet worden afgenomen,” merkt Vermeeren op in de film.
“Dus je kijkt wel uit dat je daar iets over zegt.”
“Als je ziet wat voor prestatie die technische objecten kunnen leveren, moet je als ingenieur willen weten wat dat is en hoe dat kan,” stelt hij.
“Op de één of andere manier ben je daar dan relatief alleen in als je die vraag stelt,” zegt hij.
Enorme weerstand
Als je niet openstaat voor dat onbekende, kom je niet verder, aldus Vermeeren, toevoegende dat daar een enorme weerstand zit in de huidige wetenschap en de maatschappij.
“Dat is funest voor de mensheid,” zegt hij. “Daar gaan we echt aan ten onder.”
Levende en dode aliens Roswell-crash bevinden zich in geheime legerbasis. Man die er 39 jaar werkte doet nu zijn verhaal
Levende en dode aliens Roswell-crash bevinden zich in geheime legerbasis. Man die er 39 jaar werkte doet nu zijn verhaal
In een geheime legerbasis in Ohio worden levende en dode aliens van de Roswell-crash in 1947 bewaard. Dat beweert althans een gepensioneerde luchtmachtingenieur die er 39 jaar lang heeft gewerkt, meldt The Sun.
Raymond Szymanski zegt dat de aliens na de crash naar de Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio zijn overgebracht.
Hij hoorde van collega’s dat er een tunnelstelsel onder de basis is waarin de buitenaardse wezens worden gehouden.
Geheime tunnels
Zijn mentor vroeg hem op een dag: “Weet je dat we ook aliens hebben?”
“Hij zei dat er in 1947 een crash was geweest in Roswell en dat ze de machines en de aliens hier naartoe brachten voor inspectie en in geheime tunnels onder de basis bewaarden,” vertelde Szymanski aan de krant.
Het plaatsje Roswell in New Mexico werd wereldberoemd na berichten dat er rond 2 juli 1947 een vliegende schotel was neergekomen.
Moderne technologieën
In 2012 sprak een CIA-veteraan zich uit over het Roswellincident. Hij stuitte op een geheim CIA-document waaruit bleek dat er inderdaad een UFO was gevonden bij Roswell.
Complottheoretici geloven dat er onderzoek is gedaan naar de lichamen en de schotel en dat moderne technologieën zijn gebaseerd op de ontdekkingen die toendertijd zijn gedaan.
Chase Brandon, die 25 jaar lang werkzaam was als CIA-agent, zei dat de informatie wordt bewaard in een kluis in het hoofdkwartier van de spionagedienst.
“In de kluis bevond zich een doos die mijn aandacht trok,” zei hij. “Er stond ‘Roswell’ op. Ik keek erin en dacht bij mezelf: Mijn God, het is echt gebeurd.”
Deze zogeheten snelle radioflitsen zijn één van de meest raadselachtige fenomenen in de ruimte. Ze zijn slechts enkele milliseconden zichtbaar en verdwijnen vervolgens.
Herhalend patroon
Er zijn allerlei mogelijke verklaringen bedacht, die variëren van zwarte gaten tot buitenaardse intelligentie.
Omdat ze zo snel verdwijnen en omdat radiotelescopen op ieder gegeven moment slechts een klein deel van de hemel kunnen afspeuren, zijn er nog maar enkele ontdekt.
Slechts één van deze snelle radioflisten, FRB 121102, vertoonde een zich herhalend patroon.
Hogere frequentie
Wetenschappers van het Breakthrough Listen-project, dat gericht is op de zoektocht naar intelligent leven in het heelal, hebben nu nog eens 15 radiopulsen opgevangen van FRB 121102.
De signalen hadden een hogere frequentie dan andere radioflitsen. Het is nog onduidelijk wat dit precies betekent.
“De frequentie was twee keer zo hoog dan gemiddeld,” legde Avi Loeb van de Harvard-universiteit uit.
De hogere frequenties maken het fenomeen nog mysterieuzer, waardoor het mechanisme dat de signalen produceert mogelijk nog moeilijker te achterhalen is.
“We hebben hier nog geen goede verklaring voor,” zei Peter Williams, ook verbonden aan de Harvard-universiteit.
Vanwege de locatie, een dwergstelsel met slechts één procent van de massa van onze Melkweg, is het signaal extra lastig te verklaren.
“Je zou verwachten dat de meeste snelle radioflitsen afkomstig zijn uit grote sterrenstelsels met veel sterren en neutronensterren,” zei Sriharsh Tendulkar van de McGill University in Canada.
Eerder dit jaar suggereerden onderzoekers van Harvard dat deze radioflitsen mogelijk worden veroorzaakt door de motor van een buitenaards ruimteschip.
De bevindingen worden binnenkort gepubliceerd in een wetenschappelijk tijdschrift.
NASA verdoezelde bewijs voor leven op Mars. Professor legt in deze video uit hoe het zit
NASA verdoezelde bewijs voor leven op Mars. Professor legt in deze video uit hoe het zit
In 2020 stuurt de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA een nieuwe rover naar Mars. Die moet gaan speuren naar microbieel leven.
De Marsrover gaat op zoek naar biosignaturen op stenen en moet daarnaast monsters verzamelen die door een toekomstige missie worden geanalyseerd.
Het is nog niet bekend waar de rover precies gaat landen.
Sommigen stellen echter dat de NASA zo’n 40 jaar geleden al microbieel leven heeft ontdekt op de rode planeet.
Professor Gilbert Levin van de Arizona State University, die deel uitmaakte van de historische Viking-missie van de NASA in 1976, heeft geclaimd dat de ruimtesondes indertijd leven hebben gevonden op Mars.
Sindsdien is hij erg kritisch op het ruimteagentschap en beweert hij dat de NASA bewijs voor leven heeft genegeerd.
Ultieme bewijs
Uit een analyse van 41 jaar oude gegevens bleek dat NASA leven heeft gevonden op Mars, zo concludeerde een internationaal team van wiskundigen en wetenschappers.
NASA hoeft geen mensen naar Mars te sturen om dit te bevestigen, aldus Joseph Miller van de Universiteit van Zuid-Californië.
“Het ultieme bewijs is een video van bacteriën op Mars. Ze zouden een microscoop moeten sturen om de bacteriën te kunnen zien bewegen,” zei hij.
Over het hoofd gezien
“Op basis van wat we tot nu toe hebben gedaan ben ik er 99 procent zeker van dat er leven is,” voegde hij toe.
In 1976 analyseerden twee Viking-landers bodemmonsters op de rode planeet. Die hebben destijds leven over het hoofd gezien, aldus de wetenschappers.
Het onderzoek werd gepubliceerd in het International Journal of Aeronautics and Space Sciences.
Resultaten van de Viking-missie in 1976 hebben geleid tot de conclusie dat leven op Mars een mogelijkheid is die overwogen moet worden, zeggen wetenschappers in een artikel dat is gepubliceerd in het blad Astrobiology.
In het stuk bespreken Levin en Patricia Ann Straat van de National Institutes of Health (NIH) het bewijs dat de ‘biologische hypothese’ ondersteunt.
Levin en Straat concluderen dat experimenteel bewijs wijst in de richting van micro-organismen die zich hebben aangepast aan de extreme omstandigheden op Mars.
‘Aliens’ gezien op plek waar mummies zijn ontdekt. Deze documentaire zet je aan het denken
‘Aliens’ gezien op plek waar mummies zijn ontdekt. Deze documentaire zet je aan het denken
In de graftombe in Peru waar 20 mummies zijn gevonden zouden levende aliens zijn gezien, schrijft de Daily Express.
De ontdekking van de mysterieuze mummies, die door wetenschappers wordt afgedaan als een hoax, verovert het internet.
De Britse ufologen Steve Mera en Barry Fitzgerald doen de opvallende claim in een documentaire over hun onderzoek naar de gemummificeerde resten uit Peru.
Levende wezens
Zij spraken met leden van het Instituto Inkari, een archeologische onderzoeksgroep uit de Peruaanse stad Cuzco.
De groep zou de lichamen hebben gekregen van grafrovers die de tombe in Nazca hadden ontdekt.
“We kregen te horen dat de lichamen waren ontdekt in een tombe in Nazca,” zei Mera. “Daar bevonden zich twee sarcofagen, waarvan één ongeveer 20 kleine lichamen bevatte.”
“Er werd zelfs beweerd dat de ontdekkers bij aankomst levende wezens de tunnels in zagen vluchten,” voegde hij toe.
Twee meter lang
In de buurt van de graftombe lagen naar verluidt een groter wezen met aan elke hand drie vingers en een kind begraven.
In de nieuwe video, die op het YouTube-kanaal UAMN TV is geplaatst, zijn interviews met mensen van het instituut te zien, waaronder voorzitter Thierry Jamin.
Flor Amanowicz van tijdschrift Nexus Magazine fungeerde als tolk. “Ze zagen ook levende wezens,” zei ze. “Die waren twee meter lang en ontsnapten.”
Eerste beelden
Afgelopen maand liet de Daily Express de eerste beelden zien van wat de geheime tombe zou zijn waar de gemummificeerde resten waren gevonden., de website achter de ontdekking, heeft inmiddels meerdere video’s geplaatst over het onderzoek naar de mummies.
Lucht- en ruimtevaartdeskundige Coen Vermeeren zegt over deze vondst:
“De vondst van een mogelijk buitenaards wezen in Peru, haalt op de één of andere manier niet onze nationale pers.”
“Toch zijn de resultaten van het onderzoek naar deze in Peru gevonden mummie, met duidelijk afwijkende kenmerken, ronduit spectaculair te noemen. Het zou redelijkerwijs onze volledige geschiedkundige kennis op zijn kop zetten.”
‘Aliens’ gezien op plek waar mummies zijn ontdekt. Deze documentaire zet je aan het denken
‘Aliens’ gezien op plek waar mummies zijn ontdekt. Deze documentaire zet je aan het denken
In de graftombe in Peru waar 20 mummies zijn gevonden zouden levende aliens zijn gezien, schrijft de Daily Express.
De ontdekking van de mysterieuze mummies, die door wetenschappers wordt afgedaan als een hoax, verovert het internet.
De Britse ufologen Steve Mera en Barry Fitzgerald doen de opvallende claim in een documentaire over hun onderzoek naar de gemummificeerde resten uit Peru.
Levende wezens
Zij spraken met leden van het Instituto Inkari, een archeologische onderzoeksgroep uit de Peruaanse stad Cuzco.
De groep zou de lichamen hebben gekregen van grafrovers die de tombe in Nazca hadden ontdekt.
“We kregen te horen dat de lichamen waren ontdekt in een tombe in Nazca,” zei Mera. “Daar bevonden zich twee sarcofagen, waarvan één ongeveer 20 kleine lichamen bevatte.”
“Er werd zelfs beweerd dat de ontdekkers bij aankomst levende wezens de tunnels in zagen vluchten,” voegde hij toe.
Twee meter lang
In de buurt van de graftombe lagen naar verluidt een groter wezen met aan elke hand drie vingers en een kind begraven.
In de nieuwe video, die op het YouTube-kanaal UAMN TV is geplaatst, zijn interviews met mensen van het instituut te zien, waaronder voorzitter Thierry Jamin.
Flor Amanowicz van tijdschrift Nexus Magazine fungeerde als tolk. “Ze zagen ook levende wezens,” zei ze. “Die waren twee meter lang en ontsnapten.”
Eerste beelden
Afgelopen maand liet de Daily Express de eerste beelden zien van wat de geheime tombe zou zijn waar de gemummificeerde resten waren gevonden., de website achter de ontdekking, heeft inmiddels meerdere video’s geplaatst over het onderzoek naar de mummies.
Lucht- en ruimtevaartdeskundige Coen Vermeeren zegt over deze vondst:
“De vondst van een mogelijk buitenaards wezen in Peru, haalt op de één of andere manier niet onze nationale pers.”
“Toch zijn de resultaten van het onderzoek naar deze in Peru gevonden mummie, met duidelijk afwijkende kenmerken, ronduit spectaculair te noemen. Het zou redelijkerwijs onze volledige geschiedkundige kennis op zijn kop zetten.”
‘Aliens’ gezien op plek waar mummies zijn ontdekt. Deze documentaire zet je aan het denken
‘Aliens’ gezien op plek waar mummies zijn ontdekt. Deze documentaire zet je aan het denken
In de graftombe in Peru waar 20 mummies zijn gevonden zouden levende aliens zijn gezien, schrijft de Daily Express.
De ontdekking van de mysterieuze mummies, die door wetenschappers wordt afgedaan als een hoax, verovert het internet.
De Britse ufologen Steve Mera en Barry Fitzgerald doen de opvallende claim in een documentaire over hun onderzoek naar de gemummificeerde resten uit Peru.
Levende wezens
Zij spraken met leden van het Instituto Inkari, een archeologische onderzoeksgroep uit de Peruaanse stad Cuzco.
De groep zou de lichamen hebben gekregen van grafrovers die de tombe in Nazca hadden ontdekt.
“We kregen te horen dat de lichamen waren ontdekt in een tombe in Nazca,” zei Mera. “Daar bevonden zich twee sarcofagen, waarvan één ongeveer 20 kleine lichamen bevatte.”
“Er werd zelfs beweerd dat de ontdekkers bij aankomst levende wezens de tunnels in zagen vluchten,” voegde hij toe.
Twee meter lang
In de buurt van de graftombe lagen naar verluidt een groter wezen met aan elke hand drie vingers en een kind begraven.
In de nieuwe video, die op het YouTube-kanaal UAMN TV is geplaatst, zijn interviews met mensen van het instituut te zien, waaronder voorzitter Thierry Jamin.
Flor Amanowicz van tijdschrift Nexus Magazine fungeerde als tolk. “Ze zagen ook levende wezens,” zei ze. “Die waren twee meter lang en ontsnapten.”
Eerste beelden
Afgelopen maand liet de Daily Express de eerste beelden zien van wat de geheime tombe zou zijn waar de gemummificeerde resten waren gevonden., de website achter de ontdekking, heeft inmiddels meerdere video’s geplaatst over het onderzoek naar de mummies.
Lucht- en ruimtevaartdeskundige Coen Vermeeren zegt over deze vondst:
“De vondst van een mogelijk buitenaards wezen in Peru, haalt op de één of andere manier niet onze nationale pers.”
“Toch zijn de resultaten van het onderzoek naar deze in Peru gevonden mummie, met duidelijk afwijkende kenmerken, ronduit spectaculair te noemen. Het zou redelijkerwijs onze volledige geschiedkundige kennis op zijn kop zetten.”
Nadat we eerder deze week zagen hoe een oude medaillon uit Egypte duidelijkheid verschaft over buitenaardse bezoekers ver voor onze normale geschiedenis, komt er nu weer een belangrijke aanwijzing.
Uit een duizenden jaren oud papyrusdocument in een museum in Caïro wordt duidelijk wat nu eigenlijk de bedoeling is van de mysterieuze sfinx van Gizeh.
Het volgende is wat er staat in de Wikipedia over de bekende sfinx van Gizeh.
De Sfinx van Gizeh is het grootste en bekendste beeld van een sfinx ter wereld. Het staat bij de drie grote piramiden in Gizeh met de rug naar de piramide van Chefren. Er bestaan nog veel onduidelijkheden over de sfinx, er zijn dan ook tal van theorieën over het ontstaan en de vorm. Ook zouden er nog ruimten onder de sfinx zijn, die nog niet zijn verkend.
En vooral dat laatste is heel interessant, want wellicht zouden er dan verrassende zaken boven water komen.
Dat papyrusdocument van duizenden jaren oud ziet als volgt uit en wij zijn vooral geïnteresseerd in het linksonder gemarkeerde gedeelte.
Dat deel wat verder uitvergrotend, onthult iets opmerkelijks.
Duidelijk zichtbaar is de vorm van de bekende schotel met daarop een koepel, compleet met een driepotig landingsgestel wat je vaak ziet bij UFO’s. Die in dit geval geland lijkt te zijn op de rug van de sfinx.
Dit betekent ook gelijk dat er duidelijkheid komt over de rol van de sfinx. Het was zo te zien een soort platform waarop deze UFO’s landden en ongetwijfeld ook weer vertrokken. Een beetjes zoals wij nu terminals kennen op vliegvelden.
Er gaan ook verhalen dat er zich in het achterhoofd van de sfinx een deur zou bevinden, wat dan ook logisch zou zijn, want hierdoor zouden de aangekomen bemanning en passagiers in de terminalruimte onderin de sfinx terechtkomen.
Ook op andere afbeeldingen uit de oudheid komt men de klassieke UFO-vorm tegen met driepotig landingsgestel, zoals te zien op de volgende grotschildering.
Ook in onze tegenwoordige tijd echter komen we dezelfde vorm UFO met driepotig landingsgestel tegen.
Zoals bijvoorbeeld in het geval van de politieman Herbert Schirmer die op 3 december 1967 in de Amerikaanse staat Nebraska een ontmoeting had met een UFO en vervolgens erdoor werd meegenomen.
EenUFO met hetzelfde soort landingsgestel zoals die die geland is op de rug van de sfinx in het oude Egypte.
Het bovenstaande is naar buiten gekomen via een bekend Youtube kanaal van een jongeman Tyler genaamd, die bekendstaat als Secureteam. Dit kanaal komt soms met opzienbarende en onthullende zaken, mede omdat hij inmiddels meer dan een miljoen abonnees heeft en mensen hem allerlei interessant materiaal opsturen.
Uiteraard loop je dan ook aardig in de kijker bij overheden en dan vooral een bepaald deel daarvan, sinistere mannen in donkere pakken die dan ook Men in Black (MIB), worden genoemd.
Wij willen iedereen aanraden om even de tijd te nemen om te kijken naar de volgende video die Tyler ongeveer een maand geleden maakte toen er dagenlang een vreemde auto naast zijn huis stond die hem met gierende banden achtervolgde toen hij op zijn motor wegreed.
De volgende video is van nu, een maand later en opgenomen afgelopen donderdag in het ziekenhuis waar Tyler ligt met talloze gebroken botten na een motorongeluk.
Hij zegt verder niets over hoe het ongeluk heeft kunnen gebeuren, maar gezien de gebeurtenissen rondom zijn huis de afgelopen maand, is het aannemelijk dat die Men in Black verantwoordelijk zijn voor het feit dat een jonge onderzoeker nu met gebroken botten in het ziekenhuis ligt. Hij belooft in de video dat zodra hij beter is terug aan het werk te zullen gaan.
Steeds vaker zijn er berichten over UFO’s die zich heel dicht wagen in de buurt van passagiersvliegtuigen.
Zo ook onlangs weer in Portugal waar een onbekend object met hoge snelheid langs een toestel van Lufthansa schoot.
Regelmatig duiken er verhalen en beelden op van UFO’s die zich in de buurt wagen van vliegvelden en zich weinig schijnen aan te trekken van vertrekkende of landende vliegtuigen.
Zo waren er enkele maanden geleden een aantal incidenten rondom vliegvelden in Londen en nu is er er een opmerkelijk incident te melden vanuit Portugal.
Op 30 juni 2017 waren er zoals gewoonlijk bij ieder groot vliegveld, ook een aantal spotters bij de internationale luchthaven van Lissabon.
Eén van hen maakte een prachtige opname van een Lufthansa Airbus A340 vanaf zijn balkon. Maar, naast het vliegtuig verscheen er ook nog iets anders op de foto.
Het betrof hier een vliegtuig dat bezig was met de landing en de spotter nam diverse foto’s. Terwijl hij dat deed, zag hij opeens iets heel snel door de zoeker van de lens bewegen.
Hij dacht er verder niet bij na en nam aan dat het een vogel of iets dergelijks was geweest, maar toen hij bezig was de foto’s op zijn computer te downloaden, zag hij een donkere vlek op één van de foto’s.
Toen ontdekte hij dat het helemaal geen vogel was zoals hij eerst had gedacht. Ook is het geen drone, vanwege de grootte en de vorm, en ook is er geen enkele propeller of iets dergelijks te ontwaren.
Hij gebruikte een sluitertijd van 1/2000 en de beweging van het object was heel snel, in een rechte lijn van oost naar west.
Daarnaast komen er nog meer spectaculaire beelden uit Portugal.
De volgende video is opgenomen op 27 augustus en er zijn geen verdere gegevens bekend voor zover wij weten.
Het is een bijzondere opname en het zou zomaar kunnen dat we ook hier weer te maken hebben met objecten die zich van de ene naar de andere dimensie verplaatsen.
Het is een raadselachtige opname en degene die er een betere verklaring voor heeft, is welkom.
Op 23 augustus 2017 rijdt iemand op een vrij stille weg in de buurt van het Duitse Siegenburg, niet ver van de stad München.
Niet alleen neemt hij daar een bijzonder object in de lucht waar, maar ook iets dat met een soort lichtflits in het niets lijkt te verdwijnen.
Mensen die hun ogen openhouden en regelmatig naar de lucht kijken, zien soms de meest merkwaardige dingen.
Zoals een man in Duitsland die al langere tijd een vreemd donker object in de lucht zag hangen terwijl hij op de weg reed. Eigenlijk pas op het moment dat hij begon te filmen, verdween ook zo ongeveer het object.
In eerste instantie zag het er een beetje uit als een soort vliegende driehoek, maar later werd de vorm duidelijker en zien we de bekende UFO vorm verschijnen.
Dan, plotsklaps, zie je als het ware een soort blauwe lichtflits waarbij vervolgens het object compleet in het niets verdwijnt.
Hier zien we waarschijnlijk een prachtig voorbeeld van hoe UFO’s van het ene moment op het andere onzichtbaar kunnen worden door te verdwijnen in andere dimensies (of misschien door gebruik van cloaking technology).
De getuige heeft de beelden opgestuurd naar SecureTeam die er vervolgens een video van hebben gemaakt, met hun analyse.
Kijk en oordeel zelf of we hier inderdaad te maken hebben met een (buitenaards) object dat voor je ogen verdwijnt (in een andere dimensie).
The advancement of technology today has opened the idea that some alien sightings were the product of some high-tech software. This is exactly the reason why most of the sightings were debunked as a hoax. However, it would be unfair to ignore the sightings if there is a clear and substantial evidence to show. Recently, a massive orb spotted on a footage nearby the Stawamus Chief has enticed a documentary and research crew in London, Ont. Since most enthusiasts know that a massive orb is a prevalent figure as a UFO, what makes this a unique sighting among others?
Marcus McNabb and Rob Freeman have travelled to eleven countries and thirty cities in the past three years. Moreover, both were determined to record the happenings out there. Their hobbies were the result of being inspired by a childhood experience. Freeman is a senior field researcher working for the Centre for a Scientific Study of Atmospheric Anomalies. According to him, the sighting is the best footage they have recorded to date. He further added that among the footage he did in the past, this new one is such a fascinating path and most of the people have no idea what is happening in the world today.
Enticed by the footage, they initially started to make a documentary and McNabb describes the activity as a movement. To gather data, they both used a night imaging technology that is spanning the electromagnetic spectrum to witness both the visible and invisible. On July 22, the crew arrived in Squamish, and a stranger from Britannia Mine gift shop informs them that some extraordinary things are shining on the Chief trail. Later on, they entered into the forest. Soon after, a huge sphere of light was moving across the sky and descended in the woods. The crew first believed the object was an aeroplane, but later on, negates the idea since there is no sound.
Orbs can differ in size, known to blink a white or amber light when zipped off. According to MUFON, an organisation that collects data, the footage was an incredible footage. So far, the clearest orb video for this year.
Survey Status: Half of Americans Still Believe in Aliens
Survey Status: Half of Americans Still Believe in Aliens
Is it just the people in the universe or does it seem like some are becoming into a conspiracy theorist these days? Spirit guides, aliens, and extraterrestrial spirits – These are the name of some mysterious pocket of eccentric or paranoia belief, and there is some massive online community devoted and dedicated to knowing and understanding it. According to the statistics, nearly half of the Americans still believe in aliens. In fact, it was evident that almost all people believe that aliens are visiting the earth due to the various sightings. Out of the figures, it was contended that at least 20% believes in alien abduction. More than 1700 Americans were surveyed by the 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment. The latter commissioned the survey as a part of their promotional campaign for the release of the film entitled Phoenix Forgotten.
Phoenix Forgotten is a sci-fi thriller to set during a famous mass UFO sighting in Phoenix, Arizona in 1997 that is known as “The Phoenix Lights.” This phenomenon took place on March 13, 1997, which led them to introduce a new survey to determine where most Americans stand and how much is the rate of the people that believe in aliens. According to their survey, (47%) or nearly half believe in aliens, but only less than a fifth think they have ever seen an alien or a UFO themselves. For more interesting findings in this survey, 39% of respondents still believe that aliens have visited the Earth before. Even though many in the group still believe that aliens have visited Earth, only a few believe that aliens are abducting people. For accurate figures, approximately 18% of the group said they believe in alien abductions, 16.74% have seen one, and 27% knew someone who had.
Phoenix Forgotten shows aliens as a scary creature. Another found footage movie that premiered at the International UFO Congress in Phoenix, entitled The Phoenix Incident, was based on the Phoenix Lights event and portrayed this humanoid creature as a frightening monster. When people were asked if aliens have hostile or friendly intentions, only 9% said that they were hostile, but 25% believe aliens are friendly, and 66% stated that they were not sure.
Controversial UFO Enthusiast Goes on Trial for Child Pornography
Controversial UFO Enthusiast Goes on Trial for Child Pornography
Stanley “Stan” Romanek is a known author at the same time the most controversial UFO enthusiast. He was given the opportunity to speak at the International UFO Congress. Above all, he claims to have been abducted by the aliens, sustained mysterious injuries done by the aliens. He even shared his experienced telepathic communications with the aliens. According to him, it was in 2000 that he first encountered the aliens and he begins seeing and experiencing strange extraterrestrials and humanoid creatures since that time, including the mysterious wounds on his body and communicating with the aliens over a Ghost Box. Romanek says he came to suspect that such clothing belongs to Betty Hill, who happens to be a supposed abductee. But he claimed later on that the gown had not been tested for Hill’s DNA since the test was too expensive.Unfortunately, he has been unable to prove his alien-related claims.
The editor of the MUFON UFO Journal Dwight Connely has seen it as the best current case due to the presence of injuries and markings on his body, videos of strange phenomena, independent witnesses, and somewhat tough mathematical formulas which seem to be well beyond the ability of Romanek. However, Connelly says that this case should be viewed only as a potential long-term case that will be considered legit ten years later.
In 2015, he admitted his strange moves of faking the unusual movement of objects which took place during his interview at 2014 on the Peter Maxwell Slattery Show. On Aug. 8, 2017, Romanek was not guilty of distribution of child pornography but guilty of felony possession of child pornography. It was allegedly discovered on his laptop the lewd material. When interviewed by the investigators, Romankek admitted that he had those some files only on his computer but did not know how they ended up on his laptop. He brought up the theory that a strange person had planted the images on his laptop. Both spouses have claimed they have been subjected to threats and targeted by hackers because they have secret knowledge about the UFO existence. Romanek pleaded not guilty in March 2016. His sentencing hearing is scheduled for Oct. 19, 2017.
Best-Documented UFO Case: Canadas’s Falcon Lake Incident
Best-Documented UFO Case: Canadas’s Falcon Lake Incident
As implausible as it may at first have seemed, the extraterrestrial phenomenon appears to be going mainstream today. According to the Canadian UFO Survey, approximately 1,131 reports were officially filed in 2016. Without a doubt, Canada also is considered a hotspot for UFOs. Among the sightings, the Falcon Lake incident has been considered as the best documented alien case so far even if it occurred 50 years ago.
Stan Michalak, who was nine years old at that time, recalls an incident that took place in the Falcon Lake in Manitoba on the weekend of 1967 when his dad came home injured and ill.He described his father as pale and haggard. When he walked into the bedroom, he smelt a huge stink like a real horrible aroma of burnt motor and sulphur. His father named Stefan Michalak was working as an industrial mechanic at the same time an amateur geologist who liked to explore the wilderness around Falcon Lake. On May 20, 1967, the 51-year-old Stefan was near a vein of quartz when he was startled by a gaggle of geese that erupted in a clattering of honks. According to his accounts, he looked up and saw two cigar-shaped objects with a reddish glow soaring about 45 metres away.
One descended to land on a flat section of rock, while the other remained in the air for a few minutes before it flew off. He also noticed a door open with bright lights inside and heard voices by the sounds from the spacecraft. When he touched the craft, the glove’s fingertips were melted. He was then injured, disoriented, and nauseous. He was then treated for burns to his stomach and chest that later turned into raised sores on a grid-like pattern. Stan Michalak said that if his dad has hoaxed the encounter, remember that the latter was talking about a blue-collar, industrial mechanic, which is hard to perceive in a typical person.
The star map was discovered more than eighty years ago. It represents the major part of the tomb’s decoration. On its inner part, there’s a sketch of the tomb owner which was later identified as Senenmut or Senemut. The latter was the steward of Amun, and he was also one of the most influential courtiers during the reign of the female Pharaoh Hatshepsut. Senenmut supervised the transport, quarrying, and erection of twin obelisks. The unique characteristic of the ceiling is its false orientation of the South panel. The panel’s center is occupied by the Orion-Sirius group, in which instead of being in the East, Orion appears to the west of Sirius.
The most popular orientation of the South panel is the direction of the person lying in the tomb, facing the vault. Such person must look north by raising his head, and not towards the South. The reversed orientation of the Southern panel appears to be moving eastward. Of course, in a wrong direction. Immanuel Velikovsky has made an interpretation in his book called Worlds In Collision. According to him, the South panel represents the sky before the East and West, North, and South, interchange their Positions in the celestial sphere after a cataclysmic event.
He concluded that a celestial upheaval, which is responsible for this astronomical anomaly is false. The builders have made humans believed that the great catastrophe that occurred 12000 years ago was due to a change in the ecliptic plane inclination of only 6 °, sufficient to cause a chain reaction Cataclysmic on our planet. With the details transmitted by the Builders, we can then provide a simpler and more rational explanation for this astronomical anomaly about the tomb of Senmut.
At some point, there have been distorted, and disuse of the information, but the essence of its history will never cease to exist.
No one knows what UFO is all about. Over the years, extraterrestrials have been dismissed as weather patterns, migratory birds, or commercial aircraft. To date, governments and authorities have not produced any groundbreaking information, but there is a list of hot spots which gives you the chance of experiencing a close encounter with a UFO.
1. Area 51, Nevada, USA
There are millions of people who claimed to have seen strange objects flying over Area 51. Although there is no official backing to such statements, many people speculate that it might be an army or commanding area of aliens. The secrecy behind it has whetted curiosity of millions and to extinguish their curiosity; they keep browsing through the internet to get News and Updates.
2. The Nullabor, Australia
Since the 1950s, this remote area has been a hotspot for UFO sightings. Many travelers claim to have been chased by humanoid creatures while driving down the empty roads.
3. The Molybka Triangle, Russia
This place is a hot spot of alien activity in Russia for over 100 years. Almost all locals in the area admitted seeing strange lights and symbols in the sky.
4. Roswell, New Mexico, USA
Roswell is famous for an alien incident that took place in 1947. William Brazel and his son claimed to have seen a bright light and a wreckage close to where they were working. Although he did not tell anyone, except his superior, the locals seemed to know about it and continued to search the answer for years.
5. Warminster, England
The Salisbury Plain is a home to the strange stone circles of Avebury, attracting alien fanatics who flocked around the globe to view the skies. In recent years, the crop circles have also been seen nearby.
6. El Enladrillado, Chile
The country’s tourist board has created the first alien trail after tons of extraterrestrial sightings was seen in 2008. The place is alleged to be a landing path for alien spaceships.
7. Wycliffe Well, Australia
Wycliffe Well is a self-proclaimed extraterrestrial capital of Australia. It has been a hotbed of alien activity since WWII. Locals admitted seeing lights in the sky frequently.
8. Bonnybridge, Scotland
This area is apparently an alien hot spot because approximately 300 sightings and encounters have been reported each year. The only thing that connects these encounters is that these objects remain to be unidentified.
The Mystery Of A Massive 5,000-Year-Old Cochno Stone
The Mystery Of A Massive 5,000-Year-Old Cochno Stone
The ancient Cochno Stone in Scotland has around 90 intricate spirals, and some authors believe it represents an ancient cosmic map. The discovery of the 5,000-year-old mysterious stone in 1887 has been considered as one of the greatest discoveries in archaeology.
Regarded as one of the most impressive sets of petroglyphs, many researchers believe they represent a cosmic map that provides details of planets and stars. Rev. James Harvey discovered it in 1887, and in 1965, archeologist Ludovic Maclellan Mann buried the massive slab to protect it from damage and prevent people from vandalizing into it.
Archaeologists still can’t tell what is correctly indicated on the large piece. The complex symbols could be a map of the sky or the earth, or perhaps an altar where rituals were held.
Some suggest the slab is a portal of life and death and symbolizes rebirth.
Others theorize that the intricate drawings of rings, lines, and domes are an old expression of rock art that has been discovered in many other parts of the world.
Researcher Alexander McCallum proposed that it is a map depicting other settlements in the Clyde Valley.
The unusual markings are often linked to crop circles that are known to be the works of alien civilizations. Other similar slabs have been interestingly found in the north of Spain, Greece, Mexico and even in India.
There have been hundreds of other proposed explanations to the intricate drawings, including border boundary signs, common symbols, cosmos representation, and among others, but the mystery remains until today as to what messages the stone contains.
Experts are planning to digitally map the stone to shed more light on its history, purpose and the one who created it around 5,000 years ago.
American Government Has Knowledge About UFOs and Aliens, Dying CIA Agent Reveals
American Government Has Knowledge About UFOs and Aliens, Dying CIA Agent Reveals
Conspiracy theorists believe there’s truth about UFOs and extraterrestrial life that has been hidden from the public. Aerial observations involving alleged UFOs and alien life have been reported for many decades. Some can be attributed to astronomical phenomena, such as bright meteors, comets, or the five planets that are visible to the naked eye. Others can also be explained as Parhelia and Lenticular clouds.
Scientists Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking agree that it would be impossible for life not to exist outside planet Earth. The Copernican principle states that Earth does not occupy a unique position in the Universe. Mediocrity principle additionally states that there’s nothing special about life on Earth.
Scientists believe life may have started shortly after the Big Bang more than 13.8 billion years ago when the Universe was only 10-17 million years old. It is scientifically accepted that life may have emerged independently in many places of the Universe. Scientists also theorize that life was spread via asteroids, meteoroids, and other small solar system bodies.
Scientists have promoted the idea of “habitable zones” since the 1950s. The habitable zones are places where life likely exists. The search for these habitable zones leads to the discovery of Earth-like planets. On November 4, 2013, astronomers revealed that there could be as many as 40 billion Earth-sized planets that exist in the Universe. The data was gathered through the Kepler space mission. Astronomers estimated that among the Earth-sized planets that exist, 11 billion of them might be orbiting Sun-like stars. According to scientists, the nearest of such planet may be 12 light years away.
Russians Knew About the Existence Of Aliens in 1969
Russians Knew About the Existence Of Aliens in 1969
The theory that Russia has known about extraterrestrial civilizations for many years probably sounds familiar. It could be the most legendary story involving a space UFO crash and the subsequent autopsy of its ET crew. Those incidents reportedly took place in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Official explanations said that it was a secret military spy balloon that came down.
Nearly the same alleged incident involved the Soviet Union; wherein a UFO had crashed close to the former District of Sverdlovsk in 1969.
The Soviet UFO-autopsy story is not new, but the Russian event is all of a sudden getting more media attention. The TNT special titled “The Secret KGB UFO Files,” hosted by Roger Moore, released in 1998 features UFO crash and alien autopsy. Some UFO researchers said that this story is simply a hoax.
Interestingly, The Voice of Russia circulated this the same story again recently. The radio network currently broadcasts in 160 countries to 109 million listeners and is one of the top radio broadcasters worldwide.
The Voice of Russia also included references to reports of UFO crash or a UFO being shot down near Prohlandnyi City on August 10, 1989. The latest story also involved alien bodies.
Earlier,, the Russian internet newspaper, reported that a group of scientists had been in contact with space aliens.
According to the report, former Ministry of Defense official Alexey Savin told journalists that a group of researchers connected to the Expert Management Unit of General Staff were able to make contact with representatives of ET civilization.
August 23 marks the 42nd year of the very famous Lennon UFO sighting. Beatles member John Lennon was with May Pang in the balcony to smell some fresh air together when the couple saw a flying saucer traveling over the East river in New York.
The megastar music artist claimed that it turned right at the U.N. building, maneuvered left, and then down the river. Mr. Lennon reiterated that the odd looking flying object supported a dome shape. He was certain that the strange thing wasn’t a helicopter.
It turned out to be true as it had a profound impact on Lennon’s life. In his later album, Walls and Bridges, he referenced it – proof that it was a strange incident that really took place.
Miss Pang supported the claim saying that they called the police and the New York Daily News after the sighting ended to report the weird incident. They were the reportedly told that seven other reports were claiming to have observed the UFO.
While the couple managed to take pictures, it turned out to be over exposed. In a book that tells her life with John Lennon, Miss Pang stated that they often had helicopters flying over them, but this was as silent as the night and about seventeen.
John Lennon is one of the famous personalities who had encounters with UFOs.
Bob Lazar is popularly known for his claims of working on top secret engineering related to extraterrestrial spacecraft at Area 51, which made the mysterious facility famous. Government and military officials have denied Lazar’s claims. In a recent interview, however, a documentary filmmaker shared statements from a physicist who worked at Los Alamos National Laboratories, saying he has met the UFO whistleblower at Los Alamos, and can provide proof he was employed as a physicist.
Lazar first started providing information to the public through the media about his alleged job on alien spacecraft engineering in the late 1980s. According to him, he worked at an underground lab known as S-4, located south of the main Area 51 facility.
He first came out in interviews with investigative journalist George Knapp on the Las Vegas CBS affiliate, KLAS News, under a pseudonym with his face in the dark. Lazar eventually allowed himself to be filmed with his real identity. Adding to the mystery was the reality that the U.S. government denied the very existence of Area 51 at that time.
Lazar claims he was axed from his job for sharing information about his top secret work, and his employment records as a scientist, as well as his education details, were erased. Researchers couldn’t find any records supporting the claims of Lazar about his degrees at Caltech and MIT. They also couldn’t find anyone who remembered going to school with Lazar.
This was one of the issues discussed on Sunday night on the famous Coast to Coast AM syndicated paranormal show, hosted by Knapp with documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell as a guest.
Knapp says that he can look past the education issue, and the most important to him is to know whether or not Lazar did work at Los Alamos National Lab. Knapp explains that if Lazar worked there in a technical or scientific position, and he had security clearances, then that could justify the idea that he would be hired at Area 51.
Knapp says that he confirmed in his investigations that Lazar did work at Los Alamos. He states that he found Lazar’s name in a Los Alamos phone book. Moreover, Knapp says that he further recovered a newspaper article with Lazar on the front page and saw a picture of him saying he is a physicist out there.
Meanwhile, many remains skeptical as the phone book doesn’t list Lazar’s capacity at Los Alamos, and newspapers are deemed to be easily fooled.
However, Corbell claims he was able to find a witness who is willing to go on the record. Corbell says he used a “bot” that could run automated tasks over the internet in researching Lazar’s claims. He used this software to search Facebook for keywords and found a comment on a group from someone who said his neighbor claimed to have worked with Lazar.
Corbell says he got in contact with the man, who eventually helped him to get in touch with the neighbor. Corbell confirmed this neighbor did work at Los Alamos and asked this man if he would be willing to go public and he said yes.
Corbell shared some audio clips of an interview with Dr. Robert Krangle, where the physicist says that he was employed on and off as a contractor for Los Alamos in the 80s and still does occasionally. Krangle explains he was part of a design project or ancillary engineering. He claims to have graduated from MIT in 1973 with a degree in semiconductor physics.
Corbell says he has discovered an article that listed credentials of Krangle, who also showed IDs as evidence he worked at other facilities, performing high-tech work, including Kirtland Air Force Base, China Lake, Los Alamos, Manzano weapons storage facility, and Sandia.
When Corbell asked Krangle if he knew Lazar as a physicist at Los Alamos, Krangle answers he was certain. He says they recognize each other as they both worked as a scientist. Krangle goes on to say that he attended security meetings with Lazar, where they were brief not to talk about what they are doing or seeing.
Krangle says Lazar committed professional suicide, and he understood the reason Lazar’s employers were so upset with him because he broke from the fold and talked about it.
Knapp asked Corbell the reason Krangle shared this information if he knew he could get into a big trouble. Corbell answers that Krangle no longer makes a living off of his Los Alamos contracts.
Secret Artist Immortalises UFO Sightings In Wiltshire With A Mural
Secret Artist Immortalises UFO Sightings In Wiltshire With A Mural
A mural immortalises the sightings of a mysterious object in the skies of Wiltshire 50 years ago. Known as “The Warminster Thing,” the UFO sighting reports came from several people who heard strange sounds and spotted objects in the dark sky in 1965.
Warminster Information Centre organised the unique and memorable event, highlighted by the mural made by a “secret” artist. The information centre placed the artwork on the old police station wall.
George Rich of Warminster Information Centre said the mural has been getting a lot of attention where people are already taking several pictures.
Rich said that they’re happy with the development with photos of the painting now all over Facebook.
Leslie Blain, who is also connected with the information centre, said that it took them eight months to plan and organise the mural.
Blain said that it’s a secret as to who did the painting but it’s not done yet, so it is possible to catch him in action.
Blain revealed that the unknown artist will add some other elements, including the glow-in-the-dark paint. So, the wall will heat up over the day when it’s sunny and the picture will glow at night time, Blain explained.
National and local newspapers have featured photographs of flying saucers in Warminster, providing the town much publicity.
This UFO sighting report was just submitted to us. This happened on 30th August 2017 over Liskeard in Cornwall, UK.
Witness report:
THIS IS A MESSAGE THAT I SENT IN TO RADIO CORNWALL YESTERDAY MORNING . I WILL BE AT AN ART EXHIBITION ALL DAY TODAY AND TOMORROW BUT IF YOU NEED TO RING MY MOBILE IS 07790893175 CHEERS , ALAN I would love to know if anyone else in Cornwall saw something strange in the sky yesterday evening 30 th August around 5 to 6pm ? We were eating tea outside and the sky was so dramatic I decided to do a time lapse film of the clouds . I filmed for over a hour of the same bit of sky on full zoom as I just wanted the clouds in the film and not the trees in the foreground . On playback I noticed two dark shapes which were not moving , this was even more noticeable as the clouds were moving fast in time lapse. At first I assumed it was something on the lens or a fault with the camera. But it only happened on a certain part of the sky and at one point they dissapeared behind a small cloud . The clip unfortunately is only very brief and is of very poor quality as I had it on full zoom . As soon as I saw the footage ( which is not the best in the world I may add) I went back out with binoculars and filmed the same area of sky again, but cloud had covered the area of sky where I filmed before , but at one point the sky cleared for a few seconds and I could see something there through the binoculars, this unfortunately was only very brief , and not wanting to lose the area of sky in my view I quickly phoned my good lady Mags to bring out my other camera which has a better zoom . By this time it had clouded in again and there was no sky to see. Here is a very poor image of what was hovering dead still for well over 25 mins ( may have been much longer) the view is from liskeard looking towards the polperro coast . I would love to know if anyone else was looking at the clouds and spotted something . You can see the one on the left looks a reddish colour and the dark one on the right has the sun reflected on the right side . These were totally dead still with no move that all.
Veteran British UFO Investigator Recounts The Best UFO Account He Has Come Across
Veteran British UFO Investigator Recounts The Best UFO Account He Has Come Across
Three very tall men in silver suits were reportedly standing beside a flying saucer on the ground. A mother and six children provided the same account of the incident when UFO investigators interviewed them. Veteran British UFO researcher Philip Mantle did his most memorable investigation before calling it a journey from the UFO conference scene. Mr Mantle investigated such rare account with his colleague Mark Birdsall of Yorkshire UFO Society.
The UFO researcher said he was told that the mother’s eight-year-old daughter ran into the house shouting, crying and telling her to come and look an aeroplane that has just landed in the field. The child apparently saw an object on the ground in the areas adjacent to her house.
According to the accounts, the object was dull grey colour and looked like a Mexican hat. Strange enough, three very tall men stood around the object, and all of them appeared to be in silver suits, the report said. Mr Mantled added that these men seemed to be pointing to a dark instrument on the ground. The witnesses described it as a torch-like thing without light.
Mr Mantle stated that the suits were metallic silver, which would crease when the tall men moved.
The witnesses said that the men went to the rear of the mysterious thing, which then rose vertically, stopped in mid-air before it shot off at an angle at an incredible speed. They reportedly never heard a sound coming from the object the entire time.
All six children of Joyce Westerman related similar accounts to them, Mr Mantle stated. The events took place in early summer 1979.
Mr Mantle considered this one as the best UFO case he has come across down the years. He will also recount other UFO cases on September 9 at the Outer Limits Magazine UFO Conference in Hull.
The Mysterious and Bizarre Zanfretta Abductions in Italy
The Mysterious and Bizarre Zanfretta Abductions in Italy
Many of the “classic” cases of UFO and entity encounters come from the United States, leading debunkers to dismiss the UFO phenomenon as a creation of the American media. But some of the most fantastic and puzzling abductions occurred in Italy, to a security guard named Piero Fortunato Zanfretta.
The Remarkable Knowles Family UFO Encounter Incident in Mundrabilla, Australia
The Remarkable Knowles Family UFO Encounter Incident in Mundrabilla, Australia
In 1988 the Knowles family claimed they encountered and were actively chased in their car by a UFO on the Australian Nullarbor Plain.
The Knowles family and their two pet dogs had a UFO encounter on whilst travelling across the Nullarbor Plain in the early hours of the morning. The family described how a UFO shot over their car and lifted it from the road below them.
They described how their voices changed in pitch, the family dog in the car went crazy, and the car started shaking. Australian news outlets declared the bizarre incident a UFO encounter and reported that the car was covered by strange dust.
This video footage of news outlets discussing and interviewing the family contains amazing testimony on a bizarre and rarely talked about UFO encounter.
The Remarkable Kelly Cahill UFO Encounter with Extraterrestrial Beings in 1993
The Remarkable Kelly Cahill UFO Encounter with Extraterrestrial Beings in 1993
In August 1993, 27-year-old Kelly Cahill, her husband and three children were driving home after a visit to a friend’s house. Their routine journey would soon become a harrowing trip into an unknown world of strange beings that occupied space but were void of color as we know it.
The Dandenong foothills, near Belgrave, Victoria, Australia would have its location forever linked to the sighting of one of the most unusual humanoid creatures in Ufology archives.
Air Force Commander Speaks About His UFO Experience
Air Force Commander Speaks About His UFO Experience
Yugoslavian Air Force and Air Defence former commander has come forward candidly speaking about an alleged encounter with a space ship.
General Zvonimir Jurjevic was the head of the 172 Aviation Regiment in Titograd, now Podgorica – Montenegro capital. It was in 1975 when the General noticed the brightly-coloured UFO came into the vicinity of the Air Force. He was on a routine flight in January of that year when he first spotted the UFO.
General Jurjevic described the strange flying object as having the ability to change colours as if it was deliberately trying to be observed.
The commander further revealed that the UFO was a glowing orb, ten times lighter than the brightest star at that point. The colour regularly changed to white, yellow, light red, and orange, the General said.
The UFO reportedly appeared from nowhere and seemed to attract attention on purpose. Interestingly, the mysterious flying object appeared exactly 50 minutes into a flight every single time without a miss.
General Jurjevic tried to intercept the UFO on January 25, 1975, wherein the bizarre thing once again appeared 50 minutes into his flight above the city of Cetinje. He went after it, but it mysteriously vanished once he got close.
Several other pilots in his regiment also saw the craft, the General claimed.
The commander made a plan wherein two jets were to take off, and two others were to follow a little later from a different airfield to circle the UFO. All pilots were also told to have radio silence to prevent from the ship to intercept messages.
General Jurjevic only just stabilised the flight somewhere above Cetinje when the strange object flashed over Budva. Lieutenant Machec saw the UFO above Niksic.
The commander ordered Machec to stay in place and take a course parallel to the Adriatic coast, where the commander attempted to establish at what distance the object was. He found out that it was around 10 kilometres.
However, it did not allow General Jurjevic to come closer. Oddly, when he reduced the speed, the distance was the same, and when he increased the speed, the distance was the same ten kilometres.
What took place in the skies above Yugoslavia stays a mystery until today, and General Jurjevic thinks the case will never be explained.
Unidentified flying objects have been reported to have recorded on video crossing the lunar surface through a high-zoom telescope.
An array of objects passing the lunar surface is not new to YouTuber Crrow777 after spending years of observing a high-definition camera through a telescope on the moon.
These objects include a boomerang that is made up of a strange unevenly-shaped object, three interconnected discs, and regular discs.
Crrow777, who has been narrating his videos, claims he knows the UFOs are not birds, insects, or satellites flying closer to Earth and creating an optical illusion as to their size after years of filming the moon using a telescopic lens.
In a video, Crrow777 says that it is a compilation of UFOs transiting the moon. He explains that these were shot over the past years and only represent a small part of his captures. Crrow777 believes that the moon is a hologram and the International Space Station is a hoax.
Several conspiracy theorists believe the American government has developed a craft secretly that can go into space. It is also believed that aliens occupied the moon, the reason NASA has never returned. One of the most popular conspiracy theories is that the moon is a hollow extraterrestrial space station.
claimed to be an ex-government geologist and structural engineer who was involved in building underground military bases around the United States (possessing a level 3 security clearance, “Rhyolite 38″), and to be one of only three people to have survived a deadly battle in which 66 American and NATO “Delta Force” soldiers were killed. This battle allegedly occurred in 1979 between Grey aliens and U.S. military and NATO forces at an underground base at Dulce, NM (c.f.: “The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases & the Battle for Planet Earth” By Branton, “Underground Alien Bases” by Commander X and “Reality of the Serpent Race & The Subterranean Origin of the UFOs” by both).
Footage Shows A UFO Flashing Over The Skies Of A Remote Town In Britain
Footage Shows A UFO Flashing Over The Skies Of A Remote Town In Britain
The UFO online community got abuzz after a video that shows mysterious three orange balls moving in the sky and repeatedly changing direction was uploaded online. What makes the scene more interesting is that a trail of sparkling white light follows the strange balls.
Jeremy Le Fevre noticed the bizarre happening in the sky near his home in Frome, Somerset on Saturday evening. He referred the three orange balls and the white light behind as one single UFO. Jeremy saw the unusual object moving erratically with green lights. He then recorded its unusual manoeuvres on video.
According to Jeremy, it was the first time he saw such thing, which went on for several minutes before it flew off into the distance towards Longleat.
Jeremy saw the UFO emitting green and red colours.
Some UFO enthusiasts regarded the nearby town of Warminster as Britain’s UFO capital. The most notable account is the encounter in the mid-1960s that is now known as the Warminster Thing.
In the skies above the town, unexplained noises were heard, and a strange shimmering light was observed.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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