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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Per ongeluk een warpveld gecreëerd?
Per ongeluk een warpveld gecreëerd?
Veel mensen kennen de “term” warp uit de sciencefiction series en films Star Trek. Minder bekend is dat dit principe ook in werkelijkheid zou kunnen werken eens de technische hobbels overwonnen zijn. NASA onderzoeker Harold White werkt aan een “proof of concept”, waarmee aangetoond moet worden dat het principe achter de warp drive ook werkelijk werkt. Tot nu zonder resultaat. Echter, op internet gaat al dagen het nieuws rond dat onderzoekers van een ander project, de EM-Drive, wellicht per ongeluk een warpveld hebben gecreëerd. Op grotere sites als, en ook op de site van NASA zelf wordt er echter met geen woord gerept over de vermeende ontdekking.
De EM-Drive, waarmee het warpveld per ongeluk gecreëerd zou zijn, is op zich zelf al niet geheel onomstreden. Simpel gesteld werkt het EM-Drive principe op simpele “magnetron straling” welke aan de grootste opening van een trechtervormig resonantie kamer word losgelaten wat zou resulteren in voortdrijving vanuit het smalle einde (de trechter) van de resonantiekamer.
Volgens de geruchten zouden er bij een experiment met de EM-Drive laserstralen in de resonantiekamer afgevuurd zijn, waarbij enkele laserstralen de snelheid van het licht overschreden zouden hebben. Iets wat volgens Einsteins relativiteitstheorie eigenlijk niet zou kunnen. Mochten de laserstralen echter toch de snelheid van het licht overschrijden, dan is dit een aanwijzing dat in deze gevallen een warpveld wordt gecreëerd waarbij de ruimte voor de laserstraal wordt gecomprimeerd, en de ruimte achter de laserstraal geëxpandeerd. Kortom, een warpveld.
Le cargo spatial russe de l'ISS abattu par un OVNI ?
Le cargo spatial russe de l'ISS abattu par un OVNI ?
Le cargo ravitailleur avait été embarquée à bord d'une fusée Soyouz tirée mardi. Image d'illustration.[JODY AMIET / AFP]
Tandis que le cargo spatial russe M-27 M poursuivait mercredi sa chute vers la Terre, les raisons de cette perte de contrôle demeure mystérieuses. Les ufologues ne manqueront sans doute pas de souligner une étrange coïncidence.
Quelle est la raison qui a conduit à la perte de contrôle du cargo M-27 M - lancé mardi avec une fusée Soyouz - qui devait ravitailler la Station Spatiale Internationale ?
Si les sources officielles n'ont pas encore avancé d'explications plausibles, les passionnés d'ufologie - qui ne dédaignent pas parfois les théories conspirationnistes - ne manqueront pas d'avancer que des activités inhabituelles avaient été récemment "observées" autour de l'ISS.
Coïncidences ?
En effet, plusieurs vidéos ont récemment été diffusées sur les réseaux sociaux, faisant état d'étranges apparitions. Le 24 avril, une séquence, sur laquelle on peut observer une mystérieuse lumière bleutée, a ainsi été mise en ligne.
Le 22 avril, un autre phénomène aurait été observé sur le flux live de la NASA : pour l'auteur de la "découverte", il pourrait s'agir d'un OVNI en orbite autour de l'ISS.
Il n'en fallait pas moins pour qu'une correspondance soit établie entre ces deux prétendus OVNI et la chute avérée du cargo ravitailleur russe, comme sur l'un des sites référents en la matière. Il demeure cependant fort peu probable que cette hypothèse ne soit retenue par les autorités spatiales internationales dont on attend les interprétations.
Ancient Aliens In India? - Secret Underground City of Ellora Caves
From: Phenomenal Travel Videos
"We are at Ellora caves in India, and I am going to show you some solid evidence about a secret underground area that is hidden under these caves. As you can see, there is a rectangular tunnel about 1 foot wide that is vertically going down, and is not open for public access. I asked the security guards if I could take a closer look and they told me that visitors are not allowed but they also told me that, this tunnel is over 40 feet deep and then it takes a right angle turn to proceed underground. Nobody knows what's inside after that because the tunnel becomes too narrow for human beings to get through it. Here is another one that is hiding in plain sight. You can see a channel on the ground and there is a small rectangular opening at the end of this passage that would drain the water to the other side of the temple. But, I went to the other side of this rock but guess what? It is a solid stone!! So, there is no other way, except that this rectangular opening leads to the underground. Notice that the rectangular opening is only large enough for a 10 year old to go in? Since adult human beings can't access it, was it designed for human beings at all?
This is another hidden passage in Ellora caves that I tried to get through, but after 10 feet, it becomes so narrow that I can't go any further. Where do these mysterious tunnels lead? Who could have used such narrow passages? The other important question is: how can you carve such narrow passages if human beings cannot even get through them? Was it carved by humans at all? Were these carved for extraterrestrials that are smaller than human beings?
Notice how this entrance is clearly going underground, in this cave temple. These are underground areas hiding in plain sight. The security guards told me that there are several underground tunnels in Ellora caves which gradually become too narrow for human beings to access them, and all of them are locked. From these old doors, we can assume that these tunnels have been closed from public access at least 30 to 40 years ago.
These underground tunnels are not found in the same area, but are scattered over many different caves in Ellora, which stretches across a few miles. Is it possible that there could be a vast underground city like Derinkuyu in Turkey? Derinkuyu is an enormous underground city with advanced technical features that could accommodate more than 20,000 people, which was hidden for centuries only to be discovered in 1965.
If it is true that there is a vast underground city in Ellora, shouldn't there be ventilation shafts that would allow air from the ground to reach below. In Derinkuyu, there are thousands of holes drilled from the ground that act as ventilation shafts to the underground city. Look at this long ventilation shaft in Ellora caves that is drilled secretly in a dark chamber. It is about 4 inches wide, but it is so deep that we can't even see the other end. Could this be a ventilation shaft that reaches the underground city?
How about this ventilation shaft, which is also going underground? You can also see hundreds of holes like this drilled on the rock floor. Some of them are unfinished, and only few inches deep, but notice how the other holes have been closed with concrete recently. I asked why some of these holes have been closed and my tour guide told me that someone dropped their car keys into one of them, but these holes are so deep that they couldn't retrieve it. So, they just covered these holes by putting concrete over them.
What else could be the purpose of these deep holes on the floor, if they are not ventilation shafts? Why would hundreds of holes be drilled on these rock floors with painstaking efforts without any reason? Now, this is one of the abandoned, bat infested places and let's take a look at what's inside. This seems like a very old sanctum holding a lingam, which is a Hindu god. Centuries ago, plenty of water would be poured on this lingam everyday as part of religious worship, and it would drain through this channel. Notice that this water drain has been closed recently with some rocks. Where would the water go? Let's see...It would go vertically down through this tunnel.
Unless there is an area underground, this would be pointless because the water would just overflow all over the place! All over Ellora caves, there are hundreds of idols which would require thousands of gallons of water poured on them every day. Was this a technique to get clean water underground that could be used for different purposes?"
30-04-2015 om 23:43
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
The Very Serious Business of Figuring Out How Earth Will Handle First Contact with Aliens
The Very Serious Business of Figuring Out How Earth Will Handle First Contact with Aliens
A scene from 'The Visit.'
If aliens landed in Central Park tomorrow, how would humankind respond? Would we point every tank and gun squarely on the spacecraft? Or would we offer a more neighborly greeting? What questions would we ask these extraterrestrials? And what would we tell them about us?
The Visit, a documentary by Danish director Michael Madsen, presents a hypothetical scenario: Aliens have arrived on earth and we know nothing of their intentions, only that they are here. Madsen asks experts from the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (this is a real office that exists at the UN), and other scientists, ethicists, government officials, and public relations personnel to explain how they would respond to this event. The result is a step-by-step guide for dealing with humanity's first-ever encounter with intelligent life from space.
I recently spoke with Madsen about getting scientists to agree to play pretend, what discovering intelligent life would really mean for humankind, and about choosing the ideal spokesperson for humanity.
VICE: I guess the first thing to ask is why? Why did you want to make a movie about how humankind would respond to an alien invasion? Michael Madsen: I think that the greatest event for mankind to ever experience would be extraterrestrial life—to meet life from elsewhere. I think that would question everything that we hold to be true about ourselves and our particular place in the universe. In that respect, I think this is a unique scenario by which to explore something about human understanding and human self-perception and also, of course, ideally create a kind of a mirror. That's what I've been trying to do with The Visit.
So what sorts of questions did you want the audience to ask themselves while watching this? What were you hoping to achieve with the film? I'm interested in having the audience be the main character in the film in a way. By that I mean that I'm interested in putting the audience in the shoes of an alien—if they are wearing shoes, that is.
I'm interested in using this outside perspective of a creature coming from elsewhere, outside of human understanding, outside of human self-evidence about everything in this world that we inhabit. I assume that a kind of a task force would be formed in such an event—what sort of things would they be asking about? What would they be explaining about human beings? What's important to understand about human beings? These are the things that I'm interested in. You can also say that I'm trying to create a kind of philosophical launch within the audience, in terms of these questions.
Let's talk a little about the scenario itself. The UN doesn't actually have a plan, but the film features various experts who give their opinions on how they'd respond to an invasion. Can you explain how the scenario in The Visit was formulated? How did you choose which experts to speak to and also which steps to include in this scenario? I think that the scenario in The Visit can only be understood as an ideal scenario. By that I mean things would not unfold as depicted in The Visit—although I think that the military aspects, or the concerns, and the perhaps calls for action, I think they are very close to what would most likely happen. And, of course, the film is made without a script, because I wanted all the individual experts to just respond as they would actually do if they were in this situation.
I didn't want to create a scenario that they would have to adhere to—it's all based on how they have chosen to react. But it's an ideal scenario in the sense that these are experts—as far as you can be an expert in this field. And some of them have also been thinking a lot about such an eventuality. But who knows if somebody comes, and they land in a field and address the cows in the field, not the farmer.
Let's say the first contact is performed with children, for example. It might be better, I don't know, but it would be a completely different scenario in terms of the mechanisms in it. But I do believe that the question about what's a human being, I think that question would come into play in any encounter you can envision. Because we would come into play ourselves.
But it's an ideal scenario. This was the only way I could think of in which I, to some extent, could bring some kind of authenticity into this speculation. By means of using people in real decision-making positions and also, for example, positions within a government—in this case the UK government—people who had knowledge of a kind that would have to be used, for example, in terms of how to address the public and so on.
Was it difficult getting experts to agree to the film? I'd imagine that some might be worried about how this might be perceived. I think this was a concern from all of the experts. I really understand it very well because they are, of course, putting their professional reputation on the line. There is no empirical evidence, so you are taking a risk as a scientist. But this is also why I first approached the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs to accept to be in the film. After they agreed to this—and that took about a year with different meetings—after this, I could tell this to the other experts that I approached. Plus, I said that I would hope you would find the time to look at my previous film, Into Eternity, and you will see how I work and that will address some of your concerns. This is not a UFO film, it's not a sensation film or a conspiracy or anything like that. I'm genuinely interested in some of these philosophical and existential questions that such an encounter would [bring forth] and also, as I said earlier, this is a mirror. It's not a film about aliens. It is ultimately a film about ourselves. And this is what [the experts] understood.
But it was also, I think, for some of these persons—I mean, some of them told me, "This is the best interview I've ever given," and I think it's because they were, by this conceptual device of talking to the camera as if it was a visitor from elsewhere, somehow freed.
They got to indulge their imaginations. Yes. They really dived into it.
How much of this scenario, or how we mentally prepare for this kind of event, do you think is informed by popular culture? I think it's soaked in popular culture and popular imagination. And I think that is potentially disastrous. This is my opinion, although I share it, but it's another anthropologist who's been suggesting that because films, literature, and so on [have been] dealing with invasions and hostile invasions [for the past 100 years]—beginning with, of course, War of the Worlds—that would inadvertently mean that we would respond ourselves in a defensive, therefore also a hostile, way. That we would most likely not be able to perceive even a friendly gesture.
And the question is—this is something that I was very interested in exploring with the experts—to which extent are we able to perceive something that is not like ourselves? How can we see something that is fundamentally different? And this is also of course what is being discussed in terms of lifeforms and so on. But how do we actually detect life that's not like life on earth? With it comes other minds, other feelings, other emotions, other types of memory, other perceptual faculties, it's just exponentially more difficult. But, of course, there is also something infinitely wondrous about this. What if somebody comes here and has a completely different experience of reality and we could learn something from that and could of course expand our own world?
Then we aren't talking about fearful scenarios and so on anymore. But as we know from earth, people who think differently to oneself, can sometimes be very difficult to understand or just embrace.
It was interesting because you have some experts who are saying we might not even be able to detect that alien life is among us, and then you have others who make the very human assumption that, as humans, the most intelligent life form on our planet, we will be able to experience this event or to connect with these other beings. This, of course, is something that's very contested philosophically, but it's a part of modern human self-understanding to have this idea that ultimately we can gain access to everything. I would say that this can also leave humans very lonely in a very, in my mind, cold place where everything is understood—where no mystery is left. This fear that is also in the film, this loss of control that I think would be a result of such an encounter. I think it's very interesting, because we understand ourselves not only in the center of the universe, but also in the center of control. We think we understand and master reality, and I think that just the presence of something else would tell us that we don't do that. For a modern human being, for a time that hails individualism and all those things, that would be very, very frightening.
If there's one thing the film can say definitively it's that we don't really have a clue what we'd be facing in the event of an alien invasion. So what is the point of a plan even? Would it just be a way for us to feel in control? Yes, it's true that the military and the press begin to talk about this being interpreted as an invasion, but it's never clear in the film, it's just something turns up. But I think that the most difficult thing to prepare for is, of course, the event where you don't know exactly what it is, but where you sort of say, "Open your mind to what can this be for me."
I think what drives humans into space, and has already—we have skimmed the surface in a way. We have gone short distances in reality—but what drives us out there and what drove us across oceans and so on is curiosity. This might also help us in such an encounter. I think we should perhaps think about [the possibility] that other intelligent life might also be curious. They might also just cross space to see if there is life. They may also be scared shitless if they come here and meet us.
But hopefully there will be fascination, too. Perhaps that can be the common ground. I don't know, but that could be a hope.
The line that really stuck out for me was when one of the experts says that mankind would be plunged into despair if aliens do show up and then they leave. I think this is connected to something deeply human and perhaps the whole thing why we do look to the stars and ponder if there is life out there. Because there is a very interesting longing toward space and what's out there. I think it has to do with this hope or idea or longing towards being seen by something other. By being seen, also by something superior, you actually gain existence, because you're recognized as something.
I think if somebody came here and left again without a word, more or less, without any [idea of] why they [came] and so on, I think, yes, that would plunge us into a collective depression, because we would get the idea that we were nothing. We weren't worth wasting more time on. It was just like they just stopped by on the road and there was nothing to see and then they just drove on in a way. That would give us a kind of inferiority complex, which we might already have.
At a recent panel discussion, a chief scientist at NASA said that we'll have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade, and definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years. But she emphasized that this evidence wouldn't be "little green men," but rather microbes. That would be a huge step toward finding life as we know it, but still, I feel that if that's all we found, it would really disappoint a lot of people. In my mind, its a strange statement to make, because why talk about it not being "little green men"? Yes, yes, yes, I agree. You might find fossilized bacteria and so on or similar things on Mars and so on. But I think the reason why the talk is only about bacteria is also very much more difficult to understand and to decide what to do if higher lifeforms were encountered. Not to mention, of course, lifeforms with life like us, because then it's a whole different ethical and moral question.
Can we land on this planet? Let's say we could do that. Can we interfere, can we contaminate, potentially, this world? So, it's much, much more difficult moral and ethical questions. Questions that have nothing to do with science alone, meaning that NASA perhaps cannot decide for themselves how to cut the cake, or whatever you say in English. So, much more difficult questions will come into play.
The film covers everything from how to best issue a statement to the public to if we should reveal humanity's worst traits to aliens. The question that caught me most off guard though was "Who should be humanity's spokesperson?" It's funny because movies have taught me that it's always the US president who handles space relations. But when Sir David Attenborough was suggested I just thought, Oh yes, of course. There are other possibilities! So lastly, who do you think would make a good spokesperson for humanity? I think that in the present day world the only super-national entity is, of course, the United Nations. There is, of course, the opinion that the UN is bogged down in bureaucracy, but it's the only thing we have. It's also, of course, very possible that if this were to happen, if these entities think like we do, then they will approach the strongest power on earth, which would currently be the US because they would think that they're the best ones to negotiate with. Because if we can agree with them then everyone else will also most likely agree. But, if they address the cows, of course, it's a different scenario. Perhaps if somebody comes it will be so value-changing that humans start to think in a different way. I don't know. If we know that astronauts who have been in space and have seen the Earth, they seem to have some shifts in their perception of values and so on.
But of course, most of these sci-fi scenarios are coming from Hollywood, and American self-understanding is to be superior, at least after the Second World War. But if you see Japanese films then perhaps its the Japanese military who takes care of things. So its also about perspectives.
The Visit plays at Hot Docs documentary film festival on April 29 at the TIFF Bell Lightbox.
This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
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NASA --"Is It On the Verge of Discovering 'Warp Bubbles' Enabling Dreams of Interstellar Travel?"
NASA --"Is It On the Verge of Discovering 'Warp Bubbles' Enabling Dreams of Interstellar Travel?"
“Routine travel among the stars is impossible without new discoveries regarding the fabric of space and time, or capability to manipulate it for our needs,” says Neil deGrasse Tyson, the "Cosmos famous" astrophysicist at the American Museum of Natural History, said “By my read, the idea of a functioning warp drive remains far-fetched, but the real take-away is that people are thinking about it — reminding us all that the urge to explore continues to run deep in our species."
There have been hints in recent news that NASA may be on the path to discovering warp bubbles that could make the local universe accessible for human exploration. NASA scientists may be close announcing they may have broken the speed of light. According to state-of-the art theory, a warp drive could cut the travel time between stars from tens of thousands of years to weeks or months.
The catalyst for the trending warp-drive excitement is the Electromagnetic Drive or EM Drive, a thruster that was engineered to steer rockets which eliminates the use of a propellant originally intended for moon missions, Mars missions and low-Earth orbit (LEO) operations.
The experiment that led to the possibility of faster than light interstellar travel took place in the vacuum of space. According to posts on, a website devoted to the engineering side of space news, when lasers were fired through the EmDrive’s resonance chamber, some of the beams appeared to travel faster than the speed of light. If that’s true, it would mean that the EmDrive is producing a warp field or bubble.
But "How?" If the laser beams are moving faster than the speed of light, then it would indicate that they are creating some sort of warp field, or bubble in the space-time foam, which in turn produces the thrust that could, in theory, power a spaceship bound for the center of the Milky Way or one of its dwarf galaxy satellites.
The bubble would contract space-time in front of the ship, flow over the ship, then expand back to normality behind it. It’s inaccurate to describe the spaceship as moving faster than the speed of light, but rather space-time is moving around the ship faster than the speed of light.
Harold G. White, a physicist and advanced propulsion engineer at NASA and other NASA engineers are trying to determine whether faster-than-light travel — warp drive — might someday be possible. The team has attempting to slightly warp the trajectory of a photon, changing the distance it travels in a certain area, and then observing the change with a device called an interferometer.
“Space has been expanding since the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago,” said Dr. White, 43, who runs the research project told the New York Times. “And we know that when you look at some of the cosmology models, there were early periods of the universe where there was explosive inflation, where two points would’ve went receding away from each other at very rapid speeds. Nature can do it,” he added. “So the question is, can we do it?”
In 1994, a Mexican physicist, Miguel Alcubierre, theorized that faster-than-light speeds were possible in a way that did not contradict Einstein by harnessing the expansion and contraction of space itself. Under Dr. Alcubierre’s hypothesis, a ship still couldn’t exceed light speed in a local region of space. But a theoretical propulsion system he sketched out manipulated space-time by generating a so-called “warp bubble” that would expand space on one side of a spacecraft and contract it on another.
An Alcubierre Warp Drive stretches spacetime in a wave causing the fabric of space ahead of a spacecraft to contract and the space behind it to expand. The ship can ride the wave to accelerate to high speeds and time travel. The Alcubierre drive, also known as the Alcubierre metric or Warp Drive, is a mathematical model of a spacetime exhibiting features reminiscent of the fictional "warp drive" from Star Trek, which can travel "faster than light/"
Alcubierre-warp-drive-manifold“In this way, the spaceship will be pushed away from the Earth and pulled towards a distant star by space-time itself,” Dr. Alcubierre wrote. Dr. White, the NYT reports, has likened it to stepping onto a moving walkway at an airport.
Alcubierre’s theory, however, depended on large amounts of a little understood or observed type of “exotic matter” that violates typical physical laws.
In general relativity, one often first specifies a plausible distribution of matter and energy, and then finds the geometry of the spacetime associated with it; but it is also possible to run the Einstein field equations in the other direction, first specifying a metric and then finding the energy-momentum tensor associated with it, and this is what Alcubierre did in building his metric. This practice means that the solution can violate various energy conditions and require exotic matter. The need for exotic matter leads to questions about whether it is actually possible to find a way to distribute the matter in an initial spacetime which lacks a "warp bubble" in such a way that the bubble will be created at a later time.
Yet another problem according to Serguei Krasnikov is that it would be impossible to generate the bubble without being able to force the exotic matter to move at locally FTL speeds, which would require the existence of tachyons. Some methods have been suggested which would avoid the problem of tachyonic motion, but would probably generate a naked singularity at the front of the bubble.
Dr. White believes that advances he and others have made render warp speed less implausible. Among other things, he has redesigned the theoretical warp-traveling spacecraft — and in particular a ring around it that is key to its propulsion system — in a way that he believes will greatly reduce the energy requirements. But ”We’re not bolting this to a spacecraft,” he said of the technology.
Richard Obousy, a physicist who is president of Icarus Interstellar, a nonprofit group composed of volunteers collaborating on starship design, said “it is not airy-fairy, pie in the sky. We tend to overestimate what we can do on short time scales, but I think we massively underestimate what we can do on longer time scales.”
Dr. White likened his experiments to the early stages of the WW 11 Manhattan Project, which were aimed at creating a very small nuclear reaction merely as proof that it could be done.
Still, one of the most dubious is Dr. Alcubierre himself. He listed a number of concerns, starting with the vast amounts of exotic matter that would be needed. “The warp drive on this ground alone is impossible,” he said. “At speeds larger than the speed of light, the front of the warp bubble cannot be reached by any signal from within the ship,” he said. “This does not just mean we can’t turn it off; it is much worse. It means we can’t even turn it on in the first place.”
The Daily Galaxy via New York Times and Dr. David Lewis Anderson/Anderson Institute
Image credit: The Hubble image at the top of the page shows the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way.
Early Urban Planning: Ancient Mayan City Built on Grid
Early Urban Planning: Ancient Mayan City Built on Grid
In the course of excavating remains of the Mayan city, archaeologists uncovered a corridor containing shiny white plaster that originally would have covered the city.
credit : Photo by Evelyn Chan
An ancient Mayan city followed a unique grid pattern, providing evidence of a powerful ruler, archaeologists working at Nixtun-Ch'ich' in Petén, Guatemala, have found.
The city, which contains flat-topped pyramids, was in use between roughly 600 B.C. and 300 B.C., a time when the first cities were being constructed in the area. No other city from the Maya world was planned using this grid design, researchers say. This city was "organized in a way we haven't seen in other places," said Timothy Pugh, a professor at Queens College in New York.
"It's a top-down organization," Pugh said. "Some sort of really, really, powerful ruler had to put this together."
The ancient Mexican city of Teotihuacan also used a grid system. But that city is not considered to be Mayan, and so far archaeologists have found no connections between it and the one at Nixtun-Ch'ich', Pugh said. [In Photos: Mayan Art Discovered in Guatemala]
People living in the area have known of the Nixtun-Ch'ich' site for a long time. Pugh started research on it in 1995 and has been concentrating on Mayan remains that date to a much later time period,long after the early city was abandoned. However, in the process of studying these later remains, his team has been able to map the early city and even excavate a bit of it.
Archaeologists have mapped an early Mayan city, revealing the city used a rigid grid system with the main ceremonial way aligned east to west.
credit: Image courtesy Timothy Pugh
Ceremonial route
From the mapping and excavations, Pugh can tell that the city's main ceremonial route runs in an east-west line only 3 degrees off of true east. "You get about 15 buildings in an exact straight line — that's the main ceremonial area," he said. These 15 buildings included flat-topped pyramids that would have risen up to almost 100 feet (30 meters) high. Visitors would have climbed a series of steps to reach the temple structure at the top of each of these pyramids.
At the end of the ceremonial way, on the eastern edge of the city, is a "triadic" structure or group, which consists of pyramids and buildings that were constructed facing each other on a platform. Structures like this triadic group (the name comes from the three main pyramids or buildings in the group), have been found in other early Mayan cities.
The residential areas of the city were built to the north and south of the ceremonial route and were also packed into the city's grid design, Pugh said.
From the excavations, archaeologists can tell that many of the city's structures were decorated with shiny white plaster. "It was probably a very shiny city," Pugh said.
The city's orientation, facing almost directly east, would have helped people follow the movements of the sun, something that may have been of importance to their religion.
A wall made of earth and stone also protectedthe city, suggesting defense was also a concern of these Mayans.
Were the people miserable?
While the city was a sight to behold, its people might not have been happy with it, Pugh said.
"Most Mayan cities are nicely spread out. They have roads just like this, but they're not gridded," said Pugh, noting that in other Mayan cities, "the space is more open and less controlled."
Cities in early Renaissance Europe that adopted rigid designs were often unpleasant places for their residents to live, Pugh said. It's "very possible" that the residents of this early Mayan city "didn't really enjoy living in such a controlled environment," Pugh said.
Preserving the city
Archaeologists said they are thankful to the cattle ranchers who own the land the site is on and are protecting it against looters, Pugh said.
This location is one of the few Mayan sites in the area that hasn't been looted, and that's because the ranchers are "really protective, and they don't want people messing with the Maya ruins," Pugh said.
Additionally, the ranchers use a type of quick-growing grass, which, in addition to helping feed cattle, also protects the site from erosion, helping preserve it.
Pugh's team presented their research recently at the Society for American Archaeology's Annual Meeting, in San Francisco.
Pennsylvania scientists have found evidence that we may not be alone. They found 50 galaxies emitting unusually high levels of radiation. This could be because aliens are harnessing the power of stars. However, further research is needed to confirm that is the case. Shown is Arp 220, one promising galaxy candidate
The study was led by Dr Jason Wright from the Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds at Penn State University in Pennsylvania.
The Glimpsing Heat from Alien Technologies Survey (G-Hat), published in the Astrophysical Journal, details how the team thought they might see the infrared signature of a race far more advanced than ours.
The idea behind our research is that, if an entire galaxy had been colonised by an advanced spacefaring civilisation, the energy produced by that civilisation's technologies would be detectable in mid-infrared wavelengths,’ said Dr Wright.
The energy used by such a race to be noticeable would have to be huge - likely harnessing the power of a galaxy’s stars.
But Dr Wright said that ‘fundamental thermodynamics tells us that this energy must be radiated away as heat in the mid-infrared wavelengths’.
This would make them noticeable to Nasa's Wise telescope, used in the study.
The researchers picked out 100,000 galaxies of interest, and found that 50 of them were emitting ‘unusually high levels of mid-infrared radiation.’
‘Our follow-up studies of those galaxies may reveal if the origin of their radiation results from natural astronomical processes, or if it could indicate the presence of a highly advanced civilization,’ said Dr Wright
A proposed method for harnessing the power of an entire star is known as a Dyson sphere.
First proposed by theoretical physicist freeman Dyson in 1960, this would be a swarm of satellites that surrounds a star.
They could be an enclosed shell, or spacecraft spread out to gather its energy - known as a Dyson swarm.
If such structures do exist, they would emit huge amounts of noticeable infrared radiation back on Earth.
But as of yet, such a structure has not been detected.
A proposed method for harnessing the power of an entire star is known as a Dyson sphere (artist's impression shown). First proposed by theoretical physicist freeman Dyson in 1960, this would be a swarm of satellites that surrounds a star to gather its energy
The findings were made using Nasa’s orbiting Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (Wise) telescope (artist's illustration shown). This telescope is perfect for detecting mid-infrared radiation that an advanced alien race might be emitting
However, talking to MailOnline, Dr Wright noted that the findings were not a sure-fire sign of alien life. The observations could simply be due to natural phenomena, such as dust and star formation.
He said, including the 50 galaxies, none of the 100,000 were found ‘with more than 85 per cent of their light being used by alien industry.’
However, it’s possible that some galaxies do harbour advanced alien life - but they are emitting less energy than we can currently detect.
‘The harder we look and the longer we work, the better our detection limit will be, and the less energy a galaxy-spanning civilization would need to use for us to discover it,’ he added.
Another possibility, of course, is that such civilisations simply don’t exist.
But Dr Wright and his colleagues will be hoping that is not the case - and they are continuing to study galaxies for signs that we are not alone.
The Glimpsing Heat from Alien Technologies Survey (G-Hat), published in the Astrophysical Journal, details how the team thought they might see the infrared signature of a race far more advanced than ours. None have been confirmed yet - but the signs so far could be considered promising
NASA’s New Horizons Detects Surface Features, Possible Polar Cap on Pluto
NASA’s New Horizons Detects Surface Features, Possible Polar Cap on Pluto
For the first time, images from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft are revealing bright and dark regions on the surface of faraway Pluto – the primary target of the New Horizons close flyby in mid-July.
The images were captured in early to mid-April from within 70 million miles (113 million kilometers), using the telescopic Long-Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) camera on New Horizons. A technique called image deconvolution sharpens the raw, unprocessed images beamed back to Earth. New Horizons scientists interpreted the data to reveal the dwarf planet has broad surface markings – some bright, some dark – including a bright area at one pole that may be a polar cap.
“As we approach the Pluto system we are starting to see intriguing features such as a bright region near Pluto’s visible pole, starting the great scientific adventure to understand this enigmatic celestial object,” says John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. “As we get closer, the excitement is building in our quest to unravel the mysteries of Pluto using data from New Horizons."
Also captured in the images is Pluto’s largest moon, Charon, rotating in its 6.4-day long orbit. The exposure times used to create this image set – a tenth of a second – were too short for the camera to detect Pluto’s four much smaller and fainter moons.
Since it was discovered in 1930, Pluto has remained an enigma. It orbits our sun more than 3 billion miles (about 5 billion kilometers) from Earth, and researchers have struggled to discern any details about its surface. These latest New Horizons images allow the mission science team to detect clear differences in brightness across Pluto’s surface as it rotates.
“After traveling more than nine years through space, it’s stunning to see Pluto, literally a dot of light as seen from Earth, becoming a real place right before our eyes,” said Alan Stern, New Horizons principal investigator at Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. “These incredible images are the first in which we can begin to see detail on Pluto, and they are already showing us that Pluto has a complex surface.”
The images the spacecraft returns will dramatically improve as New Horizons speeds closer to its July rendezvous with Pluto.
“We can only imagine what surprises will be revealed when New Horizons passes approximately 7,800 miles (12,500 kilometers) above Pluto’s surface this summer,” said Hal Weaver, the mission’s project scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland.
APL designed, built, and operates the New Horizons spacecraft, and manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. SwRI leads the science team, payload operations and encounter science planning. New Horizons is part of the New Frontiers Program managed by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
To view images from New Horizons and learn more about the mission, visit:
Daily 2 Cents: What's 'Jade Helm 15'...Really? -- Humanity Won’t Survive Another 1000 Years on Earth -- Wizards and Witches Gather in Kiev
Daily 2 Cents: What's 'Jade Helm 15'...Really? -- Humanity Won’t Survive Another 1000 Years on Earth -- Wizards and Witches Gather in Kiev
What's 'Jade Helm 15'...Really?
Jade Helm 15 is set to kick off in seven states this summer, sending Special Operations forces from all four main branches of the military onto civilian soil to conduct hostile take-over training – and civil-rights advocates are sounding the alarms.
This is how the military describes it:
“The nature of warfare is always changing and U.S. Army Special Operations Command’s mission is to make certain the Army’s various Special Operations Forces are trained, equipped and organized to successfully conduct worldwide special operations in support of our nation’s interests,” said command spokesman Army Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria, in a statement to the Washington Post a few weeks ago. “Training exercise Jade Helm is going to assist our Special Operations Soldiers and leadership in refining the skills needed against an ever changing foreign threat.”
But plenty on social media aren’t calmed by the explanation, in part remembering the recent similar operation in Broward County, Florida, that saw Blackhawk helicopters flying above community streets while soldiers loaded citizen participants into white vans for transport to internment camps. It was all a staged exercise but for those watching, the scenes that unfolded were alarming.
The looming Jade Helm exercise, set for July 15 through Sept. 15, labels Texas and Utah as hostile areas. Global Research also reported the military says New Mexico “isn’t much friendlier.” Other states participating: California, Colorado, Arizona and Nevada.
And another: “Using Foreign Troops with Jade Helm Martial Law is TREASON.”
Yet one more poster pointed to recent reported Wal-Mart closures in Texas, California, Florida and Oklahoma with concern, saying the cited “plumbing problems” cited as the reason for the sudden shut-downs just don’t meet the smell test.
“Employees impacted by the Wal-Mart closures were given just a few hours notice about the six-month shutdown,” the blog Inquisitr wrote. “Approximately 2,200 employees will now be without a paycheck during the ‘extended repairs.’ … The abrupt Wal-Mart closures announcement has reportedly left employees confused and Americans pondering the existence of Wal-Mart underground tunnels and Operation Jade Helm conspiracy theories.”
One of the theories?
Inquisitr reports: “One of the widely circulating rumors associated with the Jade Helm Wal-Mart story on the Internet speculates that the military will use the underground tunnels to move undetected around certain states with the stores being used as either a communications hub or FEMA camps.”
The fear is ratcheted by the fact city officials who govern the areas of the impacted Wal-Marts say the stores haven’t filed any permit requests for plumbing problems, Inquisitr said.
Meanwhile, a presentation made to Big Spring, Texas, City Council members by Tom Meade, a retired special forces senior non-commissioned officer, to explain some of the upcoming Jade Helm exercises emphasized residents shouldn’t worry about private property trespasses.
“We won’t trespass on somebody’s property without the agreement of that landowner,” he said, in a YouTube video of the presentation.
He also described the operation as a joint military-interagency activity involving members of all military branches, the FBI, the DEA and other law enforcement agencies. Meade said the FBI, for example, will do some questioning at one of the airports in Arizona.
One council member asked about the operation’s involvement of NATO and U.N. personnel.
Stephen Hawking: Humanity Won’t Survive Another 1000 Years on Earth
"He's worried about the future of the human race. You know, he thinks that human beings are, I suppose naturally aggressive," said Professor John Webb, the director of the lecture series at the University of New South Wales that made Hawkings talk possible.
"That may have been useful at some point in the early history of humanity enabling us to find food and get a partner and things like that, but he thinks that aggression that remains with us today is now the thing that could well end up destroying us.”
"I think he's put a time on it to make us realise we've got to take better control of what we're doing."
The 73-year-old, who suffers from motor neurone disease, addressed sold-out crowds at the Opera House both Saturday and Sunday. He touched on a wide range of topics like the nature of the universe, new discoveries about black holes, and other scientific questions, while peppering his talk with life advice.
"I want to share my excitement and enthusiasm about this quest, so remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet," Hawking said. "Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at."
Hawking touched on a similar idea about humanity's fate during a speech in London earlier this year, saying that he believes "that the long term future of the human race must be space and that it represents an important life insurance for our future survival, as it could prevent the disappearance of humanity by colonising other planets."
He also addressed what he called humankind's "ambivalent attitude" to science.
"We have come to expect a steady increase in standard of living that science and technology have brought. But people distrust science because they don’t understand it or feel they can control it."
He emphasized a better understanding of science so the public could make informed decisions about issues like the greenhouse effect, nuclear weapons and genetic engineering.
The physicist even had a chance to show off his sense of humor when he took the last question of the night.
"What do you think is the cosmological effect of Zayn leaving One Direction and consequently breaking the hearts of millions of teenage girls across the world?" the moderator inquired, to audience laughs.
"Finally, a question about something important, " Hawking answered, before using it to make a point about theoretical physics and the possibility of parallel universes.
Over 2,000 Wizards and Witches Gather to Hold Ritual in Kiev
Over 2,000 psychics, wizards, healers and even witches are set to gather in the center of Kiev on April 30 to hold a ritual based on the “tried-and-true rituals of the civilizations of the world” and to “charge up” protective amulets for peace, harmony and ballistic protection prior to deployment in the country’s conflict zone.
Over 2,000 adherents of Esotericism, who call themselves psychics, wizards, healers and even witches, are set to gather at St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery in Kiev on April 30, the Ukrainian news website Vesti reported on Tuesday.
The square that stretches between the Monastery and another of Kiev's most well-recognized buildings, Saint Sophia’s Cathedral, will then serve a ground for a mass moleben for peace and harmony, based on the “tried-and-true rituals of the civilizations of the world”.
The coordinator of the event, Sergey Grechishkin, says that the people who are set to take part in the ritual have paranormal capabilities and are "decent people with kind hearts”; Grechishkin also refers to himself as Sabirius and claims to be a wizard who has reached the highest level of enlightenment.
“I am ready to stand for all of the major operators of the moleben – 13 masters of the primary circle,” he adds.
The self-styled magician assures that the idea of holding such a ritual came to his head when the military operation in the east of Ukraine was first launched.
“It will be a joint appeal to the higher forces. Each of us will do it in his own way. We will ask them to help people to recover from this bloody attack of anger and hatred and save those who found themselves in this wild bloodbath. The second ritual is a “charging up” of protective amulets for the warriors and residents in the conflict zone, which will then protect people from bullets, frags, knives and batons,” he says.
The website, however, notes that the date of the ritual, April 30, is often referred to as the date of the witches' Sabbath in the history of Ukraine. The magician also explained that it is a day associated with special astronomic activity and the square where it is going to be held is the “spiritual center and the heart of Kiev and the whole of Ukraine”. - Sputnik News
Hi folks...I need some help from my readers. I'm sure most of you are familiar with Recently, I have noticed more and more of my Phantoms and Monsters posts are being lifted and repost on Reddit without even a link back to the original post...especially in the Humanoid and Paranormal sub-Reddits. I'm asking my readers to help me monitor Reddit and to report these violators to the sub-Reddit moderators or directly to Reddit. I have had this problem with other bloggers & aggregators before, but Reddit is getting out of control and it's costing me revenue needed for the blog. Thanks for your help in advance. Lon
A new feathered dinosaur unearthed from Jurassic rocks in northeastern China had long bones protruding from its wrists that may have supported wing membranes—like the kind you’d find in bats and flying squirrels, not birds. Yi qi, as the critter is called, is an extraordinary example of early evolutionary experiments with flight. Although ultimately, it may have been a failed experiment. The findings were published in Nature this week.
“The picture of the evolution of feathers and flight has become richer and more complicated as other feathered dinosaurs have been discovered, seemingly on a monthly basis,” UC Berkeley’s Kevin Padian writes in an accompanying News & Views article. “But things have just gone from the strange to the bizarre.”
A local farmer discovered the partial skeleton, complete with preserved soft tissue, in 160-million-year-old sediments of the Tiaojishan Formation in Hebei Province. When a team led by Linyi University’s Xing Xu and Xiaoting Zheng analyzed the fossilized remains, they thought at first that the new 380-gram (0.8-lb) , pigeon-sized dinosaur was flightless: While it sported plenty of feathers, they seemed too narrow and filament-like to form useful flight surfaces. But perhaps it had a different type of wing altogether? After all, an unusually long, slightly curved, rod-like bone extends from each of its wrists, and patches of membranous tissue were preserved alongside the long bones.
A flight apparatus like this has never been seen in a dinosaur before, though it has evolved in other groups. Many flying and gliding creatures these days have long rods of either bone or cartilage associated with a pair of limb joints, and they’re used to anchor aerodynamic membranes like skin. And pterosaurs (which aren’t dinosaurs), have a wing membrane supported by a single elongated finger, The Conversation explains.
“We thought giving this animal a name meaning ‘strange wing’ [in Mandarin] was appropriate, because no other bird or dinosaur has a wing of the same kind,” Xu says in an Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) news release. “We don’t know if Yi qi was flapping, or gliding, or both, but it definitely evolved a wing that is unique in the context of the transition from dinosaurs to birds.” Yi qi (pronounced “ee chee”) is also the shortest name given to a dinosaur ever.
Colleagues joked that these rods could have been used as ski poles or chopsticks, and less jokingly, as part of a courtship display. Unfortunately, because of incomplete preservation, the researchers weren’t able to figure out the size and shape of the wing membrane or the configuration of the bones. And even if Yi qi could flap or glide, it may have only been able to do so for short flights between trees or downwards from elevated perches.
“Yi qi lived in the Jurassic, so it was a pioneer in the evolution of flight on the line to birds,” Zheng adds in the IVPP statement. “It reminds us that the early history of flight was full of innovations, not all of which survived.” Yi qi, with its 60-centimeter (24-inch) wingspan, may represent a whacky evolutionary experiment that ultimately failed.
Most people have heard about the Roswell supposed alien UFO crash of 1947, and the majority would say that was the first crash. Not so. There was a reported crash, a few years before the Wright Brothers even started the first flight. The 1897 alien crash defies what we thought we knew about man's flight-oriented way of seeing alien visitation. These folks were not used to anyone ever being up in the air except the occasional dirigible in big cities for special occasions. And, what the citizens reported was very vivid an a bit chilling when compared with Roswell. It begins like this – in the 1896-1897 time frame around the US, various cigar-shaped craft were reported in the air. One report came in 1897 from the small rural farming town of Aurora, Texas where one of these airships was said to of crashed into a windmill. It was reported an alien being was found dead. The crash wreckage was said to have been dumped down a nearby well and the alien buried in a graveyard with a “Christian” burial. Some say it was a hoax performed by a member of the town who saw that, due to a lot of bad incidents, the town was dying and he wanted to keep it alive and remembered. But, in 1935, a man bought the property and opened up the well and removed the trash and then came down with a cripple and unusual case of arthritis supposedly caused by the contaminated well.
For all the very good shows that have tried to uncover information at the site, there have been roadblocks from getting no permission to dig in the graveyard where ground-penetrating radar found a grave, to a supposed makeshift headstone being removed and more. So, did this crash really occur? I'd have to say something hit that windmill, something was dumped into the well, and people there seemed to be a bit excited about what it was, so either the stories got changed along the way in a town where there weren't big occurrences, or something truly unexplained confused them all.
I think it’s a pretty good bet that no creature terrified people more in 2013 than the Black Eyed Kids, and with good reason. Encounters with the spooky children have grown from a creepy tale whispered about on internet message boards to major plot points in Hollywood films, begging the question – are the BEK’s the new Bigfoot? While that remains to be seen, the stories of personal run-ins with the Black Eyed Kids keep racking up in our inbox.. and our nightmares.
Take the following account sent in to us from an airman at a Texas military base. It’s one thing to scare a woman alone in her home, but to terrify a trained military man on base? That only goes to show how frightening these kids really are. Buckle up, this story is a good one.
I’m a 6’7″, 260 lb airman who was prior Special Forces. About a month ago, while stationed at a base in Texas that I will not disclose, I was up drinking a beer when I heard a knock on my dorm door. I got up outta bed thinking it was my pissmate, and since we have “Jack and Jill” styled bathrooms connecting our rooms, I opened our bathroom door and there was nothing. Being confused as hell, I heard this sharp rapping on my door again so I look out my peep hole.
Now the hole, being quite settled halfway down the door, I had to bend down to look through it. Standing there in front of me was a boy who looked about 17 or 18 at the most. I asked “what’s up”, and he looked up with a smile that I can only describe as partially cruel and hungry looking. With a gaunt face, the boy asked me if he could use my phone. I said, “sorry Bud, I’m about to go to sleep so try the SP building across the parking lot”. I closed the door, thinking nothing of it.
He knocked again, and I walked over to my window, this time to intimidate the boy into leaving me be. I pulled my blinds up and looked straight at him. He looked up at me. I’d say he was only 5’9″ and about 140 lbs.. real gaunt and frail looking guy. Believe me when I say I don’t scare easily, but something about him made me feel uneasy as all hell.
He looked up at me and asked if he could come in again and then I saw his eyes.. they were empty looking coals and a smile crept to his mouth – that same hungry predatory smile – and I felt goosebumps on my legs and back. Something wasn’t right. I said, “I’m going to tell you one more time before I kick your ass to get lost.” I turned around to get my phone and looked back and he was gone.
The only thing that I cant help but shake is the feeling that I’d seen him somewhere before.
In Pennsylvania, two years before that night, I was working in a gas station. Late one night I was working a 11-7 shift in late October, still in highschool, when I saw him walk across a four lane highway to our pumps and stare at me and my brother who were outside smoking a cigarette. My brother yelled over to him asking if he needed anything, and it was that same reply.. he needed to use our phone. My brother told him it was behind the counter and he can’t use it, but the kid kept on coming closer. We went inside and he stood in front of the shop glass, and he just knocked for about five or so minutes until my brother got a bat and went outside.
He said the same thing I did… that the kid had a white face and black eyes. I’m uneasy about this. I shouldn’t be terrified like this.
Dulce, New Mexico is a quite little town located about 7,000 feet on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. It is home to about 900 people with one major motel and a few stores. It’s not your typical resort town and it is not bustling with activity. However, this sleepy town harbors a deep, dark secret hidden below the tangled brush of Archuleta Mesa. A secret so deep, that it involves a joint government-alien bio-genetic laboratory designed to carry out bizarre experiments on humans and animals.
The Dulce Base is believed to be the largest Reptilian and Grey Alien base in America where there are allegedly conducting experiments including: atomic manipulation, cloning, mind control, animal/human crossbreeding, chip implantation, abduction, and feeding off of humans.
The video below contains extraordinary notes taken by a scientist who was commissioned by the government to visit alien crash sites and observe alien life (the scientist is now in hiding). In it he reveals top secret information on the Dulce Base and its inner workings. HOWEVER, I must warn you, the information is the video is top secret, and just by reading it, it puts a target on your back, people have been killed for sharing this knowledge. So please watch with caution….
These pictures were allegedly smuggled out of the base by a Dulce security officer named, Thomas Costello. He and his family are missing & presumed dead by the public.
The following document is the alleged result of the actions of one or more scientists creating a covert, unauthorized notebook documenting their involvement with an Above Top Secret government program. Government publications and information obtained by the use of public tax monies cannot be subject to copyright. This document is released into the public domain for all citizens of the United States of America.
I was talking with a friend of mine whom I have known since the third grade. We were talking about the changes that have taken place on Long Island New York over the last 50 years. We were discussing the days when we had only one highway to drive to the end of Long Island in order to reach Montauk Point . The Montauk Point area is also the location of Plum Island and Camp Hero. During the 1940′s until recently both were active extremely strange institutions of secret ominous activates with long lists of odd events happening for many years following World War II. Long Islanders considered them dangerous if not evil places.
My friend and I were talking about our life on Long Island when we were teens in the early 60 s around 1963 to 65. Those years were a time when Long Island was having numerous UFO sightings being reported. My father had been told during that time period that a few people in our town had seen a group of UFOs a over a town golf course which was still being talked about by all the local people when a few sightings came along of people witnessing large UFO;s flying low over Great River which ran out in to the Great South Bay and on to the Atlantic Ocean.. All of these sightings were still the talk of the town when this next event took place. One Dad read aloud after dinner as the family still was sitting at the kitchen table from the Long Island Press (which was a favorite newspaper on Long Island at the time) an article describing how hundreds of Long Islanders traveling along the Sunrise Highway ( which was the only main highway that was used to travel to then end of Long Island in that time period) had called in to the local police reports of an enormous UFO traveling low over Sunrise Highway as it traveled out towards the end of Long Island towards the Atlantic Ocean. The people who witnessed this huge craft insisted it was at least a half a mile if not bigger in circumference. The people who saw this huge craft all reported the same details of a enormous oval craft slowly hovering over the highway at times as it made its way in silence following the highway below out to the end of the roadway frightening those who were traveling under it on the highway lanes. It followed the roadway to its end and continued on towards the end of Long Island and the Atlantic Ocean.
There were no offerings of what it could have been in the article or comments other than the description of this huge metallic shinny windowless craft and the mention of many other UFO sightings being reported over Long Island during that time.
I have often had that event flash through my mind over the years when I learned of other sightings of huge unexplained crafts being reported from all over the world. These huge crafts seemed to have taken on the name of Mother Ships.
I thought about this and wondered if we have this correct in our thinking or if we simply are missing another explanation to the enormous size of these unknown crafts thinking they are something they are not. It is true that the enormous size of the crafts many have witnessed over the years may well be main carriers of large populations of other life forms and their equipment and living areas or there is one other strange idea that could explain there massive size. It may sound simplistic but why could the difference in size of UFO.s simply be an indication of the different sizes of the aliens traveling in them?
How many times have we been told of history that talks to us about giants walking on the earth? How many times have the idea of extremely tall beings being seen over history have we come across in our search for answers to our past and understanding of our possible futures.?
I really thought about this when I came across the reported incident where our astronauts were reported to have had an encounter with a huge space man that was so large and tall that they had to open the cargo bay of the space shuttle so he could stand towering over our men in the open cargo bay in order to have a meeting with them
There is no reason at all to think that other life forms in this enormous universe are similar in size to the humans on earth. In fact there is no reason to think that they are like us at all in any way shape or form. I think we should consider that shape, size and form of those who may visit this planet may be anything from bug size to building size and all things in between.
I now wonder in pure fascination what may pilot those enormous crafts and can only keep my mind open to the endless possibilities that could exist inside those metallic walls from huge populations of aliens to simply huge aliens!
outrageous to us howver from another large planet beings may not only
grow to 20 feet but larger , all these things we are yet to understand.
The above is a shocking image but gives us the idea that aliens
may not look in body like anything we ever imagined
I have added an article I found recently discussing aliens and size along with You Tubes concerning the cargo bay incident on my blog below this article.
Aliens may be the size of POLAR BEARS: Formula calculates extraterrestrials have a mass of 650lbs (if they exist, of course)
Fergus Simpson said aliens probably weigh more than 650 lbs (300kg)
Calculations based on idea that there’s a minimum size for intelligent life
Larger aliens are more likely to live long enough to make advanced tech
Estimated size doesn’t factor in evolution or an alien planet’s gravity
Aliens are often portrayed as diminutive beings, but in ‘reality’ they could be much larger and heavier than science fiction films suggest.
Scientist Fergus Simpson has calculated the minimum size needed for intelligent life to survive, based on the laws of conservation of energy seen on Earth.
And from this, he calculates that if intelligent extraterrestrials exist they will typically weigh 650lbs (300kg) – the median weight of a polar bear.
Aliens (illustrated with a stock image) are often portrayed as diminutive beings, but in ‘reality’ they could be much larger, one scientist claims. Fergus Simpson from University of Barcelona applied a mathematical formula to assume aliens obey the same laws of conservation of energy as animals on Earth
Mr Simpson came to this conclusion by applying a mathematical formula that assumes aliens obey the same laws of conservation of energy as animals do on Earth.
This means that larger animals need more resources to survive, so are less common than plentiful ants, for example.
The cosmologist’s calculations are also based on the idea that there’s a minimum size needed for intelligent life, but don’t factor in an alien planet’s gravity.
‘Throughout the animal kingdom, species which are physically larger invariably possess a lower population density, possibly due to their enhanced energy demands,’ he wrote in a paper, published at
He said there must be a minimum body size necessary for supporting intelligent life, based on the range of body sizes of intelligent animals such as apes and humans, found on Earth.
‘As a result, we should expect humans to be physically smaller than most other advanced species.’
‘…we conclude that most species are expected to exceed 300kg in body mass. The median body mass is similar to that of a polar bear.’
He claims that just as it is on Earth, there are probably more small animals than larger ones in the universe, but that the larger a planet or biosphere the more likely it is to have evolved an intelligent species.
Mr Simpson said there must be a minimum size necessary for supporting intelligent life, based on the range of body sizes of intelligent animals such as apes and humans, found on Earth. And, if they exist, he believes intelligent aliens typically weigh more than 650 lbs (300kg) – around the size of a polar bear (stock image)
His argument follows that if clever aliens are large, there may be fewer of them, as they will likely live in a society with low population densities to ensure they have the resources they need.
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Study claims aliens are larger than those portrayed in sci-fi (stock image). But the calculations don’t take into account an alien planet’s surface gravity
Commenting on the study, Duncan Forgan, a Research Fellow at the University of St Andrews, told NewsWeek: ‘I think the average size calculation is reasonable’.
Seth Shostak, a researcher at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, added that it is not the first time scientists have suggested that aliens may be large, because big animals tend to live longer.
A longer lifespan makes creatures potentially more likely to develop knowledge and invent technology needed to make contact with humans one day.
Mr Simpson continued: ‘Higher intelligence enables the development of technologies which can sustain larger population sizes.’
While the research has been described as interesting by Dr Shostak, he said ‘there’s no concrete data to work with’ and that Earth is being used as a model to predict what life looks like elsewhere in the universe – but aliens may be completely different.
He pointed out that it is humans’ thumbs, bipedal stance and brains, rather than our bulk, that has enabled us to thrive on Earth, so body mass is only one indicator of intelligence.
‘Polar bears are large but do not write great literature and build radio towers and a lot of that is probably because they are walking around on all fours,’ he said.
Mr Forgan also noted that the research doesn’t take an alien planet’s surface gravity into account.
He explained that planets with stronger gravity might be expected to be home to smaller life forms than those with weaker gravity, which means that the calculation is incomplete.
Several San Diego residents reported spotting mysterious lights on Tuesday night, and one witness was able to snap a picture.
According to NBC 7 San Diego, viewer Larry Fox sent them a picture of an odd light he spotted in the night sky. NBC 7 described the picture as “a string of multicolored lights.”
Fox reported that he was in his backyard when he saw the strange light to the southwest. He says he ruled out a drone or a plane because the light was stationary.
“It was a series of flashing lights,” he told NBC 7. “If it was a plane, it would have moved.”
NBC 7 reported that Fox described the lights as “red, blue and green,” and that the lights “kept flashing and changing colors.”
UFO photographed over San Diego. (Credit: Larry Fox/NBC 7 San Diego)
Apparently, Fox was not the only one to see the lights. NBC 7 says they heard from several other viewers who saw them, and even one of their own photographers says he saw the lights.
Although the image shows what appears to be multiple lights, or one long illuminated streak, it is very similar to pictures of a single point of light that looks like it is moving due to camera shake. At night cameras will keep the aperture open longer in order to capture more light. If the camera is moved during this time, the image will create a motion blur effect.
Often bright stars are photographed and mistaken as UFOs due to this effect.
As for the colors, stars will often look like they blink and change colors due to the atmosphere, and if the star is closer to the horizon, then there is more atmosphere to look through, and in a big city, there is also pollution.
In 2013, a resident of the town of Oshawa in Ontario, Canada took this UFO picture (below) of what he thought was a UFO. He says it was a bright point of light, but the object looks like a streak because of camera shake.
On June 18, 2013, Paul Shishis saw a white roundish object but due to camera shake, he was not able to capture it properly. (Paul Shishis/
The biggest culprit when it comes to celestial objects being mistaken for UFOs is Venus. It may seem odd, but Venus is remarkably bright in the night sky, and it is easy to mistake it for something else. According to, it is in the night sky this month, and very bright. Their site says this month Venus is the “brightest planet and third-brightest object in the sky after the sun and moon – climbs higher up at dusk, and stays out later after dark, than it did in March 2015.”
So was it Venus that was captured in this photograph in San Diego? It’s possible. But then again, perhaps there is another picture out there that can prove it is something much more mysterious.
Shape: Fireball
Duration: 10 minutes - Stationary golden lights, singles and a horizontal group of four. Bloop/whoosh sound.
Thunder of jets diminishes into distance, several stationary golden lights about 100 times larger and brighter than a star. First sight due south, low on horizon, 5 second duration. Second sight about five minutes later in same location and duration. Roar of low level jets overhead. Went outside to deck. Heard a bloop/whoosh sound. Then a third sight to the south east of a horizontal row of three lights at low level and fourth light a little further to the south (right) for about 5 seconds duration. Jet roars diminishing into distance with two smaller red lights. About one year ago my girlfriend described to me a sighting of the three horizontal lights in approximately the same location. She witnessed lights on this sighting also. She just texted me that another woman she works with also saw “4 globes of light.” SECOND REPORT A row of three golden lights and a fourth spaced a little further, very loud jets and red glows in distance. Golden lights about 100 times the size and brightness of a star. First light due south and low on the horizon lasted about 5 seconds. About 5 minutes later another light same location for about 5 seconds. Stepped outside onto deck. A blipping whoosh sound heard overhead. Southeast direction and low on horizon a horizontal row of three lights and a fourth light a little further to the right. Pursuit jets heard and two red glows seen in distance. Three similar horizontal lights were seen by a friend and described to me about one year previously. Now I believe her.
Mens tegen zichzelf beschermd door buitenaardsen ( Video )
Mens tegen zichzelf beschermd door buitenaardsen ( Video )
In een recent interview werd door Dr. Steven Greer gesteld dat er volgens hem tientallen verschillende goedaardige buitenaardse rassen zijn die staan te popelen om contact met ons te maken.
“Sommige van deze rassen maken zich echt zorgen om onze vijandigheid en hebben bepaalde dingen gedaan om ons te beperken, zoals in een quarantaine.”
“Deze wezens willen heel graag in contact komen met mensen die verlicht zijn en die hen vreedzaam benaderen omdat het doel is van onze stiekeme geheime militaire projecten om deze objecten te volgen en uit de lucht te schieten”.
Volgens Dr. Greer nam het UFO fenomeen toe in intensiteit na de ontwikkeling van nucleaire wapens toen wij een bedreiging begonnen te vormen voor het leven op deze planeet. Die niet alleen wij bewonen, maar ook door andere intelligente wezens in het universum wordt gebruikt.
“Ik denk dat de buitenaardsen hier al duizenden jaren op aarde zijn, ik denk niet dat dit een fenomeen uit de recente geschiedenis is”.
“Ik denk dat wanneer je hiernaar kijkt en met mensen praat in de Britse veiligheidsdiensten en ook die van Amerika dan zie je dat de werkelijke toename in incidenten met UFO's steeg toen we nucleaire wapens daadwerkelijk gingen gebruiken en rond dezelfde tijd dat we de ruimte in gingen”.
“Je moet begrijpen dat het punt waarop onze beschaving begon met het ontwikkelen van atoomwapens en het verkennen van de ruimte, dit grote rode vlaggen liet wapperen als waarschuwing bij deze planeet. Men is behoorlijk bezorgd over wat wij aan het doen zijn en dat we mogelijk dingen loslaten op het universum die wij niet kunnen beheersen. Waardoor wij een bedreiging vormen voor andere planeten die een vreedzaam bestaan leiden en waar oorlogvoeren en wapensystemen geen onderdeel uitmaken van hun bestaan”.
Volgens Dr. Greer bestaat er niet zoiets als ontvoering door buitenaardsen en is dit iets dat volgens hem door de overheid verzonnen is om ons bang te maken zodat wij ons niet verzetten tegen een bewapening van de ruimte.
“De mythologie in de New Age wereld dat er goeden zijn en slechten is in werkelijkheid desinformatie die wordt verspreid door veiligheidsdiensten om ons op die manier bang te maken, zodat wij maar wat graag miljarden Dollars uitgeven aan een soort Star Wars technologie. En dat is precies wat er is gebeurd”.
“Ik ken mensen die al in de jaren '60 aan dit soort programma’s werkten. Toen al hadden we wapensystemen in de ruimte die gericht waren tegen deze vreemde ruimteschepen. Dit is al 40 jaar gaande”.
Dr. Greer verklaarde ook dat, voor zover hem bekend, er niet één van de tientallen buitenaardse rassen ons vijandig gezind is.
“Sommige van deze rassen maken zich echt zorgen om onze vijandigheid en hebben bepaalde dingen gedaan om ons te beperken, zoals in een quarantaine.”
Wereldwijde klimaatveranderingen, zinkgaten die overal ontstaan, aardbevingen en weer actief wordende vulkanen.
Steeds meer UFO’s worden gesignaleerd en een toenemend aantal meldingen van contacten met buitenaardse entiteiten, veranderingen in energie, graancirkels blijven komen, steeds meer mensen op zoek naar (echte) antwoorden.
(Aangeleverde advertorial)
Hoogste tijd voor een evenement als Earth & Beyond. “Earth & Beyond zet de deur niet een stukje verder open, maar zet de deur wagenwijd open. We zijn niet bang om zaken naar voren te brengen” zegt Frans Heslinga van het bedrijf Infinity Event BV uit Utrecht.
Ca. 4 jaar geleden begon Frans zaken te onderzoeken, accepteerde niet meer wat er hem in de krant en via de TV voorgeschoteld werd. Daarna ging het in snel tempo. Hij bezocht seminars, verdiepte zich in de materie, las magazines, bezocht evenementen en verenigingen. De echte waarheden over politiek, het (falende) bankensysteem, false flag operaties, voeding, (vermeende) aanslagen kwamen snel aan het licht. Daardoor groeide alleen maar zijn motivatie om verder te gaan. De sprong naar ruimtevaart, ufo’s, de werkelijke oorsprong van de mens, buitenaardse contacten, etc. was snel gemaakt. Zijn interesse was heel goed te combineren met zijn werk: het initiëren en organiseren van evenementen en beurzen, binnen zijn bedrijf Infinity Event BV.
Dus events organiseren is niet nieuw. Een evenement als Earth & Beyond is dat wel en in die zin wel bijzonder omdat het in deze vorm en grootschalige uitvoering nog niet eerder is gebeurd.
De Intergalactische mens, de werkelijke menselijke geschiedenis, healing
Earth & Beyond wil een vernieuwend krachtig evenement zijn waarbij bezoekers volop informatie kunnen krijgen. En verrast zullen worden. Niets is immers wat het lijkt. Op Earth & Beyond komen zeer uiteenlopende onderwerpen aan bod, veel in relatie tot buitenaards leven & contact.
Van remote viewing (informatie ophalen op een andere plek dan dat je fysiek bent of uit een andere tijd) tot de op komst zijnde poolverschuiving, contact met buitenaards leven tot onthullingen over de diverse ruimteprogramma’s die (wel of niet) hebben plaatsgevonden. Zo zal Maarten Horst & Jeroen Ghuijs (van ET first contact radio) die hun visie presenteren op de komende ‘Golden Age’. Maar ook de werkelijke oorsprong van de mens, de vroegere contacten met andere beschavingen, magnetisme, etc. komen aan bod. Eén zaal zal de hele dag het thema healing behandelen.
Het evenement (beurs en alle seminars) vindt plaats in de Jaarbeurs Utrecht, in het fonkelnieuwe Super Nova gebied. Een ruim en prachtig gedecoreerd complex , je zou eigenlijk zeggen speciaal voor een evenement als Earth & Beyond gebouwd. Het bestaat uit een beursvloer (Transit Zone) en ca. 5 high tech, zelfs ‘spacy ‘ te noemen seminarzalen. Met andere woorden: alleen al de locatie staat garant voor weer een geslaagd evenement!
Meso Earth Cosmic Library
Visionair René van den Brink zal in de middag in de grote Progress zaal een zeer bijzondere en onthullende presentatie verzorgen. Het is een aanslag op uw bevattingsvermogen maar de presentatie ‘Meso Earth Cosmic Library’ is iets wat u niet wilt missen. René staat bekend om zijn bijzondere spiegelingen van de micro-, meso- en macrowereld.
Ook kunnen bezoekers van het evenement hun ervaring kunnen delen met experts. Iemand die al jaren rondloopt met een bijzondere gebeurtenis of een (buitenaardse) ervaring, kan dit uiten en dus delen op het evenement met anderen en met ons forum.
“Een evenement bezoeken op een A-locatie (zoals Jaarbeurs Utrecht) is altijd laagdrempelig en brengt mensen makkelijker er naar toe en sneller tot elkaar” zegt Frans Heslinga hierover. “Bovendien is beursbezoek aan een evenement op een A-locatie anoniem, d.w.z. er zijn veel mensen waardoor een individu min of meer opgaat in de massa en dat is niet te vergelijken met een bijeenkomst in een klein dorpje waar de volgende dag meteen bekend is dat je bij een bepaalde ‘vreemde’ meeting bent geweest….”
Evenement, meer dan beurs
Earth & Beyond wordt bewust steeds ‘evenement’ genoemd. Er is immers een grote beursvloer met diverse stands, tevens centrale ontmoetingsruimte en in 5 seminarzalen worden tegelijk presentaties/seminars gehouden (ca. 30 in totaal). Daarnaast zijn er workshops en vinden er demo’s plaats. Earth & Beyond is dus veel meer dan een beurs alleen.
Ook wordt er een inspirerend afsluitingsceremonie voorbereid. Dit wordt verzorgd door gastvrouwe en creatief multi-talent Femke Bloem. Een unieke happening, die rond 20.00 uur zal starten, in de fenomenale Progress zaal.
Bezoekers kunnen voor 47,50 euro alle seminars van het evenement bezoeken. Dat wil zeggen, u stelt uw eigen programma samen voor die dag.
Ook de Amerikaan Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, bekend als de ontdekker van de Bosnische piramides zal op het evenement een anderhalf uur durende presentatie geven. Ook is er op de beursvloer een stand aanwezig waar u alle verdere vragen hierover kunt stellen en verder kennis kan maken met deze bijzondere man en zijn team.
De organisatie adviseert een ieder met ‘een open mind’ naar het evenement te komen. “Rather an open mind full of surprises than a closed one with belief”. Er zal zeer veel worden verteld en aangeboden, ook zaken die u niet direct kunt of misschien wilt accepteren.
Op de vraag waarom ‘we are going to leave the comfort zone’ (dat is de slogan van de beurs) is het antwoord van Heslinga: “omdat we bijzondere onthullingen zullen doen en verbanden laten zien die u niet verwacht”. Dus dat belooft wat.
Earth & Beyond vindt plaats op zaterdag 6 juni en de beursvloer is open vanaf 10.30 uur. De eerste ronde van seminars begint om 10.45 uur.
Latest UFO activity over Pampanga, Philippines – Many witnesses!
Latest UFO activity over Pampanga, Philippines – Many witnesses!
There are a lot of UFO reports coming from Pampanga, a province of the Philippines in the Central Luzon region, these days. Apparantly, there was a mass sighting that happened on Sunday, 26th April 2015.
What do you think this was? More info coming…
Here are a few videos of these unknown lights in the sky.
UFO activity over Coronado, California 29-Apr-2015
UFO activity over Coronado, California 29-Apr-2015
New footage of a strange lights hovering above Coronado – Bay Area in California. This happened on Wednesday, 29th April 2015.
Witness report: Weirdly shaped geometric object, rectangular-square-ish. Many different color lights, a few blinking ones.seemed to stay stationary for very long period of time I saw this on the local news, the object seemed to stay stationary for more than 2 hours, very oddly shaped unlike any other shaped UFO I’ve seen, the UFO had many different colored lights … A few seemed to bling with a patern. The local news called the military and the military “did not give an answer”
Confirmed-2.5 Mile Wide Comet Headed Toward Earth With Chilling, Hellish Mystery Sounds and Screams
Confirmed-2.5 Mile Wide Comet Headed Toward Earth With Chilling, Hellish Mystery Sounds and Screams
April 29, 2015- For a while now, we have all been hearing from different sources about a coming asteroid or meteor that will wreak catastrophic damage on earth and wipe out the United States of America. But I have a source who has confirmed to me that a 2.5 mile wide comet that researchers have been studying for years is headed toward earth and scheduled to arrive between September 15 (the end of Jade Helm Drills, and two days after the end of the Shemitah) and September 28 (another Blood Moon) of this year, 2015.
He also confirmed to me that this is the reason nations have been mysteriously moving their missiles to different locations, and why over the last two years, there has been a sudden desire for all of the nations to ‘test fire’ their missiles, including the USA this year!
Why the need to strategically move the missiles and test fire them? Well, as last resort, if this 2.5 mile wide comet does not break up enough (which, even if it does, it’s going to do MASSIVE, UNPRECEDENTED damage), everyone can fire missiles at it at the same time. However, it will basically be a one time shot. Furthermore, we really do not possess the technology yet to destroy a heavenly body, especially one of that size, with a missile.
*The Mysterious Sounds Are In the Below Feature Video-When you get to them, they are best heard through stereo headphones*
Note: I want to make it clear that I am not prophesying this event, as I am merely a watchman and not a prophet. Secondly, I am not stating that I know for sure that this will indeed happen. I am, however, bringing you the information that has been personally delivered to me and showing you things that have been posted and shared by others publicly on the internet. I am also asking for you to be watchful, prayerful, and prepared.
According to a recent article published in Reuters News:
The New York branch of the U.S. Federal Reserve, wary that a natural disaster or other eventuality could shut down its market operations as it approaches an interest rate hike, has added staff and bulked up its satellite office in Chicago. (Emphasis added by Lyn Leahz)
So when the economy collapses in September following the ending of the Shemitah cycle (September 13th), shortly thereafter, the comet, according to my source, will be making its fiery-tailed appearance.
This will not be Wormwood, by the way. This will be a ‘Book End’ event; meaning, this event will be the final blow (literally) which throws us into the tribulation. Does that mean the tribulation will immediately begin? No! It will happen over a period of months, I would assume…probably sometime in March of 2016 when the Antichrist will be revealed to the world.
Also, this particular heavenly body had what was labeled as a “mysterious song” of its own which was recorded by the satellite that was studying it. I have included those sounds within my video. Do not miss it! I recommend you listen to those sounds in stereo headphones for the full effect, as it sounds like you are walking straight through the bowels of hell, chilling screams and all!
I was, by the way, notified of the name of this particular comet, however, I am unable to say the name as what you are being shown in real time regarding this comets coordinates and orbit is not correct. Be it known, they have invested millions of dollars into the study of this particular comet.
Here are my notes from our conversation, still mostly in the rough:
countries moving equipment missiles relocating for a path of least resistance in order to shoot at the comet… Global Effort China, moving missiles.
Expected September 15-September 28
unstable orbit
Venezuela and Brazil 200 miles off shore Tsunami GLOBAL if it does not break up and hits
would be Extinction Level Event (ELE) – USA Nuclear Winter! Darkness, death of vegetation and animals, crops, food supply, starvation, etc. etc. Catastrophic!
Heavy Earthquake Activity — we have had Two new islands rising out of pacific, volcanic activity, earthquake… up 200% since 2010 A year prior
yellowstone, guys in space suit looking attire… the geyser has risen 6-8 inches (video on unseen) sign of gravitational pull…. (Video)
Astronomy Asteroid/Comet/Meteor Watch Program called Project Wormwood in Australia (Vatican)
Too many people are prophesying such an event. Too many people are having dreams and visions. Too many sources are confirming. Too many strange things are happening (Jade Helm. Asteroid Day. NASA Near Earth Object Program. Illuminati Messaging. Strange Weather. Masses of Dead Animals Falling From the Sky or Washed Ashore. Increase in Earthquakes, Volcanic Activity, and more…). When will we finally wake up and at least pray?
Unless the overall majority of America puts on sackcloth and ashes and truly repents within the next few months (2 Chronicles 7:14)—and I do not see that happening—we are in grave danger! God only tolerates sin and blatant disobedience for so long. Prophecy WILL be fulfilled and the time is NOW!
These events will throw us into the tribulation! PLEASE WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO for the full story, including the sounds of hell, as I have ONLY brushed on some of the information here.
Blood Moon, Tsunami and the Last Days Outpouring – Perry Stone with Sid Roth
1 – Perry talked about many prophetic dreams he had long ago which were eventually fulfilled. Then from about the 11 minute mark to 15 minutes in, Perry said he has been having dreams of tsunamis hitting the USA. He said these dreams have been accelerating in frequency, having been rare, then occurring once every two weeks, then recently 3 times in 10 days. As I expect a catastrophic pole shift in a few years, I expect many tsunamis to hit the coasts of the world. Many prophecies describe this.
2 – he says we are in “a prophetic crunch time” because, as Daniel chapter 12 explains, greater understanding will be revealed as we approach the time of the end. I think we are fast approaching the end and this is correct.
3 – “it’s 1933 all over again and America can’t see it” – I also suspect dictatorship is imminent. —End Times News
Yellowstone Alert! Men In Orange Suits At Old Faithful Geyser
Climate Chaos in 2015 warns World Government officials!!!
French Foreign Minister Says ‘We Have 500 Days to Avoid Climate Chaos’
(Regarding the above ’500 days’..that date would be September 24, 2015, FYI)
Astonishing images of Mercury captured by NASA spacecraft before smashing into planet
Astonishing images of Mercury captured by NASA spacecraft before smashing into planet
An image of the planet Mercury (Reuters / NASA / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / Carnegie Institution of Washington / Handout)
As Judgment Day approaches for NASA’s Messenger probe, stunning new pictures have emerged of the planet it is set to crash into on Thursday: Mercury.
The incredible close-up shots show our solar system’s smallest planet as never before.
The psychedelic appearance is explained by NASA overlaying the pictures from the spacecraft’s Visual and Infrared Spectrometer (Virs) onto a black and white mosaic in order to accentuate features such as craters and volcanic vents.
Images of the planet Mercury (Image Credit: NASA / Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory / Carnegie Institution of Washington)
After more than a decade since its launch, and four years circling Mercury, Messenger will go where no other probe has gone before on April 30th. After running out of fuel for its thrusters, the 500kg spacecraft is set to plunge onto the planet’s surface at some 8,750 miles per hour, creating its own sizeable crater and destroying the probe itself.
But the touchdown looks set to be an anti-climactic one.
Messenger will crash behind Mercury, out of view of Earth. In fact it will take hours for NASA to confirm the probe’s demise, only being able to do so hours later when the spacecraft fails to appear from behind the planet.
NASA’s MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft traveled more than six and a half years before it was inserted into orbit around Mercury on March 18, 2011. (Credits: NASA / JHU APL / Carnegie Institution of Washington)
Scientists have hailed the probe’s mission as a success, stating Messenger has answered lots of questions about the planet’s make-up. Some of the biggest discoveries include:
1. Water
Finding frozen water so close to the Sun was a major surprise, though there had been hints in earlier radar observations.
2. What lies above
Something was covering the ice, an unexplained dark layer. More investigation will be carried out but NASA is putting its money on it being carbon-rich compounds, similar to substances found in certain meteorites and in comets.
3. It used to be bigger
To be exact, over the past four and a half billion years Mercury has shrunk by over 7 kilometres in radius.
Reams of data have yet to be analyzed. But for now, it’s a bittersweet time for those whose careers have revolved around the probe.
'I have worked on the mission for 19 years. It's like losing a member of the family. Even pre-knowledge doesn't prepare you completely for the loss,' said Mercury mission head Sean Solomon.
LEAKED - UFO ET Dulce Base Revealed From A Scientist Now In Hiding....
LEAKED - UFO ET Dulce Base Revealed From A Scientist Now In Hiding....
Dulce, New Mexico is a quite little town located about 7,000 feet on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. It is home to about 900 people with one major motel and a few stores. It’s not your typical resort town and it is not bustling with activity. However, this sleepy town harbors a deep, dark secret hidden below the tangled brush of Archuleta Mesa. A secret so deep, that it involves a joint government-alien bio-genetic laboratory designed to carry out bizarre experiments on humans and animals.
The Dulce Base is believed to be the largest Reptilian and Grey Alien base in America where there are allegedly conducting experiments including: atomic manipulation, cloning, mind control, animal/human crossbreeding, chip implantation, abduction, and feeding off of humans.
The video below contains extraordinary notes taken by a scientist who was commissioned by the government to visit alien crash sites and observe alien life (the scientist is now in hiding). In it he reveals top secret information on the Dulce Base and its inner workings. HOWEVER, I must warn you, the information is the video is top secret, and just by reading it, it puts a target on your back, people have been killed for sharing this knowledge. So please watch with caution….
These pictures were allegedly smuggled out of the base by a Dulce security officer named, Thomas Costello. He and his family are missing & presumed dead by the public.
The following document is the alleged result of the actions of one or more scientists creating a covert, unauthorized notebook documenting their involvement with an Above Top Secret government program. Government publications and information obtained by the use of public tax monies cannot be subject to copyright. This document is released into the public domain for all citizens of the United States of America.
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Researchers suggest: Humans are not from Earth
Researchers suggest: Humans are not from Earth
April 29, 2015- Many researchers have come to the conclusion that human beings are not from Earth.
After a balloon came back from a high altitude flight, it was covered with microscopic life forms that originated from space fueling debate about whether life on earth began here or elsewhere in space.
Other scientists have argued that life originated on Mars due to a mineral found in Martian meteorites, a concept that is crucial for the genesis of life. Another experiment showed that amino acids could have arrived with comet impacts, suggesting life could be widespread in our solar system.
A new book by American ecologist Dr. Ellis Silver – Humans are not from Earth looks at things differently. The author argues that humans may not be “natives” to Earth – and may have arrived separately from elsewhere. Silver provides arguments based on human physiology, suggesting that we have not evolved along with other life forms on Earth, but that we actually come from elsewhere in the universe, brought here by extraterrestrial beings tens of thousands of years ago.
Does this sound crazy or provocative? Does it go against your beliefs? It should actually. We have to start looking at things in a different way if we want to understand our purpose and origin, and that is exactly what Silver, an environmentalist who is currently working in an effort to clean plastic waste in the Pacific ocean, wants to achieve, provoking a discussion among scientists. Silver has argued that his book is based on scientific work approaching the difference between humans and other animals.
“The Earth approximately meets our needs as a species, but perhaps not as strongly as whoever brought us here initially thought,” Silver said in an interview with Yahoo news.
Silver believes that some of the chronic diseases that affect the human race – such as back pain, could be a very important sign that suggests that humans actually evolved in a world with less gravity. Silver also talks about other unique human traits, like the fact that the heads of babies are relatively large that women have difficulty giving birth, in the past, this was often fatal for the mother, child or both.
Silver argues that no other native species on earth has this issue, pointing to the 223 extra genes in humans, genes that are not found in any other species.
Silver believes that the human race has “serious flaws” that are evidence pointing towards the fact that we are not from this world.
“We are all chronically ill,” says Silver. “Indeed, if you can find a single person who is 100% fit and healthy and not suffering from some (perhaps hidden or unstated) condition or disorder (there’s an extensive list in the book) I would be extremely surprised – I have not been able to find anyone.”
“I believe that many of our problems stem from the simple fact that our internal body clocks have evolved to expect a 25 hour day (this has been proven by sleep researchers), but the Earth’s day is only 24 hours. This is not a modern condition – the same factors can be traced all the way back through mankind’s history on Earth.”
The book itself is interesting, but we have to look back at recent research in different fields that suggests that there is something anomalous in the human species. Many hidden links in the DNA could well suggest we are a species that was engineered or programmed.
There are numerous possibilities about our origins. In his book, Silver suggest that one of those possibilities might actually be Alpha Centauri, the closest star system to the sun.
Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth’s environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring (raw) foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more. Plus there’s a prevailing feeling among many people that they don’t belong here or that something “just isn’t right”.
“My thesis,” says Silver “proposes that mankind did not evolve from that particular strain of life, but evolved elsewhere and was transported to Earth (as fully evolved Homo sapiens) between 60,000 and 200,000 years ago.”
The debate about human origins is widespread and it is a discussion that has intensified in recent years. Simulation from supercomputers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the US found that amino acids, the building blocks of life, could have reached Earth via comets or meteors, suggesting that there could be life on other planets and moons in or solar system, and even beyond.
The most compelling evidence that points toward UFO's being not what they seem when they already draw a big enough question mark lies in the vague and illusive accounts of diabolical operations, sudden deaths, and government secrecy. History is not always what it seems, and especially not as it has been in the books all the time either. The following is ground I have covered in the past with a twist on interpretation. it may be that this version of the events may indeed be the final explanation.
Persistence of memory
Since the beginning of time man has been plagued by evil spirits, strange encounters with mysterious entities some might call angels while others might see these as demons, but whatever the case, these encounters cannot be dismissed. Where there is smoke there is fire. From the beings who dwell in dark trees in Africa to the shape shifters of the American Indian legend, the demonic connection seems undeniable.
An actor weighs in
Mark E. Laughlin an evangelic actor and radio host has shed some interesting light on the subject revealing that the new push for the DNA manipulation of humans and cross splicing with other species to produce anything from super soldiers to long term space explorers is being conducted in secret facilities as we speak. Deemed unethical by law, this has not stopped the unscrupulous scientific community from pursuing their hidden agenda under defense contracts and other government funded programs.
Misapplied science
Laughlin theorizes that super beings will begin to emerge as products of these DNA manipulations that have already created soldiers with bullet proof skin due to being merged with spider DNA whose strong web fabricating characteristics coupled with human flesh produce tissue impervious to bullets! This will be only the beginning as evil surges forth to distract man from worship with God to a fascination with immortality and super human being powers that seem God-like. Yet, this will only lead to hell on earth unleashing more immoral conduct and the idolatry of vain and ruthless people who crave money and power at any cost.
Ultimate motive
Why is it that aliens supposedly are so obsessed with taking human DNA and tissue samples? They obtain these through the incubus-like medical experiments aboard their space ships, right? John A. Keel in his books “Operation Trojan Horse” and “Creatures From Time and Space” commented that the percipients or contactees involved in these abductions may very well be hypnotized and only be imagining these events without being transported anywhere at all. It all simply happens in their head just like demonic possession. Has the age old icon of the ancient mysticism of evil merely altered its appearance to become technologically relevant in today's world?
A tragic consequence
According to Anthony F. Sanchez's book “UFO Highway” we get a detailed alternative history about the discovery of supposed aliens who have inhabited secret caverns of the Archuleta Mesa near Dulce, New Mexico for perhaps centuries. Sanchez in the making of his book experienced traumatic personal consequences to his literary labor that seem like something out of bad luck, or a counter intelligence operation aimed at him for uncovering inconvenient truths that the government did not want revealed to the public. Upon writing a series of articles recounting the events in Anthony's book, I too must admit that my own personal life took a turn for the worse and has been changed forever. So, I must say that I realize the pain and suffering Mr. Sanchez went through in the pursuit of his work.
A history known by few
In 1942, according to his book (UFO Highway) Sanchez tells us of a secret operation undertaken by a joint effort of the US Army, Army Air Corps, and Los Alamos nuclear authorities. A secret expedition was formed and deployed in the Archuleta Mesa area in search of a concealed region where the findings made on Atomic experiments could be discreetly weaponized in an effort to shorten the ongoing conflict of Word War II that was raging at the time. It was clear that after the Manhattan Project in Chicago and the secret move to Los Alamos, New Mexico to further undertake the creation of the first thermo nuclear warfare, the United States was forced to do so knowing full well and good that the Germans were hot on the trail of creating their own Atomic device.
A race to oblivion
It would be a deadly race to complete the dooms day devices as the Germans had already utilized the published findings of Dr. Robert Goddard in Albuquerque, New Mexico in the 20's and 30's that had been ignored by the US military. With the V-2 rockets well underway Germany already had a delivery platform, all they lacked was the nuclear warhead they would inevitably produce. Using captured Jewish prisoners as slave laborers without any shielding against deadly radioactivity, the Nazis were fast approaching a terrible fruition to their experiments. A feverish race between the super powers was on as a deadly global war raged in all hemispheres of the world!
The stage was set for a desperate operation requiring all the resources that the US government could secretly muster while fighting a two ocean war. Already there had been unsettling discoveries that had sent shock waves through US intelligence and military high command. A supposed UFO crash in 1941 in at Cape Girardeau. The testimony by a close friend of Secretary of State Cordell Hull that an alien specimen had been stored and preserved in an underground basement below the White House as early as 1938, were two earth shattering events kept compartmentalized within the military intelligence community. What seemed to be crashed alien crafts could only be speculated as the actual crash was never witnessed though the evidence had certainly been planted.
A timeless conflict
The question in all this remains. Who or what could have planted this evidence, and for what reason? The diabolical interpretation of this chain of events in itself seems to lend itself to a battle between good and evil going on here today on a global scale and it is as much spiritual as it is on a physical plain as we are now seeing unspeakable death and cruelty happening in the Middle East, Europe, and Africa as well as here at home. One might think very clearly when assessing the true reason behind terrorism and that its roots of hatred can be traced back thousands of years to Biblical times. As predicted in the Bible one might see that this region will always be in eternal conflict for no constructive purpose other than to satisfy the evil designs of one fallen angel who will use every power of deception at his disposal until the final hours of earth, as we know it, are upon us.
Removing God
Few people today, easily led by the collectivism of big government and the immoral influence of the media, realize that dark forces are coming together that will reduce civilization into a morbid stage of lust, destruction, famine, disease, and inhumanity to man in an apocalypse that is approaching with little chance of it being averted unless people realize and ask God for his help. Until that time, which seems unlikely, war and pestilence will reign and the fools will merely accept more and more of it desensitized to the horror of it all by constant news, propaganda, and the influence of evil. You can consider that it is already here, and that with the horrors of ISIS, some people are actually denying that the atrocities exist.
Progress really?
However, 1942 was a different and more innocent era. Although the horrors of war had emerged still most people were relatively innocent or naive compared to the hip culture of today hardened by the images of the Internet and satellite TV, influenced in to being able to just about accept anything with beheadings being showcased for all to see, sex readily available, and the insults to our sense of decency that have come with it. As opposed to 1942, the world is rapidly heading toward critical mass, a point of no return, and the fools we call political leaders are allowing our society to spiral out of control with their wicked pursuit of a godless existence that will allow anything to take place even men dressed in women's clothing displaying their genitals to your little daughters as they use a restroom or locker rooms in school! In 1942, this would have been considered evil and perverted yet we are today to think of this as civilized!
In Part VI will see the results of an expedition that stumbles on something unprecedented near Dulce, New Mexico.
Extra information about the article:
Is there really a difference between supposed alien entities or demons?
Experiencers unlock years of hidden secrets in a new book written by veteran Canadian journalist and author Bob Mitchell. Four people, including a Deaf Experiencer, tell their harrowing stories of Alien abduction and visitation for the first time.
Their horrific tales include encounters with Greys, Mantids, Shadow People and Troll-like entities. With many of their accounts told in present tense their stories will keep readers on the edge of their seats as they experience their terror, their horror, and in some case their wonderment.
Mitchell was a crime reporter and sports writer for nearly 35 years for The Toronto Star before leaving the newspaper in 2013 to pursue other interests. Intrusion-Alien Encounters is his sixth book. Books are available at AMAZON.COM and AMAZON.CA and
One of the most documented and believable cases in UFOlogy is the experience of one woman’s abduction aboard a UFO.
Her name is Betty Andreasson Luca who is a devout Christian. During her abduction, she was taken before a being of intense light and love called "the One." This description of this being is remarkably similar to descriptions of the so-called "Being of Light" encountered in near-death experiences.
Her first abduction occurred during her childhood and culminated with an abduction experience that involved her whole family. Led by a number of teams of highly-credentialed investigators, her experience is one of the most thoroughly investigated cases ever reported in the annals of hypnotherapy.
Raymond Fowler is also the author of the book The Watchers and his excellent follow-up book The Watchers II: Exploring UFOs and the Near Death Experience (more about The Watchers).
The Abduction of Betty Andreasson Luca On the evening of January 25, 1967, Betty Andreasson was in her kitchen at South Ashburnham, Massachusetts. Her seven children, mother, and father were in the living room.
At about 6:35 p.m., the house lights suddenly blinked out for a moment. Then, a pulsating reddish-orange light shined in the kitchen window. Betty calmed the frightened children while her father rushed to look out the kitchen window. He saw a group of strange-looking small creatures approaching with a hopping motion. Five small humanoid creatures entered the house, passing right through the wooden door.
Betty’s family was immediately placed into suspended animation. One creature went over to her father. The leader of the other four established telepathic communication with Betty.
The leader was about five feet tall.
The others were about four feet tall. All had large pear-shaped heads, wide catlike wraparound eyes, and diminutive ears and noses. Their mouths were immobile slits that reminded Betty of scar lines. Each wore a coverall blue uniform adorned with a Sam Browne-type belt. An insignia of a bird was affixed to their sleeves. Their hands had three digits. (Later, on the craft, they were gloved.) They wore boot-like attire on their feet. They floated rather than walked.
Betty’s initial fright was immediately calmed by an overpowering sense of friendship. When she displayed concern for her family’s welfare, the creatures temporarily released her eleven-year-old daughter, Becky, from this strange state of unawareness to assure Betty that she was all right.
Then Betty was taken outside and brought on board a small craft resting on the side of a hill that sloped into the back yard. The machine was about twenty feet in diameter. It looked like two saucers, one inverted upon the other, with a small superstructure on top. The small craft accelerated and apparently merged with a larger parent craft, in which Betty was subjected to the effects of strange equipment and a physical examination. Then she was taken to an alien place and given a bizarre object lesson that caused her to undergo a painful yet ecstatic religious-like experience.
Later that night, a 10:40 p.m., Betty was returned home by two of her alien captors. At home, she found her family still in a state of suspended animation. One being had stayed behind to watch over them during her absence. Then the beings put the family - still under some type of mind control - to bed, and the aliens left.
Several times, the aliens had told Betty that certain things had been locked in her mind. She was instructed to forget them and her UFO experience until the appointed time. She consciously remembered only a fraction of the strange encounter; the power failure, the colored light flashing through the window, and the aliens entering the house.
Betty, a devout Christian, interpreted the creatures as religious or angelic in nature. The subject of UFOs was largely unknown to her. Her education had been limited to ten years of schooling, her basic interests included family, church, and community-related activities. Not until much later did she think of her experience as a possible UFO encounter.
In 1975, Betty responded to a local newspaper story about UFO researcher Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who was soliciting personal UFO experience information from the public. Betty’s letter contained such few data, however, that it was filed and forgotten until an investigation in January 1977.
The investigating team consisted of:
a solar physicist
an electronics engineer
an aerospace engineer
a telecommunications specialist
a UFO investigator
They employed the services of a professional hypnotist and a medical doctor trained in psychiatry. During a twelve-month investigation, they conducted an extensive character-reference check, two lie-detector tests, a psychiatric interview, and fourteen lengthy hypnotic regression sessions. Under hypnosis, Betty and her daughter relived a consistent, detailed UFO experience with genuine physiological reactions.
Their three-volume, 528-page report led to the conclusion that the witnesses were reliable and sane individuals who sincerely believed the experience had really occurred.
Her Experience With the Being of Light The following are the exact transcripts from her hypnotic regression when Betty was regressed to her childhood during one of her first abduction experiences and her encounter with the One.
Betty’s words are in blue. The hypnotherapist’s words are in black.
We’re coming up to this wall of glass and a big, big, big, big, big door. It’s made out of glass. Does it have hinges? No. It is so big and there is - I can’t explain it. It is door after door after door after door. He (the alien leading her) is stopping there and telling me to stop. I’m just stopping there. He says: "Now you shall enter the door to see the One." And he says, "Fear not."
[Then Betty appeared to undergo an out-of-body experience!]
And I’m standing there and I’m coming out of myself! There’s two of me! There’s two of me there! Are you looking at yourself? Uh, huh. Okay. Do you see the One yet? The One? No. Okay, go on. I’m coming up to the door, and the little person is saying: "Now you shall enter the Great Door and see the glory of the One." And I’m standing face to face with that door.
[Betty now stood before the strange door. Again she described its appearance and her out-of-body experience.]
There’s a big door there, and it is big, but it is strange. It is like deeper and deeper and deeper. And it’s bright, really bright. And I have to stand before the door. But, before that, I came out of myself. I was just standing over there, and I was standing over here. There were two of me, but that one over there was stiff. Have you tried to talk to your other self? That won’t work, because I’m over here, and that one is over there. She looks exactly like you? Is she making motions to show you she is alive, like breathing, moving her arms? No. Would you say she looks like a wax museum piece or something? No, it looks just like me. All right, go on. I was told to come forward. I went in the door, and it’s very bright. I can’t take you any further. Why? Because. What do you mean, because? I can’t take you past this door. Okay, I’ll tell you what. You go past that door alone then for a few minutes, okay?
[Time and again, the hypnotist tried in different ways to induce Betty to tell him what was behind the door - all in vain.]
Sometime maybe, if you change your mind, would you tell me? I can’t change my mind. It is set. What would happen to you if you did tell me? I can’t tell you. I’m sorry. Okay, let’s proceed to the first thing you can tell me. Fair enough? Oh!
[Betty’s face glows with joy]
What’s happening now? I’m coming out of that door, and it was wonderful! Did the One say something exciting? I can’t tell you. I’m sorry. Would you say that the One was God? Do you really know what God is? I don’t know. I was hoping that you had seen him and could therefore tell me. I can’t tell you about that. Okay, let’s proceed. What’s happening now? You just came out of the room, and you feel great. I come out of the door, and there is a tall white-haired man standing there and he’s got on a long nightgown.
[The next session took place on May 15, 1980. Determined to find out what lay behind the Great Door, the hypnotist again brought Betty back in time to where she was standing before it.]
Where are you? I’m before this huge great big door. It’s glass. Layers and layers of glass. What are you standing on? Glass. Let me ask you now: You’re going to see the One now, right? Yeah. Why are you going to see the One? Because it is time for me, they said, for me to go home to see the One. All right, in other words, does this imply that the One is someone that you have seen before? I don’t remember. Okay. Do you know why it is time to see the One? Why haven’t you asked questions? They haven’t been there very often. Those little people haven’t been there very much for me to ask. Yeah, but they are asking you to do a lot of things, shall we say. I know. But, I’m in their place. I can’t do anything. Okay. In a moment you’re going to see the One, right? We don’t want to waste the experience. We want to get the most out of it. So when you see the One, I want you to ask yourself: "What am I getting out of this? Why am I here? And, what will this mean to me later on in my life?" It’s like any big experience a person is allowed to have. Okay? I want you to progress to where the door is open and you are seeing the One. Oh!
[At that very moment, an indescribable smile came over Betty’s face. The only adjective that the investigators could think of to describe it is rapturous. This expression of pure, unrestricted happiness remained on Betty’s face as the hypnotist continued to question her.]
You seem happy. Why are you so happy? It’s just - ah, I just, I can’t tell you about it. All right. I know you can’t tell me, but I want you to do a few things. I want you to ask yourself why you are being shown that which you are being shown. In other words, you weren’t given this trip just for a free ride, so to speak. They want you to see what you are seeing. Does that make sense? Yes. All right. Now that you’re there, ask yourself: "What am I getting out of this? Why am I here? What am I supposed to think about after I leave here?" Oh, it matters not what I get from it. What do you mean? It’s - words cannot explain it. It’s wonderful. It’s for everybody. I just can’t tell you this. You can’t? Okay, why can’t you? For one thing, it’s too overwhelming and it is - it is indescribable. I just can’t tell you. Besides it’s just impossible for me to tell you. All right. Are you capable, when looking around you, to tell yourself? I see it. Right. That which you can see, you have a grasp of even if you don’t understand it. I understand it. I’m sorry. I’m just sorry. I wish I could share it with you. Were you told not to share it with me? It is like even if I was able to speak it, I wouldn’t be able to speak it. I can’t. I’m sorry. Were you specifically told not to speak it? Partly, yeah. How was it expressed to you? I can’t tell you those things. I’m sorry. All right. Can we let the beings speak through you? Suppose you just relax, and I’ll put my hand on your shoulder and with each number you will go deeper and deeper. When I reach three, you will just relax and allow the beings to speak through you. One, two, three.
[Betty began speaking in a strange tongue.]
Okay, Betty, can you explain to me so that I could understand what you have just said?
[Betty begins crying]
Father loves the world so very much. Yes? And so many reject him. Uh huh, okay. You said a lot of words. Can you explain more of what you said? They will be felt by those who believe and have faith. They will feel the love radiating from them. Okay, where are you now? I’m where there is light. And what do you see? I cannot tell you this. Okay, that’s all right. Let me ask you. Do you feel much love, the same love, or any different degree of love now than you have before? It’s a greater love. Okay. When will I understand all of the words that the being said through you? When you allow the Spirit to come upon you and you are filled with that love. Do you understand all the words that you have said? I understand them, but they will not come forth. Okay, I’m trying to understand. I’m not trying to ask you to divulge anything, all right? You understand them, but you can’t express them? They’re in my heart. More like a feeling than a concept? They’re in my heart, in my mind, in my body. Okay, could you explain this to your children? What children?
[During this hypnotic session, Betty was regressed to a childhood experience when she was single with no children.]
If you have children someday. The words that you spoke, while they had a message of love in them, did they also have a warning? Yes. Those that do not have love have nothing. Love is the answer.
[Again the hypnotist failed to elicit the information that he sought regarding what Betty had experienced while behind the Great Door. With endless patience, he tried yet again.]
Okay. You’ve seen the One. Do you feel different about anything now than you did before? Everything is so wonderful! Is there anybody that you don’t like? No. There are some people, shall we say, that aren’t as nice as other people, right? No, everybody is nice. They are just growing, that’s all. If one doesn’t understand another one, they are just growing, that’s all. Okay, just relax. You’ve been to see the One and now everything is a little nicer, right? I understand that everything is one. What do you mean? Everything fits together. Everything is one. It’s beautiful! No matter what it is!
We certainly have a lot to discuss regarding this mysterious stone in China called “The Hidden character Stone”
This incredible stone was discovered thanks to a crack that formed in a megalith 500 years ago revealing Chinese characters that read: The Chinese Communist Party Collapses (Zhong Guo Gong Chan Dang Wang). The problem is the age of the rock which according to researchers dates back 270 million years (source).
It is an astonishing discovery of a stone that displays curious patterns on its surface, according to researchers these patterns have been identified as Simplified Chinese characters and traditional Chinese charters that read: Communist Party of China perish or The Chinese Communist Party Collapses ”
It is one of the main attractions in the Qiannan Pingtang National Geological park. The mystery is its age; dating back at least 270 millions of years to the Permian period. (source)
The stone was discovered in the cleaning process of the Duyun International Photography exposition, and the area has remained isolated and untouched by humans for an incredible period of time. The stone is found in a narrow gap between two cliffs.
Scientists have rushed to the area since 2003 when the first scientific inspection group arrived to study the stone. Scientists that gathered at the mysterious site were from several notable institutions such as the Chinese academy of Sciences, Chinese University of Geosciences and Chinese academy of Sciences.
Researchers were shocked when they found out that the stone was about 270 million years old, form the Permian period and according to scientists like Li Ting-dong, Liu Bao-jun and Li Feng-lin there is no trace of the characters being made by human beings. According to these scientists this is a unique stone and there is nothing like it. The characters that appear to be written on the stone are one square foot.
Some of the mysteries that involve this strange stone is that the characters read from left to right, something that was not practiced at that time and scientists consider that since there is an inclusion of a Simplified character before the CPC. Skeptics have attributed the mysterious formation to the nearby village, saying that it was manufactured to boost the tourism of the area. Yet researchers claim that the inscription dates back hundreds of millions of years given the fact that the geological formation of the region is of that age.
The vice-editor of the People’s Daily, Liang Heng wrote, While on cliffs people may often discover that white clouds may appear to look like dogs, or something looks like a person or a beast, a picture or a chart, however, all such things are restricted by the appearance of the picture.
If today a megalith suddenly can write, speak, carve, develop writing technique, or use political terminology, how are people able to believe that? Do they even dare to believe that? However, facing these two pieces of the split hidden words stone, we have no alternative but to believe.
Researchers were able to determine that “the hidden words stone” actually fell from a mountain cliff near the Zhangbu river valley.
One can easily make out the corresponding dent from where the rock mush have fallen.
So how is it possible that a crack reveals an inscription like this, when researchers place the age of the stone at over 250 millions of years?
Here’s a new video of a stranke flashing lights hovering in the night sky above Magdalena del Mar, a seaside district of the Lima Province in Peru. This paranormal footage was taken on 27th April 2015.
There are deadly sink holes in Judaean Desert swallowing its inhabitants and destroying the land.Sink holes there could appear literally suddenly. Some of these sink holes are part of deeper massive earth holes squirming into deeper parts of the earth and forming bubble upon bubble formations twisting hundreds meters into deep. Other sink holes are not even visible, that is, they are covered on its top with the crust composed of dry sharp soil and dust mixed with rocky salt awaiting you to swallow you when walking over it.
(1-2) From my point of view this sink hole is probably 5-10 metres deep. No subsided soil aroud, appeared suddenly. I have been too afraid to walk closer, hollow and cracking sound emited when stepping around. Could be part of bigger hole..
(3) Soil is cracking when walking around, fragile surface, scary enough.
(5) (5) Note sink hole is forming inside bigger one.
(6-7) Yolk sink holes about 20 metres deep. Deadly sulphur stink uplifting from its bottom. Water mixed with minerals and metals.
(8) When you step on this soil you feel like you are on dry mole hill. Your foot gets through it. Very fragile soil, not comfortable feeling when you know this formations is sign of pit-bubble under it..
(9;10;11;12) Too dangerous to get closer. The hole is shaped into big bubble with its top had sink inside. When looking through the cracks it is possible to see the bottom filled with water.
(11) Cracks around the hole.
(13,27,28 Saline Realm- I have found three scary sink holes there. About 50 metres deep: 14-25)
(13) Realm of the salt. Madness could shock you out here at 56 °C .
Warpsnelheid: kunnen we sneller reizen dan het licht?
Warpsnelheid: kunnen we sneller reizen dan het licht?
In de serie Star Trek maakt de U.S.S. Enterprise gebruik van een warpaandrijving om sneller dan het licht te kunnen reizen.
Volgens de zwaartekrachttheorie van Einstein moet het mogelijk zijn om een schip enorme afstanden in minder tijd te laten overbruggen dan licht. De truc zit ‘m niet in het ruimteschip, maar in de ruimte.
Wetenschappers van NASA zijn op dit moment bezig met het ontwikkelen van een test om de mogelijkheid van warpaandrijving en sneller dan het licht reizen te bewijzen. Wellicht is de warpaandrijving uit Star Trek helemaal zo gek nog niet.
Volgens Einsteins theorie kan een object met een massa niet even snel of sneller gaan dan het licht. Maar wat als het object, of in dit geval het ruimteschip, niet door de ruimte beweegt, maar de ruimte om het schip?
Ruimte heeft geen massa en is flexibel. Op basis van het licht van verre sterren kan worden bepaald dat de ruimte steeds verder uitdijt. De verste sterrenstelsels bewegen zich met grote snelheid van de aarde af. Dit is de oorzaak van roodverschuiving, die verklaard kan worden door het dopplereffect. De verst verwijderde sterrenstelsels bewegen zich van de aarde af met een snelheid van 95 procent van de lichtsnelheid.
Aan de hand van de roodverschuiving kan worden bepaald dat de structuur van de ruimte verplaatsbaar is. Natuurkundige Miguel Alcubierre heeft een theorie opgesteld waarbij het schip nooit sneller gaat dan het licht. De ruimte voor het schip wordt namelijk samengetrokken terwijl de ruimte erachter uitdijt. Het schip blijft in de tussentijd in een zogeheten ‘warpbel’.
Sinds de dag dat Alcubierre zijn paper The Warp Drive: Hyper-Fast travel within general relativity in 1994 publiceerde, hebben vele natuurkundigen en sciencefictionschrijvers met zijn theorie gestoeid.
Om een werkende warpaandrijving te maken moet eerst worden bewezen dat een ‘warpbel’ realiseerbaar is. Dat is precies wat natuurkundige Harold White en een team onderzoekers van het Johnson Space Center van NASA in Texas op dit moment doen.
Volgens de theorie van Alcubierre kun je een warpbel creëren met behulp van negatieve energie of energie die in een vacuüm is ontstaan. Dit proces hangt samen met het Casimireffect, het natuurkundige verschijnsel waaruit blijkt dat een vacuüm geen leegte is, maar gevuld is met elektromagnetische golven die onder invloed staan van kwantumfluctuaties. Door deze golven te vervormen ontstaat negatieve energie, die mogelijk de ruimtetijd vervormt, waarna een warpbel ontstaat.
Om te kijken of de ruimtetijd vervormt schijnen de onderzoekers met twee lasers op zowel een vacuüm als de gewone ruimte. Daarna vergelijken ze de twee stralen met elkaar en als de golflengte van de straal die door het vacuüm is gegaan langer blijkt te zijn (roodverschuiving) weten ze dat ze met een warpbel te maken hebben.
Gaan we binnenkort warp-reizen? “De natuur kan het,” zei White. “De vraag is nu of wij het ook kunnen.”
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Heeft NASA per ongeluk een warpveld opgewekt?
Sneller dan het licht: Heeft NASA per ongeluk een warpveld opgewekt?
De Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA heeft mogelijk per ongeluk een warpveld ontdekt. Ruimteschepen kunnen zo’n warpveld gebruiken om sneller dan het licht te reizen, iets wat tot dusver in het rijk van de sciencefiction thuishoorde.
“Warp speed, Mr. Sulu,” zei kapitein James Kirk van het fictieve sterrenschip USS Enterprise vaak in Star Trek. In de jaren negentig opperde natuurkundige Miguel Alcubierre dat een golf de ruimte voor een ruimteschip in elkaar kan drukken, terwijl de ruimte erachter uit elkaar wordt getrokken. Deze vervorming zou een zogeheten warpbel om het schip creëren.
Door de enorme hoeveelheid energie die nodig is om zo’n warpbel op te wekken, werden de ideeën van Alcubierre nooit in de praktijk gebracht. Harold White van het Johnson Space Center van NASA deed een aantal aanpassingen waardoor de hoeveelheid benodigde energie aanzienlijk werd teruggebracht.
Sneller dan het licht
In het laboratorium experimenteerde NASA met de EmDrive, een motor die zonder brandstof door de ruimte kan bewegen. Toen lasers door de resonantiekamer van de EmDrive schoten, leken sommige laserstralen sneller dan het licht te gaan, zo meldt
Als dat zo is kan de EmDrive een warpveld of –bel opwekken. De website Mysterious Universe vond dit commentaar na de tests op een forum: “Dat is de grote verrassing. Het interferentiepatroon in de EmDrive lijkt precies op [dat van] een warpbel. En de wiskunde achter de warpbel komt overeen met het interferentiepatroon dat in de EmDrive is gevonden.”
Om te bewijzen dat het warp-effect niet is veroorzaakt door atmosferische opwarming, moeten wetenschappers de test in een vacuüm doen. Als de resultaten hetzelfde zijn, kan dat betekenen dat de EmDrive een warpveld produceert. En dat kan uiteindelijk leiden tot de productie van een warpdrive.
In het begin van de jaren zeventig werden een jongen en een meisje na een vermissing van drie maanden dood gevonden.
Ze waren bedekt met brandvlekken en de bomen waar ze bij in de buurt werden gevonden, waren aan de bovenkant verschroeid.
Het volgende verhaal is afkomstig van een onderzoeker van B.U.F.O.R.A., een Brits ufo onderzoekscentrum, enigszins vergelijkbaar met MUFON.
Deze man doet dit al een lange tijd en kan zich nog een vreemd geval herinneren uit 1970 toen er een meisje en een jongen waren verdwenen. Ze waren tussen de elf en twaalf jaar oud en afkomstig uit Enfield, ten noorden van Londen:
De kinderen woonden ongeveer een halve kilometer ten noordwesten van het King George de Vijfde waterreservoir. Dit meer is ongeveer drieëneenhalve kilometer lang en iets minder dan 500 meter breed.
De twee kinderen verdwenen in maart 1970 en kwamen in juni van dat jaar weer tevoorschijn. Ze werden dood gevonden bij een groepje bomen, ongeveer een halve kilometer ten noordoosten van het waterreservoir en minder dan 300 meter van een goed verlichte weg.
De politie ging met speurhonden het hele gebied af waar de kinderen hadden gewoond, waren verdwenen en weer tevoorschijn kwamen.
Het lijkt vreemd dat ze zomaar verdwijnen voor drie maanden en dan vervolgens naast een groepje bomen waarvan het leek dat de bovenkant was weg geschroeid, weer opduiken.
De lokale krant in die tijd, de Waltham Forest Guardian Independent, kwam tot de conclusie dat de kinderen niet waren vermoord en schreef onder andere het volgende:
1) Ze stierven aan brandplekken (mogelijke straling of microgolven?). 2) Ze stierven omdat ze te lang werden blootgesteld. 3) Niemand had enig idee wat er gebeurd kon zijn. 4) Hun lichamen werden niet vlakbij elkaar gevonden en één van de schoenen van het meisje ontbrak.
De andere schoen die het meisje nog droeg was helemaal schoon. Er zijn gevallen bekend van UFO’s die dieren hebben aangevallen en gedood waarbij ze brandplekken hebben achtergelaten op de dieren (mogelijke straling).
Het is heel onwaarschijnlijk dat de zon dit soort brandplekken zou hebben veroorzaakt.
UFO’s hangen boven de boomtoppen en de grond en verschroeien de natuurlijke vegetatie op zo’n manier dat er nooit meer iets groeit. Dit is het geval met de bovenkant van de bomen op de plek waar de kinderen werden gevonden.
Weken na de trieste vondst was de politie nog bezig in het gebied. Ze namen grondmonsters mee om te laten analyseren. Ze gingen zelfs zover dat ze delen van de bosjes waar de kinderen werden gevonden, meenamen.
Wanneer je twee stenen uit de lucht laat vallen dan zullen deze niet op dezelfde plek terecht komen. Dit was, zoals gezegd, ook niet het geval met de lichamen van de kinderen.
Ik ben er heilig van overtuigd dat ze in aanraking kwamen met buitenaardse wezens. Ik voel dat ze gestorven zijn onder grote stress en dat ze werden gevonden tijdens een periode dat er zich in dat gebied veel UFO waarnemingen voordeden.
Ik heb zelf in de jaren erna diverse mensen geïnterviewd uit de buurt waar de kinderen waren gevonden. Helaas zonder enig succes want niemand was bereid om te praten en de meesten leken zelfs angstig.
J ’en ai parlé autour de moi. On m’a demandé si j’avais changé de marque de whisky. » Pierre Dauchin n’avait pourtant pas bu dans la nuit du 18 avril. Cet habitant de Liancourt est sûr de ce qu’il a vu. Il en a même rédigé un rapport détaillé, transmis à la gendarmerie de Liancourt. « À 23 h 45, depuis ma propriété de Liancourt sur les hauteurs de la ville, je remarque dans le ciel, côté vallée, à une altitude d’environ 150 mètres, deux lumières mobiles inhabituelles qui, à petite vitesse (moins de 100 km/h), semblent suivre le cours de la Brèche d’amont en aval, c’est-à-dire du Nord vers le Sud. La distance qui m’en sépare est de 800 mètres environ. Le ciel est clair, sans nuages, la température est de 12ºC. Il n’y a pas de vent. Les deux objets volent l’un derrière l’autre. Ils ont la forme d’un triangle équilatéral comportant une petite lumière blanche à chaque sommet », écrit ce dernier dans son courrier.
La gendarmerie enquête
Le phénomène dure sept minutes. Immobiles puis fuyants, les objets évoluent sans bruit. "Depuis ma chambre à l’étage, j’ouvre ma fenêtre pour les observer en évitant les diffractions visuelles du double-vitrage. Pendant plus de deux minutes, je les vois se déplacer. » Puis se séparer. Les trois lumières – deux blanches et une rouge – forment un triangle étrange en face de lui. L’ancien ingénieur est tellement scotché par le spectacle qu’il ne pense même pas à le prendre en photo.
L’ancien conseiller municipal a tout juste le réflexe d’appeler une voisine. «Je lui demande d’observer l’objet dans la direction que je lui indique. Elle le voit, mais, ne portant pas à cette heure ses lunettes de vue, elle n’en distingue que le point rouge qui continue à se déplacer une vingtaine de secondes, s’estompe en direction du plateau d’Ars et disparaît», confie Pierre Dauchin dans sa lettre.
Alors que s’est-il passé dans le ciel de Liancourt cette nuit-là ? À la mairie, personne n’est venue signaler cette apparition nocturne. La brigade de gendarmerie a bien reçu le témoignage de Pierre Dauchin. «C’est le seul. Mais nous prenons au sérieux ce courrier. Les textes nous obligent à faire des investigations après ce genre de signalement. On va se rapprocher de l’aéroport. Cela peut correspondre à un radar météorologique ou autre chose», expliquent les autorités locales, très terre à terre. On est loin du fantasme de l’OVNI de leur côté. «Attention aux drones qui prolifèrent en ce moment», relativise une autre source.
Contacté, le Cercle des suricates de l’Oise, une association d’observateurs du ciel, férus de phénomènes paranormaux, n’est pas surpris. «Selon la description que le témoin en fait, il pourrait s’agir d’un TR3B, un vaisseau qui n’a rien d’extra-terrestre, un avion furtif, un projet caché selon la théorie des complotistes», assure Kevin Rose, le président de l’association.
Si ce dernier n’en a jamais vu « en vrai », il suit de près les explications sur Internet sur le sujet. «Je me demande même si ce genre d’engin ne décolle pas de la base aérienne de Creil», s’interroge Kevin Rose, complètement conquis par le récit crédible du Liancourtois, et persuadé que la défense française pourrait posséder ce type d’avion. Le mystère plane-t-il au-dessus de l’Oise ou dans les têtes ?
Check out this interesting daytime footage of an unidentified flying object hovering in the sky above Rome in Italy. This was taken on 12th April 2015.
Ice on Mars: Mars has belts of glaciers consisting of frozen water
Mars distinct polar ice caps, but Mars also has belts of glaciers at its central latitudes -- between the blue lines, in both the southern and northern hemispheres. A thick layer of dust covers the glaciers, so they appear as the surface of the ground, but radar measurements show that there are glaciers composed of frozen water underneath the dust. Credit: Mars Digital Image Model, NASA/Nanna Karlsson
Ice on Mars: Mars has belts of glaciers consisting of frozen water
Mars has distinct polar ice caps, but Mars also has belts of glaciers at its central latitudes in both the southern and northern hemispheres. A thick layer of dust covers the glaciers, so they appear as surface of the ground, but radar measurements show that underneath the dust there are glaciers composed of frozen water. New studies have now calculated the size of the glaciers and thus the amount of water in the glaciers. It is the equivalent of all of Mars being covered by more than one meter of ice. The results are published in the scientific journal, Geophysical Research Letters.
Several satellites orbit Mars and on satellite images, researchers have been able to observe the shape of glaciers just below the surface. For a long time scientists did not know if the ice was made of frozen water (H2O) or of carbon dioxide (CO2) or whether it was mud.
Using radar measurements from the NASA satellite, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, researchers have been able to determine that is water ice. But how thick was the ice and do they resemble glaciers on Earth?
A group of researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute have now calculated this using radar observations combined with ice flow modelling.
Data combined with modelling
“We have looked at radar measurements spanning ten years back in time to see how thick the ice is and how it behaves. A glacier is after all a big chunk of ice and it flows and gets a form that tells us something about how soft it is. We then compared this with how glaciers on Earth behave and from that we have been able to make models for the ice flow,” explains Nanna Bjørnholt Karlsson, a postdoc at the Centre for Ice and Climate at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen.
Nanna Bjørnholt Karlsson explains that earlier studies have identified thousands of glacier-like formations on the planet. The glaciers are located in belts around Mars between the latitudes 300-500 — equivalent to just south of Denmark’s location on Earth. The glaiciers are found on both the northern and southern hemispheres.
From some locations on Mars they have good detailed high-resolution data, while they only have more sparse data from other areas. But by supplementing the sparse data with information about the flow and form of the glaciers from the very well studied areas, they have been able to calculate how thick and voluminous the ice is across the glacier belts.
Could cover the entire planet
“We have calculated that the ice in the glaciers is equivalent to over 150 billion cubic meters of ice — that much ice could cover the entire surface of Mars with 1.1 meters of ice. The ice at the mid-latitudes is therefore an important part of Mars’ water reservoir,” explains Nanna Bjørnholt Karlsson.
That the ice has not evaporated out into space could actually mean that the thick layer of dust is protecting the ice. The atmospheric pressure on Mars is so low that water ice simply evaporates and becomes water vapour. But the glaciers are well protected under the thick layer of dust.
N. B. Karlsson, L. S. Schmidt, C. S. Hvidberg. Volume of Martian mid-latitude glaciers from radar observations and ice-flow modelling. Geophysical Research Letters, 2015; DOI: 10.1002/2015GL063219
Cigar-Shaped UFO Hovers Near Mexico Volcano Captured By Live Cam
A UFO watcher shared images of what appeared as a cigar-shaped alien vehicle on the UFO Sightings Daily website. He claimed it was not the first time he spotted a UFO in the vicinity of the Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico. (Photo : Scott Waring)
Cigar-Shaped UFO Hovers Near Mexico Volcano Captured By Live Cam
A mysterious object seen hovering over the mouth of the Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico could yet again trigger another round of debate between believers and skeptics on the existence of intelligent alien life.
UFO watcher Scott Waring posted images of the unusual object he described as a cigar-shaped UFO on the website UFO Sightings Daily. He said that he found the anomaly in an archived live cam footage of the volcano, one of the most active volcanoes in Mexico.
Although the mysterious object was initially difficult to distinguish, the form became more apparent when the image was enlarged. It appeared as a black oblong-shaped object flying near the clouds. Waring likewise said that it was not the first time that a UFO was spotted in that particular area.
“I have been keeping an eye on this live cam for over five years now and I have reported over 50 UFOs over it since then,” Waring said in a post.
One of these supposed UFO sightings occurred in 2013 and was captured in a video that showed what seemed to be a UFO flying above Popocatepetl volcano. The footage, which depicted a spacecraft approaching the volcano, showed the mysterious vehicle slowing down and turning towards the crater of the mountain, where it descended. The footage was taken on May 30 at 8:30 p.m.
Mutual UFO Network chief photo and video analyst Marc D’Antonio said that this clip could be depicting a meteor that fell over the volcano. He also noted that the path of the object could also be illusory.
“In this case, the object is moving from right to left and appears to be descending, but it is exactly this behavior you see if an aircraft at altitude is heading away from you — this is the consequence of perspective and round Earth,” D’Antonio said.
In 2012, a similar video emerged showing another UFO shaped like a cigar exhibiting the same behavior.
UFO Sightings Daily is a hub for UFO enthusiasts. On Friday, Feb. 13, the website shared another UFO discovery in a video taken by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) outside the International Space Station (ISS).
Space watchers claimed that the clip, which was posted by YouTube user Streetcap1 online on Thursday and has been dubbed the “Friday the 13th” sighting, could be depicting a UFO. The video has been viewed over 12,000 times since it was first uploaded.
This is an artist's impression of a quasar with a supermassive black hole in the distant universe. Credit: Zhaoyu Li/NASA/JPL-Caltech/Misti Mountain Observatory
Monster black hole discovered at cosmic dawn
Scientists have discovered the brightest quasar in the early universe, powered by the most massive black hole yet known at that time. The international team led by astronomers from Peking University in China and from the University of Arizona announce their findings in the scientific journal Nature on Feb. 26.
The discovery of this quasar, named SDSS J0100+2802, marks an important step in understanding how quasars, the most powerful objects in the universe, have evolved from the earliest epoch, only 900 million years after the Big Bang, which is thought to have happened 13.7 billion years ago. The quasar, with its central black hole mass of 12 billion solar masses and the luminosity of 420 trillion suns, is at a distance of 12.8 billion light-years from Earth.
The discovery of this ultraluminous quasar also presents a major puzzle to the theory of black hole growth at early universe, according to Xiaohui Fan, Regents’ Professor of Astronomy at the UA’s Steward Observatory, who co-authored the study.
“How can a quasar so luminous, and a black hole so massive, form so early in the history of the universe, at an era soon after the earliest stars and galaxies have just emerged?” Fan said. “And what is the relationship between this monster black hole and its surrounding environment, including its host galaxy?
“This ultraluminous quasar with its supermassive black hole provides a unique laboratory to the study of the mass assembly and galaxy formation around the most massive black holes in the early universe.”
The quasar dates from a time close to the end of an important cosmic event that astronomers referred to as the “epoch of reionization”: the cosmic dawn when light from the earliest generations of galaxies and quasars is thought to have ended the “cosmic dark ages” and transformed the universe into how we see it today.
Discovered in 1963, quasars are the most powerful objects beyond our Milky Way galaxy, beaming vast amounts of energy across space as the supermassive black hole in their center sucks in matter from its surroundings. Thanks to the new generation of digital sky surveys, astronomers have discovered more than 200,000 quasars, with ages ranging from 0.7 billion years after the Big Bang to today.
Shining with the equivalent of 420 trillion suns, the new quasar is seven times brighter than the most distant quasar known (which is 13 billion years away). It harbors a black hole with mass of 12 billion solar masses, proving it to be the most luminous quasar with the most massive black hole among all the known high redshift (very distant) quasars.
“By comparison, our own Milky Way galaxy has a black hole with a mass of only 4 million solar masses at its center; the black hole that powers this new quasar is 3,000 time heavier,” Fan said.
Feige Wang, a doctoral student from Peking University who is supervised jointly by Fan and Prof. Xue-Bing Wu at Peking University, the study’s lead author, initially spotted this quasar for further study.
“This quasar was first discovered by our 2.4-meter Lijiang Telescope in Yunnan, China, making it the only quasar ever discovered by a 2-meter telescope at such distance, and we’re very proud of it,” Wang said. “The ultraluminous nature of this quasar will allow us to make unprecedented measurements of the temperature, ionization state and metal content of the intergalactic medium at the epoch of reionization.”
Following the initial discovery, two telescopes in southern Arizona did the heavy lifting in determining the distance and mass of the black hole: the 8.4-meter Large Binocular Telescope, or LBT, on Mount Graham and the 6.5-meter Multiple Mirror Telescope, or MMT, on Mount Hopkins. Additional observations with the 6.5-meter Magellan Telescope in Las Campanas Observatory, Chile, and the 8.2-meter Gemini North Telescope in Mauna Kea, Hawaii, confirmed the results.
“This quasar is very unique,” said Xue-Bing Wu, a professor of the Department of Astronomy, School of Physics at Peking University and the associate director of the Kavli Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics. “Just like the brightest lighthouse in the distant universe, its glowing light will help us to probe more about the early universe.”
Wu leads a team that has developed a method to effectively select quasars in the distant universe based on optical and near-infrared photometric data, in particular using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and NASA’s Wide-Field Infrared Explorer, or WISE, satellite.
“This is a great accomplishment for the LBT,” said Fan, who chairs the LBT Scientific Advisory Committee and also discovered the previous record holders for the most massive black hole in the early universe, about a fourth of the size of the newly discovered object. “The especially sensitive optical and infrared spectrographs of the LBT provided the early assessment of both the distance of the quasars and the mass of the black hole at the quasar’s center.”
For Christian Veillet, director of the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory, or LBTO, this discovery demonstrates both the power of international collaborations and the benefit of using a variety of facilities spread throughout the world.
“This result is particularly gratifying for LBTO, which is well on its way to full nighttime operations,” Veillet said. “While in this case the authors used two different instruments in series, one for visible light spectroscopy and one for near-infrared imaging, LBTO will soon offer a pair of instruments that can be used simultaneously, effectively doubling the number of observations possible in clear skies and ultimately creating even more exciting science.”
To further unveil the nature of this remarkable quasar, and to shed light on the physical processes that led to the formation of the earliest supermassive black holes, the research team will carry out further investigations on this quasar with more international telescopes, including the Hubble Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Telescope.
The above story is based on materials provided by University of Arizona. The original article was written by Christian Veillet/LBTO and Daniel Stolte/University Relations – Communications. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
Journal Reference:
Xue-Bing Wu, Feige Wang, Xiaohui Fan, Weimin Yi, Wenwen Zuo, Fuyan Bian, Linhua Jiang, Ian D. McGreer, Ran Wang, Jinyi Yang, Qian Yang, David Thompson, Yuri Beletsky. An ultraluminous quasar with a twelve-billion-solar-mass black hole at redshift 6.30. Nature, 2015; 518 (7540): 512 DOI: 10.1038/nature14241
Cold Spot suggests largest structure in Universe: A supervoid 1.3 billion light years across
A map of the cosmic microwave background made using the Planck satellite. The Cold Spot, the ellipse at the bottom right, area resides in the constellation Eridanus in the southern galactic hemisphere. The insets show the environment of this anomalous patch of the sky, as mapped by Szapudi's team using PS1 and WISE data and as observed in the cosmic microwave background temperature data. The angular diameter of the vast supervoid aligned with the Cold Spot, which exceeds 30 degrees, is marked by the white circles. Credit: Graphics by Gerg? Kránicz. Image credit: ESA Planck Collaboration
Cold Spot suggests largest structure in Universe: A supervoid 1.3 billion light years across.
In 2004, astronomers examining a map of the radiation left over from the Big Bang (the cosmic microwave background, or CMB) discovered the Cold Spot, a larger-than-expected unusually cold area of the sky. The physics surrounding the Big Bang theory predicts warmer and cooler spots of various sizes in the infant universe, but a spot this large and this cold was unexpected.
Now, a team of astronomers led by Dr István Szapudi of the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii at Manoa may have found an explanation for the existence of the Cold Spot, which Szapudi says may be “the largest individual structure ever identified by humanity.” The researchers report their findings in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
If the Cold Spot originated from the Big Bang itself, it could be a rare sign of exotic physics that the standard cosmology (basically, the Big Bang theory and related physics) does not explain. If, however, it is caused by a foreground structure between us and the CMB, it would be a sign that there is an extremely rare large-scale structure in the mass distribution of the universe.
Using data from Hawaii’s Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) telescope located on Haleakala, Maui, and NASA’s Wide Field Survey Explorer (WISE) satellite, Szapudi’s team discovered a large supervoid, a vast region 1.8 billion light-years across, in which the density of galaxies is much lower than usual in the known universe. This void was found by combining observations taken by PS1 at optical wavelengths with observations taken by WISE at infrared wavelengths to estimate the distance to and position of each galaxy in that part of the sky.
Earlier studies, also done in Hawaii, observed a much smaller area in the direction of the Cold Spot, but they could establish only that no very distant structure is in that part of the sky. Paradoxically, identifying nearby large structures is harder than finding distant ones, since we must map larger portions of the sky to see the closer structures. The large three-dimensional sky maps created from PS1 and WISE by Dr András Kovács (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary) were thus essential for this study. The supervoid is only about 3 billion light-years away from us, a relatively short distance in the cosmic scheme of things.
Imagine there is a huge void with very little matter between you (the observer) and the CMB. Now think of the void as a hill. As the light enters the void, it must climb this hill. If the universe were not undergoing accelerating expansion, then the void would not evolve significantly, and light would descend the hill and regain the energy it lost as it exits the void. But with the accelerating expansion, the hill is measurably stretched as the light is traveling over it. By the time the light descends the hill, the hill has gotten flatter than when the light entered, so the light cannot pick up all the speed it lost upon entering the void. The light exits the void with less energy, and therefore at a longer wavelength, which corresponds to a colder temperature.
Getting through a supervoid takes hundreds of millions of years, even at the speed of light, so this measurable effect, known as the Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect, might provide the first explanation of one of the most significant anomalies found to date in the CMB, first by a NASA satellite called the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), and more recently, by Planck, a satellite launched by the European Space Agency.
While the existence of the supervoid and its expected effect on the CMB do not fully explain the Cold Spot, it is very unlikely that the supervoid and the Cold Spot at the same location are a coincidence. The team will continue its work using improved data from PS1, and from the Dark Energy Survey being conducted with a telescope in Chile to study the Cold Spot and supervoid, as well as another large void located near the constellation Draco.
István Szapudi, András Kovács, Benjamin R. Granett, Zsolt Frei, Joseph Silk, Will Burgett, Shaun Cole, Peter W. Draper, Daniel J. Farrow, Nicholas Kaiser, Eugene A. Magnier, Nigel Metcalfe, Jeffrey S. Morgan, Paul Price, John Tonry and Richard Wainscoat,. Detection of a supervoid aligned with the cold spot of the cosmic microwave background. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015 DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stv488
Explosions of Jupiter’s aurora linked to extraordinary planet-moon interaction
Explosions of Jupiter’s aurora linked to extraordinary planet-moon interaction
In this artist's rendering, flows of electrically charged ions and electrons accelerate along Jupiter's magnetic field lines (fountain-like blue curves), triggering auroras (blue rings) at the planet's pole. Accelerated particles come from clouds of material (red) spewed from volcanoes on Jupiter's moon Io (small orb to right). Recent observations of extreme ultraviolet emissions from Jupiter by satellite Hisaki (left foreground) and the Hubble Space Telescope (right) show episodes of sudden brightening of the planet's auroras. Interactions with the excited particles from Io likely also fuel these auroral explosions, new research shows, not interactions with particles from the Sun. Credit: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
On Earth, bursts of particles spewed by the Sun spark shimmering auroras, like the Northern Lights, that briefly dance at our planet’s poles. But, on Jupiter, there’s an auroral glow all the time, and new observations show that this Jovian display sometimes flares up because of a process having nothing to do with the Sun.
Jupiter watchers have long known that the giant planet’s ever-present polar auroras — thousands of times brighter and many times bigger than Earth — are powered by both electrically charged particles from the Sun colliding with Jupiter’s magnetic field and a separate interaction between Jupiter and one of its many moons, called Io. But there are also auroral explosions on Jupiter, or periods of dazzling brightening, similar to auroral storms on Earth, that no one could definitively trace back to either of those known causes.
In the aurora-making interaction of Jupiter and Io, volcanoes on the small moon blast clouds of electrically charged atoms (ions) and electrons into a region surrounding Jupiter that’s permeated by the planet’s powerful magnetic field, thousands of times stronger than Earth’s. Rotating along with its rapidly spinning planet, the magnetic field drags the material from Io around with it, causing strong electric fields at Jupiter’s poles. The acceleration of the ions and electrons produce intense auroras that shine in almost all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum but most brightly in high-energy bands, like ultraviolet light and X-rays, that are invisible to unaided human eyes.
Now, new observations of the planet’s extreme ultraviolet emissions show that bright explosions of Jupiter’s aurora likely also get kicked off by the planet-moon interaction, not by solar activity. A new scientific paper about these observations by Tomoki Kimura of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), in Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, and his colleagues, was published online today in Geophysical Research Letters, a journal of the American Geophysical Union.
Starting in January 2014, a telescope aboard the JAXA’s Hisaki satellite, which focused on Jupiter for two months, recorded intermittent brightening of the giant planet’s aurora. The telescope detected sudden flare-ups on days when the usual flow of charged particles from the Sun, known as the solar wind, was relatively weak.
Additional space and ground-based telescopes, including the Hubble Space Telescope, also viewed Jupiter during these lulls in the solar wind. Both Hisaki and Hubble witnessed explosions of the planet’s aurora despite the solar wind’s calm, suggesting that it’s the Jupiter-Io interaction driving these explosions, not charged particles from the Sun, according to the new study. The new research does not address exactly what is happening in the Jovian magnetosphere to cause the temporary brightening of auroral explosions.
T. Kimura, S. V. Badman, C. Tao, K. Yoshioka, G. Murakami, A. Yamazaki, F. Tsuchiya, B. Bonfond, A. J. Steffl, A. Masters, S. Kasahara, H. Hasegawa, I. Yoshikawa, M. Fujimoto, J. T. Clarke. Transient internally-driven aurora at Jupiter discovered by Hisaki and the Hubble Space Telescope. Geophysical Research Letters, 2015; DOI: 10.1002/2015GL063272
What is the nature of our own personal universe if not to unify and reach out to others beyond our control in space time travel?
I know that in my universe of galaxies and worlds exist black holes that we do not understand yet however, some of us do due to what we call worm holes and worm travel beyond the imagination in this way of existence we now perceive as reality. It may be that physicists are still trying to understand that which some of us already understand and knows exist in our way of being, doing, having, and knowing.
Why is it that some of us work outside and beyond the known three dimensional working world way of thinking which we all agree to in the law of the universe we unified as the critical mass mind way of being, doing, having, and knowing as our own reality? We have an agreement that is constantly evolving and changing in this world of which we co-create together with our own thoughts which are energy.
We have an agreement with others who are more advanced than we are who have evolved over billions if not trillions of what we call earth years as 365 days in a year on planet earth revolving around the sun.
It's time to wake up to the fact that we create our own universe inside the known universe we call home inside our own minds. Most people have no way to study the mind outside of their own existence in this reality of what we call the world of humanoid sentient intelligent beings.
The Internet was first conceived by J.C.K. Licklider. Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider, known simply as J. C. R. or "Lick", was an American psychologist and computer scientist who is considered one of the most important figures in computer science and general computing history. Born: March 11, 1915, St. Louis, MO., Died: June 26, 1990, Arlington, MA, Books: Libraries of the Future. What will you create for us all?
Love can sense time and space as space time for us all. We will always find a way to exist as a species. Educate everyone in this world about health and sustainability as prosperity for all. We should all know that somewhere in the universal order are many of us who are somewhere else who was once here on this planet. Their destination of spirit was with a soul that was an old school paradigm that we now recognize as our reality. We accept that we are born, we live, and we die. Now in the Cosmos Connection we are expanding our universal laws to know we are co-creators with those in this universe and others.
There are branes our bubble universes are attached too and through the black holes are the white holes that are at the bottom of black holes in other universe which are like tiny pin pricks in balloons. Expand our science and religions to understand that Gods and Goddesses of our ancient alien ancestors were all speaking about the theory of knowing everything as a beginning and an end in the circle of life we call time. We still share past, present, and future, as that which is before and after us while we exist as those who are split with memories of our past as we imagine our future.
This is fact that we can control our future destiny as fate if we call it what it used to be. It's time for etymology and epistemology to begin sharing the point of time where we come together in both science and religion as a faith with hope that there is a future in our imaginations where we meet again in another place and time not in this universe but another.
De Amerikaanse luchtmacht zal volgende maand een vierde keer zijn mysterieus ruimtevliegtuig X-37B lanceren. Dat heeft het welingelichte vandaag gemeld.
De X-37B lijkt op een miniatuurversie van de spaceshuttle van de NASA die ondertussen op stal is gezet. Op 20 mei moet een Atlas-V draagraket van op Cape Canaveral in Florida voor een vierde keer het onbemande en door Boeing gebouwde tuig in de ruimte brengen.
De nuttige lading en de activiteiten van deze nieuwe missie zijn geheim. Maar toch wist te melden dat het onder andere gaat om een experimenteel voortstuwingssysteem en studie van materialen in de ruimte.
Welke van de twee X-37B toestellen van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht zal vliegen, is ook niet meegedeeld.
De vorige vluchten startten in april 2010, maart 2011 en december 2012. De laatste missie duurde 675 dagen, een record. Hoelang de nieuwe vlucht zal duren is eveneens niet meegedeeld.
Al sinds de ruimtesonde Dawn nadert op dwergplaneet Ceres is er heel wat te doen over enkele mysterieuze lichtvlekken op het oppervlak. Het Amerikaanse ruimteagentschap NASA speelt nu in op de hype door bal weer terug te kaatsen: wat denkt u dat het is?
Is het een ruimtebasis van aliens? Of toch maar een zoutvlakte of een vulkaan? De NASA lanceert een poll om van u te vernemen hoe u de lichtvlekken, een grote en enkele kleinere, op dwergplaneet Ceres inschat. De vlekken werden in de voorbije maanden gefotografeerd toen ruimtesonde Dawn Ceres begon te naderen.
Wetenschappers suggeren dat het wel eens ijs zou kunnen zijn. Eerder was al eens waterdamp opgemerkt in de buurt van het oppervlak van Ceres, dat op gemiddeld zo'n 428 miljoen kilometer van de aarde rond de zon draait. Ook een zoutvlakte of een vulkaan worden niet uitgesloten. Maar aangezien lava een pak meer licht zou geven, wordt dan eerder gedacht in de richting van ijsvulkanen.
Vermoedelijk op 1 mei zullen de resultaten vrijgegeven worden van de eerste erg nabije passage van Dawn langs Ceres. In afwachting daarvan mag u zelf eens een gokje wagen op de site van de NASA. En als u echt wilt, kunt u ook gokken op het ietwat enigmatische 'iets anders'. U zou overigens niet de enige zijn. Na de optie ijs, die een derde van de stemmers kan bekoren, blijkt 'iets anders' de populairste keuze te zijn.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Mars’ Photo Reveals Alien Ship, Underground Bunker and Other Structures
Mars’ Photo Reveals Alien Ship, Underground Bunker and Other Structures
A NASA photo of Endeavour Crater seems to show an alien ship, underground bunker, house-like structures and more. It was captured by NASA’s Opportunity rover in 2014.
André R. Gignac, self-proclaimed alien hunter, has found what he called clues pointing to a range of things that US government and NASA are possibly hiding. Analysis of the image reveals the presence of an alien ship in the middle of a bunker and the alien base.
Gignac also claims that the base on the crater’s floor comprises housing structures and some sort of missiles and rockets. He also pointed out the burst of flame, which for him clearly visible from the alien ship. The rockets, missiles and housing structures are distributed in a circle, Gignac said.
Gignac explained that the picture presented evidence of an underground bunker with a structure appearing like a panoramic window.
Some sites called Gignac as ascientist, which he cleared up that he is not, and he never claimed as such. Gignac added that some sites reported that he claimed to have spotted armed people in the window, but he wasn’t brought that thing out. He also denied some reports that he said there was a hidden army on Mars.
He suspects the lies that have been repeated all over the internet about UFO or extraterrestrial reports make someone like him to just stay silent. But he promised not to keep his mouth shut amidst the inconsistency of reports regarding his claims.
Abra a sua mente. Mas primeiro, feche as portas! Baseado em mais de 600 histórias verídicas e no best-seller do aclamado investigador de OVNIs Budd Hopkins, este thriller de ficção científica explora o mundo bizarro e sombrio dos encontros com extraterrestres.
Quando o respeitado psiquiatra Dr. Neil Chase (Richard Crenna) começa a tratar Lesley Hahn (Daphne Ashbrook), que sofre de alucinações paralisantes, perdas de memória e paranóia maníaca, nenhuma explicação racional se parece ajustar àquele caso. Entretanto, uma dona-de-casa do Nebraska, Mary Wilkes (Mare Winningham) sofre dos mesmos sintomas. E quando o Dr. Chase a encontra e aprofunda ainda mais os dois casos, as semelhanças entre as suas histórias de pesadelo levam o que era antes céptico para o mistificador mundo dos raptos por OVNIs. Há mesmo uma presença extraterrestre a trabalhar aqui e, se é assim, vieram estes visitantes para salvar um mundo velho... ou para começar um novo? Os Últimos Invasores vão fazê-lo acreditar.
You can also read this : Bermuda Triangle interesting facts, secrets, history and theories.
The Bermuda Triangle has long been believed to be the site where a number of mysterious plane and boat incidents have occurred.
While it has become part of popular culture to link the Bermuda Triangle to paranormal activity, most investigations indicate bad weather and human error are the more likely culprits.
Research has suggested that many original reports of strange incidents in the Bermuda Triangle were exaggerated and that the actual number of incidents in the area is similar to that of other parts of the ocean.
While its reputation may scare some people, the Bermuda Triangle is actually part of a regularly sailed shipping lane with cruise ships and other boats also frequently sailing through the area.
Aircraft are also common in the Bermuda Triangle with both private and commercial planes commonly flying through the air space.
Stories of unexplained disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle started to reach public awareness around 1950 and have been consistently reported since then.
Unverified supernatural explanations for Bermuda Triangle incidents have included references to UFO’s and even the mythical lost continent of Atlantis.
Other explanations have included magnetic anomalies, pirates, deliberate sinkings, hurricanes, gas deposits, rough weather, huge waves and human error.
Some famous reported incidents involving the Bermuda Triangle include:
The USS Cyclops and its crew of 309 that went missing after leaving Barbados in 1918.
The TBM Avenger bombers that went missing in 1945 during a training flight over the Atlantic.
A Douglas DC-3 aircraft containing 32 people that went missing in 1958, no trace of the aircraft was ever found.
A yacht was found in 1955 that had survived three hurricanes but was missing all its crew.
More tags :
Bermuda Triangle (Film Subject),Devil's Sea (Body Of Water), National, Geographic, National Geographic, Another Bermuda Triangle, Bermuda Triangle, documentaries,n documentary, best documentary, youtube documentaries, documentaries online, beautiful mind, full documentary, Documentary (TV Genre)
Does The Sealand Skull Prove Aliens Visited Earth?
This strange and unexplained skull was discovered in July 2007, in Olstykke which is on the Danish Island Sealand.
The Sealand skull was discovered while digging was being performed for replacement of sewer pipes. The strange mystery was no other bones that fit to the skull have been found at the site, dispite extensive digging.
The skull was however found with other artifacts pertaining to the Neolithic age. Carbon dating of the skull put it’s age between 1200 and 1280 A.D.
The skull was found above the pipes being replaced, which suggests that the skull hasn’t been buried for long, maybe only 100 years ago.
The skull is 1 1/2 times larger than the size of a regular human cranium. The eye sockets are extremely larger than a normal human.
The skull has a very smooth surface which seems to point to it being adapted to a cold climate and the relative eye size is hypothesized to point to a nocturnal creature, something that lived underground, or lived with a very dim sun orbiting its planet.
Suggestions to why it was recently buried include that someone was keeping the skull as a secret, and finally decided to bury the skull to keep its existence unknown.
Really? human, no way!
The secret order!
There is an old tale in Olstykke and nearby villages, that tell of a member of the “Order of Pegasus’ Light” protected various items, which included an old mysterious cranium and several devices of extraordinary light. These extraordinary light devices were said to be unbreakable metal or ceramic.
Little is known about this “Secret Order” and what other artifacts it may be protecting, but locals claim alien artifacts are among the items hidden. The Order was established in 1350.
Some known members of the Order are William Shakespeare, H.G. Wells, Thomas Jefferson, Joseph Heller, Rene Descartes, Ambrose Bierce, Giovanni Boccaccio, and others – all writers.
Secrets, Aliens, Time Travel!
Why an order of writers would keep alien artifacts and devices is a little strange. But since the Order’s name suggests that possibly someone (time traveler or alien visitor?) from either the Pegasus galaxy or Pegasus constellation, came to Earth and gave us knowledge that was kept secret by this order. It does seem to suggest that these writers may have been influenced somehow by this “visitor” and they revealed some of the knowledge they learned through their writings. But no one knows for sure, and never will. But intriguing anyway right?
Case Unsolved
The skull has still to be proven to be fake.
29-04-2015 om 13:36
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
UFO Policy Cancelled By Royal Australian Air Force
UFO Policy Cancelled By Royal Australian Air Force
By Paul Dean 4-23-15
In the 1994, and further in 1996, the Australian Defence Department increasingly and officially washed their hands of the UFO/UAP matter. This came after some 44 years of official Defence handling of the issue, with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and the old Department of Air (DOA) begrudgingly doing the lion’s share of the investigative work - if you can call it “investigative work” that is. See, judging by the thousands of declassified and released pages held now at the National Archives of Australia (NAA), its crystal clear that those in RAAF and Aviation officialdom did a sub-standard job of , chronological filing, policy development, and last, but definitely not least, actual investigation. Veteran researcher Bill Chalker stated to me in my first phone conversation with him 6 years ago, that his opinion of the government’s handling of the matter, after looking through the files, was “an entirely lostopportunity” for a proper “scientific appraisal” of the UFO matter. He was right then, and he is right now.
As stated above, the Department of Defence (DOD) washed their hands of the matter in 1996, however, there was still, from 1996 until very recently, one final scant, almost useless, UFO policy for the Defence community to refer to when needed. It was titled “Defence Instructions (General) ADMIN 55-1, Unusual Aerial Sightings Policy”. Tonight I can report that even that policy has been cancelled, and I can even give you a date: the 25th of March, 2013. That’s it. The whole sorry state of affairs is really over. The RAAF, and DoD as a whole (with the exception of the RAAF’s 41 Wing “Contacts of Interest” Standing Instructions, of which has nothing to do with the public, or indeed, most of the DoD) truly holds no policy on the UFO matter. You can’t even expect to get a reply email or latter if you contact them. That’s it.
And here is how it ended.
Now, as mentioned above, the former 1996 to 2013 DoD policy on the subject of UFO’s (or Unusual Aerial Sightings as the RAAF referred to the issue) was titled “Defence Instructions (General) ADMIN 55-1, Unusual Aerial Sightings Policy”. It was dated 13 Jun 1996, and carries this statement:
“For many years the RAAF was responsible for the handling of Unusual Aerial Sightings (UAS) at the official level. This function ceased in 1996 after consideration of the scientific record suggested that there was no compelling reason for the RAAF to continue to devote resources to the recording and investigation of UAS.”
This instruction followed the 1994 policy change, which, for example, stated:
“Consideration of the scientific record suggests that, whilst not all UAS have a ready explanation, there is no compelling reason for the RAAF to continue to devote resources to recording, investigating and attempting to explain UAS. The RAAF no longer accepts reports on UAS…”
“Some UAS may relate to events that could have a defence, security or public safety implications, such as man-made debris falling from space, a burning aircraft or an aircraft making an unauthorised incursion into Australian air space. Where members of the community may have witnessed an event of this type they are encouraged to contact the police, civilian aviation authorities or coast watch.”
As one can see from these official statements, there was, by the mid-1990’s, a complete lack any interest in the UFO topic, or, any half decent faith in what people, sometimes very highly qualified, had been reporting to the RAAF for decades. It may be important to note here that the 1996 policy was slightly reviewed and amended in the year 2000 too. This becomes important, as we shall see.
On the 25th of June, 2014, I received a letter (which was actually a reply letter to earlier correspondence I sent to the Chief of Air regarding the stunning 1973 North West Cape UFO case) from the RAAF Director of Coordination, Group Captain Catherine Wallis. In her letter to me, she mentioned that the DOD’s 1996 Defence Instruction for Unusual Sightings Policy had been entirely cancelled in March 2013. She actually said, in black-and-white, that “…Defence has no current policy on this issue.”. Effectively, she was stating that the 1996 policy (which was barely a policy at all) had died. This was news to me. So I told those who would listen, and that was that.
Then… I had an idea……
The DOD can’t just “cancel” a Defence Instruction without various layers of administrative action and tasking taking place. There has to be paperwork. I mean, for starters, the actual 3 page policy itself must surely have the word “Cancelled” stamped over it. Or something. So, on the 24th of January, 2015, I sent a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the Defence FOI Branch, explaining to them their own pitiful UFO policy, and its total cancellation, with this brazen demand:
“I want to be furnished with a copy of the cancellation document(s); I also want to be furnished with copies of any and all material (memorandums; email letters; minutes of meetings; references to secondary material used in decision making processes; loose minutes; interagency correspondence with civil aviation bodies; etc.) that were created, used or “went in” to cancelling the above mentioned policy.”
Gotcha, Gotcha, Gotcha!
On the 27th January 2015, I received a reply from the Defence FOI Branch stating that my request for said material was valid, and would be processed. Nine weeks later, the requested material was emailed to me, on the 15th of April to be exact, and it contained a single PDF of 58 pages of Defence material: internal emails, briefs, minutes, distribution lists, procedural documents, and, of course, the actual cancellation of “Defence Instructions (General) ADMIN 55-1, Unusual Aerial Sightings Policy”, or, rather the policy front page, still intact, but with the word “Cancelation” at the bottom. Above (top) is an image of the policy cancellation. After 60 years of official involvement in the UFO, or “UAS”, matter, our DoD, spearheaded by the RAAF, that one word “Cancelation” formally finalises their having anything to do with the UFO/UAP phenomenon. I just hope that when a really serious incident occurs over Australia, witnessed by hundreds, plotted on synthetic aperture radar, over thousands of square kilometres, that they get their act together and take matters more seriously.
In my Part Two of this piece (hopefully published very soon) I will highlight the details from the other 57 pages of material they furnished me with, which is the process work which went into cancelling the policy, the opinions, the procedures and the bureaucracy involved. One day someone will look back and see what a piece of messy history it all is.
In the 1994, and further in 1996, the Australian Defence Department increasingly and officially washed their hands of the UFO/UAP matter. This came after some 44 years of official Defence handling of the issue, with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and the old Department of Air (DOA) begrudgingly doing the lion’s share of the investigative work - if you can call it “investigative work” that is. See, judging by the thousands of declassified and released pages held now at the National Archives of Australia (NAA), its crystal clear that those in RAAF and Aviation offialdem did a sub-standard job of , chronological filing, policy development, and last, but definitely not least, actual investigation. Veteran researcher Bill Chalker stated to me in my first phone conversation with him 6 years ago, that his opinion of the government’s handling of the matter, after looking through the files, was “an entirely lost opportunity” for a proper “scientific appraisal” of the UFO matter. He was right then, and he is right now.
As stated above, the Department of Defence (DOD) washed their hands of the matter in 1996, however, there was still, from 1996 until very recently, one final scant, almost useless, UFO policy for the Defence community to refer to when needed. It was titled “Defence Instructions (General) ADMIN 55-1, Unusual Aerial Sightings Policy”. Tonight I can report that even that policy has been cancelled, and I can even give you a date: the 25th of March, 2013. That’s it. The whole sorry state of affairs is really over. The RAAF, and DoD as a whole (with the exception of the RAAF’s 41 Wing “Contacts of Interest” Standing Instructions, of which has nothing to do with the public, or indeed, most of the DoD) truly holds no policy on the UFO matter. You can’t even expect to get a reply email or latter if you contact them. That’s it.
And here is how it ended.
Now, as mentioned above, the former 1996 to 2013 DoD policy on the subject of UFO’s (or Unusual Aerial Sightings as the RAAF referred to the issue) was titled “Defence Instructions (General) ADMIN 55-1, Unusual Aerial Sightings Policy”. It was dated 13 Jun 1996, and carries this statement:
“For many years the RAAF was responsible for the handling of Unusual Aerial Sightings (UAS) at the official level. This function ceased in 1996 after consideration of the scientific record suggested that there was no compelling reason for the RAAF to continue to devote resources to the recording and investigation of UAS.”
This instruction followed the 1994 policy change, which, for example, stated:
“Consideration of the scientific record suggests that, whilst not all UAS have a ready explanation, there is no compelling reason for the RAAF to continue to devote resources to recording, investigating and attempting to explain UAS. The RAAF no longer accepts reports on UAS…”
“Some UAS may relate to events that could have a defence, security or public safety implications, such as man-made debris falling from space, a burning aircraft or an aircraft making an unauthorised incursion into Australian air space. Where members of the community may have witnessed an event of this type they are encouraged to contact the police, civilian aviation authorities or coast watch.”
As one can see from these official statements, there was, by the mid-1990’s, a complete lack any interest in the UFO topic, or, any half decent faith in what people, sometimes very highly qualified, had been reporting to the RAAF for decades. It may be important to note here that the 1996 policy was slightly reviewed and amended in the year 2000 too. This becomes important, as we shall see.
On the 25th of June, 2014, I received a letter (which was actually a reply letter to earlier correspondence I sent to the Chief of Air regarding the stunning 1973 North West Cape UFO case) from the RAAF Director of Coordination, Group Captain Catherine Wallis. In her letter to me, she mentioned that the DOD’s 1996 Defence Instruction for Unusual Sightings Policy had been entirely cancelled in March 2013. She actually said, in black-and-white, that “…Defence has no current policy on this issue.”. Effectively, she was stating that the 1996 policy (which was barely a policy at all) had died. This was news to me. So I told those who would listen, and that was that.
Then… I had an idea……
The DOD can’t just “cancel” a Defence Instruction without various layers of administrative action and tasking taking place. There has to be paperwork. I mean, for starters, the actual 3 page policy itself must surely have the word “Cancelled” stamped over it. Or something. So, on the 24th of January, 2015, I sent a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the Defence FOI Branch, explaining to them their own pitiful UFO policy, and its total cancellation, with this brazen demand:
“I want to be furnished with a copy of the cancellation document(s); I also want to be furnished with copies of any and all material (memorandums; email letters; minutes of meetings; references to secondary material used in decision making processes; loose minutes; interagency correspondence with civil aviation bodies; etc.) that were created, used or “went in” to cancelling the above mentioned policy.”
Gotcha, Gotcha, Gotcha!On the 27th January 2015, I received a reply from the Defence FOI Branch stating that my request for said material was valid, and would be processed. Nine weeks later, the requested material was emailed to me, on the 15th of April to be exact, and it contained a single PDF of 58 pages of Defence material: internal emails, briefs, minutes, distribution lists, procedural documents, and, of course, the actual cancellation of “Defence Instructions (General) ADMIN 55-1, Unusual Aerial Sightings Policy”, or, rather the policy front page, still intact, but with the word “Cancelation” at the bottom. Below is an image of the policy cancellation. After 60 years of official involvement in the UFO, or “UAS”, matter, our DoD, spearheaded by the RAAF, that one word “Cancelation” formally finalises their having anything to do with the UFO/UAP phenomenon. I just hope that when a really serious incident occurs over Australia, witnessed by hundreds, plotted on synthetic aperture radar, over thousands of square kilometres, that they get their act together and take matters more seriously.
In my Part Two of this piece (hopefully published very soon) I will highlight the details from the other 57 pages of material they furnished me with, which is the process work which went into cancelling the policy, the opinions, the procedures and the bureaucracy involved. One day someone will look back and see what a piece of messy history it all is.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Australian Monthly UAP / UFO Reports
Australian Monthly UAP / UFO Reports
By Keith Basterfield 4-4-15
March 2015 Australian national level sightings listing
Compiled by Keith Basterfield and Paul Dean. This is the sixth in a series of Australian national level sightings listings, gathered from input by Australian civilian UAP groups, and other sources. Many of the reports in the listing have not been investigated and documented.
One of the reasons for the listing, is to draw people's attention to cases of which they might not be aware, and to stimulate them to then investigate and report back to us all. Paul and I would prefer to be publishing only cases which have been investigated, but the lack of investigated and published cases within Australia, would mean we would miss out on so many others. We have therefore chosen to compile as many as possible, with the hope, that over time, most cases we list here will have been investigated.
A man visited a property in Tasmania which has been the scene of previous unusual light phenomena. At 2040hrs on 20 March 2015, in the company of the two property owners, they brought his attention to a slight glow around the honey box which he thought was just normal light. Then, moving to a rear fence, the owners saw a light and the man tried to approach it. He "...could clearly see a golf ball sized light at 70??metres away sitting at the base of a tree." The man approached the light but lost sight of it. The owners told him "...the light had shrunk to a very small point source as I approached it."
At about 2100hrs, the man "...walked about 40 metres from the owners...and the 6 week old torch I had (with new batteries) started to act weird and the light would go on and off." After walking back, the torch resumed its usual functioning.
At about 2140hrs "...a second light appeared in the air about 2 metres (?) off the ground and about 5 metres to the left of the 'pilot light' which was still sitting at the base of the tree." The three went inside after watching for a while longer.
On the 21 March 2015 at 0610hrs, "I witnessed a light about the size (?) of a basketball (?) appear at approximately 70-100 metres away. It stayed in the air for about 4 seconds. I initially flashed my torch at it with no response from the light, which then moved to the right and I could not see it anymore."
"I also placed three game cameras (which work off localised heat sources) and set them to video function as normal. When I picked up the cameras, which had nothing of note on them, I found that two of them were now on still mode."
The man returned to the location on the 26 March. At 2015hrs the "pilot light" was again visible from the front gate. He approached this light but it faded so he returned to the gate. He could then see it again, approached but lost sight of it. The walkie talkie he had with him was working until he was about 100 metres away from the property owners, it started cutting in an out. He moved forward about another 100 metres, and a white light appeared at about 50/70 metres to his left and started flashing on and off. One second on and two seconds off. After about ten seconds another white light appeared about 10-15 metres to the right of the first light and this also turned on and off. After five minutes he returned to the farm. More lights were seen at 2245hrs and also on the following night.
(The above was summarised from a first hand account by the visiting male witness, supplied courtesy of Bill Chalker and TUFOIC. Keith Roberts of TUFOIC has kindly supplied us with a full account on the recurrent light phenomena.) . . .
March reports: 2 March 2015 1556hrs Mount Druitt, New South Wales ?minsRaw Raj Saini took a photograph during a thunderstorm. ACERN.
2 March 2015 2030hrs Howrah, Hobart, Tasmania Facebook & telephone. Bright light to north of Mt Wellington. The star like light brightens and fades, plus moves about a bit before descending behind hills. Astronomical. TUFOIC. 5 March 2015 0545hrs Near Wollongong, New South Wales ?mins Raw "Driving north along Sheepwash Rd heading towards East Bowral and west of Kangaloon...saw a flash lighting of deep blue colour light up the whole east side (left side of car) of the sky for a couple of seconds. At the same time the radio went off and then returned sounds after the blue flash had finished. There was a full moon on the right hand side of the car in the sky. I reported it to the ABC Illawarra radio station to see if anyone else saw it and confirmed what it was...ABC Illawarra confirmed they had an outage for 10 seconds around the same time."
5 March 2015 2130hrs Tweed Heads, New South Wales 20mins Raw Looking north at an elevation of about 45 degrees, Terri saw four medium sized white lights "circling almost dancing" which seemed to be contained in one cloud" on a cloudy night. One was slower than the others. "These lights did not stay in the same spot they moved close in a south direction." They then disappeared.
8 March 2015 Evening East of Nerang River, Queensland (40-50) secs Raw/IFO? Witness saw a "..big ball of light" before it faded out. "They then saw something black drop from the object." Seemed only 200 meters up in the air. No sound. No flashing lights. Suspected garbage bag balloon. UFO Research Queensland.
9 March 2015 0930hrs South-West Western Australia secs IFO Hundreds of people watched a silver object with a tail travel over south-west Western Australia. It was extremely bright. It exploded and there was a two second long ball of light. Identified as a fireball.
9 March 2015 ?hrs Safety Bay, Perth, Western Australia 20+mins Personal observation Amanda Lucks "Just recorded an orange orb over Safety Bay, Wambro Beach from my house in Waikiki. Very bright. Watched for 20+ minutes and it never moved left or right, only faded out. On video. It was flashing with red flashing lights." Perth UFO Casebook Facebook page.
12 March 2015 2129hrs Newcastle, new South Wales ?mins raw Adam saw "3 bright orange objects" travelling north. All at different times, but within a couple of minutes of each other. Faster than an aircraft. Burning. On a slight descent.
13 March 2015 (1830-1900)hrs Greenwood, Perth, Western Australia. ?mins Raw Greg Ramsden reported seeing "a fire cracker" travel across the sky. He had time to call two other people to watch it. It was lost in the distance. "Slower burning light" than a fireball. "I don't think it was a UFO." Travelled south to north in the eastern sky.
13 March 2015 2355hrs Apollo Bay, Victoria (2-3)secs Raw A bright lime-green coloured , object with a tail, was seen at azimuth 200 degrees, elevation 10-15 degrees. It was descending towards the sea. Orange sparks were trailing off it. It blinked out. A similar object was seen at 0036hrs 14 March 2015 by the same observer.
15 March 2015 1030hrs Canberra, Australian Capital Territory ?mins Raw A glint of light in the western sky caught the attention of the witness. "A disc shaped object not a long tube with wings" therefore not an aircraft. "Appeared to be spinning or pulsing." Moved slowly. "I often see objects like this in the area from time to time." Sunny day with intermittent cloud cover. MUFON case management system.
17 March 2015 1930hrs Dural, Sydney, New South Wales 10mins Raw Ron reported seeing lights in the sky, "green in the centre red surrounding them quite bright." Seen at 45 degrees north-west. The object was under dark rain clouds. "Moved about in a small area about half a kilometre away in erratic circles and then very slowly move away from this position going north-west till it disappeared 10 minutes later." No sound.
17March 2015 (1800-1830)hrs Northern Gold Coast, Queensland (3-4) secs Raw Witness noticed a bright red, pulsating light over the hinterland. It was close to a bright star in the sky. It then made a quick U-turn under the star and stopped close to the star. It then disappeared. UFO Research Queensland Facebook page.
17 March 2015 2255hrs McDowall, Queensland (3-4)secs Raw A glowing blue ball was noticed in the eastern sky. It was moving very quickly to the west. Emitted a high intensity light. It was apparently lower than the clouds. UFO Research Queensland Facebook page.
19 March 2015 2017hrs Ellenbrook, Perth, Western Australia 20mins Raw John Brown reported looking 45 degrees south, and seeing a "bright red and white flashing light which moved across the sky and then back again before moving out of sight.
19 March 2015 1930hrs Gorokan, Central Coast, New South Wales ?secs Josh Elton, 15, and other family members were in their lounge room, when they saw what they thought was a low flying aircraft. "It was swerving all around as we looked out to San Remo..." The 12 second video shows a very bright ball of light crossing a small portion of sky near the horizon. The video is available to view at the link below. The Express Advocate newspaper sent the video to UFOPRSA in Sydney. Dominic McNamara is cited as saying "Flashing lights are normally at a slower frequency, but can sometimes appear to be a revolving object instead...Interestingly, vector diagrams and measurement shows that it appears to change course ever so slightly towards the left of camera as it is about to be lost to sight...In the end it is impossible to say what this is...To date there is no other report of this."
19 March 2015 2130hrs Rose Bay, Tasmania 10secs Facebook Star like light at high elevation, travelling south but after ten seconds seems to fade out. Satellite. TUFOIC. 20 March 2015 0030hrs Wagga, New South Wales A photograph, showing a light trail in the sky, was submitted. MUFON Case management system.
20 March 2015 0200hrs St Leonards, New South Wales ?mins Raw Two people reported a boat sized rectangular object, hovering just above the water at a distance of 15 metres. MUFON Case management system.
21 March 2015 0000hrs Rockhampton, Queensland ?mins Raw A witness reported being attacked by a UFO, and that something took control of his mouth. MUFON Case management system.
22 March 2015 (2130-2200)hrs Patterson Lakes, Melbourne, Victoria ?mins Raw Ron and two other people were sitting on a balcony, when Ron saw a "red ball of light shoot up from somewhere, guessing in the Dingley, Westal or Springvale area...It started to head in our nearly flew directly over us...towards the Portsea area...lost sight of it." No flickering, and no sound. After 30 seconds to a minute, another one appeared.
23March 2015 1952hrs Shelly Beach, Ballina, New South Wales ?mins Raw A man saw a single, white light travelling north, faster than an aircraft. It was white, round, soundless. It was 10 degree elevation above the ocean. It then reduced in size and appeared to change course from north to east, as it got smaller and slowed, until it disappeared. It appeared to have a smaller light to the rear. UFO Research New South Wales.
26 March 2015 ?hrs Darwin, Northern Territory 10secs Raw A bright, lime green light in the sky was seen by 21 year old Yoanna Williams."It slowed right down and disappeared." Northern Territory News. 30 March 2015.
26 March 2015 2000hrs Eastern freeway, Melbourne, Victoria 30secs Raw Kylie and her partner saw a "...white object fly horizontally across the sky...It flew behind a cloud for a couple of reappeared...continued to fly north/west bound." White colour. Left no trail.
27 March 2015 Between 2000-2300hrs Long Reef, Sydney, New South Wales Personal observations. UFORNSW conducted a sky watch and CE5 session. On a clear, starry night a number of observers reported the following: Mariana - "Two objects briefly moving before fading out and also an extremely bright shooting star travelling east to west." Damien " I noticed 3 bright lights in a triangular formation at a 35 degree angle from my position...The centre light appeared to have a much smaller spherical light under it..." The lights moved and at one point two merged into one. Rozainah - Saw three very quick flashes from the corner of her eye towards the south-east. Also something like a smoke trail, very short and lasting a couple of seconds. John - Saw some flashes of light in the sky. One flashed brighter than other stars and then faded. Monita - An orange object at 70 degrees seen for 2 seconds. UFO Research New South Wales.
27 March 2015 1840hrs Gold Coast, Queensland ?mins Raw Sitting in a backyard, three people observed, overhead, a pulsating "bright ball of light" moving north. " was below the cloud line." It then changed direction to move north-east. It was soundless and moved at a constant speed. It finally "...disappeared out of the sky" at an angle of 30 degrees. MUFON Case management system.
28 March 2015 0600hrs Perth, Western Australia ?mins Personal observation Samuel Johnson reported "...a bright orange line shooting down slowly on the horizon east of was slow and then started to curve before going behind the hills." Perth UFO Casebook Facebook page. 28 March 2015 2015hrs Baulkham Hills, Sydney, New South Wales 9mins Raw Damien Nott advises: "This object was seen heading east to west over the city and then did a slow controlled half circle U-turn and then head back east towards Sydney at an upwards angle...seen by two witnesses and caught on two different cameras. On video it can be seen spitting out semi-transparent blobs of what appears to resemble white puffs of plasma like smoke." Via UFO Research New South Wales.
28 March 2015 2030hrs Ansons Bay Road, Tasmania 60mins Facebook & telephone contact Two witnesses were returning at about 8.30pm from a shooting trip, when they noticed a large light, low over paddocks. Estimated to be half kilometre or more from the road. They stop to view the light through binoculars and a rifle scope. It appears to be a triangle shape with a dome area above. The colour is a blend of green, red and yellow. Beneath, there seems to be ribbons of coloured light reaching down towards the ground. At this point a loud beep sound was heard and a white light was observed approaching from the south-east. It is only visible for 15 seconds as it performs a quick turn and disappears in the sky.
The witnesses now decide to see if they can approach closer to the light from nearby farm and bush tracks. Due to locked gates they fail to get any closer and after 30 minutes return to the road. The light is still there. They now shine their spotlight (range 350 metres) towards the light and it appears to reflect the light. Almost at once the object looks to move away from the road in a zig zag or circling movement and is soon lost to view. The two witnesses return home to St Helens and say they can still see a fading light, high up ion the sky.
The report was lodged on Facebook (29th March) with follow up by TUFOIC's Northern rep. Phil Polden. Investigation in progress. TUFOIC.
Older cases:
28 February 2015 2203hrs Hardwicke Bay/Warroka, South Australia ?mins Raw An individual noted that the wind increased, looked up and saw an object hovering over trees. The object had yellow and orange lights "around it shaped in a disc form." A beam of blue and white light came down from it. MUFON Case management system.
28 February 2015 1715hrs Olympic Park, Sydney, New South Wales 15mins Raw A "tiny silver dot" was seen in the sky. The witness was facing north, looking up at a 60-70 degrees elevation. It was lost, then found again, at 45 degrees east of the original position, and at 80 degrees elevation. It was slowly moving west, then made a slow right turn to head north. It was lost to sight behind trees/buildings. The sky was clear and blue.
9 February 2015 1930hrs Toowoomba/Clifton, Queensland 40mins "A man was driving from Toowoomba to Clifton when he saw two lights in the sky he thought could be planes. He continued driving but then saw three lights in the sky dipping up and down, so he pulled over to look at them through binoculars.
It was then he could see a shadow with lights around it that had a diffused shape. He continued to drive to Clifton and was outbound on his way to Leyburn when he saw an object with 8 golden yellow lights spinning around it about 25 to 50 meters in front of him, and at tree top level about 10-15 metres above him. The object was silent and the lights gave off no emanations on the surrounding environment. witness described thee lights as "looking like they were suspended in the sky." The witness observed the entire event over a 40 minute period while he travelled about 20 kms at very slow speed. There were two other drivers who he thought would have seen the light too." UFO Research Queensland.
6 February 2015 2035hrs Sydney, New South Wales ?mins Raw (Reported 12 March 2015.) Was filming the Moon rise as it was a new full moon, with Aiptek handheld camcorder - no filter on lens - in nigth vision setting. Did not notice the object until playback and in full screen mode. "In playback I noticed an orange globe - but find it hard to get a single frame. managed to capture an image - it was coming and going between frames which made it difficult. I was on the balcony in front of my apartment. In playback the object seemed to be heading straight up and disappear. In the clip it appears at 0.01 at 12 position." MUFON case management system.
February 2015 1630hrs Williamtown, New South Wales ?mins Raw Brett reported seeing five silver, diamond looking objects, "appearing tiny due to cruise height, flying south to north in formation."
8 January 2015 Ca. 2100hrs Bray Park, Brisbane, Queensland 3mins Raw Two people sitting outside a house saw an object in the sky. It dimmed and brightened a few times. It was moving slowly with small, erratic, movements. It moved off to the south-west at high speed. It was white in colour, and spherical in shape.
20 December 2014 2240hrs Logan, Queensland ?secs Raw An individual was sitting outside, looked up and saw a big white light. It went behind trees and was lost to view. Then, looking straight ahead "something streaked across the sky leaving a mustard yellowish orange streak. It faded in seconds. There was no associated sound. UFOPRSA "Phenomenon Times." February 2015.
27 October 2014 1637hrs Moonta, South Australia ?mins Raw (Reported 16 March 2015.) "Taking photos of a storm approaching from NW." Captured something in one of the pictures, it is small. Not in photos before or after. "A few other people around town I mentioned the object to have said they saw something flying in the clouds glowing a red or orange colour that same day." "I didn't notice the object at the time." MUFON case management system.
7 April 2012 2000hrs Warner, Queensland ?mins (Reported 12 February 2015.) "A young man was at a friend's house when they decided to walk to the local shop. They reached a high point on a hill and saw a deep orange dot in the sky. They didn't think anything of it but as they walked a few hundred metres and turned a corner they saw a bus-sized sphere about 50 metres above the road. It had a diameter of 4 metres and was moving silently at about 5km/hr. It appeared to be made of a fire or plasma and an orange/red colour. They heard a man yell "What the that" a girl scream and another girl crying. They watched it move at about 40 to 50 metres then it accelerated to 4/5 times its speed, then disappeared at a 45 degree angle. The object was extremely bright but didn't scatter any ambient light nor did the witness recall seeing it cast any shadows. Even though the light was bright it seemed to cause no harm to their eyes." UFO Research Queensland.
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Signs of Alien Life by 2025, Says NASA Chief Scientist
Signs of Alien Life by 2025, Says NASA Chief Scientist
Recent observations by planetary probes and telescopes on the ground and in space have shown that water is common throughout our solar system and the broader Milky Way galaxy.
Humanity is on the verge of discovering alien life, high-ranking NASA scientists say.
"I think we're going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade, and I think we're going to have definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years," NASA chief scientist Ellen Stofan said Tuesday (April 7) during a panel discussion that focused on the space agency's efforts to search for habitable worlds and alien life.
"We know where to look. We know how to look," Stofan added during the event, which was webcast live. "In most cases we have the technology, and we're on a path to implementing it. And so I think we're definitely on the road." [5 Bold Claims of Alien Life]
Former astronaut John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, shared Stofan's optimism, predicting that signs of life will be found relatively soon both in our own solar system and beyond.
"I think we're one generation away in our solar system, whether it's on an icy moon or on Mars, and one generation on a planet around a nearby star," Grunsfeld said during Tuesday's event.
Recent discoveries suggest that the solar system and broader Milky Way galaxy teem with environments that could support life as we know it, Grunsfeld said.
For example, oceans of liquid water slosh beneath the icy shells of the Jupiter moons Europa and Ganymede, as well as that of the Saturn satellite Enceladus. Oceans covered much of Mars in the ancient past, and seasonal dark streaks observed on the Red Planet's surface today may be caused by salty flowing water.
Further, NASA's Curiosity rover has found carbon-containing organic molecules and "fixed" nitrogen, basic ingredients necessary for Earth-like life, on the Martian surface.
Farther afield, observations by NASA's Kepler space telescope suggest that nearly every star in the sky hosts planets — and many of these worlds may be habitable. Indeed, Kepler's work has shown that rocky worlds like Earth and Mars are probably more common throughout the galaxy than gas giants such as Saturn and Jupiter.
And just as the solar system is awash in water, so is the greater galaxy, said Paul Hertz, director of NASA's Astrophysics Division.
New research suggests we might want to widen our search for Earth-like exoplanets.
The Milky Way is "a soggy place," Hertz said during Tuesday's event. "We can see water in the interstellar clouds from which planetary systems and stellar systems form. We can see water in the disks of debris that are going to become planetary systems around other stars, and we can even see comets being dissipated in other solar systems as star evaporates them." [6 Most Likely Places for Alien Life in the Solar System]
Hunting for evidence of alien life is a much trickier proposition than identifying potentially habitable environments. But researchers are working steadily toward that more involved and ambitious goal, Stofan and others said.
For example, the agency's next Mars rover, scheduled to launch in 2020, will search for signs of past life and cache samples for a possible return to Earth for analysis. NASA also aims to land astronauts on Mars in the 2030s — a step Stofan regards as key to the search for Mars life.
"I'm a field geologist; I go out and break open rocks and look for fossils," Stofan said. "Those are hard to find. So I have a bias that it's eventually going to take humans on the surface of Mars — field geologists, astrobiologists, chemists — actually out there looking for that good evidence of life that we can bring back to Earth for all the scientists to argue about."
NASA is also planning out a mission to Europa, which may launch as early as 2022. The main goal of this $2.1 billion mission will be to shed light on the icy moon's potential habitability, but it could also search for signs of alien life: Agency officials are considering ways to sample and study the plumes of water vapor that apparently erupt from Europa's south polar region.
In the exoplanet realm, the agency's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), an $8.8 billion instrument scheduled to launch in 2018, will scope out the atmospheres of nearby "super-Earth" alien planets, looking for gases that may have been produced by life.
JWST will scan the starlight that passes through the air of super-Earths, which are more massive than our own planet but significantly less so than gaseous worlds such as Uranus and Neptune. This method, called transit spectroscopy, will likely not work for potentially habitable Earth-size worlds, Hertz said.
earching for biosignature gases on small, rocky exoplanets will instead probably require direct imaging of these worlds, using a "coronagraph" to block out the overwhelming glare of their parent stars, Hertz added.
NASA's potential Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope, which may launch in the mid-2020s if given the official go-ahead, would include a coronagraph for exoplanet observations.
Blue UFO At Space Station On Live Cam, April 24, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
Blue UFO At Space Station On Live Cam, April 24, 2015, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: April 24, 2015 Location of sighting: space station The International Space Station has been a UFO hotspot for several years now. The live cam has giving us a lot of valuable images and video of suspected UFOs near the ISS. Streetcap1 of Youtube is the researcher who has caught the most amazing, closest and docked UFOs at the space station. This is another instance of that. This blue UFO was near the space station, and may have been there days later on April 28 when a launched rocket of the Russian cargo ship lost control and could not dock with the ISS. Perhaps they caused the cargo ship to spin out of control, as an experiment...what will NASA do about it? SCW
Local police have a report. Came home from work about 10 pm and sat on deck with a glass of wine (usual), glancing at a very bright light that came towards me after a while; the colors appeared as it got closer. Got a neighbor to observe, he took out binoculars to look; husband came out onto deck with his own binoculars observed what appeared to be a UFO lights.
I called 911 and 2 police officers arrived and also observed thru binoculars and I pulled out my cell phone which enhanced the image to film it. The police call the military and airport to see if anything flying planes, balloons, etc were in the area and they said “no.” The police reported the UFO to his Chief and the military said they were going to investigate asap; within 20 minutes, the object started to leave. I went inside because I was scared, but my husband and neighbor remained outside observing until it faded away. The entire event, for me, lasted about one hour, with others remaining to watch about another 1/2 hour. The UFO had beautiful bright colors in an oval shape with a dome on the top; seemed like it had individual windows with objects shooting out from it.
At one point it had a very bright red light, but other colors were blue, green, yellow, red. I was excited and scared at the same time. My phone was the only phone that picked it up. I had a HTC 1, an Android. I also filmed this event on my cell for 23 minutes which my brother-in-law will upload. I appeared on ABC news and “Good Morning America” to talk about this event.
The Lost Cosmonauts of the USSR are still Out There
Conquering space came at a great cost. While those that have died trying to claim the heavens are tooted as heroes—and for good reason—there are some whose names are never sung despite the fact that their frozen remains are probably hurtling through space in derelict capsules. They are the phantom cosmonauts of the USSR.
At the height of the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union were locked in a competition to become the first to overcome the final frontier.
But while the American public had more or less access to the details of the Space Race, the Soviets kept a tight lid on most of their missions. But despite their secrecy, information has managed to leak out and it doesn’t paint a pretty picture.
There are sources who suggest that the early missions of the Soviet space program experienced catastrophic failures that resulted in loss of life. According to this theory, some of the cosmonauts made it to outer space but never made it back.
The story begins with two Italian brothers, Giovanni and Achille Judica-Cordiglia. The two amateur radio operators had a passion for picking up radio transmissions between cosmonauts and the Soviet ground control. Using a basic setup, the Cordiglia brothers had managed to intercept signals sent by the Sputnik satellite and even eavesdrop on Laika, the canine explorer aboard Sputnik II.
On November 28, 1960, the Cordiglia Bros. tuned into a Soviet frequency and picked up what sounded like an SOS signal coming from beyond Earth. They listened as the signal weakened and eventually stopped altogether. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the SOS signal was that it registered almost no speed relative to the Earth; combined with the gradual weakening of the signal, this suggests that the source was moving away from Earth.
Giovanni and his brother believed they had just picked up on the distress signal of a desperate cosmonaut whose capsule had overshot the Earth’s orbit and was slowly drifting away into space.
The following year, they detected another Soviet transmission which sounded like the strained breathing and irregular heartbeat of an unconscious man. They showed the recording to their father, a cardiologist, who believed that they had heard a man suffocating and suffering cardiac arrest.
The Judica-Cordiglia brothers released a total of nine recordings over a period of four years. One of them stands out in particular.
Recorded in May 1961, the dramatic transmission features the panicked voice of a woman who was documenting her last minutes alive as her capsule burned up during reentry into Earth’s atmosphere. At first she seems levelheaded but as the transmission continues, she begins to panic and her voice becomes more distraught. Here is the transcript and below you will find the transmission itself:
come in…come in…come in…
Listen!…Listen…COME IN!…COME IN!…COME IN!…Talk to me!
TALK TO ME!…I am hot!…I AM HOT!
end transmission”
While some question the veridity of the Cordiglia brothers’ recordings, there are many who believe the two radio enthusiasts provided irrefutable proof concerning the secret Soviet casualties of the Space Race. According to proponents of the phantom cosmonaut theory, as many as eleven men and women died in outer space or during reentry.
The Soviet Union dismissed the theory but with all the secrecy surrounding their space program, we have to conclude that there might be some truth behind these allegations. Unfortunately, the evidence—if there is any indeed—now rests in cold metal caskets drifting aimlessly through space. Will they ever be found and given proper recognition?
A Mississippi witness driving south on Natchez Trace about a half-mile past I-20 at Ridgeland reported watching a low flying object with a row of orange lights that rolled into a vertical position about 8:45 p.m. on April 25, 2015, according to testimony in Case 64965 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
“A car was ahead of me about eight car lengths,” the witness stated. “I followed along and noticed in my rearview mirror what appeared to the reflection of a row of orange lights. I thought it might be the top f a large truck. The row moved across my windshield and I thought it was a reflection but there was something about it that caused me to take my eyes off the road and look up.”
The witness first thought the lights could be identified.
“I then saw what I thought was a private jet or small plane due to the winged light shape moving west to east. A bright white light blinked from the center. As I watched I thought to myself that the plane was awfully low to be coming in for landing at Jackson Evers Airport, some distance away.”
Witness illustration. (Credit: MUFON)
The object then began to roll.
“As I followed it with my eyes, it began a roll. It appeared to roll as if banking to the right. But it remained in a straight line flight. When I saw it disappear behind trees, the lights had rolled into a completely vertical position. My impression was that it was still l rolling over, but I could not see it anymore to confirm this.”
The witness is looking for answers to what the object could have been.
“I believe someone will come forward and say it was a drone or some other explanation. I know there is a radio jet air show at the nearby John Bell Williams Airport. Also, Hinds Community College has a drone program. I feel sure there is an explanation…but I feel compelled to report this incase it is not something that can be explained away.”
The witness attempted to draw the object and provided one illustration with the MUFON report, which was filed on April 25, 2015.
“The drawing attached shows three images of only one object as it moves right to left. Three views of a single object. It is not perfect but best I can do for now.”
Ridgeland is a city in Madison County, Mississippi, population 24,047.
The witness was driving south on Natchez Trace about a half-mile past I-20 at Ridgeland and reported watching a low flying object with a row of orange lights that rolled into a vertical position about 8:45 p.m. on April 25, 2015. (Credit: Google)
Mississippi is currently a UFO Alert Level 5 – with 0.67 sightings per million population based on MUFON February 2015 statistics. Mississippi received a total of two UFO reports in March.
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Several residents of the Hunts Point area in the Bronx reported spotting UFOs on Saturday night. Many of them called 911 to report their sighting, but when a reporter called for more information, the NYPD threatened to hang up.
According to the New York Post, residents in Hunts Point began reporting bright objects shooting across the sky at around 6:30 pm on Saturday, April 25, 2015.
Map of the Hunts Point area in Bronx, NY. The red marker is at East 149th Street and the Bruckner Expressway, where the UFO was initially reported. (Credit: Google Maps)
Although many say they called 911, a story in the Inquisitr reports that the authorities were not very keen to talk about it. According to a tweet by a New York Times reporter, when he called the NYPD he was told that if he asked about the UFO he would “hear a dial tone.”
The reporter, Liam Stack, tweeted later, “Pro tip: the NYPD public affairs office really does not like it when you call on a Saturday night to ask about UFOs in the Bronx.”
The New York Post says that according to a New York City Fire Department (FDNY) source, one resident had called in terrified when she saw a “flying spaceship” fly over the Hunts Point area.
The New York Post also talked to Juan Marrero, another witness. He explained, “I look up and see this fireball, ‘Whoosh!’ and then another, ‘Whoosh!’”
Marrero, described as a “pigeon fancier” by the New York Post, was on his rooftop when he spotted the UFOs. He says it was about 11:30 pm when he saw the two bright streaks shoot across the sky. He said they moved “From one side of the sky to the other, too fast for an airplane.”
Another witness, Andres Morales, also saw a UFO and was able to snap a picture.
“I stuck my hand out the car window and snapped like crazy,” he told the New York Post. “I don’t know what it was but it was moving crazy fast.”
UFO picture taken in the Bronx. (Credit: Andres Morales/New York Post)
There was no information provided as to when Morales took his picture. The sun looks high in the sky in Morales’ picture. At 11:30 pm it would have been dark. If he saw the object in the 6:30 pm time frame, that would have been about an hour before sunset. It is hard to tell if he even really caught the object on camera at all. The picture could be showing a lens flare, which is common when shooting into the sun.
Close-up of the UFO in the picture taken in the Bronx. (Credit: Andres Morales/New York Post)
The New York Post asked New York City based UFO journalist Ryan Sprague what he thought of the sightings. Sprague told them that there were similar sightings in this area last year. He says, “I definitely think we’re dealing with anomalies that could potentially be nonhuman.”
Ryan Sprague
Although, Sprague also noted that Hunts Point is near La Guardia Airport, so sightings in the area could be due to “misidentifications.”
Even so, Sprague does not think UFO sightings in the area should automatically be discounted. He says the sightings last year had similar descriptions. He says witnesses reported that the UFO “just sort of hovered, stationary, and then shot off in the blink of an eye.”
“The maneuvers these objects seem to be making don’t fit with any current technology that we’re aware of,” Sprague said. “They’re not moving, then darting off at unbelievable speeds.”
One resident took a light hearted perspective on the sightings. He posited that perhaps aliens were coming to the Bronx to learn how to break dance.
In a follow up story by the New York Post, other Bronx residents had a similar sentiment. Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. says he would welcome extraterrestrial visitors. He added, “And we would expect that if you traveled all that distance to Earth, you would want to see The Bronx first.”
Local bodega worker Hector Flores told the New York Post, “If that thing really was a UFO and they were just checking us out of curiosity, I say, ‘Welcome to our planet, dudes.’”
Flores joked, “As long as you’re coming in peace, we can chill. I’ll introduce you to some ladies. Just don’t eat me!”
Referring to the movie Men in Black, a spokesman for Bronx-based Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie told the New York Post, “Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are on the case.”
However, Ted Roe, executive director of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP), says sightings like this need to be taken seriously by authorities.
“When you have an issue like this, in an area with high-level public interest, science needs to engage, not ignore it,” says Roe. “These things are in controlled airspace over cities, so that’s a concern.”
Roe added, “If we have things moving about in the sky that pilots aren’t trained to react to, it’s important to figure out what it is. It’s a safety factor. We need to pay attention to what’s going on out there.”
Local experts at the New York State chapter of the Mutual UFO Network have attributed Saturday’s sightings to the Lyrid’s meteor shower, which lasted from April 22 to 26. A NASA spokesperson told the New York Post that they had received at least one report of a meteor at around 4:20 am on Sunday.
A large fireball set social media ablaze in Northern Ireland on Sunday. It was seen at about 10 pm Sunday night and was caught on video. A representative from a local observatory told theBelfast Telegraph that a space rock the size of a grapefruit was most likely responsible for the fireball.
He explained, “Upon entering the atmosphere, friction – air molecules bouncing off it – caused it to heat up and glow. This light that we see from the ground is what we call a meteor. Eventually, the intense heat caused it to vaporise completely before reaching the ground.”
A pyramid is defined by a shape that is roughly that of a pyramidal structure in the geometric sense; that is, its outer surfaces are triangular and converge upwards.
Everyone has heard of the Pyramids of Giza, but pyramid building has come in many forms across the civilisations. The following is a list of ten pyramids you’ve probably never heard of…
1 Monte d’Accoddi
Monte d’Accoddi is an archaeological site in northern Sardinia, Italy, located in the territory of Sassari near Porto Torres. It is the site of a megalithic structure, the oldest part are dated to around c. 4,000-3,650 BC and discovered in 1954, in a field owned by Segni family.
The structure has a base of 27 m by 27 m and probably reached a height of 5.5 m. It culminated in a platform of about 12.5 m by 7.2 m, accessible via a ramp. It has been variously described as an altar, a temple or a step pyramid.
Monte d’Accoddi : WikiPedia
2 Great Pyramid of Cholula
The Great Pyramid of Cholula, also known as Tlachihualtepetl (Nahuatl for “artificial mountain”), is a huge complex located in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico. It is the largest archaeological site of a pyramid (temple) in the New World. The pyramid stands 55 metres (180 ft) above the surrounding plain, and in its final form it measured 400 by 400 metres (1,310 by 1,310 ft).
The pyramid is a temple that has traditionally been viewed as having been dedicated to the god Quetzalcoatl. The architectural style of the building was closely linked to that of Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico, although influence from the Gulf Coast is also evident, especially from El Tajín.
Great Pyramid of Cholula : WikiPedia
3 Greek pyramids
Greek pyramids, also known as the Pyramids of Argolis, refers to several structures located in the plain of Argolid, Greece. The best known of these is known as the Pyramid of Hellinikon. In the time of the geographer Pausanias it was considered to be a tomb. Twentieth century researchers have suggested other possible uses.
Greek pyramids : WikiPedia
4 Pyramid of Cestius
The Pyramid of Cestius is an ancient pyramid in Rome, Italy, near the Porta San Paolo and the Protestant Cemetery. It stands at a fork between two ancient roads, the Via Ostiensis and another road that ran west to the Tiber along the approximate line of the modern Via della Marmorata. Due to its incorporation into the city’s fortifications, it is today one of the best-preserved ancient buildings in Rome.
The pyramid was built about 18 BC–12 BC as a tomb for Gaius Cestius, a magistrate and member of one of the four great religious corporations in Rome, the Septemviri Epulonum. It is of brick-faced concrete covered with slabs of white marble standing on a travertine foundation, measuring 100 Roman feet (29.6 m) square at the base and standing 125 Roman feet (37 m) high.
Pyramid of Cestius : WikiPedia
5 Nubian pyramids
Nubian pyramids are pyramids that were built by the rulers of the Kushite ( centered on Napata and Meroe) and Egyptian kingdoms. Prior to the Kushites building these pyramids (which are located in modern day Sudan), there had been no pyramid construction in Egypt and the Nile Valley for more than 500 years.
The area of the Nile valley known as Nubia, which lies within present day Sudan, was home to three Kushite kingdoms during antiquity. The first had its capital at Kerma from (2600–1520 BC). The second was centered on Napata from (1000–300 BC). Finally, the last kingdom was centered on Meroë (300 BC–AD 300).
Nubian pyramids : WikiPedia
6 Madghacen
Madghacen is a royal mausoleum-temple of the Berber Numidian Kings which stands near Batna city in Aurasius Mons in Numidia – Algeria. Madghis was a king of independent kingdoms of the Numidia, between 300 to 200 BC Near the time of neighbor King Masinissa and their earliest Roman contacts.
Madghacen : WikiPedia
7 La Quemada Votive Pyramid
La Quemada is a Mesoamerican archeological site, also known (according to different versions) as Chicomóztoc. La Quemada is made up of numerous different size masonry platforms built onto the hill, these were foundations for structures built over them. On the south and southeastern sides is a high concentration of ceremonial constructions, some of which are complexes made up of sunken patio platforms and altar-pyramid, a typical Mesoamerican architectonic attribute.
Votive Pyramid. This structure, more than 10 metres high, is highlighted by the angle of its slopes. During Corona Nuñez works, in 1995, slope vestiges with remains of a stairway were found, that ascended the south side of the pyramid. With time the middle and top parts crumbled to the ground, where they can be seen at the present time. Originally, the stairway reached the top of the pyramid where a room or temple constructed with perishable materials apparently existed.
La Quemada Votive Pyramid : WikiPedia
8 Koh Ker
Koh Ker is a remote archaeological site in northern Cambodia about 120 kilometres (75 mi) away from Siem Reap and the ancient site of Angkor. It is a very jungle filled region that is sparsely populated.
Under the reign of the kings Jayavarman IV and Harshavarman II Koh Ker was briefly the capital of the whole empire (928–944 AD). Jayavarman IV forced an ambitious building program. An enormous water-tank and about forty temples were constructed under his rule. The most significant temple complex, a double sanctuary (Prasat Thom/Prang), follows a linear plan and not a concentric one like most of the temples of the Khmer kings. Unparalleled is the seven tiered and 36-metre (118 ft) high pyramid, which most probably served as state temple of Jayavarman IV. Really impressive too are the shrines with the two meter 6 ft 7 in high lingas.
Koh Ker : WikiPedia
9 Pyramids of Güímar
The Pyramids of Güímar refer to six rectangular pyramid-shaped, terraced structures, built from lava stone without the use of mortar. They are located in the district of Chacona, part of the town of Güímar on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. The structures have been dated to the 19th century and their original function may well be explained as a byproduct of contemporary agricultural techniques.
Other pyramids employing the same methods and materials of construction can be found in various sites on Tenerife. In Güímar itself there were nine pyramids, only six of which survive.
Pyramids of Güímar : WikiPedia
10 Sukuh
Sukuh (Indonesian: Candi Sukuh is a 15th-centuryJavanese-Hindu step pyramid temple (candi) that is located on the western slope of Mount Lawu (elev. 910 m (3000 ft)) on the border between Central and East Java provinces.
Sukuh temple has a distinctive thematic reliefs from other candi where life before birth and sexual education are its main theme. Its main monument is a simple pyramid structure with reliefs and statues in front of it, including three tortoises with flattened shells and a male figure grasping his penis. A giant 1.82 m (6 ft) high of lingga (phallus) with four balls, representing penile incisions, was one of the statues that has been relocated to the National Museum of Indonesia.
Nasa Super Pressure Balloon Mistaken for UFO in Australia
Nasa Super Pressure Balloon Mistaken for UFO in Australia
Many people in Victoria took a Nasa balloon for an unidentified flying object (UFO) and one of them even called police, the Southland Times reported.
People soon took to social media after spotting Nasa balloon in the sky above Victoria and thought it was a UFO.
Victorian Storm Chasers updated their Facebook page with a post saying "We have had a few images coming into the page about the mysterious slow high flying light over parts of Victoria tonight".
"We are able to confirm that it is a Nasa Super Pressure Balloon (SPB) which was launched last month in New Zealand," it read.
Many people had commented on the post saying they thought it was a UFO and the post had laid an unanswered question about what the mystery object was to rest.
Others said they thought it was the planet Venus, a jellyfish in the sky or the Goodyear blimp. The post was shared over 700 times and received almost 1,000 comments.
One witness was driving when she saw the light in the sky.
"I looked up and there was this weird thing in the sky, and there was a lot of other cars stopping to look at it too. It looked like a white circle with lines across it. It just didn't look right," she was quoted as saying.
She called police who took a report of the incident. The $1.6 million helium balloon was launched from Wanaka Airport in New Zealand on March 27.
It was expected to circle the world two or three times before landing in South America.
What are the Vimana? Are they ancient flying machines? We have been told that the Wright brothers were the first to fly in 1903. Was it the Wright brothers who managed to turn dream into reality? Or is it possible that the dream of flight, was something present in ancient India, thousands of years ago? Today, Vimana is the name attributed to a flying machine used by the gods of ancient India. The earliest accounts of this amazing civilization are written in Sanskrit thousands of years ago, where different types of Vimanas are referred to. These strange flying machines were used in incredible battles, battles resembling modern-day jet panes engaging into action, but only hundreds of years before Christ. In the Mahabharata, these incredible battles are described. The Vimanas are mentioned forty-one times with sophisticated combat weapons that shoot beams of light.
The ancient texts refer to King Salva attacks against the city of Dwaraka, where the God Krishna lived. Salva leads a flying Vimana called Saubha that has the power to become invisible. Krishna returns the attack with lightning that locates and destroys his enemies through sound.
The Ramayana also makes reference to incredible flying machines, telling the adventures of Princess Sita, kidnapped by the evil Ravana, where a Vimana called Puspaka is mentioned.
According to researchers, these ancient texts also refer to incredible technologies like anti gravity. Dr. Ruth Reyna of the University of Chandrigarh managed to translate some of the texts written in Sanskrit that make reference to "anti-gravitational" forces. Technology that the Yogis developed to "levitate". According to research, the same anti-gravitational force is what allowed the Vimana to move freely through space.
The Viana are mentioned in several other texts, apart from Hindu mythology, indicating that these flying machines of the gods were a possibility thousands of years ago. Doctor Raghavan says that the technology was brought by beings from other planets thousands of years ago at a time when the Anunnaki lived among people and the Sumeria culture flushed in ancient Mesopotamia.
Many Ufologists believe that the Vimana are what we today refer to as "flying saucers". These mysterious vehicles are piloted by otherworldly beings and we can find proof of them in ancient texts across the globe, like the Sanskrit where the flying machines are mentioned in detail. Researchers believe that there are many other texts that have not been translated yet, and hold important details regarding otherworldly visitations and their technology thousands of years ago.
"Those who came from above" is, in Sumerian language, Anunnaki. Ancient Astronaut theorists believe that the Anunnaki showed the Sumerians, then the Babylonians, how to build and manage these sophisticated machines. Some believe that his knowledge extended all the way to ancient India pointing towards the iconography of some Hindu gods and some mythological accounts as being evidence of a possible connection to the ancient Anunnaki.
And if ancient texts don't convince you about ancient flying machines, then check out the incredible similarities between NASA's new Orion capsule and the ancient Indian Vimanas.
Stephen Hawking said there is only one way for humanity to survive another millennium.
“We must continue to go into space for the future of humanity,” Hawking said. “I don’t think we will survive another 1,000 years without escaping beyond our fragile planet.”
The famed physicist spoke via hologram – created using two cameras in his office – before sold-out audiences Saturday and Sunday at the Sydney Opera House, reported the Australian Broadcasting Company.
John Webb, who helped organize the lecture and oversees the Big Questions Institute at the University of New South Wales, said governments tend to overlook long-term solutions to important topics because they cost too much and offer little immediate return.
He said Hawking fears that humanity will ultimately be undone by its innate aggression – which has possibly outlived its usefulness.
“That may have been useful at some point in the early history of humanity, enabling us to find food and get a partner and things like that, but he thinks that aggression that remains with us today is now the thing that could well end up destroying us,” Webb said. “I think he’s put a time on it to make us realize we’ve got to take better control of what we’re doing.”
The 73-year-old Hawking, who suffers from a motor neuron disease, encouraged his audience to appreciate the wonder of the universe and to make sense of what they see.
“Be curious, and however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at,” he said.
Hawking took questions from the audience – and he used a lighthearted one about the recent departure of Zayn Malik from the pop group One Direction to make a larger point about theoretical physics.
“My advice to any heartbroken young girl is to pay attention to the study of theoretical physics because, one day, there may well be proof of multiple universes,” Hawking said.
“It would not be beyond the realms of possibility that somewhere outside of our own universe lies another, different universe and, in that universe, Zayn is still in One Direction,” he added.
Hieroglyphics Experts Declare Ancient Egyptian Carvings in Australia to be AUTHENTIC
Hieroglyphics Experts Declare Ancient Egyptian Carvings in Australia to be AUTHENTIC
April 28, 2015 - Based in Egypt, the continuing research of the Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism is focused on the implications of the evidence left behind for us to discover by the indigenous and the ancients of Egypt.
Drawing on the expertise of hieroglyphics expert Mohamed Ibrahim and Khemit School Co-Director Yousef Abd’el Hakim Awyan (who has studied ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs his entire life), the Khemit School Team worked tirelessly over recent months, deciphering the mysterious (and hotly disputed) set of around 300 early-Egyptian hieroglyphs carved into remote rock walls in bushland near Gosford NSW, on the east coast of Australia.
And the result? Not only are the Gosford ‘Glyphs legitimate, the scribes accurately used several ancient hieroglyphs and ‘grammatical’ variations which, crucially, were not even documented in Egyptian hieroglyphic texts until 2012, immediately disproving all long-standing ‘hoax’ theories. The specific style of hieroglyphs used also provides a linguistic time-frame that places an Egyptian presence in Australia at least 2,500 years ago, while the translated text is even so detailed as to identify the ancient scribes, by name and occupation.
In this history-writing presentation, Patricia Awyan (Co-Director of the Khemit School) and the Khemit team provide details of the team’s research methodology, a translation of the wall’s narrative, and an extensive 3-part interview and expert analysis of the Gosford ‘glyphs featuring Mohamed Ibrahim and Yousef Abd’el Hakim Awyan.
Egyptian Hieroglyphs Written During Ancient Times
The Khemit School Team has visited, documented and completed an in depth study of the now famous “Gosford Glyphs” located near Kariong, about 60 km north of Sydney, Australia
Last February, Beatrice Awyan and I embarked on a journey of discovery to both New Zealand and Australia as I was invited to present a series of lectures in Auckland, NZ and Melbourne, AU. After we announced our journey, we were delighted to receive invitations from Sonya van Gelder and Steve & Evan Strong, to visit the Gosford ‘Glyph site with them to view what many believe to be very ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs carved on 2 very large sandstone rocks in a remote area in the forest.
Reports of these enigmatic glyphs date back to the early 1900’s, and there has been much controversy about whether they were placed there as a hoax – or that they were in fact, carved by one or more Egyptians in ancient times.
My husband, Yousef and Mohamed Ibrahim were so excited by the prospect of our visit, that they began to study the pictures of the Glyphs (that had been sent to us by Sonya at an earlier date) in order to create a video of their findings — so that Beatrice and I would have something to offer as a gift, in return for this generous invitation.
It was not long before they were both bustling with enthusiasm over what they were discovering! Not only did they believe that they were authentic… but they could begin to understand the story that the glyphs were telling us. We all knew that a much more thorough and in-depth examination would be necessary- but, we went ahead and filmed a short video of their findings to present to our hosts.
After spending many wonderful moments with both old and new friends in New Zealand and Melbourne, as well as being introduced to much evidence that points toward the possibility of a very ancient connection of Egypt with both New Zealand and Australia — we were ready to explore the site at Gosford.
Beatrice and I were honored to learn that we would be meeting respected Original Elder and custodian of the women’s’ lore of the area, Auntie Beve, also known by her tribal name, Goolabeen. (I am sad to report that Auntie Beve passed shortly after we left, in April. Her vibrant spirit touched me deeply, and I know that memories of her inspiring legacy of service and achievements will live on in the hearts of many.)
We were also honored to be accompanied by Aboriginal Star Lore author and lecturer, Stella Wheildon, who has been entrusted with the gift of the wisdom of the Ngarakwal traditional lore, given to her by Mrs. Marlene Boyd, a direct ‘bloodline to country’ descendant of the Seven Sisters Star Lore – the ancient matrilineal culture of traditions, lore and customs of the Bird Tribes of Australia.
The Grandmother Tree
Although Steve Strong was unable to join us, we were happy to meet Evan and have him share some of the work that he and his father had been doing for many years. In fact, we were grateful to be introduced to many fascinating people that day, all coming together in the interest of protecting this site — and honoring its historical and multi-level significance.
As we were led down the path through the forested area, we soon discovered that there was much more to this site than a few rocks with Egyptian hieroglyphs on them. They are encased in a natural paradise, known to be a sacred area, as a meeting place (in separate locations) for both men and women. I was especially enchanted by the Grandmother Tree, a huge leaning angophora tree which has stood tall for hundreds of years, just a few steps from the sandstone rocks blanketed with ancient inscriptions.
As I came around the corner to view the carved script for the first time, I was surprised at my own reaction. They seemed to be alive, and to speak to me from the distant past. I could almost feel the energy of the writers – and based on what I already knew of story they were telling, began to understand their plight.
The sandstone rocks were huge, creating a tall corridor that we were told, once had a roof that covering it. We were guided around the surrounding area and saw many more items of interest, including a shaft that seemed to go deeply inside an area underneath one of the sandstone boulders, as well as more hieroglyphic inscriptions!
The Gosford ‘Glyphs
Beatrice and I were blessed to have experienced many powerful moments that afternoon, as we explored the sacred area before gathering again that evening where we were able to present our film of Yousef and Mohamed’s quick interpretation of the Glyphs.
We were elated to witness Auntie Beve’s reaction, who told us that the interpretation Mohamed and Yousef shared, matched the information handed down to her by the ancestors. She spoke to us of how hard she was working to save this and other sacred areas of Australia’s Original people — from destruction, vandalism or sale by the government.
We made a promise to her that we would return to Egypt, with all the photographs and video taken by Beatrice at the site, to give to Yousef and Mohamed so they could begin a thorough examination, in order to present a much more convincing presentation that we would give to her to help her and others in their efforts to maintain the integrity of the site and its significance to the Original people of Australia.
And so…
The Khemit School dedicates this video presentation, produced by Sadat and Beatrice Awyan, to Auntie Beve and all of the Original people of Australia.
Translating the Gosford ‘GlyphsPart I:
We introduce you to The Gosford Glyphs found in Kariong, New South Wales and we address the question of whether ancient Egyptians had the capability of traveling to Australia.
Part II:
We speak about the authenticity of the Glyphs and how we deciphered them utilizing well known Hieroglyphics texts and other resources.
Part III:
We discuss who wrote these ancient symbols and the message they were delivering on the sandstone blocks, pointing to a possible long term connection between these two ancient civilizations.
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The 25 million year old Lake Baikal and its mysterious UFO encounters
The 25 million year old Lake Baikal and its mysterious UFO encounters
April 28, 2015 - Have you heard about the great Siberian Lake Baikal? It has always been a mysterious place where numbers UFO sightings have been reported. It is one of those places where you wouldn’t want to end up alone at night. Its reputation as one of the deepest lakes is reinforced with numerous stories of UFOs and alien beings living inside bases under its deep waters. According to many, Lake Baikal is in fact an underwater metropolis that houses many highly secret facilities. Just like Dulce Base in the United States, it is believed that Lake Baikal has its very own secret research facility. The UFO sightings that have been reported in the vicinity of the Lake, are believed to be directly connected to mysterious bases located hundreds of meters below the surface.
Lake Baikal is one of the deepest and most ancient lakes on the planet. Lake Baikal is categorized as a rift lake, this means it was formed within a deep rift created by tectonic movement along fault lines. The lake has a surface area of 31,722 square kilometers and a depth of 1,642 meters. According to researchers, this lake is at least 25 million years old. Some scholars refer to this lake as The Galapagos of Russia.
The truth is that Lake Baikal is the most important center of sightings in Russia and one of the most prolific in the world. It has become so famous that Steven Spielberg is planning a documentary based on these strange stories surrounding the lake. Military divers have reported numerous encounters with alien beings while working in the depths of the lake, and military officials and civilians have seen a large number of cigar-shaped objects and other strange-looking spheres emerging from the depths of Lake Baikal.
People living in the area have reported seeing many flying saucers in the skies, and some have even reported that tall humankind beings descend from the flying saucers that roam the skies near Lake Baikal.
One of the most famous encounters with mysterious beings was reported in 1982, when seven military divers encountered three mysterious humanoid beings at a depth of 50 meters. According to the reports, these strange beings were dressed in tight silver suits. The beings did not have any diving devices like divers do, only strange helmets. Some experts have compared the descriptions of these beings seen in the lake with ancient petroglyphs where similar strange-looking beings are depicted with very similar helmets as those reported by the divers. The mysterious beings that have been seen by military divers, wear mysterious equipment resembling modern-day astronaut suits.
Together with the mysterious UFO encounters, there have been numerous reports of vessels disappearing in the waters of Lake Baikal. Locals have reported mysterious objects appearing on the lake, objects materializing and dematerializing, pointing to a list of unexplained phenomena in its waters.
Lake Baikal in Russia is truly one of the most mysterious places on this planet. The mysteries surrounding the lake and otherworldly encounters have inspired Steven Spielberg to film a documentary called Depth 211.
That bright mysterious spot on Ceres is still a mystery. And, although the source of this illuminated area has already been the subject of much speculation, NASA is now requesting public supposition.
NASA’s Dawn spacecraft is in orbit around Ceres, the dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, which happens to be the largest body in that asteroid belt. Before entering orbit, Dawn photographed the planet, and those captured images reveal the strange illuminated area, which is actually composed of two bright spots within the same basin on the surface.
Speculation about the source of these unusual lights began immediately after Dawn’s photos were published by NASA. Puzzled scientists suggested a volcano, or light reflections off ice or water vapor as possible explanations. And others offered up the possibility that this illuminated region could be an extraterrestrial civilization.
The predictions continue to swirl. And, until Dawn can gather more data, NASA wants to know what you think is responsible for Ceres’ bright spot.
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory launched a website on which visitors can share their suppositions regarding the bright spot on Ceres. The site states:
Can you guess what’s creating those unusual bright spots on Ceres? On March 6, NASA’s Dawn spacecraft began orbiting Ceres, the largest body in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Even before the spacecraft arrived at the dwarf planet, images revealed mysterious bright spots that captivated scientists and observers alike. Until Dawn gets a closer look over the next few months, it’s anyone’s guess what those spots could be. So, go ahead! Cast your vote
Visitors can select between a volcano, a geyser, a rock, ice, salt deposits, or “other.” An alien civilization best fits in the “other” category, obviously. And, at the time of this story’s publication, the “other” option has 29% of the votes, bested only by “ice,” which has 33% of the votes.
Agents routinely destroyed reports containing ‘nothing of FBI interest’ due to lack of filing space.
The FBI was so overwhelmed with sightings of flying saucers in the 1940s that agents routinely destroyed reports because of lack of filing space, according to documents released by the organisation.
The policy is outlined in a memo sent on 16 August 1949 to J Edgar Hoover, the director of the bureau, along with documents on UFOs compiled by agents after statements from witnesses.
The note, sent by an unnamed FBI agent in San Antonio, Texas, states that the office destroyed UFO reports on the grounds that they arrived “in great numbers” and contained “nothing of FBI interest”.
“It is pointed out that the filing of these would result in the rapid accumulation of very bulky files,” the memo continues.
The documents are among a batch of papers related to UFO sightings that has been made available through The Vault, the FBI’s online records database. Details
In one intriguing note, sent on 22 March 1950, special agent Guy Hottel, head of the FBI’s Washington field office, wrote to Hoover with information on three “so-called flying saucers” that a witness claimed had crash-landed in New Mexico.
According to the memo, an air force investigator stated that three flying saucers had been recovered in the area, along with the bodies of the alien crews. The memo goes on to add: “Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only three feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.”According to the witness, the saucers were brought down by a “high-powered government radar” in the area that interfered with the spaceships’ controls. “No further evaluation was attempted,” the memo concludes.
In 1947, an object that may have been a weather balloon crash-landed near Roswell, New Mexico, sparking an ongoing conspiracy that US officials captured an alien spacecraft.
In a separate incident, Hoover received an urgent teletype message from FBI agents in Salt Lake City, Utah, describing what appeared to be an explosion in the sky that was followed by “the falling of a silver-coloured object.”
The sighting, recorded on 5 April 1949 by a guard at the army general supply depot in Ogden, Utah, was reported independently by a military officer and also a highway patrolman, who claimed to see a silver object explodeas it approached mountains at Sardine Canyon.
Later in the message, an assessment by the US air force office of special investigations linked the sightings to two B-29s that were practising extremely high-altitude bombing runs in the Utah desert.
De Amerikaanse luchtmacht zal volgende maand voor de vierde keer zijn mysterieuze ruimtevliegtuig X-37B lanceren. Wat doet dat vliegtuig precies in de ruimte?
Op 20 mei zal een Atlas-V draagraket vanaf Cape Canaveral in Florida het onbemande en door Boeing gebouwde vaartuig in de ruimte brengen. De vorige vluchten waren in april 2010, maart 2011 en december 2012. De laatste missie duurde 675 dagen.
De activiteiten van de nieuwe missie zijn geheim. Welke van de twee X-37B toestellen van de luchtmacht zal vliegen, is ook niet meegedeeld. wist echter te melden dat er onder meer wordt geëxperimenteerd met een nieuw voortstuwingssysteem en dat materialen in de ruimte worden bestudeerd.
Satellieten uitschakelen
Het mysterieuze karakter van de missie is voer voor complottheoretici. Volgens sommigen heeft X-37B geavanceerde apparatuur aan boord om bepaalde regio’s in de gaten te houden, zoals het Midden-Oosten en andere gevoelige geopolitieke regio’s. Een vliegtuig kan zich sneller verplaatsen dan een satelliet, zo is de gedachte.
Anderen beweren dat X-37B bepaalde satellieten kan uitschakelen. Dat zou niet onopgemerkt voorbij gaan aangezien andere landen gemakkelijk het ruimtevliegtuig kunnen volgen. Of vertelt de Amerikaanse overheid de waarheid en wordt er alleen ruimtetechnologie getest?
Recently, Giorgia Tsoukalos, the guy better known for his wild hair and the alien memes, such as “I’m not saying it was aliens…but it was aliens,” participated in an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on Reddit. He discussed subjects the public seems just as curious about as aliens, like his hair and how he feels about the funny alien memes. Tsoukalos also discussed his recent UFO sighting.
Tsoukalos is the host of the History Channel series Ancient Aliens. The show explores the Ancient Aliens (aka Ancient Astronauts) theory, which suggests that there is evidence that advanced alien civilizations have visited earth in the past and have aided in human advancement.
The website What Culture, sifted through all of Tsoukalos’ responses to the Reddit questions, and put together a few they found most interesting. This, of course, included his hair, which Tsoukalos says has “been slowly abducted.”
He was kidding, I think, but he did say that it takes a lot of hair spray to get his signature hairstyle to stick up like that. As for what prompted him to choose what one Reddit user called his “sweet” hairstyle, Tsoukalos says, “Uh… nothing. It just happened.”
Not a very exciting answer, especially because it doesn’t have anything to do with aliens. However, there was a more exciting question.
One Reddit user asked Tsoukalos if he had ever seen a UFO. Surprisingly, to me at least, he has only seen one and it was recent.
Tsoukalos wrote: “On August 8, 2014, along with 26 other people, with night-vision goggles, in Joshua Tree at the Contact in the Desert Conference around midnight, where we saw stars inside the Big Dipper, which obviously didn’t belong there, and after 10 minutes of observing those two stars, they began to move equidistant from each other up into space, or into darkness of the night sky. So essentially removing themselves, or moving away from the Big Dipper.”
Tsoukalos will be speaking at Contact in the Desert again this year, and so will this author, so maybe I can see a UFO with him this summer.
According to the website Know Your Meme, Ancient Aliens has come under fire from critics who claim that the show is “far fetched” and “hugely speculative.”
They traced back Tsoukalos’ alien meme to just a few months after the show first aired in April 2010. Online forums were full of people who mocked the ease at which Tsoukalos was willing to suggest that ancient mysteries had an alien origin. Eventually, in mid-2011, the Tsoukalos alien memes began popping up all over the internet.
Reddit users asked Tsoukalos what he thought about the meme, and perhaps surprising to some – except those who knew him before “the hair”, ehem – he loves it.
He wrote: “I love it. I think it’s a great honor to have been embraced by the interwebz, worldwide. I really think that it just shows that – it doesn’t show anything, but it shows that people embrace the show. I think it’s wonderful, the fan-base, I have the best fans in the world. This is something I really have to say. Everybody has been tremendous in their outreach, and in embracing not only the ideas, but also the meme, and I think it’s a fantastic combination.”
He doesn’t mind being seen as crazy. He says, “That’s perfectly fine. Because I am the first one to admit that what I am talking about is crazy, or can be regarded as crazy, so I am perfectly aware that these thoughts sound out there. BUT this does not prevent me from continuing to ask questions. Because if – in this day and age – asking questions means that you’re crazy? Then I admit, I am the craziest of them all.”
And, of course, he defended the Ancient Astronaut theory. He says, “It’s not necessarily one piece of the puzzle per se. It is the overall picture. Because what we are talking about, in the Ancient Astronaut theory, we are talking about circumstantial evidence.”
Tsoukalos continued, “It’s the combination of a whole bunch of pieces that can be regarded as circumstantial evidence, and in a court of law, circumstantial evidence allows you to win court cases. There are no crashed UFOs that are on display anywhere, or no extraterrestrial tools have been found, those are all items that so far have not been discovered, there is no one concise piece of evidence that we can say “Look, here is the smoking gun.” So it is a combination of everything. All the different pieces.”
Whether or not you agree with Tsoukalos’ ideas, you got to admire his enthusiasm…right? After all, his enthusiasm has gained his image and the Ancient Aliens theory worldwide attention.
I was in my driveway, in my truck when I first spotted a light in the corner of my eye. As I got out, I glanced at the sky, as I always do and over the tip of the tallest tree in the neighborhood I saw a blinking light stationary over the tree. I know its not a plane so what could it be. I watched it for a few minutes, between that time I noticed another similar blinking light in the woods where I live by, north east, this light was weird, almost like it was a flashlight but it moved positions too rapidly to be a person, it went higher up and came back down as if it was about to touch ground. The light had a oval shape ness, it was gray and white, it had a rising star design to it. It moved like an orb, like a supernatural ghost orb. It moved in circles and cut across higher to lower.
As I went to reach for my phone both lights moved as if it was moving with my hand to my pocket. I thought hell with the phone I know this is happening. The light in the woods got to a dimmer state to the point I had to squint to see it. I went to find a better area for viewing and as I did the light over the tree top was gone. At that time of searching for it I seen another light, like a shooting star, it was over the tree top going south east, it left behind a red trail of light, something similar to what a plane would leave behind in the sky, cloud type. It went up and down in elevation as it headed in that direction until it got out of my sight. My mouth was wide open, Thought to myself this is real, gave myself a slap, rubbed my eyes, took off my glasses, it was all still there in the sky. I want to see these again they were so beautiful. They hovered with my laughter, flew away because they’re shy. I don’t know what these lights were, I’ve never seen anything like this before, I’ve witnessed UFOs in the sky but these were different, they were star like. I don’t know. I’m going to be doing research and finding more information. I’m scared.
Morphing Transforming UFOs? By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ufologist
Princess Hannah the Rabbit Slayer
Special Note: Before we get into talking about UFOs, let me tell you what the drawing is about. The drawing is by Richard Vasseur. Richard drew a picture of our dog (Pekinese) – Princess Hannah. Deanna had a rabbit called Blue Moon. Hannah became so obsessed with the rabbit, that she kept chasing it around the house, until it had a heart attack. This is when Princess Hannah became the Rabbit Slayer. I have seen the ghost of Blue Moon once in the main bedroom. This article is dedicated to Blue Moon.
I have heard many strange stories, but this story has got to be the strangest yet. The story can’t be verified for authenticity, but it is still a story that should be told. Take a seat and let me tell you this bizarre tale of strangeness.
I receive a call from a young man named Johnny. Johnny does not want his full name in this article, nor does he want to let you know where the incident occurred. He will let you know that the incident happened somewhere in the Midwest. Four years ago, Johnny and his friend Tyler were in a secluded area camping. The area is lush meadows and surrounding trees in the distance. On the night they were camping, there were mid-level Cumulus clouds, perhaps 6,500 feet high from the ground. Johnny and Tyler heard a rumbling noise in the sky. Tyler’s eyes started flickering and he completely passed out. Johnny tried to revive his friend, but he was out cold and then he noticed what appeared to be a large white panel truck in the sky! The large white panel truck was huge. If you were to place 2 large Hummers together, it was the size of two large Hummers in width and in length. The white panel truck seemed to have a huge panel door on the side, large windows in front and 4 wheels and it was driving on top of the mid-level Cumulus clouds! There was a large bright light that seemed to chase it.
Johnny was affixed to this object and finally to his surprise the object descended from the clouds and landed in the meadow. Right behind it came the bright light and the bright light turned into what looked like a Space Shuttle!
At this time, I was ready to hang up on Johnny, because I thought this story was absolutely bizarre and it was hard for me to fathom that this story had any credibility to it. But, I decided to hang on, because the story was fascinating to say the least. Johnny was compelled to go towards the large white panel truck. He could not resist walking towards this strange flying machine that has a Space Shuttle parked at its rear. Johnny remembers looking into the window of the large white panel truck and he could make out the driver/pilot. The driver/pilot had a US space suit on and as he peered through the window into the driver/pilot’s head gear he saw what he describes as a Grey with large black oval eyes. The driver/pilot of this vehicle started waving his arms frantically and Johnny stepped back from the large white panel truck and it ascended into the sky with the space shuttle following. As it reached the clouds both objects blinked into nothingness.
Johnny went to the campfire and discovered that the campfire was out. The wood was completely burned and now smoldering. Johnny was confused, because the fire should have kept burning, it was only perhaps 40 minutes that passed during the sighting. Tyler awakened and asked what happened. Johnny and Tyler were also shocked that the sun was now rising. Johnny claims that the area has a lot of UFO activity, black helicopters and some cattle mutilations. Johnny also claims that at the age of 10 that he may have been abducted. He has flashbacks of buzzing sounds, bright lights and being stared at by big black eyes.
The only reason why I take some credence to Johnny’s story is that UFOs have been known to morph into other objects. Here are some possible cases and stories:
UFOS TRANSFORM INTO AIRSHIPS: From 1896 to 1897, thousands of people witnessed ‘airships’, when there were no airships in existence. The first airship was spotted over Sacramento, California on November 17, 1896. The airship looked like a Goodyear blimp and there were no Goodyear blimps in 1896. Could UFOs have disguised their ships to look like airships, so that citizens would not be alarmed?
UFOS TRANSFORM INTO BLACK HELICOPTERS: Some Ufologists make claim that UFOs can project images to deceive witnesses. Case example where witnesses watch a typical saucer shaped UFO morph into a black helicopter. Could UFOs use projected holograms to disguise their craft to conceal themselves from potential witnesses? A famous projected hologram by a UFO could have happened at the Miracle of Fatima where gatherers closest to the 3 children saw a projected image of a ‘lady’, while gatherers furthest from the children saw a dancing sun (possible UFO).
Since there are cases in which UFOs play ‘Transformers’ to the witnesses, I was compelled to tell Johnny’s story and let you the reader be the judge.
Could Mysterious Engravings of Ancient Egyptians in Australia Rewrite our History?
Steve Strong, New Dawn| Until receiving a phone call from Nina Angelo (OAM), I knew nothing of neither the struggles involved in protecting the land around Kariong (near Gosford) nor that part of this land was now on the market. When on-site I had seen a lot of tagged trees, and a for sale sign somewhere along a main road, but being unfamiliar with the whole region, nothing registered.
The land for sale contains the Gosford Glyphs, located near Kariong, about 60 km north of Sydney. This site features little known carved ‘ancient Egyptian’ hieroglyphs that were brought to light by various researchers in past decades.
We are convinced that close to this site, and never before seen by non-Aboriginals until discovered very recently, is a rock platform covered with a set of sacred engravings of considerable significance. On this large platform we saw a fish, serpent, massive dolphin or whale, circles and a variety of shapes and symbols.
Without doubt, it is an impressive gallery of ancient Aboriginal rock art deserving of protection. There is one life-sized engraving of Durramullan (son of Creation Spirit Biamie) that is so unique, utterly unexpected, and obviously sacred, decisions had to be made as to how it can be publicly described.
There is nothing remotely like it anywhere in Australia. And that’s it. That is all we have agreed to reveal. The photographs taken late in the afternoon on this site, and in particular those of Durramullan, should never be reproduced or published through any form of the media but…
Owing to the real possibility this land, irrespective of the credentials for or against the Gosford Glyphs, could be sold then developed, a different approach is compulsory. It has been our agreed stance to categorise all the sites/relics we are sharing as being ‘found within 2 hours of Sydney’, but that generalised approach doesn’t apply in this location. Those engravings, and other related platforms (one is actually located within this block) are now directly under threat.
The distance between this unique site and that of the Gosford Glyphs is far too close for coincidence or comfort. As to determining the bona fides of this supposed Egyptian site, we have one advantage. According to Dr. Hans-Dieter von Senff, who has produced a draft paper on the site:
These Hieroglyphs are real and have existed for some 4,500 years in Australia. In order to prove that these Proto-Egyptian glyphs are not graffiti, as claimed by various “Experts” and “Egyptologists,” but are the written record left by pre-historic man, written in a coherent and understandable language that makes sense even 4,500 years later. This site is no hoax, but a genuine archaeological discovery; as is proven by the newly discovered second set of glyphs.
The critics who dispute the origin of these engravings numbering over 300 are not sensitive to the bigger picture, and if proven to be engraved by Egyptians, these glyphs form a pivotal and historic epitaph to an Australian history very few suspect. The engravings were first properly translated by Ray Johnson, claimed to be proto-Egyptian and accepted “as correct by the General Director of Cairo Museum, Dr. Dia’ Abou-Ghazi.”1 However, despite the endorsement of the resident expert in Cairo, Australian academics with less impressive credentials are adamant this is an elaborate hoax.
The site includes an engraved Ankh (see image above courtesy of Steve Strong), an essential accompaniment to Thoth, placed alongside an Ibis footprint (Thoth’s recent animal counterpart) and what we believe to be the ‘River of Life’. Two Ibis-men engraved into rock, both in profile with the head of an ibis and body of a human, seem to resonate to the same ancient Egyptian theme. What really surprised us was that not only are the ibis and Thoth synonymous, but originally Thoth was depicted in ape-form. And it is this more ancient representation that is found twice in Australia, extending the horizons considerably. A statue found at Gympie, said to act as one of five sentries guarding the controversial seven-stepped pyramid at Gympie, is a depiction of Thoth in his more primal ape-like form and has been argued over and often ridiculed.
The recent discovery of an engraving of Durramullan, again in profile, is less open to debate. The pronounced long forehead and protruding lips is reminiscent of a baboon or one of the larger apes, and so out of context when carved into a continent lacking ape or monkey. The engraving is ancient, carved by an artist aware of an African animal and Egyptian deity supposedly unknown until the British invasion. In what only adds to the quality and quantity of this cross-cultural partnership, there are two sets of Aboriginal engravings, one containing 31 separate and distinct human characters and the other five figures, of which three have human bodies and what appears to be crocodile heads.
It is for these reasons, and many others, we are in complete agreement with Robert Lawlor, author of the highly regarded Voices of the First Day, when noting the same origin and sequence. “The Egyptian religious practices, zoomorphic pantheon of gods, concepts of death and rebirth, sorcery, magic and medicine all have their origins in the primal culture of the First Day.”2
We see the presence of Egyptians in Australia beginning at around 5,000 years ago, entirely in keeping with a global history that saw, for a variety of reasons too complex to discuss now, the Australian Aboriginal mariners and explorers finally return to Australia at around the same time. We believe the glyphs and other Egyptian remains found ‘within two hours of Sydney’ bear testimony to a spiritual sabbatical to the place where Egyptian religion and culture began.
That the Gosford Glyphs are so close to the sacred Durramullan site suggests an agreement between the first Australians and people from a distant continent. The Durramullan platform is undeniably special, and the Glyphs are an integral part of this arrangement, unique not only in Australia but the world. The Egyptian crypt and engravings, dedicated to the memory of the son of a Pharaoh, was constructed close to the Durramullan rock platform and could only be created with the consent of the local Aboriginals.
Of course, if Australian Aboriginals did sail the globe in ancient times this journey is dependent upon ocean-going boats being constructed in Australia. Up at the Top End there are many engravings and paintings of boats which are mistakenly claimed to be inspired by Maccassan boats fishing for trepan. No such claims can be made for the engraving of an ocean-going boat found in the northern section of the Gosford site. The boat’s design, with a steep prow and stern, has one primary function: to sail through large waves. It would be a waste of time, effort and resources to construct a boat according to the shape and proportions engraved into the rock, if the vessel sailed in stiller waters. More importantly, this engraving goes a long way towards establishing the claims made by Ramindjeri Elders. If indeed, as they insist, their ancestors circumnavigated the globe in a figure eight then this sophisticated design would serve that purpose.
That engraving and the Ramindjeri account provide answers to a series of unresolved questions that mainstream academia are unable to appreciate. The presence of Australian Aboriginal people in America was the focus of Issue 35 of the highly respected science magazine Cosmos. The front cover carried the following caption: “Did Aborigines discover America? Startling new finds suggest Australia’s first people made it all the way to South America more than 11,000 years ago.”3
Of course, America was merely one port-of-call when the First Australians set sail. “Dr. Raghavendra and researchers from the Indian-government backed Anthropological Survey of India project found unique genetic mutations were shared between modern-day Indians and Aborigines.”4 They “identified seven people from central Dravidian and Austro-Asiatic tribes who shared genetic traits only found in Aborigines.”5 These facts, along with newly discovered Australian genetic links to a hominid in Siberia referred to as Denosovan, necessitate the same means of transport: a boat.
However, the plan of a boat is insufficient. Also required are both the tools needed to construct such a vessel and navigational skills before sailing to India, America, Asia, Egypt or any other destination. An axe is an essential prerequisite if building a vessel capable of sailing across oceans. In keeping with all other firsts, it should come as no surprise that the oldest axes yet found are located within Sahul (the greater Australian continent which includes PNG, Tasmania, etc). The oldest axe was found at Huon Terrace (PNG) and is dated at 40,000 years, followed by an axe found in Jawoyn land (N.T.) claimed to be 35,500 years old. Remaining within Australia, an axe was discovered at Sandy Creek (QLD 32,000 years) and another at Malangangerr (N.T. 23,000 years). In what confirms the antiquity of Australian axe technology, and by association boats, Angel John Gallard has in his possession a hand-held chopper (the precursor to the axe) which he believes to be no less than 60,000 years old, with the real possibility it is over 100,000 years old. The oldest axe discovered outside Australia was found at Niah Cave (Sarawak) and is thought to be 15,500 years old.
For such an epic journey to succeed, especially if circumnavigating the world in a figure eight, Aboriginal mariners must have navigated by the stars. Once again it all begins here. As announced by a team of scientists from the CSIRO, the oldest astronomical construction was found at Wurdi Youang (Victoria). “The strange stone arrangement”6 has “two points set in perfect alignment with the setting sun on a midsummer’s day.”7 CSIRO experts are of the opinion the “ancient Aboriginal sundial could be upwards of 10,000 years old.”8 Nor do these rocks stand in isolation – there are two sets of walls recently found in the Snowy Mountains, the first is aligned east-west, marking out the conjunction of planets and contains no less than 10,000 rocks. The second is at least four times bigger and runs down an extremely steep slope.
Within ‘two hours from Sydney’ is a perfectly aligned five-rocked compass and another construction that is far more enigmatic, which for obvious reasons, we call ‘mini-Stonehenge’. It is made up of 46 stones in the inner circle and 18 rocks forming what we feel are clusters of stars. The four directions are marked out by arches with a horizontal stone supported by stone pillars. All four constructions, although separated by hundreds of kilometres, serve the same purpose: charting the heavens.
There is one pattern exhibited by these sites that seems to openly contradict an artistic maxim we assumed held fast throughout Australia. It was our belief that traditional Aboriginal art was region specific. Within this area we have found over 25 styles/techniques, many of which are claimed to be created in one tribal estate. We found evidence of the following Aboriginal artistic styles: Panaramitee; X-Ray; Figurative; Mimi; Lightning Brothers; Wandjina; Papunya; Hand stencils (two types); Representational; Rock engraving; Rock Pecking; Stone Arrangements; Bands across the body; Egyptian symbols; Bird prints; Engraved shield design (found throughout Australia); Profiled spirits; and others we could not identify.
Where does that leave us? Relying on textbooks and academics ‘dazed and confused’… Or there is an alternative route. We are convinced the First Australians are completely separate to the Africans and were the first homo sapien sapiens. It was from Australia, not Africa, the first migration originated, and it is from Australia that religion, gender equality, astronomy, burials, sailing, music, art, democracy and all the nobler pursuits began. And it is in Australia, in particular the area ‘within 2 hours from Sydney’, that proof of this global legacy can still be found.
1. “The Kariong Glyphs and the Prohibited Egyptians: Research Proves the Kariong Glyphs to Be Genuine and Exposes the Critics as Hoaxters” by Hans-Dieter von Senff, 2011, 99.
2. Voices of the First Day: Awakening in the Aboriginal Dreamtime by Robert Lawlor, Inner Traditions International, Ltd., 1991, 75.
3. “Ancient Odyssey” by Jacqui Hayes, Cosmos, 2010, Front Cover.
4. “First Australians Were Indian: Research,” Sydney Morning Herald, 23 July 2009, 16.
STEVE STRONG, with his son Evan, have co-written Constructing a New World Map, Mary Magdalene’s Dreaming, Forgotten Origin and soon to be released fourth book Shunned Legacy. With close to 30 years of contact with the Gumilaroi people and tribes of the Bundjalung confederation, and the benefit of extensive consultation with many Elders, the history revealed is part of an Aboriginal history that was almost lost. For more information, visit their
Hello Mr. Strickler: I am giving you permission to publish my incident but I do not want any personal information disclosed. To begin, I had an strange incident when I was a child living in south Florida. I could never explain it and I did not want my family to know about it. It involved, what I believe, an abduction by alien beings. I don’t remember the specifics other than I went to bed, got up to go to the bathroom but don’t remember returning to my bed. When I woke in the morning, there was an ache in my neck and a small bump at the base of my skull. The pain went away quickly but the small bump remained. I never told my parents about it and they never noticed it. That incident occurred 54 years ago. I now live in a rural township in eastern Ohio. My husband and I have lived here for over 40 years and are well-known within the community. My husband owns a business and employs several of the area’s residents. We have raised 4 children and are also grandparents. We have been very happy with our life. This past Christmas Eve, I was alone at home during the day. My husband was at work and some of my children and their families were visiting for the holidays. They had all gone out to visit friends and to do some shopping, so I was the only one at home. Around 1:00 PM I decided to sit down in the club room and watch television. I had been busy all day cooking and doing a few other things, so I decided to take a break. I sat on the sofa and turned on the television with the remote control. As I was surfing channels the television suddenly went off. I just figured I had accidentally turned it off with the remote, but I was unable to turn it back on. I got up and starting walking toward the television when everything went black. The next thing I remember is waking up on the sofa. My neck was very sore and I was laying on the sofa completely nude. My clothes were folded neatly and setting on the coffee table. I quickly dressed and noticed that the television was on and that the time was 2:48 PM. I went to rub my sore neck and noticed that the small bump that I had for 54 years was now gone. I went into the bathroom in order to look at the back of my neck with a handheld mirror. There was a 2 inch vertical red scar where the small bump had previously been. Today is Thursday Dec. 27th, 2012. My neck no longer hurts and the scar has healed nicely. It is barely noticeable. I had never told my husband about my incident as a child, but yesterday I explained everything to him. He is very open-minded and believes in UFOs and other strange things. I also told my older son about it and he suggested I contact you. I believe he reads your articles and that you have talked to him in the past. My older son believes that I experienced an abduction. In fact, my husband agrees with him as well. Like I stated earlier, you have my permission to publish if personal details are removed. I have included my contact information below. Thank you for your time. SK NOTE: Last evening, out of the blue, I received an email from SK’s son (RK). I hadn’t remembered the original email from SK though I was sure I had posted it. RK reminded me of the incident…then stated that SK had suddenly passed away in December 2014. I was able to contact him be telephone this morning. RK said that he had kept close tabs on the Todd Sees incident on the blog. He didn’t go into detail about SK’s death but did state that the family believes that his Mother’s experiences contributed to her demise. RK then mentioned that she was constantly worried that she would be abducted and thought her family may also be victims at some point. I asked RK to keep me posted in case other information comes to light. I didn’t want to push him on specific details…I feel if he thinks I should be told more particulars, that he’ll offer the information at some point. Most experiencers I have talked to struggle with continued fear and anxiety. Many are told that they will be monitored and to expect more contact at a later time. There is little doubt that these incidents place undue strain on the body and mind. Is alien science / technology resulting in loss of life? Are experiments (and disposal) conducted on abductees? I believe that there is more of a possibility of these scenarios than ever before. Lon
Om een MHD (Magnetodynamisch principe) propulsie werking te bekomen zijn er een drietal voorwaarden te vervullen
Ten eerste: een medium ,vloeistof of atmosfeer, moet voldoende geladen deeltjes bevatten en dient dus voldoende geleidend te zijn. Deze deeltjes zijn bij voorkeur vrije electronen die door excitatie zich afscheiden van de atomen en zich zeer snel kunnen bewegen in een electrisch veld.
Ten tweede: een electrisch veld dat de geladen deeltjes gezamenlijk de nodige versnelling geeft.
Ten derde :een door ,in een supergeleidend materiaal vloeiende stroom, sterk opgewekte magnetisch veld .Dit veld gaat, samen met het geinduceerde electriche veld ( wet van Faraday) , een krachtvector doen ontstaan loodrecht gericht op het vlak van beide velden.
Het electrische veld is principieel verantwoordelijk voor de grote gezamenlijke versnelling van de electronen die , in het magnetische veld terechtkomen en zich gaan bewegen in de richting bepaald door de krachtenwet van Lorentz.
Het resultaat is dat het object zich in een stroming een kracht ondervindt en zich onder invloed hiervan gaat bewegen.
Voor de berekening van minimale waarden van beide velden om een lifting-effect te bekomen dient men nog rekening te houden met een aantal andere factoren te weten de mobliliteit van de vrije electronen in de lucht met grote dichtheid ( lagere atmosfeer) , het percentage aan ioniseerbare electronen rekening houdende met de maximaal toelaatbare veldsterkte van 30KV/m voor lucht van 1 atmosfeer ( voorkomen van doorslag!), de laagst toelaatbare ionisatiefrequentie om zo lang mogelijk de ionisatie van de lucht in stand te houden en het minimale volume rond het object om de nodige grootte van de Lorentzkracht te realiseren .Om een snelle en efficiënte ionisatie van de lucht te realiseren doet men beroep op microgolven. Een grote hoeveelheid microgolfenergie in de omgevende lucht geinjecteerd gaat zeer snel electronen vrijmaken in een volgorde in functie van de ioniseerbaarheid van de verschillende luchtatomen ( zuurstof, stikstof en ook edele gassen als neon edm.)
Dat deze ionisatie plaatst vindt is zichtbaar op het moment van de recombinatie terugkeer naar een rustniveau van de atomen . Deze recombinatie gaat gepaard met het optreden van lichtverschijnselen zoals in veel gevallen tijdens waarnemingen gemeld wordt.
Spectra:geven aan welke atomen geioniseerd zijn door het optreden van een aantal gekende lijnen voor de verschillende elementen. Reeds in een vroeg stadium werd gebruik gemaakt, door de US luchtmacht, van fotografische methodes voorzien van grating filters, om er achter te komen met welk type van propulsie men te doen had. De spectra gaven duidelijk aan dat het hier om een electro-magnetisch verschijnsel ging met een impuslvormig werkende energiebron. Het gebruik van een impulsvormige energieproductie liet zeer hoge energieniveau gedurende zeer korte tijden toe om de zeer sterke ionisatie te bekomen met een betrekkelijk laag gemiddeld niveau.
De zeer sterke kracht ten gevolge van het electrische en magnetische veld, samen met de beweeglijkheid van de vrije electronen ,vormen een verklaring voor de hoge acceleraties van de objecten gepaard gaande met soms waargenomen lichtuitbarstingen.
De externe energietoevoer gebeurt vanuit de omtrek van het object en wordt beschreven als zijnde vanuit patrijspoorten. Deze zijn in werkelijkheid de impedantie-aanpassings-elementen
van het microgolfsysteem naar de lucht , nodig voor een optimale energieuitstroom naar de omgevende lucht (hoornaanpassing bij golfgeleiders voor aan passing aan de lucht)
Uit metingen van de US luchtmacht (zie Condon rapport) zou het gaan over microgolven van 3 GHz in een impulsvormig bedrijf met repetitiefrequenties van enkele tientallen pulsen(20 tot 50 ) tot enkele honderden(~600 per seconde) . Elke puls is echter van zeer korte duur (1 tot 2µsec).
Polarisatie: een gekende eigenschap van licht is dat het gepolariseerd wordt wanneer het doorheen een magnetisch veld heen wordt gezien. De aanwezigheid van een sterk magnetisch veld rondom een Ufo is daarom aantoonbaar met een stel polariserende glazen Dit verschijnsel is waargenomen waardoor een afschatting van de grootte van dit magnetisch veld mogelijk was. Uit de fysica is gekend dat er een relatie bestaat tussen het aantal waargenomen ringen ( Fresnel ringen) en de grootte van de polarisatie-draaiing van het licht .Metingen hebben aangetoond dat een grootte van maar eventjes 100Tesla kon afgeleid worden aan de rand van een discusvormige ufo .Het magnetische veld heeft een dipoolkarakter wat betekent dat de magnetische veldwaarde in functie van de afstand met een derdemachtsverzwakking verloopt in het nabije veld.
Magnetische anomaliën: naast het opnemen van spectra en meten van de polarisatie van het licht bij een waarneming kan men ook kijken naar anomaliën in de meting van het magnetische aardveld. Een volgens het MHD principe werkende Ufo zal in de nabijheid van een station voor meting van het magnetisch aardveld beslist een storing in de registratie veroorzaken . Berekening van de te verwachten grootte van de storing, rekening houdend met een bronwaarde van 100 Tesla ( bekend uit waarnemingen met polarisatieëffect en door toepassing van de verzwakking met de afstand in de derde macht) zou dit een afwijking met grootteorde van 1000nanoTesla moeten veroorzaken vanop een afstand van circa 5 Km van het meetstation. Dit is ruim 10 maal de normale waarde van de dagelijkse schommeling in het magnetisch aardveld zonder invloed van eventuële uitbarstingen op de zon. Deze laatste geven aanleiding tot afwijkingen op alle stations voor magnetisme maar een anomalie veroorzaakt door een MHD-ufo fenomeen is plaatselijk en zal ten hoogste in een enkel, in de directe nabijheid bevindend station, gedetecteerd worden . Dit is het geval geweest in 2008 in Sint Katelijne Waver waar een waarde van 60µTesla (ong.1000maal de normale waarde) is gemeten , dit tijdens een melding van een visueële waarneming op 1000m van het magnetisch meetstation en alsdusdanig is gemeld bij Ufo-meldpunt .
De bouw van een meetopstelling is niet onoverkomelijk. Het is perfect mogelijk voor een technical- minded persoon ,die wat noties over electronica heeft, een toestel te bouwen dat werkt op basis van ringkern als een fluxgate -magnetometer. Het is trouwens moet een dergelijk toestel dat de metingen in Sint Katelijne Waver met succes konden gebeuren.
Eerlijkheidshalve moet wel vermeld worden dat op het ogenblik van de registratie van de magnetische anomalie het toestel al 8 volle jaren werkte zonder abnormale registratie.
Gravitatiewerking: het is te verwachten dat naast de magnetische anomalie eveneens gravitatie-effecten kunnen worden gedetecteerd. Dit vermeld destijds door de Canadese onderzoeker Wilbert Smith die tijdens een optreden van een Ufo niet alleen magnetische afwijkingen heeft gemeten maar tevens voor het feit werd geplaatst dat zijn seismografische apparatuur wild tekeer begon te gaan. Bevestiging van deze invloed komt er uit een aantal meldingen waarbij levitatie optrad van auto´s weliswaar bij een Ufo vlak boven het voertuig.
Indien men een degelijke studie wil raadplegen over het onderwerp MHD propulsie zijn de publicaties van volgende personen een aanrader ver wie Engels en Frans machtig zijn:
MHD hypersonic flow controle for aerospace applications J.P.Petit en Julien Geffray
Lambda Laboratory France
Réponses aux questions sur la propulsion des Ovnis
Propulsion éléctromagntique pulsée
Auguste Meessen Belgique
Geomagnetische anomalie: geomagnetische afwijking gelijktijdig met visuële
waarneming van een onbekend vliegend toestel -2008-
Jan De Ceuster : Meetstation voor Magnetisme Sint Katelijne Waver
Uitwerking: magnetische anomalie opgetreden in Sint Katelijne Waver op 9 October 2008
Jan De Ceuster
28-04-2015 om 17:26
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:NIEUWS VAN JAN ( NL)
Magnetische anomalie opgetreden in Sint Katelijne Waver op 9 October 2008
Magnetische anomalie opgetreden in Sint Katelijne Waver op 9 October 2008
Technische evaluatie van de ter beschikking staande gegevens uit de visuele en de magnetische registratie
Beginfaze van de visuele waarneming : helder licht op 224° in het zuiden juist boven de horizon
Verplaatsing van het licht naar een punt het dichtste bij de waarnemer op 157° onder een hoek van 50° gemarkeerd op het samengesteld panoramisch beeld ( opgesteld door Werner Poets
Bij de dichtste nadering bleek het tuig zeer groot te zijn omschreven als een donkere ellips met aan de rand heldere lichten (aantal tussen 2 en 10)
Het kwam snel aangevlogen , produceerde geen geluid en vertoonde geen vleugels noch staartvlak noch navigatielichten en herhaalde malen (10 x) werd beweerd dat het geen normaal passagiersvliegtuig, hoe dan ook, kon zijn
Er werd een opmeting gedaan van de schijnbare grootte zoals het te zien was in het eindstadium van de visuele waarneming : ovaal lengte21,5cm/breedte 13,7 cm op 1,2m afstand van het venster. Uit de berekende hoogte van de magnetische registratie op de kortste afstand naar het meetstation volgt dat het toestel moet gevlogen hebben op 930m hoogte. Deze waarde samen met de waarnemingshoek van 50° levert ons een afstand van 780m op voor de omrekening naar de werkelijke afmetingen van 140m lengte ( 2 x de lengte van een Boeing )en 89m breedte.
Doortrekken van de 224° lijn toont aan dat het toestel vlak boven het magnetisch meetstation moet gepasseerd zijn ( alleen de symetrische vorm van beide maxima wordt bekomen als dit gebeurt)
De plaats van het toestel op deze lijn kan zonder meer voor de tijdsstippen 21h51 en 21h52 uit de gemeten magnetische inductie verhogingen berekend worden door toepassing van de formule van de derdemachtsverzwakkingsregel voor de afstand.
In deze formule wordt de klassieke waarde van 100Tesla en de beginafstand van 20m aangenomen.
De plaats van de punten 21h51 en 21h52 vallen in het visuele waarnemingsvenster en op de stijgende flank de magnetische registratie . Het snel naderen vermeld door de waarnemer is hierdoor verklaard. De afstand 51 -52 wordt afgelegd met 108Km/h en die van 52-53 met reeds 156Km/h
De aanvlieghoogte van 930m wordt ook teruggevonden voor de punten 51 en 52 uit de berekening van de geinduceerde en gemeten waarden van de magnetische inductie voor deze punten en de daarmee hiervoor direct zicht afstand gevonden noodzakelijke waarden
De grote afmetingen en de snelheidstoename wordt exact weergegeven in het interview van de waarnemer.
Alleen de dip in de registratie van de magnetische inductie is niet direct te verklaren met de berekening gebruikmakende van de afstandsverzwakkingsformule .
Een factor die we niet kunnen natrekken is de hoekwijziging tijdens de vlucht vlak boven het meetstation
.Dit komt door het feit dat slechts een componente van de hoofdvector gemeten is en we niet over dat gegeven beschikken.
Uit resultaten bekomen voor de punten 21h51 en 21h52 zou de inductie voor punt 21h53 zo 994µT moeten bedragen . De voorwaarde voor het meten van een verhoging van slechts 22,2µT wordt bekomen door aannamen van een hoekverdraaiing van de hoofdvector van slechts 1,8° ten opzichte van de loodrechte stand.
Bepaling van de voorkeuraanvliegroute voor passgiersvliegtuigen bij nadering via de approach AFI-Bruno met gemiddelde hoogte dalend van 4000voet naar 3000voet.
Controlemetingen met air-life traffic pakket van lightradar24 geven de volgende resultaten :
De metingen werden uitgevoerd op verschillende tijdstippen en tonen aan dat de afwijkingen die optreden op het voorgeschreven vluchtpatroon een dichtste nadering geeft van 2000m voor een gemiddelde hoogte van 3500voet= 1067m . Hieruit volgt dat de toestellen gezien worden onder een hoek die maximaal 28° en dus nooit 50°!.
Het is duidelijk dat uitgaande van de visuele alsook de magnetische gegevens aantonen dat het geen normaal lijnvliegtuig kan geweest zijn en dat de waarnemer op een zeer correcte wijze het verschijnsel heeft beschreven
Aan de hand van deze hoeveelheid data ligt het voor de hand het waargenomen tuig te mogen onderbrengen in de categorie :niet conventioneel vliegend object
aan de heren W.van Utrecht en Frederick Delaere voor de melding bij Ufomeldpunt en tevens aan de heer Werner Poets voor initeële hulp en de gevens voor het visuële waarnemingsgedeelte ,voor samenwerking bij de opnamen van het interview en de opstelling van het panoramabeeld
aan de heer Michel Roy voor zijn gedreven hulp in het zoeken naar een logische verklaring voor de magnetische registratie
aan allen die steeds geloofd hebben in de goede en correcte behandeling van deze toch unieke waarneming van bij ons
Studie: ons universum is mogelijk één groot hologram
Studie: ons universum is mogelijk één groot hologram
We leven in een reusachtig hologram en alles wat we om ons heen zien is slechts een projectie van een tweedimensionaal oppervlak. Deze theorie werd in 1997 voorgesteld door de Argentijnse natuurkundige Juan Maldacena.
De meeste mensen kennen hologrammen van creditcards en bankbiljetten. Ze zijn tweedimensionaal, maar ogen driedimensionaal. Ons universum gedraagt zich mogelijk op soortgelijke wijze.
Oostenrijkse wetenschappers hebben nu voor het eerst aangetoond dat het holografische principe ook werkt in een realistisch model van onze kosmos. Volgens het holografische principe bestaat er een tweedimensionaal oppervlak dat we niet kunnen zien. Dit oppervlak bevat alle informatie die nodig is om een driedimensionaal object te beschrijven, in dit geval ons universum.
Gegevens die de beschrijving van een 3D-object bevatten, zoals het apparaat waarmee je dit artikel leest, kunnen verborgen liggen in een gebied in deze platte, ‘echte’ versie van het heelal. Maldacena kwam tot deze conclusie toen hij ontdekte dat er voor wiskundige beschrijvingen van het universum één minder dimensie nodig was dan je zou verwachten.
Tot nu toe werd dit principe alleen nog maar getest in anti-de-sitter-ruimtes (ADS), een ruimtetijd-continuüm dat negatief is gekromd. Het probleem is dat ze erg verschillen van de ruimtes in ons eigen heelal.
Wetenschappers van de Technische Universiteit Wenen hebben nu ontdekt dat het holografische principe ook stand houdt in een vlakke ruimtetijd. Hoewel dit nog niet bewijst dat we in een hologram leven, wijst het onderzoek wel steeds meer in die richting. De studie is gepubliceerd in Physical Review Letters.
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"NASA kiekt geheime legerbunker op Mars"
“NASA kiekt geheime legerbunker op Mars”
Een man uit Canada beweert op een NASA-foto van Mars een bunker met soldaten te hebben ontdekt. Voormalig journalist Andre Gignac stuitte aan de rand van de Endeavour-krater op de rode planeet op een ‘donkere vlek’.
“Ik stond verteld,” vertelde de 58-jarige Gignac aan Cryptozoology News. “In de krater is een enorm raam aangebracht. Achter het raam kun je een persoon zien staan.”
Hij claimt dat de ‘bunker’ mogelijk in verbinding staat met een nog grotere bunker. “Niet ver van de bunker staan raketten en structuren opgesteld in een cirkel,” zei Gignac.
De ‘bunker’ op Mars
“Er zijn al vaker bunkers gespot op NASA-foto’s,” zei schrijver Nigel Watson “In sommige gevallen zijn het schaduwen of is de resolutie te laag waardoor details verdwijnen. Er zijn ook mensen die beweren dat op foto’s van de Europese ruimtevaartorganisatie ESA bunkers staan. Volgens wetenschappers waren dat natuurlijke formaties.”
“Het is natuurlijk een fascinerend idee: mensen die in het geheim onder het Marsoppervlak leven en onderdeel zijn van een geheim ruimtevaartprogramma,” aldus Watson. “Een dergelijk project zou ongelooflijk veel geld kosten en lastig te verbergen zijn, maar toch denken velen dat dit gebeurt, in samenwerking met één of meerdere buitenaardse soorten.”
Mysterieuze lichten op Ceres: ijsvulkanen of deuren van een buitenaards ruimtestation?
Mysterieuze lichten op Ceres: ijsvulkanen of deuren van een buitenaards ruimtestation?
Ruim een maand nadat ruimtesonde Dawn lichtgevende stippen op dwergplaneet Ceres vastlegde, breken wetenschappers nog steeds hun hoofd over het mysterieuze verschijnsel. Sommige wetenschappers denken dat het mogelijk vulkanische ijsuitbarstingen zijn.
In plaats van magma, komt er dan water, ammonia en methaan uit de krater. Wetenschappers van NASA vermoeden dat er ook oceanen voorkomen op de dwergplaneet. Het hemellichaam ligt in de planetoïdengordel, de regio tussen Mars en Jupiter.
Death Star
Volgens UFO-spotters zijn de lichten gemaakt door aliens. Op veel verschillende internetfora wordt beweerd dat Ceres een reusachtig buitenaards ruimtestation is dat – net als de Death Star in Star Wars – is vermomd als planeet.
“Het licht is wit van kleur, zoals stadsverlichting, niet oranje of rood zoals een vulkaan,” zei één UFO-spotter. “Er zijn twee lichten te zien. De grootste stip is vierkant van vorm, de kleinere driehoekig. Denk je nog steeds dat het een vulkaan is?”
“Ceres is het grootste object in de planetoïdengordel en heeft een doorsnee van slechts 950 kilometer,” klinkt het nog. “Dit zijn enorme deuren waar schepen doorheen gaan. Ik zeg dat Ceres is veranderd in een buitenaards ruimtestation. Het oppervlak is bedekt met een laag stof dat het station beschermt tegen aanvallen, meteorieten en straling. Doet denken aan de Death Star.”
Een andere UFO-spotter: “Deze twee stippen hebben geen natuurlijke oorsprong. Wat is de kans op een dubbele uitbarsting in een gigantisch kraterbekken? Wellicht gaat het om een kleine buitenaardse mijnbouwbasis. We zullen het in december gaan zien, tenzij Dawn voor die tijd wordt neergeschoten door de aliens.”
Nog te vroeg
Anderen zijn voorzichtiger. Eén iemand zei dat het kan gaan om licht dat wordt gereflecteerd door vloeibaar kwik aan het oppervlak. De meest recente foto’s van de lichten op Ceres dateren van 14 en 15 april. Dawn draait sinds maart in een baan om de dwergplaneet.
NASA hoopt de stippen vanaf volgende week vanaf een afstand van 21.600 kilometer te kunnen bekijken. Op 9 mei zal de ruimtesonde nog dichter in de buurt van Ceres komen. Dawn-hoofdonderzoeker Chris Russell zegt dat het nog te vroeg is om een verklaring te kunnen geven voor de lichten.
Wederom buitenaards bezoek ISS Ruimtestation ( video )
Wederom buitenaards bezoek ISS Ruimtestation ( video )
Het is even stil geweest met betrekking tot UFO’s die zich vertonen bij het Internationaal Ruimtestation ISS.
Meestal duurt het echter nooit erg lang voordat de volgende zich alweer vertoont.
De man die verreweg de meeste UFO’s weet te “vangen” bij het ISS ruimtestation is Youtube gebruiker Streetcap1.
Zo ook in dit geval, waarbij hij via de camera’s van NASA de volgende UFO waarnam:
De opname werd gemaakt op 22 april toen Streetcap1 in de verte een kleine metalen schijf ontdekte.
Het lijkt alsof het object zich met niet al te grote snelheid door de lucht begeeft, maar dat is misleidend omdat het schijnt dat de UFO zijn snelheid heeft aangepast aan die van het ISS.
Als je bedenkt dat deze met een snelheid van 26.000 kilometer per uur door de ruimte schiet dan krijg je ook een aardig idee van de snelheid van de UFO.
Amerikaanse stad Bakersfield alweer in ban van UFO's ( Video )
Amerikaanse stad Bakersfield alweer in ban van UFO's ( Video )
Er zijn plekken op aarde waar meer UFO’s voorkomen dan op andere.
De Amerikaanse stad Bakersfield in Californië is één van die lokaties.
Update: 27 april 2015:
Het blijft feest in de Amerikaanse stad Bakersfield in Californië.
Zoals in het originele artikel staat, worden er al jarenlang UFO’s waargenomen boven deze stad.
Ook dit jaar gaat het onverminderd door en de volgende opname is gemaakt op dinsdag 14 april 2015 rond zes uur ’s morgens.
De video is gemaakt door Alex Viveros die het heeft opgestuurd naar het lokale televisiestation 23ABC.
Hij vertelde daarbij dat het fel verlichte object in de video zich langzaam door de lucht beweegt en op bepaalde punten blijft hangen alsof het wat wil onderzoeken. De felheid van het object neemt dan weer toe en wordt vervolgens weer minder.
Waar de getuige het heeft over één UFO, lijkt het eerder dat we hier, net zoals bij de Calbuco vulkaan in Chili, te maken hebben met twee afzonderlijke in een soort formatie.
Origineel artikel: 10 april 2015
We hebben al eerder geschreven over deze stad in Californië, waar men begin december 2012 in rep en roer was omdat er vreemde lichten in de lucht hingen. Toen was men nog volop in een "het einde van de wereld" stemming, maar gelukkig is dat niet gebeurd.
Ook de jaren daarna werden er regelmatig vreemde lichten gesignaleerd boven Bakersfield en ook nu is het weer raak.
Het mooie van de waarnemingen daar is dat ze door talloze getuigen worden waargenomen.
Dat is ook het geval met het vreemde blauwe licht wat merkwaardig genoeg werd waargenomen op de veertiende februari en precies een maand later op veertien maart nog een keer.
Getuigen verklaren dat ze meer dan twintig jaar in de wijk hebben gewoond waar het licht zichtbaar was en nog nooit zoiets hebben gezien.
Dat er een vreemd blauwe UFO zich heeft opgehouden boven Bakersfield is duidelijk.
Ook de lokale televisiezender heeft er de nodige aandacht aan besteed. En al die reportages van de mainstream televisie volgen onveranderlijk hetzelfde patroon.
Eerst laten ze getuigen aan het woord en laten eventueel beeldmateriaal zien en dan worden er de “experts” bijgehaald.
Experts die altijd één ding gemeen hebben en wel dat ze volledig uit hun nek lopen te kletsen. Maargoed, dat schijnt nu eenmaal de norm te zijn in mainstream-land.
UFO Stories Fill NYC As Terrified Earthlings Call 911
UFO Stories Fill NYC As Terrified Earthlings Call 911
Some Hunts Points residents called authorities to report the possible arrival of aliens from outer space. Residents spotted what they described as the flying spaceship moving quickly over East 149th Street and the Bruckner Expressway. Many witnesses called 911 including one terrified woman, according to an FDNY source.
Juan Marrero believes he too had a close encounter. Fifty-seven-year-old pigeon fancier, Marrero, said that he saw fireballs moving at a fast speed from the roof of his building at 11:30 pm. He mainly saw two bright lights streaking across the horizon. He described the quick movement as too fast for airplanes.
Andres Morales, 25, also claimed to have a close encounter. Like Marrero, he also saw the super-fast orb. He was too excited to take photos of it that he stuck his hand out the car window and snapped like crazy. He didn’t know what it was, but he saw it moving crazy fast.
It’s not the first time locals have claimed extraterrestrial visitors have come down to check the neighborhood. In the same area, unusual lights were spotted last year and in 2011, according to UFO journalist Ryan Sprague.
Sprague strongly believes that we’re dealing with strange activities that could potentially be nonhuman.
While Sprague admitted that misidentifications were also possibilities in East 149th Street because of the presence of La Guardia Airport nearby, he said that witnesses should not be discounted.
Those witnesses on Saturday and last May have described the same light that just hovered before shot off in just a matter of second, Sprague said.
The maneuvers of these objects, according to Sprague, appear to be not fitting with any current technology that people know.
Spraque explained that they’re not moving and then darting off at hard-to-believe speeds. He said that no human could survive at those speeds.
But why aliens like to visit The Bronx? One resident says that these aliens might want to learn how to break dance.
Proof We Are Not Alone with Stanton Friedman & Kathleen Marden
Proof We Are Not Alone with Stanton Friedman & Kathleen Marden
Brent Holland’s Night Fright Show with Stanton Friedman and Kathleen marden together. The possible connection between alien abductions and demonic experiences, latest on the MJ-12 documents, answer to the question why we are NOT alone on this planet, Betty and Barney Hill abduction and many more.
Unknown lights over Aliso Viejo, California – August 2014
Unknown lights over Aliso Viejo, California – August 2014
Here’s one older footage that was just submitted to MUFON. This one was filmed over Aliso Viejo in California on 25th August 2014.
Witness report:Notice objects glowing in the distance when getting off exit in Aliso Viejo. Three bright lights appeared stationary and in triangle formation. Pulsing. Eventually two disappeared, but the third remained in the sky for a long time in excess of 20 minutes. I have pictures and video of event from the balcony of my house. Heard lots of helicopters in area too. The last picture is taken from thru the windshield of my car and shows the difference compared to a traffic light.
Two top astronomers from the SETI Institute (Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) recently appeared in front of the congressional House Science and Technology Committee for a hearing regarding the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. They told the committee that extraterrestrial life most certainly exists, without question, one of those scientists is Seth Shostak, a well-known senior scientist at the SETI Institute. They said that the chance of discovering life on other planets is inevitable and will most likely occur within the next 20 years.(1)(2)
Their main argument was the size of the universe, emphasizing that there are trillions of stars out there, with one in every five most likely harboring an Earth-like planet.
“In the last 50 years, evidence has steadily mounted that the components and conditions we believe necessary for life are common and perhaps ubiquitous in our galaxy. The possibility that life has arisen elsewhere, and perhaps evolved intelligence, is plausible and warrants scientific inquiry. If you extrapolate on the planets they discovered, there are a trillion planets in the galaxy. That’s a lot of places for life. We know the majority of stars have planets, but what fraction of stars have planets that are more like the earth? It might be one in five.” – Dan Shostak
Scientists are discovering billions of Earth like planets on our Milky Way galaxy alone. I’d also like to mention that planets do not have to be Earth-like in order to harbor life, that’s just what we think and assume. Who knows what type of conditions life on other planets can thrive in? Or the biological make up of an extraterrestrial life form?
New York Politician Asks Astronomers about Extraterrestrials Already Visiting The Planet
Another topic brought up at the hearing was the topic of extraterrestrials, and if they are already visiting the planet. It was asked by U.S. Rep Chris Collins, a New York Republican.
Chris: “I think I might ask the question everyone in this room wants to ask, have you watched ‘Ancient Aliens’ and what’s your comment about that series?”
Shostak’s reply: “The public is fascinated with the idea that we may be being visited now, or may have been visited in the past, the so-called UFO phenomenon. I personally don’t share the conviction that we are being visited. I don’t think that that would be something that all the governments of the world had managed to obfuscate – to keep secret. I don’t believe that. .. The idea that maybe we were visited during the time of the ancient Egyptians and so forth, keep in mind that in the 4.5 billion year history of the Earth, the time of the ancient Egyptians was yesterday. So again, why were they there then? What was it that brought them to Earth? I have no idea and I don’t find very good evidence.”
In this interview, Shostak said he is aware of the witness testimony, but the fact remains that there is no scientific evidence, something he can touch, feel and examine, and that most of the scientists he knows feel the same way.
I’m not sure Shostak has examined the black budget world. Just because he has not seen any scientific evidence, does not mean that there is no scientific evidence. To read more about the black budget, please click HERE.
I’d also like to mention that many scientists all over the world have expressed that there is tremendous amounts of evidence to support the idea that extraterrestrial visitations have been occurring, and for a very long time. It’s not hard for governments to keep secrets, and I think we should not assume that if they have been visiting us, that they would just show up en mass. Here is one of them (a scientist) who shares a different belief than Shostak:
Why Were They Here Then (Ancient Past) and Not Now?
One of Shostak’s questions was, if they were here in our ancient past, why are they not here now? I don’t know the answer to this, but I do know that Earth was a very different place thousands of years ago compared to what it is now. Today, Earth has been destroyed, the people are at war and the overall general vibe of the planet is heavy. It’s flooded in conflict, pain, hurt, greed and fear, but things are changing, and maybe that explains all of the UFO activity we’ve been seeing lately over the past few years. There are a number of reasons why they might choose not to interact with us at this point in our history. At the same time, it seems interaction has been occurring, but with various individuals across the planet (instead of full out open disclosure) and with different government agencies all over the world.
So that brings us to his next point, that he doesn’t believe they would be able to keep this a secret. I personally don’t think it would be that hard. There are various secret military bases all over the planet, who is to say they are not interacting with those agencies at those bases?
What about all of the recent previously classified UFO documents that governments have now released? They managed to keep those secret for over 50 years… Don’t those go to show that they are indeed capable of keeping these secrets? They were able to cover up the fact that they were investigating the UFO phenomenon for decades.
There is a long history of UFOs interacting with military agencies (see below). Again, it would be a good idea if Dan was made aware of the black budget. As a scientist, I can understand why he doesn’t find all of the witness testimony compelling, however at the same time, the backgrounds of the men and women who have testified are no joke, and the official government documents correlated with them.
There is so much the human race still has to learn, realize and wake up to. We cannot even begin to comprehend the reasons why they are not interacting with humanity as they once supposedly did, openly and for everyone to see. Perhaps they don’t want to cause panic? Perhaps they are waiting for us to return the planet into balance with its natural environment. The list goes on and on, into various subjects that might involve concepts of science like frequency and vibration, who knows. The fact remains, the evidence is there and it’s overwhelming, it goes FAR beyond witness testimony and into abductions, films, reverse engineering, free energy, UFOs and nuclear missile sites, documents ect…
Here is a video of Bigelow Aerospace Director Mike Gold who mentions another congressional hearing about life on other planets. It’s good to see that some are at least aware of the UFO phenomenon and its importance. He expresses how he feels that it is a serious issue (The UFO issue) and that he is glad someone has been taking the reports.
UFOs ( Brief summary from past articles)
As far as UFOs go, they are a documented fact. The information below illustrates this, and yes I do understand that UFO does not equate to extraterrestrial space craft.
Within the past few years, dozens of governments admitted to allocating resources and having programs to study the UFO phenomenon. For instance, in Canada the RCMP, Transport Canada, and the Department of National Defence recently admitted to tracking UFOs and investigating them. (source) They’ve been doing it for years, accumulating thousands upon thousands of UFO related documents. Many of these documents have since been officially released.
HERE is the latest batch of UFO files released from the United Kingdom.
Documents released by the National Security Agency (NSA) reveal what is recorded when a UFO is being tracked on radar. HERE is one example. HERE is a four page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and NSA report describing a particular encounter in great detail.
“As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted object came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4. ”
You can read more about the radar tracking of UFOs HERE.
HERE is a Wikileak cable that describes how some politicians already know we are not alone in the universe. You can read more about that HERE.
Again the list goes on and on and thousands upon thousands of UFO related documents are now available in the public domain. For a summary of more documents that have been declassified and made available, a video done by UFO expert Richard Dolan does a great one in 10 minutes. To watch it click HERE and see what type of information is out there.
Here is some of the witness testimony that the SETI scientist was referring to as something he cannot consider as evidence, and I understand that. But again, he does not seem to be aware of the black budget world -which include projects the human race knows nothing about.
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. Trillions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have deliberately been kept in the dark.” (source) – Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer
“In one of the cases during the cold war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There’s been a lot more activity in the past two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb.” (source) – Paul Hellyer
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source)
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, by other civilizations. Who they are, where they are from, and what they want should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not be the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” (source) – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
“This thing has gotten so highly-classified…it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business, that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified.” – Senator Barry Goldwater, Chairman of the Senate intelligence committee (source)
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon” (source) – Dr. Brian O’leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor
Former Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska), and 2008 presidential candidate said that there is “an extraterrestrial influence that is investigating our planet. Something is monitoring the planet and they are monitoring it very cautiously.” You can learn more about the citizens hearing here.
I cannot begin to express how much information and evidence is out there to support the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
For more articles on this subject from Collective Evolution, you can click HERE
April 27, 2015 - One hundred years after Albert Einstein developed his general theory of relativity, physicists are still stuck with perhaps the biggest incompatibility problem in the universe. The smoothly warped space-time landscape that Einstein described is like a painting by Salvador Dalí — seamless, unbroken, geometric. But the quantum particles that occupy this space are more like something from Georges Seurat: pointillist, discrete, described by probabilities. At their core, the two descriptions contradict each other. Yet a bold new strain of thinking suggests that quantum correlations between specks of impressionist paint actually create not just Dalí’s landscape, but the canvases that both sit on, as well as the three-dimensional space around them. And Einstein, as he so often does, sits right in the center of it all, still turning things upside-down from beyond the grave.
Like initials carved in a tree, ER = EPR, as the new idea is known, is a shorthand that joins two ideas proposed by Einstein in 1935. One involved the paradox implied by what he called “spooky action at a distance” between quantum particles (the EPR paradox, named for its authors, Einstein, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen). The other showed how two black holes could be connected through far reaches of space through “wormholes” (ER, for Einstein-Rosen bridges). At the time that Einstein put forth these ideas — and for most of the eight decades since — they were thought to be entirely unrelated.
The New York Times
When Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen published their seminal paper pointing out puzzling features of what we now call entanglement, The New York Times treated it as front-page news.
But if ER = EPR is correct, the ideas aren’t disconnected — they’re two manifestations of the same thing. And this underlying connectedness would form the foundation of all space-time. Quantum entanglement — the action at a distance that so troubled Einstein — could be creating the “spatial connectivity” that “sews space together,” according to Leonard Susskind, a physicist at Stanford University and one of the idea’s main architects. Without these connections, all of space would “atomize,” according to Juan Maldacena, a physicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., who developed the idea together with Susskind. “In other words, the solid and reliable structure of space-time is due to the ghostly features of entanglement,” he said. What’s more, ER = EPR has the potential to address how gravity fits together with quantum mechanics.
Not everyone’s buying it, of course (nor should they; the idea is in “its infancy,” said Susskind). Joe Polchinski, a researcher at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara, whose own stunning paradox about firewalls in the throats of black holes triggered the latest advances, is cautious, but intrigued. “I don’t know where it’s going,” he said, “but it’s a fun time right now.”
The Black Hole Wars
The road that led to ER = EPR is a Möbius strip of tangled twists and turns that folds back on itself, like a drawing by M.C. Escher.
A fair place to start might be quantum entanglement. If two quantum particles are entangled, they become, in effect, two parts of a single unit. What happens to one entangled particle happens to the other, no matter how far apart they are.
Andrea Kane/Institute for Advanced Study
Juan Maldacena at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J.
Maldacena sometimes uses a pair of gloves as an analogy: If you come upon the right-handed glove, you instantaneously know the other is left-handed. There’s nothing spooky about that. But in the quantum version, both gloves are actually left- and right-handed (and everything in between) up until the moment you observe them. Spookier still, the left-handed glove doesn’t become left until you observe the right-handed one — at which moment both instantly gain a definite handedness.
Entanglement played a key role in Stephen Hawking’s 1974 discovery that black holes could evaporate. This, too, involved entangled pairs of particles. Throughout space, short-lived “virtual” particles of matter and anti-matter continually pop into and out of existence. Hawking realized that if one particle fell into a black hole and the other escaped, the hole would emit radiation, glowing like a dying ember. Given enough time, the hole would evaporate into nothing, raising the question of what happened to the information content of the stuff that fell into it.
But the rules of quantum mechanics forbid the complete destruction of information. (Hopelessly scrambling information is another story, which is why documents can be burned and hard drives smashed. There’s nothing in the laws of physics that prevents the information lost in a book’s smoke and ashes from being reconstructed, at least in principle.) So the question became: Would the information that originally went into the black hole just get scrambled? Or would it be truly lost? The arguments set off what Susskind called the “black hole wars,” which have generated enough stories to fill many books. (Susskind’s was subtitled “My Battle with Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics.”)
Eventually Susskind — in a discovery that shocked even him — realized (with Gerard ’t Hooft) that all the information that fell down the hole was actually trapped on the black hole’s two-dimensional event horizon, the surface that marks the point of no return. The horizon encoded everything inside, like a hologram. It was as if the bits needed to re-create your house and everything in it could fit on the walls. The information wasn’t lost — it was scrambled and stored out of reach.
Susskind continued to work on the idea with Maldacena, whom Susskind calls “the master,” and others. Holography began to be used not just to understand black holes, but any region of space that can be described by its boundary. Over the past decade or so, the seemingly crazy idea that space is a kind of hologram has become rather humdrum, a tool of modern physics used in everything from cosmology to condensed matter. “One of the things that happen to scientific ideas is they often go from wild conjecture to reasonable conjecture to working tools,” Susskind said. “It’s gotten routine.”
Jeff Singer
Leonard Susskind at home in Palo Alto, Calif.
Holography was concerned with what happens on boundaries, including black hole horizons. That left open the question of what goes on in the interiors, said Susskind, and answers to that “were all over the map.” After all, since no information could ever escape from inside a black hole’s horizon, the laws of physics prevented scientists from ever directly testing what was going on inside.
Then in 2012 Polchinski, along with Ahmed Almheiri, Donald Marolf and James Sully, all of them at the time at Santa Barbara, came up with an insight so startling it basically said to physicists: Hold everything. We know nothing.
The so-called AMPS paper (after its authors’ initials) presented a doozy of an entanglement paradox — one so stark it implied that black holes might not, in effect, even have insides, for a “firewall” just inside the horizon would fry anyone or anything attempting to find out its secrets.
Scaling the Firewall
Here’s the heart of their argument: If a black hole’s event horizon is a smooth, seemingly ordinary place, as relativity predicts (the authors call this the “no drama” condition), the particles coming out of the black hole must be entangled with particles falling into the black hole. Yet for information not to be lost, the particles coming out of the black hole must also be entangled with particles that left long ago and are now scattered about in a fog of Hawking radiation. That’s one too many kinds of entanglements, the AMPS authors realized. One of them would have to go.
The reason is that entanglements have to be monogamous, existing between just two particles. Two entanglements at once — quantum polygamy — simply cannot happen, which suggests that the smooth, continuous space-time inside the throats of black holes can’t exist. A break in the entanglement at the horizon would imply a discontinuity in space, a pileup of energy: the “firewall.”
The AMPS paper became a “real trigger,” said Stephen Shenker, a physicist at Stanford, and “cast in sharp relief” just how much was not understood. Of course, physicists love such paradoxes, because they’re fertile ground for discovery.
Both Susskind and Maldacena got on it immediately. They’d been thinking about entanglement and wormholes, and both were inspired by the work of Mark Van Raamsdonk, a physicist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, who had conducted a pivotal thought experiment suggesting that entanglement and space-time are intimately related.
“Then one day,” said Susskind, “Juan sent me a very cryptic message that contained the equation ER = EPR. I instantly saw what he was getting at, and from there we went back and forth expanding the idea.”
Olena Shmahalo/Quanta Magazine
The ER = EPR idea posits that entangled particles inside and outside of a black hole’s event horizon are connected via wormholes.
Their investigations, which they presented in a 2013 paper, “Cool Horizons for Entangled Black Holes,” argued for a kind of entanglement they said the AMPS authors had overlooked — the one that “hooks space together,” according to Susskind. AMPS assumed that the parts of space inside and outside of the event horizon were independent. But Susskind and Maldacena suggest that, in fact, particles on either side of the border could be connected by a wormhole. The ER = EPR entanglement could “kind of get around the apparent paradox,” said Van Raamsdonk. The paper contained a graphic that some refer to half-jokingly as the “octopus picture” — with multiple wormholes leading from the inside of a black hole to Hawking radiation on the outside.
In other words, there was no need for an entanglement that would create a kink in the smooth surface of the black hole’s throat. The particles still inside the hole would be directly connected to particles that left long ago. No need to pass through the horizon, no need to pass Go. The particles on the inside and the far-out ones could be considered one and the same, Maldacena explained — like me, myself and I. The complex “octopus” wormhole would link the interior of the black hole directly to particles in the long-departed cloud of Hawking radiation.
Holes in the Wormhole
No one is sure yet whether ER = EPR will solve the firewall problem. John Preskill, a physicist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, reminded readers of Quantum Frontiers, the blog for Caltech’s Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, that sometimes physicists rely on their “sense of smell” to sniff out which theories have promise. “At first whiff,” he wrote, “ER = EPR may smell fresh and sweet, but it will have to ripen on the shelf for a while.”
Whatever happens, the correspondence between entangled quantum particles and the geometry of smoothly warped space-time is a “big new insight,” said Shenker. It’s allowed him and his collaborator Douglas Stanford, a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study, to tackle complex problems in quantum chaos through what Shenker calls “simple geometry that even I can understand.”
To be sure, ER = EPR does not yet apply to just any kind of space, or any kind of entanglement. It takes a special type of entanglement and a special type of wormhole. “Lenny and Juan are completely aware of this,” said Marolf, who recently co-authored a paper describing wormholes with more than two ends. ER = EPR works in very specific situations, he said, but AMPS argues that the firewall presents a much broader challenge.
Like Polchinski and others, Marolf worries that ER = EPR modifies standard quantum mechanics. “A lot of people are really interested in the ER = EPR conjecture,” said Marolf. “But there’s a sense that no one but Lenny and Juan really understand what it is.” Still, “it’s an interesting time to be in the field.”
April 27, 2015- This gigantic citadel was home to over 200,000 people thousands of years ago. It is an ancient city unlike any other in the region. It was an ancient metropolis whose builders are unknown to history.
Interest in Teotihuacan has increased over the recent years. Most of the excavation works at Teotihuacan were performed by Mexican archaeologist Sergio Gómez with most important results coming from the work in the last six years. During this time, thousands of mysterious artifacts were uncovered, among them incredible sculptures, golden artifacts, jewelry and gigantic seashells.
Due to the difficult conditions that rule in the tunnels beneath the gigantic pyramids, excavation works have moved forward at slow speeds. Archaeologists use special equipment to avoid mercury poisoning due to the large amounts of the element discovered recently.
American archaeologist George Cowgill, who has spent over four decades excavating Teotihuacan believes that the discovery of Mercury will lead to the eventually discovery of the long-lost Tomb of the first ruler of the ancient citadel. According to archaeologist Linda Manzanilla, at its peak, the ancient city of Teotihuacan was governed not by a single king, but by a council consisting of four men, Gomez hopes to find the remains of one of them.
Researchers have also discovered traces of Radon, a highly contaminant gas that has greatly complicated the excavations process.
Halfway through the tunnel, two chambers were discovered on the sides. These chambers are relatively small and mostly “empty”, but archaeologists have found over 300 metal spheres ranging from 2 to 25 centimeters in diameter. Researchers have no idea what these spheres represented in the past.
30 meters form the end of the tunnel, the trail descends steeply where three chambers are located. Their center is located exactly below the apex of the Pyramid. The entire ancient city of Teotihuacan extends over 23 square kilometers, researchers have excavated only 5 percent of the ancient citadel. During its peak, the ancient city was home to over 200,000 people from different ethnicities and cultures.
Ancient Teotihuacan had ties to the ancient city of Tikal in Guatemala, Copan in Honduras and many other ancient cities in the region. This points to the power of this ancient city thousands of years ago and provides a lot of information on how these ancient cities communicated, traded and lived. Related:Ancient Giants Documented In Aztec Records
There are still numerous enigmas surrounding Teotihuacan as researchers have little knowledge of the government system of the city, the language that was spoken and their written languages which is still undeciphered. Researchers have no idea why the ancient city crumbled leading to the eventual abrupt abandonment of the site.
The three incredible pyramids of Teotihuacan; The Pyramid of the Sun, the Moon and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl were constructed at the main plaza of the city, these were the main landmarks of a city meticulously planned, obsessed with astronomical alignments.
Traces of Mercury have also been found in ancient monuments in Egypt and China. The Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of a unified China is located on Mount Li, 30 kilometers east of the city of Xian. This mausoleum has 2.13 square kilometers and was built according to the urban plan of the city of Xianyang, former capital of the Qin Dynasty.
Divided into two parts, internal and external, it had the shape of a truncated pyramid with a base of 350 meters and a height of 76 meters. This ancient mausoleum remained forgotten and buried for about 2,000 years. The burial chamber has not been excavated yet, but according to researchers, it is located at the center of the underground palace of the mausoleum.
According to ancient texts, the tomb is located between a replica of China, a sea of mercury and the dome of the camera which has many artifacts, including jewelry and paintings that simulate the stars.
Traces of Mercury have been found in many monuments of Africa, America and Asia. Researchers hope to understand the exact purpose of this element and why it was incorporated in the most important temples built by ancient civilizations.
500,000 Year Old Engraving On A Fossilised Mollusc Shell Rewrites Human History
500,000 Year Old Engraving On A Fossilised Mollusc Shell Rewrites Human History
April 27, 2015 - Anthropologists said they had found the earliest engraving in human history on a fossilised mollusc shell some 500,000 years old, unearthed in colonial-era Indonesia.
The zigzag scratching, together with evidence that these shells were used as a tool, should prompt a rethink about the mysterious early human called Homo erectus, they said.
The discovery comes through new scrutiny of 166 freshwater mussel shells found at Trinil, on the banks of the Bengawan Solo river in East Java, where one of the most sensational finds in fossil-hunting was made.
It was here in 1891 that an adventurous Dutch palaeontologist, Eugene Dubois, found "Java Man."
With a couple of army sergeants and convict labour to do the digging, Dubois excavated part of a heavy-browed skull, a tooth and a thigh bone.
He interpreted these as being the remains of a gibbon-like hominid that was the long-sought "missing link" between apes and humans.
Dubois' claim excited fierce controversy, as well as jokey images of our distant ancestors as slack-jawed primates with dragging knuckles.
Palaeontologists eventually categorised the find as a Homo erectus, or "upright human"—a hominid that according to sketchy and hugely debated fossil evidence lived from around 1.9 million years ago to about 150,000 years ago.
Reporting in the science journal Nature, a team led by Josephine Joordens at Leiden University in the Netherlands, harnessed 21st-century technology to take a new look at the Trinil shells, now housed in a local collection.
Carbon dating of sediment found in the shells put their age at between 430,000 and 540,000 years ago.
A third of the shells were also found to have a curious hole at the base of one of the bivalve's muscles.
Sharp-toothed animals such as otters, rats or monkeys may have bitten into it to get at the flesh—but a likelier source, said the experts, is H. erectus, which tucked into the shells for food.
The team carried out experiments on living mussels of the same mollusc family, Pseudodon, piercing the shell at the same location with a pointed object.
As soon as the shell was broached, the muscle was damaged by the tool tip and the mollusc could be easily opened without breakage.
The scientists then deployed a scanning electron microscope to get a closer look at the shells.
One of them was found to have a polished and smooth edge, suggesting it may have been used as a tool to cut or scrape.
Another had a zigzag set of grooves incised into it, by a sharp implement such as a shark's tooth.
The marks are at least 300,000 years older than the earliest previously known, indisputable engravings.
"The simple zigzag on the shell is the earliest engraving known thus far in the history of humankind," Joordens' colleague, Wil Roebroeks, told AFP in an email.
"But: we have no clue why somebody made it half a million years ago, and we explicitly refrain from speculating on it" in terms of art or symbolism, he said.
Francesco d'Errico of Bordeaux University in southwestern France said the engraving was "the oldest known graphic expression."
"The behaviour is deliberate. The individual had the desire to make a zigzag pattern in a single go," he said.
But d'Errico cautioned, "We don't know why he did it. It may have been a mark of ownership, a personal code, a gift."
Geometric marks are considered to be a sign of cognitive behaviour and neuromotor skills that—until now—have been overwhelmingly attributed to modern man, Homo sapiens.
Put together, the new evidence delivers a blow to the stereotype of H. erectus as lumbering, heavy-handed and stupid.
He was smart enough to feed himself efficiently from mussels, dextrous enough to use slim, smooth shells as tools and brainy enough to engrave an abstract pattern on one of them.
A "richer" image of this enigmatic hominid results, Roebroeks said.
"We knew that H. erectus made nice handaxes etcetera," he said.
"Now we have this evidence for sophisticated opening of shells and a small zigzag, it might create a more subtle picture."
Mars OXygen In Situ: New Device To 'Brew' Oxygen on Mars
Mars OXygen In Situ: New Device To 'Brew' Oxygen on Mars
April 27, 2015 - Six years from now a machine that makes oxygen will be in operation on Mars.
The small oxygen device will be sent to the Red Planet with the NASA Mars 2020 mission.
"We're going to build a small instrument that will generate oxygen on Mars. It will be the prototype of a much larger 'factory' that will provide astronauts with oxygen at some point in the future," says Morten Bo Madsen, the head of the Mars group at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen.
The project is known at NASA as MOXIE (Mars OXygen In Situ resource utilisation Experiment). Madsen's research group was selected by NASA to participate in the project alongside senior researcher Christopher Graves from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
How to brew oxygen on Mars
There is practically no oxygen in Mars's atmosphere, but the MOXIE device will “brew” oxygen from carbon dioxide (CO2), which there is plenty of in the planet’s atmosphere.
The illustration shows the construction of the MOXIE instrument. If all goes according to the plan, MOXIE will be brewing oxygen on Mars six years from now. (Illustration: NASA)
A carbon dioxide molecule consists of a carbon atom (C) and two oxygen atoms (O2), and it will be the job of the MOXIE apparatus to split the carbon dioxide molecules apart.
The splitting process requires energy, but the end result will be oxygen molecules and a by-product in the form of carbon monoxide (CO).
"MOXIE works like a sort of fuel cell in reverse. A fuel cell produces energy by melting together hydrogen and oxygen to produce water. Instead, we'll be using energy to remove an oxygen atom from CO2," says Madsen.
He explains that MOXIE will get its energy from a Radio Thermal Generator (RTG) which generates electricity from heat developed in radioactive plutonium.
Will provide oxygen people on Mars
Around 96 per cent of the Martian atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide so there is plenty of raw material for oxygen production.
The MOXIE instrument will sit aboard the unmanned vehicle. Scientists from the University of Copenhagen are also involved in building one of the other instruments on board the vehicle, the so-called Mastcam-Z. (Illustration: NASA)
NASA spokespersons have stated that MOXIE is only the beginning of oxygen production on Mars.
"Having the ability to produce oxygen on the surface of Mars is a great step forward when it comes to mankind's future exploration of Mars," said Michael Meyer, a leading scientist at NASA's Mars Exploration Program, to
The plan is to build an entire oxygen factory on the red planet which will be about 100 times the size of the first MOXIE prototype which is to be launched from Earth with the Mars 2020 mission.
The prototype oxygen factory will have to be ready when NASA sends the first humans to Mars at some time in the 2030s.
Vehicle will collect samples on Mars
The idea behind the Mars 2020 mission is to send an autonomous rover to Mars and have it drive around collecting samples from a planet -- much like Curiosity is doing right now.
Time line: Oxygen production on Mars
2018: Construction of the MOXIE instrument is complete and it is ready to be tested and calibrated on Earth.
2020: The oxygen machine MOXIE will be launched with the Mars 2020 mission.
2021: MOXIE will begin generating oxygen on Mars to test whether the technology works
Approximately 2030: If all goes well, an oxygen “factory” about 100 times the size of the first MOXIE instrument will be sent to Mars. Here, the factory will start generating oxygen to fill storage tanks ready for the arrival of humans on the planet.
Approximately 2035-36: NASA will (perhaps) send people to Mars. They will be able to breathe using the stored oxygen, as well as using it as an oxidant for the combustion of fuel for the journey home.
"In comparison to Curiosity, what is new about the Mars 2020 mission is that it will gather selected samples which can be encapsulated and then returned to Earth at a later date," says Madsen.
His contribution to MOXIE instrument is, among other things, developing a method whereby the instrument can “harvest” carbon dioxide from the Martian atmosphere without the fine electrical circuits being wrecked by dust.
The Mars group at the University of Copenhagen has also been selected to contribute to the development of another instrument for the Mars 2020 mission, known as Mastcam Z.
It is a special camera which, fitted to a mast on the vehicle be able to see way out in the terrain as well as to zoom in and take close-ups.
The Mars 2020 rover will be launched in July or August 2020. The journey to Mars will take 7 to 9 months.
Some of the statues boasted distinct red headgear.Image Credit: CC BY 2.5 Honey Hooper
The huge stone headpieces worn by the statues on Easter Island were probably placed using ramps.
There are still many aspects of the enigmatic Easter Island statues that are not yet fully understood, in particular how the ancient people of the island managed to carve, move and position the massive stone figures using only primitive tools and techniques.
Now however the secret behind one aspect of their construction might have finally been solved thanks to researchers who presented their latest findings at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archeology earlier this month.
What they found was that the large red 'hats' worn by around 100 of the statues would have most likely been placed on top of the stones by rolling them up ramps. This technique would have been remarkably effective and might have only required a small group of workers to achieve.
Evidence pointing to this idea was found in the form of ring-shaped indentations and vertical scratches on the edges of the headgear that would have helped to provide traction.
A small lip at the base of the stones also likely helped prevent them from tipping over.
Archaeologists now believe that these 'hats' were most likely a representation of hair on the statues and that their vivid red color probably held ritualistic significance for the islanders.
Many mysteries surround Teotihuacan.Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Carlitos Alonso Caballero Vallejo
Significant quantities of the metal have been found inside the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent.
Discovered by Mexican researcher Sergio Gómez, the mercury was found within a chamber inside one of the pyramids of Teotihuacan, the world famous pre-Columbian ruins located in Central Mexico.
For years Gómez and his team had been working their way down through the bowels of the pyramid after its tunnels were unsealed in 2003. Dating back over 1,800 years, the ancient structure could still contain an undiscovered king’s tomb or ritual chamber that would help shed some light on how the ancient city was ruled.
Last year the team uncovered three chambers located 60ft below the pyramid and now with the discovery of liquid mercury they are hoping that a significant discovery could be close at hand.
While this dangerous metal would have had no practical application for the ancient Mesoamericans its reflective properties may have seen it used for symbolic or ritualistic purposes.
"Mirrors were considered a way to look into the supernatural world, they were a way to divine what might happen in the future," said Prof Annabeth Headreck of the University of Denver.
In this case the mercury may have represented an underworld river - a gateway to the afterlife.
If these indications of a burial chamber prove correct then it might not be long before Gómez and his team locate the ultimate prize buried deep down within the ancient tunnels of the pyramid
A "flying spaceship" (the red light) was spotted soaring around The Bronx Saturday night.
Photo: Andres Morales
The truth is out there — and it’s hovering over The Bronx.
A mysterious light in the sky so freaked out some Hunts Points residents that they called authorities to report their only possible explanation: the arrival of aliens from outer space.
A “flying spaceship” is moving swiftly over East 149th Street and the Bruckner Expressway, one terrified woman told a 911 operator Saturday night, according to an FDNY source.
Juan Marrero said he, too, had a close encounter.
“I look up and see this fireball, ‘Whoosh!’ and then another, ‘Whoosh!’ ” said Marrero, 57, a pigeon fancier who was on the roof of his building at 11:30 p.m. when he saw two bright lights streaking across the sky. “From one side of the sky to the other, too fast for an airplane.”
Andres Morales, 25, said he also saw the speedy orb — and did his best to document his out-of-this-world experience.
“I stuck my hand out the car window and snapped like crazy,” he told The Post. “I don’t know what it was but it was moving crazy fast.”
It’s not the first time locals have said extraterrestrial immigrants boogied down from another galaxy to check out the neighborhood. Unusual lights in the sky were seen in the same area last year, and also in 2011, according to self-described “UFO journalist” Ryan Sprague.
“I definitely think we’re dealing with anomalies that could potentially be nonhuman,” Sprague said.
East 149th Street is close to La Guardia Airport, which could lead to “misidentifications,” Sprague conceded, though he said witnesses should not be discounted.
Those who saw the orb on Saturday, and the one last May, echoed the same description — a light that “just sort of hovered, stationary, and then shot off in the blink of an eye,” he stressed.
“The maneuvers these objects seem to be making don’t fit with any current technology that we’re aware of,” Sprague said.
“They’re not moving, then darting off at unbelievable speeds,” he explained. “I just don’t think that’s something a human could survive.”
But why The Bronx?
“To study us,” one longtime resident offered. “Maybe they want to learn to break dance.”
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UFO? Meteor? Fireball shoots over UK skies
UFO? Meteor? Fireball shoots over UK skies
Stargazers spotted a large, bright light in the skies over the UK last night. Owen Humphreys/PA Wire
A ‘huge fireball’ was seen in the skies above England last night.
The sighting was one of many of a mystery object in the skies above the UK last night.
The fireball was also reportedly seen by people in Ireland and Scotland.
So far there has been no confirmation as to what the object was, but the most likely causes would be a meteor or piece of space debris entering the Earth’s atmosphere.
Did you witness the fireball over the North East last night? Use our Comments section below to report what you saw.
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.It Fell from the Skies: The Shag Harbor UFO Crash
.It Fell from the Skies: The Shag Harbor UFO Crash
The tiny fishing village of Shag Harbor wasn’t destined to remain anonymous. On the night of October 4, 1967, its residents were awaken from their slumber by an event that would find its place within the pages of ufology books — the Shag Harbor UFO crash.
Like all similar incidents, this one began when several of the 400 residents noticed strange lights in the sky. Most witnesses recalled a number of four orange lights trailing through the sky in an apparently intelligent and controlled manner. They also heard a whistling sound followed by a loud bang. Five teenagers reported the lights had been flashing in sequence before diving towards the water. Whatever those lights were, they didn’t dive below the surface but rather appeared to float.
I was with Norm Smith and we were driving in Shag Harbor from Cape Island,” said Dave Kendricks, one of the witnesses. “When we got to Bear Point we saw a bright light in the sky, sort of reddish orange,”
Believing they had just watched a plane crash, several of the townspeople notified the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Unbeknownst to them, RCMP Constable Ron Pound had also witnessed the strange lights as he was patrolling on Highway 3 between Shag Harbor and Barrington Passage. Intrigued, he was already heading towards the crash site.
Pound believed the four lights were part of the same structure which he estimated to have measured around 60 feet across. He kept an eye on the object as it appeared to settle on the surface of the water, half a mile out at sea.
As he reached the shore, he was joined by two more policemen, Corporal Victor Werbieki and Constable Ron O’Brien as well as several residents of Shag Harbor.
After it hit the water we were called to the scene,” said Constable Ron O’Brien. “I saw a light floating on the water about a half mile offshore. It was being carried out to sea by the tide and disappeared before we could get a boat to it.”
Ten more officers arrived and as they were all observing the object, it disappeared. The witnesses surmised it had either moved beyond their field of view or sank into the frigid waters.
Several local boats and a Coast Guard vessel initiated a search but when they arrived at the spot where the object was last seen, they found nothing but a large patch of strange, yellow foam bubbling on the surface of the water. Whatever object had splashed down in the harbor, it was most likely resting on the seabed. Lacking resources, they called off the search for the night.
The first step in identifying the unknown object was to call air traffic control. The RCMP contacted the NORAD radar in Nova Scotia, inquiring about any missing aircraft. They received a negative answer as all military and civilian aircraft were accounted for.
The following morning, a report was filed with the Canadian Forces HQ in Ottawa. The report made mention of an object of “unknown origin” crashing into Shag Harbor. The bottom of the ocean was searched for several days by a team of military divers. Despite their best efforts, the search results returned nothing.
Due to a lack of answers, the incident would fade into obscurity.
Fortunately, it would be brought back up into attention through the efforts of two MUFON investigators, Chris Styles and Doug Ledger. In 1993, Styles and Ledger began a series of interviews that managed to uncover strange and interesting new evidence. Employing some old-style reporter work, they sifted through newspaper clippings, identifying the original witnesses.
As they would find out, it had been rumored the object that crashed into the harbor was actually a Soviet spacecraft and there were reports of a Soviet submarine in the area shortly after the incident.
Intrigued, the MUFON investigators decided to dig deeper and managed to interview some of the divers that had participated in the search operation. According to their testimony, the underwater object had left the area in the days following its crash, heading north for 25 miles, until it reached a submarine detection base called Government Point. After its presence was detected by sonar, several Navy vessels were stationed above it. When the vessels were dispatched to a salvage operation a few days later, a second unidentified object arrived.
As the Navy kept an eye on the intruders, an alarm was raised as a Soviet submarine entered the Canadian waters. Once again, the vessels were dispatched and the two objects took advantage of the situation, making their escape through the Gulf of Maine. Once they had distanced themselves, the objects took off into the skies and disappeared for good.
Although this last part is unsubstantiated, it makes for an interesting addition to the case.
Although not particularly famous, this episode remains one of the most interesting incidents and the large number of witnesses lends credibility to the event. Although unexplained, one thing is certain: there is something mysterious behind the Shag Harbor UFO crash.
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NASA: "There Might Be Civilizations Existing in Cold Dark Space Beyond Galaxies" (Weekend Feature)
NASA: "There Might Be Civilizations Existing in Cold Dark Space Beyond Galaxies" (Weekend Feature)
“There might be people living out there, out in the middle of cold dark space, that don't have a Milky Way,” says Harvey Moseley, an astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. Astronomers have spotted a faint cosmic glow, unseen until now, that may come from stars that float adrift between galaxies. The discovery suggests that as many as half of all stars in the universe lurk outside galactic boundaries.
The work shows, reported by Nature, shows how little astronomers know about intergalactic space, and how it contributes to the energy budget of the Universe, says Juna Kollmeier, an astronomer at the Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena. In June, Kollmeier and her colleagues reported a ‘missing light’ problem: there are not nearly enough stars and galaxies to explain other observations in intergalactic space2. She calls the latest finding “provocative”, but is not convinced by the models the new study used to conclude that the light was coming from extragalactic stars
The stars were probably tossed there when galaxies collided (trail of stars from colliding galaxies shown in Hubble above). A team led by astrophysicist Michael Zemcov, of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, reports the discovery in the 7 November issue of Science1.
The findings come from the Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment (CIBER), which flew briefly into space in 2010 and 2012 aboard a sounding rocket. As CIBER soared above the atmosphere, it looked at five different regions in space for about a minute each, gathering as many particles of cosmic light as possible. The flights took place at different times of year, so that the astronomers could subtract the confounding effects of the zodiacal light, the glow of sunlight that is scattered off interplanetary dust.
CIBER was designed to look for fluctuations in infrared light to hunt for signs of some of the first galaxies that formed in the Universe. The light of these galaxies has been redshifted to infrared wavelengths because of the Universe's expansion.
But when Zemcov and his colleagues began to sift through CIBER’s data, they realized that the light it captured was not nearly red enough to have come from ancient galaxies. The light must be coming from something closer and more modern, they say — such as ordinary stars.
The scientists extrapolated from CIBER’s fields of view to the entire Universe, and concluded that there was much more light than could be explained by known galaxies. That means the light is probably coming from stars between galaxies, says team member Jamie Bock, an astrophysicist at Caltech. “These stars produce as much background light as the galaxies themselves,” he says. “That’s really exciting.”
Stars normally reside within galaxies, but can be yanked out by gravitational forces when galaxies collide. Bock suspects that a lot of these renegade stars could have come from relatively lightweight galaxies, which can lose hold of their stars more easily than more massive galaxies.
“If this is true, then there is an entire population of stars that's been sitting out there, but because they are individually so faint we can really only see them in ensemble,” says Moseley.
Bock and his colleagues are now building a follow-up experiment, CIBER2, which will look at visible rather than infrared wavelengths. They hope that it will reveal new information about the background glow and exactly what kinds of stars could be contributing to it.
The Hubble Image at the top of the page shows merging galaxies, like this pair called Arp 142, that may spew stars out into intergalactic space.
Now Released: These NASA Gemini Project Photos Will Leave You Speechless
Now Released: These NASA Gemini Project Photos Will Leave You Speechless
April 26, 2015 - Project Gemini from NASA was created to test technologies and techniques that will be later put in use in the Apollo program, the Gemini spacecraft was bigger and more advanced than the Mercury and could hold two man. When designing the Gemini project these were the main goals: Precision atmospheric reentry. Extra Vehicular Activity ( EVA) or spacewalking. Fuel cells to generate electricity and water. Perfect rendezvous and docking between two spacecraft. Techniques for propelling and maneuvering two docked spacecraft. Long term human spaceflight.
The Gemini spacecraft was designed by a team of NASA engineers led by Jim Chamberlin and was built by McDonnell Aircraft in St Louis, the Gemini flights helped NASA learn how to work and live in space, paving the way for the Apollo human landing on the Moon. Here are some breathtaking photos of that project
Really? Mystery Of How The Egyptians Moved Pyramid Stones 'Solved'
Really? Mystery Of How The Egyptians Moved Pyramid Stones 'Solved'
April 26, 2015 - Ancient Egyptians had to pull massive statues and pyramid stones weighing 2.5 tons on large sleds across the desert -- without any modern mechanical device. Now, new research shows how adding a small amount of water to sand significantly reduces the sliding friction -- a clever trick that allowed the Egyptians to cut the number of workers needed by half.
To make a good sandcastle, you don’t use dry sand. By adding water, the grains stick to each other, and your castle holds its shape. Same thing with sand transportation: Adding water reduces the sliding friction of any object moving over the sand. With the right amount of dampness, water droplets bind the sand grains together.
An international team led by Daniel Bonn from the University of Amsterdam tested the sliding friction of dry and wet sand by pulling a weighted sled across the surface in a tray. With dry sand, a heap would form in front of the sled, hindering its movement. And as they added water, both the force needed to pull the sled and the amount of friction decreased. As the water made the sand more rigid, the heaps got smaller and smaller until there was no obstacle forming in front of the moving sled.
Their experiments revealed that the required pulling force decreased proportional to the stiffness of the sand. When water was added, capillary bridges arose; these small water droplets act like glue to bind the sand grains together. With the right amount of water, wet desert sand is about twice as stiff as dry sand, allowing the sled to glide far more easily.
“I was very surprised by the amount the pulling force could be reduced -- by as much as 50 percent -- meaning that the Egyptians needed only half the men to pull over wet sand as compared to dry,” Bonn tells the Washington Post. Pictured here is the lab setup: A pile of sand accumulates in front of the sled when it's pulled over dry sand (left), but not with wet sand (right).
But just like with sandcastles, too much water isn’t good either. Water saturation is accompanied by a decrease in stiffness. With very high water contents, the capillary bridges (which used to act like a glue) start to merge and disappear, and the sliding friction increases again. It’s a delicate balance. "If you use dry sand, it won't work as well, but if the sand is too wet, it won't work either," Bonn tells LiveScience. "There's an optimum stiffness." The ideal amount of water falls between 2 and 5 percent of the volume of sand.
The answer had been staring us in the face for a long time. In a wall painting from the tomb of Djehutihotep (schematic above), you can see a worker pouring water on the sand in front of a sled that’s carrying a colossal statue. The sleds were little more than large wooden planks with upturned edges. “Egyptologists had been interpreting the water as part of a purification ritual," Bonn says, "and had never sought a scientific explanation.”
The work was published in Physical Review Letters last week.
Does Nibiru - Planet X really exist as remembered in ancient Sumerian writing?
Does Nibiru - Planet X really exist as remembered in ancient Sumerian writing?
April 26, 2015 - There are countless articles on the internet talking about this mysterious planet, some of these refer to it as possible ‘murderer’ of Earth. All kinds of dreadful gravitational phenomena are connected with Nibiru and some even argue that Planet X or Nibiru poses a threat to Earth, and that one day it will collide against our planet. Science argues that it might exist, but they just haven seen it yet. Mythologically speaking, Nibiru is present in many ancient Sumerian writing.
Due to the large number of natural disasters that have happened on our planet in the recent years, many people claim that it is due to the approach of Nibiru, aka The Twelfth Planet or Planet X and many researchers warn of a global catastrophe. Ufologists believe that astronomers and scientists are monitoring Nibiru although this information is kept hidden from the public as many other subjects.
There are many ufologists who suspect that agencies like NASA, are searching in the background for the ancient planet Nibiru, home to the annunaki. Media reports in Russia point toward certain people predicting that this mysterious planet is approaching Earth, and that the consequences of this encounter could be catastrophic bringing upon our planet many disasters including earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, fires and meteor showers among other things. But does this planet actually exist?
In 1976, the late Zecharia Sitchin raised a controversy with the publication of his book “The Twelfth Planet”. In this and subsequent books, Sitchin presented his translations of ancient Sumerian texts which tell an incredible story regarding the origins of mankind on Earth, stories that are completely different to those that most of us learned in school.
According to the ancient cuneiform texts, which are believed to be some of the oldest writings known to date, go back at least 6,000 years. These writings explain the history of a race of beings called the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki came to Earth from a planet in our solar system which is called Nibiru. Sadly, many people have never heard of it, because according to mainstream science the planet called Nibiru does not exist. However, according to Sitchin, the presence of Nibiru is very important for the past and future of humanity.
The orbit of Nibiru around the sun is believed to be extremely elliptical, and according to text, it is located far beyond the orbit of Pluto. Bribe takes around 3600 years to complete one orbit around the Sun. Nibiru is believed to be the home planet of the Anunnaki. The approach of Nibiru towards the planets of our solar system might pose a huge threat given its gravitational characteristics.
Astronomers today suggest that there is in fact a planet called Planet X, located beyond the orbit of Pluto, a planet that explains the anomalies in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus, the New York times even talked about in 1982:
Something out there beyond the farthest reaches of the known solar system seems to be tugging at Uranus and Neptune. Some gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object that may be the long- sought Planet X. … The last time a serious search of the skies was made it led to the discovery in 1930 of Pluto, the ninth planet.
Also, there is some buzz around the object described in the video below currently. Is this planet X? What do you think?
Lately we have had to focus on the negative aliens of the Draco species as well their negative Grays and Reptilians consorts in order to expose the matrix agenda. There are astral taps that exist as a part of their matrix program and they needed to be identified in order to recognize them more easily. We will now move to a neutral perspective in order to explore the origin, evolution, and qualities of some of the extraterrestrials tied to the planet at this time.
As I have mentioned, there are positive and negative beings within each extraterrestrial race. We exist within a Universe of free will which allows duality to be present; good and bad, right and wrong. I posted an In5d article that has some information from Wes Penre on his viewpoint of identifying good and bad races, called Extraterrestrial Races: The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly.
In a world without the matrix and duality, we could easily imagine seeing ourselves side by side with an array of different beings not unlike the Cantina bar in the movie Star Wars. The future holds this time, and we are rapidly bringing it forward in the now. In order to accept others into our lives, it is helpful to recognize who we really are.
We have had many lives and experiences that we are currently drawing upon. There are many races of extraterrestrials here on, in, and around the planet at this time. When I came across the information I am sharing with you from Amariah on her website, it was of great interest to me to wonder whether I had lives as Zeta Reticulans, Reptilians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Aliens, Felines, or Pleiadians. Of course there are many other races including Sirians, Lyrans, etc., but they are not mentioned in this particular source of information.
You may have characteristics that stand out more than others that match some of these extra terrestrial races:
Zeta Reticulan Grays
Place of Origin: These beings are a product of this universe. They originally developed in the Zeta Reticuli binary star system, which is about 39 light years from Earth.
Dimensional Perspectives: Exist in 4D and some are evolving into 5D
Appearance: These look like the gray alien image so commonly known today. There are many forms, but they generally all have large heads, big black eyes, spindly bodies, and grayish skin with many color variations. They range in size from 3-6’ in height and can have 3-5 long fingers and some are webbed. They are less physically dense than we are, yet retain use of a body form and can change their physical vessels for different purposes.
Evolution: Zetas are ahead of us by a few million years or so. They started in the Zeta Reticuli system, but have become space travelers and many spend their entire existence in space. The variety of Zeta appearances is because of their extensive travel and settlement in different environment and their adaptation to space and time travel. However, since they became aware long ago that their consciousness is not their physical container, they consciously can move into different bodies. They tend to stick with a form that suits their jobs or roles at any given time. They are highly technologically and scientifically advanced. Various gray species have different histories, and some are known to have over emphasized their focus on technology to the detriment of other qualities. But, most have now evolved to be able to integrate with their technology in a symbiotic relationship and have learned to balance their spirituality with their technological dependency. They understand that their tools also have consciousness and they work with that consciousness. These beings have been involved with the evolution of many 3D species, including humans, because of their advances in genetic engineering and their ability to still work within a 3D environment.
Qualities: Telepathic, telekinetic, high mental function. They appear emotionless, but are experts at reading frequency and do not need physical expression to relay feeling. They are scientific problem solvers, see through time and space and are energy transformers.
Abilities: Zetas can integrate with the consciousness of anything, and they create this way. Their ships and equipment respond to their telepathic communication and are considered live beings. They are time travelers and can shift from 3D to 4D and can move others through these dimensions as well, by shifting their frequency. They operate from heightened emotional states, and thus are not influenced by denser emotions. They can manipulate energy fields, which allows them to heal and create mental projections and alter sensations.
Specialties: Zetas are called upon for upgrading species from 3D to 4D. They do this with genetic methods to which there is an energetic component, and through teaching spiritual principles to help species learn to use their psychic acumen. They are evolutionary helpers and also guardians that watch over species progression. Zetas also assist with modulating star seed energies to integrate with 3D physical bodies for incarnation.
Basic Needs: Connection and understanding. Zetas live for their sense of interconnectedness. If they lose this they feel lost. They also need the understanding that comes with connecting to one another and all beings and hence form collectives that work together to solve problems.
Focus: Advancement and species evolution. Zetas are excited and motivated by evolution and the integration of species and how the soul can evolve by means of experiencing different forms.
Involvement with Earth: The Zetas have been involved with Earth periodically since the first life forms were established here, and with humanity since their earliest evolutionary leaps. They have always been here as guardians and aids in our development and in assisting with DNA upgrades. They have been asked by galactic councils to create an Earth human/Zeta hybrid in order to help humans leap to a new level of consciousness and further the ongoing universal human expression.
The Zetas have obtained a reputation for their much misunderstood abductions and human experiments. It has been surmised by many that they do these abductions to obtain DNA from human beings in order prolong their own species, but nothing could be farther from the truth. They already have the skill to clone their bodies, which are well adapted for space travel, and shift their souls into new bodies. They are far from a dying species. They do not feel fear the way humans do, and thus they appear cold to this emotion. It is seen by many beings that fear is a detriment to human evolution and galactic relations. Hence, this is one of the attributes the Zetas are attempted to diminish in the new hybrids. It is true that these hybrids will not exist on Earth alone, and that Zeta beings will in some cases transfer their consciousness into these hybrids, as will Earth souls. They are meant to be an evolutionary leap of potential expression for many in the universe to experience. If you think this is playing God, please read the pages on Soul Origin and Purpose.
Guides for Humanity: E2s (4D collective of evolutionary teachers), Meleah (Zeta/Hyman Hybrid from the future)
Star seeds: There are millions of Zeta souls incarnate on Earth. There are also Zeta Hybrids that are humans being born with advanced Zeta DNA. They look just like any human being, though sometimes they have striking features like larger heads and eyes. The updated advanced hybrids are born in the 80’s with more Zeta DNA. Later hybrids have even more refined Zeta qualities that can be activated. Many of the Indigo and Crystal children are activating Zeta DNA. Not all the hybrids have a Zeta soul and not all Zeta star seeds are hybrids. Each are playing their roles in spurring the human evolutionary shift. Often the Zeta souls are acting as activators of other’s abilities in some way or another. They are often teachers, guides and can be healers as well. They are usually considered “out there” thinkers as they see beyond physical limits. This can make them seem lazy at times, because they do not get why they can’t just move things with their minds. Communication can be difficult also, because they don’t always compute physical gestures and the limits of verbal language. These starseeds are usually advanced in some way. They think and create using their imagination and by tapping into astral knowledge and surrounding energy fields. These hybrid’s and Zeta souls are teaching and becoming the future potential of humanity of Earth. Incidentally, some of these hybrids visit or communicate with Earth from what you consider the future. These hybrids are an evolutionary success story in the future of this galaxy.
Place of Origin: The Draconian beings originally came from another universe after the universe already created stars and planets and the Avian and Feline races were already developing here billions of years ago. They established themselves in the Draco and Orion constellation regions and then set out to conquer other worlds.
Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D on up to 12D
Appearance: The original Reptilian master race is Draconian, which have the form of Dragons. They are huge winged beings of immense power. There are now many forms of Reptilian beings in the universe. Some are fully reptilian, and some are human reptilian hybrids.
Evolution: The Draconian race came in small numbers after this universe was formed. They found and opened the gateway that is in the Lyran Constellation. They were a renegade group whose motives were to find new lands to conquer and to multiply. They became a menace to many evolving worlds and did not abide by limits of interference set by creator beings and angelic consciousness. The Reptilians developed a disturbing reputation in this universe. But, the Draconian Royal lineage has since evolved to a high stature and they cooperate in guiding creation in the universe. There are many Reptilian races that are still war like and a bit rough. While others have evolved to find the power within their heart centers and are a powerful positive force in creating new civilizations.
Qualities: Strength, stamina, intense, influential, bold and aggressive, refined instincts, builders, honorable, brave, loyal, protective. Beneath the tough skin they have hearts of gold when they activate this from within. Prone to outbursts of sentiment that can be overwhelming to other races.
Abilities: They tend to see advantages in all situations and can strategize ways to effectively complete any goal. Instincts are acute. They sense motives and some say they smell fear and weakness, but also strengths. Many species are only crudely telepathic, if at all, thus they often depend on telepathic translators in their galactic dealings. But, again, their instinctual prowess serves them well. They also can energetically shapeshift into other beings.
Specialties: Reptilians will get the job done no matter what it takes. They are social builders and can see how talents can best be used to accomplish tasks. They establish effective hierarchies and rules to make teams succeed. Higher dimensional Reptilians are called upon to bring order and direction to common pursuits. They bring loyalty and sense of duty to endeavors.
Basic Needs: Respect and Order. Reptilians generally need others to respect their strength and instincts. They have strong desires to bring order out of chaos.
Focus: Bringing spirit of accomplishment, duty, loyalty, courage and order to all situations. Evolving Reptilians seek to reveal the strength within their hearts and to use this power to elevate projects.
Involvement with Earth: The Draconian race created the Dinosaurs on Earth. They were an early experiment in for Gaia consciousness. Then it was agreed by universal councils that there was time for new life to blossom on Earth, but that reptiles would remain in smaller forms. Much later, after humans were evolved in sentience, a 4D Reptilian race became involved in enslaving human beings to do their bidding and there was some genetic mixing that occurred without permission from guardians of Earth. This race and other Reptilian beings are trying to rectify this mistake now. Earth humans still have Reptilian DNA. It is hoped that the positive aspects of this can be strengthened in the race. Much of the overly aggressive and militant behaviors of humans came from these genes that were not planned for. There is also much resentment and negative influence from this early Reptilian influence that exists energetically in the astral field of Earth and human collective consciousness.
Guide for Humanity: Crestonia (12D Draconian Queen)
Star seeds: The Reptilians souls on Earth today are often from 5D evolved races that are here to remedy the negative influences from past reptilian beings. They are heart centered with a profound power to use their loyalty and sense of duty to awaken unconditional love on Earth. Hidden beneath what may appear to be guarded nature, lies a huge capacity to transcend differences and find acceptance for all walks of life. These souls are often leaders in whatever they do. They make wonderful group coordinators and event organizers and will usually finish what they start. They can come across too strong or boisterous, and some may say arrogant. But again, when they let down the guard that covers their heart, they reveal an amazing gift that allows them to see the love and talents of others and lead them to accomplish great things. These souls are often attracted to politics, community groups, the military, corporate structures, building contracting, or anything that makes use of their skills to organize, lead and build something. However, even if they do solitary activities, such as writing a book, they will give it sound structure and will gather everything they need with diligence and internal heart. Note that some can see the Reptilian soul within these humans and will think they are shapeshifting. Since humans have Reptilian DNA it is easy for these souls to incarnate within the human form and their true appearance can be seen by some.
Place of Origin: These are our galactic neighbors, only 2.5 million light years away.
Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D on up to 12D
Appearance: There are many types of Andromedans, just as there are many different beings in our Milky Way Galaxy. Three types of Andromedans have telepathically contacted me. One is from a race of 4-5D humans that have a similar features to us, but I see them as bald. Some may even have elongated cone heads. Another, was from a race of 4D 3-4’ blue skinned humanoids with bald round heads and dark eyes, and the other is of a master race of at least 7-9’ winged humanoids existing in higher dimensions. These may have their origin with the Avian races.
Evolution: Not yet aware of the Andromeda species evolution, but I am sure it is as varied and rich as it is in the Milky Way galaxy.
Qualities: Not privy yet to specifics differentiating Andromedan races. Still learning. However, the beings connecting with thus far are of intense energy and vitality.
Abilities: Unknown, but that can change anytime.
Specialties: Still gathering from these beings. Each has its own specialty.
Basic Needs: Unknown
Focus: Unknown.
Involvement with Earth: The winged beings have been involved with Earth since our first life formed and with humans at various stages of our development. It may be that the Sumerian winged beings depicted on their reliefs are Andromedans. They say they have been invited by the Guardian Archangels of Earth to participate in our progression and that they come to our solar system on the wings of the Archangels who are the gatekeepers to Earth. Perhaps the depictions of archangels are actually images of the winged Andromedans coming as they came into our world and were thought to be the angels themselves.
Guide for Humanity: Andon (ambassador of the winged race of Andromedans)
Star seeds: There are less Andromedan souls incarnated here than the beings listed from our Milky Way Galaxy, but there are still more than from other galaxies. Somewhere in the vicinity of 800,000 humans have an Andromedan origin soul. They usually live understated lives and only contain a small bit of their Andromedan energy. The frequency is much different than that of our galaxy and this appears to affect the ease of incarnation and the amount of soul energy that can be maintained in the human form in 3D. These people are often quiet warriors that are in the background and do not call too much attention to themselves. They are often in supportive roles for Earth masters or are in the shadows playing roles that seem mundane. Within this quiet demeanor they have a great potency and can deeply affect others with their presence. They often fear their own power and are unsure what to do with that internal strength. In just being here, these souls opens new galactic energetic pathways between our galaxies.
Place of Origin: A planet of the star Arcturus 36.7 light years from us.
Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 4D to 6D
Appearance: Arcturians are humanoid, but have different features than us. I see the 6D Arcturians as tall white glowing figures with angled and intense eyes. These Arcturians may be what have been termed Tall Whites. Others who have contact with lower dimensional 4D forms describe them as short with wider faces and denser stature. These could be a different race of Arcturians or simply be their 4th dimension appearance.
Evolution: Not yet aware of Arcturian evolution, other than they evolved to become a highly spiritual species and are considered to be among the most technically advanced in the galaxy. They may actually have come from Andromeda originally.
Abilities: Experts in use of geometry, color and sound vibrations for altering time, space, atmosphere, and states of being. Energetic alchemist, architects, builders and healers. They see beneath the surface of things and use precise methods to create and alter environments including the health of a vessel.
Specialties: Using sacred geometry to move through space and time and shift realities. Their methods of interdimensional travel and communications are used throughout the universe. They are also called upon to create geometrical sound and color forms to alter or transmit to developing worlds. Arcturians are often the master minds behind the crop circle signatures. They create amazing ships of light that can traverse many dimensions and are sought after.
Basic Needs: Appreciation and being needed. Arcturians know they are good at what they do, and like to be admired for it. They enjoy using their abilities for constructive purposes.
Focus: Designing and implementing their brilliant ideas to be of service in the universe. Involvement with Earth: The Arcturians are our neighbors and at one point a group inhabited Earth, long before humans became sentient and before Lemuria and Atlantis. It was decided by galactic councils that there would be other experiments to help local species develop on Earth, so they left. But they still retain an interest in Earth’s progress and today they make contact attempting to open humanity to new thought, especially via their use of sacred geometry. They design crop circle forms to input new evolutionary frequencies into Earth and her inhabitants.
Guide for Humanity: El Ectarus (6D Ambassador to Earth)
Star seeds: There are many million Arcturian souls born on Earth and a good portion are among the younger generation. It is felt that these starseeds can play an important role as ambassadors to the neighboring 4D Arcturians and also elevate humanities capabilities in their areas of expertise. These starseeds will be the planners and builders of a new society through their innovations. They not only see beyond the present structures and systems, they can also add an understanding of the frequencies inherent in form. They can be cutting edge mathematicians, physicists, geometry artists, architects, community planners, system designers, technology wizards, musicians that have a talent for precise use of tones for affect, and energy healers that use geometry and sound to heal specific organs and mental states. These souls like nothing more than to experiment and see their ideas in action.
Place of Origin: The Avian Extraterrestrials originally came from another universe. Now ET Bird Beings are found throughout this universe in many forms.
Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D on up to 12D
Appearance: Large birds in many varieties and some human bird hybrids
Evolution: There were already highly evolved Avian Species that entered this Universe from another, billions of years ago. They remain as an elite group of 12D beings. However, many Avians in this Universe have evolved from small birds that were seeded by the 12D Avians on 3D planets in various galaxies. They evolved huge diversity of color, size, and adaptations. Eventually many developed an expanded consciousness because of their ability to see a big picture of their world. Their sentience developed from their visionary perspective and ability to move via thought. Some found themselves able to teleport and soar in their minds to other lands and then planets. This expanded their reach and they found themselves inhabiting new worlds. Later avian species were genetically mixed with humans, as this was an experimental trend in this universe. Birds of Earth are a gift from the higher dimensional Avian beings to help regulate our electromagnetic atmosphere.
Qualities: Visionary, precognitive, teleporters, uplifting, way showers, expansive, freedom lovers, keen intelligence and multidimensional sight, industrious, efficient, excellent observers.
Abilities: Bright intelligence that sees from angles that no other can. Can uplift any situation and take it to new levels of thought. Easily raise vibrations. Free thinkers and feelers that are not bound by confines of group consciousness. Have a memory that holds the essence of everything they encounter.
Specialties: Higher dimensional forms are often called upon for their natural higher perspective and to raise the bar in any situation. They can be many places at once and usually send only an energetic form of themselves around the universe for consultations. Less evolved avians remain on their home planet and evolve their abilities in their own unique ways.
Basic Needs: Freedom and Honor. Do not try to confine a sentient avian being. They honor all life and expect to be honored as well.
Focus: Expanding frontiers of thought and creation. Raising frequency and taking situations and ideas to higher levels of knowing.
Involvement with Earth: Seeded bird species on Earth following the end of the Dinosaurs’ reign. Higher dimensional avian beings have dropped in on Earth civilizations to help enlighten to new perspectives, usually through communications with advanced masters or high priests and shamans. Guide for Humanity: Thoth (12D ambassador collective)
Star seeds: There are only in the hundreds of thousands of avian souls incarnate on Earth. These beings do not prefer to work through this confining method. They often feel uncomfortable in human skin and desire to get out of where they are. It is disconcerting for them to be confined in any way. Those avian souls that have braved human incarnation are here to raise the energetic potential of the race and help them to see beyond the astral influences to higher heights. They are cage breakers and will always be looking for ways out of limiting situations by stretching belief systems. They are the Wright Brothers of humanity. Daring to think the impossible dream. They can be found in any field, but often those requiring high intellect and attention to minute details and observations that others miss. They remember things that others forget. Avian souls can be excellent detectives or spies. They are inventors, scientists, professors, poets, and innovators of all kinds. They sometimes pursue their vision at the expense of more mundane things in life, as they can have a mad scientist tendency and be a bit in the clouds.
Place of Origin: Originally these beings came from another universe. They are prominent in the Sirius Star System, but exist in other star systems as well.
Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D on up to 12D
Appearance: Bipedal cats or human cat hybrids. Features are similar to Earth felines. Species have taken forms similar to Lions and others look more like our domestic cats with variety of coloration. They can be anywhere from 3-8’ tall.
Evolution: Evolved billions of years ago from quadruped cats to bipedal large cats. Developed higher senses and fine tuned psychic sensitivity as sentience rather than use of physical tools. Later feline species were genetically mixed with humans and have half human bodies with cat features such as tails and feline facial characteristics. These were created from a group of feline genetic engineers. Felines of 6D and higher are energy beings no longer requiring what we perceive as physical form, but they can shape themselves to appear as their original feline form.
Qualities: Curious, adventurous, creative, imaginative, organized, focused, planners, tenacious and intense yet capable of profound relaxation and deep meditation. Independent yet capable of forming close bonds to accomplish goals. While serious about their tasks, they can be quite playful, fun loving, and lighthearted.
Abilities: Highly psychic and telepathic, visionary, and advanced creators. Attune to frequencies and can mold energies to change environments with music, art, dance and theater among all other creative means. Able to connect with other forms of consciousness and co-create with ease.
Specialties: Higher dimensional forms are often galactic travelers and are called upon to shift energies in environments and spark creative flow and psychic abilities. They are also commonly galactic performers, sharing their creative energies in many artistic ways.
Basic Needs: Both comfort and stimulation. This is seen on all levels of development. They love exploring new nooks of the universe, but they enjoy doing it in comfort.
Focus: Personal growth and evolving consciousness and creativity. Felines find fulfillment in sharing their gifts to inspire new ideas and move energy in new directions or to establish states of tranquility.
Involvement with Earth: They seeded feline species on Earth in times of mammal evolution. Prominent in Atlantis/Lemuria and later in Ancient Egypt as guides to humans who sought celestial contact and assistance in developing extrasensory abilities and advances in creativity.
Guide for Humanity: Sekmet (9D ambassador collective). Revered as a god in Ancient Egypt.
Star seeds: There are millions of Feline souls incarnate on Earth now. They are here to bring creative spirit to new levels within humanity. Souls have come from 4D to 9D and each bring their quality of Feline energy to the planet. Usually the characteristics listed above will show themselves in the human personality. They will often have a profound respect for cats of Earth. Though much less common, some purposely distance themselves from the animals in order to claim their independence from the Earth species (unconsciously). While you would think humans with feline souls might be graceful and coordinated, they often feel clumsy in a human body and unsure of their footing. They also believe they should be able to create with their agile minds, and feel awkward having to do mundane physical tasks. Creative ventures are so important to them that they may miss out on human connection as they pursue their dreams. But what they do will usually have a deep energetic influence on others as their projects carry the feline spirit of enlightenment. These souls love to check out new things, ideas and places. They have a knack for spotting trends and being there before others. They are often up on anything fringe or cutting edge to the point where it could get them in trouble. They are often world travelers, but they must have a cozy nook to come home to. They thrive on stimulating input, but they also want to feel the comforts of familiar territory. Feline souls also cherish their alone time and need solitude on a regular basis. But they can cuddle too, on their terms.
Place of Origin: These beings are from the Sombrero Galaxy or M104 which is 28 million light years from earth. Yes, in a galaxy far far away.
Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D on up to 9D
Appearance: These are insectoid beings that have features similar to the Praying Mantis insects of Earth, but they stand upright and are at least 8-9 feet tall. Higher dimensional forms are energy beings that maintain their Mantis shape with colorful light.
Evolution: These beings evolved hundreds of millions of years ago on a planet of insects. They became the first to develop advanced self awareness. They developed the use of tools but in unison they became highly sensitive to sound and light and its reflection in colors. They used this special heightened awareness and became highly advanced in the connection and use of frequencies to change their environment and to communicate with each other and their surroundings. In their historical past, Mantis were matriarchal. They have strong female figures who dominated their cultures. Higher dimensional beings have created a more balanced arrangement with these energies. However, the feminine force is still regarded highly and one would not want to diminish this power with a Mantis around. And no decision is ever made without the female aspect first being taken in and it has the final say.
Qualities: Sensitive to sound, color, and vibrational nuances, luminous, spiritual, healers, graceful, fluid, artistic, penetrating, influential.
Abilities: The Mantis beings are masters with vibrations of sound and color. They use this mastery to heal and create. They are artists of universal light. They dance through frequencies and alter their surroundings as they do so. Mantis beings create bubble like force fields to travel through time and space. In lower dimensions they create living spherical ships of light. In higher dimensions they can send their light bodies in single bubbles of light across the universe.
Specialties: Mantis beings are called upon to give guidance and direction to assure high quality standards to all kinds of projects. They assure that the frequencies are appropriate and that the atmosphere and players are conducive to the particular outcome that is desired. They are like the mural painters and anthem singers of in the universe. They bring the right elements together.
Basic Needs: Fluidity and Admiration. Mantis beings need the flexibility to do their fluid dance and they truly love their work to be admired and the blessings of it to be received.
Focus: Weaving color and sound to create and enliven the light web of the universe.
Involvement with Earth: The Mantis are assisting, and in many ways overseeing, the Zeta Reticulan hybrid program, and human spiritual advancement project. Like the Zetas, they were asked by Galactic Councils to participate. They are assuring that universal principals are adhered to as well as giving their expertise in frequency alignment. They are the artists in the hybrid process, if you will. They are often seen in the background during abduction experiences. These are usually 4-5D Mantis beings, but they are tuned into guidance from their higher dimensional kin, who play a part in spiritually guiding them. Prior to this recent involvement, Mantis have had little to do with Earth, other than gifting the planet with the Praying Mantis insect that has since evolved into many glorious colors. These little creatures hold special energy of their Mantis parents. It is no wonder that they are revered by many and are often seen as positive omens.
Guide for Humanity: Kizmet (9D Mantis)
Star seeds: There are over 800,000 Mantis souls incarnated here now and only since the recent hybrid program began. This is a new experience for the race and it is not an easy one. Many of these starseeds feel completely out of place on Earth and in a human body, unless they are of the younger generation who also have Zeta DNA. These souls have it easier as there is a lot of Mantis frequency in their chemistry that is aligned with their being. Those born prior to the 90’s, and there are not as many of these, may have had a hard adjustment period in life. They have felt that if anyone really knew what they are like, they would run, so they hide their inner truth in some way. It has been a difficult task for their angels and other guides to get them to open up and share what they came to share. Once they do open up, their intensity, art, and ability to know what needs to be done to create the perfect environment is uncanny. They are usually artistic in some way. They are writers, musicians, poets, designers of space and events. They have a knack for bringing pieces of a puzzle together and making it sing. Their gifts lie in bringing energy, aesthetic appeal, and vitality to whatever they do. They are here to use these gifts to infuse higher frequencies into hearts and environments through form, sound and color. No one can do this like a fluid dancing Mantis soul. Even if they are in the sciences, or some seemingly uncreative profession, they will bring some extra flare to their job. They are also a huge help to the new generation of souls being born with advanced DNA as they help them align with their higher potential.
Place of Origin: The Pleiades Star Cluster.
Dimensional Perspectives: Exist from 3D to 9D
Appearance: Appear much like particularly beautiful Earth humans, with perfect bodies and pleasingly symmetrical features with a luminosity reflecting their higher dimensional frequency.
Evolution: Evolved millions of years ago as one of the early races of what we would call humankind and look like we do. This form has been modeled throughout the universe. Pleiadian DNA has been used to develop many human beings in this universe, including those of our solar system on Venus, Mars, Maldeck and Earth. There still exists newly developing 3D planets in the Pleiades, but the Pleiadians that communicate with us are usually 6D and 9D. These are dimensions they work well within and from which they contact other worlds. They have light bodies, yet like other higher dimensional ET beings, they can appear in a form that projects what they evolved from. Having a lot more time to evolve than we have, they have refined their natures and are intensely spiritual and giving beings.
Qualities: Intuitive, sensitive, imaginative, radiant, communicative, empathic, soothing, nurturing, mystical, understated creativity, healers, counselors, in tune with natural worlds.
Abilities: Pleiadians are healers on many levels. They can empathize and sooth all pains with their sensitive communication and transfer of light. They communicate by means of light transfer. These beings have a natural radiance that comes from their mystical knowing of how to connect and share Source light.
Specialties: Pleiadians are called upon to seed new worlds with the essence of evolved human form, and to commune with a planet’s consciousness and its existing life in order to introduce new beings and ideas in a nurturing way. They embody the divine feminine and often will show themselves in female form to radiate this refined quality.
Basic Needs: Peace and sharing. Pleiadians thrive in places and states of peace and tranquility. They feel best when they are sharing their refined essence.
Focus: Transferring their gifts of radiance throughout the universe through seeding and communicating their healing vibrations and mystical awareness.
Involvement with Earth: Provided genetic and energetic model for early human development. They are the missing link in our evolution to our current form. They were guides for Atlantis and Lemuria and have been involved in the nurturing of many life forms on Earth that began elsewhere, such as whales and dolphins. They are responsible for infusing awareness into the many methods of energy healing discovered by humans over the years. They are playing an important role in reinvigorating our beliefs in the mystical elements of our knowledge and helping us open to celestial contact in non threatening manners. They radiate light and soothing energy that we are able to feel because of our genetic link.
Guide for Humanity: Katara (of 6D Pleiadian Emissaries of Light collective)
Star seeds: There are many millions of Pleiadian souls incarnate on Earth and have been since Lemuria. These souls are here to remind us of our divinity and our connection to Source consciousness. They come as healers and inspire us to nurture our spirits and that of the planet. These souls are sensitive and usually extremely intuitive. They also light up the room when they walk in and tend to heal without even knowing. They communicate well with others and are good empathetic listeners. Most leave their presence with a new sense of joy and gratitude. These human star souls often have physical beauty and most incarnate as females and exude feminine strength. They can be overpowering for some human male Earth souls, as they radiate such deep feminine mystique. They are often water signs that flow with emotion and passion and connection to the blood of Gaia. Pleiadian souls connect easily to nature. Animals love them and become calm in their presence. These star seeds can also bring the essence of a person’s soul to the surface and can reflect their purpose and encourage their mission. They are often found in professions of spiritual mastery, healing, psychology, communications, child care, and fields related to ecology and care for the Earth. They often volunteer for causes and give a lot of themselves.
The astral traps
There is a trap in the matrix that wants people to realize their extraterrestrial origins and want to leave the planet and go home to those places. By doing so they are giving up their right to a human body in connection with source through the planet. Having a human body connected to source at this time allows us to integrate all those past lives pieces and parts of you that need to be transmuted back to positive energy.
When you do not want to be here, you are not fully present, centered and grounded. When you are outside of your body, you have opened the door to allow others to occupy that space within your body. These are the beings who do not have a body at this time and this do not have a connection to an energy source. As Earth raises her frequency they will not be able to exist on or around her any more, nor will they be able to move through space without any energy.
Another trap of the matrix is the belief that you are only one of these beings. As we have all had many lives we can see that we may feel familiar with a lot of the other characteristics or maybe none of others. But we probably have had more of one lifetime in an incarnation one of these planets associated with these races than another, and we are relying on those experiences and wisdom in out lives right now.
Finally, the third trap is that negative astral beings have the ability to shape shift and have posed as other races such as Pleiadians and Arcturians in order to bring messages of love, light, and complacency with being “high” (out of the body). These beings which may try to steer people on the planet to either wanting to go home and not connecting with earth have introduced the false light matrix scenario which exists in the astral fifth dimension.
The biggest illusion of all is that we are all of these and more because we are a fractal part of infinite source creator having these individual lives right now.
Centering and grounding with the earth will allow you to enter that place of no time to connect with the parts of you (including other extraterrestrials) that need to be integrated and healed. As you heal yourself, you help to heal the planet, solar system, galaxy, and beyond. By grounding and centering, you also create a natural barrier that does not allow any pieces and parts that are not of you to enter your energy field, no matter what implants or contracts you have made in the past.
Yesterday, I wrote an article about a set of genetic tests done on a sample from one of the famous elongated Paracas skulls, which are 3,000 years old and were found in southern Peru. The basic news was this: some genetic tests had found DNA in the skulls that was reportedly previously “unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far.” The implication, helped by the distinctly B-movie “alien” appearance of the skulls, was that the skulls must contain extraterrestrial DNA. Scientists and archaeologists generally believe that the skulls’ strange appearance is the result of intentional deformation practiced by the Paracas culture.
I saw this story floating around in the paranormal blogosphere for a few days before I decided to report on it. I ignored it, frankly, until it was picked up by Yahoo! and the International Business Times, as well as a few smaller news sources around the world. So I wrote a short article, mostly because it was a silly story that was fun to write about after a morning of writing about human trafficking and illegal gold mining.
But I find this story really, really irritating. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the alien part of this story that bothers me. I believe in the possibility of aliens. More than anything, it bothers me that established news sites apparently failed to do even cursory research on the background of the story before publishing it.
Let’s start with a quick talk about aliens. In an infinite universe, it seems foolhardy— even arrogant— to completely dismiss the idea of extraterrestrial life. There are so many galaxies, so many planets, so many suns; across the neverending expanse of space, one suspects that there must be another group of intelligent beings somewhere.
But suspect is the key word there. We have no credible evidence for the existence of alien civilizations. As Carl Sagan said, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” And claiming that the Paracas skulls are possibly alien is certainly extraordinary. So let’s look at the evidence— does it measure up?
Well, the short answer is no. First, consider the source: the preliminary results of genetic testing were announced by Brien Foerster, who is the assistant director of the Paracas History Museum.
That’s a pretty impressive title, and I’ll admit that it threw me. That title implies formal archaeological, curatorial, or history credentials, maybe a body of peer-reviewed research projects. That title implies that he has serious academic credibility, and that we should listen to his announcements about his areas of expertise.
None of this is true. Some pretty basic Google research turns up some facts about Foerster that cast his announcement in an entirely different light.
First, his academic credentials: by cobbling information together from the webpage of his company Hidden Inca Tours and his official Facebook page, it appears that he has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Victoria, in British Columbia, Canada. Foerster doesn’t offer any further information about his educational background, including his exact field of undergraduate study. I was unable to find any evidence of an advanced degree.
Foerster’s company, Hidden Inca Tours, is a travel agency that specializes in taking travelers on paranormal tours around the world, but focuses on Peru and the surrounding region. Foerster has also written a number of books on archaeology, including one called “The Enigma of Cranial Deformation: Elongated Skulls of the Ancients,” which he wrote with David Hatcher Childress. Vanderbilt University archaeologist Charles E. Orser once called Childress “one of the most flagrant violators of basic archaeological reasoning.”
So what about his role as assistant director at the Paracas History Museum? How did a paranormal tour operator get that job?
Well, first, the Paracas History Museum is a private museum. It’s owned by one Juan Navarro, who is also its director. Navarro is also listed on the Hidden Inca Tours webpage as a member of “Our Team of Experts.” I was unable to find any mention of academic credentials earned by Navarro, either.
My preoccupation with academic credentials is not meant to downplay the immense wisdom and experience possessed by many people who do not have undergraduate or post-grad degrees. Being smart does not require a college degree. Heck, it doesn’t require any kind of education at all; it’s an innate quality.
However, scientific expertise is not an innate quality. It is something that is gained through years of study and research, both of which are usually completed in an institution that awards successful students degrees upon graduation.
To be fair, I don’t have any special academic credentials that make me an expert in archaeology or genetics. But I’m not arguing that the data is flawed— we haven’t seen the full data, and I’m not qualified to speak on that— but I am arguing that a number of features of the announcement should warn us not to take Foerster’s announcement at face value.
That brings us to the strange nature of the announcement. Foerster announced the results personally, via internet, rather than through a scientifically reputable source.
There are a number of problems with the way he announced the preliminary results. Speaking to, science promoter and skeptic Sharon Hill said “This is an unconventional way of making ‘groundbreaking’ claims.”
Hill added “It’s not supported by a university, but by private funding. The initial findings were released in this unprofessional way (via Facebook, websites and an Internet radio interview) obviously because Foerster and the other researchers think this is very exciting news.”
Exciting news is one thing, but scientific credibility is another. “[S]cience doesn’t work by social media,” said Hill. “Peer review is a critical part of science and the Paracas skulls proponents have taken a shortcut that completely undermines their credibility. Appealing to the public’s interest in this cultural practice we see as bizarre — skull deformation —instead of publishing the data for peer-review examination is not going to be acceptable to the scientific community.”
There’s also the matter of the testing itself. According to Foerster, the geneticist who discovered the allegedly never-before-seen DNA, wants to remain anonymous. If that’s not a red flag for the credibility of your research, I don’t know what is.
The final nail in this story’s coffin, for me, was the revelation that Foerster had appeared on the popular History Channel program “Ancient Aliens” multiple times. In yesterday’s article, I said that the scientific and archaeological communities generally regard “Ancient Aliens” as inaccurate.
“Inaccurate.” That was an understatement.
Archaeologist Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews has this to say about “Ancient Aliens”:
“I find it incredible and frightening that a worldwide distributed television channel that bills itself as ‘The History Channel’ can broadcast such rubbish as Ancient Aliens. If it were an entertainment programme, I’d have fewer worries (although it would still make me cross); it is the implied authority of the channel (‘The History Channel’, not just any old ‘History Channel’) that makes the broadcast of this series so potentially damaging […] A channel that is making claims for its authoritative status, which offers educational resources, has a responsibility not to mislead its viewers (no doubt its executives think of them as ‘customers’). That responsibility is one that all makers and broadcasters of supposedly factual television have, but one that few of them take seriously: the responsibility to check facts.”
Foerster has not said explicitly that he believes the skulls are alien. In a YouTube interview, he said “My intent simply is to find the truth as to who these people were.”
That’s a noble goal. But if you really want to find out who the people of the Paracas culture were, speak to some archaeologists. Make your research transparent and available to the public. Have your data reviewed for journals with stringent requirements and high standards. Don’t use an historical oddity as a cheap hook for your tour company, or to sell books. If your goal is to help enrich humanity’s knowledge of our ancient past, then share your information with us instead of releasing only selected snippets of admittedly preliminary results. Otherwise, we have no reason to believe you.
Do you see an error in this story? Please let us know! We were unable to find as much information about the story as we would have liked, and we would appreciate any corrections or additions that came our way. Write to with corrections, additional information, or comments.
An unidentified flying object, often abbreviated UFO or U.F.O., is an unusual apparent anomaly in the sky that is not readily identifiable to the observer as any known object. Originally referred to popularly as “flying saucers” during the late 40’s, the term UFO became more widespread during the 50s at first in professional literature, but later in popular language. UFOs garnered considerable interest during the Cold War, an era associated with a heightened concern for national security.
Various studies, both governmental and civilian, have concluded that the phenomenon does not represent a threat to national security nor does it contain anything worthy of scientific pursuit, although there is disagreement. Culturally, the phenomenon has often been associated with extraterrestrial life or government-related conspiracy theories, and thus has become a popular theme in fiction.
Date / Years Ago
29,000 years old
These are two cave paintings from Tanzania. Both areestimated to be up to 29,000 years old. The one on the left is locatedin Itolo and depicts several disc shaped objects.
The other painting is from Kolo shows four entities surrounding a women. Notice also the entity looking down from inside some sort of box or object.
17,000 – 15,000 BC
These two images are from France, the cave of “Pech Merle” near “Le Cabrerets” c.17,000 – 15,000 BC.The scene depicts a landscape full of wildlife togetherwith a number of saucer shaped objects. The objects seem totally out of context.
Toro Muerto, Peru
12-14,000 years old
These two examples of rock art are from Toro Muerto, Peru 12-14,000 years old. Notice the beings have some sort of halo or covering over their heads. Also, in the right hand picture there is some sort of object left of the main being.
Val Camonica, Italy
10,000 BC
This cave painting on the left is c.10,000 BC and is from Val Camonica, Italy. It appears to depict two beings in protective suits holding strange implements.
7,000 B.C.
7,000 B.C. – The Lolladoff plate (right), discovered in Nepal, appears to show a hovering disk-shaped object in the center and a small being, resembling an alien resembling an alien gray, beside it. The circular pattern is reminescent of the spiraling movement of consciousness – Golden Ratio – Sacred Geometry of creation.
Tassili, Sahara Desert, North Africa
6000 BC
Two images c.6000 BC from Tassili, Sahara Desert, North Africa. Also notice the disk in the sky in left hand picture.
Sego Canyon , Utah
5,500 BC
On the left, more strange looking figures (aliens) this time from Sego Canyon , Utah. Estimated up to 5,500 BC.
Querato, Mexico
5,000 B.C.
This picture is a 7000 year old petroglyph discovered in the province of Querato, Mexico in 1966. You can see 4 figures with their arms outstretched below a large oval object radiating what appear to be beams of light.
5000-4500 BC
This photo on the left is of a number of reptilian entities found in Iraq. They are dated at 5000-4500 BC. They are housed in the British museum.
4,000 BC
This strange suited figure on the right was found in Kiev and I believe its dated to 4,000 BC.
5000 BCE – 4000 BC
Figurines, Lizard-headed or Ubaid Style, clay, Ur (Ubaid culture), 5th millenium BCE, h:13.6 cm From the Ubaid – Southern Mesopotamian Period, 5000 BCE – 4000 BC. Found in Ur. The Ubaid culture succeeded the Halaf at the end of the 6th millenium BCE in southern Iraq, then spread throughout Mesopotamia. Ubaid culture is known for painted pottery; large houses of tripartite plan for extended families; and lizard-headed figurines of both male and female gender. Figurines such as the above examples are typical.The figure on the left holds a baby on her hip and suckles it. The figure on the righth as incised stretch marks on her abdomen. It has been suggested that the brown-painted dots and lines represent tatoos, and the clay pelletsscarring. It is unknown if the shape of the skulls represents actual head-binding.Similar Lizard-headed figurines have been found at Eridu.
Collon, Dominique. Ancient Near Eastern Art. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995, pg 46.
Kimberley, Australia
3,000 BC
These are images from Kimberley, Australia (approximately 5,000 years ago). They are Australian Aborigine cave paintings. Aboriginal myths incorporate the idea of “sky-beings”, with the Wandjina being among the most interesting to consider. The Wandjina have been preserved in a fascinating oral tradition and in a large collection of rock paintings scattered throughout the Kimberley region of northern Australia. The paintings have received all manner of interpretations from stylized representations of a pervasive myth system to naive “ancient astronaut” theories. It is however fascinating to see that the indigenous tribes viewed the Wandjina as “the spirit in the cloud.” Indeed, the unique painting style shows a logical sequence from human figures to stylised representations of clouds. This duality of anthropomorphic form and “clouds” is widespread in primitive cultures and finds an interesting parallel in the biblical accounts in “Exodus.”
These petroglyphs were created thousands of years ago by ancient Indians in the American Southwest. According to Indian folklore, two objects collided high in the sky and one crash-landed in the region of Death Valley. Some men arrived (presumably in another ship) and spent some time repairing the damaged Craft and were observed by the local Indians. The two images below may possibly depict the ship (left) used by the men who came to repair the damaged craft. In comparing the two images, the one on the right seems to depict structural damage around the edges and the bottom. Could it be the one that allegedly crashed?
These photos on the left depict figures found in Equador. Notice they appear to be wearing space suits. You can see a comparison photo with an Apollo astronaut.
2,600 BC
In Egypt there exists a star clock for the Precession of the Equinoxes and an electric light bulb that dates to 2600 BC. An electric battery was discovered in a rock carbon dated approximately 500,000 years ago.
This is an artistic reproduction of a relief found in a labyrinth on the island Jotuo in the Toengt’ing lake. An expedition took place in 1957 (two years before an earthquake in that region). The expedition was led by professor Tsj’i Pen-Lai. They found various reliefs showing “humans” in strange clothes which looked like astronaut suits (hose like objects attached to the clothes). They also found a painting which apparently resembled the solar system. The third and fourth circle (planet) were connected with a line. Also there were ten planets (excluding the sun as planet).
1400 A.D.
This is an old Chinese illustration from a fictional book entitled “Illustrated Survey of Weird Countries” (c.1400 A.D.) and had the following original caption: “Ji Gung Land: The people could make flying cars that travelled far with a suitable wind. In Tarng’s day (c.1700 B.C.), Ji Gung people flying a car on a westerley reached Yew Jo. Tarng dismantled their car so it could not be demonstrated to the people … Later an east wind came on which he had them fly the car back to their own country [5,000 km] west of our gateway.”
Biblioteca, Vatican
This image depicts Mary at the tomb of Jesus. It is one of a series of images from the “Relinquary Box” which contains stones from holy sites of Palestine. Dated 6th-7th C. Located at Biblioteca, Vatican. Notice the dome shaped object above the tomb. If it is a building why is it hovering? Also, what is the round object on top?
This illustration depicts a sighting of a burning wheel in the year 900 over Japan.
The image on the left comes from the 10th Century Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit text “Prajnaparamita Sutra”, held at a Japanese museum. In the enlargement you can see two objects that look like hats, but why are they floating in mid air? also one of them appears to have port holes on it. Indian Vedic texts are full of descriptions of Vimanas. The Ramayana describes Vimanas as a double decked, circular or cylindrical aircraft with portholes and a dome. It flew with “the speed of the wind” and gave forth a “melodious sound”.
The illustration on the left is entitled “The Birth of Christ” from a 12th century Greek manuscript “The Book of the Evangelists”. If you look to the right of the picture there two figures looking up at a semi-circular object with figures inside. The object appears to be shining a beam of light down onto the birth. One of the pair of observers is shielding his eyes, possibly the artist was trying to convey the brightness of the object.
These images of two crusaders date from a 12th century manuscript ” Annales Laurissenses” (volumes/books about historical and religion events)and refer to a UFO sighting in the year 776, during the siege on Sigiburg castle, France. The Saxons besieged and surrounded the French people. They both were fighting when suddenly a group of discs (flaming shields) appeared hovering over the top of the church. It appeared to the Saxons that the French were protected by these objects and the Saxons fled.
These two tapestries were created in the 14th century. Both depict the life of Mary. Hat shaped objects can be clearly seen in both tapestries. The one on the right was created in 1330. The one on the left is entitled “The Magnificat”. Both are located at the French basillica Notre-Dame in Beaune, Burgandy.
This image on the left comes from the french book “Le Livre Des Bonnes Moeurs” by Jacques Legrand. You can find this book in Chantilly Condé’s Museum ref 1338 ,297 part 15 B 8. Some people say that the sphere is a balloon but there was no balloon in france in 1338.
The top picture on the left shows a fresco entitled “The Crucifixion” and was painted in 1350. Two objects with figures inside can be seen in the top left and top right of the fresco. Two enlargements of these objects are shown below the fresco. The fresco is located above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monestary in Kosovo, Yugoslavia.
The painting on the left is by Paolo Uccello (1396-1475) and is entitled “La Tebaide” (painted c.1460-1465). The blown up picture to the right of it shows a red saucer shaped UFO seen near Jesus. It hangs in the Academy of Florence.
14th century
This picture depicts Jesus and Mary on what appear to be lenticular clouds. The painting is entitled “The Miracle of the Snow” and was painted by Masolino Da Panicale (1383-1440) and hangs at the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, Florence, Italy.
14th century
Many paintings by Piero Della Francesca, including the picture on the left, “The Baptism of Christ” (1450), contain lenticular shaped clouds that many believe to be UFOs.
This painting is called “The Madonna with Saint Giovannino”. It was painted in the 15th century by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494) and hangs as part of the Loeser collection in the Palazzo Vecchio. Above Mary’s right shoulder is a disk shaped object. Below is a blow up of this section and a man and his dog can be seen looking up at the object.
The picture on the left is a renaissance illustration of a UFO sighting in Rome detailed in a book “Prodigiorum liber” by Roman historian Julio Obsequens – “Something like a sort of weapon, or missile, rose with a great noise from the earth and soared into the sky”.
Early 15th century
The painting on the right is entitled “The Intercession of Christ and the Virgin”, early 15th century by Lorenzo Monaco. It depicts God in the sky with strange disc shaped clouds underneath. It is held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
1465 – Cigar shaped UFO – flaming girder seen in the sky during the reign of Enrico IV From Notabilia Temporum by Angelo de Tummulillis.
This painting is by Carlo Crivelli (1430-1495) and is called “TheAnnunciation with Saint Emidius” (1486) and hangs in the National Gallery, London.A disk shaped object is shining a pencil beam of light down onto the crown of Mary’s head.
This is a painting on a wood drawer from furniture kept at the Earls D’Oltremond, Belgium. Moses is receiving the tablets and several objects in the sky are seen near by. Date and artist unknown. This supports the claims of many that many biblical events, can be further explained when ufos and aliens are taken into consideration, higher forms of technology could explain some of the events such as writing on stone with fire, parting the red sea, etc… higher forms of technology might explain how some of these feats were performed.
This image is entitled “The Assumption of the Virgin” by ANON. Painted c.1490. Once again notice the discoidal clouds.
15th century
This is a sketch of an untitled 15th century Italian fresco from Mount Athos, Greece . It depicts the Apostle John dictating the Biblical book of Revelation to a young disciple. In the upper lefthand corner is a segment of a glowing oval object from which a beam of light is aimed at the head of John. In the upper right hand corner is a typical disk-shaped object which is emitting a converging light beam. Maybe someone has an original of this fresco?
15th century
This is a 15th century fresco from Kiev. Seems to show Jesus in a rocket type device.
This is a tapestry called Summer’s triumph and was created in Bruges in 1538. It now resides at the Bayerisches National Museum. You can clearly see several disc shaped objects in the top of the tapestry. Someone has speculated that they are islands, if so, then these islands are floating in the sky!
The picture on the left is from a book entitled Prodigiorum Ac Ostentorum Chronicon by Conrad Lycosthenes (1518-1561). Basel: Henricpteri, 1557. It depicts a UFO sighting in Arabia in 1479. The book is held at the Australian Museum Research Library.
15th century
This image is of an actual sighting that occurred in Nuremburg on the 14th April 1561. It appeared in a local broadsheet and was a woodcut by Hans Glasser. The globes, crosses and tubes began to fight one another, and this went on for an hour. Then they all fell to earth, as if on fire, and faded slowly away producing a lot of steam. Afterwards a black spear-like object was seen, and the whole event was taken to be a divine warning. Held at the Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library.
This broadsheet picture by Samuel Coccius illustrates a UFO sighting over Basel, Switzerland in 1566. ‘Large black Globes’ appeared in the skies. It is held at the Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library.
San Pietro
The painting on the right is by Bonaventura Salimbeni entitled “Glorification of the Eucharist”, painted in 1600. Notice the Sputnik satellite device. It hangs in the church of San Lorenzo in San Pietro. It is considered by some to be a stylised representation of the Earth but I have included it here as it still looks interesting.
1660. The illustration depicts a sighting by two Dutch ships in the North Sea of an object moving slowly in the sky. It appeared to be made by two disks of different size. The source for this account is one of the books entitled :”Theatrum Orbis Terrarum” by Admiral Blaeu. These books were compilations of articles by different authors and consisted of detailed accounts of long engagements at sea, cartography information etc.
16th century
This is a French jeton minted in 1680, a coin-like educational tool that was commonly used to help people count money, or sometimes used as a money substitute for playing games. It is about the size of a U.S. quarter-dollar and similar to thousands of other jetons with different religious and educational designs that were produced and used in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries. It appears to commemorate a UFO sighting of a wheel like object. Some researchers feel it represents the Biblical Ezekiel’s wheel. The Latin inscription ‘OPPORTUNUS ADEST’ translates as ‘It is here at an opportune time”.
More wheels! This picture shows a UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany 4 November 1697. The objects were described as “two glowing wheels”.
Mtskheta, Georgia
17th century
This is a 17th century fresco and is located in the SvetishoveliCathedral in Mtskheta, Georgia. Notice the two saucer shaped objects either side of Christ.In the two blow ups, you can see they contain faces.
This image is by Flemish artist Aert De Gelder and is entitled “The Baptism of Christ” It was painted in 1710 and hangs in the Fitzwilliam Museum , Cambridge. A disk shaped object is shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus.
This is a scan from vol. 42 of the Philosophical Transactions 1742 describing a sighting that occured on the 16th December 1742. Alongside is a contemporary reconstruction depicting the object with the colours described.
The illustration on the left depicts a sighting that occurred at 9.45pm on the evening of 18th August 1783 when four witnesses on the terrace of Windsor Castle observed a luminous object in the skies of the Home Counties of England. The sighting was recorded the following year in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. According to this report, witnesses observed an oblong cloud moving more or less parallel to the horizon. Under this cloud could be seen a luminous object which soon became spherical, brilliantly lit, which came to a halt; This strange sphere seemed at first to be pale blue in colour but then its luminosity increased and soon it set off again towards the east. Then the object changed direction and moved parallel to the horizon before disappearing to the south-east ; the light it gave out was prodigious; it lit us everything on the ground.; The image was captured in this by Thomas Sandby (a founder of the Royal Academy) and his brother Paul, both of whom witnessed the event.
This is an illustration from a book “Ume No Chiri (Dust of Apricot)” published in 1803. A foreign ship and crew witnessed at Haratonohama (Haratono Seashore) in Hitachi no Kuni (Ibaragi Prefecture), Japan this strange object. According to the explanation in the drawing, the outershell was made of iron and glass, and strange letters shown in this drawing were seen inside the ship.
These are illustrations from a book by Lt. Grey. “Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia 1837, 1838, & 1839″, He led an expedition in the 19th century to some caves near the Glenelg River region of Kimberley, Northern Australia. They are considered to be pre-aboriginal.
Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs as they are commonly known, have been witnessed by millions of people all over the world and have been recorded in history books, myths, legends and traditions for thousands of years. However, many accounts that are recorded in ancient texts are dismissed as mere myths and legends, while UFO sightings that have taken place in the last few centuries have been classified as misinterpretations of natural phenomena, illusions, or conspiracy theories.
History has shown us time and again that a plethora of so-called ‘myths’ have their basis in reality. It is possible, and indeed likely, that stories and legends were a way for people to explain real—and perhaps perplexing—events using the knowledge and beliefs of their time. In support of this theory, a number of events described in mythology, which were once considered mere fairy tales, have now been proven through archaeology to have existed. A famous example is the city Troy, which is central to Homer’s ‘The Iliad’. Long considered to be a city of myth, Heinrich Schliemann’s discovery of the actual site in 1868 elevated it to a place in history. Nevertheless, the remainder of The Iliad is still viewed as a myth and fantasy without any serious attempts being made to investigate whether or not there may be more truth behind the tale. The same goes for many accounts of ‘flying machines’, which we find reference to in countless mythologies from numerous different cultures around the world.
Many cultures contain pictorial and written records of ‘flying machines’, yet these are usually dismissed as myth and legend.
It is common to see people selectively decide what is real and what is not and all of this on the unsubstantiated assumption that ancient people were primitive and had little to no knowledge compared to us today. On the contrary, many ancient civilizations, like the Sumerians, Indus Valley, and Egyptians existed with complex social structures, legal systems, art, astronomy, mathematics, and technology, some of which is still not fully understood today. The Antikythera Mechanism, for example, is a 2,200-year-old mechanical device that is still not completely understood despite decades of research by top scientists around the world.
Ancient Astronaut Theory
The topic of flying objects and supernatural beings from out of our world is one in which we find multiple references in mythologies. All of these myths and legends, along with archaeological evidence such as rock art depictions, have created a wave of theories that gave birth to the ‘Ancient Astronaut’ perspective, which links all of these ancient references and depictions to UFOs, and posits that extra-terrestrials visited Earth and made contact with humans in antiquity and prehistory, influencing the development of human cultures, technologies, and religions.
Unfortunately, there are numerous charlatans who have tried to ‘cash in’ on this movement for profit or publicity, or who have diminished it with caricatures of little green men, resulting in the ancient astronaut perspective being widely criticized and attacked for its lack of credibility. Consequently, what is in fact a plausible and possible explanation for what we see in ancient art and texts, is now rarely examined by scholars, who fear being ridiculed or having their professional career seriously undermined.
UFOs in art: “Battesimo di Cristo” 1710; Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
UFO sightings in recent history
But let’s leave the ancient past for a while and examine just the last 80 years of human history. Millions of people all over the globe have witnessed unidentified flying objects. Many have been recorded in detailed reports witnessed by police, pilots, astronauts, government officials, pilots, military personnel and, of course, ordinary citizens. Some of the more well-known cases were witnessed by thousands of people at one time. Historical records make it evident that UFO appearances magnified during and after World War II, including the example of the famous ‘Foo Fighters’.
While most sightings can be explained either by celestial phenomena, airplanes, planets, weather phenomena, military exercises, or in some cases drug use or mental instability, there still exists a small percentage that cannot be accounted for by any of these explanations. This is what makes the phenomena important and not to be ignored, particularly considering that sightings are frequently reported around military bases and airfields and are therefore, at the very least, a matter of both national security and air safety.
It is an undeniable fact that there are cases of unidentified objects in our skies. It has been acknowledged by the major governments from all over the world simply through the very fact that official research has been conducted on the matter in the US, UK, Russia, Europe, China, South America, and many others. All of this research, in every single case, concluded that there is a percentage of phenomena that cannot be explained.
In the past decade, many countries have declassified their UFO research files, releasing thousands of documents through the Freedom of Information Act and making numerous UFO cases available in the public domain. One recently released document from the UFO files in Britain, revealed how Churchill, concerned about the UFO issue, ordered a shutdown of information for at least 50 years to prevent mass panic and the potential to undermine religious beliefs. The document in question was also published on the BBC news site in 2010.
By doing careful research on the topic, passing over obvious scam and fake stories, it is clear to see that unidentified flying objects do exist. So the question is not whether they exist or not, but rather, what are they? Are they of terrestrial or extra-terrestrial origin? And what is their purpose?
UFOs and the limits of science
Many prominent scientists have already stated that other civilizations must exist in the Universe, and that it would be statistically impossible for this not to be the case. However, with our knowledge of science and technology today, we cannot yet support the means for interstellar travel, and since we have not discovered intelligent life in our solar system, the assumption is made that there must be no way that extra-terrestrials could have travelled to Earth. However, this argument is of course flawed because it is based within the framework of our own understanding of the universe, and does not take into account the capabilities of civilizations that may be millions of years ahead of our own. It also hinges on the following assumptions:
We know everything about physics and reality and therefore there is no way that such distant travel can be achieved. We are using our means to try to contact other civilizations (e.g. SETI’s attempts to pick up radio or communication signals) and since we don’t perceive any signals of OUR type, nothing must exist. We are looking for organic forms of life exactly like us and for planets with the exact same conditions as ours.
It is clear that these arguments show the arrogance of mankind, a mankind that may just be an infant in the Universe. And this is not new. During the history of humanity, in every single period of time, we believed that we knew the truth, only to have it replaced later on by new ‘knowledge’.
There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement, Lord Kelvin, 1901, physicist
Quantum physics, still a relatively new and unexplored field in Science, has shown that reality could be completely different to what we believe it to be. Powerful telescopes have shown distant planets in solar systems that could possibly sustain life. Theories of wormholes and warp drives have shown that at a theoretical level we could achieve interstellar travel. Yes, we would require incredible amounts of energy to even think of trying to achieve something like this, so according to our standards today it is impossible to achieve, but in theory it can be achieved.
“It now seems quite clear that Earth is not the only inhabited planet. There is evidence that the bulk of the stars in the sky have planetary systems. Recent research concerning the origin of life on Earth suggests that the physical and chemical processes leading to the origin of life occur rapidly in the early history of the majority of planets within our Milky Way galaxy–perhaps as many as a million–are inhabited by technical civilizations in advance of our own. Interstellar space flight is far beyond our present technical capabilities, but there seems to be no fundamental physical objections to preclude, from our own vantage point, the possibility of its development by other civilizations.” Carl Sagan, Ph.D. (Late Professor of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Cornell University)
Reluctance to engage with the UFO subject
The reason that the scientific community is not dealing seriously with UFOs is because the topic has been extensively ridiculed both by the media and in academic circles, with false information spread everywhere. For similar reasons, military personnel, astronauts, pilots, and other categories of professionals do not want to talk because, either they have been forced to sign confidentiality agreements, or because of fear that their careers would be destroyed. This is why we have seen many examples of ‘death bed confessions’.
One such case was with astronaut Gordon Cooper, who told the world about his experience encountering a UFO during his flight in the Mercury capsule in 1963. Before he died he stated: “for many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us”.
While great efforts have been made to ridicule and disparage anyone who lends support to the existence of UFOs, the fact remains that there are numerous high-profile cases that are supported by solid evidence, and which should not be dismissed.
Recorded UFO sightings with extensive witness support
Below I present a very limited list constituting strong evidence for the existence of unidentified flying objects in the last 60 years.
It all happened in the early hours of February 25 in 1942. An aircraft flew over LA County that sparked an air raid alert (it was in the midst of WWII). Searchlights and guns were locked onto the aircraft for about an hour. The picture below appeared in the LA Times in a story about the Battle of LA It clearly shows a night time defensive response to an air raid. The aircraft was not hostile and obviously was not damaged by the attack. The Government stated that the craft they were shooting at was unidentified.
It all happened in the early hours of February 25 in 1942. An aircraft flew over LA County that sparked an air raid alert (it was in the midst of WWII). Searchlights and guns were locked onto the aircraft for about an hour. The picture below appeared in the LA Times in a story about the Battle of LA It clearly shows a night time defensive response to an air raid. The aircraft was not hostile and obviously was not damaged by the attack. The Government stated that the craft they were shooting at was unidentified.
This incident involved a group of American servicemen stationed at a military base in Suffolk that contained a storage centre with nuclear weapons. There had been three consecutive night of sighting objects in the sky over the base, in some cases shining a light down upon the nuclear weapons storage. On the third night, approximately two dozen servicemen were sent into the forest to investigate one set of mysterious lights. The men reported seeing a spacecraft on the ground in close proximity to them and three extra-terrestrial beings. One serviceman claimed to have touched the craft. The whole incident was filmed and photographed by one of the servicemen, but all photos and videos were removed by the US military. When the British Government released the UFO files, the Rendlesham incident papers were missing – as reported on BBC.
In November, 1986, a Japanese crew of a jumbo freighter aircraft witnessed three enormous unidentified objects while flying over Alaska, USA. This sighting gained international attention when the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced that it was going to officially investigate this sighting because the Air Route Traffic Control Center in Anchorage, Alaska, had reported that the UFO had been detected on radar. The UFOs in this case were tracked on both ground and airborne radar, witnessed by experienced airline pilots, and confirmed by a FAA Division Chief.
Illustration of the object, with the Boeing 747 airplane on the right. Credits: UFO Reporter
The Belgium UFO wave began in November 1989. The events of 29 November would be documented by no less than thirty different groups of witnesses, and three separate groups of police officers. All of the reports related to a large object flying at low altitude. The craft was of a flat, triangular shape, with lights underneath. This giant craft did not make a sound as it slowly moved across the landscape of Belgium. The Belgium UFO wave peaked with events on the night of 30/31 March 1990. On that night, unknown objects were tracked on radar, chased by two Belgian Air Force F16s, photographed, and were sighted by an estimated 13,500 people on the ground – 2,600 of whom filed written statements describing in detail what they had seen. Following the incident, the Belgian air force released a report detailing the events of that night.
The Phoenix Lights (also identified as “Lights over Phoenix”) was a UFO sighting which occurred in Phoenix, Arizona, and Sonora, Mexico on Thursday, March 13, 1997. Lights of varying descriptions were seen by thousands of people between 19:30 and 22:30 MST, in a space of about 300 miles (480 km), from the Nevada line, through Phoenix, to the edge of Tucson. Witnesses claim to have observed a huge square-shaped UFO, containing five spherical lights or possibly light-emitting engines. Fife Symington, the governor at the time, was one witness to this incident; he later called the object “otherworldly.”
On the night of August 30, a cluster of multi-colored lights was seen floating in the sky above Osaka. Several people reported to Twitter that they saw a group of lights forming a triangular shape and flashing green, red and white in the night sky above Izumi city in Osaka Prefecture. The sightings caused a commotion on Twitter after one user wrote: “Everyone in Osaka, go outside! There’s a UFO!” prompting others to grab their cameras and snap up photos of mysterious luminous object.
At approximately 16:15 CST on Tuesday November 7, 2006, federal authorities at Chicago O’Hare International Airport received a report that a group of twelve airport employees were witnessing a metallic, saucer-shaped craft hovering over Gate C-17.
The object was first spotted by a ramp employee who was pushing back United Airlines Flight 446, which was departing Chicago for Charlotte, North Carolina. The employee apprised Flight 446’s crew of the object above their aircraft. It is believed that both the pilot and co-pilot also witnessed the object.
Several independent witnesses outside of the airport also saw the object. According to the Chicago Tribune’s Jon Hilkevitch, “The disc was visible for approximately two minutes and was seen by close to a dozen United Airlines employees, ranging from pilots to supervisors, who heard chatter on the radio and raced out to view it.”
The incident took place on May 2007 at 14.00 local time in Lima Peru. A series of moving lights resembling an armada of flying objects appeared in the skies. The story was reported on the news and was seen by thousands of people.
An unidentified flying object that disrupted air traffic in Hangzhou for an hour on Wednesday, 10th of July 2010. A flight crew preparing for descent first detected the object around 8:40 p.m. and notified the air traffic control department. Aviation authorities responded within minutes, grounding outbound flights and diverting inbound ones to airports in Ningbo and Wuxi. Eighteen flights were affected. A spokesman from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) confirmed to ABC News that the matter is under investigation. He declined to disclose further details. A day after the sighting, however, an anonymous source told China Daily that authorities already discovered the identity of the UFO after an investigation but could not publically disclose the information because “there was a military connection.”
Xiaoshan Airport UFO Incident, China
Many would say that the above examples constitute irrefutable proof that extra-terrestrial UFOs exist. So why isn’t the public told about it? Imagine the implications that disclosure would have and what it would mean. Acknowledgment of extra-terrestrial civilizations having visited Earth would mean that many of the myths and legends of the past are in fact based on reality. It would suggests that humanity has been influenced for millennia by other-worldly beings, beings that in the past were considered gods. Disclosure would entirely topple the status quo and the balance of powers in society, and turn upside down what we know about the history of mankind.
The acknowledgement of the UFO phenomena is an event with the power to bring a global revolution in every sector of our lives today – technology and energy supply, communication and environmental concerns, society and religion. Is this what governments and corporations are afraid of – a shift in balance and their loss of their positions of power and control? Or is it that the powers that be are afraid of re-writing our human history?
“When the long awaited solution to the UFO problem comes, I believe that it will prove to be not merely the next small step in the march of science, but a mighty and totally unexpected quantum leap.” Dr J. Allen Hynek, Scientific Advisor to the U.S. Air Force
Supervulkaan Diep onder het Amerikaanse nationaal park Yellowstone bevindt zich een gigantisch, voordien ongekend, reservoir met heet, deels gesmolten gesteente - groot genoeg om de Grand Canyon elf keer te vullen. Dat besluiten wetenschappers van de universiteit van Utah na een seismologisch onderzoek.
Yellowstone strekt zich uit langs het grensgebied van de Amerikaanse staten Wyoming, Idaho en Montana en is een van de meest dynamische vulkanische systemen in de wereld. Je vindt er geisers, warme modderpoelen, warme bronnen en rookpluimen. Het park ligt bovenop een supervulkaan, die al drie catastrofale uitbarstingen kende: twee miljoen jaar, 1,2 miljoen jaar en 640.000 jaar geleden.
Wetenschappers wisten al dat zich onder Yellowtone een grote magmakamer bevond, die de drie uitbarstingen gevoed heeft. Vermoedens over het bestaan van een tweede magmakamer waren er al langer, maar konden tot nog toe niet hard gemaakt worden.
De nieuwe studie, gepubliceerd in het vakblad Science, biedt voor het eerst een compleet beeld van de vulkanische 'leidingen' in Yellowstone van de aardmantel tot de oppervlakte. Daaruit blijkt dat er nog een tweede, dieper reservoir is dat nog 4,5 keer groter is dan het eerste.
Het magmareservoir ligt 19 tot 45 kilometer onder Yellowstone en heeft een volume van 48.000 kubieke kilometer, of 11,2 keer het volume van de Grand Canyon
De onderzoekers maakten gebruik van een techniek die seismische tomografie genoemd wordt en vergelijkbaar is met een CT-scan van het lichaam. Aan de hand van seismische golven die zich dwars door de aarde bewegen, kunnen wetenschappers analyseren welke dichtheid de gesteenten onder het oppervlak hebben en zo de bodem in kaart brengen.
Het magmareservoir dat op die manier ontdekt werd, ligt volgens de onderzoekers 19 tot 45 kilometer onder Yellowstone en heeft een volume van 48.000 kubieke kilometer, of 11,2 keer het volume van de Grand Canyon in Arizona. De magmakamer is gevuld met heet, vast en sponsachtig gesteente. Delen ervan - in totaal twee procent - zijn gesmolten.
Het bestaan van een tweede magmakamer verhoogt de dreiging van een vulkaanuitbarsting niet, zo zeggen de onderzoekers. "Maar onze bevindingen voorzien ons wel van de informatie die nodig is om beter te begrijpen hoe magma zich van de aardmantel naar de oppervlakte verplaatst", zegt seismoloog Jamie Farrell van de universiteit van Utah.
Beide magmakamers bevinden zich boven een mantelpluim: die brengt gesmolten gesteente uit de aardmantel naar boven tot zo'n 64 kilometer onder de oppervlakte. Van daar worden hete substanties naar het oppervlak gevoerd.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Ook UFO's zijn tekenen van deze tijd... ( Video )
Ook UFO's zijn tekenen van deze tijd... ( Video )
Voor ons zijn UFO’s eigenlijk een vanzelfsprekend iets, maar voor het gros van de wereld nog steeds iets om je over te verkneukelen.
Dus krijg je oerdomme opmerkingen zoals: Waarom zou een UFO helemaal naar de aarde afreizen om in een actieve vulkaan te duiken?
Wanneer je op mainstream nieuwskanalen en aan hen geliëerde pseudo alternatieve websites de volgende zin ziet staan dan zakt als UFO onderzoeker je broek af:
Sommigen beweren dat het gaat om een UFO, al is niet duidelijk waarom een UFO helemaal naar de aarde zou afreizen om in een actieve vulkaan te duiken.
Daarmee heb je eigenlijk in een notendop hoe het gros van de bevolking tegen het fenomeen aankijkt en hoe weinig ze erover weten.
Allemaal naar aanleiding van dat er diverse UFO’s zijn waargenomen bij de eerder deze week uitgebarsten vulkaan Calbuco in Chili.
Al vele jaren lang worden met regelmaat UFO's waargenomen bij al dan niet actieve vulkanen. Niet alleen dat, ook zijn talloze opnames beschikbaar waarbij ze verdwijnen of tevoorschijn komen uit vulkaankraters.
Het heeft allemaal te maken met energie. Op de één of andere manier tanken UFO’s als het ware energie in of rond de vulkanen, net zoals ze dat doen rond onweersbuien en dergelijke.
Dan sinds kort het fenomeen waarbij elektrisch geladen wolken worden gebruikt als een soort dimensieportaal voor vertrekkende en aankomende ufo’s.
Dat geeft een heel ander beeld dan dat UFO’s doelloos naar de aarde komen om vervolgens in een actieve vulkaan te duiken en daar onzinnige afstanden voor zouden afleggen.
Dat alles om energie draait, bewijzen ook de opnames van de enorme UFO’s die als het ware tanken bij de zon en/of deze ook inzetten als portaal.
Allemaal dus volkomen logisch dat je bij de Calbuca vulkaan UFO’s ziet verschijnen. En dat niet op één dag, maar op meerdere.
Het begint al woensdag, direct na de uitbarsting, wanneer er 5 stuks met grote snelheid de aswolk boven de krater induiken.
Hieronder volgt de video-opname waarin dat zichtbaar is. Tenminste als je heel goed kijkt want we praten hier bijna letterlijk over de snelheid als van een bliksemschicht waarmee dit gebeurt.
De volgende dag verschijnen er pal naast de rook/aswolk twee grote fel verlichte UFO’s zoals je op de volgende foto kunt zien:
En verder uitvergroot:
De bovenstaande UFO's verschenen niet als een flits in beeld zoals die hierboven, maar bleven ongeveer vijf minuten hangen, waarna de lichten opeens doofden.
Dezelfde dag werden er wederom twee waargenomen. Er bestaat een grote kans dat dit dezelfde twee zijn als in de opname hierboven.
Wat opvallend te noemen is in de volgende opname is dat ze hier geen enkele moeite doen om zich te verbergen, terwijl dat normaal gesproken wel het geval is.
Hoewel UFO’s al jarenlang rondom vulkanen worden gesignaleerd, lijkt het dat ze “brutaler” worden, in die zin, dat ze eigenlijk lijken te willen worden ontdekt.
Waar mainstream en geliëerde nieuwsbronnen verhalen over UFO’s blijven publiceren als nietszeggende sensatiestukjes, zou het verstandig zijn voor de rest van de bevolking om het fenomeen te waarderen voor wat het is: tekenen van onze tijd.
Tekenen dat er dingen gebeuren op aarde die wij nog niet eerder hebben meegemaakt. Tekenen, dat wij in bijzondere tijden leven.
Vervagen de grenzen tussen dimensies steeds verder? ( Video )
Vervagen de grenzen tussen dimensies steeds verder? ( Video )
Enkele weken geleden schrokken de inwoners van een dorp in Kazachstan van een vreemde zwarte ring die boven hun hoofden verscheen.
Deze ring hing ongeveer een kwartier in de lucht voordat hij oploste. Het lijkt op rook en is reukloos. Het is iets waar men geen verklaring voor kan vinden.
Natuurlijk worden er allerlei “logische” oorzaken aangevoerd zoals machines die een soort ringen kunnen maken of vuurwerk wat lijkt op wat men boven Kazachstan waarnam.
Maar, er beginnen steeds meer stemmen op te gaan die zeggen dat we met die ringen wel degelijk met iets paranormaals te maken hebben.
Het verschijnsel is ook relatief nieuw. De afgelopen jaren worden deze “ringen” regelmatig waargenomen en misschien vormen zij onderdeel van het grotere geheel waarbij grenzen tussen dimensies steeds meer gaan vervagen.
Wij hebben dat de laatste jaren ook kunnen zien is dat UFO’s ze gebruikmaken van dimensieportalen die eruit zien als onweerswolken.
Mogelijk hebben deze ringen op een bepaalde manier dezelfde soort functie.
De maker van onderstaande video gaat wat dieper in op deze materie en is er heilig van overtuigd dat het verschijnen van dit soort ringen alles te maken heeft met het vervagen van dimensies.
Unknown lights over Aliso Viejo, California – August 2014
Unknown lights over Aliso Viejo, California – August 2014
Here’s one older footage that was just submitted to MUFON. This one was filmed over Aliso Viejo in California on 25th August 2015.
Witness report:Notice objects glowing in the distance when getting off exit in Aliso Viejo. Three bright lights appeared stationary and in triangle formation. Pulsing. Eventually two disappeared, but the third remained in the sky for a long time in excess of 20 minutes. I have pictures and video of event from the balcony of my house. Heard lots of helicopters in area too. The last picture is taken from thru the windshield of my car and shows the difference compared to a traffic light.
Man Claims He Has Seen A UFO Every Night Over Bakersfield, CA
Man Claims He Has Seen A UFO Every Night Over Bakersfield, CA
A witness shared a UFO video reportedly taken in the sky above Rosedale, California. Joseph Guzman said that he saw it every night in the same place. He contacted local CBS affiliate KBAK to seek for help in identifying the aerial object.
Guzman explained that he can’t believe nobody else saw what he has been seeing. He said that anybody can see it when they drive down Rosedale, anywhere in Bakersfield and look up at around 7:30 or 7:45 towards Rosedale.
He described the object as unidentified flying object that moves and glows. He said that it had a green and orange light.
KBAK posted the UFO sighting video on Facebook, and it received a lot of responses. President of the Antelope Valley Astronomy Club based in Palmdale, California, Frank Moore, suggested that the UFO is the planet Venus.
But the UFO has its top cut off, which many viewers rule out the possibility of it as the second nearest planet to the sun.
Moore has the explanation saying that some of the images taken by the witness show part of the disc cut off, so it appears flat on one side. Like the moon, Venus goes through phases where several amounts of the disc are illuminated at various times by the sun, Moore continued. He said that the disc of Venus right now is illuminated 70.87%, which is consistent in some of the witness’ images.
Moore also suggested Sirius as a possible explanation for Guzman’s UFO. He said that Sirius often appears to twinkle or change colors as a variable multiple star.
But Guzman doesn’t accept both possibilities. He’s convinced that he spotted a craft of some kind on a nightly basis. Though he’s not convinced it’s an alien, he wants to know the truth. But if in case it is an extraterrestrial, Guzman wants it to come down and have a coffee or something.
Rosedale is on the western outskirts of Bakersfield, a city that has repeatedly been mentionedin the news recently because of its various UFO sightings.
Dans son nouveau livre, l'ufologue britannique sceptique, David Clarke, revient sur l'intérêt que portait Ronald Reagan au phénomène OVNI. Une fascination que l'on retrouve même dans ses discours officiels...
Dans son nouveau livre dans «How UFOs Conquered the World: The History of a Modern Myth» (Comment les OVNIs ont conquis le monde : Histoire d’un mythe moderne), l’ancien journaliste et ufologue sceptique David Clarke examine comment depuis 1947 et l’invention du mot « soucoupe volante», les OVNIs se sont peu à peu immiscés dans toutes les couches de la société, depuis les médias populaires jusqu’aux plus hauts cercles politiques et même dans le bureau ovale. Si Jimmy Carter est le seul président américain qui a admis publiquement avoir vu un OVNI, c’est Ronald Reagan qui a entretenu la fascination la plus constante pour le sujet.
L’intérêt de Reagan pour les OVNIs n’est pas une révélation et la plupart des anecdotes rapportées par David Clarke sont connues de longue date. Ainsi, en 1985, le président américain, lors d’un sommet à Genève, s’est adressé à Gorbatchev pour lui dire qu’il était certain que les deux superpuissances collaboreraient en cas d’invasion extraterrestre.
David Clarke rappelle aussi que Ronald Reagan avait pris l’habitude d’ajouter à ses discours des allusions à la menace venue de l’espace, dans les dernières années de son mandat. Au grand désespoir de son conseiller à la Sécurité nationale de de 1987 à 89, Colin Powell qui s’empressait de supprimer toutes «les références interplanétaires» chères au Président. Chaque fois que Colin Powell découvrait une nouvelle évocation d’une éventuelle «menace alien» «Colin Powell levait les yeux au ciel en disant ‘Oh non… Pas encore les petits hommes verts…’».
Tous ces détails et bien d’autres figurent sur le site , une mine d’informations plus ou moins fiables sur les relations entre les présidents américains et le dossier OVNI.
Fidèle à sa marotte, David Clarke est convaincu que l’obsession de Ronald Reagan pour les OVNIs provient de sa première passion, le cinéma et un film en particulier: «Le jour où la Terre s’arrêta» le chef d’oeuvre SF de Robert Wise, sorti en 1951.
Selon David Clarke, le futur président aurait été durablement marqué par ce film où un extraterrestre débarque sut terre pour convaincre les humains de renoncer aux armes nucléaires : «Pour une génération qui vivait dans la peur de la bombe, ce message de paix venu des étoiles délivré par des anges technologiques était une alternative séduisante à l’équilibre angoissant de la guerre froide». En 1982, il a même invité Steven Spielberg à la Maison Blanche pour une projection privée de ET: «Nancy et moi tenons à vous dire combien nous avons apprécié «ET» qui est vraiment un classique du cinéma. Il faut vous féliciter pour votre formidable travail…» écrit le Président dans sa lettre au réalisateur.
Ronald Reagan aurait vu un OVNI à deux reprise
David Clarke est depuis sept ans le commentateur officiel de la publication en plusieurs étapes des archives OVNIs du ministère de la Défense britannique. Sceptique, il estime que les vagues d’observations d’OVNIs découlent directement de l’engouement pour des films et des séries comme Rencontres du 3e Type et surtout X-Files. «Les OVNIs constituent avant tout un phénomène social et culturel» écrit-il dans le Guardian.
Toutefois, le postulat de David Clarke, un peu trop systématique, passe sous silence une autre source possible de l’intérêt de Reagan pour les OVNIs: le fait qu’il en a vu, sans doute à deux reprises. La seconde observation, la mieux documentée, serait survenue en 1974 à bord d’un avion, alors que le futur président était encore Gouverneur de Californie. Ronald Reagan a raconté cet incident à un interlocuteur digne de foi, Norman C. Millar, chef du bureau de Washington du Wall Street Journal, puis rédacteur en chef du Los Angeles Times. Voici ce que Reagan lui aurait raconté: «En regardant par le hublot, j’ai vu une lumière blanche. Elle zigzaguait autour de l’avion. J’ai rejoint le pilote dans le cockpit et je lui ai demandé ‘Vous aviez déjà vu ça avant?’. Il était sous le choc et il m’a répondu: ‘non’. Nous l’avons suivi pendant plusieurs minutes, puis, à notre plus grande surprise, c’est parti d’un coup dans le ciel à toute vitesse» Norman C. Millar commente: «Ronald Reagan me racontait cette observation avec fougue mais soudain il s'est souvenu qu'il parlait à un journaliste. Son visage s'est fermé et il est passé à un autre sujet.» Les confidences de Reagan au journaliste ont été confirmées par le pilote, Bill Paynter, qui précise: «Nous n’avons pas rédigé de rapport parce qu’à l’époque si on racontait qu’on avait vu un OVNI on passait pour un dingue.»
Cette observation, quelle que soit sa nature, a sans douté été plus marquante que la vision d'un film de science-fiction, même excellent.
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Nasa beefs up its team of ‘alien hunters’ – and says we may be on the verge of finding extraterrestrial life.
The Nexss team, includes those who study Earth as a life-bearing planet (lower right), those researching the diversity of solar system planets (left), and those on the new frontier, discovering worlds orbiting other stars in the galaxy (upper right)
Nasa beefs up its team of ‘alien hunters’ – and says we may be on the verge of finding extraterrestrial life.
Nasa claims we’ll find aliens in the next 10 to 20 years – and now the agency is revving up its efforts to track them down.
The group has put together a team of ‘extraterrestrial experts’ to see if any of the planets discovered outside our solar system are habitable.
And it says that the amateur astronomers could help with its ‘unprecedented’ search for ET by access research data online.
The initiative, dubbed Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (Nexss), will include scientists from 10 universities including Stanford, the University of California and Yale.
The study of exoplanets is a relatively new field with discovery of the first exoplanet around a star like our sun was made in 1995.
Since the launch of the Kepler space telescope six years ago, more than 1,000 exoplanets have been found, with thousands of additional candidates waiting to be confirmed.
Nasa has set up a website for the public called Planet Hunters which allows anyone to search the data gathered by Kepler, since launching six years ago.
Scientists are also developing new ways to confirm the habitability of these worlds and search for biosignatures, or signs of life.
By applying a ‘system science’ approach, the team hopes to understand on an alien planet’s biology interacts with the atmosphere, geology, oceans, and interior of a planet.
The announcement comes just weeks after Nasa’s top scientist predicted we could be on the verge of finding life on one of them.
During a talk in Washington last month, the space agency announced that humanity is likely to encounter extra-terrestrials within a decade.
Alien hunters from the University of Berkeley, California and Stanford are tasked with answering the question: ‘What are the properties of exoplanetary systems, as they relate to their formation, evolution, and potential to harbour life?’ They will combine astronomical observations of exoplanets and forming planetary systems with powerful computer simulations and cutting-edge microscopic studies of meteorites. The team from Arizona State University in Phoenix will take a similar approach. This research group will place planetary habitability in a chemical context, with the goal of producing a ‘periodic table of planets.’ Researchers from Hampton University, Virginia, will be exploring the sources and sinks for volatiles on habitable worlds. This research will help determine the past and present habitability of Mars and even Venus. The team centered at Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies will investigate habitability on a more local scale. It will examine the habitability of solar system rocky planets through time. The team from Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, will design new spectrometers – optical instruments that measure the spectrum of light – with the stability to reach Earth-detecting precision for nearby stars. A group led the University of Nebraska-Kearney will explore the existence and evolution of exospheres around exoplanets, the outer, ‘unbound’ portion of a planet’s atmosphere. From the University of California, Santa Cruz, a group will investigate how novel maths equations can be used to extract information from light that is emitted and reflected by planetary atmospheres.
‘I believe we are going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth in the next decade and definitive evidence in the next 10 to 20 years,’ Ellen Stofan, chief scientist for Nasa, said.
‘We know where to look, we know how to look, and in most cases we have the technology.’
Jeffery Newmark, interim director of heliophysics at the agency, added: ‘It’s definitely not an if, it’s a when.’
‘We are not talking about little green men,’ Stofan said. ‘We are talking about little microbes.’
The announcement was prompted by the recent discovery of water by Nasa in surprising places.
Jim Green, director of planetary science at Nasa, noted that a recent study of the Martian atmosphere found 50 per cent of the planet’s northern hemisphere once had oceans a mile deep.
The same study found that water had been present on the red planet for up to 1.2 billion year.
‘We think that long period of time is necessary for life to get more complex,’ Stofan said.
Nasa associate administrator John Grunsfeld said he is excited about seeing what form life beyond Earth may take.
‘Once we get beyond Mars, which formed from the same stuff as Earth, the likelihood that life is similar to what we find on this planet is very low,’ he said.
‘I think we’re one generation away in our solar system, whether it’s on an icy moon or on Mars, and one generation [away] on a planet around a nearby star.
At the same conference last year, Nasa Administrator Charles Bolden made a more conservative estimate.
He claimed that we will find life within the next 20 years – with a high chance it will be outside our solar system.
Nasa next Mars rover, scheduled to launch in 2020, will search for signs of past life and bring samples for a possible return to Earth for analysis.
Nasa also hopes to land astronauts on Mars in the 2030s, which Stofan says is crucial key to the search for Mars life.
‘I’m a field geologist; I go out and break open rocks and look for fossils,’ Stofan said. ‘Those are hard to find.
‘So I have a bias that it’s eventually going to take humans on the surface of Mars — field geologists, astrobiologists, chemists — actually out there looking for that good evidence of life that we can bring back to Earth for all the scientists to argue about.’
The space agency is also planning a mission to Europa, which may launch as early as 2022. It hopes to find out whether the icy moon is habitable.
Meanwhile, the agency’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), will launch in 2018 to scope out the atmospheres of nearby ‘super-Earth’ alien planets.
These 7 Conspiracy Theories Sounded Crazy, Until They Were Proven To Be True
These 7 Conspiracy Theories Sounded Crazy, Until They Were Proven To Be True
April 25, 2015 - Everyone has that one friend who's a little too into conspiracy theories. While it can be fun to think that the world is run by a handful of master manipulators, these conspiracy theories are just that — theories. Nothing more.
On the other hand, conspiracy theories only sound crazy when they aren't totally true.
Here are a bunch of former conspiracy theories that ended up being completely true. (Just don't show this to your friend who's obsessed with 9/11, or you'll never hear the end of it.)
1. GM Streetcar Conspiracy.
There was a rumor that between 1938 and 1950, officials at General Motors were buying up train and light rail systems in cities so that people would have to buy more cars. The only falsity in this theory turned out to be that it wasn't just GM that was in on this ploy, but several other companies, as well.
2. General James Wilkinson.
Although a hero during the War of 1812, it was always rumored that James Wilkinson was making deals with the Spanish, even when he achieved the highest rank in the American Army. When he died, it was revealed that he was indeed on the Spanish payroll. At one point, he even tried to convince Kentucky to secede from the Union and become a Spanish colony.
3. Katyn Massacre.
In 1940, Stalin ordered the massacre of 20,000 Polish military officers, and used the Nazis as the obvious scapegoat. It wasn't until 1990 that the Soviet Union began investigating the possibility that they were behind the attacks. It was confirmed in 2010 that they really were the ones who ordered the killings.
4. North Korean Abductions.
Although denied by the North Korean government at the time, between 1977 and 1983, North Korean agents began abducting Japanese citizens. The Japanese government saw it as a conspiracy theory at first, until damning evidence was uncovered. In the end, they got North Korea to admit to abducting 13 of their citizens. There are believed to have been hundreds more.
5. Watergate.
While trying to report on the Watergate scandal, reporters were harassed and their phones were tapped in an effort by the Nixon administration to cover up what ended up being one of the most shockingly true conspiracy theories in American history.
6. Jimmy Savile.
For decades, there were rumors that British TV personality Jimmy Savile was molesting children, but it wasn't until his death that hundreds of allegations of sexual abuse (and even necrophilia) against him appeared. It was soon discovered that not only was Savile a predator, but he might have been the most dangerous one England had ever seen.
7. Valentin Bondarenko, "the Lost Cosmonaut."
There have been rumors that Yuri Gagarin wasn't the first man in space, but only the first man to survive space. The allegation here is that other cosmonauts made it up into space, but because they died, their existence was erased by the Russian government. Valentin Bondarenko was a cosmonaut-in-training when he had an accident in a low-pressure altitude chamber and died. The Russian government cut him out of all the photographs and pretended he never existed until 1980. So while Bondarenko never made it to space, it might be possible that he wasn't the only fallen hero the Russians decided to hide.
While there is good evidence that crises like 9/11 and the Kennedy assassination went down exactly how we were told, the same could be said about these events before the truth was known.
UFO Abduction: Pilot and Plane Disappear Without a Trace
UFO Abduction: Pilot and Plane Disappear Without a Trace
On October 21, 1978, 20-year-old pilot Frederick Valentich disappeared while flying his Cessna 182L over Bass Strait in Australia. No trace of him or his airplane were ever found.
Although it is not uncommon for pilots to suffer accidents and crash into the sea, the Valentich case is unsettling due to the radio transmission between him and Melbourne Air Traffic control right before he vanished.
Valentich radioed the control tower, asking if there were any known aircraft flying near his plane and received a negative answer. He then communicated that there was an unknown aircraft roughly 1,000 feet (300 meters) above him. The shiny, metallic object was illuminated by four bright green landing lights and it rapidly approached Valentich. It orbited around him several times, getting close and zipping by at high speed, leading Valentich to believe it was intentionally playing with him.
Valentich told Air Traffic control his engine started running roughly and sent his final transmission at 19:12:09. “That strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again (open microphone for two seconds). It is hovering and it’s not an aircraft,” were his final words. What followed were 17 seconds of a metallic scraping sound then the radio went silent.
The long investigation that followed turned up no evidence; no plane wreckage and no body.
Many believe Frederick Valentich was killed or abducted by a UFO and this hypothesis seems to be supported by a wave of sightings being reported in the six weeks prior to his disappearance. Interestingly enough, most of them involved an “erratically moving green light in the sky.”
Below is the full transcript of the communication between Valentich and Melbourne Air Traffic control:
1906:14 DSJ Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet. Is there any known traffic below five thousand?
FS Delta Sierra Juliet, no known traffic.
DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet, I am, seems to be a large aircraft below five thousand.
1906:44 FS Delta Sierra Juliet, What type of aircraft is it?
DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet, I cannot affirm, it is four bright, it seems to me like landing lights.
1907 FS Delta Sierra Juliet.
1907:31 DSJ Melbourne, this is Delta Sierra Juliet, the aircraft has just passed over me at least a thousand feet above.
FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, and it is a large aircraft, confirmed?
DSJ Er-unknown, due to the speed it’s travelling, is there any air force aircraft in the vicinity?
FS Delta Sierra Juliet, no known aircraft in the vicinity.
1908:18 DSJ Melbourne, it’s approaching now from due east towards me.
FS Delta Sierra Juliet.
1908:41 DSJ (open microphone for two seconds.)
1908:48 DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet, it seems to me that he’s playing some sort of game, he’s flying over me two, three times at speeds I could not identify.
1909 FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, what is your actual level?
DSJ My level is four and a half thousand, four five zero zero.
FS Delta Sierra Juliet, and you confirm you cannot identify the aircraft?
DSJ Affirmative.
FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, stand by.
1909:27 DSJ Melbourne, Delta Sierra Juliet, it’s not an aircraft it is (open microphone for two seconds).
1909:42 FS Delta Sierra Juliet, can you describe the -er- aircraft?
DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet, as it’s flying past it’s a long shape (open microphone for three seconds) cannot identify more than it has such speed (open microphone for three seconds). It’s before me right now Melbourne.
1910 FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger and how large would the – er – object be?
1910:19 DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet, Melbourne, it seems like it’s stationary. What I’m doing right now is orbiting and the thing is just orbiting on top of me also. It’s got a green light and sort of metallic like, it’s all shiny on the outside.
FS Delta Sierra Juliet
1910:46 DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet (open microphone for three seconds) It’s just vanished.
FS Delta Sierra Juliet
1911 DSJ Melbourne, would you know what kind of aircraft I’ve got? Is it a military aircraft?
FS Delta Sierra Juliet, Confirm the – er ~ aircraft just vanished.
DSJ Say again.
FS Delta Sierra Juliet, is the aircraft still with you?
DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet; it’s (open microphone for two seconds) now approaching from the south-west.
FS Delta Sierra Juliet
1911:50 DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet, the engine is rough-idling. I’ve got it set at twenty three twenty-four and the thing is coughing.
FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, what are your intentions?
DSJ My intentions are – ah – to go to King Island – ah – Melbourne. That strange aircraft is hovering on top of me again (open microphone for two seconds). It is hovering and it’s not an aircraft.
FS Delta Sierra Juliet.
1912:28 DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet. Melbourne (open microphone for seventeen seconds).”
The idea that humanity is not from Earth is as controversial as it is intriguing. Are we really aliens on our own planet? If this is true where is our place of origin in the galaxy? A scientific evaluation of the evidence against man’s evolution on planet Earth has been put forward by a researcher and author. According to Dr Ellis Silver, leading environmentalist and ecologist there are a number of reasons why humans do not come from Earth.
A scientific evaluation of the evidence for and (mostly) against man’s evolution on Planet Earth, by a leading environmentalist and ecologist. Including:
An evaluation of the thirteen leading hypotheses
Seventeen factors which suggest we are not from Earth
How did we get here?
When did we get here?
What is our home planet like?
The most likely stars that our home planet orbits
If the aliens are out there why can’t we detect them?
Are we the aliens?
In this fascinating book Dr Ellis Silver provides answers to all of these questions, based on current evidence and thinking in the scientific community and elsewhere. Read more…
Dr. Silver says our physiology suggests we evolved on a planet with lower gravity.
“Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth’s environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more, “Dr. Silver said in an interview with Yahoo news.
“The Earth approximately meets our needs as a species, but perhaps not as strongly as whoever brought us here initially thought,” Silver said in an interview with Yahoo news.
“Lizards can sunbathe for as long as they like – and many of them do.
We can just about get away with it for a week or two. But day after day in the sun? Forget it.
You might as well just lie down on the freeway and wait for a bus to hit you.”
We are dazzled by the sun, which is also odd, says Silver – most animals are not.
Dr. Silver claims that some chronic illnesses that plague the human race – such as bad backs – could be a sign we evolved on a world with lower gravity.
Silver points to other unique human traits – such as the fact that babies’ heads are so large that women have trouble giving birth – in earlier eras, this was often fatal for mother, child or both.
“No other truly native species on this planet has this problem,” he says. Dr. Silver also points out to the “extra” 223 genes in human beings, which are not found in any other species, and to the lack of a fossil “missing link”.
Dr. Silver also claims that the human race has defects that mark us out as being possibly “not of this world”.
“We are all chronically ill,” says Dr. Silver. “Indeed, if you can find a single person who is 100% fit and healthy and not suffering from some (perhaps hidden or unstated) condition or disorder (there’s an extensive list in the book) I would be extremely surprised – I have not been able to find anyone.”
Did we evolve on an alien world?
“I believe that many of our problems stem from the simple fact that our internal body clocks have evolved to expect a 25 hour day (this has been proven by sleep researchers), but the Earth’s day is only 24 hours. This is not a modern condition – the same factors can be traced all the way back through mankind’s history on Earth.”
Dr. Silver does not suggest one answer – but a possibility that early pre-humans such as homo erectus were crossbred with another species. He also suggests several possible origins, including Alpha Centauri.
“Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth’s environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring (raw) foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more. Plus there’s a prevailing feeling among many people that they don’t belong here or that something “just isn’t right”.
“This suggests (to me at least) that mankind may have evolved on a different planet, and we may have been brought here as a highly developed species. One reason for this, discussed in the book, is that the Earth might be a prison planet – since we seem to be a naturally violent species – and we’re here until we learn to behave ourselves.”
“Humans are not from Earth was published mainly to gauge reaction from readers and to provoke thought, particularly among those who might not have considered such a possibility before.” Dr Ellis says that while his idea is an extreme evolution of that idea, it is intended to be thought-provoking and in his opinion he have had a largely positive response to it.
Now, Dr. Silver hopes that readers will contact him with more evidence for a more extensive follow-up work.
I want to say that I have been really beating down this anti-science pejorative that was first proposed by National Geographic. It tends to paint a very desperate and guilty picture for those scientists who are controlled to keep a lid on unexplainable things, and force a populace into believing their own brand of junk science for lack of a better explanation for all things that seem a bit out of place or paranormal.
Science is imperfect because people are imperfect — it has always been, and so it will always be. Man’s greatest paradox is the attempt by too many to interchange Magic or for the religious “God” and science replacing one with the other — when, in reality, one should lead to the other if the path is kept clear of prejudices.
With an honest pursuit of ultimate knowledge, humanity would not be facing such a cataclysm of moral and ethical problems involving science. But honesty and morality have been cast aside to embrace a substitute for “knowledge.”
We are waking up to the fact that the paranormal, and beliefs in paranormal events is the new normal.
As I have reported before when quoting Robert Anton Wilson, we have created this safety net we call reality and every once in a while we are reminded that a very real existential world exists and that the spooky actions we see are all part of some quantum theory that is not easily explained.
There have been many occasions where we have been told that the universe we live in is a construct, a safe haven that we have developed to hide away from the various demons and bogey man that plague our nightmares.
I am no scientist or theologian, I have dabbled in the occult and studied all of the strangeness and peculiarities of this world and with my Fortean goggles I see the world as a playground of fascinating coincidences.
I want to make this fact clear, a fact that cannot be escaped even if you are an atheist or agnostic or otherwise. There is a shared meme held by billions of people on this planet and that is the world is destined to end in some chaos.
Now you can hold on to beliefs that say that it will be millions of years away and you can die a normal and boring death, or you can think that it will happen in 10 years, or 5 years. You can think it will end next year and there are small groups who await a rapture in the middle of May, it doesn’t matter. What matters is the sympathetic response to this preoccupation from the universe.
That is if you believe in quantum entanglements which somehow spin coincidences and synchronicities that make you wonder if you are only part of the dimensional equation.
I hear all the time that the earth is headed for destruction and that someone or some alien god will come down ad save it. Then we will be at peace. This is programming and it has been part of our collective unconscious for thousands of years because our ancestors have written in bibles, Vedic histories, Muslim writings and elsewhere about shared cataclysms and major changes that we seem to not want to accept as reality, even though it is beginning to show itself in a blatant fashion in our lifetime. How are you able to speak on a how dealing with the occult and the paranormal without trying to address the fact that 4.5 billion believe in an end times scenario that is blue printed and accepted by Abrahamic religions that claim that a Christ, externalized Messiah or Imam, will return to fight a huge satanic dragon.
Similar stories are found in Norse mythology about Thor returning to fight a large dragon and save the world. Mayan traditions say that we are living in a final cycle of creation where animals, birds and fish will die because there will be magnetic shifts, in the form of vortices that appear from out of nowhere and decimate that which is living. They are magnetic wormholes and are describes as powerful electromagnetic pulses that would appear in the final cycles of the Earth’s creation.
These vortices that appear in the quantum soup are actually supposed to lift the veil and show us what is truly behind the illusion of what we see.
Physicist Nick Herbert once declared that the world behind our back, where we are not looking and cannot observe is always an active radically ambiguous and ceaselessly flowing cosmic soup. In the soup are invisible wormholes, magnetic vortices, Rosen bridges and columns that reveal that our whole existence and surroundings have been placed on a huge grid. When the grid is tampered with magnetically we begin to see patterns in the sky. Geometric patterns that can confuse us and actually allow for anomalies to appear in the stars, the sun and the moon.
One billion followers of Hinduism believe in cosmic cycles that spin like a vortex. They believe in the avatar Yuga coming back in a cyclical pattern and the epochs keep repeating infinitely. We spin around revolution by revolution experiencing synchronicity that progressively gets more apparent and it starts to appear before or yes as déjà vu or meaningful coincidence giving us messages to prepare for the culmination of all times and epochs in one central point in time.
Out of all of the belief systems that I have read about and have studied there seems to be a constant; it is what science has attempted to call quantum relationships. It is simply the law of attraction and manifestation through thought or power.
If you visualize events or outcomes that you believe will happen they will most likely happen in ways you couldn’t imagine!
In the office, Tracy Twyman, Bryan Trotter and Wes Skotko have been looking at some fascinating pictures that show what appear to be cities in the sky. Cities that hover above the fog and appear to be like an image from a video game. This has once again started the discussion in the office about the holographic universe.
Coincidentally I received an email from a listener named Kyle that said that on April 18th, 2015 at 9:27 PM he snapped a picture looking West over Lake Michigan towards Chicago, which is 60 miles across the lake. The picture captures the sky at sunset and in the middle of the picture is what appears to be a grid pattern or a pattern that appears to look like a UPC code symbol with bars.
Kyle is 61 years old and says he has never seen anything like his at Silver Beach.
Now that everything paranormal is becoming normal, there is a tendency by some people to deny the existence of the substance of the evolution of the “theory” and that while speculations are useful in trying to find fact, facts then rear their head and people in denial tend to hang on to the idea that they are still speculation.
They look at conspiracy theories and the beliefs surrounding them as comfortable as old sneakers; but there comes a time when the old sneakers need to be thrown out in favor of a new pair that can send you on your way to new journeys and new ideas that need to be presented.
I think it is time to admit that we are now in a moment where we need to not feel so comfortable about our theories or our speculations being taken at face value because there is now a mechanical effort to discredit and to create a highly threatening “thought police” that will try to undermine the spirit of imagination, speculation, and theory for the sake of a well thought out and repetitive agenda that comes complete with a pejorative attack against anyone who questions it.
I am not saying that we should stop with our theories; I am just thinking that perhaps we should focus our passions on what makes a difference in the thought process.
We now see how specious arguments being presented on YouTube, or on Facebook in order to get hits and “likes” and many people are unaware that disinformation lurks on the internet. This disinformation is well organized and is presented as fact, when any conspiracy theorist that is a real theorist understands that this is all theory and is satisfied with it being theory until the facts prove otherwise.
I am sensing that the person who questions is now under attack, and the thought police will find a way to destroy the person who questions rather than encourage a healthy questioning process and the entertaining of curiosity for the sole purpose of understanding.
Quantum physics gives us a new way to look at our world. If we see an object, it is because the object pops into view, if it leaves our view quickly we question if what we see was just an hallucination or if it is real and pops out of sight and out of mind.
Quantum reality gives us the ability to even question if what we saw was out of the ordinary, or plucked from another matrix to occupy this construct.
What is seen in our view is known as the field, some call it the grid. Now we are hearing of people who during twilight hours are able to see the grid in our skies as if we are living in a computer stronghold.
Some claim to have seen pixel clouds, or they have seen a tightly fine web covering the sky in squares like longitude in latitude.
In China and Africa there have been sightings of huge cities in the clouds. None of the cities are recognized, which rules out a hallucination.
Weather specialists call what is seen as a “Fata Morgana” or a superior mirage. However a Fata Morgana cannot explain why thousands of people have now seen what appears to be a computerized grid in the sky above the Earth.
These images contain exact angles or perfect polygonal properties which some claim may include the expansion of lay line images or properties that can be seen by the human eye.
Wide and open as the number of possibilities for the appearances of this so called grid remains, it is likely that, in the broader sense, the summation of the phenomenon we call anomalous sky activity comprised of a combination of all these things.
Much the same, there may be as-yet-unfathomable explanations that would form the basis for a number of strange things observed in our reality. One of these involves the manipulation of our surroundings by intelligence that seems to abide by physical laws vastly different from ours; but what is the possibly that such intelligence might nonetheless be related very closely to us… or even exist as some strange extension of humanity itself?
The idea is already quite popular in books and film that a sort of programmable structure could exist within our reality, or that some kind of virtual reality might be imposed on humanity, manipulated by other intelligences, culminating in what we perceive as the world around us.
The series of Matrix films starring Keanu Reeves explore this possibility, as have, to a certain extent, other sci-fi films and series including Vanilla Sky, The Terminator Trilogy, Inception, The Thirteenth Floor and a number of others, in that what we view and perceive as the “real world” could be the result of a dreamlike state, or even the result of non-temporal intrusion, time travel from the future or perhaps a huge time paradox performed in a supercollider that exists in Geneva.
It can all be uncanny coincidence. It does not dismiss that it is happening and that people are now seeing the hidden grid that has somehow show itself in various glimpses.
Einstein had a word for all of this, he called it spooky actions at a distance. Science is calling it quantum entanglement. This term was used most often with early theories of gravity and electromagnetism to describe how an object could “know” the mass or charge of another distant object. Is it a sympathetic and intuitive response to what might happen or has it happened in another dimension?
Are these unexplained city sightings and grid sightings meant for a future glance and yet they are appearing in the present?
This is the deep and philosophical question and seems to be more and more apparent on the radar of most meaningful events in our lives.
So using entanglement theory we can stretch the idea into considering that human unconscious, pre-consciousness and consciousness are quantum bits can know the same actions in a dimensional or dream state.
These thoughts that are thrust in the ether become strong and meaningful precognitions that unwittingly show up in what we call self fulfilling prophecy or self made tulpas? So we can suppose that consciousness can read the unconscious and vice-versa. Group consciousness can receive a message from the collective unconsciousness and this is how we see these meaningful sightings and coincidences that have connection to major events. This is why some people are able to drum up prophecy and have it come true. Perhaps they are more in tune with the collective unconscious or the zeitgeist. Perhaps it is accidental which makes it even more meaningful and peculiar. The collective consciousness and unconsciousness become quantum entangled and we begin to see it as magical or write it off as just an hallucination or coincidence.
The Escambia County, FL, witness said that the UFO was so large that when she stopped her car to look, it was all she could see out of her windshield and windows. Pictured: Escambia County, FL. (Credit: Google)
A Florida witness in Escambia County reported a “massive, totally quiet triangle-shaped object” that flew over her neighborhood at the tree top level, according to testimony in Case 64835 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was outside in a vehicle at 7 p.m. on November 13, 2014, when the incident occurred.
“It was so large that when I stopped my car to look, it was all I could see out of my windshield and windows,” the witness stated. “It didn’t make any sound at all, and the trees didn’t sway or make any noise, like they would if something like a helicopter or other craft flew so close to them.”
The witness watched while the object flew overhead.
“It was right over my head, only the distance from the ground to right over the trees.”
The object moved overhead about 7 p.m. on November 13, 2014, at the tree top level. Pictured: Escambia County, FL. (Credit: Google)
The witness watched as the object slowly moved away.
“It moved really slowly over the neighborhood going north west/west and I watched it until it disappeared.”
While the object itself was silent, the witness recalls other normal sounds being silenced as well.
“Again, it made absolutely no noise. When it flew over, it blocked out other sounds…either that, or I was so focused on the craft that I didn’t hear nearby traffic.”
Escambia County is the westernmost county in the U.S. state of Florida, population 297,619.
The witness imagined anything man-made would make a noise flying near the tops of trees, but the object was completely silent. Pictured: Escambia County, FL. (Credit: Google)
Florida is currently a UFO Alert Level 5 – with 1.14 sightings per million population based on MUFON February 2015 statistics. Florida received a total of 22 UFO reports in March.
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Let me begin by saying that I am very reluctant to file this report. I had an experience a year and a half ago which I did not disclose until 6 days ago when I filed my first report with MUFON. I spoke to an investigator on Monday, and then I had this terrifying experience on Tuesday. I have not seen anything since my first sighting in 2009. Now, one day after talking to your investigator, I have been visited up close and personal. I am not saying that one led to the other, but it is a very eerie coincidence. I was out on my deck Tuesday night and I noticed a few “flashing stars,” not unlike what I had seen in my first report. It was 9 o’clock. These “stars” were then accompanied by these randomly flashing orbs that were descending to rooftop level. Then I saw a bright red flashing object low to the ground. It was not a plane, and it disappeared after a minute or two. After that, the real chaos began. Around 9:30, I noticed a huge streak of blue/white light flash across the sky, and after that, they were everywhere. Little flashes of what looked like laser beams, but they were coming from all directions and not from one source in the sky. There was a bright hovering orb directly in front of my house, and these little flashes of light were surrounding me. One came within 5 feet of me. They were constant. I was quite scared. I ran inside and called my brother to let him know what was happening, when I heard a helicopter fly over my house so low that I was almost shouting to make myself heard on the phone. I was on the phone for about 10 minutes, and in that time I counted 3 more helicopters and 2 planes fly directly over my house. They must have been very low for me to hear them from inside my home while on the telephone. After I hung up, I went back out on to the deck. At this time, there were planes and helicopters everywhere, but the bright orb in the sky was still above me (about a block or two away and the height of the planes flying at it) but hovering, not flying. The flashes of light were still all around. Some were in the distance, some were high in the sky, some were on the street, and some were in the alley directly in front of me. I began to feel strange. Not ill, but my stomach began to feel very odd. It was uncomfortable.. almost an empty feeling as if I hadn’t eaten in days. At this time I was getting really worried, and the helicopters kept coming. The flashing beam phenomenon was practically happening on my deck, so I quickly came back inside out of fear. I called around and found that some of my neighbors were also aware of the heavy air traffic.
One had actually heard all the commotion while in the shower and had gotten dressed and gone outside to see if there was an air raid or something. None had witnessed the lasers or orbs, but these were so low and directly in front of my house… so unless you were in my backyard, they would have been obstructed by other houses and trees. The 10-20 planes in the sky at any given time were visible to everyone though. I am sure that others had to have seen what I witnessed last night. I watched all of this go on for about an hour total. I was home alone, so I was very disturbed, especially since the lights were coming so close to me. I came back inside and continued to hear planes and helicopters go by one after another until about 11:30. Around that time, I went back outside and saw that the bright orb was moving away from my house toward the farms and fields beyond. I watched it move slowly away, still flashing beams of light in the distance. The planes were still flying by. I went back out at 12:30 and the orb was gone. In it’s place there were two sets of three lights in the shape of triangles, with planes flying at them.
By this time, my mind was exhausted, and I just couldn’t comprehend anything else, so I came inside and tried to go to bed. Wednesday morning I found out that my father had also seen strange orbs in the woods by the creek on his property earlier that night, around 8 o’clock. He said they looked like lanterns, but were sporadic and would disappear after a few seconds. I am not sure that they are related, but he lives about 25 minutes from me, and it is very odd that we both saw similar phenomenon on the same night after almost 2 years of not seeing anything else substantial. I am at a loss for words when it comes to describing just how unreal and amazing last night’s events were. There must be someone else out there that witnessed that same thing. It left Northumberland PA and headed toward Danville PA around 11:30-12. Anyone driving Route 11 at that time must have noticed an unusual number of low flying planes if not the orb and flashes themselves.
Russia’s space agency recently released a draft of their Federal Space Program for 2016 to 2025, and it includes their plans to join the European Space Agency (ESA) on the ExoMars Program whose mission is to hunt for signs of extraterrestrial life on Mars.
Russian newspaper RIA Novosti summarized the goals of the Russian Federal Space Agency, aka Roscomos, in a recent article on a draft of the new Russian Federal Space Program, which RIA Novosti was allowed to review. The headline for their story reads, “Search for extraterrestrial life is included in the draft of the new space program of the Russian Federation.”
The alien hunting program Roscomos is participating in is one that was created by the ESA and for a period of time was going to be executed in participation with NASA. It was part of the ESA/NASA Mars Exploration Joint Initiative. However, the ExoMars program was defunded on the U.S. side in 2013 purportedly due to cost overruns of the James Webb Space Telescope.
Graphic showing the now defunct ESA-NASA ExoMars project. (Credit: ESA/NASA)
After NASA pulled out, Roscosmos jumped in, and as they put it, “thereby taking the place left by NASA.”
It is an ambitious project that includes four spacecraft. There will be an orbiter, two landers and a rover. The first part of the mission will include the orbiter and a lander, and is currently scheduled to be launched by a Roscomos Proton rocket in January, 2016.
The orbiter is called the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), and it serves many purposes. It will be used to survey Mars’ surface for landing sites, serve a sa communications relay for the landers and rover, map the distribution of near-surface water, and analyze the climate, including searching for and analyzing methane gas.
The ExoMars project timeline. See the English version below. Click to enlarge. (Credit: RIA Novosti)
The detection of methane is important because one source of methane is microbes. Previously, NASA reported that their Curiosity rover did not detect methane at a high enough level to support the idea that it stems from a biological source. However, scientists did point out that if life existed in the past, most of this methane could have been depleted.
It is hoped that the TGO will be able to further analyze the methane that has been detected on Mars to discover its origins.
The lander that will accompany the TGO in January is called the Schiaparelli Descent and Landing Demonstrator Module (EDM) Lander, and, like its name indicates, one of its main goals it to test the ability of a lander to safely descend and land on the Martian surface.
Once there, it will also check the atmosphere and Martian weather. It includes a camera, so there will hopefully be some dramatic footage of its landing if it survives the trip. The lander is expected to arrive in October 2016.
The second ExoMars launch is planned to for May 2018. This package, which includes a lander and a rover, is expected to touch down on Mars in January 2019. The rover will have a drill which will pull Martian samples into an onboard lab for analysis. It will have the ability to look for biomolecules and biosignatures from life that exists, or existed, on Mars in the present or past.
ExoMars model at ILA 2006 (Berlin) (Credit: Thomas Hagemeyer/Wikimedia Commons)
This is yet another project in the hunt for evidence of extraterrestrial life, which is the crux of the majority of the research on Mars, according to Seth Shostak, senior astronomer for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute.
He says the Mars missions are not just about looking at rocks. “That’s the mythology,” says Shostak. “Mars is about life, not geology, as interesting as that is.”
NASA’s chief scientist Ellen Stofan recently said, “I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade, and I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within twenty to thirty years.”
Perhaps Mars is the place we will find it. Although, what a rub it would be if the ESA and Roscomos find it without the participation of NASA. Then again, there are scientists who feel we have evidence of extraterrestrial life on Mars right here on Earth. The race is on.
The ExoMars project timeline. Click to enlarge. (Credit: RIA Novosti)
Daily 2 Cents: Strange Green Glow Inside The Fukushima Plant -- Warning About Aliens On Earth -- Eww! Eye Gouging Ritual in India
Daily 2 Cents: Strange Green Glow Inside The Fukushima Plant -- Warning About Aliens On Earth -- Eww! Eye Gouging Ritual in India
What The Hell Is This Strange Green Glow Inside The Fukushima Plant?
A second robotic probe has investigated the interior of Japan’s stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant. Using its onboard camera, it sent back eerie images of the plant’s interior, including what appears to be a mysterious green glow.
Earlier this month, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) dispatched the first of the shape-shifting robots to survey the plant, but it had to be abandoned after it got blocked by an obstacle. The second robot, dispatched on April 15th, fared much better.
As CNN reports, the robot detected lower-than-expected radiation levels and temperature. TEPCO says this may be a good sign that cooling systems are working effectively. The radiation dose was about 4.7 to 9.7Sv/h — less than a tenth of what was expected. Temperatures were around 65 degrees F (18-20 degrees C). This bodes well for future clean-up efforts. Read more at What The Hell Is This Strange Green Glow Inside The Fukushima Plant?
Gauley Bridge, WV - 10/1974: This is not about a ufo sighting. This is about the aliens that are already living on this earth. I'm a registered surgical nurse that has been secluded all my life waiting to deal with what I have told you. I met a psychic/channel in 1974 who came to me and drew me some symbols on a piece of paper and told me they are the intergalactic alphabet. I was in nursing school at that time. She made reference to the fact that I would be in orthopedics and she kept talking about the intergalactic ships. I thought she was a "little off." As time went on I realized that what she said has to be true. I know there are many races of beings here and being funded by our government. They are getting more difficult to manage and in 3 years they will be coming "out of the closet." I have not had time to to investigate what I have just told you but I also am a psychic and I want to know what I am supposed to do. This is going to happen. I do hope you find a way to get in touch with me. [name & address removed/cms/rjl] there is so much more to tell you - MUFON CMS
A photographer named Richard Emblin, who is also the editor of the only English-language newspaper (“The City Paper”) distributed in the Colombian capital city, Bogotá, managed to photograph a UFO in the city’s skies with a Nikon 300s.
According to Emblin in the Mirror (article by Laura Connor), the object is a somewhat blurry figure 8 that moved through the skies of the capital and which he could see from his place of residence.
“I did not hoax my photo. On Sunday, April 12, I went out to my balcony, which faces to the east. It was a grey Sunday morning. The streets were empty and washed by the slight drizzle that had fallen overnight. When I looked up, I saw an object rising vertically skyward, behind the crest of the Cerros Orientales,” he added. Read more at Colombia: Photographer Captures Alleged UFO over Bogotá
There is this festival in a town called Jaskarupi, where they spend days performing self mutilations, to show their Vidalou strength (their mind’s eye). In the final stage, they demonstrate the removal of the physical eyes, to become one with their Vidalou.
Close encounters of the FOURTH kind. That's when a person claims to have been kidnapped by a UFO and its reportedly otherworldly occupants.
Of course, there's no tangible evidence that anyone has ever been taken aboard an extraterrestrial spacecraft. But there are those who claim they've been abducted, and their stories are chilling.
Travis Walton's terrifying account is the stuff movies are made from, and he joins us on the HuffPost Weird News podcast to talk about that day 40 years ago, when the then 22-year-old logger says he was knocked unconscious, and woke up to find he was surrounded by ETs aboard their ship. Read more and listen to podcast at UFO-Alien Abduction Still Haunts Travis Walton
Please refer us to your family, friends, neighbors and social media contacts...keep Phantoms & Monsters a viable source for all your paranormal news and information
Last Friday, Dan Aykroyd appeared on the third episode of The Huffington Post’s new The HuffPost Show, and among other topics, shared his views on the U.S. Air Force’s UFO cover-up and some details about his own UFO sightings.
The HuffPost Show is hosted by founding editor of The Huffington Post Roy Sekoff and former professor and veteran HuffPost Live host Marc Lamont Hill. The show is a new weekly news magazine style show, and the third episode, featuring a long interview with Aykroyd (the interview can be seen here), was aired online on Friday.
The conversation turned to UFOs when Hill asked, “I said if I am ever going to meet Dan Aykroyd I am going to ask him about this. You believe in UFOs. Is that right?”
There was a slight hesitation by Aykroyd, and a few giggles from off camera, but Aykroyd headed straight into his answer.
Aykroyd told Hill, “I do. I have seen four, and I can’t say that they are alien craft and neither can the Air Force. The Air Force has been very interested in this. They don’t deny the existence of these hyperdynamic, super aerodynamic craft. They don’t deny.” Although Aykroyd says the Air Force does not deny the existence of alien spacecraft, he explains why he thinks there is a cover-up of that information.
Aykroyd continued, “Their anguish comes in that they can’t tell you. They want to tell you anything but that they are extraterrestrial. Any excuse at all, even if they are unknown or unsolved. The Air Force cannot just come out and admit that there are extraterrestrial beings far in advanced of our culture that have built these machines.” Read more at Dan Aykroyd explains UFO cover-up
“Someone just didn’t want their goldfish anymore. We don’t think there was malice intended, but now we have 4,000 goldfish. And that’s an issue,” says Jennifer Churchill, public information officer for Colorado Parks and Wildlife, adding that Teller Lake No. 5, a 12-acre expanse of water near Boulder, was overrun with the county fair critters.
Aquarium dumping has led to several exotic aquatic species being introduced to ecosystems in which they don’t belong—perhaps most notably the Burmese python in Florida’s Everglades.
The United States Geological Survey has reported that 1,003 non-native aquatic species have been introduced into various bodies of water across the country. (Some of these species may have been eradicated, though it would be impossible to check every body of water to confirm, said Matt Cannister, a fish biologist.) Of that total, 688 are fish, with frogs, turtles, snakes, shrimp, crabs and mussels filling out the list.
It’s not clear exactly how many of those 1,003 non-native species are considered invasive—defined by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) as species that harm the local economy or human health. The agency says it lacks the resources for such detailed research. Some known invasive species are zebra mussels, which can clog pipes and cost millions of dollars to remove, and European green crabs, which both outcompete New England soft-shell clams and prey on them. The soft-shells, a highly valuable seafood product, have withered as the green crabs have thrived.
Goldfish aren’t wreaking havoc on human health or finances (yet)—but they are throwing off the delicate balance of an ecosystem. “Any species that ends up in an ecosystem in which it did not evolve, it doesn’t have all the checks and balances that affect the creatures who occur there naturally,” said Don Maclean, an FWS biologist. “This non-native animal, like a goldfish, might not get preyed on as much; diseases and parasites don’t bother it as much. These are all qualities that help them reproduce faster and better. When that happens, the non-native species is eating more while the native species are struggling for food.”
To rid Teller Lake No. 5 of the goldfish, Colorado Parks and Wildlife authorities are considering electrofishing, basically zapping all of the fish with a jolt of electricity. The stunned fish float to the surface and can be removed.
Churchill has received dozens of calls from locals asking if they can take the goldfish home as pets, but she believes that would set a bad precedent. Instead, Colorado Parks and Wildlife will donate the goldfish to a bird of prey rehabilitation center, where they will be eaten. - Two Numbers: When Goldfish Go Wild
US military personnel reported several unusual incidents involving UFOs during the war in Vietnam.
One such encounter allegedly took place in 1968 when the crew of an American patrol boat came across two strange luminous objects in the sky over the zone dividing North and South Vietnam.
Roughly circular in shape, the objects were later seen again by a second patrol vessel whose crew witnessed them hovering above the first. A few moments later a sudden flash of light was observed and the boat was seen exploding in to a ball of flames. No further trace of the two objects was ever found.
Another source of UFO stories during the war in Vietnam was Capt. George Filer, an Air Force intelligence officer who was tasked with submitting daily reports to Gen. George S. Brown.
"You'd have an aircraftflying along, doing around 500 knots and a UFO comes alongside and does some barrel rolls around the aircraft and then flies off at three times the speed of one of the fastest jets we have in the Air Force," he said.
"So, obviously, it has a technology far in advance of anything we have."
Filer would later go on to collect and release details of UFO sightings from all over the world.
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NEW! Ancient Aliens: The Vanishings S07E16
NEW! Ancient Aliens: The Vanishings S07E16
Ancient Aliens – The Vanishings History Channel, Season 7 Episode 16 24th April 2015
Stories of civilizations large and small disappearing without a trace can be found throughout history and across the globe. From a previously unknown civilization in China, a vanished race of giants, to the unexplained disappearances of the Classic Maya and the Anasazi–elements of these disappearances cannot be completely explained by conventional scholars. Although these cultures have vanished from the face of the Earth, they have left behind intriguing clues–clues, some say point to an otherworldly explanation. And if entire groups have been taken off planet, might there be a connection with sites connected to mysterious vanishings of people, planes, and boats in various locations throughout the world? Could examining these disappearances lead us to not only uncover evidence of extraterrestrial intervention in our remote past, but also reveal the consequences for the future of the human race?
A strange looking object made an appearance in the sky for a few seconds before vanishing while dust and ash filled the area. A video of the Calbuco volcano’s eruption in Chile has sparked controversy after viewers noticed a UFO in the sky together with the plumes of dust and ash.
The mysterious flying object seems to hover and flash for a few seconds on the left side of the eruption. After a few seconds, the unidentified flying object vanishes without a trace.
The video clip was uploaded on April 23 to YouTube by the name Ana Luisa Cid and has already garnered more than 200,000 views.
The video description tells the viewers that it was taken on April 22, 2015. Some suggest a drone or a police helicopter. Interestingly, the object remains static before it disappears.
Like 90 percent of volcanoes, Calbuco lies within the Ring of Fire, where a large number of volcanic eruptions happen in the basin of the Pacific Ocean.
Volcanic eruptions happen when the gas that dissolves under pressure within magma cannot be contained anymore.
Calbuco had remained dormant for 40 years, but suddenly erupted on Wednesday afternoon followed by a mighty blast.
Professor Dave Rothery of the Open University explained that gases are created when tectonic plates move. These gases then bubbles to the surface, triggering aneruption.
The eruption can be likened to pulling the tab of a can of beer, it foams up.
While Calbuco volcano is known to be one of the most active in Chile, officials in the area got surprised by the eruption. Emergency director Alejandro Verges said Calbuco had not been observedclosely.
Gateway to the famous Patagonia region Puerto Montt has been filled with a cloud of ash and heavy traffic as people jammed into the petrol stations. Flights in nearby town Ensenada were cancelled, and people were evacuated. Neighbouring town Puerto Varas is under a state of alert. Emergency procedures are also in place for Bariloche city of Argentina.
Filer’s Files # 17 – 2015 Moon and Mars Structures - PART I
This craft was spotted over Biel Bienne, Switzerland on April 20, 2015
Filer’s Files # 17 – 2015 Moon and Mars Structures - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Gerald Ford Wanted Congressional Inquiry, Moon Structures, Mars Tubes, Chinese Tubes, and UFO Crash at St Augustin.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: California, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, and in England, Scotland, and Wales in the United Kingdom, Venezuela, and Zaire.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Chuck Warren my webmaster and I send out over 30,000 plus emails each week.
I wanted to share the news that the “Hangar 1” TV Series is being shown each week The History Channel for season two on Friday, April 24 at 10 pm EST and PST, will be “Men in Black.’
My activities during the Vietnam War are included in a new story on The Huffington Post by Lee Spiegel. It also talks about my appearance on “Hangar 1.”
Air Force intelligence officer, Major. George Filer
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Special Reports
Gerald Ford Wanted Congressional Inquiry
House Minority Leader Gerald Ford on March 25, 1966, proposed to Congress that they investigate the rash of reported sightings of unidentified flying objects in Michigan and other parts of the country.
Ford said he believed a congressional inquiry would be worthwhile because the American people are becoming alarmed by the UFO stories. It didn’t hurt his political chances and helped make his name a household word.
I had always liked President Ford, because I believe he had the public interest at heart. He was one of the few congressmen, who were concerned about the Unidentified Flying Objects in our skies. I ask is there any congressman with the courage of former President Ford who will again ask for an UFO inquiry. There are very few if any congressmen willing to put his career, prestige, and reputation on the line. If we do get an opportunity, there are astronauts, military personnel, and scientists standing ready to testify. I feel we have enough data to convince congress in a fair hearing. We know that President Ford, Carter and Clinton have all attempted to obtain the answer from government sources regarding UFOs. I recently asked President Ford about the existence of UFOs. He wrote me a friendly letter telling of his 25 and half years in the House — never in the Senate. His letter stated in part, “During my public career in Congress, as Vice President and President, I made various requests for any information on UFOs. The official authorities always denied the UFO allegations. As a result I have no information that may be helpful to you.”
Moon Structures
I have been reviewing images from NASA archives for years, looking for anomalies. Last night I found some links to the rolls of film Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin shot when they first achieved lunar insertion in December 1969. They took a massive amount of images on both the light and the dark side of the moon.
I examined image #5448 and found these objects around 8pm, 13 April 2015. Their sharpness made them stand out from the surface.
I used an Archive at: The Apollo Flight Journal Journal Home Page Apollo 11 Photography Index. There are (9) nine Hasselblad 70-mm film magazines available via the Apollo 11 Journal Home Page.
70-mm magazine R – AS11-37-5433 to 5555 is the second one. Image number: 5448 – resolution is 3900 x 3900. The largest magnification is 300% using a browser magnifier to expand the original 3900 pixel image.
That looks like a habitat and spaceship. The last image is the habitat and spaceship with the colors reversed using Paint.exe.
Moon – Apollo 11_70-mm magazine R – AS11-37-5433 to 5555_#5448_Exploded_JPG.txt Note: I went to the NASA website and was forbidden entry. Thanks to
Mars Tubes
Located in an ancient ocean bed which has drifted apart due to some sort of cataclysmic stress is nothing less than a series of interlocking, reinforced and still intact translucent, glass-like tubes! Mars image M04-00291 (found by Richard Hoagland) is certainly most extraordinary.
Reinforced by regularly spaced, cylindrical arches, this clearly defined translucent structure seems to be running along a hollowed out section of the former ocean floor. The clear “glass” tube with a distinct edge where the tube wraps around the arches. I am fully satisfied that they represent the activities of life of some kind. The most obvious speculation is that these are artificial tubes providing protective habitat and may represent intelligent civilized life. The tubes appear like they are being expanded as to its width and girth after it was already fully formed. The red lines point to what appears to be glass or plastic domes. The reflection and brilliant light indicate the composition of the tube is not associated with any kind of geologic feature or “wind polished rocks.” I phoned JPL and talked to a geologist who claimed the tubes were sand dunes. I explained I had spent four months flying over Saudi Arabia’s sand dunes at a few hundred feet altitude and the Mars tubes are unlike anything on Earth. I have been told by NASA personnel that life on Mars is classified Secret and they are unable to divulge this to the public.
Chinese Tubes
Disclose TV reports, “A mysterious pyramid in China’s Qinghai Province near Mount Baigong has three caves filled with pipes leading to a nearby salt-water lake.” There are also tubes or pipes under the lake bed and on the shore. The iron pipes range in size, with some smaller than a toothpick. The strangest part is that they may be about 150,000 years old.
Dating done by the Beijing Institute of Geology determined these iron pipes were smelted about 150,000 years ago. And if they were made by humans, history as it is commonly viewed would have to be reevaluated. The dating was done using thermo luminescence, a technique that determines how long ago crystalline mineral was exposed to sunlight or heated. Humans are only thought to have inhabited the region for the past 30,000 years. Even within the known history of the area, the only humans to inhabit the region were nomads whose lifestyle would not leave any such structures behind.
The state-run news agency Xinhua in China reported on the pyramid, the pipes, and the research began by a team scientists sent to investigate in 2002. Though some have since tried to explain the pipes as a natural phenomenon, Yang Ji, a research fellow at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told Xinhua the pyramid may have been built by intelligent beings. He did not dismiss the theory that ancient extraterrestrials may be responsible, saying this theory is “understandable and worth looking into … but scientific means must be employed to prove whether or not it is true.”
The ancient remains of blonde and red haired very tall people have been found in China Another theory is that it was built by prehistoric humans with techniques lost to humans of a later period. The pipes lead into a salty lake, though a twin lake nearby contains freshwater. The surrounding landscape is strewn with what Xinhua described as “strangely shaped stones.” Rocks protrude from the ground like broken pillars.
The head of the publicity department at the local Delingha government told Xinhua the pipes were analyzed at a local smelter and 8 percent of the material could not be identified. The rest was made up of ferric oxide, silicon dioxide, and calcium oxide. The silicon dioxide and calcium oxide are products of long interaction between the iron and surrounding sandstone, showing the ancient age of the pipes. Liu Shaolin, the engineer who did the analysis, told Xinhua: “This result has made the site even more mysterious.”“Nature is harsh here,” he said. “There are no residents let alone modern industry in the area, only a few migrant herdsmen.”
To further add to the mystery, Zheng Jiandong, a geology research fellow from the China Earthquake Administration told state-run newspaper People’s Daily in 2007, that some of the pipes were found to be highly radioactive. Jiandong said iron-rich magma may have risen from deep in the Earth, bringing the iron into fissures where it would solidify into tubes. Though he admitted, “There is indeed something mysterious about these pipes.” He cited the radioactivity as an example of the strange qualities of the pipes. Both birds and plants are able to detect radioactivity and stay away from the possible uranium deposits.
Though publications in China have referred to a mysterious pyramid in which the pipes were found, some have said it was a pyramid-shaped natural formation.
There are over a hundred ancient pyramids in China, with seven in this one photo taken by Hartwig Hausdorf.
Pipes can carry water (hydrogen and oxygen H2O) to or from the pyramid that can be used as fuel plus collecting electrical and gravitational energy. Many megalithic sites around the world are known to have stable readings of magnetism such as the megalithic site in Carnac, France. The pipes had high radioactivity that may have a connection to UFOs that sometimes are known to leave ionizing radiation. Most of the Chinese pyramids have flat areas at the top where a UFO could land and charge their batteries or refuel. Even today UFOs are often reported above thunder clouds, power stations, or power lines apparently obtaining electrical energy. Most the Chinese pyramids are 300 meters high with the length of each side is given as 500 meters. Many have boulders nearby are also pointing up. They pyramids appear as a power station or communication device.
John Lear claims, “The ancient Chinese writing some 5,000 years ago claim the pyramids belonged to the epoch when China was ruled by ancient emperors who believed in the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Moreover, the emperors themselves insisted that they were ancestors of the sons of the sky, who had landed the Earth in iron dragons.” Blonde Aliens are alleged to have been the constructors of the pyramids.”
There are connections between Nikola Tesla and the Energy of the pyramids. The most active pyramid site in the world dating the pyramid complex back 25,000 years has also released scientific evidence supporting the theory that the pyramids were used as an energy source.The energy beam is theorized by Dr. Osmanagich as the reason the pyramids were built; to provide ancient civilizations a powerful source of clean energy.
In 1932 journalist John J. O’Neill conducted an interview with Nicola Tesla (shown) and asked him, “If he is still at work on the project which he inaugurated in the ’90’s of transmitting power wirelessly anywhere on earth”. He said, “He is at work on it, and it could be put into operation. . . . He at that time announced two principles which could be used in this project. In one the ionizing of the upper air would make it as good a conductor of electricity as a metal. In the other the power is transmitted by creating “standing waves” in the earth by charging the earth with a giant electrical oscillator that would make the earth vibrate electrically in the same way a bell vibrates mechanically when it is struck with a hammer. “I do not use the plan involving the conductivity of the upper strata of the air,” he said, “but I use the conductivity of the earth itself, and in this I need no wires to send electrical energy to any part of the globe.” Nickola Tesla Brooklyn Eagle, July 10, 1932.
The plan would require several of his transmitters to rhythmically pump huge amounts of electricity into the earth at pressures on the order of a hundred million volts probably generated by waterfall power stations. The earth would become like a huge ball inflated to a great electrical potential, but pulsing to Tesla’s imposed beat. Receiving energy from this high pressure reservoir would only require operating in unison with the earth’s electrical motion by putting a rod in the ground and connect to a receiver. Thanks to the Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla by David…
ISIS Camp Near U.S. Border
By Chad Groening, During the course of a joint operation last week, Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials discovered documents in Arabic as well as “plans” of Fort Bliss where US Army’s 1st Armored Division.
Intelligence from a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector claim ISIS is operating a camp about eight miles from El Paso, Texas. The area dominated by a drug cartel that is apparently working with ISIS.
Another ISIS cell to the west of Ciudad Juárez, in Puerto Palomas, targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States. Persons engaged in human smuggling called Coyotes – have helped move ISIS terrorists into the United States where they are conducting reconnaissance in the Texas and New Mexico area, including universities, US installations, and electrical power facilities according to the Judicial Watch report.
UFO Crash at Plains of San Augustan
In 1994, with a map from a rancher, Art Campbell visited a UFO crash site on the Plains of San Augustan. He found a phenomenal amount of material and had it scientifically analyzed. In his book, “UFO Crash at San Augustin,” in 1947. Art has painstakingly documented with over 100 photographs and lab analysis the materials found at the site proving a non-human craft crashed. See the website
25-04-2015 om 01:07
geschreven door peter
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Filer's Files # 17 - 2015 - Moon and Mars Structures - PART II
Filer's Files # 17 - 2015 - Moon and Mars Structures - PART II
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
California Lights
Stamford – The orb hovered over my house and then moved away on April 15, 2015. I was able to get some strange photos. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
Margate – It was around 11:30 pm, on April 15, 2015, I was watching these strange orbs in the sky with my boyfriend. We noticed that one of the orbs that had the shape of a plane and was releasing star like entities into the air that just disappeared electrical storm above us. I looked northwest and shouted “Look, straight ahead!” This massive object was descending at an 85 degree angle.
It had an aura and very bright lights surrounding its surface. I saw about 4-5 hurricane windows as it quickly descended and to disappeared. When we lost sight of the craft we heard sirens. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Gainesville – I observed at least nine glowing orbs over NE 15th Street on April 18, 2015, moving north. My fiancée, friend, and I were leaving a friend’s house and observed very bright orange orbs as we headed to the car. Then we noticed that they were moving. The group of objects moved in a northern direction from the southeast. They moved at different speeds and on slightly different paths. There was no noticeable wind at ground level. Objects disappeared, one by one, as they passed us to the east, some obscured by trees. Total time: 5-10 minutes.
Objects appeared huge, high up (500 feet+) and very bright, but size and distance cannot be confirmed. It was an unexpected and enjoyable, though puzzling, event :). Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Orb
Edinburg– I sent in a few photos about a month or so ago. I will send what I can with this April 15, 2015 email. You really need to come see for yourself.
These things are here almost every night. They follow me when I leave in the truck. It’s like they are my shadows. They change colors, hover in the sky, are different designs, etc. Thanks to Pam Stark
Kentucky Disc
Ledbetter – I am a cook on the river boat and was done for the day on April 15, 2015, and went to visit with my captain and took a picture of the river. My brother called and wanted a picture of the river as I said just not knowing the ufo was in it till right after I took it.
I viewed it before I sent the picture to my brother of the river when I noticed the object. I laughed when I seen it and showed captain and he began looking straight out in front of us where I just took photo and there was nothing there. It looks like a disc with a dome in the middle.the guys are now making fun of me, but I say here is the picture what do you see? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maine Orb
Bangor –I was taken a few shots with my new Canon Camera of chemtrails and clouds, my favorite, past time on April 20, 2015. I saw the picture I wanted to shoot, and I found this object and a found a face in the clouds.
I was amazed of what I found, I have shown other people and are in awe, I lost sight of the object when I went to change settings on camera, After my brief dying after being hit but a tree, I have had this sense. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maryland Orbs
Pasadena– On April 11th, 2015, at 1:52 am, I took random pictures of the night sky but none of the stars showed up, but two lights or orbs showed up. I can’t tell what they are.
My best guess is that the picture is facing the North sky. I took the picture with my arm’s extended straight up above me. I did not see anything in the sky when the picture was taken and noticed what showed up in the picture the next day. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Bright Light
Sullivan – On April 15, 2015, about 8:30 PM, at work I observed in N NW sky a bright round object at high altitude much brighter than any star that didn’t move. Then I thought made a quick tight figure eight maneuver? I then called for a friend to look and she also thought it moved. After about 20 minutes I called the police and an officer came over. He said, “It was a planet, and laughed at me” I told him I saw it move! “He said as long as it is not on this property we don’t care.” He laughed and left. I had to go back to work and took lots of photographs and several appear to be a cylinder object and Venus is not a cylinder. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Triangle
Medford — On April 14, 2015 around 8 PM, my girl friend was returning from work and noticed a low flying triangular shaped craft with red lights moving slowly in a straight path. She returned home, and after about 15 minutes we noticed it in a clearing in front of a residential neighborhood. I had nothing else to do tonight, and should have followed it for as long as I could. We went to eat, and since the aircraft had only moved a mile or two from us. Thirty minutes later we drove around for 45 minutes and couldn’t find it again.
Cream Ridge – I went to take dog outside to use facilities on April 11, 2015, the only one awake at 2:33 am, and was looking up in the sky for jets and saw a circular object with lights circling the perimeter hovering. Object did not move. I live near McGuire AFB so usually see some traffic. It just hung there with no sound at all. It appeared to be solid as the interior area appeared slightly lighter than surrounding sky. I got kind of scared and took my dog inside. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Object
Syracuse– I’m a photographer and was doing a general shoot of the city from the roof of a parking garage on State Street on April 12, 2015. I never noticed this object until today when I was editing pictures from that day.
I didn’t want to mark the picture at all but you can see it by zooming in. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Fort Ann — I occasionally take pictures of certain job repair elements like I did for this particular job on April 16, 2015. The next day, I looked through my photos and noticed that there was something odd in one of them. I don’t know what it was. I watch sci-fi movies and series and can make some pretty wild guesses, but I’d rather have someone look at the picture and provide insight.
I did not witness the event and there was no noise. I was outside with a customer and my supervisor who was performing a safety inspection. None of us had our attention diverted to the object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Unexplained Body Marks
Eugene — On the night of April 17th, 2015, my wife felt compelled to look out our back window, which she typically does not do at night. She called to me in a panicked voice, then pointed out an object hovering ~30 degrees above the horizon, due west. It was brighter than any star and I am an avid stargazer. We spent the next twenty minutes going over possible explanations. I kept it oriented with stationary objects, and as far as I could tell it did not move and maintained a constant distance. The object pulsed softly, and that the color of the object changed from white to orange-red. We discussed it for a minute and it suddenly disappeared. This topic has gained significance in our lives of late due to my wife’s experiences. After the sighting, after retiring on Friday night, my wife was awakened by the rattle of a hanger she had left on our Cocker Spaniel’s pen, which sits under the bedroom window. She noted the dog sitting in the middle of the pen. My wife then noticed something move past the dim light coming from the cable box as if someone had walked by. She had strong feelings of presences in our room at night, sleep disturbances, and unexplained marks on her body. The latest of these is a circular pattern of marks on her left buttock that was noticed just this morning. We are both degreed professionals, trained in objective documentation of evidence, though for the same reason have sensitive careers to consider. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Light
Gatlinburg – On April 11th, 2005 we were circling the park learning about historical pioneer information in back of the truck on chairs as the sun lit about the tree tops.
I took pictures of the tree tops and was unaware of the object. After returning home and observing the pictures is when we noticed the object. It was visible in several pictures. No airplanes or any other flying objects are allowed in this area. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Triangles
San Antonio — My daughter was participating at a conference on April, 15, 2015. She had dinner at the revolving restaurant and took a picture of it.
When she later looked at the picture, the UFO like object was seen. She doesn’t believe it could be street lights, because it is too high which seems to be the case due to the height of the restaurant. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Fort Worth — My brother in law and I were talking in my driveway at about 10:20 pm, on April15, 2015, when I looked up at the stars to see a satellite in space and told him to look. We watched it until it was no longer visible. At that point my brother in law said, “What is that and pointed at a triangular shaped object at 2,000 feet.” It had no lights and was a grayish color and completely silent. It was traveling north followed in three seconds by another one. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Light
Rattlesnake Lake — On April 14, 2015, Toby was walking around the lake with a hiking companion and saw a bright light to the west at 9:30 PM. The light became very bright and grew to 1/4 the size of a full moon. The silent light would then almost disappear and would brighten again and then dim again for about 40 minutes. The light was mostly hovering but moved to straight up at 90 degrees. At one point the witness could see a black outline when the light dimmed. The object was lost when the cloud cover thickened. Listen to Clip of Witness Interview (YouTube):
Note: The witness was quite familiar with aircraft and knew that the object aircraft because there were no flashing lights and there was no sound. The object was not a planet because it changed luminosity and eventually moved overhead from the west. The object did not move fast enough to be a satellite. Winds aloft were from the west at 10 to 20 knots. The object was likely not a hot air balloon Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Orb
Sydney – Filming the Moonrise in the east on March 6th, 2015, from my balcony there was nothing noticeable other than how bright the moon was, but on playback I noticed a bright orange light that would appear and then disappear. I thought it was odd that it would show up in playback and not be visible while filming. I have included an unaltered frame from the original video. I have included an approximate shape of the object. No aircraft navigation lights were visible. I have been a student pilot-and familiar with aircraft since I was 5.
Capalaba Brisbane — Trent Mullins writes, “I was outside my mom’s house at 7:45 pm about April 1, 2015, and saw three big bright lights in the sky towards the south.” They had a small solid light in the center and the outer glow was pulsating. The lights were changing between green, blue and a reddish orange. My mom and my wife said, “It’s probably planes.” Three minutes later when we got home I went for a walk to the drop off where there is a great view of the area. The three lights were still in the same spot, and they started moving around and merged into one ball and shot off to the north making no sound. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Brazil Disc
I saw this amazing video in the internet. mpressionanevideode1OvnidescendoaTerranointeirordeSPImagensReais.webm Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Sightings
Scarborough — Paul writes, I could also see an outline dark black shadow person always at the end of the bed with no features and a hat and cape just standing there watching most of the time. These nightmares were on-going on until I was six. In August 1967, I witnessed my first daytime UFO sighting of a silver cigar craft and two smaller silver spheres, followed by a close encounter on August 4, 1977. I saw a pear shaped silver craft about two hundred feet away at dusk. I had seven night sightings in August 2002 at camp. Then in 2003, the reports dramatically increased to 16 UFO sightings – 14 daylights all in one year. Then on August 13, 2003, I went to Scarborough’s local library to see the history of UFO sightings reported from the 1960’s. A Toronto newspaper article dated August 21, 1965, confirmed there had been UFO sightings over Scarborough in the summer of 1965. I went into deep shock confirming that these were not nightmares but were likely connected to these bizarre UFO sightings. The UFO sightings have still continued today as well as paranormal symptoms on the ground. Could some Abductees’ be in a lifetime process to be groomed as Contactees? I feel this may be the case for me. I have been sending you UFO sighting reports since 2005, and cannot deny these contact and sightings. Thanks once again for your understanding and support. Thanks to Paul Shishis
Toronto– I was taking pictures of St. Michael Church at Wychwood Avenue and St. Clair on March 31st. I usually take two pictures to make sure the quality is good. Last week I was checking out the pictures when I realized that there were two dark objects in the picture.
The two objects show up in both the pictures at the upper left which were taken within 5 seconds of each other. The objects do not look like any birds, balloons or aircraft Thanks to MUFON CMS
Chile Disc
Minas de Cerro Colorado – On April 14, 2015, in this short video we get a glimpse of a glowing UFO that looks a lot like the O’Hare airport November 2006 UFO. This glowing UFO moves fast back and forth and seems aware that the working crew are watching it. It comes back to give them a better view. It’s a disk with a raised center. The area looks like a mining facility with many heavy dump trucks carrying dirt. The UFO seems to be interested in the reactions of the workers. It’s my belief that some alien UFOs have the ability to read feelings and thoughts from a distance. I am confident it is real. SCW
Iraq Shining Object
Maysan Province – This mysterious shining object was seen falling from the sky in the Abot area on February 24, 2015 at about seven o’clock. It fell in the west Iraq bordering the Iran border without knowing what it was. The object is linked to the mysterious umbrella that has pulled down a plane. A security source in Maysan police reported that “a joint security force of border police and K9 and the departments of intelligence and national security body headed to the fall of the area and did not yet know the results of a survey.
Ireland Two Lights
Cork– I went into shopping mall at Wilton and bought biscuits and went outside to enjoy them facing Cork City on March 27, 2015, and spotted two lights in the sky. The lights were about 5 inches apart in the sky; the one on the left was a little below the one on the right. Then they started to move closer to each other with slight circular motions. They moved apart and then close to each other a few times. The lights were blinking on and off numerous times.
I am having experiences since 5 years old and can assure you that Jesus is God and Lord and as the bible says, “No weapon formed against God will prosper, look what happened to Jesus and yet I know that he lives.” I have been shot at and made a miracle escape. These entities are either obedient or disobedient to the Lord, and I wouldn’t like to be the one who is disobedient to him as, the bible says he and his followers are the winners in the end. So if I was you I would get born again and saved, it’s the most important thing to do as it secures your eternity, in Jesus precious name, amen.” Thanks to MUFON CMS
Italy Disc
Siginella — I was on my way back to the U.S. and had just got out of the Navy and was with two friends and thought it’s a perfect time to take a picture of Mount Etna on January 18. 2013.
I did not observe the disc when I took the picture and noticed it some weeks later. I cannot make it out and it doesn’t look like any plane I ever seen in my life. Thanks to MUFON CMS.
Mexico Blue Orb
Tijuana– This glowing blue UFO was seen on April 14, 2015, that has a disk shape. It moved from side to side. The video is short of the object and is actually two videos of about 30 seconds each. Most people don’t even bother recording UFOs.
It’s nice that we can see how it moves and the intensity of its light. Reminds me of the USAF project Aurora, which once crashed in Needles, California. SCW
Spain Lights
Seville — I was taking some pictures of the cathedral of Seville by night with my iPhone 6 plus on April 9, 2015.
Looking at the pictures next morning, I discovered three lights next to the tower which I did not see the night before. I felt very excited and hope I have finally spotted an UFO.
Note: The lights in the sky may be a reflection on the lens of the three lights on the lamp. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Switzerland UFO
Biel Bienne – This craft is frequently spotted including April 20, 2015. It is seen every few months, so it is likely there is an underground alien base nearby.
This holds true with this new video from a French speaking part of Switzerland. He has recorded this UFO 49 times and has 49 videos that date back to 2012 as proof. SCW
UK/England Triangle
Bingham, Nott’s — I am 61 years old and recently retired from the teaching profession.
I just found some old Nott’s UFO sightings on the BBC website which I came across by accident. It reminded me of an event years ago which had left me stunned when I lived in Syerston, in the Nottinghamshire countryside where there is little light pollution.
One night in 1990, I saw a huge object about the size of a football pitch that covered the whole area above my house and garden. It was silently moving very slowly at ‘cycling’ pace, about 100 feet above me. It was basically a huge black triangle in shape, with the corners cut off. There was a very low ‘thrumming’ noise with illumination near its edges. I was in total shock. It gradually went out of sight. Thanks to David Bishop
Swansea Bay— As I’m looking at the water on July 12, 2012, I notice what looks to be green fireworks over the Mumbles area of Swansea, seen in my pictures. These seven objects were falling in formation like a firework would, going upwards and outwards from a central point until gently falling downwards, until they all stopped dead midair. At this point, one turned red, and moved up and to the right from where it was, and then the other objects formed up in a perfect line behind it. They were all lined up and perfectly spaced between themselves and flew in the same plane. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/Scotland Cloud Discs
Ullapool – This UFO was caught during sunset on April 10, 2015. “As I have said before, a UFO cloak becomes most vulnerable during sunset; due to the fact the sunlight is a major part of the cloak. What I mean is that light bends around the ship from behind and moves 180 degrees around the ship on all sides (person is below the ship is in the center, the sun is in the sky).”
However, if the sun is setting then one side of the ship has to over compensate…meaning to bend light 180+90 degrees more! This is not possible if the shield is to work fully. Neil Borthwick captured the pictures of flying-saucer shaped clouds from his home in Ullapool last night after he saw them above Loch Broom. The 54 year old soon posted them online, prompting conspiracy theories to blossom.
Cementerio Del Este — Six people witnessed the transit of a large luminous object over El Hatillo in northeastern Miranda State, in the Venezuelan capital region on March 12, 2015. “At around 10 p.m. we were chatting as a group on an apartment terrace when one person asked us in astonishment to look skyward, and we saw three lights forming a triangle,” said Jacqueline. According to her account, the blinking lights were red, white and green. She said, “After noticing the silent hovering object, all the dogs in the area began to bark.”It made a sudden turn to the right, remained there for a while, and then repeated the same action in different directions,” she added. The object then began descending slowly and vanished. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Zaire Disc
Port Elizabeth — This evening my sister went to dinner at a hotel with her fiancé on June 19, 2015. After dinner they went outside to see the fountain lighting show. It was a bit cold and they were the only people outside. There were no objects or any trees or bushes nearby.
She took a few pictures to send to us in Cape Town and only discovered the next morning when she wanted to send the pictures the strange object on the images. She said they did not hear anything and there were no planes/helicopters at that time which was about 9 PM in the evening. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
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I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2014 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
UFO specialist shares experiences
UFO specialist shares experiences
Nick Pope, a science fiction author and one of the world’s leading UFO experts, will present a lecture on his research and investigations into extraterrestrial phenomenon 7 p.m. Thursday in Rogers-Stout Hall Room 102.
The event is coordinated by the Mary B. Martin School of the Arts and the ETSU Department of Literature and Languages.
Pope is originally from London and developed a 21-year career of investigating UFOs at the Ministry of Defense in the United Kingdom.
“I had to investigate all the sightings reported to me, but I knew that most of these things were going to turn out to be misidentifications,” Pope said. “I would interview the people, I would check whether anything unusual was tracked on radar. If we had a photograph or a video, I would send it to various air force experts, and I tried to be open minded in my approach and just come to a conclusion about what was going on.”
Pope’s responsibility during these investigations was to find out the precise date, time and location of the sighting and provide a detailed description — shape, speed, size and color of the object.
“Most sightings obviously did turn out just to be crossed light, weather balloons, meteoroids, that sort of thing,” Pope said. “But 5 percent we couldn’t explain and I think this is where it gets controversial.”
These inexplicable instances were mysterious because there were sometimes multiple witnesses, such as police officers or military personnel, and the sightings were sometimes backed up by photographic and video evidence.
Some sightings could also be tracked on radar and undergo a technical analysis.
“We couldn’t entirely rule out that theory but we certainly couldn’t prove it either,” Pope said.
Pope said many people believe mysteries and unexplained theories are in some way connected with UFOs.
“We’ve got people who claimed to have been abducted by aliens, we’ve got people who wanted to ask what we knew about crop circles,” Pope said. “I think, in conspiracy theories, the government is always the bad guy so we were the ones really being accused of a cover-up and we had many people who were sometimes quite hostile.”
Pope said the way to react to this was to try to be supportive and keep an open mind.
“We wanted to solve the mystery, but people always think the government has all the answers, but the funny thing is often that is not the case,” Pope said.
Some of Pope’s former investigations are in the process of being declassified and released to the public.
“We recognize that there is a lot of interest in this and we genuinely tried to be helpful,” Pope said. “We always tried to help them with information but of course there were a small number of people that didn’t believe us and thought we had a spaceship hidden away in an air force hangar somewhere.”
Pope later applied what he learned conducting these investigations to his science fiction writing.
He is the author of two sci-fi novels: “Operation Thunder Child” and its sequel “Operation Lightning Strike.”
On Thursday and Friday, Pope will speak in two classes: Creative Writing Fiction and Studies in English: Monsters and Literature to share his experience with science fiction .
“I like to challenge myself, so my first books were non-fiction and I just wrote about my own government investigations on UFOs, but then I thought it would be more challenging to take that a step further and ask what if,” Pope said. “I think people are fascinated by the idea of where science and technology might take you.”
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Researchers discover what was located on top of the Great Pyramid in Egypt
Researchers discover what was located on top of the Great Pyramid in Egypt
April 25, 2015 - The investigations of renowned Spanish architect Miguel Pérez-Sánchez that lasted over ten years, allowed him to rebuild via computer models and with great accuracy, the pyramid of Cheops and determine that it was “crowned” by a sphere of 2 meters in diameter.
Pérez Sánchez announced his discovery in a publication of the book containing his doctoral thesis where he explained that “the pyramid of Cheops, according to analysis, demonstrates that it was an encyclopedia of knowledge.”
The Great Pyramid is the most important building of the Old Kingdom, it is one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World, the only one that remains standing today. Devoid of its original coating blocks of white limestone, the great Pyramid lacks its summit which gave the pyramid another 9 meters in height. Now, researchers know the exact shape of the object that was placed on top of the pyramid.
As proposed by Pérez-Sánchez, the sphere that the ancient Egyptians placed at the top of the pyramid symbolized the Eye of Horus and had a diameter of 2,718 royal cubits (2.7 meters), which is the accurate measure of the number e. The sphere located on the Pyramid was placed as a worship to the Sun and Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, which was associated with Isis.
Pérez-Sánchez had the support of a multidisciplinary team in his investigation, allowing him to construct a computer replica of the Great Pyramid like never before.
The three-dimensional drawing of the Great Pyramid has revealed its original measurements, analyzing it, allowed researchers to understand the historical significance of the monument. In addition of the sphere located on top of the pyramid, missing today, analysis enabled researchers to find out the inclination angle of 51,84º, the platform that supported the sphere with a pi perimeter of royal cubits; and the height of the pyramidal vertex of 277 778 cubits, equal to the quotient of dividing 1,000,000 between 3,600. According to Pérez-Sánchez, the discovery of the original shape and dimensions of the Great Pyramid, its reconstruction and analysis revealed an architecture made of pure mathematics, geometry, geodesy and astronomy.
The original surface of the pyramid, now in ruins, was 100,000 times the number pi (π) 3000 years ahead of the understanding of π.
The ancient Egyptians that planned the Pyramid had an incredible scientific knowledge, understanding the Pythagorean Theorem two millennium ahead of time, a precision in the definition of pi with 6 decimals 3 millennia ahead of its time, including the knowledge of the number e, and the accurate measures of the Earth, Sun and Sirius anticipated over 4 millennia.
The geodesic dependence of the Great Pyramid has been confirmed by scaling relations based on the sexagesimal system. The weight of the pyramid is estimated at 5,955,000 tons. Multiplied by 10^8 gives a reasonable estimate of the earth’s mass. It also represents the Sun’s Radius: Twice the perimeter of the bottom of the granite coffer times 10^8 is the sun’s mean radius. [270.45378502 Pyramid Inches* 10^8 = 427,316 miles]
Thanks to the astronomical data provided by Plutarch, researchers managed to place the incredible monument in its historical context understanding why Pharaoh Khufu had commissioned these incredible projects.
This is believed to be the reason why, Snefru, father of Khufu, built during his reign, three pyramids in search for the “perfect pyramid” which explains the efforts of the architects of the Pyramid, to include within the Great Pyramid, their knowledge of the past.
More importantly, Pérez-Sánchez mentions the great Sphinx in his work, stating that “the Great Sphinx is not contemporary with the pyramids that surround it, but it is the product of a much earlier civilization that shaped and carved it around the eight millennium BC.
"Alien Light" --A Key to the Discovery of Habitable Worlds
"Alien Light" --A Key to the Discovery of Habitable Worlds
“We’re combining techniques to discover new information about how planets form, their range of properties and what sorts of planets are most common, with the eventual goal of finding terrestrial planets and venues for life in the universe,” said James Graham, a UC Berkeley professor of astronomy who leads the new “Exoplanets Unveiled” project.
UC Berkeley astronomers will lead one of 16 new projects funded by NASA to coordinate different exoplanet searches to more efficiently find habitable planets around other stars, and perhaps extraterrestrial life itself. The project, led by Graham, will bring together researchers at UC Berkeley and Stanford University and coordinate their efforts with other researchers across the United States. The budget for the four-year project is $3.25 million.
The Berkeley and Stanford teams are involved in two major exoplanet searches: a highly successful search for exoplanets based on the wobble they produce in a star’s motion or the dimming they create when they transit in front of a star; and a newly launched survey by the Gemini Planet Imager to directly take pictures of planets by capturing the heat they give off.
UC Berkeley’s “exoplanets unveiled” project is part of the NExSS (Nexus for Exoplanet System Science) initiative announced April 21 by NASA to bring together the “best and brightest,” according to a NASA press release. NExSS is conceived as a virtual institute marshalling the expertise of 10 universities, three NASA centers and two research institutes to better understand the various components of an exoplanet, as well as how the parent stars and neighboring planets interact to support life.
A unique aspect of the UC Berkeley-led project is the involvement of the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI), for which Graham is the project scientist. Bruce Macintosh, the principal investigator for GPI, is also part of the NASA team. GPI is a new instrument for the Gemini Observatory and began its exoplanet survey at the Gemini South Telescope in November 2014. GPI has already imaged two previously known exoplanets and disks of planetary debris orbiting young stars where planets recently formed.
“With GPI, we’ve already shown that we can see planets as they move month to month around their stars,” Macintosh said. “With this new collaboration, we will combine the strengths of imaging, Doppler and transits to characterize planets and their orbits.”
Gemini Planet Imager's first light image of the light scattered by a disk of dust orbiting the young star HR4796A is shown at the top of the page. This narrow ring is thought to be dust from asteroids or comets left behind by planet formation; some scientists have theorized that the sharp edge of the ring is defined by an unseen planet. The left image shows normal light, including both the dust ring and the residual light from the central star scattered by turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere. The right image shows only polarized light. Leftover starlight is unpolarized and hence removed from this image. The light from the back edge of the disk is strongly polarized as it scatters towards us
Collaborator Geoff Marcy, a UC Berkeley professor of astronomy, perfected the Doppler technique, which detects stellar wobble, and went on to discover more than 100 of the first known exoplanets. He is also part of the Kepler Mission team that has discovered nearly 2,000 exoplanets by the transit method. Both these techniques find planets that orbit near their star, while direct imaging via GPI is most sensitive to planets orbiting far from their star. Habitable, Earth-like planets lurk in-between.
“A principal goal is to focus on the overlap region where we can use all three techniques we now have to study planets,” Graham said.
“It is a wonderful confluence of multiple approaches to planet-hunting that allows us to detect planets that are both near and far from the host star,” Marcy said.
Aside from the Gemini South Telescope, the team plans to harness the adaptive-optics capabilities of the Keck Observatories in Hawaii and eventually the Thirty Meter Telescope planned for construction next door to Keck on Mauna Kea.
Paul Kalas, an adjunct professor of astronomy and co-PI for the project, noted that the goal of imaging Earth-size planets is still decades away, since direct imaging instruments like GPI would have to be sensitive enough to detect faint starlight reflected off the planet. Currently, GPI is able to see only hot, Jupiter-size planets that are bright because of their own infrared glow.
“The techniques and technologies developed for the Gemini Planet Imager will be used on future NASA planet-finding missions, such as the WFIRST telescope, which could see the reflected light from ‘super-Earth’ planets,” Macintosh said. The Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) is a NASA observatory designed to perform wide-field imaging and spectroscopic surveys of the near infrared sky to explore exoplanets and dark energy. It is expected to be launched in about 10 years.
“If you could see reflected light, you might be able to see the signature of life,” Kalas said. “We are just now sowing the seeds to get to that point.”
Swiss cheese universe: Enormous hole in the universe may not be the only one
Swiss cheese universe: Enormous hole in the universe may not be the only one
April 24, 2015- Astronomers have found evidence of a giant void that could be the largest known structure in the universe. The “supervoid” solves a controversial cosmic puzzle: it explains the origin of a large and anomalously cold region of the sky. However, future observations are needed to confirm the discovery and determine whether the void is unique.
The so-called cold spot can be seen in maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), which is the radiation left over from the birth of the universe. It was first discovered by NASA’s Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) in 2004 and confirmed by ESA’s Planck Satellite. For more than a decade, astronomers have failed to explain its existence. But there has been no shortage of suggestions, with unproven and controversial theories being put forward including imprints of parallel universes, called the multiverse theory, and exotic physics in the early universe.
Now an international team of astronomers led by Istvan Szapudi of the Institute for Astronomy at The University of Hawaii at Manoa have found evidence for one of the theories: a supervoid, in which the density of galaxies is much lower than usual in the known universe.
To understand the effect of a void, imagine the universe is like a Swiss cheese, with holes – voids – corresponding to empty spaces devoid of matter and gravitational pull. When a photon, a particle of light, from the CMB encounters a void it will lose energy but regain it as it exits.
However, since we believe that the universe is constantly expanding, the photon will exit into a medium that is less dense than before it entered the void. Lower density means weaker gravitational pull on the emerging photon. This means that the photon cannot make up all the energy it lost and ends up with a little less energy – and hence lower temperature – than light from regions on the sky that did not pass through the void.
This process explains why the spot is 70 μK colder than the surrounding chilly CMB radiation, which is 2.7 K in whichever direction one looks on the sky. Tiny fluctuations imprinted by processes in the early universe do exist in this remarkably even temperature distribution, but they typically only differ by 18μK.
But it isn’t the first time researchers have claimed to find a supervoid that explains the cold spot. In 2007, radio astronomers announced they had found a low density region when they counted the number of radio sources towards the direction of the cold spot but competing studies at visible wavelengths appeared to dispute their findings.
Other studies searched for voids at particular distance – or redshifts – towards the direction of the cold spot but found no convincing evidence of any deficit in galaxy counts. To count the galaxies closer to home and check for the existence of a nearby void required a significant increase in the area of the sky astronomers could survey. This capability came with new catalogues of objects identified in wide-field all-sky surveys.
Istvan and his team used two sets of data by matching objects discovered at infrared wavelengths by Nasa’s Wide Field Survey Explorer (WISE) with colours in visible light measured by the robotic telescope Pan-STARRS1 to make a tomographic map of the distribution of galaxies in the cold spot.
A dip in the numbers of galaxies in the centre of the cold spot signaled the presence of the largest known structure in the universe – a supervoid stretching 1.8 billion light years across the sky when universe was 11.1 billion years old – which is relatively recent on cosmic timescales.
This is an exciting result – but the study is complex, with a number of errors that can creep in due to various assumptions. Understanding the density of the universe on near and far sides of the void is more challenging than one might expect and the simple assumption of a single, giant void is – as the authors point out – likely to be naive. More detailed maps of the supervoid will help determine whether it has substructure within it.
But future observations mapping different regions of the sky will also check how rare the void is. The chance of an accidental alignment between the cold spot and the supervoid seems small, but not impossible. The race is therefore on to find other voids in order to confirm the supervoid’s relationship with the cold spot. The team already have plans to use the Dark Energy Camera -– which recently shed new light on dark matter – to investigate another candidate void near the constellation Draco. Ultimately, understanding the nature of voids and cold spots might require modifications to our favourite cosmological models or perhaps even models of gravity itself.
The }is exciting not just for cosmologists, but also for technologists. In the future, new facilities – such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope – will survey the whole sky every few nights for a decade. Mining the torrent of data that will allow astronomers to search for large-scale structures such as voids and clusters and to make discoveries of new explosive or time-variable objects such as supernovae and gamma ray bursts. Combining these approaches in a new era of data-driven discovery may open new, exciting windows on our universe.
Antarctica was once Atlantis. An antediluvian island continent paradise from where evil nephilim overlords ruled the entire Earth with great ruthlessness using occult knowledge that included things like black magick & super advanced technology taught to them by their fathers - the watchers that fell in the days of Jared [see 1 Enoch 9:6-9]. Related:Ruins Of Ancient City Found In Antarctica Poseidonis was the capital of Atlantis. The island continent appeared to sink into the ocean during the Great Deluge mentioned in Genesis 6:5-7,11-13 & 7:17,19-24. Later it was flash frozen due to sudden global crustal displacement where it was covered with ice until the Nazis learned from esoteric Tibetan monks that Antarctica used to be Atlantis during their expedition there from 1938-1939.
Related:The Forbidden Land of Agartha and the Thule Secret Society The Nazis built Base 211 in Antarctica and started searching for all the flash frozen advanced technology which they tried to retro-engineer until the Americans took over the operation during Operation Highjump.
Operation Highjump Hidden Antarctic War Veterans: Frozen in Time, but Not Forgott
The Americans then took all the technology found then and later during Operations Deep Freeze with all the occult Nazi scientists back to the U.S.A. to keep retro-engineering all the technology in D.U.M.B.s hidden in the remote desert plus start the process of releasing some of the fallen watchers in the same areas. Related:Worldwide UFO cover up and deep underground military bases (D.U.M.B.S). This technology will be used to sell the "alien" strong delusion to an unsuspecting public to help set up the NWO of the antichrist with the fallen watchers, djinn, neo-nephilim, genetic hybrids, and evil human minions pretending to be the different kinds of "aliens".
24-04-2015 om 23:13
geschreven door peter
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"Hacking the Chemical Fingerprint of the Universe" --Detecting Organic Molecules in Space
"Hacking the Chemical Fingerprint of the Universe" --Detecting Organic Molecules in Space
The terahertz region of the spectrum is chock-full of information. Everything in the universe that is warmer than about 10 degrees Kelvin (-263 degrees Celsius) gives off terahertz radiation. Even at these very low temperatures molecules can rotate in space, yielding unique fingerprints in the terahertz. Astronomers using telescopes such as Caltech's Submillimeter Observatory, the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, and the Herschel Space Observatory are searching stellar nurseries and planet-forming disks at terahertz frequencies, looking for such chemical fingerprints to try to determine the kinds of molecules that are present and thus available to planetary systems. But in just a single chunk of the sky, it would not be unusual to find signatures of 25 or more different molecules.
To be able to definitively identify specific molecules within such a tangle of terahertz signals, scientists first need to determine exact measurements of the chemical fingerprints associated with various molecules. This requires a precise source of terahertz waves, in addition to a sensitive detector, and the terahertz frequency comb is ideal for making such measurements in the lab.
"When we look up into space with terahertz light, we basically see this forest of lines related to the tumbling motions of various molecules," says Finneran. "Unraveling and understanding these lines is difficult, as you must trek across that forest one point and one molecule at a time in the lab. It can take weeks, and you would have to use many different instruments. What we've developed, this terahertz comb, is a way to analyze the entire forest all at once."
Light can come in many frequencies, only a small fraction of which can be seen by humans. Between the invisible low-frequency radio waves used by cell phones and the high frequencies associated with infrared light lies a fairly wide swath of the electromagnetic spectrum occupied by what are called terahertz, or sometimes submillimeter, waves. Exploitation of these waves could lead to many new applications in fields ranging from medical imaging to astronomy, but terahertz waves have proven tricky to produce and study in the laboratory. Now, Caltech chemists have created a device that generates and detects terahertz waves over a wide spectral range with extreme precision, allowing it to be used as an unparalleled tool for measuring terahertz waves.
The new device is an example of what is known as a frequency comb, which uses ultrafast pulsed lasers, or oscillators, to produce thousands of unique frequencies of radiation distributed evenly across a spectrum like the teeth of a comb. Scientists can then use them like rulers, lining up the teeth like tick marks to very precisely measure light frequencies. The first frequency combs, developed in the 1990s, earned their creators (John Hall of JILA and Theordor Hánsch of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and Ludwig Maximilians University Munich) the 2005 Nobel Prize in physics. These combs, which originated in the visible part of the spectrum, have revolutionized how scientists measure light, leading, for example, to the development of today's most accurate timekeepers, known as optical atomic clocks.
The team at Caltech combined commercially available lasers and optics with custom-built electronics to extend this technology to the terahertz, creating a terahertz frequency comb with an unprecedented combination of spectral coverage and precision. Its thousands of "teeth" are evenly spaced across the majority of the terahertz region of the spectrum (0.15-2.4 THz), giving scientists a way to simultaneously measure absorption in a sample at all of those frequencies.
The work is described in a paper that appears in the online version of the journal Physical Review Letters and will be published in the April 24 issue. The lead author is graduate student and National Science Foundation fellow Ian Finneran, who works in the lab of Geoffrey A. Blake, professor of cosmochemistry and planetary sciences and professor of chemistry at Caltech.
Blake explains the utility of the new device, contrasting it with a common radio tuner. "With radio waves, most tuners let you zero in on and listen to just one station, or frequency, at a time," he says. "Here, in our terahertz approach, we can separate and process more than 10,000 frequencies all at once. In the near future, we hope to bump that number up to more than 100,000."
After the device generates its tens of thousands of evenly spaced frequencies, the waves travel through a sample--in the paper, the researchers provide the example of water vapor. The instrument then measures what light passes through the sample and what gets absorbed by molecules at each tooth along the comb. If a detected tooth gets shorter, the sample absorbed that particular terahertz wave; if it comes through at the baseline height, the sample did not absorb at that frequency.
"Since we know exactly where each of the tick marks on our ruler is to about nine digits, we can use this as a diagnostic tool to get these frequencies really, really precisely," says Finneran. "When you look up in space, you want to make sure that you have such very exact measurements from the lab."
In addition to the astrochemical application of identifying molecules in space, the terahertz comb will also be useful for studying fundamental interactions between molecules. "The terahertz is unique in that it is really the only direct way to look not only at vibrations within individual large molecules that are important to life, but also at vibrations between different molecules that govern the behavior of liquids such as water," says Blake.
Additional coauthors on the paper, "Decade-Spanning High-Precision Terahertz Frequency Comb," include current Caltech graduate students Jacob Good, P. Brandon Carroll, and Marco Allodi, as well as recent graduate Daniel Holland (PhD '14). The work was supported by funding from the National Science Foundation.
The Daily Galaxy via Caltech
Image credits: Lance Hayashida/Caltech and NASA/ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team
A woman recently posted a video showing a UFO hovering near Chile’s erupting Calbuco volcano.
The volcano erupted on Wednesday, April 22 for the first time in more than forty two years. Four thousand residents were forced to evacuate the area as ash and smoke filled the sky.
Ana Luisa Cid, a UFO researcher in Mexico City, put together a compilation of volcano eruption videos that show the aerial object seemingly hovering near the Calbuco volcano. And this UFO appears to have two very bright white lights.
The UFO near the Calbuco volcano. (Credit: Ana Luisa Cid/YouTube)
Ana Luisa Cid points out that some have suggested the UFO is simply a drone or helicopter gathering aerial footage of the volcano. But she also comments, “What is striking, in my opinion, is that the object remained static, then vanished. Optical illusion?”
At least one helicopter and one plane were in the sky during the volcano’s eruption.
TVN, Chile’s state-owned television network, posted an aerial video of the volcano eruption shot by a helicopter pilot.
And Chile news station T13 posted a video story on April 23 about the “pilot who was mistaken for a UFO.” The media outlet interviewed pilot Vicente Beasley who was reportedly flying a Cessna 206 during the volcano eruption. Beasley also captured video of the volcano’s plume.
UFOs have been seen near volcanos several times in recent years. A video recorded in 2012 even shows what some believe is a UFO flying into the Popocatépetl volcano in Mexico. Some UFO researchers believe UFOs are either attracted to volcanos, or that the pilots of extraterrestrial spacecraft have hidden bases inside volcanos.
But in the case of this most recent UFO near an erupting volcano, pilot Vincente Beasley’s testimony and supporting video footage make it pretty likely that his plane is the UFO seen in the video posted by Ana Luisa Cid and others.
In a recent interview, Dr. Steven Greer stated that, to his knowledge, there are dozens of benevolent Extraterrestrial species who are eager to make contact with us.
“These beings are very eager to find humans who are enlightened, who approach them peacefully, because what our covert, classified, military projects have been doing is try to track these objects and shoot them down.” – Dr. Steve Greer
In Dr. Greer’s opinion, the UFO phenomenon intensified after the development of nuclear weapons, when we became a threat to our own existence, the planet we inhabit and possibly to other intelligent species in the Universe as well.
“I think they [the aliens] have been here, around, for many thousands of years; I surely doubt it’s a recent phenomenon.
“I think that if you look at this and talk to people in the British intelligence and people in the United States Military, the real increase in these events happened around the time we started detonating nuclear weapons and at the same time we started going out in the space.
“You have to understand that any civilization that has reached a point of peaceful coexistence, who would see us evolving out of the time of World War II into this post WWII period, where we began to go into space, but at the same time began to develop hydrogen bombs and nuclear weapons.
“I think this would put a big red flag over this planet and my understanding is that they are quite concerned about what we are doing to this planet and also that we don’t turn loose on the Universe, where we can be a threat to other planets that are existing peacefully and do not even have the concept of warfare and weapon systems.”
Also, Dr. Greer does not believe in alien abductions and mutilations stating that, in his opinion, all of them are staged by the government as a scare tactic, so that we don’t oppose the idea of weaponizing the space.
“The big mythology in the new age world is that there are the good ones and the bad ones and, in reality, most of that is disinformation created by the intelligence community to scare people because, eventually, they would like to have us put all these weapons into space and spend trillions of dollars on Star Wars [technology]. And this is exactly what we’ve done.
“I have folks who worked on these [programs] in the 1960s, where we already had weapon systems that were based in space, that were targeting these extraterrestrial vehicles. This has been going on for 40 years.”
Dr. Greer also stated that, to his knowledge, none of the dozens of ET species that are visiting us are hostile.
In his own words, “some of them [the ETs] are quite worried of our hostility and have done things to try to contain us… like a quarantine.”
You can listen to the entire interview bellow and please enjoy the wonderful CGI footage of benevolent ETs operating in space and around alien worlds:
Numerous examples of making contact with UFOs, by using a powerful laser (night vision footage):
Unfortunately, night vision goggles are not available in all countries, not can they be ordered from countries who prohibit them.
On YouTube, you’ll see videos of people “calling” UFO’s with infrared laser pens (see image to the left). They’ll also use these pens to point out UFO’s to other people who may be UFO watching with them.
Many of the highest quality night vision goggles and monoculars cost several thousand dollars. Most of us can’t afford a “Generation 3″ or “Gen 4″ type of monocular/goggle, but there are alternatives.
I have a Yukon 5×42 Digital Night Vision Ranger monocular and it’s hard to go longer than 10 minutes without seeing a UFO. You can find this particular monocular brand new on Amazon for under $400.
I also have an ATN PVS7 Gen 3 Night vision goggle with an Alpha tube that is simply amazing but these types of goggle will run from $2,200- $4,000+.
If you’re looking for something in night vision goggles that is better than your own two eyes AND affordable, go with the Night Ranger monocular. OR… save up and get a good pair of night vision goggles. Either choice will show you more UFO’s than what you can see with the naked eye!
An uncovered letter written by John F Kennedy to the head of the CIA shows that the president demanded to be shown highly confidential documents about UFOs 10 days before his assassination.
The secret memo is one of two letters written by JFK asking for information about the paranormal on November 12 1963, which have been released by the CIA for the first time.
Author William Lester said the CIA released the documents to him under the Freedom of Information Act after he made a request while researching his new book ‘A Celebration of Freedom: JFK and the New Frontier.’
Assassination: Was JFK shot to stop him discovering the truth about UFOs?
The president’s interest in UFOs shortly before his death is likely to fuel conspiracy theories about his assassination, according to AOL News.
Alien researchers say the latest documents, released to Mr Lester by the CIA, add weight to the suggestion that the president could have been shot to stop him discovering the truth about UFOs.
In one of the secret documents released under the Freedom of Information Act, JFK writes to the director asking for the UFO files.
Released: Letter from JFK to CIA director asking for access to UFO files, which has been released to an author under the Freedom of Information Act
In the second memo, sent to the NASA administrator, the president expresses a desire for cooperation with the former Soviet Union on mutual outer space activities.
The previously classified documents were released under the Freedom of Information Act to teacher William Lester as part of research for a new book about JFK.
He said that JFK’s interest in UFOs could have been fuelled by concerns about relations with the former Soviet Union.
Beam me up: Days before he was killed, JFK wrote to the CIA demanding access to their files about UFOs
Unclassified: A second memo written by JFK on November 12 1963, 10 days before his assassination, which has been released by the CIA
‘One of his concerns was that a lot of these UFOs were being seen over the Soviet Union and he was very concerned that the Soviets might misinterpret these UFOs as U.S. aggression, believing that it was some of our technology,’ Mr Lester told AOL News.
‘I think this is one of the reasons why he wanted to get his hands on this information and get it away from the jurisdiction of NASA so he could say to the Soviets, “Look, that’s not us, we’re not doing it, we’re not being provocative. “.’
But conspiracy theorists said the documents add interest to a disputed file, nicknamed the ‘burned memo’, which a UFO investigator claims he received in the 1990s.
The document, which has scorch marks, is claimed to have been posted to UFO hunter Timothy Cooper in 1999 by an unknown CIA leak, but has never been verified.
Disputed: In the ‘burned memo’ the CIA director allegedly wrote: ‘Lancer [JFK] has made some inquiries regarding our activities, which we cannot allow’
In a note sent with the document, the apparent leaker said he worked for CIA between 1960 and 1974 and pulled the memo from a fire when the agency was burning some of its most sensitive files.
The undated memo contains a reference to ‘Lancer’, which was JFK’s Secret Service code name.
On the first page, the director of Central Intelligence wrote: ‘As you must know, Lancer has made some inquiries regarding our activities, which we cannot allow.
‘Please submit your views no later than October. Your action to this matter is critical to the continuance of the group.’
The current owner of the ‘burned memo’, who bought it from Timothy Cooper in 2001 told AOL News that it shows that when JFK asked questions about UFOs that the CIA ‘bumped him off’.
UFO investigator Robert Wood said he has tested the paper it was printed on, the ink age, watermarks, font types and other markings.
He said: ‘I hired a forensics company to check the age of the ink and check several other things that you can date, using the same techniques you’d use in a court of law.’
VIDEO: Egyptoloog Zahi Hawass loopt woest weg uit debat over geschiedenis van de wereld
VIDEO: Egyptoloog Zahi Hawass loopt woest weg uit debat over geschiedenis van de wereld
Op 22 april stond in een hotel in Caïro het eerste open debat tussen aanhangers van twee compleet verschillende theorieën over de geschiedenis van de wereld gepland. Op die dag zouden de beroemde egyptoloog dr. Zahi Hawass en de Britse schrijver en journalist Graham Hancock met elkaar in debat gaan.
Vlak voor het debat keek Hancock nog even naar zijn slides, toen dr. Hawass een foto voorbij zag komen van de Belgische auteur Robert Bauval, waar Hawass in het verleden vaak onenigheid mee heeft gehad. Dr. Hawass werd gelijk woest en begon te schreeuwen naar Hancock en zijn vrouw Santha (de vrouw met de witte jurk).
Hawass eiste dat Hancock alle verwijzingen naar Robert Bauval en diens Orion-correlatie-theorie zou verwijderen. Die theorie veronderstelt dat de drie grote piramides op het Gizeh-plateau overeenkomen met de drie sterren in de riem van Orion. Toen Hancock uitlegde dat hij de alternatieve kijk op de geschiedenis niet kon uitleggen zonder te verwijzen naar de theorie van Bauval begon Hawass opnieuw te schreeuwen en liep hij woest de zaal uit.
Eén van de bezoekers wist de tirade van Hawass vast te leggen op video. Terwijl de zaal langzaam volstroomde, wisten de organisatoren van het debat dr. Hawass er toch van te overtuigen terug te keren naar de zaal. Hawass weigerde echter om de presentatie van Hancock te volgen.
Göbekli Tepe
Na de lezing van Hawass stelde één van de aanwezigen de vraag of het 11.600 jaar oude bergheiligdom Göbekli Tepe in Turkije invloed heeft gehad op het bepalen van de leeftijd van de Sfinx van Gizeh. Hancock en anderen hebben namelijk gesuggereerd dat beide complexen mogelijk even oud zijn. Dr. Hawass leek niet op de hoogte te zijn van het bestaan van Göbekli Tepe en was niet in staat om de vraag te beantwoorden.
VIDEO: Lichtstraal van mysterieus object gezien bij vulkaan in Chili
VIDEO: Lichtstraal van mysterieus object gezien bij vulkaan in Chili
Televisiecamera’s hebben een mysterieus vliegend object vastgelegd tijdens een vulkaanuitbarsting in het zuiden van Chili. Dat meldt persbureau Sputnik.
De Calbuco-vulkaan is voor het eerst in ruim 40 jaar onverwacht uitgebarsten. Uit voorzorg werden zo’n 4000 inwoners van een nabijgelegen dorp geëvacueerd. Vluchten in de regio zijn geannuleerd omdat de vulkanische as toestellen kan beschadigen.
De vulkaan ligt in de buurt van de populaire toeristenplaats Puerto Varas, zo’n 1000 kilometer ten zuiden van de hoofdstad Santiago. Vanuit Puerto Varas was de kilometershoge aspluim goed te zien.
Volgens de directeur van de regionale hulpdiensten kwam de uitbarsting als ‘een verrassing’. Hij zei dat Calbuco niet onder speciale observatie stond. De laatste grote uitbarsting van de vulkaan was in 1961, al was er nog een kleinere eruptie in 1972.
In de aswolk werd ook een mysterieuze lichtstraal van een ongeïdentificeerd object vastgelegd. Sommigen beweren dat het gaat om een UFO, al is niet duidelijk waarom een UFO helemaal naar de aarde zou afreizen om in een actieve vulkaan te duiken.
Wanneer een professionele fotograaf een opname maakt van een UFO dan vind men dat toch wel wat extra bijzonders hebben.
Professionele fotograaf legt UFO vast boven Rome ( Video )
Wanneer een professionele fotograaf een opname maakt van een UFO dan vind men dat toch wel wat extra bijzonders hebben.
De reden zal ongetwijfeld zijn dat men denkt dat goedbedoelende amateurs allemaal dingen zien die er niet zijn, maar dat professionele fotografen voldoende getraind zijn om werkelijkheid te kunnen onderscheiden van fictie.
Het volgende geval is uitgebreid in het mainstream nieuws geweest in Italië.
Een professionele fotograaf was bezig met het filmen van een vliegtuig vanaf de patio van zijn woning in één van de buitenwijken van Rome.
Terwijl hij filmde merkte hij het object niet op, maar toen hij na de opname de beelden bekeek, zag hij een vreemd vliegend object verschijnen.
De filmopname is onderzocht door het Mediterranean UFO Center. Zij hebben uitgesloten dat het hier om een vogel of iets dergelijks zou kunnen gaan en dat de filmopname echt is.
Afgezien van dat soort vaststellingen kan ook de onderzoeker, Angelo Maggioni, geen antwoord geven op de vraag waarmee we hier te maken hebben.
Deze UFO lijkt uiterlijk wel enigszins op die die heel regelmatig boven het Zwitserse Biel/Bienne wordt waargenomen. Wie weet hoort deze UFO in Rome wel thuis in de buitenaardse basis in Zwitserland.
Former Canadian Defence Minister Hopes To Get Support From The Masses About UFO Disclosure
Former Canadian Defence Minister Hopes To Get Support From The Masses About UFO Disclosure
Stories of alleged UFO cover-ups by world governments have been around for many years. Though no substantial evidence to prove that they’re true, many believe that such high-level secrets exist. Former Canadian defence ministry talks about the alleged cover up in a series of speaking tours.
In the “Disclosure Canada Tour,” keynote speaker Paul Hellyer spoke to the crowd of approximately 400 people at the University of Calgary on Saturday. Canada’s defence minister in the 1960s, Hellyer, and other speakers are on tour. The series of tours is urging the government to release all the classified information about UFOs.
The 91-year-old Ontarian first became vocal about his belief that governments are hiding the truth on the presence of extraterrestrials in 2005. He said UFOs are as common in the sky as airplanes.
Hellyer said that he is committed to spreading the word about his beliefs, and he has showed that in participating the tour.
Hellyer is aware that not much of the media touch about the UFO subject and the disclosure. So, he and other speakers on the tour just have to keep working away. They’re hoping that the day will come where they get the support of the masses, and they’ll say in once voice, “Prime Minister or President we want the truth now because it affects our lives.”
The tour is scheduled for another session on Sunday in Vancouver.
Washington (CNN)The latest version of unmanned naval aerial combat vehicles achieved another first on Wednesday when it conducted its first aerial refueling test, the Navy announced.
While flying off the coast of Maryland and Virginia, the X-47B, an unmanned vehicle designed to eventually operate off naval aircraft carriers, successfully connected to an Omega K-707 refueling tanker and received more than 4,000 pounds of fuel, the Navy said in a press release.
"What we accomplished today demonstrates a significant, groundbreaking step forward for the Navy," Capt. Beau Duarte, the manager for the Navy's Unmanned Carrier Aviation program, said in the release. "The ability to autonomously transfer and receive fuel in flight will increase the range and flexibility of future unmanned aircraft platforms, ultimately extending carrier power projection."
The X-47B receives fuel in flight April 22nd.
This is the latest in a series of firsts for the remotely piloted plane that the Navy hopes to develop into a battle-ready aircraft that can operate safely alongside its manned counterparts aboard aircraft carriers.
In 2013, an X-47B became the first unmanned aircraft to take off and land from an aircraft carrier, although all other aircraft were removed from the deck before the test flight. Last year, it became the first such aircraft to take off and land alongside a manned plane, an F/A-18 Hornet on the USS Theodore Roosevelt.
It was not known going into the test whether the aircraft would be able to effectively maneuver its probe used to take in fuel with the tanker's drogue, also called the basket, in the same way a pilot would be able to position their aircraft in a refueling operation.
"In manned platforms, aerial refueling is a challenging maneuver because of the precision required by the pilot to engage the basket," Duarte said. "Adding an autonomous functionality creates another layer of complexity."
A part of the Navy's Unmanned-Carrier Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike system, the X-47B will eventually be developed into follow on aircraft the Navy hopes to deploy into operation in 2020 or beyond.
This is a depiction of three beings that Travis Walton says he confronted during what he described as a UFO abduction in 1975. | William Keeble / Onwinges Prod.
This is a depiction of three beings that Travis Walton says he confronted during what he described as a UFO abduction in 1975. | William Keeble / Onwinges Prod.
Close encounters of the FOURTH kind. That's when a person claims to have been kidnapped by a UFO and its reportedly otherworldly occupants.
Of course, there's no tangible evidence that anyone has ever been taken aboard an extraterrestrial spacecraft. But there are those who claim they've been abducted, and their stories are chilling.
"It was a metallic, glowing disc, making some very strange sounds," Walton told us. "The closer I got to it, the more scared we all got and they were swearing at me to get away from there, and when I got up close, it suddenly got louder and started to move.
"I jumped for cover and then jumped up to run back to the truck, and that's when this blast of energy hit me, and I just felt this numbing shock go through my body. But the crew said it threw me through the air 10 or 20 feet and I landed in a way that they were immediately certain it had killed me, and they fled."
The incident began on Nov. 5, 1975, after a long day of work in the Sitgreaves National Forest near Heber, Arizona. Walton and six other loggers were heading home when they suddenly saw a 40-foot-diameter shiny disc hovering in the air.
Walton first told his extraordinary story in a 1978 book, "The Walton Experience," which became a 1993 film, "Fire In The Sky." His account has just been turned into a candid documentary, "Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton."
Walton reveals the terrifying details of his experience at the hands of several "non-human" beings, and his feelings of suffocation and the fear that he was dying as the event unfolded.
Watch this trailer for 'Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton'
"When I was first able to focus my eyes good enough, I was still on the table. And as soon as I saw this face, and knew it wasn't human, I tried to hit it away from me. They were much smaller than me, and I think that's the reason they gave up. Once they found out they couldn't control me, they split. I was absolutely terrified."
Walton, pictured at right, was declared missing for five days, during which time his logger buddies fell under suspicion of foul play. When Walton finally turned up again, not knowing how long he'd been gone, an intense investigation was underway, including multiple polygraph, physical and psychological tests.
He tells HuffPost about little known aftermath details, including subsequent research in the forest area which has shown an unusual growth rate in trees in the immediate vicinity of the encounter.
"About 15 years later, it was discovered that the trees nearest to where [the UFO] hovered had been producing wood fiber at 36 times the rate it had in the 85 years before that," Walton says. "More recently, a complete core sampling revealed that this thickened growth was only on the side of the trees towards, or in the direction that the craft had been."
Walton addresses the stigma that he and so many other people -- who claim encounters with possible alien beings -- are generally considered unreliable wackos.
"The scientific evidence of the likelihood of intelligent life in our vicinity has become so overwhelming that the people who believe that we're alone in the universe -- those are the kooks."
To commemorate the 40th anniversary of his close encounter, Walton will speak at the November Skyfire Summit in Arizona. On the agenda is a road trip to the exact spot where this four-decade-long controversy began.
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Mysterious Radio Bursts Are Indeed Coming From A Galaxy Far, Far Away
Mysterious Radio Bursts Are Indeed Coming From A Galaxy Far, Far Away
April 23, 2015 - In 2001, the Parkes Radio Telescope picked up an extremely energetic burst of radio waves that lasted a mere five-thousandths of a second. Since then, astronomers have found several more so-called fast radio bursts, or FRBs, and even observed one of these pulses in real time last May. Based on these observations, the FRBs seem to be coming from more than 3 billion light years away, far beyond the Milky Way.
The origin of fast radio bursts is still unknown: They might come from an incredibly heavy, incredibly fast-spinning magnetar throwing off flares, or from a massive collision between dense neutron stars—or from something else entirely. "You need something that happens on a very short time scale and can produce a ton of energy," says Emily Petroff, a graduate student at Swinburne University of Technology in Australia. Other researchers have speculated that FRBs are the products of human--or alien--technology, and some doubted that the bursts came from outside the galaxy at all.
But now, the debate surrounding FRBs' origins may be put to rest at last. Researchers have determined the source of a signal remarkably similar to FRBs, clearing the reputation of these bursts and where they come from.
What makes researchers think fast radio bursts are coming from outside the galaxy? An FRB signal is "spread out" in time, meaning the waves that make up an FRB don't arrive at a radio telescope all at once. This spreading effect can happen when a signal passes between stars. While traveling through the interstellar medium, the signal's waves slow down depending on their frequency. By the time the signal reaches a radio telescope, the high-frequency waves have pulled ahead of the low-frequency ones, and thus arrive sooner, stretching out the signal. Fast radio bursts are very stretched out, indicating they come from a galaxy far, far away.
Other researchers, however, point out that the spread effect could have a different cause. Another spread-out signal that radio telescopes have picked up is the peryton. But these bursts definitely don't come from other galaxies, or even other planets. Instead of coming from a single point in the sky, a peryton signal looks like it's coming from all over, a sure sign that its source is very local. Some blame perytons on atmospheric lightning, radio interference, or even telescope glitches. Unfortunately, perytons look pretty similar to FRBs, so they throw doubt on the idea that the bursts are coming from far away. Some astronomers even think FRBs are just another form of perytons, a false signal rather than an extragalactic one.
But perytons' reign of uncertainty is at an end, thanks to three perytons that popped up at the Parkes Radio Telescope in one week this past January. Petroff and other astronomers at Parkes took a look at the telescope's recently installed radio interference monitor, to see what radio activity was going on nearby around the time of the perytons' appearances. The monitor, which gathers a wider range of frequencies than the telescope does, picked up strong emissions at a frequency around 2.5 gigahertz every time the radio telescope had seen perytons. "That led us to thinking, 'What emits at 2.5 gigahertz?'" says Petroff. "And the obvious thing was microwaves."
The next step was to see whether the scientists could use microwaves to make a peryton appear. They ran the machines at different settings and for varying amounts of time, but the radio telescope didn't pick up any new perytons. Then they tried opening the door while the microwave was active. When you pull open the door of a running microwave, its engine, called a magnetron, releases the energy that was bouncing around inside the oven. The discharge sweeps across a range of frequencies as the engine shuts down, creating a stretched-out frequency spread and interfering with the radio telescope's observations. This was the source of the mysterious peryton signal.
Since microwaves are the culprit behind perytons, Petroff and other authors argue in their new paper, their findings strongly suggest that fast radio bursts are indeed coming from space. FRB signals look different from perytons, and they appear even when the telescope is pointed away from peryton-producing microwaves. Timing is another dead giveaway: FRBs appear at all times of day, whether or not humans are on site nuking coffee and making Cup Noodles. Perytons, on the other hand, only occur during business hours. "They all peak right around lunchtime," says Petroff. "So that should have been a red flag."
‘Britain’s Atlantis’ – a hidden underwater world swallowed by the North Sea – has been discovered by divers working with science teams from the University of St Andrews.
Doggerland, a huge area of dry land that stretched from Scotland to Denmark was slowly submerged by water between 18,000 BC and 5,500 BC.
Divers from oil companies have found remains of a ‘drowned world’ with a population of tens of thousands – which might once have been the ‘real heartland’ of Europe.
A team of climatologists, archaeologists and geophysicists has now mapped the area using new data from oil companies – and revealed the full extent of a ‘lost land’ once roamed by mammoths.
The research suggests that the populations of these drowned lands could have been tens of thousands, living in an area that stretched from Northern Scotland across to Denmark and down the English Channel as far as the Channel Islands.
The area was once the ‘real heartland’ of Europe and was hit by ‘a devastating tsunami’, the researchers claim.
The wave was part of a larger process that submerged the low-lying area over the course of thousands of years.
‘The name was coined for Dogger Bank, but it applies to any of several periods when the North Sea was land,’ says Richard Bates of the University of St Andrews. ‘Around 20,000 years ago, there was a ‘maximum’ – although part of this area would have been covered with ice. When the ice melted, more land was revealed – but the sea level also rose.
‘Through a lot of new data from oil and gas companies, we’re able to give form to the landscape – and make sense of the mammoths found out there, and the reindeer. We’re able to understand the types of people who were there.
‘People seem to think rising sea levels are a new thing – but it’s a cycle of Earth history that has happened many many times.’
Organized by Dr Richard Bates of the Department of Earth Sciences at St Andrews, the Drowned Landscapes exhibit reveals the human story behind Doggerland, a now submerged area of the North Sea that was once larger than many modern European countries.
Dr Bates, a geophysicist, said: ‘Doggerland was the real heartland of Europe until sea levels rose to give us the UK coastline of today.
We have speculated for years on the lost land’s existence from bones dredged by fishermen all over the North Sea, but it’s only since working with oil companies in the last few years that we have been able to re-create what this lost land looked like.
‘When the data was first being processed, I thought it unlikely to give us any useful information, however as more area was covered it revealed a vast and complex landscape.
‘We have now been able to model its flora and fauna, build up a picture of the ancient people that lived there and begin to understand some of the dramatic events that subsequently changed the land, including the sea rising and a devastating tsunami.’
The research project is a collaboration between St Andrews and the Universities of Aberdeen, Birmingham, Dundee and Wales Trinity St David.
Rediscovering the land through pioneering scientific research, the research reveals a story of a dramatic past that featured massive climate change. The public exhibit brings back to life the Mesolithic populations of Doggerland through artifacts discovered deep within the sea bed.
The research, a result of a painstaking 15 years of fieldwork around the murky waters of the UK, is one of the highlights of the London event.
The interactive display examines the lost landscape of Doggerland and includes artifacts from various times represented by the exhibit – from pieces of flint used by humans as tools to the animals that also inhabited these lands.
Using a combination of geophysical modelling of data obtained from oil and gas companies and direct evidence from material recovered from the seafloor, the research team was able to build up a reconstruction of the lost land.
The findings suggest a picture of a land with hills and valleys, large swamps and lakes with major rivers dissecting a convoluted coastline.
As the sea rose the hills would have become an isolated archipelago of low islands. By examining the fossil record – such as pollen grains, microfauna and macrofauna – the researchers can tell what kind of vegetation grew in Doggerland and what animals roamed there.
Using this information, they were able to build up a model of the ‘carrying capacity’ of the land and work out roughly how many humans could have lived there.
The research team is currently investigating more evidence of human behavior, including possible human burial sites, intriguing standing stones and a mass mammoth grave.
Dr Bates added: ‘We haven’t found an ‘x marks the spot’ or ‘Joe created this’, but we have found many artifacts and submerged features that are very difficult to explain by natural causes, such as mounds surrounded by ditches and fossilized tree stumps on the seafloor.
‘There is actually very little evidence left because much of it has eroded underwater; it’s like trying to find just part of a needle within a haystack. What we have found though is a remarkable amount of evidence and we are now able to pinpoint the best places to find preserved signs of life.’
Ancient Paintings depicting Alien Visitors: the Wandjina of Western Australia
The most visually striking of the ancient aboriginal paintings can be found in the Kimberly region of Western Australia. Besides bearing a striking resemblance to modern depictions of aliens, the Wandjina figures also have an interesting story to tell.
Due to its proximity to Southern Asia, it is very likely that the Aboriginal Australians settled in the Kimberly region as early as 70,000 years ago. Their mythology is rich and interesting, both in terms of characters and events and the legends surrounding the Wandjina make for a very interesting topic.
As the story goes, the Wandjina created the world and everything within it during a period the Aborigines call Dreamtime. The legend says they came from beyond the stars, acting as civilizing gods and teaching the locals their way of life.
After completing their work, the Wandjina left. According to some stories, they returned to their home, somewhere in the Milky Way. An alternative scenario has the Wandjina painting their likeness on the surfaces of rock shelters before entering the rocks themselves.
Aborigines hold the paintings in high regard and maintain them with a sense of sacred duty.
These depictions present the Wandjina as majestic and strange creatures, usually painted against white backgrounds. Their faces are encircled in an oval band with outward radiating lines, reminiscent of a space faring humanoid’s helmet. They are always painted with big black eyes, a nose but never with a mouth. In fact, legends say the Wandjina never resorted to speech as they conveyed their will directly inside the mind of their subjects. Telepathic abilities?
The Wandjina paintings of Western Australia aren’t the only ones of their kind. Similar ancient paintings have been found in Indian caves, all over South America and in many regions of Africa.
Sibera Doomed? Huge Landslide and Another Giant Crater hit Novokuznetsk!
Is Siberia doomed? In just three weeks, a town in the Novokuznetsk Region has seen a massive, slow moving landslide and yet another giant crater.
On April 1 (not a joke), a dramatic landslide occurred in a Siberian town, swallowing up roads and a railway, uprooting trees and destroying power lines. Thankfully, the disaster happened at a turtle’s pace and nobody was hurt.
But then, just as the locals were recovering from the effects of the landslip, another strange geological phenomenon hit the area. On April 20, a new giant crater appeared in town. Measuring 65 feet (20 meters) in diameter and with a depth of 100 feet (30 meters), the hole is causing panic amid residents, who fear the next one might swallow their homes.
The craters that have made the news in the past few months are a cause of great concern. But while the previous craters were only found in northern Siberia’s Yamal peninsula, this one is located almost 2,200 miles (3,500 kilometers) to the south.
Alarmingly, the Novokuznetsk crater is the southernmost sinkhole. Is this evidence that there is something brewing beneath Siberia, slowly making its way south?
Probably not. While Russian authorities made no comment on the situation, the locals blame the newly-formed crater on the abandoned coal mines just outside of town.
Emergency Ministry personnel arrived at the site, isolated the sinkhole and filled it with earth. The recent landslide had provided more than plenty…
100,000 Galaxies examined for Signs of Advanced Alien Life, 50 of them show promise!
Our follow-up studies of those galaxies may reveal if the origin of their radiation results from natural astronomical processes, or if it could indicate the presence of a highly advanced civilization.”—Roger Griffith, Penn State College of Science
Using NASA’s WISE satellite, scientists from the Pennsylvania State Universityexamined more than 100,000 galaxies, scouring them for telltale signs of advanced alien civilizations. As expected, they found no obvious evidence but they did manage to isolate 50 galaxies that show promise.
Since its launch in December of 2009, the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) space telescope has collected data from more than 100 million objects.
A lot of ground to cover
Out of that huge collection, Roger Griffith, the lead researcher of the study, selected 100,000 images of galaxies that he believed were the most interesting. Griffith and his colleagues focused on the heat signature of these galaxies, or how much infrared radiation they emitted.
Jason Wright, assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Penn State explains:
The idea behind our research is that, if an entire galaxy had been colonized by an advanced spacefaring civilization, the energy produced by that civilization’s technologies would be detectable in mid-infrared [MIR] wavelengths — exactly the radiation that the WISE satellite was designed to detect for other astronomical purposes.”
The idea that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations could be spotted through their heat signature is not new. A little history, for those who are interested:
In 1960, theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson hypothesized that such a civilization could be detected by looking at their energy consumption. The more advanced they became, the more energy they would use. Upon passing a certain technological threshold, the aliens would need to look outside their planet for a reliable energy source.
As a result, they would harness the energy of their star (or stars) by surrounding it with a solar energy collector known as a Dyson sphere. If such an energy trap would be constructed around a star, it would show up as an anomaly in an infrared wavelength photo.
Dyson Sphere encompassing a single star
In 1964, Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev took things a little further by establishing a scale for advanced alien civilizations, based on how much energy they used. A Type 1 civilization would use all available resources on its home planet. A Type 2 civilization would have higher energy demands and therefore harness the energy of its star while a Type 3 civilization would use so much energy it would require the total output of their entire galaxy.
Pertaining to the Kardashev scale, humans are expected to reach Type 1 status in 100 to 200 years.
The researchers at Penn State University focused on finding signs of Type 2 – Type 3 alien civilizations, due to the vast number of surveyed galaxies and current technological limitations.
Out of the 100,000 potential candidates, the scientists isolated 50 galaxies that showed “unusually high levels of mid-infrared radiation.” All of them show signs that at least 50% of their starlight is being reprocessed into MIR. Further studies will show whether this discrepancy stems from “natural astronomical processes, or if it could indicate the presence of a highly advanced civilization.”
However exciting this research might sound, we have to address an important question: Would we be able to detect such an advanced civilization, if it even exists? As Arthur C. Clarke once famously said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Or, as science fiction author Karl Schroader put it, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable fromnature.”
Freeman Dyson himself—now 91 years of age but still interested in the secrets of the deep space—was contacted by Scientific American in order to discuss the study’s findings.
Our imaginings about the way that aliens might make themselves detectable are always like stories of black cats in a dark room,” he said. “If there are any real aliens, they are likely to behave in ways that we never imagined. The WISE result shows that the aliens did not follow one particular path. That is good to know. But it still leaves a huge variety of other paths open. The failure of one guess does not mean that we should stop looking for aliens.”
Well put, Mr. Dyson!
What about you? Do you share his optimism? Let us know in the comments!
A Hastings man has sought the opinion of the Observer’s resident UFO expert after capturing an unexplained phenomenon on camera. Alan Harding visited our Woods House office today (Tuesday, April 21) to ask Malcolm Robinson to look over a series of pictures captured on his camera which appear to show a UFO. Harding, from Hastings, captured the picture while photographing the moons of Jupiter. Mr Harding set up his camera outside his Harold Road home to capture the alignment of the moons of Jupiter on the night of the solar eclipse on March 18. However, when he viewed the images he spotted a bright object which appeared to move around the sky over the space of 12 minutes. “I didn’t notice it until I emphasized the images otherwise I would have stayed up all night,” he said. After taking the images to several observatories he decided to seek the advice of Mr Robinson. Although his day job is selling adverts for the Observer series, Mr Robinson is a leading expert on UFOs and has just finished filming for a new Channel 5 documentary. Speaking about Mr Harding’s images, he said: “My initial thought was that it may be lens flare – due to the nature of the bright planets sometimes there is flare to the left or the right. “However, the gentleman assures me that it was not that and it certainly doesn’t look like that. “My second thought was that something has flown into the camera shot like a gull but again, I don’t think it is that.” Mr Robinson explained the vast majority of images turn out to be easily explained. Of the remaining five percent, three per cent is military or other advanced technology and one per cent is an new atmospheric phenomenon. “The one per cent that remains, the fly in the ointment, that is what keeps scientists and ufologists the world over interested in the subject,” he said. “It is great to have a local man coming up with not just a strange story but some great images.” Mr Harding said: “I take millions of images, I’m a technological person and I know all the issues you get with lens. “I have got no explanation for it.” KENS NOTE: Digital cameras can see what our eyes cannot see. I personally receive many lens flair photos every day because people thing they have captured a UFO. Lens flair usually happens when someone takes a photo into or near the sun. The incoming light bounces off the lens and creates this effect. This is not the case in many instances though. Debunkers use this excuse for strange objects in peoples photos. Not all strange images on a photo is lens flair. Below is an easy explanation. Cameras can see many things that the human eye cannot. It doesn’t mean that because this is so, it is automatically paranormal. The word paranormal though at the same time means “above the normal” which is something we have yet to completely understand.Thermal Imaging Cameras are used to help provide evidence of the paranormal field by detecting energy (heat) which the human eye may not be able to see. Another theory of spirits is that since they may contain energy that they will in return have heat. Cold spots is another theory that suggests that these spirits absorb energy around them to manifest themselves which in turn they create a cold spot. Infrared Cameras are used in ghost hunting to view spirits that sometimes cannot be seen with the human eye. The theory is that spirits are more easier seen through IR light rather then UV light. Another theory states that spirits move more quickly through our dimension and because of this a high speed object would be easier to film using a high frequency short wave source and that composition of spirits may be more sensitive to reflecting IR light. Full Spectrum Camera is a device used to pick up visible and near infrared light. This device can pick up non-visible ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) radiation. Once the camera is sensitive to the full-spectrum, external filters can be used to selectively filter portions of the UV, visible and infrared to achieve various effects. These cameras are used in Ghost Hunting, photography, archeological findings and even with the police to help find forensic evidence. Digital Cameras can be a very useful device which is not costly and you get instant satisfaction unlike with a film camera where you must wait to get it developed. Digital cameras have been known to pick up ghosts and spirits which are sometimes not seen with the human eye and sometimes they are. There are many digital cameras to choose from these days at all price ranges. 35mm Film Cameras can be useful in filming spirits since some theories suggest that because this method involves using a chemical process to create the pictures it may provide better results which you may not get by using a digital camera and that using black and white film you may see images that may not show up on the most expensive digital cameras. .. KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWS WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORG WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORG THANKS TO WWW.UFOCASEBOOK.COM
Date of sighting: April 18, 2015 Location of sighting: Westin Building, Virginia Beach, USA
The building is actually the Westin Hotel in Virgina and is 38 floors high. This UFO is like many of the glowing UFOs seen around the world. They have a white glow, round. For example, the Dome of Rock UFO back in 2011. Great catch and nice someone stopped to record it for us. SCW
Eyewitness states: This UFO was seen around 12am on April 18th 2015, above the Westin building in Va Beach. Did anyone else see this object? Is this a UFO? Or maybe a drone? Any ideas on what this could be?
The Cabulco volcano in Chile has erupted briefly for the first time in more than 40 years, leading to the evacuation of more than two-thousand residents. Local reports say people are rushing to fill up gas tanks and buy food.
Calbuco is a stratovolcano in southern Chile, located southeast of Llanquihue Lake and northwest of Chapo Lake, in the Los Lagos Region. The volcano and the surrounding area are protected within Llanquihue National Reserve.
It is known that UFOs have been reported near volcanoes in recent years, especially near active volcanoes.
The following videos show once again that UFOs are interested in active volcanoes. During the eruption of the Calbuco volcano a formation of UFOs/Orbs was captured on video going into the plume. In the next video Dabh00777 shows the moment the UFOs/Orbs fly into the ash cloud.
You can catch the UFO/Orb Objects at the 11 second Mark of the original video below.
The witness first saw the sphere-shaped object just before 9 p.m. on April 15, 2015. Pictured: Indio, CA. (Credit: Google)
A California witness at Indio reported watching a yellow-white sphere that increased and decreased in size by 50 percent before ascending straight up into the night sky, according to testimony in Case 64711 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was in his backyard with the family dog about 8:53 p.m. on April 15, 2015, when the object was first seen.
“At approximately 82 degrees north I saw movement of a yellow-white object with movement in a southward direction,” the witness stated. “The object was 10 degrees off of true north to the west.”
The witness described the object’s movements.
“The object then stopped and blossomed by 50 percent or greater with color changes to greenish-yellow for about one to two seconds. The object then diminished to its original size in the stationary location about 87/88 degrees north.”
The object appeared to increase in size by about 50 percent and then decrease in size by 50 percent. Pictured: Indio, CA. (Credit: Google)
And then the witness watched the object move away.
“The object then ascended straight upward until it could no longer be seen by the naked eye. It almost reminded me of seeing something powering up and then immediately ascending upon the completion of doing so. This observation lasted 5 to 6 seconds, yet was definitely an unusual activity over all.”
The witness has lived in the area for years and frequently sky watches.
“I scan the night sky as I have for many years and am very familiar with the general location of stars and visible planets as I have lived in the Coachella Valley since 1974. This object had immediately captured my attention. I was astonished by the brief yet captivating event. I am a trained and retired Investigator and this observation was out of the ordinary altogether. To say I was excited would be mildly explanatory at the least.”
The witness could not identify the object.
“This object was not a general aircraft or a meteor. We have three airports within a 20- mile radius and I am very familiar with air-flight within the region. I have on two occasions spent time in Sedona, Arizona, observing the night skies with Cat III night vision equipment. I have observed what I believe to be IGC (Intelligently Guided Craft) and the sighting on April 15, 2015, was very similar in the manner of previous observations of objects blossoming and moving in very similar fashion as I have observed in the past. I am even tempered, sober and feel compelled to report this observation. This definitely was impactful to myself as I believe this observation was extraordinary in time, location and observable activity.”
Indio is a city in Riverside County, California, population 76,036.
The object appeared to hover in place before shooting off into the night sky. Pictured: Indio, CA. (Credit: Google)
California is currently a UFO Alert Level 5 – with 1.60 sightings per million population based on MUFON February 2015 statistics. California received a total of 61 UFO reports in March.
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Roswell op herhaling – Ufo crasht bij Siberisch plaatsje, overheid rept over een gasballon explosie
Roswell op herhaling – Ufo crasht bij Siberisch plaatsje, overheid rept over een gasballon explosie
Vorige week, stortte een ongeïdentificeerd vliegend object neer in de buurt van de Siberische stad Chita. De Russische regering Treedde naar buiten en beweerde dat het voorval werd veroorzaakt door “een gasballon explosie.” Klinkt dat bekend?
Inwoners van het Oegandese dorp in het zuidoosten van Siberië werden afgelopen donderdag opgeschrikt door een luide explosie. “Ik hoorde een explosie en zag een enorme pillaar van zwarte rook rond 11 of 12 uur,” vertelde Vladimir Milovanovic tegen lokale verslaggevers.
Er waren geen gewonden, maar een nabijgelegen gebouw werd beschadigd. Het onbekende vallend voorwerp liet een rokende krater achter in het gebied waar het neerstortte. Aan de hand van de omvang van de krater en het wrak wordt gestelt dat het object ongeveer drie meter in diameter meet.
De lokale politie arriveerde op de scène, verzamelde de metaalresten en stuurde hen op voor testen. Het object kon niet worden geïdentificeerd. Het lijkt niet op iets. Een van de theorieën is een gasballon explosie, “aldus een woordvoerder van het Russische ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken.
Dit evenement is niet de eerste in zijn soort. In 2009, waren veel bewoners getuige van een reusachtige UFO die zich met hoge snelheid in de lucht verplaatste boven Chita. Tegelijkertijd werd het incident uitgebreid belicht in de Russische media.
Is er een verband tussen de 2009 waarneming en de 2015 crash? Alleen de Russische autoriteiten weten het…
2 Large UFO Orbs Seen Near Calbuco Volcano During Eruption In Chile'.
2 Large UFO Orbs Seen Near Calbuco Volcano During Eruption In Chile'.
Chile's Calbuco volcano erupted for the first time in over 42 years on Wednesday, creating a remarkable scene of smoke plumes and ash shooting into the sky. A second eruption Wednesday night blasted red-hot rocks skyward and produced an extraordinary display of volcanic lightning.
The eruption forced authorities to evacuate 1,500 residents of Ensenada, a nearby town, as well as two smaller communities.
A high alert was issued by the National Mining and Geology Service, preventing access to the area around the volcano. Calbuco is also near the cities of Puerto Varas and Puerto Montt, some 600 miles south of the Chilean capital, Santiago.
Parts of Argentina reported heavy ash falling after the eruption.
24-04-2015 om 00:26
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43 Dinosaur Eggs Discovered in China by Construction workers
43 Dinosaur Eggs Discovered in China by Construction workers
April 23, 2015- The Chinese city that holds the world record for largest number of dinosaur eggs has added to its collection after dozens more were unearthed at a construction site.
A nest containing 43 dinosaur egg fossils was found in the city of Heyuan in southern China’s Guangdong province, China’s state news agency Xinhua said.
Nineteen of the eggs are intact but what dinosaur they are from remains a mystery, Du Yanli, curator of the city’s dinosaur museum said on Monday.
“These eggs are large in size, and one even has a diameter of 13cm,” Du said.
All the eggs, which were found Sunday, have been sent to the museum for further preservation and research.
Nearly 17,000 dinosaur eggs have been found in Heyuan since 1996, when a group of children playing at a building site first came across some fossils.
The museum has been recognised by the Guinness Book of World Records for its collection of 10,008 dinosaur egg fossils, the largest in the world.
All of the eggs come from the late Cretaceous period (89-65 million years ago), according to the Guinness website. They include eggs from oviraptorid and duck-billed dinosaurs.
Antediluvian civilizations: numerus submerged ancient cities worldwide
Antediluvian civilizations: numerus submerged ancient cities worldwide
April 23, 2015 - Even though most scientists will deny it, among the scientific community there has always been that slight possibility pointing towards the existence of the so-called antediluvian civilizations that were destroyed 11,500 years ago due to the sudden and extreme rise in Earths sea levels.
Numerous ancient cities have been discovered in the recent years pointing toward a strong possibility of the existence of ancient civilizations and cities like Atlantis.
Worldwide cultures have left written texts that speak of great floods, some of them are the following: Atrahasis (Sumerian myth), the epic of Gilgamesh (Babylonian legend), the Bible (the Hebrews), Shujing (classical Chinese history ), Matsya Purana and Shatapatha Brahmin (Hindu sacred texts dating from the first millennium BC), Plato’s Timaeus and Crizia (Greece) and the Popul Vuh (the Maya civilization), among others.
Bimini underwater street
One of the first cities to be found under the sea was actually discovered in the vicinity of the island of Bimini in the Bahamas. While swimming, in September 1968, Dr. Valentine suddenly saw what he believed was a paved street with huge blocks of rectangular and polygonal shaped stones under water. The stones that make up the construction have lengths up to five meters and are “perfectly” sculpted. Strangely, the underwater stones bare a mysteriously close similarity with the stones found at Sacsayhuaman, the imposing ancient structure located a few kilometers from Cusco, at 3300 meters above the sea level. According to Dr. Valentine and other researchers like underwater archaeologist Robert Marx, believe these underwater structures are clearly artificial and they believe they have originated in the glacial era.
Mysterious submerged streets of the coast of Florida.
In 1969, the crew of the US submarine Aluminaut found another incredible discovery in the vicinity of the coast of Florida. According to reports, they had found the remains of an underwater city 900 meters below the surface. Among mysterious structures, they believe they found a gigantic “avenue” of 20 kilometers in length. According to the crew, traces of aluminum, silicon and magnesium oxide were found.
The submerged monuments of Yonaguni.
One of the most incredible discoveries of underwater structures was made in 1987 in the vicinity of the Yonaguni Island. The oldest of the Ryu Kiu islands in Japan. The Yonaguni monument is a megalithic formation found 40 meters below the surface, that, according to numerous researchers, points towards the existence of and ancient civilization that inhabited the area.
Masaaki Kimura, a marine geologist at the University of Ryu Kyu, has studied the underwater structures for 15 years. According to Kimura these underwater structures are the remains of a 5,000 year old city.
According to the underwater archaeologist Sean Kingsley, the submerged city of Yonaguni would correspond to a pre-Flood era city, when glaciers covered much of the northern hemisphere and the sea level was lower than today.
The submerged city of Khambhat
In 2000, researchers discovered, off the coast of Gujarat in India, mysterious structures that pointed toward the existence of an ancient city on the seabed. In 2001, the discovery was confirmed by the Minister for Science and Technology Murli Manohar Joshi when he officially admitted that it was an underwater city that was destroyed by the great flood. In the same year, the remains of wood and pottery were found in the vicinity of the archaeological site. These findings were carbon-dated. According to the tests, researchers believe the these mysterious underwater ruins are between 13,000 to 31,300 years old. The underwater city of Khambhat is believed to be the oldest underwater city found to date.
The mega city found in the Caribbean
Researchers were performing underwater explorations in the Caribbean Sea, off the coast of Cuba with the help of a robotic submarine in May 2001. What they found at a depth of 600 meters was anything but what they expected to find. An area of over 20 square kilometers covered in structures, pyramids and other manmade buildings. It’s a gigantic underwater complex that according to mainstream archaeology and researchers, does not exist. According to geologist ManuelIturralde, who participated in the research, it is possible that the submerged ruins found belonged to an antediluvian civilization, dating back to 10.000 BC. Images of the ocean floor confirmed the existence of gigantic granite blocks, circular and perpendicular formations. This discovery has led to several theories that propose that theYucatan peninsula was once connected with Cuba with a narrow earth bridge. Researchers from Mexico believe that these underwater remains could be attributed to an ancient civilization like the one that built ancient Teotihuacan.
Is NASA hiding a Dark Secret about why we never returned to the Moon?
Is NASA hiding a Dark Secret about why we never returned to the Moon?
April 23, 2015 - Is there an “Alien Base” on the Dark Side of the Moon?
Have you ever wondered why we haven’t returned to the moon? The truth is, NASA is hiding a very dark secret from us. More and more people are coming forward with stories that might prove this is true. Rumors say that there is an Alien Moon Base on the far side of the moon, the side we never see from Earth.
Did you ever wonder why the Moon landings stopped and why we have not tried to build a Moon Base? It does seem like a better and easier idea than a floating space station with no access to any raw materials or supplies? According to the NASA Astronaut Neil Armstrong the aliens have a base on the Moon and told us in no uncertain terms to get off and stay off the Moon!
Sound far fetched? Milton Cooper, a Naval Intelligence Officer tells us that not only does the Alien Moon Base exist but the U.S. Naval Intelligence Community refers to the Alien Moon Base as “Luna,” that there is a huge mining operation going on there, and that is where the aliens keep their huge mother ships while the trips to Earth are made in smaller “flying saucers”.
LUNA: The Alien base on the far side of the Moon. It was seen and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft described in sighting reports as mother ships exist there. -Milton Cooper
On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys talk with Betty Andreasson and Bob Luca. Betty Andreasson was born Betty Aho in January 07, 1937 to parents Waino and Eva Aho. Betty attended school in Westminster and Gardner MA. As a youngster Betty was always interested in art and became a talented self taught artist in adulthood. She married her first husband James Andreasson in 1954 and they went on to have seven children. Ultimately there were problems in the marriage and after a long separation they divorced in 1977. Later in 1977 Betty met her husband Bob Luca and they were married in 1978. Betty is well known for her UFO experiences which have been written about in five books by author Raymond E. Fowler.
Betty has been featured on numerous TV and Radio shows as well as newspaper and magazine articles. She has traveled the Country lecturing about her experiences and has found that meeting so many people from all over the Country, many which had experienced the UFO phenomena in one form or another as well, was in itself a rewarding experience. For a number of years Betty and Bob were unsettled and changed residences several times while living in CT and finally moving to VA in 1995. After living in VA for approximately five years they moved to West Palm Beach FL. where they enjoyed the warm winters and total lack of snow.
Bob Luca was born on March 27, 1939 in Meriden, CT to parents Anthony and Anne Luca. Bob attended grade school and high school in Meriden and graduated in 1957. His main interests while growing up were always how mechanical and electrical things worked. Post high school, Bob worked as a mechanic. He met Betty and they married in 1978 in Meriden, CT. Bob and Betty have both had abduction experiences separately and together as well.
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New Mysterious Nazca Lines Discovered in Peru
New Mysterious Nazca Lines Discovered in Peru
April 22, 2015 - New geoglyphs that had never been seen before were found in the Nazca desert. The discovery was made by pilot and researcher Eduardo Herrán Gómez de la Torre, who was flying over the hills of the El Ingenio Valley and Pampas de Jumana in the Nazca desert after a recent sandstorm uncovered them in July.
The largest geoglyph, which is about 200 feet (60 meters) long, seems to have a shape of a snake, while the others depict a bird, something that looks like a llama, and zig-zags.
Researchers believe that the newfound geoglyphs were created during the period between the Paracas and Nazca civilizations, which is still to be confirmed, writes the Peruvian newspaper El Comerico.
The so-called Nazca Lines, or the geoglyphs carved into the Peruvian desert, still remain a mystery. The original ones were discovered in 1935, and it was established that they had been carved between 2,000 and 1,500 years ago.
The enigmatic lines cover a 450-kilometer-square area in the Peruvian desert and depict animals, fictional beings, plants, and geometric shapes.
Researchers believe that the lines were created by removing the fragments of rocks coated with iron-oxide and revealing the lighter sand below, which emphasized their contrast to the rest of the area. There are also huge geoglyphs in Egypt, Malta, United States (Mississippi and California), Chile, Bolivia and in other countries.
There are plenty of theories about their possible origin, but no one has managed to find out by whom and for what purpose they were built.
Some versions suggest that the Nazca lines are a landing strip for alien visitors, others claim that they were a celestial calendar created by the ancient Nazca civilization and were used for rituals, which could also be confirmed by the fact that the lines were built between 200 BC and 600 AD.
However, it is still unclear which explanation is true. To keep your mind open and learn about the alternative versions of the origin and purpose of Nazca lines, we suggest watching the videos below.
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The Dogon Tribe of Africa and Their Extraterrestrial History
The Dogon Tribe of Africa and Their Extraterrestrial History
April 22, 2015 - One the most amazing sources of evidence of our ancestors coming from the stars is the history of the Dogon Tribe of Africa. There are between 400,000 and 800,000 Dogon in a remote civilization in the central plateau region of Mali in Africa.
The Dogon culture is known for its detailed, meaningful art and tribal customs, but the Dogon are mostly known for their ancient, accurate cosmology and the legends of their ancestors from Sirius.
The Importance of the Dogon hit the western world in 1930 when French anthropologists first heard legends from the Dogon priests. The legends were passed down through many generations and documented through artwork.
The Dogon spoke of an extraterrestrial species from the Sirius Star System, referred to as the Nommos, who visited them on earth. The Nommos were an aquatic race of humanoid creatures, similar to mermaids. This was amazing to hear because the god, Isis, of Babylon is depicted as a mermaid and associated with Sirius.
The Dogon say that the Nommos descended to earth from the heavens in a great boat, accompanied with extreme wind and loud noise.
The Dogon explained that the Sirius system had a companion star, but it cannot be seen from earth due to the brightness of Sirius A. Researchers have found Dogon artifacts dating back over 400 years depicting orbits of these stars.
Years later, in 1970, astronomers finally had good enough telescopes to zoom in on Sirius and they photographed Sirius B. The Dogon were right!
They also identified the moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn without the use of a telescope. How could they knowthis?
Being only 8 light years away, Sirius A is the brightest Star in the Earth sky. Sirius B is an extremely heavy, dense and tiny white dwarf star, smaller than the earth, but weighing 8X more than our Sun. It is gravitationally bound to Sirius A and part of the same solar system.
White dwarfs form when a star runs out of fuel. They begin to collapse on themselves, not being large enough to supernova.
Going back for hundreds of years ever since the Nommos came to visit the Dogon, they have held a ceremony every 50 years to celebrate the orbit of Sirius A and Sirius B. Astronomers later confirmed their orbit to be almost exactly 50 years!
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The 223 Ancient Nubian Pyramids
The 223 Ancient Nubian Pyramids
April 22, 2015 - It is hard to keep up with the neighbors, especially if your neighbor is Egypt. Hence, whereas Egypt typifies pyramids, the Nubian pyramids, south of Egypt’s border, are often seen as the Nubians trying to keep up with the Egyptians, but utterly failing to do so.
Still, there are 223 pyramids in ancient Nubia, roughly double the amount of pyramids in Egypt.
However, they are small in size; skeptics could argue it is quantity, rather than quality. Nevertheless, the 20th century British writer Basil Davidson described Meroë, one location in which a huge concentration of Nubian pyramids is located, as one of the largest archaeological sites in the world.
Unfortunately, all the tombs at Meroë have been plundered, most infamously by Italian explorer Giuseppe Ferlini (1800-1870) who smashed the tops off 40 pyramids in a quest for treasure in 1834.
Ferlini tried to sell the treasure of Queen Amanishakheto’s pyramid (involving exquisite gold amulets, signet rings and necklaces) when he returned to Europe. Collectors did not believe that such a treasure could come from black Africa; they thought he was trying to pass off fakes.
Indeed, they were jewels of great quality and beauty and often influenced by Greek art; customers didn't expect to find deep in the heart of Africa depictions resembling those of Egyptian or classical Greek art.
Still, Ferlini found only one cache of gold and it is unsurprising that he is not too fondly remembered in Sudan today.
There were three Kushite kingdoms:
the first had Kerma as capital and existed from 2400 to 1500 BC
the second centered on Napata (1000–300 BC)
the third was that of Meroë (300 BC–300 AD)
Originally influenced by their northern neighbors, eventually, the Nubians were even able to invade, conquer and unify Egypt, when the king of Napata ruled as a Pharaoh of the 25th Dynasty, a rule that ended with the Assyrian conquest in 656 BC.
Though the Nubian kingdoms must have been aware of the pyramids that lined the Nile valley further north, it was only during their domination of Egypt that the royal sites of Napata and its successor Meroë became associated with any pyramidal activity in Nubia itself. That the Nubian kings definitely saw the Egyptian monuments is known from an account of Pharaoh Piye.
After taking control of most of Egypt, Piye set out for Heliopolis to worship the sun god and celebrate his coronation as king of Egypt, before returning to Napata.
The first series of Nubian pyramids were built at the site of el-Kurru and included the tombs of King Kashta and his son Piye (Piankhi), together with Piye’s successors Shabaka, Shabataka and Tanwetamani, and 14 queens’ pyramids.
The Napatan pyramids were sited at Nuri, on the west bank of the Nile in Upper Nubia. This necropolis was the burial place of 21 kings and 52 queens and princes. The oldest and largest pyramid at Nuri is that of the Napatan king and 25th Dynasty Pharaoh Taharqa.
But the most extensive and best known Nubian pyramid site is at Meroë, which is located between the fifth and sixth cataracts of the Nile, approximately 100 kilometers north of Khartoum, the modern capital of Sudan. During the Meroitic period, over forty kings and queens were buried in that pyramid field.
The Nubian pyramids differ from the Egyptian edifices: they are built of stepped courses of horizontally positioned stone blocks and range from approximately six to thirty meters in height; they are, to all intents and purposes, rather unimpressive.
What makes them impressive is the sheer quantity of them that was cramped in a small area.
What makes them a sad archaeological site is that all were plundered in ancient times, but wall reliefs preserved in the tomb chapels reveal that their royal occupants were mummified, covered with jewellery and laid to rest in wooden mummy cases, revealing that these Nubian pyramids definitely seem to have been tombs.
El-Kurru, about 13 km south from Gebel Barkal, was excavated by G. Reisner in 1918-19. The site includes, as mentioned, the pyramid of Piankhi, which has a base length of about eight meters and a slope of probably about 68 degrees – much steeper than the 51 degrees of the Great Pyramid – though eight meters is, of course, miniscule compared to the floor plan of the Great Pyramid.
It was the largest pyramid ever built at Nuri, and is unique among the Nubian pyramids in having been built in two stages. The first pyramid was encased in smooth sandstone.
Drawings and written reports of the early 19th century reveal the truncated top of the inner pyramid projecting from the top of the decaying outer pyramid.
The outer pyramid was the first of a type with stepped courses and planed corners. It had a sloped angle of about 69 degrees. An enclosure wall tightly encircled the pyramid, but Reisner was not able to unearth any traces of a chapel.
Inside, Reisner found a stairway of 19 steps that opened to the east and that led to the burial chamber. Piankhi’s body had been placed on a bed that rested in the middle of the chamber on a stone bench.
The bench’s four corners had been cut away to receive the legs of the bed, so that the bed platform lay directly on the bench.
This is conclusive proof that these pyramids were tombs, but it is in the pyramid of Nuri that is the most elaborate structure.
King Taharqa was the first to build in this location and his pyramid is, by Nubian standards, impressive: 51.75 meters square and between 40 to 50 meters high.
The entrance was by an eastern stairway trench, north of the pyramid’s central axis, reflecting the alignment of the original smaller pyramid.
Three steps led to a doorway, with a molded frame, which opened to a tunnel, widened and heightened into an antechamber that had a barrel-vaulted ceiling.
Six massive pillars carved from the natural rock divided the burial chamber into two side aisles and a central nave, each with a barrel-vaulted ceiling. The entire chamber was surrounded by a moat-like corridor, with steps leading down from in front of the antechamber doorway.
The Nuri pyramids were generally much larger than those at el-Kurru, reaching heights of twenty to thirty meters. The last king to be buried at Nuri died in about 308 BC, before construction began in Meroë.
It remained the royal cemetery for 600 years, until 350 AD. As at Nuri, the pyramids were stepped and built on a plinth, but now each triangular face was framed by smooth bands of raised masonry along the wedges, where the sides met.
The Nubian Pyramid Age is far more recent than the Egyptian exercise. And that is what makes the endeavor intriguing.
But, perhaps unlike Egypt, it was also directly linked with the Nubian economy. As Roman wealth declined, there was less demand for Meroë's luxury goods.
At the same time, Meroë's Red Sea trade to the Indian Ocean was lost to her better placed neighbor, the Ethiopian kingdom of Aksum.
In about 350 AD, the army of the Aksumite King Ezana invaded the island of Meroë. By then the capital had already been abandoned and the region was in the hands of a people whom the Aksumites referred to as the Noba.
As such, in 350 AD, the Pyramid Age along the Nile truly ended. The pyramid adventure of the Nubian kings seems to have been a method to integrate their nation with the Egyptians, who themselves had, by 600 BC, long abandoned pyramid building.
The Nubian pyramids were clearly tombs, but is that all they were? The answer is no.
The pyramids were, as in Egypt, just one aspect of a larger whole, in which the Nubian kings apparently rekindled ancient Egypt’s flame.
The key seems to have been – once again – the involvement of the Heliopolitan priests, the men that have been commonly identified as those behind the original Pyramid Age.
In a generalized way, we could state that pyramid building was a particular preoccupation of the Heliopolitan priesthood; temples were the main bailiwick of the Amunite priesthood, who had risen to the forefront of Ancient Egypt during the Middle and New Kingdom, when the capital had moved to Thebes/ Luxor.
It seems that with the Nubian invasion – which had largely only been possible because of the demise in power of Thebes/ Luxor – the Heliopolitan priesthood was once again on the rise.
Excavations at many Napatan sanctuaries, especially at Gebel Barkal, have revealed that the temples were generally built directly over the foundations of ruined New Kingdom (read: Amunite) temples.
About 1450 BCE, the Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III had extended his conquests to Gebel Barkal and established it as the southern border of his empire.
The city he founded there was called Napata. The Egyptians remained only about 300 years.
The temple at Gebel Barkal was first excavated between February and April 1916 by George Reisner and his Boston team and again between March and April 1987 by the new Boston team led by Timothy Kendall. In 1989 Kendall and his staff resurveyed the monument.
Their conclusion was that the Napatan rulers deliberately restored religious sites that had been abandoned by the Egyptian pharaohs when they evacuated Nubia some three centuries before.
The Nubian kings used “Amunite temples”, but converted them to Heliopolitan sun worship. But they did not totally abandon the Amunite beliefs; after all, these Nubian temples had been built according to strict Amunite guidelines, and therefore would include features specific to that cult.
By restoring the old Egyptian cult places, especially Gebel Barkal, the Nubian kings were able to present themselves both within Nubia and especially at Thebes as the true successors of the pharaohs of the New Kingdom and the direct heirs to their throne.
Taharqa was not only the one who created the most elaborate pyramid, he also transformed the Barkal site into the stage for the celebration of past, present and eternal monarchy, and the perpetual recreation of the world.
Why here?
Due to the reverse direction of the Nile at this location, Taharqa’s tomb, though still on the “west” bank, paradoxically lay to the east, the place of sunrise and rebirth. Gebel Barkal, on the “east” bank, lay paradoxically to the west, the place of sunset and death.
An important question to be posed is why the pyramid field lay around Gebel Barkal. The first explanation is economic, since the site was seen as an ideal crossing point for the Nile, as well as a crossing point for the caravans crossing the desert from Kawa to Meroë.
The second explanation is religious. The sacred mountain Barkal (Barkal is Arabic, meaning both "holy" and "pure") measures 74 meters, is made from sandstone and has a flat top. Seen from the west, it looks like the royal Egyptian ureaus, topped by the white crown.
For the ancient Egyptians, the site must have been considered as the Creator God himself having sculpted the mountain, indicating it should become a royal, sacred location. From the east, it looks like the serpent with the sun disc on its top.
The interplay of the tomb and the mountain thus symbolized creation, death and rebirth simultaneously and Gebel Barkal, under Taharqa, was designed to be the ultimate and permanent centre of kingship in the Nile Valley.
It was to be the eternal link between the creator god Atum-Ra and Mankind, and between the eternal king and the living king.
We therefore find that in Nubia, the pyramid and the sites on which they were built contained far more symbolism than merely a funerary aspect – the sites were directly linked with kingship.
And, as such, they conform to “the Pyramid Template”.
Last Friday, Dan Aykroyd appeared on the third episode of The Huffington Post’s new The HuffPost Show, and among other topics, shared his views on the U.S. Air Force’s UFO cover-up and some details about his own UFO sightings.
The HuffPost Show is hosted by founding editor of The Huffington Post Roy Sekoff and former professor and veteran HuffPost Live host Marc Lamont Hill. The show is a new weekly news magazine style show, and the third episode, featuring a long interview with Aykroyd (the interview can be seen here), was aired online on Friday.
The conversation turned to UFOs when Hill asked, “I said if I am ever going to meet Dan Aykroyd I am going to ask him about this. You believe in UFOs. Is that right?”
There was a slight hesitation by Aykroyd, and a few giggles from off camera, but Aykroyd headed straight into his answer.
Aykroyd told Hill, “I do. I have seen four, and I can’t say that they are alien craft and neither can the Air Force. The Air Force has been very interested in this. They don’t deny the existence of these hyperdynamic, super aerodynamic craft. They don’t deny.”
Although Aykroyd says the Air Force does not deny the existence of alien spacecraft, he explains why he thinks there is a cover-up of that information.
Aykroyd continued, “Their anguish comes in that they can’t tell you. They want to tell you anything but that they are extraterrestrial. Any excuse at all, even if they are unknown or unsolved. The Air Force cannot just come out and admit that there are extraterrestrial beings far in advanced of our culture that have built these machines.”
Dan Aykroyd talks about UFOs and cover-ups on The Huffington Post’s The HuffPost Show. A bottle of his Crystal Head Vodka can be seen on the coffee table. (Credit: The Huffington Post)
Aykroyd also says he thinks that although there is a cover-up, the Air Force really doesn’t know much more than the rest of us. He says, “They are very interested in what is going on, but like us, they don’t know.”
Hill then asked Aykroyd if he was willing to share more information about the UFOs he had seen.
“Two specifically were definitely aerial constructs of some kind,” Aykroyd explained. “One of them with a light, and one of them dull gray, and they were structures – one of them going very slow, one of them hovering over me.”
As for the other two, Aykroyd continued, “Then there were the two that my wife and friends and I saw – a high altitude sighting many years ago in Martha’s vineyard. Two flying side by side. They were at about 100,000 feet up, and they were going fast.”
Aykroyd then went on to share the account of one of his drivers. He says the driver used to be a cook at the Air Force’s Strategic Air Command. The driver says one day a bunch of guys were gathered around a radar screen watching an object that was traveling at 70,000 miles per hour and performing “whip turns.”
“I believe that there are probably many species coming and going and that the Air Force is very interested, but they can’t come out and say,” says Aykroyd. “Because then you’re going to go, ‘well wait a minute, the parish priest, the cop on the street, the President — you don’t got the power. They’ve got the power!’”
If that were to happen, Aykroyd says there may be a “complete breakdown of society.”
Aykroyd also recommended a book about UFOs and the CIA and FBI by Dr. Bruce Maccabee. The book is titled, The FBI-CIA-UFO Connection: The Hidden UFO Activities of USA Intelligence Agencies, and it reviews documents that Maccabee received via the Freedom of Information Act. Maccabee, a physicist, spent thirty-six years at the Naval Surface Warfare Center.
Maccabee’s book came out in September, 2014, and on March 27, 2015, Aykroyd posted about the book on his Facebook account. He wrote:
March 27…Ex-Naval Surface Warfare employee and physicist Dr. Bruce Maccabee has assembled the most extensively and meticulously researched body of documentary evidence ever compiled on the U.S. government’s genuine interest in the UFO phenomena. The USAF has NEVER denied the existence of these super-performance aerodynamic vehicles. The Air Force’s continued anguish over PUBLIC disclosure is not due to the military’s genuinely admitted reality of these machines’ existence but due to the government’s struggle to categorize the phenomena as being ANYTHING but extra planetary in origin
Go to to purchase Bruce Maccabee’s new book: “The FBI-CIA-UFO Connection: The Hidden UFO Activities of USA Intelligence Agencies
Maccabee, of course, was very happy with Aykroyd’s plug on Facebook and on The HuffPost Show. On Monday, Maccabee posted on his Facebook: “Thanks to the endorsement by Aykroyd, the publicizing efforts of my wife, Jan, and AOL’s mention of Aykroyd’s sightings, the FBI-CIA-UFO book is, at 9 – 10 PM Monday, the #1 best selling UFO book in several of Amazon’s categories.”
At the end of the interview Aykroyd pointed out that 50% of the public believes in UFOs, and that he believes because he “witnessed four really unexplained craft.”
There was some applause off camera, and Sekoff pointed out a guy who appeared to agree with Aykroyd. Aykroyd replied, “maybe he saw something. Maybe.”
Aykroyd can be seen talking about his UFO beliefs for two hours straight on a video titled Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs. was also able to catch up with Aykroyd a few years in Scottsdale, Arizona at a BevMo liquor store where he was promoting his Crystal Head Vodka. A topic that was also discussed on The HuffPost Show. A bottle of his vodka can be seen on the coffee table on the set.
Hundreds of African villagers claimed to have seen a floating inter dimensional city.
The incredible event took place in a local border village called Dulali, in Lanzai South Ward, Darazo, Local Government of Bauchi State, Nigeria.
According to reports, Saidu Meshai Dulali, a village tea brewer, had “just finished his morning prayer at the local Mosque and was stoking up the stove for his day’s work.”
When suddenly, Saidu became aware of a pervading extremely bright light enveloping the atmosphere, followed by a sudden realisation that the heavens were falling on the village. As he looked up at the encroaching sky, he saw the most fascinating view of his forty years existence on planet earth. According to Saidu:
“There appeared a wide, large mass of something that looked like a cloud from nowhere and it was flying slowly over the village just at the height of an average tree.
“The cloud was transparent and I saw beautiful tall buildings inside it. It was like a flying city. And from it I could hear the sound of machines making noise just as you would hear at Ashaka cement factory.”
To be fair if Saidu had of been the only witness of this brilliant yet strange experience, it pretty much would have been impossible to take his personal testimony as fact. But it was then discovered after his statement that the ‘flying city’ was witnessed by almost all of the villagers in the local area at the time, in fact hundreds of them, the Chief Imam of the sole village Mosque inclusive. Children and adults all saw and corroborated the EXACT same story!!!
How many of you have at one time or another woken up unable to speak or move? If you have, you are not alone.
The classic definition for this phenomenon is called sleep paralysis. It may last a few seconds, several moments, or occasionally longer and usually occurs right before you are about to fall asleep or wake up. Many people report feeling a “presence” that is often described as malevolent, threatening or, evil, and usually experience a tremendous amount of terror.
The presence is usually seen, felt and even heard. People also report unique experiences like the sensation of floating or being outside the body. They believe the phenomenon to be an extremely spiritual one.
In the modern medical world, these experiences are defined as hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations (0), which is often the explanation when conventional modern views of spiritual experience is combined with medical ideas that label direct spiritual experiences as psycho-pathological. It is well understood that sleep paralysis coincides with physiological mechanisms in the brain. What is not well understood are the strange experiences individuals have when experiencing sleep paralysis. The discussion of spiritual experience as an explanation for a bizarre and complex phenomenon that little is known about has been suppressed thus discouraging discussion of it in modern society.(1)
Beginning in college and graduate school I was particularly interested in the beliefs of ordinary people, especially the ones that were treated as nonsense in the academic world. The academic world treats spiritual belief in general that way. I was interested in alternative medicine at the same time for the same reason. Right from the beginning I was convinced that ordinary people are smarter, are more sensible than they’re given credit for by scholars, and that traditions that are wide spread and deeply held probably have more rational basis, and more observation built into them than the theories that I was taught in graduate school. I couldn’t believe that all the beliefs of ordinary people that are not part of the academic worldview were nonsense.
I have the impression that the academic world might be a little to narrow, and that regular people might have something to offer about it (sleep paralysis) through their experience and what they believed about things. There are beliefs that are based on experience that have been dismissed as superstitious beliefs that bear much more investigation, these are experiences that are built into the spiritual traditions all over the world. In the modern western world, for at least the past one hundred years these phenomena have been explained on the basis of psychopathology. So the discovery that those experiences are common and that they occur among ‘normal’ people, that they are not in fact indicative of any type of disease has tremendous importance for medicine. This isn’t a new phenomenon, we erased the knowledge of these experiences from the cultural repertoire – Dr David J Hufford, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus, Penn State Medical School (1)
Right from the get go, almost all scientific approaches to the phenomenon of sleep paralysis assume that the experiences that stem from it are hallucinations. Rather than coming from the standpoint of complete neutrality, most studies completely shut out the idea of any reality behind ‘hallucinations.’ Just because there are measured biological and chemical activities during the sleep paralysis phenomenon does not mean there is a causal relationship between the two. There are other things we must take into consideration and as quantum science is showing us, there are definitely worlds within our world that we are not able to perceive easily yet. There is definitely a non-physical aspect to science in general that we are just beginning to wake up to.
The day science begins to study non-physical phenomenon, it will make more progress than it made in all the previous centuries of its existence – Nikola Tesla
Spiritual Experience
Modern scholars have found spirit and spirituality hard to define, and as mentioned earlier usually places these topics within the circle of ridicule amongst the scientific community. Many reading this probably have a good idea of the terms that fit under the umbrella of “spirit” or “spiritual.” They involve out of body experiences, visits from entities not of this world, near death experiences, frequency, vibration and more.
It’s important to realize that many experiences people have within the “spiritual” realm occur when one is fully conscious, awake and alert and not during what sleep researchers call sleep paralysis. It’s quite possible that our level of scientific understanding is not advanced enough to explain certain phenomenon, so sometimes they are grouped into the category ofhallucinations when they are really phenomenon we do not understand and cannot yet explain in a scientific manner.
At the same time, some of the phenomenon described that arise from sleep paralysis could very well be hallucinations, although I don’t believe this to be the case. I am very open to the idea that what is experienced for some during ‘sleep paralysis’ is indeed intertwined with the true nature of reality we clearly do not yet fully understand. The point is we don’t yet know for sure, and for the scientific community to assume and label them as definite hallucinations and as a figment of the imagination is limiting.
Scientific evidence for out of body phenomenon isn’t prevalent, but it’s hard when most scientific phenomenon is suppressed. I’m referring to developments within the world that are classified for the sake of national security. Recent leaks from the NSA were responsible for the very first public disclosure of a black budget, and the Canadian government was recently outed for the muzzling of scientists(2). This coincides with the remote viewing experiments that involved the intelligence community and Stanford University, among others. (3)(4)(5)
It’s interesting that there is also science and official research behind these types of phenomenon that give further credibility to it. It is even more interesting that it is within the hands of the intelligence community, extremely classified and washed away in secrecy, just like the experiments conducted at Stanford University. Among the varied hallucinations associated with sleep paralysis, out of body experiences and vestibular motor sensations represent a distinct factor.(6) Remote viewing is the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometers away, this phenomenon has been proven time and time again, and shortly after its publication the program was instantly shut down by the department of defense.
We have many examples of phenomenon that would fit under the “spiritual” umbrella, and who are we to say that the experiences that occur within sleep paralysis are not indeed real phenomenon. Sometimes, ideas and concepts can be a threat to power, to control and to the overall perception humanity has of reality as a collective. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. If the planet changed the way it looked at this phenomenon, surely it would contribute in one of the biggest paradigm shifts the planet has ever seen, and this is exactly what is continuing to unfold on planet Earth today.
The ridicule of these phenomenon is a level of social control. Scholars, academics and elite intellectuals in general constantly describe these things as if not indicative of insanity, them being primitive, and being the product of a lack of education. These concepts in the realm of anthropology and history are taken to be are product of imagination – Dr David J Hufford (1)
My Experience With Sleep Paralysis
When I was a child, I remember having a number of lucid dreams. They seemed so real and I felt one hundred percent conscious during the experience. I was able to do whatever I desired whilst dreaming. My first experience with sleep paralysis didn’t occur until I was a little bit older. The very first time it happened I remember suddenly waking up from a loud bang, a bright flash of light (although my eyes were closed) and a loud ringing in my ears. I had the ability to open my eyes, but I couldn’t move my body. It’s almost as if my brain was awake but my body was still sleeping. I was terrified, and the reason I didn’t open my eyes is because I felt the presence of two beings on my left side, and two beings on my right side and I didn’t want to see. Whether they were there or not, I don’t know, whether I was dreaming or not, I don’t know.
Keep in mind that experiences like this occur when people are totally conscious, driving down the street, going about their everyday lives away from the time of sleep. Many people have totally consciousness experiences with phenomenon that seem to be beyond our understanding, they are not paralyzed and they are not asleep. I have also had totally conscious bizarre experiences away from sleep, that might contribute to my bias of my experiences within sleep paralysis being more than just hallucinations. This particular experience I had during sleep lasted approximately five minutes I would say, until I totally regained consciousness
Another time, again I woke up in the middle of the night. I could open my eyes and I was totally aware of my surroundings. I was on the road in a hotel room by myself, I could see the TV, I could see the lamp in the corner of the room as well as the chair. I could not turn my head but I could look around. Although my eyes felt heavy, I could indeed open them. I couldn’t move and was pretty scared, I remember thinking “not again, why is this happening to me.”
I saw a dark, shadowy figure come through the window, it seemed about 5 feet tall, I was on the left side of the bed and the window was in the right corner of the room. It came across the room, across the foot of my bed to the left side of my head. It put its mouth up to my ear and started to whisper rapidly. I could not understand what it was saying, but it was whispering extremely fast.
I had a few other experiences after that, and after I woke up from these experiences which were pretty scary, I started to desire more because I realized that although I couldn’t move, my consciousness was still there. I was still awake, alert and able to perceive the environment around me. The next time it happened, I assured myself that I would not react in fear, and that I would instead embrace the experience and try to “play” with it, explore and use this state of consciousness for further discovery about a potential world we are not able to experience, but are. The next time it happened, I reminded myself to stay calm, enjoy it and see what happens, this time I actually wanted to communicate with whatever I perceived to be there, or was there. When I did this, nothing presented itself. I still couldn’t move, but didn’t try to jolt myself out of it. I tried to float out of my body and was successful. I fully floated out of my body, but could only go so far, about one meter. I tried to go further but it was as if I was still attached to my body. This was a very cool experience, unfortunately after I decided to not react in fear, and play around the with experience, the experience stopped, and I never had it again.
These type of phenomenon are definitely intriguing, and nobody, including researchers within the scientific world should dismiss the experience one has while experiencing sleep paralysis as completely false. The scientific community should be comfortable in a place of neutrality, instead of characterizing a phenomenon as false without any evidence to suggest that be the case. They don’t have to ridicule it. I hope I’ve provided enough information within the article, as well as adequate sources for you to further your research if interested.
If you have experienced this phenomenon, I’d love for you to share your experiences within the comments section.
De dag dat honderden Afrikanen een 'zwevende stad' zagen
De dag dat honderden Afrikanen een ‘zwevende stad’ zagen
Op internet circuleert momenteel een bericht over een ‘zwevende stad’ die in maart 2011 boven Nigeria gezien zou zijn. Inwoners uit het dorp Dulali in de staat Bauchi zagen op een maandag een fel licht in de lucht, zo meldde de Nigeriaanse krant Peoples Daily destijds.
Eén van de dorpsbewoners zei: “Uit het niets verscheen een enorme massa die leek op een wolk. De massa vloog langzaam over het dorp. In de wolk, die doorzichtig was, zag ik prachtige hoge gebouwen, wegen en auto’s. Het was net een vliegende stad. Uit de wolk kwamen geluiden van machines.” De ‘zwevende stad’ is gezien door vrijwel alle dorpsbewoners, jong en oud, waaronder ook de imam van de enige moskee in het dorp.
Daad van God
Dauda Mohammed, een lokale boer, zei erg verrast te zijn door de verschijning, maar hij werd niet bang. Hij kon naar eigen zeggen de kleuren van de gebouwen onderscheiden in de wolk. Ibrahim, een jongen die destijds ongeveer 10 jaar oud was, zag de UFO door een boom gaan, maar vreemd genoeg werd de boom volgens hem niet omver geduwd.
De schrijvers van het stuk merken op dat sociaal-culturele factoren een enorme invloed hebben op dit fenomeen. Terwijl UFO’s in de westerse wereld vaak worden geassocieerd met angst en complottheorieën, waren de dorpsbewoners erg positief over de waarneming. Ze waren ervan overtuigd dat ze getuige waren geweest van een daad van God.
Op de vraag of het dorp een klacht heeft ingediend bij de autoriteiten over het vliegende object, antwoordde de imam dat ze daar niets in zagen omdat het object niemand heeft verwond en alle dorpsbewoners ervan overtuigd waren dat het een positief bezoek was.
De auteurs verwijzen naar de website, waar staat dat er onzichtbare wezens zijn op aarde. In de Koran staan ze bekend als djinn, bovennatuurlijke onzichtbare wezens die volgens islamitische overleveringen samen met mensen en engelen de drie levensvormen zijn met een bewustzijn gemaakt door Allah.
Een lokale bestuurder zei op de hoogte te zijn van het paranormale bezoek aan Dulali. Hij voegde toe dat er nog nooit eerder een dergelijk bovennatuurlijk fenomeen is waargenomen in het gebied. Hij wilde een onderzoek instellen, maar had het op het moment van de waarneming te druk met de bestrijding van gewapende overvallen op politiebureaus en banken.
Sommige mensen zien vaker UFO’s dan andere en er zijn eveneens bepaalde plekken op aarde waar met regelmaat onbekende vliegende objecten worden waargenomen.
Eén daarvan is de Zwitserse stad Biel/Bienne waar men zowel Frans als Duits spreekt.
Het schijnt dat er zich bij of onder die stad ergens een buitenaardse basis bevindt, aldus ufoloog Scott C. Waring.
De reden is dat er in de buurt op regelmatige basis UFO’s worden gezien, zoals de volgende.
Volgens Scott heeft de maker van onderstaande video’s bovenstaande UFO 49 keer vastgelegd op verschillende data, teruggaand tot 2012.
Volgens hem is het daarom zeker dat er zich ergens in de buurt een ondergrondse basis bevindt.
Wat locatie betreft zou het zeker kunnen want Biel/Bienne ligt aan de zuidvoet van het Juragebergte, wat geschikt zou zijn daarvoor.
Hier volgen enkele opnames die de man de afgelopen jaren van deze bijzondere UFO heeft gemaakt, te beginnen met een van meerdere exemplaren enkele dagen geleden.
Flower of Life Crop Circle April 2015 - Gloucestershire, UK.
Flower of Life Crop Circle April 2015 - Gloucestershire, UK.
A new crop circle discovered in Macmillian Way, Nr Tarlton, Gloucestershire, UK on April 19, 2015 symbolizes ‘The Flower of Life.’
The Flower of Life is the modern name given to a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles, that are arranged so that they form a flower-like pattern with a sixfold symmetry like a hexagon.
The Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt contains the oldest to date example. It is carved in granite and may possibly represent the Eye of Ra a symbol of the authority of the pharaoh. (See image above).
Pay attention to Nassim Haramein lecture about the flower of life:
It is considered by some to be a symbol of sacred geometry, said to contain ancient, religious value depicting the fundamental forms of space and time. In this sense, it is a visual expression of the connections life weaves through all sentient beings, believed to contain a type of Akashic Record of basic information of all living things.
23-04-2015 om 18:13
geschreven door peter
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Vietnam vet claims UFOs and US military were in contact during conflict...and STILL are
Vietnam vet claims UFOs and US military were in contact during conflict...and STILL are
A huge "mothership" George Filer claims to have photographed over Stonehenge
George Filer explains that he was a former Air Force Intelligence Officer required by US authorities to record sightings and information on UFO activity during the 1960s and 70s.
He is the latest in a number of ex-military and NASA veterans to come forward with stories of UFO and alien encounters.
Mr Filer claims while stationed in Vietnam during the War he had “top secret clearance” and gave daily reports to General George S Brown, the deputy commander for air operations during the conflict
Initially his reports consisted of strategic intelligence, but the retired officer claims it often resulted in him logging strange sightings of alien craft and contact between them and US troops and airplanes.
He told the Huffington Post: "The military was interested in UFOs because they had capabilities far above anything that we had, and they wanted to find out what the technology was and, frankly, who they belonged to.
“Frequently, the Vietcong or North Vietnamese would be attacking an outpost and I would explain that (to Brown), and we would have ground-air support, particularly at night where we’d go in there with these gun ships, and I would give briefings on all of that. Some of the time, there would be unidentified craft over the demilitarised zone.”
Mr Filer insists his experience and reports from other military personal went beyond just distant UFO sightings and there were unidentified craft "engaging" with US jets.
Major George Filer as young US Air Force pilot around time of first UFO sighting in Vietnam
The KB-50J fuel tanker aircraft George Filer III was flying in UK in 1962 when mothership seen
You’d have an aircraft flying along, doing around 500 knots and a UFO comes alongside and does some barrel rolls around the aircraft and then flies off at three times the speed of one of the fastest jets we have in the Air Force
George Fiver, former US intelligence officer based in Vietnam
He added: "You’d have an aircraft flying along, doing around 500 knots and a UFO comes alongside and does some barrel rolls around the aircraft and then flies off at three times the speed of one of the fastest jets we have in the Air Force. So, obviously, it has a technology far in advance of anything we have."
He claimed much of it was reported to him unofficially as someone expressing "too much interest" could have ruined their career.
Mr Filer claims the sightings continue today with veterans of the most recent war in Afghanistan also reporting sightings to him through his UFO research website.
He claims, in another reported 1968 Vietnam UFO encounter, an American patrol boat radioed in that they were being followed by “two glowing circular” UFOs as the boat made its way through the demilitarised zone between North and South Vietnam.
A second patrol boat then saw a flash, followed by an explosion that reportedly destroyed the boat that had initially reported the UFOs stalking them, he insisted.
A recent picture of George Filer taken from a recent video of him on the UFO seminar circuit
The UFO buff, who runs, also tells of a notable incident over the UK when he was navigator on a refuelling tanker in 1962, came face to face with a massive unidentified object.
He described being in the North Sea when London Control asked if his crew would intercept an unidentified object over Stonehenge.
Mr Filer reported “seeing lights around it, outlining the shape of a cylinder, like a cruise ship,” before it "rapidly ascended and disappeared."
Last month Clark C McClelland, who says he worked with NASA as an aerospace engineer for 35 years from 1958 to 1992, maintained he had a number of sightings including allegedly seeing a nine-foot tall alien in a space suit interacting with two NASA astronauts on the Space Shuttle while he observed the mission from the Kennedy Space Centre in Cape Canaveral, Florida, in 1991.
He also told how he lost his pension and was living on welfare following his disclosures also made on his own website
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NASA said we need to go to Mars.. to become Earth-independent
NASA said we need to go to Mars.. to become Earth-independent
NASA said the proposed 2030s manned mission to Mars is still on top of its priority projects — not only because the U.S. space agency wants to become the first to set foot on the Martian soil, but reaching our close neighbor is also a leap towards becoming a more Earth-independent civilization.
By: Carlo Diokno | Last updated Monday, April 20th, 2015, 3:08:08 pm NYC Time | CORRECTIONS:
It’s no secret that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, has been exploring several projects that will safely bring the first group of humans to Mars, and back to Earth — but it’s not only about becoming the first nation to set foot on the Red Planet — it’s more than that.
Speaking in front of representatives for NASA’s budget, the agency’s chief administrator, Charles Bolden, said that their ultimate focus is successfully launching a manned travel to Mars, “and everything comes back to that.”
As reported by Forbes, Mr. Bolden mentioned the Mars 2030 mission several times at the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology hearing on Thursday. He revealed that NASA wants to study Mars more thoroughly because it may hold clues to evolution and destruction of a life-bearing planet — and finding such evidences would help scientists protect Earth.
Earlier last month, NASA announced that Mars once had a large body of ocean, possibly with more water than Earth’s Arctic ocean.
“Perhaps about 4.3 billion years ago, Mars would have had enough water to cover its entire surface in a liquid layer about 450 feet (137 meters) deep. More likely, the water would have formed an ocean occupying almost half of Mars’ northern hemisphere, in some regions reaching depths greater than a mile (1.6 kilometers),” says NASA in a statement on the 6th of March, this year.
The cataclysmic event before the Red Planet has lost 87 percent of that water to space is still unknown as of late.
But in addition to protecting Earth, Mr. Bolden said a manned exploration of Mars would allow us to step away from “being Earth-reliant”, and become a more “Earth-independent” civilization. In short, reaching Mars is also about securing the future of us, humans, in the midst of the vastness of the Universe. Keep in mind, we only have ONE planet — so why not make it two?
How to reach Mars, according to NASA
Mr. Bolden said NASA has been developing a network of missions that will improve its space-faring capabilities. One of which is called ARM, or the Asteroid Redirect Mission — and this plan, according to Mr. Bolden, will catapult the agency to reaching the Red Planet 15 or so years from now.
The ARM is a robotic mission that is looking to visit a a large near-Earth asteroid. Upon reaching one, NASA’s robotic spacecraft will collect a multi-ton boulder from its surface, and put it into a stable orbit around the moon. Once the rock is in the moon’s orbit, astronauts would examine it and return some samples back to Earth. This project is targeting a 2020+ launch date, or a decade before launching the first spacecraft that will safely bring humans to Mars.
A scene from NASA’s ARM concept video.
Apparently, the main goals of the ARM is to train astronauts, and enhance the agency’s space travel technologies — and allow the Mars 2030s mission to efficiently carry a large baggage, and keep astronauts safe and healthy while in 150 to 300-day journey to Mars.
Mr. Bolden also told representatives that any company looking to reach Mars will need NASA’s help.
“No commercial company without the support of NASA and government is going to get to Mars,” he said after being asked about “rivalry” with private companies, including Elon Musk’s Space X which has revealed its intention of reaching the Red Planet in 2020s
The continuing controversy over the origin and ulterior motive behind the UFO phenomena continues to baffle both proponents and skeptics alike. It is clear that this is not a transparent issue either from the perspective of the government involvement or coming directly from the source itself. While at a UFO Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vega a number of years ago one speaker guest of Ryan and his father Robert Woods mentioned an interesting analogy.
When fishing for clues to the immense UFO cover-up and the far reaching implications of the phenomenon that for researchers it was like wildcatting or drilling for oil. You explore oil taking your chances and tapping into only a small fraction of what is under the surface. This lends itself to finding only a small piece of a much larger puzzle yielding a small amount of information. Unfortunately, this is the damning truth, but this is probably the ultimate intention in order to distract and to fascinate the curious with only tantalizing bits of evidence that may or may not lead to the understanding of the bigger picture.
Could the underground battle near Dulce been a firefight with fallen angels?
A path to nowhere
The experiences of Phil Schneider lead one down yet another path of speculation that can be interpreted more than one way. This rabbit hole of uncertainty is the only consistent element we can be assured of when we are on that poorly lit pathway that beckons us down its narrow dungeon-like corridors of mystery that lead to amazement or tragedy! For Phil Schneider the latter proved true as for so many who have been brave enough to pursue the elusive mystery that guarantees answers to no one!
Something else
In 1979 during the infamous underground shootout between US special forces, Phil Schneider, and the so-called aliens they stumbled upon near Dulce, New Mexico, yet another dark chapter over the UFO enigma continues to haunt inquirers to this day. Did Phil Schneider and US forces indeed encounter underground extraterrestrials or were they something else entirely?
Under the employ of
Phil was serving as a consultant for the US federal government. His geological expertise in evaluating rock formations for excavation and detonation made his services invaluable to the underground base construction efforts as he would recommend what types of explosive procedures would be used to obliterate specific types of rock strata that obstructed tunneling efforts. So, in 1979 when a coring tunnel spewed a kind of soot that concerned the onsite engineers.
It happened suddenly
Phil was wearing a contamination suit and had strapped a side arm belt and holster to his waist before climbing into a bucket that he climbed into and began lowering him into the exploration tunnel and into the unknown. Once down to the bottom of the shaft all hell broke loose according to Schneider. There seemed to be several creatures of different sizes and appearances and they were hostile! Phil drew his hand gun and fired at one creature killing it, but another alien entity passed a hand in front of itself and Phil was struck with what seemed to be like a lightning bolt. Gloved and helmeted, he reported that mobility was a problem in his environmental suit.
How it began
Phil Schneider reported that he was literally gutted like a fish with two fingers severed from one hand and one leg being charred and severely burned. He was knocked off his feet and was certain that he would die, but for the efforts of a brave Green Beret soldier who lifted Phil to a sitting position then hit the switch that would pull the bucket back up to the surface. The man who saved his life was killed when hit by a lightning like blast that had severely wounded Phil!.
The scene of the atrocities
Several hundred feet below ground near Dulce a deadly firefight raged between creatures that seemed unearthly and US Black Ops soldiers, Green Beret soldiers, and other ranks of special forces consigned to that tunneling operation. According to Phil, it proved to be a sad day for US military men as more than 70 men had died at the hands of the hostiles there in the cavernous expanses of hellish subterranean oblivion! Phil was rescued but he desperately clung to life.
A hellish environment?
According to the findings of the tunneling team these creatures resembling everything from little grays, to taller versions of them, to other semi-human life forms, they existed in a noxious environment far beneath the surface of the earth unfit for human survival. How they could have survived in this poisonous atmosphere, the tunneling team experts could not even guess, but evidence had it that whoever these entries were they had been down there for a long time perhaps centuries!
Traditional beliefs
When we think of the concepts of Heaven and Hell we generally consider one to be above and the other (Hell) to be below us. is it not coincidence that these unknown creatures living so far below the surface dwelled from below in a kind of inhospitable toxic hell? They proved to be lethal opponents as well once engaged by US special troops According to Phil, he was hit by what seemed to be a bolt of lightning when one creature simply waved its arm in front of itself rather than leveling a gun of some kind toward him. Does this not seem to be like the powers of an angel or perhaps an evil fallen angel?
From where seriously?
If these were UFO crews what were they doing so far underground in a hellish, noxious, sooty environment rather than a space ship or flying disk? Many legends speak of the hollow earth, of strange caves that lead to disappearances and horrors, and even perpetually burning pits that resemble the “Lake of Fire” described as Hell in the Bible. Had Phil Schneider and his tunneling crew stumbled upon demons who did not exposure from the outside world? if these hostile entities had been aliens why would they have made their home on earth within the confines of deep underground dwellings that proved to be dreadfully toxic?
Shocking Hypothesis
Had the late Phil Schneider and his brave tunneling operation personnel happened upon demons who acted in their predictably evil fashion? Jacques Vallee and Stanton Friedman joined forces in examining a wealth of UFO evidence in a recent collaboration and came to a stunning conclusion. Their findings led them to believe that what we once thought as UFO aliens are actually demonic in origin! For two staunchly scientific advocates who have tirelessly pursued the UFO enigma, it would seem that it would have taken extremely convincing evidence to persuade them of this disturbing revelation.
Extra information about the article:
Yeoman Ufologists Stanton Friedman and Jacques Vallee come to disturbing conclusions about UFO's!
There are places where time and space are naturally bent. An example is the strange Lordsburg Door, located near Lordsburg, New Mexico. Periodically, as the door opens, a tree stump with a human leg embedded in it is seen near mile marker 17 out on US highway 90.
There is some evidence that these fluxes in space and time can be artificially induced. This appears to have been the case with the USS Eldritch, which took part in the Philadelphia Experiment on August 15, 1943.
The brilliant inventor Nicola Tesla and the theoretician Albert Einstein are both reported to have been involved in this experiment. The object was to render the ship invisible by wrapping the hull in inch-thick cable though which a high-frequency signal from an elaborate system of generators and Tesla coils was induced.
The results were disastrous. When activated, the ship generated a green fog and disappeared from Philadelphia, reappearing in Norfolk Harbor 24 hours later. Many of the crew ended up embedded in the walls of the ship. Others became insane. Some were mercifully dispatched with a pistol shot to the head. Here is a written account from one of the few survivors of the 176 man crew.
Tesla was a genius of such magnitude that some doubt that he was actually human. Many of Tesla’s inventions, like the “free energy receiver” and the long-range “death ray” may have been suppressed to prevent the collapse of the electrical utility, coal and oil industries or for reasons of National Security.
Tesla also attempted an experiment to use the core of the Earth like a “tuning fork” to conduct “free” electricity. In the process, he melted the town generator of Colorado Springs. At exactly the same time, an unexplained explosion in Siberia of about 15 megatons leveled hundreds of square miles of pine forests. This explosion is often dismissed as a comet or meteor impact.
After his death in New York City, Tesla’s files and notes on death rays and other matters were confiscated by the FBI. Some of the FBI files on Tesla were published on the Internet under the Freedom of information act, but these have since been removed.
It’s easy to sensationalize this strange American immigrant. He fell in love with a white female pigeon with violet eyes. He said he saw rays of light emanating from her eyes. He insisted on exactly 17 folded linen napkins with every meal. He constructed a tower in New Jersey to communicate with aliens. However his fame rests on rock solid accomplishments: the invention of alternating current, AC motors, the first radio transmitter and receiver (two years before Marconi) and the first to harness the power of falling water to generate electricity (at Niagara Falls).
CEFAA Concludes UFO Above Northern Chile Not Made By Man Or Weather Phenomenon
CEFAA Concludes UFO Above Northern Chile Not Made By Man Or Weather Phenomenon
The truth is out there as experts at the Centre for the Study of Anomalous Ariel Phenomena (CEFAA) have concluded that the strange object spotted by several individuals at a copper mine at Collahuasi in northern Chile wasn’t a weather phenomenon or any other known man-made object.
The object was clearly seen in April 2013, and the images of it were delivered to the government. Miners saw how the object hovered approximately 2,000 feet up, exhibiting unusual swoops and transforming into a silvery orb.
Jose Lay of CEFAA said that residents in that area have knowledge of the presence of drones because fishing companies use drones. Lay stressed that this wasn’t a drone.
Based on the image analysis in July 2014, CEFAA experts released a preliminary report naming the object as unidentified. According to the report, witnesses have believed that the object was controlled.
A meteorologist then analysed the evidence and ruled out the possibility of the UFO being a lenticular cloud. Furthermore, an image expert concluded that the photographs correspond to an unidentified object.
What would you have done to stop catastrophic events if you knew in advance what you know now.
We have the moral obligation to take action in every way we can.
The future is in our hands. The stakes are the highest they have ever been. The Large Hadron Collider developed by the European Centre for Nuclear Research(CERN) is a dangerous instrument. The start-up April 5 has initiated a more reckless use of LHC’s capabilities.
The Large Hadron Collider – the rationale
The world’s largest supercollider is located at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) in a 17-mile-long tunnel built in a giant circle, buried 330 feet underground. It is beneath the French-Swiss border near Geneva. Total cost: over $9 billion (as of January 2010).
It’s been funded by European governments and $542 million from the United States. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was restarted April 5, after a two-year shutdown and a $150 million upgrade.
Inside the LHC, two beams of protons are forced to smash into each other at high speed. The initial goal was to create the so-called “God” particle – Higgs boson — achieved in 2012.
Now they hope to recreate the Big Bang, discover dark matter, expose other dimensions and more. To do that, scientists are nearly doubling the power level so the two beams of particles will collide much more violently.
“…Over $9 billion cathedral of science that is apparently, in any practical sense, useless… So many years, so much effort, so much money and material, so much energy and cutting-edge ingenuity. And yet the wizards at the controls aren’t really out to produce anything practical, or solve any urgent human problem…”
“…The physicists at cern have their generous patrons in governments all over the world.
… L.H.C. is a 21st-century cathedral of science, where thousands of passionately devoted, hardworking physicists—monks by any other name—have gathered to experience epiphany and revelation, and continue writing Genesis 2.0….”[1]
Genesis 2.0 is true. The rest are whitewash and lies.
This is the largest and most elaborate scientific enterprise ever built. Governments don’t invest billions and tremendous amounts of time and energy in “useless” theoretical projects unless there’s a very practical reason, a very specific useful intention and goal.
“The goal…is to achieve a deeper, better, truer understanding of the fundamental structure and nature of existence.[2]
The project objectives have been clear all along, including calling Higgs boson the “God” particle and calling one experiment Genesis 2.0. The Large Hadron Collider is about creating life and controlling realities.
The Associated Press reported on April 6 that dark matter is being pursued at CERN, at the international space station, and in an undisclosed underground mine. There seems to be a rush to capture dark matter, implying it is very important.
Governments hope to gain
1) something that can be monetized and sold to us, making money for the already wealthy and powerful
2) power and control — being able to control primal forces and unleash those forces at will
3) weapons, including weapons of mass destruction, that can annihilate with precision
4) assets, resources, property, real estate, land — creating new life, new planets, new universes, with assets and property to strip and plunder, worlds to conquer, own, rule, enslave, as well as to escape to after Earth’s demise
History shows that this will be for private and government benefit only.
An LHC sponsor, the United States itself is responsible for more death, destruction, and permanent environmental damage than any other country on Earth. Its objectives are “command and control” and “full spectrum dominance”. That’s how the U.S. uses technologies and knowledge gained. What about the other sponsors?
Alarm bells should be going off everywhere.
Can scientists be trusted?
The popular myth is that science and scientists are objective and neutral, but science is fiercely competitive, even cutthroat. “Science” is often not a pursuit of truth, but a pursuit to be first, to win the biggest grants, to get the best speaking invitations and honors.
Many scientists and their professional organizations cling to “consensus” beliefs in the face of contrary evidence. New evidence-based theories are fought off as fiercely as if they were marauding pirates.
Jealous of their rank, privileges, lab space, accolades, benefits, and titles, men and women of science can stoop to petty and even criminal acts to retain their power and position. Watching a colleague fail can be a cause for celebration.
Funding usually comes from the federal government or from industry. Rarely is this about “pure” science. There are objectives.
The public welfare is far down the list as a consideration. With the government, science becomes an extension, just as with LHC, to advance national military and security objectives.
If scientists stray outside accepted study subjects or find information inconvenient to the sponsors, they can be penalized, sometimes severely. “Publish or perish” means going where the funding is, and staying away from controversy. “Let’s leave it to the scientists” is not a good idea.
LHC construction and operating hazards
The reality of life is that the Earth and the universe are nesting, interconnected, intimate ecosystems. What happens in one place effects everything, because everything is unified together.
First, here are some facts and questions about the Large Hadron Collider regarding its construction:
LHC has at least one magnet with a magnetic field 100,000 times stronger than the Earth’s magnetic field
-What impact does that have on the Earth’s self-protective, life-sustaining magnetic fields?
“The huge superconducting magnets that line the LHC’s 27km-long tunnel must be warmed up, slowly and gently, from -271 Celsius to room temperature”[3]. A shutdown and restart can apparently take months.[4]
– What is the impact of the entire extremely magnetic, super-cooled LHC system on the Earth’s magnetic field? – What happens to the Earth and its magnetic fields every time the LHC is turned on?
o What happens if the magnets are not “slowly and gently” warmed up?
o What happens if an accident vents the helium and/or causes fire and explosions that rapidly heat up the magnets?
LHC’s 17 mile long tunnel is super-cooled with helium. It is one degree colder than outer space, making it the coldest place in the universe.Scientists will smash proton beams together at energies up to 13 trillion electron volts, double the energy used before.
What is the impact of having this ultra-cold 17-mile-long environment buried in the Earth?
There can be 800 million – 1 billion collisions per second
o If something goes wrong, how many seconds or minutes does it take to react and shut it down? See below about the September 2008 accident.
o With hundreds of millions of collisions happening per second, how much damage can be cascading out immediately, too late to stop?
The walls of the LHC tunnel are concrete.
Inside the LHC tunnel are 1,232 pressurized cylinders (dipoles) positioned end to end. Each cylinder is 50 feet long, 2 feet thick, and weighing 35 tons. A pipe runs through the center of each cylinder, surrounded by “powerful electromagnets” cooled by helium. These pipes are what the particle beams are fired through.
When the LHC is turned on, the force inside each dipole “is equal to the power of a 747 taking off”. So, inside the entire 17-mile-long tunnel, which contains 1,232 dipoles, is the force of 1,232 747s taking off.
Cables connect these cylinders and carry 11,000 amps of electricity. However, the cables must be super-cooled with helium to give them “super-conductivity” to carry that high amperage. If they aren’t super-cooled, the cables become ordinarily conductive wire, and they cannot handle the 11,000 amps of electricity.
An accident on September 10, 2008 from just one incorrect soldered joint.
“Sparks erupted. An intense electrical arc beganburning a hole in the dipole’s steel jacket. Pressurized helium [inside the jacket escaped,] turned from liquid to gas and blasted into the tunnel, creating a huge pressure wave.”[5]
No one in the LHC control room knew there was a problem.
“In a domino-like chain reaction, 35-ton dipoles were jerking and smashing against other 35-ton dipoles, some blown two feet off their moorings… In the vicinity of the accident the air had been instantly supercooled by the tons of escaping helium”.
In less than a minute, $40 million dollars of damage was done. But it could have been worse.
The emergency stop button was literally and “fortuitously” pushed by the pressure wave as it went past, and the system shut down. No human or automatic control shut down the system. Only then did the control room know something had happened. However, all they knew was the beam had shut down.
o If the pressure wave had not shut down the power, what would have been the result, with this 17 mile long tunnel filled with 1,232 pressurized cylinders weighing 35 tons each, with 11,000 amps of electricity running through them, super-cooled and incredibly magnetic?
o What would have happened to the land above?
o What would have happened to the Earth?
o What happens when this powerful beam is no longer going through dipoles but through the concrete into the surrounding earth?
o And what did happen as a result of this accident? Did it cause fractures in the rock, or cause an earthquake?
o What was the impact to the two villages that sat atop this disaster, a mere 330 feet above?
o How could a system be built that has no sensors and no warning systems for situations like this, that deals with this level of electricity, coolant, pressure, and force (see below)? Is this an example of how oblivious these physicists are about reality and proper safety procedures, or of how cock-sure they are that nothing will go wrong?
o Why have the French and Swiss governments exempted this facility from normal safety requirements such as sensors and warning systems, especially when their citizens are most in danger if something goes wrong?
The process of making the proton streams:
“Atom by atom, the electrons will be stripped from each hydrogen nucleus to create free protons, which will then be beamed into a series of four pre-accelerators of increasing size, one after another, in a kind of loop-de-loop, each pre-accelerator powering the beam up by a factor of 10 or 20 or 30, finally up to 3.5 [trillion electron volts] and…7 trillion electron volts. [and now, In 2015, the power will be nearly doubled to 13 trillion electron volts (TeV)] As the energy increases, the beams will narrow, be steered and focused from the main control room, and then be “injected” into the collider.”
The force of the proton stream:
Author Kurt Anderson asked one of the top managers of the accelerator team, Paolo Fessia, if he’d feel a proton beam if it were pointed at him. “’I’ve never thought about that,” he replied. But he said it would bore a quarter-mile-long hole through any material.”[6]
o Paolo Fessia never thought about the impact of a beam on a human. Yet, he’s building and operating a very powerful machine that could fail. In fact, he’s a top manager at the LHR.
He’s a theoretical physicist, maybe sees things as equations, pen and paper problems, but he doesn’t think of real-world consequences. This is another example of CERN’s lack of safety consciousness.
o This invisible-to-the-eye, infinitesimally tiny stream of protons can bore a quarter mile long hole through any material.
a- What if the beam is focused in the wrong direction? b- The tunnel is only 330 feet below ground. One-quarter mile is 1320 feet. Towns sit above the collider. The beam can easily penetrate the ground and anything above ground up to 1000 feet above the surface, or below ground (aquifer or lake). c- This is a perfect military weapon, partially because it’s invisible.
Ironically, the extensive Vanity Fair article quoted here uses several apocalyptic images to describe the LHC, yet all the while downplays risks.
These were just some of the mechanical issues of the LHC, not the experimental goals themselves. Are you alarmed yet?
LHC experimental goals and primal dangers
Tiny but mighty. Paradoxical. Inverse proportion. Atoms stripped down, then smashed and broken down into components that are never ever built to be split off, components that only function properly as a part of a whole atomic ecosystem.
How do they function as separate entities? Are they doomed and are we doomed?
The universe, down to our cells and molecules, functions because these atoms are one – integrated, whole — not pieces. The answers to what might happen with these fundamental particles may be found in poetry, spirituality, metaphysics, biology, relationship dynamics, and sociology.
These particles, this matter, will be unbalanced, unattached, unnourished, and separate. They are not built to be separate; they are built to be in a sustaining relationship.
But no one at CERN seems to be “talking” to atoms or asking these questions. LHR “scientists” smash, blast, separate.
LHC Experimental Goals (sources [7]):
Higgs boson discovered in July 2012– “a keystone of the whole structure: the Higgs field, associated with Higgs bosons, is imagined to be a kind of subatomic “molasses” that imparts mass to other particles passing through it.”
This Higgs boson is part of the primary sustaining and creation-inducing forces of existence and our reality. Could a weapon utilizing the information from Higgs boson literally be a weapon of mass destruction? Who could withstand it? This is a frightening possibility.
Dark matter comprises most of the universe.
“Dark matter has revealed itself so far is through the pull it exerts on galaxies…they rotate with such speed that they would tear themselves apart were there not some invisible form of matter holding them together through gravity.”
There is so much dark matter, it outweighs by five times the normal matter in the observable universe.
“The search for dark matter on Earth has failed to reveal what it is made of, but the LHC may be able to make the substance. If the particles that constitute it are light enough, they could be thrown out from the collisions inside the LHC. While they would zip through the collider’s detectors unseen, they would carry energy and momentum with them.”[8]
“Reality on the large scale is dark matter, with visible matter just froth on the substance. So we focus huge efforts on trying to find out if dark matter is a set of many elementary particles, and hope that some of those particles’ properties will also help to explain some other big questions.[9]
These are powerful, powerful substances and forces which are 75% of all matter and hold galaxies together. Scientists are trying to break this open, create it, and claim it.
Weapons that harness dark matter or destroy dark matter would be terrifying. Who could stand against such weapons?
What happens if scientists pull this 75%, much heavier, dark matter into our visible matter existence? Is it really so tiny and light? These scientists are not thinking.
Compared to other forces, Earth’s gravity is “puny”,say LHC scientists. “One explanation…is that we experience only a fraction of the force, with the rest acting through microscopic, curled up extra dimensions of space. “The gravitational field we see is only the bit in our three dimensions, but actually there are lots of gravitational fields in the fourth dimension, the fifth dimension, and however many more you fancy,” says Andy Parker, professor of high energy physics at Cambridge University.[10]
What would happen if this explanation were true and these scientists brought into this dimension the full force of gravity?
“Matter has its equal and opposite anti-matter, and they destroy each other on contact…according to the guiding principle of symmetry, at the moment of the big bang, all the matter and anti-matter should have canceled themselves out, leaving nothing behind. Not only did that not happen—we are among the evidence that it didn’t—but 14 billion years later there is a lot more matter than anti-matter in the universe. Something has to explain that mysterious imbalance, and the betting is that it’s supersymmetry, the idea that for every known particle there’s an as-yet-undetected “superpartner”—and that dark matter consists of those superpartners. There’s a very good chance that the proton collisions at the L.H.C. will create some of those primordial bits.”[11]
They miss the whole aspect of relationship, of the beginning of the universe resembling the creation of children. Indigenous people could inform them that the universe is alive like we are.
“Turning up the energy of the LHC may just give scientists an answer to the question of why gravity is so weak.”[12]
“The rules of quantum mechanics say that particles behave like waves, and as the LHC ramps up to higher energies, the wavelengths of the particles it collides become ever shorter. When the wavelengths of the particles are small enough to match the size of the extra dimensions, they would suddenly feel gravity much more strongly.”
“What you’d expect is that as you reach the right energy, you suddenly see inside the extra dimensions, and gravity becomes big and strong instead of feeble and weak,” says Parker. The sudden extra pull of gravitywould cause particles to scatter far more inside the machine, giving scientists a clear signal that extra dimensions were real.”[13]
Feel gravity much more strongly? Gravity becomes “big and strong”? The sudden extra pull of gravity? How big and strong could this gravity become? Gravity is a fundamental, foundational force of nature, of unimaginable strength.
What happens when and if it is dissected from its ecosystem — its balancing ecosystem — to be unbalanced, to be released, to be in uninhibited form? What then? What could happen? What if LHC allowed this force to be weaponized?
Extra dimensions –”There could be a whole universe full of galaxies and stars and civilisations and newspapers that we didn’t know about,” says [professor of high energy physics at Cambridge University Andy] Parker. “That would be a big deal.”[14]
[British theoretical physicist John]Ellis says, “we can find extra dimensions, black holes, all sorts of weird and wonderful things.”[15]
“The start-up had been preceded by some well-publicized hysteria on the fringes, with alarmists worrying that the L.H.C. would create a black hole that could swallow the earth.”
“The kind of black holes that Ellis has in mind are harmless ones, microscopic and incredibly short-lived,although produced, if they are produced, by the thousands or millions a year. “That will take time,” says cern’s director general, Rolf-Dieter Heuer, and probably only when the L.H.C. is running at maximum power. But if micro black holes do appear, Ellis says, it would be “fantastically exciting,” since they would imply the existence of additional spatial dimensions beyond the three we know.”
One American filed a lawsuit to stop LHC, saying the Earth could be destroyed if black holes were created — a 50% chance. He was slandered as loony.
How do scientists “know” that these black holes would be harmless? That defies logic. Why would these black holes function any differently than black holes in outer space, sucking matter into them? And how would that end for all of us?
Other dimensions are excitedly referred to, but what might exist in these theoretical realms? Forcing open doors into other dimensions without any invitation and without any knowledge of what and who is on the other side is suicidal and potentially omni-cidal.
“Finding new dimensions … may hold the key to creating, at long last, a unified physics that makes sense of both the tiny-scale forces that hold atoms together and the gravity that pulls on everything we can actually see.”[16]
Just because something – an atom — seems tiny to humans is irrelevant. It and the tremendous force that holds it together are tremendously consequential and powerful. Only fools and the arrogant call things “tiny”.
Genesis 2.0 –When author Kurt Anderson told physicist Maria Spiropulu that her experiment at LHC is “simulating the conditions” at the beginning of the universe, “she emphatically corrects me. “No—we’re re-creating those conditions. We will find out the fundamental nature of how the universe is created.”
So, these physicists are trying to re-create the conditions for the Big Bang, the initial explosion that possibly created the whole universe with such explosive force that it threw out stars and planets and matter that are stillmoving away from that explosive center billions of years later. These people must be blind to miss the insanity of what they’re attempting to do.
LHC is attempting to create life, create new universes, create new sources of matter for governments and private backers — plunderers’ paradise for the taking, all at the flip of a Big Bang switch. If those universes contain life-forms, those also can be plundered, enslaved, put in zoos and private collections, dissected, and experimented on.
What tools and weapons of horror could be created out of the elemental forces LHC is unleashing?
Governments that freely use white phosphorus, cluster bombs and munitions, land mines, Agent Orange, napalm, atomic weapons, sonar, depleted uranium, electromagnetic and frequency weapons, chemical and biological agents, and allow devastating destruction to the Earth have shown that there is no limit to what they will use.
“As knowledge has dramatically grown—thanks to particle physicists opening the smaller and smaller dolls, and to astrophysicists measuring the distances and movements and energies of stars—so has our awareness of the vastness of our ignorance.”[17]
But this awareness hasn’t created humility. The knowledge they seek is a mirage, which recedes faster and faster the harder they chase it. Worse than that, this knowledge is also a path to destruction.
These people of LHC and the sponsoring governments are pursuing forces that are the glue of life, through which we exist. Forces to create and forces to annihilate. These barbarians have no idea what they are smashing. The pursuit of ultimate knowledge, ultimate power, to control the destinies and future of everything — that always brings ruin.
Tiny and mighty, atoms stripped down to their primal forces — only the arrogant, the evil, the addicted, or the insane pursue such potentially life-ending folly, flinging open doors to other domains with no care about what might be waiting on the other side, doors that no one invited them to open.
If we ever interact with these dimensions, it will be because we were invited.
You cannot understand life by pulling it apart. You cannot know about life by destroying it. You only know life by relationship – biophilia.[18]
But some at CERN do not think any of this is special.
[Cambridge University PhD student] Thibault Mueller:
“We (have established) that we as a species are not special, the Earth is not special, our Solar System is not special. Now we are saying: ‘Ah! Our Universe is not that special either’.”[19]
That’s how a living universe can be smashed and disassembled. Because, at least for some, it has no special value, it does not create awe, it is not something to be cherished. These are the people that hold our lives and the future in their hands.
The public is strangely silent about the LHC. I have quoted Vanity Fair and the Guardian articles – each has a huge readership. The LHC has been written about for years. Why isn’t the public completely outraged by this project? Are people asleep?
The severe and catastrophic problems with this project are easily visible. It doesn’t take an advanced degree or education. It just takes common sense. Have people become so brain-washed that “science knows best” or “scientists would never do wrong” or “governments fund research for the good of the public”?
Those who see must act. Because of these severe issues, the Large Hadron Collider, the CERN complex, and all related ventures and colliders must be shut down now, with all equipment and complexes dismantled completely.
Look at the dangers. Look at what’s at stake. I’ll repeat: we have the moral obligation to take action in every way we can, based on the knowledge we have at this point in time. The alternative is looking back from the future, if there is one, and seeing a horrible disaster that we might have prevented if we’d only taken action.
The future is in our hands. The stakes are the highest they have ever been. The Large Hadron Collider is a dangerous instrument wielded by men and women seeking ultimate knowledge and power. The start-up April 5 has initiated a more reckless use of LHC’s capabilities, endangering all life including our universe.
Spouses and family members of the CERN scientists, energy companies supplying electricity to this facility, environmental and spiritual organizations, and citizens in every country – we must shut this project down now.
UFO-Like Stealth Combat Drone X-47B Refueling For The First Time
UFO-Like Stealth Combat Drone X-47B Refueling For The First Time
April 18, 2015 - The UFO-like X-47B Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle of United States Navy has demonstrated autonomous aerial refueling, plugging into an aerial refueling basket behind an Omega Air KC-707.
Unfortunately, these tests also likely mark the end of the X-47B program. Despite only completing 20 percent of its potential flight hours, both of the Navy’s X-47Bs are destined for museums.
Still, the technologies that they’ve demonstrated — including those historic autonomous carrier landings in 2013 — will make their way into future unmanned combat aerial vehicles as part of the Navy’s Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) program.
Ceres: The 'Dwarf Planet' Spawns Giant Mystery - New Images Just Released
Gepubliceerd op 13 apr. 2015
Ceres: The 'Dwarf Planet' Spawns Giant Mystery - New Images Just Released
First classified a planet, then an asteroid and then a "dwarf planet" with some traits of a moon—the more scientists learn about Ceres, the weirder it becomes. And new observations of the sphere of rock and ice circling our Sun between Mars and Jupiter have added to the mystery, researchers said Monday.
Astrophysicists have been looking to a $473-million (446-million-euro) mission to test theories that Ceres is a water-rich planetary "embryo"—a relic from the birth of the Solar System some 4.5 billion years ago. But an early batch of data from NASA's Dawn probe, unveiled at a conference of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), may have made the Ceres riddle even greater. In orbit around Ceres since March 6 after a seven-and-a-half-year trek, Dawn peered at two bright spots on its surface deemed to be telltales of its chemical and physical ID. But instead of explaining the spots, analysis found the two seemed to "behave distinctly differently," said Federico Tosi, who works on Dawn's Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIR).
While Spot 1 is colder than its immediate surroundings, Spot 5 is not.
One picture, as seen by the human eye, shows Ceres as a "dark and brownish" ball with both white spots clearly visible.
But in thermal images, Spot 1 becomes a dark spot on a reddish ball, indicating it was cooler than the rest of the surface,. The "biggest surprise" was that Spot 5 simply disappeared on the thermal image. " For sure, we have bright spots on the surface of Ceres which, at least from a thermal perspective, seem to behave in different ways." say scientists from the Max Planck Institute.
Devant l'intérêt croissant des lecteurs sur ce sujet mystérieux, nous vous proposons de répondre à notre petit sondage (anonyme), pour avoir une idée sur la perception générale du phénomène ovnis.
Cliquez sur ce lien pour donner votre avis, MERCI A TOUS !
Quelques sondages ont déjà été réalisés ces dernières années,
en voici quelques-uns.
Une grande partie de la population intègre de plus en plus l'idée que la vie extraterrestre intelligente pourrait exister quelque part dans l'univers. Dans l'hypothèse que ceci soit vrai, les humains devraient-ils tenter de les contacter ?
(Publié le 04/11/2014 - Ovnis-Direct)
Cette question a été récemment posée à 1 000 adultes aux États-Unis dans le cadre d'un sondage de YouGov/HuffingtonPost réalisé entre 17 et le 19 juillet 2014. La marge d'erreur est de 3,9%.
Pensez-vous qu'il existe une vie intelligente sur d'autres planètes, ou pas ?
Oui : 50% Non : 19% Ne sait pas : 31% Pensez-vous qu'il serait possible pour l'homme d'entrer en contact avec une vie intelligente sur d'autres planètes, ou pas ?
Oui : 46% Non : 23% Ne sait pas : 31% Bien que la majorité des personnes interrogées estiment que la communication avec les extraterrestres est possible, le sondage révèle que beaucoup hésite à tenter le contact avec des civilisations inconnues. Pensez-vous qu'il s’agisse d’une bonne ou mauvaise idée pour les scientifiques de tenter de prendre contact avec une vie intelligente ailleurs dans l’univers ?
Bonne idée : 37% Mauvaise idée : 27% Ne sait pas : 36%
Phénomènes au-dessus du volcan Popocatépetl au Mexique
Un Sondage Suggère que 48% des Américains croient aux OVNIS
Près de la moitié de la population [américaine] croit que les OVNIs sont un signe de visites extraterrestres.
Un sondage HuffPost/YouGov révèle que 48 pour cent des adultes aux Etats-Unis sont ouverts à l’idée que des vaisseaux aliens observent notre planète – et seulement 35 pour cent rejette l’idée d’emblée.
Le sondage a été considéré comme une justification de la communauté des ufologues qui sentent souvent qu’ils sont ridiculisés par les responsables gouvernementaux.
« Cela a toujours été fascinant pour moi comment nous agissons comme seuls les idiots et les charlatans croient aux soucoupes volantes. Et ça n’a jamais été vrai, », a dit l’ancien physicien nucléaire Stanton Friedman, qui était l’enquêteur civil à l’origine des événements entourant la légendaire affaire de crash d’OVNI à Roswell en 1947.
De nouveaux sondages sur les ovnis aux Etats-Unis et en Colombie-Britannique
Publié par Dhyân Chohan sur 4 Avril 2013.
Deux sondages ont été publiés cette semaine révélant combien les Américains et les Britanno-Colombiens croient aux théories du complot et aux ovnis.
Les résultats d'un sondage mené par Insights Ouest en Colombie-Britannique ont été publiés le 01 Avril. Le sondage reposaient sur les croyances des Britanno-Colombiens concernant les théories du complot. 52 % des citoyens interrogés pensent que les ovnis existent.
Un sondage similaire a été réalisé aux États-Unis par Public Policy Polling visant les croyances des démocrates et des républicains. Les résultats publiés le 02 Avril révèlent que 21 % des électeurs disent qu'un ovni s'est écrasé à Roswell en 1947 et que le gouvernement américain a camouflé l'affaire puis 29 % des électeurs pensent que les extraterrestres existent.
De nouveaux sondages sont effectués régulièrement sur la question des ovnis mais il y a un problème récurrent, c'est la façon dont la question est formulée. La plupart de ces sondages posent la question suivante : " Croyez-vous aux ovnis ? " au lieu de " Croyez-vous que les ovnis sont d'origine extraterrestre ? " ...
"La source de nos informations est indiquée pour chaque parution, mais au cas où l'auteur de vidéos, articles ou photos souhaiterait ne plus les voir figurer sur le site, qu'il nous en avertisse par mail, et nous les retirerons immédiatement"
Daily 2 Cents: Search Loch Ness on Google Street View -- 'Ninja Ghost' Photobomb? -- Life After Death Stories
Daily 2 Cents: Search Loch Ness on Google Street View -- 'Ninja Ghost' Photobomb? -- Life After Death Stories
Search Loch Ness on Google Street View
An update to Google's Street View service has made it possible to explore Loch Ness from your computer.
The search for the world's best known lake monster received an unexpected boost this week after search giant Google revealed the launch of an update to Street View that enables web users to venture for themselves in to the loch's murky depths.
Those with a keen eye can now search for the monster from a number of locations across the loch including a point opposite Urquhart Castle and another near Fort Augustus, a small town located at the very southernmost end of Loch Ness.
"The Street View project is hugely exciting for us," said Malcolm Roughead, chief executive of the local tourism agency. "We are delighted the team at Google have been as inspired about our monster as the thousands of visitors who travel to Loch Ness every year hoping to catch a glimpse."
This isn't the first time that efforts have been made to venture beneath the surface of the loch either.
Back in 1969 Dan Scott Taylor famously attempted to locate evidence of the monster by descending in to the murky depths within his yellow submarine Viperfish. The vehicle proved to be more than a little tempramental but despite the fact that the hatch wouldn't close properly he made it back alive.
While his efforts ultimately failed to find the fabled monster, the actual vessel he used for his expedition can still be found to this day outside the Loch Ness Exhibition Center in Drumnadrochit.
The girl’s dad has been left in a fluster after taking a closer look of his family snap to see the feet and ankles of a man standing behind his daughter.
The scene is close to the site of samurai tombs honouring the Japanese noble soldiers.
Paranormal believers fear it could have been a ghost trying to photobomb the shot.
The image was taken while a Canadian family holidayed at a beach in Zushi, Kanagawa prefecture, Japan.
The girl’s father is adamant there was no one standing behind her at the time the picture was taken, and says the image has not been altered on Photoshop.
The father’s friend shared the photograph on Reddit in a bid to get to the bottom of the terrifying discovery.
He said: "My friend took this pic (sic) of his kid. He's a bit too disturbed by it all to post himself, so I am doing it for him because I'm fascinated by it.
"Nobody was around when the photo was taken and certainly nobody was behind her. He took about five photos of her at this spot over a period of about two minutes.
"I've known this guy for years and trust him. It has definitely not been Photoshopped, but I'm also not saying this is anything."
Sceptics said a man must have walked up the hill from behind.
Another, under the username uglyorgans claimed the image had been doctored writing: “The front of the boot looks like it does not line up with the back in a normal way, especially considering the figure was standing on a sloped surface.
“The front of the foot would be going down with the surface, not the center (sic), unless the figure is just really good at keeping his foot straight.”
People who experienced life after death tell their stories
What does it feel like to die? People who have been clinically dead and then revived have shared some chilling insights into what actually happens in those final moments – and beyond.
1. My world became soft and foggy and everything faded to black. Next thing I remember was opening my eyes and hearing a Doctor say, ‘We got him back.’ It was really a peaceful feeling more than anything.
2. Overdosed on heroin, the Emergency Room team said my heart stopped. Didn’t see anything, just like sleeping with no dreams.
3. It felt to me that my entire life was a silly show I was focused on and forgot that it was simply a distraction from what was REALLY happening. I fell out of the 3rd dimension into…another dimension? I know it sounds crazy but maybe it was just chemicals in my head that created all the visuals. I’m not sure.
4. I was stabbed and shot three times 30 years ago. When I hit the floor (the last bullet hit my spine and left me a paraplegic) I was enveloped in the brightest white light and had a peace like I have never felt before or since. I was not scared, just at peace but then I suddenly breathed in a deep breath and woke up.
5. I overdosed on sleeping medication my freshman year in college. I was legally dead for three minutes(or so I was told). I do remember a little bit of the ambulance ride, but not from my own body. It was seriously the strangest thing I have ever experienced. It could have been a dream, but I saw my own unconscious body, completely flatlined, in the ambulance.
6. Pure, perfect, uninterrupted sleep, no dreams. Man was I pissed off when I was brought back.
7. I overdosed and had no pulse for 3-4 minutes. I remember feeling tired when everything kicked in, then a few spotty memories of chatting with friends, then I was standing in front of a giant wall of light. It stretched up, down, left and right as far as i could see. Kind of like putting your eyes six inches from a fluorescent lightbulb. The next memory I have is waking up in the hospital.
8. My friend had died when he was in his late teens. He told me he was in a dark room where nothing was happening. He was only dead for about a minute but he said it felt like an eternity. At first he thought it might be purgatory, but the longer it went on the more it felt like he had gone to hell.
9. I was unresponsive and on life support, I remember being on an eerie train, something was holding me back, I kept screaming to Jesus that I wanted to live… it wasn’t a good place. I believe I was in purgatory. I came out of my coma three days later. I still remember to this day.
10. It feels like fainting, but much worse. Your vision goes completely black and you can no longer see even with your eyes wide open. Your legs and arms go limp, and numb, and feel very heavy and you can no longer move them. Hearing is the last to go, but the people around you sound far away and distant, and soon that fades to nothing. Your last split second of thoughts is one of fear and regret about dying and missing out on everything that will come after you have passed away and will never be alive and living in the world again. - InformationNG
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Victim of Alien Science
Victim of Alien Science
Are human abductees casualties of alien science? On 12/27/12 I received an email from SK describing a possible alien abduction. Last evening I received an update from SK's son. I first offer the original account:
Hello Mr. Strickler: I am giving you permission to publish my incident but I do not want any personal information disclosed. To begin, I had an strange incident when I was a child living in south Florida. I could never explain it and I did not want my family to know about it. It involved, what I believe, an abduction by alien beings. I don't remember the specifics other than I went to bed, got up to go to the bathroom but don't remember returning to my bed. When I woke in the morning, there was an ache in my neck and a small bump at the base of my skull. The pain went away quickly but the small bump remained. I never told my parents about it and they never noticed it. That incident occurred 54 years ago.
I now live in a rural township in eastern Ohio. My husband and I have lived here for over 40 years and are well-known within the community. My husband owns a business and employs several of the area's residents. We have raised 4 children and are also grandparents. We have been very happy with our life.
This past Christmas Eve, I was alone at home during the day. My husband was at work and some of my children and their families were visiting for the holidays. They had all gone out to visit friends and to do some shopping, so I was the only one at home.
Around 1:00 PM I decided to sit down in the club room and watch television. I had been busy all day cooking and doing a few other things, so I decided to take a break. I sat on the sofa and turned on the television with the remote control. As I was surfing channels the television suddenly went off. I just figured I had accidentally turned it off with the remote, but I was unable to turn it back on. I got up and starting walking toward the television when everything went black. The next thing I remember is waking up on the sofa. My neck was very sore and I was laying on the sofa completely nude. My clothes were folded neatly and setting on the coffee table. I quickly dressed and noticed that the television was on and that the time was 2:48 PM. I went to rub my sore neck and noticed that the small bump that I had for 54 years was now gone. I went into the bathroom in order to look at the back of my neck with a handheld mirror. There was a 2 inch vertical red scar where the small bump had previously been.
Today is Thursday Dec. 27th, 2012. My neck no longer hurts and the scar has healed nicely. It is barely noticeable. I had never told my husband about my incident as a child, but yesterday I explained everything to him. He is very open-minded and believes in UFOs and other strange things. I also told my older son about it and he suggested I contact you. I believe he reads your articles and that you have talked to him in the past.
My older son believes that I experienced an abduction. In fact, my husband agrees with him as well. Like I stated earlier, you have my permission to publish if personal details are removed. I have included my contact information below. Thank you for your time. SK
NOTE: Last evening, out of the blue, I received an email from SK's son (RK). I hadn't remembered the original email from SK though I was sure I had posted it. RK reminded me of the incident...then stated that SK had suddenly passed away in December 2014. I was able to contact him be telephone this morning.
RK said that he had kept close tabs on the Todd Sees incident on the blog. He didn't go into detail about SK's death but did state that the family believes that his Mother's experiences contributed to her demise. RK then mentioned that she was constantly worried that she would be abducted and thought her family may also be victims at some point.
I asked RK to keep me posted in case other information comes to light. I didn't want to push him on specific details...I feel if he thinks I should be told more particulars, that he'll offer the information at some point.
Most experiencers I have talked to struggle with continued fear and anxiety. Many are told that they will be monitored and to expect more contact at a later time. There is little doubt that these incidents place undue strain on the body and mind. Is alien science / technology resulting in loss of life? Are experiments (and disposal) conducted on abductees? I believe that there is more of a possibility of these scenarios than ever before. Lon
Wetenschap Jarenlang zochten onderzoekers naar een afdoende verklaring voor de ongebruikelijk lage temperatuur van een enorm stuk substantie in onze ruimte. Die substantie blijkt nu een stuk minder 'substantieel' te zijn dan verwacht: het is niet meer of minder dan een massief leeg gat.
Astronomen ontdekten dat wat ze jarenlang omschreven als de grootst denkbare structuur binnen ons universum, in feite niet bijzonder veel 'structuur' omvat. Het geheel zou een leeg gat zijn van om en bij de 1,8 miljard lichtjaren groot. Die 'supervoid' kenmerkt zich door zijn ongebruikelijke leegheid. Helemaal vacuüm is de structuur echter niet. "Supervoids zijn niet volledig leeg, zoals de naam zou doen vermoeden", zegt András Kovács, onderzoeker aan de Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. "Ze zijn wel minder dens." Zo zou het gat 20 procent minder materie bevatten, dan een prototypisch stuk 'lucht' uit onze ruimte.
"De grote luchtbubbel is de grootste individuele structuur die ooit door de mens werd waargenomen", zegt István Szapudi, hoofdonderzoeker van het project aan de University of Hawaii at Manoa. Het bestaan van het 'gat' kwam aan het licht toen men tijdens een studie ontdekte dat in het gebied waar de bel zich bevindt, de lucht zo'n 10.000 galaxies te weinig telt.
De temperatuurdip van de ruimte in de cold spot is maar voor 10 procent te verklaren door het gebrek aan materie in de kern
Het team van Szapudi was oorspronkelijk naar de leegte op zoek, omdat ze geloofden dat in de structuur het antwoord voor een ander opmerkelijk verschijnsel verborgen zat. Namelijk de ongewoon lage temperatuur die de ruimte binnen het gat vertoont. "De 'cold spot' deed aanvankelijk heel wat wetenschappers met de mond vol tanden staan", zegt Professor Carlos Frenk, kosmoloog aan de University of Durham. "De vraag was wat er precies voor zorgde dat de temperatuur er zo laag was, en of de verklaring al dan niet voor compleet nieuwe inzichten in de organisatie van ons universum zou zorgen."
Exotische fysica
Voor die nieuwe inzichten zorgde de bubbel wel degelijk. "De laatste theorieën stellen dat de temperatuurdip van de cold spot maar ten dele te verklaren is door het gebrek aan materie in de kern", zegt Frenk. "Over dat gedeelte breken we ons nog steeds het hoofd." Dat de extreme schommeling in temperatuur nog maar ten dele verklaard kon worden aan de hand van bestaande wetenschappelijk modellen, wijst misschien op het bestaan van 'exotische fysicawetten': wetmatigheden die het bestaan van onze kosmos reguleren, die tot nog toe niet werden ontdekt.
Daarnaast geven wetenschappers ook aan dat het samenvallen van een gebrek aan materie in de luchtbel en de terugval van de temperatuur, nieuw en onafhankelijk bewijsmateriaal vormen voor het bestaan van zogenaamde 'zwarte materie'.
WetenschapWetenschappers menen een verklaring gevonden te hebben voor The Hum, een mysterieus geluid dat uitgaat van de aarde en onderzoekers al decennia bezighoudt.
Het gezoem wordt geregistreerd door seismische instrumenten, maar ook een relatief klein deel van de mensen kan het horen, meldt Metro UK. Onderzoekers hebben zwart op wit het bewijs dat onze aarde continu trilt met zeer lage tonen, maar konden tot nog toe geen sluitende verklaring vinden voor het fenomeen.
In het verleden werd vermoed dat het gezoem afkomstig was van onder andere straling of geheime militaire projecten.
Een onderzoeksteam onder leiding van oceanograaf Fabrice Ardhuin, suggereert nu dat oceaangolven de trillingen veroorzaken wanneer ze met elkaar botsen. "Golven botsen met elkaar. Dat veroorzaakt seismische golven en zorgt ervoor dat de aarde trilt, waardoor de uiterst lage tonen worden voortgebracht", aldus Ardhuin.
Hij spreekt van "een grote stap vooruit in het verklaren van 'The Hum'", zoals Britten het mysterieuze gezoem noemen.
A local news channel in Chile accidentally recorded some UFOs shoot into the plume of the erupting volcano. Most UFO researcher, including myself do believe that some volcanoes around the world that are harder for humans to access contain alien bases 4-6km below the surface, and that they use the mouth of the volcano as an easy entrance/exit. SCW
Eyewitness states: An evacuation has been ordered at least 13 miles around the site of the eruption. Around 1,500 people are fleeing the area, Reuters reported. Local reports say people are rushing to fill up gas tanks and buy food. Calbuco is a stratovolcano in southern Chile, located southeast of Llanquihue Lake and northwest of Chapo Lake, in the Los Lagos Region. The volcano and the surrounding area are protected within Llanquihue National Reserve. Wednesday 22nd of April 2015 06:24:57 PM
Amazing new Mayan artifacts prove the extraterrestrial connection between the Maya and their galactic visitors, furthering the preponderance on the December 21, 2012 end date to the Long Count calendar.
Many people have speculated that the Maya were visited by extraterrestrials and that at least one of their deities, Kukulcan (also known as Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs), may have been a galactic visitor who taught the Maya about agriculture, mathematics, medicine and astronomy. How else could one explain the Mayan calendar, a calendar that to this day can accurately predict every lunar eclipse within 30 seconds?
The Maya knew of planets that were not “discovered” until many centuries later. They were also the first civilization to use the “zero” in mathematics.
Interestingly, while Quetzalcoatl was described by the Maya as appearing to be Caucasian, having blonde hair and blue eyes, some of the artifacts appear to have African characteristics, thus giving credence to the hypothesis that our civilization was seeded here from various star nations.
The demise of the Maya civilization came in 1521 when Hernán Cortés invaded the Maya during the Spanish Conquest of the Yucatan, funded by the Roman Catholic Church. Cortés believed the Maya were a pagan civilization and ordered his Conquistadors to raid the Mayan buildings. Books, biographies, musical compositions, histories, genealogies and other Mayan works were burned, thus destroying nearly every trace of this great civilization.
This shows us how long the media has been deceiving the public. If the Spanish supposedly destroyed all of the Maya’s books, texts, calendars and manuscripts, then why do works such as the Dresden Codices still exist?
Linguist Clif High stated, “”The 11:11 am alignment on December 21, 2012 was deliberately created by Pope Gregory, under the direction of the powers that be at that time. They took a German mathematician, who assembled a team and then they used texts that theoretically do not exist. Many of the Mayan books that were said to have been burned weren’t burned, but crated up and taken back to the Vatican as part of the payoff for the expedition and the slicing of the planet between the Spanish and the Portuguese by the pope of that time.”
“Pope Gregory brought aboard a team of mathematicians who spent 5 months at the reconciliation level alone, to get the Gregorian calendar to align, specifically, with the end of the Mayan calendar with these particular numbers. They wanted the 11:11 am because 11 is the number of mastery, it is one number beyond divinity and the 11:11 combo brings you to 22 which is their number for sainthood or ascension. The whole 2012 date continuously points back to the holy cross, or the swastika. If you look down on a swastika, it’s both the double cross, indicating the 4 sided pyramid, or 5 sided counting the bottom, but it also represents a solar effect. This solar effect can be seen from the sun or from outside the earth but we can’t see it from here. The effect twists somewhat to create an image similar to the swastika. The swastika was encoded as a reference to solar activity that will occur around 2012.”
In a recent article, remote viewing Tibetan monks foresaw an ET intervention in 2012. Is this what the Maya perceive?
So what can we expect on December 21, 2012? Chances are, it’ll be just another day but no
one knows for sure. If these artifacts have anything to do with the end date of the Mayan calendar, it could be the start of an exciting new era in human history!
Disc-Shaped UFO Flies Behind Argentina TV News Live Broadcast (UPDATE)
Posted: 03/05/2015 3:41 pm EST Updated: 03/06/2015 2:59 pm EST
UPDATE: March 6 – A UFO that was reportedly caught on videotape during a live news report in Argentina, apparently was not a UFO — it was a hoax. Today’s edition of cable news channel Todo Noticias (TN) reports that the so-called unexplained object didn’t even exist.
In fact, TN has released an unedited version of the original news broadcast and there is no UFO or any other object in the sky outside the window backdrop behind the news anchor desk where the “UFO” originally appeared.
While TN doesn’t offer an explanation as to who was responsible for the hoax, it released this statement on its website today:
“The truth is that the video was edited and the UFO was added digitally. Here we show you the original video, without editing, with the full minute from 12:24, the moment in which someone wanted to fabricate a UFO on the air at Todo Noticias.”
Something odd seems to have occurred over the weekend during a live news broadcast in Argentina — a rapidly moving, disc-shaped object appears to move across the sky behind the studio where the news anchors sit on Todo Noticias, aka TN, a cable news channel based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
From the viewers’ point of view, the news reporters sit in front of a large window array which looks out onto an urban scene. reports the news broadcast happened on Feb. 28 and was posted to YouTube by a site called JMHZ71 on or about March 1.
Here’s the video of the UFO:
This case brings up questions that revolve around its credibility.
If this newsroom really has a window that looks outside, why didn’t anyone in the production company see the object and begin the process of reporting it?
Look closely at the video and you’ll notice the object seems to begin to vanish just before it goes behind the building, and then, when it re-emerges on the other side, if you pause the video and watch it step-by-step as the UFO comes into view again, it almost seems to “jump” quickly into the picture.
“I’m not completely convinced that the UFO was part of the original news broadcast, partly because this isn’t the first time that I’ve seen an anomaly allegedly captured behind the cameras of an Argentinian news team,” said Ben Hansen, the former lead investigator of the Syfy Channel’s “Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files.”
“My team went to Santa Cruz, Argentina, in 2011 to confront a news cameraman who finally admitted to using animation software to fake an alien creature walking in the background of an interview. In that case, the news station employee was responsible for adding the hoax to the video segment which eventually aired on their news broadcast,” Hansen told HuffPost in an email.
Hansen points out that if Todo Noticias actually captured a UFO during their live broadcast this past weekend, “one would expect the news station would make at least some mention of it on their website for the added publicity. As of today, there is not one mention of the UFO video on TN’s website. More than likely, the news station has heard of the UFO claim and has reviewed their broadcast video. Once they ascertained there was no UFO in the original broadcast, they dismissed it as a hoax.”
So, what, specifically, are the clues in the video that point to a possible hoax here?
“I maintain this was most likely an animation hoax because of some common editing errors that appear to be present,” said Hansen. “If you pause the video right at the 33-second mark (image below), you’ll see that the UFO is superimposed right on top of what appears to be guy-wires which anchor an antenna mast.
“The problem here is that the UFO has just finished passing behind the antenna. While not impossible to squeeze through, the space between the antenna and its guy-wires is presumably very narrow. The image of the building is fairly clear where the antenna is anchored and I’d expect the UFO image to be less degraded if it were situated in the same visual plane.”
Hansen points out another error of what he refers to as “sloppiness in the composite editing process,” that occurs at the 40-second point in the video (image above) where “the UFO prematurely disappears before passing behind the brown building.”
So far, the TN website hasn’t acknowledged the UFO or offered any statement about the video in question.
1 – LOST TIME: A period of time, from minutes to several days, in which you cannot recall what happened to you or what you have done.
2 – UNUSUAL MARKS: On your body like scars, scoop marks, laser cuts in series on ankle, wrist or back. Any scars which you’re unable to explain where you got them from.
3 – TAPPING OR HUMMING NOISES: Hearing these sounds upon odd occasion such as bedtime, just prior to sleep. (Many times, just prior to bedtime, for a period of many years, traveling on the road in my job, I thought an 18-wheeler was idling outside my room. Never was any truck, just the sound in my head.)
4 – BEING WATCHED: A feeling you get, during or just prior to sleep at night.
5 – SLEEPWALKING: You wake up in a different place from where you went to sleep and do not know how you got there. (As detailed in my book, I did this from age seven to age sixteen.)
6 – SEEN A UFO: During your life you’ve seen UFO’s or seen strange lights in the sky. (Many times, in my teenage years, I saw silver discs, very high in the sky.)
7 – NEED TO TRAVEL: A strange compulsion to walk or drive to another location without any explanation. (This happened four times to me.)
8 – UNEXPLAINED MEDICAL PROBLEMS: Sudden illness, sinus problems, fatigue, migraines or rashes.
9 – UNABLE TO SLEEP: You experience insomnia by way of nightmares, dreaming of UFO’s or being devoured by animals with large black eyes. (Usually associated with common wild animals such as owls, coyotes or wolves.)
10 – IMPLANTS: Your physician or you discover small, strange object inside your body that cannot be explained. Common places are the hip, ankle, foot, nose or hand. (Both Peggy and I have implants in our bodies.)
11 – TERMINATED PREGNANCY: You become pregnant and within a few months the pregnancy is terminated, without any explanation or discharge.
12 – SPERM SAMPLES: You believe you have had intercourse in the night or have had semen extracted from your body.
13 – PSYCHIC ABILITIES: You suddenly feel as though you have obtained some degree of psychic ability without any explanation for it.
14 – PARALYZED IN BED: Waking with immobility. For some reason you cannot move your body for a few seconds or minutes.
15 – BALLS OF LIGHT: Flashes of light or beams of light glimpsed through the corner of your eyes or seen directly, head on in your bedroom at night.
16 – DREAMS OF FLYING: Repeated dreams of having the ability to fly or of flying over your house or a familiar area.
17 – STRONG MEMORY: A very strong memory of something unusual such as floating through the air, lying upon an examination table, seeing a hypodermic needle or seeing a strange, skinny baby.
18 - COSMIC AWARENESS: A sudden interest in ecology, environment, vegetarianism or you just become very socially conscious for no apparent reason in your adult life.
19 – YOUR MISSION: You become aware of a strong sense of duty, a mission in life. You have a compulsion to fulfill a task in life but you don’t know exactly what it is or why you have this feeling.
20 – “SPECIAL”: You have a feeling that secretly, known only to yourself, you are special or chosen by someone, somehow.
21 – UNEXPLAINED EVENTS: You have had occurrences in your life which you cannot understand or explain to anyone.
22 – PSYCHIC: You have had the experience of knowing something was going to happen before it happened and then – it did happen!
23 – EYE DREAMS: You remember dreaming about large eyes. Usually familiar wildlife animals such as deer, elk, moose, owl, wolf or coyote. All you remember about the dream are the unusually large eyes.
24 – STARTLED: You awaken in the night, sometimes frequently, feeling a sense of panic or anxiety for no apparent reason.
25 – PICTURES OF ALIENS: You have an aversion to looking at any picture or drawing of an alien, similar to the greys shown on the cover of the book: “Communion”.
26 – FEARS OR PHOBIAS: You have inexplicable feelings of aversion to heights, snakes, spiders, large insects, certain sounds, bright lights, personal safety and/or a fear of being alone.
27 – SPECIAL PLACE: You have a memory of a special place with spiritual significance when you were a youngster.
28 – SELF-ESTEEM PROBLEMS: You have experienced that low worth feeling much of your life.
29 – SEEN IN SLEEP: Someone with you, a partner, become paralyzed, motionless or frozen in time, especially at or during bedtime.
30 – CRAFT OR ALIEN: You have someone in your life who claims to have seen a UFO, been abducted or has witnessed missing time.
31 – BLOOD: You have had times when you found blood, or small drops of blood on your pillow with no explanation how it got there.
32 – UFO’S OR ALIENS: You have had an interest in these topics in your mind with no idea why.
33 – AVERSION: You have an extreme aversion to talking, seeing or listening to any mention of the subject of UFO’s, aliens or abductions.
34 – BEING WATCHED: You have the feeling you are being watched most of the time, especially at night.
35 – SOLID OBJECTS: You have the feeling of having had your body pass through solid objects such as doors or windows.
36 – FOG OR HAZE: You have seen fog or haze when it should not have been there.
37 – NOSE BLEEDS: You have had nose bleeds at some time in your life without apparent cause or you have awoken with a nose bleed. (I had nosebleeds from childhood through my teenage years.)
38 – SORENESS: You awaken with soreness in your genitals which cannot be explained.
39 – BACK OR NECK PROBLEMS: Your back aches without cause or you awaken with unusual stiffness in any part of your body. (I still have that symptom, but it might just be arthritis at my age. Ha!)
40 – ELECTRONIC MALFUNCTION: Certain electronic appliances, (computers, digital watches, etc.) seem to malfunction in your presence with no explanation. Street lights going out when you walk under them or radio and television being affected when you walk by.
41 – RINGING IN THE EARS: Frequent or sporadic ringing in your ears on just in one ear.
42 – BEHIND YOUR EYE: A headache, especially in the sinus, or in just one ear.
43 – MEDICAL PROCEDURES: Dreams of doctors doing medical procedures upon your body.
44 – GOING CRAZY: Having the feeling that you are going insane for even thinking about these sorts of things. (Both Peggy and I have thought that, many times.)
45 – PARANORMAL: Experiencing psychic or odd experiences including intuition.
46 – COMPULSIVE/ADDICTIVE: This behavior either throughout your life or onset at adulthood. (I have had this problem, throughout my life.)
47 – URGE TO TAKE VITAMINS: Do you feel compelled to take more vitamins as the years pass? Do you feel somehow it is helping ‘replenish’ your body? (I started taking a lot of vitamins at age 50. I kept telling myself it was just because I wanted to be ‘healthy’.)
48 – AFRAID OF THE CLOSET: Have you ever been or are you now afraid of your closet or any closet in the house, having to make certain the door(s) are always shut?
49 – SEXUAL OR RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS: Have had or are having an odd feeling that you must not become involved in a relationship because it would interfere with something.
50 – REMAIN VIGILANT: Fear that if you do not remain vigilant you will be taken away by someone.
51 – DIFFICULTY TRUSTING: Have trouble trusting other people, especially authority figures such as doctors. (I certainly have that now!)
52 – DREAMS OF DESTRUCTION: Dreams about catastrophes such as the end of the world.
53 – DON’T TALK: You have the feeling you should not talk about these things or that you are not supposed to talk about these things.
54 – SLEEP AGAINST THE WALL: You feel you must have your bed against the wall.
55 – LOCKING ALL DOORS: You double and triple-check locking up at night to prevent something or someone getting into your home. (I am still compulsive about that, from time to time.)
56 – CHILDREN OR PARENTS: Have talked about things on this list or you have heard them talk to others about things on this list.
57 – NO SUCCESS: You have tried to resolve some of these problems in your mind but with little success.
58 – NO RECALL: You have experienced many of these traits but cannot remember anything related to any abduction experience.
Fourteen (14) Additional Signs Of Potential Alien Abduction
68 – HAVE FEAR/WARINESS OF A CERTAIN PLACE (In my case, cell repeater towers, triangular in shape, make me afraid when I see them. Still do not know why.)
70 – SEE SAME NUMBERS ON THE CLOCK LINED UP (Such as awakening at 1:11 a.m. or 3:33 a.m.)
72 – AWAKE IN OTHER POSITION/PLACE (I was sleepwalking, I thought, at a young age and my Grandmother awakened me in the front yard in the middle of the night!)
Triangular-Shaped UFO Sighted at the Nellis AFB Nuclear Weapons Storage Area
Triangular-Shaped UFO Sighted at the Nellis AFB Nuclear Weapons Storage Area
Credit: Las Vegas Review-Journal
By Robert Hastings 4-22-15
Christopher Cabrera recently told me, “I was a Security Forces member in the United States Air Force from 1998 to 2002. Beginning in October 1998, I was stationed at Nellis AFB, Nevada, where I witnessed two separate, strange and unexplainable incidents while on duty.” He continued:
At the time I arrived in [Las] Vegas, Nellis’ ‘Area 2’ served as one of two main Air Force nuclear weapons depots in the United States and ranked 4th in the world, in terms of the number of stored nuclear warheads. The 896th Munitions Squadron, a unit of the USAF Materiel Command, oversaw them in conjunction with the Air Combat Command.
Along the perimeter of Area 2 were numbered markers which were assigned to security teams known as ‘Whiskey’ posts/patrols. As a perimeter security team/patrol we were tasked to cover approximately 20 markers per team. Most teams/patrols were composed of two members who drove pickup trucks while other teams/patrols had up to fourmembers and drove Humvees.
The first incident I witnessed occurred in late 1998, while working with a partner on the Southwest perimeter patrol. I worked the 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. shift. It was winter and by 5:45 p.m. it was completely dark.
Approximately 15 minutes before leaving my shift for the day, my patrol met up with the Northeast patrol at one of the markers to chat, before being relieved of our duties. Our trucks were parked facing southeast, when all four of us noticed three extremely bright lights blinking sequentially in a vertical, triangular formation. The event lasted about 10 seconds and the lights were so bright that it felt like it was daytime again.
The first light to shine was at the apex of the formation, then the second light, which was at the bottom left of the formation, and then the third light, at the bottom right. They did this pattern at least twice, fading in-and-out rather than just blinking on-and-off. The color was a light amber color when fully lit and a dark amber color right before it disappeared.
The bottom two lights were about 100 feet off the ground; all four of us had to look up slightly to see them. They seemed to be about a quarter-mile from us, or maybe a little closer. They didn’t seem like separate objects but lights affixed to one solid object. No clear outline could be seen but this thing blocked out the stars behind it. There was no sound at all; it was eerily quiet.
Once the light display was over, we all were asking one another if we really had seen what we saw and, most importantly, what was it? Next, we immediately notified our Control Center of the incident, as it was our duty to do so.
Even though it was our shift-change, Control put a halt to any patrol movements inside the Area and sent an outer perimeter team, called an Oscar patrol, to investigate. Another patrol with a senior member decided to assist the Oscar patrol in the investigation. The process took about 30 minutes and then the shift-change was allowed to proceed. I, along with my partner and the other patrol who witnessed the incident, were called into our Flight Chief’s office to discuss what had happened. When we entered the lobby outside of his office, were told to fill out an incident form. We were then asked general questions by our Flight Chief and then separately pulled into the his office and asked to tell our story in detail. During my conversation with him, I never got the impression that he didn’t believe me.
Right before he allowed us to head home for the night, he strictly instructed us that the incident never happened said that we were never to talk amongst ourselves or to anyone else about the incident. We were threatened with dishonorable discharge, among other things, which was very confusing and angered me.
The next day, as part of our morning meeting, the Flight Chief addressed the whole staff, saying that there was no incident the night before and that no one should talk about it or they would face stiff penalties. As instructed, my co-workers and I never talked about it.
I never found out what happened to our incident reports and never found out if it was further investigated. I continued to work in the Area as a sentry foranother five months until I was promoted to working at the Armory, within Area 2, for three more years. Although I didn’t experience any other incidents during the rest of my time at Area 2, others did report strange lights, disembodied voices, shadow-like humanoids and strange claw marks on certain surfaces.
At this point, I told Cabrera that I had heard about sightings of “shadow people” at Area 2 from another former Security Policeman (SP) who had worked there from 2002 to 2008. This individual gave me a detailed written statement and allowed me to record a telephone interview with him in 2010. I found him to be credible, cautious in his assessments, but nevertheless unequivocal in his remarks to me. In one email he wrote, “My experiences involved:
● Unexplained lights in the sky to include lights that hover, move in irregular patterns, appear for entire nights and disappear the next, and a unique incident involving a small light at very close proximity that caused a chase by security personnel
● Inexplicable penetration alarms with odd phenomena at the scene to include metallic taste in the air, humanoid sightings, extreme temperature differences and loss of radio communications
● Sudden commercial power failures and failure of back-up generators
● Sightings of humanoids, shadowy figures, foot chases, and a weapons-free incident
● Animal mutilations
● Harassment of security personnel [by superiors who mandated strict secrecy]
Although he had provided me with his DD-214 service record, and told me that I could publish his statements, this individual later became concerned about possible official repercussions relating to his disclosures and ceased communications with me. Consequently, I will not identify him here.
In any case, this former SP told me that one night in 2004, he had had a humanoid sighting himself, of a silhouette-like, 8- or 9-foot-tall figure that outran three teams of SPs who were sent to investigate a mysterious light seen in a distant corner of the weapons storage compound.
Upon arriving at the location in vehicles, no light could be found. However, seconds later, one SP spotted the towering figure, visible against the moon-lit sky, which quickly turned and ran. After disappearing over a rise in the terrain, with six Security Policemen in hot pursuit, the unknown intruder seemingly vanished into thin air.
Upon relating this testimony to Cabrera, he seemed relieved that someone else had reported such an encounter, telling me that he was concerned that I would think him a liar or mentally unbalanced.
He then mentioned a former colleague, who had arrived at Area 2 just before the end of his tour of duty there, had also reported incidents involving the so-called shadow people. I later spoke with this person by telephone, who described his sightings—two, in daylight—but he ultimately decided not elaborate in writing or on audiotape. Regardless, I consider his comments to me to be credible and it was clear that he had been deeply affected by the encounters.
One might be tempted to dismiss these humanoid sightings as ridiculous “ghost stories” told by young, bored military guards to pass the time. However, given their Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) status—whereby a Security Policeman could be immediately reassigned away from guarding nuclear weapons if his mental stability were in question—these guys had absolutely no reason to go around spreading UFO and humanoid sighting stories. Nevertheless, they did, sometimes informing their superiors, whereupon they were told never to discuss the incidents again, rather than being reassigned.
In any case, Cabrera then continued with his narrative:
I was supposed to be discharged in late July 2002 but was held at Nellis for two more months. During this time, I did go on base Police patrols, worked on the flight line and at the various entry control points. Every now and then, we were tasked and sent to work at certain off-site stations and other bases.
One of the places we were sent to was called Indian Springs, now known as Creech Air Force Base. We were there to fill-in at the entry control points at the front gate and another entrance. Indian Springs was located approximately 30 miles from Nellis, but it took over an hour to get there while traversing the barren desert landscape.
I found out during my time at Main Base, that Indian Springs was primarily a practice spot for the Air Force Thunderbirds. There was also a rumor that it was also the testing ground for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Drone fighters. There were rumblings as well, of UFOs and humanoid beings that were spotted there.
I had worked Indian Springs a handful of times and always found it to be very unusual. There were never many people there and the activity was extremely low. It was like a ghost town sometimes. I never stayed late when working there so I never experienced what the nightlife was like.
One morning in late September 2002, I was told that I was to go there and fill-in at their entry control point for one shift, which was to begin at 7 a.m. and end at around 5 p.m. I was to be partnered with another individual but when I arrived, there was no partner so I proceeded to work my schedule as planned, but on my own.
At 5 p.m. I was eagerly anticipating the end of my shift but no one showed up to relieve me. I called Nellis to get an update and was told that there was a slight delay and that I would be picked up soon. About 45 minutes later, I decided to step out of the ECP—entry control point—and get some air. It was dark by this time and the environment seemed different to me; almost foreign.
I looked at the night sky. It was a cold, crisp night with tons of stars. For some reason, I felt compelled to look behind me towards the base. When I did, an amber/red orb caught my eye as it hovered motionless over Indian Springs. I stared at it for about two minutes when, suddenly, a red beam shot out from the orb and hit the side of the nearest mountain. The beam lasted about one minute and I noticed what looked like molten rock dripping from the mountain. The beam abruptly ceased and the orb just disappeared. A few seconds later, the molten effect on the mountain also dissipated. This incident took me aback and I was really eager to leave the base. Finally, I was relieved of duty, about 20 minutes later, and left Indian Springs for the last time.
Learning what could happen from my 1998 incident, I never told anyone. My fear was that I would be dishonorably discharged and/or be dropped in rank and ridiculed the rest of my time in the Air Force. These two incidents have changed my life profoundly and I stand by what I’ve stated.
A YouTuber leaving her job at the Town Center of Virginia Beach spotted a weird object fluttering around the top of the nearby Westin Hotel building. The object sat motionless at times, and occasionally sped off and came back. The witness was left wondering what the heck she had seen. Luckily, she caught it on video.
Picture of the Virginia Beach Town Center at night. The Westin Hotel building can been seen in the center. It is the largest building in Virginia. (Credit:
I was tipped off to this video (seen above) by John Greenwald, who posted it on his website He felt the video was “kind of interesting,” and I agree. It immediately reminded me of a similar video that witnesses had given me a few years back of a strange object flying around the New York-New York Hotel and Casino on the Las Vegas strip.
The Virginia Beach video was posted on April 18, 2015 by YouTuber Mandy AMF. The sighting allegedly took place on the same day.
In the video, an object can be seen hovering over the Westin’s large, brightly lit, pyramid roof and spire. At first it doesn’t look too abnormal, but then the object begins to maneuver in strange ways. It zooms off and comes back a couple of times before zooming off one last time at the end of the video. The video last about 3 and a half minutes.
Map showing the location of Virginia Beach. (Credit: Google Maps)
In the description, Mandy AMF says she spotted the object at about 12 am. In the comments, she says she works at the Town Center and spotted it when she was leaving work.
People have left comments suggesting that the UFO might be a bird, a drone, or a hoax.
As for the latter, Mandy AMF says, ” Wow! Lol, definetly [sic] not a hoax.”
” I was not alone while I was filming this, and I have heard from people online who saw it, too [sic],” she adds.
Map of the Town Center of Virginia Beach. (Credit: Google Maps)
There are none of the tell-tale signs that this video is a hoax. The YouTube account has been active since August, 2011, and other videos on the account appear to be typical family videos. Well, the humor displayed by the kids in the video may be above typical, actually.
The video, to me, does not appear to be CGI either. So, at least I am convinced it is not a hoax.
What the UFO may actually be is another question. The object does not appear to be self-luminescent. It looks like the object is reflecting the bright lights of the pyramid at the top of the building. Often birds are attracted to these lights. However, this object hovers for a long time before zooming off and coming back. It seems like behavior that would be abnormal for a bird.
Still, one YouTuber commented, ” Looks like a bird probably a falcon [sic], the bright light from the top of the building is reflecting off the bird. If you look close you can make out the wings flapping.”
I cannot make out any flapping. Perhaps you can, if so, let us know below.
Close-up of the strange object caught on video over the Westin Virginia Beach Town Center. (Credit: YouTube/MandyAMF)
If this is not a bird, it is possible that it is a drone. However, if it is, it does not appear to have lights on it. When it leaves the lights of the building, it cannot be seen. Without lights it would be hard to track a drone, especially one flying so high.
According to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, the building is 508 feet tall, and is the tallest building in Virginia. This is not an impossible height for a drone, but still, very high, especially without lights.
One YouTuber put a link to Aerial Virginia in her comment, apparently suggesting that the object could be one of their drones. When visiting the Aerial Virginia website, it appears they do fly drones around to capture dramatic video of the area, including the Town Center area. Could it be one of their drones?
I have sent them an email, but as of the writing of this story, I have not received a reply. I will let you know if I do.
What struck me about the video is how similar it is to a video I was given many years ago of a UFO over the Las Vegas strip near the New York-New York Hotel and Casino. I have posted it on YouTube and you can see it below.
This video was captured in 2008, I could not remember the exact date, and I lost contact with the witnesses. A couple and one of their relatives talked to me about the sighting after I had given a lecture. They said they had seen a UFO on a recent trip to Las Vegas, and they gave me a copy of the video they captured to examine, and allowed me to post it.
In 2008, Chinese Lanterns were not as common, and neither were drones. Like the Virginia video, the object seems to randomly meander and make sudden quick movements.
It has been suggested that the UFO in Las Vegas is actually a bag floating around in the wind. That could be possible of this Virginia video as well, however, in both videos, the object seems to hover for quite a long time. Also, in both videos, the movement seems to be deliberate.
Either way, I think they are both interesting videos. Let us know what you think they might be below.
Lieutenant Fox was in the Navy in the 1960′s flying attack planes. He had a top-secret clearance and served in Vietnam. He is a retired pilot of 33 years with American Airlines.
In his testimony, he reveals that there is a publication called JANAP 146 E that has a section which states that no one is to share any information regarding the UFO phenomenon under penalty of $10,000 fine and 10 years in prison.
During one incident in late 1964, while flying an A4 Skyhawk, he says that all of a sudden a darkened saucer shaped object about 30 feet in diameter appeared on his left side. There were many other events over the course of his career where he observed saucer shaped and cigar shaped UFO’s over military installations as well as one time seeing two red lights traversing the night’s sky from horizon to horizon in three seconds. He was afraid to bring up these events to others due to the inherent ridicule in the subject.
On April 12, 2015 the witness was on his terrace of his home in Rome and was filming a plane with a camera with a powerful zoom (Panasonic Lumix camera with a 60x zoom lens). When he reviewed the video on his computer he noticed what looks like a disc-shaped object.
The sighting is analyzed by the Mediterranean UFO Center (C.UFO.M) and they concluded that it is not a bird, a satellite, an atmospheric probe or a balloon.
The object emits lights sometimes right and sometimes to the left. As for the lights, if the object is a balloon that is spinning, reflections would change rapidly and look to be in odd places, but investigator Angelo Maggioni ruled out that it is a balloon as the sun is to the left and not all of the reflections appear to be to the left, besides the object has a focus similar to that of the aircraft. Angelo Maggioni suggests the object must be a UFO.
But is it a UFO, a man-made or extraterrestrial craft with lights or it is just a balloon?
We hear a lot about saucer-shaped UFOs, cigar-shaped ones, even triangular and pentagonal, but we don't talk publicly about another oddity in the sky, the red-orange lights. May 22, 2012, I was out in the desert between Maricopa and Mobile, Arizona with a friend. My friend builds telescopes and he brought one with him to show me what it's like to look through one. We set up his telescope and studied the stars. My friend brought out a laser pointer and was showing me constellations. When we were done, he began disassembling the device and I watched the skies still. There were only random planes in the distance, nothing else happening in the dark sky.
Then, around 9:30, I was looking in the direction of some distant small mountains and across the empty country roadway that had a train track running parallel with it. I saw a red-orange light shaped like a ball in the distance, then it went out and another one showed up, but much closer. Then, it went out, and other one showed up even closer. It looked to me like two lights leap-frogging each other up along the roadway, above the train track power lines that ran along them. My first thought was “are the lines sparking?” But, the lights silently came closer and closer until I moved my body a bit, poised, ready to duck if I had to. Each light orb was the same red-orange color, perfectly round, the light contained within and not glowing out and around them. I called to my friend, when the lights stopped. He wondered if I had misread some lights, but knowing the area, what was there (or not there, it was a lonely desert location), I knew I saw something very odd. There was no sound, the lights did not glow on anything around them, and the light seemed so organic, that I had to wonder if it was some kind of odd natural phenomena. Then, as my friend was opened up his car to put the parts of the telescope in, I looked up and saw the lights again, further in the distance. I called out to him and he lifted his head and saw them. One light was on, then another light came on not too far from it, but then the first one went out and the second one. They seemed to be doing some kind of chase of each. To me, it felt like two separate objects lighting up, but in retrospect, it could have been the same one turning off as the main object moved and then its light came back on. At this point, I was excited. Now, it seemed like not a quirky set of conditions, but an actual purposeful happening. I clapped and got excited, asking it to show itself again. My friend, however, was very unsettled. He rushed to put the telescope parts into the car when it happened again. I pointed into the distance. They were there again, a bit higher in the sky, one light that seemed to split into two lights, at least it gave that impression from our viewpoint. They were there only a few seconds before they went out again, one after the other. I studied the sky and saw nothing else, no plane lights, not a thing. The sky was very dark. My friend went to the car, opened the driver's door and said he wanted to go. I told him we weren't going to leave his telescope and nothing had hurt us, let's just see what it does. Then, it started again. I got very excited to witness it yet again in a different location once again. They continued to be across the road and further down, below the distant outline of the mountains, but each time, they were either much more left or right or higher or lower on the horizon. After it doing this every few minutes, lasting a few seconds, it seemed to stop. All in all, it ran about a half hour. As we drove off into the night, my friend asked. “What time is it?” I looked. “10:30.” I told him. “We didn't miss any time, did we?” I felt certain we could account for our entire encounter, but I realized the episode unsettled him. I looked into the sky as we drove off, wondering if we we would see these orbs again, but we didn't. I can only describe them as a basketball with a florescent red-orange liquid inside that made them glow from within, not like taillights on cars that have a spray of light around them and seem rather flat. These seem globe-shaped and organically lit. They did not stay on long but when they went out, they didn't flicker in the least. They were very consistently lit. I've seen a lot of UFOs in the Arizona desert, but this particular event was so unusual. It didn't involve a craft per se, but something that seemed rather biologic or organic. I have no way of explaining why it felt that way, but the actions of the lights and the quality of them were not like anything I had a point of reference for.
Someone else's encounter
I started researching other's encounters to look for commonalities.
Description: 6 moving lights that appeared to be glowing, as if it was a lit candle, went across the sky. They one by one disappeared as the traveled. I have never see anything like this nor can I explain what it was – it didn't seem to be a plane or helicopter, nor can I understand why they would be all together traveling. There were no motor sounds, it was completely silent.
Description: “Noticed a single redish-orange fireball rising from eastern horizon from San Diego city center,” the witness stated. “At first it looked like an asteroid, but it was going up instead of down. Shortly after a second appeared from horizon following same path as the first. Then there was a third. I ran to get my wife so I wasn't the only one who saw.”
Description:“First thing I noticed, it was a cloudless star-lit night,” the witness stated. “This orange light was moving slowly across the sky, slowing down, then moving again. Also while we watched the light, would turn a little red. We watched for about three or four minutes, then it almost stopped and then started going straight up. We looked at each other in disbelief as it then vanished into the sky.”
Description:“I was walking back to our bungalow on the beach in Bang Saphan, Thailand with my girlfriend, after dinner, and looked up into the sky to see if it might begin to rain. As I looked up, an orange-red orb (maybe 3X the size of a night-time star – not very large), “zig-zagged” above VERY quickly and disappeared in the clouds/horizon.”
Description: “3 red-orange glowing orbs moving in sky, hovered then moved again, from Wimberly Texas area toward Seguin Texas Area, Disappeared in sky directly above where I and others stood watching!”
Description: “We were sitting outside our beach house looking over the ocean. Initially, we saw one orange/red light that began as a glow and got brighter until fading to dim, and then disappearing completely. It was a circular/sphere shape.” “I saw the same thing in Athens, Texas at approximately 11:40 pm on 12/31/2011. There was a very large red/orange orb that traveled from approximately North/Northwest to South/Southeast. It had no flashing lights on it and no tail. It addition, another light followed it and then seemed to be traveling straight up.”
Being a bit of a dork on these matters, I thought I'd try to retroengineer this phenomena by looking at what chemicals recreate red-orange lights. The longer wavelengths for that color light appear to be 600-700 nanometers and the chemicals utilized by fireworks for that color are strontium salts or lithium carbonate for red and calcium chloride for orange.
If you mix lithium and calcium you get calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is found in limestone, marble, chalk and travertine. Seashells are major source of calcium carbonate. Curious what happens if your burn calcium carbonate, I found out this – Burning is usually understood to mean an oxidation reaction that releases energy. Calcium carbonate is already fully oxidized, so it will never burn. When heated to 840 degrees Celsius, calcium carbonate dissociates to form calcium oxide (quicklime) and carbon dioxide. This reaction absorbs energy.
Now it gets more interesting – if you mix strontium and calcium you get phosphorescence! This is used for luminescent paints. You can mix sulphur and oyster shells at high heat in a container and get this glowing light reaction.
That intrigued me because of the high incidence of reports of USOs or UFOs that appear and disappear into the ocean. Sulphur is found near hot springs and volcanic areas/volcanic vents. The incidence of UFOs reported near volcanic areas is high not to mention the amount of volcanic vents in the ocean! Are they utilizing our simple earth elements in ways that create energy or reactions that they need to traverse the seas and skies?
Should we be holding up UFO witness report maps up against maps of oceans/volcanic areas/limestone areas?
UFO's and volcanoes -
I recently wrote about UFOs and severe storms. Now, it's entirely possible that people are seeing debris caught in storms or spewed from volcanoes as UFOs, but that doesn't answer all these incidents. A large volcano in California, Mt. Shasta, has long been associated with UFOs, aliens, and hidden worlds. Where there are legends that are repeated, there is some historic validity within.
If we look at where UFOs are seen, we might begin to understand what they need, what they want. If you were driving on a long road trip in your car, where you stop off might say a lot about your priorities. If we photograph and see you at gas stations off the main freeway, we can guess you might be looking for fuel. If gas stations are only found along roadways, we can assume you must traverse the roadways to get what you want.
UFO's beneath the water's surface – could easily utilize volcanic vents for sulphur and calcium carbonate seashell debris from the floor of the ocean if those were necessary fuels for travel, giving the very chemical reaction away every time you see the glowing balls of red-orange lights. Adding to the mystery, the encounters I have had with alien greys, as much as I'm uncomfortable talking about it, included them leaving in a red-orange light that seemed to be somehow biological and not from the outside. They were not beamed up onto a ship as we would imagine, but it did seem to take some of their concentration and focus to make this sort of “fusion” happen. The light was dense and then sort of speckled as if the very atoms that make them up were moving at a low frequency. It was hard to describe but the core of the light came from the chest area and spread up and down and out. It was clearly this same red-orange color. If much of what they do has to do with this process, then perhaps we can assume that within their own bodies they possess sulphur and calcium? Just a thought, but yet another part of the puzzle to work on. Source:Bioluminescence is not a rare phenomenon in marine life. Nature has its own way of putting up a magnificent show of light where sunlight cannot penetrate. The depths of the oceans are home to a variety of bioluminescent species of fish, bacteria, fungi and plants. Bioluminescent creatures on land such as fireflies, glow worms and fungi, in comparison, are a rare occurrence.
As vague as bioluminescence in humans may sound, recent scientific research has successfully proven that the human body emits very low intensity light which is invisible to the naked eye. Japanese scientists Daisuke Kikuchi and Masaki Kobayashi from the Tohoku Institute of Technology are the minds behind the proof of bioluminescence in humans.
With the aid of a highly sensitive imaging CCD (charge-coupled device) camera, these researchers were able to capture the very first images of human bioluminescence. It is no secret to science that living organisms are capable of producing negligible amounts of light resulting from cellular chemical reactions; however, capturing this low intensity bioluminescent light from humans was considered as an impossible feat. Nevertheless, this recent achievement comes as a breakthrough in the field of biology.
Dr. Gary Schwartz has also conducted experiments where he detected and recorded biophotons from plants and humands.
Experimenting Bioluminescence In Humans
Researchers Daisuke Kikuchi and Masaki Kobayashi used a very sensitive CCD camera to observed the upper bodies of the volunteers over a period of days.
The startling observations made during the process of this experiment include:
1. The human body emits light which is invisible to the naked eye; this light is precisely a 1000 times weaker than the human eye can perceive. 2. The human body emits light rhythmically and directly. 3. The light emitted by the human body is at its highest intensity late in the afternoon and it is at its lowest intensity late at night. 4. The forehead, cheeks and neck are the areas of the human body from which light of the brightest intensity is emitted as compared to other body parts. 5. It was also noted that the brightest areas noticed upon thermal imaging of the human body did not correspond with the brightest areas on these images of human bioluminescence.
Just as bioluminescence occurs due to chemical metabolic reactions in other known bioluminescent creatures, bioluminescence occurs in humans due to metabolic reactions as well. When cells of the human body respire, they produce highly reactive free radicals. These free radicals interact with free floating protein and lipids. This reaction can, at times, lead to further interaction with fluorophores in the human body, which leads to the emission of light.
Since human bioluminescence occurs at such a low intensity, it is very unlikely that this feature will serve any evolutionary purpose. Probably upon further research and study of this phenomenon, the practical applications of human bioluminescence may develop. We emit light like other bio-luminescent life forms on earth, but we simply haven't the eyesight range to be able to view it.
We might call this “auras” but if living organisms can utilize chemicals within to create a light from within, how might that be applied in the process of metabolic change to shift frequencies and thus shift universes? It's a thought and also a sign of potential science behind the utilization of natural earth elements to do many things that ancient man seemed to understand forgotten and that aliens might utilize today – here on our own planet.
I can take this even further and state that perhaps the use of a charge-coupled device camera might be ideal for looking for “other worldly” types from ghosts to Bigfoot, UFOs and more. In fact, Bigfoot might even possess eyes capable of seeing our light and evaluating our worth. Doppler Effect proves that light changes color as it comes towards us and as it moves away from us near the speed of light. Coming towards us, it can be greenish, but going away from us, it turns a reddish color. This might be yet another clue into what we are seeing and if it is coming or going.
I say it often and it's true: There is no magic, only science yet unexplained. So, in the case of these lights, I say we look at what could create such a light, where those goods might be, like the man in the car being noted at gas stations might need gasoline which can be used as a fuel to propel his vehicle. We certainly don't see great mining underway by any “alien” influences, so what might they use of natural earth sciences that are making their job easy and cheap? In other words, the mechanisms our governments, oil companies, and electric companies do not want us to learn and develop?
A professional photographer was filming an airliner from the patio of his home on the outskirts of Rome when he caught something on video he cannot explain. He did not see the object as he was filming, but upon review of the footage, a strange object can be seen for a couple of seconds. Local UFO researchers are just as baffled as the witness.
This UFO sighting has been covered in Italian news, and was investigated by the Mediterranean UFO Center (C.UFO.M). The name of the witness has been withheld.
According to C.UFO.M, the unnamed witness is a professional photographer who specializes in taking photographs of actors, singers, and other important people. On April 12, 2015, at his home on the outskirts of Rome, the photographer was filming an airliner using his Panasonic Lumix camera with a 60x zoom lens.
Upon review of the video, the photographer noticed a strange object pop onto the screen for a short period of time.
C.UFO.M examined the video to help determine what the object is. In their analysis, posted on their website, the investigator, Angelo Maggioni, first determined that the object was not a bird. He says the object is too high, and that the UFO does not look like other birds that have been captured in images.
UFO and birds comparison. The UFO videoed in Rome is on the bottom right. (Credit: C.UFO.M)
Maggioni also ruled out a balloon. Again, he felt the object was too high, and he notes that the object appears to have moving lights on it. He notes that there could be some reflections, but that the sun is to the left and not all of the reflections appear to be to the left.
A balloon image added to the analysis by C.UFO.M. Researcher Maggioni notes that a balloon can easily be identified in high quality images. (Credit: C.UFO.M)
In the end, Maggioni has no explanation. He feels it is a self luminescent object that, to him, remains a UFO.
Maggioni calculated the height of the object by concluding that the UFO was in focus and so it must be about the same distance as the airliner. He estimates it is 13,000 meters, or over 40,000 feet high. That would be around the same altitude as the airliner. Although, the still images look fuzzy and out of focus to me.
Close-up of the UFO caught on video in Rome. (Credit: C.UFO.M)
Also, as the camera pans to keep track of the airliner, the UFO flashes by. This could be because the UFO is stationary, or moving slowly, and much lower than the airliner.
As for the UFO’s lights, if the object is an odd-shaped, or misshapen, silver balloon that is spinning, reflections would change rapidly and look to be in odd places. When C.UFO.M zooms in on the object in their video (seen at the top of this story), the object does look disc-shaped. And we all know what is disc-shaped, that’s right, a balloon. Oh yeah, UFOs too.
The object is so small and far away that even though the photographer used a good camera and zoom lens, it is hard to know exactly what he caught on camera. Is this some sort of craft with lights on it, a mere balloon, or do you have another theory? Let us know below.
The Loveland, CO, witness noticed a light above the foothills on March 10, 2015. Pictured: Downtown Loveland. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
A Colorado witness at Loveland described an “unusual radiant light source” moving above the foothills of the Rocky Mountains that could not be identified, according to testimony in Case 64781 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was at home shaving in an upstairs bathroom at 9:12 p.m. on March 10, 2015, when he opened a window and “noticed a bright, steady, unchanging, radiant source of white light in close proximity to the tops of the initial foothills” west of his location.
The witness first thought the light was positioned on a light pole and later thought it might be automobile headlights.
“I was suddenly moderately surprised and shocked to observe the traveling object seemingly to stop its movement and execute a rapid drop in apparent altitude of seemingly a few hundred feet, before apparently being able to arrest the plunge in the altitude and coming to a stop briefly,” the witness stated.
The light on the object seemed to change from a steady glow to random flickering.
“After the brief arrestment of the altitude plunge, the object then began to haltingly ascend back in altitude, until it was again back at its seemingly original altitude, where it again stopped movement briefly.”
The witness now realized the light could not be an automobile and decided to continue to watch it.
“After the brief stop, upon the regaining of its former altitude, the object then began the same, slow, traveling speed, although now on a generally northern trajectory. While the object was performing the flickering aspect of its light radiance, reduced glare intensity from the object was occasionally low enough to pick out more detained features of the object generating the light radiance.”
The witness described the object.
“Object appeared to be a structured construct, of a roughly raised-dome shape, with the white light radiating from the domed area, and from what appeared to be a series of rectangular panels spaced around the circumference of the object’s lower one-third area.”
The object seemed to be repeating its actions.
“After slowly traveling back to the general north for a short distance, near where the object was originally noticed, the object was observed to repeat a virtually identical rapid drop in its altitude and seemingly struggle to get such halted and original altitude level re-established, and stopping briefly, yet again.”
The object eventually appeared to land. Loveland is located about 15 miles directly south of Fort Collins. (Credit: Google)
The witness thought that the object might be experiencing problems.
“Object appeared to be suffering performance difficulties involving its altitude maintenance, and after the brief stop in movement upon regaining its former altitude the second time, the object was observed to again resume a generally southward trajectory, until it appeared to land upon the top of the nearest hill along the newest trajectory. The object then appeared to just sit there on the hilltop, with its light radiance still in the random flickering nature, for about 1-2 minutes before I decided to relocate myself to the residence’s rear yard deck area, to see if I could improve observational abilities by being outdoors, with the wall clock glanced at showing then 9:16 p.m.”
The witness then went back inside and observed the object from the bathroom window.
“While observing upon the rear yard deck, I detected the approach of a conventional, small passenger aircraft in my side vision field to my right (north), by its engine sounds and safety lighting, and recalling having read about such objects displaying reactions to approaching aircraft, I began to observe the object intently, with just the barest of glances at the approaching aircraft, to keep track of its general position in relation to the landed object.”
The UFO seemed to react to the conventional aircraft.
“The conventional aircraft was on a generally north-to-south trajectory, traveling in between my location and the object, with what appeared as closer proximity to the objects area, than my own, and was traveling at an altitude of approximately 2,500-3,000 feet. When the conventional aircraft approached into the area to the northeast of the object, I observed the intensity of the flickering glow from the object seemingly stop the flickering activity, and assumed a steady glow again, as it seemingly reduced the power output into the glow function, drastically reducing the glow intensity down to just barely existent at all, to the level that if I had not had the object under direct observation at the moment, then I would have had high difficulty even noticing such a weak light source if casually eye-scanning across the general area of the landed object. The object was observed to maintain the extremely weak light glow throughout the area of passage of the conventional aircraft, until the aircraft had progressed to a point to the southeast of the object’s location, whereupon the object then seeming powered back up to its former flickering light radiance & intensities.”
The witness then said the object appeared to land.
“Observed the object landed on the hilltop for a few more minutes. After about one minute of observation, the object appeared to slowly take off and start ascending into the air once more, and then suddenly began a seemingly unstable, erratic set of movements, giving the appearance of the object not only still having altitude maintenance control difficulties, but now directional and attitude control issues. Object seemed to take several seconds to get the erratic movements stabilized enough to bring the object to a stop once more, before then very slowly moving off deeper into the foothills area on a northwestward trajectory, while seemingly increasing its altitude slightly, until it was able to apparently land on another hilltop.”
The witness continued to watch the object.
“Object remained on the second hilltop for another couple of minutes under my observation before I glanced at the room’s wall clock at 9:36 p.m. At 9:37 p.m., glanced at clock again, before observing the object still sitting atop of the distant hill for two minutes – 9:39 p.m.”
The witness looked away for a few minutes while shaving and when he looked back, the object was gone.
Loveland is in Larimer County, CO, population 71,334.
Colorado is currently a UFO Alert Level 5 – with 1.16 sightings per million population based on MUFON February 2015 statistics. Colorado received a total of six UFO reports in March.
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Er bestaat mogelijk dan toch een Planeet X voorbij Pluto
Er bestaat mogelijk dan toch een Planeet X voorbij Pluto
Over Planeet X doen allerlei complottheorieën de ronde: aan de rand van ons zonnestelsel zou zich een planeet schuilhouden die zo groot is als Jupiter en waarvan het bestaan geheim wordt gehouden door NASA. Er komt steeds meer bewijs dat voorbij Pluto nog een planeet bestaat.
Richard A. Lovett bespreekt het nieuwste bewijs in tijdschrift Cosmos. Het bewijs voor het bestaan van Planeet X kan volgens hem worden gehaald uit simulaties die laten zien dat Charon, de grootste maan van Pluto, niet altijd rond de dwergplaneet heeft gedraaid. Op een bepaald punt kwamen twee hemellichamen mogelijk met elkaar in botsing, waarna Charon een natuurlijke satelliet van Pluto werd.
Volgens New Horizons-hoofdonderzoeker Alan Stern houdt een dergelijke botsing in dat Pluto en Charon gezelschap hebben. Lovett schrijft:
Het buitenste deel van het zonnestelsel is reusachtig. De kans op een botsing zou miniem zijn als Pluto en Charon de enige objecten waren in dat gebied. Stern heeft uitgerekend dat het 10.000 keer de leeftijd van het hele heelal zou duren voordat een botsing tussen een eenzame Pluto en Charon aannemelijk zou worden. Maar als er ‘1000 Pluto-achtige objecten’ in de regio waren, zou een botsing veel waarschijnlijker worden, zo zei Stern afgelopen jaar tijdens een bijeenkomst in San Francisco.
“Er bevinden zich mogelijk zelfs Mars- en aardachtige dingen,” vertelde Stern aan Lovett. Wetenschappers weten al dat er meer dwergplaneten zijn voorbij Pluto. Vorig jaar kondigde Scott Sheppard, een astronoom van het Carnegie Instituut, aan dat hij een dwergplaneet had gevonden die hij Biden had genoemd.
Afwijkingen in de omloopbanen van Biden en andere dwergplaneten hebben geleid tot theorieën over het mogelijke bestaan van een planeet of planeten met een massa die groot genoeg is om deze verschillen te verklaren.
Supervoid: Wetenschappers hebben een onverklaarbaar gat in het heelal ontdekt
Superholte: Wetenschappers hebben een onverklaarbaar gat in het heelal ontdekt
Jarenlang zochten wetenschappers naar een verklaring voor de ongewoon lage temperatuur van een enorm stuk substantie in de ruimte. Die substantie blijkt nu een reusachtig leeg gat te zijn.
Deze grootst denkbare structuur in het heelal is een leeg gat van ongeveer 1,8 miljard lichtjaar in doorsnee. Helemaal vacuüm is de zogeheten ‘superholte’ echter niet. De zone bevat zo’n 20 procent minder materie dan ons deel van het universum.
De grote luchtbel is de grootste individuele structuur die ooit door de mens is waargenomen, aldus hoofdonderzoeker István Szapudi van de Universiteit van Hawaï in Manoa tegenover The Guardian. Het gat kwam aan het licht toen astronomen ontdekten dat in het gebied rond de bel zo’n 10.000 sterrenstelsels ‘vermist’ waren.
De holte bevindt zich rond de zogeheten cold spot (koude plek) die 10 jaar geleden werd ontdekt. Deze plek deed velen de wenkbrauwen fronsen. “De vraag was wat er precies voor zorgde dat de temperatuur er zo laag was, en of de verklaring al dan niet voor compleet nieuwe inzichten in de organisatie van ons universum zou zorgen,” zei professor Carlos Frenk van de Universiteit van Durham.
De lage temperatuur in de cold spot is maar voor 10 procent te verklaren door het gebrek aan materie, wat mogelijk wijst op het bestaan van ‘exotische natuurkundewetten’. Daarnaast zouden de lage temperatuur en het gebrek aan materie in de luchtbel ‘onafhankelijk bewijs’ kunnen zijn voor het bestaan van donkere energie.
"Buitenaards ruimteschip op 55 jaar oude NASA-foto"
“Buitenaards ruimteschip op 55 jaar oude NASA-foto”
Een UFO-spotter beweert een buitenaards schip te hebben gespot op een 55 jaar oude NASA-foto uit de beginperiode van het ruimtevaartprogramma. Scott C. Waring zegt een onverklaarbaar object te hebben gevonden op een foto uit 1960 die is gemaakt door een onbemande ruimtesonde.
Waring meent dat de ontdekking erop kan wijzen dat buitenaardse waarnemers al vanaf het begin een oogje in het zeil houden. Hij zag het vreemde object op een foto die op 19 december 1960 is gemaakt door ruimtecapsule Mercury-Redstone 1A.
“Ik vond een schijfvormig object op enkele foto’s van de Mercury-missie,” schreef hij op zijn blog. “De missie vond plaats in december 1960. Waarom zouden aliens niet geïnteresseerd zijn in een historisch moment in de menselijke geschiedenis?”
“Omdat de capsule onbemand was, hoefden ze zich geen zorgen te maken dat ze gezien zouden worden,” ging hij verder. “Op de achtergrond is de aarde te zien, terwijl de UFO vanuit de ruimte de capsule gadeslaat.”
“De schijf is bijna niet te zien op de eerste foto’s, maar wordt drie foto’s later wel duidelijk zichtbaar,” aldus Waring. “We leven in een bijzondere tijd waarin bepaalde waarheden over het universum binnen het bereik komen van de menselijke geest.”
Het Mercuryprogramma (1958-1963) was het eerste programma van de VS voor bemande ruimtevaart en had als doel de eerste Amerikaanse ruimtevaarders in een baan om de aarde te brengen.
Er waren tijdens het programma zes bemande ruimtevluchten. Op 20 februari 1962 werd John Glenn de eerste Amerikaan in een baan om de aarde. Op 24 maart 1961 werd Alan Shepard de eerste Amerikaan in de ruimte.
Weer een asteroïde rakelings langs de Aarde ( Video )
Weer een asteroïde rakelings langs de Aarde ( Video )
Iets waar eigenlijk nooit veel ruchtbaarheid aan wordt gegeven is dat er met de komst van Nibiru ook steeds meer asteroïden onze kant opkomen.
Vaak worden ze op het laatste moment opgemerkt, áls dat al gebeurt, zoals ook deze week.
Gisteren passeerde een asteroïde, 2015 HD .1 LD genaamd, onze aarde op een afstand van ongeveer 1/10 van die tussen de aarde en de maan.
Een afstand die in astronomische termen rakelings genoemd kan worden.
Een asteroïde die slechts enkele dagen daarvoor was ontdekt, zoals zo vaak voor komt, en waarvan men eigenlijk niets zeker wist. Men had bij NASA geen idee over de koers die deze asteroïde uiteindelijk zou volgen en men gaat er gemakshalve dan maar vanuit dat deze de aarde niet zal raken.
Wanneer NASA zegt dat het object een doorsnede heeft van ergens tussen de tien en twintig meter dan moet je dat met ongeveer 2,5 vermenigvuldigen en dan krijg je waarschijnlijk de ware grootte.
Eveneens volgens NASA heeft dit object een snelheid van 15,98 kilometer per seconde en je kunt je voorstellen dat wanneer een dergelijk iets de aarde raakt, er complete steden letterlijk van de aardbodem kunnen worden weggevaagd.
"Gelukkig" voor ons is 75 procent van het aardoppervlak bedekt met water en dus daarmee is de kans dat een dergelijke asteroïde een onvoorstelbare ramp op land aanricht iets afgenomen. Een tsunami veroorzaken kan het ding natuurlijkook.
Je zou je ook hier weer moeten afvragen waarom er nooit de financiële middelen beschikbaar zijn gesteld om een soort waarschuwingssysteem voor asteroïden op te zetten.
Een goede reden zou natuurlijk kunnen zijn dat men dit volkomen verspilde moeite vindt in verband met de nadering van de planeet Nibiru.
Dat we het risico van een inslag door het toenemende aantal asteroïden niet moeten onderschatten, wordt hieronder nogmaals benadrukt door professor Michio Kaku, die zegt dat wij hier op aarde op dit moment niets meer zijn dan “sitting ducks”.
Niet iedereen hoort het, maar de mensen die het wel horen worden zo langzamerhand knettergek van het mysterieuze geluid.
Het is een lage, soort brommende toon en wetenschappers staan, zoals vaak in dit soort situaties, volkomen met de handen in het haar.
De bovengenoemde geluiden worden waargenomen van het Engelse Somerset tot New Mexico en een gebied waar men er bijzonder veel last van heeft, is rondom de Engelse stad Plymouth.
Een geluid dat al sinds de jaren '70 wordt waargenomen, meestal in plattelandsgebieden en alleen door mensen die binnen in huis zijn. Ook schijnt het ’s nachts luider te zijn dan overdag.
Vorig jaar had men veel last van dit geluid rondom Plymouth en toen het afnam hoopte men dat het weg was. Echter, niets was minder waar, want het is terug, erger dan ooit.
Getuigen zeggen dingen zoals, “Je begint je af te vragen of het aan jou ligt, aan je oren, maar mijn man zei dat hij het ook kon horen. Mijn buren hebben het ook gehoord en verschillende andere mensen zeggen hetzelfde. Het is een laag, bijna melodisch geluid”.
Het schijnt dat dit bizarre geluid ongeveer door twee procent van de bevolking wordt gehoord.
De meeste mensen die het geluid horen zijn boven de 35 en in Engeland is het bijvoorbeeld waargenomen in Leeds, Bristol en Largs in Schotland, maar het is ook gehoord in Taos, New Mexico en Bondi Beach in het Australische Sydney.
Katie Jacques uit Leeds zei, “Het is een soort marteling. Soms wil je het wel uitschreeuwen. Het is moeilijk om in slaap te vallen omdat ik dit geluid permanent in de achtergrond hoor. Je ligt te woelen en te draaien en je gaat je er steeds meer over opwinden.
De mensen die het horen hebben daarnaast last van hoofdpijn, misselijkheid, duizeligheid, neusbloedingen en slaapverstoringen. Voor zover bekend, is er ook minstens één geval van zelfmoord, veroorzaakt door het mysterieuze geluid.
Een inwoner van Bondi Beach in Sydney zei, “Mensen hier worden er helemaal gek van. Het enige wat je kunt doen is muziek opzetten om het weg te duwen. Ik slik kalmerende middelen en ben de tel verloren van de nachten dat ik heb opgezeten met mijn hoofd in mijn handen en huilde”.
De mogelijke oorzaken die door mensen in de loop der tijd naar voren zijn gebracht als oorzaak zijn teveel om op te noemen. Het einde van het liedje is dat nog steeds niemand ook maar enig idee heeft waardoor het wordt veroorzaakt.
Mensen die daar wel een antwoord op hebben zijn de mensen van de Dogon stam in Afrika.
De Dogon is een bevolkingsgroep die woont op de helling van de Klif van Bandiagara in Mali, in West-Afrika. Ze zijn bekend om hun kleurrijke, gemaskerde dansen en ceremonies, authentieke architectuur en hun buitengewone cultureel gebonden manier van samenleven.
Wij schreven eerder een artikel over de Dogon en hoe zij tijdens hun heilige ceremonies geluiden voortbrengen die lijken op wat mensen nu horen en die zij in verband brengen met een donkere ster.
Ook dichterbij huis vinden wij aanwijzingen omtrent vreemde geluiden:
Het zijn niet alleen de Dogon die het over vreemde geluiden hebben. In een museum in Leiden ligt de Ipuwer Paypyrus, één van de oudste Egyptische documenten. Het bevat een kort gedicht met als laatste regel: “Jaren van geluid. Er komt geen eind aan het geluid”.
Ook in de Kolbrin Bijbel wordt gesproken over vreemde geluiden: “Zij zullen de trompetten horen en de strijdkreet van de Verwoester” en “De ster zong zoals nog nooit eerder was voorgekomen”.
Bright orb hovering above San Antonio, Texas 19-Apr-2015
Bright orb hovering above San Antonio, Texas 19-Apr-2015
New video of a bright unidentified flying object hovering in the sky above San Antonio in Texas. This was filmed on 19th April 2015.
Witness report:When Scanning the skies an Energy ball was captured on Film..Traveling at high altitude.(used the top of the roof tops as Reference points). ..It appear to Cloak Itself Fading In-Out..Camera was in perfect Focus Roof and Plants are in Focus…As you can see on the video these object seems Fade In-Out sort of emitting some kind of glowing energy..I continue to follow it until it was out of sight.In my opinion this glowing energy U.F.O was clearly no Drone/Aircraft/Balloon or Satellite..
Night Fright Show’s host Brent Holland intervies Jim Marrs. Goverment conspiracy and cover up of alien contact what forces really lays behind the globalists and new world order and the JFK assassination. Without missing a beat, Jim draws compelling lines between all three.
Update on the ‘Search for the Socorro UFO (Case) Footage’
Update on the ‘Search for the Socorro UFO (Case) Footage’
Lonnie Zamora, left (in plain clothes); N.M State Police Sgt. Sam Chavez (middle) and NICAP investigator Ray Stanford, right. (Credit: USAF Photo by Allen Hynek, April 29, After the original article was published in the MUFON Journal, much has happened behind the scenes.
First, I want to thank everyone for their assistance in searching for the footage. A lot of MUFON members did their due diligence and searched high and low, many following up on the leads that Tony Angiola and I had already followed up on.
But, then we had some news; John Steiger, a Former MUFON member, found the episode of Sightings we were seeking, season 4 episode 13, and sent us the link from YouTube. Tony immediately downloaded this episode, and just a few days later it was removed from the site.
After viewing, we found that this was indeed the show that a woman saw on TV regarding the famous Socorro case of an egg shaped craft landing in 1964. After watching this episode the woman was compelled to go up in her attic, find her father’s footage and send it to Sightings. This is the film that proved to be very hard to track down.
Three very important things occurred after our article was printed in the MUFON Journal. First, someone who had read the article alerted Ray Stanford to our search. Ray Stanford wrote the definitive book on this case (classified as an UNKNOWN in Project Blue Books files) called “Socorro Saucer in a Pentagon Pantry”. This is a “must read” regarding this case since Ray was onsite just a few days after the event. Ray located additional witnesses, and conducted multiple interviews with Lonnie Zamora and Dr. J. Allen Hynek.
Ray contacted Jan Harzan at MUFON who forwarded his information to us. We contacted Ray and have spoken many times about this event. Ray has incredible information about this fascinating case, which has been debated over the years and even called a college hoax. There has been lots of misinformation regarding the events and results of the investigation. Ray is also going to release some incredible new facts about the Socorro event, and I can personally say that his data will eliminate any hoax theories and bring this case back into the news.
The second result of our article was connecting with Rob Mercer, Ohio State Section Director, who acquired original Blue Book documents on Craigslist. These turned out to be original, hand written notes by the principle Blue Book investigator, along with several other documents that all came from the Blue Book investigation of Socorro.
Ben introduced Rob to Ray Stanford and these important documents were shared and found to be authentic. The documents indicate a serious investigation by the Air Force, proving that this was a real event as described by Lonnie Zamora, and manipulation by Air Force personnel to release a different insignia on the side of the craft. This was likely an attempt to compare the real marking to any other reports of this object and discard them as a hoax if they did not match the ‘real’ insignia seen by Mr. Zamora.
The third result was a surprise. Ben was contacted by John Ventre, MUFON State Director for Pennsylvania. He met John in Los Angeles when we filmed for season 2 of Hangar1 in August. John contacted Ben and said that he had recorded the long sought after footage on VHS from the TV show Sightings. He thought it was too good to be true but three days later John mailed him a CD of that exact footage, thus ending a long and strange search for this piece of history. This is a great example of how working together, sharing data, and investigative skills resulted in us finding the footage.
The film shows the family at the site just several days after the landing, and brief shots of the landing area. It’s a great addition to the case file and is another piece of the Socorro event history1964)
What follows is Ray’s update on the Socorro case that points out an important piece of evidence and also clears up some of the bad info that has recently appeared in articles and blogs about the Socorro Incident.
Burned Paper From The Socorro Site
By Ray Stanford The UFO Chronicles 4-18-15
Ben Moss and Tony Angiola have been concerned about finding an 8mm movie they hoped would bring a worthwhile look at the Socorro CE III site of Friday April 24, 1964. So, this seems an appropriate time to provide readers a close look at just one of many trace evidences collected at the landing site.
As described in detail in my 211-page book,SOCORRO SAUCER IN A PENTAGON PANTRY, 1976, Blue Apple Books, both Dr. J. Allen Hynek, chief scientific consultant to the USAF's Project Blue book, and I arrived in Socorro, New Mexico late on Tuesday April 28 1964 to investigate the case. On the next morning, via Socorro police dispatcher Mike Martinez, Hynekrequested that I be allowed to join him, and the primary witness (Socorro policeman) Lonnie Zamora, along with New Mexico State police Sergeant Sam Chavez at the landing site.
Dr. Hynek made that request over the strong objections of Sergeant Chavez, who wanted the site closed to everyone except the three of them. Fortunately, Hynek knew and trusted me because of how thorough, helpful, and cooperative I was withhim concerning an important case nearly five years before, when I was only 21.
There are skeptics out there who have recently discovered this event and seem to want to twist and distort every fact of the 50 year old Socorro case. Some of them even claim that I manufactured being with Hynek on April 29 and my involvement with this case. Above (top) I present the official USAF photo taken by Dr. Hynek using a Polaroid camera.
O.K., it was 1964. Elvis Presley was 'King", I was age 26, and someone has described me, therein, as sporting an Elvis-like shock of hair, but I swear, folks, that those are NOT "Blue Suede Shoes" I'm wearing.
No, those were just tan buckskins, walking all over where some people think two diminutive aliens might have trod about 4.5 days earlier. The three of us arestanding on the south side of the southwest landing gear imprint. Zamora is off-duty, so he is not in police uniform.
Shortly after that photo was taken Hynek announced that he wanted to look for any landing traces, including burned paper. Then, suddenly he looked a bit flustered declaring that he had forgotten to bring any containers for samples. Well, he had done one thing right in inviting me to join them at the site because I had brought along a box of sixty brand new clear plastic containers with soft plastic lids you could write on them with a ballpoint pen.
We searched for samples side-by-side. When Hynek came up with something of interest I would place it in a plastic container for him and write his coded designation on the lid. Later, he would write a longer description on a paper pad.
Nearly fifty years later at the National Archives storage center, movie producer James Fox and I located, handled, and photographed the very burned-paper specimens I had so long ago helped Hynek collect for Project Blue Book. Seeing the Socorro trace evidence was like seeing long lost friends! They looked just as they did the day we found them. James Fox and I had received exceptional clearance to handle and photograph Blue Book originals, instead of copies. That exception took nearly an hour to obtain. It was granted to us because we told them I was in the photo with Zamora and Chavez. Other archive users are given only photos and xerographic copies to examine or copy.
Most specimens collected were long-weathered tears off the sides of corrugated boxes, evidently blown over there from the nearby trash facility. All papers found had clearly laid in the ravine bottom weathering rain-after-rain. The material was well-altered by both water, temperature extremes, and sunlight.
I absolutely do NOT allege that what you see below, in Socorro sample PB4, is evidence of some advanced propulsion technology. It's true that the burns might seem a little odd, perhaps as though having been incurred mostly from a direction above. There are some intriguing edge scorches without black charring on those particular edges. I'm not saying that there might NOT be some effect of the Socorro object's landing and take-off propulsive down-flow on the paper shown, but just recommend caution against over-interpretation of what one sees.
Something possibly more intriguing is at the left side. There's a small brown scorch with oddly 'concentric' patterns of black centered around it. Notice how just the edge of the very old fold (shown oriented as found in the ravine bottom) is scorched but not very blackened.
Virtually all paper in the landing area had already been collected days before except for one small piece of paper which I found within the landing-gear quadrangle. Chavez and Zamora suggested we look to the west-southwest of the landing gear quadrangle, because in that direction one could see some grass and old ravine-bottom-weathered papers which seemed as though they might have been ecently scorched and even burned from above.
Although Hynek and I searched other areas outside of the area mentioned above,we found no other burned paper and saw no other seemingly burned grass.
Included here is a map of my own (not Hynek's, whose finds were very near mine) paper-find sites, drawn onto a later illustration (from my Socorro book), but based on my careful notes made when collected. Note the arrow on the upper right indicating approximate direction of approach. This was based on the account of Colorado tourists who stopped at Whiting Brothers service station operated by OpalGrinder. They reported seeing something before Zamora's sighting became known. The yellow area in my find-map is where I found the burned paper shown in the accompanying image.
Find-Map image is copyright 2009 (C) Ray Stanford:
There has been a lot of dis-information released to the public by unscientific people seem more interested in name-recognition and internet attention than in trying to do any scientific work on the Socorro case. There have been ridiculous suggestions that the paper Hynek collected might have been left over from pyrotechnics (fireworks) allegedly used to convince Zamora that he was seeing an exotic vehicle.
Hynek pointed out years ago that nothing he found at the site in any way whatsoever resembled casing material of pyrotechnics. He very accurately pointed out that most of the burned paper was from long-weathered paper sides of corrugated boxes, exactly as is the case with my Socorro paper specimen PB4 shown ere.
I personally handled every piece of paper Hynek collected (for the reasons explained above) and having what was characterized by researchers for a major corporation as "maybe the world's most sensitive sense of smell" -- explanation available on request ;) -- I swear on my life that nothing that either Hynek or I collected at the Socorro site had even the slightest trace of ’fireworks’ smell. Also, there was no smell of any substances such as gasoline or kerosene. Tests on samples done for the Air Force Foreign Technology Division detected zero chemical traces of fireworks or hydrocarbon (as from gasoline or kerosene) fuel.
All samples we collected showed undeniable signs of having long been weathering in the ravine.
But, in contrast, most of the papers had burn areas which looked very fresh, with darkened surfaces NOT sprinkled by tiny silt particles from ravine wash or even rain splatter. If not fresh, silting would have been in evidence from splatter during even light rains and, of course, as a result of any ravine flooding by desert rain storms.
Hopefully, this information will end the fantasies and unbridled self-serving suggestive propaganda that Hynek might have found paper residues of fireworks.
It should also be noted that the paper’s with burns were found by us exclusively in that limited cone-shaped cross-section of hypothesized landing-engine effect located west-southwest of the landing near the quadrangle. That happens to be the direction in which the bright down-flow from the landing thruster theoretically would have been directed to counter its west-southwesterly approach. The Colorado tourists described how they saw the object cross very low over their old green Cadillac and head to the area toward which they observed Zamora's police cruiser at the time of the event.
My thanks to Ben Moss, Tony Angiola for this opportunity to discuss a few more facts of the Socorro case. The best Socorro evidence is yet to come.
Astronomers have discovered what they say is the largest known structure in the universe: an incredibly big hole.
The “supervoid”, as it is known, is a spherical blob 1.8 billion light years across that is distinguished by its unusual emptiness.
István Szapudi, who led the work at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, described the object as possibly “the largest individual structure ever identified by humanity”.
Szapudi’s team was intentionally searching for the void because they believed that it could explain previous observations showing that part of the sky is unusually cool.
The so-called Cold Spot was discovered 10 years ago and has proved a sticking point for the best current models for how the universe evolved following the Big Bang. Cosmological theory allows for a bit of patchiness in the background temperature, due to warmer and cooler spots of various sizes emerging in the infant universe, but areas as large and cold as the Cold Spot are unexpected.
Prof Carlos Frenk, a cosmologist at the University of Durham, said: “The Cold Spot raised a lot of eyebrows. The real question was what was causing it and whether it was a challenge to orthodoxy.”
The latest study suggests that the Cold Spot can be partly explained by a gigantic region of emptiness at its centre, which drains energy from light travelling through it.
The supervoid is not an actual vacuum, as its name suggests, but has about 20% less stuff in it than our part of the universe – or any typical region. “Supervoids are not entirely empty, they’re under-dense,” said András Kovács, a co-author at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest.
The structure may sound unremarkable – hardly a standalone object even – but scientists say it is unprecedented given how evenly distributed the universe normally is at this spatial scale. “This is the greatest supervoid ever discovered,” Kovács said. “In combination of size and emptiness, our supervoid is still a very rare event. We can only expect a few supervoids this big in the observable universe.”
Previously, astronomers observing in the direction of the Cold Spot had established that there was no distant void in that part of the sky, but until now the nearer sky had not been surveyed.
The latest study used the Hawaii’s Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) telescope located on Haleakala, Maui, and Nasa’s Wide Field Survey Explorer (WISE) satellite to count the number of galaxies in a patch of sky around 3 billion light years away – relatively close in the cosmic scheme of things.
The survey, described in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, confirmed that there was a roughly spherical region that was far less densely populated by galaxies than the surrounding sky and that it was centred on the Cold Spot.
However, rather than solving the puzzle the latest discovery has only served to deepen the mystery. “It just pushed the explanation one layer deeper,” said Dr Roberto Trotta, a cosmologist at Imperial College London. “Now we have to figure out how does the void itself form. It’s still a rare event.”
Even more perplexing, according to Frenk, is the fact that the supervoid can only account for about 10% of the Cold Spot’s temperature dip.
“The void itself I’m not so unhappy about. It’s like the Everest of voids – there has to be one that’s bigger than the rest,” he said. “But it doesn’t explain the whole Cold Spot, which we’re still in the dark about.”
This partial explanation could point to the existence of “exotic physics”: new weird effects that scientists don’t yet know about.
The existence of an empty patch helps explain the Cold Spot because assuming the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, photons of light would be expected to lose energy (cool) as they cross a void.
This is because the photons convert kinetic energy to gravitational potential as they travel to the heart of the void and get further from denser surrounding patches of universe – think of it as climbing a hill. In a stationary universe, the situation would be symmetrical and so the photons would regain the lost energy on the way out of the void (down the hill). In an accelerated expansion of the universe, however, everything is effectively becoming less dense as space is stretched out, so voids become relatively shallower over time. This means by the time the light descends the virtual hill, the hill has become flatter and the light cannot pick up all the energy it lost on the way in. This means the light exits with a longer wavelength, corresponding to a cooler temperature.
The observation that the Cold Spot and supervoid coincide would fit with the idea that the universe is indeed expanding at an accelerating rate, which scientists put down to forces linked to dark energy. “This is independent evidence, in case anyone doubts it, for the existence of dark energy,” said Frenk.
This article was amended on the 21st of April to make it clear that light travels at a constant speed, but changes wavelength.
Thousands upon thousands of UFO sightings are so perplexing that they are reported every year to authorities around the world. There are so many reports and sighting occurring today that it’s become impossible for anybody to really deny that something is going on in our skies. To put it in the words of Bigelow Aerospace Director of Operations, Mike Gold, with regards to government agencies taking UFO reports:
“I am glad someone is taking them, because these are important issues that deserve serious attention.”(source)
Indeed they are serious. As pointed out in many of my previous posts, UFOs are commonly tracked on radar and at the same time visually confirmed by military pilots and more. To learn more about what happens when a UFO is tracked on military radar, you can click here.
Despite this fact, Councillor to Barack Obama was still unable to secure the disclosure of UFO-related documents. He said it was one of his biggest regrets of the 2014 year; you can read more about that story here.
“I’m skeptical about many things, including the notion that government always knows best, and that the people can’t be trusted with the truth. The time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. We have statements from the most credible sources – those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.” – John Podesta (taken from Leslie Kean’s 2010 New York Times bestseller, “UFOs: Generals, Pilots, And Government Officials Go On The Record,” for which Podesta wrote the forward)
One great example of strange objects that are commonly seen in the sky comes from the Yukon, a province in Canada situated on the Northwest side of the country. It’s a remote area, nowhere near any major cities or populated areas. This reported sighting happened on December 11th, 1996 near a place called Fox Lake. It’s extrememly cold in this part of the country at this time of year – it’s not far from Alaska – and again, it is hundreds of miles from any major city or heavily populated public area.
According to more than 20 witnesses, a very large aerial object with very bright lights hovered near the lake (Fox Lake) between 8pm and 9pm.
The picture you see as the cover for this article was done by Canadian engineer Martin Jasek, who wrote a detailed account of the event after he investigated it for himself.
“Two of the witnesses were cousins, driving in separate vehicles. Each saw it over the lake, slammed on their brakes, and got out of their vehicles. They watched the huge object as it slowly drifted towards one of them and was soon almost directly overhead. It then moved slowly across the highway and over a hill to the east, whereupon it was lost to view.” (1)
“While the two cousins were observing this object, a married couple with their baby were a bit farther to the south along the same highway, driving toward them. They too saw the object. By the time they caught up with the cousins and pulled over, the object had moved off. The married couple continued driving until they arrived at a lodge farther ahead. There, they told the owner abougt what they had seen. He promptly recounted a sighting from an earlier witness, who had gotten very close to this object. (1)
“At the nearby village of Pelly Crossing, other people described the same object. In one case it seemed to respond to a man’s flashlight by accelerating towards him. When he turned off his flashlight, the object stopped. By then it had gotten quite close to him, filling much of the sky. It also emitted several beams of light, including one that swooped along the ground. They ran ran across a clearing, perhaps to get to a better view. When he turned to look for the object, it was gone.” (1)
Just imagine seeing something like this. How remarkable would that be? I myself have had a number of fairly remarkable UFO encounters, even with a few members here at Colletive-Evolution. As a result of all of the evidence supporting the phenomena, along with my own experiences, I have been fascinated with this subject for a very long time.
This case has been investigated by many, and most of the interviews with the witnesses are available online. Here is a video that has a few of them describing their experience in person, but again, more are available online.
This is one out of many extraordinary sightings that has occured around the world, and judging by ancient artwork and history, it seems to have been happening for a very long time. One example would be, for example, the aboriginal community in Canada. Their stories have not been passed down through documentation, but through an oral storytelling tradition. These stories often speak of spiritual beings from another world.
“My people tell of Star People who came to us many generations ago. The Star people brought spiritual teachings and stories and maps of the cosmos and they offered these freely. They were kind, loving, and set a great example. When they left us, my people say there was a loneliness like no other.” - Richard Wagamese, Ojibway Author (source)
If you put all of these teachings and stories from multiple cultures around the world together with the evidence that is available today, things start to seem quite strange – and very real.
This particular case included various drawings and detailed interviews with many of the people who witnessed the object.
A Serious Issue That Deserves Serious Attention.
For years, UFOs have received “serious attention” (as Mike Gold puts it) from government/military agencies and more, but it’s only now, thanks to the declassification of files, that people have been allowed to see the truth – that yes, something important is going on here, and has been for a long time.
Documents released by the National Security Agency (NSA) reveal what is recorded when a UFO is being tracked on radar. HERE is one example. HERE is a four page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and NSA report describing a particular encounter in great detail;
“As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted object came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4. ”
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.” (source) (source) – Apollo 14 Astronaut, Air Force Captain and Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Edgar Mitchell
“Today we cannot produce machines that fly the same as UFOs do. They are flying by means of artificial fields of gravity. (I’d like to mention that there is a video of Dr. Brian O’leary, NASA astronaut and Princeton physics professor alluding to this same idea, you can view it here) We cannot take credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone, we have been helped by people from other worlds.” – 1954, Professor Herman Oberth, NASA Space Scientist, one of the founding fathers of rocketry and aeronautics. (source)
If you want more proof, look no further than the highly publicized case of the “Phoenix Lights” – you can read more about that here – or the incident in Ruwa, Zimbabwe where more than 60 school children witnessed something spectacular. You can read more about that here. Again, we also have thousands upon thousands of declassified documents released pertaning to this phenomenon, as well as some remarkable statements by “people in high places.” You can view those here. That should leave little doubt in readers’ minds as to the reality and seriousness of this issue – one that has been ignored and ridiculed for decades. But that all seems to be changing, and it’s important for several reasons, from a curiousity standpoint, to a scientific/philosophical/technological standpoint and more.
For our most recent articles regading the UFO/Extraterrestrial topic, you can click here.
THOUSANDS Creepy WORMS Rain Down on Norway and No One Knows Why
THOUSANDS Creepy WORMS Rain Down on Norway and No One Knows Why
April 21, 2015- Send your “early bird” jokes to Norway where half the country could use a cheering up after being covered by a rain of live earthworms. Scientists and meteorologists are at a loss when asked for a cause by Norwegians wiping worms from their windows and Winnebagos and wondering if the Icelandic worm monster known as Lagarfljót has learned to fly and reproduce.
The worms were first reported by Karstein Erstad who encountered them on April 12 while skiing in the mountains outside Bergen on the western coast of southern Norway.
I saw thousands of earthworms on the surface of the snow. When I found them on the snow they seemed to be dead, but when I put them in my hand I found that they were alive.
Bergen was convinced the worms fell from the sky since the snow was up to a meter deep on the slopes. After a local news station related his discovery, reports began coming in from across southern Norway of worm rains – from Lindås and Suldal near Bergen to Femunden on the Swedish border. A resident of Nordvestlandet, a city where houses with grass roofs are common, reported finding worms digging into his roof.
Trond Haraldsen, a scientist and expert in soil and environment at the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research, says the slime on the worms indicates they were probably flown to the ski slopes and other areas while riding on leaves. The slime helps worms spend the winter months glued to leaves and blades of grass in fields. That makes it easy for a strong spring storm or tornado to lift them up and carry them for huge distances. Haraldsen also said that earthworm rains like this are only seen after very mild winters.
While Haraldsen is confident that this is how the worms rained down by the thousands on Karstein Erstad and southern Norway, he’s baffled by where they came from and what local weather conditions lifted and carried them. He and other researchers will continue to look for clues.
Meanwhile, the rest of Norway will continue to dodge falling worms, early birds and bad jokes.
I decided to join B.U.F.O.R.A. as an Area investigator, London. This position I had taken up afterwards I got to know – very well, as well as B.U.F.O.R.A. research procedures. I then went on investigations with (redacted) the investigation which was discussed was the strange disappearance of two Enfield children, in mid March 1970. A boy and a girl aged between 11 and 12; the girls name (redacted) was the boys name unknown. The two children lived a quarter of a mile north northwest of the King George the fifth reservoir, which is two miles long and half a mile wide. The two children had disappeared in mid-March and later turned up in June of the same year, dead in a clump of trees, a quarter of a mile North northeast of the reservoir, less than 350 yards from a well lit main road. Police with tracker dogs went over the entire area where the two children had lived, disappeared and reappeared. It seems strange that they should disappear for three months, then reappear next to a clump of trees; which had somehow been scorched from above. You may think that this has nothing to do with U.F.O.s, but I shall now relate the uncanny events that surrounded their deaths, and perhaps I shall be able to show you how I think the two incidents relate. Even though there is a six month period between my U.F.O. sighting and the death of these two children, you will see how the evidence matches up. Meaning that when murder as we know it is ruled out, why then did the local press; The Waltham Forest Guardian Independent print the following: 1) They died from burn marks (possibly radiation or microwaves?) 2) They died from over exposure. 3) It went on to say that nobody knew how this could have happened. 4) Their bodies were not found close together, and one of the girls shoes was missing. Isn’t it strange that the other shoe the girl was wearing was clean? U.F.O.s have been known to attack and kill animals and leave burn marks (possibly radiation) on them. There is little possibility that the sun could have left such burns. And it is equally unlikely that they should just lay down and die from over exposure. U.F.O.s hover above tops of trees and the ground and scorch the natural vegetation and nothing ever grows there again! This is the case of the trees where the children were found. Also, why were the police in the area for several weeks after the children were found, and why did they take away samples of the ground for analysis. In fact they removed part of the bushes from where the children were found. If you drop two stones from the air they will not land in the same place or spot. As mentioned (their bodies were not found together). I strongly believe that they came into contact with alien beings, the common denominator being the King George the fifth reservoir. I feel that they died under strange duress and they were found at the time of a strong U.F.O. flap (a sighting every two or three weeks) in the immediate and myself interviewed some people in June-July 1972 at Sewardstone Berry, near where her and her boyfriend were found dead off of Sewardstone, which runs between Chingford and Waltham Abbey, Essex. But to no avail they seemed to be very scared when asked questions etc.
In mid-June 1970 when the childrens bodies were first found (redacted) myself were playing a game of chess at at around 1Opm, suddenly there were at least two to three police cars that came hurling along (redacted) the road. At the time my parents were out and we wondered what was happening. The date I can’t remember, but I do remember we piled into my Ford Popular and followed the police cars to Sewardstoneberry; three miles down the road towards Waltham Abbey, Essex. When we arrived there were crowds of people by the fence in Sewardstone Road; a well lit main road. The police were everywhere, the time being 10.45 pm. The headlights from the police cars could be seen 350 yards away at the clump of trees, where they found (redacted) and her boyfriend dead. As mentioned both police and Wickstead and Nipperead Ministry of Defence were there for sometime afterwards, and the parents (redacted) her boyfriend didn’t get there bodies back for three months after they were found dead?
The Public Records Act states that the Ministry Of Defence Official Secrets Act states that any U.F.O. reports (whether Close Encounters or just LITS) from members of the public should be treated by the department as strictly confidential. As U.F.O. records are closed to public scrutiny; until they become available in accordance with The Public Records Act (section 1 and section 2 of The Official Secrets Act). At the end of a thirty year period of time (covering The Official Secrets Act) we will have to in certain cases look at all the points of view very carefully indeed.
A Scientist Found THIS On The Bottom Of The Ocean. And It’s The Stuff Of Science Fiction
A Scientist Found THIS On The Bottom Of The Ocean. And It’s The Stuff Of Science Fiction
April 21, 2015 - Underwater archeologist Frank Goddio has dedicated his entire life to searching for remnants of lost civilizations from the past. But even he wasn’t expecting what he found deep below the ocean’s surface in the Abu Qir Bay, on the coast of Egypt.
No, it’s not the lost city of Atlantis… but it’s close enough. Deep beneath the surface of the Mediterranean Sea, he has found the sunken Egytian city of Thonis-Heracleion, which has long been forgotten by time.
The city of Thonis-Heracleion was lost to the sea a long time ago.
It was a port city, likely founded somewhere around the 8th century B.C.
Following a series of natural disasters, the city was lost close to the 8th century A.D.
Its discovery has unearthed countless artifacts.
Such as this ancient statue of a pharaoh.
Here it can be seen as the team works to bring it to the surface.
First time above water in 1200 years or so.
Each incredible object sheds more light about this ancient city and its culture.
What a monumental discovery.
Source: Reddit
Considering that we’ve only explored a tiny fraction of the world’s oceans, it’s incredible to consider just how much more must be out there.
Along with black holes, neutron stars are the result of stars collapsing under gravity once their fuel burns out, until their density is about the same as that of the nucleus of an atom, at which point the protons and electrons “melt” into pure neutrons. Just how dense are we talking? If you had a piece of neutron star the size of a mere sugar cube, it would weigh a whopping 100 million tons. Only black holes are denser.
Scientists suspect that something akin to a quark-gluon plasma may lie at the innermost core, while more conventional matter comprises the outermost edges of the star. In between, making up the crust, is a rare state of degenerate matter known as “nuclear pasta” (made up not just of neutrons, but also protons and electrons). And the various shapes such “pasta” takes represent a series of phase transitions as this boundary layer goes from lumpy to smooth.
At a press conference of the APS April Meeting this past weekend in Baltimore, Maryland, Indiana University graduate student Matt Caplan gave an overview of the ongoing work in Charles Horowitz’s lab, running intricate computer simulations of various types of nuclear pasta to calculate the respective properties, in hopes of learning more about the evolution of neutron stars. It has to be simulated, because the rare conditions necessary for the pasta to form can really only be found in the cores of neutron stars.
The notion of nuclear pasta emerged a few years ago as a possible explanation for the unusual behavior of certain kinds of neutron stars. They come into existence spinning rapidly — as fast as several rotations per second — and gradually slow down over time as energy dissipates. But the x-ray pulsar variety (the brightest and hence easiest to spot) eventually hit a steady state, completing a rotation once every 12 seconds or so. There should, in theory, be some x-ray pulsars with slower spin rates — or a good reason why this is clearly not the case.
In 2013, a team of scientists at the University of Alicante in Spain proposed that the difference had to do with whether the crust at a star’s surface was lumpy or smooth, based on a series of computer simulations investigating different crust configurations. Stars with lumpy crusts would slow down as usual, but in just 100,000 years — a blink of an eye in a stellar lifetime — they would settle into a steady state of one rotation every 10-20 seconds for the next million years. This didn’t happen in those stars with smoother crusts; they just kept spinning more and more slowly — as slow as one rotation every 100 seconds.
And just what makes a crust lumpy rather than smooth? The Spanish scientists proposed lumpy crusts are filled with nuclear pasta. Per New Scientist: “Because neutron stars are so dense, atomic nuclei are packed together tightly in the crust. The particles in these compacted nuclei could be forced into exotic groupings that resemble spaghetti, macaroni, and layers of lasagna. Mixing these shapes together would make it bumpier than one that only contains regular nuclei arranged in orderly crystals.”
The various shapes of pasta represent different stages in a phase transition process. To with.
Topological defects in "nuclear pasta." Credit: C.J. Horowitz et al., Indiana University/APS
Gnocchi Phase: This is a semi-spherical phase resembling those yummy potato-based dumplings that perhaps aren’t technically pasta, but heck, close enough.
Spaghetti Phase: At some point, as compression continues to intensity, there just isn’t sufficient electric repulsion in protons to maintain a spherical shape, so the gnocchi phase gets crushed into long spaghetti-like strands.
Lasagna Phase: Eventually the compression will become so strong that the rods of spaghetti fuse together forming sheets — ergo, this is dubbed the lasagna phase.
Penne (or Anti-Spaghetti) Phase: At this point the outer core of the star is pretty far along in the phase transition process, looking more uniform as compression continues, with intermittent cylindrical voids. This is the penultimate stage. As the process continues, the voids become more spherical, before smoothing out the remaining lumps.
The latest paper on the spin rates of neutron stars and how they might be affected by nuclear pasta appeared in Physical Review Letters in February of this year, adding yet another a new wrinkle to this fascinating form of matter. Specifically, the latest computer simulations revealed possible topological defects within the various pasta shapes, which may reduce the thermal and electrical conductivity of the star, thereby causing the magnetic fields to dissipate much more quickly than expected. Such stars radiate less energy into space, which stabilizes their rotation rate.
For instance, that lasagna phase of nuclear pasta could form corkscrew-shaped defects connecting the layers of “lasagna.” “I have been trying for years to imagine neutron stars as geologic worlds with different kinds of nuclear rocks, faults, mountains,” Horowitz told “Then, one molecular dynamics simulation found a mistake — a defect in otherwise regularly perfect pasta shapes that persisted for a very long time.”
Further analysis revealed that the simulations’ prediction of evidence for crust cooling — an indicator of decreased conductivity — for a particular neutron star match quite well with observational data gathered by the Chandra X-ray telescope. Chances are, such topological defects may play a role in other unusual aspects of neutron stars — all part of the ongoing quest to understand how matter behaves when compressed to its densest form.
Fowler, R.H. (1926) “On Dense Matter,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 87.
Horowitz, C.J. et al. (2015) “Disordered nuclear pasta, magnetic field decay, and crust cooling in neutron stars,” Physical Review Letters 114: 031102.
Pais, Helena and Stone, Jirina R. (2012) “Exploring the nuclear pasta phase in core-collapse supernova matter,” Physical Review Letters 109: 151101.
Pons, Jose A.; Vigano, Daniele; Rea, Nanda. (2013) “Too much ‘pasta’ for pulsars to spin down,” Nature Physics 9(7): 431-434.
Daily 2 Cents: Eminent Zoologist Was Fired Over Nessie Sighting -- Jinn Possession in Morocco -- Earthworms Rain Over Norway
Daily 2 Cents: Eminent Zoologist Was Fired Over Nessie Sighting -- Jinn Possession in Morocco -- Earthworms Rain Over Norway
Eminent Zoologist Was Fired Over Nessie Sighting
In 1959, Dr. Denys Tucker of the Natural History Museum claimed to have seen the Loch Ness Monster.
An eminent zoologist and eel expert, Dr. Tucker was a respected scientist who climbed to the position of the museum's principal scientific officer within the space of only eight years.
In 1959 however his career suffered an unrelenting downward turn following his insistance that he had witnessed an unknown creature in the waters of Scotland's Loch Ness, a claim that would prove highly popular among the general public but extremely controversial among his peers at the museum.
At the time Dr. Tucker had concluded that the creature must have been an Elasmosaurus, a large plesiosaur with a long neck that was thought to have gone extinct over 80 million years ago.
"I am quite satisfied that we have in Loch Ness one of the most exciting and important findings of British zoology today," he wrote in a letter to New Scientist.
His obsessive interest in the phenomenon however did not go down well with his fellow scientists who deemed the topic to be inappropriate for someone working at such a prestigious museum.
The controversy continued to escalate until in 1960 he was fired by director Dr. Morrison-Scott. Tucker fought back with a high-profile lawsuit that even went as far as the Court of Appeal, but in the end he failed to achieve victory over his employers and his plight faded in to obscurity.
What he had actually seen in the loch that day in 1959 however continues to remain a mystery. -
Biology teacher Karstein Erstad was out for a ski in the mountains outside Bergen on Sunday when he came across the unusual phenomenon.
“I saw thousands of earthworms on the surface of the snow,” he told The Local. “When I found them on the snow they seemed to be dead, but when I put them in my hand I found that they were alive.”
At first he thought that they had perhaps crawled though the snow from the ground beneath, but on reflection, he rejected this idea.
“In many places, the snow thickness was between half a meter and a meter and I think they would have problems crawling through the cold snow.”
Since Erstad’s discovery was reported in Norway’s NRK news channel, corroborating reports have flooded in from across southern Norway, with sightings of worm rainfall in Lindås and Suldal near Bergen, and as far away as Femunden on the Swedish border.
“People have now observed the same phenomenon in many places in Norway,” Erstad told The Local. “It’s very peculiar, I don’t know why so many people have discovered it. I don’t know if there have been some special weather conditions lately.”
Erstad has found reports of the worm rainfall phenomenon taking place in Sweden in the 1920s.
“It’s a very rare phenomenon,” he told The Local. “It’s difficult to say how many times it happens, but it has only been reported a very few times.” - Earthworms rain from sky over Norway
House guest claimed home was 'haunted'...took $64K to rid it of spirits
During the 6 months Jason Charles Sumey lived with a Fall City, WA family, he used the name “Steven Davidson” because he was wanted by police for failing to register as a sex offender.
KIRO 7 has learned, while Sumey was on the lam, detectives believe he cooked-up a haunted house scheme to get his hands on the family's money.
The so-called haunting lasted for months. Windows were suddenly shattered, trucks were dented, “random items would be glued down or glued to walls,” according to King County Superior Court documents.
Investigators believe the 38-year old Sumey was responsible for the more than $30,000 in damage, which started shortly after Sumey moved into the Fall City home last August to live with the homeowners' granddaughter.
Chen Saeteurn said she didn’t know her granddaughter’s boyfriend was in trouble with the law until he was arrested in February. The family members also didn’t know their house guest’s real name. “We didn’t know,” Saeteurn told KIRO 7’s Amy Clancy. “We thought he was a good guy.”
According to court documents, the "strange happenings" also included faucets turning on by themselves and food coloring "splattered across carpets, walls and furniture." Sumey started multiple fires on the lawn surrounding the home, which he claimed would fight evil, but promised his "uncle" could get rid of the “spirits” for good --- for a fee. Over the course of four months, the family paid Sumey $64,452.
Sumey “used deception in order to trick the family into believing something that he knew was not in fact true,” King County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Sgt. Stan Seo told KIRO 7.
“What we believe he was doing was targeting vulnerable individuals and exploiting their belief system.”
Sumey has a long criminal history for theft by deception, rape and failing to register as a sex offender.
Investigators believe Sumey could have multiple victims who know him as "Steve Davidson" or another alias.
Meanwhile, Saeteurn said her family hasn’t had any problems with “spirits” since Sumey was arrested in February. “The bad spirits went with him,” she said.
Jinn Possession as a Form of Cultural Resistance in Morocco
El Jadida – The maraboutic scene continues today across the Moroccan countryside with many holy maraboutic shrines still dotting the landscape with their white exterior walls, domed shapes, and inside imbued with saintly chants, dances and perfumes. Maraboutic rituals from jinn evictions to trance dances appear to fulfill individual needs, especially psychological and emotional ones producing comfort, hope and relief from uncertainty, anomie and unhappiness. They also respond to the immediate needs of society by trying to answer to problems of sickness and economic and social malaise, and maintain social cohesion.
Folk music thrives with a plethora of maraboutic spirits and tunes evoked in ecstatic trance dances (hadras) and jinn evictions. The epistemic foundations of these practices are bizarre to the schooled who may rationalize things in terms of material empirical beliefs, and for whom these pursuits seem to be mystifying rather than mystic, serving finally only social and political obfuscation.
But we argue that the surviving and still-working culture of possession and maraboutism may indeed shed light on what most Moroccans feel towards the current political and economic order and how they may resist political domination and economic injuries. Deep down in their cultural logics, possession rituals and trance dancing can be understood as a form of cultural resistance against domination.
There are many strands to our argument. Theoretically speaking, spirit possession presupposes the permeability of the body; powerful external forces which could not be assimilated in their abstract forms enter as divinities, ancestors, ghosts, jinn, and have a hold on the body. They are still seen as separate and distinct— certainly detachable—from the body, ethnically alien and foreign to the group. But they are somehow known and capable of some bidding and exist within a daily realm. It is a way of sensing incomprehensibly large and abstract structural forces which cannot be named directly in local cultural and concrete terms.
We argue that there are challenging forms in this mystic soil suitable for transplant to modern dilemmas. For instance, the spectral mythic court assembled during jinn eviction (like the court of Bouya Omar, Ben Yeffu, Sidi Chamharouch…) is at least a court—more than most Moroccans get in normal social life for the many social and economic injuries to which they are subject.
With possession at least the human hosts stand in some equal capacity with a personalized, if still incomprehensible force, scoped in the present body. This is not the crushing of insects without human color and imagination. If not controlling their fate, at least in an unlikely swallowing, there is a condensation of outlandish and truly frightening structural forces into the more amiable personification of jinn, mischievous, answering back and at least partly controllable. Read more at Morocco World News
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UFO Encounter At Lake Movil
UFO Encounter At Lake Movil
The following is a rarely referenced case in ufology...though it was classified as a close encounter of the third kind (CEIII). Marilyn Chenarides and Mrs. Mildred Anderson were vacationing at their cabin on Lake Movil in northern Minnesota when they saw a red glowing object hovering over the boat dock 50 feet from the cabin. In two of the windows of the object, the women could see the silhouettes of three man-shaped beings. After a few minutes of observation, Mrs. Anderson switched off the lights in the cabin, whereupon the lights on the object immediately went out. The incident wasn't reported until 9 years later when it first appeared in the National Enquirer...not the best source for authentic reporting. Nonetheless the APRO investigated and found the witnesses' accounts credible enough for publication in its journal:
The following is the account of Marilyn Chenarides and Mrs. Mildred Anderson of Grand Forks, North Dakota, who had an unusual experience while vacationing at their cabin on Lake Movil in northern Minnesota. Mrs. Lorenzen contacted Mrs. Chenarides and asked her cooperation in doing an artistic rendering of what they had seen. Mrs. Chenarides and her mother were most cooperative, and the drawing above by Staff Artist Brian James represents what they observed.
The exact date cannot be recalled but it was an August night in 1962 when Mrs. Anderson was doing her daughter Marilyn's hair. Marilyn's younger brother, Roger, was in bed. Suddenly Marilyn became aware of an odd object outside, and both of the women stared out the window at a red glowing object which was hovering over the boat dock 50 feet from the cabin. The light from the object made the green painted boat dock appear brownish in color and the water a greenish-black. The side of the object toward the cabin had three windows which were lit up by a yellowish light and in two of the windows the women could see the silhouettes of three man-shaped beings. The object was hovering over the near end of the dock and appeared to be 8 feet high and 35 feet wide.
Both of the women felt that the "men" were watching them and after a few minutes of observation, Mrs. Anderson switched off the lights in the cabin, whereupon the lights on the object immediately went out. Mrs. Anderson then had an irresistible impulse to approach the object and threw open the door and started running down to the boat dock while her daughter, almost hysterical, screamed for her to come back. When Mrs. Anderson was halfway to the dock the object lifted slowly in the air, then moved off at an angle and was gone as suddenly as it had arrived.
The object, when first seen, seemed to appear out of nowhere. When it extinguished its lights when Mrs. Anderson turned off the cabin's lights, it was a dark blob over the dock so it may be assumed that the object could have been there for some time prior to Mrs. Chenarides' first glimpse of it, and it was called to her attention by the lights being turned on.
Mrs. Chenarides also described an incident which had taken place three weeks prior to the "occupant" sighting. She, her mother and father (Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anderson) and brothers Duane and Roger and the family dog Zipper were driving about 125 miles from their home to the cabin. When they were about 12 miles out of the town of Bagley the dog began to growl and Mr. Anderson spotted a large, green luminous object which appeared to be approaching them on a parallel course.
Mr. Anderson said the object wasn't going very fast and he slowed the car and the object passed them. It was approximately 70 away from their car and appeared to be about the height of a two-story building. It appeared as a long oval, yellowish-green in color and with a haze or fog around it.
After the object passed the Anderson car Marilyn and Duane watched it out of the rear window until it had passed out of sight. Duane said that they could see the thing hovering over a bare patch of land for a while, then it moved over a wooded area, made a half-circular maneuver and disappeared into the woods. They continued to watch but the object was not seen again.
Date of sighting: April 20, 2015 Location of sighting: Biel Bienne, Switzerland
When you see one you may have doubts later, but when you see these UFOs every few months, then you know that there is an underground alien base nearby. This holds true with this new video from a French speaking part of Switzerland. He has recorded this UFO 49 times and has 49 videos that date back to 2012 as proof. I will place a few of his better catch below. With this kind of UFO activity, there is no doubt of a base below Biel Bienne. SCW
Dennis Kucinich, US Congressman & Presidential canidate. Sighting Location: Graham, Washington, USA Sighting Date: September 1982 Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich has seen a UFO, writes Shirley MacLaine in her new book, “Sage-Ing While Age-Ing.” Kucinich, she writes on page143-144 of the book, “had a close sighting over my home in Graham, Washington, when I lived there. Dennis found his encounter extremely moving. The smell of roses drew him out to my balcony where, when he looked up, he saw a gigantic triangular craft, silent, and observing him. It hovered, soundless, for ten minutes or so, and sped away with a speed he couldn’t comprehend. He said he felt a connection in his heart and heard directions in his mind.” During a Democratic Presidential debate in October, 2007 in Philadelphia, Tim Russert of NBC News asked Kucinich if he saw a UFO. “This is a serious question,” Russert said before asking the question. The Chicago Tribune quotes the candidate’s reply: “I did,” Kucinich said. “And the rest of the account — I didn’t — I — it was unidentified flying object, okay. It’s like — it’s unidentified. I saw something. “Now, to answer your question,” Kucinich said, “I’m moving my — and I’m also going to move my campaign office to Roswell, New Mexico and another one, an extra, to New Hampshire, okay… And also, you have to keep in mind that more — that Jimmy Carter saw a UFO, and also that more people in this country have seen UFOs than, I think, approve of George Bush’s presidency.” KEN PFEIFER WORLD UFO PHOTOS AND NEWS WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORG WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORG WWW.UFOSIGHTINGSDAILY.COM
Vietnamveteraan: "UFO's en Amerikaanse leger stonden in de oorlog met elkaar in contact"
Vietnamveteraan: “UFO’s en Amerikaanse leger stonden in de oorlog met elkaar in contact”
Een Vietnamveteraan beweert dat er in de Vietnamoorlog verschillende confrontaties zijn geweest tussen buitenaardse ruimteschepen en het Amerikaanse leger.
George Filer was in de jaren zestig en zeventig werkzaam als inlichtingenofficier voor de Amerikaanse luchtmacht. Hij moest onder meer UFO-waarnemingen bijhouden. Eerder deelden al een aantal andere oud-militairen en ex-werknemers van NASA hun verhaal over UFO’s en aliens.
Filer claimt dat hij in Vietnam iedere dag verslag uitbracht aan generaal George S. Brown, destijds de voorzitter van de stafchefs van het Amerikaanse leger. Hij kreeg geregeld informatie binnen over waarnemingen van buitenaardse schepen en het contact tussen deze schepen en Amerikaanse troepen en vliegtuigen.
Tot veel meer in staat
“Het leger was geïnteresseerd in UFO’s omdat ze tot veel meer in staat waren dan onze toestellen. Men wilde graag weten welke technologie ze gebruikten en waar die technologie precies vandaan kwam,” zei hij. “Soms verschenen er ongeïdentificeerde schepen boven de gedemilitariseerde zone.”
“Een vliegtuig vloog bijvoorbeeld met een snelheid van 50 knopen door de lucht toen er plotseling een UFO langszij kwam, wat kunstjes deed rond het vliegtuig en vervolgens wegvloog met drie keer de topsnelheid van één van de snelste toestellen van de luchtmacht,” zei Filer. “We hebben dus duidelijk te maken met een technologie die veel geavanceerder is dan wat wij hebben.”
Een Amerikaanse patrouilleboot liet daarnaast weten te worden gevolgd door ‘twee lichtgevende cirkelvormige’ UFO’s, terwijl de boot zich een weg probeerde te banen door de gedemilitariseerde zone tussen Noord- en Zuid-Vietnam.
Tot de dag van vandaag
Filer zei dat UFO-meldingen in oorlogsgebied tot de dag vandaag worden gedaan. Hij kreeg bijvoorbeeld een aantal waarnemingen van UFO’s binnen van veteranen die hadden gevochten in Afghanistan.
De veteraan, die de site beheert, zag in 1962 in de buurt van Stonehenge een ongeïdentificeerd object toen hij de copiloot was van een tanker. London Control vroeg of zijn bemanning het object boven Stonehenge kon onderscheppen. Filer omschreef het als ‘een cilindervormig object, als een cruiseschip, omgeven door lichten’. Het steeg in rap tempo en verdween vervolgens.
Amazing flying saucer filmed over Italy 15-Apr-2015
Amazing flying saucer filmed over Italy 15-Apr-2015
Check out this interesting disc-shaped UFO that was recorded by Italian UFO hunter Antonio Urzi. This footage was taken on 15th April 2015 over Cinisello Balsamo a comune in the Province of Milan.
Fast UFO caught on tape over Naples, Florida 11-Apr-2015
Fast UFO caught on tape over Naples, Florida 11-Apr-2015
Here’s one interesting video of a bright unidentified flying object flying very fast and low over the beach in Naples, Florida. This was recorded on 11th April 2015.
UFOs Confront Soldiers During War, Says Ex-Air Force Intelligence Officer
UFOs Confront Soldiers During War, Says Ex-Air Force Intelligence Officer
This is a recreation of a reported encounter between UFOs and an American patrol boat during the Vietnam War in 1968, in which occupants of the unknown craft were observed. The recreation is from the second-season premiere episode of History channel's "Hangar 1: The UFO Files." | A&E Networks
This is a recreation of a reported encounter between UFOs and an American patrol boat during the Vietnam War in 1968, in which occupants of the unknown craft were observed. The recreation is from the second-season premiere episode of History channel's "Hangar 1: The UFO Files." | A&E Networks
The public rarely hears about interactions between military personnel and unexplained aircraft -- especially during wartime.
As time goes on, however, UFO stories stuck behind red tape begin to see the light of day. The Vietnam War saw its share of UFO activity in the 1960s.
One close encounter, in 1968, involved the crew of an American patrol boat that reported two glowing circular craft following them in the demilitarized zone that separated North and South Vietnam (see depiction below).
The crew aboard a second patrol boat later reported seeing the UFOs over the first boat and a flash of light, followed by an explosion that completely destroyed the boat. These Vietnam reports included close observation of the unknown aerial craft which appeared to house pilots (see recreation image at the top of this story).
Wartime UFO stories are recreated in the premiere episode of the second season of History's "Hangar 1: The UFO Files." The accounts are drawn from tens of thousands of UFO cases in the archives of the Mutual UFO Network, the world's largest UFO investigation group.
"The military was interested in [UFOs] because they had capabilities far above anything that we had, and they wanted to find out what the technology was and, frankly, who they belonged to," according to former Air Force intelligence officer, Capt. George Filer.
While in Vietnam, Filer -- who had a top secret clearance -- gave daily briefings to Gen. George S. Brown, deputy commander for air operations in Vietnam.
"Frequently, the Vietcong or North Vietnamese would be attacking an outpost and I would explain that, and we would have ground-air support, particularly at night where we'd go in there with these gun ships, and I would give briefings on all of that," Filer told The Huffington Post. "Some of the time, there would be unidentified craft over the DMZ."
Filer described a typical report that he'd receive and which he included in his briefings to Brown:
"You'd have an aircraft flying along, doing around 500 knots and a UFO comes alongside and does some barrel rolls around the aircraft and then flies off at three times the speed of one of the fastest jets we have in the Air Force. So, obviously, it has a technology far in advance of anything we have.
"I would be told this unofficially. People tell you a lot of things that they don't put in writing or sign their name to. There was always this part of UFOs that, if you got too interested, it could mess up your career. And this is true today even with commercial pilots. I've also heard from people serving in Afghanistan saying they've seen UFOs, and the Iranian news carries UFO reports pretty regularly."
During a 1973 press conference, five years after the patrol boat UFO encounters, Brown -- as USAF chief of staff -- was asked about the Air Force's position on UFOs:
I don't know whether this story has ever been told or not. They weren't called UFOs. The were called enemy helicopters. And they were only seen at night and they were only seen in certain places. They were seen up around the DMZ in the early summer of '68. And this resulted in quite a little battle.
And in the course of this, an Australian destroyer took a hit and we never found any enemy, we only found ourselves when this had all been sorted out. And this caused some shooting there, and there was no enemy at all involved, but we always reacted.
Always after dark, the same thing happened up at Pleiku at the Highlands in '69.
Many stories about battling UFOs have emerged throughout history.
One early account of UFO warfare was supposedly seen by the citizens of Nuremberg, Germany, in 1561. On a morning in April, the Nuremberg Gazette reportedly described an aerial battle between large "cylindrical shapes from which emerged black, red, orange and blue-white spheres that darted about... All these elements started to fight one against the other." An artist, Hans Glaser, created a woodcut of the spectacle, seen below:
During World War II, also in Germany, Allied aircraft pilots often reported mysterious glowing, fast-moving, circular lights, which were dubbed Foo Fighters. The New York Times reported it as "military slang for flying saucers."
Filer -- who documents his sightings and other UFO news at the National UFO Center site -- was one of several military eyewitnesses to something extraordinary in the sky over England. It was 1962, and he was the navigator on a refueling tanker.
"We were out over the North Sea when London Control called and asked if we would be willing to intercept an unidentified that was over Oxford and the Stonehenge area. We had just finished up our refueling mission, so we said sure, and they cleared all the traffic around us and gave us top priority as we descended towards the UFO. All they really had was a very large radar return, but it was much bigger than a normal aircraft."
Filer (pictured at right) recalled how his radar scope indicated the UFO was as big as the huge Firth of Forth Bridge in Scotland that he and his crew often used as a regular navigation point.
"The 'thing' was at 1,000 feet and we were descending from 32,000 feet. We picked up this huge radar return while we were still about 30 miles out. It was dark out and when we got much closer to the object, we saw lights around it, outlining the shape of a cylinder, like a cruise ship. It then just quickly rose and went up into space.
"We were pretty sure we'd just seen a UFO."
Filer also told HuffPost that he has heard from air traffic controllers who claimed they were told to "always divert aircraft away from UFOs and deny that it existed. I think they want this whole situation to go away, and I think [the policy] is coming from the National Security Council -- they're at the highest level. It sounds funny, but presidents don't always know what their National Security Council is doing."
Upcoming episodes of "Hangar 1" over the next 12 weeks will focus on folks who've held military positions and are willing to come forward and tell their stories.
One of those (hold onto your hats) is a man who claims he was in the Marines (wait for it...) and that he was stationed on Mars for several years. That's right: the red planet Ma }rs. He'll describe being part of an off-planet military force. Let's not pass judgment...yet.
There's also the story of a retired Army sergeant who says he was assignedto UFO crash and retrieval cases where both ships and ET bodies were supposedly recovered -- some dead, some alive.
A Naples, FL, witness described an object where the edges rippled a little so you could just make out the edges of the craft. Pictured: Historic town center of Naples. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
A Florida witness at Naples reported watching a “mostly transparent” triangle-shaped object pass overhead that was followed by a black helicopter, according to testimony in Case 64601 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The incident occurred about 10:30 p.m. on October 18, 2014, when the witness was sitting on a balcony facing north.
“It had three visible circles, one on each point of the triangle, the edges rippled a little so you could just make out the edges of the craft, but the rest of it appeared transparent,” the witness stated.
The sighting was quickly followed by a black helicopter that had a light and made noise.
“It returned on exactly the same path, north to south, about 20 minutes later, but without a helicopter following.”
The witness believes the object may have been man-made.
“At first I thought it was a UFO, but after seeing a MUFON program Hanger 1 I realized it was exactly the same as they showed and it is one of ours. It appeared to be about 30 feet across and flew relatively low – appearing the size of a softball in the sky relative to my position. It flew perfectly straight at a low altitude without any noise.”
The object was followed by a black helicopter and returned 20 minutes later for a second pass, but without the helicopter. Pictured: Naples, FL. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The witness believes it may be an experimental aircraft that has not yet been perfected.
“I should have known it was one of ours because the cloaking was not perfect. The edges of the triangle rippled showing its shape and there were three large round lights slightly glowing – one on each end of the three points. I was very surprised it came back about 20 minutes later on the exact same trajectory, but without a helicopter following it.”
Naples is a city in Collier County, Florida, population 19,537.
Florida is currently a UFO Alert Level 5 – with 1.14 sightings per million population based on MUFON February 2015 statistics. Florida received a total of 22 UFO reports in March.
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
A new crop circle discovered in Macmillian Way, Nr Tarlton, Gloucestershire, UK on April 19, 2015 symbolizes ‘The Flower of Life.’
The Flower of Life is the modern name given to a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles, that are arranged so that they form a flower-like pattern with a sixfold symmetry like a hexagon.
The center of each circle is on the circumference of six surrounding circles of the same diameter. However, the surrounding circles need not be clearly or completely drawn; in fact, some ancient symbols that are claimed as examples of the Flower of Life contain only a single circle or hexagon.
The “Flower of Life” can be found in all major religions of the world and there are many spiritual beliefs associated with the Flower of Life.
The Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt contains the oldest to date example. It is carved in granite and may possibly represent the Eye of Ra a symbol of the authority of the pharaoh. (See image left).
It is considered by some to be a symbol of sacred geometry, said to contain ancient, religious value depicting the fundamental forms of space and time. In this sense, it is a visual expression of the connections life weaves through all sentient beings, believed to contain a type of Akashic Record of basic information of all living things.
The most common form of the “Flower of Life” is hexagonal pattern (where the center of each circle is on the circumference of six surrounding circles of the same diameter), made up of 19 complete circles and 36 partial circular arcs, enclosed by a large circle.
More information and large images of this crop circle at CropCircleConnector.
In general, do you believe most extraterrestrials have good or bad intentions? In this article, we will look at both sides of the coin in order to help make that determination.
It seems there are more UFO sighting now than ever before. As the rise of cell phones with video applications has improved significantly in recent years, the cost of HD camcorders has also dropped in unison allowing people to capture videos that were not previously as easy to record.
In a parallel with video technology is the ability to create computer generated images (CGI) videos which look amazingly realistic to the untrained eye, further muddling the validity of actual UFO sightings versus computer generated ones.
Pros and Cons
There are two diverse trains of thoughts in regard to whether extraterrestrials are benevolent or not and they boil down to several basic tenets.
The common benevolent argument states that if the ET’s were malevolent, then surely, they would have taken over the planet by now.
As evidenced throughout art history, UFO’s and extraterrestrials have been documented for thousands of years, with some of the oldest recordings going back to more than 25,000 years ago. While stories of abductions are few and far between, most visitations seem to be either for observation purposes or for protection purposes.
A malevolent argument is that the planet has been under ET control for a long time through the Anunnaki who manipulated our genes to produce a slave race in order to mine gold for them.
You see commercials on TV and people in every city holding signs saying, “Cash for Gold” or “We Buy Gold”. Are these people pimps for the Anunnaki? Why, all of the sudden, is there such a big push to trade in your gold for pieces of paper that are backed by nothing?
Where’s the proof?
We have heard all about the benevolent races such as the Pleiadians as well as the malevolent races such as the Grays and Reptilians, but what validity stands behind the determination of the intent of these races?
Are ALL Reptilians bad?
Are ALL Pleiadians good?
If the Earth is a reflection of the cosmos, then one must ask, “Are ALL humans bad?” and “AreALL humans good?” If, “As above, so below” is true, then it logic would dictate the answer.
The Maya were visited by Quetzalcoatl who was a Caucasian man with blue eyes. Quetzalcoatl taught them about agriculture, medicine, mathematics and astronomy. The Maya were the first civilization to use the number “0”. Accordingly, one of the stars in the Pleiades is called, “Maia”.
The Mayan Long Count calendar tracks the 26,000 year precession of the equinoxes. It is also one of the most accurate calendars known to man and to this day, can predict every lunar eclipse within 30 seconds.
Upon researching the Maya, it becomes blatantly obvious that they were helped by a benevolent ET. By the general description of Quetzalcoatl, we could deduce that he was Pleiadian, not only by his physical features but from the origin of the “Maya/Maia” name. While the origin of Quetzalcoatl is all speculative, it remains documented proof of an advanced being visiting the Americas to share this knowledge with the Maya.
Through regression hypnosis, we have also heard stories about abductions involving various probes,, egg cultivating, sperm seeding and implants. The typical type of extraterrestrial involved is often described as a Gray with features in sharp contrast to Quetzalcoatl, such as being small in stature, gray colored skin and featuring enormous black eyes along with a large cranium.
While the answer to the question of “Have we been visited by extraterrestrials” can be easily answered, the intent of why they are visiting us remains an enigma.
While official disclosure would be nice, it is not necessary because many people already accept the possibility that we are not alone in this galaxy or universe.
The release of suppressed technology from reversed engineering would be of greater interest than the actual disclosure of UFOs, but as we know, those in power want to keep us subservient to them by all means possible, which includes the suppression of technology that would benefit the human race. Look no further than to JP Morgan suppressing Nicola Tesla’s free energy system or how Stanley Meyer was murdered after inventing a car that could run on any type of water.
JP Morgan believed that “He who controls the energy, controls the power.” The answer is simple: People need to Open Source inventions that can benefit humanity. By doing so, there is no patent and the idea can be embellished by others to improve the quality of the idea or product.
Perhaps our extraterrestrial friends are waiting for us to do this?
In general, most people are good at heart. We have been manipulated and deceived through subservience, control and conformity for thousands of years, yet we remain resilient as a race in overcoming negativity while maintaining our core values of love and compassion for one another.
If, “As above, so below” is true, then the same would logic would follow suit. In general, most extraterrestrials are likely to be benevolent, while there remain those who do not have our best interests in mind.
The bottom line is discernment. It doesn’t matter what you read or watch on video. Listen to yourself. How do YOU feel, regardless of what others might think?
My discernment tells me that we are being watched over and protected by many benevolent races as we are about to be welcomed as galactic neighbors to these races.
I came across an interesting video series which delves into the malevolent side of extraterrestrials, along with an accompanying article by Bernhard Guenther:
UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact
UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact explores the secrecy surrounding the greatest cover-up of all time, presenting an overview of the UFO phenomenon, aliens, abductions, disclosure, and hyperdimensional realities.
UFO’s and the National Security State
When it comes to well documented UFO cases, especially involving Government and Military documents , there is one book to point out and that is Richard Dolan’s “UFO’s and the National Security State – The Chronology of a Cover-up”. Dolan has an academic background with the much-needed critical but open mind when researching such matters. He holds an MA in History from the University of Rochester and a BA in History from Alfred University. Prior to his interest in anomalous phenomena, Dolan studied US Cold War strategy, Soviet history, and international diplomacy.
“UFOs and the National Security State” is the first volume of a three-part historical narrative of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon from 1941 to the present. Included are the records of more than fifty military bases relating to violations of sensitive airspace by unknown objects, demonstrating that the US military has taken the topic of UFOs seriously indeed. Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell called Dolan’s book “monumental,” while Dr. Hal Puthoff, Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, declared it to be “a must-read for serious students in the field.”
Some believe that UFO’s are just developed Nazi technology or secret military projects but have nothing “ET” like to them, others explain UFO’s with Jungian psychology as a projection of our collective. For anyone who doubts that the UFO phenomena is real needs to read this book. It is well documented and clearly shows that government and military are very aware of the UFO issue and also that they do not have a handle on it.
“There is more than enough documentation to establish military interest in UFO’s. Attempted interceptions and military close encounters are a constant feature[…]The president/government doesn’t really know much at all and is not really in charge to begin with. The [privatized] military industrial complex and private transnational corporations seem to be involved with alien technology, UFO-crash retrievals, back-engineering and possible study of alien bodies, closed off from any government or official overview.” – Richard Dolan, (from his Keynote presentation at the UFO Conference, Laughlin, Nevada 2008)
Dolan also examines the rising of a National Security State (Military Industrial Complex), independent of official government supervision, as well as the issue of Disinformation and Counter Intelligence Programs (COINTELPRO), designed to deliberately spread false Information in order to keep the public away from the truth. I recommend reading the intro here. Compartmentalization is the name of the game, on a “need to know” basis. That’s how secrecy works. The well documented evidence for his claims can be found in his books. A good insight into his work is also this lecture he gave in September 2009:
The Disclosure Project
Many people who have looked into the topic of UFO’s a bit have come across the Disclosure Project, an organization under the guidance of Steven Greer, which also reveals the Government/Military Involvement in the UFO field.
At first the Disclosure Project seems to be a very good source and has a somewhat more serious image than your average UFO site. Greer and his project is quite popular these days, especially in the New Age Movement. UFO enthusiasts seem to take Greer’s work as a credible, reliable source and are happy to hear that our benevolent “space brothers” are here, possibly providing us with technology like Zero Point Energy, which the secret government is hiding from us. According to Greer, we’re also “threatening” the aliens and a possible contact scenario because of our space weapon program.
While there is some valid information presented by Greer with a very ideal objective of bringing about Disclosure of the UFO phenomena through Congress, there also seems to be Disinformation, in particular in regards to the intention of the “visitors”. Greer claims that there is no evidence of any hostile behavior on part of the ET’s. Well, I wouldn’t be so sure about that. UFO researcher Guy Malone writes about Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project:
There are certain problems with the lesser-known but equally sought after goals of the Disclosure Project, which hide (in plain sight) behind the noble “topline” pursuit of Disclosure, which should raise concerns. Namely, the seeming religious zeal with which Dr. Greer promotes the “Intergalactic Community” we are supposedly being invited to join and also, the call for a disarmament of humanity’s weaponry before we enter space (or in the words of the Disclosure Project homepage “To enact legislation which will ban all space-based weapons.”)Whether knowingly (as either a disinformation agent, or as a closet cult-leader) or unknowingly, by attaching these very distinct and separate issues to the noble goals of the Disclosure Project, Dr. Greer is unfortunately playing all of us right into the hands of the very Shadow Government he warns of.
These other non-essential (to Disclosure) pursuits are built upon a single faulty premise – that UFOs are not ever harmful. It is simply unreasonable to believe that, as a noted ufologist, Dr. Greer has never heard of these or similar reports [showing a non-benevolent nature of UFO/ET interaction]. However, too much of the UFO community simply ignores all such reports in favor of either an undeserved loyalty to the ufonauts, or a hidden agenda – political, spiritual and/or financial. Promotion of UFO beings as benevolent and the ideal of a peaceful “Intergalactic Community” is the hallmark only of uninformed researchers, well-informed disinformation agents, New Age acolytes and UFO cult leaders.
Intelligent people however cannot allow a starry-eyed view of the reality of UFOs to cause us to roll over and merely assume they ALL are – or always will be – friendly and beneficial to humanity. All we really know so far from Dr. Greer and others’ efforts is that these entities exist, and that they seem to offer us shiny cool stuff in exchange for just a little territory. However, our own checkered human history of initial European relations with Native American Indians should be enough to teach us the folly of repeating this path (i.e., “Today’s Manhattan Island is tomorrow’s Manhattan Project!”)
Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan of Project Camelot challenge Steven Greer about these issues and more in this interview:
If the government doesn’t really know much and has no handle on it, as Richard Dolan has shown in his research, then that puts into question the “disclosure” through government as promoted by Greer.
One has to ask, WHO is going to disclose WHAT?
Are we really so naive to believe that the government would just come out and tell us the truth, even if they knew what was going on? Sincere researchers in the UFO field are starting to look through Greer’s agenda more and more as his claims do not hold up to the data uncovered. He seems to be doing more harm than any good to the UFO field with his “crusade” of disclosure. And maybe that is his true intention after all, to distract and misinform. Could Greer be a Disinformation Agent in classic Counter Intelligence Program fashion ( COINTELPRO )?
“In the present day, we have Steven Greer’s “Disclosure Project.” Based on the mail I get, it seems that many in the New Age/UFO community think that this is a great and novel idea. However, history shows that it has been tried before. The one thing about Greer’s effort that suggests it is just more and better COINTELPRO is his attachment to the “aliens are here to help us” idea which is directly contradicted by history[…]“
In regards to Secrecy of the UFO Issue, referring to Dolan’s research, she writes:
“This brings us back to the problem of the Secret State and its agenda. Some people believe that this secrecy is absolutely essential. They say that the public simply could not handle the truth about aliens. They say that there is no reason to spoil people’s lives with the truth because there is nothing that the average person could do about it anyway. Is that really true? Would there be so much effort to conceal the alien agenda if disclosure of the truth wasn’t harmful to that agenda?
Dolan’s chronological history of the actual interaction between UFOs and the public and the corresponding behavior of the military, the intelligence community, the media, the scientific community in its interaction with the public, make this abundantly clear.
“It seems obvious from the documentary evidence as well as the behavior of the military in response to UFOs and the “alien matter,” that the aliens do have an agenda, and that – at some level in the layers of secrecy – there are those who know – at least on a “need to know” basis – what that agenda is. It seems abundantly evident that the secrecy has been enjoined on this group by the aliens themselves. What is more, a careful assessment of the evidence does not suggest a benevolent agenda.”
Space Station Astronaut ‘Squirms’ At UFO Questions
Two years ago, ISS astronaut Joseph Acaba decided to answer some questions live on TV. The show was in Spanish but despite the language barrier UFO enthusiasts have found something within the interview that they find odd.
Acaba was asked about whether he had seen any UFOs and immediately it became clear that the questions either a) made him feel uncomfortable or b) he just didn’t fully understand what they were asking.
Now on the one hand it does sort of look fishy, if your eyebrows are raised. It seems like he avoids the questions so blatantly that one has to assume he’s either not commenting or he simple doesn’t understand.
But we’ll be honest, this looks like a classic case of lost in translation. Acaba is clearly struggling to understand the interviewer.
But of course as with all things UFO, this is definite proof that UFOs not only exist but are a government secret.
Astronauts have — generally — steered clear of UFOs as a subject despite the fact that the ISS has become the focus of sites such as UFO Sightings Daily.
Glowing Disc ‘UFO’ Sighted Over Mexico Is Either A Prank Or Something Far More Sinister
UFOs are seen everyday. They can range from being drones, to clever CGI tricks but every now and then, something comes along and has us stumped.
Normally at this point we’d say ‘experimental military aircraft’ and then smugly close the case, but in this instance we’re not so sure.
Why? Well it literally looks like a spinning disc of lights. You cannot get more ‘UFO’ than a spinning disc of lights, it has to be a fake?
Well the problem with that theory is that not only was this shot — very badly we might add — on a smartphone, but there appears to be a second video doing the rounds from another perspective.
So whether you like it or not, there was a spinning disc of lights above the skies of Mexico. The question remains though, what actually was it?
The public rarely hears about interactions between military personnel and unexplained aircraft — especially during wartime.
As time goes on, however, UFO stories stuck behind red tape begin to see the light of day. The Vietnam War saw its share of UFO activity in the 1960s.
One close encounter, in 1968, involved the crew of an American patrol boat that reported two glowing circular craft following them in the demilitarized zone that separated North and South Vietnam (see depiction below).
The crew aboard a second patrol boat later reported seeing the UFOs over the first boat and a flash of light, followed by an explosion that completely destroyed the boat. These Vietnam reports included close observation of the unknown aerial craft which appeared to house pilots (see recreation image at the top of this story).
Wartime UFO stories are recreated in the premiere episode of the second season of History’s “Hangar 1: The UFO Files.” The accounts are drawn from tens of thousands of UFO cases in the archives of the Mutual UFO Network, the world’s largest UFO investigation group.
“The military was interested in [UFOs] because they had capabilities far above anything that we had, and they wanted to find out what the technology was and, frankly, who they belonged to,” according to former Air Force intelligence officer, Capt. George Filer.
While in Vietnam, Filer — who had a top secret clearance — gave daily briefings to Gen. George S. Brown, deputy commander for air operations in Vietnam.
“Frequently, the Vietcong or North Vietnamese would be attacking an outpost and I would explain that, and we would have ground-air support, particularly at night where we’d go in there with these gun ships, and I would give briefings on all of that,” Filer told The Huffington Post. “Some of the time, there would be unidentified craft over the DMZ.”
Filer described a typical report that he’d receive and which he included in his briefings to Brown:
Een voormalige defensieminister trekt door Canada om te spreken over de vermeende doofpot rond UFO’s en aliens. Zaterdag deed de ‘Disclosure Canada Tour’ de Universiteit van Calgary aan. Zo’n 400 aanwezigen luisterden aandachtig naar het verhaal van Paul Hellyer, die in de jaren zestig minister van Defensie was.
Former Canadian defence minister Paul Hellyer helped mark the opening of the UFO Landing Pad in St. Paul, Alta. in 1967. It's billed as the world's first landing pad for alien craft
Hellyer en andere sprekers die meedoen aan de lezingentour door Canada, willen dat de overheid alle informatie over UFO’s naar buiten brengt. De 91-jarige Hellyer zei in 2005 voor het eerst openlijk dat overheden de aanwezigheid van aliens geheimhouden. Hij zegt dat UFO’s net zo vaak in onze lucht zijn te vinden als vliegtuigen.
De ex-minister zegt deel te nemen aan de tour omdat hij zijn overtuigingen graag wil delen met het publiek. “De meeste media branden hun vingers hier niet aan,” zei hij. “Dus moet je blijven doorgaan in de hoop dat je op een dag een kritische massa bereikt en mensen zeggen: ‘Meneer de president of meneer de premier, wij willen nu de waarheid omdat het ons leven beïnvloedt’.”
Paul Hellyer speaks to the crowd at the Disclosure Canada Tour in Calgary, April 18, 2015.
Volgens Hellyer zijn er 80 verschillende soorten aliens. Op de Russische tv zei hij vorig jaar dat sommige aliens er net zo uitzien als wij en zich onder de mensen begeven. Hij zei verder dat de meeste aliens vredelievend zijn, maar dat er een klein groepje is dat kwade bedoelingen heeft.
Ze zijn bezorgd dat mensen meer kernwapens tot ontploffing zullen brengen, aldus Hellyer, toevoegende dat dergelijke wapens ‘ook invloed hebben op andere mensen in de kosmos’.
Door de gloed van de Verwoester was de aarde gehuld in een roodachtig licht. Het land was platgeslagen en verwoest door enorme hagelstenen die neer beukten op alles wat stond. Ze kwamen naar beneden in hete buien en achter hen aan kwam een soort vreemd gloeiend vuur dat over de aarde liep.
De vis in de rivieren stierf, wormen, insecten en reptielen sprongen omhoog vanuit de aarde. De duisternis van een lange nacht spreidde een zwarte mantel over de aarde waardoor iedere lichtstraal werd gedoofd. Niemand wist wanneer het dag of wanneer het nacht was want de zon wierp geen schaduw".
Wanneer we dan naar de hemel kijken bij Aer Mountain in het Chinese Binnen-Mongolië zoals die eruit zag op 15 april rond twee uur in de middag, doet dit ons erg denken aan die omschrijving in de Kolbrin bijbel.
De lucht werd op een gegeven moment rood van kleur, uiteindelijk helemaal zwart en een ongeveer een uur later weer normaal.
Niemand weet dat dit vreemde verschijnsel veroorzaakte, maar de inwoners hadden iets dergelijks nog nooit eerder meegemaakt.
Door de Chinese media werd het omschreven als bijzonder en spectaculair.
Toen ineens begon het te regenen en de lucht was vol met een soort zwart materiaal.
De hemel werd van rood langzaam maar zeker pikzwart.
Het is bijna niet voor te stellen dat de volgende foto om twee uur ’s middags is genomen.
Toen de bui wegtrok, waren overal de restanten te zien van het zwarte spul.
Een goedje dat er zo uitzag wanneer je er met je vingers overheen ging.
Alhoewel veel mensen de gebeurtenissen in Binnen-Mongolië in verband brengen met luchtvervuiling is er formeel geen verklaring gegeven voor dit fenomeen.
Rode UFO vliegt over daken in Lima, Peru ( Video )
Rode UFO vliegt over daken in Lima, Peru ( Video )
Er worden veel UFO’s gezien boven Zuid Amerika en zo vond ook de volgende waarneming plaats in de stad Lima (Peru).
Het was op de avond van de 13e april 2015 rond half tien in de wijk San Isidro.
De waarneming is gerapporteerd door de Peruviaanse Associatie van Ufologie (APU).
Het object werd die avond gefilmd door de 26-jarige Diego Bravo Trettenero, een bankmedewerker die net uit de sportschool kwam.
Die bevindt zich vlakbij het stadion van San Isidro, in de buurt van de oceaan.
De getuige was niet alleen, maar in het gezelschap van zo’n acht andere mensen die ook allemaal het object hebben gezien.
Terettenero had de tegenwoordigheid van geest om zijn mobiele telefoon te pakken en te filmen.
Het object maakte geen geluid en was ongeveer tweeëneenhalve minuut zichtbaar. Het bewoog alle kanten op, verticaal en horizontaal en maakte bewegingen die vliegtuigen of drones niet kunnen.
De getuigen schatten dat het object ongeveer 20 meter lang was.
Mexican News Site Picks Up UFO Videos Over Tijuana
Mexican News Site Picks Up UFO Videos Over Tijuana
Cadena News, a Mexico-based news site, posted videos of several mysterious lights above Tijuana. The videos show an incredible display of lights by what seems to be a disc-shaped object.
Alfredo Alvarez, a Cadena News reporter, posted two videos to his YouTube account and then Cadena News posted them to their website. Aside from the titles “OVNI en Tijuana (UFO in Tijuana)” and “Otro OVNI en Tijuana (Another UFO in Tijuana),” no further description is being provided by Alvarez.
Cadena News provided slightly more information stating that the sightings happened in corner 10 de Mayo and Boulevard 2000. The news site noted, however, that UFO isn’t synonymous with an alien.
The first video shows a bright light in the dark sky that appears to be pulsing. The camera then looks panning down to show the cars on the side of the road, indicating that there were some witnesses looking at the mysterious lights.
After within an hour, Cadena News posted another video with the title “There are new UFO videos in Tijuana.” The only content of the post is “Watch the video…it shows more detail of the strange object. What do you think? UFO.” The video again shows a bright object in the dark sky. As the video zooms in, the details of the object can be made out. The disc-shaped object in the video appears to rock back and forth. It has a ring of lights that appears to be moving. No lights can be seen at the top of the object as it rocks. It has lights on the bottom though.
There’s no information about the identity of the object or if the videos were shot at the same time. Also, no witness’ description or commentary in both videos. It would have been great if there’s a description from Alvarez.
The videos still interest a lot of people despite the lack of information on both of them. Take a look at the videos and let us know what you think in the comment section below.
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Wilmslow, Cheshire – 18/4/3015 @ 3.00pm I was driving along the A34 towards Wilmslow and I save a spherical metallic ball in the sky. The sun reflected light of its strucutre and it made it look very metallic. I had my window open and could see this in plain sight in the sky through my drivers side. It remained in the same position and was not moving from what I could determine as I was moving. It stayed in the sky for about 15 seconds and then slowly dematerialized. I thought it was one of these shiny balloons at first but it was so perfectly round I ruled that out almost straight away. If I had to guess its size, I would say about 3 to 5 feet in diameter. It was very difficult to get perspective as there absolutely nothing in the sky except the sun which was about 45deg to the left of the object. No photos I’m afriad as was not easy driving and tryin gto keep tabs on this object at the same time. After 45 years I finally get to see one, just hope others did too.
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Central Park, NYC in front of Guggenheim Museum – April 18th, 2015 UFO recorded on Saturday April 18th, 2015. I was walking with a friend between the Guggenheim Museum and the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir at 1:39 pm. We were walking South. UFO was traveling from West to East then change direction to North above Upper East Manhattan. Very unique sighting above NYC. You Tube Link:
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Longview TX – 4/16/15 Out watching the clear night sky when this silent craft appears out of nowhere. The craft slowly makes its way out of sight, not once making a sound. I feel as if they came by my requests to see them, which is much appreciated.
East Texas UFOs
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Galway City – Mervue area. – 11.30am Thursday 16th April 2015 White balloon like object, seemed to be high up, difficult to tell exactly and would depend on object size. My eyesight is not great (IT professional so a bit short sighted) the object seemed to be 2-3000 feet up, floating, at 90 degrees approx (west – northwesterly) to light prevailing winds (west – southwesterly). Over 5 mins watching saw 2 very brief flashes of light close to the object, not on it, it also seemed to sprout another smaller balloon attached to one side, then back to one larger object, then sprout the other side. Was too far away to see more detail, reminded me of the Mexico type objects, the floaters. No noise, another person looked at it too, could not identify it either. Bright almost cloudless day, the object kept a bright though not brilliant white colour all the time, even when under a light layer of mid-level cloud. No photos sorry.
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Colorado Springs – April 14, 2015 I was driving in southern Colorado Springs this morning and looked in the sky above downtown and saw what looked to be a golden orb floating above downtown Colorado Springs. It must have been there for about 1 minute or so before disappearing.
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Oxenhope – 14.04.2015 11.50pm I was driving home above Oxenhope around 11.50pm last night looking out for the ISS as I had received a notification on my Iphone app that it was passing near the UK. Looking out in front of me, across Oxenhope towards Lancashire/Long Causeway/Laneshaw Bridge, to the North West I saw what I thought might be a farm house light on a hillside. I considered this and decided that it was too high to be on a hill and was actually in the air. It was about the brightness of a house light from distance and was orange. It was around 4 times the size and brightness of any other planet or star in the sky. I continued my journey, went through Oxenhope and ascended the hill towards Hebden Bridge. I could then see the light more clearly. It was to the North/north-west and a few degrees above the horizon. It was much bigger and brighter than any other thing in the (Clear) night sky and was orange in colour. Not as bright orange as a street lamp but more orange than Venus. I took a few photographs and some film on my phone but reviewing these it didn’t really come out as my phone is cracked and old. I also checked on my iphone star chart and identified Venus towards the west and higher up that the object. I could also see that there was no other celestial object supposed to be where the object was. In the 6 to 8 minutes that I was observing it, it didn’t appear to move at all. This was unusual as if it was a lantern or balloon it would have been blown by the stiff westerly breeze blowing. (You can hear the strong wind on the footage that I tried to record on my phone). The object did dim and brighten a little and didn’t';t look like it was a pure sphere, instead it looked irregular in both size and shape. I’m sure it was not a planet/star/celestial body/satellite (too big and non shown on my live star chart) or aircraft/helicopter (too big and stationary with no navigation lights) balloon (too big and stationary) or meteor (Not moving, wrong colour/shape).Several cars passed me as I was watching it and one of them had stopped at the top of the hill possibly watching it too. I reviewed my photographs which I had tried to take and looked back to see it had completely vanished in a couple of seconds. It did not re-appear. I would like to hear if anyone else has seen anything in the sky over Oxenhope/Keighley West Yorkshire.
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Bedfrord,Va. – March 15,2015 (not real sure about this date. Been about 31/2 wks.ago) I was upstairs looking out of my bathroom window about 11PM just enjoying all the bright stars on this very clear night sky. All of a sudden a big bright round light went flying across the sky from north to south flying way faster than any jet plane I’ve ever seen. It didn’t even look like any plane. It was zip and it was gone. But I could see it off in the distance for a bit. I said to myself,Woo what in the world was that. It wasn’t a falling star because it did not go downward like a star does but kept very straight.
Video – The Nubian Pyramids and the Extraterrestrials connection- “A Forgotten Kingdom”
In the hot, desert sands of Northern Africa, a powerful kingdom thrived for thousands of years. This was Nubia, a golden kingdom nourished by the Nile. Now, after centuries of neglect, archaeologists Julie Anderson and Salah Ahmed have discovered a 2,000-year-old Nubian city in The Sudan, buried beneath mounds of red brick rubble. We join the dig as they excavate a massive temple, battling burning sun and punishing sandstorms to seek clues to the mysterious departure of the city’s people. Turning detective, they soon realize that the demise of the temple was no accident; a terrible crime of arson and sacrilege was committed here. Using the tools of their trade, the archaeologists will piece together the final days of the lost city. This incredible journey takes viewers into the splendors of Africa’s forgotten kingdom. From the magnificent pyramids of Meroe, to a famous one-eyed warrior Queen and her dazzling cache of golden jewels, to the mighty Nubian kings who conquered all of Egypt, it’s finally time for Nubia to give up its secrets.
He was next rendered unable to move and was told, “We will not harm you. Calm down.” He remembers feeling like he was suspended four feet off the ground and then abruptly dropped back down on the pavement. Feeling confused and wondering if he was suffering some kind of hallucination, he saw his Polaroid photos scattered on the ground where they fell as he took them.
“There it was, on the film,” Ed would later write in his book “The Gulf Breeze Sightings.” “It hadn’t been my imagination or some sort of hallucination. What I had seen was real. It wasn’t a comforting thought.”
For Ed, it was the beginning of a long ordeal for him and his family. He submitted the photos anonymously to the local newspaper, “The Gulf Breeze Sentinel,” hoping to find out if others had also seen the UFO. As his true identity began to emerge, the publicity the photos received would result in interest from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), who would conduct an official investigation and supply Ed with a special “tamper proof” camera in the hope of proving any future photos to be genuine. Well-known optical physicist Bruce Maccabee suggested that Ed also use a “stereo camera” setup to capture better quality photos that would prove the distances and sizes of the craft and thus silence the naysayers.
An accusation surfaced that Ed had faked the photos using a model that was found in a home he and his family had vacated months before in an attempt to shield themselves from constant public scrutiny. MUFON again stepped in to investigate the charges and found that the alleged model did not correspond exactly to the ships in Ed’s photos.
Meanwhile, the UFOs continued to make themselves apparent to Ed, putting Ed in the category of UFO Repeaters who have an ongoing photographic “relationship” with the ships. Several of Ed’s photos are included in “UFO Repeaters.”
“I can’t believe that Ed Walters was a phony,” Tim Beckley comments in the new book. “I don’t for one second think that he stuck a model into the walls of his attic so that someone would find it later and he would have the last laugh. He just wasn’t that sort of guy. And, besides, others did see the UFOs in close proximity to where Ed lived. He caused quite a hubbub for a number of years.”
Woonsocket, Rhode Island’s Joe Ferriere is another case of a UFO Repeater who reports positive encounters with the UFO occupants that began in childhood.
The late WOON Radio talk show host, Joe Ferriere, holds a strip of film showing some pretty weird heavenly strangers in the sky. He had the uncanny ability to show up where UFOs were being seen. This cigar-shaped object hovered over a wooded area just outside of Cumberland, Rhode Island.“I am approximately four years old,” Joe recalled. “This memory is so clear, even though most people cannot remember that far back. It’s precise, but it’s short. It’s just a brief glimpse. I am sitting in the backyard and I am playing in a sandbox with my little pail and my little shovel when all of a sudden I am aware of the presence of a huge silver colored – I want to call it a rocket ship. It looked like something out of a Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon movie. It had no wings. It was enormous and very, very low to the ground. I was a little bit afraid of it, but then I noticed that there were a lot of windows on this thing and that there were people smiling and waving and apparently having a great old time. I called to my grandmother to come out and see it, but by that time it was gone.”
Joe has a second childhood memory from a few years later, this time of a group of UFOs that overflew his schoolyard and were seen by his schoolmates as well. He recalls even the teachers pointing at the UFOs as they passed through the sky. When Joe told his grandfather what had happened, the old man replied that there was life on other planets and someday Joe would meet them. His grandfather seemed to be speaking from personal knowledge, which demonstrates the familiar pattern of UFO and other sorts of paranormal experiences running along family lines.
In 1962, when Joe was an adult and working at a dye factory, he observed, along with three coworkers, a fleet of silent UFOs flying in a V-formation. This sighting triggered a compulsive urge in Joe to study the subject of UFOs, and he began to search for people who could give him answers, including UFOlogist Tim Beckley.
A few years later, Joe sighted a tube- or cigar-shaped ship at a moment when he had his camera handy; he began to take his first of what would come to be many UFO photos. After he had taken a couple of shots, a door fell open in the craft, expelling a spherical object from within. He was undecided about which object he should follow when the small sphere moved away swiftly. He then took two more photos of the larger object.
“No one can doubt that these are wonderful pictures of an unknown craft,” writes Beckley about his old friend Joe. “And Joe has taken others in the Woonsocket area, including spherical blasts of light in the sky as well as a top-shaped UFO. He has also had his share of strange experiences that would seem to indicate even more that he was ‘hand-selected’ to get the word out. I know there are many other photos that Joe took that I hope will surface eventually.”
Some of Joe’s remarkable photos are – you guessed it! – reprinted in “UFO Repeaters.”
Mexico and South America are not without their fair share of repeat UFO witnesses. The flying saucer occupants seem to be just as interested in our neighbors to the south, and a multitude of still and camera images from the region bear that out.
Perhaps the most heralded Mexican contactee of the 1950s was taxi driver Salvador Villanueva. In late August 1953, Salvador was trying to repair his broken down cab out in the country near Ciudad Valles. He was joined unexpectedly by two pleasant looking men, 4.5 feet tall, wearing one-piece gray corduroy garments that covered even their feet and wide shiny belts. They had metal collars and small, black, shiny boxes on the back of their necks. They carried football-type helmets under their arms. As it was raining, Salvador invited them to take shelter in his cab. The two visitors accepted his offer, and a strange conversation ensued that lasted all night.
The visitors told Salvador they were from another planet, which Salvador scarcely believed. But he agreed to accompany them to their craft. He noticed that the mud puddles did not wet their feet and that their belts glowed whenever the mud was repelled. The UFO looked like two soup plates joined at the rim, with a shallow dome with portholes, and rested on three spheres. Salvador was invited in, but he refused. Glowing white, the vessel zigzagged upwards and then shot off vertically with only a faint whistling sound. A 40-foot circle of broken bushes was later found at the site.
Because of the novelty of the incident, Salvador was propelled into the media spotlight in a country only just becoming aware of OVNIs, the Mexican acronym for UFOs.
Hispanic UFO researcher Scott Corrales contributes a chapter to “UFO Repeaters” in which he discusses the UFO phenomenon as it impacts the lives of everyday people in the Latin regions of the Western Hemisphere. Those people often do “repeat business” with the aliens, who cross all borders as they “contact their own.”
Tim Beckley writes warmly of visiting his old friend Arthur Shuttlewood, who ran a newspaper in the small British hamlet of Warminster, England, located not far from Stonehenge. Beckley was in the UK to deliver a lecture on UFOs at the House of Lords and had taken a detour to what was long heralded as a flying saucer and paranormal hotspot.
Literally thousands of witnesses from all over the world besieged Cradle Hill in the sleepy little community of Warminster, England, to bear witness to someunusual celestial sights that defied explanation. Artistic impression of a gigantic crossed-shaped mothership by Carol Ann Rodriguez. The Warminster “Thing” started it all when a woman on the way to church was pressed to the ground by a high-pitched whining sound as a UFO stood motionless in the sky.
While on a sky-watch in Warminster one night, Beckley and Shuttlewood blinked a flashlight on and off at what they took to be a UFO in the sky. Every time they blinked at it, the ship would appear to swing back and forth like a pendulum. To this day, Beckley wonders if he had made genuine contact with a UFO that night.
But the UFO Repeater that Beckley chooses to emphasize in the new book is the late Bryce Bond, a radio deejay who ended up having several encounters in Warminster over a period of days. Bryce had come to interview Shuttlewood for broadcast back in the U.S. and was surprised to see how “blasé” Shuttlewood was about the frequent sightings. Bryce would later tell the story in a book called “UFOs: Keys To Inner Perfection,” which is also available from Global Communications.
Bryce writes that: “Arthur then said quietly, ‘I’m very glad you’re here tonight, Bryce. There in front of us is a UFO. Notice the triangle shape and colored lights going around? That is a very good sign.’ It then started to lift off in a weird pattern – then just disappeared. I was flabbergasted! It was so close. While describing that one on tape for American listeners, another one popped up about 25 degrees along the horizon. This one was a very brilliant white, while the other was a blaze of colored lights. This was the highlight of my British trip: a close sighting; yet I honestly felt spiritually close to the lights in the field.”
That same night, Bryce telepathically “reached out” and asked the higher intelligence to make contact again. There followed a missing time experience, after which he heard the sound of a crop circle being made in a nearby wheat field. Bryce would have many more experiences of direct contact with the Space Brothers and came to feel he had been charged with the mission of explaining their good intentions for mankind. He even quit his radio job to devote himself to spreading the word fulltime.
Continuing in this international vein, we come to Italian cases where people have had repeated contact with the UFO phenomenon.
The name Antonio Urzi has become quite well known among UFOlogists for his ongoing ability to capture video images of UFOs from his home in Cinisello Balsamo. The craft he has photographed run the gamut from singular balls of light to swarms of spherical, luminous objects that resemble “flotillas” or small fleets. Antonio has also recorded images of structured metallic discs pivoting and standing still in the air and dome-shaped craft silently hovering, rotating and shining until they disappear to the naked eye.
A journalist named Maurizio Baiata has written extensively about Antonio and says he can vouch for Antonio’s sincerity. The debunkers of Antonio’s videos generally harp on the fact that he has simply produced too many of them to be credible and that they are “too good to be true.” But Baiata points out that in several instances the sighting and Antonio’s ability to film the event took place in the presence of other witnesses, to include professional camera operators from the most important Italian TV networks.
There is also the famous Friendship case of 1956 that took place in Pescara, Italy. It is claimed that human-looking aliens engineered a mass contact event involving more than 100 people who were eager to learn their highly advanced extraterrestrial ways. The aliens spoke perfect Italian and said they were a confederation of different people from throughout the known universe. As is often the case with Space Brother-type aliens, they said they came in peace to attempt to prevent Earth from succumbing to its own increasingly evil tendencies.
The aliens said they kept themselves hidden from the world’s general population because the masses were not ready for this kind of direct contact. They had been on Earth for many years but had lived on secret bases around the world and in some cases had established human identities, living among us unnoticed.
Another Italian who believes in kindly, blessed aliens is Giorgio Bongiovanni, a stigmatic who is continually suffering the wounds of Christ as they spontaneously erupt on his body. Giorgio’s first stigmata happened in 1989, when a luminous being appeared and told him the universe is abundant with intelligent life and that men are visiting Earth in highly advanced disc-shaped spacecraft. His stigmata are intended for the faithful to have a sign they can believe in during the traumatic Earth changes to come.
Another contactee that Tim Beckley counts among his friends is fellow New Yorker Marc Brinkerhoff.
Marc, for his part, counts the aliens among his friends as well. As is frequently the case among UFO Repeaters, the UFO occupants established a bond with Marc that began in his childhood. At age five, Marc saw a large, silvery sphere, “like the metal ball in a pinball machine,” that was utterly silent. He remembers “receiving a feeling of great love from it.”
Marc began regularly photographing UFOs in the 1970s and has been doing so ever since. He adamantly believes the Space Brothers have kindly intentions for the human race and will never stage a mass landing in an effort to conquer the planet.
“UFO Repeaters” includes many of Marc’s photos as well as a detailed chronology of his many loving encounters with the Space Brothers, from childhood to the present. He can seemingly summon the ships at will sometimes and frequently photographs them from his apartment window.
The UFO hotspot known as Sedona, Arizona, is another scene of Tim Beckley’s intrepid adventuring. He visited a local resident there named Tom Dongo, a veteran of the paranormal who conducts jeep tours of the area and has had a long history of UFO encounters with many photos to show for it, some of which are included in the new book.
But why Tom Dongo, you ask?
“A hundred times I have said – why me?” Tom said in an interview with Beckley. “This stuff has been going on for over 25 years now, and I have written six popular books regarding many of these inexplicable occurrences. Why is it that I have such strange paranormal happenings around me, sometimes on a continuous basis? I don’t understand it. I don’t have a clue. I have had many borderline-psychotic explanations from, usually, well-meaning people as to the reason behind this activity. Maybe I will never know why.”
If you’re someone who has worked past “borderline-psychotic explanations,” you will no doubt be fascinated by reading more of Tom’s story and seeing some of his photos.
Another international case that has attracted much attention recently are the photos taken by a night watchman in the town of Kumburgaz, located on the coast of Turkey. The late UFOlogist Dr. Roger Leir was a prominent advocate of the case before his death, having been on the scene of one of the Turkey sightings.
But it is the aforementioned Turkish security guard, Yalcin Yalman who has provided the most direct evidence. On several occasions between 2007 and 2009, Yalman scanned the heavens – apparently knowing when the objects were going to appear – and videotaped UFOs in flight over the sea on the coast of Marmara. Yalman was able to film many such video segments, some during the day while accompanied by witnesses with whom he spoke while he was filming.
An expert video analyst named Mario Valdez of Santiago, Chile, was brought in by Turkey’s National Council for the Study of Science and Technology to study the footage. Valdez concluded that, “The objects in the footage have the structure of a specific material that is definitely not made up by any kind of computer animation, balloon, prop, model or special effects used for simulation in a studio.”
Aussie Rob Hartland says he has taken more than 20,000 digital photographs of the daytime sky in his Perth home, and a small percentage of them reveal possible extraterrestrial spacecraft when enlarged. His photos received media coverage in both his hometown newspaper, “Perth Now,” on April 27, 2013, and on the “Open Minds” website here in the U.S. two days later.
“It began when he was taking photos of clouds to test out a new camera,” the Perth newspaper reported. “He noticed a ‘smudge’ that, when enlarged and enhanced, ‘had some structure to it, suggesting it could be some sort of craft in the sky.’ He says since then he has identified a dozen different UFOs, including round, square and saucer-shaped craft, posting the photos on his website – – for extraterrestrial buffs and skeptics to ponder.”
Hartland explained some of his methodology, saying that he usually focuses the camera on the edges of mid- to high-altitude clouds.
“I take about 30 shots at a time,” he told the Aussie paper. “In ten to fifteen minutes, I’ll take 300 to 400 images. Then I connect the camera to the computer. I zoom in and enhance any little thing I note on the images and you get these craft in anywhere from two percent to twenty percent of the shots.
“Some of them appear to have transparent canopies,” Hartland continued, “and in some shots it looks like there could be occupants inside. I always say ‘could’ rather than ‘is.’ There is always doubt. But UFO stands for ‘unidentified flying object,’ and, as far as I’m concerned, these aren’t identified. It’s possible some are manmade, but I don’t think they all are. There’s no way it is a bird or insect or plane. They look totally different and these craft move much faster.”
Hartland began taking his photos in November 2012 using a new Sony Cybershot DSC-RX100 camera. According to Jackson Flindell, the picture editor of another Aussie paper, “The Sunday Times,” Hartland’s images “did not appear to have been tampered with, but dust on a digital camera’s image sensor could cause anomalies in digital photographs, while powerful magnification could also distort images in some cases.”
Hartland holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry and said he had no history of mental illness or drug abuse. He insists that he never alters his photos, though he acknowledged many people would find his claims hard to believe. As is frequently the case with individuals who are able to repeatedly photograph UFOs, Hartland’s initial photos were captured quite accidentally. But a routine eventually developed in which the ships seem to “obligingly” show up as he photographs the clouds around his home.
At the risk of “repeating” myself, I heartily recommend the newly released “UFO Repeaters: Seeing Is Believing! The Camera Doesn’t Lie!” if only for the sheer fascination the reader will inevitably find in looking at the book’s more than a hundred photos. If one can put aside the essentially irresolvable issues of “authenticity” and still manage to take the photos at face value in the absence of complete endorsement by the so-called scientifically debunking “experts,” the book offers a treasure trove of exciting shots of UFOs that are beautifully reproduced.
All a photo debunker can say, at best, is that a given photo hasn’t been tampered with and must therefore be labeled as an “unknown.” But the reader may more likely happily make the leap of faith that the various “chosen” photographers have captured genuine images of alien hardware in flight – ships that are playfully posing for their “own” and whose reality is taken for granted as being quite definitely “known.”
And reading the many case histories in the book that involve the aliens befriending some few mortals among us may offer the kind of reassurance that any UFO believer would want: the aliens are not only here, they seem to really like some of us!
Date of sighting:April 13, 2015 Location of sighting:San Isidro, Lima, Peru Source:The Peruvian Association of Ufology (APU)
News states: UFO was videotaped in the district of San Isidro, Lima, Peru. According to the website “Con Nuestro Peru”, “… the object was filmed by Diego Bravo Trettenero (26), bank employee, who had left the gym around 21:30 on Monday 13 April. The gym is located near the stadium of San Isidro, near the ocean. “
Add “Bravo narrated that with him were about seven or eight people who watched the strange craft. Moved by surprise, took his cell phone and managed to capture some of what I saw. “
“It stated that he thought the object made no noise and was visible for about two minutes and a half, fast-moving vertically, diagonally and making moves that do planes or drones. According believes the object was about 65 feet long, “concludes this website.
The Peruvian Association of Ufology (APU), interview witnesses and pursue investigations.-——————————————- Un ovni fue grabado en video en el barrio de San Isidro, en Lima, Perú.
Según informa la página web “Con Nuestro Perú”, “… el objeto fue captado por Diego Bravo Trettenero (26), empleado bancario, quien había salido del gimnasio alrededor de las 21:30 h de este lunes 13 de abril. El gimnasio se ubica en las inmediaciones del estadio de San Isidro, cerca del océano.”
Añade dicha página “Bravo narró que junto con él había unas siete u ocho personas que observaron la extraña nave. Movido por la sorpresa, tomó su celular y logró captar parte de lo que vio.”
“Precisó que le pareció que el objeto no hacía ruido y estuvo visible por unos dos minutos y medio, moviéndose con rapidez en sentido vertical, diagonal y haciendo movimientos que no hacen los aviones o drones. Según cree, el objeto tenía unos 20 metros de largo”, termina diciendo dicha página web.
La Asociación Peruana de Ufologia (APU), entrevistará a los testigos y proseguirá con las investigaciones.
On May 20, 1967, fifty-one-year-old Stephen Michalak was on vacation with his wife and children and he was searching for minerals along Falcon Lake, 80 miles east of Winnipeg, Manitoba, when a UFO appeared from the sky. Looking up he saw two glowing oval-shaped objects. One abruptly stopped its downward flight while the other continued, landing on a flat rock outcropping 160 feet away.
Michalak carefully approached the strange craft, which looked like a bowl with a dome on top, forty feet wide and 15 feet high.
He claims that he saw a grid-like exhaust vent on the side of it, which shot out a large amount of gas that set his clothes on fire. Mysterious burns also appeared on his body.
The UFO then went up into the sky and flew away. Stephen went to the hospital complaining of pain and sickness due to the encounter.
When doctors examined Michalak in a Winnipeg hospital a few hours later, they noted a dramatic burn pattern all across his chest-exactly like the grid Michalak had described on the UFO’s underside.
Michalak’s health problems continued and brought him to Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic the next year.
A few weeks after the encounter, he took RCMP to the location of the landing site and a semicircle from it was still there.
To this day, no one has been able to explain what happened to him or what the UFO was.
Stephen died in 1999, but the burns remained on his body. Currently, the Canadian Government identifies the case as “unsolved”.
Boven België is een inmiddels bekende vreemde wolk waargenomen waaruit een kleinere UFO tevoorschijn komt.
Ook hier zoals we eerder zagen, vertonen dit soort "wolken" zich regelmatig tegen zonsondergang.
De foto is zo te zien gemaakt op een snelweg ergens in België en in de verte zien we een paar vreemde wolken die als het ware verlicht lijken te worden door de zon.
Volgens ufoloog Scott Waring hebben we hier te maken met wat hij noemt een moederwolk, maar wat wij liever een dimensieportaal zouden willen noemen. Een wolk, die geen wolk is, maar fungeert als een portaal naar een andere dimensie waardoor UFO’s op aarde aankomen en weer vertrekken.
Iets verderop in de video vormt zich een andere vreemde wolk. Een die enigszins doet denken aan een soort tornado.
Hieruit komt een kleinere UFO tevoorschijn zoals we dat de laatste tijd wel vaker hebben gezien.
Als deze opname echt is dan hebben we hier natuurlijk weer een prachtig voorbeeld van hoe kleinere UFO’s “wolken” gebruiken als dekmantel. Wolken wat dat geen echte wolken zijn, maar voertuigen of portalen naar andere dimensies.
Alhoewel deze beelden staan gepubliceerd bij Ufo Sightings Daily, willen wij in dit geval toch een slag om de arm houden aangaande de echtheid van deze beelden. De maker van deze video heeft namelijk in het recente verleden bewezen onbetrouwbaar te zijn en bewust UFO waarnemingen te manipuleren om ze spectaculairder te laten lijken.
Dat wil natuurlijk niet zeggen dat deze opname niet echt is, maar enige voorzichtigheid is geboden.
Mysterieuze warmwater blob ontdekt in Stille Oceaan...
Mysterieuze warmwater blob ontdekt in Stille Oceaan...
De voedselketen zoals die altijd heeft bestaan in de Stille Oceaan is ernstig verstoord waardoor bijvoorbeeld talloze jonge zeeleeuwen aanspoelen in Californië.
Daarnaast heeft men een vreemd gebied van (te) warm water ontdekt midden op de oceaan wat verstrekkende gevolgen heeft.
Volgens een recent onderzoek van de universiteit van Washington is er een gebied met een doorsnee van ruim 1.600 kilometer in de Stille Oceaan dat warmer is dan normaal en niemand heeft enig idee wat dit veroorzaakt.
Met noemt het gebied een “blob” warm water en het werd voor het eerst ontdekt in 2013. Wat een feit is, is dat het grote invloed heeft op het klimaat. Een tweede feit is dat er de laatste jaren een ongekend groot aantal vissen zijn gestorven in de Stille Oceaan. De aantallen zijn sterk toegenomen sinds 2013, het jaar waar de blob werd ontdekt.
De vraag is uiteraard of er misschien een verband is tussen deze gebeurtenissen. Een tweede vraag is logischerwijze wat er gebeuren gaat als die opwarming van het water doorgaat.
Hebben we hier te maken met de grootste Holocaust ooit op het gebied van leven in de oceaan? En als dat zo is, wat voor gevolgen heeft dat dan weer voor de voedselketen en -voorraad voor de mensheid?
Wanneer een groot deel van de oceaan zonder aanwijsbare reden ineens opwarmt dan is dat iets heel opmerkelijks. Het zou misschien nog daar aan toe zijn als wetenschappers wisten wat dit veroorzaakt, maar ze hebben werkelijk geen flauw idee.
Ze noemen het dan ook: iets helemaal nieuws. Op de volgende kaart krijg je ongeveer een idee hoe die blob er in de praktijk uitziet.
De temperaturen in het gebied van de blob zijn ergens tussen de één en vier graden Celsius hoger dan normaal voor deze regio. Dit betekent dan weer dat de winterlucht die over de Stille Oceaan trekt niet zoveel wordt afgekoeld als normaal gesproken het geval is. Dat, op zijn beurt, betekent dan ook weer drogere en warmere condities voor de Amerikaanse westkust.
Terwijl men zich druk bezighoudt met het raadsel van de blob hebben wetenschappers ondertussen ook gemerkt dat de wezens die in de Stille Oceaan leven in record hoeveelheden sterven. En in plaats van dat het afneemt, wordt het erger.
Zo is dit jaar het aantal zeeleeuwen dat aanspoelt op de kusten van zuidelijk Californië tot een absoluut recordhoogte gestegen. Volgens de berichten zijn er een nooit eerder gezien aantal van 2.250 (meestal jonge) dode zeeleeuwen aangespoeld. Als oorzaak geeft men officiëel: de opwarmende oceaan en de verstoorde voedselvoorraad.
Maar het zijn uiteraard niet alleen zeeleeuwen. Sardines zijn zo goed als verdwenen en volgens National Geographic is er een heel scala aan kleine visjes onderaan de voedselketen die in sneltreinvaart afsterven.
Dus, als de bodem van de voedselketen in rap tempo afsterft, wat betekent dit dan voor de rest van dit systeem in de Stille Oceaan?
Ook aan de overkant van de Stille Oceaan gebeuren een aantal vreemde dingen.
Zo is de media in Japan volop in de weer met de berichten over het stranden van 150 witlipdolfijnen. In relatie tot een vergelijkbaar incident dat plaatsvond zes dagen voor de grote aardbeving en tsunami in 2011.
Uiteraard heeft het grotendeels verdwijnen van vissoorten zoals sardines grote gevolgen voor de Amerikaanse visserij. Daar werd deze week de noodmaatregel genomen om te stoppen met het vissen op sardines omdat deze soort de afgelopen acht jaar met ongeveer 91 procent is afgenomen.
Op zich lijkt de sardine een onbeduidend visje, maar ze spelen wel degelijk een heel belangrijke rol in de voedselketen. Men vermoedt dat het voorval van de eerder genoemde gestrande zeeleeuwen is veroorzaakt doordat deze geen sardines meer hebben om te eten.
Eén ding is zeker, we hebben hier niet! te maken met door de mensheid veroorzaakte opwarming van het klimaat zoals men ons graag wil laten geloven.
We kunnen voor een deel te maken hebben met aardveranderingen als gevolg van een grote naderende planeet zoals Nibiru, snel veranderende en afnemende magnetische velden waardoor de navigatie van sommige dieren volkomen misloopt en dan is er natuurlijk ook nog Fukushima.
Wat duidelijk lijkt te zijn is dat we hier te maken hebben met de volledige ineenstorting van het ecosysteem van de Stille Oceaan. Wanneer dit inedrdaad gebeurt dan heeft dit grote gevolgen voor wereldwijde biosfeer.
Één van onze lezers is ervan overtuigd dat het massaal sterven van dieren in ieder geval voor een deel wordt veroorzaakt door de magnetische omkering van de polen.
Hij heeft veel werk verricht en uitgezocht hoeveel, welke en waar dieren massaal zijn gestorven in dit jaar, 2015, en het vorige, 2014.
Het is een lange lijst geworden, veel te lang. De complete lijst is hier te zien/downloaden als een pdf bestand.
Chile UFO: Government confirm mysterious object is NOT ‘made by man’
Chile UFO: Government confirm mysterious object is NOT ‘made by man’
Case File Information
Date of Event / Case File: 04/15/2013
Case File Details
On April 16, 2015, the following was published by The Mirror:
Chile UFO: Government confirm mysterious object is NOT ‘made by man’
Authorities revealed that they do not recognize the strange object which was captured hovering in the skies
A UFO that was sighted in Chile is ‘not a known object made by man’, according to the country’s government.
Officials released the footage after completing a thorough investigation and have announced in a report that the mysterious object is not one they recognize.
They confirmed that the silver disc seen in the clip was approximately 10 metres in diameter and performed with vertical and horizontal movements that no other aircraft can do, according to Chilean media reports.
Scientists at the Centre for the Study of Anomalous Ariel Phenomena (CEFAA) confirmed: “It is not any weather phenomenon or any other known object made by man.”
The footage was originally shot in April 2013 by miners who were working at the Collahuasi copper mine in north Chile.
Initially, they chose to keep the clip under wraps, for fear of being ridiculed, but later showed the clip to one of their bosses who insisted on sending copies to the CEFAA in February 2014.
The witnesses, who have chosen to remain anonymous, revealed that the object hovered in the sky for over an hour, and did not make any sound.
According to reports published in July 2014, the Chilean Meterological Office confirmed that the sky was clear on the day in question and now lenticular clouds (saucer shaped cloud formations) were recorded.
José Lay, director of international affairs at CEFAA also excluded the possibility that the UFO could be a drone.
“People in that area are well aware of the existence of drones.
“Fishing companies use drones and [they] make much noise. This was definitely not a drone.”
Officials also ruled out experimental aircraft, weather balloons, or other military drills that could explain the incident.
Spotted: The mysterious object was seen by workers above a Chilean mine
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), and International Air Safety Reports
By Ted Roe Executive Director
Over the past twenty years several nations and US government agencies have released files on unidentified aerial phenomena, UAP, reports and investigations. Nearly all of these case files contain reports of aviation related observations and aviation safety related incidents involving unusual lights or objects, UAP. These reports often involve commercial and military pilots, air crews and air traffic controllers dealing with UAP observations and incidents during the conduct of their duties as career professionals.
While there have been few comments regarding the source or causes of these reports it is apparent that there are many commonalities in these reports that should be examined more closely. However, there has been no coordinated effort at the official level to compare these reports and assess them for commonalities and “profiles” or for aviation safety.
Data regarding aviation related UAP observations and incidents flows away from the aviation system and is not examined for safety factors by US aviation authorities, the NTSB, etc. In fact, the FAA refers pilots and air traffic controllers that want to make a UAP or “UFO” report to contact civilian UFO research groups and private businesses. These organizations have not published a single study nor demonstrated the slightest concern for the matter of UAP and aviation safety.
The French Government has maintained a nearly constant official vigilance with respect to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena since the mid1960s. The current agency addressing UAP observations and incidents, GEIPAN – Groupe d’Études et d’Informations sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés (unidentified aerospace phenomenon research and information group), is located in the French Space Agency CNES – Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (National Center for Space Studies). This organization collects reports from across French bureaucracy including the French aviation authority and their files reflect aviation related observations and aviation safety related incidents involving UAP.
Many French officials including GEIPAN members and former members participated in the COMETA report which was prepared as an independent study through IDHN. This report contains several aviation related UAP reports that share consistent commonalities with those reported in other parts of the world as well as a strong recommendation that the world look more closely at UAP manifestations.
In the late 1980s-1990s, in response to their own UAP cases, the governments of Chile, Peru and Uruguay established official UAP research teams and their case files also reflect aviation related observations and aviation safety related incidents involving UAP.
Dr. Richard. F. Haines, NARCAP (National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena) Chief Scientist, has collected over 3400 cases of aviation-related observations and incidents involving unidentified aerial phenomena, UAP. was founded in 1999 specifically to investigate and document aviation-safety related UAP reports for the benefit of aviation safety and global aviation. Reports are engaged confidentially to protect the reputation of the reporter. NARCAP has a staff of about 50 specialists that can address investigations, analysis, publications and activism related to UAP and aviation safety. NARCAP has published numerous reports and studies.
NARCAP’s first Technical Report, Aviation Safety in America: A Previously Neglected Factor was prepared and released by Dr. Richard Haines in 1999. This paper documents over 100 examples of UAP incidents that involved aviation safety factors over a 50 year period.
In 2004, Mexican NARCAP Research Associates Carlos Guzman and Alfonse Salazar published a book documenting many examples of aviation related observations and safety related incidents involving UAP over Mexico – Ovnis y la Aviación Mexicana.
In 2006 the British Government, the UK Ministry of Defense, released the “Condign” report, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defence Region (UKMOD), which states rather bluntly “that UAP exist is indisputable… and they (UAP) are probably a threat to safe aviation.” Airprox reports released by the UK CAA, Civil Aviation Authority, clearly reveal that some UAP cases do indeed involve aviation safety factors and that many UK UAP cases share commonalities with those reported in other countries. (CAA DOC LINK)
Since then NARCAP has published several papers on its website addressing UAP and aviation safety factors in other nations, prepared by NARCAP staff and efforts of merit.
In 2010 NARCAP published Project Sphere, an international effort to examine aviation related observations and incidents involving UAP that present as spherical lights or objects. This report includes reports from six countries including the USA (click here) regarding safety related incidents involving spherical UAP.
In 2013 the Government of Peru reopened its own UAP investigations team through its military, the Office for the Investigation of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena – OIFAA.
In response to UAP cases involving German and EU pilots NARCAP – Germany branch has been established.
In July of 2014 NARCAP Science Chief Dr. Richard Haines and NARCAP Executive Advisory Committee member Dr. Jacques Vallee presented at a closed workshop hosted by the official French UAP research team, CNES-GEIPAN, regarding investigation techniques for examining alleged aviation related UAP encounters and developing a research strategy for engaging UAP research. CAIPAN Workshop.
Over the past 15 years has received numerous specific international reports from many different nations that apparently involve safety factors and UAP. These include claims of near midair collisions, loss of separation, crew distraction, failed radar detections, incursions or manifestations inside of restricted or controlled air space, etc.
As the conversation continues to evolve the number of reports, historical and current, is increasing. While NARCAP’s investigations and research mandate applies to US aircraft and crews we acknowledge and encourage our international staff, partners and efforts of merit as they document and report their own cases involving UAP and aviation safety.
Data Visualization Map Shows UFO Sightings Since 1933
Data Visualization Map Shows UFO Sightings Since 1933
A data viz shows UFO sightings in sequence since 1933 through little blinking lights over a world map. MBA candidate Christian Pearson created the data visualization graphic using web-based software and National UFO reporting center’s data. The intergalactic graphic is part of QuantBait, an initiative that Pearson wants to tell stories through visualization about issues in politics, economics, and society.
Pearson said that the UFO sighting map was a fun way to convey the idea that great data visualization can offer profound insights. Upon careful examination of the map, one can notice that UFO sightings were at their peak around the 1950s and 1960s.
In the U.S., some of them may be due to the CIA’s U-2 program, an air surveillance initiative during Cold War, active from 1954 to 1974. The program involved C.I.A’s testing of spy aircraft at Area 51, a highly guarded military facility in Nevada that has also been the subject of several extra-terrestrial conspiracy theories. Pearson said that the map also features data records of more recent sightings.
Pearson noted that it’s wrong to assume UFO sightings only happen in isolated, rural areas. The map clearly shows that large number of sighting reports took place in urban areas.
Date: April 2, 1952 Location: Lake Mead, Nevada Time: 9:00 am. Summary: While on a fishing trip to Lake Mead with his wife and a friend, a man observed a UFO. It was silver in color, very large and at a tremendous altitude. It was described as a B-36 without wings. Source:
Date: April 3, 1952 Location: Marana, Arizona. BBU Time: 8:15 [8:23-9:15? MST] a.m. Summary: Pilot of T-6 aircraft and 6 pilots on ground saw a bright aluminum shiny oblong object above 54,000 ft. 52-minutes. Source: Project 1947; FUFOR Index
Date: April 4, 1952 Location: Duncanville, Texas BBU 1095 Time: 8:30 p.m. (CST) Summary: USAF Cpl. Billy D. Greer and PFC John W. Harrington of the Radar Maintenance Section, 147th AC&W Squadron, tracked unidentified target by FPS-10 radar first to the NW at 310°-315° azimuth at about 70 nautical miles (80 miles) moving at high speed of about 2,160 knots (2,500 mph) until it disappeared off the scope at maximum range of 260 n.mi. (300 miles). Height-finder reading not taken, estimated at 42,000+ ft due to radar beam coverage at max range.
Vreemde lichten op Ceres lijken gebouwen te zijn ( Video )
Vreemde lichten op Ceres lijken gebouwen te zijn ( Video )
Afgelopen januari schreven wij een artikel over de mysterieuze lichten die via de ruimtesonde Dawn zichtbaar waren op de dwergplaneet Ceres.
Alhoewel het raadsel formeel nog niet is opgelost, lijkt het dat deze lichten buitenaardse gebouwen zijn op Ceres.
Formeel is er nog steeds geen antwoord op de vreemde lichten op Ceres en blijft men zeggen dat het mysterie steeds groter wordt.
De ruimtesonde bevindt zich voorlopig aan de schaduwzijde van de dwergplaneet en zal zich pas in de loop van deze maand weer in een positie bevinden waar het foto’s kan maken.
Voordat Dawn echter verdween in de schaduw heeft het nog enkele foto’s gemaakt, waarop volgens ufoloog Scott Waring duidelijk te zien is dat we hier te maken hebben met buitenaardse gebouwen.
Hij komt met de volgende foto waarop inderdaad de vorm van een bepaalde structuur is waar te nemen, met naast de gebouwen een soort roodachtig en groen licht.
Volgens Scott is het heel opmerkelijk dat de camera’s die NASA gebruikt slechtere beelden geven dan een mobiele telefoon uit, zeg, 2008. Ze geven miljoenen en miljoen Dollars uit aan een ruimtesonde zoals Dawn en slagen er niet in om goede kwaliteitsfoto’s te maken.
Dit is volgens Scott omdat ze bewust slechte kwaliteit foto’s tonen aan het publiek. Beelden die zodanig vaag zijn dat je niet de details kunt zien van de gebouwen op Ceres. Hij zegt dat de gemaakte foto’s worden bewerkt op een manier waardoor de kwaliteit van beelden waar bijvoorbeeld buitenaardse gebouwen op voor komen met 30 tot 60 procent wordt gereduceerd. In een poging uiteraard om het publiek zoveel mogelijk onwetend te laten.
Amidst the multifaceted controversy of UFO's their purpose here, their origin, their technical capabilities, and their social impact we are faced with a difficult task in determining the truth from fiction. it's not just enough to assess what the propulsion system could be, how many races from other worlds have visited us or which are still here interacting in a plane of existence, or whether or not governments of the world will ever honestly divulge their knowledge of everything they know regardless of how disturbing this might be.
The Big Lie?
However, there is a persistent pattern in all this that begs to be examined more fully because time and time again it repeats itself like a vinyl record with a scratch in it that causes the stylus to continue to play the same track over and over, known as the “Broken record syndrome”. Author John A. Keel described it best as the “Broken record in the sky” the repetitive false messages regurgitated for all contactees and abductees. The “Big Lie?” as Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Minister of Propaganda explained when using false narratives to control the political conversation repeated over and over again until considered to be the truth.
Emergence of the unknown
The infamous “Men in Black” exposed little until John A. Keel made reference to them in his book entitled “Operation Trojan Horse” chronicled the frustrating pursuit by the US Air Force Intelligence of these entities. He described witness accounts that were shocking if not insightful and made parallel references to the finding of Fortean phenomena that seemed very consistent with the mysterious appearance of the Men in Black. So much consternation existed on the part of Blue Book and related military intelligence operatives that several bulletins were released by the USAF referencing the Men in Black as possibly appearing to UFO witnesses interrogating and intimidating them or making contact in unusual ways.
Apparently the Air Force's official stance on the Men in Black was that they were impostors who were interfering with official government business, when in reality federal agents themselves were running into bizarre and inexplicable incidents that defied conventional explanation. This has led researchers down the “rabbit hole” of speculation. Some have thought the Men in Black to be time travelers at times being disoriented or unaware of just exactly which era they were now present in sometimes using phrases that have long been dismissed as belonging to slang used decades prior. Some explanations that the Men in Black were perhaps more like the “Mothman” entities existing on a different vibrational plane able to see further into the immediate future than we.
One incident described by Keel centered around USAF intelligence agents tracking the Men in Black in one of their characteristic black sedans or Cadillacs slowly driving into an alley with no outlet. Thinking that they had their quarry cornered with no way out the investigators were astonished to find that the Men in Black had simply vanished! Although some people have alleged that the Men In Black were counter intelligence agents, how they disappeared when tailed by their federal counterparts would be impossible to explain. Spiritual, demonic, or super natural behavior seems more along the lines of definition here according to those such as John A. Keel, who see a historic pattern of deception aimed against mankind originating from an unknown realm.
Identifying your enemy
Descriptions of the Men in Black as wearing plain but formal black attire, the suit and tie appearance along with a matching hat. Wearing dark glasses was also among reportedly commonly observed among witnesses. Other descriptions of the persons themselves could vary. Some described sunburned features, Asian, black hair that was visible, clean shaven, seemingly evil vibes being transmitted, dry official manner though awkward at times when questioning or confronting UFO witnesses who had filled out a UFO report with the US Air Force.
One woman who had reportedly encountered a Man in Black while walking down a city street commented that she had never felt such a sensation of evil emanating from anyone in her life. Though the attention of this entity was not focused directly upon her, she claimed that this being somehow knew of her presence and yet walked by her without making contact. She described all the classical features attributed to the Man in Black, yet was at the same time astonished that this thing would make an appearance in the general public without so much as choosing a more discreet manner of operating among the unsuspecting.
Absence of footprints
Other accounts of the super natural capability of the Men in Black were of one couple who claimed they were visited by such an entity after a heavy snow storm. The mysterious Man in Black parked his dark sedan down the driveway requiring him to walk some distance through the snow to get to the front door. After a strange line of questioning and awkward silences followed by some intimidating if not subtle threats not to discuss the subject of UFO's among friends and family the stranger withdrew. The man and wife noticed that after getting into his car that the Man in Black had left no footprints in the snow!
The big pill
Another bizarre encounter noted by John A. Keel was told by a woman who was visited at her home by a stranger having the same bizarre traits as the Men in Black. Cloaked in a dark suit and hat which he did not removed, the intruder questioned the lady, but she noticed that his face began growing red. He requested in a strange “sing song” type of voice for her to get him a glass of water. She went to the kitchen and fetched the drink for him. Upon returning to her living room she noticed that he was holding a huge pill or capsule. Once she handed him the water glass, he took the capsule, drank, and almost immediately began to recover from the ever reddening facial coloration she had noticed. It was not long afterward that the Man in Black took leave of her premises leaving her worried and insecure for days to follow.
In groups of three
Often it has been noted that the Men in Black appeared in threesomes. More often than not they were often referred to as the “Three Men in Black”. John A. Keel speaks of three figures, three influential individuals, three unknowns, often appearing out of nowhere at pivotal times in history. For instance, Keel referenced the appearance of the “Three Wise Men” who sought the birth of Jesus guided by the North Star. Legend has it that Thomas Jefferson encountered a Man in Black as he contemplated the symbolism that would appear on the new American currency after the War of Impendence. He reportedly told others that as he pondered the question in the evening at Capitol Hill he was approached by a stranger dressed in black he gave him the symbol of the pyramid with the eye above it and told Jefferson, “Your country will be the nation of the Third Eye.”
Remaining unexplained
Such has been the tales of visitors from UFO's abductions, close encounters of the third kind, and the bizarre realm of the contactees in the long saga of this persistent mystery. To many, the Men in Black represent the deceptive modus operandi of demonic entities using the powers of a fallen angel to confuse and intimidate man from his belief in God and all things good and decent. As our world grows more chaotic and truth seems to succumb to conspiracy and lies we must be careful to perceive just where and by who we extract our beliefs.
Watch out for Part IV of this article – coming soon!
Extra information about the article:
The disturbing realm of the UFO to many parallels demonological activity!
The following report was found on the MUFON CMS this morning:
Harrisburg, PA - 8/15/2014: I was a waiting customer in line at Pep Boys Auto shop, just looking around. A small, woman entered and she appeared oddly dressed; she looked to be in her 70s-early 80s, at first because of her rather messy gray hair, which fell about to the chin line. She was about 4-5 ft. tall and wore very short, baggy unironed shorts and a baggy unironed blouse. She had very thin legs and arms, greyish, pinkish skin. She did not have the characteristics of progeria disease. Her face seemed normal.
My name was called and I turned by attention to business at hand and went to sit in the adjacent waiting room. I had been seated there about 15 minutes, when this same woman came to the all glass door and tried to pull it open; she could not pull it open with one hand since her other hand was holding a small book and drink. I started to get up (walk across the room) to help open the door, but someone sitting beside the door opened it for her. She then sat down at a right degree angle to me (she at the 90 degrees and me sitting at 180 degrees), about 4 feet away from me. I was curious about her since she seemed so strangely dressed. I looked directly at her eyes, and her eyes met mine, and it was then that I noticed she had NO white eyeballs; her eyes were completely black! I was startled and I must have looked so, because she got up instantly and walked out of the waiting room. I followed behind her about 20 seconds later, but saw her no more after looking around a bit. She may have been wearing a wig, she may have had a different kind of contact lens in her eyes, but something about her just seemed strange. I have been wondering whether she was a hybrid. I also wonder whether anyone else has had an experience similar to this.
I reported this incident to my State Director of Investigations in MUFON and he suggested I enter this report. I do so with hesitation because it sounds so bizarre, but I am a MUFON Field Investigator. (Some of my answers on this report really don't apply to this incident, so I answered because I could not submit this report unless I answered the questions - somehow.) - MUFON CMS
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Filer’s Files #16 2015 – Cylinder UFOs near ISS & Moon - PART I
Photo taken over La Conner Washington on April 4, 2015
Filer’s Files #16 2015 – Cylinder UFOs near ISS & Moon - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover:We Have Lost Many Men and Planes Trying To
Intercept UFOs, Humans Are Not from Earth, Mars Pyramid, Cylinder UFO Near ISS, Cylinder UFO on our Moon, NJ Conference with Travis Walton, Karyn Dolan, and David Rountree, and UFO Crash at St Augustin.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and West Virginia.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Argentina, Australia, Belize, Canada, Columbia, Greece, Ireland, Mexico, and in England and Scotland in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
“Hangar 1” TV Show
Last Friday, at our friend, Pattie’s house, I sat with Travis Walton, my wife, and several others watching the premier of the Hangar 1 TV show “UFOs at War” on the History Channel. I had a part in the show and it was watched by over a million people. I was in Vietnam in 1968 as an intelligence briefing officer to the 7th Air Force Commander, General George S. Brown. Our patrol boats were apparently hit with our own missiles that were previously fired by our forces. Apparently, the UFOs were able to capture the missiles fired at them, and turn them back on to our forces. We learned a real lesson to not engage UFOs.
The next exciting “Hangar 1” TV Show called “Underwater UFOs”will be on History Channel, Friday night, April 17, 2015, at 10 PM EST and PST.
Special Reports
“We Have Lost Many Men and Planes Trying To Intercept UFOs”
General Ben Chidlaw
Timothy Good writes, “The destruction or disappearance of military aircraft during interceptions of UFOs continued apace.” As General Benjamin Chidlaw, former commanding general of Air Defense Command told Robert C. Gardener (ex USAF) in 1953: “We have stack of reports of flying saucers. We take them seriously, when you consider we have lost many men and planes trying to intercept them.” Leonard Stringfield, a former Air Force intelligence officer was told by a reliable source in the 1950s that the “Air Force was losing about a plane a day to the UFOs.” Stringfield was reliably informed. According to US Defense Department figures, from 1952 until the end of October 1956, there were 18,662 major accidents of military aircraft, broken down as follows:
Year – Air Force – Navy Losses
1952 2,274 2,086
1953 2,075 2,325
1954 1,873 1,911
1955 1,664 1,566
1956 1,530 1,358
Of this astonishing accident total, most involved fast new jets (such as those scrambled in UFO interceptions), of which 56.2 per cent were found to be caused by pilot error; 8.1 per cent by ground-crew or other personnel failure; 23.4 per cent by failure of parts and equipment in the aircraft; 2.8 per cent by various ‘unsafe conditions’, and –9.5 per cent (1,773) were due to ‘unknown factors’. Thanks to Timothy Good’ book, “Need to Know” P.172
Editor’s Comments: When I chased a UFO we exceeded the red lined aircraft air speed by 20 knots. In the excitement of the chase it is easy to exceed aircraft capabilities and often some part of the aircraft may fail. Many stories are told of firing missiles and making direct hits on the UFOs that were unharmed only to have them return the fire and destroy the interceptor.
Humans Are Not from Earth
Dr. Ellis Silver has made an evaluation of the evidence for and against man’s evolution on Planet Earth, by a leading environmentalist and ecologist.
In this fascinating book Dr. Ellis Silver provides answers to all of these questions, based on current evidence and thinking in the scientific community and elsewhere. Sunburn, bad backs and pain expert claims prove this is not our home planet.
This book is intended to raise awareness and stimulate debate and to request/gather further evidence from readers. Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth’s environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring (raw) foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more. Plus there’s a prevailing feeling among many people that they don’t belong here or that something “just isn’t right”, says Professor of Ecology Dr. Ellis Silver.
It may look like a script from an episode of the X-Files, but the idea of life being brought to another earth has been considered by ancient cultures since the beginning of civilization. As this particular theory states, humans were not born on Earth but on another planet. This is why we demonstrate a series of “dysfunctions”, which would not exist if we were the “product” of Earth. The theory states that we are by nature unruly and aggressive beings that have strong egos, and that is why highly developed aliens brought the human population together on their previous planet and exiled us to Earth to learn how to behave ourselves. This theory was developed by Professor of Ecology Dr. Ellis Silver. As the Australian professor says, humans have problems with their back and often suffer from pain because our species descended from a planet with less gravity than on Earth. According to Silver, we also face problems when we are exposed to direct sunlight for a relatively short time because we were not designed to come in so close contact with the sun. Dr. Silver put all of his best evidence into a book titled “Humans Are Not from Earth”.
Humans have high rates of complications and mortality during pregnancy and childbirth due to the disproportionately large baby’s head size. He also notes the fact that humans are not equipped to deal with the natural environment, for example, cold or heat.
The theory also considers the paradox that human shows strong dislike for many types of foods that nature provides, such as raw food. Silver says that humans are sick very often because, among other things, our biological clock is tailored for a day of 25 hours, as was confirmed by a study coming out of Harvard. Silver believes that anatomically modern human is a hybrid resulting from the crossing of the Neanderthals with another kind of humans who came to Earth from 60,000 to 200,000 years ago possibly from a planet in Alpha Centauri, the closest star system to us.
The “ancient gods” that would come down from the skies in their “chariots of fire” and “flying boats” were probably ancient mans way of communicating their encounter with these intelligent beings that landed on Earth. These “gods” often are depicted in ancient cultures as looking like modern day astronauts, which in Dr. Silver’s mind would be ETs visiting earth from another star system.
Humans use normally only under 10% of their brain capacity, geniuses may go up to 30% WHY so little? Humans are a primitive aggressive race waging wars all the time for oil, minerals and land. If more of brain capacity would be used, the planet would be already destroyed by this primitive hybrid race which falsely thinks it is the highest intelligence in the universe. But slowly the true origin of the human race is being revealed and cosmic contacts with other more advanced races in the universe will teach a lot.
Mars Pyramid
Google Earth Map — This is an interesting find. A pyramid on Mars has been found with 2.75 km across each side. This pyramid also has a doorway entrance on one side that is 200×100 meters wide. This is an extraordinary monument for sure, discovered by Sandra Elena Andrade of YouTube.
This person searches Google Mars map for ancient architecture. On Mars our backs would feel better with less gravity. SCW
Cylinder UFO near ISS
Screenshot of the screen of a cell on April 9, 2015, when I was watching the Upstream app that transmitted live image of the International Space station. The object was standing at the top left corner. It had cylindrical appearance, with blue light in the rear.
This is a blowup of the cylinder
This UFO is very clear compared to most and shows a long cylindrical object. Streetcap1 of YouTube caught it. We can all see from this evidence that the object in the photo is solid.
UFOs are seen near the ISS frequently even though NASA tries to limit observation time on individual cameras. The best stuff is deleted from public archives. Check out my Face book Channel for new direct links to NASA unexplained SOHO Satellite ufo fleet pictures. April 9, 2015.
Cylinder on Earth’s Moon
Notice the similarity to the craft near the International Space Station and the craft photographed on the moon. This is an incredible discovery by French researchers using Google Moon to find structures.
There are a lot of structures in this location. There are between 30-50 sizable and very amazing structures south of Dorsum Gast Crater. Coordinates 1: 21°54’26.17″N 9°20’36.05″E, Coordinates 2: 22°42’38.96″N 8°34’5.18″E, Coordinates 3: 22° 7’29.46″N 8° 7’35.68″E
. Thanks to SCM and Sebastien Speller of YouTube
Gates of Hell Are Opening
The world is seeing greater evil from kidnappings, murder, war and executions since World War II. Author and researcher Steve Quayle reports his examination of legends and fairy tales, as well as modern sightings of evil, concludes, “It’s my contention that truly the gates of Hell are opening now, or have opened, and the supernatural phenomena that people are experiencing is only getting worse; whether you’re dealing with the little creatures, or the tricksters, or the goblins, or the djinn, you’re dealing with some of the most malevolent entities.” Some very well-known authors have believed in evil entities such as John Keel, Arthur Conan Doyle and Robert Louis Stevenson, he reports.
There are many tales of leprechauns or elves in the British Isles, and according to legend they could not achieve invisibility without their little caps, he reported. According to lore, part of their sinister agenda, which he related to modern accounts of alien abduction, involved child stealing, and the replacement of a child with a “changeling.” Quayle views these various entities as being other-dimensional or supernatural rather than extraterrestrial. They can change their DNA or form, and move through different dimensions of matter, such as coming through a rock, he outlined.
The Nehalem or fallen angels, as described in the Red Sea scrolls, can also transform themselves as shape-shifters and have corrupted both the human and animal genomes, Quayle said. Regarding giants, he talked about witnesses on the island of Sardinia who saw 18 foot skeletons removed by helicopter. Whenever evidence for giants is found, whether in Europe or South America, a team always shows up to cart off or cover-up the evidence, he noted. Quayle feels biblical prophecy of the end times is near. Thanks to Coast to Coast and
New Star Team Manager
Richard Hoffman has been named STAR Team Manager succeeding Fletcher Gray who is now in charge of Field Investigator Development and Training. Richard has been a MUFON member since 1969 and is most recently our State Director for Alabama and Mississippi. He previously served as State Section Director with MUFON in Dayton, hosted the 1978 MUFON Symposium in Ohio and has been the Director of Investigations in other organizations. Richard has investigated well over 500 cases during his 50 + years in Ufology.
Besides serving in field investigation areas, he contributes his talents in other areas of MUFON including the STAR Team Case Assistance Group, providing Field Investigator training, and serving on the Science Review Board’s Top 10 Review Committee under Robert Powell, our Director of Research. We congratulate Richard Hoffman and Fletcher Gray on their promotions.
New Jersey UFO Conference a Success
Dave Stinnett directed a great conference on Saturday, at the Hamilton Garden Hilton in Hamilton, NJ with speakers: Travis Walton, Shannon Taggart, Frank Staler, Karyn Dolan, and David Rountree.
Jennifer Stein and Travis Walton by Open Minds.
This year will mark the 40th anniversary of the Travis Walton 1975 incident. This will be celebrated with a 40th anniversary Conference in Arizona. The story of Travis Walton’s 1975 abduction experience in Arizona is one of the most famous abduction stories known to the public, and was the subject of Paramount Pictures’ 1993 drama, “Fire in the Sky.” Jennifer W. Stein and Bob Terrio produced an excellent 90-minute documentary on this case, which just won two EBE awards at the Open Minds film festival in Scottsdale, Arizona. “Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton.” It was three years in the making and is well worth seeing.
All of the living members of the original logging crew and Stanton Friedman are featured in the film “Travis” a 90 minute documentary film recounting his UFO abduction and the impact it has had on his life over the intervening years. This documentary is the true account about his 5 day adventure aboard an alien space craft with blonde aliens and the events that surrounded his disappearance and with his co-workers who witnessed him taken aboard. His co workers were offered large amounts of money to deny his abduction. Travis Walton answered questions from the audience after the screening. You can view the new trailer here: and
Karyn Dolan gave an excellent talk showing the connection of paranormal events and the UFO phenomena. In well researched cases there is often a connection between haunting, poltergeist activity, manifestations, and alien abduction activity. The witness will often fail to volunteer this activity to the UFO investigator. Field investigators need to learn the whole truth concerning sightings and possible abductions.
Karyn hosted the popular internet radio show, Through the Keyhole, on the Paranormal Radio Network from 2007 – 2012 and served as Media Relations Director for the International UFO Congress in Laughlin, NV during that time. In 2015 she returns to the airwaves as co-host of Beyond the Edge Radio’s Creature Features, with Eric Altman.
David Rountree – David Rountree’s gave a thought provoking talk concerning his primary focus on Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) research, employing his background of audio engineering and psychoacoustics. David Rountree is the genius behind those amazing machines on the TV show “Ghost” and holds a masters degree in engineering. In 2005, he successfully linked electromagnetic fields (EMF) as the primary source of EVPs. In 2010 he discovered that paranormal-related EMF was an emergent phenomenon. This has led him to develop a wormhole hypothesis associated with a paranormal event horizon. He invented equipment to capture worm holes that appear to be the connection between other dimensions and other universes.
Mr. Rountree made the decision to concentrate on the scientific research concerning the phenomena, and not the metaphysical aspects of the events. The 1985 encounter is the subject of his book, “Demon Street USA,” co-authored with Robbie Lunt. In 1992 Mr. Rountree formed a new organization, Scientific Paranormal Investigative Research Information and Technology (S.P.I.R.I.T.), and began a long and painstaking process of collecting, building and focusing a battery of hi-tech instrumentation to concentrate on laboratory and field experimentation to search for the cause of paranormal phenomena.
He discovered paranormal occurrences such as ghosts and clairvoyant communications are associated with actual wormhole (tornado like) vortices that can be filmed. These wormholes seem to reach into another dimension or universe and may be how UFOs travel in space and time.
UFO Crash at San Augustin
In 1994, with a map from a rancher, Art Campbell visited a UFO crash site on the Plains of San Augustan. He found a phenomenal amount of material and had it scientifically analyzed. In his book, UFO Crash at San Augustin, in 1947. Art has painstakingly documented with over 100 photographs and lab analysis the materials found at the site proving a non-human craft crashed. Since 2006, 71 UFOs have been reported on (Mutual UFO Network) by people in Richmond, Columbia, Washington and Aiken counties. Lights of all colors are being spotted in the sky – and local residents believe they’re seeing UFOs.
In 1997, a tiny shoe sole with nine layers of cellulose and rubber, too narrow for a human foot is found at the crash site. See the website
MUFON UFO Sighting Statistics for March 2015
March 2015 saw a total of 684 UFO sightings reported to MUFON from around the world.
United State 547 United Kingdom 36, Canada 30, Australia 13, India 7, Sweden 6, Mexico 5, Puerto Rico 4, Portugal 3, Argentina 3, and France 3.
18-04-2015 om 16:51
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #16 2015 – Cylinder UFOs near ISS & Moon - PART II
Filer’s Files #16 2015 – Cylinder UFOs near ISS & Moon - PART II
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
California Lights
Yountville— An extremely bright pulsating red long narrow cone heading south, moving slowly, then fast, then slow, fast, slow, then stopping on November 25, 2013. It started dimming then shot off straight up at a tremendous speed. No sound, not a plane, blimp nor a helicopter. It may have been at 2000 feet and sure seemed very large, way larger than local military aircraft that are often seen. I’ve never seen anything like it. It was a big long triangle/cone shape that was very bright red. In the example image I created, the white lights were not observed, just offered as a comparison in size. One is Sirius and the longer light is the apparent size of an aircraft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
Sarasota– I see many ships around and above my house at night and noticed this one on March 1. 2015. It is larger, lower, and brighter than the others. The first time I noticed it was 10 PM coming out of my workplace about 10 miles from my house. I was amazed as it followed me home staying with me as I drove even stopping when I did. It followed me to the end of my street and hovered there so I took this video. I’ve seen it every work night since then escorting me home. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Hernando Beach — This picture is from August 10, 2009, over the Gulf of Mexico taken with my HP Photo smart 850 digital. I was out on my sister’s deck, when this UFO comes down quickly and quietly. It lands across the Gulf, in the forest. I asked my sister, “What was that?” I set up my camera and steadied it as the ufo takes off and up quickly no sound. I go to take my picture and my camera’s shutter sticks open. I end up with a timed exposure which came out great. I don’t know whets going on to the left of the take off, it looks like a Red Ufo. The foreground lights in the water are a boat’s running lights. Thanks to Lorry Stargaazer
Georgia Saucer
Gainesville— Very large glowing white saucer shaped object moving very fast with cloud like trail on March 17, 2015. It was following other jet trail. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Light and Triangle
Bethalto — I was flying a kite with my kids on April 11, 2015, and took a photo of the kite. When I looked at the picture I noticed a blue sphere shaped object in the sky to the upper right of the kite. I attempted to zoom in on it and noticed there were six whitish/silver objects or possibly lights within the blue sphere. I served in the United States Army and I have never seen anything like it. I would have to say that the object is an unidentified flying object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Rockford – A large extremely slow moving chevron shaped craft with red and white lights made several low altitude passes over Rockford on April 3, 2015. A large aircraft passed slowly by at speeds too low for a winged craft and there were no rotor noises. The craft flew at an altitude of 250 feet and had a jet engine sound but with a much lower amplitude than a jet. There were two lights pointing in the direction of flight, and the lights were inbound from the tips of the wing. There were two red lights pulsating on each side of the craft. The craft flew past about 100 feet in front of us and we watched it until it was lost in the tree tops. The craft circled around and made similar passes at least 5 times. It was slightly foggy so it was impossible to make out any detail of the craft due to the glare caused by its onboard lighting. I have seen the V-22 Osprey and this was neither one nor any type of jet. It flew nearly overhead and sounded like a turbine driven craft.
During the last pass we heard smaller higher pitched turbine sounds which sounded similar to mechanical adjustments being made, similar to when a jetliner sets it flaps. The craft was 150 feet long by 200-250 ft wide, and the body/fuselage appeared to be somewhat bulky as if it could carry large cargo. We did manage to take pictures. My impression was that the craft was military. I am a skydiver having over 100 jumps. This was like nothing I and two other witnesses had ever seen or heard. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
Missouri Light and Triangle
Windsor— I was going to my mom’s house on March 30, 2015, at 8 pm, and in field behind her house I saw a huge white light hovering 100 feet high. My girlfriend and I delivered a package to my mom and when we came back out it was gone, but reappeared again hovering in a field across from my house. I got out of the vehicle and it started to move slowly and silently towards me with a triangle following closely. It was a huge translucent craft that flew over my head at a low altitude. The craft was a huge white light in the front with two red lights in back. I had my girlfriend take a picture of it on her I phone, but we missed the triangle jet chasing it.
I could hear the jet and see it clearly. The craft made no noise and seemed to be flying sideways switching sides by 180 rotation then it disappeared in front of our eyes. The jet was a mosquito compared to the size of this craft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Triangle
Sicklerville – On April 11, 2015, I was out in my backyard with the dog and saw odd blinking lights. I then went out front with my daughter to see one red light in the front of the craft, and three white in the back of the craft. The red one blinked and then the two white ones on the back corner, then the red one, the white one in the middle of the back. Then the two corner ones went out and only the red and the middle white remained alternately blinking. There was also a black aura around the craft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Medford — Object was hovering above on March 12, 2015, and I took several photos. It looked alternately like an orb, a tube, and two headlights.
The horse shoe shaped object was pulsating solid white and blue alternating segments of white and blue, with dark and light parts. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Orb
On April 11 2015, on my way to the store at 8:50 pm, I saw a large pulsating orb in the sky.I pulled my vehicle over and began recording.I have no clue what this is so maybe it’s been seen by others tonight? Here is my video.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oklahoma Orb
Idabel –I was on my way from picking up my girlfriend from work on April 10, 2015, and notice a very bright light hovering above the old wood shop. The light was so bright and big that I got out my camera and started to record the orb as it starts moving at swift speeds.
Even though it looks like its traveling slow its actually hard for me to keep up with it as I’m driving 80 mph. It speeds up beyond my recording abilities and disappears behind the trees. I think to myself that was an actual ufo I saw? Stunned by the event I have decided to turn this video in for experts to examine. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Dark Object
Portland — I was taking pictures of sunset in back yard on March 15, 201, and noticed a larger than normal bright star flashing. It changed directions and shapes as I took photos with my 35mm digital camera. I feel like I saw something totally unexplainable. I lost sight of it when it descended and changed direction in the night sky. My camera is fully charged and when goes to take the picture it snaps slowly like my battery is low. It’s like its got some kind of energy about it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Carolina Lights
New Ellenton – On April 8, 2015, I was photographing clouds with my cell phone and captured what I thought was a star. I went inside and zoomed in to see a hole in the center that was clearly not a star.
In Aiken County, I enjoy photographing the sky, stars, moon, and clouds. But I have never seen this before. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Dark Object
Dallas – On April 12, 2015, was taking my walk on Norris and saw three UFOs like this in the last 4 years. I reported one to MUFON that was a red-orange boomerang that was traveling NW and changed into a ball. I have seen another boomerang same color same direction this is the one I reported to MUFON (March 2010) and I saw two orbs that were red-orange on another occasion. This is the only one that changed shape. I used to get chills and get a bit scared. I just wanted a picture to prove it. The object faded into the treetops. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Vermont Discs
Colchester — After I saw the objects, I got my IPAD and took a picture on April 5, 2015.
They were in my backyard my friend said, “Look over there it’s a slow and white UFO.” We had binoculars and are confused as it was suddenly gone.
I ran to the front yard but they were far away and vanished. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Orb
Amherst – I was traveling by car at the state park looking at campsites on March 29, 2015. I was nearing the farthest part of the park near the river and saw buzzards flying around. Beyond them I noticed a blackish round object floating in the sky. I had my friend drive up the hill where we got a better look, of the sunlight reflecting off the western side (left) of the object that eventually disappeared. I could see it was a hovering round ball for 30 minutes. It was not a blimp, balloons, nor hot air balloons. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Orbs
La Conner – On April 4, 2015, the witness and her husband looked outside to see a very large orange-yellow orb approach at 8:45 PM. The orb was followed by 7 more similar orbs that flew east, stopped, hovered and then flew to the south. The witness’s husband snapped a photo of one of the orbs. The witnesses have lived close to Whidbey Naval Air Station for 31 years and have never seen anything like this.
Note: The orbs are not military flares or Chinese Lanterns. The photo shows a very irregular shaped object with yellow orange colors taken at 4608 by 3456 pixels Panasonic Model DMC-ZS35 camera. Also the shape of the object depicted on the photo is likely real given that the exposure time was only 1/4 seconds. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
West Virginia Lights
Wellsburg— I was playing basketball with my two sons on April 10, 2015, but he was looking at a very shinny sphere in the sky. I turned to see what he was looking at and immediately took out my camera phone and took pictures. I took 5 pictures before zooming in to see spheres inside the main sphere. In some pictures the object seems to be breaking apart into smaller pieces but still remained the same size to the naked eye. This event lasted for around two hours then it got too cloudy to see. There were six people who saw this. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Argentina Double UFO
Buenos Aires – A parallel formation of UFOs were seen on April 13, 2015, with a mysterious gleam of two UFOs, which were recognized by the watch team using infrared mode. An interesting record was achieved where both Lenticular of undoubted orbital attitude they moved towards the north. The objects were traveling alongside each other. The Satellite lists at Heaven was checked without any matches. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Australia Orb
Wagga Nsw– This photo was taken on March 20, 2015 at 12:30 am. The witness has not provided any details concerning the photo. It has been blown up to show details.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Belize Orb
Orange Walk — My brother (18yrs old) pointed and I looked up and saw a bright green glow light it seemed to be directly over the street on March 11, 2015 at 11:30 pm. We were seated about 150 feet away and it was 10 feet higher than the street post lamp. It moved slowly east turning north in a curved manner then hovered for 4-5 minutes then moved west. It moved in a very slow speed in a zigzagging pattern. The silent object was the size of a basketball with a bright green bright light on it. As it passed 5 feet over the tree tops the leaves were dark and unlit by the light. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Abductions
Scarborough — Paul writes, “Back as a young child from age four to six years old — [1963-1965] I could even remember up to adulthood these frightening on-going nightmares.” My first memory was of this hideous bug eyed like creatures that there were two tall whitish- grey insect like faces with a large head along with large wrap around black eyes – no pupils. They appeared in features like a Praying Mantis head and face. Their legs were spinally like with a robotic motion as they walked. I did not notice they were wearing clothes and also felt they had no emotions. Looking into that frightening stare given shocked and paralyzed my body. The creature told me telepathically, how dare you look into my face! Then I turned my eyes away from its face. I was not able to scream, yet could move my eyes about and could hear sound.
I was carried upstairs and heard snoring and saw my parent’s sleeping as we passed by their doorway. At that moment I again tried to scream for help! The state of matter also appeared noticeably different looking into their room as we passed by. I then found myself in a strange corner less room. The low lighting appeared mushroom coloured –slightly murky in the room. There was a rectangle table in the middle of room with 5-7 different strange shorter ‘snowman ‘type beings. They appeared whiter in colour. Each would throw me to one another over the table and did not look at the faces of the one holding me. I could see large cranial heads jerking left to right as if examining me from head to toe. Sensing moments later there was humour in this group about me, ‘Paul’s is the ball’ as they continued to throw me around to each other. Then I found myself lying down in a pitch black dark room. From a distance I could see a bright white spherical light moving in motion like a pendulum.
It slowly came closer becoming larger and brighter until it encompassed me crushing at my chest with pain. I woke up violently screaming in my bed. Then my parents rushed into the room and my Father was so worried ‘saying to my Mother, “Should we take him to the hospital?” My Mother responded that, “I had a bad fever along with a bad nightmare.” I was in a state of shock- even dramatized at age four. Then after more of these frightening nightmares continued of these shorter bug eyed creatures would surround my bed. Thanks to Paul “Continued next week.”
Vancouver – My friend and I went to “Strathcona Park” to take photo’s and saw what looked like an angel flying by. I had to take a second look because I didn’t believe that I was seeing. “But when I looked up again at it, I saw sphere in back of it so I took a photo.
Note: I have a lot of alien and spirit photos. I even have what I believe anyways Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) with aliens talking to me. They said that my time is near. What that means is anybody guess. Well once again. You folks are going to get a lot of photos from me that I took. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Columbia Light
Popayan City— These glowing lights were seen in Popayan city on April 8, 2015. The footage looks like it came directly from a live cam. I will search for the URL, but these glowing object look like they are hovering over the area and then leaving, moving to the right side of the screen. Glowing balls of light are the most common kind of UFOs seen. I searched, but can’t find the live cam, perhaps its in Spanish Thanks to UFO Sightings Daily
Greece Lights
Corfou — I was watching a movie in the Pallas Movie Theater on top of the tallest building in the area in the summer of 199at 10 PM, with the screen oriented N – NW. The croud saw four silent lights appear in the starry sky in two rows and steady formation. Bright orange yellow moving northeast in the horizon.Everyone in the theater noticed and was pointing toward the lights as their speed was too fast for a jet. Suddenly with out reducing speed, the lights changed to very bright white and then blue and shoot upwards at very sharp angle at unbelievable speed.
The movie was stopped to let the people to calm down. Everyone was stunned at this uncommon change of direction and the tremendous speed of the bluish lights. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ireland Something Strange
Mullingar Co Westmeath– On April 8, 2015, something passed over my house and I am sure what I seen was not manmade. It is the strangest thing I have ever seen. Did anyone else report seeing anything in the sky Thanks to
Mexico Disc Cone
Colima Volcano— This UFO was found by Streetcap1 of YouTube on March 31, 2015 and shows a disk cone shape. The UFO is wider on one end and thinner on its opposite end. Volcanoes are one of the few locations other than the ocean that UFOs can hide without disturbance by humans. Mexico has more than their share of active volcanoes that humans try to avoid.
You can search for UFOs by using World Wide Web cams. Just get a screen recorder and search for something out of the ordinary in the sky. You may catch your own UFO. Thanks to UFO Sightings Daily:
Liverpool— An airline passenger enjoying the view from his window seat was surprised to capture on camera what appears to be a UFO in early April 2015. The video shows an epic view of the UK as the plane flies through the clouds, but, in the distance, a small bright object appears, travelling alongside the aircraft.
The footage comes after another UFO sighting in Liverpool over the weekend, and since then more people in the area have come forward to share their extra-terrestrial encounters. The Liverpool Echo reports of nine UFO encounters that happened on Merseyside, with readers sharing their various experiences on the newspaper’s website.
On Sunday, a local also posted to the site about a strange object hovering outside their window in Formby. ‘The light looked like a star, but bigger, wrote the spotter.
Edinburgh— When looking at photos from my outing at Queen’s Ferry and Edinburgh 2015, on April 7, 2015 I noticed unidentified objects. Yesterday, two dark objects showed up in a photo.
I did not actually see the objects. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
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I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
In this video we see two UFOs caught during sunset. A mothership that is very big and a smaller ship that darts into a tornado-like funnel cloud. Sunset is the one time that cloaked ships are vulnerable due to the angle of the sun forcing the light to bend around the cloak unevenly, which it often cannot do as you can see. SCW
The first video shows a strange sky phenomenon in Ukraine.
Mysterious blue lights, have been reported over a city in Ukraine, last week.
Local residents who witnessed the mysterious phenomena also claimed to have seen several bright objects leave the strange glowing light before flying low over the area. (Thanks to Richard who sent me this, not sure what it is but I think it’s interesting.)
The second video starts with a strange looking bright light in the sky over Belgium. A moment later a UFO shoots out of a dark cloud.
Our planet has come a long way in scientific breakthroughs and discoveries. Mainstream science is beginning to discover new concepts of reality that have the potential to change our perception about our planet and the extraterrestrial environment that surrounds it forever. Star gates, wormholes, and portals have been the subject of conspiracy theories and theoretical physics for decades, but that is all coming to an end as we continue to grow in our understanding about the true nature of our reality.
In physics, a wormhole was a hypothetical feature of space time that would be a shortcut through space-time. We often wonder how extraterrestrials could travel so far and this could be one of many explanations. Although scientists still don’t really understand what they have found, it does open the mind to many possibilities.
Turning science fiction into science fact seems to happen quite often these days and NASA did it by announcing the discovery of hidden portals in Earth’s magnetic field.
NASA calls them X-points or electron diffusion regions. They are places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun, which in turn creates an uninterrupted path leading from our own planet to the sun’s atmosphere which is 93 million miles away.
NASA used its THEMIS spacecraft, as well as a European Cluster probe, to examine this phenomenon. They found that these portals open and close dozens of times each day. It’s funny, because there is a lot of evidence that points toward the sun being a giant star gate for the ‘gods’ to pass back and forth from other dimensions and universes. The portals that NASA has discovered are usually located tens of thousands of kilometres from Earth and most of them are short-lived; others are giant, vast and sustained.
As far as scientists can determine, these portals aid in the transfer of tons of magnetically charged particles that flow from the Sun causing the northern and southerns lights and geomagnetic storms. They aid in the transfer of the magnetic field from the Sun to the Earth. In 2014, the U.S. space agency will launch a new mission called Magnetospheric Multi scale Mission (MMS) which will include four spacecraft that will circle the Earth to locate and then study these portals. They are located where the Earth and the Sun’s magnetic fields connect and where the unexplained portals are formed.
NASA funded the University of Iowa for this study, and they are still unclear as to what these portals are. All they have done is observed charged particles flowing through them that cause electro-magnetic phenomenon in Earth’s atmosphere.
Magnetic portals are invisible, unstable and elusive. they open and close without warming and there are no signposts to guide is in. – Dr Scudder, University of Iowa
Mainstream science continues to grow further, but I often get confused between mainstream science, and science that is formed in the black budget world. It seems that information and discovery isn’t information and discovery without the type of ‘proof’ that the human race requires. Given that the human race requires, and has a certain criteria for ‘proof’, which has been taught to us by the academic world, information can easily be suppressed by concealing that ‘proof’.
It’s no secret that the department of defense receives trillions of dollars that go unaccounted for and everything developed within the United States Air Force Space Agency remains classified. They are able to classify information for the sake of ‘national security’. Within the past few years, proof has been emerging for a number of phenomenon that would suggest a whole other scientific world that operates separately from mainstream science.
We have the technology to take ET home, anything you can imagine we already have the technology to do, but these technologies are locked up in black budget projects. It would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. – Ben Rich, Fmr CEO of LockHeed Skunk Works
I use this video a lot in many of my posts, but it is just a profound statement, I love to use it over and over. He is ex-NASA personnel so it kind of fits in with the article.
Scientists examined 100,000 galaxies using NASA’s WISE satellite to look for telltale heat signatures that may indicate the presence of an advanced alien civilization. While the scientists say they found no “obvious” signs of alien civilizations, they found 50 of the galaxies did show elevated levels of radiation and deserve further study.
A portion of the science complex at Penn State’s Eberly College of Science at University Park, including the Gateway to the Sciences, the Chemistry, Life Sciences, Ritenour and Thomas Classroom Buildings. (Credit: The Penn Stater/Tina Hay)
Jason Wright, an assistant professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds at Penn State, conceived of and initiated the research. Wright says, “The idea behind our research is that, if an entire galaxy had been colonized by an advanced spacefaring civilization, the energy produced by that civilization’s technologies would be detectable in mid-infrared [MIR] wavelengths — exactly the radiation that the WISE satellite was designed to detect for other astronomical purposes.”
Freeman Dyson (Credit: Seton Hall University)
The idea that advanced alien civilizations could be detected by their mid-infrared emissions was purposed by theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson in 1960. Like earthlings, he speculated that ETs would also need an increasing amount of energy as their technology advances.
He further proposed one way aliens might collect more energy is by surrounding their star, or stars, with solar energy collectors. This concept has been coined a “Dyson sphere.” In the event of a Dyson sphere, the radiation from the civilization would be higher than the light that should be emitted by the star, which is dimmed by the solar panels that surround it.
Russian astronomer Nikolai Kardashev took this idea further and developed a classification system for advanced extraterrestrial civilizations based off of their energy consumption. A type 1 civilization harnesses all of the energy of their home planet. A type 2 harness the energy of a star, and a type 3 harnesses the energy of their entire galaxy. Possibly by encasing all of their galaxy’s stars in Dyson spheres.
“Nearby Type iii (galaxy-spanning) Kardashev supercivilizations” is what the Wright’s group was looking for.
Artist rendition of a Dyson sphere. (Credit:
According to the Penn State article, “Roger Griffith, a postbaccalaureate researcher at Penn State and the lead author of the paper, scoured almost the entire catalog of the WISE satellite’s detections — nearly 100 million entries — for objects consistent with galaxies emitting too much mid-infrared radiation.”
He then took a closer look at around 100,000 images of galaxies that he believed were most promising. Out of those, Griffith says, “We found about 50 galaxies that have unusually high levels of mid-infrared radiation.”
Nikolai Kardashev (Credit: Physics-Uspekhi)
Despite Griffith’s discovery, the paper claims, “No galaxies in our sample host an alien civilization reprocessing more than 85% of its starlight into the MIR.” Which, according to their study, means they did not find a Type 3 Kardashev civilization.
The 50 galaxies Griffith refers to “have MIR luminosities consistent with > 50% reprocessing.” So they still demonstrate elevated levels of radiation, and according to Griffith, “Our follow-up studies of those galaxies may reveal if the origin of their radiation results from natural astronomical processes, or if it could indicate the presence of a highly advanced civilization.”
“Our results mean that, out of the 100,000 galaxies that WISE could see in sufficient detail, none of them is widely populated by an alien civilization using most of the starlight in its galaxy for its own purposes. That’s interesting because these galaxies are billions of years old, which should have been plenty of time for them to have been filled with alien civilizations, if they exist. Either they don’t exist, or they don’t yet use enough energy for us to recognize them,” Wright said.
Of course, this study assumes that advanced civilizations have ever increasing energy requirements, and would generate radiation. It is possible that advanced civilizations use technology that we could not even conceive, let alone detect.
A false-color image of the mid-infrared emission from the Great Galaxy in Andromeda, as seen by Nasa’s WISE space telescope. The orange color represents emission from the heat of stars forming in the galaxy’s spiral arms. The G-HAT team used images such as these to search 100,000 nearby galaxies for unusually large amounts of this mid-infrared emission that might arise from alien civilizations. (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/WISE Team)
Scientific American’s story on the study used a famous quote from Arthur C. Clarke, to demonstrate this point. Clarke said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” And as for our inability to detect advanced alien civilizations, in 2011, science fiction author Karl Schroader suggested that perhaps, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from nature.”
Scientific American was able to discuss the studies findings with Dyson himself. He is now 91 years old, and still interested in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). They contacted him at his office at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., where he said he is neither surprised, nor discouraged by the results.
“Our imaginings about the ways that aliens might make themselves detectable are always like stories of black cats in a dark room,” Dyson says. “If there are any real aliens, they are likely to behave in ways that we never imagined. The WISE result shows that the aliens did not follow one particular path. That is good to know. But it still leaves a huge variety of other paths open. The failure of one guess does not mean that we should stop looking for aliens.”
A false-color image of the mid-infrared nebula surrounding the nearby star 48 Librae. This nebula was discovered in the course of the G-HAT survey using Nasa’s WISE space telescope. The nebula is invisible in most kinds of light, including visible light. (Credit: Roger Griffth (Penn State) / IPAC (NASA/JPL-Caltech))
In total, the paper concludes that although none of the galaxies appear to meet the criteria for a type 3 Kardashev civilization, along with Griffith’s 50 anomalous galaxies, there are another 45 sources of MIR that need to be researched. The abstract ends, “These 90 poorly understood sources and 5 anomalous passive spirals deserve follow-up via both SETI and conventional astrophysics.”
Six people witnessed the transit of a large luminous object over the vicinity of Cementerio del Este, located in the municipality of El Hatillo in northeastern Miranda State, in the Venezuelan capital region “At around 10:00 p.m. we were chatting as a group on an apartment terrace when one person asked us in astonishment to look skyward, and we saw three lights forming a triangle,” said Jacqueline López to journalist Héctor Escalante.
According to her account, the lights were red, white and green and blinked frequently. She said that after noticing the object – which remained static in the sky without making any kind of noise, they changed their topic of conversation to speculate on the artifact’s possible origin. “It made a sudden turn to the right, remained there for a while, and then repeated the same action in different directions,” she added. The object then began descending slowly and in a straight line over a bright white light that shone from the ground, until it vanished from sight. “The light was broad and arched, and its edges were clearly outlined. It looked like a stadium light. The impression it gave us was that it was something casting light upward from the ground,” she added. The moment it lit up, she adds, “all of the dogs in the area began to bark.” It remained there for a good while, she describes, and “then it turned off” and nothing further was seen. The witness notes that no one took photos or videos because they were enthralled by the UFO and did not want it out of their sight. “We were on a terrace and our things were inside the house. I asked them to go find a cellphone and no one wanted to go, so as not to miss the spectacle.”
Officials are left baffled by the reason of the mysterious docking of several extraterrestrial objects on the opposite side of the moon, according to a government whistleblower. An outside consultant for the NASA and NSA for the past 12 years, Dr. Eric Norton, was tasked to investigate various space objects, such as meteors and comets. Recently, he has been tracking outside his job instruction as he followed various unknown aircraft heading towards Earth.
MacDonald Observatory in Texas called Dr. Norton on January 22, 2012. This was the time Norton saw three dimensional black structures in space that were gigantic. They were in straight line formation moving towards Earth. They emitted some kind of a force field that served as their protection from space particles. The force field was somewhat the same magnetic field around the Earth.
The mysterious space objects were getting so near that their telescopes could see their features in high detail. The strange structures were reportedly shaped as a three dimensional L-shaped craft. In January 2013 tracking of the unidentified objects, they were seen approximately 200,000 miles past the planet Mars. They then disappeared almost instantaneously from the observers’ lenses as if these objects activated their invisibility shield in just a matter of seconds.
Norton said that he knew that the high-ranking officials of the government were worried about these objects because he was under a 24/7 guard by Secret Service agents. However, Norton admitted that he has no idea right now if these things are already closer to Earth or still in the solar system.
Norton was sent home and told to wait additional order, but he heard nothing about the objects for around six months until he made a call to a close friend. He was updated that the objects appeared again and repositioned behind the moon in a circular type of alignment this time. Their position reportedly allowed them to dock to the backside of the moon in order to stay invisible to sky observers.
Norton said that that this information has been hidden to the public to prevent the breakdown of all religions and society itself. He also revealed that the space objects are changing the magnetic waves in the Earth’s gravitation field. If this suggestion is true, then it could have implications to our brains. For example, Schumann Resonance could get affected by a slight change in the magnetic field.
Schumann Resonance frequencies are believed to derive from pure love or Christ Consciousness. Perhaps, the change in the magnetic waves in our planet’s gravitational field may open up our minds to the fullest collective capacity where our hidden abilities may be discovered, including ESP, telekinesis and other metaphysical or psychic abilities.
The Earth is currently experiencing a magnetic pole shift, which has not happened at least 700,000 years of this planet. Perhaps, these UFOs have something to do with it? Many people have been theorizing that the moon is a large satellite, so it might be the creators of it have returned.
Genius: Nikola Tesla’s Amazing UFO You Didn’t Know About
Genius: Nikola Tesla’s Amazing UFO You Didn’t Know About
April 16, 2015 - Nikola Tesla is considered one of the most innovative and mysterious men who ever lived.
If Tesla hadn’t invented and researched everything he did in his time, our technology today would be considerably worse. But is there something more to Tesla?
Did he in fact have contact with Aliens as he publicly proclaimed? He is one of the most amazing inventors our civilization has ever known his knowledge and ideas went far and beyond what was known and accepted in his lifetime.
Tesla was a Genius, and his inventions and ideas had no boundaries. Over a hundred years ago, during the first decade of the twentieth century, Tesla filed a request to patent a peculiar aircraft, which he called “the world’s first flying saucer.”
The methods used in the design of the flying saucer matched the descriptions of those who claimed to have seen a from the UFO inside: with a discoidal capacitor with sufficient size to provide enough thrust to fly, while other small capacitors allowed to control the direction of the flying saucer, to which he added a gyroscopic stabilization system and a electric “drive” control.
Basically it is a incredibly well designed aircraft, one that we could actually manage to build today. Or have we already built it? What happened to this invention? Why are we not flying into space with Tesla’s incredible invention?
While the patent was granted, the UFO or rather called IFO as it had been identified by the insatiable imagination of Tesla, had a drawback: since the aircraft did not include an energy source of its own, it needed to be energized by the towers of wireless transmission, Tesla’s sources of “free energy”.
The lack of funding led to the abandonment of the development of the towers, so, eventually the ship also fell into darkness, and Tesla’s UFO or rather IFO was never made. But hold on Never?
Actually don’t be so sure because the US Secret Service seized all patents belonging to Tesla after his death “for reasons of national security.”
Now if Teslas ideas were insane as some had categorized them, why would the United States secret Service seize the patents for reasons of National Security? Hmmm lets think about it for a minute.
The ideas of the great Nikola Tesla are incredible and better yet, way ahead of its time, many of his inventions, aimed at contributing towards world peace through free energy access, but governments and financiers of the time, did not follow the progress of Tesla’s mind.
Years later, his groundbreaking models and technological projects were used by the Nazis (not the way he had imagined it), and now numerous of his projects are held by the secret service, far away from the eyes of the public.
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Lost Egyptian City Found After 1,200 Years
Lost Egyptian City Found After 1,200 Years
The ancient Egyptian city of Heracleion was once a legend, something known to modern man only by myth and ancient historians.
So when its ruins were discovered by French underwater archaeologist Franck Goddio in 2000, no one was expecting to find it.
However, despite all odds, they stumbled upon the decrepit but magnificent underwater city and, with it, a peek into its glorious past.
A city lost between legend and reality, Heracleion, also known as Thonis, was once believed to be a myth.
It had legendary beginnings, rumored that Helen and Paris of Troy had been stranded there before the Trojan War began. It was even said that Hercules himself had visited the city, giving it its distinct name.
Ancient historians Herodotus, Diodorus, and Strabo also mentioned the legendary city.
Yet, despite its substantial presence in Greek history, prior to its discovery in 2000, no trace of the city had been found. Until then, scholars weren’t even sure that Heracleion and Thonis were one and the same city.
However, with the relatively recent discovery, scholars have gained insight into Heracleion.
With beginnings that date back to the 12th century BC, the formerly thriving city enjoyed a period of extraordinary wealth. It served as an obligatory port of entry into Egypt for all ships coming from the Greek world. It also held religious importance, likely because of its temple of Amun.
It vanished over 1,200 years ago, presumably due to major earthquakes and floods, only to be buried under the sand and mud for over a millennium.
Heracleion has an overall research area of 11 by 15 kilometers and is located near Alexandria, Egypt in Abu Qir Bay. The 13-year excavation unearthed several objects, including…
Over 60 ships that were buried in the thick clay sand of the sea bed
Gold coins and weights made from bronze and stone
Large 16-foot statues and hundreds of smaller statues of minor gods
Slabs of stone inscribed in ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian
Several small limestone sarcophagi that are believed to have once contained mummified animals
NASA is Preparing the World for Extraterrestrial Contact
NASA is Preparing the World for Extraterrestrial Contact
A couple of months ago top US astronomers gathered in front of congress to let them know that extraterrestrial life exists without question.
Their main argument was the size of the universe, emphasizing that there are trillions of stars out there, with one in every five most likely harboring an Earth-like planet.
It’s also important to keep in mind that planets do not have to be “Earth-like” in order to harbor life.
“The number of habitable worlds in our galaxy is certainly in the tens of billions, minimum, and we haven’t even talked about the moons. And the number of galaxies we can see, other than our own, is about 100 billion.” – Seth Shostak, Senior Astronomer at California’s SETI Institute (source)
This time, NASA and the Library of Congress have teamed up bringing together scientists, theologians, philosophers and historians from around the globe for a two day symposium in order to discuss how to prepare the world for extraterrestrial contact, whether it be microbial organisms or intelligent beings.
“We’re looking at all scenarios about finding life. If you find microbes, that’s one thing. If you find intelligence, it’s another. And if they communicate, it’s something else, and depending on what they say, it’s something else!
“The idea is not to wait until we make a discovery, but to try and prepare the public for what the implications might be when such a discovery is made. I think the reason that NASA is backing this is because of all the recent activity in the discovery of exoplanets and the advances in astrobiology in general.
“People just consider it much more likely now that we’re going to find something — probably microbes first and maybe intelligence later. The driving force behind this is from a scientific point of view that it seems much more likely now that we are going to find life at some point in the future.” – Astronomer, symposium organizer and former chief NASA historian, Steven J. Dick. (source)
One of the theologians present was Brother Guy Consolmagno, who is the new president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation. This is what he had to say:
“I Believe [alien life exists], but I have no evidence. I would be really excited and it would make my understanding of my religion deeper and richer in ways that I can’t even predict yet, which is why it would be so exciting.” (source)
He is urging the public not to be so surprised when extraterrestrial life is discovered, because it will be discovered. He even said that he would be happy to baptize them, if it’s intelligent extraterrestrial life that’s discovered. The Vatican has been very open to the idea of intelligent extraterrestrial life, and they’ve expressed these views for a very long time.
Earth is not the center of the universe, it’s not flat, and it’s looking very likely that the next major paradigm shifting revelation will be the fact that we are not alone in the universe.
It’s great to see the mainstream world gather, discuss and prepare for this possibility and ultimate reality, and it’s a great seg-way to create more awareness about the world of secrecy, the world’s within our world that deal with projects the human race knows nothing about.
The Other Probability – Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life is Already Here
All of the information I’ve provided below is probably old information for CE fans that regularly visit our site. This information is from a previous article I wrote earlier in the year, I thought it would be fitting to cut and paste it here for our new readers. You can find more CE articles on the UFO/Extraterrestrial topic by visiting our exopolitics section HERE.
In the United States alone, at least half of all Americans say that we’re not alone in the universe. Fifty percent of Americans already believe that there is some form of life on other planets, while only seventeen percent think that there isn’t. A quarter of Americans believe that intelligent extraterrestrial visitors have already come to Earth and have been doing so for a long time. (source)
Here’s one of them:
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.”(source) (source) – Apollo 14 Astronaut, Air Force Captain and Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Edgar Mitchell
There are multiple reasons why the extraterrestrial question continues to gain popularity. People are starting to ask questions about the world around them, utilizing critical thinking and investigation. After thoroughly investigating this topic your conclusions will be similar to the conclusions of the majority, we are not alone, and we are being visited.
1. The Size of the Universe
How often do you look up into the night sky and wonder just how many stars, planets, galaxies and more are out there? Space has been a high area of interest that has always fascinated scientists, philosophers, musicians and pretty much just about everyone.
What is it about deep space that grabs our attention so much? To think about just how big the universe is can really put things into perspective.
Counting the stars in the universe is like trying to count the number of sand grains on a beach, not possible.
Although estimates vary among different experts, the general consensus is that there are at least between 100 billion and 200 billion galaxies in our universe. Think about that for a moment, and now throw in billions of stars in each galaxy! (source) This number could very easily be in the trillions for all we know.
Take the Milky Way Galaxy for example, which measures to about 120,000 light years across (it would take light that many years to travel across the galaxy), and contains up to 400 billion stars. Again, that’s billions of galaxies that contain billions of stars. (source)
Scientists estimate that at least 10 billion habitable Earth-sized planets exist in the milky way alone ( one galaxy out of billions), but it’s important to keep an open mind as to what type of conditions and environments some unknown extraterrestrial like forms could thrive in. They all don’t necessarily have to be Earth-like.
Given our estimation of the size of the universe, or multiverse (whatever you want to call it), odds are we are not alone.
2. Whistle Blowers
The past few years have seen a surge of whistle-blowers that’ve come out and said some remarkable things. Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange have received the most attention, but the reality is that there are hundreds of whistle blowers who have come forward with verified credentials and backgrounds.
Mass survelience and the security state is not the only thing shocking people around the world, it’s the fact that many of these whistle blowers claim that we are not alone in the universe. It wouldn’t be so hard to ignore if it wasn’t for the backgrounds these people have in their respected fields.
The first one that comes to mind is Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defence Minister, the man responsible for unifying the Canadian Air Force, Army and the Navy into one united force now known as the Canadian Forces.
For someone with such a background to come out and make these extraordinary claims definitely grabbed the attention of many people.
“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. Trillions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have deliberately been kept in the dark.” (source)
”In one of the cases during the cold war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided that with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There’s been a lot more activity in the past two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb.”(source)
Paul Hellyer isn’t the only one making extraordinary statements, at least a dozen NASA astronauts have done the same. Just like Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s quote, other astronauts have said some remarkable things. Let’s take a look at a few (out of many) examples.
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon” (source) – Dr. Brian O’leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor
“In my opinion I think they were worried that it would panic the public so they started telling lies about it. And then I think they had to tell another lie to cover their first lie, now they don’t know how to get out of it. Now it’s going to be so embarrassing to admit that all these administrations have told so many untruths, it would be embarrassing getting out of it. There are a number of extraterrestrial vehicles out there cruising around.” (source) – Gordon Cooper, Former NASA Astronaut, Aeronautical Engineer and test pilot. One of the seven original Astronauts in Project Mercury, the first manned space program of the United States
The list goes on and on, the latest in NASA Astronaut statements about UFOs came from the 2005 International Space Station (ISS) Commander, Leroy Chiao. You can read more about that HERE.
Here is a video of John Podesta who was recently appointed as councilor to Barack Obama supporting UFO disclosure.
Some of the most extraordinary statements about UFOs and extraterrestrials come from persons who have held some of the highest positions known. Those who would be in a position to ‘know’ about possible extraterrestrial encounters.
“Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense” Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960 (source)
“There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, by other civilizations. Who they are, where they are from, and what they want should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not be the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” (source) – Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
“Everything is in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data.” – General Carlos Castro Cavero (1979). From “UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2″, Written by Richard Dolan
The list of military whistle blowers is huge, there are hundreds of them and hundreds of quotes to choose from. To view military whistleblowers (with verified backgrounds) give a press conference at The National Press Club about UFOs deactivating nuclear weapons, click HERE. You can also look up Dr. Steven Greer and the disclosure project.
The list of quotes from all fields, from many people is outstanding. I could literally fill pages upon pages so I’ll stop here, I think you get the picture. These quotes by whistleblowers and people with prestigious backgrounds leads perfectly into the next point as to why almost everybody knows that we are not alone in the universe.
“There is another way whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way.” (source) - Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Nebraska
In this clip, it seems he (Dr. Jack Kasher) is referring to FREE ENERGY.
“This thing has gotten so highly-classified…it is just impossible to get anything on it. I have no idea who controls the flow of need-to-know because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I’ve never tried to make it to be my business since. I have been interested in this subject for a long time and I do know that whatever the Air Force has on the subject is going to remain highly classified” – Senator Barry Goldwater , Chairman of the Senate intelligence committee (source)
3. The Evidence of UFOs
Within the past few years, dozens of governments admitted to allocating resources and having programs to study the UFO phenomenon. For instance, in Canada the RCMP, Transport Canada, and the Department of National Defence recently admitted to tracking UFOs and investigating them. (source)
They’ve been doing it for years, accumulating thousands upon thousands of UFO related documents. Many of these documents have since been officially released.
HERE is the latest batch of UFO files released from the United Kingdom.
Documents released by the National Security Agency (NSA) reveal what is recorded when a UFO is being tracked on radar. HERE is one example. HERE is a four page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and NSA report describing a particular encounter in great detail.
“As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted object came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4. ”
You can read more about the radar tracking of UFOs HERE.
HERE is a Wikileak cable that describes how some politicians already know we are not alone in the universe. You can read more about that HERE.
Again the list goes on and on and thousands upon thousands of UFO related documents are now available in the public domain.
For a summary of more documents that have been declassified and made available, a video done by UFO Richard Dolan does a great one in 10 minutes. To watch it click HERE and see what type of information is out there.
4. Mass Mainstream Media Attention
Media outlets of all kind are covering the topic, almost every movie that comes out these days has something to do with space or some kind of extraterrestrial intelligence. We’ve been bombarded with the topic for a while now so it’s not hard to see how it’s on the minds of many.
The most recent case of mainstream extraterrestrial ‘noise’ was made when scientists recently spoke to the house Committee on Science, Space and Technology. Dan Werthimer of the SETI Research Centre at the University of California, Berkeley, recently called for more funding to be allocated to the search for extraterrestrial life since he is “close to 100 percent” certain that we are not alone. (source)
In mid 2013, the same committee held a hearing about exoplanet discoveries, but perhaps one of the largest UFO/extraterrestrial hearings came at the National Press Club, which also took place in Mid-2013.
At this event, hundreds of researchers, activists and military/ agency/ political witnesses representing ten countries gave UFO/extraterrestrial testimony to six former members of the United States Congress about events and evidence indicating an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.
Former Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska), and 2008 presidential candidate said that there is “an extraterrestrial influence that is investigating our planet. Something is monitoring the planet and they are monitoring it very cautiously.” You can learn more about the citizens hearing here.
Apart from these events, UFOs are constantly a topic of interest in today’s mainstream news. Unfortunately, most mainstream media outlets that cover the topic seek out to ridicule it rather than investigating it properly.
To view military whistleblowers (with verified backgrounds) give a press conference at The National Press Club about UFOs deactivating nuclear weapons, click HERE.
There are millions of people out there claiming to have contact with extraterrestrial beings. This has played a large role in spreading the influence of extraterrestrial interest across the world. All of us seem to be naturally fascinated with the unknown, especially when it comes to space. It seems like human nature.
Neuroscience can now explain what happens to our body when we meditate, but it’s something we all knew to be beneficial before the science. Is extraterrestrial life similar? Is it something we all feel deep down inside, something we don’t need proof for? (Even though the proof is there).
Besides the thousands of videos available on YouTube, there is some very fascinating officially documented UFO footage available for us to see. Click HERE to see raw footage of a UFO showing up in Norway for scientists at their observatory.
Click HERE and HERE to see film from the 1991 NASA STS-48 Discovery Space Shuttle mission. It’s some of the best, officially documented UFO footage that’s out there today.
HERE is a video that made headlines once released. It came from straight front the Mexican Air Force. Do a quick UFO search on youtube and you’ll see many fakes, but many real videos of unknown aerial objects. Final Thoughts
A few years ago the question was “Do UFOs exist?” Today that question has been answered, and the presence of UFOs performing maneuvers that defy our laws of physics has been well documented. The question has more so shifted to, “Is that an extraterrestrial space craft?”
It’s nothing to fear, in my opinion they’ve been around forever. They have been aware of us long before we have been aware of them. As speculated with our ancient civilizations in Earth’s brief past, perhaps they will one day interact with humanity again. I guess we will see.
Perhaps some groups are concerned about our planet, and come here further pushing the idea that we need to start changing the way we are doing things here. Perhaps one day soon we will find out.
I definitely believe that a good chunk of these UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin. I also believe that many of these crafts are “ours.”
Footage of what appears to be a UFO shooting down the meteor that crashed in Russia. “They” are protecting us, and this planet. The meteorite that crashed on Russia was hit by an unidentified flying object causing it to explode and shatter over the Urals, it has been claimed.
Footage of what appears to be a UFO shooting down the meteor that crashed in Russia. “They” are protecting us, and this planet. The meteorite that crashed on Russia was hit by an unidentified flying object causing it to explode and shatter over the Urals, it has been claimed.
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UFO SIGHTINGS: Do these videos prove Folkestone has been visited by aliens?
UFO SIGHTINGS: Do these videos prove Folkestone has been visited by aliens?
Picture by Jim Roberts
Do you believe in the existence of aliens? Well, a select group of people in Folkestone certainly do, as these videos prove.
A number of clips have been uploaded in the past year, apparently showing UFOs hovering over Shepway’s skies – both in daytime and at night.
Last year, Linda Colville told the Herald that she saw something “unusual” over Hythe following a similar sighting in Folkestone the week before.
She said: “We spotted it as we left my house in Earlsfield Road about 7.30ish and watched it all the way to the Chinese takeaway in Martello Drive and back again, a period of about 30 minutes.
“We assumed it must be a helicopter because it just seemed to hover in the sky, not really going anywhere.
“It displayed very bright white lights only (this is what first brought it to our attention) and we both commented on how unusual it was and wondered if anyone else had noticed it.
“I am not a believer in UFOs or little green men but this was certainly very unusual.”
UFO streaks by car during lightning storm. Dark fast moving object shoots past window. Upon still and slow motion investigation it does not appear to be a plane, bird, or anything prosaic. It is a true UFO. Maybe new military aircraft that uses a pulse detonation engine. You can see puffs of black smoke appear behind object in the slow motion play back. TR3B anyone…
Orange Walk Town, Belize, Central America. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Two brothers in Orange Walk Town, Belize, South America, reported watching a “solid object the size of a basketball with a very bright, glowing light the size of a golf ball” moving about 10 feet over a nearby street post lamp, according to testimony in Case 64587 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The two brothers were sitting outside of their home facing north on the edge of their yard and leaning up against a wooden shed. The younger brother, age 18, pointed to the east-southeast where he saw “a bright green glowing light that seemed to be directly over the street and not far from where they were seated – about 150 feet away and about 10 feet higher than the street post lamp.
“It moved slowly as patiently waiting for something,” stated the reporting older brother. “The entire event lasted about 15-20 minutes as it traveled in the sky from the east toward the north in a curved manner and then hovered for 4-5 minutes and then moved toward the west.”
The object moved in an inconsistent manner.
“All along the way it did not travel a stable consistent path. It moved in a very slow speed quickly in a zigzagging pattern as if vibrating just a little. The object looked like the size of a basketball with a light on it. The light was bright green and extremely bright when it stayed still.”
(Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
The witness described the object’s shape.
“I was watching and I could barely make out the shape of the solid object. It was circular and flat on top, but the bottom was more like a cone shape and not a sphere.”
The object continued to move.
“It then moved from north toward the west in the night sky. The light source appeared to me to be the size of a golf ball, but glowing very, very bright. What I noticed is that despite its brightness it did not give off surrounding light like a bulb or flashlight. As it passed over the tree top and the leaves of the tree looked dark like if no light shone although it was about five feet above the highest branch.”
The object was silent.
“Since I first saw it I heard no noise coming from it. The UFO was very silent and it traveled on the night sky slowly until it had gotten so far I could not see it. The night sky seemed like a normal dark sky with no wind. Also the neighborhood was asleep with no cars, no people outside around that we could see. This event took place between 11:30 p.m. – 1 a.m. in the month of March 2014. This UFO came from the south of the street and curved around us going north and stayed still across my wire fence above my neighbor’s abandoned, empty yard, and then moved toward the west across and over the next side of the street on the edge of the small town where I live. It went west over the bushes and trees of huge undeveloped land.”
The witness is trying to understand why the object was there.
(Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
“Can someone tell me what are they doing here in Central America in such a small country – Belize? Here we have no power plants, no war, no mineral mines, no mass production metal factories – only farming. What makes me scarred is that this UFO came so close to us and slowly it moved until I could no longer see it. Also hovered in front on my neighbor’s land about the height of a two-floor building. What does it want or why come to an uninteresting place like Belize in Orange Walk District. What is it looking for in the people here? Someone answer me.”
Orange Walk Town is the fourth largest town in the nation of Belize, with a population of about 13,400.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Date of sighting: April 14, 2015 Location of sighting:Minas de Cerro Colorado, Chile
In this short video we get a glimpse of a glowing UFO that looks a lot like the O’Hare airport UFO seen back in Nov of 2006. This glowing (as they stated in the video) UFO moves fast back and forth. It seems aware that the working crew are watching it, so it comes back to give them a slightly better view. Its a disk with a raised center…a classic design. The area looks like a mining facility with many heavy dump trucks to carrying the dirt to have it processed. The UFO seems to be interested in the reactions of the workers…because they don’t feel fear, but had the opposite feelings. Its my belief from many UFO reports from eyewitnesses that some alien UFOs have the ability to read feelings and thoughts from a long ways away. Awesome UFO catch, and although it is short, I am confident it is real. SCW
This UFO Was also seen back in 2014, but in a different city location. But also by mining workers.
Do you remember the two glowing square objects in a crater on the dwarf planet Ceres? I guess its hard to forget. Well two new photos from NASA this week confirm these two objects are there. As Dawn went into orbit around Ceres it captured these photos, which by the way, are low quality images so that the public cannot see the actual detail of the alien buildings. Have you ever wondered why your old phone from 2008 took better photos than this NASA probe and their millions of dollars they spent on their camera? Well, its because NASA reduces the quality of their images with alien structures by 30-60% in an attempt to keep the public in the dark. SCW
This image of a massive seemingly manufactured T-shaped UFO was captured by NASA’s sun observation satellite SOHO (the Solar and Heliosperic Observatory) on April 12, 2015. And it is not the first time UFOs have been captured near the Sun.
Have you ever thought of the possibility that NASA uses SOHO not only for studying the Sun but also for studying and collecting information on these alien objects?
Since SOHO spacecraft was launched on December 2, 1995 and continues to operate after over 19 years in space, they must have built up an extensive database with detailed information about these objects but till now NASA keeps silent about this phenomenon.
Edward Snowden, reported on the facts known to it concerning UFOs. According to the documents, which Snowden copied to the CIA, the U.S. government has long known that UFOs exist and are managed species more advanced than humanity. These species are not alien, and our earth, only more advanced. They live here for billions of years, and far ahead of us in development.
The CIA stores data tracking systems and deep-sea sonar, but they have the status of state secrets, and even the scientists do not have access to this data about these objects. This kind of intelligent Homo sapiens and lived in the Earth’s mantle. This is the only place where conditions were more or less stable for billions of years. Extremophiles can live at different temperatures, they have been able to flourish and develop intelligence at an accelerated pace. Homo sapaens and they have evolved at the same rate, but their living conditions in the Earth’s mantle defended their civilization from the many disasters that have occurred on the surface of the earth. . .
The general consensus is that we’re just ants from their point of view and there is a small chance that they will not continue to pay attention to us. But the military and are considering the possibility of aggression and the current plan of action in emergencies includes a plan – detonate a nuclear weapon in the deep caves to “seal” the enemy in the hope of destroying their communications that will prevent further attacks from the bowels of the earth. “
There have been numerous photos taken of supposed alien corpses found all around the world. Some have been debunked or explained, others are still under question. Let's have a look at just some of these supposed finds. Click on the captions below the pics to go to some sites that tell more about each.
Even though this fella above was found in the Atacama Desert in Chile, it was explained by DNA as a human, but only 6 inches tall and not a fetus – he was about 6 years old!
This reminds me of an Agnes Morehead episode of “Twilight Zone.” A woman in Russia says she heard a crash, went outside and in some crumpled metal she found an alien that had died. She wrapped it in plastic and put it in her freezer, because, what else do you do? Hmmmm She also kept it 2 years in the freezer before sharing that news. Reportedly, it had a spacesuit, but we don't know what happened with that.
This is a delicious story. Did the Apollo program continue on to the moon with secret missions to study some structures? Not sure how they launched off without us knowing, but ah, well. They supposedly found a cigar-shaped ship that they found a dead male but a female they named “Mona Lisa” who looked human, but with six fingers and no nostrils. She was reportedly in a state of suspended animation. This was supposedly told by an astronaut who is now 78 and living in Africa, no longer afraid to reveal the story. More on the video below.
This one is admittedly odd, but some reports have it being born from a cow and if you look at the hoofed feet and round belly, it could be some kind of malformed calf.
Sticks and stones can kill your bones! This was supposedly clubbed to death by some boys in Panama City who came upon it. It is said to be possibly a hairless sloth.
This fella was supposedly found in Iran and measured 3 cm (2.75 inches) Supposedly had short hair, teeth that looked like an animal, 4 fingers and a thumb, and was in a position as if it had frozen. I think the most obvious explanation is a mummified defective premature human fetus. But, it is interesting to wonder. Here's some video below -
The story on this is very odd. Supposedly, a Russian woman who was lonely found an alien and took care of it. After she passed on, the family found its body. For years she had been telling her family a creature came to her that she adopted after the death of her child and they assumed she was delusional with grief.
These are but a handful of alien corpses making the rounds on YouTube, para websites, and social media. Some are quite convincing, even sound feasible. Others are outrageous misinterpretations or outright hoaxes. Still, it's hard to look away when you see something like this -
Velen kennen de verhalen over de reuzen die vroeger op aarde woonden. Ze worden over het algemeen omschreven als zo groot dat de aarde trilde wanneer zij liepen.
Het heeft er echter alle schijn van dat deze reuzen geen sprookjesverhaal zijn omdat hun overblijfselen overal ter wereld zijn en nog steeds worden aangetroffen.
Wat nog wel steeds een mysterie is tot op heden is hoe de beschaving van die reuzen eruit zag. De reden hiervoor is omdat alle aanwijzingen betreffende hen zoveel mogelijk voor het publiek verborgen worden gehouden.
In 1940 vonden er archeologische opgravingen plaats bij de plaats Argedava in Roemenië. De plek was eens de citadel van de beroemde leider van Dacia, Burebista. De plaatselijke bewoners deden het meeste graafwerk en zij waren allang blij dat ze wat extra’s konden verdienen want het waren voor hen moeilijke tijden.
Eén van de mensen was de nu hoogbejaarde Ionita Florea. Hij was degene die een enorme schedel blootlegde zoals te zien op de onderstaande foto.
Toen hij de archeologen op de hoogte stelde van zijn ontdekking werden de werklui onmiddellijk naar huis gestuurd en de wetenschappers deden de rest van het graafwerk zelf. Het opgegraven zaken werden in het geheim achter op een vrachtwagen geladen en afgevoerd. Toen de graafwerkzaamheden waren afgerond, hadden ze ongeveer 80 skeletten ontdekt en de meesten daarvan waren compleet. Tot op de dag van vandaag weet niemand waar ze zijn gebleven.
Dit is niet zomaar een geïsoleerd incident. In meer recente jaren ontdekten dorpsbewoners in het plaatsje Scaieni een kerkhof, vol met reuzen. Deze ontdekking was per ongeluk omdat ze bezig waren met het aanleggen van een boomgaard. Naast complete skeletten vonden ze ook delen van potten, juwelen en vreemde metalen standbeelden van ongeveer één meter hoog. Na de ontdekking werd er publiekelijk niets bekend gemaakt en de dorpsbewoners weigerden verder om iets te zeggen over wat er met hun vondst was gebeurd.
Werden ze gedwongen of omgekocht om hun mond dicht te houden? Was dit onderdeel van een groter plan om alles wat met reuzen te maken heeft, verborgen te houden voor het grote publiek?
In dat bepaalde gebied doen talloze legendes de ronde. Volgens de plaatselijke folklore woonden er ooit reuzen in de bergen en wouden rondom Scaieni. In die bergen werden enorme uitgehakte tronen gevonden en dat in een gebied dat zo goed als ontoegankelijk is voor gewone mensen.
Volgens de legende bevinden er zich twee enorme grotten onder bergen waar de schatten van de reuzen verborgen liggen. De vraag is natuurlijk of deze grotten werkelijk bestaan en welke verhalen zij eventueel zouden kunnen vertellen.
In 2009 begon een lokaal televisiestation een onderzoek naar de reuzen en hun geheime tunnels onder de Bucegi bergen. Net toen hun reportage werd uitgezonden, ontving het station tijdens de uitzending een telefoontje van een man die weigerde zich bekend te maken. De journalisten die de reportage hadden gemaakt werden bedreigd en hen werd te verstaan gegeven hun nog lopende onderzoek onmiddellijk stop te zetten, of anders. Zoals de geheimzinnige man zei, “jullie spelen een heel gevaarlijk spel”.
“Stop met het praten over de Bucegi bergen. Informatie zoals dat moet niet publiekelijk bekend gemaakt worden en er zijn bepaalde structuren voor het afhandelen van gevallen zoals dit. Jullie willen niet weten wie wij zijn, jullie willen ons niet interviewen. Dat is alles wat ik heb te zeggen”. Toen hing hij op en de uitzending werd onderbroken. Was dit werkelijke een geheime cover-up of een sinistere grap? Alleen de journalisten weten het en zij weigeren er verder over te praten.
Het vreemde is ook nog dat het luchtruim boven het Bucegi Plateau gesloten is voor luchtverkeer. Er doen veel verhalen de ronde dat er talloze aanwijzingen zijn die richting CIA wijzen. Incidenten zoals hierboven beschreven gebeuren over de hele wereld. Er is een absoluut gebrek aan bewijs wanneer mensen rapporteren dat ze enorme skeletten hebben gevonden. Onmiddellijk verschijnen de autoriteiten, laten vervolgens half afgegraven vindplaatsen achter, er worden geen gevonden voorwerpen getoond en de lokale bevolking wordt het zwijgen opgelegd.
On the night of Feb. 6, 1975, Marine Reserve Squadron Capt. Larry Jividen was piloting a T-39D Sabreliner (see image above) combat trainer and utility aircraft with five Naval officer pilots on board for a special training flight. He didn’t know the evening would evolve into a game of “tag” with an unidentified flying object. Jividen hasn’t spoken about that experience from nearly 40 years ago — until now. The nine-year Marine Corps captain — and later commercial airline pilot — had taken off at twilight for a two-hour roundtrip that began and ended at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla. “At about 9 o’clock, we were descending from a high altitude — around 33,000 feet — and I looked off to the right side of the airplane where I saw a solid red light at our 1:00 o’clock position and altitude.” “It was not flashing like normal anti-collision lights flash on airplanes. I thought it might be some other traffic, but I wasn’t sure, so I called Pensacola Approach Control and said, ‘Understand we’re cleared for the approach, but we have traffic off to our right, and who’s first for the approach?” The traffic that Jividen and the other five crew members saw was mutually described as “a solid, circular object about the relative size of a kid’s marble held at arm’s length,” Jividen recalled.
When they were informed that ground control had no other traffic in their vicinity, Jividen became concerned that the mysterious object hadn’t shown up on radar. So he asked for clearance to deviate from their approach and turn directly toward the bright red UFO “just to see what it does.” As he turned toward the object, Jividen says it turned toward his plane. “It suddenly flew from right to left, across the nose [of our plane], and just stopped at our 11:00 o’clock position. At that point, I started to speed up to see if I could close on the object, and as I sped up, it was pacing me in front. In other words, as I’d speed up, he’d speed up. “So, I decided to descend to place the object against a star field to make sure that it was actually solid, and then I climbed so that I could silhouette the object against the Gulf of Mexico.” Jividen says the five-minute encounter came to an end when the reddish UFO sped away at a very high rate and disappeared over the horizon in the direction of New Orleans. After the crew returned to Pensacola, Jividen filled out an incident form and that was the last he heard of the episode. And nobody else heard about it for more than three decades.
"Tekenen van hoogontwikkelde buitenaardse beschavingen gevonden in 50 sterrenstelsels"
“Tekenen van hoogontwikkelde buitenaardse beschavingen gevonden in 50 sterrenstelsels"
Astronomen hebben 100.000 sterrenstelsels afgespeurd op sporen van een hoogontwikkelde buitenaardse beschaving. In 50 sterrenstelsels werd een ongewoon grote hoeveelheid straling gedetecteerd. Dat melden Britse media.
Ongewoon grote hoeveelheden straling worden verwacht als een beschaving een sterrenstelsel heeft gekoloniseerd en kolossale hoeveelheden energie produceert. De onderzoeksgegevens zijn afkomstig van de infraroodsatelliet WISE.
Hoofdonderzoeker Roger Griffith van de Pennsylvania State University zei: “We hebben onverklaarbare overschotten aan mid-infraroodstraling gevonden in 50 sterrenstelsels. Tijdens vervolgonderzoek kan blijken dat het om natuurlijke astronomische processen gaat of dat we te maken hebben met hoogontwikkelde buitenaardse beschavingen.”
De gedachte dat hoogontwikkelde beschavingen veel mid-infraroodstraling produceren stamt uit de jaren zestig en werd geformuleerd door theoretisch natuurkundige Freeman Dyson. Zulke straling is een bijproduct van de grote hoeveelheden energie die nodig zijn voor ruimteschepen, communicatiesystemen en computers.
De onderzochte stelsels zijn miljarden jaren oud. Hoogontwikkelde beschavingen zouden dus ruimschoots genoeg tijd moeten hebben gehad om zich door het stelsel te verspreiden.
“Als een sterrenstelsel gekoloniseerd is door een hoogontwikkeld ras, moeten de technologieën van die beschaving mid-infraroodstraling produceren,” zei dr. Jason Wright van de Penn State University. “Dat is precies de straling die we met de WISE-satelliet kunnen detecteren.”
Russia “UFO’s are real and we know how to Summon them!”
Russia “UFO’s are real and we know how to Summon them!”
Summoning the Aliens
The Russians have recently claimed that they can now predict when UFOs will appear in the skies above them and that they have now learnt how to willingly summon them! The Russians have also claimed that UFO activity is increased when large scale weapons testing is taking place, of which they have been measuring UFO activity by doing so!
According to Vasily Yeremenko, a Major General of FIB in reserve, academician of the Academy of Security, Defence and Law Enforcement:
“We can say that we learned to summon UFOs in Vladimirovka. To do this, we dramatically increased the number of military flights and movement of the equipment. If the intensity on our side increased, UFOs appeared with the probability of 100 percent.”Vasily Yeremenko
Are the Aliens watching our weapons capabilities!?
The Russians have now put together the below three main conclusions:
Modern science is not yet able to identify such phenomena.
The UFOs could be US or Japan surveillance drones.
The UFOs could be extraterrestrial activity.
According to Svobodnaya Pressa, which is a major Russian news website, the Russian Navy have actually now declassified records of numerous encounters with unidentified objects that technologically surpass anything ever built by humanity….leading to the fact that these UFO’s MUST be of an Alien origin!
A special unique Navy group which is headed by Deputy Navy Commander Admiral Nikolay Smirnov collected information on reports of unidentified objects, delivered by submarines and military ships.
According to Vladimir Azhazha, a UFO researcher and former Military Navy officer:
“Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more – with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water.” Vladimir Azhazha
UFO’s appear to like to stay close to the water!
According to one high level report, a Russian nuclear submarine which was on a combat mission at the time had detected six unknown objects pursuing them. After failing miserably to lose the objects following them, the captain then ordered the submarine to surface, of which the objects followed, departed from the water and flew away at extremely high speeds.
Back in 1982 a group of military divers training at Baikal witnessed a group of what appeared to be humanoid beings dressed in silver suits. Despite the divers trying to catch them, three of them died whilst the other four were injured in this bizarre incident.
According to Captain 1st rank Igor Barklayof Navy Intelligence:
“Ocean UFO’s often show up wherever our or NATO’s fleets concentrate. Near Bahamas, Bermudas, Puerto Rico. They are most often seen in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in the Caribbean Sea.”Captain 1st rank Igor Barklayof Navy Intelligence
Are they watching us and reviewing our ways and actions!?
U.I.P Summary
My what a year 2015 is becoming! We are getting piece of disclosure from every angle it feels like and perhaps it is now time to join all of the dots together!
When the Russians say that they can summon the UFO’s at a guess I think what they actually mean is that mankind’s actions can dictate when they appear. For quite some time now we have heard about UFO’s over looking military exercises and watching over Nuclear weapons storage facilities… fact some UFO’s have apparently even managed to turn nuclear weapons off!
Could it be that the Aliens are watching us so closely as they are concerned about what card we are going to play next. As we at U.I.P have stated many times before, nobody should have the right to destroy this beautiful planet with weapons of mass destruction….And perhaps THIS is why ‘they’ are watching us so closely!!
NASA probe to run out of fuel and smash into Mercury, creating new crater on planet's surface.
De Amerikaanse sonde Messenger zal op 30 april niet langer over brandstof beschikken en gaat te pletter storten op de planeet Mercurius. Op die manier zal er een einde komen aan de succesvolle missie ter observatie van Mercurius, de kleinste planeet in ons zonnestelsel.
De sonde zal met een snelheid van meer dan 14.000 kilometer per uur op Mercurius terechtkomen. Dat zal gebeuren aan de kant van de planeet die op dat moment niet naar de zon gericht is, wat wetenschappers van de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA zal toelaten om de impact live te observeren.
Op 21 april zal in het controlecentrum de eerste van de nog vier resterende correcties worden uitgevoerd aan de baan van het ruimtetuig. Het laatste manoeuvre is op 24 april voorzien. "Daarna zal het ruimtevaartuig zo goed als helemaal geen brandstof meer hebben", zegt Daniel O'Shaughnessy, de systeemingenieur van de missie.
De resultaten van de verkenningsmissie van de Messenger worden alvast als positief geëvalueerd. "Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis hebben we een goede kennis van Mercurius, die een fascinerende planeet in ons zonnestelsel blijkt te zijn", zo zegt John Grunsfeld, directeur van de wetenschappelijke missies bij NASA.
De in 2004 gelanceerde Messenger bevindt zich al sinds maart 2011 in een baan rond Mercurius. De missie zou aanvankelijk een jaar in beslag nemen, maar werd twee keer verlengd, om uiteindelijk meer dan vier jaar te duren. Op basis van de observaties van de sonde zijn wetenschappers tot de hypothese gekomen dat er overvloedig ijs aanwezig is op Mercurius, nochtans de planeet die het dichtst bij de zon staat. Rond de polen van de planeet zijn er namelijk gebieden die nooit de zon zien en waar het erg koud is.
The ancient Egyptians (in Africa) and the ancient pre-Incas/Incas (in South America) evolved on opposite sides of the globe and were never in contact. Yet, both cultures mysteriously possessed the same strikingly identical body of ancient art, architecture, symbolism, mythology and religion.
The Victorian-era scholars, faced with this enigma, concluded that both cultures must have been children of the same Golden Age parent civilization, “Atlantis.” Today, Egyptian/Inca parallels are not only being ignored by American and Western scholars, they’re being suppressed.
Many baffling and unsolved similarities link the ancient Egyptians and the ancient pre-Incas/Incas ― even though both cultures evolved on opposite sides of the planet, separated by oceans. Victorian-era scholars, faced with this enigma, believed both cultures inherited the same high wisdom from the same exceedingly older source — a shared “parent civilization” now lost to history. For the Victorians this common parent hypothesis explained the parallels well. These Victorian scholars called this common parent “Atlantis,” following Plato and the Classical historians.
Today, “establishment” scholars reject Atlantis, with peculiar hostility, while the parallels shared by the ancient pre-Incas/Incas and the ancient Egyptians are ignored.
Yet these same parallels were not ignored by the Victorians. Indeed, the most brilliant scholarly minds of the past believed Atlantis was real ― and here’s why:
1. PYRAMIDS BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…built stone pyramids and stepped pyramids in the desert along rivers and aligned with cardinal points. In both cases, deceased were interred within.
2.MUMMIES BOTH THE EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…Mummified their dead, which symbolized life beyond death. Mummies were interred inside pyramids, often with food offerings and personal belongings. Both cultures believed in life beyond death.
3.MUMMIES WITH CROSSED ARMS BOTH THE EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…Crossed the arms of their mummified dead. This was to show the “balance” state that one entered in death, as one lived a balanced life. The two arms denote opposites in balance, a left side and a right side crossed.
4. GOLD FUNERAL MASKS BOTH THE EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…Placed gold masks upon their dead, symbolizing their entering back into eternity, the “other side” of the veil, the higher home in the heavens, which is eternal and spiritual, unlike earth, which is temporary and physical. It also conveys in an alchemical sense the idea that, while they were here, these eternal souls took on the lead of human form and turned it into gold.
5. ANTITHETICAL ANIMAL NECKLACES BOTH THE EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…Adorned their dead with gold necklaces the ends of which are formed by twin animal heads facing outward, symbolizing our human/animal powers balanced and in an equal peaceful state and place of power and eternity. This “balance” state is how the alchemical transformation is achieved, hence the gold.
6. SIMILAR STONE MASONRY BOTH THE EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…built very similar looking stonemasonry, even down to the detail of carving bulges or “bumps” in the stones (see detail). What is the rhyme, riddle and reason here? How can this be explained?
7. PRECISION STONEWORK BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…created precision-like stone cuts in their masonry, such that a piece of paper can barely fit between stones. Often no mortar was used. This symbolizes the quest to gain perfection, or nearness to perfection, which leads one closer to our spiritual and heavenly home and eternal source.
8. TRAPEZOIDAL DOORWAYS BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…built trapezoid doorways, signifying spiritual advancement upward. The trapezoid is similar to a triangle, which denotes ascension and spiritual transcendence. The trapezoid doorway is used by many ancient cultures. It relates a kind of futuristic state of humanity that occurred in the distant past, when people were calm and had attained nirvana; this doorway is the symbol of the high wisdom once possessed by our ancient ancestors.
BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…designed twin symmetrical serpents above the trapezoidal doorway entrance to their temples. The idea of balancing the opposing energies is certainly presented here, via these twin animals in symmetrical balanced poses. This “balanced opposites” image seems to be the “ideal” that is taught within the building that is entered through these doors.
9. ELONGATED SKULLS BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…elongated the skulls of their children to sharpen senses and improve spiritual insight. This seemingly-bizarre practice has not truly raised the eyebrows of modern scholars, not nearly as much as it should.
10. OBELISKS (WITH HIEROGLYPHICS) BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…built and erected sacred obelisks as devices of profound male power, fertility, birth, longevity, strength. Great reverence was given to obelisks; they were among the most revered landmarks.
11. EARTHQUAKE-PROOF TEMPLES (WITH PICTURE WRITING) BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…built earthquake-proof buildings by using the same inward slant design, which has withstood the test of time.
12. SOLAR RELIGION BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…used solar symbolism as a definitive part of their religion, which was identical. In Egypt the solar deity was Ra, in Peru the solar deity was Inti. In both cultures, you are the solar deity; the sun is a symbol of you, of your soul. You are a sol. You are an eternal divine sun. You have voluntarily Incarnated in matter, but now have amnesia of your true spiritual Self, you’ve lost your way home.
13. PARALLEL SOLAR SYMBOLISM BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…used animal deities in symmetrical poses flanking a central solar emblem. Just as the sun strikes a perfect balance between Winter and Summer, the extreme Cold and extreme Hot seasons…so it is vital for our own inner suns (the sun symbolizes our eternal soul or Self) to balance our own positive and negative twin animal energies, urges, instincts, appetites, etc. in order to stay in balance and in harmony with nature.
14. ANIMAL ON FOREHEAD BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…used the “animal on the forehead motif” to evoke the power of the Third Eye. Both cultures understood that we can create a trancelike state where we “awaken” our so-called “Mind’s Eye,” “Inner Eye,” or “Third Eye,” a symbol of spiritual illumination thought of as existing near the forehead above and between the two eyes―exactly where the animal is placed in the image above.
15. CROSS SYMBOL (CHAKANA / ANKH) BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…used the stepped design motif, which symbolizes the gradual ascent the initiate makes on his / her journey from lower man to ascended human being. Rome wasn’t built in a day; you don’t find your “Christ within” or your “Buddha within” in one day. Ascension takes time and effort.
16. “TRIPTYCH” THREE-DOOR TEMPLES (INDICATES SAME RELIGION) BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…built the same identical Triptych temples. The Triptych design is a worldwide architectural phenomenon that graces the facades of temples, and that symbolizes the same Universal Religion practiced all over the ancient world.
The religion is based on the same “balance of opposites” formula described above. The twin outer doors symbolize opposites (the left-side / right-side of our lower temporary self) while the middle door symbolizes the central point of eternity (the centered higher eternal Self).
Triptych Temples were later inherited by the Gothic cathedral builders, the Freemasons. LEARN MORE HERE.
17. METAL CLASPS BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…carved stones that were tightly bound and fitted together with the use of metal clasps. What are the chances that this technique evolved, after millions of years of human evolution, in the same exact spec of time (give or take 1,000 years) on opposite sides of the globe?
18. STAFF GOD ICON BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…revered the “Staff God Icon,” which is nothing less than the lost crucifix of the ancient Universal Religion described above. Not yet documented by scholars, the Staff God Icon is found everywhere around the ancient world; it symbolizes the perfected human being. (Learn more from this book).
19. INWARD SLANTING (EARTHQUAKE PROOF) BUILDINGS BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…built similar looking inward slanting tombs and temples.
20. ANTHROPOID COFFINS BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…designed anthropomorphic coffins for the deceased and designed those coffins to look like the local god or hero who had defied death and who had lived to tell about it. This is the example given for the masses to follow, for we all must defy death (in the end) by looking for and finding true eternity within.
21. THIRD EYE SOLAR CIRCLE ON FOREHEAD BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…depicted circle shapes on the human forehead indicating where the Third Eye or Circle Eye goes:
“A cyclops in Greek mythology and later Roman mythology, was a member of a primordial race of giants, each with a single eye in the middle of his forehead. The name is widely thought to mean “circle-eyed”. ― Wikipedia
22. SOLAR IMAGE ASSOCIATED WITH CIRCLE EYE IN HEAD BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…decorated their Third Eye or Circle Eye with the imagery of the sun. The sun is an eye in the heavens; many ancient civilizations depicted the sun as an Eye, not just the Egyptians and Incas.
23. SINGLE EYE SYMBOLS BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…depicted “sun eye symbols”, both associating the sun with an eye and vice versa. Both cultures knew that the single Eye (the Mind’s Eye or Third Eye) sees the inner sun (the inner soul).
24. MEGALITHIC ARCHITECTURE BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…built their most important temples using massive stones each weighing hundreds of tons.
27. PHALLIC SYMBOLS BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…depicted phallic symbols and associated these symbols with fertility.
28. SPIRALS BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…depicted spirals to symbolize our entrance / exit to / from the material /spiritual worlds, which worlds encompass both sides of our eternal being.
29. ELABORATE TEMPLES BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…designed and built similar-looking temples.
30. SYMMETRICAL SERPENTS BALANCING BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…used symmetry in much of their art, balancing left / right. Often used serpents in symmetrical poses.
31. MASTER CRAFTSMANSHIP BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…used very similar styles of stone-craftsmanship.
32. SYMMETRICAL ART BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…designed similar-looking artwork, which focused on symmetry and esoteric symbolism.
33. ATEN HIEROGLYPH (CIRCLE WITH DOT IN CENTER) BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAS…depicted their solar deity as a circle with a dot in the middle, which was also a symbol of the Self in both cultures.
The Incas and the Egyptians are indeed profoundly similar. Having uncovered many of these parallels themselves, the Victorian scholars believed the two cultures were children of the same ancestral Mother Culture or Golden Age “Atlantis” culture.
Following Plato and some of the Classical historians, they believed Atlantis sank into the Atlantic ocean following a kind of Flood-like catastrophe, but left behind outposts on either side of the Atlantic ocean that preserved its culture.
Neither Egyptian nor Inca was in contact with the other, yet nevertheless both shared a common heritage.
Western scholars and academic institutions are grossly ignoring Atlantis. Worse, they are suppressing the evidence and mystery surrounding these many bizarre Inca / Egyptian cultural parallels (possibly because the powers that be know these parallels will lead to Atlantis).
We need to remember that these Egyptian/Inca parallels were plain as day to past Victorian scholars. From the benefit of this perspective we can thus see how the parallels are not just being ignored by Western academic institutions, they’re being suppressed.
Why are scholars suppressing this evidence?
These scholars — mainstream historians and archaeologists — are fundamentally honest and hard-working people who perform the extraordinarily laborious task of unearthing artifacts from our ancient past.
The problem is that they are locked into a particular paradigm that sees our society as the apex and pinnacle of the human story. They view history as a straightforward evolutionary process, from caveman to today’s highly technological civilization, which in their minds is the “supreme” one.
They are 100% locked into this “evolutionary” idea of how history works, and so it’s very difficult for them to accept that deep in the remote past there existed a civilization or Golden Age that was far more advanced than we are ― spiritually, psychologically, technologically ― and that was able to do things that we cannot.
Cultural evolution is the lens through which they view reality, and so they dismiss any anomalous evidence or find plausible explanations for any evidence that does not jive with this reality.
Moreover, being a “scholar” or an “academic” is a job, a profession, which is part of a larger structure. If you want to get a job as a “scholar” or “academic” and if you want to get published or win research grants or move along in the profession you absolutely need to buy into its mindset; this means buying into the evolutionary paradigm. If you don’t buy in then you simply won’t get hired, and you won’t climb the ladder and move up.
This is the simple way in which research into the human past is being controlled. But controlled by who? And why?
By controlling major academic institutions and the mass media, a vastly wealthy elite group of powerful corporate families is successfully hiding historical and spiritual truths of our ancient past. The goal of this group is to maintain a secretive global system of economic and political tyranny that their forefathers established more than a century ago that was once termed the “Invisible Government” by influential American leaders.
More specifically, this elite are concealing the fact that there once existed a highly-sophisticated “Golden Age” civilization on earth in remote prehistory. This Golden Agecivilization ended abruptly, but left behind a powerfully-advanced spiritual doctrine that was later inherited by the world’s first known civilizations, all children of the Golden Age.
The world’s first cultures inherited and practiced this spiritual doctrine, or “Universal Religion,” via the now-academically-taboo process called “hyperdiffusionism,” a pejorative 20th century term recently invented by the establishment media and academia:
“Hyperdiffusionism — the theory that all cultures originated from one [Golden Age] culture. Hyperdiffusionists deny that parallel evolution or independent invention took place to any great extent throughout history, they claim that…all cultures can be traced back to a single culture.” — Wikipedia By denouncing, and thus debilitating, any academic study even remotely related to the so-called “hyperdiffusionist” model of history—a model that was widely accepted by scholars of past centuries, who called the Golden Agecivilization “Atlantis”—the elite have successfully kept the Universal Religion out of our reach. In doing so they have prevented us from accessing a deep, self-empowering body of human wisdom that has the potential to stir an awakening in humanity which would endanger their global hegemony.
The present article has presented a single example of hyperdiffusionism in the ancient past. It’s a revealing look at how the ancient culture of the Egyptians, a highly-advanced civilization that flourished along the Nile river in Africa, is mysteriously similar to a parallel culture on the other side of the globe, the ancient pre-Inca and Incas, who flourished in the Andean region of modern Peru.
What you have seen is evidence of the Universal Religion on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, apparently handed down by the same Golden Agecivilization. Most important to stress once again, the Universal Religion is not fiction; the Universal Religion relates profound and eternal spiritual truths explaining who we are, where we came from, where we’re going, and the meaning of life itself.
If one day this Universal Religion ever became widely known, people would become so empowered by the spirituality of their inner nature and by the eternity of their own being that they would quickly rise up and break the chains of their enslavement and dethrone the Invisible Government, that malicious and malevolent organization that for centuries has o
The last remaining male northern white rhino has four armed guards protecting him 24 hours a day.
The solitary male, whose name is Sudan, represents the end of an era for the northern white rhinoceros. He, along with four females, are the only surviving members of their species and with old age creeping up on him and with all previous mating attempts having failed, things are now looking pretty grim.
So great is the importance of his wellbeing that Sudan is now accompanied at all times by a squad of armed guards and his magnificent horn has been removed to deter poachers.
Two of the females remain with him in the hopes that they will mate while two others are in a zoo.
"With the rising demand for rhino horn and ivory, we face many poaching attempts and while we manage to counter a large number of these, we often risk our lives in the line of duty," said Simor Irungu, one of the rangers who protects the animals at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya.
While there is still a chance that Sudan will be able to successfully mate with one the females it is looking increasingly likely that he will be the last male of his species.
A new study has investigated what causes the planet to inexplicably vibrate at very low frequencies.
While it has long been known that seismic events can cause the planet to resonate for up to several months, evidence has also been found of a second, more subtle type of vibration that seems to occur all the time even when there are no earthquakes.
This microseismic activity is too faint for humans to pick up but now researchers investigating the cause of the phenomenon have discovered that ocean waves may be responsible.
Through the use of computer models simulating the movements of the wind and tides the scientists were able to determine that colliding ocean waves produce seismic waves that can take up to 13 seconds to complete one oscillation.
Slower waves however can take a lot longer - up to 300 seconds - and it is these that are thought to cause the mysterious hum due to the pressure of the water being dragged across the seafloor.
"I think our result is an important step in the transformation of mysterious noise into an understood signal," said lead study author and oceanographer Fabrice Ardhuin.
Because these waves can penetrate deep in to the Earth's mantle it is also hoped that a complete understanding of this phenomenon could help scientists learn more about the planet's interior. Read more at Earth's Mysterious Hum Explained
Science Shows Marijuana Can Help Kill Tumors, Federal Government Admits
The information war about marijuana may have turned a new page with the federal government’s acknowledgment of a recent study that found the plant can significantly reduce aggressive types of brain tumors when combined with radiation treatment, endorsing what medicinal marijuana advocates have long affirmed as its healing properties.
A team of researchers from St. George’s University of London recorded reductions in high-grade glioma masses — a deadly form of brain cancer — in mice. The mice’s tumors shrank after they were exposed to radiation in tandem with two marijuana compounds: THC, which creates the “high feeling,” and CBD, which has no psychoactive side effects. In their report, the researchers said that both cannabinoids made tumors more receptive to the radiation treatment, creating what lead author Dr. Wai Lui described to HuffPost as a “triple threat” approach.
“We’ve shown that cannabinoids could play a role in treating one of the most aggressive cancers in adults,” Liu wrote in an op-ed earlier this year. “The results are promising…it could provide a way of breaking through glioma and saving more lives.”
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a government drug abuse and addiction research organization, may be on the cusp of a philosophical change. NIDA issued a revised statement about medical marijuana at the beginning of April that acknowledged the research out of St. George’s University of London, as well as other findings summarized in a November research report.
“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not recognized or approved the marijuana plant as medicine,” the statement reads. “However, scientific study of the chemicals in marijuana, called cannabinoids, has led to two FDA-approved medications that contain cannabinoid chemicals in pill form. Continued research may lead to more medications.”
Lui’s medical marijuana study, which was published in the journal Molecular Cancer Therapies, follows other research conducted by a team of scientists from the United Kingdom who found that a combination of six purified cannabinoids can kill cancerous cells found in leukemia patients. Previous research has confirmed that THC reduces the size of cancerous tumors and stops the spread of HIV. Scientists have also found that strains of CBD can potentially treat children and adults suffering from seizure disorders.
Marijuana also seems to be less dangerous than previously thought. An Emory University study earlier this year found that, contrary to the concerns of many legalization opponents, inhaling marijuana smoke for years doesn’t cause significant lung damage. Those findings have also been supported by prior studies.
The scientific findings in recent years have brought forth questions about marijuana’s legal standing in the United States. The federal government currently designates marijuana as a Schedule I drug, classifying it as a highly addictive substance with no medical value. Its legal status has led to a lack of federally regulated studies about the plant, and ultimately impedes scientists’ efforts to understand its potential as a healing agent.
The wave of medical marijuana legalization in recent decades has propelled questions of the plant’s medical potential to the forefront of public policy debates. More than 20 states and the District of Columbia have legalized the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Support for legalization has increased among voters in the swing states of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. While the two latter states currently have legislation on the table that will legalize marijuana, parties on both sides of the debate admit that knowledge gaps about marijuana threaten consensus around legislation. In Illinois, lawmakers are mulling expanding the disease list for the state’s medical marijuana program to include anxiety, migraines, insomnia, and post-traumatic stress disorder. A bill under consideration in the U.S. Senate would lift barriers to access of medical marijuana for military veterans.
“I am a Vietnam Vet and can only imagine how things would have been,” one war veteran wrote in his petition to have PTSD included among the conditions in Illinois’ medical marijuana program. “While visiting in Colorado I had the benefit of trying cannabis in candy form…. and I felt wonderful. No thoughts of violence, self-deprecation, or hopelessness. My life would be different today.”
Right now, the federal government via NIDA grows a limited supply of marijuana on a Mississippi-based campus, where researchers spend most of their time conducting experiments about the plant’s negative effects rather than its potential positive effects — much to the chagrin of medical marijuana advocates and those who would like to see an expansion of scholarship on the subject.
Federal barriers to research mean that scientists often have to jump through hoops to secure samples legally through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and NIDA, a process that delays research by months, and oftentimes years.
“The whole process is wrong,” Andrew Weil, the American doctor and author who conducted the first double-blind clinical trials of marijuana in 1968, told the Washington Post last year. “There is a great deal of evidence both clinical and anecdotal of its therapeutic effects, but the research has been set way back by government policies.”
That’s why there’s been some pressure to reclassify marijuana. Earlier this year, the American Academy of Pediatrics urged the government to downgrade marijuana to a Schedule II drug, which would allow for more research into its potential uses to treat sick children with seizures. “A Schedule I listing means there’s no medical use or helpful indications, but we know that’s not true,” Seth Ammerman, a clinical professor in pediatrics at Stanford University who co-authored the group’s policy statement on the subject, said at the time. -Science Shows Marijuana Can Help Kill Tumors, Federal Government Admits
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Two Strange Years In Chile
Two Strange Years In Chile
There have been various paranormal and supernatural events reported throughout the history of Chile. But in 1996-97 there were several particularly odd incidents that involved sighting testimony of humanoids, strange unworldly beings and alien abductions. The following reports are some of the KNOWN incidents within that two-year period:
It was the winter of 1997. Mr. EJFP, 43, a security guard at a major industrial concern in Malleco (Chile) was monitoring Section 22, occupied by a water treatment plant some 20 meters distant from the main plant. The watchman was alone and pulling the 15:00 to 23:00 shift. He stood near a light post in a corner, as the guard post afforded poor visibility. It was a dark night, overcast but with no rain. Toward the northern reaches of the compound there was a wire fence, 10 meters away from the position he occupied. At 21:15 hours, his attention was drawn by something immediately beyond the barbed wire fence.
A person stood there facing him, average height and completely dressed in white. He could not tell if the garment was a tunic, but it was clearly visible in the darkness. The watchman, as was his duty, challenged the arrival, as no one was supposed to come close to the facility. But the figure did not move, nor did it issue any sound or word whatsoever.
Precisely at that moment, a vehicle conveying the watchman's immediate supervisor approached the area. The watchman turned to look at the arriving vehicle, but when the turned to look at the figure in white, it was no longer there. No shrubs or trees could have offered concealment - the figure simply vanished. The dim light kept the watchman from making out any features on the figure. He asked his superior if he had perhaps seen something beyond the perimeter with his vehicle's headlights, but the reply was negative. Other security guards patrolling the area had already remarked that "strange things" were sometimes seen in the area.
Two months later, while pulling a duty shift from 23:00 to 07:00, Mr. EJFP was assigned to watch the La Laguna sector, a forested area some 200 meters from the main plant. He only had a medium-sized flashlight with him, and it was turned off. At around 04:00, while walking along a trail that crossed the woods, EJFP noticed the silhouette of a very tall person approaching him along the path. This figure was somewhat hunched over and walked noiselessly.
When the figure came within a distance of four meters, the watchman turned on his flashlight and pointed it at the intruder's face. He couldn't see any features beyond the fact that he had two glowing eyes "that were not those of a human being". The figure was dressed completely in black and was clearly looking at the sentry. EJFP felt fear, turned around and made a run back to the public roadway some 200 meters away, remaining there until dawn, when his shift ended.
He claimed to have seen the outline of a head and shoulders, but the overwhelming fear caused him to run for safety. EJFP added that another watchman fainted when he found himself in the presence of this tall, glowing-eyed presence. At least six similar encounters have occured in the vicinity of this plant, and it is even common to see UFOs; on one occasion, large fleet of unknown vehicles, looking like arrowheads, flew over the area no more that 100 meters over the ground. - - Inexplicata
Gonzalo Fernandez Gamboa and several friends were camping out in the desert and were having a cookout around a large fire. Suddenly as they sat around talking a tall stranger appeared out of nowhere, the man was about 1.90m in height, with very wide shoulders impeccably dressed, in a white shirt, no hat. He approached the group and speaking in perfect Spanish asked the group for some fire. One of the men grabbed a small stick about 40cm in length lit it up and gave it to the stranger. The stranger thank the group and then added, "be careful with fire it could be dangerous". The group was extremely surprised since the stranger was completely clean without an ounce of dust on him, while the group was totally covered head to toe by the desert sand. The stranger disappeared into the darkness. Several of those present attempted to locate him but could not find any footprints or traces.
Source: Ramon Navia, "La Verdad Oculta" / Albert Rosales Comments: Encounter with tall Nordic type humanoid, which became rare in the late 1990's.
A family of four was driving on their way to Tocopila but halfway there, the father, (driver) changed his mind and decided to return, explaining that by the time they arrived to Tocopila everything would be closed. On their way he took a secondary road that past by an empty airfield, located in an isolated plain. As they drove near the airfield they all noticed a strange triangular-shaped mark on the ground, however they did not stop to investigate. Soon they began hearing bizarre screams resembling those of a woman being attacked or "raped". Immediately after that they all saw a brilliant humanoid figure at least 3 meters in height, it shone like brilliant metal. Its face was oval-shaped and its eyes almond in shape emitting a brilliant light. Astounded the witnesses watched as the shiny giant creature stepped in front of their car and signaled them to stop. The mother began screaming as the creature turned its head towards them and emitted a brilliant beam of bluish light from each eye. The whole time the driver slowed the vehicle down until it was going a minimal speed. They were able to notice that the creature had extremely long arms; it was of thin build, and was wearing a one-piece shiny silvery outfit. It was totally hairless. As the mother screamed hysterically the creature disappeared in plain sight and everything returned to normal. The witnesses quickly drove away from the area.
Source: Ramon Navia, "La Verdad Oculta", Chile / Albert Rosales Comments: These bizarre "screams" have been reportedly frequently in connection with a different array of phenomena that includes UFOs, Bigfoot type creatures, banshee's, La Llorona etc. Similar screams were even heard at the time of the Kecksburg UFO crash.
Casablanca, Valparaiso, Chile - November 16 1996 - various
Several local students at the basic Manuel Baquedano school reported encountering several little gnome like men about 30 cm in height. The little men wore different color clothing and usually hid in the trees and bushes. Their leader appeared to be an aged looking one, dressed in black who threw stones at the curious children and emitted strange shrieking sounds, at the same time making signs with his hands to stay back. 12-year-old Felipe Guerrero Silva reported seeing other friendlier gnomes wearing red, green, and white clothing. The entity wearing the white clothing seemed to be the friendliest at times calling the children.
A man riding a horse in an isolated area encountered a short robotic figure, apparently humanoid, that approached the horse and apparently frightened the animal. The rider quickly left the area, thinking that the apparition had been a demon. No other information.
An electrician claims having been abducted by a UFO while traveling by car between two towns in southern Chile. Gabriel Encina, 47, states that the strange experience occured six years ago, but that the anguish he experienced kept him from disclosing it until now. "No one can keep me from thinking that I was abducted by something or someone. What I saw wasn't an airplane or a flying saucer--it was simply a very bright light that landed on top of my car," said Gabriel Encina in an interview published by "El Diario Austral de Temuco".
Encina notes that he never discussed the subject and that only his wife and close friends knew about it. "I know that others will call me a madman." "In spite of the time that's elapsed, I'm still a bit affected by it. Ever since that abduction, I have headaches, migraines and bone trouble," he explained. "I have difficulty sleeping, I'm afraid of dreaming, and when I close my eyes I see that light following me, moving slowly toward me."
Chile , a nation of 15.5 million inhabitants, ranks fifth among the countries having the greatest number of UFO sightings, after the USA, Peru, Brazil and Russia. Encina recalled that the incident occured on June 27, 1996 at 20:00 hrs. (24:00 GMT) while traveling between Los Sauces and Angol in the La Araucania region, 608 km to the south of Santiago, under clear skies and the damp weather characteristic of that winter season. "I suddenly saw a very bright white light some 3 meters in diameter which appeared and descended and followed me. I accelerated, but curiously, the car lost speed," he added. He says that when the light landed on his vehicle, the radiance was so intense that he could make out dust particles floating in the air. "That's when I felt anguished and passed out."
According to Encina, when he awoke, both he and his car were some 12 km. from where the encounter with the alleged UFO took place. "My legs trembled and my head hurt. I was surprised that my wristwatch had stopped at 20:05 hours, althought almost an hour had elapsed since the encounter," Encina explained.
In mid-April of 2001, Erasmo Mena, an expert with the Centro Informativo para el Fenomeno OVNI en America Latina (CIFOAL) disclosed the "massive" presence of UFOs between the cities of Angol and Victoria which could be seen by the unaided eye. Until 1990, Chile experienced over 400 sightings and the country's northern region was the scenario of a number of cases, such as so-called close encounters of the third kind and the abduction of a Chilean army corporal by the crewmembers of alleged flying saucers. - EFE News Agency May 14, 2002
While Claudia Fuentes sister felt a warm rush of air enter her room, Claudia left the house and suddenly found herself waking down a long hallway in which she was met by several humanoids, described as having long arms, wrinkled mouths and four fingered hands. The humanoids led her to a place resembling a hospital, removed her lower part of her garments, and placed her on a stretcher. Although Claudia was not aware that she was pregnant, as six-foot tall creature extracted a fetus through her vagina, placed it inside a square jar filled with a bubbling fluid, and walked away with it. Claudia also reported seeing other creatures with similar features but measuring only 3-feet in height. She has not doubt that she spent well over three days in that place, although only 3 hours elapsed in normal time. When she regained consciousness, she found herself lying in the middle of the town square, where some witnesses claimed seeing a sudden burst of light. There she was found in a semi-conscious state, frightened, weeping and with wet hair.
Source: Scott Corrales, UFO Files # 1 / Albert Rosales
Llano section, Santiago, Chile - February 13, 1997 - 23:30
Marta Aguilar Montoya and her two small children were asleep in the bedroom when suddenly she heard a crackling noise. Turning to look towards the TV set in the room she noticed a small figure, about 4-feet 8 inches tall, wearing a tight fitting suit and a helmet. The helmet had a visor and the being also wore a backpack connected to the helmet by two hoses, one over each shoulder. Afraid she took her two children to her bed and just watched. The being stared at the trio but never made a move towards them. After several minutes the being turned to face the bedroom wall, again there was a loud crackling sound and then the beings disappeared through the wall, leaving only his silhouette on the wall, which disappeared after 2 minutes.
Two youths, aged 16 and 14, were returning home when they suddenly found themselves being followed by a brilliant object. Upon arriving home they ran inside and could still see the object quietly hovering outside. They then woke up their father who thought they were joking. All three looked out the window and noticed that the object was now on the ground and next to it stood a being 4-feet 8 inches tall with a large bald head and wearing a bluish suit. All three witnesses became scared and hid until the object and its apparent occupant left the area.
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Tijuana, Mexico: UFO recorded by several witnesses 13-Apr-2015
Tijuana, Mexico: UFO recorded by several witnesses 13-Apr-2015
This video of an unidentified flying object was filmed over Tijuana, the largest city in Baja California. It was filmed by multiple witnesses on 13th April 2015.
Pour la première fois, la présence de molécules organiques complexes, des briques élémentaires de la vie, a été mise en évidence dans un jeune système stellaire.
Les astronomes les désignent sous le nom de "briques élémentaires de la vie". Aujourd'hui, ces molécules organiques, à l’origine de la naissance de la Terre et du Soleil, ont été retrouvées au-delà de notre planète. Une découverte majeure qui confirme la théorie selon laquelle les conditions nécessaires au vivant "ne sont pas uniques dans l’Univers", explique l’Observatoire européen austral (ESO).
Les molécules organiques ont été mises en évidence dans un disque de gaz et de poussières entourant la jeune étoile MWC 480. L’astre se situe à 455 années-lumière de la Terre, dans la région de formation stellaire du Taureau. Sa masse est deux fois plus grande que celle du Soleil. D'après les observations, le disque qui entoure l’étoile s’est formé relativement récemment.
Il vient d’un nuage froid de gaz et de poussière appelé nébuleuse. Les astronomes se sont penché de plus près sur cette région et y ont effectué des observations à l’aide de l’ALMA, le radiotélescope géant situé dans le désert d’Atacama, au nord du Chili.
Du cyanure de méthyle et du cyanure d'hydrogène
Les résultats des analyses, publiés dans la revue Nature, soulignent l’existence de formation planétaire au sein du disque de gaz et de poussières. Celui-ci présente également à certains endroits une forte concentration de cyanure de méthyle (CH3CN), et de cyanure d'hydrogène (HCN), deux molécules complexes contenant des atomes de carbone.
Les éléments ont été mis en évidence dans les régions froides du disque protoplanétaire. Les cyanures, et plus particulièrement les cyanures de méthyle, sont primordiaux pour la chimie de la vie. Ces éléments contiennent en effet des liaisons carbone-azote, essentielles à la formation des acides aminés et par conséquent des protéines.
Jusqu’alors, le doute subsistait quant à la formation et la subsistance de ces molécules dans de très jeunes systèmes stellaires. Dans ces environnements énergétiques, les chocs et les radiations peuvent en effet facilement casser les liens chimiques et compromettre la survie des éléments.
"Nous ne sommes pas uniques"
Grâce aux nouvelles observations de l’ALMA, les scientifiques ont désormais la preuve que ces molécules peuvent non seulement subsister mais aussi prospérer. D'après un communiqué de l'ESO, l'équipe aurait découvert autour de l'étoile suffisamment de cyanure de méthyle pour remplir tous les océans terrestres, c'est bien plus que ce qu'on peut trouver dans les nuages interstellaires.
Cette découverte suggère aux astronomes que les disques protoplanétaires sont très efficaces pour former des molécules organiques complexes et qu'ils sont capables de les former au cours d'un laps de temps relativement court. "Nous savons maintenant que nous ne sommes pas uniques en ce qui concerne la chimie organique", souligne Karin Öberg, membre de l’équipe de recherche.
"Une fois de plus nous avons appris que nous ne sommes pas spéciaux. Du point de vue de la vie dans l'Univers, c’est une grande nouvelle", conclut-elle.
In the summer of 2002, I was invited to a party at a large house situated deep in the rural countryside on Salisbury plain in the south of England. The house was miles from any other property and was effectively in the middle of nowhere. We had driven miles and miles through rural back road farm land to get to the house. There was no street lighting for what felt like more than ten miles, although we had travelled to the house in the middle of the afternoon, arriving at the house in the early evening. This place was surrounded by farm land and fields, the nearest town was about ten or more miles away from the house, so there was no light pollution at all and as the evening grew dark, people started to group on the large patio at the back of the house where there was a BBQ. As I stood with others in conversation I looked up at the stars as it was a beautiful warm summers evening and a crystal clear night.
The sky was clear and full of stars it was like having a front row seat looking out at the cosmos. There was around one hundred plus people at the party many of which were outside on the patio enjoying the BBQ. As I stood in a group talking, I recall being keen to just stop chatting and simply gaze up at the un obscured night sky. I am a trained Pilot and Ex-RAF Commissioned Officer: I also flew in the Airline industry for a number of years as well as military flying. I have gained thousands of hours flying over the years.
As I looked up at the clear night sky and detected a small white light travelling at a very high altitude and at a speed faster than any commercial aircraft. I was familiar with what a satellite looked like in the sky and had seen a number of them before. I knew that they were seen as a single light in the sky but they are flying at a constant speed and never turn in fact they are easy to spot and quite different to that I was seeing so I knew it was not a satellite: My initial thoughts at the time was that it might have been a fast jet I considered that it could have possibly been a US military fast jet such as a stealth bomber: However, I quickly concluded that it was most definitely not a UK fast jet aircraft for reasons that may become apparent as I explain what happened next. I also concluded that it was not a USAF fast jet as well. I Began to track the single white light from my two o 'clock position as I tracked the craft, it looked like a single light from the tail of a commercial aircraft yet there were no navigation lights and no anti-collision beacons or strobe lights.
I continued to track the “Aircraft ” or craft across the night sky until it reached my eleven o clock position. F ascinated by what I was seeing, I mentioned it to the other people I was standing with on the patio, who all looked up, but due to their lack of aviation understanding were unable to appreciate what they were looking at, which was at that time effectively a single white light travelling at high altitude and great speed without any form of navigation lights on it whatsoever.
However as the craft reached my 11 o'clock, I saw what looked to be a star in the sky around an inch or so below and an inch further away from the craft. I would have said it was approximately around five nautical miles to the right of the path of the first craft which I had been tracking. As the first craft approached the “star” like object, I was astonished to see the second light which had been relatively dim in the night sky as if it was a normal stationary starlight in the sky. surprisingly and totally unexpectedly suddenly burst into a massive bright white star like light illuminating a relatively large area of sky around its own vicinity which was again at high altitude which my aviation experience would suggest was in excess of 50,000 ft or FL500 power away at a tremendous speed, with the acceleration well beyond any military aircraft I have ever seen in the nine years of military aviation experience, which includes some fast jet flying and a total of twenty two years of aviation experience in.
As the first craft I had been tracking from my 2'oclock which had been travelling from my right to left and was now at my 11 o'c lock approached upon the second statuary light which had just burst into the bright light and powered away at tremendous speed. The first craft I had been tracking had almost reached the second craft when the second craft burst in to life and shot away. Moments later as in around five second later the first craft also burst in to a bright burst of light which again illuminating a relatively large area of the night sky around the crafts own vicinity and immediately accelerated away catching the second craft which had been the first craft I had seen burst in to a ball of bright light and accelerate away from the approaching first craft. The first craft caught up with the other one and together as if in formation the two craft simply powered away in a climbing attitude and continued to accelerate upwards out of the earth’s atmosphere.
Only two of the people I had shown the craft to from the beginning had bothered to watch it all happen as it was all extremely high up in the night sky and people were more interested in eating and chatting. After the event I commented on what we had seen and I was keen to discuss in much detail but without any interest from other guests. The subject was dropped and never discussed again. Though for me the experience of what I witnessed on Salisbury plain that night has never left me and it is as if it had taken place yesterday and has been a life changing experience which has convinced me that we are not alone and that we are being visited by an intelligence far greater than ours. I am totally convinced that what I saw was piloted by an intelligent life force.
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Les OVNIs votent Hillary
Les OVNIs votent Hillary
Les militants de la divulgation, convaincus que le gouvernement américain cache la vérité sur l'origine extraterrestre des OVNIs, sont convaincus qu'Hillary Clinton est la candidate la mieux placée pour faire avancer leur cause.
Le magazine américain Mother Jones, fondé en 1976, est un fleuron de la presse américaine de gauche, syndicaliste et écologiste. Autant dire que les articles consacrés aux OVNIs n’y sont pas monnaie courante. Pourtant, dans son dernier numéro, Mother Jones évoque un soutien en apparence anecdotique mais, qui sait, peut-être décisif à la candidature de Hillary Clinton à la présidentielle: celui du lobby de la divulgation extraterrestre. Le principal représentant de ce groupe de pression est Stephen Bassett avec son «Disclosure Project». Depuis une vingtaine d’années, cet avocat de 68 ans multiplie les initiatives -pétitions, colloques, lettres ouvertes, initiatives citoyennes…- pour obtenir du gouvernement américain qu’il dévoile toute la vérité concernant la présence extraterrestre sur Terre. Stephen Basset est même le seul lobbyiste pro-divulgation enregistré officiellement sur la colline du Capitole.
Stephen Bassett DR
L’enthousiasme à l’égard de la candidature d’Hillary Clinton est partagé par de nombreux ufologues comme Michael Salla, un proche de Stephen Bassett: «Je pense qu’Hillary peut-jouer un rôle positif pour faire émerger l’information. Hillary est indéniablement la candidate la plus pro-divulgation alors que les autres candidats comme Jeb Bush (NDR: le frère de George W. Bush, ancien gouverneur de Floride) sont en faveur du maintien du statu-quo.»
Mais sur quoi repose cette foi en la volonté de l’ancienne secrétaire d’Etat de lever le secret sur les OVNIs alors qu’elle ne s’est jamais prononcée publiquement sur la question ? La réponse tient en deux noms: John Podesta et Laurance S. Rockefeller.
Le premier est une tête pensante du parti démocrate, ancien directeur de cabinet de Bill Clinton et Barack Obama. Passionné de longue date par le sujet OVNI, il a préfacé le livre de la journaliste Leslie King, «UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record». En en février dernier, il a twitté alors qu’il quittait ses fonctions à la Maison Blanche: «En définitive, mon plus grand échec en 2014 est une nouvelle fois de ne pas avoir pu sécuriser la divulgation du dossier OVNI.»
Pour Stephen Bassett et les autres tenants de la divulgation, il ne fait aucun doute que John Podesta est un allié de poids au coeur du pouvoir, d’autant que les liens qu’il entretient avec le couple Clinton sont aussi amicaux que politiques. «Le tweet de John Podesta a été un coup de tonnerre de la part de quelqu’un qui va être un conseiller clé de la candidate démocrate» s’enthousiasme Stephen Bassett, interrogé par Mother Jones.
"Laurance Rockefeller veut vous parler des phénomènes paranormaux et des OVNIs"
L’autre personnalité qui fascine les pro-divulgations est le milliardaire et philanthrope Laurance S. Rockefeller, quatrième fils de John D. Rockefeller Jr, héritier de la Standard Oil Company, l’homme le plus riche du monde au début du XXe siècle. Contrairement à son père, célèbre pour ses actions de mécénat en faveur de la culture et du patrimoine, Laurance S. Rockefeller s’est pris de passion pour le sujet OVNI. En 1993, rappelle Mother Jones, il a entamé un lobbying intensif auprès de l’administration Clinton pour tenter d’obtenir que toute la lumière soit faite sur le crash de Roswell en 1947 et les visites extraterrestres en général. En août 1995, il a accueilli dans son vaste ranch du Wyoming, Hillary Clinton, à l’époque First Lady. La présence probable de Bill Clinton n’a jamais été confirmée officiellement, en revanche le thème abordé au cours de cette visite ne fait aucun doute.
Dans un mémo adressé aux Clinton et cité par Mother Jones, le directeur du Bureau de la politique scientifique et technologique de la Maison-Blanche, Jack Gibbons les met en garde: «Laurance Rockefeller veut vous parler de son intérêt pour les perceptions extrasensorielles, les phénomènes paranormaux et les OVNIs». Jack Gibbons ajoute qu’il a tenté sans succès de dissuader le milliardaire de «vous ennuyer avec ça» et qu’il lui a conseillé de «recentrer les discussions sur les politiques scientifiques et technologiques menées par le gouvernement». «Rockefeller sait que nous essayons de l’aider en répondant à ses préoccupations sur les OVNIs et que nous gardons un esprit ouvert sur ces questions. Mais je ne lui ai pas fait mystère de ma conviction qu’il ne faut pas trop se laisser distraire des impératifs plus terre à terre.»
Preuve supplémentaire qu’Hillary Clinton n’a pas échappé à la marotte de Rockefeller, ce livre qu’elle tient sous son bras gauche sur cette photo prise pendant son séjour dans le ranch du milliardaire. L’ufologue français Tonyo Cousin, spécialiste de l’analyse photographique, est parvenu identifier l’ouvrage. Il s’agit de “Are We Alone? Philosophical Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life.” (Sommes nous Seuls ? Implications Philosophiques de la Découverte d’une Vie Extraterrestre) du physicien Paul Davies.
Pour Stephen Bassett, l’Initiative Rockefeller est la pierre de touche de son combat pour la divulgation. Selon lui, cette rencontre prouve que les Clinton sont concernés au plus haut point par ce processus: «Vous ne faites pas tout ça juste pour amuser un milliardaire» assène-t-il en feignant d’oublier qu’aux Etats-Unis les campagnes électorales sont souvent financées par des milliardaires qu’on a pris la peine «d’amuser»…
"Notre non-campagne a pour stricte politique de ne pas commenter les activités extraterrestres"
Stephan Basset va jusqu’à comparer ce week-end dans le ranch de Rockefeller à la fameuse robe bleue de Monica Lewinsky qui prouvait que Bill Clinton avait bien fauté avec sa stagiaire. Quant à l’ufologue Michael Salla, qui se fait souvent remarquer par des annonces fracassantes à défaut d’être crédibles, il prend aussi très au sérieux la petite phrase de Barack Obama prononcée au Jimmy Kimmel Live: «Nous ne pouvons rien révéler sur les extraterrestres. Ils exercent un contrôle strict sur nous».
"Hillary Clinton adopte un bébé alien" titrait l'inénarrable Weekly World News en 1993. L'intérêt supposé des Clinton pour les ovnis s'est répandu dans la culture populaire. DR
«C’est la première fois qu’un président américain dit-ça, même si c’est sous forme de blague» commente Salla. C’est aussi sur un ton humoristique qu’un porte-parole d’Hillary Clinton, Nick Merrill, a répondu à Mother Jones qui souhaitait obtenir la position officielle de la candidate sur les OVNIs: «Notre non-campagne a pour stricte politique de ne pas commenter les activités extraterrestres » écrit Nick Merrill dans un mail, «MAIS la Vérité est Ailleurs»…
Une réponse qui donne une nouvelle fois du grain à moudre aux militants de la divulgation… Mais n’est-ce pas le but recherché ? Pour Stephen Basset et les ufologues convaincus que le gouvernement américain ne dit pas tout ce qu’il sait, ces formulations ambigües ont pour but d’accoutumer progressivement le public à la révélation toujours imminente selon eux. Mais un autre chiffre retient l’attention: 35% c’est le pourcentage de la population américaine qui croit que les OVNIs sont réels et émanent d’une civilisation extraterrestres selon la plupart des sondages réalisés ces dernières années. Hillary Clinton n’a aucune raison de se fâcher avec 35% d’électeurs potentiels…
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Argentine Villagers Fear UFOs Are The Lanterns of the Devil
Argentine Villagers Fear UFOs Are The Lanterns of the Devil
Bright flashing lights are appearing out of nowhere on rural roads in the Ibicuy Islands of Argentina. Residents report that the lights are too intense to be oncoming vehicles. Besides, when they get to the spots where the lights were, there’s no car or truck to be seen. They wonder if the lights might be from UFOs, but what they fear the most is that they are Farol de Mandinga, the Lanterns of the Devil.
An illustration of horsemen fleeing Lanterns of the Devil
Also known as La Luz Mala or the evil or bad light, Farol de Mandinga (sometimes called Farol de Diablo) is the name natives of swampy areas in northern Argentina give to low-lying lights that seem to appear shortly after sunset. The lights are described as intensely bright with wisps emanating from them. The lights float and dance to entice people to follow them despite the sound of cries of pain that come from them. A lucky few will be led to the foot of a hill where treasure is buried. Most will instead find broken pottery containing decaying human remains – what’s left of the sinners whose souls have become the lights. The remains are said to be fatal to anyone who touches or even smells them, which is why they carry a blanket to put over their head.
A photo of La Luz Mala
No wonder the residents of the Ibicuy Islands fear them. The islands are swampy low-lying areas between the Paraná and Uruguay Rivers. There are few vehicles on the roads so people like this eyewitness are surprised by the sudden appearance of the lights.
… at the time, amid the solitude of the country, you do not know what to do, because it is very surprising, are like the headlights of an oncoming car head-on but when you look back nothing, no vehicle, only the lights, flashing and go.
Are these lights the feared Farol de Mandinga, UFOs or something else? The “something else” could be “ignis fatuus,” the Latin phrase meaning “foolish fire” used to describe the bright lights often called will-o’-the-wisp in the U.S. that are caused by the combustion of swamp gases.
Whatever these lights are, no one wants to see them on long, lonely, desolate stretches of highway unless their looking for buried treasure, a ghostly adventure or inspiration for a country-western song.
Le 7 février 2015, aux alentours de 16 heures 15, un homme a observé une probable soucoupe volante qui se mouvait lentement au-dessus de la ville de Draguignan, dans le Sud de la France. Les images de cet évènement ont été publiées sur Youtube. De quoi s’agit-il ? Son apparence fait de cet objet un véritable OVNI…
Cette scène surréaliste aurait durée environ 4 minutes. Le ciel, particulièrement bleu cet après-midi là, rendait l’engin métallique particulièrement visible. Selon les estimations du témoin, il mesurait au moins 10 mètres de longueur…
Témoignage :
Un ami qui sait que je suis porté, entre autres, sur le sujet OVNI, m’a fait savoir qu’il avait filmé quelque chose de bizarre dans le ciel Dracénois. Intrigué et septique, j’ai voulu voir de quoi il en retournait… Je n’ai pas été déçu!!!
L’observation qui a durée entre quatre et cinq minutes, a été faite le 7 Février 2015 à Draguignan. Le point de prise de vue se situe à 50m à l’ouest du stade de Draguignan sur le balcon d’un immeuble. L’angle de visée est orienté Ouest – Sud Ouest et l’objet se situait a une distance approximative de 3km… (d’après estimation sur les images)
Le film dure 2mn13s. On peut voir l’objet rester en stationnaire, faisant des déplacements lents verticalement, descendant et remontant de plusieurs mètres en restant sensiblement dans la même zone planimétrique…
Sur l’image on a du mal a définir la forme exacte de l’objet du fait de la distance de prise de vue et de la qualité de l’optique de l’appareil qui a servi à faire la vidéo. (téléphone portable). Néanmoins on peut voir clairement que l’objet est de couleur grisâtre, et les reflets du soleil laissent penser que le fuselage est d’apparence métallique…
Après avoir passé le film au ralentit, deux faits notables m’ont interpellés. A la 58e seconde, et à 1mn58s on peut voir clairement un objet supplémentaire passer a très très vive allure dans le champs de vision…! La première fois il descend à la verticale mais n’a pas tout a fait une trajectoire droite. Une minute après il traverse à nouveau l’écran en diagonale partant d’en haut a droite jusqu’en bas à gauche, mais cette fois ci la trajectoire est bien droite. Le ou les objets que je décrirai de forme sphérique ont l’air carrément plus petit que l’objet principal (que j’évalue environ a 50cm). En revanche il est très difficile d’évaluer la distance tant la vitesse de déplacement est élevée…
Après les deux minutes de vidéo la personne est rentrée chez elle, et est ressortie quasiment dans la foulée par curiosité, mais sans filmer… Au bout de deux minutes environ, elle a vu l’objet se déplacer vers Nord – Nord Est (direction Ampus), avant de disparaitre derrière le bâtiment ou elle se trouvait…
Pour finir, la personne qui a fait la vidéo, a depuis ce jour, une trace rouge sur l’avant bras gauche. (photo a l’appui)… La trace ressemble à une brulure ou une forte irritation. Cette trace est toujours visible aujourd’hui sur la personne concernée, lui provoquant des démangeaisons… La personne ne sait pas comment ses traces ont apparues car elle n’a pas eu de problèmes particuliers qui pourrait justifier cela…
So now we’re told that the Roswell Slides might not be linked to Roswell and that the name, Roswell Slides was invented by the debunkers and is not a term used by anyone on the inside. For the latest interviews with Don Schmitt and Tom Carey, see The Conspiracy Show hosted by Richard Syrett which can be found here:
The segment with Carey and Schmitt starts at the 1:04:20 mark of the show and they are on for about thirty minutes. You’ll just have to fast forward through the first hour to get to the Carey and Schmitt interview.
Here’s what we learn by listening to this. According to Tom Carey, the couple who took the slides was well connected to the Eisenhowers. The wife was a “high-powered lawyer in Midland, Texas and the husband was an oil field geologist.” Part of his territory was New Mexico. Please note that Carey is suggesting that the Rays, whose name he does not use, were the ones who took the photographs though all that can be said is that they may have owned the slides at one time decades ago. The provenance of the slides is still very shaky.
Carey then went on to explain how the slides were originally discovered. He said:
Current owner came into possession of the slides around 1990. The husband [Bernerd Ray] died in 1982 and the lawyer wife [Hilda Ray] died in 1988 [though not mentioned, it seems that they had divorced at some point]. During a clean out of their house, in their garage, one of the people who was part of the cleanup crew discovered this huge box of color slides, Kodachrome slides, and she said, “Oh, these look interesting,” so she kept them. She took them home instead of taking them to the dumpster. She took them for herself because nobody wanted them… so she kept them and didn’t look at them for a number of years [which seems strange after she had determined they were interesting, but never mind]. She finally looked at them and these two slides… were separate from all the others. There were over 400 slides in total. But there were these two that were taped in an envelope to the underside of the lid to the box. So she looked at those and she got spooked… She shipped the whole box to her relative who has them now. He was no UFO guy but he looked at these two slides and he says, “I don’t know what this is…” he had heard about Roswell… So he looked at them and I better contact somebody who knows something about this.
Of course, in his position, my first thought would have been to search for someone who knew about the Roswell UFO case. Carey said that the man had gone to the Internet (which is something I bet we all do now a days) and looked for something about Roswell. Carey’s name came up and the man set an email.
During the interview, Schmitt suggested that the “debunkers” had labeled them the Roswell Slides and they had not made that connection meaning that the slides were connected to Roswell. Syrett, in recapping some of this said that Carey and Schmitt weren’t linking these images to Roswell but there was a possibility that there was a connection (or in the words of nearly everyone else, let’s beat around the bush some more).
All though the interview, however, Carey talked as if it was an already established fact that the slides were from the Roswell case. Continuing in that vein, Schmitt said, “The dating of the slides is from 1947 to 1949. As we will be demonstrating at the event in May, there were specific areas that the photographers visited… both worked in west Texas and New Mexico… the circle of friends were closely linked to Eisenhower.” Or, in other words, this is connected to Roswell even though these people lived in Midland, Texas and had pictures of Eisenhower in his uniform.
The link to Eisenhower seems to be based on the fact that some of the slides in the box of 400 were of Eisenhower, which doesn’t link them to him personally other than they were in the same place at the same time… Just as I was in the same place as David Letterman and I even have a picture of me standing next to him, but we are not closely linked.
During the interview, Carey was asked about what linked the eyewitness testimony to other alien bodies. He said:
[The] woman standing by a glass slab… the body lying on it appears to be 3½ to 4 feet tall… large inverted pear-shaped head but there is one item on it, on top of the head that was described by one of the first-hand witnesses, one of the first ones to the crash site… the local fireman named Dan Dwyer who described when he got home that night and he told his family about it… they asked him, “What did it look like?” Instead of giving a detailed description he just said, “Child of the Earth.” [Which is an insect also known as the Jerusalem cricket]… It’s something on the head, I don’t want to give anything away here… there is something on the top of the head that one of the eyewitnesses described and it’s on this particular creature on the slide… That’s why Dan Dwyer called it the Child of the Earth.
But what Carey doesn’t say here, and which is extremely important is that Dwyer was never interviewed by any of the UFO researchers and calling him a first-hand witness without explaining the circumstances is misleading. Dwyer died before the interest in Roswell was renewed. Contrary to the impression that this is first-hand testimony, it was relayed by Frankie Rowe, Dwyer’s daughter. While I believe that Rowe is telling us what she believes to be the absolute truth, it is second hand from her so anything deduced from the testimony is shaky at best.
Apropos of nothing, Carey did mention that this ranked as a “smoking gun,” slightly better than the “smoking gun” of the Ramey memo. Both, according to Carey, are extremely important bits of evidence and, of course, the Ramey memo is directly related to Roswell.
What have we learned here?
Well, the Roswell Slides don’t necessarily show a creature from the Roswell crash, at least according to Schmitt. But then both he and Carey talk as if it was already proven that the creature, whatever it was, is from the Roswell crash.
The slides were apparently in a vacant house for two years before they were found, and then the woman who found them and took them, didn’t look at them for a number of years. She was so freaked out by them that she sent all the slides to her brother…I mean a relative, who apparently did nothing with them for years. Then about three years ago this fellow, who lives in Chicago, looked at them and thought he had better find someone who knew something about Roswell. He emailed Carey.
We also learned that when they attempted to interest American scientists in the slides, no one would come forward. The news media was equally unimpressed, but foreign scientists have examined the slides and made comment about them. Two of them are Canadian anthropologists who were not named but whose analysis will be part of the Mexico City show. They will be named there. All this data and much more will be presented in Mexico City.
And, although they suggest that the slides aren’t linked to Roswell, when they begin to talk about them, it is clear that is exactly what they think. And if they don’t, then why bring poor old PFC Benavides into it so that he can say that the creature in the photograph looks like the bodies he saw in Roswell? While they might not like the name the Roswell Slides and don’t refer to them that way, it is what they believe. All we can hope for is that they’ll have some better evidence about the slides than they have mentioned in the various interviews so far. The story of how the slides ended up in the hands of UFO researchers doesn’t allow for evidence of who took the pictures in the first place or for an unbroken chain of custody. There are still too many loose ends. I do hope they can do better in Mexico City.
The Original Roswell Slides will not be In Mexico City
The Original Roswell Slides will not be In Mexico City
Well, there is a new development in the saga of the Roswell Slides announced over at the UFO Conjectures blog. It seems that the originals will not put in an appearance in Mexico City. Instead, those who shell out their cash, and any media who show up, will be treated to copies. I’m sure that they’ll be high quality copies, much better than the screen grabs that we’ve been saddled with for the last several weeks but they will still be copies.
But here’s the thing. Without the originals, there will be no real way to prove that the slide film was manufactured in 1947, there will be no way to be sure that something hasn’t been manipulated, and it won’t advance our knowledge all that much, though we will have been given a good look at the image. But one of the critical factors is the date of the film stock from which the slides were taken and you can have as much documentation as you want, but the question will remain, is that documentation accurate. The real thing needs to be seen.
Yes, I get that if these are slides of a real, live, well dead, alien creature, their value will be enormous. Yes, I get that you might not want to take them on a trip out of the country, or out of the vault in which they should be held. But then, there are problems… as just a single example, the date of manufacture coding doesn’t appear on all the slides from a single roll, and it would be lucky that the one slide that was removed from its cardboard sleeve had that coding on it… not to mention that other coding, if visible, would provide the point of manufacture. I suppose a photograph of the slide’s coding would help, but then we’re removed from the original and that is always problematic.
Of course there will be other documentation presented, but given the nature of the slides, it will need to be quite persuasive… and copies of the slides just might not be enough. I remember in Roswell in 1997 that we were promised a great deal about a bit of metallic debris that was said to have been picked up by a soldier in 1947. We were told that the documentation would be available and that the chain of custody had been preserved. Unfortunately the documentation was flawed, the name of the soldier was not available and the chemical analysis, while exciting, was flawed. We’re not even close to that here.
Now we’re told that the real slides will be unavailable. We’re going to have a picture of a picture and that provides for a great deal of deception in the presentation. That doesn’t mean there will be deception, I merely point out that it opens the door… and I will point out that those who have engaged in the evaluation of the slides do have a rooting interest in their authenticity. In other words, much of the analysis and work has not been by disinterested third parties.
This also tells us that contrary to what he has said, Adam Dew is not the owner of the slides… unless of course if he doesn’t show up in Mexico City. That seems unlikely because he needs to be there to complete his documentary. So, we don’t know who owns the slides now other than it apparently isn’t any of those who will be at the big presentation.
And, apropos of nothing at all, I note that the Alien Autopsy footage was equally difficult to see in its original state. Frames with the alien on them were promised for proper testing, but somehow that never happened. Now we learn that the original slides will not be available for independent examination.Anyway, the point is this. The real evidence will not be presented in Mexico City and the mysterious owner of the slides, who does not live in Arizona (as some have suggested), will not be present with the slides. Say what you will, but this simply does not bode well. It is one more disappointed in a series of disappointments and I do not see a way to recover outside an independent analysis of the slides which doesn’t seem to be in the offing any time soon.
Wetenschappers hebben gereedschap ontdekt dat waarschijnlijk zo'n 3,3 miljoen jaar oud is. De ontdekking, gedaan in Kenia, is zeer bijzonder omdat de oudste mens zo'n 2,8 miljoen jaar oud is.
Het oudste gereedschap dat voor deze vondst werd ontdekt, is zo'n 2,5 miljoen jaar oud. Het lijkt er dus op dat dit gereedschap werd gemaakt door een van de voorlopers van de mens: een Australopithecus. In 1974 werd een van hen opgegraven in Ethiopië, een skelet dat de naam Lucy kreeg. Die menssoort ontstond zo'n vier miljoen jaar geleden in Afrika.
Volgens experts die de gereedschappen onderzocht hebben werden ze waarschijnlijk gebruikt om dingen af te knippen en af te breken. De materialen waren nuttig om planten, noten en vlees te bewerken.
Verfijnd Onder het gereedschap zat een verscheidenheid aan soorten en maten. Er waren grove gereedschappen, maar ook meer verfijnd materiaal. ,,Ze zijn niet zo verfijnd als de menselijke werktuigen, maar er is geen twijfel dat ze zo bedoeld zijn'', vertelt Richard Potts, die het onderzoek leidde.
De gevonden werktuigen zijn geen voorlopers van de gereedschappen die gemaakt werden door de eerste mens. Omdat er tussen het ontwikkelen van deze materialen en het ontstaan van de mens zo'n 700.000 jaar zit, is de kans aanwezig dat de kennis van het eerste gereedschap door de ontwikkelaars meegenomen is in het graf. Honderdduizenden jaren later zijn de gereedschappen herontdekt, zo denken wetenschappers.
Is er leven op Mars?Dat Mars water bevat in de vorm van ijs, weten we al lang. Maar een nieuwe studie in vakblad Nature wijst uit dat er vlakbij het oppervlak mogelijk ook vloeibaar water te vinden is. Is er dan toch leven op Mars?
Het onderzoek is het werk van een internationaal team van wetenschappers, dat zijn bevindingen baseerde op een interessante ontdekking van de marsrover Curiosity van NASA. De robot trof in de bodem van de gigantische krater Gale sporen van calciumperchloraat aan. Die stof verlaagt het vriespunt, zodat water geen ijs wordt maar vloeibaar blijft.
"Onder de juiste omstandigheden absorbeert calciumperchloraat water uit de atmosfeer", zegt onderzoeker Morten Bo Madsen, professor en hoofd van de Mars Group aan de universiteit van Kopenhagen. "Metingen wijzen uit dat die omstandigheden zich 's nachts en tijdens de winter ook net na zonsopgang voordoen."
Barre omstandigheden
Hoewel nu aangetoond is dat er wellicht vloeibaar water te vinden is op de rode planeet, is het volgens de onderzoekers niet erg waarschijnlijk dat er vandaag nog leven is
Het team deed vocht- en temperatuurmetingen op het oppervlak en op 1,6 meter boven de grond. Op basis daarvan maakte het een schatting van de hoeveelheid water die geabsorbeerd wordt.
Als de nacht valt, verdampt een deel van het water in de atmosfeer als vorst. "Calciumperchloraat absorbeert heel sterk en vormt een zoutoplossing met het water. Daardoor komt het vriespunt lager te liggen en wordt de vorst vloeibaar", klinkt het in de studie. Door het poreuze oppervlak zakt het water in de grond.
De aanwezigheid van vloeibaar water is een belangrijke voorwaarde voor leven. Maar hoewel nu aangetoond is dat er wellicht vloeibaar water te vinden is, is het volgens de onderzoekers niet erg waarschijnlijk dat er vandaag nog leven is op de rode planeet. Het is er te droog, te koud en de kosmische straling is zo krachtig dat ze minstens een meter in het oppervlak doordringt en daar al het leven doodt.
Wetenschappers sluiten echter niet uit dat er in het verleden wel leven geweest is. Mars had in vroegere tijden een dikkere atmosfeer, een mildere temperatuur en veel meer water.
SterrenkundeDe Plutosonde New Horizons heeft het eerste kleurenbeeld van de dwergplaneet vastgelegd. De foto, wereldkundig gemaakt door NASA, toont een roodachtige planeet, vergezeld van zijn grootste maan Charon.
New Horizons bevindt zich op dit moment op 115 miljoen kilometer van Pluto en zal de vergelegen dwergplaneet op 14 juli op korte afstand voorbijvliegen. Die ontmoeting staat nu al geboekstaafd als hét ruimtevaartevenement van het jaar.
Wanneer de missie voltooid is, zijn alle negen 'klassieke' planeten in ons zonnestelsel minstens één keer bezocht. Het is geleden sinds de jaren 80, toen Voyager 2 Neptunus passeerde, dat een nieuwe wereld van zo dichtbij ontdekt werd.
De foto die nu uitgebracht werd, is nog maar een voorsmaakje van de beelden en informatie die de missie zal opleveren. Vanaf volgende maand worden al foto's verwacht met een betere resolutie dan ruimtetelescoop Hubble tot nu toe opleverde. Tijdens het hoogtepunt op 14 juli zal New Horizons kleurenbeelden van het oppervlak maken.
Who says we are all the same in unity in this wheel of life’s essence? Why can’t we see we all come and go and while here on this planet we share unity of the humanoid species with a goal of not only survival but growth and nourishment for the entirety of our lives? Health and prosperity is what we desire for all living creatures and things and sustainability is expected of us as stewards of the universe. We are the alien contact experiencers in all places, planes, and dimensions while we are on a journey in consciousness as beings of essence. There are many of us that come and go in many ways including those ways some call UFOS. This has always been the eternal way of our immortal selves.
Who says we are not unique? We are in unity mode as part of the experiment process. When we come to this round planet there are clues designed into the matrix which were left by our ancient alien ancestors. It is up to each individual to find the clues left to make life in this working world a better place. We are each united in the fact that we all are born, we live, we die and most have no clue why right? That makes us all alien contact experiencers doesn’t it? Why do we as humanoids exist? Has anyone actually found out the truth and been able to prove it beyond the known fact that we exist here until we die? Maybe that is why we have the ancient Sumerian and Akkadian texts, Emerald Tablets, Book of Enoch, Mahabharata, and other historical artifacts to lead us down the many paths of this spiritual road to immortality? Wisdom is priceless while we are home here on this planet. There are other worlds that may seem alien to this planet that some of us are familiar with but not all.
Alchemy, Esoterics, the occult, all share clues for the alien experiencers who share their twice born lives. We hope your path in this life leads to that which is more ascended than descended as the conduct of humankind in the histories and discourses is due mentioned in specimens of books on earth. And what is seen in the universe, whether animate or inanimate, of created things, will at the end of the world, and after the expiration of the Yuga, be again confounded. And, at the commencement of other Yugas, all things will be renovated, and, like the various fruits of the earth, succeed each other in the due order of their seasons. Thus continues perpetually to revolve in the world, without beginning and without end, this wheel which causes the destruction of all things.
Some bards have already published this history, some are now teaching it, and others, in like manner, will hereafter promulgate it upon the earth. It is a great source of knowledge, established throughout the three regions of the world. It is possessed by the twice-born both in detailed and compendious forms. It is the delight of the learned for being embellished with elegant expressions, conversations human and divine, and a variety of poetical measures.
In this world, when it was destitute of brightness and light, and enveloped all around in total darkness, there came into being, as the primal cause of creation, a mighty egg, and the one inexhaustible seed of all created beings. It is called Mahadivya, and was formed at the beginning of the Yuga, in which we are told, was the true light Brahma, the eternal one, the wonderful and inconceivable being present alike in all places; the invisible and subtle cause, whose nature partakes of entity and non-entity. From this egg came out the lord Pitamaha Brahma, the one only Prajapati; with Suraguru and Sthanu. Then appeared the twenty-one Prajapatis, viz., Manu, Vasishtha and Parameshthi; ten Prachetas, Daksha, and the seven sons of Daksha. Then appeared the man of inconceivable nature whom all the Rishis know and so the Viswe-devas, the Adityas, the Vasus, and the twin Aswins; the Yakshas, the Sadhyas, the Pisachas, the Guhyakas, and the Pitris. After these were produced the wise and most holy Brahmarshis, and the numerous Rajarshis distinguished by every noble quality. So the water, the heavens, the earth, the air, the sky, the points of the heavens, the years, the seasons, the months, the fortnights, called Pakshas, with day and night in due succession. And thus were produced all things which are known to mankind.
And what is seen in the universe, whether animate or inanimate, of created things, will at the end of the world, and after the expiration of the Yuga, be again confounded. And, at the commencement of other Yugas, all things will be renovated, and, like the various fruits of the earth, succeed each other in the due order of their seasons. Thus continues perpetually to revolve in the world, without beginning and without end, this wheel which cause the destruction of all things.
On March 12 2015, six people witnessed the transit of a large luminous object over the vicinity of Cementerio del Este, located in the municipality of El Hatillo in northeastern Miranda State, in the Venezuelan capital region.
“At around 10:00 p.m. we were chatting as a group on an apartment terrace when one person asked us in astonishment to look skyward, and we saw three lights forming a triangle,” said Jacqueline López to journalist Héctor Escalante.
According to her account, the lights were red, white and green and blinked frequently. She said that after noticing the object – which remained static in the sky without making any kind of noise, they changed their topic of conversation to speculate on the artifact's possible origin.
“It made a sudden turn to the right, remained there for a while, and then repeated the same action in different directions,” she added. The object then began descending slowly and in a straight line over a bright white light that shone from the ground, until it vanished from sight.
“The light was broad and arched, and its edges were clearly outlined. It looked like a stadium light. The impression it gave us was that it was something casting light upward from the ground,” she added. The moment it lit up, she adds, “all of the dogs in the area began to bark.”
It remained there for a good while, she describes, and “then it turned off” and nothing further was seen. The witness notes that no one took photos or videos because they were enthralled by the UFO and did not want it out of their sight. “We were on a terrace and our things were inside the house. I asked them to go find a cellphone and no one wanted to go, so as not to miss the spectacle.”
I have written here previously about the newly published book from Timothy Green Beckley’s Global Communications, “UFO Repeaters: Seeing Is Believing! The Camera Doesn’t Lie!” But there remain several exciting case histories in the book that deserve coverage.
The term “UFO Repeater” was coined early on in the history of the modern UFO era to describe individuals who seemed to have nonrandom UFO encounters and who had even established an ongoing “relationship” with the flying saucer occupants. Why these Repeaters were separated from the pack, so to speak, and granted a kind of cross-species friendship – as well as the invitation to repeatedly photograph the ships and some occupants – remains a big unknown.
This is one of many mysteries the book “UFO Repeaters” presents to us, the UFO community. It includes the case histories of some specially selected shutterbugs PLUS many of the photographs the “chosen ones” were given to take. In every case, proof that the images were a simple matter of camera trickery has never been forthcoming and one can take the photos at face value in good conscience. None of the people behind the camera ever sought publicity, fame or money from the photos. All they wanted was to understand the mystery they found themselves bound up in.
Ellen Crystall’s initial experience with UFOs happened in 1971, shortly after she had moved from her native New Jersey to Hollywood, California, to begin a career in music. On her very first day in her new apartment, some of the other residents informed her that UFOs appeared nightly and they made a habit of sitting outside to watch. Though Ellen considered herself to be a nominal believer in the phenomenon, she was nevertheless surprised to hear about real-world UFOs from her neighbors.
Though many of Ellen Crystall's photos may at first seem to be ill-defined, if you spend enough time looking you will find that the meandering lights take on a form and shape of their own. This is a picture of two alien beings standing in front of a portal that had been opened to either their home planet or another dimension.The ships did indeed show up on a regular basis, sometimes with as many as 30 objects moving in the nighttime sky. One night Ellen decided to go to a small hill about a mile from her apartment complex and try to photograph the ships. The UFOs dutifully appeared, and Ellen snapped off four shots and then another three from the same location the next night. Ellen writes that she quickly regretted not taking more photos; she had hesitated to take any at all because her neighbors had said the aliens might be offended.
After Ellen had a frightening encounter with what seemed to be a low-flying ship chasing her down a Hollywood street, she flew home to New Jersey the next day and did not discuss her experiences with anyone. In spite of her terror, she continued to study the subject. When Ellen read an article in the now-defunct “OMNI Magazine” about UFOs, she contacted writer Harry Lebelson and told him about her California experiences and the photos she had taken. Lebelson invited her to accompany him to Pine Bush, a rural Orange County, New York, community nestled in the hills and valleys some 60 miles upstate from Manhattan. He said a couple who had frequent UFO sightings lived there and might have something in common with Ellen.
“Thus began my most intensive, revealing – and continuing – field study of UFOs through direct observation,” Ellen would later write in her book, “Invasion: They Come In Silence.”
“And when I say ‘field,’ I mean precisely that. I was to find myself in various fields and farm pastures in pursuit of elusive, wily but seemingly playful UFOs – and in search of answers to some very serious questions,” she added.
After that first visit to Pine Bush in July of 1980, Ellen would return there many times to photograph the ships. The UFO occupants always “greeted” her in their ambiguous but playful ways and obligingly let her take photos to her heart’s content.
But when Ellen took her first roll of film from Pine Bush to a local Fotomat store, the pictures showed bizarre bursts of multicolored lights, and “sprays” of shooting discharges and splashes of different hues were all over the film. Where were the triangular ships she had seen so clearly?
It would take two years before Ellen came to understand what had likely happened with the photos.
“Photography is a ‘two-edged sword’ for UFOlogists,” she writes. “Everyone keeps hoping for a ‘definitive’ photo – the clear-cut ‘real’ picture of a craft in the sky. I understand and share those hopes, but I have to say, after my years of UFO photography and research, I’ve come up with some starting information.”
In an effort to understand why the ships she had seen were not in the actual photos, she consulted several expert scientists. Scientists who specialized in radiation physics finally provided a possible answer. All film sold over the counter is sensitive to shortwave radiation that is outside of the visible spectrum of the naked human eye. She deduced that the sprays or bursts of light in the photos must be due to shortwave radiation between what she and the others had seen and the film’s level of sensitivity. Also, Ellen learned from textbooks on physics that any object surrounded by ultraviolet rays will, when photographed, be blurred on the film as well as show up as bluish, globule-type patterns of light.
This explains why so many UFO photos are often disappointing flashes of light. Even other UFO Repeaters who seem chosen by the aliens to regularly take such photos are sometimes subject to these same limitations, and Ellen has done the field a service by helping to catalog some of the details of the radiation spectrum problem for the non-physicists in the UFO community.
Ellen also writes that she once felt overcome with waves of love and compassion coming from the UFO occupants; this sense of a caring bond is another factor that unites many UFO Repeaters. Under regressive hypnosis, Ellen recalled a contact experience from early childhood that made her wonder if she was another alien abductee with a lifetime of encounters behind her. With or without conclusive photographic evidence, Ellen was undeniably caught up in the UFO phenomenon in a way that few others can claim to equal.
Another female voice in the choir of Repeaters is Elizabeth Klarer, who was born in 1910 in Mooi River, Natal, which was at the time a province of South Africa. Elizabeth was a well-respected member of high society in South Africa, and her husband was a major in the South African Air Force. Elizabeth herself worked for Air Force Intelligence.
After reading about the experiences of legendary contactee George Adamski in the 1950s, Elizabeth recalled that she had been receiving occasional telepathic messages from a friendly space alien named “Akon” since her childhood. While her sudden return of memory has been mocked as “all-too-convenient,” it is nevertheless true that contactees and abductees often experience such recall after their memories have been “reactivated” by some triggering mechanism, such as reading Adamski’s books in Elizabeth’s case.
Sometime around 1955, Elizabeth, using a Brownie Box Camera, took a series of photos – in the presence of two witnesses – of a metallic disc-shaped object slowly approaching in the darkening South African sky. Some of these photos are included in “UFO Repeaters,” and they are remarkably sharp.
Elizabeth claimed to have been carried up to a mother ship and taken to the home planet of Akon, her childhood alien contact. She became pregnant after intercourse with Akon and gave birth to a son. Her son was unable to return to Earth with her and stayed behind to be raised and educated on the aliens’ planet. The entire process – the trip, lovemaking, pregnancy, delivery, and return voyage – is said to have required less than four months.
While her Akon/pregnancy story was enthusiastically received in South Africa when she told the tale at lectures, most North American and European UFO researchers found it too farfetched to take seriously. It wasn’t until the 1980s and 90s that such stories became rather commonplace and the existence of an extraterrestrial genetics program that produced human/alien hybrid babies was firmly established as perhaps the primary alien motive for abducting humans in the first place.
The photos of what could be alien spacecraft taken by Gulf Breeze, Florida, building contractor Ed Walters continue to be controversial. Photo analysis experts have examined the photos in minute detail, often using computer enhancement techniques and a darkroom method called “light blasting” that brings the sometimes hazy images into sharper focus. If Ed’s photos are real, they rank as some of the most dramatically clear UFO photos ever captured on film.
UFO Repeater Ed Walters took “responsibility” for the UFOs that appeared over Gulf Breeze, Florida. It was November 1987, and Ed was sitting alone in his home office when he happened to glance out the window and saw an unusual light across the street that was partially obscured by a 30-foot pine tree in his front yard. Unable to see whatever was there clearly enough, Ed went to his front door and opened it. He saw a bluish-gray craft that was “right out of a Spielberg movie that had somehow escaped the film studio.”
Ed saw the craft glowing and gliding along like a cloud in total silence. He realized this was no movie prop gone astray, and his first thought was to call the police. Thinking that no one would believe him without any proof, he went back inside and grabbed the old Polaroid camera he frequently used on his construction job sites. Ed took his first photo as the craft came from behind a small tree. He recalls that he felt a mind-numbing sense of shock and awe as he struggled with his camera.
Article continues tomorrow April 17, 2015!
When it comes to The Great Taboo, everyone’s got an angle. Few are as unique as David Marler’s specialization bonanza — Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation — which came out in 2013. Initially intrigued by the 1989-91 Belgian UFO wave, Mailer plunged headlong into the controversy following the southern Illinois sightings of Jan. 5, 2000, which became famous for, among other things, igniting befuddled radio chatter among multiple police departments. His family also has a riveting personal back story that no doubt greased the skids for his curiosity. Anyhow, last weekend at a Florida MUFON meeting in Valrico, Marler made his pitch for a centralized and accessible digital database. As he informed nearly 70 listeners, those who suspect classified military technology is the culprit may be in for an ice bath. Marler states the first documented discussion of observable triangles appears in — wait for it — an 1882 edition of Scientific American. More than a century ago, astronomers claimed to have detected “triangular luminous appearances” traversing the glow of the moon. Marler fleshes out additional 19th ntury references, as well as 20th-century triangle encounters observed generations before stealth designs were factored into the U.S. arsenal. Almost as amazing as the voluminous compendium of incidents is the mind’s-eye image of Marler — or practically anybody, actually — sifting through reams of ancient newspaper, magazine, and journal articles to stitch these narrative threads together.
But here it is: An International News Service piece about 300 West Berliners reporting triangles above the divided city in 1953; Texas sheriff’s deputies reconstructing a highway game of cat-and-mouse for the Houston Chronicle in 1965; law enforcement agents relating tales of a “pyramidal UFO” to the Memphis Press-Scimitar in 1977; multiple witnesses, including a named FAA air traffic controller, detailing for California’s Auburn Journal how a delta-shaped object followed a major freeway in 1978; “hundreds of residents” from Kansas to Missouri witnessing a triangle event in 1980 and chronicled in Missouri’s Express & News daily; Fort Worth’s Cross Country News recording how “hundreds of sightings” of triangle-shaped objects erupted across Florida, Georgia, Ohio and Michigan during two days in 1975 — this stuff goes on and on and on. In short, said Marler, who began to have suspicions about military candor during his formal requests for radar data on the 1/5/2000 Illinois case, in reviewing more than a hundred years’ worth of reports, “We don’t see an evolution in the technology of triangular UFOs . . . We’re dealing with a tangible phenomenon that’s been around for a long time.”
The licensed hypnotherapist offered some broad characteristics about triangle-class UFOs: The overwhelming majority are nocturnal and silent. Landing cases are virtually non-existent. More often than not, they’re seen cruising speeds at below-radar altitudes, but they can rapidly accelerate. The suckers are large, averaging 200-300 feet in length. They can hover and make sideways right-angle turns without banking. They can move in non-aerodynamic fashion, broad edges forward, tapered edges aft. Superstructures are sometimes observed, as well as shape-shifting properties. In fact, according to unfiltered National UFO Reporting Center surveys, categorically speaking, triangles trail only “lights” in eyewitness volume. In a 2012 listing of configurations, in fact, flying-saucer discs don’t even rate a bronze. “What we need,” Marler said in an appeal for more volunteer investigators, “are more bodies in the field” to gather data. After all, say MUFON officials, a revolution in optical technology with the potential to generate mountains of evidence is right around the corner. More later on that.
Kleine UFO’s die ronddartelen, terwijl er vanuit het ISS (International Space Station) ook regelmatig grote sigaarvormige moederschepen worden waargenomen.
Over de volgende opname is weinig bekend, behalve dat deze gemaakt schijnt te zijn vanuit een passagiersvliegtuig in de buurt van de Amerikaanse stad Atlanta in de staat Georgia. Meerdere media publiceren deze informatie als nieuw maar het gebeurde al in 2013.
Vanuit het vliegtuigraam filmt de passagier een formatie van drie UFO’s die het vliegtuig als het ware volgen.
Dan, op een gegeven moment schiet één van de ufo’s weg onder het vliegtuig door. Even later volgen de andere twee.
Scott Waring ontdekte op één van webcams van het ISS ruimtestation, die naar de aarde staat gericht, een groot sigaarvormig ruimteschip. Onze ervaring leert dat er dan tegelijkertijd meestal ook waarnemingen zijn zoals hierboven van de ronde oplichtende bollen. We zijn benieuwd of die bekend zullen worden.
We weten uit eerdere opnames dat dit soort schepen fungeren als moederschip of dimensieportaal voor die kleinere UFO’s.
Er wordt door iemand daar een vreemdsoortige wolk gefilmd die een beetje de vorm heeft van een UFO moederschip. Van daaruit, wat eigenlijk een dimensieportaal is, komen de UFO’s tevoorschijn zoals je kunt zien op de volgende afbeelding.
Aan de linkerkant schiet een witte ronde UFO naar buiten. Op de afbeelding hierna is zichtbaar dat het aan beide kanten van het dimensieportaal gebeurt.
Hiermee zouden politici door mensen bestookt moeten worden. Voor onze ogen zien we UFO’s verschijnen en weer verdwijnen in wat een vreemdsoortige wolk lijkt. Het komt steeds vaker voor en zeker ook in ons land.
In de onderstaande video legt Scott meer uit over de door hem gevonden sigaarvormige UFO.
Wie weet is dit het moederschip van kleinere UFO’s zoals die gefilmd zijn bij het passagiersvliegtuig.
VIDEO: Disc-shaped object over Ontario, Canada 14-Apr-2015
VIDEO: Disc-shaped object over Ontario, Canada 14-Apr-2015
New video of some kind of a brigh flying saucer flying over the sky above Scarborough in Ontario, Canada. This was seen and recorded on 14th April 2015.
Witness report: I was coming home from dinner at around 820 pm yesterday April 14th 2015 When i saw a bright red light in the sky thinking nothing of it. As I walked towards my door the light became brighter and dropped down very close to the horizon very quickly and changed from a light aqua blue to white to red all while standing still and then darting from left to right. I called my mom to come see and she told me to pull out my camera since it was still twilight I was able to capture our sigthing. The ufo continued to descend into an area of houses and floated around and seemed to have gone lower into the trees where we couldn’t see it anymore so I stopped taping and we went inside. After that I took my dogs for a walk behind my condo where I usually take them which is the elementary school playing field. I was afraid to walk further south since that’s where I saw the ufo. But i continued my walk and observed the sky and started seeing one Ufo very far into the sky leaving a trail then more appeared about 4 or 5. One coming very low close enough for me to be able to tell it definitely was not an airplane. It was your typical saucer shaped disc with lights all around the sides flashing in pattern with some lights shining brighter than others. i was afraid because the more i looked the more seemed to fill the sky so I began to walk back home i was very very afraid at this point. I did want to video tape what i was seeing but my phone camera isn’t good for night shots and of course I was too terrified to even think. As I hurried home i kept looking back to see if they were coming closer but as I watched they started fading and disappearing higher into the sky and i got home pretty shaken up. I’m very confused and I’d like to know what I saw. I have encountered many ships before but never this close and never on camera. And also the phone I used to capture the video is a Samsung S5. Thank you very much.
Looking Back At The Mysterious Betz Sphere Artifact
Looking Back At The Mysterious Betz Sphere Artifact
A weird, bright metal object was found on March 27, 1974 by members of the Betz family when they checked the damaged from a small brush fire near their property on Ft. George Island in Florida. The metallic object was quite heavy and similar to the size of a bowling ball. The family initially thought of a cannonball because of a long history of Spanish mission way back in the 16th century. Antoine and Jerri Betz, accompanied by their then 21-year-old son Terry, decided to take the mysterious metallic ball to their home.
Back in their home, when Terry was playing his guitar, the first incident of the family with the ball took place. According to the family, the ball resonated the music and moved around all by itself. When they put the ball on their table, it navigated on its own around the perimeter and managed not to fall.
Doors started slamming without any reason in the house and filled with organ music, even though no such music instrument around the resident. When Terry hit the ball with a metal object, the family members heard a ringing sound.
They also found the metallic object was sensitive to weather conditions where sunny days produced more activities than cloudy days. Infrared or direct heat seemed to have no effect on the object. When the family had enough, they contacted the media hoping that someone might explain the identity of the bizarre artifact.
The photographer of Jacksonville Journal, Lou Egner, saw the ball turned by itself and rolled to the right around four feet. It stopped and then turned again, rolled to the left around eight feet. It then made a large arc and came right back to the photographer’s feet.
The media frenzy followed, and the family started to think about the possibility that they recovered an alien space probe. They then decided to subject the ball to a test, which was done by Dr. Carl Williston of Omega Minus One, a Louisiana-based institution at that time.
After approximately six hours of testing, Dr. Williston found three to four magnetic poles in the sphere. He said that magnetic field’s aspect was a mind bender, the field’s flux density seemed to vary in strength based on a strange pattern. In simple terms, the magnetic portion’s power changed up and down. Back in 1974, the phenomenon wasn’t part of physics.
The object was examined with an x-ray and Williston found out 3 similar spheroid shapes within the ball. These 3 identical shapes had a halo surrounding them. The metal can be compared to stainless steel but had unknown content, making it slightly different metal as we know it.
The Betz ball is nowhere to be found today. The ball faded together with its news. Where is the Betz ball today? No news about the family as well. Is it still possible to contact them? No one can tell their exact location.
This Prehistoric Underground Temple Hides The Unexplained Mystery Of Elongated Skulls
This Prehistoric Underground Temple Hides The Unexplained Mystery Of Elongated Skulls
April 15, 2015 - The only known prehistoric underground temple worldwide is located in Malta. Dating back to 5.000 B.C, “Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni” or simply “Hypogeum”, from the Greek word hypo (under) and gaia (mother earth) is an underground construction, which consists of interconnecting chambers in three levels.
Hypogeum, carved into 2.000 tons of stone, was discovered in 1902 by construction workers while working on the foundations of a building. The first excavator of this underground construction was Fr Emmanuel Magri.
He worked there between 1904 and 1906, but his notes were lost after his death in Tunisia. Magri was succeeded by Sir Themistocles Zammit until 1911. Archaeologists believe Hypogeum was used until 2500 B.C.
Although its original purpose is unknown, they are sure that it was used as a burial place. Further excavation of Hypogeum revealed the first and oldest level, which consists of a large hollow with burial chambers on its sides. Its main entrance used to be on the surface.
A doorway leads to the second level, filled with impressive carved stones in different shapes, pentagons and floral patterns in red ochre.
The deepest level consists of the “Main Room” and other rooms: the “Decorated room”(a richly decorated chamber), the “Snake Pit”(used for either keeping snakes or collecting alms), the “Holy of Holies”, and the “Oracle Room”. Researchers have made extensive studies on the acoustic properties of the last chamber.
Any sound made in this room is heard all throughout Hypogeum and can affect human emotions. But there is a lot more in this superb prehistoric structure.
When it was discovered, more than 7.000 skeletons were found in the chambers near the entrance. The photos of Dr Anton Mifsud and his colleague Dr Charles Savona Ventura testify their existence.
Further examination of the skulls showed that, due to peculiar abnormalities, they were elongated, and one lacked the Fossa median.
There was also found a small statue of a sleeping goddess, with a snake inscription on it.
Research suggests that these skulls belonged to people with a natural genetic tendency for elongated skulls.
Until 1985, a number of these strange, lengthened skulls were exposed in the Archaeological Museum in Valletta. Today, there are only 7 skulls. The rest of them have disappeared, along with the 7.000 from Hypogeum and haven’t been recovered since then. Hypogeum first opened to visitors in 1908.
Since then, hundreds of people keep visiting it every year. Although only small groups of visitors are allowed in it, in order to maintain temperature and humidity at required levels, booking a Hypogeum tour and seeing the past through the eyes of our ancestors looks like an overwhelming experience.
This place is full of inexplicable mysteries that remain unsolved, which makes it even more fascinating and attractive to the visitors.
The Forbidden History Of Ancient China: Aryan Mummies And Hundreds Of Pyramids
The Forbidden History Of Ancient China: Aryan Mummies And Hundreds Of Pyramids
April 15, 2015 - [Hitler regarded individuals who were 6ft. 6in. and taller as being closest genetic relatives of the original proto-Aryan tribes from central Asia from which the Caucasian people and civilizations are said to have descended.
Recent discoveries of hundreds of ancient mummies in Asia are forcing a re-examination of old Chinese books that describe as being of great height, with deep-set blue eyes, long noses, full beards, and red or blonde hair.
The discoveries of the giant 4,000-year-old “Beauty of Loulan” and (six-foot, six-inch) “Charchan Man” support the legends about these mythical ancient Aryans.]
After years of controversy and political intrigue, archaeologists using genetic testing have proven that Caucasians roamed China’s Tarim Basin thousands of years before East Asian people arrived.
The research, which the Chinese government has appeared to have delayed making public out of concerns of fueling Uighur Muslim separatism in its western-most Xinjiang region, is based on a cache of ancient dried-out corpses that have been found around the Tarim Basin in recent decades.
“It is unfortunate that the issue has been so politicized because it has created a lot of difficulties,” Victor Mair, a specialist in the ancient corpses and co-author of “Mummies of the Tarim Basin”, told AFP. “It would be better for everyone to approach this from a purely scientific and historical perspective.”
The discoveries in the 1980s of the undisturbed 4,000-year-old “Beauty of Loulan” and the younger 3,000-year-old body of the “Charchan Man” are legendary in world archaeological circles for the fine state of their preservation and for the wealth of knowledge they bring to modern research.
In historic and scientific circles the discoveries along the ancient Silk Road were on a par with finding the Egyptian mummies. But China’s concern over its rule in restive Xinjiang has widely been perceived as impeding faster research into them and greater publicity of the findings.
The ancient corpses, which avoided natural decomposition due to the dry atmosphere and alkaline soils in the Tarim Basin, have not only given scientists a look into their physical biologies, but their clothes, tools and burial rituals have given historians a glimpse into life in the Bronze Age.
Researchers who have played a pivotal role in bringing the discoveries to Western scholars in the 1990s have worked tirelessly to get Chinese approval to take samples out of China for definitive genetic testing.
One expedition in recent years succeeded in collecting 52 samples with the aide of Chinese researchers, but later Mair’s hosts had a change of heart and only let five of them out of the country.
“I spent six months in Sweden last year doing nothing but genetic research,” Mair said from his home in the US where he teaches at the University of Pennsylvania.
“My research has shown that in the second millennium BC, the oldest mummies, like the Loulan Beauty, were the earliest settlers in the Tarim Basin. From the evidence available, we have found that during the first 1,000 years after the Loulan Beauty, the only settlers in the Tarim Basin were Caucasoid.”
East Asian peoples only began showing up in the eastern portions of the Tarim Basin about 3,000 years ago, Mair said, while the Uighur peoples arrived after the collapse of the Orkon Uighur Kingdom, largely based in modern day Mongolia, around the year 842.
“Modern DNA and ancient DNA show that Uighurs, Kazaks, Krygyzs, the peoples of Central Asia are all mixed Caucasian and East Asian. The modern and ancient DNA tell the same story,” he said.
Mair hopes to publish his new findings in the coming months.
China has only allowed the genetic studies in the last few years, with a 2004 study carried out by Jilin University also finding that the mummies’ DNA had Europoid genes, further proving that the earliest settlers of Western China were not East Asians.
Klassieke UFO vertoont zich aan toeristen bij piramide ( update + video)
Klassieke UFO vertoont zich aan toeristen bij piramide ( update + video)
Voor UFO-waarnemingen is Mexico het land bij uitstek.
Een prachtige opname is boven water is gekomen van een UFO die zich vertoont aan toeristen bij de Piramide van de Zon.
Update:14 april 2015
Nadat we het originele artikel hieronder hadden geplaatst, kregen wij van een aantal lezers de opmerking dat de door professor Ana Luisa Cid gemaakte opname van een UFO bij de Mexicaanse piramide in Teotihuacan niet echt zou zijn.
Naar aanleiding van het feit dat wanneer je de UFO op de afbeelding vergroot, het lijkt alsof deze er later in geplakt zou zijn.
Echter, mevrouw Cid blijft vasthouden aan het verhaal dat deze UFO wel degelijk echt is en heeft nu een video gepubliceerd (helaas in het Spaans) waarin ze verder op dit verhaal in gaat en ook spreekt met een tweetal werknemers die zo ongeveer iedere dag op die plek vertoeven:
Alberto Galicia Hernandez:
Wat wij in de verte hebben gezien zijn zwarte dingen wanneer de zon ondergaat, zo rond zes uur. Terwijl de zon wegzakt, zien we dit ongeïdentificeerde object bewegen en toen ik mijn kameraden riep om te komen kijken, was het weg. ’s Nachts tijdens een patrouille heb ik lichten zien bewegen boven de top van de piramide. Maar deze lichten schenen snel rond te draaien. Dit waren gele lichten, meer zoals van een auto. Maar, wel fel genoeg om pijn te doen aan de ogen.
Er worden hier meer vreemde dingen gezien. Deze lichten waar ik het over had, duurden ongeveer drie minuten. Toen opeens, in letterlijk een oogwenk, waren ze verdwenen. De lichten die ik gezien heb, hebben de vorm van een driehoek.
Andrés Alfaro Aguilar:
In dit gebied hebben wij een kleine zilveren schijf gezien, zo rond het midden van de dag. Het reflecteerde zonlicht en ging vanuit stilstand heel snel een bepaalde richting op. Het was in de buurt van de piramide van de Zon.
Er is daar een plek waar heel veel zonne-energie is geconcentreerd. Er bevindt zich daar een kleine staaf waar alle energie van de zon in is geconcentreerd. Vroeger was deze staaf afgedekt met mica, maar nu is hij vervangen door een zilveren. Het enige wat je moet doen is je vinger erop plaatsen en wanneer je dat doet, dan voel je je ontspannen. Je moet je vinger er ongeveer vijf minuten op laten.
Al met al wordt niet duidelijk uit de verhalen van mevrouw Cid of er meerdere getuigen zijn die dag die de door haar gepubliceerde UFO hebben gezien, 8 maart 2015.
Gezien de kwaliteit van de foto blijft die waarneming twijfelachtig, hoewel de verhalen van de andere getuigen wel degelijk aangeven dat er zich regelmatig UFO’s vertonen bij de Mexicaanse piramides.
We kennen daar de ontelbare waarnemingen bij de grote vulkanen zoals de Popocatépetl, maar ook de UFO die met onvoorstelbare snelheid een wolk binnenvliegt en daar niet meer uit komt aan de andere kant. Een absoluut bewijs dat we hier te maken hebben met dimensieportalen.
In dat land is de UFO onderzoekster Ana Luisa Cid actief. In Mexico en ook ver daarbuiten is ze een bekende verschijning op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Ze heeft haar opwachting gemaakt in tal van televisieprogramma’s, waaronder een documentaire van History Channel.
Zelf heeft ze ook de nodige waarnemingen gehad en op 8 maart jongstleden,vond er een bijzonder voorval plaats met betrekking tot Ana Luisa Cid.
Op die dag bracht ze een bezoek aan de archeologische vindplaats van Teotihuacan in de staat Mexico. Ze maakte daar een hele serie foto’s en dan in het bijzonder van de Piramide van de Zon.
Piramides hebben alles te maken met energie zoals wij enkele dagen geleden beschreven in een artikel over de fotonengordel. Ana Luisa vertelt hoe er bij de Piramide van de Zon een steen is met een gat en wanneer mensen die aanraken ze zich als het ware weer opgeladen voelen met energie.
Terwijl zij daar bezig is met het maken van foto’s, te midden van toeristen, komt het volgende tevoorschijn.
Een werkelijk prachtige foto met daarop de toeristen op de piramide en een UFO die zich vertoont:
De foto is in alle opzichten klassiek want niet alleen zijn er talloze getuigen, maar ook de UFO zelf heeft de klassieke retrovorm zoals de meeste mensen zich “vliegende schotels” voorstellen.
Er is voor ons dan ook geen enkele twijfel dat er zich in Mexico één of meerdere buitenaardse bases bevinden. Het land heeft de piramides en andere heilige gebouwen uit de tijd dat er veel meer contact was met buitenaardsen, de vulkanen die door UFO’s veelvuldig worden bezocht en het barst er letterlijk van de UFO-waarnemingen.
Helaas zie je daar bij ons in het acht uur journaal helemaal niets van terug.
A Young Steven Spielberg Meets the President (Reagan) Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO On June 27, 1982, a year after Reagan entered the White House, Ronald Reagan made one of his most famous alien remarks when he hosted Steven Spielberg in the White House. Spielberg was at the White House to present a private screening of his soon to be released movie called “ET: The Extraterrestrial.”
Bush Says UFO Promise Still On Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO Therefore, when Cheney arrived in Roswell a few months later, many thought it was a sign of positive things to come. Cheney, to the disappointment of many UFO watchers, simply made his speech with no mention of E.T.s or anything remotely close, and flew on to Wyoming. Disclosure didn’t come, but the UFO hopefuls still remained optimistic.
Carter White House Denied UFO Info Disclosure Project (Mar 2002) A former Defense Intelligence Agency official, a senior Stanford Research Institute policy analyst and famed constitutional attorney Daniel Sheehan have all confirmed that President Carter’s attempts to obtain UFO information was thwarted by illegal actions by rogue military and intelligence entities.
Eisenhower’s 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials: The Fiftieth Anniversary of First Contact? Michael E. Salla, PhD,, Revised Febuary 12, 2004 This paper explores the evidence that the First Contact meeting had occurred with extraterrestrials with a distinctive ‘Nordic’ appearance, the likelihood of an agreement having been spurned with this ‘Nordic race’, the start of a series of meetings that led to a treaty eventually being signed with a different extraterrestrial race dubbed the ‘Greys’, and the motivations of the different extraterrestrial races involved in these treaty discussions. The paper will further examine why these events were kept secret for so long, the significance of the 50th anniversary of Eisenhower’s meeting with extraterrestrials, and whether an official disclosure announcement is likely in the near R
Extraterrestrial Politics in the Clinton White House (1993-2001) and the Laurance Rockefeller Initiative Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO Records from the Clinton Office of Science and Technology Policy related to UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence and the Laurance Rockefeller Initiative. This paper is an attempt to provide an overview of what is contained in the collection, as well as provide a bit of background of what was going on related to UFOs in the Clinton White House outside of these documents which only with The Office of Science and Technology Policy, which is only one arm of the White House.
Former White House chief of staff supports openness of info about Area 51 October 23, 2002, Las Vegas Review Journal The federal government should conduct a review of what information could be made public about the top-secret Area 51 air base in Nevada, former White House chief of staff John Podesta said Tuesday. R
How Presidents Have handled The Topic Of UFOs Robert Barrow, Argosy UFO, Winter 1977-78 (Grant Cameron) Two men voiced their concern over the existence of UFOs before assuming the highest elective office in this country: Former President Gerald R. Ford and President Jimmy Carter.
Ike and the Alien Ambassadors (Eisenhower) Peter Carlson, The Washington Post, February 19, 2004 Fifty years ago tomorrow — on Feb. 20, 1954 — President Dwight Eisenhower interrupted his vacation in Palm Springs, Calif., to make a secret nocturnal trip to a nearby Air Force base to meet two extraterrestrial aliens. Or maybe not. Maybe Ike just went to the dentist. There’s some dispute about this.
Jimmy Carter, the Nobel Prize, and Extraterrestrials Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO The most recent winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, former President Jimmy Carter, has long been interested in the peaceful co-existence of humans on this planet. If historic records are any indication, however, it appears that the former President has long held a similar interest in peaceful relations with extraterrestrials who might be visiting this planet, since his sighting of a strange unidentified object in Leary, Georgia in 1969.
Jimmy Carter’s UFO Close Encounter Buck Wolf, When a President Says He’s Seen a UFO, You Really Have to Wonder if the Truth Is Out There. President Carter filed two formal reports when he was governor of Georgia describing his observation of an unidentified flying object to organizations that collect and promote UFO sightings as unexplained phenomena.
Media Control and the Presidents Interest in Ufology Dennis Balthaser, 10/18/01 The general public has a hard time accepting the statements I make from time to time, that the news media is controlled to some degree by the government, and that the President of the United States is not totally informed about the UFO situation.
President Carter, Daniel Sheehan, and Donald Menzel : The Congressional Research Service UFO Studies for President Jimmy Carter Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO Shortly after President Carter came to power in January 1977, Daniel Sheehan, then General Counsel to the United States Jesuit National Headquarters – National Office of Social Ministry in Washington, D.C., was reportedly approached by Marcia S. Smith, Director of the Library of Congress’s Science and Technology Division of the Congressional Research Service.from 1984-1985. Sheehan reported that he was asked by Smith “to participate in a highly classified major evaluation of the UFO phenomena, and extraterrestrial intelligence.”
President Eisenhower Meets the Aliens? William L. Moore, Gazette, Hollywood, California, March 29, 1989 The story about Eisenhower’s February 1954 trip to Palm Springs for a winter holiday, and his subsequent late Saturday night disappearance, has fueled rumors that Eisenhower traveled to nearby Edwards Air Force Base to meet with aliens. One of the best recounting of this rumor was done by William Moore a prominent California researcher who traveled to the Eisenhower Library to do research and actually interviewed the wife of one of the key witnesses to the story.
President George Bush (Sr.) and UFOs Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO Of all the Presidents that have been faced with the UFO problem, George Bush seemed, on the surface, to be the best qualified President to have been given the secret. He spent a year as Director of Central Intelligence, the head of the entire United States Intelligence Community for President Ford. Then as DCI, he was in charge of giving intelligence briefings to Jimmy Carter during his transition to the Presidency in 1976.
President George W. Bush and UFOs Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO The second strong indicator that Bush was not open to UFO disclosure came from the experience of John E.L. Tenney, the co-founder of M.A.I.N, or the Michigan Anomalous Information Network. His efforts to get campaigner George Bush to talk about UFOs met with the same failure that Peter Robbins had experienced.
President Gerald Ford and UFOs Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO Prior to becoming President Gerald Ford was a Representative representing Michigan in the U.S. Senate, and also Minority Leader in the Senate. In 1966 Michigan experienced hundreds of UFO sighting. The reports of weird dancing light produced quite a furor.
President Harry S. Truman and UFOs Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO President Harry Truman is the first President to have to deal with the UFO phenomena publicly. There may have been sightings and/or UFO crashes before Truman, but nothing that had to be dealt with publicly. More importantly, Truman was the first President who had to deal with the public relations problems that go along with the UFO phenomena.
President Jimmy Carter and UFO’s Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO President Jimmy Carter has often been referred-to as the “UFO President” due to the fact that he publicly claimed to have had a UFO sighting prior to becoming president. Moreover, he was the only president on record to actually file a UFO sighting report related to his sighting. Thirdly, on at least one occasion while campaigning for president, Carter declared that, if elected, he would “make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists.”
President Jimmy Carter’s Actual UFO Sighting Report Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO Many internet sites display a UFO sighting report related to President Carter’s 1969 UFO sightings. The NICAP report, however, is only a retyped version of the original report which was filed with the International UFO Bureau in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Below you will find the original handwritten report made by the Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter in 1973, along with the letter written to him by Hayden Hewes, the Director of IUFOB at the time, asking for the report. This copy was found at the Carter presidential library in Atlanta.
President John F. Kennedy and the UFOs: Was JFK silenced for knowing too much? Jim Marrs, 06/08/2000 President John F. Kennedy may have had more than the usual knowledge about UFOs, according to several credible sources. R
President John F. Kennedy and UFO’s Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO As with many other U.S. presidents, there was a report that Kennedy had sighted a UFO. The event occurred in 1963, while boating off Hyannisport on Cape Cod. The object was “disc-shaped, about 60 feet in diameter, with a grey top, and shiny bottom.” It hovered above the water for 40 seconds, emitting a low pitched humming sound. Then it flew straight up in the air and was gone. Kennedy swore those present to keep the incident secret.
President Reagan saw UFO, often spoke of a world united because of alien invasion UFO Universe, 1998 Supermarket tabloids, that strange breed of sensationalistic American journalism, have been talking for most of the decade about Ronald Reagan’s fascination with things like astrology and space aliens. Little attention was paid to the matter … after all, the stuff was printed in the tabloids and nobody sane is supposed to believe in them. Yet truth is becoming stranger than fiction in the case of Ronald Wilson Reagan and some of his more curious remarks.
President Richard Nixon and UFO’s Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO Even though the Nixon Presidency was short and rocky, a number of UFO stories and related space developments did take place. Nixon, for example, was the President who was able to take credit for an achievement dreamed of and initiated by President Kennedy. He presided over the landing of the first men on the moon in July 1969. Nixon described the Apollo 11 mission as the “greatest week in the history of the world since Creation,” a statement that brought criticism from his close friend Billy Graham.
President Ronald Reagan and UFOs Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO A question remains, however, as to how much of the UFO secret was given to Reagan the President. Reagan like the many Presidents before him had tens of thousands of issues being dealt with below him in the government. Only the most critical items were brought to the Oval office for his attention.
President’s Talk UFOs Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO The President of the United States of America is considered by many to be the most powerful man in the world. If that very powerful President is in change of the UFO cover-up, then that relationship is the key relationship to study in determining what is going on. If the President is not the head of the UFO cover-up, cut out of the loop by some Machiavellian group bypassing the constitution, then that is the key story to investigate. In short, the President’s relationship to the UFO situation is the key to understanding what happened, and how to end the cover-up. Rockefeller Tells Clinton to Tell All About UFOs (press report) New York Daily News, August 24th, 1995 President Clinton is being pressured to reopen supersecret government files on the world’s most baffling UFO incident. The man who wants the secrecy ended is billionaire philanthropist Laurance S. Rockerfeller, a personal friend of the president.
Ronald Reagan’s legacy goes well beyond this world Billy Cox, – 6/10/2004 Tons of newsprint and airtime dedicated to Ronald Reagan’s legacy this week, but — surprise — not word one about curiosity over unidentified flying objects. It’ll be the same way when Jimmy Carter dies.
Searching for the Truth: Media Control and the Presidents Interest in Ufology Dennis Balthaser, Oct 18, 2001 When doing radio or TV interviews and lectures, I am frequently questioned about the cover-up of the Roswell Incident and other related topics. The general public has a hard time accepting the statements I make from time to time, that the news media is controlled to some degree by the government, and that the President of the United States is not totally informed about the UFO situation.
The Role of the Presidency in the Politics of Disclosure: Part III – The Case for and against Gore Stephen Bassett, Paradigm Clock The public is fairly fed up with ludicrously expensive, winning-is-everything politics. Gore has embraced both adjectives with a passion. As a result, his willingness to touch the UFO/ET problem on moral/ethical grounds, knowing it will damage him politically and hurt his party, is most certainly in doubt.
The Role of the President in the Politics of Disclosure – Part II: The case for and against George W. Bush Stephen Bassett Let’s get one thing straight right up front. The politics of UFOs, how the presence of extraterrestrial beings in our world, now, is going to affect you, your government, and every other person on the planet, is not only bipartisan, it’s transcendent.
The Role of the President in the Politics of Disclosure: Part I: The Decline of the Executive Stephen Bassett One of the most important political trends in the second half of the 20th Century is the weakening of the American presidency – important because of its role in the intricate, constitutionally structured checks and balance system mentioned in the first column in this series.
The Shocking Truth: Ronald Reagan’s Obsession With An Alien Invasion A. Hovni, UFO Universe, September 1988 This is an article on Ronald Reagan’s reputed UFO encounter, and how that encounter may serve to explain his continued interest in UFOlogy and EBEs.
The White House Role in Crashed UFO Retrievals Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO – 1st UFO Crash Retrieval Conference, Las Vegas, Nov. 2003 The following are some of the stories that look at what the president might have known about the subject of crashed saucers. These few examples I have chosen, are the result of attempts to track down rumored stories, and investigate them with interviews and material from the various presidential libraries.
Vice-President Dick Cheney and UFOs Grant Cameron, Presidential UFO Because of Dick Cheney’s high White House positions in past Ford and Bush Sr. administrations, the appearance of Cheney’s name on the George W. Bush Presidential ticket, led many ufologists to feel that Cheney might represent an attempt by the government to make a disclosure on UFOs.
White House Briefed on UFOs Sarah McClendon, White House Correspondent, McClendon News Service, March 30, 1998 (This article is written by Sarah McClendon, the nation’s longest-serving White House Correspondent, who passed away on 9 January 2003.) Unidentified Flying Objects, a term given for many years to unexplained sightings of craft in the skies over every state in the Union, are actual visitors from other worlds, believe a community of scientists and technicians employed by government.
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Amazing UFO video: Triangle formation near a plane over Atlanta, Georgia
Amazing UFO video: Triangle formation near a plane over Atlanta, Georgia
Check out this UFO video of a triangular-shaped formation of orb hovering near a plane. This was recently filmed by a an airline passanger over Atlanta in Georgia.
What do you think about this sighting? Real or a CGI? Please leave your comment below!
Interesting footage of a two UFOs in the sky above Buenos Aires, Argentina 13-Apr-2015
Interesting footage of a two UFOs in the sky above Buenos Aires, Argentina 13-Apr-2015
New footage of a two bright unidentified flying objects flying across the night sky above Buenos Aires in Argentina. This happened on Monday, 13th April 2015.
Witness report:Parallel formation of double UFO over Argentina ” 19; 25 RA: 6.56 Dec: -15.32 Where is opened the mysterious gleam of two UFOs, which were recognized to watch the team in infrared mode, so we next the Sirius Star “, an interesting record was achieved where both Lenticular of undoubted orbital attitude they moved towards the “North” but very interesting was observing traveling alongside each other (No, one after another as in most cases equally strange is inferring UFO Unidentified orbital elements), quickly Satelites lists( Heaven ) without any matches were compared, in these time zone offset guideline. The only next satellite but still far from this double orbiting (very unusual) was located in the deepest listings, and those invisible to the human eye, treatment of a Sat Cosmos Rocket 1736 19:30 that ought to have its passage to the North (only North on the schedule) with a magnitude “4.7 Ordinary ” almost on the stars of Alnilam, Alnitaka (the Three Marias) guideline orbital movement “very distant to double phenomenon orbital reported here, real UFO ? They are left here the first pictures and details of this eventual report.
Frits Evelein nam in 2011 ontslag als docent aan universiteit en conservatorium, kocht een grote computer en vertrok naar de Pyreneeën om een muziekvorm te gaan maken. Music from Source noemt hij het. “Ik ging van dag tot dag leven als vrije kunstenaar.”
Toen hij 15 jaar oud was had hij naar eigen zeggen al een ‘bijzonder mystieke ervaring’. In een visioen zag hij ontelbare universa als één levend geheel. “Ik was het scheppende bewustzijn ervan én kon het bekijken.”
Frits Evelein
“In essentie is alles energie en bewustzijn,” legt de 57-jarige Evelein uit. “Wij mensen zijn een expressie van het universele bewustzijn dat ik de Bron noem. Afhankelijk van je ontwaken en gevoeligheid brengt mijn muziek je in contact met je universele frequenties. Dit varieert van een diep gevoel van ontspanning tot een gevoel van loslaten van diepe vermoeidheid en opgeslotenheid, stress, verwarring, pijn en onrust.”
“Elke gedachte en elk gevoel is een energie,” gaat hij verder “Lage energie (zoals angst, verdriet, eenzaamheid, verwarring) blokkeert de verbinding met de Bron en creëert dus meer isolement. Deze deken van angst en isolatie maakt dat we compleet vergeten zijn wie we werkelijk zijn. Maar mensen hebben altijd de kans zich te richten op hun werkelijke essentie.”
Evelein zegt zich vrij, gezond en bewust te voelen. “Ik word niet langer geleefd door hypotheek, payroll en 9 tot 5,” zegt hij. Het kwartje viel bij hem naar eigen zeggen op 28 september 2010. Hij voelde dat hij, om op een compleet nieuwe wijze te kunnen creëren, zelf nieuw moest worden. Hij wilde nieuwe dingen maken zonder beperkt te worden door tradities en opvattingen van anderen.
Residents of the city of La Paz were startled by the presence of some strange lights At 19:30 hours on Sunday (04.12.15). For over half an hour, thousands of residents looked skyward to see some strange lights (not those of an airplane) that captured the public's attention. These are unidentified flying objects.
The mystery and astonishment arose due to the fact that a first light appeared, lasted some five minutes, and then mysteriously vanished. It reappeared within a minutes, maintaining its intensity. Astonishment grew with the manifestation of two more lights that escorted the first.
Half an hour after bewildering the public, these lights vanished from the skies of La Paz.
“We were heading home when we noticed a strange light dominating the city's skies. At first it was only one, then it vanished, and it made us think of an airplane. But then it reappeared, and we found it strange because it stayed there for some 20 minutes and two more lights appeared after that,” said citizens to the media.
Johana [no surname given] noted that these were UFOS because the movement in the skies was odd, not related to an airplane and much less an artificial source of light. “It appeared and disappeared. It's very odd. They were UFOs,” she affirmed.
A family returning from a trip around 19:30 hours along the southern end of the city of La Paz witnessed a fixed light in the sky. They thought it was an airplane, but seeing that it was motionless, and would disappear and reappear, they took out the cameras to record the scene and found – to their amazement – that two more lights were moving around the first. They contacted the press to establish the existence of the events and also alerted some neighbors.
[Translation (c) 2015, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO and Julio González, Realidad OVNI -
Afgelopen weekend was er een hoop te doen in Schotland toen iemand uit de stad Ullapool foto’s had gemaakt van een aantal wolken.
Nu is dat niet zo bijzonder, maar wel als deze wolken een perfecte vorm hebben en eruit zien als UFO’s.
De 54-jarige Neil Borthwick woont in Ullapool en vanuit zijn huis zag hij de volgende wolkenformatie boven Loch Broom.
Onmiddellijk nadat hij de foto’s had genomen plaatste hij ze online en al snel kwamen er de nodige reacties.
Zo schreef William Topping uit South Shields op Facebook: “Jullie mogen hier misschien om lachen, maar deze exacte wolkenformaties verschenen vandaag op verschillende sites en werden op 20 verschillende locaties waargenomen op het noordelijk halfrond, allemaal binnen een afstand van 60 minuten van elkaar.
En zoals gezegd, het waren absoluut identieke kopieën".
De officiële verklaring kwam al vrij snel en die was dat we hier te maken hebben met een bepaald type wolk, Altocumulus Lenticularis.
Alhoewel dat misschien een mogelijkheid is, zijn er veel mensen die dat niet geloven en denken dat we hier met een zogenaamde gecloakte UFO te maken hebben. Cloak is officiëel het Engelse woord voor mantel en in dit verband wordt er een soort schild bedoeld, waardoor de UFO onzichtbaar wordt.
Iemand die daar heilig van overtuigd is, is ufoloog Scott Waring. Hij zegt:
"Dit is een UFO die werd vastgelegd tijdens de zonsondergang. Zoals ik al eerder heb uitgelegd is de cloak rondom de UFO het meest kwetsbaar tijdens zonsondergang. Dit heeft te maken met dat het zonlicht een onderdeel vormt van de cloak.
Wat ik bedoel, is dat het licht van achteren rondom het schip buigt en 180 graden rondom het schip beweegt aan alle kanten. Echter als de zon ondergaat dan moet één kant van het schip overcompenseren. Dit betekent dat het licht 180 + 90 moet ombuigen. Dit is niet mogelijk en dus werkt de cloak op dat moment niet volledig, waardoor het schip enige minuten lang zichtbaar blijft".
Gezien de vreemde ervaringen met wolken en UFO’s die wij het laatste jaar hebben meegemaakt, is het ook niet onaannemelijk om te denken dat we hier te maken hebben met dimensieportalen.
The surface of the dwarf planet Ceres (shown here) has fewer large craters than researchers expected.
Not all of the puzzling bright spots on the dwarf planet Ceres are alike. The closest-yet images of the gleams, taken from 45,000 kilometres away, show that at least two of the spots look different from one another when seen in infrared wavelengths.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope spied many of the bright spots years ago, but the observations from NASA's Dawn spacecraft — which began looping around Ceres on 6 March — are the first taken at close range. The images were released on 13 April in Vienna at a meeting of the European Geosciences Union.
Scientists say that the bright spots might be related to ice exposed at the bottom of impact craters or some type of active geological features. The areas glimmer tantalizingly in a new full-colour map of Ceres that was obtained in February, but not released until the conference. The map uses false colours to tease out subtle differences on the otherwise dark surface of Ceres.
“This is the first idea of what the surface looks like,” said Martin Hoffmann, a Dawn scientist from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Göttingen, Germany.
The Dawn spacecraft's view of the bright regions is sharpening as it gets closer to Ceres. The new infrared images reveal differences between spot 1, near Ceres's equator, and a pair of bright spots collectively known as spot 5. Some scientists have speculated that the latter could be an icy plume.
Spot 1 seems darker than its surroundings in images from Dawn's infrared spectrometer, said Federico Tosi, a Dawn scientist at the Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology and the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics in Rome. This suggests that the area is cooler than the rest of the dwarf planet's surface, supporting the theory that the spot is made of ice.
But for some reason, spot 5 — the brightest feature seen on Ceres — does not show up in the infrared images. “One possibility is that we still don’t have enough resolution to see it in the proper way,” said Tosi.
Infrared images suggest that Spot 1 (top row), an area on Ceres, is made of ice. But the pair of bright gleams known as Spot 5 were invisible to an infrared camera (bottom right).
Dawn has also shown that some parts of Ceres are pockmarked by impact craters, while other regions seem smooth. So far, there seem to be fewer large craters on Ceres than expected, says the mission's principal investigator, Christopher Russell of the University of California, Los Angeles.
At nearly 1,000 kilometres across, Ceres is the biggest object in the asteroid belt, which lies between Mars and Jupiter. Researchers expect that a close look at the surface of Ceres will reveal clues about the formation of protoplanets in the early Solar System, 4.5 billion years ago. Even at this distance, the images show complex craters and long, deep-curving features that hint at a violent past, Hoffmann said.
Dawn has been travelling towards Ceres since its 2007 launch, with a side visit to the asteroid Vesta in 2011. The spacecraft was technically captured by Ceres’s gravity on 6 March, but has taken weeks to approach the dwarf planet. (Scientists were forced to adopt a longer, more-leisurely trajectory to Ceres in September, after an errant cosmic ray hit the spacecraft and temporarily knocked it out of commission.)
Dawn produced another set of images on 10 April, but only a small fraction of Ceres’s surface was illuminated at the time and mission scientists have not yet released the pictures. The spacecraft will begin detailed science investigations on 23 April, after it settles into permanent orbit around Ceres.
C'est une découverte fortuite, mais qui pourrait bien faire faire un grand pas à la science. En analysant les données du satellite européen Planck, chargé d'étudier le fond diffus cosmologique - c'est-à-dire la lumière fossile de la toute première lueur émise dans l'univers 380 000 ans après le big bang -, des chercheurs ont repéré 2 000 sources lumineuses inconnues. Des formations dont la teinte rougeoyante permet aux scientifiques de déterminer qu'elles se trouvent très loin dans l'espace, donc dans le temps, et remonteraient à environ 3 milliards d'années après la naissance de notre univers, qui en a aujourd'hui 13,8 !
"Cela nous a tout de suite intrigués, pour au moins deux raisons. D'abord, parce que découvrir des galaxies lointaines (même si nous en connaissons déjà) nous intéresse toujours. Ensuite, parce que Planck n'a pas été optimisé pour détecter ce type d'objet et que si nous parvenions à les voir dans les données fournies par ce satellite, c'était qu'il s'agissait de quelque chose de vraiment très brillant", raconte Hervé Dole, de l'Institut d'astrophysique spatiale d'Orsay (université Paris-Sud-11/CNRS), qui a dirigé une grande campagne d'observation de 234 de ces points mystérieux à l'aide du satellite européen Herschel. Un outil qui permet de ne regarder que de toutes petites régions du ciel, mais avec une sensibilité 100 fois supérieure à celle de Planck.
"Et, là, nous avons été stupéfaits ! Car la majorité de ces sources lumineuses que Planck avait vues correspondaient à des concentrations extrêmes de galaxies dites infrarouges. Tant et si bien que nous pensons que ce sont des proto-amas de galaxies, c'est-à-dire des amas de galaxies dans une phase où ils sont en train de former énormément d'étoiles. Et, ça, c'est tout nouveau ! " lance l'astrophysicien, enthousiaste. "Car les amas de galaxies que l'on observait jusqu'à maintenant étaient toujours composés de vieilles galaxies ayant déjà formé quasiment toutes leurs étoiles", explique-t-il.
Précieux chaînon manquant
Il s'agirait alors d'une sorte de chaînon manquant entre les toutes petites fluctuations du fond diffus cosmologique qui témoignent d'une distribution de la matière quasiment uniforme dans le très jeune univers et les grandes structures - galaxies, amas de galaxies, filaments de gaz - que nous connaissons aujourd'hui dans l'univers vieux de 13,8 milliards d'années. "Nous avons des indices très forts. Toutefois, il nous faut encore des données pour nous assurer que ces fortes concentrations de galaxies qui forment beaucoup d'étoiles (cela, nous en sommes certains) sont bien des amas, c'est-à-dire être sûr qu'elles sont bien ensemble et que ce n'est pas juste une illusion d'optique du type projection sur la ligne de visée (où les galaxies seraient en réalité alignées les unes derrière les autres mais à des distances différentes, NDLR)", précise Hervé Dole.
Mais pourquoi ces "bébés amas", prédits par la théorie depuis quinze ans au moins, n'auraient-ils jamais été vus auparavant ? Tout simplement parce qu'ils sont extrêmement rares et que le hasard n'avait jusqu'ici jamais donné l'occasion aux scientifiques de les avoir dans le viseur. "Il fallait un satellite comme Planck capable de cartographier l'ensemble du ciel pour les détecter. Et si cela se confirme, ce pourrait être un pièce déterminante du puzzle", souligne Hervé Dole. En effet, les astrophysiciens ne comprennent pas du tout comment se sont formées les étoiles à l'échelle de l'univers. Aucune simulation numérique ne fonctionne. "Soit toutes les étoiles se forment très tôt dans l'univers et il ne reste par la suite que des étoiles vieilles. Ce qui ne correspond pas à la réalité. Soit on introduit les phénomènes qui ont tendance à retarder cette formation d'étoiles - que l'on connaît - et, là encore, si l'on obtient le bon nombre d'étoiles, mais pas avec les bonnes propriétés ou le contraire, on ne parvient absolument pas à reproduire ce que l'on observe aujourd'hui", explique l'astrophysicien.
Le coeur de l'énigme est la manière dont la matière ordinaire dite baryonique, qui compose tout ce que nous connaissons (étoile, planète, astéroïde, comète, etc.), interagit avec la matière sombre, ou noire, que nous ne voyons pas. "Nous cherchons une sorte de relation universelle qui nous dirait : si j'ai X matière noire en un lieu, j'attirerai X matière ordinaire et je produirai X étoiles", précise Hervé Dole. Or les probables bébés amas de galaxies découverts pourraient constituer un épisode clé, car ce sont des zones où les scientifiques pensent qu'il y a beaucoup de matière noire et où des étoiles sont justement en train de se former. "C'est unique !" conclut le scientifique.
Curiosity Rover Finds EVIDENCE Of LIQUID WATER On Mars
Curiosity Rover Finds EVIDENCE Of LIQUID WATER On Mars
April 14, 2015- Cold, desolate conditions on Mars make it difficult to support liquid water, but thanks to some natural anti-freeze, a thin briny film may be forming in the soil near the equator at night. Although, the liquid evaporates just after sunrise. The findings, based on data from the Curiosity rover and published in Nature Geoscience this week, suggest that an active exchange of water is happening between the atmosphere and the surface of Mars—but the conditions are too cold for the possibility of microbes.
While traversing Gale Crater near the Mars equator, Curiosity has been taking round-the-clock, year-round measurements with its Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (pictured above). Now, a large international team led by Javier Martín-Torres from Luleå University of Technology has analyzed a full Martian year’s worth of data on atmospheric humidity and temperature. And while they can’t detect the liquid brines directly, “what we see are the conditions for the formation of brines on the surface,” Martin-Torres tells BBC.
Perchlorate is a type of salt that lowers the freezing temperature of water; it also pulls water molecules from the atmosphere to form a corrosive liquid brine. "These perchlorate salts have a property called deliquescence,” Martin-Torres adds. “They take the water vapor from the atmosphere and absorb it to produce the brines." According to these new measurements, liquid brines could be forming in the uppermost soils of the crater during the Martian night, and then they’d evaporate as the ground and air begin to warm up after sunrise. Here’s a schematic of this hypothetical day-and-night water cycle:
Relative humidity depends on the temperature of the air and the amount of water vapor in it, and Curiosity’s measurements have ranged from 5 percent during summer afternoons to 100 percent in the nighttime during fall and winter. Pores in the soil interact with air just above the ground, and when the relative humidity gets above a certain level, the salts absorb enough water molecules to become dissolved in liquid. The subsurface water content estimated using Curiosity data is consistent with the existence of water molecules absorbed by perchlorates in soils.
Perchlorate has previously been identified in Martian soil, and it’s already been proposed as a mechanism for transient liquid brines, but at higher latitudes—where colder temps and more water vapor can lead to higher humidity more often. "Gale Crater is one of the least likely places on Mars to have conditions for brines to form, compared to sites at higher latitudes or with more shading,” study co-author Alfred McEwen of the University of Arizona, Tucson, says in a JPL release. “So if brines can exist there, that strengthens the case they could form and persist even longer at many other locations.”
However, the researchers found that the ground temperature in Gale Crater is too low to support terrestrial microorganisms and life as we know it.
Images: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS (top), Martín-Torres and Zorzano (middle)
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La vie sur Terre vient-elle de l'espace ?
La vie sur Terre vient-elle de l'espace ?
Personne n'a oublié les expériences historiques de Stanley Miller à Chicago en 1953 qui avait réussi à recréer en laboratoire les conditions de la "soupe primitive", qui existait sur Terre au moment de l'apparition de la vie, et qui avait montré que ces conditions étaient propices à la formation des acides aminés qui constituent les "briques" de base du vivant. Depuis cette date qui coïncidait d'ailleurs avec la découverte de la structure de l'ADN par Watson et Crick, la communauté scientifique n'a cessé de s'interroger sur la question fascinante de l'origine et de la nature de la vie.
La semaine dernière, une équipe franco-allemande regroupant des chercheurs de l'Institut de chimie de Nice (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis/CNRS) et de l'Institut d'astrophysique spatiale (CNRS/Université Paris-Sud) a publié une étude qui montre, dans une remarquable expérience, que les premières molécules constituant les "briques" de la vie peuvent se former spontanément dans les comètes. Après avoir fabriqué une comète artificielle dans les conditions extrêmes qui règnent dans l'espace (-200°C et sous vide), les chercheurs ont regroupé sur un fragment de fluorure de magnésium (MgF2), des composés présents dans le vide interstellaire (eau, ammoniac (NH3) et méthanol (CH3OH)). Ils ont ensuite irradié cette "soupe" à l'aide d'un rayonnement ultraviolet. Deux semaines plus tard, la matière organique interstellaire ainsi obtenue a été analysée par les chercheurs (l'équipe d'Uwe Meierhenrich et de Cornelia Meinert) en utilisant un chromatographe multidimensionnel en phase gaz, une technologie de pointe dix fois plus sensible que les systèmes de détection traditionnels. Alors que, jusqu'à présent, seuls trois acides aminés avaient été mis en évidence dans ce type d'expérience, ils ont pu identifier vingt-six acides aminés, les éléments qui constituent les protéines, dans la comète artificielle.
Mais surtout, ils ont aussi découvert pour la première fois six acides diaminés, des molécules formées de deux groupes amines (-NH2), au lieu d'un seul pour les acides aminés classiques. Parmi ces molécules figure la N-(2-Aminoethyl) glycine qui est peut-être le composant majeur des premières molécules d'ADN terrestre : les molécules d'acide peptidique nucléique (APN). Ces résultats confirment donc de manière éclatante que les premières "briques" moléculaires nécessaires à l'apparition de la vie ont bien pu se former dans les comètes et dans le vide interstellaire et "ensemencer" la Terre à l'occasion des chutes permanentes de météorites et de comètes. Ces résultats passionnants justifient largement la pertinence de la mission spatiale européenne « Rosetta » qui vise à faire atterrir en 2015 une sonde sur la comète Tchourioumov-Guerassimenko pour étudier la composition de son noyau.
Cette très belle découverte vient après plusieurs autres qui avaient déjà considérablement élargi et transformé notre approche de la vie. Début 2000, des chercheurs australiens avaient notamment découvert, dans le grès du fond des océans, des organismes vivants d'une taille extraordinairement petite, comprise entre 20 et 150 nanomètres (cf. "Y-a-t-il une vie dans le nanomonde ?").
Fin 1999, une autre découverte réalisée par l'astronome Sun Kwok, de l'Université de Calgary, au Canada avait révélé, en mesurant le spectre de nombreuses étoiles à des stades de développement avancés que celles-ci synthétisaient des quantités importantes de molécules organiques en quelques milliers d'années seulement. Ces molécules organiques qui constituent la base des sucres et des acides aminés étaient ensuite expulsées vers l'espace interstellaire et pouvaient alors entrer dans le processus de constitution de nouvelles planètes, provoquant ou favorisant l'apparition de la vie.
Il faut rappeler que l'idée même de la "soupe primitive" est très ancienne et que le grand Darwin l'avait déjà imaginée dès 1871. Dans les années 1920, deux biologistes, le Britannique John Haldane et le Russe Alexandre Oparine eurent également l'idée, indépendamment l'un de l'autre, que l'atmosphère primitive de la Terre avait pu favoriser l'apparition de molécules organiques qui se seraient ensuite complexifiées jusqu'à produire l'émergence des premiers être vivants monocellulaires. Mais à l'époque, ces chercheurs ne purent étayer leurs hypothèses par l'expérimentation. C'est cette étape décisive qui fut magistralement franchie en 1953 par Stanley Miller, sous la direction d'Harold Urey (Prix Nobel de chimie 1934), qui avait construit un modèle d'atmosphère primitive basé sur le carbone et le méthane.
D'autres expériences réalisées en partenariat par le laboratoire d'Astrochimie du Ames Research Center de la NASA et le Département de Biochimie de l'Université de Santa Cruz Californie ont également montré que la formation des constituants primordiaux de la vie avait pu se dérouler dans les conditions hostiles de l'espace. Cette équipe de recherche menée par Louis Allamandola du Centre Ames avait réussi à provoquer la formation de composés biochimiques particuliers se présentant sous la forme de petites bulles similaires à des membranes cellulaires et permettant des échanges avec l'extérieur. Ces résultats montraient donc que la vie avait très bien pu naître dans l'espace avant d'être apportée sur Terre par une météorite ou un astéroïde.
En 2004, la sonde américaine Stardust était parvenue à collecter des poussières de comète en passant à proximité de la comète Wild 2. Ces poussières avaient été ramenées sur Terre en 2006 et les scientifiques de la NASA eurent la surprise d'y trouver de la glycine, le plus simple des acides aminés. Après trois ans d'analyses et de vérifications, les chercheurs purent démontrer que cette glycine était bien d'origine extraterrestre et ne provenait pas d'une contamination humaine.
En 2007, une équipe internationale d'astrobiologistes a montré, en reproduisant, en laboratoire, les conditions d'impact d'un astéroïde, la possibilité d'un transfert de vie entre Mars et la Terre. En 2010, avec le télescope infrarouge de la Nasa installé sur le M'auna Kea, à Hawaï, une autre équipe américaine avait détecté de la glace d'eau et des composés organiques (briques élémentaires de la vie) sur l'astéroïde 24 Themis. Cette découverte avait alors conforté l'hypothèse selon laquelle l'eau des océans, ainsi que les molécules nécessaires à l'apparition de la vie, proviendraient d'astéroïdes.
En mars 2011, une équipe de chercheurs de la Nasa dirigée par Richard Hoover a découvert sur trois météorites des traces de bactéries fossilisées autochtones dont la structure montre qu'elle ne peuvent pas provenir d'une contamination par des micro-organismes terrestres et qui viendraient donc bien de l'espace. Toujours en 2011, une autre équipe de la NASA, après avoir analysé neuf météorites tombées notamment en antarctique, ont identifié de l'adénine, et la guanine, qui sont des composants de l'ADN.
On voit donc que depuis une dizaine d'années l'accumulation des observations et des expérimentations valide, d'une part, l'hypothèse que la vie est infiniment plus résistante et adaptable qu'on ne l'imaginait et, d'autre part, que l'apparition de la vie sur terre pourrait avoir été provoquée par des micro-organismes extra-terrestres amenés sur notre planète par des comètes et par l'apport d'eau extraterrestre contenue dans les astéroïdes.
En outre, début 2012, une équipe de recherche française a estimé pour la première fois le nombre de planètes existant dans notre galaxie à 240 milliards ! Sur l'ensemble de ces planètes, plus d'un milliard de planètes pourraient être semblables à la Terre et présenteraient des conditions physico-chimiques qui rendraient possible l'apparition et le développement de la vie, selon une autre étude réalisée en 2002 par des astronomes britanniques de l'Open University.
On voit donc, à la lumière de toutes ces avancées et observations scientifiques, que ces deux hypothèses en entraînent une troisième encore plus vertigineuse : la vie, loin d'être un phénomène tout à fait exceptionnel, liée à un extraordinaire concours de circonstances dont la terre aurait été le théâtre, pourrait être, au moins sous ses formes les plus rudimentaires, relativement répandue dans l'univers, surtout si l'on prend en compte le nombre gigantesque de planètes dans le Cosmos. La mise en service de la prochaine génération d'outils d'observations et d'analyses astronomiques et cosmologiques et la poursuite des voyages d'exploration spatiale dans notre système solaire permettront peut-être dans les décennies à venir de découvrir ou observer indirectement des traces de vie extraterrestres.
L'un des grands défis scientifiques et théoriques de ce siècle sera donc de savoir si la vie, même sous des formes très étranges, est bien présente ailleurs que sur terre (il n'est d'ailleurs toujours pas exclu qu'elle existe dans le sous-sol martien ou dans les profondeurs liquides d'Europe, l'un des satellites de Jupiter) ou si nous devons nous résoudre finalement à accepter l'idée qu'elle n'est apparue sur notre planète qu'à la suite d'une succession de circonstances si exceptionnelles et improbables qu'elles n'ont aucune chance de s'être reproduites ailleurs dans l'Univers.
NASA's New Horizons Spacecraft Nears Historic July 14 Encounter with Pluto
NASA's New Horizons Spacecraft Nears Historic July 14 Encounter with Pluto
Artist's concept of the New Horizons spacecraft as it approaches Pluto and its largest moon, Charon, in July 2015. Credit: (JHUAPL/SwRI)
NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is three months from returning to humanity the first-ever close up images and scientific observations of distant Pluto and its system of large and small moons.
"Scientific literature is filled with papers on the characteristics of Pluto and its moons from ground based and Earth orbiting space observations, but we've never studied Pluto up close and personal," said John Grunsfeld, astronaut, and associate administrator of the NASA Science Mission Directorate at the agency's Headquarters in Washington. "In an unprecedented flyby this July, our knowledge of what the Pluto systems is really like will expand exponentially and I have no doubt there will be exciting discoveries."
The fastest spacecraft ever launched, New Horizons has traveled a longer time and farther away - more than nine years and three billion miles - than any space mission in history to reach its primary target. Its flyby of Pluto and its system of at least five moons on July 14 will complete the initial reconnaissance of the classical solar system. This mission also opens the door to an entirely new "third" zone of mysterious small planets and planetary building blocks in the Kuiper Belt, a large area with numerous objects beyond Neptune's orbit.
The flyby caps a five-decade-long era of reconnaissance that began with Venus and Mars in the early 1960s, and continued through first looks at Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in the 1970s and Uranus and Neptune in the 1980s. Reaching this third zone of our solar system - beyond the inner, rocky planets and outer gas giants - has been a space science priority for years. In the early 2000s the National Academy of Sciences ranked the exploration of the Kuiper Belt - and particularly Pluto and its largest moon, Charon - as its top priority planetary mission for the coming decade. New Horizons - a compact, lightweight, powerfully equipped probe packing the most advanced suite of cameras and spectrometers ever sent on a first reconnaissance mission - is NASA's answer to that call.
"This is pure exploration; we're going to turn points of light into a planet and a system of moons before your eyes!" said Alan Stern, New Horizons principal investigator from Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in Boulder, Colorado. "New Horizons is flying to Pluto - the biggest, brightest and most complex of the dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt. This 21st century encounter is going to be an exploration bonanza unparalleled in anticipation since the storied missions of Voyager in the 1980s."
Pluto, the largest known body in the Kuiper Belt, offers a nitrogen atmosphere, complex seasons, distinct surface markings, an ice-rock interior that may harbor an ocean, and at least five moons. Among these moons, the largest - Charon - may itself sport an atmosphere or an interior ocean, and possibly even evidence of recent surface activity. "There's no doubt, Charon is a rising star in terms of scientific interest, and we can't wait to reveal it in detail in July," said Leslie Young, deputy project scientist at SwRI.
Pluto's smaller moons also are likely to present scientific opportunities. When New Horizons was started in 2001, it was a mission to just Pluto and Charon, before the four smaller moons were discovered.
The spacecraft's suite of seven science instruments - which includes cameras, spectrometers, and plasma and dust detectors - will map the geology of Pluto and Charon and map their surface compositions and temperatures; examine Pluto's atmosphere, and search for an atmosphere around Charon; study Pluto's smaller satellites; and look for rings and additional satellites around Pluto.
Currently, even with New Horizons closer to Pluto than the Earth is to the Sun, the Pluto system resembles little more than bright dots in the distance. But teams operating the spacecraft are using these views to refine their knowledge of Pluto's location, and skillfully navigate New Horizons toward a precise target point 7,750 miles (12,500 kilometers) from Pluto's surface. That targeting is critical, since the computer commands that will orient the spacecraft and point its science instruments are based on knowing the exact time and location that New Horizons passes Pluto.
"Our team has worked hard to get to this point, and we know we have just one shot to make this work," said Alice Bowman, New Horizons mission operations manager at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, which built and operates the spacecraft. "We've plotted out each step of the Pluto encounter, practiced it over and over, and we're excited the 'real deal' is finally here."
The spacecraft's work doesn't end with the July flyby. Because it gets one shot at its target, New Horizons is designed to gather as much data as it can, as quickly as it can, taking about 100 times as much data on close approach as it can send home before flying away. And although the spacecraft will send select, high-priority datasets home in the days just before and after close approach, the mission will continue returning the data stored in onboard memory for a full 16 months. "New Horizons is one of the great explorations of our time," said New Horizons Project Scientist Hal Weaver at APL. "There's so much we don't know, not just about Pluto, but other worlds like it. We're not rewriting textbooks with this historic mission - we'll be writing them from scratch."
APL manages the New Horizons mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Alan Stern of SwRI is the principal investigator. SwRI leads the science team, payload operations and encounter science planning. New Horizons is part of the New Frontiers Program, managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. For more information on New Horizons, visit:
Humans went to the moon eight years after space travel began (Source: Getty)
Yesterday marked exactly 54 years since the very first human mission into space.
On 12 April 1961, the Russian Soviet pilot and cosmonaut Yuri Gargarin boarded the Vostok 1 and shouted “Poyekhali!” - “let's go!” - as he headed for the stars. He didn't actually go that far – he spent 108 minutes orbiting Earth at an altitude of 302km (to put it into perspective, the moon is more than 300,000km away from the Earth)
Since then, astronauts have achieved some pretty incredible things beyond our atmosphere, and the stakes are always being raised. Here's a brief history what humans have managed to do in space post-1961.
1962: John Glenn became the first American to man a flight in space, aboard Nasa spacecraft Friendship 7. It took a long time to get going – the flight was postponed 10 times. But once he made it up there, he completed three full orbits at 17,400 miles per hour.
1963: Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space. The Russian Cosmonaut was selected from more than 400 applicants to fly the Vostok 6.
1968: Humans were televised in space for the first time during the 11-day manned Apollo 7 mission aboard a Saturn 1.
1969: Neil Armstrong took “one small step” when he became the first person to walk on the moon, and was followed closely by Buzz Aldrin. The first words said by the Apollo 11 crew when they arrived were “the Eagle has landed”.
1971: The moon car, also known as the “Lunar Rover”, was used for the first time. The vehicle was powered by electricity and could drive at speeds up to 8mph. After its initial use, it was driven by American astronauts from the fourth, fifth and sixth Apollo missions to study the surface of the Earth's satellite.
1991: Helen Sharman became the first British astronaut in space. After 18 months of intensive training, Sharman was was part of a Russian mission to the MIR space station. While there, she spent days carrying out scientific experiments. Before becoming an astronaut, she worked for the sweet company behind Mars bars.
2000: The International Space Station (ISS) received its first permanent crew - and crews have been living there ever since. The ISS is a huge space station that was set up in 1986 to aid research and space exploration.
2001: American entrepreneur Dennis Tito paid around $20m to go into space aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft, making him the world's first paying space tourist. To be a passenger he had to train for 900 hours: once in space he spent a week orbiting the Earth and visiting the ISS.
2004: The first privately funded manned space flight was made by SpaceShipOne. The new airline Virgin Galactic has been built as a new version of this plane. Paid-for tickets will soon allow customers to fly into space as tourists.
Researchers are now really gearing up to human travel to Mars – our next-door planet in the solar system. The conditions on Mars mean it's the most habitable planet beyond our own, and Mars One (along with various other, rival missions) is in the process of selecting a handful of humans to set up a human settlement within our lifetime. Although the chances of that actually happening are pretty slim...
NASA Releases Out-Of-This-World GoPro Footage From Astronauts POV
NASA Releases Out-Of-This-World GoPro Footage From Astronauts POV
April 14, 2015 - A NASA astronaut has filmed his out-of-this-world perspective with a GoPro during two spacewalks known as extravehicular activities (EVAs). The videos were taken on February 25 and March 1 of this year.
The footage provides a view that few of us will ever get to see, which is exactly the reason U.S. astronaut Terry Virts filmed the video while he and fellow astronaut Barry Wilmore performed essential maintenance on the International Space Station.
The first of these spacewalks (EVA #30) was filmed as Virts and Wilmore serviced the spacecraft’s robotic arm and made preparations for the International Docking Adapters that will arrive later in 2015. The second video (EVA #31) was taken as the astronauts routed 400 feet (120 meters) of cable and installed antennas for a new communications system that NASA will use in the future.
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Could this be proof of water on Mars?
Could this be proof of water on Mars?
A Nasa space probe has found evidence of brines on Mars, suggesting there could be water on the red planet.
The Curiosity rover, which is studying the planet’s Gale crater, came across traces of a salt called perchlorate near the surface.
Perchlorate salts lower the freezing temperature of water and can absorb water vapour from the atmosphere to form corrosive brines. The findings suggest an exchange of water between the Martian atmosphere and the surface.
Professor Javier Martin-Torres, who led the study, said: “This is a significant development that could have a major impact on Mars exploration research.
“If there is evidence of water on a planet, then that could sustain living organisms. However the conditions on the surface of Mars are so harsh it would be impossible for any microbial life to survive, because the UV radiation is so strong it would destroy the DNA of any organisms there.
“As for what is below the surface, we do not know. It would be speculation to suggest there could be life underground, as we simply do not know that, but what this discovery does show is that there is evidence of water on Mars itself.”
Scientists led by Prof Martin-Torres, at the Lulea University of Technology in Sweden, studied humidity and temperature data gathered by the space rover for a full Martian year.
The data suggested a formation of liquid brines in the uppermost soils of the Gale crater during the Martian night. The brines would then evaporate after sunrise as the ground and air grew warmer.
The findings appear in the latest edition of the journal Nature Geoscience
Measurements made by Rosetta and Philae during the probe's multiple landings on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko show that the comet's nucleus is not magnetised.
Rosetta and Philae investigate magnetic properties of Comet 67P/C-G. Credits: ESA / Data: Auster et al. (2015) / Spacecraft: ESA/ATG medialab
Studying the properties of a comet can provide clues to the role that magnetic fields played in the formation of Solar System bodies almost 4.6 billion years ago. The infant Solar System was once nothing more than a swirling disc of gas and dust but, within a few million years, the Sun burst into life in the centre of this turbulent disc, with the leftover material going into forming the asteroids, comets, moons and planets.
The dust contained an appreciable fraction of iron, some of it in the form of magnetite. Indeed, millimetre-sized grains of magnetic materials have been found in meteorites, indicating their presence in the early Solar System.
This leads scientists to believe that magnetic fields threading through the proto-planetary disc could have played an important role in moving material around as it started to clump together to form larger bodies.
But it remains unclear as to how crucial magnetic fields were later on in this accretion process, as the building blocks grew to centimetres, metres and then tens of metres across, before gravity started to dominate when they grew to hundreds of metres and kilometres in scale.
Some theories concerning the aggregation of magnetic and non-magnetic dust particles show that the resulting bigger objects could also remain magnetised, allowing them to also be influenced by the magnetic fields of the proto-planetary disc.
Because comets contain some of the most pristine materials in the Solar System, they offer a natural laboratory for investigating whether or not these larger chunks could have remained magnetised.
Reconstructing Philae's trajectory. Credits: ESA / Data: Auster et al. (2015) / Comet image: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA
However, detecting the magnetic field of comets has proven difficult in previous missions, which have typically made rapid flybys, relatively far from comet nuclei.
It has taken the proximity of ESA's Rosetta orbiter to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, and the measurements made much closer to and at the surface by its lander Philae, to provide the first detailed investigation of the magnetic properties of a comet nucleus.
Philae's magnetic field measuring instrument is the Rosetta Lander Magnetometer and Plasma Monitor (ROMAP), while Rosetta carries a magnetometer as part of the Rosetta Plasma Consortium suite of sensors (RPC-MAG).
Changes in the magnetic field surrounding Rosetta allowed RPC-MAG to detect the moment when Philae was deployed in the morning of 12 November 2014.
Then, by sensing periodic variations in the measured external magnetic field and motions in its boom arm, ROMAP was able to detect the touchdown events and determine the orientation of Philae over the following hours. Combined with information from the CONSERT experiment that provided an estimate of the final landing site location, timing information, images from Rosetta's OSIRIS camera, assumptions about the gravity of the comet, and measurements of its shape, it was possible to determine Philae's trajectory.
The mission teams soon discovered that Philae not only touched down once at Agilkia, but also came into contact with the comet's surface four times in fact – including a grazing collision with a surface feature that sent it tumbling towards the final touchdown point at Abydos.
This complex trajectory turned out to be scientifically beneficial to the ROMAP team.
The non-magnetic comet. Credits: ESA / Data: Auster et al. (2015) / Background comet image: ESA/Rosetta/NAVCAM - CC BY-SA IGO 3.0
"The unplanned flight across the surface actually meant we could collect precise magnetic field measurements with Philae at the four points we made contact with, and at a range of heights above the surface," says Hans-Ulrich Auster, co-principal investigator of ROMAP and lead author of the results published in the journal Science and presented at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna, Austria, today.
The multiple descents and ascents meant that the team could compare measurements made on the inward and outward journeys to and from each contact point, and as it flew across the surface.
ROMAP measured a magnetic field during these sequences, but found that its strength did not depend on the height or location of Philae above the surface. This is not consistent with the nucleus itself being responsible for that field.
"If the surface was magnetised, we would have expected to see a clear increase in the magnetic field readings as we got closer and closer to the surface," explains Hans-Ulrich. "But this was not the case at any of the locations we visited, so we conclude that Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is a remarkably non-magnetic object."
Instead, the magnetic field that was measured was consistent with an external one, namely the influence of the solar wind interplanetary magnetic field near the comet nucleus. This conclusion is confirmed by the fact that variations in the field that were measured by Philae closely agree with those seen at the same time by Rosetta.
"During Philae's landing, Rosetta was about 17 km above the surface, and we could provide complementary magnetic field readings that rule out any local magnetic anomalies in the comet's surface materials," says Karl-Heinz Glassmeier, principal investigator of RPC-MAG on board the orbiter and a co-author of the Science paper.
If large chunks of material on the surface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko were magnetised, ROMAP would have recorded additional variations in its signal as Philae flew over them.
"If any material is magnetised, it must be on a scale of less than one metre, below the spatial resolution of our measurements. And if Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is representative of all cometary nuclei, then we suggest that magnetic forces are unlikely to have played a role in the accumulation of planetary building blocks greater than one metre in size," concludes Hans-Ulrich.
"It's great to see the complementary nature of Rosetta and Philae's measurements, working together to answer this simple, but important 'yes-no' question as to whether the comet is magnetised," says Matt Taylor, ESA's Rosetta project scientist.
Notes for Editors
"The non-magnetic nucleus of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko," by H.-U. Auster et al. is published in Science Express on 14 April.
The data were collected by the Rosetta Lander Magnetometer and Plasma Monitor (ROMAP) on board Philae and the Rosetta Plasma Consortium fluxgate magnetometer (RPC-MAG) on board Rosetta.
Overall, the data show that the comet has an upper magnetic field magnitude of less than 2 nT at the cometary surface at multiple locations, with a specific magnetic moment of < 3.1 × 10-5 Am2/kg, less than known values for lunar material and meteorites measured on Earth.
ROMAP is the Rosetta Lander Magnetometer and Plasma Monitor. The contributing institutions to ROMAP are: Institut für Geophysik und Extraterrestrische Physik, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany; Max-Planck Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Göttingen, Germany; Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre for Energy Research, Hungary; and Space Research Institute Graz, Austria. The co-principal investigators are Hans-Ulrich Auster (Technische Universität, Braunschweig) and István Apáthy, KFKI, Budapest, Hungary.
RPC-MAG one of six instruments comprising the Rosetta Plasma Consortium. The fluxgate magnetometer (RPC-MAG) is led by Karl-Heinz Glassmeier, Technische Universität, Braunschweig, Germany.
About Rosetta
Rosetta is an ESA mission with contributions from its Member States and NASA. Rosetta's Philae lander was provided by a consortium led by DLR, MPS, CNES and ASI. Rosetta is the first mission in history to rendezvous with a comet. It is escorting the comet as they orbit the Sun together. Philae landed on the comet on 12 November 2014. Comets are time capsules containing primitive material left over from the epoch when the Sun and its planets formed. By studying the gas, dust and structure of the nucleus and organic materials associated with the comet, via both remote and in situ observations, the Rosetta mission should become the key to unlocking the history and evolution of our Solar System.
For further information, please contact
Markus Bauer ESA Science and Robotic Exploration Communication Officer Tel: +31 71 565 6799 Mob: +31 61 594 3 954 Email:
Hans-Ulrich Auster ROMAP principal investigator Technische Universität, Braunschweig Email:
Karl-Heinz Glassmeier RPC-MAG principal investigator Technische Universität, Braunschweig Email:
Matt Taylor ESA Rosetta project scientist Email:
The Dominant Life Form in the Cosmos Is Probably Superintelligent Robots
The Dominant Life Form in the Cosmos Is Probably Superintelligent Robots
If and when we finally encounter aliens, they probably won’t look like little green men, or spiny insectoids. It’s likely they won’t be biological creatures at all, but rather, advanced robots that outstrip our intelligence in every conceivable way. While scores of philosophers, scientists and futurists have prophesied the rise of artificial intelligence and the impending singularity, most have restricted their predictions to Earth. Fewer thinkers—outside the realm of science fiction, that is—have considered the notion that artificial intelligence is already out there, and has been for eons.
Susan Schneider, a professor of philosophy at the University of Connecticut, is one who has. She joins a handful of astronomers, including Seth Shostak, director of NASA’s Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI, program, NASA Astrobiologist Paul Davies, and Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology Stephen Dick in espousing the view that the dominant intelligence in the cosmos is probably artificial. In her paper “Alien Minds,” written for a forthcoming NASA publication, Schneider describes why alien life forms are likely to be synthetic, and how such creatures might think.
“Most people have an iconic idea of aliens as these biological creatures, but that doesn’t make any sense from a timescale argument,” Shostak told me. “I’ve bet dozens of astronomers coffee that if we pick up an alien signal, it’ll be artificial life.”
With the latest updates from NASA’s Kepler mission showing potentially habitable worlds strewn across the galaxy, it’s becoming harder and harder to assert that we’re alone in the universe. And if and when we do encounter intelligent life forms, we’ll want to communicate with them, which means we’ll need some basis for understanding their cognition. But for the vast majority of astrobiologists who study single-celled life, alien intelligence isn’t on the radar.
“If you asked me to bring together a panel of folks who have given the subject much thought, I would be hard pressed,” said Shostak. “Some think about communication strategies, of course. But few consider the nature of alien intelligence.”
Schneider’s paper is among the first to tackle the subject.
I’m not saying that we’re going to be running into IBM processors in outer space. In all likelihood, this intelligence will be way more sophisticated than anything humans can understand.
“Everything about their cognition—how their brains receive and process information, what their goals and incentives are—could be vastly different from our own,” Schneider told me. “Astrobiologists need to start thinking about the possibility of very different modes of cognition.”
“There’s an important distinction here from just ‘artificial intelligence’,” Schneider told me. “I’m not saying that we’re going to be running into IBM processors in outer space. In all likelihood, this intelligence will be way more sophisticated than anything humans can understand.”
The reason for all this has to do, primarily, with timescales. For starters, when it comes to alien intelligence, there’s what Schneider calls the “short window observation”—the notion that, by the time any society learns to transmit radio signals, they’re probably a hop-skip away from upgrading their own biology. It’s a twist on the belief popularized by Ray Kurzweil that humanity’s own post-biological future is near at hand.
“As soon as a civilization invents radio, they’re within fifty years of computers, then, probably, only another fifty to a hundred years from inventing AI,” Shostak said. “At that point, soft, squishy brains become an outdated model.”
Schneider points to the nascent but rapidly expanding world of brain computer interface technology, including DARPA’s latest ElectRX neural implant program, as evidence that our own singularity is close. Eventually, Schneider predicts, we’ll not only upgrade our minds with technology, we’ll make a wholesale switch to synthetic hardware.
“It could be that by the time we actually encounter other intelligences, most humans will have substantially enhanced their brains,” Schneider said.
Which speaks to Schneider’s second line of reasoning for superintelligent AI: Most of the radio-hot civilizations out there are probably thousands to millions of years older than us. That’s according to the astronomers who ruminate on such matters.
“The way you reach this conclusion is very straightforward,” said Shostak. “Consider the fact that any signal we pick up has to come from a civilization at least as advanced as we are. Now, let’s say, conservatively, the average civilization will use radio for 10,000 years. From a purely probabilistic point of view, the chance of encountering a society far older than ourselves is quite high.”
It’s certainly humbling to consider that we may be galactic infants of beetle-like intelligence compared with our cosmic brethren. But despite their superior processing power, there’s a fundamental aspect of cognition our interstellar neighbors may lack: Consciousness.
It sounds bizarre, but, Schneider writes, the jury’s still out on whether any artificial intelligence is capable of self-awareness. Simply put, we know so little about the neurological basis for consciousness; it’s almost impossible to predict what ingredients might go into replicating it artificially.
“I don’t see any good reason to believe an artificial superintelligence couldn’t possess consciousness, but it’s important to identify the possibility,” said Schneider.
Still, Schneider feels the assertion that artificial life simply can’t possess consciousness is losing ground.
“I believe the brain is inherently computational—we already have computational theories that describe aspects of consciousness, including working memory and attention,” Schneider said. “Given a computational brain, I don’t see any good argument that silicon, instead of carbon, can’t be a excellent medium for experience.”
You don’t spend a whole lot of time hanging out reading books with your goldfish. On the other hand, you don’t really want to kill the goldfish, either.”
I hope she’s right. Somehow, the notion of a galaxy teeming with soulless supercomputers is way creepier than introspective, WALL-E-like beings, or dry, sardonic Qs.
The concept of superintelligent alien AI still sounds very speculative. And it is. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth consideration. Indeed, expanding our purview of alien intelligence may help us identify life’s fingerprints in the cosmos. “So far, we’ve pointed antennas at stars that might have planets that might have breathable atmospheres and oceans and so forth,” Shostak told me. “But if we’re correct that the dominant intelligence in the cosmos is artificial, then does it have to live on a planet with an ocean?”
It’s a bit of a mind-bender to think that habitable worlds may hold false promise when it comes to advanced alien life, but that seems to be Shostak’s conclusion.
“All artificial life forms would need is raw materials,” he said. “They might be in deep space, hovering around a star, or feeding off a black hole’s energy at the center of the galaxy.” (That last idea has seen its way into a number of science fiction novels, including works by Greg Bear and Gregory Benford).
Which is to say, they could be, essentially, anywhere.
Begging a final question: How might superintelligent aliens view us? Will our cosmic cousins see us as nothing more than convenient biofuel, a la the Matrix? Or do they study us quietly from afar, abiding by a Star Trek-esque maxim of non-interference? Schneider doubts either. In fact, she reckons superintelligent aliens couldn’t really care less about us.
“If they were interested in us, we probably wouldn’t be here,” said Schneider. “My gut feeling is their goals and incentives are so different from ours, they’re not going to want to contact us.”
That’s a welcome divergence from Steven Hawking’s claim that advanced aliens might be nomads, looking to strip resources from whatever planets they can, and that all efforts to contact said aliens may end in our own demise.
“I’d have to agree with Susan on them not being interested in us at all,” Shostak said. We’re just too simplistic, too irrelevant. “You don’t spend a whole lot of time hanging out reading books with your goldfish. On the other hand, you don’t really want to kill the goldfish, either.”
So, if we want to meet our galactic peers, it looks like we’ll probably have to keep seeking them out. That may take thousands or millions of years, but in the meanwhile, perhaps we’ll upgrade our own intelligence enough to level the playing field. And as an early Christmas present, it seems we can all tick alien robots juicing us for energy off the list of likely apocalypses.
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UFOs in the Bible and the Vedas
UFOs in the Bible and the Vedas
Baptism of Christ by Aert de Gelder
It is extraordinary how many UFO accounts there are in ancient records and religions – from totally different places, periods of history, cultures and belief systems. Whatever your views on the UFO phenomenon – it is certainly not new. The terminology of some of these archaic accounts may be unfamiliar to us, but, when viewed objectively, the words used are in fact no less primitive than those used in modern times. What, we might wonder, will future generations make of a culture which described extraterrestrial spacecraft as “flying saucers”, or “cigar-shaped objects”?
Below are three extracts from Contacts with the Gods from Space, by Dr. George King with Richard Lawrence, which look at so-called “UFOs” in the Bible, and the Vedas, two highly significant ancient religious works. Please do bear in mind, however, that this is just the tip of the ufological iceberg in terms of how much material there is on this subject in pre-modern literature. There are even mysterious depictions of UFOs in art, in a diverse array of paintings such as the 18th-century ‘Baptism of Christ’ by Aert de Gelder.
UFOs in the Bible
The Annunciation with Emidius, by Carlo Crivelli
The Bible is not completely accurate as an historical document. Numerous scholarly researchers have shown that not only has it been through different translations, but several different scribes have worked on it, some with political motivations of varying kinds, thereby introducing considerable potential for inconsistency. This does not make it worthless – far from it. It is a very valuable document but it cannot be regarded as completely accurate. Everything which follows in this section should be read in the light of this.
The most often quoted account of a biblical UFO occurs in the Book of Ezekiel. This description, which is dated by scholars as occurring in approximately 600 BC, took place when Ezekiel was among the captives in Chaldea by the Chebar River. Ezekiel, Chapter 1, Verse 4, reads as follows:
And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.
This beautiful description of a UFO continues with what is commonly described as “a close encounter of the third kind”. A close encounter of the first kind is a UFO sighting. This type of close encounter has been reported by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. A close encounter of the second kind includes some kind of physical evidence of a UFO sighting, such as a photograph or some physical substance from the craft. This type of close encounter is much rarer than the first, but there have been photographs taken of extraterrestrial spacecraft. A close encounter of the third kind is a meeting with one or more occupants of UFOs who are visitors from other planets. After studying the abundance of evidence for UFOs there is no doubt in my mind that UFOs do exist and have been seen through the ages in a multitude of different countries and cultures (Note 1). What many people do not realise is that, according to opinion polls, believers in UFOs are in a majority, not a minority, as the media often like to imply.
The important thing about UFOs is not so much the craft itself but the people who man and control these craft. Ezekiel’s account is therefore very revealing. He witnessed four Interplanetary Beings stepping out of this UFO and received information and instructions from them. He referred to them as “living creatures”. Later in the same chapter there is a more detailed description of the spacecraft, which is described as “a wheel in the middle of a wheel” and having “eyes round about them four”. This last description is taken to refer to portholes which have often been seen in UFO sightings. A wheel within a wheel could be an inner superstructure revolving whilst an outer one remains stationary. This type of phenomenon has also been witnessed.
After the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, led by Moses, there are numerous descriptions of UFOs which seem to have often accompanied them. Of course, the scribes writing the Bible did not use the kind of terminology that we use. They would refer to clouds and stars with the properties of high speed movement and flight control, as well as fiery chariots and so on. The following extract from the Book of Exodus, Chapter 13, Verses 21-22 is a typical example:
And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud, to lead them along the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night: He took not away the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.
This description of pillars of cloud and fire is very close to the cigar-shaped description of a UFO. In fact I much prefer the Biblical description of a pillar to the far less evocative one of a cigar! In the 20th century we have become more mundane in our descriptive terminology. Compare, for example, “wheel in the middle of a wheel”, with the rather facile term, “flying saucer”.
The Prophet Elijah was taken to heaven in a space vehicle; his follower Elisha was with him at the time and witnessed this, and II Kings, Chapter 2, Verse 11, reads as follows:
And it came to pass, as they (Elijah and Elisha) still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
Obviously the chariot and horses represent a vehicle to the Biblical scribes and the whirlwind suggests an apparent vortex of energy which is often described in UFO sightings.
The Prophet Zechariah gave a very precise description of a UFO, in Chapter 5,
Verses 1-2:
Then I turned and lifted up mine eyes and looked, and behold, a flying scroll. And he said unto me, “What seest thou?” I answered, I see a flying scroll, the length thereof is 20 cubits, and the breadth thereof 10 cubits.
A scroll, of course, would be a similar shape to the cigar-shaped type of object.
However, before leaving the Judaic-Christian UFO legacy, I must refer to possibly the most significant and famous biblical sighting of them all, namely, the Star of Bethlehem.
An excerpt from the Book of Matthew, Chapter 2, Verses 9-11, reads as follows:
And, lo, the Star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. When they saw the Star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary, his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him.
It is staggering to think that for centuries it was believed that a star had led the three wise men to a stable in Bethlehem. If a star were to come near enough to this planet, assuming that gravity allowed it to do so in the first place, and then pinpointed a country, never mind a city, never mind a young child in a stable in an inn, there would be a dire cosmic catastrophe. All the laws of science prove that stars cannot possibly do that. No, this was a classic example of a UFO leading three advanced men to a great Interplanetary Master who had been born on this Planet to perform a specific mission.
UFOs in the Vedas
Artist’s impression of a vimana in ancient India
When you look at other religious scripts you find a very similar pattern of UFO involvement in the spiritual revelations of our history. The Hindu texts known as the Vedas are a good example of this. As with the Holy Bible, there is no guarantee of the complete accuracy of these writings which, in some cases, were passed down for thousands of years orally before being written down at all. There is therefore a definite margin for error and the chronology may have been incorrectly altered along the way.
Texts like the Ramayana use the Sanskrit word, vimana, which means “flying celestial vehicle”. The following is an extract from the Ramayana which is typical of the descriptions of vimanas:
When morning dawned, Rama, taking the vimana Puspaka had sent him by Vivpishand, stood ready to depart. Self-propelled was that car. It was large and finely painted.
In another extract, a vimana is described as follows:
That aerial and excellent vimana, going everywhere at will, is ready for thee. That vimana, resembling a bright cloud in the sky, is in the city of Lanka.
It is interesting to note here the reference to “at will” which suggests a stupendous science involving thought control by the occupants […]. The Vedas, and indeed the Buddhist scripts, have a concept of life throughout the planetary realms. They fully accept the existence of life on other worlds and life on higher spheres as being part of the same belief in universal consciousness.
One Vedic script describes the liberation of a Maharajah (King) named Dhruva from material bondage into high spiritual consciousness. This is often referred to in metaphysical writings as the state of Ascension. This amazing experience, which takes on a cosmic dimension, is described in the Bhagavata Purana, Book 4, Chapter 12, as follows:
As soon as the symptoms of his liberation were manifest, he saw a very beautiful vimana coming down from the sky, as if the brilliant full moon were coming down, illuminating all the ten directions…
He was then picked up by this vimana, or UFO, and the following is a description of his journey:
While Dhruva Maharajah was passing through space, he gradually saw all the planets of the Solar System, and on the path he saw all the demi-gods in their vimanas showering flowers upon him like rain…
Beyond that region, he achieved the transcendental situation of permanent life in the planet where Lord Vishnu lives.
Not only does this description detail a truly beautiful close encounter of the third kind which took place thousands of years ago, it also indicates that it is possible to attain such a high and elevated state of consciousness, that one is liberated from the need to reside on Earth and can go to other worlds for continued existence.
(Note 1: The use of the first person refers to Richard Lawrence, co-author of Contacts with the Gods from Space – the book from which the extracts on this page were taken.)
In his book, Dr Ellis Silver points to a number of physiological features to make his case for why humans did not evolve alongside other life on Earth
A U.S. ecologist has claimed that humans are not from Earth but were put on the planet by aliens tens of thousands of years ago.
Dr Ellis Silver points to a number of physiological features to make his case for why humans did not evolve alongside other life on Earth, in his new book.
They range from humans suffering from bad backs - which he suggests is because we evolved in a world with lower gravity – to getting too easily sunburned and having difficulty giving birth.
Dr Ellis says that while the planet meets humans’ needs for the most part, it does not perhaps serve the species’ interests as well as the aliens who dropped us off imagined.
In his book, HUMANS ARE NOT FROM EARTH: A SCIENTIFIC EVALUATION OF THE EVIDENCE, the ecologist writes the human race has defects that mark it of being ‘not of this world’.
‘Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth's environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more,’ he told Yahoo.
Dr Ellis says that humans might suffer from bad backs because they evolved on a world with lower gravity.
He also says that it is strange that babies’ heads are so large and make it difficult for women to give birth, which can result in fatalities of the mother and infant.
Dr Ellis says that humans might suffer from bad backs (illustrated) because they evolved on a world with lower gravity. He also says that it is strange that babies' heads are so large and make it difficult for women to give birth, which resulted in fatalities in earlier times
No other native species on this planet has this problem, he says.
He also believes humans are not designed to be as exposed to the sun as they are on Earth, as they cannot sunbathe for more than a week or two – unlike a lizard – and cannot be exposed to the sun every day without problems.
Dr Ellis also claims humans are always ill and this might be because our body clocks have evolved to expects a 25 hour day, as proven by sleep researchers.
This is not a modern condition; the same factors can be traced all the way back through mankind's history on Earth,’ he says.
He suggests that Neanderthals such as homo erectus were crossbred with another species, perhaps from Alpha Centauri, which is the closest star system to our solar system, some 4.37 light years away from the sun.
He also believes humans are not designed to be so exposed to the sun as they are on Earth, as they cannot sunbathe for more than a week or two ¿ unlike a lizard ¿ and cannot be exposed to the sun every day
Bad backs suggest humans evolved in a world with lower gravity
Sunburn hints humans were not designed to be exposed constantly to the sun
The size of babies' heads present a problem for women when giving birth - difficulty not shared by other species on the planet
Humans are always ill, perhaps beacuse their body clocks have evolved to expect a 25 hour day - unlike Earth's
People just feel like they are not at home on our planet
Dr Ellis said many people feel that they don’t belong and feel at home on Earth.
‘This suggests (to me at least) that mankind may have evolved on a different planet, and we may have been brought here as a highly developed species.’
‘One reason for this … is that the Earth might be a prison planet, since we seem to be a naturally violent species and we're here until we learn to behave ourselves,’ he said.
Dr Ellis said the book is intended to create debate, instead of being a scientific study and hopes it will lead to people getting in touch with him with further suggestions of 'evidence'.
While other scientists have said some bacteria arrived on Earth from space, Chris McKay, an astrobiologist at NASA, said that to jump to the conclusion that it is alien life is ‘a big jump’.
Was this home? Dr Ellis suggests Neanderthals such as homo erectus were crossbred with another species, perhaps from Alpha Centauri. Star Proxima Centauri is pictured in the star system, which is the closest to our solar system some 4.37 light years away from the sun
Professor Wainwright from the University of Sheffield plans to investigate further, and believes that life is constantly arriving from space that did not originate on Earth.
Dr Ellis says that while his idea is an extreme evolution of that idea, it is intended to be thought-provoking and he claims to have had a largely positive response to it.
He is interested in whether humans came to Earth separately, perhaps by arriving on meteors and comets, before evolving into the species we know today.
‘My thesis proposes that mankind did not evolve from that particular strain of life, but evolved elsewhere and was transported to Earth (as fully evolved Homo sapiens) between 60,000 and 200,000 years ago,’ he says.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Strange radio signals coming from microwaves -- not aliens
Strange radio signals coming from microwaves -- not aliens
Monday, April 13, 2015, 6:08 PM - For years, scientists were baffled over a series of brief and intense radio signals that appeared to be coming from deep space -- but a new study has shed some light on their surprising origin.
The signals -- called perytons -- have been reported dozens of times since the 1990s, and while they closely mimic a deep space signal, astronomers had long suspected the perytons were coming from somewhere -- or something -- near the Earth.
Emily Petroff and her team at Australia's Swinburne University of Technology installed a real-time radio interference monitor at the Parkes telescope in Australia and detected three signals right away.
Further study led them to believe the signals could be coming from a nearby microwave oven.
The hypothesis was cemented when the team found they could recreate the perytons by opening a microwave before the timer has gone off.
“It was quite surprising that [the source] ended up being microwaves," Petroff told National Geographic.
If a microwave door is opened before the timer goes off, magnetrons -- the thing in the oven that produces microwaves --aren't given a chance to properly shut off, and the microwaves get transmitted into the atmosphere.
“Radio emission escaping from microwave ovens during the magnetron shut-down phase neatly explain all of the observed properties of the peryton signals,” the study authors write, adding the microwaves causing the radio signals likely originated from the staff kitchen and visitor's centre at Parkes Observatory.
The complete paper can be found at the Cornell University Library (CUL).
Sinds de Amerikaanse ruimtesonde Dawn op 6 maart in een baan rond de dwergplaneet Ceres is gekomen, blijft het hemellichaam meer raadsels dan ophelderingen opleveren. Dat bleek op een wetenschappelijke conferentie in Wenen, meldt Nature.
Ceres is het grootste object in de asteroïdengordel tussen Mars en Jupiter en draait in 4,61 jaar om de zon. De dwergplaneet lijkt niet op zijn buur Vesta, die in 2011 en 2012 al bezoek kreeg van de 473 miljoen dollar kostende Dawn. Ceres is veel somberder en er zijn minder kraters dan verwacht.
Tijdens de nadering van Dawn trokken twee lichte stippen op Ceres de aandacht van de wetenschappers en ook van het grote publiek. Maar wat ze zijn, is nog altijd niet duidelijk. ‘Spot-1’ lijkt kouder te zijn dan zijn omgeving, wat voor ‘Spot-5’ niet het geval is. Verrassend genoeg verdwijnt Spot-5 ook op thermische beelden.
De wetenschappers kunnen ook nog niet zeggen of Ceres, al in 1801 ontdekt, een embryonale planeet is die nooit volwassen is geworden.
Een ander raadsel draait om het water op Ceres. Astronomen weten dat de dwergplaneet voor een groot deel uit water bestaat, maar onduidelijk is hoeveel daarvan vloeibaar is. Sommige wetenschappers denken dat zich onder een laag ijs een oceaan bevindt, net als bij enkele manen van Jupiter en Saturnus, en daarin kan zich theoretisch buitenaards leven hebben ontwikkeld.
This video was just reported to me. It’s showing a two linked lights hovering in the night sky above London, the capital and most populous city of the United Kingdom. Recorded on Sunday, 12th April 2015.
An American pilot, Andrew Danziger, has revealed an eerie encounter he had with a UFO (unidentified flying object) in mid air in April 1989. Danziger recounts his unexplained flight experiences over the Kansas City International Airport on the way to Waterloo in his column in the New York Daily News. The pilot claims he and his co-pilot saw a white ‘moon like’ disk hovering over the sky of Kansas City for about 40 minutes. What was spooky was that he saw two moons on opposite sides of his cockpit.
“There was no beam of light coming from the ground, no search light from an airport either. The captain and I had cumulatively spent many years flying and were accustomed to seeing — day and night — all manner of airplane, blimp, hot air balloon, satellite and bird. But neither of us had any idea what this disc could be,” he wrote. The veteran pilot also reveals that the white disc later changed into a giant red ball and stood still above the clouds before beginning a gradual descent. It later disappeared behind the clouds. Danziger claims that both the pilots got a call from the National UFO Reporting Center who interviewed them separately and said that “This very same thing has been reported by pilots countless times.” The incident happened more than 25 years ago but the turboprops and Boeing aircraft pilot holds the opinion that with billions of stars and trillions of planets out there, “ya gotta believe.”
The witness was at Drove Road near the Magic Roundabout Intersection with very good visibility about 8 p.m. on October 3, 2014, when the object was first seen. Pictured: Swindon town centre from Radnor Street Cemetery. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
A British witness at Swindon, Wiltshire, reported a hovering, triangle-shaped UFO less than 70 feet off of the ground, according to testimony in Case 64480 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was at Drove Road near the Magic Roundabout Intersection with very good visibility and ambient light just after dusk with streetlights in the area about 8 p.m. on October 3, 2014, when the incident occurred.
“A triangular craft was seen floating above the quiet residential area immediately to the east of Drove Road, Swindon, for a short period of time before moving away in a mannerinconsistent with a sighting of any conventional craft,” the witness stated.
The witness said the object was hovering.
The object was triangle-shaped and the area immediately underneath the craft was very brightly illuminated by the powerful lights. Pictured: Magic Roundabout Intersection near Drove Road. (Credit: Google)
“The craft was seen to be floating perfectly still and in complete silence very close to Drove Road at a low altitude above houses. It is difficult to estimate the altitude of the craft but it was perhaps 50-70 feet from the ground, and certainly what would legally constitute ‘low flying.’”
According to the MUFON report, the craft was very close to the observer and so it could be seen with great clarity. It was very conspicuous and easy to observe. The witness felt that it was clearly not any form of conventional aircraft or any other known object.
The witness described the shape of the object.
“The platform of the craft was a perfect triangle in shape and was larger in area than any one of the houses over which it loitered, although it did not appear as large in area as two such houses. At each of the vertices of the visible underside were very large, powerful circular lights (one at each vertex).”
The witness described the object’s light and other observations.
“The character of the light was very similar to that of the surrounding street lights, i.e., a bright flame yellow hue. There was a subtle difference of color between the light and that of the street lights. Namely, it was of a slightly more brilliant character – less burnt and slightly more saturated. The craft itself was of a dark or black color and with no noticeable surface features. It was not possible to make out the texture of the surface. There were no signs of landing gear or wheels or indeed any other protrusions. The triangle was perhaps a bit broader in the axis of motion. At the center of the underside, seemingly fixed directly to the bottom of the craft, was a pulsing red light far smaller than the others. This appeared to be very similar in character and frequency if not identical to a standard red anti-collision beacon of the sort used commonly in aviation.”
The craft was hovering during this observation by the witness.
“The craft loitered perfectly still without any movement or instability and in complete silence over a quiet residential area for an observed period of approximately 3-4 minutes, although it was already situated when first sighted and so may have been there for a while. It could not have been present for more than 15-20 minutes as the area was traversed in the opposite direction using the same route approximately this length of time prior to the start of the observation window.”
The witness felt that if anyone had been close to the craft that they would have seen it due to the lights.
“It was obvious during the observation that the area immediately underneath the craft must have been very brightly illuminated by the powerful lights. Anyone beneath the craft would have been dazzled/blinded. The platform seemed to be entirely parallel to the ground while it was stationary.”
Finally the craft began to move.
“After about 3-4 minutes, it moved off without any noticeable acceleration. It moved very slowly – perhaps no more than 15 mph based on comparisons with moving traffic on Drove Road. Interestingly, it moved with one of the vertices leading, as though that were the nose of the craft. No fins or signs of a tail could be seen. It remained horizontal as it moved away and no instabilities/roll/etc. were visible.”
The object moved very slowly away. Pictured: Magic Roundabout Intersection near Drove Road. (Credit: Google)
The craft then switched off lights.
“Almost immediately after beginning to move, the large lights were all switched off. The lights continued to glow and hence remained visible for the duration of the 30-40 seconds it took for the craft to attain diminished visibility to the observer. The afterglow was very distinctive and allowed the craft to remain visible for much longer than would otherwise have been the case. Perhaps a qualified lighting expert might be able to identify the type of light involved: the glow was a burnt dim, orange-yellow hue and faded very slowly. This also gave the impression that the lights were more powerful than had originally been thought. Slight concentric grooves were apparent within the lights as with powerful search lights and floodlights perhaps.”
The craft moved away.
“The craft was moving in a straight line of constant altitude towards the portion of Queen’s Drive near to the Magic Roundabout. However, before reaching that position the craft banked to the right at a very steep angle (nearly vertical) giving an excellent view of the craft from below, something that would not be seen in conventional aviation.”
Swindon, Wiltshire is a large town within the Borough of Swindon and ceremonial county of Wiltshire, in Southwest England. It is midway between Bristol, 35 miles to the west and Reading, 35 miles to the east. London is 71 miles to the east. The population of Swindon is 185,609.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Chasse aux drones sur un site militaire nucléaire ultra-sensible
Chasse aux drones sur un site militaire nucléaire ultra-sensible
Au cours des derniers jours, de nombreux drones ont été détectés à proximité du site militaire nucléaire de l'Ile Longue, dans la rade de Brest, déclenchant un impressionnant déploiement de forces
"Au cours de ces derniers jours, des drones ont été détectés à proximité du site de l'Ile Longue", a indiqué la préfecture maritime de l'Atlantique dans un communiqué. "Ces vols de drones n'ont pas présenté de menace caractérisée sur la sûreté des installations".
L'Ile-Longue, sur la presqu'île de Crozon, abrite les quatre sous-marins nucléaires lanceurs d'engins (SNLE) de la force océanique stratégique (FOST) : le Triomphant, le Téméraire, le Vigilant et le Terrible, mis en service entre 1997 et 2010 et équipés de missiles balistiques intercontinentaux. Au moins un SNLE est en permanence à la mer et deux sont opérationnels à tout moment.
La zone est strictement interdite.
Ces vols se sont produits "dans la nuit du 26 au 27 et le 27", a précisé le porte-parole de la préfecture maritime, le capitaine de corvette Lionel Delort, indiquant cependant ne disposer "d'aucune preuve tangible" dans la mesure où les drones n'ont pas été retrouvés.
Une réaction immédiate
C'est le dispositif et les équipes de protection du site qui ont fait état de l'irruption de ces drones dans le périmètre de sécurité entourant la base, périmètre couvrant quasiment la presqu'île de Crozon.
"Ces détections ont été immédiatement traitées en mobilisant les moyens et les équipes de réaction prévus dans ce cas de figure", précise la préfecture maritime.
Le Télégramme rapporte que le survol de mardi s'est produit au moment où un SNLE devait réaliser des mouvements, ce qui a provoqué "un impressionnant déploiement de forces", comme l'a décrit un voisin de la base.
Le capitaine de corvette Lionel Delort a cependant assuré qu'un SNLE avait bien réalisé "un mouvement" mais seulement mercredi matin et qu'au moment des survols il n'y avait aucun sous-marin dans la rade.
Selon le quotidien, le vol a probablement été programmé, un vol à vue semblant exclu dans cette zone. Il a donc pu être lancé de plus loin avec un minimum de préparation.
Tout survol avéré de drone au-dessus d'installations militaires fait l'objet d'une procédure judiciaire pour déterminer la nature et l'origine du survol et poursuivre leurs auteurs, compte tenu de la nature illégale de ces activités, souligne la préfecture, qui assure que le "dispositif de surveillance et de protection des sites de la Marine permet de garantir leur sécurité et prend bien en compte les potentialités ouvertes par les nouvelles technologies".
Un problème récurrent
Une vingtaine de vols de drones ont été observés ces derniers mois en France aux abords de sites nucléaires, dont les auteurs n'ont pas été identifiés. Un drone avait aussi survolé l'Élysée mi-janvier, dans la même période où Greenpeace avait appelé le gouvernement à élargir les missions de l'Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN), jugeant la France "très mal outillée" pour répondre à d'éventuelles agressions extérieures contre son parc nucléaire.
La loi de 2006 a confié à l'ASN une mission de sûreté, qui implique contrôle et suivi des installations et de leurs risques de défaillances. En revanche la sécurité, notamment les agressions extérieures, ne rentre pas dans son mandat.
L'origine des aéronefs suspects, pour la plupart des drones, reste mystérieuse.
C'est un ovni, pas un drone" qui a survolé la centrale nucléaire du Blayais
C'est un ovni, pas un drone" qui a survolé la centrale nucléaire du Blayais
Mardi, lors de la présentation des résultats 2014 et des perspectives de la centrale nucléaire du Blayais, le directeur Pascal Pezzani est revenu brièvement sur l'affaire des drones
Pascal Pezzani, directeur de la centrale nucléaire du Blayais, a fait la présentation hier des résultats 2014 et des perspectives pour la nouvelle année. Pour la centrale du Blayais, l'année qui s'est achevée a été « dense, voire exceptionnelle ». Le directeur a rappelé la charge des activités de maintenance avec l'arrêt de l'unité de production n°4 pour le rechargement en combustible, la visite partielle de l'unité de production n°1 et la visite décennale de l'unité de production n°3.
2015 sera tout aussi chargée avec le remplacement des trois générateurs de vapeur de l'unité de production n°3 et la visite décennale de l'unité de production n°4.
Cette visite sera la dernière du cycle des troisièmes visites décennales de cette centrale construite au début des années 80. Lorsque l'Autorité de sûrenté nucléaire aura donné le feu vert, la centrale du Blayais sera alors sur les rails pour être exploitées dix ans de plus.
Aucune fermeture de réacteur en perspective
Pascal Pezzani n'a pas caché que l'objectif était bien le cap des 60 ans. Il a même rappelé que le site a la capacité d'accueillir une cinquième unité de production et a fait comprendre que la centrale du Blayais n'était pas concernée par la fermeture d'un ou plusieurs réacteurs dans le cadre de la loi de transition énergétique.
Sur le bilan de la production, le directeur a fait part de son satisfecit : « On a produit ce que l'on avait prévu de produire. C'est très bien. »
Concernant les effectifs, la centrale compte 1347 agents, avec plus de 300 embauches sur les quatre dernières années.
Enfin, le directeur a rappelé que le CNPE du Blayais a travaillé à hauteur de 27 millions d'euros avec les entreprises de Gironde. C'est le premier département en terme d'investissements, devant les Bouches-du-Rhones, et loin derrière le Rhône.
Des soucis avec la sécurité en 2014
En revanche, il a fait part des difficultés qu'a connues la centrale en 2014 en terme de sûreté. Comme par exemple la détection tardive d'un robinet «inétanche» situé sur un circuit de sauvegarde, la remise sous tension inappropriée d'un tableau électrique, la détection tardive d'un écart de positionnement des grappes de commande du réacteur de l'unité de production n°2, ou encore des traces de contamination externe au niveau du visage d'un intervenant qui n'avaient cependant pas justifié de traitement médical particulier.
La centrale rappelle que ces événements n'ont eu aucune conséquence sur la sûreté des installations.
« Nous avons été chahutés sur la sûreté en début d'année 2014. Ce n'est pas à la hauteur de nos attentes. Nous avons su garder le cap et relever le défi. Le niveau d'excellence sur la sûreté est notre objectif », a insisté Pascal Pezzani.
Octobre 2014 : drone ou pas drone?
Suite à la question d'un élu sur l'affaire des drones, le directeur a minimisé l'événement. « Ici, on n'a pas vu de drone. On a vu un ovni et il n'y a eu aucun impact sur la sûreté de nos sites. Notre position est claire, lorsqu'il y a survol du site nous portons plainte et on communique. »
Une communication qui avait cependant était jugée tardive lors de l'assemblée générale de la Commission locale d'information du nucléaire réunie en décembre.
Mars Has Enough Water That Could Possibly Support Life
Mars Has Enough Water That Could Possibly Support Life
Scientists have recently discovered glaciers hidden under the surface dust of planet Mars that could produce water enough to cover the entire planet.
The question now is if the glaciers that hold 150 billion cubic meters of frozen water can actually support life on the red planet. One scientist says there is a possibility.
Researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute of the University Copenhagen calculated the size of the glaciers and thus the amount of water in the glaciers using radar observations combined with ice flow modeling.
“We have calculated that the ice in the glaciers is equivalent to over 150 billion cubic meters of ice — that much ice could cover the entire surface of Mars with 1.1 meters of ice,” lead author Nanna Bjornholt Karlsson, a postdoc at the Center for Ice and Climate at the Niels Bohr Institute, said in a statement.
Therefore, the ice is “an important part of Mars’ water reservoir,” she added.
The researchers said that the glaciers can be found in belts around Mars between the latitutdes 30 degrees and 50 degrees on both the northern and southern hemispheres.
As revealed by this week’s issue of Geophysical Research Letters, the volume of the frozen water is more or less equals to the volume of water contained in Lake Tahoe, along the Nevada and California border. -
Cabal keeping UFO secrets to blame for world’s woes, says former cabinet minister Paul Hellyer
Cabal keeping UFO secrets to blame for world’s woes, says former cabinet minister Paul Hellyer
Global warming just one challenge that could be faced with the extraterrestrial technology, former Liberal defence minster tells Toronto crowd on Saturday.
Former Canadian defence minister Paul Hellyer talked UFOs at conference called Disclosure in Toronto on April 11.
In his memoirs, former prime minister Lester Pearson said he would always wonder what might have happened had Paul Hellyer, not Pierre Trudeau, succeeded him in 1968.
But not in his wildest imaginings could Pearson have reckoned on the intriguing ways Hellyer would pass the decades even without the country’s top job.
All going well, Paul Theodore Hellyer — who first served in a Canadian cabinet 11 prime ministers ago under Louis St. Laurent — will be 92 this summer.
On Saturday morning, he was keynote speaker at a Toronto symposium on UFO secrecy, an event that saw about 150 people gather at a University of Toronto auditorium for the old politician’s fascinating review of what ails the country, the world economy, the entire planet.
In short, explained Hellyer, it is a secret cabal’s stranglehold on the international banking system, humankind’s failure to adopt the technology available from extraterrestrial visitors, and to apply it to the climate crisis of global warming.
“Most of us do not know what is going on,” Hellyer said. And the problem, he said, in the punning way he was famous for a half-century ago in Ottawa, is that “what you don’t see is what you get.”
To all appearances, the audience Saturday seemed to get pretty much what it came for.
Those in attendance passed through a lobby that, on its walls, had exhibits telling the story of doctors Banting and Best, and on tables beneath had vendors offering copies of Science Was Wrong, Flying Saucers and Science, UFOs and Aliens and, of course, Hellyer’s own books.
Hellyer was raised a devout Baptist, added a rich baritone to his church choir and studied as an engineer. After being elected, he served in cabinet for a few months under St. Laurent in 1957 before becoming defence minister under Pearson. In that portfolio, he played a key role in changing the Liberal government’s nuclear arms policy and integrating the Canadian armed forces.
Then things got a little hairy.
Hellyer ran for the Liberal leadership but lost to Trudeau in 1968, quit Trudeau’s cabinet and the Liberal party a year later, sat as an independent MP, joined the federal PCs and ran for their leadership in 1976, when he denounced Red Tories for not being true conservatives.
After that erratic phase, he tried unsuccessfully to negotiate the merger of the Canadian Action Party he founded with the NDP, rejoined the Liberals, made a few more doomed bids for election before turning his attention to UFOs, grand conspiracies and such.
Hellyer’s old pal in the Commons, Judy LaMarsh, with whom he sneaked across Checkpoint Charlie into East Berlin in 1962 in a caper much frowned on by their bosses, once said “he wants to give people their money’s worth.”
You’d have to think that he did to those who’d ponied up $50 for a ticket on Saturday morning.
At first blush, it could have been a weekend continuing education class on, say, creative writing, or financial literacy for retiring baby boomers. But it was rather less banal.
Hellyer said that when extraterrestrials landed a flying disk in New Mexico — shortly after the end of the Second World War, a war that established the United States as the most technologically advanced nation in human history — well, “it was extremely upsetting” to the Americans to learn there were, in fact, other societies “light years ahead of theirs.”
Much of what has ensued over the last 60 years has been an effort to keep the public in the dark about technology available from ETs, he explained. “Why all the lies and coverup?”
Hellyer said he receives emails by the day from all over the world from people reporting UFO sightings.
From time to time, these visitors have interfered with control systems of nuclear missile installations on Earth, he said. The ETs have taken an inventory of earthly goings-on — “they have the whole picture” — and are not amused by what they see, he warned.
“It is my opinion that they look at us and say, ‘the children have been playing with matches.’ ”
Our planet is down to a few years, if not months, to get our house in order, he said. A key window for the massive monetary reform Hellyer says is needed to free up the resources to address climate change (in part by collaborating with the extraterrestrials) is in the final months of President Barack Obama’s administration, when he has little to fear from bold action.
During a question period after the talk, one audience member suggested those on hand call themselves “Hellyer-ites,” the better (assuming, he said with a laugh, that Bill C-51 didn’t infringe on their activities) to reveal such alarming developments and demand action.
Though admittedly flattered, Hellyer — who said he is frequently on radio in the U.S. these days — suggested something like “Truth-ites” might better fit the bill.
Even the unflappable Mike Pearson, long in his grave, would surely be astonished.
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UFO 2015 Sightings Enough to Prove Alien Existence
UFO 2015 Sightings Enough to Prove Alien Existence
(Credit: Reuters) Do Aliens really exist?
A world beyond Earth might actually exist. Lifeforms which are more intellectual than ours may have been visiting the Earth centuries. The never ending search for concrete evidences of the truth behind Alien and UFO sightings remains to be a mystery, but a very in depth and interesting phenomena we all have secretly dream of unraveling.
Several UFO sightings have been reported this 2015 and the signs and evidence are becoming quite very clear. There is something living beyond Earth's atmosphere.
An unidentified flying object was seen and filmed above the clouds of Ferndale California USA after a 5.1 magnitude earthquake in the area. The video showed a round circular object that goes along the color white and silver. Alien sightings have always been connected with changes in climate or natural occurring disasters on Earth. The possibility of an earthquake and an alien sighting minutes apart are indeed very suspicious and something to really ponder about.
Recently, another UFO sighting has been recorded recently, March 10, 2015 in the skies of Mexico City. A volcano being closely monitored for volcanic activities, the Popocateptl, rumored to be a UFO base reached news headlines after a flying object was seen emerging allegedly from the top of the volcano. The area is well-known for odd occurrences and the sighting is just another proof of a hidden secret in the area. Another sighting from the same volcano was caught on video last January 2015. The object was dark and looks like a space craft with two tails. The flying object was named "Dark Horse."
Odd cloud formations are also commonly identified to UFO sightings. In the United Kingdom, A motorist and amateur photographer Glenn Spencer caught irregularly shaped clouds in the sky of Chester in Cheshire. The occurrence was immediately identified to be an "intergalactic one" as the clouds really looked like UFO space ships.
Gathering of evidences, intentionally or accidentally to identify the occurrence of Aliens and UFO's will never stop. Unless a sensational sighting, in broad day light and with a hundred witnesses finally confirms the existence of these terrestrial beings
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People keep reporting UFOs in Savannah
People keep reporting UFOs in Savannah
(Not an image from a local UFO sighting.)
A blue orb moves "silently but steadily across the Georgia coastline towards Tybee Island."
That's not the beginning of a sci-fi story. It's just what someone sent to the National UFO Reporting Center in June 2006. And it's not the only time.
Savannah's got a tourism mini-niche built on spooky ghost stories, but apparently we've got our run-ins with UFOs, too. Or so people keep reporting, anyway. The Atlantic's CityLab posted a story about a time-lapse map of UFO sightings in the United States from 1933 through the present. Since I'd fallen for that clickbait while at work, I figured I might as well see if any of the reports were from Savannah.
I thought we'd have one or two reports tops, but there were about 30 in the last decade.
Most alleged sightings were in Savannah, including one last year when someone reported a "shooting star" that "did a loop" over Hunter Army Airfield.
In 2008, someone reported "a triangle-shaped object with light" hovering above trees off U.S. 80 in Bloomingdale that "tilted downward and shot off."
Some people have reported "fireballs" around Tybee. The island and surrounding area accounted for seven of the roughly 30 entries dating back to 2005, including the most recent reported sighting on March 30: "a craft with three extremely bright, white lights flying soundlessly over the marsh and crossing Highway 80."
So I asked Tybee Police Chief Bob Bryson if his officers get calls about UFOs. It turns out they do.
"We've had UFO stuff before," he said. "People call about all kinds of things."
The police chief said he has no plans to open up an X-Files unit at the beach.
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The Discovery Of This Stone Doll Could Literally Rewrite The History Books
The Discovery Of This Stone Doll Could Literally Rewrite The History Books
April 13, 2015 - In 1889, workers digging a well in Nampo, Idaho found a strange doll that could shatter how we perceive the timeline of human evolution. Because the man-made object was discovered 320 feet below the Earth's surface, it confounds scientists trying to place it in history, as it would appear to be significantly older than the agreed-upon origin date of homo sapiens in that part of the world.
Could humans have been around around for longer than we thought?
The depth at which this tiny clay figure was found would suggest it was made in the geological period of Plio-Pleistocene, which would mean it was created by a human being 2 million years ago, subverting the idea that homo sapiens are only 200,000 years old.
The figure is half baked clay, and half quartz. The geometric markings on its body indicate that there might have been jewelry attached at some point. Experts say this was not the work of a child, but an artist of the time.
If it was not homo sapiens who made this doll, what was it then? Scientists conjecture that no other hominid has ever made a work of art like this. It might not look very advanced, but scientists recently discovered that the right arm has been cemented together.
Very sophisticated craftsmanship for a caveman.
Of course, there are many hypotheses about how the clay figure got so deep under the Earth that are more in line with our vision of human evolution. It could be as simple as the figure falling through a rock fissure of some sort, essentially sending it back in time.
Some experts have even noticed a similarity between this doll and dolls made by the nearby Pocatello Indians in the 19th and 20th centuries. Either way, it's a fascinating look at the field of archaeology, which can sometimes tip itself upside when a toy is found in the wrong pile of dirt.
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Mysterious UFO Sighting Over Bakersfield
Mysterious UFO Sighting Over Bakersfield
Several neighbors living off Alderpointe Street near Panama and Gosford in southwest Bakersfield say they first witnessed a mysterious blue light in the sky back in February, and again in March. Both times they saw it on the 14th.
13-04-2015 om 23:14
geschreven door peter
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What is the Ankh symbol doing in Mexico?
What is the Ankh symbol doing in Mexico?
Calixtlahuaca, present day Toluca has one of the most mysterious objects discovered in Mexico. The Monument number 4, Cross Altar or Tzompantli share an incredible similarity to the Ankh cross in ancient Egypt.
The ankh also known as key of life was the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic character that read “life”. It actually represents the concept of eternal life, which is according to historians the general meaning of the symbol. It is one of the most important ancient Egyptian symbols yet one of the most mysterious ones because the origin of the symbol remains a mystery to Egyptologists even today and not a single hypothesis has been fully accepted. The symbol appears frequently in Egyptian tomb paintings and other art, often at the fingertips of a god or goddess in images that represent the deities of the afterlife. A symbol similar to the ankh appears frequently in Minoan and Mycenaean sites and it frequently appeared in coins from ancient Cyprus and Asia Minor and it is also used to represent the planet Venus and the metal copper.
But what is the Ankh symbol doing in Mexico? The archaeological site of Calixtlahuaca is located at about 2,500 meters and there are several monuments present at the site. Out of these structures we pick out the Tzompantli structure. A Tzompantli s a type of wooden rack or palisade documented in several Mesoamerican civilizations. It was used for the public display of human skulls, typically of war captives or other sacrificial victims. It is a scaffold-like construction of poles on which heads and skulls were placed after holes had been made in them. – wikipedia
The Tzompantli present at Calixtlahuaca is a cross altar decorated with skulls, it had skulls carved in stone embedded around the structure. Originally had more than ten, today there are only two original and the replica of a third. but what makes this construction so mysterious is that it resembles the Egyptian Symbol Ankh.
We know that the Egyptian civilization and the Aztec civilization where similar in many ways both civilizations built pyramids, used solar symbolism, and both believed in life after death. the fact that these two ancient civilizations apparently share the same symbolism is something that archaeologists will probably look better into. The similarity between some structures found at Calixtlahuaca when compared to some symbols and structures from Egypt is quite interesting.
Both of these cultures had a similar use of the “Tau” cross. The Ancient Egyptian Ankh was a “Tau” cross that has a loop on top of it. Ancient Aztecs and Mayas used a similar symbolism in their cross, that apparently comes from the “Tau” cross without the loop that Ancient Egyptians used. This is why the “Ankh cross found in Mexico” is really interesting. Why would the Aztecs deliberately deviate from their conventional use of the “Tau” cross and modify it like they did in Calixtlahuaca by adding a loop, just like the Egyptians did. to the Egyptians the Ankh symbol was a very important glyph that was connected to the afterlife. The ancient Egyptians were extremely spiritual and they firmly believed that a person continues to live in the afterlife. That is why the Ankh cross was so important to them. In Central America we have a similar story when we talk about the Mayas and Aztecs as they believed that a person would continue to live in the afterlife.
The TAU cross was inscribed on the forehead of every person admitted into the Mysteries of Mithras. When a king was initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries, the TAU was placed against his lips. It was tattooed upon the bodies of the candidates in some of the American Indian Mysteries. To the Qabbalist, the TAU stood for heaven and the Pythagorean tetractys. The Caduceus of Hermes was an outgrowth of the TAU cross. –
There are many monuments at Calixtlahuaca that have not been excavated yet, there is plenty of work to be done on the site and archaeologists are hoping to uncover more information about this ancient complex and their inhabitants.
Thousands of accounts of abductions can be attributed to the alien/human hybridization agenda. Have humans volunteered to help a race that could no longer have offspring, and if so will we get to meet these hybrid children?
All Aboard!
Now than ever, there are more reports of people feeling like they have been taken aboard spaceships. In the past, few have been allowed to remember the experience, as the extraterrestrial race that has taken them usually has technology that wipes the memory in the conscious mind. However, more people are beginning to remember as they move toward a higher vibrational resonance which thins the veils of forgetfulness. As consciousness rises, the future may involve integrating these hybrid children into the human race on planet Earth.
Reasons for abductions
There are several reasons for being taken aboard a spaceship. Family reunions can occur while sleeping that helps a starseed to forget many of their third dimensional worries. Thus the term “sleep it off” takes on a new meaning and upon waking, it seems like a brand new day.
Healing can occur in these trips to the spaceship. We have help from our star family in preparing our bodies in order to hold a higher vibration. We also have help from our multidimensional self, which may be in the form of a past or future self connecting with the self of the “now”.
Medical study of humans and their DNA seems to be a very common theme. Many races are interested in following the evolution of Earth humans. Included in the medical studies are the use of a human woman’s body to carry a hybrid extraterrestrial child and the use of a human male’s sperm to impregnate an extraterrestrial female.
The starseed hybridization agenda includes many races of extraterrestrials who value today’s Earth human DNA. Many races have contributed their DNA to this version of our human makeup, and therefore there are many stewards and watchers of humanity. Humans have been an experiment and have been studied and adjusted since our inception. This current version of our body seems to be close to the “final version” that will allow a DNA activation into our multidimensional selves while existing in physical form.
Another reason for the hybridization program involves helping races of extraterrestrials that no longer have the ability to reproduce naturally. Some races that are involved in the program have bred out their sexual organs over generations and realized that their race will die out without some genetic manipulation and interbreeding. Humans just happen to be the most sought after physical form in the Universe at this time and there is an agreement in place with many races and varieties of humans to help these races keep from becoming extinct.
Many people have brought forth information about the negative ET races that have agendas for cross hybridization of extraterrestrial and humans related to agendas that are not in the best interests for humanity. Wes Penre discusses some of these agendas in this article. . For the purposes of explanation about hybrid children and possible future contact, I will focus on the agenda of positive ambassadorial extraterrestrial hybridization programs in this article. This would probably include agendas that have been approved by different groups of extraterrestrials through councils and agreements that adhere with Universal Law.
Clues to abductions
Most of the time, a person can be taken to the ship and returned within an instant, with no missing time or recollection of where they have been. Some people are realizing that something has happened, like missing time or déjà vu. Now that we are getting closer to bringing forth “disclosure” of extraterrestrials, clues are being left so that people will begin to question what happened to cause them to lose time or why they are having episodes of déjà vu.
Hypnotherapy sessions can be helpful in regressing a person in order to have the subconscious account for what happened. Dolores Cannon has several books on what she has found in over fifty years of her signature QHHT regression therapy regarding abductions and star families.
Mary Rodwell is another regressionist that specializes in extraterrestrial contact and hybrid children. Peter Slattery contacted Mary when he realized that he had missed his exit off of the freeway one day, and had driven several miles down the freeway past the intended exit. He had a strong feeling that he was missing time and that something happened. Mary regressed Pete and this is his recording of why they brought him back after his exit, as well as explaining his extraterrestrial DNA heritage.
Psychic readings can reveal star family lineage if you are ready to receive the information. Psychics who can “tune in” to your hybrid children can bring messages from them as well as describe to you what they look like. If you have received messages about having hybrid children, then they have deemed you awake and aware enough to know about them and many times, the children yearn for their parent’s acknowledgment.
Here are two readings by Bashar that bring forth information about hybrid children:
Dreams can leave you wondering whether an experience was real or not. Many times your astral body travels to the ships at night for various reasons. Your physical body may also be taken at night and the memories of what happened can seem like a dream after you are returned and awake.
Here is an excerpt from a person who asked for my assistance:
“I had a vision or a dream that 3 beings came in my front door blue grey skin a male, female and a little girl. The girl was mine and wanted to meet me. I freaked and said no, so the girl jumped into the woman’s arms crying and they went back out through the wall. I wasn’t ready.”
Abdominal pain and/or marks left on the body
If you have been involved as a female in the hybridization program, you could be carrying an inseminated child in your uterus and not realize it, other than some abdominal pain. Most of the time, the babies are taken at a very early stage and the growing cycle is finished inside a test tube-like environment on the ship. In some cases, the fetus is allowed to come to full term in the woman’s uterus and delivered. These children would be second or third generation hybrids that have mostly human features and may not look like the father in the human family, as the sperm would be from another hybrid donor versus a full fledged extraterrestrial.
Waking up with unexplained marks on the body is a sure clue to something out of the ordinary. Some of the Grey’s have been known to put two or three fingers on the body to levitate it up into the spaceship. This sometimes leaves marks with bruises on the body. Other marks could be left from examinations.
Ambassadors for the hybridization program
I have had two readings that specifically talked about my own hybrid children as well as my role in helping others who have hybrid children. One was an solar return birthchart astrology reading I had with Lavendar . This reading was done in November of 2013 and has been very accurate so far. Here is an excerpt from my reading, suggesting an approximate date for hybrid disclosure:
“There are a lot of children you have given birth to- you will be meeting them in the next 2 to 3 years. At different times on the planet, you had Starseed quality children. They took your eggs and grew them into hybrid children. In the next 2-3 years there will be an event on the planet. The mothers will be ambassadors- you will be documenting it, filming it. You came here to do this. You have ‘vanishing twins’ (did not elaborate). You have planned for many, many incarnations for this lifetime”.
The second reading was also in December of 2013 with psychic medium Cyndi Staffin. Cindy’s reading was one of the most accurate readings I have ever had. Here is an excerpt from Cindy’s reading:
“Do you have children? (yes, I have one son). Do you want more children? I see new life coming in 2 years. I don’t know if it is you (trying to figure out where these kids are). Oh,you have twins on the ship- one boy and one girl. Have you ever seen them before? (no) I am connecting with them…they are right here. They are not little kids. One has darker hair- with a straight form, nor curvy. He is the male. The other is feminine, she is blue-green and shimmery- aquamarine. The masculine one is the intellect, a little more serious. He is a 9, like a brown chocolate color. He is your grounding, your center. You are all three connected, it is like you are the whole- the combination of the two. The male connects you with the female like he is in the middle. You have been on the ship many times. Do you see ships and do they flash at you? (yes) You are way ahead of your time in a space and time that does not totally support you. In two years I see new life (not sure what this meant, but when coupled with Lavendar’s reading the timelines matched up).”
Many people are feeling a call to be involved in planning communities in the near future where hybrid children can be reunited with their mothers. These children have the human needs of human contact. Of course, this cannot occur in the current consciousness, but as the split occurs between dense humans and high vibrational humans, the latter will need to migrate toward a different way of living. Cities of light come to mind and I can envision a future where many races of hybrid children can enjoy life on Earth with their human families. Some people will opt to go live with their children on their spaceships and perhaps inhabit other planets later on by starting new communities.
Note from the Author: My near future will involve expanding my holistic life coaching to include my recent QHHT skills in hypnotherapy coupled with the method Mary Rodwell uses to help people understand their abduction memories. If this prediction pans out, I am also looking forward to filming the hybrid children reunions and making documentaries which would be around the years 2015 to 2016.
Overcoming fear
In order for disclosure of extraterrestrials and their ties to humanity, fear must be eliminated. One of the first reactions that the ego self (lower self) has when the conscious mind begins to question about abductions is fear. The most recognized hybrid program is with the Greys, who have been given a bad wrap in some circles. It is rare for people to talk about the “good” Greys, but there are over a thousand species of Greys involved in the Earth project, and many of them have humanity’s best interests in mind.
Some of these Greys are just workers for other races like Sirians and Orions. These workers may not have a lot of compassion and may seem robotic in their work. However, some of the Greys are intelligent beings that are respected members of the Federation of Planets. Within the different races of Greys there are hybrids as well and these numbers are rapidly growing. A good analogy to describe the Greys would be to take one human being and to say that person represented all of the humans of planet earth. Until you really know which race of extraterrestrial you are dealing with and what their agenda is, you cannot make an informed decision as to whether you should be concerned or not with your involvement.
Some of the fear involved from abductions stems from wondering if they volunteered on a soul level to be a part of the hybridization program or if they were taken against their will. Personally, I feel that I am a person of high vibration. Because of the Law Of Vibrational Attainment, I know that by being a high vibrational being, I would only be working with other high vibrational beings. I also have an innate feeling that the beings I am working with are not forcing me to do anything I didn’t agree to. It is best to use your own discernment to decide your future with the hybridization program.
We can stop any agreements at any time because of the Universal Law of Free Will. However,because of the implications of the Universal Law of Karma, I would not want to break any agreements out of ignorance from this side of the veil. This would include shunning my ET Hybrid Children and my responsibilities as an Ambassador, at least until I am fully and consciously informed. If there were any indication that I was being hurt or misused, I would revoke any agreements by making a declaration outloud, putting an end to anything that would be causing me harm.
Awareness and information are the keys to releasing all fear related to abductions and the realization that you may be a part of a hybridization program. Personally, I left clues on my body that led to the awareness of Orion. I had three moles in a line on the back of my neck that used to bother me when I wore necklaces, so I had them removed. Since I didn’t “get it” back then, I had three moles appear in the exact formation of Orion’s belt on my face, and the day I recognized them was the last day that the Earth was in alignment with the three pyramids in Giza to Orion’s Belt. Just in case that wasn’t enough, I have three small red moles on the top of my thigh in the exact formation of Orion’s Belt. I felt like these clues were to help me realize that there is a connection and to reduce any fear that may arise from stereotypes of the extraterrestrials from Orion.
Clues are left for you to begin to question things in order to slowly introduce you to the realization that we all have extraterrestrial ties and that we visit them at night or even during the day. We are moving toward full disclosure through personal experience and remembrance. Those who are questioning and remembering things related to their star family are to be the Ambassadors and mediators between Earth humans and other extraterrestrial races. Stay tuned to for more information!
UFO: THE SEARCH CONTINUES is Pat Regan’s second book on the astonishing UFO phenomenon. In this exclusive study, Pat Regan continues on from where his successful last book on this subject, UFO: THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH, left off.
Once again Pat Regan has collected numerous bizarre UFO and Alien reports from around the world and presented them in a logical yet easygoing fashion. UFO witnesses have had their sightings and experiences recorded in detail and with respectful accuracy by the author.
Pat Regan makes no one-sided pronouncements about the matters at hand and leaves the reader to make up their own mind about strange things that many people have witnessed.
UFO: THE SEARCH CONTINUES does not attempt to focus on any one particular UFO event but instead provides food for thought and debate in relation to the many true stories within.
UFO: THE SEARCH CONTINUES is not fiction but facts gathered from the international community.
"This is a 'just the facts, ma'am' book on UFOs, concentrating on the sightings themselves. Pat Regan has scoured the world for fascinating UFO stories and tells them in a straightforward, no nonsense manner. If you want the raw data (and you should), this well-written and intriguing book is well worth your time."
Nick Pope Ministry of Defence UFO Project, 1991-1994
UFO: THE SEARCH CONTINUES is the author's eighth published book.
About the Author
Pat Regan is of Irish and Swiss (or possibly German) ancestry. He was born and raised in Southport, Lancashire in England. He is a proficient yet ‘controversial’ author, a Pagan, an environmental campaigner, a photographer and dedicated, life-long angler. Pat has fought over many decades, tooth and nail, to save many natural places and wildlife habitats under threat from fat-cat developers and uncaring politicians. Pat also cares deeply about the destructive power that fundamentalism holds over many societies today. He sees a very real need to warn others about falsehoods that are widely accepted, by countless people, as fact. A countryman of diverse talents, Pat was previously a tree surgeon and later become a surgical chiropodist, reflexologist and sports massage therapist. He also helps to manage a busy, preschool childcare facility. Pat is the father of four children, several grandchildren and he is also well-known in ufology as a researcher and also in paranormal circles.
The Dogon tribe can be found in a region in Mali south of the Sahara Desert. French anthropologists Drs Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen studied the tribe from 1931 to 956. Dogon mythology is only known by a hand full of their priests. This is a very hard to understand system, not easily given to even the friendliest of strangers. The culture of the Dogon tribe in West Africa centers around a star in our gallery. Sirius A is a big, bright star, has two and a half times the mass of our sun. Sirius, or actually its companion star, Sirius B. Sirius B has ninety-five per cent of the mass of our sun The Sirius Star is in the Canis Major Constellation. Sirius is visible with the naked eye, its companion is not. Now what is really fascinating about this is how these people knew about this, after all they have no telescopes. Sirius B wasn’t even visible with telescopes until 1862, or photographed until 1970. Dogon astronomical lore is dated back to 3200 B.C.
According to the Dogon legend the tribe was visited by a race of people called the Nommos, which come from the Sirius system. The Nommos resembled ugly amphibious beings. It is believed that the Nommos gave the Dogon tribe knowledge about their solar system. For instance: Jupiter has four major moons, Saturn has rings, and the plants revolve around the sun, and not vice versa. These facts weren’t known until Galileo invented the telescope. After they landed, the Nommos released a body of water which they later inhabited. They could live on land, but preferred the sea. Oral stories, drawing and tablets, depict the Nommo with large fish skin running down their bodies. The Nommos were regarded as saviors and spiritual guardians.
Carl Sagan believes that our modern knowledge of the Dogon tribe came from westerners or Europeans, who discussed astronomy with the tribes’ priests. Sagan believes that if Europeans came to the Dogon tribe, they most likely would of discussed “astronomical matters”, and talked about the brightest star in the sky. This however doesn’t explain a 400 year old artifact that shows the Sirius configuration. It also doesn’t explain how the Dogon tribe knows how dense Sirius B is.
They also tell us that Sirius B has a 50-year elliptical orbit around Sirius.
The Dogons refer to Sirius B as Po Tolo. “Tolo”, means small, and po means star. The tribe claims that Po is composed of a material known as sagala, a mineral heavier then all of Earth’s iron.
While many parts of the legend are considered true ,there are some parts in question. For example, the Dogons’ believe that Sirius B once occupied the spot where our sun is now. Physics disprove this. Also, if the Dogon believe that Sirius A orbits Sirius B every 50 years, then why do they have their celebrations every 60 year? The Dogons believe there is a third star called “Emme Ya” . So far this is yet to be discovered. According to legend, the Nommo breath through holes in their collarbone.
The Dogon are not the only people that have a strong connection with Sirius, Sumer, Babylonia’s Oannes, Acadia’s Ea, Sumer’s Enki, and Egypt’s goddess Isis. The Egyptian goddess Isis which is said to be mermaid –like. The ancient Egyptians also believed Sirius was significant . Their calendar was based on the rising of Sirius. Even thou there is no solid evidence of a third star, in 1995 French researchers, Daniel Benest and J.L. Duvent, published an article which states that it is possible that Sirius is a triple star.
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Daytime UFO sighting over New Ellenton, South Carolina on 8th April 2015
Daytime UFO sighting over New Ellenton, South Carolina on 8th April 2015
New interesting video footage of a strange donut – shaped UFO sighting recorded over New Ellenton, South Carolina on 8th April 2015.
Witness said: I was photographing clouds with my cell phone. In between layers of cloud was what I thought a star until I went inside and zoomed in. The circle with a hole on the center was clearly not a star. I was in front of my house in New Ellenton, S. C. In Aiken County. I enjoy photographing the sky, stars moon and clouds. But I have never seen this before.
Chuck Zukowski at San Diego Comic-Con. (Credit: Jason McClellan)
A feature film based on the research of UFO and paranormal investigator Chuck Zukowski is in development.
Zukowski, a former deputy sheriff, has spent more than twenty-five years investigating mysterious phenomena including UFOs, cattle mutilation, and alleged secret government activity.
In 2011, he put forward an idea based on his research. He began noticing a pattern linking paranormal cases across the United States: There is a heavy concentration of UFO sightings, alleged alien abductions, and animal mutilation cases running along the 37th degree latitude line, or, as Zukowski likes to call it, the Paranormal Freeway.
Zukowski presented his 37th degree latitude research on the Science Channel’s show Unexplained Files in 2014.
Film producer Beau Flynn became aware of Zukowski’s work, and brought it to the attention of author Ben Mezrich. Mezrich will reportedly pen a book titled The 37th Parallel. But New Line has reportedly already picked up the story for a feature film adaptation.
In a true-life crossing of elements from X-Files and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, the story focuses on Zukowski’s incredible findings of alien sightings, cattle mutilations, Native American holy sites and secret government activity located on the 37th degree of latitude. Coupled with that is conspiracy involving a multibillion dollar corporation.
UFO sightings and other paranormal activity along the 37 degree latitude line. (image credit: Chuck Zukowski)
Flynn and his FlynnPictureCo are set to produce the film. And Zukowski will serve as a technical advisor on the project.
Edgar is a famous NASA astronaut that has walked on the moon. He says he has proof that the Grey aliens are real and that right now aliens are watching us!
UFO Aliens
Edgar was part of the Apollo 14 space flight January 31, 1971, proceeded by the lunar landing on February 5th. During the two lunar EVAs (Extravehicular Activity), Mitchell along with his Commander Alan Shepard spent about 33 hours on the Moon.
Edgar claims that he believes in Aliens and UFOs – Aliens are Real! Claiming that we have been watched and observed for a long time. He mentions the Roswell alien crash in the summer of 1947. Pointing out the reason for the US government denial was they weren’t sure if the specimen found was hostile. He also says the US didn’t want the soviets to know so a cover up was decided. Edgar claims he is positive that we are being watched right now.
When asked how many Alien Civilizations there are Edgar’s answer was – Billions.
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon, testifies to extraterrestrial visitation and military coverup.
Aliens UFO
Edgar also gives us some insight to the reason our government has kept Aliens and other UFO related information above top-secret. He stated that the Air Force is responsible for protecting our skies, and they and various other governmental agencies did not know what to do with the alien crashed saucer, and its superior technology.
They certainly did not want the Soviets to get their hands on it, and at the same, the best course of action was to just lie about it, and keep it to themselves. They labeled it “above top-secret,” and that created the long running iron curtain separating a secret group within the government, and the American public. It is believed by some UFO researchers that this group was the Majestic-12, which is often referred to as MAJ-12.
Mitchell’s reference to this secret group does not in any way give validation to the so-called Majestic-12 documents, but it does give us proof that a group to protect UFO information did exist, and with ongoing UFO events of importance, it is only reasonable to assume that the group continues today.
UFO Interview
There is no doubt that Dr. Mitchell’s statements will have long reaching consequence in the UFO community, and hopefully, mainstream media will pay a more serious look at reports of UFOs. So now, we who have always believed that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, can know without reservation that this belief is based on fact.
We will continue to look for answers as to why they are here, where they come from, how they get here, and what we will do when and if they decide to make themselves known openly to this curious, tiny, third planet from the Sun we call Earth.
Aliens have contacted humans several times but governments have hidden the truth for 60 years, the sixth man to walk on the moon has claimed.
Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, said he was aware of many UFO visits to Earth during his career with NASA but each one was covered up.
Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as ‘little people who look strange to us.’
He said supposedly real-life ET’s were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head.
Chillingly, he claimed our technology is ‘not nearly as sophisticated’ as theirs and “had they been hostile”, he warned ‘we would be been gone by now’.
Dr Mitchell, along with with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, holds the record for the longest ever moon walk, at nine hours and 17 minutes during their 1971 mission.
‘I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we’ve been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real,’ Dr Mitchell said. It’s been covered up by all governments for 60 years.
Nowadays, we are extremely proud of the existent technology and we have come to rely on it for various things. But what was it like hundreds of years ago? What was technology for the cultures existent back then? Well, as history and archeological findings have shown us, they did have technology and, of course, ancient gadgets. Let’s check out the top 10 gadgets of the ancient world.
#1 Antikythera Mechanism
Made almost 2000 years ago, the Antikythera Mechanism is believed to be one of the oldest computers in the world. Found in the ruins of a ship, it was considered for a long time to be clock but recent discoveries have demonstrated it could do so much more. Originating from Greece, this ancient gadget had the ability to predict when a solar eclipse would happen and even could organize the calendar in cycles of four years.
#2 The Coso Artifact
The fact that you would find a spark plug is nothing special. But what happens when that spark plug is actually embedded in hard rock, one that dates from as long as 500.000 years ago? The Coso Artifact has disappeared and it is not to be studied using modern technology. There are three suppositions however when it comes to its origins: one, that it was made by an extremely intelligent ancient civilization such as Atlantis; two, that it came from the future and three, that it is of alien origin.
#3 Baigong Pipes
Located on top of Mountain Baigong, the Baigong pipes lead directly into a pyramid. The interesting thing about these rusty pipes is that no signs of civilizations in the area has ever been unearthed there. This means that the reason for which these have been made is still unknown. However, they are of an uniform size and they do have a special pattern, a salt lake being situated in their close vicinity.
#4 Ancient Sandstone Xylophone
The link between humans and music is older than any of us can imagine. In the early 20th century, scientists have discovered these ancient sandstones and they believed them to have been used for grinding grains. It took a lot of time and a fortunate accident before their real purpose was discovered; it seems that this ancient gadget is actually a musical instrument, this being discovered by accident by an archaeologist.
#5 Roman Dodecahedra
While there are many fascinating Roman artifacts that can easily pose as ancient gadgets, this is by far one of the best. Amazingly enough, it was found in several countries, including Germany, France and Switzerland. Even though many archaeologists have tried to study it, no clear purpose was identified. They were able to identify certain symbols on it there are related to the Zodiac but they are not certain whether it was used for surveying or it just had a decorative purpose.
#6 Mystery airplanes
Discovered in Columbia, these figurines are believed to have been made by a tribe named Quimbaya, somewhere around 1000 CE. The resemblance to an airplane is uncanny, as they have tails, landing gears and wings just like any modern day plane. Scientists have rebuilt models after them only to prove that they worked. There are some scientists who say that these are only stylized fish or insects.
#7 The Phaistos Disc
This ancient gadget is made from clay and it is believed to date back to the second millennium. Just like other ancient gadgets, its origin is unknown and so is the meaning or the intent purpose. The disc has been unearthed in Crete and it has a wide array of symbols imprinted on it, some of which have been identified as people, animals, tools or plants.
#8 Byzantine Tablet
While we rely on modern tablets for a lot of things, so did the people from Byzantine culture rely on their ancient gadgets. This tablet is comprised of five panels that are stacked together and each of them has a frame and a wax coating. It is believed that they were used for making note on inventories or appraisals.
#9 Baghdad Battery
Perhaps this is one of the strangest ancient gadgets to have ever been discovered. While it is clearly a battery, it does not explain why would people who lived in the ancient world need it. It was found in Iraq in 1936 and ever since then scientists have constructed replicas in order to prove that it actually works.
#10 Dropa Stones
These stones are unique ancient gadgets and many people have said they belong to an ancient or alien culture. They were discovered on a burial site in the Himalayan mountains and each of these stones is actually a one-foot wide disc, with a simple hole in the center. The interesting thing about these is that they are extremely old; scientists have placed them to have existed as far as 12.000 years ago.
Modern day gadgets are extremely useful for us. And maybe it was just like that for ancient cultures, relying on the gadgets presented above for every day living.
Enkele dagen geleden werd door een passagier in een vliegtuig een bijzonder opname gemaakt van een UFO.
Het gaat om een vlucht in de buurt van het Engelse Liverpool en je ziet het toestel via het passagiersraam langs de wolken over het Engelse landschap vliegen.
Dan is er in de verte een klein maar helder object waar te nemen, wat, naar het lijkt, als het ware met het vliegtuig mee vliegt.
In de onderstaande video zie je bewegende beelden van het vreemde object. Dat het een intelligent bestuurde UFO is, blijkt heel duidelijk na precies een minuut, waar je het ineens ziet accelereren en met grote snelheid wegschieten.
Het schijnt dat er rond dezelfde tijd meer UFO-meldingen waren rondom Liverpool. De plaatselijke krant, The Liverpool Echo, rapporteert in diezelfde periode maar liefst negen verschillende waarnemingen.
Ook werd er een vreemd voorval gerapporteerd vanuit Formby, een stadje onder de rook van Liverpool. Hier zagen mensen een vreemd object in de lucht hangen.
“Het licht zag er uit als een ster, maar groter. Het was fel en wit en het pulseerde ook. Eerst dacht ik dat het een vliegtuig was, maar later besefte ik dat dit niet het geval geweest kon zijn omdat het object stil hing".
The UK House of Lords is being questioned about the stalled release of their remaining UFO files. That and other space and UFO stories on this episode of Spacing Out!
Stories discussed on this episode: – Stalled UFO file release questioned in the UK House of Lords – Hundreds see UFO and hear loud noises in UK town – California residents catch blue UFO on video – Expect large aliens, says scientist
Former Obama Pilot Says Virtually All Pilots Believe In UFOs
Former Obama Pilot Says Virtually All Pilots Believe In UFOs
Veteran pilot Andrew Danziger, who have 28 years of experience in the cockpit, claims to have spotted unidentified white disc hovering in the sky while on a routine flight across America. Danziger, who flew US Barack Obama in 2008 campaign tour, further asserts that virtually all pilots believe in UFOs.
The American pilot says he encountered a white disc floating through the sky during his flight in April 1989 between Kansas and Iowa. He reportedly saw the mysterious aerial disc transformed into a giant red ball and glowed for approximately 30 seconds before completely disappeared into the clouds.
Danziger says that the captain also witnessed the UFO for around 40 minutes before it started to change colour and vanished.
According to Danziger, the UFO looked the same to the moon faintly visible through the thin fog. He says that they had no idea about what they had saw, but certain it was not from here.
When Danziger shared their sighting to other pilots, he was amazed to know that many pilots often saw UFOs while traversing the skies.
Danziger reveals that they were not supposed to talk about UFOs, so they swore the station agent on duty to secrecy and agreed to remain silent about their incident to any of their co-workers.
But the veteran pilot is confident that he is not the only one in his profession to have witnessed an unexplained flying object in the skies. He reiterates that virtually all pilots believe in UFOs.
Did you see a UFO? Report it using this form or send us e-mail to !
Berlin-GERMANY – 05/04/2015. 23h58 Night sky
Hi, Here is the fantastic UFO photo taken by my best friend from Berlin-Germany. 2 Photos taken in time laps of 1 second from between each others.
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Orlando, Florida. Down the street from a weapons factory…. – March 24th 2015
I was sitting In my car and I look straight ahead and its right there dimming in and out like fire of a candle. Then two disappeared. I was too in shock to think to record the video I took a burst shot on my iPhone smh but I have this and I see other people posting the same triangle
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Thousand Palms CA – 4/3/2015 A solid white light moving at a steady, slow speed. There was no flashing or change in speed or direction. A previous sighting of the same object going in the same trajectory was experienced a few weeks ago.
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Derbyshire, UK – 29th march 2015, 21.32 hours
I went out to the back of my property to have a smoke, it was nightime and the skies to the west were pretty clear, and below the tree line which has no leaves on it i noticed what appeared to be a very bright star like object shining. At first i thought it was a star , and then noticed it bobbing up and down slightly. I ran in to get my i phone and took a cuople of minutes of video and then decided to start taking pictures of which i managed to get 2 of , i went to take a third photo and it was instantaniously gone.
Island View Restaurant, Taling Ngam, Koh Samui, Thailand – 28 March 2015
Just after sunset I noticed far into the distant horizon towards the mainland what looked like a (my first thought) was a fast moving plane but one that produced an overly large v-shape jet-stream heading our way. then I realised it wasn’t coming towards us but was instead heading upwards and at a huge speed. In fact it reminded me of a shuttle launch or even film of a ballistic missile in a matter of seconds it had disappeared up into the upper atmosphere. My girlfriend and I were marvelling about seeing this and had turned away from the horizon for a few moments. When we looked back we were surprised to see an object on fire, a fireball, a meteor falling back in an arch to Earth. It was freaky as we both thought intially that we were witnessing a plane crashing but what was wrong here was the size of the trail left in the sky also the size of the trial. We waited to here a concussion of some sort but heard/felt nothing. Then the strange part the “fireball” trail left in the sky stayed in the sky for about 20 minutes after the the object had disappeared/crashed into the horizon. It was as if the sky/atmosphere had been superheated everyone at the restaurant witnessed this and the place was buzzing. We took some pictures of the “trail”. We searched for any news reports or other sightings but have come across nothing… something happened which on reflection was a missile knocking something out of the sky, it could have been a military exercise but it appear way more real and unexplainable than that…
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Garfield, New Jersey – March 22, 2015
I know for a fact I saw an UFO the other night. It was next to the moon for about two hours and did not move a bit. We zoomed in on it and this is what we saw
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Khorlim Mapusa Goa, India – 22nd February 2015
The UFO Sighting occured at 10.00 p.m at Khorlim Canca Mapusa Goa India on 22nd February 2015 after my Wedding Day with my Best Friend Mr Akshay Kauthankar aka “Hunter”near my place……………………. To Tell you the Truth it has been a year that I have been looking for these Ufo’s in the Sky and than they showed up near my place on my “Wedding Day” was a great shock to me because I was very busy on that Day when the UFO’s showed up, but thanks to my best friend aka “Hunter” who captured the UFO’s on his new mobile phone…………………. A Very He@rtly Th@nk$ to “Mr Hunter” and to the “UFO’s” who appeared on my Wedding Day on 22nd February, 2015……………….
Navi Mumbai, India – 24/08/2014 Me & my wife had seen like UFO on dated 24/08/2014 on Navi Mumbai’s Sky (Near New Panvel), It was seen at least 17-20 mnt, visibility was quite low and movement of this flying object is very slow but in steady direction. It was came from western direction to eastern and then turn approx 110 degree towards north. I had taken some snaps approx 15-17 and but fail to upload any site. Color of this UFO most probably blue,(it was found after zoom in to the picture) and the shape is like triangle. I can send all pics if any email has been provided.
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US 278 in Lee Co Mississippi, over Town Creek right before you turn off onto Hwy 145 to go to Nettleton, Mississippi – Saturday in August of 2012 around I think August 4th.
If you notice the bright object in the cloud at the lower right hand corner. My parents and I were traveling back from Tupelo Mississippi on US 278 toward Nettleton, Mississippi before lunch. Right before you turn left to go on Hwy 145 to Nettleton, there are fields and a creek called Town Creek. I was watching the one rain cloud and noticed a rainbow on the left side of the road. In the rainbow I could seen an object flying and then it zoomed over the road to the right hand side over the field to a cloud. I took out my non smart phone and took a few pictures of it floating in the cloud. I did not know that I got it on camera until I uploaded the picture.
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Kiev capital city of Ukraine – around 2012 Here at the Kiev (capital) city of Ukraine we’ve seen many UFOs at the night skies. They were fast flying ships at the high altitude, flying straight and non-straight, changing their directions of flight. An airplane or a helicopter cannot fly zigzagues or anything like that.
Russian Government Calls UFO Crash a Gas Balloon Explosion
Russian Government Calls UFO Crash a Gas Balloon Explosion
In what might be called a blast from the UFO past, a UFO crashed in the Siberian town of Chita this week and the Russian government blamed it on a “gas balloon explosion.” Balloon? That is so 1947! And gas? Was there a swamp nearby?
The UFO crash occurred on April 9th, 2015, in Chita, a city in southeastern Siberia with a population of over 324,000. Eyewitnesses said it “fell from the sky.” Chita resident Vladimir Milovanov described what he experienced to a local TV reporter.
I heard an explosion and saw a huge pillar of black smoke around 11 or 12 a.m..
No one was injured but the UFO or the concussion from the explosion caused damage to a nearby building and the UFO made a crater in a field where the huge pillar of black smoke arose. The object left a crater where metal wreckage was found. Based on the crater and the damaged parts, the UFO was estimated to be one meter in diameter.
The debris was collected and sent somewhere for testing, possible to the local office of EMERCOM (Ministry of Emergency Situations). The Eastern Military District said there were no operations in the area at the time. It was a spokesperson for the Ministry of Internal Affairs who issued this statement:
The object could not be identified. It does not resemble anything. One of the theories [of what happened] – gas balloon explosion.
Sounds like the Ministry needs to update its list of UFO excuses. As you may remember, the 1947 Roswell UFO incident was initially blamed on a weather balloon. And the 1966 UFO sightings in Michigan made the phrase “swamp gas” famous.
This is not the first UFO seen in Chita - another was reported by multiple witnesses in 2009.
(N.Morgan) UFO accounts can be found all through out history, from ancient times, until today.
Is it possible that UFOs or alien beings we not only involved in, but actively participating in the world wars?
In this article we will be covering accounts of UFOs being seen and encountered during the Vietnam war.
The video above gives one of the most intriguing and scary accounts in which a patrol boat encounters a UFO and watches it destroy one of their companion patrol boats.
In the Vietnam conflict, UFOs were referred to by our military as Enemy Helicopters.
The Vietnamese didn’t obtain helicopters until later in the war.
Another intriguing account took place in South Vietnam in June 1966 rarely had reason to speculate about UFOs — at least until the little-known Nha Trang UFO incident took place.
The Nha Trang incident if thorough documentation can be obtained, could become a UFO “classic” according to one NICAP investigator familiar with the case.
The sighting allegedly occurred during one of the most active periods of the Vietnam conflict, and understandably received little publicity at the time.
Now, however, with American participation in the war concluded, numerous war-related incidents are beginning to emerge.
One of these involves a startling UFO sighting witnessed by possibly thousands of soldiers stationed in Vietnam at the time.
An initial investigation was conducted by NICAP investigator Raymond Fowler, who was able to to contact an eyewitness to the event.
According to the witness, eight bulldozers were operating that night cutting roads around “Hawk Hill,” located less than one-half mile to the west of the American compound.
On another part of the base, two “sky-Raider” prop-driven aircraft were warming up on the airstrip located less than a mile to the east.
At the same time, a Shell Oil tanker lay anchored in the bay about a mile t the southwest.
The witness, an enlisted soldier holding the rank of Specialist 5, had gathered with an undetermined number of fellow soldiers around 8 p.m. in an open area of the base to watch an outdoor movie.
Outdoor films had become possible only recently, according to the witness, thanks to the arrival and installation of six, new, independently-operated, 100 KW diesel-powered generators.
One of these generators had been installed near the compound where the soldiers were seated and was being used to supply power for the movie projector.
The film had been underway for some time, according to the witness’s account, when suddenly, at approximately 9:45 p.m., the sky to the north lit up!
The GIs glanced up and saw what at first appeared to be a flare exploding above a ridge to the north.
“At first we thought it was a flare which are going off all the time and then we found that it wasn’t” recounts a letter from the witness mailed home a few days later.
“It came from the north and was moving from real slow to real fast…Some of the jet fighter pilots which were here…said it looked to be about 25,000 feet (in altitude)… then the panic broke loose.
It dropped right towards us and stopped dead still about 300 to 500 feet up.
It made this little valley and the mountains around look like it was the middle of the day; it lit up everything.
“Then it went up and I mean up.
It went straight up and completely out of sight in about 2-3 seconds.
Everybody is still talking about it.”
Had the soldier’s letter or his recent account of the incident stopped there, the case would probably not have come to the attention of either NICAP or the officials from Washington that reportedly visited the base the next day.
But the letter and the witness’s account of the incident continues:
“That really shook everyone is that it stopped, or maybe it didn’t, but anyway our generator stopped and everything was black.
At the Air Force Base about one half mile from here all generators stopped.
The engines on two planes that were the runway ready to take off stopped, and there wasn’t a car, truck, plane or anything that ran for about four minutes.”
In addition, the eight bulldozers working on nearby hills also ceased operating according to the witness.
Another account I found is by Robert “Doc” Waltz who shares his own experience with a UFO encounter during the Vietnam conflict.
He states:
I am a Vietnam vet.
I was stationed in Tay Ninh Province with the 25th Infantry Division in 1969.
One night in late summer or early fall of 1969, while at Tay Ninh Basecamp, I saw one single light, at a high elevation, travel in a straight line across the sky and stop.
It then traveled in another direction, again in a straight line, at a high rate of speed, and stop again. It did this maneuver several times….flying across the night sky at a high rate of speed, and stop at will.
There was no observable tail (like a shooting star). There was no sound.
There were no blinking or pulsating lights.
Just this single star-like light, but it did not twinkle like a star.
As I recall, when it came to it’s many stops, it never gave the appearance of hovering, or slowly moving like a chopper (Besides, it was too high up to be a chopper.)
In other words, when it stopped its flight path, it came to a complete stop.
Then it shot across the sky in another straight line and would stop again.
I brought this to the attention of some buddies, and we watched it continue to do this until our duties brought our attention back to the ground.
10 Most Compelling Pieces Of Evidence That Prove Aliens Have Visited Earth
10 Most Compelling Pieces Of Evidence That Prove Aliens Have Visited Earth
They’ve snuck into our bedrooms as thieves in the night and taken our children, our parents, our wives and loved ones, with absolute impunity and with zero regard for our wellbeing.
ERIC DRAPER/AP/Press Association Images
The UFO phenomenon, whether for believers or survivors, tends to be relegated to small town hicks, paranoid university stoners and their dropout brethren. The simple truth is, critical thinking in the information age has refined our suspension of disbelief into a sharply honed skepticism and natural scoff. The very notion that we’ve been visited by intelligent lifeforms from another world is, along with myths of Norse Gods and witchcraft, consigned to Hollywood films and teen fan fiction, and that’s okay, right?
Spoiler alert: If you think you’re safe at home, behind locked doors, think again. The next time you open your eyes, you might find yourself naked in the woods, missing three weeks of memories and carrying a whole new set of nightmares.
10. Drawings, Paintings, Carvings, & Other Records Of Ancient Times
20th Century Fox
With humans having walked the earth for an estimated 200,000 years, some might call the following a little short sighted. And yet here we are. I will take everything that came before the advent of television (1939) and stuff it in the first section. I do so with the utmost pride and sincerity.
Sure, a lot happened during the first 199 thousand, 926 years, but sources being what they were, let’s just sum it up to one thing; drawings. A ton of them. All over the world, and throughout the ages, drawings, paintings, carvings, quilts and markings. They may each tell a different story, but in the end they all say the same thing, “we are not alone”.
Cave Painting (Top Left Corner of Image Above)
First there’s this 15 thousand year old French cave painting. It is what it is, let’s not dilly-dally.
The Lolladoff Plate (Top Right Corner of Image Above)
Followed closely by the Lolladoff Plate. This 12 thousand year old stone dish was found in Nepal. Note the central disc and spiral out of which there seems to appear a reptile, followed by a ship (space vagina?) followed by bacteria or atoms and then another reptile and in the outer edge, at the center of it all? That’s right. A mother-flippin’ Alien.
Sanscrit Scroll (Second Image Down on the Left Hand Side of Image Above)
Another example, one of literally thousands which we will not explore here, is this ancient Indian scroll. It depicts Vimanas. A Vimanas is a temple. It also means “flying palace” and they’re described in many of the Sanskrit epics, which are some of the oldest written texts of the known world. I could spend all day talking about these alone, so let’s move on to thousands of years later and across the globe.
Sigiburg France Sighting (Second Image Down on the Right Hand Side of the Image Above)
In 776, Sigiburg castle in France, the Saxons had surrounded the French. They were going to storm the castle and in so doing they would win the war and stop Emperor Charlemagne from turning them into Christians. Suddenly there appeared before them giant “Flaming shields” floating in the sky. They burned red, orange, yellow, blue and white light. Upon seeing these strange flaming discs, the Saxons took it as a sign from the Gods, and they fell back… This battle united Rome under Christianity. A 12th century manuscript, the ” Annales Laurissenses”, depicts the events which took place.
Madonna and Saint Giovannino (Bottom Left Corner of the Image Above)
The 15th century saw a plethora of alien doodles all over Europe. The Palazzo Vecchio in Florence has the now infamous painting of the Madonna and Saint Giovannino. Also known to us classless North Americans as Madonna and Saint-James. The original is depicted above, but what really blows one’s mind is the detail work. Zooming in we clearly see a bright disk like object in the daytime sky. It’s being watched by a man and his dog.
Notre-Dame Basilica Tapestry (Center of Bottom Row in the Image Above)
This next one from the same period still hangs at the Notre-Dame Basilica in Burgandy. Though it’s title is unknown we can see what appear to be… flying hats? For centuries scholars just assumed these were artists depictions of disk shaped “angel clouds”. Whether you believe these sightings to be “angel clouds” or aliens, I’ll leave to you, because everybody is entitled to chose their own brand of nonsense.
(Not Pictured Above)
On April 4th, 1561, above Nuremberg Germany another strange sighting occurred. This one can be seen in a famous 16th century woodcut by Hans Glaser. It was described as “A very frightful spectacle.” The sky appeared to fill with cylindrical objects from which red, black, orange and blue white disks and globes emerged. Crosses and tubes resembling cannon barrels also appeared whereupon the objects promptly “began to fight one another.” It is known as The Battle Over Nuremberg or the 1561 Celestial Phenomena over Nuremberg.
Baptism of Christ (Bottom Right Corner of the Image Above)
Jumping over to 1710, we’ve got the Baptism of Christ by Aert de Gelder. It’s still hanging in Fitzwilliam museum in Cambridge, England and- “What the fudge?!” you ask? Oh, no don’t worry, just an angel cloud… by the way angels have been represented as guys with wings and hippy hair since Theodosius I around (379–395)… why these people 13 hundred years later would represent them as angel clouds, and why they would represent clouds as disks at all, I’ll leave you to answer…
There are literally hundreds of thousands of ancient world representations of what we now call aliens and I would love to go over all of them. There’s something almost soothing about knowing those encounters occurred several centuries before our great ancestors were even conceived. I mean, if they wanted to harvest us for organs or influence our cultures towards some kind of end game, they would’ve done it already right? If they are out there, the damage was done centuries before you or I were ever born, and there’s nothing we can do, so there’s nothing to worry about right?
Wrong again boyo.
Since the dawn of the atomic age these interstellar demon spawn have been stealing us from our beds, conducting horrifying experiments on our unsuspecting populace, kidnapping our children and corrupting our society from the inside. They’ve done so in close consort with various governments and officials. They’ve done so at the expense of our health, our environment, our genetic lineage and our sanity. Thousands know about it and even act as accomplices.
They’ve snuck into our bedrooms as thieves in the night and taken our children, our parents, our wives and loved ones, with absolute impunity and with zero regard for our wellbeing.
Let’s explore some of the best documented cases. We’ve all heard about the 1966, Betty and Barney Hill abduction, we all know about the Roswell crash of 1947, I’m not even going to waste your time on those well worn trails, we’re going deep here people, so strap yourself in.
Okay, I lied. I admit it. I lied. And I don’t feel bad about it either. I promised to jump right up to the second quarter of the 20th century, but I just can’t do it. Because that wouldn’t be fair. It wouldn’t be fair to all you paranoid, conspiracy hungry, culture junkies out there, thirsty for that little bit of mystery and wonder amidst your workaday world. Before getting into the strange events that happened during World War II, or the bizarre phenomena which basically started the modern Ufology movement, I must first address the thing that came before it. The thing that, some say, started it all.
It was an international marvel of the unexplained, and at the height of the industrial revolution, and more than 20 years before the Great War, the world was both shaken and stirred. Reports of mystery airships were popping up everywhere. In the United States the sightings began in the west and spread eastward.
The first major case happened in New Mexico on March 26th 1880 in the skies above a small town called Galisteo Junction, now known as Lamy. Voices were heard, voices which seemed to be coming from the sky above. When the people looked up they saw a circular ship, “monstrous in size”. It’s movements were described as approaching rapidly and then slowed to an elegant waltz across the sky.
It is said that the occupants of these ships were human, but their clothing and behaviour was bizarre. The occupants of these ships, when spoken too, claimed to be from Mars. A few artefacts, a cup and a beautiful flower wrapped in silk-like paper, were said to have fallen from the ship.
The following day, an unknown, well dressed, stranger, identified only as a “collector of curiosities” came into town. He told the local authorities that the artefacts were of Asiatic origin. He offered a large some of money for the finds. So large a sum that the depot agent who had found them couldn’t resist. The collector and the artefacts were never seen again.
On November 18th, 1896, a Californian man by the name of Colonel H.G. Shaw told reporters he had seen what appeared to be a landed space craft. It had a diameter of 25 feet and was around 150 feet in total length. Three slender 7ft tall beings of unknown origin are said to have stepped off the ship. They attempted to kidnap Shaw, and he narrowly escaped. The ship then lifted off the ground and sped off, out of sight.
There are sevbe received with disrespect, not unless you assumed that thousands of Americans had lost their senses, a discomforting notion which some scientists, editors and skeptics seem to embrace.”eral more mystery airship sightings, each one more complex and convoluted then the next. From the members of the secret “Aero Club” to the reported uses of an unknown “N.B. gas”, a substance, people claimed, made objects lighter than air.
An April 24th, 1897 report of Harper’s Weekly sums up the Phantom Airship phenomenon of the 1800’s nicely. It states: “The airship as a practical invention is believed to be so nearly ripe that a story of its appearance in the sky is not necessarily to
8. The Foo Fighters
Most of us are familiar with the band helmed by Dave Grohl, Nirvana’s ex drummer. But many have no idea where they got their name.
During the second world war, the greatest armed conflict the world had ever known, something we did must’ve got their attention.
The sightings officially began in Nuremberg (Aliens love Germany?) in November of 1944, but there had been whispers about them for years prior, only with less frequency. Strange “mystery airships” were popping up everywhere and being seen by both pilots and the men on the ground. The Allied forces believed they were covert weaponry from the Axis powers. Ironically the German and Japanese forces reported the same up their military chain and they assumed they were products of our Allied forces.
They were described as fiery glowing lights, moving fast in the sky or low to the ground. They ranged in colour from red, to yellow, orange and white (sound familiar?). It was said they would toy with our aircrafts, following our every manoeuvre before making impossible manoeuvres of their own and then disappearing into the night. All sides of the war were unanimous, these craft, these, discs, these lights, were under intelligent control. They were not some natural phenomenon. Efforts to out-manoeuvre them failed. Attempts to shoot them down failed. The pilots were scared, and there was nothing anybody could do about it.
The Pacific sightings were different from those in Europe. There, they were described as flaming discs which just hung in the sky. They rarely followed any of the fighters. A TIMES magazine report from 1945 states that B-29 aircraft fire took one of these down. The ball simply broke up into several pieces crashing down, lighting several buildings on fire. No pieces were ever reported to be found.
The Europeans on our side dubbed them Kraut fireballs. In the Pacific Theater of Operations they were just called balls of fire. The North Americans called them Foo Fighters.
The name can be credited to Donald J. Meiers, a radar operator for the 415th Night Fighter Squadron from Chicago. Meiers and another pilot by the name of Ed Schleuter were chased by one of these strange red balls of fire on the afternoon of November 27th, 1944. In their mission debriefing with S-2 Intelligence Officer Fritz Ringwald, Meiers was agitated. When asked what had happened he exclaimed, “… it was another one of those foo fighters!” he stormed out of the debriefing room and history was made.
In January of 1953, as a result of the Project Bluebook investigations, the Robertson Panel met and attempted to explain the sightings. They suggested electromagnetic phenomena of unknown nature, electrostatic phenomena of unknown nature and St. Elmo’s fire. In the end, the report states events remain “unexplained to this day”, but there were two things they did know for sure. These lights in the sky never posed a threat to military aircraft and it was suggested that “If the term “flying saucers” had been popular in 1943–1945, these objects would have certainly been so labeled.”
At the time, everybody took these sightings extremely seriously, scientists from all over the world and both sides of the war were brought together to figure out what they were and who they were fighting for. The answers have yet to come
7. 1947, Kenneth Arnold, The First Flying Saucer & The Dawn Of Ufology
On June 24, 1947, a private Idaho pilot by the name of Kenneth Arnold was flying from Chehalis, to Yakima, Washington, on a business trip. It was during this flight that he spotted a string of nine unidentified, shining, metallic, flying objects. The objects flew past Mount Rainier, moving at supersonic speed. A feat modern aircraft had only recently achieved and up until then, only in nose dives. Arnold clocked the crafts at a minimum of 1,200 miles an hour (1,932 km/hr).
A U.S. Marine Corps C-46 transport airplane had crashed near Mount Rainier. A $5,000 reward was offered for the discovery of the lost plane. The skies were completely clear. He spotted a light coming from behind him, and after pulling all the necessary manoeuvres and even rolling his windows down to make sure it wasn’t simply a reflection, he concluded it was another craft.
30 seconds after seeing the first flash of light, Arnold saw a series of bright flashes in the distance North of Mount Rainier, a total of nine of them were now flying in a straight line to his left. The objects flew in a long chain, had no tail and emitted no contrails. The objects approached him and suddenly flew passed him.
He said they moved, like “saucers skipping on water” and with that, the term “Flying Saucer” was born.
The objects were said to hold a diagonal echelon formation, all lined up like a flock of birds, and they weaved from side to side (“like the tail of a Chinese kite” as he later stated). They darted through the valleys and around the smaller mountain peaks and would occasionally flip or bank on their edges, in unison, as they turned or manoeuvred. Their motion caused bright, mirror-like flashes of light. The encounter gave him an “eerie feeling”. He first thought he was seeing test flights of a new U.S. military aircraft.
When he did the calculation, he estimated their speed at over 1,700 miles per hour (2,700 km/h). This was about three times faster than any manned aircraft in 1947. Not knowing the exact distance where the objects faded from view, he decided to conservatively and arbitrarily round his previous figure down to 1,200 miles (1,900 km) an hour, still faster than any known aircraft of that era.
Army pilots told him that briefings before combat often mentioned seeing “objects of similar shape and design” and they assured him that he “wasn’t dreaming or going crazy.”
In a July 19th interview, Arnold had this to say, “The disks are not from any foreign country. The Army would give the answers if it could — if they don’t have the explanation now, they certainly could do something to find out. If the Army has no explanations the disks must be — ‘and I know this sounds crazy’ — from another planet.”
In an interview in April of the following year he stated, “Since my first observations and report of the so-called ‘flying disks’ I have spent a great deal of money and time thoroughly investigating the subject… There is no doubt in my mind that these objects are aircraft of a strange design, and material that is unknown to the civilisations of this earth.”
Did that at least creep you out a little bit? No? Okay, well, let’s check out the case it lead right into, a case Kenneth Arnold himself spent much time and money investigating.
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New Light on Our Accelerating Universe --"Not as Fast as We Thought"
New Light on Our Accelerating Universe --"Not as Fast as We Thought"
Certain types of supernovae, or exploding stars, are more diverse than previously thought, a University of Arizona-led team of astronomers has discovered. The results, reported in two papers published in the Astrophysical Journal, have implications for big cosmological questions, such as how fast the universe has been expanding since the Big Bang. Most importantly, the findings hint at the possibility that the acceleration of the expansion of the universe might not be quite as fast as textbooks say.
The team, led by UA astronomer Peter A. Milne, discovered that type Ia supernovae, which have been considered so uniform that cosmologists have used them as cosmic "beacons" to plumb the depths of the universe, actually fall into different populations. The findings are analogous to sampling a selection of 100-watt light bulbs at the hardware store and discovering that they vary in brightness.
"We found that the differences are not random, but lead to separating Ia supernovae into two groups, where the group that is in the minority near us are in the majority at large distances -- and thus when the universe was younger," said Milne, an associate astronomer with the UA's Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory. "There are different populations out there, and they have not been recognized. The big assumption has been that as you go from near to far, type Ia supernovae are the same. That doesn't appear to be the case."
The discovery casts new light on the currently accepted view of the universe expanding at a faster and faster rate, pulled apart by a poorly understood force called dark energy. This view is based on observations that resulted in the 2011 Nobel Prize for Physics awarded to three scientists, including UA alumnus Brian P. Schmidt.
The Nobel laureates discovered independently that many supernovae appeared fainter than predicted because they had moved farther away from Earth than they should have done if the universe expanded at the same rate. This indicated that the rate at which stars and galaxies move away from each other is increasing; in other words, something has been pushing the universe apart faster and faster.
"The idea behind this reasoning," Milne explained, "is that type Ia supernovae happen to be the same brightness -- they all end up pretty similar when they explode. Once people knew why, they started using them as mileposts for the far side of the universe.
"The faraway supernovae should be like the ones nearby because they look like them, but because they're fainter than expected, it led people to conclude they're farther away than expected, and this in turn has led to the conclusion that the universe is expanding faster than it did in the past."
Milne and his co-authors -- Ryan J. Foley of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Peter J. Brown at Texas A&M University and Gautham Narayan of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, or NOAO, in Tucson -- observed a large sample of type Ia supernovae in ultraviolet and visible light. For their study, they combined observations made by the Hubble Space Telescope with those made by NASA's Swift satellite.
The data collected with Swift were crucial because the differences between the populations -- slight shifts toward the red or the blue spectrum -- are subtle in visible light, which had been used to detect type Ia supernovae previously, but became obvious only through Swift's dedicated follow-up observations in the ultraviolet.
A Type Ia supernova, SN1994D, is shown exploding in lower left corner of the image at the top of the page of the galaxy NGC 4526 taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. (High-Z Supernova Search Team, HST, NASA)
"These are great results," said Neil Gehrels, principal investigator of the Swift satellite, who co-authored the first paper. "I am delighted that Swift has provided such important observations, which have been made toward a science goal that is completely independent of the primary mission. It demonstrates the flexibility of our satellite to respond to new phenomena swiftly."
"The realization that there were two groups of type Ia supernovae started with Swift data," Milne said. "Then we went through other datasets to see if we see the same. And we found the trend to be present in all the other datasets.
"As you're going back in time, we see a change in the supernovae population," he added. "The explosion has something different about it, something that doesn't jump out at you when you look at it in optical light, but we see it in the ultraviolet.
"Since nobody realized that before, all these supernovae were thrown in the same barrel. But if you were to look at 10 of them nearby, those 10 are going to be redder on average than a sample of 10 faraway supernovae."
The authors conclude that some of the reported acceleration of the universe can be explained by color differences between the two groups of supernovae, leaving less acceleration than initially reported. This would, in turn, require less dark energy than currently assumed.
That same galaxy in a NASA Swift image below is shown, with bars indicating the location of supernova SN 2011fe. The Swift image is a false-color image with UV emission blue and optical emission red. (NASA/Swift)
"We're proposing that our data suggest there might be less dark energy than textbook knowledge, but we can't put a number on it," Milne said. "Until our paper, the two populations of supernovae were treated as the same population. To get that final answer, you need to do all that work again, separately for the red and for the blue population."
The authors pointed out that more data have to be collected before scientists can understand the impact on current measures of dark energy. Scientists and instruments in Arizona will play important roles in these studies, according to Milne. These include projects led by NOAO; the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, or LSST, whose primary mirror was produced at the UA; and a camera built by the UA's Imaging Technology Lab for the Super-LOTIS telescope on Kitt Peak southwest of Tucson. Super-LOTIS is a robotic telescope that will use the new camera to follow up on gamma-ray bursts -- the "muzzle flash" of a supernova -- detected by Swift.
Why You Can't See the Milky Way in the Spring Night Sky
Why You Can't See the Milky Way in the Spring Night Sky
by Joe Rao, Skywatching Columnist
The Milky Way and Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse at Acadia National Park in Maine, captured in summer 2014 by astrophotographer Ray Yeager. CREDIT: Ray Yeager
Now that the bright moon has moved out of the evening sky, skywatchers have a great chance to view the early-spring stars. And yet, even stargazers who are far from the scourge of light pollution will notice that there is something missing from the current view of the Northern Hemisphere sky.
Even under dark and pristine skies, you would have great difficulty seeing it, as it now appears to run almost completely around the horizon. Normally appearing as a faint, irregular ribbon of light spanning the sky, the Milky Way usually can be seen at most times of the year, provided that the night sky is very clear and moonless. (However, it can never be seen in brilliantly lit big cities, such as New York.) [Best Night Sky Events of April 2015 (Stargazing Maps)]
The best time of the year to see the Milky Way is during the late summer and early fall, when its brightest portions run from the southwest to the northeast parts of the sky and arch nearly overhead.
The queen 'wigged out'
But, at this time of the year, during the evening hours — even with perfect conditions — the Milky Way is invisible as it runs along the horizon, where it is hidden by the denser atmosphere near the ground.
If you look nearly overhead this week at around midnight local time, you won't see the Milky Way, but rather a fine star cluster that appears as a faint shimmering patch of light on clear, moonless nights, best viewed with a good pair of binoculars. This pattern of stars is the constellation that owes its name to a theft: Coma Berenices (also called "Berenice's Hair").
Berenice was an Egyptian queen, the wife of Ptolemy Euergetes, who reigned around 250 B.C. She sacrificed her beautiful amber tresses, the story goes, and placed them in the Temple of Venus at Zephyrium, as she had vowed to do if her husband returned victorious from his war against Babylon. But the queen's hair was stolen from the temple, and she became distraught.
The astronomer Conon eventually convinced the disconsolate queen that Zeus himself had taken the locks and put them up into the sky. Such is the story of how the cluster got its name, though this region of the sky was not generally recognized as the separate constellation of Coma Berenices until the beginning of the 17th century.
Total Lunar Eclipse, Lyrid Meteors And More - April 2015 Skywatching Video
Coma Berenices up, Milky Way down
There is a good reason Coma Berenices is highest in the sky when the Milky Way appears at its lowest.
From our Earthly vantage point, every star that we see in the night sky is part of our galaxy — the Milky Way. The sun and our solar system are situated in one of our galaxy's spiral arms and are located about two-thirds of the way from the center to the far edge of the main part of our galaxy.
The Milky Way is shaped like a disc, and most of its mass and stars lie in the relatively flat "galactic plane." The two points that are farthest from the galactic plane are called the galactic poles. As it turns out, the north galactic pole is located very close to Coma Berenices. So, when Coma Berenices is highest above the horizon, as is the case now, the galactic plane (sometimes also referred to as the galactic equator) runs more or less around the horizon and is usually hidden by low-lying haze.
So that's why the Milky Way runs low when Berenice's Hair rides high.
Or, as the late popularizer of the sky Hans A. Rey wrote in his popular guidebook, "The Stars: A New Way to See Them" (Houghton Mifflin, 1952), "No hair can ever get into the milk, celestially speaking."
Editor's note: If you capture an amazing view of a night-sky sight and would like to share photos with for a story or gallery, send comments and images to managing editor Tariq Malik at
Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for Natural History magazine, the Farmer's Almanac and other publications, and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for News 12 Westchester, New York. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on
E.T. file photo from pre-opening preview of Universal Studios Japan in Osaka, Japan March 30, 2001. (U.S. REUTERS/Eriko Sugita)
File photo - an undated Hubble image shows NGC 1566, a galaxy located about 40 million light-years away in the constellation of Dorado (The Dolphinfish). (REUTERS/ESA/Hubble & NASA/Handout via Reuters)
Eleven fast radio bursts from space seem to follow a strange mathematical pattern, according to a new study – and it has researchers scratching their heads.
According to study co–authors Michael Hippke of the Institute of Data Analysis in Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany, and John Learned of the University of Hawaii in Manoa, the bursts– which were first detected in 2001 – all had dispersion measures that were integer multiples of the same number: 187.5. “The astronomers that found [the bursts] have not seen such things before and do not understand them,” Learned told
Nobody knows what causes fast radio bursts, known as FRBs. They only last a few milliseconds, and only one so far has been captured live (by the Parkes Telescope in Australia last year). Though the bursts release just as much energy in a few milliseconds as the sun does in a month, their brevity indicates that the source must be small, with estimates being several hundred miles across at most.
Researchers use dispersion measures, which records how much “space gunk” the burst has passed through, to estimate the distance an FRB has travelled. For instance, a low frequency FRB will have more gunk on it, indicating a longer trip, whereas a high frequency FRB will be cleaner, indicating it came from closer to Earth.
The fact that all of the FRBs’ dispersion measures are integer multiples of 187.5 has, according to Hippke and Learned’s team’s calculations, a 5 in 10,000 chance of being coincidental. The dispersion measures also indicate that their origin is relatively close to Earth, but unlikely from within our own galaxy.
There are numerous theories on where these bursts came from, including speculation that the messages are from extraterrestrial intelligence. To the scientific community, however, this theory doesn’t really hold water, and is seen as more of a last resort only after all other avenues have been exhausted.
“We think these are likely from some very energetic process, like a burst from a high magnetic field neutron star or energy released [when] two neutron stars merge,” Professor Maura McLaughlin of the West Virginia University Center for Astrophysics explained. “The thing that made people think they were possibly from ETs was a recent paper that showed that one fundamental property is quantized in a way that wouldn't be expected if the signals were naturally occurring. However, I imagine that correlation will totally go away once more are discovered.”
Learned himself is dubious of an alien source as well, noting that he and Hippke only noted the dispersion measures’ “peculiar” pattern, and that they may even be coming from Earth. “We are now leaning more towards a terrestrial, anthropogenic interpretation,” he said. “At this point I would place my money on some sort of governmental satellite, not a natural phenomena, but I would not bet much. More data, which reportedly [is] being analyzed but which we have no insider information about yet, will be most interesting and refute or confirm our hypotheses.” He also noted that he’d only look to an ETI interpretation once all other possibilities have been eliminated.
As for McLaughlin, she believes there’s no way the FRBs could be messages from aliens, as the signals are very broadband and emitted over a wide range of radio frequencies. “It would take a LOT of energy for an alien civilization to produce these bursts - they'd need to harness the energy of many, many suns - and there's no real advantage for communication to send a signal over such a large bandwidth.”
Unfortunately, most of the claims concerning undersea bases are plain stupid. Nevertheless, some make you go hmm. Hence, let us start with the stupid.
Thanks to Google Earth, some believe 2000 feet beneath the ocean in an area near Point Dume, Malibu, California is an underwater alien base. The vehicles these aliens pilot are called “USOs” (Unidentified Submersible/marine Objects) as opposed to the more familiar UFOs which do not enter or exit from oceans/lakes as these apparently do.
The aforementioned base is a merely a seamount formation. Due to its flat appearance and supposed pillars, kooks are agape. There are problems for Jimmy Church, the crank radio host who has endorsed and publicized this structure, though.
Nature has long created objects that appear man-made and all of them are vastly more impressive and symmetrical than the Point Dume formation. Hell, even a fool like Lee Speigel does not appear to believe this gibberish.
Nevertheless, it is understandable Church is a fool. His guest list includes flakes like Richard Dolan, Kerry Cassidy, David Wilcox, and Jason Martell. In research, you are what you eat; hence, Church has chronic dysentery (1)(2)(3).
George Sauder is perhaps the most popular exponent of underground base theories around. I agree with him there may well be some funky subsea bases around. Johnathan Gray’s interesting “64 Secrets Still Ahead of us” discusses a document Sauder unearthed dating from 1966, detailing the use of underwater bases by the United States going back decades. It is good verifiable documentation. Nonetheless, Sauder should avoid mixing with kooks like Church too often (4)(5).
David Hatcher Childress Lurking Beneath the Waves.
The reason I say this is no matter how interesting the subsea base subject could potentially be, king David Hatcher Childress has leaped on-board. In 2005, he republished Ivan T. Sandersons 1970, book “Invisible Residents: The Reality of Underwater UFO’s.” (6)
The English born Sanderson was a popular Charles Fort inspired biologist, agent, adventurer, and storyteller in the 50s and 60s. Many believe Sanderson to be the person who first coined the term “cryptozoological” for off-beat creatures he wrote about like the “Abominable Snowman.” (7)
Returning to his “Invisible Residents” book, one of Sanderson’s most fascinating and influential claims in it concerns an object noted on sonar circa 1963 travelling at over “150 knots” and went to “28,374 feet below sea level” by the U.S Navy.
He quoted this story from two different articles lacking any sources. The real story appears to have taken place with an incident seen by the Royal Navy off the Norwegian Coast in February of 1963. It was an interesting tale and it contained no stories of objects descending to any such depths (8).
Yet, what struck me once more was how Childress attached himself to Sanderson like a parasite. Because, he is such a schmuck he sucks the fun out of anything Sanderson ever touched. Moreover, he seems to advocate for dubious pseudo-science with white supremacist undertones.
Like Childress, as a kid, I too was fascinated with the idea of advanced underwater/lost civilizations; indeed, the possibility of aliens under the depths fascinated me. Hence, Atlantis was where I wanted to go and from whence most discussions of underwater civilizations/bases start.
Plato described the Atlantean’s way back sometime near 300 BC. It is doubtful any Atlanteans existed as described by Plato who seemed to use it as an allegorical tale. Nevertheless, I am a huge fan of Robert Ballard who pointed out due to volcanoes and rising water levels we have numerous communities from which legends of Atlantis could have sprung (9).
Aryan Antlanteans
What I am not a fan of are the bogus theories about Atlantis advocated by Ignatius Donnelly in the 19th century. He, alongside folks like Helena Blavatsky, helped popularize the idea of the Atlanteans being a technologically superior group of people.
It sounds groovy until one digs a little deeper and the Atlanteans turn out to be white skinned overlords who influenced numerous ancient civilizations. Childress has unquestioningly leaped all over this dubious guff. So much so, he described Atlanteans as a league of races led by blonde haired folk with red turbans (10).
Scott Beekman pointed out the influence of William Pelley on many of Hatcher Childress’ topics, as has arch critic of Childress Jason Colavito (11)(12)(13).
William Hamilton is another ufologist influenced by the Aryan bull spread by 19th Century fools like Blavatsky, and Donnelly, the 20th Centuries own fantasist Pelley.Like Hatcher Childress, he also buys into the rubbish about Mount Shasta and Lemuria (14). Hamilton has dabbled in hidden bases for years and is widely scorned in ufological circles; his dabbling with Dan Burisch killed any little credibility he had (15)(16).
Furthermore, the fact he propagates the claims of Marineland Pacific Park near Palos Verdes being an experimental submersed naval base shows his Childress level of studiousness (17)(18).
Compelling Stories of Bases: AUTEC Facility
In terms of funky undersea bases straight from the imagination of Ian Fleming, a good place to look is the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Centre (AUTEC) facility on Andros Island in the Bahamas. If the aforementioned documents Sauder found are authentic (and they look to be) there are likely some cool human made and inhabited bases out there.
As for alien bases, one imagines if they are capable of living underwater they would be invisible to any earthly scanning equipment and therefore us civilians. If we do see them emerge or dive into the water, one ponders… “Are these turkeys buzzing us for a laugh?”
Who knows, I just hope they are not Gungans. Yet in making jest, I may be shooting myself in the foot. The glut of sightings concerning UFOs emerging/descending into waterways particularly in Latin America indicates some U.S military weirdness is going on.
A prototype multi-purpose surveillance/weapon drone maybe…
The Valentich Case 1978
The above may tie into the Valentich case.
Arguments against UFO involvement in his case focus on Fredrick Valentich’s incompetence. However, even if he was crap one finds it hard to believe he mistook stars for a solid object circling him.
Most of the time, inexperienced pilots jeopardize themselves by missing marks or confusing constellations at night. According to his flight controller, Valentich showed no signs of confusion or disorientation concerning navigation.
Valentich probably screwed up; nevertheless, the object he saw, and the distraction it caused may well have assisted those errors (19).
One witness, Ray Manifold, supposedly photographed an object emerge from the water near where Valentich disappeared. While this sounds somewhat dubious. Manifold, does not come across as a turkey; furthermore, regardless of his comments the Valentich case is a suspicious and worthy of investigation. Therefore, anybody keen on the case should check out Richard F Haines’ work (20).
Some people call them earth lights, others spooklights, and ghost lanterns. Whatever they are called, they have baffled people for hundreds of years when wandering the woods or back roads and finding floating lights not attached to any explainable human creation. The history on some of these lights goes back to being incorporated in Native American legends.
In Missouri, on the Oklahoma border, there is a spooklight referred to by a few names, such as Hornet Spooklight, but most popularly by “Devil's Promenade.”
Since the 19th century, this light has appeared continually. Reportedly, in the 1940s, the Army Corps of Engineers could not find the cause and deemed it an unexplained light.
Source: Aficionados say the best chances for spotting the light occur after dark when parked on Oklahoma East 50 Road, four miles south of the three state junction of Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma in Ottawa County, Oklahoma and looking to the west. You must sit very silently. The light has been seen in backyards of the area and has been spotted both near to and far away from sightseers. Its color is also not consistent: some eyewitnesses report a greenish glow while others describe it as orange, red, yellow, or even blue. It is almost always said to be in the shape of a ball, although some say it more resembles a camping lantern travelling a couple of feet off the ground.
There have been lots of attempts at explaining the lights including that they are the car lights from people driving on Rt 66. One of the biggest problems with this concept is, how the heck were the lights there since the 1800s before cars?
Brown Mountain Lights are found on Brown Mountain in North Carolina. The first officially documented report of seeing them was in 1913. Some tried to explain it as car lights or train lights, but following floods that washed away car bridges, and made the trains cease running, the lights were still seen.
TheMarfa Lights are one of the most popularly visited sites in Marfa, Texas. Once again, these lights were longstanding and reported since the 19th Century. In an uninhabited and hard to traverse area outside of town, lights danced above the horizon and were first reported by ranchers in the area.
These mystery lights are sometimes red, sometimes blue, and other times white. They continue to baffle to this day.
Paulding Lightis found in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It's been reported since the 1960s. Some studies of it say that it is likely the lights from a car in the distance. The legends include a railroad brakeman who died trying to prevent a collision and for all eternity carries a lantern to protect from other collisions, the ghost of a murdered mail carrier, and the ghost of an Indian dancing on the power lines. Big Thicket Light is seen in East Texas in Hardin County on Bragg Road and, although some have debunked it as car lights, there is an interesting aside to this. In my years of Bigfoot research, I have repeatedly heard from people about strange lights in the woods. These look like a flashlight or a lantern and when they try to chase them down, they cannot seem to capture the source. The Big Thicket area is one of the most light-active sites I have run across in the research. In fact, I have advised Bigfoot researchers in this region to keep their eyes open for lights in the woods and try some experiments.
Traditionally, these kinds of lights were seen by citizens around the world and called “will-o'-the-wisp.” A true will-o'-the-wisp is seen over bogs, marshes, and swamps. Natural odd lights have been seen for centuries, long before car lights and train lights. Some of the local legends include ghosts with lanterns. (Wikipedia) A peasant traveling home at dusk sees a bright light traveling along ahead of him. Looking closer, he sees that the light is a lantern held by a “dusky little figure”, which he follows for several miles. All of a sudden he finds himself standing on the edge of a vast chasm with a roaring torrent of water rushing below him. At that precise moment the lantern-carrier leaps across the gap, lifts the light high over its head, lets out a malicious laugh and blows out the light, leaving the poor peasant a long way from home, standing in pitch darkness at the edge of a precipice. This is a fairly common cautionary tale concerning the phenomenon; however, the ignis fatuus was not always considered dangerous. There are some tales told about the will-o’-the-wisp being guardians of treasure, much like the Irish leprechaun leading those brave enough to follow them to sure riches. Other stories tell of travelers getting lost in the woodland and coming upon a will-o’-the-wisp, and depending on how they treated the will-o’-the-wisp, the spirit would either get them lost further in the woods or guide them out.
The Maco Light in North Carolina is one of the types of spooklights with legend attached to a haunting. Just west of Wilmington in the Maco Station train tracks area, ghost lights are seen. In fact, President Grover Cleveland saw them in 1889. The legend says that in 1867, a signalman was sleeping in the caboose of a train. He woke up when he felt it jerk. He recognized that the caboose was detaching from the rest of the train. He panicked when he realized that adrift on the track, another train would be arriving and hit it. He needed to signal the oncoming train. He waved a lantern frantically from the back of the caboose, hoping to catch the eye of the oncoming train. Even though the train was able to slow down, it still rear-ended the caboose and decapitated the signalman. His head landed in a swamp, but they buried his body with honors for his bravery. The legend says that the headless signalman walks around with a ghostly lantern looking for his head.
I'll be honest, this doesn't work for me on many levels, but especially that he would need a lantern to find his head which means he would have eyes to spot his head on the ground and would need a light to see his way.…
In my home state of Virginia, we have the Cahoke Lights in West Point, VA along the Cahoke train track crossroads. There are two legends and interestingly one of them is a headless railroad worker. The other legend is about a missing train of injured war soldiers.
What are spooklights? It's hard to make a sweeping statement on that because, like all sounds are not ghosts, all lights are not unexplained. Some of the unexplained lights are written off as car lights, train lights, lights caused by ghosts, lights caused by natural earth occurrences include ignition of gases, airborne minerals being lit by ambient light, electrical disturbances along fault lines, and other assorted swamp gas-related concepts.
Daytime UFO sighting over New Ellenton, South Carolina on 8th April 2015
Daytime UFO sighting over New Ellenton, South Carolina on 8th April 2015
New interesting video footage of a strange donut – shaped UFO sighting recorded over New Ellenton, South Carolina on 8th April 2015.
Witness said: I was photographing clouds with my cell phone. In between layers of cloud was what I thought a star until I went inside and zoomed in. The circle with a hole on the center was clearly not a star. I was in front of my house in New Ellenton, S. C. In Aiken County. I enjoy photographing the sky, stars moon and clouds. But I have never seen this before.
The following is an uncommon alien abduction report:
I live on the ground floor of a condominium building in an Atlanta, GA suburb. I've only lived here about 4 months, but have felt uneasy with my home since I moved in. I live alone and rarely socialize, but I do enjoy having an occasional night out with friends. One night a few weeks ago, my close friend Josie spent the night on my couch since she was in no condition to drive home. This wasn't unusual because I enjoy her company - we are like sisters and have known each other since grade school.
The next morning (Sunday) I found Josie sitting on my leather chaise shaking like a leaf in the wind. She was wrapped in a white bed sheet, which I didn't recognize - all my bedding is colored. There was an odd odor in the living room, which reminded me of an old musty basement. As I walked closer to Josie she looked at me with wide bloodshot eyes with tears streaming down her face. I asked her what was wrong. She didn't answer - but hide her face in her hands.
I sat down on the foot of the chaise watching and consoling Josie. I was frightened, wondering if someone had broken into the condo last night and assaulted Josie. 'Josie - what happened? Where did this white bed sheet come from?' She raised her head from her hands and said 'I was abducted by aliens.'
'What? Did someone break-in and hurt you?' She looked at me and started to cry. 'The aliens took me away.'
I stood up and walked to the front door. All the locks were intact and the alarm was still armed. It hadn't been touched. I walked towards the patio sliding doors - the lock and alarm was intact there as well. Nothing in the condo looked out of place. I walked back to Josie and inquired about the white bed sheet again. She said that they took her clothes and wrapped her in it before they brought her back. I could tell that she was serious - Josie has always been a no-nonsense person. In fact, I didn't remember ever seeing her cry before.
'They know where I am again.' Again? 'What do you mean when you say again?' She asked if she could take a shower - that she would explain to me afterwards. I went in my bedroom in order to find Josie some clothes. When I walked into the bathroom, she dropped the bed sheet - and I noticed a half-dollar sized bruise at the base of her spine. There was also a few patches of greenish colored powder on her legs and on the bed sheet. Josie stepped into the shower. I grabbed the bed sheet and placed it in a large shopping bag I had beside my bed. I then made my way to the kitchen and started brewing coffee.
Josie stayed in the shower for over 45 minutes. I sat at the dining room table wondering what could have possibly transpired during the night. After a while, Josie slowly walked into the dining room and sat down across from me. 'You don't believe me, do you?' I replied 'you said that aliens took you. I don't believe in aliens, honey.'
'This was not the first time they came for me. I've put up with this since I was 5 years old. My Mama also experienced abductions during her life. They never have told us why.' Josie took a sip of coffee, 'it is painful and doesn't get any easier. It killed Mama.' Josie's Mom had committed suicide while Josie was in college. Her Father was never a part of her life.
I didn't know how to respond, but I do know this. If Josie said she was abducted, then she believed that it had happened. She is the most sincere person I know. Her only vice was that she is a heavy drinker - these abductions may be the reason why.
We talked for most of the day. She explained that the encounters always begin with her waking up disrobed on a hard cold table in a brightly lit room. The same aliens would attend to her each time. These aliens were very human-like except for their glistening yellow hair. There were male and female of various sizes and heights. They all wore white full-bodied suits. They didn't walk with their two legs but appeared to float just an inch or two above a black textured floor. There were other aliens present that were small in stature with large heads and eyes. These small beings wore dark blue smocks that reached the floor. Their duties were unknown - though there were always several standing around. Josie also said that she has endured over two dozen abductions and that she was told to expect further encounters during her life. The last abduction was over a year ago and ceased after she moved to another house. She hoped that they may have lost track of her. Now she realized that they always knew where she was.
I suppose that I am most surprised that I never had any idea that Josie has undergone this abuse over the entire time I have known her. Do I believe her? I have no reason not to believe her - and I plan to help her through the continued exploitation by these yellow-haired aliens. H.
NOTE: The submission was referred to me by a UFO investigator, who is an attorney in Atlanta, GA. The report was forwarded by a middle aged woman who has lived in the same general area her entire life. After I received the report, I was asked to redact some of the content after I requested permission to publish. Your comments are welcomed. Lon
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Daily 2 Cents: 24th Annual Bigfoot Conference -- Nice Doormen Finish Last -- Obama's Former Pilot Recalls UFO Encounter
Daily 2 Cents: 24th Annual Bigfoot Conference -- Nice Doormen Finish Last -- Obama's Former Pilot Recalls UFO Encounter
24th Annual Bigfoot Conference
The worlds longest running Bigfoot Conference is set to resume on April 18, 2015 2 to 8 pm at the Salt Fork State Park Lodge. Your Host and Master of Ceremonies Don Keating brings back a tradition to Ohio. On this website you will find information on speakers, accommodations, itinerary, and tickets. Please check back to this page for updates as they become available.
Dr. Jeff Meldrum Carl Johnson Todd Neiss Diane Stocking-Neiss
Meet and Greet … Friday evening in the “Ball Room” from 6-9 p.m. with the speakers whom have already arrived as well as myself. NO ADMISSION CHARGE!!!
Conference from 2 until about 8 p.m. on Saturday. General admission tickets will fly out the door quickly. They are $15 each. Current or former members of the Military will receive $5 off ticket price with proof of Military service (ID Badge, whatever) There will be an auction of items that will have been donated as well as several items from my OWN PERSONAL COLLECTION! If you have an item(s) you’d be willing to donate please contact me ASAP. VIP tickets still available. Contact me directly ( or go here to place your order. They are limited so go, order now!!!
There will be ONE Door Prize winner of $100 at the conference. You MUST be present to win!!!
At this time there is a tentative cookout planned for Sunday!!! I will give you full details during the conference IF it is a go, or not.
Conference t-shirts will be $20 each no matter the size. If you wish to PRE-ORDER a shirt(s) get back to me ASAP. The order goes in for them in the next couple of weeks!
Finally, there will be a moment of silence at the start of the Conference as one of our longtime members has passed away. Veronica Burchette passed away back on February 7th.
The mother of Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has furiously bashed Americans and promised that the US “will pay” for convicting her “innocent” son and killing his older brother.
Just moments after learning that her 21-year-old was found guilty of all 30 counts in the Boston Marathon bombing trial Wednesday, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva sent an angry tirade to the technology website Vocativ through the WhatsApp messenger app.
Vocativ had managed to obtain Zubeidat’s phone number by locating pictures of her holding signs with the digits. The images were posted on the Russian social media site VKontakte as part of a previous fundraising effort to support the Tsarnaev family in the wake of the 2013 attack.
The website then requested that she send a selfie with a dated piece of paper which could verify that it was indeed her sending the messages. In the photo, Zubeidat can be seen wearing a black hijab and holding a sign that reads, “Zubeidat mother of two precious brothers Tamarlan Djahar April 9, 2015.”
Zubeidat also sent a note in Russian to a family friend Wednesday, saying she believed Americans were the real “terrorists” and claiming her murderous son is truly “the best of the best.”
“I will never forget it,” the message said. “May God bless those who helped my son.”
Vocativ had also stumbled upon the post in VKontakte.
“The terrorists are the Americans and everyone knows it,” Zubeidat charged. “My son is the best of the best.”
Zubeidat, a Russia native, has always insisted that her son Dzhokhar is innocent — despite the fact that he admitted to the 2013 attack, which left three people dead and 260 others injured.
Ralph Body was booted from a luxe Long Island City apartment building — for being too accommodating to its well-heeled tenants.
Body, 41, said he “gave his life” to the glimmering Queens tower called 27 on 27th ever since it opened two years ago a few blocks from the East River.
He didn’t just hold the door. He did anything and everything residents asked him to do — check on pets, clean litter boxes, water plants, hold packages, even show $4,200 apartments to new tenants if need be, he said.
“Everything I did, somebody asked me to do, or there was a need for it,” Body said.
But the door suddenly slammed shut on the collegial “Melrose Place”-like atmosphere last Sunday, when the staffing company that placed him at the posh building told him “upper management” wanted him out, he said.
“They said, ‘We know you did it for the right reasons, but unfortunately . . . you’re too nice to the tenants.’”
He tried to plead his case: “I told them, ‘When the tenants ask me to do something, I’m going to say yes.’
“But they said, ‘You do things for them which you shouldn’t be doing. And unfortunately, in this case, nice guys finish last,’ ” he continued.
Body said he was “shocked” at being shown the door — and so were tenants who are now rallying to bring him back. “Going above and beyond your work duties shouldn’t be punished — it should be praised,” reads a petition to reinstate Body. “We stand with Ralph.”
It goes on: “Most tenants . . . can attest to Ralph’s kindness and eagerness to make people feel safe and welcome. In a transient city where most people are from other states and countries, 27 on 27th was a unique building that truly felt like ‘home’ from the moment you stepped through the front doors.”
Residents told The Post that Body was one of the main reasons they chose to live at the 27-story building, which boasts dazzling views of Manhattan, a yoga room, gym and game and film rooms — but competes with similarly outfitted towers rising in Queens.
“Ralph made this different than other luxury buildings,” said the tenant who started the petition, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retribution from building management Heatherwood Communities.
A paper petition that the petition organizer left in the lobby mysteriously disappeared the next day, the tenant noted. “I would definitely have to think twice about my [lease] renewal now,” the resident said.
Tenants blamed Heatherwood for Body’s removal — not staffing company PBS Facility Services, which Body said has promised to find him work at a different building.
But for now, the only door he’s opening is to his apartment in the West Village. “They said I have to sit tight and wait,” Body said.
In an e-mail to tenants obtained by The Post, Heatherwood says there has been “misinformation” about Body’s removal.
“It was recently brought to our attention that Ralph did not follow PBS’s policies and procedures and after being spoken to several times, it was their decision to reassign him to another building,” the letter reads.
One of President Barack Obama’s former pilots not only says he believes in UFOs and tells in great detail about the time he saw one while flying over Iowa.
Andrew Danziger, a 28-year airline veteran who was one of Obama’s pilots during his 2008 presidential campaign, told his story to the New York Daily News.
Danziger says his close encounter happened in 1989 while flying from Kansas City to Waterloo, Iowa. He describes it as a beautiful evening, with clear skies. He says both he, and Bruce, the captain, had noticed a white disc in the sky. For 30 minutes, that disc remained in the sky.
“We got busy with our flying duties and for a short while, maybe for a minute, both of us had looked away from the disc, but when I looked up at it again I saw something that has been burned into my memory,” Danziger writes.
I yelled to Bruce, “Holy s–t.” He immediately looked over from what he was doing. Above the clouds, where the white disc had been, was a now giant red ball. It was big and bright and just sat there above the clouds. It wasn’t intense enough to illuminate us with a red glow but it was still plenty bright. We sat there in stunned silence. We obviously didn’t want to hit it but quickly saw that it was flying parallel to our course. We weren’t on a collision course and we also weren’t gaining on it. Time became a blur as we continued our descent, this giant, red ball holding its course.
As the plane slowly descended to the ground, and was at 13,000 feet, the ball began a descent as well.
In about 30 seconds, like a setting sun but not nearly as bright, it vanished behind the clouds. The instant it fully disappeared, hundreds of lights began flashing from within the clouds.
As I looked on in disbelief, the flashing lights were brighter than ever and I could see that the section of the cloud that the glowing red ball had descended behind was starting to stretch apart like a piece of “Silly Putty,” two halves being pulled slowly apart with the middle getting thinner and thinner. This continued until the halves grew so thin that it tore apart and, pop! Everything was gone. The dimly lit disc, the flashing lights, the thin wispy clouds that we had with us for the last 40 minutes; all of it, gone. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Only the full moon remained off to our left.
He insists they had no idea what they say, they were certain it wasn’t from this earth.
Danziger says that as a pilot, he has lots of company in his belief that UFOs do exist.
I’m not going too far out on a ledge to say that virtually all pilots believe in UFOs. Little green men, “close encounters”, alien kidnappings,… not so much, but with billions of stars and trillions of planets out there, “ya gotta believe”, and almost all of us do.
While former President Bill Clinton has previously said he examined the Roswell and Area 51 files while in office and confirmed we aren’t hiding any extraterrestrial life there, he refuses to rule out the existence of alien life forms. -Obama's former pilot recalls UFO encounter
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Is dit een 300 miljoen jaar oude schroef?
Is dit een 300 miljoen jaar oude schroef?
Een stuk rots met daarin een voorwerp dat op een schroef lijkt, houdt mensen al sinds de jaren negentig bezig. Russische onderzoekers denken dat het ongewone voorwerp 300 miljoen jaar oud is. Volgens sommigen is het mogelijk bewijs voor een hoogontwikkelde beschaving. Anderen zeggen dat het door aliens is gemaakt.
Experts zijn van mening dat de ‘schroef’ een gefossiliseerd zeedier is. De ‘schroef’ werd ontdekt toen in het gebied rond de Russische stad Kaloega onderzoek werd verricht na de inslag van een asteroïde, meldt Ancient Code.
Schroef’ in een stuk steen
De ‘schroef’ is enkele centimeters lang en werd gevonden door de Kosmopoisk Groep, een paranormaal onderzoeksteam. Zij beweren na het maken van röntgenfoto’s dat de steen tussen de 300 en 320 miljoen jaar oud is en dat er nog een tweede verborgen ‘schroef’ in de steen zit.
De Kosmopoisk Groep heeft verder geen gedetailleerde informatie over het voorwerp gegeven, zoals bijvoorbeeld waaruit de ‘schroef’ bestaat. De groep organiseert expedities naar plekken waarvan wordt beweerd dat er buitenaardse activiteit is waargenomen.
Experts die foto’s van de steen hebben bestudeerd, zeggen dat de ‘schroef’ bestaat uit de resten van een zeelelie (foto boven), een stekelhuidig dier dat in de zee leeft. Tot het einde van de 19e eeuw werden ze nog beschouwd als uitgestorven groep. Tijdens de Challenger-expeditie (1873-76) werden de eerste levende zeelelies uit de diepte opgedregd.
Zeelelies komen al bijna 500 miljoen jaar voor en worden wel beschouwd als levend fossiel. Er zijn in totaal zo’n 5000 uitgestorven soorten benoemd. Vandaag de dag zijn er nog 600 soorten in leven.
Volgens sommige theorieën is de ‘schroef’ een restant van een oude technologie, wat erop zou wijzen dat aliens miljoenen jaren geleden op aarde leefden en dat onze voorouders veel verder ontwikkeld waren dan we denken.
UFO zichtbaar direct na vulkaanuitbarsting Mexico.
UFO zichtbaar direct na vulkaanuitbarsting Mexico.
Is er een verband tussen de vele UFO waarnemingen en het weer tot leven komen van de bekende Popocatépetl vulkaan in Mexico en mogelijk zelfs als relatie in algemene zin?
Het aantal UFOs dat rond deze vulkaan wordt waargenomen is zo langzamerhand fenomenaal en nu verschijnen ze enkele minuten na een uitbarsting.
Tientallen jaren langs was deze reus van een vulkaan in een soort slaapmode tot 1994 en 1997, toen er opnieuw uitbarstingen voorvielen, met de grootste uitbarsting in 1.000 jaar in het jaar 2.000.
Deze gigantische vulkaan staat ook wel bekend onder de naam Don Goyo (Mr. Gregory) na een verschijning van een man met een baard die zichzelf Gregorio Chino Popocatépetl noemde, de beschermgeest van de vulkaan.
Velen zeggen dat ze deze geestverschijning hebben gezien en de geest en de vulkaan worden op 12 maart bijzonder geëerd omdat dit de geboortedag is van paus Gregorius de Grote.
Dit soort rituelen waarbij de vulkaan en haar beschermgeest worden geëerd gaan al lang terug in de tijd.
Op 31 maart was er opnieuw een uitbarsting van de Popocatépetl vulkaan, waarbij een grote pluim van as en lava de atmosfeer werd ingestoten.
Via de webcams van Webcams de Mexico en Skyalert werden de beelden van deze uitbarsting al snel wereldwijd verspreid.
Waar niemand echter rekening mee had gehouden, maar wat toch gebeurde, was dat er op de afbeeldingen van deze uitbarstingen duidelijk een UFO te zien was.
Via de Twitter van Webcams werd dan ook het volgende bericht de wereld ingestuurd:
“Skyalert en Webcams de Mexico hebben een vreemd licht opgepikt op de avond van 31 maart. Een licht dat de aswolk passeerde die net drie minuten daarvoor door de Popocatépetl vulkaan was uitgestoten na een enorme explosie in de krater van deze kolos.”
Misschien pakken de UFO's het nu iets slimmer aan omdat normaal gesproken wat ze doen bij deze vulkaan niet opgepikt wordt in het nieuws. Door zich nu te vertonen, vlak na een aanzienlijke vulkaanuitbarsting terwijl miljoenen mensen kijken, wordt dát nu binnenkort anders.
UFO Cover-Up Issue Surrounds the Delay of Releasing Britain’s X-Files
UFO Cover-Up Issue Surrounds the Delay of Releasing Britain’s X-Files
The delay in the release of a cache of documents called as Britain’s X-Files has made UFO spotters to think of a cover-up. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) failed to fulfil its promise to release 18 UFO files at the end of 2014. The MoD admitted that it did not hand the cache over on the scheduled date after Lord Black of Brentwood questioned to the House of Lords about the update.
The defence ministry promised to release the files in late 2015 or 2016 instead. MoD blamed the delay to the additional processing requirements.
Former UFO investigator at the MoD, Nick Pope, said that the massive delay has caused several conspiracy theorists to think of a cover up.
Nick Pope explained that the suspicions about the delay focused on the idea that there’s information in these files that would shock the world that the Ministry doesn’t know how to handle it.
During this incident, radiation exposure reportedly affected much to the health of an American Airman First Class John Burroughs. Pope added that these documents could be called legitimately as Britain’s X-Files and most probably include further reports on the alleged UFO and alien encounter in the Rendlesham Forest.
The UK government admitted that there’s a big possibility that the witnesses at Rendlesham forest were irradiated. Recently, the US government settled an injury claim on the basis of the admission by the UK government. This possibly caused a high-level diplomatic row that resulted in a delay, according to Pope.
Attorney Pat Frascogna recently won a legal bid for Burroughs to force military health chiefs to shoulder the finances of the former US airman. Frascogna said that they knew there was information in MoD files regarding the Rendlesham Forest incident because it was clearly indicated in the MoD files that they obtained through a Freedom of Information request in 2014. According to Frascogna, either the MoD is hesitant to release these secret files or someone ordered to delay their release.
Mars Mystery: Does Flowing Water Cause Red Planet's Dark Streaks?
Mars Mystery: Does Flowing Water Cause Red Planet's Dark Streaks?
April 7, 2015 - Mars' mysterious dark streaks continue to intrigue and puzzle scientists.
Over the past several years, Mars-orbiting spacecraft have spotted dark, fingerlike features that scientists call "recurring slope lineae," or RSL for short. These are dark flows, possibly caused by liquid water, found at many locations throughout low and middle latitudes on Mars. More than 120 candidate and confirmed RSL sites have been discovered, with some sites containing 1,000 or more individual RSL.
Yet another eye-catching manifestation on Mars is the "slope streak," which can propagate down steep slopes on the Red Planet. Slope streaks could be caused by dust avalanches, scientists say, and they differ from RSL in morphology, setting and mode of occurrence. [Photos: The Search for Water on Mars]
But the mechanism of slope streak formation remains up for grabs. Some researchers, for example, invoke a "wet" mode for the features' origin: a percolation of brine (salty water) in the shallow subsurface on Mars.
These active and baffling features garnered their own dedicated session March 18, held here during the 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Leading experts gathered to discuss enigmatic RSL and slope streaks - what causes them and what they may be telling researchers about present-day Mars.
"Some role for water appears required to explain the RSL, but the origin of that water remains puzzling," said Alfred McEwen, principal investigator for the superpowerful High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on board NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which is now circling the Red Planet.
Slope streaks on dusty slopes, McEwen said, "are much easier to understand, as all observations are consistent with relatively high-velocity dust avalanches."
McEwen contributed to research that indicates RSL grow slowly and incrementally, form on warm slopes in warm seasons and annually fade and reoccur.
Different from slope streaks, RSL continue to develop over time scales of weeks and come back in multiple years at the same location.
RSL locations occur on steep crater walls, and typically have only a small number of lineae - often fewer than 10.
These properties strongly suggest that RSL formation is controlled by a volatile substance, and liquid water is a likely candidate, reported Colin Dundas, a planetary scientist at the U.S. Geological Survey's Astrogeology Science Center at Flagstaff, Arizona, along with McEwen and Sarah Sutton, who is also based at the University of Arizona. However, the source of water is unknown and dry processes cannot be entirely ruled out, they noted.
"A major advance in understanding [these features] may require new flight experiments - orbital or surface - that are designed to study RSL and to better understand the present-day water cycle on Mars," McEwen told
Searches to find new RSL locations are ongoing.
"In the near term, we need to extend our high-resolution monitoring of RSL both in space and time, in order to understand the range of places where they exist and how they vary from year to year," Dundas told "In combination with the results of modeling and lab work, this can help us understand the local conditions that allow them to form."
RSL could pose planetary protection concerns, Dundas and McEwen said, so high-resolution monitoring across multiple seasons is needed when steep slopes occur near candidate landing sites.
In other work, David Stillman of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, led a team that analyzed the seasonal water budget of an RSL site in Mars' huge Valles Marineris canyon system. The researchers' findings suggest that the site is recharged by an aquifer on Mars.
In fact, Stillman's team determined that the total amount of water liberated from the area is equivalent to eight to 17 Olympic-sized swimming pools. The only way to annually recharge such a large volume of water is via an aquifer, Stillman said.
This work points to brine reaching the Martian surface via fractures that extend into a regional pressurized aquifer. Furthermore, the water lost from the myriad RSL within Valles Marineris - roughly 50 sites - is likely a significant regional source of atmospheric water vapor for much of each year, researchers said.
Both the briny nature and water loss, due to vaporization, of these RSL suggest that there is a zone of salty regolith within a few centimeters of the surface at these sites, Stillman said.
RSL "are truly fascinating features, and I think the best place to search for extant Martian life," Stillman told
Ice on Mars: Mars has belts of glaciers consisting of frozen water
Mars distinct polar ice caps, but Mars also has belts of glaciers at its central latitudes -- between the blue lines, in both the southern and northern hemispheres. A thick layer of dust covers the glaciers, so they appear as the surface of the ground, but radar measurements show that there are glaciers composed of frozen water underneath the dust. Credit: Mars Digital Image Model, NASA/Nanna Karlsson
Ice on Mars: Mars has belts of glaciers consisting of frozen water
Mars has distinct polar ice caps, but Mars also has belts of glaciers at its central latitudes in both the southern and northern hemispheres. A thick layer of dust covers the glaciers, so they appear as surface of the ground, but radar measurements show that underneath the dust there are glaciers composed of frozen water. New studies have now calculated the size of the glaciers and thus the amount of water in the glaciers. It is the equivalent of all of Mars being covered by more than one meter of ice. The results are published in the scientific journal, Geophysical Research Letters.
Several satellites orbit Mars and on satellite images, researchers have been able to observe the shape of glaciers just below the surface. For a long time scientists did not know if the ice was made of frozen water (H2O) or of carbon dioxide (CO2) or whether it was mud.
Using radar measurements from the NASA satellite, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, researchers have been able to determine that is water ice. But how thick was the ice and do they resemble glaciers on Earth?
A group of researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute have now calculated this using radar observations combined with ice flow modelling.
Data combined with modelling
“We have looked at radar measurements spanning ten years back in time to see how thick the ice is and how it behaves. A glacier is after all a big chunk of ice and it flows and gets a form that tells us something about how soft it is. We then compared this with how glaciers on Earth behave and from that we have been able to make models for the ice flow,” explains Nanna Bjørnholt Karlsson, a postdoc at the Centre for Ice and Climate at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen.
Nanna Bjørnholt Karlsson explains that earlier studies have identified thousands of glacier-like formations on the planet. The glaciers are located in belts around Mars between the latitudes 300-500 — equivalent to just south of Denmark’s location on Earth. The glaiciers are found on both the northern and southern hemispheres.
From some locations on Mars they have good detailed high-resolution data, while they only have more sparse data from other areas. But by supplementing the sparse data with information about the flow and form of the glaciers from the very well studied areas, they have been able to calculate how thick and voluminous the ice is across the glacier belts.
Could cover the entire planet
“We have calculated that the ice in the glaciers is equivalent to over 150 billion cubic meters of ice — that much ice could cover the entire surface of Mars with 1.1 meters of ice. The ice at the mid-latitudes is therefore an important part of Mars’ water reservoir,” explains Nanna Bjørnholt Karlsson.
That the ice has not evaporated out into space could actually mean that the thick layer of dust is protecting the ice. The atmospheric pressure on Mars is so low that water ice simply evaporates and becomes water vapour. But the glaciers are well protected under the thick layer of dust.
N. B. Karlsson, L. S. Schmidt, C. S. Hvidberg. Volume of Martian mid-latitude glaciers from radar observations and ice-flow modelling. Geophysical Research Letters, 2015; DOI: 10.1002/2015GL063219
University of Copenhagen – Niels Bohr Institute. “Ice on Mars: Mars has belts of glaciers consisting of frozen water.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 8 April 2015.
This artist's rendering shows the collision of two planetary bodies. A collision like this is believed to have formed the moon within the first 150 million years after our solar system formed. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Violent formation of the moon: New view
Within the first 150 million years after our solar system formed, a giant body roughly the size of Mars struck and merged with Earth, blasting a huge cloud of rock and debris into space. This cloud would eventually coalesce and form the moon.
For almost 30 years, planetary scientists have been quite happy with this explanation–with one major exception. Although this scenario makes sense when you look at the size of the moon and the physics of its orbit around Earth, things start to break down a little when you compare their isotopic compositions–the geological equivalent of a DNA “fingerprint.” Specifically, Earth and the moon are too much alike.
The expectation has long been that the moon should carry the isotopic “fingerprint” of the foreign body, which scientists have named Theia. Because Theia came from elsewhere in the solar system, it probably had a much different isotopic fingerprint than early Earth.
Now, a team of scientists at the University of Maryland has generated a new isotopic fingerprint of the moon that could provide the missing piece of the puzzle. By zeroing in on an isotope of Tungsten present in both the moon and Earth, the UMD team is the first to reconcile the accepted model of the moon’s formation with the unexpectedly similar isotopic fingerprints of both bodies. The results suggest that the impact of Theia into early Earth was so violent, the resulting debris cloud mixed thoroughly before settling down and forming the moon. The findings appear in the April 8, 2015 advance online edition of the journal Nature.
“The problem is that Earth and the moon are very similar with respect to their isotopic fingerprints, suggesting that they are both ultimately formed from the same material that gathered early in the solar system’s history,” said Richard Walker, a professor of geology at UMD and co-author of the study. “This is surprising, because the Mars-sized body that created the moon is expected to have been very different. So the conundrum is that Earth and the moon shouldn’t be as similar as they are.”
Several different theories have emerged over the years to explain the similar fingerprints of Earth and the moon. Perhaps the impact created a huge cloud of debris that mixed thoroughly with the Earth and then later condensed to form the moon. Or Theia could have, coincidentally, been isotopically similar to young Earth. A third possibility is that the moon formed from Earthen materials, rather than from Theia, although this would have been a very unusual type of impact.
To tease out an explanation, Walker and his team looked to another well-documented phenomenon in the early history of the solar system. Evidence suggests that both Earth and the moon gathered additional material after the main impact, and that Earth collected more of this debris and dust. This new material contained a lot of Tungsten, but relatively little of this was of a lighter isotope known as Tungsten-182. Taking these two observations together, one would expect that Earth would have less Tungsten-182 than the moon.
Sure enough, when comparing rocks from the moon and Earth, Walker and his team found that the moon has a slightly higher proportion of Tungsten-182. The key, however, is how much.
“The small, but significant, difference in the Tungsten isotopic composition between Earth and the moon perfectly corresponds to the different amounts of material gathered by Earth and the moon post-impact,” Walker said. “This means that, right after the moon formed, it had exactly the same isotopic composition as Earth’s mantle.”
This finding supports the idea that the mass of material created by the impact, which later formed the moon, must have mixed together thoroughly before the moon coalesced and cooled. This would explain both the overall similarities in isotopic fingerprints and the slight differences in Tungsten-182.
It also largely rules out the idea that the Mars-sized body was of similar composition, or that the moon formed from material contained in the pre-impact Earth. In both cases, it would be highly unlikely to see such a perfect correlation between Tungsten-182 and the amounts of material gathered by the moon and Earth post-impact.
“This result brings us one step closer to understanding the close familial relationship between Earth and the moon,” Walker said. “We still need to work out the details, but it’s clear that our early solar system was a very violent place.”
Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by University of Maryland. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
Journal Reference:
Mathieu Touboul, Igor S. Puchtel, Richard J. Walker. Tungsten isotopic evidence for disproportional late accretion to the Earth and Moon. Nature, 2015; DOI: 10.1038/nature14355
Filer’s Files # 15 -2015 – Admiral Byrd’s Warning - PART I
The witness photographed these lights in Taipei District, Taiwan on April 2, 2015.
Filer’s Files # 15 -2015 – Admiral Byrd’s Warning - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Europe’s UFO Crash and Hitler, Operation Highjump and Antarctica Bases, Admiral Byrd Warns of UFO Invasion, Four Thousand Exoplanet Candidates, Are Governments and Media Gearing Up For Disclosure? and UFO Crash at St Augustin.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arizona, California, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Virginia, and Washington.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Italy, India, Korea, Portugal, Taiwan, Turkey, and in England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Chuck Warren my webmaster and I send out over 30,000 plus emails each week.
I wanted to share the news that the “Hangar 1” TV Series is being upgraded from H2 to The History Channel for season two! Our new premiere date is Friday, April 10th at 10 pm EST and PST. Be sure to watch me in my flight jacket.
Special Projects
Europe’s UFO Crash and Hitler
The actual events during the 1930s are somewhat obscure as Hitler built a war machine and gained strength in Germany. Many of the reports are speculation based on the few known facts. We know Hitler sent expeditions around the world to find some of world’s ancient artifacts and lost technology. First German Antarctic Expedition was in 1924-27.: Neuschwabenland was German Colony setup in 1938 39 as the war got underway.
William Brophy writes,” On June 13, 1933, a UFO crashed near Magenta, Italy just west of Milano. The occupants were tall blond Nordics with oriental like features on their light blue eyes. The Italians called the UFO la Campania; the Germans called it Die Locked. The Japanese told the Italians and Germans that those tall blonde-haired people were in their legends; this led to the Axis Alliance.
Hitler realized the craft had likely been built on Earth and sent teams out to find the alien intelligence bases. When Adolf Hitler spread his message of hatred, genocide, and oppression, as having been inspired by a blond race of superhuman warriors referred to as Aryans.
The Nazis themselves claimed that an extraterrestrial society was the source of their ideology and the power behind their organization. Nazi mysticism, indeed, was reportedly a direct product of cult worship of the Extraterrestrials. The Nazis referred to their hidden extraterrestrial masters as underground supermen that apparently had a base in Antarctica. Hitler believed in the supermen and claimed that he had once met one of them, as did other members of the Thule leadership.
The Nazis said that their supermen resided beneath the Earth’s surface and were the creators of the Aryan race that suddenly appeared thousands of years ago. Aryans therefore in Adolf Hitler’s reasoning, constituted the world’s only pure race and all other people were viewed as inferior genetic mutations. The Nazis planned to re-purify humanity by committing genocide against anyone who was not an Aryan. Top Nazi leaders believed that the underground supermen would return to the surface of the Earth to rule it as soon as the Nazis began their racial purification program and established the Thousand Year Reich.
The tall blonde-haired people’s craft were the UFO’s over Los Angeles on February 25, 1942, and a large disk with a row of windows was shot down in the Santa Catalina Island area recovered by the ars-1 Viking ship and taken to Moffat Field Navy Base.
Nazi ‘aerial disk’ research became more advanced throughout the Second World War, and reportedly utilized jet-turbine and later electromagnetic propulsions systems. As it became apparent that the Germans were losing the war, they allegedly transferred this technology to a base in Antarctica which had been established years earlier, complete with underground installations, and code-named it the ‘New Berlin’.
Although deliberately obscured by the West today, Nazi German leader Adolph Hitler was obsessed with Neuschwabenland which was the name given to the area of Antarctica located between 20°E and 10°W in Queen Maud Land which he believed would one day be the world capital of his “master race.” Allegedly there were 300 square miles of land without snow and ice.
Throughout the entire duration of the war the Nazis had allegedly shipped scientists, workers, technology and saucer components to this Antarctica base or bases. Some reports also allege that Adolf Hitler escaped capture and escaped to South America. Over one hundred German U Boats disappeared during World War II and were never found. According to German naval archives, months after Germany surrendered to the Allies in April, 1945, the German submarine U-530 arrived at the South Pole from the Port of Kiel. It is felt an unknown alien intelligence occupied parts of Antarctica and gave advanced secrets of UFOs to the Germans.
Antarctica Bases and Operation Highjump
Soviet archives have extensive files claiming that Nazi Germany and the United States forged an alliance prior to the end of World War II allowing Hitler and cohorts to escape to Antarctica in exchange for German technology that included the atomic bomb, an advanced fighter jets, rocket and flying saucer technology. This would also explain the post WW2 global campaign to suppress the information concerning the free energy aspect of this from the public.
There is also being advanced the theory that the extraterrestrials belonged to very ancient civilizations that was here before modern man. The idea that these underwater structures predate the Nazis is further bolstered by anomalies such as
Piri Reis (1513) map of Antarctica at te bottom used by Western explorers to “discover” the New World and showing it to be ice free with flowing rivers and a clean coastline.
We do know Nazi U 977 and U 530 submarines went aground in Argentina after carrying supplies to the Antarctic a few weeks after the end of war. Advanced U boats and supply ships operating out of neutral Spain allegedly carried hundreds of Germans to Antarctica and South America.
The first American expedition to explore Antarctica since 1840 was the Byrd Expedition from 1928-1930. Another US Antarctic Service Expedition 1939-41 visited the continent with Captain R. H. Cruzen in command. I
At the end of war Intelligence reports reported Nazi’ ships were heading south. The Secretary of State, Secretary of War and Secretary of the Navy on August 7, 1946 approved Operation Highjump. A memorandum prepared for the meeting stated that the “Navy proposes to send an expedition to the Antarctic early in 1947. The purpose of this expedition includes training personnel and testing material, consolidating and extending U.S. sovereignty over Antarctic areas, and investigating possible base sites. Rear Admiral Richard .E. Byrd will be designated as Officer-in-Charge of the project. Task Force Commander was Captain R. H. Cruzen”. Both men had visited the area prior to the war and allegedly and located several “oases” now secret areas of the Antarctic.
On December 2, 1946, the task force set sail for the Antarctic continent with a force of 13 ships carrying some 4,700 men The Task Force 68 included multiple aircraft aboard an aircraft carrier the USS Philippine Sea. The Central Group of ships reached the Bay of Whales on January 15, 1947, and planned to stay for six months where they constructed temporary runways along the glaciers, in a base dubbed Little America IV. The ships navigated through an ice pack of several hundred miles before reaching Little America. Icebergs and unpredictable weather were formidable foes during the course of the expedition. Upon arriving at the polar continent they reportedly split into three separate groups and began a massive reconnaissance- like operation taking over 50,000 photographs.
One Navy reconnaissance aircraft was flown by Bunger who flew west with cameras humming. Suddenly the men in the cockpit saw a dark spot come up over the barren white horizon and as they drew closer, they couldn’t believe their eyes. Byrd later described it as a “land of blue and green lakes and brown hills in an otherwise limitless expanse of ice”. Bunger and his men carefully inspected the region and then raced back to the ship to tell the others of their discovery.
Several days later Bunger and his flight crew returned for another look, finding one of the lakes big enough to land his “flying boat” on. The lake was filled with red, blue and green algae which gave the lakes their distinctive color.
Most interesting to note about Admiral Byrd’s Operation Highjump mission was his solo flight towards the South Pole on February 19, 1947 wherein he recorded in his diary the following: “1000 Hours- “We are crossing over the small mountain range and still proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over ice and snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation instruments are still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!” Although not released, an alien intelligence was allegedly located.
Operation Highjump has become a topic among UFO conspiracy theorists, who claim it was a covert US military operation to conquer alleged secret underground alien or Nazi facilities in Antarctica and capture the German Vril flying discs. This has always been denied by the US Military.
Commander Graham Bethune and other Navy personnel claim the task force encountered ‘resistance’ and that there was a battle between American and UFO forces operating there, with losses on both sides.
Reports claim disc shape craft came out of the sea coming through the ice attacking some of the ships and aircraft. A brief clip of this was allegedly caught on film.
Navy official photos show a crashed PBM aircraft stating this aircraft with the call sign of ‘George 1’ mysteriously blew up killing three airmen.
Naval ships and personnel were quickly withdrawn back to the United States in late February 1947, and the expedition was terminated allegedly due to the early approach of winter and worsening weather conditions. Among the discoveries made during the 1946-47 expedition was the sighting of two “oases,” one a region of ice-free lakes and land. More than 300,000 square miles of uncharted territory was charted on aerial mapping operations. Their observations proved that radical changes would have to be made on existing maps of the Antarctic.” Why would warm spots, with warm water exist in the Antarctic? Thanks to
These were not “isolated” remarks… Admiral Byrd later repeated the each of these points of view, resulting from he described as his “personal knowledge” gathered both at the north and south poles, before a news conference held for International News Service.
The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. On the way, they encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered “many casualties” as stated in initial press reports from Chile. The Navy officially lists four men were killed and many injured during the two month operation.
The US was very upset with Admiral Byrd’s revelations and the alien crashes at St Augustin and Roswell and they established in 1947, The National Security Act creating the National Security Council that was in charge of other intelligence on Earth and the continent of Antarctica.
American Reinhold Schmidt, a man whose father was born in Germany, and who tells in his book “Incident at Kearney”, that he was taken on a ‘flying saucer’ on several occasions. Schmidt states that “the crew spoke German and acted like German soldiers”. He also stated that they took him to the “Polar” region.
Later in 1959, the Antarctic Treaty was signed by 12 nations that protects Antarctica and any foreign intelligence that occupies this area. The area on the mainland between 90 degrees west and 150 degrees west, combined with the interior of the Norwegian Sector is the only major land on Earth not claimed by any country. Antarctica was not being set aside for protection of commercialism, but was being set aside as a possible asylum for alien, other intelligence, or a Nazi Base. The Treaty states:
Article 1 – The area is to be used for peaceful purposes only; military activity, such as weapons testing, is prohibited but military personnel and equipment may be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose;
Article 2 – Freedom of scientific investigations and cooperation shall continue;
Article 3 – Free exchange of information and personnel in cooperation with the United Nations and other international agencies;
Article 4 – The treaty does not recognize, dispute, nor establish territorial sovereignty claims; no new claims shall be asserted while the treaty is in force;
Article 5 – The treaty prohibits nuclear explosions or disposal of radioactive wastes. Thanks to
Four Thousand Exoplanet Candidates
Scientists have identified eight new exoplanets, including one described as perhaps the “most Earth-like alien world.” The far-away planets were spied by NASA’s Kepler telescope, which has now identified more than 1,000 exoplanets since launching in 2009. Of the eight newly confirmed planets, three are within the so-called “habitable zone” that could hold water. Likely the most Earth-like, known as 438b, is only 12 percent larger than Earth and closer to our home planet’s temperature. It replaces 186f, discovered last year, as the closest Earth twin yet.
“These are the planets we’re looking for.”
According to NASA, 438b is 475 light-years away from Earth and orbits its star every 35.2 days. Another planet within the habitable zone, 442b, is 1,100 light-years away and orbits its star every 112 days. Both are likely rocky, like Earth.
NASA also announced 554 new planet candidates, raising its total to 4,175. More analysis will be needed to determine how many of these are actual planets, and how many may be Earth-like, but the discoveries are encouraging.
“Kepler collected data for four years, finding a thousand planet candidates each year in one small area of space. Via BBC News
Are Governments and Media Gearing Up For Disclosure?
UFO over Milan,Italy September 28, 2006
The amount of mainstream coverage extraterrestrials are getting is increasing, could governments around the world be prepping us for disclosure? This list contains countries that have actually disclosed, those that are in litigation to disclose all or specific files and countries that have released significant aspects of UFO and alien encounters.
Argentina, 2. Australia, 3. Brazil, 4. Canada, 5. Chile, 6. China, 7. Denmark, 8. Finland, 9. France, 10. Germany, 11. India, 12. Ireland, 13. Japan, 14. Mexico, 15. New Zealand, 16. Peru, 17. Russia, 18. Spain, 19. Sweden, 20. Ukraine, 21. United Nations, 22. United Kingdom, 23. Uruguay, and 24. Vatican City,
There was a time when the mainstream press would only cover aliens and UFO’s if it were a satirical piece, after all aliens were relegated to the realm of tin foil hats and science fiction. Recently however more and more publications are talking about the possibility of alien life like it is becoming science fact. The open discussion of these topics in publications such as The Guardian, The Daily Mail, MSNBC, and The Huffington Post discuss the possibilities of alien life and the vastness of space and the likelihood we will find alien life.
Last December, former UK Ministry of Defence employee Nick Pope discussed the possibility that governments are prepping us for alien disclosure through our news and media outlets, by openly discussing these subjects and slowly introducing the concept to the public. Mr. Pope said, “It wasn’t long ago that UFO shows were consigned to networks like Syfy, but there are now only a tiny handful of channels that won’t touch the subject. It’s gone from fringe to mainstream in a matter of a couple of years.”
The concept of alien life is without doubt slowly being introduced to the public consciousness. What do you think, are we being prepped for a big disclosure in 2015? Thanks to Gerald W. Parker Sr.
UFO Crash at St Augustin
“Art Campbell has done an incredible job of researching the recovery of a crashed flying saucer in the Plains of San Augustin in New Mexico at about the same time as the Roswell crash. He has an exciting story to tell. I highly recommend him and his program.” Stanton T. Friedman, Nuclear Physicist
The book contains some detail of the metal shard testing found at the crash site not made with known earth technology.
In 2012, a beam 13 inches long was found at the crash site. See the website
12-04-2015 om 01:02
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer's Files # 15 - 2015 - Admiral Byrd’s Warning - PART II
Filer's Files # 15 - 2015 - Admiral Byrd’s Warning - PART II
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
Arizona Disc
Goldfield — My family was visiting the ghost town on March 30, 2015, when my son took this picture on his phone of the backdrop of Superstition Mountain.
Notice the blue disc like object near the top of the mountain. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Object
South Lake Tahoe– A photo was taken on March 17, 2015 at the beach area during the afternoon with a Samsung 3G Phone of scenery surrounding the lake. Several objects were only noted later when reviewing photos.
Object looks to be either entering or exiting clouds as cloud cover looks to be just covering the tip. When the photo is enlarged, the object appears to have an aura surrounding it. The objects are dark in color.
Shape of object seems to be disk shape, but looks somewhat irregular, maybe due to reflection or clouds. A second object in the distance appears to be a cylinder. Thanks to MUFON CMS #64464
Florida Light
Estero – I was sitting on my couch looking out my patio window I spotted this red ball going up and down on March 29, 2015.
As I walked out onto my patio to observe, it stopped moving and was hovering over my home. It was round and red and I was able to shoot this image. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Idaho Light
Pullman – I noticed three orange lights in the sky perhaps over Moscow, Idaho.
They were far apart in the sky but seemed to be tracking together. I got some crude photos. One of the closest got to be about 1/5th the size of a little finger width at arm’s length. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Orb
Roosevelt — I was driving my car, and looking at contrails from the planes that leave O’Hare Airport and I took one picture. Then I saw the glowing object kind of trailing the plane and I took another quick picture. Also it looks like a dove type of aura around the object too. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Edgar County – My stepson was taking pictures of call foliage in rural Edgar county didn’t notice the objects in photos until later that evening when reviewing photos on November 28, 2015.
He sent them to me and I have been baffled since I received them.
I was hoping someone could explain what this object is…notice in one picture it is above a cemetery then lands in the middle of a corn field about 200 yards away.
The objects were not seen when the pictures were taken.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Louisiana Air Force C-5 Galaxy and UFO
Pineville – A bright white light was seen traveling beside a military transport on March 4, 2015. My youngest daughter, aged 11, was watching the clouds at sunset as we normally do and observed a C5a Galaxy military aircraft flying east to west. I commented how big the contrail was and my daughter thought it was very cool. After it passed overhead, it turned to the northwest. I handed the binoculars to my daughter to watch it. She then stated. “There is something beside the plane.” I asked, “Was it flying beside or was it in different travel path?” She said. “It was beside the aircraft andshe didn’t see any wings on it that it looked like a light”. She then handed the binoculars to back to me and I observed the white light and dropping back behind the C5. The light began a westward track and had no wings or tail and disappeared. The light was similar in size to one of C5 engines. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Maryland White Rectangle
Chestertown — I was driving home from my overnight shift on March 29, 2015, and noticed a large bright white rectangular object in the sky at 9:05 AM. It simply hovered. Both my son and daughter witnessed it as well. By the time I went to grab a camera to take a photo the object was gone. I have never seen anything UFO related before and this was quite impressive. It wasn’t “cloud white,” but brighter and rectangular with a section atop on the left side that appeared to be square with an arched top (sort of a “Lego” block appearance). I went in my home to grab my Canon camera but when I returned it had simply vanished. All three of us witnessed a very large object. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Nebraska UFO Shoots Out of Storm
Alma– This UFO was caught on a car-cam during a storm in Nebraska on April 2, 2015. A dark object shoots past us with a disk-like shape.
UFOs have often been seen in and around storms. It is thought the lighting in the storms is caused by the UFOs or they capture the electrical energy for their propulsion system.
The more ET drones that gather in the cloud, the worst the storm gets…even causing tornados. Thanks to UFO Sightings Daily
New Jersey Orbs
Bellmawr— My night security camera is picking up a mass amount of flying objects enough to block out my screen. When I put a camera inside to see when they were flying I see them fly into my garage through concrete block walls and back out again. I had friends set down and watch them. So there’s allot more info but that will have to wait till I find someone with a desire for knowledge. I’m a retired vet with nothing better to do; this has been going on for over a year. My thought it has to do with energy. They fly in orb shape and when I ask other contacts to tell me what can fly through walls they stopped the email. Thanks to Tom
Manchester - – I was in bed with window open on March 24, 2015 a bright moonlight night, when suddenly three headlights on the sky appear outside my window in triangle a formation. They are bright, slow, hovering and gone.
Being skeptic I thought it is a stealth plane, but we have no stealth plane in NJ. If it is a plane I can follow its path and there will be blinking lights, but there is none. I run outside to see above but it is gone. I was confused, but excited Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Lights
Albuquerque— On my way home at about 1: 15 AM heading east on April 1 2015, I noticed three bright white lights in triangle shape in night sky ahead of me. As I approached more circular shaped white lights appeared in a circular shape. It seemed as if the light on top of the disc was brightest of them all. I was blinking my eyes trying to understand what I was seeing it was so close. I kept asking my boyfriend, “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” It was hovering silently for 30-45 seconds until I pulled into my yard. It lowered down a little bit and then took off west really fast and changed shape. I was freaking out, but I realized I really was looking at a UFO. I began shaking when it started to hover over my house before it disappears in the distance. Attached is a very similar photo of what I saw. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Triangle
SW New York— It was mid-March 2015, on a frigid, cold and horrible night. I went outside to smoke to face the elements to do so. Shivering with the phone on my shoulder, I gazed at the beautiful starry sky from our quiet mountain top. Being a Field Investigator for the State of New York, I am constantly looking as an object caught my eye gliding smoothly across the sky. I would estimate its altitude at 1,000 feet. My guess the black triangle size would range from 100 to 150 feet across. This was no plane- civilian or military. This silent triangle glided smoothly across the sky. At all three points, there were white lights, and in the center, a larger red light. I watched this triangle glide behind a small cloud and it never came out. I hopped into my Jeep and drove to a nearby peak but I didn’t see anything. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Ohio Orb
Youngstown – My wife and I were returning from Boardman Ohio to Liberty Township on April 5, 2015 and we were commenting on the strange shapes of the clouds that evening. My wife was insistent on taking pictures of the clouds when we got home and took two pictures. After the pictures were taken my wife was showing them to me and pointed out the strange orb in both pictures.
It was not visible to the naked eye and was noticed only after photos were seen. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oklahoma Triangle
Quapaw — I was looking for some old pictures that I took the same day and found this one.
I never thought much about it till I noticed the triangular object in the upper right corner taken on May 13, 1975. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Lights
El Paso— My wife, daughter, son and I were on our way home from Dairy Queen on April 1, 2015, when I spotted two bright orange balls of light in the sky. They did not have strobes or other aircraft lighting. I have been a pilot for 12-years and these objects were not airplanes. We drove out in the desert toward them and took pictures and video. They hovered at 500-1,000 feet and would disappear and then reappear in different spots. I saw as many as three orbs flying together. They disappeared and they reappeared many miles away and then sped off together at a very high rate of speed in a blink of an eye. That’s how fast.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Rectangle
Richmond — Had to take my dogs outside when I saw a very large rectangular shape in the sky and that was not moving on March 8, 2015.
It fired flares or something out of the bottom. Then I saw three very small lights streak across the sky and go into the larger aircraft.
I then went inside to grab my phone to take a picture. After taken the picture I watch it for another 5 minutes before it flew away faster than anything I have ever seen. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Triangle
Seattle –The witness called to report his sighting a day after it occurred on March 8, 2015. He was waiting at the Green Lake bus stop and saw a stationary object high in the blue sky. He snapped a photo with a high resolution Samsung Galaxy S5 camera. Enlargement revealed an object of “somewhat” triangular shape with rounded edges. He then took a video with his cell phone that revealed an object that moved through the field of view in less than 1/3 second.
Note:I don’t believe that the object is a bird or insect in the video. It is moving too fast and it is in focus. It is a little early in the year for insects to be flying. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Argentina Flying Wing
Córdoba — It was 1:38 am on Friday, November 7, 2014 when I spotted a white-violet intense light outlining the clouds. I thought it might be a powerful reflector pointing upwards, when suddenly a “ship” was seen that he could follow with his eyes for 15 seconds until it disappeared into a cloud. I managed to compare this device to a plane in similar circumstances and came to the conclusion that this ship was “much” larger than any aircraft. I felt impressed, yet, “lucky”. Researching I found a similar sighting in Turlock, California on January 7, 2015. The object was “Giant”. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Australia Orb
Eagle Vale NSW— Easter Sunday 5th April 2015, a possible UFO was taken accidentally that I didn’t even notice. I was taking pictures for a screen saver of an overhead passing blimp and the unusual sun at around 11:20 to 11:35 AM. As my smart phone is adjusted to auto screen light I could hardly see the screen from the glare. I had to guess where the blimp was. Fifteen minutes later I check my pictures and I had some strange anomalies on them. After a closer look at all the photos I got curious and wondered if this was an UFO as it appeared like a white circle with a green plasma or energy formation to the right and again another one was a light pink colour.,
I am former military and have done security and investigations for over 20 year. Thanks to Tom Sucic
Belgium White Glowing Items
Ghent– Smoking a cigarette in my garden on April 5, 2015, I was looking at the sky and I thought I saw a small flock of birds. Then I noticed that what I saw was moving too fast and was too big to be birds. It was four or five white glowing items, glowing from behind, as if the center of the glow wasn’t completely turned my way. I felt comfortable, at ease and assured during sighting and slightly excited afterwards as it dissolved. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Longlac – I know I already reported one already, but this time it happened in my hometown and it looked like the same lights that we saw when travelling home from Thunder Bay. But this time on April 1, 2015, it was lower, and moved slower, and it travelled above me going north.
There was this guy yelling down the street from me “Look up there is something above you, look up at that light, it is right above you.” The object was 100 yards from me travelling north. I tried to record it, and I got a little bit of it. This orange reddish light looked like a glowing ball of gas or something travelling in a zigzag motion. An object I saw two weeks ago was travelling at unreal speeds. This silent object was lower and slower and I watched it fly away. We are a remote community without aircraft. My head was buzzing and I had it a fuzzy feeling and I woke up with a huge migraine. Thanks to MUFON CMS
India Lights
Khorlim Canca Mapusa, Goa –The UFO Sighting occurred at 10 PM, on 22nd February 2015 after my Wedding Day with my best friend. To tell you the truth it has been a year that I have been looking for these UFO’s in the sky, and then they showed up near my place on my “Wedding Day.”
It was a great shock to me because I was very busy on that day when the UFO’s showed up. But thanks to my best friend the “Hunter” captured the UFO’s on his new mobile phone.
Note: The video has been brightened and shortened. The video shows varying scenes of airborne lights in a triangular formation. Later two of the lights disappeared. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Italy Orb
Venice – I was returning by car after a football game, when I noticed the “special training” of the clouds and I thought to photograph them.
I have a Samsung S3 and being in motion I thought to enter the multiple shooting, i.e. 20 shots in 2-3 seconds so as to be able to capture the image. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Korea Disk
Busan — I went to ‘Jang’ Mountain in November 19, 2014, that has an elevation of 638 meters. When I arrived on the mountain, I took a picture and I found something that looked like dot, but expanding this picture it looked like UFO! The picture is a panorama shot so I feel sure this object is UFO! Thanks to MUFON CMS
Portugal Light Clusters
Lisbon — On March 22, 2015, at 2100 hours an adult male photographed a nearby castle. He lowered the camera and sees two clusters of lights in the nighttime sky. The lights appear in the photo, as well. The witness reports that he was outside, at the time of the sighting, thereby ruling out the possibility of a reflection from the inside of window glass.
NOTE: At the time of this posting, we are considering the possibility that the lights may be lens flares, caused by pointing a camera at a very bright source of light. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
Taiwan Lights
New Taipei District –This UFO was taken by a Taiwanese wedding photographer on April 2, 2015, when he was taking some photos of the night sky. He accidentally caught a blue UFO that moved around and spun as it moved. The photo was exposed for 20 seconds to make the detail stand out. During that time this blue object was caught. Although he didn’t see anything, the digital eye did. SCW
Eyewitness states on Facebook: (translated) This is a moving what??? Is it a flying rod or is it an animal in flight? It’s rotating while its moving in flight with wings, but seemingly looks like flying rod waves.
Menemen – I was going to Menemen Izmir, Turkey from Manisa on April4, 2015.
I was looking at the sky and saw that light and took a quick photo. I think there are two objects in the light beam and they are both moving.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
United Kingdom/England
Stretford– I stood on my backdoor step at 2 pm on a sunny afternoon on March 29th 2012 and looked up at an airliner with a vapor trail probably at 30.000 feet and saw something flying higher. It was not leaving a vapor trail and was going in the same trajectory but higher. It was going at least twice the airliner’s speed. I grabbed my binoculars to see an orangey white round sphere with a black grey squiggly through its centre. It was a little larger than the airliner in depth and width. A second craft came into the viewfinder but I decided to keep following the one I had in view. As it became obscured by the house roof, I went to view the other craft but it had gone and I could not find it again. The second large object did not have a black squiggly line. They both had similar shape like human hearts attached to each other. I had a very strong idea that the black squiggly line through the object I followed was not a solid structure like the rest of the craft some kind of wave as it seemed to fade. If the airliner I first saw was doing 500 mph the unidentified craft doing well over a thousand mph. Thanks to
New Jersey UFO Conference
Dave Stinnett reports the conference will be on Saturday, April 11th, 2015 at the Hamilton Garden Hilton in Hamilton, NJ (our usual spot). Speakers are: Travis Walton, Shannon Taggart, Frank Staler, Karyn Dolan, and David Rountree. We look forward to seeing you at the conference! You can pay at the door or prepay on our website
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Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
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I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
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Navy Engineer: I Saw UFOs, Aliens, And Top-Secret Bases In Antarctica!
Navy Engineer: I Saw UFOs, Aliens, And Top-Secret Bases In Antarctica!
On January 2nd, 2015 the editor of website received a very unexpected letter from an alleged retired U.S. Navy Petty Officer First Class Flight Engineer.
The letter received recounts experiences where the anonymous Navy officer (refers to himself as “Brian”) recounts his bizarre and extraordinary experiences flying cargo and rescue in Antarctica between the years 1983 to 1997. He claims that a collaboration between humans and aliens exist, and that the Antarctica is a major research ground for these incredible collaborations.
Brian’s high strangeness experiences flying cargo and rescue in Antarctica were in the 1983 to 1997 time period and included several observations of aerial silver discs darting around over the Transantarctic Mountains. He and his crew also saw a big hole in the ice only about five to ten miles from the geographic South Pole (pink circle on map) that was supposed to be a No Fly Zone. But during an emergency medevac situation, they entered the No Fly Zone and saw what they were not supposed to see: an alleged entrance to a human and E. T. science research base created under the ice. Then at a camp near Marie Byrd Land, some dozen scientists disappeared for two weeks and when they re-appeared, Brian’s flight crew got the assignment to pick them up. Brian says they would not talk and “their faces looked scared.”
In the strange letter sent to Earth Files the officer states that he experienced things such as:
Silver discs darting around over the Transantarctic Mountains
During an emergency they entered a No Fly Zone and saw an entrance to a human and E. T. science research base under the ice
His crew picked up a dozen scientists who had disappeared for two weeks previous. They would not talk and their faces looked scared.
He has decided to share what he experienced between those years in the following letter, reproduced in full below:
To: Subject: Antarctica UFO Date: January 2, 2015
Hi Linda
I am a retired United States Navy LC130 Flight Engineer that retired after 20 years of service in 1997. I have been wanting to write you for a long time about my experience on the Antarctic continent with flying vehicles that I was told not to talk about. I served part of my 20 years in the Navy with a Squadron called Antarctic Development Squadron Six or VXE-6 as it was also known. I served with this squadron from around 1983 till I retired March of 1997. Being a flight engineer and flying more then 4000 hours in that capacity I have seen things that most people have not even imagined on the Continent of Antarctica. The land there seems more alien then earthly. Our deployments to this land started in late September and ended the end of February every year until the Squadron was decommissioned in 1999. This time of year was the summer season when most of the science was done do to warmer temps and 24 hours of daylight.
During my time in the squadron I flew to almost every part of the Antarctic Continent including the South Pole more the 300 times. McMurdo Station which is 3.5 hours of flying time from the South Pole station was the point of squadron operation during our yearly deployments. Between these two stations is a mountain range called the Trans Antarctic’s. With what we called Severe Clear weather from McMurdo to South Pole the Trans Antarctic’s are visible from the altitudes which the aircraft flew approximately 25,000 to 35,000 feet. On several flights to and from South Pole our crew viewed air vehicles darting around the tops of Trans Antarctic’s almost exactly in the same spot every time we would fly by and view them. This is very unusual for air traffic down there due to the fact that the only aircraft flying on the continent were our squadron aircraft. Every aircraft knew where the other aircraft were do to flight schedules being followed.
Another unique issue with South Pole station is that our aircraft was not allowed to fly over a certain area designated 5 miles from the station. The reason stated because of a air sampling camp in that area. This did not make any sense to any of us on the crew because on 2 different occasions we had to fly over this area. One time due to a medical evacuation of the Australian camp called Davis Camp. It was on the opposite side of the continent and we had to refuel at South Pole and a direct course to this Davis Camp was right over the air sampling station. The only thing we saw going over this camp was a very large hole going into the ice. You could fly one of our LC130 into this thing.
It was after this medevac mission we where briefed by some spooks (Intelligence Agents I presumed) from Washington DC and told not to speak of the area we overflew. The other time we got close to “The air sampling Camp” we had navigation and electrical failures on the aircraft and was told to immediately depart the area and report to our squadron commanding officer when we returned to McMurdo. Needless to say our pilot (Aircraft Commander) got his butt chewed and our crew was not on the South Pole supply run for over a month. There were many other times we saw things that was out of the ordinary.
One outlying camp (near Marie Byrd Land) we dropped scientists and their equipment at was out of communication with McMurdo for 2 weeks. Our crew flew back to the camp to find out if the scientists were ok. We found no one there and no sign of any fowl play. The Radio was working fine as we called McMurdo to verify it working properly. We left the camp and flew back to McMurdo as ordered by our CO. A week later the Scientist showed back up to there camp and called McMurdo for someone to come pick them up. Our crew got the flight back there to pick them since we put them into that camp and we knew the terrain and location. None of the scientists would talk to any of the crew on the plane and to me they looked scared.
As soon as we landed back at McMurdo they (Scientists) where put on another of our squadron aircraft and flown to Christchurch New Zealand. We never heard about them again. Their equipment that we brought back from the camp was put in quarantine and shipped back to the United States escorted by the same spooks that debriefed us about our fly over of the air sample camp/ large hole in the ice. I could go on and on about things and situations that I observed during my tour with VXE-6. Talk among the flight crews was that there is a UFO base at South Pole and some of the crew heard talk from some of the scientist working at the Pole of EBEs working with and interacting with the scientists at that air sampling camp/large ice hole.
Locations identified by U. S. Naval Flight Engineer (Ret).
Brian, now 59 years old, graduated from an Iowa college with an associate’s degree in aviation maintenance technology and an aviation certificate. In 1977, he then enlisted in the U. S. Navy and served for twenty years until his retirement in 1997. He provided Earthfiles his DD-214 documents and other certificates of service including this Antarctic Service Medal given to him on November 20, 1984 as proof of his time in service.
An Lockheed LC-130F Hercules ski-equipped Hercules of VXE-6 at the
Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station. Image courtesy Brian.
There appears to be many secrets hidden in the Antarctica and we are pretty much hearing different stories every month about military personnel disclosing information about Aliens in that part of the world!
But what a great secluded part of the world for the Aliens to keep out of sight from prying eyes….or so they thought!
"We received reports from one end to another throughout the island, as many observers were able to see it from towns like Rincon, Ponce, San Juan, and even Vieques," said SAC.
The educational agency said the huge meteor showed colors between blue and green, but curiously then changed its color to a shade between orange and yellow. Eddie Irizarry, vice president of the SAC, said that the colors of a meteor allow us to know more about the content of the space rock.
"The blue-green that many noted at the beginning of the sightings suggest that the rock had magnesium, while the color which then later was seen between orange and yellow, is indicative that the meteor also contained sodium, similar to the impressive meteor which entered the skies of Russia in February 2013", Irizarry said.
SAC said the meteor moved from the zenith (highest point in the sky) to the northeast.
"We continue to investigate the sighting of this colorful meteor and are comparing images that we obtained from different parts of the island," said the organization.
Ghostly green filaments lie within galaxy UGC 11185 as seen in this new NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image, released April 2, 2015.
NASA, ESA, W. Keel (University of Alabama, USA)
View Caption
The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope observed these winding green filaments within eight different galaxies. Image released April 2, 2015.
NASA, ESA, Galaxy Zoo Team and W. Keel (University of Alabama, USA)
View Caption
Ghostly green filaments lie within galaxy 2MASX J22014163+1151237, as seen in this new NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image, released April 2, 2015.
NASA, ESA, W. Keel (University of Alabama, USA)
View Caption
Green clouds of gas tens of thousands of light-years wide blaze in a series of stunning new images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope.
The eight eerie objects betray the past presence of quasars, the most luminous objects in the universe, whose powerful beams of radiation lend the clouds their ethereal glow, researchers said.
"In each of these eight images, a quasar beam has caused once-invisible filaments in deep space to glow through a process called photoionization," officials with the European Space Agency (ESA), which partners with NASA on the Hubble project, wrote in a statement. [See photos of the glowing green space clouds]
"Oxygen, helium, nitrogen, sulphur and neon in the filaments absorb light from the quasar and slowly re-emit it over many thousands of years," the officials added. "Their unmistakable emerald hue is caused by ionized oxygen, which glows green."
Quasars are incredibly bright galactic cores powered by supermassive black holes. As gas and dust fall toward the black hole from its surrounding "accretion disk," the material heats up to tremendously high temperatures. This process can result in a quasar, which blasts jets of high-energy radiation and particles out into space.
The quasars that lit up the eight gas clouds spotted by Hubble have since died out; the clouds lie far from the centers of their respective galaxies, so it took many thousands of years for the quasars' beams to reach the clouds.
Violent galactic mergers probably formed the clouds themselves, ESA officials said.
"Galactic mergers do not just alter the forms of the previously serene galaxies involved; they also trigger extreme cosmic phenomena," ESA officials wrote in the statement. "Such a merger could also have caused the birth of a quasar, by pouring material into the galaxies' supermassive black holes."
The first glowing green space cloud was spotted in 2007 by Dutch schoolteacher Hanny van Arkel, and as a result was called "Hanny's Voorwerp" (which means "Hanny's Object" in Dutch). Van Arkel found the cloud while participating in an online Galaxy Zoo project that asked volunteers to classify more than 1 million galaxies catalogued in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).
The eight glowing clouds newly imaged by Hubble were first discovered by citizen scientists as well: A Galaxy Zoo spinoff project tasked 200 people with searching 16,0000 SDSS galaxy images for objects that resemble Hanny's Voorwerp, ESA officials said.
Astronomers went through the volunteers' finds and identified 20 different galaxies that contained quasar-illuminated clouds. The researchers are publishing their results in The Astronomical Journal.
The eight clouds featured in the new Hubble images are found in the following galaxies (clockwise from top left in main image): 2MASX J14302986+1339117, NGC 5972, 2MASX J15100402+0740370, UGC 7342, 2MASX J22014163+1151237, UGC 11185, Mrk 1498 and NGC 5252.
Ancient Submerged Temple Discovered Beneath Lake Titicaca
Ancient Submerged Temple Discovered Beneath Lake Titicaca
According to an article posted by the BBC back on August 23 , 2000, the ruins of an ancient temple were found submerged beneath Lake Titicaca (the world's deepest and highest navigable lake) by members of the expedition “Atahuallpa 2000" (backed by international scientific group Akakor Geographical Exploring).
They discovered the sacred temple (found between the town of Copacabana, the Island of the Sun and Island of the Moon) after following a submerged road, in an area of the lake not far from Copacabana town.
The holy temple measures 200m by 50m (660ft by 160ft) almost twice the size of an average football pitch. A terrace for crops, a long road and an 800-metre (2,600 feet) long wall was also found.
Dating at least 1,000 to 1,500 years ago, the ruins are said to be pre-Incan, attributed to the indigenous Tiwanaku or Tiahuanaco people, said Lorenzo Epis, the Italian scientist leading the Atahuallpa 2000 scientific expedition.
Legends of lost city
The lake has long drawn fascination with various legends around it, including one of an underwater city called Wanaku and another of Inca gold lost by the Spanish.
The Incas also regarded the lake as the birthplace of their civilization, and in their myth, the Children of The Sun emerged out of the waters.
For centuries the locals have spoken of a lost underwater City of Wanaku. Could this discovery prove that such a city did actually exist?
Lying on the lake bed was a giant figurine of a human head, that upon comparison looked identical to the stone works in found in the nearby city of Tiahuanaco, just 12 miles south of Lake Titicaca.
Stories of the lost treasure were enough to draw the famous French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau to explore the lake. However, he discovered only ancient pottery and a large species of aquatic frog. National Geographic also launched an expedition in 1988.
11-04-2015 om 23:35
geschreven door peter
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Por Bajin: The Mystery - nobody knows what it is - hidden in Siberia
Por Bajin: The Mystery - nobody knows what it is - hidden in Siberia
April 7, 2015 - ON A small island in the middle of a remote lake in Siberia lies a puzzling sight.
Welcome to the Por Bajin (also spelt Por-Bazhyn) ruins, located between the Sayan and Altai ranges, close to the Mongolian border. It’s an area almost completely unaffected by civilisation.
And nobody knows exactly what the Por Bajin is.
While it looks like a fortress at first glance, with its towering walls and foreboding shape, not all is as it seems. Experts believe the 1300-year-old structure actually contains a summer palace and a monastery. But nobody has been able to prove it.
While the site was first explored in 1891, it wasn’t until 2007 that proper research took place, the Siberian Times reports. They discovered a distinctive Chinese influence — from the use of certain roof tiles to the building methods, further adding to the intrigue.
The Por-Bajin Cultural Foundation, the official site for the complex, outlines some of the main questions that have yet to be answered: “Apparently, it was built at the period of the Uighur Khaganate (744-840). But it is not clear what did they build a fortress for in such a solitary place — far from big settlements and trade routes.
“It is also unclear whether Por-Bajin was a defensive structure, a Buddhist or Manichaean temple or a summer residence of Khagan. There is even a version that there was an ancient observatory in it. The architecture of the fortress also produces many questions.
“It has been unknown for long whether the structure was built on the island or the lake was formed later, around the already built fortress.”
The purpose of the structure isn’t the only thing that’s mysterious — it’s believed that it was abandoned after a short time. With no evidence that it came under attack, why did they leave?
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Jupiter, Destroyer of Worlds, May Have Paved the Way for Earth
Jupiter, Destroyer of Worlds, May Have Paved the Way for Earth
Jupiter may have paved the way for Earth's
formation early in our solar system's history.
NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
Careening toward the sun, Jupiter cleared the way for Earth to form—with help from Saturn, too
In Greco-Roman mythology Jupiter is the king of the gods, a deity who destroyed an older race of titans to become the jealous and vengeful lord of heaven and Earth. Strange though it may seem, scientific theory lends credence to this historical fiction. As the largest, heaviest object orbiting our sun, Jupiter’s namesake world is the lord of planets, a dominant force in the solar system. Eons ago, while flinging leftover debris from planetary formation out of our solar system, Jupiter probably also tossed some down toward our primordial globe, delivering some of the water that now fills our oceans. Jupiter still shepherds swarms of asteroids, occasionally sending some whizzing harmlessly into interstellar space or on destructive collision courses with Earth and other planets. Jupiter may have even played a role in the asteroid-linked extinction of the dinosaurs about 66 million years ago, an event that ushered in the reign of our mammalian ancestors. Without Jupiter, humans might not exist. A new study, however, suggests that without Jupiter, Earth itself might not exist either. Where this and the other rocky planets now orbit there may have first been a previous generation of worlds destined to be bigger, gas-shrouded, utterly uninhabitable orbs. But Jupiter came swinging in, clearing the way for small worlds like Earth by destroying those older planets. The study, co-authored by California Institute of Technology planetary scientist Konstantin Batygin and University of California, Santa Cruz, astrophysicist Greg Laughlin, appeared in the March 23 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. A hole in the solar system There are hundreds of reasons to suspect that our solar system used to have more and bigger inner planets—the hundreds of multiplanetary systems discovered by planet-hunting projects such as NASA’s Kepler mission. Although our solar system is essentially empty inward of Mercury, equivalent regions around most other stars appear to be packed with close-in, intermediate-mass planets—those between the size of Earth and Neptune. Hopeful astronomers have dubbed these worlds “super-Earths” but most of them seem to be more like hydrogen-rich, gas-shrouded mini-Neptunes—very unearthly indeed. “Now that we can look at our own solar system in the context of all these other planetary systems,” Laughlin says, “the standard-issue planetary system in our galaxy seems to be a set of super-Earths with alarmingly short orbital periods. Our solar system is looking increasingly like an oddball.” If so, the obvious question is how it got that way. According to Batygin, there’s no reason to suspect that the actual process of planet formation occurred very differently around our sun than around other stars. Instead, the explanation for our solar system’s outlier status may be found in the details of its subsequent evolution—controlled to a remarkable degree by Jupiter. Migrating worlds Astronomers used to consider planetary systems reasonably static and stable. Planets would coalesce out of the swirling disks of gas and dust around young stars, a bit like trees springing up from dirt, putting down roots and scarcely budging from where they were born. Small, rocky planets would form in the intense light and heat close to stars, whereas gas-giant planets would form farther out, where cold temperatures preserved more gassy feedstock. Small or large, gassy or rocky, most planets would move about their stars in pristine, near-circular orbits. All this cohered with our understanding of our own solar system. But we may have been wildly mistaken about what is the norm. Twenty years ago when astronomers found the first planets orbiting other stars, they also began realizing that planetary systems are chaotic places. Some planets did not orbit in near-circles but in oblong “eccentric” paths that took them swinging close and then far from their stars—almost as if they had been thrown off-kilter by the gravitational influence of other worlds. And most of the newfound giant planets were very different than Jupiter—in scorching, star-hugging orbits far inward from the cold outer regions where they must have formed. Planets could migrate, too, propelled by gentle interactions with their formative disks or by close encounters with their planetary siblings. Ever since those discoveries researchers have been grappling with the idea of planetary migration to better understand not only the features of other planetary systems, but our own. One example is the “grand tack” scenario, which posits that in the first few million years of our solar system’s existence Jupiter migrated into and then back out of the inner solar system, following a course similar to a sailboat’s when it tacks around a buoy. Back then Jupiter would have still been embedded in a gas-rich disk. Much of that gas was spiraling down toward the sun—so much that the action would have sapped some of Jupiter’s angular momentum, too, causing the giant planet itself to spiral in to the vicinity of where Mars is today. Jupiter would have kept falling in toward the sun if not for being caught by the subsequent formation of Saturn, which began drifting in as well. As the two giant planets came closer together, they were caught in an orbital resonance. This resonance expelled all the gas between them, gradually reversing their death spirals and causing them to “tack” back out to the outer solar system. As outlandish as it seems, the physical mechanisms underlying the grand tack hypothesis are sound and there are good reasons to suspect it took place. The scenario neatly explains Mars’s anomalously small size, which theorists believe should be larger, given how much planet-forming material should have existed long ago in its orbit. In the grand tack Jupiter would have ejected most of that material, leaving behind just enough for Mars to form. The hypothesis also helps explain the distribution of icy and rocky bodies in the Asteroid Belt and various other features of the solar system. The grand attack In their study Batygin and Laughlin investigated whether Jupiter’s grand tack could explain the gaping hole at the heart of our solar system, too. Using numerical simulations, the duo examined what the grand tack would do to a hypothetical embryonic population of super-Earths caught in mid-formation. The simulations suggested that Jupiter’s inward spiral would send swarms of 100-kilometer-wide planetary building blocks cascading into the inner solar system. The giant planet’s gravity would also sling those building blocks and the inner planets themselves into overlapping, elliptical orbits, creating an interplanetary demolition derby of whirling, colliding fragmenting worlds. “It’s the same thing we worry about if satellites were to be destroyed in low Earth orbit,” Laughlin says. “Their fragments would start smashing into other satellites and you’d risk a chain reaction of collisions. Our work indicates that Jupiter would have created just such a collisional cascade in the inner solar system.” Although these collisions would have been spectacularly violent, they could not by themselves entirely destroy the coalescing super-Earths. Instead, the avalanche of debris from the collisions would have raised powerful aerodynamic headwinds in the surrounding solar system disk, forming spiraling swirls of gas that then swept the first generation of inner rocky planets down into the sun. “It’s a very effective physical process,” Batygin says. “You only need a few Earth masses worth of material to drive tens of Earth masses worth of planets into the sun.” Beyond observations of other planetary systems suggesting that ours is an outlier, there is scant evidence that our sun formed and lost an earlier generation of inner worlds. But Laughlin finds the technical strength and sweetness of the idea compelling. “This kind of theory, where first this happened and then that happened, is almost always wrong, so I was initially skeptical,” he says. “But it actually involves generic processes that have been extensively studied by other researchers…. Jupiter’s ‘grand tack’ may well have been a ‘grand attack’ on the original inner solar system.” A lonelier planet After Jupiter’s grand attack, only whiffs of volatile gas and dregs of shattered rock would remain, but Batygin notes that only about 10 percent of the total material Jupiter may have injected into the inner solar system would have been required to form Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. As Jupiter reversed its course and spiraled back to the outer solar system, its passage could have settled a fraction of the dregs into more circular orbits. Across a span of one hundred million to two hundred million years those meager, volatile-depleted dregs would then glom together to make the relatively small and arid inner planets we know today. All this is consistent with a wealth of other evidence suggesting the inner rocky planets formed significantly later than the outer giants, and explains why the sun’s inner worlds are smaller and have thinner atmospheres than those observed around other stars. The picture that emerges is that we may be even more cosmically alone than previously appreciated. “One of the predictions of our theory is that truly Earth-like planets, with solid surfaces and modest atmospheric pressures, are rare,” Laughlin says. If true, Batygin and Laughlin’s study would mean that the vast majority of close-in, potentially rocky and habitable planets we now observe around so many other stars may not turn out to be rocky or habitable at all. Instead, visiting them you’d be crushed, cooked and smothered beneath their thick hydrogen-rich atmospheres. The study also suggests that far-out Jupiters are very uncommon around other stars; rather than only briefly visiting inner systems, most giant planets would migrate there to stay, potentially precluding the formation of Earth-like worlds. In this view, it may really be Saturn that we must thank for being here, because the Ringed Planet’s existence may have kept Jupiter from settling closer to the sun. Which, with poetic license, brings us back to mythology—where Saturn was Jupiter’s father as well as the god responsible for Earth’s wealth, pleasure and plenty. Next time you look up at the heavens, uncrushed and uncooked beneath a clear, hydrogen-free sky, don’t thank your lucky stars—thank Jupiter and Saturn.
Plasma ORB captured over Tijuana in Mexico - Apr 6, 2015
Plasma ORB captured over Tijuana in Mexico - Apr 6, 2015
In many sightings, the UFOs have a plasma-like appearance, like the plasma ball captured in the sky over Tijuana in Mexico on April 6, 2015.
Some scientists assume that this UFO phenomenon is caused by highly charged atmospheric plasmas. These were named unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs).
In a high-energy state, the UAPs are visible to the naked eye, but in a lower energy state they may only be visible in the infrared spectrum or on radar.
The UAPs generally have a magnetic field about 5,000 times weaker than Earth’s, but the UAP’s field is pulsed and rotating, which seems to provide them with their source of propulsion.
The UAPs were also capable of flying in formation and quite frequently formed complex geometric arrangements of three to five balls that gave a very good approximation of the underside shape of a classic UFO. These balls were able to move synchronously and were observed to be able to join and then part again. When flying in formation, light in between the balls of plasmas often appears to be blocked, giving the appearance of a solid craft.
Une météorite a été aperçue dans l'ouest de la France jeudi matin
Une météorite a été aperçue dans l'ouest de la France jeudi matin
Le phénomène se produit régulièrement en France, mais n'est pas toujours visible.
Capture d'écran d'une vidéo réalisée par un chauffeur de taxi sur la RN166, dans le Morbihan, jeudi 9 avril 2015. (OUEST FRANCE / DAILYMOTION)
C'est comme si le ciel leur était tombé sur la tête. Une météorite a été aperçue sur la façade atlantique et dans le Sud-Ouest dans la matinée du jeudi 9 avril, confirme à francetv info le Groupe d'études et d'informations sur les phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés (Geipan).
"J’ai vu une boule de feu dans le ciel, quelque chose qui s’est désintégré en tombant", raconte Michel à France Bleu Breizh Izel, un automobiliste qui circulait en direction de Carhaix (Finistère). "C'était très impressionnant, j'ai cru à un feu d'artifice", abonde Laurent, des Côtes-d'Armor.
Un phénomène relativement fréquent
Xavier Passot, du Groupe d'études et d'informations sur les phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés (Geipan), explique à francetv info que le phénomène a été aperçu de la région toulousaine au Finistère : "C'est assez fréquent, de l'ordre d'une fois par mois, mais quand cela se produit en pleine journée, le phénomène n'est pas visible."
Pour cet ingénieur du Cnes (l'agence spatiale française) à la tête du Geipan, au regard de la distance parcourue par l'objet et de sa luminosité, il ne faut pas espérer retrouver une trace de la météorite. "S'il est tombé quelque chose, et ce n'est pas sûr, cela a atterri dans l'océan et ce n'est pas très gros, de l'ordre d'un ballon de foot voire d'une balle de tennis", explique-t-il, en ajoutant que la grande partie de cette météorite s'est vraisemblablement désintégrée lors de son entrée dans l'atmosphère.
Le site de Ouest France a pu récupérer une vidéo tournée par un chauffeur de taxi sur la RN166 à hauteur de Guer, dans le Morbihan.
The Eerie Alaskan Pyramid Investigated - Linda Moulton interviews a US Army counterintelligence agent (Video)
The Eerie Alaskan Pyramid Investigated - Linda Moulton interviews a US Army counterintelligence agent (Video)
An amazing mystery that has resurfaced is the 14,000 year old pyramid unearthed in structure at Gobekli Tepi in Turkey would have been considered impossible by archaeologists.Similarly, to this day some Egyptologists dispute the true age of the Sphinx, which has been confirmed by geologists.There are many mysteries about Gobekli Tepi, chief among them the fact that its creators expended even more effort to bury it than they did to build it. Remarkably a similar pyramid was unearthed near Mount McKinley in Alaska. The video presentation below gives an astounding account of this mystery and what it means for archeology.
Listen to the eerie cloak-and-dagger story that emerges as Linda interviews a US Army counterintelligence agent who has a remarkable reason for believing it. as he tells of its brief public announcement on a radio program, and the years-long coverup that has haunted him for the rest of his life.
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11-04-2015 om 23:03
geschreven door peter
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Has YOUR neighbourhood been buzzed by aliens? Interactive graphic shows the location of EVERY official UFO sighting around the world between 1933 and 2015
Has YOUR neighbourhood been buzzed by aliens? Interactive graphic shows the location of EVERY official UFO sighting around the world between 1933 and 2015
Map's based on UFO sighting dataset from the National UFO Reporting Centre and open source mapping software
It shows 76 years of UFO sightings all over the world, with more being spotted in recent years
Surge in US sightings in the 1950s and 1960s may be explained by the testing of the U2 spy plane, CIA said
The internet and rise in drone use could explain why there are more UFO sightings than ever, experts claim
A map that reveals every official sighting of a UFO over the past 76 years suggests that we are experiencing more cosmic traffic than ever before.
Many of the sightings can be put down to the development of drones and new aircraft technologies, but some enthusiasts believe it is because of rise in alien activity.
The interactive map was created by writer Levi Pearson, who used a UFO sighting dataset from the National UFO Reporting Centre and open source software from CartoDB.
Click on the map below to find out if aliens have been spotted in your neighbourhood
A map shows sightings of extra-terrestrials around the world in the last 76 years – and seems to suggest we have more cosmic visitors than ever. It was created by writer Levi Pearson, who used a UFO sighting dataset from the National UFO Reporting Centre and open source software from CartoDB
Published in the QuantBait website, it begins in 1933 with the first UFO sightings being spotted over California and Nebraska in the US, the UK and France in Europe, and locations in Japan and Australia.
The number of sightings increases dramatically between the 1940s and the 1960s across the world, according to the map.
In the US, sightings documented during the 1940s include the famous Battle of Los Angeles and Roswell UFO Incident.
On February 25 1942, radar operators spotted a UFO within 120 miles (193km) of Los Angeles that moved at incredible speed before vanishing.
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The UFO map (pictured) was created by writer Levi Pearson, who used a UFO sighting dataset from the National UFO Reporting Centre and open source software from CartoDB. Its shows that the number of sightings increases dramatically between the 1940s and the 1960s
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Explanations for UFO sightings are just as vague as for aliens themselves, and could be down to the development of drones and new aircraft technologies – or a genuine rise in alien activity. An illustration of a flying saucer is pictured
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The map shows a dramatic rise in the number of UFO sightings during the 1950s and 1960s. While this could indicate ore alien activity, the CIA recently claimed that half of UFO sightings in the US were linked to them testing U2 spy planes (pictured) at altitudes of 60,000 ft
An artillery officer said he saw 25 craft flying at 25,000ft (7,620 metres) and other eye witnesses reported seeing swarms of balloon-shaped objects flying at around 200mph (320km/h).
Fearing the city was under attack, officials fired at the aircraft but no evidence of damage was ever found, prompting people to speculate the UFOs were from another world.
And in 1947 the Roswell Incident occurred, which is still the source of speculation today.
The US military claimed they recovered a secret research balloon that had crashed, but conspiracy theorists say the wreckage of an alien craft was discovered and hidden.
While it’s possible that there were more UFO visitations during the decade, officials at the time put it down to people being nervous about World War II, and seeing objects in the sky.
Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, told MailOnline: ‘Sightings of strange things in the sky have been reported for centuries, though it was only with them being labelled as flying saucers or UFOs that people began to realise that this is a worldwide phenomenon.
‘UFO sightings often come in sudden and short-lived periods, which ufologists call flaps or waves.
'Often specific locations seem to be highly attractive to UFOs, and these locations are known as UFO window areas or UFO portals.
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The British version of Roswell reportedly took place over Christmas in 1980. It occurred in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, next to RAF military bases. Soldiers reported unusual lights and when they investigated, found a metal object with coloured lights (UFO map of UK shown)
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Thanks to the rise in popularity of sci-fi films and an increase in UFO sightings, aliens were very much in the public consciousness in the 1960s. Here, Dr H Allen Hyneck, an astrophysicist at Northwestern University says at a press conference in 1966, that a photo claiming to show a UFO is a time exposure of the crescent moon and the planet Venus
The British version of Roswell reportedly took place over Christmas in 1980.
It occurred in Rendlesham Forest, which is next to RAF military bases.
Soldiers reportedly saw unusual lights and when they investigated, found a metal object with coloured lights.
But as they approached the 'craft', it moved away, frightening farm animals.
The incident is unexplained, but some people say the lights were reflections from a nearby lighthouse and the craft may have been a secret weapon.
On March 31, 1992, high speed white objects were spotted in the skies and an officer at RAF Cosford and Shawbury spotted a large triangular craft hovering at 200ft, which was humming and shining a spotlight.
The incident was reported to the Ministry of Defence and sceptics say it could be explained by a nearby police tracking helicopter or a Russian rocket re-entering the atmosphere.
‘In the UK, Warminster, Cannock Chase and Bonnybridge are the most famous UFO window areas.'
Bonnybridge is known as the UFO capital of Scotland and there are said to be some 300 sightings every year, although not all of these are shown on the map.
Cannock Chase in the Midlands has been a UFO hotbed since the1960s when there were first reports of a crashed craft, and earlier this year, residents reported seeing slow-moving aircraft making a loud buzzing noise moving across the sky.
There appear to be repeated UFO sightings in the Midlands shown on the map during the 1960s, with clusters of activity also seen in the Netherlands, Germany and other parts of central Europe.
There is a marked increase in sightings on the map during the 1950s and 1960s, all across the US shown on the map.
It is worth noting, however, that some famous sightings are missing, such as reports of flying saucers over Washington DC in 1952.
Last year, the CIA took credit for half of the UFO reports in the 1950s and 1960s and as sci-fi films gained popularity such as Invaders from Mars, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Invasion of the Body Snatchers, it’s possible aliens were higher in the public conscious than ever before.
The CIA said that UFO sightings were directly correlated to them testing U2 spy planes at altitudes of 60,000 ft (18,288 metres) - a feat of engineering that was not possible before.
Reports suggest that the CIA soon realised that UFO sightings lined up with the place and time the U-2 planes were flying, but that they purposefully chose not to let people know that what they were seeing were not aliens to keep the tests firmly under wraps.
However, this does not explain the 1966 Westall Encounter in Australia, when some 200 students and teachers in Melbourne claim to have seen a UFO land in a suburban field, before taking off again. But once again, sceptics say the UFO was an experimental military aircraft.
The map also shows a famous UFO sighting in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1986, when military aircraft were sent to intercept 20 UFOs, which showed up on radar.
The mysterious flying objects disappeared when fighter jets gave chase, leading some people to say the UFOs were technically-superior alien craft.
However, a British space researcher called Geoffrey Perry claimed that the UFOs were actually pieces of debris thrown out of the Soviet space station, Salyut-7, which burned up in the atmosphere, Stylist reported.
In Europe, the map shows many sightings over Belgium, between 1989 and 1990, which is known as the Belgium Wave.
At that time, some 13,500 people claimed to have seen huge black triangles flying silently through the skies.
While the incident was tracked by Nato radar and investigated by the country's military, nothing unusual was found and sceptics believe the sightings may have been of ordinary helicopters.
From the mid-1990s onwards, the explosion of sightings intensify on the map, with large concentrations over the West Coast and the whole eastern half of the US, from Texas.
The map shows the whole of Europe ablaze with circles indicating UFO sightings, as well as areas of western Africa, India, South East Asia and South America.
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Some believe that the increase in sightings over the past 20 years could be down to the widespread uptake of the internet, which allowed people to share sightings more easily than before (UFO map focused on Australia pictured)
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The map shows a famous UFO sighting in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1986, when military aircraft were sent to intercept 20 UFOs, as well as numerous sightings in South Africa and other parts of the continent, which have been reported in recent years. UFO maps of South America (left) and Africa (right) are shown
The global nature of the sightings suggests this could be down to the widespread uptake of the internet, which allowed people to share sightings more easily than before.
Mr Watson said: ‘With the coming of the internet it is easier for people to report UFO sightings and this is probably one reason for a rise in sightings.
‘We should also acknowledge that Chinese lanterns and the increased deployment of drones are responsible for greater amounts of sightings.’
In 2008, a guard at Yeni Kent Compound in Turkey claimed to have filmed UFOs and the footage is said by some to be among the most important UFO images. There is no explanation for the encounter, in a similar way to a sighting in Warden in South Africa, where a police officer said he saw an enormous oval-shaped, orange light in 2000.
In 2007, eyewitnesses in Kolkata, India said they saw a fast-moving, glowing object which was a cross between a sphere and a triangle.
And in 2013, in Bracknell, Berkshire, two glowing 'flying saucers' were photographed hovering in the skies above a pub and new of 'visitors' quickly spread online.
John Wickman, Chairman of the British UFO Association (Bufora) said: 'Technology is vastly progressing and a very large number of sightings no matter where they are in the world can be attributed to modern military craft that have been misidentified.'
‘Just because a UFO report is made does not mean that the object originates from anywhere other than the Earth,’ he cautioned.
Mr Watson said: ‘On the other hand, the internet allows access to greater amounts of information and enables us to discuss reports from lots of different angles, from the extreme sceptical viewpoints to the most outlandish conspiracy rumours.
‘With or without the internet, ufologists tend to think that only five to 10 per cent of sightings are of anything exotic and worthy of further investigation.’
Thousands of accounts of abductions can be attributed to the alien/human hybridization agenda. Have humans volunteered to help a race that could no longer have offspring, and if so will we get to meet these hybrid children?
All Aboard!
Now than ever, there are more reports of people feeling like they have been taken aboard spaceships. In the past, few have been allowed to remember the experience, as the extraterrestrial race that has taken them usually has technology that wipes the memory in the conscious mind. However, more people are beginning to remember as they move toward a higher vibrational resonance which thins the veils of forgetfulness. As consciousness rises, the future may involve integrating these hybrid children into the human race on planet Earth.
Reasons for abductions
There are several reasons for being taken aboard a spaceship. Family reunions can occur while sleeping that helps a starseed to forget many of their third dimensional worries. Thus the term “sleep it off” takes on a new meaning and upon waking, it seems like a brand new day.
Healing can occur in these trips to the spaceship. We have help from our star family in preparing our bodies in order to hold a higher vibration. We also have help from our multidimensional self, which may be in the form of a past or future self connecting with the self of the “now”.
Medical study of humans and their DNA seems to be a very common theme. Many races are interested in following the evolution of Earth humans. Included in the medical studies are the use of a human woman’s body to carry a hybrid extraterrestrial child and the use of a human male’s sperm to impregnate an extraterrestrial female.
The starseed hybridization agenda includes many races of extraterrestrials who value today’s Earth human DNA. Many races have contributed their DNA to this version of our human makeup, and therefore there are many stewards and watchers of humanity. Humans have been an experiment and have been studied and adjusted since our inception. This current version of our body seems to be close to the “final version” that will allow a DNA activation into our multidimensional selves while existing in physical form.
Another reason for the hybridization program involves helping races of extraterrestrials that no longer have the ability to reproduce naturally. Some races that are involved in the program have bred out their sexual organs over generations and realized that their race will die out without some genetic manipulation and interbreeding. Humans just happen to be the most sought after physical form in the Universe at this time and there is an agreement in place with many races and varieties of humans to help these races keep from becoming extinct.
Many people have brought forth information about the negative ET races that have agendas for cross hybridization of extraterrestrial and humans related to agendas that are not in the best interests for humanity. Wes Penre discusses some of these agendas in this article. . For the purposes of explanation about hybrid children and possible future contact, I will focus on the agenda of positive ambassadorial extraterrestrial hybridization programs in this article. This would probably include agendas that have been approved by different groups of extraterrestrials through councils and agreements that adhere with Universal Law.
Clues to abductions
Most of the time, a person can be taken to the ship and returned within an instant, with no missing time or recollection of where they have been. Some people are realizing that something has happened, like missing time or déjà vu. Now that we are getting closer to bringing forth “disclosure” of extraterrestrials, clues are being left so that people will begin to question what happened to cause them to lose time or why they are having episodes of déjà vu.
Hypnotherapy sessions can be helpful in regressing a person in order to have the subconscious account for what happened. Dolores Cannon has several books on what she has found in over fifty years of her signature QHHT regression therapy regarding abductions and star families.
Mary Rodwell is another regressionist that specializes in extraterrestrial contact and hybrid children. Peter Slattery contacted Mary when he realized that he had missed his exit off of the freeway one day, and had driven several miles down the freeway past the intended exit. He had a strong feeling that he was missing time and that something happened. Mary regressed Pete and this is his recording of why they brought him back after his exit, as well as explaining his extraterrestrial DNA heritage.
Psychic readings can reveal star family lineage if you are ready to receive the information. Psychics who can “tune in” to your hybrid children can bring messages from them as well as describe to you what they look like. If you have received messages about having hybrid children, then they have deemed you awake and aware enough to know about them and many times, the children yearn for their parent’s acknowledgment.
Here are two readings by Bashar that bring forth information about hybrid children:
Dreams can leave you wondering whether an experience was real or not. Many times your astral body travels to the ships at night for various reasons. Your physical body may also be taken at night and the memories of what happened can seem like a dream after you are returned and awake.
Here is an excerpt from a person who asked for my assistance:
“I had a vision or a dream that 3 beings came in my front door blue grey skin a male, female and a little girl. The girl was mine and wanted to meet me. I freaked and said no, so the girl jumped into the woman’s arms crying and they went back out through the wall. I wasn’t ready.”
Abdominal pain and/or marks left on the body
If you have been involved as a female in the hybridization program, you could be carrying an inseminated child in your uterus and not realize it, other than some abdominal pain. Most of the time, the babies are taken at a very early stage and the growing cycle is finished inside a test tube-like environment on the ship. In some cases, the fetus is allowed to come to full term in the woman’s uterus and delivered. These children would be second or third generation hybrids that have mostly human features and may not look like the father in the human family, as the sperm would be from another hybrid donor versus a full fledged extraterrestrial.
Waking up with unexplained marks on the body is a sure clue to something out of the ordinary. Some of the Grey’s have been known to put two or three fingers on the body to levitate it up into the spaceship. This sometimes leaves marks with bruises on the body. Other marks could be left from examinations.
Ambassadors for the hybridization program
I have had two readings that specifically talked about my own hybrid children as well as my role in helping others who have hybrid children. One was an solar return birthchart astrology reading I had with Lavendar . This reading was done in November of 2013 and has been very accurate so far. Here is an excerpt from my reading, suggesting an approximate date for hybrid disclosure:
“There are a lot of children you have given birth to- you will be meeting them in the next 2 to 3 years. At different times on the planet, you had Starseed quality children. They took your eggs and grew them into hybrid children. In the next 2-3 years there will be an event on the planet. The mothers will be ambassadors- you will be documenting it, filming it. You came here to do this. You have ‘vanishing twins’ (did not elaborate). You have planned for many, many incarnations for this lifetime”.
The second reading was also in December of 2013 with psychic medium Cyndi Staffin. Cindy’s reading was one of the most accurate readings I have ever had. Here is an excerpt from Cindy’s reading:
“Do you have children? (yes, I have one son). Do you want more children? I see new life coming in 2 years. I don’t know if it is you (trying to figure out where these kids are). Oh, you have twins on the ship- one boy and one girl. Have you ever seen them before? (no) I am connecting with them…they are right here. They are not little kids. One has darker hair- with a straight form, nor curvy. He is the male. The other is feminine, she is blue-green and shimmery- aquamarine. The masculine one is the intellect, a little more serious. He is a 9, like a brown chocolate color. He is your grounding, your center. You are all three connected, it is like you are the whole- the combination of the two. The male connects you with the female like he is in the middle. You have been on the ship many times. Do you see ships and do they flash at you? (yes) You are way ahead of your time in a space and time that does not totally support you. In two years I see new life (not sure what this meant, but when coupled with Lavendar’s reading the timelines matched up).”
Many people are feeling a call to be involved in planning communities in the near future where hybrid children can be reunited with their mothers. These children have the human needs of human contact. Of course, this cannot occur in the current consciousness, but as the split occurs between dense humans and high vibrational humans, the latter will need to migrate toward a different way of living. Cities of light come to mind and I can envision a future where many races of hybrid children can enjoy life on Earth with their human families. Some people will opt to go live with their children on their spaceships and perhaps inhabit other planets later on by starting new communities.
Note from the Author: My near future will involve expanding my holistic life coaching to include my recent QHHT skills in hypnotherapy coupled with the method Mary Rodwell uses to help people understand their abduction memories. If this prediction pans out, I am also looking forward to filming the hybrid children reunions and making documentaries which would be around the years 2015 to 2016.
Overcoming fear
In order for disclosure of extraterrestrials and their ties to humanity, fear must be eliminated. One of the first reactions that the ego self (lower self) has when the conscious mind begins to question about abductions is fear. The most recognized hybrid program is with the Greys, who have been given a bad wrap in some circles. It is rare for people to talk about the “good” Greys, but there are over a thousand species of Greys involved in the Earth project, and many of them have humanity’s best interests in mind.
Some of these Greys are just workers for other races like Sirians and Orions. These workers may not have a lot of compassion and may seem robotic in their work. However, some of the Greys are intelligent beings that are respected members of the Federation of Planets. Within the different races of Greys there are hybrids as well and these numbers are rapidly growing. A good analogy to describe the Greys would be to take one human being and to say that person represented all of the humans of planet earth. Until you really know which race of extraterrestrial you are dealing with and what their agenda is, you cannot make an informed decision as to whether you should be concerned or not with your involvement.
Some of the fear involved from abductions stems from wondering if they volunteered on a soul level to be a part of the hybridization program or if they were taken against their will. Personally, I feel that I am a person of high vibration. Because of the Law Of Vibrational Attainment, I know that by being a high vibrational being, I would only be working with other high vibrational beings. I also have an innate feeling that the beings I am working with are not forcing me to do anything I didn’t agree to. It is best to use your own discernment to decide your future with the hybridization program.
We can stop any agreements at any time because of the Universal Law of Free Will. However, because of the implications of the Universal Law of Karma, I would not want to break any agreements out of ignorance from this side of the veil. This would include shunning my ET Hybrid Children and my responsibilities as an Ambassador, at least until I am fully and consciously informed. If there were any indication that I was being hurt or misused, I would revoke any agreements by making a declaration outloud, putting an end to anything that would be causing me harm.
Awareness and information are the keys to releasing all fear related to abductions and the realization that you may be a part of a hybridization program. Personally, I left clues on my body that led to the awareness of Orion. I had three moles in a line on the back of my neck that used to bother me when I wore necklaces, so I had them removed. Since I didn’t “get it” back then, I had three moles appear in the exact formation of Orion’s belt on my face, and the day I recognized them was the last day that the Earth was in alignment with the three pyramids in Giza to Orion’s Belt. Just in case that wasn’t enough, I have three small red moles on the top of my thigh in the exact formation of Orion’s Belt. I felt like these clues were to help me realize that there is a connection and to reduce any fear that may arise from stereotypes of the extraterrestrials from Orion.
Clues are left for you to begin to question things in order to slowly introduce you to the realization that we all have extraterrestrial ties and that we visit them at night or even during the day. We are moving toward full disclosure through personal experience and remembrance. Those who are questioning and remembering things related to their star family are to be the Ambassadors and mediators between Earth humans and other extraterrestrial races. Stay tuned to for more information!
About the author:
Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach. She has devoted her life to being a bearer and grounder of the light in service to others. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. She is also a hands-on healer, a distance healer, an empath, and an intuitive. Michelle has recently joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events, as a contributing author for, host of The Cosmic Awakening Show and Body, Mind Soul & Spirit Show (The BMSS Show) on In5D Radio and webmaster/author/editor on CosmicStarseeds. Michelle also supports Gregg’s endeavors in many other areas including alternative and holistic healthcare. Their next project is a walk in clinic under the name AHH- Alternative Holistic Healthcare to be launched in the Sarasota, Florida area, and then subsidiaries will be opened around the world based upon that model.
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Scientists Discover 145 Alien Genes In DNA, We Are Not 100% Human
Scientists Discover 145 Alien Genes In DNA, We Are Not 100% Human
April 11, 2015 - Humans contain ‘alien’ genes not passed on from our ancestors, researchers have discovered.
The say we acquired essential ‘foreign’ genes from microorganisms co-habiting their environment in ancient times.
The study challenges conventional views that animal evolution relies solely on genes passed down through ancestral lines – and says the process could still be going on.
The research published in the open access journal Genome Biology focuses on the use of horizontal gene transfer, the transfer of genes between organisms living in the same environment.
‘This is the first study to show how widely horizontal gene transfer (HGT) occurs in animals, including humans, giving rise to tens or hundreds of active ‘foreign’ genes,’ said lead author Alastair Crisp from the University of Cambridge.
The transfer of genes between organisms living in the same environment is known as horizontal gene transfer (HGT).
It is well known in single-celled organisms and thought to be an important process that explains how quickly bacteria evolve, for example, resistance to antibiotics.
HGT is thought to play an important role in the evolution of some animals, including nematode worms which have acquired genes from microorganisms and plants, and some beetles that gained bacterial genes to produce enzymes for digesting coffee berries.
‘Surprisingly, far from being a rare occurrence, it appears that HGT has contributed to the evolution of many, perhaps all, animals and that the process is ongoing, meaning that we may need to re-evaluate how we think about evolution.’
It is well known in single-celled organisms and thought to be an important process that explains how quickly bacteria evolve, for example, resistance to antibiotics.
HGT is thought to play an important role in the evolution of some animals, including nematode worms which have acquired genes from microorganisms and plants, and some beetles that gained bacterial genes to produce enzymes for digesting coffee berries.
However, the idea that HGT occurs in more complex animals, such as humans, rather than them solely gaining genes directly from ancestors, has been widely debated and contested.
The researchers studied the genomes of 12 species of Drosophila or fruit fly, four species of nematode worm, and 10 species of primate, including humans.
They calculated how well each of their genes aligns to similar genes in other species to estimate how likely they were to be foreign in origin.
By comparing with other groups of species, they were able to estimate how long ago the genes were likely to have been acquired.
A number of genes, including the ABO blood group gene, were confirmed as having been acquired by vertebrates through HGT. The majority of the other genes were related to enzymes involved in metabolism.
In humans, they confirmed 17 previously-reported genes acquired from HGT, and identified 128 additional foreign genes in the human genome that have not previously been reported.
Some of those genes were involved in lipid metabolism, including the breakdown of fatty acids and the formation of glycolipids.
Others were involved in immune responses, including the inflammatory response, immune cell signalling, and antimicrobial responses, while further gene categories include amino-acid metabolism, protein modification and antioxidant activities.
The team were able to identify the likely class of organisms the transferred genes came from. Bacteria and protists, another class of microorganisms, were the most common donors in all species studied.
They also identified HGT from viruses, which was responsible for up to 50 more foreign genes in primates.
Some genes were identified as having originated from fungi.
This explains why some previous studies, which only focused on bacteria as the source of HGT, originally rejected the idea that these genes were ‘foreign’ in origin.
The majority of HGT in primates was found to be ancient, occurring sometime between the common ancestor of Chordata and the common ancestor of the primates.
The authors say that their analysis probably underestimates the true extent of HGT in animals and that direct HGT between complex multicellular organisms is also plausible, and already known in some host-parasite relationships.
The celestial display was generated by a coronal mass ejection, or CME, on 15th March. Sweeping across the inner Solar System at some 3 million kilometres per hour, the eruption reached Earth, 150 million kilometres away, in only two days. The gaseous cloud collided with Earth’s magnetic field at around 04:30 GMT on 17th March.
When the charged particles from the Sun penetrate Earth’s magnetic shield, they are channelled downwards along the magnetic field lines until they strike atoms of gas high in the atmosphere. Like a giant fluorescent neon lamp, the interaction with excited oxygen atoms generates a green or, more rarely, red glow in the night sky, while excited nitrogen atoms yield blue and purple colours.
Auroral displays are not just decorative distractions. They are most frequent when the Sun’s activity nears its peak roughly every 11 years. At such times, the inflow of high-energy particles and the buffeting of Earth’s magnetic field may sometimes cause power blackouts, disruption of radio communications, damage to satellites and even threaten astronaut safety. For more than a decade, ESA’s quartet of Cluster spacecraft has been unveiling the secrets of this complex Sun–Earth connection.
Crashed UFO Antarctica Update! Tanks Surround Flying Saucer? 2015! Caller into Thirdphaseofmoon shares updates on the UFO Image captured by google earth of what looks to be a Flying Saucer That Crashed Landed and Surrounded by Military Tanks!
11-04-2015 om 21:14
geschreven door peter
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Royal astronomer: ‘Aliens may be staring us in the face’
Royal astronomer: ‘Aliens may be staring us in the face’
He made the remarks shortly after hosting the national science academy’s first conference on the possibility of alien life.
“They could be staring us in the face and we just don’t recognise them. The problem is that we’re looking for something very much like us, assuming that they at least have something like the same mathematics and technology,” he said.
“I suspect there could be life and intelligence out there in forms we can’t conceive. Just as a chimpanzee can’t understand quantum theory, it could be there as aspects of reality that are beyond the capacity of our brains.”
Lord Rees used the conference in January, entitled “The Detection of Extraterrestrial Life and the Consequences for Science and Society”, to ask whether the discovery of aliens would cause terror or delight on earth.
He told Prospect magazine that improved telescopes made the chance of finding extra-terrestrial life “better than ever”. But Dr Frank Drake, the world’s leading “ET hunter”, told the conference that satellite TV and the “digital revolution” was making humanity invisible to aliens by cutting the transmission of TV and radio signals into space.
At present, the Earth is surrounded by a 50 light year-wide “shell” of radiation from analogue TV, radio and radar transmissions. But although the signals have spread far enough to reach many nearby star systems, they are rapidly vanishing in the wake of digital technology, according to Dr Drake.
The scientist, who founded the Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligenceorganisation in the United States, said digital TV signals would look like noise to a race of observing aliens.
The 1,100-pound (500 kilogram) meteorite is an ordinary H5 chondrite, a type of stony meteorite responsible for 31 percent of Earth's impacts. Credit: Asko Aikkila
A crackling fireball that exploded over Russia last year appears to share an orbit with a huge asteroid discovered in October 2014, a new study reports.
The Kola fireball was spotted on April 19, 2014, as it lit up the night sky above the Kola Peninsula near the Finnish-Russian border. Its orbit is "disturbingly similar" to the asteroid 2014 UR116, slated to pass by the moon in 2017, the study authors said.
Camera observations by the Finnish Fireball Network, which monitors the sky for meteors and fireballs, and video from eyewitnesses helped scientists recreate the meteoroid's trajectory and hunt down meteorite fragments on the ground.
Josep Maria Trigo-Rodríguez, a researcher at the Institute of Space Sciences in Barcelona, Spain, led the international team of scientists who analyzed the meteorite's orbit. They calculated the fireball's size and path through Earth's atmosphere by examining its flight and the meteorite's final impact site. A computer model based on these figures was used to estimate the space rock's orbital path. [Crash! 10 Biggest Impact Craters on Earth]
The 1,100-pound (500 kilogram) meteorite is an ordinary H5 chondrite, a type of stony meteorite responsible for 31 percent of Earth's impacts. The fragments are called the "Annama meteorite" because the meteorite fell near the Annama River in Russia.
The precise detective works suggests the fireball escaped from the innermost region of the asteroid belt, the study researchers reported. The rock has an elliptical orbit that is typical of the Apollo family of near-Earth orbiting asteroids, and it likely came from the same broad source region as the Lost City, Peekskill and Buzzard Coulee meteorites, the researchers said.
The researchers compared the Annama meteorite's orbit with known near-Earth asteroids (there are more than 1,500). Of 12 potential matches, by far the closest match was with the asteroid 2014 UR116, they said.
The new report does not suggest that asteroid 2014 UR116 flung the Annama meteorite directly at Earth. However, the two bodies could be related. Scientists think that streams of asteroid fragments—such as the remnants of interstellar collisions—can sail on nearly identical orbits. Tidal forces may stretch out these rocky debris patches over time. Asteroids may also fragment from the stress of passing near the planets, the researchers noted.
"The tidal effect on an asteroid, which rapidly rotates under the gravitational field of a planet, can fragment these objects or release large rocks from its surface, which could then become dangerous projectiles at a local scale, such as the one that fell in Chelyabinsk, Russia," Trigo-Rodríguez said in a statement.
Asteroid 2014 UR116, discovered by Russian scientists on Oct. 27, 2014, measures 1,312 feet (400 meters) across, but does not pose an impact danger to Earth, according to NASA.
Take a loot at the UFO Museum in Victoria, Argentina. They’re having the remains of an unidentified flying object that allegedly exploded on the coast of Ubatuba in Southeast Brazil on 14th September 1957.
Local News channels reported that an unknown object exploded in a suburb of the Russian city of Chita, with some saying it fell out of the sky.
According to sputniknews and macedoniaonline the incident took place in the Ugdan village earlier on Thursday April 9, 2015. “I heard an explosion and saw a huge pillar of black smoke around 11 or 12 a.m.,” Vladimir Milovanov told the local Altes TV channel.
No one was injured in the explosion but a nearby building sustained minor damage. Policemen collected scraps of metal from the crater left by the blast and sent them for testing.
“The object could not be identified. It does not resemble anything. One of the theories (of what happened) – gas balloon explosion,” the press service of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said.
It appears the Russian local administrative office had trouble coming up with a good lie, so it took a page from 1947 US – “it’s a weather balloon”.
It’s an impressive list of pilots mostly senior pilots
Air India Senior 747 Pilot
Fin Air of Finland
Novou Air of Sweden
Cathay Pacific of Hong Kong, China
Dynasty Air of China
According to media reports A glowing round object making a speedy descent near the West Bengal-Bihar border early on January 26 left pilots of five aircraft baffled, triggering widespread speculation about a UFO. The first person to sight the object was a senior Air India pilot who was navigating the aircraft at a height of 34,000 ft during its flight from Kolkata to New Delhi. “The plane was just entering the airspace of Gaya, close to Bengal-Bihar border, when I first noticed the glowing object, below the aircraft, hurtling down at a very high speed,” Captain Rishi was quoted as saying by the Air Traffic Control (ATC) Tower here at Dum Dum International Airport. The Air India pilot initially didn’t pay much attention as it is customary for the pilots to notice several such things midair. But when the aircraft was close to Varanasi, the object was still brightly visible. Without wasting time, he informed the Varanasi Air Traffic Control from where ATC, Kolkata, was alerted. The officials at ATC pondered over whether pilots of other international flights that might have crossed the Kolkata-Bihar-Varanasi route, had also observed the glowing object reported by Capt Rishi.
Accordingly, the ATC, Kolkata, beamed asking signals for other international flights that flew the same airspace during the period concerned. To their utter surprise, the air traffic control officials were told by as many as four foreign airlines flight pilots that they had seen the same object and all of them reiterated that it was falling down at a great speed! Fin Air of Finland and Novou Air of Sweden were flying from the West to East while a couple of flights of Cathay Pacific and Dynasty Airways of China were moving in the opposite direction at an altitude between 34,000 and 37,000 ft over the airspace supposed to be in the trajectory of the object. Once the foreign airlines pilots radioed back the ATC tower here, confirming their sighting of the object, ATC engineers immediately got in touch with the Indian Air Force. However, the IAF engineers pointed out that their powerful radar had failed to track or notice any unusual object.
RuimtevaartOok Mars heeft een poollicht. Dat ontdekte de Amerikaanse satelliet Maven, maakte ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA vandaag bekend.
Vlak voor 25 december nam Maven vijf dagen lang een felle, ultraviolette aurora waar boven het noordelijke halfrond van de rode planeet. Mars is daarmee de vierde planeet met aurora's. De Aarde, Jupiter en Saturnus kennen het verschijnsel ook.
Het 'kerstlicht', zoals de wetenschappers het noemden, is niet de enige onverwachte ontdekking van Maven. De satelliet, die sinds september vorig jaar de dampkring van Mars bestudeert, kwam ook een mysterieuze stofwolk tegen in de atmosfeer, op een hoogte van tussen de 150 en 300 kilometer.
Wat voor stof het precies is, weet NASA nog niet. 'Als het stof afkomstig is uit de atmosfeer van Mars, kan dat betekenen dat we een fundamenteel proces in de atmosfeer van Mars missen', zei Laila Andersson van de universiteit in Colorado.
Op de planeet Mars bevinden zich duizenden gletsjers. Zij zijn niet zichtbaar omdat zij onder een dikke laag stof verscholen liggen. Met radarapparatuur is aangetoond dat zij genoeg bevroren water bevatten om de planeet met een dikke laag ijs van ruim 1 meter af te dekken. Het gaat om ongeveer 150 miljard kubieke meter water. Dat schrijven onderzoekers van het Niels Bohr Instituut aan de Universiteit van Kopenhagen deze week in het blad Geophysical Reseach Letter.
Mars’ vast glacier belts could cover planet with 1 meter of ice – study
Op beelden van satellieten die rond Mars draaien, hebben de onderzoekers de vorm van de gletsjers kunnen waarnemen. Lange tijd wisten onderzoekers niet of het ijs bestond uit bevroren water (H2O) of koolzuurgas (CO2) of dat het om modder ging. De wetenschappers in Kopenhagen hebben nu kunnen vaststellen dat het om bevroren water gaat. "Wij hebben metingen met radarapparatuur in de afgelopen tien jaar bekeken om te zien hoe dik het ijs is en hoe dat zich gedraagt'', zegt Nanna Bjørn Karlsson. "Wij vergeleken dat met hoe gletsjers zich op aarde gedragen en daarvan konden we modellen maken."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFO Hunters Found Large Saucer-Shaped Object On Martian Surface
UFO Hunters Found Large Saucer-Shaped Object On Martian Surface
Keen eyes of people observing Mars anomaly discovered a giant saucer-shaped object that was apparently abandoned on rugged Mars terrain. The latest discovery on the Red Planet was first featured in YouTube by Mars Moon Space Photo Zoom Club and Paranormal Crucible.
According to the club, the flying saucer can be found in 2.6°N, 21.5°W at images of the Martian region of Aram Chaos, near the Ares Vallis and Valles Marineris. Mars Orbiter Camera of NASA captured the images.
MMSPZC believes that the structure is not part of the natural terrain on Mars, contrary to what many suggested. The group points out that the artificial structure was probably left on the Martian surface after it had developed a fault and crash landed.
The UFO hunters estimate the saucer-shaped object to be around 200-300 meters in diameter based on the measurement of the Martian terrain where the unidentified object was discovered. A metallic luster can be seen after a close examination of the object in sharp contrast with the Martian surface. The mysterious object also has a circular shaped and distinct curve with sharp edges. The edges and geometric design both stand out against the background of the natural environment.
Discoverers believed that the object’s rectangular spaces are indicative of artificially constructed windows or lookout screens. The two groups of UFO hunters feel that the image in Mars Orbiter Camera is a massive saucer-shaped UFO.
First UK 2015 crop circles: Barbury Hill, Wiltshire
First UK 2015 crop circles: Barbury Hill, Wiltshire
Here’s the first crop circle that was found in United Kingdom this year. This one is from Barbury Hill nea Wroughton in Wiltshire. It was found on 9th April 2015.
Triangle formation over the cathedral of Sevilla, Spain 9-Apr-2015
Triangle formation over the cathedral of Sevilla, Spain 9-Apr-2015
Two interesting photos of a triangular formation of orbs were taken ovet Sevilla in Spain. This happened on Thursday, 9th April 2015.
Wht do you think this was?
Witness report: A friend was visiting San Francisco, California on Wednesday April 8th and 9th, 2015. She took numerous photos during the trip. Once I saw the photos I observed an oval shaped object in the sky. The object was in three different photos. This was not seen by the naked eye while taking the p{nd} hotos, she had no idea about the objects until they were seen in the photos afterwards.
Take a loot at the UFO Museum in Victoria, Argentina. They’re having the remains of an unidentified flying object that allegedly exploded on the coast of Ubatuba in Southeast Brazil on 14th September 1957.
290 million year old human footprint has researchers scratching their heads
290 million year old human footprint has researchers scratching their heads
Is it possible that we have history all wrong? That the dates that conventional history is giving us regarding mankind are all incorrect? That humans lived on Earth much sooner that science originally thought so? With all of the recent discoveries that are being made, it certainly seems like a possibility. A Possibility that mainstream scholars seem to have a problem with, since that would mean our history book would need to be rewritten? The origin of man and the fundamentals of religions would change a lot, and that is something that mainstream scholars cannot possibly deal with.
At first this footprint might not seem like much, as you can probably come across it anywhere on Earth, but this is no ordinary footprint. You can obviously see the anatomy of it, it resembles a modern-day human foot, but the thing is, this footprint is fossilized and embedded into a stone that researchers believe is at around 290 million years old. That is a gigantic missing period of time that if proven to be accurate will change a lot of things in society as we know it today.
The discovery of the 290 million year old footprint was made in New Mexico by paleontologist Jerry MacDonald in 1987. In the vicinity of this mysterious footprint there are fossilized impressions of birds and other animals. The discovery of the human impression has left MacDonald particularly puzzled and not he or anyone who has seen and studied the impression has not been able to explain how this modern footprint could have been located in the Permian strata, which according to scholars dates from 290 to 248 million years, a time period which occurred long before man or even birds and dinosaurs existed on this planet, of course, that is according to modern science and scientific thinking.
Should we change the way we think and look at things? Or should we accept modern-day scientific thinking which suggests, there is no way that is a human footprint dating back 290 millions of years. It seems to be an ongoing debate between people who firmly believe that history is wrong, and those who point out that all of these mysterious findings are actually a hoax and have nothing to do with reality.
This 290 million year old footprint has been categorized by paleontologists as problematic as they do not seem to understand the way it got there, and better yet, who left it there. Basically some would say that to prove that this footprint which dates back 290 million years isn’t a fake, all we have to do is find something similar to it, and researchers have found numerous unexplainable things that can be connected with this footprint found in New Mexico.
In this image we see a similar footprint dating back millions of years, the only difference is that this footprint is gigantic and located in Africa.
Researchers have had mixed feelings about this footprint, and they don’t seem to try very hard to debunk it, nor have they argued about the authenticity of the footprint. According to most researchers, they comment on the matter saying that ” It just looks like a human footprint”. Well, it doesn’t only look like one, it clearly is one.
Researchers discover an ocean 644 km below the surface of our planet
Researchers discover an ocean 644 km below the surface of our planet
Remember all of those science-fiction movies and books from Jules Verne, like “Journey to the Center of the Earth”? Apparently not everything is made up. There might be a lot of unknown stuff down there… and if there is water… could there be life? Maybe not as we know it but in a completely different way? Well the possibilities are there.
After decades of theorizing and discussing possibilities, scientists report to finally have discovered a large ocean of water inside the mantle of Earth, and they pint out that it is a large water “tank” that could fill the oceans on Earth three times. This incredible discovery suggests that the surface water of the planet came from within Earth, as part of a “complete water cycle on the planet” instead of the dominant theory proposed that water arrived to Earth by icy comets that passed by the planet millions of years ago.
Scientists are learning a lot about the composition of our planet even today. And the more they manage to understand, the more accurately will predictions regarding climate change, weather and sea levels get since all of the mentioned above is closely related to the tectonic activity that vibrates incessantly beneath our feet.
This study was performed by researchers and geophysical scientists in the United States and Canada who used data obtained from the USArray- which is a set of hundreds of seismometers located throughout the United States to constantly “listen” to the movements of the Earths mantle and core. Researchers believe that the water on Earth may have come from within the planet and was “pushed” to the surface thanks to geological activity. An article published in the journal “Nature” states that researchers have found a small diamond that points to the existence of a vast water reservoir beneath the mantle of the Earth, approximately 600 kilometers beneath our feet. According to the lead author of the study Graham Pearson, member of the University of Alberta, Canada, “This provides extremely strong confirmations that there are wet spots deep inside the Earth”. “The transition zone may contain as much water as all the oceans together,” Pearson said. “One reason why the Earth is a dynamic planet, is the presence of water inside. The water changes depending on the way the world works,” he added.
After researchers have studied the movements in the mantle and the core of the Earth for years, and after completing countless complex calculations to double check their theories, researchers believe they have found a gigantic pool of water located in the transition zone between the layers of the upper and lower mantle – a region which sits somewhere between 400 and 660 km below the surface.
This discovery opens up a door of other possibilities of what else is down there? Are those theories that talk about the Earth being hollow true? Well, our planet might not be Hollow, but it sure isn’t rock solid, as scientists themselves have said that there are countless enigmas regarding what exactly is below the surface and very strange things happen 600 kilometers below the surface.
This new theory suggests that the planet’s mantle is filled with a mineral called Ringwoodite, and this mineral is believed to contain water.
Measurements by the USArray indicate that the deeper the mineral Ringwoodite is pushed into the mantle, the increased pressure forces the water, a process known as “merging dehydration”.
Is there another world beneath ours? Well, that depends on what you believe, but ancient mythology and history have often spoken about the underworld and that it can be accessed. The question here is … does this discovery change anything? Skeptics will remain closely minded and will hold on to their precious ideas and theories, but with each new research and study, we understand that we have very little knowledge about Earth, its oceans and that what is located below the surface.
Are these UFOs in the skies over Ullapool? … Or just clouds?
Are these UFOs in the skies over Ullapool? … Or just clouds?
Conspiracy theories have emerged around UFOs after a picture was taken above the west coast of Scotland.
Neil Borthwick captured the pictures of flying-saucer shaped clouds from his home in Ullapool last night after he saw them above Loch Broom.
The 54 year old soon posted them online, prompting conspiracy theories to blossom.
Are they clouds of UFOs?
William Topping, from South Shields, wrote on Facebook: “You might be laughing but these exact same cloud formations turned up on several different sites today and were witnessed at over 20 locations in the northern hemisphere, all within 60 minutes of each other.
“And as stated, absolutely identical, carbon copies.
“Now that is spooky…
“So much so, NASA took a whole load of them down within minutes of publishing.”
The reality may be somUllaewhat less interesting.
The rare lenticular clouds, which are rare in the UK, are created in certain conditions when air is pushed upwards by a mountain.
They are one of the most common causes of UFO reports.
Are they clouds of UFOs?
Mr Borthwick was less taken in, unwilling to believe aliens would visit Ullapool.
He said: “It was shortly after 8pm, I just happened to glance at the window and I thought, that’s interesting.
“I went out onto the street beyond mine to get a photo. I’d reckon the clouds were in view for up to half an hour.
“There were other people taking photos of the sky – the sunset was spectacular apart from the fact the clouds were there.
He added: “I’m not suggesting for one minute we are being invaded by aliens. If they ever did come I’m not sure they would land in Ullapool anyway.”
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NASA Promises To ‘Find Alien Civilizations By 2025′ – The Drip Feeding Of Disclosure
NASA Promises To ‘Find Alien Civilizations By 2025′ – The Drip Feeding Of Disclosure
“We are on the cusp of discovering alien civilizations”, NASA’s top scientists have said. They have very recently predicted that we are just one generation away from finding something in our Milky Way neighborhood, which is bustling with environments conducive to life…….let the Drip Feeding of Disclosure begin!
The NASA Scientists made their comments at a panel discussion Tuesday, the scientists predict that the first discoveries will definitely come within a decade. Chief scientist Ellen Stofan believes we’ll have “definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years,” as “in most cases we have the technology, and we’re on a path to implementing it. And so I think we’re definitely on the road.” Ellen Stofan has been asked about UFO’s and Aliens before but always kept quiet when asked….
“I think we’re one generation away in our solar system, where it’s on an icy moon or on Mars, and one generation [away] on a planet around a nearby star,” former astronaut John Grunsfeld said at the session.
“Sometime in the near future, people will be able to point to a star and say, ‘that star has a planet like Earth’,” said Sara Seager, professor of planetary science and physics at MIT.
“Just imagine the moment, when we find potential signatures of life,” concurred Matt Mountain, a top space telescope boffin. “Imagine the moment when the world wakes up and the human race realizes that its long loneliness in time and space may be over – the possibility we’re no longer alone in the universe.”
“I think in the next 20 years we will find out we are not alone in the universe,” added NASA astronomer Kevin Hand.
NASA has made some huge strides in both spotting distant worlds and analysing their chemical composition. Stofan said: “We know where to look.” Indeed, the Kepler mission has found no shortage of rocks that could support life, while icy moons in our own galaxy have long been suspected to hold incredible secrets deep beneath their own icey crust – among them Jupiter’s enigmatic moons – especially Europa, where a gargantuan body of water rages beneath the thin surface and water vapour’s are literally sprayed 200 km upward, giving clues to life-supporting minerals beneath. This while Ganymede is thought to have more water than all of Earth’s oceans combined!
Simulated View from Europa’s Surface (Artist’s Concept) (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
The same can also be said of Saturn’s satellite Enceladus. Scientists found evidence to suggest that, like our more distant galactic neighbours, Mars also harboured entire oceans, the cracks and scars on its surface appearing to be made by raging water currents full of salt. All of these scenarios makes the Milky Way quite “a soggy place,” according to the director of NASA’s Astrophysics Division, Paul Hertz.
“We can see water in the interstellar clouds from which planetary systems and stellar systems form,” he says. “We can see water in the disks of debris that are going to become planetary systems around other stars, and we can even see comets being dissipated in other solar systems as [their] star evaporates them.”
The now well known Mars rover Curiosity, which is actually stationed on the Red Planet, continues to dazzle scientists daily with intriguing new finds. Just two weeks ago, it discovered organic molecules containing carbon and “fixed” nitrogen – elements which are central to ALL known life. The mars Rover has also got many people talking about NASA hiding images from Mars which prove that there was once life on the Red Planet!
The Mars Rover ‘Curiosity’ Searching for life on Mars!
The Kepler mission’s amazing success has also been a godsend – its lens measuring the very tiniest changes in the light intensity of a star, as a planet passes by it. With its robotic eye, it showed us that life and rocky worlds should be far more common in our galaxy than the likes of gassy Saturn and Jupiter!
Numerous advances in both technology and our ability to implement it means that we are also accelerating the pace more than ever. One US company has recently just been given a grant for its plasma rocket to reach Mars in JUST 39 days, while NASA itself is already hard at work on developing a new Mars lander that resembles a Flying saucer and promises to make it possible to “safely land heavier spacecraft” on alien planets!
NASA’s Flying Saucer style Craft
It has become very clear that Humanity is now facing two major separate challenges in space: the first one is finding signs of intelligent life, the other is identifying potentially habitable environments. While one may rush to tie the two together, the latter is a considerably easier proposition to make.Stofan is all but certain the manned mission to Mars will emerge with spectacular discoveries, which kind of confirms the conspiracy theories that are going around about their being signs of ancient civilizations on Mars, something which NASA has been accused of trying to cover up: “I’m a field geologist; I go out and break open rocks and look for fossils,” she said. “Those are hard to find. So I have a bias that it’s eventually going to take humans on the surface of Mars — field geologists, astrobiologists, chemists — actually out there looking for that good evidence of life that we can bring back to Earth for all the scientists to argue about.”
Dr. Ellen Stofan
Europa will see us much sooner than that. As soon as 2022, our $2.1 billion will get to work on probing the mysteries of its oceans. And then there are the water vapours, spotted in the region next to the southern pole….Could there be life lurking under those deep under the Ice Oceans?!
Water, methane and carbon monoxide have been detected in the atmosphere of exoplanet HR 8799 b
These exciting discoveries are accompanied by huge strides in lens technologies NASA says will be central to finding alien life within at least two decades. Already there are several contenders for the next King of telescopes, their tech specs threatening to leave the famed Hubble far behind; among them the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), which cost the space agency a fat $8.8 billion. The technology on-board the impressive Telescope is strong enough to peer at distant ‘super-Earths’ and analyse the possible chemical composition of those worlds, the gasses they spew out being strong indicators of life. For direct signs, however, we still need to take good old photos of the rocks, according to Hertz. That is why NASA is hard at work on the next generation of telescopes – one that will feature a coronagraph. The device is invaluable for blocking out the glare of the host stars of the exoplanets, giving us a clear view of the celestial bodies. It’s set to launch sometime in the mid-2020s….just imagine being able to stare out at and see other potential civilized worlds buzzing with life, but if we can see them one things for sure, somebody out there has already seen us!
The OFFICIAL Drip Feeding Of Disclosure ~ U.I.P Summary
Well here it is people the news that we all wanted to hear, NASA admitting firstly that there IS Alien life out there and secondly confirming that we will find ‘where’ the Aliens are!
This piece of important news gets the alarm bells ringing with people shouting out loud “Disclosure Disclosure!” and yes this is a great piece of Drip Feeding Disclosure, building us up to the inevitable that Aliens exists not too far from us (in the greater scheme of things!). It’s clear to many of us that we are being visited by Alien Beings, and if we know and have seen like a lot of us have NASA know this very well too! NASA and the Governments of this world know A LOT more than they are letting on… you think it’s a coincidence that Aliens are making the News nowadays? NO! Is it a coincidence that Scientists are firing up the Large Hadron Collider again? NO! These two key areas are VERY important in discovering the Truth!
It is clear that NASA and the Scientists of this world KNOW that we are not alone…and are seeking ways to travel beyond the stars just like our ET friends……but at what risk to mankind!?
These are exciting times and as we always state here at U.I.P Science Fiction is now becoming Science FACT! So lets keep digging for the truth.
Sinkholes as Deep as Eight-Story Buildings Form Along Shoreline of the Disappearing Dead Sea
Sinkholes as Deep as Eight-Story Buildings Form Along Shoreline of the Disappearing Dead Sea
The Dead Sea is disappearing at an alarming rate, leaving behind thousands of sinkholes that are chipping away at the coastlines vibrant and touristy atmosphere.
The Dead Sea - which is actually a lake - is known for being almost 10 times as salty as the ocean and for having the lowest elevation on Earth. However, over the last few decades, the shoreline has become known for sinkholes that appear to just pop up out of nowhere.
More than 3,000 sinkholes exist along the banks of the Dead Sea, ABC News reported. And some of these craters dive 80 feet into the ground - the equivalent of about an eight-story building.
Gidon Bromberg, the Israeli director at EcoPeace Middle East, told ABC news that "these sinkholes are the direct result of inappropriate mismanagement of water resources in the region."
The Dead Sea is robbed of 2 billion gallons of water each year because of water diverted from the lake's main water source - the Jordan River - since the 1960s, according to the American Associate, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Mining of minerals from the Dead Sea has also contributed to the disappearance of the lake's dense and salty water.
The 2 billion gallons of water translates to a decline in water levels of a meter every year (on average) or a total of 30 meters since 1970, according to research conducted by Duke University.
"With the Dead Sea level dropping so rapidly [a meter a year, on average], these sinkholes are inevitable," said Mark Wilson, a geology professor at the College of Wooster.
While researchers have agreed on different hypothesis, not many disagree that the declining water levels are behind the phenomenon.
David Ozsvath, a professor of Geology at the University of Wisconsin, said beneath the clay-like surface layer are cavernous spaces that are filled with water. However, as these subterranean spaces dry up with the receding water levels, the surface layer can collapse into the emptied space creating chasms along the banks.
Ozsvath said some sinkholes form over time, while other appear overnight. An earthquake or even heavy rain can cause a sinkhole to collapse into the drained voids in the subsurface.
He added that the number of developing sinkholes could be reduced by diverting less water from the Jordan River and allowing water levels in the Dead Sea to rise.
(Photo/Menashe Davidson)
Geologist Eli Raz of Israel's Dead Sea and Arava Research Center, who has studied these sinkholes in depth, said in a research paper that the largest sinkhole to date is about 80 feet in depth and 130 feet in diameter. These sinkholes can also collapse into one another, forming larger, more dangerous craters.
(Photo/American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
(Photo/Mark Wilson)
According to Mark Wilson's blog, sinkholes often appear as small, round holes. But, he said, "looking inside, we could see that there is a significant room-sized cavern underneath. Soon the roof will collapse and a new mature sinkhole will appear."
(Photo/American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
(AP Photo/Dan Balilty)
Many of the once-bustling tourist beaches are now left desolate due to unstable conditions, according to the American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. ABC reported that a 300-meter section of road was closed in February due to sinkholes, and it could take between six to 12 months to repair.
(Photo/Mark Wilson)
In Mark Wilson's blog, he explained that the canyon in the image above may have formed in less than three months. "This little canyon is cutting through Dead Sea sediments that are exposed by the rapid fall of water level," Wilson said in his post.
(Photo/Mark Wilson)
(Photo/American Associates, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Orange balls of light were seen by several people over Phoenix, Arizona on Easter Sunday. A couple of those witnesses caught the objects on video.
Arizona’s 12 News interviewed Peter Perez, who says he and his family saw the objects just before sitting down for Easter dinner. Perez says his step-father saw them first and called the rest of the family over to take a look.
The story on says the sighting took place on Saturday. However, Perez says it was Easter, and later in the story, they mention the sighting was on April 5, 2015, which was Easter. The Saturday thing must be a mistype.
Can't believe my eyes. Over 20 amber orbs hovering over Glendale AZ. They were silent and headed East. #Ufo#AZ#Arizona#GlendaleAZ
Either way, Perez says it was about 8:51 pm when his step-father pointed out the lights.
Perez says they saw a “fleet” of orbs over the horizon. He estimated there were about 18 to 20 amber-colored orbs. He told 12 News, “We were in awe.”
Another image of the Easter Sunday Phoenix UFO proved by Peter Perez. (Credit: Peter Perez/12 News)
Perez said the area they came from was obstructed from his view.
According to Perez, the lights hovered in a group, stationary, for a minute before moving off to the west and disappearing from view. After losing sight of the objects, Perez stayed outside for a few minutes. He then saw a second group of lights moving similar to the first.
Perez said the second group was smaller, about 10 lights, he estimated.
“They were something I’ve never seen,” Perez told 12 News. “I don’t want to stretch out and say they were another life form, but I know it was something that I’ve never seen before.”
Perez caught a few seconds of video, which can be seen above.
12 News talked to a second witness, but that witness wanted to remain anonymous. This witness also took pictures, but they were not provided in the 12 News story. However, Perez was able to look at them, and he says they were similar to what he saw.
Perez says he does have an interest in UFOs. He told 12 News, “It’s always been something that’s intrigued me, but I’m not a UFO hunter or anything.”
Another witness to the lights is a bit more of a UFO Hunter. YouTuber TimTheBall posted video of the lights he says he captured on Easter Sunday at about 9:05 pm. He has several other UFO videos posted on his YouTube page as well.
TimTheBall’s description of the UFOs is very similar to the description given by Perez.
TimTheBall writes in his video’s description: “This video was shot from the top of my car in my driveway in Glendale, AZ. whole valley as they vanished one by one. When I looked back west, I was astonished to see a new cluster of lights, also on the move across the valley toward the east, and also burning out one by one. I have no idea what they are, but I do not believe these are flares, as they crossed the entire valley sky. When you see each cluster appear, my camera was pointed toward the far west valley. They were vanishing from sight when my camera had panned all the way to the east. They went from a dead float to a quick acceleration.”
12 News asked viewers who may have seen the UFOs on Easter Sunday to comment on their Facebook. At least one other witness was convinced that what she saw were Chinese Lanterns. Many agree. Similar comments have been made on TimTheBall’s YouTube video.
TimTheBall disagrees. He responded to the YouTube comments, saying: “Chinese lanterns do not go from a dead float, to a horizontal acceleration, crossing at least 50 miles of city in 2 minutes.”
“I didn’t claim they are ET, but it is a UFO,” he added.
Chinese Lanterns can look strange. They can go from a slow pace to a fast one if caught by the wind. They also are often amber in color, and they are used most often on holidays, like Easter.
However, another alleged witness who responded to TimTheBall’s video, writes: “Chinese lanterns do not fly at speeds outpacing helicopters capable of speeds of 120 mph., plus Easter Sunday the wind was not present at all, not even enough [wind] to move a 50′ flag….NOT Chinese lanterns people.”
So the debate continues. Take a look at the video and let us know what you think. Better yet, if you were a witness, let us know what you saw.
The UK House of Lords is being questioned about the stalled release of their remaining UFO files. That and other space and UFO stories on this episode of Spacing Out!
We exist in a dualistic, holographic Universe where polarity can be felt in extreme measures. According to the Wes Penre Papers, as far as extraterrestrial races involved with planet Earth there are “good guys” and there are “bad guys”.
Although there may be good and bad beings in each extraterrestrial race, Wes has summarized the players of the game and has described where they are from. For the purpose of explanation the “nanosecond” he refers to is the time period of accelerated learning between 1987 and 2012.
The Bad Guys According to Wes Penre
The Alpha Draconians
After Sirius star system itself, Thuban (Alpha Draconis) seems to be the Sirians’ most important base. It appears that this star was one of the first planetary systems the Dark Lords conquered. The inhabitants are different kinds of Draco/Reptilian life forms, often giant in shape. These races are commonly mentioned in Ufology and Exopolitics as a cruel conquer race and deeply involved in Earth’s history. This is very true to my knowledge as well, and the main group that is working closely with the Sirians here on Earth; especially with ENLIL. In the Sumerian scriptures, they go under a common name, KIN-GU, or Kingú.
The Draconian Albinos
Although their home planets are now orbiting Thuban, their royal clan, who are an albino Draco race, some with wings and horns, others without any of it, migrated to the Lyran star system, possibly when the Sirians came, or perhaps before. They are larger than all other Kingú, and are in Sumerian text known as the Kingú-Babbar. They are creator gods in their own right and are the creators of other Reptilian races, now spread out over Sector 9. The Babbar are loners and opponents to the Sirians, although not directly human friendly either. They are known to be aggressive and don’t hesitate to kill, but don’t have any direct plans to take over the Universe, like the Sirian Alliance does. They are present in our solar system on occasion, and the Sirians leave them alone, probably out of respect and fear.
The Red Dracos
These are the ones in charge of the Draconian still residing in Draco. Most of the Dracos are these days willingly working with the Sirians, although there are rebel groups here too, as normally seems to be the case in occupied worlds. They have reddish skin, wings, horns, and tails. It’s probably from seeing manifestations of this group we got the image of the Devil. They are known to be ferocious soldiers, and often seen together with Sirians on occupied planets. They have their own governors in Thuban, but the whole Draco system falls under Sirian regime, and their governors answer to the Sirian Government.
The Green Dracos
These are the worker class, obedient to both the Red Dracos and the Sirians. They are considered a ‘lower caste’ and simply do as they are told. They are not trained warriors like the Red, but they are still territorial, which is a common Reptilian trait, and would get hostile if provoked, and definitely if they were ordered to.
The Vegans
Most Vegans are not in alliance with the Sirians, but there is a rebel group here as well, who were manipulated into joining the Sirian group. The Vegans are otherwise very skilled Creator Gods, and have seeded many planets in this sector of the Universe. It’s an old race; probably one of the first in the Milky Way Galaxy. On their home planet, they look similar to the Vulcans in Star Trek, and is probably where the idea to the Vulcans come from. Most Vegans are still residing in the Vega system and have nothing to do with this rebel group.
The Andromedans
This is a little bit shadier, but it looks like there is a rebel group here too, who followed the Sirians on their mission and who now embrace the Patriarchal Movement. This rebel group would possibly be the group Alex Collier was in contact with. Normally, the group called the ‘Andromedans’ are part of the Orion Empire and know that the Universe is Feminine. The reason I believe Collier’s group is a rebel group belonging to the Sirian Alliance is because they tell us that God is masculine. If they are Andromedans, they know better than that, but are playing the Patriarch game together with the Sirians. There is also a chance that the ‘Andromedans’ Alex was meeting could have been Sirians in disguise, showing themselves off as Andromedans. Therefore, I was a little reluctant to mention them here, but decided to do so with the above disclaimer.
The Grays
Here is another shady group. The ‘Grays’ as a species is apparently pretty common in the Universe. LPG-C call them ‘saurians’, and author George LoBuono mentions them in his book, ‘Alien Mind’, as a very common template in the Universe. LoBuono himself, however, was basically in contact with a hostile group he calls the ‘Verdants’, originating from a star system in a galaxy 14 million light-years away, but since then have spread out quite remarkably over this part of the Universe, being on a mission of conquest and expansion. Many other researchers and contactees are describing the Grays as well. We know of a Gray group, which I discussed quite extensively in ‘Level I’, originating from Lyra, on a planet called Apex. This group was basically a friendly, benevolent race who minded their own business until the Verdants came and invaded them. The Apexian Grays were then, just like we humans on Earth, heavily genetically reengineered and manipulated, until they became more of an android race.
The story of the Apexian Grays can be read in detail in my ‘Genesis Paper #1: Human Origins and the Living Library but to make a long story short, due to a nuclear war, the planet Apex was not only thrown out of orbit, but also disappeared into a black hole and reappeared in a totally different star system, which we call Zeta Reticuli, many light-years away from Vega. I got this pretty much confirmed by LPG-C as well.
Somewhere along the line, these Grays were being invaded again, this time by the Sirians, and once again genetically manipulated. Eventually, they became foot soldiers and servants to the Sirians. These Grays are not necessarily into conquering the Universe, but are more like slaves to the Wolfen/Reptilian race.
To make things even more complicated, it seems like human genetic engineers have picked up on how resilient the bodies of the original Grays are, and have used their genetics to create a human/Gray hybrid, whom people have seen here on Earth, particularly around military bases. It’s quite evident that the Sirians have a hand in helping humans create this hybrid race, because they are often seen together with Sirians. Anonymous whistle-blowers have said that the Grays who are created here on Earth are meant to be used mainly as astronauts for the Shadow Government, due to that their body template is the only one so far that they have found resilient or resistant enough to endure radiation and other obstacles in space that human bodies have been had a hard time with while space traveling, making it impossible for human bodies to stay in space for more than a short time.
So the Gray situation is quite complex, and it’s not obvious who is who. For us humans it is not of that much importance, however, because the ones seen in our solar system are not benevolent, and work either for our government, with the Sirian Overlords, or both. We know that not all Grays are recently engineered human/Gray hybrids, because the Grays were mentioned already in the Sumerian scriptures as the Mìmínu, and have been seen on Earth by different cultures over the centuries. They are said to have lived underground, and the American Indians call them the ‘Ant People’.
The Pleiadians
Again, we have a rebel group of Pleiadians who started working with the Sirians, or more specifically, Prince EA (Enki).They are giants, often referred to as the “Bird People” and the “Bulls” (Taurus). We know from the Pleiadians first hand (Marciniak’s group), that they are giants. They hint at heights from 7 feet up to 300 feet. The Pleiadians also admit to being the ‘Fallen Angels’ in the Bible, who came here to copulate with human females, but also helped EA and NIN with enhancing the human genome, using Pleiadian DNA. This resulted in the biblical giants, who roamed the Earth around the time of Noah and before (the Nephilim). Some of them survived the Deluge, as well, and became the Rephaim. Although these giants may be extinct today, their creators, the Pleiadian rebel group, are still working with the Sirians.
According to themselves, they did not evolve in the Pleiades, but came there much later. The Pleiadian group which has been involved in Earth history originated in Lyra, only to later migrate to Ursa Major, and finally ended up in the Pleiades, on the planet Dukù in the Maïa star system in particular, but also on a planet around the blue star, Electra.
The Ashtar Command
There are websites on the Internet where they say they are channeling the ‘Ashtar Command’. This group of ETs are simply the Pleiadians in present time, who are manipulating the channeler into thinking they are Ascended Masters coming down to help us in our struggle. We see a lot of this kind of channeling today, and I ask the reader to be very selective with whom you associate with when comes to alien species. There are certainly good ETs out there who wish us well, but if they contact us, they all have one thing in common: they tell us that we are our own saviors and should not expect any alien race coming down to Earth and do the job for us. We need to break the ‘godspell’ and claim our sovereignty as biological and spiritual beings, and this is exactly the message a good-intended alien species would have. They can’t wake us up for us. And if they would come down today and tell us they were here to guide us and tell us what to do, it’s going to be another human/God relationship, or they would most likely be attacked by the PTB, who would successfully manipulate many of the citizens into thinking these ETs are here to invade.
The Gargoyles
We see them everywhere on the top of old churches and cathedrals and it is a typical Catholic symbol. Statues of them can also be seen elsewhere, often guarding entrances to sacred or mysterious sites. People often think that they are made up in someone’s imagination, but we know that is rarely the case; almost without exceptions, statues and artifacts of strange and mysterious creatures have bases in reality.
In the Sumerian scriptures, these Gargoyles were sometimes called Mušgir, which means ‘furious reptile’ (‘Pazuzu’ in Assyrian) and were winged dragons with horns and tails, looking quite threatening in their appearance. Like so many others of the star races of the Sirian Alliance, the Gargoyles, too, originate in Lyra, and a second race was genetically engineered on Dukù in the Pleiades at a later time.
The Good Guys According to Wes Penre
The ‘Blue Beings’
Barbara Marciniak, for example, was contacted by the ‘Blue Beings’ in the late 1970s, saying they were from the Pleiades. They later on became ‘The Pleiadians’; the same group Marciniak is still channeling today. This group consists of a number of beings from different star races who have come together as ontoenergetics to spread their message in an effort to help themselves and mankind. One of these Pleiadian groups is the ‘Blue Beings’. They came here as non-physicals and let their avatars manifest themselves to Barbara as the Blue Beings they apparently are on their home planet in the Pleiades.
I consider the Pleiadians whom Marciniak is channeling being ‘good ETs’, although I know they wouldn’t even be here, or bother with us, if it wasn’t because they first of all are attempting to help themselves, and us second. However, it has shown that their mission (agenda) has been quite beneficial for us too, and over time I notice that they have really come to like us humans. Yes, I can tell from have listened to them quite a lot, and some of my own material is inspired from what they have taught me. So, in spite of that they have their own motives, I consider them being allies of mankind. They are the descendants of the Fallen Angels in the Bible, and the Pleiades today and in the future (where they come from) are quite tumultuous places, with civil wars and inner conflicts. The Marciniak group, however, is a rebel group who meet somewhere in secret and in the non-physical to do this specific and unique channeling. They want an end to the tyranny that runs the Pleiades in the future.
The Aryans
The Orion Empire is huge from what I have found out, and is in general a pretty peaceful place today, although it had its tumultuous times as well in the ancient past. We humans, in our original form, I consider originate from Orion, due to that most of the Mother Goddess’ ‘Helpers’ when came to seeding Earth were from the Orion Empire, although some of the Founders were from other places as well. What they all had in common, however, was that they acknowledged the feminine force in the Universe as being the original creative force (in Sumerian called the ‘Niama’), and they were working with the Goddess’ moral and ethical values in mind.
Today, the Aryans are very much aware of what is happening here on Earth. As recent as perhaps eight months ago, I was asking myself that if the Aryans, who originally owned this planet, feel the Earth has been hi-jacked, why don’t they come here and liberate us from the Sirian Alliance? It seems like they could quite easily do so if they really put their energy to it. The answer, once it occurred to me, was quite obvious. If the Aryans would interfere, we humans, in our ignorance, would see them as an invader force, just like we would the Sirians. And if the Aryans came, the Sirians would definitely play the victims and plea for help from mankind, just to get us on their side. So it wouldn’t be a good solution. Secondly, they know better than start another galactic war; they’ve been there, done that. Instead, they are monitoring us closely, ready to assist when they can. In fact, all we need to do is to get together as a human race and ask for help, and help would come. But first we would have to know for a fact who is the enemy and who the friend is. If we are confused about that, we would be confused when the Sirians manipulate us into believing they are the good guys.
Keep in mind, however, that the Orion Empire is extensive, and there are of course beings who consider themselves being Aryans, who are not here in our best interest. These are few in numbers, but are creating some problem in the astral, from what I have heard. I bring this up, because it proves the point that things are not black and white, and there are good and bad beings within all star races.
The Ama’argi
These are female Founders, originating from the star Dubhe in Ursa Major (the Big Dipper). They are a subgroup to the Amašutum, and have been residing in our solar system since ancient times. They used to have their base on Old Terra’s moon, and when Terra was split into two during the Titan War, there are researchers who claim that Terra’s moon at that time was slung out of its orbit around Terra and became the planet Venus. The Ama’argi may still dwell on Venus, but most certainly as ontoenergetics. They have always had affection for mankind and the whole Living Library, and were allegedly more involved in the old history of Terra/Earth than I have had time to acknowledge here in these papers.
The Amašutum
This is another name which seems to appear in the Sumerian texts quite a lot. According to Anton Parks, the Amašutum are female life designers (Founders), living in higher dimensions (of the KHAA), but can visit ours with no problem. They have been said to originate both from Orion, Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor. It is my own understanding that all the three star systems are correct. The Amašutum is simply a generic term for female life designers in a highly evolved state of being. Many of these female Founders are overseeing the progress we’re making here on Earth.
The Ontoenergetics
This is quite a general term that includes all non-physicals, although I am here concentrating on those who are present in the ‘astral realms’ around Earth and are studying what is happening, especially now, during the nano-second. Most of them are benevolent, evolved beings, who are happy to help if we ask them. If they are benevolent, they will not do the job for us, but rather help us steer ourselves onto the right track. This goes for all the benevolent races and beings out there; Pleiadians, Aryans, Amašutum, Ama’argi, and other physical and non-physical beings. None of them will help or interfere, unless we ask them. Most of them are more than willing to help.
Spirit Guides (angels)
This is another shady term, because it can have so many meanings. I am not very keen on many of the ‘spirit guides’ who come and get you after you have departed from your body at body death; most of them are Sirian Helpers, such as non-physical Vegans and Grays. Be particularly on your guard if they tell you to follow them ‘into the light’ or ‘to the tunnel’, or go see relatives. If you choose to go with them, you will end up in the Sirian recycling system again with full amnesia, and then being shot down into a new body here on Earth. If you read this and have enjoyed my papers so far, you are probably not a person who wants to go ‘into the light’. In one of the last papers (if not the last paper) in ‘Level II’, I will talk more about what the alternatives may be. The deceptive spirit guides may manifest themselves in the astral as angels, relatives, friends, a pleasant being, or perhaps even as Jesus or one of his disciples if the person is Christian.
The benevolent Spirit Guides are usually either higher version of yourself, or soul fragments of yourself that have already made it back to the Oversoul and are now meeting themselves in form of ‘you’, ready to take you home when you die and are in a higher state of consciousness and awareness. They may manifest very similar to the ‘false’ spirit guides, but if you use the abilities you have developed here on Earth during this, and a few previous lifetimes, you will be able to tell who is who. And if you’re uncertain, ask them who they are. Another obvious distinction is of course, where will they lead you? Above the Grid and out in the Universe, or into the ‘light/tunnel’? A good thing to do when you’re on your death-bed is to imagine yourself being where you want to be andask for help only by those who have your absolute best interests in mind! But don’t hesitate to ask for guidance when you die. If your death is sudden and unexpected, and you suddenly find yourself disconnected from your body, go ahead and imagine it right there and then, and again, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance, but only from those who have your best interests in mind! This, of course, is very important.
The benevolent Spirit Guides, however, are not there to help you only when you’re on your death-bed, but anytime in your daily life, as well. ‘Ask and you shall receive!’ Again, your Guides will most probably not do the work for you, but guide you in the right direction by letting you experience what you need to experience (after all, we call them ‘guides’, don’t we?).
The Oversoul
The Oversoul is the ‘Real You’, from whom you in your current incarnation is only a soul fragment. The problem is that due to that the Sirians have kept us in custody here on Earth, we’ve been disconnected from our Oversoul by their Recycling System (reincarnation). Instead of returning to the Oversoul after a lifetime is over and report back to her, we are manipulated into going through the Tunnel and into the Light. So we hardly ever connect with our real selves, but instead reincarnate over and over. Each soul fragment learns a lot (althoughwe are forced to forget when the Sirians erase our memories between lives), perhaps not in one lifetime, but by incarnating over and over. If one particular soul fragment (you in your current incarnation in this example) would remember all her lifetimes, she would be rich of experiences. However, now when we are going through their ‘Amnesia Implant Station’, we have to start relearning what we’ve already learned in previous lifetimes every time we reincarnate. It’s a waste of time from our perspective. From the Sirian perspective it is not, of course.
However, if a single one of all the soul fragments that are you, simultaneously incarnated on Earth, would report back to the Oversoul, having full memory recall, that would be a lot of knowledge! Then think of yourself as being one of perhaps thousands of soul fragments, all incarnated here on Earth at the same time, but in different time periods, and you can start imagining how much you really know and can bring with you out in cosmos to meet other friendly star beings. Although they have been able to experience most dimensions for a long, long time, these star beings may have a lot to learn from you. That’s why so many star beings who don’t have a physical body would do anything to have one now in the nano-second, when the learning curve is incredibly high. Still, even if these ontoenergetics would take a body now in the nano-second, for the first time, it wouldn’t be the same, because we humans have past experiences down here which the non-physicals lack. But they know that even by incarnating once here on Earth (if it is now in the nano-second), it’s way better than nothing. Hence, from one perspective, we are ‘lucky’ to be here at this time. But only if we take advantage of the nano-second and act like sponges, willing to take in and learn as much as we can. After 2012, time will slow down incrementally, and the time window of great learning closes. That’s when it’s time to reflect over what we’ve learned in a great haste. If we didn’t learn much and spent most time in front of the television, there is not much to reflect over, either, of course. However, if you read this, you probably already have a lot to reflect over, whether it’s this material or other things you’ve learned before you read this.
This is what the Mayans called the End Times, because it’s the end of a cycle of 26,000 years (one circle around the zodiac) and the beginning of a new. The timelines are merging, and we are saying‘hello’ to our other incarnations. Time as we know it is collapsing, and we are remembering our multidimensionality. Our previous lifetimes are being revealed for us, often both in the awake state and in dream state, but especially in dream state (4 cycles per second or less). Many of us have learned a lot only over the last ten years or so, and we are not going to fall into the recycling trap again.
If none of your other soul fragments have managed to return to your Oversoul, you will be the first, which is perfectly okay. If this is the case, you will be your own Spirit Guide for your other incarnations to follow, no matter in what time frame they live. Some may live in the 1800s, others 2,500 BC, and others may even live in the future. It doesn’t matter, because time is per default not linear; we made it linear together with the Sirians — it’s an agreement; set in a state of manipulation, but still an agreement. When you die next time, you would probably want to return to your Oversoul and then again come back, this time in the non-physical, as a Spirit Guide, and pick up your other selves when they die, one by one. Then, when you’ve picked up the last one, you are ‘whole’. There is no soul of yours left on Earth, and you are one big Oversoul, ready for new adventures. You can choose to go elsewhere in the Universe and explore the dimensions, or you may come back to Earth and rebuild a new planet, which eventually will be free from the oppression of the Sirians. This is what will become the New Earth, where those who took advantage of the nano-second and still want to come back, will build; a world of a much higher vibration where there eventually is no place for the lower Sirian energies. Like I’ve said before, the Multiverse is fluid, and you build your own reality with your own thoughts. Others with similar thoughts will share your version of the Multiverse, others will live in their own versions. There is no end to it! In some versions, the Sirians will still exist, creating a machine world where they have total control over the masses, who will be more and more like androids, robots, and machines. There is probably a majority of today’s population who will choose this version, either out of ignorance or out of fear, and it is their choice. We can only inform; it’s for each and every one to make their choice; it’s none of our business, and not for us to force any reality on anybody.
If you die and can’t find your Oversoul for any given reason, don’t worry about it. There are still forces who can help (see above how to ask for help), and/or you just imagine a place where you want to go, and you’ll be there. So you see how important it is to have an exit plan! If no Oversoul is present, start building one right there and then. Do exactly the same thing as you would do if you would have found one; be your own Spirit Guide and start collecting and merging with your other-selves who are still down here, living their lives. When all those soul fragments are collected, you will be whole, and your own Oversoul, able to do exactly the same thing as the person who ”found’ their Oversoul. So both ways work, which is important to understand.
Will You Choose Reincarnation?
As the veil (evil) begins to lift we are able to see beings for who they really are. Knowing the background of these beings and what their agenda is will help us decide if we want to have anything to do with them or not.
When we “die”, we carry the knowledge and consciousness we gained in this lifetime when our soul fragment leaves the body. After reading Wes’ statement about the tunnel and white light, we can be more informed in making a decision as to where we want to go next. If we choose reincarnation, it would be because we truly enjoyed the experience here on Earth or perhaps our true guides agree that we will feel like we need some more experience before we move on to another experience.
For those who are ready to make this their last experience in the reincarnation hamster wheel, we can take this knowledge of the possible deception between lives and choose to further our horizons out into the deep Universe toward our Star Oversoul. If we encounter any beings along the way, we now have a little more information about who they are and what their purpose is.
Ultimately in order to regain our free will sovereignty and to become whole again, we can begin bringing in our soul aspects into our bodies in the “now” by connecting with them and helping to heal traumas. We may already be doing this without knowing as we suffer through “ascension symptoms”.
Taking Wes’ ideas a bit further, it seems that by doing our homework now we may be able to create an Oversoul in order to have a “New Earth” experience without ever leaving the planet. Everyone has a different path and will be able to make choices easier as the veils life and the light shines into the darkness.
Be sure you know who is in charge of your new experience and where your guides are taking you. Ultimately, you are a very powerful Creator and do not need anyone to be in control of you. Information is power and the use of your intuition will help you discern who has your best interest at heart.
Have you ever dreamt about seeing a UFO or being aboard one? What do these types of dreams mean?
Many people will live their entire lives without ever seeing a UFO. My first UFO sighting occurred in 1978. A group of friends and I decided to have a keg party “On Top of the World”, which is a mountaintop in the Catskill Mountains in upstate New York. It was early evening and we were waiting for the person to arrive who had the tap for the keg, so all of us were sober. At that point, a group of 3 UFO’s flew over the adjacent hill, Franklin Mountain… hovered for a few seconds, then flew away at a speed unfathomable. At the time, there was probably 6 or 7 of us there to witness it, but that was my first of many UFO sightings.
My late sister, Lola, had an abduction scenario where she was with her boyfriend and another friend, Patty F.. They were driving toward East Sidney Dam when the next thing they knew, their car was on the side of the road and it was 4 hours later.
Since buying a pair of ATN Night Vision Goggles, I have seen more UFO’s than ever. You can’t go 10 minutes without seeing one!
Many of us have experienced UFO sightings in real life, but what do they mean when we see them in our dreams?
To see a spaceship in your dream symbolizes your creative mind. It denotes a spiritual journey into the unknown and signals self-development and self-awareness. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to take on a different perspective, no matter how bizarre or unusual it may be.
Suggests a change in yourself, or personal growth; becoming aware of something new, or some new aspect of yourself, one that you are not familiar with, and so seems strange or alien. For instance a change might be occurring in the way you relate to people or events.
Our mind has the ability to view our experience as a whole, rather than in parts. What we sense unconsciously in this way is presented to the conscious mind as images such as UFO’s or circles of light. Another way of explaining this is to realize that our conscious self is only a tiny part of the whole process of life active in us. There are amazing potentials in each of us that might only be glimpsed in stress situations. Occasionally this more powerful or bigger side of ourselves breaks through and is experienced as an alien, or great being. Because of the hallucinatory aspect of the dream process, and the fact that in dreaming we see exterior imagery as real, when this breaks through while we are awake, it is difficult to accept the source of it as our own unconscious. See: altered states of consciousness; space; spaceship.
A few weeks ago, I had a dream where I was “back home” (please refer to Do You Dream About Flying Or Going Home?) with my daughter. I was looking out of my parent’s bay window when I saw dozens of UFOs in the sky along with a huge mothership which came down to my parent’s house, hovering about 30 above the ground. It was so close, I could see the beings inside, who looked like regular people. I called for my daughter whiletaking out my smartphone to get a video of everything. As I looked through my cellphone, my screen was showing me everything that was beyond the 3rd dimension. It was exciting and exhilarating. I felt no fear.
In another dream, I was once again “back home” at the college, which was about 2 blocks from my parent’s home. There were many spaceships in the air but one had landed at the college. There were many people there who were boarding the ship. I was one of them waiting to go aboard. I woke up before I actually boarded the craft.
I was in a very large round room and there were small groups of people all around me. We all looked like we were in our 20’s or so. I was in a group of about 8-10 people and our thoughts were instantly interactive through telepathy. Each group was creating and manifesting something, but I don’t specifically remember what it was. What I do remember is that is was a group manifestation and we were all on the same page. For example, someone would think of a contribution to the group and another would add to it. Each additional thought made the manifestation even more amazing. If someone joined the group, they would instantly know everything we manifested before they joined us and would immediately be able to interact with the group. If you wanted to take a break, you could leave any time. I chose to leave and went “back home”. I was in my old neighborhood, playing guitar on a futuristic amplifier that was no bigger than a pack of cigarettes and did not require electricity. In this dream, I knew every possible scale on guitar and could play amazingly well. Two friends joined me… one to listen and another to play along. I knew at any time, I could go back to the ship.
What this dream showed me is that if we somehow go into a dimensional shift would want to blow up the world with their thoughts. It’s not even a remote possibility. It’s as if you are one cell in a body and you’re harmoniously interacting with all of the cells around you, instantaneously. Your soul is completely transparent and there is nothing in your past to be embarrassed or ashamed about.
Your dreams and the removal of fear
Your dreams are metaphors being played out from events that occurred earlier in that particular day. If you had a disturbing dream, then look back at what might have triggered those particular metaphors or symbols and try to resolve that issue.
Once you remove any fear from your mind, you’ll find that your dreams become more futuristic and prophetic. I’d be willing to guess that many people who have done their inner work within this genre have either seen UFOs in real life and/or have experienced UFO dreams.
Have you dreamt about UFOs or going aboard a UFO? If so, comment below!
Waarom neemt het Amerikaanse leger de Stargate-basis onder de Rocky Mountains weer in gebruik?
Waarom neemt het Amerikaanse leger de Stargate-basis onder de Rocky Mountains weer in gebruik?
Het Cheyenne Mountain Complex is één van de iconen uit de Koude Oorlog. De basis die onder de Rocky Mountains ligt moest bestand zijn tegen Sovjet-kernbommen. In het bunkercomplex bevond zich het commandocentrum van NORAD, een militaire organisatie die waakt over het luchtruim van de VS en Canada.
De basis kreeg bekendheid na de thriller War Games uit 1983 en de film Stargate uit 1994, waarin het complex wordt gebruikt voor intergalactische reizen. Bijna 10 jaar geleden werd de basis gesloten omdat het Russische gevaar was geweken, maar deze week kondigde het Pentagon aan dat Cheyenne Mountain weer in het gebruik zal worden genomen door het Amerikaanse leger.
Legerofficieren hebben gezegd dat de basis is uitgekozen om gevoelige sensoren en servers te kunnen beschermen tegen een mogelijke EMP-aanval. Het Pentagon heeft de operatie uitbesteed aan Raytheon Corporation, een bedrijf dat ook werkzaamheden verricht op de Vandenberg Air Force Base in Californië en Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska.
In 2006 werd besloten het hoofdkwartier van NORAD en het US Northern Command te verplaatsen van Cheyenne naar Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs. De bunker in Cheyenne werd aangewezen als alternatief commandocentrum.
Na de aanslagen van 11 september 2001 zijn er voor honderden miljoenen dollars aanpassingen gedaan aan het bunkercomplex. Nu wil het Pentagon de communicatie-apparatuur gaan overbrengen naar de bunker.
Amerikaanse stad Bakersfield alweer in ban van UFO's ( video )
Amerikaanse stad Bakersfield alweer in ban van UFO's ( video )
Er zijn plekken op aarde waar meer UFO’s voorkomen dan op andere.
De Amerikaanse stad Bakersfield in Californië is één van die lokaties.
We hebben al eerder geschreven over deze stad in Californië, waar men begin december 2012 in rep en roer was omdat er vreemde lichten in de lucht hingen. Toen was men nog volop in een "het einde van de wereld" stemming, maar gelukkig is dat niet gebeurd.
Ook de jaren daarna werden er regelmatig vreemde lichten gesignaleerd boven Bakersfield en ook nu is het weer raak.
Het mooie van de waarnemingen daar is dat ze door talloze getuigen worden waargenomen.
Dat is ook het geval met het vreemde blauwe licht wat merkwaardig genoeg werd waargenomen op de veertiende februari en precies een maand later op veertien maart nog een keer.
Getuigen verklaren dat ze meer dan twintig jaar in de wijk hebben gewoond waar het licht zichtbaar was en nog nooit zoiets hebben gezien.
Dat er een vreemd blauwe UFO zich heeft opgehouden boven Bakersfield is duidelijk.
Ook de lokale televisiezender heeft er de nodige aandacht aan besteed. En al die reportages van de mainstream televisie volgen onveranderlijk hetzelfde patroon.
Eerst laten ze getuigen aan het woord en laten eventueel beeldmateriaal zien en dan worden er de “experts” bijgehaald.
Experts die altijd één ding gemeen hebben en wel dat ze volledig uit hun nek lopen te kletsen. Maargoed, dat schijnt nu eenmaal de norm te zijn in mainstream-land.
A veteran pilot, who flew President Obama's campaign plane, has revealed that he has seen a UFO flying through the sky.
Andrew Danziger claimed that virtually all airmen believe in unidentified flying objects and that he had his own close encounter in the cockpit between Kansas and Iowa in April 1989.
The aircraft captain said the UFO initially appeared as a white disc before changing into a 'giant red ball.'
The aviator, who has 28 years of cockpit experience, said the alien aircraft glowed bright red for around 30 seconds before disappearing below the clouds, according to the New York Daily News.
Veteran airman Andrew Danziger claims to have seen a UFO
Mr Danziger recalled that his plane had left Kansas City International Airport and reached the cruising altitude of 15,000 feet when he first saw a 'white disc' clearly visible through the clouds.
He explained that the Captain of the aircraft, named only as Bruce, also spotted the foreign object that appeared similar to the moon.
Despite, both of the men having a number of years of experience behind them they could not identify the mystery gizmo that was visible for around 40 minutes.
As the pair began their decent into Waterloo, Iowa, Mr Danziger said the UFO suddenly changed colour.
'I yelled to Bruce, "Holy s***," he told the newspaper.
'Above the clouds, where the white disc had been, was a now giant red ball.'
He said the bright disc appeared to hover above the clouds
Mr Danziger, who flew Barack Obama during his 2008 election campaign, recalled the object flying in the same direction as his aircraft for around 30 seconds before it vanished like the 'setting sun.'
The experienced airman said most pilots have reported similar sightings (file picture)
A series of flashing lights were then visible through the clouds, according to the pilot who has flown Boeing aircraft.
The men later informed the National UFO Report Centre of the sighting and it was stressed to the pair that countless pilots have witnessed similar objects in the sky.
'While neither of us had any idea what we had saw one thing we were certain of, it wasn't from here,' the North American Airlines captain told the New York Daily News.
'I'm not going too far out on a ledge to say that virtually all pilots believe in UFOs.'
When I wrote my book about officially documented UFO reports, I fully expected the skeptics to react. That’s why I was careful to focus only on the very best evidence from the most credible sources in "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record." Since 95 percent of all sightings are eventually identified, the book is concerned only with the remaining 5 percent — those UFO events that have been thoroughly investigated, involve multiple witnesses and ample data, but still cannot be explained.
That didn’t stop James Oberg, a space analyst for NBC News, from complaining that the book was based on a “questionable foundation.”
Charles Miller
Leslie Kean is the author of "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record."
In the biographical note appended to his commentary, he notes that he spent 22 years at NASA’s Mission Control and has written books about space policy and exploration. But he neglects to inform readers of something UFO researchers already know all too well: that he is a founding fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI, formerly CSICOP), a group whose aim is to debunk UFOs and any other unexplained phenomena that challenge our familiar ways of thinking.
For many years, Oberg, while retaining his stance as an objective student of the UFO phenomenon, has been a consistently vocal skeptic. His long list of articles dealing with UFOs date from the 1970s and are posted on his website under the heading "space folklore," which accurately sums up his attitude towards the subject. He may be qualified to serve as an unbiased, expert consultant on Russian or Chinese missile systems, but not on UFOs.
In "UFOs," Leslie Kean calls for more serious investigation of unsolved UFO reports.
His objection to my many varied cases has to do with his notion that pilots are poor observers. To buttress this idea, he quotes J. Allen Hynek referring to questionable statistics compiled in the 1960s by Project Blue Book. He also cites Russian researchers describing two events in 1982 when pilot sightings were accurately identified as "military balloons" after the fact.
This is not surprising, since the vast majority of sightings can be explained, and this kind of identification is made all the time. However, such solved sightings — whether made by pilots or anyone else — have absolutely nothing to do with the cases presented in my book.
I wonder if Oberg gave "UFOs" a careful read. He spent many paragraphs quoting me concerning a report on aviation cases by French researcher Dominique Weinstein. The problem is, those are not my quotes. The chapter from which he extracted them was written by Jean-Jacques Velasco, head of the French government‘s UFO agency for over 20 years, as is obvious in his byline and narrative about French research.
Oberg gleefully proclaims that I have “faithfully vouched for” the cases in Weinstein's list, but actually, I have respectfully allowed Velasco to write his own chapter. (About half the chapters in my book were written by highly credentialed authorities and expert witnesses.) If Oberg wants to discuss the Weinstein study, he'll have to contact Velasco.
Cosmic Log: The UFO debate usually focuses on reports that are many years old — but strange things are still being seen in the sky, by folks just like you.
Oberg’s fixation on the question of the reliability of pilots as witnesses is not raised by the generals and aviation experts I have interviewed — officials who have studied pilot cases and interviewed pilot witnesses for decades. As described in "UFOs," French Air Force Maj. Gen. Denis Letty initiated an extensive study of UFO data because competent pilots he knew personally were confronted by the phenomenon. Chilean Gen. Ricardo Bermudez was instrumental in the founding of his country‘s official UFO investigative agency in 1997 because of inexplicable sightings involving pilots.
Richard Haines, who has written more than 70 papers in leading scientific journals and published more than 25 U.S. government reports for NASA, was formerly chief of the space agency's Space Human Factors Office and served for 21 years as a retired senior aerospace scientist at NASA's Ames Research Center. Having studied pilot sightings and related aviation safety issues for more than 30 years, and having personally interviewed hundreds of pilots during that time, Haines has concluded that pilots are indeed excellent witnesses, given their thorough training, expertise and hours of flying time.
Most importantly, the aerial cases documented in "UFOs" — and many more on the record elsewhere — involve multiple factors such as:
Sightings of long duration, allowing for accurate voice transmissions and the refinement of the initial identification.
Multiple witnesses — co-pilot, crew, passengers, other aircraft in different locations, and occasionally observers from the ground.
Onboard radar and ground radar recording the presence of a physical object, often corresponding exactly to the visual sighting.
Direct physical effects on the aircraft, such as equipment malfunction.
Taken by farmer Paul Trent with his wife in 1950, this classic picture from McMinnville, Ore., is among the most thoroughly analyzed images in UFO history.
As an example, Brig. Gen. Jose Periera of Brazil, commander of air force operations until 2005, reports on an "array of UFOs" observed over his country in 1986. Two pilots chased one of the objects for 30 minutes. Numerous other pilots saw the objects. Radar recorded them. Six jets were scrambled from two Brazilian air force bases to pursue them. Some of the pilots made visual contact corresponding to radar registrations. Both military and commercial pilots were involved. Onboard as well as ground radar systems confirmed the presence of the objects.
“We have the correlation of independent readings from different sources,” Periera writes. “These data have nothing to do with human eyes. When, along with the radar, a pilot‘s pair of eyes sees that same thing, and then another pilot‘s, and so on, the incident has real credibility and stands on a solid foundation.”
In 2007, airline captain Ray Bowyer saw two gigantic, bright yellow objects suspended over the English Channel, which he observed carefully for 15 minutes. His passengers saw them, another pilot on a second aircraft was also a witness, and an object was registered on radar.
Most popular
In 1986, three Japan Airlines pilots watched a series of UFOs for 30 minutes, communicating with air traffic control while radar operators picked up the objects in corresponding locations.
I could go on with many more examples, presented in detail in the book.
Oberg says pilots may misinterpret visual phenomena when forced to make a split-second diagnosis before taking immediate action — very rare cases, I would assume — and no one would disagree with that. But, just as was the case with the solved Russian sightings I discussed earlier, this is entirely beside the point with respect to my book, because the cases presented do not involve such a scenario.
In addition, "UFOs: General, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record" presents many other cases that do not involve pilots at all — but often military personnel and police officers — including:
The famous 1980 incident near RAF Bentwaters in Britain, involving the landing of a UFO and objects sending beams of light to the ground.
The 1981 "Trans-en-Provence" landing case in France, investigated by the official French agency GEPAN.
Belgian Maj. Gen. Wilfried De Brouwer‘s report on the wave of sightings in Belgium in 1989-90, which includes a spectacular photograph.
The 1993 "Cosford Incident" involving a UFO over two Air Force bases in Britain, investigated by the Ministry of Defense.
The 1997 Phoenix Lights incident that former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington described.
Courtesy of Leslie Kean
This picture of a black triangle with lights underneath was taken in Petit-Rechain, Belgium, in 1990.
These are just a few of a host of cases with abundant data that don't rely on pilot observations — and which are still unsolved. It‘s the aggregate of cases, the accumulation of evidence and the long-running but unsuccessful attempts of qualified experts to resolve them that establishes the reality of a yet-unexplained physical phenomenon with extraordinary capabilities.
Oberg says that "if investigators are unable to find the explanation for a particular UFO case, that doesn't constitute proof that the case is unexplainable.” Fair enough. Perhaps there is some prosaic explanation still to be discovered. There‘s always that possibility, no matter how small.
But we remain in a state of ignorance concerning UFOs, leaving us with the conclusion presented in the book: We need a systematic, scientific investigation of the skies that actively looks for these mysterious and elusive objects. In the meantime, all I ask is that devout skeptics like Oberg read the entire book before raising objections that actually have no bearing on the matter at hand.
Investigative journalist Leslie Kean is the author of the New York Times bestseller"UFOs: General, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record" (Harmony/Crown). Her work has appeared in many publications including The Nation, International Herald Tribune and the Boston Globe. She is also the co-author of “Burma’s Revolution of the Spirit” and co-founder of the Coalition for Freedom of Information.
Video – By 2025 Signs of Alien Life Will Be Found, NASA’s Chief Scientist Predicts
A high-ranking NASA researcher says evidence that life exist on other planets is certain to be found, and it’ll happen relatively soon. NASA’s search for alien life has turned up a lot of potential hosts, but so far no definitive proof that thriving forms are out there has surfaced.
According to one space researcher, the elusive evidence that they exist is certain to be found, and it’ll happen relatively soon.
Ellen Stofan, a chief scientist for the agency, announced that she believes the discovery will occur in the coming decades.
Strong evidence will likely emerge in about 10 years and within 20 to 30, the findings will provide certainty.
What’s found won’t likely be of the highly functioning, UFO flying sort that can regale us with stories of what it’s like to live in a far-flung solar system, though.
It’ll probably be microbes that live on planets floating around in our own galaxy and possibly those that circle the same sun we do.
Stofan’s prediction, one that’s shared by a number of her colleagues, is based on recent information gathered concerning the existence of water on planets and moons nearby.
Advancements in the ability to perform the requisite research are also cited as being a significant source of optimism.
Daytime photos of a bright ring over New Ellenton, South Carolina 8-Apr-2015
Daytime photos of a bright ring over New Ellenton, South Carolina 8-Apr-2015
These two photos were submitted to MUFON today. They are showing a bright circle-shaped object in the sky above New Ellenton in South Carolina
Witness report:I was photographing clouds with my cell phone. In between layers of cloud was what I thought a star until I went inside and zoomed in. The circle with a hole on the center was clearly not a star. I was in front of my house in New Ellenton, S. C. In Aiken County. I enjoy photographing the sky, stars moon and clouds. But I have never seen this before.
It was around 3 or 4 a.m. when I left my cousins house. I live right down the road from her so I walk home very late feeling quite safe most times. I was walking in the street when I approached my house so I cross to the sidewalk and at this point I have full view of my backyard which is always pitch black. I live on the edge of a small forest. Neighbors aren’t very close and I have nothing in my backyard except trees. Occasionally deer will wander there but they are dark brown and can clearly see them at night and what they look like. As I was saying, when I crossed to the sidewalk I was around 30-40 feet from my front door.
Usually I cross the lawn, walk up the steps, go in. I reach the side walk and I see something white in the backyard. It was probably 100 ft away. I stopped on the sidewalk to look more intently. It didn’t appear to be touching the ground and it was bright enough for me to notice. We have no animals in the neighborhood that are white. Ive never witnessed this before and I knew it wasn’t an animal. What I saw in my backyard was round and bright and didn’t appear to be touching the ground. This of course petrified me and I started walking faster to my lawn, as I moved the object seemed to move as well. I only stared at it for a total of 4-5 seconds before I wanted to get inside. It did appear to move slightly towards my direction but only when I started walking again did it move more swiftly. I’d say it moved at 6 ft per second. I got inside my house and quickly turned all the lights on. I have to say I wasn’t brave enough to look outside again. I felt I may have been confronted by it. I also want to add I know that I do not have any evidence towards my story and that it is just my word and first hand encounter but I have not seen the white object since. P.S. I was on no substance that would hinder my perceptions and I was not tired because I had slept that day till 6pm. I feel very confident that this was some sort of “alien” because I’ve had multiple inexplicable things that have happened to me. None included an encounter with something like this but I’ve been uneasy since these things have started. Hopefully I am not alone in my area and it will be looked into in some way. It’s comforting to know I am not alone though.
You may have noticed in your local news a story about how many UFO sightings are in your state or county. These stories have been popping up all over the world due to a new UFO sighting map created by a company called FindTheBest.
The detailed interactive map shows UFO sightings reports down to the county level, and color codes areas based off of the number of reports. FindTheBest has done a great job getting the word out about their map, because stories are popping up all over the place with local news stories giving details about the number of sightings in their respective states and counties.
Lane Allison, Product Lead at FindTheBest. (Credit:
FindTheBest is a California-based company that collects data and provides an easy to use interactive interface to examine the data in many different ways. Lee Speigel of TheHuffington Post’s Weird News, interviewed FindTheBest Product Manager Lane Allison to find out more about their popular map.
“We downloaded UFO sightings from the National UFO Reporting Center and took all of the locations and tried to standardize them,” said Allison.
The National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) is a website that has been collecting UFO sighting reports since 1994. It is a one man show ran by Peter Davenport in Washington state. According to The Huffington Post, FindTheBest “culled information from over 61,000 reports, narrowing it down to nearly 39,000 reports from which they created their map visualization.”
“After we got latitude and longitude pairs, we could determine the number of UFO sightings that have been reported in counties. Then, we cross-referenced that with the American Community Survey population estimates of those counties, resulting in UFO reports per capita number,” Allison told The Huffington Post.
She continued, “What we learned through our research is that, in fact, most UFO sightings aren’t actually reported, and between 98-99 percent of those that are reported can be explained by natural phenomena, whether by shooting stars or even a flock of birds. So we wanted to give more of a per capita [per person] number, which is why we created the per capita statistics.”
Speigel asked Davenport about the issue of determining whether a UFO report constitutes something that is truly mysterious. He said, “It’s impossible for me or any other UFO investigator to separate the incoming cases into definitely UFOs or definitely not UFOs. I would say 60 to 80 percent are cases where all you have is a question mark after you’ve read the case. Was it a UFO or was it a seagull?”
As for hoaxes, Davenport says, “We have almost 108,000 cases in our database, and approximately 10,000 of those have not been posted on the website because they’ve been determined as most likely hoaxes and they don’t really contribute to the field of Ufology at all.”
Another map that has been getting a lot of attention is a map that chose to display NUFORC sighting reports in another way. Christian Pearson posted a map on his blog QuantBait he created using a program called CartoDB. CartoDB allows you to take data and create interactive maps.
Pearson’s map was different, and really cool, because it played like a video, showing people where UFO sightings have been reported since 1933. The map starts out zoomed in on the U.S., but like a Google map, you can zoom out and drag the map to look at other parts of the world.
Little dots showed up and expand, kind of like little explosions, to highlight where sightings have taken place. It is a dramatic way to show just how frequent UFO sightings occur all over the world. At one point, the whole screen is lit up.
Watching this video can definitely give you the impression a UFO invasion is at hand. However, while I was writing this story in fact, Pearson seems to have changed the map to show all sightings at once. I hope he brings back the animated feature. It was really neat.
Another cool UFO map, that is not getting much attention this week, but is equally as cool, is the UFO Stalker. This map uses Google Maps, and focuses on UFO sightings reported to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), the largest civilian UFO investigation organization in the U.S. They have certified investigators all over the country, and a few in other countries as well.
As soon as a sighting is submitted to their website, it shows up on the UFO Stalker map. They even have a twitter feed, so you can be informed immediately anytime a UFO is reported. If you do want to follow reports to the second, be prepared to be swamped. MUFON receives around 600 or so UFO reports a month.
These maps are all really exciting and fun. No wonder they are getting so much attention. I am sure they are also demonstrating to the general public that there are many more UFO sightings being reported than they may have thought. And to think, as Allison pointed out, these maps are likely only showing a fraction of the UFO sightings that are actually being observed.
Have you had a UFO sighting? If so, did you report it? Shame on you! Next time, be sure to report to NUFORC, MUFON, and you can send it to us, or post it in the comments below. That way you can get your sighting on these cool mapstoo!
Witness report: My wife is a amateur photographer. She was at the wind and sea beach in La Jolla CA taking sunset pictures. My wife was taking these pictures on March 31, 2015.
I thought it was odd that the lights and image did not move during the exposure. My wife took three pictures of the seen over a 10 min time period.
These 3 photos are very clear. She used a Cannon D70 camera on a tripod with remote.
I am not sure these are UFO pictures but the object appears to move very slow and also seems to be rotating by the way the lights have changed position from the three pictures. MUFON case 64526.
Original Images
Click image to enlarge or see original images, links below
Hans Glaser woodcut from 1566 of the 1561 event over Nuremberg. (Wickiana Collection, Zurich Central Library)
At sunrise on the 14th April 1561, the citizens of Nuremberg beheld “A very frightful spectacle.” The sky appeared to fill with cylindrical objects from which red, black, orange and blue white disks and globes emerged.
Crosses and tubes resembling cannon barrels also appeared whereupon the objects promptly ‘began to fight one another.’ This event is depicted in a famous 16th century woodcut by Hans Glaser.
Below are descriptions of the event from various sources: —--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
At dawn of April 4, in the sky of Nuremberg (Germany), a lot of men and women saw a very alarming spectacle where various objects were involved, including balls “approximately 3 in the length, from time to time, four in a square, much remained insulated, and between these balls, one saw a number of crosses with the color of blood. Then one saw two large pipes, in which small and large pipes, were 3 balls, also four or more. All these elements started to fight one against the other.” (Gazette of the town of Nuremberg).
The events lasted one hour and had such repercussions that an artist, Hans Glaser, drew a woodcut of it at the time. It describes two immense black cylinders launching many blue and black spheres, blood red crosses, and flying discs. They seem to fight a battle in the sky, it also seems that some of these spheres and objects have crashed outside the city. (UFOs at Close Sight –
Today in Odd History, an eerie battle raged in the skies above Nuremberg, Germany. It began at dawn, as dozens, if not hundreds, of crosses, globes and tubes fought each other above the city. It ended an hour later, when “the globes in the small and large rods flew into the sun,” and several of the other objects crashed to earth and vanished in a thick cloud of smoke.
According to the Nuremberg Gazette, the “dreadful apparition” filled the morning sky with “cylindrical shapes from which emerged black, red, orange and blue-white spheres that darted about.” Between the spheres, there were “crosses with the color of blood.” This “frightful spectacle”was witnessed by “numerous men and women.” Afterwards, a “black, spear-like object” appeared. The author of the Gazette warned that “the God-fearing will by no means discard these signs, but will take it to heart as a warning of their merciful Father in heaven, will mend their lives and faithfully beg God, that he avert His wrath, including the well-deserved punishment, on us, so that we may, temporarily here and perpetually there, live as His children.” In the same year, a Lutheran clergyman on progress in Nuremberg wrote: “…God the Almighty has … placed in the heavens many horrible and hitherto unheard of signs… We have seen far more signs now than in any other year. The sun and the moon have been darkened on a number of occasions. A crucifix in the sky was seen, as were biers and coffins with black men beside them. Further, rods and whips and many other signs were seen in a multitude of places… and scarcely a year has passed of late without an eclipse of the sun or moon…”(News of the Odd)
Nuremberg, Germany. April 14th 1561. The Hans Glaser wood-cut from 1566, 5 years after the event and in the same year as the Basle report.
At sunrise on the 14th April 1561, the citizens of Nuremberg beheld “A very frightful spectacle.” The sky appeared to fill with cylindrical objects from which red, black, orange and blue white disks and globes emerged. Crosses and tubes resembling cannon barrels also appeared whereupon the objects promptly “began to fight one another.” After about an hour of battle, the objects seemed too catch fire and fell to Earth, where they turned too steam. The witnesses took this display as a divine warning. This report is unique in the annals of Ufology, in that it has never been repeated. There is no record of such “objects” in either local or German national folklore. The surviving Town records from the period, give no indication of any unrest either civil or external. Given the uniqueness of the incident, it appears that something supernatural or paranormal took place.(Jim Morris)
One of the most astounding of documented sightings of aerial phenomena took place in 1561 over Nuremberg, Germany. What was described could only be called a war in the heavens, with a wide variety of craft ranging from spheres to spear-like cylinders to crosses. The sky was apparently filled with the machines, clashing in battle. Comets and such were well identified and charted in this period, so it is highly unlikely that what the people witnessed was merely a celestial phenomenon like a ‘meteor shower’, as some debunkers suggest. Rather, what is described are physical objects of unique detail and shapes, in ‘battle’ for over an hour. The battle was such that a winner was perceived as well. Spheroid UFOs were seen emerging from cylindrical ‘motherships’. At the conclusion of the battle, it seems a magnificent, black, spear-like super-ship of some kind came upon the scene…
It began at dawn, as dozens, if not hundreds, of crosses, globes and tubes fought each other above the city. It ended an hour later, when “the globes in the small and large rods flew into the sun,” and several of the other objects crashed to earth and vanished in a thick cloud of smoke.
According to the Nuremberg Gazette, the “dreadful apparition” filled the morning sky with “cylindrical shapes from which emerged black, red, orange and blue-white spheres that darted about.” Between the spheres, there were “crosses with the color of blood.” This “frightful spectacle” was witnessed by “numerous men and women.” Afterwards, a “black, spear-like object” appeared. The author of the Gazette warned that “the God-fearing will by no means discard these signs, but will take it to heart as a warning of their merciful Annunciation with St. Emidius Father in heaven, will mend their lives and faithfully beg God, that he avert His wrath, including the well-deserved punishment, on us, so that we may, temporarily here and perpetually there, live as His children.”(
A broadsheet that dates from 1561, held in the Wickiana Collection of Switzerland’s Zurich Central Library, describes an ancient battle of ufos over the skies of Nuremberg, Germany, on April 14th of that very same year. At sunrise, many people witnessed large numbers of dark red, blue and black ‘globes’ or ‘plates’ near the sun, ‘some three in a row, now and then four in a square, also some alone. And amongst these globes some blood colored crosses were seen.’ The document also refers to two great tubes ‘ in which three, four and more globes were seen. They then all began to fight each other.’ This went on for about an hour, until ‘they all fell…… from the sun and sky down to the earth, producing a lot of steam’. Beneath the globes a long object that looked like a great black spear was also described as being seen. (Subversive Element)
Is it possible that these visitors were extensions of the ongoing Orion Wars? Are they competing for Earth’s “resources”? Were they here to warn of of something?
With numerous sources reporting on this incident, what do you think happened? Comment below!
This is an immensely interesting interview taken place in 1998. It’s between a girl named Sarah and Dr. Jamission Neruda, who had access to amazing detailed information about the history of earth, Atlantis, the seedings of the human race, and the grand plan for this planet.
This information was extracted from The Ancient Arrow Site and from Sumerian documentation.
Now, before you start reading, keep in mind there are infinite realities with every possibility happening all at once. This information is both true and false. It both happened and it didn’t because there’s enough room within Source for all things to unfold.
The point is to widen your perception of what is possible. A lot of this information resonates with me and makes sense from a timeline point of view. This is not the definite story of earth, it is what you make it.
It’s quite long, so some parts of this interview include:
Dr. Neruda: “Earth was and is a very unique planet. It was entirely of water originally. But what made it interesting to beings was the fact that its core enabled it to have a gravitational force that supported manifestation.”
Sarah: “What do you mean by manifestation?”
Dr. Neruda: “That it began to traverse from an interdimensional planet of sound frequencies to a planet of matter—of physical matter. Its gravity-producing core or nucleus was able to literally create the conditions that allowed it to materialize itself over eons of time.”
Sarah: “So earth started out as a water planet and it wasn’t physical?”
Dr. Neruda: “Correct. This was when the Atlanteans lived within the planet. They were the race of beings that inhabited earth at this time of its formation. The Anunnaki came to them and negotiated an agreement to allow the Anunnaki to mine a substance near the core of the planet that would be—in its essence—what today we would call gold.”
Dr. Neruda: “Let me be clear, these beings—the Atlanteans—were infinite, meaning they did not have spacetime regulation. They lived after the body died. However, the Anunnaki created a set of planes or dimensions of experience that was the equivalent of a Holding Plane, that’s what the WingMakers called it, where they could be recycled.”
Sarah: “Recycled… as in reincarnation?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes, exactly. This was the basis of reincarnation. It allowed the Anunnaki to recycle the Atlanteans. Some aspects of the implanted functionality were interdimensional, which is to say, it could assist in the delivery of the beings to the proper location within the Holding Planes of consciousness, and assist in their reincarnation back into a new vessel.”
Sarah: “How can everyone in this universe be a part of this deception? I don’t understand.”
Dr. Neruda: “Our entire universe is created. I’m not saying it is the universe. I’m saying that what we call the universe, as far as we can observe, is part of the hologram implanted within our consciousness framework and human interface. Our mind consciousness established the spatial-temporal relationships of everything we see, and as I said, this is part of our program. And this includes the universe.
In5D Addendum by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor,
The above interview was recorded in 1998 but it wasn’t released or published until 2014. For those who are not familiar with the Wingmakers material, you can find many of the Wingmaker material on YouTube. Here is one of them:
Mysterious Desert Fairy Circles Share Pattern with Skin Cells
Mysterious Desert Fairy Circles Share Pattern with Skin Cells
Two apparently unrelated systems on vastly different scales – fairy circles in the Namibian desert (left) and microscopic skin cells (right) – appear to share a similar pattern, which is very, very unusual.
Patterns appearing on both the very large and very small scale are extremely rare, but researchers at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) in Japan have found a similar pattern in two apparently unrelated systems -- skin cells and fairy circles in the Namibian desert.
“It's a completely amazing, strange match,” said Prof. Robert Sinclair, who heads the Mathematical Biology Unit at OIST.
Desert fairy circles are considered one of nature’s greatest mysteries because no one knows how they form. Different from mushroom rings, these fairy circles are large barren patches of earth ringed by short grass dotting the desert like craters on the moon or big freckles. Several groups are racing to figure out this bizarre phenomenon. Sinclair and his collaborator, Haozhe Zhang, believe they have identified a small, but vital piece of the puzzle.
Haozhe Zhang, a PhD student now at Iowa State University, and OIST Professor Robert Sinclair investigated the spatial patterns of Namibian fairy circles and skin cells when Zhang was a research intern at OIST in 2013.
The distribution of fairy circles throughout the desert may look random, but turns out to have a pattern that very closely matches the distribution pattern of skin cells. A pattern spanning such drastically different size scales -- microscopic skin cells and the desert landscape -- is almost unheard of in nature.
“It is still difficult to say why exactly they are similar, but the fact that they are similar is already very important,” Sinclair said. “This is suggesting there may be such types of patterns that cover really different size scales.”
The distribution of Namibian fairy circles (red, yellow and blue bars) with four, five, six, seven, eight and nine neighbors (indicated by polygon class) is essentially the same as skin cells (black bar) – statistically indistinguishable.
To conduct the analysis, Sinclair and Zhang compared the number of neighbors adjacent to fairy circles and skin cells. They took satellite images of fairy circles, and a computer drew lines halfway between each pair of circles to designate invisible boundaries, much like cell walls. The computer then counted how many neighbors surround each fairy circle. Other researchers had calculated skin cell neighbors several years ago.
The results were almost identical. Both the majority of fairy circles and majority of cells have six neighbors. But the similarity gets even more specific -- the percentage of fairy circles with four, five, six, seven, eight and nine neighbors is essentially the same as the skin cells.
“I didn’t expect it to be so close,” Sinclair said. “We spent a lot of time checking because it really looked too close to believe.”
Namibian fairy circles are large barren patches of earth ringed by short grass dotting the desert like craters on the moon or giant polka dots. No one knows how they form.
Many theories about how fairy circles form -- from rolling zebras to underground gases to dying trees -- have been proven incorrect. Now, some scientists are developing mathematical models attempting to explain the origin of fairy circles.
“These models have to incorporate our results,” said Zhang, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Statistics at Iowa State University, who conducted the research at OIST with Sinclair in 2013.
The researchers suspect the patterns might be similar because both skin cells and fairy circles are fighting for space. If true, scientists might one day be able to glean information about systems just by analyzing patterns. For example, they could search for signs of life on other planets or moons, where images are usually the only data initially available.
Finding such a pattern could also benefit ecology and biology in general. Understanding processes on one scale could illuminate what is happening at the other end of the spectrum. “Otherwise, we need a whole new theory for each type of system we study, and may miss general principles, or, as some say, not see the forest for the trees,” Sinclair said.
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Mysterieuze elfencirkels in de woestijn hebben hetzelfde geometrische patroon als huidcellen
Mysterieuze elfencirkels in de woestijn hebben hetzelfde geometrische patroon als huidcellen
Patronen die zowel op zeer grote als zeer kleine schaal voorkomen zijn extreem zeldzaam. Onderzoekers van het Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) hebben opzienbarende overeenkomsten gevonden tussen huidcellen en de mysterieuze elfencirkels in de woestijn van Namibië.
De elfencirkels zijn één van de grootste mysteries van de natuur omdat niemand precies weet hoe ze ontstaan. In de zanderige graslanden van Namibië zijn vele duizenden ronde of ellipsvormige elfencirkels te vinden. Ze hebben een diameter van twee tot 12 meter, zijn vaak omzoomd door hoger gras en kennen een ‘levenscyclus’.
Diverse groepen proberen dit bizarre fenomeen beter te begrijpen. Professor Robert Sinclair en zijn collega Haozhe Zhang denken een klein, maar belangrijk puzzelstuk te hebben gevonden. De verspreiding van elfencirkels door de woestijn lijkt misschien willekeurig, maar het blijkt nu dat huidcellen zich op dezelfde manier verspreiden.
Zhang en Sinclair (OIST)
Sinclair en Zhang hebben onderzocht hoe ver elfencirkels en huidcellen uit elkaar liggen. Met behulp van satellietbeelden lieten ze de computer lijnen trekken tussen de cirkels. Andere wetenschappers hadden enkele jaren geleden al onderzoek gedaan naar de verspreiding van huidcellen.
De patronen waren vrijwel identiek. Zowel de elfencirkels als de huidcellen hebben over het algemeen zes ‘buren’. Het percentage elfencirkels en huidcellen met vier, vijf, zes, zeven, acht of negen buren was nagenoeg gelijk.
Je hoort de meest opmerkelijke verhalen over dingen die mensen vinden als ze verhuizen.
Een complete ondergrondse stad moet toch wel het meest merkwaardige van allemaal zijn.
Dat is wat een inwoner van Turkije overkwam in 1963 in de provincie Nevsehir in een gebied dat bekendstaat als Cappadocia. De man was bezig met het verbouwen van zijn huis en om een muur naar beneden te halen. Naast dat de muur verdween, keek de man ook tot zijn stomme verbazing naar de ingang van een tunnel.
Wat hij had gevonden en waar hijzelf geen flauw idee van had, was de oude ondergrondse stad Derinkuyu. Een complete stad, uitgehakt in de stenen onder Cappadocia en reikte tot zo’n 60 meter diep.
Derinkuyu had 18 verschillende niveaus en beschikte over woningen, kerken, voedselopslag, wijnmakerijen en zelfs een school. De stad was ontworpen om ongeveer 20.000 mensen te huisvesten, evenals een aantal dieren. Het had ventilatieschachten naar de oppervlakte en een aantal discrete ingangen. Deze verborgen ingangen suggereren dat de stad was gebouwd uit voorzorg en om de bevolking onder te brengen in tijden van oorlog of bij natuurrampen.
Als je kijkt naar de afbeelding van Derinkuyu dan zie je de kerk op het laagste niveau. Steden zoals deze werden gebruikt ten tijde van Christenvervolgingen en dus werden religieuze zaken op het laagste, meest veilige niveau ondergebracht en straalden de zegeningen uit naar boven was het idee.
De uitgebreide ondergrondse stad was verbonden via trappen, gangen en via kilometerslange tunnels zelfs verbonden met andere ondergrondse steden.
Men vermoedt dat deze stad is gebouwd ergens tussen de zevende en achtste eeuw voor Christus, wat natuurlijk ver voor de Christenvervolging ligt. In eerste aanleg zal het dan ook bescherming geweest zijn voor de bevolking tegen oorlogen en natuurrampen. De stad is sinds de bouw permanent in gebruik gebleven tot aan de twaalfde eeuw.
Uit de kerk die men aantrof blijkt dat de bevolking Christelijk was. Ook na de twaalfde eeuw is de stad nog regelmatig gebruikt zoals met de Mongoolse invasie rond 1300 en tot aan de twintigste eeuw voor Christen die vervolgd werden. De stad werd definitief verlaten in 1923.
De meeste ingangen naar Derinkuyu zijn verborgen en ook de verschillende niveaus kunnen door middel van enorme stenen deuren worden afgesloten. De aanwezige ruimte voor dieren en een 55 meter diepe schacht die als bron werd gebruikt, tonen aan dat men daar langere tijd kon verblijven. Mocht het ook daar uiteindelijk toch fout gaan dan waren er geheime ontsnappingstunnels.
Tot de stad in 1963 per ongeluk weer werd ontdekt tijdens de verbouwing van het huis van deze Turkse man, was men de stad eigenlijk vergeten. Sinds de jaren zestig heeft het nieuwe bekendheid gekregen en de stad is sinds 1969 (gedeeltelijk) toegankelijk voor toeristen.
Triangle formation caught on tape over India – April 2015
Triangle formation caught on tape over India – April 2015
Here’s one interesting video of a triangle UFO formation flying across the sky above India. It was allegedly filmed at a wedding party in early April 2015.
What do you think of these lights? Please leave your comments below!
Edgar is a famous NASA astronaut that has walked on the moon. He says he has proof that the Grey aliens are real and that right now aliens are watching us!
UFO Aliens
Edgar was part of the Apollo 14 space flight January 31, 1971, proceeded by the lunar landing on February 5th. During the two lunar EVAs (Extravehicular Activity), Mitchell along with his Commander Alan Shepard spent about 33 hours on the Moon.
Edgar claims that he believes in Aliens and UFOs – Aliens are Real! Claiming that we have been watched and observed for a long time. He mentions the Roswell alien crash in the summer of 1947. Pointing out the reason for the US government denial was they weren’t sure if the specimen found was hostile. He also says the US didn’t want the soviets to know so a cover up was decided. Edgar claims he is positive that we are being watched right now.
When asked how many Alien Civilizations there are Edgar’s answer was – Billions.
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon, testifies to extraterrestrial visitation and military coverup.
Aliens UFO
Edgar also gives us some insight to the reason our government has kept Aliens and other UFO related information above top-secret. He stated that the Air Force is responsible for protecting our skies, and they and various other governmental agencies did not know what to do with the alien crashed saucer, and its superior technology.
They certainly did not want the Soviets to get their hands on it, and at the same, the best course of action was to just lie about it, and keep it to themselves. They labeled it “above top-secret,” and that created the long running iron curtain separating a secret group within the government, and the American public. It is believed by some UFO researchers that this group was the Majestic-12, which is often referred to as MAJ-12.
Mitchell’s reference to this secret group does not in any way give validation to the so-called Majestic-12 documents, but it does give us proof that a group to protect UFO information did exist, and with ongoing UFO events of importance, it is only reasonable to assume that the group continues today.
UFO Interview
There is no doubt that Dr. Mitchell’s statements will have long reaching consequence in the UFO community, and hopefully, mainstream media will pay a more serious look at reports of UFOs. So now, we who have always believed that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, can know without reservation that this belief is based on fact.
We will continue to look for answers as to why they are here, where they come from, how they get here, and what we will do when and if they decide to make themselves known openly to this curious, tiny, third planet from the Sun we call Earth.
Aliens have contacted humans several times but governments have hidden the truth for 60 years, the sixth man to walk on the moon has claimed.
Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, said he was aware of many UFO visits to Earth during his career with NASA but each one was covered up.
Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as ‘little people who look strange to us.’
He said supposedly real-life ET’s were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head.
Chillingly, he claimed our technology is ‘not nearly as sophisticated’ as theirs and “had they been hostile”, he warned ‘we would be been gone by now’.
Dr Mitchell, along with with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, holds the record for the longest ever moon walk, at nine hours and 17 minutes during their 1971 mission.
‘I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we’ve been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real,’ Dr Mitchell said. It’s been covered up by all governments for 60 years.
Mars Mystery: Does Flowing Water Cause Red Planet's Dark Streaks?
Mars Mystery: Does Flowing Water Cause Red Planet's Dark Streaks?
April 7, 2015 - Mars' mysterious dark streaks continue to intrigue and puzzle scientists.
Over the past several years, Mars-orbiting spacecraft have spotted dark, fingerlike features that scientists call "recurring slope lineae," or RSL for short. These are dark flows, possibly caused by liquid water, found at many locations throughout low and middle latitudes on Mars. More than 120 candidate and confirmed RSL sites have been discovered, with some sites containing 1,000 or more individual RSL.
Yet another eye-catching manifestation on Mars is the "slope streak," which can propagate down steep slopes on the Red Planet. Slope streaks could be caused by dust avalanches, scientists say, and they differ from RSL in morphology, setting and mode of occurrence. [Photos: The Search for Water on Mars]
But the mechanism of slope streak formation remains up for grabs. Some researchers, for example, invoke a "wet" mode for the features' origin: a percolation of brine (salty water) in the shallow subsurface on Mars.
These active and baffling features garnered their own dedicated session March 18, held here during the 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Leading experts gathered to discuss enigmatic RSL and slope streaks - what causes them and what they may be telling researchers about present-day Mars.
"Some role for water appears required to explain the RSL, but the origin of that water remains puzzling," said Alfred McEwen, principal investigator for the superpowerful High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on board NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which is now circling the Red Planet.
Slope streaks on dusty slopes, McEwen said, "are much easier to understand, as all observations are consistent with relatively high-velocity dust avalanches."
McEwen contributed to research that indicates RSL grow slowly and incrementally, form on warm slopes in warm seasons and annually fade and reoccur.
Different from slope streaks, RSL continue to develop over time scales of weeks and come back in multiple years at the same location.
RSL locations occur on steep crater walls, and typically have only a small number of lineae - often fewer than 10.
These properties strongly suggest that RSL formation is controlled by a volatile substance, and liquid water is a likely candidate, reported Colin Dundas, a planetary scientist at the U.S. Geological Survey's Astrogeology Science Center at Flagstaff, Arizona, along with McEwen and Sarah Sutton, who is also based at the University of Arizona. However, the source of water is unknown and dry processes cannot be entirely ruled out, they noted.
"A major advance in understanding [these features] may require new flight experiments - orbital or surface - that are designed to study RSL and to better understand the present-day water cycle on Mars," McEwen told
Searches to find new RSL locations are ongoing.
"In the near term, we need to extend our high-resolution monitoring of RSL both in space and time, in order to understand the range of places where they exist and how they vary from year to year," Dundas told "In combination with the results of modeling and lab work, this can help us understand the local conditions that allow them to form."
RSL could pose planetary protection concerns, Dundas and McEwen said, so high-resolution monitoring across multiple seasons is needed when steep slopes occur near candidate landing sites.
In other work, David Stillman of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, led a team that analyzed the seasonal water budget of an RSL site in Mars' huge Valles Marineris canyon system. The researchers' findings suggest that the site is recharged by an aquifer on Mars.
In fact, Stillman's team determined that the total amount of water liberated from the area is equivalent to eight to 17 Olympic-sized swimming pools. The only way to annually recharge such a large volume of water is via an aquifer, Stillman said.
This work points to brine reaching the Martian surface via fractures that extend into a regional pressurized aquifer. Furthermore, the water lost from the myriad RSL within Valles Marineris - roughly 50 sites - is likely a significant regional source of atmospheric water vapor for much of each year, researchers said.
Both the briny nature and water loss, due to vaporization, of these RSL suggest that there is a zone of salty regolith within a few centimeters of the surface at these sites, Stillman said.
RSL "are truly fascinating features, and I think the best place to search for extant Martian life," Stillman told
Des signaux radio émis dans l'espace pourraient supposer une vie extra-terrestre
Des signaux radio émis dans l'espace pourraient supposer une vie extra-terrestre
Deux nouveaux satellite Galileo, le programme européen concurrent du GPS, ont été lancés cette nuit avec succès depuis Kourou en Guyane.
Le lanceur Soyouz à Kourou en Guyane française, le 24 mars 2015.
L'Europe a réussi dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi le lancement de deux nouveaux satellites Galileo, sept mois après un raté qui avait entraîné un nouveau retard pour cet ambitieux programme concurrent du GPS américain. "Je suis ravi, en fonction de toutes les informations dont nous disposons et qui ont été recoupées (...), de vous dire que Adam et Anastasia sont bien sur l'orbite où ils devaient être", a déclaré le PDG d'Arianespace, la société chargée d'organiser le tir, sous les applaudissements. "C'est donc un plein succès", a-t-il ajouté. Selon l'Agence spatiale européenne (ESA), les satellites ont été largués "sur leur orbite cible, à une altitude proche de 23.500 km, 3 heures et 48 minutes après la mise à feu du lanceur".
"La reprise du déploiement de la constellation Galileo"
Une fusée russe Soyouz emportant le septième (Sat-7) et le huitième (Sat-8) satellites de la "constellation", prévue pour en compter 30, avait décollé depuis la Guyane française à 21h46 GMT, l'heure prévue. Après le décollage, le vol des trois étages inférieurs de Soyouz a duré neuf minutes. Puis Fregat, le quatrième étage, s'est séparé du reste de la fusée et a allumé son moteur, emportant avec lui les deux satellites fabriqués par la société allemande OHB.
"Ce lancement marque la reprise du déploiement de la constellation Galileo", a souligné le directeur général de l'ESA, Jean-Jacques Dordain, cité dans le communiqué de l'ESA. Décidé au début des années 2000, Galileo vise à rendre l'Europe indépendante du GPS (Global Positioning System) américain, qui rend de multiples services dans les domaines routier, maritime, etc. Mais au fil des ans, le programme a accumulé les retards pour des raisons diverses et les coûts se sont alourdis.
Un succès après une mauvaise mise en orbite en août
Le 22 août, il a subi un sérieux revers lorsque Fregat a placé sur une mauvaise orbite deux satellites, Sat-5 et Sat-6. Une commission d'enquête a établi que le problème avait été provoqué par un gel du carburant lié à un "design imprécis" sur des tuyaux d'alimentation de Fregat, selon Arianespace. Des actions correctrices ont été effectuées par le fabricant russe de Fregat.
Fin janvier, la Commission européenne, qui finance à 100% Galileo, a fini par donner son feu vert à une reprise des tirs par Soyouz fin mars. "Avec les six nouveaux satellites qui doivent fonctionner d'ici la fin de l'année, nous approchons désormais du rythme de croisière pour la production, l'essai et le déploiement des satellites de la constellation", a estimé Didier Faivre, directeur du programme Galileo à l'ESA. D'après l'agence, "quatre autres satellites Galileo actuellement à l'essai ou en fin d'intégration doivent encore être lancés dans le courant de 2015". Galileo doit à terme compter 30 satellites.
Un programme qui a déjà coûté 5 milliards d'euros
Quatre satellites "test" réalisés par un consortium dirigé par Airbus Defence and Space (ex-Astrium) ont été lancés en 2011 et 2012. Mais l'un d'entre eux a rencontré un problème et il ne peut fonctionner correctementpour la fonction navigation. La Commission européenne a également acheté 22 satellites fabriqués par OHB. L'Europe espère que dès la fin 2016, Galileo aura 14 satellites en orbite et qu'il pourra rendre ses premiers services aux utilisateurs, en apportant un plus à ceux offerts par le GPS, les deux systèmes étant compatibles. Objectif de la Commission européenne: que la constellation Galileo soit totalement opérationnelle en 2020.
"La mission Galileo est remplie avec 24 satellites mais nous souhaitons avoir six satellites de rechange", avait souligné Didier Faivre avant le tir. Pour le moment, l'Europe a acheté 26 satellites. Elle va donc devoir en commander d'autres d'ici le début de l'année prochaine. Le programme Galileo a déjà coûté environ cinq milliards d'euros. Pour la période 2014-2020, l'Europe a prévu de dépenser sept milliards d'euros.
Interesting UFO photos taken in La Jolla, California 31-Mar-2015
Interesting UFO photos taken in La Jolla, California 31-Mar-2015
These interesting UFO photos were taken in the sky above La Jolla, an affluent neighborhood in San Diego, California. This paranormal phenomenon happened on 31st March 2015.
Witness report:After a storm had passed, was taking photos of a rainbow. Down the street I noticed an odd red shaft of light, so I took a couple of photos. Was surprised to find a cocoon of light within the red shaft by applying red filtering.
Do pilots believe in UFOs? Many of them do and here is my close encounter story
Do pilots believe in UFOs? Many of them do and here is my close encounter story
Captain Andy talks with the Daily News about his encounter with a UFO
People love to ask pilots questions. But my favorite, and certainly the most interesting, is "Have you ever seen a UFO while flying?"
The answer is yes. And here's how it happened.
It was April 10, 1989 and early in my career. I was still a first officer at a regional airline. It was about 8 p.m. and we had just taken off from Kansas City International Airport bound for Waterloo, Iowa. It was a beautiful evening, with a full moon, clear skies and crisp early spring temperatures. The weather forecast for Waterloo was as nice, with clear skies and unlimited visibility.
After a short taxi and take-off, Air Traffic Control (ATC) cleared us to our cruise altitude of 15,000 feet. We established a Northeasterly heading, pointed strait at Waterloo, about 200 miles ahead. There were thin wispy clouds all around us, illuminated by the light of the full moon that shone through the captain's-side window at our left. Despite the presence of these clearly visible wispy clouds everywhere, we weren't flying through any of them. There was also a white disc dimly but clearly visible through those clouds just off to our right.
Andrew Danziger said he saw a UFO during a flight from Kansas City to Iowa in 1989.
We flew on and I commented to Bruce, the captain, about this dimly visible disc. He said that he'd been watching the same thing since we had leveled off. It looked similar to the moon faintly visible though thin fog, except the two were visible at the same time on opposite sides of our cockpit. We looked down below for search lights, you know, the kind that's sometimes used for aerial light displays or advertising at a car dealer, but there was no beam of light coming from the ground, no search light from an airport either. The captain and I had cumulatively spent many years flying and were accustomed to seeing — day and night — all manner of airplane, blimp, hot air balloon, satellite and bird. But neither of us had any idea what this disc could be.
We spent 20 to 30 minutes at our cruise altitude, all the while staring at this white disc dimly visible through some clouds that we somehow never seemed to fly through. Within about 40 miles of Waterloo, ATC confirmed the weather, still clear skies and unrestricted visibility at our destination as we began to descend. We got busy with our flying duties and for a short while, maybe for a minute, both of us had looked away from the disc, but when I looked up at it again I saw something that has been burned into my memory.
Felipe Caicedo/REUTERS
Pilots can call the "National UFO Reporting Center" to reporting sightings of extraterrestrials
I yelled to Bruce, "Holy s--t." He immediately looked over from what he was doing. Above the clouds, where the white disc had been, was a now giant red ball. It was big and bright and just sat there above the clouds. It wasn't intense enough to illuminate us with a red glow but it was still plenty bright. We sat there in stunned silence. We obviously didn't want to hit it but quickly saw that it was flying parallel to our course. We weren't on a collision course and we also weren't gaining on it. Time became a blur as we continued our descent, this giant, red ball holding its course.
We slowly lost altitude and at around 13,000 feet, the brightly glowing ball began a gradual descent, too. As it did, it slowly started disappearing behind those wispy clouds. In about 30 seconds, like a setting sun but not nearly as bright, it vanished behind the clouds. The instant it fully disappeared, hundreds of lights began flashing from within the clouds.
As I looked on in disbelief, the flashing lights were brighter than ever and I could see that the section of the cloud that the glowing red ball had descended behind was starting to stretch apart like a piece of "Silly Putty," two halves being pulled slowly apart with the middle getting thinner and thinner. This continued until the halves grew so thin that it tore apart and, pop! Everything was gone. The dimly lit disc, the flashing lights, the thin wispy clouds that we had with us for the last 40 minutes; all of it, gone. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. Only the full moon remained off to our left.
Bruce and I just looked at each other. "Oh my God, what the f--k was that", was all I could muster. My colleague just stared out the windscreen, mesmerized. We discussed whether we should report what we had just witnessed. After a few minutes, I picked up the radio mic and asked the Kansas City Center controller if they had anything on radar. "Nope, nothing but you," came the response. "No, not right now but a couple minutes ago, at our one to two o'clock," I replied. "No," he repeated, "It's a slow night. I've got the entire sector between Kansas City and Waterloo and you're all that's been in it for the last hour." Bruce and I again just looked at each other, completely dumbfounded. "So for the last say 40 minutes or so you've had no traffic at all, not at our one or two o'clock?" I asked. "No sir, not at your one or two o'clock, not anywhere, you're all there is," he assured us.
Thomas Koehler/Photothek via Getty Images
Do pilots believe in UFOs? It's a question people often like to ask.
A minute or so later, from over the radio came, "Air Midwest , do you want to report a UFO?" We looked at each other for a couple seconds and Bruce nodded his head. "Yes sir, we do," I finally replied. "OK, take down this number and call when you get on the ground."
After deplaning we called the number. "National UFO Reporting Center" said the voice from the other end. At the time I didn't even know such a place existed, but they took collect calls from pilots and air traffic controllers. Bruce told the person on the other end of the line that we wanted to report a UFO. We were interviewed separately, first the captain and then me. When my interview was finished the man on the other end of the line said that we would never hear from him again and would never receive any additional information, this was going to be our first and only contact regarding the sighting. I asked, "Can I ask just one question, do you think we're crazy, has anyone else ever reported something like this?"
Antonio M. Rosario/Getty Images
Many pilots believe in little green men, Captain Andy said.
"Oh no, you're not crazy at all," he replied. "This very same thing has been reported by pilots countless times." And while neither of us had any idea what we had saw one thing we were certain of, it wasn't from here.
Our airline had no official UFO policy (nor did any that I ever worked for), but at the time we were both young with long and promising careers in front of us. We knew through the grapevine that pilots weren't supposed to talk about UFOs so we swore the station agent on duty to secrecy and agreed not to talk about our incident to any of our co-workers.
That was more than 25 years ago. Today I'm older, wiser and at the end of my career. In my last few years of flying the subject of UFOs occasionally came up in the cockpit. If it was brought up at all, it was usually by a younger, newer first officer who'd say something with much trepidation. More than a few pilots have shared their UFO stories with me, too. I'm not going too far out on a ledge to say that virtually all pilots believe in UFOs. Little green men, "close encounters", alien kidnappings,... not so much, but with billions of stars and trillions of planets out there, "ya gotta believe", and almost all of us do.
Andrew Danziger is a 28-year airline veteran, with experience in turboprops and Boeing aircraft. He was an international 757/767 captain for the last 14 years. He has served as an airline ground school instructor and check pilot in both simulators and aircraft and was one of the pilots to fly Barack Obama during his 2008 presidential campaign.
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Is Russia working on a crazy supersonic cargo plane?
Is Russia working on a crazy supersonic cargo plane?
A state-run Russian news site is reporting that the country has ambitions to build a huge, supersonic cargo plane capable of transporting tanks to the field in a matter of hours. While there’s plenty of reason to be skeptical that transporting such heavy loads at high speeds is even feasible, let alone realistic, Russia’s military is reportedly giving itself roughly the next decade to figure it out.
Russia’s RT reports that the heavy transport craft, dubbed the PAK TA (Perspective Airborne Complex of Transport Aviation), could fly at supersonic speeds of up to 2,000 km/h (1,243 mph), carry up to 200 tons (181 tonnes) and have a range of 7,000 km (4,350 mi). The program could call for the construction of a fleet of 80 of the new craft to be built by 2024, giving the Russian military the capability to deliver 400 Armata heavy tanks or 900 more lightly armored vehicles to a battlefield in quick fashion.
The specs are sourced to an apparent anonymous leaker who claims to have attended a closed-door meeting with Russian military leaders and passed on details to the Russian language site, Expert Online.
According to the website Russian Aviation, Ilyushin Aviation Complex – an aircraft engineering outfit dating back to the early years of the Soviet Union – is handling the project. CEO Viktor Livanov is quoted as saying “Today it is just a project that may be implemented by 2030.” He added that the exact specifications are still subject to negotiations and that the Russian Ministry of Defense is just one of several potential customers.
Whatever the real status of the PAK TA is at the moment and whatever their reasons, someone certainly seems to want the wider world to know that such an ambitious concept is being discussed.
Among the reasons for skepticism is the fact that the purported specs involve more than doubling the speed of most military transport craft up to this point in history, and doing so while carrying an unprecedented payload – save perhaps for another Russian giant, the Antonov An-225, that once carried a 250-ton (227-tonne) load.
Presumably, the costs of design, construction and fuel for such a craft would also be pretty ridiculous at a time when Russia’s economy is getting hammered. But it’s never wise to totally rain on a propaganda parade. Anything is possible, even if not very practical.
The concept video below, from Aleksey Komarov, Customer and Technical Manager at the Volga-Dnepr Group, shows what the future of heavy transport could look like.
The next 5 alien abductions were witnessed by credible observers and some are supported credible photo evidence and drawing evidence.
5. Manhattan UFO Abduction.
One of the landmark cases of UFO abduction occurred on November 30, 1989, in Manhattan, N.Y. The case centers around one Linda Napolitano, who claims to have been abducted from her closed apartment window into a waiting UFO by the “grays,” and subjected to medical procedures. Read more.
4. Ilkley Moor UFO Abduction.
In the early morning of Tuesday, December 1, 1987, Philip Spencer an ex-big city policeman, recently moved to the Ilkley area of West Yorkshire in deference to his wife’s wishes, set out southward across Ilkley Moor equipped with a compass for navigation and a camera (he was apparently hoping to catch on film some of the strange anomalies that the off time spooky moor is noted for while on the way to visit his father-in-law in East Morton).
Within minutes he was surrounded by a cold, damp Yorkshire fog, the mist itself almost a living thing and it was through a parting of the mist that he allegedly first glimpsed the alien, a diminutive being waving at him as though telling him to leave. At this time Spencer remembering his camera took a shot, then yelled, the creature as though startled moving out of site.
A few moments later it was the policeman’s turn to be startled as a strange craft looking like two saucers stuck top to bottom with a domed top lifted off from behind an outcrop and with a loud humming sound disappeared skyward. Read more.
3. Allagash UFO Abduction.
Jim Weiner, Jack Weiner, Charles Foltz and Charles Rak claim that they were abducted by aliens during a camping trip near Allagash, Maine on August 20, 1976. According to the four men, hypnotic regression enabled them to recall the experience of being taken aboard a UFO and “probed and tested by four-fingered beings with almond-shaped eyes and languid limbs. Read more.
2. Travis Walton UFO Abduction.
Travis Walton is an American logger who was allegedly abducted by a UFO on November 5, 1975, while working with a logging crew in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona. Walton could not be found, but reappeared after a five-day search. Read more.
1. Betty and Barney Hill UFO Abduction.
Barney and Betty Hill were an American couple who were allegedly abducted by extraterrestrials in a rural portion of New Hampshire on September 19, 1961 through September 20, 1961.
The Hills were driving back to Portsmouth from a vacation in Niagara Falls and Montreal. There were only a few other cars on the road as they made their way home to New Hampshire’s seacoast. Just south of Lancaster, New Hampshire, Betty claimed to have observed a bright point of light in the sky that moved from below the moon and the planet Jupiter, upward to the west of the moon. While Barney navigated U.S. Route 3, Betty reasoned that she was observing a falling star, only it moved upward. Since it moved erratically and grew bigger and brighter, Betty urged Barney to stop the car for a closer look.
The incident came to be called the “Hill Abduction” or the “Zeta Reticuli Incident” because the couple stated they had been kidnapped for a short time by a UFO. Read more.
That’s the amazing news that space boffins at NASA have confirmed this week.
The US space agency has spoken for the first time about life on other planets and they are certain it DOES exist.
Having made the astonishing claims during a conference in Washington, NASA now hopes to scour the universe in hope of finding these alien life-forms.
And they are planning to use some of the world’s most advanced technology to produce a road map of space.
NASA has already discovered more than 5,000 planets that could sustain life and many more are likely to be found.
Sara Seager – Professor of Planetary Science and Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts – said: “Sometime in the near future, people will be able to point to a star and say, ‘that star has a planet like Earth’.”
“Astronomers think it is very likely that every single star in our Milky Way galaxy has at least one planet.”
Today’s modern telescopes can look at hundreds of stars and tell if they have one or more orbiting planets.
And they can even determine if the planets are the right distance away from their host star to contain liquid water, which is the key ingredient to life as we know it.
NASA plans to launch new telescopes in the next few years, including the incredible Webb Space Telescope.
This state-of-the-art machine will search for oceans in the form of atmospheric water vapor – and look for life on nearby planets that are similar to Earth in size and mass.
“This technology we are using to explore exoplanets is real,” said John Grunsfeld, astronaut and associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
“The James Webb Space Telescope and the next advances are happening now. These are not dreams – this is what we do at NASA.”
NASA is convinced that life can be found and that we are not alone in the universe.
“What we didn’t know five years ago is that perhaps 10 to 20 percent of stars around us have Earth-size planets in the habitable zone,” says Matt Mountain, director and Webb telescope scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore.
“It’s within our grasp to pull off a discovery that will change the world for ever.
“It is going to take a continuing partnership between NASA, science, technology, the U.S. and international space endeavours, as exemplified by the James Webb Space Telescope, to build the next bridge to humanity’s future.”
Edgar is a famous NASA astronaut that has walked on the moon. He says he has proof that the Grey aliens are real and that right now aliens are watching us!
UFO Aliens
Edgar was part of the Apollo 14 space flight January 31, 1971, proceeded by the lunar landing on February 5th. During the two lunar EVAs (Extravehicular Activity), Mitchell along with his Commander Alan Shepard spent about 33 hours on the Moon.
Edgar claims that he believes in Aliens and UFOs – Aliens are Real! Claiming that we have been watched and observed for a long time. He mentions the Roswell alien crash in the summer of 1947. Pointing out the reason for the US government denial was they weren’t sure if the specimen found was hostile. He also says the US didn’t want the soviets to know so a cover up was decided. Edgar claims he is positive that we are being watched right now.
When asked how many Alien Civilizations there are Edgar’s answer was – Billions.
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon, testifies to extraterrestrial visitation and military coverup.
Aliens UFO
Edgar also gives us some insight to the reason our government has kept Aliens and other UFO related information above top-secret. He stated that the Air Force is responsible for protecting our skies, and they and various other governmental agencies did not know what to do with the alien crashed saucer, and its superior technology.
They certainly did not want the Soviets to get their hands on it, and at the same, the best course of action was to just lie about it, and keep it to themselves. They labeled it “above top-secret,” and that created the long running iron curtain separating a secret group within the government, and the American public. It is believed by some UFO researchers that this group was the Majestic-12, which is often referred to as MAJ-12.
Mitchell’s reference to this secret group does not in any way give validation to the so-called Majestic-12 documents, but it does give us proof that a group to protect UFO information did exist, and with ongoing UFO events of importance, it is only reasonable to assume that the group continues today.
UFO Interview
There is no doubt that Dr. Mitchell’s statements will have long reaching consequence in the UFO community, and hopefully, mainstream media will pay a more serious look at reports of UFOs. So now, we who have always believed that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, can know without reservation that this belief is based on fact.
We will continue to look for answers as to why they are here, where they come from, how they get here, and what we will do when and if they decide to make themselves known openly to this curious, tiny, third planet from the Sun we call Earth.
Aliens have contacted humans several times but governments have hidden the truth for 60 years, the sixth man to walk on the moon has claimed.
Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, said he was aware of many UFO visits to Earth during his career with NASA but each one was covered up.
Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as ‘little people who look strange to us.’
He said supposedly real-life ET’s were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head.
Chillingly, he claimed our technology is ‘not nearly as sophisticated’ as theirs and “had they been hostile”, he warned ‘we would be been gone by now’.
Dr Mitchell, along with with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, holds the record for the longest ever moon walk, at nine hours and 17 minutes during their 1971 mission.
‘I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we’ve been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real,’ Dr Mitchell said. It’s been covered up by all governments for 60 years.
“Mysterious blue light in the sky back in February, and again in March. Both times were on the 14th. “I was taking the recycling out to the trash can, and I saw this blue light in the sky, and I thought, that’s kinda bright to be a star, I’ve never seen a blue star be that bright,” said Kelly Castruita.“
News magazine Mother Jones asked for Hilary Clinton’s stance on UFO disclosure to include in a story about why UFO activists are excited about her possible presidency. Her office seemed reticent to respond with anything substantive, but they did respond, and, among other things, their statement claims: “The Truth is Out There.”
The Mother Jones UFO story is titled: “ETs for Hillary: Why UFO Activists Are Excited About Another Clinton Presidency: Alien enthusiasts think Hillary could blow open Washington’s biggest cover-up.” The story includes interviews with two “exopolitics” activists seeking UFO disclosure, Stephen Bassett and Michael Salla. Mother Jones defines “exopolitics” as “a term for the intersection of terrestrial politics and extraterrestrial beings.”
PRG director Stephen Bassett at the International UFO Congress. (Credit: Open Minds Production)
Salla, who Mother Jones describes as an academic turned UFO researcher, says, “I think Hillary would play a positive role in getting this information out.”
“I think that Hillary definitely is much more the pro-disclosure candidate, where as someone like Jeb Bush is basically status quo,” Salla continued.
There are a few reasons Salla feels this way. One is that the man who will most likely chair Hillary’s campaign, John Podesta, who also served as Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff, has recently tweeted about UFOs.
Podesta’s most recent job has been as a senior advisor for President Obama. However, he has recently stepped down, presumably, to run Hillary’s campaign. Podesta is a well known UFO enthusiast and advocate for the freedom of information. During the period of his leaving the Obama White House he tweeted that he felt his “biggest failure of 2014″ was “once again not securing the disclosure of the UFO files.” He included the hashtag: “#thetruthisstilloutthere.”
President Obama and John Podesta. (Credit: Center for American Progress Action Fund)
While the conventional wisdom is that Podesta’s tweet was tongue in cheek, Bassett told Mother Jones, “It was a big frickin’ deal.”
“Someone who has been an adviser to the president of the United States, and is leaving his job, and it’s already been announced publicly that he is going to be a key adviser to the heir apparent to the White House, the de facto candidate, does not, on the day he leaves the White House, put out a tweet about UFOs. He’s inviting hundreds of articles to be written about this tweet,” explained Bassett.
Mother Jones says they asked Podesta for a comment, but he did not respond.
Bassett, who claims to be the only registered UFO lobbyist, gave Mother Jones another reason why he is excited about the possibility of another Clinton presidency. On Bassett’s website,, he has information regarding the Clinton’s interactions with Laurance Rockefeller regarding his interest in UFOs. In the 1990’s Rockefeller funded research into the paranormal.
Hillary Clinton and Laurance Rockefeller walking at his Wyoming Ranch. (Credit: Clinton Library/Grant Cameron)
One document in particular refers to Hillary’s office being the recipient of Rockefeller’s requests to look further into the UFO topic. Another warns Hillary, prior to a meeting she had with Rockefeller on his ranch in Wyoming, that Rockefeller will most likely bring up the UFO topic. A picture showing Hillary walking with Rockefeller on his ranch while she is holding a book about the philosophical implications of extraterrestrial life appears to confirm that life on other planets, and the possibility that they could be visiting here, likely was a topic of conversation during that visit.
Salla feels that Hillary Clinton running for president is another sign that UFO disclosure is near, and he says President Obama’s recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live is yet another recent indication that extraterrestrial secrets are being revealed.
According to Mother Jones, Salla believes that humans are in contact with 17 different extraterrestrial civilizations. So when he heard the president say that aliens maintain strict control over us, he took it a little differently than most.
“Obama said things that shouldn’t just be assumed to be throwaway lines. A senior adviser a month before said he was frustrated by a lack of progress and now you have Obama on Jimmy Kimmel saying that. I think it’s worth raising the question,” says Salla.
While Podesta was not interested in answering Mother Jones’ questions regarding this story, Hillary’s campaign did. Mother Jones says they asked for Hillary’s stance on UFO disclosure, and a spokesman responded via email. “Our non-campaign has a strict policy of not commenting on extraterrestrial activity,” Nick Merrill wrote. “BUT, the Truth Is Out There.”
Will Hillary search for military secrets regarding UFOs if she becomes president, like her husband says he did before her? Will Podesta help lead the Clintons to the UFO disclosure pot of gold some believe they have been desperately searching for? Exciting, isn’t it? Only time will tell, but rest assured, whatever happens next, will be there, ready to bring you the news expeditiously.
De 'Airlander', 's werelds grootste vliegtuig, is onthuld. Verwacht wordt dat het hybride toestel de luchtvaart een stuk groener en effciënter zal maken.
Deels luchtschip (gevuld met helium), helikopter en vliegtuig: de Airlander zal volgens specialisten een ware revolutie ontketenen in de vliegwereld. Met een lengte van 91 meter kan het toestel ingezet worden voor het vervoer van zware vracht of tonnen noodhulp.
De Airlander, die drie weken aan een stuk in de lucht kan blijven, is bovendien in staat om te landen op moeilijk bereikbare plaatsen.
Volgens Hybrid Air Vehicles Ltd (HAV), de onderneming die het toestel ontwierp, zullen er op termijn evenveel luchtschepen rondvliegen als helikopters. De toestellen zijn immers veel duurzamer en efficiënter.
Het bedrijf zal op termijn ook meer luxueuze types op de markt brengen met zelfs een megazwembad aan boord. De Airlander is trouwens ook een perfect vervoermiddel om wilde dieren vanuit de lucht te bestuderen. Het luchtschip is immers ontzettend stil en schrikt het wildleven niet af.
Wetenschappers staan voor een raadsel nu een reeks radiosignalen uit de ruimte een opmerkelijk wiskundig patroon lijkt te volgen. De kans dat zoiets toevallig gebeurt, is slechts vijf op tienduizend. Mogelijke verklaring? Buitenaards leven.
De signalen zijn zogenoemde fast radio bursts (FRB's), die slechts een paar milliseconden duren. Ondanks hun korte duur brengen ze volgens wetenschappers evenveel energie vrij als de zon doet gedurende een hele maand. Het eerste signaal van de mysterieuze reeks werd waargenomen in 2007.
Wetenschappers gebruiken zogenoemde verspreidingseenheden om te meten welke afstand radiosignalen hebben afgelegd in de ruimte. Opvallend genoeg zijn die eenheden bij de signalen van de huidige reeks steeds een veelvoud van 187,5. De onderzoekers begrijpen daar niets van.
Een mogelijke verklaring is dat de radiopulsen afkomstig zijn van buitenaards leven; zeker omdat de kans vijf op tienduizend is dat de signalen toevallig een reeks vormen. Toch denken de wetenschappers daar niet aan. "We denken dat de signalen voortkomen uit een ontploffende ster of twee sterren die samensmelten", zegt Maura McLaughlin van de Universiteit van West-Virginia tegen FOX News.
Meer onderzoek nodig Volgens een andere onderzoeker wordt de verklaring pas gezocht bij buitenaardse wezens als alle andere mogelijkheden zijn uitgesloten. "Ik zou mijn geld inzetten op een satelliet van de overheid als bron van de signalen, niet op een natuurverschijnsel", aldus John Learned van de Universiteit van Hawaii. Hij zegt dat meer onderzoek nodig is om goede conclusies te kunnen trekken. Dat zijn critici van de buitenaards leven-theorie met hem eens. Zij benadrukken dat de reeks uit slechts elf signalen bestaat; dat is eigenlijk een heel klein aantal waarnemingen.
Onderzoekster McLaughlin vindt het onmogelijk dat buitenaardse wezens de reeks hebben verstuurd. Ze zijn namelijk verzonden over een groot aantal verschillende radiofrequenties. Dat heeft nauwelijks voordeel als het om communicatie gaat en is dus waarschijnlijk niet opzettelijk gebeurd, denkt ze. "Bovendien zouden buitenaardse wezens ontzettend veel kracht nodig hebben om de signalen te kunnen versturen. Ze zouden de energie moeten opvangen van meerdere zonnen."
Zijn we alleen in het universum? Volgens topwetenschappers van NASA is het antwoord haast zeker 'neen'. "Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat we in de komende tien jaar sterke tekenen van buitenaards leven zullen hebben en definitief bewijs ervan in de komende 10 tot 20 jaar", verklaarde hoofdwetenschapper Ellen Stofan van het Amerikaanse ruimteagentschap gisteren in Washington.
Als we geologen en astrobiologen op Mars krijgen, verhogen we onze kansen om fossielen van levende organismen te vinden op onze dichtste buurplaneet
Hoofdwetenschapper Ellen Stofan van NASA
"We weten waar me moeten zoeken en hoe we moeten zoeken en in de meeste gevallen hebben we daar ook de technologie al voor", zei ze volgens de krant LA Times. Jeffrey Newmark, directeur heliofysica bij NASA, zegt het zo: "De vraag is niet of we bewijs van buitenaards leven zullen vinden, de vraag is wanneer".
Atmosfeer boven ijskappen van Mars "We hebben het niet over groene mannetjes", verduidelijkte Stofan. "We spreken over kleine microbes". Tijdens een presentatie omschreven de NASA-topmensen een reeks recente ontdekkingen die doen vermoeden dat we dichter dan ooit bij de ontdekking van leven in ons zonnestelsel en daarbuiten staan.
Fossielen Jim Green, directeur planeetkunde bij NASA, citeerde uit een studie die de atmosfeer boven de polaire ijskappen van Mars bestudeerde en besloot dat de helft van de noordelijke hemisfeer van de planeet ooit oceanen tot anderhalve kilometer diep had. Mars zou 1,2 miljard jaar lang water hebben gehad. "We menen dat zo'n lange periode noodzakelijk is om complexe levensvormen te vormen", zei Stofan. Ze voegde er aan toe dat indien we geologen en astrobiologen op Mars zouden krijgen, we onze kansen zouden verhogen om fossielen van levende organismen te vinden op onze dichtste buurplaneet.
Als we voorbij Mars kijken, van hetzelfde materiaal gemaakt als de Aarde, is het onwaarschijnlijk dat we leven vinden dat lijkt op datgene dat we kennen
NASA-bestuurslid John Grunsfeld
Green had het ook over een andere recente studie die aantoonde dat er een enorme vloeibare oceaan zit onder de ijskorst van Ganymede, een van de manen van Jupiter.
Die nieuwe vindingen doen vermoeden dat eerdere opvattingen over waar er 'bewoonbare zones' zijn te begrensd waren. 'Bewoonbare zones' zijn hemellichamen waar het niet te heet en niet te koud is om vloeibaar water aan de oppervlakte te hebben.
Missie naar Europa "We weten nu dat niet er niet enkel rond sterren bewoonbare zones kunnen zijn, maar ook rond grote planeten", aldus Green. Die ziet ook heil in een geplande missie van NASA naar Europa, een andere maan van Jupiter met een oceaan van ijs.
Magnetisch veld Newmark beschreef ook hoe NASA steeds meer leert over de rol die het magnetisch veld rond de Aarde speelt. Dat magnetisch veld zorgt ervoor dat het water en de atmosfeer niet worden weggeblazen door de zonnewind. Het magnetisch veld speelt dus ook een rol bij de ontwikkeling van leven.
Telescopen Paul Hertz, directeur astrofysica bij NASA, had het dan weer over toekomstige telescopen die wetenschappers zullen helpen om de atmosferen van grote planeten rond ver gelegen sterren te scannen naar chemische sporen van leven.
"We bestuderen niet enkel water en bewoonbaarheid in ons eigen zonnestelsel, maar we zoeken er ook naar in planeten rond andere sterren", zei Hertz.
NASA-bestuurslid John Grunsfeld zei in het bijzonder geboeid te zijn door hoe het buitenaards leven eruitziet. "Eens we voorbij Mars kijken, dat van hetzelfde materiaal is gemaakt als de Aarde, is het heel onwaarschijnlijk dat we leven vinden dat lijkt op het leven dat we op Aarde kennen".
Liever vroeg dan laat Grunsfeld gelooft dat de volgende generatie wetenschappers en ruimtereizigers buitenaards leven zullen vinden, maar hoopt dat het eerder gebeurt. "De wetenschappelijke gemeenschap boekt enorm veel vooruitgang. Ik heb mijn team al gezegd dat ik van plan ben directeur planetaire wetenschap te zijn om het moment dat we leven in ons zonnestelsel ontdekken".
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Deze wetenschapper zegt op 40 kilometer boven de aarde buitenaards leven te hebben ontdekt
Deze wetenschapper zegt op 40 kilometer hoogte buitenaards leven te hebben ontdekt
Een wetenschapper claimt dat hij ‘buitenaardse’ organismen heeft gevonden op 40 kilometer boven het aardoppervlak. Deze organismen zouden volgens hem kunnen verklaren hoe het leven op onze planeet is ontstaan.
Milton Wainwright van de Universiteit van Sheffield zegt dat de organismen, die in de stratosfeer zijn verzameld met behulp van ballonnen, DNA bevatten en niet vanaf het aardoppervlak afkomstig kunnen zijn.
Twee jaar geleden beweerde professor Wainwright dat hij op een hoogte van 25 kilometer micro-organismen (een soort algen) had gevonden die uit de ruimte kwamen. Zijn nieuwste claims kwamen aan het licht toen één van zijn studenten een e-mail over de ontdekking op Reddit had geplaatst.
Milton Wainwright (Sheffield)
Hij vertelde aan tijdschrift Vice: “Dit zijn biologische organismen, ze hebben een bepaalde structuur en zijn niet gerelateerd aan aardse organismen. We troffen op die hoogte geen stuifmeel of gras aan, niets wat de monsters zou kunnen besmetten.”
Wainwright zei dat er geen enkel mechanisme bekend is waarmee deze levensvormen zo’n hoogte zouden kunnen bereiken. “Voor zover we weten, komen ze uit de ruimte.” Hij denkt dat ze van kometen afkomstig zijn, grote ijsballen die door de ruimte vliegen. De deeltjes bevatten geen stof, wat de wetenschappers doet vermoeden dat ze uit een waterachtige omgeving komen.
Een studie over zijn nieuwste bevindingen is geaccepteerd door een ‘internationaal tijdschrift’. De professor wilde niet zeggen om welk tijdschrift het precies gaat. Hoewel veel wetenschappers denken dat hij niet voldoende bewijs heeft, hebben slechts weinigen gezegd dat hij er volstrekt naast zit.
Wainwright, die meent dat kometen de bezorgers zijn van bouwstenen voor leven op aarde, voegde toe: “Als NASA dit publiceert, zouden mensen het geloven. We kunnen alleen maar blijven publiceren, in de hoop dat er iemand onderzoek naar zal doen.”
Onlangs is er een prachtige opname gemaakt van een sigaarvormige UFO boven één van de meren in Californië.
De melding komt naar buiten via MUFON en volgens de getuige: “Wanneer de foto wordt vergroot lijkt het alsof er een aura om het object heen hangt”.
Op de grens van de Amerikaanse staten Californië en Nevada ligt een groot meer, Lake Tahoe.
Het volgende geval betreft het MUFON dossiernummer 64464 van enkele weken geleden, waarbij de getuige foto’s aan het nemen was van het meer.
Zoals de volgende:
Goed te zien is overigens hoe laag het water staat in dit meer. Ongetwijfeld zal ook Lake Tahoe te lijden hebben onder de grote droogte in Californië.
In eerste instantie is er verder niets vreemds aan de foto te zien, totdat je goed kijkt naar de bovenrand van de wolken.
Daar zie je een prachtige sigaarvormige UFO.
Het volgende is wat de getuige verklaart:
De foto is op 17 maart 2015 genomen aan de zuidkant van Lake Tahoe, ergens in de middag, met een Samsung 3G telefoon. Hij was bedoeld als omgevingsimpressie.
Het object werd door mij pas later opgemerkt, toen ik de foto’s bekeek op de telefoon. Het lijkt alsof het object net de wolken uitkomt of binnengaat, omdat er zich dicht in de buurt wolken bevinden.
Wanneer de foto wordt vergroot lijkt het alsof er een aura om het donker gele object heen hangt. Het geeft de indruk de vorm van een schijf te hebben, maar lijkt ook wat onregelmatig, misschien door reflectie of door de wolken.
UFO Researchers and Authors Re-Visit Aztec Saucer Crash Site
UFO Researchers and Authors Re-Visit Aztec Saucer Crash Site
The book titled “The Aztec Incident – Recovery at Hart Canyon,” by UFO researchers Scott and Suzanne Ramsey, published in 2012, will get an expanded and updated edition. The author couple returned to Aztec recently from their home in North Carolina to work on the new edition of their book. After over 25 years of research, they traveled once again the sandstone mesas of Hart Canyon. Located around 8 miles northeast of Aztec, the Hart Canyon is the area where many believers say an unidentified flying object crash landed 67 years ago.
Scott and Suzanne believe there was a cover-up of the incident involving a UFO that crash landed in the Hart Canyon, which allegedly resulted in the death of 16 child-like aliens. The story about the crash originated from a pair of oilfield workers who reportedly run to the Arkansas Loop of the canyon after seeing a fire near El Paso Oil Company drip tanks.
In 2012, the Ramseys installed a sign in the place of a crash informing visitors that the American government and the military discovered a spacecraft of unknown origin, and they made efforts to conceal it to the public. The recoveries are said to be similar in Roswell eight months earlier. Estimated to measure 100 feet in diameter and 18 feet tall, the unknown object was one of the most intact craft that the government had recovered at that time. Sadly, all occupants reportedly died in the crash, making the full disclosure impossible. The occupants were estimated to be as many as 16.
However, the Ramseys are not about to give up yet on the story. Scott Ramsey said that all leads are still out there, and the book will be expanded significantly in the new edition. Though no specifics about it, he gave a hint regarding a San Juan County commissioner or an Aztec city commissioner who may have witnessed the flying saucer in 1948.
Suzanne Ramsey added that the new book is more than an expanded edition because they have “all-new information” on the same topic, making the book different and exciting.
The couple traveled to 26 states gathering data and interviewing witnesses as well as their families, which cost them more than $500,000. Scott Ramsey said it had been 27 years since they began their research. Stanton T. Friedman, a nuclear physicist, wrote the foreword to “Aztec Incident.” The new edition of the book is set to release in December.
Triangle formation hovering above Long Beach, California 1-Apr-2015
Triangle formation hovering above Long Beach, California 1-Apr-2015
Here’s one new video of a triangle UFO formation hovering in the night sky above Long Beach in California. This happened on Sunday, 5th April 2015.
Witness report: Object(s) with three lights seen at about 8:50pm on Easter Sunday hovering southwest of my vantage point. The silent objects glided eastward and looked like orange fireballs. They flashed erratically and then disappeared one by one.
A cosmologist recently published a paper in which he speculates about the size of extraterrestrials.
Fergus Simpson, a scientist at the Institute of Cosmos Sciences at the University of Barcelona, believes that aliens are large. As CNET explains, he used a mathematical model that assumes organisms on other planets obey the same laws of conservation of energy that are seen on Earth.
The Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona. (Credit: University of Barcelona)
“Throughout the animal kingdom, species which are physically larger invariably possess a lower population density, possibly due to their enhanced energy demands,” Simpson states. He says that “most inhabited planets are likely to be closer in size to Mars than the Earth,” which leads him to surmise that, “since population density is widely observed to decline with increasing body mass, we conclude that most intelligent species are expected to exceed 300kg.”
So he’s speculating that most intelligent extraterrestrials are an impressive 650 pounds.
SETI Institute’s senior astronomer Seth Shostak has also suggested that intelligent extraterrestrials are likely larger than humans. But he acknowledges the speculative nature of these types of studies. “It’s interesting, but there’s really no concrete data to work with,” he says.
Seth Shostak (Credit: SETI Institute)
Duncan Forgan, an astrobiologist at the University of St Andrews School of Physics and Astronomy, thinks Simpson’s “average size calculation is reasonable.” But he criticizes the paper for failing to “address the correlation between body mass and the planet’s surface gravity.”
Newsweek points out that “We only have our planet and its inhabitants to serve as a model for what life looks like. This paper, like others, assumes that Earth is a ‘typical’ or average planet, and uses information from here to make assumptions about the unknown. But it’s impossible to know if that’s appropriate to do, from a scientific point of view.”
Are you ready to be confronted with evidence that will directly contradict the version of “world history” that you were taught in school? In recent years, hundreds of extremely bizarre skulls have been discovered all over the planet. Scientific tests that have been conducted on some of them conclusively prove that these ancient elongated skulls are NOT HUMAN.
Many people are not able to accept what you are about to see because it is too radical for them. But the truth is that ancient texts have been telling us about these “hybrid beings” for thousands of years. There are even some ancient Indian traditions that claim that these creatures were in North America before the Indians were. In fact, there is even one ancient Indian tradition about a war between a tribe of Indians and a race of red-haired cannibalistic giants. The Bible refers to these hybrids as “the Nephilim”, and as time goes by the evidence keeps piling up that they were very, very real.
Yet another UFO has been spotted near one of Mexico’s volcanoes. This time the webcam of Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano recorded a UFO on April 6, 2015.
It appeared as a white cloaked cigar-shaped object flying in the clouds near the volcano. And it is not the first time that a UFO has appeared in the skies near or above the volcano.
Not only the Popocatepetl volcano attracts UFOs, also the Colima volcano located 300 miles west of Mexico City seems to be a UFO hotspot given the fact that over the past weeks the Colima webcam has recorded several strange objects close to the volcano.
It is rather well known thanks to the internet and the paranormal circles that Nazi scientists were brought to the United States after World War II ended. It is also well known that a large group of these extreme scientists were set up with a secret lab where they worked on their notorious dangerous many times immoral experiments on Plum Island located on the end of Long Island in the state of New York. This secret government lab operated for many years.. This infamous dangerous Island was known by those living on Long Island as something to stay away from and fear..The Island is about 3 miles long and 1 mile wide which is frightening considering the dangerous horrors that took place over the years in the lab build on the Island. It is only a short boat ride form the tip of Long Island.
Plum Island has been called Monster Island as well as killer Island- due to the work that was done in the lab concerning animal diseases as well as many other horrible experiments. As a local Long Islander I can only say I believe Plum Island was as close to a living hell as we can get. It was closed a few years ago however it may never be decontaminated enough to use for any purpose. It is and will remain a stain on humanity.
Besides Plum Island being located at the end of Long Island New York we had the very strange military base known as Camp Hero, located only a few miles from Plum Island, which thankfully also is closed. For as long as I can remember, which would cover the last 60 years at least, long Island has been a hotspot of reported UFO sightings which continue until this day. Long Island also has its share of those who have experienced lost time and abduction events during its history as well. It may be coincidental and easily fluffed off however I am not a fan of coincidental events and believe it far more likely to be tied to the fact that Plum Island and Camp Hero were located on the end of Long Island.
I think that Long Island may be an area on this planet that is easy access for space travelers to enter and exit our planet as well as a land mass that is close to a large city yet located in an area of land at the end of Long Island that was sparsely populated and floating in the Atlantic Ocean making access to the open sea immediate and easy. Years ago the area had a very low population making the nefarious activities of Plum Island and Camp Hero possible. The local people were cautious and silent to the operations of each of these facilities as they did not want problems and did benefit financially from having the lab and military base in the area. It worked out well for all parties for many years.I think by now we all have read or watched a TV show that discusses the subject of German scientist either back engineering or developing UFO’s for the Nazi’s during World War II. It has been said that there is information claiming that Nazi Germany had contact with an alien species and had been working with them.
It is also well known that after the war ended the United States brought many of the German scientists to America to continue their work in USA labs. Plum Island is well known to be one of the labs that employed many of the German Scientists. I find this fact extremely upsetting in its own right knowing that these were scientists that worked without any moral compass for the Nazis and were now working on American soil doing their evil deeds on our homeland. I have to add in the strange accounts of many who claim extremely dangerous awful experiments on humans were also during those years taking place at Camp Hero.
I have no problem thinking that with the German scientists came whatever UFO technology they had conquered or captured including contact with aliens. It would certainly explain the ongoing reports of strange objects flying over Long Island, especially in the 1960’s when both Camp Hero and Plum Island were in their hay day of activity. It was not uncommon to hear a report of someone being taken or having contact with beings by Long Islanders that included human looking aliens. It very well could be that these poor people were being used by the insane experiments of the once Nazi scientists who not only may have had contact but were working with an alien species. Using the innocent locals for their needs or to experiment on is as likely as any other explanation to why so many events happened at that time on Long Island. It also could explain many events of this nature that occurred along the New England coast line opposite Long Islands shore line.
Now year’s later Long Island is free of both Camp Hero and Plum Island however it now is said to house a HAARP machine only a few miles away from where both of those facilities once operated. Reports of large flying Orbs have been reported across Long Island and the Atlantic Ocean coast line as well plus of course all of our recent extreme strange weather. It just seems too coincidental to me for all of these things to have anything to do with coincidence!
I have not researched other locations around the world to see if there are places where both secret government labs and high security military bases are located near each other that also have HAARP machines in the area. If we do have areas that coincidentally, like Long Island, house these things together, are they also areas of frequent UFO sightings too?
So many things that go on seem outrageous and ridiculous to think as true however I will tell you from firsthand experience that strange things happen every day and our closed minds and refusal to accept the extreme is exactly what allows the events to occur and continue. Consider that some things are as clear and black and white as they appear. Understand strange and dangerous dark events take place every day in many places. Sometimes they happen right in front of your face in your home town to those you know and love. Decide to start to look hard at the truth of the reality around you and brace yourself for what you may discover. Know the more you learn and the more we understand the less time we will spend living in the dark ages of the unknown
A Korean witness submitted this report the MUFON UFO database.
The photographer vUFO Shows up in Panoramic Photoisited Jangsan Mountain in South Korea on October 19, 2014 took these panoramic photos off the mountain, facing towards the sea. The photographer noticed nothing at the time of the photo. The photographer later noticed a dot on his photos. He zoomed in and discovered an unidentified flying object. Photo was taken at 11:39AM.
Navy Engineer: I Saw UFOs, Aliens, And Top-Secret Bases In Antarctica!
On January 2nd, 2015 the editor of website received a very unexpected letter from an alleged retired U.S. Navy Petty Officer First Class Flight Engineer.
The letter received recounts experiences where the anonymous Navy officer (refers to himself as “Brian”) recounts his bizarre and extraordinary experiences flying cargo and rescue in Antarctica between the years 1983 to 1997. He claims that a collaboration between humans and aliens exist, and that the Antarctica is a major research ground for these incredible collaborations.
Brian’s high strangeness experiences flying cargo and rescue in Antarctica were in the 1983 to 1997 time period and included several observations of aerial silver discs darting around over the Transantarctic Mountains. He and his crew also saw a big hole in the ice only about five to ten miles from the geographic South Pole (pink circle on map) that was supposed to be a No Fly Zone. But during an emergency medevac situation, they entered the No Fly Zone and saw what they were not supposed to see: an alleged entrance to a human and E. T. science research base created under the ice. Then at a camp near Marie Byrd Land, some dozen scientists disappeared for two weeks and when they re-appeared, Brian’s flight crew got the assignment to pick them up. Brian says they would not talk and “their faces looked scared.”
In the strange letter sent to Earth Files the officer states that he experienced things such as:
Silver discs darting around over the Transantarctic Mountains
During an emergency they entered a No Fly Zone and saw an entrance to a human and E. T. science research base under the ice
His crew picked up a dozen scientists who had disappeared for two weeks previous. They would not talk and their faces looked scared.
He has decided to share what he experienced between those years in the following letter, reproduced in full below:
To: Subject: Antarctica UFO Date: January 2, 2015
Hi Linda
I am a retired United States Navy LC130 Flight Engineer that retired after 20 years of service in 1997. I have been wanting to write you for a long time about my experience on the Antarctic continent with flying vehicles that I was told not to talk about. I served part of my 20 years in the Navy with a Squadron called Antarctic Development Squadron Six or VXE-6 as it was also known. I served with this squadron from around 1983 till I retired March of 1997. Being a flight engineer and flying more then 4000 hours in that capacity I have seen things that most people have not even imagined on the Continent of Antarctica. The land there seems more alien then earthly. Our deployments to this land started in late September and ended the end of February every year until the Squadron was decommissioned in 1999. This time of year was the summer season when most of the science was done do to warmer temps and 24 hours of daylight.
During my time in the squadron I flew to almost every part of the Antarctic Continent including the South Pole more the 300 times. McMurdo Station which is 3.5 hours of flying time from the South Pole station was the point of squadron operation during our yearly deployments. Between these two stations is a mountain range called the Trans Antarctic’s. With what we called Severe Clear weather from McMurdo to South Pole the Trans Antarctic’s are visible from the altitudes which the aircraft flew approximately 25,000 to 35,000 feet. On several flights to and from South Pole our crew viewed air vehicles darting around the tops of Trans Antarctic’s almost exactly in the same spot every time we would fly by and view them. This is very unusual for air traffic down there due to the fact that the only aircraft flying on the continent were our squadron aircraft. Every aircraft knew where the other aircraft were do to flight schedules being followed.
Another unique issue with South Pole station is that our aircraft was not allowed to fly over a certain area designated 5 miles from the station. The reason stated because of a air sampling camp in that area. This did not make any sense to any of us on the crew because on 2 different occasions we had to fly over this area. One time due to a medical evacuation of the Australian camp called Davis Camp. It was on the opposite side of the continent and we had to refuel at South Pole and a direct course to this Davis Camp was right over the air sampling station. The only thing we saw going over this camp was a very large hole going into the ice. You could fly one of our LC130 into this thing.
It was after this medevac mission we where briefed by some spooks (Intelligence Agents I presumed) from Washington DC and told not to speak of the area we overflew. The other time we got close to “The air sampling Camp” we had navigation and electrical failures on the aircraft and was told to immediately depart the area and report to our squadron commanding officer when we returned to McMurdo. Needless to say our pilot (Aircraft Commander) got his butt chewed and our crew was not on the South Pole supply run for over a month. There were many other times we saw things that was out of the ordinary.
One outlying camp (near Marie Byrd Land) we dropped scientists and their equipment at was out of communication with McMurdo for 2 weeks. Our crew flew back to the camp to find out if the scientists were ok. We found no one there and no sign of any fowl play. The Radio was working fine as we called McMurdo to verify it working properly. We left the camp and flew back to McMurdo as ordered by our CO. A week later the Scientist showed back up to there camp and called McMurdo for someone to come pick them up. Our crew got the flight back there to pick them since we put them into that camp and we knew the terrain and location. None of the scientists would talk to any of the crew on the plane and to me they looked scared.
As soon as we landed back at McMurdo they (Scientists) where put on another of our squadron aircraft and flown to Christchurch New Zealand. We never heard about them again. Their equipment that we brought back from the camp was put in quarantine and shipped back to the United States escorted by the same spooks that debriefed us about our fly over of the air sample camp/ large hole in the ice. I could go on and on about things and situations that I observed during my tour with VXE-6. Talk among the flight crews was that there is a UFO base at South Pole and some of the crew heard talk from some of the scientist working at the Pole of EBEs working with and interacting with the scientists at that air sampling camp/large ice hole.
Locations identified by U. S. Naval Flight Engineer (Ret).
Brian, now 59 years old, graduated from an Iowa college with an associate’s degree in aviation maintenance technology and an aviation certificate. In 1977, he then enlisted in the U. S. Navy and served for twenty years until his retirement in 1997. He provided Earthfiles his DD-214 documents and other certificates of service including this Antarctic Service Medal given to him on November 20, 1984 as proof of his time in service.
An Lockheed LC-130F Hercules ski-equipped Hercules of VXE-6 at the
Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station. Image courtesy Brian.
There appears to be many secrets hidden in the Antarctica and we are pretty much hearing different stories every month about military personnel disclosing information about Aliens in that part of the world!
But what a great secluded part of the world for the Aliens to keep out of sight from prying eyes….or so they thought!
The witness first noticed an object crossing the sky followed by three, cigar-shaped objects on May 30, 2015. Pictured: View of Downtown Omaha from Heartland of America Park. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
A Nebraska witness at Omaha reported watching three, “cylinder-shaped objects” flying slowly in formation, according to testimony in Case 64336 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness stepped outside at 11:20 p.m. on May 30, 2015, and noticed an object crossing the sky that could not be identified.
“My first thought was that it was so quiet because usually if a plane flies overhead I can hear it all too well,” the witness stated.
The witness then noticed more objects.
One of the cigar-shaped objects moved out of formation during the sighting. Pictured: The Saint Cecilia Cathedral against an Omaha summer sunset. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
“I also noticed that it had three pale yellow, cigar shapes running parallel to each other moving in formation as it flew west. I thought it was strange because except for the pale yellow coloring, there were no other lights, but still I thought maybe it was a plane.”
Then one of the cigar objects moved out of formation.
“As I thought that, the middle cigar shape moved out of formation and then a second later back into formation. So, then I thought maybe it wasn’t one solid object at all, maybe three small, pale, planes flying in formation for some reason.”
The witness felt uneasy and went back inside.
“That’s when I realized that it just didn’t look like a plane(s); no blinking red or white lights, no apparent wings, no sound. I have 20/20 vision and there was a bit of a moon out, so I saw it pretty well. It was just odd. I’d like to know what it was I saw. Maybe it was something ordinary like a plane(s), just not one I’d ever seen before. I wish I knew.”
Omaha is the largest city in the state of Nebraska, population 434,353.
The witness said there were no blinking red or white lights on the objects, no apparent wings and no sound. Pictured: Omaha’s Old Market in Downtown Omaha. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Nebraska is currently a UFO Alert Level 4 – with 2.16 sightings per million population based on MUFON February 2015 statistics. Nebraska received a total of four UFO reports in March.
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Jeremy Corbell – UFO Documentarian – April 6, 2015
Jeremy Corbell – UFO Documentarian – April 6, 2015
Open Minds UFO Radio: Jeremy Corbell is an investigative filmmaker and artist based in Los Angeles. Corbell has been deep in the trenches documenting extra-ordinary individuals and their belief systems. This research has taken him into the life of the enigmatic “Godfather of Conspiracy” John Lear, and under the microscope for the surgical removal of alleged Off-World Alien Implants. With access to NASA, Corbell has filmed the analysis of anomalous materials alleged to be physical evidence of extraterrestrial nano-technology from UFO landing sites and Alien abduction cases.
In this interview we talk to Jeremy about his interest in UFOs and extraterrestrials, and some of his latest films. For more information about Jeremy, visit his website at:
A pilot who was an American Airlines passenger (deadheading crew) about 8:30 p.m. on November 29, 2012, reported watching “multiple objects emitting amber light” as the aircraft was at or below 18,000 feet, according to testimony from the (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness was on Flight 1379 from Dallas to Tucson and was “looking out over the right wing of the plane” on a clear, moonlit night, when the objects were first seen. “While the aircraft was descending approximately 60 miles east of Tucson, approximately at or below 18,000 feet, I observed several light objects in the sky,” the witness stated. “The location was approximately Mount Graham near Safford, AZ).” The witness first thought the light was from another plane. “I first noticed the brightly lit object when it was joined by a second object same size and color light. I first thought it was a plane turning in the sky and was very curious because of the proximity of the second object, then one of the lights turned off and then on again and that is when I knew this was strange.” The witness then noticed more lights in the sky. “Almost immediately a third, fourth, fifth and sixth light appeared in the sky, not all in a straight line, but somewhat aligned horizontally. I would estimate within a mile separation of each other end to end.” The witness explains his background. “I am a pilot and engineer. I have much experience identifying aircraft at night. This was absolutely not an aircraft light or flares dropped by military planes. In fact, the amber colored objects did not appear to move and were higher than our plane. I know this because they were well above the horizon, higher in the sky. I would estimate above 20,000 feet.” The lights appeared to be hovering in place. “The objects were not moving, but turning on and off in short duration like someone flipped a switch. I only saw all six lights on at the same time once, after that it was down to two or three, then only one on and off with a five to 15 second duration over a period of three or four minutes. I was able to call attention to the person sitting next to me and that person also saw the last one illuminate and disappear in the sky over the wing.” No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on November 30, 2012. The above quotes were edited for clarity.
"Nieuwe Duitse studie is doodsteek voor klimaathysterie"
“Nieuwe Duitse studie doodsteek voor klimaathysterie”
In een nieuwe Duitse studie wordt de ‘consensus’ over global warming ter discussie gesteld. De atmosfeer zou veel minder gevoelig zijn voor een toename van de uitstoot van CO2 dan de meeste wetenschappers denken.
Uit een studie van het Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg blijkt dat door de mens geproduceerde aerosolen de atmosfeer in de 20e eeuw veel minder hebben afgekoeld dan gedacht. Waarom is dit groot nieuws? Dit betekent dat een toename van de uitstoot van CO2 waarschijnlijk leidt tot minder opwarming dan de meeste klimaatmodellen doen vermoeden.
Aerosolen ontstaan bijvoorbeeld tijdens het verbranden van steenkool of autorijden en komen vrij bij brand. Er zijn ook natuurlijke aerosolen zoals wolken en mist. Ze weerkaatsen zonnestralen waardoor ze een verkoelend effect hebben.
“We verwachten minder opwarming te zien door de uitstoot van broeikasgassen dan wordt voorspeld aan de hand van klimaatmodellen,” schrijven klimaatwetenschappers Pat Michaels en Chip Knappenberger van het Cato Institute, toevoegende dat deze studie weleens de doodsteek voor de klimaathysterie zou kunnen betekenen.
Het IPCC stelt dat aerosolen veel warmte tegenhouden, maar die conclusie wordt niet gedeeld door het Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. De hoeveelheid CO2 in de atmosfeer bedraagt ongeveer 400 ppm. Volgens het IPCC zou de temperatuur op aarde met 4,5 graad Celsius stijgen als die hoeveelheid verdubbelt. Uit de nieuwe studie blijkt dat de temperatuur bij een verdubbeling zou stijgen met ongeveer 1,8 graad Celsius, ruim de helft minder dan het IPCC in eerste instantie voorspelde.
VIDEO: Mysterieuze zwarte ring hangt boven dorpje in Kazachstan
VIDEO: Mysterieuze zwarte ring hangt boven dorpje in Kazachstan
In de lucht boven een dorpje in het noorden van Kazachstan is een vreemde zwarte cirkel gespot. Lokale bewoners legden het gebeuren vast op video. De zwarte ring bleef 15 minuten hangen en verdween vervolgens.
Het fenomeen werd op vrijdagmiddag waargenomen in Shortandy, op 70 kilometer ten noorden van de hoofdstad Astana. “Het was net een zwarte wolk. Het loste op als rook, maar het was geheel reukloos,” zei Oleg Menshikov tegen
Professor Andrey Solodovnik van de Technische Staatsuniversiteit van Noord-Kazachstan schat dat de ring een doorsnee had van ongeveer 100 meter en een hoogte bereikte van 200 tot 1000 meter.
Solodovnik meent dat het hoogstwaarschijnlijk een rookkring is geweest. Dergelijke draaikolken van rook kunnen bijvoorbeeld ontstaan wanneer er een kanon wordt afgeschoten. Over de hele wereld worden zwarte ringen gezien. Vorig jaar april hield een mysterieuze ring in Leamington Spa in Engeland de gemoederen bezig.
Een kosmoloog stelt in een nieuwe studie dat andere intelligente wezens in het heelal mogelijk enorm groot zijn, veel groter dan mensen. Fergus Simpson schat dat intelligente aliens gemiddeld 300 kilogram of meer wegen.
Hij baseert zich op een wiskundig model dat ervan uitgaat dat organismen op andere planeten zich ook hebben te houden aan de wet van behoud van energie. Hoe groter dieren zijn, hoe meer energie ze verbruiken en hoe minder er van zijn. Er zijn bijvoorbeeld veel kleine mieren, maar er zijn minder walvissen of olifanten.
In het universum zijn er waarschijnlijk meer kleine dieren dan grote, aldus Simpson, die als wetenschapper verbonden is aan de Universiteit van Barcelona. We bevinden ons waarschijnlijk op een planeet met relatief kleine dieren en zijn één van de kleinere intelligente soorten, voegde hij toe.
Simpson zegt dat er waarschijnlijk een minimale omvang nodig is voor intelligent leven. Zijn studie is te vinden op de website
Duncan Forgan van de Universiteit van St Andrews wijst erop dat Simpson geen rekening houdt met de correlatie tussen lichaamsgewicht en de oppervlaktezwaartekracht. Op een planeet met een sterke aantrekkingskracht zou je kleinere dieren verwachten en op een kleine planeet met een zwakke aantrekkingskracht zou je precies het tegenovergestelde verwachten, aldus Forgan.
Lunar Tug with 200 kW Solar Powered VASIMR® (Copyright Ad Astra Rocket Company)
A US company may have the solution to get humans to Mars in just over a month. They have been given a grant by NASA to try and achieve this. The space agency is pinning its hopes on the Vasimr rocket, which aims to reach the Red Planet in a mere 39 days.
The Ad Astra Rocket company from Webster, Texas, awarded the contract by NASA, is located just a stone’s throw from the Johnson Space Center. The CEO, Franklin Chang-Diaz, who is a former astronaut and flew on seven space shuttle missions, says the new rocket engine has the potential to be revolutionary.
“This is like no other rocket that you may have seen in the past. It is a plasma rocket. The Vasimr rocket is not used for launching things. It is used for things already there, which we call ‘in space propulsion,’” he said in a promotional video.
The Vasimr engine works by heating plasma, an electrically charged gas, to extreme temperatures using radio waves. Strong magnetic fields then funnel this plasma out of the back of the engine. This in turn creates thrust, helpin to propel the engine at extreme speeds.
NASA likes what they have seen and offered a grant to the Ad Astra Rocket company as part of their 12 Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextStep).
“The partnership [with NASA] will advance the Vasimr engine to a technology readiness level (TRL) greater than 5 – a step closer to space flight,” the company announced in a press release on Tuesday.
Over a three-year period, NASA will give the Texas-based company in the region of $10 million to fully develop a new version of the Vasimr engine. With successful demonstrations of their new VX-200-SS prototype, which will be able to fire continuously for more than 100 hours, NASA will consider employing the propulsion system on future excursions to Mars.
The company is also thinking about other projects for its Vasimr engine, such as asteroid retrieval, which would bring the objects closer to earth, allowing them to be mined.
Also in the pipeline is a plan to help keep the International Space Station stable. According to the company, they could save thousands of gallons of rocket fuel by using the Vasimr engine, which would save around $20 million a year.
Lunar Tug with 200 kW Solar Powered VASIMR® (Copyright Ad Astra Rocket Company)
Daily 2 Cents: Jangsan Mountain UFO -- Bizarre Circumstances / Possible Abduction -- Space Radio Waves Follow Mathematical Pattern
Daily 2 Cents: Jangsan Mountain UFO -- Bizarre Circumstances / Possible Abduction -- Space Radio Waves Follow Mathematical Pattern
Jangsan Mountain UFO
2014.10.19 - I went a mountain 'Jang' in Busan, Korea (Elevation of 638 meters ) When I arrived peak I took a picture And I found something This was a look like dot, but expand this pic it was a look like UFO! picture is a panorama shot so I feel sure this object is UFO! - MUFON CMS
Unexplained radio waves from space follow mathematical pattern
Strange, fast radio bursts have been detected from space since 2007, and astronomers today are no closer to solving the mystery of their origin.
Highly energetic, these radio pulses seem to be coming from a distance of several billion light years.
Recently, researcher Michael Hippke at the Institute for Data Analysis in Germany, along with colleagues, studied 11 radio bursts that have occurred since 2007 and found they share a mathematical pattern.
The key to determining the distance the radio waves have traveled is their dispersion measures, which tells scientists how much dust, gas, and other material the waves have passed through on their way to Earth.
Those that have passed through a lot of material originated at greater distances than those that passed through very little.
Radio bursts can occur at a wide range of frequencies. Low-frequency waves are long and are often slowed down when interacting with matter, such as electron clouds.
In contrast, high-frequency waves are short and travel long distances relatively easily.
When a radio burst occurs, the high frequency waves arrive ahead of the lower frequency ones. The time delay between arrival of these waves is known as the dispersion measure.
Upon plotting the dispersion measures of the unusual radio bursts, Hippke and his team surprisingly found that these dispersion measures are all integer multiples of the number 187.5.
The chances of this pattern being coincidence are estimated to be five in 10,000.
One possible explanation is that the radio bursts are coming from the same direction rather than from everywhere in the universe.
The cause of the bursts is unknown but has been the subject of much speculation. Though unlikely, some have suggested they could be communications by alien civilizations.
More mundane theories on the bursts’ origins include evaporating black holes, collisions of neutron stars with comets, or strange behaviors by pulsars.
Some suggest the bursts originate closer to Earth, possibly even from sky satellites.
However, five new radio bursts not included in Hippke’s study do not fit this mathematical pattern. Duncan Lortimer, a researcher at West Virginia University and discoverer of the initial 2007 radio burst, believes the pattern will not hold up once scientists have a larger sample of radio bursts to study. - The Space Reporter
Beloit, Wisconsin - 6/1/1992: At the time of the event my girlfriend who became my wife were out on driving around on country roads in southern Wisconsin, early in the am hours. Yes, we had been drinking, but no drugs were involved, we were not intoxicated either.
All of a sudden the car I was driving increased its speed on its own and became uncontrollable from what I remember. The last thing I remember was us heading off the road and into a cornfield, I put my arm across my then girlfriends chest and said hang on.
When we entered the cornfield it was approximately 2:14 am cst, as somehow the time on the clock was imbedded in my brain.
Our final resting spot was at least 400 yards off the road through a cornfield, stopped up against a huge Oak tree and only a foot from it.
We both were naked, and we did not leave the road that way when this first started. It was also daylight now and we were very confused, we both awoke unharmed and looked at each other like [Item Moved/CMS/nd] excuse my language.
I got out of the car and I looked around to see if I could get my bearings in order, I even analyzed how [Item Moved/CMS/nd] did we end up one foot away from a huge Oak tree and looked at the direction the car had to come from and said to myself, what, there were no "tire tracks" or damage to the cornfield we supposedly went through, and this is 400 yards plus. The only damage was a flat tire.
To this day I cannot find the place where this happen, and I tried to shortly after it happen to find it, and I knew everything about this area in Wisconsin, but for the life of me I can't find it any longer.
I have seen unknown crafts since I was 5 years old. So I know what is happening.
I have more also, it never quits.
I only submitted colors of the unknown vehicle because your form requires it. - MUFON CMS
Louis Jordan's family had feared the worst after he disappeared off the coast of South Carolina.
Jordan, who had been living in his docked sailboat at a marina in Conway, told his family back in January that he was going to head out in to open waters in order to do some fishing.
"We expected him to come back and he did not return," said his mother Norma Davis. "We knew something happened."
Jordan was eventually reported missing and rescue services scoured the region for any sign of his boat.
It had seemed as though all hope of finding him was lost when he remarkably turned up two months later clinging to the upturned hull of his boat around 200 miles off the coast of North Carolina.
He was soon airlifted to a hospital in Norfolk, Virginia having suffered only a shoulder injury.
"It's amazing," said Davis. "It's been very difficult not knowing anything and I just feel like all of our prayers have come true. They've been answered."
According to reports, Jordan managed to stay alive for an incredible 66 days by eating rations, catching fish and drinking rainwater. His knowledge and experience of seafaring were significant contributing factors, as was the fact that he had stayed in his boat rather than using a life raft.
CERN's newly upgraded atom smasher has now resumed operations after a two year hiatus.
Having successfully discovered the Higgs boson back in 2012, the Large Hadron Collider was shut down so that it could undergo an upgrade to double its maximum collision capacity.
Now capable of reaching power levels of up to 14 teraelectronvolts, the world's largest particle accelerator has begun a new mission to explore uncharted frontiers in particle physics and to unlock the secrets of dark matter, the theoretical substance thought to make up most of the mass in the universe.
"Today at 10:42 am (0842 GMT) a proton beam was back in the 27-kilometre (17-mile) ring, followed at 12:27 pm by a second beam rotating in the opposite direction," CERN said in a statement. "But the most important step is still to come when we increase the energy of the beams to new record levels."
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UFO activity over El Paso, Texas 1-Apr-2015
UFO activity over El Paso, Texas 1-Apr-2015
Check out this interesting video of an unknown lights hovering in the night sky above El Paso in Texas. This one was filmed on 1st April 2015.
Witness report:On 4/1/15 at 11:07pm, my wife, daughter, son & I observed these lights. We watched them for 20minutes. This is only 4min of what we saw. We saw them ascend, descend, & move around. The storage on my iPhone became full and I couldn’t record any more. But we actually saw them travel from El Paso to over Las cruces in the blink of an eye. That’s like 80 miles away in a blink. They then ascended together and moved toward Alburquerque at a high rate of speed. They were gone! I’ve been a licensed pilot for 12 years and have never seen aircraft like this or witnessed aircraft travel at such great distances so quickly. I apologize for the audio, I was super excited! Also, video does not do this justice, it was far brighter, clearer and dramatic in person.
This black circle shaped UFO was caught on tape over Shortandy in northern Kazakhstan. This happened on Friday 3rd April 2015. The ring was around 100 meters in diameter.
Ben Hansen’s analysis of the Obama interview on Jimmy Kimmel in regards to UFOs and his revelations regarding the President. These and other space and UFO stories on this episode of Spacing Out!
Several Californians in a neighborhood southwest Bakersfield have reported spotting a bright blue UFO at night. They say they have seen it twice, once on February 14, and then again, a month later, on March 14. Some of them have even got video of the object.
23ABC news reporter Lindsey Adams in the Bakersfield neighborhood where the UFO was spotted. (Credit: 23ABC)
Witnesses described the mysterious light as very bright and blue. Some said it made weird movements in the sky before disappearing. Several witnesses also saw what appeared to be a flash of light near the object. The flash was described as looking like lightening, but one witness says he and his wife captured the flash of light on video (seen in the 23ABC news report above) and it does not look like lightening to them.
Kelly Castruita says she first spotted the light when she was taking out the trash. She told the local ABC affiliate, 23ABC, “I thought, that’s kinda bright to be a star, I’ve never seen a blue star be that bright.”
Her husband, Jeff, also witnessed the light. He says he watched for 10 minutes, while it was “doing weird stuff.” He added, “it would turn on and off and it would disappear.”
UFO witnesses Jeff and Kelly Castruita and their children with 23ABC news reporter Lindsey Adams. (Credit: Lindsey Adams/23ABC/Facebook)
Another witness, Randy Gabriel, told 23ABC, “It pretty much flew, stopped, then started doing some upward motion and downward motion, so I’ve never seen anything like it.”
Witnesses described the object as moving just above the skyline to the northwest, stopping occasionally to make strange movements. Movements that the witnesses say are unlike anything they have seen before.
“We’ll see the police helicopters once in a while, or an airplane go by, but nothing like this,” said Ricardo Pantoja, another Bakersfield resident who spotted the object.
“It wasn’t a regular airplane or a drone, it was much bigger than what a drone would be, especially at that distance,” Pantoja added.
Kelly Castruita agreed with Pantoja. She says, “It looked way too high up in the sky to be a drone.”
23ABC reporter Lindsey Adams says the neighbors believe the blue UFO is extraterrestrial.
Blue UFO seen over Bakersfield, CA. (Credit: 23ABC)
In the videos, a blue light can be seen, but the video is shaking, so the movement of the UFO is difficult to determine. The flash of light can also be seen in one of the videos. It appears to the left of the object, and also appears to be blue, although witnesses described it as white.
Jeff Castruita told 23ABC, “It looked like lightening, but there were no clouds in the sky, then all of a sudden we just didn’t see it anymore and it was gone.”
Adams took the videos to the Kern County Sherriff’s Department, who works closely with the local airport.
Senior Deputy Victor Keesey told Adams, “I’m not aware of any calls that we’ve received regarding any blue lights, or strange lights in that area. Very seldom, if ever, have I seen anything like it. However, we are in the age of drones now, obviously we have military drones, but we have civilian drones now and drones for purchase, so that is a possibility.”
23ABC says they also got in touch with Edwards Air Force Base, which is about 80 miles southwest of Bakersfield. They were told that the base had “not received any calls about the light, but officials mentioned it could be a possible aurora in the sky, or possible testing from Vandenberg.”
Map showing Bakersfield in relation to Los Angeles and Edwards Air Force Base (red marker). (Credit: Google Maps)
UFOs are no strangers to Bakersfield. In fact, President Ronald Reagan said he saw a UFO over Bakersfield when he was still governor of California in 1974. Reagan told Norman C. Miller about the incident. Miller was then Washington Bureau Chief for the Wall Street Journal and later became editor of the Los Angeles Times.
“I was in a plane last week when I looked out the window and saw this white light,” Reagan told Miller. “It was zigzagging around. I went up to the pilot and said, ‘Have you seen anything like that before?’ He was shocked and said, ‘Nope.’ And I said to him: ‘Let’s follow it!’ We followed it for several minutes… to Bakersfield, and all of a sudden to our utter amazement it went straight up into the heavens.”
We’ll keep an eye on news coming out of Bakersfield to find out if the object is spotted again next week, on April 14, and let you know if we find anything. No doubt the locals will be keeping their eyes on the sky.
Filer’s Files # 14 -2015 Senator Goldwater Believes in Aliens -PART I
Filer’s Files # 14 -2015 Senator Goldwater Believes in Aliens -PART I
The witness photographed this object in Washington State on March 26, 2015
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Senator Goldwater Believes in Aliens in Space, Secrets of the Saucer Scientists, Fairchild Disc-type Aircraft, Jay Murphy Letter, Hidden Archeology and Vedic Cosmology, Serge Grant Reports UFO sightings of his Friends, and Researcher Art Campbell and UFO Crash.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Washington.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, India, Peru, Portugal, and in England and Scotland in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III New JerseyState Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Chuck Warren my webmaster and I send out over 30,000 plus emails each week.
I wanted to share the news that “Hangar 1” TV Series is being upgraded from History 2 to The History Channel for season two! Our new premiere date is Friday, April 10th at 10pm EST & PST. I’ll be in some of them.
Special Projects
Senator Goldwater Believes in Aliens in Space
Senator Barry Goldwater served in the Senate 53 to 87, was a retired Air Force Reserve Major General and pilot, and Republican Presidential nominee in 1964 that lost to Lyndon Johnson. He had many decades of flying experience and was quoted as saying “I certainly believe in aliens in space. They may not look like us, but I have very strong feelings that they have advanced beyond our mental capabilities.” He said he was refused permission to check the Air Force files on UFOs and added, “I think some highly secret government UFO investigations are going on that we don’t know about–and probably never will unless the Air Force discloses them.” He said that he put faith in the reports of the Air Force, Navy, and commercial pilots who reported instances where a UFO would fly near them–right off their plane’s wing–and then just zoom away at incredible speeds. “I remember the case in Georgia in the 1950s of a National Guard plane going after a UFO and never returning. And I recall the case in Franklin. Kentucky, when four military planes investigated a UFO. One of them exploded in midair and no one knows why.”
A popular story is that he tried to gain entry into a special alien storage area at Wright-Patterson AFB that purportedly had alien artifacts in it. He said, “Yes, that’s the main event concerning me and UFOs. I was under the impression that a US Senator with a past as a Major General in the US Army Air Corp and a member of the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence for many years would carry some weight in my allowances to enter such an area of military secrecy. I was rudely awakened to reality very swiftly when I was denied passage. It had me angry enough to discuss it with a personal friend of mine in the military and inquired why my position in the US Senate had no such allowance?
My friend, General Curtis LeMay, Chairman of the Military Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon VERY angrily told me that, “I had no need to know. He gave me a lot of hell about my activities at Wright-Patterson. He threatened to end our friendship for life! ” LeMay added, “You stay clear of Colonel William ‘Butch’ Blanchard.” Blanchard had been as Commander of the Roswell Air Base and the 509th Bombardment Wing when a disc crashed in 1947. He became a four star general and Vice Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force. Thanks to Clark McClelland
Secrets of the Saucer Scientists
Photo of Oberth and Von Braun
William F. Hamilton III writes, “In all probability the first saucer scientists were rocket scientists. Without a doubt one of these great men was the pioneering rocket scientist, Professor Hermann Oberth. Berth was a writer, scientist, and visionary from Austria-Hungary whose paper.”The Rocket into Interplanetary Space was published in 1923 and served as an inspiration to the rocket designers that followed. Influenced by Verne’s books and ideas, Oberth constructed his first model rocket as a school student at the age of 14. In his youthful experiments, he arrived independently at the concept of the multistage rocket. By 1917, he showed how far his studies had reached by firing a rocket with liquid propellant in a demonstration to Hermann von Stein, the Prussian Minister of War. Werner von Braun read Oberth’s work in 1925 and joined him in rocket experiments in 1930. Oberth is considered the Father of Rocketry.
In letters to Donald Keyhoe, Oberth mentions his belief that saucers are spaceships manned by superior beings. He says that the marvelous aerodynamics of the saucers is accomplished by generating an artificial gravity field. This is the famous G-field theory. The saucers create their own gravitational fields which enables them to hover motionless above the earth, accelerate at tremendous speeds, or execute violent turns that would cause ordinary aircraft to disintegrate. Even with swift changes of speed and direction, the passengers would feel no effect. It would also explain the silence of UFOs in flight as the artificial G-field would drag the surrounding air along with it. And, because the air is not flowing pass the hull, it would eliminate heating caused by friction.
Statements have been made that saucer behavior defies the laws of physics. It seemed impossible that a manned craft could execute such tremendous accelerations from a hovering position to a high-speed linear velocity or in high-speed acute-angled turns. Inertial forces caused by such accelerations would tear apart an aircraft frame. And, often, the picture came to mind of a human pilot ending up flat as a pancake against the cabin wall. Gerald Heard, in his book, “Is Another World Watching?” hypothesized that the saucers were being flown by insects because only insects could survive those wrenching turns. All of these concerns evaporate when one considers the physics of G-field propulsion.
In a revealing document published in Status Report VII by the late pioneering researcher Leonard Stringfield, a preliminary report refers to a recovered flying disc. The report does not specifically mention Roswell, but states that the data in the report was provided by the engineering staff of T-2 at the Air Material Command at Wright Field. One of the scientists examining the evidence is Dr. Theodore von Karmen, founder of Aerojet, and then head of the Army Air Forces Scientific Advisory Group. Dr. von Karmen was a leading authority on aerodynamics and had authored papers, both in English and German on the subject. Another renowned scientist mentioned in the report is Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, Director of the Manhattan Project and a leading physicist of his day.
In the opinion of these two famous scientists the interior of the craft contained a compartment with an atomic engine. The device was a donut-shaped tube approximately thirty-five feet in diameter, made of what appeared to be plastic material around a central core. A large rod centered inside the tube was wrapped in a coil and the investigators believed it to be the source of electrical potential which ionized the surrounding air around the craft. diagram
Fairchild Disc-type Aircraft
The case for U.S. built flying wing disc aircraft (aka flying saucers) begins with an unprecedented true account by Mr. Jack D. Pickett (retired WWII combat veteran and publisher). During the 1960’s, and on into 1972, Jack Pickett and his business associate Harold Baker published for the Air Force certain club-calendar-events for NCO and Officer’s Club facilities for several military bases in Florida. It was 1967 when the Adjutant General’s Office at MacDill AFB (Tampa Florida) proposed a front cover, and two-and-a-half page article within. The subject was Vintage, Historical or Experimental aircraft. Just prior to publication the article was pulled by the Air Force. Jack explained his story on my Atlantic City TV show and developed his story with Michael H. Schratt who made this Illustration.
Another researcher reports I have been approached by an anonymous source who is attempting to sell me a poster-size picture of a Fairchild disc-type aircraft. Asking price: $300.00. He has said, “I got the picture from my grandfather who is a former employee of Fairchild Industries out of Hagerstown, Maryland”. He was in charge of all dealings with the military/government and had access to a lot of top secrete stuff. The STRATOS being one particular aircraft he oversaw. He did a lot of traveling for the company. He will not speak much on the picture accept for the fact it is authentic and a craft that was built by Fairchild. He also said the picture is of a model of the aircraft before production that is “20×16″ that is from the 1960’s. An aircraft that was called the STRATOS was built by Fairchild Industries. The picture is black and white with a crease right down the center of it, it is posterboard material. The craft is a disc with a small bubble type thing on the middle of it. There is one fin sticking up on what I presume is on the back, this is like nothing I have ever seen before accept in movies. This is proof that someone in 1960’s had this craft likely built by Fairchild Industries. Jack Pickett described a similar aircraft as shown above.
Jay Murphy Letter
Jay Murphy writes, “In your most recent Filer’s Files #13 article on March 25, 2015 you showed a picture and reported a sighting in the setting sun from Hernando Beach submitted from Lorry Stargaazer. The photo shows exactly the same model craft I saw up front and in close in great detail. I reported it to MUFON August 16 2013. Fact: Carl Paulson from MUFON sent me an email explaining the propulsion system of this craft to me and why I caught it in the sun setting light. The setting sun lights these UFO crafts up whether they are cloaked or not. Their propulsion systems cannot hide in that light. Fact: This technique for catching sight of these vehicles during the end of sunset works so well I urge all interested people to know these facts and use them also. I now have two reported sightings during these times and I have high probability sightings that I did not report. Lorry Stargaazer has witnessed a Plasma Powered Cigar that is evidently common to our area. I live in Cape Coral Florida and Stargaazer lives near Hernando Beach Florida 180 miles north from me. My sighting includes this craft moving from the North to the South. This is more than random chance at this point. Fact: We are sharing sightings of the same craft (or crafts) operating in our airspace and at the same time but different dates. Send this email to Lorry Stargaazer and tell him a member of MUFON has seen the same craft two years ago and would enjoy comparing notes. I’m anxious to connect to solidify techniques and share awareness and pass it along to all interested observers. Thanks to Jay Murphy
Hidden Archeology and Vedic Cosmology
Michael A. Cremo (born July 15, 1948), is a freelance researcher who identifies himself as an alternative archeologist and argues that humans have lived on the earth for billions of years. In case of artifacts allegedly found in the Eocene auriferous gravels of Table Mountain, California and discussed in his book, Forbidden Archeology, Cremo argues for the existence of modern man on Earth as long as 30 to 40 million years ago. He continues his work in forbidden archaeology and human origins that does not fit into the conventional timelines and theories of the academic and scientific communities.
Cremo believes there’s evidence that modern type humans co-existed with primitive creatures going back 2-3 million years ago. He feels archaeologists are in error by identifying a recent discovery of a jawbone in Ethiopia as some of the very first humans. It’s deceptive to think of this artifact, which dates back some 2.8 million years, as being human– it came from an ape-man type species that stood between 3 to 4 feet tall, he noted. For instance, a jaw fragment found around 1920 in Argentina in a rock formation that dates back millions of years had completely human characteristics, he reported.
Cremo spoke about his recent trip to the ancient Angkor Watt temple in Cambodia, the largest religious monument in the world, created in the 12th Century. It’s a Vishnu temple that has cosmological and astronomical information built into its very structure. There are huge stone carvings and murals depicting different historical events from the ancient Vedic (Indian) texts, including a battle in which a spaceship (vimana) was captured, and used by a combatant to attack Earth, he detailed.
Serge Grant writes, “In 1965 to graduate from Western Washington University in Physics and Mathematics, I needed to complete a student teaching class at a high school. I mentioned UFO’s once in class and one of the Indian students came to me after class and told me of his experience. He said he saw a flying saucer fly directly over head and then at high velocity take off directly through the clouds. In 1967 while working as a programming engineer for Boeing in a commute from Tacoma, one of the other engineers said he saw a cigar shape object fly over Tacoma. In 1968 one of my co-workers at Boeing told me that on a trip from California back to Seattle cars stalled out on the freeway due to a fleet of UFO’s flying over the freeway.”
In 1975 while working as On-line Section Manager at ANICO and talking about UFO’s at lunch time, a computer tech who I never met stopped me afterwards and told me he saw a disk on his way to work flying over the causeway to Galveston.
The interesting thing about this phenomenon is that they have been around for over 50 years and yet scientists are still wondering if there is life out there. Well what can you expect from scientists that say, “We all came from a rock in space that once blew up, that out of destruction came order.” Sincerely, Serge Grant
Researcher Art Campbell and UFO Crash
Art Campbell has been interested in UFO research since the 1950’s. He was an early NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena.) investigator, founder and Chairman of a NICAP chapter in Kansas City, and worked closely with Major Donald E. Keyhoe. He made a contact with ex-president Truman in the spring of 1958 at the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. Keyhoe’s subsequent letter to President Truman begins Mr. Campbell’s UFO book with accompanying material sent to the president in the appendix.
He is a retired 30 year teacher, coach, and school principal, a Navy veteran, with a Masters Degree in Education. He has two published books of pioneer history – ”The John Day Drift and Historical Guide” and ”Antelope: Saga of a Wes tern Town.” These have been endorsed by the state’s leading newspaper, the Oregonian.
In 1994, with a map from a rancher, he visited a UFO crash site on The Plains of San Augustan. He found a phenomenal amount of material and had it scientifically analyzed. In his book, UFO Crash at San Augustin, in 1947. Art has painstakingly documented with over 100 photographs and lab analysis the materials found at the site.
06-04-2015 om 23:44
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files # 14 -2015 Senator Goldwater Believes in Aliens - Part II
Filer’s Files # 14 -2015 Senator Goldwater Believes in Aliens - Part II
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
Arizona Disc Cloud
Kayenta – On Sunday, March 22nd at 11:30 am, I was traveling by motorcycle east on Highway 160 toward Kayenta and Monument Valley. I noticed a large cloud to my left that had two dark horizontal lines through it that seems too perfect and evenly spaced to be natural. The cloud was shaped like a large disc-shaped UFO may be hidden in it or generating it for cover. I watched it as I rode and stopped several times to photograph it. It was not changing shape like the other clouds around it. Shortly after I took this photo, I saw a silver globular object emerge quickly out of the top of the cloud and fly off moving very fast. The object appeared to be spinning as it moved and left an irregular contrail that looked like a string of beads. I felt as though I had just witnessed a UFO event. I watched the cloud because of its shape and saw the object emerge from it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
On February 26, 2015, this UFO was seen and shows a dark UFO moving across the sky. This video is two minutes long, so it would be incredibly time consuming to make a fake like that, and very little reason to do so.
This is interesting footage and I would really like to find out who posted it to get a statement to go along with it.
Thanks to UFO Sightings Daily
California Lights
Westminster – I was looking at this star blinking red and blue so I took a picture of it on March 16, 2015, at 9 PM. When I zoomed in on the picture I couldn’t believe my eyes.
There were hundreds of UFOs flying all around that star. There were red, blue and white triangles. Some had just two white lights and some were red. I have all kinds of pictures that will blow your mind.
Note:This photo appears to be “a photo of a photo.” I am trying to obtain more information about the photo. Updates will be posted. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Santa Cruz — It looked like a stationary white light or orb on the edge of a chem.-trail on January 31, 2015. If you zoom this photo in all the way, it looks like a grey metallic diamond shape behind a cloak of light in front of the object. I have three more photos of this object.
Note: I optimized the photo so that it would fit on a webpage. However, enlargement of the original photo reveals a silver spherical shaped object not a diamond shape. The planet Venus was not visible at that time. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Colorado Disc
Craig— I recently was reviewing images I took while on a trip on August 12, 2013. In one of the photos taken to the south of Craig in an unpopulated area, an object appears to be a rapidly moving craft. It was not seen or heard by me when the photo was taken. It appears to be moving from the southeast toward the northwest in the sky.
I don’t think this was a bird because of the amount of motion (blur). The camera is a Canon EOS 7D, shot at iso 100, f6.3, 1/100. Also the shape of the object would indicate it was much larger than a bird. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Walden – I was at home and noticed an extremely bright light to the west, and noticed it was moving very slowly on March 25, 2015.
I got binoculars and could see a triangular shape, very bright with little lights moving around it. It was translucent and could see stars through it. I watched it climb higher to the east for about 40 minutes till it faded as it climbed. I’m still wondering if it was a comet, but it was moving too fast. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Cylinder
Stuart— It was a beautiful clear day and I took some pictures and a video of the sky on November 13 2013. After I downloaded them a few days later I was in shock and awe. It looked like a large UFO flying over my apartment that flew right up to my porch. It shot a beam behind the eve of my roof and moved back out shooting in front of me. It hovered and put a beam out and hovered and then shot straight up. I lost the video due to an error, but at least I have pictures from the video. The craft looks metallic in nature. I also took them to retired air force colonels and they said, “I had some interesting pictures and believed it was a ufo and that I should take it to the news”. I never did, for I was scared. I have had an encounter with the men in black, and a visitation to my apartment from them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Miami – My friend posted this picture this morning and I immediately noticed the blue light in the sky on March 29, 2015.
No one else noticed it, or made a comment, but I found it very strange. I was not the witness, my friend posted this picture and the first thing I noticed was the orb above the building. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Cross
Galatia – On March 30, 2015, at 2 am, my wife and I were turning off the lights to go to bed when she noticed from our dining room window bright lights coming from the east and asked me to come and look, so I did. We didn’t think it looked like low flying plane or helicopter so we went outside to watch it. When we got outside it was obvious that it was something odd because it was very large and made absolutely no sound at all, totally silent. My wife ran inside and grabbed our binoculars and as soon as she looked at it through them she handed them to me and said “That’s not an airplane!” We watched the aircraft for 3 to 4 minutes until it was out of sight. I have attached an illustration defining the light arrangement. All lights were white except two red blinking lights. I estimate the craft’s altitude was 2500 feet and traveling 100-200 knots. We have spotted other strange aircraft in our area over the past three years followed later by Blackhawk helicopters patrolling the area.
Note: We are not close to any military bases or large airports but frequent sightings of UFOs are common in our area. This is a rural area and mostly occupied by farmers and Old Order Amish. However, 30-40 years ago much of this area was strip-mined. In August 2012, I reported my 1st encounter to MUFON, and now my wife and I continually watch the skies. I am a disabled Veteran and I cannot sleep more than 3-4 hours per night. There’s more that I would like to talk about but I won’t because nobody would believe me? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky Light
Shepherdsville — Took my dog out to bathroom standing there noticed a huge pulsating light on March 30, 2015. It seemed to change shape. I got my boyfriend who didn’t have an explanation for it. He said, “It was something weird!” I got my cell phone out when I saw it move then stop again. It changed from bright star like, to a pulsating shape that changed from round to disk to teardrop, and then a cigar.
It would move then stop and kept doing that for a long time watched it and took ICS for about an hour. It was a very exciting experience. I hope it is something you find interesting. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Massachusetts Glowing Light
Worcester — I was walking through Boynton Street on March 31, 2015, when I saw a glowing oval shaped object. I was confused at first as its speed was faster than a normal airplane. There was no sound. I took a video as it just disappeared. A glowing light was seen two times with 15 minutes in two different directions.
I crossed Institute Road and found a similar object, but this time it was glowing and dimming. I took a couple of photos and again took a video as it disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Minnesota Maneuvering Objects
Mid Flight — I am 21 years old, married with a newborn son, and live in a small rural community where I commute back and forth to be an accountant in a larger community. As I was flying Delta Airlines from Pittsburgh as the sun was just rising to my layover in Minneapolis on March 22, 2015. There was chatter behind me asking, “What that was, and look over there.” Someone leaned over to look out my window and check it out. There were three distant objects on the north side of our plane close to one another moving much faster than we were. They were moving sporadically in multiple directions without visible lights with stealth bomber like shapes. They were in the distance, but maneuvered up, backwards, and down and flying 4 to 5 times faster than we were. All three were a matte black or grey. Other passengers were taking pictures, but I was only to have a picture of one of the objects as they seemed to have dropped below the clouds over Lake Superior. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Green Object
Lees Summit — Shortly after midnight of March 30th, 2015, at 12:39 am, I noticed a brilliant green object descend in about a second in an 80° angle in the NNW night sky. It appeared to be similar to a meteor at about 17° height from the horizon, and when it had descended to 12° a smaller piece broke off and continued in the same direction as the main larger craft.
They would likely have entered Blue Springs Lake a mile away, and covering a descent of 834 feet in about a second before vanishing beyond the trees travelling at about 569 mph. These craft seem to have become visible at the time that I saw them. I believe that the larger craft appeared just before entering the lake. Similar objects were seen on May 1, September 12, and October 15, 2014. The odds of four “meteor” like objects descending ablaze in the same vicinity within yards of each other are extremely unlikely. The objects are only visible for about a second or two. These craft materialize at about 2500 feet altitude. On two of the occasions the meteor like object split off another object. Previous objects were brilliant yellow or whitish in color. This was brilliant green, suggesting that it is made from different alloys. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nebraska Orb
Ogalalla – A few weeks ago I was returning from Denver and stopped at my favorite camping site at Lake Mc Conaughy on March 13, 2015.
I took many photos of the lake, the beach and the blue sky.
I took a photo of the sun and my camera captured this anomaly in the picture. It appears to be behind the sun.
Note: Possible lens flare although dark object is unusual. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Object
Garfield — My family and I went out to get some ice cream on March 22, 2015, and we noticed an object hovering in the sky next to the crescent moon.
The object released smaller objects that began to blink and shoot back and forth in the sky. We zoomed in and it was a triangular shape, very similar to an UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Light
Corning — Watched for several minutes a group of very bright objects moving very slowly on June 25, 2014. Several smaller objects were darting all around it. The formation changed several times. After 20 or so minutes it moved behind the ONLY cloud in the sky.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Object
Austin — I am a professional photographer and amateur astronomer that work at the New Jersey Astronomical Association Observatory in Voorhees State Park, High Bridge, New Jersey. I was taking pictures of my son April 11, 2014, and because I am a drone flyer I saw an object in the sky moving rather quickly across airport grounds. Because I thought that this object was a security drone I didn’t look at it for weeks when I noticed that it was not a drone at all.
It had 4 dome-like structures and a central structure holding it together. There is no obvious flight surface to provide lift so one would assume a balloon, but it moved too fast, in a straight line and height to be one. I estimate the craft to be roughly 20-25 feet across. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
Washington Orbs
My cousin and I were driving around in Washington State and noticed something bright in the sky on March 26, 2015. He said to keep an eye out because it was a clear night. We arrived at my house around 9 PM, and still noticed the object in the sky that was getting brighter. I ran in and got my wife to come look at it with us. It hovered and moved around and wobbled for almost an hour. We looked at it through binoculars and took pictures with my phone and camera. The photo posted is from my phone camera standing in front of my house.
The object looked spherical in shape with spikes coming out like the New Year’s star dropped in Time Square. It was so bright it was visible through binoculars and the picture confirms what I saw through them. We had four witnesses, my wife, two cousins and me. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Orb
Mackay Old – On March 3, 2015, I saw strange lights in a continuous ring of lights blinking with a line dissecting the ring. This line was blinking the same as the ring and sometimes the entire ring had lights that flashed randomly. They were the same size but had different intensity. The second ring from the left was blinking red and green, the others were white and two thirds the size of the moon.
They were spread out at 10, 11, 12, and 1 o’clock across the sky running north to south. When I first saw them they were almost directly above me at 12:30 am. I checked them again at 1.15 am and they were slightly lower in the western sky. I checked them again at 2 am and they were lower in the sky, but always at the same relative position to the moon. Stars don’t come in rings and they don’t appear in almost in a row evenly spaced. Thanks to Malcolm James
Canada Light
Keremeos BC– A loud humming and buzzing sound woke me up at night on September 20, 2014. I looked out to see a bright shining light pulsating and changing colors flying over the Columns Park Mountain made of basalt c
olumns. It moved around a while and then hovered for a long time, apparently recharging.
I filmed it for 20 minutes and discovered interesting details when analyzing the footage frame by frame and enlarged. It has the general shape of a pumpkin with rows of lights. An aura or magnetic shield surrounding the ship kept pulsating and could be seen at times as a green grid with a changing buzzing sound. An hour later the craft started ascending slowly and its lights got dimmer, until it disappeared. The video can be seen at:
Toronto – On 8 March 2015 at about 5:15 PM, my son and I had just exited the Aquarium in downtown Toronto when I photographed a group of new high rise condos. I’m a photographer and thought the buildings would make an interesting photo using my iPhone 6 Plus. Later I made a copy of my favorite of those two photos. When I looked at the retouched black and white image on a larger screen, I noticed two distinct dots in the sky above the condos. In the first image, I saw two objects, one triangular and another smaller and orb shaped. In the second image taken six seconds later the two objects were considerably lower plus there was now a third, saucer-shaped object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
India Light
Khorlim Mapusa Goa – The UFO Sighting occurred at 10 PM, on 22nd February 2015 after my wedding with my best friend, Mr. Akshay Kauthankar aka “the Hunter” who captured the UFO’s on his new mobile phone.
I have been looking for these Ufo’s and then they showed up near my place on my “Wedding Day.”
It was a great shock to me because I was very busy on that Day when the UFO’s showed up. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Peru UFO
Lake Titicaca— Under close examination when using the Google Earth application has revealed multiple unknown entities throughout the Lake on March 26, 2015. This observation has been compared with other lakes of similar depth and size that have not revealed anything even remotely similar. The unknown entities are represented by glowing red and green lights, as well as white orbs with a black glow, all throughout the lake. These objects are more focused towards the top left side of the lake, mostly around the island of Amantani. The lights and orbs can clearly be compared to the boats all around the lake, although you are left with mysterious unanswered questions. Being able to see these very clear objects on a simple application like Google Earth should allow for the tracking of these UFOs or USOs. Thanks to MUFON CMS’
Portugal Objects
Lisbon — I was outdoors in the walking at around 9 PM on March 22, 2015, taking pictures of the castle in Portugal. I was not shooting through glass and shot directly at the castle. Upon examination of the iPhone 5S photo, there two were two strange light formations that can be clearly seen in the sky.
((NUFORC Note: Photo shows two clusters of seemingly green lights, against the night sky. Source indicates that the photo was taken from outdoors.)) Thanks to Peter Davenport Director
Vienna do Castillo — I was shooting starting from my brother’s bedroom window, when I observed an aircraft. I enlarged the image noticed the presence of another object in the upper left of the image.
I felt a huge euphoria with the possibility of another object near the plane, as I cannot say what it is. I decided to send you the files for you to analyze.
Excuse my English poorly. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK Sightings in England Scotland
Rotherham, Yorkshire— These photos were taken on the 19th September 2013, over England about 9 am.
The first three pictures show something coming down, and the next three pictures show something that was travelling upwards in a straight line that was very strange. Thanks to
Leicester -- I popped outside to have a smoke at 6:24 pm on November 2, 2014, when this orange ball whizzed past in the dark sky. It was completely silent and moved from West to East as I was looking at it.
I went in to get my phone to take pics but by the time I got back outside it had gone. A minute later another one that looked identical went from West to East, pretty much the same speed and size as the first one. This time I was lucky to quickly take a few pictures with my camera phone. I work in civil aerospace so I’m pretty clued up to what most aircraft look like, but I’d never seen anything like this before. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Scotland Cylinder
Airdrie– The very noisy craft was first heard and seen around 10.50 pm, on March 23, 2015. The noise alerted the observer to look south out of his living room window. Its shape was that of an oblong box with three discernible static lights, white on the left, blue in middle and blue on the right. The craft was moving fast because when first observed through living room window in the sky, was gone by the time observer opened the front door. It was definitely not an airplane. We are directly in the flight path of constant planes returning to Glasgow airport in the south west or Cumbernauld in the north. We also have the odd helicopter buzzing around (Police or Power coys) this craft was totally distinct from these. The attached illustration from Google images Nancy Talbot is the exact type of craft observed, except for the color of the lights.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey UFO Conference
Dave Stinnett reports the conference will be on April 11th, 2015 at the Hamilton Garden Hilton in Hamilton NJ (our usual spot). Speakers are: Travis Walton, – Shannon Taggart, Frank Staler, Karyn Dolan, and David Rountree. We look forward to seeing you at the conference! You can pay at the door or prepay on our website
Support Earth Changing Research
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the people who have sent donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
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Watchers 7 DVD ($20.00) and the companion book Further Evidence ($24.95) by L. A. Marzulli, with Richard Shaw:
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
Become a MUFON member today! Benefits of membership include a subscription to the monthly UFO Journal that contains current investigations, sightings reports, articles by world-renowned researchers and more. To join now, click here
Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2014 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
There’s really no explanation for this. Witnesses Kazakhstan are puzzled by what appears to be a dark ring floating in the sky above. Some say it could be a portal opening up =)
And if all goes well, it might one day help humans safely land on Mars.
NASA’s Low Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) is designed to act as a drag device and slow down a hypersonic spacecraft as it enters the thin Martian atmosphere.
The LDSD is essentially an inflatable donut-shaped balloon attached to a rocket-powered disc and its main goal is to assist in the safe landing of heavy cargo. It would be positioned in front of the spacecraft, creating drag and reducing the speed to twice the speed of sound (Mach 2). A parachute would then deploy, slowing things down to a more manageable, subsonic speed.
The current landing technology has been in use since the 1970s, when it helped land the Viking probes on Mars. It can only land one metric ton and because of this limitation, it needs to be overhauled.
NASA is currently testing two designs, one with a diameter of 20 feet and the other slightly larger. They will continue testing throughout 2015 and if all goes well, we might even see a new mission to Mars, as early as 2020.
Meeting Between Tall Alien and Astronauts Witnessed by Retired NASA Employee
Clark C. McClelland is a man with a strange story. He claims to have witnessed a meeting between NASA astronauts and a 9 foot tall extraterrestrial.
McClelland says he worked for NASA as a spacecraft operator at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. During his career, he was involved in 650+ missions within the Mercury and Apollo agenda as well as the Space Shuttle program.
It was during one of the Space Shuttle missions that he became a spectator to a close encounter between NASA astronauts and a tall alien.
According to his account, McClelland was monitoring the mission from his desk at the Kennedy Launch Control Center when he saw something he wasn’t supposed to see:
I, Clark C. McClelland, former ScO [Spacecraft Operator], Space Shuttle Fleet, personally observed an 8 to 9 foot tall ET on his 27 inch video monitors while on duty in the Kennedy Space Center, Launch Control Center (LCC). The ET was standing upright in the Space Shuttle Payload Bay having a discussion with two tethered US NASA astronauts! I also observed on my monitors, the spacecraft of the ET as it was in a stabilized, safe orbit to the rear of the Space Shuttle main engine pods. I observed this incident for about one minute and seven seconds. Plenty of time to memorize all that I was observing. It was an ET and alien star ship,” he wrote on his website.
McClelland says he couldn’t have been mistaken as his experience pretty much guarantees his expertise in “visual recognition of crafts created and flown by the human race, whether secret or otherwise.”
He says he wasn’t the only official who witnessed the meeting. Sometime after the incident, a friend confided to him that he had seen the same alien inside the shuttle’s crew compartment.
NASA made no statements denying his employment and he has photos and documents that actually support his claims regarding a lengthy career at the Space Agency.
He goes on to say that NASA is not a civilian agency:
The Pentagon owns NASA. Some of the DoD (Department of Defense) missions I participated in were top secret. Those missions carried TS Satellites and other space mission hardware into orbit where several crews met with ETs.”
According to his claims, the DoD-governed NASA has been hiding key information regarding alien contacts while the U.S. has long maintained a covert military alliance with at least one alien race.
On a side note, McClelland says he cultivated a close friendship with NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell, one of the first space pioneers and the sixth man to set foot on the Moon. Mitchell is a proponent for the existence of aliens and their presence on Earth. In 1998, at a conference in Connecticut, he said that he was “90 per cent sure that many of the thousands of UFOs recorded since the 1940s belong to visitors from other planets.”
Mitchell is just one of many astronauts who are outspoken about their views on the ET phenomenon.
Recently, there have been several claims that NASA’s live feed cameras showed UFOs docking with the International Space Station. And then there are the many instances when the feed was cut just as unexplained objects showed up. Could the ISS serve as a rendezvous with extraterrestrials, unbeknownst to the seven billion people below?
While his credibility has been often brought into question, many believe McClelland is speaking the truth. Sure, calling him a crackpot seems a valid solution, but what if he’s not? Let us know what you think!
Note from The Black Vault: The following letter was submitted, and the person requested to remain anonymous. They submitted a high resolution copy of the very well known Aguadilla, Puerto Rico UFO sighting. This was submitted to The Black Vault in September of 2014.
When The Black Vault was redesigned, and the case file was rebuilt into the new database, it was noticed that the original YouTube video that was uploaded by the witness (the high resolution version archived here on The Black Vault) was mysteriously removed. There was no reason given by YouTube.
I was reading about your involvement in getting documents from the NSA concerning UFO’s. Sir, if you want undeiable proof of UFO’s on earth from a government source it is in the video below. Try a FOIA request for this video that was leaked onto youtube.
I can vouch that the following video is 100% real. I am remaining anonymous to avoid government reprisals. If you ever wanted to truly see how aliens are monitoring or studying us, and witness their technology, this is it.
The video is a black and white infrared recording using a L3 MX15 EOIR camera. The IR video uses back hot, meaning the blacker something is the hotter, or fuller of energy it is. The video was leaked onto youtube because the Federal Agents who recorded it realized the Federal Government was not interested in disclosing it. The video was recorded from the screen of a laptop using a iPhone type device.
Spanish is heard as background noise to distort the leaker’s voices so they are not discovered, so disregard all audio. Lastly, the poster of the video speculates it was recorded from a CBP Blackhawk. In reality it was recorded by a CBP DHC8 turboprop maritime patrol aircraft.
This is not a maybe, this is 100% alien technology on earth, in our skies, and under our oceans. The video was taken in Aguadilla Puerto Rico, and can be verified by calling CBP Caribbean Air and Marine Branch, and Aguadilla airport control tower (the UFO was over the airport without permission and tower controllers saw it and tracked it on radar.
On April 25, 2013 at 2122 Local/April 26, 2013 0122Z a Customs and Border Protection Caribbean Air and Marine Branch DHC8 maritime patrol aircraft was on a routine patrol when it encountered a UFO immediately after takeoff. The object was spotted visually by the Captain of the aircraft, and the Aguadilla control tower operator. It appeared to have a strange red light.
The Customs and Border Protection crew thought the aircraft might be a smuggler so they began to follow the UFO, and record a IR video. The UFO circled the Aguadilla airport and made its way to the ocean. Initially the UFO appears as a forward flying horseshoe, then as it makes its way to the ocean, it changes its configuration to a more spherical shape. The UFO skims on top of the ocean, and submerges, unaffected by the hydrodynamic forces.
Watch the video carefully at 01:24:39 (time in upper left corner) when the object gets really dark (hot) another UFO actually pops out of the ocean and joins the original UFO in formation. Then both UFO’s make controlled entries into the ocean. Alien technology is no doubt under the ocean near Puerto Rico.
It was October and it had been an unseasonably humid night. Deborah awoke in the early morning in her college dormitory room. As she woke up she was aware of the local milk truck making noise in the alley below. She had washed her hair the night before; with the high humidity her hair was still damp. She decided to open the window to get some fresh air moving in the dorm room. She drew back the curtains and opened the window wide. “It was then that I looked up into the sky and saw a hovering saucer shaped object. I was surprised and then became very scared as I was alone in the room. I thought I might have been dreaming so pinched myself.” Deborah quickly walked around the room and grabbed her camera and began snapping pictures of the hovering disk shaped object. She tells us that because she was so excited and in a state of awe she didn’t notice that the camera was out of film. “I felt privileged to be a witness to the sight of this craft.”
Deborah says that she had always thought people who believed in this type of thing were foolish. “All these thoughts crowded my head. I felt like going next door and waking up the girl who lived there, and telling her to look out the window. But I was afraid to even go into the hallway.” So Deborah just quietly watched the object that was hovering over the city. “The saucer was highly luminescent or polished, a silvery color. It had an illuminated quality, but I never saw any lights. When the hovering saucer left, it took off at a fantastic speed.” She says she observed what appeared to be sparkling dust slowly sifting down after the hovering saucer left. “I remember thinking how beautiful it looked. To be honest I have struggled to believe it was from a different planet.” Deborah tells us that there was never a report in the local newspapers about it. “… my friends, the ones I told, were very skeptical. Still, I didn’t tell everyone as I didn’t want to be known for seeing it; and I didn’t want to be mocked or made fun of.” Reflecting back, Deborah says she was glad for the whole experience.
Robert Bingham noemt deze UFO’s de “ET Brotherhood Ships” en gelooft dat het engelen zijn. Volgens Bingham heeft God vele helpers en stuurt hij deze engelen om de aarde in de gaten te houden en voor de mensheid te zorgen.
Zo zijn volgens hem deze engelen ook verantwoordelijk voor het net op tijd opblazen van de meteoor boven Rusland in februari. Hij is niet echt bescheiden te noemen omdat wanneer men hem vraagt waarom precies hij de macht heeft om deze UFO’s op te roepen, hij zegt dat dat is omdat God hem erg lief heeft. Dat God speciale krachten geeft aan bepaalde wijze mensen op aarde.
Bingham is ook in staat om als het ware op commando’s UFO’s op te roepen. Hij doet dit gewoonlijk in het bijzijn van een aantal getuigen die hetzelfde waarnemen als hij.
De opnames van Bingham zijn soms zo bijzonder dat je geneigd bent om te denken dat ze niet echt zijn. Toch zijn ze dat wel. Je kunt in de opnamen de mensen in de achtergrond horen die zien wat Bingham ook ziet.
De volgende is enkele dagen geleden gemaakt bij de Sony Studio’s in Culver City in Californië.
De UFO’s die door Bingham worden vastgelegd zijn anders dan die mensen wereldwijd in het algemeen waarnemen.
Die van Bingham lijken wel te leven en veranderen permanent in de meest fantastische vormen en kleuren.
Hieronder de bewegende beelden zoals die zijn opgenomen met een introductie van Robert Bingham zelf.
Red UFO sighting over Menisa, Turkey on 4th April 2015
Red UFO sighting over Menisa, Turkey on 4th April 2015
New interesting UFO sighting photo taken over Menisa, Turkey on 4th April 2015.
Witness said: I was going to Menemen/Izmir/Turkey from Manisa/Turkey . I was look the sky and see that light and take a photo quickly. I think , two object in the light beam and they are moved.
This video was recently submitted to me by Robert Bingham.
3/26/15 Capture near Sony Studios in Culver City, Los Angeles, CA. The UFO is a captured facade that actually transforms in front of your eyes. This is a foundational video for those who are stuck with inductive reasoning. Just because it is colored like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, doesn’t mean it is not a decoy. This5:20second video reveals a transformation beyond belief within 64 seconds of the tape. Most people would have intuitively reasoned and judged this object within 15 seconds and not wasted their time to view the object any further much less taped it. Robert Bingham noticed subtle indications of imitation prior to transformation and continued to videotape the object. As the tape progresses, you will find that this object transforms into the same pattern over and over again. Please note that towards the end of the tape, it reveals its interior (black) as it closes up, something you have to see in order to believe. Amazing footage by the masterful artist of Summoning UFOs, Robert Bingham.
April 2, 2015- There are hundreds of pyramids already discovered around the planet:
- in Egypt there are about 110 discovered, and studies suggest that many more are still buried beneath the desert sand;
- in Caral, Peru (South America). According to the officials, the Caral-Supe pyramids were build roughly at the same time as the Great Pyramids of Egypt;
- in Mesoamerica, there are hundreds scattered throughout today’s Mexico;
- in China, there are as many as 300 pyramids, many of which are partially or almost completely covered with earth and vegetation;
- in Philippines we have the so called “chocolate hills” — 1,776 strange pyramidal hills. There are voices suggesting that these may also be earth-covered pyramids.
- in Europe we have the pyramidal complex of Visoko, Bosnia, which was thought to be a small mountain until recently. The ongoing excavations at Visoko will probably unearth the biggest pyramid on Earth.
- in Italy, buried pyramids have recently been discovered.
Many other hills around Europe are suspected to be earth-covered pyramids, due to their steep slopes and pointed peaks. Sadly, the officials are not interested to unearth more pyramids, because they would face even more challenging questions.
According to the main stream history, all of the Earth’s pyramids had been built by quasi-stone age people, thousands of years ago. I want to remind you that this happened before the invention of the wheel (or any sort of pulleys) and the alleged constructors had no advanced mathematics.
During the construction of the Great Pyramids of Egypt, for example, metallurgy was the peak advancement in technology, yet they were only able to engineer simple copper tools.
They’ve had no means of quickly extracting the stones from quarries, no means of transporting them to the sites, no means of lifting the heavy blocks, no advanced mathematics (which was needed), no advanced tools or machines — yet the pyramids are here.
One of my favorite questions to ask is why pyramids? In my opinion, it is impossible for civilizations who were thousands of miles apart of each other to build the same kind of megalithic structures.
Our ancestors had no means of travelling vast distances, so it was impossible for them to borrow the pyramidal architecture from other cultures. According to the main stream history, the pyramids were built to house the body of dead gods or demigods (pharaohs, kings), and mummified bodies of rulers have been discovered inside some of the pyramids, around the planet. So this is another, very interesting, common characteristic. Not only that all of the most prominent civilizations built these gigantic pyramidal structures, but they were all built for the same purpose.
Without a common architect, this is simply impossible!
It is suggested that the pyramids were built on huge energetic vortexes, and we know from various experiments that the pyramids are great accumulators of energy. More importantly, the pyramids have the property of beaming energy through their peaks.
David Wilcock has re-analyzed the Bosnian Pyramids and other ancient monuments. His new physics theory of how they were built by ‘altering’ matter is presented here (watch the video below).
There is a prevalence of ancient structures around the world aligned on the same grid, he said, citing such examples as the 1,776 pyramids on the Philippines’ Chocolate Hills, the earthen mounds built by the Mound Builders in the United States, and the lost pyramids of Italy. Pyramids have also been discovered in China, but the government there has been secretive about them, he added.
There are anomalous and healthful benefits from pyramids, said Wilcock, noting they have been associated with reducing radioactivity, and in Russia, where a pyramid was built, the arid land around the structure became more verdant, including the growth of ferns that were thought to be extinct.
Pyramids’ effects are connected to gravity, which is pushing down from the sky, he explained. “Gravity is a river of energy flowing into the Earth…and that energy can then be harnessed by building a funnel-like shape,” causing gravity’s fluid energy to swirl and create a vortex current, he continued.
As to the mystery of how some of the great pyramidal structures were built, Wilcock theorized that a frequency and vibration technology was used to alter the stone blocks’ molecular structure, so they would become softer and lighter to move.
He also addressed climate change happening in the solar system, on such planets as Saturn, Venus, and Mars, as well as how the Maya may have been tracking in their calendars, the times when astrophysical portals were opening.
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Invisible Plasma Shield, Which Protects Earth From Radiation, Discovered 7,200 Miles Above Planet
Invisible Plasma Shield, Which Protects Earth From Radiation, Discovered 7,200 Miles Above Planet
Scientists have discovered a sharp boundary above the Earth’s surface that blocks the ultrafast electrons from entering Earth’s atmosphere. Reuters
The Earth is protected from fast-moving “killer electrons” by an invisible plasma shield, which is located thousands of miles above the planet’s surface, according to researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of Colorado Boulder.
High above the Earth’s atmosphere, harmful electrons that make up the outer band of the Van Allen radiation belt travel at nearly the speed of light, pelting everything in their path. Exposure to such high-energy radiation can harm satellite electronics and pose serious health risks to astronauts. However, despite their intense energy, these electrons -- circling around the planet’s equator -- cannot come below 7,200 miles from the Earth’s surface due to the shield, scientists said in a study, published in the journal Nature on Thursday.
“It’s almost like theses electrons are running into a glass wall in space,” Daniel Baker of the University of Colorado Boulder and the study’s lead author said, in a statement. “Somewhat like the shields created by force fields on Star Trek that were used to repel alien weapons, we are seeing an invisible shield blocking these electrons. It’s an extremely puzzling phenomenon.”
The invisible shield, dubbed the “plasmaspheric hiss,” is made up of very low-frequency electromagnetic waves in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. Scientific data and calculations have helped researchers deduce that the hiss deflects incoming electrons, causing them to smash into neutral gas atoms in the Earth’s upper atmosphere, and ultimately disappear.
“It’s a very unusual, extraordinary, and pronounced phenomenon,” John Foster, associate director of MIT’s Haystack Observatory, said in a statement. “What this tells us is if you parked a satellite or an orbiting space station with humans just inside this impenetrable barrier, you would expect them to have much longer lifetimes. That’s a good thing to know.”
The latest study is based on data collected by NASA’s Van Allen Probes that are orbiting within the harsh environments of the Van Allen radiation belt. During the study, the researchers observed an “exceedingly sharp” barrier against harmful electrons, which was steady enough to withstand a solar wind shock in October 2013. To determine what could create and maintain such a barrier, the researchers considered a few possibilities, including effects from the Earth’s magnetic field and radio signals from human transmitters on Earth.
“It’s like looking at the phenomenon with new eyes, with a new set of instrumentation, which give us the detail to say, ‘Yes, there is this hard, fast boundary,’” Foster said.
Spielberg May Be Making Documentary About Russian UFO Lake
Spielberg May Be Making Documentary About Russian UFO Lake
There’s rumors coming out of Russia that Steven Spielberg will make a documentary about Lake Baikal, the world’s deepest freshwater lake and the location of numerous UFO and alien sightings. Is Spielberg finally going to have a close encounter with a real E.T.?
The Siberian Times reported this week that the world famous director would be visiting Lake Baikal in May to kick off the filming of “Depth 211,” a documentary about one of Siberia’s hottest hotbeds of UFO activity. Completely surrounded by mountains, the remote lake contains one-fifth of Earth’s unfrozen surface fresh water (more than all the Great Lakes combined) and dates back 25 million years, making it the world’s oldest lake.
While there have been many sightings of glowing objects and flying saucers over the lake, the most interesting sightings have come from divers exploring its depths. In 1977, two men in a submersible ship turned off their lights at a depth of 1200 meters and were suddenly hit by a strange glow from above and two sides. After a minute, the lights went out and they were back in darkness.
The most famous encounter was in 1982 when seven military divers came face-to-face with aliens. Historian Alexey Tivanenko describes the meeting:
At a depth of 50 meters, they met swimmers, around three meters tall, dressed in tight-fitting silvery suits. They did not have any scuba or other devices, just helmets on their heads.
The divers suddenly and mysteriously found themselves on the shore suffering from decompression and three of them died. Their descriptions of the aliens were said to resemble the beings pictured in petroglyphs found in the area.
A Lake Baikal petroglyph
Add to those the stories of large flying saucers seen by multiple witnesses in 1987 and 1990 and legends of lake monsters and it sounds like the perfect location for a Spielberg movie, fact or fiction.
So, is Steven coming? That’s hard to tell. There’s no word from his “people” and Siberian Times referenced a press release from MUFON that the web site appears to have no record of.
It sounds like it would be a great documentary. If Spielberg doesn’t do, maybe somebody else will produce “Close Encounters of the Frigid Kind.”
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Is this ET? Mystery of strange radio bursts from space continues
Is this ET? Mystery of strange radio bursts from space continues
April 1, 2015- Mysterious radio wave flashes from far outside the galaxy are proving tough for astronomers to explain. Is it pulsars? A spy satellite? Or an alien message? Bursts of radio waves flashing across the sky seem to follow a mathematical pattern. If the pattern is real, either some strange celestial physics is going on, or the bursts are artificial, produced by human - or alien - technology.
Telescopes have been picking up so-called fast radio bursts (FRBs) since 2001. They last just a few milliseconds and erupt with about as much energy as the sun releases in a month. Ten have been detected so far, most recently in 2014, when the Parkes Telescope in New South Wales, Australia, caught a burst in action for the first time. The others were found by sifting through data after the bursts had arrived at Earth. No one knows what causes them, but the brevity of the bursts means their source has to be small - hundreds of kilometres across at most - so they can't be from ordinary stars. And they seem to come from far outside the galaxy.
The weird part is that they all fit a pattern that doesn't match what we know about cosmic physics.
To calculate how far the bursts have come, astronomers use a concept called the dispersion measure. Each burst covers a range of radio frequencies, as if the whole FM band were playing the same song. But electrons in space scatter and delay the radiation, so that higher frequency waves make it across space faster than lower frequency waves. The more space the signal crosses, the bigger the difference, or dispersion measure, between the arrival time of high and low frequencies - and the further the signal has travelled.
Michael Hippke of the Institute for Data Analysis in Neukirchen-Vluyn, Germany, and John Learned at the University of Hawaii in Manoa found that all 10 bursts' dispersion measures are multiples of a single number: 187.5 (see chart above). This neat line-up, if taken at face value, would imply five sources for the bursts all at regularly spaced distances from Earth, billions of light-years away. A more likely explanation, Hippke and Lerned say, is that the FRBs all come from somewhere much closer to home, from a group of objects within the Milky Way that naturally emit shorter-frequency radio waves after higher-frequency ones, with a delay that is a multiple of 187.5 (
They claim there is a 5 in 10,000 probability that the line-up is coincidence. "If the pattern is real," says Learned, "it is very, very hard to explain."
Cosmic objects might, by some natural but unknown process, produce dispersions in regular steps. Small, dense remnant stars called pulsars are known to emit bursts of radio waves, though not in regular arrangements or with as much power as FRBs. But maybe superdense stars are mathematical oddities because of underlying physics we don't understand.
It's also possible that the telescopes are picking up evidence of human technology, like an unmapped spy satellite, masquerading as signals from deep space.
The most tantalising possibility is that the source of the bursts might be a who, not a what. If none of the natural explanations pan out, their paper concludes, "An artificial source (human or non-human) must be considered."
"Beacon from extraterrestrials" has always been on the list of weird possible origins for these bursts. "These have been intriguing as an engineered signal, or evidence of extraterrestrial technology, since the first was discovered," says Jill Tarter, former director of the SETI Institute in California. "I'm intrigued. Stay tuned."
Astronomers have long speculated that a mathematically clever message - broadcasts encoded with pi, or flashes that count out prime numbers, as sent by aliens in the film Contact - could give away aliens' existence. Perhaps extraterrestrial civilisations are flagging us down with basic multiplication.
But a fast radio burst is definitely not the easiest message aliens could send. As Maura McLaughlin of West Virginia University, who was part of the first FRB discovery points out, it takes a lot of energy to make a signal that spreads across lots of frequencies, instead of just a narrow one like a radio station. And if the bursts come from outside the galaxy, they would have to be incredibly energetic to get this far.
If the bursts actually come from inside the Milky Way, they need not be so energetic (just like a nearby flashlight can light up the ground but a distant light does not). Either way, though, it would require a lot of power. In fact, the aliens would have to be from what SETI scientists call a Kardashev Type II civilisation (see "Keeping up with the Kardashevs").
But maybe there's no pattern at all, let alone one that aliens embedded. There are only 10 bursts, and they fit into just five groups. "It's very easy to find patterns when you have small-number statistics," says McLaughlin. "On the other hand, I don't think you can argue with the statistics, so it is odd."
The pattern might disappear as more FRBs are detected. Hippke and Learned plan to check their finding against new discoveries, and perhaps learn something about the universe. "Science is the best game around," says Learned. "You don't know what the rules are, or if you can win. This is science in action."
If the result holds up, says Hippke, "there is something really interesting we need to understand. This will either be new physics, like a new kind of pulsar, or, in the end, if we can exclude everything else, an ET."
Hippke is cautious, but notes that remote possibilities are still possibilities. "When you set out to search for something new," he says, "you might find something unexpected."
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Nazca Lines DECODED as Great Pyramid Blueprints. EPIC Discovery!
Nazca Lines DECODED as Great Pyramid Blueprints. EPIC Discovery!
April 1, 2015- he ancient fortress site of Tiahuanaco (Tiwanaku) in western Bolivia is still revealing secrets thousands of years after its peak as capital of an empire, and home to one of the most important civilizations prior to the Inca. Archaeologists from the Tiahuanaco Archeological Research Center have discovered an underground pyramid at the site using ground-penetrating radar.
According to Fox News Latino, the Bolivian government has announced excavations are set to begin this summer on the new find at the Kantatallita area of Tiahuanaco, 71 kilometers (44 miles) west of La Paz.
Using ground-penetrating radar, researchers also have reportedly found “underground anomalies” which they suspect might be monoliths, but further analysis will be carried out before reaching official conclusions.
Ludwing Cayo, director of the Tiahuanaco Archeological Research Center told EFE News Agency that Tiahuanaco will be undergoing further investigations over the next five years. This is welcome news to some, as the site and stone monuments may have suffered from exposure weathering 4,000 meters above sea level.
AcercandoNaciones reports that some of the ruins of Tiahunaco have become dilapidated, and some researchers suggest these might benefit from the protection of an indoor museum.
Tiahuanaco has been a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site since 2000.
It was the capital of an empire that extended into present-day Peru and Chile, flourishing from 300 to 1000 A.D., and is believed to be one of the most important cities of ancient America. Andean legends claim the area around Lake Titicaca was the cradle of the first humans on Earth. According to the myths, Lord Viracocha, the creator of all things, chose Tiahuanaco as the place of creation. It is unknown how old these ruins are, but some researchers suggest that they date to 14,000 years B.C.
Fox News Latino writes that at its height, the Tiwanaku realm covered 600,000 square kilometers (231,000 square miles), and “left a legacy of impressive stone monuments such as Kalasasaya, the semi-underground Templete, sculptures of prominent figures, the Gate of the Sun and ruins of palaces.”
Previous excavations at the site have revealed substantial portions of the Akapana Pyramid Mound.
Archaeology’s InteractiveDig writes that in the ancient past there is evidence that the established infrastructure was razed and rebuilt by the inhabitants, and the city was abandoned. Researchers say there was a sudden shift in 700 A.D. Previous monuments were torn down, and the blocks were used to build the Akapana Pyramid. However, by the time the city was abandoned, the project had still not been completed, and laid unfinished.
Results from the excavations at Tiahuanaco and the research into the newly detected buried pyramid are expected to be announced later this year.
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Lost Ancient Technologies Of Peru And Bolivia
After studying the megalithic structures of Peru and Bolivia for years, Brien Foerster is going beyond the official version of history, bringing evidence that many of the monuments attributed to the Inca civilization, in fact, predate them. According to Brien, the Incas only replicated the original megalithic constructions (which are more technologically advanced) and the differences are visible even to the untrained eye.
Brien and his team of experts suggest that the pre-Inca civilization possessed advanced technology which enabled them to build astonishing megalithic sites, some of them composed of stones as heavy as 120 tons (e.g. Sachsayhuaman, Cusco).
The ancient builders used a variety of rocks for their megalithic sites, including diorite and granite, which are some of the hardest rocks on Earth.
The stones have been transported from the quarries for miles over rough terrain, precisely polished, and fitted together so perfectly that not even a human hair can be fitted between most of the stones (e.g. the walls of Coricancha site in Cusco, Peru).
Brien Foerster's work includes the study of the elongated skulls of South America, and the results are astonishing - to say the least. He authored 8 books and appeared 4 times in History Channel's program Ancient Aliens (season 3), and he is currently the assistant director of the Paracas History Museum in Paracas (south of Lima).
If you want to read more about his current projects, please follow this link.
06-04-2015 om 00:16
geschreven door peter
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VIDEO: ‘UFO’ caught hovering over Leeds city centre
VIDEO: ‘UFO’ caught hovering over Leeds city centre
The video shows the unidentified flying object flying at a steady speed above city buildings before vanishing in a sudden flash of light.
The uploader of the video says that the audio has been replaced with music as the “eyewitnesses do not want their names or identities to be released.”
The origin of the video remains a mystery, but coincidentally, the film was in the perfect place at the time of recording.
06-04-2015 om 00:13
geschreven door peter
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Humans Are Not From Earth, Scientist Says Aliens Brought Us Here
Humans Are Not From Earth, Scientist Says Aliens Brought Us Here
American ecologist Dr Ellis Silver believes that humans do not originate from Earth.
He believes, based on evidence, that humans were brought to earth by aliens as recently as a few thousand years ago.
Silver, an environmentalist who is currently working with the effort to clean plastic debris from the Pacific, says his book aims to provoke debate – and is based on scientific work on the difference
“The Earth approximately meets our needs as a species, but perhaps not as strongly as whoever brought us here initially thought,” Silver said in an interview with Yahoo news.
“Lizards can sunbathe for as long as they like – and many of them do. We can just about get away with it for a week or two. But day after day in the sun? Forget it. You might as well just lie down on the freeway and wait for a bus to hit you.” We are dazzled by the sun, which is also odd, says Silver – most animals are not.
Silver claims that some chronic illnesses that plague the human race – such as bad backs – could be a sign we evolved on a world with lower gravity. Silver points to other unique human traits – such as the fact that babies’ heads are so large that women have trouble giving birth – in earlier eras, this was often fatal for mother, child or both.
“No other truly native species on this planet has this problem,” he says. Silver also points out to the “extra” 223 genes in human beings, which are not found in any other species, and to the lack of a fossil “missing link”.
Silver chose not to publish in a scientific imprint, wanting to inspire open debate. Reviewers have compared Silver to other space-gazing theorists such as Erich von Däniken, while others have said, “it is possible to drive a coach and horses through several of his arguments.”
Silver also claims that the human race has defects that mark us out as being possibly “not of this world”.
“We are all chronically ill,” says Silver. “Indeed, if you can find a single person who is 100% fit and healthy and not suffering from some (perhaps hidden or unstated) condition or disorder (there’s an extensive list in the book) I would be extremely surprised – I have not been able to find anyone.”
“I believe that many of our problems stem from the simple fact that our internal body clocks have evolved to expect a 25 hour day (this has been proven by sleep researchers), but the Earth’s day is only 24 hours. This is not a modern condition – the same factors can be traced all the way back through mankind’s history on Earth.”
Silver does not suggest one answer – but a possibility that early pre-humans such as homo erectus were crossbred with another species. He also suggests several possible origins, including Alpha Centauri.
Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth’s environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring (raw) foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more. Plus there’s a prevailing feeling among many people that they don’t belong here or that something “just isn’t right”.
“This suggests (to me at least) that mankind may have evolved on a different planet, and we may have been brought here as a highly developed species. One reason for this, discussed in the book, is that the Earth might be a prison planet – since we seem to be a naturally violent species – and we’re here until we learn to behave ourselves.”
“Humans are not from Earth was published mainly to gauge reaction from readers and to provoke thought, particularly among those who might not have considered such a possibility before.”
Ellis hopes that readers will contact him with more evidence for a more extensive follow-up work. The claim that bacteria are arriving from space has also caused controversy – and revived the idea of “panspermia”, where life from Earth might have “pollinated” other planets nearby..
“There is probably truth to the report that they find curious stuff in the atmosphere,” Chris McKay, an astrobiologist at NASA told in an interview. “The jump to the conclusion that it is alien life is a big jump and would require quite extraordinary proof.”
Professor Wainwright and his colleagues at the University of Sheffield aim to conduct further tests. “In the absence of a mechanism by which large particles like these can be transported to the stratosphere, we can only conclude that the biological entities originated from space,”
Wainwright added. “Our conclusion then is that life is continually arriving to Earth from space, life is not restricted to this planet and it almost certainly did not originate here.”
Silver’s more radical idea is presented as polemic, intended to inspire argument – “Initial reaction has been positive, although one reviewer thought it was a parody, while another found the writing style heavily dictatorial,” he admits.
The debate over the origin of life looks set to intensify. Simulations on supercomputers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the U.S. have found that amino acids, the building blocks of life, could have arrived on Earth via comets.
This would suggest that life might be found elsewhere in our solar system – or even beyond. Nir Goldman suggests that the simple molecules found in comets (such as water, ammonia, and carbon dioxide) could have supplied the raw materials, and the impact with early Earth could have “ignited” a prebiotic reaction. A series of experiments where projectiles were fired into a cometary ice mixtures formed amino acids – the building blocks of life.
“These results confirm our earlier predictions of impact synthesis of prebiotic material, where the impact itself can yield life-building compounds,” Goldman said.
“These results present a significant step forward in our understanding of the origin of the building blocks of life. This increases the chances of life originating and being widespread throughout our solar system,” Goldman said.
Silver wants to pose the question of whether humans arrived separately, “Recent scientific reports suggest that life itself might not be from Earth but might have arrived here on meteors or comets. This primitive form of life then evolved over billions of years into what we find on Earth today.
“My thesis proposes that mankind did not evolve from that particular strain of life, but evolved elsewhere and was transported to Earth (as fully evolved Homo sapiens) between 60,000 and 200,000 years ago.”
“Little in the book can be proven – it can only be supposed or suspected. But there is more than enough indisputable evidence to make further study worthwhile.”
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It all began in late 1978 as two Air Force intelligence officer began an in depth study of the Project Blue Book files. The now defunct records of a 23 year investigation by the US Air Force of unknown aerial phenomena yielded some interesting and controversial conclusions by the two airmen. As time went on not just the Christian clergy, who saw UFO's as the Devil's work or debunkers who refused to look at the convincing evidence of UFO existence could comprehend the disturbing findings of many dedicated researchers who had delved into the perplexing reality of the unknown.
An illuminating text
A well known book was written and published in the 1970's by a pastor who well referenced his argument using scripture that corroborated UFO type events within the pages of the Bible. Many were impressed with the content and thoroughness of this book, but it has gone out of publication and is very hard to find. I have talked to many people who read it and marveled at the data within it, but sadly cannot no longer find this rare and ethereal work.
The common disguise
Ask Mark E. Laughlin, an evangelical performer and student of the Bible who invariably agrees that in ancient times as well as today that indeed entities from another world, dimension, or realm have come to earth and have interacted with humans. Under the aegis of fallen angels, demonic entities, beings of light, spiritual guides, Tulpas, fairies, elementals, these bizarre beings possessing incredible powers all seem to have one purpose, and that is to inflict confusion, fear, and false beliefs among those they appear before.
From where?
Even though few of us that have an objective view of science and faith would concede that extraterrestrials do not exist at all we should acknowledge that there is another mysterious force manifesting itself here on earth. That force has been with us since the beginning of time and has sought to mislead us from finding the truth and perhaps even being able to know the will of God as we are plunged into a twilight world of strange beings who misinform us, and use false guidance to lead us anywhere but in the right direction.
John Keel's findings
The late author and journalist John A. Keel determined that UFO's came from the same realm as spirits, ghosts, hauntings, ectoplasmic phenomenon, and other related super natural manifestations that have puzzled researchers for a long time. According to Keele the same old "Broken Record in the Sky" was responsible for misleading many a desperate leader into oblivion. Take for example two well known religious leaders in human history also deceived and led to destruction by a close encounter with a mystical being.
All roads leading to death
Joseph Smith, originator of the Mormon's was visited by an angel of light who when he encountered this entity collapsed, became paralyzed, and had no choice but to listen to a message supposedly delivered by God from the luminous entity. Joseph Smith would recover from his vision and begin an obsessive journey into the transformation of a messiah who would later be killed in a riot in Chicago!
Prophets of doom
Mohamed, who would later form the Muslim religion was illuminated just as Joseph Smith when a blinding entity appeared unto him, rendering him helpless as the being of light directed him to form a new religion that would have an impact on the world in many controversial ways. Mohamed created a religion that has handed mankind a global wave of terrorism implemented by extremists. One must ask why would an extraterrestrial race want to interject this kind of aberration into the psyche of mankind? It does not seem to serve a practical purpose for someone from another world.
From outer space-really?
Yet, here we have a question posed by many scientists who have pondered UFO's, abductions, and the psychological effects suffered by witnesses. It seems there can be no definitive link that proves that UFO's come from anywhere else but here. They are usually not observed by astronomers as entering into our solar system from beyond. They generally manifest themselves on earth or above the us in the atmosphere. They have been reported for thousands of years as opposed to the sudden emergence in the 20th Century. It appears that they have been with us since the beginning!
Unsettling prognostication
Consider long time scientific researchers J. Allen Hynek, astrophysicist and Blue Book advisor for the USAF as well as well known scientific researcher Jacques Vallee. These two men after decades of studying the UFO mystery came to a startling conclusion! They had determined that UFO's were indeed demonic in origin! Both of these dedicated investigators had considered the nuts and bolts aspects of flying machines that out performed the most advanced military aircraft of all nations with incredible maneuvers that would have destroyed the fuselage of the craft or killed the pilot of a UFO undergoing excessive G forces. Making right angle turns at thousands of miles per hour without even causing a sonic boom was not just an example of technical superiority, it pointed ominously to something else!
Odd materializations
When supposed extraterrestrial entities could walk through walls as had been suspected by Paul Bennewitz who later died, driven crazy by the unknown and by the counter intelligence efforts of the US Air Force, when aerial balls of light could plunge to earth and pass through the ground without an explosion, these were not necessarily mechanical or electronic events from another world! What these bizarre manifestations pointed to was super natural. Something penetrating our reality from another dimension or parallel universe, not a high performance piece of hardware manufactured by a foreign civilization, was suspected.
Why not pick up the phone?
It was considered that if these otherworldly entities were so much smarter than us, and possessed technology so much more advanced than anything we had invented, then why hadn't they simply taken the planet from us a long time ago? Italian physicist, Enrico Fermi, one of the leading influences in the invention of the atomic bomb wondered why if ET had been here for so long, hadn't he picked up the phone, so to speak, and contacted us? After all, by the 1940's the first television and radio transmissions were well on their way into space traveling at light speed and capable of being picked by our closest extra solar neighbors.
Yet, in all this, what we seem to have established for certain without knowing a motive, without a technical explanation of their method of propulsion, without knowing their supposed planets of origin, we do know that they are mysterious, secretive, unwilling to make open diplomatic contact, and have caused many negative psychological and physical effects upon those who have encountered their presence. Hence, we can make the determination that they are indeed hostile. They are not benevolent as some people have theorized. These actions perpetrated on the part of these so called entities usually is disturbing and potentially dangerous, or at the very least, mischievous.
In Part II we will come to some very disturbing conclusions as who or what UFO's are or who is responsible for their appearance in our space time continuum.
In 1974 from the college campus of the University of Texas at Austin students watched in amazement as airborne unidentified objects streaked across the sky at fantastic speeds and made 90 degree right angle turns without slowing down! Such maneuvers would not only have developed G-forces that would have killed the pilots, but most certainly would have demolished the fuselage of any conventional craft as well. Aerodynamicists well versed in the amazing flight characteristics of UFO's considered their capabilities to be a matter of neutralizing gravity around the vessel so as to render such destructive forces as gravity and atmospheric friction to be obviated in flight making such amazing high speed performance possible.
Aircraft industrial giants such as Lear Jet, Boeing, Bell, Rockwell, and Lockheed, all major defense contractors set about the task of pursuing the neutralization of gravity surrounding the hull and immediate proximity of their aerial vehicles. Several of these company's spokesman made outlandish predictions about new speed and incredible performance that would be attainable, but after millions of dollars and several years enthusiasm for such projects begin to fade. It seemed that human technology or the hypothetical approach they had undertaken were flawed in some way. The deaths of several well known test pilots also resulted. It was as though man had approached the mythical “Sound Barrier” obstacle again and could not overcome the requirements to achieve the advancement.
Analyzing the films of UFO's making amazing maneuvers that left our best fighter jets and aviators impotently behind began to yield new insight into what these objects could actually be. Flying at terrific speeds, making drastic turns without destroying the aircraft or its occupant, they reasoned was not necessarily a technical issue of structure, propulsion, or gravitational counteraction. There was something else, perhaps even more disturbing!
Made of what?
Analysts began to speculate that perhaps a new approach needed to be conceptualized. Were these objects actually “nuts and bolts” machines at all? Could they be ethereal? Could they be from another dimension? Could they come from a spiritual realm? Remember that two former USAF officers after reviewing Project Blue Book files pronounced UFO's as being demonic activity! Why? The CIA as early as 1952 suspected that as opposed to conventional propulsion that UFO's could be using an electro magnetic type of system.
Some investigators thought that UFO's could simply be time travelers who had ventured back into our era and yet were unrecognizable to us. It was clear that while mankind pursued technical innovation as one realm of propulsion and performance there were things that were not adding up, things that did not obey the laws of physics. Perhaps more unconventional thinking would provide an explanation.
Another realm
The late John A. Keel observed that most all UFO characteristics noted shared commonalities with the supernatural, hauntings, angelic visitations, ectoplasmic manifestations, messages passed onto percipients that caused illuminations. From abductions to incredible displays of glowing objects breaking into several different ships and flying away in separate paths, it seemed that a rich history in the human past had already accounted for the present day appearance of UFO's.
Fallen angels (demons) well known in the Bible and other religious texts were timeless! The Lord's angels (beings with fantastic powers) seemed to parallel many of the described features noted from witness accounts when observing landings and the rare observation of beings setting foot on the ground after such occurrences. The ability to paralyze humans, the use of magical types of instruments or wands, the transmission of messages from the realm of a wiser more advanced race. These were the often similarly reported manifestations of the demonic realm.
Who are they?
For centuries the reported nocturnal realm of young women being subjected to nocturnal sexual visitations, the infamous incubus! Just as the medically invasive experimentation being reported by modern day abductees seems a throwback to the fears, superstition, and evil spirits of the Middle Ages and beyond! According to Jim Maars, preceding every deadly outbreak of the plague through out Europe, a mysterious robed figure would be observed raising a sword or amulet over its head and solenmly bowing forward toward the ground!
Powers beyond humans
Angels appeared to both Mohammed and John Smith paralyzing both men and then illuminating them with an obsession to create a new religion! One might ask just why when we accept Jesus Christ as our savior who died for our sins is another White Messiah referred to at about the same time frame across the world in the southern hemisphere of the Americas appearing to the Mayans as their spiritual master? it seems that a magical, inexplicable, and even damning mystery perpetuates itself in our history changing its reference to suit the next generation of humans to become more relevant to the technological level of the day.
From the past
John A.Keel pointed at that many bizarre news stories were printed during the pioneer days of the “Old West” that described nocturnal baptisms in rivers suddenly being struck by a powerful beam of light from the night sky! One old news story told of a being who descended to earth in a gondola or bucket that hung from an aerial cigar suspended by a sky rope. This man in a uniform skirted just above the ground frieghtening townspeople as he hung from the airborne vessel that flew above the astonished settlers who could only identify the spectacle as a product of evil or witchcraft!
From evil?
Were Von Daniken's brilliant observations leading to the theory of “Ancient Astronauts” hypothesizes that they are from somewhere else in the universe, but we really have no proof of that according to John A. Keel, but we do have proof that they have been with us a long time seemingly coexisting on the same plane here on earth. If they have always been here were they created the same time as Adam and Eve by God when Satan was cast down from heaven along with his minions? Remember that Lucifer is the great deciever and will untilize any angle in order to distract believers from their faith in God. Using demons in the guise of aliens wouldn't be a stretch for the Prince of Darkness!
In his book “Mothman Prophecies” John A. Keel put forth the proposition that entities existing on a different vibrational plane, existing beyond the limited light spectrum that we can see, being imperceptible by the fact that we hear on such a narrow band of frequencies, would we not be like plants who move ever so slowly compared to us, who sense light and darkness without our more sophisticated perception, that to a plant we would seem invisible and mysterious just as Mothman might seem to those who had their brief and chilling enocunters. Was Mothman merely a harbinger of disaster, or simply able to see further into the future than we and thus capable of warning us in its own mysterious way? Indeed,was the Mothman a demon or angel of death?
Of what and from where?
As for the UFO, glowing, elegantly designed, possessing incredible mobility, and yet having unknown origins of which we can only guess, are they simply a dance of light from the spirit realm, the intrusion of one dimension into our own leaving no trace as to their whereabouts, are they really composed of hardware or of a form of God-like mind over matter. Keel spoke of what the Himilayans refer to as Tulpas. When the mind concentrates so effectively that it can create a physical manifestation.
The shadow
During the 1930's and 1940's radio became an important tool of entertainment for the masses who got their news of the world but also incredibly well performed theater shows that left the listener spellbound. “The Shadow” was a very successful running show that ran for many years. It's creator lived in Hollywood and spent many long evenings writing stories for the show. After his death the new owners were horrified to see a shadow across the walls that depicted the same myseterious character that dwelled in the minds of the adoring listening audience that had sat glued to their chairs as the radion show cast its hypnotic spell. It seemed the creator of “The Shadow” had left a paranormal residue even after his death that still dwelled in the premises of his Hollywood home.
A reader's take on the subject
In writing my column for the Plano Star Courier years agao entitled “Unexplained Mysteries” I recieved a letter from one of my regular readers who made an interesting observation. He said that it seemed to him that UFO's only seemed to create confusion, chaos, and fear from an unknown realm. To this day I would have to agree as well as to add to this that we can only speculate without assurance as to where they do come from. This has led many to the conclusion that they may be demonic in nature as opposed to being intruders from outer space.
In Part III will shall explore further on this topic
Extra information about the article:
Speculation by many researchers suggests the UFO phenomenon is not what it seems.
Transforming UFO captured by Robert Bingham near Sony Studios in Culver City, Los Angeles, CA. The UFO is a captured facade that actually transforms in front of your eyes.
This is a foundational video for those who are stuck with inductive reasoning. Just because it is colored like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, doesn’t mean it is not a decoy. This 5:20 second video reveals a transformation beyond belief within 64 seconds of the tape.
Most people would have intuitively reasoned and judged this object within 15 seconds and not wasted their time to view the object any further much less taped it.
Robert Bingham noticed subtle indications of imitation prior to transformation and continued to videotape the object. As the tape progresses, you will find that this object transforms into the same pattern over and over again. Please note that towards the end of the tape, it reveals its interior (black) as it closes up, something you have to see in order to believe.
Note: My first thought, it’s a balloon, but Robert Bingham is convienced he has captured a UFO, what do you think?
3/26/15 Capture by Robert Bingham near Sony Studios in Culver City, Los Angeles, CA.
The UFO is a captured facade that actually transforms in front of your eyes.
This is a foundational video for those who are stuck with inductive reasoning.
Just because it is colored like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, doesn’t mean it is not a decoy.
This 5:20 second video reveals a transformation beyond belief within 64 seconds of the tape.
Most people would have intuitively reasoned and judged this object within 15 seconds and not wasted their time to view the object any further much less taped it.
Robert Bingham noticed subtle indications of imitation prior to transformation and continued to videotape the object.
As the tape progresses, you will find that this object transforms into the same pattern over and over again.
Please note that towards the end of the tape, it reveals its interior (black) as it closes up, something you have to see in order to believe.
Amazing footage by the masterful artist of Summoning UFOs, Robert Bingham.
Only partially completed, but showed signs of being over 1200 tons and 137 feet when done. How was this obelisk in Northern Egypt created and how would they have raised or move this? These are just some of the questions baffling everyone. Best guess include the use of hard stones or chisels to split the rock and wooden wedges shoved into it and water added. Wet wood could swell and create pressure.
Here (below) is a perspective of the carving process.
Source: In this photo (below) we can see the ancient conventional technology of using wooden wedges, but how about the “scooping method” in the center? Some theorize that the latter has nothing to do with the Dynastic Egyptians at all, but is the work of an older culture, called the Khemitians who had sonic and or vibrational technology. By setting their tools to a vibration that would make the quartz in the granite unstable, the stone would naturally crumble like a sugar cube with each controlled pass of the device.
A little research into these “Khemitians” and I found this - Source: A race called Khemitian's occupied northern Africa long before Egyptians did. It was know as the land of Osiris. Quite a few experts are beginning to believe that the pyramids, and Sphinx, were built before the Egyptians (as Parker suggest , the water marks,floods, important ancient weather cycles, etc…a great part of very, very ancient Egypt was marsh; lake lands) though built by these Khemitians is not clear. Osiris is one of the main ancient Egyptian God. Some link the word Osiris to the star Sirius, a close neighbor to our solar system. At certain times of the year,with the position of Sirius, the Nile goes through it's yearly flooding, giving renewed life. Khemitian's state that they had contact with Star People to give them knowledge. This and Egyptians belief in a star gate, and star people draw interest, also the highly developed Sumerian civilization carried the same belief structure. Even MesoAmerican, through Peru, held the same ideas. As a general composite, star people tend to be lighter skinned, white or blond hair, beards and tall…and travel in sky boats (aircraft). This theory, and a great flood (maybe more than one), seems to be a link of the many ancient culture from around the world. Also linked is that Star people, built or gave instructions, as how to build temples, pyramids, farming, writing, etc. Who built these obelisks? We have nothing more than the guesses that a people living in the area in that time might have been responsible. How did they learn to do things that did not continue on as advanced knowledge? Why didn't this knowledge get passed down? As we tear up Mother Earth, no doubt we will find more and more examples of things that don't jive with what we thought we knew. That today we baffle at how they did these tasks, says a lot about how extraordinary they were. More info: Construction Baffling questions
A utube video from UFOVNI shows a car driving through a thunderstorm in Alma Nebraska , complete with the lightening flashes, it’s when all the sudden this UFO missile shaped object quickly comes into view, streaming across the sky, there even looks to be a possible exhaust trail of some type? It’s definitely something strange, but what exactly is it, and what was it’s purpose? The video was posted on Facebook by KeriLeigh Shriver and has received 638,296 Views. KeriLeigh Shriver was trying to get footage of Wednesday evening’s storm when the object “flew by.” She was heading east from Alma to Republican City.
On Wednesday, January 05, 2000, the National UFO Reporting Center received two telephone messages (at0316 and 0351 hrs. Pacific Standard Time) from Officer Thomas “Ed” Barton, employed by the Lebanon, IL, Police Department. The messages apprised our Center that a UFO sighting had occurred in St. Clair County, Illinois, and in surrounding areas, at approximately 0410 hrs. (Central) earlier that morning. Later the same morning, we were able to talk to Officer Barton, who reported to us the following: At approximately 0410 hrs. (Central) on that morning, he overheard an announcement by the St. Clair (IL) Emergency Dispatch operator that a citizen had entered the Highland, IL, police station, and requested that an officer go outside and view a very peculiar object that was hovering nearby in the sky. The citizen had witnessed the bizarre looking object on his way to work, and he apparently refused to leave the station until a police officer had viewed the object with him. Having heard the announcement about the incident over his radio, Officer Barton looked to the southeast from his location in Lebanon, and noticed two extremely bright white lights suspended in the sky, close to the horizon. The two lights were radiating so much light that the spectacle reminded Officer Barton of the Japanese “Rising Sun” symbol, used on the Japanese battle flag. A very short period of time later, the two large lights appeared to merge into one, and the illumination the object was radiating appeared to increase dramatically. Officer Barton began driving south and east in attempt to approach the object. He turned his overhead flashers on, and at times was driving at 75-80 m.p.h. toward the object, which was still generally to the southeast of his position.
After a short period of time, Officer Barton realized that the object appeared to be traveling toward him. He stopped his vehicle, extinguished his overhead flashers, and rolled down the window on the passenger side of his vehicle. The object approached his location, and passed overhead at an estimated altitude of 1,000 to 1,500 feet, and within an estimated 100 feet lateral distance of his position on the ground. It was headed generally to the west, or northwest, at this time. The object was distinctly triangular in shape, with three white lights on the apices of the triangle, and it exhibited a “galaxy” of peculiar lights on its aft end, including white, hues of red or pink, and perhaps other colors, as well. After passing overhead Officer Barton, the object suddenly turned to its left, without either banking or yawing apparently, it suddenly accelerated quite dramatically, and seemed to “streak” to the west, covering approximately 8 miles, the officer estimated, in approximately 3 seconds.
(Note: Officer Barton, in multiple telephone conversations with our organization, and during at least one radio broadcast, has emphasized how almost unbelievably quickly the object accelerated and moved a considerable distance to the southwest in just a few seconds. Its velocity was almost unimaginable, he reports. This is one aspect of the case that strongly suggest to us that the object almost certainly was not of human manufacture.) He radioed St. Clair County Emergency Dispatch, apprising them that he had the object in sight, and advising them as to the direction it had moved, generally to the southwest. He recommended that dispatch contact units to the south and west of his position, e.g. Shiloh, Millstadt and Dupo, to have the officers there attempt to spot the object from their vantage points. Apparently at least one officer from Shiloh, IL, witnessed the object next, and two other officers, who have not come forward and who apparently do not wish to be identified, witnessed the object while they were standing in the cemetery of their town, as well. An officer from the Millstadt Police Department, Officer Craig Stevens, with whom NUFORC also spoke, overheard the broadcast, and moved his cruiser to a dark part of that town to see if he could spot the object in the night sky. He quickly spotted the object to the west of his location, at approximately 45 degrees above the horizontal plane, and gauged its size as “huge.” He estimated that it was “one or two stories” tall, and perhaps three stories long.” It had several very bright lights on it. St. Clair Dispatch requested that someone, if possible, attempt to get a photograph of the object. In response to that request, Officer Stevens removed polaroid-type camera stored in the trunk of his cruiser and quickly photographed the object. Because the outside temperature was low, approximately 18-20 degrees (F), neither the camera, nor the film functioned well, so the resolution of the photograph is not good. After Officer Stevens had taken the photograph, the object appeared to move further to the west, moving toward Dupo, IL, Cahokia, IL, and St. Louis, MO. A Dupo police officer may have witnessed the object at that time. In the final analysis, the police departments and communities involved in the incident include the following: Highland, Summerfield, Lebanon, Shiloh, Mascoutah, Millstadt, Dupo, and Cahokia, Illinois. The object was observed by officers from at least the following communities (in chronological sequence): Lebanon, Shiloh, Millstadt, Dupo, and Cahokia.
Engelse overheid houdt schokkende UFO-dossiers achter ( Video )
Engelse overheid houdt schokkende UFO-dossiers achter ( Video )
Ufologen in Engeland hebben hun overheid ervan beschuldigd belangrijke UFO dossiers, die allang vrijgegeven hadden moeten worden, achter te houden.
Het gaat om 18 stuks waarover door het Ministerie van Defensie moeilijk wordt gedaan, met waarschijnlijk schokkende informatie.
Eind vorig jaar beloofde het Engelse Ministerie van Defensie om deze 18 dossiers vrij te geven, maar tot nu toe nog steeds niets.
Na vragen uit de politiek bekende het leger dat ze deze bepaalde files nog niet hadden vrijgegeven. De reden die ze daarvoor opgaven was onzinnig, “additional processing requirements”
Wat valt er aan die dossiers te “processen”? Misschien documenten en foto’s zodanig onleesbaar maken dat niemand er wat aan heeft?
Al met al moet dit zo lang gaan duren dat het Ministerie niet verwacht de dossiers voor eind 2015 of zelfs 2016 vrij te zullen geven.
UFO deskundige Nick Pope vermoedt ook een geweldige adder onder het gras: “Het vermoeden bestaat dat er iets schokkends in deze dossiers zal staan en dat het Ministerie niet weet hoe ze daar mee om moeten gaan.
Het vermoeden bestaat eveneens dat een aantal van die dossiers gerelateerd zal zijn aan de gebeurtenissen in Rendlesham Forest, ook wel het Britse Roswell genoemd.
Eén van de Amerikanen die betrokken was bij het incident in Rendlesham Forest, John Burroughs, heeft eindelijk erkenning gekregen en daarmee dat het Amerikaanse leger de kosten van zijn behandelingen gaat betalen. Behandelingen die nodig waren omdat hij na de gebeurtenissen alle klassieke symptomen van stralingsziekte vertoonde, waaronder hartklachten, zoals wij onlangs schreven in een eerder artikel.
De mainstream media doet het feit dat het Ministerie van Defensie in Engeland tijd rekt, af door te zeggen dat er waarschijnlijk niets over UFO’s en buitenaardsen in die dossiers zal staan, maar meer over geheime wapens en dergelijke, waarvan ze niet willen dat deze informatie naar buiten komt.
Hoe dan ook, iedereen zal voorlopig moeten wachten en wanneer er uiteindelijk iets komt dan nog zullen de resultaten waarschijnlijk tegenvallen in het “kader van de nationale veiligheid.”
Hoe de afgelopen decennia is omgegaan met betrouwbare UFO informatie door overheden blijkt uit de gebeurtenissen rondom vlucht 1628 van Japan Airlines.
We hebben hier te maken met de waarneming van een ervaren bemanning, waarvan de captain zelfs meer dan 10.000 vlieguren heeft.
Het vrachtvliegtuig was in november 1986 onderweg van Reykjavik naar Anchorage, toen het boven het oostelijk deel van Alaska een ontmoeting had met enkele UFO’s.
Wat hier vrij uniek was, was dat de UFO's te zien waren op de radarsystemen van de verkeersleiding. Al met al duurde de ontmoeting ongeveer 40 minuten en in die tijd zag de bemanning dat de kleinere UFO’s zich vervoegden bij een moederschip dat het vliegtuig bleef volgen.
Na de landing werd alles wat er gebeurd was gerapporteerd door de bemanning, inclusief tekeningen van de UFO's en het moederschip.
Als beloning voor het rapporteren van deze waarneming werd de gezagvoerder Captain Kenju Terauchi geschorst en mocht de eerstvolgende jaren niet meer vliegen.
Omdat deze waarneming was gedaan door een ervaren vliegtuigbemanning kreeg het veel media aandacht. Ook de Amerikaanse FAA besteedde er een onderzoek aan en kwam na drie maanden tot de conclusie dat wat de verkeersleiding op de radar had gezien een wat zij noemden “split radar image” geweest moest zijn. Dat ze niet twijfelden aan de oprechtheid van de bemanning, maar dat zij te weinig bewijs hadden. Kortom het zal allemaal wel verbeelding geweest zijn.
En zo is het eigenlijk permanent gegaan door de jaren heen. Betrouwbare observaties door deskundigen werden in de doofpot gekieperd. Dossiers gingen achter slot en grendel en als er al een keer iets openbaar gemaakt moet worden dan maar zoveel mogelijk tijdrekken en documenten onleesbaar maken.
En de bevolking? Die slikt het allemaal als zoete koek want UFO’s en buitenaardsen bestaan toch niet.... dat weet iedereen.
Witness said: 3/26/15 Capture by Robert Bingham near Sony Studios in Culver City, Los Angeles, CA. The UFO is a captured facade that actually transforms in front of your eyes. This is a foundational video for those who are stuck with inductive reasoning. Just because it is colored like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, doesn’t mean it is not a decoy. This 5:20 second video reveals a transformation beyond belief within 64 seconds of the tape. Most people would have intuitively reasoned and judged this object within 15 seconds and not wasted their time to view the object any further much less taped it. Robert Bingham noticed subtle indications of imitation prior to transformation and continued to videotape the object. As the tape progresses, you will find that this object transforms into the same pattern over and over again. Please note that towards the end of the tape, it reveals its interior (black) as it closes up, something you have to see in order to believe. Amazing footage by the masterful artist of Summoning UFOs, Robert Bingham.
Roswell is the most famous UFO story in history and a piece of debris found at the desert crash site might shed new light on what really happened in 1947.
The Role of Superior Civilization On The Ancient Stone Head Of Guatemala
The Role of Superior Civilization On The Ancient Stone Head Of Guatemala
A gigantic stone head discovered over 50 years ago quickly attracted attention. Its face with excellent features was directed up at the sky. It has thin lips and large nose with a face demonstrating Caucasian features. Interestingly, the Caucasian features were not consistent with any of the America’s pre-Hispanic races.
The discovery first made into the news when Dr. Oscar Rafael Padilla Lara, received the picture of the head in 1987. The photograph includes a description stating that it was taken in the 1950s by the owner of the land where the head was discovered. The location was said to be somewhere in the jungles of Guatemala.
The story about the photograph was first featured in a small article in the newsletter Ancient Skies. When explorer and author David Hatcher Childress read about it, he then tried to find Dr. Padilla, who reportedly met the Biener family, the owners of the property. The location was about 10 kilometers from a small village in La Democracia in the southern part of Guatemala.
However, Dr. Padilla said that he was sad to know that the head had been destroyed by revolutionaries around ten years ago before he reached the area. He said that they had located the statue too late. The figure was reportedly used as a target practice by anti-government rebels. The face, according to Padilla, was totally disfigured that the nose and mouth had completely gone. Padilla managed to measure its height as between 4 and 6 meters, with the head resting on the neck. Padilla decided not to return to the area because of the danger caused by armed attacks between government and rebel forces.
The story about the giant head was gone along with the head destruction until it was picked up again by filmmakers a few years ago. The group behind “Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond” used the photograph to support the claim that extra-terrestrials have had contact with past civilizations. The producer presented a document allegedly written by Guatemalan archeologist Hector E. Majia. The document stated that Majia certifies that the monument shows no characteristics of any pre-Hispanic civilizations, including the Maya, Nahuatl, and Olmec. Majia reportedly believes that it was created by an extraordinary and superior civilization with advanced knowledge.
Skeptics say that the letter and the rest of the story about the gigantic head were just part of the publicity stunt, and the authenticity of the letter itself has been drawn into question. Nevertheless, no evidence to suggest that the photograph is fabricated or the account of Dr. Padilla was not real.
The vast lake is said to hold many secrets. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 W0zny
Lake Baikal in Siberia has been home to a spate of peculiar sightings and strange tales in recent years.
With a depth of 5387ft the lake is so big that it contains 20% of all the surface freshwater in the entire world. How it became such a hotbed for reports of unexplained phenomena however isn't exactly clear, but so many people have seen things there now that it's difficult to deny that something strange has been going on.
One particularly intriguing tale was recounted by Valery Rudentsov who, along with twelve other people, witnessed something extraordinary back in April 1987 at Kurma in the region of Irkutsk.
"At about 12.20am, one of our guys went out into the yard, a few seconds later runs, and calls all of us out," she said. "He stood in the centre of the yard and pointed his finger at the sky."
"Diagonally from his gesture - 150 meters above us hung a huge flying saucer. From the centre of the plate went a phosphorescent purple ray. And at the edges of the plate were yellow portholes, almost like in our rural houses. The diameter of the plate was 70 meters."
According to Rudentsov the object made no sound at all throughout the encounter.
"It was a full moon and the visibility was so clear that no one of us could doubt the reality of what we saw," she said. "And then the plate slid smoothly away, sailed along the shore of the bay and further slipped into the hills of Olkhon."
Another well known case, which was covered extensively on local TV stations at the time, occurred in the Kyakhtinsky district in 1990 when locals reported a peculiar yellow light and the appearance of a disc-shaped object in the sky from which several figures in shining suits emerged.
Nobody knew who they were or what they were doing, but upon noticing that they were being watched the visitors quickly retreated in to their craft and took off, never to be seen again.
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5 Facts About UFOs That 'Experts' Won’t Tell You
5 Facts About UFOs That 'Experts' Won’t Tell You
With the economic crisis and other daily obligations that occupy most people’s time and energy, the average person is probably not that concerned about UFOs. However if a little more attention was paid to this topic, the American public may become overwhelmingly intrigued over the relevance this topic has to world affairs, their tax dollars, and their daily lives. In fact, we would be quite amazed to know the truth about UFOs and probably more shocked to uncover the misconceptions that have been intentionally spread about them.
Before you assume this topic is for those eccentric people with tin-foiled helmets living out of their parent’s basement and nothing better to do with their lives, we’ve put together a super-simple list about UFOs that should prompt us ‘everyday folks’ to become more inquisitive about this worldwide phenomena.
1. The wheel-like planes that Minister Farrakhan represents do exist! These are the planes that other entities have labeled as ‘unidentified flying objects’ (UFOs), flying saucers, spheres, and disc-shaped objects. They are intelligently controlled and have technological capabilities that are incomprehensible by this world’s standards. In 2008 the Associated Press Poll reported that 14 percent of the American people have seen UFOs, which indicates that over 40 million U.S. citizens have actually seen these crafts for themselves. A 2012 National Geographic survey reported that 80 million Americans believe in UFOs. With millions of witnesses, thousands of videos, photos, and thousands of annual reports, there is no logical reason not to accept the fact that such planes exist. Several other polls show that nearly half of the American people believe in UFOs. This number has included many of the U.S. Presidents like Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, and others. Even President Obama’s senior advisor John Podesta is publicly calling for full government exposure and scientific analysis of this phenomenon.
Based on these facts, more people have seen these wheels than the number of people who live in the state of Tennessee (less than seven million). To deny that these planes exist would be just as absurd as stating that Tennessee doesn’t exist.
2. A Black Man introduced this reality to the modern world. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad (eternal leader of the Nation of Islam) claims to have met the Supreme Being (God in person) who showed him this huge wheel-shaped plane along with its smaller crafts (now labeled UFOs). Since the early 1930s, Elijah Muhammad gave vivid firsthand details about these crafts and their purposes in the world directly from the source of these wheels. Interestingly all official reports, mass sightings, and governmental investigations of UFOs came afterwards. In fact, the terms ‘flying saucer’ and ‘UFO’ did not become a part of the world’s vernacular until the 1940s. The Nation of Islam (NOI) has always known the reality of these wheels and their divine role, which has strangely been ignored by many of those who claim to be experts in this subject.
Even more shocking is that Elijah Muhammad and his chief representative, Louis Farrakhan, have dared the world’s powers to disprove their relationship with these crafts. Surprisingly NONE have contended with them, not even their staunchest critics! This should tell you something.
3. There is a global UFO cover-up! World governments, military powers, and mainstream media work in collusion to prevent the public from knowing the truth about UFOs. Instead of challenging Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan to prove their relationship with these wheels, the media deludes the public with images of fictitious aliens and monsters. Unfortunately, this may explain why many people have been dissuaded from looking deeper into this topic.
After several decades of denial, the U.S. Government has just recently admitted that Area 51 exists. If the Government has lied about whether or not a geographical location exists, it would be highly irrational to believe they are telling the truth about UFOs. After all, the U.S. Government’s agencies initiated an ongoing disinformation campaign against both the NOI and the reality of UFOs.
Even persons who have worked within the government and the military have found tremendous difficulties when attempting to ascertain data concerning UFOs. It is a topic still considered ‘above top secret.’
4. UFOs have nothing to do with aliens—or any monstrous extraterrestrials we’ve seen in the movies. With all of the data that proves that UFOs exist, there is nothing that suggests that they are of alien origin. Largely due to Hollywood’s depictions, many assume they are aliens because they can’t believe that there are certain ‘people’ more intelligent and powerful than the power structures of this current world. Elijah Muhammad spoke of his personal relationship with many of the ‘people’ who control these circular crafts whom he referred to as ‘scientists’ or ‘angels’. That’s right, the angels you’ve read about are realistic people of extraordinary intelligence and power. You wouldn’t know them from the average person because they all have special assignments from the Supreme Being.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his servant, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, have further illustrated that the prophetic visions of the scriptures also show that these planes are not from “outer space.” The earthly origins of these crafts are demonstrated by the Prophet Ezekiel who saw these wheels being “lifted up” from the earth; he did not see them come down from “outer space” (Ezekiel 1:19)—that pretty much debunks the “Ancient Alien Astronaut” theory.
5. They have everything to do with the ‘Chosen People’, and the prophetic time in which we live. Religions have not been able to fully justify the origin and purpose of UFOs with their traditional beliefs, which is why most theological studies ignore the UFO topic altogether. Ironically, all of the scriptures give vivid prophecies about God and his angels operating from an earthly and celestial position. Yet, mainstream religions have had problems reconciling this phenomena with their traditional theologies. This is why the prophecies of the Bible and Holy Qur’an speak of God preparing one who would unlock the deeper meaning of the scriptures. If these planes exist as contemporary data shows, then religious scholars will have to admit that Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan have been right and exact all along!
The fact remains that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Louis Farrakhan don’t approach this subject as theorists; instead, these men give factual evidence that can be proven (and now seen) beyond doubt. Hence, they are the most authoritative sources on this topic capable of providing answers to this global phenomenon.
Though many religious leaders, academic scholars, politicians, and scientists have treated Minister Farrakhan’s association to these wheels like the proverbial “elephant in the room,” several people in these arenas are increasingly bearing witness to this profound reality. This is largely due to the noble efforts of Minister Farrakhan’s public broadcasts, The Time And What Must Be Done where he has made his position very clear on this issue, which emboldens those who have known the truth of the wheels, but didn’t have the courage to stand up for the truth.
As sightings continue to increase and questions arise, just know that Minister Farrakhan has answers to this worldwide phenomena. The more the public seriously inquires about this intriguing subject, the more they will realize that this reality involves a child of slaves who encountered the Supreme Being who produced these wheel-like objects for the salvation of his people and the destruction of their open enemies. Now it becomes understandable why world powers have deliberately attempted to conceal the truth about these wheels and their representative, Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Ilia Rashad Muhammad is part of the Nation of Islam Research Group (NOIRG) and he is the author of the recently released book UFOs And The Nation Of Islam: The Source, Proof, And Reality Of The Wheels available at
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Classic Moments in UFOlogy Ep#7 – Dr. John Mack Interview
Classic Moments in UFOlogy Ep#7 – Dr. John Mack Interview
Gepubliceerd op 3 apr. 2015
The field of Ufology is vast. Vast in the sense that there is so much history to understand before you can truly understand where we are now. The UFO is an enigma. The current state of events is built upon all the people who come before us.
The study of UFOlogy is the study of the strange, weird, and truly bizarre. It is hard for new people to Ufology to know what to believe and where to start. We must not forget history as it is the ashes in which we climb from today.
There are pivotal events that have occurred over the past 70 years of modern Ufology that need to be known. Our video series (Classic Moments In Ufology) strives to preserve and update the existing media for a new generation of Ufologists.
In this our 7th episode you will hear the legendary Dr. John Mack interview with Oprah Winfrey from 1958. The video has been cleaned up by denoizing and stabilizing the original footage. Mack says although he himself has never encountered an alien, the interviews he did for the book convinced him of their existence.
"Ninety people have had these experiences and they were very powerful for them," Mack says "I can't find any explanation for this."
Similar reports of abduction by aliens have come from sane, rational individuals from across the nation who have not had contact with each other, Mack says.
"This occurs in people who do not have psychological illnesses and have nothing to gain by it," Mack says. "It even occurs in kids less than three years old, which rules out a complicated personality theory."
Evidence also includes physical marks on the bodies of experiencers, and the common phenomenon of people who awake upside down in bed.
"Mack's work is extraordinarily legitimate," says Rudy Schields, a friend of Mack's and an astrophysicist at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
"His approach is as accurate as anything in the behavioral sciences. His methods and procedures are as good as anybody's," Schields says.
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A 300 Million Year Old Screw? Researchers Baffled
A 300 Million Year Old Screw? Researchers Baffled
April 4, 2015 - There are numerous archaeological discoveries that science cannot understand, we have come across countless findings that have ended up as being just that, findings that have caught the attention of researchers, but have yet to be accurately explained.
In this case we have a screw that according to researchers is 300 million years old, and like many awkward discoveries in the past, it was found in Russia in the 90’s.
Russian scientists found it by chance actually, as they were performing analysis after the fall of a meteorite in the Kaluga region when they came across a mysterious object that resembled a modern-day screw. Scientists were baffled and did not know what to think of it. Did it come from space? Is this screw proof of ancient civilizations that inhabited Earth millions of years ago? What is it?
The fossil surrounding the screw has around 2 cm long. It was discovered in a scientific expedition that was performed by a group called the Kosmopoisk group, which is scientific research group responsible to conduct UFO related research, cryptozoological research and paranormal pseudoscience. Initially they suited up and went to search for the remains of the meteorite that impacted the Kaluga region in Russia. Suddenly, they came across the screw, and incredibly, after paleontological analysis, it turned out that the age of the “stone” was somewhere between 300 and 320 million years. The artifact was analyzed using X-Ray technology, which provided researchers with another shock, it turned out that another screw was present inside it.
Many scientists have tried explaining the origin and details of the “screw”, some have proposed that it could be the remains of a Crinoids (Marine animals that make up the class Crinoidea of the echinoderms) This theory was discarded due to the fact that the screw is much larger than the average size of these animals.
The theories as to what this object is are pillage up. Skeptics are having a field day and they love to debunk discoveries like this one, offering a much simpler answer, suggesting that its nothing, probably the remains of an old factory, vehicle, or anything else that can make you, the reader look elsewhere for answers, without paying much attention to details such as the age, and region where it was found.
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Dr. Edgar Mitchell – Aliens Are Real And Are Watching Us
Dr. Edgar Mitchell – Aliens Are Real And Are Watching Us
Are Aliens Real – Edgar Mitchell on the moon!
Edgar is a famous NASA astronaut that has walked on the moon. He says he has proof that the Grey aliens are real and that right now aliens are watching us!
UFO Aliens
Edgar was part of the Apollo 14 space flight January 31, 1971, proceeded by the lunar landing on February 5th. During the two lunar EVAs (Extravehicular Activity), Mitchell along with his Commander Alan Shepard spent about 33 hours on the Moon.
Edgar claims that he believes in Aliens and UFOs – Aliens are Real! Claiming that we have been watched and observed for a long time. He mentions the Roswell alien crash in the summer of 1947. Pointing out the reason for the US government denial was they weren’t sure if the specimen found was hostile. He also says the US didn’t want the soviets to know so a cover up was decided. Edgar claims he is positive that we are being watched right now.
When asked how many Alien Civilizations there are Edgar’s answer was – Billions.
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon, testifies to extraterrestrial visitation and military coverup.
Aliens UFO
Edgar also gives us some insight to the reason our government has kept Aliens and other UFO related information above top-secret. He stated that the Air Force is responsible for protecting our skies, and they and various other governmental agencies did not know what to do with the alien crashed saucer, and its superior technology.
They certainly did not want the Soviets to get their hands on it, and at the same, the best course of action was to just lie about it, and keep it to themselves. They labeled it “above top-secret,” and that created the long running iron curtain separating a secret group within the government, and the American public. It is believed by some UFO researchers that this group was the Majestic-12, which is often referred to as MAJ-12.
Mitchell’s reference to this secret group does not in any way give validation to the so-called Majestic-12 documents, but it does give us proof that a group to protect UFO information did exist, and with ongoing UFO events of importance, it is only reasonable to assume that the group continues today.
UFO Interview
There is no doubt that Dr. Mitchell’s statements will have long reaching consequence in the UFO community, and hopefully, mainstream media will pay a more serious look at reports of UFOs. So now, we who have always believed that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, can know without reservation that this belief is based on fact.
We will continue to look for answers as to why they are here, where they come from, how they get here, and what we will do when and if they decide to make themselves known openly to this curious, tiny, third planet from the Sun we call Earth.
Aliens have contacted humans several times but governments have hidden the truth for 60 years, the sixth man to walk on the moon has claimed.
Apollo 14 astronaut Dr Edgar Mitchell, said he was aware of many UFO visits to Earth during his career with NASA but each one was covered up.
Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as ‘little people who look strange to us.’
He said supposedly real-life ET’s were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head.
Chillingly, he claimed our technology is ‘not nearly as sophisticated’ as theirs and “had they been hostile”, he warned ‘we would be been gone by now’.
Dr Mitchell, along with with Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard, holds the record for the longest ever moon walk, at nine hours and 17 minutes during their 1971 mission.
‘I happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we’ve been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomena is real,’ Dr Mitchell said. It’s been covered up by all governments for 60 years.
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Astronomers witness a massive star’s birth
Astronomers witness a massive star’s birth
Two images of a very massive star, made 18 years apart, have given astronomers a real-glimpse of how massive stars develop early in their evolution.
View larger. | Two artists’ concepts of the massive star W75N(B)-VLA-2. At left, a hot wind from the young star expands nearly spherically, as seen in 1996. At right, the hot wind has been shaped by encountering a dusty, donut-shaped torus around the star, as seen in 2014. Image via Bill Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSF.
Stars live and die as people do, but their lives are inconceivably long in contrast to a 100-year human lifespan. That’s why astronomers sometimes say that their best studies of the stars give them only snapshots of individual stars in one phase of its evolution or another. As the whole process unfolds, over millions or billions of years, we can’t really watch it happen. An international team of astronomers is excited, though, about a pair of images of a young and very massive star made 18 years apart. They announced this week (April 2, 2015) that the images appear dramatically different and that they provide a real-time glimpse of how massive stars develop in the earliest stages of their evolution.
The star is called called W75N(B)-VLA 2. It’s some 4,200 light-years from Earth. The astronomers studied it using the National Science Foundation’s Very Large Array (VLA), a radio telescope located on the Plains of San Agustin, some 50 miles west of Socorro, New Mexico.
They acquired a VLA image of this star in 1996, and then another in 2014. Carlos Carrasco-Gonzalez of the Center of Radioastronomy and Astrophysics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, leader of the research team, called the comparison “remarkable.”
The 1996 image shows a compact region of a hot wind ejected from the young star.
The 2014 image shows that ejected wind deformed into a distinctly elongated shape.
Now let’s consider the theory of how such a star should develop. Scientists believe the star is forming in a dense, gaseous environment, surrounded by a doughnut-shaped, dusty torus or wheel-like structure. They believe the star has episodes in which it ejects a hot wind for several years. At first, that wind can expand in all directions, and so forms a spherical shell around the star.
But eventually the wind hits the dusty torus. That slows it down. Wind expanding outward along the poles of the torus, where there is less resistance, moves more quickly, resulting in an elongated shape for the outflow. Carrasco-Gonzalez said:
In the span of only 18 years, we’ve seen exactly what we predicted.
View larger. | Here are the actual VLA images of the star W75N(B)-VLA-2. Top, 1996; bottom, 2014. Image via Carrasco-Gonzalez, et al., NRAO/AUI/NSF
Bottom line: Two radio images – taken with the Very Large Array in New Mexico – show astronomers’ theories about how massive stars evolve to be on target.
NASA is planning to deflect an asteroid in 2022 — to learn how to protect Earth
NASA is planning to deflect an asteroid in 2022 — to learn how to protect Earth
An illustration of the plume and crater left by NASA's dart probe after crashing into an asteroid — a test of technologies intended to help us deflect asteroids in the future.
(ESA–Science Office)
In 2022, NASA plans to send a probe crashing into an asteroid at more than 13,000 miles per hour to deflect it off its course.
This particular asteroid isn't a threat to us. But NASA is trying to figure out how it might defend Earth from asteroids more generally — in case a big one really does head our way in the future.
A probe will crash into the asteroid at more than 13,000 miles per hour
This is all part of a joint mission NASA's planning with the European Space Agency called Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment (AIDA). It will start with the launch of a European craft in 2020 to study and map the asteroid first. ESA entered the preliminary design phase of that initial reconnaissance mission earlier this week.
The goal is to develop the technology and expertise that might be necessary to nudge an asteroid out of its orbit if we ever discovered one heading for Earth. It might sound far-fetched, but the truth is that asteroids are a potentially serious threat — and foresighted missions like this could theoretically be the difference between a closely averted disaster and catastrophe.
The plan to crash into an asteroid
In 2020, the European Space Agency plans to launch its Asteroid Impact Mission, or AIM probe. It'll travel to an asteroid named Didymos, which is orbited by a relatively small (about 550 feet wide) asteroid called Didymoon.
Over the course of a year or so, AIM will orbit Didymoon, mapping its surface and collecting data on its mass and overall structure. Current plans also call for it to send out a pair of smaller satellites to collect more data, as well as a lander that would touch down on Didymoon itself — becoming just the fourth craft (if Japan's current Hayabusa-2 mission is a success) to make a controlled landing on an asteroid.
AIM would collect data on the DART impact. (ESA)
Then, in 2021, NASA would launch another probe, called the Double Asteroid Redirection Test, or DART. When it arrives in late 2022, the 660-pound probe would crash into Didymoon at a speed of more than 13,000 miles per hour, likely creating a crater and slightly changing the path of the asteroid's orbit. AIM would continue to collect data on Didymoon, providing valuable information on the physics of redirecting asteroids in space.
NASA is trying to avoid a chain reaction of asteroids
The Didymos binary system. (ESA–Science Office)
Neither of these asteroids represents any risk to Earth (when they make a relatively close pass to Earth in 2022, they'll still be more than 6.8 million miles away). But scientists chose them for this mission because they're a binary system — a pair of rocks that orbit one another. And that will limit the potential negative side effects.
This means that if DART alters Didymoon's orbit, the orbit of the larger Didymos will largely compensate for it. Though Didymoon itself will travel in a new orbit, the overall system (i.e., the pair) will continue to orbit the Sun much as it did before. So there's little risk of either asteroid's new path causing it to collide with other asteroids, potentially setting off a chain reaction that could endanger Earth.
The whole mission is still in the early planning stages, so as with all government-funded space missions, it's not guaranteed to happen. But both probes are relatively cheap: AIM is projected to cost about $194 million and DART $150 million. The mission survived a recent cull of ESA science projects, and right now, it seems likely to proceed.
This collision could help us avert future disasters
This won't be the first time a spacecraft was intentionally crashed into a rock in orbit: in 2005, NASA's Deep Impact probe collided with a comet, in order to throw up debris to help scientists better understand its interior.
But AIDA would be the first time such a collision was conducted solely to help us figure out how to move asteroids around in space. The wealth of data collected by AIM before and after the collision would allow scientists to build improved models of how asteroids respond to such impacts.
this would be the simplest way to prevent disaster
This could someday be extremely useful, because if we detected a big asteroid headed for Earth, the simplest way to prevent disaster would be to nudge it slightly it out of our way.
"The amount of momentum you'd need to transfer to an asteroid to change its trajectory slightly — to prevent a future impact — is really quite small," physicist and former NASA astronaut Ed Lu, who now heads an organization that seeks to protect Earth from asteroids, told me in a recent interview. "It's a couple of millimeters per second. That means you can run into it with a small spacecraft."
We still need to find all the dangerous asteroids out there
Trees felled by the asteroid that exploded over Siberia in 1908. (Sovfoto/UIG via Getty Images)
Even if we do develop the technology to deflect asteroids, that's still not sufficient. We'd also need to spot a dangerous asteroid far enough in advance to launch a mission. And right now, there's no certainty we'll always be able do that.
Scientists have located more than 90 percent of the huge kilometer-wide or larger near-Earth asteroids capable of causing a global catastrophe, and none of them, thankfully, are on track to hit us. But midsize asteroids hit Earth much more regularly (once every few centuries or so) and can cause significant damage, and we've still only spotted a small percentage of them. One terrifying example is the Tunguska event: a 30- to 60-meter-wide asteroid that exploded over a remote corner of Siberia in 1908, discharging an amount of energy one thousand times greater than the Hiroshima atomic bomb and knocking down some 80 million trees.
In 2005, Congress assigned NASA the task of locating 90 percent of all near-Earth asteroids larger than 140 meters wide by 2020, but a report last year determined that we've only found about 10 percent. The report blamed a lack of coordination and organizational structure, not funding problems, for the shortcoming.
But there's also a hardware issue: the telescopes currently used to spot asteroids are on Earth, but the best way to see smaller ones is to use telescopes in space, because they don't have to deal with interference from the atmosphere and the sun's glare.
A rendering of the proposed Sentinel telescope. (B612 Foundation)
NASA has proposed launching one of these, called NEOCam, and Ed Lu's organization (called the B612 Foundation) is currently raising $450 million for a complementary mission, called Sentinel, that would survey a different area of the sky.
The black night satellite; is an ancient artificial structure circling the earth for over 13,000 years. First drew attention by giving off electrical signals, picked up and studied by Nikola Tesla in 1899 and was believed to be a messages from space. In 1926 more signals arrived and these showed a star chart, the way it would have looked thirteen thousand years earlier. Other countries also became aware of these signals and in 1954 the message was determined to be coming from earth’s orbit and that an ancient satellite, (as reported in the St. Lewis Post Dispatch, on may 14, 1954) in an unusual orbit from north pole to south pole and was extremely ancient and artificially made, this unusual orbit would allow a 360 degree view of every spot on the planet, as if we were being studied or watched from the heavens.
secrete group was organized to research this object and a race to orbit earth and collect information on this object was underway by several countries. On May 15, 1953, astronaut Gordon Cooper reported this satellite as a glowing green artificial structure. Pictures were taken in 1998 and leaked from NASA and can be found on the internet. This may be a connection between the eye on top of the pyramid, pictured on our one dollar bill and even more possibly, God’s eye in the sky, that is (If) you know your Sumerian history.
Although it’s not uncommon for pilots to witness UFOs, the sightings of Japan Air Lines flight 1628 are remarkable for a involving a prolonged and dramatic close encounter that was corroborated by multiple radar systems.
The sightings, which spanned more than 40 minutes in total, quickly attracted media and government interest.
The resulting FAA investigation unearthed a wealth of solid evidence, including extensive radar data and radio transcripts, that documents official handling of the situation.
These documents offer a revealing look into the way that UFO reports are processed by airline officials and exposes the ongoing interest of some of the most clandestine parties within the U.S. government.
The Angelholm UFO Monument was built by GöstaCarlsson
Nine (9) Destinations For Those Interested in UFOs
By Clas Svahn
(Copyright 2015, Clas Svahn - All Rights Reserved)
(Translated & Edited from Swedish Text by Robert D. Morningstar)
Anyone who is interested in UFOs do not have to travel far to get the chance to be part of something exciting. In Sweden there is a UFO monument, situated at a place to look for strange lights and the world's largest UFO archive.
To make a list of places where the “UFO crowd” can get their fill is not easy. At least not with any guarantee that you also really get to see something that can not be explained. But there is nevertheless a lot that can attract and tickle the curious.
1. As a UFO tourist destination, the city of Roswell,New Mexico is commonly considered a primary UFO site, as it is the place where an unidentified flying object was (officially) reported to have crashed in the desert outside the city in 1947. The crash has become legend and has given rise to a very large number of books on that historic event. There is also UFO museum dedicated by the city itself to preserving UFO history.
There, anyone interested in looking at models of aliens and get the full story narrated separately. If you want to see the crash site, it's worse because there are several alternative ones. And once you get there it is best to engage the imagination because what there is to see is desert and desert again.
2. Hessdalen, Norway is fortunately known for its natural beauty as it can be difficult to fit in this visit with a sighting of a UFO. But the valley, which lies between Trondheim and Røros, Norway, almost at the level as Östersund, has a long history of strange sightings of luminous phenomena.
In the early 1980s, UFO-Sweden and UFO Norway, two (2) Nordic UFO research organizations, undertook large survey projects in the valley of Hessdale, and a large collection of photos and series of images of strange and anomalous light phenomena were taken. Today, many people travel there to try to get a glimpse of the unknown, but no guarantee is included with the visit.
3. “The Martebo Lights“ on Gotland is a budget trip for those who do not want to travel too far.
And Lyset, as it is known locally, still attracts many to take a car to the gravel road at Knutstorp about 30 kilometers north of Visby.
The UFO phenomena are reported as brilliant orbs or other types of light phenomena that migrate along the way. The difficulties for those who want to give to scouting is to separate the car lights as regularly seen on the road a good distance away from anything that would be a genuine phenomenon. The story that a light would fly along the route can be traced back to the early 1900s.
4. A safe tourist destination is a Swedish forest that lies on the outskirts of Ängelholm.There, in a clearing not far from Skälderviken beach, stands a monument, fashioned in concrete.
The monument depicts a flying saucer with a large antenna and sturdy landing gear and was built by GöstaCarlsson, in the early 1970s.
Gosta Carlsson, who eventually got the name "The Pollen King," is famous for having built the city's first ice skating rink and taking Rögle from ice hockey Division 3 to the top division in the 1960s. But it was an event May 18, 1946 that resulted in the saucer monument. It was at that time that Gosta Carlsson says that he actually met creatures from another world in a landed UFO craft in the glade at Angelholm. Carsslon also stated that the creatures had given him the recipes for several different pollen preparations, which led him to start a business.
5. Marfaljusen (Marfa Lights) are similar in some ways to the “Martebo Lights,” both in terms of appearances and in terms of the cases that remain to be explained. The lights are visible for at least fifty years near Route 67 south of the town of Marfa, Texas. The studies that have been done have shown that it is likely case of car lights at great distances which does not prevent many from going there and watching for lights.
6.Min Min Lights is Australia's answer to “Marfaljusen” (or “The Marfa Lights” in Texas, USA). Each year this site attracts many curious seekers to a desolate region of eastern part of the country. The first time they met was in 1918 but even these light has slowly been explained by curious researchers who present car lights bouncing on warm layer of air. Most reports are from UFO sightings along the route 62 between Boulia and Winton.
7.Area 51 is no longer as exciting or mysterious as it once was (when the US military had not yet extended the safety zone, and denied its existence). Then, you could send prying scout towards this super secret area whose very existence was long denied by the US authorities.
Area 51 is said to hide captured aliens and their craft but that a visitor could hope to see today is big warning signs that proclaim that the guards have the right to open fire as you pass them. The area is part of the Edwards Air Force Base and the Nevada Test and Training Range and is located in the southern part of the state of Nevada.
8. Archives UFOforskning, which now calls itself the more international sounding “Archives for the Unexplained,” is certainly not a tourist destination, but is used by scientists from many countries who want to know more about unidentified flying objects in all its forms and guises. Since 1973, AFU, located in Norrköping, has collected more than 2.2 kilometers of shelf space with material about everything related to the unusual and unexplored phenomenon to do.
Today it is the world's largest archive of its kind. Anyone who is curious can make a visit to the archive's website at → If you want to make a personal visit is for the hearing of itself in time because all work is done by volunteers.
9. In Suffolk, Eastern England, lies theRendlesham Forest, which has also given its name to the most famous “ufohändelsen” (UFO case) in the UK. In December 1980, military personnel in adjacent air bases several sightings of unknown lights and objects in and around the forest. Today there is a hiking trail that takes visitors to the places where it all took place.
Clas Svahn
Swedish text of the article above follows:
Den som är intresserad av ufo behöver inte resa långt för att få chansen att vara med om något spännande. I Sverige finns ett ufomonument, en plats att spana efter märkliga ljus och världens största ufoarkiv.
Den som är intresserad av ufo behöver inte resa långt för att få chansen att vara med om något spännande. I Sverige finns ett ufomonument, en plats att spana efter märkliga ljus och världens största ufoarkiv.
Att göra en lista på platser där den ufointresserade kan få sitt lystmäte är inte lätt. I alla fall inte med någon garanti för att man också verkligen får se något som inte går att förklara. Men det finns trots allt en hel del som kan kittla den nyfikne.
1. Vanligast, men kanske minst sevärd, som turistmål är platsen där ett oidentifierat flygande föremål ska ha kraschat i öknen utanför staden Roswell i USA 1947. Kraschen har blivit upphov till ett mycket stort antal böcker men också till ett museum i själva staden. Där kan den som är intresserad titta på modeller av utomjordingar och få hela historien berättad för sig. Vill man se själva nedslagsplatsen är det värre eftersom det finns flera alternativa sådana. Och när man väl kommer dit är det bäst att koppla in fantasin eftersom det som finns att se är öken och åter öken.
2.Hessdalen i Norge är som tur är känt för sin vackra natur eftersom det kan vara svårt att passa in sitt besök med en observation av ett ufo. Men dalen, som ligger mellan Trondheim och Røros i Norge, nästan i höjd med Östersund, har en lång historia av märkliga observationer av ljusfenomen. I början av 1980-talet genomförde organisationerna UFO-Sverige och UFO-Norge ett stort undersökningsprojekt i dalen och en lång rad bilder på märkliga ljusfenomen togs. I dag reser många dit för att försöka få en glimt av det okända men någon garanti följer inte med besökaren.
3.Marteboljuset på Gotland är en budgetvariant för den som inte vill resa så långt. Och Lyset, som det kallas lokalt, lockar fortfarande många att ta bilen till grusvägen vid Knutstorp cirka 30 kilometer norr om Visby. Fenomenet rapporteras som lysande klot eller andra typer av ljusfenomen som vandrar längs vägen. Svårigheterna för den som vill ge sig till att spana är att skilja de billjus som med jämna mellanrum syns på vägen en bra bit längre bort från det som eventuellt skulle vara ett äkta fenomen. Historien om att ett ljus skulle flyga längs vägen går att spåra till början av 1900-talet.
4. Ett säkert turistmål är Sibirienskogen i utkanten av Ängelholm. Där, i en glänta inte långt från Skäldervikens strand, står ett monument i betong. Monumentet avbildar ett flygande tefat med en stor antenn och kraftiga landningsställ och uppfördes av Gösta Carlsson i början av 1970-talet. Gösta Carlsson, som med tiden fick tillnamnet ”Pollenkungen”, är känd för att ha byggt stadens första ishall och att ha tagit Rögle från division 3 till högsta divisionen på 1960-talet. Men det var en händelse den 18 maj 1946 som resulterade i tefatsmonumentet. Då sa sig Gösta Carlsson ha mött varelser från en annan värld i en landad farkost i gläntan. Han påstod också att varelserna gett honom receptet på olika pollenpreparat vilket fick honom att starta ett företag.
5.Marfaljusen liknar på en del sätt Marteboljuset, både när det gäller förklaringarna och när det gäller de fall som återstår att förklara. Ljusen syns sedan minst femtio år nära Route 67 söder om staden Marfa i Texas. De undersökningar som har gjorts har visat att det sannolikt rör sig om billjus på stora avstånd vilket inte hindrar många från att åka dit och spana efter ljusen.
6.Min Min-ljusen är Australiens svar på Marfaljusen och lockar varje år många nyfikna att ta sig till en ödslig region i östra delen av landet. Första gången de sågs var 1918 men även dessa ljus har med tiden förklarats av nyfikna forskare som varande billjus som studsar på varma lager av luft. Flest rapporter finns längs väg 62 mellan Boulia och Winton.
7.Area 51 är inte längre lika spännande som det en gång var då det amerikanska försvaret ännu inte hade utvidgat säkerhetszonen. Då kunde nyfikna spana in mot detta superhemliga område vars existens länge förnekades av de amerikanska myndigheterna. Area 51 sägs dölja tillfångatagna utomjordingar och deras farkoster men det en besökare kan hoppas att se är i dag stora varningsskyltar som förkunnar att vakterna har rätt att öppna eld som man passerar dem. Området är en del av Edwards Air Force Base och Nevada Test and Training Range och ligger i södra delen av delstaten Nevada.
8. Arkivet för ufoforskning, som numera kallar sig för det mera internationellt klingande Archives for the Unexplained, är visserligen inget turistmål men används av forskare från många länder som vill veta mer om oidentifierade flygande föremål i alla dess skepnader. AFU, som ligger i Norrköping, har sedan 1973 samlat mer än 2,2 hyllkilometer med material om allt som har med ovanliga och outforskade fenomen att göra. I dag är det världens största arkiv i sitt slag. Den som är nyfiken kan göra ett besök på arkivets webbplats på Vill man göra ett personligt besök gäller det att höra av sig i tid eftersom allt arbete sköts av frivilliga.
9. I Suffolk östra England ligger skogen Rendlesham Forest som också har fått ge namn till den mest kända ufohändelsen i Storbritannien. I december 1980 gjorde militär personal på de näraliggande flygbaserna flera iakttagelser av okända ljus och föremål i och omkring skogen. I dag finns där en vandringsled som tar besökaren till de platser där allt ägde rum.
The winter in New York’s south-western region was particularly hostile this year. The brutal negative temperatures brought its inhabitants to a screeching halt. I spent very little time outside this season. So my sighting was completely by chance, and at the time I giggled to myself as I saw something that I have studied and assessed for some time, never planning to see one of my own.
It certainly brought every witness statement I have ever been lucky enough to read and work full circle to me. Immediately, all of the statements I read daily it like a glove. It was interesting for sure. It was mid-March 2015, frigid, cold and horrible night. I was on a late night phone call to a dear friend of mine making plans for her birthday weekend at the end of April. Being a smoker, I constantly associate the phone with a hot cup of coffee and a cigarette but being a mother, I do not smoke in my home, so I was forced to face the elements to do so. Shivering with the phone on my shoulder, and cigarette in hand, my head was angled and as we spoke to one another I gazed at the beautiful starry sky. My family and I live on a quiet mountain top; no street lights, no noise and the most beautiful sky you can imagine. Being a Field Investigator for the State of New York, I am constantly looking about for a peek of the unknown. The skies remained quiet and beautiful. But this night ended a little differently. As we spoke, to my disbelief, an object caught my eye gliding smoothly across the sky. I would estimate its altitude at approximately 1,000 feet. My guess of size would range from 100 to 150 feet across. This was a black triangle. From the distance, I cannot see any distinct features about this unknown, but I can tell you this was no plane- civilian or military.
This triangle glided so smoothly across the sky and was completely silent. At all three points, there were white lights, and in the center, a larger red light. The sky was beautiful that night, cloud cover was sparse, with only a few in my line of sight. I watched this triangle glide behind a small cloud. It never came out the other side. It simply vanished. I finished my phone call quickly and hopped into my Jeep and drove to a nearby peak to see if I could see anything. The night was silent and still, and my beautiful triangle, one that I have researched so many times, was gone, just like that. It is almost humorous to me that I was able to see this, even for the few seconds that it glided through my existence. Triangle Unknowns have always been an interest of mine in this amazing field I have studied many in my humble research. You never think, after years of looking, that while on the phone shivering, talking about birthdays, that you will luckily be able to look up and see something so amazing. I am elated to have viewed such a mystery, only adding fuel to the fire of my constant thirst for information
[One of the oldest controversies in the UFO field was whether astronomers see UFOs through their instruments or not. Surveys in the US and the former Soviet Union indicated that this was indeed the case, but for a number of reasons, mainly having to do with prestige and the very real possibility of "academic suicide", expert stargazers played their cards close to their vests. This case appears in the late Antonio Ribera's El Gran Enigma de los Platillos Voladores (The Great Flying Saucer Enigma) and was sent to him in a letter by Father Antonio Felices of the Dominican Order in the city of Valladolid, dated 2 February 1966 -- SC]
“In regard to the UFO that appeared her on September 16, [1965] I have little more to add to our phone conversation. According to the Villanubla base, the UFO placed itself over the city at three in the afternoon, but we did not get to see it until 6:45 pm local time. Yours truly was in church, supervising work, when a brother came in to tell me that a very strange light was over the school. I broke into a run. Indeed, there was a scintillating object over the school, having the apparent size of a grapefruit. Fearing that it might take off when we least expected it, I stayed there watching while the other brothers came out to see what was going on. Moreover, the nuns and servants of the school had also noticed the strange object and were looking at it. Finally, a young priest and yours truly decided to set up the telescope we keep in our physics laboratory. It took us a while, as this telescope is rather large and hard to handle. We placed it on two tables, since the UFO nearly on top of us, and the telescope had to point to a very sharp angle.
“By seven twenty everything was ready. I focused the telescope and…what a sight awaited me. It was a very large METALLIC object at a considerable altitude (23,200 meters, according to the instruments at Villanubia). It was nearly motionless, except for a slight wobble from side to side, as an ocean liner would while anchored at sea. It was silver, with an enormous belly, and the upper section was the “delta” or triangular shape proper. It covered one square kilometer, according to our calculations.
“I would not dare attest – and indeed refrained from doing so in the article that appeared in Flying Saucer Review – that I saw two very small luminous dots breaking off from the UFO. I say that I wouldn't dare to attest because it could have been a product of my imagination. In a case such as this, no matter how impartial one may want to be, even the best observer can be deceived without intending to. So I'm merely telling you without ascertaining it.
“The first stars began to rise around seven o'clock. We were then able to verify that the object was between Beta Cephei and Epsilon Draconis. The UFO began rising at five minutes past seven quite rapidly, vanishing completely from sight.
“It caused a tremendous impression. Nearly all the other priests who were there with me were highly skeptical, and having seen it through a telescope, and ascertaining that it was in fact a metallic object, left no doubt in their minds that it was an unidentified flying object.”
Ribera – playing devil's advocate – does not overlook the possibility that the UFO could have been a “tetrahedral weather balloon” launched from the French weather station at Las Landas.
The witness first saw three red lights in a triangle formation where the lights appeared as though one was looking through a stained glass window. Pictured: West Beverly Street in Staunton, VA. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
A Virginia witness at Staunton reported watching three glowing lights in a triangle formation just 100 yards overhead, according to testimony in Case 64239 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness stepped outside about 5 a.m. on February 28, 2015, for a cigarette when three red lights came into view in the sky.
“While they looked solid, they appeared as if looking through a stained glass window – blurry almost,” the witness stated. “The lights were in triangle formation, moving south at a fast speed.”
The witness realized that the object made no sound.
The witness said he could not make out a body to the object and that the object was completely silent. Pictured: Staunton, VA. (Credit: Google)
“The object was moving fast enough that I was sure I would hear a noise, typical of any known aircraft, but no noise came.”
The witness could not make out a body to the craft either.
“There did not appear to be a body to the craft, though common sense tells me there should have been one. I could only assume it may have been cloaked in some way, but that is only speculation. There are no roads behind my apartment, nor any other buildings close enough to cause any reflections. There were no clouds in the sky at all, nor any fog.”
The witness was unable to take photos.
“The object and lights moved too quickly for me to take any photos.”
The object was fast moving and there was not enough time for the witness to take photographs. Pictured: Staunton, VA. (Credit: Google)
Staunton is an independent city in Virginia, population 23,746. Virginia MUFON is investigating.
Virginia is currently a UFO Alert Level 5 – with 0.86 sightings per million population based on MUFON February 2015 statistics. Virginia received a total of seven UFO reports in March.
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
It was October and it had been an unseasonably humid night. Deborah awoke in the early morning in her college dormitory room. As she woke up she was aware of the local milk truck making noise in the alley below. She had washed her hair the night before; with the high humidity her hair was still damp. She decided to open the window to get some fresh air moving in the dorm room. She drew back the curtains and opened the window wide.
“It was then that I looked up into the sky and saw a hovering saucer shaped object. I was surprised and then became very scared as I was alone in the room. I thought I might have been dreaming so pinched myself.”
Deborah quickly walked around the room and grabbed her camera and began snapping pictures of the hovering disk shaped object. She tells us that because she was so excited and in a state of awe she didn’t notice that the camera was out of film.
“I felt privileged to be a witness to the sight of this craft”
Deborah says that she had always thought people who believed in this type of thing were foolish.
“All these thoughts crowded my head. I felt like going next door and waking up the girl who lived there, and telling her to look out the window. But I was afraid to even go into the hallway.” So Deborah just quietly watched the object that was hovering over the city.
“The saucer was highly luminescent or polished, a silvery color. It had an illuminated quality, but I never saw any lights. When the hovering saucer left, it took off at a fantastic speed.”
She says she observed what appeared to be sparkling dust slowly sifting down after the hovering saucer left.
“I remember thinking how beautiful it looked. To be honest I have struggled to believe it was from a different planet.”
Deborah tells us that there was never a report in the local newspapers about it.
“…my friends, the ones I told, were very skeptical. Still, I didn’t tell everyone as I didn’t want to be known for seeing it; and I didn’t want to be mocked or made fun of.”
Reflecting back, Deborah says she was glad for the whole experience.
Ben Hansen’s analysis of the Obama interview on Jimmy Kimmel in regards to UFOs and his revelations regarding the President. These and other space and UFO stories on this episode of Spacing Out!
In 1947 former intelligence officer, Captain Corso, could not quell his curiosity over the classified shipment that had arrived by railcar to Ft. Riley in Kansas on a sweltering summer afternoon with no air conditioning. Late that night Philip Corso, commanding officer on duty, had offered to relieve the guard who was assigned to keep an eye on the secret shipment now sitting in a warehouse. As soon as the guard left to get something to drink and relax, Corso climbed atop the cargo that was draped in a tarp and pulled it off along with the lid to a container.
Astonishing discovery
When he peered down into the contents, what he saw, shocked him! Corso claims to have seen the classic gray alien corpse many are familiar with today, yet in 1947 few would have understood what they were looking at unless they had been near Roswell, New Mexico around the time of several crashes in close proximity occurring the first week of July. There in a bluish gel preservative was the body of a creature that the former World War II intelligence officer who had served in Italy, could only speculate about. Corso, who had been well trained knew how to compartmentalize and this he did, putting the horrid memory in the back of his mind for years to come after quickly recapping the container and covering it with the tarp while regaining his composure before the guard could return.
Threat radar
A confluence of many events took place in the 1940's specially after World War II that may well have convinced the US federal government that secrecy, tight security, changing the laws, and establishing a dedicated network of surveillance focused on international as well as domestic monitoring was a necessity. The onset of the cold war, missile technology, nuclear arsenals, and the secret use of captured resources from our enemies would seem to be enough to provide the impetus for extreme measures that might challenge our US Constitution. Yet, all of this had already been underway by 1945 and no particularly invasive security legislation had yet been passed. However, coinciding with 1947 and an influx of flying disk sightings, the beginnings of the very police state we languish under today were being instituted with little civilian oversight.
Juggling scenarios
So, if the cold war had begun with the Soviets, Operation “Paper Clip” the utilization of Nazi rocket scientists to establish the future NASA, the 509th Bomb Group, the only nuclear strike force capable of delivering Atomic devastation in the world, had not yet summoned the need for a sharp rise in a police state role within our federal government, was it the events at Roswell that acted as the catalyst? The evidence does seem to speak for itself. Records according to the FBI vault indicate a drastic rise in domestic investigations related to disk sightings all over the nation from 1947 to 1949 as well as the assistance of J. Edgar Hoover's FBI with the intelligence services of the US Air Force, the Navy, and even the War Department as it was called at that time.
Out of the ordinary
It seemed not only were the prerequisites for possible threats to national security inherent, but something extremely unusual and perhaps unprecedented has occurred and a subtle hysteria may well have been traveling through the ranks of our intelligence services like a shock wave! it was in 1947 that General Nathan F. Twining's shocking intelligence estimate of flying saucers had alerted the Joint Chiefs of the Pentagon in Washington DC that a new era had arisen not only for America but in the world as an alien threat was perceived thus presenting new challenges to the existing methods of investigation and the need for rapid classified data accumulation loomed before our leaders.
Not up to the task
In the years to come as extraordinary sightings rocked the country and left many trained observers stunned in the wake of these incidents only the mundane explanations of the “Official Version” would be leaked to the US Press Corps while the more ominous aspects of that intelligence gathering were expedited to places like Wright Patterson AFB or S-4 at Area 51. It is clear that not only was something afoot, but maybe our heads of the Defense Department and armed services worried that our capabilities were not up to the task. Sources has speculated for a long time that President Eisenhower negotiated out of weakness due to our technical inferiority to an alien presence that made demands we would have to submit to. According to former Army Colonel, Philip J. Corso, it was not until the HARP program that America gained parody with the alien threat.
The HARP program spawned a number of different projects that were not just about microwave antennas projecting heat into the ionosphere from a station in Alaska. According to the late Corso, an elegant system designed to eradicate threats to the US with rapid precision was created. A missile with an onboard particle beam weapon capable of targeting several threats at once and knocking them out of the sky with precision accuracy quickly turned the game around for America. Yet, the scars left to our freedoms by the rapidly rising security state have not been withdrawn.
Loss of our freedoms
Thanks to the Patriot Act in response to the Oklahoma bombing and future domestic terrorism, the signing of the NDAA laws by President Obama in 2010, our Constitutional rights as Americans have been compromised. A complacent generation of unconcerned Americans pre-occupied by video games, reality shows, surfing the Internet, and their precious smart phones are reluctant to act while their freedoms are being rapidly eroded by Nazi style tactics adopted by our federal government in complete defiance of due process and the checks and balances of the four branches of government. Stupidly, Americans have been lulled into the mentality of livestock ignoring the lessons of history under the bungling assurances of the Obama White House.
Damning conclusion
It would not be hard to believe that our out of control federal government is more of a threat to the people than any hostile alien civilization because in that case we at least would know who the enemy was. When dealing with our federal government you no longer know who your friends are! Ike Eisenhower made sure that in his speech he warned the American people about the threat of the military industrial complex, and in doing so was quoted but heeded little by future generations of Americans. America has become a corporatocracy. The interests of defense contractors, big business with strong lobbies, the entitlement mentality of half of this country,refusal of the government to guard our borders, the abuse,neglect, and even molestation of children becoming an accepted practice, the unpatriotic attitude of those who live in America but refuse to assimilate all characterize the rapid moral descent of a once great nation. Things cannot go on this way much longer. God help America!
Extra information about the article:
Big government trumps the rights of the individual!
"Spooky Action at a Distance" Confirmed by New Quantum Experiment
"Spooky Action at a Distance" Confirmed by New Quantum Experiment
Photo credit: Griffith University
Albert Einstein may have been the greatest mind of the 20th century, but the great physicist famously disliked some of the weirder implications of quantum physics. Now, nearly a century after his protests, physicists may have proven one of the points that he doubted the most.
According to quantum mechanics, a particle can be described as a wave that spreads out over a great distance. Yet the particle is still just one particle. You can't detect it in two places at once. When physicists observe the particle in a particular location, they say that the wave function—the mathematics that describes how a particle could be in multiple places at once—has collapsed. Einstein could not accept this. Or, at least, that he thought the quantum mechanics of his day could not adequately explain it, referring to the phenomenon with the now-iconic phrase "spooky action at a distance." But in new research published in Nature Communications, Griffith University's Howard Wiseman and colleagues use a single particle to show that the wave function really does collapse in this strange way. In so doing, their work backs up years of research into quantum entanglement, in which particles are connected in a mysterious way even when separated, so that observing or affecting one instantly affects the other. Previous experiments had tested quantum entanglement with two particles, but the researchers wanted to get at Einstein's claim by entangling a single photon of light. They did this by firing a beam of photons into a splitter that cut each photon in two, sending half of the light to one lab and half to another lab. Using a finely tuned homodyne detector—a tool used to measure the waves of these particles—Lab A tried to look for its photon and measure its phase. So did the scientists in Lab B. They found that if the Lab A researchers had detected the photon, then the Lab B researchers did not, and vice versa. Plus the photon state that Lab B detected depended upon what Lab A detected. That's exactly what you'd expect if the single split photon were entangled. "Einstein's view was that the detection of the particle only ever at one point could be much better explained by the hypothesis that the particle is only ever at one point, without invoking the instantaneous collapse of the wave function to nothing at all other points," Wiseman says in a news release. "Through these different measurements, you see the wave function collapse in different ways, thus proving its existence and showing that Einstein was wrong."
Werkers stonden op het punt om de huizen boven de verborgen stad te slopen toen ze op ondergronds labyrint stootten. De stad zou naar verluidt 5.000 jaar oud zijn.
In 1963 werd een gelijkaardige stad (Derinkuyu genaamd) ontdekt toen een man zijn kelder aan het uitbreken was. De nieuwe stad lijkt nu nog groter te zijn dan Derinkuyu en zou een plek geweest zijn waar mensen schuilden tijdens religieuze oorlogen in de regio.
De burgemeester van Nevsehir is alvast dolenthousiast: "Deze nieuwe ontdekking is zoals een nieuwe parel, een nieuwe diamant, het nieuwe goud", vertelde hij aan National geographic. Alle renovatiewerken zijn alvast stilgelegd, zodat archeologen de hele site kunnen onderzoeken.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFO schiet uit onweerswolk ( Video )
UFO schiet uit onweerswolk ( Video )
Enkele dagen geleden zien we in de Amerikaanse staat Nebraska een voor ons inmiddels bekende lucht.
Onweerswolken die dreigend aan de hemel hangen en waaruit de nodige bliksem lijkt te komen.
Na alle meldingen van UFO’s die in en uit “onweerswolken” vliegen, komt het soort lucht hieronder ons bekend voor.
Het is 2 april 2015 wanneer in de Amerikaanse staat Nebraska donkere wolken zich samenpakken aan de hemel.
Een auto rijdt op de weg ongeveer de wolk tegemoet en heeft de dashcam aan staan.
Plots schiet er vanuit die wolk een UFO tevoorschijn, wat wordt vastgelegd door deze camera in de auto.
Met grote snelheid schiet de UFO rechts voorbij de auto:
Of we hier wederom te maken met een zogenaamd dimensieportaal is niet helemaal duidelijk. Wanneer we afgaan op de uiterlijke kenmerken dan lijkt het er wel veel op.
Dan zouden we hier te maken hebben met de omgekeerde situatie van die in Mexico, waar een UFO met grote snelheid een wolk ín vloog terwijl dit keer er een met grote snelheid uít komt.
Onbekend is of hier in Nebraska sprake was van zo'n vreemde onweerswolk in een verder vrij schone lucht of inderdaad gewoon een fikse onweersbui.
Net zoals de UFO die in een dimensieportaal in Mexico verdween, hebben we hier ook te maken met een sigaarvormige versie.
Los van dimensieportalen, het is een gegeven dat UFO’s veelvuldig worden gesignaleerd in de buurt van onweer en bijbehorende wolken. Evenals bij vulkanen, wat beiden met zekerheid te maken zal hebben met de grote concentratie energie ter plaatse.
Het is hoe dan ook een mooie opname geworden vanuit de auto. De bewegende beelden zie je in de video hierna:
Acht archeologische vondsten die je niet in de geschiedenisboeken terug vindt...
Acht archeologische vondsten die je niet in de geschiedenisboeken terug vindt...
Er zijn talloze archeologische vondsten waarover niets terug te vinden is in de geschiedenisboeken “omdat ze niet passen”.
Hier volgt een serie van acht van dit soort ontdekkingen die mainstream buiten beeld blijven.
1) De onvoltooide obelisk
De onvoltooide obelisk is de grootste en meest bekende oude obelisk en is gesitueerd in de noordelijke regio van de steengroeven van het oude Egypte in Aswan. Archeologen menen dat farao Hatsjepsoet opdracht gaf om de obelisk te bouwen. Als hij afgemaakt zou zijn zou hij een lengte hebben gehad van 42 meter. De obelisk is bijna eenderde langer dan enige andere opgerichte Egyptische obelisk.
2) Yonaguni Monument
Er is nog steeds een heftige discussie gaande tussen experts over of het onderwatermonument voor de kust van Japan natuurlijk gecreëerd is of door een vroegere beschaving.
Onderdeel van het monument zijn wat men noemt twin obelisken, alsmede een formatie die de schildpad wordt genoemd. Meer informatie omtrent Yonagunni is te vinden in een eerder door ons geschreven artikel.
3) De stenen bollen van Costa Rica
De bollen zijn werkelijk een mysterie. Er is weinig bekend over deze enorme stenen bollen, behalve dat ze waarschijnlijk zijn gemaakt door een volk dat Diquis heette en daar woonden in de periode 700 tot ongeveer 1530. Volgens de legenden zijn deze stenen ooit gemaakt in Atlantis, maar dat is speculatie.
4) De Longyou grotten
Deze tunnels zijn gevonden in Zhejian in China. Ze zijn enorm en dateren van enkele honderden jaren voor Christus. Ze zijn van de vloer tot aan het plafond bedekt met precieze markeringen allemaal onder een hoek van 60 graden.
5) Göbleki Tepe
Dit was een heel belangrijke ontdekking want hierdoor gingen wetenschappers opnieuw nadenken over de oorsprong van de menselijke beschaving. Het werd gevonden in de buurt van een bergtop in Turkije en is gebouwd ergens zo’n 10.000 jaar voor Christus.
6) Boheno-Daro
Deze interessante stad uit de oudheid is gebouwd rond 2.600 jaar voor Christus in wat men nu noemt Pakistan. Het is één van de eerste voorbeelden van stadsplanning en het heeft wegen en een afvoersysteem dat werkte als een riool.
7) Saksaywaman
Saksaywaman is een fort, buiten de stad Cusco in Peru. De voormalige hoofdstad van de Inca natie. Deze gigantische rotsen zijn zo dicht tegen elkaar geplaatst dat zelfs nu, honderden jaren later, je niet eens een vloeitje tussen de rotsen krijgt.
8. L’Anse aux Meadows
Dit is de naam van een nederzetting in Noord Amerika waarvan men denkt dat deze 500 jaar voordat Columbus Amerika ontdekte werd gebouwd door de Vikingen.
Did Dogon Tribe Get Their Detailed Knowledge of The Sirius From Ancient Aliens?
Did Dogon Tribe Get Their Detailed Knowledge of The Sirius From Ancient Aliens?
The vast universe continuous to amaze our current knowledge. Skeptics and proponents of the ancient alien theories have been facing the challenges for decades regarding the alleged detailed astronomical knowledge of the Dogon tribe.
There are a number of arguments concerning the tribe from Mali, Africa and its reported knowledge of the motions of the star even without the use of modern telescopes.
Sirius, being the brightest star in the sky, had been part of many ancient cultures. Located approximately 8.7 light years from Earth, Sirius has white dwarf star companion called Sirius B, which is invisible to the naked eye. Astronomers first thought of its existence in the 1830s. These scientists developed a mathematical theoretical model of its orbit around Sirius, now known as Sirius A, later in the 19th century.
The astronomers thought that Sirius B must be a super-dense matter, but specifics were beyond their knowledge until the arrival of quantum physics in 1926. In 1894, irregular movement of Sirius B made astronomers think that a third star, Sirius C, may exist. They suspected that a third star exert an influence on the orbit of Sirius B. It is still not clear whether Sirius C exists or not.
The Dogon are believed to have known Sirius before astronomers started contemplating its existence. For the Dogon, Sirius is a three-star system. They even described Sirius B accurately saying that it is a companion star for Sirius that is not visible from Earth. The tribe further explained that Sirius B has a 50-year orbital period, and it travels around Sirius A along an elliptical path. They allegedly have known that it is made of a dense substance not found on Earth.
The Dogon are also thought to have understood that planets, including Earth, rotate on their axes and orbit around the sun. The tribe also said to have known that Jupiter has four moons and Saturn has a ring around it.
Astronomy professor at Sacramento City College Liam McDaid and famed astronomer Carl Sagan concluded that the Dogon’s advanced knowledge of Sirius, particularly Sirius B, must have come from modern Western culture. The theory believes that the Dogon got the advanced knowledge of Sirius B from anthropological accounts of Dr. Germaine Dieterlen and Dr. Marcel Griaule, who visited the tribe together in the 1930s.
However, the book “The Sirius Mystery,” by Robert Temple suggests an ancient alien theory as an explanation of the detailed knowledge of the Dogon. During an interview for a BBC special, the author presented a 400-year-old Dogon artifact representing the three stars of the Sirius system. In another interview during “Talk Psychic” show, Temple said that the Dogon would tell anyone that their ancestors were given the information from someone coming from the system of the star Sirius.
More On The Tense Debate Among Scientists Over Contacting Aliens
More On The Tense Debate Among Scientists Over Contacting Aliens
April 2, 2015 - It’s been more than 50 years since astronomers carried out the first systematic attempt to hunt for radio signals from civilizations beyond our solar system—a quest known as the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI. During that time, our telescopes have heard only deafening silence—which has some scientists wondering if it’s time for Earthlings to start the conversation.
Proponents of “Active SETI” believe that, instead of just passively listening for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence, we should be actively reaching out to our galactic neighbors—that is, we should be using our most powerful radio transmitters (like the giant dish-telescope at Arecibo, in Puerto Rico) to send messages in the direction of the nearest stars.
“In the past we’ve always assumed that any extraterrestrial civilization with the capacity to detect us will automatically take the initiative to make contact, sending us a powerful signal to let us know they exist,” says Douglas Vakoch of the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, and a leading proponent of Active SETI. “But there may be civilizations out there that refuse to reveal their existence unless we make it clear that we want to make contact.”
Active SETI has always been a contentious issue. Back in 2006 the International Academy of Astronautics convened a committee on SETI—but when the group refused to push for a ban on proactive transmissions, two prominent members, John Billingham and Michael Michaud, resigned. Even the editorial board of the prestigious journal Nature has cautioned that “the risk posed by active SETI is real. … It is not obvious that all extraterrestrial civilizations will be benign—or that contact with even a benign one would not have serious repercussions for people here on Earth.”
The debate reignited in February at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, held in San Jose. Vakoch arranged for a symposium as well as a press briefing to discuss Active SETI at the conference; later that week, he convened an all-day workshop at the institute—and once again the discussion was heated.
What everyone agrees on—and it’s just about the only thing they agree on—is that any alien civilizations we find are likely to be much more advanced than our own. (It’s a simple matter of statistics: We’re only a few hundred years old as an advanced industrial species, while the galaxy has been here for some 13 billion years; any ETs we encounter are sure to be a lot older than us, and thus, presumably, a lot more advanced.) Fancier technology, greater risk.
Science fiction writer David Brin is an outspoken critic of Active SETI. He points to the history of our own planet, in which encounters between cultures of greatly differing technological sophistication rarely go well. “We have many examples where a technologically advanced civilization contacted a technologically less advanced civilization,” he says. (European colonizing efforts in Africa and the Americas come to mind.) “And in every one of those cases, there was pain. Even when both sides had the best of intentions.”
This pattern, Brin says, applies even when human beings aren’t involved. When plate tectonics brought the land masses that we now call North and South America together, about 3 million years ago, it enabled contact between the placental mammals of the north and the marsupial mammals of the south. “Within a million years, almost all of the marsupial mammals were extinct,” Brin says. “Contact between biomes had major extinction consequences every time it happened on Earth. I’m not claiming this is how things will go when we meet aliens—but it suggests that we should at least talk it over first.”
SETI pioneer Jill Tarter, the astronomer who famously served as the model for the main character in Carl Sagan’s Contact, agrees that it’s prudent to listen before we shout. “We should recognize that asymmetry [in technological sophistication], and allow the older technologies to take on the greater burden of transmitting,” she says. “We should listen, first, as youngsters.”
Unless Vakoch is right, and they are waiting to hear from us. If that’s the case, and we choose to remain silent, we’re squandering an incredible opportunity. “Perhaps interstellar communication is a form of economic exchange, where civilizations share valuable information with one another in a multigenerational form of reciprocal altruism,” he says, adding that examples of this sort of altruism can be seen in a variety of animal species here on Earth.
Seth Shostak, the institute’s wisecracking, mop-topped senior astronomer, agrees that we have little to lose, and possibly much to gain, by reaching out. Besides, they probably already know we’re here: Our radio and television broadcasts, and especially our military radar, have been leaking into space for some 70 years, Shostak points out. There’s no putting the electromagnetic cat back in the bag.
“Any society that’s at least 100 or 200 years more advanced than we are will be able to pick up our leakage,” says Shostak. “Unless they’ve stopped developing technology—which is of course possible, but then they’re of no threat to us.” (Shostak’s license plate, incidentally, reads SETI GUY; Vakoch has the more cryptic ASETI, for Active SETI.)
But maybe we haven’t yet blown our cover: Brin doesn’t accept Shostak’s assertion that “they” already know we’re here (sometimes called the “barn door” issue). Shostak is too generous in calculating how visible we are from hundreds (or even thousands) of light-years away, says Brin, who holds a Ph.D. in planetary science and has done consulting work for NASA. Terrestrial radio and TV signals, from I Love Lucy to whatever is leaking out of Vandenberg and Guantánamo, are relatively weak. Furthermore, electromagnetic signals fall off in proportion to the square of the distance (and ETs, if they exist, are pretty darn distant). Most likely, Brin says, they have no idea we’re here—and they won’t, unless we start beaming powerful, highly directed signals in the manner that Vakoch proposes. (The few physical-artifact messages that we’ve sent—on the Pioneer and Voyager probes, for example—are long shots in the extreme. They contain basic information about humans and our planet; on Voyager, there was also a gold record with music ranging from Mozart to Chuck Berry, and other greetings from Earthlings. They’re not heading for any particular star, and thus may never be intercepted at all—but Voyager 1 will be within two light-years of a star called Gliese 445 in about 40,000 years.)
Brin isn’t alone in urging caution. More than two dozen scientists have signed a position statement calling for a moratorium on Active SETI until “a worldwide scientific, political and humanitarian discussion” has taken place. Elon Musk, the billionaire founder of SpaceX, has signed on; so too have planet hunter Geoff Marcy and best-selling science author Paul Davies. The petition doesn’t say anything about ravenous, drooling aliens—it merely notes that “it is impossible to predict whether [extraterrestrial intelligence] will be benign or hostile.” But some, like renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking, have been more direct. Hawking recently warned that an advanced alien civilization, having depleted the resources of its home planet, might be “looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach.” He also cited the analogy of Christopher Columbus arriving in the Americas, “which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans.”
Clichéd as it may be, the oft-repeated Columbus analogy sometimes feels as though it has the power to sink Active SETI. It is, however, a gross oversimplification of human history. Kathryn Denning, an anthropologist at York University in Toronto, points out that not all cross-cultural contact has been harmful. Even the European arrival in the Americans wasn’t all bad. “Many of the First Nations of the New World are very much alive, and on the ascendancy, [especially] in the Southern Hemisphere,” she told me recently. Yes, there was a period of turmoil; but later there was “syncretism, friendship, intermarriage … a slow merging of two societies.”
Will ETs be friendly teachers or despotic overlords? Will we be their pupils, or their lunch? For an endeavor that purports to be rooted in science, much of what SETI enthusiasts have to say seems to hinge on whether they grew up with the death-ray-wielding invaders of The War of the Worlds, or the benevolent brainiacs of Contact.
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Le gouvernement japonais ne croit plus aux soucoupes volantes
Le gouvernement japonais ne croit plus aux soucoupes volantes
Le ministre japonais de la Défense Gen Nakatani.
Image: AFP
Volte-faceLe ministre de la Défense a assuré le plus sérieusement du monde ne jamais avoir eu vent d'une violation de l'espace aérien nippon par de petits hommes verts, après avoir cru plausible l'existence d'Ovni.
Le gouvernement du Japon, qui avait cru un temps plausible l'existence d'Ovni (Objets volants non identifiés), fait marche arrière.
«Quand les forces d'auto-défense (FAD) détectent la présence d'un objet volant non identifié dans le ciel japonais, elles envoient si nécessaire des avions de chasse pour vérifier», a déclaré le ministre japonais de la Défense Gen Nakatani au Parlement.
«Les soldats trouvent parfois des oiseaux ou des objets volants autres que des avions, mais à ma connaissance, il n'a jamais été découvert d'Ovni venu d'un autre endroit que la Terre», a poursuivi le ministre.
Sénateur folklorique
Homme d'Etat rigoureux réputé pour bien connaître ses dossiers, il répondait à une question du folklorique sénateur «Antonio» Inoki.
Cet ex-catcheur reconnaissable à son écharpe rouge voulait savoir si le Japon traquait d'éventuels martiens et si des «études étaient menées sur eux». Et de rappeler que lui-même avait subrepticement aperçu un jour un mystérieux objet volant.
Ce n'est pas la première fois que le gouvernement japonais se préoccupe de ces questions incongrues. En 2007 déjà, le Conseil des ministres avait adopté une résolution dans laquelle il ne «confirmait pas l'existence d'Ovni».
Toutefois, le porte-parole de l'époque, Nobutaka Machimura, et le ministre de la Défense, Shigeru Ishiba, avaient rétorqué qu'«à titre personnel», ils n'étaient pas de cet avis. «Dans les films Godzilla, les FAD sont mobilisées», avait remarqué le ministre, s'étonnant que rien n'ait été fait jusque-là pour fixer un «cadre légal» en cas d'invasion extraterrestre. (ats-afp/Newsnet)
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Ministry of Defence accused of UFO cover-up
Ministry of Defence accused of UFO cover-up
This image is a mock-up, we’re afraid (Picture: Getty Images )
Ufologists are attacking the British government for allegedly hiding the truth about UFOs after the Ministry of Defence (MoD) delayed releasing documents known as the ‘British X-Files.’
The documents were meant to have been handed over to the National Archives by the end of last year but are now due to be released late 2015 or 2016.
They purportedly include information about the Rendelsham Forest incident in 1980 where an alien landing is believed to have occurred.
Former MoD UFO investigator, Nick Pope told the Daily Mirror: ‘This massive delay will have conspiracy theorists up in arms. It looks like the MoD is stalling.
‘The suspicion will be that there’s a bombshell in these files and that the Ministry does not know how to handle it.
‘I can understand why conspiracy theorists will be angry and suspicious.’
On being asked about the delay by Lord Blackwood in the House of Lords, Lord Astor of Hever, the Lords Spokesman on Defence, said: ‘The schedule for the transfer of files from the Ministry of Defence to The National Archives consists of around 10,000 files per annum.
‘The schedule is continually updated to take into account changes in priority and progress on different record sets.’
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Drones à propulsion nucléaire
Drones à propulsion nucléaire (08/05/2003)
Le nucléaire n'a pas toujours eu la mauvaise réputation qu'on lui connaît aujourd'hui... Il fut un temps où l'eau de Badoit arborait fièrement sur ses étiquettes sa qualité d'«eau radioactive» (rassurez-vous, elle ne l'est pas plus qu'une autre eau minérale), et où un certain Nikola Tesla trouvait très stimulant de placer son cerveau dans un flux de rayons gamma (précisons qu'il est mort d'un cancer au cerveau, dans des accès de démence qui, associées à son génie naturel, inspirent encore les rêveurs croyant à l'«énergie libre»).
Peu après la seconde guerre mondiale, on imaginait volontiers que les avions, les fusées, les navires ou même les automobiles seraient bientôt tous propulsés par cette source d'énergie miraculeuse.
C'est ainsi qu'est né en 1946 le programme NEPA (Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft), placé sous le contrôle de l'armée. Au début des années 50, il aboutissait au prototype d'un bombardier nucléaire, le YB-60.
Photo du YB-60
Les moteurs fonctionnaient comme des turboréacteurs normaux, avec un compresseur et une turbine, mais l'air était chauffé par le réacteur nucléaire, ne nécessitant donc pas de carburant. L'intérêt était donc une autonomie quasiment illimitée.
Les Soviétiques développaient bien sûr des projets similaires...
Plusieurs types de réacteurs à propulsion nucléaire ont été expérimentés avec succès... Mais tout cela a été abandonné au début des années 60, en raison de la masse des protections nécessaires pour protéger l'équipage des radiations nocives, et aussi parce que des bombardiers à long rayon d'action ont perdu beaucoup de leur intérêt avec l'arrivée des missiles intercontinentaux.
Dans le domaine spatial, on a expérimenté dans les années 50/60, en particulier avec le programme NERVA (Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application), des moteurs «nucléothermiques», dans lesquels le réacteur nucléaire était utilisé pour échauffer un «fluide propulsif», en général de l'hydrogène. L'intérêt par rapport aux carburants chimiques est que la vitesse d'éjection, qui détermine le rapport de masse de la fusée (rapport de la masse au décollage sur la masse à vide) peut être nettement plus élevée, et nécessite donc une masse de carburant (ou de fluide propulsif) plus faible.
La température mesurant l'énergie cinétique moyenne des molécules d'un gaz, c'est avec les molécules les plus légères que l'on obtient la vitesse la plus élevée pour une température identique. C'est pour cela que l'hydrogène est le «fluide propulsif» le plus efficace avec des réacteurs thermiques... Avec un autre gaz, il faudrait atteindre une température plus élevée pour obtenir la même vitesse d'éjection, ce qui implique des matériaux plus résistants à la chaleur. La vitesse d'éjection du prototype de réacteur NERVA dépassait 8 km/s, contre 4,5 km/s avec les meilleurs propulseurs chimiques. Le rapport de masse diminuant exponentiellement lorsque la vitesse d'éjection augmente, le gain en masse de carburant aurait été énorme.
Photo d'un réacteur NERVA
Le programme a été abandonné en 1971, en même temps que les essais d'explosions nucléaires dans l'atmosphère... Pourtant, il est bon de préciser qu'un réacteur nucléaire ne rejette pas de matériaux radioactifs. Il peut émettre des rayonnements ionisants s'il n'est pas convenablement blindé, mais ces rayonnements ne perdurent pas. Ce n'est qu'en cas d'accident qu'il y a un risque de rejets radioactifs dans l'atmosphère, et ce risque a été jugé suffisamment important pour mettre fin aux essais.
On reparle maintenant de propulsion nucléaire, mais utilisée exclusivement dans l'espace, notamment pour les projets de voyage habité vers Mars. Ça semble presque une nécessité, mais on ne sait pas si l'intérêt d'une telle expédition vaincra la forte réticence du public envers tout ce qui touche au nucléaire.
Donc, depuis les années 70 et jusqu'à maintenant, rien ne se fait en matière de propulsion nucléaire dans l'atmosphère... C'est en tout cas la version officielle. Mais on peut se demander si les militaires américains ont pu réellement abandonner une voie aussi prometteuse ! Personne ne doute qu'ils ont continué à expérimenter des armes chimiques et bactériologiques après leur interdiction, il est très vraisemblable qu'ils continuent les essais nucléaires souterrains, entre autres activités inavouables, alors il faut faire preuve d'une grande naïveté pour les croire lorsqu'ils disent avoir abandonné la propulsion nucléaire !
Le gros problème de la propulsion nucléaire n'est pas la masse du réacteur. Il est vrai que la puissance nécessaire pour propulser un avion est de l'ordre de celle d'une centrale électrique, mais on sait faire des réacteurs nucléaires de faible masse, produisant de l'ordre d'un mégawatt par kilogramme. On atteint donc un gigawatt, l'ordre de grandeur de la puissance nécessaire pour propulser un avion, pour un réacteur pesant seulement une tonne.
Mais tout se gâte lorsqu'on doit protéger l'équipage des radiations, et rajouter des sécurités pour limiter les risques de contamination radioactive en cas d'accident. La masse de l'ensemble atteint alors des valeurs déraisonnables pour un appareil destiné à voler. C'est pour cette raison que la propulsion nucléaire n'a été officiellement utilisée que pour des sous-marins, où la masse n'a pas une grande importance.
Mais on sait que les militaires n'ont jamais été très regardants en matière de sécurité, et aucune protection n'est nécessaire pour un drone, un appareil non piloté ! L'armée américaine est bien capable d'avoir fabriqué des drones utilisant un réacteur nucléaire «nu», dépourvu de toute protection. Un drone pesant quelques tonnes, utilisant un réacteur nucléaire délivrant de l'ordre d'un gigawatt, ne présenterait pas de danger à condition qu'il soit maintenu à plusieurs kilomètres des habitations et regagne après chaque mission une enceinte protégée... Aucun danger, sauf bien sûr en cas d'accident.
Cela nous rappelle un épisode «ufologique» relaté dans le numéro 6 de la revue Top Secret : l'affaire Cash/Landrum. Le soir du 29 décembre 1980, Betty Cash, Vicky Landrum et son petit-fils Colby roulaient sur une route du Texas, lorsqu'ils ont vu un drôle d'appareil volant à basse altitude, en forme de «diamant» lumineux, éjectant au-dessous de lui une flamme très vive. L'objet s'étant arrêté au-dessus de la route, à une cinquantaine de mètres des témoins, ces derniers ont stoppé leur voiture et en sont sortis. La chaleur ressentie près de cet objet était si intense que Vicky a vite regagné la voiture avec son petit-fils, alors que Betty Cash restait dehors, fascinée par cet objet. Après une quinzaine de minutes, l'engin s'est éloigné, et Betty est rentrée à son tour, en remarquant que la poignée de l'automobile était devenue brûlante. À l'intérieur, la chaleur était devenue étouffante, à tel point que le tableau de bord en plastique avait partiellement fondu. À ce moment-là, une vingtaine de gros hélicoptères à deux rotors (identifiés plus tard comme des «Chinook CH-45») ont surgi pour escorter l'objet... Betty Cash a voulu suivre cet étrange cortège, mais un des hélicoptères s'est interposé, barrant la route. D'autres témoins ont vu ces hélicoptères et un ballet de lumières.
Couverture d'un livre consacré à l'affaire
Une demi-heure après l'incident, l'état de Betty Cash a commencé à se détériorer : des cloques sont apparues sur sa peau, comme après un fort coup de soleil, ses paupières et d'autres parties de son visage ont enflé au point de la rendre méconnaissable, et elle a été hospitalisée pendant plus d'un mois. Elle a souffert de diarrhées et de vomissements, et quelque temps après elle a perdu ses cheveux et ses ongles. Plus tard, elle a souffert d'une cataracte et d'une hypersensibilité à la chaleur et au soleil, et contracté un cancer. Vicky Landrum et son petit-fils ont souffert de symptômes semblables, mais moins marqués.
L'affaire a été particulièrement bien étudiée du fait que, encouragées par un avocat passionné par les ovnis, Betty Cash et Vicky Landrum ont porté plainte contre le gouvernement des États-Unis, persuadées qu'elles avaient été victimes d'essais d'un engin militaire secret dangereux pour la population. L'affaire n'a pas abouti, l'U.S. Air Force et la NASA ayant nié posséder un appareil capable de provoquer de tels symptômes, et les victimes n'ayant pas pu fournir la preuve de la responsabilité d'un organisme particulier.
Tout cela évoque irrésistiblement une exposition à des rayonnements ionisants, précisément ceux que peut émettre un réacteur nucléaire non protégé. En fait, des rayonnements ionisants seuls ne peuvent pas expliquer une réaction aussi rapide, sans quoi ils auraient entraîné la mort très rapidement, mais ils ont pu être associés à des brûlures classiques et des rayonnements ultraviolets causés par le jet de gaz brûlant.
Dans la revue Top Secret déjà évoquée, on privilégie plutôt l'hypothèse d'un «lightcraft», un concept inventé par le professeur Myrabo. Un tel engin, qui n'a officiellement fait l'objet que d'essais à petite échelle, évoque irrésistiblement les «aérodynes MHD» chers à Jean-Pierre Petit, mais Myrabo résout le problème de la puissance électrique nécessaire en alimentant l'engin par un faisceau de micro-ondes extérieur. Ce faisceau pourrait être dirigé depuis un bâtiment au sol, auquel cas l'appareil ne pourrait pas dépasser l'horizon de l'émetteur (le principe est envisagé pour réaliser un petit lanceur spatial économique), ou depuis un satellite (cela, il ne faut pas y compter avant longtemps, il sera difficile de le maintenir secret, et compte tenu de la diffusion inévitable du faisceau dans sa traversée de l'atmosphère le principe ne pourra être utilisé que pour des engins de grande dimension). Bref, cette idée apparaît totalement irréaliste, outre que les maux dont a souffert Betty Cash évoquent mal une simple exposition à des micro-ondes.
L'hypothèse d'un réacteur nucléaire me paraît beaucoup plus crédible, même si les ufologues, qui n'aiment pas une idée aussi «raisonnable», imaginent plutôt que l'engin aurait été une épave d'ovni que les militaires auraient essayé tant bien que mal de faire voler !
On peut tenter d'en savoir un peu plus sur le type d'engin qui pourrait être responsable. La flamme intense au-dessous fait bien penser à un simple réacteur nucléothermique, similaire à celui du programme NERVA. La taille réduite de l'engin (grand comme la cuve d'un château d'eau, dira un des témoins, ça ne doit pas dépasser quelques mètres de diamètre et de hauteur) fait penser à un drone plutôt qu'à un véhicule habité. Sa forme de «diamant» avec des facettes multiples, lui donnant le profil d'un losange, rappelle celle du F-117, responsable pour une grande part de sa furtivité radar : si l'objet est constitué de facettes parfaitement lisses orientées vers le bas et vers le haut, il ne produira aucun écho vers un radar situé latéralement, donc à grande distance, et aura peu de chance de réfléchir dans la bonne direction le faisceau d'un radar placé juste à la bonne distance.
La luminosité émanant de la totalité de l'engin évoque plutôt un plasma, comme en posséderait un engin utilisant l'électricité comme propulsion (un «lightcraft» ou un appareil à MHD utilisant un système similaire à l'Aurora). On ne sait pas faire des réacteurs nucléaires produisant directement de l'électricité pour une masse compatible avec le vol, mais un générateur MHD peut être utilisé pour convertir efficacement l'énergie cinétique des gaz de sortie en électricité. Dans ce cas, l'électricité produite peut servir à aspirer l'air à l'avant par un convertisseur MHD, réduisant la signature radar et infrarouge, ainsi que la traînée et l'onde de choc en cas d'utilisation supersonique. Ce système s'apparenterait beaucoup à celui des torpilles à MHD révélées dans le dernier livre de Jean-Pierre Petit, et fabriquées justement à partir de 1980. Il est en fait peu probable qu'un engin aussi performant ait fonctionné dès 1980 dans l'atmosphère, mais il aurait pu s'agir des premiers essais d'un système MHD «minimal». On peut d'ailleurs supposer que c'est ce système qui aurait été défaillant, obligeant l'appareil à être propulsé directement par la sortie du réacteur nucléothermique. Cet appareil destiné normalement à voler à haute altitude aurait alors été contraint d'évoluer au raz du sol, et escorté par des hélicoptères, afin d'éviter tout risque d'écrasement au sol.
Un tel drone nucléaire pourrait aussi bien faire du sur-place que se déplacer à grande vitesse, et jouirait d'une très grande autonomie... Aucun autre système utilisable pour un drone (de type avion, hélicoptère ou dirigeable) ne peut réunir toutes ces qualités. L'utilisation d'un simple moteur nucléothermique le rendrait très visible aux infrarouges, avec son réacteur nécessairement dirigé vers le bas, mais l'ajout d'un système MHD réduit ce problème (les gaz de sortie sont ralentis et refroidis pas le générateur).
On peut maintenant se demander à quoi pourrait ressembler un drone nucléaire plus abouti, construit vingt ans plus tard. Si la MHD en milieu aérien ne pouvait que balbutier en 1980, elle était bien maîtrisée au début des années 90, aussi bien du côté russe qu'américain, comme on peut s'en convaincre en lisant encore le dernier livre de Jean-Pierre Petit. On peut donc supposer que le réacteur nucléaire n'intervient plus du tout pour fournir la poussée, et que l'énergie cinétique des gaz est entièrement convertie en électricité utilisée pour aspirer l'air tout autour de l'appareil. On peut même imaginer dans ce cas que les gaz, presque complètement ralentis par un générateur MHD, seraient éjectés non pas sous l'appareil mais dessus : cela diminuerait encore la signature infrarouge depuis le sol, et pourrait faciliter l'ionisation de l'air par l'apport d'éléments conducteurs de l'électricité.
La MHD permettant de réduire considérablement la traînée, l'échauffement et l'onde de choc à grande vitesse, un tel appareil pourrait certainement voler dans l'atmosphère à vitesse hypersonique.
Quant à la forme d'un tel appareil, Jean-Pierre Petit a bien montré dans diverses publications que la mieux adaptée à ce mode de propulsion par MHD «externe» est celle de «soucoupe». Les «lightcrafts» de Myrabo, si les prototypes actuels évoquent quelque peu l'engin vu par Betty Cash et Vicky Landrum (sans toutefois la flamme caractéristique au-dessous) doivent évoluer vers la forme de soucoupe, comme on peut le voir sur ce dessin futuriste de la société Rensselaer Polytechnic, où travaille Myrabo :
Le «lightcraft» du futur
Et cela nous emmène à une autre révélation d'un des informateurs de Jean-Pierre Petit, précisément celui qui a conçu la torpille MHD américaine : «Nous avons un drone discoïdal de 5 mètres de diamètre qui vole à mach 10 en air dense» !
Petit y voit la confirmation que les Américains utilisent des propulseurs à antimatière, mais il me semble plus plausible d'admettre que la source d'énergie n'est autre qu'un réacteur nucléaire, et un tel drone serait bien conforme à ce que l'on peut attendre des progrès prévisibles en la matière.
Je suis d'ailleurs étonné que les ufologues fassent si peu mention de la propulsion nucléaire, tant il me semble évident qu'elle n'a pas pu être réellement abandonnée. Ça n'est sans doute pas assez «exotique» pour eux ! Voyons par exemple ce qu'écrivait Pierre Guérin sur le site de l'Ufocom, dans une note à un article consacré à l'antigravitation :
Il est amusant de constater que dans son passionnant ouvrage Révélations, Jacques Vallée (qui vit en Californie, connaît parfaitement le dossier de l'ufologie et a enquêté auprès des principaux représentants de la "Lunatic Fringe" pour dénoncer leur manipulation et leur crédulité), apporte bien malgré lui des arguments (certes non décisifs) à l'appui de la thèse d'une technologie non humaine à l'oeuvre à Groom Lake. Il reconnaît en effet très objectivement qu'on a vu voler au-dessus de cette base des objets qu'il serait "très difficile de différencier de véritables soucoupes" et qui sont à l'origine "d'observations spectaculaires semblables à de vraies évolutions d'Ovnis". Il s'agit bien évidemment, selon lui, d'engins relevant d'une technologie terrestre avancée. Ces drones télécommandés existeraient en plusieurs dimensions, depuis les petites plates-formes mobiles discoïdales quasi silencieuses d'environ 1 m de diamètre, bourrées d'électronique sophistiquée et d'une très grande maniabilité, jusqu'aux engins de reconnaissance aérienne plus grands atteignant quelques mètres, dotés ou non de projecteurs, etc. Ce pourrait être un engin de ce dernier type qui aurait atterri près de Bentwaters (Grande Bretagne) en décembre 1980 sur une base anglo-américaine de l'OTAN. Cet "Ovni" était apparemment attendu par les autorités, qui avaient déployé des soldats de la base sur les lieux avant l'atterrissage, comme pour tester leur réaction - une interprétation plausible que je ne contesterai pas. Mais de la même façon que Vallée, voulant ridiculiser ceux qui croient en l'existence d'une grande base souterraine peuplée d'Aliens à Groom Lake, rapporte dans son livre qu'il leur posa la question : "Qui ramasse les ordures ?", je renverrai la balle à Vallée en lui posant à mon tour une question peut-être bien plus embarrassante : "Avec quelle source d'énergie et par quel mode de propulsion ces drones silencieux qu'il nous décrit peuvent-ils voler ?" Les moteurs-fusées sont toujours bruyants et exigent un poids élevé de carburant, solide ou non, si le vol doit durer longtemps. La propulsion par turbine rotative (pour la sustentation) peut être presque silencieuse si la source d'énergie est électrique, et elle rendrait compte du léger bourdonnement des objets. Mais le rapport poids/puissance pour des accumulateurs produisant cette énergie serait rédhibitoire, s'agissant d'un engin volant, et c'est également vrai d'un réacteur nucléaire. La propulsion par MHD, enfin, qui rendrait compte de la luminosité nocturne des objets et de leurs performances, exigerait encore plus d'électricité et supposerait résolu le problème de la fusion contrôlée, qui ne l'est toujours pas en cette fin de siècle, près de 20 années après l'affaire de Bentwaters. Comment peuvent donc voler les faux Ovnis de Groom Lake et d'ailleurs, s'ils n'utilisent pas une technologie fondée sur une autre physique ? J'attends que Vallée m'en donne la réponse. Celle-ci existe peut-être, mais j'avoue que je ne l'ai pas encore trouvée.
Il me semble que Guérin évacuait un peu rapidement les réacteurs nucléaires dans le cas particulier de drones.
Enfin, pour ceux qui ne croiraient pas à la possibilité d'utiliser un réacteur nucléaire sans protection, je les renvoie à l'étude faite récemment par un certain David Froning pour le compte de l'ESA, concernant la faisabilité d'un lanceur spatial automatique à propulsion nucléaire, utilisable en particulier pour ravitailler une station spatiale.
Si l'engin est automatique, c'est justement parce que les réacteurs sont «nus» ! L'idée est que cet engin serait porté à haute altitude (12 km) par des moteurs d'avion conventionnels, pour déclencher son réacteur nucléaire (quatre réacteurs à «lit de particules» totalisant une puissance de 17 gigawatts, dans l'hypothèse d'un lanceur d'environ 500 tonnes au décollage) à une altitude où les nuisances sur l'environnement et les populations au sol seraient négligeables. Il serait ensuite porté à la vitesse de satellisation par son réacteur nucléaire. Et pour que l'équipage de la station spatiale n'ait pas à souffrir d'irradiation à son approche, l'engin serait simplement laissé en orbite, réacteur désactivé, durant plusieurs jours avant de rencontrer la station, le temps que le taux de radiations devienne acceptable ! Après quoi il retournerait au sol en planant, comme une Navette.
Froning estime qu'un tel appareil réduirait de 30 à 40% la masse de carburant nécessaire, comparé à un lanceur chimique conventionnel.
Bien évidemment, le seul problème serait le risque d'accident, qui ne sera jamais accepté. Et rassurez-vous, Froning estime qu'un tel projet ne pourrait pas aboutir avant 18 à 20 ans, et coûterait quelque 1,5 milliards de dollars... Ça n'est pas demain que l'ESA ou une autre agence spatiale civile se lancera dans un tel programme, mais les militaires américains ont d'autres moyens et beaucoup moins de contraintes !
Il est intéressant de noter que Froning fait partie de ceux qui se sont particulièrement intéressés au système MHD du projet d'avion hypersonique soviétique Ajax, en espérant l'utiliser pour un lanceur spatial (cf notre article sur l'avion spatial)... Décidément, il semble que la propulsion MHD et le réacteur nucléaire vont bien ensemble !
Enfin, on trouve dans le texte de Froning des tableaux indiquant la dose de radiation reçue en fonction de la distance du réacteur, que l'on peut extrapoler avec intérêt au cas de Cash/Landrum. À 500 m, la dose serait d'environ 1,5 rem/h; à 50 m, la dose étant inversement proportionnelle au carré de la distance, elle serait de 150 rems/h pour le réacteur envisagé, de 17 GW. Mais pour un drone de quelques tonnes, un réacteur de 1 GW suffirait sans doute, si bien que la dose serait de 8 rems/h, soit 2 rems en un quart d'heure, ou vingt millisieverts (le sievert, valant 100 rems, est l'unité légale). On n'est pas loin de la dose provoquant le syndrome de radiation aiguë, de l'ordre de 100 millisieverts. Compte tenu de toutes les incertitudes (distance, puissance, type de réacteur), et de la possibilité que l'échappement du réacteur ait produit aussi des ultraviolets, on peut dire que ça colle assez bien !
Richard D. Hall’s no nonsense expose of the facts behind the modern day crop circle phenomenon cuts through the pseudo science, the rumours and the disinformation leaving the viewer with a clear picture of the true situation. The film features the most objective British crop circle researchers in the business: David Cayton, Robert Hulse and Roy Dutton. Until now, their work has been kept largely out of the public eye, and is unleashed in this extremely telling and poignant documentary which leaves no stone unturned. The evidence presented will leave you in no doubt that there are two entirely exclusive instigators of the modern day crop circle phenomenon, one of which is non human. The results are chilling and could change your view of the way you see the world’s media organisations and the powers that control them.
A compelling investigative series that examines hitherto secret files to probe the existence of alien life. What were the silvery objects that hovered overLA in 1942?
Have You Ever Woken Up In The Middle Of Night Paralyzed? You’re Not Alone!
Have You Ever Woken Up In The Middle Of Night Paralyzed? You’re Not Alone!
April 3, 2015 - How many of you have at one time or another woken up unable to speak or move? If you have, you are not alone.
The classic definition for this phenomenon is called sleep paralysis. It may last a few seconds, several moments, or occasionally longer and usually occurs right before you are about to fall asleep or wake up. Many people report feeling a “presence” that is often described as malevolent, threatening or, evil, and usually experience a tremendous amount of terror.
The presence is usually seen, felt and even heard. People also report unique experiences like the sensation of floating or being outside the body. They believe the phenomenon to be an extremely spiritual one.
In the modern medical world, these experiences are defined as hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations (0), which is often the explanation when conventional modern views of spiritual experience is combined with medical ideas that label direct spiritual experiences as psycho-pathological. It is well understood that sleep paralysis coincides with physiological mechanisms in the brain. What is not well understood are the strange experiences individuals have when experiencing sleep paralysis. The discussion of spiritual experience as an explanation for a bizarre and complex phenomenon that little is known about has been suppressed thus discouraging discussion of it in modern society.(1)
Beginning in college and graduate school I was particularly interested in the beliefs of ordinary people, especially the ones that were treated as nonsense in the academic world. The academic world treats spiritual belief in general that way. I was interested in alternative medicine at the same time for the same reason. Right from the beginning I was convinced that ordinary people are smarter, are more sensible than they’re given credit for by scholars, and that traditions that are wide spread and deeply held probably have more rational basis, and more observation built into them than the theories that I was taught in graduate school. I couldn’t believe that all the beliefs of ordinary people that are not part of the academic worldview were nonsense.
I have the impression that the academic world might be a little to narrow, and that regular people might have something to offer about it (sleep paralysis) through their experience and what they believed about things. There are beliefs that are based on experience that have been dismissed as superstitious beliefs that bear much more investigation, these are experiences that are built into the spiritual traditions all over the world. In the modern western world, for at least the past one hundred years these phenomena have been explained on the basis of psychopathology. So the discovery that those experiences are common and that they occur among ‘normal’ people, that they are not in fact indicative of any type of disease has tremendous importance for medicine. This isn’t a new phenomenon, we erased the knowledge of these experiences from the cultural repertoire – Dr David J Hufford, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus, Penn State Medical School (1)
Right from the get go, almost all scientific approaches to the phenomenon of sleep paralysis assume that the experiences that stem from it are hallucinations. Rather than coming from the standpoint of complete neutrality, most studies completely shut out the idea of any reality behind ‘hallucinations.’ Just because there are measured biological and chemical activities during the sleep paralysis phenomenon does not mean there is a causal relationship between the two. There are other things we must take into consideration and as quantum science is showing us, there are definitely worlds within our world that we are not able to perceive easily yet. There is definitely a non-physical aspect to science in general that we are just beginning to wake up to.The day science begins to study non-physical phenomenon, it will make more progress than it made in all the previous centuries of its existence – Nikola Tesla
Spiritual Experience
Modern scholars have found spirit and spirituality hard to define, and as mentioned earlier usually places these topics within the circle of ridicule amongst the scientific community. Many reading this probably have a good idea of the terms that fit under the umbrella of “spirit” or “spiritual.” They involve out of body experiences, visits from entities not of this world, near death experiences, frequency, vibration and more.
It’s important to realize that many experiences people have within the “spiritual” realm occur when one is fully conscious, awake and alert and not during what sleep researchers call sleep paralysis. It’s quite possible that our level of scientific understanding is not advanced enough to explain certain phenomenon, so sometimes they are grouped into the category of hallucinations when they are really phenomenon we do not understand and cannot yet explain in a scientific manner.
At the same time, some of the phenomenon described that arise from sleep paralysis could very well be hallucinations, although I don’t believe this to be the case. I am very open to the idea that what is experienced for some during ‘sleep paralysis’ is indeed intertwined with the true nature of reality we clearly do not yet fully understand. The point is we don’t yet know for sure, and for the scientific community to assume and label them as definite hallucinations and as a figment of the imagination is limiting.
Scientific evidence for out of body phenomenon isn’t prevalent, but it’s hard when most scientific phenomenon is suppressed. I’m referring to developments within the world that are classified for the sake of national security.Recent leaks from the NSA were responsible for the very first public disclosure of a black budget, and the Canadian government was recently outed for the muzzling of scientists(2). This coincides with the remote viewing experiments that involved the intelligence community and Stanford University, among others. (3)(4)(5)
It’s interesting that there is also science and official research behind these types of phenomenon that give further credibility to it. It is even more interesting that it is within the hands of the intelligence community, extremely classified and washed away in secrecy, just like the experiments conducted at Stanford University. Among the varied hallucinations associated with sleep paralysis, out of body experiences and vestibular motor sensations represent a distinct factor.(6) Remote viewing is the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometers away, this phenomenon has been proven time and time again, and shortly after its publication the program was instantly shut down by the department of defense.
We have many examples of phenomenon that would fit under the “spiritual” umbrella, and who are we to say that the experiences that occur within sleep paralysis are not indeed real phenomenon. Sometimes, ideas and concepts can be a threat to power, to control and to the overall perception humanity has of reality as a collective. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. If the planet changed the way it looked at this phenomenon, surely it would contribute in one of the biggest paradigm shifts the planet has ever seen, and this is exactly what is continuing to unfold on planet Earth today.
The ridicule of these phenomenon is a level of social control. Scholars, academics and elite intellectuals in general constantly describe these things as if not indicative of insanity, them being primitive, and being the product of a lack of education. These concepts in the realm of anthropology and history are taken to be are product of imagination – Dr David J Hufford (1)
My Experience With Sleep Paralysis
When I was a child, I remember having a number of lucid dreams. They seemed so real and I felt one hundred percent conscious during the experience. I was able to do whatever I desired whilst dreaming. My first experience with sleep paralysis didn’t occur until I was a little bit older. The very first time it happened I remember suddenly waking up from a loud bang, a bright flash of light (although my eyes were closed) and a loud ringing in my ears. I had the ability to open my eyes, but I couldn’t move my body. It’s almost as if my brain was awake but my body was still sleeping. I was terrified, and the reason I didn’t open my eyes is because I felt the presence of two beings on my left side, and two beings on my right side and I didn’t want to see. Whether they were there or not, I don’t know, whether I was dreaming or not, I don’t know.
Keep in mind that experiences like this occur when people are totally conscious, driving down the street, going about their everyday lives away from the time of sleep. Many people have totally consciousness experiences with phenomenon that seem to be beyond our understanding, they are not paralyzed and they are not asleep. I have also had totally conscious bizarre experiences away from sleep, that might contribute to my bias of my experiences within sleep paralysis being more than just hallucinations. This particular experience I had during sleep lasted approximately five minutes I would say, until I totally regained consciousness
Another time, again I woke up in the middle of the night. I could open my eyes and I was totally aware of my surroundings. I was on the road in a hotel room by myself, I could see the TV, I could see the lamp in the corner of the room as well as the chair. I could not turn my head but I could look around. Although my eyes felt heavy, I could indeed open them. I couldn’t move and was pretty scared, I remember thinking “not again, why is this happening to me.”
I saw a dark shadowy figure come through the window, it seemed about 5 feet tall, I was on the left side of the bed and the window was in the right corner of the room. It came across the room, across the foot of my bed to the left side of my head. It put its mouth up to my ear and started to whisper rapidly. I could not understand what it was saying, but it was whispering extremely fast.
I had a few other experiences after that, and after I woke up from these experiences which were pretty scary, I started to desire more because I realized that although I couldn’t move, my consciousness was still there. I was still awake, alert and able to perceive the environment around me. The next time it happened, I assured myself that I would not react in fear, and that I would instead embrace the experience and try to “play” with it, explore and use this state of consciousness for further discovery about a potential world we are not able to experience, but are.
The next time it happened, I reminded myself to stay calm, enjoy it and see what happens, this time I actually wanted to communicate with whatever I perceived to be there, or was there. When I did this, nothing presented itself. I still couldn’t move, but didn’t try to jolt myself out of it. I tried to float out of my body and was successful. I fully floated out of my body, but could only go so far, about one meter. I tried to go further but it was as if I was still attached to my body. This was a very cool experience, unfortunately after I decided to not react in fear, and play around the with experience, the experience stopped, and I never had it again.
These type of phenomenon are definitely intriguing, and nobody, including researchers within the scientific world should dismiss the experience one has while experiencing sleep paralysis as completely false. The scientific community should be comfortable in a place of neutrality, instead of characterizing a phenomenon as false without any evidence to suggest that be the case. They don’t have to ridicule it. I hope I’ve provided enough information within the article, as well as adequate sources for you to further your research if interested.
If you have experienced this phenomenon, I’d love for you to share your experiences within the comments section.
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Mathematical Pattern Found in Enigmatic Radio Bursts, But It’s Not E.T.
Mathematical Pattern Found in Enigmatic Radio Bursts, But It’s Not E.T.
by Nadia Drake
A mathematical pattern has emerged from observations of energetic cosmic radio bursts, most of which have been detected by Australia's Parkes Observatory. (CSIRO/Harvard/Swinburne Astronomy Productions)
Unfortunately for those of us hoping for aliens, we’ve seen so few of these radio bursts that it’s hard to say whether the “pattern” will hold up.
Blasts from the Past
These blasts of radio waves are known as fast radio bursts – extremely energetic, super-fast cosmic pulses that appear to be originating from billions of light-years away. Scientists reported the first burst in 2007 and have only published another 10 observations since then.
Nobody knows what causes fast radio bursts. Theories describing their origin range from evaporating primordial black holes to neutron stars colliding with comets, to things that are much closer to home – but are just pretending to be really far away. The most intriguing explanation batted around, though, blames communicating extraterrestrial civilizations. While Snapchatting aliens are not a possibility that has been seriously considered so far, it hasn’t been ruled out.
In truth, the question of what these things are can’t really be solved until we know their distance.
Astronomers estimate the bursts’ distance using something called a dispersion measure, which tracks how much interstellar gunk the signal has passed through*. Bursts that are farther away travel through more gunk than bursts that are closer to Earth.
FM 187.5?
When Michael Hippke of Germany’s Institute for Data Analysis recently plotted the dispersion measures of the 11 known bursts, he and his colleagues found something surprising: All the dispersion measures are integer multiples of the same number, 187.5.
When graphed, the data certainly look compelling (see Figure 1 on page 2). The team calculated a 5 in 10,000 chance of the pattern being pure coincidence. Furthermore, no astrophysical systems that we know of can produce such a stepwise distribution of dispersion measures, the team argued.
So what’s going on? If the pattern is real, it suggests fast radio bursts are not coming from all over the universe, says astronomer Scott Ransom of the U.S. National Radio Astronomy Observatory. “In that case, they should be smoothly distributed in dispersion measure,” he says. Alternatively, the signals could be coming from closer to Earth. “[The pattern] could point to a very strange kind of radio frequency interference, I suppose,” he says.
As a March 31 story in New Scientist notes, one possible explanation for the mysterious 187.5 is pulsars, perhaps behaving according to physical laws we’re not yet aware of. Another is an unmapped spy satellite, masquerading as a signal from the distant universe.
Or, just maybe, 187.5 is the arrow pointing to ET.
Connecting Cosmic Dots
It’s an exciting possibility. Trouble is, the trend identified in the study isn’t likely to survive – for one simple reason: Newer observations, not included in the study or reported by New Scientist, don’t fit.
Hippke and his colleagues looked at dispersion measures from the 11 fast radio bursts for which published data are available. But more bursts are waiting in the wings.
“There are five fast radio bursts to be reported,” says Michael Kramer of Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy. “They do not fit the pattern.” Kramer is part of the team combing through data gathered by Australia’s Parkes Observatory, where all the fast radio bursts, except for one, have been spotted so far. “The paper is close to submission,” he says.
Instead of aliens, unexpected astrophysics, or even Earthly interference, the mysterious mathematical pattern is probably an artifact produced by a small sample size, Ransom says. When working with a limited amount of data – say, a population of 11 fast radio bursts – it’s easy to draw lines that connect the dots. Often, however, those lines disappear when more dots are added.
“My prediction is that this pattern will be washed out quite quickly once more fast radio bursts are found,” says West Virginia University’s Duncan Lorimer, who reported the first burst in 2007. “It’s a good example of how apparently significant results can be found in sparse data sets.”
The probability theories on which statistical tests rely are much more powerful when data sets are larger; it becomes easier to rule out coincidence and rule in significance. That’s why scientists strive to include as many data points as possible, whether they’re studying exoplanets, tumors, rats in a maze, or enigmatic astrophysical signals of unknown origin.
“It is possible that it is only an artifact,” Hippke says, of the pattern. “I know that several new fast radio bursts have been found, yet unpublished. I’d suggest these people release the dispersion measures of these FRBs, perhaps in the form of short research notes, to decide the question.”
Alas, it seems that any potential evidence for communicating extraterrestrial civilizations is slipping away almost as quickly as it emerged.
*More information on dispersion measures: Because fast radio bursts span a range of frequencies, they contain a mix of different radio wavelengths. Higher frequency radio waves are shorter and can travel more easily through the cosmos. Lower frequency waves are longer and tend to get redirected or slowed down while passing through clouds of electrons.
If a fast radio burst is coming from sufficiently far away, there will be a measurable delay between the arrivals of its high- and low-frequency ingredients. That delay, which corresponds to the amount of interstellar gunk the signal moves through, is called the dispersion measure.
Making Contact with Aliens ~ What if we Transmit the Internet into Space?
Making Contact with Aliens ~ What if we Transmit the Internet into Space?
Making Contact with Aliens ~ What if we Transmit the Internet into Space?
Some researchers propose that we should send the entire content of our Internet into space to help aliens understand human life.
Sending the internet — with its text, pictures, videos and sounds — would allow clever extraterrestrials to decipher much about our society, and even formulate questions that could be answered with the material in hand. Sending the web on its way would take months and years if a radio transmitter were used. A powerful laser, conveying bits much like an optical fiber, could launch this data in a few days.
Sending messages — even big ones — is technically feasible. However, Is sending the entire internet content a good or bad idea?
Here is animation showing how the technology works with an explanation from the OPALS mission manager, Matt Abrahamson, plus the video NASA slated for OPALS’ first official transmission.
A whole debate was even held on the topic at the annual American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting last month.
NASA successfully beamed a high-definition video 260 miles from the International Space Station to Earth using a new laser communications. Will this by a means to contact aliens?
SETI pioneer Jill Tarter, the astronomer who famously served as the model for the main character in Carl Sagan’s Contact, agrees that it’s prudent to listen before we shout. “ “We should listen, first, as youngsters.” The Institute has spent five decades with their telescopes pointed to the skies, awaiting messages from life outside of Earth, but scientists involved recently expressed dissatisfaction with these passive efforts.
Douglas A. Vakoch, SETI’s director of interstellar message composition, speaks of the institute’s changing strategies to make contact with alien life.
“In the past we’ve always assumed that any extraterrestrial civilization with the capacity to detect us will automatically take the initiative to make contact, sending us a powerful signal to let us know they exist. But there may be civilizations out there that refuse to reveal their existence unless we make it clear that we want to make contact.”
He and his colleagues at SETI also assert that any extraterrestrial civilization advanced enough to detect and destroy Earth would have done so already, if those were their intentions.
SETI’s Alien Telescope Array (ATA) listens day and night for a signal from space. Credit: SETI
Seth Shostak wrote on March 27 in the opinion section of The New York Times.
We have little to lose, and possibly much to gain, by reaching out. Besides, they probably already know we’re here: Our radio and television broadcasts, and especially our military radar, have been leaking into space for some 70 years, Shostak points out.
There’s no putting the electromagnetic cat back in the bag. “Any society that’s at least 100 or 200 years more advanced than we are will be able to pick up our leakage,” says Shostak. “Unless they’ve stopped developing technology—which is of course is possible, but then they’re of no threat to us.
We could offer the aliens Big Data, says Shostak. “For example, we could transmit the contents of the Internet. Such a large corpus — with its text, pictures, videos and sounds — would allow clever extraterrestrials to decipher much about our society, and even formulate questions that could be answered with the material in hand”, he says.
“But I, for one, would hesitate to let a paranoia based on nothing more than conjecture shackle the activities of our children and our children’s children. The universe beckons, and we can do better than to declare that future generations should endlessly tremble at the sight of the stars”, concludes Shostak.
While some scientists are on board with increased efforts to contact extraterrestrials, others are skeptical and even advising caution.
Among the scientists against contacting aliens are Neil deGrasse Tyson, Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and Sean Carroll, some even fearing for humankind’s safety, and using the internet as a message may be a bad idea.
DeGrasse Tyson stated, “We don’t give our address to members of our own species whom we don’t know. So, the urge to give our home address to aliens? That’s audacious.” He later added, “But here’s the thing: Holding aside those uncertainties, it would be awesome to make contact with an advanced civilization.”
Any alien civilization advanced enough to detect and destroy Earth would have done so already, if those were their intentions.
Science fiction writer David Brin is an outspoken critic of Active SETI. He points to the history of our own planet, in which encounters between cultures of greatly differing technological sophistication rarely go well. “We have many examples where a technologically advanced civilization contacted a technologically less advanced civilization,” he says.
This pattern, Brin says, applies even when human beings aren’t involved. When plate tectonics brought the land masses that we now call North and South America together, about 3 million years ago, it enabled contact between the placental mammals of the north and the marsupial mammals of the south. “Within a million years, almost all of the marsupial mammals were extinct,” Brin says.
Brin doesn’t accept Shostak’s assertion that “aliens” already know we’re here (sometimes called the “barn door” issue). Shostak is too generous in calculating how visible we are from hundreds (or even thousands) of light-years away, says Brin, who holds a Ph.D. in planetary science and has done consulting work for NASA. Terrestrial radio and TV signals, from I Love Lucy to whatever is leaking out of Vandenberg and Guantánamo, are relatively weak.
Furthermore, electromagnetic signals fall off in proportion to the square of the distance (and extraterrestrials, if they exist, are pretty darn distant). Most likely, Brin says, they have no idea we’re here—and they won’t, unless we start beaming powerful, highly directed signals in the manner that Vakoch proposes.
(The few physical-artifact messages that we’ve sent—on the Pioneer and Voyager probes, for example—are long shots in the extreme. They contain basic information about humans and our planet; on Voyager, there was also a gold record with music ranging from Mozart to Chuck Berry, and other greetings from Earthlings. They’re not heading for any particular star, and thus may never be intercepted at all—but Voyager 1 will be within two light-years of a star called Gliese 445 in about 40,000 years.)
A better approach is to note that the nearest intelligent extraterrestrials are likely to be at least dozens of light-years away. Even assuming that active SETI provokes a reply, it won’t be breezy conversation. Simple back-and-forth exchanges would take decades. This suggests that we should abandon the “greeting card” format of previous signaling schemes, and offer the aliens Big Data via the internet.
Should the entire content of our Internet be sent into Space?
Any alien civilization capable of decrypting our internet content would have everything they need in order to make contact, annihilate our species, or both. It could be bad if they took one glance at the number of puppy videos, porn sites, and other perpetual nonsense circulating the wires and decide we’re not ready for contact….or we need to be eliminated.
UFO Sightings: Top 10 States With Highest Number of Reports
UFO Sightings: Top 10 States With Highest Number of Reports
There have been 1,177 UFO sightings reported to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) so far this year, 353 of them in March, according to a recent announcement.
In one of reports, a woman from Sitka, Alaska, said she heard a strange "ping" sound in her home last Wednesday and claimed her 4-year-old son witnessed a disc-shaped craft outside their home. The report came with a drawing made by her son of the alleged craft.
If you're in the mood to go UFO hunting or if you just want to have an extraterrestrial experience, you may want to visit these 10 states with the highest number of UFO sightings since 1998, NUFORC director Peter Davenport told ABC News today.
Disclaimer: The National UFO Reporting Center said it makes no claims as to the validity of the information in any of these reports.
Most recent sighting: Ladera Ranch on March 22, 2015, at 9:35 p.m.
"I was on my patio [and] saw something fell out of the sky, straight down," the witness said. "It was green and looked like a flame was coming out of the back end of it."
2. Florida – 5,113
Most recent sighting: Deltona on March 23, 2015, at 9:14 p.m.
"Two round lights changed colors and moved at incredible rates of direction and speed," the witness wrote. "There were two round lights, one green, one red. Then both lights became green, 5 seconds later they both became red. The lights were below the cloud cover at approximately 1000 ft. The lights were stationary in the night sky."
The witness added a traveling companion pulled the vehicle off the road to further observe the sighting, but then "the lights streaked north at an incredible rate of speed, dove 90 degrees and streaked north again out of sight."
3. Washington – 5,004
Most recent sighting: Everett on March 24, 2015, at 8:15 p.m.
The witness claimed to have seen "two massive crafts, solid black in color" with orange lights in an inverted "V-shape" while on the phone with a sister.
"I was alarmed and scared as this was close, just above the tree line and electrical power lines," the witness said.
4. Texas – 4,359
Most recent sighting: College Station on March 25, 2015, at 8:30 p.m.
The witness reported seeing a red and green orb moving at an "incredible speed" down Jupiter's horizon through a telescope.
"What drew my attention was its curving motion and abrupt changes in speed, from close to a dead stop to full speed almost instantaneously," the witness wrote. "The speed of this object was far greater than any aircraft/satellite and could not be seen by naked eye, only through telescope."
5. New York – 3,837
Most recent sighting: Bronx, New York City, on March 22, 2015, at 10:00 p.m.
The witness claimed seeing a spacecraft trying to abduct an airplane and hearing strange songs from the attic.
Most recent sighting: Green Valley on March 23, 2015 at 8:30 p.m.
"For the past few nights we've seen a brilliant bright white light under the moon in the night sky, and we're wondering what it is," the witness said. "It doesn't appear to be moving (like a plane), but is in a different position every night."
Most recent sighting: Pfafftown on March 18, 2015, at 9:25 p.m.
"My friend and I were on my driveway behind my house and it was dark," the witness said.
A craft traveling slowly appeared and rapidly disappeared, the witness said, adding the craft was "almost silent" with "one bright light in the front, followed by two red lights horizontally opposed quite a distance from the front."
The National UFO Reporting Center did not immediately respond to ABC News' requests additional comment.
A possible ‘metallic’ UFO has been photographed by one of the Malin Space Sciencecameras which are currently operating in orbit around Mars.
It’s interesting to note that the object bears a striking resemblance to the Jupiter 2 space ship from the popular science fiction series lost in space.
Link to the original MSSS (Malin Space Science Systems) photo: Click Here
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Video – Are UFO Experts Being Murdered?
Video – Are UFO Experts Being Murdered?
Video: Are UFO Experts Being Murdered?
The UFO and Alien subject is always highly debated. Over time there has been and still remains those who want to cover up the truth about UFOs and Aliens…there is also those who want to know the truth, not the lies fed to us by the world’s governments. There is seemingly one problem, investigators and those who know material on this subject and of whom want to release that information, are being killed! Murder?? Very likely given the circumstances in each death. It is obvious that something is going on and that those with power are doing their best to stop us knowing anything….I hope that this video will show the world of there activity.
PLEASE NOTE:The musical and video material used in this video are the property of the respective owners. see link benaearth ETupdates to see the Video...
***THIS VIDEO IS THE PROPERTY OF DAVID BAYLISS, ***You may embed this video to your site, although a disclaimer must be present to provide viewers of the information that this video is not the work of the person who has embeded it***
Mars anomaly hunters have discovered a giant UFO flying saucer abandoned on rugged Mars terrain. The latest UFO find on the Red Planet was reported on March 27 by two YouTube anomaly hunters, Mars Moon Space Photo Zoom Club (MMSPZC) and Paranormal Crucible. According to MMSPZC, the UFO flying saucer was discovered in images of the Martian region of Aram Chaos — 2.6°N, 21.5°W — near the canyon Valles Marineris and Ares Vallis. The images were captured by NASA’s Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC). MMSPZC points out that contrary to what some might think, the structure is not part of the natural Martian terrain, but an object of artificial construction probably abandoned on the surface after it developed a fault and crashed. UFO Sightings Daily’s Scott Waring notes, close examination of the object suggests a metallic luster that is in sharp contrast with the Martian soil in which it appears partially embedded. The saucer also has a distinct curved or circular shape with sharp edges indicative of artificial construction. The sharp edges and circular geometric design stand out against the background of the natural environment. Note also the rectangular spaces in front of the disk suggestive of artificially constructed lookout screens or windows. According to MMSPZC, the flying saucer is a detail of a section of the Martian terrain, 23 km tall and about 3 km wide. The UFO hunters thus estimate the flying saucer to be about 200-300 meters in diameter.
Going by the claims of Mars anomaly and UFO hunters, we may speculate on why such a massive UFO was abandoned on the Martian surface. Judging from the luster of the metallic surface, it does not look like it has been there for very long. We may thus imagine a scenario in which recent alien visitors were forced to abandon the spacecraft after it developed a mechanical or electrical fault. The crew of the ship might have put out an SOS after they were stranded on the planet, and a rescue craft was probably dispatched to evacuate them while the ship was left behind as non-salvageable. This is not the first time that a UFO flying saucer has been found apparently abandoned on the Martian surface. In February, the Inquisitr reported discovery of a UFO flying saucer by Mars anomaly hunters. The UFO was discovered by Mars researcher Neville Thompson in the Candor Chasma region of Mars. The discovery was reported by anomaly hunters Martian Archaeology. MMSPZC concludes that what we have in this Mars Orbiter Camera image is evidently a massive UFO flying saucer.
As many of the readers know, the infamous 'Men in Black' phenomenon grabbed a foot-hold in paranormal nomenclature after these strange individuals were observed in and around Point Pleasant, WV during the 13 month period prior to the collapse of the Silver Bridge. The recent presentation of 'The John Keel Files' on 'Destination America' depicted much of the MIB activity that occurred in 1966-67.
Beyond that specific bizarre period of Mothman, UFO and other odd encounters, the MIB phenomenon continues to occasionally arise after civilian sightings of UFOs and alien beings.
As to their identity and purpose, there are many questions put forward by UFO researchers and enthusiasts. Are they human or non-terrestrial? Who do they represent or work for? Are they dangerous? Are they part of a government or universalconspiracy? What do they want to know?
Here are a few of the more interesting accounts I've collected over the years:
I was born, raised and continue to live in the mountains of eastern Kentucky. I have experienced various paranormal activity all through my life. This includes UFOs, alien abduction and other activity I attribute to alien beings.
The incident that was the most overwhelming was on the night when Grey aliens came to take me while I was pregnant. I simply wanted no part of this. When they approached me from across the bedroom I jumped up and grabbed one of the two beings by its lean neck. I squeezed as hard as I could until I heard a 'crack'. It dropped to the floor as its head fell back across the spine.
The other Grey seemed shocked though it was hard to read an expression. It gathered the injured companion and quickly disappeared in bright light that had originally flooded the master bathroom. I felt very bad about that incident but I had been out of sorts all day and I didn't want to be bothered.
When I was a girl we used to live beside an old cemetery. On some nights I would get the urge to look out my bedroom window. When I did I would notice a tall dark figure that seemed to be watching our house. One evening at dusk while in our yard I was approached by a tall black-cloaked being with a glow coming from its face. It stood and watched me for a few seconds then turned and disappeared.
I have noticed over the years that large dark-colored cars would follow me on occasion. This would happen on highways and mountain roads. My husband and I have also noticed black helicopters flying above us while driving and over our residence.
I saw the video and picture you posted about MIB a few days ago. When I saw the video it shocked me. In July 2006, a strange incident occurred while my daughter and I were sitting on our front porch. I never heard or saw a car, but two of these MIB appeared from around the side of the house and approached us. The pale faced 'men' were dressed in black silk suits, white shirts, black ties, and fedora dress hats. They each carried a thin brief case and walked stiffly as they approached. When they reached the steps they stood still and looked at me. My daughter quickly ran into the house. I then looked into the eyes of the MIB nearest me. The color was a vivid lavender and I felt compelled to continue looking. After a few seconds the nearest MIB spoke in a very clear low pitched voice. It asked if we had 'experienced any unusual activity that I thought that I should report.' It was an odd question but I quickly said 'no'. The being then briefly smiled, thanked me for my time. Both MIB turned and walked toward the road and were soon out of sight.
I can't say that I was scared but I have not had any type of paranormal or alien activity since the MIB visited. I was wondering if people who have had paranormal incidents throughout their life realize the activity ceases after they are visited by MIB? Do these MIB usually appear out of nowhere? I'd appreciate some information. Thanks - Cary M.
MUFON witness report (edited for spelling): "I am an old lady that was startled by someone trying to open my side house door yesterday night. before this happened I have had multiple ufo sightings near my son's house in Death Valley, California. One incident was when we were driving in the interstate and saw two triangles hovering in the sky and presumed to follow us for about an hour. My son is an avid astronomer and now believes in ufos. I personally don't but yesterday night around 10:30 p.m I was startled by a door being slammed, my door being shook. I grabbed my camera and took pictures of a man near my curb. I am frighten for my life. I have called my son and he is coming to pick me up tomorrow. I did not call the police because I am afraid of something happening to me. I hear stories of men in black appearing out of nowhere but I always never believed them, as of yesterday, I do now."
MUFON witness report - Idaho 1952 (unedited): One winter night as I was fast asleep in the west bedroom near the stairs, I was awaken by a strange pulsating hum. Sitting straight up, I turned to the left to see three ghostly figures materialize in the next room as they were approaching my bedside. Please remember that we had no electric and I had never been to a movie or heard a radio show to that point. Two of the creatures looked just like the gray aliens you see in the movies and the one in the center was much taller and looked different. As they got closer they told me to relax and go back to sleep telepathically. The floating sensation I felt helped stop my nervous shaking as I blacked out. The next morning my grandmother met me half way to the kitchen and asks if I was all right. She said that I had sunburn on the left side of my face and looked very tired. in the back seat of the new Buick on our way to the farm I felt compelled to lay down on the floor with my back to the front seat. The telepathic message was like the one I received from the three ghosts. Moments after laying down we t-boned another car on route 13 near Blackbird. Everyone except I was seriously injured and taken to the hospital. The year I believe was 1959 while at the park I noticed about 12 flying saucers to the west of the park. To my great surprise I had a visit the next day while at my friends home that lived around the corner from my grandparents home at 806 Brown St. John's father answered the door to find two Air Force people in uniform asking to speak with me in private. My mother stood with the Air Force officer to my left and the sergeant stood in front as another man entered the room dressed in black wearing a hat and dark sunglasses. I was asked to tell what I saw as follows: I saw bright round objects mostly in triangular groups of three flying in a manner not like any aircraft known.
They were able to stop and turn on a dime and when they departed to an altitude near space they took off so fast that they appeared To vanish at about a 30 degree angle into space. For the next hour the Air Force guys tried to get me to change my story and I was growing tired of repeating myself. I then parroted back one of the officer's stories as a way to make them leave. I noticed the officer look up at the guy in black for approval, as I could see the guy in black shake his head left and right. Now I knew I had to convince the guy in black and realized that the officer was taking his orders from him. So I came up with a better idea that got the approval from the big boss in black. The man in black never said a word to me even after asking him direct questions. He then folded his notebook and left followed by my mother and the officer. There are many other strange stories about hard to believe events, but either you believe or not will make no difference.
This is my recorded statement so others like me will take some comfort in knowing that they are not alone?
This incident occurred not long after the 9/11 attacks and was reported to me in 2010. I've posted this account as recently as a year ago, but it has become a favorite among the readers:
Hello, I had an extremely frightening experience five years ago that I had no idea what was going on, but when I happened to run across a description of the MIB (which I had never even heard about except for passing references to the Will Smith movie), I suddenly realized this is extremely similar to what I experienced. My mouth dropped open at the similarity.
What happened was, I used to be a postal delivery person in Washington, D.C. One of the buildings I always delivered mail to on my route was this huge building. One day I had paused to eat an apple outside the building, and not seeing a trashcan anywhere, I just threw the core onto the ground. When I walked into the building to deliver the mail, I was angrily confronted by the head security guy who asked me why I was littering. I was a little taken aback and asked him how he knew I had thrown the apple core on the ground. He told me that this whole premises was under video surveillance, including not only all sides of the building but even the grassy areas around it. It was then that I suddenly realized this building had really unusually tight security. Even when I went inside to deposit the mail, the mail room was open to me, but the rest of the building was inaccessible. I could only go into the mail room, deposit the mail, and leave. I had to ring a buzzer to be let into the building each time I delivered.
Anyway, a few weeks later, I was on my way to deliver the mail as usual to the building, and as I was nearing the building, I saw three figures crossing the street on their way towards the building. At first glance I thought they were normal. But as I looked closer I was shocked at how strange they were - they were extremely thin, and they didn't walk by putting one leg in front of the other, but sort of waddled by moving their whole bodies from side to side, lifting one foot off the ground, then the other foot in a sort of whole-body side-to-side waddle. It's hard to explain what I mean, but it was not the way any normal person would walk unless they were unable to move any joint in their legs.
But as strange as this was, this was not what frightened me. What frightened me was that they were absolutely thin. It was like they were as flat as a set of clothes that had been ironed. Their faces and bodies were entirely flat - no contours. The nose did not jut out, nothing. And they were also extremely thin. The best I could describe is if you saw a suit hanging from a clothes hanger, that would be about the same thickness. It was like no thickness at all, just clothes hanging from a hanger. All three were dressed in black suits. They all had black sunglasses.
I saw them walk up, ring the buzzer, and be let into the building. I was absolutely scared sh*tless as I had just been about to enter that very same building. I really wasn't sure what to do, but I kind of steeled myself, and slowly forced myself to ring the buzzer and enter the building, figuring, hey, I might have imagined this, in any case I should force myself to go through my routine until I can think this thing out. When I entered the mail room, there were like 10 (normal) men standing there, just looking at me. It was really intimidating. They asked me if I had seen anything. I was kind of speechless for a second, not knowing how to respond. And then one of THEM walked right up to me from the side and from slightly behind me. I could tell it was one of the same types of things that I had seen crossing the street. It walked right up to me and I was too afraid to turn my head to the side and look at it. I am very scared just typing this right now, remembering it. It didn't say anything, it just got right up close to me, and I had a feeling of fear so intense, I felt as if my heart had just frozen and was going to fall out of my body onto the ground. Again, they asked me, "Did you see anything? What did you see?" I just shook my head and stammered, "No, I didn't see anything." Unless they were all retarded there is no way they couldn't have noticed my extreme fright. I thought they might hold me there and not let me go. But finally they said, "Okay, leave now."
The MIB that was to my side and a little behind me, kind of took a step back to make way, and I had to steel myself to actually walk past it on my way to the door and I was out of the building. it is the bravest thing I've ever done in my life
At the time I had never heard of the MIB, I had no idea what this thing was or what the government was doing. All I knew was that I was dealing with something far more powerful than me. I thought maybe it was some new type of robot and the government was doing test-runs on them, but why that would be done in broad daylight I could not and still do not understand. To give you an understanding of how frightening it was, the first thought that came to my mind was that I needed to leave the country - to find some way to get the h*ll out of the country and go somewhere else - but then it occurred to me that if I started to act strangely, they might get suspicious and kill me or something. I realized the best thing I could do was act as normally as possible and pretend nothing had happened.
Later the next week, my supervisor at the post office told me I had been suddenly reassigned from my old route to a new one, something that was unexpected. He asked me if I had encountered any problems on the route - I think even he may have been a little confused at why I was being reassigned. But I said I had no problems and I was very quiet about it. So eventually I got reassigned. After what I thought was an appropriate amount of time continuing to work at the post office, I quit my job and now I work at an airport. I am telling this story now because five years later I need to get this off my chest. I doubt they will come after me now but if they do, I can't avoid my fate. I've never seen any sort of alien or had any sort of unusual life event of any other kind, nor do I believe that there is such a thing as a devil or demons or anything. So I really don't know what to believe now. There is no doubt whatsoever the building was under the control of the government, with normal human beings. I still think it was some sort of cyborg experiment, and on occasion I still am tempted to just leave the country to get away from all this.
Hi - I found your name while searching Google. Something happened to me this week that I can't explain and, I'll admit, I'm scared.
My wife & I live in Medina Co, Ohio. in the greater Cleveland metro area. We've lived here for about 5 years in a two-story house in a residential division.
I received a hand-held radio frequency scanner from my wife for Christmas. Since then, I've been using it, for the most part, to scan the local police & fire channels.
On Thursday evening, I was working at my desk when I heard strange gibberish coming over one of the Medina County Sheriff's channels. I initially thought it was interference, then it started to sound like a conversation. The language was not recognizable and there was an odd humming sound in the background. This continued for about 10 minutes, then stopped. The radio started to scan the channel array.
Later that night, while I was in the living room, the gibberish started again. This time it was much clearer. It sounded as if the parties were having an argument, but I'm just speculating.
This evening (Friday), something very unusual occurred.
We had just finished dinner (about 7 PM) when we noticed a shadow from outside go across the dining room window. I looked out the window but didn't see anything. So I looked out the front door window and saw a plain white van parked on the street in front of our house. Then I heard my wife yell from the kitchen that someone was in the backyard. I rushed to the kitchen and turned on the security lights. Standing on the far side of the patio was a strange looking man dressed in a heavy black bodysuit and wearing a black cap. There were no markings on the suit or cap. I immediately noticed that he had a young-looking face, but very pale with large ears. He was holding what looked like a PC tablet device that would emit an occasional 'beep.'
I opened the door and asked him what he was doing. He looked at me with a blank stare, then started walking back toward the side of the house. I followed him back to the front of the house and to the white van. I asked him several times who he was and why was he there. I never received a response. He quickly got into the van and drove away.
I called the local police and filed a report. The officer mentioned that he was unaware of similar activity.
I didn't sleep well last night. I examined the yard early this morning and I didn't see anything out of place.
This incident is unnerving to us. I have heard of some Men in Black accounts, but I don't particularly find much interest in the subject. Can you explain what, if anything, is going on? Thank you for your time. DD
This account was offered by researcher Albert Rosales:
Sao Paulo, Brazil - February 1980 - night
The witness who for the past two to three months had been followed by three strange men wearing black suits, was standing in front of his house one night when a car drove up and the door opened. The witness apparently lost his will and was compelled to enter the vehicle; inside the same three men he had been trying to hide from met him.
They drove around for a while until they reached a wooded area outside the city. They stopped the car near a large hovering object that was encircled by a luminous ring. The witness and the three men then walked underneath the object and were hit by a beam of light. He suddenly found himself inside the object, sitting on a chair. Suddenly handles appeared on the chair that secured his wrists and an iron bar pressed his forehead backwards while another gadget held his neck. The three men then appeared and suddenly seemed to shed their skin or bodies and transformed themselves into green scaly reptilian like creatures with heart shaped heads. The beings interrogated the witness and spoke of upcoming global events. At one point a door in the room was opened and he was able to see human corpses hanging by their feet from hooks on the walls. Everything went blank after that and his next conscious memory was of standing next to a theater near his home.
Source: Antonio Huneeus, UFO Universe
Hi Lon, I would like to relay an experience I had back in the summer of 2007. To keep this part brief, I was working at a resort 30 mins from Pine Bush, NY. A security guard and myself watched about 8 amber colored diamond shaped lights from the rooftop of the resort. The lights were massive. This took place around 9:30 pm. that night. I reported it on the National UFO Report Center website.
The next day while I was working, I heard a helicopter coming towards the building. I went outside to see it cause it sounded really low. When I got out front, there was a black helicopter hanging above the main entrance. It then went over the building towards the back where there is a small pond. I ran through the building to the back to get a better look. When I burst through the door, the helicopter was hovering about 10 ft above the pond. This thing was a matte black color with no marking whatsoever. It sort of looked like an Apache (Boeing AH-64 Apache helicopter). The thing that made me uneasy was that while I was looking at the helicopter, I could see the pilot. He was in all black with a black helmet and visor, the reason I could tell is because he was staring right at me. That part of his face I could see was a pasty pale color. He stared at me for about 30 seconds then the helicopter lifted up and left towards the east. The weirdest thing was that after it lifted off and went over the building, I could not her the blades anymore. It's like it wasn't even there. I've seen numerous UFOs in my area but that was the first time I've seen that and had a feeling of dread. Thanks for all you do with your site. JW
NOTE: This is just a small sample of the MIB accounts I have on file. If you believe that you have witnessed a MIB, please feel free to contact me. Thanks...Lon
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Dr Steven Greer 2015 | International UFO Congress Full Documentary
Dr Steven Greer 2015 | International UFO Congress Full Documentary
Gepubliceerd op 22 dec. 2014
Dr Steven Greer 2014 International UFO Congress Full Documentary.
PLAYLIST: Dr Steven Greer 2014 International UFO Congress Full Documentary. Abby Martin interviews
03-04-2015 om 01:36
geschreven door peter
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"Buitenaardse ontvoeringen geen lichamelijke, maar spirituele gebeurtenissen"
“Overeenkomst tussen buitenaardse ontvoeringen en nephilim uit de Bijbel”
Er zijn duizenden mensen die beweren door buitenaardse wezens te zijn ‘ontvoerd’ naar verre planeten, waar ze experimenten moesten ondergaan. Dat schrijft het Reformatorisch Dagblad.
De Braziliaanse boer Antonio Villas Boas reed op 15 oktober 1957 op zijn tractor toen hij plotseling een lichtgevend voorwerp op zich af zag komen. Een aantal figuren trekt hem een ruimtevaartuig in, waar hij allerlei experimenten ondergaat. Er wordt onder meer wat bloed afgenomen van zijn kin. Een arts die hem later onderzocht vond een bijna onzichtbare snee in zijn kin.
Hoe bizar het verhaal van Villas Boas ook klinkt, na hem zijn er duizenden over de hele wereld die beweren iets vergelijkbaars te hebben meegemaakt. Betty en Barney Hill uit de Verenigde Staten werden naar eigen zeggen meegenomen door aliens van een meter lang met grote ovale zwarte ogen, de zogeheten Greys of Zeta Reticulans.
Volgens de meeste wetenschappers zijn het hersenspinsels, die kunstmatig worden opgewekt door een magnetisch veld te creëren. Toch raken mensen de gevolgen van een ontvoering in een aantal gevallen niet zomaar kwijt.
Wes Clark van het onderzoeksinstituut CE-4 constateert dat wetenschappers na 50 jaar van ontvoeringen beschikken over miljoenen ooggetuigen, maar nog altijd geen keihard stoffelijk bewijs in handen hebben. “Dit suggereert dat de ontvoeringen geen lichamelijke, maar spirituele gebeurtenissen zijn,” zei hij.
Hoogleraar Mart-Jan Paul van de Evangelische Theologische Faculteit in Leuven wijst op een overeenkomst tussen de seksuele contacten van aliens met hun ontvoerden en de joodse en vroegchristelijke uitleg van Genesis 6:1-4. Volgens deze verklaring waren ‘Gods zonen’ (bene elohim) gevallen engelen die zich seksueel vermengden met de ‘dochteren der mensen’, waardoor hybriden, de ‘reuzen’ (nephilim), op aarde verschenen.
De Amerikaanse ufodeskundige Karla Turner maakte een studie over de ontvoerden: “Ze geloven dat ruimtewezens door hun ogen meekijken en controleren wat ze denken en zeggen: ze zijn altijd in onzichtbare toestand bij hen en maken zich soms gedeeltelijk zichtbaar.”
Chilling accounts of UFO sightings. During the Cold War, sinister objects were seen flying above secret military bases. Were aliens monitoring the world’s nuclear arsenal?
I witnessed something extraordinary on some stormchaser video of an F5 tornado that a research friend was going through frame by frame. It so confused the both of us, that we had to wonder – was some kind of portal opened? Here's the background – MK Davis (videographer and video researcher most associated with Bigfoot subject, but also studies and films videos in other arenas), shared with me these frames from a video. The video was taken by stormchasers following an F5 tornado. As MK went through it frame by frame to look at the lightning, he found something that made no logical sense – an out of place frame taken from another perspective of the scene. It also was accompanied by a crackle sound like electrostatic discharge.
MK is going to go through more footage of other storms in search of such a strange anomaly again to prove whether this was some kind of fluke or something that occurs during storms. And, if it is, what the heck is it? One assumption is some kind of momentary rift – another perspective by another team in another parallel universe? String theory talks about people making a decision to go left and in another universe, the one of them that went right enters into an alternate trek. I began my own search to see what kinds of correlations might be made with storms and a potential craft that could transport through rifts – UFOs.
And there are tons of incidents! Enormous amounts! It had me wondering and there seemed to be only a few conclusions I could come up with - 1. Storms are a way to mask going back and forth from other “realms” “parallel worlds” “dimensions.” With the light and crash going on, no one is going to note any odd lights in the sky as these vehicles pass through. OR 2. Storms are a power source necessary to make the rift. Perhaps that is why the vehicles are necessary to traverse some intense electrical impulses safely. OR 3. The flashes of light in the sky show off ships we might not normally see but that are always around in the air.
4. We are seeing something of a nature origin, like Jets and Sprites, that we did not realize storms could produce, some sort of plasma or ball lightning. OR 5. We are seeing debris being caught in storms and misinterpreted. In this research, I was pointed in the direction of someone who witnessed the recent March 25th tornadoes in Moore, Oklahoma. This man, who has lived there his whole life and has seen unending storm activity of every kind and has never thought about or witnessed UFOs, saw something that day that held his attention. It didn't just hold his attention, he called out his daughter and son-in-law to the deck to watch, as well as six other neighbors coming out to look in amazement. He was looking to the west where the tornado had been spotted, looking at the dark sky when his eyes rested on an egg-shaped object that was creamy white with a luster to it and about the size of an airline, to his estimation. He guessed it was about 1000 feet up, but then at an exceedingly fast rate of speed, it shot straight up about 2000 feet to hover at 3000 feet for a time. Then, in the time it took to blink, it dropped 2000 feet. It hovered there and then it appeared as if something came out of the bottom of it, but it was vague as to what. The maneuvers then became very exact, directed and purposeful. It descended at a 45 degree angle and then a 90 degree angle, then went back to the original spot, instantly. It took one more 45 degree descent to the opposite direction. Finally, it appeared to disappear into the clouds. The entire event took about 20 minutes. He and the other witnesses are certain they witnessed a vehicle that made very precise, very accurate and unbelievably fast maneuvers. Let's look at some caught on video (there are a LOT on YouTube)
Screenshot from video above
As you can see, the film footage is extensive and it gets even more exciting when you consider most folks go outside with their cameras or cell phones to try and capture storms and tornadoes. We have more proof to examine now than we have ever had. Did you know a bolt of lightning could power a town of 56 houses for one day (source)? Source: In 1931, Charles Fort, American researcher, introduced the term “teleportation spaces.” These were areas where sudden teleportation was possible and where the “doors” to parallel worlds open. According to various versions, these are the places where UFOs, goblins, ghosts and other creatures come from. But if the doors open, it is not ruled out that it is possible to enter the other side. Proponents of anomalies are convinced that thousands of missing people could be found in the parallel world. There are plenty of witnesses who allegedly traveled to other worlds. It is everyone’s personal business whether these people are to be trusted. Tatyana Faminskaya, a UFO researcher, said that she experienced teleportation twice in one of Moscow anomalous zones. She could not feel the process of teleportation, but she would find herself in a place with a different landscape. Another story was told by Lidia Nikolaeva from Novy Byt village. She said that she was picking mushrooms in a forest and felt a slight jab in her heart. She immediately found herself at a deserted church, 3.3 miles from the place she was before. Faminskaya believes that teleportation is possible because of cracks in Earth crust that make the reality unstable.“Doors” to the parallel world can be open by lightning since it has enormous energy. Irina Tsareva, a member of “Phenomenon” committee that studies anomalies, told the following story. Once, three friends went fishing near Saint Petersburg. On the way, their car was hit by a lightning, went into a ditch and hit a pine tree. The friends noticed a village house near the road that they have not seen before. An old lady who lived in the house let them in, and fed them dinner. At night, they laid on the floor. When the friends woke up in the morning, they were lying on grass and there was no house nearby. Their crashed car was found under the same tree. And, what about HAARP?
Source: HAARP was a research project set up in Alaska supposedly run by the University of Alaska, the US Navy and the US Air Force. It consisted of an array of antennae to send out high frequency transmission up in the ionosphere. A high frequency radio transmitter would transmit high frequency band to the ionosphere (46-621 miles above earth) in hopes of studying the excitation and what it creates. We have been told that the program ran from 1993 to 2007. Many conspiracy theorists have claimed it was doing much more than just that, it was controlling weather, controlling minds, and much more. Is it possible that this program was initiated based on observation of what occurs during storms and how UFO craft might come and go utilizing some kind of powerful excitation in the atmosphere?
Catatumbo Lightning is a phenomena found in Venezuela mostly at the mouth of the Catatumbo River. This small region receives so many concentrated lightning strikes that it is considered the largest generator of tropospheric ozone. It can happen 160 nights a year, up to 9 hours of continuous lightning each night.
It originates from a mass of storm clouds that create a voltaic arc at more than 5 km of height, during 140 to 160 nights a year, 10 hours per day and up to 280 times per hour. It occurs over and around Lake Maracaibo, typically over the bog area formed where the Catatumbo River flows into the lake (Wikipedia).
Above is a map of Venezuela's UFO reported sightings. Hey, look at that line of UFOs. Guess where that is? Along the Catatumbo and the swamp area mentioned above! In an interesting side note, my own encounters I've had with what are classically called alien greys, involved them leaving in an orange-red light and the scent of ozone. As noted above, the Catatumbo area has the highest concentration of tropospheric ozone in the world. So, is the ozone scent the aliens left (if we are to believe these are true encounters) a byproduct of whatever energy they use to come and go like lightning gives off an ozone scent? In the realm of paranormal research, there has long been talk of stormy nights being ideal for finding ghosts. That probably seems a notion born from the minds of romantic para geeks, but might it be true?
Many researchers have attempted using electrical discharges from Jacob's ladders and use electrical diagnostic tools such as KII meters and EMF meters. The scent of ozone is sometime reported in areas where para activity just occurred. Even the sensation of hairs standing on end and goosebumps could be caused by low-level static electric discharges. If something were traversing the worlds, it might put out a telltale sign we could note, such as goosebumps, ozone, or even strange lights.
Marfa Lights, Brown Mountain Lights, the Hornet Spook Light, Devil's Promenade Lights, and lots more are reported around the world. They are lights that can be seen from distances, but no one can explain what they come from. Sometimes, in the woods, people out searching for Bigfoot end up running across what looks like a flashlight or lantern light that they try to catch up to and only lose over and over again. Over the years, I've asked researchers to keep their eyes open for these lights in the woods. They seem to go hand-in-hand with the talls ones. They are also reported often in “portal” areas like “Skinwalker Ranch” and “Bennington Triangle.” The reaction has been quite astonishing. They had gone out looking for the Tall Ones and found lights. Do they go hand-in-hand? According to the researchers, there might be something to this.
I have seen video of one such light in the woods and a Bigfoot running from that area. I have heard from many others who had Bigfoot encounters that in the same woods, they went on a wild goose chase of some unexplained lights. It is reported so often, most folks don't even ask what is going on, they just figure it's some kind of natural light that occurs in the right conditions, you know, like swamp gas.
I've given you readers a lot of information and lots of links including the ones below because I want you to be curious and chase this subject some more.
What is my take on the lightning/UFO connection? The possibility of Bigfoot coming and going from rifts that create light? Oh, there are so many subjects going on here. I will tell you that, until I do more research into the odd out-of-place frame from storm video like the one MK Davis uncovered above, I will consider it a fluke. If more is uncovered, it is time to figure out what actually occurs. Is it a shuffling of a frame in a video created by an electrostatic discharge? Is that even possible? Or, are we witnessing an erasure of a new frame, exposing something being filmed over? Or, is it just possible that we were seeing a viewpoint of an alternate reality team filming the storm in another realm? Oh, the possibilities are endless, but definitely warrant more investigation.
Remember, it's only magic until we understand the science behind it.
Here's one more for the road – a photo I took of an approaching storm carrying a Haboob (collapsing storm cell causing winds that carry dirt and create a duststorm). Look above it – something big and bright. A planet? Not likely in that position. p.s. Expect me to continue this research. I am very interested in any new evidence coming my way.
Japan’s defense minister recently announced that UFOs from space have never entered the country’s airspace.
On Wednesday, April 1, Defense Minister Gen Nakatani fielded questions about threats from space. The Japan Times reports that these questions came from “flamboyant wrestler-turned-lawmaker Antonio Inoki” at a Upper House Budget Committee meeting. Inoki asked if the military dispatches jets to intercept extraterrestrial craft.
Japan’s defense minister Gen Nakatani. (Credit: US Department of Defense/Wikimedia Commons)
“When the Air Self Defense Force detects indications of an unidentified flying object that could violate our country’s airspace, it scrambles fighter jets if necessary and makes visual observation,” Nakatani explains. He continues, “They sometimes find birds or flying objects other than aircraft but I don’t know of a case of finding an unidentified flying object believed to have come over from anywhere other than Earth.”
Many disagree with this assessment, based on the many UFO sightings reported in the country. One person who disagrees is Miyuki Hatoyama, the wife of former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama. “While my body was sleeping, I think my spirit flew on a triangular-shaped UFO to Venus,” she wrote in the 2008 book Most Bizarre Things I’ve Encountered.
Back in 2007, Parliament member Ryuji Yamane stated, “I believe that it is an urgent task to collect information and confirm (the existence of UFOs) from the viewpoint of our nation’s security and the public’s interest and anxiety amid endless eyewitness reports.”
In late 2007, former defense minister Shigeru Ishiba said, “There are no grounds for us to deny there are unidentified flying objects and some life-form that control them. Few discussions have been held on what the legal grounds are” for a military response.
But, according to current defense minister Nakatani, the issue of a military response to extraterrestrial UFOs hasn’t presented itself yet.
Starting around 9 pm on March 24, 2015, residents of the town of Cannock Chase in the UK took to social media to post UFO sightings and reports of loud noises. Local paranormal investigator and author, Lee Brickley, says hundreds of witnesses were involved.
Brickley was a witness himself, and he blogged about the event as it happened. He wrote: “Before anything could be seen with the naked eye, there was a deep and very loud drone noise not unlike that you would expect to hear from an old WW2 bomber. After around three minutes, the craft came into sight. It seemed to be incredibly large and astonishingly low in the sky with three red lights that were easily noticeable. The UFO traveled very slowly, and so many people thought it was about to crash to earth. Thankfully, it disappeared out of view without anything too catastrophic happening. The sound from the engine (or whatever it was) lasted for around another five minutes.”
Lee Brickley, author of UFOs Werewolves & The Pig-Man. (Credit: Birmingham Mail)
Brickley went online to find that many other local residents also heard and saw the UFO, and many seemed shaken up by the event.
One witness wrote: “I heard it and thought that’s low..thought it might have been a plane coming down ….it looked like one big thing with 3 lights,,scared the ……outta me.”
Another posted: “My house was rumbling….and i’m still was slow and it was bloody huge.”
Another witness wrote: “It wasn’t a fighter jet. Way to big. Three red lights one at rear one on each wing. Usually commercial planes have flashing lights but this just had three solid red lights. Could have been a large military plane especially with such an unusual flight path.”
Map showing the location of Cannock Chase in relation to Birmingham. (Credit: Google Maps)
Birmingham Mail, a local newspaper, also wrote about the sightings. They interviewed Sunday Mercury journalist Hannah Hiles, who also heard the loud noise.
“It was ever so loud and it went on for quite a while,” she said. “It was much more prolonged than a military jet. It was very curious.”
Brickley checked with Birmingham Airport to find out if it was an aircraft in trouble, but they said they had no such reports.
In his original blog on the sighting, Brickley noted that there was a U.S. aircraft carrier off the coast of Portsmouth, which is about 175 miles south of Cannock Chase. He speculated that perhaps they were testing a new secret space plane.
Birmingham Mail contacted the British UFO Research Association to find out if they had ideas as to what the people of Cannock Chase might have witnessed. A spokeswoman told them, “I’m sure it is something that can be explained. Whether it will be explained is another matter.”
They speculated that the witnesses might have seen a drone, or an experimental aircraft.
However, checking up on some of the original witness reports online there are an abundance of witnesses who are certain that what was seen were three fighter jets. Several Connock Chase residents said they see them often.
F-15 at RAF Lackenheath, where the jets are speculated to have been from. (Credit: SRA James L. Harper Jr./USAF)
I followed up with Brickley to ask him about this latest theory. He agreed that it was likely jet fighters, and thinks they may have been escorting an experimental drone being tested by Facebook.
Header image: Sunset over Cannock Chase by Jonathan Stonehouse.
In West-Java bevindt zich een oude tempel die tussen 9000 en 20.000 jaar geleden is gebouwd. Dat zegt de Indonesische geoloog dr. Danny Hilman. De megalithische vindplaats Gunung Padang werd in 1914 ontdekt en is gelegen tussen vulkanen, palmbomen en theeplantages.
De vindplaats wordt door de lokale bevolking als heilig beschouwd. Dr. Hilman meent dat de site belangrijk is omdat er een piramide staat die tussen de 9000 en 20.000 jaar oud is. Dat zou het de oudste piramide ter wereld maken.
Hij vermoedt dat het bouwwerk is gemaakt voor astronomische doeleinden of om de goden te aanbidden. Dr. Hilman, verbonden aan het centrum voor geotechnisch onderzoek in Indonesië, zegt dat bewijs voor de piramide onder de grond kan worden gevonden.
De opgravingen worden gesteund door de Indonesische regering, die Gunung Padang onlangs heeft uitgeroepen tot ‘grootste megalithische bouwwerk in Zuidoost-Azië’. Dr Hilman: “Mensen denken dat het er in de prehistorie primitief aan toe ging, maar dit monument bewijst het tegenovergestelde.”
Hij denkt dat de piramide bewijs is van een hoogontwikkelde beschaving in Java en zei dat het grootste deel van de trappiramide door mensen is gemaakt, wellicht over een periode van vele honderden jaren.
Sommige rotsblokken werden aan elkaar ‘gelijmd’ met een substantie die is gedateerd op 7000 voor Christus. Uit bodemonderzoek blijkt dat op 15 meter onder de grond door mensen gemaakte bouwwerken verscholen liggen. Experts hebben rots onder het oppervlak gedateerd op 12.500 jaar oud.
De Indonesische vulkanoloog Sutikno Bronto denkt dat dr. Hilman niet op een piramide is gestuit. Volgens hem is het niet meer dan een oude vulkaan. Een anonieme expert gelooft niet dat mensen in het gebied vele duizenden jaren geleden al in staat waren om piramides te bouwen.
Interesting video compilation by Youtube user looknowtv about these UFO sightings filmed over New york City, Paris, France, Mexico, Hawaii and many more.
UFOs Declassified – Black Triangle S01E01 [2015 UFO documentary!]
UFOs Declassified – Black Triangle S01E01 [2015 UFO documentary!]
Are we alone in the universe? In the 80s and 90s, sightings of dark, triangular flying objects began to occur across the world – many incidents remaining unexplained.
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for March 2015:
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for March 2015:
CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In March 2015 there were 684 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries;
Number of Reports
Within the United States the distribution by State was as follows;
Number of Reports
North Carolina
New York
New Mexico
New Jersey
South Carolina
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
South Dakota
West Virginia
Rhode Island
North Dakota
If you are getting more sighting reports than listed here, please be sure to enter them manually into CMS. To make this happen automatically, make sure your local MUFON Website is pointing to the CMS Reporting form on and direct all calls you get to the MUFON website so that witnesses can enter their own report directly into CMS.
ALL sighting reports received by CMS are already filled in by the witness, saving you and your investigators time. Each report is automatically sent to YOU, the State Director and Assistant State Director, for you to assign someone to follow-up and complete the report.
If a UFO sighting comes in over the phone, or by e-mail, and you want to enter it yourself, simply go to CMS at (once logged in) and click on "ADD CASE" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This gives you a blank sighting reporting form that you can fill out while the witness is on the phone. Once the report is filled out be sure to click "SAVE" and you will have easily added your NEW report to CMS.
Other interesting data points in CMS during March 2015 are the shape of the UFOs reported which were as follows;
Shape of Object
Number of Reports
as well as the distance from the observer;
Distance from Witness
Number of Reports
< 100 ft
101-500 ft
501 ft - 1 Mile
Over 1 Mile
Most impressively there were 33 Landings, Hovering, or Takeoffs reported and 0 Entities observed.
To review the CMS data yourself go to and click on "UFO Case Files" to 1.) Easily look at the Last 20 Sightings, or 2.) Do a customized search of the CMS database by date and/or location, or 3.) Logon to CMS for even more detailed UFO sighting information about your State and the World.
I hope you are enjoying our new internet based Sighting and Reporting System. For questions regarding its use please refer to the User Guide available on your CMS main menu screen. Please send your questions and/or suggestions to Jan Harzan at
The ancient fortress site of Tiahuanaco (Tiwanaku) in western Bolivia is still revealing secrets thousands of years after its peak as capital of an empire, and home to one of the most important civilizations prior to the Inca.
Archaeologists from the Tiahuanaco Archeological Research Center have discovered an underground pyramid at the site using ground-penetrating radar.
According to Fox News Latino, the Bolivian government has announced excavations are set to begin this summer on the new find at the Kantatallita area of Tiahuanaco, 71 kilometers (44 miles) west of La Paz.
Using ground-penetrating radar, researchers also have reportedly found “underground anomalies” which they suspect might be monoliths, but further analysis will be carried out before reaching official conclusions.
Ludwing Cayo, director of the Tiahuanaco Archeological Research Center told EFE News Agency that Tiahuanaco will be undergoing further investigations over the next five years. This is welcome news to some, as the site and stone monuments may have suffered from exposure weathering 4,000 meters above sea level.
AcercandoNaciones reports that some of the ruins of Tiahunaco have become dilapidated, and some researchers suggest these might benefit from the protection of an indoor museum.
Tiahuanaco has been a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site since 2000.
Ponce stela in the sunken courtyard of the Tiwanaku's Kalasasaya temple.
It was the capital of an empire that extended into present-day Peru and Chile, flourishing from 300 to 1000 A.D., and is believed to be one of the most important cities of ancient America.
Andean legends claim the area around Lake Titicaca was the cradle of the first humans on Earth.
According to the myths, Lord Viracocha, the creator of all things, chose Tiahuanaco as the place of creation. It is unknown how old these ruins are, but some researchers suggest that they date to 14,000 years B.C.
Fox News Latino writes that at its height, the Tiwanaku realm covered 600,000 square kilometers (231,000 square miles), and “left a legacy of impressive stone monuments such as Kalasasaya, the semi-underground Templete, sculptures of prominent figures, the Gate of the Sun and ruins of palaces.”
Closeup of carved stone tenon-head embedded in wall of Tiwanaku’s Semi-subterranean Temple.
Previous excavations at the site have revealed substantial portions of the Akapana Pyramid Mound.
Archaeology’s InteractiveDig writes that in the ancient past there is evidence that the established infrastructure was razed and rebuilt by the inhabitants, and the city was abandoned.
Researchers say there was a sudden shift in 700 A.D. Previous monuments were torn down, and the blocks were used to build the Akapana Pyramid. However, by the time the city was abandoned, the project had still not been completed, and laid unfinished.
The Akapana Pyramid Mound, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia. Franciso Javier Argel/Flickr
Results from the excavations at Tiahuanaco and the research into the newly detected buried pyramid are expected to be announced later this year.
Previous excavations: Robotic exploration of a tunnel in the Akapana pyramid, June 13, 2006. Wikimedia Commons
Source: Humans are free
02-04-2015 om 01:28
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Archaeologists Find Underground Pyramid at Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, Excavations Planned
Archaeologists Find Underground Pyramid at Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, Excavations Planned
The ancient fortress site of Tiahuanaco (Tiwanaku) in western Bolivia is still revealing secrets thousands of years after its peak as capital of an empire, and home to one of the most important civilizations prior to the Inca. Archaeologists from the Tiahuanaco Archeological Research Center have discovered an underground pyramid at the site using ground-penetrating radar.
According to Fox News Latino, the Bolivian government has announced excavations are set to begin this summer on the new find at the Kantatallita area of Tiahuanaco, 71 kilometers (44 miles) west of La Paz.
Using ground-penetrating radar, researchers also have reportedly found “underground anomalies” which they suspect might be monoliths, but further analysis will be carried out before reaching official conclusions.
Detail, Gateway of the Sun, Tiahuanaco. This topmost relief is on a single block of Andesite stone weighing 10 tons. Twiga269/Flickr
Ludwing Cayo, director of the Tiahuanaco Archeological Research Center told EFE News Agency that Tiahuanaco will be undergoing further investigations over the next five years. This is welcome news to some, as the site and stone monuments may have suffered from exposure weathering 4,000 meters above sea level.
AcercandoNaciones reports that some of the ruins of Tiahunaco have become dilapidated, and some researchers suggest these might benefit from the protection of an indoor museum.
Tiahuanaco has been a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site since 2000.
Ponce stela in the sunken courtyard of the Tiwanaku's Kalasasaya temple. Wikimedia Commons
It was the capital of an empire that extended into present-day Peru and Chile, flourishing from 300 to 1000 A.D., and is believed to be one of the most important cities of ancient America. Andean legends claim the area around Lake Titicaca was the cradle of the first humans on Earth. According to the myths, Lord Viracocha, the creator of all things, chose Tiahuanaco as the place of creation. It is unknown how old these ruins are, but some researchers suggest that they date to 14,000 years B.C.
Fox News Latino writes that at its height, the Tiwanaku realm covered 600,000 square kilometers (231,000 square miles), and “left a legacy of impressive stone monuments such as Kalasasaya, the semi-underground Templete, sculptures of prominent figures, the Gate of the Sun and ruins of palaces.”
Closeup of carved stone tenon-head embedded in wall of Tiwanaku’s Semi-subterranean Temple. Wikimedia Commons
Previous excavations at the site have revealed substantial portions of the Akapana Pyramid Mound.
Archaeology’s InteractiveDig writes that in the ancient past there is evidence that the established infrastructure was razed and rebuilt by the inhabitants, and the city was abandoned. Researchers say there was a sudden shift in 700 A.D. Previous monuments were torn down, and the blocks were used to build the Akapana Pyramid. However, by the time the city was abandoned, the project had still not been completed, and laid unfinished.
The Akapana Pyramid Mound, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia. Franciso Javier Argel/Flickr
Results from the excavations at Tiahuanaco and the research into the newly detected buried pyramid are expected to be announced later this year.
Previous excavations: Robotic exploration of a tunnel in the Akapana pyramid, June 13, 2006. Wikimedia Commons
Featured Image: The Gateway of the Sun from the Tiwanku civilization in Bolivia. Public Domain
Nikola Tesla is considered one of the most innovative and mysterious men who ever lived.
If Tesla hadn’t invented and researched everything he did in his time, our technology today would be considerably worse. But is there something more to Tesla?
Did he in fact have contact with Aliens as he publicly proclaimed? He is one of the most amazing inventors our civilization has ever known his knowledge and ideas went far and beyond what was known and accepted in his lifetime.
Tesla was a Genius, and his inventions and ideas had no boundaries. Over a hundred years ago, during the first decade of the twentieth century, Tesla filed a request to patent a peculiar aircraft, which he called “the world’s first flying saucer.”
The methods used in the design of the flying saucer matched the descriptions of those who claimed to have seen a from the UFO inside: with a discoidal capacitor with sufficient size to provide enough thrust to fly, while other small capacitors allowed to control the direction of the flying saucer, to which he added a gyroscopic stabilization system and a electric “drive” control.
And if all of that isn’t enough, Tesla had more; the interior of the ship was equipped with flat screens and external video cameras for the pilots blind spots. Tesla’s UFO has eyes, and these were made of electro-optical lenses, arranged in quadrants, allowing the pilot to see everything.
Screens and monitors are placed on a console where the browser can observe all areas around the vehicle, and Tesla’s incredible invention included magnifying lenses, which could have been used without changing positions.
Basically it is a incredibly well designed aircraft, one that we could actually manage to build today. Or have we already built it? What happened to this invention? Why are we not flying into space with Tesla’s incredible invention?
While the patent was granted, the UFO or rather called IFO as it had been identified by the insatiable imagination of Tesla, had a drawback: since the aircraft did not include an energy source of its own, it needed to be energized by the towers of wireless transmission, Tesla’s sources of “free energy”.
The lack of funding led to the abandonment of the development of the towers, so, eventually the ship also fell into darkness, and Tesla’s UFO or rather IFO was never made. But hold on Never?
Actually don’t be so sure because the US Secret Service seized all patents belonging to Tesla after his death “for reasons of national security.”
Now if Teslas ideas were insane as some had categorized them, why would the United States secret Service seize the patents for reasons of National Security? Hmmm lets think about it for a minute.
The ideas of the great Nikola Tesla are incredible and better yet, way ahead of its time, many of his inventions, aimed at contributing towards world peace through free energy access, but governments and financiers of the time, did not follow the progress of Tesla’s mind.
Years later, his groundbreaking models and technological projects were used by the Nazis (not the way he had imagined it), and now numerous of his projects are held by the secret service, far away from the eyes of the public.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Australia: Earth's 'Largest Asteroid Impact EVER' Discovered
Australia: Earth's 'Largest Asteroid Impact EVER' Discovered
March 31, 2015 - Scientists in Australia have uncovered what they say is the biggest asteroid impact area ever discovered. The 400 kilometer (250 mile) wide region is buried deep in the Earth’s crust and consists of two different impact scars.
“It would have been ‘curtains’ for many species in the world at the time,” said Dr. Glikson.
However, the team, which released its findings in the geology journal ‘Tectonophysics,’ hasn’t been able to link the event to any known annihilation. “It is a puzzle – we cannot find an extinction event that fits this crash,” said Dr. Glikson. “I’ve a feeling the impact may be older than 300 million years.”
The stones around the impact zone are about 300 to 600 million years old, however a layer of ashes that would have been thrown up by the impact hasn’t yet been found, as sediment in the stone layers form an identical interval.
“Substantial impacts such as these may have had a lot more important part in the Earth’s development than previously believed,” Dr. Glikson said.
The excavation returned bits of stone that were turned into glass by excessive temperature and pressure, consistent with a substantial impact.
The rocks around the impact zone are roughly 300 to 600 million years old, but a layer of ash that would have been thrown up by the impact has not been detected as sediment in rock layers from the same period.
The large meteorite believed to have killed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago corresponds to a layer of sediment in rocks around the world.
"Large impacts like these may have had a far more significant role in the Earth's evolution than previously thought," Dr Glikson said.
The apparent impact zone in the Warburton Basin was discovered by accident while scientists were drilling 2km under the Earth's surface for a geothermal research project.
The dig returned traces of rock that had been turned to glass by extreme temperature and pressure, consistent with a massive impact.
The Roswell, New Mexico, UFO crash of 1947 was the result of -- here it comes, wait for it -- top secret Nazi technology. No alien spacecraft, no alien bodies, but an aircraft called the "Bell" (depicted above from a 2008 Discovery Channel documentary)...
To be sure, it's questionable what actually happened in the outskirts of that small town 67 years ago. But it's also questionable if this film will ever see the light of day.
At least, here's the most truthful thing known about the incident: Something came out of the sky in July 1947 and crashed on a ranch near Roswell. But what that "something" was has become a nearly 70-year-old legend.
Everything from extraterrestrial spacecraft to weather balloon to military high altitude device for spying on Soviet nuclear testing has been offered for the identity of the crashed object.
And now, the film, supposedly called "UFOs and the Third Reich," is promoting another theory: A 10-foot-wide, 12-foot-high, anti-gravity, bell-shaped craft, combining rocket and helicopter technology, created by Nazi Germany, fell into the hands of the U.S. in 1943, who further developed the project. An alleged test of the Bell resulted in its crash, which became the event that started the Roswell UFO saga.
Stories about the Nazi Bell have cropped up in the UFO literature for many years, including Discovery Channel's 2008 "Nazi UFO Conspiracy."
"This is what I saw, with my own eyes -- a Nazi UFO," German aeronautical engineer Georg Klein is reputed to say in "UFOs and the Third Reich." "I don't consider myself a crackpot or eccentric or someone given to fantasies."
The new film is also rumored to focus on German engineer, Joseph Andreas Epp, who reportedly worked on a UFO project which resulted in several saucer-shaped vehicles that supposedly included dome-shaped cabins and a rotating rim.
"The wing blades would be allowed to rotate freely as the saucer moved forward, as in an auto-gyrocopter," Epp said. "In all probability, the wing blades speed -- and so, their lifting value -- could also be increased by directing the adjustable horizontal jets slightly upwards to engage the blades, thus spinning them faster at the digression [sic] of the pilot."
If the so-called Bell UFO is what actually crashed outside of Roswell in 1947, it would contradict the many military eyewitnesses who eventually came forward and described the physical appearance and otherworldy characteristics of the object that fell out of the New Mexico sky -- not to mention their descriptions of several small humanoid occupants of the craft. This isn't the first time we've looked at the so-called Nazi-UFO-Alien connection.
Back in 2011, investigative reporter Annie Jacobsen raised a controversial question in her book about the top secret Nevada military base, known as Area 51: Did former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin recruit Josef Mengele, the Nazi "Angel of Death," to surgically alter children to look like aliens in 1947, and did they place these malformed adolescents on board a Soviet spy plane to be part of the Roswell UFO crash?
At the beginning of 2014, we examined a wild story that suggested the U.S. government has been under the control of a shadow government overseen by extraterrestrials who helped Nazi Germany's rise in the 1930s.
The current German documentary certainly won't bring more answers to the Roswell debate. At the very least, it offers further questions about who and what to believe of the biggest UFO controversy in history.
And, oh, there's one other thing about this "new" film. Whoever the producers of it are, they don't seem too interested in releasing any promotional clips, trailers or still images from it. An extensive Internet search hasn't turned up anything -- yet.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 2/5 - (1 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
California Man Sees Humanoid and Suspects Project Blue Beam
California Man Sees Humanoid and Suspects Project Blue Beam
A man in southern California claims he’s being observed by a partially transparent humanoid and an invisible being with glowing eyes and has military helicopters flying over his house. Many photographs he’s taken appear to have a blue beam down the middle and he suspects he’s part of a rumored covert NASA project called Project Blue Beam. Is he?
Photograph of eyes seen by man in Highland Park
The report appeared on March 16, 2015, in the MUFON database. The man says he lives in Highland Park near Los Angeles and has been having these strange experiences for about two months. He claims his phone calls and emails to organizations to report his experiences and ask questions go mysteriously unanswered.
What caught my eye in his report was his statement that this was just like Project Blue Beam. Project Blue Beam is an alleged secret and extremely complex plan by NASA and the United Nations to use technology to simulate a Second Coming of Christ that would start a New World Order along with a new religion with the Antichrist at its helm. This theory was presented by Serge Monast in his 1994 book, “Project Blue Beam.”
Serge Monast
The four-step project consisted of (this is a very brief summary) creating chaos by causing earthquakes, using holograms to simulate a new god, beaming low-frequency waves to make humans think they are getting telepathic messages and controlling all electronic devices to simulate false attacks and bring earth to the brink of destruction so that humans are ready to accept this new world order.
Now THAT’S a conspiracy theory. Monast predicted the implementation of Project Blue Beam a number of times but it obviously hasn’t occurred yet, although we now have large realistic holograms and earthquakes created by fracking, not to mention plenty of talk about a New World Order. His followers believe his death by heart attack in 1996 was an assassination to stop his revelation of the plan. Skeptics point out that Project Blue Beam resembles the 1991 Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “Devil’s Due” and the plot of an unreleased 1975 Star Trek movie by Gene Roddenberry called “The God Thing.”
Project Blue Beam still has plenty of believers. The poor guy in California wonders if he’s “NASA’s guinea pig” for it. Is he? Would it help if he watched Devil’s Due?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Why Obama's UFO statement just changed the course of history
Why Obama's UFO statement just changed the course of history
When I first saw this interview scrolling through my newsfeed I chose not to watch it (out of years of frustratingly observing politicians avoid and mock a crucial topic). This initial decision was the sign of a fatigued freedom of information activist, myself, just not having the energy to be exposed to more blatant lies. It stressed me out too much.
The headlines seemed to be saying that he denied knowledge and joked about it, as is usually the case when presidents are confronted. Nothing new, but it was especially annoying considering a close aid of Obama's, and Clinton's Chief of Staff, John Podesta, a known UFO disclosure enthusiast, recently stated "Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the disclosure of the UFO files."
Let it be known though that UFO files have already been disclosed, as can be viewed here, but it's quite obvious there are many more still concealed.
Bryce Zabel did a great analysis of why Podesta's tweet was absolutely not a joke considering his history with the subject. The sequence of Podesta's and Obama's statements was an emotional tornado of good news from Podesta (for bringing attention to the topic) and bad news from Obama (upholding the secrecy yet again). But maybe Obama's interview wasn't bad news. Maybe there was something more there that the mainstream interpretation wasn't digesting.
After about a week I couldn't help it and needed to analyze myself. Immediately after he responded to Jimmy Kimmel with the words "I can't reveal anything" I jumped out of my chair and yelled in disbelief because my primal sense told me that he was momentarily telling the truth.
Here's a transcript of the conversation:
Kimmel: This is something I feel like. If I was the president, and it is unlikely that is ever going to happen…
Obama: You never know.
Kimmel: If I was the president…
Obama: It was unlikely that I was going to be president.
Kimmel: The moment I was in inaugurated – my hand would still be hot from touching the bible – I would immediately race to wherever they have the files about Area 51 and UFOs and I would go through everything to find out what happened. Did you do that?
Obama: That is why you will not be president…
Kimmel: One of the reasons.
Obama: Because that is the first thing you would do.
Kimmel: It is at the top of my list.
Obama: The aliens won’t let it happen. You will reveal all of their secrets. They exercise strict control over us.
Kimmel: Now you know there are a lot of people who are going to examine your facial expressions here, every twitch, every everything and say, of course. Did you look? Did you see? Did you explore?
Obama: I can’t reveal anything.
Kimmel: Oh really? Because President Clinton said he did go right in and he did check and there was nothing.
Obama: You know, that is what we are instructed to say.
Now this doesn't mean that he absolutely was telling the truth and I'm not trying to convince anyone to believe anything. My reaction was purely based on confidence in my ability to discern humans telling the truth versus those lying. His demeanor and actions seemed sincere to me, even though, tradtionally, I don't trust much of what comes out of Obama's mouth. It's not a personal attack on him as a human being because I have no idea what reasons could be behind presidents being forced to lie. His life is most likely on the line.
The most obvious reason for the lies is:
Admitting we are now being engaged by ETs would cause global unrest in economic, security, and religious senses. Economics would be disrupted because ET technology shatters modern energy power structures. Religion would be disrupted because, well, aliens. Security would be at risk because the exotic tech could get into the wrong hands. Anyone in the world could have something more powerful than nukes.
That is the official view. I tend to side more with people like Stephen Bassett who say, "Joseph Farrell made a key point. Maybe the secrecy is because these weapons, if they get in the wrong hands, could be dangerous. I would like to make the suggestion that they are ALREADY in the wrong hands." Here's a powerful short video of that talk by Bassett, a leading disclosure lobbyist, at the Secret Space Program conference.
A weird possibility, which I'm not sure if I agree with, is that maybe the only thing that could bring about a state of global peace IS everyone having the power to destroy everyone else. It could cause universal respect.
Today I saw the below deep analysis of the Obama interview by Syfy Channel's Ben Hansen from "Fact or Faked". It's well balanced and exactly agrees with my instinctual thought.
This whole episode changes the course of history without changing the course of history in an immediate way. It could be the highest level admission ever that there's something serious going on here. The credibility that it potentially brings to the matter is significant. If/when a more traditional type of Disclosure occurs where a Whitehouse press conference happens and they admit it more clearly, this interview will be looked at as that time when we were told the truth without being told the truth. He could have flat out lied like the Whitehouse did in 2011 when they responded to a petition saying there is no evidence for ET, but he didn't. This is a good sign for the future.
Enjoy and get active on this. I'd prefer to not die without knowing whether or not governments are withholding the true origins and reality of life in the universe. I'd also like to get the information and technology released to bring some peace and sustainability to this planet. What matters more?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
NASA tests Mars ‘flying saucer’
NASA tests Mars ‘flying saucer’
This artist's concept shows the test vehicle for NASA's Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD), designed to test landing technologies for future Mars missions. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
NASA has given the world another glimpse of its revolutionary flying saucer technology, which will play a crucial role in future Mars missions.
The 15-foot wide, 7,000-pound test vehicle underwent a “spin test” on a table at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. during a live broadcast Tuesday, ABC News reports.
The flying saucer is part of NASA’s Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) project, which aims to develop landing vehicles for future missions.
NASA says the project tests “breakthrough technologies that will enable large payloads to be safely landed on the surface of Mars, or other planetary bodies with atmospheres, including Earth.” According to the space agency, the technologies will also offer access to more of the red planet’s surface by enabling landings at higher-altitude sites.
As part of its LDSD research, NASA will fly a rocket-powered saucer-shaped test vehicle into near-space from the Navy’s Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai, Hawaii, in June.
Last year an LDSD test in Hawaii was deemed a success by engineers, despite the vehicle’s huge parachute apparently failing to deploy properly, according to
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Icy-Moon Discoveries: What They Mean for Alien Life Search
Icy-Moon Discoveries: What They Mean for Alien Life Search
Diagram showing the geysers that erupt from the south pole of Saturn's icy moon Enceladus. New research suggests that Enceladus' geysers are powered by hydrothermal activity. Credit : NASA/JPL-Caltech
New discoveries about icy moons in the outer solar system have raised exciting possibilities for life beyond Earth.
Earlier this month, researchers made two big announcements: Saturn's moon Enceladus likely harbors hot springs, and Jupiter's huge satellite Ganymede apparently possesses a subsurface ocean that may contain more water than all of Earth does.
However, while the discovery makes Enceladus, which also has a subsurface ocean, even more intriguing to astrobiologists, Ganymede is still not a great bet for alien life, researchers say. [6 Most Likely Places for Alien Life in the Solar System]
Enceladus is the sixth-largest of Saturn's moons, with a diameter of only about 314 miles (505 kilometers). Despite its tiny size, Enceladus has drawn a great deal of attention due to its erupting water geysers, first seen by NASA's Cassini spacecraft in 2005. Now, scientists have found that Enceladus may have hot springs under its frozen crust. The discovery that the floor of its hidden ocean may be home to near-boiling temperatures is the first evidence of active hydrothermal vents beyond the oceans of Earth.
"This surely has implications regarding astrobiology, life-searching and all those kinds of topics," said study author Hsiang-Wen Sean Hsu, a planetary scientist at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Specifically, these new findings suggest that the conditions on Enceladus' seafloor are similar to those found on Earth in a deep-sea field of hydrothermal vents known as Lost City in the Atlantic Ocean, which is home to a wide variety of animals, such as eels, snails, mussels, worms, shrimplike amphipods and flealike ostracods, said Gabriel Tobie, a planetologist at the University of Nantes in France.
Lost City consists of 196-foot-tall (60 meters) limestone chimneys that release alkaline fluid that is low in metals and lower than boiling temperature. In contrast, most other known hydrothermal vents on Earth give off metal-rich acidic fluid that is hotter than boiling temperature.
Alkaline hydrothermal vents might have been the birthplace of the first living organisms on the early Earth, supplying key nutrients and energy, Tobie said.
"For Enceladus, the new discovery of hot vents enhances its chance for life," Tobie told
NASA also announced that a salty ocean hides beneath the icy crust of Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system. Scientists using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope found that Ganymede's ocean could harbor more water than is found on Earth. Ganymede's sea may be about 60 miles (100 km) deep — 10 times the depth of Earth's oceans.
However, this finding does not necessarily raise Ganymede's chances for life, Tobie said.
"A major difference between Enceladus and Ganymede is the difference of pressure at the base of the ocean," Tobie said. The pressure at the base of Enceladus' ocean is rather low, at 50 to 100 bar — or about 50 to 100 times the atmospheric pressure of Earth at sea level. This low pressure permits water from circulating in underlying porous rocks, thus helping to drive chemical reactions that could lead life to emerge.
In contrast, the pressure at the base of Ganymede's ocean is much higher — about 15,000 to 20,000 bar, Tobie said. Under such high pressure, not only is rock less porous, but water can form a kind of ice.
"A very thick layer of high-pressure ice more than 400 kilometers [250 miles] thick will form at the base of the ocean," Tobie said. "Even if deep hot vents exist on Ganymede, the chance for life seems rather low due to the formation of this high-pressure ice layer."
However, Ganymede is not the only watery moon of Jupiter. Prior research suggests that Europa, the fourth-largest moon of Jupiter, may possess both an ocean beneath its icy surface and hot springs.
"Like in Enceladus, the ocean in Europa would be directly in contact with the rock core, which will favor water-rock interactions and exchange of nutrients with the ocean," Tobie said.
"Both Europa and Enceladus have a high astrobiological potential," he added. "But for the moment, it is only a potential. Only future missions with in situ investigations will really answer if it is more than only a potential."
Forget Roswell. Gubernatorial candidate wants Puerto Rico to have Disney World for UFO fanatics
Forget Roswell. Gubernatorial candidate wants Puerto Rico to have Disney World for UFO fanatics
San Juan – Popular ufologist Reinaldo Ríos has announced his independent run for the governorship of Puerto Rico on a platform of making the island a world center for paranormal tourism.
"What I want is to create a Disney World of the infinite space we live in. Many tourists would come here and make investments," Ríos said in an interview with Efe.
The candidate, who teaches first grade at a school in the southern town of Yauco, has won popularity on the island for his activities related to supposed sightings of apparitions, UFOs and extraterrestrials. He even organized a gargoyle hunt.
"I've been a philanthropic person and never made money out of the paranormal theme. I would make those connections for the good of the country, for Puerto Rico to become a center of paranormal tourism," Ríos said.
"I believe in extraterrestrial life and as human beings we would ally ourselves with creatures of the universe to improve our educational system and really know we're not alone in the universe," Ríos said, adding that his objectives also include "eradicating poverty and eliminating crime" on the island.
Ríos's name gained fame back in 1978 when he belonged to a group called Universe Station, a club for Puerto Ricans who claimed to have been contacted by extraterrestrial beings.
Since then he has worked at building a center for studying UFOs in the southern municipality of Lajas, which even has landing strips for alien spacecraft.
In 1993 he began to organize monthly UFO camps to entice experts and curiosity-seekers from Puerto Rico and elsewhere to take part in "public vigils" to capture sightings in photos and videos.
On one occasion, in December 2010, he organized a gargoyle hunt in the old sugar mill in Guanica, on the southwest coast of Puerto Rico, a project with which he planned to confirm the existence of a supposed mutant that attacked animals in the area.
"I have great friendships with people in the paranormal movement who could come to invest in Puerto Rico. Our extraterrestrial embassy would have all international sights trained on us," Ríos said during an interview with Efe.
We nemen dit artikel over met een ‘dankjewel’ aan de onnavolgbare Irma Schiffers, die de onderstaande video van ondertiteling voorzag. De informatie op de video, het bericht van Paul Hellyer daarmee voor een groot Nederlands publiek toegankelijk maakt. Dankjewel Irma! Je bent een kanjer.x
Ingenieur Paul Hellyer is bijna 92 jaar (augustus 1923!!) en politicus, schrijver en commentator. Hij heeft een lange en gevarieerde carrière gehad en was als vliegtuigbouwkundig ingenieur later actief in de politiek. Zo was hij o.a. minister voor Defensie van Canada! Niet de minste persoon dus. Deze man is echter ook een van de meest imponerende klokkenluiders, die we kennen. Hij heeft een dermate dringende, indringende en belangrijke boodschap, dat Irma Schiffers deze video ging vertalen en ondertitelen; hij duurt zo’n 34 minuten en is zéér de moeite waard.
Paul Hellyer haalde alle kranten met zijn speech op de Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. Dit was een congres in Washington dat was gericht op het vrijgeven van het ‘waarheidsembargo’ op de Aardse contacten met aliens of buitenaardsen. Hellyer beweert niet alleen dat deze contacten met buitenaardse rassen bestaan, hij is er ook van overtuigd dat ze op de aarde leven en actief met de Amerikaanse regering samenwerken om hun geavanceerde technologie te delen met onze menselijke geest.
En wat deze wezens hiervoor teruggeven is ook Hellyer onbekend, maar het staat voor hem als een paal boven water dat een groot deel van onze high-tech gadgets kadootjes zijn geweest van hypertechnologische ET’s. Ongetwijfeld zullen deze aliëns invloed uitoefenen, i.s.m. de ‘krachten-achter-de-schermen’, op het Aardse onderdrukkingsprogramma en de daarmee gepaard gaande manipulatie-technieken..
Irma Schiffers: “Wat mij betreft geldt dit: als je dit verhaal van Hellyer niet gelooft, dan ga je nooit meer iets geloven! Breng alles wat deze man brengt in verband met de laatste informatie over GMO’s, Big Pharma, chemtrails, HAARP, the Georgia Guidestones (agenda 21) etc. en je hebt het TOTAALPLAATJE..”
De tijd dringt nu echt om wakker te worden en daarom heeft Paul Hellyer onlangs deze openhartige video gemaakt en een boek geschreven ‘The Money mafia’. Heel dapper van hem! Hier dan nu de video in het Nederlands. Deel deze informatie alsjeblieft zoveel mogelijk, want we dienen onze geschiedenis te herschrijven, om het heden te begrijpen en de toekomst te veranderen..!
Nb. Om de ondertiteling te wijzigen en/of aan te zetten klik je op dit knopje (illustratie) van deze video.
De Parkes-radiotelescoop in Australië met op de achtergrond een afbeelding van de Melkweg op radiogolflengten. Boven de schotelantenne is een 'radioflits' getekend. (Swinburne Astronomy Productions)
Het raadsel van de ‘fast radio bursts’ – korte flitsen van radiostraling die in 2007 voor het eerst werden opgemerkt – heeft een bijzondere wending genomen. De uitbarstingen lijken een wiskundig patroon te vertonen, en dat kan erop wijzen dat ze van kunstmatige oorsprong zijn.
De radioflitsen, waarvan er tot nu toe pas tien zijn gedetecteerd, duren slechts een paar milliseconden. Die korte duur wijst erop dat ze afkomstig zijn van een kleine bron met afmetingen van hooguit een paar honderd kilometer.
Om erachter te komen op welke afstand zo’n bron zich bevindt, maken astronomen gebruik van een grootheid die de ‘dispersiemaat’ wordt genoemd. Elke radioflits bestrijkt een heel scala aan radiofrequenties. Elektronen die door de ruimte zwerven verstrooien en vertragen de radiogolven zodanig dat die met hogere frequenties sneller aankomen dan die met lagere frequenties. Hoe groter de afstand die het signaal heeft afgelegd, des te groter is de dispersiemaat.
Uit een analyse van de dispersiematen van de tien bekende radioflitsen blijkt nu dat deze veelvouden zijn van het getal 187,5. Daardoor lijkt het alsof de bronnen, die zich op miljarden lichtjaren van de aarde bevinden, gelijkmatig over de ruimte zijn verdeeld.
De wetenschappers die de analyse hebben verricht vinden dat een beetje té toevallig. Volgens hen is het veel waarschijnlijker dat de radioflitsen worden veroorzaakt door bronnen binnen onze Melkweg die van zichzelf radiostraling met een regelmatig dispersiepatroon uitzenden.
Het kan niet helemaal worden uitgesloten dat er (exotische) hemelobjecten bestaan die dat doen. Maar het is aannemelijker dat de radiotelescopen af en toe het signaal van een onbekende spionagesatelliet oppikken. Dat idee wordt versterkt door het feit dat de aankomsttijden van de gemeten radioflitsen een geheel aantal seconden – een door de mens bedachte eenheid – uit elkaar liggen. (EE)
A bombshell revelation about the Rendlesham Forest incident has just been made. This latest news has profound implications not just for our understanding of what happened in Rendlesham Forest, but for ufology as a whole.
Those people following recent developments in the case will recall that a key issue is John Burroughs and Jim Penniston’s struggle to obtain their military medical records from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). This was due to concerns that various health problems they have were associated with their encounter in Rendlesham Forest. Intriguingly, these medical records were lodged in the VA’s classified records section. Senator Jon Kyl was involved in the case, as was Senator John McCain, who now chairs the Senate Committee on Armed Services. Six former Congressional representatives even wrote to the President of the United States about the issue. Clearly, discussions about the Rendlesham Forest incident, and the effect it had on key witnesses John Burroughs and Jim Penniston, went right to the very top.
Ironically, it was the British Government that (perhaps inadvertently) provided the smoking gun. In 2006 the Ministry of Defence declassified parts of an intelligence study on UFOs, codenamed Project Condign, and classified Secret UK Eyes Only. I had been involved in the work that led to the setting up of this study, but wasn’t the final report’s anonymous author, as has been claimed. Parts of this document are still highly classified and extremely sensitive, and are being withheld to this day, along with many of the report’s working papers, many of which were deliberately placed outside the scope of the Freedom of Information Act, by using a defence contractor to undertake the work. However, one statement in the final report, perhaps missed by the censor’s pen, read as follows:
“The well-reported Rendlesham Forest/Bentwaters event is an example where it might be postulated that several observers were probably exposed to UAP [Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon] radiation for longer than normal UAP sighting periods.”
After years of official denial and obfuscation, John Burroughs and Jim Penniston had been entirely vindicated. The MoD was effectively saying “yes, this was real, and yes, you were irradiated”. Armed with this, John Burroughs, John and Jim’s crusading attorney Pat Frascogna, and Senator McCain, had enough of a smoking gun to reengage with the VA. And here’s the bombshell development: the VA just settled with John Burroughs. In full.
Let there be no doubt here. Settlement of this claim should be seen for what it is: a tacit US Government acknowledgment that what happened was real, and harmful. Add that to the Project Condign quote, and one can see that both the British and American Governments have now, effectively, confirmed the reality of the Rendlesham Forest incident. It’s not Disclosure in the sense that the UFO community envisage (with the US President addressing the nation: “My fellow Americans, people of the world, we are not alone”), but it’s the best you’ll get. It’s Confirmation.
Speaking about this development, John Burroughs commented as follows:
“In January of 2015, after years of exhaustive efforts, the VA settled, in full, with me. I needed someone to champion my cause, someone not afraid to put themselves at risk to help me. I was lucky. I found two to champion my cause, my attorney Pat Frascogna, and Senator John McCain and his staff. Through their efforts, I received lifesaving heart surgery to replace a badly shredded anterior mitral valve caused by the UAP radiation, and a settlement from the DOD and VA admitting I was injured in the line of duty in December of 1980.”
Intriguingly, despite the settlement, parts of John’s military medical records file, relating to the time that he served in the UK, remain classified.
This bombshell revelation comes as the book that I co-wrote with John Burroughs and Jim Penniston, Encounter in Rendlesham Forest, is published as a paperback, having been out in hardback for a year. The hardback achieved best-seller status, not least due to its serialization in the Daily Mail, one of the UK’s most popular national daily newspapers. Now, its availability as a paperback should ensure that it reaches an even wider audience.
In addition to the book, John Burroughs, Jim Penniston and I continue to be in constant demand on various TV shows, further cementing the Rendlesham Forest incident’s position as ufology’s flagship case.
Interestingly, John Burroughs and Jim Penniston have diverged somewhat in their research interests since teaming up to write Encounter in Rendlesham Forest. As we’ve seen, because of his heart problems, John Burroughs has (quite understandably) focused on his struggle with the VA. This has involved detailed research into Project Condign and multiple FOI requests to the MoD. This resulted in the embarrassing revelation from the MoD that further UFO files will be released later this year – despite their previous statement that all the files had been released. Jim has taken a different path, and again, quite understandably, has focused on the area most deeply personal to him: the binary code message.
The Rendlesham Code is the subject of ongoing research by an eclectic group of computer programmers and esoteric researchers, including people such as Joe Luciano and Gary Osborn. This real-life Da Vinci Code is hugely controversial, as is the suggestion that the 16 pages of ones and zeroes might be a message from the future. Previously, such speculation might have been dismissed as science fiction, but there’s been a recent and noticeable upsurge in mainstream media coverage of time travel, including a big feature on the BBC News website, discussing various scientists who are studying the possibilities. The work of Professor Ronald Mallet is also very important, particularly in relation to the Rendlesham Forest incident, because he has speculated that it might be possible to send a message into the past, using neutrinos. Neutrinos are subatomic particles that can be spun either clockwise or anticlockwise, and given this, it would be possible to create a binary message, by spinning them one way or the other. Neutrinos are produced during the decay of radioactive elements. This is particularly interesting when one bears in mind the “significantly higher than the average background” (the quote from the official assessment undertaken by the MoD’s Defence Intelligence Staff) levels of radioactivity found at the landing site in Rendlesham Forest, right where Jim and John were standing when they encountered the UFO.
This isn’t popular with everyone. One ufologist, seemingly unaware of the irony, told me that even mentioning time travel in relation to the Rendlesham Forest incident would discredit with the public (by virtue of association) his theory about space aliens. Self-evidently, until there’s a definitive resolution of the mystery of what happened in Rendlesham Forest, all of this is just conjecture, and who’s to say that time travel is any less (or more) likely a theory than visitation by space aliens? The MoD’s official assessment of the incident, it should be recalled, is “unknown”.
Returning to the VA’s settlement of John’s claim, the implications cannot be overstated. It remains to be seen what will happen next. Is there more to come? Yes, there’s more to come. Just watch this space … or time.
Nick Pope is a former employee of the UK Ministry of Defence. From 1991 to 1994 he ran the British Government's UFO project and has recently been the public face of the ongoing initiative to declassify and release the entire archive of these UFO files. Nick Pope held a number of other fascinating posts in the course of his 21-year government career, which culminated in his serving as an acting Deputy Director in the Directorate of Defence Security. He now works as a broadcaster and journalist, covering subjects including space, fringe science, defence and intelligence. Nick Pope’s latest book, Encounter in Rendlesham Forest, co-written with John Burroughs and Jim Penniston, was published in paperback by Thomas Dunne Books on 3rd March 2015, and has also been published by Thistle Publishing. It’s available on Amazon and in all good bookstores.
A photographer in the Australian town of Cawongla in New South Wales captured more than he was expecting when he noticed a UFO in one of his photos.
Astronomy enthusiast Andrew Hanlon was taking pictures of the Moon on January 30 in an attempt to photograph a planet moving behind the Moon. With his Panasonic digital camera mounted to a tripod, Hanlon snapped photos every thirty seconds. He didn’t notice anything unusual in the sky while he was taking the photos. It wasn’t until he was going through his photos the next day that he noticed the unidentified object in one of the photos.
Hanlon’s photo with the unidentified object. (Credit: Andrew Hanlon/Northern Star)
Intrigued by the unexpected bright object in his photo, Hanlon is trying to identify this UFO. Although he says he didn’t hear any aircraft engines during his photographing session, he considered the possibility that the photo might have been taken at the exact moment when a plane’s lights were flashing. But he was reportedly told by an expert that he could rule out this possibility.
Local media outlet The Northern Star reports that a spokesperson from the nearby Evans Head Memorial Aerodrome suggests the object in Hanlon’s photo is the International Space Station.
“It moves across the sky rapidly in a matter of minutes and does not follow the same path night after night,” he explains. He continues, “I have seen it described as the third brightest object in the sky.”
The ISS is just one possible explanation for the object in Hanlon’s photo. “I’m just very curious,” says Hanlon. “I’m trying to identify it.”
The Bermuda Triangle has long been believed to be the site where a number of mysterious plane and boat incidents have occurred.
While it has become part of popular culture to link the Bermuda Triangle to paranormal activity, most investigations indicate bad weather and human error are the more likely culprits.
Research has suggested that many original reports of strange incidents in the Bermuda Triangle were exaggerated and that the actual number of incidents in the area is similar to that of other parts of the ocean.
While its reputation may scare some people, the Bermuda Triangle is actually part of a regularly sailed shipping lane with cruise ships and other boats also frequently sailing through the area.
Aircraft are also common in the Bermuda Triangle with both private and commercial planes commonly flying through the air space.
Stories of unexplained disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle started to reach public awareness around 1950 and have been consistently reported since then.
Unverified supernatural explanations for Bermuda Triangle incidents have included references to UFO’s and even the mythical lost continent of Atlantis.
Other explanations have included magnetic anomalies, pirates, deliberate sinkings, hurricanes, gas deposits, rough weather, huge waves and human error.
Some famous reported incidents involving the Bermuda Triangle include:
The USS Cyclops and its crew of 309 that went missing after leaving Barbados in 1918.
The TBM Avenger bombers that went missing in 1945 during a training flight over the Atlantic.
A Douglas DC-3 aircraft containing 32 people that went missing in 1958, no trace of the aircraft was ever found.
A yacht was found in 1955 that had survived three hurricanes but was missing all its crew.
Ruins of Atlantis might be in Morocco, Not on the Bottom of the Atlantic
According to one computer expert, we have been looking for the ruins of Atlantis in all the wrong places. As it turns out, they might be found on dry land, in Morocco.
The fabled city has been on the tips of so many pens and tongues that over the years it’s become synonym with a goose chase of insular proportions. While critics argue that Plato’s account is merely an allegoric tale of a fictional city, there are many more who believe Atlantis was a real place and perhaps a point of origin for the rest of the ancient civilizations.
One of them was a German computer expert named Michael Hubner. In 2008, Hubner combed Plato’s Timaeus and Critias for any clues about Atlantis. He gathered 51 hints, turned them into variables and added them into a computer program, hoping this might help him uncover the location of Atlantis, if there ever was one.
According to Plato, Atlantis was devastated by a tsunami after it incurred the wrath of the gods.
The clues specified that Atlantis consisted of concentric rings encompassing its center, was located near the sea and at a distance of around 3,100 miles from Athens. This narrows it down to areas of Europe, Africa or the Middle East.
Another set of clues mentioned it wasn’t found in Asia or Europe but was located west of Egypt and close to a massive mountain range. It was also said to be found outside the Pillars of Herakles, which many believe to be the Gibraltar Strait.
All the clues pointed towards a region in modern day Morocco, near the Atlas Mountains and about 100 miles south of Marrakesh. Hubner’s theory challenges the notion that the ruins of Atlantis lie as its name suggests, on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
Like we said, the location was provided by a computer program which gracefully spat out the GPS coordinates for the location that best matched the set of clues.
When Hubner traveled to that particular location, he found a desert basin seven miles away from the sea. In it center there was a small mound, matching Plato’s description of the ancient city. The central mound was surrounded by concentric riverbeds, again matching the description.
The area was and still is seismically active, meaning earthquakes could occur and thus create devastating tsunamis.
Morocco was never considered as a candidate for the ruins of Atlantis and perhaps an archaeological survey focused on searching for them might uncover unexpected results.
Earlier this year, a 2,600 year old shipwreck yielded its cargo that included 39 ingots of orichalcum, a rare and precious metal that was said to cover the walls of Atlantis. Does this discovery lend credence to the legend?
Ben Hansen, former host of the SyFy Channel’s Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files, took a careful look at Obama’s recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel, especially the portion in which Kimmel asked Obama about UFOs. Hansen says his analysis has given him some “huge” revelations, including that Obama was not joking when he told Kimmel that he can’t reveal what he knows about UFOs and extraterrestrials.
Ben Hansen
Hansen has a background in law enforcement. However, he points out in his video analysis – which he posted on YouTube (seen above) – that he is not a body language expert, just someone with a lot of experience conducting criminal investigations and interviews, and working with body language experts.
Last year, after Kimmel asked former president Bill Clinton about UFOs, Hansen decided to put his experience to use, and analyze what Clinton had said. His conclusion was that there was, “Evidence of significant apprehension, stress, and guarded behavior. Several times when he started down a road and stopped himself in awkward ways as if he was about to say something he shouldn’t.”
This led Hansen to believe that Clinton knew more than he was sharing or he learned just enough to indicate that he should stop looking.
Earlier this month, Obama appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, and Kimmel decided to ask him about UFOs as well. In the interview, Kimmel indicates that he may have seen Hasnen’s Clinton analysis. Kimmel warned Obama that people were going to look at his facial expressions and every move as he answered these questions to analyze what he was saying.
Kimmel’s short exchange with Obama about UFOs included a lot of jokes, and both Kimmel and Obama seemed to be enjoying themselves, but the question is, “Was Obama really joking?”
The conventional wisdom is that he was. However, Hansen says his analysis shows that the non-verbal communication Obama was displaying tells another story.
The first clue that Hansen gives that Obama seemed out of sorts by the UFO questions was his breathing rates. Hansen says that the video shows Obama’s breathing rate was much higher during the UFO questioning than the other parts of the interview. Hansen says this can indicate that Obama was “uncomfortable with the next line of questioning.”
Another aspect of the interview that Hansen felt may indicate there is more going on is the joking itself. He notes that each of Obama’s jokes ” interrupts, delays, and deflects Kimmel’s original question.”
Hansen says it is possible the jokes were an “attempt to influence Jimmy to drop the subject.” Hansen says jokes are often used to belittle a person into feeling silly for asking the question in the first place.
Hansen notes that Obama has used humor all of the very few occasions he has talked about UFOs. Hansen interviewed Huffington Post writer Lee Speigel about a UFO joke Obama made that did not go over so well. Speigel told Hansen that during Obama’s first visit to Roswell, New Mexico, Obama told the crowd that the first thing he said when he had landed was “I come in peace.” Obama then went on to say that he is often asked about UFOs by 9 and 10 year-old boys, and he often tells them “If I told you I would have to kill you.”
Speigel told Hansen that he felt that last joke was in bad taste, and that the crowd must have agreed because only a few people in the crowd laughed.
Obama addressing the crowd in Roswell.
Hansen wonders if Obama uses humor when he talks about UFOs because he is “uncomfortable telling the truth about what he may know,” or if it is “due to a fear of ridicule if he takes the subject seriously.”
In the video, Hansen asks, “Might he know more now than he did before he was president?”
The biggest revelation for Hansen comes during the last part of Kimmel’s UFO line of questioning. Hansen notes that despite all of Obama’s joking, Kimmel persists.
Hansen says, “Obama makes more jokes, but Kimmel is not dissuaded. Kimmel asks, ‘Did you look, did you see, did you explore?’”
“Almost immediately, you are going to see Obama do a series of things that paint a very interesting picture,” Hansen explains.
Hansen says Obama completely changes his demeanor at this point from “comedian” Obama to “guarded” Obama. Hansen says Obama’s smile changes from genuine to more of a look of annoyance. He also says Obama breaks eye contact, which is not unusual for Obama.
Hansen notes that in past interviews Obama often breaks eye contact to look down and to the right. Using Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) protocols, this often means someone is having an internal dialogue. Hansen says for Obama this seems to be a cognitive process when he “requires precision in answering difficult questions.”
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) eye chart from Hansen’s Obama video analysis. (Credit: Ben Hansen/YouTube)
Another thing Obama does at this point is shut his eyes a couple of times, both of which Hansen says were longer than just a normal blink. Hansen notes this could be due to someone trying to block out unpleasant auditory or visual cues. He notes that this is accompanied by a hard swallow, flexing of the jaw, a head turn away from Kimmel, and shaking of the head “No” with a stuttered reply.
Obama’s simple reply was, “I can’t reveal anything.”
Hansen says there is no way to tell if Obama’s earlier replies were anything more than a joke, but Obama’s demeanor change with this reply indicate to him that Obama, in this case, was telling the truth.
He likens Obama’s demeanor to a guy being asked to go fishing with his buddies, but can’t because his wife wants him to clean the garage. He doesn’t want to talk bad about his wife to his buddies, so he simple replies, “Sorry guys, I can’t.”
Obama’s apparent demeanor change, according to hansen’s analysis. (Credit: Jimmy Kimmel Live!/YouTube)
Hansen feels that Obama’s demeanor change is clear, and like the guy with his wife, out of duty, Obama appears to be serious when he says he can not reveal anything further. Hansen says, to Obama, this sentence “is no longer a joking manner.”
Hansen explains, “This is a serious matter to Obama and everything points to supporting that he truly is not permitted to discuss it. That doesn’t mean he personally knows anything about an extraterrestrial presence. It means that who he talked to, why and when are not for public disclosure.”
Hansen also points out that John Podesta, a counselor to Obama and former Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton, recently tweeted about UFOs. Podesta has had a long time interest in UFOs, and is leaving the Obama administration in order to help with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. On his last day with the White House, Podesta tweeted: “Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files.”
Hansen notes that many have reported that Obama denied any knowledge about UFOs or aliens. However, Obama never made that claim. (Credit: Ben Hansen/YouTube)
Most have seen this tweet to be a joke. However, Hansen interviewed Bryce Zabel, a filmmaker and former CNN correspondent, who says he thinks Podesta was serious.
Hansen wonders if the timing of the Podesta’s tweet and Obama’s discussion with Kimmel about UFOs was a coincidence.
In the end, Hansen feels that his analysis has convinced him that there is something more to Obama’s comments than mere jokes. He says, “All the evidence suggests that there is something to reveal. Whatever it is, we hope that one day it will be.”
Hansen’s analysis of Clinton’s Jimmy Kimmel Live! appearance can be seen below:
SUMMER 1997 …….. Finnish Bay, Saint Petersburg region, Russia
Officer-submariner, Nikolay M. an amateur diver had been diving in shallow water in the bay when he spotted a strange elongated object, shaped like a cucumber. Thinking that it was part of the wreckage of an old vessel, Nikolay tied a rope around the object and tried to pull it to the surface. However he was not successful and decided to attach some slings to the strange “cucumber” and connect it to his automobile bumper to pull the thing out of the bay. He came to the surface and obtained the necessary equipment in order to perform that task. He brought a pneumatic drill with him for the purpose to drill holes on the object and attach the slings. Nikolay descended to the bottom again and attempted to drill the holes on the object. Suddenly a stream of dark liquid resembling oil spewed out of the object hitting him on the face. But instead of switching off the drill Nikolay increased its air pressure in an attempt to make the hole deeper. He heard a loud crunch within the “cucumber” and noticed a blood like substance in the water.
The object suddenly then split in half revealing a large cavity inside, from it a large dull bubble floated out. At this moment Nikolay encountered a strange entity, apparently human-like with unnaturally white skin and what appeared to be a wound on his back caused by the drill, the wound appeared to be bleeding. The entity’s face was distorted by pain and anger. The entity looked at Nikolay with an immovable hypnotic glance, soundlessly opening and closing his mouth. The witness attempted to push away the cucumber-shaped object along with the strange entity, but the entity succeeded in grabbing his hand. The humanoid had clawed fingers, very sharp, which tore into his sleeve and cutting him deeply. Struggling, Nikolay used the drill with his free hand and stabbed the entity directly into the chest. After that Nikolay apparently lost consciousness. He was pulled out of the water and saved but he had lost part of his hand. No traces of the strange humanoid or object were found.
Apparently the cucumber-shaped object had been some type of alien “cocoon” which the witness had accidentally stumbled upon.
Oregon witness says UFO emitted a black hole sort of energy
Oregon witness says UFO emitted a black hole sort of energy
The witness first felt static electricity so bad his skin started to itch like crazy on March 27, 2015. Pictured: Bonanza, OR. (Credit: Google)
An Oregon witness camping in a remote area near Bonanza reported an odd encounter with a square or rectangular-shaped UFO that seemed to emit a “black-like negative energy” on March 27, 2015, according to testimony in Case 64286 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness said the incident occurred on land that is extremely remote with no electricity or water beginning about 2:10 a.m. when he was inside a tent and heard the sound of what he first thought was a bear eating a bag of chips.
“I grabbed my pistol and exited my tent and realized I had a dead flashlight,” the witness stated. “Then something caught my attention. As I was turning to look, I felt static electricity so bad my skin started to itch like crazy and I felt naked like my clothing was light as air or completely being repelled by static.”
Outside the tent, the witness saw a craft he described as looking like black, negative energy – a black hole kind of dark. It was moving in from a curved path from the northeast. Pictured: Bonanza, OR. (Credit: Google)
The witness felt as though he had been drugged because “nothing was making any damn sense.”
“I even considered I had got bitten by a spider, scorpion and was hallucinating.”
But then the witness realized something was in the sky that he could not identify.
“I started calming down and realized that there is something big in the sky coming in my direction. I became terrified as I realized it’s dead quiet and has this static sound, but not just static. It sounded like serious high voltage static.”
The witness described the object.
“The ‘craft’ was black-like negative energy – a black hole kind of dark. It came at my direction in a curved path from the northeast mostly from the north and then slowed down with a faint glow. It looked dark purple and I could see a greenish blue area from time to time.”
The witness was very confused.
“I had to remember to breathe and shake my head because I was in total confusion of what I was seeing. It came within a mile or so and stopped above the tree line. It seemed to hover and circle around an area for about five minutes or more.”
The object then began to drop objects.
“It glowed a little bright and then it launched, dropped things into the woods. They completely reminded me of the time I held burning plastic and the melting drops that were on fire as they fell. My mouth dropped as the fuzzy glowing orbs starting falling from the main ship. No idea what they were, but I got scared as never before.”
The witness felt he was in danger.
“I thought – what if it launched ground troops and they are heading my way? Sudden terror hit me. I was wondering how fast I could get my van and me out of there. And more dropping balls fell this time. I could see perfectly and they were slightly different sizes. I had this thought that just maybe it’s going to crash and having serious troubles.”
The object seemed to hover and circle around the area for about five minutes or more while it dropped what appeared to be burning plastic. Pictured: Bonanza, OR. (Credit: Google)
But then the object appeared to move away.
“At mid thought it went completely black and started to crackle with static and then took off with a deep rumble vibration that seemed to encapsulate everything into a dreamy surreal feeling. It was gone and I couldn’t comprehend what happened. I still can’t believe it. The next day I was tempted to see where it hovered, but no thanks.”
The witness is hoping others have had the same experience.
“Has anyone else seen this kind of craft? It was flat near as I could see. It was rectangular, but with a curved nose.”
Bonanza s a city in Klamath County, Oregon, population 415.
Oregon is currently a UFO Alert Level 5 – with 0.77 sightings per million population based on MUFON February 2015 statistics. Oregon received a total of three UFO reports in February.
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
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Overtuigend bewijs van leven op Mars? ( Video )
Overtuigend bewijs van leven op Mars? ( Video )
In de loop der jaren zijn er ontelbare foto’s verschenen, gemaakt door NASA, waarop voor Mars onverklaarbare dingen waren te zien.
Ook nu is er weer zo’n afbeelding waar een gebouw/UFO zichtbaar op is die onmogelijk op natuurlijke wijze daar ontstaan kan zijn.
Mars is en blijft een fascinerende planeet. Niet in het minst vanwege de vele opmerkelijke ontdekkingen die er worden gedaan dankzij opnames van NASA.
In een baan om Mars bevinden zich de Malin Space Science camera’s. Op één van de opnames gemaakt door die camera’s zien we iets merkwaardigs.
Het gebied waar we over spreken ligt in de buurt van een verweerde inslagkrater (formeel is dat wat het is) met de naam Aram Chaos.
Het is ruw terrein en daar is iets te zien wat daar absoluut niet thuis hoort.
Wanneer het object iets wordt geaccentueerd dan ziet er zo uit.
Het heeft een metaalachtig uiterlijk, wat kan wijzen op een UFO die daar om wat voor reden dan ook is gestrand/geland. Het zou natuurlijk ook nog een soort constructie kunnen zijn die daar met een bepaalde reden is gebouwd.
Wat voor eenieder duidelijk is, is dat we hier te maken hebben met een kunstmatig gemaakt object en niet iets van natuurlijke oorsprong. En wanneer dat zo is dan is dat wederom een bewijs dat er leven op Mars is (geweest).
The memo that ‘proves aliens landed at Roswell’… released online by the FBI
The memo that ‘proves aliens landed at Roswell’… released online by the FBI
The Truth is coming?
Arather bizarre memo that appears to prove that aliens did land in New Mexico prior to 1950 has been published by the FBI.
The bureau has made thousands of files available in a new online resource called The Vault.
Among them is a memo to the director from Guy Hottel, the special agent in charge of the Washington field office in 1950.
Proof of Alien life? A copy of the 1950 memo that recounts the discovery of flying saucers and aliens in New Mexico. The memo has been published on the FBI website.
In the memo, whose subject line is ‘Flying Saucers’, Agent Hottel reveals that an Air Force investigator had stated that ‘three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico’.
The investigator gave the information to a special agent, he said. The FBI has censored both the agent and the investigator’s identity.
Agent Hottel went on to write: ‘They were described as being circular in shape with raised centres, approximately 50 feet in diameter.
‘They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter. “Agent Hottel
Was it true? An image, later disproved a hoax, showing one of the aliens that were autopsied at Roswell in 1947
‘Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall,’ he stated.
The bodies were ‘dressed in a metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.’
Roswell: Secret memo released online is written to the FBI Director and could confirm the 1947 Roswell UFO incident
He said that the informant, whose identity was censored in the memo, claimed the saucers had been found in New Mexico ‘due to the fact that the Government has a very high-powered radar set-up in that area and it is believed the radar interferes with teh controlling mechanism of the saucers’.
He then stated that the special agent did not attempt to investigate further.
The release of the secret memo is likely to fuel conspiracy theorists’ claims of a government cover-up.
The town of Roswell in New Mexico became infamous after reports that a flying saucer had crashed in the desert near a military base there on or around July 2, 1947.
The bodies of aliens were said to have been recovered and autopsied by the U.S. military, but American authorities allegedly covered the incident up!
One of the alleged fake photos
Military authorities issued a press release, which began: ‘The many rumours regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence officer of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc.’
The headlines screamed: ‘Flying Disc captured by Air Force.’ Yet, just 24 hours later, the military changed their story and claimed the object they’d first thought was a ‘flying disc’ was a weather balloon that had crashed on a nearby ranch.
Amazingly, the media and the public accepted the explanation without question. Roswell disappeared from the news until the late Seventies, when some of the military involved began to speak out.
Another memo published in The Vault from 1947 claimed that an object ‘purporting to be a flying disc’ had been recovered near Roswell.
The disc was ‘hexagonal in shape’ and ‘suspended from a balloon by a cable’, according to the memo, marked as ‘Urgent’, to the FBI director.
Autopsy: A dead alien is allegedly examined following the landing at Roswell. The photo was later proven to be a fake!
The memo noted that the disc resembled a weather balloon (yes the Famous Weather Balloon) – but claimed that a telephone conversation between the Air Force and the field office ‘had not [word censored] borne out this belief’.
The disc and balloon were being transported to Wright Field for further inspection, the memo noted.
It added that the information was being flagged up because of ‘national interest’ in the episode, and noting that both NBC and the AP were set to break the story that day.
Please see below the link to the FBI’s website which references Roswell.
So after so many years it looks like we are now getting a little more clarity on the whole Roswell incident, and it appears that this was not an incident with a weather balloon and Crash Test Dummies after all! The unfortunate thing about this whole event is the fact that so many people throughout the years have been made out to be ‘liars’ and ‘looking for publicity’ when after all the simple fact is that this incident was very much what it appeared to be by witnesses on the ground!
So many Government official Documents are now being released, this being one of many online. You will also find on the NSA’s website confirmation of Alien contact, however they have kind of tried dismissing it as a ‘bit of humour’ which still doesn’t cover up the fact that they have a Document on their website CONFIRMING Alien Contact.
With all of these ‘Official’ releases of information into the Public domain and the amount of attention UFO’s and Aliens are getting in the media, one thing is for sure……we ARE being prepped for ‘something’
THIS official press release on the FBI’s website is HUGE news in the world of Discovery, especially with this being about one of, if not THE most significant UFO stories ‘ever’
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Han Purple: A 2,800-year-old artificial pigment that quantum physicists are trying to understand
Han Purple: A 2,800-year-old artificial pigment that quantum physicists are trying to understand
Han purple is an artificial pigment created by the Chinese over 2,500 years ago, which was used in wall paintings and to decorate the famous terracotta warriors, as well as ceramics, metal ware, and jewelry. The pigment is a technological wonder, made through a complex process of grinding up raw materials in precise proportions and heating to incredible temperatures. So intricate was the process, that it was not reconstructed again until 1992, when chemists were finally able to identify its composition. But this was just the beginning. According to a news report on, research since then has discovered amazing properties of Han purple, including the ability to emit powerful rays of light in the near-infrared range, as well as being able to collapse three dimensions down to two under the right conditions.
The production of Han purple, otherwise known as Chinese purple, dates back as far as 800 BC, however it appears that it was not used in art until the Qin and Han dynasties (221 BC – 220 AD), when it was applied to the world famous terracotta warriors, as well as ceramics and other items.
“Prior to the nineteenth century, when modern production methods made synthetic pigments common, there were only hugely expensive purple dyes, a couple of uncommon purplish minerals, and mixtures of red and blue, but no true purple pigment – except during a few hundred years in ancient China,” writes Samir S. Patel in ‘Purple Reign: How ancient Chinese chemists added color to the Emperor’s army’.
For an unknown reason, Han purple disappeared entirely from use after 220 AD, and was never seen again until its rediscovery by modern chemists in the 1990s.
Traces of Han purple can still be seen on many of the terracotta warriors (
The Synthesis of Han Purple
Unlike natural dyes, such as Tyrian purple (from c. 1500 BC), which are organic compounds and typically made from plants or animals, like the murex snail, Han purple was a synthetic pigment made from inorganic materials.
Only two other man-made blue or purple pigments are known to have existed in the ancient world – Maya blue (from c. 800 AD), made from a heated mixture of indigo and white clay, and Egyptian blue, which was used throughout the Mediterranean and the Near and Middle East from 3,600 BC to the end of the Roman Empire. [Read similar: Egyptian Blue – The Oldest Known Artificial Pigment].
Scientist Elisabeth FitzHugh, a conservator at the Smithsonian, was the first to identify the complex synthetic compound that makes up Han purple – barium copper silicate, a compound that differs from Egyptian blue only through its use of barium instead of calcium.
"Egyptian blue" tripodic beaker (Wikimedia). The composition of Han purple differs from Egyptian blue only in the use of barium instead of calcium.
The similarities between Han purple and Egyptian blue led some early researchers to conclude that the Chinese may have learned to make the pigment from the Egyptians. However, this theory has been largely discounted as Egyptian blue was not found further East than Persia.
“There is no clear reason why the Chinese, if they had learned the Egyptian formula, would have replaced calcium with barium, which necessitates increasing the firing temperature by 100 degrees or more,” writes Patel.
So how exactly did the Chinese stumble upon the intricate formula to make Han purple, which involved combining silica (sand) with copper and barium in precise proportions and heating to about 850-1000 °C? A team of Stanford physicists published a paper in the Journal of Archaeological Science (summary here), which proposes that Han purple was a by-product of the glass-making process, as both glass and the purple pigment contain silica and barium. writes that barium makes glass shinier and cloudy, which means this pigment could be the work of early alchemists trying to synthesize white jade.
Fluorescent properties
Since its composition was first discovered, scientists have continued to investigate this unique pigment. Researchers at the British Museum discovered that, when exposed to a simple LED flashlight, Han purple emits powerful rays of light in the near-infrared range. According to their study, published in the journal Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, the Han purple pigments show up with startling clarity under the right conditions, meaning that even faint traces of the color, which are invisible to the naked eye, can be seen with infrared sensors.
A Western Han ceramic bowl from Hebei or Hanan province (Avery Brundage Collection,, which contains traces of Han purple. The purple pigment becomes strongly fluorescent under infrared sensors (right).
Han Purple and the collapsing of dimensions
The fluorescent properties of Han purple were not the only surprise. Quantum physicists from Stanford, Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Institute for Solid State Physics (University of Tokyo) reported that when Han purple is exposed to extreme cold and a high magnetic field, the chemical structure of the pigment enters a new state called the quantum critical point, in which three-dimension material ‘loses’ a dimension.
"We have shown, for the first time, that the collective behavior in a bulk three-dimensional material can actually occur in just two dimensions," Ian Fisher, an assistant professor of applied physics at Stanford said in the Stanford Report. "Low dimensionality is a key ingredient in many exotic theories that purport to account for various poorly understood phenomena, including high-temperature superconductivity, but until now there were no clear examples of 'dimensional reduction' in real materials."
The scientists have proposed that this effect is due to the fact that the components of barium copper silicate are arranged like layers of tiles, so they don't stack up neatly. Each layers' tiles are slightly out of sync with the layer below them. This may frustrate the wave and force it to go two dimensional.
The researchers have said the discovery may help understand the required properties of new materials, including more exotic superconductors.
The strange collapsing of dimensions may be due to the mismatched layers of its components. (John D. Griffin, Michael W. Davidson, Sara Vetteth and Suchitra E. Sebastian, Stanford)
Fisher said, “Han Purple was first synthesized over 2500 years ago, but we have only recently discovered how exotic its magnetic behavior is. It makes you wonder what other materials are out there that we haven't yet even begun to explore."
Featured image: Detail of a mural from an Eastern Han tomb (25 – 220 AD) at Zhucun, Luoyang, Henan province. The painting utilizes Han purple and Han blue pigment (Wikipedia).
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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