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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
The Betty and Barney Hill Experience
The Betty and Barney Hill Experience
by Kathleen Marden
On September
19, 1961, Betty and Barney Hill were relaxed and enjoying their bright starlit
drive along US Route 3, Northern New Hampshires major north-south route. From
the top of Mount Washington, visibility was 130 miles and the waxing gibbous
moon was about two thirds full. It was the last leg of their journey home to
New Hampshires seacoast after a brief vacation in Niagara Falls, NY, and
Montreal, Canada.
South of Lancaster, Bettys interest was aroused by what she at first
thought was a falling star, until it suddenly paused in the southwest sky and
inched its way upward, stopping next to the moon. As Betty watched the
star-like object, it grew larger. South of Twin Mountain, she and Barney
stopped at a roadside picnic area in order to walk their dog. This gave her the
opportunity to view the object through binoculars. Betty watched as it traveled
across the face of the moon flashing multi-colored lights. By the time she
handed the binoculars to Barney, the object had changed course, and shortly thereafter,
rapidly descended in their direction.
Franconia Notch
Back in the car, Betty was awestruck by the perplexing object that
seemed to be pacing them. Barney made a second stop near the Old Man of the
Mountain, in Franconia Notch, to observe the ever descending silent craft. It
rapidly changed direction, ascended and descended vertically and hovered
motionless in the sky. This enigmatic phenomenon piqued Barney's interest and
confounded his sensibility. His skepticism left no room for the nonsensical belief
in flying saucers. However, although he remained cool for Betty's sake, he was
quietly ruminating about the remarkable sight. He knew that it was different
than anything he had ever seen before.
The Close Encounter
As they motored south of the Indian Head area of North Lincoln, almost
directly in their path, the couple encountered a huge flattened circular disc
with a row of intense blue-white lighted windows along its forward edge. Barney
rapidly brought the car to a halt in the middle of the road and grabbed his
binoculars for a closer look, opening the car door for a less encumbered view.
The silent hovering object descended to an estimated eighty to a hundred feet
above their vehicle. Rapidly, in an arc like movement, it shifted from its
location directly ahead, and rested above the tree tops in an adjacent field.
Barney pocketed his handgun and walked toward it. The silent enigmatic craft
was huge; maybe sixty to eighty feet in diameter. As he approached it, two red
lights at the end of fin-like structures parted from the sides of the craft,
and it tilted toward Barney.
Lifting his binoculars to his eyes, he spied a group of figures that
were "somehow not human" moving about with the precision of German
officers. As the craft tilted downward and began to descend toward him, one of
these strange creatures, who remained at the window, communicated a frightening
message. Barney had the immediate impression that he was in danger of being
plucked from the field. Overcome with fear and with all of the courage that he
could muster, he tore the binoculars from his eyes and raced back to the car.
Breathless, trembling, and in near hysterics, he told Betty that they needed to
get out of there or they were going to be captured.
Rhythmic Buzzing Sounds
As Barney rapidly accelerated down the highway in an attempt to escape
from the craft, it shifted directly overhead. Suddenly, rhythmic
"buzzing" tones seemed to bounce off the trunk of their vehicle and
they sensed a penetrating vibration. They drove on without speaking until 35
miles down the road, once again they heard a second series of buzzing sounds.
Vague memories of encountering a roadblock, of seeing a huge fiery red-orange
orb resting upon the ground, and feeling a desire for human contact preoccupied
their thoughts. They looked for an open restaurant to no avail, so they drove
on through Concord, picked up Route 4 and made a beeline to Portsmouth,
expecting to arrive at approximately 3:00 A.M. The Hills were surprised to
notice that, as they crossed into Portsmouth, dawn was already streaking the
Physical Evidence
The Hills were startled to find shiny concentric circles on their car's
trunk. When a compass was placed over the spots, the needle would whirl. But
when it was moved to another area on the vehicle, the needle dropped down.
Their watches had stopped and never ran again. The leather binocular strap had
been severed.
Betty's favorite dress had been in fine shape when she dressed on the
morning of September 19. But when she returned home, there was a 2' tear at the
top of her zipper. The lining was torn from waist to hemline. And the hem was
torn down on one side. Later, she discovered that it was coated with a strange
pink powder that had degraded the fabric and reduced it to a rag. It has been
analyzed by five laboratories. No one can explain the mystery.
The tops of Barney's best dress shoes were scraped. He had to purchase
new shoes. His pant legs were covered with vegetative matter. Later, a
concentric circle of wart-like growths appeared on his groin. They were removed
when they became inflamed during his hypnosis sessions with Dr. Benjamin SImon.
They were not venereal warts.
Project Bluebook Report
The day after the sighting, Betty phoned the 100th Bomb Wing
SAC at Pease Air Force Base in neighboring Newington, New Hampshire to report
an unidentified flying object. She and Barney gave the interviewing officer a
general description of the craft they observed. Barney omitted his observation
of the humanoid figures fearing that he might be thought a crackpot. Later
that day, Major Paul W. Henderson phoned the Hills and questioned both of them
extensively. According to Betty, he seemed very interested in the wing-like
structures that telescoped out from each side of the pancake shaped craft and
the red lights on their tips.
As an ADDITIONAL ITEM, Major Henderson included information about a
radar observation at 2:14 AM. Although it was not possible to determine any
relationship between the two observations, as the radar observation provided no
description, time and distance between the events, he stated, could hint of a
possible relationship.
Letter to NICAP
On September 26, after reading a book she found at the public library,
Betty typed a letter to Major Donald Keyhoe, director of the civilian UFO
group, NICAP, in which she described the encounter. She stated that Barney had
observed figures dressed in black, shiny uniforms looking down at him as he
stood in a field. They were scurrying about as though they were making some hurried
type of preparation. Barney had returned to the car in a hysterical condition,
laughing and repeating that they were going to capture the Hills. She mentioned
that they were considering the possibility of contacting a competent
psychiatrist who uses hypnotism to assist Barney in removing the mental block
that prevented him from recalling whatever he saw in the field that caused him
to panic and develop a mental block.
Betty's Dreams
A few days later, Betty had the first of a series of five frightening
dreams/nightmares, which she jotted down on note paper and, two months later,
typed into a detailed account. Although the nightmares failed to follow a
sequential story line, Betty rearranged them in logical order. Thus, she
developed a frightening dreamlike account of abduction by aliens from another
solar system. Barney was working nights and was not at home. When she mentioned
her dreams to him, he stated tht they were only dreams and she should not be
concerned by them. He refused to read her dream account but did overhear Betty
explaining part of a dream to Walter Webb. Later, skeptics would argue that the
abduction has no foundation in realitythat Bettys nightmares are nearly
identical to her and Barneys hypnotic recall of abduction. This contention has
been refuted through Kathleen Mardens comparative analysis of the hypnosis
transcripts. Although much of Betty's recall of the capture and physical
examination aboard a flying saucer are similar to her dream account, there are
significant differences. Betty and Barney recalled identical detailed
information that wasn't in Betty's dreams and even contradicted the information
in Betty's dreams. (See Hill Hypnosis Tapes VS Betty's Dreams.)
The Investigation
On October 21, 1961, NICAP investigator, Walter Webb, initiated his
confidential preliminary investigation at the Hills home, interviewing them
together and separately for a six-hour period. They had conscious recall for
the close encounter with a large, silent hovering disk and the two sets of code-like
buzzing sounds that seemed to strike the trunk of their vehicle. Barney
described the figures he observed in detail remarking that they were
"somehow not human."
NICAP members Robert Hohmann and CD Jackson, along with Major James
MacDonald (retired A.F. Intelligence officer), interviewed the Hills on
November 25, 1961. On this day, the Hills realized that their drive that should
have taken approximately four hours to complete had taken seven. They were
previously aware that they arrived home later than they had anticipated. But
they had no mundane explanation for the 2-3 hour time discrepancy. Their only
"lost time" memories were of a fiery orb in the road silhouetted
against a stand of trees, a sharp unplanned turn off the main highway, and a
roadblock, without knowing where or when it occurred.
On March 12, 1962, Betty contacted Dr. Patrick Quirk, a psychiatrist
from Georgetown, MA, to request an appointment. Dr. Quirk did not attempt
hypnosis. He recommended that the Hills should wait to see if more conscious
memories of the experience would emerge. Betty and Barney were beginning to
remember information that they had previously forgotten and Dr. Quirk explained
that, in time, they would remember more without the use of hypnosis.
In 1963, Barney developed a physically debilitating condition, which
forced him take a three month leave of absence from his job at the U.S. Post
Office. His traditional medical treatment was augmented by psychotherapy, but
his health did not improve. At one appointment, Barney mentioned his continuing
anxiety over his apparent amnesia and requested a referral to a competent
psychiatrist who used hypnosis. His psychotherapist, Dr. Stevens agreed to set
up an appointment with neuro-psychiatrist Dr. Benjamin Simon whose outstanding
career included expertise in the use of deep trance hypnosis.
Hypnosis Sessions
Early in 1964, the Hills began what would amount to six months of
separate hypnotic regression and therapy sessions (hypno-analysis), with Dr.
Simon, who knew almost nothing about UFOs, and according to the NICAP
investigator's report, refused to read any of the UFO sighting reports he gave
to him. He induced amnesia at the end of each session for two reasons: 1. to
protect the Hills from remembering their traumatic memories 2. to prevent the
Hills from discussing their memories until he had completed his hypnosis
sessions. An uncannily consistent dual recall of alien abduction emerged that
was somewhat inconsistent with the details of Bettys dream account.
The Publicity
Were it not for a violation of confidentiality, all of this would have
remained undisclosed. However, on October 25, 1965, the Hills greatest fear
was realized when a Boston newspaper published, for five days, a detailed
account of the Hills UFO encounter and abduction experience.
For a complete account of the Hills UFO encounter and its aftermath,
read Captured! The Betty and Barney
Hill UFO Experience by Stanton T. Friedman and Kathleen Marden
On Route 3 in North Lincoln, NH. Look for the
Indian Head Resort
Scientific ufologist
Kathleen Marden has engaged in UFO abduction research and investigation for
more than 21 years. She received formal training as a social worker, educator
and hypnotherapist. She was awarded a B.A. degree with honors from the
University of New Hampshire and participated in graduate studies in education
at the University of Cincinnati and U.N.H.. During her fifteen years as an
educator, she innovated, designed and implemented model educational programs.
She also held a supervisory position, coordinating, training and evaluating
education staff. Additionally, she taught adult education classes on UFO and
abduction history.
She is the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, the NH couple whose
1961 UFO abduction stirred worldwide interest, and trustee of their extensive
UFO collection. Kathy was a primary witness to the
evidence of their 1961 UFO encounter and the aftermath. After Bettys death in
2004, Kathy compiled two permanent archival collections for the Milne Special
Collection and Archives Department at the UNH Library. The Hills civil rights
collection is comprised of documents, letters, photographs and newspaper articles
pertaining to Bettys and Barneys social and political activities.The UFO collection contains all of all the
correspondence, articles, and other material from Bettys extensive files,
including new material, Bettys dress, and the forensic paintings of her
captors by NH artist, David Baker. She
has also transcribed the Hills hypnosis audio tapes and conducted a
comparative analysis of the Hills individual
testimony versus Bettys dream account of alien abduction.
For ten years Kathy served
on the MUFON Board of Directors as the Director of Field Investigator Training.
In 2003, MUFON publicly recognized Kathy for her outstanding contribution of
advancing the scientific study of the UFO phenomenon and demonstrating positive
leadership. That same year she was the recipient of the dedication of the MUFON 2003 International UFO Symposium
Proceedings. She is currently a member of MUFONs Abduction Research Team.
Her articles have appeared
in several magazines. Her book Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO
Experience, (with nuclear physicist/scientific ufologist Stanton
Friedman) was published in 2007.Her
second book,Science was Wrong, also
with Stan, was published in June 2010. Her chapter UFO Abductions: Fact or
Fiction appears in the new book UFOs and Aliens: Is There Anybody Out There?.
Kathy has appeared on television and radio programs in the US, Canada and
Europe.Additionally, she has lectured at
locations throughout the United States.
Kathy resides in Groveland,
Florida and can be contacted at Her mailing address is P.O.
Box 120172, Clermont, FL 34712.You can
purchase her books or read some of her articles at . Her books are also available at bookstores everywhere.
31-12-2011 om 16:17
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:WHO IS WHO? ( ENG en NL)
Dreams or Recall on the Hill Abduction Hypnosis Tapes
Dreams or Recall on the Hill Abduction
Hypnosis Tapes
Copyright 2009: Kathleen Marden
The scientific investigation of the
9/19-20/1961 Betty and Barney Hill UFO encounter has been supported by the
abundance of evidence that something anomalous occurred. It is bolstered by the
professional competence of early investigators, such as Walter Webb, Robert
Hohmann, C.D. Jackson, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Dr. James McDonald, Marjorie Fish,
Stanton T. Friedman and Dr. James Harder. However, skeptical literature is
teeming allegations that the reported alien abduction was nothing more than a
fantasy dreamed by Betty over a five night period and absorbed by Barney when
he overheard her retell the tale to Walter Webb and others.
Barney, who admitted that he had overheard
snippets of Bettys dreams, informed Dr. Simon, I just told her it was a dream
and nothing to get alarmed about I cant believe whatever these dreams are that
she is having I never believed her dreams.(3/21/64 hypnosis transcript)Dr. Benjamin Simon reported on the Larry
Glick Show in 1975 that he thought Betty so strongly believed her dreams that
she repeated them as fantasies during her hypnosis sessions. During the 1965
hypnosis sessions, he also expressed that Barney had unintentionally absorbed
the information in Bettys dream account.
Although he was willing to accept the
possibility that the Hills observed an unidentified flying object in the night
sky on September 19-20, 1961, (though not necessarily an extraterrestrial
craft), he stated that their abduction accounts were so nearly identical that
one had to have obtained the information from the other, particularly since in
1964, alien abduction had never been reported. He added that although anything
is possible, he felt that kidnapping by extraterrestrial aliens seemed
improbable to him. (He knew almost nothing about UFOs.)
Dr. Simon stated of the Hill account to Larry
Glick, "Barney and Betty gave the same story and this story was precisely
like the story that was written up by the NICAP investigator. There were no
differences between the three. It was the same story they gave consciously...There
was no difference. They both shared the same story all the way."
He continued, "It had me in a bind and I
was now faced with certain decisions and I couldn't make them. I was faced with
a story that was very fantastic. If this were real and true, I would have to
believe that these supposed people were from outer space...I believed in their
honesty, but this story was fantastic and unreal and had to be accepted or
Many of you have read about the Hills close
encounter with an 80 silent, hovering craft south of Indian Head in Lincoln,
NH. Barneys conscious description of the figures on board, copied from NICAP
investigator Walter Webbs October 1961 confidential report, can be found on
page 52 in my book Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience,
co-written with nuclear physicist/scientific ufologist Stanton T. Friedman.
Overview of the Close Encounter
It has been well established through early
investigation reports that Betty and Barney consciously recalled a series of
buzzing/beeping sounds that caused their vehicle to vibrate and a tingling
sensation to pass through their bodies as the UFO hovered above their vehicle.
Later, they consciously recalled observing a
fiery orb and a roadblock on an unfamiliar stretch of road, followed by another
series of buzzing/beeping sounds approximately thirty-five miles south of the
first occurrence.
When they arrived home later than expected,
they observed and reported perplexing physical and circumstantial evidence for
which they had no prosaic explanation. There were 12-18 shiny, magnetized
circles on their cars trunk that hadn't been there the day before. Their
watcheswere broken. The leather
binocular strap was severed. The toes of Barneys best dress shoes were so badly
scraped that he relegated them to yard work attire. Betty's good dress was torn
in several places--the top of her zipper, the lining and the hemline. (Later,
Betty reported to investigators that her dress was coated with a pink powdery
It was the period of missing time and the
subsequent decline in Barneys health that finally took Barney, accompanied by
Betty, to Dr. Simons office on December 14,1963. The events that unfolded
under six months of separate hypnotherapy with amnesia imposed at the end of
each session are well documented in John G. Fullers The Interrupted Journey
(1966) and my book Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience, with
Stanton Friedman. (2007).
Although I was a primary witness to the
evidence and the aftermath, my own investigation and research was delayed until
the late 1980s. Finally, after several years of intensive study I convinced
Betty (1996) to allow me to test the hypothesis that Barney had merely absorbed
her dream account and that she had reiterated her dreams nearly verbatim in Dr.
Simons office. This research approach is clearly amenable within the framework
of social science, and also gave me the opportunity to answer the question that
had been nagging at me for thirty-two yearswere my aunt and uncle really
abducted by alien beings?
Hypnosis Sessions
Barneys first hypnotic regression transpired
on February 22, 1964 in a soundproof room at Dr. Simons Back Bay office in
Boston, MA. To insure privacy Dr. Simon played bombastic classical in the room
where Betty waited for Barney.At the
end of each session he reinstated amnesia in both Betty and Barney to ensure
that no cross-contamination of information would occur and to protect his
patients psychological well-being.He
reasoned that if the traumatic event, for which they had amnesia, entered their
conscious memories too early it could produce added trauma.
I listened to the tapes several times, and
when I felt that I had a full understanding of what had occurred, I transcribed
the hypnosis tapes and performed a detailed dissection of the Hills individual
statements for my comparative analysis.It was then that I realized how much I (and probably Dr. Simon) had
missed simply by listening to the Hills' statements.
With a couple of exceptions, that were easily
worked out in later sessions, the Hills separate accounts for which they
retained conscious memory were amazingly consistent.I was anxious to compare Bettys dreams with
the several accounts detailed under hypnotic regression. (Dr. Simon revisited
the Hills testimony several times in order to clear up what seemed at first to
be inconsistencies.)
In Dreams or Recall? Betty wrote, I saw
8-11 men standing in the middle of the road.Barney slowed down to wait for them to move, but the motor died.As he was trying to start the motor, the men
surrounded the car.(11/61)
My Comparative Analysis of the Capture
Now let us compare this account to Barneys
hypnotic recall.He stated, I think I
have driven a lot of miles and the road is not Route 3.It is a heavily wooded area but it is a road,
and this is when I am flagged down I thought I saw a cluster of six men,
because three came to me and three did not. (2/29/64) The discrepancy is
In Bettys dream account 8-11 men surrounded
the Hills vehicle, whereas Barney recalled six men who divided into two
groups. Bettys hypnotic recall is inconsistent with her dream account but
consistent with Barneys statement.
She reported, There were these men standing
in the highway There were several And Barney, of course, had to stop and these
men started to come up to the car.They
separated.They came up in two
groups And there are one, two, three next to me.(3/7/64)
Dreams or Recall? continues, We sat there
motionless and speechless, and I was terrified.At the same time, they opened the car doors on each side, reached in and
took us by the arm. (11/61)
In Bettys and Barneys hypnotic regression
sessions, a new scenario emerged that contradicted Bettys dream account.
Barney recalled, I saw two eyes coming close to mine and I felt like the eyes
had pushed into my eyes .I got out of the car and put my left leg on the
ground, and the two men helped me out.(2/29/64)
Now let us examine Bettys statement made
under hypnosis: The men are coming toward us and I think I can get away from
them.If I can get the car door open I
can run into the woods and hide. And I just put my hand on the car door to open
it and the men come up and they open it for me. Betty reported that although
there were three men next to her, one took her out of the vehicle. Next, Dr.
Simon stated that he didnt hear her last statement and in a very confusing
sentence, Betty started to count the men over and over again. Then she added,
I dont know what happened.(3/7/64)
She later informed me that she had lost
consciousness when a handheld device was pointed at her. Again the Hills
hypnotic regression statements are consistent, but they are inconsistent with
Bettys dream account. They did not sit motionless. Barney opened the car door
and put his foot on the ground and Betty attempted to open her door to escape
into the woods.
I suspected that Betty slipped into her dream
account after she lost consciousness. Her dream account reads, I am walking
through a path in the woods. Tall trees are on both sides, but next to me on
both sides is a man; two men in front; two men in back; then Barney with a man
on each side of him; other men in back of him.(11/61)
In Dreams or Recall? she counts ten
escorts, whereas in Dr. Simons office, she and Barney had previously counted a
total of six at their car doors, or perhaps eight in all. (Bettys statements
become a bit confusing.)
My Comparative Analysis of the Journey to the Ramp
Her hypnotic recall is nearly identical to
her dream sequence when she states, I open my eyes and Im walking through the
woods!...and theres a man on this (right) side and an man on this (left) side,
and two men in front of me and theres a couple of men behind me, and then
theres Barney and theres a man on each side of him.(3/7/64) Her hypnotic
recall omits the two men behind Barney that she mentioned in her dream account.
Otherwise, her statement to Dr. Simon matches her dream almost verbatim.
The comparative analysis becomes tricky when
Betty and Barney approach the ramp leading to the crafts interior.Bettys dream account states, We stepped up
a step or two to go onto a ramp, leading to a door. On 3/7/64 Betty omitted
the steps when she told Dr. Simon, I go up the ramp, and I go inside and in
the corridor to the left.
On 2/29.64, Barney stated, I am only
thinking of mental pictures because my eyes are closed, and I think I am going
up a slight incline, and my feet are not bumping on the rocks.That's funny, I thought of my feet bumping on
the rocks. And they are going up smoothly, but I'm afraid to open my eyes
because I am being told strongly, by myself, to keep my eyes closed.Don't open them. Barneys omission of steps
is consistent with Bettys statement to Dr. Simon, but both contradict Bettys
dream account.
Separate Experiences
The Hills are then escorted to separate
examining rooms and both recall similarly detailed, but separate experiences
with their captors. Although there is correlating data in their statements
regarding procedures, attitudes and room descriptions, I chose not to include
it in this comparative analysis. Additionally, the sequential order of Bettys
onboard experience differs from that in her dream account. My research protocol
dictated that my data should be restricted to shared descriptive details,
including positional and numerical data; not physical descriptions.
The Hills' Departure from the Craft
This takes us to the point where the Hills
and their captors share a common area in the corridor at the time of departure.
Bettys dreamaccountreads, We left the ship and walked through
the woods All the men accompanied us. We came to the car and the leader
suggestedthat we wait and see them
leave. We agreed. Barney seemed to wake up as we approached the car, and he
showed no emotion. We stood on the right-hand side of the car, Barney was
leaning against the front fender, and I was by the door. As we were waiting, I
thought of Delsey. I opened the car door and Delsey was under the seat. She was
trembling badly, and I patted her for a moment. She came out and I picked her
up, and held her, again leaning against the car door.
Betty contradicts her dream account when she
states to Dr. Simon, I've been standing there on the side of the ramp talking
to him, and I'm atthe ramp now, and
they're taking Barney ahead while we were talking. (3/14/64 hypnosis
Barneys statement is consistent with Bettys
hypnotic recall but inconsistent with Bettys dream account. He informed Dr.
Simon, I am walking and I am walking, and I am being guided and my eyes are
closed. And I open my eyes and there is the car, and the lights are off and it
is not running. And Delsey is under the seat, and I reach under and touch her,
and she is in a tight ball. And I sit back and I see Betty is coming down the
road. (2/29/64)
This comparative analysis reveals that Betty
and Barney did not leave the craft at the same time and were not escorted to
their vehicle by all of the men. Barney was returned by the crew, while Betty
remained on the craft arguing with the leader. Finally, the leader escorted
Betty to the car where Barney was already seated on the drivers side. On
3/14/64, Barney added, I saw my car and the lights were out and it was sitting
down the road very dark.And I couldn't
understand I had not cut out the lights, and I opened the door, and felt for
Delsey. And got in and I sat on my gun, and I took it...removed it from the
seat, and put it down on the floor. And Betty was coming down the road and she
came around and opened the door".
Betty added, I got out to the car and
Barney's inside and I opened the car door and I said, "Come on out and
watch them leave Delsey's sitting on the seat where I sit and I felt of Delsey
and she is trembling all over. And she's scared, so I said, Well Barney, come
on out and I'll get Delsey." And I picked Delsey up off the seat and I'm
holding Delsey and I'm patting her and I'm saying, "Don't be afraid,
Delsey. There's nothing to be afraid of.Look Delsey, look."And I'm
leaning against the fender of the car and I shut the car door and I'm leaning
against the fender and I'm looking up and I say, "Barney, look." And
Barney comes out and stands aside of me and I'm patting Delsey "
It is clear that Betty and Barneys
statements to Dr. Simon independently confirm that they did not return to the
car at the same time. This is in direct contradiction to Bettys dream
recall.Additionally, both stated that
Barney was seated in the drivers seat when Betty arrived at the car. This
statement is inconsistent with Bettys dream sequence.In Bettys dream, she opens the car door to
remove Delsey from under the seat, but under hypnosis she states that Delsey is
on the car seat.Barney confirmed
Bettys statement that he then exited the car and stood beside her to observe
the crafts departure.
My Conclusion
The above statements provide evidence that
Betty and Barney Hill recalled correlating detailed positional and numerical
information regarding their abduction experience.Further, this information is inconsistent
with Bettys dream recollection, and therefore could not have been transferred
to Barney by Betty. Nor could Betty have been restating the fantasy material in
her dreams. Because the Hills amnesia remained intact during their hypnosis
sessions, they could not have contaminated each others recall.These findings clearly support the abduction
hypothesis and refute the dream transference hypothesis.
Copyright Notice: This article is protected
by copyright law and cannot be reproduced without written consent from the
De meeste
ufo's kunnen inderdaad ook verklaard worden. Dit hebben de belangrijkste
(officiële) studies in het verleden al voldoende aangetoond. Deze studies
toonden echter ook het bestaan aan van een niet-verwaarloosbaar percentage "true
unknowns" (25 à 30 % en zelfs meer volgens betrouwbare bron) die niet in de
categorie "IFO" en "Insufficient Data" thuishoren. De Verhees-delta heb ik zelf
met eigen ogen gezien op de Sanicole airshow in Hechtel in 2010! Het is
weliswaar een vreemd uitziend tuigje maar mist het typische vlieggedrag van
vliegende schotels van "elders"!
29/12 Tussen augustus 2010 en juli 2011 kwamen er 271 meldingen
van vreemde luchtverschijnselene bij het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt. Dat zijn er 17
minder dan een jaar eerder in dezelfde periode. Dat maakte de organisatie zelf
Voor de meeste van die meldingen werd ook vrij snel een verklaringen
gevonden. In 70 procent van de gevallen ging het om een vuurballon. Vaak werden
ook gewoon meteoren, vliegtuigen of het Internationaal Ruimtestation (ISS) als
UFO aanzien.
De piek was er in januari 2011 toen er 33 meldingen binnenkwamen. De vele
vuurballonnen die in de nacht van oud op nieuw de lucht in werden gelaten, waren
daarvoor verantwoordelijk.
De meest opmerkelijke verklaring voor een aantal meldingen is de
VERHEES-Delta: een klein, driehoekig vliegtuigje(zie foto).
Filer's Files are now being emailed to 9500 each week plus 600
copies are forwarded to more thousands. Consider forwarding them to your friends
and neighbors.
Dedicated to 5 year old Georgie Filer V whose motto was "Be Happy
and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who drowned
In special reports, this week's files cover: Book
- UFOs Above the Law,Thomas E. Reed Family
Abduction part 3,Star of Bethlehem, Peru
Observatory4200 years old, Russia's Mars mission is dead, Angels Letter and
Scientists Suggest Finding Alien Structures on the Moon
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over
Arizona, Alaska, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Illinois,
Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Puerto Rico,
Tennessee, Washington, and Wyoming.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in the Atlantic
Ocean, Australia, Canada, France, Portugal, South Africa, and England in the
United Kingdom.
The purpose of
these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs
on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that
extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the
over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced
spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in
UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying
for the US Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated
UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this research. I
believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's
are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Looking for a great email campaign and survey
manager? Try
ListRocket supports MUFON and George Filer. Please
support us!
Special Reports
Scientists Suggest Finding Alien Structures on the Moon
Paul Davies and Robert Wagner of Arizona State University
have suggested a crowd-sourcing effort to find artificial structures on the
moon. After all, lunar missions like NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter are
returning some dazzling, high-resolution imagery of the moon's surface. If
aliens have been there, perhaps we could spot evidence of their presence.
Michael Bara suggests Astronauts have already found
evidence of artificial dome structures on the north shore of Mare Crisium. Apollo 10 frame AS10-32-4421 was
part of a sequence of photos that seem to show transparent domes designed to
hold in atmosphere and occasionally reflect sunlight. The Astronauts' Cernan or
Young had a sense of what they were looking for as they circled the moon. The
"Double Domes" seem to be visible as outlined in yellow. There is also a
possible "Face" on the left. The shape of the Dome and its placement in front of
the background highlands are fully corroborated.
"UFOs Above the Law"
Jim Bouck and Frank Soriano are two former law
enforcement officers who wrote "UFOs Above the Law"
It is a collection of UFO reports from law enforcement officers and other
government officials that prove that UFOs are not only real, but that they are
here en masse. Those people who serve and protect the public tend to be the most
credible witnesses and investigators when it comes to bringing forth the truth.
With so many questions surrounding UFOs, there is great controversy that puts
these respected men and women's reputations, families, and careers on the line
with every report.
Still, in the name of truth, they step forth. Learn about investigative
procedures, read transcripts of radio chases, and investigate things that most
people would run from! Join law enforcement officers from around the world in a
pursuit for UFO disclosure. The book provides excellent insight into how UFOs
are investigated by the law and is very enjoyable reading.
Tom Reed Abduction Case: part 3
I spent the weekend with Tom Reed at the Tennessee MUFON
Nashville/Murfreesboro Conference and heard Tom's story of abductions and spoke
with him privately and feel he is telling the truth regarding his family -
brother Matthew, mother Nancy, and grandmother have a documented history of
multi-generational abductions that would span over fifty years, and five states
MUFON. Investigators - Steve White and Max Mitchell are responsible for
investigating the case and providing much of the information. They picked me up
at the Nashville Airport for the conference.
Angie, Thomas' future wife, would move in with him. Angie AB Rh negative,
became pregnant and things started up again. After leaving a black tie dinner at
a local country club, Tom and Angie witnessed the landing of a craft within 100
yards of their car in Glastonbury, Connecticut.
Thomas shared the family abduction history from the start with Angie, and how
his mother was first abducted in 1954. When his mother and as difficult as it
was to talk about, discussed it back in the 1950's with her mother, Thomas'
grandmother, the grandmother would reveal to Nancy she also had been abducted as
a child. Tom continued with the history and due to the pregnancy, would share
his thoughts regarding the indoctrination period of select children.
Thomas and Angie moved to Fort Myers, Florida, where their son, Christopher
was born. After Chris is taken home, he is found moved from face up to face down
in his crib. Other effects such as rocking chairs rocking with nobody in them
Around the same time, a televised news report of a local man abducted from
Fort Myers Beach makes local news. Tom and Angie were now concerned for
Christopher. Thomas contacted the Miami MUFON chapter in 1994. Thomas and Anglia
attended an abduction group in Fort Myers, and the investigation began. At this
time, he handed over the drawings of symbols that he remembered from his time
aboard the craft to the abduction's group director, who forwarded them for
When they were returned, it was stated that they matched markings never
before revealed to the public. Thomas speaks with Mary Zimmer, MUFON Assistant
State Director. Angie became exhausted dealing with the abductions, and she had
now had enough. Chris remained with Thomas after he and Angie divorced. Chris is
a gifted boy and has been placed in accelerated programs and is especially high,
in the 99 percentile in math by the 2nd grade.
In 2005, Thomas car was struck while sitting at a stoplight by tractor
trailer truck in Boca Raton, Florida. He then moved to east Tennessee with
Christopher, Matthew moved to Indiana. On his way home from work in April, 2009,
Matthew awoke several miles off his normal route home with three hours of
missing time and contacts MUFON.
Investigator Stewart Hill will document that the rear of the SUV is affecting
a compass. There are other reports of UFO activity in the area. Thomas spoke
with his brother Matthew and in time would also file a report with MUFON. Thomas
also files a report with Steve White, a C.C. Detective with the Roane County
Sheriff's Office and an Investigator with MUFON, after Thomas and his girlfriend
are again experiencing activity in their home.
Chris has another series of awful nose bleeds. Steve and
Thomas go over 50 years of abduction reports. Steve contacts the Assistant
Director of MUFON in Miami who had been in contact with Thomas for over ten
years. On February 2, 2010, Thomas awoke at 2:35 AM, to find himself hovering
over his bed in a frozen state in an illuminated room. His feet and legs were
near the ceiling fan, and his head and neck were on the bed and pillow, his arms
were fixed to his side.
With every bit of his strength he was able to move his arm about two feet to
the bed's headboard. He could not breathe or move for about 15 seconds. Then the
room darkened and he was back in his bed and still wide awake.
Thomas awoke again in February in the same frozen state, unable to breath,
wide awake this time sideways in the bedroom floating next to the window above
his tanning bed, feet next to the window. The only thing he could move was his
eyes, again 2:33 AM. Thomas met with Steve and the Director of the Tennessee
MUFON Chapter in Knoxville. He is asked if Thomas would agree to speak alongside
of Travis Walton in Nashville in September, 2010. Thomas agrees and per MUFON's
request, undergoes regression hypnosis. Both Thomas and his son Christopher have
exhibited some form of remote viewing capability with Chris exhibiting more than
Thomas. Some of Christopher's ability was witnessed by the Knoxville Hypnosis
Center, June 16, 2010.
Thomas would meet MUFON'S Investigator Steve White at a licensed polygraph
service in Knoxville. This well respected polygraph office has been in business
over 20 years. It is owned and operated by a retired police officer. This same
officer discussed the events and history for over 3 hours in detail before
submitting Thomas the polygraph. Tom passed the polygraph test dated 08-04-10
with a reading of: 0.1 (99.9%). :
Star of Bethlehem
Kenneth Larson writes, "During the Christmas season, I noted a
comment on the Internet that according to the Bible Jesus Christ is half alien
and half human. This might explain the theory that the "star" of
Bethlehem (St.Matthew 2) could have been a UFO that guided the wise men from the
east westward to Jerusalem and then made a sharp turn to the south at Jerusalem
and then flew four miles to Bethlehem where Jesus Christ was born, circa AD 1.
This could explain why the Bible said Christ read people's minds, walked through
solid walls, walked on water, was raised from the dead, ascended up into space
or heaven, will return to the Earth the same way, will lead a parade of heavenly
angels that might orbit the world so as to be seen by all eyes, etc. Thanks to
Kenneth Larson
Peru Observatory 4200 years old
Ryan B. Schreiber in the Missourian News reports that the
Temple of the Fox lay covered by dirt and sand for 4,000 years in the barren
hills of Buena Vista, Peru, before it was unearthed in June 2004 by Robert
Benfer, professor of anthropology at Missouri University. In the 33-foot high
Andean temple, Benfer's team found the earliest known astronomical alignment and
sculptures in the New World. "We did not expect to find architecture
like this, he said. "No one did. For
Benfer, the most significant finds from the temple were the numerous
astronomical alignments, suggesting that the Andeans used constellations to
guide their lives. He said, "Ancient Andean forecasters used the
astronomical alignments to predict weather such as droughts and
floods. He added other excavated temples in the region contained
the exact same angle alignments, which further supports his theory. A second
unexpected discovery was that Colonial churches and missions from Texas to Per
often were architecturally aligned with astronomical phenomena.
His team also found ancient artwork on the 16-acre site, including a mural of
a fox carved inside a painted llama. Andean people held the fox with the utmost
respect because they believed foxes walked in areas suitable for building
canals. Buena Vista is a 20 acre
archaeological site an hour's drive north of Lima.
In 2006, archaeologist Robert Benfer and his team announced
the discovery of a 4200-year-old observatory
at Buena Vista. Named the "Temple of the Fox" by archaeologists, the observatory
is located atop a 33 feet (10 m) high pyramid
A large stone disk is believed by archaeologist to be a representation of the
Andean God of the Earth, Pancha Mama, was unearthed in June 2005 in the Temple
of the Fox. Courtesy of Project Buena Vista
Texas Abduction Encounter
North Central Texas -- Dear Major Filer, "I heard you on tonight...Excellent interview. Please add me to your weekly newsletter
list. "I am 50 years old come April 2012. I want to add my witness
testimony to the list. I was 7 years of age. I am female and of sound mind and
body to this day.
My mother and as usual women of her age were holding a luncheon pot luck get
together with our local involved church in a member's new home. The children
were asked to go into the back yard and amuse our selves and I was surrounded by
mainly boys aged 6-13. The mother's busy about visiting locked the glass patio
door to keep us children from being a constant nuisance. There was a lovely yard
with a cyclone fence vine roses growing up to conceal the fence and
nothing behind but empty barren farm land. Then at dusk after many hours it
seemed of playing with these wretched "boys", THEY CAME.
Across the barren and weed ridden field...was the silver
glowing ship slowly settling to the ground. It seemed a long a very long ways
away. The boys and I ran to that cyclone fence, enclosing the large back yard
area and pushing our way against thorny rose bushes, pressed ourselves up to see
...this sight". Time seemed to stand still and the boys fell, sleep ridden to
the ground. All around me lay boys loud and mean little boys only moments
before, lay soundly asleep upon the ground". I stood alone watching them
come...faster and closer floating upon the field. I see the face...the "Whitley
Strieber Contact" face in my minds eye to this day. They were upon me.
As a child I KNEW this to be evil and wrong to my person, so I
turned...looking at that shiny new ranch home with it's locked patio door. I
thought, -- Mother, please hear me". I tried to
run...fighting the feeling of total lethargy in my every muscle. Somehow, I
fought against this appealing sensual and tempting idea to just, "GIVE IN". I
found myself surrounded in green mist that was all around me. This was upsetting
enough let alone the brutal fight I was in not "GIVE UP". I kept seeing
the boisterous boys...all suddenly dead lying around me ...hopefully sleeping
and that face in my eyes. Those large eyes and round grey head and non human
elongated thin arms and hands they displayed. The deepest part of me was alive
with resistance. Life and death type of a call only known to those who have
witnessed that which in polite society was not spoken about.
I pressed; hard to breathe and push myself forward to the GLASS LOCKED PATIO
DOOR...Surely salvation was there if I could just reach it. "Time" stood still
or was lost during this harrowing experience. GOD HELPS ME PLEASE...GOD HELP
ME". I threw myself upon all I knew as real and trustworthy about God's love and
the horrors of the devil and how to seek God's help in a great time of need. As
I cried out in this swirling midst of green smoke, as time and I were moving in
slow motion....I suddenly was thrust out. I was freed from the gaseous green
haze and time seemed to catch up and kicked me in the hind parts that hurt.
I was able to lurch for the door...the golden locked patio door. As I reached
the door I looked back. I was enveloped in terror and a sense of dogged
determination. The terrible green gaseous spiral was close, but did not envelope
me anymore. The grey entities were sneering at me; those that wish to remove my
will and take me were certainly not amused by my sudden freedom. I was free,
however raggedly I was FREE. I beat my fist against that door as and my shocked
into a rude awakening as only spoiled southern belles of that day could,
unlocked that glass heaven to me. "MOTHER, MOTHER, MOTHER", I exclaimed! Her
look to this day, stands in my minds eye.
Her eyes and response was harsh and looking at me and yet unlocking that
golden glass door to me. "Wait till I tell your
father", and I have never spoken these words again in fear I
yelled, HELP ME! The boys all lay sleepless upon the
ground and their mothers exclaimed, "Oh my God", they exclaimed in unison,
instantly, as only fairy tales can tell, the bad boys "AWOKE".
Brushing off those burly waking angels, the mothers and boys reconciled...."
All was well". This was done I might add with no recollection of the beautiful
shiny disc or huge black insecticide shaped eyes. All was well. My mother making
her fastidious apologies for her abrupt and ill mannered daughter begged to go
home. We drove home in my Mother's new Buick with one great difference. I lay
tucked up against my mother. She never allowed such extreme intimacy from any of
her offspring to date.
She asked, "Did a boy try and touch you. You
must tell me if this occurred! I told her knowing she would never
believe me." Mother, they came for us and I stopped it,
never...never give into them, they are not our friends!"
As a child the most innocent of intuitions was to repel them at any cost. They
are real. Are they of love? Ask a child....her innocent heart will surely
declare to you...."NO". I'm a warrior against evil to this day. Thanks to Lisa
Russia's Mars Mission Is
Phobos-Grunt was an ambitious project aimed to return samples from the
Martian moon Phobos, but Russian operators never got to fire its engines. As the
mission's launch window to Mars closed communications were lost with the failed
probe. It will eventually plunge back to Earth.
This is unsettling news for NASA, which, with the retirement of
the space shuttle, is now reliant on the Russians to get humans into orbit as
another Russian resupply ISS Rocket also failed.
Metal Ball Falls from Sky
Windhoek -- The mysterious large metallic ball that fell
out of the sky in Namibia, sparking considerable panic, is most likely a fuel
tank from an unmanned rocket.
The hollow "space ball", which weighs six kilograms and has a
circumference of 1.1 metres, was found
near a village on a remote grassland about 750km from the capital.
Locals contacted NASA for advice. Rumors began swirling that it may be evidence
of extra-terrestrial life.
Mohave -- I noticed a bright ball south of the moon on
December 11, 2011, at 9:30 PM, I went in the house and got my wife and camera. I
began taking pictures of the ball as it was south of the moon traveling north
past the moon. Then it started flashing and took off out of sight at a high
speed .When I downloaded the pictures I also noticed two small amber orbs that
seemed interesting when enlarged.
Note: The first photo appears to show just the moon. Upon
brightening and adjusting contrast the second photo shows a strange looking
"mass." I couldn't find the two amber orbs mentioned by witness.
Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Alaska Lights
Seward -- I was awake, in my motor home on December 23, 2011, at 4 AM, I saw
UFO that appeared in front of a star that was extremely bright. It then powered
down although I could still see it. The dim light headed off in a easterly
direction. A half hour later, another one appeared, right over the city. It then
disappeared from sight around 8 PM. We had a sharp earthquake that hit hard once
then mellowed out. It made me wonder if there was a coincidence between the
UFO's and the earthquake. Thanks to Robert Mackey
Editor's Note: The tremendous pressure on the underground rocks during
earthquakes often causes earth lights that can be mistaken for
California Lights
SACRAMENTO -- On December 22, 2011, about 12:10 am, we were
leaving Elk Grove heading north on I-5 when I saw five red orbs in the sky. The
lights seemed to be moving in a semi triangle shape. I lost sight of the objects
as we merged onto 50.
Five minutes later when we got to my house my coworkers car died but started
up again about ten minutes later. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Bright Light Leveling off into a Bright Sphere
Lakewood -- I was letting dogs out in the exercise yard on December 12, 2011.
I was standing in a stairwell watching the dog I had let out when I noticed the
bright light. It was about 1:45 am, when I saw the UFO.
First I saw a
bright light with no sounds. Even though the light shined on me nothing was lit
up. The object headed northwest and disappeared. Thanks to Peter Davenport,
Director National UFO Reporting Center
Delaware Lights
Wilmington -- I was doing exposure photos with my Canon t3i of this really
cool road on December 22, 2011, and captured some sort of yellow sonic booms.
That's the closest way I can describe it. I noticed these booms when I was
reviewing the photo in my car when I packed up. Thanks to MUFON
Florida Orbs
HOLLYWOOD -- I stepped outside to smoke and saw these uncommon lights moving
west slowly. My neighbor kept yelling at me, if I was seeing them and I
acknowledged. I ran inside and got my canon video camera and stared filming. The
rest you can see if you would like. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Santa Rosa Beach -- Sheila Wise writes, "My
husband and I went out on December 21, 2011, to take some pictures of our
lighted angels, and got a lot more! We captured pictures of the
orbs around the angels. My husband points out that there is one orb that looks
as if it has the letters FORC written in it. When I was reading over your UFO
Files where you say some Devas are organized in a military hierarchy. That being
the case, the letters in the orb FORC would make total sense!!!!
Every morning when we ride our bikes, I say good morning
Mother Earth, good morning Mother Nature, good morning all you Furry, Feathered,
Reptilian, Elemental/Deva friends! I think perhaps I have built up a repoire
with them to the point that they trust us? Not sure what's going on, but am
quite sure there are more things going on than meet the eye!!! We tried taking
pictures again tonight and there were no orbs. There are many paranormal type
happenings for us lately and also I witnessed two capsule type air craft,
wingless, windowless, and flying just above pine tree height. God Bless You
All!! Thanks to Sheila Wise
Illinois Triangle Larger Then a Football
Chester -- Here is
the UFO I saw on the way home from work on December 8, 2011, at 7:30 PM tonight.
I uploaded to YouTube video 1 is at I turn my
phone right side up and you can see the four lights on video 2 at:
Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Kansas - the "UFO" that panicked
WINFIELD -- Chris Matyszczyk reports as anyone who has ever
pulled a white rabbit out of a black hat will tell you, the art of fooling
people depends on doing things right in front of their eyes. What, then, might
one think of the explanations being offered to the poor, frightened people of
Cowley County in Kansas? For just a few hours, they witnessed what some of them
suspected was an extra-terrestrial craft being wheeled through their streets. It
was only last Monday afternoon when a vast shrink-wrapped, saucer-shaped thing
was seen being towed down Cowley County's Highway 77.
Street signs had to be moved so that this saucer didn't fly into them. Is it
any wonder that slightly cowed Cowleyites believed this to be a UFO? Because
technology lies at the very heart of Kansas--why, Sprint is headquartered
there--the locals filmed this troubling sight. The saucer must have been at
least 30 feet wide. Of course, the local authorities, no doubt feeling the need
to be authoritative, immediately announced there was no need to be alarmed.
Editor's Note: X-47Bs shown at left has wings, is not a
disc, and has air intakes for a jet engine. The craft on the truck is 30 foot
disc shaped vehicle with no apparent intake or exhaust duct for a jet engine so
perhaps it uses an antigravity propulsion system.
Kentucky Possible Crash and Explosion
HazarD -- A thing was seen crashing into a hillside by witnesses in Perry
County on or about December 16, 2011, at 9:30 PM. It made the local news and at
first was almost written off as a mine explosion until no evidence of such could
be found. Also no debris of a crashed craft was found. This needs to be put out
there because it is a small county in Kentucky, where such things become local
legend but nothing more. So far no OFFICIAL conclusion as been given for the
explosion or the people who saw something fall from the sky. SOMETHING BIG HAS
HAPPENED and many people here are afraid it will be swept under the rug. Thanks
to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
Maryland Triangle
ELKRIDGE -- I know what I saw is a UFO. I was driving
eastbound down Marshalee Drive on December 12, 2011, a little after 11 PM, next
to the Troy Golf Course. I was the only car on the road until I saw a huge shiny
black triangle craft with alternating red, white, and green lights on the
corners. I slowed and the lights seemed to purposely change.
The UFO also had a box-shaped structure behind which
followed its every move and looked as though it was connected to the triangle.
The UFO was flying at roughly 500 feet at 30 mph. It seemed to change shape to
become a very skinny triangle as the craft rocketed across my windshield
finishing in a floating stop. The UFO followed me side-by-side like it was
tracking me, and flew over us again and just disappeared in mid air. Kens note:
The above image is a rendering. A similar sighting in Alloway, New Jersey had a
black box on the bottom of the triangle was for collecting farm animals. Thanks
to MUFON CMS and Ken Pfeifer
New Jersey Cigar
Hillsborough -- On December 20, 2011, my husband and I were
outside on the porch at 1:25 AM, and saw a rod/cigar shaped, moving quickly
across the sky. It looked like a thin cloud layer, but it was a definite
structure, and completely silent. It was huge and heading southwest and flew
between Jupiter and Orion. I have witnessed UFOs before around here, but never
seen anything like this! I am thankful my husband had also seen it, so I know I
wasn't imagining it! We lost sight of it after a few seconds due to some cloud
coverage. My husband also claims he had a ringing sound (like crickets) in his
ears. I did not experience that myself. We definitely felt it was NOT man made!
Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Orb
On December 25, 2011, my wife and I went to bed at 10 PM,
when she got up and observed a glowing object that faded out. I went to the
window and a second object appeared that was moving south. It was much larger
than a star and its surface was covered with twinkling red/yellow/orange lights
and an irregular outline. We watched this object for a couple of minutes, and
then it also faded out. A third object then appeared and I got my Panasonic
DMC-ZS3 camera and went downstairs as the third light faded, and a fourth
appeared and I took a nice picture.
We are near Holloman AFB, and
regularly see flares are different and show an object one above the other
connected by a fuzzy irregular tubular structure with no parachute. Thanks to
North Carolina Red Cloud
35.759 N 79.019 W. -- We saw red light in the clouds that was saucer shaped
on December 22, 2011. It looked like a plane had gone by with a red saucer with
smoke. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Orange Ball
Silverdale -- On December 10, 2011 around 11 PM, I was
traveling south on Route 113 that at first I thought it was a plane but realized
it was a reddish orange ball of light traveling towards me at a medium pace. I
watched six spheres appear following each other evenly spaced apart. They moved
following the same path making no noise, disappearing just south of me. I tried
to get some other driver's attention by jumping up and down pointing to the
objects in the sky. Being a scientist I tried to rationalize what I saw, but
couldn't come up with any reasonable explanation except that these reddish
orange spheres were UFO's. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Puerto Rico Cigar
Guanica -- The object came out of nowhere and its color is
between yellow and gold and had the appearance of cigar. People in the hospital
saw it from there and managed to take a photo. The object made no noise and the
sighting lasted only a few minutes. The object is impressive for the large size
and its slow movement along the coast. Thanks to MUFON CMS
SAN SEBASTIAN -- On December 12, 2011, arriving home from
work I slowed down because the road is bumpy, when I noticed an alien vessel
descending and glowing white blue, for about a second. It made no sound, and I
lost track of it as it passed through clouds and faded. It was about 150-200
feet from me flying 80 mph. I recognized what it was and was in shock, scared,
and then overwhelmed and paralyzed rapidly. I told my wife and reported it.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Jupiter and Lights
Lynnwood -- On December 21, 2011, at 8 PM, the witness
reported his sighting. He said that he had been seeing a bright light on clear
nights in the southern sky. He zoomed in with his video camera and took some
Note: The light in the video is the planet Jupiter that was
very bright (magnitude -2.7). The large size of the light and the "diamond type"
shape is due to the clipping of the image by the camera aperture. The reason for
this sighting is to show that some sightings that may appear strange do have
explanations. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Republic -- Small white flashing lights all over sky and bigger round non
flashing object traveling low above a woman's car was seen on Sherman Pass, on
November 23, 2011. I came over the top of Sherman Pass, and saw many lights
flashing randomly in the sky around a large object that had many colored lights.
The bigger object was not flashing and moving very slowly and low. The closer it
came I could tell that it was round with red, yellow, and blue lights in a
circle pattern at the bottom with lights shining out the sides. It flew slowly
towards us and crossed very close above my car. It was big and changing colors.
I was very scared it was following me and I didn't really look back. I didn't
want to believe what I had seen. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National
UFO Reporting Center
Wyoming Mothership
WIND RIVER CANYON -- While driving a semi truck hauling a caterpillar
bulldozer in July 1978 about 7:30 AM, my wife noticed a star moving toward us
and growing larger. The meteoric thought was getting much bigger until it neared
a small mountain directly in front of us at about 5000 feet altitude. The object
hovered for about 30 seconds then appeared to land on the side of the mountain.
I'm estimating I was 5000 to 10000 feet in diameter. I've never seen anything
this large that was capable of moving under its own power. I'm a licensed
commercial pilot and only stopped flying recently.
When they landed small silvery objects that looked like a lifting body type
aircraft with no apparent wings shaped like a spear point came out of object
made one orbit around large object and flew northwest at mach 2+. Remember this
was a daylight UFO with 45 vehicles stopped and 100+ people watching with
several taking 8 mm movies of the craft. When the object departed it climbed
into space in thirty seconds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Atlantic Ocean (in flight)Telephoned Report to
The FAA called NUFORC to report that the crew of a Lear jet,
enroute to Europe, on December 16, 2011, reported a bizarre, red strobing light
to the south of their location about 9:30 PM. The crew reported a bizarre, red
strobing object. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting
Australia Disc
Adelaide -- Thank you for displaying my photo of "BLIMP and
UFO" on your web site. However the photo appears to be quite distorted and it's
hard to see the blimp and "UFO" so I'm sending you a better photo of the
incident. Regards Tony Tkalec
Canada Orbs
Cambridge, Ontario -- On December 25, 2011 at 6:45 PM, two
reddish-orange orbs like flames on small candle flew southwest below the
clouds. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs
France UFO
LAYRAC -- Thanks to our friend Jacques, who sent his beautiful original photo
of the UFO he has photographed in the Lot-et-Garonne, south-west France, on
December 24, 2011! One more piece to pay the big issue of UFOs in their
intrusions in the sky. T hanks to Jacques's blog, and photos to Layrac.
Portugal Light
algarve -- I was driving home on December 22, 2011,
surrounded by mountains when I saw a very bright light like a landing light on
an airplane. There is an airport not to far away in the city of Faro, This
particular light I saw was near dusk and lower than any normal star and brighter
than normal. The light was not much higher than the mountain and moving a bit
back and forth. It was ahead of me at this point about five miles ahead when
suddenly it veered at a super speed and lit about a mile south and instantly
took off and was gone. The catch is that I've now seen it three nights in a row.
I got here about 6 PM, and saw it again tonight. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Africa Orbs
Die Wilgers, Eastern Pretoria -- On 13th December
and 24 December 2011, I saw a UFO that were witnessed by nine people at my
house. On 13th December at 9 PM, my wife saw a fireworks flare rising up behind
the trees in the field across the street. The amber "light was hanging above the
tree line taking too long to burn out, in a very steady glow. This amber light
approached at constant altitude, quite slowly, with a light unlike a Police
helicopter. The amber light was too big and there was no sound. I called out my
two sons and friends who are all in their twenties. Eight of us were staring at
the nearby bulb-like amber light moving south right above our heads. It slowly
moved away. My wife thinks she was able to make out a triangle shape inside the
light glow.
On December 24, 2011 at 20:10 hours, I looked up and saw several big amber
lights exactly in the same direction as the light I saw on the 13th.
But this time there was no less than eight lights hanging in the sky, so I ran
and got my binoculars, shouting for my son and his fianc to come help me. The
lights were moving towards us and I could make out a round object with the amber
glow around it. The lights moved up through the cloud cover while two lingered
below but also started to move upwards. Thanks to Philip Smit and
United Kingdom Sightings
Earlestown -- I have filmed several UFOs and reviewed a film
I made on 25 November 2011. I had just dressed and noticed an orange light
flashing at 300 feet altitude a mile west flying at 10 mph. I ran 40 yards to
the fields with a camcorder but the light had gone, but another orange light was
in sky 1000
yards to west going SW slowly. I filmed a stationary ufo, and noticed a very
bright ''star'' to the NE at 400 yards, that was moving west at 300 feet
I filmed a large orange sphere at 600 yards that turned on sixpence and flew
at 5 mph overhead at 75 feet. It flew low as a broad beam of light emanated down
onto our tree tops. I filmed a shiny silver sphere between me and the other
alien craft. I will upload to you-tube and UFO Matrix mag. Thanks Robert Newton,
near Liverpool.
Police UK on Duty sightings 9th PRUFOS, Police
Database by DC Gary Heseltine
Peterborough, Cambridgeshire -- On March 23, 1909,
two uniformed officers including PC M. Kettle observed
a cigar shaped object as it passed over the skies of Peterborough. I can find no
record of any airships that were flying in that area at that time therefore this
sighting remains listed as an unidentified flying object. Source:
Peterborough Press.
Warrington, Cheshire --
on December 9, 1969, in the early hours, PC Sydney Edwards
while on duty reported seeing a bright pulsating UFO over Warrangton
describing it as like a flickering' star. The incident was also witnessed by
Inspector Alan Machin who described it as big and white with no
shape at all.' The object was seen to travel slowly across the sky with a jerky'
movement before suddenly vanishing from sight. Source: Perception
Magazine (July 1969 issue). Editor -- Graham Cowell. Thanks to Gary
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
29-12-2011 om 23:39
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Are abductions by Aliens real?
.Abduction researcher,
author and MUFONs former International Director of Field Investigator Training,
Kathleen Marden, and Denise Stoner, Florida MUFONs Director of Investigations,
are collaborating on an abduction experiencer research project.
Our goal is to expand our understanding of
the alien abduction phenomenon through the use of two
We, in turn, plan to publish our findings
pertaining to little known commonalities among UFO abductees.
The UFO Abduction Experiencer Survey
lists 45 general multiple choice questions pertaining to experiencers
demographics, abduction memories, psychic phenomena experiences, and
physiological responses. Some examples of these questions include the
1.Are your abduction memories?
Conscious ( ), Through dreams ( ), Through hypnosis ( ) Other ( ) (Please check
all that apply.)
2.Are you more or less sensitive or
intuitive than you were prior to your abduction? More ( ), Less ( ), about the
same ( )
3.Have witnesses reported that they
observed a UFO near your house, vehicle, tent, etc. prior to or during your
abduction? Yes ( ), No ( ) If yes, please explain.
4.Have you awoken with unexplained
marks on your body that you suspect are related to an abduction experience? Yes
( ), No ( ) If yes, please describe.
5.Have you ever suffered burns, hair
loss, or conjunctivitis following an abduction? Yes ( ), No ( ) If yes, please
6.Following an abduction, did you
ever experience malfunctions of electrical equipment such as lights, digital
watches, computers, etc? Yes ( ), No ( ) If yes, please explain.
Kathleen Marden requests that
abductees/experiencers participate in her Abduction Experiencer E.T. Technology
Survey to increase our knowledge of E.T. technology. She has discovered unique,
unpublicized information observed by several abductees, but needs to add to her
data base. The Abduction Experiencer E.T. Technology Survey lists 16 multiple
choice and fill-in questions. Some examples of these questions include the
1.Were you
transported through a solid object such as a wall, window, roof, etc?) Yes ( ),
No ( )
2.What bodily
sensations did you experience when you were transported from your location to
the craft? Please explain.
3.Did you
feel that you were transported outside Earths atmosphere? Yes ( ), No ( ). If
yes, what do you recall of that experience and was a transport device used?
4.Were you
given knowledge of the crafts propulsion or operational system? Yes ( ), No (
). If yes, please explain what you were told.
5.Have you
ever undergone a procedure on the craft that was unrelated to reproduction? If
so, please describe.
visit Kathleens website at or contact
her via email at Kmarden@aol.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You
need JavaScript enabled to view it for copies of both surveys.
surveys can be mailed back to her at P.O. Box 120172, Clermont, FL 34712, or
scanned and sent via email.
Participants identities will remain anonymous. If you wish to be
personally contacted regarding the results of this survey, you need only include
your email address.
Stoner and I want to thank-you in advance for facilitating our research efforts
and increasing our knowledge about alien abduction.
Barney en Betty Hill, the first known abducted persons.
Filer's Files #52 2011 - Angelic View of the World at Christmas
May You Have a Wonderful
Christmas and your holidays all be filled with the divine blessings. God bless
and keep you and your family safe and sound all year
Best Wishes George A.
Photo taken in Webb City, Missouri of craft
under guard with lights on December 13, 2011,
In special reports, this week's files cover:
Angelic View of the World at Christmas,
Iran Captures US Drone as Situation Worsens, Faces on
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona
California, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, New Jersey, New York,
Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, and Virginia.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in Argentina, Australia,
Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Russia, Portugal, Spain, and England in the
United Kingdom.
The purpose of
these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs
on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that
extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the
over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced
spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in
UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying
for the US Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated
UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this research. I
believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's
are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Looking for a great email campaign and survey
manager? Try
ListRocket supports MUFON and George Filer. Please
support us!
Angelic View of the World at
UFOs continue to be sighted in
unusually large numbers indicating the world is under scrutiny by watchers,
guardians, angels, extraterrestrials, or who ever they are. My research has
indicated there are several groups of aliens visiting Earth with different
intentions, their motivations may be very different, and sometimes they appear
to be fighting one another. Most religions of the world agree in the concept of
Sons of Light and Sons of Darkness that is good angels and evil ones, good
aliens and bad. It is my opinion the ancient writings give us some understanding
of our visitors and often their visits have often been interpreted in religious
terms. The data is essentially truthful based on the understanding of technology
thousands of years ago. A typical Nordic alien could easily be thought of as an
angel, while reptilian looking aliens would likely be considered as demons.
Notice the similarity to face on Mars shown below.
Perhaps it would be useful at this time of year to step
back and look at our world through alien eyes. It is quite likely our threats to
the environment, nuclear disasters, tribal wars, and high crime rates are
considered a serious threat to other life forms in the universe, since we now
can travel to other planets. Various scriptures report God sent messengers to
help establish a peaceful humanity by providing a moral code to live by that has
its basis in the Ten Commandments, and that we should love one another. The
foundations of western culture are both Judaism and Christianity, while Islam is
prominent in many parts of the world. Islam believes in essentially the same Ten
Commandments and all the great prophets of Judaism and Christianity.
Anyone watching Earth, could easily come to the conclusion Earth is a very
dangerous place and humans should not be allowed to venture into space.
The Ten Commandments and other would allow humankind to join the other
intelligent civilizations in the universe. According to the Bible God of dwells
in heaven that is located in the Andromeda Galaxy, he is the Creator, and
supreme ruler of the heavens and the Earth. The Bible, Torah, and Koran inform
us messengers or angels have been sent on a regular basis to provide us with
teachings. No where in the Bible is life limited to this Earth, in fact it
speaks of cities, armies, animals, houses, horses, and the like in planet
heaven. It strongly implies there is extraterrestrial life in the Cosmos.
Hebrews 1 states, "God who at sundry times and in
diverse manners spoke in
times past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto
us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made
the worlds.
If intelligent life was found today on Mars, people could
simply dust off their Bible and point to many passages, that clearly point to
extraterrestrial visits such as the wheel like spaceship that landed near
Ezekiel. In some cases we may have to go back to the original Greek meaning of
words because throughout the Bible the Greek word Kosmos has been changed to
world during translation. Kosmos means the Cosmos or universe just like it does
today and is used 169 times in the Bible. It is obvious that the watchers are
aware of the threat we present to the Cosmos.
We celebrate Christmas
because, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only
son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal
life" (John 3:16) After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them he was
taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. (Mark 16:15&19)
The Great Commission of Christianity is not only to spread the gospel throughout
the world, but to spread the gospel throughout the Cosmos. The final promise of
the Bible is: "And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a
cloud with power and great
Angels to Watch over Us
ANGELS - It seems appropriate that during
the holidays we discuss angels since numerous ancient writings tell us they are
extraterrestrial visitors. They are essentially spiritual and superhuman beings
who are messengers of God and visitors from the planet Heaven. The Bible records
the existence of many millions of angelic beings (Revelation 5:11). One angel
brought the message of the entire Koran to Mohammed and the Moslems that
prohibits suicide and the killing of innocent civilians. An Angel of the Lord
spoke with Abraham in the Torah, when he was 99 years old and childless, telling
the Jewish leader he would be the father of a multitude of nations. According to
Genesis he was. The Eastern religions speak of Devas who are organized in a
military hierarchy and operate in a similar manner to angels.
In the Christian Bible it states: "In the sixth month,
God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth and a town in Galilee, to a virgin
pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's
name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, "Greetings you are highly
favored! The Lord is with you. Mary was greatly troubled at his words
and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her,
"Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with
child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will
be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him
the throne of his Father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob
forever, his kingdom will never end. "How can this be" Mary asked the
angel, "since I am a virgin?' The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will
come upon you, and the power of the Highest will over shadow you. So the holy
one to be born will be called the Son of God! Luke 1-verses 26 to
35. Two thousand years later, much of world celebrates this birth at Christmas.
These angelic visitors are real according to most of the great historic
religious writings of mankind and much of Earth's history revolves around these
visitors from space who are often identified as Gods or angels. In Vedic
writings the topmost authority in the material universe is known as Brahma, and
he lives in the highest material planetary system, called Brahmaloka or heaven.
It seems reasonable to assume the most sacred writings of our ancestors are not
simply myths, but are based on actual visits by angels, ET visitors, devas or
what ever you choose to call them. They are often given credit for bringing
writing, agriculture, and religion to Earth. Thousands of books, art and songs
have been authored describing their interactions with Earth.
If you visit the great temples and churches around the world, almost all have
the story of a strange being who oversaw their construction. Often there are
similar stories of strange flying objects in the sky and even art to convince us
they are real. We celebrate Christmas throughout much of the world based on the
birth of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago. The logical question is what has this to
do with UFOs? I suggest there is a connection.
Few remember that Angels and their glowing craft had a key role in history of
diverse nations. Angels are celestial beings believed to be a messenger or
mediator between God and humankind, perhaps to prepare Earth to join other
civilizations in space. In ancient Mesapotomia, ancient Greece, Judaism, and
Christianity and in Islam angels were sent as divine messengers to humans to
instruct, inform, or command. Angels also function as heavenly warriors and as
guardians. Many abductees claim healing, love and miracles from the angels.
Angels are often called the Sons of God. In traditional Israelite thought,
angels were assumed to have the form of human males, and as a consequence they
were sometimes mistaken for men.
Billy Graham, the evangelical minister and the friend of US
Presidents in his book, "Angels," makes the following
surprising statements,
"Some have speculated that UFOs could very well be a part of
God's angelic host who preside over the physical affairs of universal creation.
While we cannot assert such a view with certainty nothing can hide the fact that
these unexplained events are occurring with greater frequency around the entire
world. Some take the detailed descriptions of a highly credible airline crew and
lay them alongside Ezekiel and put forth a strong case ---- such theories are
now being given serious attention even by people who make no claim to believe in
the God of the Bible. UFOs are astonishingly angel-like in some of their
reported appearances."
Most of the description of angels compares nicely with our available data of
at least one group of the alien visitors. In Genesis, the first book of the
Bible and Torah, angels are described as having bodies with parts such as hands,
feet, eyes, head, voices, mouths, hair, faces, human body parts with the ability
to fly.
A few years ago, I had dinner with Zecharia Sitchin the
best selling author of books called the "Earth
Chronicles." He told me that Genesis the first book of the Torah
and Bible is true and ought to be read as an historic and scientific document
rather than just a religious one. He felt ancient civilizations are older and
much more technically and scientifically oriented than we once believed. The
Bible and Ancient Sumerian texts reveal the existence of angels or Annunaki,
'Those who from Heaven to Earth Came.' He felt that
only in recent years has modern science caught up with ancient scientific
The Bible often mentions angels in glowing metal craft of the divine glory
and brightness and the appearance of fire as in the Hebrew word 'hashmal.' The
descriptions of Ezekiel (1:4, 8:2) clearly indicate brilliant highly polished
glowing yellow like brass or electrum an alloy of silver and gold.
The Bible states, "Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem, in
Judea, during the reign of King Herod." At about that time some wise men from
eastern lands arrived in Jerusalem, asking, 'Where is the new born King of the
Jews?' for we have seen his star in far-off eastern lands, and have come to
worship him." (Mathew-2.) Since all stars rise in the East and
move 15 degrees west each hour it would be difficult to follow
a real star for many nights moving east towards the town of
Bethlehem. The light they followed was most likely a hovering UFO. If you care
to make the assumption those angels and extraterrestrials exist, perhaps they
are the same. Both the Sumerians and Egyptians claim the Gods or his messengers
brought writing, civilization, and religion to Earth. Consider that ancient
religious texts are in fact true, that the promises of the Bible are fulfilled
by advanced technology and alien angels.
Several of my friend's claim they were healed by angels and others claim
angels can control events that happen in the world, and may even protect you. So
remember when you enjoy Christmas it all started with an angel. "For
he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your
ways. Merry Christmas!
Oceanside --On December 13, 2011, my wife called me on my
way home when she witnessed a flash of light about 5:45 PM, when lights started
flying around the object. She was questioning if I or our son could see it as we
drove north on Collage towards 76. The light appeared at the top of the hill
over Camp Pendleton, which was so bright they illuminated the clouds around them
as they passed. It was a bright amber/orange orb that just hovered at first and
then split into four orbs. We drove behind a hill for a minute and two orbs
disappeared. Seconds later it split again and headed east towards Temecula
disappearing into the distance at a very high speed. Thanks to
William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Florida Disc
Key West -- The UFO was moving around a lot at 2:30 PM, on
December 10, 2011, so it was hard to get a clear shot. You can see the UFO
shooting a beam into the yard.
My roommate saw and took the picture. I wasn't around, but he said it was
moving around then vanished. I haven't seen one down here before, but in Orlando
in 1999, a friend and I saw a weird shaped object somewhat low to the ground.
Note: Analysis shows that the photo was edited by Photoshop.
This does not mean that it was fabricated, but that is a possibility. Analysis
shows that the pixel density of the object is the same as the remainder of the
photo and was not likely pasted onto the photo. The object is slightly out of
focus while the rest of the photo background is in focus. This indicates that
the object was moving. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs
Idaho Light Four Inches Away
Ball Lake -- My boyfriend, two friends and I were hiking in the Idaho
Panhandle on May 5, 2002, and we all laid down to sleep about 10 pm. I couldn't
sleep because I was too cold so a couple hours passed and I was the only one
awake. I was in my sleeping bag curled up trying to get warm when I lifted my
head up after hearing something only to find a flashlight-type light staring
into my face only four inches away.
At first, I thought someone was shining a bright light into my face but then
I realized the light was too big to be a standard flashlight. My eyes were wide
in disbelief. It stayed there for five seconds looking at me and then took off
fast straight up. It produced a pink like glow as it reached a certain point
then flew faster than anything I have ever seen.
I woke my boyfriend up and excitedly told him to look up at the light. He
shrugged it off saying it was a comet and nothing more and went back to sleep. I
watched the light for about 15 minutes and faded in intensity. I finally fell
asleep only to wake in the morning to tell the others of my story and to have my
boyfriend discredit and make fun of me. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Entity
Irving " I was watching tv on December 8, 2011, my wife was
at work, and my fifteen year old son was upstairs sleeping, when my dogs started
to bark outside. I grabbed my 22 pistol and went out to check on my chickens. I
have a very bright coon light on my head for spotting and the chickens were
fine. I scanned around to see what they were barking at. I shut off my light and
got the dogs quiet and caught what looked like a camera flash at the front of
the house. So I ran to the front, scanned with my light, and caught a shadow of
someone running by me. After looking around I decided to go in and then heard
feet noise upstairs, thinking it was my son I went upstairs, but he was asleep.
As I came down stairs, I heard something large was moving and making a lot of
noise in the drop ceiling in the kitchen. I grabbed a ruler and started poking
at the tiles to get whatever it was out. It stopped and then I heard more noise
in my chimney and went to the basement and checked all around, but saw nothing.
There was noise from upstairs again, so I went back upstairs locked all doors
and sat and listened but the noise stopped and I know it wasn't a coon. Thanks
Collinsville -- On December 14, 2011, at 9:30 PM, my friend
and I saw a military escort of a UFO all the way from South County in St. Louis,
Missouri to Illinois along Route 255 N. The saucer was bright white and had
small red lights that lined the outer rim of the disk. There were at least ten
police cars and several semis involved in the escort and in the middle was a
UFO, being lit up by spotlights the entire time.
When contacting the
police about what it might have been, they simply said that a crashed Semi truck
needed to be taken off the Interstate Semis are not pure white and definitely
are NOT disk shaped! ((NUFORC Note: We believe that the object may be the same
one that was reported from Kansas, one day earlier. It appears to be some type
of UAV device. It was photographed by news media, and it had a conventional
landing gear and tires.))Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO
Reporting Center
Kansas Disc on Low-boy Truck
WINFIELD, COWLEY County" The craft was photographed moving
through Cowley not far from the Oklahoma border on December14, 2011. It is
apparently moving west from Webb City, Missouri. The TV said craft was a X-47B
from Northrop Grumman and allegedly is going to Naval Air Station Patuxent
River, Maryland. However, its movement was westerly away from the East Coast. It
was an experimental military aircraft being toted from coast to coast, according
to Undersheriff Bill Mueller. Law enforcement in Winfield, and the sheriffs
department, helped escort the craft from the Kay County line to the Butler line
this morning. On Sunday, the craft spent the night just across from First
Council Casino in
Oklahoma, where it drew some attention.
It is stated the aircraft is an X-47B, I doubt that this is the
case. It does not appear to have wings or a place to attach the wings.
Missouri Disc
Webb City " A day earlier on December
13th, 2011, I noticed police lights outside and went to the front porch for a
better look. There was a flat bed truck with a very large craft on the bed. It
was entirely shrink-wrapped, so that you couldn't see what was underneath. There
were ten to twelve highway patrols in the back and the front of this truck
blocking off the road. The news that evening stated that it was a 32 foot drone
for the Navy. I am very familiar with all of our military drones and this craft
looks like nothing that is public knowledge. It had no wings, like our entire
drones do. It was shaped just like a disc, and was stabilized with bars that
were also shrink wrapped so it would stay on the truck. In my opinion, who ever
issued the statement made a mistake. Because saying that it is a drone,
acknowledges that it flies and to my knowledge our military has no craft like
this. I took these pictures from various angles. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON
Editor's note: This looks like a true disc shaped craft without wings. It is
possible a UFO crashed but there is no apparent damage. A similar craft was
reported in Illinois and Cowley, Kansas the next day. If the dates are correct
there were two craft being moved. The one in Illinois allegedly had red
New Jersey Rod
CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE -- On December 1, 2011, about 1:35
pm, I witnessed what originally looked like a jet leaving a contrail behind it.
At first it looked normal, but has it got closer overhead it got more unusual,
and was a long thin mass of white matter that seemed to pulsate. It passed
overhead and in the front was a round white energy or glowing matter, and behind
was a whiteish tail that tapered off towards the end. On the side of the object,
I saw appendages that reminded me of a "rod, those mysterious things that show
up on film. The object completely vanished into thin air and all that remained
were these glowing needlepoints of light that sporadically floated around the
atmosphere. The object did not dissipate, it disappeared immediately and
quickly. It could very well have been a Rod.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering. This sighting was reported to
World UFO Photos. Special thanks to the witness Eric Marks and Ken Pfeifer
New York Hot Spot for UFO
MANHATTAN -- I was sitting in my vehicle on December 14, 2011, talking on the
phone looking across the river into Manhattan. I glanced toward the southern
part of the city and noticed an object or objects with appendages and lights
moving south. I tried turning on the camera, but it disappeared. It reminded me
of those spiked star like drones that have been reported. There were lights but
judging the size and distance had to be much larger. I'm familiar with all types
of aircraft that fly around New York City and this was not one of them. I made
my observation on the Queens side of the east river by the 59th Street Bridge.
KENS NOTE: I feel the bright lights from the city draw these alien craft. Thanks
to MUFON CMS and Ken Pfeifer
Pennsylvania Sphere
TREMONT -- I was off-roading with three other jeeps at the
Rausch Creek Park on December 17, 2011. I did not notice the sphere while on the
trail, but after checking back through the videos that we took, I noticed it.
It's probably a reflection from within the Jeep. But, I have not been able to
figure it out since the video was not taken from within my Jeep. Thanks to MUFON
South Carolina Square Lights
Augusta " On December 14, 2011, we were on top of our five
story sand hill watching the meteor shower when someone said, "Whats
that bright light? I turned to see four orange-red square lights.
The craft seemed huge and from left to right the lights went out one by one.
Never saw a "craft" just lights lasting for 30 seconds. It seemed to be a couple
of miles away right over the Georgia border tree tops. I have never seen
anything like this. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee UFOs
Greeneville -- Pauline Petsel writes, "I have
taken thousands of pictures over the last three years; sometimes I take fifty to
one hundred images a night. Some months we don't see anything, but
usually between the 6th to 9th of the month and the 22nd to 29th they show up.
Last year, in October, November, and December it was unbelievable several times
a week. In October, and November there were UFOs almost every day. It seems to
have slowed, but I have still shots using my Nikon 300 on a tripod using a
shutter release. There's probably 15-18 of us who have joined together because
we are seeing these things. One woman who lives five miles away is getting the
same pictures as I do. I have gotten some really strange images of my own
including the image just shown in the video of the new planet. It is NOT the
lights that should be looked at! It is 'what is 'behind' the lights! I've found
'solid' looking stuff and 'crafts! Some are in v shape and yet others are in
curves or straight lines. One thing for sure; there's some strange stuff going
on here! Thanks to Pauline Petsel
Utah Lights
Provo -- My friend and I were playing Xbox in his driveway
on December 3, 2011, at 11:30 PM. His girlfriend saw lights above the mountains
and we saw them. There were about 8 to 10 very bright orange solid lights making
very random movements. By the time we got the phone to record a video a couple
had already disappeared. When we started filming they were very random and
eventually four of them lined up in a straight line. Also another one started
coming up from far south. The video can be viewed at: and search
"ufos over Provo Utah "themasonfrench. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Boomerang
Round Hill -- I came outside about 3:30 AM, to smoke on
December 17, 2011. I was sitting on my porch looking at the sky when a gray
reflective boomerang craft appeared from behind cloud cover in a right banking
turn. I lost the object behind a tree for a few seconds and it reappeared the
continued it flight path until it disappeared behind additional cloud cover. The
object had no running lights. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Argentina Orb
Buenos Aires -- UFO activity was reported on December 12,
2011, near Pico at 8:45 PM, in the area of Aquarius N. There was a severe
anomaly or severe flash that generated a flurry of downloads.
The night was detonated with abnormal beacon flares activity from 9 PM.
Extreme orbits were observed with great magnitude but were not satellites.
Ricardo E D'angelo reports multiple satellites were over that night. The Last
Flare of Video was at 9:05 PM, and is classified as a UFO. Thanks to MUFON
Australia Blimp and Object
Adelaide -- I have a photo here which I took of a blimp
passing near where I live on August 17, 2007. I bought a new camera and a blimp
was in vicinity so decided to take some shots of it. When I looked at the images
I noticed an object to the right of the blimp. Not sure what it is. Please
attempt to analyze it. It could be a "UFO or a "Rod UFO... not sure. But it is
an intriguing photo never the less... Thanks to Tony Tkalec
Ireland Blue Light
My wife was driving us between Portglenone and Bellaghy on
December 18, 2011, and two 12 year old children were riding in the back seat. My
wife drew our attention to a flashing blue light directly ahead and that shot
across just above the horizon and suddenly stopped completely for two seconds.
It then shot across to a position of 7 o'clock, stayed still for a second then
disappeared. There was no noise and the visibility was very clear. Thanks to
Italy Disc
Amalfi -- My wife and I were driving down the Amalfi Coast
taking pictures of the scenery and got this picture on March 23, 2009 around
noon. At the time, we didn't see anything and noticed this when we got home. We
took lots of picture through the windshield and didn't get anything else that
resembled this, or even came close. I thought I would send it off to get an
expert opinion. Were both in the car at the time of the picture. Thanks to MUFON
Malta Disc
Victoria Lines -- Dirk
Vander Ploeg received an email from a UFO Digest reader that took photos in
the center on the island of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea. The photo was taken
on top of the bastion fortress wall built by the British Armed Forces which
divides the North of the island from the south. A natural high ridge runs all
the way from the east to the west coast. Here is the Google Map of the location:
Russian Recce Craft
MOSCOW -- The Mysterious Russian UFO shown last week is
possibly a little known device created by a German engineer. It is a camera
carrying flying machine called the Hexocopter. Here is a video: to Amos Elroy, Short-Sale Specialist
Portugal Disc
3842'55.79"N and 913'19.32"W --I took this photo among
others during a preparation for a commercial film on July 21, 2011, and the most
amazing thing is that I didnt notice anything when I took the picture. Only at
home on editing the photos I realize what was in it and only this photo have
this flying object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Spain Black Object
Los Alcazares -- I was at an outdoor social event when someone pointed out a
strange flying object approaching on December 14, 2011. Witnesses agreed that it
looked like a giant black golly doll with some red on the lower parts. After it
had silently passed about half a mile away it became apparent that it was tall
and thin in profile. At least eight people saw it and nobody knew what it was.
It continued on straight-line course at a steady altitude of perhaps 500-1000
feet before it went out of sight. It had no rotors, no tail, and the lack of
audible sound. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/NW England
Earlestown " Robert Newton writes on December 16, 2011,
"I was filming out front about 5:35 pm, and saw a bright large ''
star '' to the southeast about a mile away stationary. I pressed record and it
began to move southwest at 5 mph, at an altitude of 2500 feet. I
tried to zoom in but after a few seconds the ufo went into a huge cloud, but I
could see a small light flashing either side of silent craft. Last night, I had
camera waiting in the hall, and as I went out front to catch the 7:05 PM, bus
and looked south and saw fiery orange ball coming from the town hall area,
flying at 1000 feet at 35 mph. I grabbed my camcorder and it flew by at 150
yards away at the closest. I tried to zoom in on 880 x digital. A minute later
another followed and I filmed it. The wind was zero, and will try to upload to
you my vhs tape. Thanks to Robert Newton.
Sawtry, Cambridgeshire -- I was driving home down the
motorway about 8:30 PM on December 15, 2011, when I noticed three lights in very
close proximity 70 degrees above the horizon. I could not see a form only three
very bright lights, one white, green, and red. They were flashing like beacons,
but not flashing in unison and were in a sort of sequence. I noticed that it
either appeared not to be moving or moving extremely slowly.
As I approached the warning signs for my exit the object had flew directly
over the motorway ahead of me. I noticed the traffic slowed slightly. As I
approached the number of lights had increased. There were now three green lights
and one single red and white light. As I passed underneath I realized it was
much bigger than a helicopter. I was not quite the size of a small carrier
flight, but it was definitely larger than a helicopter. It was also one single
and dense solid shape. There was no sign of any wings or propellers.
was an obtuse angled dark triangle with a dull surface and green lights located
at each corner. As a passed beneath it, I could see some recesses which only
appeared as a thin recessed rectangle/slit. I was positive it was not a normal
aircraft, so I took the exit and returned on a small road. Getting back on the
highway the object was still in sight, as I slowed to 55 mph, but I could hear
no sound. The extremely bright lights continued to flash in a beautiful
sequence. I experienced a terrible headache after the sighting which could be
due to shock. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
22-12-2011 om 20:06
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
I Think Tom Cruise's IMF Team Will Be Very Interested In It!
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Holidays, everyone! How scary that we are already at that time of the year - and
we need to say those two words - "Happy Holidays."
that mean? 2012 is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. Wow. Have no idea even what to
think about it. 2011 has FLOWN by, and to be honest, glad to see it leave.
I hope 2012 is more prosperous for us all... I know many of us, it's been
I plan to have one more newsletter before the years end, I wanted to send my
Happy Holiday wish. Deep down, I hope many of you 2012 "end of the world"
thinkers are wrong. But who knows... this time next year - we'll find out!
has brought many changes to The Black Vault. After a long slow phase the past 6
months after a big move I underwent, I am back full blast in my new location.
Black Vault Radio will be returning soon, and there are HUGE new features,
changes and additions on the coming horizon.
HUGE development is that I have decided to open up The Black Vault to other
FOIA researchers around the globe. In short, and at no charge, I offer any
researcher who has obtained material under the FOIA, to submit it to The Black
Vault, and I will host it (with full credit to you) at no charge to host it, and
of course, no charge for anyone to download it. Read the full press release
here:Declassified Documents Find a HOME on the
a different note, many of you have written in, and asked how can you help.
Well, there are a couple things. First and foremost... help spread the word
about The Black Vault. I have zero dollars for advertising, so word of mouth is
what it's all about! Second, subscribe to The Black Vault via the social
network platforms to the right of your screen. Facebook, Twitter, Scribd, and
YouTube are all available.
lastly... donations have fallen almost literally to zero. It shows me how tough
times are for everyone, including me. The Black Vault servers cost literally
hundreds of dollars every month, and that cost alone is burdensome. I can't tell
you how far even just a few dollars goes, so if you find it that you'd like to
send a donation, and can affo - clicking on the PayPal logo above (even if you
don't have a PayPal account - you don't need one) will send you to the form to
send any amount you can.
following videos have been added to The Black Vault TV.
Black Vault TV is an online channel with a variety of videos. From
documentaries, declassified government and military videos, lectures, clips,
sound bites and more, you are bound to find something of interest in the
RAF's Cosford's Cold War display, featuring the 'Roswell incident'
First the White House formally denied it was hiding any secret evidence of
visits from extra-terrestrials.
Now it seems the Royal Air Force has made it known that one of UFOlogys key
legends that a flying saucer crashed at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947 was a
Cold War military experiment after all.
This revelation came not from a Top Secret document, but in an educational
display at the RAFs Cold War museum at RAF Cosford, near Wolverhampton.
On a recent visit to the museum, which features all three of Britains
surviving V-bomber force, I came across a familiar photograph on a display
covering aerial espionage during the early part of the Cold War.
It was taken at Fort Worth, Texas, on 8 July 1947 and shows Major Jesse
Marcel holding pieces of debris recovered from a ranch in the New Mexico desert.
This was less than 24 hours after the Army Air Force announced it had recovered
the wreckage of a crashed flying saucer, a statement quickly retracted and
replaced with the cover story that it was a weather balloon.
The RAF caption agrees with the USAF conclusion that the wreckage was from a
balloon after all, but not an ordinary balloon:
This was an unsuccessful experiment to use balloons carrying instruments to
detect Soviet nuclear tests which led to claims of a spaceship having been
It is evident the British military played a role in these and later
experiments as the display also features images of the giant helium-filled
balloons used for more extensive espionage operations targeting Soviet
facilities during the 1950s.
The joint USAF/RAF Project Moby Dick employed balloons as tall as a 20-storey
building, carrying gondolas packed with photographic equipment. The cameras took
one photograph every six minutes in strips 65 km wide by 3100 km long. This
operation, like that which led to the Roswell incident, was classified.
Moby Dick was abandoned in 1957 without significant success; by that point
balloons had been replaced by Black Project aircraft such as the Lockheed
Such is the level of distrust attached to all official statements on the
subject of UFOs and Roswell that the RAFs conclusion will be treated as just
another example of the cosmic Watergate to conceal the truth.
In November the US
Government responded to online petitions calling on the Obama administration
to disclose evidence of an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth. As
neither the US government or the scientific community has any such evidence,
whatever it said was unlikely to make any impression upon the faith of those who
wish to believe otherwise. Or, in the words of a British MoD official who
briefed on a similar campaign in 1958:
As it is not possible to release official information about something which
does not exist, it is difficult to satisfy those with preconceived ideas to the
contrary. (TNA DEFE 31/118).
One final irony is that RAF Cosford itself now has a secure place in the UFO
mythology, thanks to a classic sighting of lights in the sky made by military
personnel at the base in the early hours of 31 March 1993. The Cosford
incident now rivals the Roswell incident in the lists of classic UFO cases
cited by some as the best evidence of ET visitations, in the UK at least.
As with Roswell, there is a perfectly
good explanation for the lights seen from RAF Cosford and once again, the
Russians are in the frame. They were caused by the burning rocket body of a
Russian Cosmos satellite that re-entered Earths atmosphere over the British
Isles at the precise date and time as the UFO sighting.
But, to recycle a favourite phrase coined by a believer in UFOs: you cant
tell the people.
Amazing documentary hosted by Stephen Hawking asking the key question so many people have wondered since the beginning of mankind, does a "god" or a "celestial dictator" exist?? Stephen Hawking disects the science of the universe in answering this very fundamental question. Follow-up lecture by Lawrence Krauss entitled "The Universe From Nothing" - you will all enjoy it very much as it will provide you a beautiful scientific explanation on how the universe came into fruition spontaneously.
In special reports, this week's files cover: CIA
Director UFOs Have Implications for National Security, Peru's Light Skinned
Blondes, South Africa ET Conference, Biological anthropologist Owen Lovejoy,
Erich von Daniken Says Greek Gods Were Extraterrestrial, International Space
Station Photographs Huge Mothership, ET Genes in Humans, and Iran Captures US
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported
over Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana,
Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, Washington, and West Virginia.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in
Argentina, Canada, Italy, Panama, Russia, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of
these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs
on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that
extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the
over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced
spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in
UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying
for the US Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated
UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this research. I
believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's
are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Looking for a great email campaign and survey
manager? Try
ListRocket supports MUFON and George Filer. Please
support us!
Special Reports
Tom Reed's Abduction Case (part 2)
I spent the weekend with Tom Reed at the Tennessee MUFON
Nashville/Murfreesboro Conference and heard Tom's story of abductions and spoke
with him privately and feel he is telling the truth regarding his family -
brother Matthew, mother Nancy, and grandmother have a documented history of
multi-generational abductions that span over fifty years, and five states. Steve
White and Max Mitchell are responsible for investigating the case and providing
much of the information. They picked me up at the Nashville Airport for the
In 1969, the grandmother Nancy and the two boys (Tom and Mathew photo) were
coming home in their dark blue station wagon after a local horse show in the
area when they saw an enormous craft. Thomas said it looked like a flying strip
mall. Windows surrounded the entire craft, white and red lights came from under
what looked like windows, the lights looked as if they shot out and went on and
This craft paced their car on the driver's side for several miles behind the
trees that lined the side of the road. During this abduction of Thomas' entire
family, he could hear his mother calling for him while he was being held in an
open holding area close to the size of a football field before being taken to a
very small room with five beings who were not present in previous abductions.
In this cramped white and well lighted room, they had Thomas lay on a table.
Thomas broke free and ran out an opening into a huge, complex, intersecting
hallway that had markings on the floor. He stopped, disoriented, and did not
know where to run. He was taken back to the examining table by his escort, where
he was covered with a large tube that resembled a MRI machine with holes in it.
Small patches were placed on the left side of his body and a device on the
top of his head, and then he was returned to the station wagon. Matthew was
unconscious in the back seat, Nancy was in the front passenger seat, and Tom was
returned behind the driver seat. Thomas was the second to awake, and saw his
grandmother walking aimlessly in the street.
He left the station wagon to lead his grandmother back to the car. By the
time he could reach her, she had stumbled into a store that sat by itself on the
opposite side of the road. When Tom got to her she was holding on to a child's
stroller, just moving it back forth with her head down, lost and scared.
Thomas walked back to the car with his grandmother; she would break out in
tears, but got back to the car to find Nancy conscious, and now in the driver
seat. Not a sound would be heard during the ride back to the house.
This incident caused the family to sell their horses and
home and move a good half hour away to a nearby town closer to the mother's job.
The new house, strangely enough, had a huge willow tree.
Not long after moving into the new home, orbs appeared in Tom's bedroom,
hovering for ten minutes or more. He watched every move, noticing the difference
in movement and color.
A week or so passed and on a clear day, Thomas was walking along the road
next to a park with friends, eating some chips, and heading to the benches, when
a VW Bug-sized orb appeared in the sky at about 50 feet up, over the park. This
orb was traveling at about 70 miles an hour.
It came at Thomas' group, turned left, and flew parallel to the ground until
it rose to clear a house, at the bottom of the hill. It had swirls of orange and
red in it, but there was no heat or sound. No mention of any of these events was
made due the political aspirations of Thomas' stepfather, who would run on the
Democratic ticket indorsed by Senator Christopher Dodd, and be elected Mayor.
Thomas had a motorcycle accident in Hartford, Connecticut, causing him to be
hospitalized. For the next ten years, there were no visitations and his family
went on with their lives. Thanks to Steve White and Max Mitchell &
CIA Director UFOs Have Implications for National Security
CIA Director General Walter Bedell Smith
stated,"The Central Intelligence Agency
has reviewed the current situationSince 1947, approximately 2,000 official
reports of sightings have been received, and of these, about 20% are as yet
unexplained. It is my view that this situation has possible implications for our
national security which transcend the interest of a single service."CIA Director 1950 to 53. In a 1952 memorandum to
the National Security Council. (Imperial War Museum)
Peru's Light Skinned Blondes Had an Ancient Civilization.
The Chachapoyas in Northern Peru had lighter
skin than other South American peoples and blond hair. This poses an enduring
mystery for scholars of the region as to their ultimate origin; my theory
is that alien visitors have helped the development of humans. Relative to our
ancestors we have big bodies, long limbs, and large brains that I feel came from
the Nordic type extraterrestrials. We humans and the world's ancient monuments
are evidence for this theory. Genetic evidence
indicates when humans left Africa all known people on Earth had dark skin, dark
eyes and dark hair.
Michael Holick, a professor Boston University School of Medicine who
indicates when our ancestors left Africa they adjusted their skin tone to allow
in more sunlight to get more Vitamin D. Genetic evidence indicates that
light-skin-related mutations arose recently, and spread fast through Europe and
Asia. The theory suggests that the reduction of game meat, fish, and some plants
from the diet resulted in skin turning clear many thousands of years after
settlement in Europe and Asia.
This theory is supported by a study into the SLC24A5gene which found that the allelle associated
with light skin in Europe may have originated as recently as 6,000 years ago.
According to scientists a whole series of mutations explains white skin, blue
and green eyes and blonde hair. However, living near the equator were people
with light skin and hair in Peru who built these statues of their white
According to explorer Gene Savoy the
Chachapoyas had light hair and blue eyes. Spanish accounts called them the
tallest and lightest-skinned people of the region. Their culture -- art,
architecture, musical instruments, ceramics, and clothes -- seem to be very
distinct when compared to other groups of the area. The Chachapoyas mummified
their dead and some of the mummies have red or reddish blond hair. They were
often called the cloud people since they lived high in the Andes Mountains where
UFOs are often seen.
They were a fierce people that fought the Inca rule. They conducted extensive terracing throughout the
region and built towers and extensive fortifications.
They mummified their dead, leaving hundreds of mummies throughout the region.
These details have led some to speculate that the tribe came from a whole
different wave of migration than the rest of the Amerindian people populating
the Americas at that time. They could be descended from the people of the Indian
legends such as Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl, or Kulkulcan, the light-skinned gods
who came from space.
Biological anthropologist Owen Lovejoy of Kent State
Owen Lovejoy, a Kent State University Professor of
Anthropology, has taught for four decades. Lovejoy also has a long list of
research accomplishments and honors including a Distinguished Scholar Award.
Certainly we are rare and strange: as biological anthropologist Owen Lovejoy
states in Discover Magazine, "The chances that a creature like us will ever
happen again are so small that I can't even measure them. Page 48 May 2011.
Editor's Note: Although Owen Lovejoy has unlikely seen the evidence I have
for extraterrestrial visitation his conclusions are correct. I suggest ancient
writings are accurate when they tell of humans mating with ET. Scientist Dr.
Carl Sagan in his book, "Intelligent Life in the Universe" indicated Earth had
likely been visited by extraterrestrials numerous times. He states, "We don't
know where the Sumerians came from. I feel that if the Sumerian civilization is
depicted by the descendents of the Sumerians themselves to be of non-human
origin, the relevant legends should be examined carefully." (Page 456)
Erich von Daniken Says Greek Gods Were Extraterrestrial
Erich von Daniken, Author, "Odyssey of the Gods,
best-selling author Erich Von Daniken turns his attention to ancient Greece! Von
Daniken's exhausting research suggests the Greek 'gods' were in fact
extraterrestrial beings who arrived on Earth thousands of years ago.
Archaeological evidence and the writings of the ancients, including Aristotle,
prove these gods interbred with humans, performed genetic experiments, and bred
'mythical' creatures. There was an alien presence on planet Earth.
The further back in time archaeologically, the larger and larger the stones
are -- whether you are in Peru or Athens or Egypt. These huge megalithic stone
structures would make sense if the structures were built by extraterrestrial
giants or with their advanced technology.
We have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings and there is a
legacy of these beings on Earth in the historical record, biological record, as
well as in the archaeological record. The
The oracular site of Delphi was an aircraft refueling station. What we now
recognize as 'Greek myth' is in fact history.
International Space Station Photographs Huge
Steve Tobias sent interesting NASA photographs taken from
space. The photos show two disc shaped objects and unusual circular contrail
clouds that are unlikely to be formed by natural forces. These clouds could be
created by the long cylinder motherships aero braking into earth orbit.
Frequently shown in nasa photos taken by astronauts are the cylinder- shaped
white UFOs shown below that are likely of alien origin. They are thousands of
feet long and much larger then any known craft produced on Earth. My radar
estimated the one we were chasing was a mile long. In one aurora photo an object
like a long cylindrical vapor creating object was seen in the center of a huge
contrail and in the next photo it was leaving that contrail cloud.
NASA title: International Space Station ISS-009 E11846 Low Cloud Formations,
over Atlantic Ocean. nasa has a list of photos called unknowns in the photo
listings area that appear to be UFOs. Steve Tobias writes, The straight line of
clouds are all the same size and in straight vertical lines at right suggests
shadow of object may have been airbrushed out in this NASA photo near Greenland.
STS 69 view of strange lighted object in space on Sept. 14,
1995 Satellites do not have lights.
Johannesburg -- South Africa's first UFO Science and Consciousness Conference
claims Earth has become the battleground for extra-terrestrials to advance their
own political agenda for the future of the planet. "There's a battle for Earth
by some interesting dark forces," said author, scientist, and researcher Michael
Tellinger, who organized the conference. He said the royal political bloodline
was a small group of families whose origins could be traced to the first of
mankind and who were inevitably in contact with the aliens. "All the governments
in the world are puppets and instruments to implement the will of a small group
of individuals. The royal political bloodline goes back thousand of years."
He said the South African government was one of the most important puppets of
these extra-terrestrials because the country was rich in gold and diamonds. "We
are at the heart of this global control because of our mineral resources."Like
humans Extra-terrestrials had the potential to be both good and bad. "They came
to Earth looking for gold and we are all still obsessed with gold."
Tettinger said research showed that the extra-terrestrial "Annunaki" (also
known the Nephilim, the Watchers, or the Watchmen and referred to in the Bible
in Genesis) came to Earth around 300 000 years ago to look for gold. They were
also responsible for cloning their own genetic structures and creating
Laura Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of former United States president
Dwight Eisenhower said, "Offering a first-hand account of her experiences of
attempts by extra-terrestrials to control the mind and manipulate actions of
humans, and our governments were trying to keep this under wraps.
"Extra-terrestrials have been working with governments for a while," she
said, adding that treaties with the other-worldly beings were signed every 10
years. She said natural faults in the Earth were being manipulated to produce
catastrophes like tsunamis and earthquakes. She said, "I was recruited by an
agent in 2006 to take part in a mission to a Mars colony. She said, people had
been teleported to Mars since the 1970s and that the size of the population
there was continuing to shift and expand. She was able to break free from the
mind control techniques...
Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA
A group of researchers working at the Human Genome
Project indicate that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They
believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic
code of extraterrestrial life forms. Begun formally in 1990, the U.S. Human
Genome Project was a 13-year effort coordinated by the U.S. Department of Energy
and the National
Institutes of Health. Project goals
were to identify all the approximately 20,000-25,000 genes in human DNA,
determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human
DNA, and store this information in databases,
The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from
molds to fish to humans. In human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total
genome, says Prof. Sam Chang, the group leader. Non-coding sequences, originally
known as "junk DNA", were discovered years ago, and their function remained a
mystery. The overwhelming majority of Human DNA is "Off-world" in origin. The
apparent "extraterrestrial junk genes" merely "enjoy the ride" with hard working
active genes, passed from generation to generation. More information on
Dr. Michael Salla's Exopolitics Website
Iran Captures US Drone
Iran triumphantly displayed one of America's most advanced
intelligence-gathering aircraft on Thursday after a spy drone crashed on its
territory, leading Russia and China to ask to inspect its technology.
The aircraft was shown beneath an Iranian flag, mostly intact after crashing
140 miles inside the country last Sunday Photo: AFP
The RQ-170 Sentinel, supposedly the CIA's unseen "eye in the sky, capable of
beaming back a trove of imagery and electronic intercepts, was broadcast on Iranian
state television. Iran State television claimed that an electronic attack had
forced the drone down by overriding its flight systems. Russia and Iran have a
treaty for studying UFOs and work together for bringing one down. Surveillance
flights over Iran by CIA-operated aircraft have been taking place for several
years, using bases in neighboring Afghanistan. Iran's nuclear installations are
believed to be the prime target. The Sentinel, which entered service in 2009, is
reconnaissance aircraft that hovers at 50,000 feet and carries no weapons. The
skin of the craft is allegedly able to evade detection by radar. This "stealth
technology is also used by the F-22 Raptor that is longer in production due to
cost. Apparently the drone was too far inside Iran to attempt recovery that is
usually attempted. This is major gain for Iran. in its program to develop
nuclear weapons, but may backfire in that the US may now give Israel the OK to
launch attacks on Iran's Nuclear sites.
Sightings in the United
Arizona Lights
Tonopah -- I was coming home from work on November 16, 2011, where
I often see lights to the northwest and tonight there were three lights up in
the sky. I looked back at the road then back up to the lights and they were
gone. When I got home I got my camera and tried to take a video of them as the
lights go on and then off, and come on in another area of the northwest sky. I
took video of them for about three hours off and on. These lights were not
airplanes, although there some planes visible and when the planes came near the
lights they would go out. Then come back on when the plane passed. I gave up
watching and went to bed about 10 PM, Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Abduction
Walnut Creek -- In the late 1990s, I was in my back yard
barbecuing and saw a flying disk shaped object flying about the speed of a small
plane. It was flying from the Walnut Creek Hills and flew directly over our head
at about two hundred feet at 8 PM. It was silver and about 25 feet in diameter
about nine large white lights on the underside that flashed in a circular
I watched it fly towards Buchanan Field and don't remember anything past
that. I looked at my wife and she looked at me and I said, "Oh look, a flying
saucer. The craft was only 200 feet above us, silent, moving slow and in broad
daylight. My children were young, around 6 and 8 years old, but they say they
remember it. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Ocean Beach -- My wife first spotted objects in a triangle formation while
parking her car on December 9, 2011. She ran into their house to get me and we
both went outside to observe the objects break triangle formation and proceed
slowly east a mile apart. Each object was separated by a mile. The first thing
we thought is, "Here they are again". Several years ago we saw similar craft.
All witnesses were pretty amazed but this sighting wasn't as dramatic as the
Feb. 27th / March 2nd, 2008, sightings that were located in the exact same
airspace. All objects departed beyond the horizon due east. Thanks to MUFON
Florida Triangle
ST. PETERSBURG -- Driving with a friend in a residential/commercial area on
December 12, 2011, I noticed an object was out of place in the sky. At first, I
thought it was probably a plane but then it started hovering. It was a dark
triangular craft with lights at each point and one in the middle. It hovered in
place and than turned abruptly and disappeared instantly. Thanks to MUFON
Georgia Triangle
Us 84 -- My wife saw a fast flying low
object that slowed down as it went above our car and hovered right off the road.
I stopped along with six others cars to watch the object hover for about 30 to
60 seconds and then shoot off. When the object went over the car my wife lost
all towers on her cell phone. The object was a dark triangle with four bright
white lights that seem to go fade in and out. For years I have told my wife we
are not alone and now she knows. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Idaho Triangle
Sagle -- I was leaving a friend's property, and while closing his gate, I
spotted an object maneuvering erratically in front of Gold Hill on October 31,
2011. I pretty much knew it was a UFO as the object was yellowish-orange turning
to a reddish color. My son had just called me to come pick him up from trick or
treating so I went to pick him up. We drove back to Gold Hill so my son could
see the object and it was still there. We then drove five miles home and I told
my mother about it and she came outside and saw it too. I got my camera and
started taking pictures. An hour had passed when I noticed the second object
rising up from behind Gold Hill and took numerous pictures. The second object
moved towards the first object where it stayed for several hours. I finally went
inside at about 2:30 AM, because it was freezing. The objects were still there
when I went inside. I managed to get seven fairly good pictures. Thanks to MUFON
Illinois Triangle and Pilot's Sighting
OTTAWA -- Around 7 pm on December 6, 2011, I walked outside
to my deck to smoke and I looked north to see four scattered lights. In one
minute time the lights were directly over me forming a straight line as the dogs
started to bark excessively. I grabbed my camera phone and four circular lights
formed a triangular shape. The lights were bright yellow in the center and a
darker orange around the edge of the lights. The three lights maintained a
triangle heading south while the fourth one stayed behind and was consistent in
speed. After a couple minutes the lights were just gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Chicago -- As a pilot of 22 years, flying everything from relatively large
passenger jet aircraft to aerobatic aircraft, I am pretty familiar with objects
in the sky. Nine years ago, there was an abnormally bright star that at first I
thought was a flight descending from high altitude above O'Hare International
Airport gaining in intensity as it got closer to us. It was bright and a pure
white color that caught our attention and we started looking at the object way
before it started moving. In fact, that is what was so curious about it at
first, usually the atmosphere will appear to make something flicker, and show
different colors like a prism. But there were no navigation lights, no strobes,
no wings, nor multiple lights.
After several minutes the bright light started moving in a zigzag pattern
across the sky. I used the fixed points to see if it was in fact moving or just
an illusion. It was not swaying, and other "fixed" objects in the sky kept a
relative position compared to it. Only this one light had motion. For it to
zigzag and turn so abruptly it would cause incredible G-forces on any object.
This was not an efficient flight path as the object froze again in the sky and
just stayed there for several minutes. It must have been a round-like object
either emitting light or reflecting light from the sun still beyond the horizon.
Then without any noise, the object accelerated to an unimaginable velocity in a
steep turning arc to the northeast and disappeared over the houses Several
minutes later a second object seemed to chase after the first object. Even at a
medium altitude it would have been hypersonic. I did report the event to the UFO
hotline. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Disc
Fortville -- I was coming from work driving on SR 67
heading toward McCordsville on June 29th, 2011 at 4:28 PM. I saw an object maybe
350 feet above the ground, and 500 yards away.
I saw a hovering craft in the middle of a corn field that was not a balloon.
It was a dull metallic grey sphere or even square disturbing the atmosphere
around it. I took my phone camera, and waited to get an opening when there was a
break in the tree line. I took a picture. The more I look at the photo and zoom
in on the object, the more I am convinced there is not a reasonable explanation
for object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maine Object
SOUTH PORTLAND -- I was driving with a friend about 60 mph
on a spur to Route 295, when I saw a perfect white round ball next to a charter
plane about half mile from the airport on December 11, 2011.
Looking out the windshield the object was about the size of a car tire. I
noticed a large luminous light that circled it completely. I have been studying
UFO's for six years now and always watching when I'm out. I am very
knowledgeable about UFO's and planes.
NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Thanks to MUFON CMS and Thanks to Ken
Massachusetts Saucer
IPSWICH -- I noticed a bright light outside my window on December 3, 2011, as
my dogs ears perked, and his fur was on end. The cat was scared and frozen by
the window. I looked out the window and saw a huge saucer hovering 15 feet in
the air. The grass and trees looked like a helicopter was near them. It hovered,
spraying bright light over the neighborhood. I could see my street perfectly
because of the light. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Space Craft
ALBUQUERQUE -- I wanted to see if I could capture some photos of the Leonid
Meteor shower so I drove, to a dark fence of Kirtland Air Force Base on November
18, 2011. I set up my camera and immediately noticed a "star" traveling east at
an exceptionally fast rate. It turned to the northeast traveling at a very high
rate of speed. All of a sudden, it stopped and began bouncing around in the sky.
The second "UFO" that I witnessed was mistaken for Mars until it began
bouncing around in the sky as well. In June, a friend, and her 12 year old
daughter watched something bounce all over the for more than an hour. Thanks to
MUFON CMS and Ken Pfeifer
Washington Lights
Seattle -- These were taken in on 11-11-11 with a Motorola Droid II Cell
Phone, 5 MP, using Solarize, Infra-Red, red tint and normal settings. The
elongated arms that you see angling left, then right, seemingly projected from
the moon, are not a camera flare or any product of the lens, nor is the "UFO"
dot that you see moving around from place to place in each picture. Both these
phenomenon could be seen with the naked eye. You can see from the file names the
time signatures for each photo There was 100% visibility that night, with
absolutely no clouds. What is that dot, what is the elongated flare, and why are
both moving? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Abductions
tacoma The witness has had several dreams of encountering unknown flying
craft multiple dates in 2011, and says that she has been shown future events on
Earth. Recently she found an unknown scar on the back of neck although the photo
is not real clear but shows redness. She has been seeing her physician for 10
years and her physician has no explanation for the mark. The witness has a
daughter living with her who also has had some strange experiences.
Note: I interviewed the witness. She seems quite credible and of sound mind.
She sincerely believes that something unusual has been happening to her and
wants to know what it could be. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs
West Virginia Oval
Jane Lew -- My Mother and I were coming back from my girlfriend's house on
December 6, 2011, and noticed a light above the car that drew my attention. I
looked up and I saw a dark object maybe 20-30 feet in size and within 50 -75
feet above the car. It was in the shape of an oval and had lights coming from
the bottom. The object was grayish blue with a definite shape and did not have
wings of any sort. It seemed to hover for a split second then shoot directly
over the car. When I looked out the back window as we passed it was gone. I kind
of screamed I think I just saw a UFO. It definitely wasn't an aircraft. Thanks
Sightings Around the
Argentina Triangle
BUENOS AIRES -- A triangular UFO was recorded on video at
Ituzaing about 21:30 hours on November 24 2011.
A resident in the province of Buenos Aires was able to capture the object
with red lights.
The witness lost no time at all and started recording the situation when the
UFO appeared. The object emitted bright red flashes and the color of its lights
did not resemble airliner beacons.
Oshawa, Ontario-- Paul Shishis
writes, "I have been in touch by Patricia
who in May 2011witnessed an assortment of lights in color of white,
orange, and multicolored lights.The last
sighting Patricia witnessed and filmed happened on December 1,
Patricia states, "I can't say how far away
they were- and the orange orbs weren't visible to the naked eye- only my camera
picked them up. I saw the large white one again last night, even though it was
quite cloudy. I was looking out my window about 7:30 PM, and wondering if I'd
see "my friends" and no sooner had I thought that to myself. I then could see
them; they were higher than normal, same general location though. I usually see
them after 10 PM and they stay until I go to bed - usually around 11 PM. On
occasion I've gone to bed, and then got back up about 30 minutes later and take
a quick look outside, and they are not visible, but within seconds they appear.
How strange is that??
When I was a child back in the 1970s, there
was a UFO sighting over the highway 401 near my house - it was cigar shaped and
descending. The next day there were three equidistant rings imprinted on the
grass in the ravine at the end of my street. Thanks to Paul Shishis
Italy Crop Circle
"Riva presso Chieri" - I'm Italian and I saw the circle of the grain in
Poirino. I think the dots are groups of stars. I discovered that the 23 circles
on the tips of the star make the number 161 (23x7). 161x161 is 25,921, the exact
number on the precession of the equinoxes. The crop, therefore, indicates the
end of our era processional. The large dot is on number 21 (refer to December
21, 2012?). It is also found in the tip relative to the constellation of Pegasus
which, incidentally, refers to the god Enki who signed the crop circles.
Panama Lights
DAVID --- On December 7. 2011, I went outside my house at 5 am to see if I
could see more of these strange lights for the second day. I saw more than five
strange lights that were all with different speeds and directions. The rarest is
to see some close together. They make me deduce that some are planes based on
their speed. I continue watching until I'm sure that they are lights moving
across the sky, but the lights flickered stronger and brighter than a plane. I
continue in my research. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Russia Recce Vehicle
Moscow -- Footage has emerged of an apparent 'unidentified
flying object' soaring above during a political protest in Bolotnaya Square in
the Russian capital on December 10, 2011. Thousands of onlookers who were meant
to be protesting Putin's election watched the strange craft that might be a
reconnaissance craft taking their pictures.
As with most apparent alien craft sightings, the quality of the footage and
picture is poor, and the shape or size of the object is difficult to work
The strange craft appears to have legs or blade-like parts similar to that of
a helicopter. But witnesses to the UFO 'sighting' insisted it looked like it was
flying without a rotor blade or engine.
Durban, Kwazulu Natal -- Jim McCarthy writes, "I was in my bedroom and was
walking to my window; I saw what seemed like Christmas lights reflecting on my
window. My sister's house is below mine and I thought maybe her lights from her
Christmas tree were reflecting on my window. I went to the window and realized
it was not that, as I looked up to the sky, there were a bunch of orange lights
in the sky. I quickly ran out the door and there they were, and then ran inside
to get my phone, I took a picture but unfortunately it is black as it doesn't
have a flash. I shouted for my sister and husband, by the time they got out the
rest had disappeared into the clouds and there was one that had been a bit
behind which they managed to see. They said it could be air force planes or
something. Never have I seen anything like it. They were like balls of red
light, there were about eleven lights scattered but moving together. What I saw
did not seem natural, it was strange, and I have never seen anything like it. I
run a carpet and upholstery business, I am also a practicing Yoga Teacher. I
have never read anything about UFOs. Have heard stories about them but have
never thought much on it. Jenna and Jim
UK/ During an Abduction Alien Killed with a Coal Shovel'
Gateshead -- There was a bizarre UFO sighting and abduction in 1940, which is
now the subject of a TV special. The story involves several young boys who
encountered a UFO and alien beings. Stories of alien abductions peaked in the
Sixties and Seventies, but one case that predates them is said to have taken
place in the North East.
Gavin Havery reports, it was a sunny spring day in 1940,
and soldiers were marching south along Saltwell Road, in Gateshead. Nearby,
five-year-old Robert Hall is playing with his friends in the maze of red brick
terraces. Robert Hall states, "They weren't bloody green, they were grey. I will
take it to my grave."
Earlier in the day, he had seen something whizzing about in the sky and,
after he tired of playing with his friends, he decided to go to his Hedley
Street home around the corner. Robert, a retired window cleaner, says he was
confronted by a craft the like of which he had never seen before. He described
it as "a big egg-shaped thing surround by bright light.
Robert says it was then that he spotted strange-looking creatures. He says
three of them were built like men, but ranged from 2 feet to 4 feet in height,
one looked like Big Foot while another had long flowing hair and a coat that
partially covered a skeletal body and bat wings. "Other children were petrified
and in shock. They were trying to get over the railway, but there was barbed
wire and they were getting cut and were screaming, he says.
Robert Hall is 76 and he has been telling the same story all his life. And
now he is telling it in a television program that has brought his story to a
worldwide audience. Recalling what happened, Robert says the creatures spoke to
him in perfect English, with no accent, and asked if they could examine him. "I
told them it was 1940 and we were at war with Germany, he says. "They took blood
out of the back of my neck and put some jelly on. I kept my eyes shut. I was so
frightened I was shaking. After 20 terrifying minutes, he was allowed to go. He
says, "My parents thought I was kidding and so did the soldiers.
The next day, Robert says, two men with black suits came to the house and
warned him that if he said anything, he would disappear. A few days later, a
grey alien with big eyes and a large head, grabbed him. "He was on me in a
couple of seconds, he says. "I fell over the curb and bashed my toe. My Uncle
Ernie saw what was happening and bashed its head in with a coal shovel.
The alien's body was put in a coal sack and Robert was sent to find a local
policeman, Sergeant Brookes. He says, "The Army was called and took the body to
a church.
"Interestingly, Robert says the creatures had a short, white hand-held device
which could subdue or immobilize somebody and there are the triangular marks
that were left on his face. Robert's story has become the subject of a
television documentary called, "The Rich Planet Starship.
To watch Robert Hall tell his story log on to on Sky channel
201 every Friday at 8 pm. To contact Richard, email
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
15-12-2011 om 16:28
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Maybe It's An Early Christmas Present From Mahmoud [Ahmadinejad] To Barack [Obama]!
Trip to South Africa was a great learning experience!
My trip to South Africa was remarkable in many
First, I was able to spend time with an old friend
there, Duncan Roads, editor of Nexus Magazine in Australia, who had flown to
Johannesburg to attend the conference and to scout new talent for his own
excellent conferences in Oz. However, he was also there to interview a pair of
whistleblowers who were giving him inside scoop about nefarious doings that he
will no doubt reveal soon in the pages of Nexus. Duncan' diligence at what he
does keeps him at the forefront of nearly every new development in all aspects
of alternative knowledge.
Next, I met several new friends whom I hope to keep in
touch with as time goes by and our paths cross again. One of the best parts of
attending such conferences is having the time and freedom to meet and get to
know various speakers and attendees. I always learn something new and valuable
at every conference, and this one was no different in teaching me things from
small in scale to quite large. And sometimes there is out-and-out adventure to
one's best adventure, by far, would have to be sneaking into Adam's Calendar in
the very early morning, drenched in fog, hiding from South African government
officials who, a few days before the conference, declared the ancient stone
monument to be "off limits" to any tourists. This was done specifically to
disrupt Michael Tellinger's plans to take his conference speakers there to let
us see it and judge its importance with our own eyes. Michael is a famous man in
South Africa, and he is also a critic of certain aspects of the government, so
they tried to play hardball with him by declaring "his" site off-limits at the
last possible minute.
I asked Michael what we were going to do about the government's declaration, he
said, "We're going in anyway. All they can do is fine us, so we will pay the
fine." I found out later it might have been a bit worse for him, but I admired
him immensely for his spirited, combative attitude about it.
than having to flagrantly scoff the law, once our group arrived in the area
where Adam's Calendar is, we found out the guard who had been posted there to
keep us out would not arrive at the locked gates until 8:00 am. So all we had to
do was get up at 5:30 am, drive an hour to get there, and have our hour on the
site before having to leave. Of course, we had to approach the site from its
backside, along an old and very poorly maintained logging road, but our
four-wheeled vehicles carried us all safely to the site.
Looming out of very heavy early-morning mist.......
a group of ancient stones placed in what could have been viewed as haphazard
fashion, but that was very far from the case. Adam's Calendar is actually
Africa's equivalent of Stonehenge in England. It is a calendar made up of large,
misshapen stones that have been precisely positioned to the cardinal points of
north, south, east, and west. Like Stonehenge, those stones permit those who
know how to read them to follow the yearly progression of the sun and moon and
stars across the heavens. It is a giant "clock" of sorts.
makes Adam's Calendar important is that Zecharia Sitchin wrote about it in only
an abstract sense in his books, relating how it was described in the Sumerian
tablets of 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. For those who don't know the story, when
the Anunnaki came to Earth around 400,000 years ago, they were under the
leadership of two brothers, Enlil and Enki. These two brothers were rivals and
did not get along well, so the Earth was divided into two halves. The "Upper"
world, the E.Din, which became "Eden" in the Bible, was under the leadership of
Enlil, who was also the overall commander of the Anunnaki while they were on
other brother was Enki, and he was given the "Lower" world, Ab.Zu, the Abzu,
which was what is now all of southern Africa, and specifically the country of
South Africa. Enki had a capital city in the Abzu, which seems to have been the
ruin that is now known as Great Zimbabwe. The Sumerian texts also talk about his
"special place," where he made complex calculations that were not greatly
specified. Zecharia described it as being high on a plateau overlooking a wide,
fertile valley. And that was it.
Only within the past couple of years......
....have Michael Tellinger and his pilot friend, Johan
Heine, realized that the scattering of large stones on the high bluff we stood
on that foggy morning was in fact the "special place" of Enki, one half of the
ruling tandem of Anunnaki on Earth. The cold and damp were not the only things
giving us chills that morning. We knew we were standing on what had once been
one of the most important sites on the planet. Knowing that gave us all quite a
there we all were, standing and gazing around a place the Sumerians wrote about
4,000 years ago, and that Zecharia Sitchin first wrote about 35 years ago, but
which he didn't actually know about because he died just as Michael Tellinger
and Johan Heine were figuring out what it meant and putting it out to the world
for evaluation and analysis.
is my message today to all of you. Find some time to visit Michael's
website at His book
that deals with Adam's Calendar and---I'm not exaggerating here---tens of
thousands of other stone "structures," for lack of a better term, that are
circular in design (many of them circles within larger circles) and scattered
all across the width and breadth of all of southern Africa. These stone
structures are not homes or dwellings because they have no doors or openings of
any kind. And they are connected by "roads" that are not really roads at all.
What are they? You won't believe it when you first hear it.
has come to think they were for generating "free" energy, the kind Nikola Tesla
was working to harness until large corporate entities found out they couldn't
put a meter on what he was creating, so they squashed him and his work and now
we pay for power that could and should be free. Michael is confident that the
prior civilization that lived all across southern Africa was sophisticated
enough to know how to harness free energy, and nothing else I've heard as an
explanation makes nearly as much sense as that.
guess the size of the population of the civilization that once lived across
southern Africa. Try to imagine how many people it would take to create stone
edifices using billions---that's billions with a "b"---of stones. Michael
estimates in the range of 200 million, which is a staggering number until you
read Michael's book, "Temples of the African Gods" and see a hundred or so of
those edifices that represent tens of thousands of them.
I realize it's been a while since I did my last Byte like
I hope you are tolerating the wordiness of it, but I want you all to know that
Michael Tellinger's work in South Africa is very, very important, and what I
consider to be among the most important things going on in the world of
alternative knowledge. Don't miss making yourself at least aware of it, and if
you have the time and inclination, learn more about it.
for the Starchild Skull, we've made no new progress with genetic testing. We're
really done more than enough at this point to have an acceptable "proof of
concept." Now it comes down to getting the investment money we need, and I'm
working on that steadily, as are others in our behalf.
or later we will find the right person and finally kick off the genetic testing.
And as soon as we do that, it will only be a matter of time before we can prove
beyond any shadow of doubt that the Starchild was genetically so far away form
humans that it can only be termed an alien.
free.pdf sample below is 20 pages, and takes an average reader
8-10 minutes to finish. Those few minutes teach an important truth about origins
that very few people know about. I'm actually getting "Thank You" notes for the
free sample! If you take the time to read it, you'll find out why.....
"This is PART ONE of TWO which are both on YouTube. In
1974 a farmer in the Canadian prairies was swathing his family field when he
came across what he initially believed to be 5 domed hunting blinds parked in
the tall grass next to a pond. As he approached the objects in the tall grass on foot to
confront whomever was responsible, he suddenly realized the objects were
spinning at a very high rate of speed, and hovering a foot off the
ground. After a number of minutes at close proximity, the
terrified farmer retreated to his now unresponsive swather, and spent the next
extended period of time trapped to his seat in terror, watching the objects spin
silently next to the pond. Eventually the objects lifted off in a stepped formation,
momentarily hanging in the air above him. After a purge of vapour, the objects
raced out of sight at an incredible speed. Local RCMP investigated the scene and filed a report
which concluded the site was no hoax. Within a week the timid farmer and his family suffered a
media blitz and became an unwilling global celebrity. Thousands flocked to the
family farm to see the site by any means possible. Scientists, engineers, energy
companies, industrialists, local community members, religious members and all
manner of quacks were part of the human bouquet that participated in the siege
on the family. Eventually, the extended family helped form a barrier of
respectful privacy between Edwin and the curious mobs. The story cooled, but the truth of the events remained
uncontested. 37 years later, the farmer at the center of it all grants
an interview and goes into great detail about what he saw, and the insanity that
followed once the media became involved. His story about what happened that day
has never changed. Using models, reenactments, family photographs,
historical documents, interviews with many involved, and a visit to the actual
landing site (still reportedly radioactive), there has never been a more robust
access to material on of the 1974 Edwin Fuhr UFO encounter. The project title is derived from Edwins description of
the texture visually present on the upper portion of the objects."
Filer's Files #50 2011 - Thomas E. Reed Family Abduction Case
Tom Reed at the Tennessee MUFON Nashville/Murfreesboro
George A. Filer III.
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region
December 7, 2011
Filer's Files are now being emailed to 9150 each week plus 600
copies are forwarded to more thousands. Consider forwarding them to your friends
and neighbors.
In special reports, this week's files cover: Are we all
aliens? The Giza Pyramid Power Plant, Eclipse on December 10th Could bring
Trouble, New Planet Similar to Earth Discovered, West's War with Iran Has Begun,
Thomas E. Reed Family Abduction, Syria/Russia: Moscow and Tehran to Resist
Western Pressure.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over
Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan,
Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, Tennessee, and Washington.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in Australia,
Belgium, Canada, Spain, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to
report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis
around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial
intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand
UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft
conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when
London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US
Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more
than twenty years; and we continue this research. I believe the God of
the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in
ever-increasing numbers.
ListRocket supports MUFON and George Filer. Please
support us!
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Special Reports
Are we all aliens?
Panspermia is the theory that life originated in space and
came to Earth aboard comets, not unlike the concept of Johnny Appleseed
spreading seeds where ever he traveled. We now know that life can travel
throughout the vast universe from one planet to another and sit dormant until it
arrives in a place like Earth, where it awakes and flourishes.
Gravity causes the comets to travel from one planet to another bringing life.
We now know that life can exist at the bottom of the ocean in 700 F degree
vents, or in the coldest Antarctica ice, or even within tremendous nuclear
radiation. Life wants to live and expand. President Clinton announced that rocks
containing microbes traveled from Mars to Earth and may be part of the reason
that life began on Earth, 3.8 billion years ago. Comet Encke thanks to NASA
Or so goes one aspect of a theory called panspermia, which holds that the
stuff of life is everywhere and that we humans owe our genesis to a continual
rain of foreign microbes. Large meteorites could carry even more sophisticated
DNA. It means, simply, that we might all be aliens. One study, reported in the
journal Science, shows that
a space rock could successfully transport life between planets.
Of course, spaceships carrying extraterrestrial alien
intelligence, could mate with us or create us in their image. Another group of
researchers, reporting in Nature, found and revived bacteria hiding in New
Mexican salt crystals for 250 million years proving they are nearly immortal and
could travel for billions of years and revive. Sir Fred Hoyle (shown left) and
Chandra Wickramasinghe's found traces of life in the dust around distant stars
and their theory is mathematically more likely than the likelihood of life
evolving from a primordial soup. Panspermia's defenders argue that life could be
almost anywhere in the cosmos and hitting Earth on a regular basis. This means
we could have microbial ancestors, or even more evolved cousins every where.
Many qualified scientists such as Louis Pasteur proposed that spontaneous
generation of life could not have occurred on Earth. British physicist Lord
Kelvin and others jumped on Pasteur's bandwagon and suggested that life might
have come from space. In the 1970's, Wickramasinghe and Hoyle broadened the
Panspermia theory, arguing that a continual rain of life-altering stuff from
space -- including germs
that arrive in cycles related to solar
activity -- has affected the course of evolution. The seeds, they say, are
still coming. Last week I suggested that our ancient pyramids and Ziggurats are
evidence of alien visitation.
The Giza Pyramid Power Plant,
Mechanical engineer Christopher Dunn reverse-engineered the
Great Pyramid at Giza to discover its use. His startling conclusions blow the
heck out of traditional Egyptology's rather silly notions that it was built with
copper tools by a society that lacked the wheel.
Christopher Dunn has an extensive background as a craftsman, starting his
career as an indentured apprentice in his hometown of Manchester, England.
Recruited by an aerospace manufacturing company, he immigrated to the United
States in 1969. Over the past 49 years, Chris has worked at every level of
high-tech manufacturing from machinist, toolmaker, programmer and operator of
high-power industrial lasers, Project Engineer and Laser Operations Manager. For
the past 16 year, he has served as Human Resource Director for a Midwest
aerospace manufacturer.
His book,The Giza Power Plant "takes into account existing
fact and artifact without having to rely on unprovable assertions. A must-read
for truth seekers who aren't afraid to consider the idea that Western culture of
the 21st century may not be the pinnacle of human evolution and achievement.
--P. Randall Cohan
This photo taken inside the Giza Pyramid shows the perfect fitting and square
corners of ten ton blocks of granite. Your credit card would not fit between the
New Planet Similar to Earth Discovered
A newly discovered planet that's been proclaimed "very similar to Earth, is
sitting just outside our solar system, in the habitable zone of a sun-like star,
some 600 light years away. The planet called Kepler-22b circles the habitable
zone of a sun-like star and is almost twice the size of Earth.
It is very possible the twin of Earth also has a civilization like ours. In
fact the planet may be millions of years ahead of us in technology and may be
responsible for the UFOs and even our creation. Another planet like it and
closer to us could be discovered very soon. The Kepler telescope has already
detected hundreds of new planets. Thanks to NASA
Eclipse on December 10th Could bring Trouble
Prepare to get to bed early on Friday. Saturday morning
will see the last total eclipse of the moon until 2014. The moon will pass into
the Earth's shadow starting at around 6:30 a.m. EST, appearing a ghostly red
over parts of the Earth. People on the US East Coast will only have the
beginning of the eclipse. The rest of the United States and much of Europe will
be able to see the eclipse as the moon.
The best viewing will go to Australia and Asia. It will peak at around 6:32
a.m. Pacific Standard Time. There is new evidence that charged particles
increase during an eclipse and influence us humans on Earth? The Earth's
magnetic field triggers magneto-receptors which resides in our DNA. Humans and
animals have a Cryptochrome gene which acts as a steering device telling us
'which way is up', it also provides a type of navigation which often coincides
with magnetic lay-lines. . In addition, the Cryptochrome gene provides us with a
"Circadian" rhythm. This is an 24-hour cycle in our biology, biochemical,
physiology, and behavioral processes. Over the last several days solar flares
and CMEs (coronal mass ejections) have set off from the Sun as part of Cycle 24
as it continues towards its maximum. The Sun as the main cause of cyclical
natural disasters and warming. In any case according to Mitch Battros don't be
surprised if strange feelings are felt and the Earth may A "total" Lunar eclipse
occurs on December 10th, which often result in a large magnitude earthquake to
occur within 14 days of either-side of eclipse events. This could also take the
form of a volcano, hurricane, or tsunami. Thanks to Mitch Battros - Earth
West's War with Iran Has Begun
As a former Air Force Intelligence officer I suggest
offensive action has been taken by Israel and some of its allies to sabotage
Iran's nuclear program. The US may be participating in the offensive action.
Both Russia and Iran claim large numbers of UFOs have been reported over Iran.
An unmanned Top Secret RQ-170 Sentinel drone was apparently shot down by Iranian
military units despite its ability to fool radar. The craft known as the Beast
of Kandahar could be mistaken for a UFO and has the ability to launch weapons.
U.S. officials would not elaborate on what the unmanned RQ-170 Sentinel's
mission was or why it was flying over Iran. We can assume the drone was
conducting reconnaissance mission and may even had launched attacks.
A new report by the United Nation's nuclear watchdog organization, the
International Atomic Energy Agency, in early November announced Iran has
continued developing technologies for nuclear weapons and the means to deliver
them atop ballistic missiles.
Iranian news agency IRNA reports two mysterious explosions at military base
and a uranium facility has occurred in the last month.
On September 16, 2007, just after midnight, Israeli F- 15s
of the 69th Squadron of Israeli crossed the Syrian coast-line on F-16s and ELINT
aircraft also participated in the raid on Syria's nuclear weapons storage sites.
On the ground, Syria's formidable air defenses went dead. An audacious raid on a
Syrian target 50 miles from the Iraqi border was under way.
A Shaldag Air Force Commando Team that parachuted in the target area was
waiting to direct their laser beams for the approaching jets. Heavy cement
busting bombs struck the huge underground depot holding the former Iraqi nuclear
weapons and some from North Korea. Bomb damage assessment photos show the
bunkers were in flames and severely damaged. Israel believes it destroyed a
cache of nuclear materials. One source said the air strikes were a diversion for
a daring Israeli commando raid, in which nuclear materials were intercepted en
route to Iran and hauled to Israel. It is quite possible Israel will carry out
similar air attacks on Iran to prevent being attacked by Iranian missiles.
A new type of was has already started with a campaign of assassinations of
nuclear scientists and sabotage. A cyber war has already sabotaged programmable
logic controllers, or PLCs, manufactured by Siemens of Germany used in Iran's
nuclear program to control the gas centrifuges in its uranium enrichment
facilities. Malware and viruses have been put into Iran's computers to slow
development. In late 2007, Engineers write the code for the "digital bomb"
component of Stuxnet, allowing those behind the attack to force the gas
centrifuges to rotate at faster-than-normal speeds, which is what damaged the
sensitive equipment when the cyber weapon was eventually deployed.
It is not known how some of the nuclear facilities were
damaged last week.
Sanctions and mounting international pressure appear to have failed to
persuade Iran to slow down its pursuit of uranium enrichment.
And many observers believe the blowing-up of facilities and targeting of key
scientists is a more direct way of halting their ambitions.
General Mohammed Ali Jaafari has ordered units to move their long-range
missiles to prevent them being targeted in an attack.
Iran's President Ahmadinejad continues to make threatening
statements about the destruction of Israel and denies the holocaust ever
occurred. Iran's Revolutionary Guard have been put on a war footing by the
country's spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei over fears of an attack by the
West on its nuclear facilities
The move by General Mohammed Ali Jaafari, coming after the shooting down of a
U.S. drone and the ransacking of the British embassy in Tehran, will raise fears
among citizens in the West that the Islamists are escalating towards a major
conflict. It is not clear who is conducting these attacks. It is known Israel
will defend itself, but there is also unrest within the public over the poor
economy and the leadership.
After the announcement of mysterious explosions at Iranian nuclear sites, the
kidnapping and assassination of scientists and possible sabotage of computers
using a virus, I feel combat has already broken out in a '21st century war'.
What is not clear is whose hand is behind the 'attacks' on Iran's nuclear
Thomas E. Reed Family Abduction, Case #22994.
I spent the weekend with Tom Reed at the Tennessee MUFON
Nashville/Murfreesboro Conference and heard Tom's story of abductions and spoke
with him privately and feel he is telling the truth regarding his family -
brother Matthew, mother Nancy, and grandmother have a documented history of
multi-generational abductions that would span over fifty years, and five states.
This case file is one of the largest and must detailed, multi-generational
abduction cases in the history of MUFON. Investigator - Steve White and Max
Mitchell are responsible for investigating the case and providing much of the
information. They picked me up at the Nashville Airport for the conference.
Before, during, and after these abductions, neither Thomas nor his family
members would have their memories fully blocked, they were wide awake, aware of
what was happening, and allowed to recall almost all of what took place during
the abductions.
Thomas is convinced this was there indoctrination period, which was why the
family was able to recall so much of it so clearly. These clearly remembered
experiences with multiple family members would add first and second person
verification and view points. Thomas would be the first to search and locate the
earlier landing areas where his and his brother's initial abduction occurred.
This case has been investigated for over twenty years by MUFON, various
police investigators, and UFO abduction groups. In this case, most of the family
members share the same blood type, O Rh negative, and A Rh negative. Thomas has
taken and passed a polygraph and undergone age regression hypnosis in 2010 at
the Knoxville Hypnosis center to aid in additional memory recovery regarding the
1969 abduction, but almost all of the information is recalled without hypnosis.
Thomas and Matthew Reed's first abduction started with orbs in the spring of
1966, with the orbs appearing in their shared bedroom. The orbs seemed solid
like glass, but without density, the balls were not luminous but resembled a
shiny hole in the air that you could not see through with a bluish outer ring.
The orbs had direction, one of the orbs moved slowly to the left of the window
then along the south wall of the room just below the ceiling. Thomas felt as if
they could see, and were watching him, he closed his eyes hoping when he opened
them, they would be gone, he did this several times.
Within days, the first abduction occurred. Beings now known as Grays, who
glowed softly like they were ghosts, appeared in their room. Thomas recalls
light and in seconds the boys were outside their home in a field along a tree
line on the edge of his family's property. Thomas recognized the path as Thomas
and his mother would ride their horses along it often. At this point, the Gray's
illumination ceased and Thomas could see their structure, and what looked like a
mask or the headgear, which they kept on at all times.
They came to a small clearing on their right side; they could see the craft
and a being standing to the right of it. Thomas was first in a line ahead of his
brother and the Grays. When they were within twenty feet of the craft, Thomas
turned his head to see Matthew, but he and the beings were now gone. Thomas
became fixated on the being standing to the right of the craft and said he was
summoned to walk towards him, as calm came over him.
The being raised his arm and lightly placed his right hand in the center of
his chest. Then Thomas was standing in a bright, narrow hallway with Matthew on
board the craft. It was at that time they would be separated. Thomas was taken
to a room about forty feet in diameter.
A being stood next to a large screen that appeared to be part of the wall.
Thomas was with the tallest gray who placed his hand on Thomas' left shoulder.
Two other figures stood at assigned tables, while the fifth was with
four-year-old Matthew. The taller Gray would communicate with the others, who
would control the images on the screen, just in front of Thomas.
He was then shown images of a willow tree and visuals of what Thomas feels to
have been a galaxy. The controls that the Grays used on these tables resembled
Braille and were bronze in color. Something seemingly similar was also imbedded
in a chest panel on their attire, and was used to control and communicate.
Matthew, the younger of the two brothers, would be kept
back about 15 feet from this room in the hallway, Thomas turning his head
repeatedly to make sure his brother was still there. Matthew was standing to the
right of what Tom felt was the being assigned to him, just before he was removed
out of his sight.
The craft had smooth, white hallways and no chairs. There were five beings on
the craft, the main Gray who seemed to have befriended Thomas, made him feel
important; the interest was in Thomas' biological make up, Thomas was important.
This would be Thomas' indoctrination.
Matthew was in an entirely different part of the craft, but the boys would be
returned home together. The next day, Thomas arrived home from school, he took
his horse, Thunder, from his mother's stable and with clear memory within an
hour would locate where the craft had landed within a quarter mile of his house.
In 1966 Thomas was abducted for a second time; he was in conversation with
his brother in the bottom bunk moments before he was abducted. Matthew first saw
the flashes of light, heard the rattle of hinges, and then he was talking to an
empty bed. Matthew watched much of the Grays abduction process, as well as after
the abduction, before he was abducted himself.
The Grays moved silently from room to room they also had a soft, white glow
about them while a now referenced and referred to, Reptilian supervised. Matthew
would run and hide behind his mother's bed. Within seconds Matthew would see an
illuminated Gray hovering at the bottom of his grandmother's bed just feet away.
Matthew states he froze in panic. The Grays lined up and left the room together,
but the Reptilian scanned the room before he followed the others.
Matthew woke his mother to look for Thomas when a door slammed behind
Matthew. Now Matthew was also gone. Nancy and the grandmother were frantic, they
searched the grounds, hours passed, and then in an instant the boys were in the
driveway, pale and frightened, just staring at each other, eyes locked. Nancy
immediately takes the boys inside, sits them at the kitchen table.
With wet towels, blanket, and juice, she cares for them. Nancy gives them
aspirin. The boys finally fell asleep together on the sofa in the living room.
Nancy watched over them the entire night. Thanks to Thomas Reed, Steve White,
Max Mitchell, and UFO Casebook. The case will continue in next weeks files.
Syria/Russia: Moscow and Tehran to Resist Western Pressure
A new round of sanctions against Syria's embattled President Bashar al-Assad
puts significant international pressure on Moscow, Tehran, and Damascus. As
Russia's and Iran's strategic and economic interests in Syria come into
increasingly conflict with resounding calls for democracy and human rights in
Syria, relations between Moscow, Tehran and the West are likely to rapidly
deteriorate since Moscow and Tehran will continue to resist cutting its ties to
Syria. The civil war in Syria is gaining steam as more military personnel defect
and dozens are killed during the uprisings.
Sightings in the United
Alabama Sphere
Wagarville -- I was at my friend's house tossing around a football when I
caught a light out of the corner of my eye. It appeared only for a moment just
long enough for me and one other to see it. About an hour later we saw it again.
Only this time about seven people see it, when I screamed for everyone to look
at the violet looking light. It was about a mile away like a cell phone tower.
It drifted along a bit then disappeared and reappeared in a different place. I
have seen a number of things that seemed unusual in the sky but this was
absolutely amazing. I have never seen anything like it even though it was just a
light. It was faster than anything I have ever seen. I am now a firm believer
that ufo's are in our skies. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Disc
Oceanside -- The object came over my house from direction
of Camp Pendleton Marine Base making no noise and had flashing strobe lights. It
flew too slowly to be plane. I came home and saw it at 6 PM on December 4th,
2011. I've seen UFOs previously, but this was first time I took pictures.
Eventually the object just floated away out of sight silently. Having been
around UFOs before and had many other strange experiences I wasn't afraid.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Triangle
Lakewood -- Driving home from filming the sunset, I saw triangular shaped
object with orange lights. It was about 5:45 PM, on November 28, 2011. I first
thought it was a UFO, because I'd never seen anything like that in the sky
before. As I started filming, the lights faded in and out, and also one on the
right moved south. All three lights faded out, and then faded back in, then, as
I said, the one on the right moved south. Then, they all faded out. I was not
scared, but rather intrigued. I still don't know if it's military, passenger
jets, or alien. I actually never lost sight of the object, as they started to
fade out. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Object on Roof Correction
ORLANDO -- A photo showing a house last week with a strange hourglass shaped
orb was taken in Orlando on November 26, 2011, and not Naples. It was included
in error. There was an h ourglass shaped
anomaly on the roof of the house; a bright light on the house likely caused a
refraction error or light reflection in the camera lens.
Fort Lauderdale -- I was driving home from work on December 1, 2011, at 5:45
PM. There was traffic ahead on I-595, so I looked up and saw ten objects
hovering in the air. One even went straight up and almost around the other
object. This photo was taken and you can see this was not a plane or helicopter.
Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Cooper City-- Multiple brilliant orange orbs were filmed by me on November
26, 2011, the listed date over Broward County, Florida. I am a former MUFON
Investigator and this is not CGI. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Panhandle -- The video below is the latest example of an
UFO caught on tape in November in a remote area. The video caused a stir after
it was posted to YouTube, and has been enhanced by UFO Casebook. What sets this
video apart is the spooky nature of the craft as it silently emerges from a
cloud bank and shows off its revolving light display as it glides through the
air. This sighting has become known as the "I-10" video. Thanks to Gather and
Georgia Blue Ball
Winston -- We just got home from visiting with friends
about 11:45 PM, on November 30, 2011. I took the dog out and noticed the barely
moving object. It had red, green, blue lights as well as one brighter white
light. It seemed to be spinning, pulsating, or flickering lights. By the way it
is now 1:30 am and this object is still within view if I step out onto my front
porch. It slowly moved away traveling south. My wife was a witness to this as
well and she took digital pictures and at the advice of Tom Sheets (who I called
on my cell) recorded digital video. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Twin Lights
Addison -- I was watching the Thursday night football game
November 24, 2011, and during a break 9:33 PM, I decided to have a smoke. As I
stepped outside I saw some unusual lights and immediately knowing the area much
and the physical appearance of jets and helicopters, I ran inside to grab my
camera because I knew what I saw was not a usual craft. It was racing from east
to west.
It had two extremely large lights that would change colors in a clockwise
motion, from red, white, amber, blue, and green. I lost it heading west. Thanks
to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Michigan Rectangle
ANN ARBOR -- On December 3, 2011, while driving just before dark I spotted
three large orbs floating in the sky and stationary. I called my wife and asked
her too look in the sky for an unusual object. She called me back five minutes
later and said she had seen it fly over our house. Our kids heard it and felt
the house shake. I drove home and gathered the family and drove to where the
crafts were flying. After getting out of the van I was directly under one of
them. The craft was at about 500 feet. I saw its belly and four large
rectangular landing feet.
We pointed the craft out to a across a woman parked at the Ann Arbor Airport.
She looked up and saw them but seemed frightened and asked me if it was some
kind of joke. Seven of us watched them together for several minutes. Later, I
called her because I could not understand what we saw, and she packed her family
up and husband and came to our house, just as she got here, one of the crafts
passed over, this time there was an aircraft following it. Then the aircraft
pulled up straight vertical and backed off and flew back east. The airplane left
a jet trail, but the craft did not, and about ten of us saw it. I called 911
earlier in the night but they just shook it off. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Hovering Object
Excelsior Springs -- I was driving east at 60 mph on 69 Highway at
about 9:55 am on November 29, 2011, and noticed a fairly large airplane coming
in to land at the airport. Then I saw a fairly large object hovering at a 1000
feet altitude, over a mile from me. It was a dull white and shaped like a blimp
shape, but there was no carriage underneath. I observed it for another five
seconds and drove under a railroad bridge and lost my view of it, it was gone,
and it just disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nevada Orange Orb
Las Vegas -- I saw an orange orb in sky ascend with a tail of what looked
like a thruster of some sort on November 24, 2011, at 8:30 PM. It changed to
white like the rest of stars in the sky. Then it turned red and moved with an
insane rate of speed farther into the sky and disappeared.
Note: No known rocket launches occurred on this night. (Launches from
Vandenberg Air Force Base in California can be seen from Las Vegas.) Thanks to
William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
New Jersey Strange Object Over 9/11 Ceremony
CAPE MAY -- Before the 9/11 Ceremony a large helicopter flew over the area on
September 11, 2011. Then during the ceremony we noticed a hovering object in
front of a cloud that made no sound, and had no lights. Others noticed it in the
sky, over the Cape May Beach. A thunder storm rolled in over the bay as the
ceremony ended. We watched the object and we drove towards it as the storm
intensified and we lost sight of the object. The above image is a rendering.
Thanks to MUFON CMS system and Colleen Hughes for her report. Ken Pfeifer of
MUFON New Jersey investigated this case
Tennessee Disc
According to information made available on Sunday, November
27, 2011, a UFO was spotted in the sky over Tennessee recently that seemed "to
swim through the sky like a fish. A 37-year-old YouTube user witnessed the UFO
who states, "When I was filming this, I thought it was a balloon.....then I
watched it and thought it was a bag caught up in the wind...However I'm puzzled
by the way it continued to swim through the sky like a fish.....on a linear path
until it disappeared."
The UFO was silver and shaped irregularly. As it moved across the horizon, it
seemed to tilt to and fro without tumbling end over end or turning upside down
entirely. It remained suspended in the air for an extended period of time before
disappearing. Thanks to
Washington Pale UFO
Renton -- Witness called Assistant State Director to file her
report that on November 8, 2010, she was riding in a car with a friend. They
were driving westbound on Sunset Boulevard when the witness saw an object that
appeared to be resting on top of the trees. She yelled at her friend to look, as
they were actually above the object. As they passed by, the witness could see
that the object was above the trees and 25 to 40 feet in diameter. It was round,
but not really disk-shaped. She described it as, "Like a prescription bottle
top, with a square top. On top was a smaller protrusion of the same shape. Set
into that were square or rectangular depressions. The object was a dull,
rust-brown. They were about 1/2 to 1 block from the object. After passing by the
object, the car turned and she did not see the object again. Thanks to MUFON
YAKIMA -- In the early summer of 2009 around midnight, I
took some photos of an object which seemed to slightly bounce around the sky in
front of our home. This object was pale in color and hovered around the edge of
a military base by our house.
When I enhanced my photos, I was not so shocked to see a perfectly circular
disc, but more surprised by the symbols on it. When I went through your other
reports posted on your site, I noticed that it looked similar to three other
reports: October 10, 2011 in Cumberland, Wisconsin, September 11, 2011 in Las
Vegas, Nevada and July 21, 2011 in Yucca Valley, California.
I can clearly see symbols on my photo of the disc. The two symbols are
located on the right side, near the center which shows what looks to be like an
"8" with a degree symbol - as in eight degrees, and the other symbol shows what
looks like a throne of sorts. My first thought was that this was possibly an
alien race of "sun gods" worshipped by the Egyptians long ago. Note: The witness
has just completed a book on UFOs called, "Unholy Alliances: Authorized
Abductions by Dakota M. Christian." The book contains over 50 photos and is
available on
Gig Harbor -- Please look at the attached photos I took on
February 20, 2011 at 2:08 PM on Highway 3. It's an original and the second is an
enhanced close up. Note pictures were taken in February, downloaded on my
computer in June, and found this month going through photos. The photo is zoomed
in. 2:08 PM
I was only shooting clouds because they were going several
different ways which I thought it was odd. This is one of five consecutive
pictures. The object was only in two out of three pictures. Thanks to William
Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Australia Diamond
Frankston -- About 9:30 pm, on the 6th
of December 2011, I was driving southeast and saw a light as bright as the moon
gets and bigger than a star. It was white travelling southeast out over Part
Phillip Bay. As soon as I got home I grabbed my video camera and tripod, climbed
on the roof of house. It had moved further away but could still see it. I set up
the camera and videoed it, by this stage I could not see it with a naked eye but
it was clear through camera. It was diamond and pulsating, it appears to have a
pattern of faint lines like crop circles in it. It morphed into five separate
lights all pushing and changing shape. I got ten minutes on video. Thanks to
Belgium UFO
UFO - Over Belgium - November - 2011 - Color Changing, Arc Shaped, Nighttime,
Caledon -- I was up at my usual 5:30 am, on December 4, 2011, and put coffee
on the stove when I noticed a cluster of lights, hovering just over my trees. My
husband awaking wiped his eyes and asked me if I was seeing the lights? I said,
"Yes and we both observed the object hover for about 30 more second and started
to slowly head south, my husband then ran out front of the house and watched the
object fade out of view.
WHITECOURT -- On September 24, 2011, I was going outside for a smoke and saw
a V shaped craft flying west above the neighbor's house across the street about
50 feet in the air and about 30 feet from tip to end. There were five lights
arranged in a V shape. It was silent and made zero noise. I immediately
dismissed this to be anything I have ever seen. The body of the structure seemed
transparent, and not solid. It reminded me of sun spots. Sounds similar to
sightings in spruce grove and Beaumont areas of Alberta I found on another
sight. I watched it for a total of about 15 seconds. It flew past the trees
blocking my vision travelling towards the coast. It has truly strengthened my
beliefs of extra terrestrials. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Chile Disc
Coquimbo -- On November 28, 2011, at 7 PM, I went out to look at the moon and
saw something bigger than a star with a strange shape like three stars together.
I called my Mom to come and look and she also saw it. It moved at a fast pace.
The same day Vista Luego saw a star size light pass three times faster than a
plane. I told my Mom and later noticed a very bright light about the size of
five stars.
On November 29, I went out to look at 9 PM, and I saw a call another similar
object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Spain Maneuvering Dark Object
Calvi -- I sat with the computer on the balcony of my fifth floor apartment
on November 30, 2011. Suddenly I noticed a dark wobbling object static in the
northwest at1.5 km. away. I told my Mom and she handed me the cameras as the
recorded with both cameras. The object hovered, maneuvered, and disappeared
behind a small hill. I saw three white lights that come on and off two times.
The area of the event is very close to the coast. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Robert Newton writes, "Most of my film is on analogue cam-cord and I have
bought two digital cams, which I should be able to start to upload to you-tube
soon. The film is mostly of good quality and includes an alien craft, just one
of six which flew over on August 21, 2011, about 10:55 pm, and returned to
observe me less than 100 yards away, at an altitude of 90 feet. Dematerializing
and returning with other craft later lights dimmed and on other nights all
filmed. Alien craft I have filmed are of several types and my reports can be
seen at ufo news club uk.
I will be uploading some soon, when I have read my first report on your file
and mufon. However, some of my film is sensational and I am expecting money for
them, and also I think the USA and British Governments should see them because I
am certain the military can't claim them. If you want to see my film then let me
know when you're coming to England. Thanks Robert Newton
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
10-12-2011 om 18:37
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Did These
Dr J Allen Hynek (Astronomer) in 1974 - Re:
1953 CIA Robertson Panel & 1952 Utah film.
Hynek discusses the 1953 Robertson panel meeting, and how
despite agreeing that the objects found on the Utah film were not birds or known
craft, the panel decided to call the objects birds.
Despite having no formal training in aircraft design, Germanys Horten
brothers developed the first flying wing plane powered by a jet engine.
Flying wing planes are tailess aircrafts with fixed wings, the resemble
gliders. They have no definite fuselage, and most of the crew and equipment are
housed within the main wing structure.
The Horton Ho 229 was also the first aircraft to incorporate stealth
technology. Its design ensured that it was harder to detect with radar. The
original Horten Ho was had a center pod made from welded steel tubing and wings
made from two thin, carbon-saturated plywood panels glued together with a
charcoal and sawdust mixture.
The war ended so there was no longer a need for the planes; some of the
Horton Hos were captured during the end of World War II, and sent back to the
United States for evaluation
Filer's Files are now being emailed to 9200 each week plus 600 copies are
forwarded to more thousands. Consider forwarding them to your friends and
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona,
California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey,
Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in Australia, Brazil, Canada, and
England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video
evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files
assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis
is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically
advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became
interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England
while flying for the US Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force
investigated UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this advanced
research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the
cosmos and UFO's are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
"If you DON'T read the newspaper, you're UNinformed. If you DO read the
newspaper, you're MISinformed!" " Mark Twain
Looking for a great email campaign and survey
manager? Try
ListRocket supports MUFON and George Filer. Please support us!
Tennessee MUFON Conference
December 3rd in Murfreesboro's at the Baymont
Inn. Speakers are:
George Filer, Christopher O'Brien, and Tom
Christopher has authored four books on cattle
mutilations in the San Louis Valley in Colorado. Tom Reed, from Knoxville, will
give us updates on the ongoing investigation of his and his brother's
multi-generational abductions that have now become famous. I'll speak about life
on Mars. Contact
Special Reports
Are Homo Sapiens Part
My theory is that alien visitors have helped the development of humans. We
humans and the world's ancient monuments are evidence for this theory. Genetic
evidence indicates when humans left Africa all known people on Earth had dark
skin, dark eyes and dark hair. Michael Holick, a professor Boston University
School of Medicine who indicates when our ancestors left Africa they adjusted
their skin tone to allow in more sunlight to get more Vitamin D. Essentially,
from two million years ago to less than 100,000 years ago, the ancestors of all
people alive were from Africa.
Genetic evidence indicates that light-skin-related
mutations arose recently, and spread fast through Europe and Asia. The theory
suggests that the reduction of game meat, fish, and some plants from the diet
resulted in skin turning clear many thousands of years after settlement in
Europe and Asia. This theory is supported by a study into the SLC24A5
gene which found that the allelle associated with light skin in Europe may have
originated as recently as 6,000-10,000 years ago.
According to scientists a whole series of fortunate mutations explains white
skin, blue and green eyes and blonde hair.
I have personally seen alien visitors and chased their extraterrestrial
craft, so my experiences have provided insight into the likely actual situation.
A team of daring Chinese researchers, digging into the ancient mysteries of
the origin of their country, has come to the inescapable conclusion that an
interstellar, supreme alien race used much of the northern and western Chinese
regions as massive Earth bases. Hundreds of strange pyramids cover parts of
China and former Tibet. The data has been kept secret mainly because the alien
race was blonde, blue eyed, with white skin. It seems logical that this alien
race mated with the humans on Earth at that time. The ancient Chinese writings
reveal this theme. Thanks to Gordon James Gianninoto
Nine university scientists gaped upwards at the gigantic,
prehistoric pyramid that they determine was built some 10,000 years ago. One
such base may be the astonishing pyramid structure that sits near the apex of
Mount Baigong in the western province of Qinghai, the Xianyang pyramid. The
Chinese pyramids look similar to those in Egypt, Mexico, Peru and on Mars.
According to ancient Chinese legend, over one hundred pyramids discovered in
China are the legacy of blue eyed blonde aliens.
Scientist Dr. Carl Sagan in his book, "Intelligent Life in
the Universe" indicated Earth had likely been visited by extraterrestrials
numerous times. He states, "Sumer was an early--perhaps the first -civilization
the contemporary sense on the planet Earth. It was founded in the forth
millennium B.C. or earlier. We don't know where the Sumerians came from. I feel
that if the Sumerian civilization is depicted by the descendents of the
Sumerians themselves to be of non-human origin, the relevant legends should be
examined carefully." (Page 456)
He goes on to ask, "What might an advanced extraterrestrial civilization want
from us?"......He answered his own question by stating, "One of the primary
motivations for the exploration of the New World was to convert the inhabitants
to Christianity -- peacefully if possible -- forcefully if necessary. Can we
exclude the possibility of an extraterrestrial evangelism? (Page 463)
Evangelism essentially is a method of bringing a belief system to others,"
The Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary states, Evangelize is to preach
the gospel, from 'Greek eu, good and Angelos, a messenger, to instruct in the
gospel, to preach the Gospel, also to convert to Christianity. The sacred
writings of most religions clearly claim that Angels or extraterrestrials
brought their religious beliefs to Earth.
Sumerian brick tablets found all over what is today is
Iraq; also tell the story of extraterrestrial visitors and how they brought
civilization to Sumer. They explain the visitors taught them to build Ziggurats.
The reconstructed facade of the Neo-SumerianGreat
Ziggurat of Ur, near Nasiriyah,
Kenneth Larson writes, "The reason why I found it so interesting concerning
your reported ancient Chinese pyramid layouts in your website at
and my strong interest in the ancient Great Pyramid complex near Cairo, Egypt
is that there seems to be a basic mathematical-engineering design pattern to the
pyramid layouts on the Earth's surface. My research books and drawings try to
show how the entire Earth exhibits intelligent mathematical design patterns and
grid patterns, and the designs relate to key UFO sightings and the primary
American West design patterns and layouts, etc. One key site is the Great Salt
Lake, Utah, settled first by Mormons on July 24, 1847, with related key UFO
report sites. Joseph Smith said, "The Earth obeys the laws of a celestial
kingdom and the glory of God is intelligence. Hence, the celestial kingdom laws
seem to be designs and grid patterns as well as scientific and mathematical
precepts and designs based on the pi value. My 38 published books are in the Los
Angeles Central Public Library and the Library of Congress, Washington DC. Also,
the planet Mars seems to show similar pyramid plan view units. Thanks to Kenneth
Egyptian pyramids were supposedly built by Egyptians in
about 3000 BC, as attempt to imitate the stars in the Belt of Orion. They were
not exactly at the correct angle to match up with the pyramids unless the
location of the stars is traced back to the belt when it was exactly aligned
with the pyramids in 10,500 BC. Allegedly no civilized humans were living on the
earth at that time.
The Great Pyramid is so huge and so perfect it us unlikely we could construct
it today using the same specifications. Each giant Stone ranges from 1 to 20
tons in weight, and the Great Pyramid was built with well over 100,000 stones.
But the Egyptians had no machinery, engines, helicopters, or construction
equipment, so it is doubtful they could have built without technological help.
The stones came from quarries 500 miles away. Just cutting the stones is
extremely difficult, getting the to the building site is a monumental task and
how did they place 20 ton stones perfectly hundreds of feet high The top of the
pyramid is 481 feet high. A ramp would require as much material as the pyramid.
If the pyramid stones were cut it into foot square blocks, they it would reach
two thirds of the way around the world. The Great Pyramid lies on 31 degrees
north by 31 degrees west. The pyramid is the center of all of the land mass of
the whole earth! I examined the interior of the Great Pyramid and there was no
writing or hieroglyphics and it seemed more like a power station than a tomb.
Sitting next to the Great Pyramid is the Sphinx with the
body of a lion with a human head. At one time the Sphinx likely had lions head
that was perfectly proportioned for the head of a lion, not the human head. This
human head looks tiny sitting on top of the lion body and was likely carved out
of lion's head. The Sphinx was also built in 10,500 BC, probably to celebrate
the constellation of Leo the Lion rising directly behind the sun. When I visited
the Sphinx, it was obvious there are signs of water erosion all over the Sphinx
again going back to the same time period. The Egyptians kept very careful
historical records but there are no records of them building the Great Giza
Ancient Egyptian scriptures reveal the Tep Zepi, or the First
Time when the "gods came from the sky came down to Earth and raised the land
from mud and water. Ptah (Gods of Heaven came to Earth from the Celestial Disk)
installed as Egypt's first Divine Ruler his own son RA.
They flew with flying "boats and brought laws and wisdom to man through a
royal line of pharaohs. It is likely t
hat a very advanced alien race came down and altered our genetic pool. Most
ancient writings repeat the same theme that gods or extraterrestrial visitors
came to make humans in their image.
Professor Paul Davies, from the Australian Center for Astrobiology at
Macquarie University in Sydney, believes a cosmic greeting card could have been
left in every human cell. The coded message would only be discovered once the
human race had the technology to read and understand it.
According to the Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the peoples of the Caucasus
Mountains in Russia refer to "Caucasian." The term Caucasian race has been used
to denote the general physical type of some or all of the populations of Europe,
Africa, the Horn
of Africa, Western
Asia (Middle East), Central
Asia and South
Asia. Historically, the term has been used to describe the entire population
of these regions, without regard necessarily to skin
For 20,000 years during this closing ice age - called the
Upper Paleolithic period - a term referring only to the type of culture that
existed amongst these early Homo sapiens - our ancestors, the White race's
ancestors, lived as hunter gatherers in Europe.
Their physical remains and artifacts from this time are plentiful - and what
is really amazing is how far spread out they were. This first race of people
with whom we can claim a genetic affinity, were what is called the proto Nordic
racial type - tall, light hair and eyes.
In certain isolated areas in Europe you can still find perfect living
examples of this racial type, and they differ only slightly in height from
modern day Nordics.
This great proto Nordic race lived in a broad band spanning from Spain right
across Europe all the way to central Asia and even to the Pacific Rim, where
skeletal remains have been found as well. In Siberia and Asia they were
eventually absorbed by the Mongoloid races and the same happened in the Pacific
Rim - for example the Ainu people of Japan - that society's highest class - are
very clearly crosses of Mongoloids and Whites. They differ substantially from
the rest of the Japanese population
The first great White Egyptian civilization was in fact predated by about
some 3000 years by the great Sumerian civilization - another population whose
racial make up was predominantly Mediterranean with a Nordic ruling elite. This
civilization, founded between the two great rivers, the Tigris and the
Euphrates, even built pyramids - called Ziggurats - of their own long before the
Egyptians apparently stole the idea from them. By this time the modern day Nordic racial type had fully
developed, and it may come as news to some of you that original large Nordic
concentrations were not in fact in Scandinavia, but in modern day Ukraine and
South Eastern Russia (hence Whites are mistakenly called Caucasians - after the
Causacas mountains).
The town of Kiev, was for example one of the biggest Nordic cities, dating
from about 7000 years ago, and had a population of 20,000 - huge by standards of
the time. These Nordics slowly crept westward, invading and re-invading Western
Europe for a period of nearly 6000 years, finally resulting in the establishment
of a new Nordic heartland in Northern Europe.
These original Nordic tribes had stone buildings and worked bronze and
copper. How much of this metal working skill was passed South to the Middle
Eastern civilizations remains a matter of debate. However, what is for sure is
that successive waves of Nordic tribes started invading central and Southern
Europe in earnest about 6 400 years ago, and caused the Mediterranean
civilizations (the "Old European" civilizations) to topple. Nordic tribes
occupied large regions of Turkey, Crete, Greece and Southern Europe and Italy.
The invading Nordics did not kill the largely Mediterranean populations of these
areas - obviously feeling some type of racial kinship, but instead just ruled
over them.
Some Nordic tribes migrated into the Far East - as far as China, where some
Nordic remains have been found in burial chambers. These Nordic tribes also
invaded Egypt, but were in turn occupied by a Semitic invasion - the Hyskos, who
wee only expelled after 100 years of their rule. In the Arctic, the /Inuit never
developed light skin, although most Asians do have light skin. It is generally
thought the light skin is the result of mutations.
According to Faye Flam staff writer at the Philadelphia Inquirer, Penn State
professor of Biological Anthropology, Mark Shriver and colleagues isolated a
genetic mutation that contributed to European's having white skin, a mutation
that in zebra fish leads to the absence of the characteristic stripes. Mark
Shriver indicates, there is apparently a ten percent of human genetic variation
between Scandinavian versus West African races. Although we are similar there
are obviously differences in skin color, hair and often eye color. There are
also differences in illnesses among races. African-Americans have more diabetes,
prostate cancer, and hypertension, while whites have more dementia and
osteoporosis. I encourage these experts to look at the evidence for alien
visitation, because it solves many scientific anomalies.
I realize this has been kept secret at the highest levels of government.
Prince Philip and various high ranking personnel have revealed the well kept
Our DNA points to Intelligent Design
The discovery of DNA, (deoxyribonucleic acid) with all its
implications of a very complicated genetic code creates additional evidence for
intelligent design rather than theoretical evolution. The DNA helix must have a
planner, a designer. You are thousands of times more complex than even the most
sophisticated computer who needed a designer and engineers to build. Even then
you also have the spark of life needed to grow and reproduce!
A well-known DNA scientist keeps encouraging me, who can't talk openly
states, "The three most interesting genetic anomalies are Rah-factor, HIV, and
delta-CCR5. Apes and primitives are Rah plus (+,+), while whites and Asians are
close to 25% Rh minus (-,-), just as if our ancestor were blonde alien (-,-)
mixed with local (+,+) by Mendelian statistics. A slight selection against
pregnancy by (-,-) women lowers that to 20%. If we had defective HIV in our
bodies, we would get antisense resistance to modern HIV. Yet many chimps contain
defective HIV, while we do not, at least until 1955 when it was transferred from
monkeys to man. If we come from apes, why don't we see ancient HIV in our
genome? "
The most interesting mutation is for HIV-resistance, found by looking for
homosexuals without AIDS. They were all found in Scandinavia as "delta-32 CCR5".
How to select for resistance to a virus which was not in man before 1955? Some
people have shown that it might protect against smallpox or myxo, but why not in
India or China where smallpox is rife? Why isn't it in apes, given the millions
of years that an identical gene in apes was exposed to viruses?
The reason is because both chromosomal copies must be deleted at once to give
resistance, by a double-hit which is almost impossible randomly. Now we see that
delta-32 CCR5 is found with a very recent origin in Finland-Mordovia, spread
weakly to northern Russia and northern Europe, but not southern Europe, Africa,
Asia, or elsewhere.
Also the Ashkenazi Jews have many strange genes. The most obvious source of
this mutation would be those tall blond visitors, who may have crossed with
local women a few thousand years ago. Their progeny would go on to raise our
scientific level over 5000 years. You can easily access recent information by
searching for keywords on Medline / Pubmed at NCBI, say "Rh factor" or
"delta-CCR5" crossed with other terms for specificity!
I feel the ancient sacred Sumerian, Chinese, Indian, Jewish writings are
correct when they tell us that extraterrestrials (the sons of God mated with the
daughters of men, they were fair, and they took them wives of all which they
chose. Genesis 6.
Mars Explorer and Pyramid
The world's biggest extraterrestrial explorer, NASA's
Curiosity rover, rocketed toward Mars on Saturday on a search for evidence that
the red planet might once have been home to microbes.
It will take 8 1/2 months for Curiosity to reach Mars following a journey of
354 million miles. The mission has already cost $2.5 billion and will land at an
unlikely spot on the planet to find life. An unmanned Atlas V rocket hoisted the
rover, officially known as Mars Science Laboratory, into a cloudy late morning
sky. It will have a very dangerous landing on Mars and will likely not
communicate with Earth until it is safe to transmit little of importance just
like the Spirit Rover lost communication in Gusev crater when it found evidence
for alien life.. NASA didn't include any devices for life detection? Curiosity,
is armed with a laser to zap rocks, but not Martians. The laser can vaporize
rocks at a distance of 23 feet. Read more:
Google Earth section on Mars has a typical pyramid
shaped object.
Rene Gadeson writes, "I have some new Mars image evidence that you should
take a look at. I have been studying one map for almost two years now, and I
have discovered some startling new image evidence that I have not seen published
anywhere to date. Strangely, I have not been able to get anyone interested in
going to Google Mars to have a look for themselves, hopefully, you will at least
take the time to go and look. There is massive evidence of artificiality in just
a 30 square mile map. Also there is evidence of present animal life as well.
Note possible face in center left center.
41 35 S 56 59E
Google Mars map center coordinates. 41 29 21.84S, 56 56 44.44E You can cut
and paste these right into the Google Mars search box.
I recommended that you go to Google Mars and look for yourself.
Both Supreme Allied Commanders Claim Aliens Are Here
Supreme Allied Commanders Mountbatten and MacArthur
General Douglas MacArthur stated, "The nations of the world will have to
unite for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of Earth must
someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets" New
York Times General Douglas Mac Arthur, 1955.
Editor's Note: It is interesting that two of the Supreme Allied Commanders of
World War II went to their newspaper contacts to warn the public about the
reality of UFOs and they may provide a threat to the nations of Earth. Strong
rumors indicate they both saw crashed saucers and their occupants in the
Pacific. One allegedly landed on the Admiral of the Fleet Earl Mountbatten's
estate in England. Prince Phillip assured me he and his Uncle had strong
interest in UFOs.
Sightings in the United
Arizona Disc Shaped Craft Witnessed by Police.
CHANDLER -- My wife and I were walking out our front door in December 1981,
when she said "What is that, it looks like it is on fire". I observed an object
that was similar in size to a helicopter that was hovering due north of us at
500 feet above the ground. The object had what appeared to be red flare droplets
falling from the underside. My wife asked, "Is it on fire and might crash. The
vehicle hovered for about 30 seconds and then drifted slowly and tilted so I
could see it was a sphere shaped object. The vehicle remained at this location
rou a minute and you could see a red flare color. The vehicle drifted to the
east and came lower to the ground over the roofs to the east in the horizon. It
simply sped off and vanished to the east in a flash. I was a Mesa Police Officer
and reported it at work that night. I am still a sworn investigator today. I
reported this to the UFO Bureau at Davis Monthan Air Force Base the next day.
The next week my wife was in nursing class and learned that the mother of a
fellow student had seen the same incident as reported to Chandler Police
Department. I later learned that one of my friends wife had also seen this
object the same night. I also saw a 60 minutes UFO sighting report about a
Roswell new Mexico cop seeing the same thing in his area around the same time.
It was never reported on the news at that time. This occurred over a city area
near the Chandler -Mesa border. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Thanks to
California Lights
On November 15, 2011, my wife, and two sons and I were exiting a store when I
looked at the sky because of the rain. I didn't hear any engine noise or
helicopter sound. I decided to take two photos of the rain and when I viewed the
photos later I saw these four lights that shouldn't be there. I do firmly
believe in other life forms outside of our planet but they wouldn't be anything
we could imagine. That being said I wasn't looking for a UFO in the sky that
night. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Disc
LAKEWOOD -- I was looking out my window and saw what looked
like a black disc flying through dark clouds. It was very hard to see for it was
very flat looking. It was moving much quicker then an airplane. When I saw it
pass in front of a white cloud I gasped because it was much bigger then I had
thought! It looked about as long as a good sized parking lot! All I could see
was the edge so I couldn't tell if it was a disc or a cigar shaped craft. It
came from the north and disappeared into the clouds on the east side. NOTE: The
above image is a rendering. Thanks to MUFON CMS and Thanks to Ken Pfeifer
Florida Lights
NAPLES -- At first we thought it was a firework down Naples Bay. It rose
straight up but then instead of exploding, it began to move towards us.
Then it veered westward over the Gulf of Mexico. We are still watching for
more. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Triangle of Lights
Cary -- Sorry the quality is not the best video I captured
on November 23, 2011. You will have to zoom in and look at the sky above the
tree line.
CHICAGO " I was sitting out on my deck on November 15, 2011, when my 8 year
old daughter said, "Mommy the stars are moving. I turned and to see a large
triangular object with four lights that looked like stars, turn counter
clockwise toward the north and release a round white orb. The object moved to
the southeast faster than an airplane. My mother came outside and observed the
smaller object moving toward the southeast as well. I lost sight of the larger
object just after it released the smaller object. I lost track of the smaller
object as it disappeared past the trees. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kansas UFO on Radar Screens
WICHITA -- On November 23, 2011, a unidentified craft was observed on radar
making a steep descent towards McConnell Air Force Base or Wichita International
Airport. Watch the radar for yourself. At one point it looks like an object
makes a steep descent and a 90-degree turn and lands. I show the full discovery
process real time.And why it's important to do the extra investigation to see
what lies beneath!
Pittsfield -- I was taking a picture of an orange glow in
the cloud on November 21, 2011, about 2 PM, and took four frames with my Nikon
d5100 with a 55-300 mm lens. I was on a moving bus, and I never noticed the six
lights in the left corner until I downloaded them on my computer. I don't know
where the lights came from or where they went to after I shot them. I was
shocked to see them and posted it on face book. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Neada Blue/White Arc Light
Gardnerville " On November 20, 2011, at 5:30 PM, traveling alone in my
pick-up truck on U.S. Highway 395 north of China Springs Road. At the top of
hill overlooking Gardnerville, an object was a blue/white arc welding arc light
descending at slight angled path to the north. To my left is East Peak Nevada
10,000' elevation with Lake Tahoe Basin on other side. The sun was starting to
set as the object penetrated the cloud formation at extreme speed. I saw the
object above and through raincloud and come out the bottom, illuminating inside
of cloud. The object continued north at very high speed before either going
behind Genoa Peak 9,000' elevation or into it. The object turned a red color
like a road flare. It disappeared out of visual range or burned up. It either
recovered out of my visual range or it hit the ground on the west side of Genoa
Peak or into Lake Tahoe. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Sphere
LAWRENCE HARBOR -- I was driving on the Garden State
Parkway heading north around exit 117 at 1:10 pm, on November 18, 2011. I
noticed a stainless steel or polished aluminum sphere shaped object moving slow
about 1300 feet off the ground. There was no tail, wings, or rotors as it flew
toward the ocean and vanished. I have lived in this area my whole life and see
multiple aircraft daily. Note: The above image is a rendering. This case is
under investigation by Ed Dobson of MUFON New Jersey. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer
HAMMONTON --Driving South on Route 206 just south of Atsion Lake, two
passengers in my car and I observed a dark cigar or disk shaped object one mile
away. It was stationary and
three times within two minutes it reflected highly reflective sunlight off
the object. It had no wings and was not a helicopter shape. We had perplexing
reactions trying to think logically about how it just disappeared from view as
we lost sight of it driving.. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Red Lights
KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE -- I wanted to see if I could
capture some photos of the Leonid Meteor shower on November 18, 2011, so I went
to the end of a dark road at the fence at Kirtland. I set up my camera and
immediately noticed a "star" traveling east at an exceptionally fast rate. It
changed direction to northeast and was traveling too fast to be a plane. All of
a sudden, it stopped and began bouncing around in the sky.
In June of
this year, a friend and her 12 year old daughter and I watched something bounce
all over the sky for more than an hour and a half. I have seen UFO's three times
since June of 2011. I was able to get "proof" with my camera. Thanks to MUFON
New York Disc
New York City On Thursday, November 24, 2011, a UFO was reportedly seen
hovering above the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on 6th Street in New York
The interesting black object was spotted by a YouTube user named Super1NYC
who managed to capture the strange object...
Ohio Triangle
Champion -- I turned onto Carroll Street off of Old State
Road and right above the tree line were three bright white lights in a
triangular shape on November 17, 2011, at 6 PM. I said aloud to myself: "What is
that? What is that?!" To which my passenger replied, "I was just about to say
that!" I continued on the side road as the object remained hovering in place
with its three large lights about two blocks away. I told my passenger to get
out the phone and take a picture. The object dimmed its three lights until they
changed into six small bright white lights, still in the same triangular shape
heading north.
My passenger jumped out as soon as I pulled into the driveway and ran to the
house yelling "I'll call you later!" I was still faintly able to see the lights
between the trees as it disappeared about 6 PM. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Triangle
REDMOND -- I was driving along highway 97, around 11. It looked at first like
a plane. It was moving towards me at a snails pace and was 75 feet and up
hovering above a small group of trees. It was triangular shaped with a
round-point nose, wings that cut off at the tip at about a 75 degree angle, with
a boomerang style rear, as it cut in a bit into the body of the craft. There was
some sort of patterning on the wings, that protruded enough to cast shadows by
its lights. There were three blue ring lights arranged like the finger holes on
a bowling ball, they took up the majority of the body of the craft. Toward the
end of the wings there was a white light on one side and a red light on the
other. It was the size of the average three bedroom ranch style house. The craft
hovered there as I drove by it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Cigar
PHILADELPHIA " A cigar shaped very bright object hovered for about 20 minutes
on November 25, 2011. I'm not sure how big it was. This is not my first time
seeing this object as bright as it was the lights lined the object making it
seem cigar shaped but I believe it's a disc. Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Carolina Possible Abduction
Guilford County -- I was out jogging on a nature trail on November 12, 2011,
and about 9:30 AM, I saw something down the trail from me. It was short like a
midget and it was white and had a metallic colored suit on just standing there
looking at me. I looked at my watch and it was 9:45 AM. That is all I remember
doing. When I woke up at 11 am, I was back in my car. I can still see the dwarf
in my memory but I can't remember what happened, but I very tired when I woke up
in my car and having a small cut just behind my left ear. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Triangle Photos
TROUT LAKE -- The photo was taken during a skywatch at the ECETI Ranch on
July 23, 2011, with multiple witnesses. The four ships came in a triangle
pattern with one trailing. The triangle then shifted to a straight line of three
ships, hovered over the church and school for over 20 minutes while the one
trailing went over to Flat Top Mountain nearby. Again at least 12 witnesses at
the ranch and many towns' people saw it as well.
Last year, photos were taken of a ship flying over the ECETI conference
building after an intention experiment to call in a ship, photographed by John
Riley Lockheed Engineer on July 4, 2010. Over 200 people participated and
witnessed the event. Thanks to James Gilliland
Spanaway -- I have had several sightings over the past 2 months. I have
several pictures, but they wont upload for some reason on November 23, 2011, at
9 & 10:30 PM. Thanks to William Puckett Director UFOs Northwest
Our sighting of a UFO occurred on a
Wednesday, early evening in Parramatta, NSW. It was the last Wednesday in March,
2000 or the first Wednesday in April, 2000. My son came running into the
loungeroom to say that a large flash had gone across the window in his bedroom.
We ran onto the front verandah and noticed to the west, two objects in the sky.
My son said, "I bet that a black hawk helicopter will now appear. In the next
instant, a helicopter appeared and the two UFO-like objects immediately zoomed
rapidly off to the south. I thought maybe they had been spying on the Olympics.
My son reported seeing several strange objects in the sky after that occurrence.
Julie Bates BA (Humanities), Assoc. Dip. Applied Science, Cert.
Brazil Astronomer of Moon Sees Disc UFO
Sao Paulo -- I would like to present my testimony about the sightings of UFOs
I had while observing the moon through an amateur telescope. My hope is to find
other witnesses. I am an agronomist, graduated from the Federal University of
Lavras (UFLA), and working in indigenous communities in the Amazon since 1998. I
am forced, in my own eyes, to recognize that we are actually visited by beings
that have a sufficiently advanced technology to move into space at great speed.
My recent interest in UFO's began in April 2011, when I attended a Ufology
meeting. I attended a lecture entitled "The alien presence in the space program.
The phenomenon took place on August 6, 2011, at around 23:15, and had a maximum
duration of six seconds.
I was using a Yamato (D = 60mm and F = 700MM, objective 6MM H) telescope
preparing to focus on the moon, when an object colored black crossed in the
right corner of the field of view telescope, vertically from top to bottom. It
was relatively close to the lunar surface accompanied by an interesting trail
also faded to black pass. I noticed, though blurred, a disk-shaped dome of the
object. Thanks to Marcelo Canturio Gusmo and MUFON CMS
Canada Disk
Lvis " I saw a luminous immense object with 500 Lights at 7:28 PM, on
Motorway 20 for two minutes. The car in front of me had an odd behavior so it
was likely that he was also looking at the immense stationary object. Thanks to
Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center
EDMONTON ALBERTA -- I was stopped behind a bus while
heading east on Stony Plain Road as the bus unloaded several passengers. I saw
an unusual formation of lights flying very slowly towards me and saw five
distinct lights in a V-formation on October 17, 2011. The white round lights
were very large. The object was flying very low silently and not changing
altitude as it flew within 500 feet from me. The lights were attached to a
single silver-gray translucent triangular craft with a body down the center.
The object was almost overhead at 7:13 PM, when I noticed the bus was gone.
No one had honked, so hopefully the drivers behind me were as transfixed by the
object as I was. I watched the craft for 45-sec to 1-min. Sunset was at 6:33 pm
on Oct. 17, 2011 in Edmonton. Each light was aspirin sized, so the object was 3X
aspirin sized in length down each side. NOTE: The above image is a rendering.
Thanks to MUFON CMS and Ken Pfeifer
UK England
Southampton Valley-- At about
5:30 pm on November 25, 2011, I was looking out of my bedroom window and noticed
a bright orange light very intense over the Bitterne area of Southampton. I
called my brother to have a look at it, and we noticed another VERY bright red
colored light fly upwards under the first at a very high speed. Then it slowed
and now there was two bright orange red lights in the sky. We were quite amazed
as these clearly were not normal aircraft so we rushed to get our digital camera
and there were now three orange red bright hues in a large triangle formation.
The bottom two lights seemed to be moving to right and the top changed altitude
somewhat as we observed them. After ten minutes all three of the lights
disappeared, the last to go being the bottom light. We took photos but they
didn't show anything. The most remarkable thing was the speed at which the light
flew up. These cannot have been Chinese lanterns or fireworks and were extremely
brilliant. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
I was sitting at my desk, pondering how I could get people
interested in getting my work of the last thirteen years. I have put together a
DVD of Filer's Files with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings.
Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD
that includes George Ritter's exciting abduction story by Linda Moulton Howe.
Broadcaster David E. Twichell has also included much of his excellent dialog for
a donation of only $50.
We also include a year's subscription. Please include your
e-mail address and mailing address.
01-12-2011 om 16:36
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for November 2011 - deel 1
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for November 2011:deel 1
CMS continues
to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In November 2011 there were 647
sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries;
Number of Reports
Within the United States the distribution by State was as follows;
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for November 2011 - deel 2
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report - for November 2011 - deel 2
If you are getting more sighting reports than listed here, please be sure to
enter them manually into CMS. To make this happen automatically, make sure your
local MUFON Website is pointing to the CMS Reporting form on and
direct all calls you get to the MUFON website so that witnesses can enter their
own report directly into CMS.
ALL sighting reports received by CMS are already filled in by the witness,
saving you and your investigators time. Each report is automatically sent to
YOU, the State Director and Assistant State Director, for you to assign someone
to follow-up and complete the report.
If a UFO sighting comes in over the phone, or by e-mail, and you want to
enter it yourself, simply go to CMS at (once logged in) and click on
"ADD CASE" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This gives you a blank
sighting reporting form that you can fill out while the witness is on the phone.
Once the report is filled out be sure to click "SAVE" and you will have easily
added your NEW report to CMS.
Other interesting data points in CMS during November 2011 are the shape of
the UFOs reported which were as follows;
Shape of Object
Number of Reports
as well as the distance from the observer;
Distance from Witness
Number of Reports
< 100 ft
101-500 ft
501 ft - 1 Mile
Over 1 Mile
Most impressively there were 16 Landings, Hovering, or Takeoffs reported and
0 Entities observed.
To review the CMS data yourself go to and click on "UFO Case
Files" to 1.) Easily look at the Last 20 Sightings, or 2.) Do a customized
search of the CMS database by date and/or location, or 3.) Logon to CMS for even
more detailed UFO sighting information about your State and the World.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!
Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.